Bringing Youthe Best in Art!For more than 50 years Wild Wingshas served as America’s leadingproducer of art, gifts and homedécor featuring the finest in wildlifeand nature-themed art. With ourdeep roots in fine art publishing,incorporating the artistic creationsof our talented artists into uniqueproducts was a natural evolution. As your convenient one-stopsupplier, Wild Wings can help enrichyour customer in-store experiencewith an inspired collection ofunusual products—all producedwith the high attention to detailand quality you would expect fromtoday’s leading publisher of natureart. Together we can create a one-of-a-kind assortment that will drawnew customers into your store andkeep your regulars coming back.Please call today! Thank you andbest of luck for continued successin 2020!Sincerely,Randy Eggenberger,President, Wild WingsInspiration in Many Forms! 22020 GIFT & HOME DÉCORContentsSCULPTUREBirds of Prey 24Decoys 25Mill Creek Studios7Terry Redlin 23SIGNSBox Signs 78
Double-sided Tin Signs 86Pallet Signs 73Tin Signs 88
Vintage Framed Tin Signs 84Wood Signs
Candle Lanterns 143
Metal Side Tables 118Mirrors 115Nesting Boxes 121Ornaments 141Pillows 122Storage Bins 120Wall Collages 113Waste Basket / Tissue Sets 122Woodland Birch Décor 114TABLEWARECoaster Holders & Mug Displays 37Dinnerware 40Glassware 44Lazy Susan Turntables42
Nature Art Tea Towels 38Sculpted Mugs 31Serving Trays 46CLOCKS11" Round Nature Clocks 10821" Round Hanging Clocks 102Regulator Clocks 109Wrapped Canvas Clocks 106PLATESCollector Plates / Accessories 126PAPER PRODUCTSTerry Redlin Stationery 135
3DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com
SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.co
SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comDecoysSculpted Mugs31-36Wood Signs48-72Metal SideTables119Pillows122-125Serving Trays46-4725-29Dinnerware40-42Candle Lanterns143-144Sculpture7-29DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com
SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comFundraising & Conservation Groups(800) 628-4608EMAIL:specialmarkets@wildwings.comor shop anytime atwildwingsspecialmarkets.comMAIL:2101 S. Hwy 61P.O. Box 451Lake City, MN 55041Prices and availabilitysubject to change.Wholesale: (800) 445-6413Mon.–Fri. 8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. PSTEMAIL:dealersales@wildwings.comor shop anytime atwildwingsdealers.comHOW TO ORDER TWO LOCATIONS!18715 Madrone ParkwayMorgan Hill, CA 950372101 S Hwy 61PO Box 451Lake City, MN 55041-0451Stained Glass Art90-101
4 Rustic Retreat –Pheasasntsby Rosemary MilletteNo. 4319700012NATURE ART Tea TowelsSee Pages 38-39NEWNEWLazy SusanTURNTABLESSee Page 42-43UÊÊÊ£ää¯ÊVÌÌUÊÊ*>V>}i`Ê>ÃÊ>ÊÃiÌÊvÊÓUÊÊÊ>ÃÞÊÌÊ`ë>ÞÊÜÌÊÊ>}iÀUÊÊÊ-âi]Ê£n¸ÊÝÊÓn¸UÊ>ViÊÜ>Ã>LiUÊ>`iÊÊ`>12 Designs Available!10 Designs Available!UÊÊ-âi]Ê£n¸`>°ÊÝʤ¸ÊÌViÃÃUÊÀÀÛiÃÊvÕÞÊ>ÃÃiLi`UÊ>`iÊvÊÊÜ`ÊÜÌÊÊÊÊiÌ>ÊÃÜÛi42020 NEW INTRODUCTIONSQuietTime – Horsesby Chris CummingsNo. 4209103001
5 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comTough OldBuck Lives Here by Rosemary Millette No. 5209625002FrontWelcome / Come Again – Deerby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5209627001See Pages 86-87Double-sidedTIN SIGNSVintageFRAMED TIN SIGNSSee Pages 84-8513 Designs Available!12 Designs Available!NEWNEWBackUÊÊÀ>ViÌÊÃâi]Êӣϸ7ÊÝÊ£Ó¸ÊÝÊ£¸UÊ-}ÊÃâi]Ê£n¸`>°UÊ>`iÊvÊiÌ>ÆÊÊÊÊLÀ>ViÌÊ«>Ìi`ÊL>VUÊ>}}Ê>À`Ü>ÀiÊVÕ`i`UÊ`ÀÊÉÊÕÌ`ÀÊÕÃiUÊ>}ÃÊ«iÀ«i`VÕ>ÀÊÌÊÜ>UÊÊÊiÊVÕÌÊiÌ>ÊvÀ>i`ÊÜÌÊÜ`UÊÊ"`Êv>Ãi`ÊÛÌ>}iÊÃ>«iUÊÊÊë>ÞÊ`ÀÃÊÀÊshelteredÊÕÌ`ÀÊ>Ài>ÊiÊ>Ê}>À>}iUÊ-âi]Ê£Ó¥¸7ÊÝÊ£n¤¸ÊÝÊϸUÊÊÊ>}}Ê>À`Ü>ÀiÊVÕ`i`
Fruit of the Red Pine(All sides the same)by Persis Clayton WeirsBLK No. 4373445091GRY No. 4373445091GComforts of Homeby Terry RedlinNo. 5209724011METAL Side TablesCANDLE LanternsSee Pages 118-119NEWNEWSee Pages 143-14412 Designs Available!22 Designs in 2 finishes!UÊ*ÀÌi`ÊÜÌÊ`ÕÀ>Li]Êv>`iÀiÃÃÌ>ÌÊÃUÊ>`iÊvÊiÌ>Ê«>Ìi`ÊL>VUÊÊ-âi]ÊÓÓ¸ÊÝÊ£n¸`>UÊ>ÞÊLiÊÕÃi`ÊÕÌ`ÀÃUÊ-«ÃÊyÊ>ÌÆÊi>ÃÞÊ>ÃÃiLÞÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\Ê£®UÊ-âi]Ê£Ó¸ÊÝÊxϸ7ÊÝÊȸ]Ê7i}Ì]ÊÎÊLðUÊ>`iÊvÊiÌ>Ê>`Ê}>ÃÃUÊÊ>ÃÃÊ«>iÃÊ«ÀÌi`ÊÜÌÊvÕÊVÀÊ>ÀÌÆÊVÃiÊÞÕÀÊ`iÃ}ÊvÀÊ«>}iÃÊ£{Σ{{UÊ>ÞÊLiÊÕÃi`ÊÕÌ`ÀÃUÊÊë>ÞÊÊÌ>LiÌ«ÊÀÊ>}ÊvÀÊÊÌÊVÕ`i`®UÊÊVV`>ÌiÃÊÕ«ÊÌÊ{¸Ê`>°ÊV>`iÊÌÊVÕ`i`®UÊ>ÃÞÊ>ÃÃiLÞ6
7 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comEncounter – Elk & Bearby Danny Edwards8"H x 11½"W x 5"D. No. 6567732766 MSRP $170.00 Call to Contest – Elk by Stephen Herrero31"H x 21"W x 17"D. No. 6567444466 MSRP $710.00 The Crossing by Stephen Herrero16½"H x 13"W x 11"D. No. 6567444282 MSRP $490.00 BESBESBESBESSBTTTTTTSSEELLLEELEERRLLMill Creek Studios SCULPTUREBESBESBESESBESBTTTTTSSEELLELLLEERRLE
8 2020 MILL CREEK SCULPTUREWapiti – Elkby Danny Edwards12"H x 9½"W x 6¾"D No. 6567732566 MSRP $140.00High Point – Elkby Greg Peltzer12"H x 6"W x 7"D No. 6567526166 MSRP $140.00Back Country – Elkby Danny Edwards9"H x 8½"W x 6½"D No. 6567732366 MSRP $140.00BESBESBESBESTTTTSSEELLLEELEERRLLEAristocracy – Small Elkby Stephen Herrero6½"H x 5½"W x 3¼"D (Minimum order: 2)No. 6567427666 MSRP $29.95Mill Creek Sculpture cont.Primal Call – Elkby Stephen Herrero7¼"H x 4½"W x 5½"D(Minimum order: 2) No. 6567440666 MSRP $59.95
9 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comHoofi n It –Elkby Danny Edwards14"H x 8"W x 5"D No. 6567775066 MSRP $140.00Majesty – Elkby Danny Edwards12"H x 11¼"W x 6¾"D No. 6567730766 MSRP $140.00Clarion – Elkby Stephen Herrero12¾"H x 8¼"W x 7"D No. 6567430666 MSRP $99.95
10 2020 MILL CREEK SCULPTURETest of Strength – Bisonby Greg Peltzer8"H x 16½"W x 6"D No. 6567523969 MSRP $230.00Dust & Thunder – Bisonby Joe Slockbower11¼"H x 5"W x 6"D No. 6567387569MSRP $74.95El Patron – Bisonby Stephen Herrero10¼"H x 9¼"W x 6¼"D No. 6567443069 MSRP $140.00Bad Lands – Bisonby Stephen Herrero5¾"H x 3¼"W x 4½"D(Minimum order: 2) No. 6567440569 MSRP $49.95Simpaticos – Bisonby Stephen Herrero4½"H x 7"W x 2½"D (Minimum order: 2)No. 6567424969 MSRP $49.95Like a Rock – Buffaloby Stephen Herrero11"H x 6½"W x 6"D No. 6567429569 MSRP $59.95BESBESBESSBESBSTTTTTSSEELLLELEERRLLEBESBESBESBESESBESBTTTTSSEELLELLEERRLEELBESBESBESSBESBEBTTTSSEELLLELLLEERREMill Creek Sculpture cont.
11 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comSovereign – Eagleby Stephen Herrero15½"H x 8"W x 7"D No. 6567412132 MSRP $195.00Aerie – Eagleby Stephen Herrero6¾"H x 3¼"W x 3¼"D(Minimum order: 2) No. 6567440232 MSRP $49.95Patriot – Eagleby Joe Slockbower7½"H x 6¾"W x 4½"DNo. 6567387732 MSRP $69.95 Splash Down – Eagleby Joe Slockbower7½"H x 7"W x 4½"D No. 6567385532 MSRP $59.95Totem – Eagleby Joe Slockbower7¼"H x 7"W x 4"D No. 6567387232 MSRP $59.95Liberty – Eagleby Stephen Herrero16½"H x 20"W x 12"D No. 6567443232 MSRP $330.00Free Reign – Eagleby Stephen Herrero10¾"H x 9"W x 9¼"D No. 6567411932 MSRP $170.00America – Eagleby Joe Slockbower10¼"H x 4¾"W x 4¾"D(Minimum order: 2) No. 6567388232 MSRP $59.95BESBESBESBESBEBESTTTTTSSEELLLLLLEERREEBESBESBESESBESTTTTSSEEELLLLEEERRLL
12 2020 MILL CREEK SCULPTUREMill Creek Sculpture cont.The Survivor – Wolfby Stephen Herrero12"H x 6¼"W x 5"D No. 6567412671 MSRP $110.00Vagabond – Wolfby Stephen Herrero6¼"H x 3"W x 3"D(Minimum order: 2) No. 6567440371 MSRP $49.95Family Song – Wolfby Joe Slockbower7¾"H x 5"W x 4¾"D No. 6567386671 MSRP $89.95Kinship – Wolfby Joe Slockbower7"H x 4"W x 3"D(Minimum order: 2) No. 6567384071 MSRP $59.95Howling Wolf – Topaz by Stephen Herrero8"H x 3½"W x 2½"D (Minimum order: 2)No. 6567423571 MSRP $49.95Howling Wolf – Sapphireby Stephen Herrero8"H x 3½"W x 2½"D (Minimum order: 2)No. 6567423471 MSRP $49.95BESBESBESBESBESBTTTTTSSEELLLELLEERRLEBESBESBESBESESBTTTTTSSEELLELLLEERRLECall of the Wild – Howling Wolf by Stephen Herrero14"H x 8¼"W x 7"D No. 6567443771MSRP $110.00Kindred – Wolfby Stephen Herrero15"H x 6"W x 7¼"D No. 6567412071 MSRP $220.00
13 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comSmoky Black Bearby Joe Slockbower10"H x 5¾"W x 5½"D No. 6567391375MSRP $93.95Bruin – Small Bearby Stephen Herrero6½"H x 4"W x 4"D(Minimum order: 2) No. 6567440475MSRP $49.95Silvertip – Brown Bearby Stephen Herrero10"H x 5½"W x 5½"D No. 6567391575MSRP $54.95Snow Cone – Polar Bearsby Joe Slockbower7"H x 2¾"W x 4¼"D(Minimum order: 2) No. 6567385275 MSRP $49.95Northern Lights – Polar Bearby Stephen Herrero6"H x 11"W x 5"DNo. 6567426075MSRP $89.95Timberline – Brown Bearby Stephen Herrero15"H x 12"W x 10½"D No. 6567443675 MSRP $195.00Handful – Bearby Joe Slockbower6¼"H x 3"W x 3¼"D(Minimum order: 2) No. 6567384575 MSRP $49.95Deep Woods – Black Bearby Stephen Herrero11½"H x 10½"W x 10½"D No. 6567443575 MSRP $200.00
14 2020 MILL CREEK SCULPTUREMill Creek Sculpture cont.One Step – Grizzly Bearby Danny Edwards6½"H x 10"W x 4"D No. 6567730675MSRP $130.00Taking the Lead – Grizzly Bearby Danny Edwards8½"H x 11"W x 5"D No. 6567732475 MSRP $140.00Lover Boy – Onyxby Stephen Herrero6¼"H x 4"W x 2¾"D (Minimum order: 2)No. 6567425475 MSRP $49.95Finders Keepers – Bear in Topazby Stephen Herrero5"H x 3½"W x 3½"D (Minimum order: 2)No. 6567430275 MSRP $39.95Walk About – Bear in Topazby Stephen Herrero4"H x 7¼"W x 3¾"D (Minimum order: 2)No. 6567430075 MSRP $27.95Walk About – Bear in Onyxby Stephen Herrero4"H x 7¼"W x 3¾"D (Minimum order: 2)No. 6567430175 MSRP $39.95BESBESBESBESESBTTTTTSSEELLELLLEERRLEFinders Keepers – Bear in Onyxby Stephen Herrero5"H x 3½"W x 3½"D (Minimum order: 2)No. 6567430375 MSRP $27.95
15 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comEndearing Moment – Whitetail Deerby Joe Slockbower9¾"H x 4¾"W x 4½"D No. 6567386065MSRP $99.95Noble Bearing – Whitetail Deerby Greg Peltzer25½"H x 19¼"W x 13"DSome assembly required. No. 6567523865MSRP $530.00Watchful – Whitetail Deerby Greg Peltzer14¼"H x 7"W x 5"D No. 6567526465MSRP $130.00Symmetry – Whitetail Deerby Stephen Herrero8¾"H x 4½"W x 3¼"D(Minimum order: 2) No. 6567440765MSRP $59.95High Tailin' It – Whitetail Deerby Stephen Herrero18"H x 13½"W x 8½"DNo. 6567445065 MSRP $500.00Bound for Cover – Whitetail Deerby Greg Peltzer13"H x 7"W x 8¾"D No. 6567526065MSRP $190.00BESBESBESBESBESBTTTTTSSEELLLELLEERRLBESBESBESESBESBESTTTTTSSEELLLLEERRLLEE
16 2020 MILL CREEK SCULPTURESuspense – LargeWhitetail Deer Glossby Stephen Herrero11"H x 9½"W x 4¼"D No. 6567426765MSRP $69.95Suspense – Small Whitetail Deer Glossby Stephen Herrero5½"H x 5"W x 2"D (Minimum order: 2)No. 6567427865 MSRP $14.95High Chaparral – Mule Deerby Greg Peltzer14¼"H x 7½"W x 5½"D No. 6567526365MSRP $130.00First Snow – Mule Deerby Stephen Herrero11"H x 6½"W x 5"D No. 6567440965 MSRP $79.95Look Out – Whitetail Deerby Stephen Herrero11¾"H x 7½"W x 6"DNo. 6567431165 MSRP $89.95Out West–Mule Deerby Stephen Herrero17¾"H x 12"W x 9½"DSome assembly required. No. 6567443865MSRP $490.00Mill Creek Sculpture cont.
17 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comGentle Giant – Mooseby Danny Edwards10½"H x 10¼"W x 5"D No. 6567730868 MSRP $140.00In His Prime – Mooseby Danny Edwards12¼"H x 10"W x 8¼"D No. 6567733268 MSRP $170.00Twig Eater – Mooseby Stephen Herrero7”H x 6½"W x 5"D(Minimum order: 2) No. 6567440868MSRP $59.95Ambler– Mooseby Danny Edwards7”H x 7"W x 3½"DNo. 6567775468MSRP $94.95August – Large Mooseby Stephen Herrero12"H x 10"W x 5"D No. 6567426968 MSRP $120.00Heavy Weight – Mooseby Greg Peltzer13¼"H x 8"W x 6½"D No. 6567526568 MSRP $140.00BESBESBESESBESBTTTTTSSEELLLELLEEERRL
18 2020 MILL CREEK SCULPTUREMill Creek Sculpture cont.Equus Onyx – Large Black Fresianby Arich Harrison16½"H x 8"W x 11"D No. 6567943781 MSRP $190.00Equus Onyx – Small Black Fresianby Arich Harrison8"H x 4"W x 6"D No. 6567944381 MSRP $79.95Center Stage – Arabian Horseby Arich Harrison9½"H x 3¾"W x 3¾"D No. 6567942381 MSRP $59.95Nobility – Arabian Horseby Arich Harrison16"H x 7"W x 7"D No. 6567943981 MSRP $99.95A Light Burden –Cllydesdaleby Arich Harrison17¾"H x 8½"W x 10"D No. 6567943581 MSRP $150.00Sunka Wakan – War Ponyby Stephen Herrero15½"H x 10½"W x 7"DNo. 6567444681 MSRP $300.00(Side View)(Front View)(Back View)BESBESESBESESSTTTTTSSEELLLEELLLEERRA Light Burden –Clydesdaleby Arich Harrison17¾"H x 8½"W x 10"D No. 6567943581 MSRP $150.00
19 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comStephen HerreroSummit – Bighorn Ramby Joe Slockbower7"H x 3"W x 2¾"D(Minimum order: 2) No. 6567384670 MSRP $49.95Fortitude – Ramby Stephen Herrero13½"H x 9"W x 6½"D No. 6567407470 MSRP $190.00Level Headed – Ramby Greg Peltzer10"H x 6½"W x 5"D No. 6567526270MSRP $130.00BESBESBESESBESBTTTTSSEELLELLLLEERREBESBESBESBESBEBTTTTSSEELLLLLLEERREE
20 2020 MILL CREEK SCULPTURE / TRACKS SCULPTURECanyon Watch – Cougarby Stephen Herrero11"H x 8½"W x 8"D No. 6567443473MSRP $170.00Vantage Point – Cougarby Stephen Herrero15½"H x 10"W x 11¼"DNo. 6567444573MSRP $350.00Spellbound – Cougarby Stephen Herrero14"H x 10"W x 8"DNo. 6567412373MSRP $240.00Leap of Faith – Cougarby Joe Slockbower14¼"H x 3½"W x 5"DNo. 6567384473MSRP $89.95Catamount – Cougarby Stephen Herrero6¼"H x 3¼"W x 4"D(Minimum order: 2)No. 6567440173MSRP $49.95
21 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.com(Back View)Grizzly Bear Trackby Stephen Herrero12¼"H x 15½"W x 2¼"D No. 6567460775 MSRP $110.00Wolf Trackby Stephen Herrero6"H x 5½"W x 1"D (Minimum order: 2)No. 6567460171 MSRP $39.95Black Bear Trackby Stephen Herrero9"H x 10½"W x 1½"D No. 6567460675 MSRP $74.95Elk Trackby Stephen Herrero6"H x 6¼"W x 1"D (Minimum order: 2)No. 6567460466 MSRP $39.95Raccoon Trackby Stephen Herrero3½"H x 3¾"W x ¾"D (Minimum order: 2)No. 6567460074 MSRP $19.95Cougar Trackby Stephen Herrero6"H x 6¾"W x 1"D (Minimum order: 2)No. 6567460273 MSRP $39.95Deer Trackby Stephen Herrero4½"H x 4¾"W x 1"D (Minimum order: 2)No. 6567460365 MSRP $31.95Bison Trackby Stephen Herrero6"H x 6¾"W x 1"D (Minimum order: 2)No. 6567460569 MSRP $31.95An Honored Life –Native Americanby Stephen Herrero15½"H x 14"W x 113⁄8"D No. 6567444784 MSRP $600.00Legend – Mountain Manby Stephen Herrero19½"H x 16"W x 11"D No. 6567444984 MSRP $600.00Moose Trackby Stephen Herrero9"H x 11"W x 2"D No. 6567460868 MSRP $74.95Tracks SCULPTURES
22 2020 MILL CREEK SCULPTURE / TERRY REDLIN SCULPTUREImago SCULPTURE Watertight – Mallardby Stephen Herrero6¾"H x 5¾"W x 3½"D (Minimum order: 2)No. 6567425801 MSRP $55.95Woodie – Wood Duck by Stephen Herrero8½"H x 6"W x 4"DNo. 6567431005 MSRP $55.95Serendipity Loopsby Lawrence Oliver11½"H x 3½"W x 3"D No. 6567822286 MSRP $39.95Serene Spirit – Swanby Lawrence Oliver7½"H x 5¾"W x 2¾"D (Minimum order: 2)No. 6567822013 MSRP $59.95Atone – Small Crossby Lawrence Oliver8¾"H x 5½"W x 2½"D No. 6567820286 MSRP $49.95Dolby – Rabbitby Stephen Herrero4¾"H x 4¼"W x 3"D (Minimum order: 2)No. 6567430774 MSRP $29.95BEBEBEBEBEBEESTSTSTSTSTSTSSSEEELLLLLLEERREEBEBEBEBEBEBEESTSTSTSTSSTSSSEEELLLLLLEERRBEBEBEBEBEEESTSSTSTSTSTSSSEEELLLLLLEERREWorship – Large Treble Cleftby Lawrence Oliver15¾"H x 7"W x 5"D No. 6567821386 MSRP $59.95April Showersby Lawrence Oliver8½"H x 4"W x 2"D No. 6567821790 MSRP $19.95Tender Touch – Flameby Lawrence Oliver7½"H x 3½"W x 2"D No. 6567821686 MSRP $19.95Refl ections–Wingby Lawrence Oliver10½"H x 5¼"W x 2½"D No. 6567820886 MSRP $19.95Rhapsodyby Lawrence Oliver11"H x 5½"W x 3½"D No. 6567821586 MSRP $19.95Charm – Cloverby Lawrence Oliver8¾"H x 4¼"W x 2½"D No. 6567820990 MSRP $19.95Dabbler – Pintailby Stephen Herrero8¼"H x 6½"W x 5"D (Minimum order: 2)No. 6567430902 MSRP $55.95Atone – Large Crossby Lawrence Oliver17¼"H x 11½"W x 5"D No. 6567821286 MSRP $59.95Jubilation – Largeby Lawrence Oliver16"H x 6"W x 6"D No. 6567821486 MSRP $59.95Jubilation – Small9¼"H x 3½"W x 3½"D No. 6567820586 MSRP $27.95
23 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comPremier SCULPTURE byComforts of Home 5½"H x 8½"W x 7¼"DNo. 6209032402 MSRP $79.95UÊÊ`ÊV>ÃÌÊEÊÃvÕÞÊ>`«>Ìi`UÊÊëÀi`ÊLÞÊ/iÀÀÞÊ,i`¿ÃÊÀ}>Ê«>Ì}ÃÊUÊÊ7`ÊL>ÃiÊ>`Ê>i«>ÌiÊÊÊÊÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\Ê£® Inspired by Terry Redlin’s original paintings “Comforts of Home” and “Hunter's Haven” Hunter’s Haven 6"H x 8½"W x 7¼"DNo. 6209032401MSRP $79.95
24 2020 BIRDS OF PREY SCULPTURE / DECOYSUÊÊ`ÊV>ÃÌÊEÊÃvÕÞÊ>`«>Ìi`UÊÊ,i«À`ÕVi`ÊvÀÊÀ}>ÊÜ`ÊV>ÀÛ}ÃUÊÊ,i>ÃÌVÊ}>ÃÃÊiÞiÃÊÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\Ê£®Soaring Red-tailed Hawk by Phil Galatas18¼"H x 10½"W x 5½"DSome assembly required. No. 6209512632 MSRP $110.00Kestrelby Randal Martin12"H x 6¼"W x 3¾"DNo. 6209512830MSRP $110.00Birds of Prey SCULPTURE BESBESBESBESBESBESBTTTTTTSSEELLLELEERRLLERed-tailed Hawk by Phil Galatas15½"H x 6½"W x 6½"DNo. 6842062501 MSRP $110.00(Back View)
25 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comUÊÊ,i«V>ÃÊvÊÀ}>Ê>`VÀ>vÌi`ÊÃVÕ«ÌÕÀiÊvÀÊ£ääÞi>À`ÊVi`>ÀÊviViÊ«ÃÌÃUÊÊ-ÜV>ÃiÃÊÕµÕiÊ>ÀÌÃÌÀÞÊvÊÜi>ÌiÀi`Ê«ÃÌÃUÊ`ÊV>ÃÌÊ>`Ê>`Ê«>Ìi`ÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\Ê£®Small Fence Post Decoy4¾"H x 14"W x 5½"DNo. 6598212502MSRP $89.95Large Fence Post Decoy5¾"H x 16½"W x 6"DNo. 6598212501MSRP $110.00Wood Duck in Tree (Wall Mounted)by Phil Galatas16"H x 10½"W x 8½"DNo. 6209252505MSRP $160.00Fence Post DECOYS by Phil GalatasUÊÊ,i«À`ÕVi`ÊvÀÊÀ}>ÊÜ`ÊV>ÀÛ}ÃUÊÊ`ÊV>ÃÌÊ>`Ê>`«>Ìi`ÊÜÌÊ>>â}Ê`iÌ>Ê>`Ê>VVÕÀ>VÞUÊÊ,i>ÃÌVÊ}>ÃÃÊiÞiÃÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\Ê£®Master Carver
26 2020 TABLETOP SCULPTURE / SCULPTED TABLE LAMP / DECOYSSam NottlemanAntique Canvasback9½"H x 16½"W x 7"DNo. 6538600407 MSRP $150.00Antique Preening Goose9½"H x 16½"W x 7"DNo. 6538600503MSRP $150.00Antique Style DECOYS Springtime Nesting Wood Ducksby Sam Nottleman 13"H x 10½"W x 8½"D No. 6538510305MSRP $130.00Sculpted TABLE LAMPFlying Pheasant Lampby Sam Nottleman Base: 23"H x 17½"W x 12½"DShade: 13"H x 18½"Dia. bottom x 8"Dia. topNo. 6538406319MSRP $199.00Tabletop SCULPTURE
27 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comSwan Lake Wood Duck 7"H x 12½"W x 7"DNo. 6538511605 MSRP $170.00Reno BottomBluebill 7"H x 11"W x 6"DNo. 6538601616 MSRP $170.00Swan Lake Mallard 7"H x 15"W x 7½"DNo. 6538511401 MSRP $170.00 by Sam NottlemanUÊÊ,i«À`ÕVi`ÊvÀÊÀ}>ÊÜ`ÊV>ÀÛ}ÃUÊÊ`ÊV>ÃÌÊ>`Ê>`«>Ìi`ÊÜÌÊ>>â}Ê`iÌ>Ê>`Ê>VVÕÀ>VÞÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\Ê£®Weaver Bottoms American Widgeon7½"H x 13"W x 6"DNo. 6538505506MSRP $170.00Swan Lake Pintail 9¾"H x 18½"W x 6½"DNo. 6538511302 MSRP $170.00Alert Canvasback 8½"H x 13"W x 8"DNo. 6538513107MSRP $170.00Swan Lake Redhead 7"H x 13"W x 7"DNo. 6538511509MSRP $170.00Preening Green-winged Teal 6"H x 11"W x 4½"DNo. 6538509004MSRP $170.00Life Size DECOYS
28 2020 DECOYSWood Duck 4½"H x 7½"W x 4"DNo. 6538505405MSRP $75.95Mallard 4"H x 8"W x 4"DNo. 6538508701MSRP $75.95Pintail 4"H x 8½"W x 3½"DNo. 6538510102MSRP $75.95Black Duck 4"H x 8"W x 4"DNo. 6538511012MSRP $75.95American Widgeon 4"H x 8"W x 4"DNo.6538508899MSRP $75.95Redhead 4¼"H x 7½"W x 4"DNo. 6538511109MSRP $75.95Canvasback4"H x 8"W x 3¾"D No. 6538601307MSRP $75.95Small DECOYS by Sam NottlemanGreen-winged Teal 4½"H x 8"W x 4"DNo. 6538508604MSRP $75.95
29 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comLoon 5"H x 10½"W x 5"DNo. 6538505310MSRP $89.95Canada Goose 5"H x 11"W x 5"DNo. 6538504503MSRP $89.95Swan7"H x 11¾"W x 6¾"DNo. 6538601113MSRP $99.95Buffl ehead4¼"H x 10"W x 4¾"DNo. 6538602116MSRP $89.95Gadwall4½"H x 11"W x 4¾"DNo. 6538601899MSRP $89.95Bluebill5"H x 9"W x 5¼"DNo. 6538602008MSRP $89.95White-Fronted Goose4¾"H x 10"W x 4¾"DNo. 6538602614 MSRP $89.95
30 2020 HANG UPS / SCULPTED MUGSANIMAL Hang UpsCardinal No. 5598862521 Bay HorseNo. 5598862510 Red Rooster No. 5598862541Black Lab No. 5598862501UÊ*À>VÌV>Ê>`Ê`iVÀ>ÌÛiUÊÊiÃÌVÊ>`ÊÜ`Ê}>iÊ>>ÃÊ>`ÊLÀ`ÃÊUÊ-ÌÕÀ`ÞÊ>`ÊvÕVÌ>ÊUÊÊ««ÀÝ°ÊȤ»7ÊÝÊ»ÊÝÊÓ¤»ÊUÊÊ`ÊV>ÃÌÊEÊ>`«>Ìi`ÊUÊÊ>ÃÞÊÌÊ>}ÊÜÌÊÌÜÊÃÌÕÀ`ÞÊÕÌ}ÊLÀ>ViÌÃÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\Ê£®ÊBlack Bear Bust No. 5598862572 Great Horned Owl No. 5209292230Black Bear No. 5209291575BESBESBESBBESTTTTTSSEELLLELEERRLLEMSRP $39.95Whitetail Deer No. 5598862512 Moose No. 5598862511 Elk No. 5598862515
31 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comSCULPTED MugsUÊÊAvailable: March 30, 2020U Unique sculpted handles and bas relief images. Bas-relief refers to a low profi le relief. Elements of each mug are raised slightly from the surface creating a three-dimensional effect.UÊÊChoose from various exclusive nature-themed art designs inspired by Wild Wings artistsU 16 oz., 4½" highUÊMicrowave and dishwasher safeUÊIndividually gift boxed(Each image sold individually,minimum order per design: 2)MSRP $18.95Gold Dust – Horsesby Chris CummingsNo. 8955712381Tranquil Waters by Rosemary MilletteNo. 8955712365Indian Summer – Whitetail Deerby Terry RedlinNo. 8955711626Autumn Streamside – Bearby Rosemary MilletteNo. 8955712275Toasting Marshmallowsby Terry RedlinNo. 8955711625(back)(back)(back of Indian Summer mug)Winter Wonderland IIby Terry RedlinNo. 8955711623New MugsAvailable May 2020
32 2020 SCULPTED MUGSLast Glance – Mule Deer by Rosemary MilletteNo. 8955712165Autumn Mist – Elk by Rosemary MilletteNo. 8955712166Evening with Friends by Terry RedlinNo. 8955711619Rustic Retreat – Whitetail Deer by Rosemary MilletteNo. 8955712065Meadow Mist – Whitetail Deer by Rosemary MilletteNo. 8955713065Autumn Run by Terry RedlinNo. 8955711501Sharing the Bounty by Terry RedlinNo. 8955711503Sculpted Mugs cont.BESBESBESBESBESBTTTTSSEELLLELLLEERRE(back)MSRP $18.95
33 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comAutumn Glow – Pheasants by Rosemary MilletteNo. 8955713019Cubby Hole – Bear by Jon RenNo. 8955712175Shadow of the Forest – Black Bear by Rosemary MilletteNo. 8955712075Complaint Department – Grizzly by Jon RenNo. 8955713075Body Language – Wolves by Lee KromschroederNo. 8955712071Welcome to the Big Bull Session by Grant HackingNo. 8955712069Moose by Rosemary MilletteNo. 8955712268Cotton Grass Meadow – Moose by Michael SieveNo. 8955712068Master of Intimidation – Elk by Michael SieveNo. 8955712066BESBESBESBESBESSTTTTTSSEELLLLLEEERRLE
34 2020 SCULPTED MUGSMajestic – Bald Eagle by Rosemary MilletteNo. 8955713032Summer Bouquet by Rosemary MilletteNo. 8955712149Summer – Ruby-Throated Hummingbird by Rosemary MilletteNo. 8955713041Backyard Beauty – Chickadee by Rosemary MilletteNo. 8955713037Welcome to the Looney Bin by Jim KasperNo. 8955712010BESBESBESESEESTTTTTTSSEELLLEELEERRLLBESBESBESBESBESBTTTTSSEELELLLLLEERREBESBESBESBESBESBESBTTTTTSSEEELLLLEEERRLLWho Gives a Hoot – Owl by Susan BourdetNo. 8955712030Garden Gateway – Cardinal by Susan BourdetNo. 8955713026Flying Free – Eagle by Terry RedlinNo. 8955711621Sculpted Mugs cont.MSRP $18.95
35 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comThis Place is a Nut House! – Squirrel by Mia LaneNo. 8955712074BESBESBESBESTTTTSSEELLELLEERRLELFarm Living is the Life for Me! by Terry RedlinNo. 8955711622Up All Night – Raccoon by Scot StormNo. 8955712174Manure Happens – Cow by Rollie BrandtNo. 8955712080Golden Retreat by Terry RedlinNo. 8955711616Born In A Barn – Horse by Persis Clayton WeirsNo. 8955712181Spring Creek Run – Horses by Chris CummingsNo. 8955713081Cabin Sweet Cabin by Terry RedlinNo. 8955711620Welcome to Hog Heaven by Persis Clayton WeirsNo. 8955712180
36 2020 SCULPTED MUGS / MUG HOLDERS & DISPLAYS / COASTER HOLDERSMisty Forestby Bob MetropulosNo. 8955712289All Hands on Deck – Puppies by Rosemary MilletteNo. 8955710656Best Friends by Terry RedlinNo. 8955711617Place to Ponder by Anthony J. PadgettNo. 8955712089Summer Sunrise – Camping by Persis Clayton WeirsNo. 8955712189Morning Solitude by Terry RedlinNo. 8955711507Gone Fishing – Trout by Mark SusinnoNo. 8955710051Together We Have It All – Dogs by Scot StormNo. 8955710756Evening Solitude by Terry RedlinNo. 8955711618Sculpted Mugs cont.MSRP $18.95BESBESBESESBESBTTTTTSSEELLELLLEERRL
37 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comCounter Post Mug DisplayHolds 20 Mugs. 36"H x 15"W x 15"D with signNo. 4708135038MSRP $100.00Tree Mug HolderHolds 6 Mugs14½"H x 7½"W x 6"D (Minimum Order: 2)No. 4373480301MSRP $49.95Faux Antler Mug HolderHolds 4 Mugs15"H x 10"W x 9"D(Minimum Order: 2)No. 4209025018MSRP $48.95Metal Scroll Mug TreeHolds 4 Mugs17¼"H x 8¼"W x 8¼"D (Minimum Order: 2)No. 4864572802MSRP $23.95MUG Holders & DisplaysCOASTER HoldersCanoe Coaster Holder3"H x 9"W x 4½"D(Minimum order: 2) No. 4209097402MSRP $29.95Large Post Mug DisplayHolds 56 Mugs. 72"H x 24"W x 24"D with signNo. 4708135044MSRP $180.00Faux Antler Coaster Holder 8"H x 8"W x 5"D(Minimum order: 2) No. 4209025010 MSRP $18.95Upright Wire Coaster Holder 3"H x 5"W x 3"D(Minimum order: 2) No. 4209862501$11.95Buy 108 mugs and receive a FREE display!Buy 54 mugs and receive a FREE display!
38 2020 TEA TOWELSFEATURED:Rustic Retreat – Deer by Rosemary MilletteNo. 4319700010Rustic Retreat – Foxes by Rosemary MilletteNo. 4319700011Rustic Retreat – Pheasasnts by Rosemary MilletteNo. 4319700012NATURE ART Tea Towels – SET/2UÊÊÊ£ää¯ÊVÌÌUÊÊ*>V>}i`Ê>ÃÊ>ÊÃiÌÊvÊÓUÊÊÊ>ÃÞÊÌÊ`ë>ÞÊÜÌÊÊ>}iÀUÊÊÊ-âi]Ê£n¸ÊÝÊÓn¸UÊ>ViÊÜ>Ã>LiUÊ>`iÊÊ`>MSRP $17.95/SetÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊÃiÌ\ÊÊÓ®NEW Displays easily with hook hanger!Available May 2020
39 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comMisty Forest by Bob MetropulosNo. 4319700006Hunter’s Haven by Terry RedlinNo. 4319700008Butterfl ies by Rosemary MilletteNo. 4319700003Fruits of the Red Pine by Persis Clayton WeirsNo. 4319700005More Hands on Deck – Puppiesby Rosemary MilletteNo. 4319700007Evening Solitude by Terry RedlinNo. 4319700009Daisies and Goldfi nch by Marjolein BastinNo. 4319700002Bless Our Nest – Hen & Chicks by Marjolein BastinNo. 4319700001Apple Harvest by Marjolein BastinNo. 4319700004
40 2020 DINNERWAREDinnerwareMisty Forest Dinnerware 16-pc. Setby Bob Metropulos No. 8209208901MSRP $140.00Misty Forest Set/4 Coasters4"dia.No. 4209101189MSRP $29.95Wire Coaster Holder3"H x 4¾"W x 2¼"DNo. 4209862501MSRP $11.95UÊʣȫiViÊÃiÌÃÊVÕ`iÊvÕÀÊi>VÊq£ä¸Ê`iÀÊ«>ÌiÃqÊn¸ÊÃ>>`Ê«>ÌiÃqÊn¸ÊLÜÃqÊ£äÊâ°ÊÕ}ÃUÊÊ*ÀVi>ÊÜÌÊVÀë]ÊVi>ÀÊ`iVÀ>ÌUÊVÀÜ>ÛiÊÉÊÃÜ>ÃiÀÊ->viÕÊÀ`iÀ\Ê£® Coordinating Glassware pg. 103Misty Forest Serving Tray by Bob Metropulos4"H x 15¾"W x 12¾"DNo. 4209102003MSRP $59.95Misty Forest Salt & Pepper Shakers3¼"H x 1½"sq. eachNo. 8209208906MSRP $15.95Misty Forest Sculpted Mugby Bob Metropulos16oz.No. 8955712289MSRP $18.95Misty Forest Butter Dish2½"H x 8½"W x 4½"DNo. 8209208915MSRP $19.95Misty Forest Trivet6"H x 6"WNo. 8209208911MSRP $11.95Misty Forest Spoon Rest9½"LNo. 8209208904MSRP $11.95Misty Forest Tea Towelsby Bob MetropulosNo. 4319700006
41 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.com Coordinating Glassware pg. 103Pinecone Serving Trayby Persis Clayton Weirs4"H x 15¾"W x 12¾"DNo. 4209102002MSRP $59.95Salt & Pepper Shakers3¼" H. Case Pack: 48No. 8955209106MSRP $15.95Pinecone Dinnerware 16-pc. Set by Persis Clayton Weirs No. 8955209101MSRP $140.00Butter Dish 3¾"H x 8"W x 4¼"D. Case Pack: 12No. 8955209115MSRP $19.95Fruits of the Red Pine by Persis Clayton WeirsNo. 4319700005
42 2020 DINNERWARE / ANTLER ENTERTAINING COLLECTION / LAZY SUSAN TURNTABLESAmong Trees Dinnerware by Steven R. KozarNo. 8955218901 MSRP $99.95UÊ-ÌÞÃÊõÕ>ÀiÊÃ>«iUÊÊÀ`>Ì}ÊVÀÃUÊÊ£È*iViÊÃiÌÊVÕ`iÃ\qÊÕÀÊV>ÌiÊÊ£äϸÊ`iÀÊ«>ÌiÃqÊÕÀÊV>ÌiÊÊÊÊȸÊÝÊθÊLÜÃqÊÕÀÊn¸ÊÃ>>`Ê«>ÌiÃ"iÊi>VÆÊiÞ]Ê->}i]ÊÕÌÌiÀÃVÌVÊEÊ"ÞÃÌiÀÊÊÊqÊÕÀÊ£{Êâ°ÊVÕ«Ã"iÊi>VÆÊiÞ]Ê->}i]ÊÕÌÌiÀÃVÌVÊEÊ"ÞÃÌiÀÕÊÀ`iÀ\Ê£®EEEENNNNTTTTEEEERRRRTTTTAAAAIIIINNNNIIIINNNNGGGG CCCCOOOOLLLLLLLLEEEECCCCTTTTIIIIOOOONNNNUÊëÀi`ÊLÞÊ>ÌÕÀ>Ê>ÌiÀÃÊÊUÊ,i>ÃÌVÊ`iÌ>ÃUÊ`ÊV>ÃÌÊ>`Ê>`«>Ìi`ÊÕÊÀ`iÀ\Ê£]ÕiÃÃÊÌiÀÜÃiÊÌi`®Napkin Holder 5½"H x 8"W x 4½"D. Case Pack: 8 (Minimum order: 2) No. 4373316501 MSRP $23.95Home Sweet Home by Rosemary MilletteNo. 4209103005 Within This Home by Rosemary MilletteNo. 4209103006 Among Trees by Steven R. KozarNo. 4209103007 Mug Stand 13½"H x 7½"WDisplays 4 mugs. Case Pack: 4No. 4209025018 MSRP $48.95Faux Antler Coaster Holder 8"H x 8"W x 5"D(Minimum order: 2) No. 4209025010 MSRP $18.95Hardwood Forest Dinnerware by Susan Knowles Jordan No. 8955228901 MSRP $99.95UÊʣȫiViÊÃiÌÃÊVÕ`iÊ{Êi>°Êq£ä¸Ê`iÀÊ«>ÌiÃqÊn¸ÊÃ>>`Ê«>ÌiÃqÊn¸ÊLÜÃqÊ£äÊâ°ÊÕ}ÃUÊÊ*ÀVi>ÊÜÌÊVÀë]ÊVi>ÀÊ`iVÀ>ÌUÊVÀÜ>ÛiÊÉÊÃÜ>ÃiÀÊ->viUÊ>ÃiÊ*>V\Ê£ÕÊÀ`iÀ\Ê£® Lazy Susan TURNTABLESNEWMSRP $89.95ÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\ÊÊ£®UÊÊ-âi]Ê£n¸`>°ÊÝʤ¸ÊÌViÃÃUÊÀÀÛiÃÊvÕÞÊ>ÃÃiLi`UÊ>`iÊvÊÊÜ`ÊÜÌÊiÌ>ÊÃÜÛi
43 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comTranquilWaters – Deer by Rosemary MilletteNo. 4209103003 RebuildingAmerica – Eagle by Persis Clayton WeirsNo. 4209103002 Quiet Time – Horses by Chris CummingsNo. 4209103001 Comfortsof Home by Terry RedlinNo. 4209103011 Farm Life – Calfby Connie HaleyNo. 4209103010Vineyardby Susan BourdetNo. 4209103008Welcome –Tree by Peter MathiosNo. 4209103012 Ruby in Echinacea by Susan BourdetNo. 4209103009 ÌÌRotates 360°
44 UÊÊݵÕÃÌiÊ>ÌÕÀiÊ>ÀÌÊ`iÃ}ÃÊëÀi`ÊLÞÊ7`Ê7}ÃÊ>ÀÌÃÌÃÊUÊÊ-`ÊÊÃiÌÃÊvÊ{vÊÌiÊÃ>iÊ`iÃ}UÊiVÀ>Ìi`ÊÊÌiÊ1-ÊÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\Ê£®ÊBlack Bearby Rosemary Millette 14 oz. DOFsNo. 872207750216 oz. MixersNo. 872207751510 oz. WineNo. 8722077504Whitetail Deerby Rosemary Millette 14 oz. DOFsNo. 8722162602 16 oz. MixersNo. 8722162615Mule Deerby Rosemary Millette 14 oz. DOFsNo. 872216270216 oz. MixersNo. 872216271514 oz. DOFs No. 872270660212 oz. SteinsNo. 872270660310 oz. WineNo. 8722706604Elk Portrait by Rosemary Millette Deer Portrait by Michael Sieve14 oz. DOFs No. 872270650212 oz. SteinsNo. 872270650316 oz. MixersNo. 872270650610 oz. WineNo. 8722706504Pricing Index14 oz. DOFMSRP $39.9512 oz. SteinMSRP $47.9510 oz. WineMSRP $47.9516 oz. MixerMSRP $41.95Misty Forest 16 oz. MixerPheasant 12 oz. SteinKaleidoscope – Moose 14 oz. DOF14 oz. DOFs No. 872265060212 oz. SteinsNo. 8722650613Autumn Run – Deerby Terry RedlinGlassware2020 TABLEWARE: GLASSWARE
45 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comKaleidoscope – Moose by Janene Grende14 oz. DOFs No. 872270680216 oz. MixersNo. 872270680614 oz. DOFs No. 8722622502 12 oz. SteinsNo. 872262251316 oz. MixersNo. 872262251510 oz. WineNo. 8722622504Pheasantby David A. Maass14 oz. DOFs No. 8722757502 12 oz. SteinsNo. 872275751316 oz. MixersNo. 8722757515Turkeyby David A. MaassYellow Labby Scot Storm14 oz. DOFsNo. 872212580212 oz. SteinsNo. 8722125813Chocolate Labby Scot Storm14 oz. DOFsNo. 872212570212 oz. SteinsNo. 872212571314 oz. DOFsNo. 872212560212 oz. SteinsNo. 872212561316 oz. Mixers No. 8722125615Black Labby Scot Storm14 oz. DOFs No. 872271890212 oz. SteinsNo. 872271890316 oz. MixersNo. 872271890610 oz. WineNo. 8722718904Misty Forest by Bob MetropulosVineyard – Grapes by Rosemary Millette 10 oz. WineNo. 8722731304Waterfowl Setby David A. MaassIncludes 1 each Mallard, Wood Duck, Canvasbacks & Pintails14 oz. DOFs No. 8722761602 12 oz. SteinsNo. 872276161316 oz. MixersNo. 8722761615Gamebirds Set by David A. MaassIncludes 1 each Ruffed Grouse, Quail, Woodcock & Pheasant14 oz. DOFs No. 872276150212 oz. SteinsNo. 872276151316 oz. MixersNo. 872276151514 oz. DOFs No. 8722168102 12 oz. SteinsNo. 872216811316 oz. MixersNo. 872216811510 oz. WineNo. 8722168104Horsesby Chris Cummings14 oz. DOFs No. 8722650102Evening Glowby Terry RedlinThe Birch Line – Deerby Terry Redlin14 oz. DOFs No. 872265080216 oz. MixersNo. 8722650815
46 Pinecone by Persis Clayton WeirsNo. 4209102002UÊÊ"ÛiÀ>ÊÌÀ>ÞÊÃâiÊ{¸ÊÝÊ£xϸ7ÊÝÊ£ÓϸUÊÊ*iÀviVÌÊ>ÃÊ`iVÀ>ÌÛiÊ>VViÌÃÊÀi>`ÞÊÌÊ>}Ê>ÃÊÜiÊ>ÃÊvÕVÌ>ÊÃiÀÛ}ÊÌÀ>ÞÃUÊÀ`>ÌiÊÜÌÊ>ÌV}Ê}>ÃÃÜ>ÀiÊ`iV>ÃÕÊÀ`iÀ\Ê£®All Hands on Deckby Rosemary Millette No. 4209102030Misty Forest by Bob MetropulosNo. 4209102003Black Bearby Rosemary MilletteNo. 4209102008MSRP $59.95In the Storm by Rosemary MilletteNo. 4209102029Welcome to Our Porch by Ron SchmidtNo. 4209102415Lab Trioby Scot StormNo. 4209102011Autumn Run – Deerby Terry RedlinNo. 4209102012Birds and Grapes by Rosemary MilletteNo. 4209102006BESBESBESBESBESBSTTTTTSSEELLLLLLEERRENEWGrape Vineby Rosemary MilletteNo. 42091020052020 TABLEWARE: SERVING TRAYS
47 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comWaterfowlby David A. MaassNo. 4209102009Uncork and Unwind – Black Lab by Ron SchmidtNo. 4209102416Resting Bull – Bison by Dustin Van Wechel No. 4209102031Distant Thunder by Persis Clayton WeirsNo. 4209102033Shoreline Neighborsby Terry Redlin No. 4209102013 Merry Christmasby Terry Redlin No. 4209102041 BESBESBESESBESBTTTTTSSEELLLEELLLEERREPrairie Wings – Pheasantby Rosemary MilletteNo. 4209102010BESBESBESSBESTTTTSSEELLLEELEERRLELEat, Drink & Be Merryby Marjolein BastinNo. 4209102401It's 5 O'Clock Somewhereby Daniel PolleraNo. 4209102023NEWNEWGatherby Marjolein BastinNo. 4209102403 Uncork and Unwind – Birdby Marjolein BastinNo. 4209102402
48 Wood Sign COLLECTION12" x 18"MSRP $3995Pgs. 37-40 21" RoundMSRP $7995Pgs. 52-56 8" x 12"MSRP $1695Pg. 36 10" x 10"MSRP $1695Pg. 35 12½" RoundMSRP $2495Pgs. 56-57 12" x 30"MSRP $7995Pgs. 41-48 18" x 30" MSRP $140Pgs. 49-52 2020 WOOD SIGNS
49 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comAn Old Bear Lives Hereby John WilsonNo. 5209601503A Hunter Lives Hereby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5209601530The Older I Get, the Greater I Was! by Michael SieveNo. 5209601502The Older I Get, the Greater I Was! by Daryl PoulinNo. 5209601535Horse Around by Chris CummingsNo. 5209601532Girl’s Best Friendby Laurie LeeNo. 5209601528 Rooster’s Roost/Hens Ruleby Scot Storm No. 5209601520Tractor Parking Only by Neal AndersonNo. 5209601512Cat’s Houseby Persis Clayton WeirsNo. 5209601541Manure Happens by Rollie BrandtNo. 5209601501Caution Friendly Cat by Persis Clayton Weirs No. 5209601533Everyone Brings Joy to this Cabin by Sam Timm No. 5209601521Welcome to Our Home – Cardinal by Sam TimmNo. 5209601516Be at Easeby William A.S. Kreutz No. 5209601010MSRP $16.95UÊÊ*ÀÌi`ÊÊÃÌÊÜ`ÊÜÌÊv>`iÀiÃÃÌ>ÌÊÃUÊÊ,i>`ÞÊÌÊ>}ÊÜÌÊÊÊiÊÊViÌiÀÊÌ«UÊÊÊë>ÞÊ`ÀÃUÊʤ¸ÊÊÜ`ÊÜÌÊL>VwÊÃi`Êi`}iÃÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊUÊÊÊiÃ}i`ÊEÊ«ÀÌi`ÊÊÌiÊ1-ÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\ÊÓ®MSRP $16.9510" x 10" Wood SignsBESBESBESESBESBTTTTTSSEELLLELEERRLLBESBESBESBESESTTTTSSEELLLLEERRLLEBESBEBESBESBESBESBTTTTTTSSEELELLLEERRLLEBESBESBESESBESTTTTTSSEELLLELLEERRL
50 UÊÊ*ÀÌi`ÊÊÃÌÊÜ`ÊÜÌÊv>`iÀiÃÃÌ>ÌÊÃUÊÊ,i>`ÞÊÌÊ>}ÊÜÌÊÊÊiÊÊViÌiÀÊÌ«UÊÊÊë>ÞÊ`ÀÃUÊʤ¸ÊÜ`ÊÜÌÊL>VwÊÃi`Êi`}iÃÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊUÊÊÊiÃ}i`ÊEÊ«ÀÌi`ÊÊÌiÊ1-ÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\ÊÓ®MSRP $16.958" x 12" Wood SignsBeware Affectionate Dog – Yellow Labby Brett LongleyNo. 5209601823Pretty Face – Pigby Marsie DanielsonNo. 5209601807Home of an Elkoholicby Michael SieveNo. 5209601803Gone Camping by Persis Clayton WeirsNo. 5209601802Dogs Welcome (Humans Tolerated) by Larry BecksteinNo. 5209601801Being Cute is Hard Workby Larry BecksteinNo. 5209601804Welcome to the Lake – Loon by Sam TimmNo. 5209601828Cabin Rulesby Sam TimmNo. 5209601820Man Cave Rulesby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5209601822Outhouse Rulesby Valeria YostNo. 5209601825Lake House Rulesby Sam TimmNo. 5209601821Gone Fishingby Mark SusinnoNo. 5209601808 Welcome to our Farmby Steven KozarNo. 5209601834Life is Better on the Porchby Terry RedlinNo. 5209601833Welcome to the Porch – Dog by David & Joan HaganNo. 5209601826Welcome to the Porchby Daniel PolleraNo. 5209601827BESBESBESBESBESBTTTTTSSEEELLLELLLEERREBESBESBESESBESBTTTTTTSSEELELLELEERRLEL2020 WOOD SIGNS
51 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.com12" x 18" Wood SignsUÊÊ*ÀÌi`ÊÊÃÌÊÜ`ÊÊÊÊÜÌÊv>`iÀiÃÃÌ>ÌÊÃUÊÊ,i>`ÞÊÌÊ>}ÊÜÌÊÊÊÊiÞÊiÊ>}iÀUÊÊÊë>ÞÊ`ÀÃUÊÊʤ¸ÊÜ`ÊÜÌÊÊÊÊL>VwÊÃi`ÊÃ`iÃUÊÊiÃ}i`Ê>`Ê«ÀÌi`ÊÊÊÊÊÌiÊ1-ÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\Ê£®MSRP $39.95Spread Joy by Ron SchmidtNo. 5209603420Also, available without words No. 5209603421Be Doglike by Ron SchmidtNo. 5209603418Reach for your Dreamsby Ron SchmidtNo. 5209603441Determination – Labsby Ron SchmidtNo. 5209603440Keep Your Head Up by Ron SchmidtNo. 5209603419Resistance to Temptation by Ron SchmidtNo. 5209603447Do Not Disturb by Ron SchmidtNo. 5209603444Life is Good by Ron SchmidtNo. 5209603443Do Not Disturb by Ron SchmidtNo. 5209603445NEWNEWNEWNEWCold Noses / Warm Hearts by Ron SchmidtNo. 5209603422Didn’t Say Faultby Persis Clayton WeirsNo. 5209603644You Can’t Buy Love – Dogby Brett LongleyNo. 5209603660You Can’t Buy Love – Cat by Susan BourdetNo. 5209603661Friendshipby David and Joan HaganNo. 5209603711Quiet Please by Ron SchmidtNo. 5209603446NEWIf you Believe – Puppy by Ron SchmidtNo. 5209603439
52 2020 WOOD SIGNSKeep Life Simple by Marjolein Bastin No. 5209603429It Takes Courage by Marjolein Bastin No. 5209603410Little Things by Marjolein Bastin No. 520960341212" x 18" Wood Signs cont.MSRP $39.95Compassion – Horse by Persis Clayton Weirs“No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted.” ~ Aesop No. 5209603709 Direction – WindmillNo. 5209603636We Interrupt This Family by Steven KozarNo. 5209603642BESBESBESBESBESBTTTTSSEEELLLLEERRLLEEOut to Pasture by Mia LaneNo. 5209603623Country Life by Steven KozarNo. 5209603641We Were Born In A Barnby Steven KozarNo. 5209603625Farm Memories by Rollie BrandtNo. 5209603645BESBESBESBESSTTTTTTTSSEELLLEELLEERRLLife is Good – Cats by Persis Clayton WeirsNo. 5209603663Teamwork – Horses by Chris CummingsNo. 5209603708Text reads,“Regardless of differences, we strive shoulder to shoulder… Teamwork can be summed up in five short words: ‘We believe in each other.’”Determination – Horses by Chris CummingsNo. 5209603735Text reads, “Determination makes your dreams come true.”Life is Beautiful by Marjolein Bastin No. 5209603409My Homeby Marjolein BastinNo. 5209603430BESBESESBESBESTTTTTSSEELLELLLLEERRE
53 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comBee Happy by Marjolein Bastin No. 5209603411Welcome Home by Marjolein Bastin No. 5209603408Friendship by Marjolein BastinNo. 5209603428Notable Woodpeckers of North America by Susan Bourdet No. 5209603638Backyard Butterfl ies of North America by Rosemary MilletteNo. 5209603626BESBESBESBESBEBESTTTTTSSEELELLLEERRLLEBESBESBESBEBESBESBTTTTSSEELLLELEERRLLEI Must Have Flowersby Marjolein Bastin No. 5209603431See a Wish by Marjolein Bastin No. 5209603407Teamwork by Marjolein Bastin No. 5209603442True Heroes – Soldier Featuring “Heading Home” by Thomas KinkadeNo. 5209603423True Heroes – Fireman Featuring “Selfl ess Service” by Thomas KinkadeNo. 5209603424Proud to be an American Featuring “Hometown Pride” by Thomas KinkadeNo. 5209603425Life is Better at the CabinFeaturing “The Good Life”by Thomas Kinkade No. 5209603404Deer Camp RulesFeaturing “Nature's Paradise”by Thomas Kinkade No. 5209603405MinnesotaFeaturing “Split Rock Light” by Thomas KinkadeNo. 5209603427Wonderful Time of Year Featuring “Skater's Pond” by Thomas Kinkade No. 5209603406Friendship is a BridgeFeaturing “Friendship Cottage” by Thomas Kinkade No. 5209603403Holidays at the CottageFeaturing “Deer Creek Cottage” by Thomas Kinkade No. 5209603401
54 2020 WOOD SIGNSFamily; Just the Right Mix by John LofgreenNo. 520960366412" x 18" Wood Signs cont.MSRP $39.95USA Home by Persis Clayton WeirsNo. 5209603800Specific state signs available online.BESBESBEBESBEESTTTTSSEELLLELEERRLLDeer Camp by Michael SieveNo. 5209603615Pheasant Camp by Rosemary MilletteNo. 5209603631Bowhunting – Whitetail Deer by Michael Sieve“When I am bowhunting, and as I am observing the life around me, I am able to turn my thoughts inward. It is there that I can find the peace, understanding, and the inspiration that I believe is important in my life.” – Michael SieveBanner: “Hunting isn’t something you do, it’s who you are.” No. 5209603001Nature’s Heart – Whitetail Deer by Rosemary Millette“Keep close to nature’s Heart… Break clear away, once in a while, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean.” – John MuirBanner: “Hunting isn’t something you do, it’s who you are.” No. 5209603005BESBESBESBEBESBETTTTTTTSSEELLLELLLEERREExperienced – Pheasant by Rosemary Millette“Nothing ever becomes real ’till it is experienced.” – John KeatsBanner: “Hunting isn’t something you do, it’s who you are.” No. 5209603007The Outhouse No. 5209603607Welcome to Our Cabin No. 5209603649Welcome to our CabinNo. 5209603651Cabin by Sam TimmNo. 5209603648Home – Where Memories Are Made by Sam TimmNo. 5209603633Challenge – Deer by Sam TimmNo. 5209603734Text reads, “You must accept the chal-lenge to acheive the goal.”
55 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.com12" x 18" Saw-Cut Wood SignsMSRP $39.95Integrity – Owlby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5209603736Text reads, “Always doing what’s right even when no one is watching.”Family – Tree (Spring)by Judy SyringNo. 5209603627Family – Tree (Fall)by Judy SyringNo. 5209603628Drop Ins Welcome by Rosemary MilletteNo. 5209603635Lazy Bear Den by Janene GrendeNo. 5209603650Rest RoomNo. 5209603305Pheasant Camp by John WilsonNo. 5209603307Lake by Bob MetropulosNo. 5209603311Dog Doesn’t Like YouNo. 5209603302Elk Camp by Jim KasperNo. 5209603306The OuthouseNo. 5209603310Life Better at Cabinby William A.S. KreutzNo. 5209603308Bless This Nest by Judy SyringNo. 5209603312BESBESBESESBESBTTTTSSEELELLLLLEERRBESBESBESBESESBESBESTTTTTSSEELLELLEERRLLECat Likes You No. 5209603662
56 2020 WOOD SIGNS12" x 30" Wood SignsUÊÊ*ÀÌi`ÊÊÃÌÊÜ`ÊÜÌÊv>`iÀiÃÃÌ>ÌÊÃUʤ¸ÊÜ`ÊÜÌÊL>VwÊÃi`ÊÃ`iÃUÊÊÊ,i>`ÞÊÌÊ>}ÊÜÌÊiÞÊiÊ>}iÀUÊÊÊë>ÞÊ`ÀÃUÊÊÊiÃ}i`ÊEÊ«ÀÌi`ÊÊÌiÊ1-ÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\Ê£®MSRP $79.95Dog Days of Summer by Ron SchmidtNo. 5209604728Sense of Whimsyby Ron SchmidtNo. 5209604727Life is Better on the Farm by Laurie LeeNo. 5209604072You'll Find Me by Daniel Pollera No. 5209604303Faith Can Move Mountainsby Lee Kromschroeder No. 5209604070Christmas Train Featuring “All Aboard for Christmas” by Thomas Kinkade No. 5209604707Wine is to WomenNo. 5209604061Forgiveness No. 5209604028Windmill – Welcome No. 5209604024Windmill – HomeNo. 5209604022Gather – Canada Geese by Terry RedlinNo. 5209604610GStrength – Bison by Rosemary MilletteNo. 5209604071Text reads, “You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it.”Count Your BlessingsNo. 5209604057NEW NEWBESBESBESBESBESETTTTTSSEEELLLLLLEERRE
57 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comWorld's Largest Wild Cats ID Chart by Lee KromschroederNo. 5209604075Draft Horse Breeds ID Chart by Chris CummingsNo. 5209604076Harvest Gems – Squash ID Chart by Marjolein BastinNo. 5209604730Big Game of North America ID Chart by Michael SieveNo. 5209604078Fresh Herbs at a Glance ID Chart by Marjolein BastinNo. 5209604729Beloved Light Horse Breeds ID Chart by Chris CummingsNo. 5209604069Owls of North America ID Chart by Susan BourdetNo. 5209604077Birding Rules by Rosemary MilletteNo. 5209604014NEWNEWNEWNEWNEWNEW
58 2020 WOOD SIGNSCommon Waterfowl of North America ID Chartby David A. MaassNo. 5209604017Upland Game Birds of North America ID Chartby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5209604043Common Fur Bearing Animalsof North America ID Chartby Neal AndersonNo. 5209604060Popular Sporting Dogs of North America ID Chartby Mia LaneNo. 5209604018Popular Upland BirdHunting Companions ID Chartby Mia LaneNo. 5209604053Popular Waterfowl Hunting Companions ID Chartby Mia LaneNo. 5209604054Common Domestic CatsID Chartby Persis Clayton WeirsNo. 5209604051Freshwater Game Fish of North America ID Chartby Mark SusinnoNo. 520960405012" x 30" Wood Signs cont.BESBESBESESBESTTTTTSSEELLLLLLEERRMSRP $79.95
59 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comAnimal Tracks of North America ID Chartby Ron Van GilderNo. 5209604025Life Cycle of the Bald EagleID Chartby John LofgreenNo. 5209604055Coniferous Trees of North America ID ChartNo. 5209604056Historical Flags of AmericaID ChartNo. 5209604052BESBESBESESBESBTTTTTSSEEELLLLLLEERREBenefi cial Flowers forPollinators ID Chartby Susan BourdetNo. 5209604026Common Raptors of North America ID Chartby Susan BourdetNo. 5209604019Backyard Songbirds of North America ID Chartby Catherine McClungNo. 5209604015Hummingbirds of North America ID Chartby Susan BourdetNo. 5209604044BESBESBESBESBESSTTTTSSEELLLLEERRLLEBESBESBESESBESBTTTSSEEELLLELEERRLEL
60 2020 WOOD SIGNS12" x 30" Wood Signs contdMSRP $79.95Hunting Rules by Terry RedlinNo. 5209604501Dog Training Rules by Scot StormNo. 5209604048Family Rules by Terry RedlinNo. 5209604508Surviving the Holiday Rules by Terry RedlinNo. 5209604506Family Holiday Rules by Terry RedlinNo. 5209604507Holiday Rules by Marjolein Bastin No. 5209604709BESBESBESBESESTTTTTSSEELLLELEERRLLELake House Rules by Sam TimmNo. 5209604005Cabin Rules by Terry RedlinNo. 5209604502BESBESBESESBESBTTTTTSSEELELLLLLEERRE
61 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comMSRP $79.9512" x 30" Wood Signs contdCelebrate the Season by Marjolein BastinNo. 5209604721Grateful, Thankful, Blessed by Marjolein BastinNo. 5209604720Stronger Together by Marjolein BastinNo. 5209604718Most Beautiful Things by Marjolein Bastin No. 5209604713Gather by Marjolein Bastin No. 5209604708All the Flowers of Tomorrow by Marjolein Bastin No. 5209604710I Live in the Garden by Marjolein Bastin No. 5209604712This Place is for the Birds by Marjolein Bastin No. 5209604719Cardinals Appear whenAngels are Near by Marjolein Bastin No. 5209604711BESBESBESBESBESTTTTTSSEELLLELLEERRL
62 2020 WOOD SIGNSMSRP $79.9512" x 30" Saw-Cut Wood SignsUÊÊ->ÜVÕÌÊ}ÀÛiÊiÕ>ÌiÃÊÃ>ÌÊL>À`ÃUÊÊ,i>`ÞÊÌÊ>}ÊÜÌÊiÞÊiÊ>}iÀUÊÊÊë>ÞÊ`ÀÃUÊÊʤ¸ÊÜ`ÊÜÌÊL>VwÊÃi`ÊÃ`iÃUÊÊiÃ}i`Ê>`Ê«ÀÌi`ÊÊÌiÊ1-ÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\Ê£®To Everything; Season by John HardginskiNo. 5209604038America – Home of the Free because of the Brave by Terry RedlinNo. 5209604603America; Home of the Free by Terry RedlinNo. 5209604611Country – Living the Good Life by Terry RedlinNo. 5209604608Deer Camp – What Happens Here Stays Here by Terry RedlinNo. 5209604606Home – Where We Live Laugh Love by Terry RedlinNo. 5209604607Family – Memories Last A Lifetime by Terry RedlinNo. 5209604604Enter Be BlessedNo. 5209604033Farming – Faith, Family, Friends and... by Terry RedlinNo. 5209604605Moose Countryby Ron Van GilderNo. 5209604045BESBESBESBESSBTTTTSSEELLLELEERRLLEForgiveNo. 5209604034BESBESBESSBESTTTTTTSSEELLLLLEERRLEEAmerica; Home of the Free by Persis Clayton WeirsNo. 5209604073
63 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.com“Best of” Travel WOOD SIGNS by Eric DowdleThe Best of Illinois No. 5209606425The Best of New York No. 5209606428The Best of Washington State No. 5209606430The Best of Texas No. 5209606429The Best of Florida No. 5209606431The Best of Northern CaliforniaNo. 5209606426The Best of Southern CaliforniaNo. 5209606427UÊÊÊ£n¸ÊÝÊÎä¸ÊÝÊÎ⁄n¸ÊÜÌÊL>VwÊÃi`ÊÃ`iÃUÊÊ*ÀÌi`ÊÊÃÌÊÜ`ÊÜÌÊv>`iÀiÃÃÌ>ÌÊÃUÊÊÊë>ÞÊ`ÀÃUÊÊÊiÃ}i`ÊEÊ«ÀÌi`ÊÊÌiÊ1-ÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\Ê£®MSRP $140.00
64 2020 WOOD SIGNS18" x 30" Wood SignsUÊÊ*ÀÌi`ÊÊÃÌÊÜ`ÊÜÌÊv>`iÀiÃÃÌ>ÌÊÃUÊÊÊÎ⁄n¸ÊÜ`ÊÜÌÊL>VwÊÃi`ÊÃ`iÃUÊÊÊë>ÞÊ`ÀÃUÊÊÊiÃ}i`ÊEÊ«ÀÌi`ÊÊÌiÊ1-ÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\Ê£®MSRP $140.00Pheasants by David A. MaassNo. 5209606105Bird Dog by Michael SieveNo. 5209606106Rustic American FlagNo. 5209606012Together, We Have it All – Foxes by Rosemary MilletteNo. 5209606027Love is Like the Wind by Larry DeaconNo. 5209606028Surround Yourself with What you Love Featuring “Beginning of a perfect Day” by Thomas KinkadeNo. 5209606401Lovin' Live at the LakeFeaturing “Lakeside Hideaway” by Thomas KinkadeNo. 5209606403Home; Wine and Dog by Ron SchmidtNo. 5209606432NEWWaterfowl by David A. MaassNo. 5209606101BESBESBESESBESBETTTTTSSEELLLELELERRL
65 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comChristmas Brings Hearts Together by Marjolein Bastin No. 520960641118" x 30" Wood Signs contdMSRP $140.00Happy is the Home with a Cat by Marjolein Bastin No. 5209606409Home is Where our Herd is by Marjolein Bastin No. 5209606412Merry Christmas by Marjolein Bastin No. 5209606410Leave Room in Your Garden by Marjolein Bastin No. 5209606407Live Life in Full Bloom by Marjolein Bastin No. 5209606408Pumpkin Spice by Marjolein Bastin No. 5209606417Pumpkin Kisses by Marjolein Bastin No. 5209606418
66 2020 WOOD SIGNSLittle Bit of Spice by Marjolein Bastin No. 5209606420Fall Rules by Marjolein Bastin No. 520960641918" x 30" Wood Signs contdMSRP $140.0018" x 30" Saw-Cut Wood SignsMSRP $140.00God Bless Americaby Brett LongleyNo. 5209606002Our Neck of the Woods by Rosemary MilletteNo. 5209606005UÊÊ->ÜVÕÌÊ}ÀÛiÊiÕ>ÌiÃÊÃ>ÌÊL>À`ÃLove Grows BestFeaturing “Stonehearth Hutch” by Thomas KinkadeNo. 5209606405Love is the BridgeFeaturing “Sunset on Lamplight Lane” by Thomas KinkadeNo. 5209606406Christmas MagicFeaturing “Dash Away All” by Thomas Kinkade StudiosNo. 5209606402
67 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.com21" Round Wood SignsBESBESBESBEBESBESTTTTTTSSEELELLLEERRLLUÊÊ,i>`ÞÊÌÊ>}ÊÜÌÊiÞÊiÊ>}iÀUÊÊÊë>ÞÊ`ÀÃUÊÊÊÎ⁄n»ÊÜ`ÊÜÌÊL>VwÊÃi`ÊÃ`iÃUÊÊ£Ó¤¸Ê`>iÌiÀUÊÊiÃ}i`Ê>`Ê«ÀÌi`ÊÊÌiÊ1-ÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\Ê£®MSRP $79.95Welcome to the Lake by Terry RedlinNo. 5209608503Welcome to Farm – Harvest by Terry RedlinNo. 5209608502Welcome to Farm – Barn by Terry RedlinNo. 5209608504Love Story by Terry RedlinNo. 5209608501Welcome Autumn by Terry RedlinNo. 5209608508Handle with Prayer by Terry RedlinNo. 5209608507Favorite Breed Is Rescue by Terry RedlinNo. 5209608506One Tough Old Bird by Jon RenNo. 5209608017BESBESBESBESBESESBTTTTSSEELLLLEERRLELE
68 2020 WOOD SIGNS21" Round Wood Signs contdWelcome to Roost by Rosemary MilletteNo. 5209608022Life is Better by Rosemary MilletteNo. 5209608048One Tough Old Bull by Dustin Van WechelNo. 5209608045Strong & Steady by Rosemary MilletteNo. 5209608060MSRP $79.95Not a Creature was Stirring – MooseNo. 5209608084Over the River & Through the WoodsNo. 5209608083Merry ChristmooseNo. 5209608085Love – Windmill by John AldrichNo. 5209608058Time is FlowingFeaturing “Cobblestone Mill” by Thomas KinkadeNo. 5209608702Let your Light ShineFeaturing “Evening Glow” by Thomas KinkadeNo. 5209608703
69 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comMSRP $79.95Our Family by Steven R. Kozar No. 5209608080Family – Lions by Ron Van Gilder No. 520960808121" Round Wood Signs contdCheers – Dog by Ron Schmidt No. 5209608714Welcome to Our Spa by Ron SchmidtNo. 5209608729Together – Dogs by Ron SchmidtNo. 520960871312th Day of Christmas – Dog by Ron Schmidt No. 5209608715Entire text reads, “On the 12th day of Christmas my true love gave to me... 12 smiles a-panting, 11 balls a-bouncing, 10 toys a-squeaking, 9 soggy slippers, 8 wreaths a-blinking, 7 sloppy kisses, 6 discs a-fl ying, 5 rawhide rings, 4 yule logs, 3 ornaments, 2 light strings, and a house cat up a Christmas tree!”Rooster Lives Here by Rollie BrandtNo. 5209608036BESBESBESESBESBTTTTTSSEELLLELLLEERREBESBESBESBESESBETTTTTTSSEELLLLEERRLLWine Cellar by Rosemary MilletteNo. 5209608008Determination – Dogs by Ron Schmidt No. 5209608726Together by Marjolein Bastin No. 5209608727
70 2020 WOOD SIGNS21" Round Wood Signs contdMSRP $79.95Room for More by Marjolein Bastin No. 5209608711Every Day by Marjolein Bastin No. 5209608720May Our Home by Marjolein BastinNo. 5209608719Deck the Halls by Marjolein Bastin No. 5209608707Enjoy Little Things by Marjolein Bastin No. 5209608709Follow Your Path by Marjolein BastinNo. 5209608721Peace & Grace by Marjolein Bastin No. 5209608710Every Good Gift by Marjolein Bastin No. 5209608708Wander & Wonder by Marjolein Bastin No. 5209608712Surround Yourself by Marjolein Bastin No. 5209608722
71 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.com12½" Round Wood SignsUÊÊ,i>`ÞÊÌÊ>}ÊÜÌÊiÞÊiÊ>}iÀUÊÊÊë>ÞÊ`ÀÃUÊÊʤ¸ÊÜ`ÊÜÌÊL>VwÊÃi`ÊÃ`iÃUÊÊ£Ó¤¸Ê`>iÌiÀUÊÊiÃ}i`Ê>`Ê«ÀÌi`ÊÊÌiÊ1-ÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\Ê£®MSRP $24.95Most Important UtensilNo. 5209607025Dream Big Little Oneby Ron SchmidtNo. 5209607707Wine a Bitby Marsie Danielson No. 5209607024Nothing is Out of Reachby Jim KasperNo. 5209607031Grow Wise Little Owlby Gene StevensNo. 5209607030Stay Curious Little Onesby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5209607029Peace, Love & Dogsby Ron SchmidtNo. 5209607706Home; Love, Laughter & CatNo. 5209607026Home; Love, Laughter & DogNo. 5209607005Live Life in the Meowby Susan BourdetNo. 5209607027Our Dog Like YouNo. 5209607018Our Cat Like YouNo. 5209607028BESBEBESBESBESBESTTTTSSEELLLELLEERRLEE
72 2020 WOOD SIGNS / PALLET SIGNS12½" Round Wood Signs contdAdvice for the DayNo. 5209607003Cabin / Real WorldNo. 5209607006FishNo. 5209607020CampNo. 5209607021HuntNo. 5209607019HomeNo. 5209607014Mistakes / LessonsNo. 5209607009Make a Living / Make a LifeNo. 5209607002GatherNo. 5209607013Home; Friends Like FamilyNo. 5209607004MSRP $24.95Dad’s GarageNo. 5209607007Lovin’ Life at the LakeNo. 5209607016BESBESBESBESESBESTTTSSEELLLELLLEERREBESBESBESBESSBTTTTSSEELLLLLLEERRFamily Is a Work of HeartNo. 5209607008
73 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comPallet SIGNSX-Large 25" x 36"MSRP $8995Pg. 74Small 14½" x 18"MSRP $3995Pg. 76-77Large 18" x 24"MSRP $4995Pg. 74-76UÊÊÃÌÀÕVÌi`ÊvÊÀi>Ê>«iÊÜ`ÊÃ>ÌÃÀi>Ìi`ÊvÀÊ>ÌÕÀ>ÊiiiÌÃ]Êi>VÊ«iViÊÃÊÕµÕiÆÊVÀÃÊ>ÞÊÛ>ÀÞ®UÊÊÊ>}ÃÊvÀÊ>ÊÃ}iÊÃÌÀ>«Ê>}iÀÊ«VÌÕÀi`Ê>}}ÊÊÃÊVÕ`i`®ÕÊÀ`iÀ\ÊÓÊ«iÀÊÃâiÊÊÕÌ«iÃÊvÊÓ®-}iÊ-ÌÀ>«Ê>}iÀ
74 2020 PALLET SIGNSX-Large 25" x 36" Pallet SignUÊ8,\ÊÓx¸ÊÝÊÎȸÊÜÌÊÃiÛiÊÊÊ{ϸÊ>«iÊÜ`ÊÃ>ÌÃUÊÊÃÌÀÕVÌi`ÊvÊÀi>Ê>«iÊÜ`Ài>Ìi`ÊvÀÊ>ÌÕÀ>ÊiiiÌÃ]Êi>VÊ«iViÊÃÊÕµÕiÆÊVÀÃÊ>ÞÊÛ>ÀÞ®UÊÊÊ>}ÃÊvÀÊ>ÊÃ}iÊÃÌÀ>«Ê>}iÀÊ«VÌÕÀiÊ>}}ÊÊÃÊVÕ`i`®ÕÊÀ`iÀ\ÊÓÊ«iÀÊÃâiÊÊÕÌ«iÃÊvÊÓ®MSRP $89.95Patriotic Flag No. 5209612001Every Family by Terry RedlinNo. 5209611301Happy Place by Terry RedlinNo. 5209611303Life Better in Country by Terry RedlinNo. 5209611302Large 18" x 24" Pallet SignsMSRP $49.95UÊÊÃÌÀÕVÌi`ÊvÊÀi>Ê>«iÊÜ`ÊÃ>ÌÃUÊÊÊ>}ÃÊvÀÊ>ÊÃ}iÊÃÌÀ>«Ê>}iÀÊ«VÌÕÀiÊ>}}ÊÊÃÊVÕ`i`®UÊ,\Ê£n¸ÊÝÊÓ{¸ÊÜÌÊwÊÛiÊΤ¸Ê>«iÊÜ`ÊÃ>ÌÃÊÀi>Ìi`ÊvÀÊ>ÌÕÀ>ÊiiiÌÃ]Êi>VÊ«iViÊÃÊÕµÕiÆÊVÀÃÊ>ÞÊÛ>ÀÞ®ÕÊÀ`iÀ\ÊÓÊ«iÀÊÃâiÊÊÕÌ«iÃÊvÊÓ®
75 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comLarge 18" x 24" Pallet Signs contd.MSRP $49.95Cabin RulesNo. 5209611003Cabin/Real World – Deer by Scot StormNo. 5209611008Best Memories Made Huntingby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5209611012Gone Hunting by Rosemary MilletteNo. 5209611011Accept What IsNo. 5209611014HappinessNo. 5209611006Family RulesNo. 5209611004Life is Better – Bear by Rosemary MilletteNo. 5209611718Deserted Farmstead –Whitetail Deerby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5209611016Home – Bison Herd by Lee KromschroederNo. 5209611711Neck of the Woods – Moose by Rosemary MilletteNo. 5209611719Spring Strut by Jack HagermanNo. 5209611015BESBESBESSBESSTTTTTTSSEELLLELLEERRLE
76 2020 PALLET SIGNSLarge 18" x 24" Pallet Signs contd.Hunter's Hideaway by Scot StormNo. 5209611725Pitter PatterNo. 5209611713Welcome to the LakeNo. 5209611703Lake RulesNo. 5209611708Bird Tree by Catherine McClungNo. 5209611013Longhorn by Connie HaleyNo. 5209611716Give EverydayNo. 5209611005ArrowsNo. 5209611709Calf by Connie HaleyNo. 5209611715BESBESBESBESBESTTTTSSEELLLLEERRLLESmall 14½" x 18" Pallet SignsMSRP $49.95 MSRP $39.95UÊÊ-\Ê£{¤¸ÊÝÊ£n¸ÊÜÌÊÌÀiiÊ{¾¸Ê>«iÊÜ`ÊÃ>ÌÃUÊÊÃÌÀÕVÌi`ÊvÊÀi>Ê>«iÊÜ`Ài>Ìi`ÊvÀÊ>ÌÕÀ>ÊiiiÌÃ]Êi>VÊ«iViÊÃÊÕµÕiÆÊVÀÃÊ>ÞÊÛ>ÀÞ®UÊÊÊ>}ÃÊvÀÊ>ÊÃ}iÊÃÌÀ>«Ê>}iÀÊ«VÌÕÀiÊ>}}ÊÊÃÊVÕ`i`®ÕÊÀ`iÀ\ÊÓÊ«iÀÊÃâiÊÊÕÌ«iÃÊvÊÓ®These are the Good Ole' DaysNo. 5209610715Welcome to the Lake by Cherie SerranoNo. 5209610700BESBESBESESBESBTTTSSEEELLLLLEERRL
77 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comMSRP $39.95Ruff Life by Brett LongleyNo. 5209610003Rise & Shine by Caly GarrisNo. 5209610005Life Better on Farm by Rollie BrandtNo. 5209610011Life Better on Ranch–Horse by Chris CummingsNo. 5209610009Over the River – TruckNo. 5209610008Born in a Barn by Steve R. KozarNo. 5209610004Welcome to Roost by Rosemary MilletteNo. 5209610016Land of the FreeNo. 5209610721All of Me Loves All of YouNo. 5209610718Neck of the Woods by Terry RedlinNo. 5209610303Adventure Awaits by Terry RedlinNo. 5209610302Home, Sweet Home by Terry RedlinNo. 5209610301Small 14½" x 18" Pallet Signs contd.
78 2020 WOOD BOX SIGNS6" x 6" Wood Box SignsUÊÊiÌÌiÀÃÊÃ`Ê`Û`Õ>ÞÊÃÊÞÕÊV>ÊëiÊÕÌÊÞÕÀÊÜÊiÃÃ>}i]Ê>iÊÀÊ}À>tUÊÊÊ7`ÊLÝÊÃÊ«>Ìi`ÊÜÌiÊ>`Ê«ÀÌi`ÊÜÌÊv>`iÊÀiÃÃÌ>ÌÊÃUÊÊÊÝÊ`i«ÌÊÃÊ£¥¸UÊÊ/>LiÌ«ÊÀÊÜ>Ê`ë>ÞÊ«ÌUÊÊÊë>ÞÊ`ÀÃUÊÊÊiÃ}i`ÊEÊ«ÀÌi`ÊÊÌiÊ1-ÕʵÕ>ÌÞÊ«iÀÊÀ`iÀ\Ê£®MSRP $11.95Letter ANo. 52096210600ALetter ENo. 52096210600ELetter KNo. 52096210600KLetter QNo. 52096210600QLetter WNo. 52096210600WLetter JNo. 52096210600JLetter PNo. 52096210600PLetter VNo. 52096210600VLetter INo. 52096210600ILetter ONo. 52096210600OLetter UNo. 52096210600ULetter BNo. 52096210600BLetter FNo. 52096210600FLetter LNo. 52096210600LLetter RNo. 52096210600RLetter XNo. 52096210600XLetter CNo. 52096210600CLetter GNo. 52096210600GLetter MNo. 52096210600MLetter SNo. 52096210600SLetter YNo. 52096210600YLetter DNo. 52096210600DLetter HNo. 52096210600HLetter NNo. 52096210600NLetter TNo. 52096210600TLetter ZNo. 52096210600Z Alphabet WOOD BOX ART by NEW
79 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.com6" x 6" Wood Box Signs7" x 9" Wood Box SignUÊÊ/>LiÌ«ÊÀÊÜ>Ê`ë>ÞÊ«ÌUÊÊÊ7`ÊLÝÊÃÊ«>Ìi`Ê}À>Þ]ÊÌ>ÊÀÊÜÌiÊ>`Ê«ÀÌi`ÊÜÌÊv>`iÊÀiÃÃÌ>ÌÊÃUÊÊÊÝÊ`i«ÌÊÃÊ£¥¸UÊÊÊë>ÞÊ`ÀÃUÊÊÊiÃ}i`ÊEÊ«ÀÌi`ÊÊÌiÊ1-ÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\ÊÓ®MSRP $11.95Go with the Flowby Jim KasperNo. 5209621315Stable Relationship No. 5209621003 Gone Hunting No. 5209621002 Loony Folk No. 5209621004 Bear Lives Here No. 5209621006 UÊÊ/>LiÌ«ÊÀÊÜ>Ê`ë>ÞÊ«ÌUÊÊÊ7`ÊLÝÊÃÊ«>Ìi`Ê}À>ÞÊ>`Ê«ÀÌi`ÊÜÌÊv>`iÊÀiÃÃÌ>ÌÊÃUÊÊÊÝÊ`i«ÌÊÃÊ£¥¸ÊUÊÊÊë>ÞÊ`ÀÃUÊÊÊiÃ}i`ÊEÊ«ÀÌi`ÊÊÌiÊ1-ÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\ÊÓ®MSRP $17.95Happy Campersby Terry RedlinNo. 5209622309My Favorite Place Is Togetherby Terry RedlinNo. 5209621012The Magic at Christmas Never Ends and Its Greatest Gifts are Family & Friendsby Terry RedlinNo. 5209621616The Best Things In Life……Aren’t Thingsby Terry RedlinNo. 5209621614Eggs for Saleby Rollie BrandtNo. 5209621613Weekends for Fishingby Cherie SerranoNo. 5209621612Hunter Lives Here by Persis Clayton WeirsNo. 5209621008 A Happy Childhood Lasts a Lifetimeby Terry RedlinNo. 5209621615NEWNEW NEWNEW
80 2020 WOOD BOX SIGNSWild Garlicby Marjolein Bastin No. 5209622402Chivesby Marjolein Bastin No. 5209622403Rosemaryby Marjolein Bastin No. 5209622401Hyssopby Marjolein Bastin No. 5209622405Nasturtiumby Marjolein Bastin No. 5209622404Peppermintby Marjolein Bastin No. 5209622406UÊÊ/>LiÌ«ÊÀÊÜ>Ê`ë>ÞÊ«ÌUÊÊÊ7`ÊLÝÊÃÊ«>Ìi`Ê}À>ÞÊ>`Ê«ÀÌi`ÊÜÌÊv>`iÊÀiÃÃÌ>ÌÊÃUÊÊÊÝÊ`i«ÌÊÃÊ£¥¸ÊUÊÊÊë>ÞÊ`ÀÃUÊÊÊiÃ}i`ÊEÊ«ÀÌi`ÊÊÌiÊ1-ÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\ÊÓ®MSRP $17.959" x 7" Wood Box Signs
81 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.com12½" x 16" Wood Box SignsMSRP $35.95UÊÊ/>LiÌ«ÊÀÊÜ>Ê`ë>ÞÊ«ÌUÊÊÊ7`ÊLÝÊÃÊ«>Ìi`ÊLÀÜÊ>`Ê«ÀÌi`ÊÜÌÊv>`iÊÀiÃÃÌ>ÌÊÃÊÌÊiÕ>ÌiÊÌiÊÊvÊiÌ>Ê>`ÊÜ`UÊÊÊÀiÀÊLÀ>ÃÃÊÌ>VÃUÊÊÊÝÊ`i«ÌÊÃÊ£¤¸ÊUÊÊÊë>ÞÊ`ÀÃUÊÊÊiÃ}i`ÊEÊ«ÀÌi`ÊÊÌiÊ1-Bison Silhouette No. 5209623001Elk Silhouetteby Rosemary Millette No. 5209623003Windmill Silhouette No. 5209623009Deer Silhouette by Jack HagermanNo. 5209623007Horse Silhouette by Chris CummingsNo. 5209623015Bear Silhouette by Rosemary MilletteNo. 5209623014Pine Trees Silhouette No. 5209623008Pheasant Silhouette by David A. MaassNo. 5209623002Flag No. 5209623006 BESBESBESBESBESBTTTSSEELLELELEERRLL
82 2020 METAL BOX SIGNSMetal BOX SIGNS Love – Dogby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5209623808Welcome to the Lakeby Christopher NickNo. 5209623802Welcome to the Nut Houseby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5209623803Best Days Spent Fishingby Mark SusinnoNo. 5209623800Farm, Sweet Farmby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5209623806Please Wash Handsby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5209623805Think Outsideby Valeria YostNo. 5209623811Relax; You’re on Cabin Timeby Terry RedlinNo. 5209623810BESBESBESBESEBTTTTTSSEELLLELLELEERRNEWUÊ*ÀÌi`ÊÊ}>Û>âi`ÊiÌ>UÊ>}ÊÊÜ>ÊÀÊÃÌ>`ÊÊÌ>LiUÊÊ/«Ê>`ÊÃ`iÃÊiLiÃi`ÊÜ̺ÀÛiÌûÊÊÀÛiÌÃÊÊLÌÌÊÌÊ>ÜÊvÀÊÃÌ>`}Ê`ë>Þ®UÊÊ>}ÃÊÜÌÊiÞiÊ>}iÀÃÊÊÕ««iÀÊL>VÊVÀiÀÃUÊÊ£ä¸ÊÝÊ£ä¸7ÊÝÊ£¤¸UÊÊiÃ}i`Ê>`Ê«ÀÌi`ÊÊÌiÊ1-ÊNEWLife Is a Bowl Full of Cherries!by Marjolein BastinNo. 5209623602Welcome to the Potting Shedby Marjolein BastinNo. 5209623603MSRP $23.95
83 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comCowgirl Lives Hereby Persis Clayton WeirsNo. 5209623812Blaze Your Own Trailby Ron Van GilderNo. 5209623801It’s 5 O’Clock Somewhereby Jan StommesNo. 5209623813Wine Not?by Ron SchmidtNo. 5209623527Man Cave – Deerby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5209623804Do Not Disturb – Bearby Jon RenNo. 5209623809When Life Hands You Lemons, Make Lemonade!by Ron SchmidtNo. 5209623526NEW NEWNEWHOME Set/4by Marjolein BastinNo. 5209623601 Metal Box Signs Set/4SET/4MSRP $74.95This Home Filled – Puppyby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5209623807MSRP $23.95
84 2020 VINTAGE FRAMED TIN SIGNSVintage FRAMED TIN SIGNSUÊÊÊiÊVÕÌÊiÌ>ÊvÀ>i`ÊÜÌÊÜ`UÊÊ"`Êv>Ãi`ÊÛÌ>}iÊÃ>«iUÊÊÊë>ÞÊ`ÀÃÊÀÊshelteredÊÕÌ`ÀÊ>Ài>ÊiÊ>Ê}>À>}iUÊ-âi]Ê£Ó¥¸7ÊÝÊ£n¤¸ÊÝÊϸUÊÊÊ>}}Ê>À`Ü>ÀiÊVÕ`i`ÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\Ê£®MSRP $49.95NEWCowboy Parking Onlyby Bob ByerleyNo. 5209625010Big BoyToys – Tractor by Neal Anderson No. 5209625001Welcometo Our Ranch by Chris CummingsNo. 5209625003Tough OldBuck Lives Here by Rosemary Millette No. 5209625002
85 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comHope YouLike Dogs – Chocolate Labby Mia LaneNo. 5209625014BackyardVineyard by Rosemary Millette No. 5209625011Hope YouLike Dogs – Golden Retrieverby Mia LaneNo. 5209625016Hope YouLike Dogs – Black Labby Mia LaneNo. 5209625015Mom’sLaundryby John AldrichNo. 5209625008Hope YouLike Dogs – Yellow Labby Mia LaneNo. 5209625013Hope YouLike Dogs – Beagleby Mia LaneNo. 5209625017Proud Military Familyby Anthony J. PadgettNo. 5209625005Welcometo my Gardenby Marjolein BastinNo. 5209625012
86 2020 DOUBLE-SIDED TIN SIGNSDouble-sided TIN SIGNSNEWUÊÊÀ>ViÌÊÃâi]Êӣϸ7ÊÝÊ£Ó¸ÊÝÊ£¸UÊ-}ÊÃâi]Ê£n¸`>°UÊ>`iÊvÊiÌ>ÆÊLÀ>ViÌÊ«>Ìi`ÊL>VUÊ>}}Ê>À`Ü>ÀiÊVÕ`i`UÊ>ÃÞÊ>ÃÃiLÞUÊ`ÀÊÉÊÕÌ`ÀÊÕÃiUÊ>}ÃÊ«iÀ«i`VÕ>ÀÊÌÊÜ>ÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\Ê£®MSRP $120.00Message on most signs is different on the back! Welcome / Come Again – Deerby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5209627001Welcome to the Cabin – Deerby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5209627003Hole in the Wall – Bear Cubby Jon RenNo. 5209627004Welcome / Catch ’ya Laterby Chris CummingsNo. 5209627006FrontFrontFrontBackBackFrontBackBack
87 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comEntering / Escaping Nut Houseby Mia LaneNo. 5209627010Have it All Together – Dogsby Mia LaneNo. 5209627002Welcome to the Barn – Cowsby Marsie DanielsonNo. 5209627008Welcome / Visit Again – Birdsby Catherine McClungNo. 5209627012Home of Free... Braveby Guy HobbsNo. 5209627007Rooster & Chick Live Hereby Rollie BrandtNo. 5209627009Dad’s Garageby Terry RedlinNo. 5209627005Welcome / Goodbye – Pineconesby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5209627011FrontBackFrontBackFrontBackFrontBackFrontBackFrontBackFrontBackFrontBack
88 2020 TIN SIGNSTin SignsUÊÊÊ,i>`ÞÊÌÊ>}ÊÌÊÃ}ÃUÊÊë>ÞÊ`ÀÃUÊÊʣȸÊÝÊ£Ó¤¸7ÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\ÊÓ®Sign HolderUÊÊ>`iÊvÊÌÜÊ>ÌÕÀ>ÃÌ>i`Ü`ÊL>ÀÃUÊÊ>}ÃÊÜÌÊ>ÌÕÀ>ÊÕÌiÊÌÜiUÊÊ-}ÊÃ`iÃÊÌÊÃÌÃÊ«ÀÛ`i`UÊÊ>VÊL>ÀÊi>ÃÕÀiãΤ¸7ÊÝÊ£¸ÊÝÊ£¸No. 5227HANGERSIGN MSRP $14.95Welcome to Nut House – Squirrel by Rosemary MilletteNo. 5227755474 HOLDER MSRP $16.95Entering the Nut Houseby Mia Lane No. 5227755074 Welcome to the Lakeby Larry BecksteinNo. 5227755210 Watering Hole – Horsesby Mia LaneNo. 5227755281 Old Fisherman Lives Here... by Sam Timm No. 5227755353 Life Better at Cabinby Terry RedlinNo. 5227765089 Doesn’t Get Any Betterby Anthony J. PadgettNo. 5227755089
89 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comOur Neck of Woodsby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5227755465Deer Campby Michael SieveNo. 5227755065 Man Cave – Bearby Ron Van GilderNo. 5227755675 Complaint Department – Grizzly by Jon RenNo. 5227755475 Welcome to Wild Side – Wolves by Lee Kromschroeder No. 5227755471We Interrupt This Marriage by Terry RedlinNo. 5227765187 Family Works Togetherby Terry RedlinNo. 5227765098 Welcome to the Cabinby Sam TimmNo. 5227755265I’d Rather be Lost by Terry RedlinNo. 5227765189 Looney Binby Jim KasperNo. 5227755410 Welcome to Countryby Terry RedlinNo. 5227765180 Home is Where the Dog Isby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5227755356 Dog Kisses – Golden Retriever by Larry BecksteinNo. 5227755060 Together, We Have it All by Jim KillenNo. 5227755056 Don’t Do Mornings – Lab by Brett LongleyNo. 5227755456 Born in a Barn – Horseby Persis Clayton WeirsNo. 5227755081
Stained Glass ARTUÊÊÊ>`iÀiÃÃÌ>ÌÊÃÊ«ÀÌi`ÊÊ}>ÃÃUÊÊÀ>i`ÊÜÌÊ£¸ÊÕ`}ÊÊ>À}iÊ«iViÃÊ>`ÊϸÊÕ`}ÊÊÃ>Ê«iViÃUÊÊÛ>>LiÊÊ{ÊÃâiÃUÊÊ,i>`ÞÊÌÊ>}ÆÊVÕ`iÃÊV>UÊÊiÃ}i`]Ê«ÀÌi`Ê>`Ê>ÃÃiLi`ÊÊÌiÊ1-ÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\Ê£®Small Square9" x 9"MSRP $2495Pg. 97Vertical 20" x 14"MSRP $9995Pg. 94Small Oval 9" x 8"MSRP $2995Pg. 100Large Horizontal13" x 23"MSRP $120Pg. 9190 2020 STAINED GLASS ARTNEWNEW
13" x 23" Stained Glass ArtMSRP $120.0091 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comAutumn Afternoon by Terry RedlinNo. 5386500018Evening Rendezvous by Terry RedlinNo. 5386500026Distant Thunder – Bison by Rosemary MilletteNo. 5386500025Golden Retreatby Terry RedlinNo. 5386500002Hunter’s Haven by Terry RedlinNo. 5386500029Restful Moment – Fox by Rosemary Millette No. 5386500013Best Friends by Terry RedlinNo. 5386500001Clearing the Rail – Pheasants by Terry RedlinNo. 5386500017All Hands on Deck – Puppiesby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5386500010Over the Top – Horses by Chris CummingsNo. 5386500003NEWNEWNEW
92 2020 STAINED GLASS ART13" x 23" Stained Glass Art cont.MSRP $120.00Cardinal on Fallen Birch by Marjolein Bastin No. 5386600412Picket Fence – Songbirds by Rosemary MilletteNo. 5386500020Hummingbird in Echinacea by Susan BourdetNo. 5386500024Winter Porch Chatter by Sam TimmNo. 5386500021Backwater Wood Ducks by Sam TimmNo. 5386500028Evening Flight – Malardsby David A. MaassNo. 5386500009New Beginnings – Swans by Susan BourdetNo. 5386500008Rough Water – Loonsby Sam TimmNo. 5386500004Flags of Valor by Manda BaldwinNo. 5386500011Summer Colors by Daniel PolleraNo. 5386500005NEWNEWNEW
93 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comThe Garden of Prayer Featuring “The Garden of Prayer” by Thomas Kinkade No. 5386600414End of a Perfect Day III Featuring “End of a Perfect Day III” by Thomas Kinkade No. 5386600403Country Living Featuring “Country Living” by Thomas Kinkade No. 5386600402Village ChristmasFeaturing “Village Christmas” by Thomas Kinkade No. 5386600406Stepping Stone Cottage Featuring “Stepping Stone Cottage” by Thomas Kinkade No. 5386600405The NativityFeaturing “The Nativity” by Thomas Kinkade No. 5386600404The Sea of Tranquility Featuring “The Sea of Tranquility” by Thomas Kinkade No. 5386600413Gardener’s Delights by Marjolein Bastin No. 5386600411Welcome Home by Marjolein Bastin No. 5386600409Welcome Friends by Marjolein Bastin No. 5386600410Holiday Abundance by Marjolein Bastin No. 5386600408Red & Gold – Autumn Nuthatch by Marjolein Bastin No. 5386600416Home, Sweet Home by Marjolein Bastin No. 5386600415Hidden Fawn by Marjolein Bastin No. 5386600407
94 2020 STAINED GLASS ART20" x 14" Stained Glass ArtMSRP $99.95A Summer Bouquet – Birdsby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5386498001Butterfl y Bush by Marjolein Bastin No. 5386498408Chickadees and Sunfl owers by Marjolein Bastin No. 5386498409Cardinals at Birdfeeder by Marjolein Bastin No. 5386498411Exotic Christmasby Marjolein Bastin No. 5386498410Happy Holly Days by Marjolein Bastin No. 5386498407Comet – Dogby Ron SchmidtNo. 5386498422Winter Jewels – Cardinalsby Susan BourdetNo. 5386498046NEW NEWOctober Memories – Pheasantsby David A. MaassNo. 5386498048Welcome Featuring “Make a Wish Cottage” by Thomas Kinkade No. 5386498404Welcome Featuring “Evening Majesty” by Thomas Kinkade No. 5386498403Welcome; Family & FriendsFeaturing “Friendship Cottage” by Thomas Kinkade No. 5386498402NEW
95 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comMSRP $99.95The Colors of Springby Terry RedlinNo. 5386499001Heading Homeby Terry RedlinNo. 5386499002Sunday Morning – Deerby Terry RedlinNo. 5386499007The Paws That Refreshes – Bearby Lee KromschroederNo. 5386498005Tanazin – Bisonby Valeria YostNo. 5386498047Rocky Outcrop – Black Bearby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5386498026Morning Mooseby Janene GrendeNo. 5386498003Bugling Elkby Tony HilscherNo. 5386498017Autumn Run – Deerby Terry RedlinNo. 5386499008Woodland Mist – Deerby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5386498025Welcome; Fawn by Marjolein Bastin No. 5386498412Follow Me – Horsesby Caly GarrisNo. 5386498002NEW
96 2020 STAINED GLASS ART20" x 14" Stained Glass ArtMSRP $99.95Morning Surpriseby Terry RedlinNo. 5386499003Evening Surpriseby Terry RedlinNo. 5386499005Body Language – Wolvesby Lee KromschroederNo. 5386498041Flying Free – Eaglesby Terry RedlinNo. 5386499006Our Glory – Eagleby Anthony PadgettNo. 5386498015Bald Eagleby Susan Knowles JordanNo. 5386498013Welcome Friends – Bison Skullby Valeria YostNo. 5386498010Bunnyby Marjolein BastinNo. 53864984165 O'Clock Somewhereby Daniel Pollera No. 5386498032 Squirreling Aroundby Marjolein BastinNo. 5386498417Comforts of Homeby Terry RedlinNo. 5386499009Morning Solitudeby Terry RedlinNo. 5386499004
97 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comMSRP $24.959" x 9" Square Stained Glass ArtRoyal Mist – Elkby Rosemary Millette No. 5386497001Crisp Fall Morning – Mooseby Lee Kromschroeder No. 5386497004In His Prime – Whitetail Deerby Rosemary Millette No. 5386497002Bracken Hollow – Black Bearby Bob Metropulos No. 5386497003Arabian Bay – Horseby Chris CummingsNo. 5386497012Old Timer – Bisonby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5386497016Windmillby Steven R. KozarNo. 5386498029 Cross No. 5386498040Fencepost Perch – Kestrelby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5386498024Red-tailed Hawkby John WilsonNo. 5386498018Screech Owlby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5386498044On the North Wind – Snowy Owlby Susan BourdetNo. 5386498045Great Horned Owlby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5386498043
98 2020 STAINED GLASS ARTMSRP $24.959" x 9" Square Stained Glass ArtCaught by the Light – Cougarby Lee KromschroederNo. 5386497022Quiet Time – Wolvesby Persis Clayton WeirsNo. 5386497021NEWLucky Enough – German Shepherdby Mia LaneNo. 5386497020NEWNEWWestern Skull by Jon RenNo. 5386497009Prairie ArrowsNo. 5386497010Woodland Visitor – Hedgehogby Marjolein BastinNo. 5386497017Live Love Lake by Mark SusinnoNo. 5386497008Pride – Bald Eagleby Scot Storm No. 5386497005Twilight – Treeby Judy Syring No. 5386497006Shoreline Neighborsby Terry RedlinNo. 5386497015Winter Wonderlandby Terry RedlinNo. 5386497014Total Comfortby Terry RedlinNo. 5386497013
99 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comRoadside Beauties – Goldenrod No. 5386497311Roadside Beauties – Foxtail No. 5386497310Nestled on the Bar by Daniel Pollera No. 5386497302Tulip Treasureby Marjolein BastinNo. 5386497526Tropical Bouquetby Marjolein BastinNo. 5386497527Screech Owlby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5386497323Stony Lookout – Snowy Owlby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5386497325Snowy Perch – Great Horned Owlby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5386497324Downy Woodpeckerby Susan BourdetNo. 5386497329Picket Fence – Cardinalsby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5386497318Picket Fence – Bluebirdsby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5386497320Picket Fence – Goldfi nchesby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5386497319Royal Burst – CrossNo. 5386497322Birch Creek – Deerby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5386497321NEWNorthland Retreat – Loonby Gene StevensNo. 5386497328NEWDewey – Puppyby Ron SchmidtNo. 5386497529NEW
100 2020 STAINED GLASS ART9" x 8" Oval Stained Glass ArtChickadees in Autumnby Rosemary Millette No. 5386497701Mama Back Off – Polar Bearsby Persis Clayton WeirsNo. 5386497721Mother & Child Reunion – Penguinsby Jon RenNo. 5386497722Summer Vineyard – Cardinalby Rosemary Millette No. 5386497702Nature's Garden – Monarch Butterfl yby Scot Storm No. 5386497704Dragonfl y & Liliesby Valeria Yost No. 5386497703Black Swallowtailby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5386497710Hummingbird and Geraniums by Rosemary MilletteNo. 5386497709NEW NEWMSRP $29.95
101 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comClose Range – Whitetail Deerby Jon Ren No. 5386497705Cottontail & Daisiesby John LofgreenNo. 5386497712Silent Wings – Canada Geeseby Terry RedlinNo. 5386497713Snowman by Ned YoungNo. 5386497708CrossNo. 5386497711Surf Run – Horseby Persis Clayton Weirs No. 5386497707Pokey – Sea Turtleby William A. S. KreutzNo. 5386497716Classic in Gray – Horseby Persis Clayton WeirsNo. 5386497717
102 2020 CLOCKSUÊÓ£¸Ê`>iÌiÀUÊ*ÀÌi`ÊÊvÕÊVÀÊÊÜ`UÊÊÊ>VÊ«>Ìi`Êi`}iÃUÊÊ,iÛ>LiÊL>VÊiÌ>ÊV>ÊÀÊ>ÌÕÀ>ÊÀ«iÊvÀÊ>}}UÊÊ"«Ì>ÊiÌ>Ê«Ê>}iÀÊÊL>VÊÌÊ`ë>ÞÊÜÌÕÌÊV>ÊÀÊÀ«iUÊ*ÀiVÃʵÕ>ÀÌâÊÛiiÌUÊÊ,iµÕÀiÃÊiÊÊL>ÌÌiÀÞÊÌÊVÕ`i`®UÊÊiÃ}i`]Ê«ÀÌi`Ê>`Ê>ÃÃiLi`ÊÊÌiÊ1-ÊLARGE Hanging ClocksMSRP $89.95The Birch Line – Deerby Terry Redlin(chain hanger)No. 5209082201Ask about Personalization Options!
103 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comWelcome to the Cabin – Mooseby Lee Kromschroeder(rope hanger)No. 5209082021Rustic Retreat – Foxesby Rosemary Millette(rope hanger)No. 5209082025Cat Like You(rope hanger)No. 5209082016Bear Tracks and Silhouetteby Rosemary Millette(rope hanger)No. 5209082017Summer Creek – Horsesby Chris Cummings(rope hanger)No. 5209082019Dog Like You(rope hanger)No. 5209082015Bear in Woodsby Janene Grende(chain hanger)No. 5209082014Regal – Horseby Russ Docken(chain hanger)No. 5209082020Something Old, Something New – Pupsby Rosemary Millette(rope hanger)No. 5209082022
104 2020 CLOCKSDeer on Red Plaid by Rosemary Millette(rope hanger)No. 5209082001Farm Fresh Moments – Roosterby Rollie Brandt(rope hanger)No. 5209082006Moose on Blue Plaid by Michael Sieve(rope hanger)No. 5209082003Welcome to the Farm – Roosterby Rosemary Millette(rope hanger)No. 5209082026Cross(chain hanger)No. 5209082008Make Every Moment Count(chain hanger)No. 5209082005Strength – Mountainby Sam Timm(chain hanger)No. 5209082027Bear on Green Plaid by Rosemary Millette(rope hanger)No. 5209082002Large Hanging Clocks
105 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comTrees (chain hanger)No. 5209082004Accept What Is(rope hanger)No. 5209082018Summer Bouquetby Rosemary Millette(chain hanger)No. 5209082011Black-capped Chickadeesby Rosemary Millette(rope hanger)No. 5209082010Deer Bust in Simulated Gold Foilby Rosemary Millette(chain hanger)No. 5209082024Sunday Morningby Terry Redlin(rope hanger)No. 5209082203Tranquil Waters – Deer by Rosemary Millette(chain hanger)No. 5209082023Comforts of Homeby Terry Redlin(rope hanger)No. 5209082202
106 2020 WRAPPED CANVAS CLOCKSWrapped Canvas CLOCKSRocky Outcrop – Black Bearby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5084310075In His Prime – Whitetail Deer by Rosemary MilletteNo. 5084310067UÊÊÊ£n¸ÊÝʣθÊÝÊ£¥¸UÊÊiVÀ>ÌÛiÊ>`ÃÊV«iiÌÊv>ViÊ>}iUÊÊ*ÀiVÃʵÕ>ÀÌâÊÛiiÌUÊÊÊ,iµÕÀiÃÊ£®ÊÊL>ÌÌiÀÞÊÌÊVÕ`i`®UÊÊÌÌÀ>VÌÛi]Êi>ÃÞÌ>}ÕÊÀ`iÀ\Ê£®MSRP $39.95Rustic Retreat – Foxes by Rosemary MilletteNo.5084310072Peter Cottontail by Valeria YostNo. 5084310153Above The Mist – Bald Eagle by Persis Clayton WeirsNo. 5084310032 Screech Owl by Rosemary MilletteNo. 5084310030Troubles Bruin – Black Bearby Larry BecksteinNo. 5084310175Quiet Time – Horses by Chris CummingsNo. 5084310083Grabbing a Bite – Bunny by Marjolein BastinNo. 5084310302Waiting for Mom – Fawn by Marjolein BastinNo. 5084310301Backwater Passage – Whitetail Deerby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5084310165
107 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.com2 Flickering yellow LED lights + ClockMisty Forestby Bob MetropulosNo. 5084310090Home is Where the Heart Isby Persis Clayton WeirsNo. 5084310091Almost Home – Cowboy by Persis Clayton WeirsNo. 5084310084Lighted Wrapped Canvas ClocksUÊÊ7À>««i`ÊV>Û>ÃÊVVÊi>Vi`ÊÜÌÊÊ}ÌÃÊÃÌÀ>}iÌV>ÞÊ«>Vi`ÊLi`ÊV>Û>ÃÊvÀÊ>Ê}Ü}ÊivviVÌUÊ£n¸ÊÝʣθÊÝÊ£¥¸UÊÊ,iµÕÀiÃÊÌÀiiÊήÊÊL>ÌÌiÀiÃÊÌÊVÕ`i`®Medicine Man Lodge by Grant HackingNo. 5084310157Fowl Mood – Chickens by Rollie Brandt No. 5084310158Welcome to Our CabinNo. 5084310155Lantern’s Glowby Ned YoungNo. 5084310101Christmas Tree by Catherine McClungNo. 508431010213 color changing LED lights transition from one color to another + ClockResting Bull – Bison by David Van WechelNo. 5084310159Love of Pets – Dog by John Aldrich“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” – Anatole FranceNo. 5084310156Springtime Sunbreak – Cardinal by Susan BourdetNo. 5084310026All Hands on Deck – Puppiesby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5084310056Surface Commotion – Largemouth Bass by Mark SusinnoNo. 5084310154
108 2020 ROUND CLOCKS / REGULATOR CLOCKSUÊÊÊ>ÃÞÌÀi>`ÊÕiÀ>ÃUÊÊiVÀ>ÌÛiÊ>`ÃÊV«iiÌÊv>ViÊ>}iUÊÊ*ÀiVÃʵÕ>ÀÌâÊÛiiÌUÊÊÊ,iµÕÀiÃÊ£®ÊÊL>ÌÌiÀÞÊÌÊVÕ`i`®UÊÊÌÌÀ>VÌÛi]Êi>ÃÞÌ>}Ê`ë>ÞÊLÝÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\Ê£®11" ROUND Nature ClocksPhantoms of the Plain – Bison by Grant Hacking No. 5209092569 Shoreline Neighborsby Terry RedlinNo. 4209092522 Evening Solitudeby Terry RedlinNo. 4209092511 The Birch Lineby Terry RedlinNo. 4209092501 Leaving the Sanctuaryby Terry RedlinNo. 4209092519Morning Surpriseby Terry RedlinNo. 4209092523 MSRP $35.95All Hands on Deckby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5209092556
109 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comREGULATOR ClocksUÊÊÊ"ÛiÀÊxäÊiÝVÕÃÛiÊ`iÃ}ÃUÊÊÕÃÌÊ`iÃ}i`Ê>`Ê`ii`Ê>vÌiÀÊÃÌ>}VÊ>`ÛiÀÌÃ}ÊVVÃUÊÊ-`Ê>À`Ü`ÊV>ÃiÊÊV>ÃÃVÊ>ÊwÊÃUÊÊÊ*ÀiVÃʵÕ>ÀÌâÊÛiiÌUÊÊ,iµÕÀiÃÊ£®ÊÊL>ÌÌiÀÞÊÌÊVÕ`i`®UÊ"iÊÞi>ÀÊÜ>ÀÀ>ÌÞUÊÊÓ{¸ÊÝÊ£Ó¸7ÊÝÊ{¸ÕÊÀ`iÀ\Ê£®MSRP $170.00KestrelRosemary MilletteNo. 5982662301Red-tailed Hawk by John WilsonNo. 5982662304Back of clock opens to allow for easy exchange of images!Rebuilding America – Bald Eagle by Persis Clayton WeirsNo. 5982662932Rustic Retreat by Rosemary MilletteNo. 5982662303Flag by Connie HaleyNo. 5982663517NEWNEWNEW
110 2020 REGULATOR CLOCKSOld Timers – Bison by Rosemary MilletteNo. 5982662769 Body Language – Wolves by Lee KromschroederNo. 5982662671 Black Ghost – Black Bear by Michael SieveNo. 5982662575 Cold Start – Mooseby Jim KasperNo. 5982662668 Meadow Music – Elkby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5982662966 Autumn Mist – Elk by Rosemary MilletteNo. 5982662566 Crossing the Ridge by Rosemary MilletteNo. 5982662465 Evening with Friendsby Terry RedlinNo. 5982663715 Leaving the Sanctuaryby Terry RedlinNo. 5982663735 Great Eight – Deerby Michael SieveNo. 5982662667October Mist – Deerby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5982663165 Sunday Morningby Terry RedlinNo. 5982663712 Bald Eagle by Persis Clayton WeirsNo. 5982662532 Whitetail Deer by Persis Clayton WeirsNo. 5982662565 Pick your image!Leghorn – Rooster by Rosemary MilletteNo. 5982662580Red Barn by Rosemary MilletteNo. 5982662680Sunset Harvestby Terry RedlinNo. 5982663727 Spring Fed – Turkeys by Jim KasperNo. 5982662520 Country Neighbors by Terry RedlinNo. 5982663737Regulator Clocks cont.MSRP $170.00Yellow Lab by Jim KillenNo. 5982660156 Chocolate Lab by Jim KillenNo. 5982660256 Black Lab by Jim KillenNo. 5982660056 Shoreline Neighbors – Cabinby Terry RedlinNo. 5982663725 Pure Contentmentby Terry RedlinNo. 5982663714 Evening Retreatby Terry RedlinNo. 5982663719 Morning Retreatby Terry RedlinNo. 5982663718 Welcome to our Cabin No. 5982663516Quiet Time–Horses by Chris CummingsNo. 5982662681
111 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comCardinals by Marc HansonNo. 5982662526 Cardinals in Pine by Susan BourdetNo. 5982662626 Bluebird by Susan BourdetNo. 5982662538 Hummingbird by Susan BourdetNo. 5982662541 Pheasants in Fall by David A. MaassNo. 5982662619 Grouse by David A. MaassNo. 5982662517 Solitude – Bobwhites by Rosemary MilletteNo. 5982662518 Prairie Skylineby Terry RedlinNo. 5982663706 Cartwheeling Bass by Mark SusinnoNo. 5982662750 Rainbow Trout by Mark SusinnoNo. 5982662650 Shoreline Neighbors – Geese by Terry RedlinNo. 5982663726 From Sea to Shining Seaby Terry RedlinNo. 5982663702 Morning Solitude by Terry RedlinNo. 5982663720 Evening Solitudeby Terry RedlinNo. 5982663704 Mallards by David A. MaassNo. 5982662501 Backwoods Cabinby Terry RedlinNo. 5982663703 Loons by Jim KasperNo. 5982662710 Great-horned Owl by Rosemary MilletteNo. 5982662530 Screech Owl by Rosemary MilletteNo. 5982662630 Snowman by Ned YoungNo. 5982663515Winter Wonderlandby Terry RedlinNo. 5982663705 Pinecones by Persis Clayton WeirsNo. 5982662591 Fruits of Red Pine II by Persis Clayton WeirsNo. 5982662791 Monarch Butterfl y by Rosemary MilletteNo. 5982662585 Chickadees by Rosemary MilletteNo. 5982662537
112 2020 REGULATOR CLOCKS / WALL COLLAGESSongbird Seasonal Set by Rosemary Millette Set of four interchangeable images includes goldfinches, hummingbird, chickadees and cardinals. No. 5982663601 Whitetail Deer Seasonal Set by Michael Sieve Set of four interchangeable images includes deer in spring, summer, fall & winter settings. No. 5982663501 Game Birds Seasonal Set by David A. Maass Set of four interchangeable images includes grouse, mallards, pheasants and wood ducks. No. 5982663801 Barns Seasonal Set by Rollie Brandt Set of four interchangeable images includes barns throughout the seasons. No. 5982663530 Cats Seasonal Set by Persis Clayton Weirs Set of four interchangeable images includes various house cats enjoying the seasons. No. 5982663510Covered Bridges Set by Persis Clayton Weirs Set of four interchangeable images includes covered bridges throughout the seasons. No. 5982663520REGULATOR CLOCK Seasonal SetsUÊÊÊ>VÊÃiÌÊVÕ`iÃÊiÊÀi}Õ>ÌÀÊVVÊ>`ÊvÕÀÊ>}iÃ]ÊiÊvÀÊi>VÊÃi>ðÕÊÀ`iÀ\Ê£®MSRP $200.00
113 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comWall COLLAGESFlag by Tom WosikaNo. 5373101564Black Bear by Rosemary Millette No. 5373101575Lose Yourself in Nature – Whitetail Deer by Rosemary Millette No. 5373101665Horses by Chris CummingsNo. 5373101581UÊÊëÀi`ÊLÞÊÀ}>Ê>ÀÌÜÀÊvÀÊ7`Ê7}ýÊ>ÀÌÃÌÃÊUÊÊ-iÛiÊ>}iÃÊVÀi>ÌÛiÞÊ«>Vi`ÊÊ>ÊÛÃÕ>ÞÊ«i>Ã}ÊVwÊ}ÕÀ>ÌÊUÊÊ*ÀÌi`Ê>}iÃÊÕÌi`ÊÌÊ¥¸ÊL>VwÊÃi`ÊÜ`ÊL>ViÀÊL>À`ÃUÊ>}}Ê>À`Ü>ÀiÊVÕ`i`UÊ-«ÃÊVi`Ê`ÜÆÊÃiÊ>ÃÃiLÞÊÀiµÕÀi`ÊUÊÎx¸ÊÝÊΣ¸7UÊ>ÃiÊ*>V\ÊÎMSRP $49.95Nature’s Plan – Whitetail Deer by Michael Sieve No. 5373101565
114 2020 WOODLAND COLLECTION / DECORATIVE MIRRORSWoodland Collection HOME DÉCORÊUÊÃÌÀÕVÌi`ÊvÊÀi>ÊLÀVÊL>À]ÊÌÜ}ÃÊ>`ÊÜ`Ài>Ìi`ÊvÀÊ>ÌÕÀ>ÊiiiÌÃ]Êi>VÊ«iViÊÃÊÕµÕiÆÊVÀÃÊ>ÞÊÛ>ÀÞÊ>`ÊÃâiÃÊ>ÀiÊ>««ÀÝ>Ìi°®Welcome Birch and Twig Sign5½"H x 28"L No. 4181056803 MSRP $23.95Cabin Life Birch and Twig Sign5½"H x 28"L No. 4181056802 MSRP $23.95by Birch & Twig Mirror 22" x 30", hangs vertical or horizontal No. 5181072502 MSRP $130.00Birch Tissue Box6"H x 6"W x 6"D No. 4181890111 MSRP $31.95by
115 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comDECORATIVE MirrorsPineconesby Persis Clayton WeirsNo. 5386493508 All Hands on Deck – Lab Puppiesby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5386493053Misty Forest by Bob MetropulosNo. 5386493509Pine Point by Cherie SerranoNo. 5386493039UÊÊÊÕVÌ>Ê>`ÊÀi>`ÞÊÌÊ>}UÊÊÀ>i`Ê>ÃÊÃÜÊÜÌÊ£¥¸ÊÛÌ>}iÊ>ÕLÕÀwÊÃi`ÊÀÊÓ¥¸ÊÀÕÃÌVÊL>ÀÜ`ÊÕ`}ÊUÊÊ*ÀÌi`ÊÜÌÊv>`iÀiÃÃÌ>ÌÊÃUÊÊ"ÛiÀ>ÊÃâi\ÊÓȤ¸ÊÝÊ£n¤¸Ê>ÕLÕÀÊÕ`}®ÊÀÊÓn¤¸ÊÝÊÓ䤸ÊL>ÀÜ`ÊÕ`}®UÊÊiÃ}i`]Ê«ÀÌi`Ê>`Ê>ÃÃiLi`ÊÊÌiÊ1-MSRP $130.00Hardwood Forestby Susan Knowles JordanNo. 5386493504NEWNEW
116 2020 DECORATIVE MIRRORSDecorative Mirrors cont.Bringing in the Cavvy by Daryl PoulinNo. 5386493033Moonlit Silence by Laurie LeeNo. 5386493034Spring Roundup by Laurie LeeNo. 5386493032 Return of the Stolen Ponies by Daryl PoulinNo. 5386493031 USA FlagNo. 53864936USAEvening Flight – Mallardsby David A. MaassNo. 5386493512Bruin Bearby Larry BecksteinNo. 5386493035Gone Fishing by Cherie SerranoNo. 5386493040MSRP $130.00
117 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comSummer Sunriseby Persis Clayton WeirsNo. 5386493043Twilight – Treeby Judy SyringNo. 5386493048Backcountryby Michael SieveNo. 5386493042Indian Summerby Terry RedlinNo. 5386493046Royal Mist – Elk by Rosemary MilletteNo. 5386493506Comforts of Homeby Terry RedlinNo. 5386493044Lazy Afternoon by Terry RedlinNo. 5386493045
118 2020 DECORATIVE MIRRORS / METAL SIDE TABLESWelcome to the Lake by Terry Redlin No. 5386493017 MSRP $130.00Decorative Mirrors cont.Patiently Waiting by Terry Redlin No. 5386493021 Welcome to our Home by Terry Redlin No. 5386493022 Welcome – Whitetail Deer by Michael Sieve No. 5386493507UÊ>ÞÊLiÊÕÃi`ÊÕÌ`ÀÃtUÊ*ÀÌi`ÊÜÌÊ`ÕÀ>Li]Êv>`iÀiÃÃÌ>ÌÊÃUÊ>`iÊvÊiÌ>Ê«>Ìi`ÊL>VUÊÊ-âi]ÊÓÓ¸ÊÝÊ£n¸`>UÊ-«ÃÊyÊ>ÌÆÊi>ÃÞÊ>ÃÃiLÞÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\Ê£®METALSide TablesMSRP $89.95NEWAutumn Run – Deerby Terry RedlinNo. 5209724010All Hands on Deck – Puppiesby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5209724002October Mist – Deerby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5209724003Body Language – Wolvesby Lee KromschroederNo. 5209724004
119 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comBest Friendsby Terry RedlinNo. 5209724012Comforts of Homeby Terry RedlinNo. 5209724011Shadow of the Forest – Bearby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5209724009Spring Creek Run – Horsesby Chris CummingsNo. 5209724008Home Sweet Home – Pineconesby Rosemary MilletteNo. 5209724001Vineyard – Cardinalby Catherine McClungNo. 5209724005Rebuilding America – Bald Eagleby Persis Clayton WeirsNo. 5209724007Victorian Seasons – Hummingbirdby Susan BourdetNo. 5209724006
120 2020 FOLDING STORAGE BINS / NESTING BOXESFOLDING Storage BinUÊ1v`ÃÊÌÊ£x¸ÊÝÊ£Óϸ7ÊÝÊ£ÓϸÊUÊÊ>`iÊVÀ>vÌi`ÊvÊv>ÕÝÊi>ÌiÀÊ>ÌiÀ>ÊÜÌÊiÌ>Ê>VViÌÃUÊi`ÊÜÌÊÜÛiÊv>LÀVÊUÊ`ÃÊyÊ>ÌÊvÀÊi>ÃÞÊÃÌÀ>}iÊUÊiVÀ>ÌÛiÊ>`ÊvÕVÌ>ÊUÊÀi>ÌÊvÀÊÃÌÀ}ÊÕÃÌÊ>LÕÌÊ>ÞÌ}ÊUÊ`Û`Õ>ÞÊÃÀÊÜÀ>««i`Shown above: foldedMSRP $29.95Great Game Animals – Whitetail Deer by Michael Sieve No. 4084003008 Misty Forest by Bob Metropulos No. 4084003003 Black Bear by David Wenzel No. 4084003007 Pinecone by Persis Clayton Weirs No. 4084003005 Hardwoods by Susan Knowles Jordan No. 4084003001 Wolves by David Wenzel No. 4084003006 Morning Glowby Terry RedlinNo. 4084003303BESBESBESESBESBTTTTSSEELLLLLLEERREEBESBESBESBESBESBTTTTTSSEELELLLLLEERRSummer Sunrise by Persis Clayton Weirs No. 4084003004 BESBESBESESBESBETTTTTSSEELLLELLLEERRBESBESBESESBESBSSTTTTSSEELLLEELLLEERR
121 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comUÊ-ÌÞÃÊ>`ÊvÕVÌ>ÊÃÌÀ>}iUÊ>`iÊvÊV>Û>ÃVÛiÀi`ÊÜ`UÊÊi>ÌÕÀiÃÊvÕVÀÊ>ÀÌÊLÞÊ7`Ê7}ÃÊ>ÀÌÃÌÃUÊÊ/Ài`ÊÜÌÊv>ÕÝÊi>ÌiÀÊ>`Ê>̵Õi`ÊiÌ>Ê>À`Ü>ÀiUÊi`ÊÜÌÊÜÛiÊv>LÀVUÊÊ>À}iÊLÝ\ÊÊȸÊÝÊ£Ó¸7ÊÝÊ£Ó¸i`ÕÊLÝ\ÊÊx¸ÊÝʤ¸7ÊÝʤ¸->ÊLÝ\ÊÊ{¸ÊÝÊǸ7ÊÝÊǸÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\Ê£®Nesting BOXESGreat Hunting Dogsby Jim Killen No. 4373050003Hardwood Forestby Susan Knowles JordanNo. 4373050002MSRP $89.95BESBESBESBESSBSTTTTSSEELLLELLEEERRLThe Birch Line – Deer by Terry Redlin No. 4373050201 Shown at left: nested and open
122 2020 WASTE BASKET & TISSUE SETS / DECORATIVE PILLOWSWaste Basket & TISSUE SETSUÊÊ>`iÊvÊÜ`]ÊVÛiÀi`ÊÜÌÊ«ÀÌi`ÊV>Û>ÃUÊÊ>ÕÝÊi>ÌiÀÊ>`Ê>̵ÕiÊiÌ>ÊÀÛiÌÊÌÀÊUÊÊ/ÃÃÕiÊLÝÊVÕ`iÃÊV}ÊiV>ÃÊÌÊ`ÊÌ«Ê`Ü]Ê}iÃÊÊL>VÊÊUÊÊ7>ÃÌiÊL>ÃiÌ\Ê£{¸ÊÝʣθ7ÊÝʸÊÊÊ/ÃÃÕiÊLÝ\ÊȸÊÝÊȸ7ÊÝÊȸUÊ>ÃiÊ*>V\ÊÓÊÃiÌÃÊMSRP $59.95MSRP $29.95DECORATIVE PillowsUÊ£n¸ÊÝÊ£n¸7ÊUÊÊ*ÜÊVÛiÀÊ>ÌiÀ>\ÊiÊÊnx¯Ê«ÞiÃÌiÀ]Ê£x¯ÊVÌÌUÊÊ*ÜÊÃiÀÌÊ>ÌiÀ>\Ê£ää¯Ê«ÞiÃÌiÀÆÊ£ÊLÊÜi}ÌÊUÊ>`ÊÜ>Ã}ÊÀiVi`i`ÊUÊ``iÊâ««iÀÊiVÃÕÀiÊÊUÊiVÀ>ÌÛiÊ>`ÊvÕVÌ>UÊÊ7Ê>ÀÀÛiÊÛ>VÕÕÊÃi>i`Ê>`ÊÜÊyÊ>ÌiÊÕ«Ê«i}Pinecones Setby Persis Clayton WeirsNo. 4373040101Shown left: openLet Freedom Ring – Bald Eagleby Jon RenNo. 4084622022 BESBESBESESBESBTTTTTSSEELLELLLEEERRLBESBESBESESBESBTTTTSSEELLELLLEEERRLBig Medicine Skull by Valeria Yost No. 4084622011 BackBackMisty Forest Setby Bob MetropulosNo. 4373040102
123 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comChickadees & Lilacsby Rosemary MilletteNo. 4084622032 Black Swallowtail Butterfl yby Rosemary MilletteNo. 4084622042Monarch Butterfl yby Rosemary MilletteNo. 4084622041Summer Bouquetby Rosemary MilletteNo. 4084622031Regal – Horseby Russ DockenNo. 4084622033Rustic Retreat – Foxby Rosemary MilletteNo. 4084622040Comforts of Homeby Terry RedlinNo. 4084622306Snow Wolfby Russ DockenNo. 4084622034Gray Squirrelby Rosemary MilletteNo. 4084622035Grabbing a Bite – Bunnyby Marjolein BastinNo. 4084622501Waiting for Mom – Fawnby Marjolein BastinNo. 4084622502MSRP $29.95Decorative Pillows cont.Back BackBackBackBackBackBackBack BackBackBack
124 2020 DECORATIVE PILLOWSDecorative Pillows cont.Summer Birds | by Catherine McClung No. 4084622009 All You Need is Love...and a Dog No. 4084622603 Nut House – Squirrel by Mia LaneNo. 4084622018 Medicine Man Lodge by Grant Hacking No. 4084622029Resting Bull – Bison by Dustin Van Wechel No. 4084622030Hamburg – Rooster by Rosemary Millette No. 4084622028Leghorn – Rooster by Rosemary Millette No. 4084622027You are My Sunshine No. 4084622401Buffalo Plaid Patriotic Flag No. 4084622023BackBackBackBackBack BackBackBackBackBackMSRP $29.95Summer Birds || by Catherine McClung No. 4084622010
125 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comDecorative Pillows cont.MSRP $29.95Misty Forest ||* by Bob Metropulos No. 4084622008 Misty Forest |*by Bob Metropulos No. 4084622007 BESBESBESBESSBSTTTTTSSEELLLELLEEERRLBESBESBESESBESBTTTTTSSEELLLLLEERRLEEMorning Solitude* by Terry Redlin No. 4084622301 Evening Solitude* by Terry RedlinNo. 4084622302 Autumn Run – Deer* by Terry RedlinNo. 4084622303 Pinecone* by Persis Clayton Weirs No. 4084622006 BESBESBESESBEBESBTTTTSSEELLLLLEERRLEE* All pillows with an asterisk (*) have the same printed brown leather texture on the back.Backwoods Cabin – Wood Ducks* by Terry RedlinNo. 4084622304 BackBackBackRocky Outcrop – Black Bear by Rosemary MilletteNo. 4084622039 Birch Creek – Whitetail Deer by Rosemary MilletteNo. 4084622038 Over the River – Pickup TruckNo. 4084622024Believe / Peace – Cardinals by Catherine McClung No. 4084622026BackBack
126 2020 COLLECTOR PLATESUÊ*ÀVi>ÊÜÌÊÓÎÊ}`ÊÀUÊÊiÀÌwÊV>ÌiÊvÊÕÌiÌVÌÞÊ«ÀÌi`ÊÊ>Ê«>ÌiÃUÊÊÌi`ʵÕ>ÌÌiÃUÊÀi`ÊÊ1-UÊÊÌÃÊ7`Ê7}ÃÊ«>ÌiÊ`iÀÃÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\Ê£®Collector Plates8¼" Plate MSRP $34.95 Display Accessories pg. 134ABOVE:America the Beautiful Seriesby Terry Redlinpg. 127Black wire plate holders pg. 134RIGHT:The Birch Line – Whitetail Deerby Terry Redlinpg. 129Wooden plate stand pg. 134
127 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comSeasons SeriesAmerica the Beautiful SeriesO Beautiful for Spacious Skies No. 6389093101For Purple Mountain Majesties No. 6389093103God Shed His Grace on Thee No. 6389093106And Crown They Good With Brotherhood No. 6389093107From Sea to Shining Sea No. 6389093108Above the Fruited PlainNo. 6389093104Spring Fever No. 6389092503Summertime No. 63890925028¼" Plates cont.MSRP $34.95MSRP $34.95Autumn Evening No. 6389092501
128 2020 COLLECTOR PLATES8¼" Plates cont.Evening with Friends No. 6389092601Harvest Blessings No. 6389093003Lifetime Companions No. 6389093602Bountiful Harvest No. 6389093402Autumn Traditions No. 6389092604Comforts of HomeNo. 6389093302Silent Sunset No. 6389092704Evening Glow No. 6389093202Country Road No. 6389092902Evening Rendezvous No. 6389093203Evening Solitude No. 6389093201Evening Prayer No. 6389093004Evening Surprise No. 6389092904MSRP $34.95
129 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comWhitetail Deer Series Whitetail Deer II SeriesBack to the Sanctuary No. 6389662503Night Watch No. 6389662505Leaving the Sanctuary No. 6389662502The Birch Line No. 6389662506Sunset Harvest No. 6550662507Night on the Town No. 6550662510Nature's Sentinel No. 6550662509Sharing the Sunset No. 6550662511MSRP $34.95 MSRP $34.958¼" Plates cont.
130 2020 COLLECTOR PLATESMoonlight Retreat No. 6389093703Peaceful Evening No. 6389092905Prairie Skyline No. 6389092903Prepared for the Season No. 6389093501Pure Contentment No. 6389093304Startled No. 6389092901Spring Fishing No. 6389092602Total Comfort No. 6389093503Welcome to Paradise No. 6389093504Twilight Time No. 6389093601Sunday Morning No. 63890930018¼" Plates cont.MSRP $34.95
131 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comHoliday Collector PlatesPleasures of Winter 2012 Holiday Plate 9¼" dia. No. 6545662508Morning Frost 2017 Holiday Plate 8¼" dia. No. 6550652717Evening Frost 2018 Holiday Plate 8¼" dia. No. 6550652718 UÊÊ*ÀVi>ÊÜÌÊÓÎÊ}`ÊÀÊÀÊÃÛiÀÊÀUÊÊiÀÌwÊV>ÌiÊvÊÕÌiÌVÌÞÊ«ÀÌi`ÊÊ>Ê«>ÌiÃUÊÊiÕÝiÊL>VÃÌ>«Êʼ" plate (unless noted)UÊÌi`ʵÕ>ÌÌiÃUÊÀi`ÊÊ1-ÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\Ê£®8¼" Plate MSRP $34.95 / 9¼" Plate MSRP $55.95Homeward Bound 8¼" dia. No. 6550652709Homeward Bound 2009 Holiday Plate 9¼" dia. No. 6550652809 Winter Wonderland 2008 Holiday Plate 9¼" dia. No. 6550652808Winter WonderlandCreated from the original painting byis is a valuable collector’s plate,not intended for service of food.NOT FOR FOOD USE.FOOD CONSUMED FROM THISVESSEL MAY BE HARMFUL.2008 Holiday Plate Lake City, Minnesota 55041©2007, Wild Wings,LLC©2007, Redlin Wildlife ArtTerry RedlinLimited to 14 firing days.®Plate NumberTogether for the Season 2016 Holiday Plate 8¼" dia. No. 6550652716Evening Rehearsals 2015 Holiday Plate 8¼" dia. No. 6550652715
132 2020 COLLECTOR PLATESWild Wings 9¼" PlatesUÊÊ*ÀVi>ÊÜÌÊÓÎÊ}`ÊÀUÊÊiÀÌwÊV>ÌiÊvÊÕÌiÌVÌÞÊ«ÀÌi`ÊÊ>Ê«>ÌiÃUÊÌi`ÊÌÊ£{ÊwÊÀ}Ê`>ÞÃUÊÀi`ÊÊ1-UÊÌÃÊ7`Ê7}ÃÊ«>ÌiÊ`iÀÃÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\Ê£®MSRP $39.95Prairie Monarchs by Rosemary Millette No. 6123702669Rocky Outcrop by Rosemary Millette No. 6550092675Rule 4–Ladies First by Michael Sieve No. 6123702804Rule 2–Play the Wind by Michael Sieve No. 6123702802Rule 3–Find a Refuge by Michael Sieve No. 6123702803Broken Silence–Elk by Rosemary Millette No. 6123702766Tranquil Evening by Sam Timm No. 6123702665Rustic Retreat by Rosemary Millette No. 6123702617Evening Flight by David A. Maass No. 6123702691Broken Silence–Pheasants by Rosemary MilletteNo. 6123702719Broken Silence–Whitetail Deer by Rosemary Millette No. 6123702765
133 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comWild Wings 9¼" Plates contd.MSRP $39.95Rustic Retreat by Rosemary Millette No. 6123702618Broken Silence by Rosemary Millette No. 6123702771Yellow Lab by Scot Storm No. 6550093356Chocolate Lab by Scot Storm No. 6550093256Black Lab by Scot Storm No. 6550093156Above the Mist – Bald Eagles by Persis Clayton Weirs No. 6123702532Summer – Hummingbirdby Rosemary Millette No. 6123702811Winter Cardinalsby Rosemary Millette No. 6123702813Seasons of the Lakeby Jim Kasper No. 6123702835Back to Nature – Bluebird by Susan Bourdet No. 6123702638Winter Gems – Juncosby Rosemary Millette No. 6123702827
134 2020 COLLECTOR PLATES / PLATE ACCESSORIES / NOTE CARDSBlack Scroll Easel7¼"W x 11"H x 7½"D (Minimum order: 2)No. 4864572711 MSRP $15.95Metal Wall Rack–2 Place 27"W, Holds Two 8¼" Plates Case Pack: 4No. 4864572622 MSRP $21.95Metal Wall Rack–3 Place 35¾"W, Holds Three 8¼" Plates Case Pack: 4No. 4864572623 MSRP $25.95Metal Wall Rack–4 Place 44¾"W, Holds Four 8¼" Plates Case Pack: 4No. 4864572624 MSRP $33.95Narrow Metal Wall Rack–1 Tier 16"H, Holds One 8¼" PlateCase Pack: 4No. 4864572611MSRP $15.95Plate AccessoriesUÊÊ*ÀVi>ÊÜÌÊÓÎÊ}`ÊÀUÊÊiÀÌwÊV>ÌiÊvÊÕÌiÌVÌÞ«ÀÌi`ÊÊÌiÊL>VUÊÌi`ÊÌÊ£{ÊwÊÀ}Ê`>ÞÃUÊÀi`ÊÊ1-UÊÊÌÃÊ7`Ê7}ÃÊ«>ÌiÊ`iÀÃÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\Ê£®Iris Cove–Loons by Jim Kasper No. 6123722510Creekside by Persis Clayton WeirsNo. 6123722565Three Labradors by Jim Killen No. 6560092556Berry Bush Lookout–Bluebirdby Sam Timm No. 6123722638Wild One by Jim Kasper No. 6123722571MSRP $34.95Wild Wings 8¼" PlatesWalnut Wooden Stand8"W x 9"H x 5¼"DNo. 4880722503 MSRP $12.95
135 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comPetite NOTE CARDSHorizontal NOTE CARDSUÊ>ÊÃ`iÊUÊ£ÓÊV>À`Ã]Ê£ÎÊiÛi«iÃÊUÊǤ¸ÊÝÊ{¸ÊÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\Ê{®ÊUÊ>ÊÃ`iÊUÊ£ÓÊV>À`Ã]Ê£ÎÊiÛi«iÃÊUÊ{¸ÊÝÊȸÊÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\Ê{®ÊAutumn Evening No. 4714552605Aroma of Fall (shown in box)No. 4714552602Clear View No. 4714552601Leaving the Sanctuary No. 4714552705Spring on the Greens No. 4714552701Back to the Sanctuary No. 4714552702Summer on the Greens No. 4714552706Summertime No. 4714552703Racing Home No. 4714552604Spring Fever (shown in box) No. 4714552704Night Light No. 4714552606MSRP $14.95MSRP $11.95
136 2020 GREETING CARDS / STATIONERY DISPLAYS / MAGNETIC NOTE PADSGreeting CardsUÊÊ}ÌiiÊx¤¸ÊÝÊn¸ÊV>À`Ã]Ê£ÊiÛi«iÃÊUÊÊ`>ÞÊ}ÀiiÌ}ÊV>À`ÃÊ>ÛiÊiÃÃ>}iÊÃ`iÊUÊÊÕVÀÊÛ}iÌÌiÃÊvÊVÛiÀÊ>}iÊÃ`iÊV>À`ÊUÊiVÀ>Ìi`ÊiÛi«iÃÊÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\ÊÓ®ÊLights of Home INSIDE VERSE: May the festive glow of lights lift your spirit and fill you with warmth of the season. No. 4714552504Evening with Friends No. 4714552507From Sea to Shining Sea No. 4714552515And Crown Thy Good with Brotherhood No. 4714552516Indian Summer No. 4714552514Leaving the Sanctuary No. 4714552506STATIONERY DisplaysBlack Pedestal30"H x 16"W x 12"D SIZEPre-pack DisplaysUÊÊ*Ài«>V>}i`ÊÕÌÊVÕ`iÃÊÊ{ÊÌÊnÊLÝiÃÊ`iÕÝiÊ}ÀiiÌ}ÊV>À`ÃÊÊ£ÓÊ>}iÌVÊÌiÊ«>`ÃÊÊ£ÓÊÃ>ÊÌiÊ«>`ÃÊÀâÌ>ÊÌiÊV>À`ÃÊÊ*iÌÌiÊÌiÊV>À`ÃÊÊÊ-Ì>ÌiÀÞÊVÕ`i`ÊÊÀÃÌ>ÃÊ*>VÊUÊÓ£¤¸ÊÝÊ£n¸7ÊÝʣθÊÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\Ê£®Medium Deluxe Christmas Pre-pack Display(not shown) No. 4714553108 MSRP $468.00Night on the Town No. 4714552510Trimming The Tree No. 4714552518Evening Rehearsals No. 4714552503Medium Deluxe Memories Pre-pack Display No. 4714553107 MSRP $468.00MSRP $19.95
137 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comMagnetic NOTE PADSUÊÈäÊ«>}iÃÊ«iÀÊ«>`ÊUÊÊ/ÌiÊvÊ>}iÊ`iÌwÊi`ÊÊi>VÊÌiÊ«>`ÊUÊ>}iÌVÊL>VÊUÊ{¤¸ÊÝÊ£ä¸ÊÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\Ê{®Spring Fever No. 4714552807Lights of Home No. 4714552804From Sea to Shining Sea No. 4714552806Above the Fruited Plain No. 4714552812Clear View No. 4714552809 Night on the Town No. 4714552805Aroma of Fall No. 4714552801Leaving the Sanctuary No. 4714552803Evening Rendezvous No. 4714552802Evening Rehearsals No. 4714552810 Spring on the Greens No. 4714552808America! America! No. 4714552813And Crown Thy Good with Brotherhood No. 4714552814MSRP $8.95
138 2020 NOTE PADS / STATIONERYAroma of Fall No. 4714552901Small NOTE PADSUÊnäÊ«>}iÃÊ«iÀÊ«>`ÊUÊÊ/ÌiÊvÊ>}iÊ`iÌwÊi`ÊÊi>VÊÌiÊ«>`ÊUÊ{¸ÊÝÊǸÊÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\Ê{®ÊEvening Rehearsals No. 4714552904Night on the Town No. 4714552913Summertime No. 4714552909The Pleasures of Winter No. 4714552906Sweet Memories No. 4714552910Evening Frost No. 4714552903Spring on the Greens No. 4714552908Leaving the Sanctuary No. 4714552905MSRP $4.95Spring Fever No. 4714552907
139 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comFrom Sea to Shining Sea No. 4714553008And Crown Thy Good with Brotherhood No. 4714553005Harvest Moon Ball No. 4714553007LETTER-SIZE StationeryUÊÎäÊÃiiÌÃqiÌÉ>ÃiÀÊV«>ÌLiÊUÊn¸ÊÝÊ££¸ÊUÊ-«iVvÞÊ`iÃ}ÊÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\Ê{®Good Morning America No. 4714553002Spring on the Greens No. 4714553003Evening Frost No. 4714553001MSRP $7.95
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141 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comGLASS OrnamentsWinter Wonderland by Terry RedlinNo. 4641560104Pleasures of Winterby Terry RedlinNo. 4641560103Sweet Memoriesby Terry RedlinNo. 4641560114NEWTrimming the Treeby Terry RedlinNo. 4641560115NEWUÊ6iÜÊ>}iÊÊLÌÊÃ`iÃUÊÊiÛii`ÊVÕÌÊ}>ÃÃUÊθ`>ÊÝÊ¥¸ÊÌVUÊ>VÊÛiÛiÌÊL>}ÊvÀÊÃÌÀ>}iUÊÊ£ä¸ÊÃÛiÀÊÀLLÊVÕ`i`ÊÊ ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊvÀÊ>}}Ê ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\ÊÊÓ®MSRP $14.95 Winter Gems – Nutatchby Rosemary MilletteNo. 4641560108Winter Gems – Cardinalby Rosemary MilletteNo. 4641560105Winter Gems – Chickadeeby Rosemary MilletteNo. 4641560106
142 2020 GLASS ORNAMENTS / CANDLE LANTERNSWinter Gems – Juncoby Rosemary MilletteNo. 4641560107Winter Gems – Nutatchby Rosemary MilletteNo. 4641560108Merry ChristmooseNo. 4641560111Winter Gems – Chickadeeby Rosemary MilletteNo. 4641560106Winter Gems – Cardinalby Rosemary MilletteNo. 4641560105Over the River and Through the Woods – TruckNo. 4641560109Not a Creature was Stirring Not Even a MooseNo. 4641560110Glass Ornaments cont.MSRP $14.95Merry & Bright – Wreathby Marjolein BastinNo. 4641560113Snowy Cheer – Bunny by Marjolein BastinNo. 4641560112Vera the Mouse – Holiday Greeneryby Marjolein BastinNo. 4641560301Vera the Mouse Takes a Restby Marjolein BastinNo. 4641560302In the Storm – Deerby Rosemary MilletteNo. 4641560101 Majestic Flight – Eagleby Rosemary MilletteNo. 4641560102
143 DEALERS call (800) 445-6413 or wildwingsdealers.com SPECIAL MARKETS call (800) 628-4608 or wildwingsspecialmarkets.comPeace & Quiet – Loons by Persis C. WeirsBLK No. 4373445010 GRY No. 4373445010GFruit of the Red Pine (All sides the same)by Persis Clayton WeirsBLK No. 4373445091 GRY No. 4373445091GRooster & Barn by Rosemary MilletteBLK No. 4373445080 GRY No. 4373445080GSpring Bouquet by Marjolein BastinBLK No. 4373445702GRY No. 4373445702GMorning Solitude by Terry RedlinBLK No. 4373445502GRY No. 4373445502GSpecial Memories by Terry RedlinBLK No. 4373445508GRY No. 4373445508GChickadee & Crabapple by Marjolein BastinBLK No. 4373445701 GRY No. 4373445701GThe Birch Line – Deer by Terry RedlinBLK No. 4373445501GRY No. 4373445501GDawn’s First Light by Persis Clayton WeirsBLK No. 4373445081GRY No. 4373445081GAutumn Garden by Marjolein BastinBLK No. 4373445704GRY No. 4373445704GWelcome to Cabin BLK No. 4373445076GRY No. 4373445076GHappy Holidaysby Marjolein Bastin BLK No. 4373445703GRY No. 4373445703GPumpkin Patchby Marjolein Bastin BLK No. 4373445705GRY No. 4373445705GMSRP $79.95CANDLE LanternsNEWU Choose from 2 fi nishes; galvanized gray or rustic black!UÊ-âi]Ê£Ó¸ÊÝÊxϸ7ÊÝÊȸ]Ê7i}Ì]ÊÎÊLðUÊ>`iÊvÊiÌ>Ê>`Ê}>ÃÃUÊÊ>ÃÃÊ«>iÃÊ«ÀÌi`ÊÜÌÊvÕÊVÀÊ>ÀÌÆÊVÃiÊÞÕÀÊ`iÃ}ÊvÀÊ«>}iÃÊ£{Σ{{UÊ>ÞÊLiÊÕÃi`ÊÕÌ`ÀÃUÊÊë>ÞÊÊÌ>LiÌ«ÊÀÊ>}ÊvÀÊÊÌÊVÕ`i`®UÊÊVV`>ÌiÃÊÕ«ÊÌÊ{¸Ê`>°ÊV>`iÊÌÊVÕ`i`®UÊ>ÃÞÊ>ÃÃiLÞÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\Ê£®ÊGalvanized GrayRusticBlack(All sides the same)(Front)(Front)(Front)(Front)(Front)(Front)(Front)(Front)(Front)
2020 CANDLE LANTERNS144 RusticBlackGalvanized GrayTwilight Glow by Terry RedlinBLK No. 4373445503 GRY No. 4373445503GStreamside – Bear by Rosemary MilletteBLK No. 4373445075 GRY No. 4373445075GButterfl ies by Rosemary MilletteBLK No. 4373445085GRY No. 4373445085GQuiet Place – Deer by Sam TimmBLK No. 4373445065GRY No. 4373445065GMorning Solitude by Terry RedlinBLK No. 4373445511GRY No. 4373445511GSunset – Mallards by Scot StormBLK No. 4373445001GRY No. 4373445001GSunset – Sporting Dogs by Scot StormBLK No. 4373445003 GRY No. 4373445003GAutumn Song – Elk by Rosemary MilletteBLK No. 4373445066GRY No. 4373445066GMixed Getaway – Ducks by David A. MaassBLK No. 4373445101GRY No. 4373445101G(Front)(Front)(Front)(Front)(Front)(Back)(Side) (Side)(Front)(Front)(Front)NEWMSRP $79.95U Choose from 2 fi nishes;galvanized gray or rustic black!UÊ-âi]Ê£Ó¸ÊÝÊxϸ7ÊÝÊȸ]Ê7i}Ì]ÊÎÊLðUÊ>`iÊvÊiÌ>Ê>`Ê}>ÃÃUÊÊ>ÃÃÊ«>iÃÊ«ÀÌi`ÊÜÌÊvÕÊVÀÊ>ÀÌÆVÃiÊÞÕÀÊ`iÃ}ÊvÀÊ«>}iÃÊ£{Σ{{UÊ>ÞÊLiÊÕÃi`ÊÕÌ`ÀÃUÊÊë>ÞÊÊÌ>LiÌ«ÊÀÊ>}ÊvÀÊÌÊVÕ`i`®UÊÊVV`>ÌiÃÊÕ«ÊÌÊ{¸Ê`>°ÊV>`iÌÊVÕ`i`®UÊ>ÃÞÊ>ÃÃiLÞUÊ>ÃiÊ«>V\ÊÓÕÊÀ`iÀÊ«iÀÊ`iÃ}\Ê£®Ê(continued)HL 2020 © 2020 Wild Wings, LLC All rights reserved.