2019 - 2022IMPACT REPORT
Administrative TeamKelley Long, MBAExecutive DirectorSarah DamianiOutreach and CommsDirectorJennifer HayhurstPolicy DirectorCheryl Evans, M.EdOffice AdministratorDani FitzgeraldExecutive AssistantSydney GaleMarketing andDevelopment ManagerKatie TrauschProject ManagerJack SchadekMarketing and DigitalContent CoordinatorClinical TeamRichard Whitney, MD,FASAMMedical DirectorChristina Delos Reyes, MDAssociate MedicalDirectorNelson Heise, MS, PCC-S,LICDC-SClinical DirectorShirley Eiland, M.Ed, LSWCase ManagerRosalie Hemphill, MSW,LSWCase ManagerAnne Kelley, LISWCase ManagerDawn Riegel, MS, LPCC,LICDCCase ManagerMicah Wright, CDCACase ManagerCompliance TeamJill Aitcheme, MPH, CDCACompliance ManagerKara Armbruster, CDCA, CHESCompliance CoordinatorQuincey ChambersClinical Care CoordinatorSkylar Gilbert, CDCAProgram AssistantSamantha Kinser, CDCA, CPTCompliance CoordinatorMolly Upton, CDCAClinical CoordinatorMeet the OhioPHP StaffOhioPHPPage 1
“We are grateful to OhioPHP for providing timely and expert guidancewhen we needed it. We were not aware of the depth of resourcesavailable and the confidential process to access compassionateassistance, and we look forward to working together to help spread theword and make these resources available across all healthcarecommunities." SARA FRIEBERT, M.D.Director, Pediatric Palliative Care - Akron Children's HospitalWe lln es sCo nfi de nti ali tyEq ual it yPa tie nt Sa fet yEd uca ti onVALUESTo fa ci lit ate t he hea lt h a ndwe lln es s o f h ea lth car epr ofe ss ion als i n o rde r toen han ce pa tie nt ca re an dsa fet y.MISSIONOh ioP HP en vis io ns a m ed ica lco mmu ni ty tha t sup por tshe alt hc are pr of ess ion al s i npu rsi ng op tim al he alt h andwe lln es s.VISIONKEEPING OHIO'SHEALERS HEALTHYOur goal is to inspire physicians and other healthcare professionals toseek treatment and monitoring for their illnesses in order to ensurepatient care and safety.OhioPHPPage 2
Changed name to OhioProfessionalsHealthProgramSecured statefunding to expandOhioPHP services to all healthcareprofessionalsStaff grewfrom 8 to24 staffmembersIn 2021 OhioPHPELIMINATEDprogramfees for participantsUniversity of Toledoadded OhioPHP toMedical Schoolcurriculum for 3rdyear students6,137 peopleparticipated in oureducational outreachprogramsAttended 68 Conferencesto increase awarenessYOU HELPED US $914,009dollarsraised
Presented at the first national conference in OhioPHP historyOhioPHP created4 new educationalpresentationshealthcare professionalsparticipated in our monitoringand advocacy program375Completed92BehavioralHealth ScreensACCOMPLISH THIS OhioPHPClinical teamcompleted94 return toworkevaluations13,532healthcare professionalresponded toOhioPHP's COVID-19Well-being Survey$4.8 milliondollars in grants received11 Schoolsparticipated in our educationaloutreach programsCOVID-19 Well-being SurveyResults published in the Journal ofMedical Regulation
You helped make these initiatives possible:The hiring of our first Outreach andCommunications Director.Providing education to medical schoolsthroughout the state.OhioPHP lecture was implemented onthe curriculum at the University of ToledoMedical School.We presented COVID-19 survey findingsat national conference. HOW YOUR SUPPORT IMPACTED OUTREACH AND ENGAGEMENTYour generosity allowed us to increase awareness of OhioPHP programs,the confidential One-Bite Program, and improve education onstress/burnout, mental health, and substance use disorders to healthcareprofessionals. OhioPHPPage 5
HOW YOUR SUPPORT IMPACTED OUTREACH AND ENGAGEMENTHospital and insurance company partnersare providing OhioPHP information innew hire orientations. We completed our first volunteerrecognition day. We completed our first ever mailingregarding educational outreachprograms. We developed new marketing materialsand hired a digital content coordinator. OhioPHP presented to 6,137 attendees through 119 programsOhioPHPPage 6
NEW PROGRAMS AND RESOURCES CREATEDWe developed and implemented OhioPHP well-being screenings. We made efforts to improve new One-Bite Program rules andprocesses. We created programs for treatment centers and aftercareprograms about the One-Bite Program. We helped healthcare professionals navigate their mental healthand concerns about suicide through the Well-being CARE Service. We shared the results of our COVID-19 Well-being Survey andbegan conversations about how to use this data to help healthcareprofessionals in a future health crisis. HOW YOUR SUPPORT IMPACTED OHIOPHP PROGRAMSThanks to your generosity, OhioPHP focused on maintaining current programs andimplementing new services to increase the impact of our programs on Ohio'smedical community.OhioPHPPage 7
CDCADDSDieticianEMTLMTMSWPharmMD/DOResidentRCPPARNVetVet TechMFT5 4 3 2 1 0 OHIOPHP WELL-BEING SCREENINGSLaunched in 202115Behavioral HealthScreens Completedin 202130Behavioral HealthScreens Completedthrough 8/15/2022RegulatoryBoardsColleague/EmployerSelfOhioPHPPage 857%27%10%Other6%OhioPHP utilizes a multi-disciplinary teamapproach to provide recommendationsrelated to burnout, mental health disorders,substance use disorders and others forhealthcare professionals, at no charge.
HOW YOUR SUPPORT IMPACTED OUR PARTICIPANTSBecause of the generosity of our donors and the continued support of the Ohio Departmentof Mental Health and Addiction Services (OHMAS) and the Ohio Medical Quality Foundation(OMQF), OhioPHP eliminated all program fees for participants in the fall of 2021!Our programs and services are supported through donations and allow us to provide life-saving services to Ohio's healers at no program cost. Over the last 4 years, we have made significant progress towards supporting all of Ohio’shealthcare workers, but we know there is more to be done. We are uniquely positioned to beat the community table, shoulder to shoulder with leaders in healthcare learning andworking together to enact change. With your help, we will. Together, we help thousands of healthcare professionals like the anonymous participantfeatured. Thank you for being an invaluable part of our progress as we continue to work to ensure thatevery healthcare professional in Ohio has access to supportive services for their health andwell-being. OhioPHPPage 7
I first learned about OPHP through my medical school administration and mentors. It had become apparent Icouldn’t continue on with my career living the same way I had tried to throughout it to that point. I wasmotivated to reach out for help because of the very real consequences of my actions, and wanting badly to bethe physician, significant other, son, and community member I knew I could be. [How did OPHP help you in your recovery journey?] They were supportive from day one. Checking in regularly,helping me hold myself accountable. They gave me a chance that I didn’t know I deserved at the time. I havemuch gratitude for the program. Today, recovery means another chance at my dream, it means forgiveness, itmeans freedom, it is what I owe my blessings to. Recovery has completely changed the trajectory of my life. [Do you think recovery has enhanced your patient care?] It has made me a listener, a better caregiver and allaround a better physician. [What do you find most challenging about addiction and mental health disorders among healthcareprofessionals?] The stigma is still strong, ego plays a large part for me and I’m sure many of those withprofessional degrees. The silence about this issue in a competitive, challenging profession where you areasked/expected to work hard without any hesitance is isolating. [The interest in mental health, burnout and substance use disorders among healthcare professionals seemsto be growing. Why do you think that is?] People are finally speaking out against the silence. It takes strongpeople to make it through these issues, and even stronger ones to speak up to help those who suffer in silence. Ithink healthcare professionals are an amazing group of people, within that are these heroes doing this work.[If you could give advice to another healthcare professional who is struggling with a mental health orsubstance use disorder, what would you tell them?] You are not alone, you are strong, you DESERVE a healthyand happy life. "You arenotalone,you arestrong.Youdeservea happyandhealthylife."How Recovery Changed my LifeBy an OhioPHP Participant
Supporting Ohio's Healthcare Professionals since 1995