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reACH SPRING 2019 ISSUE The DALLAS COWBOYS Discover ACH ACH s Wedgwood Campus Playground Gets an Extreme Makeover with Help from Ford and the NFL Page 6 She Had Them at Hello OCOK Momentum Continues Surveying the Streets Shelter Kids Win An ACH adoption specialist helps a family on their quest to adopt which fills their lives with absolute joy Through Our Community Our Kids ACH pioneered community based care in Texas and continues to lead the way ACH once again participates in the annual homeless count to help determine the number of youth on our streets An art project in our Youth Emergency Shelter wins first place at the Fort Worth Stock Show Page 4 Page 10 Page 14 Page 23
reACH 2 reACH Spring 2019 ISSUE CONTENTS Counting on Each Other 3 Robert Half Takes O Volunteering to Heart 4 She Had Them at Hello 6 ACH s Wedgwood Campus Playground Gets an Extreme Makeover 8 The Farm that Grew Into Wedgwood 9 Celebrating the Small Successes 10 Community Based Care Bringing Kids Home 12 2018 Annual Report 14 Surveying the Streets 15 Leading the Way 16 Lend A Hand 18 Rockin in a Winter Wonderland Update 20 Donor Recognition ne of the beliefs that drives our work at ACH is knowing that the community is counting on us to get it right We know that when circumstances lead a child or a family to ACH they need us to be ready and prepared to help Being responsive to community needs requires ongoing effort and we are excited about recent achievements in many areas of our agency Our Community Our Kids OCOK began pioneering Community Based Care in 2014 to address the state s beleaguered foster care system Our proven performance led to state wide adoption of this local approach to child welfare As other regions come online we continue to lead the way OCOK helps new contractors adopt best practices while encouraging proper funding interoperable data systems and continued expansion This is the 20th year ACH has served the community through the Safe Place program Safe Place is a locally administrated national program that provides immediate help and safety for young people in harm s way ACH s Pat O Neal Youth Emergency Shelter the only shelter of its kind in Tarrant County joins QuikTrip as one of many Safe Place locations in our area Our STAR program Services To At Risk youth has increased services in Tarrant Johnson Hill Parker and Palo Pinto counties We have surpassed several records related to service utilization including providing over 675 sessions in just one month And last year our Real Help for Real Life program provided 6 286 hours of free counseling The value of this counseling by both English and Spanish speaking professionals was worth more than 1 million We are also on track to soon open an innovative new concept in Residential Treatment Centers We continue to innovate improve and expand because the need for quality services continues to grow Children are counting on us and we continue to count on you for your volunteerism donations and advocacy Thank you for helping us be here for them 23 ACH Kiddos Win 1st Place 24 Hoot n Holler Save the Date Wayne Carson Ph D Chief Executive Officer Our mission Protecting children and preserving families since 1915 Board of Directors Bob Benda Sarah Bennett Angela Caddell Katie Ciccarino Ted Crofford M D Joe Greenslade Tim Harvard Brad Hickman Kelly Keller Barry Kromann Meto Miteff Cheryl Moore Mattie Parker Peter Philpott Chair Alan Shipman Dowell Stackpole Gloria Starling Kyle Whitaker Editorial Staff Chuck Burton Editor Kristen Victorin All Church Home Foundation Board Members Bob Benda Chair Frank Anderson Linda Christie Melinda Johnston Kelly Keller Fred Moore Peter Philpott Susan Rose
reACH 3 Robert Half Takes Volunteering to Heart The Fort Worth team of Robert Half Finance Accounting help give children and families a brighter tomorrow V olunteers are an invaluable resource to ACH Child and Family Services and have been throughout the years Some volunteers may dedicate years of service while others might only participate in onetime or seasonal projects ACH and the children and families we serve truly appreciate the efforts of all our volunteers Here s the story of just one organization that helps us year round and really came through during the 2018 holiday season The Fort Worth team of Robert Half Finance Accounting has partnered with ACH for the past five years Their support not only as volunteers but as true partners with our mission of protecting children and preserving families aligns with the hearts of each of their team members Our employees live and work in Tarrant County and we are proud to partner with an organization that serves our local community said Kevin Sweet Vice President Director of Permanent Placement Services Each year Robert Half employees come together and bring with them the spirit of service Their hard work with our holiday events allows our staff to truly focus on the kids and families in our care Christmas can be an especially hard time for those affected by trauma and displaced from their homes Without the support of teams like Robert Half we wouldn t be able to provide gifts that will help them live better and happier said Allan Crosby Volunteer Services Manager for ACH ACH welcomes volunteers from area churches civic organizations and social and corporate groups like Robert Half Accounting Finance who support the needs of those we serve Their services along with other opportunities greatly impact our ability to provide hope and healing to those affected by child abuse neglect and other forms of trauma This past Christmas our volunteers made kids wishes come true Volunteers Worked hours Valued at 601 198 1 298 31 554 Besides putting up trees and lights making crafts providing Supper Clubs and assisting in events our volunteers helped sort and distribute donations of 8 018 toys valued at 101 037
reACH SPRING 2019 ISSUE The DALLAS COWBOYS Discover ACH ACH s Wedgwood Campus Playground Gets an Extreme Makeover with Help from Ford and the NFL Page 6 She Had Them at Hello OCOK Momentum Continues Surveying the Streets Shelter Kids Win An ACH adoption specialist helps a family on their quest to adopt which fills their lives with absolute joy Through Our Community Our Kids ACH pioneered community based care in Texas and continues to lead the way ACH once again participates in the annual homeless count to help determine the number of youth on our streets An art project in our Youth Emergency Shelter wins first place at the Fort Worth Stock Show Page 4 Page 10 Page 14 Page 23