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2011 Volume 28 Number 12 Dusty Times Magazine

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S2.50 IDN8750-17S2 ceteb,at'ing ou, as~h Yea, OF se,viee ~---~-o- ~_'h_e OFF Road communit'L __ _ coveri·ng the world of competition in the dirt •••

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Christmas Is coming!!!!!!!!!!! It's coming Fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's Time To Get Those Dusty Times Subscriptions For Your Family And crew. It's Time To Get An Ad Together For Printing In Dusty Times, Thanking Your Family And crew For All Their Help During The Year. . . Most Of All, Think Christmas, Family And Friends And, Above All, Think Of The Kids And How Lucky You Are To Live Where You Live And Do What You Do. . DEERING INDUSTRIES The largest selection of aircraft hardware on the West Coast! including 12PT AIRCRAFT BOLTS MS•NAS•AN 150,000 ite~s. in stock -100% American Made 12 pt Nuts • Jet Nuts • Nut Plates • Washers 562-595-1668 3300 Cherry Ave• Long Beach, CA• fax 562-595-1678 • e-mail: Page 2 December 2011 Dusty Times

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' Volume 28 - Number 12 December 2011 Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Markering Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors Scott Bottomley J. Preston Bradshaw Jim Culp Mike Del Col Nicole Del Col Steve Hilton Victor Gazca Marrin Holmes Rod Koch Byrle Moore Steve Ruddick Maurice Selden Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham 13.0.R.E. Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copyright by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., (tl:~lt3J~'Qr:;ffl~~ ~~110 ~~laff3~ ,fl,(!EW !}(!E~ll m:~ ~JLJL 3J~ m;J!,€ Ci&§§ l\®§1) In This Issue ... FEATURES BITD Bluewater Desert Challenge by Judy Smith ..................................... 8 Rally of Spain by Martin Holmes ............................................................. 14 SNORE 250 by J Preston Bradshaw ......................................................... 18 Lucas Oil At Las Vegas by J Preston Bradshaw ......................................... 22 VORRA Season Championship by Troy Robinson .................................. 28 Lake Superior Rally by Jerry Winker ....................................................... 32 67th Rally Of Wales by Martin Holmes ................................................... 36 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ............................................................................................. 5 Trail Notes ............................................................................................... 6 Good Stuff Directory ........................................................................... 43 Classified Ads ........................................................................................ 47 Index To Advertisers .............................................................................. 47 ON THE COVER Steve Sourapas made it look kinda easy, he took the overall win and the Trick Truck win at the BITD Bluewater Desert Challenge. Track.side Photo by Dave Conklin It was a great weekend in Las Vegas for Kyle LeDuc, he took the win in Pro 4 Unlimited on Saturday and followed up with a second place the next day. Visit Our Website at Track.side Photo S':a Finduson IIU Facebook Seedae-,z,tde 7~ tt,, DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$25.00 □ 2 years -$40.00 □ 3 years -$55.00 (to subscribe online go to □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name _____________________ _ Address ____________________ _ City ____________________ _ State _______________ Zip ______ _ Primary Interest Cars D Trucks D MotorcyclesO Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian - 1 year $30.00 US - Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times December 2011 Page 3

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11 December 2011

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2011-2012 Happenings ... 1 OK FoUR WHEELERS P.O. Box36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 <4x4 forever.erg> (All events siaged at the club grounds in Ohio) 4x4 FOREVER, LTD. 1665 DELAWARE ST. 0sHKOSH, WI 54901 .AMERICAN RALLY SPORT GROUP, I.Ne. 3650 Sm.rrH Po1N'IT CIRCLE, Sum 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521-0597 <web 1. 25-ameri-can-rally-sport-group.htm. E Mail: .AMERICAN TRlALs ASSOCIATION AMA Observed Trials Southern California Championship Series BILL MAilKuM, 2010 PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HOTLINE, 2010 (714) 562-7742 E MAIL: BMARK909@AOL.COM <> AsocIACION EsTATAL DE AUTOMOVILISMO SAM WELL, TECH INSPECTOR AP-ro 42 SAN Jos£ DEL CABO BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL SuR. MEXICO AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP DARRYL SMITH 19 SOMERS ST. CASHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUST'RALIA DUSTY TIMES AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFF ROAD Cl.Ass 10 CARS ONLY RENALD VAILLANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAVAL QUEBEC, CANADA H7P 1T7 (450) 622-4440 < indexpag.html> BAJA CUP CHAI.I.ENGE BAJA PRoTRUCK OFF RoAD RAcE SERIES 14402 BOND COURT EL CAJON, CA 92021 619-390-6252 The Protruck schedule for 2011 will consist of both the SCORE and Best In The Desert races. BARONA SAND DRAG ASSN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 AU Races Are Night Races AU Races At Barona Raceway, Lakeside, CA BBM MARKETING PROMOTIONS Off Road Short Course Racing & Special Event Marketing NORCO, CA 92860 e-mail (909) 815-5811 BEST IN THE DESERT 3475 BOULDER HIGHWAY LAs VEGAS, NV 89121 702-457-577 5/FAX: 702-641-24 31 <> BORERAcING Allen Gerber 801-380-9011 - after 5pm please www. BO Rraci BP MoTORSPORTS P.O. Box 411 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91365 760-578-6258/ 760-578-6259 FAX: 818-348-4648 E-Mail: All Events At California Ciry, CA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGHTON, ONTARIO, CANADA KOK-I HO (613) 475-1102/FAx (613) 475-3250 CAJOR CLUB AUTOMOVILISTA ]UARENSE DE CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD RACING 7210 GATEWAY EAST Dusty Times EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 0ll-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RALL y SERIES <> CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW CENTRAL SotJrH DAKOTA RAcING AssocIA TION P.O. Box 645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVE ADAMS (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DoN ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 2i4-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING AsSOCIATION C.J. RICHARDS P.O. Box332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLAIRTON Hi-JACKERS I.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TWP. LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 Short Course off Road Racing At Har-rison County Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICA SAN QUINTIN CALLE 6TA FRACC Co. DE SAN QUINTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HERACUO PATINO (011 52 616-5-22-07) CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICO SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road December 2011 ENSENAl)A, BC, MEXICO USA JAN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) RAMON CASTRO & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/7 0034) CMC CONTINENTAL MoTOSPORT CLUB P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 Fax: (714) 367-1608 CODE TECATE 2012 CHAMPIONSHIP MADERO 621-A ZONA CENTRO MEXICALI, BAJA CALIFORNIA 21100 0ll-52-686-553-4087 USA 686-553-4087 MEXICO <> E Mail: February 10-12, 2012 Casas GEO Gran Prix Mexicali, BC, MX April 6-8, 2012 San Luis Gran Prix (No points race) Sonora, MX May 18-20, 2012 VW Autopartes Excomex Mexicali, BC, MX July 27-29, 2012 ORW Gran Prix Tecate, BC, MX October 5-7, 2012 Mexicana Logistics 300 Mexicali, BC, MX November 30-December 1-2, 2012 OXXO Race Ready 27 5 Mexical San Felipe, BC, MX CoLORADOHlu CLIMB ASSOCIATION BARB V AHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box8286 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O. Box392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER Continued an page 6 Pages

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Trail Notes ... ATTENTION RACE&. RALLY PROMOTERS - Dusty Times would like to print your race and rally schedules in the Happenings Section of our newspaper. Please send your schedules to: Dustytimes@ PIRELLI WITHDRAWS SUPPORT FOR WORLD RALLYING ANNUAL BOOKS -We were advised by Pirelli early in the year that they would concentrate their motorsport promotion on Formula 1, and after 24 years support they would no longer work with the World Rallying annual book project. During the year we have been in contact with a number of operations who might have had the chance to work in the future with the project, but so far without success. It is now impossible to arrange publication of World Rallying 34 book before Christmas 2011. Our experience with Pirelli World Rallying books over recent years is that the total number of sales has been surprisingly stable, and that there is a continued preference for the book to continue in the traditional hardback style. Also, that there is a continued need for researched and authenticated information in the sport. This is what we hope to produce again. We are therefore continuing to collect data from the major championships and activities in the world. We are also asking our countless colleagues round the world to continue to supply the International and National Rally Championship results for the 2011 season as before, in order to make an Edition 34 possible. If we don't do this now, it will be impossible later. Thank you very much for all your help and support in previous years, whether that has been for a short period or for many years. At this time I would like to place on record my appreciation for the long lasting support for the book from Pirelli, which has been one of the longest running non stop commercial sponsorships in rallying. Martin Holmes, Martin Holmes Rallying, Publisher, Pirelli World Rallying books JANUARY 2012 DAKAR RALLY ARGENTINA, CHILE AND PERU-Mark McMillin teams up with Darren Skilton & Jeepspeed. Jeepspeed is proud to announce that5 timeBaja 1000 winner and Trophy Truck driver Mark McMillin is participating in the 2012 Dakar Rally at the wheel of the Jeepspeed 2007 Australian Safari Rally Stock Class winning Jeep Grand Cherokee. Darren Skilton's Baja Automotive are in the final stages of preppingthe Hemi powered Jeep prior to shipment to South America together with spares and support vehicles. Mark contacted U.S. Dakar representative, Skilton, earlier this year asking how best to view this world famous all terrain rally. Darren's response ended up with Mark and navigator Gary Arnold signing up to compete with the Jeep. This Jeep will be entered in Dakar Open Production 2 Class competing against such vehicles as Toyota Tundras and Ford will provide Mark with the opportunity for a OP2 class win in the world's toughest race. Its Argentina-Chile-Peru. Imagine driving 14 Baja 500 races in 14 days! As the condor (rather than the crow) flies, almost 5,000 kilometres separate Mar del Plata, Argentinafrom Lima, Peru. In 2012, the Dakar will be staging a pan-American adventure of more than 9,000 kilometres in total. Unlike previous year's loops, the route will transport the rally from the shores of the Atlantic Ocean to those of the Pacific, enabling its competitors to discover new lands and another aspect of South America. The scale of this challenge has also led to a change in the race's format, which will include 14 days of racing in 2012. Constantly guided by the Andes Mountain range, the drivers and riders wi_ll be crossing the Atacama, and will experience in particular the diversity of the dunes as they head into Peru. For more information contact; Darren Skilton, Baja Automotive Adventures, 724 E 14th St. Long Beach,Ca. 90813.U.S.A., tel. 562 682 2226., RON D. BISHOP AND ROB MACCACHREN INDUCTED INTO THE OFF-ROAD MoTORSPORTS HALL OF FAME -Induction Ceremony Held in Conjunction with the 2011 Lucas Oil Off-Road Expo. October 10, 2011 (Pomona, CA) The off-road industry gathered Friday in Pomona, CAornia to celebrate Ron Bishop and Rob MacCachren's induction into the Off-Road Motorsports Hall of Fame. The two inductees share a rich history in the off-road racing arena. Ron Bishop, introduced by his longtime support crew of Dale Johnson and Don Graves, is a noted and celebrated motorcycle racer and carries the distinction as the only man on two-wheels to compete in the first forty Baja 1000 races. He is also an Inductee in the American Motorcross Association Hall of Fame. As a pioneer in the sport, he raced extensively as well as developed products including the first halogen lighting system for riders. Bishop humbly accepted the award and recounted colorful stories from his rich racing history. He currently owns and operates Ron Bishop Motorcycles in Escondido, CAornia. Rob MacCachren, a young entry at forty-six years old, has been racing trucks extensively for thirty years. He is considered a master of many types of racing including desert and short course. Longtime supporter Frank DeAngelo of Jackson Marketing Group introduced MacCachren noting his 188 race wins, five SCORE Baja 500 visctories, five Baja 1000 victories, three Borg Warner Cup Trophies and three Governor Cup Trophies. BFGoodrich, a sponsor of the evening, named MacCachren Person of the Year in 2007. A native of Las Vegas, Nevada, MacCachren delivered a moving speech giving thanks to the many who have supported him. All Inductees in the Off-Road Motorsports Hall of Fame must be nominated and voted on by committee through a stringent selection process. Inductees must have had at least fifteen years experience and involvement in off-road motorsports. The inductees -must have built, designed, driven, maintained, owned, prepared, piloted, promoted, ridden or supported an off-road vehicle. They are characterized by their desire to win, the mastery of their field and their courage to innovate. Categories for induction include Competition, Recreation and Page& 011-52-65-66-4458 CORR SERIES 270 NEWPORT CENTER DR., Sum 100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 866-501-CORR CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, Sum 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA Exr 42 Fax (818) 957-4435 CRS CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES <www, D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (All events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston County ORV Park, Ol1mpia, WA) DAKAR RALLY DARREN SKILTON BAJA AUTOMOTIVE ADVENTURES 455 E. OCEAN BLVD., Sum 208 LoNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 <> DECATUR FoUR WHEEL DRIVE Cwe DECATUR, TX 76234 ToMALLEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MoTOR!lPORTS 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 EAsn:RN OFF-ROAD RACING AssN. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 E.NsENADA BAJA OFF RoAD RACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX 0ll-52-646-1818989 Eus10 0ll-52-646-1715230 AARON Races for bugg:ys & MotorCJcles EsTERO BEACH INTERNATIONAL Short Course Racing V1croR1A GALINOO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO 01 l-52-646-176-6230 EDR EXTREME DESERT RACING P.O. Box 91615 AuSTIN,TX 78709 (512) 848-4344 / E FAX (1512) 687-5310 Car Truck Series Bike Quad Series FORDA FLORIDA OFF ROAD DRIVER'S ASSOCIATION JASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Apr, Ma1, N011 at Da11idson Race~ GENERAL TIRE TROPHYLITE SERIES DRIVE RACING ORGANIZATO)N 760-352-6020 Las Vegas, NV GLEN HELEN BAJA CUP CHALLENGE SERIES PO Bol6950 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92412 CoNTACT: Bos BEYER, OFF-ROAD DIRECTOR PHONE: (909) 815-5811 December 17, 2011 Night Race GORRA GEORGIA OFF ROAD RAcING AssocIATION 420 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA GREAT PLANES OFF RoAD RAcING AssOCIATION TIM HODGE (402) 991-6048 SCOTT MORROW (816) 792-2126 (All races are short course, stadium style Classes, 2010 Sportsman, 1/2-1600, 5-1600, Sport Truck, Quads, Tough Truck Nebraska December 2011 Racewa1 Park, Exit 420 on 1-80 between Omaha and Lincoln.) For latest info check <> HDRA HIGH DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 750208 LAS VEGAS, NV 89136 <> January 27-28, 2012 Redline at Stateline Primm, NV April 5-8, 2012 Imperial 250 Plaster City, CA July 4-8, 2012 Fireworks 500 Tahoe-Reno Motorplex Reno, NV October 5-7, 2012 Southern Nevada 400 Pahrump, NV November 9-12, 2012 Riot on the River Laughlin, NV HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING 2000 W. QUINCY AVENUE #B ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 303-806-8062/303-781-0974 fax INTERNATIONAL lcE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDOOR (612) 937-3816/Fax 474-2769 INTER-SHows MoTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 ]EEPSPEED 1826 N. WINDES ORANGE, CA 92869 714-538-7434/ fax 714-633-1724 KAMI.oops OFF RoAD RACING Whispering Pines Sports & Recreation Center KAMLOOPS, BC, CANADA Mike Strange (250) 573-4003 LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS &. OFFROAD EXPO (626) 961-3782 <> <> CURT LEDucs OFF RoAD SwAP MEET February 26, 2011 Casino Morongo Mooe in February 25 Swap Meet February 26 L.I.T.R.E. JEFF ELROD (408) 926-0522 JIMARUTA (408) 247-4402 LOORRS LUCAS OIL OFF ROAD RACING SERIES December 11, 2011 The Lucas Oil Challenge Cup Firebird International Raceway Chandler, AZ MAMARluTA OFF ROAD RACING Luis CARLOS ALvAREzb PANAMERICANA AVE #5105 Co. JUAREZ, CHrH., MX 011-52-1637-1799 MICHIGAN BUGGY BUILDERS Dune Buggy Trade Show (517) 543-7214 <> MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 JONES ROAD GRAND LEDGE, ML 48837 (517) 627-6200 Motorcycles, Quads, ATVs and Pilots only MAORA Mm-AMERICA OFF ROAD ASSOCIATION P.O. Box664 GREENUP, IL 62428 (217) 962-1318 E-MAIL: <> M.O.R.E. MoJA VE OFF RoAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 1231 BARSTOW, CA 92312 760-253-4453 < MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY ASSOCIATION DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. FUNT, ML 48506 (810) 730-9221 MoTOWEST WINTER TRlALs SERIES BILL MARKHAM (909) 860-1857 <> All e11ents at Penis Racewa1 (At Reed Valle:, with a school) NATIONAL Muo RACING AssN. RT. #l, 2010 Box 380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN PALATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TuFF TRUCK ASSN. Butch Chapin Motorsports Promo-tions 1404 EAST 3RD STREET HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NOORA NORTHERN OHIO OFF ROAD RACING ASSN. GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAIL <> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Spring Valle:, Racewa1, on route 518, 20 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) (Th,mder Valle:, located 15 minutes from Spring Valle:,) NORRA NATIONAL OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION (661) 268-1232 OFF ROAD EXPO SPIN COMMUNICATIONS (415) 380-3890 OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Volunteered Series PRESIDENT, 2010 GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP., 2010 1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP., 2010 9 & UNLTD. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OUTLAW REP. DON PONDER (314) 631-8190 (All Races at Wheeling in the County 900 Acres) Omo OFF RoADERS INc. 1427 GOSHEN HILLS ROAD S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 JIM KENDEL (216) 339-4674 All races held at Harrison County Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO OFF RoAD RACERS ASSOCIATION RICK TICHBOURNE, Pusuc RELATIONS (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) OuTLA w SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. LoUIS, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/Fax: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. Off Road Championship 495 N. COMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <> PENNSYLVANIA SHORT COURSE RACING SMITHTON HOLE RACEWAY 313 SKYLINE DRIVE SMITHTON, PA. 15479 MIKE GEISER 330-683-6263 Short Course Offroad Racing All Races At Smithton Hole Racewa1 PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 Dusty Times

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COLORADO SPRlNGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF RoAD RAcING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 875-7591 PROTRUCK PROTRUCK MANAGEMENT INC. 11409 PtNEHURST DR. LAKEslDE, CA 92040 (619) 885-4458 PRo 1600 SHOOTOUT COREY GOIN 559-647-6132 GOINRACIN@HOTMAIL.COM PuRE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box50 RICKETTS, IA 51460 (712) 679-2221 RALLY AMERICA <> January 27 - 28, 2012 Sno*Drift Atlanta, MI February 24 - 25, 2012 Rally in the 100 Acre Wood Salem, MO May 4 - 612012 Oregon Trail Rally Portland & The Dalles, OR June 1 - 2, 2012 Susquehannock Trail Rally Wellsboro, PA July 13 - 14, 2012 New England Forest Rally Newry, ME September 22 - 23, 2012 Olympus Rally Seattle, WA 22ND RALLYE AicHA DES GAZELLES The Only All-Women's Off-Road Rally Raid In The World U.S. Liaison:Kelly Van Hoesen 203-249-1340 Skype: kellanvanhoesen <> March 17-March 31, 2012 France and Morocco RG CANNING PRODUCTIONS, INc. OFF RoAD Sw AP MEET P.O. Box 400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270-0400 New/Used Off Road Related Parts & Accessories MIKE CAMPBELL 323-560-7469 Ext 507 RocK CRAWLERS Assoc1ATION OF AMERICA P.O. Box 1406 RivERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/Fax: (801) 253-3176 SAN DIEGO SHORT COURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New Series /ry Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro Trucks, Desert Trucks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Truck <> (858) 571-5088 SAN DIEGO OFF RoAD ExrosmoN (888) 836 7918 SCCA RoADRALLY P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-2055 <> SFX MOTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. COMMONS DRIVE, Sum 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 Fax SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., Sum A CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAx: (818) 225-8102 <> January 13-15, 2012 SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge Laughlin, Nevada March 9-11, 2012 SCORE San Felipe 250 San Felipe, Baja CA Mexico June 1-3, 2012 SCORE Baja 500 Ensenada, Baja CA Mexico November 14-17, 2012 SCORE Baja 1000 Ensenada To La Paz Baja CA Mexico December 8, 2012 Dusty Times SCORE Awards Night To Be Determined SNORE SOUTHERN NEVADA OFF RoAD ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 270516 lAs VEGAS, NV 89127 702-277-2295 SONS OF THUNDER 4 WHEELERS RACE DIVISION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 Mike Moore, 2010 (224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS EXPO MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. HACIENDA BLVD. #322 HACIENDA HEIGHTS, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SCTA SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING AsSOCIATION & BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, INc. P.O. Box 10 OROS!, CA 93647 (559) 528-6279 (559) 528-9749 FAX <> SOUTHERN SHORT COURSE OFF RoAD RAcING AssN. 4305 WooTLARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (All Races at Eastbay Raceway, Tampa, FL) TRAXXAS TORC SERIES Sept 3-4, 2011 Crandon Off Road Crandon, WI Sept 15, 2011 Chicagoland Speed SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box 706 Toys FoR ToTs (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADILLA VALLEY SPORTS CENTER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <> VORRA VALLEY OFF ROAD RACING Assoc1ATION 1970 EAST 2ND STREET RENO, NV 89502 775-287-0615 <> March 24-26, 2012 Short Course Prairie City OHV Park, Folsom, CA April 21-22, 2012 Short Course Prairie City OHV Park, Folsom, CA May 26-28, 2012 USA 500 Desert Race Reno/ Sparks, NV July 14-15, 2012 250 Mile Night Race Fallon, NV September 1-3, 2012 Yerington 300 Desert Race Yerington, NV October 6-7, 2012 Short Course Prairie City OHV Park, Folsom, CA October 27-28, 2012 Short Course Prairie City OHV Park, Folsom, CA VICENTE GUERRERO OFFRoADCura PROFO. CENOVIO GAMBOA 011-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 p.m.) WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING AsSOCIATION LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA WHEEL To WHEEL OFF RoAD RAcING PATRICK McGUIRE P.O. Box376 ADAMSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2939 E; Grovers Ave. PHOENIX, AZ 85032 (602) 971-3730 <> WISCONSIN MOTORSPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OFF Ro AD FESTIVAL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 OSHKOSH, WL 54901 (414) 688-5509 WORLD SERIES OF OFF RoAD RACING FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP P.O. Box99 CRANDON, WISCONSIN 54520 303-880-7221 <WWW.WRC.COM> XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAvASu Cm, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 ZR PROMOTIONS LUIS RENE MONTANO C. CALZADA lNDEPENDENCIA 200 -5 COL. INSURGENTES EsTE 21280 MEXICALI, BC, MX (686) 564 6653 Attention Race & Rally Organizers List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your,2012 schedules as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: Dusty Times 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311,5003 December 2011 Trail Notes ... Pioneer. Each person has made a significant contribution to off-road motorsports in at least one of the following aspects: Business, History, Design, Engineering, Prestige of the Sport, and/ or Grqwth of the Sport. Bishop and MacCachren enter an exclusive Hall of Fame of icons and notables including James Garner, Parnelli Jones, Steve McQueen, Malcolm Smith, Rod Hall, Ivan "lronman" Stewart and Walker Evans to name a few. To learn more about Ron Bishop, log on to Ron Bishop Motorcycles. The evening was made possible through the generous partnerships of BFGoodrich Tires, Sunoco, MasterCraft Safety, 4Wheel & Off-Road Magazine, 4Wheel Drive Magazine, Rod Hall Events and Soulside Network. In conjunction with the evening was a fundraising auction including memorabilia from the sport's legends and a coveted 2012 Griffin King of the Hammers qualifying spot generously donated by Griffin Thermal Products. The Off-Road Motorsports Hall of Fame is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization located in Reno, Nevada within the National Automobile Museum the famed Harrah Collection. For more information or to become a member, log on to 2 l SCORE RACERS EARN SCORE TOYOTA MILESTONE AWARDS FOR COMPLETING EVERY MILE OF 2011 SCORE DESERT SERIES -SCORE Awards Night to honor winners on Dec. 10 in Irvine, CA. After 1,762.02 dusty and rugged desert racing miles, 21 of the world's best desert racers have survived the challenge of the five-race 2011 SCORE Desert Series to earn coveted 2011 SCORE Toyota Milestone Awards. The 21 drivers, competing in 10 different classes, earned their prestigious honors by finishing every required mile in the World's foremost Desert Racing Series. The 2011 SCORE Desert Series ended last weekend with the 44th Annual Tecate SCORE Baja 1000. All 21 drivers will receive their special awards Saturday, Dec. 10 at the Atrium Hotel in Irvine, CA., adjacent to John Wayne airport, during the annual SCORE Awards Night celebration of 38 years of SCORE desert racing honoring the 2011 SCORE Desert Series point champions and the winners of the 2011 SCORE Off-Roadsman of the Year awards. Leading the way are six racers in the featured SCORE Trophy Truck division and three in Class 1/2-1600 for 1600cc VW-powered open-wheelers. The six SCORE Trophy Truck drivers who completed every race mile this season are: Bryce Menzies, Las Vegas (No. 70, Ford F-150), Rob MacCachren, Las Vegas (No. 20, Ford F-150), Gary Weyhrich, Troutdale, Ore. (No. 98, Ford F-150), Adam Householder, Orange, CA. (No. 24, Chevy Silverado), Jesse Ashcraft, San Marcos, CA. (No. 78, Ford F-150) and Ken Losch, Tempe AZ. (No. 10, Chevy Silverado). Toyota is presenting these prestigious awards to the world's toughest desert racers for the 26th consecutive year. The Toyota Milestone awards are going to those pro car and truck drivers who finished all 1,762.02 required miles in the five-race 2011 SCORE Desert Series, the World's Foremost Desert Racing Series. Toyota is proud to honor the world's best desert racing drivers, said Les Unger, national motorsports manager at Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A. For over a quarter of a century, Toyota has had the privilege of presenting the SCORE Toyota Milestone Awards to the toughest racers on the planet. For MacCachren, a six-time member of the AARWBA All-America motorsports team, this is a record fifth SCORE Toyota Milestone while it is the third for Steele and second each for Luke McMillin, Justin Davis and Clyde Stacy. Jessica McMillin becomes just the third female along with Steele and Bekki Freeman-Wik to earn a SCORE Toyota Milestone Award. The remainder of this year's honorees will be receiving SCORE Toyota Milestone Awards for the first time. The challenging 2011 season began with the 17th annual SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge in January and ended with the 44th annual Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 Nov. 17-20. The season-ending granddaddy of all desert races started and finished in Ensenada to La Paz, featuring a season-high 292 starters competing in 34 Pro and 6 Sportsman classes for cars, trucks, motorcycles and ATVs. The 21 Racers by Class are: SCORE Trophy Truck: Bryce Menzies, Las Vegas, Rob MacCachren, Las Vegas, Adam Householder, Orange, CA., Gary Weyhrich, Troutdale, Ore., Jesse Ashcraft, San Marcos, CA., Ken Losch, Chandler, AZ. Class 1: Justin Davis, Chino Hills, CA., Brian Parkhouse, Long Beach, CA. Class 1/2-1600: Luke McMillin, El Cajon, CA., Brad Wilson, Long Beach, CA., Arturo Velazco, Banning, CA. Class 5: Kevin Carr, San Diego, Cody Kellogg, Cypress, CA, Class 6: Heidi Steele, San Clemente, CA, Marc Burnett, Chula Vista, CA. Class 7: Dan Chamlee, Carpenteria, CA. Class 10: Sergio Salgado, Mexicali, Mexico. SCORE Lites: Rafael Navarro IV, Temecula, CA, Zak Langley, Santa Monica, CA. Protruck: Jessica McMillin, National City, CA. Class 4: Clyde Stacy, Bristol, Tenn. IVAN 'IRONMAN' STEWART'S BAJA 500 WINNING PPI TOYOTA TROPHY TRUCK To BE AVAILABLE AT RK MoToRs CHARLOTTE -RK Motors Charlotte, one of the nation's premier restorers, re-sellers and builders of classic, muscle and high-performance vehicles, is proud to announce the latest addition to its inventory,· the PPI Toyota Trophy Truck driven by legendary racer Ivan "lronman" Stewart from 1994 to 2000. Serial-numbered as chassis #015, the Trophy Truck collected an impressive 10 victories, including four Baja 500 (1994, 1997-e99) wins and one Baja 1000 (1998) win. This is a rare opportunity for any motorsports fan, said Joe Carroll, RK Motors Charlotte president and CEO. "Pushed to the limit on the desert terrain of the Baja series by elronman' Stewart, this truck would be a great addition to any collection. It's a chance to acquire a factory-built and supported race truck with a famous, race-winning provenance. The truck is currently undergoing a complete frame-off restoration by the experts at TM 1 Motorsports Inc., in Southern CAornia, and will arrive at the RK Motors Charlotte showroom upon completion. Following each race, Continued on page 17 Page 7

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~IDlBJ~ BLUEWATER DESERT CHALLENGE Steve sourapas Wins Big By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Steve Sourapas (Ford)had a really good weekend, he took the overall win in the Trick Truck Division and had a total of three minutes on his competition. Parker, AZ: The second annual Blue Water Desert Challenge was won by Steve Sourapas, who so-loed his Ford Geiser Trick Truck to the overall victory, driving both heats himself. The event was nearly a carbon copy of last year's first annual, with almost an identical track, a similar number of entries, and the same blistering hot, totally calm weather. The format had not changed. It was a "no prerun" event on a track that measured about 26 miles around. Each vehicle ran two times, once on Saturday and once on Sunday. Then the times were added together to determine the weekend winners. It was, as last year, very similar to SCORE's Laughlin events, but on a longer course. The lack of wind made one big difference. The dust was horrendous, and it was a continu-ous refrain from the racers - " . . . the dust!" At SCORE's events the water trucks run all night, wet-ting the course down, but those tracks are only about six miles long. The BITD track is a lengthy 26 miles, and while they watered the infield "Python" section in some parts, there was no way the whole thing could be wet down. If one of the rain storms that have occasionally plagued their January events would have serendipitously happened overnight, it would have made life easier for the rac-ers. The BITD didn't make many changes in the course from last year to this, just a few small areas that allowed the racers to avoid some silt. Otherwise things were familiar, so those who'd raced there last October may have had a slight edge. There's room enough in the "Python" area for everyone to camp, but there was no pitting allowed along the outside road where the camping was. Only the "Hot Pit" area was legal for actu-Scott McFarland had a good couple of races, the total time gave him the Class 8 overall win, Scott is seen here with the hammer really down. ally working on a vehicle. A fee of whom were drivers who were was charged for camping this year, also entered in one of the classes by the Indians who own the land, scheduled to race later in the day. and depending on how many This gave them a nice two-lap pre-nights a vehicle was parked in the run. Of 23 "sportsman" entries, race area, it could be as much as 15 were teams that were racing in $40. The weather was good for a later event. Some used their pro-camping, and it was quiet. class vehicles for the pre-run, but The Trick Trucks and the un- many had pre-runners, some with limited Open Wheel cars both three or four seats, and they put qualified for start position. On them to good use. Some of the race day, the racers all went off pre-running entries did only one the start line two-at-a-time, but the lap and most didn't come back driver with the fastest qualifying on Sunday. Others were enjoy-time was given the option to start ing themselves, and did two laps, all by his lonesome, out in front. some did two laps Saturday but B. J. Baldwin chose not to take none on Sunday, and some did the solo start option, but in Class two laps both days. 1500, Ray Griffith did. Ultimately, a real Sportsman Racing started each day well team won the Sportsman race. before the sun was up. The driv- Tony Scott, who did the driving, ers in the first heat of each morn-with Kevin White navigating, in ing were started right into the a Honda powered Tatum chassis, pre-dawn light, and fought dust said that on Sunday the course and the rising sun for much of was "softer and the holes were that first lap. That early morn- bigger." They said their throttle ing group included UTVs, Jeep- was sticking the last ten miles, and Speeds, stock mini-trucks, lim-added that the "Sportsman class ited Baja Bugs and the Sportsman "is the only way" they can afford class. The Sportsman vehicles to race. Their time was 2:05:10 did only two laps, but the others for the two days. ran three laps. Their start proce-Josh Daniel, who is by no dure was a bit different, as they means a Sportsman, was second flagged off the Jeeps, and UTVs in the class. He was driving a and the lone Baja Bug, and then Danzio, with an LS7 in the back, waited 15 minutes before starting and he had Day Gang navigating the Sportsmen, more than half for him. Gang, who usually races ..------------------------------, in a limited class, said she "saw Justin Blower was the big overall winner in the Pro Truck group, he drove his Ford to the win with more than 25 minutes in hand at the flag. Mike Donde/, shown here saving a bit of tire wear was the big winner in the Class 10 conflict, mike beat his competition by 10 minutes. 137 (miles per hour) on the OPS -that was exciting!" Their time was 2:08:02. In third it was Ron Satter, who said, "It was really dusty this morning - zero, zero wind." But he added that he "didn't hit any-body." He had three crew mem-bers riding along in his four-seater and they all agreed that it was fun. Their time was 2:14:41. In fourth it was Cody Stuart, and Cameron Steele, who was driving on Sunday. Their Alumi-craft had a windshield, and they'd had to stop and clean it. It also had back seats, and passengers. Steele said that the BITD had done some grading overnight and it "was helpful to find that." He Cameron Steele gave it his all in the Trick Truck competition but this time The Steve Olliges/John Swift Ford pickup were the silver medal finishers SIB Pie 19 - Kovach - honors in the Class 7 action, Steve is seen here he had to settle for a second place finish. in Class 8000, seen here coming out of the soft stuff. in the semi-soft stuff. Pages December 2011 Dusty Times

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11 The combo of Al Hogan and Rob Reinertson (Ford) is hard to beat, they took the Class 7200 win with eight minutes in hand at the flag. was also racing in the Trick Truck a OPS, as their Foddrill wasn't a class. Their Sportsman event time full fledged race car. Melton said was 2:30:29. he was "just having a look at the In fifth it was Steve Melton course for later." Their time was on Sunday, with Adam Warren 2:34:48. navigating. But Warren was doing Brian Burgess, who was also the navigating without benefit of pre-running, didn't stop to talk. His time was 2:40:39, and he was the last of the "Sportsmen" class who finished both laps both days. He was in a hurry, because the 1100 class was going to drive in the next heat. In the UTV class, which ran si-multaneously with the Sportsmen, the winning team was Matt Parks, who drove both days, and Mike Carr and Jason Spress, who each navigated one day in their Polaris Razr 4. At the finish they said their CVs were going away, and that there had been "a ton of dust and Jeep Speeds". They did the final 18 miles on Sunday with just front wheel drive, but they said it was "a lot of fun." Their time was 3:42:41. Second in the UTV class was Brandon Schueler in a Jagged X Polaris, who said he'd had one flat tire on Sunday, and had "kind of a dead, worn out motor." It was, he said, "definitely down on power." Saturday had been "pretty much flawless", and in fact, at the end of Saturday he'd been in the lead by a little under two minutes. At the end of the second day his time was 3:51:21. In third for the weekend it was Scott Martinez, who ran out of gas shortly after he finished, and had to be towed up onto the mesa. His only comment was that it was a "perfect time to run out of gas." His time for the two days was 4:41:38 Fourth place for the weekend went to Jason and Derek Murray, brothers, who shared the driving. They said they'd lost their clutch belt on the last lap, and also overheated on the first lap. They didn't finish until about 10 a.m., pretty late in the scheme of things. Their total time for the two days was 5:42:08 and they were the final team to finish all laps in the UTV class. In the JeepSpeeds, the winner was Ben Thorvick did all the driv-ing on Sunday, but on Saturday he'd let his dad, Tom, do part of the driving. Unfortunately, Tom had laid the Jeep on its side and cost the team 15 or 20 minutes. Sunday went well they said, "Per-fect." Their time for the two days was 4:24:20. Second in the JeepSpeeds went to John Helton, who did all the driving both days and had no problems, beyond one flat on Sat-urday. He said that on Sunday he decided to run a steady pace and "not risk breakage." His two-day time was 4:40:50. In the modified Jeep class, Billy Bunch and Tarek Karam each drove one day. Karam said he'd run harder on his last lap because there were fewer cars left on the course, and also less dust. But for the final 15 miles he'd had no power steering, and no fans, and was running off the batteries. Their two-day time was 4:36:37. The second race started at about 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, tak-ing to the dirt while some of the Continued an a e 10 A second place finish in Class 10 went to Chad Giguiere, Chad was 10 Not too bad a day for Shelby Reid, a second place finish in the Class 1 The silver medal in Class 1100 was awarded to Brent Parkhouse, Brent minutes in a"ears when he took the checkered flag. contest, Shelby is seen here going rapidly for the checkered flag. was less than three minutes in arrears when the checkers flew. Dusty Times 2,160 Rooms And Suites 60 Table Games 2,600 Slot Machines Poker Room Race & Sports Book 640-Seat Bingo Room 16 Movie Theaters 9 Restaurants 75,000 Sq. Ft. Of Meeting Space 4,500 Seat Equestrian & Event Center 80,000 Sq. Ft. Exhibit Hall Spa & Fitness Center Showroom 64-Lane Bowling Center LAS VEGAS BLVD AT S/LVERADO RANCH • SOUTHPOINTCASINO.COM December 2011 Pages

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vehicles from the first race were still floundering through the dust on their way to the finish. This group consisted of classes 1100, 2000, 3000, 6000, 6100, 8100 and 7100, all required to complete three laps. In Class 1100, which had eight starters, the Saturday winner was Brian Burgess, who'd just barely finished his prerun laps when he had to go start the heat. At the end of three laps he had a little over 14 seconds on second place. That was Joel Whitted, who hasn't raced for several years. He bought Steve Eugenio's old car, a Prill, and at the end of his three Saturday laps he said, "What a fun little course - technical, dirty, twisty, turny - a neat little course - tough." The plan was that he'd let his brother, Kyle, drive on Sun-day. But when they got to think-ing about it, they decided that since Kyle didn't know the course, it would be to their advantage for Joel to drive again. So he did. And this time he had no problems at all, and he finished in front by two minutes and 23 seconds, to, take the class win for the weekend, with a time of 3:04:54. It was a nice win for JT Stephens in the Class 4400 conflict, when the competition are dnffs it makes it all the easier. Steven Appleton was the big winner in the Class 1 battle, he beat his competition with only 25 seconds in hand to take the checkers. In second place it 'faS Brian Burgess who'cl ipparently benefit-ted from doing those laps with the Sportsmen in the early morning. Burgess, who usually partners with Brent Parkhouse, drove both days this time, and said he'd had a very tight duel with the Whitted car on Sunday, but then "We'd ended up putting two wheels off a cliff and I didn't want to wreck the car." His two-day time was 3:07:02. In third it was the Bannings, Lee, Sr., and Lee, Jr. Junior drove on Saturday and Senior drove their Ford powered car on Sunday. He said they'd had a "good day, no problems, just dust." Their two-day time was 3: 14:28. Bryan Folks and Rick Graf teamed in a two-seat Ford pow-ered Banning to take fourth place. Folks drove Saturday and Graf drove Sunday. He said he'd had a "little, teeny brake issue -one hangin' in the rear." And he added that he "just couldn't run Lee down in the dust." Fernie Padilla navigated for Graf. Their two-day time was 3:17:14. Fifth place went to Greg Ryan, who drove Saturday, and finished on a right rear flat, and Dwaine Walters, the Sunday driver, in their Prep by Jake. Walters said he "ran over the Marilyn Monroe poster" during his stint. He also said that the dust was "frustrat-ing." Their two-day time was 3:18:19. In sixth it was the team of Ryan Plowman, who drove on Saturday and had an ignition problem, and Brian Munson, Sunday's driver, who had a good day in their Kre-ger. Their time was 3:49:30 and they were the last in the class to finish. Class 2000 ran in the same group, with 13 starters. At the end of Sunday's heat, Vince Viola, in a Lothringer, was in front. He'd been in front on Saturday also, and said that on Sunday he'd started first and "set a pace like yesterday", and he thought he had the victory. As it turned out, he did, with a two-day time of 3:26:00. In second place it was the team of Robert Alatorre and Paul Kurz The Class 1100 winners was Joel Whitted, he finished all six laps in 3:04:54, his competition was two minutes and change in arrears at the checkers. in a one-seat Penhall. Alatorre drove on Saturday, and Kurz drove on Sunday. Alatorre said it was "a really fun course for a 1600 car." And Kurz said it was "dusty." Their two-day time was 3:34:37. In third place it was the team of Paul Kurz and Robert Alatorre in a two-seat Penhall. Kurz drove on Saturday and Alatorre drove on Sunday. Justin Arnold navigated. They had no problems, and their two-day time was 3:36:09. In fourth it was Cole Potts, rac-ing for the first time in the desert. Potts is 12 years old. He had raced for a while in the Modified Karts on short course tracks, and he lives in the desert near Scottsdale, so he'd done plenty of desert driv-ing, and quite a lot of banging and bumping in the Kart. On Sunday he said he'd "almost flipped it a couple hundred times." But he'd had no mechanical problems, and no flats, though his "shocks got soft." His two-day time was 4:05:01. Fifth place went to Andrew Neal in a Lothringer. He was penalized 30 minutes on Satur-day for "excessive nerfing", and another 30 minutes on Sunday for "unsportsmanlike conduct at the start." His two-day time was 4:17:19. He was the final finisher in the class . The TrophyLite trucks ran with and couldn't get to Parker until this group also, and at the end of after the game was over. So Steve Sunday the two-day winner was drove Saturday and Christian took Troy Messer, who said he'd "tried over on Sunday. On Saturday to drive a smooth race" and hadn't Steve had a flat at Mile six. Their wanted to screw up. He had a two-day time was 3:53:57. longish second lap on Sunday, but Ben Abatti III was seventh, and consistent times· otherwise, even he had his problems on Saturday. though, as he said, "there was zero On the second lap he hit a hole visibility -no wind." His total and rolled the truck. One of the time was 3:26:48. BITD assistance teams helped him In second place it was Steve get back on his wheels, but he lost Hengeveld who said that Saturday about a half hour on that lap. On had been "flawless" and on Sun-Sunday he had to drive without day "everything went real smooth his body panels, which had been - just real dusty -couldn't see." blown off by the rollover, because His two day time was 3:29:08. a photographer had picked them Ramsey ElWardani was up, put them into a vehicle and third, with a two-day time of driven away. He did not take 3:34:44. them to the Abatti pit and return n fourth in was another them, apparently feeling that they newcomer to the desert, Brett would be a good souvenir. In any Sourapas, son of Steve. Brett has case, Abatti kind of liked the truck raced Trophy Karts, but this was without the body panels on Sun-his first open desert event. He day -it was a little easier to see said it was "way dustier" here than over the front of it. His two-day in his previous races. His two-day time was 4:01:54. time was 3:40:47. The new, high horsepower Fifth place was earned by Gary relative of the TrophyLites, which Messer who had a flat on the is still under development, was second lap on Saturday, and lost driven by Jim Riley and Rick L. about eight or nine minutes. Sun-Johnson and had no problems, day went more smoothly, and his but they said it is "not as nimble two-day time was 3:45:01. as the little TrophyLites." Their In sixth it was Steve Sourapas, two-day time was 3:31:47. and his other son, Christian, who, In Class 8100, which also ran on Saturday, was playing football in this group, Tim Casey got his .--------------------------------, Ford stuck in the dust on a berm, The big winner in the Class 1600 fracas was Vince Viola, Vince had a cushion of eight minutes on the rest of the class at the finish. right off the start on Saturday. A Best In The Desert assistance ve-hicle helped him get going again, but he lost five to seven minutes. On Sunday Casey worked hard to stay in front of competitor Randy Merritt. He said the track had "deteriorated -it's really bad." But, he added, everything on the truck was "perfect -no flats." His two day time was 3:52: 10. Merritt, who finished second for the weekend in his Ford, ac-tually had the lead at the end of Saturday's heat, with less than two seconds on Casey. A Parker resident, Merritt had his son, Randy, Jr., navigating for the first time. They bent a driveshaft which slowed them a bit, but still .. Steve Hengeveld drove his pickup to a second place in Class 6000, Randy Merritt took second place honors in the Class 8100 fracas, Randy Michael Meachum took second place honors in the Class 3000 conflict, Steve was less than two minutes in arrears when he took the checkers. was just over three minutes in arrears when he took the checkered flag. Michael is seen here getting ready for a rather bumpy landing. Page 10 December 2011 Dusty Times T

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7 In the Trophylite division, it was Troy Messer doing acrobatics to impress the fans, Troy won the class with a bit over two minutes in hand. held a narrow lead. But on Sun-ond bunch, and only 26 of them day things didn't go well. He had managed to get all six laps done. problems with his front shocks, It wasn't an easy thing to do. and ran about two minutes slower than Casey on laps one and two, and even though his third lap was faster than Casey's, he didn't pick up enough time to get the lead. He finished about three minutes behind Casey, with a two-day time of 3:56:14. Adrian Diaz, Sr., another Park-er racer, was third. He said he'd had no problems on Saturday, but on Sunday was "stuck on Virgin Hill." He'd stopped when he couldn't see what was ahead of him, and then started to back up, and another truck just going by, hit him and they both got stuck. They had help from a BITD as-sistance team, but still lost 15 or 20 minutes. Diaz added that later on "I had to stop to pee", and, on his last lap, the first starters from the third race of the day were on course and "making dust." His two-day time was 4:29: 15. In fourth place it was John Webster, who had his 15-year-old son, Johnny, navigating both days. They broke an axle on Saturday, and had a flat tire on Sunday. Their two-day time was 5 :00: 11. They were the last team in this class to finish. The third race went out into the desert 38 strong, including classes 7200, 1000 and the 4400s. Baja Bugs and 5-1600s would also have run in this group, but none had entered, even though Parker is home for a small army of the VW based bugs. In the 7200 class, which had 16 starters, Al Hogan and Rob Reinertson took the win in a Ford. On Saturday, Hogan said it "took a while to get used to the power band on the new motor ... it was fun!" But on Sunday, he didn't drive, because he had a bad shoul-der, so Rob Reinertson got to play in the dust. He said he had a great run, "stayed patient in the dust." He went on to say that "there was not much passing -had to wait for someone to pull off for some reason." Their two-day time was 3:11:30. Drylnalt'fonr • 100 Gallon Capacity • Single or Double Dry Break • EZSetUp • Affordable IndyCar Fl Technology 11c, ... r111 •DUlpC&DS • Bose • Reducer■ • Filler Neeb & Caps ..... • Snell SA 2005 Forced Air Helmets Class 3000, which are short-wheelbase buggies with Eco Tech motors, was won by Keith Waibel in a Predator. He had a good first lap, and hung in there with evenly paced laps two and three, which put him way in front at the end of Saturday. On Sunday his first lap was about a half-hour longer than normal, but thanks to his com-petitor's equally time consuming misfortune, he held on to his lead and took the two day win, with a time of 3:58.06. G·I1t)R(~£ • Wired for Communication & Ear Bud Ready Michael Meachum, said that on Saturday "we blew a turn, and were upside down at Mile 4." He'd blown the same corner Tim Casey did, and lost about a half hour. The rest of his laps were fairly even in time, and he took second, only seven minutes back from the winner, in the time of 4:05:34. HJC MOTORSPORTS IUICIN8-• Racing Optics Tear Offs • Universal and Custom Molded Ear Buds • Helmet Skirts • Shields Ioo1Alr0 Blower Syste s • Highest Flowing Systems! • 105, 135, 150, 235 and 250 CFM Ratings • High Flow Filters & Custom Roses • Trophy Ka.rt Kits for Driver & Clutch Cooler In second place it was Preston Schmid and Steve Kovach in a Ford. On Saturday Schmid had no problems, and said that he "never stopped once all day." He said also that they had their GPS set wrong, so that the turns came up faster than his navigator could call them. On Sunday they said they'd had a good day, but that it was "quite a challenge - no good driving in the dust." Their two-day time was 3: 19:30. Third went to David Kincaid and Jon Lee in a Honda. Kincaid, who had Cam Berglund navigat-ing explained that his only prob-lems had been "dust and confi-dence." It seems he'd wrecked his truck at the Vegas to Reno race, and got air lifted out, and was now having to rebuild his confidence. He had a few handling issues on Saturday, so made some suspen-sion adjustments overnight. Lee drove on Sunday and said the truck "handled well, and was fun to drive." Their two-day time was 3:20:11. In fourth place it was Keith Basso, whose Ford is a one-seat-er, with the seat in the center. On Saturday he said it had been a "rough first day - so dusty-couldn't pass anyone - probably blew 20 corners!" On Sunday he had "a big flat tire" on the first lap, at Mile 7, in the dust. Some BITD officials helped him change the tire, which cost him about 15 minutes, or half a lap. And, he said "then I had a dust free day -actually pretty nice." His two-day time was 3:41:06. Fifth went to Gavin Skilton in his Honda. He said he'd "missed quite a few turns", but that the Continued on page 12 Co-ulcatl•• lyRtaa • Vertex 5 to 110 Watt Radio Systems • Hi-Fi Intercom Systems • Chase & Race Packages • Base Statton Packages • Crew Chief & Ka.rt Packages la Car e1111n8,nea • EZ 1 Button Operation • Exclusive Racer X Motorsports Package • 5.7 hours of High Resolution recording time • Up to 12 hours of operation on 4AA Lithium Ion Battsries • Can be Interfaced to Intercom for full audio experience XCell,.. • 41 1/2 Gallon Capacity • SCORE / BITD / FIA Approved • Tapered Design Provides Increased Ground Clearance & llmmizes Usable Fuel • Fuel Level Sending Units Avallable • Caps, Necks, Hose, Filters and Pumps Available In Class 7100, which had just two starters, Blake Henn and Freddie Paris went home with win-ning points by the simple expedi-ent of finishing all their laps both days in their Ford, while their opponent didn't. Henn drove Sat-urday and Paris drove Sunday. On Sunday they had no flats, and had no front brakes from lap 2. They also put a bump stop "through the hood." They said, "We enjoy YOUB SOURCE FOB PROFESSIONAL BACB PRODUCTS this race." Their two-day time was 4:47:37. ccording to the score sheets, there were 44 starters in the sec-Dusty Times 10815 Wheatlands Avenue, Suite K • Santee, CA 92071 619-258-RACE (7223) • Fax 619-258-0883 • December 2011 Page 11

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The Class 6100 win went to Jim Riley, Jim took the win easily with a combined time of 3:31:47, hefs seen here headinf for the finish line. In Class 8100 it was Tim Casey flying the Ford La Paz truck to victory, Tim had three minutes in hand at the finish line. truck "is getting better." On the motor started dying, so he'd by Design chassis. They said that Sunday he had "broken wheels", had to slow down. His two-day their "four wheel drive was a big because of driver error. And he· time was 3:20:41, just 58 seconds help out there -the tighter and had a ball joint issue. He also said behind second place. twistier, the better she likes it." that the course was a 1ot rougher. Fourth was earned by Michael On Sunday they had another good Regarding the balljoints - this is a LaPaglia in his EcoTech powered day, with no problems, just "one new truck, still being developed, car. He said it overheated on little hole", and they took the win and Skilton noted that "these Saturday, and he'd had to cruise with a two-day time of 3:36:29. things are never done." His two-at about 60%. The plan was to try There were 38 vehicles signed day time was 3:42:24. to fix the problem overnight. On up for the third heat, but only The sixth place truck, a Ford, Sunday, it ran better, but he had 15 managed to complete all three was driven by Shawn Giordano. a flat on the second lap and lost laps. On Saturday he had no problems, six or seven minutes, which meant The fourth heat was made up but described the course as "real two positions. He also had brake of nothing but unlimited open-rough, real tight, extra dusty." issues, and dust. His two-day time wheel cars -Class 150'0 Single Sunday he said he "ran on five was 3:20:59, just 18 seconds be- Seaters. There were 24 of them. cylinders all day", but nothing else hind third. Ray Griffith, who'd qualified went wrong. For some reason he In fifth place it was Thomas quickest, took the option to start had no dust on his second lap. Purcell and Benjamin Button, in by himself, but as it turned out, it His two-day time was 3:52: 10. He a Tatum. Their time for the two didn't help. From the reports on was the last in the class to fin- days was 3:26:27. the radio, things must have been ish. Chase Borden and Cameron In sixth it was Terry Tolbert fairly exciting on the first lap. Steele each broke on the last lap who said on Saturday that it was It was announced among other on Sunday. Steele, who was driv-"not too bad -couple driver er-things that Mike Childress had ing his wife's Ford, endoed dra- rors." He added that he kept "hit- crashed, that Sam Berri was out, matically while passing another tin' bushes." On Sunday he said that Justin Lofton had rolled, and vehicle. he'd had a "good day", with just Brad Etter was "not on the course In Class 1000, which also ran some "handling issues." He said at Mile 5.8" in this class, the winning car he'd tried to "stay back out of tl;te Steve Appleton, in his Jimco, beat the winning 7200 truck by dust early." Then he added that'it took the win, saying on Saturday a minute and 48 seconds. It was was a "Fifteen year old Jimco and that he'd had "no problems - a a Racer, with an EcoTech motor, a 51 year.old driver ... " His two little slow occasionally -in the driven by Mike Dondel. He said day time was 3:29:30. dust the whole time." On Sunday the car belongs to Robert Ross, Seventh place was earned by he sounded pretty much the same: who's previously had some success Colton Smiley in a Tatum. He "No problems, it was rough, dusty in a Class 1500 car. Dondel said said it was a brand new car and it for a while -had a great third lap." he had no problems, but the car "had all the bugs - engine, tuning But then he added that there'd did run a little warm on Saturday. problems" on Saturday. Sunday been "gigantic holes." His two-day At the end of the Sunday run he he said his three laps had "felt like time was 2:56: 15. said "everything was good, both it was forever." He was still work-In second place it was Louis days - lots more fun where they ing the bugs out, and also had Chamberland, who drove Satur-water the track." His two-day time problems with the car flooding. day and had a "flawless" day, and was 3:09:48. His two day time was 3:39:54. Cody Reid in his mom's (Shelby's) Second in Class 1000 was Eighth place went to Mike Reid chassis. Cody's day also had Chad Giguiere in a Custom Chas- Majesky, Alumicraft, who said his "absolutely no problems." Shelby sis. On Saturday he said he'd lost Saturday race was perfect. But on didn't drive this weekend. Their third gear on the last lap, which Sunday, after two good laps he two-day time was 2:56:40. cost him a few minutes. On Sun-had what he called a "little electric Third went to Garrick Freitas day he drove without third gear wire issue", and had to go into the in a Jimco. He said the race "went all the way. His two-day time was Hot Pit to fix it, which cost him pretty good." Saturday "went 3:19:43. an extra 20 minutes. His two-day single file in the dust", but on Todd Elam was third in his time was 3:43:49 and he was the Sunday he'd started eighth and Honda Safari. He said he'd had to last in the class to finish. "let the race come to us." Their stop in the Hot Pit on Saturday be- Class 4400 ran with this group time was 2:59:22.• "maybe a problem in the front end." Kyle, the son, drove on Sun-day and finished on a left front flat. He said that the engine ran hot and he'd "had to baby it - it's rough out there - couple of close calls." Their two-day time was 2:59:49.Fifth place was earned by Terry Householder in his Play-tech. He said he'd qualified badly, and went on to explain, "Anybody can start up front and go fast - I got my money's worth today!" He started in the 11 'h row. Danny Curtis navigated on Saturday. On Sunday Chris Eimer drove. He said he'd been "hit real hard by another car, pushed into the rocks and got a flat." It cost him ten minutes and a stop in the Hot Pit for a new spare. Their two-day time was 3: 12:38. In sixth place it was Sam and Mike Baldi, who were racing for the first time. Sam said he'd "wanted to do it since I was a little kid." Their family built the car "from scratch." It has a home made chassis. Jake Johnson navi-gated on Saturday. Mike drove on Sunday and said he'd had an early flat chasing Jergensen, and lost about ten minutes, plus the time to stop for a new spare. Ev-erything else, he said, was "Great! The holes are big!" Their two-day time was 3: 18:55 - very respect-able for first time racers! Seventh went to Levi Rockhill, who also built his car. He said it was "overheating and the throttle is sticking." On Sunday he drove again, and said, "It's still overheat-ing, and it has electrical issues." He was broken in the Python for five or ten minutes also. His two-day time was 3:30:43. Ray Griffith was eighth. He finished a bit late on Saturday, with a crumpled roof. He said, "I don't know what happened -wasn't driving over my head - all of a sudden [the] ass end came over and here we are." (Sam Berri described the rollover just a bit dif-ferently -"He put his s#*t upside down in front of me -put himself out!") But he hadn't put himself out - just knocked himself about a half-hour off the lead pace. Griffith said he thought the rear shocks might have "hydraulicked." On Sunday he had the fifth-fastest time, but didn't stick around to talk about how things went. His two-day time was 3:36: 13. Tod Tuls finished ninth in his Jimco. On Saturday he said he'd had "One close call - skated on two wheels for a while.", and then he ran out of gas just after the finish line. Sunday word came on the radio early that 1599 had rolled over at Mile 2, and the spindle had pulled out of it. Ac-cording to the course worker, "It ain't gonna be goin' anywhere." But repairs were made, and Mark Miller got in to drive to the finish. Their two-day time was 4:37: 15, and they were the last team to finish. It doesn't sound so hard to drive three 26 mile-long laps each day and get to the finish. But there were 24 cars entered in Class 1500 and just nine of them made all six laps. The Trick Trucks were the last class to run each day. There were 17 of them, and seven Class 8000 (stock trucks), and four Protrucks ran at the same time, for a total of 28 vehicles on the course. As with the open-wheel cars, attri-cause he'd broken a return spring also, but there were only two of In fourth it was Todd on the throttle, and that had cost them. J. T. Stephens and Dave and Kyle Jergensen in a Smith him two or three minutes. Then Cole, who drove the first heat, Built Ford. Todd drove on Satur- A nice win in Class 7100 went to Blake Henn, Blake was able to overcome one lousy on Sunday he lost oil pressure and teamed to get the win in their Kir-day and had "no problems" - well, lap on Saturday and drive his Ford to the win . ....----:..._ __ ___: _____ :::==~;::================, John Swift took third place honors in the Trick Truck category, John is Macrae Glass (Ford) was a wee bit off the winning pace this race, he Garrick Freitas was the third place finisher in the Class 1 contest, hefs seen here on the home stretch, headinf for that checkered flag. finished in third place in the Class 8 action, seen here in the silty stuff. seen here making a very uncomfortable landing. Page 12 December 2011 Dusty Times

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tion hit early on Saturday. The race started about ten of three and about five of three there was already talk of towing the Jerry Whelchel/Jerry Zaiden truck in. Also, the number 33 Croll truck was high-centered on a berm in the infield and "out of the race". Shawn Wanzek was towed to Highway 95, and Jason and Rich Voss had a blown motor and needed a tow. The other Croll truck stopped in the infield and was on fire. Someone called the fire department, but in the mean-time the team put the fire out and the truck went on. About a half-hour later a fire truck showed up near the start line, and on the radio the question went out, "We've got the fire department here -is that fire still going on?" It was, of course, a good thought -but the race vehicle was out on the course, racing, by then. The overall UTV P win went to Matt Parks, Matt had nine minutes on his competition at the checkers, seen here just at landing. Ultimately, Steve Sourapas, in a Ford, took the win, repeating his very exciting victory of the previous year when he teamed with Andy McMillin. Last year Sourapas hadn't prerun by "rac-ing" in the Sportsman group, and when he got into the truck on Sunday afternoon, he had a slim lead, ·built up by McMillin on Saturday, of about 17 seconds. In order to win he had to stay ahead of B. J. Baldwin. But Sourapas hadn't seen the course when he took the green flag, and the pres-sure was very intense. He did a splendid job, driving his absolute best, and held onto that lead to give himself and McMillin the win. This year he knew the course -but then, so did several others. At the end of Saturday's rac-ing Sourapas had the lead in his Ford. He said, "We were patient, ran where we could see, ran so we could run tomorrow." He had Rick Geiser signed up to drive just in case, but said he was going to do it, rather than put Geiser in, because Geiser didn't know the course. On Sunday when he fin-ished he said, "It was a great day!" • He actually finished on a flat left front tire, and explained that he'd "hit a big erosion and blew the tire out -[I] tried to throw the race away." He said he'd hit the ditch at about 70 miles per hour, and then the truck wouldn't steer and the brakes didn't work. But the rest of the race had been per-fect. He said that it "went a whole lot smoother than last year -my comfort level was higher because I'd seen the course." His two-day time was 2:45:38. Behind him in second place was Cameron Steele in his Ford. Cameron said his truck was the first one the Geiser Brothers ever built. He was running 40 inch tires at this event. After Sun-day's heat he declared that they "didn't have any problems", and the course was "really rough." His two-day time was 2:48:59. In third place it was Steve 01-liges and John Swift in a Ford. Olliges drove Saturday, and Swift drove Sunday. Olliges said it was a "fun day" and Swift said "the course got rough -dust and holes -tough competition." But they had no mechanical problems, and their two-day time was 2:52:43. The fourth place finisher was Steve Strobel in his Ford. He said "we wanted to stay focused and get across the finish line today." Then on Sunday Strobel did the The win in the Jeepspeed 3 competition went to Billy Bunch, Billy took the class win with ease, seen here on his way to the checkers. driving again, and reported that it was "great out there". He had no flats either day, and said he'd "grooved the tires just right." He had absolutely no issues, and says he likes the race format - "pretty much rip your brains out of your head and go for it." His two-day time was 2:53:23. In fifth place it was Ken Losch, Ford, who started late, behind the Class 8 trucks, because the start time had been pushed up a bit and he'd missed the information. On Sunday, although the time was changed again, he apparently made it. His two-day time was 3:13:04. Adam Householder was sixth in his Chevrolet, after a heart-breaker of a last lap. His first two lap times were so good that he was a contender for the Saturday win, and was actually 21 seconds ahead of Sourapas at the end of the second lap. But as he neared the end of the third lap a wheel broke and it cost him at least 35 min-utes to get it off and put a fresh, functional wheel and tire on the truck. Then they were stuck. At the end of Saturday all he could say was, "It kinda sucks." . . " He was only six miles from the finish when it happened. Things went better on Sunday, and he had three evenly paced laps, to earn a two-day time of 3:19:01. In seventh place it was Greg Nunley in a Ford. On Saturday he said he thought he was lost on the first lap, but then he lost some time somehow on lap two. On Sunday Tom Olivera drove, with Ben Diaz navigating. They lost re-verse and got a flat, and couldn't get out without help from one of the BITD trucks. Their two-day time was 4: 14:05. They were the last Trick Truck to finish. In the Protrucks there were four starters, but only one, the Ford of Justin and Jim Blower, made it through all six laps. Justin did all the driving. He got stuck on Saturday and had a flat, and lost his alternator. On Sunday he lost an upper control arm. He Ben Thorvick took top honors in the Jeepspeed 1 contest, Ben had 16 minutes on his competition at the checkers, here at high speed. said, "It was rough out there!" His Shawn Croll had that fire on two-day time was 4:21:29. Saturday when the "underdrive In Class 8, which had seven on the transmission failed." A starters, there were three finish-line came off. They put the fire ers. In first place it was Scott out without much damage and McFarland, who drove on Satur-worked on the truck all night day and Rory L'Hommedieu in to get it ready for Sunday. This a Ford. They said that they had is a brand new truck, a Racer, "good competition" on Saturday, which replaces the one wrecked and declared it was "a fun race." at the_ Vegas to Reno event. On Sunday they said they thought Sunday they had no issues, but the starter had gone, and they of course, were a DNF due to said the truck had a badly bent Saturday. front I-beam from hitting a big Daniel Werle, in a Class 8000 hole about three miles before the Ford, reportedly broke a hub and finish. Their two-day time was got buried in the silt between 3:23:46. Miles six and seven on Sunday. In second it was Steve Olliges Corey Keysar had a new Jimco to and Jonathan Swift in a Ford. replace the car that burned down Swift drove on Saturday and he in the Vegas to Reno race. He had a flat. On Sunday it was 01-blew a torque converter on Satur-liges. This was the first race for day and they worked all night on the truck which Olliges calls a the car to get it ready, and he did "retro BFG Truck". He built it as get three laps in on Sunday. a "tribute truck to P.J. and Scoop Mike Childress lost his power (Vessels)." It's a '79. "The one I steering on the first lap on Satur-always wanted when I was a kid." day, fixed it and went on and had He said he'd had one flat tire a good second lap. But on the while passing Macrae." He said, third lap he rolled over thanks to a "I went out around him, because broken tie rod bolt. They repaired I'm friends with him." And he it all overnight, and had no seri-clipped a rock or something and ous problems on Sunday. got the tire. Olliges went on to Kyle Conlon had a shift sen-say that the "holes got big -I'm sor go out on Saturday, and that amazed it changed this much." shuts down the motor - so the car Their two-day time was 3:32:31. wouldn't move. For Sunday they Glass was third, in another unplugged the shift sensor, and Ford. He'd hit a big hole on course had no problems. The McDon-and messed up his front end. His nell class 1500 car rolled over on two day time was 3:51:53. He was Sunday. The BITD personnel the last finisher in the class. put him "back on his wheels", The attrition was horrendous. but, said he on the radio, "he's Chuck Hovey, who led Class 1500 not goin' anywhere." Loren at the end of the first day, found Brown, in the same class, was out a hole in the side of his transmis-with transmission problems on sion case that evening, and went Sunday. home. B. J. Baldwin had a steer-And so the stories go. Much ing line come off on Saturday, like the racing at SCORE's Laugh-and on Sunday a piston in the lin event - this is so short that t'he steering broke. Troy Vest had his drivers feel they have to push hard Protruck running well on Sunday to get up to the front. But visibility and a new heiHl joint snapped off. is an issue, and the course is tight Then everything swung back, that and convoluted, so that it's tough blew the steering box apart and to keep track of all the hazards. turned the truck onto its side, roll-Stuff happens. But for the most -ing it over two and a half times. part, the racers seem to enjoy it, They fixed it, but got only one lap and the BITD has it on the calen-completed.. dar again for 2012. ~~ ,--------------------..,.,..-----Steve Strobel gave it everything he had but this time he had to settle for Todd Jergensen finished first off the podium in the Class 1 battle, Todd Adam Householder had a long lap on day 1, he finished in sixth place in a fourth place finish in his Ford Trick Truck. was a bit over three minutes behind the leader at the checkers. the Trick Truck category in his Ford, seen here saving a bit of tire wear. Dusty Times December 2011 Page 13

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l/\J2C RALLY OF SPAIN Loeb/Citroen Take The Gold Juho Hanninen and Mikko Markkula pushed their Skoda Fabia to the SWRC win in Spain, here braking hard for a sharp right hander, they were 10'" overall. Pons entered in a Mitsubishi Evo X R4 but this car was not available so he competed in a N4 car mainly on Hankook tyres. Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena flew their Citroen DS3 to the gold medal in Spain, they're seen here at high speed on the There were many route changes this year. On Day 1, stage one was all new, stage three was mostly new while the asphalt part of stage two doubled as the same road, albeit in the opposite direction as was later used in stage eight. All of the asphalt stage nine (done twice) was new ~s well. The final stage of Day 1 (the re-run of the mixed surfaced stage three) was run at night. So of the nine stages venues, two were completely new and two substantially new. The first stage was the furthest away course. Finally Citroen clinched their seventh world rally Manufactur-ers' title in nine years, after Sebas-tien Loeb cruised home to win in most extraordinary circumstances in Spain. Despite finishing second and third Ford lost out in the title race by three points. Once again Ford tactics kept Mikko Hirvonen artificially in the running for the World Drivers' title, with help for the third time this year from teammate Jari-Matti Latvala, Mik-ko now lies eight points behind the seven times world champion Loeb, with the final round in Brit-ain to run. On the final round of the Super 2000 championship, Juho Hanninen beat OttTanak to the title, the first world champion title for Skoda in rally sport. Neck and neck for the title! Three drivers (Sebastien Loeb equal with Mikko Hirvonen, with Sebastien Ogier close behind) were racing for the world rally championship with just three points separating them. Rally Catalunya was the penultimate round of the 2011 WRC and the last asphalt rally of the season, and because some gravel sections had been included, like last year, it would be the end of a special style of rallying. This was the last time a so-called asphalt WRC rally was allowed to include some gravel sec-tions, although so-called all-gravel events may continue to include a few stretches of asphalt within Ott Tanak. Three points also sepa- from the service park, 100km, and special stages. On this event the rated these contenders while a was partly run right alongside the first day was given over to gravel, faraway outsider still in the run-River Algars which is the border with two loops of three stages, in ning was Ford driver Martin Pro- between Catalunya and the neigh-which the first stage of each loop kop, 17 points behind Hanninen. bouring region of Aragon. The was all-gravel, and the second and All point counts, there being no Power Stage used a short stretch of third had both gravel and asphalt. dropped-score situation. These the traditional Riudecanyes stage, Days 2 and 3 were 100% asphalt. were nail-biting days for Skoda, easily accessible by spectators The main novelty among the with the race for the IRC title even alongside the main Reus to Fal-WRC competitors was a new car more intense. Fiesta driver Craig set road. Drivers were not happy for number 2 Mini driver Kris Breen had taken over the PS En-about a gravel stage at night, even Meeke _replacing the car badly gineering SWRC entry which has if the top cars were run at three-damaged at the Rallye de France. previously been driven by Brynild-minute intervals. Petter Solberg, Otherwise the five-car Prodrive sen in a Skoda. Hermann Gassner "It wasn't many years ago that team had the same drivers as was codriven by Timo Gottschalk the FIA ordered there should not in France, but with a change of while Katharina Wustenhagen re-be any night stages, for security codriver for the Brazilian Daniel cuperated from their accident on season. They seem to have forgot-Oliveira. The Argentine Fernando Rallye de France. ten that." Jarmo Lehtinen, Mikko Mussano replaced the recuperat-The PCWRC title had already Hirvonen's codriver, said "Maybe ing Carlos Magalhaes. Notwith-been won by Hayden Paddon, it will be alright if the wind does standing the recent accident for subject to his attendance in both not die down in the evening but it Peter Van Merksteijn in Rallye de Spain and then Britain, as had is a risk. Even in the wind on the France, the Citroen teams were at the subsidiary 2W D series by night stage in Greece there were full five-car strength, including a Harry Hunt. The Bilbutikken AS patches where we were affected by car for Evgeniy Novikov, who usu-team entry of Ahders Grondal dust." The decision to start the ally competes this year in a Fiesta. had been taken over by a little rally on gravel before turning to Fords were again present with known Spanish driver Carles asphalt was not popular either. nine cars, without Novikov but Llinas, while Gianluca Linari Sebastien Loeb said it disadvan-Villagra was back again. had his third different codriver, taged the championship leader Of the three support series, Andrea Cecchi, and' the Mentos running first car on the road. This this event qualified for the SWRC team driver Valeriy Gorban his happened to be him, on account (as the final round) and the PC-fourth out of five events! The non-of tie deciding principles, even WRC as the penultimate round. championship "Priority 2" entry though he was equal leader with Only the Academy category was by Pierre Campana in a Mini Hirvonen. , missing on this occasion. The race WRC was withdrawn while Chris-The most serious dramas on for the Super 2000 title came to tian Riedemann made his second shakedown were the incidents that a climax with series leader Skoda appearance in the VW Motors-affected Harry Hunt's OS3 R3T driver Juho Hanninen nervously port Skoda S2000 team, this time and Yazeed Al Rajhi's non-cham-hoping to beat his closest rival alongside Ye ray Le mes. Xavier pionship Peugeot 207 S2000, both ..... ,.,........,_...,.. ____________ ...;;..""":".'""....., of which rolled. The other major debate was the very· long first day, over 750km, starting from Salou in the dark at 0700 and not fin-ishing until 2153. The long day was exaggerated because the first 20 cars were run at three minute intervals, and the others at two. 58 crews started the event. Federico Villagra was delayed coming to Spain because of the volcanic ash crisis in Argentina and was given special permission to make his recce at special times, but Ruben Garcia, the codriver for Nicholas Fuchs was stuck in Cordoba and at tne last moment Fuchs took the Spanish codriver Candido Carrera. On this event there was no pre-recce for the Shakedown test and in fact sec-ond fastest driver, behind Petter Solberg was Villagra! The course was curious, ·starting with a short stretch on twisty gravel before turning into asphalt which includ-ed chicanes to restrain the speeds. It was 20 years since Spain first entered the world rally champion-ship, having been a qualifying event in the European champ~ onship for many years. Armin Schwarz was the winner of the 1991 WRC Catalunya Rally, his first and only world championship rally victory. Once again this was a mixed surface event but based at the Costa Brava resort town of Lloret de Mar with stages run in the hinterland and to the north of Barcelona. The 1991 event saw codriver 52 year old Arne Hertz's 18th and final WC victory, the highest age for any winner of a world championship rally before or since. The event ten years later, in 2001 but run earlier in the season, saw the final victory in the long and successful career of Didier Auriol. It also saw the start of Citroen's World Rally Car pro-gramme, when the Xsara cars of Jesus Puras and Philippe Bugalski took turns in leading the event for most of the way. Day 1 - 4 Stages - Mixed - 160.36kms Sebastien Loeb had sounded pretty depressed the night before Jari-Matti Latvala and Mikka Anttila hustled their Ford Fiesta RS to a Dani Sardo and Carlos Del Barrio finished first off the podium in Martin Prokop and Jan Tomanek drove their Ford Fiesta S2000 to a third overall in Spain, here before many rally enthusiasts. Spain, seen here in their Mini Cooper at very high speed. t3'• place overall finish, here flashing by an admiring crowd. Page 14 December 2011 Dusty Times

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Mikko Hirvonen and Jarmo Lehtinen finished second overall in Spain in their Ford Fiesta RS, here before an admiring crowd. Nasser Al Attiyah and Giovanni Bernacchini were the second place finishers in SWRC, seen here in their Ford Fiesta. the start at the thought of having to run first car on the road, but in fact it was the best position for him. Dust! Still air and low morn-ing sunshine made for very diffi-cult driving conditions -and was a godsend to be the first car on the road. Loeb: "This was something I never expected, but even we had to face some dust thrown up by the course closing car." It wasn't long before stories of disaster started to arrive. First to disappear was Pet-ter Solberg after impacting a cul-vert and losing a wheel. Ken Block hit the same culvert and stopped with broken steering, as then did Ott Tanak in the SWRC series. As soon as the severity of the dust became evident, Kris Meeke and Peter van Merksteijn intention-ally checked into stage 1 a minute late. Mikko Hirvonen slid off on a corner, luckily without damage, while his teammate Jari-Matti Latvala took up the chase of the leader. On stage 2 Sebastien Ogier started his challenge, making best time and moving up to third in front of Hirvonen, while Latvala admitted having three moments. More problems on this stage, this time for Matthew Wilson who had gearbox difficulties while Hen-ning Solberg had intercom failure. Despite going cautiously, mainly to reduce unnecessary tyre wear, Loeb held a 5.3s lead at midday. Federico Villagra was suffering from his lack of recce (delayed arriving in the country due to the ash cloud crisis in South America) and lost a minute going carefully on the opening stage, and had brake problems as well. Meeke was complaining about the dust inside his car but moved ahead of Mads Ostberg, who was having handling problems due to the differential set-up. Then Kimi Raikkonen stopped on stage three due to a fuel leak which caused a confu-sion and made the team think there was an engine problem. There was nervousness at the thought of the impending night stage. In the service park in Salou the weather started to deteriorate but in the stages, a hundred ki- have been telling the organisers all park, running only at tick-over lometres away, it was still clear, week not to run this stage." speed. The car was driven over the and significantly the wind was The race for the SWRC title start line and then directly back to still active. News from the second swung strongly in Juho Hannin-service, in the hope of finding the run through the loop of three en's favour when he made a re- fault and to enable the car to re-stages indicated that dust in the markably good time on the first start on Day 2. The PCWRC start-daylight was not much of a prob- stage (sixth fastest overall) while ed with a battle between Michael !em, helped by the decision to his rival Ott Tanak was out for Kosciuszko's Evo X and Patrik run every car at an extra minute the day after damaging the sub-Flodin's Subaru. Flodin made no gap -meaning 20 or so cars at frame on his Fiesta. Karl Kruuda mistakes but had a hole in the four minute intervals, the oth-stopped after losing a wheel. After chassis, so there was a lot of dust ers at three. Loeb knew his glory stage three, the final stage of the coming into his car. Kosciusko hit moments at the head of the field first loop, Nasser Al Attiyah got a tree on stage two and smashed were gone as the fastest car on the ahead of Hanninen to take the the rear right window, so a lot first two stages of the afternoon lead in the category. Craig Breen of dust came into his car as well. loop was that of fourth-running was going well having been up as Mexican driver Benito Guerra Jari-Matti Latvala. On stage four high as second but then eased off had a good morning, managing to Latvala passed Loeb for the lead, as he wanted to be safe. Hermann improve as he got to grips with his after stage five Latvala was 16.0s Gassner said the morning was fourth different car of the season. in front. On stage five Ogier not easy, taking time to regain his The Peruvian, Nicolas Fuchs, had punctured and did a quick wheel confidence following his Rallye de a problem on stage one when a change, reaching the finish of the France accident. Albert Llovera wheel came loose and the car was stage only lm4ls slower than Lat-took it easy as well, trying to avoid really hard to drive. Harry Hunt vala, a splendid effort. As the sun mistakes. The non-championship took it steadily, knowing the con-descended behind the hills, the entry of Yeray Lemes was fastest ditions were going to be bad on wind turbines in the region got Class 2 competitor on stage five. the first stage, and he had some • slower and the dust began to hang Breen had a difficult after-small issues with the gearbox. in the air. Loeb was happy to get noon, something was wrong with Valeriy Gorban had a puncture to the end of stage 6 in clear air. the rear suspension. Then the jack on stage two, losing lm30s, while Hirvonen was in an angry state broke, Breen "Al Attiyah lent us Martin Semerad had a puncture when we got to the end of the his jack but we could only change on stage three, "We drove on it stage, "It shows just what a stupid one tyre so we had to use second for 9km, to the end of the stage, idea it had been to run a dry gravel hand tyres and the speed wasn't and lost about one minute. Majed stage in night." With every pass- as good as this morning. The Al Shamsi disappeared on stage ing car the density of the hanging hanging dust on the night stages one with gear selection trouble. dust intensified. Ogier survived was a nightmare", not helped as Bader Al Jabri hit a stone and having gone wide at a junction. the extended gaps between cars bent the front right steering arm. Latvala arrived depressed, "I spun meant that the support champion-Gianluca Linari also hit a rock and then there were rocks in the ship and the privateer drivers also and broke the front left wheel. road I could not avoid and got a now had to run stage five as well Aleksey Kikireshko managed to front wheel puncture." Loeb had as stage six in the dark. Llovera's catch up to the car in front of him got back in to the lead, Latvala intercom broke 10km before the (that of Al Shamsi) and lost some was 30.6s behind but still ahead end of stage six, the last thing he time before overtaking him. His ofHirvonen and Ogier. Mads Ost-wanted in the dust. Sousa retired teammate Oleksandr Saliuk re-berg said it was horrible, driving in the road section after stage six tired on stage three with a broken when you could not see the road. due to a broken alternator on his steering arm after hitting a rock. Dani Sordo said that you could Ford Fiesta. Al Attiyah finished On stage four, the first stage of not use your proper lamps in the Day 1 with a lead of just 1.0 sec-the afternoon loop, Linari broke dust. The hope that this would be-ond over Hanninen, with Breen another wheel on stage five. Also come a classically tight fight were ahead of Prokop in fourth. on stage four Gorban stopped drifting away. Henning Solberg There was a shock at the start with a broken steering arm while had finally fixed his intercom and of the rally for the new PCWRC Hunt retired off the road. Flodin trusted his pacenotes implicitly, champion Hayden Paddon, a min- was going well until stage five "We could not see where to go ... " ute piece of wire insulation which when his lmpreza started running but even so, more than a half-had fouled the electronics on the on just three cylinders and on minute slower than Loeb. Meeke: throttle box. His car's throttle the last stage it was down on two "This has been an unfair race, failed as it was started up at the cylinders. Kosciuszko was delayed this is not a level playing field. We beginning of the day in the service by slower cars in the dust. Guerra ,--------------------------, had to stop in the dust because he couldn't see the road. Fuchs broke the steering rack on stage six and lost about ten minutes. Kikirescho stopped when he lost a wheel. The PCWRC competitors were beaten twice during the day by the non-championship Class 3 entry of Xavier Pons, on the first and last stages. The day ended with an extend-ed end-of-day service halt in which the suspensions on the cars were changed from gravel to asphalt, but without the chance to check out the setup before tackling the long 45km opening stage. It was a long night for many. The exten-sion of the time gaps between cars meant that the final car eventually ended his October 22, 2011 Day 1 run at 0219 the following morn-ing. Day 2 - 6 Stages -Asphalt - 143.54kms Overnight the team bosses had things to say about nighttime dry gravel stages. Citroen boss Olivier Quesnel; "For the drivers running behind, the situation was even dangerous. It was not fair for ev-eryone. We must think about this problem." David Richards for Pro-drive said "This was not the right way to organise a world champion-ship rally." Missing at the restart were Raikkonen, Solberg and, from among the PCWRC driv-ers, Ketomaki and Hunt. Back in action again were Tanak and Pad-don. 53 cars restarted, and headed for the longest stage venue of the rally. Although tyre choices were kept secret, everyone basically chose hard compounds. Loeb had one spare, preferring the better dynamic balance this provided, while the Ford drivers all had two soft compound spares just in case the weather turned wet. The extra weight of the second spare tyres was thought in itself to create a disadvantage over the 40km stage of around 20 seconds. There were more dramas for fourth placed Ogier when he had another punc-ture, "Yesterday's was my fault, but not this one. I was driving in the middle of the road." It was another quick change but he now dropped behind the two Minis into sixth place. Meeke was find-ing the long stage a steep learning curve, "Really for us it was more like a high-speed recce!" Mini driver Daniel Oliveira stopped momentarily on the stage to obvi-ate a severe vibration, due to a stone jammed in a wheel. Novikov had spasmodic power steering problems. Loeb made best time on the opening stage but was only 4.3 seconds in front of an impressive Latvala, whose codriver Miikka Anttila had become a father over-night back home in Finland! Hirvonen started the day nearly a minute behind Loeb and nearly a minute ahead of Ogier, but he was Continued on page 16 Kris Meeke and Paul Nagle drove their Mini to a fifth place overall Sebastien Ogier and Julien Ingrassia, Citroen DS3 were put out of Mads Ostberg and Jonas Andersson piloted their Ford Fiesta RS to a in Spain, the Mini force is rapidly showing signs of great strength. the rally with engine problems on the 16'• stage, seen here earlier on. sixth place overall finish in Spain, Ohere before a very enthusiastic crowd. Dusty Times December 2011 Page 15

Page 16

at a loss to know where his true driving speed had gone. On stage eight Ogier got ahead of Meeke into fifth place. The spotlight to-day was on Latvala, who was trying hard to forget the disappointment of the dusty nighttime stage of the evening before, and it became apparent that he was now capable of matching the speed of Loeb on tarmac. Latvala ended the day 27.6 seconds behind Loeb. In SWRC, Llovera had to stop immediately when he discovered, as he was driving away from ser-vice, that there was a broken brake caliper. Codriver Diego Vallejo said this was dangerous for Albert who uses hand controls on his car, as he does not have the usual amount of feeling through the brake controls. On the first stage of the day Breen had a broken driveshaft which let Prokop up to third. Al Attiyah established him-self in the lead ahead of Hanninen who had started to take things more carefully, knowing that both Prokop and Tanak were still able to clinch the title. Lemes scored another fastest time in Class 2, proving to be generally the faster of the two VW drivers. Al Attiyah was happy, hav-ing won all the morning stages, but on stage ten, the first stage of the afternoon, he made a big mistake going off the road halfway through the stage and broke the gearbox cooling system which lost all its gearbox fluid. After that the gearbox was very noisy. He didn't lose much time but his lead over Hanninen, which had been, was down to just 2.4s and suddenly a battle for victory in the category came alive once • more. Bernardo Sousa retired from the event after stage ten due to an engine failure. Hermann Gassner's confidence was coming back slowly and eventually he won stage 11, "I wasn't still as fast as I want to be but it's getting there." Karl Kruuda had problems with overheating brakes. By the end of the day Al Attiyah's was 0.4 sec-ond ahead of Hanninen, Prokop was third and Tanak sixth. In PCWRC, Flodin was ex-perimenting with his driving style trying to stay ahead of Kosciusz-ko, who was catching him up fast. There were many casualties on stage seven. Martin Semerad went off the road and was out for the rest of the day while Tagirov rolled his Subaru Impreza and was out completely. Guerra had a puncture and lost three minutes while Linari broke the differen-tial. Fuchs broke a brake caliper and lost a lot of time while Al Shamsi hit a stone and had a front left puncture. Paddon was happy to be back again not having competed on tarmac in the last 12 months, since Rallye de France last year. The non championship entry of Xavier Pons had retired from the event after suffering three punctures. Guerra hit a rock 7km before the end of stage 11, damaged the rear of the car and punctured the rear right wheel. Fourth placed Al Jabri, with his DMack tyres, found his Impreza was understeering. Saliuk lost third and second gears at the end stage nine so had to drive all the afternoon with only three gears. Fuchs caught up Saliuk on a stage, then twice spun, made another spin at high speed. Linari had a lot of problems and had a small off on stage 11, while Paddon was learning a lot about asphalt Page 16 driving, making best time on five of the day's six stages. Flodin was not happy with his driving and felt lucky to still be leading, but Kosciuszko was very lucky on stage 12 when he lost his brakes towards the end of the stage and almost went off the road. Flodin finished the day 11.0 seconds ahead of Kosciuszko. Day 3 - 6 Stages -As-phalt - 102.62kms The final day was starting very early, the first stage to start at 0702, almost one hour behind dawn, but without the dust this time to damage the competition, there was a lot of anticipation from the drivers. Both the Fords and the Citroens fitted hard com-pound tyres on their cars and car-ried two soft tyres in the boot, be-ing uncertain whether or not the conditions would turn wet. There was drama on the opening stage of the final day, when both Armindo Araujo and Ken Block went off the road. Araujo's incident was very close to the start of the stage, not so different to France for Araujo except that this time he went off the road and impacted a tree. Latvala misjudged a bend and only saved the day with the help of the handbrake and a long lurid slide, so Loeb's lead crept back up to over the half minute mark again. Daylight came back in time for the second stage where Sordo punctured but still stayed more than a half minute in front of Ogier. It was taking Hirvonen a long time to get the best out of his Fiesta, "All the time I am trying to adjust my asphalt driving after years with the Focus," but he man-aged to get a fastest time on stage 14, only his second scratch time on asphalt in the Fiesta WRC. Po-sitions were stable at the head of the field at the moment, but then came the decision, still secret, by Ford to elevate Hirvonen's result (for the third time this season!) by courtesy of teammate Jari-Matti Latvala. At the mid-morning regroup back in Salou the rally was re-seeded, with 13 drivers in reverse order, not in actual competition order but based on the arbitrary order decreed by the Stewards overnight. It was easier to regroup the cars at this point rather than just before the PowerStage. This situation also compounded the debate about what tyres to fit. The loop consisted of two 20-odd km stages then the final 4km PowerStage, so that the leading cars were now going to tackle all the 51km loop up to a half hour later than usual - more time for the weather to suddenly turn very wet. This time Ford gambled on hard tyres throughout with only one spare, Citroen cars had the choices of 4 hard and 2 soft, and Mini had two hard and four soft. Mini people were not entirely convinced they had done the right thing. The drama hadn't ended. No sooner had stories arrived that Matthew Wilson had wrecked his suspension and stopped than Sebastien Ogier stopped with an engine problem, a major blow for Citroen, leaving the Mini drivers in fourth and fifth places and the SWRC leader Juho Hanninen up to tenth overall. Arriving at the control area before the final stage, Hirvonen and Latvala both checked in at the same minute, meaning Latvala incurred a two minute penalty, and Hirvonen rose up to second place overall. And just as the computers were working out the championship positions came the realisation that the rain had finally arrived on the stages. After a dramatically daring move when they alone fitted soft compound tyres, the Minis of Meeke and Sordo took the two top positions on the Power Stage and of the top championship drivers only Loeb took a supplemental point. In SWRC, Hanninen inherited the lead on the first stage, "Nasser had some problems in the morn-ing so that's why we're now lead-ing but if he fixes the car it's easy for him to win. For us it doesn't really matter, we need to finish to win the Championship. Al At-tiyah however lost his brakes at the beginning of stage 13, "When I touched the pedal it blocked completely. We decided to drive the stages carefully, not taking risks." Prokop tried to catch Han-ninen but from the first stage saw that it was impossible. Breen made some improvements to the car and it was working a lot better. Kruuda had some problems with the brakes in the high speed sec-tions, the car vibrated a lot. The SWRC competitors were beaten only once in the S2000 class on the day's stages, and again it was Lemes, who scored a total of three fastest times in Class 2 during the event. In the end Hanninen won the event and the Super 2000 WRC title in his Skoda, be;iting the Fords of Al Attiyah, Prokop and Breen. In PCWRC, Flodin finally found a good rhythm. Kosciuszko had the brakes overheating again. Al Jabri had some problems with the throttle. Saliuk's Lancer was running on three cylinders from halfway through stage 14. Paddon was now trying to get as much experience on tarmac as possible. Linari retired when he lost a wheel on stage 15. The race for the lead never stopped. Kosciuszko was gradually reducing Flodin's advan-tage. With two stages to go the gap between them was 3.2, with one stage to go it was 2.3. On the final stage Kosciuszko was 0.3 second faster than Flodin but it was not enough and Flodin took victory from him by 2.0 seconds, his first PCWRC victory of the season. Guerra finished third but was nearly ten minutes behind these two, while Al Jabri in fourth was another ten minutes behind. Pad-don' s lead in the championship is now 45 points, but the honour for second and the other places in the series are still very close with eight points covering Flodin, Kos-ciuszko and Semerad. With Citroen having se-cured its 80th WCR win and for Citroen Total WRT the Makes' title for the fourth year running, the first team to achieve this in the WRCar era, and their seventh in all, the final titles to be settled on Wales Rally GB is the Drivers' title where Loeb leads Hirvonen by eight points and the WRC Academy prize. l/\.12C: 4 7th RallyRACC Catalunya•COSTA DAU RADA Results 47th RalyflACC C.takr!ya-COSTA OAURAOA (E)Salou. 21/23.10.2011 WCR romd 12. SWRC romd 8, PCWRC 6 WCRpoi,tsWCR wco SC PC 1 (1) Sel>astien LOEB/Daniel Elena FIMC Citroen0S3(M) WRC 8K3170W(F) 4h.05m.39.3s. 25 25+1 • 2 131 Mikko HIRVONEN/Janno Lohlilen AN FordfiestaRS(M) WRC PX11AWN (GB) 4h.07m.46.2s. 18 18 3 (4) -atti IAlVAIA/Midca Anttia AN fc,dfiestaRS(M) WRC PX60A YT (GB) 4h.08m.11.7s. 15 15 (37) Dari Scwdo/Cns Del Bario E MiiJotw,~Woru(M) WRC 3WRC(GB) 4h.09m.03.4s. 12+2· (52) KrisMoel<o/PauNagle GB/lRL Mii John~ Woru (Ml WRC 2WRC(GB) 4h.10m.54.3L 10+3-(6) Mads OSTBERG/Jonas Andersson N/S Ford Fiesta RS (Ml WRC PX60AVF (GB) 4h.11m.33.5s. 12 8 (16) Evg,r1iy NOYikov/Ooris Gi-audet RUS/F Citroen 0S3(M) WRC BK391DW(F) 4h.15m.11.1s. 6 (15) Herring -g.lro Minor N/A Ford Fiesta RS (M) WRC PX60AVE (GB) 4h.15m.19.4s. (9) Dorris KUIPERS/Frodoric Miclotto NUB Ford Fiest, RS (Ml WRC PX11AMV (GB) 4h.16m.53.1s. 10 10 (25) J1'lo Hanniwl/Mlio Mariela.a AN Skoda Fallia S2000 (M) SWRC 11 R 0173 (CZ] 4h.19m.28. 5s. 25 11 (23) N.....-Al Attiyah/Gimrri Bemaa:lini QA/I Ford FilSto S2000 (Ml SWRC PX59AXA (GB) 4h.19m.43.4s. 18 12 (10) Kha/id AL OASSIMUMic:hael Orr UABGB FordfilStoRS(M) WRC PX11AOR(GB) 4h.20m.18.3s. 8 13 (21) MartilProlcop/JMTomana< CZ Ford FilSta S2000 (Ml SWRC 06R 0024(CZ) 4h.20m.26.2,. 15 14 (57) Yr,ry l.emes/Rogelio Pwto E Skoda Fallia S2000 (M) 2 H-VM135(0) 4h.20m.50.6s. 15 (28) Croig Braen/Garoth Roberts IRUGB Ford FilSta S2000 (Ml SWRC PX59AVF (GB) 4h.21m.48.7s. 12 16 (7) Fodorico VILLAGRA/Oiego Cur1etto RA Ford Fiesta RS (M) WRC PX60AVO (GB) 4h.23m.15.9s. 6 17 (14) Petr, VAN MERKSTEUN/Erwin Morrllaerts NUB Citroen 0S3 (Ml WRC 8H482BM (GB) 4h.24m.25.0s. 4 18 (27) Hermam Gossnor ;moo Gottschalk 0 Skoda Fobio S2000 (M) SWRC Kl521CR(A) 4h.24m.30.6s. 10 19 (58) Aaroo lk.rkar1/Anth Kochel 0 Ford Fiest, S2000 (M) 2 14R 0069 (CZ] 4h.25m.35.7s. 20 (56) Christian RiodemamMidlaal Wanzol 0 Skoda Fallia S2000 (M) 2 II-VM136(0) 4h.25m.59.3s. 21 (121) Patri< Aodin/Gmm, Br,gstrom s Smaru 1m!>rm N14 (Ml PCJ E677EA (197, RUS)4h.29m.40.7s. 25 22 (122) Michal K-o/Maciej Slczeparialc PL Mitswsli 1Nocer Ew X (M) PC3 DS705PC(ij 4h.29m.42.7s. 18 23 (60) Jtjen Mauril/OiYier Urol F Ford Fiest, S2000 (Ml 2 AR309l.R (F) 4h.35m.03.7s. 24 (139) Berito GtJerra/8orja Rozada MEXJE t.tlswslilNocerEwX(M) PC3 7843GTS (E) 4h.39m.26.2s. 15 25 (12) Daniel OLIVEIRA/Ftmando Mussano BR/RA Mii John ~ Woru (M) WRC PR0400R(G8) 4h.44m.29.3•~3) 2 27 (22) 0ttTonakl1(1AdarSli EE Ford Fiest, S2000 (Ml SWRC PX59AVU (GB) 4h.49m.41.2•~I • 8 28 (2ti) Ka1 Kruudo/Martil JOMOja EE Skoda Fabia S2000 (M) SWRC BAS 107 (CZ] 4h.50m.29.9s~6) • 6 29 (129) Bader Al Jabri/St1111hen MeAIJley UAE/IRL Smaru lmp(w N14 (0) PC3 OU10FMZ (GB) 4h.50m.47 .3s. 12 30 (130) Oleksantk SalitA<JPMI CIMrll)in UA Mitsooisli INocer EYO IX (M) PC3 M2205KM (UA) 4h.52m.48.0s~4) • 10 31 (135) Nicolas FuchsJCtlldido Canr,o PERIE Mitsulisli lancer Ew X (M) PC3 OZ213ZS (ij 4h.53m.58.4s. 8 32 (132) Valeriy Goroar/Andriy Nikolaiev UA Mitsubisti lancer Ew IX (M) PC3 AA0725KI (UA) 4h.55m.48.4s~2) • 34 (138) Hayden Paddor/Jom Kemard NZ Subaru l~w N14 (M) PCJ OU60ECJ (GB) 5h.01m.04.1s~6) • 35 (131) Aleksry Kilcireshko/Sogti Lr,ens UA/EE Mitsubisti lancer Ew IX (Ml PC3 AA59800M (UA) 5h.06m.47.2s. 36 (126) Mart~ SemerotUMichal Ernst CZ Mitswishi La"""' Ew IX (0) PC3 01R 0102 (CZ) 5h.07m.04.3s. 3B (124) Carias Llinas/Juan Torra E MitS<bishi 1Nocer Ew IX (0) PCJ 8556686 (E) 5h.08m.07.8s. 39 (128) Majed Al Shamsil1(ilian Duffy UAE/IRL Subaru l~az.o N14 (DI PCJ N16GPN (GB) 5h.10m.03.8s~6) • 40 (30) Allert Uovtra/Oiego Valejo ANDIE Fiat Abarth Pooto (M) SWRC Olll98WL(I) 5h.12m.07.~6) -58 (9 SWRC/16 PCWRC) startr,s. 44 (8 SWRC/12 PCWRC) fiishen. MANUFACTURERS' DRIVER. (M) • Michelin tyres. (0) • OMack tyres. (Missed stages c, road sectionsi Wmer's -• speed OY8f stages 99.29q,h. • • Power staga points. LEADING RETIREMENTS LAST STAGE COMPLETED (2) SelJastienOGIER/Jiaenlngressia F Citroen 0S3 (Ml WRC BK359DW(F) engine 16 (5) Matthew WILSON/Scott Mart~ GB Ford Fiesta RS (M) WRC 1ES(GB) suspansioo 16 (8) KimiRaidconar/l(ajLildstrom AN Citroen 0S3(M) WRC 8N346MV(F] fuelleak 2 (11) Patts SOLBERG/Chris Patt""" NIGB Citroen OS3 (M) WRC 8H528BM (F) - t 0 (17) Armindo Ramall10 p Mii John Cooper Woru (Ml WRC EJ267GH (GB) accidllll 12 (24) Brrnardo Sousa/Paolo Baba p Ford Fiesta S2000 (Ml SWRC PX59AVG (GB) qine 10 (29) Frigyes l1Kan/Gabor Zsiros Ford Fiesta S2000 (M) SWRC 750BOK (EE) non starter (43) Ken BLOCK/Alex Galsomino USA FIWdfiestaRS(M) WRC PX60AUV (GB) accident(6) 12 (123) Gianluca Unari/Androa Cacdi Sobaru l~aza N14(M) PCJ DW355PX(I) lostwhael 14 (125) J'-'l<a Ketornaki/Kai Risberg RN Mitswsli lancer Ew IX (M) PC3 A4201 (AN) brakes 1 (127) Harry Hunt/Robbie 01I811t GB Citsoen 0S3 R3 (M) PC3 SX6000Y (GB) accident (133) Omitry T f!Qirov/ArJ,a Zavsshiml<aya RUS Subaru lmp(aza N 14 (Ml • PCJ M968KM (197,RUS) accidllll RALLY LEADERS Loeb otages 1-3, Latvala 4-5, Loeb 6-18. SWRC/CIASS 2 LEADERS Haminen stages 1 + 2. Al Attiyah 3. Haminen 4, Al Attiyah 5-12. Haminen 13-18. PCWRC LEADERS K-o staQe 1, Flodin 2-18. CLASS 3: Poos (Mitswsli Eva X) staga 1, Flodin 2· 18. The Route Special Stages Total Distanca Crows Laadi1g Special Stages Oay 1 PmtAventura (Fmay 0700) • 4 nixed-108.881cm 751.981an Rastarting positions 4 5 (1-6) PmtAventura- 2 grMl-51.481<m L.atvala 6 PmtAvent1I1 (Friday 2308) Loeb 5 Day 2 PmtAvent1Ia (Sat1Iday 0830) • 6aspllalt-143.541cm 479.021cm 53 Ogis 4 (7-12) PmtAvent1Ia • Hirwnen 1 3 4 PmtA,entt,a (Sat,.dry 1906) Sordo 5 Day 3 PmtAYentlKa (Sunday 0600) • 6 asphall-102.62km 358.!lOan 50 Moel<e 5 (13-18) PmtAYentlia • Ostberg 3 2 PortAYentlia (Sillday 1514) H.Sollsg • ···········-·-·-··································-················· Oiveira 18 stages-406.52km 1589.!lOan SWRC Al Attiyah woo 6 stages, Tm 4. Haminen & Breen 3 eadl. Prolcop & Gossner 1 aacll. ·········-··-·- -··································-·--·············· CLASS 2 Al Attiyah woo 5 stages. Hm,en, Breen & lames (Skoda) 3 ,act,, T ona1< 2, Prolc1J11 & G"""" 1 each. C..llllOlial Start at Saloo saalront et 20.00 111 Tllnday. PCWRC Paddon woo 9 stages, K-o 5, Flodin 4. Weather: Mostly dry. roin III final staQe. 2 stages ~ daooless. CLASS 3 Paddon woo 9 stages. Flodin 4, K-o 3, Poos 1. PMitioos ~Worfd ~ Im Ralies(WCRt Citroen Total 397 points, Ford Abu Dhabi 351, M-Sport Stober! Ford 145. Patts ~98. Fr,m Powertools44, Team Abu Dhabi 42. Mmct,' s Ford 38, Monstr, 19, VM Marbt°" MIS 16, 8razi 3. Citroen Totol WRT ,-~ Laa1ing positions~ Worfd ~ fm Drivers (WCO~ Loeb 222 poi,ts, Hiwoen 214, Ogis 193, L.atvala 146, P.-g 125, Ostberg 70. Sonia 57, Wdsoo 53, H.-g 44, Raidcoom, 34, et~ Finol leading positions~. 2000 WRC(SWRC) Romd 8/8(seY811 avants to a11111t Haminen 133 poi,ts. Tonal< 113, Prolc1J11 l06, Soosa 67, Gassner 65, etc.""1o Haminen ,_ Chaq,ion. laating positions~ Production Cr, WRC (PCWRC) Romd 6/7 (six IMlltS to aurtt Paddoo 104 poi,ls, Flodin 59, K-o 53, Semerod 51, Guerra 47, et~ From: Marti! Hoknes, Prospact Cottage. Pyrfmd Graen. Wolcilg. Soory, GU22 BUZ. UK Toi: +44 (0) 1932 352894 & 347757. Fax: +44 (0) 1932 343102. Emai: Saloo 23rd Octobr, 2011 December 2011 Dusty Times

Page 17

Trail Nates ... FromPage7 showroom upon completion. Following each race, the truck was routinely torn down, cleaned, magna-fluxed, scotch-brited and/ or glass beaded. Shocks and brakes were completely rebuilt, and fresh paint and a new decal set were part of the process to keep the truck looking fresh. The new owner will receive the #015 PPI as it would have looked prior to the next race. As the previous owner of Precision Preparation Inc. (PPI), this truck meant a lot to me and my team through the years, noted Cal Wells III, owner of the #015 PPI Toyota truck. This truck has historical and personal importance to many people who've worked at PPI and Toyota. For instance, it was the last truck ever designed by Ted Mangles, who won the first Baja 1000 race. After speaking with Joe Carroll and his team at RK Motors Charlotte, I knew it was time for someone new to own, enjoy and appreciate the truck as much as I have. The truck features the original engine block used in its final season, including the Baja 2000 and Nevada 2000 races. The 302 cubic inch Lexus aluminum V8 race engine is being rebuilt by Larry Slutter and the team at TM 1 Motorsports. When the truck competed in the race series, Mr. Slutter managed the Toyota Racing Development's Special Projects Group, who originally built and maintained the PPI #015 Toyota race engines. The engine for this race vehicle will be built to original specs used by Toyota and PPI during the truck's halcyon racing days; it will be dyno-tested prior to being installed. This engine sends its power to a PPI custom made billet main case, five-speed transaxle assembly. The transaxle being installed in the truck is one of two that were built and rotated throughout the truck's race life. It was freshly serviced before installation. The 'lronman' Toyota is equipped with a fully independent double wishbone suspension that travels 22 inches to soak up the toughest desert terrain. A unique·hand-built, double ram, rack and pinion, power steering device prevents kickback from the bumps in off-road use, and reduces driver fatigue. The truck sports a distinct power brake system with Brembo four-piston calibers, semi-metallic pads and custom made 14-inch rotors from 4130 chromoly steel. The wheels are 17X7 PPI purpose built cast and machined race wheels mounted with BFGoodrich 37Xl2.5X17 Project KR Baja T/ A radials. Together, the tire and wheel assembly weighs nearly 130 lbs. When Cal spoke with me about restoring the truck to exhibition' status, I knew I couldn't pass on the opportunity to bring this truck back to life," noted Tom Morris, owner of TM 1 Motorsports Inc. "This is a trip down memory lane for many of us who've worked on this truck since it was originally built in 1993. It's one of the most significant off-road race vehicles from Toyota, as well as one of the most technically advanced off-road vehicles to date. Restoration of the truck is scheduled to be completed by mid-December 2011. Current images from the restoration process can be viewed at RK Motors Charlotte is the nation's premier restorer, re-seller and provider of classic, muscle and high-performance cars. The company was created in 2010 when Robert Kauffman, founder of RK Collection and co-owner of Michael Waltrip Racing, and Joseph M. Carroll, founder of Best of Show Automotive, leveraged their success and experience to create RK Motors Charlotte. Based in Charlotte, N.C., the company has a showroom at 5527 Lakeview Road and a custom build and service facility located at 5523 Lakeview Road. RK Motors Restoration is located in Mentor, Ohio. Additional information on selling, consigning or restoring a collector car is available at www.RKMotorsCharlotte. com. The media can contact Jennifer Pullen, TimePiece PR & Marketing, for more data at (713) 855-9312 or at ATL R ACING Fun CELLS UNVEILS 2012 RACE C ATALOG -ATL Racing Fuel Cells, the undisputed leader in safety fuel cell technology for circle track, road race, dirt track, off-road and marine markets, is proud to introduce its latest racing catalog. The new catalog was designed with simplicity in mind and features a full breakdown of ATL's various fuel cell offerings. For the first time ever, a customer can now compare and contrast all of ATL's 8 standard bladder styles to help determine the best option for his/ her application. Evaluation criteria includes such factors as fuel resistance, safety rating, performance enhancements and even price. It is ATL's goal to make choosing a fuel cell simple and painless. If you don't see a standard size that will fit in your application, the new catalog will walk you step by step through ATL's custom fuel cell process. In addition to fuel cells, the catalog also features refueling equipment, fuel delivery options and hundreds of accessory items that will transform your fuel cell into the ultimate performance fuel system. You can order your 2012 ATL Racing Fuel Cell Catalog #DS-615 today by calling ATL, U.S.A. at 1-800-526-5330, or e-mailing them at VP's FREDDIE TuRZA - O VAL TRACK ENGINE TECH SPECIALIST, HERE To HELP! When he first came on board with VP Racing Fuels, Freddie Turza didn't realize the impact he'd have or how rewarding it would be. "I knew VP was dominant in all forms of racing," said Turza, VP's Technical Consultant for Circle Track. "I was used to seeing VP's big HP and torque numbers in all types of drag and dirt engines. But when I came on board I was really impressed with the number of fuels VP has for every kind of racing you can imagine. Not just drag and oval but rally, motocross and everything else. For me and the rest of VP's Tech Support staff, helping racers and engine builders select the right fuel and then tuning for maximum power is really rewarding," Turza added. "Whether you race in Sydney, Seattle or Santa Pod we have the best products, service and tech support, period. Helping educate racers and working with fellow engine builders and tuners not just about our fuel but how it relates to all the moving parts is really rewarding." For four years prior to joining VP, Turza was the lead engine builder for Richard Childress Racing's Craftsman Truck program, where he won the 2006 Craftsman Truck Series championship with Ron Hornaday. Prior to RCR, Turza spent eight years as head engine builder and General Manager for Labonte Racing, which became the last independent team6without Sprint Cup affiliation6to win a race. He was also instrumental in the development of Sprint Cup driver Brian Vickers in 1998 through 2003. Turza began racing in 1973 under the mentorship of Carroll Hine, Division 1 NHRA Comp Eliminator Champion and national record holder. He graduated from the Automotive Training Center in Exton, PA with a major in Engine Building. After a tour in the U.S. Marines, Turza ran his own engine shop6Turza Racing Engines6for 10 years, where he built winning engines for dirt track champions Craig von Dohren, Billy Pauch, Duane Howard, Jeff Strunk and Sprint car legend Glen Fitzcharles among many others. "I've known Freddie Turza for over 20 years," said Jim Kelly, VP's Corporate Sales Manager. "He's very respected in the industry at all levels of race engine development and tuning.Freddie adds a dynamic element to our tech department. Along with Jason Rueckert, Brad Horton and the rest of the staff, we believe we offer a level of customer service that is unsurpassed. We help select the right fuel for each application, are available whenever questions arise, and work side by side at the dyno and at the track to follow the fuel to the finish line. Nobody else does that better than VP. At VP, it's gratifying to know I can help educate our customers and we can both see the direct results on the track. I would encourage any race team or engine builder with questions about fuel to contact me or my associates on the VP Tech Support staff at any time." Turza can be reached at 302-521-1767 or OvalTrackTech@vpracingfuels. com. Other members ofVP's Tech Support staff can be contacted as follows: Drag Tech@; 812-878-2025 -; 210-241-1192 -; 812-878-2026 -; 812-878-2025 (for general tech questions) In addition to racing fuels, VP's product line includes SEF Small Engine Fuels for 2-and 4-cycle portable gas-powered tools and PowerMaster hobby fuels for R/C racing. More information is available online at, or Contact Jim Kelly: 302-368-1500; jimkelly@ / Steve Scheidker: 210-635-7744; DON'T FORGET Now Is The Time To Order That: Dust:v Times subscript:io n F o r A Family Member o r cre w Member use The Subscrript:ion Form on Page 3 ot= This Issue or co Online To www _dust:vt:imes_com And Order Via Paypal As Dust:v Times cont:inues 11:·s 2BTh Vear Publicat:ion Let: us Thank All Ot= vou For vour support: Ot= over The vears_ EDITOR ID F~~~:;~k Visi t our website at www-clustytlmes-com Dusty Times December 2011 Page 17

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~ SNORE 250 AT RIDGECREST Eric Jacobs overall By]. Preston Bradshaw I SNORE has been putting on the SNORE 250 race every year and this 43'd annual race moved from the Nevada desert to Ridgecrest California for the 2011 event. There were 73 entries and 36 of them made their re-quired laps for an official finish. The weather was good and all concerned had a good weekend. The Class 1 Unlimited ac-tion was great. There were nine cars in the class and fully five of them made their five required laps. At the end of the first lap it was T J Flores showing the way, Kyle Conlon was two minutes in arrears in second place, Erick Jacobs was in the third spot, Richard Boyle ran fourth and Pat Dean was in fifth place. Chris Kemp ran sixth, Garrick Freitas was seventh and Terry House-holder was in the eighth spot. Tom Koch did not complete his first lap. Second lap, T J Flores con-tinued to lead the pack, he was two minutes ahead of Erick Ja-cobs, Richard was up a spot into third place, Chris Kemp was up two places into fourth and Kyle Conlon had dropped to the fifth spot. Garrick Frei-tas was up a spot into sixth, Pat Dean dropped two spots into seventh and Terry Householder remained in eighth. Third lap, and T J Flores still held the class lead, Erick Jacobs was second, he was three minutes and change in arrears, Kyle Con-lon was up two spots into third, Pat Dean had moved into fourth Cody Reid took the win in the Class 12 contest, Cody had 13 minutes on his competition when he took the checkered flag. Photos: Trackside Photo place and Terry Householder was up three places into fifth. Garrick Freitas held on in sixth place and Richard Boyle dropped to sev-enth place. Chris Kemp was out of the action. Fourth lap and Erick Jacobs now led the class, Pat Dean had moved up into the second spot, Kyle Conlon held the third spot, Garrick Freitas was up into fourth and T J Flores had dropped to fifth place. Terry Householder and Richard Boyle were out of the contest.Pat Fifth lap, last lap and when the checkers flew it was Erick Jacobs taking the Class 1 win and the overall win as well, Kyle Con-lon was second car in, he was 20 seconds behind the leader, and second overall as well, Pat Dean Steve Olliges took top honors in the Unlimited Truck category, Steve beat out his competition by a bit over two minutes at the flag. Paul Berton literally flew to the Class 10 victory at Ridgecrest, Paul is seen here on his way to the highly coveted checkered flag. was the third car in, he was third · At the end of their third lap overall in the race, T J Flores was Steve Olliges had taken over the a long fourth place finisher and class lead, Michael Voudouris Garrick Freitas rounded out the ran second he was about five finishers. minutes behind the leader and The Unlimited Truck Class Todd Wyllie dropped to third had three entries and all three place, he was 26 minutes behind of them finished the race. They the leader. had five laps to run and at the There were no position chang-end of lap 1 it was Todd Wyllie es on the fourth and fifth laps.., in the class lead, one second later so it was Olliges taking the class Michael Voudouris finished his win, Voudouris finishing in sec-first lap and Steve Olliges was the ond place and Wyllie taking third truck in. third place honors. There were no position chang-The Class 10 group consisted es on the second lap. of 8 cars, they too had five laps ----------------------------to run for their race and four Jordan Poole had no trouble taking the Class 13 win, his competition had problems and Jordan was the only guy left running. of them made it the entire way. When their first lap ended it was Kelly Boyle in the lead, Shelby Reid was in second place, some five minutes in arrears, John Langley was running in third spot, Paul Berton was in the fourth spot and Dennis Kor-donawy held down fifth. Kathy Kirkmeyer was running in sixth place, Kevin Ellis was lucky sev-enth and Philip Heynen was run-ning in the eighth spot. At the end of their second lap it was now John Langley leading the class, Paul Berton had moved into second place, Shelby Reid dropped to third, Kevin Ellis was running fourth and Philip Heynen held down the fifth spot. Shelby Reid took second place honors in the Class 10 contest, Shelby had a Matt Laughlin ran in second spot all the way in the Class 12 contest, Serge Bombard took the silver medal in the Class 1450 contest, hefs longerthanusual4thlap, Shelby finished 12minutesbehindthec/assleader. he was 13 minutes in arrears when he took the checkered flag. seen here at high speed just at liftoff on his way home. Page 18 December 2011 Dusty Times

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T Jesus Galvan took the Class 1450 lead on the second lap and he carried on to take the win, hefs seen here just at landing. Steve Alexander led all five laps in the Class 5 action, Steve had 35 minutes in hand when he took the checkered flag. Kelly Boyle, Dennis Kordonawy and Kathy Kirkmeyer were on their trailers. Third Class 10 lap ended and Paul Berton assumed the class lead, Shelby Reid was four min-utes back in second place, John Langley was running in the third place and Kevin Ellis was the fourth place car. Philip Heynen had retired from the race. There were no position chang-es on the fourth and fifth laps so when the checkers flew it was Paul Berton taking the gold medal, Shelby Reid was the sil-ver medal winner, John Langley took home the bronze medal and Kevin Ellis finished first off the podium. Class 12 was next to race, there were five of them entered, they had five laps to run for their race and three of them finished their required laps. When their first lap ended it was Cody Reid in the lead, Matt Laughlin ran in the second spot, Joel Whitted was in third place and Cody Free-man was in the fourth spot. Todd Stemmerman did not complete his first lap of the race. tion changes for the balance of the race, Cody Reid took the win, Matt Laughlin took second place honors and Joel Whitted was the third place finisher. There were only two entrants in the Class 13 race, they had three laps to run for their race and art the end of their first lap it was Jordan Poole in the lead and Richard Diaz already well back with some problems. The second lap for Jor-dan Poole was horrendously long,(over four hours), but, no matter, Richard Diaz had already Jason Coleman took the Class 1600 lead on the last lap and took a nice win, Jason is seen here with the power on and in a nice glide. retired from the fray. ors, Scott Slater was the third So, Jordan Poole, running all place finisher and Chris Michael alone in the class on the third lap finished first off the podium. took the class win at an average Never completing their third lap speed of 20 miles per hour. were Eric Ludian, James Gill and The Class 1450 troops were Kevin McKeown. next up. There were 11 of them, Class 15 was up next, there they had three laps to run for was only one entry in the class, their race but only four of them Tony Armstrong and he had made it all the way. At the finish three laps to run to complete his of their first lap it was Eric Ludi- race. Tony ran his three laps with an showing the way, Serge Born- ease and he took the gold medal bard ran in the second spot, Jesus for the class. Galvan was in third place, James The 1600 group was next to Gill was in the fourth spot and race, there were 11 of them rarin' Chris Michael held fifth place. to go, they had five laps to run for Ryan Dunn was in the sixth spot, their race and fully five of them Scott Slater was running seventh would complete their required and Kevin McKeown owned the laps. When their first lap ended eighth spot. Gary Oliver, Jeremy it was Andrew Neal in the class Deakins and David Brigdon were lead, Jason Coleman was running on their respective trailers. in second place, Kenny Freeman Second lap ended and Jesus ran in the third spot, Corey Goin Galvan was now the class leader, was running fourth and Ross Eric Ludian was in second place, Mattox rounded out the top five Serge Bombard was down a spot cars. Blaine Conrad ran in the into third, James Gill remained sixth spot, Dan Bellefontaine was in the fourth spot and Chris Mi-seventh, Richard Evans was in chael remained in the fifth place the eighth spot, Daniel Maurer spot. Scott Slater ran in the sixth was ninth and Matt Ferrato held spot and Kevin McKeown was in down the 10th spot. Steve Cossey the seventh spot. Ryan Dunn was did not complete his first lap. on his trailer. Second lap came to an end Third lap, final lap and when and Andrew Neal still was the the checkers flew it was Jesus Gal-class leader, Kenny Freeman van taking a really nice win, Serge was up a spot into second place, Bombard took second place hon-Jason Coleman ran third, Ross Mattox was in the fourth place car and Dan Bellefontaine was up two spots into fifth place. Richard Evans was up two places into sixth, Corey Goin dropped two spots into seventh place and Daniel Maurer ran in the eighth spot. Third lap ended and An-drew Neal still was the class leader, Jason Coleman ran in the second spot\ Kenny Freeman dro0)ed oack to third place, Ross Mattox remained in the fourth spot and Richard Evans was up another place into fifth. Dan Bellefontaine dropped into sixth place, Corey Goin remained in the seventh spot and Daniel Maurer was still eig_hth. Fourth lap ended and Andrew Neal still led the 1600 Class Kenny Freeman ran in second place, Jason Cole-man had third_ place nailed down, Ross Mattox had fourth place nailed down and Richard Evans re-mained in the fifth spot. Dan Bellefontaine was still running in sixth place and Corey Goin remained in the seventh spot. Daniel Maurer decided to call it a day and he retired from the race. When the checkered flag flew it was Jason Cole-man taking tlie flag for first place in class, Andrew Neal was the second place finisher Kenny Freeman was third car to finish, Ross Mattox finished first off the podium and Richard Evans held on to his fifth place finish. Dan Bellefontaine remained in the sixth spot. Corey Goin did not com-plete his fifth lap. FLASH -Andrew Neal was dis-qualified for unneces-sary nerfing so everybody moved up a spot, so it was Continued on page 20 Second lap saw no changes in position, it was still Reid, Laugh-lin and Whitted. Cody Freeman had retired from the race. There were no further posi-There were only two cars entered in Class 5/1600 and when the smoke cleared it was Mike Boone taking the gold, hefs seen here at speed headinf home. The Class 9 gold medal went to Kenny Ham, he led the class all the way and hefs seen here at high speed on his way to the checkers. Kenny Freeman was the second place finisher in the Class 1600 Robert Fessler was a bit off the winning pace in the Class 5 battle, Michael Voudouris took second place honors in the Unlimited Truck battle, a slightly longish fifth lap was not in the cards. he was 35 minutes off the pace when he took second place honors. class, he was less than two minutes in arrears at the checkers. Dusty Times December 2011 Page 19

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Pat Dean was just over a minute in arrears when the Class 1 battle John Langley had a few longish laps, he took third place honors Todd Wyllie had a terribly long third lap at the SNORE 250, Todd ended, Pat finished in third place, hefs seen here nicely airborne. in the Class 10 battle, hefs seen here flyinf low on his way home. finished third in Unlimited Truck, seen here just at takeoff. Coleman taking the win, it was Steve Alexander in way and took second place four l_aps to run for their unable to finish his fourth Freeman moved up into sec-the class lead, Robert Fes-honors for his efforts and race. Mike Boone led the and final lap and was scored ond place, Mattox was now sler ran in second place and Michael Benedict was un-first lap with ease while as a dnf. third, Evans was fourth and Michael Benedict was low able to complete his fifth John Berry spent a bit of ex-The Class 7 contest held Bellefontaine finished in man on the totem l)Ole. and final lap. So, at the end tra time on the course and three competitors and they the fifth spot. For the remainmg four it was Alexander taking a ran in second place. had five laps to go for their The Class 5 contest fea-lafs it was Steve Alexander nice win and Fessler finish-Mike Boone led the race. Scott Cimino led the tu red three entrants and al the way, having_ a trouble ing_in second place. remaining laps and took first lap, Dallas Luttrell ran five laps of competition. free race, Robert Fessler ran The 5/1600 Class only home the gold medal for in the second spot, he was When their first lap ended in the second spot all the had two entrants. They had his efforts, John Berry was 11 minutes in arrears and Joel Whitted ran in third place all the way in the Class 12 skirmish, Scott Slater won the bronze medal in the Class 1450 battle, hefs TJ Flores led the first three laps in the Class 1 battle, mechanical he is seen here at high speed on his way to the finish line. seen here charging across the desert to the checkered flag. woes dropped him to a fourth place finish, here flyinf high. 2012 MEXICAN 1000 RALLY Page 20 ~ HONORING THE PAST. FORGIHG THE FUTURE. National Off Road Racing Association I \ Since 1967 www. M EXI CANl 00 0 .com December 2011 661.268.1232 Mexicali XX Ayuntamrento ecma,, de 1ummo y ConwncJooes de """1call Dusty Times 7

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Russ Ramsey had a not so wonderful tour hour first la2..:_ They ran for two laps with no position changes and on the fourth lap Scott Cimino disappeared from the scoring en.arts. Dallas Luttrell led the fourth lap1 Russ Ramse3 ran secona and POOOOF both driv-ers were unabie to finish their fifth and final lap. The entire class was out of the race. Class 8 onlv. had one entry. Garrett Evans ran his five lap race with no problems and was the gold medal winner for the class. The Class 9 contingent consisted of four cars, they had to make four laps for their race and, unusually for Class 9, only one car finished the required laps. On the first lat? it was Kurt Davidson Jr. leading 'the class, Kenny Ham came around two minutes later in second place and Dan Lutz was running in third place, a mere four seconds further back. Giti Gowland was on his trailer. The second lap was led by Dan Lutz, Kenny Ham was seven minutes back in second place and Kurt Davidson Jr. was holding in the third spot. The third l~p ended and now it was Kenny Ham leading the class, Dan Lutz was in second spot, he was almost an hour in arrears and Kurt Davidson Jr. was almost another hour back after some problems ruined his day. Fourth lap, final la2 _and it was only Kenny Ham coming around to take the Class 9 win. Dan Lutz and Kurt Davidson Jr. were off the scoring charts and it was a one car finish for Class 9. The Heayy Metal Class consisted of only one truck, good 'ol Monte Tibbitts Monte Tibbitts, who drives a really long way to race with SNORE was the only entry in the Heavy Metal Class, did his 5 required laps to take the class win. The StockBug class win went to Robert Johnson, he led the class all the way and beat out his competition by well over an hour. who schleps out here ev-ery race from the Dakotas, probably spending more on gas to get here that he spends on the entry fee. Anyway Monte got in his five required laps with ease and took the class win with a 48 mile per hour averag_e. Next ug was the NAPA Chassis 7S challenge, they had three laps to race and there were three in the class. On the first lap it was Robbie Cockrell showing the way, Steve Marsee was second to cross the line andJoshua Starr was in the thir spot after a four and a half hour lap. Their second lap ended and Robbie Cockrell still led the class, Steve Marsee was half an hour in arrears in second place and Joshua Starr held on in the third spot. The third and final lap ended and it was Steve Mar-see taking the gold med-al. Unfortunately, neither Robbie Cockrell or Joshua Starr was able to complete their final la2_. The StockBug Class had five cars entered and two of them were able to complete their three required laps. At Steve Marsee had a good race, he ran second for a few laps but took the win on lap 3, here at speed heading for the checkers. Kyle Conlon gave it the off college try but he finished second in Class 1, second overall. Kyle was 20 seconds behind the leader at the flag. the end of their first lap it was Robert Johnson leading the class, Michael Brenner was running in the second spot, he was 32 seconds in arrears and Mark Murrell was third with a three hour lap under his belt. David Gunn and Jim Juneau did not complete their first lap. At the end of the sec-ond lap it was still Robert Johnson in the lead, Mi-chael Brenner remained in the second spot and Mark Murrell was off the scoring charts. Third and final lap, Rob-ert Johnson came in for a nice class win, Michael Brenner, still recovering from a horrendously long second lat? came in tor the silver medal and that's all she wrote. Lastly, the VORE VC Class had only one entry, Arturo Benavides and he ran his three required laps with ease and took home his nice win. That's all there is folks, another SNORE 250 in the book. The race at Laugh-lin is next and that's it tor 2011. The 2012 year should certainly be interesting. Stay tuned! , Chris Michael suffered an extremely long third lap in the Class 1450 Ross Mattox took third place honors in the Class 15 contest, seen Dallas Luttrell went faster than anybody else in Class 7 but neither he battle, he finished first off the podium at the SNORE 250. here just at touchdown on his way to the checkers. or any other class member was able to complete their five required laps. Richard Evans was a bit off the winning pace in Class 1600, he Dan Bellefontaine was the fifth place finisher in the Class 1600 fracas, Russ Ramsey had a terrible race, his first lap was over 4 hours in finished in fourth place, hefs seen here launching into the air. Dan is seen here in level flight on his way to the checkered flag. length and he was unable to get his last lap (lap #5) finished. Dusty Times December 2011 Page 21 ...

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AT LAS VEGAS MOTOR SPEEDWAY Kyle LeDuc Wins Pro 2 By ]. Preston Bradshaw • _, : t ! ... ,., ~* :.. -,,,._ --· . . ..... . ... Photos: Track.side Photo I .. . . Kyle LeDuc took the Pro 4 Unlimited win on Saturday in Las Vegas, Kyle finished second in the Sunday event, seen here heading for the checkers. It was another weekend at Las Vegas full of action and it was all on the race course as the Lucas Oil troops gathered to fight for points and position in their respective classes. There were 158 vehicles entered in the 10 class races, each and every one of them looking for a win. Ah, where to start this story, I'll just pick a class and go on from there. The Pro Lite Unlimited class consisted of 19 entrants with 12 laps to race and in the Saturday race it was Brian Deegan tak-ing the prized gold medal. RJ Anderson was just under three seconds in arrears for a second place finish, Chris Brandt came along another three seconds back in third place, Andrew Caddell finished first off the podium, he was another five seconds in arrears and Justin Smith rounded out the top five finishers another four sec-onds back. Sixth place went to Kyle LeDuc, Corey Sisler was seventh in, Cameron Steele, usually a front runner finished eighth, Luke Johnson took ninth place honors and Austin Kimbrell was 10th to finish. Jacob Person was 11th in and Matt Cook finished in the 12th spot and was the last of the 12 lap finishers. Matt Loiodice got 11 laps in and was shown in 13th place, Jimmy Stephensen also completed 11 laps and was shown in 14th place, Adam Wik also had 11 laps under his belt and was shown in 15th place and Casey Currie also had 11 laps in and was listed in 16th place. Chad George only had 10 laps in and was shown 17th, Aaron Daugherty was shown 18th with 9 laps completed and Rodrigo Ampudia was shown 19th with only five laps under his belt. On Sunday it was De Ja Yous all over again as Brian Deegan took another win. Nobody was happier than Brian! Chris Brandt picked up a spot from Saturday and took home the silver medal, Cameron Steele was back in contention and he took as third place finish, Casey Currie was fourth to finish and Chad George was the fifth place finisher. Sixth place went to Adam Wik, Jacob Person finished seventh, Justin Smith took eighth spot, Matt Cook was ninth in and Aaron Daugherty was 10th to take the flag. Rodrigo Ampudia only got in 11 laps and was shown 11th, Matt Loiodice only got in nine laps and was shown in 12th position, Kyle LeDuc was shown 13th with six laps in, Austin Kimbrell finished five laps and was shown 14th and Corey Sisler got three laps in and was shown 15th and Jimmy Stephensen and Luke Johnson did not complete a lap. RJ An-derson was DQ' d for a post race technical problem. The Pro 4 Unlimited race had 10 entries, they had 13 laps to go for their race and when the smoke cleared it was Kyle LeDuc taking the gold medal. Carl Renezeder was right on Kyle's tail for second place, Josh Merrell was seven seconds back in third place, Greg Adler was another six seconds back in fourth place and Mike Jenkins was another six seconds back in the fifth spot. Mark Jenkins finished in the sixth spot and Todd LeDuc was the seventh place finisher and last of the 13 lap finishers. Curt LeDuc came up a lap short, shown eighth, Kent Brascho also had 12 laps completed, shown ninth and Jerry Daugherty completed four laps and was shownin 10th. On Sunday it was Carl Rene-zeder' s turn to take, the Pro 4 win, Kyle LeDuc was ·second in, he was six seconds in arrears, Todd LeDuc was another six sec-onds back in third place, Greg Adler finished fourth and Ken Brascho was the fifth vehicle in. Mark Jenkins took the sixth finishing position, Mike Jen-kins was a close seventh place Jeremy McGrath took the Pro 2 Unlimited win on Saturday, Jeremy finished in the sixth spot in the Sunday action. and Jerry Daugherty finished eighth and was the last of the 13 lap finishers. Curt LeDuc only got five laps in and was shown ninth and Josh Merrell did not complete a lap and was shown 10th. The Pro 2 Unlimited trucks were next up, there were 17 of them panting at the start line and they had 13 laps of all out racing in front of them. When all was said and done it was Jeremy McGrath taking a re-ally nice win, Rob MacCachren was a mere 1.3 seconds behind in second place, Brian Deegan was another second and change back and finished in the third spot, Carl Renezeder finished in the fourth spot and Rob Naugh-ton took fifth place honors. Jeff Kincaid was the sixth truck to take the checkered flag, Robby Woods finished in the seventh spot, Jeff Seifert took eighth place honors, Robbie Pierce fin-ished in ninth place and Greg Adler was the 10th guy to fin-ish. In the 11th spot was Greg Nunley and Nick Tyree made it an even dozen and was the last of the 13 lap finishers. Patrick Clark, he was shown 13th, only got 12 laps completed, Myan Spaccarelli only had five laps done, he was shown 15th, Ro-drigo Ampudia was shown 16th with 4 laps complete and Jeff Gieser was shown 17th with two laps completed. The Sunday Pro 2 Unlimited race was another 13 lap event and this day it was Rob Mac-Cachren taking home the gold medal for the class, Rob Naugh-ton was a second and change back in second place, Rodrigo Ampudia took third place hon-ors, Jeff Kincaid finished in fourth place and Brian Deegan was the fifth truck to finish the required laps. Jeremy McGrath was the sixth truck to finish, Nick Tyree was lucky seventh, Greg Nunley was eighth to fin-ish, Patrick Clark was the ninth truck in and Carl Renezeder finished in an unaccustomed 10th place. Greg Adler was only able to complete 11 laps, he was shown 11th, Myan Spaccarelli also completed 11 laps and was shown 12th, Jeff Gieser com-pleted 10 laps and was shown 13th, Robbie Pierce was shown 14th with 9 laps under his belt and Dow Warner was shown 15th with 5 laps completed. Jeff~• Seifert was shown 16th with 4 laps done and Robby Woods was listed as 17th with only 1 lap to his credit. Continued on page 24 Bradley Morris drove his really good looking buggy to a first in class finish on Saturday, Bradley finished first off the podium in the Sunday race. Dave Mason took a second place finish on Saturday in the Limited It was a second place finish for Chad George in Saturdays Super Lite Myles Cheek won the silver medal in the Saturday Kart Jr. 2 contest, Buggy contest, Dave finished fifth in the Sunday fracas. contest, Chad finished third in the Sunday contest. Myles finished first off the podium in the Sunday battle. Page 22 December 2011 Dusty Times

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In Pro Buggy Unlimited on Saturday it was 'Steven Greinke taking the gold medal for the class, he finished in second place in the Sunday race. The Limited Buggies were next, there were 15 of them entered and they had 11 laps . to run for their race and it was Bradley Morris taking home the gold medal. Dave Mason won the silver medal and Zachary Hunt took home fhe bronze. Curt Geer finished first off the podium and Kenny Freeman took fifth place honors. Kevin McCullough was the sixth car to RJ Anderson was the big winner in the Super Lite race on Saturday, RJ finished a long eighth place in the Sunday Super Lite event. finish, Bruce Fraley was unlucky Ion Reimer was the 11th car in, seventh, Lindsay Geiser was Quentin Tucker finished in the eighth car in, Geoffrey Cooley 12th spot and John Fitzgerald finished in the ninth spot and was the 13th finisher and the Dustin Hellstrom was the 10th last of the 11 lap cars. Jeff Rich-place finisher in the class. Di!-ards only completed four laps and was shown 14th and Greg Crew did not complete a lap and was noted in 15th. The Sunday Limited Buggy affair was another 11 lapper with the same 15 drivers all striving for a top finish. This day it was Curt G_eer taking the big class win, John Fitzgerald was less than three seconds in arrears for a second place finish, Bruce Fraley took third place honors, Bradley Morris was the fourth car to finish and Dave Mason took the fifth finishing spot. Kevin McCullough was the sixth car to finish, Dustin Hellestrom was the seventh car to finish, Zachary Hunt was down five places from Saturday, Lindsay Geiser finished in the ninth spot and Kenny Freeman was relegated to a 10th place fin-ish. Greg Crew was the 11th car to finish, Geoffrey Cooley made it an even dozen and Dillon Reimer was the unlucky 13th Josh Merrell won the bronze medal on Saturday in the Pro 4 Unlimited Zachary Hunt won the bronze medal on Saturday in the Limited A third place finish went to John Holmes in the Saturday Pro Buggy action, Josh didnft get a lap completed in the Sunday action. Buggy contest, Zach was the eighth place finisher in the Sunday race. event, John finished fourth in the Sunday contest. Page 24 WHEEL SIZES 16X4 VW NON BEADLOCK * 17XB TRUCK BEADLOCK GEN. 2 15X8 TRUCK BEAOLOCK ** I 7X8 VW BEAOLOCK 17X8 TRUCK SIMULATED LOCK 15Xl2 VW BEAOLOCK 15X7 VW BEAOLOCK 15X7 VW NON BEAOLOCK 15X4 VW BEAOLOCK l5X4 VW NON BEAOLOCK WHEHS CAN Al.SO BE Cl.IT AND WHl)EI) TO CI.BTOH DIHENS/0/IIS December 2011 Dusty Times

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place finisher. Quentin Tucker failed to complete his 11th lap and Jeff Richards only got in three laps before retiring from the fray. I I I I I The Pro Buggy Unlimited troops had to complete 12 laps for their race and there were 17 of them just waiting for the chance to do so. When the checkers flew on Saturday it was Steven Greinke taking a really nice win, he was followed in by Jerry Whelchel who was 1.1 seconds in arrears, John Holmes came in three seconds later in third place, Mike Porter was another three seconds back in fourth place and Cody Freeman took fifth place honors. Sixth place went to Justin Smith, Ed-die Tafoya was the seventh place finisher, Brandon Bailey was the eighth car to finish, Wade Wyman was ninth car to finish and Robb Harvey rounded out the top 10. Doug Fortin was well back in 11th place, Scott Viers followed in the 12th spot and Ken Stout was the last of the 12 laps finishers in 13th place. Pat Dean, Malcolm Poin-ton and Gregg Reichman each finished 11 laps and were shown Broe Dickerson beat out 17 other cars on Saturday for the Kart Jr. 1 title, Broe came back on Sunday and repeated his win, here at speed. 14th, 15th and 16th. Patrick Pendley finished 10 laps and was shown 17th. In the Sunday Pro Buggy Un-limited event, it was still 12 laps to make a race and 14 of them did so. Jerry Whelchel picked up the pace a bit from Saturday and was first to take the check-ered flag. Steven Greinke was oh so close but had to settle for the second spot this day, Mike Porte had to settle for third place, It was a nice gold medal in the Saturday UTV main event for Doug Mittag, Doug was only able to get six laps completed in the Sunday affair. Brian Deegan drove his Ford to the Pro Lite Unlimited win on Saturday at Las Vegas, Brian repeated his win on the next day. Carl Renezeder took the silver medal in the Pro 4 Unlimited race on Saturday, Carl took the win in the Sunday race. Dusty Times John Holmes was the fourth place finisher and Brandon Bailey took fifth place honors. Malcolm Pointon was the sixth car to finish, Wade Wyman was the seventh car in, Doug For-tin was eighth to finish, Robb Harvey finished in ninth place and Gregg Reichman was 10th to take the flag. Justin Smith finished in the 11th spot, Ken Stout finished 12th, Scott Viers was unlucky 13th and Pat Dean was set back to 14th place for a rule infraction. Eddie Tafoya only completed 11 laps and was shown 15th, Patrick Pendley only had four laps complete, he December 2011 Mitch Guthrie took the Kart Modified win on Saturday in Las Vegas, Mitch had a first off the podium finish in the Sunday event. was listed 16th and Cody Free-man only had 2 laps under his belt when his race was over. The Super Lite troops were next up, there were 17 of them in the class and they too had 11 laps to run for their race. When the smoke cleared it was RJ Anderson taking a really nice win, Chad George was just 2 sec-onds in arrears for second place, Brent Fouch was another five seconds back in third, Patrick Clark finished in the fourth spot and Sheldon Creed took fifth place honors. Jessie Johnson was the sixth truck to finish, Jimmy Fitzpartrick was lucky seventh, Bubba Gray was the eighth one to finish, Garrett Poelman took ninth place honors and Kyle Lu-cas was the 10th place finisher. Mike McCarthy was 11th to fin-ish, Jason Ellis made it an even dozen, John Gable was 13th to finish, Ryan Hagy was the 14th vehicle in and Austin Kimbrell finished 15th, he was set back for unsportsman like conduct after the checkered flag and was the final 11 lap finisher. Drew Britt got 10 laps in before he retired, he was shown 16th and Ron Duncombe failed to com-plete a lap. Continued on page 26 Page 25

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--In the Sunday Super Lite contest it was Sheldon Creed turning up the wick a bit and taking the gold medal after 11 laps of really quick racing. Aus-tin Kimbrell finished second by the hairbreadth of a Wheaties flake, Chad George took the last podium position, Jason Ellis took fourth place honors and Patrick Clark was the fifth place finisher. In the sixth fin-ishing position was Ryan Hagy, Brent Fouch took seventh place honors, RJ Anderson was eighth in the pack, Jessie Johnson fin-ished in ninth place and Kyle Lucas finished in 10th place. Ron Duncombe was 11th to take the flag, Garret Poelman was 12th to finish, John Gable was 13th in, Mike McCarthy finished in 14th place and Drew Britt was 15th to finish. Btibba Gray was 16th to take the flag and Jimmy Fitzpatrick was only able to get one lap in, he was shown 17th. The main event for the Kart Jr. 1 guys was 10 laps in length and there were 18 of them all snortin' to get going. When they started taking the check-ered flag it was Broe Dickerson taking nome the gold, Conner McMullen was oh so close in the second spot, Eliott Watson took third place honors, Dar-ren Hardesty was first off the podium and fifth place went to Wolfgang Ries. Travis Pecoy was another second and a half back in sixth place, Dylan Winbury finished in the seventh spot, Gavin Harlien was eighth in, Christopher Polvoorde took ninth place and Cole Dexhei-mer was the 10th place finisher. Allie Spaccarelli finished in 11th place, Preston Roben was 12th to take the checkers, Tyler Stephensen was 13th to finish, Blaze Nunley finished in 14th place and Lauren Knupp was 15th to finish the race. Ratce Geiser finished a lap short, shown as 16th, Barrett Nunley was shown 17th wit)l eight laps complete and Bryce McDaniel failed to complete a lap, shown as 18th. · Rob MacCachren earned the silver medal in Pro 2 on Saturday, in the Sunday event Rob took home the gold medal, here headinf home. Corry Weller was the second place finisher in the Saturday UTV race, Corry was the big winner in the Sunday action. The Sunday Kart Jr. 1 race finisher. Barrett Nunley was was 10 laps in length and the 11th to take the checkers, Con-contestants were all rarin' to get ner McMullen was 12th to cross racin'. When they came around the line, Tyler Stephensen was for the checkered flag it was, 13th to finish, Allie Spaccarelli once again, Broe Dickersbn tak- was 14th in and Blaze Nunley ing the class win, Eliott Watson was 15th to take the checkers. took home-the silver medal, Lauren Knupp finished in 16th Gavin Harlien took third place place and was the last of the 10 honors, Preston Roben fin-lap finishers. Bryce McDaniel ished first off the podium and finished eight laps and was Travis Pecoy rounded out the shown 17th, Rayce Geiser fin-top five finishers. Wolfgang ished six laps, shown 18th and Ries was sixth to finish, Darren Christopher Polvoorde finished Hardesty was the lucky seventh four laps and was shown 19th. finisher, Cole Dexheimer was The Kart Jr. 2 event on Sat-eighth to take the flag, Dylan urday was 10 laps in length Winbury took ninth place and and there were 17 contenders Cory Geiser was the 10th place all looking for a win. This day ,---...,.,.,r-~...-:::::::--T-"-""'ll:--:11:::-""""ffl':"":l"'!II""",... .. Jerry Whelchel finished second in the Saturday Pro Buggy contest, in the Sunday race Jerry was first to the checkered flag. In the Pro 2 Unlimited race on Saturday it was Rob Naughton taking a fifth place finish, Rob took a nice second place finish in the Sunday action. the coveted gold medal went to and Alyssa Fortin finished 15th Paige Porter, Myles Cheek was and was the final 10 lap finish-close behind in the second spot, er. Isabella Busnardo finished Preston Roben took third place eight laps and was shown 16th honors, Chad Graham was the and Broe Dickerson finished fourth vehicle in and Weston nine laps and was shown 17th. Schuck rounded out the first The Sunday Kart Jr. 2 event five finishers. Shelby Anderson was another 10 laps of fun and took sixth place honors, Brock frolic. This day it was Broe He-Heger finished in the seventh ger taking the checkered flag ~i spot, Carlye Lenk was eighth in, for a nice win, Chad Graham Maxwell Ries finished in ninth was close by for the second place and 10th finishing place place trophy, Parker Porter was went to Parker Porter. Hailie another three seconds back in Deegan was 11th to finish the third place, Myles Cheek was required laps, Jeremy Davis another four seconds back in made it an even dozen, Parker fourth place and Broe Dicker-Steele finished in 13th spot, son took fifth place honors. Ronnie Anderson came in 14th Hailie Deegan was sixth to fin-Brent Fouch took third place honors in the Saturday Super Lite A third place finish in Kart Jr. 1 went to Eliott Watson, Eliott was Kyle LeDuc was the third place finisher in the Saturday UTV event, contest, Brent finished seventh in the Sunday competition. the second place finisher in the Sunday fracas. Kyle was not apparent in the Sunday conflict . .. Todd LeDuc scored a seventh place finish in the Pro 4 contest on Rodrigo Ampudia only finished 4 laps in the Saturday Pro 2 contest, In the Pro Buggy race on Saturday, Mike Porter finished in fourth Saturday, Todd finished third in the Sunday contest. Rodrigo took third place honors in the Sunday battle. place, Mike took third place honors in the Sunday contest. Page 26 December 2011 Dusty Times

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Chris Brandt took third place honors in the Saturday Pro Lite contest, Chris took a second place finish in the Sunday action. Sheldon Creed finished fifth in the Super Lite contest on Saturday, Sheldon took a really nice class win in the Sunday contest. ish, Preston Rohen was seventh and they had 12 laps to run to finish, Isabella Busnardo was for their race. At the end of 12 eighth in, Alyssa Fortin took it was Mitch Guthrie taking a ninth place honors and Shelby great win, in second place was Anderson was 10th to take the Bradley Morris, Mitchell Dejong checkered flag. 11th place went was third in, Scotty Steele took to Jeremy Davis, Weston Schuck fourth place honors and Jerett was 12th to take the finishing Brooks was the fifth vehicle to flag, Parker Steele finished in finish the race. A sixth place 13th place and Jack Yeiser was finish went to Trent Williams, the 14th and final 10 lap fin-Brooke Kawell was seventh to isher. Maxwell Ries completed finish, Brock Heger finished in nine laps and was shown 15th, eighth place, Greer Marshall Paige Porter only got six laps came in ninth and Sterling completed, shown 16th and Cling was the 10th car in. Jeff Ronnie Anderson also finished Hoffman finished in 11th place six laps and was shown 17th. and Kyle Dodd finished 12th Kart Modified was next up, and was the last of the 12 lap there were 17 vehicles entered finishers. Riler Herbst only Curt Geer finished first off the podium in the Limited Buggy fracas, Curt took the class win in the Sunday race at Las Vegas. The Kart Modified race on Saturday had Mitchell Dejong taking third place honors, Mitchell was the big winner in the Sunday contest. completed six laps and was shown 13th, Myles Cheek com-pleted five laps, shown in 14th place, Kyle Hart was shown 15th with five laps done, Anthony Busnardo had four laps com-pleted, shown 16th and Cole Mamer did not complete a lap. The Sunday Kart Modified Main Event consisted of 20 en-trants with 12 laps to make the race. This day it was Mitchell Dejong taking a really nice win, Kyle Hart was right there in the second spot, Sheldon Creed took third place honors, Mitch Guth-rie finished first off the podium and Bradley Morris was the fifth car in. Sixth place went to Jerett Brooks, Brock Heger was the seventh place finisher, eighth place went to Jeff Hoffman, Cole Mamer was ninth in and Myles Cheek held down the 10th fin-ishing spot. Anthony Busnardo finished his laps in 11th place, Brook Kawell was 12th to finish, Trent Williams was 13th to take the flag, Scotty Steele finished the race in 14th place and was the last of the 12 lap finish-ers. Sterling Cling finished 11 laps and was shown 15th, Blake Lenk was shown 16th with 10 laps completed, Greer Marshal was shown 17th, nine laps com-pleted, Riley Herbst finished five laps and was shown 18th, Eliott Watson also completed five laps, shown in 19 place and Kyle Dodd completed three laps and was shown in 20th place. Last, but certainly not least are the UTV drivers, there were 11 of them on tap and they had eight laps to complete for the Saturday race. When the smoke cleared it was Doug Mittag in the winners circle, Corry Weller was second vehicle in, Kyle LeDuc was a close third, Robert Vanbeekum was fourth to fin-ish and RJ Anderson took fifth place honors. John Dempsey finished in sixth place and was the last of the eight lap finish-ers. Bryan Osborn only fin-ished seven laps and was shown seventh, Code Rahders also finished seven laps and he was shown in eighth place, Ryan Beat finished five laps and was shown ninth, Chad George only got three laps completed and was shown 10th and Tyler Win-bury did not complete a lap and was shown 11th. The Sunday UTV Main Event also consisted of eight laps and there were 10 contestants wait-ing for the green flag to fall. When all was said and done it was Corry Weller stepping up another notch from Saturdays race to take the Class win, Rob-ert Vanbeekum came in for the silver medal, RJ Anderson took the bronze medal, Chad George finished first out of the money and John Dempsey was fifth to finish. Code Rahders was sixth car in and Tyler Winbury fin-ished in seventh spot and was the last of the eight lap finish-ers. Doug Mittag completed six laps and was shown eighth, Ryan Beat did not finish a lap, he was shown ninth and Bryan Osborn, who also did not com-plete a lap was shown as 10th. And so it ended, most had a good time, it is the enjoyment of competition that brings most of the competitors to the track. Next up is the final race of the year at Firebird International Raceway in Chandler, Arizona, in mid December. See ya all there!!!!! * Gavin Harlien was the eighth place finisher in the Kart Jr. 1 Saturday contest, Gavin was the third place finisher in the Sunday contest. Robert Vanbeekum finished first off the podium in the Saturday UTV Greg Adler finished fourth in the Saturday Pro 4 action, Greg repeated action, Robert was the second place finisher in the Sunday contest. his fourth place finish in the Sunday activities. -ri:tUC • S Jeff Kincaid finished sixth in the Saturday Pro 2 action, Jeff was the John Fitzgerald was a long 13th place finisher in the Saturday Limited Bruce Fraley was the seventh place finisher in the Saturday Limited fourth place finisher in the Sunday action at Las Vegas. Buggy race, John was the silver medal winner in the Sunday race. Buggy action, Bruce was the third place finisher in the Sunday fracas. Dusty Times December 2011 Page 27

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~=~;;.....J, I SEASON CHAMPIONSHIP Berri Does It Again Text & Photos: Troy Robinson For the first time in VOR-RA's 36 year history a double header weekend at Prairie City was on the books and it was an exciting weekend of non-stop ac-tion both on and off the track. These were two separate races back to back on the same weekend. Two separate entry fees. Six total motos, 2 drivers meetings, and 2 practice ses-sions. All wrapped up into one travel cost, one track mainte-nance and rental costs. A real win-win in many situations. While most class points titles were decided going into the weekend the overall season championship would depend on the results from the weekend. Going into the weekend Sam Berri in class 1 and Sam Coth-run in Group T were tied for season championship points. More points are awarded to the larger classes and this made Berri pull out all the stops and brought 3 of his own cars to enter class 1 and convinced and helped several other racers to run in the class to hope the championship trophy would stay on his mantle where it has been for 18 of the last 20 years! The Sportsman would be the only point's battle that would be settled this weekend. Dan Schrader led the points go-ing into the weekend and Bill Hermant and Dez Mob were all in the hunt for the big trophy. This double header was for Class 11 only had one entry but Desert Dingo made the most of it, he took the full run both days and picked up a pair of gold medals for his efforts. sure to be an exciting weekend of racing. The track for Saturday would have run as normal to the east turn then just before where the doubles were a hard right turn into the infield and over the sky jump before a dropping off left 180 then a short chute to an-other 180 right and up the front straight. On Sunday the track changed to the long course cutting the infield all together. Track length in this configura-tion is about 1.2 miles. In Saturday's sportsman race action Terry Shelton (81) was able to come from behind and take all 3 moto wins. Bill Her-man t (91) did all he could and took 2 seconds for 2nd Russell Anderson had a pretty good weekend, Russell took the Class 9 win in the Saturday action and he finished second on Sunday. A good weekend for Patrick Timmons, he took the Class 10 win on Saturday and Sunday, hefs seen here beautifully airborne. for the weekend. Bill Minteer (1025) rounded off the podium with two 5ths and a 3rd. Dan Schrader (95) finished 4th in moto 1 and a 2nd in moto 2 but had the front torsions fall out in moto 3. His points lead was slipping away with a 5th for the day. Derek Boarman (11) finished 3rd in moto 1 and came out in moto 2 with a spectacular 6-barrell roll in turn two. They were ok but the car was done for the day. On Sunday Hermant came on strong and won moto's 1 and 3 with a 2nd in the middle. This put him in the overall for the day and the season point's championship to boot. Dez Mob's Derek Boarman made re-pairs and finished 5th in moto 1 but came back with a first in moto 2 and 2nd in moto 3 for 2nd overall. Stephanie Hayos (69) ran strong all day and got better as the day progress. She ' finished all 3 motos in 3rd for 3rd for the day. Dan Schrader had a dismal day. He broke a rear trailing arm in moto 1. I thought they were all but done for but being the Schrader family and Lamco racing they ran back into town and robbed a trailing arm off of another car they were working on. All of this work to get the car ready for the powder puff race so my daughter could drive. Thanks guys. For all this they ended up finishing the season with 2nd in the sportsman championship. Don German was the big winner in the Group T conflict on Saturday, he was not in evidence in the Sunday event, seen here at liftoff. For the 2nd time this sea-son the Zukiworld class from Washington State made the long trip south to race with VORRA. Taking the win on Saturday with a first and two seconds was Derek Anderson (637). Eric Bewley (1837) went 2-3-3 for second. Dave Capell Jay Schroeder took home the silver medal for his efforts in Class 9 The Red Team Racing group finished second in Class 10 on Saturday The Dan Vance group scored a second place finish in Group T on on Saturday, Jay was out of it late in the Sunday affair. and they had to settle for a fifth place finish in the Sunday action. Saturday and they repeated the action in the Sunday race. Page 28 December 2011 Dusty Times 7

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It was a good weekend for Chris Willing, he took the UTV 1000 Class win both days, hefs seen here just before touchdown. Not too bad a weekend for Dennis Jean, he took the win in UTV 800 on Saturday but was only able to grab a second place finish in the Sunday race. (1045) finished 4th in moto but won moto's 2 and 3. Scary moment in moto 2, Bud Bewley (276) came into the infield and his throttle stuck wide open. He went off the track into. the boulders the park has set up for rock crawling and flew over them landing on his nose and rolling onto his side. Bud was shaken a bit but was ok and his Samurai was done for the weekend. On Sunday in moto 1 An-derson took a jump a bit wrong and injured his back, it wasn't that the truck didn't handle the jump well, it just landed wrong. Taking the overall for the day by winning all 3 motos was Dave Capell. Eric Bewley finished all 3 motos in 2nd for 2nd for the day. In the utvlO00 class Chris Willing (1954) beat out Bill Hermant (1991) in all 3 motos both Saturday and Sunday for the class win. The UTV800 on Saturday Dennis Jean (1959) finished first in moto's 1 and 2 and a 2nd in moto 3 for the overall for the day. Jake Greco (777) fought hard for second overall with 3-2-1 moto fin-ishes. Don Hamilton (1901) rounded out the field with a 2-3-3 moto finishes. On Sunday Greco got it together and won all 3 motos and the overall. Dennis Jean finished runner up all 3 motos for 2nd. Richard Gildersleeve (1983) rounded out the podium for Sunday. Group T had a stacked field of 9 trucks entered for Satur-day's race. Moto 1 was hot and heavy and taking the win after a hard fight all moto was Dan Vance (1429). Jake Hallenbeck (637) finished in 2nd with John Manfroy (761) taking a well-earned 3rd. Moto 2 was all about Don German (801) going flag to flag for the moto with. Hallenbeck finished 2nd with Sam Cothrun (7272) making his presence known by finish-ing in 3rd. In the third moto German once again went flag to flag for the moto but not without a strong fight from Vance. Cothrun finished in 3rd. For the overall German topped the charts, Vance 2nd and Cothrun 3rd. On Sunday Vance fought with German for the close moto 1 win right to the last turn. Cothrun finished third. In moto 2 Don German fought from mid-pack for the moto win while Dan Vance was close in 2nd and Jake Povey (1402) go from the lead to finish 3rd. The final moto and Vance was out front to the last straight away Dusty Times when the clutch gave out drop-ping him to 5th. This moved Cothrun to the point for the moto win and the overall for the day as well. Povey finished 2nd and Bill Jarvis (8028) 3rd. German blew a motor in racing in class 1 and finished 9th in moto 3 and ended up 5th for the day. The population of "nine-town" was in force on Saturday with 6 entered and there were some great racing action. In the first moto jay Schroeder (903) walked away with the show with a huge win over Dave Oram (909) and Russell Anderson (917) who had a battle all moto long. In moto 3 the cars started falling by the wayside. Schro-eder broke with 1 lap to go, this moved Russell Anderson (917) to the moto win and that boost-ed him to the overall also. Scott Layton (919) finished moto 3 in 2nd. Eric Steiger (952) broke a ball joint but kept motoring and finished 3rd for the moto. Schroeder's 1-1-4 net him 2nd for the day and Layton was 3rd. All the carnage on Satur-day lowered the population of "nine-town" on Sunday to just two cars where Eric Steiger went 2-1-2 for the moto win. Russell Anderson had issues on moto 2 and the missed laps dropped him from the overall spot even though he went 1-2-1 in the motos. The Desert Dingo's were the lone bug in class 11 both days taking home honors. 6pClass 10 had a good show with Patrick Timmons (1030) take the com-manding win in moto 1. Red Team racing finished 2nd fol-lowed by Mike Lehners (1014). In moto 2 Arden Dennington (944) got some of the bugs worked out of his car and was blazing fast for the wind in moto 2 followed by Timmons and Shannon Harwell (132) driving one of Sam Berri's cars. Moto 3 was much the same as moto 1 with Timmons, Red Team Rac-ing and Lehners which would be the overall as well. On Sunday Timmons fought for the win in moto 1 despite a broken valve spring. Red Team Racing came in a very close 2nd with Jim McKay (1010) in 3rd. Dennington once again did well in the 2nd moto and went on to the moto win over In the Zukiworld category it was Derek Anderson taking the class win on Saturday, Derek finished third in the Sunday action. Terry Shelton took the Sportsman win in the Saturday event, Sunday was very different, Terry ended up in fourth place. December 2011 Lehners and Timmons. It took Scott Peterson (1027) all week-end to get his new Lothringer short course car to the start line, and when he did in the last class 10 moto of the week-end he was the man to beat tak-ing the moto win. Dennington finished 2nd and Timmons 3rd. The overall results for Sunday: Timmons, Lehners, Dennington. As said earlier Sam Berri pulled all of his cars out of the shop for this race. He raced his BITD v8 car, his crew chief Bobby Martin drove his v6 Acura VORRA car and Shan-non Harwell drove his stadium class 1 car. The team Margarita even helped other teams by en-couraging them or sponsoring them to enter class 1 as well including Don German and Team Koenig on Sunday. For Saturday it worked as Sam took his v8 #149 car to wins in all 3 motos for the overall. Steve Sul-livan (24) entered his car under the Rescue Racing banner to earn points for the injured and now retiring from racing Rick Massie. Sullivan finished all 3 motos in 2nd for 2nd overall for the day. Don German fin-ished 3-6-4 for 3rd overall. On Sunday Sam had his hands full with 7 cars in the class. He went out for the moto 1 victory with Dennington 2nd and Bobby Martin (199) 3rd. In the second moto Dennington Continued on page 30 Page 29

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r r r , , ' , , r , , , ~ J-I r , I , took the win with Berri 2nd and Martin 3rd. Moto 3 and Berri were back on top for the win and the overall to boot. Den-nington took 2nd and 2nd over-all as well. Martin placed 3rd in all 3 motos for third for the day. Cothrun's third place on Saturday and win on Sunday locked up the season class and VORRA overall title. A VORRA long time tradi-tion on Championship week-end is the mechanics and pow-der puff race. In the powder puff race Sam Cothrun's with Christine just took the lead then lost control and barrel rolled the truck 3 times knock-ing 3 tires off the beads. Driver and co-drivers were uninjured. Cindy Mort took the 1022 to victory lane just as she did last year. In the mechanics race A-Rod Baker took the win driving Sam Berri's v6 Vorra car. As a special bonus the an-nouncers BJ Butcher and For-rest Creasy put together a brack-et race for all classes to enter. The fastest lap time for each car entered was taken and mul-tiplied by 5 laps. Then the differential start times were de-termined. For the Desert Dingo in class 11 the differential was 2:44 or a lap and a half! The dif-ference between Sam Berri :\nd Dan Vance was just 20 seconds. It all came down to the last half of a lap though and the surprise winner was sportsman driver Stephanie Hayos. As it turns out her fastest lap only got faster with more experience gained while Berri and Vance had to top their fastest laps of the day. Way to go Stephanie. As we look forward to 2012 the schedule is already out with two Prairie City races in the spring and two more in the fall. The desert races will have the Memorial Day weekend tradition move to Reno for the Memorial Day USA 500. We'll return to Fallon for the tradi-tional night race in July and on Labor Day weekend we'll go back to good 'old Yerington for a 300 miler. [__ ....::,-Steve Sullivan of Rescue Racing took second place honors in Class 1 on Saturday, Steve was not available for the Sunday affair. In the Sportsman category it was Bill Hermant taking the gold medal on Saturday, Bill took the class win in the Sunday fracas. In the Zukiworld action it was Dave Capell finishing third on Saturday and taking the class win in the Sunday bout, seen here at takeoff. Jake Greco had a pretty good weekend, he finished in second place in the Saturday UTV 800 race and he took the class win in the Sunday event. Sam Cothrun had a pretty good time, he finished third in Group T, Took the class win on Sunday, hefs seen here in his hi flyinf Chevy. Eric Steiger had a fairly good weekend, he finished fifth in the Class 9 race on Saturday and he took the win in the Sunday battle. Don German ran in the Class 1 battle also, he finished in third place Scott Layton took the bronze medal in the Class 9 activities on John Manfroy was the fourth place finisher in the Group T contest in the Saturday affair, we donft think he ran in the Sunday event. Saturday, We donft believe Scott raced in the Sunday event. on Saturday, we couldnft find John anywhere in the Sunday race. Arden Dennington finished second in Class 1 in the Sunday event, Bobby Martin took a third place finish in the Class 1 contest on In the Group t event it was Jake Povey taking a third place finish on he also ran in Class 10 and he finished third in the Sunday battle. Sunday, Bobby had a fourth place finish in the Saturday action. the Sunday, heis seen here just moments before landing. Page 30 December 2011 Dusty Times

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. -LAKE SUPERIOR RALLY Yoeman/Schuze/Subaru First Open • First overall By Jerry Winker Photos: Tom Buchkoe Adam Yoeman and Jordan Schuze finished first Open and first overall both days, seen here flying their 2002 Subaru lmpreza. Mother Nature can be a real Rally (known as LSPR for short) Attack! Two Wheel Drive Rally pain when she decides to be cruel was no exception with torren-Series. Either you could go all during the month of October tial rainfall on the first day of out and risk everything, or you up in the Upper Peninsula of the two-day event. This would could go conservative and just Michigan. This year's running of change the style of driving for finish hoping the others would the Lake Superior Performance many of the drivers in the Max-take themselves out. In the end Joseph Burke and Alexander Kihurani finished 2nd in Group 2 on Friday, 1st in Group 2 on Saturday, here nicely airborne in their 2011 Ford Fiesta R2. some got lucky, while others took the risk and lost. LSPR has been a long-stand-ing event in the U.P. for years and years dating back to the 60's. For many years it was run as an FIA event and attracted big names on a global level. Last year the event was relegated to Regional-level status by Rally-America after they had short-ened the National series to the end of July to have the drivers compete for spots to gain entry into the X Games in August. For 2011, it was still run as a much smaller Regional event primarily attracting a few all-wheel drive Subarus and older Mitsubishi DSM models. That said, for the second year in a row it was also the final event of the three-event Max Attack! Championship. Last year's event was spectacular with Doug Shepherd winning the event in his Dodge SRT4 by less than a minute over Lauchlin O'Sullivan in a similar car. This year's field was strong with 22 entries. The favorites to watch this year ranged from a new Ford Fiesta R2 to a VW Beetle that was over forty years old. The Ford Fiesta R2 was driven by regular Open class competitor Joseph Burke who borrowed the car normally run by Chris Duplessis during this past season. Burke was an im-mediate favorite, however his toughest competition would come from Jan Zedril, coming down from Winnipeg, in his Mitsubishi Lancer ES. Zedril has long been one of the fastest two-wheel drive competitors in Canada and he rarely crashes. Dillon Van Way, who competed in a Ford Focus in 2009 and 2010, was in a newer Ford Fiesta Henry and Cindy Krolikowski finished second in the Open Class, Chad Haines and Paul Oliver finished third in Open Light both days, Second in Production both days was the Honda Civic Si of Jordan seen here at speed in their 2000 Subaru lmpreza. they/re seen here beautifully airborne in their /98 Subaru lmpreza RS. Guitar and Maria Bruen seen here flying through parts of a stage. Performance Proven fo.r Desert & Off-Road Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding & Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks Quality Products & Friendly Service RONCO PLASTICS, INC. •-714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-0759 • 15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX us to Receive a Free Catalog ~-------------------------------------------------------~ Page 32 December 2011 Dusty Times

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11 Dillon Van Way and Jake Blattner finished first in Group 5 on Saturday, they/re seen here flying in their Ford Fiesta. for this year and was ready for a Max Attack! Championship this year. Chris Greenhouse was back in his Plymouth Neon after an awesome run last year. A few cars that were built more than twenty-five years ago, that have also been regular threats throughout seasons past, were back: Matt Bushore in his 1985 VW Jetta, Mark Huebbe in his 1970 VW Beetle and Jim Scray in his 1970 Datsun 510. Though the cars may be old, they've also shown great reliability in years past. Lastly to mention were the Honda Civics of Billy Mann and Silas Himes. Mann's car was newly built earlier this year and was fast from the get-go. Himes' car was doing great at last year's event until the suspension was damaged over a large jump forcing them to finish in "limp mode". Who would come home with the Jake Himes Cup? The first two stages of the rally were run just outside of Hough-ton at a large gravel pit. The rain was relentless this year and the few spectators that made it out in the driving rain were treated to some amazing driving. Joseph Burke completed the first two stages with a combined time of 4:27. Just two seconds back was Jan Zedril with Dillon Van Way another four seconds back. The next five competitors were Chris Greenhouse, Billy Mann, Silas Himes, Jim Scray and Matt Bush-ore all within eight seconds of each other. Mark Huebbe's Beetle and Chris Czyzio in a Volvo 242 rounded out the top ten. Out on the forest roads drivers soon found a bigger challenge as the roads were extremely greasy with large puddles everywhere. The one driver who benefitted the most on stage three, known as Beacon Hill, was Himes who moved up four spots to second place. Burke found conditions less than satisfying and dropped two spots making Zedril the new Eagle Talon. Though Himes may have had a great run on that stage, he sadly had an off on stage four dropping him down to sev-enteenth spot. Also on that same stage, Bushore lost fourth gear in his Jetta and decided it was best to park the car rather than risk further damage to the gears or risk destroying the engine from running at higher revs. On stage five Scray lost the motor on his Datsun 510 ending his weekend. By the end of stage 6, only fifteen of the original twenty two starters were still running. The order after stage six had Zedril in the lead by 1 :50 over Burke and Van Way another 1:25 back. Greenhouse had moved up to fourth after Mann slipped back two spots. The difference between the top five was just shy of five minutes, but the gap back to Huebbe in sixth was just over another four and a half minutes back. Stages seven, eight and nine were just the running of the previ-ous three stages. With the rain falling harder than ever, ruts and greasy mud became an even bigger factor. On Stage 9, Bob Lake 2, the stage became blocked with ral-ly cars stuck up to their belly pans in mud. Seven cars were handed the same stage time once they were all pulled out. At the end of Viorel Dobasu and Nathalie Richard finished third Open and took the overall on Saturday, here in their Mitsubishi Evolution X. the day, Van Way was also gone Brockelman for sixth place on from the front-runners and just stage fifteen and stage after stage thirteen cars were still running. Himes closed in on Mann to at-Day two seemed to be a bit tempt to finish on the podium. better as the rains had stopped or Burke continued to whittle away become a mild drizzle on parts of at Zedril's lead stage after stage, the course. Sadly, the first stage but in the end he couldn't quite of the day took out three more pull it off. cars. Gone were the Neons of Zedril finally won the event Chris Greenhouse and Bryan with an overall time of 2:20:34 Holder and the Hyundai Tiburon after seventeen stages. Burke's of Derek McCorison. Two stages time was 2:22:32 to make the gap later Huebbe's Beetle was out just less than two minutes back. with minor electrical issues. Mann, in third, had a time of The running order at the mid- 2:33: 13 with Himes just another die of the day was Zedril with a sixteen seconds back. Czyzio took 2: 14 lead over Burke and Mann fifth in the Volvo, Seppanen was another 9:30 back. Himes was sixth with Brockelman just over now in fourth, Czyzio up to fifth, a half minute back in seventh, Steve Brockelman in a GMC Steely took home eighth and Sonoma Pickup in sixth, Ian Chernick was classified as the Seppanen in a Nissan 240SX final finisher in ninth. in seventh, Cameron Steely's Ben Bradley, the chief PR Ford Focus in eighth and Daryn person for MaxAttack! at LSPR Chernick was classified as the released this statement following final car still competing in ninth the event, "MaxAttack! would after rolling his VW GTI on the like to thank the Danza del Sol Arvon Tower stage the first time winery for their support of the through. In order for Chernick to program. Thanks also to the finish he had to borrow a wind-competitors who believe in the shield from another competitor. sprit of two-wheel-drive grassroots A windshield from a Mitsubishi rallying, and also the organizers Evo 9 fit just fine with copious who make MaxAttack! feel so amounts of duct tape. welcome at their events. Thanks With four stages to go, there also to Rally-America for their were still battles being waged. support and assistance in 2011. It Seppanen finally overhauled has been a great season!" The winner of the Alex Gel-somino Novice Co-Driver award was Mary Warren, who co-drove in a Honda Civic for driver Billy Mann. She received a $500 cash prize from Alex, co-driver for the Monster World Rally Team Ford Fiesta. Alex has been a staunch supporter of the MaxAt-tack! Championship, deserves huge thanks for his continued generosity. By virtue of receiving the sin-gle starting point, even though they were a DNF, Dillon Van Way and his co-driver Jake Blattner were awarded the prestigious Jake Himes Cup. Jake was a true believer in the fact that an aver-age guy could rally a two-wheel drive car on a modest budget and compete with others in a fun se-ries. Sadly, cancer took Jake's life suddenly in 2007, but the spirit of his efforts has been carried on by Eric Burmeister, the head of the series, and a few dedicated others. For more information on the series and the upcoming schedule please continue to check for updates. As LSPR is again off of Rally-America's National calendar for 2012, rumors are starting to build that drivers at least want it to still be a Max-Attack! Championship event. Already there are rumors flying about more cars being built for next year, so it looks like it'll be a helluva show for 2012 and beyond! Here are the final MaxAttack! results from the 2011 Lake Supe-rior Rally. 1. Jan ZedriVJody Zedril, Mitsubi-shi Lancer, 2:20:34 2. Joseph Burke/ Alex Kihurani, Ford Fiesta R2, 2:22:32 3. Billy Mann/Mary Warren, Honda Civic, 2:33: 13 4. Silas Himes/Matt Himes, Hon-da Civic, 2:33:29 5. Chris Czyzio/Jeff Secor, Volvo 240, 2:46: 15 6. Ian Seppanen/Daniel Clark, Continued on page 34 1 e ade r. Loca 1 favorite Erik Hill Mychal Summers and Ryan Deslaurier took the honors in Production on Saturday, Peter Fetela and Ray Vambuts took second place in Open and overall on Saturday, here saving a bit of tire wear on their /98 Subaru lmpreza STi. sadly DNF'ed the stage in his seenhereatspeedintheirMazdaRX-7. ""'1""~,-;;;=:;;:=~=~;:;;:,-~~~~~~~= Slogging through the muck, Chris Greenhouse and Brian Johnson Tyler Witte and Robert Bohn finished second in Open Light both Silas and Matt Himes had a decent rally, they finished third in Group finished third in Group 2 on Friday, seen here in their /95 Plymouth Neon. days, seen here flying in their 2000 Subaru lmpreza. 2 on Saturday, they/re seen here flyinf low in their 193 Honda Civic. Dusty Times December 2011 Page 33

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,. Nissan 240SX, 2:58:48 7. Steve Brockelman/Dustin Mas-ters, GMC Sonoma, 2:59:21 8. Cameron Steely/ Josh Buller, Ford Focus, 3:01:20 9. Daryn Chernick/Matt Conte, VW GTi, 3:08:34 DNF. Mark Huebbe/ John Hueb-be, VW Beetle, unknown DNF. Chris Greenhouse/ Bri-an Johnson, Plymouth Neon, motor DNF. Derek McCorison/ Paul Johansen, Hyundai Tiburon, unknown DNF. Bryan Holder/Tracy Payeur, Plymouth Neon, suspension DNF. Dillon Van Way/Jake Blattner, Ford Fiesta, clutch DNF. David Grenwis/Drew Burk-holder, electrical DNF. Mychal Summers/Ryan Deslauriers, Mazda RX-7, mechanical DNF. Paul Donlin/Jonathan Tin-sey, Ford Escort, belt DNF. im Sera Colin Vickman In spite of the muck and mire, Steve Brockelman and Dustin Masters drove their 191 GMC SONOMA to a 1st Production win and a 3rd Production win. Datsun 510, motor DNF. Kristofer Yahner/Tony Be-D NF. Matt Bushore/An-nusa,VWGTI,mechanical drew Bushore, VW Jetta, The money winners were: transmission $1500 - Jan Zedril/Jody Zedril DNF. Erik Hill/Oliver Cooper, $1200 -Joseph Burke/ Alex Eagle Talon, transmission Kihurani CORVA CALIFORNIA OFF-ROAD VEHfCLE ASSOCIATION vacation rentals available in the exclusive Indian Wells country Club in the sunny Palm Springs area of southern California. Two or three bedrooms, furnished for your complete relaxation, and, if you are a glutton for punishment, play golf on either of two beautiful courses. FYI, wireless internet and long distance phones calls (USA) included. starting at $4,500 in season (January thru April) or $2,300 per month out of season. Call (760) 345-6124 Page 34 December 2011 The brothers Zedril, Jan and Jody took a first and a second in the Group 2 action, they/re seen here in their Mitsubishi lancer. Brianne Corn and Jeremy Rowland took the 1st Open Light Gold medal both days, seen here in their Subaru lmpreza cruisifn the lake Superior Rally. · $1000 -Billy Mann/Mary $800-Silas Himes/ Matt Himes Warren $500 - Chris Czyzio/Jeff Secor Dusty Times

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lJ\JcC: 67™ RALLY OF WALES Latvala Ford Fiesta Take The overall By Martin Holmes Photos Maurice Selden Talk about muck and mire, Mads Ostberg and Jonas Andersson drove their Ford 'Fiesta RS to within three minutes of the win, second overall for them. including two new drivers, Valentin Hummel from Ger-many and Christopher Duples-sis from the USA. For the first time in the World Rally Championship a car had been entered in Class 10 -this was the Toyota Yaris of Belgian pri-vateer Renaud Bronkart. Jari-Matti Latvala and Mikka Anttila drove their besmirched Ford Fiesta RS to the rally win, seen here screaming out of the muck. With the S2000 champion-ship (SWRC) h-aving already finished at Rally Catalunya, the leading contenders were engaged in other pursuits -Juho Hanninen had been fighting for the IRC title the week before, Tanak and Pro-kop were in World Rally Cars for this event. The main S2000 Justice at last! After a sea-son of unrelenting and frus-trating dedication to the un-successful championship chal-lenge of his Ford Abu Dhabi teammate finally 26 year old · Jari-Matti Latvala got his just rewards, outright victory in the four-day Wales Rally GB, on his tenth attempt. The 2011 World Drivers' Cham-·pionship fight was over early, on the second morning when Mikko Hirvonen went off the road and damaged his car's radiator, leaving Sebastien Loeb the title for the eighth time. Hirvonen had just taken the lead from Loeb, but when his supporting role was over, Latvala started to attack on his own account and on the third day went into a lead he held till the end. Loeb meanwhile fought hard for the satisfac-tion of one more victory but on the final morning suffered an accident on a non-compet-itive section. Ironically it was the same car he had crashed in Australia. And ironically again the spectator's car was re-ported to have been driven by friends of his former teammate Dani Sordo ... ! Loeb later con-firmed that (like Hirvonen) it was because his car's radiator had been dam.aged that they had been unable to continue. Latvala was now far ahead, season, after Finland and Ger-competitors were the two VW customer driver Mads Ostberg many, a truly inteq1ati6nal candidate drivers and a vari-gained his second second place event in which only 11 entries ety of private drivers. Vying of the seaso·n, finishing the from British drivers had been against them in Class 2 on year as he had started. His accepted. It was also a special this occasion were two R4 only problem being on the historic event, it being 50 cars, including a Subaru for Saturday when his car's engine years ago, in 1961, that the the 2011 PCWRC champion was running on only three cyl-British forests were first used elect Hayden Paddon. This inders, "I'm so used to driving for rallying, by the predeces-entry as a P2 driver qualified Subarus, when such an error sors of Wales Rally GB, then him for his world title. The proves fatal, I forget that I'm called the RAC Rally. In those rally was the final round of the now driving a Ford!" And on days, gravel stage rallying was Production Car championship account of a first-stage acci-in its infancy. For only the (PCWRC) and the fight was dent by Loeb's Citroen team-third time this year no fewer now for second place in the mate Sebastien Ogier, Ford than 20 World Rally Cars had series, which no fewer than finished 1-2-3 and British cars been entered, ten Fiestas, and seven drivers could still take. took the top ten placings. five each Citroens and Minis. On this event the former-Pire-With the 2011 World Manu-First time WRC car competi-lli Star Driver Jarkko Nikara facturers' title already settled tors were SWRC competitors once again drove the Anders in favour of the Citroen Total Ott Tanak and Martin Pro-Grondal's Bilbutikken team Wotld Rally Team, on the pen-kop, with Fords, and former entry. As usual only one PC-ultimate round of the series PCWRC driver the Brazilian WRC entry caq1e from a two-in Spain, eyes at Wales Rally Paulo Nobre in a Mini. Ev- wheel-cl-rive car, the Citroen GB were focussed on the two geniy Novikov reverted to a·· DS3 R3T of the British driver outstanding championship Ford and drove the registered Harry Hunt who was already battles. Firstly for the Drivers' Team Abu Dhabi entry in the unbeatable in the FIA's new world title, in which Sebastien absence of Khalid Al Qassimi. 2WD Cup. Loeb started with an eight The Volkswagen Motorsport Perhaps the hottest battle point advantage over Mikko S2000 Skoda entries were for was anticipated in the WRC Hirvonen. And secondly for candidate drivers Kevin Ab-Academy category, in which the WRC Academy, in which bring and Sepp Wiegand. Ab-this was also the final round. the ultimate champion was to bring had recently been named Estonian driver Egon Kaur receive a half-million euros by the FIA's Institute Academy came to Wales with a 20 point value of sponsorship for the (the other Ac,ademy!) as their lead over Irish driver Craig 2012 season, for which three outstanding pupil of the year, Breen. Far behind but still in drivers were still eligible. out of the collection of race contention was the Spanish With 7 8 crews entered, and rally drivers·. Of the 78 driver Yeray Lemes. The points Wales was the third most pop-entries, 17 were drivers in structure of the Academy cat-ular WRC event of the 2011 the WRC Academy category egory meant that one bonus -------------------------------------------, point was given to the fastest Academy driver on each of the special stages, of which there were 17 in all for Academy drivers. Their event finished on the Saturday evening. With 25 points for the winner, the race for stage wins was almost as important as for points for final position! There was interest in the en-try list from the top to the bot-tom, and most especially -the bottom! The two last seeded entries were for two newcom-ers in WRC Academy category, both remarkable drivers. With competitor number 122 was a 20 year old student Valen-tin Hummel who had discov-ered rallying this year. He already has a background in a staggering variety of race and testing experience on the tracks in his native Germany and elsewhere .. And at 123 an American colleague for the regular WRC contender Ken Block. This was Christopher Duplessis from Mai_ne, who had been rallying a Fiesta R2 in the Rally America series. In 2010 he was the Rally America two-wheel-drive champion, at the wheel of a· Scion xD. This is the American sub-compact version of the car marketed elsewhere in the world as the Toyota'iQ. The event itself had a very different format. Following the wishes of the Welsh au-thorities, who are the patrons of the event, the route covered more of the country than in _ recent years, which meant that if people wanted to follow the rally they had to move their base from place to place dur-ing the event. The first leg was split into two parts and was spent in the north of Wales. The start on the Thursday was in Llandudno followed by two asphalt stages run round the nearby Great Orme Head (run for the first time on this event Continued on page 38 In front of an admiring audience, Matthew Wilson and Scott Martin Ott Tanak and Kulder Sikk flew their Ford Fiesta RS to a sixth place Nicely airborne, with the fronts slightly askew, Evgeniy Novikof and Denis make a sloppy landing in their Ford Fiesta RS at the Wales Rally. overall finish in Wales, seen here nicely airborne. Giraudet head for the finish line. Russians finish 7th in Ford Resta RS. Page 36 December 2011 Dusty Times

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in 30 years) followed by a for, est stage at Clocaenog. The rally then headed to Conway for the Official Opening Cer-emony which in reality was a mid-event "ceremonial re, start", held in the dark. After an overnight halt at Llandudno, leg 1 continued on the Friday with the route cen, tred in north central Wales, largely based around the Dovey (Dyfi) forest complex. The cen-tral service park was located at the Royal Welsh Agricultural Society Showground in Builth Wells, but the Friday and Sat, urday night halts, as well as the finish, were in the far south of the Principality, at Cardiff. This year there was no stage in Cardiff itself, for the first time since 1999, or in South Wales for the first time since 1996. The short mandatory final Power Stage was held on gravel roads on the Eppynt (Epynt) Ranges. These extended daily road sections meant that the total· length of the route was very long, the second longest in the championship this year. Spectators were given options for access, but only the highest level of spectator pass gained access to the Powet Stage, which was the shortest stage of the event. There were no fully dark stages although the final stages on the Thursday and the Friday were dark for later runners. The inherent humid-ity in the Welsh atmosphere at this time of year ensured there would be no repeat of the recent Catalunya catastro, phe. There had been no dust on this event when it had been run as the final round of the WRC series for a very long time, and then never a serious problem. In the tyre industry, DMack had the chance to pro, ·page 38 Henning Solberg and Ilka Minor took the bronze medal at the Wales Rally, seen here on the macadam just past some ardent admirers. vide a special softer "joker" version tyre for this event but having already used their 'joker' opportunity Michelin had to continue with proven equipment. And the weather generally? There had been a mixture ranging from crisp autumnal mornings with icy roads and at higher altitude fog during recce, but as the rally ap, proached it became warmer and damper. As the teams gathered in Builth Wells there was a pronounced sense of insecurity especially among the Ford and Mini teams. There was the usual British attention to health and safety issues, as teams set out their service points, almost entirely in sheltered buildings nor, mally used for animal shows. Four crews failed. to appear, the PCWRC drivers Linari (unexpected business affairs) and Ketomaki (budget issues) while the Fiesta S2000 driv-ers Maurin and Tami:azov also stayed away. What was apparent dur-ing recce was that some of the most famous and historic stages in Wales were unknown to the majority of the top com-petitors. And the surprise was the Shakedown stage, which the stage map made it look like being a lap of the Show Ground Carpark but in fact it turned out to be a spectacular three-dimensional section. Ostberg and Meeke tied for fastest, nearly a second faster than Loeb and then Sordo. N ikara was ·the fa~test PCWRC driver, over two seconds faster than Gorban. Hirvonen lost time with a brake problem but this was rectified in time to score eighth best. Thursday Afternoon Against all expectations it was a beautiful day at Great Orme for the double stage run along the asphalt road round the headland, but it was treacherous. The obvi-ous problem was that crews had to use their single-supply soft compound gravel tyres for this asphalt stage, and the second time round the stage . f~l'J December 2011 Kris Meeke and Paul Nagle were the first of the Mini Coopers, they finished in fourth place overall, here negotiating a 90 degree left hander. the rubber in the tread was Early reports of extensive dam-going to be softer than the age to Ogier's car had been ex-first time through. So far this aggerated. Certainly the wheel was obvious and predictable. had nearly become detached. Next problem was t-hat there The problem was not only with were no "ouvreurs" (safety the car. There was still psycho-crews) allowed. Drivers found logical work for Ogier to do, the first part of the stage had on this event where he had good grip, then a little fur, never had a good result, "The ther round, where the morn-problem now is that I have ing dampness had not gone, no motivation to do well", he the grip had disappeared, as exclaimed. Sebastien Ogier discovered. Friday Black marks headed straight A total of six crews took for the outside stone wall, but advantage of the new rule to his car bounced back on the make a SuperRally restart in road, albeit with one wheel the middle of a leg of the rally. missing . . Mikko Hirvonen had Hirvonen set off as his champi-long since said the worst thing onship hopes demanded, mak-would be to damage the car at ing first or second best times Great Orme Head, as the first on the first three stages of the full service point would only Friday morning. At the end of come after seven stages, 21 stage six he snatched the lead hours afterwards. Around the but then it all went wrong. edge of the road there was a "We went off the road and lost low level pavement curb, and some 14 seconds," but then. drivers debated whether to try he stopped further down the to cut across the pavement or stage when he realised the en-play safe and not risk breaking gine was overheating. The wa, a wheel or the suspension. Pet, ter radiator had been irrepara-ter Solberg finished the stage bly pierced. He got to the eng with a tyre almost off the rim, of the stage having dropped with a suspension piece bent around four minutes but then albeit without losing too much stopped on the road section time. Jari-Matti Latvala won back to service. His quest for the first stage, holding a lead the Drivers' championship of 0.9 second after the second was over, Sebastien Loeb was lap, before heading into the unbeatable to his eighth title. early evening for the gravel Loeb was back in the lead but stage in Clocaenog forest. It he declared that victory really was not yet dark for the open, wasn't now an essential part ing cars, but it was already of his plan, he had already dark under the trees, and as done everything necessary in the evening got darker so the his rally. Jari-Matti Latvala mist descended. Conditions meanwhile was struggling with were again unreliable, the grip a headache but upholding the levels again changing unex-Ford cause, gradually reducing pectedly all the time. Heading Loeb's overall lead. Holding a for the overnight mid-section splendid third place was Mads stop at Llandudno a little Ostberg. Peter van Merksteijn over three seconds covered the was reportedly off the road top three, Loeb holding a 0. 7 on stage five and was out of seconds lead over Hirvonen the rally. Conditions through with Latvala third 3.1 seconds the morning had been tricky. behind. Early morning light concealing The rules were being changing surface grip. Petter scanned to check whether it Solberg spun, his brother Hen.' would be possible for Ogier ning stalled. Matthew Wilson to restart on the Friday morn-was nervously driving the stage ing. The World Championship in which he had his horrific rules had been changed in mid accident in 2005. "I have not season, and now it was allowed been there since. This time it for a car to restart in these was only a road section, but in circumstances, but the repair recce we stopped to look at the had to be done at the central tree which caused the damage. service park in Builth Wells, Scott (my codriver) and I threw some 200km away from Lian-stones at it!" Minis had their dudno, would he then have to adve·ntures. Dani Sordo slid go back to Llandudno in time off the road and stopped for to restart in the morning? The the day, Kris Meeke stopped Stewards relented and said with engine overheating and that Ogier would be allowed discovered that the alternator· to restart from Builth instead, belt had come off and was and rejoin the rally column at lying in the sumpguard, in, the start of the first stage in tact. Earlier he had spun and the morning, only 82km away! . the problem stemmed from Dusty Times

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Slogging through the muck, Ken Block and Alex Gelsomino make a Making it look easy, Sebastien Ogier and Julien Ingrassia drove their Kevin Abbring and Lara Vaneste piloted their Skoda Fabia to a 12th place overall finish in Wales, seen here just before landing. 90 degree right hander, seems like everyone was in a Fiesta. Citroen DS3 to an 11th place overall in the rally. that. Armindo Araujo was not door, Bader Al J abri retired to change the wheel, the jack happy having intercom prob-after hitting a tree. Valeriy broke and we lost about four !ems but Oliveira and Nobre, Gorban also stopped on stage minutes in the process." While the two Brazilians, were going seven after sliding off the road Suarez was able to restart on steadily. and getting stuck in a ditch. the Friday, everything was Conditions were, if any-Dmitry Tagirov was struggling going to plan for Breen who thing, even more slippery in with self confidence after his made a series of fastest times the afternoon. Latvala was accident in Spain. Flodin and and gained one more point on now feeling a little better and Nikara were swapping PCWRC each occasion, but Fisher was started to close the gap on scratch times and coming into equal with Breen on stage four Loeb. The rain and the fog got the last stage of the day Flo-and both scored one point on worse, this was classic RAC din's lead was just 5.0 seconds that occasion. Kaur was lying Rally weather. The two Sol-when Nikara went off the road a steady third with Fisher in-bergs were chasing their fellow on stage 11 and was forced to between him and Breen, while Norwegian Ostberg. Dennis retire. Suddenly Flodin arrived outsider Yeray Lemes was try-Kuipers and Matthew Wilson back at service to find he had ing to get accustomed to the both fell back on the final a lead of over two and a half unusual conditions. Reeves stage of the day. Kimi Raik-minutes in front of Michal broke the front left driveshaft konen finished the day behind Kosciuszko. Saliuk stopped on stage four and was forced to Ott Tanak in seventh place on stage 11 after going off the retire for the day. Christopher and Meeke in eighth. Drivers road. Harry Hunt was now Duplessis rolled on stage four, reported the conditions were lying ninth in the category Fredrik Ahlin retired with a terrible. Drivers preferring to though ahead of him in Class broken driveshaft on stage turn off all their lights in the 5 was Michel Burri in a similar seven. dense gloom. At the end of Citroen R3T. On the road sec-There were countless avail-the day the gap between the tion into Cardiff, Kosciuszko able permutations for who leader Loeb and second placed broke down and had to be would be the eventual victor Latvala was 1.1 second. Even trailered back to Builth Wells. of the WRC Academy and when the drivers got back to At the last minute the electri-Alastair Fisher was threaten-service, the day had not come cal fault was discovered and he ing to upset the hopes of Kaur. to an end. Having set off at was able to set off again from Fisher rose to second but then 05.30 in the morning they Builth. Semerad was lying sec-went off road and got stuck in then had to drive the 95km ond, more than three minutes a ditch for over three minutes. down to Cardiff. behind Flodin, in front of Lemes stopped on stage ten Patrik Flodin had led PC-Jason Pritchard and a happy with a transmission problem. WRC after the runs round Benito Guerra, who was wear-With Breen anxious to maxi-the Great Orme head, lead-ing spectacles for the first time mise his stage-wins points, ing Benito Guerra by just 1.4 on a rally. Harry Hunt found he was aghast when it was seconds after two stages with his front-wheel-drive Citroen Molly Taylor who gained the Oleksandr Saliuk third in was losing power and the wind-extra point on the final stage front ofJarkko Nikara. The fog screen wipers stopped. of the day. Ahlin stopped on was getting worse and Patrik The Class 2 category was led stage seven due to a broken Flodin said he had to turn off by Kevin Abbring, thanks to driveshaft. his auxiliary lamp. On stage an impressive sixth fastest time Saturday three, Clocaenog, Nikara on overall through the second Saturday started with an-his DMack tyres took 23.5 sec-Great Orme Stage. He was in other long drive up from Car-onds off Flodin (on a stage of front of Hayden Paddon who diff to Builth Wells. Loeb now 15.77km!) and jumped into the had a puncture after a long declared he wanted to fight lead, to hold an overnight lead slide. Sepp Wiegand was go-for yet another victory but of 20 seconds. Jarkko Nikara's ing well on his first rally in a Jari-Matti Latvala knew well performance was impressive, four-wheel-drive car. Paddon that an event victory for Ford especially as the cod river's was struggling with his Subaru, would help remove the agony pacenote light failed in mid too heavy, but he stayed within of losing the Drivers' as well stage. Local Welsh driver Ja- a half minute of the leader. as the Manufacturers' titles son Pritchard (whose family's In Class 6 Elfyn Evans was in to Citroen. The weather had dealership was actually along-front of the Academy drivers changed completely. There side the service park in Builth in comparable Fiesta R2 cars. were blue skies, no rain, no Wells) was fourth in front of In the WRC Academy Craig fog, drying tracks where the another DMack user, Martin Breen started off as he prom--grip was more predictable than Semerad. Oleksandr Saliuk ised, taking it cautiously on in the days before. The stages went off the road on stage the first stage and then going (Hafren. Sweet Lamb and My-three and got stuck in a ditch flat out and making fastest herin) were old favourites un-but restarted under SupeR-times. Jose Suarez crashed on like the Dovey stages of Friday, ally on the Friday. On the first the first stage which caused which were known only to a stage on Friday Pritchard spun the Great Orme stage to be in- few of the top drivers. Mads and dropped a place, to fifth. terrupted for a half hour. Timo Ostberg's pressure was eased Flodin took the lead on the van der Mare! stopped on the when Petter Solberg stopped last stage of the Friday morn-road section to stage three, before the first stage of the day, ing after Nikara spun and lost with an electrical problem. with a fuel problem and Mads a half minute, which involved Egon Kaur started cautiously was around two minutes ahead several reversing manoeuvrers. and was then stuck behind a of fourth placed Henning Sol-Semerad 's Mitsubishi was run-slower car. Christian Riede-berg. Then ten kilometres into ning on only three cylinders mann caught up two local cars the first stage Kimi Raikkonen for a while but he held on to on a stage. Brendan Reeves went off the road. His car was fourth place. On stage seven got stuck in a ditch and lost rescued but a driveshaft was both the Team Abu Dhabi cars more than a minute. Valentin broken and so he retired. All had problems, Majed Al Sham-Hummel experienced his first this let Kris Meeke up to sixth si hit a tree halfway through ever gravel stage. Molly Tay-place, on the third stage of the the stage and damaged the side lor punctured, "We stopped day when Ott Tanak paused Dusty Times December 2011 on a stage to remove mud in up the slower Mitsubishi of the front of his car, legacy of Kikireshko. This car had been driving into a bank, but then damaged and the overheating Meeke had troubles with a bro-engine was steaming. Kaur ken engine mounting which was eventually able to overtake loosened the turbo pipe and him and pulled away, finishing he lost boost pressure for a the stage 7.1 seconds slower couple of stages. After service than Breen. Breen started the Meeke then passed Matthew event with 72 points, gained Wilson into fifth. After stage 25 for finishing best Academy 15 Latvala took the lead, "I driver and 14 more points for knew I had to stay calm. I winning 14 stages, including found I was getting carried the final stage, total 111. Kaur away, I was driving sideways started with 92, gained 18 for like I was in a Mark 2 Escort!" second place and 1 for stage Ostberg then had a problem fastest, total 111. Tie decider with the engine, which he did rules said Breen won by win-not dare to switch off, Oliveira ning 39 stages throughout the went off the road of the final season to the 14 of Kaur. The stage for 20 minutes and then argument about whether the discovered he had suspension Ukraine Mitsubishi was truly damage. By the end of the the cause of Kaur' defeat is day Latvala was 6.1 seconds in sure to run and run. Delebra-front of Loeb, and would run tions at the Academy went on first car on the road on the into the night! final day. Sunday In PCWRC Flodin had such Cars set off at 04.55 from a comfortable lead he found Cardiff (the SuperRally cars it difficult to stay focussed restarting from Builth Wells but then had to slow with rear much later around seven) for suspension trouble. Semerad the final double loop of three meanwhile was avoiding tak-stages, two long stages on ing risks. Pritchard was too mixed surface then· one short cautious on the opening stage, gravel stage which would then consequence of the early start. also serve as the Power Stage. Hunt lost about four minutes The final day was promising with a turbo problem on stage to be incredible. After Day 1 12, but they managed to fix the lead had been 0.7 second, it in the road section. Guerra after Day 2 it was 1.1 second, had a puncture on the road and now before the final day section before stage 14 "But it was 6.1, it could hardly be we only realized we had it closer. On the first stage Lat-before the Time Control into vala pulled another 1.4 second the stage, so we had to quickly ahead of Loeb and then came change it and we got a 20 sec-disaster for the new world onds (penalty) for checking champion. Loeb collided with out two minutes late at the a non competing car on the time control. Saliuk was still road section to the second suffering from the long delay stage. Suddenly Latvala had a from having his car rescued lead of over three minutes over from the stage the evening Mads Ostberg, who was a simi-before. Pritchard retired from lar distance in front of Hen-third place with serious dam-ning Solberg. Ford cars now age due to a hole in the road held 1-2-3, British cars were that appeared on the Sweet holding the top ten places! But Lamb stage. Both the Ukraine there was more excitement to drivers Saliuk and Gorban come. Kris Meeke was on a real had been off the road. Saliuk charge. He started the morn-refused to start again. ing 45.0s seconds behind Hen-The final day for the WRC ning, by the end of the first Academy was packed with ten-loop the gap was 21.3 seconds. sion, not helped by the fact The pace at the top end of that Breen was seeded to run the event had died down, the with 11 slower cars between now re-motivated Sebastien him and Kaur. Breen spun on Ogier made the fastest time the first stage which let Kaur on stage 20, the "practice run" make fastest time, but Breen through the Power Stage. Ost-still had to win every other berg, who started the season stage during the day to win the with a second place finish in series, which he did. Everyone Sweden, he was lying second else was out of the limelight. once again, having had ·his Fisher had a damaged steering engine detuned for safety. The column and settled in to third short Power Stage was won by place behind Kaur. Lemes Sebastien Ogier from Sordo by punctured and lost four min-2. 7 seconds, with the leader utes. It all came down to the Latvala in third place. Latvala final stage of the day. For the had finally won a WCR event first three splits Kaur was fast-this year, heading Ostberg by er, but then he started to catch Continued on page 40 Page 39

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3m42.9s, the biggest margin of the year. For DMack their best overall result with Tanak's sixth place on the debut of the use of this manufacturer on a World Rally Car. Novikov's fifth place manufacturer result was the best points haul for Team Abu Dhabi this year. Dennis Kuipe-rs and Ken Block made it in to the top ten, finishing in sixth and in seventh places respec-tively in the manufacturer se-ries. Although Daniel Oliveira finished in 33rd position, he acquired four manufacturers' points, his best of the season but Paulo Nobre took Brazilian honours gaining the best result of the two, finishing 29th, on his debut in the WRC formula. In Class 2 Abbring in the S2000 Skoda beat Paddon in the R4 Subaru by nearly a min-ute. Class 6 was won by John MacCrone in a Fiesta R2 after Elfyn Evans went off the road in his similar car sustained a damaged engine mounting. The final three stages were Meeke's finest hour as he hauled himself closer and closer to Henning, until the gap before the final stage as only 1.8 seconds. The former IRC champion had never fin-ished as high up a WRC event before. It was uncharted ter-ritory for him. Henning kept his nerve and did not waver, Meeke went headlong into the Power Stage -and spun. It was over, top three places to Ford. Latvala gaining his win of 2011, Ostberg ending the year in the way he had begun in Sweden while Henning Sol-berg gained his first podium finish in two and a half years. In the PCWRC 11 drivers were due to restart but then the car of Michal Kosciuszko was on a charge, holding fifth place in the category. On the Power Stage Guerra rolled and retired and at the same time Kosciuszko swept past Nicolas Fuchs so Kosciuszko was now up into third place. Flodin won the PCWRC category by more than five minute from Martin Semerad with Michal Kosciuszko a further six min-utes behind in third. Subaru drivers had now scored six wins in a row for the Make on the se-ries. Hayden Paddon who had secured the PCWRC title ear-lier in the season finally won the series by 20 points from Patrik Flodin, who took the runner up slot for the second year running. Semerad had provisionally pipped Kosciusz-ko by one point to third place in the championship while Harry Hunt capped his 2WD Cup win with his best category finish of the season, in eighth place. But just when everything appeared settled, Semerad was excluded by the Stewards for non conformity of upper plate suspension parts so everyone behind Flodin moved up a place and gained more points. Consequently Kosciuszko in-stea·d found himself finishing third in the series in front of Semerad by 20 points! All the WRC titles had now been settled. Sebastien Loeb had gained his eighth World Drivers' title by eight points from Mikko Hirvonen. So it was all over for another year Page 40 but more questions than ever still hung in the air. Above all the lasting memory of this event was the impressive dis-play by the Fords, at a critical time as the company waited to decide if and how they should support their rally team in future. Important things were going on at Wales Rally GB. With only two of the top ten finishing drivers being official entries and the other eight being customer cars, is this to be the new direction for the WRC? l.AJ2C:: Wales Results 66th Wales Rally GB (GB) Cardiff 11/14.11.2010 WCR round 13, SWRC/WRCC round 10, PCWRC round 9 WCR points WCR WCD s PC 1 (1) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena F/MC Citroen C4 WRC AL791AR(F) 3h.14m.54.0s. 2 (11) Petter Solberg/Chris Patterson N/GB Citroen C4 WRC AP607AM (F) 3h.15m.13.1s. 3 (4) Jari-Matti LATVALA/Miikka Anttila FIN Ford Focus RS WRC PX08AXD (GB) 3h.16m.29.3s. 4 (3) Mikko HIRVONEN/Jarmo Lehtinen FIN Ford Focus RS WRC SA09VHR (GB) 3h.16m.47.3s. 5 (7) Dani SORDO/Diego Vallejo E Citroen C4 WRC AJ557MN (F) 3h.17m.06.2s. 6 (6) Henning SOLBERG/Stephane Prevot N/B Ford Focus RS WRC EU07SSZ (GB) 3h.21m.20.5s. 7 (5) Matthew WILSON/Scott Martin GB Ford Focus RS WRC 1ES (GB) 3h.23m.31.8s. 8 (8) Kimi RAIKKONEN/Kaj Lindstrom FIN Citroen C4 WRC AL730AR (F) 3h.25m.21.9s. 9 (14) Mads Ostberg/Jonas Andersson N/S Subaru lmpreza WRC FT56SRT (GB) 3h.27m.07.7s. 10 (21) Andreas Mikkelsen/Ola Floene N Skoda Fabia S2000 SWRC NM04048 (D) 3h.28m.55.2s.* 11 (12) Khalid Al Qassimi/Michael Orr UAE/GB Ford Focus RS WRC EU07SUF (GB) 3h.31m.02.8s. 12 (22) Craig Breen/Gareth Roberts IRUGB Ford Fiesta S2000 SWRC PX59AVF (GB) 3h.34m.57.9s. 13 (28) Xavier Pons/Alex Haro E Ford Fiesta S2000 SWRC PX59AVU (GB) 3h.35m.10.7s. 14 (24) Patrik Sandell/Emil Axelsson s Skoda Fabia S2000 SWRC Kl207BZ (A) 3h.35m.15.9s. 15 (23) Michal Kosciuszko/Maciek Szczepaniak PL Skoda Fabia S2000 SWRC NM-MR214 (D) 3h.37m.14.1s. 16 (61) Dennis Kuipers/Frederic Miclette NUB Ford Fiesta S2000 N MM59 ORT (GB) 3h.38m.08.8s. 17 (40) Ott T anak/Kuldar Sikk EE Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X PCWRC* DZ214ZS (I) 3h.38m.31.0s. 18 (31) Arminda Araujo/Miguel Ramalho p Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X PCWRC EC146FZ (I} 3h.41 m.46.8s. 19 (38) Hayden Padden/John Kennard NZ Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X PCWRC• DS704PC (I) 3h.42m.58.9s. 20 (50) Jason Pritchard/Robbie Durant GB Subaru lmpreza N14 PCWRC N16SUB (GB) 3h.45m.35.4s. 21 (43) Ken Block/Alex Gelsomino USA .Ford Focus RS WRC EU07SUX (GB) 3h.46m.39.8s.(4) 22 (48) Patrik Flodin/Goran Bergsten s Subaru lmpreza PCWRC E677EA (197 RUS) 3h.46m.51.9s.(2) 25 (49) Dave Weston/leuan Thomas GB Subaru lmpreza N14 PCWRC OU10FMZ (GB) 3h.53m.18.4s. 26 (54) Michel Jourdain/Oscar Sanchez MEX/E Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X PCWRC 6394GYH (E) 3h.54m.29.1s. 28 (39) Alex Raschi/Silvio Stefanelli RSM/I Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X PCWRC• DS703PC (I) 3h.55m.51.4s.(3) 30 (32) Toshi Arai/Daniel Barritt J/GB Subaru lmpreza N14 PCWRC GMG301NA9888 (J) 3h.58m.55.1s.(4) 32 (22) Reijo Muhonen/Juha Kanerva FIN Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X PCWRC A3739 (FIN) 4h.05m.08.5s.(3) 33 (36) Nick Georgiou/Joseph Matar RL Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X PCWRC• DS701PC (I) 4h.05m.51.6s.(2) 38 (37) Peter Horsey/Calvin Cooledge EAK/GB Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X PCWRC• DZ213ZS (I) 4h.19m.42.8s.(3) 39 (46) Anders GrondalNeronica Engan N Subaru lmpreza N14 PCWRC OU10H2Y (GB) 4h.23m.43.0s.(4) 41 (44) Paulo Nobre/Edu Paula BR Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X PCWRC Kl-652 CK (A) 4h.36m.16.0s.(1) 61 (8 SWRC/18 PCWRC) starters. 45 (5 SWRC/14 PCWRC) finishers. MANUFACTURERS' DRIVER. #Group N winner. *Pirelli Star Driver event. (Missed stages or road sections) Winner's average speed over stages 110.65kph. LEADING RETIREMENTS COMPLETED (2) Sebastien OGIER/Julien Ingrassia F Citroen C4 (15) Liu Chao Dong/Anthony Mcloughlin CN/AUS Ford Focus RS (25) Eyvind Brynildsen/Cato Menkerud N Skoda Fabia S2000 (26) Bernardo Sousa/Nuno Silva p Ford Fiesta S2000 (29) Jari Ketomaa/Mika Stenberg FIN Ford Fiesta S2000 (33) Gianluca Linan/Massimo Salvucci I Subaru lmpreza N14 (34) Martin Semerad/Michal Ernst CZ Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX (45) Wang Rui/Yiping Chen CN Subaru lmpreza N14 (47) Steve Lancaster/Denis Giraudet GB/F Subaru lmpreza N14 RALLY LEADERS Loeb stage 1, Latvala 2, Loeb 3, Latvala 4-6, Loeb 7, P.Solberg 8+9, Loeb 10-20. SWRC & GROUP N LEADER Mikkelsen stages 1-20. PCWRC LEADERS Flodin stages 1-6, Tanak 7-20. The Route Special Stages Total Distance Crews Restarting Day 1 Cardiff (Thursday 1830) -6 gravel-128.26km 594.80km (1-7) Cardiff -Builth Wells -1 asphalt-1. 70km Cardiff (Friday 1915) Day2 Cardiff (Saturday 0600) - 7 gravel-126.50km 640.68km 58 (8-16) Builth Wells - 1 mixed -25.14km Cardiff (Saturday 1931) 1 asphalt-1. 70km Day3 Cardiff (Sunday 0615) -4 gravel-76.14km 376.56km 51 (17-20) Cardiff-Cardiff (Sunday 1525) -----------------------------------------------------------------20 stages-359.44km 1612.04km ----------------------------------------------·-- ----------------Semerad & Araujo 1 each Weather: Very mixed. Two stages in darkness. LAST STAGE WRC AL934PD (F) accident WRC AG57CKA (GB) alternator belt ( 1) SWRC BAS 135 (CZ) accident SWRC PX10AOG (GB) withdrawn SWRC PX59AXA (GB) accident PCWRC DW355PX(I) accident PCWRC 01R 0102 (CZ) accident PCWRC OU10ADX (GB) withdrawn PCWRC OU09BZH (GB) withdrawn Leading Special Stages positions 1 2 Loeb 11 3 P.Solberg 4 9 Latvala 4 4 Sordo 1 2 Ogier 1 1 Hirvonen 1 H.Solberg Raikkonen Ostberg ~ SWRC/GROUP N Mikkelsen won 12 stages, Ketomaa 5, Sandell 4. PCWRC Flodin won 15 stages, Tanak 3, Paddon, Final positions in World Championship for Rallies (WCR): Citroen Total WRT 456 points, BP Ford Abu Dhabi WRT 337, Citroen Junior Team 217, Stobart M-Sport Ford RT 176, Munchi's Ford WRT 58. Final leading positions in World Championship for Drivers (WCD): Loeb 276 points, Latvala 171, P.Solberg 169, Ogier 167, Sordo 150, Hirvonen 126, Wilson 74, H.Solberg 45, Villagra 36, Raikkonen 25, etc. 25 18 15 12 10 8 6 7 18 8 1 16 16 18 1 0 3 3 3 4 3 2 3 1 Leading positions in Super 2000 World Championship for Drivers (SWRC) Round 10/10 (7 events to count): Pons 123 points, Sandell 111, Prokop 104, Ketomaa 101, Kosciuszko 73, etc. Xavier Pons now Champion Positions in WRC Cup for Teams (WRCC) Round 10/10 (7 events to count): Red Bull RT 126 points, Nupel Global Racing 125, Czech Ford National Team 120, Shanghai FCACA RT 103, Barwa WRT 81, Dynamic WRT 80, Skoda-Rene Georges Rally Sport 73, Team Ford/Quinta do Lorde 36. Red Bull RT now Champion Final leading positions in Production Car WRC (PCWRC) Round 9/9 (six events to count): Araujo 126 points, Flodin 100, Paddon 97, Tanak 78, Arai 55, etc. Arminda Araujo now Champion. From Martin Holmes, Prospect Cottage, Pyrford Green, Woking, Surrey, GU22 8UZ. UK Tel: +44 (0) 1932 352894 & 347757. Fax: +44 (0) 1932 343102. Email: Cardiff 14th November 2010 25 18 15 12 10 8 6 4 2 1 25 18 15 12 10 4 5 3 1 1 4 2 4 7 2 1 5 7 1 December 2011 Dusty Times

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BFGaadricH Bf Goodrich* Tires Wins 25th Overall SCORE Baja 1000 Title, Locks Up SCORE Tro-phy Truck Championship BFGoodrich Tires dominates the Baja 1000 podium and wins 14 SCORE Baja 1000 Classes; Team BFGoodrich member Andy McMillin wins third SCORE Baja 1000 ('06, '09, '11) ENSENADA, MEXICO (Nov. 20, 2011) -BFGoodrich® Tires, the official tire of the SCORE Desert Racing Series, won its 25th overall SCORE Baja 1000 title, with Team BFGoodrich member Andy McMillin and his father Scott McMillin taking turns at the wheel. The McMil-lins finished the race in 14 hours and 51 minutes, averaging 47.12 miles per hour throughout the course. Their victory on BF-Goodrich Baja T / A® KR tires marks BFGoodrich Tires' 25th win in the last 26 years. BFGo-odrich Tires also claimed eight of the top 10 overall spots. "We couldn't have asked for a better finish to the 2011 SCORE Baja 1000 or a better weekend overall," said Silvia Mammone, motorsports marketing man-ager, BFGoodrich Tires. "We are thrilled with the McMil-lins' overall win, Bryce Menzies' SCORE Trophy Truck champi-onship and Nick Vanderwey's second place podium finish, running for the first time on the 42-inch BFGoodrich Baja T / A tires. Congratulations to the drivers who finished what looked to be one of the toughest Baja races in history. We are not only celebrating their individual accomplishments but also the 25th win for BFGoodrich Tires." The finish to the 44th An-nual SCORE Baja 1000 was one of the closest in recent memory. Throughout the last 300 miles, Andy McMillin (#31 Ford Raptor), Nick Vanderwey (#84 Chevy Silverado) and Bryce Menzies (#70 Ford F-150) were trading places and rubbing bum-pers. Vanderwey was first to the finish line, but McMillin came in less than two minutes behind and earned the victory with the corrected times. Menzies was third to the finish line, two min-utes behind McMillin. "That was the most intense race I've ever been a part of. I was 30 seconds to them, and Bryce was 30 seconds to me on the beach. It was a freight-train free-for-all. It was such a blast. It was so much fun. I'm glad to win my second Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 with my dad. It means a lot," said Team BFGoodrich member Andy McMillin. Vanderwey was the only truck in the race to run on the 42-inch BFGoodrich Baja T / AKR tires. Moments after Scott McMillin thanked BFGoodrich Tires at the post-race press conference, Vanderwey said, "Well, I had the awesomest tires - I had the 42-inch BFGs on 20-inch Trail-Ready wheels. What a race -holy moly! It was intens~ racing. We just hit so many rocks. It was unbelievable what these tires will take." Bryce Menzies earned the Dusty Times Tires SCORE Trophy Truck champion-ship with his third place finish, capping off an incredible year for the SCORE rookie. Menzies started strong with a win in Janu-ary at the SCORE Laughlin Des-ert Challenge and won his first ever SCORE Baja 500 in June. Don Moss and his Class 3 team, other winners running on BFGoodrich tires, marked their 36th SCORE race win, third race win this season and eighth Class 3 win in this race. For Dan Chamlee, this race also marked his fifth Class 7 victory in this race and third race win in his class this season. Finishing a career-best fifth overall and in SCORE Trophy Truck, Clyde Stacy and Juan Carlos Lopez (#18 RPM Off-Road Chevy Sil-verado) finished in 15:40:38. The Team BFGoodrich Wide Open Excursions race buggy pi-loted by Joel Weinberger, Super Touring U (STU)-class Sports Car Club of America (SCCA) National Runoffs champion; Brad and Roger Lovell, six-time rock-crawling champions; An-drew Comrie-Picard, X Games SuperRally bronze medalist and 2009 North American rally champion; Kyle Tucker, custom car designer; and Bud Brutsman, Hollywood producer, faced an epic battle throughout the race. After mechanical problems at RM 168, the team was able to make a comeback thanks to an amazing chase crew and finish sixth in Class 10. A Family Race - Six Members of the McMillin Family Ran Baja This Year on BFGoodrich Tires This year's race also capped off the most spectacular SCORE race in the McMillin family's 36-year history of SCORE desert racing. Mark's youngest son Luke McMillin, with driving as-sistance from Justin Smith, won Class 1/2-1600 for the second time this season and the first time in this race to secure the season point championship in his class for the second straight year in an AlumiCraft-VW. Scott McMillin's daughter, Jessica McMillin, 26, (#1331 McMillin Realty Ford F-150) overcame an early rollover near Ojos Negros to finish the season undefeated with five wins with her victory Saturday in the Pro Truck class. She was the only SCORE racer this season to win her class in all five SCORE Desert Series races. Jessica, Andy, Daniel and Luke McMillin are all third-generation SCORE desert racers, continu-. ing the lasting legacy left by family patriarch Corky McMil-lin, who passed away in 2006. Jessica McMillin also earned the SCORE Pro Truck class champi-onship for the season. An Unexpected Delay The start of the 44th Annual SCORE Baja 1000 was delayed about an hour due to a semi-truck that broke down on the race course at race mile four. By the time the semi truck was spot-ted, 13 Trophy Trucks had al-ready left the start line. Once the semi-truck was moved from the race course, the remaining Tro-phy Trucks were paraded out to race mile four and rest~rted. The finishing percentage this year was a strong 55.76 percent con-sidering the intense degree of difficulty of the bone-crushingly rocky terrain and the unique rug-gedness of the course. SCORE Tally The following is a complete list of BFGoodrich Tires 2011 SCORE Baja 1000 class winners: • SCORE Trophy Truck -#31 Andy McMillin/Scott McMillin • Class 1/2-1600 - #1600 Luke McMillin/Justin Smith • Class 3 -#300 Donald Moss/ Ken Moss • Class 5 - #518 Jim Anderson/ Rick Boyer/Mike Belk • Class 5-1600 - #551 Jeffery Smith/Justin Herrmann/Eric Sheets • Class 6 - #617 Josh Quintero/ Chris Taylor • Class 7 -#700 Dan Cham-lee/Tom Chamlee/Daniel Chamlee • Class 10 - # 1008 Christian Hall/Jerry Penhall/Mark Talia • SCORE Lite - #1248 Lee Ban-ning/Lee Banning Jr./ Rick Graf • Class 11 - #1149 Justin Mat-ney/Jerome Miltier/Ramon Fernandez • Stock Full - 861 Wes Bevly III/Bryan Groesbeck/Chad Bunch PINCH BOSSES II UNIBAl.l t:UPS 1-Cll lY 1f i BDTCIINB B December 2011 • Pro Truck -#1331 Jessica McMillin/ Hector Cuadras/ Chris Andrews • Class 7-2 -#720 Reid Ruth-erford/Danny Thompson/ Benn Vernadakis • Class 4 -#402 Tony Miglini/ Jason Hart/Mike Shatynski BFGoodrich Tires drivers earned eight of the top 10 overall four-wheel spots: 1. SCORE Trophy-Truck -#31 Andy McMillin/Scott McMillin 2. SCORE Trophy-Truck -#84 Nick Vanderwey/Curt LeDuc/Larry Vanderwey 3. SCORE Trophy-Truck -#70 Bryce Menzies/Ricky Johnson 4. SCORE Trophy-Truck - #23 Mark McMillin/Daniel Mc-Millin/Chuck Hovey 5. SCORE Trophy-Truck - #18 Clyde Stacy/Juan Carlos Lo-pez/Justin Matney 7. SCORE Trophy-Truck -#54 Jesse James 8. Class 1 -#lll Ronny Wilson/ John Herder 9. SCORE Trophy-Truck -#10 Ken Losch/Greg Nunley 44th Annual SCORE Baja 1000 Information For the 37th time, the 692.82-mile course started in Ensenada and finished, for the 21st time, in Ensenada, extending over one of the most rugged courses in history through Baja, Ca-lif. The race boasted 278 entries from 34 states and 16 countries that competed in 36 Pro and seven Sportsman classes for cars, trucks, motorcycles and ATVs. It is the oldest and best known of all desert races, and it remains the single most meaningful ac-complishment for drivers. Since 1967, the preeminent desert race has been run over the mys-terious and challenging Baja, Calif., peninsula, except in 1974 when the international fuel cri-sis forced a cancellation. Using motorsports as a prov-ing ground for more than 40 years, BFGoodrich Tires is in-volved in every type of racing, including oval, sports car, drag, desert, dirt, rally and extreme rock crawling. BFGoodrich Tires combines technological expertise with vast motorsports experience, delivering a high-performance tire for every type of vehicle. Visit BFGoodrich Tires at www.bfgoodrichtires. com, on Facebook at, or on Twitter at bfgoodrichtires. ### . Media Contact: Lela Randall (949) 223-2323 lela. randall@hillandknowl ton. com Continued on page 42 ~~ KENWOOD ~ Page 41 •.

Page 42

ILUERIBBON COALITION, INC. BLUERIBBON COALITION INVITED To TESTIFY BEFOR E CON GRESSIONAL SUBCOMMITTEE POCATELLO, ID (Novem-ber 9, 2011)--The BlueRibbon Coalition has been asked to testify before Congress regard-ing three of the most important issues affecting access and rec-reation on lands managed by the U.S. Forest Service. Rob Bishop (UT), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Na-tional Parks, Forests and Public Lands has requested BRC's Executive Director Greg Mumm to provide testimony on an oversight hearing titled "Forest Service Regulatory Roadblocks to Productive Land Use and Recreation; Proposed Planning Rule, Special-use Permits and Travel Management. The hear-ing will be held Tuesday, No-vember 15, 2011.We are pleased Representative Bishop called on BRC to provide testimony on these important issues. BRC has been urging the Forest Ser-vice to steer its planning regula-tions back to the primary goals of efficiency and expediency in the Forest planning process," Mumm said. Mumm was also encouraged that Rep. Bishop included the recreation permit issue, noting that BRC has re-cently appealed to legislators to pass a bill that will modify and streamline the Special-use Per-mit process. "But perhaps most importantly," Mumm added, "Congressional oversight is needed regarding the agency's closure of tens of thousands of roads and trails over the last decade." BRC has been concerned for some time that recreational access to lands managed by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) are threatened by planning regula-tions that are, in the agency's own words, costly, complex, and procedurally burdensome. Sadly, the USFS has proposed new planning regulations that only make the situation worse. The new "Proposed Planning Rule" threatens to create a situation that will exacerbate, not resolve, the planning grid-lock accelerating through the agency. (More information on the web) Recreationists across the country, both motorized and non-motorized, have also been burdened by overly complex and expensive permit require-ments. The recreation permit process as currently implement-ed on Bureau of Land Manage-ment and USFS managed lands is overly bureaucratic, expen-sive for both agencies and the public, and often applied in an unfair and arbitrary manner. Efforts to encourage the agen-cies to modify and streamline the process have failed, even when those efforts were sup-ported by agency policy. The current Special-Use Permit pro-cess no longer serves the public interest or supports the goals and objectives of land use plan-ning. (More info on the web) BRC applauds Representa-tive Bishop for including the Travel Management planning in this hearing. OHV users initially supported the pro-cess, however, in some areas it has been used to make land-scape level changes to the For-est Plan and close a huge per-centage of existing legal trails and even authorized routes. This is contrary to the regula-tion and has engendered op-position from motorized and non-motorized recreationists, sportsmen, campers and local communities. Recently, the same subcommittee held a field hearing in Northern California that was focused on trail access to federal timber lands. (More info on the web) ### The BlueRibbon Coalition is a national recreation group that champions responsible recre-ation, and encourages individ-ual environmental stewardship. With members in all 50 states, BRC is focused on building enthusiast involvement with organizational efforts through membership, outreach, educa-tion, and collaboration among recreationists. 1-800-BlueRib re rvlna ou, Natural Resources FOR he ublic In lead 01 FR M 1118 Publl Why aren't you a Dusty Times Subscriber? It's so much easier to receive Dusty Times in your mailbox each month, getting all the latest news and race and rally reports, written by the best off roa~ journalists in the business. Don't miss an issue! Subscribe now! Foreign SubscritJtions 1 Year ............... $25.00 1 Year ............... $55.00* 2 Years ............. $40.00 2 Years ........... $110.00* 3 Years ............. $55.00 3 Years ........... $165.00* *Prices are in U.S. Dollars Air mail rates on request. See complete subscription form on page 3. DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer Street, Chatsworth, CA 91311 Page 42 December 2011 Dusty Times

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GOOd·Stuff Directory ■DELUXE .COM 303.806.8062 BetttE=ar bl.J □ea&IQn Volkswagen Speed Shop, Specializing in Off-Road Buggies and Custom Fabrication. PATRICK DRAPER 1!941 Ii-FOX !IT. EN&LEWOOO,CO 80110 i!3DELUXE.CO~ Air Cleaners for Off-Road Racing. From Baja to Dakar. For a list of dealers visit our website at: JOHNCOOLEY 6/9-596.984/ FAX 619.596.2742 CCXJI.EY@ALUMICRAFT.INFO WWW.ALUM/CRAFT.INFO IOBl5 WHEATtANDS AVE STE I -SANrEE. CA 92071 Off-Road Fiberglass• OIi-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages Ford True Specialist • 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-1740 FAX {619) 562-6151 Phone: (714) 279,0945 For The Price Of A Phone can And A Few Bucks A Month Your Ad could Be Here 818-882-0004 BRANDWOOD CARS Shifter for mid-engines and other applications 602-437-3107 Custom Vehicle CACTUS RACING Racealr Helmets & Accessories Bell, Shoei, Simpson Blower systems & cool boxes 619-482-6700 708 Rocking Horse Dr., Chula Vista, CA 91414 Authorized Mendeola Deeler Mendeola - VW - Al bins Magnaflux Inspection Doug Ingles (951) 699-8898 California Performance 45950 Vista Del Mar Temecula, Ca 92590 CALIFORNIA PRE--FUN 39067 ORCHARD ST. CHERRY VALLEY CA. 92223 PH#/ (951) 845-8820 products in stock Boatec Fiberglass Dimple Dies Tubing Benders Bypass Valves + tubes Sway-bar Arms Race Proven Fabrication Pre-runners Desert Trucks Short Course trucks Paris-Dakar trucks QUALITY Bl!!ADLDCK WHEELS lillNCE '19615 15"--16"--17" ALL ALUMINUM BEADLDCK WHEELS AND CONVERSIONS CHAMPION \NHEEL CO. INC. '18!537 COLLIER(951) 471-2183 LAKE ELSINORE, CA 9253'1 'W'W'W.CHAMPICJN\NHEEL.COM 227 Calle Pintoresco San aemente, CA 92672 FLOATER REAR ENDS• FRONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS •TORSION BARS • KNOCK OFF HUBS (8051 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane • Templeton, CA, 93465

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Hi•PBfformance Equipment Suspension •Safety• Drivellne • Accessories (619) 691-9171 (619) 691-9174 (619) 691.()8()3 {FAX) 103 Press Lane, Suite 14 Chula Vmta, CA 91910 e-mail: rprod1 6t.6S06 .Ma.OUS NLY.COM CraioSi.wmt Phone: 6w-44l>-9T.28 Fn\u 111,._o&.i..,-,6711 Cell: 61~726-889\ Fabrication & Race Preparation 9-1\'J Abraham w~ Sant••· CA ?207l • .. •.•.".•-•!.!!.f:!":~....u~ .... ~~.t~"'?'?. cruig(l1~.wod.Mom SalM& Se,vice PH: 114.680.6131 • Fl: 714.&80.3110 Toll free: 800.304.812& IO I 5 E. Elm Avenue, Fullerton, CA 9 2 8 3 I M55U1llrll NI Lltla911,1B1• 11112 SJICillHJ II: -s••••• -1111u.a1-114 ·llldl .. ••• , .. 11 -Aaiu JtlllU.111191 171U ttMHJ fiii/ SANDERS SERVICE, INC. L~ METAL PROCESSING 5921 WIimington Ave., Los Angele$, CA 90001 023) 51<3-2404 FAX (323) 583-3965 ,'ANDBLAST-01 SSBEAO-MAGNETIC PAR'TTCLE rLOUR.l: 'ENT INSPECTION MARK SMITH LARRY SMITH ~, SUSPENSION INNOVATION MOTORSPORTS INC. Tel:562.903.1625 Fax: 562.777.2593 12345 Florence Ave. TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821-(114} 447-3581 Fax (114) 672-9246 Lonely Long Advertising Term Space Relationship Looking Call For (818) 882·0004 2180 Collav• 0rlve • Lake Havuu City • AZ.. 86403 Call Toll Free: 877-627-8852 or E-Mail: • Hi Performance Converters Custom Length Axles• • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed Hubs • (for Race• Recreation) Input Shafts• American Made Excellence!! . ~H.6'.. . S.;OJ • Off-Road and Bolt-On to Street Fiberglass for: "Ford, C~evy and Toyota" Trucks Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1261 N. Buena Vista St. , ~•et Ca. 92543 Ph: 951-654~7334 Fax: 951-654-2375 SM a list of our products.,;at our web site:'Oadflberglass.oorn · 11Rfix'tE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD (818) 998--2739 9763 Varlel Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 NS WEST PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES Kevin Pirtle 22545 South Normandie Ave. Torrance, California 90501 {619) 598-8033 1000 w . 8radley, Unit Q El Cajon, CA 92020 Carlos Oro~co Adam Wik SCORE ENGINE BUILDER OFTHEYEAR 994~ 1998.1999.2000 From Parts To COmpltte enganu 3265 W. Birtcher Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89118 702-837-2522 A a ,: ,INC. SPECIALIZED WIRING, CDMMUNICATIDNS, AND REPAIRS F'DR: Race cars - T1rouhv Trucks -Pre-runners Chase Vehicles -Dual Suon cars (760) B03-69S5 MARC WADDELL, PRESIDENT WIREFAe@secaL□BAL.NET TBIIIS MENDEOlA DISTRIBUTOR Performance Trans Off Road Street Trans Lorenzo. Rodriguez Parts -Service -Transmissions - V.W. -Porsche Desert, Sand & Drag 850 S. Alta Vista Avenue • Monrovia, CA 91016 (626) 305-RACE (7223) •

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OUT DF SIG DUTDF M I You Know That This venue Is The Best way To Get Your Product In Theillltll Don't Be Penny Wise And Exposure Foolish Call DIIIIIJ~i Bl • Again 818·882·DDD4 Classified ... NOTICb. Some of the items adver-tised in these pages may n o t be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Readers are ad-vised to consult appropriate l ocal or state authorities for information before pur-chase of any specific item. FOR SALE: $19,000.00 OBO. This 7S Ra nger was BITD C hamp in 2004. It has Esslinger, MOGI Trans, King, Lothringer, D OSE FI System and m an y spare p;irts and ten spare tires! Best of the Best! For any ques-tions call (818) 621-3471. FOR SALE: 96 Jeepspeed. Cro-mo Tig cage, Score legal, Mastercraft 3g's 32 ga. ATL, Currie 9", Bilstein 9100 by-pass HYO Bumpstops dual Optimas, Bosch Fuel pumps, 10 Baja T /A's 8 Mud Ter--rain AER Wheels , Trailer' included, Extensive Spares. Call for d et ails, $20,000.00 John 1-619-443-4219, o r 858-405-6139. J:2..b.AL b:>T ATb. U.A6b../Qb..NTAL6 Vacation Rental Vacation Rental in the Ex-clusive Indian Wells Coun-try Club in the Sunny Palm Springs area of Southern Cal-ifornia! 2 or 3 bedroom fur-nished for your complete re-laxation and if you are a glut-ton for punishment, play golf on 1 or both of the beautiful courses. FYI, wireless internet and long distance phone calls (USA) included. Starting at $4,-500.00 in season (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr) or $2,300.00 per month not in season. Call (760) 345-6124. INDl:._X TO ADVi:._12_ T 161:._R..6 BTR Racing Wheels ................... 24 Butch's Speed Shop .................. 29 CORVA ........................................ 34 Deering lndustries ....................... 2 Fox Racing Shox ........................ 25 Fuel Safe Racing Cells .............. 38 HORA Off Road Racing .............. 37 Kar Tek Off Road ............. : ........... 5 Laughlin/SCORE Desert Challenge ... Back Cover Lucas Oil Transmission Fix ....... 23 Scott McFarland Congratulations .................... 31 McKenzie's Performance Products .......... 41 NORRA Mexican 1000 Rally ..... 20 Racer X Motorsports ................. 11 Ronco Plastics ............. ; ............. 32 SNORE Battle At Primm ............ 35 Spanish Style Home .................... 4 South Point Casino ..................... 9 Vacation Rental ............ : ............ 34 &1 08 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in "'::==: : DUSTY TIMES. .....111111111' : Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED -YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER. • • • · ~--------------------------------------------------• • • Enclosed is$ • (Send check or money order, no Cash) • Name • •Address-------------------------------------------------------------•· • City----------------------------------------------------------------• • State _______ Zip ______________ Phone __________________________________ _ Please run ad times Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 9131 l 2011-12 ISSUE DEADLINE Jan 2012 Dec 23, 2011 Feb 2012 Jan 20, 2012 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Dusty Times December 2011 Page 47

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Don't tell these guys they can't fly. SCORE® LAUGHLIN DESERT CHALLENGE • JANUARY 14 - 15, 2012 For the 18th consecutive year, the most bone-battering, off-road desert race in the West is back. SCORE International, featuring several classes of desert race cars and exotic race trucks, will heat up the rugged race course in and around Laughlin, Nevada. Laughlin. Great dining, great shows and great events, all year long. Go to for details. • • failgltbR'" Nevada IT'S LIKE YOU OWN THE PLACE 800-4-LAUGHLIN -