Volume 28 -Number 1 -January 2011 $2.50 ISSN8750-17S2 C'eleb,at'ing ou, 28t'h -Yea, OF se,viee TO The OFF Road Community ----------------~-----~~~-----:." covering the world of competition in the dirt ••• J
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Volume 28 - Number 1 January 2011 DllliY51■II Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors Scott Bottomley J. Pre&'ton Bradshaw Jim Culp Mike Del Col Nicole Del Col Steve Hilton Victor Gazca Martin Holmes Rod Koch Byrle Moore Steve Ruddick Maurice Selden Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham B.O.R.E. -........----Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite IA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copyright by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., ([~l\]$ tt:;ffi§$>. §j!l1JB ~§~~~ ~QEW !}<!f§l\ 'Ote ~ 1or 3J .11l 'Ot1$Qf ® .:ff jf l\®§lB In This Issue ... FEATURES SCORE Tecate Baja 1000 lry Judy Smith ............................................................... 8 66th Rally Of Wales lry Martin Holmes ................................................................ 20 BITD Henderson 250 lry Judy Smith ..................................................................... 24 MORE Toys For Tots lry Steve Ruddick ........ : ...................................................... 32 Chicas Off Road Race lry George Jackson ............................................................ 40 DEPARTMENTS Happenings .......................................................................................................... 5 Trail Notes ............................................................................................................ 6 Checkers Newsletter .......................................................................................... 44 Good Stuff Directory ........................................................................................ 46 Classified Ads ..................................................................................................... 50 Index To Advertisers ........................................................................................... 50 ON THE COVER Baja 1000 -The Vildosola father and son team, Gus and Gus Jr. had an absolutely fantastic race, they beat even the bikes, a glorious first overall in their Ford F-150. Photo by Kevin Hipp -Track.side Photo A great race for Sam Berri, he was the overall winner at the BITD TransWest Henderson Ford 250 in his Jimco, Sam completed the 250 mile course in 4 hours and 2 minutes. Photo by Sean Naugle - Track.side Photo Visit Our Website at Dustytimes.com Seed-a e,,z,t d-e 7 fJ.<UJU/ to-DU STY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year - $25.00 □ 2 years -$40.00 □ 3 years -$55.00 (to subscribe online go to www.dustytimes.com) □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name _ _____________________ _ Address _ ___________________ _ City _____________________ _ State _______________ Zip _______ _ Primary Interest Cars D Trucks D Motorcycles D Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian - 1 year $30.00 US • Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times January 2011 Page 3
As the first decade of the new millennium thinks about winding down the year 2010 was a milestone for the Checkers: fifteen class winners, five class champions, and a "Toyota Milestone" award winner. The Club can look back and see that the performance was in part, nay, mainly due, to the efforts of the current President: Greg "Kras" Krasnow. In '09 he was encouraged to run for the position. After a spirited, non-stop campaign he won and commenced on an aggressive, success-oriented program: Attended all twenty-two "Checkers" races. On occasion when there was more than one race on the same weekend, Greg still maintained a presence at both, either in a pit or at contingency flying checker colors and recruiting racers to join our club. This effort contributed to 127 Entries 23 Wins 13 Second Places 11 Third Places: SCORE (Five Races) Class 1 Championship_ Class 1 Milestone Laughlin • 1st Class 1 • 1st Class 1 O SF250 • 2nd Class 1 Baja 500 • 3rd Class 1 • 3rd Class 8 Primm • 2nd Class 8 Baja 1000 • 1st Class 4 • 1st Class 11 M.O.R.E (Six Races) • Eight Wins • Class 1600 Championship • Class 11 Championship Best In The Desert (Five Races) • Class 1 O Championship Runner-Up • Class 12 Championship Runner-up SNORE (Four Races) Glen Helen Short-Course KRAS NORRA • 1st Class 3 Kras and Checkers, with the assistance, of Tecate had a hospitality center at the end of each NORRA stage His SuperDuty logged many, many hard miles from Jacumba to Jean, from Loreto to Lucerne, from Barstow to Beatty. His executive efforts included: • GPS-ing and ribboning pits from Primm to Puertocitos • Publishing the weekly minutes • Organizing meeting sites from Hollywood -to Newport -to the Inland Empire • Publishing monthly Club reports in Dusty Times • Staffing pits and those remote "not-so-very-much-fun" pits ... or taking them himself • Assembling and publishing roster • Pit equipment organization / repair • "Tire Drop" pit equipment exchange coordination • The Clam Bake • Setting up a San Felipe Checkers radio relay for the "250" • Developing and monitoring a private mailing system for online communication, ["The Checker Forum"] keeping the club informed and focused on racing on a daily basis • Chairing the meetings • Actively involved with past presidents in producing the "35th Anniversary" fete • Producing the M.O.R.E. "Powder Puff' pits for twenty-six non-Checker entries (five winners) His outside professional affiliations as a licensed California Real Estate Agent are with the San Diego Board of Realtors active on Coronado Island and greater San Diego. Greg is also a yacht salesman on Coronado Island and professional Captain Greg has owned and operated a number of business interests in Tucson, Arizona before dazzling us in California, selling everything from forklifts to automobiles. Greg has either made, sold or repaired almost anything auto related, if he has done none of the forgoing he knows who does and where they are Greg started "The Checker Forum" and monitors its traffic, to keep the club informed and focused on racing, his internet skills are exceptional He encouraged interested worker bees, friends of members, and winning racers alike - from Yucaipa to Yuma, from Big Bear to Burbank -to become members. A dozen new active, working, racing members. Kras developed a swag cache unequaled by any club ... hats, Ts, hoodies, tape measures,~cozies, pens, pencils, flashlights, bells, whistles ... and, of course, Checkers "steekers". Sighting, staffing, and running an Extra Special Secret Pit down the Peninsula. Kras is a diplomat, a roving ambassador of good will ... and a good friend, the kind of guy who has your back 2010 is a year to remember as Greg's Presidential Tenure towers above others.
' 2010-2011 Happenings ... 1 OK FoUR WHEELERS P.O. Box36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 <4x4 forever.org> (All ewnts staged at the club grounds in Cleves. Ohio) 4x4 FoREVER, Lm. 1665 DELAWARE ST. OSHKOSH, WI 54901 AMERICAN RALLY SPORT GROUP, INc. 3650 Sm.rrH POINTE CIRCLE, Sum 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAx: (702) 521-0597 <web 1. userinstinct.com/271413 25-ameri-can-rally-sport-group.htm. E Mail: roger@rallyusa.com AMERICAN TRIALS AssocIATION AMA Observed Trials Southern California Championship Series BILL MARI<uM, 2010 PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HOTLINE, 2010 (714) 562-7742 E MAIL: BMARK909@AOL.COM <www.atat:i-ails.com> ASOCIACION EsTATAL DE AUTOMOVILISMO SAM 1..AsELL, TECH INSPECTOR Avro 42 SAN Jos£ DEL CABO BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL SUR. MEXICO AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP DARRYL SM!Tii 19 SoMERS ST. CASHMERE, QUEENSLA.ND, 4500, AUSTRALIA DUSTY TIMES @bigpond.com ~UTOCROSS QUEBEC OFF ROAD CL\ss 10 CARS ONLY RENALD V AILLA.NCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAVAL QUEBEC, CANADA H7P 1T7 (450) 622-4440 <www.autocrossquebec.com/pages/ indexpag.hcml> BAJA CUP CHALLENGE BAJA PRoTRUCK OFF RoAD RAcE SERIES 14402 BOND COURT EL CAJON, CA 92021 619-390-6252 The Protruck schedule for 2011 will consist of both the SCORE and Best In The Desert races. BARONA SAND DRAG A SSN. P.O. Box 1521 lAKEsIDE, CA 92040 All Races Are Night Races All Races At Barona Racewa:,, Lakeside, CA BBM MARKETING PROMOTIONS Off Road Short Course Racing & Special Event Marketing NORCO, CA 92860 e-mail bbmracing@aol.com (909) 815-5811 BEST IN THE DESERT 3475 BOULDER HIGHWAY LAs VEGAS, NV 89121 702-457-577 5/FAX: 702-641-2431 <www.bitd.com> January 7-8, 2011 Thr Motorsports Parker "250" "a Duel In The Desert" Parker, Az Motorc:icle, Quad & Uw Points Onl1 -No Pre-Fun Run February 4-6. 2011 Bluewater Resort & Casino Parker "425" "the Legend Li11es On" Parker, Az Car & Truck Points Onl1 · l-Da1 Pre-Fun Run On Sunda:,, ]an. 9, 2011 March 4, 5, 6 2011 Gpr Stabilizers Laughlin U.S. Hare Scrambles "the Most Technical Desert Race In The U.S." Laughlin.NV Motorc:icle Points Onl1 -No Pre-Fun Run March 25-27 201 1 Motion Pro Nevada "200" Trail Ride (Non-Competiti11e E11ent) "an Epic Off-Road Ad11enture" Caliente, Nv Dusty Times Mc Onl1 -ln11itation Onl1 -No Points -Call For More Information April 29-30, May 1, 2011 Bilek Racing Silver State "300" "the American Ad11enture Continues" Points For All Classes -Pre-Fun Run April May 13- 15 2011 Epic Racing Bluewater Gran Prix "the Superstar Of Gran Prix Races" Parker, Az Motorc:icle, Quad & Uw Points Onl1 (Mini Race) -No Pre-Fun Run August 18- 20, 2011 Tsco "vegas To Reno" "the Longest Off-Road Race In The United States" . Points For All Classes - No Pre-Fun Run October 14-16 2011 Bluewater Desert Challenge "the American Challenge Continues" Parker, Az Car/Truck & Uw Points Onl1-No Pre-Fun Run December 2- 4 2011 Transwest Ford Henderson "250" "a Classic Off-Road Race" Henderson, Nv Points For All Classes -No Pre-Fun Run BORERAcING Allen Gerber 801-380-9011 - after 5pm please www.BORracing.org BP MoTORSPORTS P.O. Box411 WOODLA.ND HILLS, CA 91365 760-578-6258/ 760-578-6259 FAX: 818-348-4648 E-Mail: bpmotorsports@earthlink.net All E11ents At California Cicy, CA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGHTON, ONTARIO, CANADA KOK-l H0 (613) 475-1102/FAx (613) 475-3250 January 2011 CAJOR CLUB A UTOMOVIUSTA } UARENSE DE CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD RACING 7210 GATEWAY EAST EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 0ll-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES <www.Califomiarallyseries.com> March 3-6, 2011 Desert Storm Rally (1,2,3) Blythe, CA April 9, 2011 High Desert Trails Rally,(3) Ridgecrest, CA May 21, 2011 Plan B Rally (3) lndio,CA June 18-19, 2011 Idaho Rally (2,3) Boise, ID July 8-9, 2011 North Nevada Rally (2,3) Lovelock, NV August 6, 2011 Mendocino Rally (2) Ukiah,CA August 27, 2011 Gorman Ridge Rally (3) Frazier Park, CA September 30-October 1, 2011 Prescott Rally (2,3) Prescott, AZ November 5, 2011 Seed 9 Rally (2) Jean, NV CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box 400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING A SSOCIATION P.O. Box645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVE ADAMS (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DON ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 Continued on page 6 Pages
Trail Notes ... WE WOULD LIKE TO CONGRATULATE OUR THREE FAVORITE NASCAR DRIVERS ON THEIR 2010 SEASON. First to Jimmie Johnson, who was an off roader many years ago on winning his fifth NASCAR title, fifth in a row! And Jimmie earned $7,264,780 during the 2010 season. Also, we want to recognize Robby Gordon, he puts his heart and soul into his racing and Robby earned $2,913,820 during the 2010 season. Last, but certainly not least, Brendan Gaughan who finished in 11th place in the overall standings in his series and Brendan earned $928,329 for his efforts during the 2010 season. We wish them all the best in the new year and hope some of their dreams will be realized. ATTENTION DESERT RACERS - I urge all of you to look at the last page or so of the MORE Toys For Tots article by Steven Ruddick. Steve has outlined the new rules BLM will be enforcing in 2011 and some of the old rules that they never bothered to enforce. There is going to be a lot of changes of what the BLM will and will not do in 2011 and it behooves all of us to become familiar with the new stuff before we are written up for doing something we have been doing for years and now can no longer continue to do. Take a peek and see for yourself. Ed. THIRTEEN STURDY 2010 SCORE TOYOTA MILESTONE AWARD WINNERS. To be honored Saturday at SCORE Awards Night at Atrium Hotel. After 2,122.90 dusty and rugged desert racing miles, 13 of the world's best desert racers have survived the challenge of the five-race 2010 SCORE Desert Series to earn coveted 2010 SCORE Toyota Milestone Awards. The 13 drivers, competing in eight different classes, earned their prestigious honors by finishing every required mile in the World's foremost Desert Racing Series. All 13 drivers will receive their special awards Saturday at the Atrium Hotel in Irvine, Calif., adjacent to John Wayne airport, during the annual SCORE Awards Night celebration of 37 years of SCORE desert racing honoring the 2010 SCORE Desert Series point champions and the winners of the 2010 SCORE Off-Roadsman of the Year awards. Leading the way are three racers in the featured SCORE Trophy-Truck division, three in SCORE Lite and two in Class 1-2/1600 for 1600cc VW-powered open-wheelers. The three SCORE Trophy-Truck drivers who have completed every race mile season are: Jesse Jones, Litchfield Park, Ariz. (No. 76, Ford F-150), Andy McMillin, National City, Calif. (No. 31, Ford F-150) and Nick Vanderwey, Phoenix (No. 84, Chevy Silverado). The talented trio also finished as the top three in the 2010 SCORE Overall and SCORE Trophy-Truck point standings. Toyota is presenting these prestigious awards to the world's toughest desert racers for the 25th consecutive year. The Toyota Milestone awards will go to those pro car and truck drivers who finish every required mile in the five-race 2010 SCORE Desert Series, the World's Foremost Desert Racing Series. "Toyota is proud to honor the world's best desert racing drivers," said Les Unger, national motorsports manager at Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A. "For a quarter of a century, Toyota has had the privilege of presenting the SCORE Toyota Milestone Awards to the toughest racers on the planet." Vanderwey will be receiving his second Toyota Milestone award and the other four who will be receiving their second one as well are Arturo Velazco (Class 1-2/ 1600), David Caspino (Class 6). Heidi Steele (Class 6) and Samuel Araiza (SCORE Lite). Steele is one of only two female racers who have earned this award. The other female driver is three-time winner Bekki Freeman-Wik (1998, 1999 and 2000). The remainder of this year's honorees will be receiving SCORE Toyota Milestone Awards for the first time. The challenging 2010 season began with the 16th annual SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge in January and ended with the 43rd annual Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 in November. The season-ending granddaddy of all desert races went down Mexico's Baja California peninsula from Ensenada to La Paz, featuring a season-high 292 starters competing in 34 Pro and 6 Sportsman classes for cars, trucks, motorcycles and ATVs.2010 SCORE Toyota Milestone Awards (13 Racers completed every required mile of the five-race 2010 SCORE Desert Series). Jesse Jones, Litchfield Park, Ariz., Chevy Silverado (SCORE Trophy-Truck) Andy McMillin, National City, Calif., Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy-Truck) Nick Vanderwey, Phoenix, Chevy Silverado (SCORE Trophy-Truck) Kory Halopoff, Orange, Calif., Alpha-Chevy (Class 1) Luke McMillin, El Cajon, Calif., AlumiCraft-VW (Class 1-2/1600) Arturo Velazco, Banning, Calif., Porter-VW (Class 1-2/1600) David Caspino, Woodland Hills, Calif., Ford Ranger (Class 6) Heidi Steele, San Clemente, Calif., Ford Ranger (Class 6) Elias Hanna, Ensenada, Mexico, Ford Ranger (Class 7SX/ 7) Justin Davis, Chino Hills, Calif., Seagrove-VW (SCORE Lite) Lee Banning, Laveen, Ariz., Foddrill-VW (SCORE Lite) Samuel Araiza, La Paz, Mexico, Curry-VW (SCORE Lite) Joe Baca!, Anthem, Ariz., Lexus LX570 (Stock Full) GENERAL TIRE DOMINATES THE BEST IN THE DESERT CHAMPIONSHIP - Team General Tire crushed the competition taking Best in the Desert Championships in three classes. "Ballistic" BJ Baldwin unleashed the fury this season on BITD and won the Championship in the Trick Truck class. One of GT's yourrg guns Jason Voss followed up with a 2nd place finish in the championship and won the Trick Truck class at the Trans West Ford Henderson 250 Dec 3rd -5th. David Schneider also answered the GT calling with a championship in class 4400, as well as Louis Chamberlin gave the competition his all and won the championship in class 7-2. Procuring General's first championship in a desert racing series since its re-launch into desert racing in 2007, Team GT pulled out all the stops at this Best in the Desert series crowning event. Stealing the off.road racing spotlight in 2010, "Ballistic" BJ Baldwin and co-driver Johnny Nelson had their sights set on a championship in the Best in the Desert Series since the beginning of the season and accomplished the Page 6 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RAcING AssOCIATION C.J. RICHARDS P.O. Box332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLAIRTON H1-J ACKERS l.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TWP. LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 Short Course off Road Racing At Har-rison County Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH Cum AUTOMOVILISTICA SAN QUINTIN CALLE 6TA FRAcc Co. DE SAN Qu1NTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HERACLIO PATINO (011 52 616-5-22-07) Cum AuTOMOVILISTico SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road ENSENADA, BC, MEXICO USA JAN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) RAMON CASTRO & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/ 7 0034) CMC CONTINENTAL MoTOSPORT Cum P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 Fax: (714) 367-1608 CODE OFFROAD MADERO 621-A MEXICALI, MEXICO 21100 760-455-8069 USA 01 l-52-686-553-4087 MEXICO www.codeoffroad.com.mx COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION BARB V AHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box8286 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O. Box392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER 011-5 2-65-66-44 5 8 CORR SERIES 270 NEWPORT CENTER DR., SUITE 100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 866-501-CORR CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, SUITE 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA Exr 42 Fax (818) 957-4435 CRS CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES <www,CaliforniaRallySeries.com D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (All events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston County ORV Park, Olympia, WA) DAKAR RALLY ' DARREN SKILTON BAJA AUTOMOTIVE ADVENTURES 455 E. OCEAN BLVD., SUITE 208 LoNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 <www.dakar.com> Bajaautomotive@Yahoo.com DECATUR FoUR WHEEL DRIVE Cum DECATUR, TX 76234 TOM ALLEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MoTORSPORTS 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (928) 855-22Q8 EAsTFRN OFF-ROAD RACING AssN. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 ENSENADA BAJA OFF ROAD RACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX 0ll-52-646-1818989 Eus10 0ll-52-646-1715230 AARON Races for buggys & Motorcycles EsTERO BEACH INTERNATIONAL January 2011 Short Course Racing VICTORIA GALINDO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO 0l l-52-646-176-6230 FORDA FLORIDA OFF RoAD DRIVER'S ASSOCIATION JASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 · Mar, Apr, May, Noo at Davidson Raceway FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 1855 PARKWAY DRIVE s. EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/959-579-6151FAX mdrracing@aol.com GENERAL TIRE TROPHYLITE SERIES DRIVE RACING ORGANIZATION 760-352-6020 Las Vegas, NV GLEN HELEN OFF-ROAD BAJA CUP CHALLENGE SERIES PO Box6950 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92412 CONTACT: Bos BEYER, OFF-ROAD DIREC-TOR PHONE: (909) 815-5811 www.glenhelenoffroad.com April 9, 2011 Day Race July 9, 2011 Night Race August 27, 2011 Day Race December 1 7, 2011 Night Race Short course, stadium and desert race classes GLEN HELEN BAJA CUP CHALLENGE SERIES PO Box6950 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92412 CONTACT: Bos BEYER, OFF-ROAD DIRECTOR PHONE: (909) 815-5811 www.glenhelen.com GORRA GEORGIA OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 420 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA GREAT PLANES OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION TIM HODGE (402) 991-6048 SconMoRRow (816) 792-2126 (All races are short course, stadium style Classes, 2010 Sportsman, 1/2-1600, 5-1600, Sport Truck, Quads, Tough Truck Nebraska Raceway Park, Exie 420 on l-80 between Omaha and Lincoln.) For latest info check < www.gporra.net> _ HIGH PLAINs OFF RoAD RACING 2000 W. QUINCY AVENUE #B ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 303-806-8062/303-781-0974 fax INTERNATIONAL lcE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDDOR (612) 937-3816/Fax 474-2769 INTER-SHows MoTOflSPORTS PROMOTIONS, lNc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 ]EEPSPEED 1826 N. WINDES ORANGE, CA 92869 714-538-7434/ fax 714-633-1724 Sept 10-11, 2010 MORE Chilli CookOff 250 Lucerne Valley, CA Dec 3-4, 2010 BITD Jeepspeed Challenge Finals TBA KAMI.OOPS OFF ROAD RACING Whispering Pines Sports & Recreation Center l<AMLOOPS, BC, CANADA www.korrbc.ca. Mike Strange (250) 573-4003 LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS & OFFROAD EXPO (626) 961-3782 <www.prerunners.com> <www.megashow.com> L.I.T.R.E. ]EFF ELROD (408) 926-0522 JIM ARUTA (408) 247-4402 LOORRS LUCAS OIL OFF RoAD RAcING SERIES March 12, 2011 Round l Firebird International Raceway Chandler, AZ March 13, 2011 Round 2 Firebird International Raceway Chandler, AZ April 16, 2011 Round 3 Speedworld Off Road Park Surprise, AZ April 17, 2011 Round 4 Speedworld Off Road Park Surprise, AZ May 21, 2011 Round 5 Glen Helen Raceway San Bernardino, CA May 22, 2011 Round 6 Glen Helen Raceway San Bernardino, CA June 25, 2011 Round 7 Miller Motorsports Park Tooele, UT June 26, 2011 Round 8 Miller Motorsports Park Tooele, UT August 6, 2011 Round 9 Glen Helen Raceway San Bernardino, CA. August 7, 2011 Round 10 Glen Helen Raceway San Bernardino, CA September 24, 2011 Round 11 Speedworld Off Road Park Surprise, AZ Septembert. 25, 2011 Round 12 Speedworld Off Road Park Surprise, AZ November 5, 2011 Round 13 Las Vegas Motor Speedway Las Vegas, NV November 6, 2011 Round 14 Las Vegas Motor Speedway Las Vegas, NV December 10, 2011 Round 15 Firebird International Raceway Chandler, AZ December 11, 2011 The Lucas Oil Challenge Cup Firebird International Raceway Chandler, AZ MAMARRITA OFF ROAD RACING LUIS CARLOS AlVAREZO PANAMERICANA AVE #5105 Co. JUAREZ, CHIH., MX 011-52-1637-1799 MICHIGAN BUGGY BUILDERS Dune Buggy Trade Show (517) 543-7214 <www.buggybuilders.com> MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 ]ONES ROAD GRAND LEDGE, ML 48837 (517) 627-6200 Motorcycles, Quads, ATVs and Pilots only MAORA Mm-AMERICA OFF ROAD ASSOCIATION P.O. Box664 GREENUP, IL 62428 (217) 962-1318 E-MAIL: rooster@maourracing.us <www.maoraracing.us> MDR PRODUCTIONS OFF-ROAD RACING SERIES 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE, 2010 SOUTH EL MONTE, CA 91733 PHONE: (626) 442-9320 FAX: (626) 579-6051 E-Mail: lnfo@mdrracing.com Dusty Times
<www.mdrracing.com> 2011 California Championship Series 2011 Superstition Championship Series All Races 2010 at Plaster City, Wm/Ea.st M.O.R.E. MOJAVE OFF ROAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 1231 BARSTOW, CA 92312 760-253-4453 <www.moreracing.net moreracing@earthlink.net Jan 22, 2011 2 Loop Short Course Barstow, CA March 19, 2011 Balls Out 250 May 21, 2011 Royal Purple's Memorail Day 500 July 16, 2011 Kar Tek's Freedom 250 September 10, 2011 Kartek Chili Cook Off 250 October 8, 2011 6th Annual Powder Puff December 3, 2011 Holiday 200 Toys for tots race MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY ASSOCIATION DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. FUNT, ML 48506 (810) 730-9221 MoTOWEST WINTER 1'RIALs SERIES BILL MAructtAM (909) 860-1857 <www.lTStrials.com> All euents at Perris Racewa, (At Reed Valle, with a school) NATIONAL Mun RACING AssN. RT. #l, 2010 Box 380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN PALATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFF TRUCK ASSN. Butch Chapin Motorsports Promo-tions 1404 EAsr 3RD STREET HAsnNGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NOORA NORTHERN Omo OFF RoAD RACING ASSN. GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAIL Kaylaaron@aol.com <www.Nooraoffroadracing.com> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Spring Valle, Racewa:,, on route 518, 20 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) (Thunder Valle, located 15 minutes from Spring Valle,) NORRA NATIONAL OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION www.norra.com (661) 268-1232 May 4-8, 2011 2011 Mexican 1000 Rally OFF ROAD EXPO SPIN COMMUNICATIONS (415) 380-3890 Meghan@spinpr.com OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Volunteered Series PREslOENT, 2010 GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP., 2010 1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP., 2010 9 & UNLTD. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OUTLAW REP. DoN PONDER (314) 631-8190 (All Races at Wheeling in the County 900 Acres) OHio OFF RoADERS INc. 1427 GosHEN H1us ROAD S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 )IM KENDEL (216) 339-4674 All races held at Harrison County Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO OFF RoAD RACERS ASSOCIATION RICK TtCHBOURNE, Pusuc RELATIONS (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) OUTLA w SEVEN PICKUP Dusty Times 9269 UMMELMAN ST. Louts, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/Fax: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. Off Road Championship 495 N. COMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <www.usoff-road.com> PENNSYLVANIA SHORT COURSE RACING SMITTITON HOLE RACEWAY 313 SKYLINE DRIVE SMITTITON,PA. 15479 MIKE GEISER 330-683-6263 www.smithtonhole.com Short Course Offroad Racing All Races At Smithton Hole Raceway PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF RoAD RAcING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 875-7591 PROTRUCK PROTRUCK MANAGEMENT INC. 11409 PINEHURST DR. UKESIDE, CA 92040 (619) 885-4458 PRo 1600 SHOOTOUT COREY GOIN 559-647-6132 GOINRACIN@HOTMAIL.COM PURE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box50 RICKETTS, IA 51460 (712) 679-2221 RALLY AMERICA <www.rallly-america.com> January 2S-29, 2011 Sno*Drift Rally National Rally Championship Event Atlanta, MI <www.sno-driftorg> Associated Euents: Sno Regional Rally (CentTal Regional Rally) Drift Regional Rally (CentTal Regional Rall:,) Sno * Attack (Exhibition) February 25-26, 2011 Rally in the 100 Acre Wood National Rally Championship Event Salem, MO April 30-May 1, 2011 Olympus Rally National Rally Championship Event Ocean Shores, WA May 13-15, 2011 Oregon Trail Rally National Rally Championship Event TBD,OR June 3-4, 2011 Susquehannock Trail Rally National Rally Championship Event Wellsboro, PA July 15-16, 2011 New England Forest Rally National Rally Championship Event Newry, ME RALLYE AlcHA DES GAZELLES The Only All-Women's Off-Road Rally Raid In The World 203-249-1340 Skype: kellanvanhoesen kellan@soulsidenet.com <www.rallyeaichadesgazelles.com> March 19-April 2, 2011 France & Morocco ROCK CRAWLERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA P.O. Box 1406 RIVERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/Fax: (801) 253-3176 SAN DIEGO SHORT COURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New Series by Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro Tn«:ks, Desert Tn«:ks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Tn«:k <www.snowbirdracing.com> (858) 571-5088 SAN DIEGO OFFRoAD ExPosmoN (888) 836 7918 SCCA RoADRALLY P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-2055 <www.scca.org> SFX MOTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. COMMONS DRIVE, Sum 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 Fax SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., Sum A CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 <www.score-intemational.com> January 14-16, 2011 17th SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge Laughlin, NV March 11-13, 2011 25th MasterCraft Safety Tecate SCORE San Felipe 250 San Felipe, BC, MX June 3-5, 2011 43rd Tecate SCORE Baja 500 Ensenada, BC, MX August 26-28, 2011 16th SCORE Las Vegas Terrible's Primm 300 Primm, NY November 17-20, 2011 44th Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 Ensenada, BC, MX SNORE SOUTHERN NEV ADA OFF ROAD ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 270516 LAs VEGAS, NV 89127 702-277-2295 www.Snoreracing.net February 19-21, 2011 Battle At Primm Primm, NV March 26-27, 2011 MINT400 Moapa, NV May 14-15, 2011 250 Race NV July 30-31, 2011 Midnight Special Moapa,NV October 22-23, 2011 SNORE250 Pahrump, NV December 10-11, 2011 Rage At The River Laughlin, NV SONS OF THUNDER 4 WHEELERS RACE DlVISION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 Mike Moore, 2010 (224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS EXPO MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. HActENDA BLvo. #322 HACIENDA HEIGHTS, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SCTA SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING Assoc1ATION & BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, INc. P.O. Box 10 OROS!, CA 93647 (559) 528-6279 (559) 528-9749 FAX <www.SCTA-BNI.org> SOUTHERN SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD RACING ASSN. 4305 WooTLARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (All Races at Ea.stbay Racewa,, Tampa, FL) TRAXXAS TORC SERIES Apr 30 • May 1, 2011 Cycle Ranch San Antonio, TX May 2S-29, 2011 Red BudMX Buchanan, MI June lS-19, 2011 Crandon Off Road Crandon, WI June 26, 2011 Pikes Peak International* Colorado Springs, CO July 22 -23, 2011 Charlotte Motor Speedway Charlotte, NC Aug 13-14, 2011 Bark River Off Road Bark River, Ml Sept 3-4, 2011 Crandon Off Road Crandon, WI Sept15,2011 Chicagoland Speed Continued an page 31 January 2011 Trail Notes ... goal the "BJ Baldwin way," no holds bars all-out ballistic racing all season. "I was on a mission this year. I wanted to be the first General Tire racer to bring them a championship and I am proud to say we accomplished the goal and brought the fans some exciting racing all season," said BJ Baldwin, Baldwin Motorsports. "The Grabbers performed excellent all year and are a huge factor in my winning strategy. My team is so pumped on winning this championship and we are looking forward to dropping the hammer again on the competition next season." An.cl Baldwin is no stranger to victory. His results for the 2010 season have been: first place at the BITD Parker 425; second place in teammate Bobby Baldwin's truck at the 2010 SNORE Mint 400; and second place overall at the BITD Blue Water Challenge Race in Parker, Ariz; as well as securing a 4th place finish in the SCORE Baja 1000. The unstoppable team of Jason and Rich Yoss walked away with an incredible second place in the Best in the Desert championship and earned first place in Trick Truck at the Henderson 250. "These wins are exactly how we wanted to end the 2010 off-road season," said Travis Roffler, director of marketing, General Tire. "Our performance here proves that Team GT isn't going anywhere. We've made our mark on the desert with some of the best drivers and best tires in the industry and we are here to stay. We are extremely proud of our entire Team GT results and look forward to an outstanding 2011 off-road season." Driving on General Tire Grabber Competition tires, David Schneider won the BITD championship in class 4400. Louis Chamberlin, sporting the invincible Grabber AT2 tires, won _the BITD championship in class 7-2. JAMAR MICRO STUB KlT -Just released by JAMAR, this centerboard, micro stub kit is designed to bring the bearings closer together thereby minimizing the possibility of breakage and associated issues. Each kit comes with a 3/8" x 11.250 rotor, billet 4-piston caliper, 205 mm lug pattern with 14 mm lug studs. The black ·surface is a special UV coating and provides a durable, long lasting finish. There are 2 options on the stub axle 930 or 934 and each 934 flange is lightened and clearanced for the CV axle. Additionally, bolt holes in the axle are upgraded to ½-20 thread to keep all CV fasteners similar. The new Micro Stub kit retails for $1939.00 and can is available from JAMAR dealers worldwide. For the dealer nearest you visit J_AMAR at www.jamarperformance.com KING SHOCKS RELEASES A REVOLUTIONARY NEW INTERNAL BYPASS SHOCK (IBP) - King Shocks has a brand new design that packs the versatility and control of a bypass shock in a compact durable package. The Internal Bypass (IBP) has both velocity and position sensitive valving in a unique dual piston, monotube design. The secondary valving allows fluid to bypass the primary piston through ports into the hollow shaft. As the shaft moves into the shock body it engages a tapered metering rod that closes the secondary ports forcing the fluid entirely through the primary valving. IBP gives you a supple ride at slower speeds on pavement or smooth dirt and progressively firmer damping without bottoming out when you're hitting larger bumps at higher speeds. With no external bypass tubes to get in the way you can mount a larger diameter shock in tight confines like production based trucks and SUV's. The larger the pistons diameter, the greater damping force it can generate. The IBP can be built in a smooth body style for cars with existing springs or as a coilover to suspend the vehicle and provide damping. The IBP is another example of King Shock's constant efforts to provide you with the most durable and best performing products available. Nothing rides like a King. The King, IBP internal bypass shock will be available for 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, OEM performance series and UTV applications. DRIVE OFF ROAD RACING - El Centro, California. This release is specific to DRIVE Off Road Racing. It does not speak for any other racing organization as each area and circumstance may be different. DRIVE Off Road Racing has made the decision not to schedule any races for the 2011 season. This was an extremely difficult decision to have to make after over two years of hard work, effort, and commitment by DRIVE, their volunteers, their dedicated group of race teams, and an amazing group of sponsors. There simply was no reason to start a season that we cannot finish. It wouldn't be fair for anyone. New fees for land use will start to be charged very soon. These fees are called Cost Recovery Fees. "Cost recovery charges will be limited to BLM's cost of issuing the permit, including necessary environmental documentation, on-site monitoring, and permit enforcement. All costs, direct and indirect, related to the processing, permitting, and monitoring of a single SRP are eligible for cost recovery. This includes BLM personnel time, printing materials, depreciation costs of vehicles, miscellaneous supplies and equipment used to process and/or monitor the SRP." (From a recent BLM Document presented to promoters). These fees will easily be $12K per race or more depending on the structure of the event. Based on past history for all truck and buggy races in Plaster City the number of active participants will not be able to cover these fees. In order to cover all the cost of a race there would need to be at least a 100 car average per race. Raising the entry fees is not an option at this point as it would only detract people from racing here. We will also be required to file all permits and pay for them 180 days in advance. Which creates working capitol issues for a small series like DRIVE. The long term solution to this problem is to continue to work with the BLM, ocher promoters, and land use organizations to find ways to reduce the fees. We will also be reviewing all applicable laws and regulations in regards to cost recovery. As we work through this we will continue to update our website with new information as well as maintain the company structure. Our goal is to return to Plaster City and continue to put on fun, safe, and exciting off road races once these issues are settled and there is enough interest in racing cars and trucks at Plaster City. We are sure there will be many people disappointed as we too are disappointed in the way things have changed. Continued an page 31 Page 7
1m&u TECATE BAJA 1000 Vildosola's Take Trophy Truck & overall By Jusy Smith Photos: Track.side Photo .... The Vildosola's, Gus Sr. and Jr. took the Trophy Truck win at the 1000, they were first overall as well, seen here in their good looking Ford F-150. LA PAZ, MEX: The Vildoso-las, Gus and Gus, Jr., made off road history by becoming the first Mexican National team to win a Baja race overall. Not only that; they did it in a peninsula run, from Ensenada to La Paz, the most traditional form of the race, and, in the year in which Mexico celebrated the bicentennial of its freedom. The popular victory came about after 1061 miles of close battling with some of off-road's finest, and at the finish-line, their time was a penalty-free19:00:04, which beat the overall-motorcycle winning time by 20 minutes. The Vildoso-las, who teamed in their f:ord, said they'd been trying to accomplish just this feat ever since the senior member of the team began his off-road racing career. This year's course was a giant zig-zag from one side of the pen-insula to another, and then back again. It took the traditional line from Ensenada to the area east of Tres Hermanos, and then it curled around a bit, crossed the highway at Mile 78, zig zagged some more, and hit the highway at Mile 104, from where it traveled east to San Matias pass. Then it hopped off and on the highway a couple of times, and finally dropped down into the dirt to run along Diablo Dry lake, down to Morelia Junc-tion to Zoo Road, and into San Fe-lipe and through the dump. From there it was a straight shot south on the old, old Puertecitos road, into Puertecitos, and on to Coco's. There was new pavement, graded road and old road in that section, but then it was ola familiar stuff again for a while. Calamajue Wash was once again in full flow, and many a racer got stuck and did some wading around in hip-deep water before getting going again. Then the course thumped and bumped to the Bay of L.A. Road, where it turned east to the B. of Steve and Chris Appleton drove their Jimco-Chevy to the gold medal in Class 1, they had an hour on their competition at the checkered flag. L.A., and points south. The run to cross Highway 53 which comes to El Progreso and then out to down from Purisima, and contin-the highway skirted El Arco, and ued on to the coastline, before hit pavement south of Vizcaino. turning south again. Then it stayed Lots of driver changes were made along the coast until Mile 1019, in these pits along the pavement, when it turned eastward again, which stretched for 40 miles to paralleling Highway 1, and into La San Ignacio, another area with Paz at Mile 1061. Everyone had 45 many pits set up. After Ignacio hours to finish the event. There the trail went westward, through were 187 cars and trucks. Tres Palmas, and dropping down The race began on Thursday, to San Juanico, then following the and as always, the bikes and quads coast for a while and turning into started first, at 6:30 a.m., and the La Purisima. At that point they Trophy Trucks went off the line at went up through the rocky spine about 11:45 a.m. The weather was of the peninsula, right across and nice, cool in the higher elevations, almost to Highway 1 on the east warm down south, but it turned coast. Originally the road turned foggy along the western shore, and south and paralleled the highway many drivers had miles and miles at this point, but because the trail of thick fog to maneuver through. had turned to deep and mostly Their chase crews had the same un-navigable silt, SCORE had re-problems out on the highway, marked the area, and led the racers making it a very tense drive from out to the highway instead. Unfor-about Cd. Insurgentes almost to tunately, in quite a few cases, the the finish. second or third team in the race The race was marred by the vehicles hadn't been able to attend serious injury to Justin Imhof, 17 the drivers' meeting on Wednes- year old rider on the Honda team. day night, and thus, didn't get the Imhof crashed only 15 minutes or message. Their GPSs showed the so after taking over the bike on the original way, and they followed the nighttime section of the course. unknowing technology, and appar-He was found fairly quickly and ently didn't see or didn't believe airlifted from Baja to a hospital in the new markings in many cases. California, where he is reported to After making a turn nearly into be making some improvement at Loreto, the trail then headed west, this writing. through San Javier, and then over For the chase crews and team ..---------------------------......, members who needed to drive south, there were some surprises. The first one showed up just a little south of Maneadero, when the drivers found themselves in a long line of stopped traffic because of road repairs. Many miles of road have been completely tom up and re-routed between Maneadero and the road to Uruapan, and there was an uncommon amount of sitting in line waiting for the flag-man's signal. And that was only the beginning. All along the pen-insula, in both states, there were road crews at work. Except for that first one up at the top, most of the stops were brief, and at some spots it was just a matter of a short de-Arturo and Abel Velazco, Rogelio Pando and Esteban Cruz pooled their talents and Don and Ken Moss and Dave Grudsman drove their Ford Bronco to the Class 3 win tour down through a wash where drove their Porter to first place in the Class ½-1600 fracas. in Baja, seen here headin' for the finish line. a new bridge was being built. In ~.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::-=.-;:-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--===================;--;;::.-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=----------------, .. Mike and Robbie McCarthy and Greg Crowther drove their Ford F-150 No grass grows under Robby Gordon's feet, he flew to a second place Daniel McMillin, Steve Sourapas and Gary Arnold drove their drove their to the win in the Stock Engine Truck Class, seen here just at landing. finish at the 1000, seen here in his Chevy CK1500. good look in' Jimco Chevy to a silver medal in the Class 1 competition. Pages January 2011 Dusty Times T
win it." Their time of 19:00:04, meant that their average speed was 54.8 miles per hour. They earned no speed penalties, and finished at about 6:30 a.m. Friday. Kevin Carr, Noe Valdez and the Luis Barragans took the Class 5 honors, they are seen here shortly after their race began. Gustavo Avina and Miguel Leon were the big winners in the Class 5/1600 battle, seen here on their way to glory. In second it was Robby Gordon in his Chevy. Gordon started tenth off the line, and drove most of the way, letting his dad, Bob, take the wheel from Vizcaino, north of San Ignacio, to somewhere south of there, while he had "a pee stop and a face wash." At about Mile 820 his OPS screen quit working for a while, and he missed a turn, going too wide and getting into some rocks that tore up his driveshaft. He said that cost him about 20 minutes. Gordon said he'd "had a hard time passing guys - I thought we were gonna pull it off." Then, as he eyed the Vildosola team's finish line celebration, he said, "They did an awesome job." Rath-er wistfully, he added, "I wish we could come to La Paz every year." The Gordons had two minutes of "highway speed" penalties, but it fact, most of the stoppages were for bridge-building crews. Race teams were also pleased to find that many areas of the highway have been smoothed out, and now have shoulders, making the trip considerably easier on the nerves. With the trackin s stems, OPS devices, satellite telephones, radios dosolas had finally earned the win line, they'd passed Roger Norman and internet gadgets all aimed at they'd sought for such a long time. early in the day when he had a flat, the race all the way down, it wasn't Tavo was in the truck at the finish. and then no one had caught them. exactly a surprise at the finish line, He reported that they'd "had a Tavo started and finished, and his though there were a few tense great day -and it means the world dad, Gus, drove from Crucero to moments, because in the final to me." He'd flattened a couple of Ignacio. They said that for this handful of miles anything could go tires, but nothing else had gone event there was "a special Mexican wron . But it didn't. And the Vil-wrong. Starting second off the trophy, and the plan was for us to ·;::....;.=.....:..;::...._....;..;...;.;.,a ___ ....:.,.. ________ _.__-'-'--...., Continued ,n p11e 10 The Ramirez/Yee/Arambula/Maupome entry was second in the ½-1600 The Kellogg/ Wilcoxon/Johnson trio took second place honors in Class The Reisen/Burden/Balkie team came down from Canada to take second race, only 5 minutes out of the win in their Curry after 25 hours of racing. 5, seen here nicely airborne early on in the race. place honors in the Class 5/ 1600 fracas. Dusty Times 2,160 Rooms And Suites 60 Table Games 2,300 Slot Machines Poker Room Race & Sports Book 640-Seat Bingo Room 16 Movie Theaters 8 Restaurants 75,000 Sq. Ft. Of Meeting Space 4,500 Seat Equestrian & Event Center 80,000 Sq. Ft. Exhibit Hall Spa & Fitness Center Showroom 64-Lane Bowling Center ?ltidad~~ 1 LAS VEGAS BLVD AT S/LVERADO RANCH • SOUTHPOINTCASINO.COM January 2011 Page 9
made no difference in their posi-tion. Their time was 19:56:27. Third place went to Roger Nor-man in his Ford. Norman was first off the line in the morning, but the early flat put him back into traffic. Norman drove the entire distance, during which he had a second flat. But his biggest prob-lem was that his lights were badly aligned. He said he'd "tried to sort them out" about four times. Two of them had become loose and fell off, just to make matters worse. The lights were terrible in the fog. Norman's time was 19:56:27 and he had no penalties. In fourth it was the team of B. J. Baldwin .and Chad Ragland in their Chevrolet. They'd been fourth off the line. At Mile 160 they'd lost a crank trigger sensor, and it cost them six minutes. They said they "couldn't catch it back up." Baldwin started, and then Ragland drove from San Ignacio to Mile 920. He'd had three flats in his first 150 miles, caused by "driving too fast", he said. He'd also been stuck in silt between Mile 800 and 850, where there was "really bad silt." Ragland said he'd also made his co-driver sick. He'd been nauseated to the point of throwing up, so they'd had to make a stop to let him get out and put another navigator in. Ragland was concerned that his dad, Larry (in Baja to co-drive with Jesse Jones) would yell at him for having those flats. When Baldwin got to the finish he said he'd run into "bad fog" also, and it "just killed us." Johnny Nelson, who rode with B.J., spent a lot of time "hanging out the front window wiping dirt off the lights." What happened was that the fog made the lights damp, then the silt rose up in a cloud and stuck to them, reducing the amount of light they gave. They couldn't see the trail in front of them, so Nelson resorted to cleaning them. Their total time was 19:57:20, and they had no penalties. Fifth place went to Gary and Mark Weyhrich, who went off the line seventh in their Ford. Gary started and Mark finished, and they switched at Vizcaino. Mark was brief in his comments, saying only, "That was ab#!*#" He'd had only one flat, but also had trouble when the lights got wet and the silt stuck to them. He estimated that there'd been about 200 miles of fog. Gary had had two flats in his section. Their total time was 20:08:04, with no penalties. In sixth it was Troy Herbst and Brian Collins, teamea in Collins' Dodge. They'd started 23rd in the lineup, and had moved up more than any truck that had finished to this point. Herbst, in at the finish, said, "That might have been the most challenging course ever. That was tough." He cited problems David Caspino and Jason Ruane drove their Ford Ranger to the Class 6 win, they are seen here shortly after the start of their adventure. with the fog also. Collins started in the morning, and Herbst got in· at San Ignacio. k, Sal Fish congratu: . lated him ·on his finish, Herbst said, "I'm thanking you for this and I don't know why!" He noted that he "blew a turn and got stuck in silt and had to wait for a farmer to help." Collins had the team's only flat. Their time was 20:49:39, and they had no penalties. In seventh place it was Rob MacCachren and Will Staats in a Ford. They'd been the 30th truck off the line. MacCachren drove .to Bay of L.A., then Staats did the section to Loreto, and Mac-Cachren got back in to go to La Paz. At the finish he said, "If you start in the back you can't win this race." His reasons were, in part, the dust, which he said was "hanging", and the fog, which he dealt with from Insurgentes to Sta Rita, a distance of about 110 miles. Their time was 20:54: 18, with no penalties. Eighth place went to the Vanderwey brothers, Nick, Mike and Larry, and Curt LeDuc, in a Ford. They were fifth off the line. Nick and Mike started and drove to Bay of LA., then LeDuc got in and drove to Loreto. Larry then drove it to the pavement near the end, and Nick got in to go to the finish. They said they'd been do-ing well early in the day and had caught the dust of the third truck on the road, but then had a flat down by Coco's. They lost some positions, and thus had heavy dust from then on. They said "It took us a couple miles to pass a quad!" They'd had no problems in the silt, but said their shocks are "tired." The race, they said, " was fast -we fell off the pace." Their total time was 21: 10: 11, with two minutes of highway speed penalty, which didn't change their finish position. In ninth place it was Jason and Rich Voss and John Swift in their Chevy. Rich, the dad, started, Swift did the middle, and Jason finished. He said he got stuck when he ran into the back of Steve Strobel who was stuck in the silt. He also lost his intercom in the dampness from the fog and had to resort to hand signals to commu-nicate with his navigator. When they got stuck the farmer who was there pulling people out, wanted to be paid before he'd help. So they gave him their hand-held radio, because they didn't have handy cash. The radio hadn't been working and was probably broken. Their time was 21:13:14, with no penalties. · Tenth went to Mark McMillin aq'd Chuck Hovey in McMillin's Ford. McMillin started, and Hov-ey, who finished, said he'd done San Ignacio to the finish and had a "pretty good run." Then he said he'd been stuck in the silt for 20 minutes, and a farmer had pulled him out. And the fog had been "terrible", and caused the radio to go out because it got so wet. Their total time was 21: 15:03, includ-ing five highway speed penalty minutes. Without the penalty they might have moved up a couple of positions_. In eleventh it was the team of Robbie Pierce and Mike Julson, in a Ford. They'd been 32nd off the line. Pierce started and Julson fin-ished after getting into the truck at San Juanico. Julson said he'd had .no rear brakes "because Robbie tore 'em off ... " He also said, "It's always nice to be in La Paz." They had a time of 21:25:08, with no penalties. Twelfth went to Jesse Jones, in a Chevy. He was in the hunt for the overall points and not happy about having started (thanks to the luck of the draw) 31st off the line. He had the great good fortune to have Larry Ragland as co-driver. The team was "all excited" about that. Ragland started, with Willie Valdez navigating, and they had no mechanical woes. "Way south", near Punta Cqnejo, Jones, who said he'd had "dust and fog all day", hit a tree and it exploded the right front wheel, and at the same time, they got stuck. Ultimately they finished in 21:30:39, which -The Class 7 win went to Dan and Tom Chamlee, they're seen here at high speed in their Ford Ranger on their way home-:· included five minutes of highway speed penalties. Still, he retained his points lead, and took the over-all points championship by just two points. The 13th place finisher was the father-and-son team of Terry and Adam Householder in their Chevy. Adam, the son, started and went to San Ignacio, and he had an early flat tire. He was also stuck twice, and had to be pulled out, losing about 45 minutes. One of his "stucks" was in Ca1amajue Wash, and the other happened when he missed a turn while driving on a flat front tire. Terry drove to the finish, and he also got stuck in the silt along the way. Their time was 22:02:06, with no penalties. Steve Strobel was 14th, with Dale Ebberts sharing the driving in his Chevy. Strobel started and had nothing more than a flat tire to mar his drive down to Vizcaino. Ebberts had a cracked and leaking oil cooler and had to keep adding oil. The navigator found himself holding the replacement oil in his lap as they made their way toward the finish. All together they added "at least" six gallons of oil. Their time was 22:02:48, with 3.5 min-utes of highway speed penalty. In fifteenth it was Rob Bruce, who drove all the way in his Chevy. He said he'd had engine problems before the race, and now had a "brand new engine" in the truck. It was burning oil, and he'd had to add 10 gallons during his trip, adding it every 7 5 miles or so. He also had one flat. His total time was 23:35:09, which included 28 speeding penalty minutes. The sixteenth finisher was the team of Craig and Curt Potts, brothers, in a Ford. Craig drove to Mile 51:5, and Curt went on to finish. They had no problems beyond one flat tire. They didn't even get stuck in the silt. They said that this was their first peninsula run. Their total time was 25: 11:54, which included 29.5 speed penalty minutes. Dave Crinklaw and Mike Thur-low, in a Ghevy, wen; seventeenth. Thurlow, who started, got stuck "early on" in the silt. Crinklaw, who did the second half, got stuck at about Mile 625 or so, in the silt, on an uphill. He said he "jacked and dug for hours." The first thing he said at the finish was "What a battle!" Their time was 25:37:48, including 20 minutes of speeding penalties. In eighteenth it was Ed Stout, with Jay Manning and Jason Batu-lis as co-drivers in the Chevy. Stout started, Batulis did the middle and Manning finished. They said a rock went through -the radiator and holed it so badly it had to be replaced. That was a three-hour repair job. Manning also got stuck. Their total time was 26:09:02, with 11.5 minutes of penalty The nineteenth finisher was Cameron Steele, who listed Cody Stuart, Justin Smith and Pat Dean as co-drivers. They finished at about 3 p.m. on Friday afternoon. Said Steele, "The Baja wins again." They had what he called "minor" problems. They lost a pulley bear-ing which cost an hour, then ran out of gas after getting a false "full" reading at their fuel stop, and it took them four hours to get going again because they were in the San Javier section of the course and the chase crew had already gone · ahead to Insurgentes and had to come back so they could go on the course to rescue him. They'd actually been closer to where the truck was, but didn't want to go "backwards" on the course, so had to go way back to get safe access. Their time was 27: 12:44 with no penalties. In 20th it was Andy and Scott McMillin, who'd been a serious contender for the points cham-pionship at the start of the race. They were fourth off the line in their Ford. A power steering line broke at Nuevo Junction, which is about Mile 104. Andy, driving at the time, fixed it, but then it broke again at Check 2, aqd that time they were there until 8 p.m. Continued on page 12 Al Hogan and Pat Bell drove their Ford Ranger to a second place finish in the Class 6 race, seen here just at takeoff. Oscar Licon and Juan Castenada took a long time getting' there but Kent Kroeker and Harli Pavanpera flew their Dodge Ram 2500 to a they ended up in second place in the Class 7SX division. second place finish in the Class 8 contest, seen here nicely airborne. Page 10 January 2011 Dusty Times
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The Hannah/Castro/Ruanoua trio scored a big win at the Baja 1000, they took the Class 7X win in their good looking Ford Ranger. with repairs. They had absolutely no other problems along the way. At one point Scott stopped to help his daughter, Jessica, who was stuck, get going again, but their own truck ran smoothly to the fin-ish. Their time was 27:17:15, with four minutes of penalties. The 21st finisher was Gary Magness, Devin Housh and Tom-my Bradley, Jr. in a Ford. Magness started, Housh did the middle and Bradley drove from Loreto to the finish, with his son, Darren; navi-gating. They'd been stuck a couple of times, and had to dig out, and they had "lots of flats." Housh also became carsick from the exhaust, to the point of throwing up. Their time was 27:53:36. In 22nd place it was Pete Sohren, Bill Hernquist and Ramsey El Wardani in a Ford. Sohren started and went to Bay of LA., then Hernquist drove to Loreto and El Wardani finished. They broke a flex plate at Insur-gentes, and had to pull the trans-mission to make repairs. It took hours just to get Sohren on the phone and get things going. Rick D. Johnson gave them the neces-sary part, and then the repair was "pretty quick." Their total time was 28:45:25, with a half-minute penalty. In 23rd it was Scott Steinberg-er, who finished, Dave Sykes, who drove from the start to El Crucero, and Marc Stein who went from El Crucero to San Ignacio, in Steinberger's Ford. At Mile 207 Sykes shut the car off for a tire change and it wouldn't restart for two-and-a-half hours, because a switch wasn't depressed all the way. But they had no flat tires. They must have been anx-ious somewhere along the line, because they amassed 227 minutes of penalties, to give them a time of 29: 12: 17 for the record. The 24th finisher was the Chevy truck of Josh, Chad and Rod Hall. Their truck is really built for rallies and is lighter and has less wheel travel than the usual Trophy Truck. This was in the nature of a test, to see if it was ready for the Dakar Rally and others of that ilk. Chad started, Josh drove the second section and Rod got in at Check 10 and drove to the finish. They had a balljoint problem, lost a front axle and ran in 2 wheel drive for 400 miles or so. When the 4WD went out Josh got stuck in the silt, but there was a guy nearby to pull him out. Chad never got stuck. Rod said they had "accomplished our goal." Their time was 32:51:04, with 20.5 min-utes of speeding penalties. Twenty-fifth in the class was the team of Glen Greer and Tom Shaw in a Dodge. They lost the wheel studs out of a front hub by the time they got to San Felipe. Danny Foddrill had to go scrounge some studs to keep the wheel on and that took some time. They also had no brakes on the left front. Shaw drove the Bay of L.A. sec-tion to Purisima, and then Greer drove to the finish. But they had to -replace the transmission at In-surgentes, and from then on it ran "pretty smooth", except that they had 200 miles of fog. Their time was 44: 12:42, with no speed penal-ties. They were just 47 minutes or so from being overtime, and were the final finishers in the Trophy Truck class. Class 1 was the second group off the line, with 22 starters. And the first to the finish was the team · of Steve and Chris Appleton, in a J imco-Chevy. Steve started and finished and his brother did from Mile 520 to Mile 780. They said they'd had some "early flats, then just lots of dust and fog." But Ap-pleton said he'd pre-run a lot and knew it "pretty well." Chris said that he "had a perfect run" with just one flat which he changed in a pit. He said the "course was fabu-lous, the marking was terrific and there were no booby traps." Appleton's new at this sport, but he catches on fast. His first off-road race was the 2006 Baja Challenge event which was his first time in Baja, and he won. And, apparently, he'd decided it was Clyde Stacy and Justin Matney came west to run the 1000, they took the gold medal in class 8 in their Chevy Silverado. something he wanted to do again. north of Loreto. Their time was Their time was 20:32: 18, with just 23:09:39, with no penalties. 2.5 penalty minutes. The fifth place team was In second place it was Daniel Charles Rudolph and Paul Keller McMillin, Steve Sourapas and in a Jimco-Chevy. Keller started Gary Arnold in a Jimco-Chevy. and went to San Ignacio, and McMillin started and drove to Rudolph finished. They had no Vizcaino, Sourapas went from problems, but said the "silt was there to Loreto and Arnold drove tough." Their time was 25: 12:47, to the finish. Sourapas got sick and with 7 minutes of penalties. got out a bit earlier than planned Rudy and Carlos Cortez, a fa. apparently. They had "zero vis- ther-and-son team, in a DuneBug-ibility" along the beach, but no silt gy-Chevy, teamed to take sixth. trouble. Then they lost their power They broke the race into six sec-steering about 20 miles before the tions and leap-frogged. They start-finish. Their time was 21:39:47, ed and went to Bay of L.A., then with just one penalty minute. San Ignacio, then Loreto, then Third place went to the team Santa Rita and then to the finish. of James DeGaine, who drove They said they had no problems, the start to the Bay of L.A., Earl but were stuck in the silt for two Desiderio, who drove to Loreto, hours. They helped pull the #27 and Nick Johnson who went on Trophy Truck out of the silt. The to finish in their modified Baja Cortez team had no flats, and fin-Challenge car. This was not the ished in 25:42:23, with 22 minutes usual BC car that tours the pen-of penalties. insula, or even one that competes In seventh place it was the team in the Baja 1000 each year. This of Armin Kremer and Andreas one was "tuned up" for racing. Aigner and Tim Mehal in a Jimco Johnson, who finished, said he'd Chevy. They had a broken left rear had no problems with the silt, but hub at Mile 373, and the crew had he'd had no brakes for the last to go out to fix it. That cost them part of the race. He had a couple about six hours. Their total time of twenty dollar bills taped to his was 27:08:06, including 11.5 min-helmet, and said, "You can tell I utes of highway speed penalties. didn't get stuck, I've still got my The eighth place Class 1 team money." He's a tour guide for the was Cameron Thieriot, his son, Baja Challenge folks and when we Max, and Kash Vessels in an RPS-asked him how well he knew the Chevy. Max started, Kash did the course he said, "I prerun all year middle and Cameron was the long - I get paid to prerun basi-third driver. They lost c.v.s, had cally." Their time was 22:28: 17, a sticky throttle, the shifter stuck, with seven minutes of penalties. they changed a radiator fan and The fourth place finisher was were caught in a bottleneck on a the team of Juan Carlos Flores, silt hill. Their time was 27: 18:56, Steve Barry and Luis Ramirez in with an hour and 21 minutes of a Racer. Barry started and went p~nalties. to Bay of L.A., then Ramirez went The ninth finisher, the team of to La Purisima and Flor'es got in Todd Romano, Jack McCormick, there and went to the finish. They Bob Vio, Dave Roberts, John Mc-are part of the Jefferies off road Carthy and someone named Quin-team from the La Paz area, which tin, had no flats. Their day didn't is directly related to Jim Jefferies, start well, because th(l.y broke a one of the very early racers of the shock spring right off the start, event. They said they had no prob-and went all the way to San Matias lems with the car and no trouble where there crew was, before they with the silt, but they'd gotten the got a repair. Then they got stuck in message that the course had been Calamajue, and "jammed up the changed to bypass the deep silt works." They finished in 28:22:42, ----..------, with no speeding penalties. In tenth it was Randy Perry and Dale Lenk in a Penhall-Chevy. Per-ry Started and Lenk finished, and · his sons, Brett Lenk and Grant Lenk drove in the mid-section. They said they ran third until about Mile 850 when they tore off an upper a-arm. It took two hours to weld it back together. They had a time of 28:34:45, with two hours and 24 minutes worth of penalties. The eleventh place team was Kory Halopoff, Harley Letner and Ron Brant in the Alpha-Chevy. They reported that Halopoff got stuck at Mile 140 (above Diablo Dry lake) and when he was pulled out his bumper got pulled off, and all the lights and the horn went with it. So after that they had only top lights and in all the dust they were terrible. At Mile 300, north of Coco's, in the dust, they blew a turn and bent an arm, so then he just babied it. Brant drove from the Bay of L.A. to San Ignacio and Letner got in to finish. With the finish they earned the Class 1 points championship. In twelfth it was David and Mike Greenhill and Mike Boone in a Jimco Dominator-Chevy. Boone started, Mike Greenhill did the middle and his brother, David, finished. They said their first leg "was o.k.", but David got stuck and couldn't get unstuck for a while. He was between two other cars and it was hard to maneuver. Their time was 30:09:30 with 14.5 minutes of penalty. The thirteenth finisher was the team of Josh Rigsby, Erik Lit-zenberg, Tony Murray and Scott Wisdom in a Penhall-Chevy. They finished at 7:35 p.m. on Friday and just motored on past. Their total time was 31:49:20, including 4.5 minutes of penalties. In fourteenth it was Ikuo Hana-wa who came from Japan to race here. His car is a Toyota Truggy, with just one seat, in the center. It was originally a Trophy Truck modeled after the one Ivan Stew-art had such luck with. Hanawa has been modifying it over the years while racing in Japan and Guam with great success. His English is fair, and our Japanese is non-existent, but he said, with great emphasis that there was "too much silt, too deep!" His vehicle sits so low, and has no windshield, that the silt must have flowed up and into his lap on occasion. He also had a c.v. problem and had to re-grease it. He finished in 11th or 12th approximately, but added an astounding three hours and 57 minutes of penalties on to his time. One can only assume that since there were no IRC devices, and no speed limits, the last time he raced in Baja (2006), that he wasn't able to understand about it all, and just hauled butt down the pavement whenever he was able Jon Walker (Guam), Oscar Nuevo and Derek Kreger drove their Kreger-The Banning/Banning Jr./ Wilhelm Jr./Graf/Boyer Quintet drove Their The Stewart, (Ivan) Nolan, Ziesemer trio drove their Toyota 4Runner to Honda to the silver medal finish in the Class 10 contest. Foddrill to second place in SCORE LITE, here in the soft stuff. a second in Stock Mini Class, here at liftoff early on. Page 12 January 2011 Dusty Times 111 J \
to, making up for his problems ·in the silt and with the c.v. joints. We hope he finds a good translator if he returns in 2012. At almost midnight on Friday, Dan Martin and Dale and Mike Dondel, in a Penhall-Chevy, got to the finish line. Unfortunately, we had left to have a nap, and didn't get the details, but we heard that Martin rolled the car at Mile 748. Their time was 36:20:33, with 37 minutes of penalties. They were in 15th place. In 16th, and last in the class to finish, at about 5:25 a.m. Saturday, were Conan Barker, Jason Shearer, Scott Zeppenfeldt, Brad Fauvre and Ken Owens in a Jimco-Chevy. They said that while Shearer was driving he'd hit a rock and then gone over a cliff at Mile 596, going over and over, and it took seven hours to get the car out. They were about 60 miles north of San Juanico, more or less in the middle of nowhere. They'd broken their right front and left rear comers and the lights, but there were no injuries. Their chase truck came in and winched the car up and then they made repairs. They went on, but their problems weren't completely over. Their starter quit, which shouldn't have been a big problem, but unfortunately, in or-der to get the car into reverse they had to tum the motor off. They had a total time of 41:31:27, with just five minutes of penalties. They were 177th overall. The Class 10 cars were next to start, with just six entries. Sergio Salgado and Gustavo Pinuelas teamed in a Jimco Honda to get the win. They're a Mexicali team. Pinuelas started, and he'd had one flat and had been stuck in Calamajue Wash for 15 minutes, having arrived there when a "lot of cars were stuck". Salgado, the finishing driver, had three flats in his section. Their total time was 24:22:42, with 4.5 minutes of penalties. In second place it was the team of Jon Walker, Oscar Nuevo and Derek Kreger in a new Kreger Honda. Walker is from Guam, and this was his first Baja 1000 and he drove all the way. At about Mile 420 or 430, in the night, he missed a tum and rolled the car, tearing off his top lights. That was somewhere south of Bay of L.A. Without those top lights he was slowed some when he was in clean air. He also lost his front brakes and had to pinch them off. He had no flat tires, but his throttle spring faded. As he sat at the fin-ish line, Walker said, "That was a quest." Sadly, he actually finished first, but had accumulated so many penalty points for speeding, that he lost the win. His total time was 26: 15:20 including two hours and six minutes of penalty. Third place went to Lars Ferry, Dan Ragland and Rob Martensen who all drove their Jimco VW. They said they'd had a 'couple flats, got stuck and lost their lights. It was, they said, a "typical 1000." Their time was 27:04:51, and they were the.last in the class to finish. ~There were 15 SCORE Lite entries, and they were next to start. First to the finish was the team of Justin Davis, Daniel Folts and Francisco Villagomez, who lives in San Jose del Cabo. Davis, who's 17 years old, started and drove to Bay of L.A .. He had a "small crash with a tree" along the way and also had one flat. Folts went on, to Loreto, and Villagomez, who knew the Dusty Times Clyde Stacy had a very busy race, he also took top honors in the Class 9 contest with Mike Powell and Jorge De la Torre. Sergio Salgado, Gustavo Pinuelas and Cesar Castillo took the gold medal in the Class 10 competition, here at speed. southern part of the course well, drove to the finish. He had a "lot of fog and silt." Their time was 22:53:05, and they had no penal-ties, and finished 22nd overall, which includes four motorcycles. So they were eighteenth in the car/ truck roster, with nothing but Tro-phy Trucks and Class ls in front of them. They'd beaten the Class 10s who started in front of them. Good show. In second place it was the Ban-ning team: Lee and Lee, Sr., Rick Boyer and Rick Graf did the driv-ing in their Foddrill. Senior start-ed and went to Coco's, then Boyer got in and got stuck in Calamajue for an hour. He went to San Ig-nacio, where Graf got in, and he had to change a CV Boot enroute, and another when he got to the end of his section. Lee Jr., drove to the finish. Clayton Butte, Chris Godfrey and Alan D. navigated. Their time was 24:58: 14, with no penalties. The third place team included another teen-ager. Roberto Enci-nas, 17, Francisco Montalvan, and Hector Garcia all drove their Jim-co, while Jorge Lisargara, Roberto Encinas, Sr., Jorge Mendez and Carlos Gomez navigated. They said they'd had "a lot of dust" and five flat tires. They'd had a brush with a spectator's car on course. Also, they had been stuck for an hour in a Cholla with no reverse gear, and had to use the hold-down for their tires to ratchet it off the tree. They also reported that some of the nuts fell off their wheels, so they'd finished with only three nuts on each wheel. At one point a tire and wheel came off and passed the car, so they'd had to go hunt-ing it down to reattach it. Their time was 26:35:36, including 40 minutes of penalties. In fourth it was Sammy Araiza, Ernesto Cervantes, and Humberto Osuna who all drove and finished at about quarter to five on Friday evening, in their Jimco. This team is all from La Paz, and they drove the full SCORE series this year, doing very well. This time they said they "lost compression" on their motor and got stuck a couple of times. Their total time was 30:03: 16, which included an hour and 20 minutes of penalty time. The fifth place team was John Padgett and Brian Steele who did the driving, and Terry Kirly and Ryan Nikita, who navigated in their Kreger. They lost a power steering filter, their transmission linkage broke and they got stuck in Calamajue when they needed an alternator. They also had two flat tires. They had an hour and 50 minutes of penalties, and their total time was 30:38:30. In sixth place it was Antonio Castro, Nicolas Amtoriz and Santo Castro in a Chenowth. This is another team from the Cabo San Lucas area. They said they broke a lifter in San Felipe, or, as they described it, "the thing that pushes a push rod". (Our VW expert believes they must have broken a lifter.) It took them five hours to get things repaired, and then they had a clean race after that. Except, they got "just a little bit stuck in the silt." Their time was 30:56:43, with just 7.5 minutes of penalties. Seventh place went to Hector Ibarra and Juan Jiminez, both from La Paz, in a Luncin chassis. They finished while we napped, so we know nothing of their race. Their total time was 34:04:05, with 112 minutes of penalties. In eighth place it was James Marquez, who started, Edmundo Fernandez, who drove the middle and Norberto Rivera, who fin-ished, in a Jimco. They said a starter blew up and all the bear-ings came out of the starter and fell into the clutch assembly. That happened at about 3 a.m., just north of San Juanico. They got it fixed, but didn't realize there was one bearing left behind in the throwout bearing. So it ate up an-other clutch. They got stuck in the silt also. Long day. Their total time was 34:35:33, with just 11 minutes of penalties. Ninth· went to Jose de Jesus Flores, Jaime Huerta, Alan Za-mudio, and Alharo Galarza, all from Mexico, several from the mainland. They finished at about 10:20 p.m. on Friday evening, and didn't stop to talk. Their total time was 34:37:44, with 27.5 minutes of penalties. Tenth and last in the class to get to the finish, was the team of Eric Palacios, Daniel Gonzalez, Sal Sapien, Robert Campozano and Christian Sanchez, in a Che-nowth. They arrived at about ten of nine on Saturday morning. They said they broke an axle, broke an A-arm, lost their MSD, Continued on page 14 ---RACE RADIOS PINCH BOIIIIEII II UNIBAlL t:UPII . ' . l/NE RESH "'!!Jf,,#WBBB B SYSTEM 'AB PEDAL ._~ 2BBB lESAl IA / l_\ RATEB HElMETI ~ ,,. •. ~ ~-_. __ fUEl SAFE RACING CEllS l·Cll If lii IIIITC#INB 'ff January 2011 - -J - - . -~ - ";,?., Page 13
The Castillo/Custer/Haas group drove their Chevy Silverado to a second place finish in the Protruck Baja 1000 battle. Brutsman/Scherer/ Tucker/Currie/ Wolfe/ Gilsinger sextet got together to take a second place finish in the Baja Challenge. Fawn and Bruce Finchum with Kelly Ross piloted their Trophylite-Chevy to a silver medal finish in the Class 7-2 contest. .. The Davis/Folts/Villagomez trio drove their Seagrove to the SCORE LITE win at the 1000, they had two hours on their competition at the flag. dug silt a couple of times and had one rollover. They also lost their steering completely in Ojos, which was the cause of the rollover. They call themselves "The Angry Wives Club", because they said, "They let us come." Their time was 44:41:43, just squeaking in 19 minutes ahead of their cut off time, with no penalties. One other team apparently fin-ished: Jake, Josh and Scot Jones. Somehow they amassed 3391.5 minutes of penalties, (or 56 hours plus) which put them in the DNF column. Class 8 went off the line next, with seven entries. At the end of the trip, Clyde Stacy and Justin Matney, in a Chevy were first. Sta-cy did the start to the Bay of L.A. road, Matney did the middle, and Stacy got back in to do the final 300 miles. He said they had "a few little problems." They got stuck a couple of times, and took a wrong turn once and had to double back. But they had no flats, and in fact, finished on the same tires they started on. He said it was a "good course." Then went on to say he likes "the peninsula, it's so beau-tiful." Their time was 23:50:23, including 13 minutes of penalties. In second place it was Kent Kroeker, Rudy Iribe and Hari Rovanpera, in a Dodge. Kroeker started and went to Crucero. He'd had to "charge through" a crowd of trucks in Calamajue. Then Rovanpera got in. He got stuck in the silt "for hours" in a log jam, and also lost a sway bar. Iribe got in at Loreto and drove to the fin-ish. Their time was 30:58:25, with 11.5 minutes of penalties. The team of Juan C. Lopez, Jose Robles, and Ricardo Le Las Cabos, in a Ford, finished third. They said they'd lost their power steering at Mile 226. They also had "problems" with the engine, trouble with the differential. Lopez started and finished and Robles drove the middle. Their time was 33:55: 18, and they had 28.5 min-utes of penalties. The fourth place team was Stan Burns and Carlos Murillo in a Ford. They arrived at about 7 a.m. Saturday, reporting that their transmission overheated. They said they babied it 'til they got to their spare, then replaced it. They said they got stuck "many times" and were pulled out by a tractor, and pushed out. Burns, who is '71, said "this is my last off road • -I'm finished." He was sporting a bloody spot on his forehead be-cause he "ran into the bumper try-ing to dig it out, and the bumper won." They had 129 minutes (two hours and nine minutes) of penal-ties added to their time which gave them a total of 44:58: 18 -another minute and 42 seconds and they'd have been overtime and a DNF. Listed as a DNF was Tom Bradley, who teamed with Lupito Abaroa and Roger Derrick in his Chevy. They must have come in while we napped, but we don't know the story, which is too bad, because somehow they amassed over nine hours of penalties, which made them into a DNF. The Protrucks started next, with five entries. In first place it was the team of Rob Reinertson, Rob Clouser and Bob Neth in a Ford. Reinertson started and Clouser did the middle. He said he was stuck in the silt for three hours. Neth drove from San Juani-co to the finish and said merely, 'It was fun." They did say that the air filter got plugged with silt and made the truck slow and that it died often. So they stopped for a change. Also, the throttle spring was broken for the last section. Their time was 26:36:46, with 11.5 minutes of penalties added in. In second place it was Joe Custer, Gene Haas and Nils Cas-tillo in a Chevy. Castillo started and Custer drove the second sec-tion and got it stuck. Then he said he got it into the lead and blew the steering box. Haas got in at Mile 782 and drove to the finish. They had a time of 27:27:45, with 22 minutes of penalties. Third went to Troy Vest, Alan Levinson, Geno Licitra and Doug Poole in their Chevy. Vest started and finished and Levinson drove from Mile 337 to Loreto. They had air cleaner trouble, alternator trouble and got stuck once. They had no flats, but changed to new tires half way through the trip. Their time was 31:46:28, with 5.5 minutes of penalties. In fourth place it was Lee Patten, Chris Paulsen and Paul Perrizo, who was the finishing driver. They said they "got stuck in the silt a bunch." This truck had. the lead at San Felipe, but while doing the driver change they lost track and got behind somehow. One of the team said it was the "hardest one we've ever had to finish." Their time was 42:06:43, with 12.5 minutes of penalties. At about 7: 15 a.m. Saturday, the last Pro Truck showed up. This was the team of Mike McNaugh-ton, Chelsea Magness and Jessica McMillin. Magness started and went to 380, just north of Bay of L.A. She got stuck in Calamajue Wash for a while, but went on and handed over to McMillin. McMil-lin was also stuck at one point, and her dad, Scot, running late in the Trophy Truck, was able to help her get unstuck. Then McNaughton got in at Mile 700 and went to the finish. He had no brakes, lost the steering box, steering ram, a coil over and half their lights. He was afraid to turn the motor off at the finish line for fear it wouldn't start again. Their time was 43:14:11, in-cluding 11.5 minutes of penalties. Class 1-2/ 1600 had 15 entries, and at the end of the journey the winning team was Arturo and Abel Velazco and Stevie Cruz, in their VBR chassis. Abel started and went to Bay of L.A., then Cruz went to Loreto, and Arturo took over to go to the finish. They changed their transmission near Loreto, but had no other prob-lems. Their time was 25:31:46, and they had no penalties. In second place it was Arnoldo Ramirez, Eli Yee and Misael Ar-ambula in their Curry. Arambula started and drove to the Bay of L.A., and they said he had "many problems all day". Then Yee went to Loreto, and he had "many flat tires". Ramirez got in and drove from Loreto to the finish, and he had no problems. They were not quite five minutes behind the win-ning team, at 25:36:38, with no penalties. The third place team was the trio of Ambrosio Gutierrez, Dan-iel Lopez and Adolfo Arambula, in a Curry. Lopez started, Aram-bula did the middle and Gutierrez drove from Check 7 to the fin-ish. They had only two flats, but amassed 92 minutes of penalties, for a time of25:41:46. In fourth it was Luke McMillin, Adam Pfankuch and Andy DeVer-celly IV in an AlumiCraft. They lost their trans, and it took about forty minutes for the crew to get to them, and another hour to effect the replacement. The second trans was geared a little lower than the first one, so it ran the motor hard, but they got to the finish in time for fourth place, with just a half-minute's worth of penalties. Their time was 26: 12:00. Danilo Cesena, Juan Mayoral and Roberto Romo teamed in a Romo to take fifth place. Cesena, who finished, said they had an oil leak. Their time was 29:08:43, including 17 minutes of penalties. The sixth place team was made up of Federico Montes, Eliseo Gar-cia and Hector Sarabia, who was the starting driver, in a Garibay ... Garcia drove from Bay of L.A. to Loreto, and Montes finished. They said their shifter came out, and they broke a torsion bar near Mile 920. That cost them two hours. Their total time was 29:24:41, Matt Cullen, Mike Lombardi and Jason Liebl took the gold medal in the Class 11 contest, it was 43 hours long but they did it! Third place in the Trophy Truck fracas went to Roger Norman, Roger is Daniel Lopez and Ambrosio Gutierrez drove their Curry steed to a third The Cesena Jr./Cesena/Dominguez entry took third place honors in the seen here flying his Ford F-150 towards the finish. place finish in the ½-1600 battle, seen here at speed. Class 5 battle, seen here heading down course. Page 14 January 2011 Dusty Times
The Moreno/Rodriguez/Rodriguez/lribe/lribe quintet placed third in the Norm and Trevor Turley with Jesus Galvan drove their ford Ranger to a The Lopez/Rob/es/Delas Cabos trio were the bronze medal winners in Class 5/1600 contest, seen here at high speed. third place finish in the Class 7SX race, here exiting a pit area. the Class 8 contest, seen here at one of many, many liftoffs. :---~----:------;:-------;-:-:-----~-;;:::==::;;;:....:==================================::::::::::=========:::; including 14.5 minutes of penalty. with 8 minutes of penalties. utes of penalties. In seventh it was Pancho and At about ten minutes to 11 on In Class 4 there were three en-Cisco Bio, and Alex and Leo Na- Friday night, the Raceco of Rick tries, and two of them were hoping varrete in a Tubular Chassis. Alex and Charlie Steven, and Bob and to win that $10,000 side bet, while N. started and went to Crucero. Scott Figlioli two brother teams, Langley, who put it up, wanted to He lost second gear in Alamo. and Shaun Dunbar arrived, in keep it in his own wallet. He said Leo N. got in next, and he went ninth place. They said the first his reason for making the big bet, to San Ignacio. Then Pancho got leg was "pretty good", but they'd was to create interest in the class in, and he went 30 miles and lost had no front brakes. Then Bob (which is Eco-tech powered open the transmission. By some stroke Figlioli endoed at Mile 467. After wheel cars) and hopefully increase of good fortune he had cell phone that they did some work on the the entry. He put together a stellar service where he broke, so he brakes. Then, on the last leg of the team, including David Callaway, called Cisco and told him what race their radio went out. From who started, then his son, Morgan, had happened. The transmission then on they depended on text who drove the second section, was in Sta Rosalia, the width of messages from family and friends then Robert Harmon, and John the peninsula away. The crew had who were keeping track at home Langley did the last section in to turn around and go back up the with the IRC. This was the first their Racer. Morgan had the most hill, and then take the transmis- Ensenada to La Paz Baja 1000 for problems with the silt, and near sion in to Pancho and replace the the team. Their time was 31:37:27, the end John had problems also. bad one. All together it took four with eight minutes of penalties. The air cleaners clogged up several or five hours. Cisco was the last The team of Ray Files and Josh times. But they had no flats. Lang-driver, and he had no problems. Tieman, in a B&R Buggy, finished ley was fairly pleased with himself Their total time was 30:41:43, with tenth, while we napped, so we that he'd won his own big purse. a minute and a half of penalties. didn't get to talk to them. They Their time was 31:06:29, with 16.5 The eighth car to finish was the had a time of 37:38:47, and no minutes of penalties. Ultimately, Penhall of Kevin Walsh, George penalties at all. Langley donated the $10,000 to Peters and Shawn Umphries, who In 11th it was Harry J. Curtin, SCORE to add to the Class 4 all drove. At the start the car died Harry W. Curtin, Andy Lee, and purse in the three Baja events in in the middle of the street. They Lyndon Slade in a Foddrill. They 2011. said they switched batteries, got also finished during our nap time, Jason Lafortune finished sec-through the arches and it died in 37:39:26, with 42.5 minutes of ond in his TMR Agressor. This again. So the father of the co-driv- penalties. was the first race for the car, which er, Marco Torres, brought a new al-The final finisher in the class had been finished just the week ternator from Ensenada, and that was the team of Alejandro Lozano, before the race. Lafortune soloed, finally got them going, but they'd Gerardo Luengas, Alejandro Ibar-and he stopped to sleep a couple lost three hours. At the finish they rola and Federico Tejado, all from of times. He said he'd been stuck had a big dent in the side of the car Mexico City, in a Mayoral. We're in Calamajue Wash, "but not very just behind the driver's seat. They really sorry we didn't get to talk deep", but he did not get stuck in said they'd hit a concrete abut-to them either. Their time was the silt. He had no flats. And he ment. Their time was 31:37:27, 40:33:30, which included 87 min- was pleased to say he'd bought his motor for $800 in a junkyard. His time was 32:05:58, with 5.5 min-utes of speed penalties. The other entry didn't make it. Gavin Skilton and Andy Grider flew their Honda Ridge/ine to the Stock Mini win, here just at liftoff early on. Class 5 had eight starters this year, and at the end of the day it was Kevin Carr, Kent Lothringer; and Luis Barragan, Sr. and Jr., all of whom drove. Carr, who was in at the finish, said that their igni-tion had got wet and when they dried things off they reconnected something backwards and it took an hour and a half to get things fixed. They also had no brakes. Their time was 26:32:48, with 16.5 penalty minutes. In second place it was the team of Cody Kellogg and Troy Johnson and Rick Wilcoxon, Kellogg start-ed and Johnson did the middle Joe Baca/ drove his Lexus LS570 to the Stock Full class win, seen here early on when everything on the vehicle was clean and tidy. and Wilcoxon went to the finish. Hap Kellogg, James Goodnight and Carlos Rubio navigated. Cody Kellogg rolled the car just before Gonzaga, but he landed on his wheels. They had two flats along the way. Their coil failed and their air filter clogged up three times. They were actually the first in the class to finish, but had 2 hours and 47 minutes worth of penal-ties, which dropped them back to second. Their time was 27:45:37. Third to finish were Victor Cesena, Adrian Diaz and Jorge Dominguez who all drove. They had two flat tires, and they said, "We were struggling because the skid plate was falling apart." They kept using zip ties and wire to fix it. Cesena, who lives in Caho, said it was his first Baja 1000 and "I wanted to finish." Their time was 29: 12:48, with just 5 minutes of penalties. The fourth place finisher was the team of Carlos Albanez, Hec-tor Perez, Guillermo Artengsa and Luivan Voelker. Usually full of stories, this time they just said they "had some problems." Their time was 30:01:56, including 42.5 penalty minutes. Fifth place was earned by Tom Bird, Jim Borden, and Scott Wag-staff. Borden was actually the navi-gator, but had to drive the final 30 miles or so because Bird got dirt in his eyes and couldn't see. Wag-staff, Larry Antuna and Carlos Cannet also drove. They said they had moisture in the distributor and the engine was missing. They had to take out and DW40 the spark plugs, the distr.ibutor cap and all the wires. It took them two hours to figure it all out and fix it. They said they'd also hit a big boulder and broken a front shock tower, which they had to weld at Crucero. Their time was 34:03:28, with speeding penalties of 26.5 minutes. In sixth it was Drew Belk, Dave Bonner, Mike Belk and Jim An-derson. Drew Belk started the day. He had electrical problems and thought he fixed them. Then Dave Bonner got in at San Felipe, and he had "a lot of electrical problems". He had to hot wire the GPS and motor and had problems in Calamajue when the car died there. He went on to San Ignacio, where he handed over to Mike Belk. He got stuck at Mile 610 in a long line of stuck cars. He was there for an hour or an hour and a half. He and the Langley car helped each other out, by digging, putting rocks under the tires, and using pieces of carpet .. When An-derson got in at Loreto he had the steering ram "come apart" and he also had to replace the rear axles because the cvs "cooked". Then he got stuck 30 miles before the finish, again with the Langley car. But they had no flat tires. Their Continued on page 17 The Garcia/Encinas/Gomez/Encinas Jr. foursome drove their Jimco to a The Vest/Licitra/Levinson/Poo/e quartet raced their Chevy Silverado to third place finish in the SCORE LITE battle, here headin' down course. a third place finish in the Protruck race. ' Valentine/Pigott/Allard/Swann/Descants/Valentine Sextet took the bronze medal in the Baja Challenge, seen here in level flight. Dusty Times January 2011 Page 15
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BJ Baldwin and Chad Ragland drove their Chevy Silverado hard, they Luke McMillin, Devercelly IV, Pfankuch and St. John drove their The sextet of Angulo, Rabago, Reynoso, Salazar, Chavez and Morales were fourth in class, less than a minute out of third spot. ~A=lu:::m~i~C~ra~f~t t:;:o:...:a~f.~k~s~t o~f.:_f~thje~p~o~d~iu~m~f1=·n,~s=h~in~th~e~C~la~s~s~½~2....:-1~6;:0;:0;:fJ;ra:c;as~.:,_;"::in:is::h::e::d::::f.::irs::t:::o::u::t::o::f ::th::e::::m::o::n::::e::y::::in=th::::e=C:::t::as:::s::5.::✓=1=6:0:0:a:::ct:io::n:. ====:; time was 37:38:20, including five magic touch with a little truck and course off road) started and put hours and nine miriutes of penal- can seemingly bring a car to the the team into the lead. He got out ties. They were the last finishers in checkered flag after many a driver at Puertecitos and Chad Gilsinger, the class. It was really great to see would have given up and parked. an SCCA T-3 National cham-so many Class 5 cars in Baja - and This time he drove to about Mile pion, drove to Bay of L.A., and got only two failed to finish. 962, and his son Thomas came in through Calamajue Wash, squeez-The Class 6 trucks went off the from there. From about halfway ing past 30 or so stuck cars, and line next, with eight entries. At the down the peninsula he'd had no extending their lead. Then Lars end of the day David Caspino and brakes, and he also had no clutch, Wolfe, a "rally guy", drove from Jason Ruane had their Ford truck and the GPS didn't work, there-Bay ofL. A. to Vizcajno'. Bud Brut-in front of the pack. Caspino start- fore, he got lost somewhere. Dan sman, who rode with Wolfe, then ed, · and when he went through said he "laid it on. its side" once, switched to the driver's seat and Calamajue wash the water went up and broke an upper link bolt. went to the silt bed at Race Mile and over his hood, and put a·n end Their time was 28:10:19, with six 626, where they spent nearly two to their radio. So somehow they minutes of penalties. hours stuck, and losing their lead. didn't meet quite as planned. Still, In second place it-was Jose At Mile 777 where he got out he'd Caspino got out at about Mile 550 Gonzalez, and Willie Valdez in a worked back up to second. Then and Ruane took over. They had no Ford. Unfortunately they arrived Kyle Tucker, an aut0cross champ, flats and "no stucks". This was Ru- after we left for a nap. Their time drove to Mile 972, got the lead, ane's first Baja 1000, and he said, was 35:03:51, with 7.5 penalty but then lost ii with their driver "I had a blast - I won't miss anoth- minutes. change. Jason Scherer, a King of er one." Their time was 22:54:37, The third place team, Guiller- the Hammers champ, went to the with one minute of penalty time. mo Gallardo and Reynaldo Avila, finish, and got the car back up In second place it was· the team in a Ford, with Emmanuel Palacio to second place. Their time was of Al Hogan and Pat Bell. Bell and Marco Antonio Drew as 25:20: 16, with only half a minute Started and Hogan finished. Wes navigators, lost their transmission of penalty. Huston and Greg Russell navi- at Coco's and spent seven hours Third went to the team Brian gated. Hogan said "You can see replacing it. Then they hustled to Valentine, Pete Pigott, Matthew trucks stuck everywhere -there get to the finish, arriving at about Swann, J. Allard, Peter Descants were trucks upside down, on top of 6 a.m. Saturday. But sadly, they ·and Jacob Valentine. They had one another - like a nightmare." hurried too much, and earned 11.5 minutes of penalties, and a Their time was 25:03:33, with 30.5 about 15 hours of penalty time, total time of 25:32:54. minutes of penalty. turning themselves into a dnf. In fourth it was Christian and In third place it was Heidi The Baja Challenge cars were Phillip Hammerskjold, Eduardo Steele's Ford. She drove from the next to take the green flag. There Mejia, Dean Walsh and Ira Mos-start to Crucero, then Pat Dailey were six of them. These cars are kowitz. Their time was 28: 18:24, drove to Loreto and Renee Brug- rent-a-racers, carefully prepped with just two penalty minutes. ger drove to the finish. They said by the Baja Challenge folks, and Fifth place went to Mike they had no flats, but they did put always with several of their crew Cassling, Mike Mitten, Davey new tires on halfway. Steele was on board or following in a "chase" Jones, Marco Guerrero, Roberto stuck in Calamajue for an hour vehicle equipped with spare parts Guerrero and Sebastian Saveedra. and Brugger was also stuck in his and tools. Many of the drivers They said they'd crashed in the section. Dailey replaced an alterna- have done the race more than silt and hit a ravine and tore off tor, and in the silt and fog, he too, once, but there are generally some the whole front end and the power was stuck once. Their total time first-timers also. They seem to steering. It cost them about two was 27:43:10, including 3 penalty have a good time. Unfortunately, hours for repairs. Their total time minutes. they rarely want to stop and tell us was 29:30:41 and they had 70.5 Fourth, and last to finish, was about their trip. This time, at the minutes of penalties. the team of Robert Pickering and checkered flag, the winning team In sixth it was Dr. Steven Funk, Ben Phillips, in a Ford. They ar-was made up of John McGin-Travis Clarke, Richard Tuthill, By-rived in the wee small hours of nis, Todd Clement, (who used to ram Frost, Eric Berkley and Peter Saturday morning, as we napped, own the company and has raced Paitz. They finished in 37:04:56, so we know nothing of their trials Baja many times) Rick Skelton with 34 penalty minutes. and tribulations. Their ·total time and Miguel Sandoval. They said Class 5/ 1600 started next with was 38:50:04, and they had no they'd lost an alternator bolt and eight entries. The winning team penalties. lost their radiator cap, but had was the three-some of Gustavo Class 7 went off the line next, no flats. Their time was 24:26: 16, Avina, Guillermo Quintero and with six starters. There were three and they had no penalties. Miguel Leon, who said they had finishers and no one was surprised In second place it was a car no problems and only one flat. to see Dan Chamlee and crew full of racers from other forms Leon did get stuck once, but lost first of the bunch. Chamlee has a of racing. Casey Currie (short only about a half hour. Their time The Reinertson/Clouser/Neth trio took a nice win in the Protruck Division, their Ford F-150 is seen here early in the race. was 28: 15:20, with only 7 minutes of penalties. A couple hours later the second place team of Erich Reisen, Ross Burdon and Grant Baylis finished. They said they'd had electrical problems many times, a front flat, a throttle cable problem, and their radio fell out. But they never got stuck. Their time was 30:55:06, with 2 penalty minutes. In third, coming in almost at eight o'oclock on Friday night, it was Gerardo lribe, with two friends from Chile: Manuel and Juan Pablo Rodriguez. Manuel drove, and Juan Pablo navigated. Then Sergio Moreno drove, while Manuel Rodriguez navigated, and Gerardo did another stint with Romiro Ramirez navigating. Then Gerardo's dad, Carlos, drove a section, and Ramirez continued to navigate, then Gerardo got back in to finish with Juan Pablo navigat-ing. They said they lost two-and-a-half hours at Calamajue because "too many people were stuck", but after that the only problem they had was a sticky throttle. None of them got stuck. They spent more time switching seats than anything. Their total time was 31:30:16, with 15 minutes of speeding penalties. In fourth place it was Alonso Angulo, Mario Reynoso and Ro-berto Rabago. Their rear bumper was crunched, and they said a "bit truck hit us at Mile 800." They'd had to change their alternator, power steering pump and header, and the navigator's back was hurt-ing. They were also stuck, but just once. Their time was 32:32: 19, with a half-minute penalty. Fifth place went to Trevor An-derson who drove the entire dis-tance. He said his battery broke early, and he'd had to get a new one. He'd alsQ had two flat tires. His time was 21:31:20, with 3.5 minutes of penalties. In sixth it was Ernesto Aram-bula, Miguel Rosales, Luis Gue-vara, Andres Barrera and Ramon Aguilar. They finished sometime during our nap time, with a time of 34:57:11 and only 12 minutes of penalties. In seventh, and last in this class to make it, was the team of John Knight, John Witchel, Erick Han-sen, Steve Olson, Trevor Somers, Richard Garavito, Liserio Hernan-dez, Billy Hunt and Chris Stuart, all of whom drove some part of the way. Their front suspension broke and it took them nine hours to make the fix, somewhere south of San Ignacio. Then they rear-ended an Arctic Cat which unstuck the little vehicle from its "stuck", so he returned the favor and helped them get themselves unstuck. At one point, getting ready to go out on the course again, Witchel asked if everything was good. He was told it was, so he got in, drove out of the pit, and the steering Continued on page 18 The Araiza/Cervantes/Osuna trio drove their Curry to a fourth place Gary and Mark Weyhrich flew their Ford F-150 to the fifth place finish Danilo Cesena and Roberto Romo were the fifth place finishers in the finish in SCORE LITE, they're seen here at high speed on the course. in Trophy Truck, they're seen here beautifully airborne. Class ½-1600 contest, they were on the course for a bit over 29 hours. Dusty Times January 2011 Page 17
The Overall Sportsman Car win went to the Lang,lrving, German, Jellison Troy Herbst and Brian Collins piloted their Dodge Ram 1500 to a sixth Elisio Garcia, Hector Sarabia and Federico Montes drove their Garibay to quartet, they were on course for 32 hours in their Homebuilt-Buick. place finish in the Trophy Truck division, seen here nicely airborne. a sixth place finish in the Class ½-1600 event, seen here headin' home. ;:::=:::::::::::::::::::==========================--===::::;---::~--'---;-::;--:::--;----;-'----:--of Bruce and Fawn Finchum, and Trophy Truck (Greer), and a bit of opening at 90 miles per hour. There were 5 of them, Filar, Hattman, Lessley, Kveller and Stobaugh. All in one Jeep and they took the Class 17 win at the Baja 1000. wheel came off the post in his hands. This team had a long day. Their time was 44:00: 14, with 5.5 minutes of penalties. They had only an hour left. The 5-1600s, as usual, had one of the best finish percentages, with only one team failing to make it all the way. Not only that, while all of them have some penalty, they were all small to moderate, none causing them to lose positions. The 7SX trucks started next, with four entries. These are modi-fied, open mini trucks. At the end of the road the team in front was Elias Hanna, Jose Castro, and Abelardo Ruanova in a Ford. Ru-anova drove from San Ignacio to Loreto, and Hanna drove all the rest. He was sporting a bandage on his wrist, which he'd broken while pre-running a few days before the race. They said they'd had a few minor problems. One was that they had no front brakes, and another was a steering problem which cost 25 minutes for repairs. Their time was 29:41:28, with no penalties. · The rest of the class finished as we napped, and we are sorry to say we. missed them all. In second place it was Oscar Licon and Juan Castenada, another from Mexico, in a Ford. Their time was 37:35:46, with just seven minutes of penal-ties. Third was earned by Norm and Trevor Turley and Jesus Gal-van in another Ford. They had no penalties, and a time of 38:00:42. And in fourth it was Jon Ander-son, Mike Horner, and Brandt Anderson in a Toyota. Their time was 38:23:26, with no penalties. The winning team had about eight hours on the rest of them, but sec-ond, third and fourth were within 40 minutes of one another. Too bad we didn't get their stories. Class 7-2 started next, with four entries. This is the Trophy-Lite class - unlimited 2.2 or 2.4 liter trucks. The first one to the fin-ish, and the first Trophy Lite ever to finish a Baja 1000 peninsula run, was the Chevy of Jim Riley, Luis Chamberland and Rick L. Johnson. Johnson started and Riley navigated, until the Bay of L.A., and they had no problems in Calamajue. Riley then drove from that point to San Ignacio, where Chamberland got in and drove to Sta. Rita. Then Riley drove the final 100 miles to the finish. They had no flat tires, and no problems worth mentioning. Riley was all ex-cited because he'd brought a com-memorative bottle of his Azunia tequila all the way with him in the race truck, and he wanted to pres-ent it to Sal Fish at the finish. This was one of the 1061 bottles he'd had made with the very handsome special label signifying it was a memento of this event. Their time to the finish was 26:39:20, with no speeding penalties. In second place it was the team Kelly Ross, also in a Chevy. Fawn Mexicaneering. They'd worn a hole Ultimately, the team had a time started and drove to Coco's, and in the transmission case, and had of 28:37:23, with 14.5 minutes of then Bruce drove to Loreto, and to drain the oil, clean and dry the penalties. Neither of the other en-Ross drove from there to the finish area and patch it somehow. Mag 7 tries finished, though both covered line. They had only one flat tire fortuitously, had some epoxy, and more than 1000 miles before sue-and never got stuck. Their time Moss discovered a Mexican coin cumbing to problems. Sad. was 30:38:30, with 8.5 minutes of in his driver's suit pocket that fit The Stock Full trucks went off penalties. the bill. They pasted it in place, the line next with two entries. Only The team of Ron Stobaugh and added more epoxy, and refilled the one made it to the finish line, and Wes Bevly also finished in this case and went on. The whole thing it wasn't an easy trip. Joe Bacal class, in their Chevy, but they'd took about two and a half hours. drove his Toyota Lexus all the way, accrued enough penalties to put Then, down on the beach, the fog but he had a long layover in Bay of them overtime and make them was heavy and condensed on their L.A. But even before that he'd had non-finishers. big overhead light then dripped a surprise when the wheel studs on In Class 2, there was just one down into the cab, got into the his left rear wheel sheared at Mile entry. Originally there were sever- intercom and the intercom quit. 185 and the wheel came off and al, but when John Lartgley offered They regained the lead as the other went sailing by him. He was in the up a $10,000 purse for Class 4, entries had problems also, but then San Felipe dump at the time. His three of them defected and with- began to have an engine oil pres- crew found him some new 14mm drew from Class 2, and re-entered sure problem. In fact, they lost all studs at the Valle de Trinidad in Class 4. James Kirby, probably their oil, but their crew met them auto parts store, but it took about the oldest driver in the event, at and they added five quarts. Moss two hours to get him going again. 78, decided that he'd stick with said, "I don't have a clue where it Then, when he got to the Bay of Class 2, which was suddenly a one- went." As they motored along near L.A. he had a problem with the car class, because if they got to the Insurgentes there were some turkey ECU. They'd turned the motor finish, they'd earn a trophy. He vultures enjoying breakfast at the off while they did some welding, figured this was his last chance at edge of the course, and as usual, and it wouldn't start again. For a Baja 1000 and liked the idea of they took flight as the Bronco ap-12 hours ... They tried everything, taking home a trophy. Kirby had a proached. But one flew along the but the vehicle was stubbornly good-sized team spread down the trail instead of right or left and dead. Then, sort of absently, after peninsula, and he and his wife, away, so that as the much quicker calling his wife and telling her he Jeannie, were planning to get in at Bronco caught up with him, he thought he was out of the race, the last check and drive to the fin- bounced off the front, rolled back Bacal tapped on the console with ish. The car tossed a belt right off on the hood and through the a small wrench, and for some un- •• the start, but that was readily fixed windshield opening, into Moss's known reason, the vehicle started and it went on, slogging through lap. Moss had to take one hand off up. And it went all the way to the Calamajue, and plowing through the steering wheel to hand the bird finish, earning another victory, the silt, until it got to about Mile to his navigator, who then pushed with no penalties, in the time of 960 when it lost a wheel bear- it back out through the windshield 42:57: 12, too close for comfort. ing. Kirby got the wrong message over the radio, and understood a spindle was broken and he had no spare, so he took off his driver's suit and headed north to load the car up on the trailer and call it a day. That's when he discovered that it was repairable damage -but by then it was too late, as the vehicle with the potential spare parts was long gone. Kirby says he probably won't try again in 2012. Class 3 had three entries, The Bronco of Don and Ken Moss took the win, after an unusually long time spent making repairs. Their saga included backtracking parallel to the course south of Bay of L.A., doing some serious transmission work in a Mag 7 pit, getting deliv- John Mcinnis Ill, John Mcinnis Jr., Rick Skelton and Todd Clement teamed up to take ery of some transmission oil via the Baja Challenge win, seen here nicely airborne . ....,..,.=:::::::==,--;:::::::::=================. Cam and Max Theriot and Kash Vessels drove their RPS-Chevy to an The Kremer/Aigner/Mihal Jimco-Chevy finished in seventh place in the Rudy and Carlos Cortez teamed up in a DunBuggy-Chevy at the 1000, they finished the race in sixth place in Class 1. eighth place finish in Class 1, they were 27 hours on the course. Class 1 contest at the 1000, seen here at speed on the course. Page 18 January 2011 Dusty Times
Fifth place in Class 1 went to the team of Keller/Kremp and Rudolph, Not the best day for Rob MacCachren and Will Staats, they finished in Mark McMillin and Chuck Hovey did not have a good race, they finished driving a Jimco-Chevy, seen here making tracks. seventh place in the Trophy. Truck Division in their Ford F-150. a long 10th place in Trophy Truck in their Ford F-150. --:------'--=--~--=---=---:---:--:---:~;::::;:::::::::::.....:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; The other car in the class didn't Second place went to the team classes, but to finish in both. And, make it. of Joe Nolan, Ken Ziesemer and they'll both go into the record The Stock Engine Truck Class Ivan Stewart in a Toyota 4Runner. books as victories. They finished was next, with two entries. The Ziesemer had rolled the truck, the Class 9 car in 39:53:18, with description says these are "Stock, causing a lot of damage, which 37.5 minutes of penalties. Eco-turbo trucks". Mike McCar-included two flats and a broken In Class 17 there were three en-thy, Robbie McCarthy and Greg wheel. He got it going again, and tries, but only one managed to fin-Crowther teamed to run the Ford went to a BFG pit for repairs. Then ish. That was Eric Filar, Scott Halt-truck that was the first Raptor they had a bad steering pump, man, Jeff Lessley, Ralf Kveller, and to race the 1000 a few years ago. which seized, so they cannibal-Ron Stobaugh, in a Jeep Wrangler. They took the win, finishing when ized one out of one of their chase Their time was 35:42:30, with only we were not at the finish line, in vehicles (which meant that truck seven minutes worth of penalties. 38:29:58, with no penalties. was out for the duration). Then The Sportsman Truck group In second place it was Randy their lower right front control arm was next, with five starters, none Merritt, Larry Trim, and Tracy Ru- pulled away at Mile 995. The Baja of which got to the finish line. bio in another Ford. They finished Pits nearby had a welder and the In the Sportsman Car class, just 23 minutes before their time crew took the corner apart, and the there were two finishers. First to would have run out, at 44:37:35, fabricator got it back together and make it was the Homebuilt-Buick with no penalties. functioning. Stewart then nursed of Peter Lang, Peter Irving, Dan In the Stock Mini Class, the first the truck to the finish, coming in German, and Brian Jellison. They The Class 7-2 win went to Jim Riley, Rick Johnson and Matt Dowland in their Trophy finisher was the Honda Ridgeline with no brakes. Their time was finished at about 15 minutes to Lite Chevy, seen here juSt at touchdown. of Gavin Skilton and Andy Grider. 43:28:27, which included six hours ten on Friday night and reported no flats. But very late in the race Skilton broke a tie rod early and and 19 minutes of penalties. The that Lang, Irving and German had when Conrad reached into the Grider flattened a tire. Skilton said other truck in this class didn't done the driving. They said they'd engine compartment to adjust he "focused on not having prob- make it to the finish. had no problems in the first leg, the throttle, the carburetor fell lems with the silt." Grider, driving Class 9 had only one entry, but and it was "a good, fun, race." off. So they thought they'd prob-on this team for the first time, was it was the team of Michael Powell, Their time was 32:49:34 with nine ably sanded the motor. And, they at the wheel from Crucero to San Jorge de la Torre and Clyde Stacy minutes of penalty. had. It grew progressively more Ignacio, then Skilton did Ignacio from Virginia. They were driving In second place, finishing af- feeble as they neared the end of to Loreto, and so on. They changed a Mayoral. Unfortunately, they ter I'd left the finish line, it was the race, and finally, on just two drivers "several times." Grider had finished in the pre-dawn hours Fernando Hoyos A. and Rodolfo cylinders, needed a bit of a tow not ever driven the truck 'til he got on Saturday, before we got bl\ck to Jimenez n a Curry VW. Their time to get through one section of silt in it at Crucero. He said he "loved the finish line at 5:25 a.m., so we was 34:36:36, with only 7.5 pen-and whoops, but otherwise, was it", and particularly because they didn't talk to them. The special airy minutes. still in good shape at the finish. won. He said the last time he won thing about their race is that Stacy The Sportsman UTV class had Their time was 43:06:58, with 3.5 a race in Baja was on a Honda had already driven his share of his three entries, optimistic folks ap- minutes of penalties. bike. Skilton said this was .his first Class 8 truck, in which he'd won parently -but no finishers. The "Exhibition Vehicles" class "clean" peninsula run. The team the class. So he accomplished what Class 11 had four entries, all had two entries, one of which was finished in 29:23:48, with 3.5 min- only a few have done before him, with highly experienced teams at a full size ambulance. The other utes of penalty. and that is to not only drive in two the wheels. Only one made' it in. was a Suzuki Jimmy, with a crew t This was the team of Juan Avila, of drivers who were apparently Steve Williams, Bruce Conrad, all from Japan. Neither of those Billy Robertson, Matias Arjona, vehicles got to La Paz. Steve Wins, Mike Lombardi, and In the M Truck class, there Matt Cullen. They spent nearly were a couple of huge Oshkosh a full year building the car, then trucks, which are ultimately meant not long before race day, tore it all for military purposes. They prob-apart and had it put back together ably couldn't have picked a better down in Ensenada by some Class test ground. One of them appar-11 experts, to make sure it was ently got almost no distance, but done right. Practically everybody the other made it, although it got to drive at least once in the was hours past the cut-off time. race, and they had no serious The team of Glenn Harris, Mike trouble. Conrad got hrt twice in Sabarese, John Griffin and Mark Calamajue Wash, by an unthink-Growe drove it. They arrived mid-ing Class 1600 driver (after all - if afternoon on Saturday, they said. you've fallen behind the Class 11 They'd had one flat tire and one cars before Calamajue, you've no leaky shock. Changing_one of their right to be banging on them.), who tires out in the desert is a concept The win in Class 4 was taken by Jason Lafortune and Jeff Proctor, seen here at hit him hard enough to knock that boggles the mind. The tires speed in their TMR-Chevy. the rear bumper off. They had are huge and heavy. It was a job for ;:::::::===================;--;;;;;==::;....----_:_---_,:_------.;..... supermen. The penalties were widespread, and they were all speeding penal-ties. There were some of those "vir-tual checkpoints" on this course, but they caused no problems. Clearly, many of the competitors have no idea how fast they are going on the pavement. Quite a few reported that due to water or fog their GPS had quit working. If they counted on it to tell them their highway speed they were in serious trouble. There were 177 miles of pavement with that 60 mph speed limit - just one mile over the limit for the full length of the paved sections was enough to earn hours of time penalties. To get down to 60 the drivers must begin slowing down long before they get to the speed limit section, but some teams apparently haven't figured that out yet. Paul Fish, Race Director of SCORE, says that things are much better than they were a few years ago, and there no longer are angry Mexican federal police trying to chase down scoff-law Trophy Trucks or Class 1 cars. But he said also that SCORE has a "zero tolerance" policy. That is -no excuses are viable. If the car is speeding, it has earned penalties. SCORE's 2011 season is already in the works, and while many, in-cluding those who live there, would love to have the 1000 go to La Paz again in 2011, Sal Fish has said that it will be a loop race. SCIIE Cameron Steele, Cody Stuart, Justin Smith and Pat Dean had a lousy Nick and Larry Vanderway with help from Curt LeDuc managed an Jason and Rich Voss along with John Swift were the ninth place finishers race, they finished 19th in Trophy Truck in their GMC Sierra. eighth place finish in Trophy Truck, seen here in their Chevy Silverado. in the Trophy Truck Division, seen here in their Chevy Silverado. Dusty Times January 2011 Page 19
lJ\J2C 66TH RALLY OF WALES Loeb/Elena/Citroen Triumph By Martin Holmes It nearly happened, but in the the formula was inaugurated into end it didn't! Sebastien Ogier with-the world series in Monte Carlo stood an intense attack from the 1997 and it was the last before private Citroen driver Petter Sol-the new formula based on Super berg in a similar but older car to win 2000 cars fitted with 1.6 litre tur-Citroen' s seventieth world cham- bocharged direct injection engines pionship rally. The formula's most comes into effect. Based in Cardiff, successful car and driver therefore South Wales, the route headed won the final event, but the surprise northwards each day into central in the end was the podium place for Wales before returning to Cardiff the Ford of Jari-Matti Latvala which each evening. took third place overall and gave Times had changed though, not the driver the second place overall the least in that Britain's World in the world championship series. Championship Rally attracted al-Armindo Araujo and Xavier Pons most the smallest entry in its 66 won the two outstanding world · year history. 63 entries were finally championship categories, while accepted compared with the 62 that Andreas Mikkelsen drove brilliantly started the 2009 edition. What was to dominate the Super 2000 class. a surprise however was there were Wales Rally GB was witness to only 15 World Rally Car starters the end of one of rallying's most on the final occasion these cars memorable eras, the 14 years of the could be rallied in an FIA cham-current World Rally Car rules. It pionship event. Four of the five was the 201st rally to be run since registered WRC teams were present, Photos: Maurice Selden the Munchi's team missing as they completed their 2010 programme at the previous rally, in Spain. The rally also counted for both the Pro-duction Car and the Super 2000 championships, and on both counts the FIA title would be decided here. Quality if not quantity, however, was assured, with 42 of the 63 en-tries registered as FIA priority crews. The PCWRC series had come down to a head-to-head between the Mitsubishi Evo X of reigning champion Armindo Araujo and the Subaru of Patrick Flodin. Flodin's retirement in Finland had become a major championship handicap to him,· coming to Britain 18 points behind Araujo. Top PCWRC driv-. ers out of contention but compet-ing on this final round included the Subaru drivers Toshi Arai and Anders Grondal. The SWRC se-ries was a three-way battle for the Andraes Mikkelsen and Ola Floene took the win in SWRC in their Skoda Fabia, they finished 10th overall.in their endeavour. title between the Spanish driver Xavier Pons, the Finn Jari Ketomaa (both in Fords) and the Swede Patrik Sandell in a Skoda. This series had been much more closely fought, only nine points separating these three, with Pons seven points ahead of nearest challenger Keto-maa. Other drivers who no longer had the chance of the title had changed their entries. Martin Pro-kop's (Czech Ford National Team) entry taken by the Norwegian driver Andreas Mikkelsen, Nasser Al At-tiyah's (Barwa) used by Irishman Craig Breen. In the WRC Cup for Teams, a subsidiary category to the SWRC, four teams were still in contention, the Red Bull team (SandelVSkoda), the Nupel Global team (Pons/ Ford), the Shanghai FCACA team (Ketomaa/Ford) and the Czech Ford Team (Mikkelsen/ Skoda) all able to win. Ten Super 2000s took the start, the same number as on the recent IRC Rally of Scotland. In both the PCWRC and the SWRC the Chinese FCACA team were present, with Wang Rui and Jari Ketomaa respectively in action, but the central Chinese interest on this rally was focussed on the first rally for a Chinese driver in WRCar. This was Liu Chao Dong who was entered by Stobart M-Sport. Matthew Wilson was once again the only British WRC team driver. There were two Guest driv-ers in the PCWRC, 20 year old Scottish driver Dave Weston and 22 year old Welshman Jason Pritchard, whose home town is Builth Wells, location for a Remote Service/Re-group stop on the first two days of the rally. The top British IRC driv-ers Kris Meeke and Guy Wilks were both missing, as were the top eight British championship drivers and no former or reigning British Open champions were competing. Al-though there were 12 or so British drivers on the start list half of them were driving small two_wheel-drive cars. One of these was Harry Hunt, who clinched the FIA Rookie's title at the recent Catalunya Rally, driv-ing his Fiesta R2. This was a rally for the foreign visitors to win. There were other trophies wait-ing to be gained. This was the last time that Pirelli Star Drivers would be seen at the wheel of tur-bocharged four-wheel-drive cars, the 2011 class would instead be using front-wheel-drive Fiestas. And there was an air of nostalgia, it being exactly 50 years ago, on the 1960 RAC Rally (the predecessor of Wales Rally GB), that a special stage was first run on British terri-tory. On that occasion a Saab 850cc two-stoke three-speed car driven by · Erik Carlsson made fastest time and . this gave him victory on the event.~• The special stage involved was one of fou, held in Scotland, the only one run on gravel as opposed to asphalt, and was given the name Monument Hill. The personality featured on that monument was a Gaelic poet. This year one of the stage venues to be run on Day 2 on the Eppynt Ranges, in Wales, starts at a monument erected to celebrate the construction of an access road. Performance Proven for Desert & O.ff-Road Use 1·50 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding &Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. 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Petter Solberg and Chris Patterson finished second overall in Wales, seen here in their Citroen C4 in the dark. This stage venue bears the name Monument Hill. A recent outbreak of tree disease in Wales had little effect on the route of the rally but did mean the planned Thursday morning Shakedown could not be held at the traditional location in Margam For-est, near Port Talbot. Instead a short asphalt road called the Barrage within Cardiff Docks was run, held at night on the Wednesday before the rally. This road was then run as the first stage, 24 hours later, again at night. The Barrage stage has a strange design, featuring a loop in mid-stage, which meant that only one car could be despatched at a time. There was also one stage, used twice, which was substantially run on mixed surface, the Four Ways Crychan on Saturday. The Service park arrangements in Cardiff have changed. The WRC teams were lo-cated in front of the downtown HQ building, while the support champi-onships and privateers were in the positions used last year. There were two rather than one midday remote service parks, on Days 1 and 2, at Builth Wells in central Wales. The traditional forests were much the same as in recent years, though the Rheola stage in south Wales was not used. Instead the rally returned after several years to Radnor For-est. The use of stages in mid-Wales meant that once the event started, the first time the rally cars would be seen in Cardiff in daylight would be on the final day of the rally. It also meant that this was the second lon-gest rally this year in terms of total distance, after the Swedish. Everything looked on course for Ken Block until he crashed the car he planned to drive in Wales on a pre-event test and the M-Sport team had to prepare "SUX", the team's perennial test car, so the American could make the start. As the cars began to arrive in Cardiff it was interesting to see which ones they were. Sebastien Loeb had the famous chassis 20, which has an unbeaten record of four wins out of four starts! The big surpise was Hen-ning Solberg who was happy to be driving at all. He arrived in the car that the Hungarian driver Frigyes Turan crashed heavily in Spain, a little over two weeks earlier. "The M-Sport guys did a miracle to get my car here at all. I am still picking up the loose nuts and bolts and have to be careful because the paint is not yet dry!" In six days the car had been transformed from an absolute wreck into an "as-new" rally car. Jari Ketomaa appeared with a different Fiesta to usual, chassis 10 instead of chassis 3. He said it had not covered so many kilometres as his usual car. For that there was a reason. Chassis 10 was the car which Kosciuszko had done his best to destroy in Jor-dan and it had since been rebuilt! Albert Llovera had withdrawn on medical grounds, Giovanni Manfrinato because of broken ribs suffered in an accident while com-peting in Italy; car number 47 was to be withdrawn immediately after being driven over the start ramp but not by Spyros Pavlides, but by Steve Lancaster, one of his regular co-drivers, and Bernardo Sousa made plans with M-Sport only to run the first stage of the rally before flying back to compete on the Algarve Rally in his native Portugal. Only 61 eventual starters were confirmed so it was the smallest field to run on this event! The weather on the day of the Shakedown was uncustomarily sun-ny but rain was confidently forecast for the event itself. The five Citroen C4 drivers put on a dominating performance with four of them (led by Ogier) taking the top places ahead of the Focuses. At least it was dry, the rain only appearing over Cardiff late that evening ... Drivers at the pre-event press conference gave some thoughts. Latvala said all he wanted to achieve was third place in the world drivers' champi-onship, adding that the more you think about this event the more you start to worry, and that does you no good. For him it was a matter of just concentrating on the driving. As for the expected rain, he added thiit it was much easier to drive when it was actually raining than when Jari-Matti latvala and Mikka Anttila were the third overall finishers in Wales, seen here fording a river in their Ford Focus RS. it had just stopped. Petter Solberg was asked which of the World Rally Cars gave him his best memory. He replied there was no big difference. The only difference is the name of the car!" Day 1 - 6 Stages -Gravel - 128.26kms The first stage of the rally, held on the Thursday evening, was an-other run along the "Barrage" stage, Citroen drivers took the top four places, with Loeb this time the quickest. Andreas Mikkelsen was tenth, the best Super 2000 in his Skoda. Rui Wang stopped with fuel pump failure on his Subaru. On Friday morning the driv-ers were faced with a 200 minute drive up-country from the Cardiff restart to the first stage where the conditions were typical, some show-ers, the wind trying to dry out the surfaces but it was still muddy and slippery everywhere. Having complied with rules and crossed the start line Bernardo Sousa and Steve Lancaster dutifully left their cars behind in Cardiff and a third driver also withdrew. This was the FCACA team driver Rui Wang. His team having decided that all their resources would be put behind his teammate in the Super 2000 cat-egory, Jari Ketomaa, in his quest for the SWRC title. Sebastien Loeb was running first car on the road and he found it hard to get a good rhythm as he drove through the Hafren stage, admitting to a couple of errors, but Jari-Matti Latvala was happy. This was where his driveshaft broke last year. This year he put that out of mind and made best time, taking the lead. Matthew Wilson spun and had trouble selecting reverse. On the second stage of the day (SS3, Sweet Lamb) Latvala lost some time with water in the engine, after cross-ing the water splash, and dropped behind Loeb and Petter Solberg. At the midday halt at Builth Wells Latvala was back in the lead, 1.4 seconds in front of Loeb with Pet-ter only 0.5 second further back, 1. 9 seconds separating the top three! On the re-run of the loop of three stages the rain was getting heavier but Latvala still pulled further ahead. Loeb was unable to match Latvala's speed as his car aquaplaned over the puddles, but Sebastien Ogier was going well and made best time at Hafren. Loeb again made best time on the shorter Sweet Lamb stage but Latvala came unstuck on the final stage of the day, Myherin. The windscreen was misting badly, he misjudged his line, caught a rock and punctured. Deja Vue for the Focus. Petter Sol-berg was struggling with his gearbox and also with a starter motor which was not working properly. "I reckon we lost 15 seconds during those three stages simply because of the gearbox." So it was Loeb ahead again, 1.8 seconds in front of Petter with Latvala down in seventh, but still only lm07s behind the leader. The Chinese driver Chao Dong lost a lot of time on the final stage of the day when the rear of his Focus caught fire and he had to stop to extinguish this. Having spent more than ten minutes on the job he gave up the struggle and opted to restart under SupeRally the next day. Andreas Mikkelsen was on his first gravel rally in a Skoda, on Pire-lli tyres instead of the Hankook to which he is more accustomed, and shot into the SWRC lead, despite complaining that the tyres had no grip. Eyvind Brynildsen was strug-gling in his Skoda with transmission trouble. On stage four (Myherin) Craig Breen had a rear puncture and lost a minute. Michal Kosciusz-ko hit a rock and damaged the rear suspension. Breen was alarmed that his destroyed wheel smelled bad and he trussed it up to the outside of the car, where it then burst into fire! These problems elevated Xavier Pons to fourth out of the seven run-ners, but he commented he was go-ing flat out but could not match the speed of Mikkelsen, Ketomaa and Sandell who were all ahead of him. During the re-run of the three stages Kosciuszko got going again properly but baulked Mikkelsen on the first stage though this did not stop the Norwegian making best time there, and on every stage of the day. Drama struck Mikkelsen after the final stage of the day, when the engine just died. The crew franti-cally changed everything they could, the coil, the ECU - and eventually the engine came to life enough to allow them to head back to Cardiff. Patrik Sandell had lost the power steering and progressively dropped from third place, until he was sev-enth and last in the category at the end of the day. This was the largest PCWRC gathering of the year, with 18 start-ers. Patrik Flodin complained that the suspension of his Subaru was too stiff but irrespective of this he immediately took a lead of nearly half a minute, in front of Martin Semerad who was going remark-ably well. Anders Grondal had a lot of understeering trouble (Subaru) while Michel Jourdain (Mitsubishi) had oversteer. Dave Weston, already on his fourth Rally GB, an event he has yet to finish, was going well in eighth place. Among the PSD con-tingent Alex Raschi jumped awk-wardly and his car landed on a rock, damaging the sumpguard and also broke a brake disc. His car was with-drawn at the remote service as they could not effect a repair there. Reijo Muhonen stopped on the road sec-tion from stage four to service with electrical trouble and stopped for the day. In the afternoon Grondal stopped after he took a wheel off his car. Peter Horsey (PSD) stopped on a stage after a long struggle with engine trouble which was eventually traced to a sticking butterfly valve which caused the engine to run very rich and with low power. Flodin was going well until 100 metres into the final stage of the day, when he touched a rock and damaged the steering arm. He lost over two minutes and ended the day in third place, 42.4 seconds behind the new PCWRC leader, and Pirelli Star Driver, Ott Tanak! Hayden Paddon struggled all afternoon from the re-sult of suspension damage incurred in the morning, particularly a bro-ken hub. Among the priority drivers Tom Cave was being baulked by slower cars in front and eventually stopped for the day with a broken track control arm. Karl Kruuda had trac-tion trouble with his Suzuki and Harry Hunt had the sumpguard fall off. Non championship driver Hermann Gassner stopped during the afternoon with transmission trouble. After Sandell's delays Armindo Araujo's second place was playing nicely into his PCWRC champion-ship plans, but in the SWRC chase it could hardly be closer. As things stood Pons' prospective total was now just one point better than Ke-tomaa' s. It was still all to play for. Day 2 - 7 Stages -Gravel - 126.Skms Continued on page 22 Mikko Hirvonen and Jarmo Lehtinen finished first off the podium in Craig Breen and Gareth Roberts drove their Ford Fiesta to a second The American team of Ken Block and Alex Gelsomino drove their Wales, they are seen here performing aquatics on the run. place finish in SWRC and a 12th overall finish in the rally. Ford Focus RS to a 21st overall finish in the Welsh activity. Dusty Times January 2011 Page 21
Matthew Wilson and Scott Martin flew their Ford Focus RS to a seventh Liu Chao Dong and Anthony McGlaughlin had a fire in the car and Khalid Al Oassimi and Michael Orr took 11th place honors in their overall finish in Wales, here before an enthusiastic and wet crowd. later alternator failure, they were a dnf in the Wales Rally. Ford Focus RS, they're seen here at high speed on their way home. Apart from the three voluntarily other title candidate, still found his the season. Two stages each done let Latvala past and in this way In the Teams' Cup , however, Pons withdrawals from the first day, ev-Fabia was sliding out too much. On twice, and then everything would Latvala would not just get the third eased off on the penultimate stage eryone restarted for what was the stage 14 Mikkelsen landed heav- be known. Petter tried everything place in the Drivers' championship which allowed Craig Breen to get "Eppynt day". The weather was ily damaging the exhaust pipe and he knew but still Loeb was able to he sought, but second place. After ahead and the consequent shuffle clear and often sunny but before fumes started to enter the car. Keto- hold him at bay. Latvala arrived at the first stage of the second loop in places meant that it was the Red heading for the military ranges maa was holding on as best he could the midday service halt admitting the Ford drivers had swopped places Bull team of Patrik Sandell won this the rally went first to Radnor for-but the championship was heading he had clipped a gatepost in the sec-and Latvala was on course for a title rather than his Nupel Global est, one of the traditionally fastest Pons' way. ond stage, and adding that on the podium finish and runner up slot team. In the PCWRC category stages in Wales. Petter and Latvala In PCWRC, Tanak continued to first stage the clamps holding his in the Drivers' series. To everyone's Linari retired on the first stage of tied for fastest time. The big story lead by a margin of more than half steering column had come loose. delight Dani Sordo was fastest on the morning when he rolled. On was the exit by third placed Ogier, minute over Flodin and Semerad. Petter admitted that he had hit a the final stage but at the podium it stage 18 Martin Semerad went off who slid off the road near the end Championship leader Araujo had rock in a water crossing and was was Sebastien Loeb winning for the the road. Ott Tanak held his lead of the stage, rolled and retired. This a turbo problem and the unit was lucky not to puncture. Kimi Raik- final time with the C4 WRC. His to score his second win in the cate-was good news for Latvala, whose changed overnight at the cost of a 20 konen had to use manual gearshift. fifth win out of five appearances in gory of the season, ahead of Araujo one-minute deficit from Day 1 was second time penalty. Having restart-There was no point in attacking chassis 20 which gives this car an whose second place gave him the proving difficult to overcome. rom ed, Grondal's bad luck continued as further. Petter and Sebastien eased unprecedented record of success on title for the second successive year Radnor the route headed south-west he damaged the car on stage nine the pace through the two final the WRC. For Loeb himself, it was 26 points clear of Patrik Flodin to the Eppynt ranges for a group of and finally stopped with rear suspen- stages. Dong never saw the finish, just another day in the office! who finished fifth in the category in three stages. Loeb was in his ele- sion damage on stage ten. Flodin his Focus stopped with alternator The solution to the SWRC bat- Wales following his problems early ment, apart from going straight on found it difficult to match the times belt failure (shades of Block in tle came•soon. Ketomaa slid off the on. Two of the top three finishers at one junction. On the first stage ofTanak in the drier conditions, say-Germany). When Ford realised the road then overturned, on the first in the category on the rally being he dropped behind Solberg, on the ing he personally would be happy if way the championship points were stage of the day, the car little dam- from the Pirelli Star Driver contin-second he went into the lead again it rained again! Horsey went off the going they considered a situation aged but nobody.around to help gent and once again all five of them while on the third Latvala got ahead road for ten minutes or so, requir- where Hirvonen slowed down and get the car back on the road again. finished the event. l.AJ2C of Sordo's Citroen into fourth ing the help of 20 spectators before place. Latvala was only 11.2 seconds he could regain the road, after one behind Hirvonen, his teammate in of them had found a rope to assist third place, who had been slowed their efforts. Arai was still unhappy, by sheep in the road. On the final the car's handling no better than it stage of the morning both Solberg had been on Day 1. Weston broke and Loeb had spins, so at the mid the rear differential, and had to way halt Loeb was 2.5 seconds in continue in two-wheel-drive until front of Solberg. During the four the end of the day. Nobre arrived morning stages he had increased his at the midday remote service with a lead by just 0. 7 seconds! Team man- blown turbocharger and stopped for agers were unusually at their ease. the afternoon. Then came the defin-There was no hint or need for for-ing moment of the championship, mulating tactics. Malcolm Wilson: when Flodin damaged the rear sus-"The drivers are going flat out all pension of his Subaru which then the time, no reason to stop them!" collapsed on the road section after Conditions in the afternoon stagel4. Flodin's departure meant were drying out and the roads two drivers were feeling relief dur-were less slippery but the battle ing the afternoon. Tanak no long for the lead was as intense as ever, being challenged for the lead and Loeb inching away from Solberg. Araujo for not having to worry so Second time through Radnor was much about his coming title. Nick one of the fastest recorded stages Georgiou retired for the day when ever in the history of the "RAC his PSD Mitsubishi had the throttle Rally", Loeb's winning time being stuck in the open position and he achieved at over 120kph average. felt unable to risk driving the car Loeb though was not really finding unnecessarily. Interestingly, the two this an easy rally at all, his position top drivers of orthodox Group N under relentless pressure from fel-cars were both Pirelli Star Drivers, low Citroen driver Solberg. Loeb Tanak in this year's contingent and admitted that he had the benefit of Semerad from 2009! better road surfaces while Solberg Day 3 - 4 Stages -Gravel found the road very dirty after Loeb - 76.14kms had passed. The weather started to As the crews set out for the final deteriorate through the afternoon day of competition in the 2010 and on the final stage through the WRC the championship standings Eppynt ranges it started to rain made interesting reading, if the cur-again just like on Day 1. Mads Ost-rent placings were maintained: in berg dropped one place to ninth, the overall Drivers' championship after losing three minutes with a Sebastien could finish with a points puncture. Block was delayed be- tally in excess of a clear four wins-cause of a broken driveshaft after worth (107 points) over Petter Sol-lying tenth. berg who would finish second on Mikkelsen continued to domi- 169 points with Jari-Matti Latvala nate the SWRC while there was third on 168 and Sebastien Ogier some good championship news for fourth on 167! In the Super 2000 Pons when third placed Brynildsen and Production Car series, both slid off the road and his undamaged prospective champions could end car was stuck. This meant that Pons up with the same number of points, was now lying third in the category 123, as they are both lying in third behind his title rival Jari Ketomaa, place in the respective categories on consolidating his title chances. Mi-this rally. cha! Kosciuszko was going better, A grey autumn day saw the cars despite the car handling "like a head to the south Welsh forests for boat" on Day 1. Patrik Sandell, the the short final leg of the rally and Dusty Times 66th Wales Rally GB (GB) Cardiff 11/14.11.2010 WCR round 13, SWRC/WRCC round 10, PCWRC round 9 WCR points 1 (1) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena F/MC Citroen C4 WRC AL791AR (F) 3h.14m.54.0s. 2 (11) Petter Solberg/Chris Patterson N/GB Citroen C4 WRC AP607AM(F) 3h.15m.13.1s. 3 (4) Jari-Matti LATVAI.A/Mikka Anttila FIN Ford Focus RS WRC PX06AXD (GB) 3h.16m.29.3s. 4 (3) MikkoHIRVONEN/JarmoLehtinen FIN FordFocusRS WRC SA09VHR(GB) 3h.16m.47.3s. 5 (7) Dani SORDO/Diego Vallejo E Citroen C4 WRC A.J557MN (F) 3h.17m.06.2s. 6 (6) Henning SOLBERG/Stephane Prevot NIB Ford Focus RS WRC EU07SSZ (GB) 3h.21m.20.5s. 7 (5) Matthew WILSON/Scott Martin GB Ford Focus RS WRC 1ES (GB) 3h.23m.31.8s. B (8) Kini RAIKKONEN,1(aj Li1dstrom FIN Citroen C4 WRC AL730AR (F) 3h.25m.21.9s. 9 (14) Mads Ostberg/Jonas Andefssoo N/S Subaru lmpreza WRC FT56SRT (GB) 3h.27m.07.7s. 10 (21) Andreas Mikkelsen/Ota F1oene N Skoda Fabla S2000 SWRC NM04048 (D) 3h.28m.55.2s: 11 (12) Khaid Al Oassini'Michael Orr UAE/G8 Ford Focus RS WRC EU07SUF (GB) 3h.31m.02.Bs. 12 (22) Craig Breen/Gareth Roberts IRUGB Ford Fiesta S2000 SWRC PX59AVF (GB) 3h.34m.57.9s. 13 (28) Xavier Pons/Alex Haro E Ford Fiesta S2000 SWRC PX59AVU (GB) 3h.35m.10.7s. 14 (24) Pa1rikSandelJEmiAxelsson S Skoda Fabia S2000 SWRC Kl207BZ(A) 3h.35m.15.9s. 15 (23) Michal Kosciuszk0,\lac Szczepaniak Pl Skoda Fabia S2000 SWRC NM-MR214 (D) 3h.37m.14.1s. 16 (61) Dennis Kuipers.'Frederic Miciotte NUB Ford f"iesta S2000 N MM59 ORT (GB) 3h.38m.08.Bs. 17 (40) OttTanak/KuldarSikk EE Mitsubishil..ance<EvoX PCWRC• DZ214ZS(I) 3h.38m.31.0s. 18 (31) Ammdo AraupMiguel Ramalho P Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X PCWRC EC146FZ (I) 3h.41m.46.Bs. 19 (38) Hayden Paddon/John Kennard NZ Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X PCWRC• DS704PC (I) 3h.42m.58.9s. 20 (50) Jason Pritchard/Robbie OUrant GB Subaru lmpreza N14 PCWRC N16SUB (GB) 3h.45m.35.4s. 21 (43) Ken Blod</Alex Gelsooino USA Ford Focus RS WRC EU07SUX (GB) 3h.46m.39.8s.(4) 22 (48) Patrik Flodin/Goran Bergsten S Subaru lmpreza PCWRC E677EA (197 RUS) 3h.46m.51.9s.(2) 25 (49) Dave Weston/leuan Thomas GB Subaru lmpreza N14 PCWRC OU10FMZ (GB) 3h.53m.18.4s. 26 (54) Michel Jourdain/Oscar Sanchez MEX/E Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X PCWRC 6394GYH (E) 3h.54m.29.1s. 28 (39) Alex Raschi/Sivio Stefanelli RSM/I Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X PCWRC• DS703PC (I) 3h.55m.51.4s.(3) 30 (32) Toshi Arai.'Daroel Barritt J/GB Subaru lmpreza N14 PCWRC GMG301NA9888 (J) 3h.5Bm.55.1s.(4) 32 (22) Reijo Muhonen/Juha KanOf'la FIN Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X PCWRC A3739 (FIN) 4h.05m.08.5s.(3) 33 (36) Nick Georgiou/Joseph Matar RL Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X PCWRC' DS701PC (I) 4h.05m.51.6s.(2) 38 (37) Peter Horsey/Calvin Cooledge EAK/G8 Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X PCWRc· DZ213ZS (I) 4h.19m.42.Bs.(3) 39 (46) Andefs GrondalNeronica Engan N Subaru lmpreza N14 PCWRC OU10HZV (GB) 4h.23m.43.0s.(4) 41 (44) Paulo Nob<e/Edu Paula BR Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X PCWRC Kl-652 CK (A) 4h.36m.16.0s.(1) 61 (8 SWRC/18 PCWRC) starters. 45 (5 SWRC/14 PCWRC) finishers. MANUFACTURERS' DRIVER. #Group N winner. 'Pirelli Star Driver event. (Missed stages or road sections) Winne(s average speed over stages 110.65kpll. WCR 25 18 15 12 10 8 6 LEADING RETIREMENTS LAST STAGE COMPLETED (2) Sebastien OGIER/Julien Ingrassia F Citroen C4 WRC AL934PD (F) accident (15) Liu Chao Dong/Anthony Mcloughlin CN/AUS Ford F00JsRS WRC AG57CKA (GB) alternator belt (1) (25) Eyvind Brynildsen/Cato Menkerud N Skoda Fabia S2000 SWRC BAS 135 (CZ) accident (26) Bernardo Sousa/Nuno Silva p Ford Fiesta S2000 SWRC PX10AOG (GB) withdrawn (29) Jari Ketomaa/Mika Stenberg FIN Ford Fiesta S2000 SWRC PX59AXA (GB) accident (33) Gianluca Lilari/Massino Salvucci I Subaru lmpreza N 14 PCWRC DW355PX(I) accident (34) Martin Semerad/Michal Ernst CZ Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX PCWRC 01R 0102 (CZ) accident (45) Wang Rui/Yiping Chen CN Subaru lmpreza N14 PCWRC OU10ADX (GB) withdrawn (47) Steve Lancaster/Denis Giraudet G8/F Subaru lmpreza N14 PCWRC OU09BZH (GB) withdrawn RALLY LEADERS Loeb stage 1, Latvala 2, Loeb 3, Latvala 4-6, Loeb 7, P.Solberg 8+9, Loeb 10-20. • SWRC & GROUP N L!!ADER Mikkelsen stages 1 ·20. PCWRC LEADERS Flodin stages 1-6, Tanak 7-20. The Route Special Stages Total Distance Crews Restarting Day 1 Cardiff (Thursday 1830) • 6gravel-128.26km 594.80km (1-7) Gardiff•BuilthWetls- 1 asphalt-1.70km Cardiff (Friday 1915) Day 2 Cardiff (Saturday 0600) • 7 gravel-126.50km 640.68km 58 (8-16) BuilhWel.s-1 mixed -25.14km Cardiff (Saturday 1931) 1 asphalt-1. 70km Day 3 Cardiff (Sunday 0615) - 4 gravel-76.14km I 376.56km 51 (17-20) Cardiff. Cardiff (Sunday 1525) ····----------------····-----···-·········•····-----------·------20 stages-359 44km 1612.04km Leading Special Stages positions Loeb P.Solberg Latvala Sordo Ogier Hifvonen H.Solberg Raikkonen Ostberg 1 11 4 4 1 1 SWRC/GROUP N Mikkelsen won 12 stages, Ketomaa 5, Sandell 4. 7 18 8 1 16 16 18 1 0 WCD s PC 25 18 15 12 10 8 6 4 2 1 25 18 15 12 10 25 18 15 12 10 8 6 4 2 1 PCWRC Flodin won 15 stages, Tanak 3: Paddon, Semerad & Araujo 1 each Weather. Very mixed. Two stages in darl<ness. Final positions in World Championship for Rallies (WCR): Citroen Total WRT 456 points, BP Ford Abu Dhabi WRT 337, Citroen Junior Team 217, Stobart M-Spor1 Ford RT 176, Munchi's Ford WRT 58. Final leading positions in World Championship for Drivers (WCD): Loeb 276 points, Latvala 171, P.Solberg 169, Ogier 167, Sordo 150, Hirvonen 126, Wilson 74, H.Solberg 45, Villagra 36, Raikkonen 25, etc. Leading positions in Super 2000 World Championship for Drivers (SWRC) Round 10/10 (7 events to count): Pons 123 points, Sandell 111, Prokop 104, Ketornaa 101, Kosciuszko 73, etc. Xavier Pons now Champion Positions in WRC Cup for Teams (WRCC) Round 10/10 (7 events to count): Red Bull RT 126 points, Nupel Global Racing 125, Czech Ford National Team 120, Shanghai FCACA RT 103, Barwa WRT 81, Dynamic WRT 80, Skoda-Rene Georges Rally Spor173, Team Ford/Quinta do Lorde 36. Red Bull RT now Champion Final leading positions in Production Car WRC (PCWRC) Round 9/9 (six events to count): Araujo 126 points, Flodin 100, Paddon 97, Tanak 78, Arai 55, etc. Annindo Araujo now Champion. From Martin Holmes, Prospect Cottage, Pyrford Green, Woking, Surrey, GU22 BUZ. UK Tel: +44 (0) 1932 352894 & 347757. Fax: +44 (0) 1932 343102. Email: martinholmesrallying@compuSOfVe.com Cardiff 14th November 2010 January 2011 Page 22 ,i
I I Page 23 ... .. .. .J J
~lllllll:D~ F H 250 RACING ASSOCIATION ORD ENDERSON Sam Berri Takes The Gold By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Nothing new for Sam Berri, he was the quickest in the 1500 Class and Sam went on to take the overall win at the BITD contest. Henderson, NV: Sam Berri finally had everything working the way it should, and he finished his year at the BITD with the overall win at Henderson. Berri piloted his Class 1500 Jimco to victory in 4:02:00, two-and-a-half minutes faster than the next vehicle. It was a welcome ending to a difficult sea-son in which he's been snake-bit more often than not. This event, right on the border line between Henderson and Jean, ran on a 79 mile long loop. Bikes and quads raced on the same day, but their course, although starting and finishing in the same place, was only 45 miles long. They started early in the morning, and as they were finishing their last lap the slower car and truck classes started their first lap. The third group, made up of the five fast-est classes, overlapped the slower classes' last lap, and they had some running in the dark. The layout was a good one, with plenty of pit area and parking for the crews and officials. Parking was not open to the public however. For spectators there were two areas on the course, carefully defined by the BLM. The weather was mild for the area at that time of year, but cold at night. It did not freeze or rain, a nice change from some Macrae Glass took another gold medal from the BITD Ford Henderson fracas, he won Class 8000 and he finished 16'• overall. of their recent December events. The BITD, as is usual, had qualifying to determine the start order in Classes 1500 and the Trick Trucks, and Berri, always good in qualifying, took the top spot. That gave him a huge edge, as he was first off the line, and for the first lap at least, had only the dust of a few stragglers from the previous heat. Berri said he'd worn his "good luck underwear", and that he'd needed it because he was, in his words, a little short on crew. He was penalized a min-ute on the last lap for driving too fast through the pit section on the previous lap. Berri explained that his GPS had gone out and he'd been unable to tell exactly how fast he was going. So at Check 2 the officials flagged him down and he sat there and took his pen-alty. Later saying, "It was my own fault." Other than that, and hit-ting a few things, he had a perfect race. He'd lost his rear brakes, but had no flats. Berri says he thinks he's found "all the gremlins" in the car, and is looking· to have a good year in 2011. Berri's win was a popular one, because he's come so close several times this season, only to have ~ome unavoidable something take him out. In second place in Class 1500 it was Travis Chase who drove the full distance in his Porter Ford. He said he'd had a "fairly clean Kevin and Brian Smith drove their Mirage to the Class 2000 win, they took the overall win in their division as well, seen here at high speed. run, one little hiccup:" a flat while trying to chase down another car. But he got it changed without los-ing a position. Chase's time was 4:16:31, and his good finish helped him earn the "Rookie of the Year" award. Third went to Chris Kemp in a Jimco. He said "It was a great run -great co-driver -no flats, no noth-ing." His time was 4:18:13. It was also a great season, and he took the Class 1500 championship. In fourth it was Shannon Campbell in his four-wheel-drive Campbell Car. He said he'd had one flat and "about four guys passed me." Other than that he had no problems, and "nothing failed and all the temps stayed good." His time was 4:25:28. The fifth place car was the Jimco of the Appletons, Chris and Steve. They said they'd rolled in qualifying, so they'd started way back, and although they'd had no flats or other probl~ms, they'd had a lot of dust. "In a 250 mile race it makes all the difference." Their time was 4:26:21. Ray Griffith w;s sixth in his Jimco. He said that at Mile 38 on the third lap his light bar broke, so he'd had to stop and take it off, which cost him about 15 minutes. All he had after that were two "littie tiny" low lights. He'd also had two flats and lost a brake line. His time was 4:30: 19. In seventh place it was Mark Miller and Todd Tuls who both drove in the Jimco. They had a "good day", but on their last lap lost the GPS and radio and "Were worried about hitting the right speed limit in the pits - probably went too slow." Their time was 4:32:38. The eighth place car was the Porter of Steve Raskett and Jake Johnson, which got away without making any comment. Their time was 4:35:25. • Finishing ninth was the Kirby chassis, four-wheel drive Rock Racer, driven by Dave Cole. He said he had a "wonderful day, no issues, no flat, I just kept driving fast." His time was 4:48:05. In tenth was a somewhat dispir-ited Mike Bilek who said "I had a hard season." This race he lost his rear brakes. And, he'd started 29th, back in the dust. His time was 4:49:48. The eleventh place finisher was Kevin Curtis in a Tatum. He was really pleased that he'd used the same tires he'd run the whole Ve-gas to Reno event on, and had no flats once again. His suspension faded in this race he said, and he has "a new car coming." His time was 5:06:08. In 12th it was Earl Desiderio and Kellon Walch in a Wide Open Nevada car. Subaru powered like the ones that race in Baja; this one lacked the follow-up car full of spare parts. Walch, who drove a Class 7 300 truck earlier in the day, said "I'm having too much fun." He also rode in Robby Gordon's truck in the Baja 1000. Their time was 5:10:19. Sean Mecham was the lucky 13th finisher. He said he'd had a "good" day, but then he noted he'd had a flat and his idler pulley came ~• off on the first lap which cost him 15 or 20 minutes. His time was 5:14:22. The 14th finisher was Steve Croll, who'd had a busy day. At about Mile 7 he hit either a part of someone else's car or a huge rock in the dust, which broke his left front wheel. He changed the flat, but had no front brakes. He drove on to Pit 2 at Mile 31. The crew looked at it and saw that the lower A-arm was broken. Ten minutes later Ray Croll, his dad, came into the pit in his car, and they can-nibalized the A-arm and spindle to fix Steve's car. While they were there, Steve's brother, Shawn, returned to the pit via an access road, with a broken flex plate, and he was done for the day. Steve was there an hour being repaired, but did get a finish. And, about a half hour later Shawn came in, in Ray's car, in 15th place, after the crew replaced the A-arm and spindle they'd cannibalized, with parts Travis and Don Chase drove to a second place finish in the Class Corey_ Keysar and Wayne Demonja drove their Jimco to a second The Staats clan had a fairly decent race, they took second place 1500 contest, they were 14 minutes in arrears at the flag. place finish in the Class 1000 contest, seen here hustlin' for home. honors in Class 1200, they were four minutes in arrears at the flag. Page 24 January 2011 Dusty Times
.,.. Mile 8 and "got behind a bunch of cars", losing time in the dust. His time was 4:07:09. And third went to B. J. Bald-win in his Chevy. He said they'd had one flat tire on the second lap when they "clipped a rock." They said the tire change was the "fastest" they'd ever done. They described the course as "really fun, fast fun, rocky but fast. That makes it challenging. When we could see 'em we could dodge." They said they did a lot of driving blind in the dust, but then said that B.J. has been driving these roads since he was lSyears old, and knows them Brian Potts flew his Lothringer to the Class 1000 win at BITD, he had four minutes on his competition at the checkers. well. For part of the course there were no radio communications. David Caspino drove his Ford to the Class 7200 win, he's seen here at high speed Their finish time was 4: 14: 10, and heading for the sometimes elusive checkered flag. from Shawn's car that was truly out of it. Steve's time was 5:22:45, and Shawn and Ray were at 5:51:44. In 16th it was Terry House-holder in his Custom chassis. He got high-centered right off the start and lost about five minutes, and then developed some kind of motor problem, which he thought might have been electrical, which gave him trouble the rest of the way. His time was 5:52: 12. Ryan Poelman , in an HMS Avenger, finished in 17th. He came in right behind the 18th place car which was having serious prob-lems, and he wanted to be sure they made it in. Poelman himself had had a couple of flats, used both his spares, then had a front flat and had to drive 20 miles on it. His time was 6:07:58. In 18th it was Matt Cook, who'd found himself stuck in sec-ond gear, had had two flats and a "lot of fuel was pouring out." He also had no radio. He was the one Poelman shepherded in. His time was 6:08:42. Garrick Freitas was 19th in a Jimco. On the first lap he broke a coil-over shock shaft, and, he says, he "didn't hit anything." He had to wait for a new shock, which the BITD fo lks brought out to him. He lost a couple of hours with that transaction, and after that "it was just get to the finish." His time was 6:15:33. The 20th car to finish was the Missouri team of Jason and An-drew Shipman and Chris Boyd, in their Mosebuilt chassis. Jason did all the driving. He said he'd been hit hard early in the race and push,ed into a rock, which flat-tened their left front tire. "And it didn't get any better from there." Then they lost a right front cali-per, then a C.V. boot went away and two miles before the finish they had another flat. "It's a lot of fun" said Shipman. His time was 6:56:43. The Trick Trucks ran so close together that it was hard to guess which would get to the finish first. Ultimately, it was Jason Voss in his Ford. He had planned to share the driving with his dad, Rich, but they decided not to take time for a driver change. He "exploded" one tire/ wheel, but the change took only a couple of minutes, and he had no other problems. His win-ning time was 4:04:32. ' In second it was Steve Sourapas and Andy McMillin in the Sourapas Ford. They made a point of thanking the Menzies te!3m who'd helped them the night be-fore by letting them use their shop and tools when McMillin blew the truck's motor in qualifying. In the race McMillin drove all the way, had a five minute flat on lap one at Dusty Times Ot1si1to Mo,01190, Ot10t1zo1t Oa, 31tte,st1.1te 10 e.Apaefte 7r1.1ilJ exit o, 31ttersta te 10 Mt Oa6azo1t exit Swap meet is arranged to include the following sections Sodlol! (jto1«p eost Slzo 1 USED PARTS & ACCESSORIES $45.00 10'x15' 2 RACE TRUCKS $30.00 10'x15' 3 RACE BUGGYS $30.00 10'x15' 4 MOTORCYCLES $25.00 3'x8' 5 SAND TOYS $30.00 10'x15' 6 QUADS & 3-WHEELERS $30.00 5'x8' 7 TRAILERS & TOW VEHICLES $55.00 10'x20' 8 PRE-RUNNERS $30.00 10'x15' 9 MFG. & RETAIL DISPLAYS $55.00 10'x20' 10 4x4s & JEEPS $30.00 10'x20' Be sure to clean-out those garages and bring your off-road collectables to the eleventh Annual Off-Road Swap Meet. The only one of it's kind in Southern California's history! $10.00 ADULTS & KIDS UNJ)ER 12 ARE FREE! To reserve a space fill out this entry form and mail with a check to California Pre-Fun, 39067 Orchard St., Cherry Valley, CA 92223 before February 22, 2011. Name ____________ Street. ________________ _ City ___________ State ____ Zip _______ Section _____ _ Move in Saturday 12 p.m. February 26, until show opens at 6 a.m. on Sunday February 27, add $5.00 late fee after 6 a.m. on February 27. Booth space available day of show. ~ Reservations recommended but not required. " PRESENTED BY CURT LeDUC'S CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN For more information call Curt LeDuc (951) 845-8820 January 2011 Page 25 I
' ' B&R BUGGIES VW And-Off Road Parts & Accessories 1523 S. Coast Highway Oceanside, CA 92054 760-722-1266 banclrbuggiea@abcglobal.net WEB-CAM Performance Camshafts Automotive-ATV-Motorcycle 1815 Massachusetts Avenue Riverside, CA 92507 951-369-5144 951-369-7266 Fax VORRA Valley ·off Road Racing Association Short Course & Desert Racing Since 1975 775-287-0615 www.vorra.~t TRAN~AXLE ENGIN;EERING 818-998-2739 Tranaaxleengineering.com TRAILER PRODUCTS INC. Ford, Chevy, Dodge, Toyota Fiberglass Fenders www.off-roaclfiberglaaa.com TRACKSIDE PHOTO Off Road Photography Since 1970 When Only The Best Will Do 805-578-3470 www.trackaidephoto.com TANKS 714-259-1385 www.ronco-plaatica.net SWAY-A-WAY The Finest Suspension Components 9555 Owenamouth Ave. #9 Chatsworth, CA 91311 818-700-9712 818-700-0947 fax www.Swayaway.com www.Racerunnerahocka.com S.N.O.R.E. Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts If You Really Love Racing 702-452-4522 www.SnoreRacing.net BEST IN THE DESERT 3475 Boulder Highway Laa Vegas, NV 89121 702-457-5775 WIKS Racing Engines 3265 W. Birtcher Drive Laa Vegas, NV 89118 702-837-2522 1 2 3 Jan California Pre-Fun Products In Stock Dimple Dies -Tubing Benders Bypass Valves & Tubes Sway-Bar Arms 4 39067 Orchard Street Cherry Valley, CA 92223 951-845-8820 5 6 7 BITD-Ja 8 JIM CONNER RACING 2169 Daytona Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 928-855-0912 928-453-9641 fax www.jimconnerracing.com II DUSTY1 Your Window To Racingll 9101112131415 SCORE/PR -Jan 14-' BITD/PRO • Feb 4-6 - B ewater Re ort & C■ sin Parker •4 5" -Parker, Al. LOORRS -ar 13-Rau d 2-Firebi Feb Mar Apr RACS-TORC-BITD -tabilizers aughlin U. CRS - M 3-i -Des y (1,2,3)-B ythe, CA -Olympus Rally -Ocea Shores, -Cycle Ra ch -San A anio, TX hlin, NV LOORRS d 1 -Firebi d lnternati CORE/PRO-Mar 11-1 -25th Mas erCraft Sat ty Tecate: VORRA-arch 12-1 -Short Cau se -Prairil CRS -A r 9 -High D sert Trails ally,(3) -Ri gecrest, C GLEN -A r 9 -Day R ce BITO-RACS-May NOR RA -ay 4-B -2 11 Mexican 1 ODO Rally MX Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov RACS -J n 3-4 -Sus uehannock rail Rally -SCORE/PRO -Jun 3-5 -3rd T mte CORE Baja CRS -J 8-9 -Narth Nevada Ral y (2,3)-Lav lock, NV GLEN -J 9 -Night R ce CRS - g 6 -Mend cino Rally LOORRS -ug 6 -Rau 9 -Glen H LOORRS -ug 7 -Rau d 1 D -TDRC -Se 3-4, -Cran on D(f Raa -Crandon, I VORRA -eptember 2 -24 Hour ndurance ace -Fallon NV -San Ber rdina, CA. elen Race ay -San B nardina, C CRS -Se 30-0ct 1 - rescott Ral y (2,3) -Pre cott, AZ MORE -ct 8 -6th A nual Pawd r Puff • VDRRA -S ptember 2 -24 Haur ndurance R ce -Fallan, CRS -No 5 -Seed 9 LOORRS -av 5 -Raun 13 -Las V gas Matar peedway -as Vegas, N LDDRRS -av 6 -Rau 14 -Las V gas Matar peedway -as Vegas, RACS-J1 VORRA-, TORC -A g 13-14 - B rk River 0 TDRC-S BITD/PRO Oct 14-16 BITD/PRD Dec 2-4 -MORE-"250" - H nderson, N arTats LDORRS -ec 10-Ro nd 15 -Fire ird Intern■ ional Race ay-Cham LolfRRS -ec 11 -Th Lucas Oil hallenge Cu -Firebird SNORE -ec 10-11 -age At The iver -laug lin, NV SLASH X RANCH CAFE Off Road Oasis Events & Catering Campground & Storage 8 Miles S. Of The 15 On Barstow Rd Hwy 247 760-252-1197 www .alaahxranchcafe.com SCORE SCORE International 818-225-8401 www.acore-international.com R/D SPRING CORP Ht Perf Valve Train Components Spectaltztng In Imports Automotive & Motorcycle Racing Engine Cylinder Headwork 760-948-4698 760-948-4856 Fax www.rdvalveapring.com RCTI We WtllGetl 3455 S. P< Laa Vegas, I JohnD.O. 702-221 RCTran1
~nvJES The Off Road rorv1 FAT PERFORMANCE Off Road Racing Engines, Parts and Dyna Services Centerline Wheels & Accessories SCORE Engine Builder Of The Year For Many Years 714-637-2889 www.fatperformance.com DAVE FOLTS TRANS Geared To Serve You 909-923-5970 LEGEND: NOTE: See Happenings in the latest issue of Dusty Times for changes and specific information on each race as some information changes as the year progresses. FORTIN RACING, INC. -Drive Train Innovation-Transaxles, Rear Hubs, CV Cages & CV Boot Flanges, Power Racks & Sealed Shifters 9422 Bond Avenue EL CAJON, CA 92021 619-449-3633 / Fax 449-3665 www.fortinracing.com BITD -Best In The Desert R1cin1 A1nci1ti1n, 3475 Boulder Highway, Las Vegas, NV 89121 · 702-457-5775 /Fax: 702-641-2431 CRS -C1lif■rni1 R■IIJ Series < www .califomiarallyseries.com > GLEN -B1j1 Cup Ch1llen111, PO Box 6950, San Bernardino, CA -(909) 815-58111 < www.glen-helenoffroad.com > LOORRS -Luc■, Oil Off Rad Ricing Series MORE -Mojave Off Rnd Racing Enthu1iuts, P.O. Box 1231, Barstow, CA 92312 · 760-253-4453 < moreracing@earthlink.net > 16171819 20 2122 23 24252627 28293031 z J 28-29 • S o•Drift Rall · Atlanta, I -RACS MORE· J n 22 · 2 Lo p Short Co se · Barsto , CA RACS -Fe 25-26 - R ly in the 10 Acre Woo , -Salem, MO SNORE - b 19-21 -B ttle At Pri m -Primm, V acewa • Chan Mar 25-27 Motion Pr aliente, N · BITD E San F lipe 25 MX SNORE Mar 26-27 • MINT 400 • oapa, NV OHV P k · Fols MORE· rch 19 • Ba Is Out 250 LQJRRS -arid Off d Park • S rprise, AZ Ap 29-30, Ma 1 -Bilek R cing Silver tate "300" BITD/PRO 4 -Spee rid Off Ro d Park -RACS -pr 30 -Ma 1 -Olympus Rally -Ocea Shores, -RACS 16-Prairie OHV Park Folsom, Apr 30 -ay 1 -Cycl Ranch -Sa Antonio, -TORC CRS - y 21 -Plan B Rally (3) • ndio, CA I LOORRS • May 21 • R nd 5 • Glen Helen Race ay-San B rnardino, A 1 oRm LOORRS -ay 22 -Ro nd 6 -Glen elen Race ay -San B rnardino, C May 2 -30 -Yeri gton 300 D sert Race Yerington, -VORRA MORE -ay 21 -Roy I Purple's emorail D y 500 CRS-J n 18-19-Id ho Rally (2, )-Boise, I TORC-Ju 26 • Pikes eak Intern TORC-n 18-19-andon Off oad-Cran n, WI ,I 15-~6-Ne EnglandFo est Rally-ewry, ME 11PRE-J y 16-Kar ek's Freeda 250 J ly 15-17-U A 500 Des rt Race- R no, NV II r, 11Z BITD/PRO Aug 18-20 Tsco "Vega To Reno" Aug 26-28 16th SCO I tern■tiona • Raceway Chandler, Z •ou jn Gear 1laril #5 IV fP182 HoJton s.coi1 GLEN • D c 17 • Nigh Race PCI RACE RADIOS The Leader In Off Road Communication 562-427-8177 800-869-5636 www.pciraceradios.com LOORRS -un 25 -Ro nd 7 • Mille Motorspo s Park· To le, UT LOORRS Jun 26 • Ro nd 8 • Mille Motorspo s Park· To ele, UT TORC -Ju 22 -23 -Ch rlotte Mato Speedway -Charlotte NC Jul 0-31 • Midn ght Special Las Vegas Terrible's P imm 300 -rimm, NV -CORE/PR Aug 27 -Go man Ridge GLEN· A g 27 • Day ace CRS -S p 30-0ct 1 -Prescott R lly (2,3) - P scott, AZ LOORRS -ep 24 -Ro nd 11 -Sp dworld Off oad Park -urprise, A LOORRS -ep. 25 • R und 12 • Sp dworld O Road Park -Oct her 29-30 - hart Cours / Prairie ty OHV Par -Folsom, C -VORRA ORBS Race Cars -Sand Cars Parts & Service Yuma,AZ 800-231-8156 M.O.R.E Mojave Off Road Racing Enthusiasts P.O. Boz 1231 Barstow, CA 92312 760-253-4453 Ji~oreracing.net Fraley's Performance Off Road Race Cars 702-365-9055 fraleyaperformance.com NORRA -htian■I Off Rud Racing A111ci1ti1n, 661-268-1232, < www.norra.com > PRO -B1j1 Pratruck Off Raad Ricing Suies, 14402 Bond Court, El Cajon, CA 92021-619-39D-6252 RACS -R■IIJ America Ch1mpi1nship Seri11 SCORE • SCORE lnt1m1tian1I, 23961 Craftsman Road Suite A, Calabasas, CA 91302 -818-225-8402 /Fax 818-225-8102 < www.score-international.com > SNORE -Southern Nevada Off Raad Enthu1~ 1111, P.O. Box 270516, Las Vegas, NV 89127 -702-227-2295 < www.SNORERACING.net > TORC - Tnxxas Tore Series VORRA -V■IIIJ Off Riad Racing A111ciation, 1970 East 2nd St., Rena, NV 89502775-287-0615, < www.vorra.net > GLEN HELEN BAJA CUP CHALLENGE SERIES Bob Beyer, Off Road Director P.O. Boz 6950 s·an Bernardino, CA 92412 909-815-5811 www.glenhelen.com GLEN HELEN OFF-ROAD SHORT COURSE SERIES Short Course, stadium & Desert Race Classes Bob Beyer, Off Road Director P.O. Boz 6950 San Bernardino, CA 92412 909-815-5811 www.glenhelen.com JEEPSPEED 1826 N. Windes Orange, CA 92869 714-538-7434 714-633-1724 Fax LEE POWER STEERING 1161 Pendleton Street Sun Valley, CA 91352 818-768-0371 Voice 768-2687 Fax leemfg@Bbcglobal.net Lee-Powersteering.com LOORS Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series www.lucasoiloffroad.com KARTEK OFF ROAD Where Off Road Is On 951-737-7223 www.Kartek.com McKenzie's Performance Products Off Road Is Our Business 807 E. Orangethorpe Avenue Anaheim, CA 92801 714-441-1212 714-441-1622 fax www.McKenzies.com
Steve Sopurapas and Andrew McMillin drove their Ford to a second place finish in the Class 1400 fracas, seen here headin' for the checkers. they were the season points win- with Sproule's daughter, Vanessa, ners in the Trick Truck class. navigating. The team plans to run The team of Lloyd Sproule and the 2011 series. They said the Dale Dondel finished fourth in course was "a really nice course - a their Ford. Sproule did the first lot of variety - could ask for a little two laps, with Tim Scalzo navigat- rain." Their time was 4:20:30. ing, and Dondel drove lap three Mark Ewing was fifth in his Ryan Plowman and Jeremy Stafford took the win in Class 1100, they're seen here at high speed heading for the checkers. Ford, but didn't stop to talk. His time was 4:22: 11. The team of Steve Olliges and John Swift, Ford, finished sixth. But it was Jonathan, John's son, in for his dad at the wheel at this event. They said Steve had a flat. And Jonathan said the truck "needs a little bigger motor." Their time was 4:31:56. In seventh it was Kevin McGil-livray in his Ford. McGillivray, recently recovered from cancer, said, "I was testing myself', and he drove all the way. He's decided that "physically, I'm there." But he'd rolled the truck in qualifying, and had to replace all the steering components and the body. He and the crew had gone back to the shop in Agua Dulce to get all this done, so he'd started the race tired. He thanked Nils Castillo, his navigator, whose help he said was "invaluable." They had one flat on the course and found that the spare tire mount was bent after they'd been hit by Baldwin. That cost them a bit of extra time. Their time was 4:32:21. In eighth place 'it was Michael Voudouris and Billy Goerke in a Ford. Voudouris started and Goerke finished. They lost the ring and pinion just before the driver change, and it cost them 45 min-utes to replace it. Other than that, "it was a perfect day", but it meant they were in more traffic, and thus, more dust. Their time was 5:20:42. Scott Foster was ninth in his Chevrolet. He drove all three laps, David Kincaid and crew drove to a second place finish in the Class BJ Baldwin and family gave it their all this race but they had to Kris Kemp and Shannon Powell drove their Jimco to a third place 7200 contest, seen here at speed headin' for the checkers. settle for a third place finish in Class 1400, seen here in their Chevy. finish in Class 1500, less than two minutes out of second place. www.robbygo Page 28 January 2011 Dusty Times
and "flipped it on its side" in the dust. A BITD truck came along and helped get it back on its wheels, but it cost about ten min-utes. He also had two flat tires, and finished in the time of 5:55:02. In tenth it was Greg Nunley's number 10 Geiser. Ken Losch drove the first lap-and-a-half, and Nunley went to the finish. He had three flats, two of them at once. So he used both spares, then when he had another flat he drove 20 miles or so on it. It got so shredded that he stopped and took it off, and put on one of the earlier flats, which at least was all in one piece. They figured that third flat cost them an hour-and-a-half or two hours. Their time was 6:21:51 and they were the last Trick Truck to finish. The Papa/Higley/Coleman car took first place honors in Class 1800, they're seen here ready to pass a slower car. The Tim Casey crew took a very nice win in Class 8100, they are seen here at high speed in their Ford on their way home. In Class 8000 the winning truck was Macrae Glass in his Ford. He was 16th overall. Glass said, "We did not have any prob-lems whatsoever." Then he went on to say, "I want to dedicate this win to my wife, Kathy, who always believes in me." Her belief is justi-fied; he won every race he entered this year, and last year also. His time was 4:47:40 and no one else in the class finished. Class 1000 ran in the third heat also, and the winning team was Brian Potts and Chad Cummings in a Toyota powered Lothringer. Potts started, but hurt his knee and Cummings got in to finish. They had no flats, and said they "just fueled and drove." Their time was 4:48:49, and they were 18th overall. Second place went to Corey Keysar in a Jimco. He said his day was "great -no flats." He'd battled the winning car all day, and says he needs to "rebuild the motor", because it was low on horsepower. He thought it was "a great course." His time was 4:52:56. In third it was Gary Williams, Jr., who drove, and Chris Godfrey, who navigated. This was their sec-ond race in the new Banning with the Ford Eco-tech motor. They've done two races with no prep in between, and report that it was an $8,000 sealed motor. They had no flats and no other trouble. Their time was 5:11:34. Todd Elam was fourth in his Toyota powered Safari. He said he'd had no return spring on the throttle for the last 30 or 40 miles. He'd been up until 2:30 a.m. the night before, working on the com-puter, because it has a glitch. He said if he hits a bump it won't run, but then if he hits another it comes on again. With this finish Elam won the season Class 1000 points championship by just two points. His time was 5:27:02. John Hsu was fourth in his Cus-tom. He drove all the way and Em-manuel Rojas navigated. They had one flat at Mile 14.5, and another one on the last lap. They also lost their power steering belt and did some major work on their power steering. Hsu acquired a one-hour penalty, because no one from his team attended the mandatory drivers' meeting. So his total time was 7:39:50. There were no other finishers in the class. The 1200 trucks also raced in the third heat, and the win went to Troy Vest in his Chevy. He said he had a flawless day, "did noth-ing, just drove." He had to change co-drivers because Robert Fitch, in at the beginning, hurt his back somehow, and they put Tim Price The Chevrolet truck of Louis Chamberland took the gold medal in Class 6000, seen here haulin' freight to the finish line. in for the final two laps. Their time unbeknownst to them. So they Class 2000 race car might need. As was 4:55:05 and Vest is the season were stuck until someone brought it turned out, the race car needed class champion. them a tire. Their finish time was nothing. One bonus was that Not far behind them it was Alex 6:56:01. Brian's son, Evan, had the fun of Staats in his Ford. He'd had a flat There were more trucks in the riding in the "chase" car. Kevin's tire about 20 miles from the finish. class, none of which finished. But time was 3: 12: 10. His time was 4:59:38, and he was the Ford of Kelly, John and Duane In second it was Patrick Nirschl the final finisher in the class. McNeil and Randy Bluth came and Kamren Woodward in their Class 7200 trucks were part of across the line after doing only two Bunderson. Nirschl drove all the this heat also, and the winning laps. They'd had to replace their way, and he rolled the car when he truck was David Caspino's Ford. transmission. They'd driven a lot blew a corner. It ended up on its Caspino drove all the way and said in the dark after that, and were rear cage, and then toppled over he had "just one flat and broke using some of the new LED lights, onto its top. It took them only both front shocks." His time was which they said they liked "real about five minutes to get it back on 5:04: 12, and he took the season well." In fact, it seemed unani-its wheels. Their time was 3:32:27. points championship. mous among those in all classes Third place went to Amy Perez In second it was David Kincaid who ran the rectangular little lights who drove all the way in her Ban-and Mark Johnson in a Custom. - they all seemed to like them "real ning. She had "no flats, no nothin' Kincaid did laps one and two, and well." -didn't even miss a turn." But she Johnson finished. They had no The second race of the day was said, "It was rough." Her time was flats and no problems beyond a for all the other trucks and cars, 3:34:04. No one else finished in shifter issue. A screw fell out and a total of 31 entries, which were the class. the navigator, Jon Lee, had to do required to complete only two In Class 1100, the winning the shifting for 30 miles. They got laps. The first car to finish, and the team was Ryan Plowman and Jer-it fixed on their driver change. Class 2000 winner, was the team of emy Stafford in a Kreger. Plowman Their time was 5:21: 19. Kevin and Brian Smith in their Mi- drove all the way. He stopped for In third it was Brandon and rage. The win gave them the 2010 fuel and two rear flats, one of Scott Bailey in a Custom. Scott, championship. At the finish line which he had changed at Pit 2, and the dad, did laps one and two, and Kevin said, "We've been trying for the other he had help from the Brandon finished. At the finish a championship for a lot of years. It Staats team in changing. His time he could just say, "Oh, my gosh!" takes family and friends who come was 3:20:21. They'd had a flat about 12 miles out to support us. It's a lot of fun." In second place it was the Ban-before the finish, and when they This time his brother, Brian, ran ning team. Lee, Sr. started and went to get their spare they discov-in a Class 1800 car, which raced at Lee, Jr. finished. They had one flat ered that the Trick Truck that had the same time, loaded with axles, early in the day. They said their passed them "really close", had CVs, a fuel pump, electronic parts, "plan was to finish, just needed ripped off their spare and jack, and anything else they thought the to be second." The course, they ,....;;..;;... _____ ....;;. ___ ....;. _____ ....;..._....;;. ___ .;...._....;.__ said, included a "lot of rocks, some The Henn/Kennon/Herman Ford took top honors in the Class 7100 skirmish, they're seen here at high speed headin' for the checkers. graded stuff." They decided to try to get themselves a championship, and let Ryan (Plowman) run. Their time was 3:21:09. And they did get themselves the 2010 season championship. Finishing third it was Bryan Folks, who drove both laps, in a Banning. Rick Graf navigated for him. They had one flat about 20 miles from the finish. At one point they'd thought they had an oil leak and stopped to check, discovered there was no oil leak, but they'd been passed while they looked. Their time was 3:29:26. In the Sportsman Class, 1800, the first place went to Jason Papa and Coy Higley in an EcoTec Continued on page 30 The Bailey/Bailey/Prosser Mini Trick Truck finished third in their class, Gold medal honors in Class 1700 went to John Helton, he's seen The Lee Bannings let no grass grow under their feet, they flew to a second place finish in Class 1100 in their Foddrill. they're seen here flyin' to the finish line. here in his Jeep heading for the coveted gold medal. Dusty Times January 2011 Page 29 -
-Predator. Papa did the first lap and Higley did the second. They had no problems, not even flats. But the motor died on the podium and they needed a push to get going again. This was the first race for the car, and their time was 3:35:24. Second place in this class was earned by the husband-wife team of John and Brenda Pfeffer in a Curry. John started and Brenda finished, while Donny Coleman ·navigated. They said they had "no trouble at all." Their time was 3:46:12. Third place went to Pierre Per-ret and Byron Price in a Ford. Their time was 5:38:06 for the two laps, and they were the final finisher in the class. Class 8100 ran in this group also, and the winner was Tim Casey in his Ford. He said he had no problems at all, built a little lead, and tried not to break any-thing. His careful driving earned him the season points for the class, and his finish time was 3:37:29. It really was a "little" lead, be-cause Merritt finished just four minutes behind him in second place in his Ford. He said he'd had "no problems, and tried hard to catch Casey on the last lap." He'd had "no flats, nothin'." But the truck wouldn't re-start to get down off the podium. It had to be pushed. His time was 3:41:21. No one else in the class finished. In the Class 7 300 trucks the winner was the Walch cousins in their Ford. Quinn Walch start-ed, and Kenyon, who is Kellen's brother, navigated. Kellon did the second lap, with his dad, Lonny, navigating. They said they'd killed it at one Check and had to jump the starter. But the truck hadn't had any prep since the October Parker race. Kellon said it's "a re-ally good truck, and a two time champion truck too." He said it "did seem slow after riding in Robby's truck -but you can have fun in anything." Their time was 3:48:08, and they won the 2010 season championship. In second place it was Jayson Strachan, who drove lap 1 and James Burman who finished. They had a frame mount for their lower The big winner in the 1200 Class was Troy Vest, Troy and his crew drove their Chevy to the win with four minutes in hand at the flag. The Walch clan, Kellon/Quinn/Kenyon and Lonny pooled their talents to take the Class 7300 win, they're seen here in their Ford truck. suspension break, and had to bolt in a part of their Hi-lift jack to hold it together. Their repair job took over an hour. They finished in 5:59:40, after the third race had started. And in third it was Kevin Row-ley, Branden Pritchard, Charlie Rowley and Cole Brunswig in a 2007 Hummer H3. They lost a front differential and blew a tire. They said they had to fix the trans-fer case three times. Pritchard and Rowley both drove. This was their third race, and their first finish. Their time was 6:04: 16. In the Trophylite class, Class 6000, the winning truck was well used. Jim Riley had driven to a win at the Baja 1000 and then de-cided to see how the truck would do in Henderson. He said he'd checked the oil, but didn't change the tires. And, with Riley driving the first lap and Craig Malloy and Matt Dowland each driving half a lap, they took the win. Dowland and Malloy had never raced be-fore. He even gave a spare to Ray Cummins. He said "nothing went wrong." His time was 3:51:32. In second it was the afore-mentioned Cummins, and Louis Chamberland, who started. Cum-mins comes from Chicago and has just bought this truck. They had two flats along the way and finished in 3:55:47. The nice finish Jason and Rich Voss took the gold medal in the Trick Truck Division, they had a bit more than two minutes in hand at the checkers. Gary Williams drove his Banning to the bronze medal in the Class 10 fracas, seen here kickin' up dirt in a left hander. brought Chamberland the 2010 started and Tyler finished. Blake championship for the class. had a flat and they lost their cam In third, it was Sean Mecham position sensor, so the truck wasn't and Jeremy Jackson who both running smoothly. Their time was drove. They were losing oil, and 4:48:55, and they took the season had to carry some with them be-championship. No one else fin-cause they had to add nine or ished in the class. 10 quarts a lap. Their time was John Helton drove his Jeep-3:59:26. Speed both laps, and had one flat Class 7100 was won by Terry and added gas. Tracy Gappa diQ; Henn in his Ford. He said he'd the navigating and they ended the broken the steering rack and that season with the BITD Class 1700 made the steering sloppy, but points win. he'd seen the other truck in his The race was short and sweet, class with a broken front end, so and a good way to finish the sea-he could relax. Henn's time was son. The BITD 2011 season takes 4: 12: 19. off in Parker with the Parker 425, a In second it was Blake and Ty-very challenging and very popular ler Henn in another Ford. Blake event. ~~ The Nirschi/Woodward duo drove their Bunderson to·a second place The Merritt/Golding duo scored a second place finish in the Class John and Brenda Pfeffer took a nice second place finish in the Class finish in the ½-1600 class, the two youngsters are doing quite well. 8100 battle, seen here at high speed in their Ford. 1800 challenge, seen here rushing to the finish in their Ford. Blake and Tyler Henn had a fairly good day, theytook second place Jason Strachan drove his Ford truck to a second place finish in the Kevin and Charlie Rowley had a decent race, they drove their Hummer honors in Class 7100 in their Ford, here at speed. Class 7300 battle, he's seen here just at touchdown. to a third place finish in the Class 7300 fracas, seen here at speed. Page 30 January 2011 Dusty Times
Happenings from page 7 SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box 706 Toys FoR ToTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADILLA VALLEY SPORTS CENTER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <www.unadillamx.com> VORRA VALLEY OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 1970 EAsr 2ND STREET RENO, NV 89502 775-287-0615 <www.vorra.net> VICENTE GUERRERO OFFRoADCum PROFO. CENOVJO GAMBOA 011-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 p.m.) WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA WHEEL To WHEEL OFF RoAD RACING PATRICK McGUIRE P.O. Box 376 ADAMSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2939 E; Grovers Ave. PHOENIX, AZ 85032 (602) 971-3730 <www.whiplashracing.com> December (TBA), 2010 ACP,AZ WISCONSIN MOTORSPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTIVAL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 OSHKOSH, WL 54901 (414) 688-5509 WORLD SERIES OF OFF ROAD RACING FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP P.O. Box99 CRANDON, WISCONSIN 54520 303-880-7221 <WWW.WRC.COM> XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 ZR PROMOTIONS Luis RENE MONTANO C. CALZADA INDEPENDENCIA 200 -5 COL. lNSURGENTES EsTE 21280 MEXICALI, BC, MX (686) 564 6653 info@zrpromo.com Attention /lace & llally 011ani1e1s .-- . . . 1st your commg events m TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, bur mail your 2011 schedules as soon as pos-sible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: Dusty Times, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-5003 Dusty Times Trail Notes ... from page 7 It's important that everyone knows how much we have appreciated their help, dedication, and support. We hope to continue to have that same support as we work through this. Doug Wasser President DRIVE Off Road Racing BEST IN THE DESERT WELCOMES LucAs O1L As OFFICIAL O1L SPONSOR AND PRODUCERS OF BEST IN THE DESERT RACE COVERAGE ON VERSUS AND MAv TV - In a joint announcement at the finish of the Trans West Ford 250 in Henderson, Nevada, Casey Folks, Director of Best in the Desert Racing Association, and Forest Lucas, owner of Lucas Oil, made the exciting news of Lucas Oil being named Official Oil of Best In The Desert for 2011. Casey Folks commented, "We are very enthusiastic to have Lucas Oil on-board as Official Oil of our series. Their wide selection of products, coupled with a great distribution network gives them the ability to activate their sponsorship and give great media coverage to some of the most exciting racing in North America. In addition, the extremely talented Lucas Oil Studio's production team will be covering all five Best in the Desert 2011 events for our car-truck classes, with HD broadcasts on VERSUS and additional programming on MavTV network just a week after each race. This is tremendous news not only for Best in the Desert, but for all our race teams and other sponsors." "Lucas Oil is recognized for their complete line of oil and additives for competition, powersports, over the road trucks, and everyday vehicles. Lucas Oil products have helped thousands of racers tackle some of the toughest, most exciting desert racing events under the Best in the Desert banner. "We are looking forward to a unique, positive partnership," said Forest Lucas. "With Lucas becoming the Official Oil of Best In The Desert, this again proves our commitment to the off-road nation, and our continuation to push the envelope in this great racing community." Folks went on to comment, "Best in the Desert racing is unlike any other form of motorsports. Our deserts are truly a test of man and machine, and the fluids inside these vehicles are a crucial component." Best in the Desert racing offers to racers, fans and the thousands of spectators that come out to the races, the opportunity to experience one of the truly unique adventures of their lives. Best In The Desert official sponsors: Ford Motor Company - official truck, General Tire - official tire, VP Racing Fuels - official fuel, KC HiLiTES - official light, Arctic Cat - official UTV, KTM - official motorcycle, FabTech - Official Suspension, Fall Advertising, Prerunner Maniac, McKenzies, PCI Race Radios, and Sportsman Cycle Sales. GENERAL TmE AND LucAs OIL SmN-oN To PRODUCE BEST IN THE DESERT'S 2011 FIVE EVENT TV COVERAGE - Headquartered in Corona, Calif., Lucas Oil Products was founded in 1989 by Forrest and Charlotte Lucas. Through innovative product research and development, along with aggressive marketing programs, Lucas Oil has established itself as one of the fastest-growing lubrication product lines in the consumer automotive aftermarket. The Lucas Oil product line features engine oils, greases, gear lubes and problem-solving additives for everyday cars and trucks. In addition, Lucas Oil continues to be directly involved in the American racing industry at all levels through multiple vehicle sponsorships and racing events. More information on Lucas Oil Products can be found by visiting www.LucasOil.com. JOHN DEERE GATORTI( NAMED OFFICIAL UTV OF BEST IN THE DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION FOR 2011-2012 SEASONS -LAS VEGAS, NV (Dec. 21, 2010) Casey Folks, Director of Best in the Desert Racing Association, announced that the John Deere Gator™ has been named the "Official UTV" of the Best in the Desert Racing Association. Folks made the announcement today, leading up to the kick-off of the 2011 racing season. "I am pleased and excited to tell the racing world about this new sponsorship with John Deere," said Folks. "The Best in the Desert Racing Series is the perfect venue to showcase the Gator Crossover Utility Vehicles (XUVs) and their off-road capabilities. To have a company like John Deere get involved in support of our series means a great deal and the Gator XUV will be a key asset for course setup and maintenance in the vast and harsh desert terrain we race in. The relationship between the John Deere Gator and Best in the Desert is a great fit, as the new 2011 line of XUVs deliver an unparalleled balance between performance and work," commented David Gigandet, Utility Vehicles Marketing Manager, John Deere. "We have been warmly welcomed by the Best in the Desert racing teams and fans alike, and we are excited by their reaction to our new Gator™ XUV 825i, the fastest and most powerful Gator ever produced." Folks and Gigandet agree that the Best in the Desert Series offers an ideal place to demonstrate the Gator's qualit)t, durability and new high performance capabilities. Folks continued, "We welcome John Deere on-board to join our other elite official sponsors, and look forward to a long and mutually beneficial relationship." For more information on the John Deere Gator, go to www.JohnDeere.com/ Gator. SCORE FINALIZES PRIMM DATE - Preparing to celebrate its 38th year as the world's foremost desert racing sanctioning body, SCORE international officially announced today the dates for the SCORE Las Vegas Terrible's Primm 300, finalizing the schedule for the five-race 2011 SCORE Desert Series. The Bureau of Land Management has closed the entire Primm, Nev., area for desert racing in September. As a result, the 16th annual SCORE Las Vegas Terrible's Primm 300 will be moved to Aug. 26-28. "With our races in Laughlin and Primm, SCORE has had a tremendous relationship with Las Vegas Events, Las Vegas Convention & Visitors Authority and Terrible's Primm Valley Resorts for nearly 20 years, and we feel very fortunate that given all the circumstances involved, we are able to return to Primm for the 16th consecutive year." said Fish. "The U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife has determined that because of concerns with the desert tortoise, the Bureau of Land Management cannot permit any desert races during the month of September in the January 2011 Primm area and our only viable option was the last weekend of August. Keeping the same venues and the same race weekends for four of its five desert races, the 2011 SCORE Desert Series has two races in Southern Nevada and three races in Baja Mexico. After being held a week later for several years, the season-opening SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge was moved back to its traditional dates on the Martin Luther King holiday weekend in 2010 and will be again in 2011. "SCORE International is the premier desert racing organization in the world and Las Vegas Events has a great working relationship with Sal Fish and his dedicated team and we are extremely encouraged that given all of the myriad considerations, Sal was able to provide an acceptable date for our annual SCORE race in Primm," commented Pat Christenson, President of Las Vegas Events, which approves and oversees the sponsorship of the SCORE races in both Laughlin and Primm. We work with a lot of promoters in helping produce special events in Southern Nevada and none are better to work with on joint projects than Sal Fish and his SCORE International." For this year's Primm race, pre-race festivities will be held on Friday, Aug. 26 while Saturday, Aug. 27 will be race day and the Awards celebration will be held on Sunday morning, Aug. 27. SCORE divides the 21 car and truck classes into two groups, with the limited vehicles racing in the morning and SCORE Trophy-Truck and the unlimited Class 1 open-wheel desert race cars, racing in the afternoon and early evening. The SCORE Desert Series, which features 31 Pro and six Sportsman classes for cars, trucks, motorcycle and ATVs, will kick off Jan. 14-16 with the popular 17th Annual SCORE Laughlin Desert-Challenge in the Southern Nevada resort city of Laughlin on the banks of the Colorado River. The season will conclude Nov. 17-20 with the 44th Tecate SCORE Baja 1000, the granddaddy of all desert races, which will start and finish this year in Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico. The 2011 SCORE Desert Series will again start with the most unique and the shortest race of the season and finish with the oldest and most recognized desert race in the world, the Baja 1000. The omplete schedule is available in the Happenings column starting on page 5. Page 31
---By Ste11e Ruddick Doug Silcock Takes It All Photos: Trackside Photo The Trophy Challenge win went to Ryan Cohee, Ryan is seen here literally flying his car to the coveted win. -changed over to do five laps on the 12.8-mile loop short-course; and they proceeded to change positions too. It wasn't easy keeping track of who was doing what on which lap on what course, so I just hung-out in the middle of the figure-8 and waited to see a checkered flag fly-ing. We have a Winner! You think it was easy seeing through all that thick dust? Shelby Reid proceeded to take more time covering the same amount of dirt on the short course, relative to her competition. The dirt and dust was flying and floating everywhere. It was thick Doug Si/cock took top honors at the MORE Toys For Tots event, Doug is seen here at one of hundreds of liftoffs on his and zesty. And through it all - I saw way to victory. a checkered flag fly. Could it be Twas 20 days before Christ-over Barstow at 2:38 P.M. marking the course and enforcing old St. Nick here to deliver lots of mas -and all through the desert The 2010 M.O.R.E. Holiday the rules - for those keeping tabs. Toys4Tots? A blink of my eye and a a rumbling was heard. The spare 200 "Toys4Tots" off-road race was CLASS l:Nine Laps; 191.2 twirl of my head, and I see another tires were stacked by the gas cans the traditional figure-8 course out miles. Nine starters; 8 Finishers. checkered flag fly amongst the with care -in the hopes that the behind the Slash-X Cafe. Classes Howard Sukenik got the hole shot dust lingering in the atmosphere. checkered flag soon would be 1-10-12-1600-Su-1350-1400-8-3700-in car #143 to get things rolling And through it all emerges Doug there. When, what to my wonder- 3000 did four Laps on the 31.8-mile for the 2010 M.O.R.E "Toys4Tots" Silcock in car # 169 to win First ing eyes should appear -but XXX long Large loop in the morning Holiday 200. Sean Dunn was next Place in Class and grab the gold entries, all full of good cheer. With and then switched over and raced off the line in car #123. Bryan at the top of the Overall Winner's so many drivers, so lively and quick for five laps on the short 12.8-mile Yodel followed in #199, and ran podium too. Fine driving. Silcock - I knew in a moment it must be loop. Classes 9-5/16-1300(4cyi)-7s right into trouble on his first lap completed nine laps in 4: 11: 19 the Fifth Annual M.O.R.E. Holi--1450 -1700 did six Laps on the after that. It would be a long day at an average speed of 68.3 mph. day 200 "Toys4Tots" off-road race. short course loop in the morning for #199. Shelby Reid started in Shelby Reid came into view a mere While visions of victory danced in and changed over for two laps fifth spot in #168 at the waving of 23-seconds later to claim Second their heads, they lined up to begin on the long course. Classes 3-11-the green and motored her way to Place in Class in #168 and grip their quest to gather up lots of toys &UTV did five laps on the short a tie with Sean Dunn for the First the silver at the top of the Overall for the kids at the Marine Corps course Loop in the morning and Lap leader position. Doug Silcock Winner's podium. Reid finished Logistics Base in Barstow. then did one lap on the large Loop. in car #169 followed Reid off the the required laps in 4: 11:42 at December 4 2010. Barstow CA: XXX Racers started the race, and starting line. 68.2 mph. That is a close race Ho* Ho* Ho* - Race Fans. Merry YY Racers saw the checkered flag At the end of Lap 1 Reid and and makes for lots of action and Festiva! It was mostly overcast at the Finish. There was lots of fun Dunn were in an even tie on speed fun. George Pandella covered all and cloudy all day. Nary a breeze and action in between. at 50.3 mph, but #123 was ahead the dirt in 4:21:22 at 65.7 mph to made for a dust bowl in the pits "Now Dasher! now, Dancer! of #168 by 4-seconds on the time grasp the bronze Overall and Third and dusty times out on the course. now, Prancer and Vixen! On, clock. That wasn't even enough Place in Class for the day in #58. Aaaiye - t'was thick and zesty to be Comet! On, Cupid! on, on Don- time for the dust to settle. George Pndella also clocked the fastest lap sure. The last time this Ace Report- ner and Blitzen! To the front of the Padella was SO-seconds behind in time on the long course loop in er saw anything this thick and zesty Class! to the top of the hill! Now car #58 chasing Dunn and Reid, 37:35. Pat Chicas drove the fastest was at the M.O.R.E. Chili Cook dash away! Dash away! Dash away and Doug Silcock in #169 was lap on the short loop course in Off. There was no sun to cast shad- all!" Doug Silcock was the Overall about 2-1/2 minutes bepind, chas- 16:09 in car #177. ows on the course - so 'reading the Winner in car #169. Shelby Reid ing Padilla. After racing for four CLASS 10:Nine Laps; 191.2 road' through clouds of lingering was Second Overall in car# 168 - a Laps on the 31.8-mile long Large miles. Eight starters; 5 Finishers. dust made for fun and exciting rac- mere 23-seconds later. There were loop, Shelby Reid in car #168 was Matt Cullen was first in line in ing conditions - as in - I can't see no accidents or injuries or incident out in front of the rest of Class 1 by class to see the green flag in car anything! You know it was dusty reports noted - for those keeping four minutes. Silcock in #169 had #1039 and was still 'in the lead when the drivers face and helmet tabs. The course included 9 road passed and was in front of Padilla spot out in front of Michael Dear-and suit and vehicle is all the same crossings (RX) and 7 Designated in #58 by 66-seconds. Sean Dunn dorff in car #1027 by 30-seconds thick shade of dirt. To everyone's (and clearly well marked) Spect;itor had made it through Lap 3 before after the first lap was done. #1027 credit, it was a day of flawless fun. Viewing Areas. Everyone agreed he DNF'd in car #123. After four started at the rear of the start line To cap it off - a rainbow appeared that M.O.R.E does a good job Laps out on the long loop, they waiting to get the green to go. Mike .------------------------.~-----------------------, Rumsey got the green and st.arted in second spot in car # 1090 but fell off the pace and fell back to fourth position after Lap 1. Mean-while - back at the green flag -Holli Bechard rolled away after starting in fifth spot in car #1019 and was up and running in third position after Lap l; about 2-1/2 minutes behind the leaders. After racing for four Laps on the 31.8-mile long Large loop, Michael Deardorff in #1027 had gotten the pass on Matt Cullen in #1039, and was out in front with a comfortable lead. Cullen was second in succession with a comfortable lead ahead of Holli Bechard -who was still third in line in #1019. They then switched over to do another five laps on the smaller short-course loop. Who's counting? It was the responsibility of the DoR to keep track of how many they did on which course. Go This way. Go That Way. I just tried to stay behind the official 'Setback Line' tape and out of their way so I didn't get caught in between. I have to sign-in and get a red wristband to be close to the • action now, and sign to waive any. and all liability against everybody to do it. No body is liable for my irresponsible actions but me. I also wear one of those brightly colored iridescent vests now for better vis-ibility and my safety. After racing for five Laps on the 12.8-mile long short loop course, Micheal Deardorff came out of the dust and haze to win First Place in car #1027 with an elapsed time of 4:25:58 and an average speed of 64.6 mph, and by a ten minute margin of victory. Matt Cullen got it all done in 4:36:00 at 62.2 mph to win Second Place in Class, by a 30-minute margin in car #1039. Holli Bechard won Third Place in #1019 in 5:05:45 at 56.2 mph by a slim margin of 52-seconds ahead of Philip Heynen in car # 1031. Car #1019 is an old single-seater Mikey Thompson Funco short-courser that Ron Bechard redid and re-stored to meet today's safety specs. Dalton Bechard drove the first 3 The Jeepspeed win went to Eric Heiden, Eric is seen here with the Debbie Rash took second place honors in the Trophy Dash division, hammer down and headin' for Class win glory. Debbie was a mere few minutes out of the class win. Andrea Scanlan was just a wee bit off the winning pace in the early laps, she had to settle for a second place finish in class. Page 32 January 2011 Dusty Times
t Karl Scanlan drove his good looking car to the class win at the Toys For Tots event, he's seen here at one of many landings. laps of the large course then Chad George drove his first time in the desert the last portion. Michael Deardorff drove the fastest lap on the long loop in 43: 16, and tied with Matt Cullen in #1039 for the honors on the short loop in 17:43 and both did it on Lap 6. That is the world of competition in the dirt that Dusty Time does. CLASS 12:Nine Laps; 191.2 miles. Six starters; six Finishers. Tom Stewart was the first in line in class in car # 1216 to see the -Mark Workentine was the gold medal winner in the Ultra Truck competition, Mark is seen here on his way to a nice win. go at the starting line. #1216 was fourth in line in class after the first lap was completed. Cody Reid followed suit in car #1268 and completed his first lap in 1:53:52. Just beating that part of the Mojave Desert known as "Barstow" is the foremost challenge of racing there. Sometimes you win but Barstow al-ways enjoys the home-field advan-tage. Mark Barnes started the race in car #1250 in third place in line and was out in front with a 27-sec-ond lead ahead of Roger Starkey in # 1210, after Lap 1. Starkey started in fourth spot at the go line and was running in second spot after Lap 1 with a 46-second lead ahead of Kevin Martin, who started last in line at the launch line in car #1297. It was barely enough time for the dust to settle between racers for this Ace Reporter to take notes and rip off another eye goggle tear off. Zoom ahead four laps and Mark Burns in car # 1250 leads the tran-sition onto the short loop course with a 60-second margin in front of Roger Starkey in #1210. Anytime you are eating the other guys dust and dirt is what we call 'close' in off road racing. Somewhere in all that 'close' Starkey closed the gap when he drove the fastest lap in 16:56 on the short loop part of the course. Or maybe it was when he drove the fastest lap on the long loop part of the course in 41:15. It was hard to tell through all the dust and dirt. It was still 'close' Continued on page 34 Julio Curiel gave it all he had but had to settle for the silver medal Jim Anderson took second place honors in Class 5 at Toys For Tots, Marc Deshane missed the Class 5/1600 Class win by a mere six this race, seen here at speed in the Ultra Truck fracas. he missed the win by a two and a half minute margin. seconds! This little bit after almost four hours of racing. Dusty Times TT BEADL□ CK SIMULATED B,L. VW BEADLOCK 1 SX l 2 VW BEAOLOCK January 2011 Page 33
-The big winner in Class 5 was AJ Martin, he is seen here at high speed on his way to the coveted gold medal. • when the checkered flag flew and only 46-seconds separated the two. The checkered flag flew first for Roger Starkey in # 1210 with an elapsed time of 4: 15:33 along with the First Place win. "We had a good race - flawless and no flats" Starkey said. "The course was rough and the dust was too". Mark Burns made it a close and exciting race in 4:16:19 in #1250 for the Second Place victory. It was hard to tell through all the dust and dirt but it was 'that close' at the Finish Line. Kevin Martin made it to the Finish Line to win Third Place in car #1297 in 4:25:25. CLASS 1600:Nine Laps; 191.2 miles. Seven starters; six Finishers. Andrew Neal got the pole position start in car # 1651 and was out in front with a 4-1/2 minute lead af-ter the first Lap. Neal also recorded the fastest lap time in class on the long loop course in 42:38 on Lap 3. Cory Goin was third off the Go line in car #1622 and moved up a position on Lap 1. Goin was first in line by 63-seconds in froht of Neal after four laps of racing on the long loop and making the transition over to the short-course. Mike Ward was running in third spot in car #1673. Andrew Neal drove the fastest of all on Lap 6 on the short-course loop in 17:45 and closed the gap on Goin. When the checkered flag flew in all the dust, out came Andrew Neal in First Place in the 'dads money' Racing car # 1651 with an elapsed time of 4:27:47 and a 5m:46s margin of victory. "We had a smooth race; no problems", said McNeal. It was very dusty and wasn't long enough - let's go again!" Cory Goin fin-ished in 4:33:32 to win Second Place in #1622. Jim Goff motored #1646 to the Third Place win in 4:45: 11. Bonner started behind Martin in line at the Start line but was in front of Martin by 6-seconds at the end of the first lap. That was also the end of Bonners race day; DNF. Kevin Heitritter in car #5025 was 25-seconds behind Martin after Lap 1. Martin went on to set the fast lap pace for the day for the long loop on Lap 2 in 42m:56s. Martin was still in the lead and even further out in front after four laps of racing on the long loop course when #5013 made the changeover to the short-course loop to do five M.O.R.E. laps. Strange things happen some-times when you changeover to a different part of the desert with different dirt. The shorter route isn't always faster. You change over wheel and co-driver duties. Whatever changeovers Jim An-derson made seemed to work be-cause #5010 triumphed over the short-course portion of the race. Anderson completed the required five laps on the short-course 4-1/2 minutes faster. Anderson drove the fastest lap time on Lap 8 on the short-course in 18m:06s. In other words -Anderson made it a race with Martin to the finish line for the prize. After calculating the total elapsed times, AJ Martin won First Place in Class in car #5013 b a trim 2m:5s mar in of victory ahead of Jim Anderson in car #5010. Martin completed the required laps in 4:38: 14 compared to Anderson's time of 4:40:59. Bill Zoig motored #536 to the Third Place win in 5:01:47. CLASS 1350:Nine Laps; 191.2 miles. Three starters; 2 Finishers. Christian Hall got the hole shot at the start and hauled f"ass*t in car -#1357 to a flawless First Place win in 4: 18:45. Hall did it all. #1357 garnered the fast lap honors on both the long loop (4lm:08s) and the short loop (16:52) portions of the figure-8 racecourse. #1357 was in the lead after the first lap, and when making the changeover from the long to short loops. Philip Isa-belle ran into some serious issues on Lap 2 (2h:02m) in car #1369 but pulled out a Second Place win in 6:28: 17. Nice effort. CLASS 1400:Nine Laps; 191.2 miles. That's a lot of laps and a long way to race for trophies and bragging rights. That didn't seem to faze the fourteen starters or 10 Finishers who came to have fun doing it or at least trying. Mark Workentine didn't leave much doubt. Workentine started the race second in line waiting for the green to Go in truck #1405. Workentine passed Julio Curirl in -truck #1423 and was out in front by lm:26s at the end of Lap 1. Workentine clocked the fastest lap time in class on the long loop on Lap 3 in 44m:46s. Workentine increased his lead to 14-minutes ahead of Curirl and the rest of the class making the changeover from the long to the short loop course. Another five laps to go, and Mark Workentine didn't leave much doubt. When #1405 ar-rived at the Finish Line to collect his First Place prize in 4:40:41, Workentine had increased his margin of victory to 20-minutes. Ain't no doubt about who won that one. Flawless, fast and fun. Julio Curirl kept on trucking in truck #1423 to finish in 5:00:21 and win Second Place. Thomas Chamlee maneuvered truck # 1449 throu h the dust and com etition CLASS 5unlimted:Nine Laps; 191.2 miles. Twelve starters; 7 Fin-ishers. Several toys in Class Su got broke before Christmas but it was fun doing it until they did. The first lap was a flat out drag race in the dirt between Dave Bonner in car #508 and AJ Martin in #5013. Vince Dimaio took the Class 7A win at the MORE Toys For Tots race, he's seen here just at one of many takeoffs during the race. to win Third Place with an elapsed time of 5: 15:03. Sal Gomez came to race and drove truck #1413 to the Fourth Place finish in 5: 17: 16. CLASS 3000:Nine Laps; 191.2 miles. Six starters; 5 Finishers. Wendy Durkee was at the front of the Go line in car #3031 and broke her toy after the first lap was done; DNF. No fun playing in the dirt today. Meanwhile - Blake Slater started at the back of the Go line in car #3069 and was in the lead spot by 63-seconds ahead of everybody else at the end of the first lap. Karl Scanlan turned up the go-faster accelerometer in #3019 on Lap 3 to record the fast-est lap time in class on the long loop course in 41 m:38s. It was fast, fun and close competition in the dust and dirt in Barstow. Slater and Karl Scanlan were dueling and dueking it out on the long loop course when #3069 ran into some issues on Lap 4 that added up to downtime and Scanlan motored on past in #3019. That downtime also let Andrea Scanlan motor on past in car #3018. When they made the change-over after Lap 4 onto the short-ourse loop - Karl Scanlan in #3019 was out in front of Andrea Scanlan in #3018 by a healthy 19-minute time advantage; with five more laps of racing to go. And more racing they did. It was now Andrea Scanlan turn to twist up the go-faster accelerometer in #3018, and she proceeded to record the fastest lap time in class on the short loop course on Lap 3 in 17m:25s. #3018 also had a faster overall lap time on the short-course than did #3019. When the dust settled after the checkered flag flew at the Finish Line - Karl Scanlan came out the First Place winner in 4:26:02 in #3019 with a 15m:26S margin of victory. "We had a good race and good action battling back and forth with #3018 and #3067 all day. My neck is sore", Scanlan said. His odometer read 93mph. Andrea Scanlan followed suit in car #3018 to win Second Place with an elapsed time of 4:41:28. Blake Slater broke #3069 on Lap 4, got it fixed, and preceded to motor on and still win Third Place in 4:52:59 and by 48m:33s ahead of the rest of the competition. It was fast, fun and close competition in the dust and dirt in Barstow. CLASS 9:Eight laps; 140.4 miles. Six starters; 5 Finishers. Matt Creveling was at the front of the line in car #990 when the green flag flew. Bud Ward drove the fast-est lap in class on the short loop on Lap 1 in 19m:43s in car #907 and was at the front of the line with a l m:52s lead when the first lap was Guy Savedra took the win in Class 5/1600 but is was a close one, he only had six seconds in hand after four hours of racing. Kurt Larmee drove his Ford Bronco to the Class BA win, he's seen here at high speed headin' for the finish line. -·· Kurt Youngs was the silver medal finisher in the Class 7~ contest, Mark Nappi was a little bit off the winning pace in the Class 9 contest, Matt Cullen took home the silver medal in the Class 10 fracas, Matt Kurt is seen here with the hammer down on the home stretch. he finished the race some 15 minutes in arrears. was 11 minutes in arrears when he took the checkered flag. Page 34 January 2011 Dusty Times
Bob Depew missed out on the gold medal in Class 11, he had to settle Mark Barnes took second place honors in Class 78 at Toys For Tots, Philip Isabelle was the second place finisher in the Class 7C battle, for the silver, Bob was two minutes in arrears at the flag. he was a mere 46 seconds behind the class leader at the finish. his two hour second lap certainly didn't help him. done. Ward kept up the pace and was first in line when #907 made the changeover to the long course for two more laps to reach the checkered flag. Bud Ward drove the fastest lap in class on the long loop on Lap 7 in 50m:53s in car #907 and was at the front of the Finish Line with a 15m:2s margin of victory when the last lap was done to win First Place. That is what is called 'leaving the competi-tion in your dirt'. Clean air, flaw-less race. "We had a blast today" Ward said. "The short course was great and the long course was no--fun-at-all. Our clutch went out on the last lap." Mark Nappi com-pleted the required laps in 3:59:47 to win Second Place in car #930, with Kyle Murray close behind in 4:01:48 in car #998 for the Third Place win. CLASS 5/1600:Eight laps; 140.4 miles. Three starters; 3 Fin-ishers. This was a very close race all the way to the Finish Line; nose-to-nose. It all started when Guy 'Go-Go' Savedra got the pole position at the Go Line in car #569 and was still out in front after the first lap was done, with a 3-min-ute lead. I thought for sure I saw 'wings' on #569 on Lap 5 when Savedra flew by in 20m:7s to clock the fastest lap time in class on the short-course. But after six laps and 77 miles of racing on the short loop course and changing over to the long course, Marc Deshane in car #555 was in front of Savedra by a full minute. Two more laps and another 64 miles to go to reach the checkered flag and victory. When the checkered flag did fly at the Finish Line - there was only six seconds of separation between #555 and #569; the closest finish of the day. It was back-and-forth C1ntinu .. en p111 36 JJ Hanson was a wee bit off the winning pace in the Class 88 contest, Cory Goin gave it all he had but had to settle for a second place finish It was a second place finish in the JEEPSPEED fracas for Michael JJ took second place honors, seen here at speed. in the Class 1/2-1600 race, he's seen.here at speed. Vernak, Mike is seen here givin' it all he's got/ Dusty Times 2011 MEXICAN 1000 RALLY ay 4-8, 2011 vj JOIN THE LEGENDS AND LIVE YOUR BAJAJ)~S! Come join the ultimate Baja Social Club in the 2011 Mexican 1000. Registration is now open and you still have four months until the green flag drops for our three day rally down the legendary Baja peninsula. You still have time! Open to all pre-1991 vintage cars/trucks/motorcyles and true alternative fuel vehicles. all the fun of Baja racing without the pressure or need for massive support teams. Register now to secure your place in our amazing 2011 event! Questions? Just call us or visit our website for all the details. HONORING THE PAST. See you in Baja. Ole! National Off Road Racioo Association I \ Sincfl 1f167 FORGIHG THE FUTURE. www.MEXICANlOOO.com 661.268.1232 January 2011 Page 35 ...
.. George Pondella was the third place finisher in the always hotly Pepper Cote was the third place finisher in the Trophy Challenge Blake Slater took the bronze medal honors at the Toys For Tots race, contested Class 1 race, seen here givin' it all he has. event, Pepper is seen here at speed on the way to the barn. Blake is seen here at speed on his way to the checkered flag. and side-by-side and race-and-chase action for 14.0 miles in the dirt and through the dust all day - right down to the wire. Guy 'go/ go' Savedra and co-driver Donald Harper emerged the First Place winner in car #569 (albeit by a slight 6-seconds) in 3:59: 15. "We battled back and forth with #555 all day. It was a good race and a great time", Harper said. "The big loop was rough and the small loop was fast and had a lot of well-placed rocks .. It was all dusty. We had two flats and exploded a bead-lock on one wheel but had no oth-er problems." Marc Deshane made it a competitive and very-close race in car #555 with an elapsed time of 5:59:21 to win Second Place. That kind of open desert off road racing is about as good as it gets, Race Fans. Fast - flawless - fun - and safe. William Goetsch finished all the required laps in 4:12:38 to win Third Place in car #556. CLASS 1300:Eight laps; 140.4 miles. Seven starters; 4 Finishers. Pepper Cote started at the back of the line at the green flag in car #1325 and was at the front of the line with an 8-second lead ahead of Ryan Cohee in car #1307 after Lap 1. Debbie Rash got off to a slow start in car #1321 and got passed by everyone on Lap 1. Rash made up that slow time on Lap 6 when #1321 recorded the fast lap of the.day on the short-course in 17m:59s. Ryan Cohee had a 20-minute lead in # 1307 when he made the changeover onto the long loop course for two more laps of racing. Like they say -It ain't over until somebody waves the check-ered flag. Debbie Rash was on the fast-track on her last lap on the short-course when # 13 21 clocked the fast lap of the day. That pace proceeded in top gear when #1321 made the changeover onto the long loop course and repeated it again on Lap 7 in 44m:50s. Rash was in an all-out dash to get to the checkered flag and repeated it again on Lap 8 in 45m:23s. Rash completed the last three laps of the race at speed on the fine line part of the course in 108 minutes. It took Ryan Co-hee 126 minutes to cover the same amount of dirt. Somebody (Bill Markel) waved the checkered flag in all the billowing dust and out from the clouds of the shifting desert sands emerged Ryan Cohee in car #1307 to win First Place in 3:48:06 -by a 3m: 13s margin of victory. Debbie 'give-it-more-gas' Rash displayed a unyielding com-petitive character and pushed the edge of the envelope in her quest and finished in Second Place in 3:51:59. Pepper Cote made her way to the finish line in 4:29:28 to win Third Place in car #1325. CLASS 7s:Eight laps; 140.4 miles. Four starters; 4 Finishers. Steve Jacketti was first off the line at the green flag in truck #749. Mike Deardoff gets our award for highest flyer of the race, Mike captured the Class 10 win for his efforts. Kurt Youngs was last off the line at the green flag in truck #7 50. Youngs was the Lap 1 leader by 20-seconds ahead of Jacketti after the first lap was done. #7 50 went on to record the fastest lap of the day in class on Lap 2 on the short course in 22m:35s. #749 ran into some issues on Lap 3 that slowed him down. Youngs was ahead of Vince Dimaio in truck #777 by about 2-1/2 minutes when they made the changeover from the short to the long course. Two more long laps to go to claim victory. This is where things get con-fused. I wasn't keeping tally of who did how many laps on.the short & long loops of the racecourse, and it was way too dusty for me to even see. It was clearly noted on the course map that the DoR is respon-sible for keeping count. Somebody lost count and apparently #7 50 did an extra lap on the short course. That **** up the official clock & time sheet and tally. After all the confusion settled, Vince Dimaio was declared the First Place winner in truck #777 and Kurt Youngs was Second Place in truck #750. Steve Jacketti kept at it and scored the Third Place win truck #749, and Ken Dixon followed behind in truck #7 57 for the Fourth Place finish. CLASS 1450:Eight laps; 140.4 miles. Five starters; 5 Finishers. It's one for the books when all the starters finish, and especially in Class 1450. It's a testimony to the builders and preppies and pit crews and drivers. You can't win very often if you break. You will very seldom have a flawless trouble-free race. It was one of those days for Ernie Serfas in truck # 1491. Serfas started at the back at the green flag line, and was the Lap 1 leader by lm: 16s ahead of Paul Hayslett in truck #1499. Serfas also won the fastest lap time! honors on Lap 1 on the short course loop in 22m:42s. Hayslett clocked the fast-est lap time on Lap 8 on the long . course in 59m:02s. Serfas drove a fast and flawlt!ss race to win First Place with an 18m:26s margin of victory in 4:23:24 in truck #1491. JJ Hanson got all the laps done in 4:42:33 to win Second Place Bud Ward took the Class 9 contest gold medal, Bud is seen here literally flying low over the rugged race course. in truck #1469. Paul Hayslett lost valuable time on Lap 3 but still got the Third Place win in 4:53: 13 in truck #1499. Mike Hobbs finished in Fourth Place in truck #1466 in 5:38:53. Griffin Steinfeld finished in Fifth Place in truck #1456. Nice going everybody. Maybe the 1450 racers from the MDR series will come and compete in M.O.R.E. in 2011. There sure are a lot of them. The Rules might need to be adjusted, or just add a new sub-Class: trucks that don't meet either the 1400 or 1450 spec Rules; e.g. a rear-linked 4-banger. It's just that so many racers have so much invested and no place to race Iiow because their trucks don't meet 'the Rules'. It's one thing to have Rules to make a level playing field when "Payback" is involved - it is another when you are just racing for Trophies and 'bragging rights'. It's about having fun play-ing with your toys in the dirt. Rac-ers just want to have fun. What if I just want to race for the fun of it (while I still can), and relinquish any claim to 'official win'? I can't imagine any promoter turning away more would-be entries; they don't want the extra biz? It makes more sense and for more fun to find a way to provide._ somewhere to race when there are many who want to but don't meet the existing Rule specs; make room for them to. M.O.R.E. fun. CLASS 1700:Eight laps; 140.4 miles. Five starters; 4 Finishers. Steve Ghamari was first off the line at the Start in jeep #1787. Michael Vemak started third in line at the Start Line in jeep #1760 and was at the front of the line after Lap 1 with a lm:lls lead in front of · the rest. Eric Heiden found some go-juice in the gas pedal in jeep #1717 and clocked the fastest lap of the day in class on the short course loop in 24m:18s on Lap 4. #1717 was out in front with a 4-minute lead after completing all the re- " quired laps on the short-course loop. # 1717 clocked the fastest lap time of the day in class on the long loop course in 58m:07s on Lap 7. Eric Heiden won First Place in Class in 4:26:57 in jeep #1717 and by a 8m:40s margin of victory. Michael Vemak won Second Place with an elapsed time of 4:35:37 in jeep #1760. Jason Vander Tuig completed all the laps need to win Third Place in 5:09:48 in jeep #1771. Steve Ghamari finished in Fourth Place in jeep #1787 in 5:20:21. CLASS 3:Six laps; 96 miles. Two starters; 2 Finishers. Kurt Larmee in #302 and Salvador Cervantes in #348 were the only competitors in Class 3, but they battled it out in Barstow to the end. Larmee got the hole-shot at the Start. Larmee was the Class 3 leader after Lap 1 with a 3m: lls lead advantage. #302 crossed the finish line in 3: 15:52 for the First Thomas Chamlee took third place honors in the Ultra Truck fracas, Bill Zoig was a bit off the pace in the Class 5 action, Bill finished in'¥ Kyle Murray was the third place finisher in the Class 9 contest, Kyle he's seen here just at liftoff for the umpteenth time. the third spot, he's seen here just at. launch time. was only two minutes away from the silver medal. Page 36 January 2011 Dusty Times
Holli Bechard had a fairly good day, she took the bronze medal in the It was a third place finish in the Class 11 contest for Madison Hale, Kevin Martin was a bit off the winning pace in the Class 78 contest, Kevin took third place honors, seen here nicely airborne. Class 10 conflict, seen here just at liftoff. the team was a mere five minutes behind the class winner. Rangers on-scene, I spoke to - it seems that some infractions were nonetheless noted that ended up putting the entire 2011 BLM Land Use Permit and race season at risk. Dusty Times is printing this as a Public Service Announcement to off road Race Fans and drivers-of-record and spectators and pit crews and chase teams -the watchers are watching closely and will use any infraction, however minor, to just say no. l.The Driver of record will be responable for all the People in his or her group and to see that they are aware of the releases, wrist bands and rules. 2. Everyone in the pits must be on the pit release form list and obtain a wrist band. If there is any Place win. Cervantes got to the fin-Anne Naso finished in Fifth Place one under the age of 18 they will ish line in 3:41:50 to win Second in car #1169 in 3:53:47. Luis Galin- need minor release forms filled out Place in #348. do wasn't far behind in car #1168 and notarized along with consent CLASS 1100:Six laps; 96 miles. with a time of 3:55:07 to finish in to medical treatment form. No Seven starters; 7 Finishers. Chris Sixth Place. And Dave Cote got one under the age of 14 is allowed Anderson clocked the fastest short- #1191 fixed and to the checkered in the pits and must be wearing a course lap of the day in class on flag in 5 :51: 10 for the Seven th wrist band or they will be DQ' d. Lap 1 in 24m:53, and was the Place finish. 3. Entrants, pit crew member, Lap 1 leader in car #1138 with a "Happy Christmas to all, and to volunteers and family waive any 2-minute time advantage ahead of all a good-night!" claim they may have against Pro-Madison Hale in car #1101 when Post Script:The good news motor, its officals when volun-the first lap was done. It took Dave is: There will be M.O.R.E. rac- tarily participating in event and Chris Anderson was the Class 11 winner, Chris beat out six other cars for the title, he's seen here on the course. Cote 2+ hours to complete Lap 1 ing in 2011 with approval for 6 the BLM. in #1191, but he did and motored events! Mark your calendars: Jan 4. There will be no Drinking of on. After five laps of racing on the 22 Barstow . March 19th Barstow intoxicating beverages in the pits. short-course, Chris Anderson was ballsOut 250 . May 21 Lucerne Me- 5. During the race it is the re-still out in front of Madison Hale morial Day Race . July 16 Barstow sponablity of the driver to report -but #1101 had narrowed the gap Freedom 250 . Sept 10 Lucerne right away to MORE of anyone on down to about I-minute and was Chili Cookoff 250 . Oct 8 Barstow the course or not following setback getting closer when they made the annual Powder Puff . Dec 3 Bar-rules 150' Photo and crossing changeover onto the long course stow Toys4Tots Holiday 200. people 60' go to relay 151. 715 and to do one lap. Bob Depew was in The not-so-good news is: The report it or have your team report the race too in #1153 and clocked entry fees to do it will be raised to it. you will slow down anytime the fastest lap time on the long reflect an increase in the Recovery someone is inside the setback area loop in 1:04:09 and that made a Fee being imposed. In other words and will avoid coming within 50' difference when they all got to the - BLM is charging M.O.R.E. more of them. Finish Line. to race in 2011 -and it ain't gonna 6. The speed limit thru Start/ Chris Anderson got all the be spectator ticket prices that go Finish and all road crossing will be laps done in 3: 13:04 to win First up. Cha-Ching* The increase in 35 MPH. you will obey all MPH Place in Class in car # 1138 by a Entry Fees is rather modest if you signs at all times before race, racing 2m: 18s margin of victory. Depew's average it over the years that Entry and after race. when you come to fast-lap dash for the finish on the Fees didn't increase. It's the price the MPH sign you will drop down last lap paid off and #1153 won to play in 2011. to speed and continue till you Second Place by a 2m:49s margin The other news is there is a come to large sign with (OK) on it. of victory. Madison Hale lost some new set of Rules in town -and 7. The speed limited is 15 MPH momentum on her last lap but the BLM Rangers are enforcing anytime you come within 50' of still won Third Place for the day them. While I heard nothing but people in #1101 in 3:18:11. You Go girl! praise and 'a good job well doJ1e 8. If you have problems dur-of the way of danger. 9.There will be no one in the pits that has not signed a release. no one under age 14 in pits at all. 10.Any team member that give a monitor or road crossing worker any lip while trying to enforce these rules, team will be subject to disqualification. 11. Motorhomes, family and friends will be back 150' from set back line set up by MORE on Thursday at each event. There will be a 10' space between Mo-torhomes, trailers, and people and the pits, when pits are set up there should be at least 100' between front of pits to the set back line. 12. It you need to do testing on your car/truck at night do so at the end of pits going out away from pits, after midnight there will be no running in the start/finish area end to end you will be warned only one time. after midnight you will keep the noise down, we all need to show respect for the people around us. 13. All day Friday and Saturday Speed limit is 35 MPH the whole course and surrounding areas of the park. The only time you can go faster is during the race, or testing in a set up area by More. and you can only test in one direction only, not both ways. 14. It is your responablity as driver to report anyone within 50' of the course during the race. call it in to your crew ASAP they can report to relay the yellow shirt will handle it or the BLM. The only people allowed to 50 ' is Photo people with orange vest and sign on course saying photos ahead do not report these people. 15. It is mandatory that you do the speed limit 35 MPH in all road crossing and Start/Finish area and 15 MPH within 50' of any person or group/Campsite during the race. Cars broken on the track you will lift and clear them as much as possible. 16.Drivers meeting Saturday morning before· the race is Manda-tory and you will have to sign a drivers meeting sign in sheet or you will be DQ per BLM RULES. Now I can understand the con-cern for safety that is the basis for the new set of Rules for off road racing, but the infractions the watchers cited are interesting in their scope and application when the enforcement actually hits the dirt. According to the infractions cited by the watchers -It also depends on what the definition of a "pit" is, and the depth of the 'setback' from which kids under the age of 14 years are *verboten* from. I mean -the official "Des-ignated Spectator Viewing Areas" are immediately adjacent to the required 150 foot "Setback" and there are kids under the age of 14y there. No problems cited so far. I mean - there are vendors' set up Continued on page 38 Gregory Dahn finished in Fourth by M.O.R.E.' from both racers ing the race you are to get off the RogerStarkeytooktheClass78winatToysForTots,hehad46secondsinhand _P_l_ac_e_i_n_3_: _2_4_: 5_8_i_n_c_a_r_#_l _15_L __ a_n_d_s_p_ec_t_a_to_r_s_, _a_n_d_e~ven_fr_o_m_t_h_e __ c_o_u_rs_e_a_s_m_u_c_h_a_s_p_o_s_s_ib_l_e_a_n_d_o_u_t __ .:...w.::h.::e.::n.::_h_e.::--.t_o_o_k ___ th=e=_c_o=v=e=te=d==ch=e=c=k=e_,.,_e=d=t.=la::'.'.g'::.. ========================== Jim Goff had a long first lap and it hurt him, Jim was the third place Dan Fresh finished first off the podium in the Class 1 battle, Dan finisher in the Class 1/2-1600 contest. was a mere 10 seconds out of the third place position. Dusty Times January 2011 Vincent Dudash didn't have the best of days, he was a long fourth place in the Trophy Challenge, seen here just at takeoff. Page 37
Bruce Friesen wasn't the happiest camper at the race, Bruce finished Sal Gomez had plenty of candle power on board, Sal was the fourth Kevin Heitritter finished first off the podium in the Class 5 conflict, first off the podium in class, seen here at speed. place finished in the Ultra Truck battle. Kevin is seen here nicely airborne on his way home. around the Start/Finish line that are immediately adjacent to the required 150 foot "Setback" and there are kids under the age of 14y there. No problems cited so far. So what is the difference when kids under the age of 14y are in a "pit" set up immediately adjacent to the required 150 foot "Setback", too? I'm confused. Can somebody please 'splain that one to me? If kids under the age of 14 years are safely allowed to be in of-ficially designated 'spectator' and 'commercial vending' areas im-mediately adjacent to the officially designated 150 foot "Setback" area for those human activities -you had better have a very good definition of what makes a "pit" different where the same kids are verboten in the same physi-cal area. "Immediately adjacent" and "in close proximity to" are not the same thing. I can only tell you that out behind 'pit row' lay uncontrolled chaos and confusion amongst hordes of everybody who isn't banded up. You want to talk about dangerous? Y0iKes* People are driving around and walking around every which way back behind the pits. There is as much dirt and dust that gets kicked around, if not more. It is just as hard to safely see in and through it. And this is where kids under the age of 14 years are supposed to be kept back in? The other new Rule that is a challenge for me in my duties, as Ace Reporter is no driving of non-race vehicles within the front of the "pits". Within that same area immediately adjacent to the 150-foot setback noted above. It used to be that "the media" had to get a special (and highly coveted) "Pit Pass" and display it visibly and prominently in the front wind-shield to do it before. I can easily get around the new Rule by simply entering my race truck and using it to 'cruise the pits' in my role as Ace Reporter. That way - it's an officially entered race vehicle that can legally be within the race-course itself and the area immedi-ately adjacent to and in front of all the pits. I will never start - so my entry fee just keeps rolling over In Class 7C it was Christian Hall taking the gold medal, he had over two hours in hand when he took the checkers. to the next race. I wonder if I can roll over my entry fee from season to season too? Hhmmm* The other option is for me to hang out behind the Setback line at the S/F line in the officially marked post-race Tech Area -and hope that the Finishers will stop and give me an interview. If you are in a Class that doesn't require any post-race tech inspection and you don't stop to give me an interview - I only have your official time sheet for a story - your name and num-ber and times, and how many laps you completed. Boring. I need all the good dirt I can get to write a good story. I writ forth various official Permits and wrote the Rules (Con-ditions of Approval} for a living. They need to be clear and concise, and enforceable. They need to be enforced consistently for all types of similar events. For example -are the same Rules and same en-forcement being applied for desert motorcycle races? Any Rules must also be consistent with other applicable laws and regulations. For example - speed limits in of-ficially designated "OHV" areas in Cali are governed by the CA Vehicle Code and those citations have been posted on the www. If there is any question as to whether those state laws and regs apply to federal OHV areas and activities thereon - please take note of who conducts any investigations in-volving serious injuries or deaths therein - it is the Cal Highway Patrol who has jurisdiction. And yes -OHV areas im:. dan-gerous places to be ill ~ ~. even when there aren't any of-ficially sanctioned off road races going on. Do a www search and you will quickly find that tragic accidents and serious injuries and even deaths happen in OHV areas all across the USA every day. Every OHV has a website where you can see for yourself. Rarely will you find instances of citations for excessive speed in an OHV, or for kids under the age of 14y being within the 'pits' of 'social gather-ings' where people are driving dirt bikes and quads and golf carts and sand buggies like drunk sailors. The point is - it needs to be ap-plied and enforced consistently all the time for every kind of OHV activity - officially sanctioned or not. A pit is a "pit" and a group of friends/ family gathered together around a campfire is a "social gathering" -no matter if it is for an officially sanctioned event or not. Consistent enforcement of the same Rules. It would also be helpful to clarify just which government law enforcement agency has what enforcement Ifowers to do what within OHV areas. I mean -it is my job as an Ace Reporter to observe and take notes. I see the BLM, County Sheriffs, the Ernie Serfas drove his Ford Pickup to the Class 88 win at Toys For Tots, seen here just about airborne on his way to the flag. CHP - all out issuing citations to people in OHVs for this or that infraction. Who's in charge? Which gov LEA has what powers and legal authority? I'm confused by what I see. It's hard to obey the Rules when you don't know who is playing by what Rules. It is also my observation that if individu-als are not obeying the Rules at a sanctioned off road race event, they should be issued a citation for breaking the Rule -but M.O.R.E. and the future of sanctioned off road racing should not be dinged or cited for the reckless behavior of that individual. You will never have enough LEA to patrol and enforce it all everywhere all· the time. You can't expect any race promoter to do it either because they don't have enough volunteers with enough eyes and ears every-where either. You certainly don't close down a freeway just because somebody gets a ticket. The point is - make sure you know and obey The Rules because the watchers are observing for any infractions or violations thereof they can. Be extra safe and aware out there. I can only use the free-dom of the Press to report what " I see. I carry my own copies of the CA Vehicle Code, the law re: "OHV" areas, and the BLM maps and pamphlets for the Johnson Val-ley and Stoddard OHVs. ~-0:R,I-:, It was a nice win for Andrew Neal in Class 1/2-1600, Andrew had six minutes in hand when he took the coveted checkered flag. Lee Orr was the sixth place finisher in the Ultra Truck Class, Lee is The fifth place finisher in the Class 5 battle was Scott Wagstaff, Shelby Reid took second place honors in the Class 1 fracas, she is seen here in his Ford pickup just at takeoff. Scott is seen here at one of many takeoffs during the race. seen here at high speed, she was 23 seconds out of the win. Page 38 January 2011 Dusty Times
CHICAS OFF ROAD RACE 1aa Miles Of Natural Makeup Text & Photos: George Jackson Astrid Gaxiola with Myrna Dominguez in the right seat were the second overall finishers, they took the Class 14 honors, seen here at high speed. San Vicente, Baja: Fifty-Sev-en female drivers and co-drivers in 18 race cars from ·Baja and Southern California converged on Rancho Rincon de Guadal-upe for the Second Annual Chi-cas (girls only) Off Road Race. The 1,200 acre ranch was part of the 2010 Baja 500 at KM 105 off Mexican Hwy 1. The ranch grows olive trees, wheat fields and a vineyard which will bot-tle its first wine this year .. Chicas Off Road Promoter, Elvira "Viry" Felix made sure that from start line banners to t-shirts to course markers, PINK was the color of the day. The diverse and challenging course consisted of seven 14 mile laps including 3 silt beds (thus the name of the race -100 Miles of "Natural Makeup"), 2 rock patches, 2 hill climbs, negative camber side hills and several "whoops" sections. Karo Gomez took the Over-all Win in her huge Pink Tro-phy Truck, strutting pink bead locks -even on the spares! She shredded the course for the winning time of 2: 14: 18 and reported no problems at all. It was the first race ever for co-driver Betty Ayon and the small framed Karo, who after her winning performance was nick-named by some "The Pink Gordon". Their only off-road driving experience came from practicing on an old Record race course and pre-running the weekend before the race. A Pink Rookie of the Year? Driving a Pink 2/1600, As-trid Gaxiola and co-pilot Myrna Dominguez, took both the Sil-ver Overall and 1st Place in Class 14 with a time of 2:57:27. Astrid thanks her sister-in-law and race ·promoter, Viry Felix, for trusting her with the loan of the car -especially after she rolled it during pre-run. The Overall Bronze and 1st Place in Class 7s went to Mari-sol Gonzalez of Camalu with her co-pilot and sister, Eliza-beth. They had a clean run in their 7s Ranger. Marisol's only problem was that when she crossed the Finish Line in 3:01:03 she did not get the Socde Galvan took the gold medal in the Safari Class, she was the eighth overall finisher as well, here in the Ford truck. Diana Flores took top honors in the Class 7 Open contest, Diana was seventh overall as well, seen here in the Ford pickup. checkered flag. As Chicas Pro-moter, Viry herself explained, she was busy talking to some-one else and didn't see her cross. Marisol took an extra lap so she could get the checkered flag! Fourth Overall and 2nd Place in 7s were Lidia Rodri-guez and Anita Huerta of San Quintin. Lidia also took 2nd in 7s in the 2009 race -even after flipping her truck 3 times only to come up with the rubber down, catching 1st gear with no time lost. In her own words "my personal preparation and key to success is to get a pedi-cure and manicure just before the race -color coordinated with the finish line banner!" Fifth Overall and 1st in Class 12 with a time of 3:35:44 were Mony and Paty Munoz of Ensenada piloting their broth-er's car. They were especially pleased with their 1st Place and to finish as last year they raced a Rhino and were out on the first lap with a broken spindle. Her brother reported that he was more worried about the race than she was and happy that she didn't wreck his car. Sixth Overall and 3rd in 7s was Aida Robles of San Quintin with co-pilots Tania Garcia and Continued on page 42 Lidia Rodriguez and Anita Huerta finished second in Class 7S and they Aida Robles finished third in the 7S Class and was sixth overall in her Fernanda Vargas was all ready to compete in the Class 12 action but, were the fourth overall finishers as well, here in their Ford pickup. Ford three seater, Tania Garcia and Guadalupe Alvarez co-piloted. unluckily, she blew the transmission on the first lap. Johana Rodriguez rolled on the first lap, recovered and went on to Lupita Amador only got in six of the required seven laps in the Class Erika Ojeda is a novice in of road racing, she drove her Class 11 car place second in Class 8, 10th overall in the race. 11 conflict, she's seen here at speed on the course. bravely but, unfortunately, she ran out of the allowed time. Page 40 January 2011 Dusty Times
Liliana Rodriguez drove a McMillin Raceco this year, Liliana drove to Yajaira Baro won overall last year, this race she blew the tranny on lvone Guerrero ran her first race in her father's Class 9, she was a a decent fourth overall, seen here headin' for the finish line. her second lap, she's seen here in her Ford pickup at speed. bit timid but still completed the required laps. Guadalupe Alvarez. Her 3 seater covered the challenging course @ 3:36:22. Her reason for racing is so her husband will do the cook-ing -apparently exceptional burritos. 7th Overall and 1st Place in 7 Open went to Diana Flores of San Quintin with a finishing time of 3:38:08. It was the first ti!Ile racing with the Chicas. Dry reak Tower • 100 Gallon Capacity • Single or Double Dry Break • EZSetUp • Affordable IndyCar Fl Technology Accessories ·Dump Cans • Hose • Reducers • Filler Necks & Caps Forced Air Helmets G·l70Hf,E • Wired for Communication & Ear Bud Ready -···-•M-J·ii=irii Cl] HJC MOTORSPORTS • Racing Optics Tear Offs • Universal and Custom Molded Ear Buds • Helmet Skirts • Shields KoolAir\'11 Blower Systems • Highest Flowing Systems I • 105, 135, 150, 235 and 250 CFJI Ratings • High Flow Filters & Custom Hoses • Trophy Kart Kits for Driver & Clutch Cooler ,, 8th Overall and 1st in Sa-fari Class went to Socde Galvan from Bay of Los Angeles with a time of 3:53: 16. Socde also raced this year's Baja 500 with Fernanda Vargas, a veteran of over 20 races and daughter of "retired" racer, Jorge Vargas "Taller Jefe" of Mexicali. Fernanda Vargas had also en-tered this race for the 1st time, hopeful for the Class 12 win but Vl •• Comm:uicatlo• Systems • Vertex 5 to 110 Watt Radio Systems • Hi-Fi Intercom Systems • Chase & Race Packages • Base Station Packages • Crew Chief & Kart Packages ln Car C era Syste • EZ 1 Button Operation • Exclusive Racer X Motorsports Package • 5.7hoursof~ Resolution recording time • Up to 12 hours of operation on 4AA Lithium Ion Batteries • Can be Interfaced to Intercom for full audio experience XCtll0 • 41 1/2 Gallon Capacity • SCORE/ BITD / FIA Approved • Tapered Design Provides Increased Ground Clearance ·&Maximizes Usable Fuel • Fuel Level Sending Units Av&il&ble • Caps, Necks, Hose, Filters and Pumps Available YOUR SOURCE FOB PROFESSIONAL RACE PRODUCTS 10815 Wheatlands Avenue, Suite K • Santee, CA 92071 619-258-RACE (7223) • Fax 619-258-0883 • www.RacerXms.com Page 42 January 2011 blew her tranny in the 1st lap. Ninth Overall and 1st Place in Class 5-1600 @ 3:55:01 was mission focused Miriam de Avina. She also took the 5-16 win in 2009. This year Miriam registered 6 · (six) co-drivers and changed them out after every lap. When she snagged the 5/ 16 gold in 2009 she figured she had time to give· her girlfriends/ cheerleaders a race ride and still finish in 1st Place. That she did -mission accomplished. Tenth Overall and 2nd in Class 8 was Johana Rodriguez of Ensenada. Her time of 4: 12: 12 reflected a 1 hour 1st lap -she rolled right off the bat and had to wait for her chase "men" to come and right the heffry front engine 4 seater. This is what the men are good for in an all woman race. Eleventh Overall, 1st Place in Class 11, and also the Final Finisher, was Luly Delgado of Ensenada. A 3 year veteran of Record Racing in Class 11, she came here to win and win she did -the only Class 11 to finish @ 4:44: 18. ~-Lupita Amador completed 6 of the 7 laps in Class 11 @ 4:34 and did not get the checkered flag. One of her compadres laughed as she said "if she really wanted to race she should get a new boy friend." One of her co-drivers,. Gloria Ramirez says in her preparation for racing with the girls, "wearing a lot of fancy jewelry is very important in off-road racing." First time Class 11 racer, Erika Ojeda made 5 laps in 4:52. Unfortunately the 4 hour time limit thwarted her finish-ing. She got into racing because her husband talked her into it. Class 14 racer and mother of 4, Liliana Rodriquez of Chula Vista, first raced in 2009 and after belting herself into the race car she became very claus-trophobic and got out -but her friends all gathered around and talked her back into the car. She took the Bronze that race and this year she showed up in an old McMillan Raceco, ex-cited and over her claustropho-bia. She did 4 laps in 1:34:45. When we asked the husband -why Lili races he replied "to get her off my back." In 2009 the Overall win-ner was Yajaira Baro in a 7 Open truck covering 100 miles in 2 hours flat. This year the Baro team came to defend their honor only to blow a tranny on the 2nd lap. Chicas Promoter, Viry, talked her into racing and says this setback will not slow her down. Maria Teresa Gonzalez , in Class 5-1600, rolled her bug in Dusty Times
First in Class 12 and fifth overall were Many and Paty Munos, they were especially careful racing their brothers car. FUEL SAFE, the No. 1 Maker of Fuel Cells for Off Road Racing. Pro Cell® • Top-of-the-line flexible bladder • Durable "seamless" construction • Okay for alcohol blends Enduro Cell® • Heavy duty "hard" rubber bladder • FIA-FT3 low cost alternative • Stands up to any type of fuel Miriam de Avina took first place in the 5/1600 contest, she changed riders (6) every lap and was awarded ninth overall. www.fuelsafe.com 800-433-6524 the pre-run and only got a start as she was unable to complete the 1st lap. Last but not least in the start-ing line up was Ivonne Guerrero racing Safari Class in her dad's 2 seat Class 9. In her first race ever and a ·little scared, Ivonne completed 4 laps in 3:25. With a 61 % finish rate (same as 2009) the ladies had a great race, and of the 18 cars en-tered, 180 cameras were click-ing away at every angle. Don't miss the next race. CHICAS OFF ROAD will promote an-other ladies only race in 2011. Get into the Pink of things and catch their website @ www.chi-casoffroad.com As 1st Place 2/1600 winner, Astrid Gaxiola says "for those who didn't enter this year, may-be they can "powder their nose" next year and experience racing with the fearless Chicas with adrenaline running in their veins!" we would Like to conaratulate SCORE Baja 1000 Dave casplno Abel/ Art Velasco pt Place Class & Also BITD Henderson 1st Place Class 7200 2010 Class Champ SCORE/BITD M.O.R.E. Holiday 200 Michael Deardorff 1st Place Class 10 Bud Ward 1•t Place Class 9 1•t !Place Class 1600 M.O.R.E Holiday 200 Doug Sllcock 2nd overall M.O.R.E. Paints 1st Place Class 1 pt overall Let us Cet You In The Winner's Circle . 818-998-2739 9763 VARIEL .A.VENUE, CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 Dusty Times January 2011 The gold medal in the Class 11 race went to Luly Delgado, she was 11th overall in the standings and the only Class 11 to finish the race. OUT OF.SIG H OUT OF IMIIN Iii llfl 1/J Ii/Ill YOU Know That This venue IS The Best way To Get Your Product In Thei, ~11&86 Don't Be Penny Wise And Exposure Fooli~h Call DI DIIG -Again 818·882·0004 Page 43
CHECKERS DECEMBER REPORT "It Was A Very Good Year" by El Chinero 2010 was a busy year, with many, perhaps too many, events. The grueling sched-ule took racers and pitters from Baja to Barstow, from Lucerne to Loreto, from Vic-torio' s to Vizcaino, from El Centro to El Arco - a lota windshield time. A lota pit boxes, a lota spares, a lota late desert nights. And a lota fun. And a lota success. Andrew Neal was the 2010 M.O.R .E. Class 1600 champ. He won three out of six races and thanked Joey G. at JG Transworks -"The tranny was perfect all year." Wow, gear-box bitching is usually a way of life! Chris Anderson won four of the six M.O.R .E. races to be crowned "King Of The Onces" F&L Fuels' Matt Cullen took the Class 10 crown and also won the "1000" in "11" with Billy Robertson. Ryan Plowman and Jere my Stafford scored well in Casey's "1100" (Class Page 44 12, to you) -three Seconds and a Win in Henderson. Stuart Chase (Class 1) had ups and more downs, al-though a good finish in San Flip helped. Letner Racing's Kory Halopoff and Harley Letner hammered all year, taking the 2010 SCORE Unlimited Class 1 championship. In or-der to be champs, the Letner Racing team had to finish all the races, including the brutal double-points "Baja 1000". And that they did. Lin Neal presented a fact-filled 2010 resume: "After a long season, we finished the 2010 off-road rac-ing season with the M.O.RE Class 1600 Championship. We raced nine races with three First Place finishes, two 2nd places, one 4th, two 5ths, and one ( 1 !) DNF. A highlight was Andrew on the front cover of Dusty Times -September 2010. The long season started in January with a win at the Kar Tek 'Dash 200' in Barstow. Andrew not only beat all the 1600s, but all the Class 10s and 12s, coming in Third Overall. The results set the tone for the whole season. Andrew had the lead in every M.O.R.E race, setting fastest lap at each one. If it hadn't been for a broken lower arm, a broken shock, and a motor issue Andrew might have won 1st Overall and every 1600 race ---Our last race of '10 was the SNORE "Rage at the River" in Laughlin, where the best of the best in Class 1600 were racing --over sixty cars entered. If it hadn't been for a flat on Satur-day we possibly would have clinched First Place for the weekend instead of getting a Second. Andrew set the fast-est lap time on Saturday, and destroyed the field on Sun-day. The lap times Andrew was getting were faster than all the 10s and 12s. It was a good way to finish off the year and take the crew out for fun in Laughlin. Thanks to Mike Malloy, David Gores, Jeremy Staf-ford, and to Jimmy Hook for allowing Andrew to drive his car at the SNORE "Battle at Primm". We ran the "Powder Puff" with Jamie Stevenson, where they came in Fourth." Checkers Off-Road Racing Team 2010 Resume There were twenty-two formal "Checkers" races (i.e., three Checkers entries minimum) 127 Checkers Entries 22 Wins DOR Wins Chris Anderson ............. 4 Andrew Neal.. ................ 3 Harley Letner / Kory Halopoff .............. 2 Matt Cullen (SOI) .......... 1 Dohrman ....................... I Lee-Bob Finke ................ 1 Robert Harman .............. 1 Travis Howard ................ 1 Knox .............................. I Mikey Lawrence ............. 1 January 2011 Mike McGee .................. 1 Ryan Plowman ............... 1 Ryan Potts/ Chad Cummings .......... 1 Bill Robertson ............... 1 Jeremy Stafford ............ .. 1 Chris Wilson ................. 1 And a goodly count of po-dium finishes, too: 13 Second Places 11 Third Places SCORE (Five Races) Class 1 Championship -Kory & Harley Class 1 Toyota Mile-stone Award -Kory & Harley Laughlin 1st Class 1 -Kory & Harley 1st Class 10 -Mike Lawrence SF 250 2nd Class 1 -Kory & Harley Baja 500 3rd Class 1 -Kory & Harley 3rd Class 8 -Noah Ostanik Primm 2nd Class 8 -Noah Ostanik Baja 1000 1st Class 4 -Robert Harmon 1st Class 11 -Matt Cullen /Billy/ TT M.O.R.E (Six Races) Eight Wins Class 1600 Championship -Andrew Neal Class 11 Championship -Chris Anderson Class 10 Championship -Matt Cullen (SOI) Best In The Desert (Five Races) Class 10 Champion-ship Runner-Up -Ryan Plowman Class 12 Championship Runner-up -SNORE (Four Races) Mint 400 1st Class 1 -Kory & Harley NORRA (1 Event) 1st Class 3 -Chris Wilson Glen Helen Short-Course (1 Event) RECENT EVENTS SNORE Laughlin "Rage At The River" "Andrew ran his ass off all weekend after the flat on Lap 2 on Saturday. He made up fourteen (!) spots in three laps (!) to finish Eighth. On Sunday he put the car in the lead on the first lap and nev-er looked back. He took on the best '1600' cars on their own turf and outran them all weekend." -Lin Neal He beat 64 racers. At Loreto, after the "Mil", Dennis Crowley, Stuart Brad-ley, Gregg Hawks, TT, BR, and The President scattered some of The Wahzoo's ashes into the Sea of Cortez ... made you think of "The Big Lebowski": "Dude. Let's go bowling." "Ashes to ashes and dust to dust, show me a woman that a man can trust." -Woody Guthrie "We worked BO-hour weeks for 30 years to keep from having to get a real job." - A comment on the rigors of being a drag racer. • Dusty Times
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Fffit'.? 11l'1•4.49-7"711 Cell: 619· '726...a9t Fabrication & Race Preparation 9419 Abraham Waty S<mtn, CA non Sale&& Service S.ll1tteffi c Jor la's utl'9Ht nttlllUtar , Mem1Hl1 Tra su.tes PH: 714.680.6731 • fK: 714.680.3110 Toll Free: 800.304.8126 IO 1 5 E. Elm Avenue. Fullerton. CA 9 2 8 3 I --S !1Hilllrll1 II : ·SWllt■II -IHIH .. 1-IH ....... ........ , . ..... , will get vou In gear 11uu.,,11,a. 111 411 \tlllt. Nffllll Joau.• 1111 lltlt 11121 ttHaa fiii/ SANDERS SERVICE, INC. L»-Y METAL P'ROCESSING ~ 5921 W~on Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 (323) 583-2404 FAX (323} $83·396S . SANDBLAST-01,ASS BEAD-MAGNET! PARTICLE FLOURESCENT INSPEC110N MARK SMITH l!!!!!iiii' I SUSPENSION INNOVATION MOTORSPORTS INC Tel:562.903.1625 Fax:562.777.2593 12345 Florence Ave. LARRY SMITH Tom McKenzie ----------,~~ TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821-(714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 2180 Colleve Drive • Lake HaVHU City • AZ. 86403 Call Toll Free: 877-627-8852 or E-Mail: lnfoOtcsperformanee.com • Hi Performance Converters Custom Length Axles • • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed Hubs • (for Race & Recreation} Input Shafts • American Made Excellence!! ~~ Off-Road and Bolt-On to Street Fiberglass for: "Ford, C~evy and Toyota" Trucks Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1261 N. Buena Vista St . • ~et ca. 92643 Ph: 951-4i54-7334 Fax! 951-4is.t-2375 See a list of our produds.Jd our web site: bttp://www.off-n,adJibergJass.oom Lonely Long Advertising Term Space Relationship Looking For (818> 882·DDD4 ...Jfl~IYJEll,-RIJIS I IVINSflXLE ENCil"EEfCING JEFF FJELD - (818) 998-2739 NS WBST 9763 Variel Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 PERFORMANCETRANSAXLES Kevin Pirtle 22545 South Normandie Ave. Torrance, California 90501 310.782.24 l 3 fax 310.782.3772 c...lllo~..:,.PNQ M1e@.TINGS c@RAP/l,CS'Pl:J,(JRJ6 • •B,KJ !'(}MC,! MAJNT£MtJ.NC.f.•~A'MJ.rJl/1HIA'~• 760-949-1220, SCORE ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR 994, 1998, 1999,2000 From Parts To eomptete Engtnn 3265 W, Birtcher Drive las Vegas, NV 89118 702-837-2522 SPECIALIZED WIRING, COMMUNICATIONS, AND REPAIRS FDR: Race cars - T1rophy Trucks -Pre-runners Chase Vehicles -Dual Span Ca(S (760) B03-6955 MARC WADDELL, PRESIDENT WIR£F"Ae@seCGLOSAL.NET 811VB TBA/IS '· " MENDIOLA DISTRIBUTOR Performance Trans Off Road Street Trans Lorenzo Rodriguez Parts -Service -Transmissions - V,W, -Porsche Desert, Sand & Drag 850 S, Alta Vista Avenue • Monrovia, CA 91016 (626) 305-RACE (7223) • www.wrtrans.com
IP D (!) ffJ !J (}) g ffred Of It 11111 vacation rentals available In the exclusive lndlan Wells country Club in the sunny Palm Springs area of southern Callfornla. Two or three bedrooms, furnished for your complete relaxation, and, if you are a glutton for punishment, _play golf on either of two beautiful courses. FYI, wireless internet and long distance phones calls (USA) included. Starting at $4,500 In season (January thru April) or $2,300 per month out of season. Call (760) 345-6124 Classified ... Some of the items a ver-tised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Readers are ad-vised to consult appropriate local or state authorities for information before pur-chase of any specific item. FOR SALE: 1991 Rang-er 7s race truck. Pro built by C & D and 777 motors-port. All the best stuff: King, Beard, Howe, Deaver etc. Race Ready. 65K invested. $20,000.00 firm. Larry (805) 797-4773. FOR SALE: Truggy Ford 347, Mogi C-6 w/TCS Con-verter, 9" floater, 14" disc, 6-piston, CNC, Bilstein coils & by-pass, Walker Evans w/ BFG's radio GPS, 75 gal cell, Howe Power Steering, Racework SwayBar, Pumper, Intercom $47,000.00 OBO. Call (619) 488-9108 FOR SALE: Raceco 4 Seat-er-$19,500.00. T-4 Motor, Bus Trans (new), Sway-A-Way shocks, BTR Wheels, M/T Tires, Beard Seats, CNC frt disc, Foddrill large combo's, 4" Longer laid forward arms, 930 Micro Stubs, Excellent car. Call (714) 815-8466. Comes with spares. FOR SALE: Porter Race Car Class One with New Chevy LS2, Runs on pump gas, 600 HP, Fresh Fortin 4 speed and fresh TCS converter, Fresh prep with axles, CV's and new brakes. Ready to race and win! Huge 10.5' lowrance gps, 2 Halon fire suppression systems, police siren 140 Watt Kenwood, Pei Comm, Billet Mirrors, 8 HID lights, Optional two spare tire car-rier. Best of everything, 4' King Kong Shocks, Pro-Am Hubs and brakes, Howe steering, lots of spares, New Baja Projects. Light, very fast car! Mike (562) 756-9231. Price $89,000.00 Quick Sale. FOR SALE: John Deere STX38 Hydro Suburban Lawn Tractor. 12.5 horsepower, 38" mower. Babied all its life. A real buy at $995.00 Call 661-268-1644 for all the particulars. Sell your vehicles, equipment and bits and pieces right here! Dusty Times has the readership you're looking for so fill out the form below and get your ad in our next issue. 12.i:.AL b6T AT!:. U.A.:,[./Q.[.NTAL.:, Vacation Rental Vacation Rental in the Ex-clusive Indian Wells Coun-try Club in the Sunny Palm Springs area of Southern Cali-fornia! 2 or 3 bedroom fur-nished for your complete relax-ation and if you are a glutton for punishment, play golf on 1 or both of the beautiful courses. FYI, wireless inter-net and long distance phone calls (USA) included. Starting at $4,500.00 in season (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr) or $2,300.00 per month not in season. Call (760) 345-6124. INDb...X TO .6.D\/b... Q. T L:)b...Q.6 Alumicraft .................................. 11 Baja Designs ........•...................... 41 BTR Racing Wheels ..................... 33 Butch's Speed Shop .................... 31 Chase Motorsports ..................... 45 Checkers ....................................... 4 Davis/Fouts ................................. 16 Freeman ......................................... 2 Fuel Sate Racing Cells ................. 43 Jimco ......................................... 39 Kar Tek Off Road ........................... 5 LeDuc Swap Meet ...................... 25 LOORS 2011 Racing Schedule ........ Back Cover McKenzie's Performance Products ............ 13 NORRA Mexican 1000 ................ 35 Racer X Motorsports .................. 42 Redline ....................................... 44 Robby Gordon Off Road .............. 28 Ronco Plastics ............................ 20 SNORE Battle At Primm ..................... 51 Spanish Style Home .................... 23 South Point Casino ........................ 9 Transaxle Engineering ................. 43 Vacation Rental .......................... 50 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in DUSTY TIMES. Classified A"Clvertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7" .All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. REMEMBER -CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED -YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER. Enclosed is$ Name (Send check or money order, no Cash) ---,-------------------------Address--------------------------~----------------------------------City----------------------------------------------------------------State _______ Zip ______________ Phone __________________________________ _ Please run ad _______ times Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 2011 ISSUE Feb 2011 Mar 2011 Apr 2011 May 2011 Jun 2011 Jul 2011 Aug 2011 Sep 2011 Oct 2011 Nov 2011 Dec 2011 Jan 2012 Feb 2012 DEADLINE Jan 28, 2011 Feb 25, 2011 Mar 25, 2011 Apr 22, 2011 May 20, 2011 Jun 24, 2011 Jul 29, 2011 Aug 3, 2011 Sep 23, 2011 Oct 21, 2011 · Nov 18, 2011 Dec 23, 2011 Jan20, 2012 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page so January 2011 Dusty Times
Dusty Times January 2011 Page 51
s · I • j •A 3/~ • ' ' . -~,~ ' ~· ii!lf: MARCH 1 -Firebird Raceway . . Phoenix, AZ APRIL 16-17 .fpeedworld Off Road Park · Surprise, AZ _ -MAY 21~22 Bien Helen ·Raceway San Bernardino, CA JUNE 25-26 Miller Motorsports Park Tooele, UT UGUST 6-7 ,~ Glen H,/en !laceway San Bernardino, CA SEPTEMBER 24-25 .Speedworld ·Off Raad Park Surprise, AZ NOVEMBER 5-6 ~ -fl-1. ·Las .Vegas Motor :Speedway Las Vegas, NV·· DECEMBER 10 Fir~bird Raceway · Phoenix, AZ -LUCAS OIL OFF:ROAD CHALLEISE.CUP 2011 DECEMBER 11 ·Firebird ·Raceway Phoenix, Af.