DOBCEL Languages Strategy – Now We’re Talking!I am pleased to introduce the 2020-2022 DOBCEL Languages Strategy – Now We’re Talking! This strategy builds on our previous Finding Your Voice and Speak Up! strategies which have guided the progress and improvement in provision of quality Languages programs in Victorian Catholic schools over the past six years. We take pride in connuing to deliver Languages educaon across the Diocese that is built on best pracce, creavity and innovaon.Our globalised world is currently facing complex challenges which link and connect all of us. DOBCEL is strongly commied to quality learning across our Diocese which allows our students to achieve “fullness of life” through developing their language communicaon skills and intercultural understanding. More than ever, we are presented with opportunies for our Languages curriculum to allow students a space to reect and appreciate the atudes, values and beliefs of others.The 2020-2022 DOBCEL Languages Strategy – Now We’re Talking! focuses on four key strategic drivers which centre on building students’ skills across the curriculum, strengthening powerful language teaching, supporng deep language learning and ensuring that schools in the Ballarat Diocese have sustainable and quality Language programs in place. Goals aached to each strategic driver will inform overall targets for language frequency, provision, student growth and achievement.I encourage all school communies to ulise the DOBCEL support outlined in the new Languages Strategy to connue building high quality Languages educaon across the Ballarat Diocese.Tom Sexton Director of Catholic EducaonPREAMBLE• Increase the value and status of Languages • Recognise and value the contribuon that Languages has to learning in general, parcularly to enhancing students' literacy skills • Build teacher capacity to make the metalinguisc understandings that underpin literacy development explicit for students • Understand the broader educaonal context of Languages policy and pracceDOBCEL aims to support schools to: 2
STRATEGIC DRIVERS FOR QUALITY LANGUAGES EDUCATION KSD 1 Realising the potenal of language learning to build students’ skills across the curriculum KSD 2 Developing powerful language teaching KSD 3 Supporng deep language learning KSD 4 Ensuring language program quality, rigour and sustainability Loreto College, BallaratCatholic Education Commission Victoria (CECV) Four Key Strategic Drivers for Quality Languages Education This document outlines four key strategic drivers (KSD), determined by CECV, to help schools strategically plan for quality Languages educaon from 2020 - 2022. The focus of this new strategy is to build sustainable improvement and innovaon in Languages learning across the Ballarat Diocese. Each KSD is aached to a set of goals that have been specically developed for schools in the Ballarat Diocese and will inform overall targets for language frequency, provision, student growth and achievement. The goals focus on:• the contribuon of Languages to whole school priories;• making explicit links between literacy and language learning;• improving the quality of Languages provision by strengthening collaborave pracce;• providing professional learning opportunies based on best pracce;• embedding intercultural knowledge, skills and understandings in Languages curriculum;• developing rigorous and transparent approaches to assessment and reporng;• facilitang greater learner autonomy by supporng student goal seng and reecon;• improving the transion process between primary and secondary; and • embedding rich and authenc language learner experiences in Languages curriculum. 32020-2022 Languages Strategy – Now We’re Talking!
KEY STRATEGIC DRIVER 1KEY STRATEGIC DRIVER 1Realising the potenal of language Realising the potenal of language learning to build students’ skills learning to build students’ skills across the curriculumacross the curriculumEnsure Languages reect and contribute to whole school priories.Develop an understanding of student learner proles and use any exisng languages to inform teaching and learning.Ensure the Victorian Curriculum intercultural capability is embedded in Languages curriculum to enable students to respect and value cultural pracces and diversity. Make explicit links between literacy and language learning pracces to enable students to make connecons across curriculum areas. Develop a focus on oral literacy instrucon for F - 2 students to enhance language development across the curriculum. KEY STRATEGIC DRIVERSKEY STRATEGIC DRIVER 2KEY STRATEGIC DRIVER 2Developing powerful Developing powerful language teachinglanguage teachingBuild language teacher capacity in CLIL by developing a deep understanding of CLIL principles and pracce. Engage with schools to discuss opportunies for CLIL implementaon.Develop common essenal learnings from the Victorian Curriculum for each language taught in the Ballarat Diocese. Strengthen teacher knowledge to idenfy and gather quality evidence of student learning to enhance language learning and teaching. Incorporate student voice in the Languages classroom to inform teaching design and pracce.Promote collaborave approaches to plan, deliver and reect on teaching pracce through language network clusters/PLCs led by Language Leaders. Provide best pracce professional development opportunies and resources for language teachers (including maintenance of language skills).KEY STRATEGIC DRIVER 3KEY STRATEGIC DRIVER 3Supporng deep Supporng deep language learning language learningEmbed rich, authenc language experiences in the curriculum to provide incenve and movaon for language learning.Establish and clearly communicate language specic learning intenons and success criteria.Set individual language learning goals with students to encourage student autonomy and self reecon. Support students to improve their language learning through provision of scaolding, evidence-informed learning strategies and resources.KEY STRATEGIC DRIVER 4KEY STRATEGIC DRIVER 4 Ensuring program quality, Ensuring program quality, rigour and sustainability rigour and sustainability Support Languages provision through collaboraon between school leadership and language teachers, including allocaon of trained sta and necessary resources.Plan for long term stang and resourcing within schools. Opmise language program condions including metabling, stang and organisaonal structures to idenfy opportunies to enhance language learning.Provide ongoing monitoring and support for implementaon of Language Improvement Plans (LIP) for new and past Leading Languages Professional Learning Program (LLPLP) parcipants. Promote a system based, cohesive and consistent approach to improve Languages transion between primary and secondary schools.Develop relaonships and partnerships with language focused industries and in-country educaon providers.Garner support for Languages by inving parents and wider school community to parcipate in language program iniaves.42020-2022 Languages Strategy – Now We’re Talking!
KEY STRATEGIC DRIVER 1KEY STRATEGIC DRIVER 1Realised the potenal of language Realised the potenal of language learning to build students’ skills learning to build students’ skills across the curriculumacross the curriculumLanguage teachers will design lessons with an oral language literacy focus for F - 2 students.The Victorian Curriculum intercultural capability will be embedded in Languages curriculum to enable students to respect and value cultural pracces and diversity.BY THE END OF 2022, SCHOOLS IN THE BALLARAT DIOCESE WILL HAVE ACHIEVED THE FOLLOWING OUTCOMES... KEY STRATEGIC DRIVER 2KEY STRATEGIC DRIVER 2Developed powerful Developed powerful language teaching language teaching Language teachers will use essenal learnings to gather evidence of student growth.Language teachers will strengthen collaborave pracces through language networks/PLCs.KEY STRATEGIC DRIVER 3KEY STRATEGIC DRIVER 3Supported deep Supported deep language learning language learningLanguage teachers will set clear learning intenons and success criteria, based on the Victorian Curriculum.Students will set personal language learning goals and reect on these to improve their learning. KEY STRATEGIC DRIVER 4KEY STRATEGIC DRIVER 4 Ensured program quality, Ensured program quality, rigour and sustainability rigour and sustainability Catholic Educaon Ballarat will create and drive systemic cohesion and consistency to improve Languages transion processes between primary and secondary schools.All schools will fully meet legislave requirements.COMPONENT 1COMPONENT 1Targets for frequency and provisionTargets for frequency and provisionPRIMARY All students from F - 6 engage in a quality* Languages program for a minimum of 60 minutes across the week, connuously for 40 weeks across the year.*Quality: As outlined in the CECV Guidelines for Quality Languages EducaonSECONDARY All students in Year 7 - 8 engage in a quality Languages program for a minimum of 100 minutes per week, connuously for 40 weeks across the year. Beyond 2022, the aim for schools will be to move towards a weekly target of 150 minutes and sustain a quality Languages program. COMPONENT 2COMPONENT 2Targets for student growth and achievement Targets for student growth and achievement Essenal learnings are developed and used for each language taught in the Ballarat Diocese.Student growth in Languages is assessed using informed evidence and essenal learnings and is reported against the Victorian Curriculum Achievement Standards. Gathered evidence is used to inform future planning of Languages teaching and learning. BALLARAT DIOCESE SYSTEM TARGETS 2020 – 202252020-2022 Languages Strategy – Now We’re Talking!
KEY STRATEGIC DRIVER 1KEY STRATEGIC DRIVER 1Ensure the sustainable provision of quality Languages programs and strengthen connecons across curriculum areas.Realising the potenal of language Realising the potenal of language learning to build students’ skills learning to build students’ skills across the curriculumacross the curriculumKEY STRATEGIC DRIVER 2KEY STRATEGIC DRIVER 2Encourage collaborave pracce, best pracce Languages instrucon and strengthen assessment and data gathering pracces.Developing powerful Developing powerful language teachinglanguage teachingKEY STRATEGIC DRIVER 3KEY STRATEGIC DRIVER 3Build clear learning expectaons and success criteria to encourage student autonomy and enhance language learning outcomes.Supporng deep Supporng deep language learning language learningKEY STRATEGIC DRIVER 4KEY STRATEGIC DRIVER 4 Improve the condions and organisaonal structures required to enable eecve teaching and learning of Languages. Ensuring program quality, Ensuring program quality, rigour and sustainability rigour and sustainability Using commied funding provided through the CECV targeted Languages program, DOBCEL will:1) Provide professional development opportunies for:• developing student oral literacy• introducing Content Language and Integrated Learning (CLIL) • linking literacy and Languages• incorporang student voice in the Languages classroom• establishing clear expectaons and measures of success• using a variety of assessment pracces and collecng quality student evidence • scaolding for the development of language skills • parcipaon in the Leading Languages Professional Learning Program (LLPLP)• embedding intercultural capability in Languages curriculum 2) Support teachers to develop and/or maintain appropriate levels of language skills and content experse.3) Create a digital system to record F - 6 student Languages learning journeys, based on essenal learnings and quality work samples, to strengthen the transion process to secondary school.4) Support schools to create rich and authenc language learning experiences for students.5) Connue to support collaborave teacher pracce through networks/PLCs across the Diocese.6) Support school leadership to consider innovave, long term soluons for Languages program stang and resourcing.7) Create a hub of Languages resources, advocacy tools and program informaon housed on The HIVE digital plaorm.BALLARAT DIOCESE SYSTEM TARGETS 2020 – 2022FOCUSING ON THESE KEY AREAS OF PROVISION AND PRACTICE WILL:HOW WILL DOBCEL SUPPORT SCHOOLS TO IMPLEMENT THE STRATEGY?62020-2022 Languages Strategy – Now We’re Talking!
ofBALLARAT CATHOLICDIOCESEDOBCELDIOCESE OF BALLARAT CATHOLIC EDUCATION LIMITEDDiocese of Ballarat Catholic Education Limited5 Lyons Street South, Ballarat P 03 5337 7135 | E | W