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2012 Volume 29 Number 11 Dusty Times Magazine

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Volume 29 -Number 11 • November 2012 $2.50 ISSN8750-1732 ceteb,at'ing ou, 2!J~h Yea, OF se,viee To The OFF Road communit'y ;::::========::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::= covering the world of competition in the dirt •••

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7 Page 2 November 2012 Dusty Times

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. , ..... -....... , . ,. • • , ... • • • • Dusty Times . , , . .,, ~ . ~v-- -i-4 • ·"""":-.. b r 2012 Novem e ' . DEC. 7-~ Page3

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Volume 29 -Number 11 November 2012 DllliJlil■II Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing •. Pat Caplan Circulation Van~Scott Contributors Homer Eubanks J. Preston Bradshaw Jim Culp Martin Holmes Rod Koch Byrle Moore Steve Ruddick Maurice Selden Tony Tellier Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or·errors. All ads · may be subject to editing: DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is publish;d monthly by Hillside Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copyright by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 SNAPSHOT OF THE MONTH ••• .., Jerry Whelchel was the 1982 Budweiser Baja Cross Class 9 Champion and this picture shows why. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only prints up to 8xl0 or electronic media submitted via email will be considered. In This Issue ... FEATURES BITD Blue Water by] Preston Bradshaw ................................................... 8 Rally Of France by Martin Holmes ........................................................ 16 SNORE 250 by J Preston Bradshaw ....................................................... 20 7th Annual Powder Puff by] Preston Bradshaw ..................................... 26 Rally Of Italy by Martin Holmes ............................................................ 32 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ............................................................................................ 5 Trail Notes .............................................................................................. 6 BF Goodrich ....... , ................................................................................ 36 Blue Ribbon Coalition ......................................................................... 37 Good Stµff Directory ...... : ...................•............................................... 38 Classified Ads ...........................................................•......... _. ................. 42 Index To Advertisers .. : ........ : .................•................................................ 42 Read this issue online at Login: Subscriber Password: Nov2012DT ON THE COVER Robby Gordon took the Class 1 honors at the BITD BlueWater Desert Challenge at Parker, his competition was just under five minutes behind him. Trackside Photo T J Flores was the Unlimited Truck Class winner at the SNORE 250, T J had 13 minutes on his competition in class and he took the overall as well. Visit Our Website at Trackside Photo S:I Finduson l!!.J Facebook Su.d-ac-1t,td-e 7~ to-DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$25.00 □ 2 years -$40.00 □ 3 years -$55.00 (to subscribe online go to □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name · Address ---------------City _____________ _ State/Zip ____________ _ Primary Interest Cars O Trucks O MotorcyclesO Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian • 1 year $30.00 US • Overseas subscription rates upon request Page4 November 2012 Dusty Times

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2012-2013 Happenings ... lOK FoUR WHEELERS P.O. Box36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 <4x4> (All events staged at the club grounds in Cleves. Ohio) 4x4 FOREVER, Lm. 1665 DELAWARE ST. OSHKOSH, WI 54901 AMERICAN RALLY SPORT GROUP, INc. 3650 SoUTH Po1NTE C1RCLE, Sum 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521-0597 <web l. 25-ameri-can-rally-sport-group.htm. E Mail: AMERICAN TRIALS ASSOCIATION AMA Obseroed Trials Southern California Championship Series BILL MARKUM, 2010 PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HOTLINE, 2010 (714) 562.-7742 E MAIL: BMARK909@AOL.COM <> ASOCIACION EsTATAL DE AUTOMOVILISMO SAM l..AsELL, TECH INSPECTOR AP'ro42 SAN Jos£ DEL CABO BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL SUR. MEXICO AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP DARRYL SMITH 19 SOMERS ST. CASHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500,AuSTRALIA DUSTY TIMES AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFF ROAD Cl.ASs 10 CARS ONLY RENALD VAILLANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAVAL QUEBEC, CANADA H7P 1T7 (450) 622-4440 < pages/ indexpag.html> BAJA CUP CHALLENGE BAJA PROTRUCK OFF ROAD RACE SERIES 14402 BoND COURT EL CAJON, CA"92021 619-390-6252 The Protrw:k schedule for 2012 will consist of both the SCORE and Best In The Desert races. BARONA SAND DRAG ASSN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 Al! Races Are Night Races Al! Races At Barona Raceway, Lakeside, CA BBM MARKETING PROMOTIONS Off Road Short Course Racing -& Special Event Marketing NORCO, CA 92860 e-mail (909) 815-5811 BEST IN THE DESERT 3475 BOULDER HIGHWAY LAs VEGAS, NV 89121 702-457-5775/FAX: 702-641-2431 <> November 30 -December 2, 2012 Transwest Ford Henderson 250 Henderson, NV BORR BONNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING Allen Gerber 801-380-9011 - after 5pm please BP MoTORSPORTS P.O. Box411 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91365 760-578-6258/760-578-6259 FAX: 818-3484648 E-Mail: Al! Events At California Cicy, CA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGHTON, ONTARIO, CANADA KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR Dusty Times CuJB AUTOMOVILISTA }UARENSE DE CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD RACING 7210 GATEWAY. EAST EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 011-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES <> CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box 400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING AsSOCIATION P.O. Box645 PIERRE, SD 57 501 DAVE ADAMS (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DoN ENGLEMAN (B1KES) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. RICHARDS P.O. Box332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLAIRTON Hi-JACKERS I.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TWP. LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 Short Course off Road Racing At Har-rison County Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICA SAN QUINTIN CALLE 6TA FRACC Co. DE SAN QUINTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HERACLIO PATINO (011 52 616-5-22-07) November 2012 CuJB AUT0MoVIL1snco SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road ENSENADA, BC, MEXICO USA JAN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) RAMON CASTRO & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/7 0034) CMC CONTINENTAL MoTOSPORT CLUB P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 Fax: (714) 367-1608 CODE TECATE 2012 CHAMPIONSHIP MADERO 621-A ZONA CENTRO MEXICALI, BAJA CALIFORNIA 21100 011-52-686-553-4087 USA 686-553-4087 MEXICO <> E Mail: November JO-December 1-2, 2012 OXXO Race Ready 27 5 Mexical San Felipe, BC, MX CowRADOHILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION BARB V AHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box8286 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 COLORADO OFF ROAD EXTREME 303-956-3600 CORP P.O. Box392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER 011-52-65-66-4458 CORR SERIES 270 NEWPORT CENTER DR., Sum 100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 866-501..CORR CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, Sum 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 Continued on page 6 ii!~-· ........ -,--Pages

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' , Trail Notes ... LUCAS OIL PRODUCTS EXTENDS TITLE SPONSORSHIP OF OFF-ROAD EXPO THROUGH 2015 -More than 60,000 Off-Road Fans Attended This Year. Lucas Oil Products, Inc. has agreed to extend its title sponsorship of the Lucas Oil Off-Road Expo powered by General Tire through 2015. The event, produced by The Promotion Co. Inc. - Family Events of Indianapolis, Indiana, is held annually in October at the Fairplex in Pomona, California. Lucas Oil has been the title sponsor of the Off-Road Expo since Family Events took over the event three years ago. Known as the event "where the off-road nation comes together", the Lucas Oil Off-Road Expo is the premier trade event for the off-road aftermarket industry. The .show is open to the public and attended by thousands of enthusiasts who head to the Pomona Fairplex to check out the latest products every October. Lucas Oil has thrilled the crowd each year with a spectacular live exhibition of race machines from its Lucas Oil Off-Road Racing Series on a track built specially for the show. "We have truly enjoyed being the title sponsor of the Lucas Oil Off-Road Expo for the past three years," said Lucas Oil Products, Inc Executive Vice President Robert Patison. "It's a weekend when everyone who is anyone in the off-road industry assembles to share with the public and each other their latest products and innovations. Add to that the extensive exposure for our Lucas Oil Off-Road Racing Series through the exhibition track at the Expo; we feel that through this event we are able to visibly demonstrate our leadership in the important off-road community. We are pleased to continue our sponsorship through 2015." More than 60,000 off-road fans recently attended the 2012 Lucas Oil Off-Road Expo powered by General Tire, held October 6-7, 2012, at the Pomona Fairplex. From new vehicles and thousands of parts and accessories, to ATV test rides, freestyle motocross action and Toyota off-road test drives, more than 350 of the industry's leading manufacturers, dealers and distributors, showcased all that is hot in the off-road world. "The Lucas Oil Off-Road Expo has exceeded all our expectations since we took it over in 2010," said The Promotion Company Inc. - Family Events President Mike Moore. "We thoroughly enjoy producing it every year, but we would not have achieved this success without the partnership and sponsorship of Lucas Oil. More than just a sponsor, Lucas Oil has been an active participant in making this event exciting and memorable for all the thousands of fans who've attended. We could not be happier that Lucas Oil will continue to team with us for this fantastic show." The 2013 Lucas Oil Off-Road Expo powered by General Tire will take place Saturday, October 5-6, 2013, at the at the Pomona Fairplex, located at 1101 W. McKinley Avenue in Pomona, Calif. Stay up to date with Expo news, and at WEDDLE x CENTERFORCE TWIN Disc OFF-ROAD CLUTCHES -Rock solid, smooth performance and exceptional holding power. Weddle and Centerforce have teamed up to introduce 9" and 10.4" twin disc, high-performance off-road clutches. Centerforce's centrifugal weight system and ball bearing pressure plate pivots give these clutches exceptional holding power and drivability superior to any off-road clutch available before. Centerforce's patented DYAD OS design features a floating disc and a drive disc that can handle torque.levels up to 1400 ft /lbs. and deliver a smooth engagement with light pedal effort. Nodular iron pressure plate rings and advanced reinforcements help prevent drive strap breakage. The Centerforce DFX button-style disc with proprietary high-friction cerametallic linings and fully encapsulated sprung hub disc reduce driveline shock. Available in: 9" with forged aluminum cover and 0.4" with forged steel cover. 2 012 RALLY AMERICA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP CONTINGENCY PROGRAM -AWARDS NEARLY $110,000 IN CASH AND PRODUCT PRIZES -Officials with Rally America, Inc., the premier sanctioning body for stage rally competition in North America, announced today that their very popular National Championship Contingency Program awarded nearly $110,000 in cash and product prizes from Subaru of America, Ford Racing, Recaro USA, Hawk Performance Brakes, GrimmSpeed, Exedy Racing Clutches and DMack Tyres USA to both Regional and National competitors throughout the 2012 Rally America National Championship season which ran from January through September and included six events across the country from Washington state to Maine. The 2012 Rally America National Championship season kicked off in late January on the ice and snow-covered roads of the Sno*Drift Rally in Atlanta and Lewiston, Michigan and was followed a month later by the Rally in the 100 Acre Wood in Salem, Missouri in late February. After a 2-month hiatus, teams from across the United States, Canada and Australia made their way to the always-popular Oregon Trail Rally in May which was based in Portland and Dufur, Oregon before heading East across the country for the fast roads of the Susquehannock Trail Performance Rally in Wellsboro, Pennsylvania in early June. The always challenging New England Forest Rally took place in mid-July in the forests surrounding Newry, Maine and Errol, New Hampshire while the 6-event National Championship concluded in late September with the legendary Olympus Rally which was based in Olympia and Shelton, Washington. Leading the way in prize giving for the fifth consecutive year was Rally America's longtime sponsor Subaru of America with over $80,000 in contingency awards presented over the course of the 6-event 2012 National Championship. Based in Cherry Hill,· New Jersey, Subaru of America presented former Belgian National Rally Champion David Sterckx of Los Angeles, California with a total of $16,500 in cash awards for his efforts in Rally America's Super Production class driving a 2012 Subaru WRX STI, while Ramana Lagemann from Somerville, Massachusetts claimed $14,000 in prize money for his two first place finishes in Pennsylvania and Maine driving his Dent Sport Garage-prepared 2011 Subaru WRX STI. Houghton, Michigan's Mason Moyle came in third on Subaru's 2012 win list with his Moyle Racing-backed 2011 Subaru WRX STI claiming $10,000 in cash prizes from Subaru of America. "Retaining the series title and finishing on the podium at every round of the 2012 Rally America National Championship, Subaru Rally Team USA enjoyed what can only be termed a dominant season," stated James Han, motorsports marketing manager for Subaru of America, Inc., "As a company, we also recognize the importance of supporting the ranks of Subaru privateers. Since 2004, Subaru of America, Page 6 1-800-42 CORVA Exr 42 Fax (818) 957-4435 CRS CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES <> D&.T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (All events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston County ORV Park, Olympia, WA) DAKAR RALLY DARREN SKILTON BAJA AUTOMOTIVE ADVENTURES 455 E. OCEAN BLVD., SUITE 208 LoNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAx: (562) 590-7925 <> DECATUR FoUR WHEEL DRIVE CuJB DECATUR, TX 76234 ToMALLEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MoTORSPORTS 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 EAs:rmN OFF-ROAD RACING AssN. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 ENsENADA BAJA OFF ROAD RACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX 011-52-646-1818989 Eus10 011-52-646-1715230 AARON Races for bugg:ys & Motorcycles EsTERO BEACH INTERNATIONAL Short Course Racing VICTORIA GALINDO ENSENADA, BAJA CAUFORNIA, MEXICO 011-52-646-176-6230 EDR EXTREME DESERT RACING P.O. Box 91615 AuSTIN,TX 78709 (512) 848-4344 / E FAX (1512) 687-5310 Car Truck Series Bike Quad Series FORDA l:LORIDA OFF ROAD DRIVER'S ASSOCIATION JASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Apr, May, Nov at David.son Raceway GENERAL TIRE TROPHYLITE SERIES DRIVE RACING ORGANIZATION 760-352-6020 Las Vegas, NV GLEN HELEN BAJA CUP CHALLENGE SERIES PO Box6950 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92412 PHONE: (909) 384-9343 Lucas Oil Regional OH Road Series December 8, 2012 Baja Cup Challenge GORRA GEORGIA OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 420 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA GREAT PLANES OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION TIM HODGE (402) 991-6048 SconMORROW (816) 792-2126 (All races are short course, stadium style Classes, 2010 Sportsman, 1/2-1600, 5-1600, Sport Truck, Quad.s, Tough Truck Nebraska Raceway Park, Exit 420 on 1-80 between Omaha and Lincoln.) For latest info check <> HDRA HIGH DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 750208 LAs VEGAS, NV 89136 November 2012 <> January 11-13, 2013 250 Mile Event Jean, NV April 5-7, 2013 250 Mile Event Ridgecrest, CA July 12-14, 2013 500 Mile Event Reno, NV September 21-22, 2015 2 Day Event Laughlin, NV HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING 2000 W. QUINCY AVENUE #B ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 303-806-8062/ 303-781-0974 fax INTERNATIONAL lcE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDDOR (612) 937-3816/ Fax 474-2769 INTER-SHOWS MoTORSPORTS PRoMOTIONs, INc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 ]EEPSPEED 1826 N. 'WINDES ORANGE, CA 92869 714-538-7434/ fax 714-633-1724 Same schedule as Best In The Desert KAMLooPS OFF RoAD RACING Whispering Pines Sports & Recreation Center l<AMLOOPS, BC, CANADA Mike Strange (250) 573-4003 LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS &. OFFROAD EXPO (626) 961-3782 <> <> Curt LeDucs Off Road Swap Meet L.I.T.R.E. JEFF ELROD (408) 926-0522 • J1MARUTA (408) 247-4402 LOORRS LUCAS OIL OFF ROAD RACING SERIES <> MAMARRITA OFF ROAD RACING LUIS CARLOS AlVAREZO PANAMERICANA AVE #5105 Co. JuAREZ, CHIH., MX 011-51-1637-1799 MICHIGAN BUGGY BUILDERS Dune Buggy Trade Show (517) 543-7214 <> MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 }ONES ROAD GRAND LEDGE, ML 48837 (517) 627-6200 Motorcycles, Quads, ATVs and Pilots only MAORA Mio-AMERICA OFF RoAD Assoo1ATION P.O. Box664 GREENUP, IL 62428 (217) 961-1318 E-MAIL: <> M.O.R.E. MoJA VE OFF RoAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 1231 BARSTOW, CA 92312 760-253-4453 < December 1, 2012 Holiday 200 Barstow, CA MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY As-SOCIATION DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. FUNT, ML 48506 (810) 730-9221 MoroWEST WINTER TRlALs SERIES BILL MARKHAM (909) 860-1857 <> All ewnts at Perris Raceway (At Reed Valley with a school) NATIONAL Muo RACING AssN. RT. #l, 2010 Box 380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN PALATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFF TRucK AssN. Butch Chapin Motorsports Promo-tions 1404 EAST 3RD STREET HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NOORA NORTHERN Omo OFF RoAD RACING AssN. GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAIL <> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Spring Valley Raceway, on route 518, 20 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) (Thunder Valley located 15 minutes from Spring Valley) NORRA NATIONAL OFF" ROAD RAcING AssOCIATION (661) 261-7171 <> April 27-May 1, 2013 Mexican 1000 Mexicali, BC, MX OFF ROAD EXPO SPIN COMMUNICATIONS (415) 380-3890 OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Volunteered Series PRESIDENT, 2010 GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP., 2010 1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP., 2010 9 & UNLTD. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OUTLAW REP. DON PONDER (314) 631-8190 (All Races at Wheeling in the County 900 Acres) Omo OFF ROADERS INc. 1427 GOSHEN HILLS ROAD S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 )IM KENDEL (216) 339-4674 All races held at Harrison County Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION R.!CK TICHBOURNE, PUBLIC RELATIONS (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) OUTI.A w DESERT RACING LLC. ALBUQUERQUE NEW MEXICO <> (505) 974-9226 E, AU Classes-UIV-Moto-A1V-Trophyl<art January 18-19, 2013 New Mexico 100 May 4-6, 2013 Cinco De Baja August 16-17, 2013 De La Muertas 100 OUTLA w SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. Louis, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/Fax: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. Off Road Championship 495 N. COMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <> PENNSYLVANIA SHORT COURSE RACING SMITHTON HOLE RACEWAY 313 SKYLINE DRIVE SMITHTON, PA. 15479 MIKE GEISER 330-683-6263 Short Course Offroad Racing All Races At Smithton Hole Raceway PIKES PEAK Dusty Times

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P.O. Box 6962 CoLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF RoAD RACING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 875-7591 PRoTRUCK PROTRUCK MANAGEMENT lNC. 11409 PINEHURST DR. i...AJ<EsJDE, CA 92040 (619) 885-4458 Protruck Schedule consists of all SCORE and Best In The Desert Races PRO 1600 SHOOTOUT COREY GOIN 559-647-6132 GOINRACIN@HOTMAIL.COM PuRE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box50 RICKETTS, IA 51460 (712) 679-2221 RALLY AMERICA <> 8014 OLSON MEMORIAL HWY, STE 617 GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427 22ND RALLW: AICHA DES GAZELLES The Only All-Women's Off-Road Rally Raid In The World U.S. Liaison:Kelly Van Hoesen 203-249-1340 Skype: kellanvanhoesen <> RG C ANNING PRODUCTIONS, INc. OFF ROAD SWAP MEET P.O. Box400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270-0400 New/Used Off Road Related Parts & Accessories MIKE CAMPBELL 323-560-7469 Ext 507 RocK CRAWLERS Assoc1ATION OF AMERICA P.O. Box 1406 RIVERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/Fax: (801) 253-3176 SAN DIEGO SHORT COURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New Series bJ Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro Trucks, Desert Trucks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Truck <> (858) 571-5088 SAN D IEGO OFF RoAD EXPosmoN (888) 836 7918 SCCA RoADRALLY P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-2055 <> SFX MoTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE, Sum 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 Fax SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., Sum A CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 <> December 8, 2012 SCORE Awards Night To Be Determined SCCA RallyCross National Challenge SNORE SOUTHERN NEVADA OFF ROAD ENTHuSIASTS P.O. Box 270516 LAs VEGAS, NV 89127 702-277-2295 December 7 -9, 2012 Rage At The River Laughlin, NV SONS OF THUNDER 4 WHEELERS RACE DMSION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 Dusty Times Mike Moore, 2010 (224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS EXPO MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 s. HACIENDA BLVD. #322 HACIENDA HEIGHTS, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SCTA SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING A SSOCIATION & BONNEVILLE NATIONALS; INc. P.O. Box 10 OROSI, CA 93647 (559) 528-6279 (559) 528-9749 FAX <> SOUTHERN SHORT COURSE OFF RoAD RAcING AssN. 4305 WOOTIARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (All Races at EascbaJ RacewaJ, Tampa, FL) Traxxas TORC Series ToYs FoR ToTs (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADILLA VALLEY SPORTS C ENTER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <> VORRA V ALLEY OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 1970 EAsT 2ND STREET RENO, NV 89502 775-287-0615 <> V ICENTE G UERRERO OFFROAD C LlJB PROFO. CENOVIO GAMBOA Ol l-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 p.m.) WESTERN OFF RoAD RACING ASSOCIATION LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WESTERN P ENNSYLVANIA W HEEL To WHEEL OFF RoAD RAcING PATRICK McGUIRE P.O. Box 376 ADAMSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WHIPU.SH MOTORSPORTS 2939 E; Grovers Ave. PHOENIX, AZ 85032 (602) 971-3730 <> WILD WEST OFF ROAD RACE SERIES 406-3 21-4644/ 406-670-4647 / 406-698-9536 WISCONSIN MoTORSPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTIVAL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 OSHKOSH, WL 54901 (414) 688-5509 WoRLD SERIES OF OFF RoAD RACING FIA W ORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP P.O. Box 99 CRANDON, WISCONSIN 54520 303-880-7221 <www.WRC.COM> XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 ZR PROMOTIONS LUIS RENE MONTANO C. CALZADA lNDEPENDENCIA 200 -5 COL. lNSURGENTES EsTE 21280 MEXICALI, BC, MX (686) 564 6653 Attention Race & Rally Organizers List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your 2013 schedules as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: tillB 207 61 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311--5003 November 2012 Trail Notes ... Inc. has made available over $ lO0k annually through the Subaru Contingency Funding Program and maintained its robust commitment in the growth and development of rally in the U.S." For the third year in a row, Ford Racing from Dearborn, Michigan also participated in Rally America's Contingency Program by presenting nearly $17,000 in cash awards to Ford drivers competing in both Rally America Regional and National Championship events. 2012 Rally America Two-Wheel-Drive (2WD) National Champion Chris Duplessis from Bethlehem, New Hampshire took home the lion's share of Ford's prize money by claiming $11,250 in Ford contingency funds as he posted his third Rally America 2WD National Championship in the past five years as well as four 2WD National class victories in 2012 which included the Sno-Drift Rally, Rally in the 100 Acre Wood, the Susquehannock Trail Performance Rally and the Olympus Rally. Duplessis' winnings also included a hefty $5,000 bonus for securing Ford Racing's first-ever National Championship anywhere in the world for the Ford Fiesta R2 rally car. In addition to Subaru of America and Ford Racing's cash award contingency programs, which when combined totaled nearly $97,000, the following sponsors awarded approximately $13,000 in cash prizes and product certificates to eighty Regional and National drivers from across the country during the 2012 National Championship season. These sponsors included RECARO USA ($5,000), Hawk Performance Brakes ($3,000), GrimmSpeed ($2,000), Exedy Racing Clutches ($1,500) and DMack Tyres USA ($1,400). THE BIBLE, VoLtJME 2 -Writing the road-book represents the main mission of the reconnoitring team, which will be finishing its work in several days' time. It is also necessary to write another essential document devoted to safety issues. The riders and drivers of the Dakar have their own bible: the road-book. On each stage, this document sets out via the menu all the portions of terrain that the riders and rivers must cross, the dangers to avoid, the directions to head in and the visual landmarks that help navigation. Putting this vital information down on paper is why David Castera and Etienne Lavigne survey the tracks and dunes of the rally, accompanied by the entire reconnoitring team, made up of three or four vehicles depending on the sessions. The programme of the small group's journey in October involved checking out the last eight stages, i.e. from San Miguel de Tucuman in Argentina, to Santiago in Chile. "The average is always two days per stage, because we spend a lot of time stopping. When we are on days with split routes, which will be the case for several stages next year, we sometimes even devote three days to one single stage," explains Castera. Apart from the road-book, the complete works of David Castera each year also include a major opus, the safety book, which will be used during the entire rally by the organisers to respect the precise structure of the resources deployed around the route. Francisco Romero plays a central role in the drafting of this voluminous volume and, as a result, occupies the passenger seat in David Castera's car during the most part of reconnoitring: "Unless he's been attacked by the dunes, Francisco has already made a first journey over the terrain, both to ensure where authorisations will be needed to cross certain sectors, and to gain an idea of the places where a police presence will be necessary, for example. Afterwards, we decide together which zones we will assign to spectators or the exact places where the traffic must be stopped when the route crosses other roads". With this new map, the Argentinean coordinator then meets the "top brass" of the forces of law and order in each country, with whom he will again gobble up the kilometres to establish the definitive needs in terms of planning, because, with Francisco, when it's time, it's time! More information on Press contact: / / https://twitter.corn/ dakarofficial / IN 13 PRo C LASSES - 24 SCORE racers remain in chase for Toyota Milestone Awards. Heading to upcoming 45th Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 desert race. Over 300 entries expected in Mexico for final Round of five-race 2012 SCORE Desert Series; 1,121.55-mile race Nov. 14-17 a peninsula run down Mexico's Baja California peninsula. Following the fourth of five races in the 2012 SCORE Desert Series, 24 of SCORE's toughest drivers remain in the hunt to earn 2012 SCORE Toyota Milestone Awards. Leading the way are five racers in the featured SCORE Trophy Truck division, two in Class 1 for unlimited open-wheelers and three in Class 1/2-1600 for single or two-seat open wheelers powered by 1600cc VW engines. The five SCORE Trophy Truck drivers who have completed every race mile so far this season are: Rob MacCachren, Las Vegas (No. 20 Ford F-150), Juan C. Lopez, Tecate, Mexico (No. 18 C hevy Silverado), Steven Strobel, Clarks, Neb. (No. 94 Ford F-150), Tim Herbst, Las Vegas (No. 19 Ford F-150) and Ryan Arciero, Foothill Ranch, Calif. (No. 49 Ford F-150). Tim Herbst and Arciero, who races with Tim Herbst's younger brother Troy, are part of the Las Vegas-based Terrible Herbst Motorsports team. Over 300 entries are expected to compete in 37 Pro and 7 Sportsman classes for cars, trucks motorcycles and ATVs in the season-ending 45th Annual Tecate SCORE Baja 1000. The final round of the five-race 2012 SCORE Desert Series will be held Nov. 14-17. It will be a peninsula run down Mexico's Baja California peninsula, starting in Ensenada and finishing in La Paz. With late entries accepted up until race morning, entries from nearly 40 U.S. States and 21 countries are expected to take the green flag in the 45th anniversary of the Granddaddy of all desert races. Pre-race festivities will be held on the heart of Ensenada on Wednesday, Nov. 14, and the elapsed-time race will start at 6:30 a.m. (PSD on Thursday, Nov. 15. The awards celebration will be held on Saturday, Nov. 17 at 5 p.m. (PST) on the Malecon in La Paz. Toyota is presenting these prestigious awards to the world's toughest desert racers for the 27th consecutive year. The Toyota Milestone awards will go to those pro car and truck drivers who finish every required mile in the five-race 2012 SCORE Desert Series, the World's Foremost Desert Racing Series. "Toyota is proud to honor the world's best desert racing drivers," said Les Unger, national motorsports manager at Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A. "For over a quarter of a century, Toyota has had the privilege of presenting the SCORE Toyota Milestone Awards to the toughest racers on the planet. We salute Sal Fish and SCORE International on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the greatest desert race in the entire universe." For more information regarding SCORE International and the SCORE Desert Series, visit more Trail Notes on p11e 37 Page 7

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~[G)Ps~BLUE WATER DESERT CHALLENGE Robby Gordon overall By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Robby Gordon was up to his old tricks, winning races/ He took the Class 1 win and he was the overall winner as well, seen here at speed. Parker, AZ: The BITD short, course event , held in mid-Oc, tober, featured some close and exciting racing, which resulted in victories for Robby Gordon in Class 1500 and Rob MacCachren in the Sourapas Trick Truck. The race, which is a very dif-ferent format from the rest of the BITD events, is held on a 27 mile circuit, using the same territory that's utilized for the Parker 425 in January. This also includes the "Python", a very long and tricky infield section, which winds around through a series of holes, jumps, tight turns and various obstacles, to the pit road, thus af-fording the pit denizens some of the most entertaining moments of the race. There are five events each day, each of them three laps long. Except for the "prerunning" ve-hicles, which get to do only two laps, and which race in the first event of each day. Thus, if a truck or open-wheel competitor wanted a look at the course, he could sign up to run in that class, and do one or two laps for a quick, and legal, pre-run. In a few cases the driver scheduled to run in Sunday's event also did a lap or two in Sunday morning's first race, to get a look at conditions after a full day of racing. Notable areas of the course have been given semi-descriptive names, as "The Matterhorn", "Snakepit", "John Wayne Gorge", "Sleepy Hollow" and so on. These names are posted at the start of the area being identified, and it helps when the racers call for as, sistance or BITD needs to send a vehicle to check something out. October's a nice time to have an event in Parker -it usually stays sunny and warm -even hot, as opposed to January when it can be rainy, windy and cold. This year the weather was near perfect - in the low 80s on Sat, urday, and a mite too hot on Sunday. There were breezes to keep the spectator areas free of dust, but not enough to clear the course of dust fast enough for some of the racers. Racing started each morning at 6: 15, when it was just barely light, and went on all day. Each time there would be a couple of stragglers from the earlier race left limping around as the next event started. It took plenty of carefol choreography on the part of the BITD folks to get the show running smoothly. The schedule started with the least speedy classes, and ac-celerated to the finale of Trick Trucks each day. On Saturday they started in qualifying order, and on Sunday they started in the order in which they finished on Saturday. In order to be a fin-isher, a competitor needed to get through all three laps both days. Anything less made them a DNF. Friday was reserved for tech inspection and contingency, and for those who'd done damage in the Time Trials -repairs. The Michael LaPaglia was the Class 10 winner at Parker, Michael had less than two minutes in hand when he took the checkered flag. Steve Sourapas drove his good looking Ford to the Class 1400 win at Parker, Steve was close to the overall win but missed by a few minutes. Driver's Meeting was Friday eve, ning, and on Saturday there was no parade, as happens for the January race; instead a trickle of cars comes out from their various camp sites in the camping area adjacent to the Python. Camping isn't allowed in the Pit area, but teams could camp in the general area, and many took advantage, enjoying campfires and barbe, cues the night before the race. Since it's all on Indian land, the local tribe collects a fee of $15 for overnight camping, or $40 for the weekend. It's a good deal for everyone involved. The Trick Trucks ran in the final race of the day, along with the new 6100 trucks, the 8000s, or Stock Pickups, and the Pro, Trucks. There were 15 Trick Trucks entered in the event, and on Saturday the finish rate was nearly 100%. They were clearly keeping in mind that it was nee, essary to finish on both days to become a finisher for the event. Sunday was different. At the front of the pack, Sat-urday's finish order had been Baldwin, MacCachren, and Weyhrich. The racing was close, and Baldwin, who'd started in front, managed to put some slower traffic between himself and MacCachren. Then Baldwin had a flat, which was quickly replaced, and as he pushed ever harder to stay in front, he hit a rock, just before the finish of the day's heat, and came in with a totally destroyed left front tire, but still in front of MacCachren, by just a hair over 11 seconds. Mac was second, and in third for the day it was Shawn Croll in his Ford. On Sunday MacCachren and Baldwin started side-by-side, and MacCachren took the lead af, ter a "real drag race", and then he stayed in front, enjoying a relatively dust free race. MacCa-chren said that when he'd catch a slower vehicle the dust was heavy and it was hard to pass, and it had become "so rough -the holes, bigger and bigger ... " He went on to say that he'd "slowed down a lot" on the last lap (it was 33 seconds slower than the second lap.). David Maurice did the navigating for MacCachren, and Steve Sourapas, the owner of the truck, went off to spend the weekend at the beach and didn't drive at all. MacCachren, talking about driving style, said · that "nowadays you just hold 'em down and drive 'em." His total time for the two days was 2:47:20 - his Sunday time just about 3 ½ minutes slower than Saturday's. The Class 1100 win went to Rick Poole, Rick had seven minutes in hand when he took the checkers, he's seen here hustling to the finish line. Ray Griffith didn't have too bad a weekend, he took second place honors BJ Baldwin is not shy about flying in the dust, he finished five minutes Lee Banning Sr. took the silver medal in the Class 1100 action, Lee is in Class 1500, he's seen here beautifully airborne. in a"ears in the Trick Truck fracas, seen here at speed. seen here going very fast on his way to the checkered flag. Pages November 2012 Dusty Times

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helped them decide to "short fill" it on Sunday "to make us light." Apparently that wasn't the best choice. Also, the oil lights came on, and the motor ran hot, so Weyhrich shut off the alarm and "went for it." His two-day time was 2:54:57. In fourth for the weekend it was Shawn Croll in another Ford. He finished fourth both days, actually running just a bit faster Sunday than Saturday, which was surprising with the rougher course. On Saturday he'd been "pretty happy" with his finish. He said the truck had overheated on the first lap, so he'd stopped for coolant. Then later the transmis-Justin Lambert took top honors in the UTV P action, Justin had just under three minutes in hand when he took the checkers. Kenneth Farmer was the gold medal winner in the Class 1800 action, Ken had 34 s.ion was hot, so he just "kept it minutes on his competition when the checkers flew. cruising." Whatever had caused At the end of the weekend the second place Trick Truck was Baldwin's Chevrolet, some four minutes and 42 seconds behind MacCachren. He said he'd been " down a little on power" on Sun-day, and had some kind of motor problem. A sensor went out Sat-urday after the race, he said, and then added, "It ran as if it was down a cylinder -nothin' I could do. Then we lost the power steer-ing belt -we both panicked." He stopped and they fixed that prob-lem, but it was then too late to catch up again. Baldwin said the course was "really rough -but, better than Laughlin because it's a little longer - wish they could water the course like they do at Laughlin." He added that the truck teams "have to be keen on vehicle set up" for this event. His two-day time was 2:52:02. In third it was Mark Weyhrich, Dusty Times Ford, who finished third both days. He drove both days, saying his brother and teammate, Gary, had "sta ed home." Saturda he'd burned up a rear end, but his But on Saturday he said, "The the overheating was fixed over-crew replaced it overnight. Sun- truck came to us." - so they de- night, and they also changed the day he reported that he "didn't cided that was because it got bet- transmission. He said he'd been have a good setup on the truck." ter as the fuel was used, and that Continued on page 10 .,,...._,,..__,;'-,-.-....----,,,..-.....,,,,..,,...;,,.....,----,---...;;;..--,,r-----''-------, ________ __,; ___________ .;.....;;. ___ _ Sean Backus was the big winner in the Class 7200 battle, Sean had six minutes on his competition when he took the checkers in his Ford. 2,160 Rooms And Suites 60 Table Games 2,600 Slot Machines 22-Table Poker Room Race & Sports Book 640-Seat Bingo Room 16 Movie Theaters A good weekend for Steve Alexander, he took home the gold medal for his Class 5 action, he's seen here on his way to the checkers. 9 Restaurants 75,000 Sq. Ft. Of Meeting Space 4,600 Seat Equestrian & Event Center 80,000 Sq. Ft. Exhibit Hall Spa & Fitness Center Showroom 64:.Lane Bowling Center I , LAS VEGAS BLVD AT SILVERA0O RANCH • SOUTHPO/NTCAS/NO.COM November 2012 Page9

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Ben Abatti Ill took the gold medal in the Class 6000 fracas, Ben is seen here just at takeoff, he had seven minutes on his competition at the end. "stuck behind BJ" off the start on Sunday, so he just "hung in there", had no problems and had a two day time of 2:55:49. The fifth place finisher was the team of Steve Olliges and Jon-athan Swift in the Olliges Ford. Olliges, who drove on Saturday, was dealing with the loss of his mother, Patty Hope Olliges, who passed away on Friday. But she had told Steve that he had to "go to Parker and race." So he did. He said, "She was the cool-est Mom ever." Olliges finished fifth on Saturday, and then got Jonathan Swift to drive the truck on Sunday. Swift said he'd had "a couple of pucker moments out there." He was pleased that Olliges had done so well on Sat-urday that he got a good, up near the front, start. Then, he said, he got Rick Johnson off the start line and "that was key - after that - absolutely no problems." Their two-day time was 2:58:24. In sixth it was Rick D. John-son, in another Ford. He drove both days. On Saturday he had Mike Childress as a navigator. They said, "It got gnarly out there -huge, huge, holes with big g-outs at the bottom." They were sixth on Saturday, and on Sunday Johnson had some problems. The steering rack got "packed up with dirt" and the truck wouldn't steer, and because of that he got a flat about four miles before the finish. Johnson said, "Tough!" His two day time was 3:06: 13. Juan Carlos Lopez, who drives for the Stacy/Gordon team in a Ford, was obviously very pleased with his finish on Saturday, and spoke cheerfully in Spanish, clearly thanking all his sponsors. But whatever else he may have said was beyond our understand-ing. On Sunday his time was about five minutes slower, but his two-day time of 3:06:40 netted him seventh place. In eighth it was Adam House-holder in his Ford. He lost an alternator at the start of his third lap on Saturday and had to pit for a new one. That cost him 12 min-utes, and meant he had to start at the back of the pack on Sunday. When he got to the finish Sunday he said, ''I'm glad we finished this tough weekend." His two day time was 3: 16:27. He was the last in the class to the finish. Mostly, if they don't finish on Sunday, we don't know what hap-pened. They go off to lick their wounds, then load up and head home. But Justin Davis, who'd had one long lap on Saturday, but nevertheless had finished, didn't make it on Sunday. When he wandered through the finish line area, he reported that he'd · had a flat tire a mile before the finish. He said, "We tried to drive on it, but got messed up so we changed the tire, but then we The 1/2-1600 Class win went to Cory Boyer, Cory had 12 minutes on his competition at the checkers, he's seen here just at liftoff. · were stuck." And old story, oft They said it was their first race in repeated, but sad anyway. the truck. Their two-day time was Running with the Trick Trucks 3:37:41. No one else in the class were the members of the newly finished. formed Class 6100 -which are Class 8000, stock pickups, also spec trucks, all with identical ran in this group, with three en-V8 motors. They're described tries. Saturday's winner was Rudy as "Trick Trucks: Spec Engine". Iribe in a Chevrolet. He said There were four of them, and at that Sunday he'd had a "clean the end of the weekend, only two race", with a "little bit of water of them had finished all six laps. temperature." "So", he said, "We Jerry Whelchel, in a Camburg, had to manage it by staying off took the win. He said he'd had the throttle and going light on no troubles, a , "perfect run." it." Irbe won both days, with a But on Sunday the Trick Trucks two-day time of 3:18:25. of Voss and Gailey had become Kent Kroeker finished second stuck together on the first lap, in his Dodge. He said it was and Whelchel had to "back and a "good race, the whole week-cut" several times in order to get end." But then he added that the around them, and he was passed course is so "loose" and the truck as he struggled to get moving for- so heavy, so "it's hard to get trac-ward again. He said that his truck tion." He was stuck for about 10 "goes really good" in the bumps minutes on Saturday. His two-day compared to others in the class. time was 3:52:28. He spent more time in post-race In third it was Macrae Glass in tech than on the race course, a Ford. On Saturday he said he'd because the tech guys had a prob-had "a pretty decent car - almost lem with their password for his put it on its lid -had to be pulled truck's computer. Eventually it out ... " Then on Sunday he said was all resolved. Whelchel's two- "We paced ourselves - you have day winning time was 3:17:41. to be very patient." He added II). second place it was Chase .that he'd had "no problems at and Matt Borden and Dylan all" for the weekend .. His two-day Lackey, in a Chevrolet. Chase · time was 4:07:02. drove Saturday, Matt drove Sun-Only one ProTruck came to day and Lackey navigated Sunday, this event -the Chevrolet of Troy while Matt navigated Satu.rday, Vest. But this time Troy didn't and got himself a good prerun. drive all weekend - he let his son, They reported "some overheating Ben, age 16, do all the driving. issues -but flawless otherwise." On Saturday he wen.t around Chuck Hovey was the winner of the bronze medal in the Class 1500 three times, reported "no flat tires', and earned a finish. Sun-day he drove again, and reported that "it was good, it was rough" and he'd had no flat tires. He said he'd "plugged an air filter" and had to change it, and that the plugged filter had meant they were down on power until they got it changed. It was surely a great way to get some driving experience. His two-day time was 3:49:29. There were 21 of the Unlim-ited Open Wheel cars -Class 1500 - so they got to race all by themselves. On Saturday the number dropped to 20 after one lap when Mike Childress endoed his car and was towed back to his pit. Robby Gordon, who'd taken first in the Time Trials, started first and just stayed there in his Geiser. At the finish he said, "Any time you can start up front it's an advantage - I wanted to run a clean, smooth pace today." And he did just that - reporting no flats or other difficulties. On Sunday he once again started at the front of the pack and stayed in front to take the win, cinching his season points championship. He said "It's been a really good year, a lot of fun, and I came within 26 seconds of winning every race." Gordon thanked Clyde Stacy his partner in the RPM effort, and the upcoming _ stadium truck series. He said he'd probably be "too busy with the stadium trucks" next year to be able to do much desert racing. His two day time was 2:42:52. In second on Saturday it was Ray Griffith, Jimco, who said on Saturday that on the last lap he'd "pushed a little to stay ahead of Hovey." He was second on Sun-day also, and thus, second for the weekend. He said it had been "flawless both days -no flats - a flawless weekend." Griffith's two~ day time was 2:47:45. Chuck Hovey, Jimco,· was third. On Saturday he said that on the last lap a lapper got in his way, but then he added - "I've got tomorrow." But Sunday turned out to be pretty much the same as Saturday. He'd hoped that he'd Cory Sappington was the silver medal winner in the UTV P battle, Cory action, Chuck had 11 minutes on his competition when he took the Mark Weyhrich was the third place finisher in the Trick Truck action, Mark was less than three minutes in arrears when he took the checkers. checkers. was seven minutes in affears when he took the checkers. Shawn Giordano took second place honors in the Class 7200 fracas, Cody Reid was the second place finisher in the Class 10 action, Cody PJ Jones didn't have too bad a weekend, he took the silver medal in the Shawn was six minutes in affears when he took the checkered flag. was 10 minutes in affears when he took the checkered flag. Class 6000 action, seen here at high speed on the course. Page 10 November 2012 Dusty Times

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be able to get around Griffith, but it didn't happen, and then late in the heat he caught another lapper, and lost a bit more time. He said that there's a disadvan-tage to his single seat car, in that, because he has no navigator tell-ing him what's coming up when he's in dust, he can't go into the turns as hard as he'd like. He added that he decided to "save ev-erything." Hovey's two day time was 2:50:19. Fourth place went to Rich-ard Boyle and Kory Halopoff. Boyle drove Saturday, Halopoff drove Sunday. On Saturday Boyle said it was "tough and dusty." On Sunday we missed Halopoff somehow and got no comment. Their two-day time was 3:01:58. In fifth it was Cory Keysar in a Jimco. We missed him on Saturday, and on Sunday he was short and to the point. He said "Nothing went wrong today." His two-day time was 3:04:03. Erick Jacobs finished sixth in a J imco . On Saturday he'd said it was "Fun - dusty." And on Sun-day he said he'd had a good day, no problems, but he'd "backed off to save the car" and was happy to finish. His two-day time was 3:11:26. In seventh it was Sam Berri in a Jimco. On Saturday Berri said he'd "started way back" and had a clutch problem. Then, he "got in that pileup." Once he got to the finish his crew "ran around and got parts - so we'll be o.k. tomor-row." On Sunday they tried some strategy, and put in only 17 or 18 gallons of fuel -and, said Sam, "We needed two gallons more." That was because, he said, "We ran harder and it was softer." He ran out of fuel near a BITD person who h,appened to have a can with some fuel in it. Berri's two-day time was 3: 15: 13. The eighth place finisher was Daniel Folts in Shelby Reid's Jefferies. He said that on Sunday he'd hit a rock and flattened a tire -which he said was "driver error." He said it was "dusty and rough" and described Sunday's racing as "like driving an off road race through Glamis -tough." The Class 3000 win went to John Gould, John is seen here just at-touchdown, he had four minutes on his competition at the flag. His two-day time was 3:23:04. In ninth it was Brad Etter who drove his Porter both days. Dave Bare navigated Saturday and Ken Sanatar navigated on Sunday. Et-ter said that on Saturday he "took it easy" early in the race, but then on the third lap the throttle stuck for the entire lap, which was "not so much fun." Sunday he lost his turning brakes the first lap at the bridge and after that had just front brakes, and barely enough to get the car to stop up on the podium. His two-day time was 3:23:55. Garrick Freitas was fourth when he finished on Saturday, but dropped to tenth on Sunday. He said he'd had "bad luck to-day." It seems a wire got sucked into the serpentine belt and the engine died, because it cut the power to the computer and that turned off the motor. It took a while, but they finally saw the end of the wire going into the serpentine belt, and because they had wire and electrical tape on board, were able to make on-course repairs. His two-day time was 3:25:40. Terry Householder, in a Play-tech, said he'd got "caught up in a bottleneck" on Saturday and lost 15 minutes. Then he had to start 11th on Sunday. That day he hit a rock in the dust and broke a brake line, which cost "too much tim!;! to make up." His two day time was 3:36:59. Householder was the last one to finish all six laps. Mike Childress had a "huge endo" on Saturday, that ended his Saturday race for him. But his team worked mariy hours and Childress started on Sunday, and finished. His car had no roof any longer, and the middle bar (it's a two seat car) was bowed downward toward his head. They finished just fine on Sunday, but when the BITD tech inspec-tor happened to get a look at it he said, "If I'd seen that you wouldn't have raced today!" Chil-dress was a DNF in any case, because he had not finished three laps on Saturday. There were eleven finishers in Class 1500, out of 21 starters. Many of the non-finishers were folks who usually get to the check-ered flag . . The problem here, as at the SCORE Laughlin event, is that there is no time for long, time consuming repairs. So what sounds easy af½l non-threatening (about 160 miles of racing, in two days), can turn into the end of a points chase. But most of the racers said they were enjoying the weekend. However, that could be· because we spoke almost e~tirely to people who'd finished and come in over the podium. The third event each day was a mixed group including 7200, 1000, and the lone Class 5000 Brian Day took home all the marbles in the ,Class 8100 action, Brian is seen here at high speed in his Ford on his way to the checkers. car. It put 40 vehicles on the track at one time. At the end of the weekend Michael Lapa-glia had' the Class 1000 win in his EcoTech powered Racer. He said that Uncle Eddie was his navigator. On Saturday he said that he'd had "a little trouble", because the 7200 trucks "won't get out of the way!" He also lost a little time when he thought he had a flat and pulled into his pit, only to discover that it was "a limp shock." And on Sunday he said "I like this race a lot!" But he also said that he needs to "dial in" the car a little better, because it's a "bit soft." His two-day time was 3:06:09. Second in Class 1000 was Cody Reid, teamed with Corey Goin, who drove on Saturday. He got stuck, and stuck in gear. Reid, on Sunday, said it had been "Fantastic!" Then he added, "Just charge all day long! Lap one was chasing down trucks." Their two-day time was 3: 16:57. In third in Class 1000 it was Mike Johnson and Mike Majesky in an Alumicraft with an Eco Tech motor. On Saturday they had a few issues on the first lap but "they seemed to work themselves out." And they were first in class for Saturday. But on Sunday they said at the finish that "it was rough -had engine and electri-cal problems all day -ran out of power." And they dropped to third. Their two-day time was 3:20:50. Joel Whitted was fourth, say-ing on Saturday that it was "dirty and rough." On Sunday he drove again, and said he'd had two flats. One he had fixed in the Hot Pits, one at the bridge, he fixed by himself. He said, "I was tired, I was hot -it was fun! - Re-ally hard to pass." Whitted's two-day time was 3:24:48. In fifth it was Phillip Heynen, · in a Chevrolet Eco-Tech powered car. On Saturday he finished eighth, having been slowed down a bit when he lost his power-steering 5 miles before the finish. On Sunday things went better, and even though he started back a ways, he was able to move up. He said Sunday's run was "pretty clean" and he thought the course was " a lot of fun", but the car did bog down a bit. His two-day time was 3:25:05. Sixth in Class 1000 was earned by Lee Banning, Sr., in a Foddrill Ford EcoTech. We missed him in the finishing crowd somehow. His times show that he must have had some brief problem on his last lap that cost him about six minutes. His two-day time was 3:26:25. The seventh place finisher was Richie Hudson in a Penhall. He drove on Saturday and had a "great day." But Sunday was Continued on page 12 Hank Winter took second place honors in the Class 1/2-1600 contest, Nie Bayes took home the silver medal in the Class 3000 battle, Nie was George Mortis drove his Class 1700 Jeep to a second place finish at Hank was a bit over three minutes in a"ears when he took the checkers. four minutes in a"ears when he took the checkered flag. Parker, George was three minutes in a"ears when he took the final flag. BrandonBergeracedhisreallygoodlookin' Jeep toasecondplacefinish Doug McGrady took second place honors in the UTV S fracas, Doug Chasen Gaunt was the second place finisher in the Class 1800contest, in Class 3700, he's seen here racing through the whoopies. was 18 minutes in arrears when he came in for the checkered flag. Chasen had a long second lap on Saturday and it was expensive. Dusty Times November 2012 Page 11

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Todd Jackson took the JeepSpeed 1 Class win, Todd had three minutes on his competition when he took the checkers, seen here just at liftoff. another matter. His seat mount broke, causing the seat to tilt pre-cariously to the left. To top it off, he also dropped a cylinder. His two-day time was 3:27:02. In eighth it was Tim Scott, who drove both days, and Sean Dunn who navigated both days, in their Dunn Tech with a Chevy EcoTech motor. They said that Sunday they'd had "no flats, no issues", but it was "really rough." Their two-day time was 3:28:07. The ninth place finisher was Carrie Smiley in a Tatum. She said that on Sunday she had "no problems" except that she got stuck "for about a minute." Then she added, "It's rough." Her two-day time was 3:36:36. In tenth it was Tim and Nick Carolan in a Penhall. Tim drove Sunday and Nick drove Saturday. Tim said that on Sunday he'd been "held up" by a Checkpoint person, and he "didn't know why." He had a left rear flat at the finish, and said he'd had one on course also. Their time was 3:53:48, and they were the last team to finish both days. Also racing in this class was Ed Beard, probably the oldest en-trant in the race, at 74. Ed started racing at Parker way back in the early '70s and hates to miss an event. He finished on Saturday, but on Sunday the course was so rough he couldn't get his car "up on top" of the whoops, and the constant see-saw motion made him carsick, so he pulled out after one lap. In Class 7200 there were 16 entries, many of them oversup-plied with the need to be in front. The competition is fierce, the driving skilled, and the trucks of-ten look as if they're on the verge of surrender. At the end of two days the truck in front was the Ford of Sean Backus. He'd fin-ished in front of the whole pack on Saturday, so was probably a little annoyed that the winning Class 1000 car had got by him on Sunday. He led the trucks all the way, even with one early flat. His left quarter panel fell off, and he didn't know when or where, and thought he'd had a good day. He didn't know how good - his crew, poking around to see if all was well at the front of the truck, discovered that a bolt had worked its way about six inches out of the A-Arm, and wouldn't have gone much further. He was lucky the course wasn't any longer. His two-day time was 3:07:55. In second it was Shawn Gior-dano in another Ford. On Sat-urday he'd said "The bumps are getting real deep." Sunday he had a good day, but he said it was "all dust - big difference between Sat-urday and Sunday." His two-day time was 3: 13:56. The third place finisher was the Honda of David Kincaid, The JeepSpeed 3 Class win went to Bob Mamer, Bob had 14 minutes in hand when he took the checkered flag, seen here at takeoff. Michael Kendrick, Jon Lee and in a Ford. Christensen drove the Mark Johnson. Kincaid said it truck on Saturday and he rolled, was a "tough class" on Saturday, going over twice, and tore up the as he finished about sixth. On right side -and a few other bits Sunday things went better for and pieces. Overnight the crew him and not so well for everyone worked hard to get it all back else apparently. They said they together, and Backus drove on had "no real issues", but had "got Sunday. He lost two fan belts, tagged real hard." At any rate, eight miles out, which cost a lot they improved their position and of time. Their two-day total time moved up to third with a two-day was 3:50: 10. time of 3:36:58. Randy Merritt was seventh in In fourth it was Kyle Kovach in his Ford, after finishing fifth on a Ford, who said Saturday was his Saturday. He had a very long last "first time driving", and added lap, losing about 40 minutes to a that he was glad "it stayed on '"fuel delivery problem." Said a four wheels." On Sunday he said glum Merritt, "The race was lost the suspension was good and he in the shop - we had that race .. never had to stop. He said that ." His two-day time was 3:52:21. he'd "stayed in first and second Steve Kovach (father of the gear a lot, made sure I slowed aforementioned Kyle) was eighth down, tried to play it safe today." in a brand-new Ford which was His two-day time was 3:41:15, a out for its first race. Steve lost a good showing for a first-time race power steering belt at Mile six, driver. which cost him about 15 min-Fifth place went to Barry Kara-utes. He didn't seem to mind kas in his Toyota. He said Satur-much, being more interested in day had been "uneventful" with the fact that Kyle finished fourth nothing more than a bent brake in his first race as a driver. Steve's caliper and bracket, which caused two-day time was 3:53:24. a drag on the brakes. But on Sun-In ninth it was Adrian Diaz, day he put the truck on its side, in a Ford. On Saturday he'd been and it bounced back up, but flat- stuck, and had to use rocks and a tened a tire. He was driving with jack to get himself unstuck, losing no navigator either day and had about 20 minutes. But on Sunday to change the flat himself, for the he said "everything worked a "first time in a lohg time." His little bit better", although he had two-day time was 3:45:30. what he called 'a couple of close In sixth it was the team of Rick calls." He put the truck on its Backus and Martin Christensen side once, but turned into it and got it back on its wheels. Then he had some smoke, and stopped to check it out, only to discover that it was just oil on the muffler. His two-day time was 4:0l:57and he was the final finisher in the class. There was one Class 5000 car in the event. Parker is the home of a number of cars that would fit in this class, but perhaps they didn't think the format was a good one for a Baja Bug. In any case, Steve Alexander drove on Saturday and Sunday. He said that the car had a brand new front end - a trailing arm front end, something that used to be illegal in the class, but is now permitted. He really liked the new front suspension, and had an "outstanding" two days. Both days were "flawless" with no flats and no issues. His two-day time was 3:44:06, which would have been fifth in the 7200 class, or tenth in Class 1000. Nice job. In Race two, there were 28 vehicles made up of entries from Classes 1100, 6000, 2000, 3000, 8100 and one 7100. In Class 1100, which had six entries, the winning team was made up of Rick Poole and Mike Malloy in a Jimco with a VW motor. Malloy drove both days. He said Satur-day was a clean day, so he started in front on Sunday and had no problems at all. His car is a single seater, and he has no big GPS, just a small handheld mounted on the cross bar in front, so he can check his speed in areas where there is a speed limit. His two-day time was 3: 12:01. In second place it was Ali Ban-ning, Fernie Padilla and Chris Miller in a Ford powered Ban-ning. Banning drove Saturday (her first time driving in a race) with Fernie Padilla navigating, and Padilla drove Sunday with Miller navigating. They said they ·• had no problems at all either day. Their two-day time was 3: 19:05. Bryan Folks and Rick Graf, in another Ford powered Banning, were third. Folks drove Saturday, Graf on Sunday and Ryan Marley navigated both days. They were looking at the points chase, and said that "all we had to do was Chase Borden gave chase in Class 6100 but he had to settle for a second Kent Kroeker flies across the soft stuff as he hustles to a second place It was a third place finish in Class 10 for Mike Johnson, Mike finished place finish, he's seen here charging through the soft stuff. finish in Class 8000, Kent was 34 minutes in arrears at the finish. the race 14 minutes behind the class winner. Bryan Folks was the third place finisher in the Class 1100 fracas, Bryan Troy Messer gets quite a bit of air as he hustles to a third place finish in Jasper Dyer took third place honors in the Class 1/2-1600 contest, he's is seen here at high speed on the rarely seen hardpack. the Class 6000 contest, Troy finished 16 minutes behind the class leader. seen here at one of many landings during the race. Page 12 November 2012 Dusty Times

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finish, so we took it easy." Their two day time was 3: 19:33. In fourth place in a VW pow-ered Jimco it was Brad Wilson and Kyle Quinn. Wilson drove Saturday and he described the course as "Lots of big holes, muddy holes getting huge, and so soft." Quinn, who was celebrat-ing his 25th birthday that day, drove Sunday. It was the first time he'd driven in that class. He said the course was "brutal." Their two-day time was 3:20:37. Fifth place was earned by Dwayne Reinert in a D & D Fab chassis with a VW motor. Reinert drove both days and Dorie Savage navigated both days. Saturday they lost a coil on the first lap, and of Sunday, he said, "It's a sandbox out there!" Their two-day time was 3:51:32. In sixth it was Kevin Derby and his son Caleb, in a 1997 VW Chenowth," .. from Mike's day." they said, referring to the era when Mike Thomas was Che-nowth' s owner. Caleb drove Sat-urday and lost 20 minutes with a bad fuel switch. Sunday they had no problems. Derby said that he doesn't like having Fords in the class. Their two-day time was 4:04: 11 and this class had a 100% finish rate. In Class 6000 -the Trophy-lites -the winning driver was Ben Abatti Ill. It seems he's a busy person these days, and he'd stayed home on Friday to play football on his Holtville team (and they won the game) and then he drove up to Parker, got there at about two a.m., got a couple hours sleep and was ready to go racing at the crack of dawn on Saturday. He finished first both days, saying it was a "flaw-less" weekend. Nothing broke, nothing fell off, and his dad was ecstatic. His two-day time was 3:28:21. Another second generation racer, P.J. Jones, finished second. Saturday went o.k., but on Sun-day he said, "I leaned it over on its side." The BITD sent a truck to set them upright again, but it "took a long time." All the damage was "cosmetic" they said. P.J.'s two-day time was 3:35:27. In third it was Gary Messer, who said that on Sunday he'd missed a turn, couldn't see well in the dust and a bystander ges-tured at him to "come ahead", but when he did, he went off a six foot embankment. The dam-age was 'all cosmetic", but it took a long time to get back on track again. Kenny Devault was navigating for him. Their two-day time was 3:44:27. The fourth place truck was Steve and Joe Hengeveld's. Steve drove Saturday and Joe drove Sunday. Ken Gontarek navigated both days. Steve hit a rock on Saturday and flattened a tire -ac-tually, he tore it up so badly that "there were wires all wrapped around." They had to cut the wires to get the destroyed tire and wheel off the car. Joe drove Sun-day and somehow he got "hooked up with Messer" and lost some time, and he also had a flat. Their two-day time was 3:52:05. Tyler Denton, who drove both days, with Jake Gort navigating both days, finished fifth. He rolled on Saturday and landed on his wheels, losing only about five minutes. On Sunday they lost some time because the truck kept going into "limp mode." Their Dusty Times Bill Schueler was the big winner in the UTV S battle, Bill had 18 minutes on his competition when he took the checkered flag. two-day time was 4:02:20. P.J . Guglielmo, with Andy Grider navigating was sixth. Gug-lielmo just bought the truck three weeks ago, and it was his first time ever in an off-road car, and Grider said he was "really impressed with him." They had some kind of "small fuel issue", but nothing serious. But Sunday apparently didn't go so well, and they lost over an hour somehow. Their two-day time was 4:51:28, and they were the final finisher in their class, making it 100% for the Trophylites. Class 2000 also ran in this group, and in first place it was Cory Boyer who drove both days in the VW powered Banning. Garrett Saye navigated both days. They said they had no problems either day and their two-day time was 3:31:58. In second it was Hank Winter, who also drove both days in his Bunderson, and he did it with-out a OPS. He said he'd had a "good two days", and it was the first time he'd had a good race at this event. His two-day time was 3:44:24. Third was Jasper Dyer, who drove Sunday, and Justin Brinker-hoff, who drove Saturday. They said that their car is extremely heavy, and that their shifter gave them trouble with first and sec-ond. Their two-day time was 3:50: 16. Terry Tolbert drove both days, with Dean Horn navigating in their JFK chassis to earn fourth. Horn hadn't ever been in a 1600 car before, he's used to Class 1 or Class 1500 -cars, and found navigating a bit different. They said they'd had "a quick pit" each day, but otherwise their race had been perfect. Their two-day time was 3:53:49. In fifth it was Ross Mattox, in an AlumiCraft, who drove both days. He said that Saturday he'd had "issues off the start", and Sunday he'd had electrical issues on the last lap which had CQSt him about five minutes. His two-day time was 3:56:08. They were the last Class 2000 car to finish. In Class 3000, which also ran in this group, there were six entries. Finishing first it was John Gould in a Playtech chas-sis. On Saturday he said it was an "awesome track -nothin' but dust". His brother, Wayne drove on Sunday and Sean Shawacker navigated Saturday while Galina Maffei navigated Sunday. It was her first co-ride ever. They had about 30 seconds of down time on Sunday with the starter -and had a "hard hit" from a Class 6000 car. Their two-day time was 3:49:23. In second it was Nie Bayes, who drove Saturday and Jeff Golson, Sunday's driver, in an belt-driven EcoTech Predator. Ryan Golson and Rob Thomas-son were the navigators. They said they'd had no problems, except they'd lost a belt, which took them about three minutes to replace. Their two-day time was 3:53:30. The third place team of Keith Waibel, Jeff Vetter and Tim Krauss had a two-day time of 4: 10:38 and they were last in the class to finish. Class 8100 had only one fin-isher. Brian Day, in a Ford, said he'd had a "flawless two days" with no trouble at all. Steven Peterine did the navigating for him. Day and Peterine are both from Parker. Their two-day time was 4:48:32. Race 1 had 49 vehicles in it, in five different classes. There were thirteen Sportsman trucks, of which only three were bonafide Sportsmen. The ,rest were pre-runners out to have a look, since this race has no Pre-Fun Run before the race. Several of them were three or four-seaters, so the whole team could have a look. People like the whole Boyer fam-ily, Robby Gordon and three or four of his team; the Voss team; Rick D. Johnson, Richard Boyle and Mike Childress all in one car; B. J. Baldwin, Ray Griffith, Mark Weyhrich and Terry House-holder, just to name a few. The pre-runners did only one or two laps and the Sportsmen also were required to do only two laps. That was probably a good thing, because two of the three of them went bottoms up as they started into the Python for their second lap. BITD folks got them back on their wheels after a bit, with no serious damage. Ultimatly, the winning team was a four-seat Playtech driven by Ken Farmer on Saturday and Tom Vogt on Sunday. They ran it with no one in the back seat. Overnight they'd had to replace a bolt on a limiter strap, but other than that had no trouble. Kevin Brown, who navigated on Sunday, said he'd "slept through most of it." Their two-day time was 2:38:47. In second it was Chasen Gaunt and Nick Leone in a Ford pickup. They were in the truck that up ended up on its lid at the begin-ning of their second lap on day one. Gaunt, the driver, is 16 years old. After he thanked "Grandma and Grandpa", he noted that they'd also been stuck in the silt for a bit on Sunday. And, when it was time to drive off the Ford Podium, the truck was dead. But November 2012 The Class 4400 win went to Bill Bunch, Bill completed his six laps in just over six hours, he's seen here quite dirty but a winner! their race went well and their two-day time was 3: 12:57. Third place went to Faith Kin-caid, age 16, and Charles LaRue, her navigator, who had to do it the old-fashioned way, because they'd run out of time to install the OPS. LaRue is a short course racer, so he had some experience to draw from. Kincaid hasn't yet got her driver's license, or even her learner's permit, but clearly, won't have much trouble with the driving portion of the test. They went upside down just be-hind the upside down pickup. As Kincaid, climbed out of her car she was muttering about it being, "My first race!" As LaRue wisely pointed out -now she knows what's it's like and can stop wor-rying about it. They did no dam-age to the car, a good looking Por-ter, which originally belonged to Malcolm and Alexander Smith. At the finish, Kincaid said that she felt she was now ready to "move into the 1600 class." Their two-day time was 3:26:20 and there were no other finishers in the Sportsman class. Billy Bunch was all by himself in Class 4400, which is the "Ul-tra Four" class -or the Rock Rac-ers. Basically, that means highly modified 4X4s, or cars of original design, meant for the relatively new class of Rock Racers (as dif-ferent from Rock Crawlers). This event was not a points race for the Rock Racers, so there were none here to compete with Bunch. His co-driver, Tarek Karam drove the Jeep on Saturday and he lost a fuel pump, which cost him about an hour. Bunch drove Sunday and said it was "real rough - a lot of dust." Their two-day, six lap time was 6:08:07. In Class 3700 the winning team was Dave Turner and Cole Pfister in a Jeep Cherokee. Turn-er drove, Pfister navigated. On Saturday it was Bob Mamer as driver with Pfister navigating. On Sunday the Jeep rolled over at Mile 7.5, and they needed the help of the BITD to get back onto their wheels, which cost them about 20 minutes. They finished with a crumpled roof and broken fiberglass, but in first place. Their two-day time was 4:24:45. In second it was Brandon Berge, Joe Reyes and Scott Har-vey in another Jeep. They said they had no fuel pressure on Sat-urday, and it took them an hour to do a lap, so they worked on the car after the race. They rebuilt the front differential, replaced the main seal on the trans and replaced the fuel filters. Sunday was "flawless." Their two-day time was 4:38:37. And in third it was Billy Bunch and Tarek Karam in a Jeep. Saturday was good day, but on Sunday Karam lost the power steering and the driveshaft. The power steering went out at Mile 2 on lap one, and the drive shaft went a bit later. It took 30 min-utes to replace it. Said Karam, "Billy gives me the leftover junk." Their two-day time in this class was 4:44:48 and they were last in the class to finish. There were 11 JeepSpeeds en-tered here, and Todd Jackson cel-ebrated his wedding anniversary by winning the class. He drove both days, with Mike Barnett and Mike Slater functioning as navigators. They did a lot of work on the Jeep on Saturday night. Barnett built this car, and also the one that finished in second place. On Saturday Jackson had injector problems, and ran on five cylinders much of the time. On Sunday they had no issues. Their two-day time was 3:59:09 In second it was George Mor-tis, Tom Barnett and Bruce Ker-stner. Mortis drove, Barnett navi-gated. They said they'd had no Continued on page 14 Page 13

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problems, and had been "flaw-less Saturday too." And they · described the course as "tough, chewed up, beat up, challenging." Their two-day time was 4:02:31. In third it was Eric Heiden, who drove on Saturday and Josh Reiter, Sunday's driver. They said they had "no troubles." But then they added that the "course is so beat up," and "very different Sun-day from Saturday." They said they liked the concept, called it "pretty cool." Their two-day time was 4:20:17. The fourth place finisher was Steve Ghamari in a new truck, which was out for the first time. Ghamari, who drove both days, with Brent Smith navigating both days, said that the truck was "ac-tually an old truck built ten years ago, but it's been in a barn." They had no problems at all -the car ran beautifully. Their two-day time was 4:36:45. Fifth went to the Randall fam-ily -and, yes - it's the Randalls from Mesa, Arizona, who raced a lot in the mid-70s into the 80s. They seem all to be dedicated off roaders, still love their 4X4s, and still radiate good cheer and friendliness. The boys, Rick and Cory, sons of Mike are in their first season of racing. Rick drove both days. They had electrical problems and overheating on Sunday. Then they lost their four-wheel-drive and got stuck. Rick, talking about his fam-ily background in racing, said, "We've got a long history of off road racing." Indeed they do, and it was terrific to have them back at it. Their two day time was 5:07:59. In sixth it was another fam-ily with a "long history of off road racing." Clive and Dar-ren Skilton, along with Barrie Thompson, Rex Lair and Dooley Vanjo. Clive Skilton created the JeepSpeed class and babied it along until it developed a strong following. He and his sons, Dar-ren and Gavin, are long time rac-ers, and tend to be innovators, of-ten trying new approaches to rac-ing. At the finish line on Sunday Jerry Zaiden at high speed in the silt, Jerry was the big winner in Class 6100, Jerry had 20 minutes on his competition at the finish. they said they couldn't shut their motor down due to "cavitation is-sues". Also, they had "coil spring issues." On Saturday they'd lost a shock, and got help at Beaver's shop overnight to get things back together. Clive drove Saturday and Thompson on Sunday, while Clive navigated. He said, "I'm exhausted -rough day." Their two-day time was 5:25:32. Seventh place was earned by Tom Richardson and Cliff Seu-bert. Richardson drove both days. They broke a control arm on Sunday and had to repair it on course. That cost them 30 minutes, but they got it done -thanks to some baling wire. They said it was "slow from then on in." Their two-day time was 5:34:04. The eighth place finisher was another Parker team: James Hall, Steve Diarte, and Bobby Joe Guti-errez. They reported that they'd had "a lot of foam" in their fuel filters. Hall drove and Gutierrez navigated on Sunday and on Sat-urday it was Randon Parker and Diarte. They said they'd had "dif-ferent problems" on Saturday. Their two-day time was 7:06:13. They were the final JeepSpeed finisher. The UTVs showed up with 20 entries. (Who knew there were so many race-ready UTVs?) Ap-parently they like the format of this event, and its length. They do have trouble finishing the really long races. This time they not only got a bunch to the fin-ish line, but the first two UTVs beat the first JeepSpeed to the finish. In first place it was Justin Lambert, who drove both days and Justin Sheakley, who navi-gated both days. They reported "no problems either day", and brought their 108" wheelbase Polaris to the finish in a two-day total of 3:51:29. In second, and also ahead of the Jeeps, it was Cory Sapping-ton, who drove on Saturday and Eric Fitch, who drove Sunday in a CanAm. Fitch also drives in the Lucas Oil Short Course series in a buggy. He's in his first year at that. Sappington navigated for him. They had no problems either. Their two-day time was 3:54:17. Third place went to Scott Kiger, Mark Holz, and Tyson Leaver in a Polaris Razr. Holz drove both days and said that Saturday was a "really bad day." They had bad rear c.v.s. But they said the "car worked good" on Sunday and they had no issues. Their two-day time was 4:00: 10. · In fourth it was Brandon Schueler and Craig Scanlon in a Polaris. Scanlon drove Saturday and Schueler drove Sunday. Scan-lon navigated on Sunday and Blake Van De Loo navigated on Saturday. They broke two belts Troy Vest brings some of the dirt with him as he races to a gold medal in Class 1200, Troy finished his six required laps in 3:49:29. on course and had a torn c.v. boot which had to be replaced. Their two-day time was 4:09: 11. In fifth place it was brothers Jason :ind Derek Murray in a Can-AM. Derek drove Saturday, Jason Sunday. They navigated for each other. On Saturday they lost a rear tire and had to pit for a change. On Sunday they flat-tened their left front tire on the first lap, but ran "pretty clean" after that. Their two-day time was 4:14:00. Sixth place went to Steve Lind-berg, Tony Taylor and Alison Baum in a Polaris. Their two-day time was 4:41:54. In seventh place it was Sean Cook and Tammy Faulkner in a Polaris. Cook, who drove Sunday had no flats and no problems. Faulkner, who drove Saturday had two broken axles. Broke one, got a new one, then broke another and limped in on three. The vehicle wants to turn when it has only three axles working. She characterised the course as "unbelievable, unreal." Their two day time was 4:43:19. In eighth it was Matt Parks and Jason Spiess in a Polaris. They did their two-days in 5:37:08. Ninth went to Scott Martinez and Matt Krimple, in a John Deere. They said they'd broken the front end "a little bit" and had to repair it on course. Their two-day time was 5:47:12 and they were the final finishers. In the Sportsman UTVs the first place team of Bill Schueler and Craig Scanlon ran their Po-laris as chase for Brandon Schuel-er. They each drove one day and Blake Van Der Loo navigated one day and Schueler the other. They lost a belt, but that was a quick fix, and they did have to run an axle to Brandon's vehicle. Their two-day time was 4:26:15. Second in the Sportsman UTV group was the team of Doug McCrady and Corey Cros-by in an Arctic Cat. Their two day time was 4:44:22. On the face of it, the race seems to be non-threatening. But something about racing door to door within sight of your crew and the opponent's crew, pushes the adrenaline buttons and makes it hard for the drivers to stay calm and cool. For such a short race there's a lot of break-age and rolling over. Still, for the most part, everyone has a good time (except for the crews that have to work all Saturday night on the repairs.). The whole pro-duction is very labor intensive for• about five days. On the whole, the racers are still enthusiastic about the format. The Best in The Desert has just one more race after this one - the cold Henderson season ender. And then in January they start it all up all over again. iiiTD Keith Waibel was the third place finisher in the Class 3000 contest at Scott Kiger took third place honors in the UTV P action, Scott was nine Eric Heiden took third place honors in the Class 1700 battle, Eric was Parker, Keith was 21 minutes in a"ears at the checkers. minutes out of the class win when he took the checkered flag. 19 minutes in arrears when he came in for the coveted checkered flag. Bill Bunch gets nicely airborne as he flies to a third place finish in the Macrae Glass was a bit off the winning pace in the Class 8000 contest, Rodolfo tribe drove his bright orange truck to the Class 8000 win at Class 3700 action, Bill was 20 minutes behind the class leader at the flag. Macrae finished in third place, he's seen here flying in his Ford. Parker, he's seen here taking to the air. Page 14 November 2012 Dusty Times 7

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contact Dusty Tl111es For Special Rates. on End oF 2012 season Thank You Ads 818-882-0004 Raee & Rally organizers Mail your 2013 schedules as soon as possible for listing in the Happenings column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: · 20761 Plummer st., Chatsworth, CA 91311-5003

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lJ\.lc::!C:: 55TH RALLYE DE FRANCE Loeb/Citroen Do It Again By Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena do a 180 in front of a cheering throng in the French Rally, Loeb took the gold in his Citroen DS3. Titles galore in France! Se-bastien Loeb and Citroen gained their respective world champion-ships titles with two events still to go, and Elfyn Evans found himself unbeatable in the WRC Acad-emy with one event remaining, "It doesn't get much better than this", said 38 year old nine times cham'pion 'driver Loeb, waiving to the crowds in his home town ·of Haguenau' · t tbe end of the final stage. Even the overnight rain failed to dampen the passion of the crowds who came out in their tens of thousands and more, knowing this will be the last time they could share the successes of their local hero, who was about to retire from full time rallying. Rallye de France Alsace was once again Loeb's show. Three to go! The Rallye de France, round 11 out of the 13 rounds in the 2012 WRC se-ries held for the third time in · the Vosges mountains of Alsace, around Strasbourg, the heartland of world champion Sebastien Loeb. This was the third out of four rounds this year to be based on asphalt stages and came at a critical period when Ford still held an outside chance of regaining the manufacturers' title, at a time when their Fiesta WRC has never been so competitive. Citroen however were now assured of the Drivers' title in which only Mikko Hirvonen had the chance to de-prive Loeb of the championship. Much of the route was famil-iar to. the crews. Essentially the Friday and the Saturday stages had been exchanged, but other im-portant specific changes included (a) instead of a Thursday evening downtown ceremonial start, a four~lap downtown special stage outsjcfe the European Parliament building on the outskirts of Stras, bourg, (b) the final stage of the main Friday loop was completely new, (c) the Mulhouse downtown stage was run over three laps instead of two, (d) the final day's stage 20 (out of 22) serves as the official Power Stage, not the tradi-tional final stage. This 17km stage run very close to the frontier with Germany north of Strasbourg, was largely new and (e) this time the finish was in the headquar-ters building in the service park, rather than outside the European Parliament buildings. Being an asphalt event there was no Quali-fying Stage, and cars started Day 1 in championship position order. Shakedown was adjacent to the headquarters and service park on the western outskirts of Stras-bourg. The general opinion of the new stages was that they were faster, wider and more flowing than other stages, suitable as many drivers noted for the racing drivers who had entered! Various chi-canes had been arranged to slow cars down on the faster stretches. The entry list showed an im-portant and unusual increase in entries compared with last year, with a total of 74 against 64, notwithstanding a sharp drop this year in the number of WRC Academy drivers and the small\:r pumber of engies in the ,SWRC support championship. i9 World Rally Cars, six SWRC entries, nine Academy entries (this time not including Martin Koci) and the usual four Rally Class drivers but no support championship Guest drivers. 21 fully priva-teer French entries. Four young French drivers were entered by the French federation's Collectif Equipe de France Rallye (Stepha-ne Consani and Sebastien Char-donnet in WRC cars -though. Consani's Mini had been crashed the previous weekend before and replaced by a Citroen R3T), Quen-tin Gilbert in a DS3 R3 and Nicolas Romiguiere in a Renault T wingo R2). Chardonnet, Gilbert and Romiguiere were selected after ·finishing in the top three places of the FFSA's 2011 Junior Championship, Consani (younger brother of Robert, the IRC driver of Renault cafs) being the Twingo R2 winner last year. There was little news from the official WRC teams except that Mini Portugal had made their sec-Sebastien Ogier and Julien Ingrassia were the first S2000 to finish, they're seen here in their Skoda Fabia on the way to an 11th overall finish. ond crew change in three events. Their driver Chris Atkinson re-verted for this and the next event to an earlier codriver, fellow Aus-tralian Glenn MacNeall. Atkin-son's regular codriver Stephane Prevot was otherwise engaged in the Tour de C orse H istorique, the date fo r which clashes with the WRC Rallye de France. The continued indisposition of co-driver Denis Giraudet means that Evgeniy Novikov continued with Ilka Minor. This means that An-dreas Aigner, the Austrian making his debut with the official SWRC Proton team, has had to find a re-placement codriver at short notice which was Detlef Ruf. This was the penultimate round of the SWRC series, both final rounds being held on as-phalt based rallies. Five drivers remained in the title hunt with .21 points separated them, series lead-er Per-Gunnar Andersson (Pro-ton), Hayden Paddon (Skoda), Craig Breen, Maciej Oleksowicz and Yazeed Al Rajhi (all in Fords but_Al Rajhi the only one~with a 1.6 turbo -version car). Wave &oodbye to Nasser Al Attiyah, as Rallye de France was expected to be his final personal appearance with a Citroen, and maybe also in the WRC, before he embarks next year on a pro-gram me of cross country and MERC events. Welcome back French racing driver Yvan Muller, reigning World Champion Tour-ing Car driver, for his third at-tempt at the event, and 2010 Le Mans winner Romain Dumas, both in Mini World Rally Cars. Both have no doubt been enticed by the increased percentage of multi-lap street special stages on this event. There were four such stages on the event, totalling more than 5% of the total stage distance. This event is one._ of the most critical of the season for weather conditions. It is not just a mat-ter of whether it would rain or not, but also the consequences of corner cutting which brings a considerable quantity of dirt on the road. Some of the most slip-pery conditions are in the moist rather than full rain conditions, when mud is washed away. Instead of the dangerous steep spikes used last year, this year the organisers have placed plastic traffic barriers to prevent corner-cutting. Correct weather predictions is tradition-ally a f9rte for the Citroen team. Tyre availability is generally bal-anced between soft and hard compounds. Pre rally news was that the pre-rally support championship test was suddenly cancelled which was a disappointment to many competitors, but basically the or-ganization had been working well. There was a new huge level of promotion for the rally provided by the community of Strasbourg, Colmar and Mulhouse as well as the local villages. One curious factor is that at several places, spectators had the chance to take a train to the stages and walk a short distance to a vantage poi1,H. A French curiosity ~as that normal street registration numbers (im-matriculation numbers) were not·• carried on cars, but by a special agreement with local authorities, associated with ongoing queries about type-approval for ·street use registration. Shakedown was held in a car park adjacent to the service park, starting at first light, and Mini driver Dani Sordo was quickest ahead of Latvala, Solberg and then Loeb. The other Minis were very close, with Atkinson just six seconds slower, fractionally faster than Dumas' similar car. Ogier was quickest S2000 nearly four seconds faster than Mikkelsen. 71 cars were on the start list, tackling the first stage later in the afternoon. Day 1 , Thursday It took three long hours fo r the 71 cars to complete the su-perspecial outside the European Parliament buildings with little to report except for a first-comer indiscretion by Timo vd Mare!, Andreas Mikkelsen and Ola Floene drove their Skoda Fabia to a 12th Mikko Hirvonen and Jarmo Lehtinen drove their Citroen DS3 to a third Nasser Al Attiyah and Giovanni Bemacchini were out of the rally on the place overall finish in France, seen here negotiating a village. overall finish in the French Rally, seen here before an admiring crowd. 10th stage with an accident, seen here in good shape earlier. Page 16 November 2012 Dusty Times 7

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Jari-Matti latvala and Miikka Anttila drove their Ford Fiesta RS to a silver medal finish in France, seen here amongst the grapes. in the Academy car, which broke the right rear hub and caused the wheel to leave the car in full view of the live TV cameras. Thierry Neuville was the fastest, 0.8 sec-ond ahead of Jari-Matti Latvala with Dani Sordo, Petter Solberg and Mikko Hirvonen all equal in third. Sebastien Ogier was the quickest S2000 and Alastair Fisher the best Academy driver. Day 1 - Friday The tyre situation was a case of pretty much complete freedom. The reduced number of available soft tyres meant there could be a shortage during the rally if the rally was always wet, but the conditions on the Friday morning were dry in the air and damp under the trees after rain the day before. This produced a complete ra11ge of op-tions. The two official Citroens started off with four hard tyres and two spare softs, the Citroens of Neuville and Al Attiyah had four soft and two hard. The two works fords and Novikov had five softs, the Mini of Sordo and the Ford of Tanak had five hards. On the long 28km first stage and third stage of the loop, hard seemed better, on the middle stage the soft was bet-ter. Loeb made fastest time on the first two stages, trusting in all hards on stage 2, then putting two soft tyres on the rear for stages 3 and 4. The star of the morning was Lat-vala who dared to challenge the su-periority of Loeb on Loeb's home rally, "the first stage was surpris-ingly dry" the Finn explained after dropping from second to third. He then speeded up. By stage number 3 he had passed Hirvonen into third place and by stage 4 he had just beaten Loeb and made fastest stage time. The conditions however were quite different from the greasy surfaces which slowed cars down the previous year. The speeds were rising. From 117kph on stages 2 and 3, it was up to 12lkph on stage 4. Although com-petitive when it was dry, Hirvonen was settling himself in the more slippery sections. "I need to be a bit braver", he joked. Mini driver ... Chris Atkinson was finding his pace, engaged in a battle for tenth . place with Sebastien Ogier in the leading Super 2000 car, but still unable to challenge the Prodrive team car of Sordo. Atkinson was struggling for confidence, after his long period away from the WRC. "The stages have been damper than I expected, and I need to get my old confidence back." Having the anti roll bar settings changed at the midday halt Loeb decided it was time to attack and almost doubled his lead on stage 5, helped when Jari-Matti Latvala lost some seconds in a ditch. "We can match Loeb's pace when the road is clean, but not when the roads are dirty." Thierry Neuville spun which dropped him back to sixth in front of Mads Ostberg. Dani Sordo was not so happy with his brakes and was passed by Pet-ter Solberg, while Chris Atkinson reckoned the only way he could improve his times was to take more risks. Ostberg was happy with his seventh position, "Not so bad for someone supposed to be a slow driver," the best of the paying drivers and in front of Ott Tanak, Evgeniy Novikov, Sebas-tien Chardonnet's Citroen WRC and Atkinson. Martin Prokop still had misfiring problems. Nasser Al Attiyah was now getting happier. Daniel Oliveira's handling was im-paired when two wheels landed in a ditch and he found he had a bro-ken driveshaft and the two racing drivers, Yvan Muller and Romain Dumas, were enjoying their own private battle, just behind the top Super 2000 cars. Low sunlight started to affect the drivers. Latvala ended an ag-gressive day with fastest time on the dry street stage at Mulhouse, beating Loeb who did not make a recce of the stage. Ostberg lost five seconds when he stalled at the start, Neuville spun again, Al Attiyah had a tyre come off a rim, Muller was thrilled he could drive in the streets of the town of his birth so fast! Craig Breen retained the lead Evgeniy Novikov and Ilka Minor ended up seventh overall in their Ford Fiesta RS, they're seen here doing a bit of short coursing. in the SWRC category through the first stage of the loop, with Paddon gradually regaining his confidence on asphalt roads, and the New Zealander went ahead of stage 3. Then Paddon nearly came to grief. Behind him on the road was Breen. "I saw these incredible skid marks which had just been laid. They then stopped -but 30 metres later these marks started off again. Paddon admitted that he had lost control on mud in the middle of a fifth gear bend and was lucky not to lose much time, or worse. PG Andersson was es-tablished in third place, admitting he lacked the pace of the drivers ahead of him, while Yazeed Al Ra-jhi rose to fourth after a series of little errors by Michal Oleksowicz. In sixth and final place was An-dreas Aigner, learning the ways of the Proton and regretting the pre-rally test day cancellation. Paddon made best times on the three repeated stages in the second loop and Breen made best time on the Mulho_use street stage. Oleksow-icz retired in the Mulhouse stage because of a fuel leak. PG Anders-son was still unable to challenge the two cars ahead of him. Aigner was struggling with a broken hand-brake. The Volkswagen Skoda team split their tyre options with Sebastien Ogier running with one spare while Andreas Mikkelsen with two. Ogier spun in stage 8. In the Academy cars Timo van der Marel restarted the event, after collecting a maximum stage penalty for not driving back to the overnight pare ferme. Elfyn Evans took over the lead from Fisher in the first stage of the day, and then on the second stage Fisher retired with engine failure, leaving Suarez to trail Evans. Reeves dropped back from third place when he punctured on the first stage of the day and had to stop and change the wheel in mid-stage. In Class 3, the Rally Class championship was missing for the second time Andis Neiksans leaving only three starters in this series all driving Subarus, Rifat Sungkar leading Ricardo Trivino from Yuriy Protasov. Other Class leaders were Consani -Citroen (5), Evans - Ford (6), Para -Renault (8) Guibert - Suzuki (9). Five dif-ferent manufacturers represented with a sixth in the Mitsubishi of Lemonnier the best R4 in Class 2. Also missing at the end of the day were Arzeno (off the road during the afternoon in a heavy crash), the French federation Gilbert (off the road in the morning) and Fisher with engine failure. Day 2 65 cars restarted at first light. After the relatively quiet first day, things certainly happened on Day 2, starting with a bizarre accident for fourth placed Petter Solberg. He started the day with a vengeance. On the first split of the first stage he was already faster than Loeb, but then he went off the road on a left hander, sliding down an embankment and driv-ing blind through vines. Without warning he suddenly found him-self crossing the rally road and en-tering the vines on the other side of the road, his progress finally halted when his Fiesta impacted a power line post, which then col-lapsed spectacularly. Solberg's ac-cident elevated Sordo up to fourth but very close behind the Prodrive car was Neuville and Ostberg, who were engaged in a very close fight. Sordo spun near the end of the stage and had to reverse. Novikov went straight on at a junction and Al Attiyah damaged a wheel. Latvala lost his bid for the lead on the long stage 10 (43km) when he went wide on a suddenly slippery bend and lost a few seconds in a ditch and this allowed third placed Hirvonen to get up to 11 seconds behind his fellow Finn. A lot of mud was being thrown on to the road by the earlier cars and many drivers had bad moments near the end of the stage. Until the final split of the stage, Ostberg was driving brilliantly, only finishing the stage 2.4 seconds behind third placed Hirvonen. Novikov was driving without a gravel note crew and suffered from the uncertain-ties. Atkinson said the handling on his Mini was better but he still had no confidence and finished the stage nearly a minute behind his personal benchmark Sordo. Behind however there was an ac-cident when Nasser Al Attiyah impacted a couple of spectators, who suffered a broken leg and a broken arm. An ambulance was summoned and the stage was stopped, leaving the stewards to ar-range appropriate notional times for drivers affected. Chardonnet stopped for some minutes to help. Because of the delays on the previous stage the drivers were sent down the third stage of the loop with three minute gaps. Lat-vala had lost none of his verve, on the stage 11 the fastest stage of the event, which he nicknamed a race track stage, he won the 24km stage at an average speed of 127.9kph, 3.2 seconds faster than Loeb, who confessed he was taking no risk. Hirvonen was honest as usual "Just too fast for me!" Neuville was upset after a dispute with time keepers which was to cost him a penalty. The fourth and final stage of the morning loop was can-celled because of large numbers of spectators. Racing driver Dumas had a typical rally experience when he tipped his car on its side, before it fell back on its wheels, but it gave him a puncture. Loeb had by now established himself with a comfortable half minute buffer ahead of Latvala. All four stages in the second run of the loop were safely held dur-ing the afternoon, once again in drier conditions than on the morning runs. Hirvonen woke up and won the first stage of the afternoon with an equal time as Latvala. Loeb won the long stage 14 and was fastest on stage 15 (this time 128kph average) and Latvala won the shorter final stage of the day. The clear morning skies started to cloud over and there was talk that rain was on its way, but the Citroen drivers led the way in defying the elements, and all the other top drivers also took hard compound tyres for the afternoon. The trick was whether to take one spare or two -in which case (for the Fords and Minis) the two spares would be two softs. After his delay in the morning Lat-vala kept up the pressure on Loeb, but taking (as he put it) "more controlled risks". The fight for the best non-official driver team was upset when the organisers announced a 20 second penalty (of late arrival at a control where there was a delay) for Neuville, which dropped him back behind Ostberg, and then after the long stage Ostberg rose one more place, to fourth, by overtaking Sordo, despite driving into a ditch at a Centinued on page 18 Thierry Neuville and Nicolas Gilsoul comer hard in their Citroen DS3 they Martin Prokop and Zdenek Hruza drove their Ford Fiesta RS to ninth Sebastien Chardonnet and Thibault De la Haye finished 10th overall in finished first off the podium in the rally. overall in the rally, they're seen here before hundreds of admirers. France, seen here in a village in their Citroen DS3. Dusty Times November 2012 Page 17

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hairpin and breaking a wheel. Sordo was giving everything but his times did not repay his driving, and now Atkinson started to make times much closer to Sordo, but was still short of self confidence. French Ford WRC driver Julien Maurin lost two minutes off the road. Hirvonen had a shock when he found a rock in the rock, which threw the car on to two wheels. Neuville's engine stalled but he resumed his chase of Sordo. Ost-berg found his car lacked the same uphill performance as the other rally cars, while Novikov was hap-pier in the cleaner stages when his lack of a gravel note crew was less important. Oliveira was also get-ting happier until he had a scary top gear spin. Michal Oleksowicz did not re-start so there were five SWRC drivers still running but they had a short morning, being affected by the incident on stage ten and can-cellation of stage 12. Paddon won their two stages to lead Breen by 15.4 seconds at the midday break. Breen, who made his debut on this rally wearing spectacles explained, "I have started seeing completely different things now!" but he had a time consuming spin which en-abled Paddon to concentrate on reliable driving in the lead. Anders-son had a puncture which cost him towards a minute and then stopped on a stage for the rest of the day with suspected alternator failure. Breen then had rear differential failure and drove the final two stag-es of the day in front-wheel drive mode the time loss letting Al Rajhi rise to second place. In the non-championship VW S2000 Skodas Ogier swopped his transmission at the midday service for longer ratios while Mikkelsen finished the day on three cylinders. This was the final day for the Academy drivers and Elfyn Evans continued in the lead, with the spectre of prematurely winning the title on this event. All the drivers in this category were affect-ed by the same stage 10 problem as those at the head of the field and had interruption times applied. Evans was leading by more than a minute ahead of Suarez while fast-est times in the morning went to Suarez and Tidemand. After the mid day halt Evans commented, "For sure it is going to be a long afternoon, hoping nothing will go wrong. I think the final stage today is going to be the slowest I have ever driven." He made it, and needs now only to start the final round (Catalunya) for his title to be confirmed. For the second year running its going to be the driver of car 109 who takes the title. In the Rally Class (3) Trivino was now leading Sungkar. The only change of lead among the other Classes was Gracia! in an-other Suzuki in Class 9 while the best R4 was Irish gentlema~ driver Eamonn Boland in a Subaru. Day 3 The long awaited rains came overnight and into the early morn-ing. Three stages were waiting to be run each twice, with the first stage of the loop being the longest at 17km, which the second time through was run as the Power Stage. 53 cars restarted, including Petter Solberg and PG Andersson but Nasser Al Attiyah did not, his Citroen days now over. There was to be six stages with no service until after the last stage, no place to have troubles. Conditions Page 18 were horrendous. Loeb, "first car on the ·road was not nice, a lot of aquaplaning!" Latvala, "I didn't enjoy that at all, a few times out of control." Later runners were making better times than the early runners. Fifth runner was Sordo whose day of misery started with a handbrake problem, even so he made second best time. "Every time I use the handbrake the front brakes lock up." He was 10.1 seconds faster than Loeb. Ott Tanak, "It was one big moment all the way." Novikov also had a bad morning, going through a corn field on the way. Martin Prokop was cautious as the car was ner-vous even on the straights. Daniel Oliveira's car arrived at the end of the stage covered in mud. The second and third stages of the loop were shorter but not quite as wet. Fastest driver was again sixth running Neuville who leapt from sixth up to fourth place, finally overcoming the handicap of the penalty for his ear-lier time control mistake... Mads Ostberg was bemused. On stage 18 he made third best time overall but dropped from fourth to sixth! How could that be?! The intense fight for fourth place was now the highlight. of the event, with Sordo dropping back on stage 19, the street stage at Haguenau, with power steering failure. Yvan Muller was really flying. Fourth fastest on 18 and fifth (beating Loeb) at Haguenau -and so was Novikov. The Russian then went off the road again on stage 18, losing over two minutes, and spec-tacularly disarranging the front of his Fiesta. Novikov claimed he rolled even though the roof was unmarked - and only after careful analysis of video clips was it clear he had in fact been on his roof, "Luckily we did not get stuck in the field." The Novikov legend continues. Tanak spun, but kept his place. Oliveira stopped for good it was discovered that the steering had broken. Dumas had sticky gear selection trouble. Running order for the top ten cars was reversed for the last three stages, run at three minute inter-vals. Sordo withdrew, the Prodrive team stating there was nothing to gain by carrying on. This let Chardonnet up in to tenth place on his first ever event in a world rally car. Stage 20 was the Power-Stage and Tanak gained his first real major moment in his career. Conditions were better than during the morning, the sun even came out. The battle for fourth was still going on, Neuville making first or second best times on the last three stages and eventually Ostberg came fifth, "I have never done better on asphalt before. It was a great rally with fighting all the way!" Muller won the race of the racing drivers, finishing in 14th place (the first time he has finished this event in three attempts) while Dumas was 16th despite big damage to the car when he hit a tree. Paulo Nobre hit a tree on the penultimate stage and retired. Chris Atkinson was testing various ideas, ruing that he had many minor problems which prevented his finishing higher than eighth. Latvala, who has now gained his second successive second place on asphalt behind Loeb was happy, "That was also my best re-sult on asphalt. I know nobody can ever beat Sebastien on these stag-es." And the biggest smiles came from Sebastien himself, "Things can't ever get better than this!" In SWRC Hayden Paddon was now content that victory was in his grasp. He started the day with a lead of around two minutes, ahead of the bat-tling Yazeed Al Rajhi and Craig Breen. "It is painful to have to drive so slowly, it isn't normal on rallies," Paddon joked. At the mid morning regroup, with three stages to go, he was still almost two minutes in front but then he went off the road and could not continue. Breen meanwhile had got ahead of Al Rajhi and even-· tually won the category by 37.6 seconds, finishing 17th overall. Sebastien Ogier and Andreas Mikkelsen continued to domi-nate and were the fastest S2000 drivers, with fellow Skoda driver Hermann Gassner jr finishing third in Class 2. Ogier finished over eight minutes ahead of the winning SWRC car. Among the other Classes the winners were Sungkar (3 and the Rally Class Subaru) and Guibert (9, Suzuki). Renault cars scored wins in three Classes: Mackerer (5, RJ), Millet (6, following the retire-ment of the WRC Academy crews, R2) and Para (8). Citroen Total and Sebastien Loeb secured their respective 2013 World Titles, Citroen the Manu-facturers series for the eighth time and Loeb the World Drivers' title for the ninth consecutive time. Although this was also Loeb's tenth FIA title, the first occasion was the S 1600 title in 2002 which then did not include the word World. Among the one-driver 55th Rallye de France Alsace 2012(F) Strasbourg 4/7.10.2012 WRC round 11, SWRC round 7 SC (1) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena F/MC Citroen DS3(M) WRC 2 (3) Jari-Matti LATVAI..A/Miikka Anttila FIN Ford Fiesta RS (M) WRC 3 (2) Mikko HIRVONEN/Jarmo Lehtinen FIN Citroen DS3(M) WRC (8) Thie!ry NEUVILLE/Nicolas Gilsoul B Citroen DS3 (M) WRC 5 (10) Mads OSTBERG/Jooas Andersson NlS Ford Fiesta RS (M) WRC 6 (5) Ott TANAK/Kuldar Sikk EE Ford Fiesta RS (M) WRC (6) Evgeniy NOVIKOV/llka Mioor RUS/A Ford Fiesta RS {M) WRC 8 (12) Chris Atkinson/Glenn MacNeall AUS Mini John Cooper Works 01B (M) WRC 9 (21) Martin Prokop/Zdenek Hruza CZ ford fiesta RS {M) WRC 10 (52) Sebastien ChardonneVThibaun De la Haye f Citroen DS3(M) WRC 11 (22) Sebastien Ogier/Julien Ingrassia F Skoda Fabia S2000 (M) 2 12 (23) Andreas Mikkelsen/Ola Floene N Skoda Fabia S2000 (M) 13 (53) Julien Maurin/Nicolas Klinger F Ford Fiesta RS (M) WRC 14 (68) Yvan Muller/Guy Leneveu F Mini John Cooper Wonls 018 (M) WRC 16 (69) Romain Dumas/Matthieu Baumel F Mini John Cooper Works 018 (M) WRC 17 (32) Craig Breen/Paul Nagle IRL Ford Fiesta S2000 (M) SWRC 25 18 (36) Yazeed RaJht/Michael Orr KSA/GB Ford F,esta 1.6 S2000 (M) SWRC 18 22 (61) Rifai Sungkar/Scott Beckwith RI/AUS Subaru lmpreza (D) 3 24 (33) Per-Gunnar Andersson/Emil Axelsson s Proton Satria Neo S2000 (M) SWRC 15 26 (4) Peller SOLBERG/Chris Paller~ NIGB Fool Fiesta RS (M) WRC 30 {34) Andreas Algner/Detlef Ruf ND Proton Satria Neo S2000 (M) SWRC 12 registered teams, Citroen Junior now leads Adapta by one point and as Al Attiyah's Qatar team has now finished their registered 2013 events they will remain in their current position but ahead of Mini WRC and Brazil WRT. SWRC retirements by both Pad-don and Oleksowicz see their championship title hopes come to an end as even if Paddon won the category in Spain and Breen did not score they would be on equal points and under the FIA's system although Breen and Paddon both would have three wins, Breen as one second place and Paddon one third. At the head of this category the battle gets tighter, with Breen leading Andersson by just two points with Al Rajhi 20 points adrift of the leader. 1/BN404MV (F) 3/PX12CPZ {GB) 2/BF800XB {F) 8/BF082XC (F) 10/PX60AW (GB) 5/PX11AWN (GB) 6JRU55ALM {GB) 12/CU11FXE (GB) 21/06R0030 (CZ) BN346MV(F) 22/H-VM171 (D) 23/H-VM138 (D) 5311'X60AVN (GBi 68/0U11BYH (GB) 69/FP04PRO (GB) 32/PX59AVF (GB) 3619GLG999 (B) 61/OU60ECT (GB) 33/YN61 HCP (GB) 4/PX12BVT (GB) 34/YN10GOH (GB) WCpoin1s 3h.32m.53.0s. 3h.33m.08.5s. 3h.33m.37 .1 s. 3h.34m.00.3s. 3h.34m.09.4s. 3h.35m.20.9s. 3h.38m.44.6s. 3h.39m.35.4s. 3h.41m.39.8s. 3h.41m.52.7s. 3h.41m.56.6s.# 3h.44m.12.4s. 3h.45m.52.4s. 3h.47m.07.1s. 3h.49m.09.7s. 3h.50m.11.3s. 3h.50m.48.9s 4h.06m.52.3s.' 4h.07m.44.1s.(3) WR 25 18 15 12 10 8 6 4h.08m.22.3s.(7) 4 4h.10m.26.6s. WD 25 18 15 12+2 10+1 8+3 6 '" 71 (6 SWRC) starters. 45 (4 SWRC) fimshers. MANUFACTURERS' DRIVER. Tyres: D=DMack; M=Michelin. (Missed stages or road sections) W"1ner's average speed pver stages 110.87kph (recool). +=Power stage points. #=aass 2 winner. '=Class 3 winner. LEADING RETIREMENTS (7) Nasser ALATTIYAH/Giovanni Bemacchini OM atroen DS3 (M) (9) Daniel OLIVEIRNCarloS Magalhaes BRIP ford Fiesta RS (M) (14) Paulo Nobfe/Edu Paula BR Mini John Cooper Works (M) (37) Dani Sordo/Car1os Del Barrio E Mini John Cooper Works (M) (31) Hayden Paddon/John Kenna«! NZ Skoda Fabia S2000 (M) (35) Maciej Oleksowicz/Andrzej Ob<ebowski PL Ford Fiesta S2000 (M) RALLY LEADERS Neuville stage 1, Loeb 2-22. SWRC LEADERS Breen stages 1+2, Paddon 3. Breen 4+5, Paddon 6-19. Breen 20-22. CLASS 2 LEADER Ogier stages 1-22. The Roote Special Stages Total Distance Day 1 Slrasbourg (Thursday 1625)-8 asphalt-149.BOl<In 576.35km (1-8) Slrasbourg Zennh -Colmar -Strasbourg Zennh (Friday 2100) Day 2 Strasbourg Zennh (Saturday 0730) • 7 asphalt-182.05km 508.78km (9-11.13-16) Strasbourg Zenith -Strasbourg Zenith (Saturday 1930) Day3 Strasbourg Zennh {Sunday 0750). 6 asphalt-81.54km 319.76km (17-22) Strasbourg Zennh (Sunday 1600) Crews Restarting 65 53 ~ ---------------·-------·······-------····--·-·················----------21 stages-393.39km 1404.89km WRC 7/BH528BM (F) WRC 9/PX61AXV (GB) WRC 14/EJ916GH (I) WRC 37/1WRC (GB) SWRC 31IK1521CR (A) SWRC 35/W099991 (PL) Stage 12 cancelled-spectator security. Weather: Days 1 + 2 warm and often sunny. Day 3 started No stages m darkness. Leading Special Stages positions 1 2 3 4 5 6 Loeb 8 3 1 2 1 2 Latvala 6 4 6 2 3 Neuville 6 1 3 4 1 3 H1rvonen 1 4 4 4 4 2 Tanak 1 5 2 Ostberg 3 4 4 4 Solberg 3 3 1 1 2 Sordo 2 1 3 2 3 Novtkov 1 2 1 Note: Interruption times applied for stage 10. SWRC Paddon won 10 stages, Breen 7, Al Rajhi 3. CLASS 2 Ogier won 15 stages, Mikkelsen 5. LAST STAGE COMPLETED accident 9 sleering 17 accident 21 withdrawn 19 accident 19 fuel leak 7 Positioos in Wortd Championship for Rallies (WCR): Citroen Total 388 poin1s, Ford 259, M-Sport ford 137. Citroen Junior 72. Adapta 71, Qatar 63 Mini WRC 26, Brazil 20. atroen Total WRl now Champions. Positions in Wor1d Champ,onsh1p for Drivers (WCD): Loeb 244 poin1s, Hirvonen 173, Latvala 131, Ostberg 125, P.Solberg 119. Novikov 69. Neuville 52, Prokop 42, Taoak 37. Sordo & Ogier 31. etc. Sebastien Loeb now Champion. Leading positions in Super 2000 WRC (Roond 7/B)(seven events to count): Breen 93 poin1s, Andersson 91, Al Rajhi 73, Paddon 68, Oleksowicz 65, etc. From: Martin Holmes. Prospect Cottage, Pyrford Green, Woking. Surrey, GU22 BUZ. UK Tel: +44 (0) 1932 352894 & 347757. Fax: +44 (0) 1932 343102. Emal: martinholmesrallying@compuse< Strasbourg 7th October 2012 November 2012 Dusty Times

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SNORE 250 J Flares overall By ] Preston Bradshaw Photos: Trackside Photo T J Flores took the Unlimited Truck class win as well as the overall win for the race, he's seen here nicely airborne on liis way home. The weather was perfect, the two day short course affair was lookin' good and all the entrants were pawing the ground, all ready to get going. The entry was way down, only 62 choosing to compete and a mere 34 finished all their required laps. First to compete on Saturday were the Unlimited Truck folks, there were four of them entered and all four of them finished their required seven laps for a finish. When the smoke cleared at the checkers, it was T J Flores taking a nice win, Steve Olliges was second in, he was just under seven seconds in arrears, Eric Palacios fin-ished in third spot, he was another six seconds back and Tony Scott finished in the fourth spot For the Sunday seven lap event it was T J Flores taking yet another event gold medal, Steve Olliges finished in second place he was six seconds in ar-rears when he took the checkers, Eric Palacios once again finished in third place and Tony Scott was unable to complete his fifth lap. Overall in Class 1 it was T J Flores taking a really nice win, and he was the overall winner in the race, Steve Olliges finished second in Class, he was a total of 13 minutes in arrears, Eric Palacios was another 10 seconds back in third place and Tony Scott was unable to complete his fifth lap and was shown as a dnf. Class 1 only had two entrants, they had seven laps to run for their race. At the end of their first lap on Saturday it was Kelly Mather in the lead, Richard Boyle was 25 seconds in arrears in second place. There were no position changes in the remaining laps and when they took the checkered flag it was Kelly Mather taking the Saturday win and Richard Boyle just under a minute in arrears. The Sunday Class 1 action was lim-ited to one contestant, Richard Boyle completed his seven required laps for the Class win and Kelly Mather did not get a lap completed. Richard Boyle took the Class 1 win and he~ second overall in the race. ClatS'/J.0 had four entries, they too had seven laps to run each day for their races and they all finished on. Saturday. Roger Starkey was first ori lap 1, James Dean was in second place, Adam Tjelmeland ran third and Hunter Buettner ran in the fourth spot. Second lap and Roger Starkey continued to lead the class, Adam Tjelmeland moved into second place, James Dean.dropped a spot into third and Hunter Buettner held on in fourth place. · There were no position changes for the next four laps. Seventh lap came to an end and it was Roger Starkey ta.king a nice win, James Dean took a second place fmish, Adam Tjelmeland finished in the third spot and Hunter Buettner finished first off the podium. The Sunday Class 10 action had the same four contestants racing for seven.laps. At the end of their first lap Richard Boyle is seen here saving some tire wear as he flies to a first in Class 1 finish and a second overall finish for the race. · it was James Dean in the class lead, Roger Starkey was right on his tail in second place, Hunter Buettner ran in third place and Adam Tjelmeland was in fourth place. There were no position changes on the second lap. At the end of the third lap it was Roger Starkey back in the Class lead, James Dean ran in second place and Adam Tjelmeland was running in third place. Buettner was on his trailer. There were no position changes on the fourth and fifth lap. Sixth lap was completed and Rog-er Starkey continued to lead the class, James Dean remained in second place and Adam Tjelmeland disappeared · from the scoring charts. Seventh lap, final lap and it was Roger Starkey taking the Class 10 win, James Dean came in for the silver medal. Roger Starkey was the overall Class 10 winner and James Dean took the second place honors. Class 12 was next up, there were eight of them in the Class, they had to complete seven laps for their race and six of them made all the required laps. At the end of their first lap it was Vic Bruckmann leading the pack, Randy Jones was in second spot, he was 10 seconds in arrears, Ken Tapert ran in third place, Bob Dziurawiec was fourth and Greg Crew was-,jn fifth place. Daniel Gonzales was running in the sixth spot, Bill Shapley III ran in seventh place and Michael Bene-dict was in eighth place. Second lap and Vic Bruckmann continued to lead the class, Randy Jones held on in second place, Ken Tapert remained in third place, Bob Dziurawiec held on in fourth place and Greg Crew was still running in fifth place. Bill Shapley III was up a spot into sixth, Michael Benedict was seventh and Daniel Gonzales dropped two spots into eighth. There were no position changes on the third lap. Fourth lap ended and Vic Bruck mann still led the Class, Randy Jones continued to run a close second place, Bob Dziurawiec was up a spot into third, Greg Crew was in fourth place and Bill Shapley III was up to fifth place. Ken Tapert dropped three spots into sixth place, Michael Benedict held on in seventh place and Daniel Gonzales remained in eighth place. There were no position changes on the fifth lap. Daniel Gonzales was out of the race. There were no position changes on the sixth lap. Michael Benedict was on his trailer. Seventh lap, final lap and when the checkers flew it was Vic Bruckmann taking a really nice win, Randy Jones fmished in second place, he was just over a minute in arrears, Bob Dziu-rawiec finished in third place, Greg Crew was fourth in, Billy Shapley III .• finished in fifth place and Ken Tapert was sixth to take the flag. The Sunday Class 12 event was also seven laps in length. We had the same eight entrants but only four of them made it all the way. At the end of their first lap it was Randy Jones leading the class, Vic Bruckmann was in second place, he was two seconds in arrears, Greg Crew ran in the third James Dean flies high in his Class 10 car at the SNORE 250, James Bob Dziurawiec collected the silver medal in the Class 12 action at the Tom High makes a smooth landing as he heads for a second overall finish finished second in the always hard fought class, here at altitude. SNORE 250, he's seen here on the course just before landing. in the Class 13 conflict, he suffered from slower lap times on Sunday. Eric Palacios was awarded the bronze medal for his third place finish in Billy Shapley Ill was the silver medal winner in the Class 15 contest, Billy Blaine Conrad was the second place finisher in the Class 1600 action, the Class 1 battle, he's seen here flyin' high on his way home. is seen here at one of soooo many landings during the race. Blaine is seen here just at a long distance lift off. Page 20 November 2012 Dusty Times II

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II the silver medal and Eric Palacios was the bronze medal winner. James Gill finished first off the podium and Patrick Flanagan was the fifth place finisher. The Sunday Class 1450 race had seven contestants and they had to run six laps for a finish. Darren Parsons was the Class leader at the comple-tion of the first lap, Eric Palacios was second, James Gill ran in the third spot, Brian Trochenski was running in fourth place and Patrick Flanagan was in fifth place. Jeremy Smeltzer and Brad De Berti were on their respective trailers. Roger Starkey flies toward the finish line in the Class 10 competition, Roger won both Saturday and Sunday for a great weekend. It was a good race for Vic Brockmann, he took Class 12 honors both days at the SNORE 250, he's seen here just at liftoff. There were no lead changes on the second, third, fourth and fifth laps. When the dust cleared and the checkers flew it was Darren Parsons taking a really nice win, Eric Palacios was second to finish, James Gill took third place honors. Patrick Flanagan finished in fourth place and Brian T rochenski finished in fifth place. spot, Michael Benedict was fourth, Bob Dziurawiec was in fifth place and Daniel Gonzales was in sixth place. Bill Shapely III and Ken Tapert were out of the race. Second lap ended and now it was Vic Bruckmann leading the class, Randy Jones was in second place, only seconds in arrears, Greg Crew re-mained in third place, Michael Bene-dict remained om fourth place, Bob Dziurawiec was still fifth and Daniel Gonzales remained in sixth place. There were no position changes on the fifth lap. Fourth lap ended and Vic Bruck-mann continued to lead the class, Greg Crew moved up a spot into second place, Bob Dziurawiec was up two spots into third place and Michael Benedict ran fourth. There were no position changes on the fifth, six and seventh laps, so Vic Bruckmann took the gold medal for the Class 12 race, Greg Crew finished in second place, Bob Dziurawiec was third and Michael Benedict was the fourth and final finisher. Overall, it was Vic Bruckmann tak-ing the class win, Bob Dziurawiec fin-ished second overall and Greg Crew was the third and final overall finisher. The Class 13 troops were next, there were seven of them entered and they had to complete five laps for a fin-ish. It was Blaine Conrad in the lead on the first lap, Jason Coleman was in second place, Jordan Poole ran in the third spot, Clint Braun was in fourth place, Tom High was in fifth place and Taylor Richard ran sixth. Bree Cloud was out of the race. Second lap and Jason Coleman now led the Class, Jordan Poole moved into second place, Clint Braun moved up into third place, Blaine Conrad was in fourth place, Tom High remained in the fifth spot and Taylor Richard remained in sixth place. Third lap and Jordan Poole moved into the lead, Blaine Conrad moved into second place, Taylor Richard moved into third place and Tom High moved into fourth. Jason Coleman and Clint Braun were on their trailers. Fourth lap and Jordan Poole con-tinued to lead the Class, Taylor Rich-ard was up a spot into second place and Tom High was up into third place. Blaine Conrad was out of the race. Fifth lap, final lap and it was Jor-dan Poole taking the gold medal, Tom High was awarded the silver medal and Taylor Richard finished in third place. Overall, it was Jordan Poole taking the overall win in Class 13, Tom High finished second overall and Taylor Richard finished third overall. The Class 1450 troops were all ready for action, there were seven of them entered, five of them finished on Saturday and they had six laps to complete for their race. When their first lap ended it was Jeremy Smeltzer leading the Class, Darren Parsons ran in second place, Eric Palacios was in third place, James Gill was in fourth spot and Brad De Berti was shown in fifth place. Brian Tochenski was in sixth place and Patrick Flanigan ran in seventh place. Second lap completed and now it was Darren Parsons in the Class lead, Jeremy Smeltzer was running in the second spot, Eric Palacios remained in third place, James Gill held on in Jordan Poole took the Class 13 win both days at Stateline, Jordan is seen here nicely airborne and ready for a smooth landing. fourth place and Brad De Berti held on in fifth place. Brian Trochenski remained in the sixth spot and Patrick Flanigan held on in seventh place. Third lap came to an end and Darren Parsons remained in the Class lead, Jeremy Smeltzer held on in second place, Eric Palacios was still running third, James Gill held on in fourth place, Brian Trochensky moved up into fifth place and Patrick Flana-gan was running in sixth place. Brad De Berti was out of the action. There were no lead changes on their fourth lap. The only changes in running order on the fifth lap were that Bryan T ro-chenski dropped out of the race and Patrick Flanagan moved from sixth to fifth place. Sixth lap, final lap and Darren Par-sons was right there to accept the gold medal, Jeremy Smeltzer took home Overall, it was Darren Parson be-ing awarded the roses, Eric Palacios finished second overall, James Gill was third overall, Patrick Flanagan finished fourth and Brian Trochenski was the fifth placed finisher. The Class 15 guys were ready to race, there were seven of them and they had to complete five laps each day"l for a finish. On Saturday it was Eric T rondle leading the class on their first lap, Roger Starkey was in the second spot, Adam Tjelmeland was in the third spot, Steve Carbone was running in fourth place, Billy Shapley III was in fifth place and Christi Dziurawiec was in sixth place. James Dean failed to Continued on page 22 Da"en Parsons raced his Ford to the Class 1450 gold medal both days at the SNORE 250, he's seen here at one of many takeoffs over the weekend. John Gould was the silver medal winner in Class 3000 at the SNORE Bill Dobbs had a so-so weekend, he finished second on Saturday in Not too bad a weekend for Giti Gow/and, he was the second place finisher 250, he is seen here at high speed on his way to the checkers. the Class 5/1600 fracas, but he was unable to finish the Sunday race. overall in the Class 9 races, seen here in level flight. -Not too bad a weekend for Greg Crew at the SNORE 250, he took third Richard Taylor is seen here just at touchdown as he hustles to a third James Gill touches down gently as he heads to a third place overall in place honors in the Class 12 action, he's seen here at high speed. place finish overall in the Class 13 battle. his truck, Jim finished in third place in each race. Dusty Times November 2012 Page 21

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Adam Tjelmeland makes a nice soft landing as he heads to a third place L-______ ..;_....._ ___________ __...___..._..., ... • finish in the Class 15 fracas, Adam was third overall in class for the Vince Viola finished third overall in Class 1600 at the SNORE 250, he's A third place finish overall in Class 9 went to Paul Robinson, he's seen weekend. seen here just before landing on his way to the checkers. here flyin' low on his way to the checkered flag. complete his first lap. Second lap came to an end and now it was Roger Starkey leading the pack, Eric Trondle dropped to second place, Adam Tjelmeland remained in third place, Steve Carbone held on in fourth place, Billy Shapley Ill still ran fifth and Christi Dziurawiec ran sixth. Tjelmeland was third to finish and Steve Carbone was the fourth and final finisher. Christi Dziurawiec and Roger Starkey failed to finish their final lap. The Sunday Class 15 race was also five laps and featured the same con-testants. At the end of their first lap it was Eric T rondle in the class lead, Billy Shapley III was in second place, Adam Tjelmeland remained in the third spot, Christi Dziurawiec ran fourth and James Dean was running in fifth place. Steve Carbone and Roger Star-key failed to complete their first lap. There were no position changes on laps three and four. Fifth lap, final lap and when the checkers flew it was Eric T rondle tak-ing a nice win, Billy Shapley Ill took second place honors, he was four minutes in arrears at the flag, Adam FOR§ALE .Jin,co-built Trophy Truck No. 30 (.JI J 53DDk ____ ,._ .,.,..to111no«.,.rooo. Built by Jimco Racing. Dougan's 454 Chevy small block with Kinsler 8 stacks, Turbo 400 transmission, Rancho drivetrain, Motec injection, Lowrance GPS, Fox Shox, Hyperco springs, Fuel Safe cell, Howe steering, Alcon brakes, C&R and Fluidyne cooling, MasterCraft seats and belts + extras. .Jin,co-built Trophy Truck Na. i!D (.Ji!} S35Dk ---dtttdwS., rooo. Built by Jimco Racing. Dougan's 455 Chevy small block, Turbo 400 transmission, Rancho drivetrain, Motec injection, Lowrance GPS, Fox Shox, Hyperco springs, Fuel Safe cell, Howe steering, Alcon brakes, C&R and Fluidyne cooling, MasterCraft seats and belts + extras. Alpha Race Car I .Johnny Kaiser Page 22 built Pru ii! Truck Built by Alpha Race Cars, Dougan's 450 & 434 carburated, Turbo 400 transmission, Tubeworks hubs, Fox Shox, Eibach springs, 22 gal ATL cell, C&R and Fluidyne cooling, MSD ignition, Optima battery, Howe steering + gear sets, spare springs. • One of'bHJ tlvm. / other tlvck awned by Robby Eiardon kelli@mastercraftsafety 619.449.9455 or 317 .852.3067 There were no position changes on the second and third laps. Fourth lap complete and Eric Trondle continued to lead the class, Billy Shapley III remained in second place, Christi Dziurawiec moved into third, Adam Tjelmeland dropped to fourth place with a troublesome lap time and James Dean held on in the fifth spot. Final lap, Eric Trondle came in for the Class 15 win, Billy Shapley III took second place honors, he was three minutes behind the class leader, Christi Dziurawiec was third to finish and Adam Tjelmeland was the fourth and final finisher. James Dean failed to complete his final lap. Overall, it was Eric T rondle taking the Class 15 win, Billy Shapley III was second overall, Adam Tjelmeland finished third overall and Christi Dziurawiec was fourth overall. Eric T rondle was the big winner in the Class 15 contest, Eric is seen here just at liftoff on his way to the checkered flag. The Class 1600 group were really in there fighting all the way, there were eight starters in Class and all eight of them finished all their required laps. And, they were awfully close on time both days. They had seven laps to make each day and they all did just that. When their first lap ended it was Jason Coleman in the class lead, Blaine Conrad was close by in the second spot, Jordan Poole was in the third spot, Jeff Bruner was in fourth place and Vince Viola rounded out the top five cars. Greg Shapiro ran in the sixth spot, Travis Reese was lucky seventh and Brian Flores was in eighth place. Second lap and Jason Coleman continued to lead the class, Jordan Poole was up a spot into second place, Blaine Conrad dropped a spot into third, Jeff Bruner held on in fourth place and Vince Viola remained in fifth place. Greg Shapiro held on in sixth place, Travis Reese still ran in seventh place and Brian Flores was in eighth place. Third lap, Jason Coleman still led the class, Jordan Poole was a close sec-ond place, Blaine Conrad remained in the third spot, Vince Viola moved into fourth place and Jeff Bruner dropped back into fifth place. Tra-vis Reese moved up a spot into sixth place, Greg Shapiro dropped to sev-enth place and Brian Flores remained in the eighth spot. Jason Coleman took thegoldmedalforthe weekend in the Class ½-1600action, he's seen here just at takeoff on his way home. John Pellessier made it look easy as he took the Class 18 win both days at the SNORE 250, John is seen here on his way to the bam. November 2012 Fourth lap and it was still Jason Coleman in the lead, Blaine Conrad moved u a spot into second place, Jordan Poole dropped into third place, Vince Viola remained in fourth place and Jeff Bruner still ran fifth. Travis Reese still ran in sixth place, Greg Sha-piro still ran seventh and Brian Flores was still eighth. There were no position changes on the fifth lap. Sixth lap ended and Jason Cole-man still led the class, Blaine Conrad remained in second place, he was 30 seconds in arrears, Jordan Poole ran in third place, Vince Viola remained iri fourth place and Jeff Bruner remained in the fifth spot. Travis Reese still ran sixth, Brian Flores was up a spot into seventh and Greg Shapiro dropped to eighth. Seventh lap, final lap and when the checkers flew it was Jason Coleman taking a really nice win, Blaine Con-rad took the silver medal, he was only seconds in arrears, Vince Viola was third, he was six minutes in arrears, Jeff Bruner was fourth in and Jordan Poole rounded out the top five. Travis Reese finished in sixth place, Brian Flores was seventh in and Greg Sha-piro was the eighth and final finisher. The Sunday 1600 affair had the same cast of characters, again, they had seven laps to run for their race and all eight of them completed all the laps. At the end of their first lap it was Blaine Conrad in the class lead, in the class lead, Jason Coleman ran second, he was four seconds behind the leader, Jeff Bruner ran in third place, Vince Viola was another few seconds back in fourth place and Brian Flores was in the fifth spot. Travis Reese was in sixth place, Greg Shapiro ran seventh and Jordan Poole was in eighth place. Second lap ended and Blaine Con-rad still led the class, Jason Coleman was still seconds behind in second place, Vince Viola was up a spot into third place, Jeff Bruner dropped a spot into fourth place and Brian Flores remained in fifth place. Travis Reese still ran sixth, Greg Shapiro was seventh and Jordan Poole was in the eighth spot. There were no position changes on the third, fourth and fifth laps. Sixth lap ended and Jason Cole-Continued on page 24 Dusty Times ti

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Eric Trondle took the Class 3000 gold medal at the SNORE 250, coupled with his win in the Class 15 contest, it was a great weekend! man had moved into the lead, Conrad back, Jeff Bruner was fourth, he too Blaine dropped to second place, just just a few seconds in arrears and Brian by a few seconds, Vince Viola was Flores was still running fifth. Travis third, he was another five minutes Reese remained in sixth place, Greg G·FORCE --PYAOTECT HJC NOlORSl'OltlS Dry Break Tower • 100 Gallon Capacity • Single or Double Dry Break • EZSet Up • Affordable IndyCar Fl Technology Aceessorlea • Dump Cans • Hose • Reducers • Filler Necks & Caps Helmets • Snell SA 2005 Forced Air Helmets • Wired for Communication & Ear Bud Ready • Racing Optics Tear Offs • Universal and Custom Molded Ear Buds • Helmet Skirts • Shields Kool Alru Blower Systems • Highest Flowing Systems I • 105, 135, 150, 235 and 250 CFM Ratings • High Flow Filters & Custom Hoses • Trophy Kart Kits for Driver & Clutch Cooler Tom Bird was the overall winner in the Class 5/1600 contest, he's seen here just at takeoff as he heads for the checkers. Shapiro remained in seventh place and Jordan Poole was in the eighth spot. Seventh lap, last lap and It was Jason Coleman once again taking the Class 1600 win, Blaine Conrad was second to finish, he was 29 seconds in arrears, Vince Viola took third place Co u.teatlon Systeaa • Vertex 5 to 110 Watt Radio Systems • Hi-Fi Intercom Systems • Chase & Race Packages • Base Station Pa1:kages • Crew Chief & Kart Packages h Car Caaera Syatem • EZ l Butt-on Operation • Exclusive Racer X Motorsports Pa-0kage • 5.7 hours of High Resolution recording time • Up to 12 h-Ours of operation on 4AA Lithium Ion Batteries • Can be Interfaced to Intercom for full audio experience XCetl'• ~ • 41 1/2 Gallon Capacity • SCORE/ BITD / FIA Approved • Tapered Design Provides Increased Ground Clearance & .Maximizes Usable Fuel • Fuel Level Sending Units Available • Caps, Necks, Hose, Filters and Pumps Available YO 1l OUBCE FOB PROFESSIONAL RACE PRODUCTS 10815 Wheatlands Avenue, Suite K • Santee, CA 92071 619-258-RACE (7223) • Fax 619-258-0883 • Page 24 November 2012 honors, Jeff Bruner finished first off the podium and Brian Flores was the fifth place finisher. Travis Reese was sixth in, Jordan Poole finished in sev-enth place and Greg Shapiro was the eighth and final finisher. Overall it was Jason Coleman tak-ing the gold medal for the weekend in 1600, Blaine Conrad was second he was 29 seconds in arrears, Vince Viola finish in third place, Jeff Bruner fin-ished fourth overall and Jordan Poole was fifth overall. Sixth place went to Brian Flores, Travis Reese was seventh and Greg Shapiro was eighth overall. Class 18 was next up, there were three of them entered, they had to finish six laps for their race each day and two of them made all the required laps. At the end of their first lap it was John Pellissier leading the class, Craig Williams was second, he was five min-utes behind the leader and Thomas Morales was third, he was another three minutes back. There were no position changes on the second lap. Third lap ended and it was still John Pellissier leading the class, Thom-as Morales had moved up into second spot, and Craig Williams dropped to third place. Fourth lap ended and John Pellis-sier was still in the lead, Craig Wil-liams moved up into second place, he was nine minutes behind the leader and Thomas Morales dropped into the third spot Fifth lap, John Pellessier was still leading the class, Craig Williams was in second place, he was 30 minutes in arrears and Thomas Morales was on his trailer. Sixth and last lap on Saturday and when the checkers flew it was John Pellissier taking a really nice win, Craig · Williams was second in, he was suffer-ing from a very long fifth lap and that's all there was. Sunday it was another six lap battle and at the conclusion of the first lap it was John Pellissier in the class lead, Thomas Morales was second and Craig Williams ran in the third spot. There were no position changes on the second, third or fourth laps. Fifth lap ended and it was still John Pellessier leading the class, Craig Williams moved into second place and Thomas Morales dropped into third place. Sixth and final lap and when the checkers flew it was John Pellessier taking home the gold medal, Craig Williams won the silver medal and Thomas Morales collected the bronze medal. Overall, for the weekend it was John Pellessier taking the class win with Craig Williams second overall. Class 3000 was next up, there were three vehicles entered and they had seven laps to run each day for their race. At the end of their first lap it was Eric Trondle leading the class, John Gould ran in second place, he was 25 seconds in arrears and Mik Van Newkirk was in third place. Second lap ended and Eric Tron-die was still leading, Mile Van Newkirk moved into second place and John Gould dropped to third place. Third lap completed and now it was Mik Van Newkirk in the class lead, Eric Trondle dropped to second place and John Gould held on in third place. There were no position changes on the fourth and fifth laps. Sixth lap, Mile Van Newkirk con-tinued to lead the class, John Gould moved up into second place and Eric Trondle dropped to third place. Final lap and it was Mik Van Newkirk taking a really nice win, Eric Trondle took second place honors and John Gould finished in third Dusty Times

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'' place. The Sunday race also was seven laps in length and at the end of their first lap it was Eric T rondle in the lead, John Gould ran in second place and Mile Van Newkirk held down third place. Second lap and John Gould was now leading, Eric T rondle ran second and Mile Van Newkirk was out of the race, cause unknown. Third lap and Eric Trondle was once more in the lead and John Gould was in the second spot. Fourth lap and John Gould was leading once again while Eric T rondle dropped into second place. There were no position changes on laps five, six and seven. John Gould was the big winner in the Sunday race, Eric T rondle won the silver medal. Overall it was Eric Trondle taking the class win while John Gould was relegated to second place overall. The Class 5/1600 entry was only two cars and only one of them was able to complete the six required laps for their race. When their first lap ended it was Tom Bird in first place and Bill Dobbs in the second spot. For the next five laps there were no position changes and it was Tom Bird Taking the checkered flag and Bill Dobbs taking second place honors for the Saturday race. Their Sunday race also consisted of six laps of the course and once again it was Tom Bird leading after one lap with Bill Dobbs running in second place. There were no position changes on J:he second, third and fourth laps. Fifth lap and it was Tom Bird run-ning all alone as Bill Dobbs had disap-peared from the scoring charts. Sixth lap ended and Tom Bird came in for the coveted checkered flag for the coveted checkered flag. Obviously, it was Tom Bird taking the overall win for the Class 5/1600 battle. There was only one entrant in the Class 7 race. There were seven mandatory laps each day and Steven Albrecht was the only one racin'. Ste-ven finished his seven required laps on Saturday with an average speed of 59.1 mph and he did his seven required laps on Sunday at 56.9mph. Congrao. on a great race! Class 9 was next up, there were six of them entered, they had six laps to Steven Albrecht was the only entry in Class 7 so he had a fairly east weekend, he moved around the course with a 58mph average speed. run for their race and three of them completed all their required laps. Jeff Johnsen was the class leader on their fll'St lap, Harley Young was right there in second place, Paul Robinson was running in third place, Brian Caudill was in fourth place and Giti Gowland ran in fifth. Second lap ended and Jeff Johnsen continued t0 lead, Harley Young con-tinued in second place, Brian Caudill moved up into third, Brandon Holly was in fourth plaee, Paul Robinson was in.fifth place and Giti;Powland dropped to sixth place. Thfu:l lap ended and Harley Young was now the class leader, Brandon Holley was up two spoo; into second place, Brian Caudill held on in third, Giti Gowland was up two spots into fourth, Paul Robinson remained in fifth place and Jeff Johnsen dropped to sixth place with a 36 minute lap. Fourth lap and Harley Young con-tinued to lead the class, Brian Caudill ran in second place, he was a minute and change in arrears, Brandon Holly ran in third place, Paul Robinson was up a spot into fourth, Giti Gowland dropped a spot into fifth place and Jeff Johnson remained in the sixth spot. Fifth lap ended and Harley Young con~ued to lead, Brian Caudill held on 'in second place, Paul Robinson •,was up another spot into third place, Giti Gowland moved into fourth place, Brandon Holly dropped to fifth place with a 23 minute lap and Jeff Johnsen was still running sixth. Sixth lap, final lap _and when the checkers flew "it was Harley-Young collecting all_ the h<;>Q.ots,. .faul Robfu.. son finished in secot:fd t>face. he·was less than two minutes in arrears and Giti G~d carq~ .. along less than three minutes later in third place. Robert Johnson took the gold medal in the StockBug class at the SNORE 250, he's seen here at one of many landings during the race. Harley Young was the gold medal winner in the Class 9 fracas, Harley averaged 55mph for his 12 laps at the 2012 SNORE 250. That's all there was! Brandon Holly, Jeff Johnsen and Brian Caudill never completed their final lap. The Sunday event was also six laps in length, six cars started the race but only three of them would take the checkered flag. At the end of their first lap it was Brian Caudill leading the class, Paul Robinson was only seconds behind in second place, Harley Young was running in third place, Jeff John-sen was in fourth place, Giti gowland was in fifth place and Brandon Holly was sixth. Their second lap ended and Har-ley Young led the class, Paul Robinson ran in second place and Giti Gowland was in the third spot. Brandon Holly and Jeff Johnsen were on their respec-tive trailers. There was no change in position on· laps three, four and five Sixth lap, final lap and when the checkers flew it was Harley Young tak-ing the checkered flag for a really nice win, Giti Gowland finished in second place, he was about five minutes behind the· class leader and Paul Rob-inson came in for a third place finish. Overall it was Harley Young taking the overall class win, Giti Gowland was second overall and Paul Robinson took third overall honors. Last, but certainly not least was the Class 11 entry. There was only one entered, they had four laps to go for a finish and Robert Johnson did finish • his laps on Saturday but were only able to complete three laps in the Sunday _ event. Btit Dusty Times would give them an "A" for effort and wish them all the luck in _!he VJOrld on their next attempt. And so it ended, another SNORE 250 in the books, see ya all at the Rage At The River event in December. Steve Olliges finished second in the Unlimited Truck Class and he was third overall for the race, seen here heading for the checkers. Patrick Flanagan was the fourth place overall finisher in the Class 1450 Christi Dziurawiec finished first off the podium in the Class 15 races, she Jeff Bruner really gets some air as he flies to a fourth overall finish in the races, he's seen here flyin' low in his Ford on the way home. is seen here at high speed on her way to the checkered flag. Class 1600 fight, Jeff was only 15 seconds out of third place . .. tt,, ... ..,.. 'If:, .. ___________ ...... _________ ___. ;, Brian Flores had a fairly good weekend, he was the sixth place finisher Brian Trochenski, minus a bunch of fiberglass finished first off the Greg Shapiro gave it all he had but this race it just wasn't enough, Greg in the Class 1600 fracas, he's seen here flyin' high. podium in the Class 14 contest, he's seen here at one of many landings. finished eighth in the Class 1600 contest at the SNORE 250. Dusty Times November 2012 Page 25

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.. M. .R.E, 7TH ANNUAL POWDER PUFF M0;,11.:i} OfJ-R,ca<t RJeir,g Eoth,1¼1:s.ts Kelly Mather Takes Class 1 & overall By] Preston Bradshaw Photos: Trackside Photo Kelly Mather finished her seven required laps to take the Class 1 win and she was the overall winner as well, she's seen here at high speed. It was a great turnout for the fight against breast cancer. There were 117 entries, all female, all ra-rin' to go and they all gave it every-thing they had. As you may know, half of the entry fee goes to fight breast cancer and both the entries and the race promoter deserve commendations for their efforts and for the dollars they raise for the cause. Unfortunately, only 37 entrants finished all their required laps but it was a great effort for all concerned. · There were 10 cars in the Class 1 contest but only one of them would finish the required laps: when they finished their first lap in the Class 1 action it was Kelly Mather in the class lead, Jennifer Clemison came along a minute later, Kelly Ireland was third car in, Kim Powell ran in the fourth spot and Chelsea Magness rounded out the top five. Keala Chicas was sixth car in, Julie Link was lucky seventh, Jay Eugenio was eighth and Lisa Workentine ran in ninth place. Talya Martin failed to com-plete her first lap. Second lap completed ·and Kel-ly Mather continued to lead the class, Jennifer Clemison remained in second place, she was now less than three minutes in arrears, Kelly Ireland was still in the third spot, Kim Powell was still in fourth place and Chelsea Magness held on in fifth place. Keala Chicas was · still running in sixth place, Julie Link remained in the seventh spot, Jay Eugenio still ran in the eighth ·spot and Lisa Workentinewas run-ning in the ninth spot. Third lap ended and Kelly Mather still led the class 1 ac-tion, Kelly Ireland moved up into second place, she was six minutes behind the leader, Chelsea Mag-ness was up two spots into third place, Chelsea Magness was up a spot into fourth and Kim Powell dropped to fifth place. Julie Link was in sixth place, Keala Chicas dropped to seventh place, Jay Eug_enio remained in eighth place and Lisa Workentine remained in the ninth spot. Fourth lap ended and guess what, Kelly Mather still led the Class 1 contest, Kelly Ireland remained in second place, she was still seven minutes behind Raeann Munoz was the big winner in the Trophy Challenge at the Powderpuff, she had just under two minutes in hand when she took the checkers. the leader, about seven minutes in arrears, Jennifer Clemison was up another spot into third place, Chelsea Magness dropped a spot into fourth and Kim Powell remained in fifth place. Keala Chicas was up a spot into sixth place, Jay Eugenio moved up a spot into seventh, Julie Link dropped two spots into eighth and Lisa Workentine remained in the ninth spot. Their fifth lap ended and Kelly Mather continued to show the way, Kelly Ireland was in second place, she was about 11 minutes in arrears, Chelsea Magness was up a spot into third place, Kim Powell moved up into fourth place, she was another three minutes back and Jay Eugenio was up two places into fifth place. Keala -Chicas held on in sixth place and Julie Link was another minute hack in the seventh spot. Jennifer Clemison and Lisa Workentine were on their respective trailers. Sixth lap, penultimate lap and . it was still Kelly Mather in the class lead, Kelly Ireland remained in second place, she was 23 minutes behind the leader, Kim Powell claimed the third spot, Jay Eugenio W\).S in fourth, Chelsea Magness was in fifth place, less than a min-ute further back and Julie Link was in sixth place, another five min-utes further back. Keala Chicas was out of the race. Seventh Class 1 lap, final lap and Kelly Mather came in for the checkered flag and a really nice Paige Sohren was her class winner at Powderpuff, she was the only five lap finisher, she is seen here at high speed headin' for home. -------------------------Kelly Ireland gave it her all but had to settle for a second place finish in Class 1, Kelly was four minutes and change in arrears at the finish. Brittany Proctor had to settle for the silver medal in the Trophy Challenge action, she was less than two minutes in arrears at the finish. It was a second place finish in Ultra Truck for Jessica Gomez at Powderpuff, she was 14 minutes in arrears at the checkers. The Class 7A gold medal went to Robin Kardos, her really good Julie Meehan was only able to get six laps in during the Class 10 Sigal Greenberg was a bit off the winning pace in the Class 78 looking Jeep moved along swiftly at Powderpuff, seen here at speed. contest, she's seen here just at one of many takeoffs during the race. contest, Sigal took the silver medal in the class for her efforts. -Page 26 November 2012 Dusty Times

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7 Nicole Pitel/ took the gold medal in the Ultra Truck fracas, Nicole had 14 minutes in hand when she took the checkered flag. win. Kelly took overall honors as well. There were no other finish-ers, Kelly Ireland, Kim Powell, Jay Eugenio, Chelsea Magness and Julie Link all had problems on the final lap and were unable to finish their race. The Trophy Challenge vehicles were next up, there were 14 of them rarin' to go, they had five laps to complete for their race and eight of them made all the required laps. At the end of their first lap it was Raeann Munos Andrea Scanlan was the Class 10 winner at Powderpuff, she was the only seven lap finisher, she's seen here leaping through the dust and silt. leading the class, Catelyn Nordby . seventh place belonged to Heather was in second place, she was just Vanderweed, Shawna McClana-less than a minute in arrears, Cori han ran in eighth place, Michelle Thomas was in third place, Britta- Starkey was in ninth place, Traci ny Proctor held down fourth place Cohee was in the 10th spot. Kumil and Kim Smith was in fifth place. Ye was in 11th place and Barbara Kristen Kroll was running sixth, Martin ran in the 12th spot. Caro-lyn Hines failed to complete her first lap and Jana Midkiff did not start the race. Second lap and now it was Bri-tany Proctor in the class lead, Cate-lyn Nordby was in second place, less than a minute in arrears, Cori Thomas ran third, she was another three seconds back, Kristen Croll was first off the podium and Rae-ann Munoz ran in the fifth spot. Kim Smith was running sixth, Heather Vanderweed was lucky seventh, Michele Starkey was in the eighth spot, Traci Cohee ran ninth and Kumil Ye rounded out the top 10. Barbara Martin was running in 11th place and Shawna McClanahan was out of the race. ·Third lap ended and now it was Kristen Kroll leading the class, Catelyn Nordby ran in the second sot, she was six seconds in arrears, Raeann Munoz was up two spots into third, Brittany Proctor ran in fourth place, another second in Continued on page 28 Kimberly Jones took second place honors in the Class _....,...._. •lili:::l~..:.......:=11!!!:..:...__.....t:.:..........,.t:...:.:....::.....:..-..;....J ' _. contest, Kimberly was eight minutes in arrears when she took the Julie Meehan was only able to get five laps in at the Powderpuff, Lacrecia Beurrier gave it her all but this time she had to settle for a checkered flag. she was awarded second place in class, she's seen here flyin' low. second place finish, she was just two minutes out of the class win. Dusty Times WHEEL SIZES 16X4 VW NON BEAOLOCI< • l7X8 TRUCK BEADLOCK GEN 2 ISX8 TRUCK BEA0LOCK ** l7X8 VW BEADLOC~ 17X8 TRUCK SIMULATED LOCK ISXl2 \JW BfADLOCK 15X7 VW BEAOLOCK ISX7 VW NON BEADLOCK ISX4 VW BEAOLOCK ISX4 VW NON BEADLOCK WIERS CA/II Al.SO 8E CUT AND WB.DED TO ctBTOH DIHBISIONS November 2012 Page 27

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ti\ 1 Adrienne Smith drove her really good looking truck to a second place Kim Weddle was only able to get four laps completed at Powderpuff, April Winner only completed four laps in the Class 7A contest, she finish in the Ultra Truck Class, seen here at one of many takeoffs. she finished in second place, seen here just before takeoff. is shown in the second spot on the results, seen here taking off. Jen Williamson was the gold medal winner in the Class 78 action, she's seen here at high speed headin' for the elusive checkered flag. arrears and Cori Thomas was in fifth place, she was another min-ute further back. Kim Smith had sixth place nailed down, Heather Vanderweed ran in the seventh spot, Traci Cohee was in eighth place, Michelle Starkey ran ninth, Kumil Ye was in the 10th spot and Barbara Martin was 11th. Fourth lap, Catelyn Nordby was now the class leader, Raeann Munoz dropped into second place, Brittany Proctor was up a spot into third place, Kristin Croll was run-ning fourth and Kim Smith was up a spot intq fifth. Cori Thomas dropped a spot into sixth, Heather Vanderweed held on in seventh, Traci Cohee remained in eighth place, Kumil Ye ran ninth and Barbara Martin was up a spot into 10th. Michelle Starker was out of the race. Fifth lap, final lap and when the checkers flew it was Raeann Munoz taking a really nice win. Brittany Proctor was second in, she was less than two minutes in arrears, Kim Smith took third place honors, Kristin Croll was fourth to finish and Catelyn Nor-dby wa~ fifth to take the checkers. Headier Vanderweed finished in sixth place, Kumil Ye was lucky seventh and Traci Cohee was the eighth and final finisher. Cori Thomas and Barbara Martin failed to complete their final lap. There were four vehicles en-tered, they had five laps to run for their race but only one of them would see the checkered flag. At Tanya Kirkmeyer was the only one in her class to complete the seven required laps, she took her gold medal with two laps on her competition. Emme Hall took the honors in the Class 1/2-1600 action, Emme had eight minutes in hand when she took the checkers, seen here at speed. the end of their first lap it was Paige Sohren leading the class, Kristy Lee was running in the second spot, she was one minute in arrears, Brittany Starr ran in third place, she was just under six seconds in arrears and Loreen Be-lansky was in fourth place. Their second lap ended and it was still Paige Sohren leading the way, Loreen BeJi nsky had moved up into second' place, Brittany Starr remained in third place and Kristy Lee had a long lap and dropped into fourth place. Their third lap came to an end and it was still Paige Sohren leading the class, Loreen Belansky remained in the second spot, Brit-tany Starr still ran in third place and Kristy Lee was out of the race. Their fourth lap ended and Paige Sohren continued to lead the class, Loreen Belansky was still running second and Brittanu Starr remained in the third spot. Fifth lap, final lap and when the checkers flew it was Paige Sohren taking a very nice win, Loreen Belansky and Brittany Starr failed to complete their final lap. _ The Ultra Truck Class had 12 entrants, they had six laps to run for their race but only two of them would complete the required laps. Nicole Pitell had the class lead when they completed their first lap, Jessica Gomez ran in the sec-ond spot, she was two minutes and change behind the leader, Adina Byma ran in third place, she was Jessi Kohrell was the big class winner this day, she took first place honors and was two minutes ahead of her competition at the flag. another two minutes in arrears, Bree Cloud was in fourth place and Brittany Sloane took fifth place honors. Andrea Coello ran in the sixth spot, Demoree Deo-cales was running in seventh spot, Shelly Desautels was in eighth place, Wendy Evans was in ninth place and Darice Gilliam rounded out the top 10. Trisha Fox was in 11th place and Elly Lemaster was in the 12th spot. Second lap ended and Nicole Pitell still led the class, Jessica Go-mez still ran second in class, Adina Byma remained in third place, Bree Cloud was still in fourth place and Andrea Coello was up to fifth place. Wendy Evans was up three spots into sixth place, Trisha Fox was up four places into sev-enth, Shelly Desautels remained in eighth place, Elly Lemaster was up three places into ninth, Darice Gilliam remained in 10th place and Demoree Deocales dropped four spots into 11th place. Brittany Sloane was out of the race. Their third lap ended and Ni-cole Pitell still led the class, Jessica Gomez remained in second place, she was six minutes in arrears, Adi-na Byma was in third place, Bree Cloud held on in fourth place and Wendy Evans was up a spot into fifth place. Trisha Fox was up a spot into sixth place, Shelly De-sautels was up a spot into seventh place and Elly Lemaster was up a spot into eighth. Andrea Coello, Darice Gilliam and Demoree Deo-cales were all out of the race. Fourth lap and Nicole Pitell still led the class, Jessica Gomez remained in second place, Adina Byma remained in third place, she was 18 minutes behind the leader, Trisha Fox was up two places into fourth and Wendy Evans held on in the fifth spot. Shelly Desautels was up a spot into sixth place, Elly Lemaster ran in seventh place and Bree Cloud ran in the eighth spot. Nicole Pitell remained in the lead after the fifth lap was com-pleted, Jessica Gomez remained in second place, she was six minutes in arrears, Adina Byma remained in third place, she was 32 minutes behind the class leader, Wendy Ev-ans was up a spot into fourth, Bree Kim Powell was only able to complete six of seven laps in the Class 1 action, seen here on the hard pack going terribly fast. Kim Smith was the third place finisher in the Trophy Challenge at Adina Byma was the third place finisher in the Ultra Truck fracas, Powderpuff, she was just a few minutes behind the class winner. Adina is seen here flying her way to the finish line. Page 28 November 2012 Dusty Times

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Gaby Godde came up a lap short in the Class 10 contest, Gaby is shown in third place on the results, here just taking off. A third place finish in class went to Renee Hudson at Powderpuff, Cheyanne Bokelman gave it everything she and her buggy had but Renee was only seven minutes behind the class winner at the she had to settle for a third place finish in the 1600 battle. _ch_e_c_k_er_s_. __________________ _ Cloud was another two minutes back in fifth place and Trisha Fox held on in the sixth spot. Shelly Desautels and Elly Lemaster were on their respective trailers. Sixth lap, final lap and when the checkered flag flew it was none other than Nicole Pi tell taking a really great win, Jessica Gomez took second place honors, she was 14 minutes in arrears when she took the checkered flag. Adina Byma, Wendy Evans, Bree Cloud and Trisha Fox failed to complete the final lap. Cynthia Lazenby was the first lap leader in the Class 5 competi-tion, there were three cars entered in the class and they had five laps to run for their race, Lisa Dague was in second spot, she was just less than five minutes in arrears and Bev Adams was in third place. Heather Crespo drove her truck to the class win at Powderpuff, Heather had eight Christine Harper was the class 5/1600 winner, she was the only five lap finisher minutes on her competition when she took the checkers. in the class, she's seen here headin' for the checkered flag. Cynthia Lazenby continued to lead the class on their second lap, Bev Adams carried on in the second spot and Lisa Dague held ✓on in third place. There w~re no position changes on the third and fourth laps. Fifth lap, final lap and Cynthia ·Lazenby came in for·a nice Class 5 win. Bev Adams aii.d Lisa Dague were unable to complete their fifth lap. ' ·There was only one vehicle entered in the Class 7 A contest. Robin K~rdos completed her four required .laps in just over three hours and took the checkered flag with'ease. There were 11 cars entered in the Class 10 contest, they had seven laps to go for a finish and only one of them would make it all the way. At the end of their first lap it was Andrea Scanlan leading the class, Kathy Kirkmeyer was sec-ond, she was less than a minute in arrears, Gaby Godde was running in third place, she was anothe.r minute and change further back, Julie Meehan was running fourth, she was less than a minute further back and Kelly Walden held down the fifth spot. Robyn McMullin was in sixth place, Holli Berchard was lucky seventh, Kandice Kirk-meyer ran in the eighth spot, Pa-mela Hall was running ninth and Barbara Knott was in 10th place. Vanessa Garcia did not start the race. Second lap ended and Andrea Scanlan still led the class, Kathy Kirkmeyer remained in second place, she was less than two min-utes in arrears, Gaby Godde ran in third place, she was another two minutes in arrears, Julie Meehan was in fourth place, she was an-other' 1two minutes back and Kelly Walden was in fifth place, she was 10 minutes behind the class leader. Robyn McMullin was a close sixth place, Holli Berchard was in sev-en th spot, Kandice Kirkmeyer remained in eighth place, Pamela Hall ran ninth and Barbara Knott held down 10th place. Third lap, Andrea Scanlan still held the class lead, Kathy Kirk-meyer was in second place, Gaby Godde was running in the third spot, Julie Meehan remained in fourth place and Kandice Kirk-meyer moved into fifth place. Kelly Walden dropped into sixth place, Pamela Hall was up a few spots into seventh place, Barbara Knott ran eighth and Holli Berchard was in ninth place. Robyn McMullin was on her trailer. Andrea Scanlan continued to lead on the fourth lap, Kathy Kirkmeyer still ran in the second spot, Julie Meehan remained in third place, Gaby Godde dropped The Class 7A win went to Erin Wahl, she was the only five lap finisher in the class, Erin is seen here launching her truck towards the finish line. Dusty Times a spot into fourth place and Kan-d ice Kirkmeyer held on in the fifth spot. Kelly Walden remained in sixth place, Pamela Hall ran seventh and Barbara Knott was in eighth place. Holli Berchard was out of the race. Fifth lap ended and Andrea Scanlan continued to lead the class, Julie Meehan moved into second place, she was 12 minutes 1n arrears, G~H Goode moved into third place, she was anoth~r six minutes and change further back, Kandice Kirkmeyer was up another spot into fourth, she was another three minutes back and Pamela Hall was up two spots into fifth place. Kelly Walden remained in the sixth spot, Kathy Kirkmeyer dropped to sevt;nth place with a long lap time and Barbara Knott remained in the eighth spot. Sixth lap ended and Andrea Scanlan still continued to lead the class, Julie Meehan remained in second place, she was 11 tninu~es in arrears, Gaby Godde was still in third place, she was another 11 minutes in arrears and Pamela Hall moved into fourth place. Kan-dice Kirkmeyer, Kathy Kirkmeyer, Kelly Walden and Barbara Knott failed to complete their sixth lap. Seventh lap ended, Andrea Scanlan came in for a well de-served win and, she was the only car to finish the race. Julie Mee-han, Gaby Goode and Pamela Hall all had major problems on the last lap and were unable to complete their last lap. "· , - · ''The Class 7B' contest only had two competitors":· they h:ad five laps Continued on page 30 we would Like t'o eong,at'ulat'e SCORE Baja 500 MORE Freedom 250 Gavin Skilton 1st Place Class 6 Timmy & Tommy Craig 1st Place 1/2-1600 & Class 12 RPM Racing Clyde Stacey/Thomas & Ramon Fernandez 1st Place 5·1600 Tom Koch 2nd Place Class 10 GUAW, Smokin' Wheels Joey Chrisostomo/Aleander M. Smith Running a Field's Automatic 2nd overall ~e~ us Pu~ You In The Wlnne,rs e1,e1er 818-998-2739 9763 VARIEL AVENUE, CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 November 2012 Page 29 I I; I , Ir I

Page 30

-----------------------------------------·-· - ·-..r Bobbi Shain heads into a dust cloud as she heads for the checkered flag, Bobbi was the only one in her class to complete all the required laps. to run for their race and they both completed all their required laps. At the end of their first lap it was Sigal Greenberg in the lead, Jen Williamson ran second, she was less than two minutes in arrears. Second lap, the roles were re-versed, Jen Williamson led the class and Sigal Greenberg had dropped to second place, she was a minute and change in arrears. There were no position changes for the next three laps and Jen Williamson took the class win and Sigal Greenberg took second place honors. Next up were the Class ½-1600 troops, there were seven of them entered and four of them would complete the required five laps. At the end of their first lap it was Kimberly Jones leading the class, Emme Hall was in second place, she was less than a minute in arrears, Cheyanne Bokelman ran in the third spot, she was less than three minutes further back, Tamara Myers was fourth, another minute back and Carrie Price was in fifth place. Sandy Goff was in the sixth spot and Emily Shapiro was in seventh spot. Second lap ended and now it was Emme Hall leading the class, Kimberly Jones dropped to second place, she was three minutes in arrears, Tamara Myers ran in third place, she was another six minutes in arrears, Cheyanne Bokelman was fourth, another minute and change further back and Carrie Price ran in the fifth spot. Sandy Goff remained in sixth place and Emily Shapiro remained in the seventh spot. Third lap came to an end and Emme Hall continued to lead the class, Kimberly Jones remained in second place, she was eight and a half minutes in arrears, Cheyanne Bokelman was up a spot into third place, Tamara Myers dropped to fourth place and Sandy Goff moved into fifth place. Carrie Price dropped to sixth place and Emily Shapiro held on in the sev-enth spot. Fourth lap came to an end and it was still Emme Hall leading the class, Kimberly Jones remained in second place, she was nine min-utes behind the leader, Cheyanne Bokelman still ran in third place, she was another two minutes back, Tamara Myers was still in fourth place, she was another 10 minutes in arrears, Sandy Goff remained fifth and Emily Shapiro was sixth, another 10 minutes back. Carrie Price had problems and was out of the race. Final lap and when the check-ers flew it was Emme Hall taking a really nice win, Kimberly Jones was second to finish, Cheyanne Bokel-man took third place honors and Tamara Myers was the fourth and final finisher. Sandy Goff and Em-ily Shapiro had problems and were unable to complete their final lap. There were 18 vehicles entered in the next race, there were six laps The Class 9 win went to Kelly Brown at Powderpuff, Kelly was the only one in class to complete all the required laps. to run for their race and, believe it or not, there was only one fin-isher! When their first lap ended it was Tanya Kirkmeyer leading the pack, Emily Alberg ran second, she was only seconds behind the leader, Julie Meehan was third, she was another minute back, Christy Sizelove was in fourth place, she was less than a minute further back and Tami Montes was fifth, she was another two minutes in arrears. In sixth place was Bree Cloud, Danielle Busk was in sev-enth place, Courtney, Collins ran in eighth place, Tamara Meyers was in ninth place and Laura Mortensen rounded out the top 10. Cheyanne Bokelman was in 11th place, Shauna Hadley made it an even dozen, Madison Dormack was in 13th place, Nicole Ward was 14th and Barbara Martin was in 15th place. Janna Midkiff was 16th and Sue Tjelmeland was in the 17th spot. Vanessa Garcia failed to complete her first lap. Second lap and now it was Julie Meehan leading the class, Christy Sizelove moved into second place, she was 10 seconds in arrears, Tanya Kirkmeyer dropped to third place, she was another second back, Tami Montes was up a spot into fourth and Bree Cloud was in the fifth spot. Courtney Col-lins ran in the sixth spot, Danielle Busk ran in seventh place, Emilee Alberg was in eighth place, Tamara Meyers was in ninth place and Laura Mortenson was in the 10th spot. Shauna Hadley was 11th, Barbara Martin made it an even dozen, Nicole Ward was in 13th spot, Janna Midkiff ran 14th and Madison Dormack was in the 15th spot. Cheyanne Bokelman and Sue Tjelmeland were on their respective trailers. Third lap and Tanya Kirkmeyer once again was back in the lead, Christy Sizelove remained in sec-ond place, she was mere seconds in arrears, Julie Meehan dropped into third place, Tami Montes ran in fourth and Emilee Alberg was in fifth place. Bree Cloud was running in the sixth spot, Courtney Collins was in seventh place, Laura Mortensen ran in eighth place, Danielle Busk was ninth and Tamara Meyers held down 10th place. Shauna Hadley was in 11th place, Barbara Martin was 12th, Nicole Ward was in 13th place, Janna Midkiff ran 14th and Madison Dormack was in 15th place. Fourth lap, Tanya Kirkmeyer continued to lead the pack, Julie Meehan was up a spot into second place, Emily Alberg was up two spots into third, Courtney Col-lins was up three spots into fourth place and Bree Cloud was up a spot into fifth place. Danielle Busk moved up three places into sixth, Laura Mortenson was up one spot into seventh, Tamara Meyers was up two spots into eighth, Barbara Martin moved into ninth place, Janna Midkiff was into 10th place and Tami Montes dropped to 11th place with major problems. Christy Sizelove, Nicole Ward and Madison Dormack were all out of the race. Tanya Kirkmeyer still led the class at the end of their fifth lap, Ju-lie Meehan held on in second place, Courtney Collins was up a spit into third place, Bree Cloud moved into fourth place and Danielle Busk was in fifth place. Laura Mortensen was in the sixth spot and Tamara Mey-ers was running in the seventh spot. Emilee Alberg, Barbara Martin, Janna Midkiff and Tami Montes were all out of the race. Sixth lap, final lap and only one vehicle took the checkered flag, Tanya Kirkmeyer, tl\ere was a mass exodus on lap five and only Tanya was left running. There were 11 cars in this class, they had four laps to run for their race and fully seven of them made it all the way. When their first lap ended it was Jessi Kohrell lead-ing the bunch, Renee Hudson was running in the second spot, she was less than three minutes in arrears, Lacrecia Beurrier was another 10 seconds in arrears, Christy McGuffin was in fourth place, she was less than a minute in arrears and Joann Gonzales ran in the fifth spot. Angie Sripoona was in sixth place, Michelle Camp-bell was lucky seventh, Amanda Walker ran in the eighth spot, Christene Gregg was in ninth place, Tammy Faulkner was 10th and Christana Perkins ran in 11th place. Second lap ended and Jessi Kohrell still led the class, Lacrecia Beurrier remained in second spot, she was three minutes behind the leader, Christy McGuffin was up a spot into third place, An-gie Sripoona was running fourth and Renee Hudson was in the fifth spot. Michelle Campbell was running in sixth place, Christna · Perkins was lucky seventh, Tammy Faulkner ran in the eighth spot and Amanda Walker was running in ninth place. Joann Gonzales and Christine Gregg were out of the race. Jessi Kohrell continued to lead on the third_ lap, Lucrecia Beurrier Melissa Berg drove her Toyota to a third place finish at Powderpuff, It was a fourth place finish in Class 1 for Jay Eugenio, Jay finished Kristen Croll finished first off the podium in the Trophy Challenge she's seen here just at takeoff on her way to the checkered flag. 57 seconds behind the Class winner, seen here chargin' hard. action, Kristin was less than three minutes out of the class win . Wendy Evans lost her hood and fenders but she carried on to take a Pamela Hall drove her super good looking car to a fourth place finish Tamara Myers was the fourth place finisher in the Class 1600 contest, fourth place finish in the Ultra Truck action, here at speed. in the Class 10 action, seen here just before touchdown. Tamara was a bit over half an hour in arrears at the checkers. Page 30 November 2012 Dusty Times -,

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r Catelyn Nordby raced her black beauty to a fifth place finish in the Angie Sripoona finished first off the podium in her class, she is shown Chelsea Magness raced in Class 1 with her truck, Chelsea finished Trophy Challenge, Catelyn was less than three minutes behind the here at high speed as she heads for the elusive finish line. in fifth place, she is seen here at speed on the course. class leader. ;::============================ Bree Cloud missed her last lap at Powderpuff in the Ultra Truck race, she is seen here flyin' towards the checkered flag. Tammy Faulkner finished fifth in class at Powderpuff, she is seen Trisha Fox drove her GMC pickup to a sixth place finish in the Ultra here at one of many landings as she traversed the course. Truck action, Trisha was 11 minutes behind the class winner. ran in the second spot, she was Flowers and Jennifer four minutes and change in ar-White were unable to rears, Renee Hudson was up two finish their last lap. places into third, Angie Sripoona There were five remained in fourth place and Tam- entries in the 5/1600 my Faulkner was up three places race, they had to com-into fifth. Michelle Campbell plete five laps for a remained in sixth place, Amanda finish and only one Walker was up two places into of them would see the seventh and Christy McGuffin checkered flag. Tricia dropped from third to eighth place Snyder was the first with some problems. Christina lap leader, Christine Perkins was out of the race. Harper was second in, Fourth lap, final lap and when she was half a minute the checkered flag flew it was Jessi in arrears, Kim Wed-Kohrell taking a really nice win, die ran in third place, Lucrecia Beurrier was second to Stephanie Lozano was Michelle Campbell was the sixth place finisher in class at the Amanda Walker finished in seventh place at the Powderpuff race, finish, Renee Hudson was third in fourth place and Powderpuff race, she's seen here scootin' across the hardpan. she is seen here at speed on her way to the checkered flag. in, Angie Sripoona finished in the Theresa Smith was in fifth place. Fifth lap ended, there was only · she was another eight minutes Fourth lap, final lap and when fourth spot and Tammy Faulkner There were no lead changes on one finisher, Erin Wahl and she back, Brandi Hernandez was in the checkers flew it was Kelly finished in fifth place. Michelle the second lap. took the win in 3:33: 10 with an av-fourth place, another 34 minutes Brown right there to receive first Campbell was sixth to finish and At the completion of their third erage speed of 32.4mph. Congrats. back and Jane Robidoux was in place honors. Kelly was the only Amanda Walker was the seventh lap it was Christene Harper in Bobbi Shain led the pack on fifth place, she was another eight finisher, Rhonda Placencia, Aman-and final finisher. Christy McGuf- the lead, Tricia Snyder fell a spot the first lap in the truck race, there minutes in arrears. da MacDonald, Jane Robidoux fin failed to complete her final lap. into second place, Kim Weddle re-were three of them entered but Second lap and Amanda Mac-and Brandi Hernandez all sue-The Ultra Truck group con- mained in third place and Stepha- only one would see the checkered Donald continued to lead the cumbed to some ailment and were sisted of seven vehicles, they had nie Lozano held on in the fourth flag. Cara Moore ran in second group, Kelly Brown continued in all dnf's. four laps to run for their race and spot. Theresa Smith was among place, she was nine minutes be-second place, she was less than Only the Class 11 contest was three of them were able to make the missing. hind the leader and Rebel Roglin two minutes behind, Rhonda Pia-left, there was only one entry, it all the way. When their first Fourth lap, Christene Harper was in third place, another minute cencia remained in the third spot, Michelle Silcock, she had three lap ended it was Jennifer White continued to lead the class, Kim and change in arrears. she was 37 minutes further back, laps to run for her race and she showing the way, Adrienne Smith Weddle moved up into second Second lap concluded and Bob- Jane Robidoux was up a spot into did them all with ease. Michelle ran in, she was three place while Tricia Snyder fell out of bi Shain continued to lead the fourth place and Brandi Hernan-ran each lap in less than an hour minutes in arrears, Brandi Flowers the race. Tricia Snyder and Stepha- class, Cara Moore held on in the dez held on in fifth place. and finished her race in 2:50:53 was third, she was another two sec-nie Lozano were out of the race. second spot but she was now 18 Third lap, Kelly Brown took over Well done! onds in arrears, Melissa Berg was Fifth lap last lap and when the minutes in arrears and Rebel she as the class leader, Rhonda Placen-And so it ended, another Pow-in fourth place and Julie Pierce ran checkered flag was waved it was was now 21 minutes behind the cia moved up into the second spot, der Puff event in the books. A big in the fifth spot. Heather Crespo Christene Harper taking a very class leader. Amanda MacDonald had some thanks to all who participated and was sixth and Marlo Beeman was nice win. Kim Weddle was off the There were no position changes problems and dropped to third as soon as we get the$ figures from in seventh place. scoring charts. on the third lap. place, Jane Robidoux remained in MORE we'll get it in print for you. Second lap ended and now it The Class 7 A event was five Their fourth lap ended and fourth place and Brandi Hernandez Again, thanks for participating, it was Brandi Flowers in the class laps in length and there were (ive Bobbi Shain was still leading, Cara continued on in fifth lace. will all come back to lead, Adrienne Smith remained people going after the class win. Moore held on in second place but in second place, Jennifer White When they came around at the she was now 32 minutes behind slipped to third place, Melissa end of their first lap it was Tabitha the leader. Rebel ·Roglin was on Berg held on in fourth place and Torfi in the class lead, Erin Wahl her trailer. Heather Crespo ran in the fifth was five minutes back in second Fifth lap, final lap and when spot. Julie Pierce and Marlo Bee- place, April Winner ran in the the checkered flag flew it was man were on their trailers. third spot and Martee Burke was Bobbi Shain taking a really nice On the third lap Adrienne the fourth place finisher. Suzi win. Cara Moore did not complete Smith moved into first place, Chaffin failed to complete her her final lap. Brandi Flowers dropped to sec- first lap. There were five cars entered ond place, Melissa Berg moved On the second lap Erin Wahl in the Class 9 conflict, they had into third place, Heather Crespo moved into the class lead, April four laps to run for their race and, moved up to fourth place and Jen-Winner was up a spot into second alas, here too, only one car would nifer White dropped to fifth place. place, Martee Burke was up a make all the required laps. At Fourth lap, final lap and it was spot into third and Tabitha Torfe the finish of their first lap it was Heather Crespo taking the class dropped to fourth place suffering Amanda MacDonald in the class win, Adrienne Smith dropped from an hour and a half lap time. lead, Kelly Brown ran in second into second place and Melissa Berg There were no position changes place, she was four minutes in ar-took bronze medal honors. Brandi on the third or fourth lap. rears, Rhonda Placencia was third, Dusty Times November 2012 Michelle Si/cock was the only class 11 car entered in the race, she cruised around for her three required laps and went home with a gold medal. Page 31

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lJ\J2C:54™ RALLY ITALIA· SARDINIA Hirvanen/Citraen Triumph By Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden Mikko Hirvonen and Jarmo Lehtinen captured the gold medal at the 54th Rally Italia, seen here in their Citroen DS3 before an admiring crowd. Mikko Hirvonen gained his first WRC win for Citroen after an extraordinary four-day Rally Ita-lia Sardegna in which the newly re-crowned world champion Sebastien Loeb and both Ford team drivers Jari-Matti Latvala and Petter Solberg went off the road. The plights of the top drivers left younger drivers fighting for second place, headed by 22 year old Evgeniy Novikov fol-lowed by 24 year old Ott Tanak (his first ever podium result) and 24 year old Mads Ostberg. There were two special stars of the show. Firstly Ost-berg who was the fastest driver on the stages, finishing fourth despite delays because of a broken subframe and a broken rear differential. and his points "at the end of the event put him third and again the top placed non Citroen driver in the drivers championship, despite miss, ing two events this year. Second star was the VW team's S2000 driver Sebastien Ogier, scoring an outright scratch time against world rally cars, the first time this had happened for more than 30 months, and finish-ing ahead of more than half the WRC cars on the event. The WRC crews are based in the Mediterranean for the two final rounds of the 2012 season starting with Rally Italia Sardegna on the island of Sardinia followed three weeks later in Spain for Ral-ly Catalunya-Costa Daurada, the · former all gravel and the latter a mixed surface event but mostly on asphalt. Sardinia was the last event to be nominated for the FIA's 2012 series, substituting for a proposed new event in Sicily as late as Febru-ary this year. Although having been run in Sardinia satisfactorily on seven previous occasions, this year the calendar date offered by the FIA was later than before and un-comfortably within a crush of other top line rally events in Italy. Also its out-of-season date made travel by air and ferry to and from the island problematic. The pressure of Italian rallies did not affect regular WRC drivers but with only two weeks since the Rallye de France left little more than five days for rebuild-ing the cars. Most teams used the same cars on both events. Entries finally closed with 43 crews entered with a high empha-sis on quality - more than half the crews were registered championship competitors, but there was a major shortfall of Italian crews. There were only 12 privateer Italians, half of them residents of the island, and no regular CIR (the Premier nation-al series) competitors because the event fell on the weekend between the qualifying events in Sanremo on t, j I ' Photographers flirting with disaster to get a shot of Chris Atkinson and Stephane Prevot in their John Cooper Works Mini which finished 6th overa/1. the mainland and one week later at Costa Smeralda, also in Sardin-ia. At the moment only one driver planned to contest both Rally Ita-lia and Costa Smeralda, Giuseppe Dettori, because he is fighting for second place in the gravel Italian championship. Entries for Costa Smeralda finally close the week before that rally. Three registered WRC teams Citroen Junior, Adap-ta and Brazil named Sardinia as an event on which they did not un-dertake to enter, although Adapta driver Mads Ostberg competed but was not registered for Manufactur-ers' points. Regular Citroen Junior team driver Thierry Neuville also took part, driving for the second time this year the car entered by the Qatar WRT in place of the absent Nasser Al Attiyah. Sardina promised to be a lei-surely event, with special stages spaced over four rather than three days, and with a total stage distance almost the shortest of the champi-onship season. The first and last days featured one stage venue, each tackled twice, with the interim days each having three venues tackled twice. Main feature this year was the return to popular stages in the Sassari region of north-west Sardin-ia, notably the 14km Tergu-Osilo stage, often used in the golden days of the old Costa Smeralda Rallies, and often more recently as a zone for testing by WRC teams and by tyre companies. Prodrive have fond memories of this stage which was featured on the Rally Costa Smeralda in 1994, which was the scene of the first win for the Subaru Impreza, with Piero Liatti. The Qualifying Stage was run over a new 3.17km section. The driver running order selection ob-jectives were not clear, and would probably depend largely on the conditions of the stages. The year that Latvala won the rally, 2009, he ran first car on the road on the final day - and avoided the hanging dust which hampered other drivers. The plateau over which the two opening stages were run was the same area where Latvala discovered the char-acteristics of the local climate. Last year Sebastien Loeb ran first car on the road all the time and won the event! If conditions are dry, dust hanging in the air on the stages would be a major factor, overriding the usual concerns of stage clean-ing. There was unusually very little time on the Thursday for teams to define their preferred running or-der between the end of Qualifying and leaving for the first two stages-of the rally. And the shortness of the QS meant that performance on every centimetre of the track would be critical, but then the running or-der selected by drivers only applied to the two Thursday stages. On this event the prime tyre. was the hard compound and pre-ferred tyres would largely depend on temperature and weather condi-tions. If the temperatures are low or it is wet, then all ten available soft compound tyres were bound to be re-used, and the teams would find themselves engaged in complicated cross-tyre fitting systems. Although the central service park was at the O lbia port, the Performance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use ~ 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding &Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks Quality Products & Friendly Service RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-0759 • 15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX us to Receive a Free Catalog VISA ~-------------------------------------------------------~ Page 32 November 2012 Dusty Times

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ll Over the rocks and gravel, Nicholas Fuchs and Fernando Mussano drove their Subaru lmpreza to a 14th place overall in the Italian Rally. headquarters and the media cen-tre were 32km away at the pictur-esque port of Porto Cervo. The Power Stage was run unusually on a Sunday morning and the finish at Porto Cervo was Sunday lunch-time. With the two major WRC titles already secured in Rallye de France, attention was now focussed on the Production Car support championship, which was headed by the Mitsubishi Ralliart Italia driv-ers Mexican Benito Guerra and Pol-ish Michal Kosciuszko. This series promised to be a close fight to the end, which will be at the final WRC event in Spain. Free practice was a strange affair, with Loeb running three seconds quicker than anyone else uni! right at the end when Thierry Neuville, making the last run, suddenly made a time 1.8 second slower than the champion. When it came to the Qualifying Stage itself however the times were very considerably faster except for two drivers, Neuville who fluffed his start and Nobre who went into a tree. So the Ford drivers Latvala and Solberg were the fastest, ahead of Loeb, Novikov and Hirvonen. Dust -or road cleaning? These were assumed to be the guiding factors concerning running order selection process, but in fact there was a third factor, possible dark-ness. Latvala declared that the encroaching nightfall (sundown was due to be 53 minutes after the second stage was due to start) meant that running at the front of the field would be more of an advantage than the disadvantage of having cleaner road surfaces. In the end Latvala went first, Tanak second, Solberg third, Novikov fourth and Loeb fifth ahead of his teammate Hirvonen. The ceremonial start was held outside the Olbia city hall, in a delightful presentation with young local school children. Jari-Matti Latvala ana Miikka Anttila flew their Ford Fiesta RS before an admiring crowd, they were the 12th overall finishers. Day 1 (Thursday) 2 Stages -Gravel - 56.28kms 41 cars started, the only cham-pionship absentee being Ramona Karlsson, still unable to find a Mit-subishi to replace her car that was burned out in New Zealand, and a private Citroen R3 driver. The WRC and the two official VW entered Skodas were run at two minute intervals, others at one min-ute, save that Ogier running behind Nobre, and Karl Kruuda running behind Louise Cook were both given four minutes! Running order was one choice to be made before the event, tyre com-pound was another. Many of the top drivers surprisingly squandered some of the very limited supply of softs on the first two stages. Latva-la: "These stages are so sandy, after recent rains they will probably be softer than we have seen the stages in other years, when the rally was run earlier in the year. The condi-tions are too sandy to make the hard tyres work properly." But was there a risk the soft tyres would be worn out through the 56km of stage? "In fact, Michelins are very good at keeping their grip even when they are really worn." Loeb was not quite so sure as Latvala about the running order. Loeb: "I don't think it will be so dusty on stage 2, it was really quite humid on the stages during recce." Jari-Matti Latvala was mentally prepared to lose ten seconds to the opposition the first time through before enjoying superior conditions second time through, but Sebas-tien Loeb was 15.3 seconds faster than Latvala and Mikko Hirvonen 13.9s. Latvala found himself lying fifth. Mads Ostberg was in line to match Hirvonen but was slowed with damaged steering arm. Ott Tanak took hard tyres and suffered for it. Martin Prokop used hard compound DMack tyres and over-heated his brakes. Chris Atkinson had no tyre problems with his softs but he was unhappy with the han-dling and felt unable to push. Stage 2 was a disaster for Lat-vala. Following drivers did not find dust a problem at all, though they had worse light conditions, made worse when there was an eight minute delay at the start of the stage. Then Latvala had a front-left puncture, caused by a rock breaking a wheel which allowed air to es-cape. Hirvonen made best time on the stage, so that Loeb led the rally on the return to Olbia by 1.1 second from his teammate with Latvala lying sixth, 42.1 seconds behind the leaders. Mads Ostberg then had more trouble, when his cross member broke, dropping him from fourth to fifth now behind Thierry Neuville. Loeb was completely con-tent, "Number 5 was my preferred running place, it was perfect." In the PCWRC, the Subarus of Nicolas Fuchs, who completely lost his brakes, and Marcos Ligato went ahead of the Mitsubishis of Michal Kosciuszko and Benito Guerra as both suffered brake troubles. Loren-zo Bertelli stopped on the first stage with engine failure after only 10km and retired. Then there was drama on stage 2 when both Guerra and Kosciuszko stopped on the stage within 200 metres of each other after hitting the same tree stump on the edge of the road. On the return to Olbia, Fuchs had increased his lead from 1.4 seconds to 9.0. Sub-han Aksa had to drive 20km on a flat tyre. In S2000 cars Ogier was already Continued on page 34 (~::J(Uq,:W'i· ..... 19=""✓,,, (KC)KC HiliTES www. M EX IC AN 1 0 0 0. coM • www. FACE Boo K. coM1N or r a Fan Page Mexicali XXAyl.tflt.rnffoto Dusty Times November 2012 Page 33

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,-Evgeniy Novikov and Ilka Minor navigate a tight trail in their Ford Fiesta At full right lock, Ott Tanak and Kuldar Sikk finessed their Ford Fiesta Marcos Ligato and Ruben Garcia were the 15th place overall winners RS, they were second overall to finish in the Italian Rally. RS to a third place overall in Italy, seen here scratching gravel. in Italy, seen here before an admiring crowd in their Subaru lmpreza. lying 11th and 12th overall after soft tyres, Thierry Neuville carried lose concentration. This incident are not cleaning as much as you and Mikkelsen, taking it all in stages 1 and 2, ahead of Kruuda two hard spares. On the first stage gave Hirvonen the lead. Shortly af-would expect." Hirvonen arrived at good humour, "This car was not who was 13th, despite being delayed Luca Pedersoli went off the road .for terwards Neuville was upside down the end of the stage with badly worn designed for front-wheel-drive" he by Louise Cook -and who was given 40 seconds or so, Martin Prokop in the middle of the road, losing six front tyres, but was fastest on the quipped. Paulo Nobre reached the an extra two minutes gap before the survived a big spin, but then came minutes before he could continue, stage. Prokop was unhappy with end of the final stage of the day with second stage. Ogier then had ·a rear the rally leader. For the first time elevating Qstberg, notwithstanding continued electronic troubles with a radiator broken on the famous puncture for the last 2km of stage 2. this season when Sebastien Loeb his stage 2 troubles, into a podium the car. Chris Atkinson was in de-mid-stage jump and stopped at Day 2 (Friday) 6 Stages - Gravel was driving without pressure, he position. Neuville's damage was spair, dropping behind Ott Tanak. the control fearful that driving the - 117.36kms went off the road. The tail slid not too severe though the driver The rally now moved on to two 81km to service could only wreck The main talking point at the wide on a left hander, hit a rock and hurt his hand trying to push the car new stages near Sassari for two the engine. Prokop arrived with a Friday restart was Ford's drivers' spun the front off the road which back onto its wheels. He now had particularly tricky stages each done front left puncture while Hirvonen preferences for early running order broke the steering. Another stage burns on his right hand in addition twice. First time through Castel- arrived with a comfortable lead of positions which went badly wrong 3 accident, just like in Portugal to burns sustained the previous sardo saw the end of Latvala's chal- over a minute, "I really now need for Jari-Matti Latvala. The weather earlier this year. He blamed an weekend in Belgium, and when lenge. He tried to bisect a junction to be careful. There are rocks ev-was uncertain with cloud and some incorrect pacenote which caused he found the power steering was in the road near the start of the erywhere at the side of the roads fog on higher ground, but the tern- him to hit a stone on the exit of a damaged he withdrew. "I burned stage, hit a bank and broke the waiting to be hit!" So Novikov was peratures were rising fast. There corner and spin. He tried to carry my hand on the bodywork, but we radiator then went off the road second, Tanak, making up for his was reverse running order system on but realised the steering was also had lost a lot of. oil when the again. He later explained that he bad tyre choice the evening before, for the 12 World Rally Cars for completely broken and was unable car was upside down, so for all these had been distracted, "I could see was third, Ogier in the S2000 Skoda the day, with Paulo Nobre running to continue. Later Loeb explained reasons we decided to stop for the steam coming out from the bonnet was fourth. first car through the stages. Tyre the reason for the mistake was that day." Conditions continued to be after I had gone off the road earlier, The overnight PCWRC leader choices: Citroen, Ford and VW he had a puncture at that place tricky. Novikov: "It is too slippery I then went off the road again, and Nicolas Fuchs had a lot of brake drivers all chose to run with just five during recce and this caused him to to try to push." Latvala: "The stages the car ended up stuck on a pile of troubles and dropped a half minute PINCH BOSSES II UNIBAll CUPS ~) 2BBI lESAl BA /~ · IA1ll 1Et•l1J(i: ~ ~ -"-----,, -B-Cll If lvJ HUTCIIIIB 'ff Page 34 IUEl SAil RACING CEllS -- = ~ " ~ .,,.., ""' ... "' .... - -"' ,., ........ ---RACE RADIOS 9.~ KENWOOD !71:?: November 2012 rocks by a gatepost. It was a young behind Marcos Ligato on the first driver mistake." Evgeniy Novikov stage of the day, while at the back of and Tanak were up to fourth and the field Benito Guerra was driving fifth followed by Atkinson who extremely cautiously and was now admitted having to take risks to towards a minute behind his cham-keep up. Prokop was bemused with pionship rival. Then Ligato had a the conditions - slippery just like broken brake caliper which dropped Sweden, not helped by having no him a minute behind Fuchs. Sub-representative lines on the road to han Aksa went off the road and lost follow and he spun, getting stuck be-time tangled with a fence. on.stage tween two walls. Already tyre wear 3. Ligato dropped to third in the af-was wide and desperate. Tanak ternoon behind Valeriy Gorban but, reached the end of the final stage with no PCWRC drivers stopping of the morning fearing all four tyres during the afternoon, the hopes of were about to explode. Ostberg had Kosciuszko and Guerra to rise up one tyre down to the canvas and was the results chart were not going to confused whether his car's bad han- plan. Michal Kosciuszko was happy dling was down to the car or some to have made the best time for the other problem. Solberg took things category on the final stage of the easily, not wanting to risk a punc-day, and then came a huge surprise. ture and in the end Novikov was The private S2000 driver Mauro the fastest World Rally Car through Spagolla arrived brakeless at full stage 5 in second place. Hirvonen speed at the end of the stage and came through with an increased impaled his Peugeot into the back lead of nearly a half minute, "I had of Kosciuszko's Mitsubishi. Several no strategy, it just happened. Every non championship cars were inter-corner of this last stage saw me mingled among the PCWRC com-make a mistake!" petitors, notably Yuriy Protasov's Hard tyres for all the top drivers Subaru which was lying second in was the order for the afternoon, all Class 3 and leading the Rally Class with one spare except Hirvonen competitors.Ricardo Trivino having with two. The temperatures had punctured and Rifat Sungkar hav-risen to 31 degrees at midday. The ing gone off the road and broken big attack of the afte'rnoon was for the track control arm. Czech folk third place between Ostberg and singer Daniel Landa was ahead of Novikov, with Ostberg having wor-Gianluca Linari, Kosciuszko, Guer-ries with his car suspected to be to ra and the amazing veteran gentle-do with the rear differential On man driver Giovanni Manfrinato stage 6 Ostberg only lost 3.5 seconds who was third fastest of the whole to Novikov, but then on stage 7 rally on stage 5 in a Class 3 Group Novikov scored another fastest time N Mitsubishi Evo IX. while Ostberg lost almost 1 m30s In the S2000 cars, Andreas Mik-and dropped to fourth. Worrying, kelsen lost the lead when he went with the repeat of the 29km Monte off the road for a few seconds and Lerno stage to come before service, got to the end of stage 5 unhappy Prokop had a brake problem on the with his tyre strategy. He then road section between stages 6 and 7 heard the astoshing news - his team-and was nine minutes late. But the mate Sebastien Ogier had made big drama of the afternoon was the fastest time overall on stage 5! Karl accident of Solberg on stage 7, who Kruuda arrived at end of final stage damaged the front left suspension of the day with the left rear tyre and stopped. Hirvonen was now at shredded and half the side of the ease, "They all seem to be dropping car's bodywork missing. like flies", he observed. Day 3 (Saturday) 6 Stages -Ostberg struggled through the Gravel - 115.92kms final stage, dropping to seventh, The temperature was cooler being passed by Ogier, Atkinson and the conditions drier today, a Dusty Times

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I' Paulo Nobre and Edu Paula drove their British Racing Green Mini Cooper Mads Ostberg and Jonas Andersson drove their Ford Fiesta RS to a first Martin Prokop and Zdenek Hruza fly their Ford Fiesta RS to an eighth to a 19th place overall in Italy, here before an admiring crowd. off the podium finish in Italy, seen here a little out of shape. . place overall finish before literally thousands of interested spectators. group of three stages done twice, consciously avoiding the many rocks was going well and on the final stage when he went off the road. Battles finishers, indeed the only top car back in the area south-west-of Olbia on the road. Atkinson was happy of the day he regained second place were still being fiercely fought, most retirements were Loeb, Bertelli and where the Thursday night stage to be fighting for fourth place but from Valeriy Gorban, with Fuchs definitely. for fifth place between Kruuda. Nicolas Fuchs gained his had been. Both official Ford driv- unimpressed that he was trying to still 46.1 seconds in front. Louise the Super 2000 driver Sebastien first category win of the season ers Jari-Matti Latvala and Petter beat a S2000 car! Cook stopped on the first stage of Ogier and the Mini WRC driver ahead of Marcos Ligato. DMack Solberg rejoined, Paulo Nobre' s The second and third stages the day with a broken driveshaft dis-Chris Atkinson, in which Chris tyre users Yuriy Protasov and Nico-radiator had been repaired and in the loop were both 14km long, comforted after an old collar bone Atkinson tried hard but could las Fuchs took 1-2 in Class 3 cat-Thierry Neuville was also back Ostberg's quest was down 27.4 injury was recurring. In S2000, not beat Ogier who had better egory in their Subarus. but driving now with both hands seconds and the 14.5 seconds by Ogier's experiment with longer tyres. Fastest through Gallura 1 The top championships may bandaged. Not included among the midday service halt Atkinson's ratio gears was inconclusive and was Mads Ostberg, safely in fourth already have been decided but the the restarters though was Sebastien quest was less dramatic but still he reverted to using a shorter ratio place, by more than two seconds battle for third place in the Drivers' Loeb who borrowed a motocross convincing, reducing Ogier's lead of gearbox which was better. "The car in front of Solberg. Promising sign series is very much alive between bike to go spectating. Most of the 19.2 to 3.3 seconds over the mom- immediately felt more powerful." for the Power Stage, but a puncture three Ford drivers, privateer Ost-top cars were now running at three ing stages. Prokop's miscellaneous Day 4 (Sunday) 2 Stages - Gravel put paid to the supplemental points berg lead~ng the official drivers, minute intervals. Nobre and Luca problems continued, this time with - 16.48kms for Ostberg. The Power Stage was Latvala by four points and Solberg Pedersoli again led the way. Im- a puncture on stage ten. Solberg The final morning had just one Ford's saving grace, with Solberg by 13. For honours among the one mediately there were two major meanwhile found himself back in stage venue of 8km tacked twice, and Latvala ·taking the top two driver teams, Citroen Junior Team battles going on, both of which were the points zone. On the repeat of combining rough, narrow, fast, fastest times and separated by just lead by one point from Adapta· (not aimed at fourth placed Sebastien the long stage, 12, Ostberg got up smooth conditions, used twice. The 0.2 second. The final podium was registered on this rally) and Qatar, Ogier. Firstly, seventh placed Mads to fourth and Atkinson also got in second time through the stage made up of Mikko Hirvonen scor-which are equal on points. Ostberg felt that he had the chance front of Ogier and on the second counted for the supplemental Driv- ing his first WRC win in the DS3 Guerra still heads the PCWRC to catch the Skoda driver, lm10.3s stage Solberg passed Kruuda into ers' championship points. _35 driv- with the two M-Sport Ford drivers series but Kosciuszko is now equal ahead of him, and secondly, fifth ninth place, Kruuda having hit a ers were at the restart Withdrawn . Novikov and Tanak in second and with Gorban, 11 points behind. Six placed Chris Atkin~on thought tree but continued with bodywork the previous evening was the S2000 third places. different drivers from six different the same. For Ostberg this seemed damage. Latvala meanwhile was far Fiesta of tenth placed Karl Kruuda, In the PCWRC drivers all except countries are still able to win this an obvious challenge and there behind in 18th place, but still mak-on account of the damage suffered Lorenzo Bertelli were classified as title at the final round in Spain. was also· an outside chance, with ing competitive times, regaining self a big slice of luck, that he could confidence ready for the final Power just finish up third in the Drivers' Stage. Atkinson however was not championship standings by the end happy. Ogier was attacking, now on of the event. Latvala started the day softer tyres, and the Australian ad-full of optimism and determined mitted he was struggling and nearly to take the chance to go testing for went off twice. On the final stage the gravel stages in Catalunya. His of the day Ogier reclaimed his fifth teammate however was more de- place. To all intents and purposes jected. Supplies of soft tyres had the event was already run with just all but been exhausted, most driv- 16.48km of stages remaining. ers were now on hards, or mixing In PCWRC, Nicolas Fuchs start-hards and softs. Martin Prokop lost ed the day with a lead of lm35.4s time when he got stuck in a narrow and after the first stage it was over stretch of road. Ostberg made best two minutes, but then he punc-time on the 29km opening stage of tured on the second, but still held the day, moving up to sixth place a comfortable lead. Marcos Ligato when Mikkelsen eased his pace, needed to retrievy-at least second thinking he had a puncture, and place to maintain his championship moving up to 39.0 seconds behind chances and the two championship Ogier. Ogier's Skoda however leaders continued to struggle. Only had been fitted with a longer ratio by the last stage of the morning gearbox overnight, hoping to save Bep.ito Guerra moved ahead of Li-time on the faster stretches on the nari, so Michal Kosciuszko was now stages. Hirvonen was very cautious, seventh and Guerra eighth. Ligato l'lred 0, It 11111 Vacation rentals available In the exclusive Indian Wells country Club In the sunny Palm Springs area of southern California. Two or three bedrooms, furnished for your complete relaxation, and, If you are a glutton for punishment, play golf on either of two beautiful courses. FYI, wireless Internet and long dHtance phones calls (USA) Included. starting at $4,500 In season (January thru Aprll) or $2,300 per month out of season. Call (760) 345-6124 Dusty Times 54111 Raly ltalia-Saldi<lia 2012 (I) Olbia 18'21.10.2012 WRC round 12, PCWRC round 7 WCpoints WR WO PC 1 (2) Mikko HIRVONEN/Jarmo Lehtinen FIN Cit!0en DS3 (M) WRC BK3590W IF) 3h.23m.54.9s. 25 25 2 (6) Eygeniy NOVIKOVnl<a MinorRUSIA Fold Fiesta RS (M) WRC RU55ALM 1GB) 3h.25m.15.5s. 18 18 3 (SJ OltTANAK/Kuldar Sikk EE Fold Fiesta RS {M) WRe PX11AWN (GB) 3h.26m.16.0s. 15 15 4 (10) Mads Ostbe<g/JonasAndersson NIS Fold Flesta RS (M) WRC PXW.UV (GB) 31t27m.37.8s. 12 5 (22) Sebastien Ogier/Juliell Ingrassia F Sl<oda Fabia S2000 (M) 2 H-VM171 (D) 3h.28m 22.4s.# 6 (12) C/ll1S All<ilsonlStephane Pre,ot AUS/8 Mini John Cooper Works 018 (M) WRC EN051XK (GB) Jl.29m.171s. 7 {23) AndreasMikkelsel,/OlaFloone N SllodaFabiaS2000(M) 2 H-VM138(D) 3h.30m0Hs. 8 (21) Mar1il PlllkOJ>'Zdeoel< Hruza CZ Ford Fiesta RS (D) WRC 06R0030 (CZ) 3h.33m.24.2s. 4 9 (4) Petter SOI.BERG.'CIVis Patletson N/G8 Ford F"r,sta RS (M) WRC PX61AYK (GB) Jl.33m.47.2s.(2) 12 10 (24) Luca PedelsoiMattoo Romano I Cit!0en DS3 (M) WRC BH482BM (1) 3h.◄4m.30.5s. 12 (3) Jari.MattlLATVAI.Mliitd<aAnaila FIN FoldFlestaRS(M)WRC PXS1AWR(GB) 3h.4&n.11.6s.(5) 10 13 (62) YUf'liProc890YIKyryioNesvit UA SUbaru lmprezaN14(D) 3 OU60ECE(GB) Jh.◄Sm,46.Ss.' 14 (32) Nlcclas Fuchs/Fernando Mussaoo PER.'RA SutmJ lmpreza N14 (D) PC3 KR57V(C (GB) 3h.49m.25.7s. 15 (33) Man:os I.Jgan'Ruben Garcia RA Subaru lmpreza N14 (M) PC3 NM04728 (D) 3h.49m.56.1s. 2t3 1 +2 l6 (39) 'laleriy Gortian/Andri Nil<claiev UA Mrtsullishi LancerEvo X (MA) PC3 AA2205KM (\JA) 3h.50m.07.8s. 17 (45) SobhanAkSa/NiallaArena RIii MilsubishilancerEwX(M) PC3 1DHKS90(WA,AUS) 3h.52m26.9s. 18 (7) Thle<ry NEUVILLl:mi::olas Gilsoul 8 Citroen DS3 (M) WRC BK391DW (F) 3h.55m.31.7s.(5) 8 •1 19 (14) PauloNobr811:duPaula BR MiniJohnCooperWo'1<s(M) WRC EK068KX(GB) J\.56m.01.3s.(1) • 20 (41) Olel<sii Kil<ireshko/Se,gei Larens UA/EE Milsubishi LancerEvo IX (MA) PC3 AA59800M(UA) 3h.56m.28 4s. 21 (31) Michal Kooooszl<o/Maciej Szczepanial(PL Mitsubishi LMcer Evo X (M) PC3 DS705PC Q) 3h.56m.38.9s.(1) 22 (42) . Ricardo Trivino/Alex Haro MEM' SUbaru lmp-eza N14 (D) PC3 OU60ECF (GB) 3h.57m.+4.0s. 24 (38) BenitoGueml/BorjaRozada MEM' MitsubishilancerE,oX(M) PC3 DZ213ZS(I) 4h.00m.12.7s.(1) · 25 (40) Gianluca Li1ari/Andrea Cecchi I Subaru lmpreza N14 (M) PC3 OU09BZH (GB) 4h.03m.35.8s. 30 (36) Louise Cool</Siefan Davis GB Ford Fiesta ST (P) PC3 STSSUSE (GB) 4h.42m.48 5s (6) • 1 10 25 18 15 12 10 41 (11 PCWRC) starters. 32 (10 PCWRC) finishers. MANUFACTURERS DRIVER. Tyres: D=DMacl<: M=MICl>elin. MA =Micllelin txt wilh PiA!II stic1<ets, P=Pir811. (Missed stages or road sections) Wmnel's ""9/llge speed aver stages 90 05i<ph. •=-stage po,nls #=Class 2 wimer '=Class 3 winner LEADING RETIREMENTS LAST STAGE COMPLETED (1) SebastJen LOEM>ame! Elena (34) Loowo Be11elM.OA!nZO Glanal F/MC CitroenDS3(M) WRC I Subaru lmp-eza N14 (M) RALLY LEADERS Loeb s1ages 1•2, Hirvonen 3-16. PCWRC LEADERS Fuchs stages 1•2, Ugato 3+<4, F..::hs 5-16. · CLASS3 LEADERS Fuchs stages 1'2, Ugato 3+<4, F..::hs 5-12, Prolaso\' 13-16. CLASS 2/S2000LEADER Ogierslage 1. Mikkelsen 2+3. Ogier4-16. The Route Special Stages Total Distance Crews Restarting Day 1 01ba (ThulSday 1500) • 2 gravel-56.28km 175.SS.rn (1'2) Monu-01ba (Thwsday 2015) Day 2 01ba (Friday 0700) • 6grave~117 361,rn 524.14km (3-8) Sasgj. 01bia (Friday 2015) Day 3 01ba (Saturday 0800) • 6 !,181/e~ 115 921<m 403.28km 19-14) Olt>a-Olbla (Saturday 1845) Day 4 Olbia (Sunday 0830) • 2 gravel-16.481on 138.45km (15+16) Arzachena • 01ba (Sunday 1245) 16 stages-306.04iun Weather. warm and dry. No stages fuly in darkness. Leading Special Stages 1241.45km positions 1 2 3 4 5 6 Os1be!g 5 1 2 3 1 H1N00en 4 1 2 2 1 Novikov 3 2 1 1 4 latvala 1 5 3 Solberg 1 5 4 Loeb 1 1 Ogier (Class 2/S2000) 1 3 2 Neuville 1 Manfnnalo (Class 3) 1 PCWRC Fuchs won 7 stages, Koscius:zkD 5 lJgalo 3 Aksa 1 40 37 35 CLASS 3 Man1rinalo (Mitsubislli Evo X) ,..:,n 7 stages. Fuchs 4, Kosciuszlco 3. Ligalo & Protasov 1 each CLASS 21S2000 Ogierwon 13 stages. Mikkelsen 3 0075ZN (F)' accident damage PC3 OU10HZY (GB) engine Posioons 1n Wor1d Championship for Rallies (WCR): Citroen Total 413 pollts, Ford 281 M-Spor1 Ford 170. Cit!0en Jumor72,Adapta & Oatar71, MllliWRC 26, Brazi 20 Posrtions in Wor1d ChampmshiplorDrivers (WCD). Loeb 244 po1!11s. Hi!vone<l 198, Ostberg 137, Latvala 133. P.Solberg 124 Novikcw 87, Newille 53. Tanak52, Prnl<op46, Ogier 41, etc. Leading posibons in Produc:IIOn carWRc (Round 7/8Xsixevenls Joooun1): Guena 84 poinls, KosciJs,ko& Gortian 73, Fuchs 71, Llga1o 70,Aksa 62, elc. From· Manin Holmes, Prospect Cottage. Pyrtold Green, Wol<ing. Sutrey, GU22 BUZ UK Tel: +44 (0) 1932 352894 & 34TT57. Fax: •44 (0) 1932 343102. Emai: martinholmesr.lllyin~com November 2012 Page 35 ...

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BFGoodrich ® Tires Aims to Capture Its 26th SCORE · Baja 1000 Title in 2 7 " Years and Celebrate the 45th Anniversary of the Historic Race ENSENADA, Mexico (Nov. 9, 2012) -Next week, the SCORE Baja 1000 race cele-brates its 45th anniversary and BFGoodrich® Tires is ready for the competition. Begin-ning in Ensenada, Mexico and, ending in La Paz in Baja Cali-fornia Sur, the brutally-rugged 1121.55-mile race will show-case the off-road toughness of the BFGoodrich® All-Terrain TI A®KO tire, BFGoodrich® Mud-Terrain T / A®KM2, BF-Goodrich® Baja T / A® and BFGoodrich® Baja T / A®KR. Page 36 oadricH A win at the legendary off-road desert race would earn BFGoodrich® its 26th title in 27 years of racing. BFGoodrich® has plenty of fire power when, it comes to drivers who can bring home the win in this year's race. Eight members of "Team BF-Goodrich" are currently in the top 10 of the SCORE Interna-tional Series points. SCORE Trophy Truck series stars from Team BFGoodrich will be vy-ing for the victory including Andy and Scott McMillin who are looking to defend their title from last year, Bryce Men-zies who is seeking his first SCORE Baja 1000 win after bringing home the past two SCORE Baja 500 titles and SCORE Trophy. Truck points rirss leader Rob MaCachren who looks to get a final win to clinch the championship. "Competing in the SCORE Baja 1000 race is an extreme accomplishment for a driver", said Silvia Mammone, motor-sports marketing manager for BFGoodrich Tires. "As the of-ficial tire of the SCORE Baja 1000 race, we are celebrating its 45 years of success and wish all of those racing on BFGo-odrich tires the best of luck." Some of the world's best drivers come to Baja to com-pete in the world's most gruel-ing desert race, and they need a tire that can withstand the demands of the Baja Peninsu-la. In 2011, drivers who chose BFGoodrich® tires earned vic-tories in 14 competing classes, as well as eight of the top 10 overall four-wheel spots, including the overall title by Andy and Scott McMillin in a Ford SCORE Trophy Truck. "What to Watch" at the 45th Annual SCORE Baja 1000 • All in the family -The McMillin family has six mem-bers competing in the desert at this year's race. Jessica, Mark, Dan, Luke, Scott and Andy McMillin, all descendants of the lace off-road racing legend Corky McMillin, will all be part1c1pating. Team BFGo-odrich racers Andy and Scott McMillin will be defending their "title from last year and Andy will be looking for his fourth SCORE Baja 1000 win at 25 years of age. • In it for the long "Hall" -Off-road Motorsports Hall of · Farner and Team BFGoodrich member Rod Hall will be com-peting in his 45th consecutive SCORE Baja 1000. He is the only racer to have competed in every SCORE Baja 1000 since its inception and was a class winner of the inaugural race. • The Decider -Like last year, the 45th Annual SCORE Baja 1000 will be the decid-ing race for the SCORE Tro-phy Truck Championship. In the lead is Team BFGoodrich member and five-time SCORE Baja 1000 winner Rob MacCa-chren. Only six points separate Rob from second place driver Juan C. Lopez. BFGoodrich ® Tires Pit and Communications Support Continues BFGoodrich® Tires com-mitment to the growth of SCORE International and off-road racing does not end with its sponsorship extension or product support for numer-ous competitors in several classes. For the 2012 race, BF-Goodrich® Tires will dedicate four full-service tractor-trailers to provide eight full-service pits and more than 220 vol-November 2012 unteer and active personnel at pit areas located along the racecourse to support the more than 60 percent of the field that will compete on BFGoodrich tires. From the start to the finish line, BFGo-odrich® Tires sets the stan-dard for onsite pit and event support with the most exten-sive network available, in-cluding pit areas staffed with volunteer emergency m~dical technicians (EMTs), race me-chanics, welders, fabricators and communications special-ists -services which have been provided since 198L BFGoodrich® Tires sup-port network also includes organization and mobilization of all parts, tires (as many as 14 per vehicle), fuel and equipment for any teams us-ing BFGoodrich tires. The pit. support network also includes satellite communications and mountain-top relay stations to coordinate race communica-tions for te.ams running on BFGoodrich tires. Track the Race with BF-Goodrich ® Tires Online Those unable to witness the SCORE Baja 1000 from the desert can visit several websites that will allow fans to follow the entire race. Be-ginning at on Wed. Nov. 14, fans can log on to for pre-race interviews, photos, videos and more. BFGoodrich® Tires Facebook page www.facebook. com/bfgoodr_ichtires will also have plenty of photos, videos and race ip.formation through-out race week. Our Team BF-Goodrich car is also eligible to be tracked online under the listing "BC-2." Fans Help Team BFGo-odrich Drivers Get in the Driver's Seat For the third consecutive year, BFGoodrich® engaged fans as part of their "Select-the-Sea ts" _progra·m which awarded six Team BFGoodrich drivers a ~oveted spot in the SCORE Baja 1000 race and one lucky driver the opportu-nity to attend the Ford Racing High Performance Driving_ School, one of the top pave-ment racing schools in the country. Fans rallied around their favorite Team BFGoodrich drivers on Facebook and voted Brad Lovell, Bud Brutsman, Kyle Tucker, Roger Lovell and SCCA champions Luke Wilw~ ert and Michael Crawford as winners of the contest. Fan-favorite Rob MacCachren won the overall contest and a trip to the Ford Racing High Per-formance Driving School in Tooele, Utah to help enhance his racing skills in advance of this year's race. 45th Annual SCORE ·Baja 1000 Information and BF-Goodrich ® Tires Winners The car and truck classes will leave the starting line on Thursday Nov. 15, 2012 at 11:30 a.m. PT or four hours after the last ATV leaves the start line. Vehicles will leave in 30-second intervals in the elapsed-time race and, while the fastest finishers are ex-pected to complete the course in approximately 20 hours, all vehicles will have 45 hours to officially finish the legendary race. This year's event boasts more than 300 entries from 34 states and 23 countries. Racers are competing in 35 Pro and 7 Sportsman classes for cars, . trucks, motorcycles and ATVs. Since 1967, the preeminent desert race has been run over the mysterious and challeng-ing Baja California peninsula, except in 1974 when the in-ternational fuel crisis forced a cancellation. BFGoodrich ® Tires Overall SCORE Baja 1000 Winners from past 25 ye'ars: 1986 Mark McMillin/Ralph Paxton Chenowth Porsche 1987 Bob Gordon/Malcolm Smith Chenowth Porsche 1988 Mark McMillin Chenowth Porsche 1989 Robby Gordon Ford Pickup 1990 Bob Gordon/Robyn Gordon/ Robby Gordon Chenowth Chevy 1991 Larry Ragland Chevy Pickup 1992 Paul Simon/Dave Simon Ford Ranger 1993 Ivan Stewart Toyota SR5 1994 Jim Smith Ford Pickup 1995 Larry Ragland Chevy Pickup 1996 Larry Ragland Chevy Pic'k.up · -1997 Larry Ragland. Chevy Pickup 1998 Ivan Stewart Toyota Tundra 1999 Larry Ragland Chevy Pickup 2000 Dan Smith/Dave Ashley Ford Pickup 2001 Doug Fortin/Charlie Townsley Jr . . Jimco Chevy 2002 Dan Smith/Dave Ashley Ford Pickup 2003 Doug Fortin/Charlie Townsley Jr. Jimco Chevy 2004 Troy Herbst/Larry Roeseler Smith Built Ford 2005 Troy Herbst/Larry Roeseler Smith Built Ford 2007 Mark Post/Rob MacCachren/ Carl Renezeder Ford F-150 . 2008 Dusty Times I ' \ r

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Roger Norman/Larry Roeseler Ford F-150 2009 Andy McMillin/Scott McMillin Chevy Silverado 2010 Gus Vildosola Jr./Gus Vildo-sola Sr. Ford F-150 2011 Andy McMillin/Scott McMillin Ford F-150 Using motorsports as a proving ground for more than 40 years, BFGoodrich® Tires is involved in every type of rac-ing, including sports car, drag, desert, dirt, rally and extreme rock crawling. BFGoodrich Tires combines technological expertise with vast motors-ports experience, delivering a high-performance tire for every type of vehicle. Visit BFGoodrich Tires at www., on Facebook at www.Facebook. com/BFGoodrichTires or on Twitter at BFGoodrichTires. ### For further information please contact: Lynne Fowl-er Sofia Lombardo lynne.fowler@ / (864) 458-6365 -(212) 796-9808 ILUERIBBON COALITION, INC. Contact: Michael Patty Phone: 1-800-258-3742 Email: Blue Rihhon Coalition 2012 Board Of Director Election Results LAS VEGAS, NV The Blu-eRibbon Coalition is proud to announce the results of the recent BRC Board of Direc-tors Election, which saw the re-election or election of four candidates to positions on the BRC Board of Directors. Re-elected to the BRC Board of Directors is Joni Mogstad, who currently serves as our President. The three new can-didates elected to the board are Chad Booth, Kevin Carey and Dan Thomas. The BlueRibbon Coalition would like everyone to join them in welcoming these fine new board members. Each of them brin s a number of outstanding assets to the rec-reational access table, and we look forward to working with them as they assume their new positions at the onset of 2013. BRC would also like to thank all those who partici-pated in the election and sub-mitted their vote. This year's election--along with the BRC General Membership Meeting itself--went off without a hitch primarily due to the input of these dedicated participants! The final tally of election re-sults was tabulated at the BRC General Membership Meeting on October 27, 2012, in Las Vegas, Nevada. All votes were gathered from members in good standing, and were tabu-lated on location, online, via absentee ballot, or via proxy vote. The rules and standards used in the election, as well as those of the Board of Directors itself, are outlined in the By-laws of the BlueRibbon Coali-tion, Inc. The BlueRibbon Coalition is a national recreation group that champions responsible recre-ation, and encourages individual environmental stewardship. With members in all 50 states, BRC is focused on building enthusiast involvement with organization-al efforts through membership, outreach, education, and col-laboration among recreationists. 1-800-BLUERIB -http://www. sharetrails. org. • Business Owners • Suppliers • Manufacturers Why isn't your ad on these pages. Why not increase your income by placing an ad here! Call Dusty Times and get a cost for increasing your business BIiii IDIOI 818-882-0004 Dusty Times November 2012 Trail Notes ... Fox, THE INDUSTRY-LEADING RIDE DYNAMICS COMPANY - Sponsored athletes Jesse Jones and Bryce Menzies are teaming up once again in Baja. They first teamed up at the 2012 Baja 500 sharing pits and logistics-the move paid off netting Bryce the overall win and his second consecutive Baja 500 win and Jessie reaching the podium in third place. They're stepping up their collaboration for the Baj:! 1000 by and sharing driving duties of Jones' FOX OFFROAD Racing trophy truck-a move that without a doubt, strikes fear in the trophy truck field. The 45th Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 is a point-to-point peninsula run that starts in Ensenada, Baja California Sur and finishes 1121.55 miles south in La Paz, Baja California Sur. From the start of the race to the finish, the FOX Raptor will be running as fast as possible. The Jones/ Menzies crew have to manage their logistics carefully. Assets need to be in place when the truck pulls in to pit. Mechanical difficulties, course conditions, the weather; racing in Baja is always a challenge. The most carefully detailed plans can change instantly. Crews need to think on their feet and adapt to the situation. Some crews are in place in remote sections that have limited access. Others run the length of the peninsula, sometimes leap frogging each other to stay in contact with the race truck. If they fail to keep up they get left behind, no longer able to assist. "Pre-running is well underway with Jessie and Bryce planning out which sections they will drive," said Joe Weining, Jones Motorsports crew chief. "The 1000 is a huge under taking with a lot of moving pieces that have to be orchestrated perfectly. We'll have close to a dozen chase trucks loaded with full crews to keep the truck in contention for the win. ""Combining two of the best teams in racing has been great," said Bryce Menzies, "We have the best drivers and the best team. We look forward to the same winning results at the 1000." "We're excited to have both Jesse and Bryce behind the wheel of the FOX OFFROAD Racing trophy truck," said John Marking, VP of OFFROAD at FOX, "These guys have what it take to win and give us our third consecutive Baja 1000 win and our 11th SCORE Baja Trophy Truck win a row." LAKE S UPERIOR PERFORMANCE RALLY· RETURNS To 2013 RALLY AMERICA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP SCHEDULE - Rally America is proud to announce the return of the Lake Superior Performance Rally (LSPR) to the 2013 Rally America National Championship on October 18-19th, 2013 after three seasons spent as a Rally America Central Regional Championship event. The LSPR Rally, headquartered in Houghton, Ml, was originally part of Rally America's national calendar from 2005-2009. The decisjon to add LSPR was partly due to the strong support from the bost city and its local businesses, such as Auto Value Auto Parts and Country Inn & Suites. In addition, local area teams have always entered LSPR regardless of it being a national or regional event proving that LSPR is a driver's favorite. All those factors gave Rally America incentive to include this professionally organized event in the national schedule. "We are excited to be back on the national docket," said Dean Rushford, LSPR Region Committee member, "The Houghton-Hancock area will benefit from more teams in the area, but teams will also like our central service in a large Covington parking area. We plan on adding more roads similar to those like the historic Menge Creek stage next year." The full Rally America National Calendar is currently being finalized for a near future announcement, but Rally America is proud to release early news of LSPR's Championship involvement at this year's 18th running of the Lake Superior Performance Rally, which takes place on October 26-27th. "Fans and rally teams continued asking for LSPR's return to the Championship," said Bill Fogg, Sr., owner of Rally America, "The event has an incredible following and the LSPR organizers are top-notch. LSPR by far is a unique event and a tremendous addition to the Championship. Michigan's Upper Penninsula is real rally racing country and we need to be there." The LSPR Rally is commonly referred to as the oldest, toughest and meanest rally in the nation. It also has a rich rally racing history stemming back to 1949 when it was known as the Press-On-Regardless Rally - a Time-Speed-Distance event • and also as a round of the World Rally Championship in 1973 and 1974. Known as the Lake Superior Rally in 1994 when it was part of the SCCA ProRally Championship, Rally America picked up LSPR as a national championship event in 2005 and it remained on the schedule through 2009. The Lake Superior Performance Rally will take place during the Fall season when trees turn vibrant yellow and weather from the lake brings chilly air and a chance of rain and snow. As a result, the LSPR Rally provides the ultimate challenge to rally drivers who enjoy winning rally races under what could be, some of the harshest conditions they would experience all year. For more information regarding Rally America's National Championship or the sport of performance rally, visit Page 37

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Good stuff Directory Air Cleaners for Off-Road Racing. From Baja to Dakar. For a list of dealers visit our website at: JOH NC OOLEY 6/9.596.9841 FAX 619.596.274 2 COOLEY@AWM/CRAFTJNFO VIIWWALUMICRAFT/NFO IOBl5 WHEATIAND5 AVE. STE J • SANTEE. CA 9i!071 Brian Busby Cell 949-1170,5773 1543 W. l&thSl!eet, long Beach. CA 90613 562-02.J<,<46 · Fox 562-02-79&? WWW./ RAONG FUELS • RAONG LIJl!RlCl,NlS ARIS HEU COPTERS 800-933-27 47 Professional Large & Small ~ Race Support ~ Services ·serving lhe wes coast s1nce 1912: 6871 Airport Drive, Riverside, CA 92504 Ott-Road Fiberglass • OIi-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pms • Suspension & Rod Cages Ford Truck Specialist • 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 Phone: (714) 279-094~ For The Price Of A Phone Call And A Few Bucks A Month your Ad could Be Here 818-882-0004 BE~CO VW RACING TRANSAXLES+ENGINES "SOMETIMES YOU JUST NEED IT nxED" Low Overhead=Low Prices 15+ years experience Fast Turnaround Racer Discounts Sportsman Friendly Prices Shipping Avaialbe WE BUY AND TRADE FOR CORES like us on Face Book Benjamin Berniklau Riverside, Ca 909 262 9344 CACTUS RACING Racealr Helmets & Accessories Bell, Shoei, Simpson Blower systems & cool boxes 619-482-6700 708 Rocking Horse Dr., Chula Vista, CA 91414 Authorized Mendeola Dealer Mendeola -VW - Albins Magnafiux Inspection Doug Ingles (951) 699-8898 California Performance 45950 Vista Del Mar Temecula, Ca 92590 CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN 39067 ORCHARD ST. CHERRY VALLEY CA. 92223 PH#/ (951) 845-8820 products in stock Boatec Fiberglass Dimple Dies Tubing Benders Bypass Valves + tubes Sway-bar Arms Race Proven Fabrication Pre-runners Desert Trucks Short Course trucks Paris-Dakar trucks QUALITY HEADLOCK WHEELS SINCE 18615 15"--16"--17" ALL ALUMINUM BEAD LOCK WHEELS. AND CONVERSIONS CHAl\ilPION WHEEL CO. INC. '181537 COLLIER(95.,) 47.,-2'183 LAKE ELSINORE, CA aee:3'1 WW\N .CHAMPIONWHl!l!L.CDM 227 cane Pintoresco San Clemente, CA 92672 FLOATER REAR ENDS• FRONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS •TORSION BARS • KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane• Templeton, CA, 93465 I \ I J

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i ...... ..L.a.-&..ilor"._....:.,.a...:a...-..:..,. SPffi!li!!.Y in-..._ ._ ~ ..... -~ ....... ........ IID,C.9 ........... ltNblet~ IS 949.244.0852 /B;a PBBFOBIIAICB 1558 No. Case• Orange, CA 92867 (714} 637-2889 • Fax (714) 637-7352 We Use And Recommend RACING ENGINES A\D 0FFROAD PARTS Smcl or call for our Hl'W catalog $5.00 'The Off-Road Superstore" I 0809 PROSPECT AVENUE (619) 448-0221 SANTEE, CA 92072-3168 FAX (619 ) 448-41 28 .., ~ OQ.PA'/Z'~ "'°'-:~or,s f 9299 W. Olive Ste. 61 o Peoria AZ 85345 Phone (623) 433-8643 Fax {623) 243-6368 e-mail: web: (818} 766-6134 (800) 800-6134 FAX (818}766-9397 BILL ROBERTSON & SONS: INC. 5626 TUJUNGA AVE. NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA. 91601 d ..... J--i~J:~L!::l--. ---_cz ...... 7 Mike Julson 9426 Wheatland• Court Sant-, CA 92071 619-596-3380 619-596-3364fax www.,Jlmcorac•~ JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Quality Racing Transaxles Mendeola Dealer Off Road - Sand Specialist (714) 632·12.-0 JOE GIFFIN Ju<714)632•l223 3061 E.. La Jolla St. .• , Analleim. California 92806 wwwJ< JON KINNE 520 Railroad St., Corona, CA 92882 Tel. 951-278-2233• Fax: 95 l-278-8335• C: 8 C: ::J N A • Custom Alternators • Complete Wiring • Custom Fab • Exhaust & Muffler • Prep & Finish Work OUT90AROHIGINE • GENERATOR 6PECIAU5T Kawaguchi Honda Corp. ART KAWAGUCHI $32 EAST 3110 ST. Fax 323-264-2136 1..0SAHGEL£S.CA90063 ~ KINS <>FF-ROAD RACINCi SHOCl<S Pure Race Shocks CUstam Bult far Every Custamer OEM Bolt-On Shock Kits UTV Perfannance Shock Kits SUper1or Shock Service

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POWER E STEERING THOMAS E. LEE LEE MFG. CO. 11961 PENDLETON&TREET SUN YAU..EY, CA 11• FAX (818) 7M-2A7 (818) 7ea-o:s71 A full UN ot "-SlNl'iftO...,.., pumps and ~ !of eny type of racing. Megnat1ux end ZY91o flKllities -ilable. •custom Chahis ·RacePntp •Akunlnum Wott 'Wtlcr,ng Engineering •11agn111ux FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 (909) 596-5497 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER .Ma:sit Er!_C~allf~ SAFETY ... SEATING , RESTRAINTS . LIMIT STRAPS . NETS , BAGS • RACE SUIT S 9335 STEVENS ROAD SANTEE, CA 92071 T, 6 1 9 449 9455 F, 6 1 9 449 9454 MastErCraftsAFETYcom OFFROAD IS OUR BUSINESS 807 E. OrangethorpeAve. Ste. A ph 714-441-1212 Anaheim CA, 92801 fx 714-441-1622 r,16TtJRq' t#E/f/lJEtJL,1 R,16E REBtflL!Jg OERTIFIE!J ,1{}/!JfJ ,#,1(//f/,1FLtrX@ OERTIFIE!J glftJT PEE/f/1/f/t/ 1695 CACTUS RD. T. (619) 710-8800 SAN DIEGO, CA 92154 F. (619) 710-1640 619-562-5533 Phone ~--~ Toll Free (330)928-9092 ...... (800)222-9092 •t.J:''' Jt.1:'* •1,-;,! ,. •t,.,"'J!. VCUR COMPLETE IGNITION SOURCE , r , ' , '• ' • • l ,-•:; ~ '\ t I • ( J~ I' • /'. , , I • • 11 ' I 1 • • I l, 1 ~ ' AUTDTRONIC CONTROL& CORPORATION 1 4tl(J t 1f-NVlY (.J.1-:1 ·NNAN L)J..4 , (' t PA~;u. -r·x 7Fl93E.= 191Sl &,n,,'>00 • IH~>tt f l'l1~1 ll55 /123 • VISITOUl>W£11Sll! www <TI$d,o<,!JGIIC<J<O Get The· word out About Your Business, Put Your Busi ess card Ad In The Good stuff Directory 818-882-0004 JOE HE GEVELD 1400 E. BLnER ·\Vl. .... K.wMWIIJIHONPAAlfflCCII ♦ PDU:WUS.<IZ) FL,\GST-\FF, .lJ. 86001 PH: (928) 526-7959 FA\: (928) 526-8613 $SUZUKI lilitlOYAMAHACBO-BHI. We can Baadlock ~----ir YOUR RIMSH "-._~ J SizestofllaostATV ~~~u l AUTOMOTIVE ..,aications POLISHED & COLORED FINISHES SCALLOPED OR CONVENTIONAL Reinforcing Ringt Also Available Phone - {951) 364-8272 ¥r#W .OMFPERFORMANCE. coa gs),360.5906 m.360.0436 fax 3834 W,cbr Orivt Mir• lom,, CA 91152 www.p1rbrpu ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ @)~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ Custom flxlvs = Torsion Bars = Sway Bars Ii firms = Spllnlng = Gear cutting :-Custom Machining= Phone: (909) 923-3011 fax: (909) 923-3211 Snell SA20l0 Pro Airflow Helmets • Light wcigbl con truciioD • Top and ldr-Forced Afr models • Carboa/Kniar Tri-\Vean ur 100•;. Carbon • Interior i, removable for deaoi■ g or replacing SFI Approved • DrMog Suits l & 2 Layer • ShOH • Gloves • Nkk8rt14..'U • M1tbcHs Cull or email for vour closest dealer at (800) 669-2355 or supoorty, ■ Q•tjj j • • • ij •

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Hi.Petformal'IC6 Equipment Suspension •Safety• Driveline • Accessories (619) 691-9171 (619) 691-9174 {619} 691.c803 (FAX} 103 Press Lane, Suite #4 Chula V,sta, CA 91910 e-mail: rp,oc11 CraieSt.wait P"-0~9721 F,n, llt~-4'~')11711 C.cll,619-~ Fabrication & Race Preparation 9419 Abroham Way Sante•, CA ?l01! !.\•.•.•J!~t!e"l~L"'tY.~l-l~_:,:,~m c~~<om Sales& Service i"FIFIIIAK#.t'•TIAll,IIIFI .._Cdt0fflla'$lan,est DlffitlltltDr .. llellllffta Tn sutes PH: n4.&B0.6731 • fX: 714.680.3110 Toll free: 800.304.8726 10 I 5 E. Elm Avenue, Fullerton, CA 9 2 8 3 1 will get you In gear MH5.PlllrM Ni t11•11s.11J1• 1111! Sllleilllrlll II: ........ -111112-111-tH ........ ...... 11 -aa111 ............. Ol!JttHHI fiii/ SANDERS SERVICE, INC:. L?l!J METAL PROCESSING s,21 W~mington Ave.., Les~ CA 90001 (323) 583-2404 fAX (323) .S83-3%S SANDBLAST .(ii.ASS BEAD-MAGNF.TJC PARTICLE FLOURESCENT INSPECnON MAltXSMITH ~, SUSPENSION INNOVAnON MOTORSPORTS INC. Tel:562.903.1625 ms62.1n.is93 LARRY SMITH Te>m McKenzie TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821-(114} 447-3581 Fax (114) 672-9246 2180 Collev• Drtve • Lake liavasu City • AZ. 86403 1 can Toll Free: 877-627-8852 or E-Mail: • Hi Performance Converters Custom Length Axles • • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed Hubs • (for Race• Recreation) Input Shafts• American Made Excellence!! Lonely Long Advertising Term Space Relationship Looking Call For (818) 882·0004 and Bolt-On to Street Fiberglass for: 'Ford, C~evy and Toyota" Trucks -Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1261 N. Baena Vista St . • '-el Ca. 92543 Ph: 951-654-7334 fax: 951-6$4·2375-See a list of our pnM(tlda,p our welt site: I iftflUx'tE ENGINEEIUNG 9763 Vartel Ave. JEFF FIELD (818) 998-2739 Chatsworth, CA 91311 -NS. WBST ERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES Kevin Pirtle 22545 South Normandie Ave. Torrance, California 90501 310.782.2413 fax 310.782.3772 (619) 596-8033 1 000 W . Bradl$y. Unit 0 El C a jon, C A 92020 Carloe Orozeo Racing Apparel -Safety Harnesses - Helmets Car-Truck-Industrial Seatbelts -c■-. -._-s-... -... 'IIA-...:::t-• -..... ~.) ~ 111111 ;~m--•·11- 1 m:::J[illi'.1!!1!11 ~ 330 Wood Road Unft H Camarillo, California 93010 805 987 6691 Toll Free 888 738 5970 Fax 805 504 3825 www.\\ Wes Harris Heather Ctiflord Dawn Muscarella Adam Wik SCORE ENGINE BUILDER Of THE YEAR 994, 1998, 1999,2000 From Parts To eomptet& Englnn 3265 W. Birtcher Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89118 702-837-2522 ~ ~ 18 ~INC. SPCCIALIZ£0 WIRING, COMMUNICATIONS, AND RC.PAIRS FDR: Race Can-T1roPh1 Trucks-Pre-runners Chm Vahlclas-1111 SIIO'I Can (760) B03-~955 MARC WADDELL, PRESIDENT WIREF"AB@■act1L08AL.NET TRANS ·. , M E N D E O l A D I S T R I B U T O ·a Performance Trans Off Road Street Trans Lorenzo Rodriguez Parts - Service • Transmissions - V. W. -Porsche Desert, S and & Drag 850 S. Alta Vista Averiue • Monrovia, CA 910 16 (626) 305-RACE (n23) •

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' \ ' ' I I II Classified ... CORVA CALIFORNIA OFF-ROAD VEHICLE ASSOCIATION Some of the items adver-tised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Readers are ad-. visea to c;onsult apprppriate local or state authorities for before pur-chase of any spedfic ftem. FOR SALE: Class 1 Chenowth Millenium, LS 450 hp, Mendeo-la 5 speed sequential, TCS axles, 934 CV's, King Shocks, dual fuel pumps and batteries, Pro Wired, ADS rear hubs, CNC front hubs, CNC cutting brake, Parker Pumper, Howe Steering. Proven and reliable. This car works. $54,500.00 OBO. (702) · 372-1884. 12.b.AL 6.:>T ATb. U.A.:>b../12.b..NTAL.:> Vacation Rental Vacation Rental in the Ex-clusive Indian Wells Coun-try Club in the Sunny Palm Springs area of So.Llthern Cal-ifornia! 2 or 3 bedroom fur-nished for. your complete re-- laxat~o.n. and if you are a glut-ton for punishment, play golf on 1 or both of the beautiful courses. FYI, wireless internet and long distance phone calls (USA) included. Starting at $4,500.00 in season (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr) or $2,300.00 per.month not in season. Call (760) 345-6124. INDb._X TO ~\Jb._Q TL=>b._Q6 BTR Racing Wheels ................... 27 Butch's Speed Shop .................. 36 CORVA ........................................ 42 Figspeed Speed Shop ................ 13 Glen Helen _ _ Baj~ Cup Challenge ................. 2 .HOR.A -~ Redline 2013 ......................... 43 Kar Tek Off Road ......................... 5 Lauuhlin/SNORE ···.·····················23 Lucas Oil Products ..... Back Cover Mastercraft Vehicles For Sale ................................. 22 McKenzie's Performance Products .......... 34 NORRA Mexican 1000 .............. 33 Racer X Motorsports .............. ~ .. 24 Ronco Plastics ........................... 32 SNORE Rage At The River .......... 3 Spanish Style Home for Sale ..• 19 South Point Casino ..................... 9 Transaxle Engineering .............. 29 Vacation Rental ............... : ......... 35 .................................................................. ~ ....................... . : Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in • • • • . DUSTY TIMES . Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7" .All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED -YOUR AD MAY BE PVT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER. · Enclosed is $ _ _____________ (Send check or money order, no Casb) Name _________________________ _ Address----------------------------------------------- ----------- ---City-------------------------------------------·--------------------State ______ ._Zip ______ • _______ Phone _____ __________ · __________________ _ Please run ad _______ times Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 OUSfiJ5ilBS 2012 DEADLINE Dec 2012 Dec 7, 2012 Jan 2013 Jan 11, 2013 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page 42 November 2012 Dusty Times

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___..._LJ __ _ JEAN 2(i13

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