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2020 Family Mission Calendar

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COURAGEOUS JANUARY Be strong and brave Don t be afraid of them Don t be frightened The Lord your God will go with you He will not leave you or forget you Deuteronomy 31 6 SUNDAY 5 Make a list of the people in the Bible who needed courage 12 Memorize Psalm 27 1 19 POPCORN DAY 26 Let everyone share one thing they re afraid of failing at Pray for each other MONDAY 6 Sometimes courage means going against the crowd TUESDAY 7 Learn to say a word or phrase in a different language WEDNESDAY 1 THURSDAY 2 What are your biggest dreams for 2020 Tell your kids about one of the most courageous things you have ever done 8 9 Look at life through someone else s eyes and see their perspective Take a different route today and see what you notice FRIDAY 3 Enjoy new music today Play sing dance or listen 10 If you could be anyone in a book or movie who would you be SATURDAY 4 Get out into nature Feed the birds or go wildlife spotting 11 TRY A NEW RECIPE 13 14 15 16 Is there something you need to admit apologize for and make it right 17 18 20 21 22 23 NATIONAL HANDWRITING DAY 24 25 30 31 MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE DAY Draw one of your dreams for the future Share it with the rest of the family 27 What makes you feel better when you are afraid When you feel you can t do something add the word yet Learn a new skill from a friend and teach them one of yours 28 Learn your name in Morse Code today Try out something new that will get you out of your comfort zone Write down three things you re grateful for 29 NATIONAL PUZZLE DAY Who do you know that is fearless When things get tough say to yourself My God is with me BELLY LAUGH DAY BACKWARDS DAY Learn something new and share it with others Say hello to a neighbor and get to know them better IDEA Serve breakfast for dinner today

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FRIENDLY FEBRUARY SATURDAY No one has greater love than the one who gives their life for their friends John 15 13 SUNDAY 2 EAT ICE CREAM FOR BREAKFAST DAY 9 Get in touch with an old friend you ve not seen for a while 16 Read about the special friendship between David and Jonathan 1 Samuel 18 1 4 23 Put aside your screens and give your full attention to the people in your life MONDAY 3 Say hello to someone you see regularly but don t normally talk to 10 Sit with someone new at lunch time or circle time TUESDAY 4 11 17 RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS DAY 18 24 25 SMILE so people know you re friendly THANK YOUR MAILMAN DAY MAKE A FRIEND DAY Teach a younger friend or sibling something he or she wants to learn from you Which of your friends do you argue with the most What about 1 WEDNESDAY 5 12 Who is your best friend Why are they your best friend Show me your friends and I ll show you your future 19 Show an active interest by asking questions when talking to others 26 Call or text a friend to let them know you re thinking of them THURSDAY 6 When someone around you feels left out invite them to participate in your activity 13 Do something helpful for a friend or family member 20 Send someone a message to say how much they mean to you 27 COMPLIMENT so people know you like them Kids ask your parents to tell you about their best childhood friends FRIDAY 7 SEND A CARD TO A FRIEND DAY 14 Tongue Twister Challenge LOVE LASTS LET S LOVE 21 Find a way to make someone laugh today 28 What is the nicest thing a friend has ever done for you 8 Call a relative who is far away to say hello and have a chat 15 Get outside into nature and feed the birds today 22 Thank people who do things for you but you may take for granted 29 Call a friend and ask how you could be praying for them

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PRAYERFUL MARCH SUNDAY 1 WORLD COMPLIMENT DAY 8 Tell God about something that makes you afraid Ask for His help to overcome your fear 15 MONDAY 2 Pray for our country s leaders to fear God and make good decisions 9 What do you love about praying What do you not like about praying 16 TUESDAY 3 Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire Corrie ten Boom 10 Chat to God about your school teachers 17 Read and then act out Daniel 6 Call your grandparents and ask how you could be praying for them 22 23 24 Read and memorize THE LORD S PRAYER in Matthew 6 9 13 29 Pray for the missionaries that you know or that your church supports Why does God want us to pray 30 TAKE A WALK IN THE PARK DAY What one prayer do you wish God would answer for you today Talk to God about some of the dreams you have 31 Talk to God about someone you have a hard time being nice to WEDNESDAY 4 What should I do if can t think of what to pray 11 Can I pray in my heart without saying any words 18 THURSDAY 5 LEARN WHAT YOUR NAME MEANS DAY 12 What about prayer doesn t make sense to you Ask God to search your heart and remind you of anything that you need to make right 19 25 26 MAKE UP YOUR OWN HOLIDAY DAY What happens when we pray LET S LAUGH DAY FRIDAY 6 SATURDAY 7 Why do we say Amen at the end of prayers Look at your baby photos and tell God some of your favorite memories from that time 13 14 20 21 27 28 Spend 1 minute just being quiet and thinking about God Everyone go around the table tonight and name one person who needs prayer What is one thing you need from God right now e Start a P rAY family prayer journal Go on a prayer walk around your neighborhood Look out of your window and tell God what you see Do not worry about anything But pray and ask God for everything you need And when you pray always give thanks Philippians 4 6 rS

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HOPEFUL APRIL May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him so that you may over low with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit Romans 15 13 SUNDAY 5 Have a device free day and enjoy the space it offers 12 As a family write a poem about Jesus death and resurrection 19 Make a list of things that you are looking forward to 26 PRETZEL DAY MONDAY WEDNESDAY 1 THURSDAY FRIDAY What can you give up or fast from for the next 11 days 2 Tell your kids about Easter traditions you had growing up 9 After dinner wash your children s feet just like Jesus did in John 13 10 TUESDAY 8 Think of three things that give you hope for the future 3 DISCUSS Is the glass half empty or half full SATURDAY 4 Stop to just watch the sky or clouds for ten minutes today 6 7 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 What is Easter What is your favorite part about Easter In the Easter story Jesus goes back to heaven What do you think heaven is like L K ALIKE DAY What is one thing you ve been worried about lately What would you like to do this Easter to celebrate that Jesus is alive Tell about something you hoped would happen and it did When you think about Jesus describe what comes to your mind Have a paper airplane competition Do we know of anyone who needs hope right now What can we do Go exploring around your local area and notice new things Buy something at a garage sale and take it apart When you think about Jesus how does it make you feel inside Usually when we pray we close our eyes Today pray with your eyes wide open Create your own board game SIBLINGS DAY Get outside and plant a tree flowers or some seeds Get outside and notice five things that are beautiful pleasant Visit a location that you find inspiring and meaningful 11 Go on a family drive and count how many crosses you can find Feel the cool of a breeze or the warmth of the sun on your face Listen to a piece of music without doing anything else

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MERCIFUL MAY FRIDAY He saved us not because of righteous things we had done but because of His mercy Titus 3 5 SUNDAY 3 Read Luke 15 11 32 Find one person who showed mercy and one who didn t MONDAY 4 Hike a new trail 10 CLEAN UP YOUR ROOM DAY 11 17 Read Matthew 18 23 35 Find one person who showed mercy and one who didn t 18 24 25 SING OUT DAY 31 Fly a kite Take a walk in the rain Do you think it s difficult being merciful Why or why not What gets wetter the more it dries lewot A TUESDAY 5 1 WEDNESDAY 6 Is there someone you haven t shown mercy yet What do you call a funny mountain suoira lliH 7 Tell a story about a time someone showed mercy to you Make root beer from scratch Mercy is offering forgiveness to someone who has wronged you before it s asked for 14 19 Mercy is doing something nice to the person who did something mean to you 20 21 Let the kids plan and cook dinner TALK LIKE YODA DAY 26 27 28 Play Frisbee triumphs over judgement means 12 13 THURSDAY What do you think Mercy James 2 13 Play flashlight tag HAMBURGER DAY Mercy is not receiving the punishment that we truly deserve 8 Find a local volunteer project to do as a family SATURDAY 2 Wrap the kids up in toilet paper mummy style and see how far they can walk 9 Take a road trip to a nearby city 15 PIZZA PARTY DAY Volunteer at an animal shelter 22 23 Invite another family over for dinner 29 Find and listen to songs hymns with the word mercy in them 16 Wade through the puddles after a rain 30 Challenge the kids to a bout of arm or thumb wrestling

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WISE JUNE MONDAY 1 SUNDAY 7 Read Matthew 7 24 27 What does it mean to be a wise builder 14 Ask 5 people for their best life advice to you Record their answers in a journal SAY SOMETHING NICE DAY 8 BEST FRIENDS DAY 15 Lie outside and watch the clouds TUESDAY 2 Create a bug box and go on a bug hunt 9 Who is the wisest person you know 4 Pick strawberries at a local farm 10 How do you throw a party in space tenalp uoY Pop the hood and look at a car s engine 11 Build a fort using couch cushions blankets and old sheets FRIDAY 5 SATURDAY 6 NATIONAL DONUT DAY 12 Ask a friend who owns a business for a tour 13 Think about what you can learn from a recent challenge My Life Create a stop motion video using LEGOs or clay 18 23 24 Draw family portraits everyone takes turns sitting drawing 25 Interview a grandparent or an older relative If any of you lacks wisdom you should ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault and it will be given to you James 1 5 What does wisdom look like in everyday life Read and discuss 1 Kings 3 3 28 22 28 Practice asking for and giving advice 29 30 Make a bird feeder or a bird house How is being wise different from being smart 3 THURSDAY 17 EAT YOUR VEGETABLES DAY 16 21 How can you become more wise WEDNESDAY Dig up rocks to see the critters that live underneath Make marshmallow and toothpick houses 19 20 Create a poster about your life Visit a local farm 26 27 Open a Create a baking soda volcano lemonade stand or start a summer business

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JOYFUL JULY WEDNESDAY Rejoice in the Lord and be glad you righteous 1 sing all you who are upright in heart Psalm 32 11 INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY 5 MONDAY 6 What has been the happiest day of your life Why was six afraid of seven 9 8 7 esuaceB 12 13 Discuss as a family What do you think God thinks of you 19 20 What brings God joy ICE CREAM DAY 26 UNCLE AUNT DAY TELL THE TRUTH DAY 14 Read Genesis 21 1 7 Has God ever made you laugh 27 Have a bedtime snack by candlelight on the front porch Make a list of your favorite memories from childhood 21 Find the joy in music today sing play dance or listen 28 What are some things in life that bring you the most joy 2 JOKE DAY TUESDAY 7 THURSDAY 8 Ask someone what brings them joy and listen to their answer 15 22 9 SUGAR COOKIE DAY GUMMY WORM DAY 16 What did the nose say to the finger 23 em no gnikcip tiuQ 29 Today do three things to bring joy to other people Secretly scatter a handful of pennies in the park and watch the kids excitement Watch something funny and enjoy how it feels to laugh Have dinner under the dining room table 30 NATIONAL CHEESECAKE DAY FRIDAY 3 Find the joy in food today Cook something that makes you feel good 10 Share a happy memory with someone who means a lot to you 17 SATURDAY 4 Enjoy fireworks display 11 CHEER UP THE LONELY DAY 18 Make your own ice cream 24 COUSINS DAY 31 HAVE A Thank someone for the joy they have brought into your life 25 Get out into green space and feel the joy that nature offers PILL OW FIGH T

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PATIENT AUGUST SATURDAY 1 SUNDAY 2 Gather around the fire for songs stories and s mores 9 BOOK LOVERS DAY 16 TELL A JOKE DAY 23 Read and discuss Luke 18 1 8 Maybe even act it out 30 Go on a bike ride MONDAY 3 TUESDAY 4 WATERMELON DAY 10 Learn some simple magic tricks and put on a show 17 Make a domino Play the quiet game The first person to make a noise or talk loses 11 18 chain reaction 24 What s the most difficult part about being patient or waiting EAT 31 OUTSIDE DAY 25 What does patience look like in real life Turn off all the lights and play a game of flashlight hideand seek Head to the local farm to pick some in season produce WEDNESDAY 5 How many songs can you find with the names of the people in your family THURSDAY 6 Catch lightning bugs LEFT HANDERS DAY 19 Why can t your 20 toof a eb dluow ti neht esuaceB 26 DOG APPRECIATION DAY FRIDAY 7Take your family 12 MIDDLE CHILD DAY nose be 12 inches long Watch the sunrise together 13 How can I be more patient with you 27 Make a Diet Coke Mentos eruption 8 to watch a drivein movie 14 Stack 25 pennies using only your left hand 21 Go on a night hike through the forest 28 Start with washing the car finish with a water fight Sleep in a backyard tent as a family 15 Spend a night at a great museum 22 Enjoy glow in the dark bowling at your local bowling alley 29 Let out sky lanterns just before bedtime Better a patient person than a warrior one with self control than one who takes a city Proverbs 16 32

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PEACEFUL SEPTEMBER TUESDAY The Lord blesses His people 1 with peace Psalm 29 11 SUNDAY 6 READ A BOOK DAY 13 What one prayer request does each person have for the week ahead 20 MONDAY 7 Where do pencils go on vacation ainav licneP 14 Play a game of 20 QUESTIONS 8 Try gokarting 2 Do some yard work as a family 15 Write a story together 21 MINIATURE GOLF DAY 22 27 28 GOOD NEIGHBOR DAY 29 What has been your favorite part of school so far Create a family mission statement THURSDAY 3 Make a collage of all your dreams and goals FRIDAY SATURDAY 4 5 Bake cookies Try a new food 9 10 12 Go somewhere you have never been Tell me about the kids in your class Who do you enjoy playing with the most 16 COLLECT ROCKS DAY 17 18 19 23 24 What does it mean to have peace with God Romans 5 1 One of Jesus names is Prince of Peace What do you think it means Read Mark 4 35 41 How can you have peace in the midst of a storm What does peace mean to you Can you answer with a drawing WEDNESDAY When do you feel most at peace When do you not feel at peace What did zero say to eight Make a family music video 30 When did you feel peace even in a difficult time 11 tleb eciN Go roller skating Create a time capsule and bury it in the backyard Make homemade pizzas 25 26 LOVE NOTE DAY Go through the house gather up the junk Sell or donate some throw the rest away 31 Create a family tree TE DONA 2020

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SERVING OCTOBER Each of you has been blessed with one of God s many wonderful gi ts to be used in the service of others So use your gi t well 1 Peter 4 10 SUNDAY 4 5 TACO DAY 11 MONDAY What do you love most about going to church 18 CHOCOLATE CUPCAKE DAY 25 Have a fancy tea party What is one thing you could do this week to serve someone TUESDAY 6 If a donkey and a zebra have a baby it is called a ZONKEY WEDNESDAY 7 Go on a trash hunt Pick up litter in your local neighborhood park or beach Surprise an older neighbor with a birthday cake 13 Send faraway friends and family video birthday shout outs 14 What word starts with E and has only one letter in it 20 21 12 19 epolevnE 26 Learn to play chess How could our family improve the way we serve each other 27 For whom or what do you want to pray today Who do you know that goes above and beyond for someone else THURSDAY 1 How does it make you feel when someone serves you 8 Appreciate your church staff in some small tangible way 15 Pull out family photos and tell stories 22 FRIDAY 2 WORLD SMILE DAY 9 10 16 17 23 Cook an extra meal and surprise someone with it 28 Leave flowers 29 30 Roast pumpkin seeds 3 CARD MAKING DAY Take turns talking about what God is teaching you right now in your life What haven t we done as a family for a while that you would love to do together again on a neighbor s doorstep without a note SATURDAY Visit a nursing home Paint with apple halves Send a card and a homemade gift to a missionary in a far away place Do yard work for an elderly neighbor 24 31 Go zip lining Run or walk in a charity race Deliver a meal to a family that has a newborn baby

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THANKFUL NOVEMBER od hous SUNDAY fo 1 ily fam ow sn pie 2 TP ee e ff e ac gr Create a hThankful Tree healt air car hugs Write on the mom c a ndy books m us s u leaves what ic Jes you re thankful for co MONDAY 8 9 TONGUE TWISTER DAY 15 22 Take your family Christmas photo Make homemade marshmallows TUESDAY 3 7 Take a fall foliage drive 20 Teach your child how to write a Thank You note Have a backyard bonfire Write and illustrate a story 25 26 Go around the 27 23 24 Listen to Vivaldi s The Four Seasons Autumn STARGAZE Make a list of ten amazing things that you take for granted 12 Thank three people you feel grateful to and tell them why table and tell each person one thing about them you are grateful for SATURDAY 6 19 What is one thing you want God to help you with this week Make apple cider MEN MAKE DINNER DAY 18 Bob for apples items to a food bank 5 FRIDAY 11 17 TAKE A HIKE DAY 29 The world s longest French fry is 34 inches long THURSDAY Tell your kids about lessons your parents taught you that you are grateful for today 10 16 30 Donate canned 4 Did you know SANDWICH DAY Bake pumpkin bread Have I ever not noticed when you were sad WEDNESDAY 13 Host a chili cook off 14 Go leaf pile jumping WORLD KINDNESS DAY BUY NOTHING DAY 21 Paint pumpkins 28 Make caramel apples The Lord is my God I will praise Him and tell Him how thankful I am Psalm 118 28

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GENEROUS DECEMBER TUESDAY 1 SUNDAY 6 Read and discuss how you can live out Deuteronomy 24 19 22 13 Read Ps 37 26 and 2 Cor 9 7 10 What does God do for those who are generous 20 How is God a great example of generosity 27 Host a cookie decorating party EAT A RED APPLE DAY MONDAY 7 LETTER WRITING DAY 8 Would you share with someone who never shared with you 14 15 Adopt a family in need Go to a hockey game 21 22 Plan a Birthday Party for Jesus 28 Has anyone ever been generous to you when you knew you didn t deserve it WEDNESDAY 2 Leave Post It love notes for each other in surprising places 3 9 Who is the most 10 generous person you know 23 24 30 Go bowling Why did the banana go to the doctor llew gnileep t nsaw tI 17 Take a nature walk change anything about your life what would it be Make homemade playdough 16 CHOCOLATE COVERED ANYTHING DAY Tackle a giant puzzle 29 If you could THURSDAY Visit the library and pick out new books Attend a Christmas Eve service FRIDAY 4 SATURDAY 5 What does it mean to be generous 11 Make paper snowflakes 18 Go for a drive to view Christmas lights 25 Camp under your Christmas tree Host a family game night 12 GINGERBREAD HOUSE DAY 19 Bake cookies for trash collectors 26 Go on a train ride 31 Stay in PJ s all day God loves people who love to give 2 Corinthians 9 7