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2020 Annual Report.cdr

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Public Services AgencyDirectorDana MartinThe Public Services Agency was formed inOctober 2021. The Agency is made up ofthe following departments:Animal ControlE 9-1-1County Probation ServicesAnimal ShelterEmergency Management AgencyCode Enforcement

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TABLE OF CONTENTSProbationCode EnforcementAnimal ControlAnimal ShelterEmergency Management AgencyE 9-1-1468101214

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ANIMAL CONTROLDuring the year 2020, Animal Control reached severalaccomplishments and milestones such as: We improved our Animal Control eet by adding a new truck. One Animal Control Ofcer was enrolled in a CrisisIntervention Training program to improve ofcer interactionwith the mentally ill population. Animal Control now provides service to all cities in CherokeeCounty. Transitioned to the WatchGuard body camera system.4

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ANIMAL CONTROLACTIVITYCALLS FOR SERVICEPER CATEGORYAbandoned AnimalAnimal AttackAnimal Cruelty/NeglectStray AnimalLoose and Unattended AnimalNo Proof of RabiesOtherNuisance Animals693002385081,1821423743505Mileage106,94868221Farm Animals82Wild Animals443Dogs136CatsTrainingHours3053,163PhoneCalls1,128MealsDeliveredtoSeniors3,500In 2020 the Animal ControlDivision parcipated in anextra project delivering mealsto seniors in the communityduring the COVID-19pandemic.Didyou know?

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6The staff members at the shelter are the heart and soul of whatmakes this the best shelter in the state of Georgia. They areasked to make emotional decisions each and every day foranimals that have no one else to make decisions for them anymore.They show compassion for each and every animal that comesthrough our door whether it is a kind loving adoptable animal or adangerous animal that poses a public safety risk. Staff members areat the shelter 365 days a year making sure each and every animal inour care is cared for properly. They love their job and their job lovesthem back!ANIMAL SHELTER

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CODE ENFORCEMENTDuring the year 2020, the Code Enforcement division reachedseveral accomplishments and milestones such as: Successfully completed the First Annual CALEA Re-Accreditation Assessment in March 2020. We remain the soleMarshal’s Ofce accredited in the nation. Successfully completed GCIC Audit in October 2020. Improved our eet by adding two new vehicles. One employee completed and another one was enrolled inthe Columbus State University Professional ManagementProgram. Successfully completed our Fifth Re-Certication with theGeorgia Association of Chiefs of Police State CerticationProgram in April 2020.8

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CODE ENFORCEMENTACTIVITY1,23337561088254024846CALLS FOR SERVICEPER CATEGORYAnimal ControlDevelopment RegulationsEnvironmental OrdinanceLicensing & PermitsOtherProperty MaintenanceZoningTrafc Violations9FuneralEscorts10MoneyEscorts374CourtCitations248TrainingHours1,002Arrests79Schools&ParksPatrolled4,572FacebookFollowers4,272MilesDriven133,870MealsDeliveredtoSeniors3,500TotalCallsforService2,665Didyou know?In 2020 the CodeEnforcement Division alsoparcipated in an extra projectdelivering meals to seniors inthe community during theCOVID pandemic.TwitterFollowers73

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EMACherokee County Emergency Management Agency isresponsible for coordinating the county’s preparedness,mitigation, response and recovery efforts. In collaboration withthe Cherokee County Sheriff’s Ofce Foundation, and other countyagencies, EMA has an active participation in the Project LifesaverProgram. This program protects wandering patients and gives peaceof mind to care-givers, families and communities. Some highlights areas follows: Project Lifesaver (PLS) averaged 24 clients per month in 2020. Over 300 service visits were made to client residences incoordination with the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Ofce in2020. Only one search was required for a missing PLS client in 2020.This individual was quickly located due to their PLS trackingequipment.10

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2020 was a challenging year for volunteerparticipation since the COVID-19pandemic restricted in-person gatheringsacross the world. Cherokee EMA had topostpone Basic CERT classes and willhopefully get to hold those classes in 2021.During January, Mark Harris was able tocomplete certication for CERT ProgramManager & T4 Instructor Trainer which willallow for a more organized expansion anda more self-reliant Cherokee CERT programfor the future.Cherokee CERT members were calledupon to assist a school bombing masscasualty drill in February, two drive thruCOVID-19 testing events in August, theannual Flu Shot Drive Thru Clinic in October,along with distributing masks to the public.The COVID-19 events exercised the Pointsof Distribution/Dispensing (POD) plans andreinforced the operation of similar events ifCERT is called upon to assist with COVID-19mass vaccination POD events in 2021An important program that EMA isinvolved in is the CommunityEmergency Response Team (CERT).This program educates volunteers aboutdisaster preparedness for the hazards thatmay impact their area and trains them inbasic disaster response skills, such as resafety, light search and rescue, teamorganization, and disaster medicaloperations. CERT offers a consistent,nationwide approach to volunteer trainingand organization that professionalresponders can rely on during disastersituations, allowing them to focus on morecomplex tasks.11EOC Activations11Training Hours376CERT Active Members266Amateur Radio Events85Social Media Followers14,973589Project LifesaverActive Clients14Juveniles Adults9

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E 9-1-1During the year 2020, E 9-1-1 reached several accomplishmentsand milestones such as: Successfully completed the Third Annual CALEA OnlineAssessment in December 2020. Premier One CAD implementation completed in November2020. Successfully completed the Third Recertication of APCOAgency Training Program Certication in April 2020.12

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E 9-1-1 Stats13Did youknow?90% of all incoming911 calls wereanswered in less than10 seconds.PoliceDepartments207,200FireDepartment31,254CallsQualityAssuranceReviewsCompleted1,098OpenRecordsRequested Filled7,532TrainingHoursCompletedCPR Savesby Dispatch242,581Total Calls Received255,893911 CallsNon-EmergencyCalls103,149136,20040%53%16,5447%Alarm CallsSocial Media Followers3,56593

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PROBATION SERVICESDuring the year 2020, the County Probation Services departmentparticipated in various community services initiatives such as: Provided 85 goodie bags and participated in a parade forthe elderly residents at Provident Village. Sponsored a child for Christmas through the District Attorney'sOfce Purchased 13 backpacks for the Give A Kid A Chancebackpack drive. Partnered with the District Attorney's Ofceto help them reach their goal of 100 backpacks. Participatedon backpack distribution day.14

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PROBATION SERVICESSTATS AND FACTS15Closed971Served336Hours31,324481New690Issued690CasesProbationersCommunityWorkWarrantsRevocationHearingsCounty Probation Services assumedresponsibility and supervision of theDistrict Attorney's Ofce Pre-TrialDiversion Program. Collaborated withthe District Attorney's Ofce to modifythe program and related documents.We had a perfect rstMisdemeanor ProbationOversight Unit audit.Did you know?Three Probation Ofcerscompleted the Basic LawEnforcement Training course,including the Director.What is MRT?Moral Reconaon Therapy (MRT) isa premiere cognive behavioraltreatment approach designed forthe criminal offender populaons.The program is designed to modifyhow offenders think and how theymake decisions about right andwrong. Three Probaon Servicesstaff members became MRTCerfied facilitators in 2020.3MRTFacilitatorsThree Accountability Courtparticipants completed jobtraining programs throughGoodwill of NorthwestGeorgia. They were hiredimmediately upon completionof the training programs intojobs with benets.3

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