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2019 November

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GOOD SAMARITAN CHURCH THE MESSENGER VOLUME 108 ISSUE 11 NOVEMBER 2019 FROM THE PASTOR S DESK LEARNING TO TELL A STORY OF ABUNDANCE Quoted in several recent magazine plans for your welfare and not for harm to articles Michael Novogratz a billionaire and give you a future with hope former Goldman Sach s partner observes A question I have been asking our of his fellow wealthy Americans in the leadership in the past month is this Can top one percent Ninety seven percent of you imagine abundance at Good Sam the people I know in my world are really What would it look like if we imagined and really fearful He s speaking of course of prepared for abundance at least as much political proposals circulating right now that as we are preparing for scarcity We have recommend taxing the rich more heavily He a lot of reason to do so The commitment says to them You re not victims you re the level of our members and friends is high richest people in the world How in God s The vision we share is passionate bold name do you feel like a victim and clear to build beloved community Now my newsletter article is not meant In fact many people care so much about to be political in nature It matters little our ministry and what we are about as a to me whether you believe that higher community that they bequest large sums taxes for the wealthy is the best political to the church in their wills and or faithfully system or not What I found fascinating give each month about Novogratz quotes is what they So I ask them What would it look like if reveal about the narrative that billionaires we not only met our budget but exceeded are weaving These are the wealthiest it What could we do Who could we be of the wealthiest Americans who can t What good could we do in our community even imagine not being able to afford the on our planet These are dreams of course basic necessities of life like housing food and perhaps fanciful ones but we need clothing healthcare and yet they tell a dreams We need vision We need to believe fearful story of impending scarcity of not in that future God promises us of hope having enough whatever enough means even if it won t look a thing like we imagine to them They could be weaving narratives When we dream it sets us on a course If all of what they could do for our country and we do is prepare for scarcity then the best for the world with their vast abundance but we will be capable of is surviving I want instead they are caught to thrive I believe God in the trap of a scarcity us to thrive If all we do is prepare for wants narrative As I imagine I think it says scarcity then the best we will abundance at Good something about our Sam I imagine giving human nature and our be capable of is surviving thousands away to propensity to fearfully community and global anticipate scarcity whether or not it is organizations whom we feel are doing rational honest or healthy for ourselves the work of building beloved community or our community We spend a lot of time including groups already using our campus imagining and preparing for the worst like the AIDS partnership Head Start I wonder what life would look like if we FAST and Synchrony Arts Productions imagined abundance and prepared to our special needs drama group I imagine thrive not only as individuals but as a writing grants for Good Sam members community I wonder what life would look and friends to be able to get the training like if we really trusted God s promise to us supplies and transportation they need to through the Prophet Jeremiah For surely I follow their calling from God and engage know the plans I have for you says the Lord in all sorts of ministry outside our church 1 walls I imagine being able to do what the national setting of the United Church of Christ in partnership with local churches and regional bodies recently did in the southside of Chicago forgiving 5 3 million in medical debt I imagine being able to hire creative out of the box non traditional church staff like interns through the UCC young adult service program who would serve our church and also work as local community organizers like a chef who could minister through food by holding low budget cooking classes in our pantry or teaching us the community building art of preparing serving and sharing food like nurses aids or special education teachers who could help us offer days of free care for high need adults and children so that parents and caregivers can have a much needed break In a world increasing filled with fear as the crises of global warming ramps up I imagine resisting the trends of the world toward isolation division competition and animosity by doing radically simple things like sharing meals forgiving each other staying committed to and in relationship with each other even through conflict and being a witness to the world that diverse people can work together worship together and create a different future together The sky is the limit to what God could do in and through us if we imagine abundance I wonder what you can imagine might be possible in and through our Good Sam worshipping community This stewardship season join me and our leadership as we imagine abundance and prepare to thrive as individuals and as a church community Commitment Sunday will be November 24 You will receive materials in the mail from the Resource Development team prior to that We ask you to prayerfully consider your commitment to God s dream for us and to our mission of building beloved community Pastor Jen

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BIRTHDAYS Virginia Sihapanya 11 2 Opal Bailey 11 8 Jacob Daysa 11 9 Elaine Dalrymple 11 21 Linda Rupp 11 30 If your birthday or anniversary is not being listed in the newsletter and you would like for it to be please contact Carolyn Woodard ANNIVERSARIES Lay Lilly Sihapanya 11 29 FELLOWSHIP Available 11 3 Available 11 10 Pot Luck 11 17 Available 11 24 We are looking for volunteers to sign up to sponsor or provide food for fellowship FLOWERS If you d like to place flowers in the sanctuary in honor or memory of someone or some event please contact the office or Robin Becker Available 11 3 Available 11 10 Available 11 17 Barbara Gaylord in loving memory of Dick 11 24 OFFICE HOURS Pastor Jen s Hours Sunday Thursday Days Off Friday and Saturday Church Office Open Tuesday Thursday 10 00 3 00 ATTENDANCE September 29 50 October 6 47 13 42 20 49 Ministry Teams Please ask someone from your team each month to be responsible to get news or announcements turned in for the monthly newsletter For surely I know the plans I have for you says the Lord plans for your welfare and not for harm to give you a future with hope Jeremiah 29 11 NRSV 2020 STEWARDSHIP Our Stewardship Campaign for 2020 kicked off on October 20 2019 The theme this year is Thrive Our first speaker was Judy Friend who told us of the many life altering changes she has experienced Judy has felt the Lord s presence throughout her life and has found new ways to share and serve the Lord as her situation has changed Gregory Allen and the choir introduced the song Thrive to the congregation The words to Thrive dovetail with the Jeremiah 29 11 verse We know we were made for so much more than ordinary lives It s time for us to more than just survive We were made to thrive You will be receiving a letter from the Resource Development Team in early November that will include your Pledge Card and information about the 2020 Good Samaritan Budget Sunday November 24 2019 has been designated as Pledge Sunday Please take the time to read the information that will be sent to you and be prepared to bring your pledge card on November 24 2019 Submitted by Kate Hall MEETING SCHEDULE MINISTRY TEAMS Care Team Meets 1st Wednesday 10 00 noon Spiritual Formation Team Meets 1st Wednesday 6 00 8 00 p m Fellowship and Outreach Team Meets 2nd Wednesday 6 00 8 00 p m Justice and Mercy Team Meets 2nd Wednesday 6 00 8 00 p m Resource Development Meets 3rd Wednesday 10 00 a m Session Team Meets 4th Wednesday 6 00 8 00 p m Session will meet on the Third Wednesday in November due to the Thanksgiving holiday Many teams take a month or two off from meeting in the summer please check with the team moderator about summer schedule if you are hoping to attend 2

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MARK YOUR CALENDARS November Oasis Trip FR Shakespeare in the City The Taming of the Shrew at Willaims Park 330 2ND AVE N ST PETERSBURG FL 33701 Sunday November 10th 7 30pm Join us as we picnic in the park and see the FREE theatre performance of the Shakespeare classic play The Taming of the Shrew staring Good Samaritan member Bev Kelly s grandson Dylan Barlowe We will meet at Good Sam at 6pm to carpool over to the park to grab a spot Sign up in the Narthex For more info contact Eric Johnson at 727 319 6970 3 EE

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MARK YOUR CALENDARS December Oasis Trip Victorian Christmas Stroll at The Henry B Plant Museum in Tampa Saturday December 14th 9 30am Admissions Adults 16 Seniors 14 Youth 10 Experience the extravagance and grandeur of a Victorian Christmas at the former 1891 Tampa Bay Hotel during the Henry B Plant Museum s Victorian Christmas Stroll allowing visitors a glimpse of Christmas past Visitors will explore the Museum transformed by Christmas trees ranging in height from a few inches to more than 14 feet 40 000 lights and hundreds of feet of garland Decorations include vintage fashions antique toys locally sourced items and fanciful ornaments The Victorian Christmas Stroll celebrates the warmth and spirit of an old fashioned holiday Complimentary cider and cookies will be served on the veranda while holiday music floats through the air We will follow our visit with lunch on Tampa s Riverwalk at Ulele pronounced You lay lee which celebrates the vibrant fusion of ingredients from Florida waters and land once home to many Native Americans including the young princess Ulele Expect intricately flavored visually appealing dishes prepared on the 10 diameter barbacoa grill Will meet at Good Sam to carpool at 9 30am Plan to be back around 3pm Check out the Ulele lunch menu and Sign up in the Narthex Contact Eric Johnson for more info 727 319 6970 4

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FAST OFF TO A NOTABLE START Our Justice Ministry is off to a notable start Currently Good Sam has 37 FAST network members and team leaders Others will be added from additional house meetings Our first countywide interfaith event was held on Monday October 28th at Holy Family Catholic Church in St Petersburg All network members voted on the issues to be worked on in the coming year We ll provide results and details in next month s Messenger Here are some of the accomplishments FAST has made over the summer As you know at the Nehemiah Action last year FAST got commitments from key mental health stakeholders to create a plan for a central pathway for mental health services in Pinellas County They committed to have this plan to us by October 1st Recently we received an email from Linda McKinnon at Central Florida Behavioral Health Network with an update on their plan to create this central pathway They are moving forward with a plan for a central receiving facility in Pinellas County Just a little over a week ago representatives from the FAST member congregations met with the County Administrator Barry Burton to discuss the Penny for Pinellas money and our concern that the county doesn t have any projects in the pipeline for 2020 yet We were able to get him to commit that not only would there be plans soon but that those plans would be in progress by the Nehemiah Action on March 30th We are excited about how seriously our lawmakers are taking our concerns and we will continue to monitor the process to make sure that the county follows through on Mr Burton s promise FAST continues to push our School Board for a full implementation of the Restorative Practices in our schools We attempt to have a large FAST representation at every meeting The only meeting this month is November 12th 10 00 AM at the School Board Office 301 4th Street SW Largo Several network members have spoken in support of our recommendation at each meeting If you are able to attend please speak with Jean Cooley How do we stand FAST TOGETHER Submitted by Bev Kelly 5 CHILDREN S MINISTRY We headed out into the wilderness with God this year in our children s ministry The wilderness is a place of harsh conditions where it is hard to find your way or even survive and where God s people must learn to work together and lean on God s provision in order to find a way forward It is a place where life feels transitory an in between place a wild place of danger awe and mystery Beginning in September children found a tent in the Godly Play room to playfully reminding them of the journey they are on this year They also received compasses in worship to take home as a reminder of their journey September took us into the desert with the Great Family Abraham and Sarah and Isaac The beginning of October we found ourselves in a shepherd s wilderness with the Good Shepherd and the Holy Family Now we have moved into more time in the desert with other characters from the Great Family Joseph Moses Miriam and the Hebrew People escaping slavery Submitted by Pastor Jen Daysa

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2019 UCC CONFERENCE IN ORLANDO M Rev John Vertigan the FL Conference Minister speaks with Rev Neal Watkins Minister of Faith Formation They both worked hard to make sure everything flowed smoothly P Debbie Rasmussin directed the participants and showed them what to do to help with the Breakfast Church service The United Church of Christ Florida Conference was held October 10 12 at the Wyndham Orlando Resort Your pastor Rev Jen Daysa was featured during the Opening Worship service where she shared how our church experiences worship at table with Breakfast Church Lisa Ware and Debbie Rasmussin drove over early on Friday morning to help set up the large convention hall tables with the placemats and other items needed for the service Pastor Jen led the service and shared the story of The Prodigal Son who in this case turned out to be the prodigal daughter and her mom since the actors available were female for the most part Breakfast church was well received by the crowd and we heard many positive comments from attendees During the morning breakout sessions Pastor Jen and Debbie Rasmussin shared the history of our breakfast church and how it has evolved and changed over time Debbie shared many of the practices that we have added and some that were dropped as we learned more of what worked and what didn t Again their training was very well received and many showed great interest in possibly implementing this type of service into their churches The theme of the conference was What Wondrous Love and the two special guests for the evening session were Rev Bernice Jackson and Rev Dr Velda Love were the featured presenters speaking about Racial Justice Carolyn Woodard attended as the lay delegate for Good Sam Based on our church size we are able to take 2 delegates to the conference each year but only one person signed up this time Carolyn took part in voting during the business meetings and everything ran very smoothly in those meetings The budget for next year for the Florida Conference was presented and approved The conference staff put on a wonderful conference and we appreciate all of their hard work at the conference and year round Submitted by Carolyn Woodard O Lisa Ware set up the bread station and sparkling cider station and lit all the candles for the tables M Pastor Jen and Debbie Rasmussin co taught the training session about how to implement Breakfast Church into other churches across Florida Here you see many pastors and lay ministers who came to listen and learn M Pastor Jen led the morning worship service on Friday and told the story of the prodigal returning home M The conference hall held many more than we have in our Breakfast Church M Jen breaking bread 6 M Rev Dr Velda Love M Rev Bernice Jackson

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JUST FOR FUN M Noel Koestline hosted fellowship with cake and a full meal on Sunday October 6 allowing us to celebrate her 75th birthday with her The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty Winston Churchill M Ginger Breitkreutz poses with her cake on Sunday October 20 Hoppy Birthday Ginger May your 75th year be the best ever 7

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LEADING CAUSE OF HURRICANE DEATH RAIN When people discuss fatalities caused by hurricanes wind becomes the primary reason Not anymore rain is now the leading cause of death from a hurricane in the United States Rain induced flooding accounts for 75 of all deaths with a large percentage of these occurring in or near victim s vehicles Storm surge is the leading cause of death in other parts of the world Drivers underestimate the power and depth of floodwater Just 6 inches of fast moving water can knock down an adult according to the National Weather Service A foot of water can carry away a small car And it is usually impossible to gauge the depth of floodwater After a storm the water does not look deep When road signs are down it s even harder to determine where the road ends and where a canal begins Drivers should assume that it is unsafe to drive through flood waters under these conditions High Water signs are a common sight in Florida during the storm season and should never be ignored by drivers Submitted by Clarence Wilkinson 2019 WORLD COMMUNION SUNDAY On October 6 Good Sam celebrated World Communion Sunday with a very special tribute to traditions around the world Several in the congregation baked bread from various countries A table was set up across the front of the sanctuary and decorated with cloth and items from around the world Thanks to Judy Friend for setting up the sanctuary for this special service Each country represented at the table had a server present who was there to cut the bread and serve it as the Bread of Life Trays of sparkling grape juice were available so that all could partake of the Cup of Love The servers were Linda Rupp Mickey Moore Rev Bill Cooley Bev Kelly Rev Jean Cooley Rev Jen Daysa and Dick Hall During the serving of the elements people began to mingle and talk gathering in front of the table moving in and around each other going back for more food and then stopping again to share and talk It was truly the building of community around the table Christ prepared doing what he asked of all of us doing this in remembrance of Him ARE YOU READY FOR THE STORM SEASON At the time this article was written we have already witnessed two tropical systems form one of them being a hurricane We are only into the second month of the hurricane season Are you prepared for the possibility of a severe storm The very basic preparations for a storm are still ignored by many people Complacency can cost you your life Please review the Disaster Response Guide which was distributed in June copies may be found in the narthex A very detailed list of suggestions are in the guide to prepare you for the possibility of severe life threatening weather Submitted by Clarence Wilkinson 8

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SABBATICAL LEADERSHIP COMMITTEE As most of you know by now we are entering a time of church renewal Pastor Jen and her family will be taking a time of sabbatical in the Spring of 2020 and we will be engaged in our own renewal activities as a congregation while she is away Tentatively their family will be leaving on March 1 and will return on July 1 Pastor Jen requested that she be able to take some of her vacation time in conjunction with the sabbatical due to the constraints of the travel options available and recognition that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity As a session we are thankful for the many months of work that went into writing the grant application for the Lilly Endowment Clergy Renewal Program and recently we found out we had been awarded the grant Many thanks to Gretchen Ackerson Lewis Hill Carolyn Woodard and Pastor Jen for all their hard Gretchen Ackerson Session Resource Development Grant Team Member Ginger Breitkreutz Care Team work in putting together the application In one of their recent meetings the session established a team of lay leaders to be the Sabbatical Leadership Team in the absence of our pastor Much of the planning of events was already part of the grant proposal and now we just have to make sure that everything happens as planned Members of the committee were pulled from various ministry teams that meet each month so that each team would have at least one representative on the committee This committee will meet on a regular basis in person and by phone depending on the need A calendar of activities will be created for each of months of the sabbatical and the events pulpit supply special guest speakers and outings will all be meticulously planned by the team In Rich Feigel Clerk of Session Justice Mercy Judy Friend Justice Mercy 9 other words our team plans to stay on top of things so that nothing of importance and even the small things will not slip through the cracks If you have any questions or concerns about this upcoming time of renewal or how things will be handled in Pastor Jen s absence please contact Carolyn Woodard or Debbie Rasmussin for more information We want to make sure that everyone is getting all the information necessary to make this process run smoothly and without the anxiety that can be caused by not knowing the plan Let us all begin to be in prayer about this time of renewal for our congregation for Pastor Jen and for her family After her travels and studies may our pastor come back enriched and refreshed to a congregation who has also been enriched and refreshed by our own experiences Beryl Fruth Session Resource Development Debbie Rasmussin Spiritual Formation Carolyn Woodard Session Fellowship Outreach Grant Team Member

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BIRTHDAY AND ANNIVERSARY CLUBS As part of Stewardship we ask that those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries donate to Good Sam a dollar per year The following are the names of those in the Birthday and Anniversary Club for 2019 The total collected for both categories so far this year is 1 150 BIRTHDAY CLUB Jane Gaylord Joelle Daysa Jean Cooley Kate Hall Judy Friend Martha Taylor FOOD PANTRY REPORT SEPTEMBER 2019 Number of days open to serve clients 12 Number of clients served Adults 131 Children 55 Total 186 Volunteers during September were Bev Kelly Ginny Thompson Sarah Butz Ginger Breitkreutz Kate Hall Carole Diehm Tom Fauquet and Clarence Wilkinson The number of family members for clients coming to our pantry for the first time in September was 75 The number of individuals served through September of 2019 was 1 839 We have received donations of dried beans from several sources We have had several types of the beans on the desk in the reception area for people to help themselves to Unfortunately many people have no idea what to do with dry beans Bev Kelly decided to put together some recipes for bean dishes Rebecca Kessler found some designs to dress the sheet up a bit and printed them on bright colored paper for us Since then several people have taken some beans and the recipe sheet home with them Currently the pantry could use peanut butter soups canned meat and fruit Food and money donors in September Patricia Waloga Sue Palmeri Cindy Pugh Trinity United Church of Christ All the Good Sam weekly donors Submitted by Kate Hall Bill Cooley Dawn Johnson Bev Kelly Robin Becker Grace Forsythe Ralph Madison Dick Hall Ginger Breitkreutz ANNIVERSARY CLUB Dick Kate Hall Ralph Rainey Madison Jean Bill Cooley Thank you to all who participate Submitted by Kate Hall FOOD PANTRY NEEDS Peanut Butter Soups Canned Meat and Fruit You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream C S Lewis TREASURER S REPORT September s total income was only 1 797 below budget Our total expenses were under budget by 4 436 I realized when looking at the budget for September that there was no income from Head Start in the budget At the time last year when the budget was presented to session for approval there was no lease with Head Start We had assumed that they would be moving out of our space at the beginning of the 2019 2020 school year We have since signed a new 5 year lease with Head Start In September we received 1 466 from Head Start for rent and utility reimbursement This will continue for the rest of 2019 Last month I reported that we were looking for insurance coverage with a new insurer I am happy to tell you that Good Sam has secured coverage with United Church Insurance Services through The Insurance Board This insurance includes wind and hail coverage The cost of coverage is in line with what we have been paying to Church Mutual Now that I have the cost of insurance the Resource Development Team will begin work on the 2020 Budget The September Small Change was 126 03 and was deposited to the Pastor s Discretionary Fund Submitted by Kate Hall 10

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NOVEMBER 2019 DAILY LECTIONARY Friday November 1 2019 Daniel 7 1 3 15 18 Psalm 149 Ephesians 1 11 23 Luke 6 20 31 Saturday November 16 2019 Isaiah 12 Isaiah 59 15b 21 Luke 17 20 37 Saturday November 2 2019 Psalm 119 137144 Habakkuk 2 5 11 John 8 39 47 Sunday November 17 2019 Isaiah 65 17 25 Isaiah 12 Malachi 4 1 2a Psalm 98 2 Thessalonians 3 6 13 Luke 21 5 19 Sunday November 3 2019 Habakkuk 1 1 4 2 1 4 Psalm 119 137 144 Isaiah 1 10 18 Psalm 32 1 7 2 Thessalonians 1 1 4 11 12 Luke 19 1 10 Monday November 4 2019 Psalm 142 Habakkuk 2 12 20 1 Corinthians 5 9 13 Tuesday November 5 2019 Psalm 142 Habakkuk 3 1 16 Jude 1 5 21 Wednesday November 6 2019 Psalm 142 Habakkuk 3 17 19 Luke 19 11 27 Thursday November 7 2019 Psalm 145 1 5 17 21 Zechariah 1 1 17 Acts 22 22 23 11 Friday November 8 2019 Psalm 145 1 5 1721 Zechariah 6 9 15 Acts 24 10 23 Saturday November 9 2019 Psalm 145 1 5 17 21 Haggai 1 1 15a Luke 20 1 8 Sunday November 10 2019 Haggai 1 15b 2 9 Psalm 145 1 5 17 21 Job 19 23 27a Psalm 17 1 9 2 Thessalonians 2 1 5 13 17 Luke 20 27 38 Monday November 11 2019 Psalm 98 Haggai 2 10 19 2 Peter 1 16 21 Tuesday November 12 2019 Psalm 98 Haggai 2 20 23 2 John 1 1 13 Wednesday November 13 2019 Psalm 98 Zechariah 8 1 17 John 5 19 29 Thursday November 14 2019 Isaiah 12 Isaiah 57 14 21 Romans 1 18 25 Friday November 15 2019 Isaiah 12 Isaiah 59 1 15a 2 Thessalonians 1 3 12 Monday November 18 2019 Psalm 76 Isaiah 60 17 22 Ephesians 4 25 5 2 Tuesday November 19 2019 Psalm 76 Isaiah 66 1 13 1 Corinthians 10 23 11 1 Wednesday November 20 2019 Psalm 76 Isaiah 66 14 24 Matthew 23 37 24 14 Thursday November 21 2019 Luke 1 68 79 Jeremiah 21 1 14 Hebrews 9 23 28 Friday November 22 2019 Luke 1 68 79 Jeremiah 22 1 17 1 Peter 1 3 9 Saturday November 23 2019 Luke 1 68 79 Jeremiah 22 18 30 Luke 18 15 17 Sunday November 24 2019 Jeremiah 23 1 6 1 68 79 Jeremiah 23 1 6 Psalm 46 Colossians 1 11 20 Luke 23 33 43 Monday November 25 2019 Psalm 117 Jeremiah 30 1 17 Revelation 21 5 27 Tuesday November 26 2019 Psalm 117 Jeremiah 30 18 24 Revelation 22 8 21 Wednesday November 27 2019 Psalm 117 Jeremiah 31 1 6 Luke 1 1 4 Thursday November 28 2019 Psalm 122 Daniel 9 15 19 James 4 1 10 Friday November 29 2019 Psalm 122 Genesis 6 1 10 Hebrews 11 1 7 Saturday November 30 2019 Psalm 122 Genesis 6 11 22 Matthew 24 1 22 DEADLINE FOR DECEMBER 2019 MESSENGER IS NOVEMBER 15 Send all information for submissions to carolyn woodard 130 gmail com THANKSGIVING IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER On Sunday October 13 2019 we began passing out brown paper bags with a list of Thanksgiving food products attached We are asking that you try to pick up a few of the items each week as the holiday approaches so that the pantry volunteers can hand out the bags to clients on November 18 26 Below is a list of the items we are requesting 1 Mashed potato mix 2 Gravy can or jar 3 Pie crust mix try Jiffy 4 Stuffing mix 5 Canned sweet potato 6 Canned green beans 7 Cream of mushroom soup 8 French fried onion 9 Small canned ham not from the refrigerated section 10 Evaporated milk Because we have a large supply of canned pumpkin and cranberry at the pantry we have removed those items from the list Please return the Thanksgiving bags for the Food Pantry by Sunday November 10 2019 Thanks in advance for helping to provide holiday food for families in the community who are less fortunate Submitted by Kate Hall ST JAMES LIST SESSION SUMMARY SEPTEMBER 25 2019 Pray for one another that you may be healed James 5 16 Let us remember those members and friends who have asked for our prayers and those who are unable to attend worship Voted to purchase a tear drop rainbow flag to be displayed outside along Park Boulevard The purpose is to attract attention to the church s ministry The Sabbatical Leadership Team is being finalized This team will be responsible for worship during Pastor Jen s upcoming Sabbatical Previously unresolved issue on session were discussed It was decided to discuss the display of the American flag in the worship space of the church sanctuary Submitted by Rich Feigel Harold Brockus Mickey Moore Paul Brockus Jacob Daysa Rich Feigel Edna Smith Dottie Boake Nancy Rudasill Dorothy Morton Eddie Kosinski Bill Baker Mickey Moore s brother who was diagnosed with cancer Sandy Badger Donna Knight and Good Samaritan Church 11

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THIS NEWSLETTER MUST BE PLACED INTO A STAMPED ENVELOPE TO BE MAILED THE MESSENGER of Good Samaritan Church 6085 Park Boulevard Pinellas Park FL 33781 727 544 8558 Email office goodsam church org Web Site goodsam church org Our Mission PREPARED WITH LOVE FOR To Build The Beloved Community A Ministry of Hospitality Vision and Justice A Global Mission Church Check out Good Sam on FACEBOOK SESSION Rich Feigel Clerk Kate Hall Treasurer CLASS OF 2019 Gretchen Ackerson Beverly Finn Linda Rupp CLASS OF 2020 Beryl Fruth Chris Osberg Sophia Stringer CLASS OF 2021 Lisa Ware Carolyn Woodard Vacant Jesus didn t reject people Neither do we CELEBRATING OVER 100 YEARS THE MESSENGER Newsletter of Good Samaritan Church Presbyterian Church USA More Light and United Church of Christ Open and Affirming Sunday Worship 10 30 a m Fellowship Coffee Hour Following Worship GOOD SAMARITAN CHURCH STAFF Rev Jen Daysa Pastor Rev Jean Cooley Parish Associate Gregory Allen Director of Music Ministries Rebecca Kessel Office Administrator Shelby Lamb Nursery Assistant Mirko Bratic Custodian Rev Dr Harold M Brockus Pastor Emeritus GOOD SAMARITAN MINISTRY TEAMS Resource Development Team Clarence Wilkinson Moderator Beryl Fruth Gretchen Ackerson Kate Hall Treasurer Liaison Care Team Ginger Breitkreutz Moderator Mickey Moore Jim Moore Beverly Finn Jane Gaylord Clarence Wilkinson Disaster Preparedness Liaison Justice and Mercy Team Rev Jean Cooley Moderator Gretchen Ackerson Lewis Hill Linda Rupp Sarah Butz Rachel Wells Judy Friend Rich Feigel Clarence Wilkinson Kate Hall Food Pantry Liaison Bev Kelly FAST Liaison Spiritual Formation Team Debbie Rasmussin Moderator Chris Osberg Sarah Butz Rev Bill Cooley Lisa Ware Steve Crist Fellowship and Outreach Team Eric Johnson Moderator Carolyn Woodard Barb Steger Robin Becker Sandy Badger Annie Gambino Martha Taylor Personnel Committee Clarence Wilkinson Jim Moore Robin Becker Gretchen Ackerson Kate Hall Pastor Relations Committee Carolyn Woodard Moderator Chris Osberg Clarence Wilkinson Ginger Breitkreutz Lisa Ware Bev Kelly