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2017 Benefits At A Glance

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B e n e f i t s At A G l a n c e 2 0 1 7

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M i s s i o n : P r a t t R e g i o n al M e d i c a l C ent e r p r o vi d es e x c e ll e n t a n d c o m p as s io n a t e h e a l t h c a r e s e rv i c es . V i s i o n : P r a t t R e g io n a l M e d i c a l Cen t er wi l l b e e ss e n t ial t o t h e h e a l t h , we l l n e ss a n d q u a li t y o f l if e in o u r r eg i on . Va l u a b l e I n f o r m a t i o n a t y o u r f i n g e r t i p s . . . In this “Benets at a Glance” you will nd an overview of each plan available during your enrollment. This is not intended to give you complete knowledge of each policy, but to give you some informaon that might help you decide which opons may be of interest to you. There are dierent levels of coverage available and opons to cover yourself, your spouse, and/or your eligible dependents. This year we are taking a team approach to the enrollment process using the folks from Star Robbins for the voluntary benet enrollment and Midwest Benet Resources (MBR) for health, dental and life insurance products. Our desire is to educate employees on available benets and enroll our employees in the products that will work best for their personal needs. MBR is available throughout the year to meet with newly hired employees to explain benets and enroll them in the products of their choice. MBR is located in Pra, making it convenient for employees to stop by their oce and meet in a private seng to go over their benet needs. Employees are also invited to stop by the MBR oce at their convenience. Midwest Benet Resources 105 West Second St. Brenda Johnston 620.508.6292 e-mail: Pra Regional Medical Center works to provide our employees with meaningful benet opons. Being Simply the Best includes all facets of our organizaon including our benet programs. In 2017 there will be a few changes and improvements in your employee benet plan opons. We enter our second year with our partner Benets Management Inc., as third party administrator (TPA). With BMI employees have come to appreciate the aenon to their personal needs . Aetna will underwrite our life insurance program for employees as in 2016. There is no change of your PRMC life insurance plan. Employees may also purchase addional coverage at very reasonable rates which also includes family coverage. Aetna also will oer some products such as Short Term Disability which might be of interest to employees so please take a look at their program oerings. Trustmark will connue to provide coverage for Universal Life with Long Term Care Rider, Crical Illness, and Accident Protecon. As we did last year, we are happy to connue with our enrollment partner, Star Robbins & Company. Star Robbins benet educators will be on site the for enrollment during the rst week of December to provide guidance and support during your enrollment. A new feature to our benets line up for 2017 is a cancer insurance carrier, Allstate. Midwest Benet Resources sta will assist each employee with enrollment to make sure the benet programs oered meet your needs. Brenda Johnston of MBR has earned the reputaon of being a great employee advocate and making sure your enrollment is exactly what you and your family desire. This year, we have connued the voluntary opons to include: air ambulance transport coverage, Long Term Disability, Vision Care (two opons) and Legal Shield. As you will see, some of our new plans come with enhanced coverage and some with the same or similar protecon, but at an aordable cost to you. We are happy to connue a benet for PRMC insured employees and families who take advantage of services provided at PRMC. This Core benet oers a y percent (50%) reducon in the deducble on both the single and family plans. You will want to review this plan change on page 6 of this booklet. Our benet oerings are designed to be exible and aordable for your family’s needs. P r at t R e g i o n a l M e d i c a l C e n t e r

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V a l u e o f V o l un t a r y B e n e f i t s Voluntary benets are available on a payroll deducon which provides excellent pricing. New employees hired during the 2017 plan year will be oered benets “guaranteed issue”. This means, regardless of previously diagnosed health condions, employees hired aer January 2017 will be able to parcipate. Pre-exisng condions will have a 12/12 provision. Voluntary benet opons include Accident Assistance, Crical Illness with Cancer Coverage, and a Universal Life with Long Term Care Rider. More details about these new oerings will follow in the pages of this guide. Be sure and review them carefully. Benet consultants from MBR and SRC will walk through the changes you wish to make in your benet selecon and enroll you directly into the system. Your benet educators will be able to make sure you understand your opons so you may make informed decisions. Trustmark will be the primary benet carrier oered through payroll deducon. E le c t r o n ic E n r o l l m e n t S y s t em PRMC uses an electronic benet enrollment system for some voluntary benet products. Benet consultants from SRC will walk through the changes you wish to make in your benet selecon and enroll you directly into the system. We also have benet educators to help walk you through the changes as well as help educate everyone on the benets available. E n r o l l m e n t P r o c e s s Enrollment begins on November 30th (following our benet fair on November 29th & 30th ), and will run through the week. Please make sure you are aware of the dates our educators are on site and make every eort to aend a session early in the process so we will have ample me for everyone. The enrollment process is scheduled to begin at 12:00 Noon on November 30th and connues through December 2nd, you need to schedule your appointment by going to: hps:// The Password is: PRMC Thanks in advance for your cooperaon during this important enrollment session. I M P O R T A N T E N R O L L M E N T I N F O R M A T I O N Based on your schedule, you will be asked to select a specic me to speak with an educator. W e s t r o n g l y e n c o u ra g e y ou t o r e v i e w t h i s b r o c h ur e i n a d v a n c e o f m e e t in g w i t h yo u r b e n e f i t e d u c at o r t o e xp l o re t h e b e s t b e n e f i t s f or y o u a n d y o u r f a mi l y i n 2 01 7 . T o sc h e d u l e y o u r a p p o i n t m e n t y o u m u s t l o g o n t o P a s s w o r d i s : P R M C . Benefits You Can Count on for You and Your Family “A Healthy Future” means having the right coverage when you need it; giving you peace of mind as you face life events that can impact your family and your nancial security.”

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B e n e f i t A d v i c e a n d G u i d a n c e a t Wo r k “ P a r t n e r s h i p s b e t w e e n p e o p l e i n n e e d a n d p e o p l e w h o c a r e ” “A p e r s o n a l a p p r o a c h t o b e n e f i t s ! ” The Star Robbins TEAM Mission We bring ongoing, simple instruction to the workplace in order to help make benefits easy to understand so individuals can make good decisions. In major catastrophes, we offer a listening ear … and we give guidance about life-changing insurance plans to help protect a secure financial future. PRMC is happy to once again have the assistance of Star Robbins & Company as the benet educators to help with this year's enrollment process. Educators will work with each employee to provide one on one enrollment educaon and guidance, which will make it easier to beer understand your benets. Enrollment begins aer the benet fair on November 30th at noon through December 2nd . We have worked closely with the Star Robbins team to provide individualized benet understanding we feel may be helpful during this decision making process. Because there are changes in coverage and changes in process, PRMC thought having someone explain the current benets and what the changes will be would be helpful to all employees. A l l PR MC em p l oy ee s w i l l ne e d t o m e e t w i th an e du c a t o r w h il e th e y a r e a t o u r f ac i l i t i e s . The team of educators working with PRMC are well trained on our benets and will be able to assist employees during this important decision making process. The Star Robbins team are salaried benet educators who will be able to share with employees the value of both EMPLOYER SUBSIDIZED and VOLUNTARY oerings through PRMC. They will help each person select the coverage they need based on their individual circumstance. T o s c h e d u l e y o u r a p p o i n t m e n t y o u m a y l o g o n t o P a s s w o r d i s P R M C .

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Importance of Guaranteed Issue if you were hired in 2016 and Simplied Issue if you were hired previously condions can cause coverage to be charged extra premium or be denied altogether. If you were hired in 2016, these special PRMC products are being oered to you on a guaranteed issue basis. New Hires can obtain coverage without medical quesons. A 12/12 does apply. If you are not a new hire, these plans are sll available on a simplied issue basis with limited medical quesons. The special plans and costs are a great deal for PRMC employees. What does guaranteed issue really mean? Have you ever been turned down for coverage or perhaps know someone who could not qualify for the coverage they wanted? Insurance companies go through an underwring process to determine who is and who is not eligible for coverage based on your current health. People who have been diagnosed with a serious illness such as cancer, heart aack, diabetes, or a stroke are oen declined coverage. Even family history, weight issues, blood pressure, sleep apnea, and a host of other Plans available on a guaranteed or simplied issue basis include:  Universal Life with Long Term Care  Accident Assistance  Crical Illness with Cancer included If you or your family have a history of medical condions, don’t miss this special opportunity! People oen think about their benets, especially during enrollment. The rst thing that usually comes to mind is Medical Coverage. Your core benets are the rst step in securing a healthy and sound nancial future. Voluntary benets are designed to help cover out of pocket costs associated with medical care. These special plans are designed to pay directly to you in order to help cover regular bills such as mortgages, car payments and even groceries. Careful consideraon and research was done to make sure the PRMC voluntary opons would enhance Employer Subsidized coverage and provide employees a way to gain valuable protecon to wrap around your health coverage. These special policies provide needed nancial support during unexpected life events which impact the ability to earn a paycheck. Voluntary benets are designed to help you stay caught up with everyday bills during medical events so you can W h y s h o u l d I c o n s i d e r Vo l u n t a r y B e n e f i t O p t i o n s ? Va l u e o f B e n e f i t A d v i c e a n d G u i d a n c e a t Wo r k focus on geng well. Ask yourself a simple queson, “If you or your spouse were unable to earn a paycheck, what impact would it have on your nancial security and peace of mind?” Today, many things are changing in the area of employee benets. Trying to stay up with the mes can oen be a daunng task. Having a full understanding of one’s employer subsidized and voluntary benet package is more important than ever. Trained benet educators available to help you understand the dierence between the many types of coverage available can be very valuable in helping you protect what maers most, your family and your nancial security and stability! Our Midwest Benet Resources team will be able to help you take a look at your overall coverage so you may make informed decisions about what benets best meet your individual needs.

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W h o i s E l i g i b l e ? You are eligible for all of the benet opons oered through the PRMC plan if you are an acve, full-me employee of PRMC regularly assigned to work at least 60 hours per pay period, or are an acve part-me employee regularly assigned to work at least 16 hours per pay period. Dependent Eligibility Several of the benet opons oer coverage for your eligible dependents, which may include: Your spouse. Refer to the plan documents for Noce of Availability of Coverage For Civil Union Partners for more details on the requirements. Your children. Your children under the age of 26 for medical, dental and vision coverage, regardless of marital, residenal or full-me student status. Your unmarried children to age 26 for dependent life insurance. Your unmarried children to age 26 for dependent AD&D insurance. In general, children include your natural children, legally adopted children, children for whom you are the legal guardian, step-children, and children who have been placed in your home in ancipaon of adopon. An unmarried Child who is a Dependent and who reaches the Plan’s liming age for Dependent Children while covered under this Plan will remain eligible for coverage to the extent he is at that me incapable of self-sustaining employment and is dependent upon you for support due to a mental or physical illness or disability. He will remain eligible for coverage under this provision to the extent you remain eligible for Dependent coverage and he remains incapable of self-sustaining employment and dependent upon you for support due to the disability. Nocaon of incapacitaon must be provided within thirty-one (31) days aer the Child aains age 26. Proof of incapacitaon may be required to determine whether or not the Child qualies as disabled and may be required on an annual basis. Children does not include grandchildren, however, the new Universal Life may be elected for your grandchildren. Foster children are only eligible for dependent life and AD&D coverage. If both you and your spouse are eligible employees, only one of you may cover a dependent child. In addion, you may not be enrolled as both an employee and as a dependent at the same This enrollment guide gives you a general descripon of your PRMC benets. Not all specic details are included. Instead, we have tried to keep this guide short, simple, and easy to understand. If a conict arises between this summary and the actual plan docu-ments (including insurance contracts), the plan documents will govern. Nothing in this guide may be construed as a contract of employment. This guide constutes a Summary of Material Modicaons to the Summary Plan Descripons with respect to any plan changes. Keep this booklet in a safe place for future reference. G R A N D FAT H E R E D S TAT U S D I S C L O S U R E This Pra Regional Medical Center Employee Healthcare Plan believes this Plan is a “grandfathered health plan” under the Paent Protecon and Aordable Care Act (the Aordable Care Act). As permied by the Aordable Care Act, a grandfathered health plan can preserve certain basic health coverage that was already in eect when that law was enacted. Being a grandfathered health plan means that this Plan may not include certain consumer protecons of the Aordable Care Act that apply to other plans; an example is the requirement for the provision of prevenve health services without any cost sharing. However, grandfa-thered health plans must comply with certain other consumer protecons in the Aordable Care Act; an example is the elimina-on of lifeme limits on essenal benets. Quesons regarding which protecons apply and which protecons do not apply to a grandfathered health plan and what might cause a plan to change from grandfathered health plan status can be directed to the plan administrator at: Pra Regional Medical Center; 200 Commodore; Pra, KS 67124. Phone: (620) 672-7451 You may also contact the Employee Benets Security Administraon, U.S. Department of Labor at 1-866-444-3272 or This website has a table summarizing which protecons do and do not apply to grandfathered health plans.

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P R M C G r o u p H e a l t h P l a n Calendar Year Deducble (Single/Family) Premium Standard Basic Core PRMC Network $240/$720 $360/$900 $600/$1,800 In-Network $480/$1,440 $720/$1,800 $1,200/$3,600 Out-of-Network $960/$2,880 $1,200/$3,600 $1,440/$3,840 Out-of-Pocket Maximum In Network (Single/Family)-Includes deducble, out-of-pocket maxi-mums do not cross apply with out-of-network charges. Core PRMC Network $2,400/$7,200 $3,000/$9,000 $3,600/$10,800 In-Network $2,400/$7,200 $3,000/$9,000 $3,600/$10,800 Out-of-Network Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Co-Insurance Percentage Core PRMC Network 80%/20% 80%/20% 70%/30% In-Network 80%/20% 80%/20% 70%/30% Out-of-Network 50%/50% 50%/50% 50%/50% Physician Benets (Includes Primary Care Oce Visits, Specialist Oce Visits and Walk-in Retail Health Clinics) Core PRMC Network $20 member co-pay for the rst $250 per visit, then plan pays 80% aer deducble 80% aer deducble 70% aer deducble In Network $20 member co-pay for the rst $250 per visit, then plan pays 80% aer deducble 80% aer deducble 70% aer deducble Out-of-Network 50% aer deducble 50% aer deducble 50% aer deducble Outpaent Services PRMC Core Network 80% aer deducble 80% aer deducble 70% aer deducble In-Network 80% aer deducble 80% aer deducble 70% aer deducble Out-of-Network 50% aer deducble 50% aer deducble 50% aer deducble Inpaent Hospital Professional Services PRMC Core Network 80% aer deducble 80% aer deducble 70% aer deducble In-Network 80% aer deducble 80% aer deducble 70% aer deducble Out-of-Network Parcipant pays $1,000 co-pay and 50% aer deducble Parcipant pays $1,000 co-pay and 50% aer deducble Parcipant pays $1,000 co-pay and 50% aer deducble Emergency Room Visit PRMC Core Network 80% aer PPO Network deducble 80% aer PPO Network de-ducble 70% aer PPO Network deducble In Network 80% aer PPO Network deducble 80% aer PPO Network de-ducble 70% aer PPO Network deducble Out-of-Network 80% aer PPO Network deducble 80% aer PPO Network de-ducble 70% aer PPO Network deducble Ambulance (when medically necessary) 80% aer PPO Network deducble 80% aer PPO Network de-ducble 80% aer PPO Network deducble Air Ambulance (when medically necessary) 80% aer PPO Network deducble 80% aer PPO Network de-ducble 80% aer PPO Network deducble

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Preventave Care Services (as dened by ACA) Premium Standard Basic Core PRMC Network (PRMC, PRMC Owned Clinics, and Pra Family Pracce) 100% Deducble Waived 100% Deducble Waived 100% Deducble Waived In Network (Roune Annual Physicals - excludes school or work physicals) For the rst $300 per Benet Year Parcipant pays $20 co-pay and plan pays dierence. Services in excess of $300 per Benet Year are subject to deducble and co-insurance. For the rst $300 per Benet Year Parcipant pays $20 co-pay and plan pays dierence. Services in excess of $300 per Benet Year are subject to deducble and co-insurance. For the rst $300 per Benet Year Parcipant pays $20 co-pay and plan pays dierence. Ser-vices in excess of $300 per Bene-t Year are subject to deducble and co-insurance. Out-of-Network 50% aer deducble 50% aer deducble 50% aer deducble Well Newborn Nursery Care PRMC Core Network 80% aer deducble 80% aer deducble 70% aer deducble In Network 80% aer deducble 80% aer deducble 70% aer deducble Out-of-Network Parcipant pays $1,000 co-pay and 50% aer deducble Parcipant pays $1,000 co-pay and 50% aer deducble Parcipant pays $1,000 co-pay and 50% aer deducble Immunizaons CORE PRMC Network 100% Deducble Waived 100% Deducble Waived 100% Deducble Waived In Network (Roune Annual Physicals - excludes school or work physicals) 100% Deducble Waived 100% Deducble Waived 100% Deducble Waived Out-of-Network 50% aer deducble 50% aer deducble 50% aer deducble Maternity Prenatal and Postnatal Oce Visits (Co-pay covers only the oce visit component. Co-pay excludes such ser-vices as lab, sonograms, etc.) PRMC Core Network Parcipant pays $150 co-pay per Pregnancy. Plan pays the dierence. Based on type of service and place of service Based on type of service and place of service In Network Parcipant pays $150 co-pay per Pregnancy. Plan pays the dierence. Based on type of service and place of service Based on type of service and place of service Out-of-Network 50% aer dedcble Based on type of service and place of service Based on type of service and place of service Delivery and Inpaent Stays PRMC Core Network 80% aer deducble Based on type of service and place of service Based on type of service and place of service In Network 80% aer deducble Based on type of service and place of service Based on type of service and place of service Out-of-Network Parcipant pays $1,000 co-pay and 50% aer deducble Based on type of service and place of service Based on type of service and place of service All other services related to Pregnancy (all Networks) Based on type of service and place of service Based on type of service and place of service Based on type of service and place of service P R M C G r o u p H e a l t h P l a n

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P r e s c r i p t i o n D r u g P l a n Prescripon coverage will connue through MedTrak MedTrak contracts with over 60,000 pharmacies across the naon to assist you with your prescripon needs. With our Preferred and Performance 90 Pharmacy Networks, you can obtain acute and maintenance medicaons at any contracted retail pharmacy. To nd out if a pharmacy is in our network, please visit our website at or call the MedTrak Help Desk at 800.771.4648. Our Pharmacy Benet Advisors are available from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday to assist you with any quesons regarding our pharmacy network, your medicaons, plan coverage and more. MedTrak also provides many online tools to help you understand and manage your prescripon benets. Upon registering on our website,, you will have access to the following tools:  Rx Price Finder – Look up costs of current or future medicaons  Rx Claims History – View and print claims history  eScriptChoice– Search for lower-cosng alternaves with plan costs and copay amounts  Pharmacy Locator – Search among 60,000 pharmacies that parcipate in the Medtrak Preferred or Performance 90 Pharmacy Networks Access Important Documents – View summary informaon regarding your Plan’s prescripon benets, claim forms, preferred drug lists, MedTrak’sHealthWise Member newsleer, temporary ID cards and more. P ar t i c i p a t i n g P h ar m a c y : R e t ai l P er f or m a n c e 9 0 M a x i m u m D a y S u p p l y A l l o w e d : 30 90 G e n e r i c C o p a y : $10 $30 B r a n d C o pa y : $50 $150 S p e c i a l t y M e d i c a t i o n Co p a y : 1 0 % o f t h e c o s t u p t o a $ 1 , 5 0 0 a n n u a l i n d i v i d u a l Ou t - of- P o c k e t M a x i m u m w i t h a m a x i m u m 3 0 d a y s u p p l y a l lo w e d p e r f i l l Benefit Consultant Midwest Benefit Resources 1-620-508-6292 Health & Flex Spending Acct. Benefit Management Inc. 1-800-290-1368 P R M C G r o u p H e a l t h P l a n We l l n e s s a n d P h y s i c a l F i t n e s s Everyone needs at least some amount of physical acvity to stay healthy. Regular exercise can increase metabolism, boost energy and improve sleep. For some people, physical acvity is already a part of daily life or work. For others, be-ing acve requires extra eort. Personal tness can be approached in a myriad of ways, and there is no universal system that works for everyone. To make things more challenging, the sheer amount of tness informaon and advice available can be a discouraging barrier. What exactly does “being t” mean anyway? How should you go about creang a workout roune, and what are some of the best workout acvies? Should you join a gym or work out at home? Ready to get started? PRMC has partnered with Blythe Family Fitness to make the choice to begin a tness regime a lile easier and for as lile as $19.99 a month. For more informaon, stop by the Blythe Family Fitness table.

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D e n t a l & V i s i o n D e s c r i p t i o n P r e m i u m S t a n d a r d B a s i c C a l e n d a r Y e a r D e d u c t i b l e $25 Single $50 Single $50 Single $75 Family $150 Family $150 Family C a l e n d a r Y e a r M a x i m u m $1,500 $1,000 $500 P r e v e n t iv e S e r v i c e s —O r a l e x a m , b i t e - w i n g x - r a y s , d e n t a l p r o p h y l a x i s 100% 80% 50% B a s i c S e r v i c e s 80% aer deducble 80% aer deducble 50% aer deducble M a j o r S e r v i c e s 50% aer deducble 50% aer deducble No Coverage O r t h o d on t i c s No coverage No coverage No coverage B e n e f i t s E x a m & M a t er i a l s C o p a y $25 Total Copay F r e q u e n c y E x a m Exam, Lenses & Frames Every 12 months Contacts (in lieu of glasses) Every 12 months P l a n F e a t u r e s Exam Covered in full (less copay) Lenses Covered in full (less copay) Glass or Plasc, sv or mf L e n s e O p t i o n s All cost controlled Polycarbonate for children covered F r a m e $125 allowance, 20% discount on overage E l e c t i v e C o n t a c t L e n s e s $125 allowance Addional Pairs of Glasses or Contacts Not Applicable B e n e f i t s G o l d C o m p le t e G o l d M a t e r ia l s O n l y E x a m O n l y E x a m C o p ay $15 Total Copay N/A $15 Total Copay M a t e r i a l s C o p a y $15 Total Copay $15 Total Copay N/A (Lenses and Frame) E x a m Every 12 months N/A Every 12 months L e n s e s Every 12 months Every 12 months N/A F r a m e s Every 12 months Every 12 months N/A C o n t a c t s (in lieu of glasses) Every 12 months Every 12 months N/A Exam Covered in full (less copay) Covered in full (less copay) Covered in full (less copay) Lenses Covered in full (less copay) Covered in full (less copay) N/A Glass or Plasc, CR-39 lens Glass or Plasc, CR-39 lens N/A Lens Opon Single vision, bifocal, trifo-cal (FT25-28 or lencular) Single vision, bifocal, trifocal (FT25-28 or lencular) N/A Progressive Lens Allowance equal to retail price of standard trifocal Allowance equal to retail price of standard trifocal N/A Frame $130 allowance $130 allowance N/A Elecve Contact Lenses $130 allowance $130 allowance Delta Dental 800-234-3375 Vision Service Plan VSP Vision Care Direct of Kansas Office: 620-325-3711 Cell: 316-650-6663 Fax: 1-800-399-9644 Email: 1-877-488-8900 Vision Care Direct of Kansas D e l t a D e n t a l Vision Service Plan 1-800-877-7195

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H e a l t h C a r e F S A - you can set aside up to $2,600 per year to pay for qualied, out-of-pocket medical expenses E x a m p l e s o f q u a l i f i e d e x p e ns e s include, but are not limited to: Prescripon drugs, doctor’s oce co-pays, co-insurance, deducbles, orthodonst & dental fees, prescripon glasses & contacts, etc. D e p e n d e n t C a r e F S A - you can set aside up to $5,000 per calendar year to pay for qualied dependent care expenses E x a m p l e s o f q u a l i f i e d e x p e ns e s include, but are not limited to: Babysier, before/aer school programs, licensed nursery care, day care, elderly care, summer day camp, etc. Y o u h a v e u n t i l M a r c h 3 1 s t , 2 0 1 8 to submit your 2017 FSA claim for reimbursement. Any funds le over in your account will be forfeited; there are no rollovers or refunds. F S A - F l e x i b l e S p e n d i n g A c c o u n t s S T D - S h o r t Te r m D i s a b i l i t y I n c o m e P r o t e c t i o n LT D - L o n g Te r m D i s a b i l i t y I n c o m e P r o t e c t i o n W h a t w ou l d h a p p e n i f y o u r i nc om e s to p p e d t o d a y ? Are you prepared to provide for yourself and those you love in the event of a serious accident or illness? Unless you have planned for such a loss, losing your income can produce tragic results. If you are like most of us, your income is truly your most valuable asset. Voluntary STD is an important part of your nancial security. STD is designed to help cover the immediate needs should someone become disabled due to an accident or illness and be unable to work for a period of me. PRMC eligible employees may enroll during open enrollment. The benet pays directly to you. B e n e fi t s i n c l u d e :  O the job protecon.  Pregnancy is covered the same as any illness.  60% of your weekly earnings up to $1,400 per week maximum.  Benets begin on the 8th consecuve day of disability if due to an illness or accident.  12 week benet duraon.  STD is available to full-me and part-me employees during annual enrollment. L o n g T e rm D i s ab i l i t y I n c om e p r o t ec t i o n , L T D , helps replace a poron of your pay for “long term” disability resulng from a covered injury or sickness. Benets begin at the end of the eliminaon period and connue while you are disabled up to the maximum benet duraon. B e n e fi t s i n c l u d e : 90 day eliminaon period and 60% of covered earnings up to a monthly maximum Long Term Disability is available to full-me and part-me employees during annual enrollment. Today, we need every dollar we get to help with family budgets. Flexible Spending Accounts are one way of providing addional cash ow. They are designed to allow you to take part of your taxable “wage” dollars and turn them into non-taxable “benet” dollars. Two major areas that qualify for FSAs are out-of-pocket medical expenses and dependent care expenses. Medical expenses include deducbles, co-payments, dental care, eye care, etc. Dependent care expenses can be reimbursed for care of a child under age 13, or a disabled dependent in your care, while you and your spouse work. PRMC provides both of these accounts to our employees. If you incur medical or child care/ dependent expenses, you should consider taking advantage of this IRS benet. The FSA allows you to save state, federal, and FICA taxes on out-of-pocket medical expenses. Vo l u n t a r y B e n e f i t s

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A N e w T w i s t t o L i f e I n s u r a n c e th a t h e l p s w h e n e v e r y o u n e e d i t m o s t ! Universal Life is a “permanent” life plan that provides aordable guaranteed protecon for your family. This life insurance goes with you when you leave employment. It gives you death benets that you can depend on. Policy payments remain the same throughout the life of your policy. Universal Life also comes with an extra level of protecon for long-term care services, combining two important benets into one aordable product. How are your benets paid? Your benets can be paid as a Death Benet, as Living Benets for long-term care, or as a combinaon of both. Death Benet - Most people buy life insurance for the nancial security of the death benet. A death benet puts money in your family’s hands quickly when they need it most. It’s money they can use as needed. Living Benets - Long-term care can be expensive. Living Benets make it easy to accelerate the death benet to help pay for home healthcare, assisted living, adult day care or nursing home services, should you ever need them. Features you’ll appreciate Lifelong protecon – Provides coverage that will last your lifeme. Family coverage – Apply for your spouse, children and grandchildren even if you choose not to parcipate. Terminal Illness Benet – Accelerates up to 75 percent of your death benet if your doctor determines your life expectancy is 24 months or less. Waiver of premium – Waives policy payments if your doctor determines you are totally disabled. B a s i c L i f e , AD & D , D e p e n d e n t & S u p p l e m en ta l L i f e We all want the best for our loved ones, especially if the unexpected should happen. Life insurance provides protecon for your family in the event you are no longer able to provide for them. PRMC pays for a $25,000 Basic Life and AD&D benet for full-me employees. There are opons to purchase addional coverage for employees, spouse and children. Employees must purchase coverage on themselves in order for their other family members to parcipate. Other features include: Accelerated Life Benet. If your life expectancy is 12 months or less, you can receive a percentage of the benet prior to your death. Benet Reducons At age 70, the original benet is reduced to 65%. At age 75, the original benet is reduced to 50%. If you are requesng coverage for the rst me and you were previously eligible, evidence of insurability will be required. S u p p l e m e n t a l L i f e You may also purchase addional term life insurance. Dependent coverage is available if you purchase coverage for yourself. You may not exceed 50% of your coverage for a dependent. Each year during annual re-enrollment you may increase your coverage, subject to Evidence of Insurability EOI You may increase your coverage by one level without proof of insurability each year. More than this amount and Evidence of Insurability, EOI, will be required. If you are requesng supplemental coverage for the rst me, and you were previously eligible but chose not to parcipate, EOI will be required from the rst dollar of coverage. U n i v e r s a l L i f e w i t h L o n g T e r m C a r e R i d e r Vo l u n t a r y B e n e f i t s

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If you choose accident coverage, you will be covered in the event of an accident o the job. Medical fees up to $500 will be reimbursed in the event of an accident requiring medical care. These fees are limited up to $100 for physician fees, up to $200 for X-rays, and up to $200 for emergency room services. There is a benet of $50 for each visit to a doctor, outside of the hospital, for any reason, not to exceed four mes per year. Even regular check ups are included. For each covered person, the policy will pay a one-me benet of $1,000 per event when the covered person is admied for an overnight stay in the hospital as a result of an injury. The policy pays a $200 per day benet for hospital connement with a maximum of 90 days per injury. This amount increases to $400 per day if admied to intensive care. C r i t i c a l I l l n e s s C o v e ra g e w i t h C a n c e r B e n e f i t s How does it work? Crical illness can strike anyone, at any me. Heart Aack. Stroke. There is so much to think about. From deciding between treatment opons to managing every day needs to maintaining nancial stability, facing a medical challenge has a great impact on us and our family. Crical Illness insurance can help. It can help you manage your illness, your way. Crical Illness insurance pays a lump-sum cash benet, upon the diagnosis of a covered illness, to help ease not just your nancial worries, but your emoonal ones too. What’s covered? Heart Aack Stroke Renal (kidney) failure Blindness Occupaonal HIV Alzheimer’s Disease Transplant of a major organ Paralysis of at least two limbs Invasive cancer (excludes most skin cancer) Second event Crical Illness covers you when a condion is diagnosed a second me – Pays a lump-sum cash payment when you are diagnosed with any and every covered condion included in your policy. Benets are payable for recurrence of the same covered condion previously paid under the contract, as long as there are twelve months between the events. Health Screening Benet - To help you stay well, the Health Screening Benet pays you a wellness benet of $50 for one screening test per calendar year. B e n e f i t s Yo u W i l l A p p r e c i a t e Single cash benet – Choose a benet of $10,000 to $20,000. Guaranteed Issue limits are up to $20,000 during inial oering ONLY! Guaranteed renewable – Guaranteed acve coverage for life, as long as premiums are paid on me. Your premium may change if the premium for all policies in your class changes. Level premiums – Enjoy rates that don’t increase because of age. Hospitalizaon/treatment – Not required to collect benet. You receive benet payment aer diagnosis. A c c i d e n t C o v e r a g e Vo l u n t a r y B e n e f i t s

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B a s i c I n f o r m a t i o n Selling Back PTO Hours - If an employee elects to sell back PTO hours, it will be from the current year’s accrual and cannot be from any prior year(s) accrued balance. The employee may make an annual irrevocable election no later than December 31 of the current year to sell back a minimum of 8 hours that will be earned in the next calendar year. The form to request to sell back PTO hours is available in the Human Resou rces Department B E N EF I T S W H A T Y O U R E C E I V E E L I G I B L E E M P L O Y E E W H EN E F F E C T I V E W H O P A Y S Paid Time O (PTO) in lieu of vacaon, holidays, sick days, personal me Maximum accumulaon: 400 hours Years of Service % of accrual 0 < 5 8.08 6< 10 9.23 11< 15 10.38 16&> 11.54 Full Time Part Time Immediately PRMC PTO Sell Back Opon Sell back of accrued PTO hours pro-rated at 97% of base hourly rate. Full Time Part Time Immediately PRMC Health Insurance Basic/Standard/Premium Plan Opons. Major medical ulizes annual deducble and co-payment, policy oers built-in cost saving incenves. Part-me employees must pay enre premium amount. Refer to insurance handbook for complete plan coverage. Full Time Part Time (enrollment in plan 125 required) Coverage begins on the rst of the month following compleon of 60 days of employment PRMC and Eligible Employees Dental Insurance Basic/Standard/Premium Plan Opons. Insurance ulizes deducble and co-payment. Refer to insurance handbook for complete plan coverage. Full Time Part Time Coverage begins on the rst of the month following compleon of 60 days of employment Eligible Employees Vision Insurance Insurance ulizes co-payment and covers exams, frames, lenses, and contacts. Refer to insurance handbook for complete plan coverage. Full Time Part Time Coverage begins on the rst of the month following compleon of 60 days of employment Eligible Employees Group Life Insurance $25,000 (FT & PT) plus AD&D, $2,000 spouse, + various levels for dependent child. Refer to insurance handbook for complete plan coverage. Full Time Part Time (Part me pays enre premium) Coverage begins on the rst of the month following compleon of 60 days of employment Employee (for dependent coverage) Flexible Spending Account Pre-tax deducon of insurance premium(s), dependent childcare, unreimbursed medical expense. Means of reducing tax liability. Full Time Part Time Coverage begins on the rst of the month following compleon of 60 days of employment Employee Crical Illness, Accident, Short Term Disability and Universal Life Cancer Insurance Protecon for crical illness, cancer, accident, life and short term disability expenses. Payroll deducon available for all plans. Full Time Part Time Coverage begins upon issue by the carrier. You are eligible to have coverage on the rst of the month following 60 days of employment. Employee PRMC 401(k) Prot Sharing Plan (Rerement Benet) Pre-tax deducon of employee contribuons up to 75%. Employer match on up to 6% of employee contribuon: less than 10 years of service at 25 cents on the dollar; more than 10 years of service at 50 cents on the dollar. All (if they meet plan requirements for hours worked and are greater than 18 years old. Coverage begins on the rst of the month following compleon of 60 days of employment. PRMC and Employee Tax Deferred Annuity Program Opportunity to parcipate in tax deferred annuity program. All Upon compleon of enrollment. Employee Social Security Federal program that provides for rerement, disability, Medicare and survivors benets. All Immediately PRMC and Employee L e g a l S e r v i c e s IDShield provides Identy The protecon with COMPLETE Monitoring of ALL 5 major forms of your identy with ALERTS PLUS FULL RESTORATION that includes Children’s Idenes. The LegalShield Comprehensive Legal Plan helps us deal with any other “STUFF” that can disrupt our lives, and includes wring or updang a Last Will and Testament, Health Care Power of Aorney, Living Will and a Minors Trust at Zero addional out of pocket cost. In addion the Legal Plan provides comprehensive with: D i v o r c e T r a f f i c W i l l P r e p a r a t i o n C h i l d C u s t o d y H o m e P u r c h a s e C o n s u m e r I s s u e s U n l i m i t e d C o n s u l t a t io n M u c h M u c h M o r e Legal Shield 1-316-842-4848 M i s c e l l a n e o u s E m p l o y e r B e n e f i t s

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B a s i c I n f o r m a t i o n B E N EF I T S W H A T Y O U R E C EI V E E L I G I B L E E M P L O Y E E W H EN E F F E C T I V E W H O P A Y S Weekend Dierenal $2.70 per hour compensaon for working weekend shis – 6:00 p.m. on Friday to 10:00 p.m. on Sunday. All Immediately PRMC Shi Dierenal $2.00 per hour compensaon for working evening shi. $2.50 per hour compensaon for working night shi. Those employees meeng eligibility requirement Immediately PRMC Holiday Pay 1 ½ mes hourly rate for hours worked - when scheduled by supervisor All hourly employees Immediately PRMC Vong Time, Jury Duty, Blood Donang Regular wages for me spent serving on jury duty, vong, donang blood. Refer to specic policy. All Immediately PRMC Workers’ Compensaon Medical expenses and income protecon when o duty due to an on the job injury or job related illness subject to Kansas law. All Immediately PRMC Unemployment Compensaon Income assistance aer meeng state eligibility requirements, while seeking employment. All Immediately PRMC Tuion Reimbursement Percentage of tuion reimbursement for work related courses undergraduate/graduate hours. Some assistance available for correspondence course work. Prior approval required. Full Time Part Time Aer six months service PRMC Coee/Rest Period Two 15 minute paid coee breaks per 8 hour shi. Coee & Tea free All Immediately PRMC Cafeteria Employee meals discounted All Immediately Employee Employee Assistance Program EMPAC EAP -Professional counseling services for employees and family members. Condenality ensured. All Immediately PRMC Credit Union Savings/loan through convenient payroll deducon; also Christmas Club, IRA, Checking accounts. Full Time Part Time Designated by Medical Community Credit Union Employee Direct Deposit Automac deposit of payroll. Able to specify mulple accounts. All Within 30 days of authorizaon PRMC Service Awards Recognion for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 years of connuous service at PRMC. Full Time Part Time Employee Anniversary Date PRMC Recreaon/Social Acvies Various recreaon/social acvies sponsored by PRMC (i.e. picnics, athlec team sponsorships). All Immediately PRMC Accounts Payable Payroll Deducon Through arrangement with the business oce, payroll deducons to apply to PRMC hospital bill only. All Immediately Employee Birthday Gi One free meal in PRMC cafeteria by presenng free meal card. All On Birthday PRMC UPS, Fed Ex and U.S. Postal Service Pickup and Receiving Employee may receive or have parcel post picked up by nofying Materials Management and paying postal/shipping costs. All Immediately Employee Wheat State Credit Union formerly Medical Community Credit Union and prior to that St. Joseph Medical Credit Union has been aligned with Pra Regional Medical Center and its employees longer than any other PRMC benet. We are proud of our long standing partnership and the relaonships we have built over the years. Wheat State Credit Union is a full service nancial instuon oering PRMC employees: Low interest loan rates Various savings accounts (Regular savings, Christmas Club, etc.) Free checking accounts Second chance checking accounts Cercates of Deposit (CD’s) IRA Accounts C r e d i t U n i o n m e m be rs h i p M i s c e l l a n e o u s E m p l o y e r B e n e f i t s

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2017 Supplemental Benets Designed To Pay Direct to You! In today’s ever-changing medical arena, it has become increasingly important to make sure we, as consumers, understand our coverage opons. Plans are now being de-signed to address a broader list of concerns and individual needs. Supplemental plans are designed to pay direct to you and are fast becoming one of the most valued new opons in the insur-ance industry. This Supplemental Benets Guide provides a short summary of benets available. Our goal is to provide a program that will give you an opportunity to have a clear understanding of benets oered, answer any quesons you may have, and provide you with the tools to make informed decisions during this im-Benet Highlights Plan 1 Plan2 Plan3 Inial Diagnosis $3,000 $5,000 $5,000 Hospital Connement $200/day $200/day $300/day Radiaon/Chemotherapy (actual charges up to) $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 Intensive Care $200/day $400/day $600/day Ambulance (per connement) $100 for Cancer Related Trips. Actual charges for Ambulance where admied to ICU for any reason Surgery (Actual charges up to) $1,500 $3,000 $4,500 New or Experimental Treatment $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Medical Imaging $500 $750 $1,000 Blood, Plasma, Platelets (Actual Charges up to) $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 Travel Costs $.40 per mile or actual cost of common carrier Wellness (Yearly) $100 $100 $100 Bi-Weekly Cost Based On Plan Level Selected Employee $10.82 $15.60 $20.12 Employee + child $15.14 $22.16 $28.72 Employee + Spouse $16.98 $24.50 $31.44 Family $21.30 $31.04 $40.06 C a n c e r I n s u ra n c e C o v e r a g e

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A i r A m b u l a n c e S e r v i c e s Membership with one of the air transportaons services, Eagle Med or Life Team can save you a lot of money. Air transportaon in a life-saving emergency can cost thousands above the insurance plan coverage. Membership ensures you will not be billed for the cost of the ight. Coverage can be for single or family plans which include all members of your household. Choose between two coverage providers. Plan details vary so please visit with company representaves for you specic needs. Premiums for both Air Ambulance services are annual premiums and cannot be payroll deducted for more than 2 pay periods. AirMedCare AirMedCare Network is an alliance among Med-Trans Air Medical Transport, Air Evac, EagleMed, and REACH Air Medical Services, creang America’s largest air ambulance membership program. An AirMedCare Network membership automacally enrolls you in all 4 company membership programs, giving you membership coverage in over 220 locaons across 32 states. Take advantage of this great opportunity today! LifeTeam LIFETEAM As a member of LifeTeam, you and your family will not experience any out-of-pocket expenses for a medically necessary air transport provided by LifeTeam. Individual memberships can be purchased for just $35 dollars, or family memberships for only $42.50. While no one ever expects to need air medical transport, it is comforng to know that LifeTeam is a short twenty-ve minute ight away and available 24/7 if needed. Assisng you with your savings for rerement is a benet that PRMC is proud to oer our employees. The Pra Regional Medical Center 401(k) Prot Sharing Plan is designed to help you meet your nancial goals in rerement. The plan is easy to enroll in, oers eligible employees a way to make tax deducble contribuons that are payroll deducted, and provides an addional employer matching contribuon. An easy to use website is available to do many things such as check your balance, make investment changes or increase your contribuon rate. We hope you are taking advantage of this benet and encourage you to visit the website at or call the Parcipant Services Group at 800-876-9557 to access your account or enroll in the plan. The PRMC intranet has a very informave video about the PRMC 401(k) Prot Sharing Plan: hp://intranet/enrollment/index.html Rollovers into the 401(k) Plan - If you have a benet in the “PRMC Rerement Benet Plan”, you may be eligible to rollover that amount into the PRMC 401(k)Prot Sharing Plan. If you parcipated in a rerement plan with a prior employer, your account may be eligible to rollover into your PRMC 401(k) plan as well. Consolidang accounts is very common and provides many parcipants the most convenient way to keep track of their rerement accounts. If you’d like to learn more about this process and receive addional assistance, please contact BOKF Financial at 800-876-9557 to speak with someone. New 401(k) Plan Website - We are pleased to announce that BOK Financial has created a new website for our 401(k) plan parcipants. The new website will include several enhancements that we are condent will improve your online experience. The website’s navigaon and layout have all been revamped. A rerement planning tool has also been expanded and will be accessible from the landing page to assist you in your rerement planning eorts. 4 0 1 ( k ) P l a n PRMC 401K Profit Sharing Plan Bank of Oklahoma 1-800-876-9557 Life Team 1-316-217-6254 EagleMed 1-800-764-3343 M i s c e l l a n e o u s E m p l o y e r B e n e f i t s

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Sta r Robbins & Company Benet Educaon & Support Team We bring ongoing, simple instruction to the workplace in order to help make benefits easy to understand so individuals can make good decisions. In major catastrophes, we offer a listening ear … and we give guidance about life-changing insurance plans to help protect a secure financial future. With a variety of vision plans to meet your specific needs, Vision Care Direct offers you an unparalleled freedom of choice. Whether your vision needs include bifocals, trifocals, progressive lenses, safety wear or AT THE TRUSTMARK COMPANIES we help people thrive. We provide products and personalized attention that engage and inspire people to maximize their health potential. We offer employee benefits customized to fit each unique business need or life circumstance. It all revolves around our belief that better health and greater financial security increase overall well-being. And with well-being comes peace of mind. Peace of mind to focus on work and family and everything else that’s important in life. Peace of mind to thrive. M I D W E S T BE N E F IT R E S O U R C E S , L L C G r o u p B e n e f i t P l a n s & A d m i n i s t r a t i o n C o n s u l t i n g • I n d i v i d u a l H e a l t h P l a n s 1 0 5 W e s t S e c o n d P r a t t , K S 6 7 1 2 4 B r e n d a - m b r @ c o x. n e t O f f i c e: 6 2 0 . 5 0 8 . 6 2 9 2 * C e l l : 6 2 0. 3 8 8 . 3 9 5 4 * F a x : 6 2 0 . 5 0 8 . 6 2 9 4 B r e n d a J oh ns t on P R M C i s p ro u d t o p r e s e n t o u r p a r t n e rs a n d s p o n s o r s fo r t h i s y e a r ’s a n n u a l e n r o l l m e n t . Employee Assistance Program (316) 265-9922or(800) 234-0630 www. Life Insurance products for the employee and family dependents Pra Regional Medical Center does not exclude, deny benets to, or otherwise discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, naonal origin, disability, or age in admission to, parcipaon in, or re-ceipt of the services and benets under any of its programs and acvies, whether carried out by Pra Regional Medical Center directly or through a contractor or any other enty with which Pra Regional Medical Center arranges to carry out its programs and acvies. 2 0 1 7 B e n e f i t S p o n s o r s