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2018 Prevention Resource Guide

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Dear Colleagues We are pleased to introduce the 2018 Prevention Resource Guide The Children s Bureau and its Office on Child Abuse and Neglect strive to ensure that all children are safe and secure in nurturing environments However we all know this cannot be done without providing support to families in strong communities Therefore the focus of this year s initiative is Keeping Children Safe and Families Strong in Supportive Communities This Resource Guide is a joint product of the U S Department of Health and Human Services Children s Bureau its Child Welfare Information Gateway and the FRIENDS National Center for Community Based Child Abuse Prevention The annual guide is one of the Children s Bureau s most anticipated publications offering trusted information strategies and resources to help communities support and strengthen families and promote the well being of children and youth Its contents are informed by input from some of our National Child Abuse Prevention Partners as well as our colleagues on the Federal Interagency Work Group on Child Abuse and Neglect Child abuse and neglect is a national issue that affects us all The consequences of child abuse and neglect ripple across the lifespan negatively impacting a child s chances to succeed in school work and relationships The Administration on Children Youth and Families supports the promotion of meaningful and measurable results in social and emotional well being and we continue to support evidence based and trauma informed services and practices to achieve positive outcomes for the children families and communities we serve The 2018 Prevention Resource Guide plays an important role in these efforts offering support to community service providers as they work with parents caregivers and children to prevent child maltreatment and promote social and emotional well being To do so the Resource Guide focuses on protective factors that build on family strengths and promote optimal child and youth development Information about protective factors is augmented with tools and strategies that help providers integrate the factors into community programs and systems Agencies policymakers advocates service providers and parents alike will find resources in this guide to help them promote these important elements within their families and communities Effective early prevention efforts are less costly to our nation and to individuals than trying to repair the adverse effects of child maltreatment We hope this Resource Guide is helpful to you in your efforts to prevent child abuse and promote well being We thank you for participating in this important effort and for the work you do each day to build promising futures for our nation s children and families Elaine Voces Stedt Elaine Voces Stedt M S W Director Office on Child Abuse and Neglect Children s Bureau Administration on Children Youth and Families Administration for Children and Families U S Department of Health and Human Services 2018 Prevention Resource Guide i

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Table of Contents About the Resource Guide 1 Chapter 1 Strengthening Individuals Families and Communities 3 Protective Factors 3 Implementing a Protective Factors Approach 8 Chapter 2 Working With Families Using the Protective Factors 12 Nurturing and Attachment 12 Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development 14 Parental Resilience 16 Social Connections 18 Concrete Support for Families 20 Social and Emotional Competence of Children 22 Questions to Ask to Explore Protective Factors With Caregivers 24 Protective Factors in Practice 26 Chapter 3 Using Protective Factors as a Framework for Your Community Partnership 28 Working Successfully With Community Partners 28 Tips for Working With Specific Groups 30 Building Partnerships Through Media 34 Chapter 4 Protecting Children 37 Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect 37 Adverse Childhood Experiences and Well Being 42 Working With Parents Who Have a History of Trauma 44 Supporting Immigrant and Refugee Families 46 Human Trafficking of Children 48 Chapter 5 Tip Sheets for Parents and Caregivers 51 How to Develop Supportive Communities 53 C mo desarrollar comunidades de apoyo 54 Keeping Your Family Strong 55 C mo mantener a su familia fuerte 57 Making Healthy Connections With Your Family 59 Haciendo conexiones saludables con su familia 60 Feeding Your Family 61 C mo alimentar a su familia 62 2018 Prevention Resource Guide iii

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Managing Stress 63 Manejando el estr s 64 Managing Your Finances 65 Manejando sus finanzas 66 Bonding With Your Baby 67 C mo fortalecer los lazos de afecto con su beb 68 Dealing With Temper Tantrums 69 C mo lidiar con los berrinches 70 Parenting Your School Age Child 71 C mo criar a su hijo en edad escolar 72 Connecting With Your Teen 73 C mo relacionarse con su hijo adolescente 74 Parenting Your Child With Developmental Delays and Disabilities 75 C mo criar a su hijo con retrasos de desarrollo y discapacidades 76 Ten Ways to Be a Better Dad 77 Diez maneras de ser un mejor padre 78 Building Resilience in Children and Teens 79 C mo desarrollar resiliencia en los ni os y adolescentes 80 Teen Parents You re Not Alone 81 Hay muchos padres adolescentes como usted 82 Raising Your Kin 83 C mo criar a sus parientes 84 Military Families 85 Familias militares 86 Support After an Adoption 87 Apoyo despu s de la adopci n 88 Preventing Child Sexual Abuse 89 C mo prevenir el abuso sexual de menores 90 Parenting After Domestic Violence 91 La crianza de ni os despu s de la violencia domestica 92 Helping Your Child Heal From Trauma 93 Ayudando a su hijo a curarse del trauma 94 Human Trafficking Protecting Our Youth 95 La trata de personas c mo proteger a nuestros j venes 96 Chapter 6 Resources 97 National Child Abuse Prevention Partners 97 Federal Interagency Work Group on Child Abuse and Neglect 98 iv https www childwelfare gov topics preventing

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About the Resource Guide This Resource Guide was developed to support service providers in their work with parents caregivers and their children to prevent child abuse and neglect and promote child and family well being It was created by the U S Department of Health and Human Services Children s Bureau Office on Child Abuse and Neglect its Child Welfare Information Gateway and the FRIENDS National Center for Community Based Child Abuse Prevention The resources featured represent the work of a broad based partnership of national organizations federal partners and parents committed to strengthening families and communities What s Inside The Resource Guide was created primarily to support community based child abuse prevention professionals who work to prevent child maltreatment and promote well being However others including policymakers parent educators family support workers health care providers program administrators teachers child care providers mentors and clergy also may find the resources useful The following resources are included in this guide Chapter 1 Strengthening Individuals Families and Communities Information about protective factors that help reduce child abuse and neglect established protective factors approaches and how state and local agencies are implementing protective factors approaches to create lasting change in how communities support families Chapter 2 Working With Families Using the Protective Factors Detailed information about six protective factors for preventing child maltreatment and tips and examples for infusing them into programs and direct practice with families and children At the end of this chapter sample scenarios illustrate how multiple protective factors support and strengthen families who are experiencing stress Chapter 3 Using Protective Factors as a Framework for Your Community Partnership Strategies to help build community awareness and support the development of broad based meaningful community partnerships Chapter 4 Protecting Children Information about why child abuse occurs risk factors consequences identifying and reporting maltreatment the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and well being tips for working with parents and children with a history of trauma how to support immigrant and refugee families and how to identify and respond to human trafficking Chapter 5 Tip Sheets for Parents and Caregivers Strengths based tip sheets on specific parenting topics that can be used in discussions or visits with caregivers Chapter 6 Resources Contact information for private and federal partners working nationally to strengthen families Many more resources for strengthening families and building supportive communities are available from the national organizations and federal partners listed in chapter 6 or on the 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 1

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Child Welfare Information Gateway website at https www childwelfare gov topics preventing overview relatedorgs Suggested Uses for the Resource Guide Distribute copies to key community partners working with children and families including child welfare agencies child advocacy centers public health agencies child care centers family therapists media representatives schools faith communities and policymakers Use the Resource Guide as a topic for discussion at an upcoming meeting of your family strengthening community partnership Make copies of the parenting tip sheets chapter 5 for use in parent education classes or parent support groups Provide copies of this guide to those who regularly offer training to family support workers in your community Use the information in the Resource Guide when developing your own media kits press releases and other public awareness tools Make the information available to those in your community who are writing grants to support family strengthening work Please let us know how you are using this year s Resource Guide and how we can better meet your needs Take our brief survey at http www surveygizmo com s3 3827653 2018RGHC 2 https www childwelfare gov topics preventing On the Web The Child Welfare Information Gateway website provides links to resources and information about child abuse prevention family strengthening family centered practice family support family preservation services and many related topics Throughout the Resource Guide links to related Information Gateway webpages available at https www childwelfare gov will provide you with a wealth of additional information This Resource Guide can be ordered or downloaded from the Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect section of the Child Welfare Information Gateway website Also available on the website are calendars listing ways that parents programs and community partners can strengthen families and build supportive communities during April National Child Abuse Prevention Month an online media toolkit a video gallery and downloadable logos and graphics that may be used to customize Prevention Month resources for local communities You can access these resources at https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth The FRIENDS National Center for CommunityBased Child Abuse Prevention website offers information about the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act CAPTA Community Based Child Abuse Prevention CBCAP priorities grantees outcome accountability parent leadership and other important topics Also available on the website are an evaluation toolkit archived teleconferences a link to the FRIENDS Online Training Center and downloadable factsheets learning tools and publications all accessible at http www friendsnrc org

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Chapter 1 Strengthening Individuals Families and Communities Protective Factors Protective factors are conditions or attributes of individuals families communities or the larger society that reduce or eliminate risk and promote healthy development and well being of children and families These factors help ensure that children and youth function well at home in school at work and in the community today and into adulthood Protective factors also can serve as safeguards helping parents who might otherwise be at risk of abusing their children to find resources supports or coping strategies that allow them to parent effectively even under stress Research has found that successful interventions must both reduce risk factors and promote protective factors to ensure child and family wellbeing There is growing interest in understanding the complex ways in which these risk and protective factors interact within the context of a child s family community and society to affect both the incidence and consequences of child abuse and neglect Protective Capacities and Protective Factors Common Ground for Protecting Children and Strengthening Families Protective factors and caregiver protective capacities are complementary frameworks Whereas protective factors are characteristics of individuals families communities or the larger society that promote well being caregiver protective capacities are specific individual attributes that are directly related to child safety Protective capacities are used by child welfare practitioners to assess child safety and risk A caregiver with these cognitive emotional and behavioral characteristics ensures the safety of his or her child and responds to threats in ways that keep the child safe from harm Both frameworks are strengths based approaches to assess and serve families We can best ensure child safety and promote child and family wellbeing by promoting both caregiver protective capacities at the individual level and protective factors at the individual family and community levels For more information see the Protective Capacities and Protective Factors Common Ground for Protecting Children and Strengthening Families infographic from the Capacity Building Center for States at https go usa gov xR7nY Established Protective Factors Approaches There are many protective factors approaches in development and use by various agencies programs and practitioners who seek to prevent child abuse and neglect and promote child well being While some approaches are more grounded in research than others there is no single right way to talk about protective factors The most important message is that focusing on protective factors is critical and sorely needed for the prevention of child maltreatment and promotion of child and family well being 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 3

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This chapter highlights approaches developed by the U S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC the Center for the Study of Social Policy CSSP and the Administration on Children Youth and Families ACYF Key differences among these approaches include the following Populations of focus The ACYF conceptual model focuses on specific in risk populations whereas the other approaches are based on research on general at risk populations Domains of the social ecology Social ecological theory examines how individuals exist within and are shaped by their individual characteristics their families and other relationships their communities and society as a whole All approaches define their protective factors in ways that apply across the social ecology however the parts that are emphasized vary depending on how the protective factors were studied for different populations Social Ecological Model for Preventing and Responding to Child Maltreatment INDIVIDUAL FAMILY COMMUNITY SOCIETY Despite these differences there are strong similarities and alignments across the approaches The overarching goal of these approaches is the same promotion of child youth and family well being Other similarities include the following 4 They are research informed and have been reviewed by experts https www childwelfare gov topics preventing They describe positive conditions or attributes of individuals families or communities that reduce risk factors and help to promote child youth or family well being They provide varying degrees of guidance for practical application in programming for families children or youth They identify positive social connections resilience and social emotional competence as specific protective factors They can be used to inform policymakers practitioners and consumers Child Welfare Information Gateway has developed several products centered on protective factors For information about how protective factors approaches developed by these three organizations align see Protective Factors Approaches in Child Welfare at https www childwelfare gov pubPDFs protective_ factors pdf Essentials for Childhood CDC s Essentials for Childhood model identifies the importance of safe stable and nurturing relationships and environments as key components in preventing child maltreatment It then proposes strategies that communities can use to promote the types of relationships and environments that help children grow up to be healthy and productive citizens The goals of Essentials for Childhood include the following Raise awareness and commitment to promote safe stable and nurturing relationships and environments and prevent child maltreatment Use data to inform actions Create the context for healthy children and families through norms change and programs

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Create the context for healthy children and families through policies A detailed description of the Youth Thrive framework is available at http www cssp org reform child welfare youth thrive Information about Essentials for Childhood is available at https www cdc gov violenceprevention childmaltreatment essentials html ACYF Protective Factors Conceptual Model ACYF s goal in completing a comprehensive literature review and developing the resulting conceptual model was to provide information that can be used to guide practice and policy approaches aimed at increasing protection enhancing resilience and promoting physical mental social and emotional well being for the children youth and families who are the focus of ACYF services This includes five vulnerable Strengthening Families and Youth Thrive Strengthening Families and Youth Thrive are protective factors frameworks developed by CSSP The first focuses on families with young children ages 0 5 and the other on youth ages 11 26 Each includes five factors Strengthening Families Protective Factors Youth Thrive Protective and Promotive Factors Parental resilience Social connections Knowledge of parenting and child development Concrete support in times of need Social emotional competence of children Each protective factor is supported by research from several fields of study The Strengthening Families framework includes a policy component for applying protective factors in practice settings across multiple service systems The Youth Thrive framework describes how youth can be supported by parents and practitioners in ways that advance healthy development and well being and reduce the impact of negative life experiences A detailed description of the Strengthening Families framework is available at https www cssp org young children their families strengtheningfamilies Youth resilience Social connections Knowledge of adolescent development Concrete support in times of need Cognitive and social emotional competence in youth populations children and youth exposed to domestic violence pregnant and parenting youth runaway and homeless youth victims of child abuse and neglect and youth in or transitioning out of foster care These children are primarily in risk versus at risk so the focus of the literature review was to identify factors most salient for those already coping with adverse experiences and situations Through an extensive review of available research ACYF identified 10 protective factors with the strongest evidence for ACYF populations These exist at multiple levels of the social ecology 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 5

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Individual Level Self regulation skills Relational skills Problem solving skills Involvement in positive activities Relationship Level Parenting competencies Positive peers Caring adults Community Level Positive community environment Positive school environment Economic opportunities More information is available in the Preventing Child Abuse Neglect section of the website for Child Welfare Information Gateway at https www childwelfare gov topics preventing including the following publications discussing current research linking protective factors to well being for in risk populations served by ACYF 6 Promoting Protective Factors for Children and Youth in Foster Care A Guide for Practitioners https www childwelfare gov pubs factsheets guide fostercare Promoting Protective Factors for Children Exposed to Domestic Violence A Guide for Practitioners https www childwelfare gov pubs factsheets guide domesticviolence Promoting Protective Factors for In Risk Families and Youth A Guide for Practitioners https www childwelfare gov pubs factsheets in risk Promoting Protective Factors for Pregnant and Parenting Teens A Guide for Practitioners https www childwelfare gov pubs factsheets guide teen https www childwelfare gov topics preventing Promoting Protective Factors for Victims of Child Abuse and Neglect A Guide for Practitioners https www childwelfare gov pubs factsheets victimscan Protective Factors in This Guide Since 2007 this Resource Guide has employed a protective factors framework adapted from the Strengthening Families framework developed by CSSP with the addition of a sixth factor nurturing and attachment Attachment refers to the relationship that develops as a result of a caregiver s sensitive attention to a child and the child s responses to the caregiver A strong and secure emotional bond between children and their caregivers is critical for children s physical social and emotional development including their ability to form trusting relationships and to exhibit positive behaviors Helping parents learn and practice the nurturing skills that lead to strong secure attachments is a well supported pathway to positive outcomes for children

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Although nurturing and attachment is not delineated as a separate protective factor within Strengthening Families it is an implicit and valued component to the entire framework Similarly CDC s Essentials for Childhood promotes nurturing relationships on the societal level while the ACYF protective factors conceptual model acknowledges the importance of nurturing and attachment in factors such as relational skills parenting competencies and caring adults In this way although different organizations use varying approaches to promote protective factors it is clear that the various models and frameworks complement one another and in fact overlap in many areas For the past several years this Resource Guide while continuing to draw primarily from the Strengthening Families framework with the addition of nurturing and attachment has highlighted elements from the CDC and ACYF efforts where synergies exist By implementing a comprehensive protective factors approach we move closer to a prevention oriented society where all sectors recognize the value of health and well being for all individuals families and communities 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 7

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Implementing a Protective Factors Approach Implementing a protective factors approach involves more than changes to individual practice Programs policies and systems also must adapt in order to create incentives capacity and impetus for individual workers to take on a protective factors approach The following are some of the ways that state and local agencies are implementing protective factors Parent Caf s and Community Caf s Parent caf s and community caf s are important tools used to engage parents directly in building protective factors for themselves and their families Adapted from the World Caf TM http theworldcafe com parent caf s and community caf s are structured small group conversations that bring parents together to discuss issues that are important to them Although they stem from the same model there are some differences between parent caf s and community caf s as illustrated in the table on the following page In many cases caf s are offered in series Caf series provide an opportunity to build relationships among parents over time and to engage them in thinking in a deeper and ongoing way about a particular issue Caf s are being implemented across the country in community centers schools early care and education programs and other settings where parents and caregivers gather Find more information about parent and community caf s on the CSSP website at https www cssp org community constituents co invested in change community and parent cafes Examples First Five of Butte County CA offers monthly parent caf s in three communities They welcome all families including foster adoptive and those currently involved with the child welfare system Free dinner and child care are provided Find more information at http www butteparentcafe com about us Community caf s are being implemented in communities throughout Alaska with support from the Alaska Children s Trust Fund Watch a video that describes the process and shows scenes from several caf s at http www ctfalliance org alaskavideo htm The general approach is as follows 8 A casual caf environment is created by setting up small tables six or eight participants per table and including food tablecloths flowers and other accessories Parents are invited to join conversations at these intimate caf tables where a trained parent leader leads the discussion using carefully crafted questions https www childwelfare gov topics preventing After a short period of time on the first question the groups intermingle at new tables for a second question Table hosts convey the key points from the previous group s conversation to help each conversation build on the last Each session involves about three interrelated questions

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Parent Caf Community Caf Approach to building protective factors The focus is directly on sharing information about and discussing the protective factors The focus is on using the protective factors to discuss an issue of concern to the community Caf design Caf s follow a set format to work through each of the protective factors Each caf is designed by its hosts to address an issue of concern Local variation There is room for local and cultural modifications within the structure Each caf is different cultural modifications are encouraged For more information Be Strong Families http www bestrongfamilies net build protective factors parent cafes The Community Caf http thecommunitycafe com Oregon s Project LAUNCH funded eight communities across the state to offer parent caf s to promote the protective factors These events also helped to develop parent leadership skills as parents were trained to facilitate the caf s as hosts Find more information at http www oregon gov oha ph HealthyPeopleFamilies Babies Documents LAUNCHParentCafeissuebrief pdf East Durham NC Children s Initiative hosted a 4 week parent caf series on trauma adverse childhood experiences ACEs and their effects on child development The events focused on prevention tips and strategies and they included presentations by parent advocates and community partners time for Q A and a unity circle Find more information at http edci org stories parent cafe on adverse childhoodexperiences lang en Strengthening Families Self Assessment The Strengthening Families self assessment is a simple tool to help programs identify practical changes that will enhance their ability to build protective factors It was developed based on a yearlong study of exemplary program practice involving nearly 100 programs across the country The self assessment helps programs identify both their strengths and concrete actionable areas where they can improve their practice An online version of the selfassessment allows programs to track which items they have completed where their program strengths and areas of focus are and what action plans are in process The self assessment is designed to be completed by a team that includes at least one parent one staff member and the program director When team members complete the self assessment on their own and bring it to a meeting differences in perspective are revealed that can point the way to small but significant changes 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 9

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Programs have used the self assessment in a variety of ways For example In one early care and education program the director was surprised to learn through the self assessment process that parents and staff members were not aware that she had many materials available to share about parenting and child development In response a brochure rack was placed in a common area stocked with resources that had previously been in a file cabinet in the director s office The materials increased parents knowledge of parenting and child development and even became a catalyst for parents to connect with one another around common concerns such as toddler tantrums In several states groups of early care and education center directors have come together to complete one section of the self assessment at a time and discuss the strengths and areas for improvement they identified Meeting regularly over time they became a learning community sharing their experiences implementing changes in their programs and supporting each other in continuing the work knowledge of parenting child development The primary purpose of the Protective Factors Survey is to provide feedback to agencies for continuous improvement and evaluation purposes The survey results are designed to help agencies measure changes in protective factors and identify areas where workers can focus on increasing individual family protective factors For example The Child and Family Services Agency CFSA Washington DC is using the Protective Factors Survey for ongoing evaluation and assessment with its parent education and support grantees Findings thus far indicate an improvement in family functioning decreased risk and increased protective factors CFSA will work with FRIENDS to analyze the program survey scores to determine whether program interventions were meaningful in achieving positive behavior change that enhances family protective factors New York State Family Resource Centers supported through the CBCAP program have administered the Protective Factors Survey to participants before and after receiving services The survey has helped to demonstrate statistically significant improvements in family functioning among populations who are at historically greater risk for child maltreatment including those with low incomes and those who have not graduated high school In Michigan all direct service grants that are funded through the Children s Trust Fund CTF administer the Protective Factors Survey to program participants Systematic use of the survey has improved CTF s ability to assess and report on participant outcomes from a diverse array of programs CSSP offers four versions of the self assessment which are specific to different kinds of programs For more information visit https www cssp org reform strengtheningfamilies practice programself assesments FRIENDS Protective Factors Survey The FRIENDS Protective Factors Survey is a pre post evaluation tool for use with caregivers receiving child maltreatment prevention services It is a self administered survey that measures protective factors in five areas family functioning resiliency social support concrete support nurturing and attachment and 10 https www childwelfare gov topics preventing

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Improvements have been seen across each subscale with the greatest improvement in the area of family functioning For more information visit http friendsnrc org protective factors survey Online Protective Factors Training Several organizations have developed training tools to support implementation of a protective factors approach These include the following The FRIENDS Online Learning Center is a resource designed to meet the demands of providing free high quality subject specific training for CBCAP State Lead Agencies their grantees and others The Online Learning Center offers continuing education and professional development opportunities that are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week To learn more visit https friendsnrcelearning remote learner net The National Alliance of Children s Trust and Prevention Funds offers a free online curriculum Developed by the Alliance in partnership with members of the Alliance s Early Childhood Initiative and CSSP Bringing the Protective Factors Framework to Life in Your Work A Resource for Action includes seven 2 hour modules an overview one module for each protective factor and a final review and reflection module To learn more visit www ctfalliance org or contact info ctfalliance org Protective Factors Frameworks for Child Welfare Practice A growing number of child welfare jurisdictions are adopting a protective factors approach for child welfare practice These jurisdictions are looking at protective factors not just as a prevention strategy but as a framework for thinking about how they can work with caregivers in ways that enhance their ability to nurture and support the well being of the children in their care and reduce the likelihood of future maltreatment For example Connecticut has adopted a Strengthening Families practice model for its child welfare services All families that are part of the Family Assessment Response track an alternative response track for families where there is no immediate safety threat are assessed not just for risk but also for protective factors Training materials and guidance have been developed to support caseworkers in applying a protective factors approach in key aspects of casework practice A chart outlining the ways that other states are incorporating protective factors into their child welfare practice can be found on the CSSP Strengthening Families website at https www cssp org young children their families strengtheningfamilies about body SF inCW 2016 pdf A similar chart also is available for child abuse and neglect prevention at https www cssp org young children their families strengtheningfamilies about body SF inCANP 2016 pdf 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 11

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Chapter 2 Working With Families Using the Protective Factors Nurturing and Attachment Juggling the demands of work home and other responsibilities leaves many parents feeling like they do not have nearly enough time with their children But even small acts of kindness protection and caring a hug a smile or loving words make a big difference to children Research shows that babies who receive affection and nurturing from their parents a relational level protective factor have the best chance of developing into children teens and adults who are happy healthy and possess individual level protective factors such as relational self regulation and problem solving skills Research also shows that a consistent relationship with caring adults in the early years of life is associated with better grades healthier behaviors more positive peer interactions and an increased ability to cope with stress later in life Infant brains develop best when a few stable caregivers work to understand and meet the infant s need for love affection and stimulation Conversely neglectful and abusive parenting can have a negative effect on brain development A lack of contact or interaction with a caregiver can change the infant s body chemistry resulting in a reduction in the growth hormones essential for brain and heart development Furthermore children who lack early emotional attachments will have a difficult time relating to peers As children grow nurturing by parents and other caregivers remains important for healthy physical and emotional development Parents 12 https www childwelfare gov topics preventing nurture their older children by making time to listen to them being involved and interested in the child s school and other activities staying aware of the child or teen s interests and friends and being willing to advocate for the child when necessary How Workers Can Help Suggest a family game night Loan games for parents to play with their children if possible and remind them that even young children can play board games on an adult s team Offer parents materials for a simple craft that they can make with their child Teach new parents basic infant massage Encourage parents to make eye contact and name each body part as they rub lotion on their baby Words to live by Strong families show how much they love each other

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How Programs Can Help Use parent education strategies workshops lending libraries as opportunities to share information about how a strong parentchild bond enhances brain development and supports positive behavior in young children Share resources available from your agency and throughout the community on how parents can nurture and connect with their children at every age Engage and include all important adults in a child s life including fathers grandparents and extended family as part of a child s nurturing network Acknowledge cultural differences in how parents and children show affection Recognize that when a child consistently does not show a positive response to the parent for example due to an emotional developmental or behavioral disability the parent may need additional support CBCAP State Example Wisconsin Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board The Wisconsin Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board selected and funded a small number of evidence informed and evidence based parent education programs to enhance parenting skills strengthen families and enhance child maltreatment prevention All of the parent education programs selected are rooted in the protective factors Participating agencies were required to implement at least one level of Triple P a research based parenting intervention along with one other evidence informed parent education program such as the Effective Black Parenting Program or Nurturing ParentingTM Families who participated in Nurturing Parenting completed the Adult Adolescent Parenting Inventory which assesses parenting and child rearing attitudes both before and after receiving services The results showed that parents demonstrated improvements in empathy which includes parents nurturing and encouragement skills and their ability to recognize and understand children s feelings Families also demonstrated increased belief in the value of alternatives to corporal punishment For more information Rebecca K Murray Associate Director 608 267 3678 Rebeccak murray wi gov http www preventionboard wi gov 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 13

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Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development Parents who understand the usual course of child development are more likely to be able to provide their children with respectful communication consistent rules and expectations developmentally appropriate limits and opportunities that promote independence But no parent can be an expert on all aspects of infant child and teenage development or on the most effective ways to support a child at each stage When parents are not aware of normal developmental milestones interpret their child s behaviors in a negative way or do not know how to respond to and effectively manage a child s behavior they can become frustrated and may resort to harsh discipline As children grow parents need to continue to foster their parenting competencies by learning about and responding to children s emerging needs Information about child development and parenting may come from many sources including extended families cultural practices media formal parent education classes or a positive school environment that supports parents Interacting with other children of similar ages also helps parents better understand their own child Observing other caregivers who use positive techniques for managing children s behavior provides an opportunity for parents to learn healthy alternatives Parenting styles need to be adjusted for each child s unique temperament and circumstances Parents of children with special needs may benefit from additional coaching and support to reduce frustration and help them become the parents their children need 14 https www childwelfare gov topics preventing How Workers Can Help Encourage parents to see the world from their child s point of view For example you might explore a room together on hands and knees to help a parent understand how to childproof for their toddler Talk with parents about what children can typically do at different ages Discuss any concerns about what their child can or cannot do Family friendly information about developmental milestones from 2 months to 5 years can be found on the CDC website at http www cdc gov ncbddd actearly milestones index html Encourage parents to join a parenting group or class where they can share and learn new parenting strategies Words to live by Being a great parent is part natural and part learned

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How Programs Can Help Offer informal daily interactions between parents and program staff plus coaching from staff on specific developmental challenges when they arise e g inconsolable crying eating or sleeping problems biting sharing toys lying problems with peers Educate staff on parenting and child development so that they can play a more effective role in coaching parents on these issues Provide parent child interaction training opportunities through classes or workshops that address topics parents request or that respond to current issues Provide observation opportunities such as video monitors or windows into classrooms and outdoor space where parents can watch their child interacting with other children and learn new techniques by observing staff Give parents opportunities to participate in conversations with other parents about their own experiences as children and how they want to change their parenting Offer a lending library of educational materials about parenting and child development CBCAP State Example Alabama Department of Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention The Alabama Department of Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention and CBCAP program fund United Cerebral Palsy of Huntsville and Tennessee Valley s Family Connections to provide parent support groups and training in child development and parenting skills The Family Connections program teaches parenting skills that build upon the protective factors known to reduce the likelihood of child maltreatment Participating parents learn behavior modification strategies realistic developmental expectations tools for managing stressful situations and more The Family Connections program also incorporates parent child classes known as Family Fun Times for children ages 18 months to 5 years These monthly gatherings promote parent child bonding through fun activities such as art stories music and movement Family Fun Times also serve as an opportunity for the Parent Educator to model activities and strategies that parents can use to encourage their child s development In addition the parent child classes include a segment of free play to allow time for the parents to socialize and learn from one another which helps build a social support system among the families For more information Sallye R Longshore M S Ed S Director The Children s Trust Fund 334 262 2951 sallye longshore ctf alabama gov 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 15

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Parental Resilience Parents who can cope with the stresses of everyday life as well as an occasional crisis have resilience the flexibility and inner strength to bounce back when things are not going well Parents with resilience also know how to seek help in times of trouble Their ability to deal with life s ups and downs serves as a model of coping behavior for their children This can help children learn critical self regulation and problem solving skills individual level protective factors Multiple life stressors such as a family history of abuse or neglect physical and mental health problems marital conflict substance use and domestic or community violence and financial stressors such as unemployment financial insecurity and homelessness can reduce a parent s capacity to cope effectively with the typical day to day stresses of raising children Conversely community level protective factors such as a positive community environment and economic opportunities enhance parental resilience All parents have inner strengths or resources that can serve as a foundation for building their resilience These may include faith flexibility humor communication skills problem solving skills mutually supportive caring relationships or the ability to identify and access outside resources and services when needed All of these qualities strengthen their capacity to parent effectively and they can be nurtured and developed through concrete skill building activities or through supportive interactions with others How Workers Can Help Remind families that some stress is normal and parenting is stressful for everyone The key is how you respond to it Suggest that parents keep a self care diary to help them remember to make time for themselves each day Offer to meet parents and children outside or take a walk with them on a nice day Emphasize the importance of fresh air and exercise in managing stress Teach parents concrete strategies for relaxation For example guide them to take a few deep breaths and allow their body to relax while thinking of a place where they feel happy Let them know that they can do this any time they feel uncomfortable or stressed How Programs Can Help Hire or develop staff who can form and maintain trusting relationships with families and provide opportunities for these relationships to flourish Understand that mental health consultants are an integral part of the staff team and ensure that they are available to staff and to parents when additional support is needed Words to live by Flexibility and inner strength keep families strong in times of stress 16 https www childwelfare gov topics preventing

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Train staff to observe and assess children for early signs of child or family distress and respond to children and their families with encouragement and support Partner with resources in the community that help families manage stress and deal with crises including programs that offer familyto family help for personalized sustained support as well as services such as mental health counseling substance use treatment domestic violence programs and self help support groups Provide resources to help parents understand the causes of stress and how it affects health relationships and family life Teach parents concrete skills to prevent stress such as planning and goal setting anticipating difficulties problem solving communication and self care Link parents with resources for stress management such as exercise opportunities relaxation techniques and venues for meditation or prayer CBCAP State Example Maryland Family Network Maryland Family Network and Maryland s Family Support Centers work in partnership with parents to build parental resilience through community based self sufficiency programming Increasing parents education and training is one way to increase resilience by helping parents qualify for higher paying jobs Parents with more education also are more likely to engage in healthy behaviors and lifestyles for themselves and their children Educational services include both adult education for learners at all levels and family literacy Programs for adults offer revolving open ended enrollment Services are nonthreatening and selfpaced provide daily successes promote esteem building and are highly individualized Family literacy activities include adult literacy and education parent child activities focusing on literacy parent education to maximize their role as their child s first teacher and developmentally appropriate child care Employment readiness services aid participants in planning for securing and maintaining employment These services include group workshops individual sessions panel discussions presentations by guest speakers field trips and video taping of mock interviews Assessments of career interests values and skills are provided and job readiness counseling helps to enhance skills in areas such as coping with anger and conflict time management stress management working as a team member effective communication and selecting quality child care For more information Linda Ramsey Deputy Director Family Support HR Officer 443 873 5802 lramsey marylandfamilynetwork org http www marylandfamilynetwork org 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 17

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Social Connections Parents with a network of emotionally supportive friends family and neighbors often find that it is easier to care for their children and themselves Most parents need people they can call on once in a while when they need a sympathetic listener advice or concrete support such as transportation or occasional child care In other words a positive community environment and the parent s ability to participate effectively in his or her community is an important protective factor On the other hand research has shown that parents who are isolated and have few social connections are at higher risk for child abuse and neglect Social connections support children in multiple ways A parent s positive relationships give children access to other caring adults a relationship level protective factor that may include extended family members mentors or other members of the family s community Parents social interactions also model important relational skills for children and increase the likelihood that children will benefit from involvement in positive activities individuallevel factors As children grow older positive friendships and support from peers provide another important source of social connection Being new to a community recently divorced or a first time parent makes a support network even more important It may require extra effort for these families to build the new relationships they need Some parents may need to develop self confidence and social skills to expand their social networks In the meantime social connections can also come from other caring adults such as service providers teachers or advocates Helping parents identify resources and or providing opportunities for them to make connections within their neighborhoods or communities may encourage isolated parents to reach out Often opportunities exist within faith based organizations schools hospitals community centers and other places where support groups or social groups meet How Workers Can Help Work with parents to develop an EcoMap showing the people and institutions that are sources of support in their lives Role play with parents to help them practice approaching another parent with whom they would like to be friends Choose a realistic scenario such as at a school event on the playground or in a place of worship Plan a group class or get together and invite all of the families you work with to the event Words to live by Connecting with friends builds a strong support system Some activities adapted from the Center for the Study of Social Policy s Strengthening Families Protective Factors Action Sheets at https www cssp org reform strengtheningfamilies about body ProtectiveFactorsActionSheets pdf 18 https www childwelfare gov topics preventing

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How Programs Can Help Set aside a welcoming space for parents to mingle and talk Provide coffee snacks or other perks Provide classes and workshops on parenting cooking health and other topics of interest Create opportunities for parents to plan social events that reflect their interests or culture Create special outreach activities for fathers grandparents and other extended family members Use regular potluck dinners with parents and children to reach out to new parents and foster new friendships Offer parents who seem interested specific suggestions information or services to help them make social connections Offer resources to help parents overcome transportation child care and other barriers to participating in social activities Sponsor sports and outdoor activities for parents including fathers CBCAP State Example Montana Children s Trust Fund Montana Children s Trust Fund MT CTF coordinates an annual free Halloween themed family resource fair in Helena The Halloween Fun Fest HFF provides families a safe place to create and strengthen relationships with peers The HFF eliminates any stigma associated with seeking help because the event is completely free for all attendees including games and raffles Parents and kids are free to have a fun time with their friends and families while making new connections HFF is truly the community s event Community members donate gently used costumes for a costume swap MT CTF recruits a professional photographer to take pictures of families and friends in their costumes with free digital copies provided to the parents The venue advertising snacks and cash for prizes and decorations are all donated Every game is run by volunteers from community based organizations who talk with parents about the services they provide while the children play The entire community is empowered to play a role in strengthening families The impact of the HFF is evident in its annual growth Attendance has risen from 400 500 people to 1 500 2 000 Sponsors and organizations eagerly participate year after year Recently MT CTF recruited AmeriCorps VISTA to support and expand family resource fairs in at risk communities across Montana For more information Melissa Lavinder Grants Manager 406 444 3002 mlavinder mt gov www ChildrensTrust mt gov 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 19

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Concrete Support for Families Families whose basic needs for food clothing housing and transportation are met have more time and energy to devote to their children s safety and well being When parents do not have steady financial resources lack a stable living situation lack health insurance or face a family crisis such as a natural disaster or the incarceration of a parent their ability to support their children s healthy development may be at risk Families whose economic opportunities are more limited may need assistance connecting to social service supports such as housing alcohol and drug treatment domestic violence counseling or public benefits How Workers Can Help Partnering with parents to identify and access resources in the community may help prevent the stress that sometimes precipitates child maltreatment Offering concrete supports also may help prevent the unintended neglect that sometimes occurs when parents are unable to provide for their children Words to live by Strong families ask for help when they need it When needed services do not exist in your community work with parent advocates and community leaders to help establish them Parents who go public with their need usually find that they are not alone The fact that a parent is willing to publicize a cause may mobilize the community Parents who are new to advocacy may need help connecting with the media businesses funding and other parts of the community to have their needs heard and identify solutions 20 https www childwelfare gov topics preventing Teach families about calling 2 1 1 if available in your community to find resources to meet a specific need or learn more about organizations that support families in their community Support parents in learning how to navigate service systems ask for help and advocate for themselves to receive needed support Encourage families to organize a clothing swap or babysitting co op in their neighborhood How Programs Can Help Connect parents to economic resources such as job training and social services Serve as an access point for health care child care subsidies and other benefits Provide for immediate needs through a closet with extra winter coats and a direct connection to a food pantry facilitate help from other parents when appropriate

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Help families access crisis services such as a shelter for women who have experienced domestic abuse mental health services or substance use counseling by helping families make initial calls and appointments assisting with transportation and providing the name of a contact person in addition to a phone number Train staff to listen for family stress and initiate positive conversations about family needs Let parents know about all available community resources so they may select what is most appropriate for their needs Link parents with service providers who speak their language or share a similar background when available CBCAP State Example California Department of Social Services High Sierra Family Services in Sierra County CA uses CBCAP funding from the California Department of Social Services CDSS to strengthen families by providing concrete supports The agency offers a food pantry children s closet transportation vouchers and emergency utility and rental assistance as well as information to link parents with other community agencies programs and resources After using the food pantry and other concrete support programs families have reported that they are more comfortable accessing other programs at the center By using the food pantry free telephone computer access and emergency rental assistance at least one family was spared unnecessary eviction and was able to eat and stay in their home until unemployment benefits began For more information Robert Bradshaw M P A Manager Prevention Network Development Unit Office of Child Abuse Prevention 916 651 6811 Robert Bradshaw dss ca gov http www cdss ca gov Child Abuse Prevention 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 21

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Social and Emotional Competence of Children Children s emerging ability to form bonds and interact positively with others self regulate their emotions and behavior communicate their feelings and solve problems effectively has a positive impact on their relationships with their family other adults and peers Within the ACYF conceptual model these are referred to as individual level protective factors Parents and caregivers grow more responsive to children s needs and less likely to feel stressed or frustrated as children learn to tell parents what they need and how parental actions make them feel rather than acting out difficult feelings On the other hand children s challenging behaviors or delays in social emotional development create extra stress for families Parenting is more challenging when children do not or cannot respond positively to their parents nurturing and affection These children may be at greater risk for abuse It is important to identify any such concerns as early as possible and to provide services to children and their parents that facilitate healthy development How Workers Can Help Ask parents to share an experience that typically makes their child sad frustrated or angry Explore what the child does when feeling those emotions how the parent responds and how the child responds to the parent Help parents identify opportunities to support their child in using words and skills to cope with strong emotions Engage parents and children in a game or art activity that helps children learn to express themselves in ways other than words Create a lending library of picture books about coping with different emotions for parents to read with their children How Programs Can Help Use both structured curriculum and informal interaction to teach children to share be respectful of others and express themselves through language Include discussions about the importance of feelings in programming for children and parents Create and post a chart that describes which social and emotional skills children typically do and do not possess at different ages Words to live by Children get along better with others when they have words to express how they feel Some activities adapted from the Center for the Study of Social Policy s Strengthening Families Protective Factors Action Sheets at https www cssp org reform strengtheningfamilies about body ProtectiveFactorsActionSheets pdf 22 https www childwelfare gov topics preventing

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Provide art programs that allow children to express themselves in ways other than words Foster ongoing engagement and communication with parents about their children s social and emotional development and the actions the program is taking to facilitate it Children often take home what they are learning at school Encourage and provide opportunities for parents to share resources with each other and exchange ideas about how they promote their children s social and emotional development Take timely action when there is a concern this might include asking another experienced teacher or staff member to help observe a child talking with the parent or bringing in a consultant CBCAP State Example North Carolina Division of Social Services The North Carolina Division of Social Services NC DSS funds Incredible Years IY programs for families with children ages 3 12 years by blending various funding streams including CBCAP The programs provide child care transportation meals and incentives to facilitate participant recruitment and retention IY is an evidence based program that fosters healthy development in young children by strengthening parenting competencies and promoting effective strategies for managing children s challenging behaviors Parents and caregivers attend weekly group sessions for 14 to 16 weeks to practice skills that promote children s academic social and emotional skills Parents learn the very basics of parenting playing with their children offering praise and rewards creating household rules and setting limits and using positive discipline strategies The long term goals of the IY parent program include strengthening families by preventing delinquency substance use and violence NC DSS requires all IY grantees to use formal technical assistance and implementation fidelity support provided by Prevent Child Abuse North Carolina to ensure the best possible outcomes for children and families An independent evaluator found statistically significant results in all outcomes including decreasing harsh discipline decreasing inconsistent discipline increasing appropriate discipline increasing positive parenting increasing clear expectations decreasing the frequency of child s problem behaviors and decreasing the degree to which caregivers parents perceive the child s behavior as problematic For more information Deborah Day Community Based Program Administrator 919 527 6436 deborah day dhhs nc gov www ncdhhs gov 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 23

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Questions to Ask to Explore Protective Factors With Caregivers Asking questions is an important part of partnering with parents Parents may feel more comfortable voicing concerns and exploring solutions when providers ask questions that When you spend time with your child what do you like to do together How do you engage your child during everyday activities e g diapering meals driving in the car Focus on the parents own hopes and goals for their children Help parents identify and build on their current strengths Model nurturing behavior by acknowledging frustrations and recognizing the parents efforts What happens when your child cries for a long time has a tantrum skips school How do you let your child know that you love him or her What do you do when your child does something great The following are some specific questions that may help providers partner with families to identify strengths and needs around each protective factor Using these questions you can help caregivers identify their own stresses and needs as well as the successful coping strategies they already use and their personal family and community resources You can then make referrals to essential services supports and resources that will feel most relevant and helpful Some parents might need additional support in identifying their needs addressing their feelings about asking for help navigating eligibility requirements or overcoming other barriers such as transportation or child care 24 Nurturing and Attachment https www childwelfare gov topics preventing Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development What do you like about your child Why do you think your child cries eats slowly says no breaks rules How have you let your child know what you expect How have you seen other parents handle this What would your parents have done in this situation How do you think your child compares to other children his her age What are some of the things you find challenging as a parent

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Parental Resilience Concrete Support for Families What do you do to take care of yourself and gather strength What do you need to be able to stay in your house keep your job pay your heating bill What kinds of frustrations or worries do you deal with throughout the day How do you solve these problems as they come up How have you handled this problem so far Is it working Why or why not Are there community groups or other local services that might be able to help Did you know that local program provides free job training meals on weekends lowcost child care etc What kind of help do you need to get to these services How are you able to meet your children s needs when you are dealing with stress How do you and your spouse or partner support each other in times of stress What are your dreams and goals for yourself and your family What steps are you taking toward those goals Social Connections Social and Emotional Competence of Children Do you have family members or friends nearby who help out once in a while What happens when there is a conflict in your house Do you find it easy or challenging to make friends Are your child s emotions ever hard for you to deal with Would you be interested in meeting other parents who also have a new baby have a teenager like to cook sing in a choir What kinds of things help your child calm down when he or she is upset What kind of support would you need in order to be able to get out for an evening How do you talk to your child about feelings How does your child get along with friends 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 25

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Protective Factors in Practice The following scenarios illustrate how multiple protective factors support and strengthen families who are experiencing stress These vignettes may be used during training for new family support workers as a learning tool when working one on one with parents or to stimulate discussion at a parent caf Scenario 1 Sandra is a 28 year old mother of two who has struggled with substance use issues for close to 10 years She has two children Kayla age 4 and Joshua who is just 9 months old Although Sandra is no longer with Kayla s father John he is still active in their lives and has Kayla 3 days a week Joshua s father moved away and is not actively involved in their lives Sandra and John have a strong coparenting relationship and John often helps Sandra out with care for both children Although Sandra s substance use has been a source of tension between the two of them John has been supportive of her while she has pursued treatment in the past Sandra considers herself to be an engaged mom She sings songs plays age appropriate games with both Kayla and Joshua and is tuned in to their needs and limits However she recognizes that there have been times when drug use has negatively impacted her parenting When Kayla was 2 a child neglect report was filed on Sandra Although no case was opened Sandra viewed it as a wake up call and successfully completed a 90 day inpatient treatment program to break her drug habit Sandra s mother kept Kayla during the week and John kept Kayla on the weekends while Sandra was in treatment Kayla had problems expressing herself during this time She had temper tantrums at times other times she clung to her grandmother and was afraid that she would leave her Once Sandra came home she remained drug free until recently Sandra was prescribed painkillers as part of her recovery from Joshua s birth and has been gradually increasing her substance use combining prescription and street drugs She recognizes the drug use is getting in the way of her parenting and work but doesn t know exactly how to stop or where to turn for help Consider the degree to which each protective factor is present at the end of the scenario Nurturing and attachment Knowledge of parenting and child development Parental resilience Social connections Concrete support for families Social and emotional competence of children What other kinds of support might help strengthen this family 26 https www childwelfare gov topics preventing

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Scenario 2 Zainah is a 23 year old who recently migrated from Syria with her 3 year old son Adnan and husband Sayid The family was forced out of their homeland due to war more than 3 years ago Initially they were able to stay with relatives and then spent almost 18 months in a refugee camp They are newly settled in Minneapolis where they have some extended family and are connected to the broader Syrian community Zainah is not working and spends her days at home with Adnan although recently she has been leaving the house to meet other young mothers from the Syrian community who gather at each other s homes during the day As Zainah has been spending more time with other mothers with young children she has developed concerns about Adnan s slow speech development Adnan becomes sad and gets frustrated when he can t express himself Zainah s friend Sarah who has a 3 year old daughter was the first person she talked to about her worries Sarah has encouraged Zainah to take Adnan to the doctor to be evaluated Zainah has been reluctant to do this because she struggles with English is uncomfortable talking with the doctor and generally finds the U S health care and social services system overwhelming Sarah who has been in the United States since she was 7 speaks English fluently She has offered to go with Zainah to the doctor s office to serve as a translator Consider the degree to which each protective factor is present at the end of the scenario Nurturing and attachment Knowledge of parenting and child development Parental resilience Social connections Concrete support for families Social and emotional competence of children What other kinds of support might help strengthen this family 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 27

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Chapter 3 Using Protective Factors as a Framework for Your Community Partnership Working Successfully With Community Partners Everyone has something to contribute to a family strengthening effort All sectors of the community need to be aware of the importance of the protective factors and understand how everyone can play a role in building these factors to support families and children Working with any one of the groups listed below can be a great way to engage and support more families However the more groups that you involve the more people you will reach and the stronger your community partnership will be When all members of the community work together as a whole families feel supported and are better able to nurture and care for their children how the different groups in your community define family and respect the definition of each family tribe or ethnic group Beginning a meeting or workshop with a demonstration of spirituality drawn from one of the cultural groups represented can prepare participants emotionally and mentally for the activities of the day as well as acknowledge the strength of that culture to the entire group Programs that introduce traditional childrearing practices from various cultures such as certain Native American tribes or immigrant groups may help young parents raise their children in a positive and culturally knowledgeable manner Learn about the importance of cultural responsiveness and what it looks like in practice Find resources on the FRIENDS website at https friendsnrc org activitiesthat support collaboration culturalresponsiveness and on the Child Welfare Information Gateway website at https www childwelfare gov topics systemwide diversepopulations or https www childwelfare gov topics systemwide cultural Embrace Diversity Every community group has unique beliefs interests and approaches to supporting families and children Partnering with community members of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds lifestyles and values will require an organizational investment in addressing differences in positive and productive ways Consider the following tips 28 Make your community group welcoming to all by making meeting times and locations flexible and accessible to all Insist on diversity in leadership Seek to understand the beliefs values interests and concerns of each group with whom you wish to partner What are their mission and goals and how will a familystrengthening effort further those goals Different cultures define the concept of family in very different ways Learn about https www childwelfare gov topics preventing Suggestions for Community Events Offer training or workshops about the protective factors to various groups General talking points can be found in the Spread the Word section of the Prevention Month microsite https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth spread the word

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Be sure to customize your presentation to your audience End by inviting participation on your community family strengthening council Audiences might include the following Judges and other court personnel involved in making best interests determinations for children Child care center staff or parents Congregations or interfaith groups Town hall meeting Invite local legislators parent leaders and other community leaders to discuss issues affecting local families Health fair Bring together local clinics and providers to offer free screenings as well as social service organizations who can talk about low income health insurance options Human services fair Invite partner organizations to present on topics that help parents meet their families needs such as finding adequate medical care safe and affordable child care and substance use treatment Job fair Invite local businesses to attend and meet with prospective candidates as well as nonprofit organizations that can provide help with child care interview clothing or tips transportation and other job related needs Ethnic street fairs These events offer families a way to enjoy their cultural heritage in the company of others Community organizations can provide prevention information and educational materials at booths and through family friendly activities such as parent child craft activities and puppet shows Employees of a large local business Parent teacher organizations e g PTAs Mothers of Preschoolers MOPS groups or other parent groups Local physicians perhaps through grand rounds at local hospitals Sponsor community events that support families and include a broad representation of your family strengthening partnerships Examples include the following Parents Day focused on the protective factors Find tools and resources from a successful parent led event in Alaska at http dhss alaska gov ocs Documents families documents AK_ParentEventToolkit pdf Resources for Working With Community Partners Essentials for Childhood As a complementary protective factors framework CDC s Essentials for Childhood provides a step by step approach that community partnerships can take to support families and prevent child maltreatment http www cdc gov violenceprevention childmaltreatment essentials FRIENDS Collaboration Toolkit Collective Impact is a proven framework for tackling complex social problems This toolkit offers descriptions of each of the 10 elements of Collective Impact along with tools and resources https friendsnrc org activities that support collaboration collaboration toolkit Building Community Building Hope Film Series These films from the National Child Abuse and Neglect Technical Assistance and Strategic Dissemination Center CANTASD show real world collaborative solutions to supporting families under stress Each comes with a discussion toolkit and supporting materials to foster conversations about what we as a society can and should do to ensure the safety and well being of all children and families http www cantasd org bcbh 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 29

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Tips for Working With Specific Groups The following are suggestions for ways your agency or organization can build strong families and supportive communities by working with specific groups Cohost parent education and support group meetings or offer to bring a meeting to their location Create opportunities for parent volunteers to participate in community activities such as safety initiatives after school programs mentoring programs food drives and other events Ask experienced parent leaders to present at workshops and events and to serve as mentors for families who are just joining your partnership For more information on parent leadership see the FRIENDS website at https friendsnrc org parent leadership Faith Communities Support the development of mentoring programs within congregations for children and families under stress Train religious and lay leaders to recognize signs and symptoms of abuse or neglect work with victims and their families and make appropriate referrals Encourage religious leaders to acknowledge publicly that child abuse is a major concern for the faith community and that they are dedicated to supporting families and protecting children For more information about working with faith based communities see the Information Gateway website at https www childwelfare gov topics systemwide diverse populations faith based Immigrant and Refugee Families Invite immigrants refugees and other new Americans to speak to your staff about cultural differences and concerns unique to immigrant families Participate in task forces collaborations and partnerships with community based agencies dedicated to addressing the needs of immigrant families in your community Develop literature in different languages to meet the needs of all families in your community For more information visit the Office of Refugee Resettlement at https www acf hhs gov orr Parents and Caregivers 30 Host a community or parent caf For more information visit http www cssp org community constituents co invested inchange resident and youth engagement community and parent cafes Reach out to community parent councils or forums Support the development of such councils where they do not currently exist https www childwelfare gov topics preventing

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American Indian Alaska Native Families Within tribal communities mutual respect and humility are greatly valued American Indians and Alaska Natives have rich traditions and respecting those traditions and being open to tribal approaches will strengthen relationships Be upfront about your level of experience working with American Indian Alaska Native families or tribes and be open to listening to what makes each family and tribe unique and special Establish ongoing communication Often tribes and states communicate only in times of conflict or misunderstanding Productive working relationships are hinged on the personal relationships of people and regular communication among those people Understand that tribes are sovereign nations which simply means that tribes have by law the right to self governance Identify avenues for negotiating common interests related to the welfare of children and an understanding of and appreciation for the different government structures For more information visit https www childwelfare gov topics systemwide diversepopulations americanindian Courts Create meaningful roles for parents and community stakeholders in the juvenile dependency court system to promote a better understanding of the challenges faced by those who come before the court Set up formal referral systems to direct parents to legal service providers within the community Create support groups among parents currently or previously involved with the court system Early Childhood Centers and Schools Offer to provide onsite services to children and families This can be an important first step in building families comfort with pursuing services Offer to speak at a parent teacher organization PTA or PTO meeting Seek opportunities to sponsor joint events Business Leaders Recruit a high profile business leader to serve in a leadership role for your communitybased partnership Encourage him or her to challenge fellow business leaders to contribute Publicly recognize companies with familyfriendly services and policies such as onsite child care paid sick leave flexible scheduling and telecommuting Identify ways that employee volunteer programs could work to support safe and healthy families in the community Ask local businesses to consider familystrengthening messages in their advertising on menus or on product packaging Military Invite family support personnel from local installations or the National Guard to share information about family support resources offered through military specific programs and participate in community events and trainings Locate family support personnel by 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 31

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visiting MilitaryINSTALLATIONS at http www militaryinstallations dod mil MOS f p MI ENTRY 0 Include military families as a target audience for your marketing materials Create opportunities for military parents to participate as volunteers mentors or leaders in community activities that focus on strengthening families Adjust commitment requirements as needed to be sensitive to military personnel schedules and deployments point out your community s current strengths and needs Law Enforcement Explore the programs that your local law enforcement agency offers related to children youth and families These might include diversion mentoring or early intervention among others Visit the International Association of Chiefs of Police Youth Focused Policing Resource Center website for more information at http www iacpyouth org Seek to partner with school based law enforcement personnel These officers already have a close connection with youth and families and can offer a valuable perspective Medical Community Develop parenting resources in cooperation with health care providers Physician organizations often have materials to help improve knowledge of parenting and child development For an example visit http brightfutures aap org Develop community resource guides for health care providers who identify children and families with specific needs Resources might include child care programs afterschool programs for children with disabilities and others Invite a law enforcement representative along when making protective factors presentations to parent groups child care centers and other family venues Ask whether your local agency has a community relations or community outreach coordinator Develop partnerships with local health care provider organizations For example the American Academy of Pediatrics has local chapters throughout the United States For more information visit https www aap org en us about the aap chapters and districts Pages chapters and districts aspx Coordinate a community safety awareness campaign or activities Policymakers 32 Build long term relationships with your legislator and his or her staff keep them informed regularly of community issues affecting families Write or call your local legislator and make him or her aware of the research demonstrating how the protective factors help prevent child abuse and neglect Briefly https www childwelfare gov topics preventing Substance Use Treatment Agencies Ensure that all child serving agencies in the community have an understanding of the disease of addiction and view relapse and recovery as long term disease management issues Visit the National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare for more information at https www ncsacw samhsa gov

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Establish shared protocols across the community for screening assessing and referring families to substance use treatment When needed use warm handoffs to help families connect with treatment providers Domestic Violence Advocates Colocate a domestic violence advocate onsite at family serving agencies Offer support groups and counseling for victims and children Colocate substance use specialists in child welfare offices dependency courts and other family serving agencies Partner with family centered treatment providers to treat families through a comprehensive strategy that addresses their multifaceted needs Develop cross system protocols and partnerships to ensure coordinated services and responses to families experiencing domestic violence Host joint events such as workshops on teen dating violence awareness or education campaigns or food and clothing drives for victims and their families For more information visit the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence at http www nrcdv org or Futures Without Violence at https www futureswithoutviolence org children youthteens Mental Health Professionals Offer onsite mental health service teams or develop a resource list of potential behavioral mental health agencies Work with a partner mental health agency to identify functional screening and assessment tools and coordinate early intervention referrals evaluations and services for children Coordinate efforts to offer ongoing training and deliver evidence based interventions related to trauma and mental health challenges that are common among the children and youth in your community Develop interagency communication protocols that respect confidentiality policies while sharing information that may affect the treatment of children youth and family members Visit the Building Bridges Initiative for more information on partnerships and collaborations at http www buildingbridges4youth org 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 33

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Building Partnerships Through Media Today a wider than ever variety of media strategies is available to help your organization or community partnership spread the word about events reach potential supporters and build connections among stakeholders Understanding the different channels and developing a thoughtful comprehensive media strategy are important steps that can support the goal of preventing child maltreatment and enhancing child well being in your community Bookmarking sites e g Pinterest Podcasts Blogs and microblogs e g Twitter Social networking sites e g Facebook Photo and video sharing sites e g Instagram YouTube Developing Your Strategy Media channels fall into two general categories Traditional media are television radio and print Traditional media strategies include the following Rather than choosing to focus energy and resources on either traditional or social media successful organizations and partnerships start by considering their stakeholders and goals They then develop a comprehensive strategy that employs multiple media channels to connect with stakeholders and further their message Press releases Letters to the editor Public service announcements Radio or television interviews The following questions can help you start to develop or hone your media strategy Social media are web based tools that allow you to share messages and materials and to establish dialogue with stakeholders Some of the most popular social media tools include the following 34 Websites Traditional and social media have very different strengths and uses as reflected in the table at the bottom of this page Traditional Versus Social Media Whom are we trying to reach This will likely include multiple distinct groups or target Traditional Media Goals Social Media Goals Get the word out Publicize an event to a large general audience Tell your story in more detail https www childwelfare gov topics preventing Engage in dialogue or get feedback Reach a more targeted specific group Send out brief alerts that prompt stakeholders to take immediate action

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audiences Answer the following questions separately for each group What types of media are our target audience members most likely to use frequently What goals do we want to achieve Goals might range from simply raising awareness to engaging stakeholders in conversation or persuading them to take action What messages will further our goals How will we measure our success A channel on a video sharing website such as YouTube Vimeo or others could feature short videos of program participants demonstrating effective parenting practices or explaining critical stages of child development All of these social media channels will help increase your reach and drive traffic back to your website Meanwhile a press release about the initiative may generate print radio or television media interest and help spread the word to an even wider audience What media channels work best for each message and target audience Example Audience Teen and young adult parents Goal Strengthen social connections and parenting competencies Messages Protective factors Tips for Engaging Media The following are some basic tips to get you started Social Media If you are new to social media start by investigating your agency or organization s guidelines for professional and personal social media use If no such policies exist they need to be established and approved by agency leadership and legal counsel before you begin to use social media at work Social media policies should cover issues such as confidentiality and the responsibilities of mandated reporters and they need to be disclosed to all participants on your social media sites Create a personal account and spend time learning how the platforms work Keep messages brief Use a more casual conversational tone while maintaining your organization s identity Social media requires commitment Websites Facebook pages and Twitter feeds need to be maintained with frequent updates that address your target audience members interests needs and concerns Strategies You might start by building a home base website for this initiative with information about local support group meetings and other activities and a regularly updated blog about common parenting concerns and how the protective factors can help The initiative will need its own Facebook page and Twitter feed to attract its target audience These channels can offer timely information about events and meetings as well as brief parenting tips and links to community supports You can develop social connections by encouraging young parents to post their parenting questions on your social media for others to answer This also will help you learn more about your target audience s needs and concerns 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 35

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Monitor and respond to comments frequently to bring users back and create a more active engaged community Reposting information from partners benefits everyone Your followers learn something new and stay engaged your partners gain wider exposure and they are more likely to return the favor when you have news to share Let people know where you are online Include URLs and logos in printed materials Encourage community members to like your Facebook page follow you on Twitter etc Traditional Media 36 Get to know your local media representatives Pay attention to who covers family and children s issues for your local newspaper or television stations and invite them to learn more about your mission Consider inviting media representatives to participate in your community partnership Keep them informed regularly of your progress and challenges Propose an editorial briefing on the protective factors and how community members can help families stay healthy and strong Offer members of your community partnership as experts on family health and safety protective factors and child abuse prevention Use the sample press release public service announcements and talking points found in the Outreach Materials section of the Prevention Month microsite at https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth spread the word outreachmaterials https www childwelfare gov topics preventing On the Web The WE CAN series features a set of simple bold social media messages designed to build awareness and engage the public and partners in child abuse and neglect prevention The messages developed by CANTASD encourage action by providing links to resources and additional information Share them freely on social media and download them for use in your own emails newsletters presentations or other tools http cantasd acf hhs gov The CDC has created The Health Communicator s Social Media Toolkit to provide information about social media channels and strategies and to share lessons learned from the agency s experience integrating social media into health communication campaigns https www cdc gov socialmedia tools guidelines socialmediatoolkit html Learn more about social media on the Child Welfare Information Gateway webpage Using Social Media in Child Welfare at https www childwelfare gov topics management workforce tools socialmedia

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Chapter 4 Protecting Children Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect When children are nurtured they can grow up to be happy and healthy adults But when they lack an attachment to a caring adult receive inconsistent nurturing or experience harsh discipline the consequences can affect their lifelong health well being and relationships with others This chapter provides information to help service providers and others concerned about the health and well being of children to understand child abuse and neglect its effects and what each of us can do to address it when it occurs What Is Child Abuse and Neglect Child abuse or neglect often takes place in the home at the hands of a person the child knows well a parent relative babysitter or friend of the family There are four major types of child maltreatment Although any of the forms may be found separately they often occur together Each state is responsible for establishing its own definitions of child abuse and neglect that meet federal minimum standards Most include the following Neglect is failure to provide for a child s basic needs Physical abuse is physical injury as a result of hitting kicking shaking burning or otherwise harming a child Sexual abuse is any situation where a child is used for sexual gratification This may include indecent exposure fondling rape or commercial exploitation through prostitution or the production of pornographic materials Emotional abuse is any pattern of behavior that impairs a child s emotional development or sense of self worth including constant criticism threats and rejection Trafficking is another type of child maltreatment States are required to consider any child who is identified as a victim of sex trafficking or severe forms of trafficking as defined in the Trafficking Victims Protection Act as a victim of child abuse and neglect and sexual abuse The term sex trafficking means the recruitment harboring transportation provision or obtaining of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act The term severe forms of trafficking in persons means sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force fraud or coercion or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age Why Does Child Abuse Occur Child abuse and neglect affect children of every age race and income level However research has identified many factors relating to the child family community and society that are associated with an increased risk of child abuse and neglect Studies also have shown that when multiple risk factors are present the risk is 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 37

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greater Some of the most common risk factors include the following Immaturity Young parents may lack experience with children or be unprepared for the responsibility of raising a child Unrealistic expectations A lack of knowledge about normal child development or behavior may result in frustration and ultimately abusive discipline Stress Families struggling with poverty unstable housing divorce or unemployment may be at greater risk Substance use The effects of substance use as well as time energy and money spent obtaining drugs or alcohol significantly impair parents abilities to care for their children Intergenerational trauma Parents own experiences of childhood trauma impact their relationships with their children Isolation Effective parenting is more difficult when parents lack a supportive partner family or community These circumstances combined with the inherent challenges of raising children can result in otherwise well intentioned parents causing their children harm or neglecting their needs On the other hand evidence shows that the great majority of families who experience these circumstances will not abuse or neglect their children Protective factors such as the ones discussed in this Resource Guide act as buffers to help many families who are under stress parent effectively How Many Children Are Abused and Neglected in the United States In federal fiscal year FFY 2016 the most recent year for which national child maltreatment statistics are available about 4 1 million reports were made to child protective services concerning the safety and well being of approximately 7 4 million children As a result of these reports a nationally estimated 676 000 unique count children were found to be victims of child abuse or neglect Unique count is defined as counting each child only once regardless of the number of reports of abuse and neglect Of these children threequarters 74 8 percent were neglected more than 18 percent 18 2 percent were physically abused and fewer than 10 percent 8 5 percent were sexually abused Child deaths are the most tragic results of maltreatment In FFY 2016 an estimated 1 750 children died due to abuse or neglect Of the children who died and for whom child specific data were reported 74 6 percent suffered neglect and 44 2 percent suffered physical abuse either exclusively or in combination with another maltreatment type 1 What Are the Consequences Child maltreatment is a traumatic experience and the impact on survivors can be profound Traumatic events whether isolated e g a single incident of sexual abuse or ongoing e g chronic emotional abuse or neglect overwhelm children s ability to cope and elicit powerful 1 Statistics on this page are taken from the U S Department of Health and Human Services Children s Bureau 2018 Child Maltreatment 2016 Retrieved from https www acf hhs gov cb research data technology statistics research child maltreatment 38 https www childwelfare gov topics preventing

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physical and emotional responses These responses continue even when the danger has passed often until treatment is received Traumatic events may impair a child s ability to trust others their sense of personal safety and effectiveness in navigating life changes Research shows that child maltreatment like other trauma and adverse childhood experiences ACEs is associated with poor physical health and mental health outcomes in children and families and those negative effects can last a lifetime The trauma of child abuse or neglect has been associated with increased risk of the following Depression and suicide attempts Social problems with other children and with adults Teen pregnancy Developmental disabilities and learning problems Neglect Physical abuse Sexual abuse Emotional abuse Lack of success in school Domestic violence Chronic illnesses including heart disease cancer and lung disease among others In addition to the impact on the child and family child abuse and neglect affect the community as a whole including medical and mental health law enforcement judicial public social services and nonprofit agencies as they respond to incidents and support victims The CDC estimates that the confirmed cases of child maltreatment from just 1 year cost the nation approximately 124 billion over the victims lifetime 2 What Are the Warning Signs Substance use Maltreatment Type The first step in helping or getting help for an abused or neglected child is to identify the symptoms of abuse The table below lists some symptoms of the four major types of child maltreatment The presence of a single sign does not prove that child abuse is Symptoms Signs of malnutrition Delayed physical emotional or intellectual development Poor hygiene Unattended physical or medical problems Unexplained bruises burns or welts Child appears frightened of a parent or caregiver Pain bleeding redness or swelling in anal or genital area Age inappropriate sexual play with toys self or others Age inappropriate knowledge of sex Extremes in behavior ranging from overly aggressive to overly passive Fang X Brown D S Florence C S Mercy J A 2012 The economic burden of child maltreatment in the United States and implications for prevention Child Abuse Neglect 36 2 156 165 2 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 39

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occurring in a family however when these signs appear repeatedly or in combination you should consider the possibility of maltreatment On the Child Welfare Information Gateway Website What Can I Do If I Suspect Child Abuse or Neglect Find more information about Anyone can and should report suspected child abuse or neglect If you think a child is being mistreated take immediate action Most states have a toll free number for reporting To find out how to make a report in your state see the Information Gateway publication State Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Numbers at https www childwelfare gov organizations CWIGFunctionsaction rols main dspList rolType Custom RS_ID 5 When you call to make a report you will be asked for specific information such as the following The child s name and location What you have seen or heard regarding the abuse or neglect The names of any other people who might know about the abuse Your name and phone number voluntary The name and relationship if known of the person you believe is abusing the child Reporting the situation may protect the child and get additional help for the family Many nonprofit public education social service and child care organizations in your community play a role in providing supports and services to children youth and families Parenting education crisis respite care transitional housing and literacy programs as well as family resource centers teen parent support groups 40 https www childwelfare gov topics preventing Definitions of child abuse and neglect https www childwelfare gov topics can defining Risk and protective factors for child abuse https www childwelfare gov topics can factors How many children are abused https www childwelfare gov topics systemwide statistics can Warning signs https www childwelfare gov topics can identifying Responding to child abuse and neglect https www childwelfare gov topics responding fatherhood groups and marriage education classes support families in important ways How Can I Help Children Who Have Been Abused or Neglected Children who have experienced abuse or neglect need support from caring adults who understand the impact of trauma and how to help Consider the following suggestions see Adverse Childhood Experiences and WellBeing on page 42 and the tip sheet Helping Your Child Heal From Trauma on page 93 for more information Help children feel safe Support them in expressing and managing intense emotions

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Help children understand their trauma history and current experiences for example by helping them understand that what happened was not their fault or helping them see how their current emotions might be related to past trauma Assess the impact of trauma on the child and address any trauma related challenges in the child s behavior development and relationships Support and promote safe and stable relationships in the child s life including supporting the child s family and caregivers if appropriate Often parents and caregivers have also experienced trauma See Working With Parents Who Have a History of Trauma on page 44 Manage your own stress Providers who have histories of trauma themselves may be at particular risk of experiencing secondary trauma symptoms Find more information on the Information Gateway website at https www childwelfare gov topics responding trauma secondary Refer the child to trauma informed services which may be more effective than generic services that do not address trauma On the Web Adverse Childhood Experiences Resources CDC https www cdc gov violenceprevention acestudy resources html Impact of Child Abuse Neglect Information Gateway https www childwelfare gov topics can impact 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 41

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Adverse Childhood Experiences and Well Being What Are ACEs Adverse childhood experiences ACEs are traumatic events occurring before age 18 ACEs include all types of abuse and neglect as well as parental mental illness substance use divorce incarceration and domestic violence A landmark study in the 1990s found a significant relationship between the number of ACEs a person experienced and a variety of negative outcomes in adulthood including poor physical and mental health substance use and risky behaviors The more ACEs experienced the greater the risk for these outcomes 3 By definition children in the child welfare system have suffered at least one ACE Recent CBCAP State Example Idaho Children s Trust Fund The Idaho Children s Trust Fund ICTF Prevent Child Abuse Idaho has been working on a statewide initiative to teach people who work with children and families about ACEs the effects of trauma on the developing brain and how organizations and communities can use protective factors to strengthen families and mitigate these effects By partnering with other organizations they have been able to bring screenings of two movies on ACEs and trauma Paper Tigers and Resilience to key communities across the state Each screening has resulted in people reaching out for more information resources and training ICTF also trains and facilitates discussions with stakeholders in the school system juvenile justice early education mental health and other family serving realms using its own materials as well as existing tools such as the Brain Architecture Game from Harvard s Center for the Developing Child https developingchild harvard edu and the Strengthening Families Framework https www cssp org young children their families strengtheningfamilies Demand for training is growing as more organizations and communities see how training leads to understanding which leads to motivation and change ICTF s goal is ultimately a statewide culture shift toward greater empathy action and prevention For more information Roger Sherman Executive Director Idaho Children s Trust Fund 208 386 9317 http idahochildrenstrustfund org 3 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2016 About the CDC Kaiser ACE Study Major Findings Webpage Retrieved from https www cdc gov violenceprevention acestudy about html 42 https www childwelfare gov topics preventing

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studies have shown that in comparison to the general population these children are far more likely to have experienced at least four ACEs 42 percent vs 12 5 percent 4 traumas When children do experience trauma understanding the impact of ACEs can lead to more trauma informed interventions that help to mitigate negative outcomes How Can Programs Use This Information to Help Children Many communities are now exploring how a focus on reducing ACEs can help prevent child maltreatment produce healthier outcomes for children and families and save costs down the road Research about the lifelong impact of ACEs underscores the urgency of prevention activities to protect children from these and other early CBCAP State Example Michigan Children s Trust Fund Through the efforts of the Michigan Children s Trust Fund CTF funding was secured to conduct the CDC approved state level ACEs study through the Michigan Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System BRFSS survey that is administered annually This has enabled CTF to incorporate Michigan specific ACEs data into its presentation materials CTF has conducted presentations on the impact of ACEs and their relationship to adult health and well being in a variety of settings including parenting and early childhood conferences a state level interdepartmental task force the School and Community Health Alliance of Michigan conference regional collaborative groups on trauma informed care community level task forces and more CTF worked with leadership from other Michigan Department of Health and Human Services divisions to fund a second ACEs study to be included in the state s next BRFSS survey The study will incorporate a set of questions about the protective factors together with the CDC established ACEs questions to assess whether the impact of ACEs is mitigated when family strengths are in place CTF also was invited to participate in a state level work group led by advocates in the health services field to explore ways to inform medical and behavioral health practice through increased understanding of the ACEs findings The findings will continue to be used to develop messaging strategies to educate legislators and policymakers editorial boards service clubs and others For more information Michael Foley Executive Director Michigan Children s Trust Fund 517 373 4320 http www michigan gov ctf 4 ACEs in young children involved in the child welfare system Retrieved from http www flcourts org core fileparse php 517 urlt ACEsInYoungChildrenInvolvedInTheChildWelfareSystem pdf Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2016 About the CDC Kaiser ACE Study Data and Statistics Webpage Retrieved from https www cdc gov violenceprevention acestudy about html 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 43

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Working With Parents Who Have a History of Trauma When working with families who are under stress it is important to consider how past trauma may be affecting the parents Many parents who seek assistance from community agencies or come to the attention of the child welfare system have experienced some form of trauma This might include living through or witnessing the following Physical abuse Sexual abuse Emotional abuse Chronic neglect Family violence Community violence How Does Trauma Affect Parents Some parenting behaviors can be misunderstood if not viewed through a trauma lens Parents who have experienced trauma may experience the following Have difficulty making decisions that keep their children and themselves safe They may fail to recognize dangerous situations or they may see danger where it does not exist Find it hard to trust others resulting in poor relationships with friends and family including their children Relationships with people in positions of power such as caseworkers may be particularly challenging Cope in unhealthy ways such as by using drugs or alcohol Have a harder time controlling their emotions behavior or words Seem numb or shut down and fail to respond to their children when under stress How Can Workers Help A good relationship with parents is critical to your ability to help them and their children Understanding how past trauma may be affecting their behavior will help you earn parents trust and increase the potential for a good outcome Consider the following suggestions Understand that parents reactions including anger resentment or avoidance may be a reaction to trauma Do not take these behaviors personally Assess a parent s history to understand how past traumatic experiences may inform current functioning and parenting Refer parents to evidence based traumainformed services whenever appropriate These will likely be more effective than generic services such as classes in parenting or anger management that do not take trauma into account Adapted from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network Child Welfare Collaborative Group 2011 Birth parents with trauma histories in the child welfare system A guide for child welfare staff Los Angeles CA Durham NC National Center for Child Traumatic Stress 44 https www childwelfare gov topics preventing

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Remember that parents who have experienced trauma are not bad Blaming or judging them is likely to make the situation worse rather than motivating them to make changes Recognize that all parents want their children to be safe and healthy Compliment parents good decisions and healthy choices when you see them Stay calm and keep your voice as neutral and nonthreatening as possible Model direct and honest communication Establish clear boundaries and expectations Be consistent When you make a commitment follow through Be aware that you could experience secondary vicarious traumatic stress which can occur when you see or hear about trauma to others Take care of yourself and take time to address your own reactions when you feel you are getting overwhelmed On the Web For more information visit Trauma Informed Practice Information Gateway https www childwelfare gov topics responding trauma Intergenerational Patterns of Child Maltreatment What the Evidence Shows Information Gateway https www childwelfare gov pubs issue briefs intergenerational The National Child Traumatic Stress Network http www nctsn org 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 45

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Supporting Immigrant and Refugee Families Families who immigrate to the United States bring skills talents and cultural traditions that can enrich their new communities However immigrant families also face stressors that may in some cases threaten their children s safety and well being Practitioners can support families new to America in ways that build hope strengthen communities and improve the wellbeing of children and youth Strengths and Challenges Leaving behind one s home friends family and community for life in a new country requires tremendous courage Immigrant parents demonstrate a strong determination to overcome challenges and create a better life for themselves and their children Other strengths found in many immigrant families include the following Strong work ethic and high aspirations Belief in the importance of education Close knit families including extended family members who often live in the same house or nearby to help with child rearing responsibilities 46 Despite these strengths which serve as protective factors for children families that are new to America also face unique challenges that may cause considerable stress Some families are not able to migrate together They may face long periods during which parents are separated from their spouses and or children If family members have been separated when reunited they may have difficulty settling into new family dynamics and roles Family conflict can arise if children learn English and assimilate to their new culture faster than their parents Some immigrant families have fled dangerous or violent situations in their home countries Parents and children can have trauma related issues that if not addressed may cause further stress in their daily lives Families sometimes face discrimination and racism in their new communities Language or cultural barriers may result in the parents having difficulty finding employment or being significantly underemployed with low wages and no benefits Poverty may result in lack of access to quality health care educational resources or other needed services leading to children s poor health and or school failure Cohesive communities of fellow immigrants from the same country of origin https www childwelfare gov topics preventing

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How Workers Can Help Tap into a range of resources to help eligible families receive concrete assistance Help eligible families apply for services such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program SNAP Temporary Assistance to Needy Families TANF or Medicaid Collaborate with other community organizations to make referrals for immigrant families who may be struggling to find clothing school supplies food and other basic needs Recruit and promote minority and bilingual staff Develop literature in different languages and ensure trained and culturally competent translators interpreters are available to meet the needs of the families you serve Screen parents and children for trauma Trauma can result from dangerous conditions in the family s home country periods of family separation or even the immigration experience itself Implement or refer to evidence based trauma informed practices when needed Practitioners who are aware of the obstacles that immigrant children youth and families face are better able to employ strategies that help ensure immigrant families receive the services they need to stay together and thrive Consider the following Participate in cultural competency trainings These trainings help staff become aware of their own cultural biases and develop the knowledge and skills needed to interact effectively with people of different cultures Consider each family s unique strengths and protective factors as well as risks Recognize the importance of a child s extended family Many immigrant groups consider family members beyond the traditional nuclear family to be central to their family dynamics including nonrelatives who are seen as kin Include members of a child s extended family in meetings and discussions about the child s well being Advocate for kinship care if children must be separated from their parents to prevent loss of cultural identity and language Learn about immigrant issues and policies Be aware of the ways that immigration policy may affect family functioning including parents ability to access needed services due to legal status and what happens to children if their parents are detained or deported Establish partnerships with communitybased agencies that have experience working with immigrant families Participate in task forces and collaborations dedicated to immigrant issues Create opportunities for the immigrant parents you serve to participate alongside you on these committees On the Web For more information and resources visit Immigration and Child Welfare Information Gateway https www childwelfare gov topics systemwide diverse populations immigration The Center on Immigration and Child Welfare http cimmcw org 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 47

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Human Trafficking of Children Human trafficking of children and youth is a growing concern It occurs when a trafficker uses force fraud or coercion to compel another person to engage in commercial sex or any form of labor against his or her will A child under age 18 engaged in commercial sex is a victim of sex trafficking even if the youth s participation is not forced or coerced Although community based services for family support and child abuse prevention are not specifically designed to respond to child trafficking efforts to prevent and respond to child trafficking are emerging In addition abused and neglected children experience circumstances that can make them more vulnerable to targeting and recruitment by traffickers and pimps What Is Human Trafficking Cases of human trafficking have been reported in all 50 states Victims may be U S citizens or foreign nationals male or female even young children are sometimes victims of trafficking Child trafficking may involve the following 48 Prostitution Stripping Pornography Forced begging Magazine crews and other door to door sales How to Identify a Victim of Human Trafficking Every human trafficking case is different Consider the possibility of human trafficking when a child or youth exhibits the following behaviors Fails to attend school regularly or has unexplained absences Frequently runs away from home Exhibits bruises or other signs of physical trauma withdrawn behavior depression anxiety or fear Lacks control over his or her schedule and or identification or travel documents Is hungry malnourished deprived of sleep or inappropriately dressed based on weather conditions or surroundings Shows signs of drug addiction Restaurant work Hair and nail salons Agricultural work Drug sales and cultivation https www childwelfare gov topics preventing Appears to have coached or rehearsed responses to questions Signs that may indicate sex trafficking include the following A sudden change in clothing personal hygiene relationships or possessions Behavior that is uncharacteristically promiscuous or references to sexual situations that are not age appropriate A boyfriend or girlfriend who is noticeably older Attempts to conceal recent scars Au pairs or nannies Domestic work Makes references to frequent travel to other cities

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To report sexually exploited or abused A victim of labor trafficking may exhibit the following behaviors minors call the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children s hotline at 1 800 THE LOST or report incidents online at http www missingkids org cybertipline Express the need to pay off a debt Express concern for family members safety Work long hours and receive little or no payment What to Do If You Suspect a Child Is a Victim of Human Trafficking Conduct interviews gently and out of the presence of the suspected trafficker s Be aware that a child s parent or caregiver may be his or her trafficker Use an interpreter if the victim does not speak fluent English Contact an independent and trusted source for help do not use relatives neighbors or friends of the suspected victim It can take a long time to gain a child or youth s trust and determine whether he or she is being trafficked Understand that the child may be reluctant to open up due to fears of retribution by the trafficker or shame about the abuse or the work he or she has been forced to do Trafficked youth may not see themselves as victims and may appear hostile angry or protective of their traffickers Be sensitive to cultural and religious differences Avoid questions about immigration this can be intimidating Care for children not from his or her own family It is not your responsibility to make this determination Report any suspected trafficking to the proper authorities In an emergency call your local police department or 911 To report suspected human trafficking crimes or to get help from law enforcement call U S Immigration and Customs Enforcement at 1 866 347 2423 or submit a tip online at http www ice gov tips To report suspected trafficking crimes get help or learn more about human trafficking from a nongovernmental organization call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1 888 373 7888 or visit https humantraffickinghotline org Community Efforts to Respond to Human Trafficking Victims of trafficking experience complex trauma Once identified they are likely to have significant service needs It is important to provide trauma informed culturally appropriate and individualized care that addresses victims physical and mental health 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 49

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No single agency working alone can successfully combat this issue Identifying assessing protecting and serving victims of trafficking requires a coordinated approach within and across local tribal state and federal levels Child welfare and other family support staff must work with law enforcement juvenile corrections courts schools medical and mental health professionals child advocacy centers legal services crime victim services and other community and faith based organizations to formulate a coherent response and minimize further trauma to victims Child Welfare Information Gateway offers two products on human trafficking which include background information about the issue its scope and relevant federal legislation and initiatives and strategies that agencies can implement to address the trafficking of children State and local policy and program examples also are provided Human Trafficking and Child Welfare A Guide for Caseworkers https www childwelfare gov pubs trafficking caseworkers Human Trafficking and Child Welfare A Guide for Child Welfare Agencies https www childwelfare gov pubs trafficking agencies Additional resources on addressing and responding to human trafficking include the following 50 Human Trafficking Information Gateway https www childwelfare gov topics systemwide trafficking Runaway and Homeless Youth Training Technical Assistance Center https www acf hhs gov fysb programs runaway homelessyouth programs rhyttac https www childwelfare gov topics preventing National Human Trafficking Hotline https humantraffickinghotline org Office on Trafficking in Persons Administration for Children and Families ACF http www acf hhs gov otip Anti Trafficking in Persons Programs https www acf hhs gov orr programs antitrafficking about Human Trafficking Office for Victims of Crime https www ovcttac gov views HowWeCanHelp dspHumanTrafficking cfm Human Trafficking in America s Schools National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments http safesupportivelearning ed gov human trafficking americas schools Human Trafficking U S Department of Homeland Security https www dhs gov topic human trafficking

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Chapter 5 Tip Sheets for Parents and Caregivers The following pages contain tip sheets on specific parenting issues Spanish versions are provided for all resources in this section Tip sheets are designed for service providers to distribute to parents and caregivers in the context of a particular concern or question The tip sheets are not intended to tell the whole story they merely provide a starting point for a discussion between parent and provider that is grounded in the protective factors The information is easy to read and focuses on concrete steps that parents can take to strengthen their family We encourage you to make additional copies of those resources that are most useful to the families with whom you work Tip sheets address the following topics How to Develop Supportive Communities Provides families with ways to identify a nurturing supportive community and how to develop one in their neighborhood Keeping Your Family Strong Describes the protective factors in parent friendly language and offers simple ways parents can strengthen their own families Making Healthy Connections With Your Family Suggests ways for families to bond while improving their health through eating well and increasing their physical activity Feeding Your Family Offers tips to help feed children all year around Managing Stress Discusses the negative impacts of stress and how parents can learn to manage it more effectively Managing Your Finances Provides simple tips to help families move toward greater financial stability Bonding With Your Baby Helps new parents understand the importance of early and secure attachment Dealing With Temper Tantrums Includes tips on how to prevent and handle toddler tantrums while modeling calm behavior Parenting Your School Age Child Helps parents understand and parent their school age children more effectively Connecting With Your Teen Encourages parents to maintain strong bonds with their teens as they move toward independence Parenting Your Child With Developmental Delays and Disabilities Supports parents who are raising a child who has developmental delays or disabilities Ten Ways to Be a Better Dad Encourages fathers to be involved and help their children live happy healthy lives 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 51

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Building Resilience in Children and Teens Provides tips for helping children learn to cope and recover from difficulties Teen Parents You re Not Alone Suggests ways that teen parents can find support and cope with the challenges of raising a new baby Raising Your Kin Recommends ways for caregivers to deal with some of the unique challenges of parenting children of relatives including finding concrete supports in their community Military Families Encourages families to support parents and caregivers who are in the military Support After an Adoption Offers information on support for adoptive parents Preventing Child Sexual Abuse Offers tips to help adults protect children from sexual predators Parenting After Domestic Violence Provides information about the effects of domestic violence on children and encourages parents to help their children feel safe and secure Helping Your Child Heal From Trauma Describes how trauma can affect children s development and behavior and includes suggestions for how parents and caregivers can help Human Trafficking Protecting Our Youth Describes human trafficking and how to protect your child Two additional tip sheets not included in this guide are available on the Information Gateway website Finding Housing Help for Your Family Directs families to valuable resources for affordable housing and other help Preparing Your Family for an Emergency Outlines the components of a family emergency preparedness plan These tip sheets like the other resources in this guide were created with information from experts from federal agencies and national organizations that work to promote child well being Additional resources are available through the national organizations listed in chapter 6 Print and online only tip sheets may be downloaded individually for distribution at https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets For more parenting resources please visit Child Welfare Information Gateway at https www childwelfare gov topics preventing promoting parenting 52 https www childwelfare gov topics preventing

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How to Develop Supportive Communities What s Happening Communities have a great influence in families lives Just as plants are more likely to thrive in a garden with good soil and plenty of sunlight and water families are more likely to thrive in supportive communities A safe place for children to play is one feature of a supportive community Other features include the availability of food shelter and medical care for families as well as a culture that encourages neighbors to get to know and help one another Supportive communities can help build strong families What You Might Be Seeing Supportive communities that are nurturing to families will have the following Parks and recreation facilities that are accessible safe and inviting places for families Resources to help families in need access food jobs medical care and other resources Early education programs that are easily accessible and welcoming Safe affordable housing available to all families Clean air and water What You Can Do Baby Steps Meet and greet your neighbors Go to a parents meeting at your child s school Participate in an activity at your local library or community center Small Steps Set up a playgroup in your community at people s homes or a local park consider inviting people who may not have children at home such as local seniors Organize a community babysitting co op Volunteer at your child s school through the school s administration or the parents organization Encourage local service providers to produce a directory of available services in the community Big Steps Organize a community event a block party father daughter dance parent support group Run for an office in the parent organization at your child s school Attend local government meetings city council or school board meetings and let them know how important resources are in your community Let them know how parks strong schools and accessible services help to strengthen your family and other families Join or create a group in which parents and children meet regularly to play or serve together such as scouting a flag football league or service club Remember Everyone can take steps to make communities more supportive of families To learn more about protective factors that support child and family well being visit https www childwelfare gov topics preventing promoting protectfactors This tip sheet was created with input from experts in national organizations that work to prevent child maltreatment and promote well being At https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets you can download this tip sheet and get more parenting tips or call 800 394 3366 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 53

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C mo desarrollar comunidades de apoyo Lo que est pasando Peque os pasos Las comunidades tienen gran influencia en la vida de las familias Al igual que las plantas que florecen m s f cilmente en un jard n con buena tierra y mucho sol y agua las familias tienen m s oportunidades de prosperar en comunidades acogedoras Un lugar seguro para que los ni os jueguen es una caracter stica de una comunidad acogedora Otras caracter sticas incluyen la disponibilidad de alimento refugio y atenci n m dica para las familias as como una cultura que aliente a los vecinos a conocerse y ayudarse mutuamente Las comunidades acogedoras pueden ayudar a construir familias fuertes Establezca un grupo de juego en su comunidad en hogares o parques locales considere invitar a personas que no tienen ni os en su casa como adultos mayores locales Organice una cooperativa de cuidado de ni os comunitario Ofr zcase como voluntario en la escuela de sus hijos a trav s de la administraci n de la escuela o la organizaci n de padres Aliente a los proveedores de servicios locales a crear un directorio de servicios disponibles en la comunidad Lo que usted podr a estar observando Las comunidades fuertes y acogedoras que apoyan a las familias contar n con Parques e instalaciones de recreaci n accesibles seguros y atractivos para las familias Recursos para ayudar a las familias necesitadas a obtener acceso a alimentos empleo atenci n m dica y otros recursos importantes Programas de educaci n temprana que sean f cilmente accesibles y acogedores Viviendas seguras y asequibles disponibles para todas las familias Agua y aire puros Lo que usted puede hacer Pasitos de beb Conozca y salude a sus vecinos Asista a las reuniones de padres en la escuela de sus hijos Participe en actividades de su biblioteca local o centro comunitario Grandes pasos Organice un evento comunitario una fiesta de la cuadra un baile de padres hijas un grupo de apoyo a padres Post lese para un cargo en la organizaci n de padres de la escuela de su hijo Asista a las reuniones del gobierno local reuniones del ayuntamiento o del consejo escolar y expl queles lo importante que son los recursos en su comunidad H gales saber c mo los parques las escuelas s lidas y los servicios accesibles ayudan a fortalecer a su familia y la de los dem s nase a un grupo u organice un grupo en el que padres e hijos se re nan frecuentemente para jugar o prestar servicios juntos como boys scouts o girls scouts una liga de futbol o un club de servicios Recuerde Todos pueden tomar medidas para hacer que las comunidades den m s apoyo a las familias Para obtener m s informaci n sobre los factores de protecci n que apoyan al bienestar de los ni os y las familias visite https www childwelfare gov topics preventing promoting protectfactors Esta hoja de consejos se cre con informaci n de expertos de organizaciones nacionales que trabajan para prevenir el maltrato de menores y promover su bienestar Usted puede descargar esta hoja de consejos y obtener m s consejos sobre la crianza en https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets o llamando al 800 394 3366 54 https www childwelfare gov topics preventing

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Keeping Your Family Strong Every family has strengths and every family faces challenges When you are under stress the car breaks down you or your partner lose a job a child s behavior is difficult or even when the family is experiencing a positive change such as moving into a new home sometimes it takes a little extra help to get through the day Protective factors are the strengths and resources that families draw on when life gets difficult Building on these strengths is a proven way to keep the family strong and enhance child well being This tip sheet describes six key protective factors and some simple ways you can build these factors in your own family Protective Factor and What It Means What You Can Do Nurturing and Attachment Take time at the end of each day to connect with your children with a hug a smile a song or a few minutes of listening and talking Find ways to engage your children while completing everyday tasks meals shopping driving in the car Talk about what you are doing ask them questions or play simple games such as I spy Explore parenting questions with your family doctor your child s teacher family or friends Our family shows how much we love each other Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development I know parenting is part natural and part learned I am always learning new things about raising children and what they can do at different ages Subscribe to a magazine website or online newsletter about child development Take a parenting class at a local community center these often have sliding fee scales Sit and observe what your child can and cannot do Share what you learn with anyone who cares for your child Take quiet time to reenergize take a bath write sing laugh play drink a cup of tea Do some physical exercise walk stretch do yoga lift weights dance Share your feelings with someone you trust Surround yourself with people who support you and make you feel good about yourself Parental Resilience I have courage during stress and the ability to bounce back from challenges 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 55

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Protective Factor and What It Means What You Can Do Social Connections Participate in neighborhood activities such as potluck dinners street fairs picnics or block parties Join a playgroup or online support group of parents with children at similar ages Find a church temple or mosque that welcomes and supports parents Make a list of people or places to call for support Ask the director of your child s school to host a Community Resource Night so you and other parents can see what help your community offers Dial 2 1 1 to find out about organizations that support families in your area Provide regular routines especially for young children Make sure everyone who cares for your child is aware of your routines around mealtimes naps and bedtime Talk with your children about how important feelings are Teach and encourage children to solve problems in ageappropriate ways I have friends family and neighbors who help out and provide emotional support Concrete Supports for Parents Our family can meet our day to day needs including housing food health care education and counseling I know where to find help if I need it Social and Emotional Competence of Children My children know they are loved feel they belong and are able to get along with others This tip sheet was created with information from experts in national organizations that work to prevent child maltreatment and promote wellbeing including the Strengthening Families Initiatives in New Jersey Alaska and Tennessee At https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets you can download this tip sheet and get more parenting tips or call 800 394 3366 56 https www childwelfare gov topics preventing

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C mo mantener a su familia fuerte Todas las familias tienen fortalezas y todas las familias enfrentan desaf os Cuando usted est bajo estr s el carro se da a usted o su pareja pierden su empleo el comportamiento de uno de los ni os es dif cil o incluso cuando la familia est experimentando cambios positivos como por ejemplo mudarse a un nuevo hogar algunas veces toma un poquito de ayuda extra para sobrellevar el d a Los factores de protecci n son las fortalezas y los recursos de los que se valen las familias cuando la vida se pone dif cil Basarse en estas fortalezas es una forma comprobada de mantener a la familia fuerte y mejorar el bienestar de los ni os Esta hoja de consejos describe seis factores de protecci n y algunas formas simples en las que puede desarrollar estos factores en su propia familia Factor de protecci n y lo que significa Lo que usted puede hacer Crianza afectiva y apego Tome tiempo al final del d a para conectarse con sus hijos con un abrazo una sonrisa una canci n o unos pocos minutos escuch ndoles y hablando con ellos Consiga formas de involucrar a sus hijos mientras completan tareas cotidianas con las comidas las compras en el carro Hable sobre lo que est haciendo h gales preguntas o jueguen juegos simples como yo veo Conocimientos sobre la crianza y el desarrollo de los ni os Explore preguntas sobre la crianza con su doctor de cabecera el maestro de su hijo sus familiares o amigos Yo s que la crianza es parcialmente natural y parcialmente aprendida Suscr base a una revista sitio web o bolet n informativo en l nea sobre el desarrollo de los ni os Estoy aprendiendo siempre cosas nuevas sobre la crianza de ni os y lo que ellos pueden hacer a diferentes edades Tome un curso sobre la crianza en un centro comunitario local stos a menudo tienen una escala m vil de costos Si ntese y observe lo que su hijo puede y no puede hacer Comparta los que aprenda con toda persona que cuide de su hijo Tome tiempo tranquilo para recargar energ as tome un ba o escriba cante r ase juegue tome una taza de t Haga un poco de ejercicio f sico camine estire los m sculos practique yoga levante pesas baile Comparta sus sentimientos con alguien en quien conf e Rod ese de personas que lo apoyan y le hacen sentir bien Nuestra familia se demuestra cu nto nos amamos mutuamente Resiliencia de los padres Tengo valor durante situaciones de estr s y la capacidad de sobreponerme de los retos 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 57

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Factor de protecci n y lo que significa Lo que usted puede hacer Conexiones sociales Participe en actividades del vecindario como cenas de contribuci n ferias callejeras picnics o fiestas de cuadra nase a un grupo de juego o grupo de apoyo en l nea de padres con hijos de edades similares Encuentre una iglesia templo o mezquita que acoja y apoye a los padres Haga una lista de personas o lugares a llamar para recibir ayuda Pida al director de la escuela de su hijo que celebre una Noche de Recursos Comunitarios para que usted y otros padres pueda ver qu tipo de ayuda se ofrece en su comunidad Marque 2 1 1 para encontrar informaci n sobre organizaciones que apoyan a las familias en su rea Establezca rutinas regulares especialmente para los ni os peque os Aseg rese de que toda persona que cuide de su hijo est al tanto de sus rutinas en lo concerniente a las horas de comida siestas y hora de dormir Hable con sus hijos sobre la importancia de los sentimientos Ense e y aliente a sus hijos a resolver los problemas de formas apropiadas a sus edades Tengo amigos familiares y vecinos que ayudan y ofrecen apoyo emocional Apoyos concretos para los padres Nuestra familia puede satisfacer nuestras necesidades diarias incluyendo vivienda alimentos atenci n de la salud educaci n y consejer a S d nde conseguir ayuda si la necesito Competencia social y emocional de los ni os Mis hijos saben que son amados sienten que pertenecen y son capaces de llevarse bien con los dem s Esta hoja de consejos se cre con informaci n de expertos de organizaciones nacionales que trabajan para prevenir el maltrato de menores y promover su bienestar incluyendo las iniciativas de fortalecimiento de las familias Strengthening Families Initiatives en New Jersey Alaska y Tennessee Usted puede descargar esta hoja de consejos y obtener m s consejos sobre la crianza en https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets o llamando al 800 394 3366 58 https www childwelfare gov topics preventing

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Making Healthy Connections With Your Family Good health starts with eating the right foods and getting plenty of physical activity A healthier lifestyle may help your family in many ways including the following Less stress depression and anxiety Better sleep and more energy Less disease and lower health care costs Physical Activity Children and teens need 60 minutes or more of physical activity each day For adults aim for at least 30 minutes per day most days of the week Try the following suggestions to increase your whole family s activity level Eating Well Find activities you enjoy and do them as a family Shoot hoops dance swim or rollerblade it doesn t matter what you do as long as you are moving together Children learn their future eating habits from watching you Set a good example and set the stage for a lifetime of good health Consider the following tips Support your children s participation in sports by helping them practice Kick soccer balls while your child plays goalie or hit pop ups for her to catch Take a family walk after dinner instead of turning on the TV Make up games for younger children such as I spy or Who can count the most e g red cars With school age kids and teens use the time to ask how things are going at school or with friends Walk or bike with your child to and from school Set family challenges such as completing a mud run or a long hike together Celebrate when you reach your goals Local community centers often offer free or low cost exercise classes clubs teams and other activities for children and families Many offer sliding scale memberships Healthy habits don t have to take time away from your family Do it together and make it fun Family meals are an important time to connect with your children Offer a variety of healthy foods Then focus on what your children are saying rather than what they are eating Allow children to decide how much to eat based on their hunger Let go of clean plate expectations Reward your children with attention and kind words instead of food Comfort them with hugs not sweets Plan shop and cook more meals at home together Involve children in choosing washing and for older children cutting and cooking fruits and vegetables Let kids invent their own healthy recipes No fail options include trail mix smoothies and fruit salads Having difficulty providing enough healthy food for your family Apply for food stamps or the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women Infants and Children also known as WIC or check out local food banks to ease your budget Remember Making a commitment to health together is more fun than doing it alone and it can bring your family closer together This tip sheet was adapted using information from the U S Department of Agriculture s ChooseMyPlate gov http choosemyplate gov At https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets you can download this tip sheet and get more parenting tips or call 800 394 3366 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 59

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Haciendo conexiones saludables con su familia La buena salud comienza con alimentarse de comidas saludables y hacer bastante actividad f sica Un estilo de vida m s saludable puede ayudar a su familia de muchas formas incluyendo las siguientes Menos estr s depresi n y ansiedad Un mejor sue o y m s energ a Menos enfermedad y costos de cuidado de salud m s bajos Las costumbres saludables no tienen que costarle tiempo con su familia Divi rtanse haci ndolo juntos La alimentaci n saludable Los ni os aprenden las costumbres de alimentaci n que practicar n en el futuro observ ndolo a usted Sea un buen ejemplo a seguir para sus ni os y prep relos para una vida de buena salud Considere los siguientes consejos Las comidas familiares son una buena oportunidad para conectar y compartir con sus hijos Ofr zcales una variedad de comidas saludables y luego mantenga el enfoque en lo que sus hijos est n diciendo en vez de lo que est n comiendo Deje que sus hijos decidan cuanto quieren comer seg n cuanta hambre tengan en vez de siempre esperar que limpien sus platos Premie a sus hijos con atenci n y palabras cari osas en vez de comida Consu lelos con abrazos no con dulces Planeen las comidas hagan las compras y cocinen comidas en casa juntos en familia Involucre a sus hijos cuando est escogiendo lavando y para ni os mayores cortando y cocinando frutas y vegetales Deje que sus hijos inventen sus propias recetas saludables Opciones f ciles de preparar incluyen una mezcla de frutos secos y nueces o trail mix batidos de frutas y ensaladas de frutas Si encuentra que es dif cil proveerles suficientes alimentos saludables a su familia puede solicitar cupones de comida o beneficios del Programa Especial de Nutrici n Suplementaria Para Mujeres Infantes y Ni os WIC por sus siglas en ingl s o buscar su banco de alimentos local food bank para ayudar a aliviar su presupuesto La actividad f sica Los ni os y adolescentes necesitan por lo menos 60 minutos de actividad f sica todos los d as Los adultos deben tratar de hacer por lo menos 30 minutos de actividad f sica por d a la mayor a de los d as de la semana Intente las siguientes sugerencias para aumentar el nivel de actividad de toda su familia Busquen actividades que les guste hacer en familia Jueguen b squetbol bailen naden o patinen no importa lo que hagan siempre y cuando est n juntos y activos Apoye la participaci n de sus hijos en deportes ay delos a practicar pateando la pelota de futbol o atrapando la de beisbol Caminen juntos despu s de la cena en vez de prender el televisor Invente juegos para sus hijos j venes durante las caminatas como tratar de contar todos los carros rojos o juegos de yo veo Con sus hijos de edad escolar o adolescentes use la oportunidad para preguntarles c mo les est yendo en la escuela o con sus amigos Camine o maneje en bicicleta a la escuela con su hijo en las ma anas y de vuelta en las tardes Establezca retos para la familia como completar juntos una caminata larga y celebren cuando alcancen sus metas Los centros comunitarios locales a menudo ofrecen clases de ejercicios clubs equipos y otras actividades para ni os y familias gratis o a bajo costo Muchos tambi n ofrecen una escala m vil de costos de membres a Recuerde Hacer un compromiso en familia a vivir una vida saludable es m s divertido que hacerlo solo y puede ayudar a unir m s a su familia Esta hoja de consejos fue adaptada usando informaci n de ChooseMyPlate gov http choosemyplate gov del Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos U S Department of Agriculture Usted puede descargar esta hoja de consejos y obtener m s consejos sobre la crianza en https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets o llamando al 800 394 3366 60 https www childwelfare gov topics preventing

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Feeding Your Family What s Happening About one in five households with children in the United States face food insecurity at some point during the year This means that the family sometimes cannot afford enough healthy food to feed everyone well Some or all members of the family may go hungry skip meals or eat nothing for an entire day or longer What You Might Be Seeing Healthy food is very important for children s growth and well being This is especially true during the first 3 years A lack of food affects children s children For more information visit http www fns usda gov wic who gets wic and how apply The National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs offer children free or reduced price meals at many schools Apply at your child s school or visit http www fns usda gov nslp national school lunchprogram nslp The Summer Food Service Program provides free healthy meals to children and teens in low income areas during the summer For more information visit https www fns usda gov sfsp summer food serviceprogram Bodies Children may get sick and go to the hospital more often Most communities also offer food banks and other help for low income families In many areas dialing 2 1 1 can connect you with local resources and support Behavior A lack of healthy food at home can cause fighting hyperactivity and mood swings in school age children Older youth may feel depressed anxious or suicidal Remember There are resources in every community to help families provide healthy food for their children Learning Children can have a hard time getting to school every day or making progress in reading and math What You Can Do This tip sheet was created using information from experts in national organizations that work to prevent child maltreatment and promote well being At https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets you can download this tip sheet and get more parenting tips or call 800 394 3366 The U S Department of Agriculture offers several programs to help families feed their children Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program SNAP formerly food stamps helps low income families pay for food For more information visit http www fns usda gov snap apply The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women Infants and Children WIC provides shortterm help for low income women infants and young 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 61

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C mo alimentar a su familia Lo que est pasando Se estima que uno de cada cinco hogares con ni os en los Estado Unidos enfrenta la inseguridad alimentaria en alg n momento durante el a o Esto significa que a la familia a veces no le alcanza el dinero para comprar suficientes alimentos saludables para alimentar bien a todos Algunos miembros de la familia o toda la familia pueden pasar hambre saltarse comidas o no comer nada durante un d a entero o m s Lo que usted podr a estar observando Los alimentos saludables son muy importantes para el desarrollo y el bienestar de los ni os particularmente durante sus primeros 3 a os de vida La falta de alimentos puede afectar lo siguiente El cuerpo Los ni os pueden enfermarse y tener que ir al hospital m s a menudo El comportamiento La falta de alimentos saludables en el hogar puede causar peleas hiperactividad y cambios abruptos de humor en los ni os de edad escolar Los j venes mayores pueden sentirse deprimidos ansiosos o tener pensamientos suicidas El aprendizaje Los ni os sin alimentos adecuados pueden tener dificultades para llegar a la escuela todos los d as o avanzar en las clases de lectura y matem tica Lo que usted puede hacer El Departamento de Agricultura de los EE UU USDA por sus siglas en ingl s ofrece varios programas de asistencia para ayudar a las familias a alimentar a sus hijos 62 El Programa de Asistencia Nutricional Suplementaria Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program o SNAP por sus siglas en ingl s antiguamente conocido como cupones para alimentos es un programa que ayuda a las familias de bajos ingresos a pagar por los alimentos Para m s informaci n en espa ol visite http www fns usda gov es snap para presentar la solicitud https www childwelfare gov topics preventing El Programa Para Mujeres Beb s y Ni os Women Infants and Children program o WIC por sus siglas en ingl s ofrece ayuda a corto plazo para mujeres de bajos ingresos bebes y ni os j venes Para m s informaci n vea la p gina del USDA en ingl s http www fns usda gov o en espa ol https www fns usda gov es El Programa Nacional de Almuerzos Escolares National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs en ingl s proporciona comidas gratis o a costo reducido para ni os en muchas escuelas Solicite los beneficios en la escuela de su hijo o visite la p gina web del USDA en ingl s https www fns usda gov nslp nationalschool lunch program nslp o en espa ol https www fns usda gov es nslp programa nacional dealmuerzos escolares El Programa de Servicio de Alimentos de Verano Summer Food Service Program en ingl s proporciona comidas saludables gratis para ni os y adolescentes durante el verano en zonas de bajos ingresos Para m s informaci n vea la p gina del USDA en ingl s https www fns usda gov sfsp summer food service program o en espa ol https www fns usda gov es sfsp programa de servicio dealimentos de verano La mayor a de las comunidades tambi n ofrecen bancos de alimentos y otras formas de asistencia para familias de bajos ingresos En muchas reas puede marcar el 2 1 1 en su tel fono para conectarse con recursos y apoyos locales Recuerde Todas las comunidades tienen recursos para ayudar a las familias a proporcionarles alimentos saludables a sus ni os Esta hoja de consejos se cre con informaci n de expertos de organizaciones nacionales que trabajan para prevenir el maltrato de menores y promover su bienestar Usted puede descargar esta hoja de consejos y obtener m s consejos sobre la crianza en https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets o llamando al 800 394 3366

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Managing Stress What s Happening Everyone has stress whether it s a bad day at work car trouble or simply too many things to do However too much stress can make it hard to parent effectively After a while your children may show signs of being stressed out too What You Might Be Seeing Have faith Look back at previous times when you have overcome challenges Think This too shall pass Consider that people who attend church pray regularly or practice other forms of spirituality tend to have less stress Relax Try deep breathing meditation yoga or listening to music Take 30 minutes to play a board game and laugh with your kids Take care of your health Getting enough sleep can make a big difference in your stress level So can eating healthy foods and getting some exercise Take time for yourself Take a bath read a book or pick up a hobby When you can hire a babysitter or trade time with a friend or neighbor and get out for a few hours Develop a support network Don t be afraid to ask for help Older children can set the table Your spouse or partner could take over bedtime a few nights a week Friends might pick up the kids from school to give you a break Some signs that you are stressed include the following Feeling angry or irritable a lot of the time Feeling hopeless Having trouble making decisions Crying easily Worrying all the time Arguing with friends or your partner Overeating or not eating enough Being unable to sleep or wanting to sleep all the time A build up of stress also can contribute to health problems including allergies a sore neck or back headaches upset stomach and high blood pressure What You Can Do It is important to learn how to manage your stress for your own sake and for your children The following suggestions may help Identify what s making you stressed Everyone s stressors are different Yours might be related to money work your surroundings traffic crime your partner your children s behavior or health issues Accept what you cannot change Ask yourself Can I do anything about it If the answer is no try to focus on something else If there is something you can do look for a new job for example break it into smaller steps so it doesn t feel overwhelming Remember Learning to manage your stress will improve your happiness and show your children that they can handle stress too This tip sheet was created using information from experts in national organizations that work to prevent child maltreatment and promote well being At https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets you can download this tip sheet and get more parenting tips or call 800 394 3366 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 63

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Manejando el estr s Lo que est pasando Todas las personas experimentan el estr s sea a causa de un d a dif cil en el trabajo problemas con su auto o simplemente por tener demasiadas cosas que hacer Sin embargo demasiado estr s puede causarle dificultades en la crianza eficaz de sus hijos Con el tiempo sus hijos tambi n podr an mostrar s ntomas de estar estresados respuesta es no trate de enfocarse en otra cosa Si hay alguna cosa que puede hacer buscar un trabajo nuevo por ejemplo divida el proceso en pasos m s peque os para que no se sienta abrumado Tenga fe Reflexione sobre otros instantes cuando pudo superar los desaf os que lo enfrentaban Piense Esto tambi n pasar Considere que las personas quienes van a la iglesia oran regularmente o practican otras formas de espiritualidad tienden a sentir menos estr s Rel jese Respire hondo practique la meditaci n haga yoga o escuche m sica Tome 30 minutos para jugar un juego de mesa y re rse con sus hijos Cuide de su salud El dormir suficiente puede hacer una gran diferencia en su nivel de estr s como tambi n el comer comidas saludables y hacer ejercicio Aparta un tiempo para s mismo T mese un ba o lea un libro o b squese una actividad recreativa Cuando pueda busque una ni era o coordine con un amigo o vecino para el cuidado de sus hijos y salga por unas horas Desarrolle una red de apoyo No tenga miedo de pedir ayuda Los ni os mayores pueden poner la mesa Su esposo a o pareja podr a encargarse de acostar a los ni os un par de noches a la semana Sus amigos podr an recoger a sus ni os en la escuela para darle un descanso Lo que usted podr a estar observando Algunos indicios de que podr a estar estresado incluyen Sinti ndose enojado o irritado a menudo Sinti ndose desesperado Teniendo dificultades en tomar decisiones Llorando f cilmente Sinti ndose preocupado todo el tiempo Peleando con sus amigos o con su pareja Comiendo demasiado o no suficiente El no poder dormir o querer dormir todo el tiempo Una acumulaci n de estr s tambi n puede contribuir a problemas de salud incluyendo alergias dolores de cuello o de espalda dolores de cabeza molestias estomacales y tensi n alta Lo que usted puede hacer Es importante aprender a manejar su estr s para su bien y el bien de sus hijos Las siguientes sugerencias podr an ayudar 64 Identifique lo que le causa estr s Las causas del estr s son diferentes para cada persona Las suyas podr an estar relacionadas con el dinero el trabajo su ambiente tr fico crimen su pareja el comportamiento de sus hijos o asuntos de salud Acepte lo que no puede cambiar Preg ntese Puedo hacer alguna cosa al respecto Si la https www childwelfare gov topics preventing Recuerde El aprender a manejar su estr s aumentar su felicidad y les ense ar a sus hijos que ellos tambi n pueden manejar el estr s Esta hoja de consejos se cre con informaci n de expertos de organizaciones nacionales que trabajan para prevenir el maltrato de menores y promover su bienestar Usted puede descargar esta hoja de consejos y obtener m s consejos sobre la crianza en https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets o llamando al 800 394 3366

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Managing Your Finances What s Happening Get a bank account Check cashing services and payday loans charge high fees One program that helps people access free or low cost checking accounts is Bank On at http www joinbankon org about Start saving Individual development accounts IDAs match your savings to help you reach a goal such as buying a home training for a new job or starting a small business Find an IDA program near you at http cfed org programs idas directory_search Seek new employment opportunities Work readiness vocational training job placement and career counseling programs can help you find and qualify for new opportunities that may pay better and move you toward greater security If you feel like your finances are out of control you are not alone Many people worry about money While common a daily struggle to pay bills creates stress that can harm your family life and your child s well being What You Might Be Seeing Your family is said to have financial stability if you have The ability to pay bills on time A manageable amount of debt A 3 to 6 month emergency fund to protect you against loss of income What You Can Do No matter what your situation you can take steps to move your family toward greater financial stability Know where your money goes Track your family s spending for a month and balance your checkbook regularly These steps will help you feel more in control and will help you create a realistic budget Get organized Make sure you know how much each person in your household gets paid and when Know which bills need to be paid out of each paycheck Keep all bills in one place so they don t get lost and review your finances often Spend only what you make Put away credit cards and use cash instead This will help ensure that you buy only what you really need and want Get help to stretch your budget State and federal programs include the Earned Income Tax Credit food stamps or the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women Infants and Children WIC Temporary Assistance for Needy Families TANF low cost child care or housing Head Start and others Remember It is possible to achieve financial stability even after a setback The steps you take today will help create a brighter future for your family This tip sheet was adapted using information from the National Foundation for Credit Counseling http www nfcc org At https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets you can download this tip sheet and get more parenting tips or call 800 394 3366 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 65

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Manejando sus finanzas Lo que est pasando Obtenga ayuda para estirar su presupuesto Programas estatales y federales incluyen el Cr dito por Ingreso del Trabajo EITC por sus siglas en ingl s cupones de comida o el Programa Especial de Nutrici n Suplementaria Para Mujeres Beb s y Ni os WIC sus siglas en ingl s el programa de Asistencia Temporal Para Familias Necesitadas TANF sus siglas en ingl s servicios de cuidado de menores o vivienda a bajo costo Head Start y otros B squese una cuenta bancaria Los servicios de cambio de cheques o pr stamos de d a de pago cobran cuotas altas Un programa que ayuda a personas a acceder a cuentas corrientes gratis o a bajo costo se llama Bank On solo disponible en ingl s en http joinbankon org about Empiece a ahorrar Cuentas de desarrollo individual IDA por sus siglas en ingl s igualan sus ahorros para ayudarlo a alcanzar una meta como la compra de una casa entrenamiento para un trabajo nuevo o empezar una peque a empresa Encuentre un programa de IDA cerca de usted en http cfed org programs idas directory_search solo disponible en ingl s Busque nuevas oportunidades de empleo Programas de preparaci n para el empleo capacitaci n vocacional contrataci n y orientaci n profesional pueden ayudarlo a encontrar y a calificar para nuevas oportunidades que podr an pagar mejor y llevarlo hacia una situaci n financiera m s segura Si usted siente que sus finanzas est n fuera de control no est solo Muchas personas se preocupan por el dinero Aunque sea com n la lucha diaria para pagar las cuentas crea estr s que puede ser da ino para su vida familiar y el bienestar de su hijo Lo que usted podr a estar observando Se puede decir que su familia tiene estabilidad financiera si tiene La habilidad de pagar las cuentas a tiempo Un monto de deuda manejable Un fondo de emergencia con suficiente para vivir de 3 6 meses como protecci n en contra de la p rdida de ingresos Lo que usted puede hacer Sea como sea su situaci n usted puede tomar ciertos pasos para llevar a su familia hacia una situaci n financiera m s estable Est consciente de d nde va su dinero Siga los gastos de su familia por un mes y mantenga al d a su libreta bancaria Estos pasos le ayudar n a sentirse m s en control y a crear un presupuesto razonable Organ cese Aseg rese de saber cu nto gana cada persona en su hogar y cu ndo le pagan Sepa cu les recibos se tendr n que pagar de cada sueldo Mantenga sus recibos en un lugar central para que no se pierdan y revise sus finanzas a menudo Gaste solamente lo que gane Guarde sus tarjetas de cr dito y use dinero en efectivo Esto ayudar a asegurar que solamente compre lo que de verdad necesita y quiere Recuerde S es posible lograr la estabilidad financiera aun despu s de un retraso Los pasos que tome hoy ayudar n a crear un futuro mejor para su familia Esta hoja de consejos fue adaptada usando informaci n de la Fundaci n Nacional Para el Asesoramiento Crediticio National Foundation for Credit Counseling https www nfcc org Usted puede descargar esta hoja de consejos y obtener m s consejos sobre la crianza en https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets o llamando al 800 394 3366 66 https www childwelfare gov topics preventing

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Bonding With Your Baby What s Happening Attachment is a deep lasting bond that develops between a caregiver and child during the baby s first few years of life This attachment is crucial to the growth of a baby s body and mind Babies who have this bond and feel loved have a better chance to grow up to be adults who trust others and know how to return affection What You Might Be Seeing Hold and touch your baby as much as possible You can keep him or her close with baby slings pouches or backpacks for older babies Use feeding bathing and diapering times to look into your baby s eyes smile and talk to your baby Read sing and play peek a boo Babies love to hear human voices and will try to imitate your voice and the sounds you make As your baby gets a little older try simple games and toys Once your baby can sit up plan on spending lots of time on the floor with toys puzzles and books If you feel you are having trouble bonding with your infant don t wait to get help Talk to your doctor or your baby s pediatrician as soon as you can Most babies Have brief periods of sleep crying or fussing and quiet alertness many times each day Often cry for long periods for no apparent reason Love to be held and cuddled Respond to and imitate facial expressions Love soothing voices and respond to them with smiles and small noises Grow and develop every day Learn new skills quickly and can outgrow difficult behaviors in a matter of weeks What You Can Do No one knows your child like you do so you are in the best position to recognize and fulfill your child s needs Parents who give lots of loving care and attention to their babies help their babies develop a strong attachment Affection stimulates your child to grow learn connect with others and enjoy life Remember The best gift you can give your baby is YOU The love and attention you give your baby now will stay with him or her forever and will help your baby grow into a healthy and happy child and adult This tip sheet was created with information from experts in national organizations that work to prevent child maltreatment and promote well being At https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets you can download this tip sheet and get more parenting tips or call 800 394 3366 Here are some ways to promote bonding Respond when your baby cries Try to understand what he or she is saying to you You can t spoil babies with too much attention they need and benefit from a parent s loving care even when they seem inconsolable 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 67

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C mo fortalecer los lazos de afecto con su beb Lo que est pasando El apego es un lazo profundo y duradero que se desarrolla entre el proveedor de cuidados y el ni o durante los primeros a os de vida del beb Este apego es crucial para crecimiento del cuerpo y la mente del beb Aquellos beb s que cuentan con este lazo y que se sienten amados tienen mejores probabilidades de llegar a ser adultos que conf an en los dem s y que saben c mo reciprocar el afecto Lo que usted podr a estar observando stas son algunas formas de promover la formaci n de lazos afectivos Responda cuando su beb llore Trate de entender lo que l o ella le est diciendo Los reci n nacidos no se vuelven consentidos por exceso de atenci n ellos necesitan del cari o de sus padres y se benefician de l aun cuando parecieran ser inconsolables Tome en brazos mime y toque a su beb a menudo Puede mantener a su beb cerca con canguros portabeb s o mochilas especiales para beb s m s grandes Aproveche las horas de comida de ba ar y de cambio de pa ales para mirar a su beb directamente a los ojos sonre rle y hablarle L ale c ntele y juegue a que se esconde y aparece A los beb s les encanta o r voces humanas y tratar n de imitar su voz y los sonidos que hace En lo que su beb se hace mayorcito intenten jugar con juguetes y juegos sencillos En lo que su beb pueda sentarse sin ayuda planee pasar grandes cantidades de tiempo en el piso con juguetes rompecabezas y libros Si siente que est teniendo problemas para formar lazos afectivos con su beb no espere para obtener ayuda Hable con su doctor o con el pediatra del beb tan pronto como sea posible La mayor a de los beb s Tienen periodos breves en los que duermen lloran se quejan o est n tranquilos y atentos muchas veces por d a A menudo lloran por mucho tiempo sin motivo aparente Les encanta que los mimen y abracen Responden a las expresiones faciales y las imitan Les encantan las voces tranquilas y responden a ellas con sonrisas y gorgoritos Crecen y se desarrollan todos los d as Aprenden nuevas habilidades r pidamente y pueden superar comportamientos dif ciles en cosa de unas pocas semanas Lo que usted puede hacer Nadie conoce a su beb mejor que usted por lo que es usted quien est en mejores condiciones para reconocer y satisfacer las necesidades de su hijo Los padres que ofrecen grandes cantidades de afecto y cari o a sus beb s ayudan a sus beb s a desarrollar un apego s lido El afecto estimula a su hijo a crecer a aprender a conectarse con los dem s y a disfrutar la vida Recuerde El mejor regalo que le puede dar a su beb es USTED MISMO El amor y la atenci n que le d ahora permanecer n con l para siempre y le ayudar n a ser un ni o y adulto sano y feliz Esta hoja de consejos se cre con informaci n de expertos de organizaciones nacionales que trabajan para prevenir el maltrato de menores y promover su bienestar Usted puede descargar esta hoja de consejos y obtener m s consejos sobre la crianza en https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets o llamando al 800 394 3366 68 https www childwelfare gov topics preventing

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Dealing With Temper Tantrums What s Happening Two and 3 year olds have many skills but controlling their tempers is not one of them Tantrums are common at this age because toddlers are becoming independent and developing their own wants needs and ideas However they are not yet able to express their wants and feelings with words Take comfort in the fact that most children outgrow tantrums by age 4 If you cannot prevent the tantrum here are some tips for dealing with it Say what you expect from your child and have confidence that your child will behave Remain calm You are a role model for your child Holding your child during a tantrum may help a younger child feel more secure and calm down more quickly What You Might Be Seeing Take your child to a quiet place where he or she can calm down safely Speak softly or play soft music Most toddlers Some children throw tantrums to seek attention Try ignoring the tantrum but pay attention to your child after he or she calms down Resist overreacting to tantrums and try to keep your sense of humor Love to say No Mine and Do it myself Test rules over and over to see how parents will react Are not yet ready to share Need lots of fun activities play times and opportunities to explore the world Respond well to a routine for sleeping and eating a regular schedule Like to imitate grownups and to help mom and dad The U S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website provides additional information and tips for parents of toddlers and preschoolers at http www cdc gov parents essentials index html What You Can Do It is often easier to prevent tantrums than to deal with them after they get going Try these tips Direct your child s attention to something else Wow look at that fire engine Give your child a choice in small matters Do you want to eat peas or carrots Stick to a daily routine that balances fun activities with enough rest and healthful food Anticipate when your child will be disappointed We are going to buy groceries for dinner We won t be buying cookies but you can help me pick out some fruit for later Praise your child when he or she shows self control and expresses feelings with words Remember When your child is having a floor thumping tantrum the most important thing you can do is remain calm and wait it out Do not let your child s behavior cause you to lose control too This tip sheet was created with information from experts in national organizations that work to prevent child maltreatment and promote well being At https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets you can download this tip sheet and get more parenting tips or call 800 394 3366 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 69

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C mo lidiar con los berrinches Lo que est pasando Los ni os entre dos y tres a os de edad tienen muchas habilidades pero controlar sus temperamentos no es una de ellas Los berrinches son comunes a esta edad porque los ni os peque os est n comenzando a independizarse y est n desarrollando sus propias ideas necesidades y deseos Sin embargo todav a no expresan sus deseos y sentimientos con palabras Consu lese sabiendo que la mayor a de los ni os superan la etapa de los berrinches alrededor de los cuatro a os de edad Lo que usted podr a estar observando Si no puede prevenir un berrinche pruebe estas sugerencias La mayor a de los ni os peque os Les encanta decir No M o y Yo solo Ponen a prueba las reglas una y otra vez para ver c mo reaccionar n los padres No saben compartir todav a Necesitan muchas actividades divertidas tiempo para jugar y oportunidades para explorar el mundo Responden bien a las rutinas para comer y dormir un horario regular Les gusta imitar a los grandes y ayudar a mami y a papi Lo que usted puede hacer A menudo es m s f cil prevenir un berrinche que tener que lidiar con ellos una vez que comienzan Intente poner estos consejos en pr ctica Ayude a su hijo a concentrarse en otra cosa Mira ese cami n de bomberos Deje que su hijo tome decisiones sobre cosas peque as Quieres comer ch charos o zanahorias Siga una rutina diaria de actividades divertidas con suficiente descanso y comida sana Anticipe lo que puede desilusionar a su hijo Vamos a comprar comida para la cena Esta vez no vamos a comprar galletitas pero me ayudas a elegir fruta para el postre Felicite a su hijo cuando se controle a s mismo y exprese sus sentimientos con palabras Diga lo que espera de su hijo y conf e en que su hijo se comportar No pierda la calma Usted es el modelo a seguir para su hijo Sostener a su hijo durante un berrinche puede ayudarlo a sentirse seguro y a calmarse m s r pido Lleve a su hijo a un lugar tranquilo para que se pueda calmar de manera segura H blele en voz baja o ponga m sica suave Algunos ni os tienen berrinches para llamar la atenci n Intente ignorar el berrinche pero pr stele atenci n a su hijo despu s de que se haya calmado Resista la tentaci n de sobre reaccionar a los berrinches y trate de no perder el sentido del humor El sitio web de los Centros para el Control y la Prevenci n de Enfermedades ofrece informaci n y consejos adicionales para los padres de ni os peque os y en edad preescolar disponible en ingl s http www cdc gov parents essentials index html y espa ol https www cdc gov parents spanish essentials index html Recuerde Incluso cuando el ni o hace un berrinche en pleno piso lo mejor que puede hacer es guardar la calma y esperar No permita que el comportamiento de su hijo le haga perder el control Esta hoja de consejos se cre con informaci n de expertos de organizaciones nacionales que trabajan para prevenir el maltrato de menores y promover su bienestar Usted puede descargar esta hoja de consejos y obtener m s consejos sobre la crianza en https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets o llamando al 800 394 3366 70 https www childwelfare gov topics preventing

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Parenting Your School Age Child What s Happening Children ages 6 12 go through big changes As they spend more time at school and away from home they are working to develop an identity of their own Their bodies are growing stronger and changing quickly a process that will continue through puberty and the teen years They are learning to control their feelings use reason and solve problems Yet children in this age group still need rules and structure and most of all their parents love and support Support their growing bodies Children this age still need nutritious meals especially breakfast and 10 hours of sleep each night Limit time spent watching TV playing video games or using the computer Monitor Internet use for safety and encourage your children to participate in hobbies and sports Be involved with your children s school Talk to their teachers and attend parents night and school conferences Show that school is important to you by providing a quiet space for homework volunteering in your child s school and celebrating your child s hard work Offer support and understanding when your child has problems with peers Explore ways to resolve conflicts but do not interfere If your child is being bullied at school alert school staff and work with them to keep your child safe Don t wait for your children to learn about sex alcohol and drugs from peers Educate yourself and talk to your children about your values Help them practice ways to resist peer pressure What You Might Be Seeing Normal school age children Mature unevenly Their bodies may be growing but they are still capable of having temper tantrums and need reminders to take baths and brush their teeth See things in black and white They are concerned about fairness and rules Are capable of doing chores and homework more independently but may need you to remind and teach them not do it for them Get distracted easily and may lack organizational skills Develop deeper relationships with peers and care deeply about fitting in What You Can Do Model the behavior you want to see Your children are watching and learning from you Meet your responsibilities follow house rules and communicate with respect Make a few important rules and enforce them every time Remember children want freedom so give them choices in smaller matters e g clothing room decorations Talk to children about what you expect Post rules and routines where everyone can see them Fewer grey areas mean less to argue about Remember Talk to your children and listen to what they have to say Schoolage children may sometimes act like they don t care what their parents say but they still want your love attention and guidance This tip sheet was created with information from experts in national organizations that work to prevent child maltreatment and promote well being At https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets you can download this tip sheet and get more parenting tips or call 800 394 3366 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 71

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C mo criar a su hijo en edad escolar Lo que est pasando Los ni os con edades entre 6 y 12 a os atraviesan por grandes cambios A medida que pasan m s tiempo en la escuela y fuera de casa ellos trabajan para desarrollar una identidad propia Sus cuerpos est n creciendo haci ndose m s fuertes y cambiando r pidamente un proceso que continuar con la pubertad y la adolescencia Ellos est n aprendiendo a controlar sus sentimientos a usar su raciocinio y a resolver problemas Y aun as los ni os en este grupo etario todav a necesitan de normas y estructura y m s que nada del amor y apoyo de sus padres Lo que usted podr a estar observando Los ni os normales en edad escolar Maduran a diferentes ritmos Sus cuerpos podr n estar creciendo pero ellos a n son capaces de tener berrinches y de necesitar ser recordados de ducharse y cepillarse los dientes Ven las cosas en blanco y negro Se preocupan por la equidad y las reglas Son capaces de hacer labores dom sticas y tareas escolares m s independientemente pero podr n necesitar que usted les recuerde y les ense e no que lo haga por ellos Se distraen f cilmente y pueden no tener habilidades de organizaci n Desarrollan relaciones m s profundas con sus compa eros y les importa mucho el pertenecer Lo que usted puede hacer Modele el comportamiento que desea ver Sus hijos lo est n observando y est n aprendiendo de usted Cumpla con sus responsabilidades siga las reglas de la casa y comun quese con respeto Establezca unas pocas reglas importantes y h galas cumplir siempre Recuerde los ni os desean libertad as que deles opciones en asuntos menores por ejemplo la ropa la decoraci n de sus habitaciones Hable con sus hijos sobre sus expectativas Coloque las reglas y las rutinas donde todos puedan verlas Mientras menos reas grises hayan menores ser n las discusiones Apoye sus cuerpos en crecimiento Los ni os a esta edad a n necesitan de comidas nutritivas especialmente el desayuno y 10 horas de sue o todas las noches Limite el tiempo que pasan viendo televisi n jugando con videojuegos o usando la computadora Vigile el uso de la Internet por motivos de seguridad y aliente a sus hijos a participar en pasatiempos hobbies y deportes Participe en la escuela de sus hijos Hable con sus maestros y asista a las noches para padres y conferencias escolares Demuestre que la escuela es importante para usted ofreciendo un espacio tranquilo para hacer la tarea ofreci ndose de voluntario en la escuela de su hijo y celebrando el arduo trabajo de su hijo Ofrezca apoyo y comprensi n cuando su hijo tenga problemas con sus compa eros Explore maneras de resolver conflictos pero no interfiera Si su hijo est siendo intimidado u hostilizado en la escuela alerte al personal de la escuela y trabaje con ellos para mantener a su hijo seguro No espere a que sus hijos aprendan sobre el sexo el alcohol o las drogas de sus compa eros Aprenda sobre los temas y hable con sus hijos sobre sus valores Ay delos a practicar formas de resistir la presi n de sus compa eros Recuerde Hable con sus hijos y escuche lo que tienen que decir Los ni os en edad escolar a veces pueden actuar como si no les importara lo que sus padres dicen pero ellos a n desean su amor atenci n y orientaci n Esta hoja de consejos se cre con informaci n de expertos de organizaciones nacionales que trabajan para prevenir el maltrato de menores y promover su bienestar Usted puede descargar esta hoja de consejos y obtener m s consejos sobre la crianza en https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets o llamando al 800 394 3366 72 https www childwelfare gov topics preventing

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Connecting With Your Teen What s Happening Many teens spend less time with their families than they did as younger children As they become more independent and learn to think for themselves relationships with friends become very important Sometimes it may feel like your teen doesn t need you anymore But teens still need their parents love support and guidance Get involved be involved and stay involved Go to games and practices when you can Ask about homework and school projects Learn about your teen s favorite websites and apps Look for chances to join in your teen s latest hobby Get to know your child s friends Knowing your child s friends is an important way to connect with your teen Make your home a welcoming place for your teen and his or her friends Be interested Make it clear that you care about your teen s ideas feelings and experiences If you listen to what he or she is saying you ll get a better sense of the guidance and support needed Get to know your teen s friends and their parents too when possible Set clear limits Teens still need your guidance but you can involve your teen in setting rules and consequences Make sure consequences are related to the behavior and be consistent in following through Choose your battles Try to provide choices in the matters that are less important What You Might Be Seeing Normal teens Crave independence Question rules and authority Test limits Can be impulsive Make mature decisions at times and childish ones at other times What You Can Do Simple everyday activities can reinforce the connection between you and your teen Make room in your schedule for special times as often as you can but also take advantage of routine activities to show that you care Tips to keep in mind Have family meals If it s impossible to do every night schedule a regular weekly family dinner night that accommodates your child s schedule Share ordinary time Look for everyday opportunities to bond with your teen Even times spent driving or walking the dog together offer chances for your teen to talk about what s on his or her mind Remember Your words and actions help your teen feel secure Don t forget to say and show how much you love your teen This tip sheet was created with information from experts in national organizations that work to prevent child maltreatment and promote well being At https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets you can download this tip sheet and get more parenting tips or call 800 394 3366 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 73

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C mo relacionarse con su hijo adolescente Lo que est pasando Muchos adolescentes comparten menos tiempo con sus familias que cuando eran menores Conforme se hacen m s independientes y aprenden a pensar por s mismos las relaciones con sus amigos se hacen m s importantes A veces puede parecer que su hijo adolescente ya no lo necesita Pero en realidad los adolescentes siguen necesitando el amor el apoyo y los consejos de sus padres Lo que usted podr a estar observando Participe y mant ngase involucrado en la vida de su hijo Asista a los juegos y las pr cticas deportivas cada vez que pueda Preg ntele sobre las tareas y los proyectos escolares Aprenda acerca de los sitios web y las aplicaciones favoritas de su hijo Busque oportunidades para enterarse sobre y participar en la ltima actividad favorita de su hijo Conozca a los amigos de su hijo Saber qui nes son sus amigos es una forma importante de conectarse con su hijo adolescente Haga que su hogar sea un sitio acogedor para su hijo adolescente y sus amigos Demuestre inter s Demuestre claramente que se interesa por las ideas los sentimientos y las experiencias de su hijo Si pone atenci n a lo que su hijo le dice tendr una mejor idea de la orientaci n y apoyo que necesita Conozca a los amigos de su hijo y de ser posible tambi n a sus padres Establezca l mites claros Los adolescentes a n necesitan de su orientaci n pero usted puede involucrar a su hijo a la hora de establecer las reglas y las consecuencias por no seguirlas Aseg rese de que las consecuencias tengan que ver con el comportamiento y sea consecuente a la hora de aplicarlas Escoja sus batallas Ofrezca varias opciones cuando se trate de situaciones de menor importancia Los adolescentes normales Desean independizarse Cuestionan las reglas y la autoridad Ponen a prueba los l mites Pueden ser impulsivos A veces toman decisiones maduras y otras veces toman decisiones infantiles Lo que usted puede hacer Actividades cotidianas simples pueden reforzar la conexi n entre usted y su hijo adolescente Dedique tiempo para compartir ocasiones especiales con su hijo siempre que pueda pero tambi n aproveche las actividades rutinarias para demostrarle que le interesa Algunos consejos a tener en mente Coma con la familia Si no pueden comer juntos todos los d as aparte un d a de la semana para la cena familiar que tome en cuenta el calendario de su hijo Compartan tiempo ordinario Busque oportunidades diarias para acercarse a su hijo adolescente Aun el tiempo que pasan juntos en el auto o sacando a caminar al perro ofrece oportunidades para que su hijo adolescente hable sobre lo que piensa y siente Recuerde Sus palabras y sus acciones ayudan a que su hijo adolescente se sienta seguro No se olvide de decir y demostrarle a su hijo adolescente cu nto lo quiere Esta hoja de consejos se cre con informaci n de expertos de organizaciones nacionales que trabajan para prevenir el maltrato de menores y promover su bienestar Usted puede descargar esta hoja de consejos y obtener m s consejos sobre la crianza en https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets o llamando al 800 394 3366 74 https www childwelfare gov topics preventing

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Parenting Your Child With Developmental Delays and Disabilities What s Happening Children develop at different rates But there are some skills that children are expected to develop by certain ages When children do not reach these milestones within the expected timeframe or at all parents and caregivers may worry Next Steps If your child is diagnosed with a developmental delay or disability remember that you are not alone Seek out other families of children with special needs including those with your child s disability Find or start a support group Learn about your child s special needs and options for treatment Begin treatment as early as possible so your child can make the best possible progress Ask your doctor for referrals to professionals and agencies that will help your child Some services for your child may also benefit your entire family What You Might Be Seeing Parents and primary caregivers are in the best position to see any problems with their child s development that may require action Some differences between children are normal but others may be signs of developmental delays or disabilities These can occur in any of the following areas At your child s screening if you don t understand the words used to describe your child be sure to ask What does that mean Using large groups of muscles to roll over sit up stand walk run etc Ongoing Strategies Using hands to eat draw dress play or write Speaking using gestures and understanding what others say Thinking skills such as learning understanding problem solving and remembering Take a break when you need it Give yourself time to connect with supportive family members and friends You will be a better champion for your child when you take the time to care of yourself Don t let your child s challenges become your family s entire focus Seeing your child grow and develop as part of the family is one of the great pleasures of being a parent Relating to family friends and teachers cooperating and responding to the feelings of others What You Can Do First Steps If you are worried about your child tell someone who can help you get answers Don t accept others dismissing your concerns You know your child and are his or her best advocate If your child starts to not be able to do things he or she could do in the past have him or her seen by a doctor right away Ask for a developmental screening Remember You are your child s best advocate Trust your feelings be confident and take action This tip sheet was created with information from experts in national organizations that work to prevent child maltreatment and promote well being At https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets you can download this tip sheet and get more parenting tips or call 800 394 3366 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 75

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C mo criar a su hijo con retrasos de desarrollo y discapacidades Lo que est pasando Los ni os se desarrollan a diferentes ritmos Sin embargo hay capacidades o hitos de desarrollo que se espera que los ni os desarrollen a determinadas edades Cuando los ni os no alcanzan los hitos dentro de los marcos de tiempo esperados o cuando sencillamente no ocurren los padres y los proveedores de cuidado pueden preocuparse Si el ni o comienza a no poder hacer cosas que pod a hacer antes ll velo de inmediato a un m dico y pida que se haga una evaluaci n de desarrollo en ingl s un developmental screening Durante la evaluaci n si usted no entiende la terminolog a utilizada para evaluar o describir a su hijo aseg rese de preguntar Qu significa eso Lo que usted podr a estar observando Los padres y proveedores de cuidado primarios est n en la mejor situaci n para notar cualquier problema que est ocurriendo en el desarrollo de su hijo y que pueda requerir una acci n Algunas diferencias entre los ni os son normales pero otras pueden ser se ales de retrasos en el desarrollo o de discapacidades Estas pueden ocurrir en cualquiera de las siguientes reas Usar grupos mayores de m sculos para darse la vuelta sentarse pararse caminar correr etc Usar las manos para comer dibujar vestirse escribir o jugar Hablar usar gestos y comprender lo que los dem s dicen Habilidades de pensamiento incluyendo el aprendizaje la comprensi n la resoluci n de problemas y la memoria Relacionarse con la familia los amigos y los maestros cooperar y responder a los sentimientos de otros Lo que usted puede hacer Primeros pasos Si est preocupado por su hijo d gaselo a alguien que pueda ayudarle a obtener respuestas No acepte que otros descarten sus preocupaciones Usted conoce a su hijo y es su mejor defensor Pr ximos pasos Si a su hijo se le diagnostica un retraso en el desarrollo o una discapacidad recuerde que no est solo Busque otras familias de ni os con necesidades especiales incluyendo aquellos ni os con la discapacidad que tiene su hijo Encuentre o inicie un grupo de apoyo Aprenda sobre las necesidades especiales de su hijo y las opciones para su tratamiento Comience con los tratamientos tan pronto como sea posible de modo que su ni o pueda hacer el mejor progreso posible P dale a su m dico que lo remitan a profesionales y agencias que ayudar n a su hijo Algunos servicios para su hijo tambi n pueden beneficiar a toda su familia Estrategias continuas T mese un descanso cuando lo necesite Ot rguese tiempo para conectar con miembros de su familia y amigos que lo apoyen Podr ayudar mejor a su hijo si toma el tiempo para cuidarse a s mismo No deje que los desaf os que enfrenta su hijo se conviertan en el nico enfoque de su familia Ver a su hijo crecer y desarrollarse como parte de la familia es uno de los mayores placeres de ser padre Recuerde Usted es el mejor defensor de su hijo Conf e en sus sentimientos si ntase seguro y act e Esta hoja de consejos se cre con informaci n de expertos de organizaciones nacionales que trabajan para prevenir el maltrato de menores y promover su bienestar Usted puede descargar esta hoja de consejos y obtener m s consejos sobre la crianza en https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets o llamando al 800 394 3366 76 https www childwelfare gov topics preventing

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Ten Ways to Be a Better Dad What s Happening Involved fathers can help children lead lives that are happier healthier and more successful than children whose fathers are absent or uninvolved Fathers who spend time with their children increase the chances that their children will succeed in school have fewer behavior problems and experience better self esteem and well being What You Can Do 1 Respect your children s mother When children see their parents respecting each other they are more likely to feel that they are also accepted and respected 2 Spend time with your children If you always seem too busy for your children they will feel neglected no matter what you say Set aside time to spend with your children 3 Earn the right to be heard Begin talking with your kids when they are very young and talk to them about all kinds of things Listen to their ideas and problems 4 Discipline with love All children need guidance and discipline not as punishment but to set reasonable limits and help children learn from natural or logical consequences Fathers who discipline in a calm fair and nonviolent manner show their love 5 Be a role model Fathers are role models whether they realize it or not A girl with a loving father grows up knowing she deserves to be treated with respect Fathers can teach sons what is important in life by demonstrating honesty humility and responsibility 6 Be a teacher A father who teaches his children about right and wrong and encourages them to do their best will see his children make good choices Involved fathers use everyday examples to teach the basic lessons of life 7 Eat together as a family Sharing a meal together can be an important part of healthy family life It gives children the chance to talk about what they are doing and it is a good time for fathers to listen and give advice 8 Read to your children Begin reading to your children when they are very young Instilling a love for reading is one of the best ways to ensure they will have a lifetime of personal and career growth 9 Show affection Children need the security that comes from knowing they are wanted accepted and loved by their family Showing affection every day is the best way to let your children know that you love them 10 Realize that a father s job is never done Even after children are grown and leave home they will still look to their fathers for wisdom and advice Fatherhood lasts a lifetime Adapted from the National Fatherhood Initiative http www fatherhood org At https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets you can download this tip sheet and get more parenting tips or call 800 394 3366 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 77

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Diez maneras de ser un mejor padre Lo que est pasando Los padres que participan en las vidas de sus hijos pueden ayudarlos a tener vidas m s saludables felices y exitosas que las de aquellos ni os cuyos padres se ausentan o no participan en sus vidas Cuando los padres dedican tiempo a sus hijos stos tienen m s probabilidades de sobresalir en la escuela tener menos problemas de comportamiento y experimentar mejor autoestima y bienestar Lo que usted puede hacer 1 Respete a la madre de sus hijos Cuando los ni os ven que sus padres se respetan es m s probable que ellos tambi n sientan que son aceptados y respetados 2 Dedique tiempo a sus hijos Si siempre est muy ocupado para encargarse de sus hijos tarde o temprano se sentir n abandonados sin importar lo que les diga Deje tiempo libre para dedicarse a sus hijos 3 G nese el derecho de ser escuchado Empiece a platicar con sus hijos desde muy peque os y h bleles de muchas cosas Escuche sus ideas y sus problemas 4 Imponga disciplina pero con amor Todos los ni os necesitan orientaci n y disciplina pero no como un castigo sino para establecer l mites razonables y para ayudar a los ni os a aprender consecuencias l gicas y naturales Los padres que disciplinan a sus hijos de forma tranquila justa y sin violencia demuestran su amor 5 Sea un padre modelo Quieran o no los padres dan el ejemplo a sus hijos Una ni a con un padre cari oso y respetuoso crece con la idea de que merece ser respetada Los padres les ense an a sus hijos las cosas importantes de la vida al demostrar humildad honestidad y responsabilidad 6 Sea un buen maestro Los padres que ense an sus hijos la diferencia entre el bien y el mal anim ndolos a poner su mejor esfuerzo se sentir n recompensados cuando sus hijos tomen buenas decisiones Los padres involucrados usan ejemplos comunes y de todos los d as para ense ar las lecciones b sicas de la vida 7 Coma con la familia Comer en familia puede ser una parte importante de una vida familiar saludable La comida con la familia da a los ni os la oportunidad de hablar sobre sus actividades y los padres a su vez pueden escucharlos y aconsejarlos 8 Lea con sus hijos Lea con sus hijos desde peque os Cultivar el amor por la lectura es una de las mejores formas de asegurar que tengan una vida rica y llena de posibilidades personales y profesionales 9 Demuestre afecto Los ni os necesitan sentirse seguros sabiendo que son queridos aceptados y amados por su familia Demostrar afecto diariamente es la mejor forma de dejar saber a sus hijos que los ama 10 Comprenda que el trabajo de un padre nunca termina Aun despu s de que los ni os crezcan y se vayan de casa seguir n respetando los consejos y la sabidur a de sus padres Un padre es para toda la vida Adaptado del National Fatherhood Initiative http www fatherhood org Usted puede descargar esta hoja de consejos y obtener m s consejos sobre la crianza en https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets o llamando al 800 394 3366 78 https www childwelfare gov topics preventing

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Building Resilience in Children and Teens What s Happening All youth face difficulties which can range from traumatic losses to everyday disappointments The ability to cope and recover or bounce back after a setback is important to their success Experts call this resilience and it s a skill that can be learned What You Can Do Teach self care Many challenges are easier to face when we eat well and get enough exercise and rest Self care can also mean taking a break from worrying to relax or have some fun Help others Empower your child by giving her opportunities to help out at home or do age appropriate volunteer work for her school neighborhood or place of worship You can help your children develop resilience by taking the following steps Model a positive outlook Children will learn from your ability to bounce back from difficulties When faced with a challenge yourself model an I can do it attitude Remind yourself and your child that the current problem is temporary and things will get better Build confidence Comment frequently on what your child does well Point out when he demonstrates qualities such as kindness persistence and integrity Build connections Create a strong loving family and encourage your child to make good friends This will help ensure that she has plenty of support in times of trouble Encourage goal setting Teach children to set realistic goals and work toward them one step at a time Even small steps can build confidence and resilience See challenges as learning opportunities Tough times are often when we learn the most Resist the urge to solve your child s problem for him this can send a message that you don t believe he can handle it Instead offer love and support and show faith in his ability to cope Remind him of times when he has solved problems successfully in the past For More Information For more about building resilience see the following Building Resilience American Academy of Pediatrics https www healthychildren org English healthy living emotional wellness Building Resilience Pages default aspx Resilience Guide for Parents and Teachers American Psychological Association http www apa org helpcenter resilience aspx Remember With your help and support children can learn to be more resilient This tip sheet was created with information from experts in national organizations that work to prevent child maltreatment and promote well being At https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets you can download this tip sheet and get more parenting tips or call 800 394 3366 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 79

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C mo desarrollar resiliencia en los ni os y adolescentes Lo que est pasando Todos los j venes enfrentan desaf os y estos pueden variar desde p rdidas traum ticas a decepciones cotidianas La capacidad de lidiar con y recuperarse despu s de un rev s es importante para sus futuros Los expertos llaman a esto resiliencia y es una habilidad que se puede aprender su hijo de lidiar con sus problemas Recu rdele a su hijo las ocasiones pasadas cuando l pudo solucionar sus propios problemas Ense e la importancia de cuidarse a s mismo Es m s f cil lidiar con muchos de los desaf os de la vida cuando comemos y descansamos bien y hacemos suficiente ejercicio Cuidarse a s mismo tambi n puede significar tomar un descanso de la preocupaci n para relajar y divertirse Ayude a otros Fortalezca a su hijo d ndole oportunidades para ayudar en la casa o hacer un voluntariado apropiado para su edad en su escuela vecindario o lugar de adoraci n Lo que usted puede hacer Puede ayudar a sus hijos a desarrollar resiliencia tomando los siguientes pasos Modele una perspectiva positiva Los ni os aprender n de la capacidad de sus padres de recuperarse de las dificultades Cu ndo est enfrentando un desaf o modele una actitud positiva Recuerde a s mismo y a su hijo que el problema actual es solo temporal y que todo se mejorar Cree confianza Comente con frecuencia sobre lo que su hijo hace bien Note cuando l o ella demuestre atributos como la bondad persistencia e integridad Cree conexiones Cree una familia fuerte y amorosa y anime a su hijo a hacer buenas amistades Esto ayudar a asegurar que su hijo tenga buenos apoyos en tiempos de dificultad Aliente el establecimiento de metas Ens ele a los ni os a fijar metas realistas y trabajar paso a paso hasta cumplirlas Hasta los pasos peque os pueden aumentar la confianza y resiliencia Vea los desaf os como oportunidades de aprendizaje A menudo es durante los tiempos dif ciles cu ndo m s aprendemos Resista el deseo de arreglarle los problemas a su hijo pues esto podr a darle a su hijo la impresi n que usted no cree en sus habilidades de manejar el asunto M s bien ofr zcale su amor y apoyo y demuestre su fe en la habilidad de Para m s informaci n Para aprender m s acerca de c mo desarrollar la resiliencia vea los siguientes sitios web Fomentar resiliencia Building Resilience American Academy of Pediatrics Espa ol https www healthychildren org spanish healthy living emotional wellness building resilience paginas default aspx Ingl s https www healthychildren org English healthy living emotional wellness Building Resilience Pages default aspx Gu a de resiliencia para padres y maestros Resilience Guide for Parents and Teachers American Psychological Association Espa ol http www apa org centrodeapoyo guia aspx Ingl s http www apa org helpcenter resilience aspx Recuerde Con su ayuda los ni os pueden aprender a aumentar su resiliencia Esta hoja de consejos se cre con informaci n de expertos de organizaciones nacionales que trabajan para prevenir el maltrato de menores y promover su bienestar Usted puede descargar esta hoja de consejos y obtener m s consejos sobre la crianza en https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets o llamando al 800 394 3366 80 https www childwelfare gov topics preventing

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Teen Parents You re Not Alone What s Happening Being a parent is a 24 hour a day job and sometimes it can feel overwhelming You may be juggling the demands of a baby your family school and work Chances are you re not able to do all of the things you enjoyed before your baby was born Many Teen Parents Sometimes Feel Confused and uncertain about their future or their skills as a parent Overwhelmed they don t know where to begin or they feel like giving up Angry at the baby s other parent their friends or even their baby Lonely as though they are the only person dealing with so many problems Depressed sad and unable to manage their problems These feelings do not mean you are a bad parent Find ways to reduce stress Take a break while someone reliable cares for your baby Take a walk with the baby in a stroller or rest while your baby naps A social worker or nurse can help you learn other ways to manage stress Become a regular at baby friendly places in your community The playground and story time at the local library are great places to bond with your baby while getting to know other parents Finish school Even though it may be difficult finishing high school or getting a GED is one of the most important things you can do to help your baby and yourself A diploma will help you get a better job or take the next step in your education such as vocational training or college Improve your parenting skills Don t be afraid to ask for advice from experienced parents Classes for parents can also help you build on what you already know about raising a happy healthy child Call a help line Most states have help lines for parents Parents Anonymous Inc runs a National Parent Helpline 1 855 4A PARENT for parents who need help or parenting advice What You Can Do Every parent needs support sometimes If you think stress may be affecting how you treat your baby it s time to find some help Try the following Join a support group A group for young moms or dads could give you time with new friends who have lives similar to yours Your children can play with other children and you can talk about your problems with people who understand Look on the Internet e g Meetup com Yahoo groups or call your local social services agency for information about support groups in your community Remember Stay in contact with friends and family who support you and make you feel good about yourself Help is just a phone call away This tip sheet was created with information from experts in national organizations that work to prevent child maltreatment and promote well being At https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets you can download this tip sheet and get more parenting tips or call 800 394 3366 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 81

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Hay muchos padres adolescentes como usted Lo que est pasando Ser padre o madre es un trabajo de 24 horas al d a y a veces puede ser abrumador Es probable que usted tenga que cuidar a un beb y ocuparse de la familia adem s de ir a la escuela y al trabajo Quiz s ya no tenga tiempo para hacer todo lo que le gustaba hacer antes de que naciera el beb Encuentre maneras de reducir el estr s Tome un descanso mientras alguien de confianza cuida a su beb Vaya a caminar con su beb en la carriola o descanse mientras su beb duerme Una enfermera o trabajador social le pueden ayudar a aprender otras formas de reducir el estr s Visite regularmente los sitios aptos para beb s disponibles en su comunidad Los parques infantiles y las horas de cuenta cuentos en la biblioteca local son lugares excelentes donde conectarse con su beb al mismo tiempo que conoce a otras mam s Termine la escuela Aunque pueda ser dif cil terminar la preparatoria o high school u obtener un diploma de equivalencia general o GED es una de las cosas m s importantes que puede hacer para ayudarse a s misma y a su beb Un diploma le ayudar a encontrar un mejor trabajo o a tomar el siguiente paso con sus estudios como la escuela vocacional o la universidad Adquiera m s experiencia de crianza No tenga miedo de pedir consejos a los padres con m s experiencia Las clases para los padres tambi n le pueden ayudar a expandir lo que ya sabe sobre c mo criar a un ni o sano y feliz Llame a un n mero de apoyo Casi todos los estados tienen n meros de tel fono para ayudar a los padres Parents Anonymous Inc tiene una l nea telef nica de ayuda National Parent Helpline 1 855 4A PARENT para padres que necesitan ayuda o consejos acerca de la crianza de ni os Muchos padres adolescentes a veces se sienten Confundidos o indecisos sobre su futuro o su habilidad como padre o madre Abrumados por no saber d nde empezar o por sentirse con ganas de renunciar a todo Enojados con el otro padre del beb sus amigos o hasta con el beb Solitarios como si fueran la nica persona que enfrenta tantos problemas Deprimidos tristes e incapaces de enfrentar sus problemas Experimentar estos sentimientos no quiere decir que sea un mal padre o una mala madre Lo que usted puede hacer Todos los padres necesitan apoyo tarde o temprano Si usted cree que el estr s puede estar afectando la manera en que trata a su beb es hora de buscar ayuda Considere estas opciones Encuentre un grupo de apoyo Un grupo para madres y padres j venes le podr a dar una oportunidad de pasar tiempo con nuevos amigos que tienen vidas similares a la suya Sus hijos pueden jugar con otros ni os y usted puede hablar de sus problemas con personas que lo entiendan Busque por Internet por ejemplo en sitios web como Meetup com o a trav s de grupos en Yahoo o llame a su agencia local de servicios sociales para obtener m s informaci n sobre los grupos de apoyo en su comunidad Recuerde Mant ngase en contacto con sus familiares y amigos que lo apoyan y le hacen sentir bien Usted puede encontrar ayuda solo marcando un tel fono Esta hoja de consejos se cre con informaci n de expertos de organizaciones nacionales que trabajan para prevenir el maltrato de menores y promover su bienestar Usted puede descargar esta hoja de consejos y obtener m s consejos sobre la crianza en https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets o llamando al 800 394 3366 82 https www childwelfare gov topics preventing

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Raising Your Kin What s Happening No matter why or how they came to live with you your relative s children will benefit from being in your home When children cannot be with their parents living with a family member may provide Fewer moves from place to place The comfort of a familiar language culture and family history A chance to stay with siblings More contact with their parents depending on the situation What You Might Be Seeing Reward positive behavior When children make mistakes focus on teaching rather than punishing Be as involved with their school as you can and encourage your children to participate in school activities This is a big job and you may need help from your community Here are some suggestions Help with housing or other bills clothing or school supplies may be available in your community to help you meet the children s needs Join or start a support group in your neighborhood Often there are local kinship caregivers support groups Ask for help and referrals from a church leader the counselor at the children s school or a social services agency If necessary get professional help to address any special needs your relative s children may have such as medical care mental health care or special education Use respite care if it is available Despite these benefits the children will face some unique challenges They may feel insecure and unsure that you will take care of them They may act out or challenge you They will miss their parents They may be anxious or depressed They may seem young or act too old for their ages What You Can Do It will take time for your relative s children to feel safe and secure in their new home with you You can encourage these good feelings in a number of ways Set up a daily routine of mealtimes bedtime and other activities Help the children feel at home by creating a space just for them Allow them to bring comfort items from home such as bedding stuffed animals and photos or posters Talk to the children and listen when they talk to you Set up a few rules and explain your expectations Then enforce the rules consistently For more information on support for kin raising children visit Information Gateway s About Kinship Care web section at http www childwelfare gov topics outofhome kinship about Remember Parenting a relative s child brings special challenges and special joys Do not hesitate to ask for help or seek services in your community for yourself and your children This tip sheet was created with information from experts in national organizations that work to prevent child maltreatment and promote well being At https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets you can download this tip sheet and get more parenting tips or call 800 394 3366 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 83

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C mo criar a sus parientes Lo que est pasando Sin importar por qu o c mo vinieron a vivir con usted los hijos de su pariente se beneficiar n de estar en su hogar Cuando los ni os no pueden estar con sus padres vivir con un pariente les puede dar Menos mudanzas de un lugar a otro El consuelo de compartir un idioma una cultura y una historia familiar en com n La oportunidad de quedarse con sus hermanos M s contacto con sus padres dependiendo de la situaci n Lo que usted podr a estar observando A pesar de estos beneficios los ni os enfrentar n desaf os particulares Ellos Podr n sentirse inseguros y no saber con certeza si usted los va a cuidar Podr n portarse mal o desafiarlo Extra ar n a sus padres Podr n estar ansiosos o deprimidos Podr n no comportarse de acuerdo con su edad Lo que usted puede hacer Tomar tiempo para que los hijos de su pariente se sientan seguros y a salvo en su nuevo hogar con usted Usted puede alentar estos buenos sentimientos en una variedad de formas Establezca una rutina diaria de comidas actividades y horas de irse a la cama Ayude a los ni os a sentirse en casa creando un sitio especial s lo para ellos Hable con ellos y esc chelos cuando le hablan Establezca unas pocas reglas y explique sus expectativas Haga que se cumplan las reglas sin falta Recompense el buen comportamiento Cuando los ni os cometan errores conc ntrese en ense ar en lugar de castigar Participe en su escuela en la medida que pueda y aliente a los ni os a participar en actividades escolares Este es un trabajo arduo y es posible que usted necesite ayuda de su comunidad Estas son algunas sugerencias Es posible que exista ayuda con el pago de vivienda y otras cuentas ropa o tiles escolares disponible en su comunidad para ayudarle a satisfacer las necesidades de los ni os nase a un grupo de apoyo en su vecindario o ayude a crear uno A menudo existen grupos locales para aquellos que proveen cuidados a sus parientes Pida ayuda y remisiones de parte de un l der religioso del consejero de la escuela de los ni os o de una agencia de servicios sociales De ser necesario obtenga ayuda profesional para lidiar con las necesidades especiales que puedan tener los hijos de su pariente como atenci n m dica atenci n de la salud mental o educaci n especial Use servicios de apoyo para el cuidado de los ni os si se encuentran disponibles Para m s informaci n en ingl s acerca de apoyo para personas criando a los hijos de sus parientes visite la secci n About Kinship Care Criando a los hijos de sus parientes en el sitio web de Child Welfare Information Gateway en https www childwelfare gov topics outofhome kinship about Recuerde Criar al hijo de un pariente trae consigo desaf os y alegr as especiales No dude en pedir ayuda o buscar servicios en su comunidad para usted y sus ni os Esta hoja de consejos se cre con informaci n de expertos de organizaciones nacionales que trabajan para prevenir el maltrato de menores y promover su bienestar Usted puede descargar esta hoja de consejos y obtener m s consejos sobre la crianza en https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets o llamando al 800 394 3366 84 https www childwelfare gov topics preventing

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Military Families What s Happening Military families live in almost every community Some parents in the military are on active duty and wear a uniform every day Others may be in the National Guard or Reserves and only wear a uniform when they are called to active duty Share information about community resources that provide support in times of need Ask military parents what would help them most when they are facing a military related separation and help them to connect with these supports early Help military parents and the other caregivers in their family understand how transitions separation and anxiety can affect their child s behavior Knowing that acting out or withdrawing are normal can make these challenges easier to deal with Invite military children in your neighborhood to share their thoughts and feelings about the separations and transitions they may be experiencing If you plan activities for children in your community remember to include a way for children with a faraway parent to participate What You Might See All military families face unique stresses that can make the difficult job of parenting even harder The military parent must deal with periodic absences and the stresses associated with preparing for duty or reentering civilian life Children must adjust to a parent being away from the family and in some cases in harm s way and then to the parent s reintegration into the family Many military children also deal with frequent moves changing schools and new caretakers A spouse partner or extended family member may face new and increased responsibilities while a military parent is away What You Can Do Express appreciation for the family s service to our country Invite parents and children to share their positive experiences of military life Get to know your military neighbors particularly if they serve in the National Guard or Reserves Include them in neighborhood and community activities Don t wait for your neighbor to ask for help offer to mow the grass share a meal help with small household repairs or care for the children for a few hours For more information on supporting military families please visit Child Welfare Information Gateway s web section Working With Military Families at https www childwelfare gov topics systemwide diverse populations military Remember Military families need to feel supported and included in their neighborhoods and communities You can help This tip sheet was created with information from experts in national organizations that work to prevent child maltreatment and promote well being At https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets you can download this tip sheet and get more parenting tips or call 800 394 3366 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 85

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Familias militares Lo que est pasando En casi todas las comunidades viven familias militares Algunos padres en las fuerzas militares pueden encontrarse en servicio activo y vestir su uniforme todos los d as Otros padres pueden pertenecer a la Guardia Nacional o a las Reservas del Ej rcito y usar un uniforme solamente cuando son llamados al servicio activo Lo que usted podr a estar observando comida ayudar en peque as reparaciones del hogar o a cuidar a los ni os por algunas horas Comparta informaci n sobre los recursos comunitarios que ofrecen apoyo en momentos de necesidad Pregunte a los padres militares qu apoyos pueden ayudarlos m s cuando enfrentan una separaci n relacionada con las actividades militares y ay delos a ponerse en contacto con estos apoyos de manera temprana Ayude a los padres militares y a los dem s proveedores de cuidado de la familia a entender c mo las transiciones la separaci n y la ansiedad pueden afectar el comportamiento de su hijo Entender que esos cambios de comportamiento y sus manifestaciones o retraimiento son normales puede hacer que sea m s f cil manejar estos desaf os Invite a los ni os de familias militares en su vecindario a compartir sus pensamientos y sentimientos sobre las separaciones y transiciones que puedan estar experimentando Si planifica actividades para ni os en su comunidad recu rdese de crear una manera en la que un ni o con un padre distante pueda participar Todas las familias militares enfrentan tensiones espec ficas que pueden hacer que el dif cil trabajo de crianza sea a n m s dif cil El padre militar debe lidiar con ausencias peri dicas y el estr s asociado con prepararse para el servicio activo o para volver a integrarse a la vida civil Los ni os deben ajustarse a tener un padre lejos de la familia y en algunos casos en peligro y luego a la reintegraci n del padre a la familia Muchos ni os de familias militares tambi n lidian con mudanzas y cambios de escuela frecuentes y adaptarse a nuevos proveedores de cuidados El c nyuge pareja o miembro de la familia extendida puede tener que enfrentar nuevas y mayores responsabilidades mientras que el padre militar est ausente Lo que usted puede hacer Exprese agradecimiento por el servicio que la familia brinda a nuestro pa s Invite a los padres y a los hijos a compartir sus experiencias positivas de la vida militar Ac rquese y conozca a sus vecinos militares en particular si sirven en la Guardia Nacional o las Reservas Incl yalos en actividades comunitarias y del vecindario No espere a que su vecino le pida ayuda ofr zcase a cortar el c sped compartir una Para m s informaci n en ingl s acerca de apoyo para familias militares visite la secci n Working With Military Families Trabajando con familias militares en el sitio web de Child Welfare Information Gateway en https www childwelfare gov topics systemwide diversepopulations military Recuerde Las familias militares necesitan sentirse apoyadas e incluidas en sus vecindarios y comunidades Usted puede ayudar Esta hoja de consejos se cre con informaci n de expertos de organizaciones nacionales que trabajan para prevenir el maltrato de menores y promover su bienestar Usted puede descargar esta hoja de consejos y obtener m s consejos sobre la crianza en https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets o llamando al 800 394 3366 86 https www childwelfare gov topics preventing

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Support After an Adoption Why You Might Need Support Finding Services Adopting a child is a joyful event However adoption also involves loss for all of those involved and comes with a unique set of family issues Like all children those who are adopted may face difficulties with emotions development friendships or school Even parents who are well prepared to adopt can have feelings they did not expect Challenges are a normal part of the adoption process It is important to find service providers who understand adoption related issues and how to help adoptive families To find effective adoption support and preservation services in your community ask one or more of the following Adoption Support and Preservation Services Can Help Children and youth process feelings of loss or grief related to the adoption Parents build trust and attachment with their children Families heal from childhood trauma Older children and youth explore questions of identity Who am I How am I like and different from my parents Children find ways to succeed in school Children and families learn more effective ways to respond to stress Children and adoptive parents navigate safe and positive connections with birth relatives Prevent crises that can result in adoption disruption or rehoming Types of Services Different types of adoption support and preservation services exist in many communities These can include the following Mental health counseling or therapy Support groups for parents or youth in person or online for all adoptive families or specific to the child s culture or special needs Workshops seminars and publications Camps and other social events for children parents and families Birth parent search and reunion support Educational support Respite care Other adoptive parents and local support groups Your adoption agency Your doctor or your child s doctor Your employer s human resources department or employee assistance program EAP Your state postadoption services contact which you can find through the National Adoption and Foster Care Directory now available as a mobile app Go to https www childwelfare gov nfcad and check the box for State Foster Care and Adoption Officials The Adoption Assistance by State Database which includes information about services for after adoption https www childwelfare gov topics adoption adopt assistance Remember Every family has ups and downs Adoption support and preservation services can help your family enjoy the ups and survive the downs Child Welfare Information Gateway offers a factsheet for families that describes some of the issues that may arise after an adoption is finalized the different types of adoption support and preservation services available and how and where families can obtain services The factsheet also explains what parents can do if quality services are not readily available to them and includes a list of additional resources Access the factsheet Finding and Using Postadoption Services at https www childwelfare gov pubs f postadoption This tip sheet was created with information from experts in national organizations that work to prevent child maltreatment and promote well being At https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets you can download this tip sheet and get more parenting tips or call 800 394 3366 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 87

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Apoyo despu s de la adopci n Por qu puede necesitar apoyo Tipos de servicios La adopci n de un ni o es un evento lleno de alegr a Sin embargo la adopci n tambi n implica un elemento de p rdida para todas las personas involucradas Adem s trae consigo un conjunto nico de asuntos familiares Como todos los ni os los ni os que han sido adoptados pueden enfrentar dificultades emocionales de desarrollo con amistades o escolares Hasta los padres que est n bien preparados para la adopci n pueden tener sentimientos no esperados Es normal tener que enfrentar ciertos desaf os durante el proceso de adopci n Muchas comunidades tienen una variedad de servicios postadoptivos incluyendo los siguientes Consejer a para la salud mental o terapia Grupos de apoyo para padres o j venes en persona o en l nea para todas las familias adoptivas o grupos con enfoque cultural o para las necesidades especiales del ni o Talleres cursillos y publicaciones Campamentos y otros eventos sociales para los ni os los padres y las familias Apoyo para el proceso de b squeda y reuni n con los padres biol gicos Apoyo acad mico Servicios de apoyo para el cuidado de los ni os cuidados de alivio de respiro Los servicios postadoptivos pueden ayudar a Los ni os y los j venes a analizar y procesar sentimientos de p rdida o tristeza relacionados con la adopci n Los padres a fomentar sentimientos de confianza y apego con sus hijos Las familias a recuperarse de un trauma infantil Los ni os mayores y a los adolescentes a explorar preguntas acerca de sus identidades Qui n soy De qu maneras soy parecido o diferente a mis padres Los ni os a encontrar el xito en la escuela Los ni os y las familias a aprender estrategias m s eficaces para enfrentar el estr s Los ni os y los padres adoptivos a manejar conexiones positivas y seguras con parientes biol gicos Prevenir las crisis que pueden resultar en la interrupci n de la adopci n conocido como rehoming en ingl s La hoja informativa de Child Welfare Information Gateway llamada Finding and Using Postadoption Services C mo encontrar y utilizar servicios postadoptivos describe algunos de los asuntos que pueden ocurrir despu s de una adopci n los diferentes tipos de servicios postadoptivos y c mo y d nde se pueden obtener estos servicios Esta hoja informativa tambi n explica lo que los padres pueden hacer si no existen servicios postadoptivos de calidad en su rea e incluye una lista de recursos adicionales Encuentre esta hoja informativa solo disponible en ingl s en https www childwelfare gov pubs fpostadoption 88 https www childwelfare gov topics preventing C mo encontrar servicios Es importante encontrar proveedores de servicios que tengan conocimiento sobre asuntos relacionados con la adopci n y que sepan c mo ayudar a familias adoptivas Para encontrar servicios postadoptivos eficaces en su comunidad consulte con Otros padres adoptivos y grupos locales de apoyo Su agencia de adopci n Su doctor o el doctor de su hijo El departamento de servicios humanos o el programa de asistencia al empleado employee assistance program o EAP por sus siglas en ingl s de su empleador El contacto de servicios postadoptivos en su estado Visite https www childwelfare gov nfcad y seleccione la opci n State Foster Care and Adoption Officials El Adoption Assistance by State Database la Base de Datos Para Asistencia Adoptiva por Estado tiene informaci n sobre servicios postadoptivos disponibles en cada estado Visite https www childwelfare gov topics adoption adopt assistance solo disponible en ingl s Recuerde Todas las familias tienen momentos buenos y momentos dif ciles Los servicios postadoptivos pueden ayudar a su familia a disfrutar los momentos buenos y enfrentar los dif ciles Esta hoja de consejos se cre con informaci n de expertos de organizaciones nacionales que trabajan para prevenir el maltrato de menores y promover su bienestar Usted puede descargar esta hoja de consejos y obtener m s consejos sobre la crianza en https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tipsheets o llamando al 800 394 3366

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Preventing Child Sexual Abuse What You Can Do To prevent child sexual abuse it is important to keep the focus on adult responsibility while teaching children skills to help them protect themselves Consider the following tips Take an active role in your children s lives Learn about their activities and people with whom they are involved Stay alert for possible problems Watch for grooming behaviors in adults who spend time with your child Warning signs may include frequently finding ways to be alone with your child ignoring your child s need for privacy e g in the bathroom or giving gifts or money for no particular occasion Ensure that organizations groups and teams that your children are involved with minimize one on one time between children and adults Ask how staff and volunteers are screened and supervised Make sure your children know that they can talk to you about anything that bothers or confuses them Teach children accurate names of private body parts and the difference between touches that are okay and not okay Empower children to make decisions about their bodies by allowing them age appropriate privacy and encouraging them to say no when they do not want to touch or be touched by others even in nonsexual ways Teach children to take care of their own bodies e g bathing or using the bathroom so they do not have to rely on adults or older children for help Educate children about the difference between good secrets such as birthday surprises and bad secrets those that make the child feel unsafe or uncomfortable Monitor children s use of technology including cell phones social networking sites and messaging Review contact lists regularly and ask about any people you don t recognize Trust your instincts If you feel uneasy about leaving your child with someone don t do it If you are concerned about possible sexual abuse ask questions If your child tells you that he or she has been abused stay calm listen carefully and never blame the child Thank your child for telling you Report the abuse right away Remember You can help protect your children from sexual abuse by being active in their lives and teaching them safety skills Signs of Possible Sexual Abuse The following may indicate sexual abuse and should not be ignored Unexplained pain itching redness or bleeding in the genital area Increased nightmares or bedwetting Withdrawn behavior or appearing to be in a trance Angry outbursts or sudden mood swings Loss of appetite or difficulty swallowing Anxiety or depression Sudden unexplained avoidance of certain people or places Sexual knowledge language or behavior that is unusual for the child s age This tip sheet was created using information from Prevent Child Abuse America the National Child Traumatic Stress Network the Enough Abuse Campaign and Stop It Now At https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets you can download this tip sheet and get more parenting tips or call 800 394 3366 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 89

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C mo prevenir el abuso sexual de menores Lo que usted puede hacer Para prevenir el abuso sexual de menores es importante mantener el enfoque en la responsabilidad adulta mientras les ense a a los ni os las habilidades que necesitan para ayudar a protegerse Considere los siguientes consejos Juegue un papel activo en la vida de sus hijos Aprenda sobre sus actividades y las personas con quienes pasan tiempo Est atento en caso de que hayan problemas Est atento a los comportamientos de preparaci n o acoso sexual en los adultos que pasan tiempo con su hijo Indicios pueden incluir un adulto que busca maneras de estar a solas con su hijo con frecuencia que ignora la necesidad de privacidad de su hijo por ejemplo en el ba o o le da regalos o dinero a su hijo sin raz n particular Asegure que las organizaciones los grupos y los equipos con los cuales est involucrado su hijo eviten que los ni os y los adultos pasen mucho tiempo individual a solas Pregunte sobre c mo seleccionan y supervisan el personal y los voluntarios H gales saber a sus hijos que pueden hablar con usted acerca de cualquier cosa que les est molestando o causando confusi n Ens eles a sus hijos los nombres correctos de las partes privadas del cuerpo y la diferencia entre el contacto apropiado e inapropiado Deles a sus hijos el poder de decisi n sobre sus cuerpos permiti ndoles un nivel de privacidad apropiado a sus edades y an melos a decir no cuando no quieran tocar a alguien o que alguien los toque incluso en formas no sexuales Ens eles a sus hijos a cuidar de sus propios cuerpos por ejemplo ba ndose o usando el ba o para que no tengan que depender de adultos o ni os mayores para ayuda Eduque a los ni os sobre la diferencia entre los secretos buenos como una fiesta de sorpresa y los secretos malos secretos que los hacen sentir en peligro o incomodos Supervise a sus hijos en cuanto al uso de tecnolog a incluyendo sus tel fonos celulares sitios de redes sociales por Internet y mensajes de texto Revise sus listas de contactos con frecuencia y preg nteles acerca de cualquier persona que no conozca 90 https www childwelfare gov topics preventing Confi en sus propios instintos Si se siente inc modo dejando a su hijo con alguien no lo haga Si est preocupado por la posibilidad de abuso sexual haga preguntas Si su hijo le dice que fue o est siendo abusado mant ngase calmado escuche con cuidado y nunca culpe a su hijo por lo que le pas Agrad zcale a su hijo por haberle dicho Reporte el abuso lo antes posible Indicios de posible abuso sexual Lo siguientes factores pueden ser indicios de abuso sexual y no deben ser ignorados Dolor picaz n enrojecimiento o sangre inexplicable en el rea genital Un aumento en pesadillas o el ni o moja la cama con m s frecuencia Comportamiento introvertido o t mido o la apariencia de estar en trance Explosiones de ira o cambios bruscos de humor P rdida de apetito o dificultad para tragar Ansiedad o depresi n El querer evitar a ciertas personas o lugares de pronto y sin explicaci n Conocimientos sobre asuntos lenguaje o comportamientos sexuales inusuales para un ni o de su edad Recuerde Usted puede ayudar a proteger a sus hijos del abuso sexual jugando un papel activo en sus vidas y ense ndoles habilidades de seguridad Esta hoja de consejos fue adaptada usando informaci n de Prevent Child Abuse America la Red Nacional Para el Estr s Traum tico Infantil National Child Traumatic Stress Network la campa a Enough Abuse Campaign y Stop It Now Usted puede descargar esta hoja de consejos y encontrar m s consejos sobre la crianza en https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets o llamando al 800 394 3366

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Parenting After Domestic Violence What s Happening When one person in a relationship uses any kind of abuse to control the other this is domestic violence You may have recently left a relationship that is abusive or you may still be in one Your children may have heard or seen the abuse or they may have been targets themselves Talk about it Be willing to listen to your children talk about what has happened and how they feel Tell them the truth when they ask questions Reassure them that you are working to keep your family safe Help your children develop relationships Positive relationships with peers and other supportive adults can help your children manage stress and stay strong and happy Celebrate their strengths Find the things your children are good at Encourage them in school and other activities Living with domestic violence takes a toll on all family members Your children may still feel afraid even if the danger is past But with your help they can find ways to cope with stress be safe and heal What You Might Be Seeing Some children living with abuse do not show signs of stress Others struggle at home at school or in the community You may notice increased fear or anger clinging difficulty sleeping or tantrums If the abuse goes on for a long time children can experience more serious problems like depression or anxiety skipping school or using drugs What You Can Do A strong relationship with a caring nonviolent parent is important to help your children grow up in a positive way You can help them by taking the following steps Plan for safety If you are still in an abusive situation make a safety plan with your children Teach them how to call 911 where to go for help and never to get in the middle of an adult fight Local domestic violence advocates can help you plan Take care of yourself Finding ways to cope with your own stress is good for you and for your children Make time to connect with friends exercise listen to music take a bath or do something else that helps you relax and refocus Help your children feel secure Keep your kids close to you when you can and give them lots of eye contact kisses and hugs Play together even if just for a few minutes at a time Provide routines such as bedtime reading and regular meal times Stay calm Children who have lived with violence will sometimes act in ways that make life more chaotic Set clear limits and follow through but keep your voice calm Get help if you need it Remember You are the most important person in your children s lives Your children need to know that you are there for them you love them and you will do all you can to keep them safe If you are in danger contact 911 for emergency police assistance The National Domestic Violence Hotline 1 800 799 7233 for safety planning and referrals to local help Other resources Resources for Families Child Welfare Information Gateway https childwelfare gov topics systemwide domviolence resources National Network to End Domestic Violence https nnedv org National Child Traumatic Stress Network http www nctsn org content resources Futures Without Violence http www futureswithoutviolence org This tip sheet was created with information from experts in national organizations that work to prevent child maltreatment and promote well being At https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets you can download this tip sheet and get more parenting tips or call 800 394 3366 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 91

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La crianza de ni os despu s de la violencia domestica Lo que est pasando La violencia domestica ocurre cuando una persona en una relaci n usa cualquier tipo de abuso para controlar a la otra persona Es posible que usted haya reci n dejado una relaci n abusiva o puede ser que todav a est sufriendo la violencia dom stica Sus hijos pueden haber escuchado o visto el abuso o pueden ellos mismos haber sido blancos del abuso Vivir con la violencia domestica puede tener graves efectos sobre todos los miembros de la familia Aun despu s de que haya pasado el peligro sus hijos pueden seguir sintiendo miedo Sin embargo con su ayuda sus hijos pueden aprender a manejar el estr s mantenerse a salvo y sanar Lo que usted podr a estar observando Algunos ni os sufriendo de abuso no demuestran se ales de estr s Otros tienen dificultades en el hogar la escuela o su comunidad Puede que note en un ni o un aumento en sentimientos de miedo o ira apego o dependencia dificultad para dormir o berrinches Si el abuso contin a por mucho tiempo los ni os pueden experimentar problemas m s serios como la depresi n o ansiedad faltar a la escuela o el uso de drogas Lo que usted puede hacer Para asegurar que sus hijos se formen de manera positiva es importante que tengan una buena relaci n con un padre o una madre cari oso a y no violento a Puede ayudar a sus hijos tomando los siguientes pasos Planee para la seguridad Si usted todav a est sufriendo una relaci n abusiva debe formular un plan de seguridad con sus hijos Ens eles c mo llamar a n meros de emergencia como el 9 1 1 d nde ir para buscar ayuda y que nunca deben meterse en medio de una pelea entre adultos Representantes locales de apoyo a personas sufriendo violencia domestica pueden ayudarle a planear Cuide de s mismo Encontrando maneras de lidiar con su propio estr s le hace bien a usted y a sus hijos Haga tiempo para conectarse con sus amigos hacer ejercicio escuchar m sica tomarse un buen ba o o hace cualquier otra cosa que le ayude a relajar y enfocarse Ayude a sus hijos a sentirse seguros Mantenga a sus hijos cerca cuando pueda m relos a los ojos deles muchos besos y abrazos Jueguen juntos aunque sea por unos minutos a la vez P ngales rutinas como una hora de leer cuentos antes de dormir y un horario fijo para las comidas Mantenga la calma Los ni os que han sufrido violencia a veces pueden actuar de manera ca tica P ngales l mites claros y fijos pero mantenga una voz tranquila Busque ayuda cuando sea necesario 92 https www childwelfare gov topics preventing Hable con sus hijos Est dispuesta a escuchar a sus hijos hablar acerca de lo que ha sucedido y c mo se sienten a respecto D gales la verdad cuando le hagan preguntas Aseg reles que usted est trabajando para mantener a su familia segura Ayude a sus hijos a desarrollar relaciones Las relaciones positivas con sus pares y otros adultos que les ofrezcan apoyo pueden ayudar a sus hijos a manejar el estr s y mantenerse fuertes y felices Celebre sus fortalezas Encuentre actividades que les gusten a sus hijos y en las cuales se destaquen An melos en sus estudios y otras actividades Recuerde Usted es la persona m s importante en la vida de sus hijos Ellos necesitan saber que usted los apoya y los ama y que har todo lo que pueda para mantenerlos a salvo Si usted se encuentra en peligro contacte a 9 1 1 por tel fono para asistencia de emergencia de la polic a L nea nacional contra la violencia dom stica National Domestic Violence Hotline 1 800 799 7233 para ayuda con un plan de seguridad y referencias a ayuda en su local Otros recursos Child Welfare Information Gateway Resources for Families Recursos para familias solo disponible en ingl s https childwelfare gov topics systemwide domviolence resources National Network to End Domestic Violence en ingl s http nnedv org National Child Traumatic Stress Network Hojas informativas en ingl s http www nctsn org content resources Recursos en espa ol http www nctsn org resources audiences Informaci C3 B3n enEspa C3 B1ol Futures Without Violence en ingl s http promising futureswithoutviolence org Esta hoja de consejos se cre con informaci n de expertos de organizaciones nacionales que trabajan para prevenir el maltrato de menores y promover su bienestar Usted puede descargar esta hoja de consejos y obtener m s consejos sobre la crianza en https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets o llamando al 800 394 3366

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Helping Your Child Heal From Trauma What s Happening Trauma is an emotional response to an intense event that threatens or causes harm either physical or emotional Trauma can occur as a result of a natural disaster such as an earthquake or flood violence or abuse Seeing violence happen even if you are not the victim also may cause trauma Trauma can have a lasting effect on brain development in children If not addressed it can lead to trouble with school relationships or drugs and alcohol What You Might Be Seeing Children s reactions to traumatic events vary with age culture and personality Some children show the following signs of trauma Startling easily and having difficulty calming down Behaviors common to younger children e g thumb sucking bed wetting fear of the dark clinging to caregivers Tantrums aggression or fighting Becoming quiet and withdrawn wanting to be left alone Wanting to talk about the traumatic event all the time or denying that it happened Changes in eating or sleeping sleeping all the time not sleeping nightmares Frequent headaches or stomachaches What You Can Do Try the following to help your child heal from trauma Help your child feel safe Stay calm and keep a regular routine for meals play time and bedtime Prepare children in advance for any changes or new experiences Encourage don t force children to talk about their feelings Tell children it is normal to have many feelings after a trauma Listen to their stories take their reactions seriously correct any misinformation about the traumatic event and reassure them that what happened was not their fault Provide extra attention comfort and encouragement Spending time together as a family may help children feel safe Younger children may want extra hugs or cuddling Follow their lead and be patient if they seem needy Teach children to relax Encourage them to practice slow breathing listen to calming music or say positive things That was scary but I m safe now Be aware of your own response to trauma Parents history of trauma and feelings about their child s experience can influence how they cope Seek support if you need it Remember that everyone heals differently from trauma Respecting each child s own course of recovery is important Find help when needed If your child s problems last more than a few weeks or if they get worse rather than better ask for help Find a mental health professional who knows proven strategies to help children cope with trauma Remember With patience and support families can heal and recover from trauma This tip sheet was adapted using information from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention s former Safe Start Center At https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets you can download this tip sheet and get more parenting tips or call 800 394 3366 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 93

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Ayudando a su hijo a curarse del trauma Lo que est pasando El trauma es una reacci n emocional a un evento intenso amenazante o que causa da o ya sea f sico o emocional El trauma puede ocurrir a causa de un desastre natural como un terremoto o una inundaci n la violencia o el abuso Incluso el presenciar la violencia aunque usted no sea la v ctima tambi n puede causar trauma El trauma puede tener un efecto duradero en el desarrollo cerebral de los ni os Si no es tratado puede llegar a causar problemas en la escuela en relaciones o con drogas y alcohol a los ni os por adelantado para cualquier cambio o experiencia nueva Aliente pero no obligue a los ni os a hablar acerca de sus sentimientos D gales a los ni os que es normal tener muchos sentimientos despu s de sufrir un trauma Escuche sus cuentos tome en serio sus reacciones corrija cualquier informaci n incorrecta con respecto al evento traum tico y aseg reles que ellos no tienen la culpa de lo que sucedi Prov ales atenci n adicional consuelo y nimo Pasar tiempo en familia podr a ayudar a los ni os a sentirse seguros Los ni os m s j venes podr n querer m s abrazos y cari o Siga sus pistas y tenga paciencia si parecen necesitar de atenci n Ens eles a los ni os a relajarse An melos a practicar la respiraci n honda escuchar m sica calmada o decir cosas positivas Eso me dio miedo pero ahora estoy bien Est consciente de su propia reacci n al trauma La historia de trauma de los padres y sus sentimientos acerca de las experiencias de sus hijos pueden influenciar la manera en que los ni os manejan el trauma Busque apoyo si lo necesita Recuerde que todas las personas se recuperan de maneras diferentes del trauma Es importante respetar el proceso de recuperaci n de cada ni o Encuentre ayuda cuando la necesite Si los problemas de su hijo duran por m s de unas semanas o si empiezan a empeorar en vez de mejorarse pida ayuda Encuentre un profesional de salud mental capacitado en m todos comprobados de ayudar a los ni os a lidiar con el trauma Lo que usted podr a estar observando Las reacciones de los ni os a eventos traum ticos var an seg n sus edades culturas y personalidades Algunos ni os demuestran las siguientes se ales de trauma Asust ndose f cilmente y teniendo dificultad con volver a calmarse Comportamientos comunes en ni os m s j venes por ejemplo chup ndose el dedo mojando la cama miedo a la oscuridad apeg ndose demasiado a sus proveedores de cuidado Berrinches agresi n o pelear con otros Volvi ndose callado y retra do queriendo estar solo Queriendo hablar acerca del evento traum tico todo el tiempo o negando que sucedi Cambios en su alimentaci n o sue o durmiendo todo el tiempo el no dormir pesadillas Dolores de cabeza o de est mago frecuentes Lo que usted puede hacer Intente lo siguiente para ayudar a su hijo a recuperarse de un trauma Ayude a su hijo a sentirse seguro Permanezca calmado y mantenga una rutina regular para las comidas la hora de jugar y la hora de dormir Prepare Recuerde Con paciencia y apoyo las familias pueden sanar y recuperarse del trauma Este contenido ha sido adaptado del antiguo Safe Start Center del Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Usted puede descargar esta hoja de consejos y encontrar m s consejos sobre la crianza en https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tipsheets o llamando al 800 394 3366 94 https www childwelfare gov topics preventing

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Human Trafficking Protecting Our Youth What s Happening Human trafficking is a form of modern slavery It includes both sex trafficking and forced labor Youth with difficult family situations or histories of trauma including those in foster care can be at greater risk States are required to consider any child who is identified as a victim of sex trafficking or severe forms of trafficking as defined in the Trafficking Victims Protection Act as a victim of child abuse and neglect and sexual abuse The term sex trafficking means the recruitment harboring transportation provision or obtaining of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act The term severe forms of trafficking in persons means sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force fraud or coercion or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age Any child under age 18 engaged in commercial sex is a victim of sex trafficking even if the youth s participation is not forced or coerced This includes Prostitution Pornography Stripping What You Can Do Be aware of recruiting tactics Traffickers target victims through social media websites telephone chat lines afterschool programs at shopping malls and bus depots in clubs or through friends and acquaintances Ask questions about your youth s friends especially new friends and those who appear to be significantly older Monitor computer use and know where he or she hangs out Traffickers may also be family members or even peers Understand that trafficked youth are victims not criminals If a person has been forced to commit illegal acts he or she is a victim and is not guilty of a crime Help the youth understand that he or she will not be punished for seeking help Report suspected trafficking The following are actions you can take if you think a youth may be involved in trafficking Human trafficking also includes forced labor Common examples involve Selling illegal drugs Hair and nail salons Begging Farm work Door to door sales crews e g magazines Au pairs and nannies Domestic work Restaurant work What You Might Be Seeing Cases of human trafficking have been reported in all 50 states Victims can be children or adults U S citizens or foreign nationals male or female Children as young as 9 years old may be at risk Signs that a child or youth may be involved in human trafficking include the following Frequent unexplained absences from school Running away from home Unexplained bruises or scars withdrawn behavior or anxiety fear Knowledge of sexual situations or terms beyond what is normal for the child s age Signs of drug addiction Sudden changes in clothes friends or access to money Having a boyfriend or girlfriend who is noticeably older and or controlling Expressing concern for family members safety if he or she shares too much information Working unusually long hours and being paid very little Living at a workplace or with the employer or living with many people in a small space If the youth is in immediate danger call your local police department or emergency access number e g 911 To report suspected human trafficking call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1 888 373 7888 text BeFree 233733 or submit a tip online at https humantraffickinghotline org To report a sexually exploited or abused minor call the National Center for Missing Exploited Children at 1 800 THE LOST or report online at http www missingkids org cybertipline This tip sheet was created using information from experts in national organizations that work to prevent child maltreatment and promote well being At https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets you can download this tip sheet and get more parenting tips or call 800 394 3366 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 95

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La trata de personas c mo proteger a nuestros j venes Lo que est pasando La trata de personas es una forma de esclavitud moderna e incluye tanto la trata con fines de explotaci n sexual y el trabajo forzoso Los j venes que est n viviendo situaciones dif ciles en sus hogares o que han experimentado trauma incluyendo los j venes en cuidado de crianza pueden estar a mayor riesgo Cualquier ni o menor de 18 a os de edad involucrado en el comercio sexual o actos sexuales a cambio de alg n pago es una v ctima de trata sexual aun si el joven no fue forzado o coaccionado Esto incluye La prostituci n El desnudarse stripping o striptease en ingl s Pornograf a La trata de personas tambi n incluye el trabajo forzoso lo cual puede involucrar La venta de drogas ilegales La mendicidad forzada Grupos de vendedores a domicilio puerta en puerta por ejemplo que vendan revistas El trabajo de restaurante Salones de belleza o manicura El trabajo agr cola El trabajo como au pair o ni era El empleo domestico Lo que usted podr a estar observando Se han reportado casos de trata de personas en todos los 50 estados Las v ctimas pueden ser ni os o adultos ciudadanos estadounidenses o extranjeros hombres o mujeres Los ni os de tan solo 9 a os de edad pueden estar en riesgo Lo siguientes indicios pueden se alar que un ni o est involucrado en la trata de personas El ni o la ni a Falta a clase con frecuencia y sin explicaci n Se escapa de casa Tiene moretones o cicatrices sin explicaciones comportamientos introvertidos o ansiedad miedo Tiene conocimiento de situaciones o t rminos sexuales no apropiados para su edad Demuestra indicios de adicci n a las drogas Demuestra cambios abruptos en su ropa amistades o acceso a dinero Tiene un novio o una novia que es claramente mayor que y o controla al ni o o la ni a Se preocupa por el bienestar de sus familiares si comparte demasiada informaci n Trabaja largas horas fuera de lo normal y le pagan muy poco Vive en su lugar de trabajo o con su empleador o vive con muchas personas en un espacio peque o Lo que usted puede hacer Est consciente de las t cticas de reclutamiento Los traficantes encuentran sus v ctimas a trav s de sitios web de los medios sociales l neas de chatear por tel fono programas despu s de las clases extraescolares en centros comerciales y paradas de buses en clubs o a trav s de amistades y personas conocidas Preg ntele a su hijo acerca de sus amistades particularmente amigos nuevos o amigos que parezcan ser bastante mayor que su hijo Supervise el uso de la computadora y est pendiente de d nde pasa tiempo su hijo Los traficantes tambi n pueden ser familiares o hasta compa eros pares Entienda que los j venes que han sido v ctimas de la trata de personas son realmente v ctimas y no delincuentes Si una persona ha sido obligada a cometer actos ilegales esa persona es una v ctima y no es culpable de un delito Ayude al joven a entender que no ser castigado por buscar ayuda Denuncie casos de posible trata de personas Puede hacer lo siguiente si piensa que un joven est involucrado en la trata de personas Si el joven est en peligro inmediato llame a su departamento de polic a local o n mero de emergencia por ejemplo al 911 Para denunciar un posible caso de trata de personas llame el National Human Trafficking Resource Center el Centro Nacional de Recursos Sobre la Trata de Personas al 1 888 373 7888 hay int rpretes disponibles mande un mensaje de texto a BeFree 233733 o presente una denuncia en l nea aqu https humantraffickinghotline org obtenga ayuda Para denunciar la explotaci n o el abuso sexual de un menor llame el Centro Nacional Para Menores Desaparecidos y Explotados National Center for Missing Exploited Children al 1 800 843 5678 o presente una denuncia en l nea aqu http esp missingkids org cybertipline Esta hoja de consejos se cre con informaci n de expertos de organizaciones nacionales que trabajan para prevenir el maltrato de menores y promover su bienestar Usted puede descargar esta hoja de consejos y obtener m s consejos sobre la crianza en https www childwelfare gov topics preventing preventionmonth resources tip sheets o llamando al 800 394 3366 96 https www childwelfare gov topics preventing

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Chapter 6 Resources National Child Abuse Prevention Partners The following is a list of the National Child Abuse Prevention Partners More information about national organizations that work to promote well being in children families and communities including contact information is available on the Child Welfare Information Gateway website at https www childwelfare gov topics preventing overview relatedorgs American Academy of Pediatrics AAP American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children APSAC American Psychological Association Annie E Casey Foundation ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center Capacity Building Center for States Center for the Study of Social Policy CSSP Chapin Hall Center for Children at the University of Chicago Child Welfare Information Gateway Child Welfare League of America CWLA Circle of Parents Darkness to Light National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome NCSBS National Child Abuse and Neglect Technical Assistance and Strategic Dissemination Center CANTASD National Children s Alliance NCA National Court Appointed Special Advocate Association National CASA National Exchange Club NEC Foundation National Family Preservation Network NFPN National Fatherhood Initiative NFI National Indian Child Welfare Association NICWA National Network of Family Support and Strengthening Networks Doris Duke Charitable Foundation National Resource Center for Healthy Marriage and Families NRCHMF FRIENDS National Center for Community Based Child Abuse Prevention CBCAP National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse NRFC The Full Frame Initiative Nurse Family Partnership Gundersen National Child Protection Training Center Parents Anonymous Inc Infant Massage USA National Alliance of Children s Trust and Prevention Funds National Association for the Education of Young Children NAEYC National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners NAPNAP Parents as Teachers Prevent Child Abuse America PCA Search Institute Stop It Now UNICEF ZERO TO THREE National Center for Children in Poverty NCCP 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 97

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Federal Interagency Work Group on Child Abuse and Neglect The Office on Child Abuse and Neglect within the Children s Bureau leads and coordinates the Federal Interagency Work Group on Child Abuse and Neglect Please visit the websites for these agencies to see how their programs support child abuse prevention in your community More information about the Work Group and its members including contact information can be found on the Children s Bureau website at http www acf hhs gov programs cb fediawg U S Department of Health and Human Services HHS Children s Bureau Administration on Children Youth and Families Office on Child Abuse and Neglect Children s Bureau CB Administration on Children Youth and Families ACYF Administration for Children and Families ACF Child Welfare Information Gateway CB ACYF ACF National Child Abuse and Neglect Technical Assistance and Strategic Dissemination Center CANTASD Division of Program Implementation CB ACYF ACF Division of Research and Innovation CB ACYF ACF Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation ASPE Administration for Children and Families ACF Office of Child Care ACF Office of Child Support Enforcement ACF Office of Head Start ACF Office of Planning Research and Evaluation OPRE ACF Division of Child and Family Development OPRE Office for Civil Rights OCR Administration for Community Living ACL OCR Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities ACL OCR Office of Minority Health Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC Division of Human Development and Disability National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities NCBDDD Division of Violence Prevention National Center for Injury Prevention and Control CDC Health Resources and Services Administration HRSA Maternal and Child Health Bureau MCHB Division of Child Adolescent and Family Health MCHB HRSA Division of Home Visiting and Early Childhood Systems MCHB HRSA Division of Services for Children with Special Health Care Needs MCHB HRSA Division of EMSC and Injury and Violence Prevention Indian Health Service IHS Office of Clinical and Preventive Services OCPS IHS Office of Refugee Resettlement ACF Division of Behavioral Health OCPS IHS Family and Youth Services Bureau FYSB Division of Clinical and Community Services OCPS IHS Family Violence Prevention and Services Program FYSB ACYF ACF Office of Data Analysis Research and Evaluation FYSB ACYF ACF Division of Nursing Services OCPS IHS Division of Environmental Health Services Office of Environmental Health and Engineering IHS An agency organizational chart can be found on the ACF website at https www acf hhs gov about offices 98 https www childwelfare gov topics preventing

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National Institutes of Health NIH Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research NIH National Institute of Child Health and Human Development NICHD Child Development and Behavior Branch NICHD NIH Pediatric Trauma and Critical Illness Branch NICHD NIH National Institute on Drug Abuse NIDA NIH Division of Epidemiology Services and Prevention Research NIDA Child and Adolescent Services Research Program National Institute of Mental Health NIH Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration SAMHSA Center for Mental Health Services SAMHSA Center for Substance Abuse Prevention SAMHSA Center for Substance Abuse Treatment SAMHSA Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health OASH Office of the Surgeon General OASH U S Agency for International Development U S Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services U S Department of Housing and Urban Development U S Interagency Council on Homelessness U S Department of the Interior Office of Indian Services Bureau of Indian Affairs U S Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs OJP Office for Victims of Crime OJP Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention OJJDP Child Protection Division OJJDP OJP Division of Innovation and Research OJJDP OJP National Institute of Justice NIJ Bureau of Justice Statistics Office on Violence Against Women U S Department of State Office of Trafficking in Persons U S Office of Personnel Management Family Friendly Workplace Advocacy Office U S Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service FNS Child Nutrition Division FNS Food Distribution Division FNS National Institute of Food and Agriculture NIFA Division of Family and Consumer Sciences NIFA U S Department of Defense Family Advocacy Program Office of Family Policy Children and Youth Military Community and Family Policy Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense 2018 Prevention Resource Guide 99

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U S Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families Administration on Children Youth and Families Children s Bureau www acf hhs gov programs cb A Service of the Children s Bureau ACYF 330 C Street SW 3rd Floor Washington D C 20024 800 394 3366 Email info childwelfare gov www childwelfare gov FRIENDS National Center for Community Based Child Abuse Prevention 800 Eastowne Drive Suite 105 Chapel Hill NC 27514 919 490 5577 www friendsnrc org