A N N O U N C I N G K I N D E R G A RT E N R E G I S T R AT I O N OPEN HOUSE FOR BOISE SCHOOL DISTRICT THURSDAY MARCH 10 2015 AT YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD SCHOOL Please Check Your School s Website for Exact Time Here s How to Prepare endent The Indep y f Boise Cit District o School sBring your child sBring certified birth certificate sEnsure your child has the to required immunizations ever before more than rs and support ians for school entry he challenge nts Guard Dear Pare eeting the for the future Teac he or she can be Bring immunization records e st istrict is m School D arn grow and prepar ild become the be your The Boiseg people le can begin your ch y teaching ration program youn tly to help en e an help Here s What You ll e Regist orking dilig help Befor staff are w need your h our Kindergarten l time valuable tim See and Do essful we ug na to be succ stered and go thro in lost instructio For us t be regi results or ild mus st minute a good start s old on d ch sReceive the 2016 2017 til the la five year s ol Waiting unneeds to get off to en must bee must be six year calendar with important kindergart grad your child times and dates for the ts enteringents entering first law studen2016 Stud n for tio school year By state ptember 1 ch registra re the Mar Contact the office re Se r 1 2016 be befo y ailable befo u re Septem sLearn how to prepare your s will be av fore registration dathese forms If yo e on or befo tion form e forms be obtaining en registra th contact th child for kindergarten Kindergart wish to complete for details about ance area please be happy to parents who hborhood school is in your attend at 854 4167 We ll sMeet teachers and staff neig ol at your ain which scho Boundaries Office at your child s school udents who aren t cert ansportation and whereby st ll in our Tr District s ur questions ro ent Policy sAsk questions and get n Enrollm e allowed to en culum Office yo pe answer t has an Oundaries ar Curri answers about your the Distric at the BSD bo Patrons Please know e the District information call us click on Parents ions Boise School District id live outs ition free For more w boiseschools org llment for instruct ng parents schools tu12 or log on to ww then on Open Enro ram meanindergarten og Here s What You ll Get at 854 41 ow to Enroll and ergarten pr day ki all day kind e additional half day kindergarten then on H in th ition based AllsFree Kindergarten t offers a tu r child participate day of instruction Lowell Pierce Park The Distric to have thei Readiness Packet Longfellow e extra halfwho desire fee to support th Highlands Liberty 2016 by pay a tuition Hidden Springs ementary schools the fall of 10 e art in sites includand Shadow Hills el March a great st ts off to rten Registration on Roosevelt gartner ge ur kinder to attend Kinderga Go to www boiseschools org Be sure your calendar click on Parents and Patrons marking yo trict School Dis then on Health Services se Sincerely of Your Boi row and then on Immunizations rten Staff ter Tomor e Kinderga y For a Bet er Educator Th Toda for immunization requirements Educating ty Employ Opportuni An Equal www boiseschools org