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2011 Volume 28 Number 9 Dusty Times Magazine

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Volunle28• .. IIIINl••••ptamb••20tl 12.50 ·--750-1752 Celeb,at'ing ou, 2s~h Yea, OF se,viee To The OFF Road communit'y .---------------------------------------------------~ covering the world of competition in the dirt •••

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' . . . ' . ' • I I ' I • I I ' •••if • I•'• I I•! I I I I I It' • • I I I• I I • I j I I I,,,!• Jeepspeed is in its 11th Season, now sponsored by General Tires and ATX Series Wheels. With Class winning speeds averaging 40 mph over brutal terrain, the continued sucess of the two Jeepspeed Classes is due to the unwaivering commitment to the same basic class rules concept in order to contain costs and provide close racing. The series' is now open in two classes to all models of Jeeps such as Cherokees Wranglers, Grand Cherokees, Libertys, Commanches. Jeep teams can interpret these rules to construct their individual race Jeeps but staying within the restrictions of engine size, tire sjze, suspension limits and overall dimensions. The final 2 rounds are with M.O.R.E (Mojave Desrt Racing Enthusiasts) at Lucerne Valley, CA, Sept 10th, and 8.1.T.D. (Best in the Desert) at Henderson, NV, Dec 3rd. Jeepspeed classes consistantly field big entries despite the difficult economy and we are excited about the new cars and teams that are joining us before years end. The extra prize money posted by General Tire and ATX Wheels supplements the normal Pro Class payback to give Jeepspeeders the best prize money to car cost ratio on off road racing Past and present sponsors recognize that Jeepspeed sells their products not just to our race teams, but to MILLIONS of Jeep owners and weekend warriors around the globe. Our website receives millions of page hits per year. MISSION STATEMENT Our 10 year old Mission Statement remains unchanged. "To create a Jeep off road competition club for safe, affordable and reliable Jeep models. The vehicle rules are written to create equality and durability while keeping construction cost at a minimum."

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Volume 28 - Number 9 September 2011 DllliY51■IB Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors Scott Bottomley J. Preston Bradshaw Jim Culp Mike Del Col Nicole Del Col Steve Hilton Victor Gazca Martin Holmes Rod Koch Byrle Moore Steve Ruddick Maurice Selden Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham B.O.R.E. Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750.1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with.additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite IA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copyright by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reprodui;ed without written permission from the publisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., SNAPSHOT OF THE MONTH ••• A very dear departed friend, Scoop Vessels getting ready for a Class 8 Heavy Metal heat race at good old Riverside Raceway. Circa 1989 we think! Photo by Bryan Hardy DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot 6f something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only prints up to 8x10 or electronic media submitted via email will be considered. In This Issue ... FEATURES BITD Vegas To Reno by Judy Smith ....................................................... 8 Rally of Finland by Martin Holmes ....................................................... 16 SNORE Midnight Special ................................................................... 20 Lucas Oil At The Glen by Homer Eubanks ........................................... 27 Tore at Antigo by Mike Reusche ............................................................ 32 1986 Superstition 250 by the Fudpucker Crew ....................................... 36 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ........................................................................................... 5 Trail Notes ............................................................................................. 6 Checkers Newsletter ........................................................................... 40 Good Stuff Directory ......................................................................... 43 Classified Ads ...................................................................................... 47 Index To Advertisers ............................................................................ 47 ON THE COVER The StrobeVEbberts/ Ellis trio were the big winners at the BITD Vegas To Reno blast, they took Trick Truck honors as well as taking the overall win. Trackside Photo Kyle Conlon had a most wonderful weekend at the SNORE KC HI LITES Midnight Special, he took the win both nights in the Class 1 action. Trackside Photo Visit Our Website at Dust)' See, d,4, e,,e,t d-e 7 fKUU/' to, DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRYII □ 1 year -$25.00 □ 2 years -$40.00 □ 3 years -$55.00 (to subscribe online go to □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name ______________________ _ Address ____________________ _ City _____________________ _ State _______________ Zip _______ _ Primary Interest Cars D Trucks D MotorcyclesO Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian • 1 year $30.00 US • Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times September 2011 Page 3

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' 'fr ''' ' ' ' ' I Jr I I''''. '''.''' . t I I ' ' I . I' I I I I ' I ' I . t . '''I'.' I ' ' ' I I. • II I I I I 'I 1 '1 1 I I • ' I I I If I I I l I I I l I I I I I I I I I O f I ! I r I It, I I 1 1 O I I It lo, Page4 September 2011 Dusty Times

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I I I I I I I I I It I I I• I, I\ I I I• 2011-2012 Happenings ... Prescott, AZ November 5, 2011 Seed 9 Rally (2) Jean, NV CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW 10K FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 <4x4> (All euents staged at the club grounds in Cleves. Ohio) 4x4 FOREVER, Lro. 1665 DEIAWARE ST. 0sHKOSH, W1 54901 AMERICAN RALLY SPORT GROUP, INc. 3650 SoUT1-1 Po1ITTE CIRCLE, Su1TE 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521-0597 <web l .userinstinctcom/271413 25-ameri-can-rally-sport-group.han. E Mail: AMERICAN TRIALS ASSOCIATION AMA Observed Trials Southern California Championship Series BILL MARJ<uM, 2010 f'RESIDEITT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HOTLINE, 2010 (714) 562-7742 E MAIL: BMARK909@AOLCOM <> ASOCIACION EsTATAL DE AUTOMOVILISMO SAM l.AsELL, TECH INSPECTOR AYro42 SAN JOSE DEL CASO BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL SUR. MEXICO AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSlilP DARRYL SMITH 19 SoMERS ST. CASHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTRALIA DUSTY TIMES AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFF ROAD C!Ass 10 CARS ONLY RENALD VAILLANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAVAL QUEBEC, CANADA H7P 1T7 (450) 622-4440 < pages/ indexpag.html> BAJA CUP CHALLENGE BAJA PRoTRUCK OFF RoAD RAcE SERIES 14402 BOND COURT EL CAJON, CA 92021 · 619-390-6252 The Protruek schedule for 2011 will consist of both the SCORE and Best In The Desert races. BARONA SAND DRAG AssN. P.O. Box 1521 lAKEsmE, CA 92040 All Races Are Night Races AU Races At Barona Racewa,, Lakeside, CA BBM MARKETING PROMOTIONS Off Road Short Course Racing & Special Event Marketing NORCO, CA 92860 e-mail (909) 815-5811 BEST IN THE DESERT 3475 BOULDER HIGHWAY LAs VEGAS, NV 89121 702-457-5775/FAX:702-641-2431 <> October 14-16 2011 Bluewater Desert Challenge "the American Challenge Continues" Parker, Az Car/I" ruck & Utv Points Onl, -No Pre-Fun Run December 2- 4 2011 Transwest Ford Henderson "250" "a Classic Off-Road Race" Henderson, Nv Points For All Classes · No Pre-Fun Run BORE RACING Allen Gerber 801-380-9011 - after 5pm please BP MoTORSPORTS P.O. Box411 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91365 760-578-6258/760-578-6259 FAX: 818-348-4648 B-Mail: All Events At California Cicy, CA Dusty Times BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGHTON, OITTARIO, CANADA KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR CLUB AUTOMOVILISTA }UARENSE DE CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD RACING 7210 GATEWAY EAST EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 011-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES <> September JO-October 1, 2011 Prescott Rally (2,3) CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING AssOCIATION P.O. Box645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVE ADAMS (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DoN ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. RICHARDS P.O. Box332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 • (802) 265-8618 CLAIRTON HI-JACKERS September 2011 l.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TWP. LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 Short Course off Road Racing At Har-rison County Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICA SANQUINTIN CALLE 6TA FRACC Co. DE SAN QUINTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HERACLIO PATINO (011 52 616-5-22-07) CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICO SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road ENSENADA, BC, MEXICO USA JAN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) RAM◊N CASTRO & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/ 7 0034) CMC CONTINENTAL MoTOSPORT CLUB P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 Fax: (714) 367-1608 CODE 0FFROAD MADERO 621-A MEXICALI, MEXICO 21100 760-455-8069 USA 011-52-686-553-4087 MEXICO CoLORADOlbu CLIMB ASSOCIATION BARB V AHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box8286 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O. Box392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER 011-5 2-65-66-44 58 CORR SERIES 270 NEWPORT CEITTER DR., SUITE 100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 866-501-CORR Continued en ,111 6 Pages

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Trail Notes ... LUCAS OIL GLOBAL NEWS -Who We Are: Lucas Oil produces and markets over 200 unique problem-solving additives and high performance lubricants in 29 countries around the globe and is growing country by country and market by market every year. Not an astonishing feat for a decades-old subsidiary of a multi-national petro/ conglomerate, but a tour-de-force for a dynamic company founded in 1989 by Indiana natives Forrest Lucas and his wife and partner Charlotte. INDIANAPOLIS: Goo_d news for pro football fans everywhere! All of the meetings are over ... all of the locks are unlocked ... the fans have won ... and professional football will go on as advertised in the United States in 2011. Best of all Super Bowl XLVI will be played in Indy on Sunday February 5, 2012 at LUCAS OIL STADIUM! ... America's expanding waistline represents plenty of business opportunities for entrepreneurs with products catering to the bigger among us -and Elmore is starting to comer the eyewear market. Want proof? Fatheadz, which recently struck a deal with Wal-Mart, hit $2 million in sales in 2010, an increase of 185 percent from the year before. Asked how he did it, Elmore told us; "I have had a great mentor, though. Forrest , Lucas, the owner of Lucas Oil, has been very instrumental to me. I can call him up and say, "You're not going to believe this," and he starts laughing and says, "The same thing happened to me." CORONA, CALIFORNIA: The use of ethanol-based and blended fuels is on an upswing and many of the outboard motors used in boating have a very tough time with them. Increased water vapor means more chance for corrosion of engine parts. Hotter cylinder temperatures can also contribute to accelerated wear and friction. Gaskets, metal fuel lines, and rubber parts are also adversely impacted by ethanol. The good news for boaters is that Lucas Oil's new SafeGuard Ethanol Treatment virtually eliminates all of those engine-damaging effects. SafeGuard also functions as a fuel stabilizer in the tanks of powerboats that are not used or run on a regular basis, or stored over the winter. WHEATLAND, MISSOURI: Lucas Oil has just announced that JE Pistons and Roush Yates Performance Products have joined the Lucas Oil Drag Boat Racing Series as a sponsor for 2011. JE Pistons/ Roush Yates will award $100.00 toward the purchase of its products for each Lucas Oil Drag Boat Racing Series Pro Mod class winner at all Lucas-sponsored National events. To qualify for the product contingency, the participant must display the JE/Roush Yates decals on both sides of the boat. SILVERSTONE RACING CIRCUIT, UNITED KINGDOM: During the recent Formula Student Championship at Silverstone, a group of young engineering students from Swansea Metropolitan University drove to 1st place in the UK and 6th place in the world acceleration events. Lucas Oil Products were used exclusively in the race car's Honda CBR600RR engine. "Throughout the season's testing and this year's competition, the Lucas products we have used have proved to be of superior quality and have not let us down," says Dave McGowan, head of the Swansea Metropolitan University Formula Student Team. The student team had carried out an intensive engine dyno-testing program throughout the year and indicated that the Lucas products helped the power-train team achieve maximum potential from the engine. McGowan further added that the use of Lucas Oil lubricants and additives helped the low-budget, all-undergraduate team to remain very competitive in what was a very tough field. CORONA, CALIFORNIA: Lucas Oil Products, Inc., is now in its 10th year of a multiyear commitment to back the NHRA Sportsman series. The Lucas Oil Sportsman series features seven extremely competitive drag race divisions. Top Alcohol Dragsters and Top Alcohol Funny Cars are showcased at 16 NHRA national events; Comp entries at 21 National events, Super Stock, Stock, and Super Comp entries at 25 National events; Super Gassers at 24; and Super Street cars at 7. Additionally, racers in Comp, Super Stock, Stock, Super Comp, Super Gas, and Super Street will vie for titles at national events in Lucas Oil Drag Racing Series competition. CORONA, CALIFORNIA: In a few short years "Team Lucas" has become one of the leading for entertainment packages for race fans from coast to coast. Team Lucas showcases the Lucas Oil Late Model Dirt Series, Lucas Oil Pro Pulling Series, Rockstar Energy Drink Modified Series, Lucas Oil Off Road Racing presented by GEICO, Lucas Oil Drag Boat Series, Lucas Oil Speedway, Lucas Oil Production Studios, and the Indianapolis Colts Lucas Oil Stadium. And, that solid group of high-energy attractions adds up to a well-.rounded action-entertainment package. Those Team Lucas entities represent some 300 annual live events and over 200 hours of prime time programming on national and international television. Research proves that there's a direct correlation between the huge branding success and sales growth Lucas Oil has experienced over the past 20 years with it's strong involvement in grassroots motorsport. It reafhes the mass market, it's affordable, and it attracts the loyal race fans in great numbers. Recent partnerships with GEICO, Rockstar Energy Drink, General Tire, R&L Carriers, Magnaflow Performance Exhausts, K&N Filters, E3 Spark Plugs, and CANIDAE All Natural Pet Foods have shown success that would most likely be beyond the reach of each individual entity advertising alone ... Team Lucas, as they say about the products themselves: IT WORKS! CORONA, CALIFORNIA: Lance Oiffendarfer has been promoted to Retail Sales Specialist in the US. In this capacity Diffendarfer is responsible for increasing sales and distribution of Lucas Oil Products at two of our major retail partners, Advance Auto Parts and O'Reilly's A"\ Parts. MEXICO CITY: Lucas Oil participated recently in the 2011 Mexico PMCE Automechanika Show in Mexico City. Sam Dale, VP of Sales and Marketing met with many existing customers as well as new prospects while promoting the continued growth of Lucas Oil in the Mexican, Central and South American Markets. CORYDON, INDIANA: Following a long-standing pattern of saluting the legends of drag racing, Lucas Oil founder Forrest Lucas has announced a title sponsorship deal with iconic Top Fuel driver Chris Karamesines in the NHRA Full Throttle Series. "Chris is a true legend of this sport," The Lucas Oil founder said. "I've admired him for many years, and it will be great to work alongside him. I can't wait to see him in.a Lucas Oil Dragster in our title race in Brainerd, Minnesota, and at whatever other races he wants to attend." Karamesines, 79, has been racing since the 1950s and was been recognized as one of NHRA's 50 Greatest Drivers ·in 2001. Nicknamed "The Greek", he has won numerous national events over the decades in ADRA, AHRA and IHRA competition. CLERMONT, INDIANA: The NHRA and Lucas Oil Raceway plan to donate tickets to local police and fire departments for the upcoming Mac Tools U.S. Nationals. The donation coincides with planned tributes during the Labor Day weekend event for the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. GORMAN RIDGE RALLY -The Gorman Ridge Rally, presented by Subaru Western Region, is the fourth event in the 2011 United States Rally Championship. Taking place Saturday, Aug. 27, the-rally celebrates its 21st anniversary. Gorman is also the sixth event in the California Rally Series. As traditional forest stage rallies slowly began to fade into obscurity in many parts of the U.S., Gorman's flexibility in venue continues to provide both a challenging and exciting course inside the Hungry Valley State Vehicular Recreation Area in Lebec. Calif. Building on the success and good feedback from last year's Page& 1 I I I f 1 I I I I I I I I I' ' I I I I It I If I I • CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, SUITE 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA Exr 42 Fax (818) 957-4435 CRS CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES <www, D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (All events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston Count)' ORV Park, Ol:,mpia, WA) DAKAR RALLY DARREN SKILTON BAJA AUTOMOTIVE ADVENTURES 455 E. OCEAN BLVD., SUITE 208 LoNG BEACH, CA 90802. (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 <> DECATIJR Fmm WHEEL DRIVE Cum DECATUR, TX 76234 ToMALLEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MoTORSPORTS 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 USTERN OFF-ROAD RACING AssN. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE RciAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 FNsFNADA BAJA OFF RoAD RACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX 011-52-646-1818989 Eus10 011-52-646-1715230 AARON Races for buggys & Motorcycles EsTERO BEACH INTERNATIONAL Short Course Racing VICTORIA GALINDO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO Ol l-52-646-176-6230 EDR EXTREME DESERT RACING P.O. Box 91615 AusnN,TX 78709 (512) 848-4344 /E FAx (1512) 687-5310 Car Truck Series October 7-8, 2011 West Texas 300 Notrees,TX Championship awards Odessa,TX Bike Quad Series FORDA FwRIDA OFF RoAD DRIVER'S AsSOCIATION JASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Apr, Ma:,, Noo at Davidson Racewa:, GENERAL TIRE TROPHYLITE SERIES DRIVE RACING ORGANIZATION 76(}.352-6020 l Las Vegas, NV GLEN HELEN OFF-ROAD BAJA CUP CHALLENGE SERIES POBox6950 SAN BERNARD!Nt>, CA 92412 CoNTACT: BoB BEYER, OFF-ROAD DIREC-TOR PHONE: (909) 815-5811 December 1 7, 2011 Night Race Short course, stadium and desert race classes GLEN HELEN BAJA CUP CHALLENGE SERIES PO Box6950 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92412 CONTACT: BoB BEYER, OFF-ROAD DIRECTOR PHONE: (909) 815-5811 December 17 Night Race GORRA GEORGIA OFF RoAD RACING ASSOCIATION 420 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 September 2011 GPORRA GREAT PLANES OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION TtMHODGE (402) 991-6048 ScOTTMoRRow (816) 792-2126 (All races are short course, stadium st)'le Classes, 2010 Sportsman, 1/2-1600, 5-1600, Sport Truck, Quads, Tough Truck Nebraska Racewa:, Park, Erit 420 on I-80 between Omaha and Lincoln.) For latest info check <> HIGH PLAINs OFF RoAD RACING 2000 W. QUINCY AVENUE #8 ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 303-806-8062/ 303-781-0974 fax INTERNATIONAL lcE RACING Assoc1ATION P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDDOR (612) 937-3816/ Fax 474-2769 INTER-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, I.Ne. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 }EEPSPEED 1826 N. WINDES ORANGE, CA 92869 714-538-7434/ fax 714-633-1724 KAMLooPs OFF RoAD RACING Whispering Pines Sports & Recreation Center KAMLOOPS, BC, CANADA Mike Strange (250) 573-4003 LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS & OFFROAD EXPO (626) 961-3782 <> <> L.I.T.R.E. JEFF ELROD (408) 926-0522 jtMARUTA (408) 247-4402 LOORRS LUCAS OIL OFF RoAD RACING SERIES September 24, 2011 Round 11 Speedworld Off Road Park Surprise, AZ September 25, 2011 Round 12 Speedworld Off Road Park Surprise, AZ November 5, 2011 Round 13 Las Vegas Motor Speedway Las Vegas, NV November 6, 2011 Round 14 Las Vegas Motor Speedway Las Vegas, NV December 10, 2011 Round 15 Firebird International Raceway Chandler, AZ December 11, 2011 The Lucas Oil Challenge Cup Firebird International Raceway Chandler, AZ MAMARluTA OFF ROAD RACING Luis CARLos ALvAREZO PANAMERICANA AVE #5105 Co. JuAREz, CH1H., MX 011-52-1637-1799 MICHIGAN BUGGY BUILDERS Dune Buggy Trade Show (517) 543-7214 <> MICHIGAN OFF RoAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 }ONES ROAD GRAND LEDGE, ML 48837 (517) 627-6200 Motorcycles, Quads, ATVs and Pilots only MAORA Mm-AMERICA OFF RoAD AssOCIATION P.O. Box664 GREENUP, IL 62428 (217) 962-1318 E-MAIL: <> M.O.R.E. MoJA VE OFF RoAD RAcING E.Nnn.JSIASTS P.O. Box 1231 BARSTOW, CA 92312 7 60-25 3-44 5 3 < September 10, 2011 Kartek Chili Cook Off 250 October 8, 2011 6th Annual Powder Puff December 3, 2011 Holiday 200 Toys for tots race MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY AssOCIATION DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. FLINT, ML 48506 (810) 730-9221 MOTOWEST WINTER TruALs SERIES BILL MARKHAM (909) 860-1857 <> All events at Perris Racewa:, (At Reed Valley with a schaol) NATIONAL Muo RACING AssN. RT. #l, 2010 Box 380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN PALATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFF TRUCK AssN. Butch Chapin Motorsports Promo-tions 1404 EAST 3RD STREET HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NOORA NORTHERN Omo OFF RoAD RACING ASSN. GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAIL <> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Spring Valley Racewa:,, on route 518, 20 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) (Thunder Valley located 15 minutes from Spring Valle:,) NORRA NATIONAL OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION (661) 268-1232 OFF RoAD EXPo SPIN COMMUNICATIONS (415) 380-3890 OFF RoAD RAcING Assoc1ATION Volunteered Series PRESIDENT, 2010 GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP., 2010 l/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP., 2010 9 & UNLID. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OUTLAW REP. DON PONDER (314) 631-8190 (All Races at Wheeling in the Count)' 900 Acres) OHIO OFF RoADERS I.Ne. 1427 GOSHEN HILLS ROAD S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 }IM KENDEL (216) 339-4674 All races held at Harrison County Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION RICK TtCHBOURNE, PUBLIC RELATIONS (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) OUTI.A w SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. Louts, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/Fax: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. Off Road Championship 495 N. COMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <> PENNSYLVANIA SHORT COURSE RACING SMITHTON HOLE RACEWAY 313 SKYLINE DRIVE SMITHTON, PA. 15479 MIKE GEISER 330-683-6263 Dusty Times

Page 7 Short Course Offroad Racing All Races At Smithton Hole Raceway PncEs PEAK P.O. Box 6962 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF ROAD RACING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 875-7591 PRoTRUCK PROTRucK MANAGEMENT lNc. 11409 PlNEHURSf DR. lAKEsmE, CA 92040 (619) 885-4458 PRo 1600 SHOOTOUT CoREYGOIN 559-647-6132 GOINRACIN@HOTMAIL.COM PuRE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box50 RICKETTS, IA 51460 (712) 679-2221 RALLY AMERICA <> 22ND RALLYE AlcHA DES GAZELLES The Only All-Women's Off-Road Rally Raid In The World U.S. Liaison:Kelly Van Hoesen 203-249-1340 Skype: kellanvanhoesen <> March 17-March 31, 2012 France and Morocco RG CANNING PRODUCTIONS, INc. OFF RoAD SwAP MEET P.O. Box400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270-0400 New/Used Off Road Related Parts & Accessories MIKE CAMPBELL 323-560-7469 Ext 507 Sunday, September 18, 2011 At Primm - Buffalo Bills ROCK CRAWLERS AssOCIATION OF AMERICA P.O. Box 1406 RlvERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/Fax: (801) 253-3176 · SAN DIEGO SHORT COURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New Series by Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro Trucks, Desert Trucks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Truck <> (858) 571-5088 SAN ThEGo OFF RoAD ExrosmoN (888) 836 7918 SCCA RoADRALLY P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-2055 <> SFX MoTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. COMMONS ORNE, Sum 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/ (630) 556-6180 Fax SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., Sum A CA1ABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 <> November 17-20, 2011 44th Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 Ensenada, BC, MX SNORE SOUTHERN NEV ADA OFF ROAD ENTliuSIASTS P.O. Box 270516 LAs VEGAS, NV 89127 702-277-2295 October 22-23, 2011 SNORE 250 Pahrump, NV December 10-11, 2011 Rage At The River Laughlin, NV SONS OF THUNDER 4 WHEELERS RACE DMSION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 Dusty Times SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 Mike Moore, 2010 (224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS EXPO MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. HACIENDA BLVD. #322 HACIENDA HEIGHTS, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SCTA SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION & BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, INc. P.O. Box 10 OROS!, CA 93647 (559) 528-6279 (559) 528-9749 FAX <> SOUTHERN SHORT COURSE OFF RoAD RACING AssN. 4305 WOOTLARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (All Races at Eastbay Raceway, Tampa, FL) TRAXXAs TORC SERIES Sept 3-4, 2011 Crandon Off Road Crandon, WI Sept 1S, 2011 Chicagoland Speed SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box 706 ToYsFoR ToTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADILLA VALLEY SPORTS CENTER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <> VORRA VALLEY OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 1970 EAsT 2ND STREET RENO, NV 89502 775-287-0615 <> October 1-2, 2011 Short Course Reno/Sparks, NV October 29-30, 2011 Short Course Prairie City OHV Park Folsom, CA VICENTE GUERRERO OFF ROAD CLlJB PROFO. CENOVIO GAMBOA 011-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 p.m.) WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING AsSOCIATION LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WESTERN PENNsn v ANIA WHEEL To WHEEL OFF RoAD RACING PATRICK McGUIRE P.O. Box376 ADAMSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2939 E; Grovers Ave. PHOENIX, AZ 85032 (602) 971-3730 <> December (fBA), 2010 ACP,AZ WISCONSIN MoTORSPORTS SHow (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTIVAL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 0sHKOSH, WL 54901 (414) 688-5509 WoRLD SERIES OF OFF RoAD RACING FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP P.O. Box99 CRANDON, W1SCONSIN 54520 303-880-7221 <WWW.WRC.COM> XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 COMMANDER ORNE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 ZR PROMOTIONS Luis RENE MONTANO C. CALZADA INDEPENDENCIA 200 -5 CoL lNSURGENTES EsTE 21280 MEXICALI, BC, MX (686) 564 6653 List your coming events 1n DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't hap, pen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your 2011--2012 schedules as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: Dusty Times, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311--5003 September 2011 Trail Notes ... event, the course will once again use the new stages from 2010. The route is all dirt road surfaces, which are generally smooth and hard packed with occasional rough or sandy spots. There are always a fair number of washouts and waterbars. For many years Gorman drivers navigated the roads inside the Angeles National Forest, until the event's permit application renewal was denied. Organizer Ray Hocker hopes the rally can return to the forest roads in the near future. "We are really happy with the relationship we've built through the many years with the staff and administration at Hungry Valley," Hocker said. "We were a good forest user and had a perfect safety record for over 30 years. Every year we did thousands of dollars of road upkeep and repair on the forest roads." Topping off the entry list is Mitchell Williams of Denver, Colo. He is currently the leader in the USRC's All-Wheel-Drive Championship standings for the Pacific Division, leading with 360 points after his victory at the Idaho Rally in June, driving a Subaru Impreza STi. Rebecca Greek, also of Denver, will co-drive for Gorman as his Checkpoint Racing teammate, Alix Hakala, will be on vacation. "Rebecca is a very seasoned co-driver. She's done a ton of events around the West Coast and typically runs with Todd Morberly," Williams said. "She's a good friend of mine and I'm looking forward to competing with her. We've been racing side by side for years now so I know she's good." Greek navigated for the youngest driver in this year's Pike's Peak International Hill Climb, Savannah Rickli, 17, in this year's Pikes Peak. The women finished with an impressive seventh place in the Time Attack 2WD class in a MINI Cooper S, competing against some of the best in the sport such as Rod Millen and Jeff Zwart. With the Subaru WRX STi well represented, the competition looks fierce in the Open AWD entries for this year's Gorman Ridge Rally. Coming back strong after disappointing DNFs are the teams ofJon Burke, San Francisco, Calif., and Tucker Heiner, Mountain View, Calif. The Up Two Mountains Rally team is back after attrition took them out on Stage 4 at the North Nevada Rally. Doug Chemis, Mesa, Ariz., and Craig Macnair, Phoenix, Ariz., are raring to go after their DNF at High Desert Trails. Chemis owns RaceTechnik, a race car shop in Arizona and has assisted motor sports competitors across the board gain victory- now it's his tum. In the USRC Open 2WD class, hot contenders to watch are the team of Bill Holmes, Malibu, Calif., and Sean Gallagher, Santa Ana, Calif., points leaders in the CRS Group 5 class, in a Ford F-150 Raptor. Last year's overall winners at Gorman, the team took the overall win at this year's High Desert Trails rally and lead the standings in the CRS-5 class. Condor Rally Sport has three Volkswagen Golfs entered in the USRC Production 2WD class. This team, based in Rancho Santa Fe, Calif., shows rally is truly a family affair. Tony Chavez and his wife, Raquel Salas, are joined by Chavez' daughter Sandra who is co-driving for her boyfriend Rene de la Trinidad. Al Chavez, Tony's brother, is driving the third car. Gorman Ridge Rally is infamous for its barbecue. This year it will be during the rally's mid-point and provided by the Boy Scouts. Post-event beer is provided by Karl Strauss Brewing Company. The event also features live scoring, presented by, available through the event's website at www.gormanridgerally. com < LAS VEGAS ROOKIE MENZIES LEADS SCORE TROPHY-TRUCK, Overall Season points after Rd 3 of five-race Series - LOS ANGELES-Winning two of the first three series races overall and in the featured SCORE Trophy-Truck division, Las Vegas rookie driver Bryce Menzies finds himself at the top of the point leaderboard of the five-race 2011 SCORE Desert Series. SCORE has released the updated season point standings following final data-tracking review and release of the final revised results from the Tecate SCORE Baja 500. Menzies, who opened the season by winning the SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge in January, drove to a penalty-free victory as well in June's 43rd Tecate SCORE Baja 500 to assume a commanding lead in the SCORE Overall and SCORE Trophy-Truck point standings in the No. 70 Menzies Motorsports Ford F-150. Sandwiched between his first two career SCORE race wins in the marquee racing division for high-tech, 850-horsepower, unlimited production trucks, Menzies finished sixth in SCORE Trophy-Truck at the 25th MasterCraft Safety Tecate SCORE San Felipe 250 in March .. "Somebody needs to pinch me and tell me I'm not just dreaming all this," said Menzies recently. "We have such a great team and our vehicle is prepped so magnificently but with the world's best racers in SCORE Trophy-Truck, I am stunned that we are on top of the board right now. I couldn't do any of this without the unconditional support from my dad (team owner Steve Menzies) and I continue to learn so much from him every day, that I just hope I can keep learning, stay patient and don't do anything stupid in the last two races to diminish the great success we have had so far this year. PICKING UP HIS EIGHTH CAREER SCORE TROPHY-TRUCK RACE WIN, in San Felipe, Las Vegas Rob MacCachren, an eight-time SCORE season point champion, is third in overall and second in SCORE Trophy-Truck points so far after finishing fourth in Laughlin and ninth in Ensenada with 227 points. Following consistent seventh, fifth and fourth-place finishes in the season's first three events, Gary Weyhrich, Troutdale, Ore., is fourth in overall points and third in SCORE Trophy-Truck with 214 in the No. 98 TSCO Motorsports Ford F-150. Third in Class 1 and eighth overall is Brian Parkhouse, Long Beach, Calif., with 199 points in a Jimco-Chevy. After winning his class at the recent Tecate SCORE Baja 500, Luke McMillin, El Cajon, Calif., is leading Class 1-2/1600 and is 10th in overall points with 194 in the 1600cc McMillin Racing AlumiCraft-VW. San Diego's McMillin family actually has three third-generation desert racers in the top 16 overall point standings after three races of the 2011 SCORE Desert Series. Besides Luke McMillin, his brother Daniel McMillin is tied for 11th in overall points and fourth in Class 1 while their cousin Jessica McMillin leads the Protruck class with three straight wins this season and is tied for 16th in overall points with 190. The McMillins also have two SCORE Trophy-Truck entries in most races, one driven by Mark McMillin, Luke and Daniel's father, and the other shared by Jessica McMillin's brother and father, Andy McMillin and Scott McMillin. Andy did not race in Laughlin, but finished third and second respectively in San Felipe and Ensenada while Mark did not race in Ensenada, but finished eighth in Laughlin. 2 011 SCORE DESERT SERIES POINT LEADERS -Top 25 Overall Cars and Trucks (Position, Drivers, Vehicle-Engine, Class, Points) 1. Bryce Menzies, Las Vegas, Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy-Truck), 243 2. Justin Davis, Chino Hills, Calif., ESM-Chevy (Class 1), 240 3. Rob MacCachren, Las Vegas, Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy-Truck), 227 4. Gary Weyhrich, Troutdale, Ore., Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy-Truck), 214 5. Gus Vildosola Jr., Mexicali, Mexico, Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy-Truck), 205 5. Darnen Jefferies, Apple Valley, Calif., Jefferies-Chevy (Class 1), 205 7. Adam Householder, Orange, Calif., Chevy Silverado (SCORE Trophy-Truck), 200 Continued on p1g1 42 Page 7

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'••'•>'ff • • • I I I If I / I I I '•II• • I I I 1 I I I J • I O ~IDI.B~VEcas To RENO Strobel/Ebberts Win overall Photos: Trackside Photo The Freitas clan took first place honors in Class 1500 on the Vegas To Reno run, they had 11 minutes on their competition at the finish. Dayton, NV: At the end of an exceptionally difficult 549 miles, the winner in the car/truck divi-sion of the Best In The Desert Vegas to Reno event was the Jimco Ford Trick Truck of Steve Strobel and Dale Ebberts. Leading a pack of 156 car and truck entries, Strobel and Ebberts completed the run in 9:52:39, five minutes in front of the second place finisher. This was one of the toughest V to R events in memory. Heavy win-ter rains, and many, many flash floods, had washed away the sand and dirt, leaving the desert strewn with tire-grabbing rocks. Flat tires were the issue for most teams. But silt and its towering clouds of dust played a huge part in determining the finish order also. Try as they might, following vehicles could not close up on another vehicle as long as that plume of silty dust was hovering on the trail in front of it. Drivers could see nothing through it, and making a blind pass was foolhardy stuff. Each team hoped fervently for flawless service in the pits. Often, the only way to get around another racer was to spend less time in the pits. The entry into and exit from the pits is at 25 miles per hour, so there was no passing another racer on the track in the pit areas, but a speedy fuel dump or tire change could send a vehicle back out on to the trail in race vehicle. The police generally did relent and allow one person to take the item up, with instructions to "come right back!" No one groused too much, even though it was surely an unnecessary precau-tion. BITD starts have always been well controlled, and the crews and fans who do stand close to the start line, have always been bright enough to stand well back out of any danger. Interestingly, the BLM man on the scene, Tom Seley, was vocal about the fact that off-roaders, including those who race, are welcome in his area. He did say that non-organized off roaders are "hard to effect any manage-front of its competitor. ally set up crews that would simply ment on", and added that in that The race actually starts just be there to service the cars. The area they particularly don't want south of Beatty, which puts it course didn't come near 95 again pet>ple who take off "willy nilly north of desert tortoise territory, until it crossed the highway at Top across the desert", wreaking havoc and also avoids a species of frog Gun, and then crossed the Yer-with watershed, and undoing the or toad that's protected. Once the ington highway at Weeks. After BLM's efforts to maintain healthy racers have left the start, heading that the racers faced the final forty water systems for the local wildlife. east and north it hugs Highway 95 miles or so, which was pretty gen-The bikes and quads took off for a while. At about Race Mile erally considered to be the rough- very early in the morning, and 32 the racers crossed the highway, es , rockiest and toughest part of then there was a break of a couple and then ran mostly northward the whole race. The time limit for of hours before the Trick Trucks paralleling the pavement, until the race was "approximately 24 started. This gave the slower ve-they got to Pit 2, at Mile 98, right hours." hides a pretty good head start, near Cotton Tail. Then it headed The start, on a beautifully grad-and probably meant that by the out into the hills again, and for ed road which had been gener- time the Irick Trucks and Class about 40 miles went mostly north. ously, but uselessly, watered, was 1500 cars caught them, they'd be At that point, the race was north controlled by the BLM and the lo-thinned out and could be passed of Goldfield, but then it turned cal gendarmes. They said that as a safely. south-east and dropped down, pit- "direct result of that accident last The weather was typical for the ting at Mile 159, right on the out- year in California", there would be area - hot, but not oppressive up skirts of Goldfield. When they left no spectators allowed up around at the higher elevations. There that pit, racers went south again, the actual start line. The BITD were virtually no friendly breezes running parallel to the highway, uses a one-car-at-a-time start, with to blow the dust away, however. and east of the previous north-the first 61 vehicles going off at For this event the Time Trials, bound section. Then they crossed one-minute intervals, and the rest, which determine the start order Highway 95 one more time, by 30 seconds apart. Spectators were of the vehicles in Class 1500 and means of an underpass this time, corralled 100 yards away, behind Trick Truck, were won by Kevin and then drove mostly northward the fence of the huge parking area. Conlon, in his Class 1500 Jimco. to Tonopah, where there was an-That way, according to t;,he gen- Ray Griffith was second in anoth-other Pit area. darmes on duty, "no one would be er Jimco and the third fastest, and They continued to roughly hit by flying rocks." Not allowing first Trick Truck, was Tavo Vildo-parallel the highway then until "spectators" up near the start did sola, in Jesse Jones's Ford. Jones Mina, at which point the race cause some hardship for a few • couldn't make the race, thanks to went north, while the highway racers. For example, if someone an out-of-state business 'trip, and headed westward for a while. The radioed to his crew that he'd for- Vildosola was driving in his place. pits on that remote section of the gotten something - gloves, horse-In the Best In The Desert events, course were far off the highway, collar, a bottle of water -what the points accrue to the vehicle, so and chase vehicles couldn't always have you -it was then difficult to it is possible for someone else to get there in time - so teams gener- get the necessary item up to the drive an event and still earn points .-------------------,------------------ ----, L----~--~~~~----~-¥---~~~·~-•~J la~-. ' toward the season championship. But at the end of the day, it wasn't the Vildosola/Jones en-try in front, it was Strobel and Ebberts. Strobel had started in the morning, and then Ebberts got in at Mile 160 and drove to Mile 320, when Strobel got back in and went to the finish. Ebberts' section was trouble free, and he'd had a lot of fun, saying, "The truck was fun to drive -it cornered so well!" Stro-bel had two flats on course and finished on a left rear flat. Their elapsed time was 9:52:39. Second in the Trick Truck class went to B. J. Baldwin, in his Chevy. B. J. said he'd had an "eventful day", in part because he'd had the wrong visor on his helmet, and it wouldn't seal prop-erly, thus allowing dust inside, and into his eyes. Then, he added, at one gas stop he didn't get a full load, so he'd needed to make an extra stop. He'd also lost the crank position sensor and had a flat. His time was 10:04:23. In third in the Trick Trucks it was the team of Steve Olliges, and John Swift and his son Jonathan, who all drove the Ford. They were the 37th vehicle off the start line in the morning, and about the seventh vehicle to get to the finish line, doing an outstanding job. But the truck expired in the finish area, and had to be towed away. They said that Olliges started, Jonathan did the middle, and he "gained ground", while John Swift did the final section to the finish. John had his daughter, Lauren, working as navigator, but they'd lost their intercom, and had to fall back on old style hand signals for communicating. That's something the senior Swift knew about, but it was new for his daughter. They reported that Jonathan had suf-fered one flat, which he'd had to change on course. Their time was 10:12:27. In fourth place in the Trick Trucks, it was Jerry Whelchel in Jerry Zaiden's Camburg. Whelchel drove all the way, reported a "good day", with "no problems." His The Baldwins, BJ and Bobby took the silver medal in the Class 1400 It was a silver medal finish in Class 1500 for Steven Appleton at Al Hogan took second place honors in the Class 7200 battle, Al is action, seen here at high speed in their Chevrolet. Vegas To Reno, Seen here at one of many liftoffs for them. seen here in his Ford just at the moment of takeoff. Pages September 2011 Dusty Times I I

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•I• i I I I I I If t I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I• I I I 1 '• • • •'' ••II • I I I I , , , I , I I I I I 1 \I\<,• 1,, I , I• 1 1' ' I I 1' earned ... " They also said they'd had "dust, dust, dust." Their time was 10:28:32. In eighth it was Will Staats and Robbie Pierce in their Ford. Staats started. He said he'd had "one nasty flat", and other than that, a "nice run." Pierce made the decision to not install the light bar at one pit, because another truck was close, but then he broke for a while and dark settled in on him and he had to drive to the finish with just "two little lights". Their time was 10:35:28. Troy Vest captured the gold medal in the Class 1200 fracas, he's seen here navigating his way through one of many silty areas. First place honors in Class 1100 went to Bryan Folks, Bryan is seen here hustling his Ford across the arid desert. The ninth Trick Truck team was Bobby Baldwin and Chad Ragland in a Chevrolet. Baldwin started, but wasn't feeling very good, so he got out at Mile 99. It seems the truck's motor had blown in the qualifying run, so no one on the team had had enough sleep. They'd been almost the last Trick Truck to start -in 56th place off the line. Ragland got in and drove to the finish. At Mile time was 10:18:49. The fifth place team of Scott Whipple and Scott Gailey in a Ford, said they'd had "no prob-lems at all", and just one "self inflicted" flat. Gailey's son, Pat-rick, navigated the entire distance. Their time was 10: 19: 10, only 21 seconds behind fourth place. In sixth it was the Chevrolet of Greg Nunley and Ken Losch. Nun-ley started and drove to Mile 316, Redlich. At Mile 229, he'd rolled the truck, which cost him about 30 minutes. He'd also flattened one tire. Losch had transmission trouble, but no flat tires. Their total time was 10:25:40. In seventh place it was the fa. ther-son team of Mark and Daniel McMillin in a Ford. Mark started, with Cameron Parrish navigating, and they went to Pit 3 (Cotton Tail) and then Dan got in and drove to Pit 12, (Gabbs, Mile 412), where Mark got back in to drive to the finish. They said they'd had four flat tires - "three that we Cantinud H ,11110 Lee Banning drove his Ford powered Class 1100 to a second place Macrae Glass had his share of flat tires this race, but, he still managed Max and Jacob Hanberg drove their Lothringer to a second place finish in the Class 1100 competition, seen here at high speed. a second place finish in his Ford in Class 8000. finish in Class 2000, they're seen here with breathing problems. Dusty Times 2,160 Rooms And Suites 60 Table Games 2,600 Slot Machines Poker Room Race & Sports Book 640-Seat Bingo Room 16 Movie Theaters 9 Restaurants 75,000 Sq. Ft. Of Meeting Space 4,500 Seat Equestrian & Event Center 80,000 Sq. Ft. Exhibit Hall Spa & Fitness Center Showroom 64-Lane Bowling Center ~t:/a«9fu4 LAS VEGAS BLVD AT SILVERADO RANCH• SOUTHPOINTCASINO.COM September 2011 Page 9

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350 he came up on a "huge silty hole", and a biker in front of him fell. So Ragland stopped, and was stuck. The biker went on, but Rag-land needed help. Happily, some locals came up and jerked him out. He then couldn't untie the rope, so he drove with it dangling for a while. They said this was "by far the roughest Vegas to Reno ever!" Their time was 10:45:40. '''' ' 1 I I'> I I It I I I I I I I I I I I I I If I I I I ' I I I I I I, It' I I • 1 < I 1 ' 1 l I J "-- I I o I J .J .J .J j I J I J I J J I f I • • • ' I ' I ' The tenth Trick Truck finisher was the team of Kevin McGillivray and Nils Castillo in their Ford. McGillivray started and drove to about Mile 300, and then Castillo finished. McGillivray had what he termed "an unearned flat" at Mile 6, and everyone went by him. He changed the tire and went on with only one spare. Then he "folded a rim around a caliper", and lost more time. Castillo said he had "a great run." Their time was 10:59:33. David Caspino took the gold medal in Class 7200, he is seen here racing his Ford towards the finish line in Dayton. Don German is flyin' low as he heads to a first place finish in Class._8000, his Chevy is seen here just after liftoff. • In 11th it was Steve Sourapas and Rick Geiser in the Sourapas Ford. They said they'd had drive-shaft problems and couldn't get the bolts off. They also had one flat. Sourapas drove to Mile 222, and Geiser finished. Their time was 11:12:20. Adam Householder drove all the way in his Chevrolet, and fin-ished 12th. He said the alternator went bad, and "both MSD boxes went bad" and he'd had one flat. His time was 11:19:50. In 13th place it was the team of Ed Herbst and Larry Roeseler in a Ford. Roeseler started and went half way. They changed a transmission at Mile 300 after los-ing all forward gears. LR. had to drive 12 miles in reverse to get to their pit for the fix. Their time was 11:09: 18. The 14th finisher was Ryan Poelman in his Custom. Poelman, who did all the driving, said he'd hit a big rock which broke his sway bar linkage, rotor, brakes and caliper and caused his navigator to "pee himself." He then limped to the pit where he spend two hours under repair, but, as often happens, the brakes never were right again. He said he did a "lot of downshifting." Poelman's time was 12: 18:40. The 15th place Trick Truck was Steve Croll's Ford. Croll drove from the start to Mile 313, and Tim Weston navigated for him. They had "lots of brake issues." Then they put Darren Ebberts in to drive, with Mike Melendez navigating. Ebberts had no big problems, but they had wiring gremlins. This was Ebberts's first race in a Trick Truck and he said "It was a blast." Their time was 12:42:38. (The twin to this truck, driven by Steve's brother, Shawn, was a dnf. Shawn had rolled it and landed on his lid, with the rear end badly crunched.) In 16th it was James Horvath who came down from Canada to team with Jason McNeil in a Ford. This was Horvath's first race, and he started in the morning. Then he got into the dust and rolled the truck, which turned scary for the passenger in the third seat, who was stuck in his belts and couldn't get loose as quickly as he'd have liked. They were parked on their lid. Their Iritrack device didn't work, so the medics came out, but since they didn't need medi-cal help, they helped upright the truck. They carried on, and Mc-Neil drove the final stretch, with no brakes. Horvath, who bought two front flat tires at once, and the truck only a month before the had to drive four miles to the pit race, certainly had a good story to on those flats to get new tires. take back to Canada. Their time Their time was 10:43:07. was 13:29:01, and they were the Mike Bilek and Darnen Jeffer-last in the class to finish. ies were sixth in their HMS. Bilek In Class 1500, the open-started and drove to Mile 200 and wheeled cars, there were 37 start- Jefferies went to the finish. He ers. And at the end of the day, the said there was "crazy dust!" And winner was Garrick Freitas, who he also commented that the rocks drove all the way in his Jimco. He were "strategically placed." Jeffer-said he'd had no mechanical prob- ies was concerned because he fin-lems, beyond the throttle sticking ished without a spare, but, he said, a few times. He had decided he'd he hadn't taken it off to change a "have to be patient." The plan was flat, it had just fallen off, unno-to stop four times for tires and ticed by him, and he was hoping fuel, and that worked. Freitas said the BITD would realize that when they "picked up time" with their they saw that it was a good tire, well-planned pit stops. His total and the _team wouldn't be penal-time for the day was 9:57:41. ized. Their time was 10:50:54. In second place it was Steve In seventh it was T. J. Flores Appleton, in a Jimco, who'd start- who drove the entire distance in ed 43rd in the morning, thanks to his Bunderson. He finished at a flat tire during the Time Trials. just about 9 p.m., saying it had He said he'd had a "good run", been an "easy drive 'til the last with only one flat tire to slow forty miles." He had flattened two him down. He'd passed Conlon tires at once, and carried only one (who'd been first on the road) spare - so he drove the final 45 near the end of the day. Apple- miles in on a flat. His time was ton's time was 10:08: 18. 10:56:37. Chuck Hovey was third in his The eighth place finisher was Jimco. He said he'd "tried to cool Kyle Conlon, who'd been first to it all day -run my own pace." But start, and had been expected to he'd had three flat tires and he'd win the class in his Jimco. Con-had to pump the brakes for the Ion's been having a good season last part of the race. He reported and has earned a reputation as that it was "a very rocky course." a smart driver who could be ex-One of his flats took a long time pected to take advantage of that because the car fell off the jack first-on-the-road position. But he twice, probably costing him about disappeared off the charts. All 12 minutes. Hovey's car is a one-kinds of stories circulated, but seater, so he d_oes the tire changes the one with the most credence himself. His time was 10:18:47. was that he'd had major brake In fourth place it was Bob problems. When his co-driver, and Justin Lofton in their Jimco. Adam Pfankuch did finish, he Somehow we missed them in the and navigator Rick St. John didn't dark at the finish line, so we don't circle around to the "interview" know how their day went.iTheir area, but, after reporting that total time was 10:22:36. they'd had "a few flats", went off Fifth was earned by the team of into the darkness. Their time was Paul Keller, Shelby Reid and Louis 11:08:05. Chamberland. Chamberland did In ninth it was Shannon Camp-all the navigating. 1hey were in a bell in his Custom car. He said " "Custom" chassis. They said that ... roughest day of my life!" He'd Keller started and he tossed some lost his front driveshaft before he belts. Reid got in at Pit 8 (Mile got to Pit 3. Said Campbell, "It It was a gold medal finish for Chad Giguiere in the Class 1000 battle, he's seen 286) and drove to the finish. The came apart!" So he limped to the here with the power on, headin' for the checkers. car overheated, and also she had pit and spent "forever", fixing it. A i===:::::::=============,-p~=:=.=;------w11;;::Ez~.----:--.a.....:-..-...... realistic estimate was 25 minutes. He said he'd also had "Quite a few flats", and a caliper got ripped off. And, in addition to all that, his back hurt, and he'd got the wind knocked out of him at one point. Campbell's time was 11:09:18. In tenth place it was Sam Berri,. in his Jimco. Berri's day started to go downhill early when he tore up a trailing arm. He said he lost "way over an hour" with re-pairs, and he'd also had "a couple flats." Berri described the course as "probably one of the worst that he's had -kinda miserable, silty." He added that "a lot of guys tipped over and one guy burned up." Berri's time was 11:28:56. The 11th finisher was Ray Griffith, in a Jimco. He did all the driving, and Tony Sato navigated the entire distance. Griffith had a rock hit the radiator and put a hole in it, which lost them a couple of hours. He also lost his brakes at one point, which used up another 20 minutes in repairs. Sato, na: igating for the first time, seemed to have withstood the chal-lenge. Their time was 11:39:52. In 12th it was the father/son team of Carlos and Rudy Cortez in their Rudy, the dad, is 67 years old. He drove the first 300 miles of the race, and had no issues. Carlos reported no flats in his section, but said he'd had a "small fuel problem." Rudy started his off-road racing career as a biker in the '70s, but gradu-ated into cars in the '80s. When they went to leave the finish area at this event and Carlos fired up the motor, big flames shot from the twin exhausts, out into the crowd of hangers-on that's always around a finish area. It made for an entertaining few moments and no one was injured or burnt, just startled. Their time was 11:43:36. In 13th it was Larry Brown and Jason Beam in a Jimco. Brown started and finished and Beam did the middle. This was the first race in the car, and they said they'd had a "real good day", with no Cantinued an page 12 A second place finish in Class 3000 went to Keith Waibel Keith is Larry Trim drove his Ford to a second place finish in the Class 1200 Clint Ma/burg took a second place finish in the Class 1800 race, Clint seen here just at touchdown on his way to the checkered flag. action, he's seen here going into a right hander. is seen here in the clear as he is heading north. 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1 1 • I 1 ' 'ff I t I' I I • I 1 'I I I I I I , I I,•>; i I I I f I I I I I I + I 1 • 'II••• 1 I ' ' • I•• I I I I j I I J t I I I j , It I I•,, • , John Helton drove his Jeep to a second place finish in the Class Tim Casey drove his Ford to a second place finish in the Class 8100 It was a long day for the Travis Carpenter crew, they were second in 1700 action, he's seen here on his way north. fracas, Tim is seen here plowing his way through the soft stuff. Class 4400 but it was an almost 21 hour trek to Reno. Bryan Meyers took top billing in the Class 1600 trek to Reno, he's seen here kickin' up a bit of dust as he goes by. flats. Their only problem was a pad that fell out of a caliper. Their time was 12:03:36. In 14th place it was the winged Bunderson of Mike Walser from Comfort, Texas. He explained that the wing is adjustable, but not from inside the cockpit. When they finished the race, one side of it had sagged a bit. This was Walser's fourth time entering the V to R event, but it was the first time he'd got a finish. Walser drove all the way and his brother, Rod, navigated. Their time was 12: 14:59. The 15th finishers were J. J. Schnarr, who drove the begin-ning and end of the event in his, and Michael Decker, who drove the middle. They said they'd had no flats, and no fifth gear. Their time was 13:05:15. In 16th it was Jeremy Pulse who drove the entire distance in his . Throttle Down Kustoms chassis. He said his OPS didn't work right off the line, so he had to stop and have it fixed. He also had one flat, which he had to fix on course. His time was 13:09:46. In 17th it was Jon Walker, who comes from Guam to race these events. He drove his Kreger all the way. He lost the rear wheel bear-ings and brakes and had to weld a hub on. It cost about two hours for the repairs. Walker used to race in Class 1000, but he says he likes Class 1500. He had no flats, and said his race was "perfect" 'til he got to Tonopah and the car started "doing left turns." His time was 13:10:23. The 18th finisher was the Kre-ger of Mark and C. J. Hutchins. C. J. started and drove 'til he broke a c.v. joint. They lost about three hours with repairs, and then Mark got in to drive. They had just one flat, which they ascribed to "driver error." Their time was 13:56:47. In 19th it was Ron Satter, Chris Appleton, Ryan Croke and Grant Korgan in a Jimco. Their time was 14:22:48. The 20th finisher was Kevin Curtis, who drove all the way in his RPS. His brother, Rick, navi-vacation rentals available in the exclusive Indian Wells country Club in the sunny Palm Springs area of southern California. Two or three bedrooms, furnished for your complete relaxation, and, if you are a glutton for punishment, play golf on either of two beautiful courses. FYI, wireless internet and long distance phones calls (USA) included. starting at 54,500 in season (January thru April) or $2,300 per month out of season. Call (760) 345-6124 Page 12 September 2011 · gated. They said they'd had no flat tires, but had a "fuel pump issue and wiring issues". They "ran good early", and were so encour-aged by their success they've de-cided to put in a new engine and transmission and race next year. Their time was 14:34:01. Finishing at 12:25 a.m., Scott Wisdom, Tony Murray and Josh Rigsby, who all drove, and Ryan Cohee, Hugo and Kyle, who all navigated, were 21st, an unusual position for the group. They said they'd "lawn darted" the car on the right front corner at the Time Trials, and thus, had started 60th in the lineup. In the race they lost a right front caliper at Mile 13, and that dropped them back into traffic with limited cars. Then at Pit 5 they had a broken axle, and they'd had two flat tires. Their time was 14:47:26. In 22nd place it was Mike Mitchell who drove all the way in his Jimco. Robert Arthur and Mark Mitchell shared the navigat-ing responsibilities. They broke a steering servo and did thirty miles with no power steering. They lost two alternators, a power steering pump and had four flats. They said their right rear bypass shock had "no guts left in it, and re-ported a broken rotor and "three hemorrhoids." Their time was 15:59:05. In 23rd place it was Sean Me-cham, Kory Halopoff, Gerald King and Ronnie Graham in a Custom. They finished as we napped, at about 4 a.m. Their time was 17: 11: 34 and they were the last finishers in the class. Sorry we missed them. In the ProTruck class the win-ner was the team of Troy Vest and Alan Levinson in a Chevrolet. Levinson started and drove to Mile 222, and then Vest drove to the finish. They said Levinson had a "couple" flats and Vest had one, and they had no other problems. The class has made some changes, and their truck has incotporated the larger motor and the bigger fuel cell, and like the results. Their time was 11:26:18. Second went to Larry Trim and Carl Fitts in a Ford. They said they'd bent a drive shaft, had a hole in the radiator, holed a header and flattened one tire. These were all separate incidents. And, they said, their steering was "uncertain." But they'd "had a good race with Vest." Their time was 13:49:02 and they were the final truck in the class to finish. In Class 1100 the winning car was driven by Bryan Folks and Rick Graf. Folks started in the Dura Tech Ford powered Foddrill, and Graf finished. Cory Boyer navigated for them. Graf had no trouble, but Folks had one flat tire. Their time was 11 :38:38. In second place it was the Ban-nings, Lee, Sr. and Lee, Jr., in another Dura Tech Ford Foddrill. Senior started, Junior finished, and they said they'd had a couple flats, but nothing else. Their time was 11:58:50. The third team to finish in the class was a team made up of Cameron Steele, Brent Parkhouse, and Brian Burgess, who split the driving in that order. Their Moult-on had a broken brake bleeder screw and Steele lost the brakes. Once fixed, Parkhouse had flats. Burgess finished, with a time of 13:05:04. Good to see Steele in a limited car. In fourth it was Gregg Ryan and Jim Harris in a Prep by Jake. They said they'd had a couple of flats, which they blamed on "driver error", and they bent a tie rod on a rock, and had to stop in a pit to have it changed. Their time was 13:48:30. The fifth place team was made up of Ryan Plowman and Brian Munson, who both drove their Kreger. They did some muttering about "stinking 7 trucks throwin' dust". They said they'd followed one for a long time, and then both had got stuck. Munson had no flats, Plowman had three. Their time was 14:08:26 . Jim Riley took the Class 6100 win at the Vegas To Reno soiree, seen here in full right lock as his Ford churns up the soft stuff. Dusty Times I

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John Swift and Steve 01/iges were the third place finishers in the Chuck Hovey is seen here flying north in his Jimco at the Vegas To Shawn Giordano and crew gave it all they had but this time had to Trick Truck race, seen here in their Ford at high speed. Reno vent, Chuck was 21 minutes out of the class win. settle for third place in Class 7200, seen here at speed. In sixth it was Greg and Rich-ard Kudrna, brothers, who split the driving in their Custom chas-sis. They had a bent tie rod and four flat tires. They said they did a "nose stand", landed on their wheels, and kept going. They also said that "this is the funnest, best managed race we've been to." Their time was 14:24:44. The seventh place car, the Fod-drill of Ed Cummings, Joe Whit-ney, Willie Cummings and Bryan Coombes, finished during our nap time. Their time was 19: 17:39. They were the last in the class to finish. In Class 7200 there were 22 trucks, and the first one to get to the finish line was a Ford driven by Dave Caspino and Jason Ru-ane. Caspino started and Ruane, who got in at Mile 313, finished. He had no problems. Caspino had a flat and lost an alternator, which he said cost him about 35 min-utes. He also lost a power steering belt, and then had to re-pass a lot of trucks. Neil Mason navigated for Ruane, and Robert Mason navigated for Caspino. Their time was 11:43: 18. In second place it was Al Ho-gan and Rob Reinertson in a Ford. Reinertson started, and he had one flat and said the "dust was bad." Hogan, who finished, said he'd been on five cylinders from Mile 380. Their time was 11:51:49. In th ird it was Shawn Gior-dano and Paul Sullivan in another Ford. Sullivan started and Gior-dano finished. They said their fuel cell has only a 40 gallon capacity, · so they had to fuel four times. They also had a flat about ten miles before the finish. Their time was 12:02:33. The fourth place team of Pres-ton Schmid, Steve and Kyle Ko-vach and Keith Jaeger, in a Ford, had a problem with overheat-ing and a "lack of horsepower" when it reached 240. They also had two flat tires. Kovach started and Schmid finished and their time was 12:56: 10. In fifth it was Rodney Huband and Jonas Helm who both drove their Ford. They said they had no GPS and two flat tires, but no other problems. They came from Texas to race here, and finished in 13: 11:01. The sixth place team, broth-ers Chase and Matt Borden, in a Ford, had a busy day. Chase had to replace a driveshaft and tire by Mile 30, and then his brakes went away. They said he "kinda drove off the side of a hill." At Mile 290 Matt took over, and he replaced an oil pump belt, got stuck in the silt, but ran hard and had no flats. Their time was 13:38:09. The team of Mike Koenig, Troy Robinson, Dan Brink and Na-than McBride, in a Toyota, were Dusty Times seventh, but we somehow missed them at the finish line. Their time was 13:56:47. In eighth it was J. T. Holmes, who drove all the way in his Ford. He was at the front of the pack .-. __ ,, Septe•be..-18111 at one point, but flattened a tire, and dropped to 13th. He also had to repair a tie rod and had a stuck throttle, so his crew zip-tied his foot to the pedal so he could pull C1ntinu11f IR ,111 14 ----------------~• .,..__ D MllTI Lon I September 2011 Page 13

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t t I I I If I I I I l I I If I I'• I I I JI 1 '• t Randy Merritt took the win in the Class 8100 battle, he's seen here just at liftoff in his big Ford truck. the throttle back as needed. Matt Ongman navigated for Holmes all the way. Finishing at 1:34 a.m., Earl Desiderio was ninth in his Ford. He drove all the way and Brandon John navigated the entire dis-tance. They replaced two axles and said they "lost hours", and then they "took our time". They said it was their first race in a Ford. Their time was 14:35:09. In tenth it was the husband/ wife team of Matt Vaughan and First place in Class 1700 went to Michael Vernak, he is seen here in the soft stuff on his way north in his Jeep. Nicole Pitell-Vaughn in a Toyota. Matt started and N i~ole finished, and couldn't sit still long enough to be interviewed because she needed a ladies' room. They said they'd had fuel problems. Their time was 15:10:14. Gavin Skilton was 11th in a zoo my looking Honda. He'd had a c.v. boot problem right off the start, and had changed "axle and all." It took a "long time." Then he got stuck trying to get past a rolled buggy while he had a flat, and he also had a couple of bro-ken wheels. His truck had a 3. 7 liter Honda Pilot motor. His time was 15:57:08. Travis Bozzano and Ken Cox, in a Chevrolet, finished in 12th place while we napped. Their time was 17:52:23. Robby Woolworth and Kyle Cox, Ford, also finished during nap time, in 13th, in the time of 19:36:53. They were the last in the class to make it in. In Class 8000 there were seven starters, and first to finish were Don and Chris German in a Chevrolet. Don started and Chris finished. They said they'd had one flat, and nothing major. This was just the third race for the truck; and they took the win in 11:50:20. In second it was Macrae Glass in his Ford. He said he'd had a flat tire at Mile 10, and thus was "in traffic" after that, the rest of the way. He had another flat later, and then had a rear brake line come loose, and all his brake fluid Michael La Paglia clan, seen here through the dust were the third Brent Parkhouse, with help from Cameron Steele, was the third place Felipe Tapia drove his truck to a third place finish in Class 3000, he's place finisher in the Class 1000 action in the Vegas To Reno race. finisher in Class 1100, seen here at high speed. seen here high tailing towards the finish line. Page 14 September 2011 Dusty Times

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r--got pumped out. He took a few moments to pull another racer (in a 10 car) off a cliff near the end of the race. Glass's time was 12:24:55. The third place finisher was the Ford of Daniel and Brian Werle, Chip Carr and Scott Armstrong, all from Arizona. They arrived during our nap time, in 16:28:44. The fourth place team came in only a half-hour behind them. That was Josh Thompson, Carson Woods, Jeff Nutter and Alex Cody in a Ford. Their time was 16:57:31 and they were the final finishers in the class. Class 1000 had sixteen start-ers for this event, and the first to get back was the Custom of Chad Giguiere and Cody Bullock. Giguiere did the start and fin-ish and Bullock did the middle. Daniel Keyes and Rick Potts did the navigating. They had two flats and an electrical problem that cost them 20 minutes. They said the car "died." It's powered by an Eco Tech motor, and has a transmis-sion and they said it ran "flaw-lessly". Their time was 11:59:37. In second place it was Cody Reid and Daniel Folts. Folts start-ed, Reid ffnished. It's a Jefferies-built with an EcoTech motor. And this was the vehicle that Glass pulled off the cliff. They said they'd broken a battery and it would no longer start on its own. Their time was 12:34:39. In third it was Michael, An-thony and Mike LaPaglia and Bill Witt in their Racer Eng. Car. Michael started and finished and Witt did the middle. They said their water temperature sensor thought the car was overheating and shut the car off eight times. They also had a flat which took out their right rear caliper and "took away our brakes." Then they had "a couple of scary experi-ences." Their time was 12:56:22. In fourth it was Todd Elam in a Safari. He said he'd had to "get out of the car a lot" due to a fuel problem. It's a one-seat car, so he had no navigator to help. He'd had a broken fuel line, which cost him two hours, and also had trouble with return springs. Elam drove the entire distance, in 13:57:31. About an hour and ten min-utes later the fifth place team, Jose Lynch, Jason DeFalco, Charlie Peltzer and Connor Gilmor, in a VW powered Alumicraft, fin-ished. Lynch starred and DeFalco finished. Lynch had "nosed into a hole" next to the course and lost an hour and 20 minutes getting out. They'd had no other prob-lems - "well, except lights and brakes!" Their time was 15: 10: 13. Just eight minutes behind them was the Tatum of Tom Bjorstrom and Troy Leezy. Bjorstrom, who drove all the wa while Lee navi-First in Class 7100 went to Blake Henn and crew, Blake is seen here pushin!J. his JT Stephens came from Little Rock, Arkansas to run Vegas To Reno, he won Ford to the limit on his way north. Class 4400 with a time a bit over 20 hours. gated, rolled the car over "five or Sixth place went to Amy and sion was out. After five miles the both started and finished, and six times", and landed on its tires, Zach Perez in a Banning. This is vibration went away, but it then Pete Sohren, who drove a bit. This but the light bar was "smushed." a mother and son team. Zach did pitched a fan belt off and when was a rent-a-racer car. Sofia Fer-They lost a couple of hours with the first half and Amy finished, Bob went to replace it he saw that nandez, Tapia's mom, navigated repairs. Their time was 15: 18:30. except that Jake DeWitt drove the the alternator stand was broken. for 40 miles while Ryan Biebe About 22 minutes later Shawn final two miles. Zach rolled the So they limped to the next pit. navigated for Phil. Their time was Twitchell, Mike Shaffer and Dan- car and landed on his lid, while The team looked for new parts, 14:45:43. iel Alberle, who all drove, finished Amy had a flat and a belt came and found them at Check 2. By Starting just behind these guys, seventh in their Chevy powered off twice. Their time was 15:05:07. now they were already four or five because it was a new vehicle, and Torchmate. They said they'd had In seventh it was Ken Tap-hours down. They made repairs they thought it might be slow, ap-some overheating problems, and ert, Gary Stairs and Fred Rahm, and headed out and it went pretty parently, was the latest thing from fuel pump problems, and at one in a Porter, who finished as we well for a while, but then a rock the TrophyLite group: their RS, point the shifter came off in their napped. They usually have a good in the caliper broke off the bleed- which featured a 5 liter Mustang hand. That cost them 40 minutes. story, sorry we missed it this time. ing nipple and they lost their rear motor. Jim Riley and Rick L. John-But they had no flats and "have Their time was 16:02:30. brakes. They fixed that and then son drove, with Craig Malloy and had none for three years." Their In eighth it was the team of David Neth got in for a while. Jeff Michalak navigating. Riley time was 15:40:48 and they were Josh Gilliam, Curt McMillin, They lost a power steering belt and started and Johnson finished and the last in the class to finish. John Bahls and Bill Anticouni in he drove about 30 miles with out they said their race was "flawless." In Class 2000 there were ten a Mirage. They lost their power it. On top of everything else, they Not only was the truck not slow, starters, and at the end of the steering belt at Mile 28 when they kept having to stop to clean the but they were the 136th vehicle to day the winning team was Bryan took a rock in a pulley. Then, at air filters. For the last section it start, and the 51st to finish, mean-Meyers and Mike Mehan. Mey-about 10:30 p.m. they lost their was the younger Reinertson with ing that one way or another they ers drove the beginning and end, battery. They were up at Rawhide, Guzman, who used to navigate got past 85 vehicles on their way while Mehan did the middle. one of the remote pits, at that for Reinertson's dad. They fin- to the finish line. They said they They said they'd had "zero prob-point and no one up there had a ished at 6:35 a.m., and a bunch 'stopped at every pit to check it !ems". But then reported that battery, so the crew had to bring of weary old-timers welcomed out, and polish it." The truck was they'd had a rock stuck in the one, and for them it was a two-the 16-year-old to the finish with completed on Wednesday before carburetor and had to "beat on hour trip each way. These guys relief and big grins. Their time the race, and its time at the finish it" to get it out. But that cost only were also pretty excited that at one was 20:55:28. They were the final was 13: 19: 12. five or six minutes. Their time was point a deer had run in front of team to finish in this class. There were 15 Sportsman en-12:35:43. their car. "A big one!" Their time Class 3000 had three entries. tries, a real mixed bag of vehicle Second place went to father- was 19:30:45. This is the Desert Lite class, for types. At the end of the day the and-son Max and Jacob Hanberg In ninth it was second-gener- two seat cars powered by four-winner was Jim Goff and Shane in their Lothringer. They said ation racer Christopher Reinert- cylinder Eco-Tee motors, and with Balch (another second genera-they'd lost their rear brakes and son, who had veteran Armando short wheelbases. At the end of tion racer, son of legendary 4x4 their right front shock, but had no Guzman navigating for him, and the day the winning team was racer, Sherman) in a Lothringer flat tires. Their time was 12:54:26. also Bob S. Neth, and David Neth, Mike Belk, Wendy Belk-Pearce, 2000 class car. Goff drove the In third place it was Gary a couple more second generation Charles Guy and Mike Terry, in first three-quarters and Balch fin-Messer, who started, and Patrick racers. At one point, somewhere a Seagroves. This was actually a ished. Goff had carburetor issues Nirschl, who finished in their after Pit 15, they'd been stuck in Class 5000 car (a VW powered and set the car up on its side. He Bunderson. Nirschl had jetting is-the silt at the base of a steep hill Baja Bug) which raced in Class also "tacoed" two wheels and had sues, one flat and one bad shock. and had fried the clutch trying to 3000 because there were no other one flat. Balch apparently had a Their time was 13:29:47. climb out. Finally they got a tow 5000s. Charlie Guy, Mike Belk smoother run, and their time was Fourth was earned by Vince out, but then they couldn't shift and Wendy Belk-Pearce all drove. 14:48: 10. Viola, who did all the driving, and they did the last three miles They said they had "little electrical In second it was Clint and Har-with Drew Loftus navigating, in in first gear. But the team had no problem" at Mile 75, which cost rison Malburg, and Chuck and their Lothringer. They said they flat tires, and actually finished on,. them about a half-hour, and "the Tyler Harvey, which looks like two "ran smooth", with no flats, no the four they started on. Their rest was just dusty." Their time father-son teams, in an unknown problems, and had a little race trip was more like a saga, maybe was 12:55:53. brand of vehicle. They finished as with the "Lost Boys" for about 40 right up there with crossing the Second went to Keith Waibel we slept, in the time of 16:11:29. miles. Their time was 13:45:49. Alps, or navigating through Death and Jeff Vetter who said their Third went to John Adams, Two minutes behind them Valley in a covered wagon. Before Predator had "no problems, no Mike Self, Scott Kuhne and Mi-in fifth, it was Jeff Huebner and Check 1 they'd taken a rock in the flats." They had to make extra fuel chael Ammirati in a rent-a-racer-Hank Winter in a Bunderson. fan, while Scott Neth was driving stop& because they had only a 22 Ford. They also finished during Winter started and finished and and his dad, Bob, was navigating. gallon fuel cell, and got only about nap time, in 17:42:02. Huebner did the middle. Winter That put the fan out of balance six miles to the gallon at this . And in fourth it was Aaron had three flats and Huebner had and made the car shake so badly event. Their time was 13: 11:36. Zeff, who drove and Ron Galindo two. Their time was 13:47:57. that Bob thought the trans mis-In third it was Phil Tapia, who Continued on I e 42 ,------------..... ------------. .. ----------------------..... ---, Daniel Werle drove his Class 8000 Ford truck to a third place finish John Adams drove his Class 7100 Ford pickup to a third place finish, Calvin and Ashley Booth drove their Class 1700Jeep to a third place at Vegas To Reno, Daniel is seen here at high speed. he's seen here navigating his way through a silty area. finish in class, seen here at high speed. Dusty Times September 2011 Page 15

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l.l\.lc:!C RALLY OP FINLAND Loeb/Elena/Citroen Take The Gold By Martin Holmes Citroen scored a record break-ing seventh consecutive victory in the world rally championship when Sebastien Loeb won the gravel surfaced 2011 Neste Oil Rally Finland, having driven first car on the road each day, and on the final day found that humidity reduced the traditional disadvan-tage of driving first car in these conditions. Loeb was strongly chal-lenged by his teammate Sebastien Ogier, and their rivalry extended to the point they both incurred penalties to gain advantage over the other, despite this raising the risk of relinquishing his outright victory to the Ford driver Jari-Mat-ti Latvala. In the end Loeb's tactic paid off, but Ogier finished third by the time his tactic, 24 hours earlier cost him victory on his own account. Loeb, however, went on to score Citroen's 77th WRC win·, equalling the record score of rival Ford. Fastest car was Hirvonen's Ford, but two minutes were lost by him on the opening stages. The two official Minis both retired near the finish but were lying sixth and eighth in the early stages. This event presented the first appear-ance of the new VW Motosport world championship team, run-ning Skoda cars driven by their two candidate drivers Andreas Mikkelsen and Joonas Lindroos. Hayden Paddon won the PCWRC category for the third successive time and Juho Hanninen the SWRC for the second time. Round eight of the 2011 WRC opened the second half of the 2011 season, attracting the biggest total entry for any world champi-onship event for more than ten years, with the entry list at 124 cars in total of which 41 were Ford Fiestas of one sort or another. In addition to the usual battles between Citroen and Ford, the BMW Mini team were now ready to be regular challeng-ers after a long and exhaustive testing period. After the experimental, ba-sic two-day event held in 2010 the rally returned to the current three-day format though the first three-stage leg was run through Thursday evening, with the usual two overnight halts but finishing on the Saturday rather than on Sunday. It was a truly huge and in-tense event, the only WRC round in 2011 counting for all three sup-port championships plus the FIA's historic cars series as well. The event's first speciality was its short total stage length (314km compared with an average of 350km) with a correspondingly high proportion of liaison sec-tion driving. The second was the remote service on Friday at Lahti, 160km away from the rally base at Jyvaskyla. The journey south to Lahti meant that Friday's route Photos: Maurice Selden gave the chance to make a full lap of the famous sprawling Paijanne, the second largest lake in the country, the first time the rally has done this since 1981 -in the days when NORF was called the 'Rally of 1000 Lakes'. The stages in the Lahti area were very fast, with ultimate grip, except for stage 5 which was narrow and rocky. The stages were also flatter with fewer of the famous Finnish jumps. The purpose of the journey to Lahti was to provide another catchment area for spectators. Event pro-moter Jarmo Mahonen declared it was a purely commercial decision and not connected with the FIA's declared wish for longer distance rallying. This format brought two major consequences for the event. There was a far higher proportion of special stages with eight of the 15 venues used only once, which created increased demands on rec-ceing. The second was that for the first time in many years recce took place over a three day period, start-ing on the Monday afq:rnoon and finishing on the Wednesday after-noon -with a mammoth day on Tuesday, of over 800km chiving. Long days and short nights were the hallmark of this event. The WRC~ championship was approaching make-or-break time. A Ford victory was desperately needed to retain interest in the series. Ford however had won this Juho Hanninen and Mikko Markkula drove their Skoda Fabia to the SWRC win for the second time this year, they finished 10th overall! event four times in the past five years and had home crews with Finnish drivers Mikko Hirvonen and last year's winner Jari-Matti Latvala. Ford were curious to know if Hirvonen had finally put behind him the memory of his heavy crash here in 2010. With six Minis starting there were a total of 21 World Rally Cars were entered, a record number for the current formula, with seven of these cars driven by Finnish drivers. One of the Finnish entries was however withdrawn, the Fiesta WRC due to be driven by the Finn Janne Tuohino. Each team was engaged in the permitted four day pre-event test sessions in the country, with both Citroen's Sebastien Ogier and Mini's Kris Meeke off the road and out of action. Nine of the ten registered SWRC teams had selected this event as one of their qualifying rounds, the missing competitor being Nasser Al Attiyah's Barwa team. Most significant was the additional guest entry for Juha Salo's Mitsubishi R4, which runs in the same class as S2000 cars. For first time on a World rally an R4 has been head-to-head with SWRC championship cars. Fin-land was also the first time an Mitsubishi R4 and a Subaru R4 had competed against each other as Per-Gunnar Andersson made the WRC debut of Subaru's new R4 car, as a non-championship entry, prepared locally by Tom-mi Makinen Racing. In addition to Andersson, there were two other non-championship entries in S2000 cars. Volkswagen Mo-torsport's Skoda Fabia S2000 car entries were the first step in their WRC project that was launched in Sardinia in May. As part of VW's 'young driver quest, on this event were Andreas Mikkelsen, already an accomplished Fabia driver, and Juha Kankkunen's protege Joonas Lindroos. These two had been given special priority status by the FIA and started in front of the SWRC championship drivers. In addition to 15 ~f the regu-lar Production Car WRC entries there were two Guest drivers, Riku Tahko in an Evo X and Mikko Pajunen in a Clio R3. Pajunen presented Harry Hunt, the regis-tered PCWRC Citroen DS3 R3T driver, with his first opposition in this year's Two Wheel Drive cup. The organisers had earlier been instructed by the FIA that the sub-sidiary Two Wheel Drive Cup had been cancelled this year, but this order was then countermanded. Sixteen of the original 18 Acad-emy drivers started the NORF, but only after considerable rebuild-ing efforts by the Polish M-Sport operation following Sardinia. Of the 18 cars on that everrt, nine had engine problems caused by heavy under-car impacts which led to broken sumps and subsequent damage to the internals. (R2 cars used by Academy drivers have wet sumps whereas WRC cars have dry sumps.) Five of the cars had cracked cylinder heads. Calle Ward's car was the most damaged, when he also rolled, while Karya-kin had other damage caused by a very heavy landing. Financial ~, problems meant that Ward and Matteo Brunello who is engaged in the DS3 Trophy in his native Italy, withdrew from this event. Three of the remaining Academy drivers have changed codrivers for the event -Ahlin had his third codriver in the Academy this year. For this event the Academy com-petition runs in to the third day, finishing after stage 18. A special curiosity of the event was the sudden plentiful emer-gence of private competitors, in a way which has been strikingly absent in recent WRC seasons. A high proportion of the privateer drivers are little known even lo-cally, enthusiasts often renting or borrowing cars from friends simply to participate in Finland's biggest rally. Available space in the grounds surrounding Jyvaskyla's Paviljonki exhibition halls which was already limited, due to devel-opment in the area, meant some of the teams worked inside the halls Ott Tanak and Kuldar Sikk were the third place finishers in SWRC, Mads Ostberg and Jonas Andersson flew their Ford Fiesta RS to Khalid Al Qassimi and Michael Orr finished the rally in 14th place in they finished 13th overall in their Ford Fiesta. a sixth place overall finish, seen here flying down a tree lined road. their Ford Fiesta RS, seen here nicely airborne. Page 16 September 2011 Dusty Times

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r Sebastien Ogier and Julien Ingrassia finished in third place in Finland in their Citroen DS3, they were 12 seconds out of the win. themselves this year. If the conditions were dry, the road cleaning and running order issues would be a nightmare for the driver starting the stages first car on the road, with104 out of 134km being run on Day 2 in virgin conditions. If conditions were damp the problem would be reduced, if it was very wet, maybe first car had the prime position! On this event the running order for Day 2 (Friday) was based on just stages 1 and 2, held on the Thursday evening, the distance of these two stages being 35km, which was more than the requisite 10% of the total stage distance. The prevailing weather forecast would dictate whether the top drivers drove hard on these stages , or not! The final stage, PowerStage, was held on the Saturday evening, though still comfortably in day, light (sunset on a clear evening is after 2200 local time), but even this did not bring the event to a close. Things went on well into the night in Jyvaskyla. After the suc-cessful after-event party held to cel-ebrate the event's 60th anniversary last year, this year the theme was expanded with an official party also on the Friday night, due to end just five hours before the final day's competition was to start! The spirit of Finnish rallying prevailed in Shakedown on Thurs-day morning as drivers almost invariably went faster and faster with every passing run. The course was over the Ruuhimaki series of jumps, which this year was not used as a competitive stage, but it was the same old story once again. On his fourth and final run Sebas-tien Loeb scored fastest time of all, lm35.7s, 0.6s better than Sebas-tien Ogier and 0.8 better than Jari-Matti Latvala. The official Minis were both tenth equal. Brynildsen was the fastest SWRC driver, Salo in the Mitsubishi R4 was sixth in this category, quicker than his old rivals in the PCWRCcategory, which was headed by Saliuk's Evo IX. Of the two VW candidate drivers, Mikkelsen's non-champi-onship S2000 was headed only by Brynildsen's championship Skoda and Tanak's Ford. Salo's R4 was 3.3 seconds faster than PG Ander-sson's Subaru R4. Day 1 - 3 Stages -Gravel - 39.74kms Sebastien Loeb once again had the unenviable task of running first car on the road on a dry grav, elly surface, but at the end of the short first day of three stages he was leading by 2.8 seconds ahead of teammate Sebastien Ogier with Jari-Matti Latvala comfortably just 1.6 second further back in third place. Initial leader, however, was a surprise. Jari Ketomaa in his rent-ed Ford Fiesta WRC running 16th car on the road, and had an ideal position to play the slow-down game at the end of the second stage, where the running order for the long Day 2 was decided. While Loeb waited for those drivers run-ning behind him to capitalise on his misfortune of running first, he waited to hear the worst. On the second stage both Ogier and Lat-vala slowed by around five or six seconds while Ketomaa slowed by eight seconds and ended the day in fourth place. The driver having a first-stage disaster was Hirvonen, "I don't know exactly what hap, pened but just as I was going into a fast fifth-gear left-hand corner we suddenly lost drive. When you are going sideways and you have no drive the car just carries on. We slid too much and hit a tree with the rear right corner of the car and lost our brakes, and lots of other bits of the car on the grass as well. Really unfortunate." Then on top of that Hirvonen had a right rear puncture in stage 2. All this cost him a total of two minutes or so, far and away too big an obstacle to any hopes he might have of victory. There was trouble caused by dust later on stage 2 as driv-ers were required to run at one minute intervals. Al Qassimi had a problem with his engine not pull-ing well while others reported dust hanging in the air in stretches of Mikko Hirvonen and Jarmo Lehtinen drove their Ford Fiesta RS to fourth place overall in Finland, seen here at a water crossing. the second stage. Kris Meeke mys-teriously lost six or seven seconds on the short stage three while his teammate Dani Sardo had trouble listening to his codriver Carlos Del Barrio, who lost his voice on the first stage. Only major retirement was Rantanen who went off the road in his Mini on stage 2 and the car was then withdrawn after it appeared the rollcage had been slightly damaged. Although this was disappointing, the Mini op-eration that came with high hopes found analysis of the Day 1 com-petition proved promising. Sardo had scored a second fastest time (albeit when some drivers were eas-ing their pace) while Rantanen's private Grifone car had been sixth fastest, best Mini, on stage 1. The teams tried to work out how important running order was going to be on Day 2. It seemed that the stages further south could be humid. For the first car that would be no problem but for those running further back they were likely to have drier condi-tions, bad news for number one. General consensus was that Loeb's running position might just be al-right! Watchful eyes were focussed on Ketomaa's plans. Many of the Day 2 stages were very familiar to him, from national champion-ship events, while for all the top drivers they would be new. But Ketomaa was less confident about his Day 2 chances, "People think I will walkaway from them, but in fact most of the stages we will run around Lahti are normally run in the other direction." In the SWRC The sensation of the day, however, was the Estonian Ott Tanak who led SWRC and was causing Hanninen to despair. After the second stage Tanak was lying sixth overall. In trouble were Bernardo Sousa who was having transmission trouble and kept go-ing into rear-wheel drive. Llovera stopped on the road section be-tween Stage 3 and the service park with a camshaft belt failure. Salo's Mitsubishi R4 stopped at the re-grouping before stage 3 with a flat battery, probably due to the wind-screen heater switch being turned on by mistake. He was lying fifth in the SWRC category at the time. In non-championship S2000s An-dreas Mikkelsen finished nearly six seconds behind his teammate Joonas Lindroos: "Not happy, I overshot a junction and lost nearly a quarter minute!" It was close at the head of the PCWRC race with the Mitsubi-shi of Nikara and the Subaru of Flodin only separated by .5 of a second with championship leader Haydon Paddon third 13 seconds behind. Going exceedingly well was the 2wd Clio R3 of guest driv-er Mikko Pajunen, who was fourth quickest of all the PCWRC cars on stages 1 and 2, and finished the day in sixth place in the category. Off the road were Al Jabbri who retired and Nicolas Fuchs who was able to continue with a badly damaged car after a heavy landing. The non-championship Latvian Andis Neiksans was happy, he was lying third in Class 3 (the old N4 category) behind only Nikara and Flodin in the PCWRC. Irish drivers Alastair Fisher and Craig Breen were running 1-2 of the Academy drivers while champi-onship leader Egon Kaur was third in front of Brendan Reeves. Both Fredrik Ahlin and Molly Taylor had punctures on road sections and had to stop to change flat tyres while Sergey Karyakin went off the road <retired?>. Day 2 - 8 Stages -Gravel - 134.6kms Overnight Ford pondered Mik-ko Hirvonen's problem but the more they checked the less they could find to explain why he slid off the road. They noted that he entered the bend some 20kph faster than his teammate Latvala had, and assumed his troubles all stemmed from that. Loeb was first on the road again heading the 111 cars that restarted including Salo inSWRC. The first stage of the day, called Hassi, was a combination of the fa, vourite stretches of the old Ounin-pohja stage, and widely acclaimed to be the most testing of all the event. Loeb accepted his road opening role and started margin-ally to extend his lead. After two stages he was 4.9 seconds in front of his teammate Ogier with Lat-vala in third ahead of Petter Sol-berg, who was in a battle for fourth place with Jari Ketomaa. Behind these five there was carnage on the first stage of the day. Off the road and out for the rest of the day was Mattias Therman having rolled and damaged the front suspen-sion on his Mini. Then SWRC driver Eyvind Brynildsen and guest PCWRC driver Riku Tahko both went off the road at a place immortalised some years ago by Latvala (the first time he tested a World Rally Car) and then regular PCWRC driver Oleksandr Saliuk crashed at the same place and his codriver was hospitalised, to have back pain checked out. The story of the morning was the determination demonstrated by Hirvonen, having started the day in 36th position, 2m02. 7 sec-onds behind Loeb and running tenth car on the road. On the first stage (4) he took 11 seconds off Loeb, then after another blitz on stage 6 and despite a small mo-ment on stage five he had taken a total of five seconds off Ogier, "My rear tyres are now melting!" he commented. By the time the rally arrived at Lahti for the mid-day remote service Hirvonen had reduced his deficit to Loeb to lm46.2s, and was up to 15th place. Dani Sardo spent the morn-ing suffering a light misfire and a spin. On stage eight Ketomaa was out of the rally, off the road after hitting something on the road. On stage <nine> Mads Ostberg had a spin and lost about a quarter minute but held on to fifth place in front of Sardo. Another spinner was Kimi Raikkonen, ending up with his rear wheels off the road. Oliveira went off the road near the start of stage nine and stopped for the rest of the day. With two virgin stages still to be tackled Loeb maintained his cool and continued to push hard, withstanding the challenge not only from his teammate but also from Latvala, and after stage eight Loeb was only 0. 7 seconds in front of Ogier. Would the cleaner surfaces on the first repeated stage (9) give the champion a moment of comfort -no. Ogier was 1.1 second faster than his colleague to take the lead and without hav, ing scored a single scratch time so far. All this time Hirvonen was pressing on, making five fastest times on the first six stages of the day. With two stages to go he was up to seventh overall. The Minis were now lying sixth (Sardo) and eighth (Meeke) , although the Brit-Continued on page 18 Henning Solberg and Ilka Minor drove their Ford Fiesta RS to a seventh Matthew Wilson and Scott Martin drove their Ford Fiesta RS to an Hayden Paddon and John Kennard finished 19th overall in their place finish in Finland, seen here throwin' mud. eighth place finish, here kicking up a bit of dust. Subaru lmpreza, they are seen here in their awfully clean car. Dusty Times September 2011 Page 17

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ish driver incurred a 20 second penalty when he was late at a time control, after being unable to re-start his engine due to the sticking starter motor. Evgeniy Novikov, was driving consistently after his two short previous attempts at the event, but then on stage eight he was forced to retire following a loose crankshaft pulley which caused confusion with the sensors and stopped the engine. Ketomaa was another victim of stage eight, he was having a lot of trouble mastering the art of neat driving round slow corners when he went off the road and retired .. Fears that local drivers would dominate the southern stages had been un-founded. Latvala made fastest time on stage seven and had never been there before. As the day progressed so the weather turned, and the heavy hu-mid conditions freshened up with short light showers moistening the tracks in places. The penultimate stage (10) was a short superspecial round a trotting track and cars were sent off two-at-a-time, and of all the indignities for the world champion to suffer, stones from Ogier's car splattered the wind-screen of his teammate's car with mud and stones broke the glass. To add insult to injury, this was Ogier's first and eventually, only scratch time of the rally. Tensions were clearly rising in the Citroen camp as the cars headed to the final stage of the day, the 12km stage of Mynnila. The classifica-tion at the end of this stage would dictate who would run first on the 67km of virgin stages on the first five stages of Day 3. Loeb calmly planned his revenge on Ogier and deliberately drove into the arrival control for the final stage just too slowly, so he clocked in officially one minute late. Momentarily, therefore, Loeb was lying not 1.9 but 11. 9 seconds behind Ogier. It took time for Ogier, waiting behind, to notice, and suddenly his managers had to rethink their slowing-down strategy. Loeb drove the stage at the mercy of Ogier. He took 5m47.4, Ogier needed to cover the stage 12 seconds slower, and with amazing precision took 6m00.8s, putting himself some 1.5 seconds behind in the overall clas-sification, safely in second place. It was an act of incredible daring between two teammates whose self esteem exceeded team loyalties by good measure, considering Latvala was going to be in the preferred third running place order for Day 3 -and only 2.6 seconds behind the leader. Juho Hanninen started the day determined not to give Ott Tanak the glory in SWRC and made fast-est category time on three morn-ing stages, and took the lead from Tanak on stage six. Tanak's fellow Estonian Karl Kruuda, however, was slowed with a broken drive-shaft. In the non-championship VW team, Joonas Lindroos went off the road, hit a tree and punc-tured, and then had the disgrace of baulking his teammate Andreas Mikkelsen. Finally the end came when he went off the road again in stage eight. Andersson was ly-ing fifth in Class 2, behind the top four S2000 cars, 19.2 seconds behind Flodin in the top Class 3 (N4) car. Hanninen continued to hold Tanak at bay, but then the Es-tonian spun, stalled and lost time restarting the engine so Hanninen found he was a minute or so ahead of Martin Prokop and then Han-Page 18 ninen was ahe'ad, out on his own. Gassner was happy with third on account of this being his first at-tempt at the event. Sousa struggled with the engine losing power. Salo noticed that the higher weight of his R4, compared with his rivals in old generation S2000 cars, took its toll on his tyres but he reckoned that without his battery trouble on the first day he could have been up to second in the category. PCWRC leader Jarkko Nikara rolled on stage four, losing two minutes waiting for spectators to push him back on the road,"I had lost my brakes completely!" he explained, Patrik Flodin retook the lead. Pajunen was proving the sensation in the category lying third against the turbo four-wheel-drive cars. Martin Semerad was another stage four casualty, off the road and on fire, at the same place as Therman and Takho. Dmitry Tagirov stopped to give informa-tion to officials about the crashes and was granted a notional time for the stage. Flodin was being pressed by Hayden Paddon, which Flodin succeeded in resisting the pressure for five stages but then on stage nine Paddon got in front, with Pajunen amazingly holding third. Aleksey Kikireshko retired on stage seven. At the end of stage nine Tagirov stopped for the rest of the day with damaged front right suspension. Paddon retained his commanding lead going at a measured pace, conscious of his need to conserve his limited al-location of tyres. Flodin struggled with suspension troubles which caused him to drop behind Pa-junen, who was now lying second, an unprecedented position in the category for a two-wheel-drive car. Nikara had another moment, this time a spin and stalled the en-gine, losing time trying to restart. Hunt, after lying in a potentially career-best eighth place, went off the road on the final stage and abandoned. None of the Academy drivers tackled stage four but they lost a second driver when Victor Hen-riksson crashed on stage six and Craig Breen stopped at the scene, but on arrival at Lahti the top posi-tions were unchanged with Fisher holding a 28s lead over Breen with Kaur lying third. On stage seven Fisher rolled and was unable to continue. Breen was delayed on stage seven and Crugnola had a fifth-gear spin which ended in a ditch and cost him two minutes, so after stage seven the new leader was Kaur with Breen behind in second place ahead of Reeves. On stage 11 Kaur lost 8.9s and dropped back to second, behind Breen at the end of the day. Day 3 -11 Stages -Gravel - 140.05kms· The ramifications of the tactics displayed at the end of Day 2 will doubtless continue to be debated but increasingly there was surprise that the Citroen drivers were outside any control that the team tried to impose. The final day's stages were much more familiar for the drivers, even if their nature was more sandy. A total of 97 cars restarted including Therman, Oliveira and Novikov and Tagirov in PCWRC, but Rantanen's Mini and Lindroos's Skoda did not. Conditions on the stages were moist and if anything favoured the front runners. It was lucky Loeb once again, but in any case he spared no effort in winning the final stages in the battle with his teammate. Latvala gradually slid backwards, from 1.1 second be-hind the nearest Citroen overnight by the midday halt he was 9.2 be-hind Ogier and a full 20 seconds behind Loeb. Loeb sounded a little more confident at the midday halt, "This morning some stages were OK for the first car on the road, other stages were cleaning, but finally we tried really hard and had a good feeling. It made the difference and we were able to pull out a gap. I think we did nearly a perfect morn-ing. I don't think that we lost time on any corner. It was very good. Difficult to know if conditions will be better or worse, but they will be different for the second pass." Behind the leader faces were getting glummer. Latvala was in de-spair, "I really don't know why we were losing time to the Citroens. There had been a lot of humidity overnight, so running third car on the road today did not have the advantage we hoped it would." Petter Solberg, "We have been driv-ing hard but it has been no good. Yesterday it did not help having to keep the same setup all day." Ogier looked at the lines which Loeb was taking with dismay, especially on stage 12, "I could see just how hard he was trying ... " Hirvonen meanwhile was inching himself up towards Ostberg, ready to move in to fifth place with five stages were left to run. There were more problems for Novikov, he had fuel pressure troubles and retired at the midday halt. On stage 17, the first of the second loop of stages, Ogier had a front left puncture and Latvala was now just 0.5 second behind him. Kris Meeke also punctured and lost over three minutes, dropping back to 14th place. Therman had to stop and change a wheel after he punctured and then another Ford WRC disappeared, this was Kuipers senior, who went off the road. On stage 18 Latvala got ahead of Ogier in to second place and Hirvonen ahead of Ostberg in to fourth. Four of the five remain-ing Minis all suffered overheating as a result of the conditions on the stages. Meeke's car was withdrawn after stage 19 while Sordo had his radiator fill with mud on this stage and then suffered overheat-ing and eventually retired after stage 21. Although Araujo and Oliveira reported having the same problems with their Minis both continued and they t1nd Ther-man tackled the final PowerStage. Run over the winter sporting hills on the outskirts of Jyvaskyla the Power Stage rounded off a most exiting event. The Fords were 1-2 on the stage, ~ith Hirvonen beat-ing his teammate by 0.3 second. Ogier and Loeb were separated by just 28 thousandths, the first time Loeb has not benefited from this additional points opportu-nity. Despite a puncture Therman struggled through to finish the stage so eventually three of the six Minis reached the finish. In the final reckoning Ogier had to settle for finishing behind Loeb and Latvala, missing victory by 12.8 seconds and to costing Citroen the chance of a 1-2 victory, criti-cally less than the amount of time (13.4 seconds) who threw away in his pointless tactical ploy on the second evening. There was little to fight for in the SWRC. After the first stage (12) Tanak was up to third and Gassner was back in fourth. Salo September 2011 was wistful, "Looking at the times of the S2000 cars , that battery problem cost us the chance of be-ing third in the category, which would have been very encouraging. Mikkelsen retired at the end of stage 17, when his non-champion-ship Skoda broke its radiator on a hole in the road, lost water and the engine overheated. Despite mak-ing six fastest times in the category during the day Tanak was unable to further improve on his third place so victory went to Hanninen, his second category win of the season in the category and Prokop took second place. In PCWRC, Flodin jumped up to second immediately after the first stage and then Nikara also passed Pajunen, for whom the soft twisty roads were a bit unsuitable. Fuchs landed heavily and broke the oil cooler, forcing his retirement. Flodin was wor-ried about the gearbox when he lost fourth gear. Guerra retired on stage 17 when the transmission failed and on the same stage Al Shamsi impacted a tree. Nikara was in a hurry, starting the day in sixth place and in the first seven stages was up to second. Victory in the category went to Paddon who played the careful game of conserving his tyres, winning only four stages compared with Nikara who was the fastest on 13 but had to settle for second place in the end ahead of Flodin and Keto-maki. Paddon has now achieved a hattrick of wins in the series so far this year, earned on the three con-secutive rounds he's competed. Only the third time this feat has been achieved in the nine year history of the series (Aigner Mit-subishi 2008; Arai Subaru 2003). In the overall Class 3 category, however, victory went to Andis Neiksan who beat Paddon by just under 20s, beating the PCWRC cars on six stages. Immediately after the restart two Academy drivers were in trou-ble, Crugnola rolled off and out, the third retirement in the cat-egory for this same reason while Reeves suffered a puncture which dropped him from third to fifth and van de Mare! was up to third. On stage 13 Baldoni, who had is-sues with his radiator, retired. The Academy was building to a thrill-ing finish between Egon Kaur and Craig Breen, as they went in to the final stage they were competing (18) separated by just 0.3 seconds. Kaur eventually won from Breen by 2.6 seconds with vd Mare! third, Reeves fourth and Cerny fifth. Kaur has now won all three of the Academy rounds held. In the Championship-stakes, Citroen's record equalling win saw them extend their lead over Ford in the title race by ten points to 65. Loeb's lead in the Drivers series however remains slender by his standards, 27 points ahead of Hirvonen, and 31 ahead of his teammate Ogier and with Lat-vala and Petter Solberg points-wise some distance from these three. Hanninen has increased his lead over Prokop in the SWRC series to 18 points, Tanak, Sousa, Gassner and Kruuda are all closely posi-tioned to each other more than 30 points behind the leader. Of the drivers who have so far scored points in the series these six are the remaining contenders for the title. In the PCWRC, Paddon's win combined with Semerad's retirement sees the New Zealander take a 25 point lead over Semerad with Flodin and Ketomaki over 40 points behind, plus Paddon has the advantage over Semerad and Flodin that he has already missed his nominated "pass" in the series. Egon Kaur leads the Academy championship by 52 points from Breen and Reeves who are equal on 36 points but Breen holds sec-ond on basis of his higher points haul here in Finland. Having gained equal standing with Ford in the number of wins by a WRC marque, the series ,1 heads to Germany where there can be little doubt of Citroen adding to their total there, having won the event every year it was held since its "candidate" format was trialed in 2001. Another accolade looks to be heading their way. lJ'\Jc!C:::,fij JJ.--,.%11,00#r'»tlw:lt1!!1,1',;f SWfrlC:Nld~P.:''l'ff.:QiA4 ....-.,.It~ WCflWCOSCP.:' I ~• ~lOU:tl.n•IIIEW,1 r,..; 0..,0&1\~ WllC' 8Fll!)l~f~• Jlol9d!!~ ?!i ?ti • : t.i; ~l,l,lYoll.MniW,._ 'N f.oof'ftltllfi""! \\,tC P'll&Gll.\"'!Ot"o'!l'~ 8lkt4$..l\, l~ !i•:l· 3 ;r, ----~1-111~ F C-OOJll,ll ,'!RC &t&'C.G;F)J9011 lllk•ll '' •S•I · , t~ ~l<"«~t...... ~ r .... ~JtS!!,fj ~ l'All),l.:,'i.~!Ca ~!, ,t ,,., •• S [!li "'-'~•-PtGI C-DSlit,I; 'M'!C ~1".~•r ~.l>i •~ :: & :II .,._~~ 14.'S ,..,_,,_.ltllM! v.11:C ~""iGl}"='ll" a ueGC.k. • • rm,, ~$;;:iw....,!lillll iu. """''~fiWllll1 WAC l'XICl,it\'t;00,11~ aoew.~ • 1 (!';'! U.00.WlSCt,z':,c:,11...... 08 ~'"'-'llf-RSAI> Yl'MC talll'l'\I.Y(li(ii;r"i:161$ :ir1A,,1o_,e15 ~ 1 .I'! ... ~◄I~ FN C-os:!tM.! WW.: ~tl)fE8(il!l ;iJi,~J, 10 ~ Jtil'!O,~~ fet ~f--5»$;1,!j i't'lft: 11'!tli){tV'l)Q),j ~--=at-ti ::!: • I! 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Page 19

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Page 20

~ MIDNIGHT SPECIAL Kyle Conlan Takes It All By ]. Preston Bradshaw Photos: Trackside Photo Kyle Conlan went so fast our cameras couldn't get a shot of him, here, a pie from another race of the Class 1 group and the overall winner. Well, it seemed that no one knew where the race was going to be held, but when the dust settled it was going to be at Primm, and thanks to an awful lot of work in the SNORE community and thanks to the Primm people, there was a race, a damed good one and all we contacted said they certainly had a good weekend. And, just to liven things up during tech and contingency we were blessed with a downpour of epic proportions, it really poured for quite a while and with the 20 mile an hour wind it was not pleasant, even though it did cool things off quite a bit. The course was 8.6 miles in length, most classes needed six laps for a finish. There were 121 total entries and, of those, 50 were not able to complete their required laps and were scored as dnf s. The Class 1 battle was a good one, when it all ended on Friday night it was Kyle Conlon taking the checkered flag with a fast six laps, Jason Whipple was the second car to finish, T J Flores was the third car in, Richard Boyle claimed fourth place and Terry House-holder was the fifth car in. Danny Anderson finished in the sixth spot and he was the last of the finishers. Billy Worthing and Josh Daniel did not complete the required laps. Class 1 on Saturday night saw Kyle Conlon turning another fast lap and that gave him the Class 1 win as well as the overall honors. Terry Householder was the second car in and that gave him the silver medal for the two nights, Richard Boyle finished in third place and he was third overall for the race, T J Flores finished in fourth place for the night and was fourth over-all in the Class 1 fracas and Jason Whipple came in fifth and he was the fifth overall finisher for Class 1. Danny Anderson only got in four laps that night so he was shown as a dnf and Billy Worthing and Josh Daniel did not start on Saturday Todd Wyllie, sporting about 10,000 candlepower takes to the air at Primm, Todd . . n. Justin Davis led every lap both nights at the Midnight Special, he had 18 minutes in hand overall when all was done. night. The Unlimited Truck class only had two entrants. On Friday night it was Todd Wyllie taking the win and Steve Olliges finishing in sec-ond place. On Saturday night Todd Wyllie finished another fast five laps and took the Unlimited Truck class win, Steve Olliges was unable to finish his first lap and was shown as a dnf. There were eight cars in the Class 10 battle but only three of them were able to get in all of the 12 required laps for the two races. When the smoke cleared on Friday night it was Justin Davis taking a really nice win, Christian Hall was ne-xt to finish, Kevin Ellis came in two minutes later for third and David Greenhill was the fourth and final car to finish this Friday night. Mike Leung only got four laps in, Dennis Kordonawy had three laps to his credit while Kathy Kirkmeyer and Hector Garcia Jr. failed to com-plete their first lap. '' On Saturday night Justin Da-vis flew around the course again and took the checkers with a 1: 18:35:843 to take the race win and also the Class 10 overall win. His time was only 2 seconds off his Friday night time. Dennis Kor-donawy was second to finish on Sat-urday, Kathy Kirkmeyer is shown third on time but she is also shown as a dnf for Saturday, David Green-hill finished second in class, second overall, Kevin Ellis is shown as the third place finisher, Christian Hall only got in three laps, Mike Leung had four laps to his credit and Hec-tor Garcia Jr. got in six laps but was still a dnf due to the Friday night race. Cody Freeman likes to fly, here he is on his way to the Class 12 victory, Cody had 13 minutes on his competition at the flag. Chris Wright lets no grass grow under his feet, Chris took the gold medal in the Class 13 battle, seen here just before touchdown. Class 12 had seven entrants, they had six laps to race each night and five cars were able to complete all their required laps. On Friday night it was Cody Freeman taking the class win, Matt Laughlin came in second, he was four minutes Terry Householder gave it his all but this race he had to settle for David Greenhill gave it his all but this race he would have to settle Rick Poole was just a bit off the winning pace at the Midnight Special, second place in Class 1 Unlimited, seen here racing through the dark. for the silver medal, seen here nicely airborne. he's seen here flying to a second overall finish. Page 20 September 2011 Dusty Times

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Ryan Desautels captured the Class 1450 win at the Midnight special, Ryan beat out 14 other cars for the for the win at Primm. There were 15 other cars in the Class 1600 battle, Kenny Freeman beat them all to take a most desired class win. in arrears, Rick Poole finished in the third spot and he was the last of the six lap finishers. Cody Reid only got five laps in, as did Todd Stemmerman ands Stuart Baxter had three laps to his credit. Vic Bruckmann was unable to complete his first lap. On Saturday evening once again in was Cody Freeman taking the win and that easily gave him the overall Class 12 win, Rick Poole carded a 1:27:31 give him second overall honors, Matt Laughlin card-ed a 1:32 and change for a bronze medal finish in the class and that was the end of the 12 lap finishers. Cody Reid finished his six laps in 1:23:54 and was shown in fourth place, Todd Stemmerman was shown in sixth place. Stuart Baxter and Vic Bruckmann did not start. Class 13 was up next, there were 13 of them entered but only five of them would complete their four required laps for the Friday night Kyle Ahrensberg was all alone in the Class 3000 race, he had loads of candlepower but evidently didn't need it to take the win. Steve Alexander was the big winner in the Class 5 contest, they lost a cv on Saturday night but had the race in the bag already. Dusty Times t I I•• i I I•• I I I I I I, I, l I I , I c I I 1, 1 finish and when the countin' was done it was Chris Wright taking the win and the overall win as well. Bil-ly Shapley took second place overall honors, Jeff Bruner took the bronze medal, the Bradley/ Shapley combo finished fourth overall and Jordan Poole was the fifth and final five lap finisher. Ross Mattox was a dnf with four laps completed, Kenny Freeman only completed three laps and Blaine Conrad, Ronny Wilson, had two laps under their respective belts. Ruben Rodriguez and Mike Monosmith did not complete their first lap and Steve Carbone did not start on Saturday. In the class 15 fracas it was Tony Scott taking a really nice win, Tony had 28 minutes on his competition when all was done. Class 1450 had 15 vehicles en-tered but only seven of them would complete the nine required laps. On Saturday it was Ryan Desautels finishing the four laps in just over 54 minutes, Ryan Dunn was second in, he was 4 minutes behind the leader, Josh Taylor was the third place finisher, he was another 18 seconds out of second place, Scott Slater was the fourth to finish and Jeremy Deakins was right there to take the fifth spot. Eric Ludian had sixth place sewed up, Joshua Radwan was the seventh finisher, Jesus Galvan was the eighth to fin-ish, Gary Oliver came in ninth and Kevin McKeown finished in the 10th place. Chris Michael was 11th to finish and Chris Freas was the 12th and final 4 lap finisher. Wayne Lugo only got three laps finished before retiring, Robby Woolworth only two laps to his credit and Cary Jones only had one lap to his credit. Daniel Maurer took the Class 18 win at the Midnight, Daniel had 26 minutes overall on his competition at the checkers. race. At the end of their 4 laps it was Jordan Poole taking a nice win, the Bradley/Shapley combo were right there in the second spot, Chris Wright was three minutes be-hind in the third spot, four seconds later it was Billy Shapley, or was it Bill Holding down fourth place and Jeff Bruner taking the fifth fin-ishing position. Ruben Rodriguez completed four laps, Kenny Free-man did three laps before retiring, Jason Coleman did three also as did Blaine Conrad, Ronny Wilson and Dave Carbone. Ross Mattox only got two laps completed and Dave Monosmith failed to complete his first lap. On Saturday the Class 13 troops had to complete five laps for a On Saturday they had to run five laps for a finish and Ryan Desautels was there to take the Saturday race and the overall for the class, Wayne Lugo was second to finish on Satur-day but he was shown in fifth place overall, Jeremy Deacons was the second overall finisher and Scott Slater took third place overall hon-Centinued en page 22 we would Like to congratulate camron Steele • stronghold Motorsports l00/1$ llound 10 P,ollte Win Also To All ou, Vegas eo Reno J:inlshers: 1st Place 7200 Dave casplnolNeal Mason 3rd Place T.T. John Sw/HIS~eve 01/lges &th Place 1500 Mike Bllek/t:ran~ Klmb,e/ 10th Place T.T. Kevin Mct:llllvray/Nlls cas~lllo 11th Place 7200 t:avln Skltton 13th Place 1 soo ,arry Brown/Dan Myers us Det You To The Winner's tire/el Call Jeff or .Johnny 818-998-2739 se,vlclng All r,ansaxles 1=0,~ln, Mendeola, A/bins, All vw, 010 AU~OS 9763 VARIEL AVENUE, CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 September 2011 Page 21

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ors and Kevin McKeown was the fourth overall finisher. Eric Ludian only got four laps completed on Sat-urday but was listed in sixth place and Josh Taylor only completed four laps on Saturday but was listed in seventh place. Chris Michael got three laps in on Saturday, Ryan Dunn and Joshua Radwan only completed two laps on Saturday, Cary Jones completed one lap on Saturday while Galvan Oliver, Freas and Woolworth were dnfs or dns's. Class 15 had eight vehicles en-tered and only three of them would finish the required nine laps, four on Friday and five on Saturday. The Friday night event saw Tony Scott race to a nice win, Daniel Gonzalez finished in the second spot and Anthony Armstrong was the third place finisher. They were the three that completed all their laps. Josh Daniel completed three laps, as did Kevin Ellis and Tomas Morales. Mike Malloy had two laps completed and Terry Householder only had one lap complete. On Saturday night the Class 15 troops had to run five laps for their race and Tony Scott won that race easily and that gave him the Class 15 overall win for the weekend. Daniel Gonzalez finished in second place, he was second overall and Anthony Armstrong was the third overall finisher for the weekend. Terry Householder got three laps in but he was a dnf, Kevin Ellis got in one lap on Saturday. Josh Daniel Winning both races, Cody Agee was awarded the gold medal for the Class 5/1600 races, he's seen here in beautiful flight. did not start on Saturday, nor did Tomas Morales and Mike Malloy. The Class 1600 bunch were next up, they had to complete six laps on Friday and on Saturday. There were 16 entries in the class and fully 14 of them finished all their required laps. The first car in on Friday night was Justin Smith, Blaine Conrad was second in, he was 34 seconds behind the leader, Matt Gumz came along in third place some seven seconds later, Jason Coleman took fourth place and Kenny Free-man was the fifth car to finish. Co-rey Goin was the sixth car in, Clint Braun was lucky seventh to finish, Jay Shain was in eighth place, Ross Mattox was the ninth place finisher and Don Wall had 10th place in hand. Mike Meehan finished in 11th place and Luke McMillin made it an even dozen finishers. Richard Evans only finished five laps, as did Brian Busby, Clint Mal-burg and David Schweigart. On Saturday night it was Kenny Freeman all the way, he finished first and that gave him the overall 1600 win. Conrad Blaine finished two minutes behind Kenny and that gave him a third overall finish, Justin Smith was third car in and it was enough to get him into second place overall in class, Matt Gumz finished in fourth place, fourth overall and Clint Braun rounded out the top five overall finishers. Corey Goin finished in sixth place, sixth overall, Luke McMillin was the seventh place finisher, he fin-ished 10th overall, Ross Mattox came in eighth on Saturday that put him at ninth overall in class, Jason Coleman was the seventh overall finisher, Jay Shain finished eighth overall, Mike Meehan was 11th overall and Don Wall made it an even dozen. Clint Malburg and Richard Evans only got in five laps and were shown 13th and 14th overall. David Schweigart and Brian Busby were listed as dnfs. Giti Gow/and had a couple of good nights at the Midnight Special, he took the overall win with five minutes in hand. Class 18 had the same lap deal, four on Friday and five on Satur-day. There were only two entrants and they both completed their required laps. On Friday it was Daniel Maurer taking the win and Dana Dague was the overall winner in the Class 5/1600 battle, it was very close, only 3 seconds dividing first and second place. Rick Harrah flew his Toyota pickup to the overall win in the Class 8 battle, Rick's competition was a lap shy at the end. Anthony Perucci following him home. On Saturday night Daniel Mau-rer was once again first to the check-ered flag and Anthony Perucci fol-lowed him home. Give the overall class win to Maurer and Perucci was the runnerup. Class 3000 only had one en-try, Kyle Ahrensberg. Kyle had to complete five laps on Friday and six in the Saturday night event. And, that's just what he did, fiished all his laps in good time and was awarded the class win. Class 5 was supposed to be a good battle but it didn't tum out that way. There were four cars entered in the class but only one made it all the way. At the end of their six laps on Friday night it was Steve Alexander taking the win, Steven Hall was less than two min-utes behind him in second place and that's all she wrote. Ben Swift only got in five laps and Michael Benedict was only able to complete four laps. On Saturday night in the Class " 5 action, Steve Alexander only got in four laps but it was enough for the Class 5 win. Steven Hall fin-ished three laps and was listed as a dnf, Ben Swift got four laps under his belt but he too was a dnf and Michael Benedict did not start the Saturday race. Continued an page 24 Jeremy Deakins lit up the darkness as he flew to a second overall In the Class 15 battle it was Daniel Gonzalez taking the silver medal Justin Smith took second place overall honors in the Class 1600 finish in the Class 1450 battle, here he is headin' for the checkers. for the weekend, seen here nicely airborne. fracas, it was close! Only five seconds in arrears at the flag. Anthony Perrucci drove his car to a second place finish in the Class Dennis Slettin drove his car to a decent second place overall in the Austin Farner, sans some fiberglass flies in the Class 7 battle, Austin 18 race, he's seen here nicely airborne headin' for the checkers. Class 5/1600 battle, seen here just at dusk. ended up with the silver medal for his efforts. Page 22 September 2011 Dusty Times

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Page 24

I I I,, I I f I I I • o I I, I I I I, I / I I • I • I I I f I I • Garrett Evans took a second overall finish in the Class 8 sparring Steven Vega pushed as hard as he could but he had to settle for a In the StockBug Class it was Michael Brenner taking a nice second contest, he's seen here at one of many liftoffs during the race. second place finish in the Class 9 contest. place overall finish, he's seen here just at dusk. Robbie Cockrell easily took the win in the NAPA Chassis 7S fracas, he's seen here charging through the night to his gold medal. Adrian Diaz drove his big Ford Truck to the Stock Full Class win at Primm, he's seen here charging through the night to the gold medal. Class 5/1600 had five cars en-tered, they had to complete four laps on Friday and five laps in the Saturday race. At the finish on the Friday night race it was Cody Agee taking the class win, he was followed in by Dennis Sletten who was three minutes in arrears and Dave Cote had a couple of really good nights at Primm, he took the overall win in the StockBug Class, seen here nicely airborne. by Mike Boone who was another night to take the Class lead, Austin three minutes back. Serena Pruett Farner was the second truck to fin-and John Berry only had one lap ish, Dallas Luttrell came in third, completed this night. Brandon Hollander was the fourth Saturday night it was five laps to place finisher and Dana Dague was the finish and Cody Agee took the the fifth place finisher. Gary Messer win and the overall Class 5/1600 and Russ Ramsey did not complete honors as well. Dennis Sletten had their first lap. troubles on his second lap but man-In the Class 7 Saturday night six aged to get all five laps in and take lap event it was Dana Dague tak-second place and second overall ing a really nice win and that gave for the weekend. Mike Boone only Dana the overall win for Class 7. finished one lap on Saturday and Austin Farner came in second and was scored as a dnf, Serena Pruett he was second overall in the class, got two laps in but she also was but not by much, after 2 and ½ scored as a dnf and John Berry was hours of racing Dana and Austin unable to complete his first lap on were less than three seconds apart! Saturday night. Brandon Hollander was the third Next up were the Class 7 trucks, place finisher and third overall, he there were seven of them but only was only four minutes in arrears at three completed their 11 required the checkers. Dallas Luttrell got in laps, 5 laps on Friday and 6 laps four laps each night but was still a in the Saturday event. Justin Davis dnf, Justin Davis only got one lap completed his five laps on Friday in on Saturday, another dnf, Gary Messer finished his six laps on Sat-urday faster than anyone else, still a dnf. Russ Ramsey did not start on Saturday. Class 8 had two entrants, Rick Harrah and Garrett Evans but only one, Harrah would see the check-ered flag. Garrett Evans had the fast time on Friday night for his 5 laps, Rick Harrah came in 2 minutes later for second spot. On Saturday, Rick Harrah took the race win and he was the overall Class 8 champion, Garrett Evans only completed 5 laps for his run and is shown as the second place finisher, second overall for the weekend. Class 9 was next up, there were three cars entered and they had to complete four laps on Friday and five laps in the Saturday race. When the checkers flew on Friday evening, it was Giti Gowland tak-ing a really nice win, Dan Lutz was the second car to finish that night and Steven Vega took third place honors. On Saturday night the big Class 9 winner was Steven Vega, he is shown second overall for the class, Giti Gowland was next to finish and he is shown as the overall Class winner and Dan Lutz, who finished third in elapsed time for Saturday " was declared third overall finisher for the class. The NAPA Chassis 7S Chal-lenge had three vehicles entered, they had to complete four laps on Friday and four laps in the Saturday race. Robbie Cockrell completed his four laps on Friday, Peter Gar-finkle only finished one lap and Troy Messer used every trick he knows but he still finished 22 Richard Boyle was just a tic off the winning pace at the Midnight, he Kevin Ellis, seen here in beautiful flight, was the third place finisher seconds behind the winner in the Trophylite battle. finished third in the Class 1 battle, here nicely airborne. overall in the Class 10 conflict at the Midnight Special. Matt Laughlin didn't have too bad a weekend, he finished third overall Not too bad a weekend for Jeff Bruner, he was the bronze medal Scott Slater had a decent weekend, he was the third place finisher in Class 12, he's seen here nicely airborne headin' for home. winner for the weekend in the Class 13 action, here in flight. overall in the Class 1450 races, seen here just at liftoff. Page 24 September 2011 Dusty Times

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I f I 1 • • , l l t I ; ' I I • I • I I I I I J I I I I I I I t • t I I I I I ' I I J • I \ I • I I I I t f I f I I••'• t I I I I I•• It f I• I'' I • J • I • I • I Not too bad a weekend for Anthony Armstrong, he drove his car to a Blaine Conrad was 3rd overall in the 1600 battle, he was so close, Brandon Hollander took a third place overall finish in the Class 7 third overall finish in the Class 15 fracas, here boring thru the night. 31 seconds out of second place and 36 seconds out of the class win. race, he's seen here flying through the dark towards the finish line. Joshua Starr only got 3 laps under his belt. On Saturday, in the NAPA Chassis 7S Challenge it was Rob-bie Cockrell once again finishing all the required laps and he was declared the overall winner for the class. Peter Garfinkle only finished four laps, he was a dnf and Joshua Starr only completed two laps in the Saturday race, another dnf. There were six beetles in the Stockbug Class, only four of them completed the required laps. Mi-chael Brenner was the big winner on Friday, Kyle Zirkus was second to cross the line, Dave Cote was third vehicle in and Robert Johnson finished fourth and Garey Leavitt rounded out the top five cars in the class. Jason Davis only got two laps in when he disappeared. Dave Cote was the only five lap finisher in the Saturday Stockbug race and he was declared the over-all winner of the class. Michael Brenner got 4 laps complete on Saturday and is shown in second place. Kyle Zirkus was another four lap finisher and is shown third in class, Robert Johnson also got four laps complete and was shown in the fourth spot. Garey Leavitt and Jason Davis each had two laps com-plete on Saturday and both were listed as dnf' s. The Stock Full Class only had two entries and only one of them made it all the way. On Friday it was Adrian Diaz taking the class win, Robert Roglin only got in one lap for all his efforts. Stock Full on Saturday saw Adri-an Diaz take the Class win, he was Steve Hengeveld took the Trophylite Class win but it wasn't easy, Steve only had 22 seconds in hand for the overall class win. declared the overall winner of the class. Robert Roglin put down some good laps on Saturday but he was declared a dnf with only one good lap on Friday. The Trophylite Class fielded 8 entries and fully six of them got in all their required laps. They were to run five laps on Friday and six in the Saturday race. Fully six of them made it all the way. On Friday night it was Steve Hengeveld taking the class win, Ramsey El Wardani was the silver medal winner, Troy Mess-er took the bronze medal for his efforts and Tyler Denton finished first off the podium. Corry Weller was fifth in. Eric Fiorino only man-aged three laps this night as did Ben Abatti Ill and Ray Cummins only finished four laps for his efforts. Trophylite on Saturday was re-quired to run six laps for their race ands Steve Hengeveld finished his laps and took the overall win for the class. Troy Messer had a great run, he finished second overall for the class, he was only 22 seconds out of the overall victory. Tyler Denton took third place, he was down a lap in the Saturday event, Ramsey El Wardani only got in four laps on Saturday but was show in 4th overall, Eric Fiorino finished all six laps in a respectable time but was still shown fifth overall in the class. Corry Weller finished four laps and he was shown in the sixth spot. Ben Abatti finished four laps on Saturday and was shown as a dnf and Ray Cummins got it two laps and was a dnf. Final Class was the VORE-VC with only one entrant on hand. Ar-turo Benavides did his four laps on Friday, did his five laps on Saturday and was declared the winner of the VORE-VC class. The VORE-VG class win went to Arturo Benevides, he is seen here flying through the darkness towards the class win. Billy Shapley and we assume his dad took the silver medal in Class 13, Billy was just a bit over two minutes in arrears at the checkers. And so it ended, a lot of fun was had by all that we spoke with. And, as usual, the entire race came off as a credit to SNORE. Next up is the SNORE 250, that will be held on October 21-23, 2011 just outside of Ridgecrest, Califor-nia. See ya all there!!!!!!!!!!!!! "" The bronze medal in Class 9 was awarded to Dan Lutz, Dan finished Kyle Zirkus charged through the night to take a third place overall Ramsey El Wardani was the fourth overall finisher in the Trophylite only 35 seconds out of second place, maybe next time. finish in the StockBug Class, he's seen ·here headin' home. Class, seen here flyin' high and gain' home. T J Flores was doing well until a penalty added a lot of time, he did The Bradley/Shapley crew had a good time, they finished fourth Matt Gumz finished first off the podium in the Class 1600 race, he finish fourth overall in the always heated Class 1 battle. overall in the Class 13 contest, seen here flyin' high. was just a couple of minutes out of the third spot. Dusty Times September 2011 Page 25

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By Homer Eubanks It was a great weekend for Rick Huseman, he took the Pro 4 Unlimited win both nights at Glen Helen, seen here catching lots of air. Rounds nine and 10 of the Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Se-ries, presented by GEICO, came back to Glen Helen Park in San Bernardino, CA Aug 6-7. To take advantage of the cooler evening temperatures the event was held under lights resulting in a huge fan turn out both nights. On track it was anything but cool as the season points battle was ever present on the minds of the drivers. At the end of the week-end most teams mechanics were aware that they had their hands full in the upcoming weeks to get their machines back in shape for rounds 11 and 12. The event ran late Saturday so qualifying for Sunday was cancelled in order to get the fans home at a decent hour. All in all the event was again a fan treat. If any improvement could be made it would be to eliminate the ban-ner finish line bridge as it blocked the view of the track. It is short course after all and fans are eager to see every bit of the excitement. Pro 2 With the season winding down points become ever more im-portant for those in contention. Drivers made an extra effort to achieve those qualifying points as well as the point handed out for leading mid race. Earning one of those qualifying points in Pro 2 was Greg Adler with his best lap time of 45.916 over the 45.961 lap turned by Rob MacCachren's. Robby Woods was third with his quickest lap tripping the clock at 46.166. This was Adler's best qua!. ifying time of the season. Topping the class in earned qualifying points this season is MacCachren with seven. When round nine of the sea-son started it was the usual may-hem unleashed, however it was Brian Deegan that was able to take advantage of his front row starting location. Robert Naugh-Rob MacCachren took the Pro 2 Unlimited win on Saturday but problems the next night had him fall three laps short of finishing. ton trailed second and Robby green came out again Deegan Woods was third. On the third and the other front row start-lap Woods found a way around er, Rodrigo Ampudia, came out Naughton and began inching his even. As they exited turn two it way towards the front. Naugh-was Ampudia in the lead and ton soon felt a lot of pressure Robby Woods second. Deegan from Rob MacCachren (current-had dropped to third. On the fol-ly fourth in season points) for lowing lap Woods made a mistake his third place position. Further and Deegan capitalized from it. back a major battle was for fifth Woods also let Carl Renezeder between Greg Adler, Rodrigo and Rob MacCachren ahead of Ampudia, Carl Renezeder, and him. The next to make a mistake Jeremy McGrath. Just before the was Renezeder, allowing Mac-mid race caution came out Woods Cachren and Woods to get by. moved around Deegan for the The front four looked as if they lead and earned the one extra were chained together as they flew point for leading mid race. Once around the track. At the mid race racing resumed Woods went wide caution it was Ampudia in the in turn four but was able to hold lead, Deegan second and MacCa-his position. The following turn chren ahead of Woods. When the Deegan got loose and MacCa-race restarted MacCachren made chren took over the second spot. his move taking second around MacCachren was able to get hifi turn four. The following lap Mac-Rocks tar Energy Drink/BFG/ Cachren moved into the lead Mastercraft Safety truck around coming out of turn two. With Woods a couple of laps later but three laps to go MacCachren must Woods came right back at him have bottomed out his suspen-pressuring him all the way to the sion just before turn four and checkers. Deegan held on for planted his front bumper into third and Rodrigo Ampudia was the ground. He landed across the fourth. track causing a full course yellow. Round 10 of the season was a MacCachren was able to continue real live slug fest. Once unleashed but the leader was now Ampudia. there was plenty of action all When the action picked back up around the track. At first Brian Deegan found his opening in turn Deegan jumped out early on the three to take the lead. On the last start causing a restart. Once the lap Renezeder had moved up to the front runners and looked to have a spot but couldn't negoti-ate turn two and went wide. In the next turn Ampudia ran up to the wall allowing Woods to take the second spot. Crossing the finish line for his first Pro 2 win was Brain Deegan wh9 summed the race up by saying, "that was a serious battle." Deegan was having a good month as he had just came from winning gold at the X-games. Second place went to Robby Woods and Rodrigo Ampudia was third. Missing the podium, but having the bragging rights to turning the fastest lap of the race, was Carl Renezeder. PCody Freeman gets a lot of air as he wins the Pro Buggy Unlimited race on Saturday, Cody finished second in the following nights race. Brian Deegan was the Pro lite Unlimited winner on Saturday, Brian only got in 14 laps on Sunday and was shown in ninth place. When all was said and done in Saturday's event it was report-Centinued on page 28 Carl Renezeder took the silver medal in the Saturday Pro 4 Unlimited Mike Porter was the silver medal finisher in the Pro Buggy Unlimited Corey Sisler flew his really clean truck to a pair of second place race, Carl finished third in the Sunday event. on Saturday, Mike took the bronze medal in the Sunday race. finishes in Pro lite Unlimited, seen here in level flight. Dusty Times September 2011 Page 27 -

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Patrick Clark finished second in the Saturday Super Lite race, he liked Quentin Tucker took a second place finish on Saturday in Limited Wolfgang Ries was only three seconds out of the Kart Jr 1 win on it so much he went and did it again in the Sunday affair. Buggy, he finished one lap down in the Sunday event. Saturday, Wolf finished fourth in the Sunday fracas. ed Robert Naughton had been is quick. So far this season he laps with Curt LeDuc second and moved to the back of the race for has six qualifying top honors Adrian Cenni third. Huseman unsportsman like conduct and and has captured the checker sat back in fourth seemingly wait-Robby Woods had six points tak- flag six times. This weekend was ing for the pack to settle down. en for rough driving. On Sunday no exception. Coming in as the Once Huseman decided to make Greg Adler was also moved to the fast qualifier has its down side his move he did it in a big way. back of the lead lap for unsports-as he and second quickest, Carl After getting by Cenni, Huseman manlike conduct. Renezeder, were inverted to row closed up on the rear bumper of Pro 4 three. Setting up front were Curt Curt LeDuc, who had closed the In the Pro 4 class there is no LeDuc and Greg Adler (who was gap on the leader, Adler. Huse-argument that Rick Huseman setting in for Travis Coyne, who man powered down through a in his Toyota Tundra Monster had recently broke his ankle in a rough section and was able to Energy/E3 Sparkplugs/Toyota/ quad ridding incident). Adler led take both front-runners. Once BFGoodrich sponsored truck the action around the first few out front he quickly distanced himself from Adler. Also moving through the pack was Kyle LeDuc who was now in thirp. Adler had pulled a little distance from Kyle LeDuc while Kyle was busy hold-ing off Cenni. Also making his way toward the front was Carl Renezeder who was running fifth just before the mid race caution. When the green flag came back out Renezeder was able to slip up to fourth. Renezeder and Adler traded some paint in turn two with Renezeder taking the third spot. Kyle LeDuc dropped back to the rear of the pack when he spun out and Cenni took over second. On the last lap Cenni left a small opening inside of turn three and Renezeder was able to capture the second spot. A noticeable cloud of blue smoke came from Huse-man's engine at every turn but he Dawson Kirchner took a nice win on Saturday in the Super Lite race, Dawson finished in third spot in the Sunday race. Page 28 was able to hold on to take the checkers. Renezeder earned his second spot with Cenni holding on to third. Missing the podium was Todd LeDuc. Sunday's starting order again had Renezeder and Huseman back on row three. Heading up the group was Kent Brascho and Greg Adler. It was Adler taking the early lead with second row starter Adrian Cenni second and Rick Huseman third around turn two. A couple of laps later Huse-man and Cenni got together in turn five and Cenni got up on two Curt Geer took'the gold medal in Limited Buggy on Saturday, he was less that a second out of the win in the Sunday event. It was two big wins for Broe Dickerson in the Kart Jr. 1 events at Glen Helen, he's seen here at one of many landings. September 2011 wheels which allowed Huseman the get by. A couple of turns after that Huseman pulled alongside and then passed Adler for the lead. Before Adler could recover from his loss Renezeder passed him for second. Huseman was out front with a four second lead over Renezeder. Renezeder got a little loose in turn three allowing Kyle LeDuc to take his spot and Cenni also began pressuring for his position. The mandatory yel-low came out to line things back • up again. Once they started racing again Huseman had no trouble distancing himself from Cenni. Renezeder got up on two wheels in turn three and dropped back to fourth. Soon after Kyle LeDuc got his truck loose in turn four and Cenni took over second. The two-wheel shuffle again happened when Kyle LeDuc got up on two and Renezeder was there to take over his spot. Curt LeDuc excited the crowd as he blistered through the ruff section and got loose go-ing into turn three and jumped over the retaining wall. No harm was done and he was able to con-tinue. Things again slowed down when Todd LeDuc rolled and his truck caught fire. When racing got underway again it was Huse-man, Renezeder and Kyle LeDuc up front with only two laps to go. Huseman again checked out on Renezeder, who was suffering from a flat rear tire. Huseman went on to take his second win of the weekend and Kyle LeDuc had passed the ill handling Renezed-er' s truck for second. Renezeder held off Adler for third. The win was Huseman's 50th career win. Pro Buggy Unlimited Having two main event wins this season to his credit it came as no surprise when Steve Greinke set the fastest qualifying time o"f the Pro Buggy competitors. Gre-inke tripped the clock at 48.668 with his closest competitor being Doug Fortin with a lap turned in 49.119. A total of 13 Unlimited Buggies took the track for Satur-days round nine event. With the Dusty Times

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> 0 •II• I•• I I I.• I I I I,•> IO, I I I A silver medal to Brock Heger in the Kart Jr 2 race on Saturday, Brock In the Kart Modified race on Saturday, Mitch Guthrie finished in the was well back in the 12th spot in the Sunday affair. second spot, Mitch was the fourth place finisher in the Sunday battle. Dan Kelly was the second place finisher on Saturday in the UTV race, unfortunately Dan only completed 11 laps in the Sunday race. In Kart Jr. 2 it was Miles Cheek taking the class win both nights, he's seen here in really high, level flight. fastest two making up row two the front row belonged to Justin Da-vis and Cody Freeman. Freeman took the early lead with Davis second. The pack was bunched up and Justin Smith didn't get stopped quick enough and drove over Greinke's rear wheel and putting Greinke out of the race. Soon after Davis was black-flagged for something I didn't see. As the mid race yellow came out it was Freeman in the lead. Jerry Whelchel had worked his way to second and Doug Fortin was third. On the restart Eddie Tafoya cart wheeled in tum one bringing out yet another yellow. When rac-ing began again Freeman held his lead. The racing order remained the same for a couple of laps when Whelchel got sideways then up on his side in turn four. Smith and Fortin were shadowing him and neither could stop and ran up on his disabled car. Fortin was able to grab reverse first and drove off and around the mess. So at the finish line it was Cody Freeman seeing the checkers first. Mike Porter benefited from the Whelchel incident and got sec-ond. Doug Fortin recovered for third and Justin Smith finished fourth. When they came back out Sunday Whelchel grabbed the early lead but it was short lived as he broke his right rear wheel off in turn three. With Whelchel out Justin Smith inherited the lead. Smith remained dominate throughout the event taking the checkers. Cody Freeman held off Mitchell Dejong was the big winner in Kart Modified on Saturday night, Mitch had to settle for second place in the Sunday race. but before lap one was completed he saw Deegan fly by for the lead. Sisler held second and Cam-eron Steele closed up for third. Sisler went wide in turn two and Steele stole his second place spot. Kyle LeDuc was fourth. LeDuc got loose in turn four allowing Chris Brandt to take his posi-tion. Brandt and Sisler fought for a couple of laps with Sisler spinning out after contact from Brandt. While the shuffling was going on Rodrigo Ampudia moved up from sixth to third. The mid race line up had Deegan out front with Steele second and Ampudia third. After the restart Ampudia headed to the pits and Brandt regained third. Coming up through t!ie pack was Sisler Mike Porter for second and Pat Dean just missed a podium spot. Pro Lite Unlimited Brian Deegan has been a dom-inating force in the Pro Lite divi-sion this season. Deegan came into round nine with four class wins. When the tour was here in May he set the fastest qualifying time and again set quick time for this event making it a total of four for the season. On Friday Deegan turned his quickest lap of 48.073 which was a speed of 59.909 mph. Cameron Steele turned in the second quickest lap with a time of 48.831 converting to 58.979 mph. Qualifying is one thing and racing is another so Deegan decided to add one more win to his credit during round nine. When racing started it was Cory Sisler making the best out who moved up to second. The of his front row starting position Cantinud en p111 30 Ryan Beat made it look kinda easy, he took the win both nights in the UTV action, he's seen here headin' for the moon. Dave Mason won the bronze medal on Saturday in the Limited Buggy In the Kart Jr 1 race on Saturday it was Eliott Watson taking third Paige Porter was third in the Kart Jr 2 race on Saturday, Paige had a second place finish in the Sunday festivities. event, Dave finished a long 12th in the Sunday event. place honors, Eliott finished a strong second in the Sunday affair. Jerett Brooks piced up a pair of third place finishes in the Kart Code Rahders had a decent weekend, he took a third and a second Adrian Genni took third place honors on Saturday in Pro 4 Unlimited, Modified races at Glen Helen, seen here headin' for the checkers. place finish in the UTV races at the Glen, seen here nicely airborne. unfortunately he was a lap short in the Sunday action. Dusty Times September 2011 Page 29 -

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-Robby Woods took a pair of second place finishes in the Pro 2 Unlimited races, he's seen here nicely airborne goin' for the checkers. It was a third place finish for Chad George in the Saturday Super lite race, Chad took the win in the class on Sunday. last few laps saw the action get spaced out with Deegan adding another class win to his credits. Corey Sisler finished second and Cameron Steele was third. Missing a podium spot was Kyle LeDuc. Round ten Sunday evening saw Cameron Steele finished fourth in the Saturday Pro lite Unlimited class, Cam came back and took the class win in the Sunday race. 15 Pro Lites take the field. Head-ing up the pack was Cameron Steele and Chris Brandt. Corey Sisler and Brian Deegan made up row two. Steele was able to take charge early with Sisler settling into second. A couple of laps later Sisler began pressuring Steele and a few lengths back Deegan had taken third but was getting pres-sure from Brandt. the front four fought it out until the mandatory caution slowed things down. On the restart Steele hesitated but was able to retain the lead with Sisler glued to his every move. Deegan was a close third until he stalled in turn four allowing Jim-my Stephensen to take his spot. The front three remained the same up until two laps before the finish. That is when Stephensen's front suspension collapsed. He was able to muscle the ill han-dling truck around but couldn't hold off Matt Cook. At the finish line it was Cameron Steele tak-ing his first class win with Corey Sisler second and Cook third. Ste-phensen did hold on for fourth. After Saturday's race Rodrigo Ampudia was awarded two points for refusal of a black flag call. On Sunday Austin Kimbrell was moved to eighth place for high speed in hot pit and roosting an official. Two points were also given to Corey Sisler for contact under yellow. UTV Ryan Beat made a strong im-pression in the UTV class by setting quick time then taking to the race track to back it up. Beat was able to take the early led away from RJ Anderson and quickly held off an attempt by John Dempsey. Dempsey was passed by Cory Weller but before Weller could attack Beat she had to first.battle with Code Rahders. The two tangled in the whoop sec-tion and Weller lost her left front wheel taking her out of the com-petition. Kelly was able to close up on Beat and apply pressure but Beat held him off. Rahders was back in third with his hands full keeping Anderson behind him. Eventually the front three spaced themselves out and finished with Ryan Beat taking the win. Dan Kelly was second and Code Rah-ders third. John Dempsey was fourth. Ryan Beat looked to be the one to beat early on in Sunday's event. Beat was out front with RJ Anderson second. A few laps later Code Rahders passed his way into the lead. Rahders held the lead until the mid race restart when Beat was able to get inside turn four for the lead. Beat found a little extra horsepower to pull some breathing room between him and Rahders. Rahders pulled up on the last lap but couldn't find an opening but his challenge did make Beat earn the win. Code Rahders took the second spot with Corry Weller working up to third overall. Missing the podium was RJ Anderson. While the officials were throw-ing out penalties Ryan Beat and Code Radhers were given two points for excessive speed under a yellow. Super Lite There were 17 Super Lites qualifying but it was Jesse John-son that turned in the quickest lap. Johnson turned a 51.966 timed lap with Patrick Clark second quickest with his lap of Doug Fortin took the bronze medal on Saturday in Pro Buggy, Doug Chris Brandt was the third place finisher in the Pro lite race on Austin Kimbrell finished fifth in Super lite on Saturday, he finished never got a lap finished in the Sunday race. Saturday, Chris only got 11 laps in when he raced on Sunday. fourth in the Sunday action at Glen Helen. 1 9 6 9 FORD RACE PRE COMPLETELY REBUILT: THIS 69 FORD FEATURES l TRAVEL/ 20" OF FRONT TRAVEL ON FINELY •POWERED BY A FORD 351 BORED AND STROKED TO A 383. •RDE "TROPHY TRUCK" TH400 MANUAL VALVE BODY •RDE 9-INCH GEAR WITH SPOOLED THIRD MEMBER, •DIRT-TECH "PRO" HOUSING AND TRAILING ARMS. •TUBEWORKS 6 X 6,5 REAR HUBS. •37-INCH BFG PROJECT TIRES. •17 KMC BEADLOCK WHEELS, •14-INCH ROTORS. •CNC 4-PISTON BRAKES WITH HYDRO Boost ASSIST ALL AROUND, •HOWE STEERING BOX, PUMP AND HYDRAULIC ASSIST SWING SET •52-GALLON FUEL CELL, •EQUAL LENGTH •I-BEAM• FRONT END DESIGNED AND BUILT BY M RK •4-LINK REAR SUSPENSION DESIGNED AND BUILT BY MARK NEWHAl, •FRONT SHOCKS ARE 2.5 FOX COILOVERS AND 3.0 FOX BYPASS S of i •REAR SHOCKS ARE 2.5 FOX COILOVERS AND 3,5 FOX BYPASS •NEW ALUMINUM DASH WITH AUTOMETER GAUGES, •KENWOOD 150-WATT RACE RADIO WITH PCI INTERCOM. •LOWRANCE 9200 COLOR GPS. SALE PRICE: 1125,000 Page 30 September 2011 Dusty Times

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52.126 recorded. Once racing got underway for round-nine Dawson Kirchner (third qualifier) quickly established himself as the one to beat. Austin Kimbrell settled into second with Wyatt Kirchner third. Things had to be stopped when Brent Fouch caught the K-rail and flipped in turn two. Fouch himself was OK but his race truck had to be pulled off. Soon after the restart Jesse John-son rolled and shortly after that Ron Duncombe rolled bringing out another yellow. Once racing got underway things settled down with Dawson Kirchner out front. Austin Kimbrell had fell back and Patrick Clark was second. Clark managed a last ditch attempt and got into Kirchner on the final turn but Kirchner held on for the win. Clark was second and Chad George crossed over third. Austin Kimbrell finished fourth. Sunday's event had Chad George on the front row with Jacob Person alongside. Whep the green flag flew it was George taking the lead 'with second row starter Patrick Clark trailing him. Austin Kirchner was third and Dawson Kirchner fourth. The front four spread out and left the battle for fifth. George held his lead throughout the event and took a comfortable win over Patrick Clark. Dawson Kirchner earned his third place finish after holding off Austin Kimbrell. Limited Buggy Bradley Morris started out repeating his previous attempt at Glen Helen (May 2011) by setting quick time in the Limited Buggy class. When they lined up Satur-day Morris found himself inverted to the third row and during the race couldn't find a way to the front of the pack. Out front from the start was Curt Geer who had Dave Mason pressuring for his po-sition but Geer managed to hold onto the lead. Mason however left to much room inside of turn two and Quentin Tucker slipped into second with just two laps to go. Mason held for third with Lindsay Geiser finishing ahead of Morris. When they lined up Sunday Mor-found himself on the front Bradley Morris finished fifth in the limited Buggy race on Saturday, he took the gold medal in the Sunday event. row. When the green came out Morris quickly led the pack out of turn one. Morris wasn't alone as Dave Mason shadowed his every move. Mason's efforts paid off on the second lap as he moved ahead of Morris. Next to apply pressure on Morris was Curt Geer. Mason had a tire go down and both Mor-ris and Geer got by. The front two ended t,1p distancing themselves from a three way battle for third. At the finish it was Morris, Geer and Zachery Hunt ·winning the third place spot. Geoffrey Cooley was fourth. Modified Kart Mitchell Dejong came into the event with three previous season wins so it was no surprise to see him set quick time for Saturday's race. The number one plate holder quickly set a attempt for third and he and Brooks got together but Brooks held on for third. Bradley Mor-ris put things together for Sun-day's event and this time kept Mitchell Dejong behind him until the checkers. Jerett Brooks managed third with Kyle Hart just missing the podium. Kart Jr 2 Brock Heger repeated his Utah quick qualifying effort by setting fast time but when race time came around he couldn't hold the speed. Heger was able to dog leader Myles Cheek through-out the event Saturday but came up having to settle for a close sec-ond. Hailie Deegan earned her first podium by taking third. Ri-ley Herbst finished fourth. In the next event the pack once again couldn't match the speed of Brian Deegan finished third in the Pro 2 Unlimited race on Saturday, Brian took the win in the Pro 2 race on Sunday. Bradley Morris finished fourth on Saturday in the Kart Modified race, Sunday was much better, he took the class win at Glen Helen. Myles Cheek as he left the battle for those vying second. Having a one position for passing under yellow). Kart 1 Broe Dickerson was all over the competition in the Kart Jr 1 class. Dickerson set fast time during qualifying then backed his effort up with wins on both Saturday and Sunday. Earlier this season Dickerson had set quick time three other times and put it all together for double wins. Wolf-gang Ries was Dickerson's closest competition Saturday with Eliott Watson trailing Reis. Watson bet-tered his standings on Sunday by pace that distanced himself from the pack early on Satur-day. Dejong couldn't keep the breath-ing room after the mandatory caution and was joined by Mitch Guthrie, Jerett Brooks and Bradley Morris. The front four looked like they were joined together throughout the fin-ish but Dejong held on for the win. Mor-ris made a final turn Zachary Hunt finished ninth in limited Buggy on Saturday, Zach took third place honors in the Sunday affair. good taste of the po-dium from Saturday's event Hailie Deegan managed to hold off a pack of would be second place suitors. Her hardest com-petition came from third place finisher Paige Porter. After the event Deegan was DQ for a motor viola-tion. So this put Paige Porter second. Shelby Anderson third and Preston Rohen fourth (Rohen had been · placing second to Dickerson and Travis Pecoy finished third ahead of Reis. It was a fourth place finish for Travis Pecoy in the Saturday Kart Shelby Anderson was the seventh place finisher on Saturday in Kart Rodrigo Ampudia finished fourth in Pro 2 on Saturday, Rodrigo took Jr 1 race, Travis was the third place finisher in the Sunday event. Jr 2, Shelby took a third place finish in the Sunday fracas. • a third place finish in the Sunday action. Todd LeDuc finished first off the podium in the Saturday Pro 4 race, Malcolm Pointon finished first off the podium in the Saturday Pro Matt Cook never got a lap in on Saturday in the Pro lite action, in unfortunately, Todd only got in 17 laps in the Sunday event. Buggy fracas, Malcolm was short a lap in the Sunday affair. the Sunday race Matt finished in third place. Dusty Times September 2011 Page 31

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AT ANTIGO ale Chestnut Takes Gold In :s Races By Mike Reusche For the second year in a row, Antigo, Wisconsin played host to a weekend of Sportsman short-course off-road racing. Rounds 5 and 6, as well as scheduled makeup rounds of the Traxxas TORC Series presented by AMSOIL. In addition, race promoter Ronn Krueger offered PRO-Light drivers to come out and perform an exhibition race each day for the fans at Antigo. Ninety seven drivers made the trek to the familiar stadium style track at the Langlade County Fair-grounds. The layout used much of the half-mile clay circle track along with a sizeable pass through the infield. The course had a variety of jumps and a lengthy rhythm section allowing for some high speed rac-ing along with a technical portion, which made a good suspension setup a must in order to race at the front of the pack. The first two weekends of the TORC series saw Mother Nature interrupt the planned race program. The weather on Saturday was near perfect, a partly cloudy day with seasonable temperatures. Sunday started with a rain shower, but by noontime, the skies cleared and the temperatures climbed into the up-per 80's. TORC officials planned to have one of the two rain cancelled rounds of Sportsman racing be made up at Antigo, but the Sunday morning rain shower delayed the race schedule, which meant three of the seven classes were unable to run their makeup round. The weekend kicked off with nine Formula 4x4 race trucks lined up for the two wide rolling start. Right from the start Brad LeMarche grabbed the lead with Dave Demaegd in second, Ben Passa in third, with Milan Ma-zanec and Charlie Bell rounding out the top five as the field completed lap one. The top five were running close together, but their positions didn't change as the field slowed for the lap five mandatory yellow. When the green flag waved for the final five laps, LeMarche stayed out front as Passa drove under De-maegd for the second spot. Then immediately Mazanec was challeng-ing for third, when he and Demaegd came together. The contact caused Demaegd to barrel roll down the back straightaway. The incident caused an red flag, allowing the course workers and EMTs to make sure Dave was safely removed from his racer. After a quick trip to the hospital, Dave was able to get back to the track later in the day. Unfortu-nately, his Jeep CJ-7 was a total loss. When the trucks went back to green flag racing, Lemarche led the final five laps to take his second win of the season. While Charlie Bell made a last lap pass to finish second, and in his first race of the season Ben Passa finished third. Next up was ultra competitive Su-per Stock Truck. Fifteen drivers took Photos: Mike Roth the green as first year Super Truck driver Justin Keehner led the first two laps, with veterans Chris Bowser and Scott Beauchamp right behind. As the field headed for the manda-tory caution, the top three held their positions as Brent Smith moved up fourth and Larry Maciosek rounded out the top five. On the restart, Scott Beauchamp made an outside pass on Keehner as the field headed through Turn Two and down the backstretch. Then Brent Smith made an inside pass on Bowser heading into the infield to move into third. Then on lap eight Keehner went wide, running through the infield tum, losing the spot to Smith. The final two laps had Beauchamp open up his lead and take the win. Smith held off Keehner for the runner-up spot as Keehner held off a late charge from Bowser for the final spot on the podium. Ten Classix racers lined up next for their ten lap showdown. The Classix race car is truly a Midwest off-road creation. The actual vehicles are a mix of rear wheel drive American made passenger cars and two wheel drive full-size SUVs. It's like old school off-road racers meeting new school technology. The reigning class champion Dale Chestnut, in his two wheel drive Ford Bronco grabbed the early lead and never looked back. Meanwhile, Rob Weiland in a two wheel drive Chevy Blazer, gradually moved up ''•'I I I! I • f I • t I It t I ! I I,• I I,••, I••, through the field to challenge Chest-nut when the mandatory caution lap bunched up the entire field. The minute green flag racing resumed, Chestnut had too much horsepower for the rest of the field as he led the final five laps for the win, with Weiland finishing second, and Mike Mischler in a Chevy Monte Carlo, completing the podium. The largest class of the weekend lined up next as twenty Light Buggy drivers went into battle. When the green flag was dropped, it didn't take long for Matt Gerald and Greg Sting-le to get to the front of the pack. The two veterans put on a great show for the fans, Gerald and Stingle battled back and forth for the lead during the entire ten laps. It came down to a last lap pass by Stingle to determine the winner. A dejected Gerald fin-ished a half of a buggy length back in second. While the battle for the win raged, Todd Lemke worked his way into third place by lap seven. Round-ing out the top five finishers were Jamie Kleikamp and Matt Ashauer. The highly competitive Stock Truck class had ten entries for the Antigo Off-Road Challenge. The start saw Wayne Schunk get out to an early lead while the rest of the field was still sorting itself out. By lap three Matt Ives and Nick Baumgart-ner finally established themselves as challengers for the top spot. Ives got around Schunk just before the half.. way mandatory caution lap hoping to put some distance between him and the rest of the field. On the lap six restart, Baumgart-ner had a great start enabling him to get around Schunk and set his sights on Ives. During the final four laps, Baumgartner tried everything he could, but Ives' Chevy ran a perfect race taking his first win of the year. Baumgartner also in a Chevy, fin-ished second and Schunk, driving a Ford, crossed the finish in third. Thirteen drivers lined up for the 1600 buggy with Ontario Canada's Travis Dinsmore on the pole. Din-more held the top spot all the way to the mandatory yellow with Upper Michigan's Brad Erickson in second. When the restart came, Erickson made his one opportunity to pass for the lead stick and held on the rest of the way for the win. Dinsmore finished second, as the top two racers matched lap times lap after lap. The next three finishers had their own battle as Bob Kinner took the fi-nal podium position followed closely by Bob Blaney and Chris Ernster. Super Buggy was next, as a solid field of fourteen racers took the green flag. The four wheel drive cre-ation of John Frana started on the pole and instantly put a sizable lead on the rest of the field. Las Vegas' Larry Job quickly grab~d the second spot as CJ Greaves rounded out the top three heading into the manda-tory yellow. On the restart Job somehow got around Frana heading down the back stretch. Then the right rear hub on Frana's buggy broke, ending his day. That put Greaves in second and Scott Schwalbe in third. As the laps wound down, Steve Krieman began challenging Schwalbe for the final spot on the podium. A last lap pass by Krieman put the Illinois native on the podium behind winner Job, and second place finisher Greaves. The final Round Five race of the day was Super Truck. The first couple of laps saw Zane Roberts and Don Williams's battle for the top spot with a lurking Dan Baudoux in the third position. On lap three Bau-doux moved into the lead and held it all the way to the finish. Williams would hold onto second all the way to the checkered flag and a late surge by Dave Bayer took the final spot on the podium. With Round Five in the record books, the cancelled Round One class races, due to weather at Red Bud, were next on the docket. For-mula 4x4, Super Stock Truck, Clas-six, and Light Buggy were ready to run to take on Antigo' s stadium track for the second time on Saturday. The makeup rounds would only have those that made the to trek to Red Bud lining up on the track. The first group up was Classix. New-comer Kenny Platen passed six cars to take the lead by the end of lap one. Quickly,' Round 5 winner Dale Chestnut moved into second place with Mike Mischler in third. The top three held their positions all the way to lap seven. With two laps to go, Platen went wide through Turns One and Two leaving the door open for Chestnut to grab the lead. The final lap and a half saw the top four racers hold their spots with Chest-nut taking his second win of the day, Platen taking his first career podium in second, Mike Mischler in third, with Randy Pennings in fourth. Next in line was Formula 4x4. The race was shortened to five ~• laps, as only three trucks lined up for the race. After the first lap, the race order remained unchanged all the way to the checkered flag. Brad LeMarche went on to his second win of the day and Charlie Bell finished second with Milan Mazenac a very close third. Light Buggy had all fifteen entries from Red Bud taking the green flag. Once again it was a battle between Matt Gerald and Round 5 winner Greg Stingle. This time Gerald led flag to flag with Stingle finishing a close second. For the second time Saturday, Todd Lemke came across in third. Thirteen Super Stock Trucks were next and this race had some drivers making some very aggressive moves. Early on, Round 5 winner Scott Beauchamp grabbed the early lead, but was given a stop and go penalty for jumping the start. This put the reigning class champion at the back of the field on lap three. Meanwhile, Justin Keehner assumed Dan Baudoux had himself a really good time, he took the gold medal Scott Mueller, the muddiest truck in the Classix Class slid in for a Dave Bayer took a third place finish in Round 6 in the Super Truck in both rounds, seen here nicely airborne in his Ford. third place finish in the Round 6 competition. race, he's seen here just before touchdown. Page 32 September 2011 Dusty Times

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C J Greaves finished second in Super Buggy in Round 5, he went on to take the win in the Round 6 race. 1600 Buggy driver Mark Steinhardt leads Brad Erickson here, Brad Charlie Bell took a third and a second place finish in Formula 4x4 in the lead with Bob Gremler and Brock Smith looking to grab the top spot. Regardless of all challengers, Keehner held on to take his first Super Stock Truck win. Behind the orange Ford F-150, Brock Smith took control of the runner up spot with two laps to go. Chris Bowser who was at the losing end of two separate incidents, battled back through the field to capture the final spot on the podium. Don Demeny rebounded from an eighth place fin-ish in Round 5, crossing the finish in fourth place. The final event of the day was the PRO-Light exhibition race. The race promoter invited all PRO-Light drivers out to put on a great show for the fans and get some extra seat time before they headed out to the PRO race in Charlotte. Four drivers came out and put on a heck of a show. CJ Greaves, Mitch Dorr, Cody Kinkaid, and Randy Ellenson all ran ten laps. In the end, CJ Greaves took the win. Sunday morning the TORC Sportsman racers saw rain coming Dusty Times took a 1st and a 2nd, Mark took the win in Round 6. Rounds 5 & 6, in spite of this rollover. on the horizon. The morning rain delayed the race program a couple of hours, but by noontime the sun was out and the track was ready for racing. First on the Round 6 program was Stock Truck. Wayne Schunk once again got out to an early lead as Tom Graff showed some muscle running in second. By the second lap, Matt Ives and Nick Baumgart-ner were third and fourth in the running order, but Ives had a flat rear tire from the contact he had as he made his way to the front As Ives began to fade, he headed to the pits for a new tire. This put Baumgartner in third and Ives a lap down from the leaders. At the mandatory caution, the top three were Schunk, Graff, and Baumgartner. On the restart Sc-hunk quickly pulled away from Graff, as Baumgartner labored to keep pace with the top two trucks. During the second half of the race, the top three positions stays the same all the way to the finish. It was Wayne Schunk's first Stock Truck win and the second place finish for Tom Graff was a career best as well. Third place went to persistent Nick Baumgartner. Ben Wierzba ran a solid race as well, coming in fourth. Round 6 1600 Buggy action saw the return of Mark Steinhardt to the top box on the podium. The multi-time champion led a great race, from flag to flag for his first vic-tory of the year. Behind Steinhardt, there were several names in the run-ning for a podium finish. Early on Chris Ernster and Charlie Schlieve looked like they could keep the favorites off the box, but in the end Brad Erickson made the right moves to secure his second place finish. Af-ter a fourth place finish in Round 5, Bob Blaney continued his move up the order with a third place finish. Chris Ernster had his best career finish in the TORC series crossing the line in fifth place. The fastest group of the weekend, Super Buggy was next. The ques-tion on everyone's mind was could September 2011 John Frana's four wheel drive Super Buggy stay together long enough to take the win? When the green flag dropped, Frana grabbed the lead and just dominated the race. The pace of the race was incredibly quick. On lap two Larry Job, while running in second, slowed with gearbox problems. On lap three CJ Greaves moved into second place after passing Scott Schwalbe. Then Bob Klaus seemed to get comfort-able in his brand new single seater and made the move around Schwal-be for second. The restart on lap six saw Frana open up a large gap on the rest of the field, as Greaves was comfortably in second. As the laps wound down, Steve Krieman began to put pressure on Schwalbe. Then with the white flag in sight, Frana pulled off the track with a mechani-cal problem. This allowed Greaves to lead the final lap and take the win. Bob Klaus crossed the finish in a strong second place, and Scott Schwalbe improved one spot from Saturday, taking home third place. Next up was the best race up to this point in the race program, the Classix group. The start saw Rob Weiland take the lead with Dale Chestnut right behind in second. The top two racers put some dis-tance on the rest of the field. Wei-land and Chestnut ran door to door all the way to the mandatory yellow with Weiland in the lead. When the green flag was waved for second time, the top two continued to run side by side. On the last lap com-ing out of the final turn, it looked like Weiland would take the win, but somehow Chestnut had better traction heading down the front straightaway and crossed the finish about three feet in front of Weiland. The win was Dale Chestnut's third victory of the weekend. Just missing the win, was a smiling Rob Weiland. Third place was Scott Mueller fo the Chevy Monte Carlo. The Super Truck race was domi-nated from start to finish by Dan Baudoux. After an early exit by Don Continued on ,111 34 Page33 ,.

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Brock Smith took a second place finish in the Stock Truck makeup race at Antigo, seen here throwin' dirt. Bob Gremler, Don Demeny and Danny Beauchamp are hot and heavy Who says its crowded out there? lots of buggies all goin' for it give in Super Stock Truck, Danny went on to take a second place finish. no quarter, it is the crown going to the boldest. Williams, Zane Roberts came home in second, and Dave Bayer after spin-ning out with three laps to go, made a strong charge to take third place as Gary Gottschalk finished fourth. LightcBuggy saw another battle between Greg Stingle and Matt Ger• ald. This time Gerald moved into the lead on·the second lap with Stingle right on his bumper. The two held their positions to the finish as Ger• ald took his third win of the year. It was Stingle's third second place fin-ish of the year as well. Brian Holtger, who briefly led the field on the first lap, came across in third. Super Stock Truck saw the return of Scott Beauchamp to the top spot on the box. The Chevy Silverado pilot started from the back of the field and passed Don Demeny for the lead, just as the mandatory caution came· out. When green flag racing resumed, Danny Beauchamp and Chris Bowser were in the middle of the pack, but that wasn't going to last long. With three laps to go, Don Page 34 Demeny who was running third was three Formula 4x4 competitors took everywhere on the track and they some definite suspension configura-hit by Al Konitzer as they were run- the green flag; Brad LeMarche, Ben never touched one another. It was tion infractions among the group ning through the rhythm section, Passa, and Milan Mazanec. a great ending to another epic and how USAC officials we going to then Demeny got into Konitzer. The The holeshot was won by Passa, weekend of racing in Antigo. handle the situation had not been contact ended Demeny's day and with LeMarche and Mazanec di- Actually, there was one other announced by time of this article? moved Konitzer well back in the run- reedy behind each other. After two group that went out after Formula This class has also had its share ning order. laps, Mazanec pulled off with me-4x4. The group of three PRO-Light of aggressive driving, hopefully by While this was going on, Beau- chanical issues. Then the real fun racers came out for a ten lap exhibi- the time the TORC Series gets to champ and Bowser continued their began. Passa and LeMarche would tion. Once the final ten lap session Bark River in mid-August, cool-quest for a podium finish. Somehow go side by side, corner after corner, was complete the weekend at An-er- heads will prevail and racing through all the rubbing and pushing lap after lap, with Passa always tigo came to an end. . doesn't always have include con-and banging, several racers would slightly ahead at the start/finish Due to the delayed start of the tact to make a pass. gain and lose multiple spots all in line. LeMarche, who had already Sunday race program, the makeup As the Sportsman teams packed one lap. won twice during the weekend, rounds for 1600 Buggy, Stock up and headed home, many are When the checkered flag was was not giving up. Just as it looked Truck, and Super Buggy will be looking forward to having nearly waved, Scott Beauchamp took the like Passa would take the win, his scheduled at another venue. a month to prepare for the Bark win, with Dan Beauchamp (Scott Ford Bronco pushed high through After the day of competition ~iver event. The Upper Michigan and Dan are cousins) in second, and the final corner giving 'LeMarche a was complete, USAC officials had venue will host their only weekend Chris Bowser finished in third. It chance to win the drag race down all the Super Stock Trucks head of racing as the TORC PRO and may not have been the prettiest of the front straightaway to the finish. back to the pit area with their front Sportsman competitors prepare for races, but it was very entertaining. At the checkered flag, LeMarche end body panel~ removed. There the one of the toughest tracks in After a thrilling Classix race, edged out Passa to win by a couple have been serious debates in this short-course off-road racing. Before and a very entertaining Super Stock of feet. It was LeMarche's third class about rules and their inter-the TORC PROs go to Bark River, clash, the final points race of the victory of weekend. When the two pretation. As the USAC tech team a stop for two nights of racing is on weekend was the best race all week-trucks came to the podium, they inspected all the trucks, all the driv- · the calendar-in NASCAR country end. After running Round 5 and the didn't have a scratch on them. The ers in the class were allowed to view at the Dirt Track@ Charlotte Mo-make-up Round 2 on Saturday, only two racers were side by side almost to each other's trucks. There were tor Speedway. -r-~~ WHEEL SIZES l6X4 VW NON BEAOLOCK • 17X8 TRUCK BEAOLOCK GEN.2 15X8 TRUCK BEAOLOCK .,. I 7X8 VW BEAOL.OCK 17X8 TRUCK SIMULATED LOCI< 15Xl2 VW BEAOLOCK 15X7 VW 9EAOLOCK 15X7 VW NON BEADLOCK 15X4 VW 9EADLOCK 15X4 VW NON BEADLOCK WHEELS CAN Al.SO IE Cl.ff AND WELDED TO CUSTOH DIIENSIONS September 2011 Dusty Times

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', I 1986 SUPERSTITION 250 Greg Hibbs overalls In A 10 car B:y The Fudpucker Racing Team Photos: Carlos Avina Charging through the night, Mark Cameron got the job done in Class 1, going the distance to take the class victory over 8 other starters. On the gas and hauling done everything required to ass is the only way to de-win, and they went home scribe the first two laps of happy. Rick Scalzo jumped Mike and Sharron Julson. into the lead car, and it self They now had ten minutes, destructed. Cameron Steele 21 seconds lead. But, Gregg succumbed to Pee Wee's Hibbs was next, then Dennis· suggestions, and Jeff Wright Green and Richard Bind-had vanished into the night. er, the latter three all in James Saasta's truck with Class 10 . . Before the start John Bonyer on board slept the 2-1600s had voted not quietly along the course. to run with the 1-600s. It Mark Cameron inherited was beginning to look like the Open Class lead, broke, a mistake. Dave Marini had fixed it, and finally won his averaged a little 48mph for class. the first two laps, nearly While all this was going five mph more than Richard on, Gregg Hibbs smiled as Tim McDonnell did the major spectacular on the ancient dry lake; after the roll, he landed the Class 1 on its head. Frisby, the first 1-600. But, he slipped by a sick open look our! Right behind Rick car. He knew with a little was the old pathfinder Brad luck, the race could be his. Inch, Callen had kept Razo A little luck was what he got, on track, and Steele had but not the kind he wanted. resisted the pleading of Pee An errant rock knocked his Wee to stop for a beer. Both helmet shield off. Five miles held their positions, first 5 later his eyes were thrashed, and first truck. and he started calling for The scene was set on the Ancient Dry Lake Bed in Imperial county, CA, for the third running of the Budweiser Superstition 250 last August. On a beautiful desert summer night Gregg Hibbs, with a little help from Mike Julson, nailed down the overall win. It was the second year in a row that a Class 10 car ended up in the winners' circle first. The winning time was 4 hours, 24 minutes, 38 seconds, for an average speed of 49.88 mph. The winner last year, Mike Julson, and his sister Shar-ron, roared off the starting line first. They were fol-lowed every 15 seconds until 84 cars had set forth on their sojourn across the des-ert. It was a record entry for the race. For some, like crazy Larry McCullen, it would be a very short race. Exploding off the line, he powe·r shifted into second gear, then third. Oops! Nothing there, he muttered as he coasted to a stop, less than a mile off the start line. For others, the first lap would seem endless. Becky and Darrel Bahrke, driving the official boat of the Superstition 250, sped away, never to be seen again or so it seemed. Thinking this was the Bonneville Salt Flats, they tried to set a new land speed record, and in the process they set a new course record of 8. 72 mph and an elapsed time of 6 hours, 18 minutes, 30 sec-onds for their first and final lap. Less than one hour after the start, Bob "Weather-man" Steinburger's radio came to life. Car # 100 was a mile away and no one else was in sight. Mike Julson had promised his sister a ride, and what a ride it was, almost 59 mph, and over five minutes ahead of sec-ond place. One of the spon-sors, Richard Binder of Off Road Buggy Supply in Yuma, AZ, was the first Class 10 around, and next, followed by Gregg Hibbs in the worst position he would have all night at third overall; but, he was almost nine minutes off the pace, and fifth on elasped time. Seventh overall, but third in time, was a low flying Rex Lewis antJ Ken Seale came south from Lompoc to gain the AMSA Class 100 points, and they won the 14 car class, well worth the trip. Page 36 two seater crewed by Dave Marini and Leslie Smith, the first 2-1600 around. Two slots behind, thanks to Keith Callen's navigation, was the first Class 5 Bug, Max Razo at the helm. Then came the biggest surprise of the eve-ning. Jeff Wright had not only completed his first lap in three tries, but he drove the second open car. Still, the question remained -would we ever see him again? In at the eleventh overall position came Dan Araujo, just a heartbeat ahead of the second 1-1600 of Al-len Hensley/Chuck Gunter. Dan had averaged 46.49 mph, Allen 46.48! The 70th vehicle to leave was Mark Steele's truck. However, with Pee Wee shouting in-structions like, "Hey, let's stop for a beer, or did you see that hard body", Mark brought them around 21 st time wise, just behind Rob-ert Whitted's 5-1600. Robert was averaging 44.61 mph to Mark's 44.13. The first Chal-lenger car was driven by Jack Hettinger. Meanwhile, Becky and Darrel were looking for Check 1. Armstrong Tires clad Rex help. Thanks to Bob Hynes, Lewis was bidding for first in from the BFGoodrich Ra-Class 100. He had just put dio Relay, he contacted over 39 minutes on Joel Sal-Mike Julson. You want me lada, and the Armstrong con-to drive the lead car on the tingency money was starting last lap? Gee, I don't know, " to burn a hole in his pocket. I haven't done this since Jim Delaney. and Bart Ham-last year. Can you be here ilton ventured down from in two minutes?Remember, Redondo Beach. Their eyes this is lap 3, or how can I had adjusted to the night, snatch defeat from the jaws their bodies to the heat, and of victory. if the gremlins didn't bite, Lots of racers broke, 0th-the Challenger Class win ers put their foot in the carb, was theirs. With lightning and some choked. Richard speed Pops Devecerlly skill-Binder, Class 10, had the fully negotiated his 5-1600 fastest lap, 51.64 mph, but into the lead. Turning to his he had a mistake looming snot nosed kid, Andy the over his head. Blind, Hibbs third, he said, "I know you was next at 47.63 mph, and can't drive as fast as I can, our pathfinder, Brad Inch, but what ever you do, don't was third but still behind lose the lead." the first 2-1600 on time in Just before the start of his 1-1600. Rex Lewis had the demolition derby on his Class 100 around for lap 3, Hal Graves and Greg the 67th best lap time. Last Hutchinson compJeted the year's Class 100 winner John winning lap in Class 6. Their Neff handed the driving du-righteous 1965 Mustang had ties over to Bill Maki, with .----------------------------this word of caution. "The On a real holiday, Max Razo and John Johnson had a good time in the desert, and also cam in first in the five car Class 5 contest. September 2011 throttle is sticking". What he forgot to tell Bill was that there were only two set-tings, idle or out of control. Bill soon found why they were not first. Nobody's that brave. fast Andy Devercelly breathed a little easier when the snail held on to first in 5 -1600. Then he discov-ered that Robert Whitted, while still second on total time, had a third lap near-ly two mph faster. Gordan Clark, Sr. made his driving debut with sli,m Gordan. The 5-1600 car owner, Mike Lund, had secured third place. Gordan was proud Dusty Times I

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The Coronado Racing Teams Andy Devercellys, father and son ran fast all the way to take top honors from the 15 chargers in Class 5/1600. that he had passed his near-minutes later, Rick Frisby est competitor. Then the finished seventh overall and House of Buggies space shut-second in 1-1600. The sec-de blasted off, landing on all four wheels with only one flat tire. They never made orbit! Their race ended at Plaster City East. With the Steele truck stopped at the refreshment stand, a little old Class 7 truck fit comfort-ably into first. Tim Young and partners were cruising, and Becky and Darrel sight-ed Plaster City East. Then it was over. Gregg Hibbs had won his first Bud-weiser Superstition 250. Oh, sure, Mike Julson, with a smile that wouldn't quit, was the driver at the end. But, it was Gregg and his dad Ben that made it possible. Under the brilliant glow of the Clairemont equipment rental light tower, the cham-pagne flowed. Fudpucker Rancing Team applauds a great and a proud winner. Jim Delaney and Bart Hamilton came from Redondo Beach to race their Challenge car and they took the Class title at the flag. ond Class 5 car with Wayne Niguel followed a minute Lacher the driver of record, later. Then the Coronado and some stiff from Laguna Racing Team started eel-• 100 Gallon Capacity • Single or Do•ble Dry Bruk • IZSetUp • Affordable lndyCar Ft Teohnology .&cce1sorlea •DlllllpCau •Hose •Wucers • Filler Necks & Second overall and second in Class 10 went to Dennis Green. In his first full year of racing, this young man has come a long way. Carrying the Wright Place colors, he has raced the Mint, finished second in an AMSA race in Class 10, and with this fin-ish, it looks like he will be the AMSA Class 10 desert champion. Congratulations! Car owner, driver and good friend Ken Snyder, of Holt-ville, CA, finally ended up in the winner's circle, :first in Class 2-1600. The earth's first dust cloud was followed by a hard charging Johnny Johnson. He thought he was chasing another 5-1600 car. A few centuries go by and lo and behold he is chasing another dust storm. But, this time he wins Class 5 ,with Max Razo, and captured fourth overall. <fil> Btlaeu • Snell SA 2005 Forced Air Helmets G·FOllC& ---•¥M·hi#91 [I] HJC MOTORSpoRTS • Wired for CommWlie&tlon & Bar B•d Ready • Racing Optics Tear Offs • Universal and Custom Molded Bar B•ds • Helmet Skirts • Shields KeolAlr.,. Blower Sy1tea1 • Highest Flowing Systems! • 106, 135, 150, 235 and 250 CFII Ratings • High Flow Filters & Custom Hoses • Trophy Kart Kits for Driver & Clutch Cooler .. ebrating. Andy "the Snail" Devercelly had not only won the 5-1600 class, but he fin-ished ninth overall. His dad smiled! Allen Hensley and Chuck Gunter rounded out the top ten, third in Class 1-1600. Slowly but surely the win-ners sped across the finish line. They were greeted by the Budweiser Trailer and its endless supply of cool re-freshments. Robert Whitted, of Whitted Liquor in Braw-ley, CA donated the suds. HPS Lubricants furnished a finisher mug to every car and a marriage was made. Tim Young brought his little Class 7 truck in first, followed by Craig "Mr. Bru-tal" Corda's Ford. Jim and Bart from Redondo Beach .ee-,, ...... .,.... • Vertex 5 to UO Watt BIAlio8yltems • Hl-1'1 Intercom 8yltems • Chase & lace Pacbgea • Base Statlon Packages • Crew Chief & la.rt Packages llaC&rCule?-lptea • EZ 1 Button Operation • lxcluslve lacer X !lotorsports Package • 5.7 hours oflllgh Resolution recording • Up to 12 hours or operation on 4AA Lith11UD Ion Batteries • Can be Interfaced to Intercom for run audio experience J:Cell111 • 411/2 Gallon Capacity • SCORE I BITD / FIA Approved • Tapered Design Provides Increased Ground Clearance & Maximizes Usable Fuel • Fuel Level Sending Units Available • Caps, Necks, Hose, Filters and PIUllps Available Pacing nervously at home check was our pathfinder brother, Brad Inch. He was late, land all the last lap fears ran through his mind. Millions of years passed be-fore a very dim light was spotted slowly rolling to-wards the finish, 100 feet short he died. Out of gas and dehydrated, Brad Inch was home and the Chinese Fire Drill began, running for gas and water, there were bodies everywhere. As they converged on Brad, s.o did the checkered flag. Eight minutes later Rex Lewis won the Armstrong Tire money and Class 100. About 25 YOUJI, SOURCE FOB PROFESSIONAL RACE PRODUCTS Dusty Times 10815 Wheatlands Avenue, Suite K • Santee, CA 92071 619-258-llCE (7223) • Fax 619-258-0883 • September 2011 Page 37

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..... o •II I I I I I> I • I • t t I I I Dennis Green tried hard in the Class 10 battle, but at the finish he John King and Jeff Plourd teamed up in Class 100, and the faired Flying over the soft sand, Rick Frisby drove alone to a fine second had to settle for second spot, behind the overall winner. well in the big class, taking a strong second place. place in the close contest in Class 1-1600 . Shannon Winberly, Craig Corda and Brett Driscoll had a good night The Yucca Valley gang of Tom a,nd Jeff Bo/ha and Rick and Kevin Allen Hensley and Chuck Gunter came from Sun Valley, CA to try in the desert behind a windshield, the finished second in trucks. Lyneis teamed up to place a strong second in the biggest class, 5/1600. the desert and they finished well, third in Class 1-1600. edged out Jack Hetteinger ing to an end when, sailing yet! David Yan Ness and berto's Taco Shop passes the the consequences. Thank and Art Eugenio for the out of the darkness came the car #59 are still running. midway point. Bring on the you. Challenger Class win. The official boat with Becky and Then, just when we know fat lady, this thing has got to When the results were post race party is just com-Darrel. But, it is not over it is over, the 5-1600 of Ro-end sometime. mailed out every driver of Page 38 September 2011 Sunday morning as the record got quite a pleasant Mike Lund, House of Bug-surprise. The insurance fee gies breakfast is being pre-had been set with a less than pared, I had an unpleasant 70 car entry expected. When task. I have to tell second it went way over that, Fud overall, (not Dennis Green) promised the drivers at the that he has been dropped a meeting that they would get lap for passing after a check a rebate on the insurance ahead sign at Check 2 . Al-cost. So tucked in with the though assured this would results was a crisp five dollar not be publicized, he, be-bill, the rebate to each entry ing a sportsman, asked me on the insurance. How ab~9ut to make sure that everyone that for a real sportsmanlike knew that when a rule is gesture from the Fudpucker broken the driver suffers Racing Team? Hal Graves and Greg Hutchinson went the farthest and the fastest in their Mustang, they beat six other cars to win the class. Jeff Papp/e and Ray Maxey dash across the desert en route to a fine second place among the five starters in Class 2-1600. Dusty Times

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P, I, Barnum once said: "wHhout Promotion somethina terrible happens: lothln1,., If 1ha1 is your si1ua1ion le1 Dusiy Times help you promote your business. For t I years we hawe been 1he woice of 1he OH Road Racina communi1y, You adwertisemen1 in Dusty Times will pu1 your produc1 , in fron1 of many people. Some will need your produc1, some will no1, . Aren•1 you just anxious 10 know who really needs you1 Call us for further informa1ion. 818-88 2-000t Dusty Times September 2011 Page 39

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C 2011 August CHECKERS REPORT By El Chinero SILENT SPOKES Long-time Checkers MC mem-ber and desert denizen "Red" Ludford died inid-August. Re-MEMBER The club is having a load of trouble getting members to the meetings. Some may shrug their shoulders and say, "Uh, so what?' Well, one such "what" is when a vote is on the docket for member-ship and there is not a quorum, as defined in the By-Laws. Some Prospectives have made the trip ... to no avail, since there were/ are not enough members at the meeting. Bob Ham came up from El Calextro --for a "no vote" mem-bers condition. That is an incon-siderate situation, at best. BOBS 8U#l t:Ul'B ' 2111 lEIAl IA SA1EI IEl•ErB 1-Cll lY t! i '"'""' 'RJ Page 40 , . The other issue on "no shows" are racers who fail to come to the "Race Meeting" to provide input regarding pit sites. Some (serious) racers actually have location pref-erences, usually based upon fuel burn and tire drops. Plus access by their chasers. But they, often, provide no input. When this lack of information is presented (?) George R. Thompson then is forced to use his best guesses and assign pits in a void. Note: GRT's are usually "better-than-best guesses." And, of course, after the map is struck and the pits assigned SOMEONE will howl like an ox being gored. • The burden of meeting at-tendance is upon the now wide spread homes of the Checkers. Most used to be within "walking" (Ha-ha) distance of The Dugout. Now we have members in Santa Clarita, Pacoima, Larkinville, and San Diego. Hell, Dr. Checker and Mike Ward can come up from Rosarito beach for a meeting ... what's with the guys in Gardena? Joe Cota, et al, is working on a demographic map of the mem-bership and determine various weighted loci for optional meeting spots. After all, the "Screaming Chicken" and "Mother's" have been added to "Victorio's" but that's not, apparently, enough. A recent meeting at a member's garage will not be repeated, due, in part, to the loads of (empty) beer cans strewn around and other hygienic issues. Should go to Nacke's! Oh, and some members com-plain about the food at meeting places. Should have the meeting at your mother's house; she always catered to your every (unreason-able) whim. (Example: "I am all set, head-ing up to LA for bidness in the morning on Wednesday and have a room at the Marriott. I know Doc and Mike are coming up as well.") Definitely in for dinner at the hotel as opposed to Victorio' s." One pithy comment was noted, from the By-Laws, that members have to attend 25% of the stan-dard meetings in any four-week period. Cota needs to build a spreadsheet and assign fines to miscreants. The solution? Fine 'em. 2011 BEST IN THE DESERT "BEATIY TO DAYTON" Rich Severson -DNF Tommy Koch -DNF Mike Childress -DNF Ryan Plowman - Finish Josh Gilliam - Finish Ken Tapert - Finish And So It Goes ... by "Slice" The short version is we experienced a similar fuel problem as last year in 9&l KE#WOOO .,. September 2011 the exact same location, RM72. We were in the lead by a sizeable mar-gin. We then limped along for hours - getting passed. We tried all kind of 'fixes' and eventually thought we had hit on something, as we able to go across a dry lake at 'BB', feeling great. I then downshifted to second gear and the motor revved up when it should have been pulling hard. The tranny failed at.RM14B. As we slowed to a crawl using first gear the motor stalled again. Day done. We rallied the chase team and got back to Vegas @ 2100 hours. The team was/is/ are bummed and there are no plans for any more races in 2011. We will make the nec-essary (Ed.: Hopefully!) repairs and get the Ranger back for 2012 as that will be the 25th anniversary of the Flamingo Racing Team. Thanks to all for being a special part of the team, which truly makes us believe, each time, that we will be at the finish line each event. Rich RACE QUOTE "A part never breaks during a test session, only during a race. And the part you need will be the one you left at the shop." Vhr4children Vhr4children evolved to date through three phases: 1978 when Lea Jamison entered Scott Hardy's life, 1990 when Danny and Kathy Savant adopted Cody when he was 10 weeks old and Danny was 39; and, finally, 2010 when Danny "von" Savant and Scott Hardy shared their stories with each other. Cody's mother was a party girl and her mother told her she was not going to raise her son and to put the kid up for adoption. They say Cody is lucky and Danny and Kathy say they are the lucky ones. Up until 2 years old Cody was a perfect baby. At 2 years old they realized he could not speak. He was delayed -after many test they discovered this. They moved him to the Temecula, CA school district .when he was 3 years old. They realized he had a few developmental delays that impacted his speech. By 4 he could speak 50 - 60 words. He kept speaking of a "puter" Danny real-ized he meant computer. Danny found that Cody was a visual learner-Cody turned out to be very visuaf In fact, the hands on approach worked surprisingly well. Danny was a show horse guy and he took Cody everywhere. Cody began to help with the hors-es and what Danny found was that when he gave Cody more respon-sibility (gradual) he became more dependable (responsible). This is the essence of Vhr4children. Vhr4children was a brainstorm between Scott Hardy and Danny "von" Savant on the way back from a race in which they brought. about 5 disturbed and disabled boys, Cody's friends. All of the boys were from dysfunctional homes; all were considered learn-ing disabled or problem children, unresponsive to traditional school counseling and parental oversight. They were considered to be on the wrong path and were not consid-ered capable of being dependable, productive citizens. The lost boys, they called them. Capable but pigeon holed and labeled-no more chances. The course for these boys had been set at a young age and something dynamic would need to intercede to effect change. Danny and Scott began sharing stories. Scott's of his step father, Lea Jamison a parole officer With the California Youth Authority (CYA). Scott the oldest of 7, had been raised with four girls and his mother after his parents' divorce around his 4th grade year. A criti-cal time in which children learn the basics of math and English. Scott was devastated to have his father leave. His mother, having to lean on public assistance, re-turned to college and gained her degree and teaching credential in order to provide the basic survival necessities for her children. Scott, distraught over the separation of the family and an energetic child lost all focus on school. People did not look at the whole person, they saw a kid that did not sit still or complete his homework assign-ments: a problem. Scott was labeled learning disabled and was passed from grade to grade (he was in fact, not learning disabled but situa-tion disabled). When his mother remarried 5 years later, as Scott was entering 9th grade an angry teen. Enter Lea Jamison and the situation changed. Lea provided Scott with an ear-he listen to him prior to judging him. He began teaching him what a man is and does: a man pays his debts, takes out the garbage, helps others and keeps his word doesn't take more than his share in life, is too honest to steal and too proud to lie. Scott wanted a motorcycle and Lea agreed to pay as long as Scott paid him back-he created a payment book, once per month Scott sat down with Lea and made his payment-Lea entered it into a payment book and when the pay-ments were complete, Lea handed Scott the payment book and tide to the bike-Scott has been faced with much difficulty in life, but his always pays his debts and now focuses on giving. These two stories combined to create the perfect storm: Danny and Scott realized in that moment (6 hour drive from the races) that there was a whole group of boys that were lost in Americakids that need a second chance: Boys, primarily which need to be offered trust, responsibility and respect. When they were wrong, the consequences should be swift and relevant. Boy's that need to be taught how to be a man. Boys that could participate in something so powerfully attractive to them, that they would experience the "trig-ger" necessary for change: the fear of losing participation in some-thing they loved: Vonhardyracing! So they started hauling these kids to the races and what they found was that if they gave the children responsibilities, jobs to do, they not only did them, they were happy. They were not always done perfectly but they w re done and Danny and Scott began teach-ing them all of the basic skills of racing, from the ground up: put out the chairs, ask people if they'd like water or a soda, clean up after OTHER people, make the beds, take out the trash, help with the cooking-then you can help in the pit, change a tire, get the driver and co-driver water and wash their visors, and then ultimately-get in a car or on a bike. First things Dusty Times

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first, Continue*Practice*Improve became their watchwords. The boys flourished. They gave them hat's, shirt's, pride, responsibility and respect. Scott and Danny realized that if they take these kids, that teach-ers and parents have discarded through pigeon holed placement or have silently written them off as hopeless problem children, they could turn them around-adults were not giving these children the time of day-any type of chance really; Vhr4children gives them a chance. They took these kids and saw that they FLOURISHED! Today, the characteristics that Vhr4children look for are more situational based decisions in which the kid is in an environ-ment that is not "harmful" in the traditional sense, but more along the lines of "situational limiting" and they believe this "limiting" is based on the large number single families in the US. In 2006, 12.9 million families in the U.S. were headed by a single-parent, 80% of which were headed by a female. http://www. census. 20v /apsd/techdoc/cps/ cpsmar06.pdf. Since 1994, the percentage of US households headed by a single parent has remained steady at around nine percent, although it has nearly doubled since 1970. ( Bergman, Mike (March 27, 2007). "Single-Parent House-holds Showed Little Variation Since 1994". U.S. Census Bureau. Retrieved 2011-19-06.) Single parent families are at a higher risk of poverty than couple families, and on average single mothers have poorer health than couple mothers. Many factors influence how children develop in single parent families; the parent's age, educa-tion level, and occupation; the family's income, and the family's support network of friends and ex-tended family members (including the non-resident parent, if avail-able). Disadvantages in these fac-tors that often accompany single parenting appear to cause most of this association rather than single parenting itself. Shocking headlines do get pub-lished; for example a 2003 Swedish study, stated that those living with a single parent were about three times more likely to kill themselves or end up in the hospital after an attempted suicide by the age of 26 than children living with two parents, however this only happened to 2.2 percent of girls and 1 percent of boys. { The Lancet, January 25, paraphrased by CBS News' Emma Ross, "Single-Parent Kids More At Risk") "A variety of viewpoints do ex-ist, with different readings of the research possible. The Institute for the Study of Civil Society reports that children of single parents, after controlling for other variables like family income, are more likely to have problems. There are impacts of sole parent-ing on children, however the weight of the evidence it is sug-gested, do not appear to support a view that sole parents are a major cause of societal ills and are doing irreparable damage to their chil-dren." (Mackay, Ross (2005) "The impact of family structure and family change on child outcomes: a personal read-ing of the research literature" So-cial Policy Journal of New Zealand (accessed February 18, 2008) A successful Vhr4children kid living with his gra•ndparents, had no contact with his father-no male direction. In fact, his father showed up at his middle school graduation drunk and disorderly. The kid has a weight problem and behavior problems. People, teach-ers, parents, friends say he is lazy and there is nothing to be done. Vhr4children reached out to this young man after hearing about him through Danny's boy of the same name, Jake. After listening to this boy for a couple hours Danny and Scott de-cided to invite him to participate in the next race Vonhardyracing was holding for the kids. Their goal: get the kid to initiate helping others. Danny and Scott spoke to him at length on the drive up about what is means to be a man today and they were shocked to see the almost instantaneous change in the boy, upon arrival. He was a hustler, a leader. The other boys soon looked to him for leadership. "We knew he was getting the short end of the stick in life and prob-ably had a major attitude toward authority-the people responstble for protecting him and helping him had abandoned him or were not in a position to help him. It was accepted that 'this is just the way he'll be'". Foundation Chair, Scott Hardy reiterated. After the race weekend, on the drive home, Danny told the kid they would sponsor him if he agreed to begin working out and implementing some simple rules for living. He is still a work in progress, as we all are: vhr4 asks him to be responsible, get above a C average and excel, ultimately becoming a productive citizen and a leader to other Vhr4children when he graduates high school in 2014. They ask for the report cards, too. Vhr4children gave him a donat-ed bicycle which he now rides to a fitness trainer that was paid for with donations to Vhr4children. They stickered his motorcycle to look like a sponsored "big time" rider, paid his entrance fees and taught him how to maintain his motorcycle ,safely. "We love Jake and he is our hero. He has a fan-tastic future ahead of him." Team owner, Danny Savant, stated. Today, Jake has lost about 50 lbs. and counting, wins a reason-able amount of his races, im-proved his grades and relationship with school officials. He plays on the Varsity Football team, has real friends and is a poster child for the power of a man teaching a boy to be a man. "My life complete-ly changed once Vhr4children helped me. Danny is like a father to me. I was headed nowhere, re-ally." Jake said. Cody, works for the Lake Elsinore Storm minor league team, owns his own truck, drives to work and is a fully func-tional and contributing citizen. Together, these boys becoming me help boys become men. Danny Savant: "We share our experience strength and hope with these young men and they respond for 5 specific reasons: 1) we really listen to them; 2) we give them a chance; 3) they learn and grow; 4) they know we were like them, they trust us; and, 5)) they are a part of a team and do not want to lose that camaraderie and positive attention. We say things like pull-up your pants, lose some weight so we can get you in that· car. They respect that." To listen to Danny and Scott speak to the boys is refreshing. Scott was overheard just the other day speaking to a new 19 year old sponsored rider (boys are accept into the program between the ages of 13-19 years. The 20+ gradu-ate and become mentors to the young) "I don't want to hear that you spoke back to your mother again. She told me you have been smoking cigarettes. If I see you smoking a cigarette with my logo anywhere near you, you will be·off the team. Do you understand?" Yes sir, the boy replied. Scott then hugged him and told him to go apologize to his mother, run a lap and give him 20 push-ups-which he did. Magic. Finding kids in need: a multidi-mensional pursuit. Motorsport racing is exciting and Temecula, CA is a hot bed. Vhr4children which is sponsored by American Express, The Ana-heim Ducks and BFGoodrich to name a few, met with the Boys and Girls Club and asked: "Do you have a kid that needs some extra attention; one in which nothing seems to work and their behavior is unacceptable?" They may be contacted through family friends, a church or past Vhr4children. "We are always looking." Say's Danny. Vonhardyracing is for children! This is something teens really want and they seriously consider what they will lose it if they do not begin to contribute to society (family, school, community) in a positive manner. "This is the most powerful tool I have seen to help at risk children" stated board member and American Express leader Lisa Treshnell. "I have a 12 year old son and could immedi-ately identify with the Vhr4chil-dren program. It works and I and all of my associates at American Express are proud to sponsor the program. I have been to the races, served food and picked up trash alongside these kids ... wow, amaz-ing really." Lea Jamison made Scott Hardy an acceptable, productive human being. Danny Savant made Cody an acceptable, productive human being. They are successful at turn-ing boys, using the environment of off road racing as the carrot or "trigger" as they call it, for life long behavior change. They build productive citizens. The program creates a para-digm shift in teen thinking they no longer want "any attention" they want "positive attention". They model the correct behav-ior; teach them the ability to ac-complish the task, the motivation to do so and the trigger to move them to action. "Vonhardyracing is a group of like-minded men. If they do not fit our profile, they are not on our team, "as Danny Savant states. "Around here if you not a giver, you are a taker." Performance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use · 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding & Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks Quality Products & Friendly Service RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-0759 • 15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX us to Receive a Free Catalog VISA ~-------------------------------------------------------~ Dusty Times September 2011 Page 41

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VEGAS TO RENO From Page 15 who navigated the last sec-tion, and Rick Hanneman and David Semkoff who drove the beginning. This was another rent-a-Ford. These guys lost an hour early with a bad fuel injector, and also blew a tire and the jack didn't work. At some point along the way they developed a hole in their floor pan. They seemed to have had fun, and their time was 19:28:00. It looks like a good way to get an introduction to off road racing, and a relatively inexpen-sive way at that. In fifth, and the last finisher of the race, was the team of Richard Sottosanti and Richard J. Sottosanti, from New York, in another of those rental Fords. They were reported to have had "some OPS problems", and their crew and the IriTrack people had "lost track" of them but at about 7:45 a.m. they knew they'd gone through Check 15, the last one before the finish. They must have got to the finish line at about 8:30a.m., long after the inflatable arch was gone. Not only that, the area was nearly empty of people, including yours truly, who'd gone off to find coffee and breakfast by then. Their official time was 21:48:52. In the JeepSpeeds, where there were seven entries, the winning team was Michael Vernak, Matt Vogler, Matthew Ciccone, and Belden Alivio. Unfortunately, they finished while we napped, so we got no stories from them. Their time was 16:33:17. Second in the class was the team of John Helton, Ryan McVey and Justin Brinkerhoff. Their time was 17:10:00, which put them at the finish line at about 4:22 a.m. And, in third, it was Calvin and Ashley Booth, Tim Shere and Skyler Gambrell. Their time was 18:27:47, and the records indi-cated that they finished at about 5:41 a.m. The fourth place car, which came in at 7:21 a.m., was driven by Tom and Ben Thorvick (father and son) and Will Morehead. They said the Jeep had been overheating since the start, so they had to keep filling the radia-tor. Tim Markin and Jake Scapin both navigated for the team. Their total time was 20:04:46 and they were the final finisher in the class. Class 7100 had four entries, and at the end of the trip the win-ning team was Blake and Terry Henn, Freddy Paris and John Herman in a Ford. They finished at around 4:30 in the morning, during our nap time. Their total time was 17:44:52. In Class 8100, which had three starters, the winner was the team of Randy Merritt and Tracy Ru-bio, who both drove, and Chris Golding, who navigated all the way. The Ford was a V6 Turbo, with Eco-Boost, and this was only its fourth race. They said they'd had a couple of fuel pump prob-lems, which were easy fixes. Their time was 14:05:03. In second place it was Tim Casey, Jeremy Spirkoff, Bill Rante and Kevin Davis in a Ford. It crossed the finish line at 6:35 a.m., with Spirkoff at the wheel. Theirs was a long story. Casey had run into a ditch at Mile 44, Page 42 and had to replace the whole right side of the car as a result. They had an I-beam and a radius arm in the pit, so the team in the "bone stock Jeep Wrangler" brought them out to Mile 44. Casey and his navigator, Rante, replaced them while the truck was parked on an off-camber hill. It took about three-and-a-half or four hours. They went through Pit 2 right at closing time. Then Spirkoff got in at Pit 4, and he went 40 miles and the left, lower balljoint went out. Someone in an FJ brought parts out, so Spirkoff and Davis fixed that. Then they had to hustle to get through Pit 5 before it closed. Casey got back in at Pit 8 and drove to 10, and then Jeremy got back in there and went to the finish. They also had the navigator-side door latch break, so they had to bungee it closed. Their time was 19:26:17. No one else finished. There were four Rock Racers at this event, and they started right behind the 7 200 trucks. But it was apparently a struggle for them to get all the way to the finish line, and the first one in was the team of J. T. Stephens, Dave Cole, Bryan Grisby and Sienna Bourte. They arrived at 7:30 a.m., looking more like wreckage than class winners. They had no right rear tire or wheel. They hadn't been able to run a spare, because with the spare mounted on the back the fuel overheated and vapor-locked. So when they had a flat they just ran on it until it shred-ded away, and then ran on the wheel 'ti! it shredded also, and were in the process of grinding the center of the wheel to dust as they came to the finish. J. T. Stevens drove the first half of the trip and Dave Cole finished. The flat happened about ten miles out from the finish. They'd had no OPS all day and no first gear part of the way. They changed fuel filters every ten miles. They ·said they won this race in this car last year also. The carrier bearing broke off the car three times, then, "it stopped making noise -that's good!" The rear driveshaft broke off about 35 miles before the finish, so coming in on three wheels they ran in "four-wheel-drive, low only." They finished with a time of 20:28:27. Twenty five minutes later the team of Travis Carpenter and Greg Hussey finished. Out of the start, they said, their fuel was overheating, and it vapor locked every 15 to 30 minutes so they'd have to stop to let it cool down. They stopped and waited three or four times between pits. In the last third of the race the heat melted their shift cable, so they drove to the finish in second gear. Hussey started, Carpenter finished, and their time was 20:53:30. No one else in the class finished. The race seemed tougher than usual, but the finish rate was a high 60%, thanks in part to a generous time allowance, and in part to the determination and stubbornness of the race teams. Now, they will finish up the season with the two-day event at Parker in October, and then the grand finale at Henderson in early December. ~ Trail Notes ... 8. Brian Parkhouse, Long Beach, Calif., Jimco-Chevy (Class 1), 199 9. Jesse Ashcraft, San Marcos, Calif., Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy-Truck), 196 10. Luke McMillin, El Cajon, Calif., AlumiCraft-VW (Class 1-2/ 1600), 194 11. Daniel McMillin, El Caj9n, Calif., Jimco-Chevy (Class 1), 193 11. Pete Sohren, Glendale, Ariz., Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy-Truck), 193 13. Rafael Navarro IV, Temecula, Calif., Jimco-VW (SCORE Lite}, 192 13. Nick Vanderwey, Phoenix, Chevy Silverado (SCORE Trophy-Truck}, 192 15. Steve Appleton, Boise, Idaho, Jimco-Chevy (Class 1), 191 16. Clyde Stacy, Bristol, Va., PSD-Chevy (Class 4), 190 16. Elias Hanna, Ensenada, Mexico, Ford Ranger (Class 7SX}, 190 16. Jessica McMillin, National City, Calif., Ford F-150 (Protruck}, 190 19. Perry McNeil, Lemon Grove, Calif., Lothringer-VW (SCORE Lite}, 185 19. Ken Losch, Tempe, Ariz., Chevy Silverado (SCORE Trophy-Truck}, 185 19. Justin Matney, Bristol, Tenn., Chevy Silverado (Class 8), 185 22. Kevin Carr, San Diego, VW Baja Bug (Class 5), 184 22. Dan Chamlee, Carpenteria, Calif., Ford Ranger (Class 7), 184 22. Sergio Salgado, Mexicali, Mexico, Jimco-Honda (Class 10), 184 25. Wes Bevly IV, Corpus Christi, Texas, BajaLite-Chevy (Class 7-2), 181 Sportsman: SPTTRUCK-1. Nick Tonelli, Huntington Beach, Calif., Ford Ranger (1), 129. PT CAR-1. Peter Lang, Santa Rosa, Calif., Homebuilt-Buck (2), 150. BEST IN THE DESERT RECEIVES BLM PRAISE FOR TSCO "VEGAS TO RENO" RACE - In a press release issued by the Nevada State BLM Office No. 2011-41, Outdoor Recreational Planner, Leo Drumm praised the Best In The Desert Racing Association for having a good safety record and planning for all contingencies. Following is the transcript from their release:Longest Off-Road Race in US Goes Off Without a Hitch. Reno, Nev.- The Vegas to Reno Off-Road ~ace brought more than 5,000 people through 16 rural Nevada communities and over 500 miles of BLM desert last weekend. While race safety is a priority in permitting the event, the economic boost to these communities is vital, too. There were no major accidents and only a couple of minor medical incidents. The BLM will continue to permit off-highway-vehicle racing on public lands while working with promoters and participants to improve safety and reduce the impacts to public lands. "The Bureau of Land Management (BLM} was comfortable permitting this event," said Leo Drumm, outdoor recreation planner. "The race promoter, Best in the Desert, has a good safety record and planned for all contingencies." The race is held annually on established roads on public lands in Nevada. The race has continued running for over 20 years and has become a part of the state's history. Starting near Beatty, Nev., to avoid Mojave desert tortoise habitat, motorcycles, quads, buggies and unlimited trucks headed north and traveled through 16 rural Nevada towns ·along the way. In Tonopah, restaurants were full and gas stations were busy. Before issuing the Special Recreation Permit (SRP} for the Best in the Desert Racing Association, the BLM analyzed the Environmental Assessments (EA} used for permitting the event in previous years and determined the EAs provided adequate environmental analysis to permit the event for this year. Best In The Desert official sponsors: Ford Motor Company - official truck, General Tire - official tire, Lucas Oil - official oil, VP Racing Fuels - official fuel, KC HiLiTES - official light, John Deere - official UTV, Husqvarna - official motorcycle, Fabtech - Official Suspension, Fall Advertising, Prerunner Maniac, McKenzies, PCI Race Radios, Azunia Tequila, and Sportsman Cycle Sales. r:,,.-;,.,.,,r;; Dar N1t1/;;1 Ran-:ce, mi, Nam-:-- - - - - - , I TIii 1'•11111: 1/Jllld II FROM 1118 l'llllllt:" Address I I We're Fighting Fo, Your Access Rights! City ----------1 I Join the rJluenibbon eoalition I 4555 :Burley Dr. Suite A• Pocatello, 10 • 83202 State __ Zip Code _____ _ I Individual Membership: □ $20/year □ $250 Lttetime I I Q Organization/Business Membership S100/year I PAYMENT TYPE: Cl Check :J Croolt ·CW (belolA,') : c,,!"C:,. _:_,st~ -~":_e.::;_" __ 1_~~ : L ~rcan 1-800-BLUERIBtojoi byphone _ .■ -----------------... September 2011 Dusty Times

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Good Stuff Directory DELUXE .COM "' BE"ttf,;ar by CJEas.lQn Volkswagen Speed Shop, Specializing in Off-Road Buggies and Custom Fabrication. PATRICK DRAPER i!941 9. FOX !IT. EN&LEWOOO,t:O 80110 i!3DELUXE.CO~ Air Cleaners for Off-Road Racing. From Baja to Dakar. For a list of dealers-visit our website at: JOHNCOOL€Y 619.596.9841 FAX, 6/9.596.2742. COOI.EY@AWM/CRAFTJNFO WWWALUMICRAFT.INFO Ott-Road Fiberglass • OIi-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages Ford Truck Specialist • 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 Phone: (714) 2~ BRANDWOOD CARS Shifter for mid-engines and other applications 602-437-3107 Custom Vehicle ~ , CACTUS RACING Raceair Helmets & Accessories Bell, Shoei, Simpson Blower systems & cool boxes 619-482-6700 708 Rocking Horse Dr., Chula Vista, CA 91414 Authorized Mendeola Dealer Mendeola -VW -Albins Magnafluxlnspection Doug Ingles (951) 699-8898 California Perfonnance 45950 Vista Del Mar Temecula, Ca 92590 CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN 39067 ORCHARD ST. CHERRY VALLEY CA. 92223 PH#/ (951) 845-8820 products in stock Boatec Fiberglass Dimple Dies Tubing Benders Bypass Valves + tubes Sway-bar Arms Race Proven Fabrication Pre-runners Desert Truck-. Short Course truck<, Paris-Dakar trucks * Off HORD CIIR fRBR/CllllON I YlH/Cll Wl/GHING IJ PR!P SlRY/Cl * CHARLIE FORE/v!AN N368a.DE~Y90l.NTE B.. CAJON. CA 9i!0i!\ e CE!Z -~ QUALITY HEADLOCK WHEl!LB .,. ··•LI~ SINCE 18815 eo1m<«~" o...._«o•~"' 1511--1611--1711 ~~ ALL ALUMINUM BEADLOCK WHEELS ANO CONVERSIONS CHANIPION \NHEEL CO. INC. '181537 COLLIER(8E5"'1) 47"'1-2183 LAKE ELSINORE, CA 92153'1 'W'WV'tl.CHAMPIONWHEEL.COM 227 Calle Pintoresco San Clemente, CA 92672 FLOATER REAR ENDS • FRONT HUBS • AXLES BALL JOINTS •TORSION BARS • KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane• Templeton, CA, 93465

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POWER E STEERING THOMASE. LEE LEE MFG. CO. 11681 ·PENOl.£TCWafflHT SUN WJ.EY, C4tt352 FAX (t18) 7111-2117 (818)19MIST't AfullliMofPo.-SMfing ...... pumpa and ~ for any typeof 1'11Cif19. Megnaflux and ZV'l,IIO lec:lltlN - ileble. ·c.nao.n~ "RacePnp •Aluminum Wort "Nlldlng Engineering ·lfagmdk,x -FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 (909) 596-5497 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER OFFROAD IS OUR BUSINESS 807 E. Orangethorpe Ave. Ste. A ph 714-441-1212 Anaheim CA, 92801 fx 714-441-1622 TRANSAXLES rt10TZJRrt tff E#!JEtJtt1 Rt10E RE8tflt!J.f eERTlrtEo t1e/oe tftt1t/#t1rttrX@ OERTlrlE!J .fl/OT PEE#/#(/ 1695 CACTUS RD. T. (619) 710-8800 SAN DIEGO, CA 92154 F. (619) 710-1640 619-562-5533 Get The word out About Your Business, Big o small. Pu C ess e 818·882~DDD4 Phone (330)928-9092 ..... (800)222-9092 Off Rood Fabrication and Design Function/Strength/Safety/Pride • Sand Ca-s Mode by Hdnd ill the CJSA • Tl'\ICks •P:ac.eC.S ·Pr-eNnnus -~lyCors •Custom JOHN MOSELEY Ownu/Fabt-icotOI' - .mosebilf .COl!I • 236 Jason Court Corona, CA 92879 951-272 -3026 fa,c 951-272-0776 ■1,-:14 , •• , •• ,., • Y O U R COMPLETE IONtTICJN SCJURCE r , 1 • i • , • ! ~ ,~ I ~ • • ! ' f l' • I 1, , ' AUTOTRONIC CONTROL& CORPORATION 1 -'l\:10 HE'Nl'lV loJ ... ENNAN O H., -L ,:,A~U. T X 7993e 1915) 85T-S?1111 • IH>I I l!l1Sl 855 7123 • \llS!T OlJll W£8 SUE www nlSd!!!OC>Gn com JOE HENGEVELD ~Kawasaki *JfaONDA * BUZUICI .tai!,O YAMAHA can-am 4308 E. ROUTE 66 FLAGSTAFF, ,i,;z 86004 PH: (928) 526-7959 FAX: (928) 526-8613 We ceii Beadlo~.-~-....._ YOUR RIMS~~ .... ~ ) SizfltofitaostATV ~:~~_/ It AUTOMOTIVE applicationJ gsJ.360.5906 9Sl.360.0436 f u POLISHED Ir COLORED ANISHES SCALLOPED OR CONVENTIONAL ReinfOJcing Rinp Abo Availeble Phone - (951) 364-8272 WWW .OMFPERFORMANCE. COia 3834 W,cktr Orin Hir• Lo ... Cl 911S2 www.p1rktrpu■ ~~ ~t§tiili.%3 ~ @!;:§ ~ ~ ~ @)@§.Yb ~ ~~ ~ ~ Custom Axlu = Torsion Bars = Sway Bars 6 firms ::Spllnlng ::Gear cottlng =castom Machining= Phone: (909) 9Z3-3011 fax: (909) 9Z3-3Z 11 2115 S. ffelllftCln flVe. #D Ontario, Ca. 91761 1 660 Babcock. Building B Costa Mesa, CA 92627 TEL (949) 650-3035 FAX (949) 650-4721 Jerry Penhall

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Hi•Pedormance Equipment Suspension •Safety• Orivefine • Accessori9S {619} 691-9171 (619) 691-9174 (619) 691.()8()3 (FAX) 103 Press lane. Suite 14 Chula V,sta, CA 91910 e-mail: tpf0d1 6f.6S06 .$4.1.0.US LY.COM Craio St.-at Phone: 619-449-9721 F...., 111-. • .wq,.-,11,711 Celli 61►7:26-8891 Fabrication & Race Preparation 94\9 Abrohom WfJI/ Scmtff, CA t:107t •.! .. • .. -.w .. ,t.,.-1~ .... ~~~~ SalN& Service --PH: 714.680.6731 • fX: 714..680.3110 ToU free: 800.304.8126 1 0 I S E. Elm Avenue, Fullerton, CA 9 :Z 8 3 1 will get vou In gear MIH.P1lrll#I l11•11s.-.• 11111 s11acaa11r11111: ., ..... ·IIUtt-111-114 -lnlalll ...... ,. -Aatas JtlllU.•1ra1 l71U !!MIU fiii/ SANDERS SERVICE, INC. f!.l!} METAL PROCESSING 5921 Wlhnlngton Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 -(323) 583-2404 FAX (323) 583-3965 SANDBLA T-Gl.ASS BEAD•MAONF.Tl PARTI TE fLOURE 'E:NT INSPEC'llON MAR.KSM1TH LARRY SMITH ~, SUSPENSION INNOVATION MOTORSPORTS INC. Tel: 562.903.1625 Fax: 562. 777,2593 TIM CECIL Tom McKenzie 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821 • (714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 Lonely Long Advertising Term Space Relationship Looking Call For (818) 882•1114 2180 Col .... Drive • lake H•vHU City • AZ. 86403 Call Toll Free: 877-627·8852 or E-Mail: • HI Performance converters Custom Length Axles • • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed Hubs • (for Race• Recreation) Input Shafts• American Mad~ Excellencell ...... - . ~ SA Off-Road and Bolt-On to Street Fiberglass for: "Ford, C~evy and Toyota" Trucks Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1261 N. Baena Vista St. , He.met ca. 92543 Ph: 951-654-7384 fa: 951-654-2375 See a fist of oar p,oducts,;u our welt site: http://ww,• 1UWi& ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD (818) 998-2739 9763 Varlel Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 NS WBST RFORMANCETRANSAXLES Kevin Pirtle 22545 South Normandie Ave. Torrance, California 90501 ( 6 1 9 )-596-8033 1000 w . Bradley, Unit a El Cajon, C A 92020 Carlos Orozco SCORE ENGINE BUILDER Of THE YE.AR 994,199Bt 1999,2000 Frorn Parts To Complttt, Englntl 3265 W. Birtcher Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89118 702-837-2522 l!!!!!!J. ,INC . SPECIAt.lZED WIRING, COMMUNICATIONS, AND REPAIRS FDR: Race cars - T1rophv Tnacks -Pre-nanners Chase lahlclas-Dual Spon Cars (76□) 8□3-69S5 MARC WADDELL, PRESIOENT WIREFAB@BBCGLDBAL.NET TRIMS ' MENDEOlA DISTRIBUTOR Performance Trans Off Road Street Trans Lorenzo Rodriguez Parts • Service -Transmissions - V,W, • Porsche Desert, Sand & Drag 850 S. Alta Vista Avenue • Monrovia, CA 91016 (626) 305-RACE (7223) •

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Ken (530) 824-3203 or Sell your vehicles, equipment and bits and pieces right here! Dusty Times has the reader-ship you're looking for so fill out the form below and get your ad in our next issue. FOR SALE: 2004Pen a rDia-blo, Turnkey Performance LSl, Transaxle Engineering 3 spd auto, King Shocks, CNC & Pro-Am brakes, BFO Tires, BTR Wheels, Lowrance OPS, PC! 110w radio, Mastercraft Seats, Simpson belts. Fresh, no ex-pense spared. Prep by Nil's Castillo at Castillo Motorsports. This car is ready to race. Exten-sive spare parts package is avail-able. $65,000.00. For more info please send an email to: or call (909) 266-1823. FOR SALE: 96 Jeepspeed. Cro-mo Tig cage, Score legal, Mastercraft 3g's 32 ga. ATL, Currie 9", Bilstein 9100 by-pass HYO Bumpstops dual Optimas, Bosch Fuel pumps, 10 Baja T /A's 8 Mud Ter-rain AER Wheels, Trailer included, Extensive Spares. Call for details, $20,000.00 John 1-619-443-4219, or 858-405-6139. TO BUY : Foddrill 3-4 seat pre;runner, register in Texas, LS6 400HP pump gas , For-tin w/ converter, FOX coil & by-pass, YOO, HOWE, WR coolers, Mastercraft, BF tires, Pro-AM, Race & XM radios , OPS, ODO 750 miles since NEW , carbon dash, roof rack, removable windshield, LOTS of spares inc/trailer .Must see to appreciate , garage kept $84,000 OBO. Cesar Fuentes (915) 726-3823 or afuentes@ FOR SALE: John Deere STX38 Hydro Suburban Lawn Tractor. 12.5 horsepower, 38" mower. Babied all its life. A real buy at $995.00 Call 661-268-1644 for all the particulars. Qb.AL b6T ATb. U,_A.:,[:_/Q.[:_NTAL-=i Vacation Rental Vacation Rental in the Ex-clusive Indian Wells Coun-try Club in the Sunny Palm Springs area of Southern Cal-ifornia! 2 or 3 bedroom fur-nished for your complete re-laxation and if you are a glut-ton for punishment, play golf on 1 or both of the beautiful courses. FYI, wireless internet • and long distance phone calls (USA) included. Starting at $4,500.00 in season (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr) or $2,300.00 per month not in season. Call (760) 345-6124. INDl:...X TO ,~.[A/1:...12.. T 161:...12..6 '69 Ford PreRunner ........................ 30 BTR Racing Wheels ........................ 34 Butch's Speed Shop ....................... 28 CODE At Laguna Salada, Mexicali, B.C ................ 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