Volume 28 • Number s • May 2011 ;.:,.·.·.·\4'.:,\ :.·· ,. 'I,, <, ··, ·t ·=~,}t $2.50 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5-DIGIT 91311 DLISH' TIMES 20761 PLUMMER ST CHATSWORTH CA 91311-5003 II.I .... ,II. ,11 ... ,II,, ,II, 1,1,11 .. , II, .... ll .. 11, .... 1111 .. ,I ISSN8750-17J2 Celeb,at'ing ou, 2Bt'h Yea, OF 1e,viee ___ r:_o_ ~_'h_e OFF Road communit'y covering the arid of competition in the dirt ...
Page2 P, T, Barnum once said: · 66WHhoui Promcriion someihin1 ierrible happens: lothln1, .. If 1ha1 is your siiuaiion lei Dusiy Times help you promoie your business. For 2 I years we have been ihe voice of ihe Off Road Racina communiiy, · You adveriisemeni in Dusiy Times will pui your produci . in froni of many people. Some will need your produci, some will noi. Aren•1 you ;usi anxious 10 knott who really needs you1 Call us for furiher informaiion. · 818-882-0004 May 2011 Dusty Times I
Volume 28 - Number s May 2011 Dll&YlilHIIG Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation V~Scott Contributors Scott Bottomley J. Preston Bradshaw Jim Culp Mike Del Col Nicole Del Col Steve Hilton VictorGazca Martin Holmes Rod Koch Byrle Moore Steve Ruddick Maurice Selden Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham B.O.R.E. ___ °"' _______ _ Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copyright by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., SNAPSHOT OF THE MONTH ••• AMSA 1980 Indian Dunes -The Morrow/ Scaggs/Uncle Max Bug, nearly demolished in the practice pileup races for one lap to gather AMSA points. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only prints up to 8x10 or electronic media submitted via email will be considered. In This Issue ... FEATURES SNORE Mint 400 by J Calvin & B Bradley ........................................... 8 Rally Of Portugal by Martin Holmes ..................................................... 16 Lucas Oil At Glen Helen by Homer Eubanks ...................................... 22 VORRA At Prairie City by Troy Robinson ........................................... 26 Rally Of Jordan by Martin Holmes ...................................................... 30 1986 SCORE Baja Internacional by Jean Calvin ................................ 34 DEPARTMENTS Happenings .......................................................................................... 5 Trail Notes ........................................................................................... 6 Checkers Newsletter ........................................................................... 41 Good Stuff Directory ......................................................................... 43 Classified Ads ..................................................................................... 47 Index To Advertisers ........................................................................... 47 ON THE COVER B J Baldwin had a most wonderful SNORE Mint race, he won the Un-limited Truck Class, finished first overa)l and didn't even harm his Chevy pickup. Photo by Trackside Photo Curt Geer had a really good time at the Lucas Oil Regional at Glen Helen, ha took the Alumicraft Main Event with seven seconds in hand at the checkers. Photo by Trackside Photo Visit Our Website at Dustytimes.com Seed-a e,e,t d-e 7 tU'UUf to-DU STY TIMES THE FA.STEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$25.00 □ 2 years -$40.00 □ 3 years -$55.00 (to subscribe online go to www.dustytimes.com) □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name ______________________ _ Address _____________________ _ City ______________________ _ State ________________ Zip _______ _ Primary Interest Cars O Trucks O MotorcyclesO Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian • 1 year $30.00 US - Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times May 2011 Page 3
2011 Happenings ... 1 OK FoUR WHEELERS P.O. Box36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 <4x4 forever.org> (All events staged at the club grounds in Cleves. Ohio) 4x4 FOREVER, Lm. 1665 DELAWARE ST. 0sHKOSH, WI 54901 AMERICAN RALLY SPORT GROUP, !Ne. 3650 SoUTH POINTE CIRCLE, Sum 205 LAUGHUN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521-0597 <webl.userinstinct.com/27141325-ameri-can-rally-sport-group.htm. E Mail: roger@rallyusa.com AMERICAN TRIALS ASSOCIATION AMA Obsen1ed Trials Southern California Championship Series BILL MARJCuM, 2010 PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HOTLINE, 2010 (714) 562-7742 E MAIL: BMARK909@AOL.COM <www.atal:l"ails.com> AsocIACION EsTATAL DE AUTOMOVILISMO SAM LASELL, TECH INSPECTOR APTo 42 'SAN )OSE DEL CABO BAJA CAUFORNIA DEL SuR. MEXICO AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP DARRYL SMITH 19 SoMERS ST. CASHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTRALIA . DUSTY TIMES @bigpond.com AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFF ROAD Cl.Ass 10 CARS ONLY RENALD VAILLANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAVAL QUEBEC, CANADA H7P 1T7 (450) 622-4440 <www.autocrossquebec.com/ pages/ indexpag.html> BAJA CUP CHALLENGE BAJA PRoTRUCK OFF RoAD RAcE SERIES 14402 BoND COURT Et CAJON, CA 92021 619-390-6252 The Pror:,-uck schedule for 2011 will consist of both the SCORE and Best In The Desert races. BARONA SAND DRAG AssN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 AU Races Are Night Races All Races At Barona Raceway, Lakeside, CA BBM MARKETING PROMOTIONS Off Road Short Course Racing & Special Event Marketing NORCO, CA 92860 e-mail bbmracing@aol.com (909) 815-5811 BEST IN THE DESERT 3475 BOULDER HIGHWAY LAS VEGAS, NV 89121 702-457-5775/FAX:702-641-2431 <www.bitd.com> Epic Racing Bluewater Gran Prix "the Superstar Of Gran Prix Races" Parker, Az Motorcycle, Quad & Uw Points Only (Mini Race) • No Pre-Fun Run August 18- 20, 2011 Tsco "vegas To Reno" "the Longest Off-Road Race In The United States" Points For All Classes -No Pre-Fun Run October 14-16 2011 Bluewater Desert Challenge "the American Challenge Continues" Parker, Az , Car/Truck & Utv Points Only -No Pre-Fun · Run December 2- 4 2011 Transwest Ford Henderson "250" "a Classic Off-Road Race" Henderson, Nv Points For All Classes · No Pre-Fun Run BORERAcING Allen Gerber 801-380-9011 - after 5pm please www.BORracing.org Dusty Times BP MoTORSPORTS P.O. Box411 WOODLAND HILI.S, CA 91365 760-578-6258/760-578-6259 FAX: 818-348-4648 E-Mail: bpmotorsports@earthlink.net All Events At California City, CA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGHTON, ONTARIO, CANADA KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR CUJB AUTOMOVILISTA }UARENSE DE CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD RACING 7210 GATEWAY EAST Et PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 0ll-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES <www.Californiarallyseries.com> May 21, 2011 Plan B Rally (3) Indio, CA June 18-19, 2011 Idaho Rally (2,3) Boise, ID July 8-9, 2011 North Nevada Rally (2,3) Lovelock, NV August 6, 2011 Mendocino Rally (2) Ukiah, CA August 27, 2011 Gorman Ridge Rally (3) Frazier Park, CA September JO-October 1, 2011 Prescott Rally (2,3) Prescott, AZ November 5, 2011 Seed 9 Rally (2) Jean, NV CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 May 2011 (323) 5ro8HOW CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVE ADAMS (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DON ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. RICHARDS P.O. Box332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLAIRTON HI-JACKERS l.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TWP. LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 53H589 Short Course off Road Racing At Har-rison County Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH SAN QUINTIN CALLE 6TA FRACC Co. DE SAN QUINTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HERACUO PATINO (011 52 616-5-22-07) CuJB AUToMOVILISTico SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road ENSENADA, BC, MEXICO USA ]AN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) RAMON CASTRO & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/ 7 0034) CMC CONTINENTAL MoTOSPORT CuJB P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 Fax: (714) 367-1608 CODE 0FFROAD MADERO 621-A MEXICAU, MEXICO 21100 760-455-8069 USA 0ll-52-686-553-4087 Mrnco www.codeoffroad.com.mx Contmued on page 8 Pages
Trail ·Notes~ .. KING SHOCKS RACERS DOMINATE AT SNORE, MINT 400 -Third overall and first in class 1 was King Shocks racer Mikey Childress and co-driver Jimmy Hook. The duo posted their first class 1 victory for THR Motorsports in only their second race. "We had a great race," said Mikey Childress, "We started off going too fast, Jimmy was yelling at me to take it easy. From mile 30 to 50, the course is filled with deep whoops. We just got on top and passed a lot of cars. My 3.5's in front and 4.0's in the rear were amazing, we could just charge into the biggest holes with no problem. We lost about fifteen minutes when we got tangled up with another driver and blew a rear tire but other than a broken limit strap we ran flawlessly all day". Fourth place overall and second in class l went to another King Shocks racer Terry Householder. The Householder Motorsports car ran up front all day until they developed steering problems in the last 30 miles. Their five-minute lead turned into a four-minute deficit relegating them to a second place finish. Rounding out the podium in class 1, (6th overall), was King Shocks racer Richard Boyle in his Motion Tire Motorsports car. King Shocks racers put in a dominating performance in some of the roughest conditions on the planet. King's highly refined damping technology gave them the control they needed when the going got tough. King puts that same durability and performance into every product they make. When you ride on Kings you'll know, there really is a difference. Nothing rides like a King. WHEN THE GREEN FLAG DROPS -Rod Koch has done it again. A brand new tale of off road racing as only he can describe it. The Parker 400, the Casino 350, the Mint 400, the SCORE races in Mexico, they are all in his new book and he tells all the stories wonderfully. If you love off road racing like we do it is a must read book. Our congratulations go to Rod for another great group of tales. Check your local bookstore and pick up When The Green Flag Drops as soon as you can. 5 /16 SHOOTOUT -Record Off Road Racing is having their 15th anniversary Ensenada to San Felipe off road race, June 25, 2011. All Pro Classes are racing. The race in a race is the second "5/16 Shootout" which is being promoted by Ernie "The Negrete Boys" Negrete and "Art "the TECH DUDE" Savedra. The team of Negrete (a 5/16 racer)and Savedra (5/1600 racer and race official) have gathered all the 5/1600 drivers and all the sponsors together for these events. Both sides of the border have donated hundreds of dollars and contingency for this event and the drivers have some side bets going! The last "Shootout" in Barstow was so close, everyone had to wait for the results. Danny Ledezma beat Gustavo Avina by a mere seven seconds, that's close racing! This events Grand Prize is a three day, two night stay for two at the South Point Hotel, Casino and Spa. Plus, headliner and show tickets along with all the prizes and money for the "5/16 Shootout" winner. The true 5/16 champions get more bang for their buck racing in a 5/16 Shoot Out event! For the next 5/16 Shootout we are looking at Glen Helen Raceway Park "Baja Cup" in August! Look for more information here in Dusty Times. LucAs O1L PRooucTs/TELMEX/Cn1P GANAss1 RACING WITH FELIX SABATES -TELMEX Chip Ganassi Racing with Felix Sabates announced today that Lucas Oil Products, the industry leader in high performance automotive oils, lubricants, and fuel additives, has been added as a partner to the team's GRAND-AM program. Lucas Oil Products will have presence on the reigning Rolex 24 At Daytona Winner and four-time GRAND-AM Rolex Series Champion's No.01 TELMEX Dinan-prepared BMW/Riley. The partnership with the TELMEX Team is the first for Lucas Oil Products in the GRAND-AM Rolex Series. Lucas has long been directly involved in the American racing industry through multiple vehicle sponsorships and racing event promotions, at all levels. Seeing a need for better lubricants in this industry, the Lucas people went to work again. The end result being a line of high performance products, including purpose built racing engine oils and gear oils that are used in motorsports around the world. Lucas Oil racing products have proven themselves in NASCAR, NHRA, IHRA, PPL, INDYCAR, ARCA, SCORE, BITD, AMA and nearly every other form of motorsports around the world. HYPERLINK "http://www.Lucasoil. com" www.Lucasoil.com. Picking up Where They Left Off: In 2010 TELMEX Chip Ganassi Racing with Felix Sabates showed their strength in the GRAND-AM Series by winning nine of 12 events and their fourth championship in just seven years of competing in the series. Scott Pruett and Memo Rojas would go OI} to receive post season All-America honors from the American auto racing media. The 2011 season began where the 2010 season left off with consecutive victories - first with a season-opening win at the prestigious Rolex 24 At Daytona and then another in the Grand Prix of Miami. Dating back to 2010, the duo has now won five consecutive races. With still 10 races to go in 2011, the duo has already built up a 14-point lead on their next closest competitor. Championship Form: Chip Ganassi Racing Teams turned in quite a season in 2010, not just in the GRAND-AM Series but also in the IZOD IndyCar Series. Dario Franchitti's second-consecutive INDYCAR title, coupled with Pruett/Rojas' GRAND-AM title gave Ganassi two championships in 2010. It marked the second time in history Chip Ganassi Racing Teams have recorded two championships in a single season (2008: INDYCAR-Scott Dixon, GRAND-AM-Pruett/ Rojas.). Quote Board: Steve Lauletta, President, Chip Ganassi Racing Teams: "We are excited to announce Lucas Oil Products as a partner for our TELMEX team. We established a relationship with Lucas Oil Products on the INDYCAR team and are thrilled to expand that relationship with our GRAND-AM team. Lucas Oil Products is the industry leader in high performance Page& COLORADO Hn.L CLIMB ASSOCIATION BARB V AHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827' H P.O Box8286 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O. Box392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER 011-52-65-66-4458 CORR SERIES 270 NEWPORT CENTER DR., SUITE 100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 866-501-CORR CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, SUITE 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA EXT 42 Fax (818) 957-4435 CRS CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES <www,CaliforniaRallySeries.com D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (All events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston Count) ORV Park, Olympia, WA) DAKAR RALLY DARREN SICILTON BAJA AUTOMOTIVE AoVENTIJRES 455 E. OCEAN BLVD., SUITE 208 LoNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 <www.dakar.com> Bajaautomotive@Yahoo.com DECATUR FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB DECATUR, TX 76234 ToMALLEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MoTORSPORTS 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU Cm, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 EAsTf.RN Ol'F-RoAD RACING AssN. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 ENsFNADA BAJA Ow RoAD RACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX 0ll-52-646-1818989 Eus10 011-52-646-1715230 AARON Races for buggys & Motorcycles EsTERO BEACH INTERNATIONAL Short Course Racing VICTORIA GALINOO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO Ol l-52-646-176-6230 EDR EXTREME DESERT RACING P.O. Box 91615 AusnN,TX 78709 (512) 848-4344 / E FAX (1512) 687-5310 www.EDRTexas.com Car Truck Series May 13-15, 2011 Texas 400 Notrees,TX July 29-31, 2011 LoneStar 250 Blackwell,TX October 7-8, 2011 West Texas 300 Notrees,TX Championship awards Odessa,TX Bike Quad Series June 25-26, 2011 Texas Baja 250 Blackwell, TX November 12 Big Bike 200 TBA FORDA FLORIDA OFF ROAD DRIVER'S ASSOCIATION JASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Apr, May, Noo at Davidson Raceway GENERAL TIRE TROPHYLITE SERIES DRIVE RACING ORGANIZATION 760-352-6020 Las Vegas, NV May 2011 GLEN HELEN OFF-ROAD BAJA Cup CHALLENGE SERIES PO Box6950 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92412 CONTACT: Bos BEYER, OFF-ROAD D1REc-TOR PHONE: (909) 815-5811 www.glenhelenoffroad.com July 9, 2011 Night Race August 27, 2011 Day Race December 17, 2011 Night Race Short course, stadium and desert race classes GLEN HELEN BAJA CUP CHALLENGE SERIES PO Box6950 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92412 CONTACT: Bos BEYER, OFF-ROAD DIRECTOR PHONE: (909) 815-5811 www.glenhelen.com July 9, 2011 Night Race August 27, 2011 Day Race December 17 Night Race GORRA GEORGIA OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 420 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA GREAT PLANES OFF ROAD RACING AssocIATION TIM HODGE (402) 991-6048 ScOTT MORROW (816) 792-2126 (All races are short course, stadium sc,le Classes, 2010 Sportsman, 1/2-1600, 5-1600, Sport Truck, Quads, Tough Truck Nebraska Raceway Park, Exit 420 on 1-80 between Omaha and Lincoln.) For latest info check < www.gporra.net> HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING 2000 W. QUINCY AVENUE #8 ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 303-806-8062/303-781-0974 fax INTERNATIONAL lcE RACING AssOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDDOR (612) 937-3816/Fax 474-2769 INTER-Snows MoTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 }EEPSPEED 1826 N. WINDES ORANGE, CA 92869 714-538-7434/ fax 714-633-1724 KAMI.OOPS OFF ROAD RACING Whispering Pines Sports & Recreation Center KAMLOOPS, BC, CANADA www.korrbc.ca. Mike Strange (250) 573-4003 LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS & OFFROAD EXPO' (626) 961-3782 <www.prerunners.com> <www.megashow.com> L.I.T.R.E. JEFF ELROD (408) 926-0522 JIMAfUTA (408) 247-4402 LOORRS LUCAS OIL OFF ROAD RACING SERIES May 21, 2011 Round 5 Glen Helen Raceway San Bernardino, CA May 22, 2011 Round 6 Glen Helen Raceway San Bernardino, CA June 25, 2011 Round 7 Miller Motorsports Park Tooele, UT June 26, 2011 Round 8 Millsr M2t2rs22rts Park Tooele, UT August 6, 2011 Round 9 Glen Helen Raceway San Bernardino, CA. August 7, 2011 RoundlO Glen Helen Raceway San Bernardino, CA September 24, 2011 Round 11 Speedworld Off Road Park Surprise,AZ Septembert. 25, 2011 Round 12 Speedworld Off Road Park Surprise, AZ November 5, 2011 Round 13 Las Vegas Motor Speedway Las Vegas, NV November 6, 2011 Round 14 Las Vegas Motor Speedway Las Vegas, NV December 10, 2011 Round 15 Firebird International Raceway Chandler, AZ December 11, 2011 The Lucas Oil Challenge Cup Firebird International Raceway Chandler, AZ MAMARRITA OFF ROAD RACING LUIS CARLOS AlVAREZO PANAMERICANA AVE #5105 Co. JuAREz, CHIH., MX 011-52-1637-1799 MICHIGAN BUGGY BUILDERS Dune Buggy Trade Show (517) 543-7214 <www.buggybuilders.com> MOJAVE OFF ROAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 1231 BARSTOW, CA 92312 760-253-4453 <www.moreracing.net moreracing@earthlink.net May 21, 2011 Royal Purple's Memorail Day 500 July 16, 2011 Kar Tek's Freedom 250 September 10, 2011 Kartek Chili Cook Off 250 October 8, 2011 6th Annual Powder Puff December 3, 2011 Holiday 200 Toys for tots race MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY ASSOCIATION DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. FUNT, ML 48506 (810) 7 30-9221 MOTOWEST WINTER TRIALs SERIES BILL MARKHAM (909) 860-1857 <www.lTStrials.com> All events at Perris Raceway (At Reed Valley with a school) NATIONAL Muo RAcING AssN. RT, #I, 2010 Box 380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN PALATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NOORA NORTHERN Omo OFF RoAD RACING AssN. GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAIL Kaylaaron@aol.com <www.Nooraoffroadracing.com> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Spring Valley Raceway, on route 518, 20 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) (Thunder Valley located 15 minutes from Spring Valley) NORRA NATIONAL OFF ROAD ·RACING ASSOCIATION www.norra.com (661) 268-1232 OFF ROAD EXPO SPIN COMMUNICATIONS (415) 380-3890 Meghan@spinpr.com OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Volunteered Series PRESIDENT, 2010 GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP., 2010 l/2-1600 Dusty Times
1 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 C!ASS REP., 2010 9 & UNLTD. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OlmAW REP. DoN PONDER (314) 631-8190 (All Races at Wheeling in the Count) 900 Acres) Omo OFF RoADERS !Ne. 1427 GOSHEN HILLS ROAD S.E. NEW PHI!ADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 JIM lCENDEL (216) 339-4674 All races held at Harrison County Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO OFF RoAD RACERS ASSOCIATION RICK T!CHBOURNE, Pusuc RELATIONS (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) OUTLA w SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. Louis, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/Fax: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. Off Road Cbampioftship 495 N. COMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <www.usoff-road.com> PENNSYLVANIA SHORT COURSE RACING SMITHTON HOLE RACEWAY 313 SKYLINE DRIVE SMITHTON, PA. 15479 MIKE GEISER 330-683-6263 www.smithtonhole.com Short Course Offroad Racing All Races At Smithton Hole Racewa1 PlKEs PEAK P.O. Box 6962 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF ROAD RACING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 875-7591 PRoTRUCK PROTRUCK MANAGEMENT INC. 11409 PINEHURST DR. LAKEslDE, CA 92040 (619) 885-4458 Pao 1600 SHOOTOUT CoREYGOIN 559-647-6132 GOINRACIN@HOTMAlL.COM PURE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box50 RICKETTS, IA 51460 (712) 679-2221 RALLY AMERICA <www.rallly-america.com> February 25-26, 2011 Rally in the 100 Acre Wood National Rally Championship Event Salem,MO May 13-15, 2011 Oregon Trail Rally National Rally Championship Event TBD,OR June 3-4, 2011 Susquehannock Trail Rally National Rally Championship Event Wellsboro, PA July 15-16, 2011 New England Forest Rally National Rally Championship Event Newry, ME RALLYE AlcHA DES GAZELLES The Only All-Women's Off-Road Rally Raid In The World 203-249-1340 Skype: kellanvanhoesen kellan@soulsidenet.com <www.rallyeaichadesgazelles.com> RocK CRAWLERS Assoc1ATION OF AMERICA P.O. Box 1406 RIVERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/Fax: (801) 253-3176 SAN DIEGO SHORT COURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New Series lry Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro Trucks, Desert Trucks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Truck <www.snowbirdracing.com> (858) 571-5088 SAN DIEGo OFF RoAD ExPOsmoN (888) 836 7918 Dusty Times SCCA RoADRAu.Y P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-2055 <www.scca.org> SFX MOTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. CoMMONs DRIVE, Sum 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 Fax SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., Sum A CA1.ABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 <www.score-intemational.com> June 3-5, 2011 43rd Tecate SCORE Baja 500 Ensenada, BC, MX August 26-28, 2011 16th SCORE Las Vegas Terrible's Primm 300 Primm,NV November 17-20, 2011 44th Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 Ensenada, BC, MX SNORE SOUTHERN NEVADA OFF RoAD ENTHuslASTS P.O. Box 270516 LAs VEGAS, NV 89127 702-277-2295 www.Snoreracing.net February 19-21, 2011 Battle At Primm Primm, NV May 14-15, 2011 250 Race NV July 30-31, 2011 Midnight Special Moapa,NV October 22-23, 2011 SNORE 250 Pahrump, NV December 10-11, 2011 Rage At The River Laughlin, NV SONS OF THUNDER 4 WHEELERS RACE DMSION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 Mike Moore, 2010 (224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS EXPO MEGA PRoouCTioNs 3129 s. HACIENDA BLVD. #322 HACIENDA HEIGHTS, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SCTA SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION & BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, !Ne. P.O. Box 10 OROS!, CA 93647 (559) 528-6279 (559) 528-9749 FAX <www.SCTA-BNI.org> SOUTHERN SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD RACING ASSN. 4305 WooTLARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (All Races at Ea.stba1 Racewa,, Tampa, FL) TRAXXAsTORCSERIES May 28-29, 2011 Red Bud MX Buchanan, Ml June 18-19, 2011 Crandon Off Road Crandon, WI June 26, 2011 Pikes Peak International* Colorado Springs, CO July 22 -23, 2011 Charlotte Motor Speedway Charlotte, NC Aug 13-14, 2011 Bark River Off Road Bark River, Ml Sept 3-4, 2011 Crandon Off Road Crandon, WI Sept 15, 2011 Chicagoland Speed SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box 706 TovsFoR ToTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADILLA VALLEY SPORTS CENTER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <www.unadillamx.com> VORRA VALLEY OFF ROAD RACING AsSOCIATION 1970 EAsT 2ND STREET RENO, NV 89502 775-287-0615 <www.vorra.net> May 27-30, 2011 Yerington 300 Desert Race Yerington, NV July 15-17, 2011 USA 500 Desert Race Reno/ Sparks, NV September 2-5, 2011 24 Hour Endurance Race Fallon, NV October 1-2, 2011 Short Course Reno/ Sparks, NV October 29-30, 2011 Short Course Prairie City OHV Park Folsom, CA VICENTE GUERRERO OFFROADCUJB PROFO. CENOVJO GAMBOA Oll-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 p.m.) WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA WHEEL To WHEEL OFF RoAD RACING PATRICK McGUIRE P.O. Box376 ADAMSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WlllPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2939 E; Grovers Ave. PHOENIX, AZ 85032 (602) 971-3730 <www.whiplashracing.com> December (TBA), 2010 ACP,AZ WISCONSIN MoTORSPORTS Snow (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTIVAL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 0sHKOSH, WL 54901 (414) 688-5509 WORLD SERIES OF OFF ROAD RACING FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSlllP P.O. Box99 CRANDON, WISCONSIN 54520 303-880-7221 <WWW.WRC.COM> XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 ZR PROMOTIONS Luis RENE MONTANO C. CAizAoA lNDEPENDENCIA 200 -5 COL. lNSURGENTES EsJ"E 21280 MEXICALI, BC, MX (686) 564 6653 info@zrpromo.com Attention !lace & llallr Organi:ers List your coming events in DUSTI TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your 2011 schedules as soon as pos-sible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: Dusty Times, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-5003 May 2011 Trail Notes ... automotive oils, and lubrication products because of their drive to beat the competition and we can relate to that type of motivation. We look forward to a successful partnership with Lucas Oil Products." Forrest Lucas, President and CEO, Lucas Oil Products Inc: "Lucas Oil Products and Chip Ganassi Racing have worked together on a technical level for several years. I have been advised by our Technical Director, Mark Negast that the data logged and produced during that period has been essential to our product development program, especially our drive line Racing Only Gear Oils. We are pleased to broaden our working relationship to include a GRAND-AM sponsorship on the No.01 BMW. Chip Ganassi Racing runs a first class program and Lucas Oil Products is proud to be associated with such a fine organization. USMC TAKEOVER OF JOHNSON VALLEY -The meeting last night in Ontario was both very encouraging and a huge disappointment. Having attended the previous meetings but unable to attend the meeting in Joshua Tree the night before, a number of off road car racers have been on a bender emailing, calling, begging involvement and posting on the various Internet site the info regarding these meetings and the precarious position the off road community is in with regards to the land use and BLM issues we face and sadly; the off road car racing community has turned a blind eye ... The word was sent out and all knew the meetings were happening and the majority from our sport didn't seem to care. The previous meetings which were held in a similar information station type format ,were attended by very few racers and even fewer industry people who derive their income from the "Off Road Community". It's very sad when the motorcycle guys are vocal and mobilize, the 4x4 and "Crawler" communities show but the all important & endangered "Off Road Racer" is as interested and shows about about as much enthusiasm as a vegan at a steak dinner. Further it's even sadder when the industry hero's that so many have placed on a pedestal, who were contacted and begged to show and asked to rally the troops turned a blind eye on the sport they supposedly love and refuse to even acknowledge the concerns facing the same community which has made them rockstars. With .this apathy from the upper echelon why should we expect the rank and file to care? Why the absence of off road team and pit club shirts when the bike and 4x4 guys managed to show in their colors? Where were all the shops, engine and tranny builders, the shock and lighting companies etc ... that we spend large sums of m0ney with? Only a meager few showed and these are the people that derive a living from this sport. With this level of interest and apathy it seems the conclusion is decided ... Enough of my passionate rant; on to the meeting! As with the previous meetings the process requires information to be disseminated to the public regarding the proposed land grab or "Acquisition" as they call it. And, the goal is to make us; the users, who will be displaced more comfortable with this being the right thing ... Most who attended for the first time were confused by the format as it was not held in a speaker to audience or power point type format. They had information stations and displays manned by our countries finest and a team of (I'm sure) highly paid civilian consultants who did their best to spin it and attempt to make us feel the "options" tney are offering us will attend to the various needs of all of the current land users in Johnson Valley. All while giving the Marines from 29 Palms the much needed expansion they envision. They asked us to comment on various options such as: They use it 2 mos a year, we get 10 mos and we only lose a percentage? The old adage: "Give 'em an inch and they take a mile" comes to mind ... as well as various other "options". The process requires that anyone interested in commenting has a right to be heard so they had comment cards, online work stations and a stenographer available to take our comments in various forms. One interesting fact is when you entered the hosts (U.S. Marines), asked you to sign in and directed you and gave you the lay of the land then they spoke with you at the various stations. One thing they did forget (which they did in the other "presentations" we attended) is they forgot to mention that you should comment? Hmmm, less comments equals less opponents and could less of an opponent help fuel the fact that they are trying to fast track this takeover by stating minimal opposition? (Now go back to my tirade RE those who are too important, self inflated or apathetic to show, life is full circle ... ). Regardless, you basically made the rounds, and made your comments and left. The sad part is we noticed during the first meetings/ presentations last year a number of people, obviously from the off-road community; (bikes/4x4's folk, remember the all off road car racer is much too important to show up and waste his time) were leaving with their various printed materials but without commenting. A number of car racers in attendance made it a point to try and give the lay of the land to those with the "deer in headlight" look who were showing up with no clue what to do and it helped as now they new what needed_ co be done and that same tactic carried over to this meeting. The only request was if you saw another blank stare, offer some info and it helped as there were more off road car race people in attendance that. at the previous meetings and hopefully more input. The "Race car" folk were well overshadowed by our off road brothers from the MC, Crawler and 4x4 disciplines and even more land owners showed than racers ... Of those from the car/truck game; more, M.O.R.E. racers showed than anyone form the race car community with the Class 9 and 14 guys having the most in attendance. A few class 1, 16 and other limited class people came but they were few and far between and none of the HERO's or guys that constantly thump their chests on the Internet when they need their ego's stroked ... An R.D.C. moderator showed as did the fine folk from Clean-Dezert.org, FOJV /PFJV and other groups. A number of dezertrangers shirt were in the house as well as various event shirts were present but a majority worn by fans not racers. Seems ironic a fan would C1ntinud an ••t• 42 Page7
~ GENERAL TIRE NAPA CHASSIS MINT 400 BJ Baldwin Takes It All By John Calvin & Briana Bradley Photos: Track.side Photo BJ Baldwin took home all the marbles at the SNORE Mint 400, he had 19 minutes in hand when his Chevrolet pickup crossed the finish line. Dwayne Reinert was the big winner in the Class 12 competition, he bested 12 other cars for the win, he had 33 minutes in hand at the checkers. AB usual, the SNORE Mint 400 alas, most of the "beaters" ended up race brought a lot of contenders out at the side of the course to await a of the garage to beat the Mint, but, rescue truck. There were 187 entries in 24 classes and when all the racin' was done there were 98 buggies and trucks that made all their required laps. That's a 52% finishing ratio, really not too bad for the roughness of the course and all the rocks, oh where did all those rocks come from? Many years ago it was called the "rock pile" and now lots more folks know where the name came from. The Unlimited trucks were first off, there were 20 of them entered and 11 of them made their required 4 laps. When the checkers flew it was B J Baldwin taking a really great win, Johnny Nelson was in the right seat. B J had no flats to contend with all race but did have recurring electrical problems. With 14 minutes in hand BJ stopped in ther General Tire main pit to thank all the folks and couldn't get the engine to fire. He finally got it started and took the checkered flag with 19 minutes in hand. Bobby Mike Childress drove his Checker stickered car to the gold medal in Class 1 at the Mint, Mike had seven minutes on his competition. Baldwin was right there in the second spot, finishing 2nd overall, actually it was Chad Ragland driving the entire race, it wasn't scheduled that way but that's how it went. Chad had Steve Covey in the right seat all the way. They lost a front shock on the first lap, had a flat that took forever to change and are looking forward to their next race where they hope to win the gold medal. Roger Nor-man was the third truck in, he had Eric Brannstrom in the right seat, they led the race for a while but had alternator belt problems amd a flat that was costly in time. Edward Stout finished fourth, he had driven the first two laps with Brian Lopez and the last two laps were driven by Andy Grider and Dave Milo. They had motor problems most of the race, it was just running flat and on the third lap they broke a brake pad and no brakes at all for 20 some miles. Steve Croll finished in fifth place in the Unlimited Truck Class, he-split the driving with Shawn Croll, they had lots of flats and suffered even more when the jack malfunctioned, they finished with the right side coil-over shock snapped in half and the rear tires were down to the cord. Marc Ewing was the sixth to finish, Scott Foster was seventh in, he had Steve Wilde and Derek Bradley as riders. They had two flats on the first lap and another flat on the. third lap. Scott said he still had a good time and was happy with his finish. Cam-eron Steele finished in the eighth spot, Jerry Zaiden was ninth, Michael Voudouris rounded out the top 10 and Gregg Hempel was the last of the finishers, in 11th place. Kory Scheeler only finished two laps as did Greg Nunley. Only completing one lap was Todd Wyllie, Scott Whipple, Rusty Stevens and Harry Helper. Not getting in one lap were Rick Johnson, George Rosenbaum and Jason Voss. There were 16 cars in the Class 1 rac~ and eight of them made it all the way to the checkered flag and eight were left in the desert. Mike Childress was the big winner this day, taking the class by 7 minutes, Rob Sims split the driving chore, the ran basically trouble free the entire race and were quite happy with their win and their third overall finish. Terry householder and Chris Eimer took second place honors, they had Dan-ny Kerdus and Wayne Gould riding with them. They lost the power steer-ing about 30 mile from the finish and muscled the car the rest of the way. They believed they could have taken the class win if the steering hadn't gone out. Richard Boyle was the third car in, he and Ron Brandt co-drove the race. They had Tom Kirkmeier and Tom Mather riding shotgun. They had two flats to slow their progress and lost all the brakes for a while. Kyle Conlon finished in fourth place, Cameron Butcher was in the right seat, they had two flats during the race and were quite happy with their finish, considering the car was in pieces on the Tuesday before Bobby Baldwin, his Chevy looking a little wom, took second place honors Terry Householder took the silver medal in the Class 1 Unlimited Kevin Ellis throws up a silt blanket as he heads for home in the Mint in the Unlimited Truck battle, he was 2nd overall in the race as well. race, he's seen here airborne, hopefully making a right turn. 400 race, Kevin finished second in Class 10, 17 minutes in arrears. Ryan Dunn collected the silver medal in the 1450 Class at the Mint Kenny Freeman just missed out on the gold medal for Class 1600, 400, Ryan is seen here just at liftoff. instead he took second place, less than six minutes behind the leader. Pages May 2011 Ralph Chadwick had to settle for a second place finish in the Class 18 fracas, Ralph was eight minutes out of the win at the flag. Dusty Times II
II Karl Scanlan took the gold medal in the Class 10 contest, Karl had 17 minutes on his competition when the checkers flew. Gregg Zumwalt had a really good day, he was the Class 1450 winner, he's seen here leaping towards the finish line. of them made all the required laps. Karl Scanlan and Brian Melsheimer were the drivers, they had Jake Scott and Richard Scott as riders and they were the Class 10 winners this day. They had a flat shortly after they started and the battery tray broke, they improvised with wire, plastic and spit and made it to the finish line, they had 17 minutes on the second place car driven by Kevin Ellis, Tim Scott finished third, he was another 21 minutes in arrears, Chad Dohrman finished fourth and Blake Slater was the fifth car in. Sixth place went to Layne Brown, John Langley was in seventh spot, Adam Tjelmeland finished in eighth place, he drove the last two laps and his dad Vince ran the first two laps, their first trip through the rock pile demanded major suspension changes, they ran well from then on, stopping for fuel and a driver change at the end of lap two, Cody was out of the right seat and Chad was strapped in, shortly thereafter the alternator broke loose, the race. Pat Dean took fifth place honors. Kevin Curtis finished in the sixth spot, Jon Walker was seventh in. Pat Chicas and Joe Desrosiers were the eighth and final finisher in class 1, they had Dave Erickson and John McMurrin in the riders seat. They had a very busy day, first the tranny cooler went out, it was bypassed at the main pit, on lap 2 they had fuel transfer pump problems and alterna-tor failure, requiring short cool down periods to keep from overheating sans cooling fans. They installed a new alternator and fuel pump at Pit D. On the third lap they broke a lower front control arm which was re-placed at Pit C and they carried on to the finish from there. Kory Halopaff and Scott Schovaja were only able to finish three of the required four laps. Sean Mechum, Dennis Boyle and Brett Lenk completed only their first lap. 11 Flores, Don Ch:1$e and Jim Knox failed to complete their first lap. Next ·to start were the Class 10 cars, there were 21 of them and nine Continued an page 10 John Berry drove his Bug to a second place finish in· the Class 5/1600 Brian Simmer piloted his really good looking Ford to a silver medal Rick Harrah led the first two laps of the Class 8 race but when all tiff, John was 22 minutes out of the win after nine hours of racing. finish in Class 7, Brian is seen here at speed on the course. was said and done he had to settle for the silver medal. Dusty Times 2,160 Rooms And Suites 60 Table Games 2,600 Slot Machines Poker Room Race & Sports Book 640-Seat Bingo Room 16 Movie Theaters 9 Restaurants 75,000 Sq. Ft. Of Meeting Space 4,500 Seat Equestrian & Event Center 80,000 Sq. Ft. Exhibit Hall Spa & Fitness Center Showroom 64-Lane Bowling Center ~ ~4 LAS VEGAS BLVD AT S/LVERADO RANCH • SOUTHPOINTCASINO.COM May 2011 Page9
taking spark plug wires and part of the fan shroud with it. 2 ½ hours of down time and they were back on the road were really happy to finish the race. Brook Beck-strom was the ninth and final finish-er. Rick Sanchez, Dennis Kordonawy and Clay Flippin only had three laps completed. Jeremiah Watson, Mike Lapaglia and Blain McDonald were only able to complete two laps. Michael Deardoff, Andrea Scanlan, Mike Shaffer, Rodney Colbert, Larry Schmueser and Ed Maurin were only able to get one lap completed. The Class 12 guys were next up, there were 13 of them entered and seven of them completed their re-quired four laps. When they started to finish the race it was Dwayne Reinert taking the gold medal with It was a good three laps for Tony Scott at the Mint, he took the Class 15 win with ease, nobody else even finished in the class. Daniel Maurer took over the Class 18 lead on the second lap and there he remained to take the class win, seen here just at liftoff. • a healthy lead on the rest of the class. Dwayne had Juan Carlos in the car . with him and he described it as a "Perfect Race", no flats, no mechani-.-cals, "Just a cruise to the finish." Cody Reid came in for the silver medal, Vic Bruckmann captured the bronze medal, Greg Kudrna finished first off the podium and Bill Young was the fifth place finisher. Matt Laughlin tinished sixth and Cody Freeman was the seventh and final finisher in the class. Rick Madison, Beau Rash, Jeff Kawell and Race Richie finished two laps. Rick Paquette only had one lap completed and Ryan Plowman had no laps completed. Class 13 had only three laps to run for their race. There were three entries in the class and two of them completed the required laps. Steve Shimp was the big winner, he beat Steve Carbone to the checkers by almost two hours, Steve had lots of troubles and Henry Vasquez had an eight hour first lap, finished lap two normally but was unable to complete his final required lap. Class 1450 had 12 entrants, they had three laps to go for their race. Six of them made it all the way to the checkered flag. When the dust had cleared it was Gregg Zumwalt taking the class win, Ryan Dunn was the second to finish, he was and hour and twenty minutes in arrears at the flag, Jesus Galvan took third place honors, he was another 50 minutes Mike McCarthy drove his big Ford pickup to the Class 4 win at the SNORE Mint Race; Mike is seen here just at takeoff. behind second place, Yuki Miyama finished in fourth place, he was another 12 minutes back and Kevin McKeown finished in fifth place, he was another two hours in arrears. Chris Michael was the sixth and final finisher in the class, he was 14 min-utes behind fifth place. Gary Oliver only finished two laps, Eric Ludian and Mark Workentine only had one lap under their belts. Andrew Leavitt, Tyler Denton and Ken Leavitt were unable to complete their first lap. Next up was Class 15, there were four entered, they had three laps of racing for a finish, but, alas, only one of them would see the checkered flag. Tony Scott would take the class win this day, he got his three laps in with no problems, Dale Schaub was a dreaded dnf, he had two laps com-pleted, Justin Mayall only got one lap complete and Anthony Armstrong failed to complete even one lap of the race. The Class 1600 cars wre next up, they had four laps to run for their race, there were 25 of them entered and 14 of them made all the required laps. The big winner in the class was Blaine Conrad, he lad the class all day and took the checkered flag after 10 hours and 8 minutes of very had racing. Kenny Freeman was right on his tail in second spot, Kenny and his son Bryan shared the driving honors, Kenny had Kaylee Freeman Metzger in the right seat, Finally, a finish and a win! Steve Alexander drove his Class 5 car to the Mint 400 win, Steve is seen here grabbing some air. Bryan took over at the 2 ½ lap mark, he had Bryan Adams riding shotgun. A front shock had blown out but was missed at the driver change, Bryan drove the lap with the bad shock, changes it while fueling and drove the fastest lap of the class on lap 4. Andrew Neal came in for a third place finish, Corey Goin finished first off the podium, he shared the driving with Dan Folts. Corey had his daughter Lauren riding with him and they finished their first lap id · good time. Corey calls lap 2 the Lap From Hell! Lost all the brakes with a broken caliper, fixed in Fit A, two miles out a spark plug \\'.ire came off and came off five more times before they got to their pit D. Lauren got out and nephew Kirby Faulkner got in. On the third lap the power steering belt came off. Stopped at Pit D for fuel, Folts takes over and they ride trouble free to the finish line. Jason Coleman was the fifth place finisher, he shared the driving chore with C J Hutchins. Coleman and Jerry Mu-nyon ran two almost identical laps, Hutchins and Cameron Woodward tipped the car over using the turning brake in a heavily rutted comer and they were side-swiped by another car, resulting in a broken torsion bar and a fifth place finish. Raul Solano was the sixth car to finish, Chris Boyer finished in the seventh spot, Mike Meehan was eighth to finish, Jay Reichert took ninth place honors and Justin Smith rounded out the c,~tinued an p1ge 12 ~~-.~ Eric Helgeson had an extremely long first lap in the Jeepspeed Vince De Maio had fast lap for the NAPA Chassis 7S Challenge but Steve Hengeveld was just a bit off the winning pace in the Trophylite Challenge, he finished in the second spot for the class. he still ended up in second place, seen here at liftoff. action, he took second place honors, seen here at speed. "' Roger Norman had a good race going but his third lap was horrendously Vic Bruckmann was doing really well in the Class 12 competition, a 10 Jesus Galvan was the bronze medal finisher in the Class 1450 battle, long, he had to settle for a third place finish in Unlimited Truck. minute penalty dropped him from second place to a third place finish. he's seen here on his way to the ever elusive checkered flag. Page 10 May 2011 Dusty Times
,--Dusty Times May 2011 Page 11
top 10 finishers. Steve Cossey was 11th to finish, Don Wall made it an even dozen, Ross Mattox was the 13th car to finish and Richard Evans was the 14th and final finisher in the class. Clint Malburg only got in two laps, as did Luke McMillin and Terry Sylvanic. Chuck Harvey and Steven Flueharty only completed 1 lap. Not finishing their first lap were Day Gang, Lucas Knecht, Billy McCool, Timothy Craig, Jasper Dyer and Da-vid Schweigart. Class 5/ 1600 had four entrants and all four of them completed their three required laps. When the check-ers flew it was Mike Boone taking the class win, he and Kyle Quinn shared the driving chores, they had Ray Griffith, Rudy Delarosa and Derek Krumm as co-riders throughout the It was a nice Class 5/1600 win for Mike Boone at the Mint 400 race, Mike had 22 minutes on his competition when he took the checkers. Bryce Yarbrough took a really nice win at the Mint 400, he took the gold medal in the Class 7 fracas, Bryce is seen here at speed. Daniel Lutz had a great race, he was the only finisher in the Class 9 battle, he's seen here headin' for the checkers. race. Boone dais their race was eas-ily summarized thus, "a non stop nerfing and passing battle with John Berry." John Berry was the second place finisher, he split the driving with Steve Ward and Jeff Swickard. John started the race with his son, Parker in the right seat, lap 2 had Steve and Anna Ward in the car and on the third lap it was Jeff and Jennifer Swickard doing the honors. All three groups agreed that they had a lot of fun during the race. Serena Pruett was the third car in and John Witchel finished in the fourth spot. Class 18 had five vehicles entered, they too had three laps to run for their race and four of the five made it to the checkered flag. Danny Maurer was first to finish the required laps for a nice gold medal finish, John Carreon drove the second half of the race. Danny lost an alternator belt and three cars passed him while he made repairs, but he passed them later on. John got in the car and ran trouble free to the first place finish. Ralph Chadwick picked up the silver medal for his troubles, he split the driving chore with Kirk Hadley and Dustin Hellstrom. Ralph had his daughter Taylor in the right seat, Kirk had Shauna Cooper along for the ride and Hellstrom had Dewon Gra-AT LEFT: It was yet another win in Class 8 for Macrae Glass, he's seen here piloting his big Ford towards the sometimes elusive finish line. Perry Coan had a fairly easy race, he took the gold medal in the JeepSpeed Challenge, seen here on the course heading for home. ham in the right seat. He had a flat 30 miles from the finish which didn't bother them much. Mark Bass took third place honors and Anthony Per-rucci finished first off the podium. Bob Dziurawiec only got in one lap. Class 3 only had one entrant, Brian Morris who only completed one lap. Class 3000 also only had one entry, Jay Wallick but Jay only com-pleted 3 of 4 required laps. Mike McCarthy was the only vehicle entered in Class 4, Mike com-pleted his two required laps and took home the gold medal. The Class 5 battle consisted of six cars, they had four laps to run but only two of them managed to make all the required laps. ·Steve Al-exander was the big winner in class, Chris Deuel rode with Steve, they had two flats on their first lap, no failures of any kind on the second lap, things were looking up, Don Ponder got in for the last two laps, he had Gavin Ferguson with him, they had a couple of flats on the third lap, they found a broken weld on the rack and pinion which was welded up and off they went again on their last lap. They had another flat tire early on, about 29 miles later they saw the lead car with a rear trailing arm torn off and it was just easy sailing from there on to the checkered flag for a great win. As an aside, it was Steve's dream since he was 15 years old to win the Mint 400, finally he has done it, 36 years later he has won his class at the ' ,.; " -:.... .... -~ils"-4~ ;.. .;.,J::1·-.. :»,,.,~ -.. Andrew Neal flew his Lothringer to a third place finish in the hotly Cole Fielding drove his big truck to a third place finish in the Class Jeff Coan drove his Jeep to a third place finish in the Jeepspeed contested 1600 race, he's seen here headin' for home. 8 action, he's seen here heading for the finish line. Challenge, an almost seven hour second lap didn't help his disposition. Ben Abatti took third place honors in the Trophylite Class, Ben is Not too bad a day for Edward Stout, he finished first off the podium Kyle Conlon was the fourth place finisher in the Class 1 conflict, a seen here heading for home plate at the Mint 400. in the Unlimited Truck division, seen here just at liftoff. long third lap cost him a third place finish. Page 12 May 2011 Dusty Times I
"' Chad Dohrman suffered a long first and fourth lap but still managed a fourth place finish in the Class 10 conflict. Greg Kudrna gave it his all in the Class 12 conflict, Greg was only three minutes out of a podium finish at the checkers. Yuki Miyama ran his three laps consistently at the Mint 400, he finished first off the podium in Class 1450. Mint 400. Michael Benedict was the silver medal winner and that was the finishers. Wendell Mortensen only completed three laps, Che Corlett and Eric Irvine finished only two laps and Jim Anderson only completed one lap. The Class 7 troops had six entries, they had four laps to make their race but only three of them finished their required laps. The class win went to Bryce Yarbrough, Brian Simmer was the silver medal winner and Robert Woolworth took bronze medal hon-ors. Mark Burnett only got in one lap as did Scott Crampton and Russ Ramsey was unable to complete his first lap. Class 8 had six truck entries, they had four laps to complete for their race and four of them got to see the checkered flag this day. Macrae Glass was first to take the checkered flag, unfortunately we were unable to interview him after the race. Rick Harrah was the second truck to fin-ish, Rick and Evan Vaughan had no major problems, they had a flat tire on the second lap and they finished on broken front shocks. Cole Field-ing took third place honors, Jacob Fielding was the second .driver. Jacob drove the first lap with his younger brother Cole in the right seat, he had six flats on the first lap, they used so many tires that General Tire gave them three spares, BJ Baldwin had tapped the rear of Fieldings truck and had caused one of the flats, so when they came to their next pit the BJ Baldwin pit crew came over to help out, they finished. the race about 10PM. Garrett Evans was the fourth and final Class 8 finisher. Kent Crocker was only able to get two laps under his belt and Mike Szlauko was unable to complete his first lap. The Class 9 contest had three entrants, they had to run three laps but only one car took the checkers. Dan Lutz got the coveted gold medal, along with his partner Larry Lon-gero, they said they had no flats and only minor complications. This was the second race on their newly built 10 year old chassis and they were ec-static that they won the class. Dalton Davis and Joshua Englestead failed to complete their first lap. The Jeepspeed Challenge was a three lap race, there were 11 entries and six of them made it to the check-ered flag. Perry Coan took the win with an hour and forty five minutes in hand at the checkers, John Krell-witz and Matt McCallum ran the first lap, Perry Coan and Doug Max-well were in for the last two laps, they spotted a broken oil cooler in the pit and it was bypassed and they. went out on their last lap with a two hour lead and pussy footed around to take the class win with an hour and 50 minutes in hand. Eric Helgeson took second place honors, Jeff Coan finished in third place, he had Skyler Gambrell in the right seat, at the end of their first lap Jeff gets out, Skyler Dusty Times moves to driver and Charley Hall takes the right seat. Skyler brought a very tired Cherokee in for a third place finish, 14 hours and seven minutes for three laps but worth every minute of it. Cliff Cook took first off the podium honors, Bruno Zvirzin was fifth to finish and Dan Simonson was the sixth and final fin-isher in the class. Eric Heiden only May 2011 got in two laps, that rarely happens The JeepSpeed Cup class had and Ben Thorvick only got one six three entries, they had to complete hour lap to his credit. Jason .Carner, three laps for a finish and only one Billy Bunch and Todd Jackson failed Jeep made it, Tom Barnett motored to complete their first lap. Continued on page 14 Page 13 l l
Corey Goin finished fourth in the Class 1600 battle, it was a Steve Croll hustled his Ford to a fifth place finish in Unlimited Truck, Pat Dean was the fifth place finisher in the Class 1 contest, a three heartbreaker, Corey was only a minute and change out of third place. Steve is seen here throwin' up the silt. hour last lap didn't help his situation. around and took the class win, Cary Jones got two laps in before retiring and Bob Mamer had one lap com-plete before going on his trailer. There were seven trucks entered in the Class 7S Challenge, they had to finish three laps for a finish and three of them were able to make all the laps. Robbie Cockrell was the class winner, he had help from Amin Torfi and they gladly took home the gold medal. Vince De Maio took sec-ond place honors, he had Sean Dou-glass in the right seat for their first lap ride, he ran out of gas 10 miles into the race (shame on the pit crew), Dan Fresh drove the last two laps, they fixed a spark plug wire and went on to finish the race. Joshua Starr was the third and final finisher in the class. Jon Anderson only had two laps to his credit and Peter Garfinkle only had one lap complete. Noah Henderson did not complete a lap and James Burman did not complete a lap either. The StockBug Class had five en-trants and they had to complete three laps for a finish. Two of them made it all the way, Bob Johnson finished his three laps in 15 hours and change, it really makes for a long day, Dave Cote took second place honors, he was another hour and a half in ar-rears. Mark Murrell only got in two laps of racing, Corey Torres only had one lap finished and Steve Betrand was unable to complete his first lap. The StockFull class had only one entry, they had to complete two laps for their race and the combination of Randy Merritt and Tracy Rubio was the right combination. They finished their required laps with no problems, happy for their win. Class 11 only had one entry, Mark Murrell and Pete Knepper shared the driving. Mark drove laps one and two and rode on lap 3. Pete drove lap 3 and rode lap 1. Paul Blangsted It was a fifth place finish in Class 10 for Blake Slater, he suffered a Jason Coleman took a fifth place finish in the Class 1600 fracas, a Marc Ewing suffered a four hour second lap, that dropped him a few positions to a sixth place finish in the Unlimited Truck contest. four hour third lap, and was really glad to be finished. three hour last lap dropped him a few finish positions . .... WOULD LIKE TO THANK OUR SPONSORS FOR MAKING •t1TIIRSPIIRTS , Page 14 May 2011 Dusty Times
Raul Solano was a bit off the winning pace in the Class 1600 battle, Chris Boyer didn't have the best of days, he finished seventh in the Cameron Steele started the race with a four hour lap, need we say Raul finished in sixth place, seen here at high speed. Class 1600 contest, he's seen here taking a big leap on the course. more? Cam finished eighth in the Unlimited Truck class. rode lap 2. They had no problems on their first lap, on their second lap they broke a rocker arm and ran on 3 cylinders for the balance of the lap. Started lap 3 with the rocker arm fixed, then the alternator went out and when time ran out they retired from the race. The TrophyLite class had 11 entries, they had to run four laps for a finish and seven of them did just that. Troy Messer was the big winner that day, Steve Hengeveld finished 22 minutes later in second place, Ben Abatti III was the third place finisher, Ramsey El Wardani finished first off the podium and Brandon Hollander took fifth place honors. Bruce Finchum was the sixth to finish and Ray Cummins was the seventh and final finisher in the class. Derek Geiser only com-pleted 3 laps as did Patrick Dailey, Corry Weller only got one almost 8 hour lap in while Bruce Friesen did not complete his first lap. Class YORENC had two vehicles ent~ed, they had three laps to run for their race and both of them made it all the way to the checkered flag. David Ecker took the gold medal and Arturo Benevides finished 53 minutes later. And so it ended, SNORE once more put on a race that will be remembered for years to come. So much effort 'has top be pu.t into the event to make it a success and SNORE certainly does a fantastic job. Kudos to all the workers involved and to all those that dared to com-pete in the event. Can't wait for the next one, see ya all there! It was a fairly easy win for Tom Barnett in the JeepSpeed Cup race, Tom is seen here on his way to the checkered flag. Randy Merritt drove his Ford pickup to the Stock Full Class win at the Mint, he's seen here throwing the silt around. Robbie Cockrell took the NAPA Chassis 7S Challenge win at the Mint, Robbie had 20 minutes on his closest competitor. Troy Messer had a really fun day, he beat out all the other Trophylite class entries to take home the coveted gold medal. In the VORE -VC category it was David Ecker taking the class win, David is seen here at high speed on the course. Tim Scott was the third P.lace finisher in the Class 10 contest, he's Richard Boyle took the bronze medal in the Class 1 competition, he seen here at high speed headin' for the finish line. • is seen here on his way to the checkered flag. Nothing like a car wash, Blaine Conrad hustled to the gold medal in the The Stock Bug class win went to Roben Johnson, he's seen here headin' It was a nice win for Steve Shimp in the Class 13 conflict, Steve had Class 1600 contest, he had six minutes in hand when he took the checkers. for home, he had well over an hour on his competition at the finish. just less than a two hour cushion on the rest of the class at the finish. Dusty Times May 2011 Page 15
.. l.A.12C RALLY OF PORTUGAL Ogier/Citroen DS! Take The Gold By Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden Sebastien Ogier and Julien Ingrassia plow through a soft section in the Citroen DS3 in Portugal, Ogier had 32 seconds in hand at the finish. The third round of the 2011 world championship ended up with Sebastien Ogier a third different winner, the first ap-pearance of a third top level rally manufacturer, three different leaders during the event and the third different PowerStage win-ner. Rally of Portugal was the first time this year the champion-ship had been run in mainland Europe and the tension was everywhere. As widely predicted, the performance of the tyres proved to be the essential turn-ing point of the event, not only how and where on a stage the tyres would puncture -but who was driving behind a punctured rally car and suffered from the extra dust storm he created. Af-ter a three year spell of tyre pre-dictability, the round black rub-ber material was seriously back into the controversy zone once more. To be fair, Citroen beat Ford as much on mechanical reliability as tyre behaviour, and few would seriously begrudge Sebastien Ogier his first anniver-sary world championship rally win. New Zealander Hayden Paddon won the Production Car category. Apart from after the tarmac opening superspecial in Lisbon which was won by An-ders Grondal, Paddon led the category throughout The battle of the 1.6 litre World Rally Cars continued at the Rally of Portugal, widely con-sidered the first orthodox rally of the 2011 season, where Ford met Citroen for the third time this year. Ford were currently head-ing the WRC manufacturers championship, but for the first time since the end of 2008 there was the prospect of three not two car makes at the top level of the sport. This event saw the long awaited debut of the new BMW Mini cars, initially in the form of privateer cars in New Generation Super 2000 specification but preparing the way for the even-tual arrival of the full official Page 16 team in World Rally Car form in Sardinia. It was the first time all three S2000 based World Rally Car designs had appeared on the same event. The entries for the two Mini John Cooper Works S2000 cars were quite the most promising step for the past two years in the world championship, largely be-cause the entry for the Brazilian Mini driver Daniel Oliveira had been registered at FIA for the WRC championship. The regis-tration of his team was the one single step which entitled BMW and Prodrive to homologate the upgraded World Rally Car ver-sion under the specific FIA rules. For Portuguese fans, the greatest anticipation was the parallel but unregistered entry for the local driver Armindo Araujo, World Production Car Champion· in 2009 and 2010. The 2011 Rally of Portugal saw another major novelty, the start of the FIA WRC Academy project in which up to 24 part or sometimes fully sponsored driv-ers tackle a six rally programme. They will all drive identical Fi-esta R2 models for the first two days before spending the final day of the rally undergoing post-event de-briefing and training courses. The format of the rally had one major change. This was the first time the Rally of Portugal had been to the capital city of Portugal since the ceremonial start for the event in 1974. The start of the event took place on the Thursday afternoon in the spectacular Praca do lmperio square, in_ downtown Lisbon, some 265km from the rally head-quarters at Faro in the Algarve region. This beautiful square is one of the largest in Europe and lies adjacent to the 16th century Jeronimos Monastery, erected in honour of the explorer Vasco da Gama. Some two kilometres from the Praca is a historical site in another vogue, the site of the Monsanto Park Grand Prix circuit used for the national Fl race in 1959. There was plenty to see in Praca do lmperio. A transporter convoy brought cars up from Faro, arriving early Thursday morning. Crews carried out recce of the stage, around the square, during Thursday morn-ing, using locally provided eco-friendly electric golfing buggy karts! A classic car stage for cars dating back from the mid '60s to early 80's and a drivers parade in classic convertibles took place before the WRC stage itself was run. The three-lap superspecial was run with three cars on the course at a time, basically start-ing in reverse order at around 15 second intervals. Sebastien Loeb was chosen as the final driver to go. There was no superspecial in the Algarve Stadium in Faro but the Shakedown was held close by on the Wednesday afternoon, not the usual Thursday morn-ing, so this format meant that recce for the competitors would unusually last for one and a half days instead of the usual two, with action spread over five days rather• than the usual four. The televised final stage, run as the official Power Stage, was unusually going to be the longest stage of the event, at 31km. In both Sweden and Mexico drivers purposely used special tactics in order to gain advantage on much shorter Power Stages, so it was curious what tactics would be used this time. Apart from the fi-nal stage, all the other orthodox stages were the same as last year. At Citroen this was the first WRC event with five DS3 WRCs, Loeb and Ogier using the same chassis as in Sweden. Problems suffered by the DS3s in Mexico were fortunately mi-nor, both Loeb and Solberg had broken handbrakes, Solberg a broken gear lever as well as a time-consuming broken electri-May 2011 Haydon Paddon and John Kennard took the Production Car category in their Subaru lmpreza, they were scored 11th overall in the rally. cal wire. The three customer cars were run by the Citroen Racing customer team as usual. Solberg had a new car for this event, Raikkonen his Swedish car while Van Merksteijn had a car previously used in testing. Ford drivers Hirvonen and Lat-vala used their ex-Sweden cars while Al Qassimi had a new car. M-Sport reported that various problems in Mexico were caused by impact damage. The cooling fan retention system was broken by impacts and the cooling fans breaking. Like Citroen, the sys-tem overheated and that in turn led to wiring melting -the cause of the electrical problems. Their main tactical concern was that Hirvonen was to start first car on the road on the Friday although he did not expect it to be as dif-ficult as in Mexico. Among the customer cars Sousa drove the car previously used by Andersson and Novikov. Ten Fiesta WRCs were entered. This was the first event in the new World Rally Cars for Peter van Merksteijn in a Citroen and Bernardo Sousa in the M-Sport "rental" Fiesta, the only Portu-guese driver in a full World Rally Car on this event. There were 19 competitors in the PCWRC support category and for the first time there was a two-wheel drive entry, Harry Hunt in a Citroen DS3 R3T. A total of 7 5 entries were received (including the Academy drivers) of whom 15 were to drive World Rally Cars, plus the two Mini drivers run-ning in the new 1.6 litre Super 2000 specification. Seven non-championship privateers had old version Super 2000 cars as well, including Dutch former World Rally Car drivers Van Loon and Ten Brinke but Rene Kuipers (fa-ther of Dennis) withdrew his en-try for business pressure reasons with 28 Fiestas in various guises. Mini continued their testing in nearby Spain, for the first time using the larger WRC version rear wing. There was a major pre-event panic for Araujo when the engine lapsed on·to three cyl-inders and was quickly sent back to Germany for BMW to check, and was replaced with a spare. Biggest visual shock was the ar-rival of Henning Solberg's Fiesta WRC, no longer in the distinc-tive colours of Expert, now in a miscellany of blocks of colours, looking for all the world like an old Benetton Formula 1 car. Araujo and Sousa excepted, there was a noticeable lack of Portuguese drivers in the main WRC section of the rally, only 11 in all, giving the WRC entry an impressive foreign entrant emphasis. To score. points in the national series the crews must complete the first two full days of the rally, and must nominate which six of eight events they will contest in advance. Ricardo Moura from Azores, winner of the first round of the national championship was present as were two promising young driv-ers, lvo Nogueira (Citroen DS3 R3T) and Joao Silva (Renault Clio R3). Moura had been nom-inated in the main event as the organisers Guest driver in the PCWRC. In addition, some 30 competitors entered in a separate one-day, three-stage Open event on the Saturday. One of the curiosities of the entry list was the geographic profile of competitors. A third of the entry coming from East-ern Europe or non European countries, far more than from Portugal and Spain together, and the only seeded "Spanish" driver was Benito Guerra, who in fact is the Mexican who won the Spanish gravel championship last year. Missing from the ever}f wei:e the Palestinian driver Rami Jaber and Mexican driver Ri-cardo, Trivino, originally entered but whose status in the PCWRC is under review after his enforced non start in Sweden. Originally competition number 37 had been allocated to Trivino but now this has become vacant, it is expected to be used in future by one of the official Mini team drivers. There were young top class drivers from all around the world among the WRC Academy drivers which included Brendan Reeves from Australia, FIA 2010 APRC Pacific Cup champion; Antonio "Rocket" Suarez, young-est ever winner on a Spanish gravel championship event; Yer-ay Lemes, 2009 Spanish gravel champion and Craig Breen the triple Fiesta champion in 2010. Twenty drivers were entered to compete in Portugal but two were finally missing, Sebastien Chardonnet (grandson of the legendary owner of the private WRC winning Lancia private team) and Phillipp Knof, so 18 of the possible 24 were present at the event. Shakedown had the top three drivers Ogier, Loeb and Lat-vala separated by just 0.3 second! Araujo was the fastest New Gen-eration S2000 Mini, in fact the fastest Portuguese driver, one second faster than Sousa. Three championship drivers opted to run on DMack tyres - these were the PCWRC drivers Semerad and the two Abu Dhabi drivers Al Jabri and Al Shamsi. Times for PCWRC were confused, but Dusty Times
Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena drove their Citroen CS3 to a second overall finish in the rally, here attacking a right hander. eventually it was settled Patrik Flodin was fastest 1.2 second ahead of Hayden Paddon with Semerad third. A remarkable third was the Russian Tagirov, his first outing in the latest ver-sion of the N14 Subaru Impreza. Big drama of Shakedown was when Ken Block rolled his Fiesta WRC, causing the stage to be shut for a half hour while Ken and codriver Alex Gelsomino were transported to hospital for a check-up. The crew was will-ing to take the start but the car was not. Post-Shakedown information was interesting. Of the two Minis, only the car of Araujo was weighed, which came in at 1227kg, nicely related to the category minimum weight of 1200, and very equivalent to the various Fiesta WRCs. Interest-ingly the 18 Fiesta R2s used by the Academy drivers were all very close to each other, but some 60-70kg heavier than the minimum weight for the class. Day 1 -part 1 The weather was warm and heavy but stayed dry for the opening stage in Lisbon. Block's car never made it back to pare ferme, still abandoned in the Shakedown stage, so he was unable to start the rally. The Academy drivers were sent off first, with Reeves initially given the quickest time but later that was changed to Lemes. Craig Breen damaged his car but still made second fastest time. In the PCWRC Grondal was fastest ahead of Fuchs. Overall fastest was the Ford of Hirvonen ahead of three Citroens, Loeb, Petter and Ogier. Araujo in one of the Minis was the fastest local driver, in tenth place. Mads Ostberg damaged the front suspension on his Fiesta WRC, arriving at the end of the stage with a wheel destroyed. Although he received a time he was last, and lost two minutes. What would happen overnight -there was free-transit for the return to Faro for the restart with no pare ferme before then. Would they be able to get the repairs done en route? Day 1 part 2 - 6 Stages -Gravel - 129.14kms The crews were greeted by a dull morning in Faro for the restart, with low clouds but with th~ sun trying to break through. Mads Ostberg explained that the only problem in Lisbon had been a broken wheel, no damage to the suspension, but the whole question was raised regarding the apparent opportunity to work all through the night should it have been necessary with no penal-ties! A spectator however was struck by the errant tyre and was Dusty Times kept in hospital overnight, Ost-berg therefore started the Friday stages with a deficit of nearly two minutes, but it was for nothing as his differential failed on the first of the normal gravel stages and he stopped for the rest of the day. The conditions were curious. For sure the surfaces were dusty and gravelly but not the same as in previous years. Hirvonen, running first on the road, found this was a much less difficult job than usual, and said his main concern was adjusting to the cor-rect gears through the corners. Latvala noted there were distinct lines through the bends from the recce but new lines formed by the opening cars presented a strange pattern which was difficult to discern. Maybe it was because the new generation World Rally Cars do not have so much torque, and that alters the way the surfaces are cleaned? Anyway on the first four stages of the rally there were four dif-ferent winners. Hirvonen held the lead through to stage 3, the middle stage of the Friday loop, then Ogier pulled in front, "We found that our starting order (sixth) wasn't the huge advantage we had expected. Petter Solberg started full of hope and after the first gravel stage (stage 2) he had risen to second, just 0.1 second behind Hirvonen, but then the Michelin bogey struck, a punc-ture which cost him around a minute. So at lunchtime Ogier led Loeb with Hirvonen and Latvala just behind, chased by Petter Solberg. In an encourag-ing sixth place was Matthew Wilson ahead of Henning Sol-berg, who had an intermittent misfire and Kimi Raikkonen, who confessed it was the usual early morning slowness. In a very promising ninth was the S2000 Mini of Araujo, "This car is faster than I expected. I have not been pushing the car. We never had much test experience, and I am sure in future there is a lot more to come." Fellow Mini driver Oliveira was safely learn-ing both the car and the rally, but reported there seemed to be a transmission problem. Stage cleaning conditions were more normal for the af-ternoon, and was not a major issue. Third running Latvala won all three stages. Ogier was happy to lead the event but then on stage 7 he found a slow moving obstacle in his way, Pet-ter Solberg's Citroen struggling along with two flat tyres. Hap-pily Solberg was able to allow Ogier to pass when the track got wider, but this threw into confu-Bruno Magalhaes and Paulo Grave drove their Peugeot 207 to a really great 12th overall finish in the final standings. fellow Subaru driver Anders Grondal while third placed driv-er Moura was aware of his dual responsibilities, firstly as Guest PCWRC driver but also as a con-tender in the national champi-onship. Guerra was happy -this was his 26th birthday - his first time on the event, the first time with his codriver and the first time with the team. He had a very bad time on the first gravel stage, explaining he just wanted to be happy with the way the pacenotes were working before he started to attack. Fuchs was able to continue after a trans-mission change which cost him three minutes in road penalties at service. All the Academy drivers were learning the car and were keen to ensure they stayed in the event to get as much experience as pos-sible. Lemes won stage 2, then Breen won stages 3 and 4 and led all morning, followed by Lemes and Fisher. Breen wanted to pull out a big enough lead so he had a buffer in case of a puncture. Lemes retired with a driveshaft sion Citroen's tactics of how to manipulate the running order for the second full day. In the end, the only tactic possible was for Loeb to check the times of Hirvonen, and make sure that he finished the day with at least one Ford, or hopefully maybe two, in front of him. It ended up with two, and with his teammate Ogier falling from first down to fourth. Hirvonen, meanwhile, did everything he could to en-sure the car was fit for the second day, which for him was where the rally was going to start properly ... Punctures were high in the news once again. Loeb had one, Raikkonen another. In the Ford camp, Sousa left the scene when he rolled off the road. Wilson was struggling with an apparent power deficit. Henning however was happier having got ahead of Wilson to hold fifth by the end of the day, with Villagra in eighth and Al Qassimi smiling in 10th. The two Minis were going strongly. Araujo report-ed only minor problems while Oliveira had found there was a broken transmission mainshaft so the unit was changed at the midday service. In the after-noon Oliveira seemed to have a problem with an engine sensor. His codriver Carlos Magalhaes was enjoying the occasion, this being his 48th birthday! In the world of the gentlemen drivers, Peter van Merksteijn (Citroen DS3 WRC) lost time when the gearshift linkage col-lapsed in a stage and then in stage 3 with a pace note prob-lem. Fellow Dutchman Erik Van Loon (S2000 Fabia) went off the road and damaged the suspension. Dennis Kuipers (Ford Fiesta WRC) was gradu-ally regaining the confidence he lost during his Mexico crash and was lying 11th. Portuguese driver Bruno Magalhaes (S2000 Peugeot) lost the use of his rear brakes all the loop. In PCWRC Hayden Paddon went into the lead despite prob-lems on a stage with something jamming his pedals. Martin Semerad went off the road and lost a couple of minutes and then started suffering tyre wear problems with his DMacks. The DMack people were unhappy, as they had earlier asked the FIA for permission to supply a. hard-er compound for this event but this request was refused. Then they heard rumours that the FIA had agreed for Michelin to in-troduce a raft of upgrades in the tyres that they supply. Flodin rolled off the road and lost eight minutes ("too fast into a left hander"). Fuchs went off the May 2011 road and drove with a broken front left driveshaft. Kosciuszko had to stop when the gearbox casing broke. Tagirov went off the road and came to rest with a piece of the bridge barrier enter-ing the windscreen. Ketomaki was slowed by a broken cross member and Kosciuszko stopped when his gearbox casing broke. Paddon was pulling away from Cantinud an p191 18 ROD KOCH Ride once again \\ith the author, Rod Koch. and share his adventures as he struggles to gain another victory in the epic Baj a 1000. His first autobiography, 7 Years from Start to Finish. covered the early years of the Baja races from 1968-197'. up to the moment when the author became a first place winner in that incredible endurance race down and around the Baja Califomia peninsula. When the Grwi Flag Drops continues those ad~-entures in off -road racing through the 1980s not just in Baja. but back in the 0. S. A. with e\'ent:, tike the Parker 00, Casinos 350, Mint 400 and lhe Riverside Off-Road Championships. The author then makes the transition into the intensity of the Pro-Rally race scene. bringing the reader along with him :is he takes on some of the best and fastest off -road Md performance rally drivers in North America. The :tCtion streaks across the High Sierras from San Francisco to Reno, from Las Vegas to Laughlin. :-ierada. from Carson City to Virginia City to Yerington, through the rain, mud, snow. e\en the heat of the Mojave Desert near Palm Springs and east or Indio, wherever the dirt mountain and desert roads of the performance and Pro-Rally circuit goes. You are there with the author in the co-<lriver's ~at for what may be the ride of your life-if you dare. ~ BIH~ llutlrrn·er q•s+156/;-58o3-6 JSIINl~Softco,·,r. 9'&-J-15oS·58a!·Q JSll:il3cBook. <r,6-1➔56,'!-,X/,.,.3 l'uhlished bl' Xlihns •ru_rr, ~. C:ilJ S;jS. '95-42"·\ exx "8'9, order onlinr at www.xlibris.com. \\,\\\,amazon.com, 'tl,\-w,lm.com. or "isit your kx.1ll hookslore. Xlibns Page 17
Jari-Matti Latvala and Miikka Anttila were the bronze medal winners Arminda Araujo and Miguel Rama/ho lost an engine in their Mini-Kimi Raikkonen and Kaj Lindstrom drove their Citroen 0S3 to a in Portugal, seen here in their Ford Fiesta RS. Cooper on the 12th stage, seen here in brighter times. seventh overall position in the Portugal Rally, seen here at speed. L----------·------·--..J Page 18 May 2011 problem in stage 6 which meant Breen beside extending his lead to over 48 seconds, was now ahead of Kaur and Fisher. Day 2 - 6 Stages -Gravel -148.l0kms Kimi Raikkonen had his sus-pe ns ion re-set overnight and things were better. Al Qassimi still had slight misfire while Villagra had his anti-lag system re-set which made the engine run better. Of the 70 cars which took the start of the rally only two failed to restart on the Sat• urday, Sousa because his six rolls off the road left his Fiesta too badly damaged and the Academy driver Calle Ward because he had engine trouble. The day started with good news for Ford, whose two team cars started first and second on the road • it had been raining! To what extent this would affect the conditions and whether each stage would be affected similarly, was impossible to tell. Anyway Latvala had a smile, "Yes, it was a nice surprise to wake up this morning." In fact the stages were cleaning more than the first day, early running was not now such a good idea. The first and second stages were more twisty and the third had a stretch of newly prepared ground. As the crews lined up for the restart, Petter Solberg's codriver Chris Patterson explained that there was no clever decision to stop on the final stage the day before, "We had no choice. W e had lost so much time on the stage, therefore it was better not to complete the stage -and anyway, we could not run on the road after the stage with a flat tyre." Ostberg restarted, reporting that the problem had been a broken crown wheel and pinion, the differential, which had broken. Missing during the morning was van Merksteijn. Citroen later stated that the cal¥e of his retire-ment was unsure, only that the car had started to show warning alarms after a water crossing. Overnight the FIA had given permission for DMack to change the compound of tyres used on this event, from the softer G2 to the harder G4. The Michelin tyre debate continued however. Petter Solberg: "Of my three punctures yesterday afternoon, one was due to an impact, so I cannot complain, but the other two • they were slow punctures, the tyres just started to lose air for no reason." Michelin person-nel said they hoped to have their better tyres available in Jordan, but only if they could be sure that they could be available for everyone. The assumption that Michelin's fond association with the new French-based regime at the FIA would help the Citroen cause, however, was not proven at all, far from it. On Day 1, Solberg's punctures cost Ogier time, and then on the second stage of Day 2 something even more dramatic was to happen. Hirvonen punctured, stopped to change the wheel and set off shortly before Loeb arrived. This cost Loeb around a half minute and made the Frenchman really upset, "He didn't let me pass, he destroyed my race, I didn't have a puncture, he did. It's finished, I can only go for third now." Isn't he a pessimist? By the midday halt Ogier was 6.9 seconds in front of Latvala with Loeb third. Ogier was not immune from trouble though. At a watercrossing, a lot of water entered the car through the roof scoop and made his codriver Ingrassia's pacenotes very wet, "I spent the rest of the time holding the notes into the ventilation air stream, trying to dry them out!" Matthew Wilson still sensed his engine was not perfect but was going well in fifth place, "It wasn't so bad today as the stages were not so hilly!" The Minis were starting to get tired. Araujo's car needed push-start-ing because of a starter motor problem and to ease the stress on the engine the power was turned down. Oliveira had a warning light constantly flashing so he eased his speed, and then on stage ten he stopped to change a flat tyre on a stage. The afternoon was a disaster for Ford. After the dramatic stage ten, Latvala was just 6.9 sec-onds behind Ogier, and with the stages nicely cleaned he was look-ing forward to a race from now onwards, but it was not to be. Ogier pulled out another four seconds on stage 11, then just be-fore the end of stage 12 Latvala's rear driveshaft failed, "We felt a strange vibration before then, so we had a warning not everything was good." He then had the prospect of another stage, 22km long, struggling along on three-wheel drive. "There had been an impact, no other warning." This was compounded by a puncture on stage 13 for which he had to stop and change a wheel. Also on stage 13 Hirvonen had a disaster when a link to the rear suspen-sion failed. Both Ford drivers 1ost around three minutes on that stage. The most bemused driver was Sebastien Loeb who found he was being slowed by dust from both the works Fords. So at the end of the day Ogier led Loeb by a comfortable 37.6 seconds, too great a margin to cause any discussion at this point about team orders. ·Matthew Wilson was up to fourth and in front of Hirvonen. More Ford trouble came with the news that Al Qas-Dusty Times
Mikko Hirvonen and Jarmo Lehtinen finished first off the podium in Matthew Wilson and Scott Martin drove their Ford Fiesta RS to fifth Petter Solberg and Chris Patterson drove their Citroen DS3 to a sixth Portugal, seen here at high speed in their Ford Fiesta RS. place overall in the rally, seen here cornering hard right. overall finish, seen here slightly off course. simi had pulled a wheel off his car and stopped, his codriver Michael Orr sustained bruising. Araujo was struggling as his Mini was only firing on three cylinders. The problem was getting worse so the team ordered him to stop before the chance to determine the cause of the damage was lost. Teammate Oliveira was struggling on slowly, determined to bring one of the Minis home to the fin-ish. Trouble came to the Stobart cars. Mads Ostberg had to stop again, this time with power steer-ing trouble. Then came news that Henning Solberg had slowed for the same reason -although this time it was caused by an in-advertently unsecured cap to the fluid reservoir. There was better news for brother Petter however, three fastest times during the day had seen him recover from 20th overnight to finish the d ay in 9th place overall... although his deficit to the leader had in fact increased by 12 seconds! Hayden Paddon continued to lead the PCWRC category despite front brake trouble and some instability in the rear sus-pension but behind him there was trouble. Second place Grondal stopped after a wa-ter crossing for a minute, then the cross member broke wh ich caused a track control arm to be dislocated and a driveshaft failed. Grondal: "Vibration was so bad we could not go more th a n 70khp!" Third p laced O leksandr Saliuk had electrical trouble and crawled through the morning stages. Guerra spun, M oura was more concerned with his national championship chances, Ketomaki had parts of the car's underneath protection come loose. One person a little h appier was DMack tyre-user Semerad as h is tyres were now more suitable. On the first stage of th e afternoon both Linari and Protasov stopped. On stage 12 Saliuk stopped with shock absorber trouble, Harry Hunt with clutch trouble while second placed Grondal rolled off the road, his Subaru was some 40 metres off the track. Grondal' s accident elevated Ricardo Moura into third place and assisted Pad-don to increasing his lead at the end of the day to more than six minutes, now ahead of Benito Guerra. But just before the fin-ish of the last stage of the day, t~ last section counting for his national championship, Moura himself stopped with gearbox failure. Then on the run back to Faro Flo d in stopped on a road section with an electrical problem. The Acad emy drivers com-pleted their competition. Craig Breen lost his lead when he m isheard a pace note on stage Dusty Times ten and lost six m inutes. Kaur and Fisher jockeyed for position behind Breen and Fisher briefly went ahead but went off on stage 12 and Kaur took the lead on the penultimate stage, the last of four differen t leaders over the course of the event. Victor Henriksson used his experience in the R2 and on the Portuguese stages to bring his Fiesta home safely in second place. C hristian Riedemann proved consistency pays to claim the final spot on the WRC Academy podium ahead of Pirelli Star Driver Bren-dan Reeves in fourth and Fisher who nursed his Fiesta back to finish fifth. T he lady driver Mol-ly Taylor finished eighth after going off the road. Six different drivers scored fastest stage times during the event, each gaining su pple m ental champion s h ip points. Kaur was the best of the ten finishers out of the ·18 drivers at the wheel of identical Fiesta R2 cars, all with Pirelli tyres. Day 3 - 4 Stages - G ravel - 104.86kms All the Academy drivers with-drew at the end of Day 2, accord-ing to schedule. Two PCWRC drivers also failed to restart. The G uest driver Ricardo M oura stopped very close to the end of the final stage on Saturday and Yuriy Protasov both with gearbox failures. The final day consisted of two stages run twice, the second/fourth formed the Pow-erStage for the end of the event, giving__ drivers the· chance of a high speed recce the first time through! This was quite an un-usual stage, the longest and quite the twistiest with some softer sur-faces. For the top runners there was nothing to be gained by fighting for position but circum-stances continued to take their toll. Hirvonen h ad a broken driveshaft half way through stage 15, so having pulled in front of Wilson on stage 14 he was then back to 5th place again! Al Qas-simi restarted notwithstanding codriver Michael Orr's painful ribs ("we had spare ribs for d in-ner last night", he joked). The greatest excitement of the morning was the attack by Petter Solberg, still trying to make up for his lost stage on the Friday even in g. He had pulled back to ninth place by stage 12 on Saturday, and with one stage to go today he was now seventh . H irvonen once again got back in front of Wilson, and just as the rally seemed to have lost its sting the drivers headed off for the final two stages with the top 19 competitors in compulsory reverse order. Rain then came, with a vengeance! Drivers still running with standard hard com-pound tyres reported that the now-bare, cleaned surfaces were like ice. Some drivers had an eye on the final stage and tried where possible to preserve their tyres, others like· Petter were still on the attack everywhere. Henning Solberg, still finding he lacked confidence, now had a suspected turbo problem. Latvala reported the car did not turn-in as it should. Loeb said that if condi-tions continued like this for the final stage, the supplemental points would go to the first cars through the stage and as he was running 19th there was no point in trying at all. Flashback memo-ries of 1000 Lakes in 1999? Hap-pily not so, the final stage was dry, Loeb was again clear in his objectives and made fastest time on the final stage. Petter Solberg finally passed Raikkonen to take sixth place. O liveira tried to cut a corner and instead went off the road and retired. stage, just dropping out of the PCWRC points. In the PCWRC Paddon broke a rear suspension arm (a spare of which he was carrying, an d which he managed to replace on the ensuing road section), while Guerra lost five minutes with a turbo problem, dropping from an impressive second place to a disappointing fourth. Flodin found his suspension was getting softer while Nicolas Fuchs went off the road and down a hills.ide, finishing a reported 40 metres from the track. Flodin then had transmission trouble and drove slowly in two-wheel-drive without gearbox oil through th e final Ogier had cruised through the final day to gain his second successive win in Portugal and another 1-2 placing for C itroen with h is teamm ate Mr Loeb. The 3-4 result for Ford with Latvala and Hirvonen enabled the team to retain its lead over Citroen in the Manufacturers' series while Hirvonen and Loeb are equal leaders in the Drivers' series, though for the purpose of calculating who starts first on the road in Jordan, this privilege will go to Loeb. The DMack-tyre user Martin Semerad contin-ues to lead the Production Car championship ahead of Hayden Paddon. l.A.Ji:!!C: 45th Vodafone Rally do Portugal (Pl Lisbon-Faro 24/27.03.2011 WCR round 3, PCWRC round 2 WCR points WCR WCD PC 1 (2) Sebastien OGIER/Julien Ingrassia F Citroen DS3 (Ml WRC BF911XB (F) 4h.10m.53.4s. 25 25+ 1 -2 (1) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena F/MC Citroen DS3 (Ml WRC BF735XB (Fl 4h.11m.25.2s. 1818+3 -3 (4) Jari-Matti LATVALA/Miikka Anttila FIN Ford Fiesta RS (Ml WRC PX60AVK (GB) 4h.14m.15.5s. 1515+2-4 (3) Mikko HIRVONEN/Jarmo Lehtinen FIN Ford Fiesta RS (Ml WRC PX60AVJ (GB) 4h.17m.09.7s. 12 12 -5 (15) Matthew Wilson/Scott Martin GB Ford Fiesta RS (Ml WRC 1ES (GB) 4h.18m.41.9s. -10-6 (11) Petter SOLBERG/Chris Patterson N/GB Citroen DS3 (Ml WRC BH482BM (F) 4h.21m.10.8s.(1l 10 8 -7 (8) Kimi RAIKKONEN/Kai Lindstrom FIN Citroen DS3 (M) WRC BF660XB (F) 4h.21m.47.5s. 8 6-8 (7) Federico VILLAGRA/Jose Diaz RA Ford Fiesta RS (M) WRC PX60AVO (GB) 4h.22m.32.2s. 6 4-9 (5) Henning SOLBERG/Ilka Minor N/A Ford Fiesta RS (M) WRC PX60AVE (GB) 4h.25m.09.8s. 4 2 -10 (9) Dennis KUIPERS/Frederic Miclotte NUB Ford Fiesta RS (Ml WRC PX60AUY (GB) 4h.28m.48.0s. 2 1 -11 (38) Hayden Paddon/John Kennard NZ Subaru lmpreza (Ml PC3 SI 043532 (Dl 4h.33m.33.4s. --25 12 (18) Bruno Magalhaes/Paulo Grave P Peugeot 207 (M) S2000 14DT16 (Pl 4h.34m.55.4s. ---13 (52) Karl Kruuda/Martin Jarveoja EE Skoda Fabia (Ml S2000 14R0200 (CZ) 4h.37m.16.9s. ---14 (10) Khalid AL OASSIMI/Michael Orr UAE/GB Ford Fiesta RS (Ml WRC PX60AWP (GB) 4h.38m.03.5s.(3l 1 --15 (25) Jukka Ketomaki/Kai Risberg FIN Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X (M) PC3 A3910 (FIN) 4h.41m.13.3s. --18 16 (26) Martin Semerad/Michal Ernst CZ Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX (D) PC3 01R0102 (CZ) 4h.42m.46.0s. --15 18 (39) Benito Guerra/Borja Rozada MEX/E Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X (Ml PC3 Tl104642 (HJ 4h.47m.12.7s. --12 19 (32) Valeriy Gorban/Sergei Larens UA Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX (M) PC3 AA74001B (UA) 4h.47m.16.7s. --10 20 (30) Oleksandr Saliuk/Pavel Cherepin UA Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX (M) PC3 AA0122CT (UA) 4h.48m.10.9s.(2) --8 22 (14) Peter VAN MERKSTEIJN/Eddy Chevallier NUB Citroen DS3 (M) WRC BF231XC (F) 4h.50m.33.0s.(5)---23 (20) Bernard Ten Brinke/Davy Thierie NUB Skoda Fabia (M) S2000 BAS 149 (CZ) 4h.52m.05.2s. ---24 (22) Michal Kosciuszko/Maciej Szczepaniak PL Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X (M) PC3 DS705PC (I) 4h.53m.02.0s.(4) --6 26 (2~) Majed Al Shamsi/Killian Duffy UAE/IRL Subaru lmpreza N14 (D) PC3 DUD9BZH (GB) 4h.54m.17.3s. -- 4 27 (53) Spyros Pavlides/Denis Giraudet CY/F Ford Fiesta (M) S2000 PX59AXA (GB) 4h.54m.23.3s. ---28 (29) Bader Al Jabri/Stephen McAuley UAE/IRL Subaru lmpreza N14 (D) PC3 OU10ADX (GB) 5h.01m.58.7s. -• 2 29 (21) Patrik Flodin/Goran Bergsten S Subaru lmpreza N14 (M) PC3 E677EA (197, RUS) 5h.02m.57.1s. --1 30 (31) Aleksey KikireshkoNadim Chernega UA Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX (M) PC3 AA26221X (UA) 5h.06m.18.8s. • -• 31 (6) Mads OSTBERG/Jonas Andersson N/S Ford Fiesta RS (M) WRC PX60AVF (GB) 5h.10m.22.8s.(8) • -· 32 (33) Dmitry Tagirov/Anna Zavershinskaya RUS Subaru lmpreza N14 (M) PC3 M968KM (197, RUS) 5h.10m.59.0s.(5)---35 (27) Harry Hunt/Steve McPhee GB Citroen DS3 R3T (M) PC3 L510XOX (GB) 5h.15m.06.9s. --· 36 (19) Erik Van Loon/Harmen Scholtalbers NL Skoda Fabia (M) S2000 BAS 138 (CZ) 5h.17m.56.5s.(4)--· 70 (18 PCWRC) starters. 38 (13 PCWRC) finishers. MANUFACTURERS' DRIVER. D•DMack tyres; M•Michelin. PC3 = PCWRC Class 3. (Missed stages or road sections) Winner's average speed over stages 92.16kph + • Power stage points LEADING RETIREMENTS LAST STAGE COMPLETED (12) Daniel OLIVEIRAICarlos Magalhaes BR/P Mini John Cooper Works (M) 1 PR0400R (GB) suspension damage 16 (16) Bernardo Sousa/Antonio Costa P Ford Fiesta RS (M) WRC PX60AVN (GB) accident 6 (17) Armindo Araujo/Miguel Ramalho P Mini John Cooper Works (M) 1 OY11BYJ (GB) engine 11 (23) Gianluca Linari/Nicola Arena I Subaru lmpreza N14 (M) PC3 DW355PX (I) suspension (3) 16 (24) Anders GrondalNeronica Engan N Subaru lmpreza N14 (M) PC3 OU60EZZ (GB) accident 11 (34) Yuriy Protasov/Adrian Aftanaziv UA Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X (M) PC3 NM04197 (D) gearbox 13 (35) Nicolas Fuchs/Ruben Garcia PER/RA Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X (M) PC3 DZ213ZS (I) accident 14 (43) Ken BLOCK/Alex Gelsomino USA Ford Fiesta RS (M) WRC PX60AUV (GB) Shakedown accident 0 (49) Ricardo Moura/Luis Ramalho P Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX (M) PC3 DE549CF (ll gearbox 13 RALLY LEADERS Hirvonen stages 1-3, Ogier 4-6, Latvala 7-9, Ogier 10-17. PCWRC LEADERS Grondal stage 1, Paddon 2-17. The Route Special Stages Total Distance Crews Restarting Day 1 Lisbon (Thursday 1525) - 6 gravel-129.14km 515.49km" (1-7) Algarve Stadium -Algarve Stadium - 1 asphalt-3.27km Algarve Stadium (Friday 1840) Day 2 Algarve Stadium (Saturday 0900)-6 gravel-148.10km 454.38km 68 (8-13) Algarve Stadium· Algarve Stadium (Saturday 1845) Day 3 Algarve Stadium (Sunday 0710) -4 gravel-104.86km 393.68km 43 (14-17) Algarve Stadium -Algarve Stadium (Sunday 1509) 17 stages-385.37km 1363.55km May 2011 Page 19
JVIA Members: USMC wants Johnson Valley For A Bombing/Gu_nnery Range This is an incredibly long message, but I think you will agree it is important to us. You may know some of this, but maybe you don't. I will try to recap the history as briefly as possible. As I hope you have heard by now, there is a proposal to expand the 29 Palms Marine Base (Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center) into the designated Open Riding Area in Johnson Valley, across Hwy 247 from our community. The expansion plans have been in the works for several years. A study was begun under the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA). The Marines presented six alternatives for expansion; Johnson Valley was the one they wanted most. They told us the terrain to the east was not as suitable, though there few people live nearby to be disturbed by 48 hours minimum live fire air-ground combat. Scoping meetings held in December 2008 had a better attendance than anticipated, since the planners obviously did not know anyone lives here. Several focus group meetings were held at our Community Center, hosted by the Partnership for Johnson Valley. (This group began as a coalition of off-road groups active in land use matters such as California 4WD Association and Friends of Giant Rock. They soon championed the cause of people and businesses here. Many visitors come to Johnson Valley for reasons other than off-roading, but we are all off-roaders in the sense we can't get very far out there without an off-road vehicle of some sort.) JVIA wrote a comment for the Environmental Impact Study, strongly opposing the loss of these public lands, the economic impact it would have on nearby businesses, the County of San Bernardino, and the State of California. We questioned the actual need for this expansion, as the Marine training is already excellent. In their comment of January 2009, County Land Use Services agreed with us: "The EIS must include a full justification for the expansion. Much of the justification that the County and public have seen to-date in preliminary presentations involves the need for large units and large-scale ground maneuver Page 20 training. The Department of the Navy should assess the warfare situations that may likely face Marines in the next 25 years and whether the more likely future scenarios will be similar to the current engagements of small units in semi-urban settings. . " T h e public has expressed several concerns regarding existing uses of the Johnson Valley property for recreation, by the film industry and for development of valid existing mining rights. The County concurs that those issues must be addressed, including potential off-site effects that could occur should such current uses be displaced. The EIS must address and propose possible mitigation for the public values lost. If recreation use is simply displaced without providing alternative areas for use within the same travel parameters, then the EIS must address the costs to both BLM and local law enforcement agencies to deal with trespass and resource damage that would likely occur. "While the NEPA process focuses primarily on environmental impacts, we urge a comprehensive consideration of socio-economic impacts. Many businesses in the Lucerne Valley area survive on the basis of the outdoor recreation use of Johnson Valley. The EIS should address the potential losses in that area that might occur as a result of lost recreational opportunities. "Hazardous materials related to unexploded ordnance, ordnance fragments, and noise impacts from maneuvers should be addressed relative to health and safety of residents in the vicinity. Air quality issues related to dust and other particulate matter that would result from large scale maneuvers must be addressed. While we are aware that the current ambient air quality may well be affected negatively from recreation uses, that use is largely limited to weekends. Military training would, we anticipate, be much more intensive and over longer periods of time." Maybe if they fenced the entire area, instead of leaving the border largely unmarked as it is today, we might believe that unknowing visitors will not find themselves trespassing (a Federal offense, or possible injury or death). After analysis of the comments received during the scoping period, the Marines came up with another alternative. Only 1 % of thousands of comments and petition signatures urged they take over Johnson Valley. So their new Alternative Six tried to appease the 99% of objectors by: 1) reducing the area to be withdrawn from public use (in the northwest, stopping the takeover at the Edison power lines, no doubt because re-routing the line would involve the Public Utilities Commission). 2) setting aside the rest of Johnson Valley for exclusive military use, except for a small portion to the south: 3) this remnant includes the camping area by Means Dry Lake and part of the world-famous Hammers rock trails. It would· be designated as joint use ... they would battle over it two months a year, and we would be allowed onto it for the resi: of the year. BUT only after the battlefield is declared safe for us to enter by the Commander, and who know how long that will take? Alterna'tive Six seems even more out of touch with reality than the original plans. There would be enormous difficulty notifying visitors that the joint use area is closed. Many visitors today are just finding out about the expansion plans, after over two. years of publicity. Carl Ripaldi, an environmental specialist of LA Metro and a Johnson Valley property owner, is studying the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) recently released. Among his comments so far is, "I do not support the partial usage scheme because some day, some one or ones will be injured or killed. We are vulnerable to human error. And despite assurances of the military, sometime, someday, someone "woulda, coulda, shoulda!!" But May 2011 won't!! Live ordnance will be fired or left within an area accessed for recreation and there will be a tragedy. Friendly fire happens all the time in training and combat exercises. There is no guarantee that it won't happen here. "The area is too big to monitor and patrol." And if tragedy or trespass occurs, then the remnant, too, will be closed forever. Carl also mentions that the DEIS says the expansion will have no visual impacts to the residents of the area. The glaring lights of Baghdad City and newly installed beacons are already an impact, and they are on the existing Base. New beacons and desert maneuvers will light up our dark skies even more, and they are not addressing this. And he mentions lack of restriction from the airspace above our homes; low flying helicopters are already terrible. As far as the escalating noise is concerned, they project doubling ordnance activity including dropping bombs from aircraft. Carl says they make no mention of vibrations at all. Broken windows miles from the explosions, empty tortoise shells near the border, an increase in anxiety levels among the neighbors, they have to know this is happening. Plus under Cultural Resources, they do not mention the historic eligibility of Johnson Valley or other neighboring homestead communities, and the impact of the light, noise and vibration on them. The recent 150 mph wind dramatizes the likelihood of disruption of training schedules. Accuracy hitting the targets can be questioned with unpredictable high winds. The last bombardment right near the border with Johnson Valley makes this iclea even scarier. What can we do? Go to one of these meetings this week in Joshua Tree, Ontario or. Victorville: The Bureau of Land Management currently administers the public lands in question. BLM and Marine Corps representatives will be on hand to discuss and answer questions on the proposals. Comments on the segregation of the land or DEIS may be submitted at these public meetings in writing, or a stenographer will be available if you want to submit an oral comment at the meeting. All written comments must be postmarked or received by May 26, 2011, to be considered. Written comments may be submitted via the website below, or mailed to: Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Southwest ATTN: 29 Palms EIS Project Manager 1220 Pacific Highway San Diego, CA 92132 You can download a copy of the DEIS ( a huge file), or find where hard copies are available for review, on www.marines.mil/ unit/29palms/ las. BUT REMEMBER YOUR COMMENTS ARE NOT VOTES. This matter will be decided in the US Congress a few years from now. Senator Feinstein in her "Desert Protection" bill last year, said Johnson Valley would have national protection as a recreational area-the part that the Marines don't want. Congressman Jerry Lewis thinks the Marines should have whatever they wish. So no help so far from our representatives from California. Not a surprise. ' ' If you have family or friends in other states, they can ask their representatives. to vote against this. Any help will help. Support groups like the California Association of 4WD Clubs as they spread the word all over the country. See www. cal4wheel.com The question always arises, will any of this do any good? Who knows? But doing nothing won't do any good either. Johnson Valley is public land, set aside long ago for free riding on any trail, camping and family recreation. We have very little freedom left to explore anywhere we want. We live here and own property here to have more quiet days and stars at night. This is only one of the threats to our rural community, but it is The Big One. Remember to submit your comments before May 26. Dusty Times
You Know That This venue Is The Best way To Get Your Product -Don't Be Penny Wise And · EXAOSUr F olish . f -Dusty Times May 2011 Page 21
REGIONAL AT GLEN HELEN curt Geer Takes Limited Buggy By Homer Eubanks Photos: Trackside Photo It was a nice win for Curt Geer in the Alumicraft limited Buggy fracas, he took the win with seven seconds in hand, here flyin' to the victory. It was a good race for Shelby Anderson at the Lucas Oil Glen event, a great win with less than a second in· hand at the flag. ... The first Southern California Lucas Oil Off-Road Regional short course event was held at Glen Helen Raceway April 2. Presented by Daystar, the grass roots event was a decent kick-off to this new racing series. The weather was nice and the Lucas Oil crew pulled out all the stops for this inaugural event. The car count topped out around 70 so some of the classes could use more competition, but as they say it only takes two to race. Fans had all the amenities, such as grandstands, vendors and ample restrooms for their comfort. All this for the price of $10 admission for race fans. The event duplicated the Pro series in format with one heat John Harrah had a really good day, he took the Pro 2/Pro lite/Super lite win at Glen Helen, John is seen here in his big Chevy. Tyler Winbury was the big winner in the Black Rhino Unlimited fracas, Tyler is seen here nicely airborne at the Glen. race and then a main event. A total of eight Pro 2/Pro Lite and SuperLites made up their heat race. With the green flag in the air John Harrah jumped out front and quickly distanced himself from Todd Cunningham and Dawson Kirchner. Harrah was able to get away from the battle for second which did get heated. In fact it became such a battle that Kirchner was warned by the officials after the race for his rough driving. At the finish the front three positions remained the same with fourth taken by Sheldon Creed. In the main Harrah again was the early leader with Dawson Kirchner a close second. Harrah was able to ull a few len ths ahead· of Kirchner but Kirchner closed up towards the end to make Harrah earn his victory. Dawson Kirchner took second with Sheldon Creed taking the final podium spot. Ste-ven Herrera finished fourth. There was plenty of profes-sional style short course racing provided in the CMI Precision Machining Adult Trophy Kart class as Jeremy McGrath set fast time in practice then lined up with Kyle LeDuc, Casey Currie, Chad Leising and Brian Deegan. Once the racers were let loose in the heat McGrath jumped out front with LeDuc shadowing his every move. LeDuc was able to close up on the last lap and some contact was made in turn three but McGrath held his line to take the win. LeDuc was second and Currie edged out Chad Leising for third. In the main McGrath started to repeat his heat effort but spun in turn three on lap three. This dropped him back to third behind LeDuc and Currie. McGrath was able to better his position by slip-ping inside of Currie in turn two. Catching LeDuc was out of the question as LeDuc had a four sec-ond lead that McGrath couldn't make up. Kyle LeDuc took the win with McGrath second and Currie third ahead of Chad Leising. Bradley Morris was the big winner in the Modified Kart race, he had almost seven seconds in hand when he took the checkers. Kevin Sacalas took top honors in the Trophy lite fracas, he had 23 seconds on his closet competition at the checkers. A combination of classes pro-vided some different type of com-petition for the fans as the Cam-burg Mini Open/ 1450 & Trophy Dawson Kirchner had a decent event at the Glen, he finished 2 seconds A good day for Bryan Osborn, he captured second place honors in the Myles Cheek cut it sorta close in the Jr 2 Kart event, Myles is seen behind the leader and had half a minutes on third spot. Black Rhino Unlimited event, seen here nicely airborne and goin 'home. here at speed on his way to the ever elusive checkered flag. Page 22 May 2011 Dusty Times
It was a silver medal finish for Sammy Gutierrez in the Jr. Kart event, Jerret Brooks took the silver medal in the Modified Kart races, he's he had 24 seconds on the third place finisher, here at speed. seen here nicely airborne on his way to the checkers. For Loren Healy it was a long second place finish in the Camburg Mini Open, Loren had 32 seconds on the next car at the finish. Lite / Mini Stock/ Open V8 were There were a total of nine Black several lengths behind. From the bunched into one. In fact the Rhino Unlimited UTV/SRl and beginning Winbury laid down V8 Open ran its heat race alone a couple of Pilots on course for consistent laps to take the win but with only three finishers they the first heat race. It was front row by several lengths. Michael Bo-were later added into the mix in setter Tyler Winbury that read the jorquez charged hard throughout the main. Driving his Open V8 starter best. Winbury was head- the event, actually sliding sideways Kevin Sacalas was able to hold ing into turn one with the pack over the back straight jump, but off Loren Healy in the heat with Nathan LaRusso third. When they came out for the main event the V8's out powered the competition allowing Sacalas to take the over all. Healy was again second with LaRusso third. Brian Cannon was fourth. Mike Halliday took an easy heat win in the Pro Buggy and Desert Buggy class. Halliday was able to get away from Randy Minnier early and kept the real estate between them all the way to the end. Third place went to Garrett George with Stephen Estes fourth. In the main event Halliday once again jumped out the leader but a mid-race mishap took him off course for a few laps. With Halliday out of the hunt Randy Minnier took control and was able to hold off Garrett George for the win. Third was Alan Fricker. Nine Modified Karts lined up in the heat but the race for first ended u·p being between Mitch Guthrie Jr. and Trent Williams. Williams had the early lead but once Guthrie slipped by he was able to hold off the hard charging Williams. After a few laps Guthrie shook loose and was able to put some distance between them. Wil-liams held for second and Jerett Brooks took third. Bradley Morris was fourth. In the main Guthrie again jumped out front and had a commanding lead for several laps before spinning out in turn four. Guthrie retired a lap later. This gave the lead to Bradley Norris with Jerett Brooks third. When the race ended it was Morris crossing over first. Second was Brooks with Trent Williams third and Sheldon Creed was fourth. [I] HJ(: MOTORSPORTS lrylnulner • 100 Gallon Capacity • Stngle or Double Dry Break • EZSetUp • Affordable lndyCar Fl Technology lec11aert11 •Dump Cans •Hose • Reducers • Filler Necks & Caps Behl.eta • Snell SA 2005 Foroed Air Helmets • Wired for Communication & Ear Bud Ready • Racing Optics Tear Offs • Universal and Custom Molded Ear Buds • Helmet Skirts • Shields Iool lirn1 lower Systems • Highest Flo'tt'ing Systems I • 105, 135, 150, 235 and 250 Cf)( Rating& • High Flow Filters & Custom Hoses • Trophy Kart Kits for Driver & Clutch Cooler was able to recover and take sec-mph. Bryan Osborn turned in ond from Bryan Osborn. Osborn another hard drive to earn second. held third while Taylor George fin-Third was Gary Thompson cross-ished fourth. The day belonged to ing over ahead of Robert Wilson. Winbury as he again laid down the The Jr Kart 2 event had eight fastest lap of the race by turning a racers competing in the heat race final lap with a speed of 54.026 C1ntinu1d an ,11124 y c--v ....... .,... • Vertex 5 to 110 Watt Radio Systems • Hi-Fi Intercom Systems • Chase & Race Packages • Base Station Packages • Crew Chief & Kart Packages b Car C&lllera Syat • • EZ 1 Button Operation • ExclUBive Racer X Hotorsports Package • 5.7 hours of High Resolution recording time • Up to 12 hours of operation on 4AA Lithium Ion Batteries • Can be Interfaced to Intercom for full audio experience :XCe11n1 • 411/2 Gallon Capacity • SCOR!/ BITD / FIA Approved • Tapere4 Design ProTides Inoreu6' Groud Clearuce & lluimizes Usable Fuel • Fuel Level Sending Units Available • Caps, Necks, Hose, Filters and Pumps Available The biggest class of the day totaled 19 starters in the Alumi Craft Limited Buggy/1600/Lite /Class 9 division. Right from the get go it was Sammy Ehren-berg heading Curt Geer around turn one. These two had a close race throughout with Zachary Hunt shadowing them hoping for one (or both) to make a mistake. Hunt's hope paid off when Geer missed a shift, dropping him to fourth. Geer didn't stay behind Hunt long and retook his spot before the checkers. Geer could not find an opening around Eh-renberg. Third was Hunt and a distant fourth was Bradley Morris. Things got turned around in the main event. Again the front three left the pack to race for fourth but this time it was Curt Geer taking the win with Zachery Hunt second and Sammy Ehrenberg crossed over third. Missing out on the po-dium was Geoffrey Cooley. YOUR SOURCE FOR PROFESSIONAL RACB PRODUCTS Dusty Times 10815 Wheatlands Avenue, Suite K • Santee, CA 92071 619-258-RACE (7223) • Fax 619-258-0883 • www.RacerXms.com May 2011 Page 23
Garrett George was really looking for a wild finish in the Pro Buggy Sammy Ehrenberg took third place honors in the AlumiCraft Limited Sheldon Creed took the bronze medal in the Pro 2 contest, Sheldon event, he had to settle for a 2nd place in class, well behind the leader. fracas, Sammy is seen here power sliding to the checkered flag. was 32 seconds behind the winner when he flew to the flag. Casey Currie drove his Ford to a third place finish in the Trophy Kart It was a third place finish in Black Rhino UTV for Gary Thompson, Jeremy Davis kept his foot buried most of the time but still ended up Main Event, he's seen here at high speed. he's seen here nicely airborne on his way to the checkers. in third place for the JR2 Kart race, here at very high speed. but none of them could match the consistent laps put down by Myles Cheek. Cheek's clo·sest competi-tion came from Jeremy Davis but at the checkers Cheek had pulled out a comfortable win. Davis -crossed over second and also had some distance between himself and third place Shelby Anderson. Danny Mollineda was fourth. The main event provided more excitement as early leader Shelby Anderson lost the lead in turn two when Myles Cheek slipped by. Cheek held the lead for most of the race but saw the win go by when Anderson out jumped him on the table top jump. Anderson then headed to the checkers with Cheek a close second and third was Jeremy Davis. Missing the po-dium was Danny Mollineda. The Jr Kart 1 class had 12 racers lined up waiting for a green flag. Once the race got underway it was Kudos to Randy Minnier for his great win in the Pro Buggy competition, Randy had a bit over 16 seconds in hand when he took the flag. Travis Pecoy taking advantage of the same while Cole Dexheimer his inside front row starting spot had third covered. Dexheimer had by leading the pack around turn spun, or got lost for a moment, one. Darren Hardety Jr followed allowing the front two to get some with Philip Winbury third. By the distance on him. But he got things second lap the front two remained together before loosing too much A good day for Zachary Hunt in the Alumicraft Limited Buggy showdown, Zackary was a bit over seven seconds in arrears at the checkers. ground. When the checkers flew it was Travis Pecoy proving himself unstoppable. Hardesty held second and Dexheimer held third. Missing the podium was Ricky Gutierrez. In the main event Travis Pecoy again showed speed that the others could not match. Sammy Gutierrez kept things together all 12 laps to take second and third was Philip Win-bury. Darren Hardesty Jr crossed over fourth. It was a bronze medal finish for Philip Winbury in the Jr. 1 Kart race, Philip was a mere four seconds out of second spot. Trent Williams took third place honors in the Modified Kart main event, It was a third place finish for Alan Fricker in the Pro Buggy contest at he's seen here just at landing on his way home. the Glen, Alan was a full 30 seconds behind the class winner. Geoffrey Cooley ran his AlumiCraft buggy to a fourth place finish in Ricky Gutierrez gave it all he had but this race he was only able to take We believe this Kart belongs to Kyle LeDuc, he took the win in the the Limited Buggy 1600 event at the Glen Helen Raceway. a fifth place finish in the Alumicraft Limited Buggy fracas. Adult Trophy Kart Main Event, he's seen here nicely airborne. Page 24 May 2011 Dusty Times ..
' ----~" I AT PRAIRIE CITY Boarman Takes Sportsman Class Text & Photos: Troy Robinson It was a good day for Patrick Timmons, he was the overall winner in the Class 10 fracas, seen here just at liftoff. Derek Boarman finished in second place in all three motos and adding it all up he was the overall for the Sportsman Class. The second race of the 2011 is in pace this race the course was changed the infield was added as well as an the books that provided some great considerable. While the traditional outer loop from the east turn up to racing in the classes. For a change of track was in place an inner loop into the hills. The total track distance would be 1.4 miles total extending the fastest lap time by nearly 40 sec-onds to 1:44.3. That time was posted by stand in driver Bobby Martin in Sam Berri's car 149. Sam was busy pre-running for the upcoming Silver State 300 race and his crew chief gladly stepped in to take over duty and keep the points up. The new inner loop also added a wall jump that cars weren't able to hit at any speed being about 15 feet high and vertical at the top. VORRA promoter Wes called the wall a turn placed vertical. While most drivers complained about the launch Wes simply stated that you slow down for turns, this is just a vertical turn, slow down to go over it. Well the majority of drivers prevailed and overnight the jump was cut down so it could be taken at speed. The wall still pro-...--------------------------Keenan Rogerson had a really great event, he was declared to overall winner in the UTV1000 Class, he's seen here in beautiful, level flight. It was a nice win for Dennis Jean at the VORRA race, he beat out his competition and was quite happy to take the overall win in UTVBOO. vided some great air time. Showing the spirit of the race was the #42 sportsman team of Max Baggett. He blew up his transmission in practice on Saturday and had re-placement parts available. So during the evening his crew and a bunch of other teams helped out and split the case on his gearbox and replaced the transmission inners. After 2am they were done and ready for the next day less a couple of parts that were brought out the next morning. Good job by the team and all that helped out the get him to the start line in time. With the larger track layout more cars could be on the track at a time so class combining turned out to have 4 groups racing 3-motos. In a group by themselves 11 UTVs entered the race and provided some great racing. After the national anthem it was time for racing with the sportsman class. Jumping out front early was Bill Hermant (91) followed by Derek Boarman (11), Max Baggett (42), Bill Minteer (10225) and Mark Dahlen (82). Boarman was debuting a beauti-ful new car this race while Dahlen got the award for the furthest tow ,, too the race coming from Bend Or. Just 2 laps in though and Baggett was slowed and stopped having the drive flange come off the transmission. By mid-race Hermant was out front with a sizable lead over Boarman while Minteer was slowing. This allowed Dahlen to catch up and at the white flag made the pass for 3rd place. At the finish Hermant was 1st with Boarman 2nd, nearly a lap behind was Dahlen followed by Minteer. I I I I I I I I Performance Proven fo#r Desert & Off-Road Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding &Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks Quality Products & Friendly Service RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-0759 • www.ronco-plastics.net 15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX us to Receive a Free Catalog VISA ~-------------------------------------------------------~ Page 26 May 2011 Dusty Times .,.
a In Group Tit was KC Keller taking a really nice win, KC is seen here saving a bit of tire wear as he heads to the checkered flag. In moto 2 Hermant once again the transmission would hold up this jumped out front with Boarman, time. He was up to 2nd and by mid Baggett close behind. Minteer broke race was in the lead with Boarman his rear suspension early into the in 2nd. Hermant was slowed up by race and he pulled off track and out a throttle cable that came off thus of the race. Baggett was on the move allowing him to just idle around for after taking a slow start to make sure the remaining laps of the race. At It was a good day for Jay Schroeder, he took the win in all three motos and that gave him the gold medal for the Class 9 action. the finish Baggett was the winner mant worked his way up to 2nd drop-with Boarman close behind in 2nd. ping Boarman back to 3rd. With just Dahlen outlasted the competitiqn a couple laps to go Baggett clipped and finished in 3rd place. the inside berm on the new upper In the final moto Baggett jumped loop and pitched the car onto its out front early followed by Boarman, roof. The roll was gentle but the top Hermant, Minteer and Dahlen. Her-of the engine wasn't protected and the air intake was damaged dropping him from the race. Hermant then moved to the lead and was followed close behind by Boarman at the fin-ish. With the consistent second place finishes Boarman was declared the winner for the day with Hermant 2nd and Dahlen 3rd. Next up was the class lO's where the Red Team Racing car 1029 was driven by announcer Brian Butcher rocketed out of the gate to the early lead with Tyler Mort (1022) and Patrick Timmons (1030) close be-hind. Mort worked his way around Butcher into the lead and a lap later Timmons was up to second now. Timmons quickly got to work on Mort and into the lead. Butcher wasn't done yet and made a move on Mort and into second. He now set his sights on Timmons and gave him a run for his money all the way to the finish line. In moto 2 Bill Lott was pilot of the Red Team car and was out front with Timmons 2nd, Jim Carius Continued on page 28 It was a third place finish in the Sportsman Division for Mark Dahlen, Jake Hallenbeck reaches for the sky on his way to a second place It was a decent second overall finish in Class 9 for Eric Steiger, Eric he's seen here sans some fiberglass. overall finish in the Group T battle, looks great to me. is seen here in level flight headin' for home. Dusty Times May 2011 Page 27
Tyler Mort is seen here grabbin' a bit of air as he sails to a second Bill Minteer drove his really good looking buggy to a fourth overall The group at Red Team Racing didn't have the best of races, they overall finish in the Class 10 action. finish in the Sportsman race, he's seen here just at touchdown. had to settle for a third place finish in the Class 10 action. (1033) 3rd and Tristan Butcher tak-ing over the driving in 1022. Tim-mons put pressure on Lott and got around him for the lead. Lott stayed close but couldn't gain any ground and settled for 2nd. Butcher made his way around Carius and finished in 3rd. In the 3rd moto Butcher jumped out front in the 1022 with Timmons 2nd. VORRA chief Wes Harbor took the helm of his Red Team Rac-ing car and was running 3rd but blew a tum onto the new section and fell back to 4th behind Carius. While trying to catch up Harbor later blew a tum again and settled for 4th in the moto. Final results for class 10 were Timmons, Mort/Butcher, Red Team Racing and Carius. In the class 9 races Jay Schroeder (903) went flag to flag in all 3 motos for the overall win. Eric Steiger (952) flew his swing axle to a second place finish. It was pretty amazing watching Steiger hit the wall fill throttle and not lift catching incredible air time. Dave Oram (909) broke a ball joint early in moto 1 and it took him until moto 3 to get it replace. He finished 2nd in the final moto but was 3rd for the day. With 11 UTVs entered the class is split into 800cc and 1000cc limits. Early in the first moto and 1000 class driver Ricky Leard (1910) went off course from 4th place and took a violent roll. Leard was ok but was taken to the hospital for a check out just to be sure. Meanwhile as the first Bobby Martin, driving for Sam Beffi was the easy winner in all three motos which gave him the Class 1 overall victory. Joel Counts took the overall honors for the Pilot classification, Joel is seen here nicely airborne, heading for the checkers. lap was still underway Jon Crowley (1965) was landing off a jump when the back end stepped out sending the car into a roll over. Crowley was okay but the car was done for the day. Those that continued to race were chasing down leader Keenan Roger-son (418) with Dennis Jean (1959) close behind. Joel Counts (12) was the lone Pilot and started behind the other 10 UTVs. He was up to 3rd. Results for moto 1 for the 1000cc class were Rogerson, Sean Cook (1930), Bill Hermant (1991) and Kyle Morehead (1907). The 800cc results: Dennis jean (1959),Brandon Cook driving Dennis Jean 's desert car (1956), and Chris Willing (1954). In moto 2 Sean Cook was up front from the start but bicycled out of the lead. This moved Jean to the front with Rogerson and Willing up a spot The larger motor in Rog-erson' scar moved him around Jean and into the lead. Don't forget about Counts in the Pilot moving his way up as he was in 3rd by now. At the finish it was Rogerson, Counts, Jean, Willing, Brandon Cood and Richard Gildersleeve (1983). The 3rd moto was led early on by Jean once again with Rogerson, Will-ing, Hermant and Sean Cook giving chase. By the 2nd lap Rogerson was into the lead followed by Jean, Will-ing and Counts up to 4th. Brandon Cook worked his way up from 7th to 3rd at the flag. The final results in the 1000cc class: Rogerson, Sean Cook, Bill Kreisel was the only Ultra 4 entered so it was just a matter of completing the Hermant and Morehead. The 800cc required laps, Bill did just that and won the gold medal. class: Jean, Willing, and Brandon arm. This put them out of control tra 4 was in the mix until the last lap Cook. For a small fee underclass rac-and into a violent roll. They were ok when Kreisel got into the mix of it ers can take an "underdog" option but the car was done for the day. This and ended up rolled in the last tum, and race for the faster class prize let Martin take all three moto wins this allowed Hallenbeck to pull up money. Dennis Jean (1959) did just for the day. alongside but Keller edged him out that and not only took home 1st Bill Kreisel (407) was the only at the finish line. place money for the 800cc class but Ultra 4 entered and he finished all 3 All in all it was a good day of rac-2nd place money for the 1000cc class motos well with the combined classes ing. We now leave the short course as well. . of Group T and class 1. and start preparing for the desert In class 1 there were but two cars: In the Group T battle Jake Hal-series. The summer series will in-Sam Berri with Bobby Martin driv-lenbeck (637) pulled out early in elude 3 races and have a separate ing and Shannon Harwell (132). In front of KC Keller (738). Keller gave point's championship. The series the first moto Martin pulled the lead chase for 4 laps until Keller finally will begin with VORRA's signature and Harwell wpi; close behind. At made a pass for the lead. The 2nd race in Yerington on memorial day the wall jump Harwell stayed in the moto was much the same with Hal-weekend, then move to a new race gas to keep up and hopefully pull up lenbeck out front until the white flag the USA 500 in July outside of Reno alongside Martin. He landed big and lap when Keller made a pass for the and yet another new and one and Bill Hermant had good finishes in the three motos and was able to snag second on the left rear snapping the heim win. Moto 3 was carbon copy of the only this year 24-hour race on Labor overall in the Sportsman contest. pivot on the rear suspension trailing first two motos but Kreisel in the Ul-Day weekend. ;:====::=:==============,,:;::===--..:;_ _____ :__ ___ .:..,_ __ __, );5 ,,,.... The fourth place finisher in the Class 10 action was Jim Carius, Jim Chris Willing was the second overall finisher in the UTVB00 contest, In the UTV1000 battle it was Bill Hermant taking a decent third place is seen here just after takeoff on his way to the checkers. he is seen here just after takeoff racing for the checkered flag. overall finish, Bill is seen here bracing for the landing. Page 28 May 2011 Dusty Times
***** HELP ***** We need your help. This is our 28th year of reporting all the off road racing and rallying that takes place here in the good 'ol USA and elsewhere in the big wide world and we need to know more about YOU than we do now! Please be good enough to fill out the demographic study on this page (it only takes a few minutes) and return to Dusty Times within the next thirty days. Your anonymity is guaranteed. Thanks for your help r -- - -- ------------------------ -., I A. PERSONAL I 1. Your Age ____ Spouses Age ___ _ 2. SexM □ F □ 3. Married D Single D Divorced D 4. Self Employed D W-2 Wage Earner D 5. Annual Household Income $ __________ _ 6. 0wnHorne? D Rent D 7. How Many Children ____ _ Ages Sex _______________ _ 8. How Many People In Your Household _____ _ 9. How Many Read Dusty Times ____ _ 10. Highest School Grade 12th D 2 Yr College D 4 Yr College D 11. Spouse 12th D 2 Yr College D 4 Yr College D 12. How Many Television sets in Your Horne? _______ _ 3. Do You Own An Off Road Race Car-Yes D No D Pre-runner D Motorcycle D Other D Brand Name Of Tires You Use ____________________ _ 4. How Many Off Road Events A Year Do You Compete In? _____ _ 5. How Many Times A Year Do You Support Others While They Are Racing? _____ _ 6. How many times a year do you just go to watch? _____ _ C. ANNUAL EXPENSES 1. Dollars Spent Annually On Race Vehicle 2. Race Related Travel, Hotels, etc. 3. Tobacco Products 4. Alcoholic Products 5. Race Car/Motorcycle Tires 6. Fuel for on/ off road vehicles 7. Repair/Maint. on Motor Horne 8. Repair/Maint. On Tow Vehicle $ -------------$ -------------$ -------------$ -------------$ -------------$ -------------$ -------------$ I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 13 . How Many hours A Week Do You & Family Watch TV? ____ _ 9. Repair/Maint. On Car Trailer $ -------------I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. I I I I B. VEHICLES 1. Total Street Licensed Vehicles Owned Cars Trucks Trailers Motor Hornes Motorcycles ____ _ Quads ____ _ Brand Name Of Tires You Use _____________________ _ 2. Do You Compete Off Road? Yes D No D Driver ·D Co-Driver D I. - - -----------Dusty Times D. LOCATION 1. What State Do You Reside In? ____________ _ 2. What Is Your Zip Code? ____________ _ 3. What Is The Population Of The City/Town You Reside In? Rural D Over 5,000 D Over 25,000 D Over 50,000 D Over 100,000 D Please Mail To: Dusty Times Dept. GS 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 - - - ------------May 2011 - -.I Page 29
! j. I ! ! I J J ~ , , , , t , , , ' ' ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I l.J\.12C: RALLY OF JORDAN Dgier/·Citroen Take The Gold By Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden -. Bernardo Sousa and Antonio Costa drove their Ford Fiesta to the SWRC win in Jordan, they finished a marvelous 10th overall in the rally. championship points on the two man's agreement between Citroen preceding MERC events (Qatar and Ford about acceptable future and Kuwait) entered this event. tactics. Al Attiyah came with maximum Celebrations were expected points from his two wins. The from teammates and friends for combined total of 40 crews were Henning Solberg for whom Jor-entered. The MERC crews were clan was his 100th WRC event all happily esconsed in the Sevice start, following on from the simi• Prak by Wednesday morning but lar achievement by his younger of the WRC crews there were just brother Petter five years earlier. bare empty patches of ground... A celebration in his honour was Sebastien Ogier and Julien Ingrassia drove their Citroen DS3 to the gold medal in Jordan, seen here on one of the dirtier stages. Although the route was basi• orginised for the pre-event Ford cally virtually the same as before, "Happy Hour", but this activity the Power Stage itself was as usual was cancelled because of the boat the final stage. The car regrouping crisis. On a technical front, this took place just before the stage was was the last time the engines of the run and so only on this stage did New Generation World Rally Cars the top runners compete in reverse were free of homologation and order. The finish of the final stage sealing constraints before their Citroen and Ford have emerged joint leaders of the world rally championship after the first four rounds, when Sebastien Ogier scored his second successive vic-tory, beating Jari-Matti Latvala to the top place by just 0.2 second in Jordan. This was the shortest margin in the history of special stage world rallying. The running of Jordan Rally was threatened by chaotic travel plans made by the major teams, which were com-pounded by unforeseen problems and led to.the first day of the event being cancelled but ended with a fascinatingly exciting event. In the support SWRC category the Portuguese driver Bernardo Sousa claimed his first win in the series. The third visit by the world ral-ly championship to Jordan could not have started off in a worse way. There were difficulties trying to coordinate the opportunities, and then changes in preferences, by the top teams on how best to bring equipment was followed by a chaotic series of misfortunes. The RoRo boat which should have arrived in Haifa in Israel on the Saturday evening prior to the start broke down and only even-tually docked on the Wednesday morning. Although Haifa is only a few hours from the Dead Sea, the equipment, which included the dedicated recce cars for Citroen and Ford, had first to be unloaded and then pass through two differ- crews travelled to Jordan by air. was only 10km from the service designs are frozen by the FIA and ent frontier controls before reach-The character of Jordan Rally park where the finish podium was_ specifications settled. ing their destination. The prob-itself remained unchanged, the situated. The highlight of the rally At 01.15 on Thursday morning !ems were heightened because only fully three day round of the continues to be the 41km "River the caravan of 37 trucks even-the rally was due to run 24 hours WRC planned to run Thursday Stage", which runs parallel to the tually, with a full police escort earlier than usual schedules. Reece through Saturday, rather than River Jordan where it marks the through Jordan, arrived at the could not wait, and the organisers Friday through Sunday. The ls-border between Israel and Jordan. Dead Sea service area and finally made arrangements for a quantity lamic weekend making this format This has been for some time the the unloading could begin. The of four-wheel-drive vehicles to be easier for local fans and organisers longest stage in the championship. veteran truck drivers reported that available for rent. The boat even- alike. The event counted for the It is a quite unique stage because the boat which let them down was tually started to unload lunch-time support Super 2000 WRC series, almost alone of the stages on this the same boat that had caused Wednesday, and by evening the 37 for which this was round two, and rally there is roadside foliage. chaos before the Cyprus Rally in trucks, complete with containers, alongside the WRC event ran the Latvala's codriver Miikka Anttila 2005! The final hurdle was a delay were heading south-east across third round of the FIA's regional explained, "There is more green- to the convoy because the truck Israel towards the border with Middle East championship. The ery beside this stage than the rest carrying the Michelin tyres had Jordan. MERC category was held over the of the rally put together. It means incomplete paperwork for enter-The battle for Jordan Rally Friday and Saturday stages, with this is the only stage of the rally ing Israel. Earlier the Arabic fun therefore started well before com-the option originally for drivers with blind corners, bends which and games had already started. petitors reached the Middle East- also to run on the Thursday, and you enter when you cannot see the The Middle East championship em country, indeed it was actu- therefore qualify for the full WRC exit. Also, it is the only press conference was held without ally getting to the country which as well. stage of the rally that is flat." two major figures being present. proved to be the biggest challenge Of the seven drivers contest-The loose gravel surfaces on The legendary driver Michel Saleh of the event. A late decision by ing the SWRC category only two the hard packed ground on all was removed from the press room the Citroen team not to join a (Nasser Al Attiyah and Karl Kru-the stages were a handicap to the by security guards for wearing combined team budget-friendly uda) competed in round one, first cars on the road through the an incorrect pass, while Mazen transport project meant fellow Mexico, so the other five (half of morning stages. First day running Tantash was introduced as the top teams had to find an alternative the registered championship con-order was based on the current Jordanian driver, in the absence routing. The problem was that the tenders) make their first appear-championship standings, but af-of Amjad Farrah, quite the most original transport route passed ance this year in Jordan. There ter Portugal Mikko Hirvonen experienced Jordanian, but whose through Syria, which the Citroen were fewer competitors entered and Sebastien Loeb were joint competition licence had been team did not accept, and alterna- this year than on the two previous leaders. Under tie-deciding rules suspended following arguments tive transport through Israel had times the WRC had been to Jor-Hirvonen's earlier victory in Swe-in public with officials after alle-to be arranged for all concerned at clan, 31 entries for the full event den meant he started in front of gations of receiving bribes which short notice instead. This change of which nine were also registered Loeb, notwithstanding'that Loeb influenced rally results. Then four also affected Ford, Prodrive and for the MERC category, plus an-had a higher individual points of the confirmed entries from the promoters North One Sport, other nine that would appear for score in Mexico. These extreme Kuwait failed to appear, appar-who all brought equipment to the the first time on the Friday and road-cleaning conditions led to ently on account of a competition event this way, though most of the qualify only for the MERC event. elaborate tactical manoeuvres last licence issuing dispute between teams' competition cars and the All 12 drivers who had scored FIA year and ultimately to a gentle- rival authorities in the state, Jab-------------------------.-------------------------, Karl Kruuda and Martin Jarveoja piloted their Skoda Fabia to second Mikko Hirvonen and Jarmo Lehtinen finished fourth in· their Ford Alberto llovera and Diego Vallejo drove their Fiat Abarth Grande place in SWRC, they finished 11th overall in the rally. Fiesta RS, seen here coming out of a long left handed sweeper. Punto to a 17th place finish overall in the Jordan Rally. Page 30 May 2011 Dusty Times
A rutted course, many enthusiastic spectators and Jari-Matti latvala and Miikka Antilla drive their Ford Fiesta RS to second overall in the rally. ber Al Marri's Subaru was not ready on time and the Jordanian Ahmad Mihiar had to withdraw as his personal liberty was restricted on account of investigations into his private financial affairs. It had been hoped that various drivers-from Qatar would enter but the state support for crews to enter this event was not granted as part of an ongoing dissatisfaction at the national federation regarding perceived unfairness of allowing (old generation) S2000 to compete on equal terms with orthodox Group N cars. Welcome to the Middle East! The plan for the changes to the rally were finally settled. The organisers had very much wanted to run just a shortened first day on the Thursday afternoon, one run round the loop of stages, but Citroen were not happy. At a con-Dusty Times sultative meeting of all interested parties, they said that their cars needed far to much work down on them_pnce the containers reached the Dead Sea, so they would not be ready. Day 1 was therefore can-celled altogether. Shakedown was to be held on the Thursday early afternoon before the cars were taken the 93km to the Ceremonial start at the Jerash Roman arena north of Amman and then back again ready to start the event on Friday morning. Gradually the ef-fect of the shortened competitive routing became clear when the running order scenario became evident. Current FIA rules do not specify any minimum stage distance for full points to be al-located, but more relevant in a sporting sense was that Mikko Hirvonen would no longer have to clean the stages on the first loop Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena finished third overall in their Citroen DS3, they were 27 seconds behind the rally winner. due to be run on the Thursday, which would have been 36km, but now had to clean the stages on a much longer loop of 72km. Drivers came back from recce (run one day later than the sched-uled Tuesday/Wednesday) re-lieved to find that the rally seemed to be happening, but recce was not easy. Forget the difficulties of judg-ing sight-lines on a very undulat-ing event when seated high-up in a 4x4. It was more a matter of the ve-hicles themselves. Latvala: "Mak-ing sure we did not damage the tyres or the vehicle itself was a full time job in itself, I did not actually make the pacenotes. I was happy to be in a proper rally car when we eventually did the Shakedown." The stages were going to be as unfriendly for front-runners as ever, Loeb: "For sure even running second car will be a disadvantage for me." Good news however for fellow Citroen drivers Petter Sol-berg and Sebastien Ogier, which was not what Loeb wanted. "As for strategy, that is·a difficult thing for me in my position." Finally when the rally started to achieve normality there was the chance to consider the effect of the one real novelty of the event, Michelins' "Mark 2" tyres, devel-oped after problems on the ear-lier rounds of the championship. There was good news here. Nick Shorrock, Michelin competition chief, said they seemed to have found a happy compromise be-tween performance and puncture resistance yet still demanding a small change in the handling char-acteristics. Time had been limited for the teams to test the new tyres before the event, but Ford drivers stated they were impressed, adding (6X4 VW .NON BEAOLOCK " I 7X8 TRUCK BEAOLOCK -GEN. 2 15X8 TRUCK BEAOLOCK *" I 7X8 VW 8EAOLOCK 17X8 TRUCK SIMULATED LOCK 15Xl2 VW BEADLOCK 15X7 VW BEADLOCK I 5X7 VW NON BEADLOCK 15X4 VW BEADLOCK I 5X4 VW NON BEADLOCK WIEB.S CAN ALSO BE Ct/T ~ WELDEI) TO aJSTOH DIIENSIO/tS May 2011 that when they had finished the schedueld pre-event test work they went out and tried deliberately to puncture the tyres but without success. The start list came out on the Thursday afternoon, showing just 29 crews for the WRC event. There was no differentiation be-tween the SWRC and the MERC event so far as the route was con-cerned but there were an extra five extra cars running only for MERC-points, a total of 34 cars in all. All the cars were to run at two-minute intervals but with a quarter hour gap before the final five cars, competing only in the MERC category, set off. This was a strange arrangement, it meant that Nasser Al Attiyah was running up to three quarters of an hour ahead of some of his MERC rivals. Day2 Finally it was all back (almost) to normal, certainly for Citroen whose drivers took advantage of their running position. There were the usual three stages per loop done twice, but the final stage of each loop was the famous River Stage. At the head of the field Hirvonen struggled with his road cleaning role while for second running Loeb it was not so bad and indeed he was fastest on the first stage to be run. Ogier meanwhile came up, tying with Loeb for the lead after the second stage and going into the lead after the third so at the midday halt was 7.2 seconds in front of Petter Solberg, who was ahead of Loeb by just .2 of a second. On the Continued on page 32 Page 31
road section after the first stage Oliveira stopped. A water hose had broken and the engine was in danager of damage from run-ning too hot. Hirvonen, "It was impossibly slippery, the worst I have ever seen on gravel," he said, I think it is harder cleaning the road with these new stiffer tyres. The roads are so solid that the tyres do not flex themselves on the loose surfaces like the original softer tyres did." Latvala had a big moment and voluntarily drove off the road rather than risk sliding into rocks, fortunately without consequence, while Solberg had pulled up to second despite his car being pulled into loose sand in a slow bend. It was immediately noticeable how difficult the rally was for drivers who had not ral-lied here before -especially on account of the problem of drivers with unsuitable recce cars. Ost-berg found it all very difficult, but nevertheless was up to sixth, the best of the Ford customer drivers. Peter van Merksteijn said "We found blind crests that we never saw from our 4x4 in the recce!" Henning Solberg had an unhappy centenary event, hitting a rock and damaging the engine's sump. The teams had good reports about the new Michelin tyres, so far, but the absolute test would not be made until the afternoon, when the surfaces were expected to be appreciably hotter than in the morning. Oliveira stopped on the road section after the first stage with engine overheating, caused by a small slit in water hose. 0~ the second run of the loop of stages, Latvala made best time on the first two stages in the after-noon, climbing up to second place overall - assuming for the moment this was a Good Thing, on account of the road cleaning situation on the final day but he was not taking any risks on that score. At the end of the penultimate stage Ogier led with Latvala 6.4 seconds behind, then Loeb was another 13.5 sec-onds later. That was the price in terms of penalties for ensuring .that two, not one Citroen would be in front of Latvala on the final day of the rally? It was going to be expensive. He had to slow just over 20 seconds before the end of the stage while Ogier raced ahead and finished the day 31.6 seconds ahead of Loeb. The final morning will tell if it was worth it ... Ogier, "We weighed up what to do, and finally decided that if we could fin-ish the day half a minute in front, that was going to be enough." Loeb meanwhile was the innocent party in all this, only Latvala had the opportunity to dictate for-tunes. For a while he assumed it would be better to attack, but he nearly threw everything away with a huge moment, driving for a long way on two wheels before finally he could regain control. Behind the top three came Petter Solberg, fourth place 35.3 seconds behind the leader, suiting his tactics very well. Hirvonen however was al-ready over a minute off the pace, but then for 16km he had to drive the final stage with power steering failure. Best of the rest was impres-sively Kimi Raikkonen, in front of Wilson and Al Qassimi, delayed at one point when the official tracking system mechanism came loose and fell behind his pedals. On the first stage of the afternoon Ostberg stopped with transmis-sion failure, then on the next stage Spyros Pavlides in his private Fiesta S2000 stopped for the same reason. Van Merksteijn finished the day with more confidence than when he started. In the SWRC category, the Skoda of Guest driver Hijazi failed to start, having power steering problems on the shakedown and being unable to find parts with which to effect repair, Brynildsen also had this problem was able to start the rally. Brynildsen however then went off the road on the sec-ond stage of the rally, damaged the suspension and abandoned for the day. Al Attiyah was pulling ahead of his rivals, fighting not so much for the category lead as for his sponsor, "We still feel. bad about the exclusion in Mexico, especially because we never knew anything about it. Arab newspapers said that we cheated, and this has caused our main sponsor (Barwa) to rethink their support for us. We need this win to convince them!" Gassner was finding his way,the first serious occasion he has to drive Skoda. At the end of the day Al Attiyah had a lead in the category of nearly two minutes, despite a misfiring engine, in front of Sousa, who had a power steering problem. Gassner started to go better, making one fastest stage time in the category and . getting ahead of Turan, but then had a three minute delay with a puncture which dropped him back again. Day3 Would Ogier's 33.ls lead in front of the top Ford of Latvala be enough as the condition of the stages on the final day were un-predictable, but it probably would be. He certainly started off losing time on a regular basis through the first loop of four stages while third running Latvala gained all the time. After three stages Lat-vala had passed Loeb into second place. Petter Solberg however failed to make up as much ground as he had hoped. At the end of the first loop Latvala was 18.9 seconds behind Ogier, and it looked like Ogier would be safe. Latvala: "The two Citroens ahead are really pushing hard, judging by the rocks that they have scat-tered behind them on the stages." Then came the thought, were the Citroens actually being driven that hard? Was this a natural result of the new stiffer Michelin tyres? When the same stages were run for the second time the cleaning effect would be virtually gone, and anyway the final stage, the Power Stage, was run with the top driv-ers in reverse order which would completely nullify the changing conditions. Loeb was out of the frame by now, delayed by an over-s hoot and by the unfavourable conditions generally. Hirvonen was also out of contention but a little happier, "We measured the way that we had lost time on the first day and found the way Ogier was losing time today was to the same margin. That takes a load off my mind." The challenge of the event was unrelenting. Peter van Merksteijn went off the road and the impact damage caused him to abandon. Raikkonen took time to gain full confidence. Wilson stalled in a stage. Villagra was going cautious-ly with fluctuating oil pressure. Back in action were both Henning Solberg and Mads Ostberg. Hen-ning, "Yesterday it was a small bit of rubber which blocked the oil system and caused me to stop. Nobody could tell why. The sump was not damaged any more than anyone else's. Real bad luck." Ost-berg was using his time to test out solutions with Sardinia in mind. Also back in the fray was Daniel Oliveira in the Mini tackling the stages as a general test session. Next casualty was Petter Sol-berg. Spectators said that he lost control over a jump and when he was controlling his landing the car ran wide into the under-growth and the rocks prevented him driving back onto the road again. Raikkonen punctured and lost fifth place to Wilson. All the while Latvala was charging. Even second time through the stages he was unexpectedly still able to take time off Ogier. After stage 17 the gap between Ogier and Latvala was down to 10.2, after stage 18 to 5.3 and then there was mystery on stage 19. Ogier, still running first car said he had to slow to avoid a rock on the road and lost some two seconds -this allowed Latvala to pass him into the lead, by a margin of just 0.5s going'. into final "Power Stage". Ogier said the rock had been put in the road de-liberately. The final stag~ provided all the drama one might need. Hirvonen, who was lying fourth overall, and Ogier scored equal time on the Power Stage, to the tenth of a secopd, but Ogier got the extra championship point by four-hundredths and more than that he snatched victory on the rally by just 0.2 seconds! Latvala, "We were all on the limit. It is difficult to know where I could have improved. Sometimes if you try too hard you make a few little mistakes." Big news in SWRC was the re-tirement of the leader Al Attiyah. The misfiring he had suffered the previous day had been assigned to a broken spark plug and the problem was thought to be trivial but it was not. His engine stopped with a holed piston on the first stage of the day. Sousa went in to the lead and cruised round to a maiden win in the category. Brynildsen was back in action and won all but one of the stages during the day. Sousa: "When I saw Nasser parked up beside the roa_d I was completely distracted. I could not think what to do, then a few corners later I spun!" Sousa also impacted a rock which split his sump guard. On the final loop Turan, lying third, found there was a fire in his car so he stopped. On the final Power Stage Sousa had a damaged shock absorber on his rear suspension and staggered over the final line, happily intact. In the championship stakes Citroen and Ford were now equal on points in the Manufacturers' series, though with three wins to their credit Citroen hold the lead in this series. Eight points cover the top four competitors in the Drivers' series with Sebastien Loeb now in the lead by two points from Mikko Hirvonen. In third place Sebastien Ogier has become the first driver to gain the maximum possible points tally under the new system, 28 in total for victory plus his fastest time on the Power Stage, just three points ahead of Jari-Matti Latvala. The nearest of the other drivers was over 35 points behind the gang of four. In the Super 2000 WRC 17 year old Karl Kruuda, the youngest competitor in the series, finds himself holding a five point lead ahead of Prokop and Sousa, the category winners on the two rounds held so far. l.AJ2C: 3rd Rally Jordan (HKJ) Dead Sea 15/16.04.2D11 WCR roond 4, SWRC roond 2 WCR points WCR WCD SC 1 (2) Sebastien DGIER/Juien Ingrassia F Citroen DS3 (M) WRC BFBOOXB (F) 2h.48m.28.2s. 25 25+3 • 2 (4) Jari-Matti LATVALA/Miikka Anttila FIN Ford Fiesta RS (M) WRC PX6DAVM (GB) 2h.48m.28.4s. 1818 • 3 (1) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena FIMC Citroen DS3 (M) WRC BF137XC (F) 2h.4Bm.55.9s. 1515+ 1 • 4 (3) Mikko HIRVONEN/Jarmo Lahtinen FIN Ford fiesta RS (M) WRC PX60AVL (GB) 2h.51m.12.9s. 1212+2 • 5 (15) MatthewWbon/Scott Martin GB Ford Fiesta RS (M) WRC lES (GB) 2h.54m.13.1s. • 10-6 (8) Kimi RAIKKONEN/Kai Lindstrom FIN Citroen DS3 (M) WRC BF660XB (F) 2h.54m.43.1s. 10 8 • 7 (7) Federico VILLAGRA/Jorge Perez Companc RA Ford Fiesta RS (M) WRC PX60AVO (GB) 2h.57m.46.9s. B 6 • 8 (10) Khalid Al OASSIMI/Michael Orr UAEJGB Ford Fiesta RS (M) WRC PX60AWP (GB) 2h.58m. 11.9s. 6 4 -9 (9) Dannis KUIPERS/Bjorn Degandt NUB Ford Fiesta RS (M) WRC PX60AUY (GB) 3h.02m.55.7s. 4 2 • 10 (24) Berna,do Sousa/Antonio Costa P Ford Fiesta S2000 (M) SWRC PX59AVG (GB) 3h.03rn.33.7s. - 1 25 11 (26) Karl Kruuda/Martin Jarvaoja EE Skoda Fabia S20D0 (M) SWRC 14R 020D (CZ) 3h.03rn.55.4.s • • 18 12 (27) Hermann Gassnar/Katharina Wustenhagen D Skoda Fabia S200D (M) SWRC Kl521CR (A) 3h.05m.55.8s. · -15 13 (6) Mads OSTBERG/Jonas Andersson NIS Ford Fiesta RS (M) WRC PX60AVF (GB) 3h.06m.03.9s.(3) 2 · • 14 (5) Henning SOLBERG/Ilka Minor NIA Ford Fiesta RS (M) WRC PX60AVE (GB) 3h.10rn.29.9s.(3) 1 • • 15 (55) Nicolas AmiounUChady Bayrouthy RUIRL Mitsubishi lancer Evo (M) 3 6457388 (Rl) 3h.1Bm.36.4s." • • • 17 (30) Alberto Uovara/Diego Vallejo ANDIE Fiat Granda Punto S2000 (M) SWRC DL998WL (I) 3h.21m.07.2s. • -12 18 (28) Eyvind ilrynildsen/Cato Menkerud N Skoda Fabia S2000 SWRC BAS 135 (SK) 3h.26m.55.2s.(5)--10 19 (12) Danial OLIVEIRA/Carlos Magalhaes BRIP Mini John Cooper Works (M) 1 PRD400R (GB) 3h.26m.57.3s.(3) • -• 29 (6 SWRC) startars. 23 (5) SWRC) finishars. MANUFACTURERS' DRIVER. (M)•Michalin tyres. WinnM's avarage speed ovar stagas 92.44kph (record). (Missed stages or road sections) + • Power stage points. lbest Group N finisher. LEADING RETIREMENTS LAST STAGE COMPLETED (11) Pettar SOLBERG/Chris Pattarson N/GB Citroen OS3 (M) WRC BH528BM (F) accident 16 (14) PetM VAN MERKSTEIJN/Eddy ChevalliM NUB Ci1roen OS3 (M) WRC BF231XC (F) impact damage 14 (23) Nasser Al Attiyah/Giovanni Bernacchini DAIi Ford f11sta S2000 (M) SWRC PX59AXA (GB) engine 12 (29) Frigyes Turan/Gabor Z~ros H Ford Fiesta S2000 (M) SWRC 750BDK (EE) fire 18 (49) Ammar Hijazi/Joseph Matar HKJIRL Skoda Fabia S2000 M SWRC E56664 (OXB) withdrawn 0 RALLY LEADERS Loeb stage 7, Loeb & OgH!f 8, Ogiar 9-18, Latvala 19, OgiM 20. SWRC LEADERS Al Attiyah stagas 7-12, Sousa 13-20. The Rout a Spacial Stages Total O~tanca Crews Restarting Day 1 stages abandoned Day 2 Dead Sea (Friday 0B45) • 6 graval-144.30km 333.92km 28 (7-12) Daad Sea-Dead Sea (Friday 1723) Day 2 Dead Sea (Saturday 0730) • 8 graval· 115.26km 281.02km 27 (13-20) Dead Saa· Oaad Sea (Saturday 1613?) 14 stages-259.56km 614.94km Day 1 cancellecHransportation delays. Ceremonial Start at Jerash Roman area Thursday at 1730. Free transit back to Dead Sea secvice park on Thursday. Weathar: hot and dry. No stagas in darkness. leading Spacial Stages positions 1 2 3 4 5 6 Latvala5432 --0gi8f36212· Loeb31361 -Hirvonan3--343 P.Solbarg 1 2 5 11 • H.Solbarg • • 2 • 1 1 OstbOfg----43 Raikkonen • • • • 1 5 Wison·····2 SWRC Brynildsen won 7 stages, Al Attiyah 5, Gassner 2. Positions in Wo<ld Championship for R8"ias (WCR): Crtroen Total WRT & Ford Abu Dhabi WRT 130 points, M-Sport Stobert Ford WRT 43, lea 1 Racing 26, Pettlf SoffJelg WRT 22, Munchi's Ford WRT 20, Team Abu Dhabi WRT 13, Ferm Powartools WRT 10, Monstlf WRT 6. Laading positions in World Championship for Driven (WCOt, Loeb 74 points, Hirvonen 72. OgH!r 69, Latvala 66, P.Solbarg 31, OstbMg 28, Wison 22, Raikkonan 18, . Villagra 12, H.Solbarg 10, etc. Posilions in Super 2000 WRC Round 218 (7 avants to countt. Kruuda 30 points, Prokop & Soosa 25, Hanninen 18, T anak & Gassn8f 15, etc. Matthew Wilson and Scott Martin plowed their way to a fifth place Petter Solberg and Chris Patterson had an accident on Stage 16 and Kimi Raikkonen and Kaj Lindstrom finished sixth overall in their Citroen overall finish, seen here in their Ford Fiesta RS. their Citroen DS3 was abandoned amongst the rocks. DS3, seen here at high speed on the rally route. Page 32 May 2011 Dusty Times f
Dusty Times Dear Race Fans: It has come to my attention that a long time racer with multiple championships in the 70's and 80's, and multiple podium finishes has recently be struck with terminal cancer. His first bout with cancer, three years ago all seemed good, but the cancer has returned with a grim prognosis. I'm writing about a friend and off,road racer Tom Haliburda. Since 1971 Tom has devoted his life to off,road racing. He has achieved 3 SCORE Championships at Riverside Raceway, 2 Baja,Cross Championships, 2 AMSA Championships and he was one of the first of early experimental developments like quad shocks on each corner of his Class 8 truck (featured in Off,Road Magazine, 1974.), and invented trussing of rear axle tube housing-whatever that means. Tom has placed in the top three in 50 out of 150+ races, and recently raced with his sons in the NORRA 1000 only to breakdown 30 miles from the finish in La Paz, Mexico. A week or so ago I was visiting with and his sons when he started talking about racing. Before ' I knew it? hours had gone by, but it seemed like only 10 minutes. To hear so many incredible stories of racing with people like Mickey Thompson, Parnelli Jones and Dick Cepek and other early pioneers who paved the way for off road racing to be the sport it is today. It was then that Tom told us that if he had one wish it would be to race one more race, so that is what he intends to do. He is planning to race in the SCORE 500 this June, 2011 but his race truck needs modifications and man hours that he doesn't think he can handle. His truck needs some shocks, a fuel cell and some other odds and ends to bring his safety gear up to specification. So if anyone has any suggestions, _extra parts or expert mechanical ability or would like to get their hands dirty, myself and his family would love to hear from you and all sponsors will be adver, tised on the truck our website and by the Team. Sincerely, '}lt1~ ~. fan and friend. Matthew Deskin For more information of the race truck status/ questions or concerns, please contact haliburdaracing@rocketmail.com. Please put "Race,truck" in the subject line. May 2011 Page 33 . i !
-fiNl,111985 BAJA 1000 Steve sourapas & Dave Richardson Win The· Big One With 1&5Dcc! By Jean Ca!11in Steve Sourapas and Dave Richardson did the impossible, winning a very long race first overall in cars in the Raceco, and it is the first such major enduro to go to a Class 10 entry overall. The 1985 edition of the Score Baja 1000 was worthy of the title in many ways, in-cluding the length, and severe conditions on the race course. Listed at 822 miles, the route was tough, winding through all types of terrain, mountains, fast roads, sandy desert, silt beds, soggy beaches, and the infamous Three Sisters. The time allowance of 35 hours seemed generous going in, and the overall winnErs finished in almost half that time. But, there were some finishers who were in their 34th hour when they crossed the finish line. The weather was beautiful, befitting the resort atmosphere of Ensenada when the race ac-tivity began with mid-morning registration on the Thursday. A major new feature was the loca-tion of contingency row, right on the main shopping street for three blocks fronting the Hotel Bahia. Contingency Row was as festive and well attended as the similar ritual at Parker each year. Happily, the hours for tech and contingency inspections were cut in half this year, and almost all of the 211 starters in 30 classes managed to get their act together on Thursday and get their racers tucked away in the impound, moved to the original spot, the Crystal Palace parking lot. Early morning fog in Ensena-da was lifting by the time the first car was away at 7:30 a.m., following the bikes and trikes and quadrunners. There were nine on course checkpoints, but only three were time checks,which left huge gaps in Photos: Track.side Photo Mark McMillin, with Ralph Paxton co-driving, had a great race in his new Chenowth-Porsche, taking Class 1 honors and a keen second overall. information for pit crews and Check 1. At Santa Caterina Ivan friends searching for lost race Stewart, who started second, cars. Check 3 at Santa Maria, was the first car on the road. south of San Quintin, was the But Stewart's Toyota got tangled first time check, over 200 miles up with a spectator three wheel-in to the course. The second er not much further along the time check was just above Punta trail; then, when he resumed Prieta, the most southern tip of racing, the engine went away the race course. The final on before Trinidad. course time check was at San At Caterina, about 100 miles Felipe, as the racers turned west into the course, Larry Noel had across Diablo Dry Lake, and his Chaparral second on the went all the way to El Alamo for road, followed by Rick Mun-a stop check and into Ensenada, yon, Mark McMillin in his new 180 odd miles, for the final time Chenowth single, Tim Kennedy, check. Larry Ragland, Ron Brant, Tom Class 1 was first off the line, Koch and Mike Lund. By Check and the field of 17 held a num-3 Larry Ragland, with the six her of potential winners. but, cylinder Porsche in the tail that number shrank before the of the Chaparral, was leading • report from Check 3. First out overall with a 4:06.29 total was the Funco of Ron Gardner time, and six failed to get this and Bud Feldkamp, the defend- far. Mark McMillin, also with ing Champs from the June race, Porsche power, was less than and they lost the trans just after seven minutes back, followed in 15 minutes by the Tom Koch/ Mike Julson Raceco. Scant min-utes behind were both Brant and Lund, and Noel was now dropping a little time. Missing at Check 5 were Rick Munyon and Tim Kennedy, vanishing after Check 4 at La Virgin Shrine. Ragland now had about 18 minutes lead over Mc-Millin, who was just three min-utes ahead of Larry Noel, who had ten minutes over the combo of Ron Brant, Clark Gillies and Steve Ooley. Both Koch and Lund dropped some minutes in this stretch. Gorky and Scott McMillin made winning a family affair in Baja, and the father and son team took Class 2 honors and finished a great third overall. Greg Diehl and Brad Person won the titanic battle in Class 5, despite seven flats. The Arizona drivers were also a neat thirteenth overall . Ragland apparently led through Check 7 in fine style, then lost the trans somewhere on the gulf coast. Noel also had • Ron Brant, with Clark Gillies and Steve Ooley co-driving, led Class 1 for a Mike Lund did the Iron Man bit, had a raft of problems along the way, got Marty Beider and Jake Fogg were back and forth in the Class 10 lead in time in the Raceco, but troubles dropped them to second in class. his second wind late at night and flew in to take third in Class 1. their Raceco, but they had to settle for second, and fourth overall. Page 34 May 2011 Dusty Times I
I Dwight Lundell started out strong in his Rabbit powered Dirtrix, but he lost Tied for the lead at San Felipe in Class 2, the Chenowth of Bob Gordon Jerry Penhall and Kent Pfefffer had their ups and downs in Baja, ran with the trans halfway around, and still took third in Class 10. and Tim Crabtree came in second at the flag, only twelve minutes out. the leaders most of the way, and finished third in Class 2. a giant disaster in this area los-ing many hours. Koch/Julson dropped a couple of hours also, and it seemed the "Sisters" were taking a heavy toll. Up front at San Felipe it was Ron Brant's Raceco with a 21 minute lead over Mark Mc-Millin/Ralph Paxton. Adding to his woes, Mike Lund, who went solo, had two front flats on the "Sisters", and limped along losing bags of time in his Chenowth. The Brant Raceco lost an hour on the run to Ensenada, and at the finish line Mark McMillin came in the win-ner, using his horsepower hand-ily to also finish second overall. Brant, Gillies and Ooley arrived 38 minutes later for second in Class 1 and sixth overall in a fine effort, especially by Gillies who had collided with a horse while pre-running and had a broken nose and sore ribs. Mike Lund was ready to quit on the home stretch, but his crew urged him on, saying he wasn't far behind the third place car. So Lund tur_ned up the wi<;k and came home third in Class I. Darryl Woody and Bob Neste got their Funco home fourth, a mere minute and six seconds behind Lund, who passed them in suburban Ensenada. Mid-morning Koch's Raceco arrived fifth, with both rear wheels flop-ping about sadly. Much later, with only 19 minutes left on the time allowance, Larry Noel ar-rived, the sixth and final Class 1 finisher. Only seven showed up in Class 10, and from the start it was a two horse race be-tween the Racecos of Steve Sourapas!Dave Richardson and Marty Reider! Jake Fogg. They arrived at Caterina side by side, having started 30 seconds apart, and Sourapas got out of the water crossing first. At Check 3 Reider had the lead by over three minutes, and Greg Hibbs/ Bob Richardson were third, another 12 minutes back, but their Chenowth only made it through Check 4. Dwight Lun-dell/Glenn Evans had the Dirt-rix another three minutes back here. At Check 5 Sourapas led Reider by just 25 seconds, and they had swapped the lead back and forth all the way. Lundell was over an hour back here, and soon was out with a broken trans, taking third place any-how. Dave Richardson did the anchor man bit in the Sourapas Raceco, climbing the "Sisters" in record time, picking up a It was Walker Evans day in Class 81 Wrth Dodge boss Dick Maxwell riding shotgun Evans led through all the time checks, and at the finish line. Brian Johnson came all the way from Vancouver, Washington to fight the duel in Class 9, and Johnson was the winner, making it to Check 5. Dusty Times half hour margin over Reider/ Fogg. Richardson continued his trouble free run and gained ten more minutes en route to vic-tory. So swift was the pace that Steve Sourapas and Dave Rich-ardson not only won Class 10, but finished first overall among cars. Their time of 17:54.55 was beaten only by a couple of Class 22 bikes, who enjoy extra hours of daylight on course. It sure proves that Class 10 deserves the early starting position, even on a high horsepower course. Marty Reider and Jake Fogg fin-ished second, about 40 minutes later, and they were fourth over-all behind a Class I and a Class 2 car. Great going guys! An even dozen Class 2 's were ready for the fray, and it was a hefty field. After 100 miles Frank Arciero had the Toyota pickup first on the road, with Malcolm Smith, Renault-ORE, right in his dust, followed by the pack. Next came Corky and Scott McMillin, Perry McNeil, Roger Roderick, Jerry Penhall, Jim Temp.le, and Bob Gordon all in tight formation. A bit back here was Al Arciero, the Olds bodied special already· Baja rookie Rob Tolleson won a very tight race for 1-2-1600 honors. His Mirage, with Bill Vames co-driving took the victory by 13 seconds. rumpled from a rollover. Al Check 5 the McMillins had a parked it after reaching the Sky good lead of 18 minutes over Ranch. Gordon's Chenowth. Just four At Check 3 the McMillin more minutes back Penhall and Chenowth Porsche was leading' McNeil were literally tied on by seven odd minutes over Jerry time. Both Temple and Arciero Penhall/Kent Pfeiffer. Bob Gor-were in trouble, Frank Arciero don/Tim Crabtree were another reportedly stopping for a fresh two minutes back, while most trans. of the suryiying n_ine were only It was still a race in .Class 2 a few minutes off the_pa·ce,:P_ast . ·at San Felipe. The McMillii;is this point Smith 'went down and Gordon/Crabtree were and out with trans trouble. At c, ntinu .. ,n ,,,, 36 Home tH f'lle Race lllffO 5 I Ii. • I • ... I Raee car I Pre RUnner I sand car 818-998-2739 9763 V.ARIEL AVENUE, CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 May 2011 a. I !i UI • I :a I a-• • I Page 35
Flying the cattle guard, Bryon Smith had a fine day in his convenible, Malcolm Vinje and Mark Hansen had more than the nonnal problems on Charging through the tall cactus way down south in Baja, Larry Smith and and,despite a few troubles, Smith and Company took second in Class 5. the long course, but they came back with vigor to place third in Class 5. Jon Kennedy got the Raceco home an official second in Class 1-2-1600. absolutely tied on total time to the second for the lead. Pen-hall/Pfeiffer were about half an hour back, over an hour ahead of Temple.Well back but still moving were Bob Richey/Tom Baker, Raceco and Frank Ar-ciero, Toyota. Corky and Scott McMillin picked up 12 minu.tes en route to the finish,and they won Class 2 by that margin and were third overall as well. BobGordon and Tim Crabtree took second in Page 36 the Chenowth, and fifth overall. Penhall/Pfeiffer were third in class, ninth overall, followed by Jim and Mark Temple, Em-ory Brazell/ Art Brookman, and then came Perry McNeil with only rour minutes over Frank Arciero. The Richey Raceco expired somewhere between El Alamo and the finish line. Class 5 had a full field of 13 on the line. The first Bug to Caterina was that of Hartmut and Wolfram Klawitter, closely tagged by Stan Parnell. Parnell bagged the big ditch just beyond this point in the blinding dust, and he took a hard hit on his body. It took three Mexican cowboys using their lariats and real horsepower to rope the Bug and haul it out of the deep hole. There was too much front end damage for Parnell to continue. Greg Diehl/Brad Person were next here, followed by a thun-dering herd of hard running Baja Bugs. At Check 3 the Klawitters led by over four minutes. Almost tied for second were Max Razo/ John Robison and Byron and JoAnne Smith. At the next time check the Klawitters had a good 15 minute lead over Smith, Diehl was back another seven minutes and the rest were into the next hour. It wasquite a contest! The Klawitters lost a couple of gears en route to San Felipe, and were now second, five min-utes behind Diehl/Person, and only seven cleared this check-point. The unlucky Klawitters lost the rest of the trans on Diablo Dry Lake, ending their effort. -Up front the Arizona team of Greg Diehl and Brad Person kept up the pace, suffer-ing a total of seven flats in the race. But, they won Class 5 and were 13th overall. Byron Smith took second in Class 5 about an hour and a half back. Malcolm Vinje and Mark Hansen hauled out of a lot of down time, including a broken tie rod, to take third, another 38 minutes back. with a long tale of woe, Max Razo and John Robison were fourth, close to seven more· hours be-hind. Daniel Mora and Jose Acevedo struggled to El Alamo for fifth,apparently running out of time to make the finish line. Sixteen l-2-1600s tackled the rugged Baja 1000, and in 100 miles Richard Goldbaum/Pan-cho Bio were first on the road, and the pack was close and all Rod Hall and Jim Fricker raced hard to not only win Class 4 by hours in the Dodge, but they beat Class 8 on time, finishing a swift seventh 0/A. mixed up with the big trucks. At Check 3 it was tight as Mitch Mitchell led both Bobby and Tom Neth and Rob Tolleson/ Bill Varnes (tied on time) by over five minutes, with Gold-baum another three minutes back. At Check 5 it was still tight. Neth led Mitchell by a minute and 40 seconds, Tolle-son was another seven minutes back on his first race in Baja California, with Goldbaum two minutes behind him. But Gold-baum did not see another time control. The troops were still rac-ing hard at San Felipe. Mitch Mitchell/David Harshbarger had the lead in their Neth, but only by one.and a half minutes over the Neth brothers in their Chenowth. Tolleson/Varnes were four minutes back, and Larry Smith/Jon Kennedy were fourth in the Raceco, about 45 minutes down. Both Jerry Jef-feries and Hayward Mendenhall were close enough to move in on the leaders. It was tight at the finish line as the leaders got lost in the fog. Neth arrived-first, but Tolleson was right behind him. Rob Rolleson won the 1600 battle by a skinny 11 seconds in the Mirage over the Neth's Chenowth, after 822 miles of dicing. Smith and Kennedy climbed into third, over an hour back and just three minutes ahead of Mitchell and Harsh-barger. Only four more minutes back were Jerry Jeffries and Wayne Martin, Chenowth in a very tight race for third. Men-denhall and Gilbert were sixth, the final finishers, over another hour back. A time penalty was imposed on the Neth entry for missing a checkpoint. Disqualification was voted down because there were many reports of a Mexican police type waving drivers down the wrong road at the point of action. The penalty, one ninth of the total elasped time of the entry, dropped Bobby and Tom Neth to fifth officially. The husky Class 8 trucks were next to start, and the first one on the road in 100 miles was the Ford of John Gable/ Bill Holmes, who started first. But the rest of the nine starters were all close. At Check 3 Walker Ev-ans, with Dick Maxwell riding in the Dodge, had the lead by four minutes over Steve Kelley/ Jon Nelson, GMC. They were nine minutes ahead of Ron Cly-borne/Brian Lowe, Ford. Dave Shoppe was back over an hour here, after an early roll, and he rolled his Ford again later on, to take it out of the race. One of the tightest dices in the race was in Class 5-1600, but at the checkered flag the team of Mark Steele and John Johnson won the race. By Check 5 Evans had an 11 minu□te lead on Kelley, and Clyborne was third, another 14 minutes back, and the others were having down time. By San Felipe all but the two leaders were well back on the course, and Evans had 21 minutes on Kelley, who had a flat in a bad spot. Booming on to Ensenada, Walker Evans had a near per-fect race in his pressurized cab Dodge, coming in the Class 8 winner by 30 minutes and eighth overall. Steve Kelley had no trO'Uble finishing second, and tenth overall. Third placing Mike Nesmith/Randy Salmont May 2011 Dusty Times I
' The early leader in Class 1-2-1600, Mitch Mitchell and David Harshbarger Big trucks fly too, and Steve Kelley, with Jon Nelson riding along, was close Mike Nesmith and Randy Salmont had their troubles on course, but they got the Neth home third, only 3 minutes behind second place. most of the way, and got the GMC home second in the Class 8 contest. kept rolling fast and their GMC took a good third in the Class 8 wars. Manny and Tudy Joe Esquerra staged a real come from behind charge in the Ford Ranger, and took over Class 7 for the win in the last few miles. Gastelums had lost more than an hour. Old Baja Hand John Johnson was working hard on catching up all the way west. He finally caught and passed Devercelly, and set out after Jones. John was using just one headlight, and he hoped the competition would think he was a bike. He came up on Jones' dust out of Ojos Negros, in the final miles, and reports that Jones hit a fence, which let him get past. Johnson nursed a deflating rear tire to the finishing line, win-ning the class for himself and Steele by ten minutes and the team was 15th overall. It was Johnson's ninth class victory on the Baja 1000, having won in a were over two hours back in Randall's Honcho succumbed wide variety of classes. third in the GMC. Coming back to the terrain before Check 5, Jones and Maxey got loose from early problems, Frank Yes-where Roberts had about 18 from the fence to take a clean sels zoomed into fourth in the minutes on Strong. When it was second, only seven minutes keen looking Chevy. Clyborne allover Roberts, Donahoe and ahead of the Andy Devercellys and Lowe nabbed fifth, only ten company survived their troubles in a close contest for the entire minutes ahead of John Gable, for a solid second in Class 4, 822 miles. The Gastelum Bug who had a very long ride to about five hours behind Hall was fourth, two hours back, fol-Check 8. and nearly three hours ahead of lowed in another two hours by Class 9 was only a pair off Strong, the final class finisher. Mike Lesle/Henry Arras, who the start, and Jim Dizney drove The biggest car class was had landed in the same deep his Chenowth to Trinidad be-5-1600 with 19 starters and it ditch as Stan Parnell. In all a fore parking. He later got into was a sprint contest most of the fine ten of the 19 Bugs finished the winning Class 5 of Greg distance. With Andy Devercelly the race. Diehl as a relief driver. From the leading the pack on the road A lucky 11 started in 7S com-northwest, Brian Johnson and at Caterina, the horde came bat, and it was a see saw battle Richard Kaiseratt got through through almost nose to tail. for a few hundred miles. At Check 5 in over 23 hours and The class stretched out a tad by Check 3 it was Ford Ranger called it a day, the Class 9 Check 3 with the Devercellys, country as Willie Valdez led winners. father and son, leading Mark Paul and David Simon by a skin-Three Jeeps, a Chevy and a Steele/John Johnson by just ny minute, but Mike Falkosky Dodge were the field in Class over two minutes. R.C. Jones/ had his Toyota just another min-4. Rod Hall and Jim Fricker put Paul Maxey were another eight ute back. Early leader Spence the Dodge in the lead from the minutes back, and a half dozen Low, Nissan, dropped back, and green and kept it all the way more were within striking dis-earlier leader Jerry McDonald around to the checkered flag. tance. All but three made it this had a rod through the side of Hall realized a long held ambi- far. the Chevy S-1O block. Also tion, to beat Walker Evans on At Check 5 Steele had a slim, missing here was Glenn Harris, time. Hall was seventh overall, three minute lead over Jones, Mazda. Defending champ Mike merely three minutes faster than Devercelly was another seven Leon had big troubles with the Evans on total time. minutes back, trailed in eight Isuzu before Caterina, was four At Check 3 Rod Hall already minutes by Efren and Ray Gas-hours late here, 'and went no had half an -lead, while Vern tel um. Most of the 1600 Bugs farther. Roberts/ Bill Donahoe, Jeep were having some pit time by Moving along to Check 5, Honcho, and Tom Strong/Steve now. The picture changed at Low and co-driver Paul Delang Borden, Chevy, were only a San Felipe. Jones/Maxey were got stuck on the beach and minute and change apart, and leading by four minutes over dropped time, Valdez lost hours John Randall, Jeep was just four the Devercelly Bug, and Steele/ as 'did Simon. Up front Mike Low, and Simon was back an-Check 2, and the Dave Turner other hour plus, now merely Mazda was down also. Mears three minutes ahead of Valdez. here held about 12 minutes lead All four cleared Check 8 and on Balch, and now Esquerra Falkosky's lead was down to two was just a minute more behind. and a half minutes over Low. Then Esquerra had to stop for a Both the Simons and Valdez fresh trans in the Ford, and the went through to the finish, and Nissans of Mears and Balch car-took third and fourth respec-ried on. Roger led Sherman at tively. Mark Schwien and Don-Check 5 by a mere 25 seconds, aid Lehmer finished fifth. and it couldn't get much closer. Falkosky had some troubles Healthy again, Esquerra en route to Ensenada, and Spen-was playing catch up, and he cer Low and Paul Delang won had fast leg time to Check 8. Class 7S in the Nissan, effec-Here Mears still led, with Brent tively cinching the points title Foes riding along, now by 13 in the Nissan. Mike and Pat minutes over Sherman Balch/ Falkosky came along 22 min-Shane Hutchings, but Manny utes later for second, and also and Tudy Joe were just another snagged a time penalty for miss- 14 minutes back at San Felipe. ing a checkpoint. But, they re-Still leading through the last tained their second place, since check, Mears missed a turn near they had a couple of hours in Ojos Negros on the homeward hand over third place. stretch where fog was coming Although only five were on in. The Nissan turned over, and the start line, Class 7 drivers meanwhile Balch was driving put on a whale of a race, with without power steering. Manny three Nissans, a Ford and a and Tudy Joe Esquerra passed Mazda ready to do battle. Roger them both to come in the Class Mears whipped his Nissan into 7 winners, 11th overall in the the early lead, with both Mario Ford Ranger. Balch salvaged sec-Alesi and Sherman Balch in ond place, and Mears, slightly tight. Defending champ Manny battered, arrived third. Esquerra had early woes, miss-The field in Class 3 was down ing a turn, bagging a flat tire, to a pair of Jeeps and a Bronco. and leaking grease seals caused Don Coffland and Buck Griffin some brake trouble, then he led the pack by 26 minutes to suffered a broken front spring. Check 3 in the Jeep CJ 8. Next At Check 3 Alesi was missing, came Gene and Kirby Hight-losing the water pump after ower, CJ 7, and later the Ford --~-.,-----------"T"-----!P"".1-more minutes back. It was a Johnson were another 13 min-and Pat Falkosky had the lead GeneandKirbyHightower'sJeepCJ7iscleanandtidyhere,andtheyledClass3from 0r_ea_l_ra_c_e_fo_r_s_e_co_n_d ____ p_la_c_e_.,.B_u-:-:t'~r-u_t_e_s-:d=-o_w--.n111i111n•this tigh t:.r,:a~ce::,·:..T~h~e:.......!b;!L..:3;'..5;:...!.!m.!.1!.!· n.!.u!:!.!.t e~s __:o~v.!'...=.e.!.r....:::S.1!.!:e:.!n.!.:c::.:e::......:th=e=ha=/f=wa~y',piiiio,;;;;'niiiit aiiiilliiiitiiiihiiiie•wa=y=t0_.th;;;;e;;;fJ;;;;iniiiiis;;;;hiiiilliiiiniiiie.;:.=;:;;;;_;===::;======, Vem Roberts and Bill Donahoe raced the Jeep Honcho and also fixed it Tom Strong and Steve Borden ran close for a long distance in Class 4, but R. C. Jones and Paul Maxey led the 5-1600s at San Felipe, and led all the along the way, but they finished well, second in Class 4 in daylight. problems saw them go more than once around the clock to finish third. way home past Ojos Negros, but they sank to second at the finish line. Dusty Times May 2011 Page 37
Andy L. and Andy R. Devercelly were in the tight battle in Class 5-1600, Mike and Pat Falkosky had their Toyota in the Class 7S lead in the middle Sherman Balch had a close battle in the early going in Class 7, but at the but they dropped a few minutes close to the finish and were third. section of the race, but they dropped to second at the finish. finish he brought the Nissan home a great second in class. Roger Mears had his Nissan in the Class 7 lead for nearly 800 miles, but a late night rollover dropped him to third at the checkered flag. Class 3 Ford Broncos are getting to be a rare breed, but this one driven by A new entry in Class 12 is the Isuzu Trooper. Driven by Bill Rodriguez Philip Dean and Bob Lehrer went all the way for second place. and Jesus Luna, this one came back from a roll to eam second in class. of Philip Dean and Bob Lehrer passed. Coffland had serious trouble getting to Check 5, and retired after Check 7. Now the Hightower Jeep was in the lead, and they stayed out front all the way to the checkered flag in Ensenada. The Dean Bronco also finished the course for sec-ond place. It was curious that the stock looking Mitsubishi pickup was in Class 14, and even more curious that buggy driver Jim Sumners was at the helm. This entry struggled through Check 5 in 13:40, and retired the Class Page 38 14 winner. A population explosion in Class 12 brought three rigs to the line, but the Jeep Chero-kee of Jason Myers and Don Adams led all the way from flag to flag for another victory. Recovering from a very early rollover, Bill Rodriguez and Jesus Luna brought the Isuzu Trooper home in second place, over two hours behind. A popu-lar finish was the Mercedes 280 GE, fitted with hand controls for wheelchair bound driver Yann Cadoret. with co-driver Andre Gicquel, Cadoret made it around in just over 31 hours. nited, and the car was on fire. of problems, Fred Wright and Class 12 scored a remarkable They put the fire out and were Chris Chocek got their Toyota 100 percent finish ratio. done for the day, still a winner. home second, about 1 hour and There was a single entry in There were four starters in 50 minutes behind the winner. each Class 6 in Baja this year. Class 7 4 x 4, one each Chevy There were 11 Challenge cars Jorge Souto had a Nissan Sentra S-1O, Toyota, IH Scout and Nis-on the starting line, but three that went to Check 3 to win san. At the first time check Mi-were history before reaching Class 6. In 6B Larry Schwacofer chael Horner/Lance Martin had Check 3. There Roberto Faja-and Sid Spradling had a tough a 40 minute lead in the Chevy rdo/Javier Tiznado had the lead time leaving Ensenada, losing S-1O. Despite plenty of trouble, by seven minutes over Richard the ring gear on the old Chevy this team stayed out front all Bruemmer, who had five min-on the starting line. Junkyard the way to pay dirt, winning in utes on Ron Nelson, but the last parts got them out of Ensenada just over 30 hours. Sergio and two cars went no farther. Fourth four and a half hours later, but Armando Duron went out after here was Rich Minga/Bob May-the stuff didn't really fit. Near Check 4 in their Nissan, and nard, ten minutes ahead of Bob Check 3, as far as they got, an second at Check 5, the Scout Bertram/Jorge Espino. , axle bearing got so hot it ig-of Michael McCarthy and Steve By Check 5 it was a two horse May 2011 Howarth passed Check 7 before race with Minga/Maynard lead-reti ring. Having their share ing Fajardo/ Tiznado by 29 min--"" All alone in Class 14, Jim Sumners drove the Mitsubishi pickup hard, ran out of gas, and retired after Check 5, the class winner. The spiffy looking Jeep Cherokee of Jason Myers and Don Adams did its trick again, and the pair took another victory in Sports utility class. Dusty Times
Rarely seen in North America, The Mercedes Benz 280 GE carried the Having a few troubles here and there, Fred Wright and Chris Chocek kept Bob Bertram and Jorge Espino had a good run in the Challenge Class, French drivers, Yann Cadoret and Andre Gicquel to third in Class 12. _moving along, and their Toyota finished second in Class 7 4x4. and, with a few stops along the way, they were second in the standings. utes, and the other three still moving were trailing by an hour or so. The ranks closed at San Felipe with Minga/Maynard holding just 16 minutes lead over Fajardo/Tiznado. The Mlnga Chenowth lost an hour on the west bound tralls, and Roberto Fajardo and Javier Tiznado won the Challenger Class. The Minga/Maynard Chenowth was second at the finish line, nearly an hour back, but it was later disqualified for having too much engine compression. This move put the Chenowth of Bob Bertram and Jorge Espino into second, two hours behind the winner. Bob Savage was then third, only another four minutes back in the T-Mag. Edward and Hugh McLean were fourth in their Chenowth. Class 11 bloomed with 13 starters in Baja, mostly Mexico based cars. It star·ted out very tight with the pack in formation in the first 100 miles. By Check 3 Ramon Castro/Salvador Avila had a lead of 14 minutes over Sergio and Porfierio Gutierrez, Jorge Souto drove the lone entry in Class 6, a new Nissan Sentra, and with no competition Souto parked at Check 3 with a class victory . A new entry in Class 7 4x4 was Michael Homer and Lance Martin, and they drove their Chevy S-10 hard enough to win the four rig class. Newcomers to the Challenge Class, Roberto Fajardo and Javier Tiznado surprised the regulars with a steady drive right into the class victory. Dusty Tlm~s who were 11 minutes ahead of Luis Sarabia, and two more were less than ten minutes further back. Only six Beetles made it to Check 5, with most of them stuck on the beach for a lot of time. Leading here were Cas-tro/ Avila, with over an hour in hand from Andy Diaz/Charlie Woodard, and the rest were more than two hours back. Sara-bia had big troubles on this leg and the next, and was out after San Felipe. At Check 8 Andy Diaz and Charlie Woodard had a clear lead, and they kept it together all the way to Ensenada to win Class 11 by over one and a half hours. Castro lost many hours getting to San Felipe, got fixed there, and came in for a finish, PINCH BOBBEB II UNIBAll CUPS Ziil LEIAL IA / IATEI BEL•E11 pushing the time· allowance hard. He was less than eight minutes shy of 35 hours at the checkered, and took the distinc-tion of being last overall on the 1985 Baja 1000. Meanwhile the Gutierrez Beetle came back strong for second in class, an hour ahead of Angel and Victor Barajas. Armando Rojas anci Jose Aquila were close to the time bar also, finishing fourth with about 12 minutes left on the time allowance. While it seemed odd to have the race start in Ensenada on Friday morning and still see the streets blocked and race cars ar-riving all day into the evening on Saturday, the time allowance worked well, as only a few ar-rived over time this round. The event went off very well, with a good entry for the long and tough race, and most of it func-tioned smoothly. The major glitch was the Y in the road before Check 3. Many drivers reported being waved onto the wrong road by a uniformed cop, and so missed the check. For many it was a fuel stop, so they retraced their steps and got back on course. Many others didn't realize they missed the check, but most of them were DNFs. Other than the two cars mentioned, the time penalty also went to the overall winner, Larry Roeseler, and Class 38 rider John Etchart, who was third at the flag. Etchart dropped to fourth in the six bike Continued on page 40 .,~ llEIIWaaa ~ - -1 .. . •--= I -·· --·-··· --, . 1-&El Ir ,,,,.,., I May 2011 Page 39
Bob Savage had his share of woes wfth the T-Mag in Challenge Class in Among the leaders in the tight running in Class 11 all day and night were Coming on strong late in the race, the Beetle of Angel and Victor Barajas Baja, but he survived it all to finish the race in third place. Sergio and Porfierio Gutieffez, who eventually took second. splashes along here, en route to a fine third in Class 11. Flying beautifully the slick Chevrolet driven by Frank Vessels had a few In the shadow of the giant cardon, Efrem and Ray Gastelum were in the Having a good time here, Jeff¥ Jefferies and Wayne Martin kept up the problems, but Vessels drove it all the way to fourth in Class 8. 5-1600 hunt all the way, and they were a very close third at the flag. pace well in the tough 1-2-1600 class, and they took fourth place. class, but Roeseler, the other checkpoints. For some who rode with Kurt reason the officials didn't want Pfeiffer to overall vie- all that info' on the computer tory on the Husky print during the race, but it sure in a time of 17: 18.18, would have helped folks search-was dropped to third ing for downed race vehicles. by the penalty. No And, the end result was, in order doubt there will be to get results in some classes, the more action on this radio reports had to be compiled problem, although anyhow, and times between the the rule book says official time checks had to be the decision of the written in so each entrant was officials is final. listed in his proper position. The only other It was a fine edition of a Baja major drawback was 1000, and with the generous Right with the leaders in the early going, the Class 5 of Max Razo and Nose diving here, Paul and David Simon were right up front in the Ford having so few time time allowance, 45 percent of John Robison fell on evil times, and ended up taking fourth. Ranger fora time, but-they ended up third in the Class 7S race. checks, hundreds the drivers of the starting•cars of miles apart. The can proudly wear their finishing I computer scoring program is pins. Next year the Baja 1000 is ~ ,...,... 0, ,~ - .,,,. perfectly capable of handling scheduled to go to La Paz, and · • ~ ...,.. a, ... ~ , many more checks, and times are interest is already building in recorded to the whole minute at that epic race. §DD vacation rentals available in the exclusive Indian Wells country Club in the sunny Palm Springs area of southern California. Two or three bedrooms, furnished for your complete relaxation, and, if you are a glutton for punishment, play golf on either of two beautiful course.s. FYI, wireless internet and long distance phones calls (USA) included. starting at S4,500 _ in season (January thru April) or $2,300 per month out of season. Call (760) 345-6124 Page 40 May 2011 YouKnow UBli lilmBG IS THE Complete Newspaper on Everything That's Happening In Off Road Racing And Rallying,· So Why Not Have It Delivered To Your Home or Business Every Month? Visit our -bslte 1t --.dustytlmes.com Dusty Times
BFGaadricH BFGoodrich ® Tires Gives Enthusiasts the Power with its 2011 Outstanding Trails Program -Fans can support their favorite off-road trail and dub by voting online for first time ever at bfgoodrichtrails20 11.outdoorhub.com -MOAB, Utah (April. 21, 2011) The off-road power is in the hands of the people with BFGoodrich® Tires' 2011 Outstanding Trails program_ Three trails will be se-lected in 2011 -BFGoodrich Tires, in conjunction with Tread Lightly! ® and United Four Wheel Drive Associations (UFWDA), have cho-sen the Interlake Trail 19 located in Lynnville, Ind., and Morrison Jeep Trail in Shoshone National Forest, Wyo., to be 2011 Out-standing Trails -and now, for the. first time ever, off-road enthusiasts will have the opportunity to vote for their favorite BFGoodrich-nominated off-road trail to be the third. Fans in the off-road communi-ty can vote at goodrichtrails2011. outdoorhub.com. The winning trail will receive a $4,000 grant on behalf of BFGoodrich Tires for trail conservation and main-tenance efforts. The four trails up for vote are: • Golden Spike Trail in Moab, Utah -supported by Red Rock 4-Wheelers • Dusy-Ershim OHV Route in Sanger, Calif. -supported by Four Wheel Drive Club of Fresno • Blanca Peak Trail in Blanca, Colo. -supported by Creeper J eepers Gang • Mirror Lake Trail in Sierra Na-tional Forest, Calif. -support-ed by Lock and Low 4-Wheel Drive Club "Off-road enthusiasts are pas-sionate about their trails, and we anticipate many will offer their in-put," said Marcus Baffoe-Bonnie, BFGoodrich Tires country mar-keting manager. "For the past six years, the BFGoodrich Outstand-ing Trails program has recognized off-road trails as well as the clubs that run them. Congratulations to Interlake Trail 19 and Morrison Trail for being named 2011 Out-standing Trails, and of course we wish the best of luck to the four trails that are up for vote!" The Outstanding Trails Vote Off-road enthusiasts can sup-port their favorite club by casting their vote online at bfgoodrich-trails201 l.outdoorhub.com. Fans and supporters can vote as often as they choose beginning Thurs-day, April 21, 2011 at 9 a.m. EST and ending at 11:59 p.m. EST on Tuesday, May 31. The "winning" trail will be selected based on popular vote and announced on Friday, June 3,2011 at www.BFGo-odrichTires.com. Following is a closer look at each of the trails, and their spon-soring dubs, up for nomination: • Golden Spike Trail was devel-oped at the 1989 Easter Jeep Safari as a connection between the Poison Spider Mesa and Gold Bar Rim trails. The trail offers challenging obstacles, non-stop scenery and a road Dusty Times Tes surface between obs.tacles that make for a comfortable, slow and steady pace. Red Rock 4-Wheelers, Inc. is a nonprofit club organized to bring togeth-er.adventure loving individuals and families who share the common interest of active four-wheeling. The club's objectives are to encourage family recre-ation through safe and respon-sible operation of four-wheel drive vehicles and utiliz_e public lands in a responsible manner as part of an effort to keep public land trails and roads available for multipurpose use. • Dusy-Ershim OHV Route of-fers 33 miles of challenging obstacles and beautiful scenery high in the skies at an altitude of 10,200 feet. The route fea-tures high mountain meadows, creeks, six natural lakes, unique granite mountains, cliffs and panoramic views. The trail is rated "most difficult" and is a major challenge to travel, there-fore having advanced driving skills is highly recommended. The Four Wheel Drive Club of Fresno was founded in 1954 in Fresno, Calif. The club has since built ten trails and cur-rently maintains six. The club coordinates with the forest service to perform clearing in the spring, closings in the fall and other various work projects throughout the year on the en-tire club's adopted trails. Some of the various work projects include building and maintain-ing toilets, maintaining camp-grounds, trail cleanups and maintenance of trail signage. • Blanca Peak Trail features a rocky six miles of trail with many granite outcroppings. The trail offers many challeng-ing obstacles including Jaws 1 through 4, views of the valley, Como Lake and spectacular mountain scenery. Creeper Jeepers Gang is a family orient-ed 4-Wheel Drive club, promot-ing safe and environmentally sensitive off road recreation and family. • Mirror Lake Trail is located in the Sierra National Forest approximately 13 miles east of Shaver Lake on Highway 168. The trail features beauti-ful lake scenery with steep boulders and large hills for the more experienced off-roader. Lock and Low 4-Wheel Drive Club members are people in-terested in promoting family four-wheeling, fostering safety and education of responsible four-wheeling. BFGoodrich®Tires 2011 Outstanding Trails The Indiana Four Wheel Drive Association on behalf of Inter-lake Trail 19, and the Magic City 4-Wheelers, Inc., on behalf of Morrison Trail, have been chosen by BFGoodrich® Tires to receive a $4,000 grant to use towards maintain the trails. The grants will be used to preserve the scenic off .. highway trail system and continue conservation efforts for two of America's most beautiful areas for off-roading. • Interlake Trail 19, in Lynnville, Ind., is a 3,500-acre property, owned and managed by the In-diana Department of Natural Resources. The existing trail is a beautiful cruise through conifer and hardwood trees that are 40 to 50 years old. On a sunny summer day, the shade offers a nice diversion from the open prairie-like trails of the central areas of Interlake. The area not only offers motorized trail riding, but activities for all types of outdoor enthusiasts including hunting, fishing, horseback riding and moun-tain climbing. A rock garden is being planned, which has the potential to be one of the lon-gest man-made rock crawling courses in the region. Indiana Four Wheel Drive Association (IFWDA) was formed in 1980 and acts on the common con-cern for motorized recreation while practicing stewardship of our natural resources. IFWDA, through its association with other state and national orga-nizations, works to promote and act on issues· affecting four-wheel drive recreation. • Morrison Trail, in Wyoming's Shoshone National Forest, offers various types of terrain including arid canyons, alpine forests, high mountain mead-ows and small lakes at 10,000 feet. Hitting the trail shortly after it opens in mid-July is a gift as off-road enthusiasts will have the pleasure of expe-riencing a carpet of beautiful wildflowers in the meadows. The panoramic views from almost every part of the trail are breathtaking and inspiring. Magic City 4-Wheelers, Inc. is a family oriented OHV club. The club organizes annual race rallies, monthly trail rides and trail maintenance trips. Magic City 4-Wheelers always follow the Tread Lightly! trail ethic and educate others when pos-sible regarding proper trail ethic. All club members are also members of the Montana 4X4 Association and UFWDA. About the Outstanding Trails Program The BFGoodrich® Tires Out-standing Trails program was estab-lished in 2006 to raise awareness for responsible use and preser-vation of off-road trails while providing aid in the trails' con-servation efforts. Through 2010, the Outstanding Trails program has recognized 24 off-road trails and 24 clubs across 16 states and two in Canada. The program has provided more than $90,000 in grants in support of the various trails conservation efforts. Both Tread Lightly!® and UF-WDA are non-profit organiza--tions dedicated to responsible and ethical outdoor recreation. BFGoodrich Tires collaborated with these two groups to select the finest off-road trails, and will continue to work with these or-ganizations on restoration and education initiatives. United Four Wheel Drive As-sociations is the world's leading representative of all-brand four wheel-drive enthusiasts. UFWDA benefits, developed and tested true over the past 30 years, in-clude four wheel drive safety and awareness education; user ethics programs such as adopt-a-road, conservation volunteer, and vol-unteer trail patrol; assistance with new dub formation; education seminars to aid four wheelers May 2011 through complex state and fed-eral programs affecting trail ac-cess; · internet forums designed to connect members globally and instantaneously; and unrestrained member access to its full-time legislative advocate and national-lyrecognized attorney working exclusively for four wheel drive enthusiasts to protect access and prevent road and trail closures. For more information on the UF-WDA log on to www.ufWda.org or call toll free 1-B00-44-UFWDA (800-448- 3932). Tread Lightly! is a national nonprofit organization with a mission to promote responsible recreation through ethics edu-cation and stewardship. Tread Lightly!'s strategic educational message, along with its training and restoration initiatives are designed to instill an ethic of responsibility in outdoor enthusi-asts and the industries that serve them. The program is longterm in scope with a goal to balance the needs of the people who enjoy outdoor recreation with the needs of the environment. The federal government recognizes this by ac-knowledging Tread Lightly!® as a sole-source service provider of education and training on how to be environmentally and socially responsible while using motor-ized and mechanized vehicles in offhighway settings. Using motorsports as a proving ground° for more than 40 years, BFGoodrich® Tires is involved in every type of racing, including oval, sports car, drifting, drag, desert, dirt, rally and extreme rock crawling. BFGoodrich Tires combines technological expertise with vast motorsports experience, delivering a high-performance tire for every type of vehicle. Visit BFGoodrich Tires at www.BFGo-odrich Tires.com or on Face book at www.Facebook.com/BFGo-odrichTi res. ### Media Contact: Dan Passe BFGoodrich Tires 864-906-0515 dan.passe®Us.michelin. com Lela Randall Hill & Knowlton 949-223-2323 lela.randall@ hillandknowlton.com By El Chinero THE PRESIDENT SPEAKS About Pit Equipment. "We still have equipment unac-counted for -if you have any of the club's equipment we need it back as soon as possible. If you are unable to return it, we will make arrangements. We need the pit equipment here so we can keep track of it and keep it updated and serviced. We need suggestions of what to have in the boxes. We are missing some radios and antennas. We will be buying some new radios as needed. The pit captains need to return the equipment after the races and give a list of what was used so we can replenish the boxes." -Lin Neal SNORE "Mint 400", April 12, 2011 - Las Vegas, NV Twelve Checkers cars and six (alphabetical un-numbered) pits. Andrew Neal -3rd in "1600" Billy McCool/Josh Gilliam -DNF in "X" Bob Dziurawiec (Prospective) -DNF in "1600" - Rear Torsion Dan Martin -7th in "1" Dennis Crowley-5th in "X" Harley Letner -DNF in "1" Jim Knox (Prospective) -DNF Joe Desrosiers -8th in "1" Kevin Davis (Prospective)- 1st in "8" Mike Childress - 1st in "1" and 3rd Overall Ryan Plowman -DNF in "X" Steve Cossey (Prospective) - ? in "X" It should be noted that Bob Dziurawiec (aka Big Bob) is recov-ering from his broken ribs and bruises sustained when his race car ran him over when he was unloading it. Big Bob's daughter backed his trailer into Crackle Lee's truck. Not a good race for Bob. The following pit captains were present and gave their pit reports: Tye Plowman (Main) Travis Howard (Pit A) Robert Harmon (Pit B) Robert Kelley (Pit C) Roger Byrd (Pit D) John Files (Pit E) Roger Byrd, Pit D Captain: "What a bitchin' race! The pit location for Pit D was one of the best locations I've been in a very long time, got to see the cars FOUR times (per lap) before they made it to us, which was unreal. Our effort started as a chase for Josh and. Billy's 1600 car, which turned into manning Checker Pit D. It was agreed by myself, Josh, Billy, and Lin Neal that this pit was a priority, and our chas-ing duties would be put aside to help the club. I borrowed Billy's box van and radio, borrowed the main pit's sign and a few cones .., and headed out to do the best we could (without any supplies or club equipment). After prerunning the pit loca-tion Friday with help from Jerry Lawless, we were in good shape because Joe Hauler Desrosiers (car # 177) looked like he was based out of Pit D and marked the crap out of the area for club use. We also backtracked and found Checker Pit C which was two miles south of us (good to see Hastings and Crackle Lee -when he wasn't try-ing to get thousands of dollars out of Dr. Checkers!) and was a key deal as we ended up sending rac-ers to them to be welded. Race Day: Jerry Lawless, Ricky "Buggy Man" Lopez, and I set up the pit. Joe D made us breakfast, (Right on, Dude!) and we quickly learned that we had no commu-nication, other than cell service. Checker Pit C, which was directly under some heavy power lines, could not get out even being two miles away. We could not hit any pit, so would eavesdrop on folks next to us, who had "big poles". Hastings and myself established cell numbers, Josh would bounce info to me on the phone from the northern part of the course, and I would walk down to report to Hauler's guys ... the fun began. Continued on page 42 Page 41
Work Performed: 8025: Stopped at some 10 car pit, i:hey missed our pit mark-ings (our one sign and two cones we stole) after fifteen minutes I walked up to make sure they were alright because I thought their guys were working on it ... which was not the case. They ended up changing an alternator and fixed a couple of wires and were down the road. Got to talk to Kevin Davis (closet JeepSpeeder) who was co-dogging-and told him where we were and tried to help them as much as I could ... 1224: Broke lower front arm, strapped it up, sent to Hastings to be welded. 1811: Busted rear torsion bar, removed and replaced bar, all tranny mounts were busted to sh!t, strapped it up as best we could, advised driver of welder at PitC. 177: Tried to assist their crew every time they came -in, ended up giving them my big hammer to beat the rear cage/bumper out so they could get a spare tire back in it. They had ten guys working on their car every time it stopped, de-cided we were just getting in the way ... We ended up closing up our little operation after thirteen hours, with little communication, and with advice from Checker Main/Lin Neal, clearance from Joe D (driver of #177) and Check-er Pit C. Joes's pit was handling way more than we could with his truggy, we had no lights or equip-ment and all Checker cars, with exception of 177, cleared us on their final lap. 177 had one lap to complete, but with us not having anything to offer them other than getting in the way. It was time to go. We were using borrowed equipment, borrowed trucks, and did the best we could. Thanks to Josh Gilliam and Billy McCool; after they broke, they came out to help us and that's f**kin' cool! Also Hast-ings' son, Robert, who kept us informed all day. Dude's gonna , be an awesome Checker! Good times for sure. So I guess I'm not voluntary in-active any more." QUOTE OF THE MONTH "Calling upon my years of ex-perience, I froze at the controls." - Stirling Moss Page 42 more Trail Notes ... from page 7 show but the racer is too important to hob-nob with the common folk. The same involved crowd that have been doing the work and heavy lifting on land use issues_ was in attendance and their support, time, investment and efforts can never be paid back in my opinion ... Missing: All the industry cool kids we all look up to. Not one Trophy Truck team or driver I was aware of showed. A majority of the people who's pictures appear in Dusty Times or who find time to post on the various Internet sites could carve out 1-3 hours on a Tuesday evening. Where were the people who had the Powder Puff date moved so they can have their all important show? The off road stores we shop at as well as most all of the manufacturers we buy products from were absent along with the fabbers, tranny, shock and engine builders who make their living off this sport. Why wouldn't they show? My guess is like the elusive and "Endangered", "Off Road Car Racer" they are probably just too important to waste 2-3 hours of their important evenings keeping the sport alive. Or hopefully there was a can't miss Dancing with the Stars reunion, or they had to wash their hair or practice their poses and hand gestures for the next photo opps ... Time to speak now or forever hold our piece if we want to hand this sport and the right to recreate in the desert to the next generation ... The U.S. Marine's Presentation/Meetings on the proposed acquisition/expansion into the Lucerne Valley OHV area and the fall of the house of cards we call desert racing in California are tonite and tomorrow ... We need butts in seats and people to care. If you race, make a living or recreate in OHV areas in CA; it's your duty to get involved. No longer can anyone sit on the sidelines and let the others do the lifting; we all need to be involved if this sport is to continue. Very simple: Show up and get involved or you simply don't give a shit. Sorry but it's now or never and we all need to be 'involved in land use and BLM issues if racing is to continue in CA and as we all know what happe11s here sets the precedent for other places. Hope to see you tonite and I apologize for calling you out and possibly offei:iding you but to be honest; this is too important to worry about ego's and hurt feelings. If my language or attitude offends; maybe it's because the truth hits a nerve. It's now or never ... FINAL FLAG -Off Roag Racing lost one of the early pioneers, Gene Hightower, who was born in Glendale AZ September 5, 1931 passed away March 27, 2011 in Blythe CA. Gene was a purple heart Korean War veteran. Gene loved God his family and country. Gene loved building and racing Jeep's, he once said, "I can not get enough of off road racing", he truly loved the thrill of racing. Gene's first experience with jeeps was during the Korean War where he drove the under powered 4 cylinder and was always getting stuck fn the mud. He bought his first jeep after returning from the war and immediately put in a small block Chevrolet 265 motor for more horsepower. In the 60's he was sanding dragging at Glamis and Pismo Beach . In 1966/67 he bought a S~ 396 Chevrolet car that was wrecked and put motor and Munice 4 speed Transmission in his CJ 5, made his own adapter to bolt the Muncie to the T-18 transfer case, raced that year at Pismo Beach and won top eliminator in the jeep class. About that time Ed Pearlman was starting up the Baja 1000 in 1967. Gene entered and won with a time of 32 hours, he and Ed Venable drove his jeep from Blythe CA, to Tijuana, Baja for impound, slept in sleeping bags next to the jeep that night, got up the next morning to start the race. Raced 32 hours to win his class, put the jeep on the ferry to the mainland of Mexico and then drove his jeep all the way back to Blythe. In 1968 he and Ed Venable . raced the same jeep again and was out in front of their class, broke the frame in half about 800 miles into the race but finished 2nd in class. In 1970 he was racing for Brian Chuchua driving a Jeepster with Sandy Cone as co-pilot they won their four wheel drive class with a fast time of (19:02). After the 1970 Baja 1000 Gene went back on his own winning a few races, 1972 he built a new jeep with a fiberglass body and a 283 Chevy motor set back with jeepster rear spring front and back with a lot May 2011 of travel, his idea was go light weight. His first race with the new jeep was the 1973 Parker 400 two laps in CA and two laps in AZ. He was on his last lap in CA and out front with only one buggy ahead of him, but broke a right rear axle which put him back in class but he was able to finish. The next race for the new jeep was 1973 Baja 500 which he won his class in a time of 13.46 which was good for 5th overall he out ran Rod Hall by 1:10 minutes. Parnelli Jones was 1st (12:18), Walker Evens 2nd (13:06), John Johnson· (13:21), Mike Patrick (13:31). Gene won the Parker 400 the next year 1974 class 4 modified 4-wheel drive. Gene won just about every off-road race there was (Baja 1,000, Baja 500, Parker 400, Mint 400.) He enjoyed racing with his two sons Allen and Kirby Hightower which have also won a few races of their own. Gene was sponsored by American Motors for many years and was involved with the Jeep Celebrity race, the celebrities he raced with was Dick Smothers and Patrick Duffy. He had a celebrity race win with Dick Smothers. Gene's racing career span was about 18 years, with his last season in 1985 starting with a win at the Parker 400 the year it ·snowed. He won a majority of the races that year and the class 3 championship. Gene will be greatly missed by all. IMPACT BY MAsTERCRAFT SAFETY CREATES YEAR END AwARos FOR MORR SPORTSMAN COMPETITORS -Impact by MasterCraft Safety, a company synonymous with the off-road racing industry, continues to support the Sportsman off-road racer with four year end awards for Sportsman drivers .competing in the 2011 Traxxas TORC Series presented by AMSOIL. The year end awards will offer the top Sportsman Truck Racer and top Sportsman Buggy Racer the opportunity to win a Mastercraft driving suit as well as an Impact SuperSport side air helmet. The entire offer has a value of over $2000. "The off-road racers in the Midwest have always been a strong supporter of Mastercraft Safety components," noted Kelli Willmore, Impact marketing director. "Our company produced its first product for the off-road market in 1970; the same year as Crandon's first race, and not long afterward Midwest racers began using our products. Now with the addition of Impact Racing, we can offer the off-road racer an incredible range of motorsports safety equipment."· AboutMasterCraftSafety Based in Santee, California, MasterCraft Safety is the leading manufacturer of driving suits, window nets, and innovative safety seating and restraint systems custom tailored to endure the most extreme environmental conditions and off-road terrain. Whether the Impact! Racing or MasterCraft Safety products are on a top fuel dragster, a SCORE Trophy Truck or a blast-attenuating seat for a military MRAP, the common theme is both companies are the first choice More information on MasterCraft Safety's full-line of products can be found by visiting www.mastercraftsafety.com The-opening rounds of the Traxxas TORC Series presented by AMSOIL will be held at Red Bud MX in Buchanan, Michigan, beginning May 28. Impact components will be well represented in both the PRO and Sportsman divisions. Impact! Racing's colorful history and extensive product line of helmets, gloves, shoes and driving suits are available online at www.impactraceproducts.com. The goal of the Midwest Off Road Racing (MORR) group is to insure affordable racing for the Midwest Sportsman Off Road Racer by uniting racers with a common voice. Maintaining affiliations with approved sanctioning bodies will allow the competitor and the enthusiast to enjoy off road racing now and in the future. www.midwest-offroadracing. com For more information on the Traxxas TORC Series presented by AMSOIL, visit them on the web at www.TORCSeries.com. For a complete listing of the 2011 MORR Contingency Plan, visit:www. midwest-offroadracing.com/contingency.htm. To participate in the MORR Contingency plan, please contact MORR Board Member Mike Reusche: philsinc@ymail.com or call 847-343-4658. Dusty Times
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