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t • t I ' I ' ~ !l!l •mn ~11• VD I ! ~H~ ~ ~!@)If ere ou all of your dedication ''' . ' j . BEST.ru 111, DESERT l'l'/\.CUV(; A--.•»«)CI/\.Tl<JN -~;:~~~~~-e Reldla, ~ Tatas&Beer-R ~ . . . ··• •··· C "'CO ···••·· .. . ... _::•··!?";_·,:vt-_~ ~'?~9~~~, ' _,. :::::::: Fire Prat ction • I',
.' I I '• Volume 30 -Number s May 2013· Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors }:Preston Bradshaw Jim Culp Homer Eubanks Martin Holmes RodKocb Roger Lohrman Byrle Moore Steve Ruddick Maurice Selden Tony Tellier Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham . B.O .R.E. Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copyright by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Pleas·e furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 SNAPSHOT OF THE MONTH ••• n -~ ~~\:-~ The ever competitive Greg Symonds at the '79 Imperial Valley 300, Greg finished second in Class 1/2-1600. DUSTY TIMES will feature picture~ of simil~i "ntn!!ies" o'r.woes on this page ~ach montn. Sen"& us your snapsho; of something-comic or s'ome disaster for cqnsideration. DUSTY'rIMES.will pay $10 oi: the picture used. If you wi~h the: photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envefope• Only prints up to 8x10 or eh:ccro~ic media submitted via email will be considered. In This Issue ... FEATURES General Tire Mint 400 by Judy Smith .... :-: ........ ~.~ ............ .' .... ~ ....... • ..... .. Rally of Portugal by Martin Holmes ..... : ................................ : ............ 16 HDRA King Shocks 250 by J Preston Bradshaw.: .......... : ........ .-.......... 1i. SNORE Motion Tire Ridgecrest 300 by J Preston Br~dshaw ............ 25 SCORE Parker 400 - 1986 Version, by Jean Calvin ..... - .................... 30 DEPARTMENTS Happenings .......................................................................................... 5 Trail Notes ............................................................................................ 6 Good Stuff Directory ......................................................................... 39 Index To Advertisers ........................................................................... 43 Read this issue online at www.dustytimes.net Login: May Password: ILoveDT SEE PA GE 19 For Important Information ON THE COVER Chuck Hovey drove his Jimco to the Class 1 gold medal at the Mint 400 race, he covered the 4 required laps of the course in 7:09:44. Track.side Photo Bryce Menzies took the gold medal in the Trick Truck action, he raced his Ford to a time of 6: 19:59 at the gathering of Mint 400 folks. Track.side Photo Visit Our Website at .Dustytimes.com Ir.I Find us on l!!U Facebook Su-da e,1t,i, de 7 oaatf to, DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$25.00 □ 2 years -$40.00 □ 3 years -$55.00 (to subscribe online go to www.dustytimes.com) □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name Address _ ___________ _ City _____________ _ State/Zip ______________ _ Primary Interest Cars D Trucks D MotorcyclesO Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian • 1 year $30.00 US • Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times May 2013 Page 3 •
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'\ 2013 Happenings ..• tOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O, Box36 CLEVES, Omo 45002 <4x4 forever,org> (AU ewnts sta~ at the club grounds in Cla,es. Ohio) 4x4 FoREVER, Lm. 1665 DEIAWARE ST. OSHKOSH, WI 54901 AMERICAN RAu,y SPORT GROUP, INc. 3650 SoUTH POINTE CIRCLE, Sum 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521-0597 <webl.userinstinctcom/27141325-ameri-can-rally-sport-group.htm. E Mail: roger@rallyusa.com AMERICAN TRlALs ASSOCIATION AMA Obserued Trials Southern California Championship Series BILL MAfucuM, 2010 f'REsIOENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HOTUNE, 2010 (714) 562-7742 E MAIL: BMARI<909@AoL.coM <www.atatrails.com> ASOCIACION EsTATAL DE AUTOMOVILISMO SAM l.AsELL, TECH INSPECTOR AP-ro42 SAN JOSE DEL CASO BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL SUR. MEXICO AusTRALIAN OFF RoAD CHAMPIONSHIP DARRYL SMITH 19 SoMERS ST, CASHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTRALIA DUSTY TIMES @bigpond.com AUTocRoss QUEBEC OFF RoAD CJAss 10 CARS ONLY RENAW VAILLANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST !.AVAL QUEBEC, CANADA H7P !TI (450) 622-4440 <www.autocrossquebec.com/ pages/ indexpag.html> BAJA CUP CHALLENGE BAJA PROTRUCK OFF RoAD RAcE SERIES 14402 BOND CoURT EL CAJON, CA 92021 619-390-6252 The Protruck schedule for 2012 will consist of both the SCORE and Best In The Desert races. BARONA SAND DRAG ASSN. P.O. Box 1521 l.AKEsIOE, CA 92040 All Races Are Night Races All Races At Barona Raceway, Lakeside, CA BBM MARKETING PROMOTIONS Off Road Short Course Racing & Special Event Marketing NORCO, CA 92860 e-mail bbmracing@aol.com (909) 815-5811 BEST IN Tm: DESERT 3475 BoULDER HIGHWAY lAs VEGAS, NV 89121 702-457-577 5/FAX: 702-641-24 31 <www.bitd.com> August 15-7, 2013 General Tire "Vegas To Reno" (Race On Friday) "The Longest Off-Road Race In The United ,. States" Points For All Classes - No Pre-Fun Run October 11-13, 2013 Bluewater Desert Challenge (2-Day Race / Race In Parker, Az) "The American Challenge Continues" Car/Truck & Utv Points Only - No Pre-Fun Run December 6-8, 2013 Henderson "250" "A Classic Off-Road Race" Points For All Classes - No Pre-Fun Run Henderson, NV BORR BONNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING Allen Gerber 801-380-9011 - after 5pm please www.BORracing.org Febuary 23, 2013 Nitro Enduro Challenge Mesquite, NV Spring 2013 Dusty Times Short Course EYCnt Miller Motorsports Parle SWQlller20U Short Course Event Miller Motorsports Park July 6, 2013 tentative date EnduroX Heber, UT August 17, 2013 tentative date EnduroX Riverton, UT Fall 2013 Bonneville Off Road Racing Wendover. UT Fall 2013 Sage Riders Page,AZ BP MOTORSPORTS P.O. Box411 WoooLANo H1us, CA 91365 Ukialt,CA (802) 265'8618 760-578-6258/760-578-6259 Aupat 24, ZOU • Ct..\QlTON Hl-}ACKlllS FAX: BlS.348--4648 Gorman Ridge Jlally E-Mail: bpmotorsports@earthlink.net Frazier Paik, CA ' I.C.0, TOM 0£1.Au~ St. •; · All &ients At California Cit,, CA October 4-?J lOlJ 109L Tw. IJNE Row r Prescott ly, W_i;WVIUE; Qfflo 4'.1968· : BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY Prescott, AZ • (3JO) SJ.2-4589 · R.R.3 Short Course off R~d Racing At H:rr-BRIGHTON, ONTARIO, CANADA KOK-lH0 CANNING ATTRACTIONS rison County fair Grounds. Cadu. OH (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-32_50 P.O. Box400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 CLUB AurOMoVIl.IsncA CAJOR (323) 560-SHOW SAN QUINTIN CLUB AUTOMOVILISTA }UARENSE CENTRAL SoUTH DAKOTA CAu..E 6TA FRACc Co. DE SAN Qu1NJ1N DE CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD SAN QuIN11N, BC, MEXICO RACING RACING ASSOCIATION HERACUO PATINO 7210 GATEWAY EAST P.O. Box645 (011 52 616-5-22-07) EL PASO, TX 79915 PIERRE, SD 57501 CLUB AUTOMOVIl.ISTICO (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA DAVE AI:lM!s (PILOTS AND BAJAS) 011-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES. (605) 224-9481 SAN VICENTE DoN ENGLEMAN (BIKES) San Vicente Off Road CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES (605) 224-4967 ENSENADA, BC, MEXICO <www.CaLifomiarallyseries.com> CHAMPLAIN VALLEY USA )AN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) June 7-9, 2013 RAMON CASTRO & RUBEN ACEVEDO Idaho Rally RACING ASSOCIATION (61637/7 0034) Boise, 1D C.J. RICHARDS CMC July 20, 2013 P.O. Box332 Mendocino Rally FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 Continued on p111 6 May 2013 Pages
I , J I ' I I Trail Notes ... SWEET REDEMPTION IN RoUND 4 - It was another hot one at Las Vegas Motor Speedway in late April. Yes, after one trying day in the Nevada desert, the drivers and crews of the Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series, presented by GEICO, were back for more punishment in Round 4 of the 2013 campaign. The newly-revised track helped many of those who had found success in the opening weekend at Firebird to continue ·their good fortune. However, several drivers who stumbled at some point that weekend came roaring back in the afternoon, earning a measure of redemption after one bad circumstance or another. With temperatures climbing nobody had it easy out here, and anyone who met with success truly earned it. Pro 2 Unlimited -The final race of the weekend was Pro 2 Unlimited, and once again, the drivers seemed to save the best for last. Brian Deegan had the early lead in his #38 Rockstar Energy Drink/Makita Power Tools Ford, and while it is usually the case that once he's out front, he's almost impossible to beat, local driver Patrick Clark shot that theory full of holes. With a bold inside move into turn six, Clark grabbed the lead out of the corner on lap two, and while he had the two-time defending champion in his mirrors, Clark moved his #25 Tuff Country EZ-Ride Suspension/Method Race Wheels Chevrolet out to a couple-truck length lead. Behind these two (and third- placed Jeremy McGrath), the real battle was for fourth between Austin Kimbrell in the #88 LoanMart/Method Race Wheels Ford and Rob MacCachren in the #21 Rockstar Energy Drink/Makita Power Tools Ford. MacCachren was working mercilessly on Kimbrell, but the class rookie held his cool for many laps, before MacCachren finally edged past on lap eight. MacCachren then closed on McGrath, who over-rotated a bit in turn three on lap 13, which helped he and MacCachren to collect. Kimbrell went by them both, but the real story had now moved back to the lead, where Clark was stricken with a heart-breaking right rear flat tire. Clark did all he could to hold Deegan at bay, but his lead was still too vulnerable, and Deegan got by on the outside out of turn five, just ahead of the white flag. On the final lap, further disaster hit Clark, as his left rear gave out too, and out of turn four, Kimbrell and MacCachren were on him like sharks on a helpless seal. MacCachren dove to the inside of Kimbrell into the final corner, but with Clark running a center line, the room for a pass wasn't really there. Kimbrell split right and MacCachren left, and with chunks of both of Clark's rear tires flinging into the air, he, Kimbrell, and MacCachren went three-wide over the final jump to the finish. In the melee, Kimbrell edged ahead to take second, with MacCachren also just nosing past Clark for third; Clark's valiant efforts still managed to keep him in fourth. Up front, the big winner was Deegan; perhaps he is as tough to beat as they say once he's out front? Rounding out the top five was McGrath in his #2 The Water Warden/Loctite Ford. Pro 4 Unlimited -Following a blown motor after just two laps in this morning's qualifying session, Carl Renezeder would have his work cut out for him just to make the starting grid, let alone to try and continue his perfect record of three wins in three races so far this season. Corry Weller had the early lead in her #18 Optima Batteries/Tilted Kilt Pub & Eatery Ford, and did an. excellent job of keeping the class' four most dangerous men behind for the first four laps. On lap five, though, Weller half spun in turn two (possibly with a little help from Eric Barron), and that was the poke that stirred up the hornets' nest, as those same four dangerous men (Barron, Renezeder, Rob MacCachren, and Kyle LeDuc) furiously swapped positions through the end of the lap. MacCachren came out ahead, with LeDuc, Renezeder, Barron, and Weller in-tow. Weller dropped back with another half spin shortly after, leaving the top four to duke it out over the remaining laps. Renezeder quickly dispatched LeDuc, and after really hounding MacCachren for a few laps, he finally moved by and into the lead. From there, Renezeder was simply flying, and was a sight to behold as he threw his #17 Lucas Oil Products/ General Tire Nissan unbelievably hard into the tricky turn six. LeDuc and his #99 Monster Energy/Toyo Tires Ford closed slightly over the last few laps, but it was Renezeder who held the lead to the end, making it four straight wins to maintain his perfect start to the season, just as LeDuc did a year ago. The question is: can Renezeder pick up two more in Lake Elsinore to match LeDuc's series record, set last season, or perhaps even get one more beyond that in Utah to own the record outright? LeDuc recovered from major truck issues yesterday to get the 4wd back out on track and pick up second this afternoon, while MacCachren faded slightly to finish third in the #21 Rockstar Energy Drink/Makita Power Tools Ford. Fourth went to Barron in the #32 LAT Racing Oils/ Mickey Thompson Toyota, and after flat tire forced Weller into the hot pits for a change, Brandon Bailey picked up fifth in his #77 Loctite/Stronghold Engineering Ford. Pro Lite Unlimited - After a rough day yesterday, RJ Anderson turned his luck around today. Taking the lead early, Anderson wouldn't have it easy, as he had the very dangerous Brian Deegan right behind him, as well as top qualifier Jerett Brooks and young guns Sheldon Creed and Ryan Beat. After an early full course caution, Anderson made a slight mistake on the restart, allowing Deegan to gradually work his way past as by the time they were coming out of turn two. Anderson quickly fought back, and on lap five he dove down the inside at turn four, nosing ahead and back into the lead. As Deegan cut down to defend the position, Brooks already had his nose there, and the two collected each other and several other drivers, costing all concerned several positions. This cleared the way for Sheldon Creed to challenge Anderson for the lead, but despite three more full course cautions, Anderson drove flawlessly, and came home the winner this afternoon. Behind Anderson's# 1 LoanMai-t/Stronghold Engineering Dodge, it was Casey Currie who took second in the #2 Monster Energy/General Tire Nissan; Currie kept moving forward as those ahead of him faltered throughout the race. Kyle Hart's famous father Marty said that his son would have to prove his readiness to run Page& CONTINENTAL MoTOSPORT CuJB P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 Fax: (714) 367-1608 CODE OFF ROAD MADERO 621-A ZONA CENTRO MEXICALI, BAJA CAUFORNIA 21100 011-52,.686-553-4087 USA 686-553-4087 MEXICO <www.codeoffroad.com.mx> E Mail: mail@codeoffroad.com.mx July 26-28, 2013 Viejas Casino Gran Prix Tecate, B.C., MX September. 27-29, 2013 Mexicana Logistics 300 Mexicali, B.C., MX Nov.29-December 1, 2013 Race Ready 275 Mexicali-San Felipe, B.C., MX CoLORADOHILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION BARB V AHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box8286 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 COLORADO OFF ROAD EXTREME www.coloradooffroadextreme.com 303-956-3600 CORP P.O. Box.392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER 011-52-65-66-4458 CORR SERIES 270 NEWPORT CENTER DR., SUITE 100 . NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 866-501-CORR CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, Sum 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA EXT 42 Fax (818) 957-4435 CURTLEDucs OFF ROAD SWAP MEET PRESENTED BY CURT LEDuc's CALIFORNIA PRE FUN D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (All events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston Count, ORV Park, Olympia, WA) DAKAR RALLY DARREN SKILTON BAJA AUTOMOTIVE ADVENTURES 455 E. OcEAN BLVD., Sum 208 LoNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 <www.dakar.com> Bajaautomotive@Yahoo.com DECATIJR FoUR WHEEL DRIVE CuJB DECATUR, TX 76234 ToMALLEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MoTORSPORTS 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 EAsrmN Ofl'-RoAD RACING AssN. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 F.NSENADA BAJA OFF ROAD RACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX Ol 1-52-646-1818989 Eus10 011-52-646-1715230 AARON Races for buggys & Motorc,cles EsTERO BEACH INTERNATIONAL Short Course Racing VICTORIA GALINDO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO 011-52-646-176-6230 EDR EXTREME DESERT RACING P.O. Box 91615 AusnN,TX 78709 (512) 848-4344 / E FAX (1512) 687-5310 www.EDRTexas.com Car Truck Series Bike Quad Series FORDA FLORIDA OFF RoAD DRIVEi.l's May 2013 ASSOCIATION JASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Apr, May, Noo at Davidson Racewa, GENERAL TmE TROPHYLITE SERIES DRIVE RACING ORGANIZATION 760-352-6020 Las Vegas, NV GLEN HELEN BAJA CUP CHALLENGE SERIES PO Box6950 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92412 PHONE: (909) 384-9343 www.glenhelen.com -GORRA GEORGIA OFF RoAD RACING ASSOCIATION 420 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA GREAT PLANEs OFF RoAD RACING ASSOCIATION TIM HODGE (402) 991-6048 Scarr MORROW (816) 792-2126 (Al! races are short course, stadium sc,le Classes, 2010 Sportsman, 1)2-1600, 5-1600, Sport Truck, Quads, Tough Truck Nebraska Racewa, Park, Exit 420 on 1-80 between Omaha and Lincoln.) For latest info check < www.gporra.net> HORA HIGH DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION 4498 VERDICCIO AVE. LAs VEGAS NV 89141-4243 (702) 407-3059 (888) 207-0969 Fax www.hdrarace.com July 12-14, 2013 Reno 500 Reno, NV September 27-29, 2013 Laughlin Desert Challenge 2 Day Event Laughlin, NV HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING 2000 W. QUINCY AVENUE #B ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 303-806-8062/303-781-0974 fax INTERNATIONAL lcE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDDOR (612) 937-3816/Fax 474-2769 INTER-SHows MoT6RSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 ]EEPSl'EED 1826 N. WINDES ORANGE, CA 92869 714-538-7434/ fax 714-633-1724 · August 15-17, 2013 BITD General Tire Vegas to Reno Las Vegas, NV October 11-13, 2013 BIID Bluewater Desert Challenge Parker, AZ December 6-8, 2013 BITD Hendersor\: 250 Jeepspeed Finals Henderson, NV KAMLOOPS OFF ROAD RACING Whispering Pines Sports & Recreation Center KAMLOOPS, BC, CANADA www.korrbc.ca. Mike Strange (250) 573-4003 LAS VEGAS SANOSPORTS & OFFROAD ExPo (626) 961-3782 <www.prerunners.com> <www.megashow.com> L.I.T.R.E. JEFF ELROD (408) 926-0522 JIMARUTA (408) 247-4402 LOORRS LUCAS OIL - OFF RoAD RACING SERIES <www.LucasOilOffRoad.com> June 21-23, 2013 Miller Motorsports Park Tooele, UT July 26-28, 2013 Night Race Glen Helen Raceway San Bernardino, CA August 23-25, 2013 Wild West Motorsports Park Sparks, NV September 19-21, 2013 Night Race Las Vegas Motor Speedway Las Vegas, NV October 25-26, 2013 Lake Elsinore Motorsports Park Lake Elsinore, CA MAMARluTA OFF ROAD RACING Luis CARLos ALvAREzo PANAMERICANA AVE #5105 Co. JUAREZ, CHtH., MX 011-52-1637-1799 MlcHiGAN BUGGY BUILDERS Dune Buggy Trade Show (517) 543-7214 <www.buggybuilders.com> MICHIGAN OFF RoAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 JONES ROAD GRAND LEDGE, ML 48837 (517) 627-6200 Motorcycles, Quads, ATVs and Pilots only MAORA Mm-AMERICA OFF ROAD ASSOCIATION P.O. Box664 GREENUP, IL 62428 (217) 962-1318 E-MAIL: rooster@maourracing.us <www.maoraracing.us> MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY AssOCIATION DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. FUNT, ML 48506 (810) 730-9221 M.O.R.E. MoJA VE OFF RoAD RAcING ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 1231 BARSTOW, CA 92312 760-253-4453 <www.moreracing.net moreracing@earthlink.net July 20, 2013 Freedom250 Night Race Barstow, CA September 7, 2013 Chili cook off 300 Night Race Lucerne, CA October 5, 2013 Race for the Cure Powder Puff Barstow, CA December 7, 2013 Holiday 200 Toys for Tots Race Barstow, CA MORR TRAXXAS TORC SERIES PRESENTED BY AMSOIL www.midwest-offroadracing.com www.torcseries.com June 15-16, 2013 Bark River Intl. Raceway Mark River, MI June 29-30, 2013 Crandon Intl. Raceway Crandon, WI July 6-7, 2013 Langlade Co. Fairgrounds Antigo, WI July 19-20, 2013 Chicagoland Speedway Joliet, IL August 10-11, 2013 RedBudMX Buchanan, MI August 31-September 1, 2013 Crandon Intl. Raceway Crandon, WI September 28-30, 2013 Lancaster, CA MOTOWEST WINTER TRIALs SERIES BILL MARKHAM (909) 860-1857 <www.ITStrials.com> All events at Perris Racewa, (At Reed Valle, with a school) NATIONAL Muo RACING AssN. RT. #l, 2010 Box 380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN PALATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TuFF TRUCK ASSN. Dusty Times
r Butch Chapin Motorsports Promo-tions 1404 EAST 3RD STREET HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NOORA NORTHERN Omo OFF RoAD RAcING AssN. GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAIL Kaylaaron@aol.com <www.Nooraoffroadracing.com> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Spring Valley Racewa1, on route 518, 20 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) (Thunder Valley located 15 minutes from Spring Valley) NORRA NATIONAL OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION www.norra.com (661) 262-7171 info@norra.com <www.mexicanlOOO.com> OFF RoAD ExPo SPIN COMMUNICATIONS (415) 380-3890 Meghan@spinpr.com OFF RoAD RACING AssocIATION Volunteered Series PRESIDENT, 2010 GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP., 2010 1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP., 2010 9 & UNLTD. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OUTI.AwREP. DON PONDER (314) 631-8190 (All Races at Wheeling in the Count)' 900 Acres) Omo OFF RoADERS INc. 1427 GOSHEN HILLS ROAD S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 JIM KENDEL (216) 339-4674 All races held at Harrison County Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS AssocIATION RICK T!CHBOURNE, PuBLIC REIATIONS (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) Oun.Aw DEsERT RACING LLC. ALBUQUERQUE NEW MEXICO <www.outlawdesertracing.com> (505) 974-9226 E-Mail:outlawdesertracing@gmail.com All Classes-UIV-Moto-A1V-Trof)hylcarf August 16-17, 2013 De La Muertas 100 Oun.Aw SEVEN PlcKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. Louis, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/Fax: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. Off Road Championship 495 N. COMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-QlOO <www.usoff-road.com> PENNsn v ANIA SHORT COURSE RACING SMITHTON HOLE RACEWAY 313 SKYLINE DRIVE SMITHTON, PA. 15479 MIKE GEISER 330-683-6263 www.smithtonhole.com Short Course Offroad Racing AU Races At Smithton Hole Racew~ PlKEs PEAK P.O. Box 6962 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF ROAD RACING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 875-7591 PROTRUCK PROTRUCK MANAGEMENT lNC. 11409 PINEHURST.DR. LAKEs!DE, CA 92040 (619) 885-4458 Protruck Schedule consists of all SCORE and Best In The Desert Races Pao 1600 SHOOTOUT CoREYGoJN 559-647-6132 o·usty Times GQINRACIN@HOTMAlL.COM PuRE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box 50 RICKETTS, IA51460 (712) 679-2221 RALLY AMERICA <www.rallly-america.com> 8014 OLSON MEMORIAL HWY, STE 617 Golden Valley, MN 55427 May 31-June 1, 2013 Susquehannock Trail Rally Wellsboro, PA July 26-27, 2013 New England Forest Rally Newry, ME August 23-24, 2013 Ojibwe Forests Rally Detroit Lakes, MN October 18-19, 2013 Lake Superior Performance Rally Houghton, Ml 22ND RALLYE AlcHA DES GAZELLES The Only AU-Women's Off-Road Rally . . Raid In The world U.S. Liaison:Kelly Van Hoesen 203-249-1340 Skype: kellanvanhoesen kellan@soulsidenet.com <www.rallyeaichadesgazelles.com> RG CANNING PRODUCTIONS, INc. OFF ROAD SWAP MEET P.O. Box400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270-0400 New/Used Off Road Related Parts & Accessories MIKE CAMPBELL 323-560-7469 Ext 507 mc@rgcshows.com ROCK CRAWLERS AssOCIATION OF AMERICA P.O. Box 1406 RlvERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/Fax: (801) 253-3176 SAN DIEGO SHORT COURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New Series by Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro Trucks, Desert Trucks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Truck <www.snowbirdracing.com> (858) 571-5088 SAN DIF.Go OFF RoAD ExrosmoN (888) 836 7918 SCCA RoADRALLY P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-2055 <www.scca.org> SFX MoTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. CoMMoNs DRIVE, Sum 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/ (630) 556-6180 Fax SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFrSMAN Ro., Sum A CAIABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX; (818) 225-8102 <www.score-intemational.com> May 31-June 2, 2013 45th Tecate SCORE Baja 500 Ensenada, Baja Mexico November 14-17, 2013 46th Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 Ensenada, Baja Mexico SCCA Rall~ross National Challenge SNORE SOUTHERN NEVADA OFF ROAD ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 270516 LAs VEGAS, NV 89127 702-277-2295 www.Snoreracing.net June 7-9, 2013 Night Race Stateline, NV August 30th- September 1st Midnight Special Jean, NV November 1-3, 2013 SNORE250 Las Vegas, NV December 13-15, 2013 Rage at the River Laughlin, NV SONS OF THUNDER 4 WHEELERS RAcE DMSION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963.0252 Mike Moore, 2010 (224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS EXPO MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. HACIENDA BLVD. #322 HACIENDA HEIGHTS, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SCTA SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING AssocIATION & BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, INc. P.O. Box 10 OROS!, CA 93647 (559) 528-6279 (559) 528-9749 FAX <www.SCTA-BNI.org> SOUTHERN SHORT COURSE OFF RoAD RACING AssN. 4305 WOOTLARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (All Races at Eastba1 Rae~, Tampa, FL) SST STADIUM SUPER TRUCKS stadiumsupertrucks.com info@stadiumsupertrucks.com April 27, 2013 LA Coliseum Los Angeles, CA May 4, 2013 Qualcomm Stadium San Diego, CA May 18, 2013 Qualcomm Stadium San Diego, CA TRAXXA.s TORC SERIES See MORR Listing3 TOYS FOR TOTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADILLA VALLEY SPORTS CENTER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <www.unadillamx.com> VORRA VALLEY OFF ROAD RACING AssocIATION 1970 EAST 2ND STREET RENo, NV 89502 775-287.0615 <www.vorra.net> May 25-27, 2013 Yerington 300 Desert Race Yerington, NV July 20-21, 2013 250 Mile Night Race Fallon,NV August JI-September 2, 2013 USA 500 Desert Race Fernley, NV October 5-6, 2013 Short Course Prairie City OHV Park ' Folsom, CA October 26-27, 2013 Short Course The Famous Halloween Race! Prairie City OHV Park Folsom, CA VICENTE GUERRERO OFFROADCUJB PRoFO. CENOVIO GAMBOA 011-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 p.m.) WESTERN OFF RoAD RACING AssocIATION LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIAWHEEL To WHEEL OFF ROAD RACING PATRICK McGUIRE P.O. Box376 ADAMSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WHIPLASH MoTORSPORTS 2939 E; Grovers Ave. PHOENIX, AZ 85032 (602) 971-3730 OFF ROAD RACE SERIES 406-3 21-4644/ 406-670-4647 / 406-698-9536 WISCONSIN MoTORSPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 mm A,,.1nm11 ,n •••• 22 May 2013 Trail Notes ... in this category, and a fantastic podium should do just that; Hart came home third in the #41 Readylift Off Road Suspension/Southwest Ground Control Dodge. Chris Brandt had his first successful race since converting to a V8 during the off-season; the #82 BFGoodrich Tires/ National Concrete Cutting Toyota driver battled through a rough race to come home fourth. Rounding out the top five was Sheldon Creed, who had been Anderson's closest challenger for much of the race, until a last lap over-rotation in turn two dropped him to fifth. The incident could've been far more costly, but another competitor managed to hit Creed's #74 BFGoodrich Tires/ A.M. Ortega Dodge just right to knock him back straight, allowing Creed to· stand on the gas and get away without losing too many spots. Pro Buggy Unlimited -Reigning champion Steven Greinke had a tough go of it in yesterday's race, but today's event gave him a real reversal of fortunes. While those behind him struggled, Greinke ran a flawless race to lead every lap and pick up the win in his #23 SC Fuels/Fortin Racing, Inc. Racer. Greinke had nothing notable happen all race long, but those behind him did. Dave Mason· Jr. ran in third for much of the race, and struggled mightily to get past his teammate Geoffrey Cooley in the first half. A mistake by Cooley left Mason Jr. with nowhere to go and no option but to stop in turn three on lap six, which allowed Cooley to get away while Mason Jr. re-grouped. Mason Jr. had the last laugh, though, as a final lap issue caused Cooley to come to a near-stop in.to and through turn two, giving Mason Jr. an opportunity to move by and take second in his #65 Mickey Thompson/B&R Buggie Alumi Craft. Cooley was also passed by Bradley Morris, who was the only driver besides Greinke to lead the race (he spun at the exit of turn five while leading on the opening lap}. Morris charged back from last place to end up with a podium in his #24 K&N/Maxxis Tires Alumi Craft, while Cooley wound up fourth In the #22 Competitive Metals/BFGoodrich Tires Alumi Craft. Rounding out the top five was Larry Job, who ran a clean and consistent race in his #7 Loctite/Toyo Tires Alumi Craft. With that, our racing weekend has reached its end. Now, each driver's hard-working crew (and for many drivers, they are part of those crews) will have just three weeks' time to get their vehicles back in racing trim, before they head off to southern California, to the Lake Elsinore Motorsports Park, for Rounds 5 and 6. The Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series, presented by GEICO, will be in town May 17-19, so make your plans now to get down to one of the series' finest facilities; you won't want to miss it! DIRT LIVE OFF-ROAD EXPO TO BRING DESERT RACING TO DOWNTOWN RENO JuLY 10-12 DURING ELDORADO HDRA RENO 500 RACE WEEK. -More details available at www. dirtlive.com Downtown Reno, Nev., will come alive July 10-12 when the Dirt Live Off-Road Expo brings together desert racers, off-road enthusiasts, and exhibitors for three exciting action-packed days. Under the famous Virginia Street arch, the Expo in the Northern Nevada gaming city will gather the competitors of the High Desert Racing Association, aficionados of desert racing, and enthusiasts of all kinds, in a summertime festival atmosphere around the Monster Energy Stage and in the BFGoodrich Tires Hospitality area. The Dirt Live Off-Road Expo will combine the action and excitement of the Monster Energy Freestyle Stunt Team, and nationally known musical artists, with award winning Eldorado Hotel Casino cuisine, famous Reno hospitality, contests, exhibits, and seminars for racers, fans, and enthusiasts. Industry suppliers and manufacturers can take advantage of the Dirt Live Off-Road Expo's unique brand engagement environment as the "Biggest Little City in the World" rolls out the red carpet for hardcore desert racers, ATV, motorcycle, rock crawling and other enthusiasts, from throughout northern California, Nevada, Arizona and the West. Friday, July 12, the street will fill up with hundreds of trucks, race cars and motorcycles as officials perform technical inspections for competition in the Eldorado HDRA Reno 500 the following day at the Tahoe Reno Motorplex. The general public and race enthusiasts will mingle with racing officials, drivers, and teams to enjoy autograph sessions, photo opportunities, and more in the wide-open Virginia Street pit area. Thursday and Friday Ouly 11-12), two short courses at the Tahoe Reno Motorplex will host enthusiasts, manufacturers, and suppliers, in continuous product and vehicle demonstrations, ride and drives and product reviews. Complimentary shuttle service between downtown Reno and the Tahoe Reno Motorplex, will give the public and enthusiasts access as never before to the desert racing experience. The Dirt Live· Off-Road Expo is a production of the Eldorado Hotel Casino, presenting sponsor of the 2nd Annual Eldorado HDRA Reno· 500, in conjunction with Dirt Live, HDRA, SCORE International desert racing, Wide Open Excursions, BFGoodrich Tires and Monster Energy. For more information on the Expo and exhibit opportunities, call or email: Stewart Doty 715-536-1067 or stewart@dirtliveexpo.com. !T's DIRT, LIVE! Roger Norman's Dirt Live one-hour weekly show is broadcast live on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Pacific Time on the SCORE and HDRA websites. The show content is centered around his two desert racing series, the SCORE Dese;t Series and the High Desert Racing Association as well as the new bonus points program he has developed called the World Championship of Desert Racing. Broadcast studios. are located at the SCORE tech shop in El Cajon, Calif., a suburb of San Diego. Dirt Live also goes live on-site during HDRA and SCORE race weeks and will be broadcasting live daily at the Dirt Live Off-Road Expo. DIRT LIVE GUESTS ... With the show on the air for 14 weeks, special racer guests have included R.J. Anderson, Ryan Arciero, B.J. Baldwin, Robby Bell, Johnny Campbell, Kurt Caselli, Justin Davis, Steven Eugenio, T.J. Flores, Robby Gordon, Mike Julson, Harley Letner, Brad mer, Trail N1t11 an p111 22 Page7
'I• I• ~Ill]~~ MINT 400 RACING ASSOCIATION , Menzies Wins Big Photos: Trackside Photo The Menzies/Mortensen Team drove their Ford Trick Truck to victory at the 2013 version of the Mint 400, here reaching for the sky. name belongs to the Martelli Broth- functions downtown, and then on ers, and their Mad Media. Still, race day he gamely flagged off every Casey Folks, who is the Best In The starter in the race. Some may have Desert, seems to do all the familiar wondered who the wild-haired grey bits involved in race producing - headed old guy with the flag was -like laying out the course, finding an but those who knew him, and who'd area for the time trials, grading parts met him at the original Mint 400 of the course if necessary, marking events, were delighted to have him it and finding course workers to there. K.J., who used to race himself, station at crucial points along the was accompanied by his brother, way. It comes off as a Best In The Sandy, another racer, and before the Desert event. weekend was over they were talking The Wilson Ehrenberg duo raced their good lookin' Jimco to the overall win at the 2013 Mint 400, seen here just at one of many liftoffs. But contingency and tech inspec- about restoring an old Raceco and · tion is something else. That all takes doing some racing themselves. It's place down on Fremont Street as contagious, and once infected, a. it used to do in the seventies and racer is apparently never cured. eighties. There is also a pre-race pit As is usual, the radios sprang to Bryce Menzies went ·home from the 2013 Mint 400 with the overall victory, his Ford doing the 400 mile jaunt through the southern Nevada rocks and silt in 6:19:59. Much the same as last year's event, the race started and finished on the plateau up above the rail-road underpass that crosses the old road just north of Jean, Ne-vada. This event, unlike most of the BITD events, was for cars, trucks and UTVs only - there were no motorcycles. It must have been a bit tough for some teams to get to this event, be-cause there were only 10 or 11 days between the SCORE San Felipe race and the Time Trials for the Mint, depending on how far they'd had to drive. Because the course is relatively short and there was an entry of 257, the race was done in two install-ments. The first group, made up of limited vehicles and the UTVs, started before it was really light, at 6 a.m. The weather had turned downright chilly, but there was no howling wind. Except for the fastest ·qualifier (and they had qualified . for start position in class 1100,) the vehicles went off the line side-by-side. There were 124 starters in the morning's fray, and it was a three lap event for some and a two-lapper for the slower group. At that, it was clear that many would still be out there trying to finish when the 134 entries in the quicker classes were flagged off at 1 p.m. Those would all do four crew challenge, and a number of life almost immediately. There was laps. Each lap was about 98 miles meet-and-greet events. And, some- a steady stream of conversation be-in length, including all the familiar where along the line someone votes tween Casey Folks and the army of terrain that's been used in that area for a Miss Mint 400. It makes for a BITD workers and other volunteers for the last 20 years or so. It did a lot of running around, and it gets that he had stationed around the lot of doubling back and turning in to be a very busy four or five days. course. In addition, there were com-on itself, and if spectators had been Teams need to navigate between munications from the BLM teams allowed into the desert, they'd prob- their hotel, the area where the time policing the spectator areas, and ably have had a few opportunities trials are held, the tech and contin- occasional frantic messages from to see cars both coming and going. gency day events, and then back to racers or their pit crews. Obviously, But spectators were once again cor-the south to the race area. Whew! in such a tightly controlled race en-ralled into four "Spectator Areas", But the Mint 400 was always event- vironment, the individual pit crews determined by the BLM. There were · ful and fairly frantic because of the would not be allowed to go out to three pit areas also - the main pits, wide separation between events, help their race vehicle. So all those right there at the start/finish loca-just as they've been doing in recent volunteers were exceedingly busy, ·• tion, and one at about Mile 43 and years. ferrying parts and fluids for ailing another at about Mile 81. This year K.J. Howe, an integral cars, setting them back onto their The Best In The Desert acts as a part of the old Mint 400 races, wheels, directing those who'd come sort of sub-contractor when produc- was named the Grand Marshall to a bad end to the safe way back ing the Mint 400, because title to the of the event. K.J. had some formal to the start/finish area. Now and ..-----------------------------. then a frustrated racer would walk off into the desert, leaving a defunct vehicle in a bad spot. There were also calls reporting miscreants who'd gone past with "no spare", a sign that they'd left a flat tire somewhere on the course (which would earn a one-hour penalty). Listening to the radio at one of these events is nearly as entertaining as watching the race vehicles. The Sportsman Class, as usual, was made up of a few real Sports-men and a handful of Trick Trucks functioning as prerunners for their class. Seventeen of them started the race, but only six did both the re-quired laps. Most of them had seen enough after just one lap apparently. Bob Matthews took the Class 1600 win with six minutes in hand at the Mint, Keith Waibel took the win in the Class 3000 fracas, Keith had 30 minutes on his Ultimately, Steve Sourapas recorded he's seen here during a magnificent liftoff in the action. competition when he took the coveted checkered flag. the win in 4:22: 16. While we don't ------~~----~..,.-----... -------------.-:.;..-.;;-;:-=-;::-;::-;::-=-=----==:'.::;;:================-::::---;.=-;~::.=::;;,.;.::.::.::.;;:.;;:.;;:.;;:.::;; _____________ __, Bryan Folks and Rick Graffinished second in the Class 1100 fracas, they Marie Weyhrich drove his Ford Geiser to a silver medal finish in the Trick were less than two minutes in affears when they took the checkers. Truck action at the Mint, Mark is seen here reaching for the sky. Pages May 2013 Ali Banning raced his good looking buggy to a third place finish in the Class 10 fracas, he's seen here saving a bit of tire wear.· Dusty Times ,
., P. J. Guglielmo was the Class 6000 winner at the Mint race, he's seen here at full hustle as he heads for the elusive checkered flag. know for certain, it seems likely that a truck." His nephews, Maverick and Sourapas did a lap and his race part- Chasen Gaunt had driven the first ner, Rob MacCachren did the other. lap, while Nick Leone navigated. Their time was 4:22: 16. They'd lost a jack and "had a great In second place it was Eric Gaunt time." Their time was 4:30:28. in a Ford. He said it was his first In third it was Kristen and Jamie Mint, and "the first time I've driven Croll in an RPS Ford. Jamie is Sean Chuck Hovey was the big winner in the Class 1 contest, he's seen here at high speed in his good looking Jimco on his way to the flag. Croll's wife, while Kristin is her Fourth place went to a team from sister-in-law. Kristin drove lap one, China. A couple of weeks before and then they switched seats. They they'd run the SCORE San Felipe had one flat, and had it changed at event, but had failed to finish after Pit A. They said, "men are scary - . getting to within ten miles of the they're not nice either." Their time finish line. This time Yongguo Zhao was 4:51:22. and Song Li, who also listed Darnen Jefferies and Daniel Sun on their entry, got both laps done. One of them had enough English to say "We are so excited!", and then they left. Their time was 5:20: 14. Fifth place went to Craig Bau-man, Shawn Heit, Andy Marsonn and Michael Power in an unknown brand of vehicle. Their time was 5:58:30. The sixth place team was Henry Vasquez and his son Sam, in a 1600cc VW. Sam drove both laps while Henry navigated. Henry owns the car. They lost a spark plug wire, and also broke the front end and had to have it fixed at Pit 2. That took 40 minutes. Their time was 6:46:26 and they were the last to fin-ish in their class. In Class 3700, modified Jeeps, which had four starters, the win-ning team was Bob Mamer Marshall Parker and Victor Lopez. Mamer drove all the way and reported only one flat to mar his day. He finished in4:28:18. Continued on p■ge 10 Rob MacCachren and Steve Sourapas raced their Ford Geiser to a third Jason Voss finished first off the podium in the Class 1400 action, Jason Gary Weyhrich was the rlfth place finisher in the Trick Truck fracas, he's · · · Truck category, here · is seen here launching himself into the air on his way home. · hi 'fo r 'he clouds on his wa home. Dusty Times 2,160 Rooms And Suites 60 Table Games 2,600 Slot Machines 22-Table Poker Room Race & Sports Book 640-Seat Bingo Room 16 Movie Theaters 11 Great Restaurants 75,000 Sq. Ft. Of Meeting Space 4,500 Seat Equestrian & Event Center 80,000 Sq. Ft. Exhibit HaJI Spa & Fitness Center Showroom 64-Lane Bowling Center ?'ltidad ~~ ,.,__,__~ ffl! '=====::::!i' . LAS VEGAS BLVD AT S/LVERADO RANCH• SOUTHPOINTCASINO.COM May 2013 Page9
Jason Ruane drove his Chevrolet to the Class 6199 win at the Mint race, seen here compressing his rear suspension all the way. In second it was Darren Skilton in what he called an "historic" Jeep, originally built by Curt LeDuc and Mike Lesle in about 1991. They had a "couple of flats", one of which failed because the seriously old rim broke. His time was 4:49: 13. Third went to Brandon Berge and Joe Reyes. Berge drove all the way while Reyes did all the navi-gating. At Mile 30 of lap two, the steering box broke off the frame rail. They lost an hour and a half with that. The BITD brought out new parts, but after they got going again they'd had no power steering. Their time was 6:17:27. Fourth was Dan Simonson, who drove, and his wife, Mikki, who navigated. Simonson said that the "freeze plug jumped out of the block." They had to wait for some-one to bring out water - over an hour - actually, he said, "more like two." The car ran fine once they'd fixed it, and they had just one flat. Their time was 6:48: 13. In the JeepSpeed group, the win-ning team was Ricky and Cory Ran-dall in a brand new Jeep. They said it was their first win and their sixth straight finish with the new truck. They'd had about five minutes of down time, battled with the shifter all day, and thought that it "may be a linkage problem." The brothers and their dad and uncle Danny built the truck. Their time was 4:40: 15. In second place it was Jeff Sher-rill, who drove lap 1, and Dave Bolles who drove lap 2, and Ron Thomas who navigated all the way. They said they'd "had a good time", and no issues at all. Their time was 4:43:22. Third place went to Eric Heiden, who drove lap one, and Josh Reiter who drove the second lap. Dylan Co-chran and Willis Henson navigated. They said their truck was "amazing", and the course was "really dusty and rocky." Their time was 4:51:55. Finishing fourth it was Skyler Gambrell who did all the driving in another old truck. This one was built by Curt LeDuc in '93,and won the Stock Mini class at the Baja 1000 in that year with Chuck Johnson driving. By the time it got to the finish line the old Jeep was down to four cylinders at the Miint. Matt Vogler did the navigating, and they had a "fuel pump issue" along the way. Their time was 5:09:29. The fifth place team was Tim Martin and Gunnar Wymore, who said that "parts of the course are definitely fast". Their brakes went soft due to a leak "someplace", and they had no 4WD for their second lap. Their time was 5:22:27. In sixth it was John Brannon, who drove all the way and Rob Den-keh, who navigated all the way. They said they'd had "one flat and a lot of air time." Their time was 5:26:51. Seventh went to Eric Helgeson, who said, "It's been a long day, a tough day." The problems started at Mile three or four when they lost Steve Alexander and crew raced his good lookin' Class 5 VW Bug to the class win at the Mint race, Steve is seen here just at liftoff. their driveshaft and didn't have the right tools. They had a 45 minute wait for stuff to be ferried out to them. All told they lost the differ-ential, the skid plate, the starter and had two flat tires. Zach Hauter did the navigating, and their time was 5:44:03. In eighth place it was Todd Jack-son, who drove all the way, while Mike Slater navigated. On the sec-ond lap they said they "went on our lid" and lost 45 minutes. The BITD people were there and l;telped, but they'd damaged the steering. A brake caliper had broken and locked up the right front wheel. Their time was 5:58:59. Tom Richardson, Rob Seubert and dRandy Peterson, all from Or-egon, finished ninth in 6:29:39. And in tenth it was Brian Da-vidson, Mike Barnett and Jonathon Tuben, who used up 7:07:22 in get-ting to the finish. Eleventh was earned by Dustin Hoffman and Rick Guertin from Parker, Arizona, in the time of 7:48:17 and pleased to have finished the second race on the same set of tires. They were the last in the class to finish. Only one of the JeepSpeed entries failed to get to the finish line. In the UTVs, which also did two laps, the winning team was Scott Kiger, who started, and Mark Holz, who finished. They said the first 25 miles of the second lap were "pretty dusty - had to back it down." Then they had a flat on a rock and lost a few minutes. Their time was 4:40: 17. Second place went to Joe Vina- · gro, in a CanAm, who came out from Rhode Island for the Mint. His teammates were Jerome Vinagro and Rito Jauregui. Their time was 4:59:04. In third it was Derek Murray, who drove the first lap, in their Can-Am, and Jason Murray who did lap two. They had three flats, lost a c.v. and had· tie rod issues. Their time was 4:59:06. Fourth was earned by Craig Scan-lon and Bill Schueler, in a Polaris. They said it was "a long race, pretty brutal" and then added, "driving in the dark (off the start) and dust is something I wasn't ready for." Their time was 5:06:27. Brandon Schueler and Blake Van de Loo, in a Polaris, finished fifth, and reported that the oil pan gasket "went out". Schueler drove all the way and Van der Loo navigated. Their time was 5:46:28. In sixth it was Cory Sappington and Eric Fitch in a Can-Am. They both drove, switching seats midway, and said they'd had no problems. But they'd had a flat, and somehow had left it out in the desert, which earned them a one hour penalty. Their adjusted time was 6:20:31 and they were the final finisher in that class. In Class 1900S, the winning team was Lacrecia and Eric Beurrier, Preston Alexus and Holly Thomas in a Polaris. On the second lap Lacrecia drove and Alexus did the navigating. They said the pit crew changed a tire and they hadn't even known it was flat. Their time was 5:26:01. In second it was Cody Frisby who drove all the way, and Alan Frisby, his dad, navigated in their Yamaha. They lost a fuel pump and had three flats, and two spares. Their time was 5:33:27. Third place was earned by Tyson Gray who drove all the way in his Can-Am. Sterling Dennett navigat-ed all the way. They'd been in front through the whole first lap, but blew a belt on lap three and dropped to third place, because their vehicle is mid-engine, and it's difficult to put on belts. Their time was 5:51: 13. In fourth it was Jim Sharp and Seth Boutilier, who had a very long day, finishing in 7:24:11. In Class UTVSRl there were just two starters, and one finisher. Brad Griego and Carlo Caya finished in 8:07:07. The Sportsmen, Jeep-Speeds, and UTVs all did two laps, but starting in front of them in the early morn-ing chill, were Classes 1100, 2000, 6000, 3000, 7100, 4500, 7100 and 8100 who all were required to do three laps. There were 123 vehicles on the track for the first event. In the 1100 class the first team to finish was the Jimco of Ronny and Brad Wilson and Sammy Ehren-berg. Ehrenberg started, Brad did the second lap and Ronny" finished. He said they'd had "zero problems, no issues." They led all the way and their time was 5:38:09. In second place it was the Ford powered entry of Bryan Folks and Rick Graf. Folks started, with Ryan Marley navigating, and then halfway through the second lap they got out and installed Rick Graf in the driv-er's seat and Alan Dillmuth as navi-gator. They had one flat tire along the way, and finished in 5:39:53. Third was earned by Fernie Pa-dilla and Ali Banning, who shared the driving in their Foddrill. They had two flats, and "it took forever to change one of them in silt." Their time was 5:53:46. They were the last in the class to finish. In Class 2000, the winner was Bob Mathews in his single seat Des-The Winter/Huebner duo took second place honors in the Class 1600 contest, seen here just at liftoff in their Bunderson race car. Perry Coan drove his Trophyffte Chevy to a second place finish in the Harley Letner flew is Custom to a second place finish iri the Class 1 action, seen here in flight on his way to the checkered flag. action, he's seen here at high speed on the desert. Aaron Hawley took third place honors in the 1600 argument, Aaron Jon Walker came over from Guam to race the Mint, Jon finished in third Brian Antle drove his Trophylite to a third place finish in class at the Mint, was just a minute out of the second place spot driving his Seagroves. place in the Class 1 battle, he's seen here just at touchdown. he's seen here just at liftoff at the Mint race. Page 10 May 2013 Dusty Times ,
ert Dynamics chassis. The 52 year old drove all the way, and reported no difficulties. His time was 6:05:21. In second it was Hank Winter and Jeff Huebner who shared the driving in their single seat-Bunder-son. They led the first lap, but lost a power steering belt and dropped to second, finishing in 6:11:41. Third went to Aaron Hawley and Blaine Conrad in their Seagroves. Conrad had problems on his stint, and had to get out of the car three times, due to a loose ignition wire, dropping them back to fifth at the end of the first lap. They had just one flat, and they picked up time on the last lap to finish in 6: 12:51, a very close third. In fourth it was Rudy Arzate and Kevin Reardon, who did the driving in their Specialty Race Prep chassis, while Logan Dorfmayer and Patrick Reardon, age 15 ½, did the navigat-ing. Neither of them had served as navigators previously. They had no flats,- and no problems with their VW. Their time was 6:21: 11. In fifth it was Jay Reichert, Charles Dorrance and Dustin Hell-strom, who each drove a lap, with Joe Devine, Scott Dymond and someone named Randy doing the navigating in their home-built chas-sis. They had a flat on the second lap. Their time was 6:30:14. In sixth it was Jasper Dyer and Justin Brinkerhof, who both drove, while Andrew Means and Larry Tunnel navigated in their Custom chassis. Their spare fell off the car on lap one, and as it went it tore off oil lines. On the last lap they had no spare and no jack and had a flat, so they drove about 15 miles on the flat before they got to a pit that could help. R & D Motorsports helped them out. Their time was 7:28:45. Seventh place went to Chris Ad-amik, who did almost all the driving, and Andy Kisner, who finished, in their one-seater. They said they went through "six wheels", and their time was 7:29:41. Last in the class to finish, after a very long day, was the team of Luke Johnson, who started and finished, and Phil Holcomb, who drove the middle in their Chenowth. Braden Larson and Shane Johnson navi-gated. Luke Johnson had a 'carbure-tor issue". When he stopped to see what was going on, he climbed out of his car, and another racer came along and hit his car and launched him into the air as the car moved about 60 feet. He said the fuel line was off and shooting fuel. No one seemed to be worse for the wear. They collected themselves and went on, finishing in 8:06:51, the last in the class to cross the finish line. In Class 3000 Keith Waibel did all the driving in his Predator, while Jeff Vetter navigated. They had no flats, no problems and earned their second Mint 400 win in a row. Their time was 6: 10:52. In second place it was Arunas Le-\'. 'I ' ' Al Hogan drove his Ford to the Class 7 win at the Mint, seen here at high speed on his way to the coveted checkered flag. kavicius, who came from Lithuania to race the Mint. He did all the driv-ing, and had three flat tires and low oil pressure. Azuolas Zadeika, also from Lithuania, navigated. Arunas said the country was very different from what he's used to: "There's no desert in Lithuania." This was his first offroad race, but, he said, "I hope not the last!'. His time was 6:41:10. Third place was earned by Dan, Cole and Dawson Pfister and Justin Freeman, who finished in 6:55:32. Fourth place was won by Neal Drickey and Aaron Grieshaber, who came from Nebraska and Texas to join the fun. They finished in 8:20:30. The fifth place finisher was the team of Nie Bayes, Jeff and Ryan Golson, and Robert Thomasson in a Predator. Bayes, who drove the first lap, said he broke his thumb when the car hit a big rock halfway through the first lap. Golson had to deal with a broken steering knuckle on the second lap. The Baja Pits fixed it for him. Thomasson, who did the last lap said they were so late finishing their second lap that they were almost too late to be allowed out on lap three. Ultimately, their time was 8:40:30, and they were the last three-lap team to finish. Class 6000, the Trophylites, ran in the early group also, with 14 start-ers. P.J. Guglielmo took the win. This was just his third time driving a race, his first Mint, and his first win. He 'had a navigator, whose name we missed, and they had no flat tires and finished in the time of 6: 11:36. Thirty seconds later, in second place, it was Perry Coan, who drove laps one and two, and Jeff Proctor who did the third lap· (how much time did the driver-change take?) Jason Rivera did the navigating for them, and they had "no trouble, no flats". They said they could "see the leader all the last lap." Their time was 6:12:06. Third place went to Brian Antle, who drove all the way with Daniel Plaza navigating all the way. They said they'd had a "pretty good day -one flat." They finished in 6: 17 :57. In fourth it was Kevin Smith who drove all the way with Brett Reichard navigating. They had just one flat and a "limp mode" problem on the last lap and finished in 6: 19:21. Fifth was earned by Chris Wack-er and Jeff Mortis, who shared the driving, with Bret Young and Ryan lasparro navigating. They said they'd had "no problems - perfect day." Their time was 6:28:27. In sixth it was Charlie Currie, who drove all the way, while Taylor Hurst navigated. At one point Cur-rie couldn't get stopped, got side-ways and slid into a berm ad went all the way over. They "bent stuff" on the roof, but landed on their wheels. Their time for the trip was 6:32:43. Mike and Robbie McCarthy finished seventh, but we didn't get their stories. Their time was 6:52:26. In eighth it was Lance Wells and Richard Hale, both from Alaska. Hale drove all the way and Wells navigated. They said they'd had a flat and computer glitches, and fin-ished in 7: 14:08. Finishing ninth it was the Abatti family. Ben III did the first two laps and his younger· brother, Braden, age 15, drove the third lap. Roger Pereira navigated all the way. Ben III broke an axle and had a flat and broke a driveline. He also took off the hood, because he can see over the front better without it. Braden apparently had no disasters. Their time was 7:27:22. In tenth it was Ben Phillips, Mar-tin Morhead and Sam Johnson, who finished in 7:37: 13. And in 11th it was Edmund Chantler and Ryan Murphy, who drove, and Steve Kirkby and Dale Wright who navigated. They lost their left front fender, broke a front A-arm, broke the frame and had to be welded back together, which cost an hour and 15 minutes. They also had two flat tires, and finished in 7:40:26. The last team in this group to finish was Michael and Andrew McLeod, Jon Bergholz and Jason Pellanda, who used up 7:41:03 in getting to the checkered flag. Class 5000 was won by Steve The Stock Production Full Size Truck win went to Tim Casey, the La Paz ford is always a contender and Tim took the gold medal happily. Alexander and Doug Roorda. Alex-ander drove the first two laps and Roorda finished. Mark Pettit navi-gated all the way. They lost a belt on the first lap, but the car "ran like a champ" on laps two and three. Their time was 6:26:22. In second place it was Jacob Meu-rer and Richard McMillin. They had five flat tires - they said they'd used an old set -but no other trouble. Their time was 8:21:25. In Class 8100 Tim Casey, in a Ford, missed his start time, which he said, "was embarrassing". He drove all the way and Bill Rante navigated all the way. They said they "had a tough day - brutal track". At the end they felt that "something in the suspension is weird." Their time was 6:58:42. Joe Baca!, Toyota, was second, saying his truck "ran good today." This was his first time at a BITD event (He's been racing SCORE events for several years.) His naviga-tors were Bob Ditmer and' Brian Swearingen, and the team had no trouble. Their time was 7:29:42 In third it ~as the Ford of Steven Erdelyi, who drove, aI\d Matt Coats, who navigated. They'd had rear end trouble, and thus "couldn't go as fast as we wanted." They noted that the BITD had "shortened" the last lap so as to get more cars in the "slower" classes off the track and out of the way of the Trick Trucks. Erdelyi said he was "not a big fan of that." He went on, "I've raced many years and had to stay out of Trick Trucks' way for years." Their time was 8:00:33. There was just one 5100 car, a limited Baja Bug, and it was driven by Jeff _Swickard, Justin Meizen-holder, and Mike Boone. Meizen-holder rolled the car on the second lap. Isaac Collins navigated. Boone drove the first lap. Swickard, who drove lap three, was angry at the finish line because authorities had "shortened my lap by 50 miles." What they'd done was make use of one of those places where two parts of the course came close together. So the officials had decided to make things easier for the Trick Trucks by getting the "slower" cars out of th~ir way, and at Mile 54 or so, they flagged them into a right tum, and over to roughly Mile 91 of the in-bound track, thus shortening their lap drastically. It got the 5100 car off the course about 45 minutes to an hour earlier than it should have. Their "three" lap time was 7:05:08. In the 4500 class the winning team of Mike Self and Scott Kuhne, who drove, and Glen Mulhall and Matt Dixon, who navigated, said their first lap was "good". They thought the course was "beautiful - some really fast, some beautiful." Their time was 7:09:23. In second it was Steve Smart and Trek Krabill, from Colorado and Texas, with Matt Anderson, from Al-abama as navigator. They said they'd had one flat tire, and also reported that they'd "had to get off the course early." Their time was 8:01:28, and as with the first team, their third lap was their quickest. None of the oth-ers in the class managed to finish. In Class 7100 the winning team was James Burman and Jayson Stra-chan, who drove, with Chris Sayre and Kyle Gervais navigating in their Ford. They said they'd had "no prob-lems", but then added that a leaf spring 'came loose" and they'd ham-mered it straight and tightened the bolts every pit after halfway. Their time was 7: 15: 12. In second it was a team from Washington state: James and Will Moss, Clayton Voss, Kevin Rucker, Jose Ibarra, Tim Booth and Don Healy. Rucker, Booth, Healy and Will Moss all navigated, the rest drove their Ford. They lost the body of their truck, and finished in 8:01:30. No others in this class finished. Class 5500 is for those off-road tour cars like the Baja Challenge cars that are used for guided tours in Baja - these are used for tours in Nevada. The tour company is owned by Roger Norman (also owner of SCORE International and HDRA). There were five of the cars in this event, and their biggest asset is, of course, Tommy Morris, who over-sees the entire undertaking and Continued on page 12 Arunas Lekavicius raced his Custom to a silver medal in the Desert Lite Dan Pfister literally flew his Custom to a third place finish in Desert lites, Cody Reid and Cory Goin finished second in Class 10, they are seen here at high speed on the course in their Custom car. competition, seen here just after liftoff on tt,e way to the checkers. Dan is seen here on his way to the glorious checkered flag. Dusty Times May 2013 Page 11
I I I I I I' , I I I'• • Chip Prescott took the big win in Class 10 with 10 minutes in hand, Chip is seen here in level flight on his way to the checkers in his Alumit:raft. James Burman drove his good looking Ford pickup to a first place finish in Class 7S, he's seen here just at one of many liftoffs during the race. generally gets most of his charges back to the finish. This time the first place car was driven by a couple of ringers: Patrick Dempsey, whose first off road jaunt was to LaPaz in a Baja Challenge car, and Andy Lally, who like to play around on pavement, in sporty cars. They are currently team-mates in the American Le Mans Series. Dempsey, who started, said he was too aggressive at first, went too fast on a 'brief asphalt section", went off and flattened a tire, and fell to second place. Andy Lally did the second lap, and his total off road experience had been a few minutes practice in the desert the day before. He said he -flattened a front tire at Mile 60 and his navigator fixed it in four minutes. On the whole, he thought off road racing was "really cool." Dempsey got back in for the third and last lap. The navigator, Matt Crusan, was in the car the en-tire distance. Their time was 7:21: 13. In second place it was the team of Melissa Eickoff, Pilar Lastra and Pattie Mayer, with Kellon Walch as navigator, a huge asset. (Not only is Walch a racer himself, but he's got miles of navigating with Robby Gor-don in all sorts of off road races, un-der his belt.)The ladies have all done at least a little racing of one type or another: Mayer has done road racing and rallying, Lastra raced in a Mazda spec class, and Eickhoff navigated a NORRA (second generation) event. Mike Self was the Class 4500 winner at the Mint Race, Mike is seen here flying down the race course on his way to the sometimes elusive checkered flag. Patrick Dempsey was the Class 5500 gold medal winner, he's seen here charging across the desert in his custom heading for tfle flag. Each drove a lap here, and they fin-ished with a time of 7:33:46. The third team was made up of Bryan Hoffman and Jeffrey Saldi-var, a couple of drag· racers, who switched seats at Mile 150. They said, "It was amazing, a challenge," particularly learning the course and adjusting "as the track got worse." They said they liked the camaraderie among the off roaders. Their time was 7:34:49, and they were the last in their class to finish. There was one Class 9000, the only "Class 9" to run the last three Mints and finish all of them. (For the newer readers - these are VW powered buggies, with VW suspension, all limited ~ only about eight inches of travel -hardy, but tough to drive.) This car was built in 1985, but the current owners don't know what brand of car it is. Gary Dixon and his son, Derek, split the driving and navigat-ing chores by switching seats. They were required to run just two laps. Early in the day they hit a big boul-der, and it punched a big hole in the floor pan up front by the drivers' feet. They said that at first they'd had too much air in their rear tires. As they recovered from their day Dixon said, "This is quite an experience in a 9 car ... " Their two lap time was. 5:37:31. As the stragglers from the early morning race were coming in, the Trick Trucks and Class 1500s, along with Classes 1000, 6100, 7200 and 8000, were staging, and they were flagged off the line at right about 1 p.m. There were 136 of them, in seven classes, all doing four laps - or at least trying to. At the end of six hours and 19 minutes, the winner in the Trick Truck class was Bryce Menzies in his Ford. Menzies, who did all the driv-ing, lost his brakes about 30 miles before the finish, and went up onto the podium gingerly. He said, "This course is so brutal. The silt beds were horrible." He added that they'd lost their intercom halfway through the race. He'd passed Baldwin and MacCachren when each of them had been changing flattened tires. Menzies himself had just one flat, and a broken wheel. He'd started in the second row, next to B. J., behind Rob Mac, -and once he'd passed them, "I pretty much ran in clean air all the way - except for tappers." Then, referring to his dis-appointment at San Felipe, when he thought he'd won the 250, but had been hit with a position-changing penalty,_ he said, 'Tm not gonna think about San Felipe any more." His first lap, at 1:29: 10, was the fast lap for the class, and his total time was 6:19:59. · In second it was Mark Weyhrich, Geiser Ford, who said that the "first lap was crazy, the course was smoothed out so it was way too fast - sphincter clincher." He'd had two flats, both on lap 3, ten miles apart. He said he was "proud of my team." His truck sported a new gold color paint job, instead of their usual i:ed and black. It was in honor of their company, TSCO, which is celebrat-ing 50 years in business this year. Weyhrich's time was 6:28:17. In third it was Rob MacCa-chren, who drove all the way in the Sourapas Geiser Ford. He had to · • put a new driveshaft in to replace one he'd dented on lap one, and then was back in "traffic and dust." He "hit some holes." He said, "The pace was really fast today, and very, very rough." He added that back where he was it was "very dusty, hard to get by people - dustier than normal." He caught up 12 places on Greg Parker took third place honors in the Class 10 contest at the Mint Jerry Whelchel took third place honors in the Class 6100 battle, he's Steve LaRoza raced his Ford truck to a second place finish in the Class race, he's seen here at high speed in his good looking Alumicnift. seen here flying across the Nevada desert on his way home. 7 acuon, he's seen here acceleraung across the desert te"ain. Melissa Eickoff finished in second place in the Class 5500 action, she's Keith Basso was the third place finisher in the Class 7 acuon, Keith was Bryan Hoffman won the bronze medal in the Class 5500 melee, Bryan seen here with the power on running across the desert floor. only four minutes out of the silver medal at the Mint acuon. is seen here heading for the finish line in his Custom. Page 12 May 2013 Dusty Times
the second lap. Then he reminisced a bit about his very first race having been out there in this desert, and added, "this is the roughest I've ever se.en it out here." He noted that some of the course was graded, but reiterated that it was rough. His time was 6:34:41. Jason Voss, Ford, finished fourth. He said he'd had a "pretty solid run", but had changed an alternator between laps two and three. James East navigated for hi!Tl the entire distance. They finished in 6:51:51. Gary Weyhrich ·was fifth, in his Geiser Ford. He finished with no hood on the truck, and reporting that he was down a cylinder. He agreed with MacCachren that "the course was brutal -we knew it would be." He broke a wheel on a launch, and that was his only flat His time was 7:02:31. Sixth went to Steve Olliges, who had his new Ford out for the first time. He said he didn't get it until Thursday, for qualifying. Olliges drove laps one and two, with John Marking driving the last two laps. It had a brake line issue, but no -flats Jason Bateman navigated all the way. Their time was 7: 12:47. Cameron Steele earned seventh place in a Geiser. He said he'd had an "awesome day", but had hit something in a silt bed at 90 miles per hour, and ripped a tire off. Thereafter he'd had to "do a little work." He had three flats in all, and finished on one with a big bulge. His navigator, Tom Geviss, went all the way with him. His time was 7: 15:00. In eighth it was Daniel McMillin, Geiser Ford, who drove all the way. He'd had two flats on the second lap within 20 miles of each other. He said he'd "hit huge rocks." The power steering belt fell off at the beginning of the third lap, and that cost him about 12 minutes. He had a total of about 20 minutes of down time. His navigator was Casey King, and their total time was 7: 16:25. . In ninth place it was Kevin Mc-Gillivray and Chad Ragland in a Geiser Ford. Ragland did the first two laps, and he had two flat tires, while McGillivray had just one. He also had "serious jack problems." Their time was 7:25:12. Jesse Jones was tenth in his Geiser Ford. He said, "everybody was on it today, it was a lot of fun." He had Willie Valdez, Jr. navigating. On the last lap he lost a power steer-ing belt, and then got into slower traffic, and got a couple of flats. They actually finished fifth, but were penalized a half-hour for some sort of course infraction. Their finish time was 6:55:55, but then they had a half-hour added to that, making it 7:25:55. In 11th place it was Troy Vest, in a Jimco, and still not entirely used to racing in the Trick Truck class. Vest drove all the way with Gino Licitra navigating. They had two flats on the second lap about five miles Cole Fielding was the gold medal winner in the Class 8 conflict, he drove his Ford pickup to the finish line in just over 11 hours. Bob Mamer drove his Jeep to first overall in the Jeepspeed 3 contest, seen here at high speed heading toward the checkered flag. apart, and that was their only prob-lem. Their time was 7:31:24. The twelfth in class went to Jay Reichert in a Jimco. Reichert drove laps one and two, while Charles Dorrance did three and four, and Randy Grote navigated. Reichert had two flats, but Dorrance had none. Reichert had prerun earlier in the day by racing in a 1600 car, in which he drove the early laps. He finished fifth in that class. They said the transmission on the truck was "a little worse for the wear." Their time was 7:37:31. In 13th it was the team of Mi-chael Voudouris, Billy Goerke, Erik Dickinson and Trevor Ellingham in their Geiser Ford. Their time was 7:50:03. Finishing 14th was Craig Potts, in a Geiser, with Jeff Geiser as co-driv-er, and Mike Erickson navigating all the way. Potts got stuck in a silt bed and lost 45 minutes. He also had a flat tire, and Geiser had two flats in the dust Their time was 8: 15: 14. In 15th it was Kevin Curtis and Loren Arm&,trong, in Curtis's new Trick Truck, a Jimco. Curtis said it "was an incredible race." He also reported that the truck was his new Trick Truck, and this was the first time he'd finished in a Trick Truck, and by way of explanation, he llaid that he was "mechanically chal-lenged." He and Armstrong were both in the truck all four laps. Their time was 8: 18:58. The 16th team to finish was Ron Whitton and Charles Dana in their Geiser Ford. Whitton did the first three laps and Dana· finished. Levi James navigated. They had a couple flats, and broke their front bumper, so then they had only the upper lights, and couldn't see in the dust. Their time was 8:25:19. Shawn Croll, the 17th finisher, said "I wasn't sure we were going to make it." Shawn did the first three laps and his broth-er, Steve, did the last in their Ford. Ryan Desaultes navigatC;d the first ·three laps and Tim West navigated for Steve. While Sean was driving, the left rear wheel came off. It was dark already, and they had to go find it, and then had to dig out of the sand. Ultimately, they finished in8:46:56. In 18th it was Billy Bunch, John Gable, and Curt LeDuc in a Ford. Bunch did laps one and two, Ga-ble did three and four and LeDuc navigated all the way. It's Curt's truck, and this was its second race. They lost a bunch of time when a wheel came off. Their total time was 8:55:06. Ken Losch, Mike Maresco and Brian Cavitt finished 19th in their Geiser Ford in the time of9:02:41. In 20th it was Scott Whipple .. , . . The Souropas/MacCachren Ford Geiser took the gold medal in the Open Sportsman battle, seen here just at takeoff. Rick Randall took the gold medal in the Jeepspeed 1 contest, Rick is seen here at high speed on his way to the checkers. and Scott Gailey in a Geiser Ford. They said they'd had four flats, and finished in 9:47: 12. Last in the class to finish, 21st, it was Scott Schovajsa, Fred Moreno, Jeff Offutt and Jeff Scott in a Ford. Their time was 11:42:05. In Class 1500 the winner was Chuck Hovey in his Jimco. He's had a run of bad luck foi a year or so, but this time things went right. He had one flat rear tire on the first lap; nothing more. Since he's in a single seat car it meant he had to get out and change the flat himself. Hovey said the course was "so rough - new holes every lap - the silt holes just kept gettin' huge - holes as tall as the tires." His time was 7:09:44. Harley Letner drove his car to sec-ond place, with Don Gehnert and Jimmy Hook navigating. Letner said he'd "made a mistake with 20 miles to go". He went on, "I wanted to win the Mint - I wasn't paying attention and hit a rock ... big." He had just one flat tire. Said Letner, " The Ler-ner Curse . . .a lot of second places at the Mint" His time was 7:22:46. Jon Walker, with Tevon Mura-chanian and Brian Steele navigating, brought his Kreger home in third place. He'd actually had the lead at the end of the second lap, but lost about 12 minutes on lap three and fell back to third. His time was 7:33:29. In fourth it was Justin Lofton, in a Jimco. He blew a power steering line early, ano was 25th at the end of lap one. But at the end of the second lap he'd moved up to 14th, and then picked up another eight positions on the third lap, to move into third place, where he stayed through the fourth lap. Derek Balcunas navi-gated for him, and both were in the car the whole way, and they got cold after the sun set Lofton is planning to race the entire BITD series this year. His time was 7:51:30. Fourth place was earned by Da-rnen Jefferies, Matt Dewhurst, and Jonathan Siebert in a Jefferies. They also had a rocky first lap, and had to climb back up through traffic, pick-ing up 11 positions on the second lap, th~n moving up to fifth, and finishing in the time of 8:05:04. In fifth it was the team of Daniel Folts and Shelby Reid in a Jeffer-ies. Folts drove laps one, two and four, Reid drove lap three. Casey Jefferies navigated all the way. He said, the "Course was awesome, the rocks were insane!" Their time was 8:15:35. · In seventh place it was Michael Power and Damon Way, who both drove their Porter, while Andy Mar-soun and Shawn Heit did the navi-gating. Their time was 8: 15:35. Garrick Freita, in a Jimco, was · Continued an p111 14 David Winner was the third place finisher in the Class 8100 action, he's Trek Krabill was the second place finisher in the Class 4500 battle, Trek James Moss took second place honors in Class 7S at the Mint race seen here headin' home after an eight hour run in the desert. is seen here with the power on as he heads for the finish. in his good lookin' Ford truck, seen here at high speed on the course. Du.sty Times May 2013 Page 13
Scott Kiger and Mark Holz took the win in the Class 1900 fracas, they had 19 minutes on their competition at the checkers. eighth, and he drove all the way. Trevor Freitas and Steve Shahan did the navigating, two laps each. They had five flats, broke a wheel and also had a water leak. Their time was 8:19:15. In ninth it was Levi Rockhill, who drove, and Dylan Hooper, who navigated, in a Rockhill. They had one flat and the jack broke, and then the impact wrench broke, and they had to dig. Their time was 8:53:40. The tenth place team was Lyle Bask, who drove all four laps in his Porter, but had three navigators. Don Boucher, Dave McEwen, and Darrin DeRoche all navigated. The team is from Canada, and their car is a mid-engine. They said they'd had a "long day", and finished in 9:06:38. C. J. and Mark Hutchins shared the driving in their Kreger to finish eleventh. C. J. did the first two and Mark finished. Mark said he'd not seen a Trick Truck at one point, and had pulled out in front of him, and the driver missed him. "I owe him a dinner!", said Hutchins. They had tire issues and one blown tire took out the brakes. Their time was 9:11:33. Tony Murray and Josh Rigsby shared the driving in their Penhall to finish in twelfth. Murray started and Rigsby finished. Their navigators were Hugo· Munoz and Mike Leery. This was their first time at the Mint, and they had "several flats" and "a lot of dust" Their time was 9:20: 13. In 13th it was Vince Galewick and Jacob LeComte, whb shared the driving, Galewick starting and LeComte finishing. LeComte navi-gated lap one as a pre-run, then Vince Jr. navigated lap two, and Ajay Kellam navigated laps three and four. At the finish their throttle cable was connected to the pedal with a wire and vice grips, and it was sticking on. They had four flats. Their time was 9:29:40 . . Ray Griffith finished fourteenth in his Jimco, and he drove all the way while Tony Sato navigated. They had a couple flats, a broken steering rack, welded something together and got hit by a Trick Truck at a stop check. Their time was 9:42:29. In 15th it was Greg Foster and Steven Greinke in a Racer. They split the driving evenly, and had Brett Lenk and Cameron Hunter navigating. They had fuel filter problems on the third lap and three flat tires on the first lap. Their last 20 miles were really slow, they said. Their time was 9:50: 16. The team of Sam and Pat Baldi and Jake Joh~on and Willie Clark, were the final finishers in their Baldi Bros. car. They had some sort of di-saster on the second lap that earned them a five-hour lap, and although they moved pretty well after that, it cost them dearly. Their total time was 11:03:06. In Class 7200 the first place team Lacrecia Beurrier and Eric piloted their Polaris to a gold medal in the Class 1900 action, they're seen here headin' for the checkers. was Al Hogan and Jimmy Nuckles in a Ford. Nuckles drove the first three laps, and Hogan, age 75, drove the last one. Tucker Conroy navigated with Nuckles and Bob Brunkan navigated with Al. Hogan said, "we won last year also". This year they had no problems, no flats. Their time was 8:27:07. In second place Steve Laroza did laps one and two while Danny Ebberts drove laps three and four in their Ford. This was the first time Ebberts drove since he .was burned in a fire during the Baja 1000 last year. Chris Barry navigated laps one and two, and Garrett Goorsky navi-gated on three and four. They said the hood came loose on the first lap so they took it off, and they'd had three flats. Their time was 9:32:27. Keith Basso and Travis Bazzano were third in their Ford. It's a one-seat truck, so Basso drove laps one and two, and Bazzano went to the finish. By the time they got there, they had no body pieces left attached to the truck. They' d·had a flat on the first lap that cost 20 minutes (the dis-advantage of the one~eat car). Their time was 9:36: 11. Last in the class to finish were Sean and Brett Backus, Nick Tonelli and Josh Nelson, in another Ford. They had the lead on the first lap, but then they broke an axle and changed a third member, and had problems every lap, and finished with a time of 10:21:26. In Class 6100 the winner was Jason Ruane, Chevrolet, with Neal Mason as Navigator. They led every lap, although the second place truck was pushing hard and never far be-hind them. At the end, it was Ruane and Mason in 7:59:44. In second it was Jerry Whelchel and Mike Childress, Ford, who said the truck had run flawlessly all day. Childress navigated the first lap, then Craig Hall navigated the rest of the way. Jerry Whelchel drove the early part of the day and Childress finished. They goofed somehow, in their navigation, right off the start, and.it took them a while to get back around the cars and up where they wanted to be. But then they made another error, and left a flattened tire on the course, for which they were penalized one hour, so their second place finish was lost, and they're in the record books as third with a time of 9:06:58. Finishing third, but moving up to second, was the team ofJuan Carlos Lopez, and Carlos Apdaly Lopez, his son, in a Chevrolet. Juan Pablo San-zar navigated. Juan Carlos did the first two laps, and Apdaly finished. Along the way they broke the third member and had one flat. Their time was 8:45:30, and they moved to second when WhelcheVChildress were penalized. In fourth it was Jim Riley and Rick L. Johnson in a Ford. Some-where along the way Rick L. lost a half hour or so in the silt when the truck wouldn't restart. Their time was 9:09: 15. In fifth it was Chase and Matt Borden and Dylan Lackey, who navi-gated. Chase drove a lap and a half, and had a flat due to a broken rim. Matt did two-and-a-half laps, and he had two flats. Their total time was 9:17:10. Sixth place was earned by Brian Shaleen, who said he "just built the truck" - this was the first time he'd raced the Mint. He said he'd "lost a lot of tires", and his suspension faded on the last lap. His time was 9:57:52. Seventh, and last in the class to finish, was Billy Wilson, who drove laps one and three, and Chad Bunch who drove laps two and four. Wilson got hit by a Trick Truck, and also had two flats at once at one point. This was the first race for this truck also. Their time was 10; 18:08, and they finished at about 11:45 p.m. Long Day. Class 1000 had 26 starters for this event. At the end of the day the winner was Chip Prescott, who drove all the way in his Alumicraft. He had Ben Himel navigating for him all the way. They did the last two laps with no brakes at all after their master cylinder broke off. They hit something really hard, and not only did it remove the master cyl-inder, but it tore a big hole in their floor pan to do it. Their time was 8:30:19. Second went to Cody Reid and Cory Goin, who shared the driving equally. They had Michael Dulz and Jimmy Taranto as navigators. They said that at one point the car quit, so they "hammered on the starter" and it restarted. Their total time was 8:40:58. Third was earned by Greg Parker and John Cooley in an Alumicraft. Cooley (who builds the Alumicrafts) drove the first two laps and Parker did three and four. Parker had one flat at Mile 70, and lost a posi-tion because of it. Their time was 8:43:06. In fourth it was the team of Richard Kudrna, Jr., Greg Kudrna, Kevin Capellino and John Gilleland in a Penhall. They ran a steady pace all day, and finished in the time of 9:51:28. Fifth place was earned by Karl Mavrick Gaunt took second place honors in the Open Sportsman division, David Bolles really launches his Jeep as he heads to a second place Darren Skilton, with help from dad Clive took home the silver medal in seen here in his Ford just at one of many lfftoffs. finish in the JeepS,peed 1 category, he had 8 minutes in hand at the flag. JeepSpeed 3, seen here on their way to the checkered flag . .. Kristin Croll and Jamie Croll finished in third place in the UTV contest, Eric Heiden had to settle for a third place finish in the JeepSpeed 1 they're seen here just at takeoff on their way home. classification, Eric is seen here just taking off into the blue. Page 14 May 2013 The Vinagro clan drove their UTV to a third place finish in class at the Mint, they're seen here at speed on the course. Dusty Times
Scanlan, Richard Scott, Brian Melsheimer and Cory Tocco, who said they'd had "three flats and a broken jack." Their time was 9:51:33. In sixth it was Michael and Nick LaPaglia, Michael Sr., and Chris Haney who didn't stop to talk. Their time was 10:30:22. These teams were finishing at pretty close to midnight, and it was cold and dreary, and there was no longer a reason to go up on the podi-um to talk, nor was there anyone to talk to -so they tended to just motor away - not stopping to tell of their adventures. Too bad, because the racers with less successful days often have the most interesting stories. If the weather had been nicer, they might have stopped to talk about it. Seventh place went to Mark Tal-ia, John and Jason Meister and Reid Bailey, in a Penhall. They had a long third lap and an even longer fourth lap -so they were clearly having an ongoing problem. Maybe lights. In any case, their time was 10:40:34. Derek Dixon drove his VIN, Class 9000 to the class win at the Mint race, Derek is seen here hustling his way to the checkers; In eighth it was Mitch Arm- They were doing all right, but lost strong, Wes Nafziger and Wesley about an hour and 20 minutes on and George Moser. Their time was their third lap, and couldn't re-10:44:05. cover. Their total time was 11: 15:41, They were followed in by Randy and they were the final Class 1000 Ellis, Nick Wardian, Mark Acuna finisher. Jr., and George Marsh in a Tatum. Class 8000 had seven .starters, Brad Griego and Carlo Caya drove their Custom car to the win in Class SR1 Pat the Mint Race, they're seen here in the just dark race. but the Mint 400 proved too much be, a tough race. Traffic was a big-for most of them. Only Cole and Ja-ger issue than it was in those \ong cob Fielding, Ford, managed to fin-ago events, but traffic, and shorter ish. They ran four very steady laps, courses are our current choices in in third on lap one, but leading the the U.S. Anyone who finished this rest of the way, to finish in 11:07:40. event has good reason to be pleased It was, as a Mint 400 should and proud. ~1111..f.11™1,mt It was a third place finish in Class 1900 for Jason Murray at the Mint Cody Frisby was the second place finisher in the Class 1900 action, Mike Boone drove his VWto the gold medal in the Class 5/ 1600category, race, Jason is seen here at speed across the desert sands. Cody is seen here on his way to the coveted checkered flag. Mike is seen here at high speed on his way to the checkers. Dusty Times In Pkm-o~ Of Sd:aa Lortun€l Lo« May 2013 Page 15
I I I I' I 'I I' l J ~ 47TH VODAFONE PORTUGAL RALLY Ogier/Ingrassia overall In vw By Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden Sebastien Ogier and Julien Ingrassia drove their Volkswagon Polo to victory in Portugal while photographers risk life and limb. "For a moment we thought it was all over. Our problem this morning was a big alarm!" It seemed to everyone that Sebas-tien Ogier's luck was failing him, but the panic of his transmission problem on the final morning was soon over. He went on to win the Rally of Portugal for the third time in four years. It was his third successive victory in the WRC in 2013, but there were technical chinks in the armour of Volkswagen., with transmission troubles manifesting themselves on the final morning. Ogier survived his problem to win, overcoming a two week illness which had caused him to lose five kilos of body weight before an event when driver fitness was important. Even a VW technical chief admitted Ogier was driving more on adrenalin as much as anything else. Ogier then won the PowerStage at the end of the event as well and this helped him pull further ahead in the Driv-ers series and VW now moves in front of Citroen in the Makes' series. Teammate Jari-Matti Lat-vala lost time and dropped back to third place. · Once again, the world rally championship settled down in Portugal following the three spe-cialist opening events of the 2013 season. A more exciting prospect was hard to envisage as what was basically the first straightforward event of the season. With the biggest entry yet in the WRC2 category and for the first time a representative entry in WRC3 it was further down the entry that the real strength of this event became even clearer. For the first time this season there were entries in the one ma·ke champi-onships. These were headed by the FIA's official Junior champi-onship which like its predecessor, the Academy, used Ford Fiesta R2 cars, and the Citroen Top Driver series for DS3 R3T turbo cars, all of which were also competing in the WRC3 category. The main change for the route was that the event started in Faro, with four stages before the cars arrived in Lisbon for the down-town stage, which was held in the afternoon on Day 1. The cars were then driven nearly 300km, towards four hours of driving, back to Faro. All 15 stages were run within daylight hours. A ground breaking feature however came at the end of the event. The 52km final stage, representing 13% of the whole competitive distance, served as the supple-mentary points providing Power Stage. With a total of 386km of stages, the Vodafone Rally de Por-tugal is one of the longer rallies in the 2013 WRC series. The basic layout of this year's event, in which the highly pro-motable visit to Lisbon had been integrated into the event itself, was more competitor-friendly but posed its own demands. Gone this year was the interesting elec-tric-car recce session at the Lisbon stage. The recce for the Lisbon stage was part of the official route of the rally. After the cars had been washed down following the earlier four gravel special stages, they were driven by the crews in an untimed lap of the course which served as official reconnais-sance. On the first four stages the seeded drivers competed in the order according to the Qualifying Stage selection process, with the other cars afterwards. In the mid-dle of Day 1, the running order then changed for the Lisbon stage and all the drivers completed the stage before darkness. A top level entry was assured as Volkswagen entered not two but three cars. Alongside the normal Manufacturer team of Sebastien Ogier and Jari-Matti Latvala was Andreas Mikkelsen in the new official WRC Volkswa-gen II team. The team came to Portugal with Ogier well clear at the head of the Drivers' champi-onship table. This time however the team were expected to face a new reality check. Would Mik-kelsen find the Polo as difficult to master as Latvala has done, That really is Mikko Hirvonen and Jarmo Lehtinen in their Citroen DS3 fording the stream, they were second overall in the rally. without first having the benefit of the extensive testing like Ogier has had? There was a new car for Mikkelsen and ex-Swedish cars for the regular team drivers. A test car was used at the pre-event Fafe rallysprint. Portugal 2013 represented three years since Ogier's first WRC win. The Citroen team came to Portugal still top of the Manu-facturers' championship charts, heavily on account of the pres-ence on the first two rounds of the season of Sebastien Loeb and despite the uncharacteristi-cally poor performance of their other drivers. Portugal was to be a real-time experience for the team in their quest to prove themselves competitive without Loeb. There were new joker homologations for the steering rack and wastegate on the DS3 WRC. There was also a brand new setup on the car for all the drivers. Citroen took two cars to the Fafe Rallysprint, chassis 1 for Hirvonen and Sordo and chassis 2, which had already been con-verted to RRC form for Robert Kubica to use on the event. There were no major technical changes for the M-Sport Fords, just small detail changes with improved gearshift and improved handbrake function. It was 20 years since Delecour won the Portugal Rally in 1993 with the Escort. That had been Ford's first WRC win for five years and only their second win in 12 years! Although three cars were entered by Qatar WRT, only Thi-erry Neuville was eligible to score Manufacturers' points for the sec-ond level Qatar team. Ford used their normal test car for the Fafe Rallysprint which was converted into an RRC for Elfyn Evans to use on the rally itself. Juho Han-ninen had planned to use his rally car both at Fafe 10.nd on the rally, but in the week before the event he cancelled his entry, cit-ing personal reasons, and the car was instead driven by Dutchman Dennis Kuipers. Ala'a Rasheed was driving a car specially loaned by M-Sport to his sponsor Feghali for this event and for a rally in Jordan. Michal Kosciuszko drove a OlB spec Mini WRC as usual but was unable to attend the Fafe Rally Sprint, awaiting the arrival of Prodrive's new high compres-sion engine. Tactics were mainly centred around the more demanding lim-its on the number of tyres which would be used. Competitors had the option of hard or soft compound tyres, and the choice was expected to be directly related to the weather. The problem in Portugal is that conditions can change very quickly. When it rains it often does so in full measure, bringing a very different and sudden surface change. The number of tyres each driver will be able to use has been reduced by 40% compared with 2012, so careful tyre management will .be at the forefront of the teams' preoccupations. The event prom-ised to be a big challenge as crews faced the prospect of complet-ing the distance with only 24 ., tyres. The very long Power Stage also created its own special de-mands. Whereas Power Stages are normally much shorter and are regarded as flat-out sections by drivers, there were clearly reasons for the teams to monitor closely the performance through the stage of their drivers -and their rivals. In the supporting four-wheel-drive WRC2 category the cham-pionship leader, the VW trainee Sepp Wiegand, drove his usual Skoda Deutschland entered Fa-bia S2000. Of his two nearest rivals Yuriy Protasov, was not nominated to score points here, and Ricardo Trivino was not competing. An important in-novation was the arrival of the Ascania team Mini RRCs from Ukraine. A new car for team leader Valeriy Gorban and the old Monte Carlo launch car for Oleksii Kikireshko. Kikireshko had already driven a Mini RRC Nicolas Fuchs and Fernando Mussano finished 15th overall in their Esapekka Lappi and Janne Ferm hit the water hard ontheir way to a Throwing water and muck everywhere, Martin Prokop and Michal Emst Mitsubishi lancer Evo X, here in front of a hillside of fans. 10th overall finish in Portugal in their Skoda Fabia. finished seventh overall in Portugal, seen here at very high speed. Page 16 May 2013 Dusty Times 'I
Jarri-Matti Latvala and Mikka Anttila finished third overall in their Volkswagen Polo, the VW's are letting people know that they are there. borrowed from the Tamrazov the last available (13th) place. At team for Sweden and told the the pre-event press conference team, "I didn't want to get out of Mads Ostberg announced he de-the car afterwards. The speed is liberately chose hard compound much higher than the Mitsubishi tyres for Shakedown, rather than (Evo IX) and it means we have to the fastest softer tyres, in or-change our pacenotes." Disap-der to give himself more of the pointing news was that Yazeed Al worn harder tyres which for the Rajhi had to withdraw following event were expected to be supe-a cross country accident in the rior, for the event proper. Then Ha'il International Rally. High-Latvala explained he was still light of an already fascinating struggling to gain confidence WRC2 category was the WRC with the Polo and had a curious debut for Robert Kubica, fresh problem with his transmission, from his impressive performance which was sealed and could not in Canarias on the ERC evt;nt, on be changed to his preferred style his first ever gravel event. There of driving. This left people guess-were no entries in the one make ing... 70 cars were on the start Subaru Rally Class championship list, including the 17 year old while the first event for the new Belgian Pieter Cracco, allowed Mits1,1bishi Ralliart Italia Cup had to start if he promised that his been delayed until the Acropolis. codriver Frederic Miclotte drove All nine two-wheel-drive the road sections, minimum age WRC3 competitors (including for driving in Portugal is 18. a late entry for Simone Campe-Day 1 - 4 Stages -Gravel delli) drove Citroen DS3 R3 cars, -77.28kms interestingly fitted with Pire-70 cars took the start, the lli tyres. All of them except for only non-starters being Yazeed championship leader Sebastien Al Rajhi and Martin Hudec. It Chardonnet made their WRC3 was a strange day. Four stages in debut. A major battle was antici-the region north of the Algarve pated between the Ulster driver coast followed by a long drive up Alistair Fisher and Irishman to Lisbon for a downtown asphalt Keith Cronin. The first time the publicity stage, and then an even drivers had a chance to sample longer drive back to Faro. ~t had the control supplied Hankook been wet in places overnight, tyres was at their own private which created some early morn-Shakedown held the day before ing mist but more importantly it the start. The Junior cars are the layed down the dust. The VW same as last year's Academy cars and Citroen teams played games, but fully refurbished for the new concealing their tyre choices by season. As in the previous Acad- obscuring the tyre markings with emy series, the Junior drivers gen- strips of tape, but the dampness erally did not compete the final on the ground tempted Citroen day's stages, so on this event they to use softer compound tyres, finished their competition on the good for the first stage but not Saturday after 11 stages.· so useful as the ground dried out After a long period of wet con-and became rougher. The rally ditions which brought on rough immediately turned into a three conditions for recce, Shakedown make battle. Fastest on the first was run in dry conditions. Dani stage was VW driver Sebastien Sordo, fresh from victory at Fafe, Ogier, on the second stage it was made fastest time ahead of the Mads Ostberg in his Ford and VWs of Sebastien Ogier and on the third stage it was Dani Jari-Matti Latvala. Guess what? Sordo in his Citroen. Anyway by The driver running order selec-· the second stage Ostberg, with tion process led to the decision hard tyres, had pulled ahead of that the faster driver would be Ogier into the lead, before he Sepp Wiegand and Frank Christian finished 14th overall in their Skoda Fabia in Portugal, seen here exiting a very fast powerslide. went off the road on stage 3 and Ogier was back in the lead. Ogier however was getting slower and slower though he retained his lead. Having been fastest on stage 1, Ogier gradually found his soft tyres slowed him later in the group of stages was then. And all the while Sordo was com-ing along, making best times on stages 3 and 4 after having found trouble judging his braking distances earlier on. Also speed up was Jari-Matti Latvala in the second VW. He started off lack-ing confidence but was gradually adjusting to the aggressive set-up of the front differential that his teammate Ogier preferred. At the end of the first four stages there was 11.3 seconds ·covering Ogier, Sordo and Latvala, with Mikko Hirvonen less than six seconds further behind, followed by the Fords of Thierry Neuville and Evgeniy Novikov. Going very well was Michal Kosciuszko in the new more powerful Mini, lying eighth despite a spin and a reverse when the tyres warmed up too much and the car was sliding a lot, and caused him to declare he was a "Drift King". Andreas Mikkelsen in the third VW had been lying seventh, fulfilling his promise to take no risks, but on stage 4 the power steering failed and he lost a lot of time when he pulled to the side of the road to wait for Neuville to come past and lost four minutes dropping him from seventh to 16th overall. He was able to repair the problem on the road section to Lisbon. Khalid A Qassimi was slowed by clutch problems while Martin Prokop found his DMack tyres were over-heating. There was excitement at the Lisbon superspecial when Kosciuszko's bonnet flew up on landing after the artificial jump in the stage, and he managed to continue by looking through an available slot between the up-right bonnet and the bodywork. Mikkelsen's reward for having repaired his power steering prob-lem was to make sixth fastest time on the Lisbon stage, and start his climb back up tl}e standings. Despite proclaiming he had no confidence in his pacenotes, Esapekka Lappi took the lead in WRC2 from the start ahead ini-tially of fellow Skoda driver Sepp Wiegand but Wiegand slowed thinking he had a puncture and was caught firstly by Robert Ku-bica, who was recovering from a puncture and overheating trouble with fan problems, and then by Elfyn Evans. Lappi however was unable to match the pace of the unregistered Class 2 driver Per-Gunnar Andersson in Tamrazov's Ford Fiesta S2000 until Anders-son had a pr.obJem with a missing bolt from the rear hub and he was forced to stop on stage 4. Nikita Kondrakhin had throttle trou-ble on his Fabia S2000. Nicolas Fuchs was leading the Production Cup category in his Mitsubishi as Marcos Ligato struggled in his wish to keep up with him as the suspension on his Subaru was un-stable over the rough ground. On the road section up to Lisbon Robert Kubica had to stop as the spare tyre, which had been fitted to the car, had a slow leak and after 200km he had to give up for the day. He had started the day with only one spare wheel. At the Lisbon superspecial, Abdu-laziz Al Kuwari impacted a barrier severely enough to damage the brake which jammed itself on and prevented the car being driven away. Valeriy Gorban broke the front differential on the start line and retired from the event as the team had no spare. Rashid Al-ketbi retired with accident dam-age. In a non-championship local driver Brul}o Magalhaes stopped because of a broken cable to the battery on his Peugeot 207 S2000. In the WRC3 Alistair Fisher went into the lead while his Irish rival Keith Cronin was delayed having stalled on the start line of stage 1 while Bryan Bouffier was held up by slower Group N cars which started in front of him. Simone Campedelli lost a lot of time changing a flat tyre on the ~tage. Federico Della Casa went off ·the road and Chris-tian Riedemann stopped with transmission failure. Cronin was making up for lost time and when Fisher had a loose suspen-sion on the final gravel stage of the day Cronin went into the lead. Christian Riedemann re-tired with a broken gearbox and the team had no spare. In the Juniors, Marius Assen (carrying competition number 109, the same number used by the Academy champions for the past two years) went into the lead but Pontus Tidemand (catching up after being baulked by slower drivers) and Jose Suarez got ahead of Assen when he had brake trouble. Yeray Lemes lost a lot of time with a puncture and Sander Pam went off the road and dam-aged the suspension. Overnight M-Sport discovered that the damage to Ostberg's car was not serious, the driver had already twittered images of the damage from the accident site so the team and fans could check for themselves. · Day 2 - 6 Stages -Gravel - 158.0Skms The day started sunny and warmer than before and full of drama with a 31km stage where no fewer than 12 crews stopped! First to disappear was Thierry Neuville, after hitting a rock which damaged the suspen-sion. M-Sport chief Malcolm Wilson was unimpressed, "90% of all his incidents are this sort of thing. I keep trying to warn him, he really is learning the hard way." Then it was Dani Sordo, who was lying second only 4.4 seconds behind Ogier. Sordo stopped with damage to the right rear corner of the car. He was distraught, "I was confused, I remembered the place well, last _year I stopped there in the Mini to change a flat tyre. I completely forgot the next bend, and we hit a tree." Suddenly VW were domi-nating the event, leading 1-2, and after all his delays the day before Andreas Mikkelsen was up to eighth place overall and climbing back fast. Rally leader Ogier was also fighting the physical effects from the pre-event fevers which had caused him to miss the Fafe Rally Sprint, he was still not up to the required level of fitness. The team stated that it was adrenalin which was keeping him going on the stages but that he was ex-hausted afterwards. Behind him Latvala was dutifully keeping him• self 10-15 seconds behind in sec-ond place with Mikko Hirvonen 20-25 seconds behind in third place. The Fords of Evgeniy Novikov, Martin Prokop and Nasser Al Attiyah headed Michal Cantinued on page 18 Michal Kosciuszko and Maciej Szczepaniak dropped out of the rally with Dennis Kuipers and Robin Buysmans had electrical problems that forced Khalid Al Oassimi and Scott Martin drove their Citroen DS3 to a ninth gearbox problems, here at high speed earlier on. them to retire their Ford Fiesta RS much earlier than desired. . place finish in Ponugal, here cornering before thousands of spectators. Dusty Times May 2013 Page 17 •' '
Kosciuszko's Mini, still in eighth place but worried he would soon be engulfed by Mikkelsen. The afternoon was quieter for the top runners. The main interest was the catch-up of Mik-kelsen. From lying ninth after the first stage of the day he was sixth after stage 10, and all the while Ostberg was assessing his chance of eventually reaching the top ten. Kosciuszko was sliding back down the field, not helped when the engine just died on stage 10 and he lost ten minutes, "In the end the team told me to make an electrical short-cut between different places on the loom and the engine started up again." Ost-berg wondered what the final day would bring. Too early for tactics. Should he go flat out on the penultimate stage for the best overall placing or go carefully to keep the best quality tyres for the Power Stage? Ogier was feeling better physically, and going faster accordingly, making best times on the final four stages of the day. His only technical trouble so far was a lost wiper blade ... On the first stage of the day the WRC2 driver Elfyn Evans, who was lying second, stopped with transmission trouble and suddenly Esapekka Lappi was leading by nearly 2m30s from Robert Barrable (in his ex-Breen Fiesta two-litre) with Edoardo Bresolin third (in his ex-Latvala Fiesta RRC). The stages were very twisty and Robert Kubica found the going hard, having to use his right arm on the gearshift lever more than he had hoped would be necessary, as his spe-cial left-hand selection system did not work. Lappi contin-ued to win every stage but Sepp Wiegand was catching up and during the morning was up to fourth, at the expense of Oleksii Kikireshko. No fewer than five WRC2 cars stopped on stage 6 including Ligate, Rasheed and Kondrakhin who lost his engine oil. Subhan Aksa went off. The non-championship drivers PG Andersson and Lorenzo Bertelli both stopped, the former almost immediately with engine failure and the latter when he impacted a rock which damaged the rear right wheel. On the afternoon loop Lappi continued winning every stage. Wiegand was up to second place again by the end of the day. On stage nine Bre-solin stopped when he slid into a bank and damaged the rear suspension. Kikireshko in the second Mini RRC stopped when he slid into a ditch. Then Ku-bica stopped with transmission failure. Non-championship Yuriy Protasov stopped with suspension failure in his R4 car. There was a problem at a wa-ter crossing for the WRC3 driv-ers. First it was category leader Keith Cronin who had his car drown-out and then along came his rival Alistair Fisher who did the same, and for a t.ime they were both stopped there togeth-er. They w_ere later followed by Quentin Gilbert and Simone Campedelli with similar trou-ble. Fisher dropped to fourth but like Gilbert was able to carry on, but Cronin could not. Sud-denly there was a turnaround in the positions. Bryan Bouffier had jumped from foutth place to first, holding a lead of 20 seconds ahead of Sebastien Chardonnet, who then lost over five minutes Page 18 off the road and Bouffier found his lead now stood at over six minutes. Fisher then lost second gear and struggled on until finally •his starter motor failed after the water crossing on the second loop. Frederico Dalla Casa fi-nally stopped as well. The Junior category Michael Burri went off the road and Mu-rat" Bostanci hit a wall and rolled but eight of the ten Junio:r drivers were therefore classified as finish-ers at the end of their competi-tion. Pontus Tidemand led vir-tually throughout finishing over two minutes in front of Jose Su-arez and Yeray Lemes, all former Academy drivers. Tidemand took top supplemental points with five stage wins. Fernando Peres won the national open rally, the first of seven Mitsubishis to finish. Day 3 - 4 Shges -Gravel - 147.64kms-By now the Junior drivers had gone home but 50 cars still started the final loop, which comprised two laps of two stages, the second location being the marathon 52km stage. Of the WRC2 com-petitors, 17 restarted and eight of the nine Citroen WRC3s. Today was again sunny and it was warm-er. The top teams all reported that they had eight new tyres left, enough to have new sets every time they left a service point, but without new spare tyres. The only drivers less satisfied were the DMack tyre runners as their hard tyres did not work as well as their softs, which were in shorter supply. Michal Kosciuszko had to use hard tyres for the rest of the rally. All eyes were on Ogier, who announced that he was gradually feeling better. Then came prob-lems. Ogier thought his clutch was slipping and he lost over a half minute on the first stage of the day, then his teammate Jari-Matti Latvala reported his front differential fail, leaving him to drive the two morning stages in rear-wheel-drive mode. This let Mikko Hirvonen up to second place. After a cautious previous day when he was only fourth fast-est on every stage, 12th placed Mads Ostberg, running fourth car on the road, attacked and set off to finish in the top ten, scoring fastest times on both the morning stages. Thierry Neuville, running first car on the road was losing his brakes, and tried to adjust his driving to avoid a precautionary touching the brake pedal. In eighth place Martin Prokop was trying to recoup some of the places lost the day before, because of rear differential failure. As the cars returned for the mid-day service, plans were made for the whole gearbox assembly on Latvala's car to be changed. Else-where Dennis Kuipers reached the end of the penultimate stage in seventh place when the engine died, and he could not reach the final stage. Early on the final stage Kosciuszko stopped with transmission trouble and retired. Neuville then had another im-pact, hitting a bridge parapet when blinded by low sunlight, and lost another five minutes, sportingly passing to the side of the road to let Sordo pass him unhindered. Neuville still fin-ished in 18th place, the end of a bad rally for him. Ogier won the PowerStage ahead of Ostberg and Latvala. Behind the podium plac-es Evgeniy Novikov took a solid fourth place. Nasser Al Attiyah won the battle of the Arab driv-ers, to finish fifth while Khalid Al Qassimi finished ninth. Mik-kelsen' s recovery from 16th to eventually finish 6th on his debut in the Polo R WRC was a remark-able achievement. For Martin Prokop finishing seventh the best DMack tyre user. In WRC2 Lappi had a scare in the morning when the car went on to three cylinders, due to a broken injector but he held his lead. Sepp Wiegand went off the road for six minutes and dropped from second to third, promoting Robert Barrable to second in the category and 11th over.all, ten minutes behind category winner Lappi. The highest placed finish-er in the Production Car category was Nicolas Fuchs who finished fourth in his Evo X. Kikireshko retired with front suspension fail-ure. In WRC3 Della Casa retired his Citroen again as did Parli, both off the road, while Cronin struggled with rear suspension troubles. Category leader Bryan Bouffier had a last stage scare when a driveshaft broke but he maintained his position and even-tually finished ten minutes ahead of second placed Sebastien Char-donnet. Completing a French 1-2-3 in the category was Quentin Gilbert in third. Eventually the battling Irishmen Alistair Fisher and Keith Cronin finished fourth and fifth respectively. In the championship stand-ings. VW have overtaken Citroen in the Manufacturer standings to lead by 14 points with the Ford representatives Qatar M-Sport in third, some 55 points behind. In the Drivers' champi-onship Ogier has extended his lead to over 50 points but now ahead of Hirvonen, while the ab-sentee champion Sebastien Loeb starts to slips down the chart into third place. In the absence of his main championship rivals, at the start of the event, Sepp Wiegand extended his lead WRC2 category to 15 points ahead now of Nicolas Fuchs who leads the Production Car Cup contenders by 20 points. Sebastien Chardonnet continues to lead the WRC3 now by 18 points, ahead of category winner here Bryan Bouffier. l..l\J'2C: 47th Vodafone Rally de Portugal (P) Faro 12/14.04.2013 WCR /WRC2 (4WO) /WRC3 (2WD) Rrund 4, Junior round 1 WCR poinls WCR _WCD 2 25 3 25+3 1 (8) Sebastien OGIER/Julien Ingrassia F Volkswagen Polo R (M) (2) Mikko HIRVONEN/Jarmo l.etlinen (7) Jari-Matti lATVALA/MHkka Anttila (5) E,geniy NOVlKOVnlka Minor (6) Nasser N Attiyal>'Giovanni Bemacdini (9) Andreas MIKKELSEN/Mikko Markkula (21) Martin PROKOP/Michal Ernst (4) Mads OSTBERG/Jonas AndeBson (10) Khalid AL OASSIMI/Scott Martin 10 (31) Esapel<ka Lappi/Janne Fenn 25 -11 (79) Robert Barrable/Stuart Loudon 18 -12 (3) o..-; SOROO/Car1os Del Barrio 13 (59) B,yan Bouffier/Xavier Panseri 25 14 (32) Sepp W,ega,d/Frank Chrisuan 15 -15 (41) Nicolas Fuchs.lFemando Mussano 12 -16 (48) AbdulazizAJ-Kuwari/Killian Duffy 10 •• 17 (11) Thierry NEUVILLE/Nicolas Gilsoul 19 (74~ Robert Kubica'Macel< Baran 8 20 (51) Sebaslien Chardonnet/Thibault De La Haye 18 22 (78) Edoardo Bresolin/Rudy Pollet 6 23 (75) Elfyn Evans/Daniel Barritt 4 24 (72) Juan Alonso/ Juan Monasterolo 2 25 (40) Annan Smadov/Andrel Rusov 1 26 (52) Quenun Gilbert/Isabelle Galimiche 15 27 (76) SubhanAbwNicolasArena 28 (53) Alislair FISher/Goroon Noble 12 29 (77) Marcos Ligatl>'Ruben Glvcia 31 (60) Keith Cronin'Manihall Clarke 10 32 (61) Simone Can1)0(lelli/Malteo Chiartossi 8 33 ( 46) Maito Vallario/M anueta Di Lorenzo 36 (71) AJa'a Rasheed/.-i,t, Ma1ar FIN FIN RUS/A OAn N/FIN CZ N/S QA/GB Ci1roen0S3(M) Volkswagen Polo R (M) Ford Fiesta RS (M) Ford Fiesla RS (M) Volkswagen Polo R (M) Ford Fiesla RS (OM) Ford FIIIS!a RS (M) Ci1roen053(M) FIN Skoda Fabia 52000 (M) IRUGB Ford Fiesla 52000 (OM) E Ci1roen053(M) Ci1roen 053 R3T (P) 0 Skoda Fabia 52000 (M) PER/RA Milsubisn Lancer Eve X (OM) OAnRL Ford Fiest> RRC (M) Ford Fies1a RS (M) POL Ci1roen 053 RRC (M) Ci1roen 053 R3T (P) Ford Fiesta RRC (M) GB Ford Fiesla RRC (M) RA Milsutiishi Lancer Eve X (OM) KAZ/RUS Subaru lmpreza N14 (M) Cilroen 053 R3T (P) RVI Ford Fiest> RRC (M) GB Cilroen 053 R3T (P) RA Subaru lmpreza N14 (M) IRLIG8 Ci1roen 053 R3T (P) Ci1roen 053 R3T (P) Milsutiisn Lancer Eve X (OM) HKJ/RL Ford Fiesla RRC (OM) WRC W06-VW361 (0) 4h.07m.38.7s. CN995XE(F) WQ8.VW362 (0) RU55ALM (GB) 4h.08m.36.9s. 4h.11m.43.2s. 4h.13m.06.4s. WRC WRC WRC WRC WRC WRC WRC WRC PX61AYL(GB) 4h.15m.22.2s. W06-VW364 (0) 4h.17m.18.5s. 06R0030 (CZ) PX61AWU (GB) 8F137XC (F) WRC2/C2 11 R0202 (CZ) WRC2/C2 PX59AVF (GB) WRC BK317DW (F) WRCl/C5 EH464FZ (F) WRC2/C2 13R0021 (CZ) WRC2/C3 5995HPD (E) WRC2/C2 PX128VS (GB) WRC PX12CPZ (GB) WRC2/C2 BF082XC (F) WRC3/C5 VD263942 (CH) WRC2/C2 PX60AVM (GB) WRC2/C2 PX60AUW (GB) WRC2/C3 7643GTS (E) WRC2/C3 ATTOTOO (KZ) WRC3/C5 AX568LO (F) WRC2/C2 PX61AYK (GB) WRC3/C5 8G080CA (F) WRC2/C3 NM 04365 (0) WRC3/C5 WU61LOF (GB) WRC3/C5 AZ667FM (F) WRC2/C3 DP984JW (I) .WRC2/C2 PX11AWN (GB) 4h.22m.42.9s. 4h.23m.22.3s.(3) 4h.23m.35.6s. 4h.23m.59.7s. 4h.?5fn36.2s. 4h.38m.15.5s.(6) 4h.38m.52.5s. 4h.39m.02.8s. 4h.43m.25.5s. 4h.45m.33.1s.(1) 4h.46m.01.5s.(6) 4h.47m.10.9s.(3) 4h.48m.59.1s. 4h.50m.36.1s. 4h.53m.11.1s.(6) 4h.55m.24.3s. 4h.5&n.52.5s. 5h.04m.43.8s. 5h.10m.01.6s.(6) 5h.10m.47.6s. 5h.11m.09.9s.(6) 5h.17m.17.4s.(5) 5h.21m.59.6s.(5) 5h.23m.12.9s.(6) 5h.39m.27.15.(6) 18 15 12 10 18 15+1 12 10 4+2 70 (19 WRC2/9 WRCl/10 J) starters. 38 (12 WRC2/6 WRC3/8 J) finishers. MANUFACTURERS' DRIVER. Tyres: OM=OMack; H=Hankool<; M=Michelin, M'=Pireli sticl<eni, P=Pireli. (Missed stages or road sections) WinMr's average speed ove< stages 93.59kph (nl<Xlfll). +=P"""' stage poinls. LEADING RETIREMENTS (12) Michal KOSCIUSZKO/Maciej Szozopanial< (15) OeMis Kuipen,/Robin Buysmans (36) Rashid Alkelbi/Karina Hepperle (45) Alexander Viftaooeva'Oscar Sanchez (49) Oleb!1 Kil<ireshl<o/Sergei Larens (50) \/aleriy GofbanlVolodymy Kenia . (56) Francesco Pri'Talia Canton (57) Frederico Della Casa'Maroo Mench1nl (58) Ctvis1ian Riedmarxl/1..ara ½mesle (73) Nikita Konclrakhln/Oanilo Fappw11 (90) Per-Gunnar Andefssor>'Emil Axelsson (100) Sander Pam/Ken Jarveaja (102) Ponlus Ttdemand/Ola Floeno (103) Martin-t<oci/Pelr Stary (104) Andreas Ambe<g/Mikko Luul<ka (105) Jose Suarez/Candido Gartera (106) Mural Bostanci/Onur Vatansever (107) Michael Burri/Gabin Moreau (108) Niko Nieminen/Michael Komonen (109) Marius Aasen/Martone Engan (110) Yeray Lemes/Rogelio Lopez RALLY LEADERS Ogier stage 1, Oslbe<g 2. Ogier 3-15. WRC2 LEADER u,pp stages 1-15. CLASS 2 LEADERSAnde<sson stages 1-3, u,pp 4-15 TheRoute Day 1 (1-5) Oay2 (6-11) Oay3 (12-15) Faro Alga,ve Stadium (Friday 0810) Lisbon-Algarve Siac!ium (Friday 2235) AJgarve Stadium (Saturday 0900) Algarve SladkJm • AJgarve StadkJm (Saturday 1915) Atgarve Stadium (Sunday 0700) Algarve Stadium • Faro Algarve Stadium (Sunday 1540) PL NL UAE/0 E UA/EE UA I CH/I 0/8 RUS/1 s EE SIN SLK/CZ ~IN E TR CHIF FIN N E Mini Jom Cooper Woru (OM) , Ford Fiesla RS (M) Skoda Fabia 52000 (OM) Milsubisn l.ancer Eve X (M) Mini Jom Cooper Woru (M') Mini Jom Cooper Woru (M) Cilroen 053 R3T (P) Ci1roen 053 R3T (P) Ci1roen 053 R3T (P) Skoda Faboa 52000 (M) Ford Fies1a 52000 (M) Ford Fiesta R2 (H) Ford Fiesta R2 (H) ~ Ford FIOSla R2 (H) Ford FIOSla R2 (H) Ford Fiesta R2 (H) Ford Fies1a R2 (H) Ford FIIIS!a R2 (H) Ford Fiesta R2 (H) Ford Fiesta R2 (H) Ford Fiesta R2 (H) WRC WRC WRC2/C2 WRC2/C3 WRC2/C2 WRC2/C2 WRC3/C5 WRC3/C5 WRCl/C5 WRC2/C2 C2 J/C6 J/C6 J/C6 J/C6 J/C6 J/C6 J/C6 J/C6 J/C6 J/C6 EN212XK(I) PX60AVO (GB) 14R0200 (CZ) 1929HBL(E) OU11BYH (GB) WK62AWF (GB) ZG91387 (CH) TI59178(CH) DH-AA21 (DI 516.95E (RUS) SP0054 (E) PX60AYA(G8) PX60AXZ (GB) PX60AYO (GB) PX60AXW (GB) PX60AXO (GB) PX60AYP (GB) PX60AYK (GB) PX60AYL (GB) PX60AYD (GB) PX60AYB (GB) CLASS 3 LEADERS Moura (Mitsubishi) stages 1-9, Fuchs 10-15. WRC3/CLASS 5 LEADERS Fisher stages 1-3. Cronin4-6. Booffier 7-15. JUNIOR LEADERS Aasen stage 1, Tidemand 2-11. Special Stages 4 gravel-TT.28km 1 asphalt-3.mm 6gravel-158.08km 4gravel-147.64km TotalOism:e 749.05km 459.08km 425.581cm 15 stages-386.27km 633.69km Crews Restarling 65 Ceremonial Start from Vilamoura Marina on Thursday at 20.30. Weather. warm and dfy. No stages in darkness. May 2013 AST STAGE COMPLETED gearbox 14 elec1rical 14 accident 2 suspension 14 suspension (3) 12 differenual 5 accident 12 accident 0 geart>ox 2 engine 3 engine 4 wi1hdrawn 11 wi1hd,...,, 11 .,;lhd,...,, 11 ..;lhd,...,, 11 wi1hd,...,, 11 accident 7 accident 7 ..;lhd,...,, 11 ,mhd,...,, 11 ..;thdrawn 11 Dusty Times ,,
l~tf_i!,RJ:!I AT RIDGECREST Justin Davis Takes Trophy Truck By ] Preston Bradshaw· Photos: Trackside Photo .. Justin Davis took the Trophy Truck win at Ridgecrest but not my much, he had 44 seconds in hand when he took the checkers. Ninty-five enthusiastic racers came co Ridgecrest for their April race. 54 of them were able to com-plete their required laps and most we talked to said they ,had a ball. There were 17 classes in the race and most had a great time. Class 1 had seven entries, four of chem made it all four laps. Richard Boyle went into the class lead, Dustin Miller was running two minutes in arrears, Cody Parkhouse was third, he was an-other 40 seconds in arrears, Erik Harp ran in fourth spot, Chad Dorman ran in fifth place and Erik Jacobs was running in sixth place. Joe David failed to com-piece his first lap. Second lap and Richard Boyle continued to lead the class, Cody Parkhouse moved up into second place, he was four minutes behind the leader, Erik Harp was up a spot into third, Chad Dohrman was up a spot into fourth place and Erik Jacobs was up into fifth place. Dustin Miller was out of the race. Third lap and Richard Boyle continued to lead Class 1, Cody Parkhouse held on in second place, he was two minutes back, Erik Harp held on in third, Chad Dohrman remained in fourth place and Erik Jacobs ran fifth. Fourth lap, final lap and Rich-ard Boyle came in for the Class 1 win, Cody Parkhouse finished in second place, he was a mere 17 sec-onds in arrears, Chad Dohrman finished third, he was another 18 minutes in arrears and Erik Harp came in for a fourth place Class 1 finish. Erik Jacobs .was unable -co complete his final lap. There were nine Trophy Trucks entered and seven of chem made all four required laps. At the end of their first lap it was Zack Langley leading the class, Justin Davis was two minutes back in the second spot, Tim Herbst ran in the third spot, his Richard Boyle was the big winner in the Class 1 contest, he had 17 seconds in hand when he took the checkered flag . Lucas Knecht took the gold medal in the 1/2-1600 contest, Lucas had 22 minutes in hand when he took the checkered flag. brother Troy was fourth and Juan ·carlos Lopez was running fifth. Cameron Steele was sixth, Jimmy Knuckles was lucky seventh and BJ Baldwin was in the eighth spot. Steven Eugenio was unable to complete his first lap. Their second lap ended and Tim Herbst was now leading the class, Justin Davis was less than a minute back in second spot, Jimmy Knuckles was flying and he moved into third spot, Troy Herbst remained in fourth and Zack Langley dropped into fifth place. Cameron Steele remained in the sixth spot, Juan Carlos Lo-pez dropped to seventh place and BJ Baldwin was the eighth place runner. Third l~p ended and Justin Davis was the new leader, Tim Herbst was a minute and a half back in the second spot, Zak Langley moved up into third place, Troy Herbst was still run-ning in fourth and Juan Carlos Lopez moved up into fifth place. Cameron Steele remained in the sixth spot, BJ Baldwin was up a spot into seventh place and Jimmy Knuckles dropped into the eighth spot. Fourth lap, final lap and Justin Davis came in for the coveted checkered flag, Tim Herbst was second in, he was 44 seconds in arrears, Troy Herbst finished in third place, hew was another five minutes and change in arrears, Cameron Steele made one last charge and. moved up into the fourth spot and BJ Baldwin took fifth place honors. Juan Carlos Lopez finished in the sixth_ spot and Jimmy Knuckles was the sev-enth and final finisher. Zak Lang-ley failed to finish the final lap. Reid Rutherford was the big winner in the Class 3000 fracas, Reid had hours in hand when he took the coveted checkered flag. Al Hogan flew his Ford pickup to the Class 7 win at Ridgecrest, Al had 25 minutes in hand when he took the checkered flag. There were eight entries in the 1600 class, three of them made it all the way. Lucas Knecht led the first lap, he was really c,ntinud ID , ••• 20 Tim Herbst gave it everything he had but had to settle for the silver Jim Goff took home the silver medal for his actions in the class 1/2- Norris Brown took second place honors in the Class 10 action, Nollis is medal in Trophy Truck, he's seen here flying towards the checkered flag. 600 action, Jim is seen here saving a bit of tire wear on his way home. seen here nicely airborne as he heads for thB checkered flag. Dusty Times May 2013 Page 19
·' Ryan Frisby had two horrendous laps early on to hamper his progress, Josh Quintero finished second in the Class 7 battle, Josh is seen here Douglas McCrady was 16 minutes long on the course in the UTV action, he took second place honors in Class 3000, seen here headin' home. flying across the desert on his way to the checkered flag. he's seen here at high speed on his way to the checkered flag. Ray Becker hustles across the desert as he heads to a second place finish at Ridgecrest, Ray was 18 minutes in a"ears when he took the checkers. Chad Dohrman took the bronze medal in Class 1 at Ridgecrest, he was Troy Herbst finished third in Trophy Truck, third overall in the race, Troy moving, Derek Eugenio was two mim-!tes back in second place, Jim Goff was running in third place, Chad Baekens was in fourth, Emi-ly Staats-Shapiro was in fifth place and Daniel Reyes Jr. was sixth. Ed Maurin and Tamara Myers were nowhere to be seen. Second lap ended and Lucas Knecht continued to lead the class, Derek Eugenio held on in the second spot, he was less than two minutes in arrears, Jim Goff held on in the third spot, Em-ily Staats-Shapiro was up a spot into fourth, Chad Baekens ran fifth and Daniel Reyes Jr. still ran sixth. Third lap and guess what? Derek Eugenio had taken over the class lead, Lucas Knecht was second, he was two minutes in arrears, Jim Goff remained in the third spot, Chad Baekens was in the fourth spot and Daniel Reyes Jr. was in fifth place. Emily Staats-Shapiro was on her trailer. Fourth lap, final lap and it was Lucas Knecht taking the 1600 class win, Jim Goff finished some 20 minutes later in second place and Chad Baekens came in for a third place finish another 20 minutes back. Derek Eugenio and Daniel Reyes Jr. failed to finish their fourth lap. The Class 3000 troops were next, there were six of them en-tered and three of them made the four required laps. James Craw-19 minutes away from the coveted gold medal at the checkers. is seen here at very high speed on the course. Derek Retcher literally flew his good looking pickup to the Class 8 win, Derek averaged 44 mph for his race at Ridgecrest. ford led the first lap, Reid Ruth-erford was a long second place, Allan Lee was in third place, Ryan Frisby was in fourth place and Tim Brown was fifth. Mason Meachum did not complete the first lap. There were no position chang-es on the second lap. Third lap and James Crawford continued to lead the class, Reid Rutherford ran second, he was two minutes in arrears, Ryan Fris-by moved up into third, Allan Lee dropped to fourth place and Tim Brown remained in fifth place. Final lap, Reid Rutherford came in for a nice win, Ryan Frisby took a long second place finish and Allan Lee was a long third place and final finisher. James Crawford and Tim Brown failed to complete their final lap. Class 10 had 14 entrants, they had four laps to run for their race and eight of them were able to complete the required laps. Ander Myers was the class leader on the first lap, Christian Hall was 15 seconds back in the second spot, Gerrit Dragt was third, he was less than a minute out of second place, Mark Lawrence was another 22 seconds back in fourth place and Mikey Lawrence was fifth, he was another 24 seconds back. Mike Shaffer ran in the sixth spot, Peter Hajas was seventh, David Norris Clyde Stacy took the win in the TT Spec action, a horribly long fourth lap kept them out there for eight and a half hours. was in eighth place, Norris Brown ran ninth and Richard Glaszcak was 10th. John Langley was in 11th place, Jim Anderson made it an even dozen and Todd Winslow was in 13th place. Chris Kemp did not complete the first lap. Second lap and Christian Hall was the new leader, Richard Glaszcak was up seven spots into second place, Norris Brown was only seconds back in third place, Mark Lawrence was up a spot into fourth and Ander Myers dropped into fifth place. Peter Hajas held on in sixth place, Gerrit Dragt was in seventh place, Uavid Nor-ris was eighth, John Langley was in ninth place and Mike Shaffer ran in 10th place. Jim Anderson was 11th and Todd Winslow ran 12th. Mikey Lawrence was out of the race. Third lap and Christian Hall continued to lead the class, Ander Myers was less than three minutes back in second place, Norris Brown was another three minutes and change further back in third, Mark Lawrence ran in fourth and Richard Glaszcak was in fifth place. Peter Hajas remained in sixth place, David Norris was up into seventh place, John Langley was eighth, Jim Anderson was up into ninth place, Mike Shaffer remained 10th and Gerrit Dragt dropped to 11th place. Todd Win-slow was out of the race. Fourth lap, final lap and when the checkers flew it was Ander Myers taking a mighty nice win, Norris Brown was 10 minutes back in second place, Richard Glaszcak was another two min-utes back in third place, Jim An-derson finished in fourth place, he was another 24 minutes back and Mike Shaffer was fifth to finish. David Norris was sixth to finish, Gerrit Dragt was lucky sev-enth and Christian Hall was the eighth and final finisher. Mark Lawrence, Peter Hajas and John Langley failed to complete their final lap. Clyde Stacy raced in Class 5/1600 too, he took the gold medal with a margin of 25 minutes, seen here flyin' across the desert. Elias Hanna drove his 7SX/7S pickup to the class win at Ridgecrest, he had less than three minutes in hand when he took the checkers. There was only one entry in the Class 5 contest, Clyde Stires and he only completed one lap. Page 20 May 2013 Dusty Times 1T
Chad Baekens motors his way across the desert terrain at Ridgecrest, Richard Glaszcak took third place honors in the Class 10 battle, Richard In spite of a four hour third lap it was a third place finish in Class 3000 Chad finished in third place in the Class 1/2-1600 battle. is seen here flying low as he heads for the coveted finish line. for Allan lee, seen here saving a bit of tire wear. Steve Kovach had a three hour first alp but he soldiered on and was able Gabor Juhasz was the third place finisher in the Baja Challenge at to take a third place finish in the Class 7 contest. Ridgecrest, he's seen here headin' for the coveted checkered flag. Craig Reynolds took third place honors in the Sportsman Unlimited Truck fracas, seen here just at touchdown on his way to the flag. for their race and three of the four made it all the way. Rusty Stebar led the first lap, Douglas McCrady was second, he was less than three minutes in arrears, Paul Broughton was third, he was another minute and change further back and Sean Cook was another minute and a half fur-ther back in fourth place. Second lap and Rusty Stebar continued to lead the class, Doug-las McCrady held on in second place, he was three minutes be-hind the leader, Sean Cook was third, he was 30 minutes further back and Paul Broughton was in fourth place. Robert Rog/in took first place honors in the Stock Full contest, he's seen here at high speed heading for the checkers. Rusty Stebar took the gold medal in the UTV battle, Rusty had 16 minutes in hand Third lap, final lap and it was Rusty Stebar taking the class win, Continued on page 22 The Class 7 contest had six entries, they had four laps to run for their race and three of them were able to make it all the way. Jonathan Brenthel was the leader of the class after the first lap, Josh Quintero was second, he was less than three minutes in arrears, Al Hogan ran in third place, Jon Lee was running fourth and Steve Ko-vach was fifth. Kevin Bettencourt did not complete the first lap. Second lap and Al Hogan had moved into the class lead, Josh Quintero was in second place, he was 19 minutes in arrears and Steve Kovach ran in the third spot. Jonathan Brenthel and Jon Lee were out of the race. There were no changes in po-sition for the rest of the race so it was Al Hogan taking the gold medal, Josh Quintero won the sil-ver medal and Steve Kovach took home the bronze. Class 8 had two entries. They too had four laps to run for their race but, alas, only one of them made all the required laps. It was Derek Fletcher taking the class win in a little over five hours while Matt Stevens did not com-plete the first lap. The Heavy Metal Class also had two entrants but neither of them completed a lap. Bill Belan-sky and Andrew Leavitt failed to finish their first lap. The TT Spec class o nly had one entrant. He had four laps to Dusty Times run for his race. Clyde Stacy ran the first three laps in good time, had a horribly long fourth lap but did take the checkered flag for a nice win. Class 5/ 1600 only had two entrants. They had three laps to run for their race and both contestants were able to finish the race. Clyde Stacy led all the required laps for the class win and Stuart Hersey trailed the leader by 25 minutes. The Class 7SX/ 7S had three entrants. They had three laps to go for their race and two of them made it all the way. At the end of their first lap it was Elias Hanna in the lead, James Burman ran sec-when he came in for the checkered flag. ond and Kyle Milligan was third. Second lap and Elias Hanna still led the class, James Burman ran second and Kyle Milligan had disappeared from the race. Third lap, final lap and when the checkers flew it was Elias Hanna taking the class win, James Burman was less than two min-utes in arrears when he took his second place finish. Stock Full only had one en-trant, Robert Roglin, he had to run three laps for his race and he did just that. He finished in less than seven and a half hours and was quite happy with his win. The Uni UTV Class had four entries, they had to run three laps Scott Rasmussen took home the gold medal in the Sportsman Unlimited Buggy action, Scott is seen here flying low on his way home. May 2013 " Page 21
• I I Cameron Steele finished first off the podium in the Trophy Truck action, Jim Anderson was the fourth place finisher in the Class 10 action, Jim Bill Young took home the gold medal in the Baja Challenge, he's seen he was only 10 minutes behind the class winner at the flag. is seen here on his way to the sometimes elusive checkered flag. here at speed on his way to the checkered flag. Douglas McCrady finished sec-ond, he was 16 minutes in arrears and Sean Cook too third place honors, another 10 minutes in arrears. Paul Broughton failed to complete his final lap. The Baja Challenge had four entrants, they had four laps to go for a finish and fully three of them made it all the way. Jon Lar-gent led the first lap, Bill Young was three minutes behind in sec-ond place, Gabor Juhasz was in third place and Jeff Benton held down the fourth spot. Jonathan Libby won big in the Sportsman Unlimited Truck fracas, he beat out 22 other contestants and won with 18 minutes in hand. Cody Parkhouse took second place honors in the Class 1 contest, Cody was only 17 seconds out of the class win when the checkers flew. Second lap and Bill Young moved into the Class lead, Jon Largent dropped into the sec-ond spot, he was eight minutes in arrears, Gabor Juhasz re-mained in third and Jeff Benton MORE HAPPENINGS ••• W ISCONSIN ()pp RoAD FESTIVAL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 0sHKOSH, WL 54901 (414) 688-5509 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP P.O. Box 99 CRANDON, WISCONSIN 54520 303-880. 7221 <www.wrc.com> XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 Baja Office: 011-526-6225 ZR PROMOTIONS Luis RENE M ONTANO C. CALZADA lNDEPENDENCIA 200 -5 COL lNSURGENTES EsTE 21280 MEXICALI, BC, MX (686) 564 6653 info@zrpromo.com List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your 2013 schedules as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: DustyTimes 20761 Plummer St Chatsworth, CA 91311-5003 Page 22 more Trail Notes ... Lovell, Rob McCachren, Daniel McMillin, Luke McMillin, Andrew Myers, Steve Olliges, Adam Pfankuch, Larry Roeseler, Cameron Steele, Ivan Stewart, Colton Udall, Gus Vildosola Sr, Gus Vildosola Jr and Tim Weigand. DIRT LIVE CREW Desert racing public address announcer George Antill is the host of Norman's Dirt Live program. While being refined weekly, one of the regular elements of the show will be a SCORE social media interchange, allowing fans and racers to comment and ask questions through the · SCORE Facebook and SCORE Twitter platforms. Another special segment each week is Tech Tips with SCORE Tech co-director Jake Velasco. Andrew Grimshaw, SCORE Media Production Manager, is the coordinating producer of the show. The program is hosted on ustream.com, the world's largest streaming internet site. WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP OF DESERT RACING The 2013 SCORE Desert Series will also be part of the quickly-evolving World Championship of Desert Racing, which will combine points • accumulated in the three SCORE Baja races along with points earned from three of the four-race 2013 HORA Series, all held in the United States. Both the SCORE and HORA series will crown their own individual class and overall point champions as well with a bonus purse for those racers who qualify for the World Championship of Desert Racing points bonus purse program to earn a desert racing World Champion title. With a growing total, for the inaugural World Championship of Desert Racing bonus purse, an official total of $45,000 has been posted to date from new. SCORE sponsors Amber Racing Services ($25,000), King Shocks ($10,000) and Rigid Industries ($10,000). For car and truck classes with at least five starters in each qualifying race in 2013, the World Champion titles will be decided on combined points from the three SCORE races and three HORA races with the bonus purse paid using the same formula based on total purse and number of starters in each class as is used currently for each SCORE race. For the pro motorcycle and ATV classes, the World Championship of Desert Racing will include points earned in the three SCORE Baja races as well as the AMA National Hare and Hound race to be held during the Eldorado HORA Reno 500. DAKAR CHALLENGE 2013 This year's Tecate SCORE Baja 500 and Eldorado HORA Reno 500 (July 12-14) are part of a special program where the combined best qualified car/truck finisher and combined best qualified motorcycle finisher will each receive special entry packages into the 2014 Dakar Rally in South America. Regulations and other information on Dakar Challenge 2013 are available at http:/ /www.dakar.com/ dakar/2013/ us/ dakar-challenge.html. NORMAN NOTES ... Norman acquired ownership of the world-renown SCORE International on Dec. 20, 2012 from Sal Fish, 73, the iconic godfather of desert racing who ran SCORE for 39 years. As a hotel/casino owner in northern Nevada, business developer and a champion racer, Norman re-started the High Desert Racing Association, (HORA) in 2011. HORA was highly regarded when it was active originally in the 1980s and early 1990s. HORA was actually bought out by Sal Fish in the early 90's, thus making SCORE the dominant racing organization. Things have come full circle as HORA owner, Norman, now buys SCORE. In addition to business interests in both San Diego and Reno, Nev., Norman owns May 2013 the Crystal Bay Casino in North Lake Tahoe, Nev. as well as Wide Open Excursions desert ride-n-drive tour company with branches in Ensenada, Mexico, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, and Reno, Nev. Norman is a regular with his 'Pit Stop with Roger' segment on his new weekly webcast internet show •on www.dirtlive.com. For more information, visit the official website of the new SCORE Desert Series at www.score-international.com. CURRIE ENTERPRISES STRENGTHENS CUSTOMER SUPPORT WITH MORR CONTINGENCY -When it comes to race proven, competition tested rear end and drive train components, Currie Enterprises is one of the industry's leaders. Their involvement in the sport and their constant new product development for the off-road market are huge contributor to the company's success. Currie Enterprises is a proud supporter of Sportsman short-course off-road racers with their involvement in the MORR Contingency Program. Currie Enterprises is offering the Sportsman truck class competitors that are equipped with the company's rear end, $250 to win in each and every round of racing. "In order to continue to keep up with the demands of off-road racing, we must be connected with our customers," states Ray Currie, owner Currie Enterprises. "Ultimately their feedback allows us to continua.Uy build new products; the end-user is not only our customer, but our research and development team. The MORR Contingency Program is a great way of saying thanks for choosing components from Currie." The opening Sportsman weekend of the 2013 Traxxas TORC Series presented by AMSOIL is June 15 in Bark River, Michigan. You can catch the entire Sportsman racing live on the internet @ www.torcseries.com About Currie Enterprises: Today Cp.rrie Enterprises occupies a 40,000 square foot complex in Corona California. The company continues to grow in size and product line. They now have nearly 50 employees ana boast a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility. The Curries design, build, modify, test, sell and install rear end and drive-train products all under one roof. From humble beginnings and a dream of Frank and Evelyn, Currie has become the most recognized name in specialty rear e'nds and components. Currie Enterprises has been actively involved in professional rock crawling competitions, Jeepspeed Challenge desert racing, King of the Hammers, Hot Rod Power Tour, Super Chevy events, and other off road and racing events nationwide. These same products, that have been tested and proven in grueling competition, are available and featured @ www.currieenterprises.com . About TORC For more information on the Traxxas TORC Series presented by AMSOIL, visit them on the web at www.torcseries.com, www.facebook.com/ tore. About MORR The goal of the Midwest Off Road Racing (MORR) group is to insure affordable racing for the Midwest Sportsman Off Road Racer by uniting racers with a common voice. Maintaining affiliations with approved sanctioning bodies will allow the competitor and the enthusiast to enjoy off road racing now and in the future. www.midwest-offroadracing.com,www.facebook.com/ midwestoffroadracing. To participate in the MORR Contingency plan, please contact Mike Reusche: 847-343-4658. midwestoffroadracing@ yahoo.com more TRAIL NOTES on page 29 Dusty Times
Jon Largent drove to the silver medalin the Baja Challenge at Ridgecrest, Kevin Knight drove his really good looking truck to a fourth place finish John Maraia finished fifth in the Sportsman Unlimited Truck battle, seen seen here on his way to the checkered flag at Ridgecrest. in the Sportsman Unlimited Truck battle, seen here just at lfftofl. here heading for the coveted checkered flag. remained in the fourth spot. Third lap and Bill Young con-tinued to lead the class, Jon Lar-gent ran second, he was 18 min-utes behind the leader, Gabor Juhasz had a long lap and held on in the third spot. Jeff Benton was out of the race. Fourth lap, final lap and it was Bill Young taking the class win, Jon Largent took second place honors, he was 28 minutes in ar-rears, Gabor Juhasz finished third, he was 49 minutes behind the leader, thanks to a long third lap. The Sportsman Unlimited Buggy had two entrants, they had three laps to run for their race and both contenders made all the laps. Scott Rasmussen led all three laps for a nice victory while Jobn Bcihls finrshed·in the ·second · spot, he was 80 minutes out of the class win. The Sportsman Unlimited Class was huge, there were 23 of them entered and 11 of them made the three required laps. At the end of their first lap it was Vincent Munoz leading the large class, Ray Becker was second, he was less than two minutes in arrears, Nick lsenhouer ran third, he was less than two minutes out of second place, Steven Mann was fourth, just one second out of third and Craig Reynolds held down fifth spot. Jonathan Libby was running sixth, Eric Ludian was in seventh place, Kevin Knight was another few seconds back in eighth, Scott Crampton was ninth and Darren Parsons was in 10th place. David Niccum ran in 11th place, John Maraia made it an even dozen, Bobby Groves Jr. was in 13th place, Jason Wadsworth was in 14th place and Brett Michael was in 15th place. Jerry Allen ran in 16th place, Cronus Dillard was a very long 17th and Jeremy Deakins was 18th with a four hour lap time. Michael Fox, Greg Flores, Justin Oquendo, Charlie Landstrom and Ryan Dunn failed to complete their first lap. Second lap ended and now it was Jonathan Libby leading the class, Ray Becker remained in the second spot, he was five minutes in arrears, Kevin Knight was up five spots into third place, Craig Reyn-olds was less than another minute back in fourth and Eric Ludian was in fifth place. John Maraia ran in sixth place, Jason Wadsworth was another five minutes back in seventh place, Brett Michael was in eighth place, he was 27 minutes further back, David Niccum was ninth and Vincent Munoz held down 10th place. Jerry Allen was 11th, Cronus Dillard made it lm even dozen, Darren Parsons was unlucky 13th and Jeremy Deakins was in 14th place. Nick lsenhouer, Steven Mann, Scott Crampton and Bobby Groves, Jr. were out of the race. Dusty Times Third lap, final lap and it was Jonathan Libby taking a very nice class win, Ray Becker was second in, he was 19 minutes in arrears, Craig Reynolds was third, he was three minutes further back, •#hi·ii=iii [I] HJC MOTORSPORTS Kevin Knight finished fourth, he was another 16 minutes back and John Maraia finished in the fifth slot, another seven minutes back. Jason Wadsworth was sixth in, Eric Ludian finished seventh, Jry I ak Tower • 100 Gallon Capacity · • ~e or1'otible Dry Break • EZSetUp • Affordable lndyC&r Fl Technology llculU'IN •Dump Cans • Hose • Reducers • Filler Necks & Caps ...... • Snell SA 2006 Forced Air Helmets • Wired for Commnnication & Ear Bud Ready • B.&oing Optics Tear Offs • Universal and Custom llolded Ear Buds • Helmet Skirts • Shields IHl.llr19 ll•••r Syneu • 111ghest Flowing Systems! • 105, 135, 150, 235 and 260 CFII Ratings • IDgh Flow Filters & Custom Hoses • Trophy Kart Kits for Driver & Clutch Cooler Brett Michael finished eighth, Jeremy Deakins finished in ninth place, Jerry Allen was 10th in and Cronus Dillard was the 11th and final finisher. David Niccum, Vincent Munoz and Darren Par-sons were unable to finish their final lap. And so it ended, another day of door to door racing at Ridgecrest. See ya all at the next HDRA race. [~..f! eo-uloaU.oa Sy • Vertex 5 ~ 110 Watt Radio Systems • ID·Fi Intercom Systems • Chase & B.&oe Packages • Base Station Packages • Crew Chief & Kart Packages la Car Caatra lfftl■ • EZ 1 Button Operation • Exclusive B.&oer X llotorsports Package • 5.7 hours ofIDgh Resolution recording time • Up to 12 hours of operation on 4AA Lithium Ion Batteries • Can be Interfaced to Intercom for fnll au.dlo experience • 411/2 Gallon Capacity • SCORE/ BITD / .PIA Approved • Tapered Design Provides Increased Grolllld Clearance & Jl&Xim1zes Usable Fuel • Fuel Level Sending Units Available • Caps, Necks, Hose, Filters and Pumps Av&ll&ble mo~oa,~n"•~mNnuanoooon 10815 Wheatlands Avenue, Suite K • Santee, CA 92071 619-258-RACE (7223) • Fax 619-258-0883 • www.RacerXms.com May 2013 Page 23
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~ AT RIDGECREST . Richard Boyle Takes Gold In The High country By ] Preston Bradshaw Photos: Trackside Photo Richard Boyle took tfle Class 1 gold medal and the overall as well at Ridgecrest, he also took Class 1 at HORA the Saturday before. Boy, what a weekend, SNORE returned to beautiful, downtown Ridgecrest and a wonderful time was had by all. There were 88 en-tries in the race and 46 of them managed to complete their re-quired laps. The Class 1 cars were all raring to go, tnere were five of them entered and four of them made all the five required laps. Leading the first lap was local driver Tom Koch, this was probably his 500th race in his long career, Rich-ard Boyle was only seconds behind in second place, Mike Thurlow ran in the third spot, Jason Whipple was running in fourth and Dennis Boyle held down fifth place. There were no position changes on the second, third and fourth lap. Fifth lap, final lap and when the checkers flew it was Richard Boyle taking a really nice win, he ran trou-ble free except for a flat on their way in to take the win, Tom Koch and Joe David finished second, their throttle spring broke, they had no spare so they tied the pedal to the drivers foot and continued on to the finish. They had one flat tire to hinder their progress. Mike Thurlow and Gary Thompson were third to finish they ·had two flat tires and had some brake problems. Dennis Boyle and Frank Hines fin-ished fourth in spite of losing their alternator. Jason Whipple finished four laps but was unable to com-plete his final lap. The Unlimited Truck Class only had three entrants and one of them, Mike Prescott was never scored. Michal Voudouris and Billy Goerke shared the driving, while Eric Dickenson and Trevor Eling-ham shared the right seat. Steve Olliges and Mark Newhan took second place honors, they did blow a tire at 120mph which was a thrill but had no other ailments to re-port. They also reported that there seemed to be a lot of dust. Class 10 had 12 entries, two of Michael Voudouris was the Unlimited Truck Class winner, he also was the second overall finisher, seen here flying his good looking truck. Cody Freeman bested all the Class 10 troops to take the class win at Ridgecrest, Cody had 10 minutes in hand when he took the checkers. them never completed their first lap and only five of them made it all the way. When their first lap ended it was Cody Freeman leading the class, Gerado lribe ran second, he was two minutes in arrears, Sammy Ehrenberg was another nine seconds back in the third spot, Cody Jeffers ran fourth and Patrick Gailey was in the fifth spot. Mike McGee held down sixth place, Jason Saran was lucky sev-enth, Tony Nguyen ran in eighth . place, Blain McDonald was in ninth place and Darryl Kysar was 10th. Chris Wakim and Gary Messer did not complete their first lap. Second lap ended and Cody Freeman continued to lead the class, Sammy Ehrenberg moved up a spot into second place, Gerado lribe dropped to third, Patrick Gailey moved up to fourth -place and Mike McGee was up a spot into fifth. Cody Jeffers dropped two spots into sixth, Jason Saran held on in seventh place, Blain Mc-Donald moved into eighth spot and Darryl Kysar was in the ninth spot. Tony Nguyen was on his trailer. Third lap came to an end and Cody Freeman still held first place, in spite of a flat tire along the way, Patrick Gailey was now in the second spot, Cody Jeffers was up two spots into third, Gerado lribe dropped into fourth place and Ja-son Saran was up into fifth place. Blain McDonald was running sixth and Mike McGee was running in the seventh spot. Sammy Ehren-berg and Daryl Kysar were out of the race. Ken Tapert gets a little exuberant in the Class 12 battle, Ken had four minutes in hand when he took the checkered flag. Bree Cloud took the win in the Class 13 battle, Bree had 23 minutes in hand at the Cody Freeman continued to lead Class 10 on the fourth lap, he had eight minutes on Patrick Gailey; who was running in second place, Cody Jeffers ran third, he was just another few seconds back, Jason Saran was in the fourth spot, Mike McGee was fifth and Blain checkers, seen here just at takeoff. Continued an p1g1 26 Michael Brenner was the Stock Bug Class winner, he had two minutes Joe David was the second place finisher in Class 1 at Ridgecrest, he Cody Jeffers is in for a rough landing as he heads to a second place finish on his competition when he came in for the checkered flag. was 11 minutes out of the class win, he's seen here at liftoff. in Class 10, Cody was 10 minutes in arrears at the flag. Dusty Times May 2013 Page 25
Sal Gomez was flying low as he headed towards the checkered flag in the Class 1450 competition, he had three minutes in hand at the flag. McDonald was running in sixth. finish and Blain McDonald fin-Gerado lribe was off the scoring ished first off the podium. Blaine charts. thought the course was very rough, Fifth lap, final lap and Cody he had Keith Bawden in the right Freeman was first in to the check- seat and they had (our flats along ered flag, a really ~ice win, Cody the way. He hit a Class nine car and Jeffers took the silver medal, he also a civilian vehicle that was run-was 10 minutes in arrears, he only ning backwards on the course. Pat-suffered a flat tire somewhere along rick Gailey and Mike McGee were the way, Jason Saran was third to unable to complete their final lap. third place, he was 20 minutes be-hind the leader, Zac Reish was up four places into fourth place and Michele Benedict held down fifth place. Matt McBride dropped four places into sixth place, Jason Peters-en was up three places into seventh, Randy Jones had major problems and dropped down to eighth place, Bob-Dziurawiec remained in ninth place and Jason Davis dropped into the 10th spot. Third lap, Vic Bruckmann con-tinued to lead the class, Ken Tapert was 12 minutes back in second place, Justin Buckley held on in the third spot, Michael Benedict moved into fourth place and Matt McBride was up a place into fifth. Justin Smith is flying low as he heads to the 1600 Class win at Ridgecrest, Justin had Randy Jones was running in sixth a huge lead when he took the checkered flag. place, his troubles on the prior lap Class 12 had 11 entrants, seven was in the seventh spot, Zac Reish being relieved and Zac Reish was of them were able to complete the was in eighth place, Bob Dziu-running in seventh place. Jason five required laps. When their first rawiec held down ·ninth spot and Petersen, Bob Dziurawiec and Ja-lap ended it was Randy Jones lead- Jason Petersen was in 10th place. son Davis were on their respective ing the class, Matt McBride ran in Keith Rogovin did not complete trailers. second place, Ken Tapert was in the first lap. Fourth lap ended and Ken Ta-third place, Vic Bruckmann was Second lap ended and Vic pert had moved into the class running fourth and Michael Bene- Bruckmann was now leading the lead, Vic Bruckmann dropped into diet was in fifth place. Jason Davis class. Ken Tapert was now in the second place, he was 31 minutes in ran in the sixth spot, Justin Buckley second spot, Justin Buckley ran in arrears ustin Buckle remained ,---;-----....;....----=a.==..-i..;;=.;.;...;;;.;;.="'"'--==="'i Vic Bruckmann took the silver medal in the Class 12 contest, seen here Bill Shapley Jr. led the Class 13 action for the first two laps, problems Allen Byma took home the silver medal for his actions in the Class 1450 in flight on his way to the checkered flag. on their third lap dropped him into a second place position. race, he's seen here at very high speed on the course. -ATTENTION RACERS -Manufacturer 1f 11rl1r■11c1 1r1ilucts fir 1v1r 48 v11rs. C1ntact us fer sales and tecbnical inl1rmati1n 11ch@swavawav.c1m 818-100-9112 Page 26 May 2013 CongratUlatlons to Jonathan Libby/Psychotic Racing, wins Rrst In aasa 1400 Open Sptsmn Truck at the King Shoclca HDRA 250 In Ridgecrest, CA. 4.8.2013 -IISCIIITS II PNIICTS Ill SEIIICES · FIEE TIIIII IEISIIIS -CIITIIIUCY PIIIU■S D E3_[[7£:1[?4]1I7£J[? 9111 IWIIS■IIIII Ill., 1111111 Cllatswartll, Cl 91311 Dusty Times
in the third spot, Matt McBride moved into fourth place and Mi-chael Benedict dropped to fifth. Randy Jones held on in the sixth spot and Zac Reish remained in the seventh spot. Fifth lap was over, there were no position changes so it was Ken Tapert taking home the gold medal, Ken had Casey Zinkosky in the right seat, they finished with no steering or brakes and suffered one flat tire during the race, the silver medal went to Vic Bruckmann, Vic said it was a tough course, he suf-fered one flat tire and and a badly bent tie-rod, he was less than four minutes in arrears, Justin Buckley won the bronze medal, Justin had John Glenn in the navigators seat, and he said the race was long, fast and was a really good course. Matt McBride finished first off the po-dium, Ronny Stockwell was an ad-ditional driver and they had noth-ing to report and Michael Benedict took home fifth place honors. Randy Jones finished in sixth place and Zac Reish was the seventh and final finisher. Class 13 sported five entries, they had three laps to go for their race and three of them made all the required laps. Bill Shapley Jr. led their firsflap, Bree Cloud ran in' second place, less than a minute back and Mike Montes was in the third spot and Scott Davis was a long fourth. Dave Nelson failed to complete the first lap. There were no position changes on the second lap except for Scott Davis going out of the race. Third lap, final lap and it was Bree Cloud taking a nice win, Bree's co-driver was Leesha Ander-son and they reported a trouble free race, Bill Shapley, Jr. took second place honors, he was 20 minutes in arrears and had Dave Jackson in the car with him, bent a wheel on a huge rock, Mike Montes took third place honors but it wasn't easy, 2 broken tie rods, clutch slave cylin-der became detached and the floor board dragging at the finish line. There were seven entered in the Class 1450 battle, five of them were able to make all the three required laps and when the first lap came to an end it was Sal Gomez in the John Pellissier was all alone in Class 18 but he hauled freight and finished his four required laps in five hours, 27 minutes. class lead, Darren Parsons ran in Matt Depue ran sixth and Jonathan second place, he was six minutes Burnworth was running in seventh in arrears, Allen Byma was in the spot. James Dean failed to complete third spot, Dustyn Loppnow was his first lap. in fourth place, Steve Fike was in Second lap and Andrew Neal the fifth spot and Chris Freas ran had moved into the class lead, Jus-sixth. Jeff Eveler did not complete tin Smith dropped a spot into see-the first lap. ond place, Rick Boyer was up two Second lap completed and S{l places into third place, Jonathan Gomez continued to lead the class, Burnworth was up three spots into Allen Byma ran in second place, he fourth place, Matt DePue ran in was five minutes in arrears, Dustyn fifth place and Blaine Conrad was Loppnow moved up into the third in sixth place. Greg Boyer was out spot, Darren Parsons dropped to of the action. fourth place and Steve Fike re-Third lap and now it was Justin maind in fifth place. Chris Freas Smith leading the class, Rick Boyer was out of the race. was now running in the second _Third lap, final lap and Sal spot, he was 27 minutes in arrears, Gomez came in for the coveted Jonathan Burnworth moved into checkered flag, Allen Byma took third place and Blaine Conrad was second place honors, Darren Par-in fourth place. Andrew Neal and sons took third place honors, Steve Matt Depue were on their respec-Fike, who partnered with Justyn tive trailers. Yeagsr finished in fourth spot with There were no position changes only minor problems to report and on the fourth lap. Dustyn Loppnow was the fifth and Fifth lap, final lap and Justin final finisher. Smith came in fir the checkered Class 15 only had one entrant, flag and Blaine Conrad was a long Kelly Suiter. Kelly ran the three second place. That's all there was! required laps and took home the Rtck Boyer and Jonathan Burn-winners gold medal. worth failed to complete their final There were eight entries in the lap. Class 1600 fracas, only two of them Class 1800 only had one en-were able to complete the required trant, John Pellissier. John ran his five laps. When their first lap ended four required laps with ease and it was Justin Smith leading the happily took home the gold medal. class, Andrew Neal was less than a Class 2000 only had three en-minute in arrears in second place, tries, Ken Leavitt, Laralee Wagstaff .., Bruce Frisen took top-honors in Class 3000 at Ridgecrest, he's seen here flyin' low across the desert on his way to the flag. The Class 3000 action consisted of four vehicles, they had five laps to go for their race but only one of them was able to make it all the way. Eric Trondle led the first lap, Asher Edwards was just under four minutes behind in second place, Bruce Frisen ran in the third spot and Serei Maffei ran in fourth place. Second lap and Eric Trondle continued to lead the class, Bruce Frisen moved up into second place, Serei Maffei was up into the third spot and Asher Edwards dropped into·fourth place. There were no position changes on the third lap but we did lose Asher Edwards, cause unknown. Fourth lap and the ranks were thinning. Bruce Frisen moved into the class lead, Serei Maffei was running in second place while Eric Trondle was out of the race. Fifth lap, final lap and it was Bruce Frisen coming in for the checkered flag. And that was the end of it, Serei Maffei was also done for the day. Class 5/1600 was next. There were three cars entered, they had · to finish four laps for their race and two of them did just that. Jerry Fisher led the first lap, Michael King had major problems and it took him two and a half hours to finish his first lap. Jeff Goorsky did Continued an p11e 28 Blaine Conrad was running in and Jim Messina. Ken and Laralee JerryRsherwastheClass5/1600goldmedalwinner,Jerryhadaboutanhouronhis third place, Greg Boyer was fourth only got one lap completed and Jim competition when he took the checkered flag. ..-----------....11.L.u..L..J~·.i..r,.....LA.1Jt.1.L..L4LI...L·1.1, f\lJ' lll..llW:~Jll·.Q.Jl~;pD;w.ll:~W· i..1U:0 SUW..,....-------, Blaine Conrad, here just before one of many landings was the second Michael King had two long laps early on, Michael finished 47 minutes Keith Minnicks flew his Ford to a second place finish in the Class 7 place finisher in the 1600 contest, a long second lap didn't help. in arrears in Class 5/1600, he's seen here at speed. contest, a very long second lap didn't help his chance too much. .. t Just a tick off the winning pace, Kyle Vizza finished second in the Class In the StockBug Class, it was Christian Anderson taking second place Mike Thurlow was the third place finisher in the Class 1 action, Mike is 9 conflict, he was less than two minutes in arrears when he took the flag. honors, he was less than two minutes in arrears at the checkers. seen here at full tilt on his way to the checkered flag. Dusty Times May 2013 Page 27
not complete the first lap. There were no position changes in the ensuing three laps so it was Jerry Fisher taking the Class 5/ 1600 Class win, Michael King soldiered on and took second place honors and that was the end of the 5/ 1600 racing. Class 7 also had three entrants and a pair of them would make the required five laps. First in on their first lap was Dallas Luttrell, he was flying around the course and finished sixth overall in the race, Keith Minnicks ran in second place, he was seven minutes behind the leader and Jonathan Brenthel came across the line some 18 min-utes later. Second lap and Dallas Luttrell continued in the lead, Keith Minn-icks had problems but remained in second place with a two hour and twenty minute second lap. Jona-than Brenthel was on his trailer. There were no position changes for the remaining three laps so it was Dallas Luttrell taking home the coveted gold medal, Bill Billington was the co-driver. They said they had a great race.Keith Minnicks soldiered on and came in for a hard earned second place. Class 9 was next up, there were 11 of them entered, they had four laps to go for their race and fully six of them made all the required laps. Corey Torres led the first lap, Kurt Davidson Jr. ran in second place, Kyle Vizzo was third in, Giti Gowland was in fourth place and Michael Goltz was running in fifth place. Travis Staley was in sixth Dallas Luttrell was· the Class 7 winner, Dallas had over two hours on his competition Michael Goltz only had a couple of minutes in hand when he took the Class 9 win, when he came in for the checkered flag. he's seen here just at liftoff, headin' home. enth spot, Jeff Johnsen ran eighth, Vizzo moved up into third place, and Kurt Davidson Jr. failed to Brandon Heald was in ninth place, Brandon Heald was up two places complete their final lap. Jacob Davidson was in 10th place into fourth and Kurt Davidson Jr. Ths StockBug Class (Class 11) and William Dalton held down dropped into fifth place. Jacob Da-were last on the menu. There were 11th place. vidson was up three spots into sixth seven of them entered and four Second lap ended and Corey place, William Dalton was up into of them made all three required Torres continued to lead the class, seventh place and Jeff Johnsen was laps. Christian Anderson was the Kurt Davidson Jr. remained in the running eighth. Travis Staley and class leader at the end of the first second spot, he was 12 minutes in Harley Young were out of the race. lap, Michael Brenner came along arrears, Travis Staley was up three Fourth lap, final lap and it was 15 minutes later in second place, spots into third, Michael Goltz Michael Goltz taking the Class 9 David Gunn was in third place, Jim moved into fourth place and Kyle win, Kurt Loungs helped a bunch, Juneau ran fourth, Dennis Sletten Vizzo dropped into fifth place. they ca lied the race "A Blast"! Kyle was running in fifth place and Rob-Brandon Heald was a close sixth Vizzo was only minutes behind ert Johnson held down sixth place. place, Jeff Johnsen moved into in second place, Brandon Heald Ed Mahoney did not complete the seventh place, Harley Young ran took third place honors along first required lap. eighth, Jacob Davidson moved into with Matthew Miller, they had a Second lap ended and Michael ninth and William Dalton was run- blown shock for the entire race and Brenner was now the class lead-ning 10th. Giti Gowland was out had one flat tire, Jacob Davidson er, Christian Anderson dropped of the race. finished first off the podium, Jeff into second place, David Gunn place. Third lap, final lap and when the checkers waved it was Michael Brenner taking it all in, he had the Brenner, Campbell, Harshmann crew for the ride, they got stuck once during their run, Christian Anderson took second place hon-ors, he was less than two minutes in arrears with Travis Howard co-driv-ing and Stacy Rye and Kayla Strait in the right seat, lost a ball joint, had two flat tires but just loved the course! David Gunn finished the race in the third spot and Dennis Sletten was the fourth and final finisher. Robert Johnson failed to complete his final lap after losing the tranny at Pit C. Third lap and Corey Torres Johnson finished in the fifth spot remained in third place, Dennis still led the class, Michael Goltz and William Dalton was the sixth Sletten moved into fourth place moved up into second place, Kyle and final finisher. Corey Torres and Robert Johnson was in fifth /IW=.,.l~A,l.ll;.1;..~,l,A,1;,1-~£..al.U..~~-...;.....;..__;..:...._.;,;;.;.;..~;..;.;..;;. ,-------...... ----.------.------------, And so it ended, a good time was had by all. See ya all at the next SNORE race, June 7-9 at beautiful, downtown Stateline. r/ib Jason Saran was the third place finisher in the Class 10 battle, Jason is It was the bronze medal in Class 12 for Justin Buckley at Ridgecrest, It was a third place finish in Class 13 for Mike Montes at Ridgecrest, seen here crossing the desert at very high speed. Justin was 27 minutes in e flag. seen here saving a bit of tire wear. -===========;:=:==========;;;; Darren Parsons drove his big black Ford to a third place finish in Class Brandon Heald was 15 minutes in arrears when he took the checkered David Gunn is seen here just at liftoff in the Class 11 StockBug fracas, 1450, Darren finished 10 minutes in arrears at Ridgecrest. flag in the Class 9 action, he's seen here slightly askew on the course. David was the third place finisher in the class. Blain McDonald finished first off the podium in the Class 10 fracas, Blain Steve Fike flew his Toyota pickup to a fourth place finish in the Class Dennis Sletten was a bit off the winning pace at Ridgecrest, he finished was just four minutes out of a placing position. 1450 contest, seen here at high speed on the course. fourth in the StockBug Class at the Ridgecrest battle. Page 28 May 2013 Dusty Times
more Trail Notes ... KAWASAKI'S BELL DRAWS FIRST MIC START AS SCORE TROPHY TRUCK CLASS 1 TO QUALIFY FOR FIRST TIME AT 45TH TECATE SCORE BAJA 500 -Round 2 of 2013 SCORE Desert Series to be held May 30-June 2 in Ensenada, Mexico. Pre-running opens May 15 as 36 SCORE Trophy Trucks already in starting grid. Entries from 35 U.S. states, 15 countries expected to celebrate SCORE's 40th anniversary. Following Tuesday's night live drawing for starting positions, Southe\n California desert racing ace Robby Bell, the defending overall winner, will be the first motorcycle off the starting line in the upcoming 45th annual Tecate SCORE Baja 500 desert race. Entries from around the world continue to arrive for Round 2 of the 2013 SCORE Desert Series, to be held May 30-June 2 in Mexico's Baja California Norte, starting and finishing in Ensenada, the seaside port on the Pacific Ocean, 80 miles south of San Diego. With SCORE Trophy Trucks and unlimited Class 1 open-wheel desert race cars qualifying for starting positions, Bell is certain of his starting position on, Saturday, June 1. The start draw was broadcast live worldwide during a special edition of Roger Norman's Dirt Live Internet show. SCORE is celebrating its 40th year as the world's foremost desert racing organization in 2013 and this race is traditionally one of the most popular events on the SCORE schedule. Most the world's best desert racers will be in action at this year's 45th anniversary of the Tecate SCORE Baja 500, the original desert race produced by SCORE on July 26, 1974. It is an elapsed-time race with staggered starts with the green flag on Saturday Oune 1) dropping first for the motorcycles and ATVs at 6 a.m. and several hours later for the cars and trucks. BELL RINGER One of the top motorcycle desert racers in the world, Bell, 26, of Menifee, Calif., is a three-time SCORE season Class 22 point champion and he has four overall motorcycle wins in the Tecate SCORE Baja 500 including last year. In the 2012 race, Bell and teammates David Pearson, Panaca, Nev. and Steve Hengeveld, Oak Hills, Calif., ended the 15-year win streak by Honda, giving Kawasaki its first Tecate SCORE Baja 500 overall win since 1996. Bell/Pearson/Hengeveld ride the No. 4x Monster Energy THR Motorsports Kawasaki KX450. DOUBLE ANNIVERSARY RACE To enjoy the history-making anniversary race, entries from up to 35 U.S. States and 15 countries are expected with competition offered in 49 Pro and 7 Sportsman classes for cars, trucks, motorcycles and ATVs. Entries have already been received from Hawaii to Florida in the U.S., the U.S. territory of Guam, along with entries to date from the additional countries of Australia, Austria, Belize, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan and host country Mexico. A total of 169 entries were accepted in time for Tuesday's drawing and more than 100 additional entries are expected before the green flag drops. QUALIFYING A FIRST ... For the first time in SCORE Baja racing history, qualifying for starting positions will be held. On Thursday, May 30, qualifying for both the SCORE Trophy Truck and the unlimited Class 1 will be held over a special course near Ensenada. A total of 36 SCORE Trophy Trucks and 20 Class 1 entries will qualify for their starting positions on Thursday (May 30), marking the first time there has been qualifying in the storied history of SCORE Baja racing. For the top two car and truck classes, their drawing identified their qualifying order in each class. Drawing the first qualifying positions in their respective classes were B.J. Baldwin, Las Vegas, in the No. 1 Monster Energy Baldwin Motorsports Chevy Silverado SCORE Trophy Truck and Eduardo Laguna, Mexicali, Mexico, who drives the No. 117 Speed Energy RPM Racing RGM-Chevy open-wheel race car. Tampa Digital Studios and Tempt Media Films will tape all qualifying vehicle for broadcast use 'On the ground and from the SCORE TV helicopter. ENTERING HISTORY Online registration, with classes grouped into four Pro and two Sportsman levels is ongoing through the SCORE website. Questions regarding SCORE racer registration should be directed to Elise Norman at 775.690.2306. Official entries received after the drawing will be given the next available starting position within their respective classes. Late entries received after May 24 or registering on-site will be assessed a $200 late fee. ANNIVERSARY COURSE The race will feature a course of just over 500 miles that includes new or seldom-used areas as several new festivities will be held surround the event as the celebration continues for the 40th season of SCORE International desert racing. SCORE has also announced the pre-running on the race course will begin officially on Wednesday, May 15, except for the portion from the start to Ojos Negros (approximately 35 miles), which will b used in both directions during the race. When finalized by Norman and SCORE Race DirectQr Jose Grijalva, the historic race course will be another memorable example of all that Mexico's Baja California has to offer, including high-speed dirt trails, sandy, rocky and silty natural terrain, majestic Baja washes and canyons, stretches along the seashore with elevations from sea level to over 4,000 feet. The course will be another jewel reflecting the stark beauty of Baja California. The course will be presented for the first time on the Dirt Live Internet show on Tuesday, May 14. ENTRY LEADERS While SCORE,Trophy Truck with 36 has the most entries of any class in the race including 4-wheel vehicles, other car/truck classes with double figure entries so far are Class 1 with 20 and Class 10 with 19. Leading the Pro motorcycle classes is the open Class 22 with seven entries in the start drawing. Class 24 leads the ATV classes so far with four and leading the Sportsman Motorcycles the SPT M/C> with 16 so far. A BAJA FIESTA ... Colorful race week festivities will include several first-time events for SCORE, starting with qualifying for SCORE Trophy Truck and Class. I followed by the Monster Energy SCORE Kick Off Party on Thursday, May 30 from 7 p.m. until Midnight at the start/ finish line area in the heart of Ensenada. With donations for La Cruz Roja Mexicana (Mexico's Red Cross), the event will be preceded by a racer's autograph party and vehicle display starting at 6 p.m. Friday, May Dusty Times 31 will see the day-long, pre-race Manufacturer's Midway and contingency festival in the start finish line area in Ensenada. During the race on Saturday, June 1 the Monster Energy SCORE VIP hospitality area, will be part of the start/finish line compound. Tickets will be available for the VIP area, which will include live streaming from the race course as well as updated leaderboard and Internet tracking display of the race vehicles. All of the week's festivities will be aired both live and same-day including the race, on the Dirt Live SCORE race week shows, airing via the internet on the SCORE website. AT THE RIVIERA ... The Riviera de! Pacifico Cultural Center, in the heart of Ensenada, will again be the site of many of the activities surrounding the Tecate SCORE Baja 500. Racer registration and Media registration will be held at the Riviera on Thursday, Friday and Saturday (May 30-31, June 1) and the SCORE Media Center will be there as well during the race with internet access and live race updates, vehicle tracking and unofficial elapsed times. In the Cathedral Room at the Riviera will be pre-race media conference as well as the mandatory pre-race racer's meeting on Friday (May 31). The post-race awards celebration will be in the outdoor Riviera amphitheater at noon on Sunday Oune 2). The start/finish line for the race will once again be adjacent to the Riviera de! Pacifico Cultural Center as well. DAKAR CHALLENGE 2013 This year's Tecate SCORE Baja 500 and Eldorado HDRA Reno 500 Ouly 12-14) are part of a special program where the combined best qualified car/ truck finisher and combined best qualified motorcycle finisher in the two races will each receive special entry packages into the 2014 Dakar Rally in South America. Regulations and other information on Dakar Challenge 2013 are available at htrp://www.dakar.com/dakar/2013/us/dakar-challenge.html. GRANDEST GRAND ... Roger Norman has also announced that the grand marshal for this year's 45th Tecate SCORE Baja 500 will be Sal Fish, the iconic godfather of desert racing, who was a vital part of the first 39 years the popular race • was produced by SCORE. Fish, 73, sold SCORE International to Norman on Dec. 20, 2012. GRAN HISTORIA The Tecate SCORE Baja 500 is one of the top motorsports events in the world. It was started originally in 1969 by the NORRA organization. Mickey Thompson and his SCORE International organization were asked by Mexican government to take over the event in 1974. Sal Fish ran and later owned and produced the Tecate SCORE Baja 500 for 39 years until he sold SCORE to Roger Norman in December of 2012. Ensenada has been the heart and soul of the Tecate SCORE Baja 500 as the popular summertime race. This year will mark the 40th time it has started and 36th time it has finished in Ensenada. DUSTY TIMES CAN NOW BE VIEWED ONLINE AT www .dustytimes.net FOR THE PAST SEVERAL MONTHS WE'VE BEEN USING. A GENERIC LOGIN NAME AND PASSWORD EACH MONTH BUT WE NEED TO GIVE EACH OF OUR SUBSCRIBERS A UNIQUE LOGIN NAME AND PASSWORD. PLEASE CONTACT US WITH THE LOGIN NAME AND PASSWORD YOU'D LIKE TO USE AND WE'LL INPUT THAT INFORMATION SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO CHECK THE CONTENTS SECTION OF THE NEWSPAPER EACH MONTH FOR ACCESS. ONCE WE HA VE YOUR INFORMATION WE SHOULD HAVE YOUR ACCESS READY WITHIN A WEEK AND IT WILL BE VALID DURING YOUR CURRENT SUBSCRIPTION TIME. SEND YOUR INFORMATION NOW TO: DTSubscriber@gniail.coni May 2013 Page 29
IIPNl.11 PARKER 400 -1986 VERSION -R Tom Koch Wins. It All over A Huge Fi_eld By Jean Calvin Photos: Trackside Photo . ,,if~~-\i~-~:,, -.':--: -:~: :.-::}~ ,.,· .... f 4,-~ ... ..,.:f~~ 1>-......... ""t'-.. , f~--~ -,.... .. ""~--.......-,~--. -~~ _;~~~~=:--t_ ·. ~:::~:~ ~ :~~r~~i~ .. ::::#;-.;: /~~~~ ♦ .. :-::.~•,~·~•l/A.~ ~-\:.Jii,"~,:f•~•~•~ '-•~.:. "1'.> .... _...,,I -"' -· ' .. . ~ •-;~ "' __ j . Parker is Letner country, and Danny Letner anq Harry Bergdahl whipped the Porsche powered Raceco around the course in great time, taking the win in Class 2 by nearly five minutes, crew who helped mark the route prior to the race and they con-ducted an actual mileage check as they put up the multi colored ribbons required at Parker. New to the desert decor were numer• ous signs in the familar B.L.M. brown and cream proclaim-ing "No Vehicles Beyond This Point", surrounding spectator ar-eas. Whole forests of such signs sprouted in some areas, backed up by various official types writ-ing ·$40 tickets to trespassers on the public land. Tom Koch started the new season right by winning Class 1 and overall car honors 1n his new Raceco. Going alone, Tom led at the end of all three loops, and he won by over five minutes. Class 1 was first away, and with Bud Feldkmap starting second off the line, he was soon first on the road. However, many All the signs were there for Score took stand-by entries, and, a massive entry at the opening as it turned out, of the 432 who salvo in the 1986 desert wars, the signed up, a full 416 took the Score Parker 400. Parker has al-green flag, so all the stand-bys ways been a popular race with the got 1 n the race. Of that number d~sert drivers, and this season, 320 started in the car classes. It with no winter race at Barstow, was the second largest starting the troops turned out in force entry since Score began ·running the first of February, burying the at Parker in 1974, topped only tiny Colorado River town in traf-by the 421 who started the 1980 fie jams and jammed restaurants, Parker 400. only a few of which are still open. Race activity began early with The drawing two weeks earlier over 100 eager drivers signing in had been heavy, and the B.L.M. on Thursday evening. The troops imposed entry limit of 425 ve- were lined up for blocks all day hides was reached long before Friday waiting to sally through registration opened in Parker contingency row on the down-on the Thursday of race week. town streets, and journey to the impound and the tech inspec-of the 28 class starters were just tion. There was an impressive as quick through the ditches and turnout of contingency donors as to the first time check at the top well, the tire companies dominat-of Thunder Alley, about 63 miles ing the area with their tractor-into the race. Nick Nicholson, trailers and tire services dwarfing driving his Outlaw solo, was some of the regular displays quickest to this point at 1:01.30, along contingency row. Well after but Tom Koch, also going solo dark cars were still going through in the Raceco, was merely 24 the. inspection process, and this seconds behind. The Ray Bates/ year the weather was both warm Bobby Neth Chenowth was next and sunny, and happily dry all at 1:03.10, but was destined to weekend except for showeres late finish only the California leg. Friday night. Bob Renz/Dick Clark were there It did look ominous early race- In just one more second in their morning, and the bike starting Raceco, and Feldkamp's Funco time was put back half an hour was another 23 seconds back, because the clouds were so heavy followed in a minute by Gregg it was still dark at official sunrise. Symonds, whose new O.R.E. was However, the first car was flagged soon to catch fire and retire. away in sunshine at 8:45 in the At the California finish Tom morning, facing 115 miles on Koch had taken the lead at 1:58 the California loop. From there flat, but Feldkamp was just 1.22 each car entrant had two hours minutes in arrears. Nicholson down time to cover the 25 or was third at 2:00.14, followed by so miles to the Arizona restart. Renz/Clark at 2:02.35, Frank Two laps of the 1'01 mile Arizona Snook, Raceco, 2:03.06, and loop were required for an official Ivan Stewart, Toyota, 2:05.40. finish for all car classes. The Several others were within a time allowance of twelve hours minute or so in a very tight class seemed ample. Although Califor- battle. nia was reported be be rougher The first Arizona loop saw 19 than usual, a good deal of freshly Class ls make it to the middle-graded roads picked up the pace mile check on the leg. At the in Arizona. end of the first roupd, Torn The course was essentially the Koch was still leading, having same as in recent years, and the stopped for a refreshing shower WalkerEvansandhisDodgepickupbothliketheParkercourse,andEvanshadnoreal extra mileage listed came from on the two hour down time. Just · ~pro::::::b:::le=m=s=th::::::is:::yi:::e:::a::::r,=w:=in=n=in:::g:'.:.=ha=n=d=ily::::=in==th=e=1=8=t=ru=c=k=C=i=ass==8==co=n=t=es=t=. =-,-~======---th_e_m_e_as_u_r_e_m_e_n_t_s_o_f _th_e_H_D_RA ___ 3_1_/_2_m-,inutes behind Koch was Ron Gardner, who took over the Funco from Feldkamp, and he was a mere minute ahead of Nicholson. Ivan Stewart was fourth, about six minutes back, and Larry Noel moved his Chap• arral into contention, a half minute behind Ivan, but only a minute ahead of Mark McMillin, Chenowth. There wasn't much shifting around on the last loop. Tom Koch stayed out front all the way to not only win Class 1, but take the overall car honors. Only one bike covered the course faster than Torn's swift new Raceco. Koch's major problem was at the Arizona restart, when he reached for the gear lever and it came out in his hand. He flew back to the Checkers' pit, and Dave Kreisler clamped the lever back in place, as he had at the Snore 250, and Tom was off and running quickly to victory. Ron Gardner finished the Funco less than six minutes later for a second in class and overall for himself and Bud Feld-kamp. Larry Noel, with a quick final loop, zoomed into third in Class 1 and overall, another five minutes back. Just three sec-onds down, Nick Nicholson was fourth in both class and overall. It was tight down the ranks as Mark McMillin was fifth in class, just over two more minutes out, followed in just over a minute by Ivan Stewart, who had a com-fortable eight minutes on Ron Brant/Clark Gillies. In all 14 Class ls finished the course. A hefty 36 Class 2s lined up at the start, and this was a potent field. However, eleven, including Corky McMillin's Chenowth, were missing at the first check. Danny Letner was fastest to Check 1 in his Raceco at 1:03.30, but in the 1:04 range were Jer-ry Penhall/Kent Pfeiffer, Che-nowth, Matt and Don McBride, Raceco, and Steve Martin/Tom Baker, Raceco. Close enough in with 1 :05 and change were Jim and Mark Temple, Raceco, Bob First on the road for over 100 miles, the Funco of Bud Feldkamp and Ron Gardner was close, second in Class 1 and second overall in cars. A wild looking new airbox helped Larry Noel down the trail in his Bob Gordon had to work hard to get ahead of his son Rob, in a similar Chaparral, and the Arizona ace finished third in Class 1 and overall. Chenowth, but dad had a great last loop to take second in Class 2. Page 30 May 2013 Dusty Times
Jack and Jerry Ramsay raced for seconds instead of minutes all day in the huge, 49 car Class 1-2-1600, but at the checkered flag they won in the Bunderson by nearly five minutes. Gordon, Chenowth, Frank Ar-ciero, Toyota, and Dave Kreisler/ Jim Nobles, Raceco. A half dozen were in the next two minutes on time as the herd headed for the finish line. With the first loop done,Danny Letner held the lead with a time of 2:01.36. Penhall/ Pfeiffer were next at 2:02.21, followed by Matt McBride, 2:03.37, who had both Bob Gordon, 2:04.02, and the Temples, 2:04.13, right on his ex-haust. In the 2:05s were Kreisler/ Nobles and Frank Arciero, and a bunch more were under a follow-ing three minute blanket. In Arizona Danny Letner still led to the first check and at the end of the 100 mile loop, with Henry Bergdahl co-driving. But, 17 year old Rob·Gordon, with Tim Crabtree co-driving, was only two minutes back in his Chenowth, with Kreisler/Nobles another half minute back. Rob's dad Bob Gordon was fourth here, another , -minutes down, and Malcolm Smith had moved his O.R.E Renault into fifth, but was seen no more. The Temples rolled out of contention, and Pehhall dropped to sixth. Leading all the way, Danny Letner sailed on to the Class 2 victory, in a total time of 5:23.43, good for fifth overall. Bob Gor-don, with Ward Bassett co-driv-ing, pushed his Chenowth into second in class and eighth overall in 5:28.24. Dave Kreisler and Jim Nobles kept up the pace for a tight third in Class 2, just three minutes behind Gordon. Jim and Billy Wright got their Raceco into fourth on the last leg, as Rob Gordon found a big rock in the final mile that took off a front wheel and hub and he dropped to tenth. Bill Hrynko and Gary Bland finised fifth on time in a Che-nowth, but were disqualified for running afoul of the course rules. This moved Kurt and Wil-!is Hamilton and their "Jungle Gym" looking two seater into fifth, followed by the McBrides, the Temples, Bob Richey/Tom Baker, Raceco, and Penhall/ Pfeiffer. Officially, there were 16 Class 2 finishers. Class 10 was next on the start, a whopping 47 1650cc stormers, and this was a close fight all the way. Rick and John Hagle, in the handsome Raceco, led the herd on time to Check 1, with a 1:06.10. Jim Stiles was only nine seconds back here, followed by Ed and Levi Beard in theToyota powered Chaparral at 1:06.50. Bob Austin/Glenn Evans had their Dirtrix in tight at 1:07.56, a tie on E.T. with Richard Binder/ Hugh Morrison, ORBS, in what was beginning to look like a bat-tle between Arizona teams. Jack Irvine/Kit Trenholm were only a few more seconds back, and it was some dash to the California finish. At the finish Jim Stiles led with a total time of 2:06.33, but Irvine/Trenholm were less than a minute back in second, followed in ten seconds by the Beards who had just six seconds on the Hagles. It was a real traffic jam, with Binder another minute back, followed by Austin/ Evans, who soon vanished. Twenty-nine Class 10s finished in California. On faster trails in Arizona, the survivors stayed in close and f;ught hard. Despite losing the power steering,· Irvine and Trenholm climbed into the lead. Stiles held second through the check, but failed to finish the first leg. There the team of Steve Tetrick and Fred Ronn took over second, about 4 1/2 minutes down. The Beards, father and son, held a strong third, three more minutes out, but they van-ished into the desert on the final loop. Two more minutes back came the Hagle brothers, fol-lowed in 30 seconds by Binder/ Rod Hall and Jim Fricker started another winning season in the Class 4 Dodge, leading the slim field all the way this year at the Parker 400. Dusty Times, It was a happy day for Max Razo; with John Johnson co-driving the pair took a resounding victory in the Class 5 bash, winning by 19 minutes in the 18 Bug field. Morrison, and nobody else was Morrison. Beyond that the times really close. are still a bit confused by our Other than the lack of power count, but in all 18. finishers were steering, Jack Irvine and Kit Tr- listed in Class 10. enholm had scant troubles with The high horsepower Class 8 the Raceco, and whipped off a truckers love the Parker course, fast final leg to become one of and of the 20 entries, 18 took the three back to back repeat class green flag. Steve McEachern had winners from 1985. They took his Chevy turned down in pre-the Class 10 tide in 5:34.53, scor- race tech, and Larry Johnson's ing 11th overall as well. Holding Ford failed to start. The race on tight to second in class, Steve was pretty much a Walker Evans Tetrick and Fred Ronn finished showup front. Walker, with his about 5 1/2 minutes in arrears brother Paulden ·riding along, led · in their O.R.E. Ten more min- every leg in the Dodge, and cured utes down, Rick and John Hagle an overheating trans problem on were third, having repaired the the down time. At the first check exhaust system twice, followed Evans had a mere 19 second lead in by Richard Binder and Hugh on Frank Vessels, but the Vessels Chevy did not complete the loop. Defending champ Steve Kelley was about six minutes back in third here, with Dave Shoppe only seconds behind him, and the race was on. At the California finish Ev-ans led Kelley, who was having shock problems, by ten minutes. Shoppe was another four min-utes down, 12 minutes ahead of Gary Dircks/John Imbriale in a Chevy, as the field spread out in the first 115 miles. John Gable, who was sixth at Check 1, was out of the racing, having lost his fuel cell function a couple miles past a highway crossing, but the powers that be would not allow the chase truck in to tow him to the pit, so that was that. After one Arizona round Ev-ans increased his lead over Kel-ley's Chevy to about 14 minutes. Shoppe' s Ford· held third, back another five minutes, and Ron Clyborne/Brian Lowe had their Ford up to fourth, but dropped way back on the final loop. At the flag Walker Evans won for Dodge by over 12 1/2 minutes, and Steve Kelley/Jon Nelson stayed in sec-ond in the new Chevy, by just three minutes over Dave Shoppe. Shoppe had a spectacular finish, arriving with a flat left front tire, and no tire and almost no wheel on the left rear, having lost to the unforgiving rocks in the famous C1ntinued on p111 32 V ~ - - - - ~ - - • ---------------- - V - - V - - - -PINCH. BOBBEB II UNIBAll. t:UPB 1-Cll BY , IIITCIIIIII May 2013 1. RESH R BfBTEM 'AB PEDA RACE RAO/OS ~~KENWBBB ~ - -J - - - . .. . . Page 31
Dave Kreisler and Jim Nobles had iT few flats but still got the super long Steve Tetrick and Fred Ronn drove hard in the O.R.E and they finished a Defending champ at Parker and on points, Steve Kelley stayed close all the Raceco pickup home in good time, third in the big Class 2 field. close second in the huge Class 10 gang, only 5 1/2 minutes in affears. way in his Chevrolet, but he had to settle for second in Class 8 this year. late breaking woes in the rocks did not keep Dave Shoppe from herding Dave Mansker and Joel Stankavich had no real troubles with the brand Driving another brand new O.R.E., Steve Barlow and Jim Moulton took the Ford home in good time to place third in the fierce Class 8 contest.· new O.R.E., and they arrived a fine secpnd in the big Class 1-2-1600. a tight third in Class 1-2-1600, merely 30seconds behind at the flag. 1985 points champion Mike lesle and young Cameron Steele teamed up this year, and the pair won the hard fought Class 5-1600 war by a keen seven minutes. garden just a few miles from the finish line. Parker boys Dan Beaver and Randy Hoeft trucked their older Ford home fourth, nearly a half hour further back, as Dircks/Imbriale slowed on the final leg to finish fifth. Nine, maybe ten trucks finished in Class 8, another class with some missing times - lost between the finish line and the scoring tables. The very biggest class at the race was 1-2-1600 with 51 entries and 49 starters. There never was a clear leader in this pack until the checkered flag flew, and then it took some quick math to figure who was the winner. A Page 32 good third of the field ran in a massive pack all around the now dusty California loop. At Check 1 the Mirage of Russ Butow and Danny York led on time with a 1: 16.44. The brand new, never turned a wheel before, O.R.E. of Dave Mansker and Joe Stankav~ ich was a close second at 1:16.52, followed by Michael and Douglas McFadden, Raceco, at 1: 16.51. Only seconds separated the next dozen or so on time. It was just as tight after 115 miles. Mansker had the lead by just over a minute from Butow/ York, who did not make the first check in Arizona. The McFad-Wes and Greg Moser whee/stand for the starting line crowd, and they led every leg in the Ford Ranchero en route to the Class 6 victory. dens were third _here, two min-utes down, and just 48 seconds ahead of Jack and Jerry Ramsay, Bunderson. The Ramsays were a mere 46 seconds ahead of fellow Las Vegan Larry Job, in the Val-ley Performance Intercept, and it was equally tight well down the ranks of the 42 cars that finished the first section. The Mansker/Stankavich team held the lead to the check and to the end of the first Ari-zona loop. Now the Ramsays were just 2-minutes back in second, and Job was only 30 more seconds down. Four more minutes back Steve Barlow/Jim Moulton moved into fourth in another brand new O.R.E., and the Bunderson of Perry Coan/ Gary Abbott was now fifth, an-other two minutes back on time. minutes behind the winners, a remarkable performance for a brand new race car. Adding frosting to the O.R.E. cake, the new single seater of Steve Barlow and Jim Moulton whipped home third in class, just 30 seconds behind. Larry Job did the solo act, finishing fourth, about I 1/2 minutes down, and he was f3 1/2 minutes ahead of Michael and Douglas McFadden, fifth, but they had been down to seventh. Just another minute back Perry Coan and Gary Abbot placed sixth, less than a minute ahead of Darren Wilson whose new Mirage was disqualified in post race tech, reportedly with a bit too long trailing arm. There were 32 official finishers in Class 1-2-1600, all within three hours, 21 minutes of each other, and that is close racing! A fine field of 18 took off in Class 5, and all but two made it through Thunder Alley. There the leader was the slick convert driven in California by Max Razo, a time of 1: 11.20. But, also in with a 1: 11. 20 was the later starting Dirtrix Bug of Pete Sohren. The pair were nearly seven minutes ahead of third running Hartmutt and Wolfram Klawitter, who had only ten' seconds on Stan Parnell/Dave Parsons, in another horse race. At the California finish Pete Sohren/Sean Moss were ahead on time, 3 1/2 minutes up on Razo, who now had eight min-utes on the Klawitters. Just 23 seconds later, Parnell/Parsons were running fourth, followed by Gene Norman/Mark Johnson in another 3 1/2" minutes. Johnny Johnson took over from Max Razo in Arizona, and John lost no time regaining the lead at the first check, and he held it all the way to the check-ered flag. After one loop in Ari-zona the Klawitters held second by five minutes over Parnell/ Parsons who were tied on time with Norman/Johnso.n. Sohren had big trouble, and dropped well back, a-nd only finished Midway on the final loop Mansker/Stankavich dropped to third, Ramsay still lea, and Job had just two seconds to the good in second. On the final dash through the rocks in the dark, Jack and Jerry Ramsay had no visible troubles and maintained their lead to win the giant class in the two seat Bunderson, and they were a fine 30th overall on the horsepower demanding course. While the O.R.E of Dave Mansker and Joel Stankavich was the first to finish in the class, their early starting number led to placing second, almost five Class 9 was eight strong at Parker, and Gary Cogbill took the class lead early in Arizona and he kept it all the way home to pay dirt. May 2013 Dusty Times
Larry Job drove solo in the Valley Performance single seater, and he At Parker luck finally smiled on Hartmut and Wolfram Klawitter, and their Stan Parnell and Dave Parsons were in the middle of the three way Class came in just 2 1/ 2 minutes out for a close fourth in the 1-2-1600 fray. sleek Jimco Bug was a clean second in the competitive Class 5 race. 5 battle, and the team ended up third in the ORC Baja Bug. John Dyck and Al Baker dig out of a ditch en route to a fine second in Class 4. Their Jeep Honcho ran in second place the entire distance. Driving the Arras Baja Bug, David Anckner and Rick Siglock sail through With Class 6 combined again this year, Ame and Patrik Gunnarsson did the first Arizona loop. When the flag came down over John Johnson, Max Razo was the Happiest Fella in Parker and anyplace else. The team won Class 5 in spades, by almost 19 minutes over Hartmutt and Wol-fram Klawitter, who were happy to finish second after a trouble plagued season in.1985. Just over seven more minutes in arrea_rs, Stan Parnell welcomed Dave Par-sons at the finish line, and now the remaining field had strung ~ur: tarry-McCallum and· Bilroy Phipps moved into fourth when Norman/Johnson went out in th~ last few miles. Seven of the 18 starters made the finish line within the time allowance. Usually a heavy entry at Park-er, Class 4 fielded just eight trucks, and, as expected, Rod Hall, Jim Fricker and Dodge led from flag to flag. Their major woes were few, mainly losing the front drive line on the first Ari-zona loop, and they drove some the Arizona darkness en route to a close second in Class 5-1600. very well in the Saab 96, finishing second in the five sedan field. Class 7 was a home time happening for Manny Esquerra, who won the see saw battle from Roger Mears in the very tight contest for the victory. distance without front wheel Don McCormack/Dick Green-drive. Behind Hall at Check 1, lee, Dodge. John Dyck/ Al Baker had their At the California finish Hall Jeep about five minutes back in had increased his lead over second. Another· five minutes Dyck to 17 minutes, but to the back in a virtual tie came Rod rear the picture had changed. Inch/Jim Roebuck, Jeep, and Inch held third, about four Kkby Hightower and Gary Cunier flew over the desert in their Jeep CJ 7, and they took the Class 3 lead in Arizona and won the class by over 12 minutes. more minutes off pace, but Mc-Cormack dropped half an hour. This put Ed and Jody Martens-en, Jeep in fourth another six minutes out,' followed by Don Yosten and Bill Donahoe in the ex Vern Roberts Jeep. On the first Arizona round Dyck stayed in second spot, Inch dropped back, and the Martens-ens moved into third with Yosten fourth. However, neither Yosten, Donahoe or the Martensens Continued an page 34 Performance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding &Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks Quality Products & Friendly Service RO~CO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-0759 • www.ronco-plastics.net 15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX us to Receive. a Free Catalog VISA I-I I ~-------------------------------------------------------~ Dusty Times May 2013 Page 33
:... Dave and Bryant Wood led the California loop in their Class 9 Funco, but some mishaps in Arizona dropped them down on time and they Fastest on the road of the 75 trucks at Parker was the Nissan of Spencer Scott Douglas drove his Ford Ranger to the second fastest time in the were second. Low and Paul Delang, but it turned out to be a non-class this year. non-class 7S field, finishing about half an hour behind Spence Low. Don Adams brought the Jeep CJ 7 out of retirement for the Parker 400, Swapping the lead all day, Roger Mears was slowed by a flat, and he ended up second by less than two minutes in the tough Class 7 battle. and with Larry Olsen co-driving, the venerable rig finished second in Ken Ryan and Ken Ballenger drove this long nosed Bronco into the night Class 3. to take second place honors in Class 14 for modified 4 x 4s. reported through ·the midway check on the final loop. Mean-while Rod Hall and Jim Fricker became another repeat winner from the 1985 Parker 400. John Dyck and Al Baker finished about 21 minutes later, secure in second, a hour ahead of Mc-Cormack and Greenlee. Rodney Inch was just six minutes further down in fourth, and Bill Driggs and Steve Sprague moved their Ford into fifth at the finish line. There was a good sized pack of 25 starters in Class 5-1600, and most were very competitive Bugs. David Anckner and 'Rick Siglock led the charge up Thunder Alley, passing Check 1 in 1:31.02. Port and Newt Campbell were three minutes back in second here, and One of the more elderly race cars at Parker was the rear engine Jeep based special of Carl and Carol Cook, and they were tops in Class 14. TROPHY TRUCl-$225,000 •810 h.p. 442 cid Patton Eight •39~ BFG w/rrailready \Nheels Stack Injected Ford Engine •85 Gallon Fuel Cell •Motec Ignition & Dash •Lowrance GPS •Rancho Drivetrain close •Brakeman Brakes ratio Turbo 400 transmission •Stewart Raceworks Chassis •Tubeworks rear end with •Trailer Products body Gearworks third member •Fast & Reliable • Tubeworks Underdrive •40 miles on complete prep •4" King Shocks •Spares available Call Jeremy 951-941-9451 Ema Page 34 Steve Lakin had the Razo Bug in third, just another 58 seconds down. In another minute it was Nels Lundgren and John Wilson, who did not finish this leg. Running first at the Califor-nia finish was the AncKner/ Siglock team in 2:40.36. Steve Lakin took over second, almost 15 minutes behind, and Mike Lesle and Cameron Steele were only a minute back in third. Dave Hendrickson and Perry Butler ~ere fourth here, but had trouble in Arizona and did not finish. Randy and Rick Wilson were very close ii} fifth. The 1600 Bugs get a lot of night running in Arizona, but it didn't seeip. to hamper the front runners. The young team of Lesle and Steele took over the class lead after one loop, followed in 2 1/2 minutes by Anckner/ Siglock, so there was no let up in the pressure. The rest of the field was stringing out. Lakin held third, the Wilsons were up to fourth, and Bob Knight and LeRoy Hansen were in fifth head-ing into the final 100 mile dash. Mike Lesle and Cameron Steele held their lead nicely, and they won the class by nearly seven minutes. David Anckner and Rick Siglock were secure in second, finishing over 28 min-utes ahead of Steve Lakin, who was only two minutes and change ahead of the Wilsons. Richard May· 2013 Jerry McDonald drove Joe MacPherson~ new Chevy S· 10 4 x 4 to fourth fastest time in the disputed class and became the official class winner. Kent and Doug Ingles moved The competition for the win-into fifth, arriving about four ners came from the Parker based minutes quicker than Knight and Chevy of Mick Newton and Wil-Hansen. There were ten official liam Kohout. They were only six finishers in the class, a much bet-minutes back at the first check ter percentage than the average and at the California finish. Af-for the entire car entry. ter one Arizona lap they trailed A new class was created at the by just ten minutes, but disaster January Manufacturers' meeting, struck on the last leg, and they called 6S, apparently to accom-pushed just under the time al-modate the Olds Calais tube lowance to finish third. Scoring frame car owned by Larry Minor absolute last overall in the race, and driven by Al Arciero. Prop-but finishing in '11:58.50 was erly called Silhouette Production the Nissan of Dale and Randy Two Wheel Drive Sedan, it is a Jordan. shame the 2 WO is stipulated There were eight starters in or it could include-the wild rally Class 9, and three of them found cars with 4 WO from Europe, the finish line. Dave and Bryant and some of those teams are han-Wood led the first leg and at the kering to run the Baja 1000 to La California finish, their Funco Paz. At any rate, Arciero was the holding ten minutes over Gary only entry in 6S, and he retired Cogbill's special as they headed halfway around on the first Ari- across the river. Then Mike Mc-zona loop. Crary was running third, but he As usual at Parker several went out of the race before the showed up in Class 6, now all first Arizona loop finish. Cogbill sizes running ln the same class. took over the lead at the first This year there were two Saabs Arizona check as the Woods had and a Nissan, plus a Chevy Nova some down time. Cogbill carried and a Ford Ranchero. While on out front all the way to victory Larry Schwacofer and his '55 in Class 9, arriving with a half Chevy have retired from the hour to spare over the Woods. fray, the new force in the class James Gross came in third in a is apparently the Ford Ranchero Funco, only 21 minutes behind pickup of Wes and Greg Moser. Dave and Bryant Wood. The team led every leg to score Class 7S was next off the line, the victory, about an hour and 16 strong, and nine of them fin-a half ahead of second placing ished within the 12 hour time al-Ame and Patrik Gunnarrson in lowance. The provisional winner the Saab 96 at the checkered flag. was Spencer Low, Dusty Times
his Nissan com-ing in about a half hour ahead of the 12 minutes in hand over Don Adams. Griffin/Coffland Ford Ranger of Scott Douglas. The Ranger of Chuck Johnson/ Mike Poppie was third, another six minutes back, fol-lowed in just 13 sec-onds by Willie Valdez in another Ford. Fin-ishing fifth was Tudy Joe Esguerra in his brand new Ranger, followed by Jim Tra-vis, Ford, John Cabe, Toyota, Paul Simon, Ford, and Malcolm Vinje. Chuck Johnson and Mike Poppie came all the way from Illinois to cover the Parker course third fastest in their tidy 7S Ford Ranger. dropped time with mechanical woes, but stayed. in third. Kirby Hightower and Gary Currier had no ap-parent trouble, and they held the lead in Class 3 all the way to pay dirt. Hightower became one of the three repeat Parker winners. Don Ad-ams got hack on pace and finished second, about 23 minutes be-However, in the post race in-spection the Fords were found to all have a notch in the frame un-der the front bumper, suddenly, after two years, declared illegal by the chief tech inspector. Protests and counter protests raged into the wee hours. The upshot of the whole mess is that Class 7S became a non class at the 1986 Parker 400. All the finishers were disqualified, in much the same 'manner as was done to Class 9 at Parker in 1979. Wonder if the starters will be able to count 'Parker as one of their three Score even ts for the points chase? . However the repercussions are still audible two weeks later, pri-marily because the every now and then Parker post race tech ven-detta has· finally struck a class in which the vehicle and tire manu-facturers have interests. Stand by for any late news on this matter. Five trucks started out in Class 7, but the race was between Manny Esguerra in his Ford and Roger Mears in his Nissan. Mears led at the first check by six minutes, but at the California finish Esquerra had narrowed the gap to less than two minutes. At the first AZ check, Esguerra led by a minute and a half, and at the first loop finish Mears had regained the lead, but by a skinny 30 seconds. This was a real race, a visual affair since the two top drivers started just 30 seconds apart. Midway in the final leg Mears was leading Esquerra by just four seconds, and it was flat out to the finish line. It was the Ford Ranger of Manny Esquerra, with brother Ralph riding shotgun, that was the first to the finish line and first in Class 7. Roger Mears and Brent Foes were close, just a minute 39 seconds in arrears in one of the best dices in the entire race. Two entries failed in Cali-fornia. Mark Steele, going solo in the ex John Johnson Chevy S-1O, was doing well through the first Arizona leg, but mechanical failures put him down and out on the dark final round. Dusty Times With the withdrawal of the Jeep and some tire company contingency monies, Class 3 was down to five starters at Parker, four Jeeps and Gale Pike's Dodge Ramcharger. The Buck Griffin/ Don Cofflan CJ 8 led to the first check by a couple minutes, but at the California finish the Don Adams/ Larry Olsen CJ 7, out of retirement for thts race, led the class. Kirby Hightower moved his CJ 7 into second here, only 18 seconds back. Griffin/Coffland were close too, -another four min-utes down. -Hightower took over the lead at the first Arizona time check and he completed the loop with hind. Buck Griffin and Don Coffland kept on Jeep-ing to a clean third an hour later. David Bryan and Darren York drove their CJ 6 to the fourth place finish. While Class 12 is no more, Class 14 is apparently still an entity. Three modified rigs showed up at Parker, but none finished. The early leader was the Bronco of Steve Mize! and Tom Mathan, but it dropped to third at the California fin-ish and was seen no more. There the rear engine, Ford powered Jeep creation of Carl and Carol Cook took the lead by 33 minutes over the Bronco The Challenge class had a huge, 31 buggy field, and the victory belonged to the team from Barstow, Rick Johnson and Gary Watson in a good running Hi Jumper. A group of five VW Beetles took off in Class 11, and at the finish line Mike Abbott and Fausto Parisotto won the surprisingly close contest by ten minutes. May 2013 ofJ.K. Ryan and Ken Ballenger. Both rigs covered one loop in Arizona and called it quits. The Cooks were declared the winners, holding well over an hour time margin on Ryan and Ballenger at that point. Class 7 4x4 fielded its largest entry yet, an even dozen. But, this class also fell victim to the post race tech procedures, al-though only three, the top three, were disqualified. The fallout from these class problems may well end up in courts of law. Driving the ex Don Adams Class 12 Jeep Cherokee, hastily painted and fitted with a new engine, Mike Randall led the pack to the first check, then had trouble and dropped to third at the end of the leg. There the _Ford Ranger of Dick and Matt Landfield led the Toyota of Stan Houghton/Tim Lewis by a minute. Jim Sumners, who had been running strong in the Mitsubishi, dropped well C1ntinu1II 111 p111 36 Page 35
.· : 'r :•,~,•{~.~ I., Defending 1985 points champion Andy Diaz, with Charlie Wood co-Another two seat Chenowth went home with third place honors in the driving, led Class 11 at the California finish, but dropped to second at Challenge Class, this one driven by Javier Tiznado and his crew. . _th_e_n_ag~·-------------------,;i,§. ._, -~_,,,,:,,.·.t .,,~ ... ·"' ",,,f,\;"4 ~~::· Flying high off the start, Nick Nicholson drove alone in his Outlaw, and at the finish he missed third place in Class 1 by just three seconds. -'4;;.:fi°"'~~;~.. ~~--;} .. -~·:·~~~t,. lo _______________ ...__.._....., ..;.;;.;....;;;.:.,. __________ ....;_ _ __, Richard Binder and Hugh Moffison did very well in the newest ORBS Buck Griffin is the driver of record this year in the Don Coffland Class 3 Driving hard the entire distance Don McCormack and Dick Greenlee two seater and they came in fourth in the massive entry in Class 10. Jeep, and the third place at Parker puts Griffin in line for rookie honors. came back from troubles in California to take third in the Class 4 Dodge. back with tra~ny and other me- Toyota, and he was only five min-hind the official winner. Fred Carl Cabaniss had their Bug out· he stayed in third·also, finishing chanical woes. utes ahead of Jerry McDonald in Wright and John Richmond front, but then apparently fell on another ten minutes out. After one round in Arizona, the Joe MacPherson Chevy S-1O. were now third, another four evil times, eventually finishing There was serious infight-Houghton/Lewis led Randall However, the first three were minutes behind, followed by the ninth. Russell Winkler was only ing back in the ranks, however. by five minutes, and the Nissan disqualified in post race tech, Landfields, merely another four three minutes back here, but he Charlie and Diane Philpot were of Sergio and Armando Duron Randall for the fiberglass doors minutes down. Jim Conner and had his troubles soon, and re-fourth in California, but failed was up to third, but wasn't seen that were legal for Don Adams Pat Blackmore earned fifth in the tired on the very last leg. · to finish. Albert Bright was fifth again. Mike Randall, with Vic fast year in Class 12, Hough-Nissan, and Jim Sumners got the At the California finish Rick in California in a Vulcan, fell Curl riding along, took over the ton and Gowland for unknown Mitsubishi around for an official Johnson and Gary Watson led as low as tenth, but climbed lead early on the final loop, and reasons. Despite a lack of the sixth in 10:51.46. in their Hi Jumper, and t}J.ey back to fourth at the checkered he crossed the finish line the required inner fender panels, The Challenge Class really held that lead through all 'the flag, 36 minutes behind third provisional winner. The Hough-McDonald's Chevy was declared came on strong at Parker with time checks to take the victory place. Only five minutes behind ton Chevy had woes in the dark, the winner Sunday morning. 31 starters on the line and 14 of home to Barstow. In similar Bright at the finish, Chuck Guy but finished second, 42 minutes Michael Horner and Lance Mar-them finished the course. At the fashion, Rich Minga was second and Rhonda Walsh were in the later. G.T. Gowland nailed third, tin then inherited second place first check there was close com- here, stayed close all the way in top seven all day, and only ·2 another 28 minutes down in his in their S-10, 44 minutes be-bat up front. Kent Lothringer/ his Chenowth, and he finished 1/2 minutes behind them were l'fred· OI It 11111 vacation rentals available in the exclusive Indian Wells country Club in the sunny Palm Springs area of southern California. Two or three bedrooms, furnished for your complete relaxation, and, if you are a glutton for punishment, play golf on either of two beautiful courses. FYI, wireless internet and long distance phones calls (USA) included. starting at S4,500 in season (January thru April) or $2,30Q per month out of season. Call (760) 345-6124 Page 36 May 2013 second, only-70 seconds behind Bob Johnson and Kay McLean. the winners. And Javier Tiznado Times were close through the finished third in California, and ranks in this class, and it bids Former Class 5 ace, Albert Bright tried a Challenge Class Vulcan at Parker and drove alone to fourth place in the 31 car field. ~~. };:;;. . :< ... -~-t-t:"tA::~ :-:.C?·-rr:.. . .. Perry Coan and Gary Abbott had a fine ride in the two seat Bunderson, and at the checkered flag they took sixth in Class 1-2-1600. Dusty Times
James Gross hops along in his Funco SS 2, and he kept it moving well Driving his brand new Ford Ranger Tudy Joe Esquerra was fourth on Marl< Steele drove all three loops in his newly acquired Class 7 Chevy all three loops to take third place in Class 9. time in Class 7S, but fell afoul of the mass disqualification in the class. S-10, but he went out in third place just a few miles shy of a finish. With a brand new green paint scheme on the Raceco from a new sponsor, Hussong's Beer, Steve Sourapas and Dave· Richardson were fifth in Class 10. Randy and Rick Willson did very well in Class 5-1600, and they missed Despite restrictions, plenty of spectators watched the racers fly by. third place at the finish line by a skinny margin, less than 3 minutes. Michael and Douglas McFadden got a fine fifth in the 1-2-1600 Raceco. fair to be a success like other re-stricted classes have been, if they leave the rules alone. Last off the start, but definite-ly not last at the finish line, there were five starters in Class 11 and they all made it to the first check in tight formation. Here Mike Abbott led Andy Diaz by just two minutes. Kevin and Tony Peltz were third here, but did not make the California finish. At that point Andy Diaz/Charlie Wood had a slim, 45 second lead over Mike Abbott/Fausto Parisotto. Back some distance Ramon Cas-tro/Salvador Avila were third, .and Kevin and Howard Hender-son were fourth. Mike Abbott took over the came back strong this year. The to classes in which there is heavy, and some scoring all functions lead at the first Arizona check, incongruity of the situation is big time sponsor interest. We do ran smoothly. Of course the and at the end of the loop he had that restricted class rules always think warnings to fix should be sundry law enforcement agen-just five minutes in hand over have some grey areas. Specifics issued, rather than engaging in cies were busy writing tickets, Diaz/Wood. Abbott and com-are discussed with tech people wholesale disqualifications, how-and most visible were the CHP pany continued to lead the tight over the phone, but seldom are ever. Perhaps now either the rules on the pavement and the B.L.M. battle to the flag, winning by written down. This is how trucks will be clarified so that all race on the dirt. But, this costly to just ten minutes over Andy Diaz that were legal all last season, car builders cafi understand the taxpayers and relatively unnec-and Charlie Wood. The Hender-not only class winners, but a pair grey areas, or at the worst, liberal-essary proliferation of such of-sons retired on the last lap, and of class champions on points, ized so that the existing competi- ficials is a fact of life at Parker, Ramon Castro/Salvador Avila became illegal at the first race tors in a class can go on raciI}g except when it snows. Next on finished third, about 37 minutes of the season in 1986. In prior with the existing modifications. the calendar for the desert series behind second. years it has been the restricted Overall, Parker was a howl-is the Great Mojave 250, and After the Parker race last year VW classes that have been the ing success, with good weather to date the California "Green all the talk was about the snow. Parker targets in post race tech. blessing the massive entry, and Stickie" rules have yet to be This year the ·chatter is about We applaud the same application other than the post race tech clarified for that event. fflD rules enforcement procedures, which apparently took a holiday last year in the nasty weather, but Honie M T'he Raee AlffO .s i II. • • I :a Flying high off the start, Jim and Billy Wright were front runners all day in Class 2, and the Raceco finished fourth in class. I t l a Kurt and Willis Hamilton drive a strange looking, flat top two seater, but it is effective, and the pair took fifth in Class 2. Dusty Times • ... I • • Raee car I Pre Runner I sand car • 818-998-2739 9763V.ARIELAVENUE, CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 May 2013 Page 37 .}
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