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2012 Volume 29 Number 8 Dusty Times Magazine

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~ " I ., ·. Voluffle 29 • ....... 8 • August 2012 S2.50 ··-·750-1752 eeleb,a~ing ou, 2IJ~h Yea, OF 1e,viee To The OFF Road eommuni~y covering the world of competition in the dirt •••

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September 28-30 _op OFF-HD~D Tel. (686) 553.4087 From USA 01152 (686) 553.4087 ESCOMEX ~niversidad de Negocios Laguna Salada 7

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r . . 1,100 Exhibitors! ~~ "' ~ -· -3,200 Booths! 38,000 Buyers! Race Industry Week 2012! Machinery Row! . . . ' Where Racirig':Gets Down to...... ·ness November 29 -December 1, 2012 livering Bu In s Opportunltl for 26 Yi I ~ . Perrarrnance f?_.4'j !_l~clng '~~ ,. __ OrlanQo, Florida • USA DEERING INDUSTRIES The largest selection of aircraft hardware on the West Coast! Including 12PT AIRCRAFT BOLTS MS•NAS•AN 150,000 items in stock -100% American Made 12 pt Nuts • Jet Nuts • Nut Plates • Washers 562-595-1668 3300 Cherry Ave• Long Beach, CA• fax 562-595-1678 • e-mail:

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. ' .. Volume 29 -Number a August 2012 Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors Homer Eubanks J. Preston Bradshaw Jim Culp Martin Holmes Rod Koch Byrle Moore Steve Ruddick Maurice Selden Tony Tellier Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham Subscription Rates, $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads, will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750..1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copyright by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 SNAPSHOT OF THE MONTH ••• Us older folks remember the 1984 snowy Parker 400, and so does Steve Kelly, he's seen here negotiating the course in his Chevy. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only prints up to 8xl0 or electronic media submitted via email will be considered. In This Issue ... FEATURES MORE Freedom 250 by J Preston Bradshaw ...................................... 8 Rally New Zealandby Martin Holmes ............................................... 14 Lucas Oil at Miller by J Preston Bradshaw ........................................ 17 HDRA Eldorado Fireworks 500 by J Preston Bradshaw ................... 19 Rally Of Finland by Martin Holmes ................................................. 23 SNORE At Caliente by Alan Madden .............................................. 26 Lucas Oil at Glen Helen by Homer Eubanks ................................... 31 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ......................................................................................... 5 Trail Notes ........................................................................................... 6 Blue Ribbon ..................................................................................... 35 Good Stuff Directory ............... : ....................................................... 39 Classified Ads .................................................................................... 43 Index To Advertisers .......................................................................... 43 ON THI! COVER Kelly Mather had a really great Freedo~ 250 race, running the seven re-quired laps in Class 1 in five and a half hours, averaging a bit over 44mph for the race. Jim Ober -Trackside Photo TJ Flores had a trouble free run at the SNORE Caliente race, he covered the four required laps in just over five hours for an average speed of 45.8 mph. Visit Our Website at Alan P. Madden ~ Finduson IU Facebook S eeda e1tt d-e 7 tUUUf to-DU STY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRYII □ 1 year -$25.00 □ 2 years -$40.00 □ 3 years • $55.00 (to subscribe online go to □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name ______________________ _ Address ____________________ _ City _____________________ _ State _______________ Zip _______ _ Primary Interest Cars O Trucks O Motorcycles□ Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St, Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian • 1 year $30.00 US - Overseas subscription rates upon request Page4 August 2012

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2012 Happenings ... 1 OK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 <4x4> (All event.! staged at the club grounds in Cleves. Ohio) 4x4 FOREVER, LTD. 1665 DELAWARE ST. OSHKOSH, WI 54901 AMERICAN RALLY SPORT GROUP, INc. 3650 PolN!'E CIRCLE, Sum 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521-0597 <web 25-ameri-can-rally-sport-group.htm. E Mail: AMERICAN TRIALS ASSOCIATION AMA Observed Trials Southern California Championship Series BILL MARKuM, 2010 PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HOTLINE, 2010 (714) 562-7742 E MAIL: BMARK909@AOL.COM <> AsocIACION EsTATAL DE AUTOMOVILISMO SAM I..AsELL, TECH INSPECTOR A¥ro42 SAN JosE DEL CABO BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL SUR. MEXICO AUSTRALIAN OFF RoAD CHAMPIONSHIP DARRYL SMITH 19 SOMERS ST. CASHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTRALIA DUSTY TIMES AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFF ROAD CJ..ASs 10 CARS ONLY RENALD VAILLANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAVAL QUEBEC, CANADA H7P 1T7 (450) 622-4440 < indexpag.html> BAJA CUP CHALLENGE BAJA PRonucK OFF RoAD RAcE SERIES 14402 BOND CouRT EL CAJON, CA 92021 619-390-6252 The Protruck schedule for 2012 will consist of both the SCORE and Best In The Desert races. BARONA SAND DRAG AssN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 All Races Are Night Races All Races At Barona Raceway, Lakeside, CA BBM MARKETING PROMOTIONS Off Road Short Course Racing & Special Event Marketing NORCO, CA 92860 e-mail (909) 815-5811 J • ,;. BEST IN THE DESERT 3475 BOULDER HIGHWAY LAs VEGAS, NV 89121 702-457-5775/FAX:702-641-2431 <> October 12 - 14, 2012 Bluewater Desert Challenge Parker, AZ November 30-December 2, 2012 Transwest Ford Henderson 250 Henderson, NV BORR BONNEVILLE OFF RoAD RACING Allen Gerber 801-380-9011 . - after 5pm please September 14-16, 2012 Wendover NV October 27, 2012 2nd Annual Adopt-a-highway Poker Run Lehi, UT BP MoTORSPORTS P.O. Box411 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91365 760-578-6258/ 760-578-6259 FAX: 818-348-4648 E-Mail: All Events At California Ciry, CA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY Dusty Times. R.R.3 BRIGHTON, ONTARIO, CANADA KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR CLUB AUTOMOVILISTA JUARENSE DE CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD RACING. 7210 GATEWAY EAST EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 011-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES <> CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING AsSOCIATION P.O. Box645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVE ADAMS (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DoN ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C,J. RICHARDS P.O. Box'332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLAIRTON HI-JACKERS I.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TWP. LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 Short Course off Road Racing At Har-rison County Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICA SAN QuINnN CALLE 6TA fRACC Co. DE SAN QUINTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HERACLIO PATINO (011 52 616-5-22-07) CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICO SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road ENSENADA, BC, MEXICO USA JAN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) RAMON CASTRO & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/7 0034) CMC CoNTINENTAL MoTOSPORT CLUB P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 Fax: (714) 367-1608 CODETECATE 2012 CHAMPIONSHIP MADERO 621-A ZoNA CENTRO MEXICALI, BAJA CAIJFORNIA 21100 0ll-52-686-553-4087 USA 686-553-4087 MEXICO <> E Mail: September 28-30, 2012 Mexicana Logistics 300 Mexicali, BC, MX November JO-December 1-2, 2012 OXXO Race Ready 275 Mexical San Felipe, BC, MX CowRADOIIILL CLIMB AssocIATION BARB V AHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.OBox8286 COLORADO SPRINGS, co 80933 (719) 653-8449 CowRADO OFF RoAD ExTREME 303-956-3600 September 1-2, 2012 CORE Classic 125 desert Race Cars, Trucks, 4400,and buggy's September 9, 2012 Mile High Desert Racing Series Bikes,Quads and UTV's onl:y Continued on page 6

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I I 1 • ; l , I I! I ( I 1' ) } I , I J Trail Notes ... 90m Pna!s PEAK INTERNATIONAL Hn.L CLIMB REscm!oULED TO SUNDAY, AUGUST 12, AFTER POSTPONEMENT CoNNECTED To WALDO CANYON FIRE -The venerable Pikes Peak International Hill Climb, launched in 1916 and an important part of Colorado sports history, was re-scheduled for Sunday, August 12,. The legendary race, originally scheduled for July 8, was postponed in the midst of the epic Waldo Canyon fire that forced 32,000 people from their homes around Colorado Springs, brought the destruction of close to 350 homes, and delivered an impact within the Pikes Peak Region in historic fashion with its tragic force. It is now called the most destructive fire in the state's history. "With the help and support of the City of Colorado Springs, the U.S. Forest Service, Pikes Peak - America's Mountain, and the numerous agencies dedicated to the safety of the public and the competitors, we are thrilled to be able to make this announcementt said Tom Osborne, Chairman of the PPIHC and President and CEO of the Colorado Springs Sports Corporation after a unanimous vote of the PPIHC Board at 4:00 p.m. this afternoon. "America's Mountain and Colorado Springs are ready to welcome everyone to the nation's second-oldest motor sports event." Colorado Springs Mayor Steve Bach, who has been on point for the city's efforts this week on behalf of the massive response and strategic action, said "The City of Colorado Springs is thrilled that the 90th running of the Pikes Peak International Hill Climb is back on track. We are committed to dedicate the needed resources to make this year's Hill Climb the best ever. As we have said throughout this community crisis -Colorado Springs is open for business! The response by the competitors has been tremendously positive, and the drivers and racers have been sensitive and compassionate toward our residents and their struggles and loss," said Osborne. "We will have the majority of the registered competitors here for the event and have positive responses from Nobuhiro Tajima, Jean-Phillipe Dayraut, Romain Dumas, Clint Vahsholtz, Paul Dallenbach, Dave Carapetyan, David Donner, Greg Tracy, and Carlin Dunne, but we will lose some to scheduling conflicts. In fact, many of the drivers and racers have indicated their desire to establish a fund to benefit those agencies that have battled the horrendous fire and now support our ability to stage the race." Osborne indicated the this special fund was established quickly to permit donations from the drivers and racers, their sponsors, and the public that will provide support and sincere gratitude to the men and women of the firefighting agencies who have stepped to the front when their help was most needed. Details will be revealed soon. The legendary race's list of champions over the years includes Mario Andretti, Bobby Unser, Al Unser, Al Rogers, Rod Millen, Parnelli Jones, Leonard Vahsholtz, Roger Mears, and Eddie Mulder. Competitors from 15 nations were scheduled to tackle the cnallenging, fully-paved 12.42 mile course to the summit of the peak - Luxembourg, Russia, Australia, Switzerland, Japan, Germany, France, Great Britain, Hungary, Sweden, Scotland, Italy, Canada, the Czech Republic and the United States. Fans who had already purchased their tickets were still able to buy a round-trip bus seat on-line for just $20.00. The buses took fans to the Crystal Reservoir site, just below the start line, and picked them up afterward at the same location beginning at 2:30 p.m. Looking Ahead in 2012: July 5-8 - U.S. Open Ultimate Championships; July 20-22 • Rocky Mountain State Games, over two weekends; July 27-29 • Colorado Springs; July 27 -Downtown Olympic Opening Ceremony Celebration & Rocky Mountain State Games Opening Ceremony; August 24 -USA Pro Cycling Challenge Stage 5 Finish; Sept. 20-21- U.S. Oympic & Paralympic Assembly, Antlers Hilton; Sept. (TBD) • Sports Corp College lee Hockey Face Off Luncheon; October 30 • 13th Annual Colorado Springs Sports Hall 0£ Fame, World Arena. Visit Us At: SCORE INT'L SET TO INTRODUCE SCORE SUPER 8 TRUCK CLASS AT THIS YEAR'S 45TH 'fEcATE SCORE BAJA 1000 -SCORE's newest class open to all manufacturers; will use stock, sealed V-8 engines; detailed class description, rules at As it has for nearly 40 years as the preeminent desert racing organization in the world, SCORE International is adding to its legacy of innovation and pioneering technology development with the announcement this week by SCORE CEO/President Sal Fish of the new manufacturer-friendly SCORE Super 8 Truck class. The new class, open to all manufacturers of unlimited trucks and sport utility vehicles with engines limited to stock, sealed V-8s, will make its debut at November's 45th anniversary of the legendary Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 desert race, the season-finale of the five-race 2012 SCORE Desert Series. "SCORE has always listened to the racers and when we are in agreement with the need and our ability to effectively develop and oversee the rules and regulations, we are very open to introducing new classes into SCORE desert racing," said Fish, CEO/President of Los Angeles-based SCORE International since soon after it was founded in 1973. "Following on-going discussions with numerous racers and diligent research and preparation of class regulations by Bill Savage and SCORE Tech, we are very enthusiastically announcing the debut of this special truck class which will be open to every truck and SUV manufacturer." Some 300 entries from nearly 40 U.S. States and as many as 20 countries, competing in 37 Pro and 7 Sportsman classes for cars, trucks, motorcycles and ATVs are expected in this year's 45th anniversary of the granddaddy of all desert races. To help celebrate the storied history of this great event, the race will be a peninsula run down Mexico's Baja California peninsula, covering over 1,000 rugged miles from the start in Ensenada to the finish in La Paz. A live drawing for starting positions in the elapsed-time race that starts in Baja California and finishes in Baja California Sur will be held on Saturday, Oct. 6 at the massive SCOREville display at the Lucas Oil Off-Road Expo Powered by General Tire at the Fairplex in Pomona, Calif. "Our goal was to respond to the racer's requests for an affordable truck class with regulations designed with stock, sealed V-8 engines that will give a fairly level playing field for what will be an exciting class to watch and race in," commented Bill Savage, SCORE's long-time Tech Director. "We purposely designed the class to allow multiple manufacturers to be able to showcase their stock engines in unlimited 4-wheel trucks and SUVs. We also wanted to develop a reasonably-affordable truck class that we expect several entries in from the very first race in November." The detailed class description as well as rules and regulations for the new SCORE Super 8 Truck class are available on the SCORE website at For further information regarding the class, contact the SCORE Tech office in Vista, Calif. at 760.599.1013. In addition to season class point championships, the racers also compete for part of the over $400,000 in cash purse and contingency postings each race. Drivers in the Pro car and truck classes are also attempting to earn prestigious SCORE Toyota Milestone Awards given to all car and truck Pro class drivers who complete every required mile of the five-race season. Being presented by Toyota Motorsports for the 27th consecutive year, a total of 24 drivers are still in the hunt for the awards for the 2012 SCORE Desert Series after the first four rounds in the five-race series. Racers also compete for the annual SCORE Off-Roadsman of the Year awards, including the MasterCraft Safety SCORE Rookie of the Year award. All categories, except Engine Builder and Original Buggy Chassis Manufacturer, are determined by public on-line voting while Engine and Buggy awards are determined by season points. Page& '' September 15, 2012 Colorado Rally Cross November 3, 2012 Colorado Rally Cross CORP P.O. Box392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER 0l l-5Ui5-664458 CORR SERIES 270 NEWPORT CENTER DR., Sum 100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 866-501-CORR CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, Sum 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA EXT 42 Fax (818) 957-4435 CRS CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES <www, October 5 - 6, 2012 Prescott Rally Prescott, Arizona D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (All =ts at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston County ORV Park, 011mpia, WA) DAKAR RALLY DARREN SKILTON BAJA AUTOMOTIVE ADVENTURES 455 E. OcEAN BLVD., Sum 208 loNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAx: (562) 590-7925 <> DECATUR FoUR WHEEL DRIVE CuJB DECATUR, TX 76234 ToMAilEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MoToRSPORTS 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU Cm, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 EAsrmN OFF-RoAD RACING AssN. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 ENSFNADA BAJA OFF ROAD RACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA,BC,MX 011-52-646-1818989 Eus10 011-5Ui46-1715230 AARON Races for buggys & Motorcycles EsTERO BEACH INTERNATIONAL Short Course Racing VICTORIA GALINDO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO 011-5Ui46-176-6230 EDR EXTREME DESERT RACING P.O. Box 91615 AusnN,TX 78709 (512) 848-4344 /E FAx (1512) 687-5310 Car Truck Series Bike Quad Series FORDA FLORIDA OFF RoAD DRlvER's ASSOCIATION JASON LEIBIN (727) 3764176 Mar, Apr, Ma1, Nov at Da11idson Racewa:, GENERAL TIRE TROPHYLITE SERIES DRIVE RAclNG ORGANIZATION 760-352-6020 Las Vegas, NV GLEN HELEN BAJA CuP CHALLENGE SERIES PO Box6950 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92412 PHONE: (909) 384-9343 Lucas Oil Regional OH Road Series December 8, 2012 Baja Cup Challenge GORRA GEORGIA OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 420 HosEA RoAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963--0252 August 2012 I l > I GPORRA GREAT PLANEs OFF RoAD RACING ASSOCIATION TIM HODGE (402) 991-6048 SCOTT MORROW (816) 792-2126 (AU races are short course, stadium style Classes, 2010 Sportsman, 1/2-1600, 5-1600, Sport Truck, Quads, Tough Truck Nebraska Racewa1 Park, Exit 420 on I-BO between Omaha and Lincoln.) For latest info check <> HDRA HIGH DESERT RACING AsSOCIATION P.O. Box 750208 . LAs VEGAS, NV 89136 <> October 5-7, 2012 Southern Nevada 400 Pahrump, NV November 9-12, 2012 Riot on the River Laughlin,NV HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING 2000 W. QUINCY AVENUE #B ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 303-806-8062/303-781-0974 fax INTERNATIONAL lcE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDDOR (612) 937-3816/Fax 474-2769 INTER-SHows MoTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 JEEPSPEED 1826 N. WINDES ORANGE, CA 92869 714-538-7434/ fax 714-633-1724 Same schedule as Best In The Desert KAMl.ooPS OFF ROAD RACING Whispering Pines Sports & Recreation Center l<AMLOOPS, BC, CANADA Mike Strange (250) 573-4003 LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS & OFFROAD EXPO (626) 961-3782 <> <> Curt LeDucs Off Road Swap Meet L.I.T.R.E. }EFF ELROD (408) 926-0522 }IMARUTA (408) 247-4402 LOORRS LucAsOIL OFF ROAD RACING SERIES <> September 1-2, 2012 Reno,NV September 22-23, 2012 Las Vegas Motor Speedway October 27-28, 2012 Firebird Raceway MAMAluuTA OFF ROAD RACING Luis CARLOS Atvfuzo PANAMERICANAAVE #5105 Co. JUAREZ, CHIH., MX 011-52-1637-1799 MICHIGAN BUGGY BUILDERS Dune Buggy Trade Show (517) 543-7214 <> MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 JONES ROAD GRAND LEDGE, ML 48837 (517) 627-6200 Motorcycles, Quads, ATVs and Pilots only MAORA Mm-AMERICA OFF RoAD AssocIATION P.O. Box 664 GREENUP, IL 62428 (217) 962-1318 E-MAIL: <> M.O.R.E. MOJAVE OFF ROAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 1231 BARSTOW, CA 92312 760-253-4453 < September 8, 2012 Chili Cook Off Lucerne, CA October 6, 2012 7th Annual Powder Puff Barstow, CA December 1, 2012 Holiday 200 Barstow, CA MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY As-SOCIATION DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. FLINT, ML 48506 (810) 730-9221 MOTOWEST WINTER TRw.s SERIFS BILL MARKHAM (909) 860-1857 <> AU =ts at Perris Racewa:, (At Reed Valley with a school) NATIONAL Muo RACING AssN. RT. #l, 2010 Box 380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN PALATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFF TRucK AssN. Butch Chapin Motorsports Promo-tions 1404 EAST 3RD STREET HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NOORA NORTHERN OHIO OFF ROAD RACING ASSN. GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAIL <> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Spring Valley Racewa:,, on route 518, 20 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) (Thunder Valley located 15 minutes from Spring Valley) NORRA NATIONAL OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION (661) 262-7171 <> OFFRoADEXPo SPIN CoMMUNICATIONS (415) 380-3890 OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Volunteered Series PRESIDENT, 2010 GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE RoAD LEBANON, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 Cl.ASS REP., 2010 1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP., 2010 9 & UNLTD. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OlJTIAW REP. DoN PONDER (314) 631-8190 (All Races at Wheeling in the County 900 Acres) Omo OFF RoADERS INc. 1427 GOSHEN H1u.s ROAD S.E. NEW PHIIADELPHIA, Omo 44663 }IM l<ENDEL (216) 339-4674 AU races held at Harrison County Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS AsSOCIATION RICK T!CHBOURNE, Pusuc REIATIONS (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) OUTLA. w SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. loUIS, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/Fax: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. Off Road Championship 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <> Dusty Times

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r PENNSYLVANIA SHORT COURSE RACING SMmrroN HoLE RACEWAY 313 SKYLINE DRIVE SMm-ITON,PA. 15479 MIKE GEISER 330-683-6263 Short Course Offroad Racing AU Races At Smithton Hok Raawa, PIKEsPF.AK P.O. Box 6962 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF ROAD RACING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 87 5-7 591 PRoTRUCK PROTRUCK MANAGEMEJIIT INC. 11409 PINEHURST DR. LAl<EsIDE, CA 92040 (619) 885-4458 ProtTuck Schedule consists of all SCORE and Best In 'The Desert Races PRo 1600 SHOOTOUT CoREYGOIN 559-647-6132 GOINRACIN@HQ,TMAIL.COM PvRE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box50 RICKETTS, IA 51460 (712) 679-2221 RALLY AMERICA <> 8014 OLSON MEMORIAL HWY, STE 617 GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427 September 22 - 23, 2012 Olympus Rally Seattle, WA 22ND RALLYE AICHA DEs GAZELLES The Only All-Women's Off-Road Rally ~id In The World U.S. Liaison:Kelly Van Hoesen 203-249-1340 Skype: kellanvanhoesen <> RG CANNING PRODUCTIONS, INc. OFF ROAD SWAP MEE'r P.O. Box400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270-0400 New/Used Off Road Related Parts & Accessories MIKE CAMPBEU 323-560-7469 Ext 507 RocK CRAWLERS AssOCIATION OF AMERICA P.O. Box 1406 RlvERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/Fax: (801) 253-3176 SAN DIEGo SHORT CoURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New Series b:, Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro Trucks, Desert Trucks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Truck <> (858) 571-5088 SAN DIEoo OFF RoAD ExPosmoN (888) 836 7918 SCCA RoADRALLY P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800.770.2055 <> SFX MoTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. COMMONS DRIVE, Sum 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/ (630) 556-6180 Fax SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., Sum A CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 <> November 14-17, 2012 SCORE Baja 1000 Ensenada To La Paz Baja CA Mexico December 8, 2012 SCORE Awards Night To Be Determined SCCA RALLYCROSS NATIONAL CHALLENGE October S-7, 2012 SCCA RallyCross National Championship Tulsa Raceway Park Dusty Times SNORE SOUTHERN NEVADA OFF ROAD ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 270516 LAs VEGAS, NV 89127 702-277-2295 September 7 - 9, 2012 KC Hilites Midnight Special SNORE/MORE Lucerne, CA October 26 - 28, 2012 SNORE250 Jean, NV December 7 -9, 2012 Rage At The River Laughlin, NV SONS OF TlluNDER 4 WHEELERS RAcEDMS10N KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 Mike Moore, 2010 (224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS EXPo MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. HACIENDA BLVD. #322 HACIENDA HEIGHTS, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SCTA SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION &. BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, INc. P.O. Box 10 OROS!, CA 93647 (559) 528-6279 (559) 528-9749 FAX <> SOUTHERN SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD RACING AssN. 4305 WOOTlARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (AU Races at Eastba:, Racewa:,, Tampa, FL) TRAXXAS TORC SERIES Septemberl-2,2012 Round 13-14 Crandon International Raceway . Crandon, WI CUP RACE Schedule September 2, 2012 AMSOILCup Crandon International Raceway Crandon, WI September 2, 2012 Traxxas PRO-Light CUP Crandon International Raceway Crandon, WI TovsFoRToTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADILLA VALLEY SPORTS CENTER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <> VORRA VALLEY OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 1970 EAsr 2ND STREET RENO, NV 89502 775-287-0615 <> September 1-3, 2012 Yerington 300 Desert Race Yerington, NV October 6-7, 2012 Short Course Prairie City OHV Park, Folsom, CA . October 27-28, 2012 Short Course Prairie City OHV Park, Folsom, CA VICENTE GUERRERO OFFROADCUJB PRoFO. CENOVIo GAMBOA 011-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 p.m.) WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WESTERN PENNsYL v ANIA WHEEL To WHEEL OFF RoAD RACING PATRICK McGu1RE P.O. Box376 ,ADAMSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2939 E; Grovers Ave. PHOENIX, AZ 85032 (602) 971-3730 <> WILD WEST OFF ROAD RACE SERIES 406-321-4644/ 406-670-4647 / 406-698-9536 September 22-23, 2012 Wil West 100 Columbus, MT WISCONSIN MoTORSPORTS SHow (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTIVAL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 0sHKOSH, WL 54901 (414) 688-5509 WORLD SERIES OF OFF ROAD RACING FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP' P.O. Box99 CRANDON, WISCONSIN 54520 303-880-7221 <www.WRC.COM> XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/ (520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 ZR PROMOTIONS Luis RENE MoITTANO C. CALZADA INDEPENDENCIA 200 -5 Cot. INSURGEJIITES EsTE 21280 MEXICALI, BC, MX (686) 564 6653 Attention Race & Rally Organizers List your earning events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your-2012 schedules as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some ex-tra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: DustyTimes 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-5003 August 2012 Trail Notes ... LIVESTARTDRAWFOR45111ANNJVERSARYOFTEcATESCOREBAJA1000roBE HELD 0croBER 6 JN SCOREVll.LEATOFF-RoAD E.xPO IN POMONA-Entries expected from 40 U.S. States, 20 countries for Granddaddy of all Desert Races; SCOREville at Off-Road Expo to salute SCORE Baja legends & Off-Road Motorsports Hall of Fame LOS ANGELES-SCOREville returns to the Off-Road Expo at the Fairplex in Pomona, Calif., it was announced today by SCORE International CEO/President Sal Fish. SCOREville at the event will salute SCORE Baja Legends and the Off-Road Motorsports Hall of Fame on Oct. 6 and 7. In addition to static displays of vintage and current desert racing vehicles along with autograph sessions with many of the stars of the sport, both past and present, a live drawing for starting positions for this November's 45th Annual Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 desert race will be held at the Off-Road Expo on Saturday, Oct. 6. The official course map for the race will also be unveiled during the event. "With the support and assistance from the Off-Road Expo and the Off-Road Motorsports Hall of Fame, SCORE is honored to return to the Expo in a. big way, much like we did in 2007 for the 40th anniversary of the granddaddy of all desert races, the Tecate SCORE Baja 1000," said Fish, who has led SCORE since soon after it was founded in 1973. "Our 40th at the Expo was spectacular and we know that this year to celebrate our 45th anniversary of the greatest desert race in the world will be even more memorable. SCORE is very, very pleased to be able to be a big part of such a great family-oriented event." SCOREville at the Expo will also include a major display from the Off-Road Motorsports Hall of Fame as well as a pictorial tribute to the.first 44 years of the Tecate SCORE Baja 1000. SCORE will also unveil the official course map for the race from Ensenada to La Paz as well as debut the official merchandise of the 45th annual Tecate SCORE Baja 1000. "We are thrilled to be a part of the 45th Anniversary celebration of the Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 and to serve as a host venue for some of the event's most coveted announcements," commented Bruce Hubley, CEO of the The Promotion Co. & Family Events of Indianapolis which produces the Off-Road Expo. "The SCORE Baja 1000 is a staple event in the off-road industry. Its impact and influence ripples through Off-Road Expo every year and to have SCOREville as part of it again this year will be a major attraction." The 2012 Lucas Oil Off-Road Expo Powered by General Tire is the greatest collection of off-road companies, parts, equipment, gear, and experts assembled in America. From off-road racing to rock crawling, trail riding to sand sports, motorcycles to ATV's and camping to adventure travel, the event provides the unique opportunity to meet and talk with the most knowledgeable people in the off-road industry. With a full weekend of excitement, event features include the Lucas Oil Off-Road Racing Exhibition Course, Yamaha ATV/UTV Demo Track, High-flying Freestyle Motocross action, autograph sessions with off-road celebrities, the Overland Adventure Travel Pavilion, Miss Off-Road Expo Contest and live music all weekend on the Bud Light Entertainment Stage. The Off-Road Motorsports Hall of Fame, located in Reno, Nev., includes SCORE's Sal Fish as one of its legendary inductees. Rod Hall, the chairman of the ORMHOF is the only person who has raced in all 44 Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 races and he has a race-record 21 class wins in the international event. "On behalf of the Off-Road Motorsports Hall of Fame," stated Hall, "we are proud to share this celebration with SCORE. Many careers of our inductees, including mine, countless friendships and endless stories have been forged through the legendary Tecate SCORE Baja 1000." SCORE, ORMHOF and the Expo will announce additional specifics regarding SCOREville as the event draws closer. SCORE INTERNATIONAL ANNOUNCES THREE-RACE SERIES Foa 2013 -SCORE Desert Championship Series Will Focus On Mexico Racing Legacy With Three Baja Races. Preparing to celebrate its 40th year as the world's foremost desert racing sanctioning body, SCORE International today officially announced the 2013 SCORE Desert Championship Series schedule, which will consist of the three traditional major desert races held on Mexico's majestic Baja Peninsula. "We are excited to offer the racing community a three-race SCORE Desert Championship Series in 2013 that involves only our legendary Baja races. These three races have always been the cornerstones of SCORE." said Sal Fish, CEO/ President of SCORE International. Fish continued, "I want to focus my attention on the heart and soul of SCORE, which is in Baja. We have thoroughly enjoyed nearly 20 years of racing in Nevada, but for a variety of significant reasons, these races are no longer viable events for SCORE. There are several organizations offering desert races in the United States to satisfy that market, but there is no organization offering the extreme adventure and intense competition of SCORE Baja racing, and that's why SCORE will concentrate its efforts south of the border," said Fish. The first race of the 2013 SCORE Desert Championship Series will be the 27th MasterCraft Safety Tecate SCORE San Felipe 250, March 8-10 in San Felipe. Round 2 will be the 45th Tecate SCORE Baja 500, May 31 • June 2 in Ensenada. The season will conclude November 14-17 with the 46th Tecate SCORE Baja 1000, the granddaddy of all desert races, which will start and finish in Ensenada. The SCORE Series features 36 Pro and 6 Sportsman classes for cars, trucks, buggies, motorcycles and ATVs. All classes will run in the three-race 2013 SCORE Desert Championship Series. This season will end with the 45th Anniversary of the Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 Peninsula Run, to be . held November 14-17, starting in Ensenada and finishing in La Paz. The drawing for starting positions will be held on Saturday, October 6 at the SCOREVILLE exhibition inside of the Off-Road Expo at the Pomona Fairplex in Pomona, California. The Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 entry form, schedule of events, and prerunning information was recently published on the SCORE website. The entry fee was not increased and remains at 2007 levels for a peninsula run race. Tecate Beer is the title sponsor of the three SCORE Baja races. MasterCraft Safety is co-title sponsor of the MasterCraft Safety Tecate SCORE San Felipe 250. Official Sponsors of the SCORE Desert Series are: Tecate Beer, Official Beer-BFGoodrich Tires, Official Tire-Volkswagen of America, Official Vehicle-Sunoco Race Fuels, Official Race Fuel-Coca-Cola, Official Soft Drink-Slime, Official Tire Sealant-Symons Ambulance Company, Official Ambulance-Volaris Airlines, Official Airline-Lightforce Performance Lighting, Official Driving Light-Maxtrax, Official Vehicle Recovery Device-Bilstein, Official Shock Absorber-Instant Mexico Auto Insurance, Official Mexican Auto Insurance. Additional SCORE Sponsors are - Baja California Sur Tourism, Proturismo Ensenada, Baja California Secretary of Tourism, COTUCO MexicalVSan Felipe, Blue C Advertising, SignP.ros, PCI Race Radios, McKenzie's Performance Products and Advanced Color Graphics. For more information, contact SCORE at its Los Angeles headquarters 818.225.8402 or visit the official website at www. 2013 SCORE Desert Championship Series Schedule of Events: 27th MasterCraft Safety Tecate SCORE San Felipe 250, March 8-10 / San Felipe, Baja California, Mexico; 45th Tecate SCORE Baja 500, May 31-June 2 / Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico; 46th Tecate SCORE Baja 1000,November 14-17 / Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico; SCORE Awards Night December 7 / Location to be Determined. m1r1 Trail Notes en ,111 38 Page7

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M. R.E'I FREEDOM 250 M.)j:.1.-e vfl .;t~'>(KI RocinQ-E •~u !iots Kelly Mather Takes Big Win By ]. Preston Bradshaw Photos: Trackside Photo Kelly Mather was the big Class 1 winner at the MORE Freedom 250 Kelly had 13 minutes on the competition when the checkered flag flew. More Freedom 250 at Bar-stow. The weather was really hot but most drivers don't mind the weather when they are behind the steering wheel. There were 99 cars and trucks entered and al-though the race didn't start until Saturday night, the contingency being on Friday night, all seemed in good spirits and couldn't wait for the green flag to wave. There were 10 Class 1 cars that took off at the start, five of them were able to make all the required laps (7). At the end of the first lap it was Mike Pacewiczh in the Class 1 lead, Shawn Barbetta was second, he was less than a min-ute in arrears, Rick Romans was running in the third spot, Eric Hardin was in fourth place and Adam Householder was in the fifth spot. Kevin Thompson ran in sixth place, Kelly Mather was running seventh, Mark Anderson was in eighth place, Gil Garcia was ninth and George Pondella was in the 10th spot. Second Class 1 lap and now it was Kevin Thompson leadin the pack, Shawn Barbetta held on in second place, Rick Romans remained in the third spot, Eric Hardin held on in fourth and Kelly Mather was up two places into fifth. Adam Householder dropped a spot into sixth, Mike Pacewiczh had some problems and dropped back into seventh place, Mark An-derson remained in eighth, George Pondella was ninth and Gil Garcia dropped to the 10th spot. When their third lap ended it was Rick Romans leading the class, Kevin Thompson was two minutes behind in second place, Eric Hardin was up a spot into third, Kelly Mather was also up a spot into fourth place and Adam Householder was in fifth place. Shawn Barbetta had dropped to sixth place, Mike Pacewiczh remained in seventh, Mark An-derson ran eighth and George Pondella was ninth. Gil Garcia was on his trailer. Fourth lap and Rick Romans continued to lead, Adam House-holder was second in class, Kevin Thompson dropped to third, Eric Hardin ran fourth and Kelly Mather was in fifth place. Shawn Barbetta was sixth, Mike Pace-In the Trophy Challenge event it was Richard Dormack taking the gold medal, he's seen here at high speed headin' for the checkers. wiczh remained seventh and was third and Erik Moore was in Mark Anderson was in the eighth the fourth spot. Vincent Dudash spot. George Pondella was out of did not have a recorded time. the race. There were no position chang-Fifth Class 1 lap and Rick Ro-es in the second lap. mans continued to lead the class, Third lap ended and David Adam Householder remained in Vreeland led the class, Richard second place, Eric Hardin ran Dormack moved into second in third place, Kevin Thompson place, Erik Moore was in third was running fourth and Kelly place and Charles Currie had Mather remained in the fifth dropped to fourth with a three spot. Shawn Barbetta ran sixth, hour lap. Mike Pacewiczh was seventh and Fourth lap, final lap and when Mark Anderson remained in the the checkered flag flew it was eighth spot. Richard Dormack taking the gold Sixth lap and Rick Romans medal, Erik Moore took second still led the class, Eric Hardin was place honors, he was 14 minutes second, Adam Householder was in arrears. Neither Vreeland or in third place, Kelly Mather was Currie were able to complete fourth and Kevin Thompson was their final lap. fifth. Mike Pacewiczh ran sixth Next up were the four entrants and Mark Anderson was seventh. in Class 3. They had six laps to Seventh lap, final lap and complete for their race and half when the checkers flew it was of them made it to the checkered Kelly Mather taking a hard fought flag. At the end of their first lap Class 1 win, Kevin Thompson it was Jay Wallick in the lead, By-was second in, Rick Romans fin-ran Seed ran in the second spot, ished third, Eric Hardin finished Asher Edwards was in the third first off the podium and Adam spot and Allan Lee rounded out Householder was the fifth and fi-the four. nal finisher. Mike Pacewiczh and Second lap ended and now it . , Mark Anderson did not complete was Byran Seed in the lead, Asher the final lap. Edwards moved into the second The Trophy Challenge had spot, Jay Wallick dropped to third five entrants and two of them place and Allan Lee remained in made all the four required laps. the fourth spot. When they finished their first Byran Seed continued to lead lap it was Charles Currie in the on the third lap, Asher Edwards lead, David Vreeland ran in the remained in the second spot, second spot, Richard Dormack Allan Lee moved into the third In the Class BB truck race it was Kevin Knight beating out 17 other Kevin Thompson raced his really good looking car to a silver medal Erik Moore took second place honors in the Trophy Challenge action, trucks for the win, seen here just at touchdown on the course. finish in Class 1, Kevin was 13 minutes off the winning pace. Erik is seen here at high speed on his way to the checkers. Allan Lee took second place honors in his race, Allan he's seen here Guy Savedra was a bit off the winning pace in the Class 5/1600 Rich Severson was one lap short in the Class 7A contest, Rich is flying through the dark to get to the finish line. contest, He had two long laps and ended up 25 minutes in arrears. seen here in his truck racing the darkness. Pages August 2012 Dusty Times

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minutes in arrears, Rhonda Park-house moved up into third place, Mendez dropped to fourth place and Val Young remained in fifth place. Third lap and Jacob Neider continued to lead the class, Guill-ermo Herrerra was five minutes back in second place, Rhonda Parkhouse held on in the third spot and Mendez remained in fourth place. Val Young was out of the race. Bryan Seed won his class with ease at the MORE Freedom 250, he's seen here at high speed on his way to the checkered flag. Guillermo Heffeffa took the win in the Ultra Truck Class, Guillermo had 40 minutes in hand when he took the checkered flag. Fourth lap, Guillermo Her-rerra moved into the class lead, Rhonda Parkhouse was running in the second spot while Jacob Neider and Mendez disappeared from the scoring chart. Fifth lap, final lap and when the checkers flew Guillermo Her-rerra was right there to receive the class win. Rhonda Parkhouse had disappeared on her final laJ). spot and Jay Wallick dropped to fourth place. Fourth lap ended and Byran Seed continued to lead the class, Allan Lee moved into second spot, Asher Edwards dropped to third place and Jay Wallick re-mained in the fourth spot. Fifth lap ended and Byran Seed continued to lead the class, Allan Lee remained in the second spot, Jay Wallick moved up into third place and Asher Edwards dropped into fourth place. Sixth lap, final lap and Byran Seed was right there to take the checkered flag for a nice win, Al-lan Lee took second place honors and they were the finishers. Jay Wallick and Asher Edwards failed to complete the last lap. The Ultra Truck group had five entries, they had five laps to run for their race but only one of them would see the checkered Dusty Times flag. At the end of their first lap it was Jacob Neider in the class lead, Guillermo Herrerra was second, he was two minutes in ar-rears, Mendez was running in the third spot, Rhonda Parkhouse ran fourth and Val Young was fighting a four hour lap in fifth place. Larry Antuna was the big winner in the Class 5/1600 fracas, Laffy had more than 20 minutes in hand when he took the checkered flag. 2,160 Rooms And Suites 60 Table Games 2,600 Slot Machines 22-Table Poker Room Race & Sports Book 640-Seat Bingo Room 16 Movie Theaters Second lap ended and Jacob Neider continued to lead the class, Guillermo Herrerra was still in second place, he was three Centinu■d 1n ,11110 Jimmy Taranto ran six hard laps to take the gold medal in the Class 9 contest, Jimmy is seen here just at liftoff on his way to the checkers. 9 Restaurants 75,000 Sq. Ft. Of Meeting Space 4,600 Seat Equestrian & Event Center 80,000 Sq. Ft. Exhibit Hall Spa & Fitness Center Showroom 64-Lane Bowling Center . , l\ates tot ll"J//~ ~ _ / - _/} ~,,, ,~~L,,, ,,~ d-spec1a, I\BCe ,,~ ~~ n~etson d ~ '~eeken s t~ent ,.,. Just ca\\ 8(,6-191-169.6 1- nt\on and ~usCJ.01~ (c,de Nai\ab1l1tt &!Sed on Room LAS VEGAS BLVD AT S/LVERADO RANCH • SOUTHPOINTCASINO.COM August 2012 Page9

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Kathy Kirkmeyer beat all the guys in the Class 10 action, seen here in the blackness heading for the elusive checkered flag. R&jjljlil,!! ).a' Jtii,1-"!,me the gold medal for his work in the Class 78 action, he's seMi,..•Jui'!lOvdightly off lcilter landing. ~•~;.~ 'had three Cf:\• Class 1A. had three entries, ttants :ijliili~"pf thent finished they had to complete five laps the six ~ laps. At the end for their ra.ce but only one would qf th~ir 'first lap it was Larry make it .ill the way. At the com• Antuna, ·in .. th.e dass lead, Guy pletion of their first lap it was Savedra n1(.~corrd, he was less Robbie Cockrell in the lead, Rich than ~ -ifn9ni'~cs in arrears and Severson ran in the second spot Jerry· F~'\vas t'Unning in the and Bob Scott held down third thtrd spot. · ~ place. . : ; . There were n:o position chang-There were no position. chang-es for the next fo,!,lr, laps. · es for the· next three laps, it was - • Sixth lap, fi11aLlap and when Cockrell, Severs~n and Scott, •in .tl)e ·chec~rs flew j t was lari:Y. that order. , Antuna taking 'a-really nice win, Fifth lap, final lap an~ it was Ouf Savedra took second place · Robbie Cockre1l home the honors, he finished· the race. 25 · gold medal for the class. Severson minutes-i_n arr~ars .. Jerry Fisher.: and Scott failed to complete their was un.a)»le··to c6Jllplete his ,final · , final lap. · · --tap. , ?:.Yi.::\ · -·-·, · ···. · · : '. · Class 8A orily had one entry,. •.•• "'; • :i .. ;.~ \ • • -~ .-_,. ~ ~ -'· ...... -;.-£_.: 14th place and Kurt Davidson was in 15th place. Rick Windust was up another two spots, Jeff Johnson was in 16th place, Greg Goltz was running 17th, Eric Ru-ble was 18th, Derek Eugenio was in 19th place and Jared Bluder was in the 20th spot. Ron Rash and Jeff Smithart were out of the race. Fourth lap ended and Dan Bergen was the new leader, Jimmy Taranto held on in second place, Nate Himmelrick dropped to third place, Steve Lang dropped to fourth and Mike Goltz was up a spot into fifth place. Randy Ward was in sixth place, Mike Brown ran seventh, Kyle Vizzo In the Class 11 action, it was Michael Cote finishing two laps and shown in the was in eighth place, Tyler Peter-results as the class winner just at liftoff. son was ninth and Jorge Ventura Brandon Steele, but he did not Nate Himmelrick is up three ran in the 10th spot. Harley Yong complete his first lap. spots into fourth place and Jim-dropped to 11th place, Kurt Da-The Class 9 troops were out my Taranto is up a spot into fifth. vidson was in 12th place, Chris in force, there were 25 of them Kyle Vizzo is up to sixth, Chris Dunne ran 13th, Rick Windust and they had to complete six laps Dunne dropped two spot into was 14th and Derek Eugenio was for their race. I think every Class seventh, Mike Goltz is up three in the 15th spot. Eric Ruble was 9 car in Southern California spots into eighth, Matt Creveling in 16th place, Greg Goltz was in was on hand for the race. When dropped five spots into ninth and 17th place and Jared Sluder was their first lap was completed it Harley Yong was up three spots in the 18th spot. Matt Creveling, was Steve Lane leading the pack, into 10th. Mike Brown dropped Giti Gowland and Jeff Johnson Randy Ward ran in the 'Second a spot into 11th place, Giti Gow- were out of the race. spot, Dan Bergen was third;·Matt land was up five spots into 12th, Fifth lap and Dan Bergen con-Creveling was fourth and Chris Derek Eugenio was up five spots tinued to lead the class, Jimmy Dunne rounded out the top five. into 13th, Jorge Ventura moved Taranto was second, he was only Jimmy Taranto ran in the sixth up to 14th and Jeff Johnson was seconds behind the leader, Steve spot, Nate Himmelrick was in up five spots into l5th. Rick Lang was in the, Nate the seventh slot, Kyle Vizza was Windust was in 16th place, Tyler · Himmelrick ran fourth and Mike in eighth p1a1=e, Ron Tpomas was .-Peterson moved well up into 17th Brown rounded out the top five. ninth and Mike Brown .rounded .place, Kuit Davidsori was in 18th t:yler Peterson was in sixth place, out the top to. Mike Goltz· was · '})lace, Er-i~ · l~.uble ran 19th and Mike Goltz was in .the .seventh in 11th place, Jared Bluder -was Ron Rash rounded out the top spot, Randy Ward dropped to in 12th place, Harley Yong was 20. G_reg Goltt ran 21st, Jeff Smi- eighth place, Jorge Ventura ran in 13th place, Ron Rash was 14di .. ~hart was_:U;nd, Jared Sluder was ninth and Harley Yon-g was in and Kurt Davidson can 'in the . m Urd .pl3,ce. Ron Thomas• was the 10th spot. Chris Dunne -was 15th spot. Jorge Ventura -was in · on his trailer. in 1.lth place, Eric Ruble made it the 16th spot, Giti Gowtand· was Third).;ap, Dan Ber_gen took. an even ·dozen, Rick Windust was in the 17th spot, Derek Eugenio over the dass lead, Nate Himmel- 13th and Derek Eugenio was in ran in the 18th spot, Rick Win- rick was l.n;:second place, Jimmy . the 14th spot. Not completing the dust was 19th in class and Jeff Taranto was. a minute back in · lap were Kyle Vino, Kurt David-Johnson rounded out the top 20 third place;-'.Stev~ Lang dropped son, Greg Goltt and Jated·Sluder. cars. Jeff Smithhart ran 21st, Eric to fourth:j;lJace and Randy Ward Sixth lap ended and .it was •• Ruble was in 22nd. place, yreg · d~opped,<?'.f~th p~ace. Matt Cr~-Jimmy Taranto 1:akirig a welt Goltz was in 23rd place.and Tyler· elmg W~'!J\ tll~ sucqi spot, Mike earned first place finis~; Steve Peterson was tail end Charlie -in Gotu . ran .:sev-et)th, Harley Yong Lang took the sifvef:·inedal, he 24th place. Matt Depue failed to , ~as· _in # ghth, Mike. ~rown was was a mere minute~Ji.nd change complete the first lap. m nmth:.,splac~ and Gtti Oowland behind the winner;•;Nate Him• Second lap, Steve Lang contin~ was _in_'.l~th:_p~ce. Chris. Dunne melrick took third-place: ·honors ues to lead the clas~, Randy Ward, ~ m:Otlq>l~c-e, Kyle Vt;zo was and Dan Bergen fin~~ed·ffrst o(f holds on in the. second spot, Dan . . in the.,l2_th·;~t>'.~t, Tyle_r Peters~n . the podium. Congi-Jlt.s:'t9tall!.Not Bergen remains in the 'third s1>9~-ran 1_J~t J?.J;(t : Ventura was tn completing their,:fi~~~:ljP._\w~re: Steve Lang was awarded the silver medal for his actions in Class 9, Steve was just over a minute out of the class win. Tom Koch makes a two point landing at the MORE Freedom race, Jake Savant took home the silver medal in the Class 78 contest, Jake Tom was unable to complete his final lap and was scored as a dnf. was seven minutes in arrears when he took the checkered flag. Jason Wadsworth drove his really good lookin' truck to a second Rick Romans took third place honors in the Class 1 battle, Rick was David Vreeland led his class on the third lap but disaster struck on place finish in the Class 88 contest, seen here at high speed. only 32 seconds out of a second place finish at the Freedom race. his final lap and he was recorded as a dnf. Page 10 August 2012 Dusty Times

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~ t Mike Brown, Tyler Peterson, Mike Goltz, Randy Ward, Jorge Ventura, Harley Yong, Chris DunneEric Ruble, Rick Windust and Derek Eugenio. There were nine Class 10 cars entered and only one of them was able to complete the required seven laps. When their first lap ended it was Roger Starkey lead-ing the way, Cody Jeffers was six seconds in arrears in the second spot, Kathy Kirkmeyer was in the third spot, Adam Tjelmeland was running in fourth place and Tom Koch was holding down the fifth spot. Bill Zolg was in the sixth spot, Ty Godde was unlucky sev-enth and Gerrit Dragt was in the eighth spot. Berchard Holly did not complete his initial lap. Second lap and Roger Star-key continued to lead the class, Cody Jeffers held on in the sec-ond spot, Bill Zolg ran in third, Kathy Kirkmeyer dropped a spot into fourth place and Tom Koch held on in the fifth spot. Adam Tjelmeland dropped two spots to sixth place, Ty Godde remained in seventh place and Gerrit Dragt remained in the eighth spot. Third lap, Roger Starkey was still showing the way, Tom Koch turned it on and moved up into the second spot, Kathy Kirkmeyer was back into third place, Ty Godde was up three spots into fourth place, Adam Tjelmeland was up into fifth place Gerrit Dragt was now in the sixth spot. Cody Jeffers and Bill Zolg were on their respective trailers. · Fourth lap and Roger Starkey Phillip Isabelle took the win in the Class 7C action, he had a couple of laps on his competition, Phillip is seen here on his way to the flag. was still leading the class, Kathy complete their final lap. Kirkmeyer was up another spot Class 11 was next up, there into second place, Tom Koch were three cars entered and at the dropped a spot into third place, end of their first lap it was Kyle Ty Godde remained in the fourth Zirkus leading the class, Michael spot and Gerrit Dragt was run-Cote Came along 20 minutes ning fifth. Adam Tjelmeland was later in the second spot and Bill out of the race. Swisher was unable to complete Their fifth lap ended and his first lap. Kathy Kirkmeyer was now in the Second lad ended and Michael Class 10 lead, Tom Koch was Cote was the only car running. now running in the second spot Kyle Zirkus was unable to com-and Ty Godde was running in plete the lap. the third spot. Roger Starker and That's all there was for the Gerrit Dragt were out of the race. Class 11 troops. There were no changes in the Class 7B had four entrants running order in the sixth lap. ready to run their seven required Seventh lap, final lap and laps and half of them made it all guess who collected the check- the way. At the end of their first ered flag, Kathy Kirkmeyer was lap it was Jake Savant leading the the winner in the Class 10 battle, way, Ralph Potts was 17 seconds Tom Koch and Ty Godde had behind in the·second spot and problems and were t1nable· to Ma~land McKinney was runn8ing ________ ,..;... ______________ ..., Tim Craig was the winner in the Class 1600 contest, Tim had 31 minutes on his competition when the checkered flag was unfurled. in the third place position. Beau Rash did not complete his first lap. There were no position chang-es on the second lap. Third lap and Jake Savant still led the class, Ralph Potts remained in the second spot, he was six minutes behind the leader. Marland McKinney was out of the race. There were no position chang-es on the fourth lap. Fifth lap and we had a new leader, Ralph Potts was the new leader, Jake Savant had slipped to second place, he was now six minutes behind the leader. There were no position chang-es on laps six and seven and it was Ralph Potts taking the gold medal and Jake Savant taking home the silver medal. Class 7C only had two en-trants, they both had difficulties. Phillip Isabelle led the class for three laps and that's all there was. Nathan Ortiz was in second place at the conclusion of the first lap and was not heard from again. Phillipe Isabelle completed two more laps but he too was out of the race, not completing his fourth lap. The Class 14 conflict had 18 contestants, they had six laps to run but only three of them made it all the way. When their first lap ended it was Jaime Campbell in the lead, Kevin Knight was in the second spot, he was eight seconds in arrears, Allen Byma was in the third· spot, he was another 28 seconds in arrears, Bryson Hopfe. was in the fourth spot and Joe Continued an page 12 Jay Wallick led the first lap in his class, had a horribly long second Rhonda Parkhouse was running second in her class when troubles forced It was a no fun dnf for Jfrry Fisher, Jerry was running in third place lap and ended up completing 5_ of 6 laps for a dnf. her to abandon the race, she had completed four of the five required laps. when troubles forced him to retire on the last lap. Not too bad a day for Nate Himmelrick, he took third place honors in the Ty Godde took home the bronze medal for his efforts in the Class Bobby Quarmstorn was a bit off the winning pace at the Freedom class 9 contest, he's seen here at speed on his way to the checkers. 10 action, he's seen here flying beautifully towards the checkers. race, Bobby finished in third place, he's seen here just at liftoff. Joe Castrey took third place honors in the 1/2-1600 action, he's seen Eric Hardin finished first off the podium in the Class 1 race at Charles Currie only finished 75% of the four required laps in the here just at landing, Joe was two laps short of finishing the race. Freedom, Eric is seen here just at liftoff on his way to the checkers. Trophy Challenge, he's seen here at high speed on his way home. Dusty Times August 2012 Page 11

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I I i • .. Dan Bergen gave it his all but he had to settle for a fourth place finish in the Class 9 contest, Dan is seen here at one of many takeoffs. Thomas Chamlee raced his really good look in' truck to an unfortunate Michael McCarty was only able to complete five of the seven required dnf in the Class 88 contest, seen here at very high speed. laps at the Freedom race, he's seen here just at liftoff. Miller was running fifth. Vincent Munoz was in sixth place, Rich Decamp was running seventh, Jason Wadsworth was in eighth spot, Thomas Chamlee ran ninth and Serge Bomhard was in the 10th position. Bobby Quarmstorn was running in 11th spot, Josh Williams made it an even dozen, Daniel Fertal was in 13th place, Chris Guillen ran in 14th place, Jeff Musgrave rounded out the first 15 entrants and Bree Cloud was the 16th finisher. Robert Moruzzi and Nathan Ellis were unable to complete their first lap. Second lap concluded and Jaime Campbell continued to lead the class, Kevin Knight held on in the second spot, Jason Wadsworth was up five places into third place, Rich Decamp was also up three spots, he was running in fourth place and Bryson Hopfe was down a spot into fifth place. Thomas Cham-lee was up into the sixth spot, Bobby Quarmstorn was up four places into seventh, Vincent Munoz dropped to eighth place, Chris Guillen was up five places into ninth spot, Jeff Musgrave ran in the 10th spot and Josh Williams was in 11th place. Allen Byma, Joe Miller, Serge Bomhard and Daniel Fertal were all out of the contest. Third lap ended and Kevin Knight was the new class leader, Jason Wadsworth was up another spot into second place, he was about 12 minutes behind .the leader, Bryson Hopfe was up two places into third, Bobby Quarmstorn was up another three spots into fourth place and Vincent Munoz was running fast and was in fifth place. Rich Decamp dropped two spots into sixth place, Jeff Musgrave was up three spots into sev-enth place, Thomas Chamlee dropped two spots into eighth place and Josh Wil-liams was up two places into the ninth spot. Jaime Camp-Adam Householder took fifth place honors in the Class 1 battle, a Mike Brown was unable to finish his final lap in the Class 9 contest, very long fourth lap didn't help matters, he's seen here at speed. Mike is seen here scootin' towards the sometimes elusive finish line. bell, Chris Guillen and Bree Cloud were all out of the race. Fourth lap ended and Kevin Knight continued to lead the class, Jason Wadsworth held down the second spot, he was 19 minutes in arrears, Bobby Quarmstorn was up a spot into third place, Rich Decamp was up two spots into fourth place and Bryson Hopfe dropped two spots and was now running in fifth place. Thomas Chamlee waf up two places into sixth, Vin-cent Munoz dropped two places into seventh and Jeff Musgrave dropped a spot into eighth place. Josh Williams had disappeared from the scoring charts. Fifth lap, Kevin Knight con-tinued to lead the class, Jason Wadsworth remained in the sec-ond spot, he was 20 minutes behind the leader on time, Bobby Quarmstorn was still running third, he was another eight min-utes back, Thomas Chamlee was still fourth, he was another 57 minutes in arrears, Bryson Hopfe remained in the fifth spot and Rich Decamp was in sixth place and was the last car running. Vin-cent Munoz and Jeff Musgrave were out of the fracas. Sixth lap, final lap and when they unfurled the checkered flag it was Kevin Knight right there to take the honors, Jason Wad-sworth took second place, he was 19 minutes in arrears at the flag and Bobby Quarmstorn was third to finish, he was another 15 min-utes in arrears. Thomas Chamlee, Bryson Hopfe and Rich Decamp were unable to complete their sixth and final lap. There were five cars entered-in the Class 1600 battle, they had seven laps to run but only one of them would make all the required laps. At the end of their first lap it was Tim Craig leading the class, Brian Munson was run-ning in the second spot, he was a minute behind the class leader, Joe Castrey was in third place, he was another 10 minutes in arrears, Michale McCarty was fourth, he was another 14 minutes in arrears and Julie Meehan held down the fifth spot. There were no position chang-es on the second lap. · Third lap came to an end and Tim Craig continued to lead the class, Joe Castrey was up a spot into second place, he was 47 minutes in arrears, Julie Meehan was up two spots into third place and Michael McCarty remained in the fourth spot. Brian Munson was on his trailer. There were no position chang-es on the fourth lap. Fifth lap ended, and, you guessed it: Tim Craig was still the first car on the road, Julie Meehan continued running in the second spot, Joe Castrey was in third place, he was only sec-onds out of the second spot and Michale McCarty was running in the fourth spot. Sixth lap, Tim Craig was still showing all the troops how it was done, Julie Meehan was in sec-ond place and that's was all there were. Joe Castrey and Michale· McCarty were out of the action. Seventh lap, final lap and when the checkers flew it was · Tim Craig taking the gold medaL Well deserved. That's all there was, Julie Meehan had disap-peared and never completed her final lap. That's it folks, there ain't no more! See ya all at the next one, September 8 in Lucerne. M-Q~l\.:~ Bryson Hopfe is going to really fly high on this one, Bryson was unable Tyler Peterson was only able to complete five of the six required laps Rich Decamp only got five of the six required laps under his belt to finish his final lap and was shown fifth in the Class 8 contest. at Freedom, he's seen here runnin' toward the finish line. before withdrawing from the race, he's seen here-in his Ford truck . .,.. Mike Pacewiczh is really throwin 'gravel, Mike was unable to complete Randy Ward was only able to complete five of the six required laps Mike Goltz drove his good look in' car to an unfortunate dnf in Class his final lap in the Class 1 contest at the Freedom 250. in the Class 9 contest, he's seen here headin' into the darkness. 9, Mike was only able to complete five of the six required laps. Page 12 August 2012 Dusty Times 7

Page 13

CLASS SCORE LITES WIN Parkhouse Motorsports Congratulations To Team Parkhouse On The 2012 Baja 500 Win! Drivers: Co-drivers: Brent Parkhouse John Kohut Brian Burgess ~ · ·· ·· Javier Medina :---.. ""* ..,Special Thanks To: · Jim Moulton (Moulj~n Race, ·-pf rit ding as·a solid race car again. Fat PerformMce for a·1 . motor straight out of the box. Yokohama Tires, ~00 miles no a s ( y put us on the podium again!) ' (. King ShQcks Kartek .. - -,,. . .,.,~ DF # aste.rCr P;GIR rKhouse Pit Crew for all their years of hard work, 't e here without ou. WHEEL SIZES I 6X4 VW NON BEADLOCK • 17X8 TRUCK BEADLOCK GEN.2 ** 15X8 TRUCK BEADLOCK •• 17X8 VW BEADLOCK f7X8 TRUCK Sll'iULATED LOCK 15Xt2 VW 8EADLOCK l5X7 VW BEADLOCK 15X7 VW NON BEADLOCK I 5x4 VW BEADLOeK l5X4 VW NON BEADLOCK ~SCAN ALSO BE ctn AND WE1.IJE:D TO CLSTOH D/>EN!Jl()IIS •

Page 14

lJ\.lcC: RALLY NEW ZEALAND Loeb/Citroen DS! overall By Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden Hayden Paddon and John Kennard were the SWRC champions in New Zealand, they are seen here in their Skoda Fabia on the course. don, the New Zealander who last specification. Mads Ostberg, year became the FIA's Produc-who was lying third and top Ford tion Car World Champion, was driver in the Drivers' champion-challenged only from the Proton ship was also absent. Once again drivers Andersson and Alister the entry for Henning Solberg McRae. Do not think however did not materialise. Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena drove their Citroen DS3 to the overall win in New Zealand, here at high speed into a left hander. that Paddon is a local driver to The weather prospects did this event. His home is at Geral-not look happy, but you never dine in the South Island is over know. Even the experts were 600km from Auckland! Surpris-hedging their bets. Michelin ingly, none of the wide collection supplied hard tyres, offering their of top class local Group N drivers drivers only the regulatory lim-were nominated by the organis- ited supply of ten alternative soft ers as a Guest driver in the cate- tyres. DMack preferred soft with gory, although they were entered only a limited quantity of hard for the event proper. Richard tyres. The weather could be wet Mason, Chris West and Emma or dry, but undoubtedly cold. 11 Gilmour were seeded to start the years ago the late Richard Burns event right behind the PCWRC dramatically showed how favour-Once again the red and white cars were unbeatable, yet another rally when the blue oval team went home in tears. Sebastien Loeb beat his Citroen Total team-mate Mikko Hirvonen, who sport-ingly admitted that the world champion was just too consistent • in his stage times to be beaten. Both the Ford drivers played long odds, Jari-Matti Latvala with a bold and unconvincing starting order choice, while eventual third placed Petter Solberg with a bold tyre choice which conceivably migh~ have worked but proved unnecessary. Latvala then spun off the road and lost time while spectators untangled his car from fencing wire, and finished sev-enth. Citroen bosses let Loeb and Hirvonen challenge each other on the stages for a fare amount of time before eventually giving stay-put orders at the end of Day 2. The weather was typical for New Zealand, vastly changeable within minutes. New Zealander Hayden Paddon won the SWRC category, the only driver in that ·class to complete the route, while the two official rival Proton cars suffered troubles on every day. The Argentine privateer Marcos Ligato won the PCWRC. As the seventh of the 13 round series, the Brother Rally New Zealand was the halfway point in the 2012 FIA world rally cham-pionship. The format of the north. The second "endurance" drivers. There was also a subsid- able running order can be critical rally remained similar to recent experiment, because free prac- iary three day Possum Bourne when the conditions are dry, but years, in the shape of a vertical tice and then the Qualifying Memorial Rally for drivers of that event was run in September, dumbbell with stages in a group Stage were held some 50km and non homologated cars run after in NZ springtime. Dust was un-to the south of Auckland on the more away from the Auckland the WRC event had passed using likely to be a hazard this time but first day, then in groups north base, these sections were run on all the same stages. significant road cleaning was on of Auckland on the second and remote service principles so any News among the drivers were the cards should the weather be third days. There were remote spare or alternative parts required that Ken Block made his second dry, and wintry conditions could service locations on two days, at by the crews had to be carried WRC appearance of the season, bring fog or even ice on the early Raglan on the Friday and then in the cars. This is a completely this time with a brand new Fiesta morning Friday stages. on Saturday at Whangarei over new principle which the organis- (his Mexico car now having been It was 35 years ago that the 300km away. The central service ers of Rally GB in September sold to Lebanon) but as a lone WRC first visited the Antipodes. park was in the newly redevel- are also expected to adopt. New Monster team entry, without and the delights of the country oped harbour area of Auckland, Zealand falls within the FIA's "no support from the Australian are still there. Where else could not far from its location on the testing" WRC rule, although the Chris Atkinson who had been a special stage be run on, and last WRC event in the country, support championship drivers his teammate in Mexico. Of the named after, the local Girls High in 2010, at the Viaduct Events could have a dedicated one day 44 entries, 33 were foreign, but School Road? Where else would Centre. Most of the stages were test before recce. Otherwise the for the first time in 41 years no an event get excited that the rally old favourites. This year the fa. only permitted testing was dur- trans Tasman entry from Austra- was going to run in absolute mid mous Whaanga Coast stages run ing free practice on the Thursday lia had been received. Missing winter and promote it as the rally on cliff tops was run on Day 1, morning. regular WRC drivers included of the "Longest Night" yet alJ the not at the end of the event. Day New Zealand was the second Nasser Al Attiyah (preparing to stages were run in daylight for 1 had eight long stages, totalling of only three events during the represent Qatar in Skeet shoot-the top runners Other novelties 210km, virtually half the competi-season when both the SWRC ing at the Olympic Games.), his of the event included a parade of tive distance of the whole event, and the PCWRC support cham- registered entry was taken over by rally cars down Queen Street in and this meant the pre event pionships compete at the same the usual Citroen Junior driver central Auckland instead of an driver running order selection time. Five of the six registered Thierry Neuville meaning that official ceremonial start. Some was critically important. It was SWRC competitors nominated Neuville would score Makes' stages were new to the event, like also the greatest distance before New Zealand a·s one of the seven points for the Qatar team rather the Girls School stage previously cars could receive full service i_n out of eight events they would en-than the Junior team. Another run on the APRC Whangarei the WRC, one of two special FIA ter. And although New Zealand driver change among the reg- Rally, others though had not inspired "endurance" aspects tri-is a country steeped in Group N istered makes' teams was that been run for some time, like Te aled at this rally. The total stage traditions, Benito Guerra, Michal while Daniel Oliveira was absent Akau which was last used in the distance was 414km compared Kosciuszko and Nicolas Fuchs, his Brazil WRT cat was driven clockwise direction in 1997. The with 396 in 2010. three of the" top four PCWRC Manfred Stohl. Dani Sordo national star attraction of course, There were two separate shake- drivers all opted to miss the event drove the Prodrive development the first time a national reigning down locations, one close to leaving no clear favourite in this Mini, one of three Mini WRCs world champion had competed Helensville for the WRC cars category. Clearly the SWRC on this event but the only one the event. Paddon: "The last and the other some way further favourite had to be Hayden Pad- prepared so far in the latest OlB WRC rally in NZ? I hope not, ------------------------.---...-,-------,--,....,,--.... ...,,....,.-----=-,,a: Dani Sordo and Carlos Del Barrio drove their John Cooper Works Per-Gunar Andersson and Emil Axelsson drove their Protron Satria Arminda Araujo and Miguel Rama/ho finished eighth overall in their Mini to a sixth overall finish in New Zealand, seen here before some Neo to a second place finish in SWRC in New Zealand, here at high John Cooper Works Mini, here going into a right hander before an admiring spectators. speed. admiring crowd. Page 14 August 2012 Dusty Times

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I' Mikko Hirvonen and Jarmo Lehtinen miss a turn at the New Zealand Rally, they finished second overall in their Citroen DS3. but I worry about the way things are heading. We like to think it is really the best rally in the cham-pionship. The days of recce have gone well and the roads are look-ing in very good condition. The current rain is washing a lot of the gravel off the road, and if the expected dry weather comes, then the roads will be perfect for the rally". Reece was not uneventful, the police were out in force, checking on the speeds being achieved by the rally drivers. Rally leader in this respect was the Ukraine driv-er Oleksii · Kikireshko who was clocked exceeding speed limits 13 times. The crew explained to the event Stewards that their OPS speed alarm was mounted where they could not hear the warning sound, but still he became 123 euros poorer and was given a two minute event penalty. Lorenzo Bertelli was given a 510 euro penalty only rescinded when the team said the offence was after recce had finished, indeed that it was a friend at the wheel of the car. Sebastien Loeb was given a warning having been seen per-·farming an overtaking manoeu-vre with less than 100 metres of visibility in front of him. It was ever thus in NZ! Kikireshko's day then came to a climax when he slid backwards off the road in Shakedown. Loeb made fastest time in free practice ahead of Neuville but things changed for the Qualifying Stage, in which the running order depended on the championship order, so off went Loeb first, and he suffered for it, making only fourth best time of the 13 Prior-ity 1 drivers on the event. Fast-est in QS, and first to make his running order selection for the huge 210km Day 1 route, was Latvala, fourth car through the stage. Hirvonen was second best, running second, Solberg running third was third while Neuville was an impressive fifth. Sardo had a bad time, "The engine cut out when I switched on the anti-lag system just before the start", but he still made seventh best time. Then came the selec-tion game. Latvala chose the last available slot,13th position, but then his rivals chose the opposite ploy. Only Neuville followed the Latvala philosophy, all the others chose to be at the front of the running order. The choice was bound to be critical, with over 105km of competitive distance being tackled in virgin condi-tions. The long and very abrasive Whaanga Coast stage was large in drivers minds. Many drivers wondering if the deep gravel on parts of the stage were in fact too Dusty Times deep to clear away, giving no ad-vantage to later runners. Latvala was obviously playing the long odds. Total number of starters was 41 with another 14 in the Pos-sum Bourne Memorial Rally for non-homologated cars running seven minutes after the world championship entries. Tactics for the rally? Loeb: "You have to push hard if you want a top three place on this event. Maybe we are going to have to forget that we only have remote service points on the first two days. I decided to take third place on the road as that was similar to the positions chosen by Hirvonen and Solberg, my two main rivals for the champion-ship, but not knowing what the weather will be like, we don't know what will be the best run-ning order position." Day 1 The choice of running posi-tion was not the only critical decision that had to be made, the choice of tyres proved i;ven more important. Nearly all the top runners chose to use some of their limited numbers of soft Michelins, drivers select-ing hards were essentially just Petter Solberg and Sordo. Ke-tomaa alone had an obvious policy, being the only top driver on DMack tyres. And then whether· to take one or two spares. Should they use up more of their soft supply? About these choices, the weather had a lot to say. After a night without rain the opening stages were drying out and there was still a lot of loose gravel on the surfaces. In deep anguish right away was Petter Solberg, losing a quarter minute in the first stage. Dani Sordo had a problem with his gear selection and Jari-Matti Latvala made fastest time on the shorter stage 1, but then came the longer Whaanga Coast stage and it was still sunny when the cars tackled the stage. First run-ning Hirvonen found the loose gravel worse than during recce but pulled ahead of Latvala who dropped to third, also behind Loeb. Latvala found the rear of his car, with his two weighty spare wheels, was sliding around a lot. Jari Ketomaa touched a bend and pulled a tyre off its rim, Paulo Nobre was worried about a flashing fuel pressure warning light. The third and fourth stag-es of the first loop were a little further north. On stage 3 (Te Akau North) the rain started to fall, for a while. Loeb started to gain on his teammate. Ketomaa lost more time with a puncture and took nearly four minutes to change the wheel. Neuville had Petter Solberg and Chris Patterson took home the bronze medal in New Zealand, seen here in their Ford Fiesta RS at a corner. a spin which dropped him from wouldn't move. I had to wait 4th to 6th. After the first loop until a farmer came with some of four stages Hirvonen was 3.9 cutters to free the wire." Mean-seconds in front of his teammate while at the front, Loeb's big trick Loeb while Solberg was lying in was the choice of his two spare seventh place, disappointed at hard compound good condition the outcome of his tyre choice tyres which he then fitted to the decision but happy in that he front wheels, leaving Hirvonen to had one more set of soft tyres fit two worn, soft tyres for these available for later on, which if stages. It was enough for Loeb to the weather turned wet could pull into the lead on the last stage be a great asset. But dropping of the day. almost 1 m30s in only 100km The surprise of the opening was no fun, and it seemed to stages in SWRC was the pace have been his second disas-of Per-Gunnar Andersson, six trous tyre choice in successive seconds ahead of the favourite, events. About his choice of road Paddon. In immediate trouble position, Latvala had thought was Yazeed Al Rajhi also with a it would not be as muddy as it gear selection problem and one was, and being only 16 seconds stage later his radiator was dam-behind the leader wasn't too aged by a stone from a car he was disappointed, "By this evening following in the stage and he was we will know if our decision out for the day. On stage two was right or wrong." Latvala's Andersson was flying, making codriver Anttila, "We were lucky another best time despite a 360 we chose soft tyres, it was the degree spin, and pulling a tyre off best choice. The car is oversteer- its rim. Oleksowicz was stuck off ing, we are not really happy with ,_the road for a minute, jammed the car." in a fence. On stage 3 Anders-The second loop of stages saw son's run came to an end down a repeat of the morning' stages, a bank, not badly damaged, after this time cleaned by the passage trusting a bad pacenote. This of the earlier cars, and the breeze let Paddon ahead of McRae, and had dried out the surfaces. Sol-then on stage 4 McRae had an berg had reverted to softs, like electrical disaster at the arrival all the other top drivers, and control and the second Proton immediately made a fourth best stopped. SWRC was down to time. Latvala was playing a tyre just two drivers. Then on stage game, compromising his speed 4 Oleksowicz rolled on a slow with the need to keep the tyres corner, breaking the screen and working as well as possible all af-this caused him difficulties driv-ternoon. Loeb, "It's hard driving ing into low sunlight which left on these soft tyres in these condi-Paddon alone. On the second tions but you have no choice." Af-loop Paddon crossed his soft ter stage 5, Hirvonen's lead was with hard tyres but he then had down to 1.5 seconds but at the transmission trouble with only end of the second Whaanga stage second and top gear working and (6), now normally much drier, also clutch trouble, but managed his lead was suddenly back to 7.6 to struggle back to Auckland seconds. Most drivers, including with only second and sixth gears Loeb and Neuville, had two spare working. hard tyres in case the stages con-In PCWRC Ligato went into tinued to dry-out. Latvala carried the lead, struggling on hard tyres, only softs and eased his pace, but had a challenge from a sur-worried about the two final long and fast stages. Solberg however had no such concern and was sec-ond quickest over Whaanga. Lat-vala' s plans for domination on the two Te Akau stages (7 and 8) went badly wrong, when he cut a bend spun into the verge and found the ground unexpectedly soft. The car was dragged into a fence. More than four minutes were lost disentangling the car, the potential winner was down to ninth overall. Latvala, "I saw that some drivers had taken a big cut so I tried to do the same. The front right of the car touched a hole and the car spun through 180 degrees. I was quickly back on the throttle but the car hit a fence and some wire wrapped itself around the wheel. The car August 2012 pnsmg source. On the two lon-gest stages of the first loop (stages 3 and 4) the fastest driver was Ramona Karlsson. At the Raglan midday remote service Karlsson was only 12.5 seconds behind the category leader with Gorban and Aksa third and fourth. Bertelli went missing on stage 4. Louise Cook was winning a fight against the flu and was getting used to the set-up on her borrowed car, "I am running on adrenalin." Non championship driver Richard Ma-son was the top Group N driver and unusually a Dunlop user, despite having no clutch, 13 sec-onds in front of Emma Gilmour. Day 2 All 41 cars that started the rally restarted the event, of which nine crews had availed themselves of Rally 2 ("SupeRally"), and headed for the stages north of Auckland. Regular reverse seed-ing rules now applied for all the same 13 Priority 1 drivers, with Paulo Nobre first car away. The weather had calmed down and with relief many drivers had the chance wjth confidence to start using harci compound tyres. Lat-vala' s title hopes were by his own admission gone out the window, and with the relatively limited amount of stage distance to run, he was pessimistic of eventu-ally finishing any higher than his current ninth place. He was all of two minutes behind seventh placed driver Dani Sordo. Sol-berg meanwhile kept to softs and made fastest time on stages 9 and 11, immediately jumping in front of Novikov, and still had his extra softs in reserve in case it started to rain on Sunday. "I really hope there will be a very heavy storm tomorrow!" In the current dry conditions of the morning, with half the rally covered on Day 1, his chances of improving on third place were slim. "Using the hard tyres in the rain means you can expect to lose a second a kilometre." On stage 11 Hirvonen surprised his teammate by reducing Loeb's lead of 8.5 seconds to 1. 7 at the midday service, after 11 of the 22 stages. At this time there was still no signs that Citroen might give team orders to Hirvonen and Loeb. "I don't want to take the risk of fighting my teammate, but now I realise I have to", joked the champion. Loeb was calm, his codriver saying that Sebastien was balancing speed with taking care, but he was himself near his limit. Remember last year when Loeb hit a bridge in the area? He did it again. On the morning stages Araujo had a brn-Continued on p111 16 Page 15

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I ' Oleksii Kikireshko and Pavlo Cherepin slid off the course·and were Jari-Matti latvala and Miikka Anttila get some air time in crossing a Maciej Oleksowicz and Andrzej Obrebowski are seen here in their left hanging high and dry in their Mitsubishi lancer Evo IX. bridge, they finished seventh overall in their Ford Fiesta RS. Ford Fiesta, they finished 26th overall at the Rally New Zealand. ken damper which was changed McRae. McRae then had more especially slippery. Although the Stage. Despite the huge distances to go off on the second Domain at remote service, but still the trouble and stopped the day ac-rain had come and Petter's risky between full service none of the stage and she damaged the radia-handling on his Mini was not tivities at service, so that Anders- day 1 tyre choice could still have World Rally Cars resorted to us-tor but managed to get the car to right in afternoon. During the son was lying second. On stage been successful, he had given up ing SupeRally ("Rally 2") and it the finish. Ligato held his lead in afternoon Ketomaa had a broken 14 Al Rajhi went straight off the hoping."! am now content with was the first time since Monte PCWRC to gain his first win in anti roll bar. By stage 12 Loeb road into a tree and also retired third place, without risks." The Carlo this year that Paulo Nobre the category this season, ahead of had increased his lead to 4.8 for the day. On the final stage of third stage of the day was the first had completed a route. For one Aksa, Trivino and Gorban, who seconds with Hirvonen easing the day Andersson caught a rock of two asphalt stages around the driver there was late anguish. scored a string of fast times in the his pace. and pulled a wheel off problems, Auckland Domain park, where Ott Tanak, who was in a furious category on the final five stages. All three stages in the first the second day running which the Mini of Sordo scored its battle with Novikov and Neuville Suddenly, with no drawn-out loop had been virgin, as were the Protons did not finish. Pad- longed-for scratch time. for fourth place, rolled on the proceedings, the rally was over, the first two stages of the af-don finished the day with a lead By now the weather had done second stage and retired, giving hopefully with the chance for ternoon, Neuville commented of more than 36 minutes. its worst when it came to tyre the Latvala two more unexpected the teams to come down to this that the stages were clear and if In PCWRC Ligato was cruis- choice. For the Michelin users it championship points. In SWRC faraway country for a WRC event anything were more like asphalt ing along, leading the category was not a question of using the although Paddon had a big spin another year. than gravel. Once again the by lh40m overnight in front of hard or the soft tyres, the unused and punctured his half-hour lead Citroen's fourth 1-2 result of weather changed and the stages Karlsson. Linari changed the tur-softs had long since run out. in the category meant this had no the season sees their lead over started to be moist. Behind the bo overnight but the car was still The choice was whether to run effect on the category result. The Ford increase to 93 points while leaders, Novikov and Tanak were losing power, On the third stage with unused hards or with worn only retirement from the category Loeb's lead over his teammate close with Neuville not far be-of the day Gorban lost seven out softs. And if they needed to was the Proton of McRae who Hirvonen in the Drivers' series hind and all of_ them making minutes and dropped from third fit a mixture of hards and softs stopped for a third time, this oc- stands at 38 points. with Loeb's fastest times. Hovering behind, to sixth and Bertelli stopped the question was whether to use casion after a clutch-release bear- lead of 55 points over Petter Sol-out of the top ten, was Manfred again. The final stage of the day available new or olds and with ing failed. So Paddon finished berg and 91 over Jari-Matti Latvala Stohl. The two longer stages was stopped when Karlsson's car what sort of ci:ossover combina-ahead of Andersson, Oleksowicz although Mads Ostberg still holds used during the first loop only re- suddenly caught fire on the stage tion should the tyres be fitted. and Al Rajhi. Honour of best fourth place despite missing New mained to be run again at the end and the crew watched as their With no televised Power Stage local driver also went to Paddon, Zealand. Guerra continues to lead of the day and Solberg's prayers car disappeared in front of them. there was no awkward hold up despite his spin, while Richard the PCWRC series by ten points were answered quicker than he Ramona: "We hit a bump but on the final afternoon and the Mason, Emma Gilmour and Matt from Gorban while in SWRC had expected. It started to rain thought nothing of it. Then the rally ran straight through with no Jansen, all in Class 3 Subarus, Paddon has taken a 19 point lead properly on stage 14, at least for car started to catch fire and my fewer than four stages through beat the regular PCWRC con-in the category from Breen, who a while. Stage 15 was the final codriver Miriam (Walfridsson) the day to the finish. The Fords tenders. Gilmour had a lot of is now equal in second place with one of the day. Loeb started 7.9 and I decided to abandon ship took 1st and 2nd in the Power bra,ke problems which caused her ,1.qdersson. l.AJ2C:: seconds ahead of Hirvonen, and there and then. We picked our-fastest through the stage where selves up and saw the now blaz-Hirvonen had surprised him in ing car roll down the road into a the mud earlier, was Hirvonen bank and burn itself completely once again. The gap after stage out." Interruption times were is-15 was 6.4s. sued for the PCWRC and later Loeb said he was happy they running drivers, including Aksa had survived a difficult day, hav-who had made best PCWRC ing to run with hard tyres in time for the previous five stages, the rain, and that the fight with and had the unusual effect of Hirvonen had been amazing. elevating Aksa over Trivino, and It started with him leading his because of Karlsson's misfortune teammate by four seconds and up into second place. At the end ended with him leading by six! of the day Bertelli announced It went almost without saying he was not continuing and then that the drivers knew they should Kikireshko retired as well in ser-maintain positions, a situation vice through crew illness. Ligato made easier as Loeb had access ended the day with a lead of over to more soft tyres, expected to be 5 minutes. needed, that Hirvonen realised. Day 3 Mikko: "It was a good fight but Only three drivers had regis-Sebastien is more consistent than tered themselves unable to re-me. When you are up against a start, all of them PCWRC driv-di:iver like that you cannot af-ers. Kikireshko, Karlsson and ford to be inconsistent!" Loeb's Bertelli so 38 cars headed off newest DS3 chassis therefore was into the gloomy morning mist heading for its second win in two and rain. A lot of rain had fallen events. Araujo was still in the top overnight. The choices were ha-ten despite having been nervous sically new hards or worn soft in the morning at being forced tyres, or a combination of both. to use hard compound tyres in Thierry Neuville used the cross-conditions where the surfaces over mixture as did Sebastien were inconsistent, but he had the Loeb. Mikko Hirvonen used old suspension damper mount weak- softs which were not as good as ness, temporarily cured by using new hards. Latvala, "With stand-metal superglue, and this was ing water it is better to have new finally sorted out -at the evening hards, because the new treads service. clear away the water." A ten min-In SWRC all the drivers re- ute delay at the start of the first started. Andersson admitted stage of the day allowed tyres to he had lost some of his con-cool down, which did not help fidence after his accident the matters. Main morning technical day before. When the "Rally problems were broken rear sus-2" penalties for missed stages pension for Paddon, whose Skoda 41.,_Rally _ ZMllnd (NZ)Auckllnd22/24.06.2012WRC ""-"Cl 7, PCWRC ""-"Cl 5, SWRC Roon!4 WCpoirlll WR WO PC SC (1) Sebatiln LOEB/Donlol Elono F.MC Clln>on OS3 (M) WRC CA975ZW (F) 4h.04m.51.2s. 25 25+1 • (2) llid<OHlRVONEN/Janno-~ CwonDS3(M) WRC BF911XB(F) 4h.05m.20.8s. 18 18 • (4) -SOlllER(IDwlo~ PMl8 Fonff-RS(M) WRC PXll1AYK(G8) 4h.06m.27.6s. 15 15+2 • (6) E,g,ny N0'111(0Vitllnia Gnuc1ot RIM Fon! F-RS (M) WRC RIJ55AlM (Ge) 4h.07m.04.81. 12 12 (7) Thiony NElJVUEMiallls G1oou1 B Cwon OS3 (M) WRC BI091DW (F) 4h.07m.33.81. 10 10 (37) Dari SonlolCl!lol Del B11rio E Mini John Cooper Wo,u (M) WRC 4WRC (Ge) 4h.07m.54.3s. 8 (3) Jari.Maltl LATVA&.Mal<a Anaio FN Fon!~ RS (M) WRC PX61AYl. (Ge) 4h.09m,44, 1t. 8 6+3 (12) AnnindoAnlujo/MiguolRamato P MlniJohnCoopo,WO!U(M) WRC EKD6810((G8) 4h.14m.27.6s. 4 9 (43) KenBlock/AlexGobomlno US4 Fonl-RS(M) WRC PX12BVS(G8) 4h.15m.21.5s. 2 10 (9) Manfn,dST-Minor A Fonl-RS(M) WRC PXli1AXV(G8) 4h.16m.17.51. 11 (16) .i.lKMOfnu/Mlkl&enblrg FN Fon!FieslaRS(O) WRC PX8011VG(G8) 4h.17m.26.9s. 6 1 12 (31) HoydenP-.iJohnKOMlfd NZ SkodlFabiaS2000(M) SWRC 9091HJW(E) 4h.20m.17.4d 25 13 (51) Rlcllanl + Soto Mason NZ SubeN lmproza (OM) 3 1BNT1 (NZ) 4h.20m.50.Ss• 16 (133) Maroos l.lgalolR.-Gan:11 RA Subl!u lmproza WRX (M) PC3 NM04728 (0) 4h.35m.20.9s. 25 17 (14) PouloNobre/ECllPIUII BR MinlJohnCoopo,Wo,u(M) WRC OU61DU(G8) 4h.36m.44.7s. 18 (145) Subh■nAl<lo/JeffJudd RW1Z Milsublshlunce<EvoX(M) PC3 81793SAB(RI) 4h.41m.11.7s. 18 19 (142) Ric■tdoTriYlno/AlexH■ro MEX,£ Mitsubi9/iiunce<EvolX(OM) PC3 EOE484(RA) 4h.42m.27.9s. 15 20 (139) VllleriyGolt>on/Andri-UA Mitsubi9/iiunce<EvolX~) PC3 M2205l<M(UA) 4h.43m.30.3s. 12 22 (140) Gilnluc:I I.Nri/Anchl Cocchl I Sublrv lmproza N14 (M) PC3 OU09BZH (GB) 4h.53m.33.11. 10 23 (33) Por_Gunr,.-Andoruonl&,I - S P101on Sa1ri1 Hoo 52000 (M) SWRC YN10CSX(G8) 4h.53m.37.1s.(7) • 26 (35) Maciej ~Ancmj ~ Pl Fon! F-52000 (OM) SWRC WD99991 (Pl) 5h.03m.55.3s.(5) 15 27 (136) LouiseCd/SlollnD■,is Ge Foo!-ST(O) PC3 FUE4(NZ) 5h.07m.21.3s. 8 • 28 (36) Y■-d Al RajlwT,lclllll O!r KSMlB Fon! Rol1I 1.6 52000 (M) SWRC 9Gl.G999 (8) 5h.10m.02.5s.(9) • • • 12 41 (9 PCWRC/5 SWl!C)-35(6PCWRCl3SWRC)-. MNUACTURERS" DRIVER. Tyros: D-0\nop, IJMaOMa.....-._ ~)-Mic:helin bulwNh Pn1-.. (llisoed.,_«n>ld-) -· -spood-sllgn 101.431<j>h. +•Power l1lgo poirlll. l■Cllu 2 - -•■Closs 3 - · L.EADNGRETIS1ENTS LASTSTAGECXM'lfTE) (5) OIT-Slldl EE Fon!FieslaRS(M) WRC PX11AWN(G8) -19 (34) -McR■■1W111m .._ GB/AUS P101on So1ri1 Nto 52000 (Ml SWRC YNOIIKWT (GB) dutch,...,. boamg (9) 19 (134) lmnlo Bo<llllll.oronz Gronol I Sublrv ~ N14 (M) PC3 N16SUI (Gil) -(5) 10 (141) 01obi - Cllnpn UA -i.-E,o D( (MA) PC3 M59IOOM (UA) CtlW -unwell 14 (144) --W-S Millubishiunce<E,.,X(O)PC3 CRF869(S) lirl RAU Y LEADERS lit<-■ 11■g■ 1, HIMlnln 2-7, loob 11-22. PCWRC I.EADER 1.1go1o ._ 1.22. CLASS 3 l.EADER, Mason.,_ 1•22. SWRCIClASS 2 LEADERS_.,_ 1+2. P-. ~22. TlleRout■ Sj)ocl■ISl■gos Tolol0il1■nc■ . Dly1 Auckllnd City (Friday 0600) • 8 gn,¥11-209.IIOlun 688.141un (1-8) Rogian• Auckllnd City (Friday 1930) Day2 Auddlnd Cl1y (Soudly 0710) • 7 gn,Vll-143.01km 629.93km (9-15) Whlngarol-Auckland Ci1y (Sa1urdoy 1948) Day3 Auckllnd Ci1y (Sunday 0640) • 5 gn,YOl-57.23km 338.31km (111-22) Auckland Cly • 2 nph■IH.10km Auckland Cl1y (Slr,day 1530) 22 slages-413.94km 1656.36km Weather. Very mixed and fast changing. No stages Ind-... leading Special Siaga positions 1 loob 7 LatvIl11 5 Hirvonen 3 Neuville 3 P.Sol>erg 2 Sonic 2 -·. Tanak . Slohl 1 SWRC/CIASS 2 Paddon 11100 16, Andemon 4, McRH & Al Ra!i11 each. PCWRC Uga1o woo 9 stages, A1<sa 6, Gotbln 5, Karlsson 2 CLASS 3 Mason won 17 s1ageS, Welt (Mi1sublsho13, Gilmour (SubeN) & Gofban 1 each 0-• Resa1ing 41 38 14 Posrlions in World Championship for Rallles (WCR): C'1!oen Total 237 points, Fon! 144, M-Spol1 Fon! 103, Qatar 47, Ci1roen Junior 42, Adapta 27, Mini WRC 26, Brazi 16 Positions in World Champ;onship fo, Dnvffl (WCO): Loeb 145 points, Hirvonen 107, P.Solberg 90, Ostberg 80, Novil<OY 55, l■lvala 54, Prol<op 36, Neuvlile 32, Sonic 29, Al Albyah 23, etc. leading positions in Production car WRC (Round 518X~x events 1o ooun1): Guomi 62 poiolS, Golban 52, Al<sa 42, Kooauszl<o 40, Uga1o 37, etc. leading l)OS!tions in S2000 WRC (Round <1/BXseven evtnts 10 COU/l1): Paddoo 62 poinls, Blffn & Andemon 43, Olel<sowicz 41, N Rajhi 22, etc. 18 were added up Paddon's category was bouncing around at the rear. ~~~i",~~2~~~~~2~~/~;~nS:~~n~ng@coml)\lservecom lead overnight was an amazing The second stage had quite differ-Auckland 25 minutes in front of Alister ent surfaces to the first and was 24lhJune2012 Page 16 August 2012 Dusty Times 'I

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AT MILLER MoTORSPORTS PARK Poole Takes Limited Buggy By ] Preston Bradshaw Photos: Tracksid.e Photo Jordan Poole was the big gold medal winner in the Limited Buggy Main Event, Jordan is seen here in beautiful flight on his way to the checkers. There were 12 9 vehicles ready to race at the June 23rd meeting at Miller Motorsports Park located in Toole (pronounced Toowilla) Utah. The event took place on June 23rd and a good time was had by all. The Super Lite Main Event ha_d l2 e,.ntrants and eight of them completed the 15 required laps. Sheldon Creed taking a nice win, Drew Britt was the silver medal winner, he was just a second in arrears, Dawson Kirchner took the bronze medal, he was five seconds in arrears, Jessie Johnson finished first off the podium and Brent Fouch rounded out the top five finishers. Wyatt Kirchner was sixth to finish the race, Garrett Poelman was the seventh finisher, Kyle Lucas finished in the eighth spot, and he was the last of the 15 lap finishers. Ryan Hagy was the ninth vehicle in, he completed 14 laps as did Danny Way who fin-ished in the 10th spot and Cody Rahders was shown in 11th place with 14 laps completed and John Gable was shown 12th with 10 Sheldon Creed was the big gold medal winner at the Miller Motorsports Park in the Super Lite Main Event, seen here saving some tire wear. laps completed. The Pro Lite Unlimited race had 23 entries and 13 of them were able to complete the required 20 laps. When the checkers fell it was Brian Deegan taking the hon-or, Ryan Beat finished a second later for the silver medal, Justin Smith was third to finish the race, Bradley Morris ,was fourth to fin-ish and Austin Kimbrell took fifth place honors. Jerett Brooks was sixth to finish, Jimmy Stephensen was lucky seventh to finish, Kyle Lucas was eighth in, RJ Anderson finished in the ninth spot and John Dempsey rounded out the top 10. Doug Mittag finished in 11th place, Chad George made it an even dozen and Bubba Gray finished in the 13th spot and he was the last of the 20 lap finish-ers. Casey Currie finished 19 laps and was shown 14th, Shannon Campbell was shown in the 15th spot, Noah Fouch was shown in 16th with 19 laps completed and Aaron Daugherty was shown 17th with 19 laps completed. Ron Duncombe was shown 18th with 18 laps completed, Sheldon Creed was shown 19th with 16 laps done and Jacob Person was 20th, he too with 16 laps complete. Matt Cook was shown 21st with 15 laps com-pleted, Curt Geer was listed 22nd Drew Britt threw a lot of dirt on his way to taking home the silver medal in the Super Lit Main event at the Miller Motorsports Park. with 6 laps in and Chris Brandt was shown 23rd with only one lap completed. The Pro Buggy Unlimited fra-cas had 14 entrants, they had to complete 19 laps for a finish. The big win went to Doug Fortin, Mike Porter was less than a sec• ond in arrears for second place, Steven Greinke took third place honors, he was two seconds be-hind the leader, Larry Job claimed first off the podium honors and Dave Mason slid in for fifth place honors. Lonny Hart was the sixth place finisher, Jerry Whelchel was seventh in and Garrett George finished eighth and he was the last of the 19 lap finishers. Scott Viers got 18 laps completed and was show ninth, Ken Stout was show 10th, also with 18 laps in and Robb Harvey was shown 11th, he too with 18 laps completed. Eric Fitch was shown 12th with 17 laps completed, Cameron Steele was shown 13th with 16 laps in and Geoffrey Cooley was shown 14th with eight laps completed. The Pro 4 Unlimited Main Event had 11 trucks rarin' to go, they had 20 laps to go for their contest and when the checkers flew it was Carl Renezeder taking a really nice win, we believe Carl is close to 100 wins in the series, Todd LeDuc finished in the sec-ond spot, Eric Barron claimed third place, Ryan Beat took fourth place honors and Jerry Daugh-erty was fifth to finish. Travis Coyne took sixth place honors and he was the last of the 20 lap finishers. Curt LeDuc was shown seventh with 19 laps completed, Corry Weller was shown eighth with 19 laps completed and Kyle LeDuc was shown ninth with 19 laps finished. Josh Merrellwas shown 10th with eight laps com-pleted and Greg Adler was shown 11th with six laps under his belt. The Pro 2 Unlimited Main event had 15 entrants and they had to travel 20 laps for an official finish. The big. winner was Brian Deegan, when he took the flag he had nine seconds in hand, Marty Hart took second place honors, Patrick Clark was third to finish, Rob Naughton finished first off the podium and Robby Woods was the fifth place finisher. Jeremy McGrath was the sixth place fin-isher, Jeff Gieser was the seventh place finisher, Jeremy Stenberg was eighth to take the checkers, Carl Renezeder was well back in ninth place and Trevor Cooper was 10th to finish the race. Ryan Hancock finished in the 11th spot and Rob MacCachren was 12th and the last of the 20 lap finishers. Greg Adler was shown 13th, com-pleting 19 laps, Justin Davis was shown 14th, he too with 19 laps completed and Rodrigo Ampudia was shown 15th, he also with 19 laps under his belt. The Limited Buggy r.ace only had nine entrants and they had to finish 15 laps of racing. When the checkers flew it was Jordan Poole taking a really nice win, John Fitzgerald took second place hon-ors, he was 4.5 seconds in arrears, Bradley Morris finished in the third spot, Kevin McCullough was fourth to finish and Dillon Ayers was fifth to take the checkers. Sixth place went to Keaton Swane, Lindsay Geiser was lucky seventh to finish and was the last of the 15 lap finishers. Chad Graham \\-as shown eighth with 14 laps done and Jim Price was shown ninth with six laps completed. The Kart Jr. 1 main event had 11 entrants, they had 10 laps to run to complete their race and all of them completed their required laps. The winner was Conner McMullen, he took home the big bucks, Darren Hardesty was second to finish, Travis Pecoy took third place honors, Parker Darland finished first off the podium and Blaze Nunley was the fifth place finisher. Kamrin Dickerson was the sixth place fin-isher, Barrett Nunley took seventh place honors, Ricky Gutierrez was eighth to finish, Broe Dickerson finished ninth, Jaydn Winbury was 10th to complete the race and Rayce Geiser was the 11th and final finisher. Travis Pecoy took home the bronze medal at the Kart Jr. 1 Main Event at Miller, Travis is seen here in beautiful level flight. Kamrin Dickerson was the sixth place finisher in the Kart Jr. 1 Main Event, seen here just at liftoff headin' for the checkered flag. The Kart Jr 2 main event was also of 10 laps duration and there were 17 karts all rarin' to go. The gold medal went to Dylan Win-bury, Travis Pecoy was right on his tail for the silver medal, Broe Dickerson took third place hon-ors, Eliott Watson was fourth to finish and Hayden Cling finished in the number five spot. Ronnie Anderson was sixth to finish, Sammy Gutierrez was lucky sev-enth, Samm Baird was eighth to finish, Darren Hardesty was ninth Dusty Times August 2012 Page 17

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and Hailie Deegan took 10th place honors. Bryce McDaniel finished in the 11th spot, Alyssa Fortin made it an even dozen, Parker Porter was 13th to finish, Shelby Anderson finished in the 14th spot and Parker Steele took the 15th spot. 16th place went to · Jeremy Davis and Trevor Briska was the 17th and final finisher. The Kart Modified Main Event was a 12 lap contest with 17 con-testants all rarin' to go. 11 of the karts made it all the way, the first of them being Myles Cheek, Brock Heger was two seconds in arrears in second place, Bradley Morris was third in, Gavin Harlen finished first off the podium and Jeff Hoffman rounded out the top five finishers. Sixth place went to Eliott Watson, Sheldon Creed was the seventh place finisher, Cole Mamer was eighth to fin• ish, Tucker Cornia was ninth in and Carson Cornia rounded out the top ten. Blake Lenk finished in the 11th spot and he was the last of the 12 lap finishers. Corey Geiser was shown 12th with 11 laps completed, Brooke Kawell was shown 13th with 11 laps in, Sterling Cling was shown 14th with 10 laps done, Scotty Steele completed 10 laps and was shown 15th, Kyle Hart was shown 16th l with 7 laps completed and Isabella Naughton was shown 17th with only one lap completed. And, so it ended,_ see ya at the next one! .. ,reserving Our Natural e u eFOR The Ublic In tead 01 FROM Thi Publi " Page 18 Dylan Winbury took home the gold medal for his actions in the Kart Jr. 2 Main Myles Cheek was the gold medal winner in the Modified Kart main event, Myles Event, he's seen here with lots of air under his car. is seen here flying beautifully towards the checkered flag. Toys For Tots oFF-ROA1>0#POKeR RUH October 13th & 14th - A Two Day Event ----ALL PROCEEDS GO TO HELP BARSTOW CHARITIES ----VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT: Co-Sponsored By: BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT *POKER RUN* Two loops approximately 25 miles each, one for 4-wheel vehicles and one for motorcycles and ATV's. Families and groups may ride and drive motorcycles, ATVs and 4-wheel vehicles together on the same track after notification and approval of event officials. Twelve (12) Best poker hands from each day win prizes. You can enter Saturday, Sunday or both days as many times as . ; you wish. Sign-up and go from 8:00 a.m. to Noon. MUST COMPLETE COURSE BY 1:30 p.m. Any type Off-Road Vehicle can enter; however, all California Off-Road Vehicles must have a "Green or Red Sticker". All " off-road vehicles must have an approved spark arrester (exempt if equipped with a THIS LAW WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED! I I Helmets required for ATV & motorcycle riders. No riding double onATV's. $35.00 entry fee. Each rider/driver goes twice for single entry fee. New motorcycles must present registration at Tech Inspection if Green or Red Sticker is not available. FREE hats to the first 300 entries Saturday - 100 on Sunday. T-shirts, hats & sweatshirts available for purchase at the start/finish area. * SATURDAY NIGHT DINNER 2:00 p.m. - Slash ·X Cafe BBQ/Dinner · Chicken, Ribs, Beans, Vegetable and Bread $13.00 + tax per plate * FACILITIES AND CAMPING Portable Johns, Trash Dumpster & Lots of Open Desert for Camping Bring your own water and firewood. No Pallets, or wood with nails allowed in the desert per B.L.M. BURRTEC NO FIREWORKS BURRTEC WASTE INDUSTRIES, INC. RAFFLE WASTE INDUSTRIES, INC. Lots of PRIZES to be given away each day - 2:00 p.m. AWARDS Twelve (12) Best Hands from the Poker Run will win Prizes each day-2:00 p.m. Food will be available at Start-Finish Line Saturday & Sunday TO GET TO THIS EVENT Go 12 miles south of Barstow on Hwy 247 (Barstow to Slash X Cafe) For more Information call the Slash X Cafe at (760) 252-1197 or Mal & Connie Wessel at (760) 252-3093 PLEASE DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE August 2012 Dusty Times . '·

Page 19

i"T I 1~t!i;LR-BI EL DORADO FIREWORKS 500 Mike Mitchell Takes Class 1 And overall By ] Preston Bradshaw Photos: Trackside Photo Mike Mitchell was the gold medal winner in the Class 1 competition and he was the overall winner as well, seen here at speed on the course. The weather was good, the course was rather slow, lots of rocks but every-one we talked to said they had a good time. It was many d3)'S of pre-race activ-ities and they did a nc,,..,el thing for tech inspection. The race cars and trucks were parked on the street as if at a car show and the technical inspectors went from car to car to do their inspections. It was a 100 mile lap and the ~ were required to run from three laps to five laps, depending on their class. The Open Truck Cws had three entrants and two of them completed their five required laps. They had five laps to run for their race and it was Cameron Steele in the lead at the end of their first lap, James Horvath was nine minutes back in second place and Chad Hall was in the third spot. The second lap saw Horvath in the class lead with Hall in a long second position, suffering from a four hour lap and Cameron Steele was out of the race. Third lap saw Horvath still leading and opening up an even big-ger lead c,,..,er Chad Hall. Their fourth lap saw Horvath continuing to lead and he was still opening up the gap between the trucks. Fifth lap, final lap and James Horvath came in for the Class win, Chad Hall took sec-ond place honors, he was four hours behind the leader when he took the checkered flag. The Cws 1 field consisted of 11 cars and fully six of them completed their five required laps. When they fin. ished the first lap it was Mike Mitchell leading the class, Sam Berri was four minutes in arrears in second place, Tracy Graf was another two minutes back in the third spot, Tony Murray was in fourth place and Clayton Scud-der held down the fifth spot Dennis Boyle came in sixth, Cam Thieriot was in seventh place, Gary Williams was in eighth place, Robert LeMaster was ninth in, Victor Gruber was in the 10th spot and John Harrah was in the llthspot The second lap for Cws 1 saw Sam Berri in the class lead, Mike Mitchell ran in second place, he was five min-Creating a huge dirt explosion, James Horvath laid claim to the gold medal in the Open Truck Class, he was third overall as well. Greg Parker was the big winner in the Class 10 competition at the Fireworks 500, Greg had about an hour and a haff in hand when he took the checkers. utes in arrears, Tony Murray was up a spot into third place, Clayton Scudder was also up a spot into fourth place and Cam Thieriot was up two spots into fifth place. Dennis Boyle held on in sixth place, Tracy Graf dropped to the seventh spot, Gary Williams remained in eighth place and Victor Gruber was up a spot into ninth place. Robert LeMaster and John Harrah were out of the race. The end of the third lap saw Mike Mitchell back in the Class 1 lead, Clayton Scudder was up two spots into second place, Cam Thieriotwas up an-other two spots into third place, Den-nis Boyle was up two spots into fourth place and Tracy Graf was up two places into fifth. Tony Murray dropped three spots into sixth place, Victor Gruber mc,,..,ed up into seventh place and Gary Williams held on in the eighth spot. Sam Berri had big problems and was out of the race. Fourth lap came to an end and Mike Mitchell continued to lead the class, Clayton Scudder was 21 min-utes in arrears in second place, Tony Murray ran in third, he was another 33 minutes back, Cameron Thieriot dropped a spot into fourth place and Dennis Boyle fell into fifth place. Tracy Graf was down a spot into sixth and Victor Gruber remained in seventh place. Gary Williams retired from the fray. Fifth and final lap ended and Mike Mitchell came in for the gold medal in Cws 1, Clayton Scudder took the sil-ver medal, he was 40 minutes behind the leader, Tony Murray came in for third place, he was another 50 minutes back, Cameron Thieriot finished first off the podium, he was another nine minutes back, Tracy Graf was fifth to finish and Dennis Boyle was the sixth and final finisher in the Class 1 con-test Victor Grube failed to complete his final lap. There were seven entrants in the Class 10 contest, they too had five laps to run for their race and only Continued on page 20 David Norris had a terribly long third lap but he still managed a second Chad Hall didn't have the best of days, he had two long laps and finished Clayton Scudder was the second place finisher in the hotly contested place finish in the Class 10 fracas, he's ·seen here agitating the dirt second in the Open Truck contest, seen here at speed. Class 1 contest, he's seen here just before one of many, many landings. and rocks. Dusty Times August 2012 Page 19

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Dave Matsui had a long first and fifth lap but he still managed a silver medal finish in the Class 12 contest, he's seen here plowing through the rocks. Vince Viola ended up with the silver medal in the Class 1600 contest, he was 12 minutes in arrears when he took the checkered flag. Brandon Arthur spent over 16 hours out there on the course in his Sportsman Unlimited Truck but it did get him a second place finish in the class . .. Andrew Comrie-Picard had a very long first lap but he still managed a leaving a very murky trail behind, Tony Murray went home with the second place finish in the WO-Wide Open Class, seen here at speed bronze medal in the Class 1 contest, he's seen here headin' for the Lucas Knecht gave it his all at the HORA Fireworks 500 but it was only on the course. • checkered flag. good enough this time for a· third place finish in the Class 1600 battle. two of them made all the required laps. When they completed their first lap it was Greg Parker showing the way, Patrick Gailey was in the second spot, he was three minutes in arrears, David Norris ran in the third spot, he was another seven minutes in arrears, Clint Barry was running first off the podium, Robert Furman was in fifth \)lace and Richard Kudrna was in the ·ixth and final pos\tioh. Allan Lindsay · d not complete the first lap. Their second lap ended and now was Patrick Gailey leading the Class 0 pack, Clint Barry was i:imliing in e second spot, he was five minutes nd change in arrears, Greg Parker ad some problem and had dropped the third position and David Norris ad slipped to fourth place. Robert urman and Richard Kudrna were on Josh Quintero drove his Ford to the Class 7 win at the HDRAevent, he's seen here Monte Tibbitts had four-competitors in the Heavy Metal contest burhe beat them agitating the dirt as he heads to the checkered flag, · all to take the gold medal back ,to South Dakota. · -Rick Harrah drove his Chevy pickup to the Class 8 win at Reno, he had about 40 minutes in hand when he took the checkered flag. Page 20 their respective trailers. Matsui doing a Far1ey long second Erik Reynolds finished his first lap but When their third lap ended we place finish. that was it for him and Mike Meachum had another new leader, Clint Barry There was not a strong showing in failed to finish the first lap. had taken over the # 1 spot, Patrick the Class 1600 battle, there were only Class 4400 only had one entry, Gailey ran in second place, he was five of them entered and three of them Gregg McNair and Greg did not seven minutes in arrears, Greg Parker managed to finish the four required- complete his first lap. remained in third spot, he was another laps for the race. At the end of the There were four trucks entered in 21 minutes in arrears and David Norris first lap it was Rob Archibald leading the class 7 contest, they too had five remained in fourth place. the pack, Vince Viola was a mere four laps to run for their race but only Fourth lap ended and once again seconds in arrears in the second spot, one contestant was able to complete Greg Parker held the Class 10 lead, Lucas Knecht was in the third spot, the required laps. A the finish of the David Norris was running in second he was another five minutes back and first lap it was Josh Quintero leading place, he was well over an hour in ar-Kevin Graves was in fourth place with the class, Robby Woolworth had all rears and Patrick Gailey ran in third a rather long first lap. Ed Maurin did sorts of problems, he was in second place, he was far, far back after an not complete his first lap. place but he was in a six hour lap. horrendous eight hour lap. Clint Barry When they completed their sec-Jose Grijalva and Gary Dixon did had retired from the fray. ond lap it now was Vince '{iola leading not complete their first lap. Their fifth lat\ ended and it was the class, Rob Archibald was running Second lap and Josh Quintero Greg Parker taking home the gold in the second spot, he was less than was the only one who completed it, medal, David Norris was a long second three minutes in arrears, Lucas Knecht Robby Woolworth ·had retired and place finisher and that's all she wrote. held on in the third spot and Kevin Josh was all alone. Patrick Gailey failed to complete his ·Graves remained in the fourth spot. Josh Quintero motored around final lap. Their third lap ended and Vince for his last three laps and he took Class 12 only had two entries, they Viola still led the class, he was still less home the gold medal for the class. had five laps to run for their race and than three minutes behind the leader The Heavy Metal class had five en-both of them completed the really and Lucas Knecht remained in third tries, but, here roo, ohiy one of them tough course. Todd Stemmerman had place. Kevin Graves was out of the was able to complete the five required a three and a half hour lap and Dave action. laps for a finish. When their first lap Matsui ran a four hour and twenty two Fourth lap, final lap and when the ended it was John Maraia leading"the hour lap. checkers flew it was Rob Archibald class, Monte Tibbitts was five minutes They got their lap times down to a taking a really nice and hard fought and change in arrears, Aoorew Leavitt two and a half hour rate for the next win, Vince Viola took the silver medal, was running in third place, ·he was three laps with Stemmerman remain-his long last lap was his undoing and another 16 minutes in arrears, Craig ing in the lead and Matsui doing the Lucas Knecht took home the bronze Reynolds was another 11 minutes chasing. medal for his efforts. back in fourth place and Ron Attig Fifth lap, final lap and when the Class 3CXXl was next up, there were was in the midst of an eight hour lap. checkers flew it was Todd Stemmer- two entrants and neither one of them Second lap ended and now it man takinl! a nice win and David was able to make the reauired laos. was Monte Tibbitts leading the AT LEFT: There were 5 Class 1900 UTV's entered, only one made all the required class, John Maraia had slipped to laps, Bill Morris, seen here in the soft stuff took first place honors. Continued on page 22 August 2012 Dusty Times •

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Tracy Graf threw lots of rock, sand and gravel on the way to a fifth Cameron Thieriot was a bit off the winning pace this race, he finished Roger Malcom drove his good looking pickup to a silver medal finish place finish in the class 1 battle, Tracy was a bit off the winning pace first off the podium in the Class 1 conflict, seen here early in the race. in the Class 8 contest, he's seen here just at liftoff at very high speed. for the class. second place and was 19 minutes behind the new leader. Andrew Leavitt, Craig Reynolds and Ron At-tig had disappeared from the race. to run for their race and two of them were able to finish all the required laps. Roger Malcom was the leader for the first lap, Don German was second to finish and Rick Harrah claimed the third place in class. Third lap ended and Monte Tibbitts was in his groove, leading the class and now having no com-petition as John Maraia had disap-peared from the fray. When their second lap ended it was still Roger Malcom showing the way, Rick Harrah moved into the second spot, he was 13 minutes in arrears and Don German was nowhere to be seen. Monte Tibbitts continued for the next two laps and he took the gold medal for the Heavy Metal action. There were three entrants in the Class 8 action, they too had five laps At the end of their third lap it was still Roger Malcom in first place, FOR!iALE .lirnco-built Trophy Truck. Na. 30 {.I I J S3DDk ____ ,._ lifllfastollfflo«..,. 1000. Built by Jimco Racing. Dougan's 454 Chevy small block with Kinsler 8 stacks, Turbo 400 transmission, Rancho drivetrain, Motec injection, Lowrance GPS, Fox Shox, Hyperco springs, Fuel Safe cell, Howe steering, Alcon brakes, C&R and Fluidyne cooling, MasterCraft seats and belts + extras. .lirnco-built Trophy Truck Na. i!D Ui!J Built by Jimco Racing. Dougan's 455 Chevy small block, Turbo 400 transmission, Rancho drivetrain, Motec injection, Lowrance GPS, Fox Shox, Hyperco springs, Fuel Safe cell, Howe steering, Alcon brakes, C&R and Fluidyne cooling, MasterCraft seats and belts + extras. Alpha Race Car/ .Johnny Kaiser built Pro ii! Truck !!il75k ,.,,, __ ,,.., ...... Built by Alpha Race Cars, Dougan's 450 & 434 carburated, Turbo 400 transmission, Tubeworks hubs, Fox Shox, Eibach springs, 22 gal ATL cell, C&R and Fluidyne cooling, MSD ignition, Optima battery, Howe steering + gear sets, spare springs. • One al'blU tnldm/a,,--tnldc mnledbyllobbylianlon kelli@mastercraftsafety 619.449.9455 or 317.852.3067 Page 22 Rick Harrah was second, he was 19 minutes in arrears. When they came around on their fourth lap it was Rick Harrah as the new pathfinder, Roger Malcom had slipped to second place, he was five minutes behind the class leader. Fifth lap came to an end and Rick Harrah came in to take the Class 8 win, Roger Malcom had a bit of trouble on the last lap and took sec-ond place honors, he was some 40 minutes behond the leader at the flag. The 1900 UTV Class had five vehicles entered, they had three laps to run for their race but there was only one official finisher. When their first lap ended it was Bill Morris in the class lead, William Hermant was running in the second spot, he was two hours behind the class leader and John Pez:zi, Jacob Shaw and David Rogers failed to complete their first lap. Second lap and Bill Morris was running all alone, William Hermant was out of the race. Third lap, it was Bill Morris taking the class win, the only one left running. There was only one entry in the Class 5/1600 contest, James Crawford, and he only got in two very long laps before retiring from the fray. Class 9 only had one entry, Steve Lang. Steve had a six hour first lap and an almost three hour second lap and that's all she wrote. Class 1300, Sportsman Limited Buggy only had one entrant, Jason Taylor and he was unable to com-plete his first lap. The Sportsman Unlimited Truck Class had seven entries, they had three laps to run for their race but only two of them got in all the required laps. When their first lap ended it was Bran-don Arthur in the class lead, Jeremy Deakins ran in the second spot, he was almost an hour in arrears. Chris lsen-houer, Nick lsenhouer, Ulises Galvan, Ryan Dunn and Keith Minnicks failed to complete their first lap. Their second lap showed no change in positions, Jeremy Deakins was well over an hour behind the class leader, Arthur Brandon. Third lap, lap and when the smoke cleared it was Jeremy Deakins taking the class win, Ar-thur Brandon had major problems and finished his race well behind the class leader. Class 1500, Sportsman Unlim-ited Buggy only had one entrant, Tom Flattery and Tom failed to complete his first lap. The Sportsman Limited Truck Class had three entries and when their first lap ended it was Chris Ramey leading the class, Tyler Bolland ran in the second spot and Carey Jones was unable to complete his first lap. Neither Chris Ramey or Tyler Bolland was able to complete their second laps. The WO Wide Open Class had four entrants, they· had five laps to complete their race and two of them made it all the way. When they completed their first lap it was Andre August 2012 -----------------------Steve Land was the only Class 9 entrant, but it didn't faze him one bit, he raced his car for nine hours and took home the gold medal for the class. Villa leading the class, Sam Pontrelli was 10 minutes in arrears in second place, Andrew Comrie-Picard ran in the third spot and Hector Camacilo was in the fourth spot. When their second lap ended it was Sam Pontrelli as the new class leader, Andre Villa dropped to second place, he was a minute and change in arrears, Andrew Comrie-Picard held on in the third spot and Hector Camacilo held on in fourth place. Their third lap ended and An-dre Villa now led the class, Andrew Comrie-Picard ran in the second spot and Hector Camacilo was running in the third spot. Sam Pontrelli was on his trailer. When they completed their fourth lap it was Andre Villa still in the class lead, Andrew Comrie-Picard held down the second spot, he was 16 min-utes in arrears. When the checkers flew at the end of the fifth lap it was Andre Villa tak-ing a really nice win, Andrew Comrie-Picard took second place honors and that was all she wrote. And so it ended, the first HDRA El Dorado Fireworks 500 was in the books. See ya all at the next race. Jeremy Deakins took the Sportsman Unlimited Trock win with ease, he had more than four hours in hand when he took the checkered flag. -Andre Villa was the WO Wide Open Class winner at the Reno fracas, seen here at hard right rodder as he traversed the rock strewn course. Dusty Times

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l.AJ2C 62ND NESTE OIL RALLY FINLAND Loeb/Citroen Do It Again By Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena took top honors in Finland, they are seen here in their Citroen DS3 coming out of a soft right hander. Frenchman Sebastien Loeb's 7 3rd WRC win came in Finland, when once again he defeated the best that the great rallying Finnish nation could provide. Sebastien beat his Finnish teammate Mikko Hirvonen, the works Fords of Finland's Jari-Matti Latvala and Norway's Petter Solberg, which depressingly showed the Blue Oval team that the French team were still ahead of them. The only satisfactory situation was that Citroen did not impose team or stay-put orders, but that was no sporting gesture, the two official Fords were too close for com-fort behind them. Hirvonen was in great form, but still the win-ning micro seconds were missing. He started the rally too slowly, he unnecessarily slowed on the final morning when he thought he had a puncture, and he didn't have the lucky streak of his team-mate. Loeb had a broken rear differential conveniently near the end of a stage which preceded a road section back to service. Loeb led from start to finish as his rivals fell by the wayside. Chris Atkinson, Evgeniy Novikov, Ken Block, Thierry Neuville and Craig Breen all went off the road, Breen when leading the SWRC category with just two stages to go, and which was eventually won by PG Andersson's Proton. Again Mads Ostberg finished fifth in his pri-vate Fiesta, the highest placed non works Citroen or Ford. There were very impressive performances by the 21 year old Esapekka Lappi whose times more than matched the best S2000 drivers on the event, in his first season of two-wheel drive rallying, and Jarkko Nikara drove his old private Mit-subishi Lancer Evo IX to 13th place, over four minutes faster than his nearest Group N rival. The good news for the event was that it had attracted as big an event as any other WRC rally so far this year, the same number as that which started at the 2012 Monte Carlo. The bad news was that the 82 crews on the entry list for the 2012 Neste Oil Rally Finland, round eight in the WRC, showed a drop of over 30% com-pared with the number of starters 12 months earlier. In the list of registered championship teams, the main news was that the former Subaru WRC driver and current leader of the 2012 FIA APRC se-ries Chris Atkinson would make only his third WRC appearance in 30 months when he replaced Nass-er Al Attiyah in the Qatar entry Citroen. Al Attiyah was absent, competing in the Olympic Games where he won a bronze medal in skeet shooting, then Henning Sol-berg did not start so finally there were 81 starters. The event represented the start of the second half of the 2012 season, following a five week mid-summer break. It is centred at the mid-country university town of Jyvaskyla, and again presented a rally of a different perspective format to others in the current series. Not only is the event the only round of the world champi-onship that finishes on a Saturday (in time for the Finnish spectators to have a hard-earned all night party after the finish) but the total competitive length of the event gets shorter and shorter. Ignoring the current pressure from the FIA to extend the competitive lengths of rallies, this year the stage length (302km) was shorter even than last year, and the shortest Rally of Finland since accurate WRC records started in Finland well over 30 years ago. The event stretched over two and a half days, starting with an afternoon route on the Thursday, providing just under 10% of the total stage distance. This meant that the drivers' running order selection process applied to 160km of stag-es. The event headed down to La-I Jari-Matti latvala and Mikka Anttila drove their Ford Fiesta RS to a bronze medal finish in Finland, seen here before a cheering crowd. hti on the Friday for various pro-motional activities and the chance to contest some stages towards Helsinki. The FIA's endurance factor was, however, maintained on account of the very long Friday route (a total of 621km). Qualifying Stage was held on the Wednesday evening at the traditional Ruuhimaki stage, east of Jyvaskyla, noted for its spectac-ular series of jumps. Friday and Saturday were full days of com-petition. Back again for the fans after an absence last year was the superspecial stage at the Killeri trotting track, on the outskirts of Jyvaskyla. At the end of the event the Power Stage was held over the full length of the celebrated 33km Ouninpohja stage, south west of Jamsa. All the stages were held in daylight for the top drivers. The only stage completely different to 2011 was the final one on the Thursday, on the way back from Lahti to Jyvaskyla, though virtu-ally every stage had some stretches new to crews since last year. The traditional nature of the stages means that this is normally the fastest rally in the world champi-onship series (record speed was 122kph in 2009), with consider-able attention paid to spectator safety issues The tyre situation on this rally was simple. Both Michelin and DMack had nominated soft tyres, and for this event there was no optional emergency tyre, which obviated the need for tyre tactics durit\g the event. The one area where tactics were bound to apply concerned the pre-event running order selection process. Summer in Finland this year has been wet, but recently the weather had improved, becoming war-ner and sunnier, with good fore-casts for the event. The rate at which the drying-out process proceeded however was difficult to predict. It difficult to know to what extent the surfaces would remain soft under the top layers, and therefore to what extent road cleaning was more important than the degradation of the roads, and therefore whether to want to run the stages early or late. Tricky one! The event counted not only fpr the SWRC series but also for the Academy category. All the entrants in the SWRC had nomi-nated the event, the only declared driver novelty concerning the Pro-ton SWRC team, with the Finnish national Group N champion Juha Salo already signed to drive, as teammate to the Swede Per-Gun-nar Andersson. The champion-ship leader Hayden Paddon now had a new team. He was to drive a Fabia run by the experienced Aus-trian BRR team. A large number of Academy drivers had contested this event before. The Academy drivers contested all except for the second run through Ouninpo-hja, which was the event's Power Stage. Many of the Fiestas on the entry list came from Finland where a Fiesta Sporting Trophy challenge is held, though this event was not a qualifying event. Curiosity factor in the entry list surrounded 21 year old Esape-kka Lappi, a young Fiesta S2000 driver who has proved remarkably unbeatable this year in national Finnish championship rallies, on only his second WRC appearance. He had been nominated by the organisers as Guest driver in the SWRC, making a total of seven entries. The entry list was strong in terms of World Rally Cars -with 10 Fiestas plus two Fiesta RRC WRC derivatives for Yazeed Al Rajhi and Edoardo Bresolin, a member of the rally car collection family in Italy. The list showed the names of 85 crews (including 41 Fiestas of one form or another), three more than the previous best this year, which was Monte Carlo. For the fifth time there was a special entry by a member of the unofficial "51 Club". It has C■ntinud en p111 24 Engine Oil Gear Oil Motorcycle Oil Greases Sebastien Ogier and Julien Ingrassia drove their Skoda Fabia to a 10th place finish overall in Finland, seen here just at landing. Dusty Times Cooling & Marine products August 2012 Page 23

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-----.., become a tradition that when a celebrated Finnish rally driver reaches the age of 51, he enters the NORF for one final chance at fame. This year the 51 year old is Sebastian Lindholm, cousin of twice world champion Marcus Gronholm. Sebastian was eight times the national Finnish rally champion, and a works driver on WRC events for Ford, Peugeot and Suzuki. Sebastien Loeb was fastest in free practice one full second in front of Evgeniy Novikov, while Thierry Neuville slid off the road and lost six minutes on his second run. On the Qualifying Stage in the evening Loeb was again fastest, a half second in front of Jari-Matti Latvala, and then came the Start-ing Order selection process. With promises of coming rain, it was widely expected that the fastest drivers would want to go first on the road, but it didn't happen that way. Loeb went for tenth of the available 17 places, and this led to an avalanche of copycat selec-tions. Latvala chose 11th, third fastest Mikko Hirvonen chose 12th, fourth fastest Petter Solberg chose 13th. In the end, old man Lindholm was first car on the road! Day 1 (Thursday) - 3 Stages -Gravel - 29.9kms The Thursday afternoon loop was long and drawn out, going down to Lahti before a group of three stages, the middle one being on a superspecial track, before returning to Jyvasky-la. The conditions were dry and slippery. Loeb's selection was right. By the end of the loop he was 7.3 seconds ahead jointly of his teammate Mikko Hirvonen • 100 Gallon Capacity • Stngle or Double Dry Break •BZSet Up • At'fordable lndyCa.r Fl Technology Acoe1aories •Dump Cans •Hose •Reducers .· ·~-----------..,....---,----.. Filler Necks &Caps J . G-FORCE -···-•W.M·hi#·H >UC MOTORS!'ORTS • Snell SA 2006 Forced ,Air Helmets • Wired for Communication & Ear Bud Ready • Racing Optics Tear Offs • Universal and Custom Molded Ear Buds • • Helmet Skirts • Shields loolAlr._ Blower Systems • mghest Flowing Systems! • 105, 135, 150, 235 and 250 CFM Ratings • IDgh Flow Filters & Custom Hoses • Trophy Ka.rt Kits for Driver & Clutch Cooler with Jari-Matti Latvala while Mads Ostberg was ahead of Thierry Neu-ville and Petter Solberg. Hayden Paddon was initially fastest in SWRC but then Esapekka Lappi went ahead, while Craig Breen settled in to fourth place, between the two Protons. Mikkelsen lost time when a tyre slipped off the rim. In his non championship S2000 car Sebastien Ogier had found a worthy challenger, ending the day only 3.6 seconds ahead of Lappi. In his old Group N car Jarkko Nikara had a bad start losing a minute with a lose turbo pipe. Day 2 (Friday) - 9 Stages -Gravel - 133.82kms Early on the Friday morning the rally got seriously under way and 79 drivers restarted. Nine different stage venues, a total com-petitive distance of 133km. Con-0 ditions were dry for the first six stages, all being done for one or first time, running further back must have been better. For the re-maining three stages, two of them on softer degrading conditions, the surfaces were getting worse with every passing car. Loeb's lead was gradually diminished through the day to half of that as his team-mate Mikko Hirvonen gained more and more confidence and kept pushing hard. The Fords gave chase but apart from Solberg's fastest stage 2 time they could nev-er beat both the Citroens. Latvala "I am very surprised at the speed of Sebastien. I cannot match his speed." Mads Ostberg settled into his usual position as the best non works Citroen or Ford driver. "I am driving on the limit, and dare not push any more. We are suffer-ing a mixture of using converted • Vertex 5 to 110 Watt •• Radio Systems • ID·FUntereom Systems • Chase & Race Packages • Base Statton Packages • Crew Chief & Ka.rt Packages II. Car Cd ra $ • EZ 1 Button Operation • Exclusive Racer X M:otorsports Package • 5.7 hours ofIDgh Resolution recording time • Up to 12 hours of operation on ill Lithium Ion Batteries • Can be Interfaced to Intercom for full audio experience XCeU"' .. • 411/2 Gallon Capacity • SCORE/ BITD / FIA Approved • Tapered Design Provides Increased Ground Clearance & Maximizes Usable Fuel • Fuel Level Sending Units Available • Caps, Necks, Hose, Filters and Pumps Available YOUB SOUBCB FOB PBOFBSSIONAL BACB PRODUCTS 10815 Wheatlands Avenue, Suite K • Santee, CA 92071 619-258-RACE (7223) • Fax 619-258-0883 • Page 24 August 2012 pacenotes from two years ago and new notes, and that is unsettling." The battle between the tw6 leading Citroens dominat-ed. Hirvonen explained, "We made a few changes in the set up of the car, but most of my new speed comes from between my ears." Behind Ostberg in sixth place was Neuville momentarily in front of Novikov, but the Rus-sian had a very heavy landing at the famous Urria jump, which hurt codriver Denis Giraudet's back. On the next stage, however, Novikov went off the road and rolled his car, adding to Girau-det's discomfort. Novikov set off again, going easier over the heavi-est bumps to spare Giraudet's feeling. Giraudet, "Evgeniy must be the fastest ambulance driver in the sport!" Novikov's adventures had by now cost towards a half hour of time. As the morning continued Latvala was perplexed, "We made some damper changes but re-ally I think the problem is me. Maybe I am just trying to drive too hard." A glance towards Hirvonen showed that he had a much more relaxed approach and his better times showed. For a moment Solberg passed Latvala into third, but Latvala found his form again. The Minis were not going well. Armindo Araujo said he found it difficult to get a good feeling. Jari Ketomaa's Fiesta was constantly misfiring. For the sec-ond stage running Hirvonen took time off Loeb, and Loeb said the same, maybe he was over driving too much. Then Loeb had the sort of luck which help him be the champion he is. Near the end of stage 8, with only a road section to go to service, he had a broken rear differential on his Citroen. "The rear differential was overheating as oil was escaping and I was wor-ried, I could actually see myself not finishing the rally." Going through the afternoon Chris Atkinson was looking com-fortable, within the top ten, when he went off the road and stopped for the rest of the day. "I mis-heard a note, I thought I had to go right after a crest. It should have been left. We missed the trees but lost a quarter hour stuck on a log. Then on the next stage the front right suspension failed when the car impacted a rock that was hidden inside a rapidly enlarging rut." Nobre had trouble after dam-aging his car on a rock. He rushed to the next stage, upsetting the po-lice on the way, and then went off the road on the next stage, getting stuck in the mud alongside the track. On stage 11 Neuville rolled and stopped for the day which al-lowed Ott Tanak up to sixth. By the end of the day Loeb was 8.0 seconds ahead of his teammate Mikko Hirvonen, the biggest lead-ing margin so far during the day. In the 2-litre brigade, the non-championship driver Sebastien Ogier led the Class 2 cars despite suspension damage but SWRC guest driver Esapekka Lappi led the registered drivers. Andreas Mikkelsen unusually could not match their times. Hayden Pad-don was settling in with the BRR Fabia but then his engine failed on the second stage of the day and he failed to reach service. Craig Breen started off his international career with his new codriver Paul Nagle cautiously, but with growing confidence and was immediately splitting the two Protons of PG Dusty Times

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Andersson and local driver Juha Salo. Tlien the SWRC leader Lappi lost his power steering and on the next stage jumped awk-wardly and lost control, half block-ing the stage. He abandoned for the day and that left Breen, who had passed Andersson, in the lead! With two stages left to run in the leg Mikkelsen had the engine suddenly stop, then start again only to stop once more. So with only the superspecial at Kil-leri remaining in the day Breen was 4.3 seconds ahead of Anders-son with the Proton of Salo lying third. Maciej Oleksowicz strug-gled on behind while Yazeed Al Rajhi had an electrical problem. Through the day Elfyn Ev-ans was ahead in the Academy class. Nine of the 11 competitors got through to the end of the day, with Evans over a minute ahead of Pontus Tidemand and then Bren-dan Reeves. Elfyn Evans made best times on seven of the 12 stag-es so far. Alistair Fisher stopped after driving with a puncture which caused electrical trouble. Ashley Haigh-Smith lost time with brake problems. Leading driver in the overall Academy drivers class in (Class 6) was Joonas Lindroos in a Citroen C2 R2 over 20 min-utes ahead of Evans. In Class 5 Sebastien Chardonnet's Citroen R3T was leading Molly Taylor's similar car with the Renault Clio R3 of Yritys third. Leading the small "Group N" car classes were Veikkanen's Honda, Brisson's Su-zuki and Bronkart's Yaris. Day 3 (Saturday) - 6 Stages -Gravel - 139 .8kms Harder, faster roads today compared with the narrower and softer ones of the day before. Citroen chief, Yves Matton said he would allow his drivers to con-tinue to fight for the lead. With Latvala 20.3 seconds behind Loeb and Solberg another further back. Its was too close to ask his drivers to ease their pace. Condi-tions were a little damper under-foot and slippery for the opening cars with the hint of possible rain coming later. So far, the rain had kept away from the actual stages. 76 cars left pare ferme -only five cars were confirmed as retirements. The missing drivers included from SWRC Hayden Paddon with engine failure, the Academy driver Fredrik Ahlin with accident damage, Mattias Therman's Fiesta S2000, a private Subaru from Finland and Czech driver Martin Koci who had gone off the road in his C2 R2. All 17 WRC cars were back in action, now running in orthodox reverse classification order. The first three drivers through the opening stage were Evgeniy Novikov, Chris Atkinson and Paulo Nobre, rally leader Loeb was 17th. Coming into focus for the first time was Jarkko Nikara, driving his old Evo IX in normal Group N spec, lead-ing Class 3 and was almost two minutes ahead of Estonian Sander Parn in an Impreza. Nikara was making comparable times with the top S2000 cars. Reality was sinking in at Ford, despite another fastest stage time for Solberg on stage 11 and Fi-estas holding third through to tenth places overall. M-Sport chief Malcolm Wilson, "Citroen certainly have made a step forward in their performance. Our drivers are now in a 'no-man's land', un-able to challenge them." Fourth placed Petter Solberg lowered the rideheight on his car, which proved to be a bad step and sud-denly Latvala was a further 11 sec-onds ahead of him, but there was a glimmer of hope for Ford when second placed Hirvonen slid into a tree stump. "I thought I had a puncture but I hadn't!" Strips of wood embedded themselves into the wheel and unbalanced the wheel. "I was angry with myself, and was slightly faster on the next stage." Suddenly Loeb was another 3.9 seconds ahead of his teammate. Last year's winner Lat-vala was resigned to his lowly third place. "The stages today are very fast which makes it difficult to catch up much time. We honestly cannot push any more." Back in the field Ken Block was holding an impressive tenth place on his first "1000 Lakes" event, arriving at the end of stge 13 with mud embedded in the front of his car, but then on stage 14 he was out of the event, after breaking the suspension after a bad jump. Block's retirement elevated Skoda driver Sebastien Ogier into tenth place, who had been running cautiously because of suspension damage. Although Nobre was back in action, he was 'down in 56th position, but teammate Araujo slowly clawed his way into the top 20, passing fellow Mini driver Tahko. Ninth placed Martin Prokop was driving steadily, nervously anticipating the two final stages at Ouninpo-hja. "I have twice retired from this event in the past on that stage ..." Running in front of him were the privateer Finnish drivers Jari Ketomaa (now running without misfiring trouble) and Rantanen. The last two stages of the morn-ing saw Loeb increase his lead to 9.4 seconds while the best Ford was still Latvala who was 25.4 sec-onds behind Loeb. In a splendid effort before the rally moved to the two final stages at Ouninpo-hj a, Larvala 11).anaged to equal Loeb's time on stage 16. The competition at the top of the field was intense. On stage 16, the four fastest drivers were separated by a total of 0.3 seconds. Main drama was that Mads Ostberg had a transmission problem which forced the car into front-wheel drive. "Suddenly there was a big bang on a wide fast road." This cost him over a half minute and Ott Tanak moved up in to fifth place. Ketomaa finished stage 15 with a flat front tyre which al-lowed Rantanan to move in front of him. Araujo was in trouble, "The car slid into a ditch and we had a broken steering arm." Cars headed for the second time of the morning back to Jyvaskyla where the weather was wet, and caused concerns as to how wet the condi-tions would affect the upcoming longest stages of the rally. In fact Ouninpohja was dry and too slip-pery to expect record breaking times. Ostberg was back in action again and set off to retake fifth place back from Tanak, which he did, despite the suspension being too soft. Huge crowds thronged Mikko Hirvonen and Jarmo Lehtinen drove their Citroen DS3 to the silver medal in Finland, they're seen here at high speed. the Ouninpohja stage, south-west of Jamsa, but there was a delay on the first run through after Tahko's Mini crashed and had to be moved to a safer location. · Neuville lost a minute or so, ad-mitting he had lost confidence in his notes, and when his codriver Nicolas Gilsoul felt ill. Hirvonen beat his teammate by 2.2 seconds, satisfying but not enough. Latvala was finally clear in his mind, "We did everything we could. On that stage I was in a ditch and I really jumped in one place too far, but we did what we could." The longest Power Stage so far run in the WRC produced its own excitement, not just as to who would be the fastest and gain the extra points, but as to whether this would be another stage record broken. 15m18.5s was the record from Solberg's times in 2008, 15m26.9s was the best time on stage 17, when the conditions were still dirty. On the final run Latvala found he was struggling on the braking and was 5.9 seconds outside the record. By then Petter Solberg had arrived and beaten the record by 0.6 sec-ond, noting that Loeb was only 0.1 second inside the record, but finally Mikko Hirvonen arrived at 15m17.3s. This was his consola-tion hour, "Sebastien is unbeliev-able. Even if you have a perfect run, you cannot beat him." Win number 73. Andreas Mikkelsen stopped two kilometres from the finish of the final stage to change a flat tyre, the end of an unsatis-factory rally for him. After Esapekka Lappi stopped three stages from the end of the day before, the race for SWRC really hotted up. Craig Breen found himself 5.0 seconds in front of PG Andersson and the Swede speeded up. By the end of the day Andersson was 3. 7 seconds be-hind the Irishman, two stages into the Saturday he held a slender lead of just 1.3 seconds. Lappi however was back in action again and keeping the other S2000 drivers honest by continuing to make fastest times. Third placed Salo slid into a roadside rock and broke a wheel having to stop and change the wheel. This let Yazeed Al Rajhi up to third place in his Fiesta RRC. Then on stage 16 An-dersson had a broken driveshaft and dropped behind Breen, who now led by 13.3 seconds. But on the penultimate stage Breen had a high speed end-over-end crash and Andersson inherited the lead again. So Al Rajhi was second and Salo third. In the Academy class Evans held his nerve with a lead of over a minute. The Academy drivers had five not six stages to run on the final day, and second placed Pontus Tidemand set a string of best times on the day. Reeves was Continue• 1n p111 36 Petter Solberg and Chris Patterson drove their Ford Fiesta RS to a Jarkko and Petri Nikara flew their Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX to a 13th Mads Ostberg and Jonas Andersson drcve their Ford Fiesta RS to a fourth overall finish in Finland, seen here going into a left hander. overall finish in Finland, they're seen here in level flight. fifth place overall finish in Finland, seen here in flight. Ott Tanak and Kuldar Sikk finished sixth overall in Finland, they are Matti Rantanen and Mikko Lukka finished seventh overall in Finland, seen here making a 90 degree left hander on the course. they're seen here flying their Ford Fiesta RS. Dusty Times August 2012 Juha Salo and Marko Salminen drove their Proton Satria Neo to an 18th place finish overall in Finland, they're seen here at high speed. Page 25

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I , ~CALIENTE T J Flares Takes overall -Again Text & Photos: Alan P. Madden Returning to one of his favorite courses, TJ Flores once again took Class 1 honors and he took overall winner honors as well. TJ Flores cruised to his sixth win at Caliente, NV with a total time of 5:04:28. He had a great day without any flats or other problems. This is die first time in two years that SNORE has raced the 56 mile course with its four water crossings and the steep "Oh My Gosh Hill." As the race progressed, the course was lit-tered with disabled cars. This year the sand washes were excep• tionally dry, making it difficult to traverse for two wheel drive vehicles. A number of areas were ex• tremely difficult for drivers to -· pass other racers. The large pine trees also seem to have had an abnormal magnetic attraction for inattentive drivers. A num-ber of cars died on the course after fatal encounters with large pine trees. There was a large buildup of dead iron on the course. Because of the way the course was laid out, drivers had to wait with their cars until the end of the race before recovery vehicles could get on the course. Fortunately there were no seri-ous injuries during the race. The F.A.I.R. Pit Support Club was out in force manning pit "D". At the same time there were a number of Checkers members running in the race but they did not have a "Check-ers" pit. Unlimited Trucks Tony Scott (33) was the only finisher in the unlimited truck category. On the second lap they had to stop at the main pit and replace one of the exhaust header bolts. It was so rough that one of the bolts had backed off and the others were loose. But other than that Tony had a nice race. James Vigil (35) and Steve 01-liges (51) failed to finish the first ' I Tony Scott drove his wildly decorated truck to the Unlimited Truck win at Caliente, he's seen here headin' for the home stretch. lap and Mike Sims was disquali-fied for improperly crossing the rail road tracks. Class I Unlimited Cars TJ Flores (100) was the over-all and class 1 winner with a time of 5 hours 4:28 minutes. "This was my sixth win at Caliente" he said. "It was really just a gas and go race. I did not have any flats or other problems all day." Nils Castillo (158) This was the first race for the race team of Nils Castillo, Joe Custer, Kevin Rash, and Jeff Endean in their new car. Nils and Joe did the first half of the race with Kevin and Jeff finish-ing the race. They did not have any problems but the car is new and it took some time to get ac-customed to the handling and performance. Class 10 Clay Flippin 1015 This is the Fourth straight year, Team Flippin has won their class at Caliente. This year, they also finished a re• spectable 3rd overall. Clay Flippin drove the first two laps with Travis Davis rid-ing shot gun, then Ken Flippin, his father, finished the race with Jeff in the right seat. The drivers did very well but their passenger/co-drivers turned a little green and got motion sickness. The orange Trenching Spe-cial. #1015 has been literally sitting in Ken's garage for over 18 months when the crew heard the news that SNORE was com-ing back to Caliente. They had so much fun two years ago, they decided to dust off the "Orange Lady and race her again. There were a lot of long nights getting the car ready. The car was not finished until Friday afternoon, just before Tech Inspection. The pit crew must have done a very good job because they had a flawless race without even an oil leak. Hunter Buettner (1009) and Bud Baren Early last year, Hunter bought a class 10 to race off-road; short• ly afterward he broke his back in an accident. After he got out of rehab, he wondered if the race car could be modified for him to drive in an off-road race. He worked with his brother in law, Bud Baren, to move the clutch pedal from the left side of the car to the passenger's side on the right. When Hunter yells GEAR, Bud depresses the clutch pedal and Hunter changes the gears. That is what you call real team driving. They had a lot of issues in the race. Early in the race Hunter went left when he should have gone right: they got stuck and took out reverse gear. It looked like that was the end of their race, but someone pulled them out and got them back on the course. Later on, they spun out on a turn and it took them a while to get turned around because reverse kept popping out as they jockeyed the car around. Clay Flippin had a good day, he took the Class 10 honors with ease at Caliente, he had almost an hour in hand when he took the checkers. First place in Class 12 went to Vic Bruckmann, Vic had eight minutes in hand when he took the checkers, seen here at speed on the course. They also lost their brakes on the first lap. They spent a lot of time in the pits getting the brakes fixed, getting gas, and Hunter Beuttner took second place honors in the Class 10 conflict, It was a second place finish in Class 12 for Ken Tapert, he was less Mike Montez finished in the second spot in the Class 13 fracas, Mike he's seen here at high speed on his way to the checkered flag. than eight minutes in arrears when he took the checkers. was one minute in arrears at the finish, he's seen here at high speed. Page 26 August 2012 Dusty Times

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It was a really good race for Jordan Poole, he took the gold medal in the Class 13 contest, Jordan had exactly one minute in hand at the checkers. Darren Parsons had a really good day, he took top honors in the Class 1450 contest, he's seen here san fiberglass hood. having the car checked. This was their 3rd race. The last race the car lasted 80 out of 300 miles at Ridgecrest. But this time their goal was just to finish the race. Hunter tried to drive conservatively and not push the car. They put a lot of time and hard work to get here and it paid off with a second place finish. Blain McDonald (1014) and Keith Bawden did the whole race together. They had the usual problems of too much dust and the cold water soaking on each lap, but on the last lap they had a flat tire to change. They finished the race and came in 3rd in class. Roger Starkey ( 1067) Roger Starkey stumbled, a bit on the first lap. He had problems that held him up for almost an hour. But when he got going again, he re-ally burned up the track trying to make up for lost time. His b.est effocts were only good for fourth place in class. With three races down and three more to go Roger is overall points leader ,,in Snore. But, there are a lot of miles to go so anything can happen. James Dean in 1082 had a spectacular accident going off the course and wrecking his car in the first lap. Fortunately James walked away with only very minor injuries. Class 12 Vic Bruckmann (1299) start-ed the race and built up a good lead and then Rick St. John got in the car. With a good lead Rick could take it easy and fin-ish the race at a nice comfort• able pace with no flats or other problems. Ken Tapert (1230) drove the whole race with his friend Fred Rom. This was the first time that Ken was driving his new 2110 low compression engine built by Adam Wik: The engine had lots of torque and per-formed flawlessly. Steve Waters (1222) and Josh Hayman drove the whole race. Steve, the car owner, started the race and Josh swapped seats and drove the last lap. They did not have any issues except for the normal discomfort of water and dust. Each time they went through the water, the intercom and OPS system would fail for a few minutes until the wiring dried out. Steve wanted to give a special thanks to Brian Lopez, his crew chief who did a great job of get-ting the car ready for the race. Class 13 Limited Sportsman Tom High (1363) drove the whole race with Kevin Lasswell. Dusty Times On the first lap Tom lost two fan belts in quick succession. On the second lap, the throttle started to stick and they found that the carburetor had come loose in the mount and was about to fall off. The third and final lap everything worked and thefjust tried to drive as hard as they could to make up time. Bree Cloud (1336) drove the whole race with her co-pilot of over a year, Sam Richard. It was a rough course but they finished all three laps with no major problems for a sixth place finish. Billy Shapley ( 1300) Bill Shapley, Snore Technical Director, usually takes the wheel for the first half of the race and them his son Billy takes over for the finish. A few miles before pit "B" Bill heard a large CLUNK and then heard a grinding noise coming from the transmission. Bill is not sure what happened but he knew from experience that it would only be a matter of time before the whole gear box died. He limped into pit B and called it a day with a DNF. Class 1450 Kevin Mckeown (1428) drove the whole race with Brad Siep-ma n riding shotgun. During the second lap there was some vibration in the transmission. When they stopped at the main pit, they found the transmission cross member was cracked. A quick weld fixed the problem and they continued the race. Andrew Leavitt (1414) drove the first two laps with Gor-don Powers, and then his son Nate Leavitt got in and finished the race with Bred Lofgren in the right seat. On the last lap they had a flat tire which they changed. Then they had to stop and secure some loose equip-ment bags. They had a great race and finished second in class. Class 15 (Unlimited Sportsman) Steve Carbone (1529) Steve Carbone was the only one in his class. He had a flat on the second lap, but otherwise he had a good day. He finished in 7 hours 17 minutes. Class 1600 Blaine Conrad (1612) had a very consistent race. Blaine had no problems during the race but pitted on the last lap to ads! some oil and check the car. At It was a fun day for Steve Carbone, he took home the gold medal in the Class 15 contest, Steve is seen here going through the car wash. Blaine Conrad took the win in the Class 1600 contest, and he was second overall for the race, he's seen here starting to dry off. August 2012 5:32:52 he took first place in class and just nosed out Clay Flippen (Class 10) by 15 seconds for the honor of second place overall. With the win Blaine leads his class in points midway in the season and is second in points overall. Jason Coleman (1623) Luke McMillin started the race and drove the first two laps. Luke was right up there with Blaine Conrad. But when Jason Coleman took over to finish the last two laps of the race, the car started to have a problem with the oil light going on and off. So to save the engine, Jason had to slow down and drive conser-vatively. Jarmie Munion was the navigator for the whole race. Their time of 5:41:00 was good for second place in class and fourth overall in time. Jeff Bruner (1639) drove the first two laps and Kenny Vasser took over and finished the race. They only had a few minor prob-lems with the fuel pump cutting out at high speeds. This is their first year in the 1600 class and finishing third is their highest finish yet. Class 18 Champ Car Class (1803) John Pellissier and Robby Guevara had a marvelous race. Robby drove the first two laps and John finished the race with no problems. Toward the end of the second lap the engine was running a little rough but it cleared up. John had to slow C■ntinu■d 1n ,111 28 Page 27

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down a bit to cool the brakes on the last lap. But they finished the race for first place in class. (1854) Chuck Harvey and Billy Montana had an exemplary race but they just could not make any time on John Pellissier in car 1803. They had fun and finished the race with no prob-lems and a second place finish. Class 9 Giti Gowland (992) Giti Gowland (992) had the lead in the first lap but he got off the course and damaged a front brake line. He pitted the car and bled the brakes and was off again. But during the stop, Kyle Cox (955) passed him and took the lead. The next two laps he was chasing Kyle but could never catch him. Kyle won by about 8 minutes. Although he came in 2nd Giti still is first in class 9 points. Troy Gentry (983) did not have a good day. He drove a single seat race car. First Troy hit a tree and then was side swiped by a 1600 car as he was trying to move over to the side of the course. He had carbure-tor flooding problems whenever he went into a curve all day. His gear box progressively lost the higher gears which forced him to over rev the engine. So he may have additional engine problems too. With all his prob-lems, he finished third place in class. Brandon Wright (997) and C11ti1u1II •• ••1• 30 ' . Bill Dobbs was the big winner in the Class 5/1600 contest, he's seen here coming out of the car wash and going on to victory. It was a fun race for Kyle Cox, there were 7 cars in the Class 9 contest and he beat 'em all/ Kyle is seen in one of the dry sections of the race. Steven Albrecht had no competition in the Class 7 contest, he just breezed along and took home the gold medal, here at speed. Mark Muffell took the gold medal in the StockBug Class at Caliente, Mark had less than two minutes in hand when he took the checkers. Kevin McKeown was the second place finisher in the highly contested Jason Coleman drove his Alumi Craft to a silver medal finish in Giti Gow/and exits the water on his way to a second place finish in Class 1450 contest, he's seen here in his Ford on his way home. the Class 1600 action, he's seen here on his way to the checkers. the Class 9 action, Giti was eight minutes in affears at the finish. Out of the water comes the good looking Bug of Steven Bertrand, Blain McDonald took third place honors in the Class 10 fracas he finished second in StockBug, less than two minutes in arrears at Caliente, he's seen here at high speed heading for the elusive Bob Dziurawiec took third place honors in the class 12 contest, Bob at the checkers. checkered flag. was 51 seconds out of second spot, he's seen here at high speed. Emilee A Imberg was the third place finisher in the Class 13 contest, Andrew Leavitt gets his truck washed as he heads for the finish Jeff Bruner was a bit off the winning pace in the Class 1600 contest, here plowing out of one of the deep holes one encounters. line, Andrew was the third place finisher in the Class 1450 fracas. Jeff took third place honors for his efforts, seen here at speed. Page 28 August 2012 Dusty Times

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CALLING ALL 1/2-1600 Dusty Times August 2012 ... ··-· ~ul1:~J1;f t\I)~ .... ::::.·-·. . ...... -.-.... ··:-.·.-.,,. • .. . . . . ·.· ···-·.-,, ...... . . . . .. . . :·.:._. .... -.-.,: · ..... -:.·· ::-:.::··: :-..... ·.·::.:--.. .:---~·-:: .. ::.-:~:: . . :::•:·:·:-~·: .. :: ::::· -<·.·.-.... · ....... · .. ·:,;-. · .. :-:.".-:•.•._;:: .. ·:--:· .. ,. . --. :: ......... · - . .._:.:::-_:. :-.---·-· .. 2/.;J: .•. :~ .•. <.>: : :t/: :: ··•·: --:>-. -·~.• .. :-:·~~~: -.. -. ... _. _.· .::_::··.:~: .. -. ::·.-.--.· . . . .. . -. . . . :· ... -_-.. . . .. ·· ... -. . . •. -·:: . . ... ~: .. • ... : :-:-:: ~ . .. : .. . :-,···· ...... --· ···.··:·--..... _ · . .... -~--... .. . . .. -.... ··-. ···< ··: .... . -···:·.·.·· ... ·• Page 29

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< ' ' ' Troy Gentry had a reasonable day, he took home the bronze medal Roger Starkey suffered from a very long first lap, he finished first for his actions in the Class 9 race, he's seen here plowing through off the podium in the Class 10 contest, seen here in his really good Greg Crew was a bit off the winning pace at Caliente, he finished the soh stuff. lookin' car. fourth in the Class 12 contest, he's seen here in the soft stuff. Stephen Cossey had a very long second lap but he caffied on and Evan Dixon had a looong third lap and it was expensive, Evan finished Frank Napoli is seen here just about to get wet, Frank had a long took fourth place honors in the Class 1600 battle, seen here just fourth in the Class 13 contest, he's seen here headin' for home. first lap and was the fourth place finisher in the Class 1450 fracas. getting wet. .. Steve Waters, how appropriate, was the fifth place finisher in the It was a fifth place finish in Class 13 for Tom High at Caliente, Tom James Hall Jr. finished fifth in the Class 1450 contest, we are no too Class 12 contest, he's seen here heading for the finish line. is seen here just exiting the car wash, wet and dirty. sure what the hanger-on is doing in the back of the Jeep. • Kevin Colan emerged from the water nice and shiny, he took home second place honors in the Class 1 contest, 58 minutes in arrears at the flag. Danny Lutz made two laps be-fore they had to call it quits for a DNF. Stock Bug Class Mark Murrell (1188) of Grand Junction Colorado and Casey Steiner of Wichita, Kan-sas are both fire fighters on a team of firemen. The come each year just to have fun racing in class 1 I. After one lap they swap seats and run the course again. They had some brake problems but the biggest problem of the day was getting unstuck. Both men took their turns Stock Bug surfing by adding their weight to the rear bumper to gain more traction. After six hours of racing 1188 and 1180 were less than one car length apart at the finish with 1188 taking the win and 1180 Page 30 coming in second. Steven Bertrand ( 1180) and Brian Vest were not only bat-tling the other class 11 cars but mainly just trying to get unstuck and stay on the course. They did not have any mechanical prob-lems but they both estimate they lost an hour a lap just trying to get unstuck. Robert Johnson (1100) and his son Erik Johnson did not have a good day. Somewhere be-fore Robert fried his clutch they had to stop at pit "A" to pull the engine to replace the clutch and pressure plate. Later on they got stuck for about an hour. Later they lost the oil cooler when it broke and lost most of their oil. The father and son team had a good time but they only finished one lap for a DNF. 6 IVe IVould 1,ike ~o eong,a~ula~e SCORE Baja 500 Gavin Skllton 1st Place Class G RPM Racing Clyde Stacey/Thomas & Ramon Fernandez 1st Place 5•1600 MORE Freedom 250 Timmy & Tommy Craig 1st Place 1/2·1600 & Class 12 Tom Koch 2nd Place Class 10 GUAM smokin' Wheels Joey Chrlsostomo/ Aleander M. Smith Running a Field's Automatic 2nd overall 1.e~ us Pu~ You In The Winne,'s ei,eler 818-998-2739 9763 VARIEL AVENUE, CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 August 2012 Dusty Times J

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AT GLEN HELEN Fitzgerald Takes Gold By Homer Eubanks Photos: Trackside Photo John Fitzgerald had a pretty good weekend, he took the gold medal on Saturday in limited Buggy and he finished third in the Sunday main event. Rounds nine and 10 of the Lucas Oil 4-Wheel Parts Off Road Nationals presented Cani-dae All Natural Pet Foods was held August 4 & 5 under the lights on the 0.8 mile Glen Helen short course track. With the daytime temps hot enough to keep even the lizards in the shade the nighttime racing was really appreciated. As the sun slowly set in the west a cool breeze came out and the grand-stands filled to enjoy the eve-ning's event. Pro 4 Unlimited In the Pro 4 Unlimited class Kyle LeDuc has won six main events so far this season. With such a dominant resume as that one would think he had the championship in the bag. That is until Eric Barron brought out his Toyota. Kyle LeDuc appeared to continue his win-ning ways during practice, as he was 0.317 seconds quicker than Barron. In the five minute qualifying session Kyle again was the quickest with last year's champ Carl Renezeder second fastest over third place Todd LeDuc. Eric Barron qualified fourth. In the Saturday night main event Barron took advan-tage of his second row starting position to jump in behind Carl Renezeder but when Renezeder got his Lucas Oil truck up on two wheels in turn five Barron took over. Renezeder recovered to hold onto second and began pressuring Barron. Barron was able to distance himself from Renezeder as Kyle LeDuc was keeping Renezeder busy defend-ing his second place. Just as the race momentum picked up Greg Adler had trouble in turn five causing a yellow that bunched the pack back up. On the restart Kyle LeDuc managed to get around Renezeder for second. Before the pace got picked back Eric Baffon took the Pro 4 Unlimited main event on Saturday and he came back on Sunday and repeated the great win. up Josh Merrell rolled in turn ron and those two pulled away five causing yet another cau-from the pack. Before getting tion. On the restart Kyle LeDuc to far away a yellow came out made an attempt for the lead in and on the restart Barron got turn one but Barron came back up on two wheels in turn five in the rhythm section. Then but LeDuc couldn't capitalize another truck stalled in turn on the mistake. Another yellow four bringing out another ye!-bunched things back up and on low flag. On this restart Barron the restart Todd LeDuc took drifted wide in turn two but over third. The front two pulled was able to hold his lead. In the some distance from third and next turn Kyle LeDuc spun and Kyle LeDuc was trying every line brother Todd LeDuc took his possible to get around Barron. second place. Kyle's truck suf-The two kept the crowd on their fered a rear suspension failure feet throughout the remain ing and started limping around laps and nearly had the crowd the track. Barron then was able fall off the grandstands when to put some distance between both went into turn two side himself and Todd LeDuc and by side and both got up on two headed on to take the win. wheels as the powered around Todd LeDuc crossed over sec-the corner. To everyone's amaze-ond and Travis Coyne topped ment both held on and battled out the podium. down the rough section with Sunday evening's Pro 4 Un-Barron holding his lead. When limited turned out to be a crowd the body panels had stopped fly-pleasing slug fest between Eric ing it was Eric Barron taking his Barron and Kyle LeDuc. On the second main event win on the start Travis Coyne used his pole weekend. Kyle LeDuc was sec-setting spot to take the early ond and thirc;i was Todd LeDuc. lead. His lead was short lived On the podium Kyle summed as Barron found a quicker line up the race by saying it was around for the lead. The follow- Freaking Insane. He then added ing lap Kyle LeDuc had moved he was hoping Barron would to third and then jumped far-make a mistake, as Barron had ther than Coyne to take second to hit every rut out there twice. before turn five. Kyle LeDuc Pro 2 Unlimited was able to close up on Bar-In the Pro 2 Unlimited class -----------, Robby Woods had been the Doug Fortin took the win on Saturday in the Pro Buggy Unlimited event, Dou came back on Sunda to take the silver medal, quite a weekend. It was a nice win for Bradley Morris on Saturday in the Pro Lite Unlimited event, he ca'rne back on Sunday and took the class win a ain! fastest in practice but when it came time to qualify Carl Rene-zeder tripped the best lap with a speed of 59.269 mph. Rob MacCachren was second and Brian Deegan was a very close third. Woods dropped to eighth of the 17 qualifiers. Qualifying proves a driver is fast but dur-ing racing conditions luck can be a benefit as well. Starting on the front row for Saturday's main event was Marty Hart and Patrick Clark. When the green waved it was hart jumping out front of Clark. Slipping into the third spot was Jeremy McGrath. Before things got wound up a roll in turn four caused things Patrick Clarie took the silver medal in Pro 2 Unlimited on Todd LeDuc finished second in the Pro 4 Unlimited action Brian Deegan finished third in the Pro Lite Unlimited on Saturday, Patrick finished in seventh place in the Sunday on Saturday, Todd was the third place finisher in the Saturday, he came back on Sunday with a nice second action. Sunday action. place finish. Dusty Times August 2012 Page 31

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Conner McMullen took the Kart Jr. 1 event on Saturday, he finished in third place in the Sunday affair, seen here haulin' freight. to bunch up. On the restart, lighting went down. After nearly the front three held the original half an hour the crew was able positions while back in the field to get it powered back up. Once Renezeder, Rodrigo Ampudia racing finally started the crowd and Jeff Geiser all got loose in got some bang up entertainment turn two but were able to get as Carl Renezeder drove over things sorted out and going Rob Naughton's truck in the before a yellow was thrown. rough section. Both were able Up front Hart had pulled some to race on but Naughton had breathing room from Clark but tires marks all down the side McGrath was getting heat from of his truck. Naughton didn't Brian Deegan. While these two care as he was the early leader fought over third Rob Mac-with Brian Deegan grabbing Cachren was bidding his time the second spot and Renezeder behind Deegan. By the sixth lap was third. Rob MacCachren was MacCachren noticed Deegan fourth but in the early shuffle slowing and drove past then a dropped to seventh. During lap later McGrath had some that shuffle Robby Woods who handling problems and Mac-had been seventh moved up to Cachren moved to third. At the fourth. Something happened to ·mid race caution both McGrath Rodrigo Ampudia's truck and and Deegan dipped into the hot he was towed off. Greg Adler pits but returned. Out front was running tenth when he had Hart had been running with mechanical problems as smoke a comfortable lead but as the poured out the back of his truck laps ticked off Clark managed before stopping in the rough to close the gap. MacCachren section between turns two and also closed up. But close up was three. Another caution occurred all they could do as Marty Hart with Ryan Hancock in turn one went on to win with Patrick and during the restart last eve-Clark second and Rob MacCa-nings winner Marty Hart had to chren third. be towed off. A few laps later, Sunday's Pro 2 Unlimited Hancock rolled in turn four but event got off to a real slow start. landed rubber side down and First off while setting on the was able to continue. The front grid Marty Hart couldn' t get six racers were nose-to-tail for his truck to fire off. Just as they several laps until Robby Woods towed him to the pits and were and Renezeder got together in about to get underway one of the turn four. The incident tore generators powering turn four Woods' hood loose and it flew Deegan was able to make a late charge on his position. He was able to excite the crowd as he pulled alongside in turn three but Morris found the traction needed to hold his lead to the checkers. Deegan was second and with less than a lap to go Brandt lost power and Casey Currie inherited the final po-dium spot. Pro Buggy Unlimited Qualifying for the Pro Buggy Unlimited class saw Geoffrey Cooley set fast time over Doug Fortin and John Holmes. As things go those times ended up not holding up Saturday in the main event. Sharing the front Dylan Winbury was the big winner in the Kart Jr. 2 event on Sunday, row was Dave Mason and Gar-Dylan finished in third place in the Saturday action. rett George. When the green flag up covering what would be his more restarts due to rollovers came out Mason read the green windshield. He had to drive the to take his first Pro Lite Unlim-flag and shot out front. George remaining race in what equaled ited win. Casey Currie held on got shuffled back to fourth as to being blindfolded. Crossing to second with Brian Deegan• Jerry Whelchel and Holmes under the checkers first was having to settle for third even passed him. On the fourth lap Brian Deegan with Jeremy Mc-though he had turned the fast-Holmes found the stars were Grath second and Robby Woods est lap of the race. in his favor as Whelchel pulled had somehow managed to drive Sunday evening's Pro Lite into the pits giving him second his way into third. Eleven of the line up had 23 trucks set to and Fortin inherited third. The 17 starters finished all 20 laps. battle in the main event . . On the crowd could almost see the Pro Lite Unlimited front row was Bradley Morris smile on Holmes face as Mason Round nine, Pro Lite Unlim-with Chris Brandt alongside. spun out in turn one handing ited event drew 20 contestants Once the race began it was Mor-the lead to Holmes. Mike Porter to the event. During the practice ris taking the lead. Brandt held had been in fourth moved to session it was Ryan Beat turning second until getting shuffled second and Fortin held third. the fastest lap over Chris Brandt back to fourth on lap two. Brian Fortin had some luck come his by a difference of0.110 seconds. Deegan had moved up to sec- way as Porter rolled in turn When it came to qualify for ond with Justin Smith third. A two moving him up to second. starting positions Brandt turned couple of laps later Smith rolled While all this was going on Ste-in the quickest time and Bradley in turn two giving Brandt his ven Greinke had worked his way Morris was second fastest. Ryan spot and RJ Anderson moved through the pack to take third. Beat was tenth. to fourth. Once racing began Afrer a caution restart Fortin When the race got underway the front three remained the reacted quicker when the green Saturday night a total of 24 same until mid-race when Chad flag came out to take over from trucks lined up with Sheldon George cut under both Brandt Holmes and Cameron Steele Creed and Justin Smith shar-and Anderson to take third. The worked his way into third. A ing the front row. Once racing front two were several lengths couple of laps later another cau-Creed spun in turn three al-ahead and George had a couple tion restart saw Steele jump into lowing Bradley Morris to take of lengths between him and second but then a couple of laps over the lead. Behind Morris Anderson. A caution came out later Steele got sideways allow-was Brian Deegan with Casey as Geo~ge rolled in turn two. ing Holmes into third. Doug. Currie third. A roll over in turn Once nghted, George was able Fortin went on to take the win two brought out a caution and to get back in the battle at the with Steven Greinke second and on the restart Deegan was able rear of the pack. Up front run-John Holmes crossed over third. to cut inside Morris in turn ning in third Anderson's truck Sunday night racing began two but Morris came back in began smoking and as he slowed with Mike Porter and Doug For-the next turn to lead the pack. Brandt moved to third. Until tin sharing the front row and During the excitement Currie the white flag came out Morris Porter grabbed the lead. John slipped ahead of Deegan for sec-had been running with some Holmes slipped into second ond. Morris survived a couple breathing room on Deegan but from row two and then Fortin. Drew Brftt took second place honors in the Super Lite Shelby Anderson was the sixth place finisher in the Kart Jr. Zachery Hunt finished third in the Limited Buggy fracas class on Saturday, Drew finished in the sixth spot in the 2 event on Saturday, Shelby came back on Sunday with on Saturday, unfortunately, Zach was a dnf in the Sunday Sunday affair. ----~ a nice second place finish. ... b.;;.att;.;.li..;.e.;;.. -------------------, Jeremy McGrath was the eighth place finisher in the Pro 2 Travis Coyne took third place honors on Saturday in the John Holmes took third place honors in the Pro Buggy Unlimited action on Saturday, He took a nice second place Pro 4 Unlimited race, Travis was the fifth place finisher in Unlimited race on Saturday, John finished in eighth place finish in the Sunday action. the Sunday event. in the Sunday contest. Page 32 August 2012 Dusty Times

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Fortin found an opening at the end of lap one to take second. On lap four Geoffrey Cooley, while running in fifth, rolled in turn two causing a caution flag. On the restart the front running order remained the same and back in eighth was Cameron Steele who was able to move to sixth then a lap later found a way into fifth. In the 10th lap Holmes got a little loose and Steele took over third and Whelchel also got in front of Holmes. The remaining laps turned out to be a follow last year's champ Mike Porter to the checkers. Doug Fortin had been able to close up and pressure the leader but had to settle for sec-ond. Cameron Steele finished third after dropping as far down as 15th in the earlier stages of the race. Super Lite A total of 24 Super Lites came out for rounds nine and It was a gold medal finish in Kart Modified for Cole Mamer on Saturday, Cole finished second in the Sunday action, seen here nicely airborne. ten. Sharing th e front row on got up on his top in turn two. Saturday night was Brent Fouch On the restart Sheldon Creed and Ryan Hagy. Once the race quickly moved to the front with started it was Fouch taking the Rahders running second. Be-lead with Cody Rahders in sec-hind Rahders was Hagy, until ond. In the second lap Fouch the fifth lap, as that is when Dillon Ayer.s flew to a second place finish in the Limited Buggy action on Saturday, Dillon finished in fifth place in the Sunday fracas. Hagy dropped back to eighth. dropped back to eighth as Drew Taking over the third spot was Britt took his third spot and Jesse Johnson. Johnson had Hagy had moved back up to his troubles a lap later when fourth. On the restart, after Eric he rolled in turn three. He was Roner had rolled in turn two, able to get going again but he Continued on page 34 Dawson Kirchner won the bronze medalon Saturday in the Travis Pecoy took third place honor.s in the Kart Jr. 1 Kyle Hart was the fourth place finisher in the Modified Super Lite contest, Dawson finished off the podium event on Saturday, Travis finished in seventh place in the Kart action, Kyle came back on Sunday to take a third in the Sunday action. Sunday fracas. ~p_la_c_e_fi._n_is_h_. ________________ _ Kevin Sacalas and his Big Ugly Racing Ultra4 BILSTEIN 9100 Serles Shocks with optional Anti-Cavitation Valve (ACV) provide the highest level of damping performance for Ultra4 type race vehicles. With the low spring rates required for these crossover racers, the ACV allows minimal gas charge (spring rate) while still elimlnating the possibility of shock fade due to cavitation. BILSTEIN 9100 Series equipped Ultra4 type vehicles have won numerous races and two Best In The Desert Class 4400 season championships. 9100 Serles standard features: Body: 60mm or 46mm seamless tube available in Smooth Body, Coilover, or Bypass Piston Rod: 22mm centerless ground, case hardened, chromed and super polished Piston: 60mm: 7075 aluminum with 0-ring tension wear band 46mm: U37 linear or digressive with check valve Reservoir: Standard: 60mm x 15' Rod Ends: 1/2' Teflon Uniball with steel machined eye ring Bypass Adjuster: Chromoly metering check valve with stainless adjuster Bypass Tubes: Available In 5/8' or optional 7/8" dia. Coilover Hardware: 3' 1.0., includes lock ring, spring seat, crossovers lockring and Delran slider Bi/stein offers a superior range of premium monotube gas pressure shocks for stock replacement, lifted trucks,and professional off-road racing. Bilstein Gas Pressure Shock Absorbers ThyssenKrupp Bilstein of America Sales & Tech Info: 1-800-537-1085 • Dusty Times Visit our website to see the full selection, or call for the dealer nearest you. August 2012 Page 33

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I' Bradley Morris finished fourth on Saturday in the limited Buggy action, Bradley took the class win in the Sunday action. Kevin McCullough was a dnf in the Sa-rurday limited Buggy action, he came back on Sunday to take a nice second Robby Woods finished sixth in Pro 2 Unlimited on Saturday, place finish. he took a nice third place finish in the Sunday affair. Dawson Kirchner moved into second. A couple of laps later Britt got by for the second spot. On lap 14 of the 18-lap race Jesse Johnson had worked his way back up front and was able to take over third by jumping further than Kirchner over the table top between turns one and two. Johnson then got upside down ending his night. Max Hunt then took over third. Still running in the clear up front was Sheldon Creed who ·drove on to take the win. Drew Britt came across second and on the last lap Dawson Kirchner got around Hunt for third. Sunday evening's event again saw Brent Fouch take the lead. The night before Fouch had got up on his top but tonight he held the lead with Cody Rah-ders second until the fourth lap. Rahders out distanced Fouch on the back stretch jump to take the lead. Also moving ahead was Sheldon Creed as he took over second from Fouch. After Rahders _had the lead they all seemed to line up and folio~ the leader until the twelfth lap when Jesse 'Johnson rolled over in turn two. This brought out a caution and bunched the~ all up. On the restart all remained the same but on the next lap Rahders started putting out smoke and lost the lead to Creed. Soon after Ryan Hagy moved past Rahders then on the last lap Max Hunt, Garrett Poel-man and Drew Britt drove past. Taking the win was Sheldon Creed with Ryan Hagy second and Hunt third. Limited Buggy There were 16 Limited Bug-gies came out for r.ound nine on Saturday night. Taking the lead from his front row advantage was Jeff Richards with John Fitzgerald second. Richards neld the lead for three laps before Fitzgerald out powered him through the rough_ section before turn three. During· the excitement Jordan Poole slipped into second ahead of Richards. At the mid-race caution restart Kevin McCullough rolled in turn five causing yet another caution. On that restart Poole Before things got wound up spun in turn two giving second to speed Elliott Watson barrel to quick time qualifier Dillon rolled off the table top jump Ayers. With just a lap to go but landed rubber side down Poole's buggy poured smoke out and was able to get going again. dropping him back to 10th• John Up front the first, second and Fitzgerald held on to win with third place drivers had pulled Dillon Ayers taking second over away from the pack and were Zachary Hunt. running nose-to-tail. This went Round ten of the series saw on for most of the race until Jeff Richards and John Fitzger-Cheek made his attempt in the ald again starting on row one. rough section between turns two This time when the green flag and three. Mamer was able to came out it was second row hold him off but on the follow-starter Kevin McCullough that ing lap Cheek made his attempt led the pack into lap two. Be-stick in the same location he hind McCullough was Bradley had attempted before. Mamer Morris. Jordan Poole trailed in pressured hoping to regain his third. On the sixth lap Greg position and the two pulled Crew spun out in turn two away from third place Sheldon bringing out the caution. After Creed. The front two went on racing resumed the front two to finish with Cheek taking the pulled some real estate from win over Mamer. Third ended third place. On the ninth lap up being Kyle Hart after Creed another yellow came out once dropped back to ni.nth. again bunching up the pack. Kart Jr 2 Jordan Poole stalled in turn two In the Kart Jr 2 eyent Parker bringing out a caution and on Steele took advantage of the the restart Zachary Hunt took front row starting spot to lead over third. On the restart Hunt the pack of 15 Karts into turn made his move and got inside one of Saturday evening's event. McCullough at turn four and The event was restarte~Lafter once out front went on the win., Shelby Anderson used Travis Kevin McCullough held on for Pecoy to stop her in turn one, second arid third. The crowd running up under the rear of got excited after the race when Pecoy and getting hung up to-the water truck driver pulled the gether. On the restart all got wrong lever soaking many in the through turn one good with grandstands. Steele out front again. Travis Kart Modified Pecoy moved to second and An-Th ere were 15 Modified derson was third. Anderson lost Karts taking the Glen Helen her spot on lap two when Dylan grid. Front row setter Cole Winbury drove past. Anderson Mamer shot out front early with was moved back another spot Myles Cheek holding second. the following lap when Jeremy Fast qualifier Blake Lenk was in Davis made his pass. The front third. The front runners quickly three.remained the same to the §pa~ed-themse_lves.apart leaving . checkers witJ:l S_t:eele taking .the. _ the main battle for frfth ~"" wiR,:__over .Witrlw_ry and• !.ravis:•;::; tween Sheldon Creed tn.t Kyle.' , Pe~)' he_l~-o~>funhir~ _ · _.f ·_ .\ Hart. Although the event("went 1,.. At Sunµay s·event Shel_by An• : ~ fast and provided some closeo :--rson ciptured the 1i;icl once competition the racing' the greet} flag came oiit. Travis basically remained the ·same to-. Pecoy pulled in behind her and the checkers. Cole Mamer won; Dylan Win bury behind him. On with Myles Cheek second and the eighth lap Winbury got by Sheldon Creed rounded out the~ 'Pecoy for seeond. Dylan Win-podium spots. bury caught Anderson with two Broe Dickerson took the silver medal in the Kart Jr. 1 event on Sa-rurday, Broe came back in the Sunday race to take the coveted old medal. art r 1 two aps e ore moving up into Round nine of the series third. With j4st two laps to go Kart JR 1 had 13 Karts rum)Ani McMullen passed Dickerson with Barrett Nunley taking the and held on for the win. Dick-early lead with Parker Darland erson finished second' and third in second. Nunley's lead was was Travis Pecoy. , , short lived as current number The following evening it was one. plate holder Broe Dicker-Bll3-ze Nunley taking the p~ck' son managed to take over on lap around turn one. Broe Dick-' two. Darland held his second e_rson followed in second with po&j_,tion and .Barrett Nµnl~y qflr,r.en l:la~d~sty,-th_i/:,d, Pif ~et;1 moved to third. These thre.e son took die lead away on the remained in th~ running order: second lap. Broe Dickerson held until lap five and Nunley lost the lead all the way to he check-... his spot to Travis Pecoy. After ers. Darren Hardesty finishep: the mid-race caution restart second and with just tw_o laps Nunley dropped to fifth as Con- to go Conner McMµllen moyed ner McMullen moved ahead of into the third spot· to Hnish out him. McMullen took anot~e.r tne pod~um. · At Sunday evening's event laps to go and took the lead and Cole Mamer jumped off leading eventual win. Shelby Anderson the pack as he had the night be-held second and Travis Pecoy Myles Cheek won the silver medal in the Kart Modified event on fore with Myles Cheek second. was third. · Saturday, he came back in the Sunday event to take the gold medal Kyle leDuc #99 mixes it up with Eric Ba«on #32, Kyle Cameron Steele finished fourth on Sa-rurday in the Pro Da«en Hardesty finished ninth in the Kart Jr. 1 race on finished second in -rhe Pro 4 Unlimited race on Sunday, Buggy Unlimited class, he finished in third place in -rhe Sa-rurday, Da«en took a great second place finish in the seen here at full tilt. Sunday action. Sunday race. Page 34 August 2012 Dusty Times

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'J. ' "Preserving Our Natural Resources FOR The Public Instead Of FROM The Public".c;;.._---., 4555 Burley Dr. Suite A • Pocatello, ID • 83202 1-800-BLUERIB • BRC Applauds Congressional Oversight of Section 603. The Utah lawsuit was suspended upon the sign-ing of a settlement agreement, sometimes referred to "Norton-Leavitt Settlement." BLM then suspended its effort to designate new WSAs in Utah. FLPMA Section 603 instructs the BLM to conduct a Wilder-ness inventory and to make for-mal recommendations on which, if any, of its lands should be included in the National Wilder-ness Preservation System. Those lands were to be formally desig-nated Wilderness Study Areas (WSA) and only Congress could BLM's Wilderness remove that designation. Con-Obama Administration's com- help but note that the planning gress was very specific that the mitment towards being the 'most regulations, promulgated at the inventory should take place one transparent' in history. We urge end of the Clinton Administra- time and one time only. After the you to withdraw BLM Manuals tion, were continued by the Bush recommendations were made, 6310 and 6320 immediately, and Administration. "This policy BLM was to manage the WSAs create a public process for craft- began under Secretary Bruce Bab- allowing existing uses, but not to ing these manuals that are so vital bitt in 1998. It was incorporated the extent that those uses prevent to the management of western into official BLM planning regu- Congress from designating the Inventory Handbook public lands," lations in 2002 and has contin- lands Wilderness. In addition to Barrasso, Hatch, ued largely under the radar until What the BLM did then was and Bishop, the letter was signed Secretary Salazar elevated the to simply change the name of by Senators Mike Crapo, Mike effort to a 'Secretarial Order.' the new WSAs and continued to a Secretarial Order, and man-dating that Wilderness inventory be ongoing. The draft Manual dumbs down the definition of Wilderness so the maximu m acreage will qualify as having "wilderness characteristics." The Order mandates Wilderness anal-ysis occur during any site-specific NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) process that takes place within LWC lands. It also appears to mandate a Wilderness review for lands that may be iden-tified as potential LWC lands in a future RMP. Finally, the Order mandates a Wilderness review and analysis on ANY project if a Wilderness activist group, or a BLM staff member, identifies Wilderness as a "significant is-sue" in the NEPA process. BRC Supports National designation For Clear Creek The BlueRibbon Coalition Enzi, Dean Heller, Jon Kyl, Mike In every respect, we must thank on its merry way. Under guid-today expressed appreciation for Lee, Lisa Murkowski, Jim Risch Secretary Salazar's over-reach for ance issued for its Land Use The BlueRibbon Coalition the initiative of several key mem-and Representatives Mark Ame-: bring~ng this policy to the atten- Planning process, it simply sub- (BRC), a national OHV recre-bers of Congress, who are taking dei, Jason Chaffetz,•Jeff Denham, tiort of Congress and the public." stituted ,Wilderness Study Area ation advocacy group, announ.ced action in opposition to the De- Jeff Flake, Paul Gosar, Raul Lab-The BlueRibbon Coalition is with "Lands with Wilderness its support for the Clear Creek partment of the Interior's (DOI) rador, Cynthia Lummis, Tom Mc-a national recreation group that Characteristics." The existing National Recreation Area Act· of efforts to conduct a never-ending Clintock: and Steve Pearce. · champions responsible <recre-guidance (prior· to the Sataza:r 2012 (H.R. 6286) introduced by Wilderness inventory process. The letter to Secretary Sal,uar • ation,. and encourages individual Order) directs BLM land man-Congressman Sam Farr on Au-Senate Western Caucus Chair-is here. . , environmental stewardship. With agers to continue to conduct gust 3, 2012. BRC filed a support ma.n John Barras-so {R-WY), Abackgrouhd paper distribut• members in all 50 states, BRC is Wildern~ss inventories, ·but does letrer with Congressman -Farr's joined Congressman Rob Bishop ed by ~he Western Caucus is here. focused on building enthusiast so through the land use planning Office·on August 10, 2012. . n.JT-Oi) and Senator Orrin Hatch A press release from the ·Seri- . involvement with organizational process, and although it uses the The legislation woul4 give (R-UT) in questioning .Bureau ate Western Caucus is ·here. · •. · 'efforts through membership, ~erm LWC, it does not formally the popular Clear Creek .OHV of La.nd Management guidance .,Greg Mumm, 13RC's Execu-outreach, education, and col- establish a "designation:" Secre- · area the n-atio,:lal recognition it manuals i:hat continue the con- tive Director said the con.gres- . laboration among recreationists. tary Salazar modified these direc- deserves. The legislation w~uld troversial Wild Lands policy sional oversight -is'-appredated by ~-800-Bl4eRib ·• www.sharetnils. tives arid gave these new LWC also ·bring long overdue mal.l,.age• killed by Congress in April 2-011. many in the west who have been org · lands the .official designation of ment to the area, which has been The manuals include language fighting the agency's attempt to Some Important History "Wildlands." mired in a bureaucratic morass by fdentical. to Secretarial order add additional W-ildemess Study In' 1996, then Secretary Bruce BL.M·-'Resource Management the Bureau of Land Managemen.t. 3310 •and its supporting docu-Areas (WSA) each time a new Babbitt initiated a re-inventory Plans.(RMP) finalized in Utah, This legislation will help resolve ments, known as die DOI's Wild management plan .is .cr-eated. of BLM lands 1n Utah and at- Arizon-a and other states have the ongoing conflict be~e.en Lands memo, mandating BLM "The effort to require the BLM to ._. ··tempted to nearly double the incorP9rated the Wilderness in- access interests and the 'BLM employees engage in a ongoing conduc.t an endless Wilderness· in• amount of WSAs in the state. ventor.y process into new RMPs. regarding die future of mototiied inventory for _ lands with wilder- vento.ry has been die single most That process was challenged in Man~ement of the LWC lands and human powered recreatio'n at ness characteristics. controversial policy initiative in'. federalcoutt by the State of Utah in-: thi :ne_w RMP focuses on the BLM's Clear Creek Manage• · In the :fetter to Secretary Sala-the agency's history. This ill<on• · and several Utah Counties. Years protc:cting'.,Wilderness charac• mentArea. zar, Caucus members wrote; "The ceivcd wilderness review proce~ _.tater, the BLM, under Interior ~er, which· h~s resulted in the Years of controversy culminat• • Depar-t:,:nent's recent actions has been nothing·but a waste of Sec~taty Gale Norton, ;1grecd .highly' itoh.ic situation where ed in 2008, when BLM imposed greadv':,undermine both your valuable resources. and budgets. · · th,1;.:.t4e ,federal Land J>olicy and LWC--lands are actually managed . a blanket closure of 70,000 :acres commitment to working with us, We ve.rv much ~predate the ef. --M~nat~Jn~nt Act (FLPMA), the itiµch·a:nore-resttictivety than the · to-all users, even hikers, cJttng yout du~ to follow both the letter forts of the· Western CaucuJ; • · law, that .created the BLM, actu• oti,gina1 WSA.$i_ ·· _ · conce_rns about a public health an~ ·spirit of the Congressional White applaud_ing the acti~n • .-~Uf.-precludcd the agency from -·.··Sa1azar's otder doubles down risk ·due to naturally occurring ma_ndate to withhold funaing BRC's ·Public Lands PolicyDirec-: fot:mi•lv establishing WSAs out• ori the Bu·sn· Administntion asbestos. Although the BLM,has for the Wildlands oolicy, and the tor; Brian Hawthorne; coul(.i no(r"' 0side·-:a"f.'the p~ess mandated-in ,plan)1ing gu_id.,aric.~. elevating it . CNtla_. •flll • . · ' r-----~------~---~---~-~~----------~--------------------~ I· I I I I I I . - 1, . .' ~ ~ ,. ' 4·::t" Performance P.r-o"v-en for Desert & Off-Road Use 150 ' Heavy Duty ·Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding & Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks Quality Products & Friendly Service RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-0759 • 15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX us to Receive a Free Catalog VISA ~-------------------------------------------------------~ Dusty Times August 2012 Page 35

Page 36

been considering a highly restric-tive management plan based on the alleged health concerns, the area remains in management limbo. California State Parks Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Rec-reation Commission, San Benito County, IERF scientists, OHV groups and at least one conser-vation group have questioned the science and BLM's analysis. There has never been a docu-mented case of injury despite decades of inhalation of the soils in question by humans in every conceivable activity. Don Amador, Western Rep-resentative for the BRC, stated, "This is a timely and effective solution to public land access challenges that have plagued this unit for a number of years. This bill will protect the important destination and environmentally sound OHV riding opportunities at the area. In addition, there are also historic non-motorized and human powered recreation-al opportunities rightfully ac-knowledged and protected in the legislation." "This proposal sufficiently rec-ognizes the diverse and historical motorized uses in the area so as to allow us to support the legislation in the historic OHV areas as out-lined in the BLM's 2005 Travel Management Plan. Congressman Farr should be commended for his efforts to reestablish motor-ized and non-motorized access at Clear Creek. BRC looks forward to working with his office this bill moves through the process," Amador added. Link to Hollister Free Lane Article about H.R. 6286 http:// news/ environment_science/ legislation-opens-door-for-motor-ized-use-at-clear-creek/ article_ b9cab 1 ba-e0af-1 le 1-8683-001a4b-cf6878.html "Congressman Farr should be commended for this proac-tive legislation that emphasizes education and informed choice over heavy-handed closure regard-ing the purely theoretical public health risk that might occur through excessive use of the area. The bill would allow recre-ational access to resume under the 2005 travel plan generated through formal agency study and public input. The bill would also designate an adjacent portion of qualifying land with full protec-tion as Wilderness. "This legislation could go a long way in helping restore good relations between the BLM, the County and recreationists. This is a carefully crafted win-win and we hope it gains the support of affected interests and politicians on all sides of the aisle," Amador concluded. Support Letter From BRC, August 10, 2012 http://www. sharetrails. org/ uploads/ me-dia/ cc0813 2012/FarrBRCsup-port_8-10-12.pdf We Are BRC -Turn The Tide Tour 2012 Announcing the Turn the Tide 2012 Tour, by Greg Mumm I am tired of what is happen-ing to recreational access, so I'm upping the game on what to do about it. I am getting on my du-alsport motorcycle and taking a ride around the country to rally Page 36 I I recreation's grassroots. It's a long ride "around" the good ol' USA and a big personal investment, but this is not about me-it's more about you and what you have to say. It's about the future of recreation on public lands and waters. Join with me and, with your help, together we will Turn the Tide in 2012. I am going to meet with as many grassroots recreation enthu-siasts, leaders, and organizations as I can. I want to hear all per-spectives. At the end of my ride I am going to take the messages and concerns that you provide me to Washington, DC, and deliver them with those who can and should be doing something about them. I am also providing you the opportunity to tell us what you expect from the BlueRibbon Coalition. This year, the BlueRib-bon Coalition is celebrating its 25 year history as a national rec-reational advocacy organization. What we have accomplished in that quarter of a century has been remarkable. We need to make certain this organization remains relevant in its efforts for the next 25 years. What I hear back from you will help define our mis-sion going forward and ensure we are fulfilling our members' expectations. I need you to engage with me in this ride, virtually or in person. If you want to join me on the road for 25, 100, or even for 1000 in a close fight for third place with Timo van der Mare! but Van der Mare! crashed on stage 17, the final stage for the Academy driv-ers, leaving Reeves unchallenged in third. In Class 5 Molly Taylor briefly held the lead when after her fellow Citroen R3T driver Chardonnet was exactly 30 min-utes late arriving at the start of stage 14, but then she stopped on the road section before stage 16. Both had turbocharger trou-ble. Suddenly Kristian Yritys was ahead in the Clio but then re-tired before the final stage leaving Citroens to eventually finish 1-2-3 in the category and in the small Class 9 they finished 1-2. In the Manufacturers series Citroen Total continue to in-crease their lead, by a further 16 points, now leading Ford by 109 points although there are still a maximum of 215 points available to be gained by the teams before the end of the season. In the Drivers' series Loeb is 43 points ahead of his teammate Hirvonen with Petter Solberg a further 24 points behind. While Jari-Matti Latvala now lies fifth, having passed Novikov in the tables, Mads Ostberg still holds fourth place. What is probably more depressing is that the joint points score of the two official Ford driv-ers of 173 is only two more than Loeb's sole total. Retirements for both Hayden Paddon and Craig Breen, who had been lying 1-2 in the SWRC standings coming in to this round saw Per-Gunnar Andersson now at the head of the points table by six points from Paddon. In the Academy sees Elfyn Evans at the top of the standings following two wins in the category. ll\J2C:: miles, I encourage you to do so. Whether you ride your bike or drive your car or off-road rig doesn't matter. It isn't about the vehicle, it's about the message. We will be providing an evolv-ing schedule, a tracking map of where I am going, when I'll get there, and who I am meeting with. If not physically, then join me virtually. Track my progress and stay tuned to what I am reporting back here at this site, as well as liking the tour on Facebook and following it on Twitter. Engage with this effort by providing me with the message you would like me to deliver to Washington DC by clicking here. Give your feed-back on what you expect from the BlueRibbon Coalition as we move forward by clicking here. Tell your friends and have them tell their friends. That is the point. This needs to be HUGE. We need to reach as many as we can-it is time to grow our politi-cal significance. Court Releases Final Decision on Eldorado National Forest Lawsuit The Eldorado National For-est is free from preservationist litigation attacking a Travel Management Plan that original-ly closed just over 900 miles of roads and trails. Today Senior U.S. District Judge Lawrence K. Karlton issued his final order and judgment in a case origi-nally filed in 2009. The Court's May 2011 de-cision on the merits largely upheld the Eldorado travel management decision, denying preservationist demands for even more closures. Sadly, the court required further proceed-ings to address Endangered Spe-cies Act procedures concerning 42 routes that cross meadows. Today's order and final judg-ment, which terminates the case, determines that the Forest has fully complied with any En-dangered Species Act concerns and adopts the Forest Service's proposed remedy over preserva-tionist objections for continued travel along the meadow routes. According to the Forest Service, the meadow routes encompass a total of about 135 miles. Un-der today's order, access will be restored on about 46 miles of those routes, while about 89 miles will remain closed." Pro-access recreation groups are disappointed with the order but glad to see the case conclud-ed. Several key organizations participated in this suit and de-cades of litigation involving the Eldorado, including the Cali-fornia Association of 4 Wheel Drive Clubs (Cal4), California Enduro Riders Association, District 36 of the American Mo-WRC Finland fr1m p11125 s:fd Neste Oil Rally Finland (FIN) Jyyaskyla 2/4.08.2012 WRC roulld 8, SWRC roulld 5 torcyclist Association and the BlueRibbon Coalition. Mark Cave, President of Cal4, ob-served, "We're concerned these closures are unnecessary and issued without legally required findings. But the "interim" sta-tus was complete closure of the 42 routes, so even this result is a step forward that allows some access." The Forest is complet-ing renewed analysis and will issue a new decision on these routes. Cave used the "David versus Goliath" analogy to describe how difficult it is to prevail against the well funded preser-vationist efforts. Still, none of the groups involved are willing to give up. "We encourage in-terested parties to stay in the loop, participate in the ongoing management process and help support whatever next steps the recreation groups decide to take." Cave added. The case is entitled Center for Sierra Nevada Conserva-tion v. U.S. Forest Service, Case No. CV-09-2523. A copy of the Court's order includ-ing a description of the 42 meadow routes may be viewed at http:/ / uploads/ 112-Order_on_rem-edy.07.31.12.pdf. Green Groups Influence Bay Area Regional Park WC points WR WO SC 1 (1) Sebastien LOEB/Danie! Elena F/MC CiboeO DS3 (M) WRC BK317DW (F)IFT5756 2h.2&n.11.4s. 25 25+1 2 (2) Mild«) HIRVONEN/Janno Lehtinen FIN Cilroen DS3 (M) WRC BK3590W (F),'FT5757 2h.2&n.17.5s. 3 (3) Jari-Matb LATVAl.A/Miikka Antbla FIN Ford Fiesta RS (M) WRC PX61AWR (GB)IFT5758 2h.28m.46.4s. 4 (4) Pelter SOLBERG/Chris Petle1$011 NIGB Ford Fiesta RS (M) WRC PX61AYK (GB)IFT5759 2h.29m.07.5s. 5 (10) Mads OSTBERG/JonasAndetsson NIS Ford Fiesta RS (M) WRC PXSOAUV (GB)IFT5764 2h.30rn.43.5s. 6 (5) Ott TANAK/Kuldar Sid< EE Ford Fiesta RS (M) WRC PX11AWN (GB)IFT5760 2h.30m.59.0s. 7 (18) Matti Rantanen/Mikko Lukka FIN Ford Fiesta RS (M) WRC PXSOAVO (GB)IFT5774 2h.33m.03.1s. 8 (17) Jari Kelomaa'Mka Stenberg FIN Ford Fiesta RS (OM) WRC PXSOAVG (GB~'fl1100 2h.34m.13.3s. 9 (15) Martin Prolt.op'Zdenel; Hruza CZ Ford Fiesta RS (M) WRC 06R0030 (CZ)ffl5769 2h.34m.15.7s. 10 {20) Sebastien Ogier/JUiien Ingrassia F Skoda Fabia S2000 (M) 2 H-VM138 (O)IFT5770 2h.36m.57.4s.# 11 (33) Per_Gunna-Andersson/Emil Axelssoo S Proton Sacna Neo S2000 (M)SWRC YN61HCP (GBVfU8598 2h.39m.01.2s. 13 (51) J.mko + Petri Nikara FIN l.ltsubishi Lancer Evo IX (Y) 3 FU8674 (FIN) 2h.40m.43.6s.• 14 (19) Sebastian li>dhorn,T,mo Hanllmen FIN Ford Fresta RS (M) WRC PX12BMU (G8)IFIJ8603 2h.40m.46.4s. 15 (12) ArmindoAr.lojolMigoetRamallo P Mi11JohnCoope!Wo!u(M)WRC EK068KX(G8,.:FT5767 2h.4()n.55.1s. 18 18•3 15 15 12 12•2 10 10 8 8 6 • 2 1 16 (8) Thieny NElMUEMicolas Gilsoul B Cilroen DS3 (M) WRC BF735XB (f)IFT5763 2h.A1m.50.6s.(2) 6 25 17 (36) Yazeed Al Rajhi/Michael On' KSAIGB Ford Fiesta 1.6 52000 (M) SWRC 9GLG999 (B)IFT5778 2h.42m 19.0s. 18 18 (34) Juha Salo/Marko Salmilen FIN l'nllDrl Salria Neo $2000 (M)SWRC YN10GOH (GB).1'U6599 2h.44m.47.9s. 15 23 135) Maciej Oleksowicz/Anl!rzej Obnlliowski PL Fon! Fiesta 52000 (M) SWRC WD99991 (Pl)IFT5m 2h.50m.34.6s. 25 (49) Esapekka Lappi/Janne Fenn FIN Ford Fiesta S2000 {M) SWRC PX59AOC (G8~'FS5837 2h.S1m.19.0s.(2) 10 27 (21) AndreasMild<elsen/OlaFloene N SkodaFabiaS2000(M) 2 H-VM135(0)1FT5772 2h.53m.13.9s. 36 (6) Evgeniy NOVIKOV/Oenls Giraudet RUS/f F«d Fiesta RS (M) WRC FT5761 (FIN) 3h.02rn.58.5s. 4 38 (14) Paulo Nobre,'Edu Paula BR Mirli John Coopel Wo!1ts (M) WRC EJ916GH (l)IFT5788 31!.04rn.40.0s.(3) 39 (7) Chris ATKINSON/Stephane Pr8'110t AUS/8 Citroen DS3 (M) WRC 81<391 OW (F)IFT5762 3h.05m.29.0s.(3) 2 81 (l SWRC) starm. 53 (5 SWRC) finishets. MANUFAClURERS' DRIVER. Tyres: DM'=DMadl. M=Micbelin. Y=Yokahana. {Missed llages °' road sections) Winner's average si-i owir stages 122.891q,h (record). +=Power S1age points. #--Class 2 wilner. •=Oass 3 winner. LEADING RETIREMENTS LAST STAGE COf.f'lETED • (31) Hayden Paddon/John Kennard NZ Skoda Fabla S2000 (M) SWRC Kl926CW (A)/FU8604 engi,e (32) Craig Bleen/Paut Nagle IRL Ford Fiesta S2000 (M) SWRC PX59AVF.fT5773 accident (43) Ken Block/Alex Gelsomino USA Ford Fiesta RS (M) WRC PX12BVS (G8)1FT5779 suspension RALLY LEADER Loeb stages 1-18. SWRC LEADERS PaddonS1age 1, Lappi2-9. Breen 10-13,Andersson 14•15, Bleen 16,Andersson 17 ♦18. CLASS 2 LEADER Ogier$1age$ 1-18. The Roule Special Stages Total llistarlce • Clews Restartilg Day1 Jy,askyla Paviljonki (Thulsday 1330) • 3gravel-29.90km 492.96Ml (1•3) Jyvaslyla Paviljonki (Thursday 2320 Day2 Jy,askyla Paviljonki (Friday 0630) • 9 gravel-133.821lm 621.55km 79 (4·12) Jy,askyla. Jy,askyla Paviljonki (Friday 2115) Dey3 Jy,askyla Paviljonki (Sahrday 0700) • 6 gravel-139.80MI 511.181cm 76 (13-18) Jyvaskyla. Jy,askyla Paviljonki (Sauniay 2013) 18 stages.303.521cm 1625.69km Weather. dry on the stages. No stages in darkness. Leadr,g Special Stages p0511ioos 1 2 3 4 5 6 Loeb 9 6 2 1 Hirwnen 7 3 4 1 3 P.Solberg 2 2 4 7 1 2 Latvala 1 5 7 4 1 Ostberg 1 1 8 4 Newille 1 4 5 Tamli< 2 3 1 No\lilov 1 1 1 Kelllmaa & Rantanen 1 SWRC Lappi woo 13 stages. Bieen & Ande!uon 2 each, Paddon 1. CLASS 2 Ogierwon 10, Lappi 6. Mikllelsen 2,Andemon 1. 4 16 13 Positions in World Chanplonshipfor Ralies (WCR): Citroen Total 280 poinls. Ford 171, M...Sport Fon! 115, Qalar-49, Ciioen ..uiior48,Adapta38, Mini WRC 26, Brazil 16. Positions in Wof1d Championship for Ori'lers (WCDt Loeb 171 points, Hilvonen 128, P.Soltlerg 104, Os1l>elg 90. l.alvala 68, Novikov 55, Prlll<op 36, NelNile 32, So<do 29, Tar,ak 26, etc. Leadilg positioos in S2000 WRC (Round 518Xseven events to count): Andersson (4) 68 points, Padden (4) 62, ~ (4) 53, Breen (4) 43, Al~ (4) 40, elc. From: Martin Homes, Prospect Cottage, Pyrford Green, Woking, S.mey, GU22 8UZ. UK Tel:•« (0) 1932 352894 & 347757. Fax: •44 (0) 1932 343102. Email. ~ -com 12 August 2012 Dusty Times

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District to Support Ban on OHV Use at Carnegie State Vehicular Recreation Area -Documents obtained by a Public Records Act (PRA) re-quest appears to show an effort by some anti-access groups and their supporters to exert undue pressure on a government agen-cy to oppose motorized recre-ation at a local OHV park. The BlueRibbon Coalition (BRC), a national trail-based recreation group, filed a PRA with the East Bay Regional Park District on July 2, 2012. BRC filed the request to obtain copies of any commu-nications between the District and the Friends of Tesla, a local anti-access group founded by Celeste Garamendi to oppose OHV recreation on the Telsa property at Carnegie State Ve-hicular Recreation Area. An initial review of the in-formation shows Garamendi in a March 19, 2007 letter to a District Board Member inform-ing her of the need for them to develop "outside" pressure to prevent motorized recreation on property purchased with non-general fund user-pay/user-ben-efit monies from the OHV Pro-gram at California State Parks. Don Amador, Western Rep-resentative for the BlueRibbon Coalition, states, "It appears that environmental activists and East Bay Parks may have had inappropriate contact outside of the CEQA process to poten-tially impact responsible OHV recreation on designated routes at Tesla." "It should come as no sur-prise that some of the same anti-OHV groups who sued to close the SVRA in 2009 are stakeholders in current efforts to ban or restrict OHV recre-ation at the Park. Just as the court recently dismissed (with prejudice) their 2009 lawsuit, I believe the public will reject the effort by green groups and their friends in state government to prevent lawful use by the OHV community of the Tesla prop, erty," Amador continued. BRC PRA Information, loads/East_Bay_RPD_2007 _ CEQA_ Concerns000l. pdf Friends of Te~la http://www. State Legislators Join Op-position to OHV http://www. s ha retra i ls. org/ uploads/Bu-Dusty Times cha nan_ Carnegie_ 6-8-12. pdf OHV Commissioner Re-sponse to Opposition http:// Laird_ Carnegie_ Connolly _Per-ez_letter. pdf NPS Bike Ban Lifted -Local Officials Can Consider Allowing Bikes on Trails Anti-recreation groups and NPS advocacy groups go ballistic in opposition The BlueRibbon Coalition (BRC), a national trail-based recreation group, applauded a move by the National Park Ser-vice (NPS) early this month that could allow additional mountain bike recreation in National Parks across the U.S. On July 5, 2012, the NPS re-leased revised regulations (known as a "rule") giving park super, intendents the ability to allow bicycles on roads that exist on the ground but have been closed to motorized vehicles. The rule could, if approved via planning and environmental analysis, also allow mountain bike use on some existing trails. Brian Hawthorne, BRC's Pub-lic Lands Policy Director, praised the decision saying that the NPS needs to recognize that its dual mission requires it to fully con-sider meaningful and diverse rec-reation activities. "When creating the National Park System, Con-gress mandated that the Park Ser-vice 'promote' and 'provide for the use and enjoyment' of park resources and 'leave unimpaired for the enjoyment of future gen-erations.'" Hawthorne noted that these coequal mandates require the NPS to balance both inter-ests when making management decisions for national parks. "Al-lowing Park Superintendents to allow mountain bikes is the right thing 't:o- do," he said. Environmental groups and NPS advocacy organizations howled in opposition, saying the agency "slithered" the new policy in on Independence Day, insinuating mountain biking in National Parks is somehow unpa-triotic. The Center for Biological Diversity joined the National Parks Conservation Association and the Association of National Park Rangers expressing grave concerns the rule would circum-vent public involvement and environmental analysis. In reality, the new rule will open nothing. It simply elimi-nates a blanket prohibition on bikes and adds possible bike use to the list of topics local of, ficials are empowered to address through local planning. The new rule requires rigorous envi-ronmental compliance require-ments and mandatory public comment on proposals to open existing or new trails to bikes. In addition, new trails outside of developed areas will continue to require a park-specific special regulation, and the NPS will continue to prohibit bicycle use in eligible, study, proposed, recommended and designated Wilderness areas. Greg Mumm, BRC's Execu-tive Director was not surprised these groups oppose the new rule. "That is why we call them anti-rec-reation groups," he said. Mumm stressed the National Park System was never meant to be managed as Wilderness. "Through lawsuits and high-dollar political lobbying environmentalists are tilting the balance. This new rule is entirely appropriate. The National Park System needs to be willing to pro-vide Americans with recreational access," he added. The final rule, 36 CFR 4.30, was published in the Federal Register on July 6 and will go into effect 30 days later. August 2012 pkg/FR-2008-12-18/pdf/EB-29892.pdf OHV Community Supports CA Governor's Effort To Review Park Fund The BlueRibbon Coalition, a national trail-based recreation group, and the California Off-Highway Vehicle Community welcomes the quick response from Governor Jerry Brown to investigate financial irregu-larities and a hidden slush fund within State Parks. The OHV community is dis-appointed, but not the least bit surprised that the problem exists. OHV enthusiasts have made repeated efforts over the past couple of years to draw atten-tion to the theft of OHV funds under the guise that dire condi-tions are forcing the closure of recreational opportunities in order to save what management has described as distressed quiet parks. Motorized recreationists are asking that the OHV program, a national model and one with ab-solute fiscal clarity, be restored completely. The OHV program is the most successful division in State Parks and responsibly provides recreational opportunities to millions of Californians. OHV recreation is also critical to the rural economy of our state. The OHV community is not amused by the protestations of former Director Ruth Cole-man that she had no idea the problem existed. Certainly, her career as a budget expert is a matter of record. The buck stops someplace ... we hope that is where the investigation will begin. BRC looks forward to par-ticipating in the process. Also, check out the Sacra-mento Bee Article below ... http://www.sacbee. com/2012/07 /20/ 4645141/ state-parks-director-resigns.html ### The BlueRibbon Coalition is a national recreation group that ch'ampions responsible recreation, and encourages in-dividual environmental steward-ship. With members in all 50 states, BRC is focused on build-ing enthusiast involvement with organizational efforts through membership, outreach, educa-tion, and collaboration among recreationists. 1-800-BLUERIB , -,~ KEIIWOOO :!:e Page 37 -,

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I • more Trall Notes fr111P1117 40 YEARS EQUALS $40K FOR AMSOIL CuP - AMSOIL ups the ante on the America's premier annual short course off-road race Contact: Pat Schutte/HPPR, Crandon International Raceway PR Director, - America's biggest weekend of short-course off-road racing - the annual Labor Day Weekend World Championships at Crandon International Off-Road Raceway - will end in a decidedly bigger crescendo as Traxxas TORC Series presenting sponsor AMSOIL has announced it is expanding its purse in the namesake AMSOIL Cup to honor the company's 40th anniversary (1972-2012). Last year at Crandon it was the AMSOIL-sponsored PRO 2WD of Chad Hord (BOSS Snowplows/Nissan) who captured the $25,000 first-place AMSOIL Cup prize. And should Hord be able to repeat this year, he'll walk away with a cool $40,000 - courtesy of AMSOIL, the recognized innovator and industry leader in synthetic lubricating oils. "Crandon on Labor Day is the absolute pinnacle of short-course racing in the U.S, and AMSOIL is proud to be a big part of the festivities with the AMSOIL Cup race -which this year boasts a $40,000 winner's purse to make it one of the richest short-course races of all-time," said AMSOIL Race Program Manager Jeremy Meyer. "The anticipation alone for the third annual AMSOIL Cup is going to be off-the-charts." Founded in 2010, the AMSOIL Cup pits the top TORC PRO 2WD trucks against the premier PRO 4x4 class in a 10-lap battle in which the PRO 2WDs get (roughly) a 12-second head start on the faster-cornering PRO 4x4 trucks. Scott Douglas (AMSOIL/Borla Exhaust/BFG) won the inaugural AMSOIL Cup, with Hord winning last year's race. Foreshadowing the excitement in store for the fans attending Crandon's fall AMSOIL Cup event was the recent Chairman's Cup race held at Crandon's season-opening Brush Run Qune 16-17). The barnburner of a contest saw Ram/Mopar's factory PRO 2WD racer Rob MacCachren reign victorious, albeit surviving a furious charge from PRO 4x4 racer Adrian Cenni (RealTree Energy). Cenni dashed his chances at victory when he blew out a rear tire after leaving the track following a 100 mph straightaway, having made up the start handicap and placed himself on MacCachren's tail. Added Crandon's Cliff Flannery: "AMSOII.:s generosity to the sport of short course off-road racing is well-known throughout the industry and Crandon is pleased to have partnered with AMSOIL over the years. Drivers come from all over the country to race our fall event at Crandon and the $40,000 AMSOIL Cup race now stands as the largest purse in off-road racing. Our thousands of fans at Crandon will be in for a real treat watching those guys go all out in chasing those dollars!" For more on the AMSOIL Cup race at Crandon, like to: www.cra·ndonof& NORRA SUPPORTS AOK - SETS SAU. FoR NEW CllARrrY HORIZONS - Philanthropist and off• road racer Nick Baldwin has spent the better part of the last decade finding unique ways to help the less fortunate via his AOK foundation -an acronym for "Acts of Kindness". While AOK has done a great deal of charity work in the United States, much of his group's efforts have been to support the children and orphans of Baja, Mexico, the spiritual home to desert off-road racing. After completing one of AOK's most successful orphanage support efforts at the recent NORRA General Tire Mexican 1000, completing a brand new website and even a Facebook page to support AOK, Baldwin is looking for bigger, more extensive things in the future. Baldwin and co-driver Brian Nix organized a semiimpromptu fundraiser throughout the rally that raised $12,000 to purchase many truckloads of Costco-sourced food and supplies for the Casa Hogar -an orphanage near Caho San Lucas. The list of donors for the Casa Hogar effort included Walker Evans, Butch Jensen, Jimmy Smith, Ryan Thomas, Mike Pearlman, Jennifer Coleman/NORRA, Mark Post, Brian Collins, Michael Gaughan and Mark McMillin. Together with a small group of volunteers Baldwin filled up 13 large carts of items that included lots of food, footballs, basketballs, soccer balls, backpacks, school supplies, boogie boards and even a new television. In addition, all 30 of the orphaned boys got free movie tickets. "In the past years we have built two schools in San Felipe and one in Ojos Negros along with many other various projects", said Baldwin. "We will never stop. I can't tell all of our supporters how much we appreciate their contributions. Let's get the word out and really get this thing rolling". As part of the AOK charity event at NORRA, the orphaned boys were guests of the Caho Karting Center for an afternoon of high-speed fun. The center, located only minutes from downtown Caho San Lucas, is owned by racer Ryan Thomas. To see more photos and get further information about the Casa Hogar boys day at the Caho Karting Center - please go to: www. CASA HOGAR KIDS GET FAST, To see photos, get further information and watch the brand new Jimmy Lee Cook-produced video of the Casa Hogar event - please go to: wwwAOKNICK. org. LUCAS On. OFF ROAD ExPO POWERED BY GENERAL TIRE EXPERIENCING RECORD GROWTH IN 2012 -Outdoor exhibitor space sold out despite additional 45,000 sq ft. of expanded outdoor footprint for the 2012 event and Building 4 is near capacit. The Lucas Oil Off-Road Expo powered by General Tire is pleased to announce increased exhibitor booth space demand in 2012. The 14th Annual event will use more outdoor space than ever before in addition to the indoor areas in Buildings 4, 5 & 6 when the event takes place at the Pomona Fairplex in Pomona, CA Saturday & Sunday, October 6 & 7. Comparisons to 2011 booth sales pacing show record growth for the 2012 event. Exhibitors are reserving booth space earlier than last year and the event has already signed over 70 new exhibitors as of the last report. Increased demand for outdoor vendor display space in 2011 led event officials to acquire over 45,000 square feet of additional outdoor space from the Fairplex for this year's event. "We are pleased to announce this great event continues to grow each year and that outdoor space is already sold out for the 2012 event and indoor exhibitor space inside Building 4 is nearly sold out," said Larry McQueary, Vice President of Sales for Family Events, the Indianapolis, IN based event production company that owns & operates Off Road Expo. The Lucas Oil Off Road Expo powered by General Tire will take place October 6 & 7, 2012 at the Pomona Fairplex. Advance discount tickets are available online at OffRoadExpo. com. Tickets may also be purchased day of show at the Fairplex box office. Advance: Adult-$ IO, Gate: Adult-$14 - Child-$5 (6-12 years)* - Child .......... $5 (6-12 years)* - Special Family 4-Pack: $20 - includes Admission for 2 Adults and 2 Children (Available Online Only). Event hours are Saturday, October 6th 9am -6pm and Sunday, October 7th 9am - 5pm. More info including exhibitor rate card can be found at Follow us on Facebook at of&oadexpo. For additional press materials including high resolution photography and press releases, please visit our online media resource room at mediaroomore Passcode: offroad KIM McGRATH FINDS A MARROW MATCH JEREMY McGRATH TO DONATE VIDEO GAME PROCEEDS TO BETHEMATCH.ORG -While at the Summer 2012 X Games, pulling TV for ESPN and doing requisite media, Jeremy McGrath announced, that thanks in great part to the efforts of Be The Match and its Registry, his wife Kim has found a marrow donor. Surviving breast cancer two years ago, in May of this year, Kim McGrath was diagnosed with Leukemia. Her treatment -immediate chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant. Quickly, Jeremy and Kim moved into action: Kim-undergoing chemo and enduring month long hospital stays and Jeremy -spearheading close to 40 marrow drives and fund raisers. Results -More than 4,000 people tested for possible inclusion within the Registry and more than a quarter of a million dollars raised. As Kim rests at home in preparation for her marrow transplant, within the next few days, Jeremy had this to add, "First, thank you again to everyone who has helped, donated, gotten tested and sent well wishes to our family. Your responses to my initial call to action have been incredible and the support and love just seems to continue. The fact that Kim found a match is really great news for us! But it is our hope that people will still get tested and join the Be The Match Registry. I wol1.ld also ask that companies that have charitable donation programs and those in the position to do something, please think about making a donation to Be The Match at any time throughout the year. This organization provides a service that literally saves lives every day of the year ... it's pretty amazing." In an effort to raise more awareness and more funds, McGrath will be donating his portion of the download profits from his new video game, Jeremy McGrath Offroad, http:/ / released just a few weeks ago, to Be The You can download a copy NOW on XBox Live or PS3. Well wishes can be sent directly to Kim at the Team Kim facebook page http://www.facebook. com/pages/Team-KIM/ 221085671342637 or visit site/TR?px• 1879329&fr_id· 1462&pg-personal UCAS On. PRODUCTS AND MAINGATE INc. ANNOUNCE THREE YEAR PARTNERSHIP -Lucas Oil Products has signed a three year merchandise ~artnership ~th Indianapolis based MainG~te, nc. MainGate has created an Ecommerce website; LucasO1lGear.comRockstar Energy Dnnk Rally Team Wins Third Consecutive New England Forest Rally which will offer a full merchandise line of Lucas Oil apparel and novelties. "We are thrilled to partner with such entrepreneurs as Forrest and Charlotte Lucas. They are a true American success story," said David Moroknek, President & CEO of MainGate. "This is a great partnership, as we are involved in so many of the same things as Lucas Oil. We are proud to be the Official Merchandise Partner of Lucas Oil Products." The new merchandise includes tee shirts, headwear, novelties & outerwear for the numerous affiliates under the Lucas Oil umbrella. will offer merchandise for: Lucas Oil Stadium; the Lucas Oil brand, MAVTV & the Lucas Oil Racing Series, as well as other affiliates. MainGate launched on August 6, 2012 and continues to expand the merchandise line. "We are happy to announce the launch of and our partnership with MainGate," said Forrest Lucas, Owner & Founder of Lucas Oil Products. "The Ecommerce site will help reach fans that support our grassroots efforts in all forms of motorsports. We know that MainGate understands our vision for our brand. "Rockstar Energy Drink Rally Team Wins Third Consecutive New England Forest Rally - Newry, ME Quly 15, 2012) -The Rockstar Energy Drink Rally Team of Antoine rEstage from St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec and co-driver Nathalie Richard from Halifax, Nova Scotia won their third consecutive New England Forest Rally (NEFR). The team won the first six stages and took a commanding lead. As their rivals dealt with thickening dust that obstructed their views I.:Estage contended with poor grip being the first on the road, sweeping away the gravel before the others had a chance to race the stage. "It went really well," said I.:Estage, "Friday is where we made our time and then tried to keep our nose clean and not make any mistakes. For us it's a great win and another great season." I.:Estage and Richard are on a string of success having recently won the last two Rally America national events and all the Canadian Rally Championship events this year. Says Co-driver Nathalie Richard, "Since May we've had a fantastic season. Too bad we had problems at the beginning of the Rally America season. Congrats to Higgins and Drew. Looking forward to 2013!" The Rockstar Energy Drink commanded the rally from their dominant position to win 21 seconds in front of the Subaru Rally Team USA of David Higgins from Trefeglwys, Mid Wales and Craig Drew from Bristol, UK, But the Subaru team has much to celebrate after locking up the 2012 Rally America National Championship at the New England Forest Rally with one more national event left on the calendar. The pair just needed a sixth place or better finish to take national honors. This is Higgins and Drew's second consecutive Rally America National Championship. "The first day of New England was pretty horrible," said Higgins, "Dust breaks your rhythm all the time. You go flat out in sixth gear then you hit a cloud of dust. The organizers did a great job rescheduling the rally the next day. It's a great team effort and a big relief to put this Championship in the bag." Another first was made when Canadian Rally Championship (CRC) regular Ugo Desgreniers from Orford, Quebec and Erik Kirby from Sherbrooke, Quebec took their first America podium coming in third overall in their 2005 Subaru WRX STI. They achieved the result partly due to another CRC contender Leonid Urlichich and Carl Williamson dumping their Subaru into a swamp on stage 7 when they held third overall, thus giving the position to Desgreniers. Ramana Lagemann from Somerville, MA and co-driver Chrissie Beavis from San Diego, CA won the Super Production (SP) Class after overcoming numerous problems to finish 3 minutes 55 seconds ahead of David Sterckx from Santa Ana, CA and Karen Jankowski from San Marcos, CA. Lagemenn added, "Honestly, it was a battle with a short rally course. So many cars had problems but we had less. We never pushed 100% and had two tire punctures. We are glad to finish our season with a win." Current Super Production class points leader Lauchlin O'Sullivan from San Francisco, CA and co-driver Scott Putnam from Minneapolis, MN took third in class. The team hasn't locked up the SP class championship yet, but made a big stride when their closest rival Travis Hanson from Woodsville, NH, and Terry Hanson from Williamsburg, MI crashed out on the first stage of the day. The Hansons' retirement left O'Sullivan a huge opening to gain a larger points spread at this event. The Two-Wheel Drive (2WD) Class was as exciting as promised with Australia's Summit Rally Team winning the class. Will Orders from Melbourne, Australia and co-driver Toni Feaver from Perth, Australia entered just three Rally America events this year and won two. The team will leave for Australia after the New England Forest Rally, but not after placing an exclamation point beating one of America's best 2WD drivers, Chris Duplessis, by 41.6 seconds at his home event. Duplessis from Mason Township, ME instead has a larger prize in mind; the 2WD National Championship. Duplessis hoped to win this event so he could just start the next round of the Rally America National Championship to capture the title (one point is given for a start). Now he needs five more points to take the 2WD title. Amazingly Andrew Comrie-Picard from Hermosa Beach, CA and Jeremy Wimpey from College State, PA tied third place in class with the Summit Rally Team's other driver, Ross Allan from Melbourne, Australia and Scott Allan from Upper Beaconsfield Australia with a time of 1:22: 19.2. However, third place championship points were awarded to Comrie-Plcard for winning more NEFR stages than Allan," who was awarded fourth place points in class. Comrie-Picard's third place keeps him in the 2WD Championship hunt at the Olympus Rally in Olympia, WA on September 22-23rd. He'll need to win his class in order to take the 2WD title. Maciej Przybysz from New Bedord, MA and Carrie Wilburn from York, PA won the Main Regional Rally on Friday, July 13th in their 2006 Subaru lmpreza. Martin Egan from Quincy, MA and Jarrah Lankas from Hull, MA took the New Hampshire Regional Rally win in their 2002 Subaru lmpreza STI. New England Forest Rally results: 2012/NEFR/results/ New England Forest Rally photos: events/ 2012/NEFR/ gallery/ photo/ Fired OI le 11111 vacation rentals available in the exclusive Indian Wells country Club in the sunny Palm Springs area of southern California. Two or three bedrooms, furnished for your complete relaxatlon1 and, If you are a glutton for punishment, _play go f on either of two beautiful courses. FYI, wireless Internet and long distance phones calls (USA) Included. Starting . at S4,500 In season (January thru April) or $2,300 per month out of season. Call (760) 345-6124 Page 38 August 2012 Dusty Times

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Page 43

' ' !"" CORVA CALIFORNIA OFF-ROAD VEHICLE ASSOCIATION r 0 Classified ... Some of the items adver-tised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Readers are ad-vised to consult appropriate local or state authorities for information before pur-chase of any specific item. FOR SALE: Norman Motors-ports/Nye Frank built Trophy Truck-Mighty-Mouse/Patton Racing 351, RDE Turbo 400, Fox 3.0/4.0 Bypass Shocks, Fox 2.5 Coil Carriers, KMC Wheels, BFGoodrich 37" Projects, Many spares, fully restored 2009, Turn key race ready. $100,000.00 (619) 938-2135. b..XCl:.LLl:.NT OPPOQ. TUNITY Looking for Experienced Busi-ness Development Manager in the Off Road Racing / Recre-ational Equipment market with a Focus on Race and Suspension Seats. Ten years industry experi-ence desired; salary depending on experience. Well known safe-ty brand interested in expanding into a new market. Full time position with benefits. Position will be based on the West Coast. Please email your resume to Sell yo1ff t·ehicles, eq11i/m1e11t and hits and J,ieces right here! D11sty Times has the rewlershi/J yo11're looking for so fill 011t the form helou• and get yo11r ad in Olff next iss11e. r2.l:.AL b.:>T AT!:. U..A6b./R.b.NTAL6 Vacation Rental Vacation Rental in the Ex-clusive Indian Wells Coun-try Club in the Sunny Palm Springs area of Southern Cal-ifornia! 2 or 3 bedroom fur-nished for your complete re-laxation and if you are a glut-ton for punishment, play golf on 1 or both of the beautiful courses. FYI, wireless internet and long distance phone calls (USA) included. Starting at $4,500.00 in season (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr) or $2,300.00 per month not in season. Call (760) 345-6124. INDb...X TO _D,.[)\/b...Q Tl6b...Q6 Bilstein 9100 Series ................. 33 BTR Racing Wheels ................... 13 Butch's Speed Shop .................. 27 CODE Mexican L'ogistics 300 ..... 2 CORVA ........................................ 43 Deering Industries ....................... 3 Figspeed Speed Shop ................ 15 HORA Dusk Till Dawn ............... 21 Kar Tek Off Road ......................... 5 Lucas Oil At Las Vegas ............... Back Cover Mastercraft Vehicles For Sale ................................. 22 McKenzie's Performance Products .......... 37 NEO Synthetics ......................... 23 Parkhouse Motorsports ............ 13 Performance Racing INdustry .... 3 Racer X Motorsports ................. 24 Ronco Plastics ........................... 35 SNORE 250 ................................ 29 South Point Casino ..................... 9 Toys For Tots Off Road Poker Run .............. 18 Transaxle Engineering .............. 30 Vacation Rental ......................... 38 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in DUSTY TIMES . • Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of • black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED - YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER. Enclosed is$ ______ (Send check or money order, no Cash) Name ___________________________________ _ Address City----------------------------------------------------------------S~te _______ Zip ______________ Phone __________________________________ _ Please run ad times Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 • • 2012 ISSUE DEADLINE Sep 2012 Sep 7, 2012 Oct 2012 Oct 5, 2012 Nov 2012 Nov 9, 2012 Dec 2012 Dec 7, 2012 Jan 2013 Jan 11, 2013 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Dusty Times August 2012 Page 43 , ,.

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