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2010 Volume 27 Number 5 Dusty Times Magazine

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Volume 27 -NumHr 5 • May 2010 $2.50 ISSN8750-17:S2 Celeb,a~ing ou, 27~h Yea, o, se,viee To The OFF Road communi~Y "-----------------covering the world of competition in the dirt ••.

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JUNE 11th-20th, 2010, Reno NV 6~~ GRAND SIERRA RESORT AND CASINO • RENO .. Wev got d · and riders "th lie bi gest ojonas in the we t competing for he ti I of Xtreme Outlaw as they battle on a Rod HalJ, 250 ita off-r ad course and reach speeds of ova 100mph on a specially built supermoto course trac , on property ere at GSR! ·s gonna be a eekend filled with races, freestyle demonstrations, live e tertain ant, autograph signi gs, award ceremonies and victory laps. Don't miss Xtrem·e Outlaw wee end, only at Gra d Sierra Resort. 25 E EC

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Volume 27 - Number s May 2010 Dllli71il■IB Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor· John Galvin B.O.R.E. Hy ~ s.ri•s .... ...._ ~ . Associate Editor Judy S~ith• . ..,~ ._,. .. 111. __ 9.:-~ ,, .~ -~ .~ ;_~ ·..... . .... ~..,..: ·-~--_--,: .. "' .. ~ Subscription-Rates: $15.00 per' year, 12 issiies, USA, Foreigri' -Subscription rates on request. Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors Scott Bottomley J. Preston Bradshaw . Jim Culp · · .,_ c· • ~i:1~;~~:~. ~ .. ~': Steve-l;lilton ·, . · · .VictQJ:.Gazca • -·-:,~• :;. J,fartj,; flolrqes. · • . ',. RodKoch . ~. -;~-~ Byrle Med!:, ·•. Steve Ruii<licl< • . :, Maurice Selden Darryl Smith' Tony Tellier Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be rerumcd only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. : Classified Ads: will be published as received; prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published mqnthly by Hillside Racing (:.orp, 20761 Plumme""'5t, Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882~®4 with additional Oµscy'ri~, LLC offices at 415 -N. Higgin-s Avenue, Suite.-lA, Missoula, MT ~, 59802. CpµyiJg_ht by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication m.fy bc·repfoc\uted without written permission from·~ .publisher;Periooical Postage paid at Chatsworth, · CA9J..3Ii and at additional mailing offices. - ·' POSTMASTER: S~nd adclress change to DUSTY TIMES, C 20761 Ph,1mmerS-t., Chatsworth, CA 91311. "' . CHANGE Of ADDRESS: four w~eks notice is requi;ed for change of address. Please furnish·both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., SNAPSHOT OF THE MONTH •• ~ .. Good 'ol boy, Stan Parnell expounding to a group of drivers and co-drivers somewhere, sometime in 1983. DUSTY TIMES will fearure pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo rerurned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8x10 will be considered. In This Issue ... FEATURES SCORE San Felipe 250 by Judy Smith ...................................................... 8 Rally of Jordan by Martin Holmes ....................... _. ............. : ...................... 14 MORE Balls Out 250 by Steve Ruddick ................................................... 18 Doo Wop Rally Series by Jim Culp · ..................... : ................................... 24 .SJ-:1ORE General Tire Min.t 400 by"-J.freµonl3radsho,w , .... :., ....... :,.,.-.-..... 26 .. - • .. .. • ... • .. J f w,.. .... ~ . ... • • VORRA Season Opener by Troy Robinson .............................................. 34 DEPARTMENTS Happenings .............................................................................................. 5 Tra!J,,Notes ·······································:··f::··::··············································· 6 Th~-W-<Jhfo3 -~··~:···················~··;:·~:-··~~·?···:.-:··········································· 40 Gopd ~t~f"Duectory ...... : .. :;,.: .... ... ·· ........ ,.; ........................................... 42 Cl~i~e~'¥~··.:·······"········:··~;··'·~·~:·:,~ ... i:+ .......................................... 47 Index To..A.dverc1sers ..............•... : ....... .-., .. , ................................................ 47 : .. .. . " .;:;· . "'\ . ON THE CovER •·. · • It 'was a really great race for the Norman1 oeseler combo, they took the Unlimited Truck win at the Mint 400-'lina t~y ere really happy winners. _ Photo by Dave Conklin - Trackside Photo Armin Schwarz and Martin Christensen took Class 1 honors at the SCORE San Felipe 250 in their BMW ·powered Jimco, they were the overall race winners as well. Photo by Tra11js Geske - Trackside Photo Visit Our Website at Seed-a~~td-'e 7~ t8-: ·DUST¥ TIMES - -~ THE.-FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year - ·$25.00 □ 2 years -$40.00 □ 3 years -$55.00 (to subscribe online go to □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name _______________________ _ Address _____________________ _ City _____________________ _ State _____________ ~ __ .Zip _______ _ Primary Interest Cars O Trucks O Motorcycles 0 Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Ptummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian , 1 year $30.00 US n Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times May 2010 Page 3

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Jeff Hibbard (1945-1010): In Memoriam Jeff Hibbard died last week at his home in Grant's Pass, Oregon. For some time, Jeff had suffered from a severe case of Clinical depression and had recently been diagnosed with the early stages of Alzheimer's, the disease that took his father, some years ago. In an earlier discussion, Hibbard told me that he would never allow himself to suffer like his father and would take matters into his own hands should he ever contract the hereditary disease. Being true to his word, as he always was, he simply chose to meet death on his own terms and put an end to his pain in the early morning hours of Tuesday March 30th. Jeff was born in Los Angeles in 1945, the only son of Don Hibbard, an L.A. City Fire Chief and his wife, Edie. Jeff enrolled at Van Nuys High School but later would graduate from a private school in Switzerland, before joining the Pasadena Fire Department at the age of 20. Within a year he transferred to the L.A. City Fire Department and took retirement after 20 years of service. He was a pilot, a writer, a dirt track and an Off-Road racer. He had been a member of the Checkers Off-Road Club for more then 30 years where he served three terms as President. Over the course of that time, we had become very close friends and I lived just down the street from him in Frazier Park, California. In 2005, his final term as Checker President, I served with him as Treasurer and we drove the roughly 100 miles to the _meetings every week from Frazier Park. He was a friend and mentor to many Checkers throughout the years and it is here that his loss will have the most impact. Not that he was always right or always easy to get along with but he always had the Checkers best interest at heart and had no tolerance for any member who didn't. The • Checkers were his family. Over the course of our friendship of 30+ years, we often traveled together to the races. In the early days Hibbard won many races in every Class of bug and buggy, although he preferred Class 5 Baja Bugs, having raced many times with Bob Utgard and Bob Venegas, among others. Malcolm Vinje, Multiple Class 5 Champion recently shared a story about Hibbard, "He was one of the first racers that welcomed Michie and I into racing and accepted us as competitors. I will never forget one of my early races when I worked for 20 miles to pass him only to have him catch me again and another battle ensued. Two hours later we were having beers and laughing about it. He never would show me that shortcut. He was a fine competitor, a very fun person and a truly good friend. He will be missed." He proudly considered himself a racing "prostitute" because he would often fill-in as co-driver for many car owners. He told me that the reason he would get so many rides was because the car owners knew they could give him their car and Hibbard would always get the car back to them in good condition and running in or near the lead. As testimony to this, the entire wall of his 3-car garage was lined with shelves displaying trophies for Class Championships and multiple wins at the Baja 500, Baja 1000, Mint 400 and many others. Every one of those trophies had a duplicate that was sitting in the shop of a grateful car owner. Probably best known for his 1982 book: Baja Bugs and Buggies, there is hardly anyone who built a VW based off-road car who didn't lean on his book to learn how to do it .right. Many people have written me in recent days crediting Jeff's book as the reason they got into racing in the first place. He also wrote The Complete Guide for Going Off-Road ( 1980} The little Red Book of Firehouse Pranks ( 1997} and for ten years authored the Checkers column, each month, in the Dusty Times under the pen name, 'The Big Wahzoo'. You either loved the Wahzoo or you hated him but there was little doubt that Hibbard was a master storyteller and many of the readers could hardly wait for the next installment of "The Straight Poop from the Big Wahzoo". In remembering Jeff, his ex-wife Linda, who Jeff was with for 18 years, had these comments: He truly believed "when the green flag drops, ' the bullshit stops!" (He had it painted on the side of his van) He was "an opinionated guy that didn't bullshit. Like him or not, he was the real deal! . There was no guessing when it came to Jeff. If you asked him a ques_tion be prepared to hear the unpolished truth of an answer. It wasn't going to be sugar coated, but you got your answer." In this politically correct world we live in, that's what I' II miss the most when I think about him and I'll think about him often. But "No one here gets out alive" as Jim Morrison reminds us and I would be the last person to fault Hibbard for having an exit strategy, given his circumstances. Hibbard, you will be missed but you must have-known that ... George R. Thompson Checkers Off-Road April 5, 2010 Page 4 May 2010 Dusty Times ,.

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r 2010 Happenings ... BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGHTON, ONTARIO, CANADA KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 DAVE AoAMs (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DoN ENGLEMAN (B1KES) (605) 224-4967 CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICO SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road ENSENADA, BC, MEXICO 1 OK FoUR WHEELERS P.O. Box36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 <4x4> (All events staged at the club grounds in Cleves. Ohio) 4x4 FOREVER, Lm. 1665 DELAWARE ST. 0sHKOSH, WI 54901 .AMERICAN RAu,y SPORT GROUP, INc. 3650 SoITTH POINTE CIRCLE, Sum 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 52Ul597 <web 1. 25-ameri-can-rally-sport-group.htm. E Mail: AMERICAN TRIALS Assoc1ATION AMA ObseniedTrial.i Southern California Championship Series BILL MARKuM, 2010 PREsIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HOTLINE, 2010 (714) 562-7742 E MAIL: BMARK909@AOLCOM <> ASOCIACION EsTATAL DE AUTOMOVILISMO SAM lAsELL, TECH INSPECTOR Ann42 SAN JOSE DEL CABO BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL SUR. MEXICO AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP DARRYL SMITH 19 SoMERS ST. CASHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTIW.lA DUSTY TIMES AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFF ROAD CLAss 10 CARS ONLY RENALD VAILLANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WESr LAVAL QUEBEC, CANADA H7P 1T7 (450) 622-4440 < pages/ indexpag.html> BAJA CUP CHALLENGE BAJA PRoTRUCK OFF RoAD RAcE SERIES 14402 BoND COURT EL CAJON, CA 92021 619-390-6252 June 4-6, 2010 SCORETecate SCORE Baja 500 August 19-21, 2010 BITD Vegas to Reno September 10-12, 2010 SCORE Terrible's Primm 300 October 15-17, 2010 BITD Bluewater Desert Challenge November 17-21, 2010 SCORE Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 December 3-5, 2010 BITD Henderson's Banks Power 250 BARONA SAND DRAG ASSN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 All Races Are Night Races All Races At Barona RacewaJ, Lakeside, CA BBM MARKETING PROMOTIONS Off Road Short Course Racing & Special Event Marketing NORCO, CA 92860 e-mail (909) 815-5811 BEST IN THE DESERT 3475 BOULDER HIGHWAY LAs VEGAS, NV 89121 702-457-5775/FAX: 702-641-2431 MotoreJcle/ Quad/ A TV <> May 14-16, 2010 Bluewater Gran Prix Parker, AZ MC/Quad/UTV August 19-21, 2010 Vegas to Reno All Classes October 15-17, 2010 Bluewaater Desert Challenge Parker, AZ Car/T ruck/UTV December 3-5, 2010 Henderson 250 Henderson, NV All Classes Dusty Times BORERAcING Allen Gerber 801-380-9011 - after 5pm please May 1, 2010 Wendover 300 July 10,201 Jackpot 225 September 4, 2010 Pony Express 250 October 23, 2010 TBA CAJOR CLUB AUTOMOVILISTA }UARENSE DE CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD RACING 7210 GATEWAY EAST fa PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 0ll-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RAu,y SERIES <> CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. RICHARDS P.O. Box332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLAIRTON Hi-JACKERS l.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TWP. LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 USA JAN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) RAMON CASTRO & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/7 0034) CMC CONTINENTAL MoTOSPORT CLUB P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 Fax: (714) 367-1608 BP MoTORSPORTS P.O. Box411 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91365 760-578-6258/760-578-6259 FAX: 818-348-4648 CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW Short Course off Road Racing At Har-rison County Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH CODE OFFROAD MADERO 621-A MEXICALI, MEXICO 21100 760-455-8069 USA 011-52-686-553-4087 MEXICO CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICA SAN QUINTIN May 21-2, 2010 Vw Autopartes 250 M_exicali B.C., MX July 16-18, 2010 E-Mail: All Events At California Cit:,, CA CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box645 CALLE 6TA FRACC Co. DE SAN QUINTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HERACUO PATINO Orw Gran Prix PIERRE, SD 57501 (011 52 616-5-22-07) Cantinu■ d ,n p111 6 Fiberglass Body Panels Long Travel & Lift Kits Disc Brake Kits Fenders, hoods, doors, bedsides, & dashes for trucks., baja bugs., Trophy Karts., UTV1s. Suspension kiu from Blitzkrieg, CST, Camburg, ICON., Total Chaos., & Mazzulla. ') f)Jl1j1j}'@ @fl~ /AIJJ(£) /1:iJ ~ Mazzulla Chevy 1 500 Long Travel Klt Built to order Wllwood, CNC & ProAm kiU. Wllwood Heavy Duty 9" Rear Disc Brake Kit Prep Supplies Shock Replacement Parts Wheel Bearings & Seals -Motor & Gear Oil -Additives -Power Steering Fluid -Oil & Air Filters -CV Grease -Brake Fluid -And Much More! -Shafu -Valving Shims -Seals -Pistons -Shock Bodies -Shock Oil KINS OFF-ROAD ~ACINQ SHOCI<~ -Hub Bearings & Seals -Bearing Housing Assemblies -Spindle Bearings Axle & CV Components Heims, Bungs, & Spacers Tires & Wheels -lOOM Solid & Gundrilled Axles -Heims & Rod Ends -Type II, 930, 934., CVs -Standard & HI-Mis Spacers -Single & Double Boots Systems -Threaded Round & Square Bungs -Unlballs May 2010 Tires from MIT, Yokohama., Toyo, & Sand Tires Unlimited with a wide selection of beadlock wheels available. Pages

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Trail Notes ... FINAL FLAG -We report here the passing of Jeff Hibbard, a long time off road racer, an even longer time member of the Checkers and a good guy all around. Jeff was known to but a few as the ever popular "Wah zoo". Jeff was 65 years old when he left us. Whenever he talked about life or death he always said "nobody is getting out of here alive!" Jeff will be sorely missed by all who knew him . A record of his .life is on page 4. ed. Tecate B.C., MX October 1-3, 2010 Mexicana Logistics 300 Mexicali, B.C., MX December 3-5, 2010 Race Ready Mexicali-San Felipe, B.C., MX CoLORADOHILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION BARB V AHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box8286 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 Lucas Oil Off Road -The Lucas Oil Off Road races at CORP Surprise, Arizona was a huge success. Quentin Tucker took P.O. Box 392 the Limited Buggy win on Saturday, Justin Smith won on CALEXICO, CA 92232 Sunday, Carl Renezeder took the Pro 2 Unlimited win Saturday and HECTOR CERECER Rob MacCachren won on Sunday, Rick Huseman won the Pro 4 Oll-S2-6S-66-4458 Unlimited race on Saturday and on Sunday, the Pro Lite Unlimited CORR SERIES win went to Brian Deegan on Saturday and Chris Brandt took the 270 NEWPC>RT CENnR DR., Sum 100 win on Sunday, Chuck Cheek took the gold in Pro Buggy Unlimited NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 866-501-CORR in the Saturday go and Mike Dondel won on Sunday and Chad •-------------George took the Super Lite race win both days. Story and Pictures CORV A in the next edition of Dusty. Times. lSOO WEST EL CAMINO, Sum 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 B EST IN THE DESERT -The Bilek Silver State 300 ran on April 24'\ the overall winner was Tom Flores in his Class 1 Bunderson, Jason Voss took the Trick Truck win, Todd Elam was the class 10 winner, DaveCaspino took the Class 7 win, Troy Vest was the Pro Truck winner, Macrae Glass conquered Class 8, the Lee Bannings took the Class 10 Light honors, Loren Healy took Ultra 4 honors, Kevin Smith was the ½-1600 winner, Gary Messer took the Trophylite win, Tim Casey was the Stock Production Full Size Truck winner, Blake Henn was the Class 7S winner, Kellon Walch took the Pure Stock Production win, John Helton was the JeepSpeed 1 winner, Phil Tapia was the Desert Lites champion and the Open Sportsman win went to Keith Growe. A full story and loads of pies in the next issue of Dusty Times. LEGENDS OF RIVERSIDE -Many of the good folks who thought that the inaugural Legends of Riverside Film Festival and Gala in 2009 was a unforgettable event had to make some room in their memory files for "Legends II" this past weekend. Again the Riverside International Automotive Museum played host to a gala gathering of the greats and the faithful to renew old friendships, to remember the day, and to celebrate the camaraderie that made life and times at Riverside Raceway such an incandescent memory for so many. Set over a picture-perfect weekend, the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday gathering featured hundreds of planned public moments and engendered thousands of private moments with some the true heroes of the twisting road. Being a film festival, of course there were films: great ones, good ones, and some fun stuff, all of which were effectively the support fabric of the event. Some, like Barry Landon's very seldom seen classic "Circui" were rare glimpses of times gone, by while others, like "Sound of Speed" directed by Bruce Kessler (who personally introduced his film to the event) were regµlar expected/anticipated components of the event. Legends Medals were presented to many drivers and special participants who, for space reasons, we're simply going to list alphabetically. Many of their bios are on the Legends of Riverside website (and elsewhere). We were proud to have had all of the following join us this year, and pre-apologize if we miss anyone. These are Champions, Legends, all: Tony "A2Z" Adamowicz, Toly Arutunoff, Bob Bondurant, Dusty Brandel, Jeff Bucknum, Lois Bryant, Tim Considine, Rod Campbell, Bruce Canepa, Jim Dittemore, John Dixon, Jerry Entin, Art Evans, Bruce Flanders, Marilyn Fox, John Fitzpatrick, Elliot Forbes-Robinson, Dave Friedman, George Follmer, Howden Ganley, Doctor Bret Ginther, Dan Gurney, Gary Grove, Allen Grant, Jerry Grant, Dick Guldstrand, Eric Haga, Phil Henny, Doug Hooper, Alice Hanks, Jim Jeffords, Chuck Jones, Davey Jordan, Ed Justice, Jr., George Keck, Bruce Kessler, Bob Koveleski, Rick Knoop, Bill Krause, Allen Kuhn, Jim Law, Pete Lyons, Brett Lunger, Michael Lynch, Sherrie McDonald, Denise McCluggage, Tom Meehan, Bruce Meyer, John Morton, Lothar Motschenbacher, Dave Nicholas, Ralph Ormsbee, Jim Parkinson, Scooter Patrick, Don Pike, Joe Plyan, Phil Remington, Martin Rudnow, Carroll Shelby, Bob Schilling, Doctor Lou Se.11, Tony Settember; Lew Spencer, Pam Shatraw, Michael Schoen, Chic and Chris Vandagriff, Shin Yosihkawa, Dave Wolin, and (what classic racing event would be complete without her?) Linda Vaughn. In the main event Saturday evening, guest of honor Carroll Shelby was skillfully interviewed by Ed Justice Jr. who put many questions rarely asked before in public to the old Cobra Charmer. Shelby held the audience entranced for a full forty minutes of very special reminiscertces. After the event many of the Shelby insiders in attendance admitted they had never heard some of the stories thaf Shelby told that night! Mister Shelby seemed to sense that he was among a group of friends and really opened up. The 500cc Club of America's Harry Morrow Award went to a trio of individuals who were all part of the early days of 500cc Page& 1-800-42 CORVA EXT 42 Fax (818) 957-4435 CRS CALIFORNIA RAu,y SERIES <www, D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (All ewnts at Hanniga~ race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston Councy 9RV Park, O!JmPia, WA) DAKAR RAu,y DARREN SKILTON BAJA AUTOMOTIVE ADVENTURES 455 E. OCEAN BLVD., Sum 208 loNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 <> DECATUR FoUR WHEEL DRIVE Cum DECATUR, TX 76234 ToMALLEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU Cm, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 EAsn:ltN Off.ROAD RACING AssN. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 F.NsFNADA BAJA OH' RoAD RACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX 0ll-52-646-1818989 Eusio 0ll-52-646-1715230 AARON Races for bugg:,s & Motorcycles EsTERO BEACH INTERNATIONAL Short Course Racing VICTORIA GALINDO ENSENADA, BAJA CAUFORj'llA, MEXICO 0ll-52-646-176-6230 FORDA FLORIDA OFF RoAD DRIVER'S AsSOCIATION JAISON UIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Apr, Ma,, N011 at Davidson RacewaJ FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 1855 PARKWAY DRIVE S. EL MoNn, CA 91733 626-442-9320/959-579-6151FAX GENERAL TIRE TROPHYLITE SERIES DRIVE R.AclNG ORGANIZATION 760-352-6020 Las Vegas, NV GLEN HELEN OFF-ROAD SHORT CoURSE SERIES PO Box6950 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92412 CoNTAcr: Bos BEYER, OFF-ROAD D1REc-TOR PHONE: (909) 815-5811 Short course, stadium and desert race classes June 12, 2010 May 2010 Round #3 July 10, 2010 Round #4 August 28, 2010 Round #5 October 2, 2010 Round #6 November 15, 2010 Round #7 GLEN HELEN BAJA CUP CHALLENGE SERIES PO Box6950 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92412 CONTACT: BOB BEYER, OFF-ROAD DIREC-TOR PHONE: (909) 815-5811 Desert race classes August 7, 2010 Round #l December 11, 2010 Round #2 GORRA GEORGIA OFF ROAD RACING AssoclATION 420 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963.0252 GPORRA GREAT PlANEs OFF ROAD RACING AsSOCIATION TIM HODGE (402) 991-6048 SCOTT MORROW (816) 792-2126 (AU races are short course, stadium scyle Classes, 2010 Sportsman, 1/2-1600, 5-1600, Sport Truck, Quads, Tough Truck Nebraska Racewa, Park, Exit 420 on I-80 between Omaha and Lincoln.) For latest info check <> HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING 2000 W. QUINCY AVENUE #B ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 303-806-8062/303-781.0974 fax INTERNATIONAL lcE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDDOR (612) 937-3816/Fax 474-2769 INTER-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS PRoMonoNs, INc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 ]EEPSPEED 1826 N. WINDES ORANGE, CA 92869 714-538-7434/ fax 714-633-1724 May 21-22, 2010 MORE Day/NightJeepspeed Light Force 500 Lucerne Valley, CA Sept 10-11, 2010 MORE Chilli CookOff 250 Lucerne Valley, CA Dec 3-4, 2010 BITD Jeepspeed Challenge Finals TBA KAMLooPS OFF RoAD RACING Whispering Pines Sports & Recreation Center KAMLOOPS, BC, CANADA Mike Strange (250) 573-4003 LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS & OFFRoADE'xro (626) 961-3782 <> <> L.I.T.R.E. JEFF ELROD (408) 926-0522 JIMARUTA (408) 247-4402 LOORRS LucAsOIL OFF RoAD RACING SERIES May 22-23, 2010 Las Vegas Motor Speedway Las Vegas, NV June 26-27, 2010 Miller Motorsports Park Tooele, UT . August 7-8, 2010 Southern California Venue TBA September 25-26, 2010 Speedworld Off Road Park Surprise, Az November 6-7, 2010 Las Vegas Motor Speedway Las Vegas, NV December 11-12, 2010 Firebird Raceway Phoenix, AZ MAMAluuTA OFF RoAD RACING LUIS CARLOS AlVAREZO PANAMERICANA AVE #5105 CD. JUAREZ, CHIH., MX 011-52-1637-1799 MICHIGAN BUGGY BUILDERS Dune Buggy Trade Show (517) 543-7214 <> MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 JONES ROAD GRAND LEDGE, ML 48837 (517) 627-6200 Motorcycles, Quads, ATVs and Pilots only MAORA MID-AMERICA OFF ROAD ASSOCIATION P.O. Box664 GREENUP, IL 62428 (217) 962-1318 E-MAIL: <> MDR PRODUCTIONS OFF-ROAD RACING SERIES 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE, 2010 Sourn EL MoNn, CA 91733 PHONE: (626) 442-9320 FAX: (626) 579-6051 E-Mail: <> 2010 California Championship Series_ May 15, 2010 Ridgecrest 200 Ridgecrest, CA June 25, 2010 MDR400 Lucerne Valley (Double Pts) "A", CA August 14, 2010 California 200 Night Race Lucerne Valley, CA September 25, 2010 Lucerne 250 Lucerne Valley" B", CA November 6, 2010 Stoddard 250 Barstow "B" (Double Pts), CA 2010 Superstition Championship Series All Races 2010 at Plaster Cicy, WesvEast June 12, 2010 Coyote Wash, 2010 Night Race, 2010 ' Double Pts September 4, 2010 Return 2 The Deserr 200 October 16, 2010 Superstition November 26-28, 2010 Sprint 2 The Dash December 31, 2010 The Dash M.O.R.E. MoJA VE OFF RoAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 1231 BARSTOW, CA 92312 760-253-4453 < May 22-23, 2010 ORAF500 Lucerne, CA July 17, 2010 Freedom 250 Barstow, CA September 11, 2010 Chili cook off 200 Lucerne, CA October 9-10, 2010 5th Annual Powder Puff Barstow, CA December 4, 2010 Holiday 200 Barstow, CA MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY ASSOCIATION DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. FUNT, ML 48506 (810) 7 30-9221 MoroWEST WINTER TuALs SERIES BILL MARKHAM (909) 860-1857 <> All ewnts at Perris Racewa, (At Reed Valley with a school) NATIONAL Mun RACING AssN. RT. #l, 2010 Box 380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN Dusty Times

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PALATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFF TRUCK ASSN. Butch Chapin Motorsports Promo-tions 1404 EAST 3RD STREET • HAsnNGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NOORA NORTHERN Omo OFF RoAD RACING AssN. GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAIL <> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Spring Valley Racewa:,, on route 518, 2 0 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) (Thunder Valley located 15 minutes from Spring Valley) NORRA NATIONAL OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION (661) 268-1232 OFF ROAD EXPO SPIN CoMMUNICATIONS (415) 380-3890 OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Volunteered Series PREsIDENT, 2010 GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP., 2010 1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP., 2010 9 & UNLTD. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 Ol.TT1.AWREP. DoNPONDER (314) 631-8190 (AU Races at Wheeling in the Count:, 900 Acres) Omo OFF RoADERS INc. 1427 GOSHEN HILLS ROAD S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 JIM l<ENDEL (216) 339-4674 AU races held at Harrison County Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS AssOCIATION RICK TtCHBOURNE, Pueuc REIATIONS (519}o81-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) OUTI.A w SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. Lou!S, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/Fax: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. Off Road Championship 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <> PENNsn v ANIA SHORT COURSE RACING SMIDITON HOLE RACEWAY 313 SKYLINE DRIVE SMIDITON, PA. 15479 MIKE GEISER 330-683-6263 Short Course Offroad Racing All Races At Smithton Hole Racewa:, PlKEs PEAK P.O. Box 6962 CoLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF ROAD RACING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 875-7591 PRo 1600 SHOOTOUT COREY GOIN 559-647-6132 GOINRACIN@HOTMAIL.COM PuRE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box50 RICKETTS, IA 51460 (712) 679-2221 RALLY AMERICA <> May 14-16, 2010 Oegon Trail Rally Hood River, OR <> June 4-5, 2010 Susquehannock Trail Rally Wellsboro, PA Dusty Times <> July 16-17, 2010 New England Forest Rally Bethel, ME < RocK CRAWLERS AssocIATION OF AMERICA P.O. Box 1406 RIVERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/Fax: (801) 253-3176 SAN DIEGO SHORT COURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New Series b:, Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro T1UCl<s, Desert T1UCl<s, Buggies, Pilots, Tough T1UCk <> (858) 571-5088 SAN Dmoo OFF RoAD ExrosmoN (888) 836 7918 SCCA RoADRALLY P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-2055 <> SFX MoTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. COMMONS DRIVE, Sum 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/ (630) 556-6180 Fax SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., Sum A CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 <> June 4-6, 2010 42nd Tecate SCORE Baja 500 Ensanada, BC, MX September 10-12, 2010 15.i, SCORE Terrible's Primm 300 Primm,NV November 17-21, 2010 43n1 Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 Peninsula Run, BC, MX SNORE SOUTHERN NEVADA OFF RoAD ENTHusIASTS P.O. Box 270516 LAs VEGAS, NV 89127 702-452-4522 May 7-9, 2010 Dusty Times 250 Caliente, NV July 29-31, 2010 KC HiLites Midnight Special Ridgecrest, CA October 29-31, 2010 SNORE250 Primm,NV December 10-12, 2010 Rage At The River Laughlin, NV SONS OF THUNDER 4 WHEELERS RACE DMSION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SOUTHEASTERN OFF RoAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 Mike Moore, 2010 (224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS EXPO MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. HACIENDA BLVD. #322 HACIENDA HEIGHTS, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SCTA SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING AssOCIATION & BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, INc. P.O. Box 10 OROS!, CA 93647 (559) 528-6279 (559) 528-9749 FAX <> SOUTHERN SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD RACING ASSN. 4305 WooTIARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (All Races at Eastba:, Racewa:,, Tampa, FL) TRAXXAS TORC SERIES June 5-6, 2010 Landglade County Fairgrounds Antigo, WI May 29-30, 2010 Texas Motor Speedway Ft. Worth, TX June 19-20, 2010 Crandon Off-Road Raceway Crandon, WI July 10-11, 2010 Bark River Off-Road Raceway Bark River, Ml July 23-24. 2010 Winnebago County Fairgrounds Oshkosh, WI Aug 14-15, 2010 Bark River Off-Road Raceway Bark River, MI Sept 4-5, 2010 Crandon Off-Road Raceway Crandon, WI SUPER SERIES (PTY) Lm. P.O. Box 706 TovsFoR ToTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADILLA VALLEY SPORTS CENTER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <> VORRA VALLEY OFF ROAD RACING AssOCIATION 1970 EAsT 2ND STREET RENO, NV 89502 877-418-6772 <> May 28-31, 2010 Yerington 300 Yerington, NV. July 16-18, 2010 Fallon 250 {Night Race) Fallon,NV September 4-6, 2010 Hawthorne 225 Hawthorne, NV October 9-10, 2010 Short Course Prairie City, CA October 30-31, 2010 Short Course Prairie City, CA VICENTE GUERRERO OFFROADCUJB PROFO. CENOVIO GAMBOA 011-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 p.m.) WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WESTERN PENNsn v ANIA WHEEL To WHEEL OFF RoAD RACING PATRICK McGUIRE P.O. Box376 ADAMSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 W1UPLASH MoTORSPORTS 2939 E; Grovers Ave. PHOENIX, AZ 85032 (602) 971-3730 <> Mar 12-14, 2010 Holbrook, AZ May 14-15, 2010 Speedworld, AZ June 11-13, 2010 Page,AZ July 9-11, 2010 Holbrook, AZ September 3-5, 2010 Snowflake, AZ October 1-3, 2010 Havasu,AZ November 12-13, 2010 Firebird/Lucas, AZ December (TBA), 2010 - ACP,AZ WISCONSIN MoTORSPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTIVAL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 OSHKOSH, WL 54901 (414) 688-5509 w ORLD SERIES OF OFF ROAD RACING FIA WoRLD RALLY CHAMPIONSIUP P.O. Box 99 CRANDON, WISCONSIN 54520 303-880-7221 <WWW.WRC.COM> Continued on page 46 May 2010 Trail Notes ... racing on the west coast: George Keck, Ralph Ormsbee, and Tom Meehan. Fittingly three prior Morrow awardees (Bruce Kessler, Bob Schilling, and Bob Wenz) were all on hand to present the elderly alloy Cooper Wheel to the 2010 winners. S CORE NEWS -Third generation desert racer Andy McMillin continues to lead the point standings in the 2010 SCORE Desert Series but his competition got a lot closer after the recent 24th MasterCraft Safety Tecate SCORE San Felipe 250. McMillin, 23, is the SCORE Overall point leader as he leads the standings in the SCORE Trophy-Truck division for the five-race 2010 SCORE Desert Series. Starting the 2010 SCORE season off with an impressive victory in Laughlin, McMillin, of National City, Calif., where he earned his third career race win in the marquee SCORE Trophy-Truck class for high-tech, 800-horsepower, unlimited production trucks in his No. 31 McMillin Realty Ford F-150. In Round 2 in San Felipe on March 13, he split the driving with his father Scott McMillin and they survived mechanical issues to finish sixth in class to maintain his SCORE Overall and SCORE Trophy-Truck point lead with 134 championship points. Second in overall points and in the marquee SCORE Trophy-Truck standings is the San Felipe winner Jesse Jones, Litchfield Park, Ariz., who is just two points behind Andy McMillin in his No. 76 Ford F-150. Third in overall points and in SCORE Trophy-Truck following a second in Laughlin and an 11 'h in San Felipe is Las Vegas' Kory Scheeler with 123 points in his No. 51 RTR Motorsports Ford F-150. With just 30 points separating the top 20 overall point leaders after the first two rounds of the 2010 SCORE Desert Series, the McMillin family actually has four racers among the top 11 point leaders after the first two races. Mark McMillin, Andy's uncle, finished 15th in SCORE Trophy-Truck and is tied for 11th in SCORE Overall points (with Class 6 point leader Dave Caspino, Woodland Hills, Calif) and sixth in SCORE Trophy-Truck with 112 points in his No. 23 McMillin Racing Ford F-150. Mark's sons Daniel and Luke McMillin are also in the top 10 overall point leaders after solid performances in Laughlin and San Felipe. Daniel McMillin, 22, finished third in the unlimited Class 1 in Laughlin and second in San Felipe to lead his class and is fourth in overall points with 120 in the McMillin Racing Chevy-powered Jimco open-wheel desert race car. Luke McMillin, the youngest of the McMillin racers at 17, finished fifth in Laughlin and second in San Felipe in Class 1-2/1600 in the new McMillin Racing AlumiCraft-VW and is tied for ninth in the SCORE Overall point standings (with SCORE Lite point leader Brent Parkhouse, Long Beach, Calif.) and second in his class with 113 points after the first two races. "My late grandfather Corky McMillin started McMillin Racing and our family has been racing in SCORE races since 1976 and whatever we accomplish is a direct reflection of the legacy that he built in his wonderful lifetime," said Andy McMillin. "As a family and a team, we are following in his template and we are really firing on all cylinders right now. He would have been really enjoying this if he were alive, but he is always with us in spirit. We can't help being in a race vehicle and not remember Grandpa." Fifth in SCORE overall points and second in Class 1 is another third-generation Southern California desert racer. Kory Halopoff, 26 of Orange, who has 116 points in the Letner Racing Tatum-Chevy following his class win in Laughlin and a 10th in San Felipe. After driving solo in Laughlin, he split the seat time in San Felipe with his normal teammate Harley Letner, 26 of Orange. Tied for sixth in SCORE Overall points with 115 are Las Vegas' Rob MacCachren, who is fourth in SCORE Trophy-Truck in the No. 20 MasterCraft Racing Chevy Silverado, and Cody Robinson, El Centro, Calif., who is leading Class 1-2/1600 with teammate Roberto Romo, Mexicali, Mexico, after their class win in San Felipe in a Romo-VW. Four racers who have opened the season with back-to-back race wins to lead the points in their respective classes are: David Caspino, Tarzana, Calif. (Class 6, Ford Ranger), Kevin Carr, San Diego (Class 5, VW Baja Bug), Juan C. Lopez, Tecate, Mexico (Class 8, Ford F-150) and Joe Baca!, Anthem, Ariz. (Stock Full, Lexus LX570). Besides Lopez, who has now won his class in three consecutive SCORE races, the other XXXX Mexican nationals leading the 2010 SCORE point standings as driver/rider of record in their respective classes are: Gustavo Avina, Ensenada, Mexico (Class 5/ 1600, VW Baja Bug), Elias Hanna, Ensenada, Mexico (Class 7SX, Ford Ranger), Eduardo Laguna, Mexkali, Mexico (Class 9, TRfab-VW), Eric Solorzano, Tijuana, Mexico (Class 11, VW Sedan). For more information regarding the series, contact SCORE at its Los Angeles headquarters 818.225.8402 or visit the official website of the 2010 SCORE Desert Series at MASTERCRAFT SAFETY -MasterCraft Safety Aligns with Bondurant School of High Performance Driving. For decades, the Bondurant School of High Performance Driving has provided expert instruction to drivers of every Happenings continue on page 46 Page 7

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SAN FELIPE 250 Schwarz Takes Class 1 And The overall By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Jesse Jones took top honors in the Trophy Truck Division, he's seen here flying low through the soft stuff in his Ford F-150, 2nd overall. in many of those places there are discover that there were, as yet, no landowners or local officials who do official results. The "tracking review not want the race on that little bit committee" had worked until just of land. Maybe it was a comer of a before dawn, but they'd run out of farmer's field, or someone's front time. SCORE officials hustled back yard, even vacant private property north, even Sal Fish, who'd been belonging to someone who didn't scheduled to go south to scout out want car tracks over his land. By pro- the Baja 1000 course, and worked to gramming these small areas into the get things functioning. The official lriTrack data, SCORE could later results were up within a few days, see precisely which racer had ignored but it does take the shine off a bit, the course markers and had taken if one doesn't get to go up on the advantage of the "short-cuts". Racers podium and collect the trophy and were given lists showing where on say "thanks" to the sponsors. the course they all were. Only two Other than that, things ran of them proved to be much problem smoothly. The bikes and quads Armin Schwarz and Martin Christensen did it! They took the Class 1 win and they took overall honors as well, seen here at to the racers. But those two cost started at dawn, and the Trophy high speed. • penalties for quite a few, particularly Trucks went off the line at 10 a.m. San Felipe, Mex: SCORE's San apparently realized that there are no ing north, where they paralleled the bikers. At Mile 241.9 it was VCP #11 There were 257 total starters. The Felipe event, one that's always popu- bighorn sheep on the dry lake, and out-going course, and at about Race and at Mile 245.8 it was VCP #12. start and finish were both right at the lar with the drivers' support crews, if so the ban on racing across it has Mile 212 the two parts of the course On the map they look like nothing at arches, because the San Felipe city not with the drivers, was won over-been lifted. This adds a section of were so close that one pit crew could all, but they were worth ten minutes fathers wanted it thus. It made for all by Armin Schwarz and Martin very high speed, leading into the very service cars going either way. Then of penalty each to those who ignored a crazy finish area, so thickly packed Christensen in their BMW powered rough section with deep sand and silt after another four or five miles the them. with fans that it was possible to lose Jimco, in the time of 4:22:27. before Morelia Junction. Then the course dropped into Chanate Wash One glitch caused some grousing sight of a race car in the crowd. But at The course was, as always, well racers continued south, paralleling and went eastward, finally curving and irritation. SCORE had a new San Felipe the spectators are a happy worn and rough. But it does run Morelia Road, until they got to Mato- around northward again, and then scoring program, and discovered too bunch, and while it makes it tough through some of the loveliest parts mi Wash. At that point they turned coming in to town, for a total of 248 late to do anything about it, that it to move around in the area, it stays of Baja, and the weather was warm, eastward and went downward to the miles. Everyone had a time limit of wasn't compatible with something cheerful and friendly to the end. and many of the racers were fin- Puertecitos road, where they ran on 11 hours. else they were using, so at the end The weather stayed nice, great for ished in time for dinner. This year the highway for about seven miles, With the lriT rack devices in use, of the day they couldn't run their the spectators, and even a bit of a , the race started and finished at the at the legally correct speed. They there were, in addition to four regu-vastly improved review of the racers breeze to clear the dust away. It had familiar arches, and took off toward popped off the highway and contin- lar checkpoints, 12 "virtual" check- records to see who'd earned a pen- been, according to the locals, "the the north. At 3 Poles it turned left, ued on the old road for another 25 points. These are points on the alty- or not. So, on Sunday morning coldest March" in years, but things or west, and paralleled the highway miles, then turned left and went up course where a racer might cut a those who'd remembered to set their warmed up a touch for the race, mak-over to the top of Diablo Dry Lake. Huatamote Wash. And the top there comer, or straighten the road, to gain clocks ahead an hour showed up at ing a nice change from all the storms The Mexican environmentalists have was a sha r· ht tum, a ain head- a sli ht advanta e. Unfortunate! , the malecon for the awards, only to and rain up north . ..-------......,,_------------::-------------, The Sportsman Quads, last of Cody Robinson and Roberto Romo captured the ½-1600 class win with 15 minutes in hand, seen here on their way to the flag. Kevin Carr and Noe Valdez took the Class 5 win in San Felipe, they had 10 minutes in hand when they took the checkered flag. the first group to leave, were given about a three-hour head start, and then SCORE officials let the Tro-phy Trucks go. Any quad rider with sense must have been paying close attention along about mid-morning, because they'd have known that Robby Gordon was the second truck off the line and would figure him for being in the lead shortly after that. Gordon, who did a lot of pre-running, was reported as saying that his truck would travel at 115 miles per hour in the dreaded "whoops" of San Felipe. Sometimes it's felt that if things don't go right the days just before a race, it's a sign that they'll go right during it Maybe there weren't enough problems for Gordon. But he did break an alternator wire while The Sportsman Truck win went to Ken Fraizer and Larry Crider, seen Robby Gordon had to settle for the silver medal this race in Trophy Truck, Daniel Mc Millin gave it his all but this time had to settle for a second here in their Chevy Silverado in the soft stuff. seen here in his Chevy CK 1500. He finished 4th overall in the race. place finish in Class 1, seen here in his Jimco-Chevy, 3rd Overall. Pages May 2010 Dusty Times

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can spray the shocks and, in theory, keep them cool. Then, once past the difficult section, they stop, remove the water tank, and take on their second spare. Most say they plan to run a conservative pace for the early miles. Tavo Vildosola talked about "patience" and Mark McMillin said, "steady and safe." It would be interesting to be a little bird out there and see just how patient and conservative they all were. Kyle LeDuc tried, with a remote controlled tiny airplane car-rying a camera. Unfortunately, he crashed it into something and lost his photos. The Class 5/1600 gold medal went to Gustavo and Lucio Avina, they had 37 minutes in hand at the checkers, seen here at speed. David Caspino and Bob Mason took the gold medal in the Class 6 contest, they are seen here hustlin' their Ford Ranger to the checkers. Early in the day, as always, the ra-dio channels were busy with reports of downed bikers and quad riders, and an occasional complaint about booby-traps. But at mid-morning word came that Gary Weyhrich had been involved in an accident There was a long straight with a left-hand turn at the end of it, right at Mile 108. Just after the turn would be Check 2. going through contingency/tech. On race morning after sneaking into the start area from the north, to avoid the crowds that always engulf him, he spent a few minutes trying to psych Ron Whitton who was starting first Whitton did nat seem stressed, even when Gordon reportedly comment-ed on his advanced age. (Whitton is 66 and seems to like being the senior Trophy Truck pilot.) As he waited for the green flag, Gordon said, "I think we're well prepared. Last year we got caught by Ed Stout, but then he rolled over. We want to make sure we're not that guy this year. We're going to be conservative." There's always a.lot of pre-race talk about the first 60 or so miles, which is basically so over-raced that it's not a lot of fun, and it's hard on shocks. Some driv-ers say it's important to drive at "60 per-cent", or maybe "75 per-cent" in that section, and not push hard 'til they're through the whoops. Oth-ers, like Roger Norman and Larry Roeseler, carry a big tank of water in place of their second spare, so they Continued on page 10 Luke McMillin was also a second place finisher this race, he ran his Trevor and Mark Anderson are about to get a mouthful of silt, they Steve Kovach and Chip Carr drove their Ford Ranger to a second place Alumicraft to within 16 minutes of the Class ½-1600 win. drove to a second place finish in Class 5/1600. finish in the Class 6 battle, here at a nose heavy landing. Dusty Times 2,160 Rooms And Suites 60 Table. Games 2,300 Slot Machines Poker Room Race & Sports Book 640-Seat Bingo Room 16 Movie Theaters 8 Restaurants 75,000 Sq. Ft. Of Meeting Space 4,500 Seat Equestrian & Event Center 80,000 Sq. Ft. Exhibit Hall Spa & Fitness Center Showroom 64-Lane Bowling Center lJ LAS VEGAS BLVD AT S/LVERADO RANCH• SOUTHPOINTCASINO.COM May 2010 Page 9

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Weyhrich had been stopped for a while to change a flat tire, and was trying to catch back up. He was fol-lowing another Trophy Truck, in its dust, waiting for an opportunity to pass. He and his navigator knew there was a tum coming, and were looking for arrows but as yet had not seen any. Suddenly the dust cleared, because the truck in front of him had turned. Weyhrich was now out of the dust and was horrified to see that he was too close to make the tum, and there were people parked close on the outside of the tum. One specta-tor was standing on his open tail gate and he dove for safety as Weyhrich's truck came at him. He hit that truck, and the tailgate peeled his fiberglass open from front bumper to rear fender. Then, just before he ran into an F350 crew cab, he saw a man disappear under his front bumper. He thought he'd killed him. When the truck had stopped he climbed out and saw the man's legs sticking out from under his door. He was afraid to look, and started to walk away, but then he heard the man moaning and knew he was alive. It turned out that the man hadn't actu-ally been hit by Gary's bumper, but had dived for the ground at the last minute, it might have saved him, but the left front tire went over him. He suffered a broken coccyx, a fractured sacrum and some broken ribs, but SCORE air lifted him to Scripps in San Diego and after about four days he was released. Weyhrich's truck was in good shape but the F350 was destroyed. Weyhrich and his brother, Mark, who'd been in their Class 1 car, thought briefly of going on in the TT, but neither had the heart for it. Reports also started to come in early that some of the IriT rack units weren't transmitting properly. That was apparently an indication of the problems that were to come. Word came on the radio that Norman and Roeseler were leading, with Kory Scheeler in second place at Mile 158. Then a report came that Norman and Roeseler had blown a transmission or driveshaft at Mile 162. No word on where Scheeler was. Maddeningly the voice on the radio said that the "first Trophy Truck" was through Check 3 at 1 p.m., and five minutes later they said the second one went through. But they didn't identify which trucks they were. Anxious pit crews were put out of their misery when Jesse Jones crossed the finish line in his Ford at 2:27. He was clearly the Trophy Truck winner, and had one of the best stories of the day. His truck, a Geiser built, was a brand new one, and had originally been meant for Jesse James. James sold it to Jones, who then sold it to. Bryce Menzies, without ever even sit-ting in it. But the deal was that Jones wou1d get to race San Felipe, and Menzies would get the truck imme-diately after the race, so he could go race the Mint 400 in it. Jones didn't test it, or et in it at all, until race day. Dan and Tom Chamlee raced their Ford Ranger to the Class 7 win at San Felipe, seen here under full power. Norm Turley and Jesse Galvan drove their Ford Ranger to the Class 7SX wio at San Felipe, here at high speed on the course. He said he hadn't put any tool bags at about Mile 23 he stopped and he in the truck, "because we knew we and his navigator fixed it. They figure wouldn't need them." During the they'd lost close to a half-hour by day he'd had "a couple of bad flats, then. They had one flat tire later on, and lost both alternators." His time and he described the course as "bru-was 4:24:59. tal." Pierce said he'd been hoping to But while everyone was watching be on the podium, since this was his the Trophy Trucks, Armin Schwarz MasterCraft Safety sponsored race, and Martin Christensen, in their (and he is the owner) "but it didn't Class 1 Jimco BMW, sneaked up work out." His time was 4:46:38. to the front and took the overall B. J. Baldwin finished fifth in his win away from them. In the time Chevrolet. He also drove all the way. of 4:22:27, they were actually the He said, "San Felipe is a lot of fun. second car on the road at the finish It's one of my favorite race courses, line, which meant they'd passed 26 but unfortunately I've never been of the 27 Trophy Trucks that started able to do well here." He went on the race. Obviously, many of them to say that out on Diablo Dry Lake weren't moving, but a total of 17 TTs he'd been doing about 130 mph and finished, so they'd gone by them all the filter backed off the transmission one way or at:}.other. Schwarz had and blew all the fluid out. It cost started the race, and Christensen got him about 25 minutes. His time was Juan Lopez piloted his Ford F-150 to the Class 8 win in San Felipe, Juan had more than two hours in hand when he took the checkers. in at Mile 146 and went to the finish. 4:49:03. time was 4:59:45. They were very pleased to report that Scott and Andy McMillin were Ninth place went to Will Staats they'd had a "fast driver change and sixth in their Ford. Scott started, in his Chevy. In the crowded finish fuel stop", accomplishing it in 28 - Andy finished. They lost a left front area, we missed him entirely, so all we 35 seconds. Neither had any flats, or shock at Mile 20, while Scott was know is that he finished in 5:00:09. any other troubles. driving, then at Mile 50 they lost Rob Bruce was tenth in his Chevy, · Robby Gordon finished second .their driveshaft, which cost 25 min- and he drove all the way. His right in the Trophy Truck class, in his utes. Scott then had a flat in Ma-front comer was not tracking prop, Chevy with a time of 4:36: 10. That tomi wash. They also said the truck erly, and he said "I gotta go look and included a highway speed penalty, "wouldn't pull third gear in the sand see what's wrong - it's been like that the first time that's been a threat washes, and this race is mostly sand since about halfway." Something was in San Felipe. He accrued only 2.5 washes so that hurt us a lot.", and the badly bent. His time was 5: 12:51. minutes, not enough to make a dif.. shocks "are basically cooked." "It's a In eleventh it was Kory Scheeler ference in his finish position. He said rough, rough race out there." Their in a Ford. He said he had a "sore he'd broken a shock at Mile 40, and time was 4:53:24. neck." He lost his OPS at Mile 59, had to change it. He was happy to be Ed Stout finished seventh in his lost his brakes at Puertecitos, broke second, he said. The shock "just blew Chevy. Stout drove all the way and a bolt on an A-arm at Mile 160 and up, it had a big hole in the side of it, reported three flats and being stuck ran for a while with no brakes. He I don't know why!" Gordon said the in Matomi for about a minute. He spent a "long time" with repairs, but course was "very, very rough." said his "truck was awesome, the had no flats. He said, "I didn't push In third it was Chet Huffman course was pretty bad." His time too hard off the start - that's what and Jerry Whelchel in their Chevy. was 4:58:20, which included a half-Brian [Collins] said to do." His time Whelchel was the finishing driver, minute speeding penalty. was 5:40:22. and got in at Mile 95. He said he'd In eighth it was Rob MacCa- CameronSteeleandJamieCamp, had a flawless run. The only time chren, who drove all the way in his bell finished twelfth in Steele's Chev-they'd stopped had been when Huff- Chevy. He reported that they'd rolet. Steele started and went to Mile man thought they might have a broken a reservoir at Mile 15, but 200 and had "a couple flats", and blown shock. Their time was 4:46:03. other than that the ttuck had an lost a bunch of time. Campbell said Robbie Pierce, who soloed, was "absolutely flawless" day. "It would he "had a little bit of tread problem." fourth in his Chevy. He lost his pow-have been good to have that shock By Mile 200 he "was done" and er steering belt at about Mile 2 or 3, on there the whole race; because put Campbell in to go to the finish. and kept hoping a chase truck could I know we would have done really Campbell says he h~sn't driven a intersect the northbound course and well." After t:lte reservoir broke, and Trophy Truck much, and Steele is meet him. But with the new four-lane since they had no spare, he said "we "breaking me in." Their time was highway, it's not as easy as it used to were basically in babysitting mode, 6:11:09. be to drop off the pavement and pick and just taking care of the truck until Adam Householder finished 13th u a trail into the course. Ultimately, we could get to the finish line." His in his Chevy and he drove all the way. ----'-'------"'---...... -----------. I I He reported that he'd broken a trans-mission line, lost the fluid, lost the transmission and putting in a new one had taken about an hour and a half. His time was 6:38:41. Roger Norman and Larry Roesel-er, who had been in front for a while in their Ford, finished 14th• They had lost their transmission. Actually, they lost their rear universal joint_1 and then the driveshaft took out the transmission, and "bent stuff." That happened on the Puertecitos road and cost them about three hours. Norman was driving then. Their time was 7:14:36. Mark McMillin and Chuck Hov-ey teamed in McMillin's Ford and finished 15th• McMillin started, and he'd had one flat. Hovey got in, caught the leader, then had a flat and lost some time, and then lost the ring gear. So they lost time with replacement. Then he did the final twenty miles at 20 miles per hour with a blown header. Their time was 8:04:54, and included a 30 minute penalty for "no highway speed data." In sixth place it was Nick Vander-wey and Curt LeDuc in Vanderwey's Chevrolet. LeDuc, who was the sec-ond driver, said "It was one of those Baja days." They blew their front shocks at Mile 24 and did the rest of the day with no front shocks. Their time was 9:21:29, with a half-minute penalty for s ing on the highway. A second place finish in Class 8 went to Dave Crinklaw and Mike Mike Lawrence, Blake Kirkpatrick and Joel Liska drove their Lawrence Lee Banning and Lee Jr. had a decent day they finisher second in SCORE Thurlow, they're seen here in their Ford F-150 on the way home. VW to a second place finish in Class 10, 9 minutes in arrears at the flag. LITE in their Foddrill, here a soft landing. Page 10 May 2010 Dusty Times

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Eduardo Laguna and Yaros/ao Duran drove their TRFab buggy to the Class 9 win, seen here racing over the hard pack. It was a nice Class 10 win for Alex Crosthwaite and Jose Gonzalez in their Jimcol Honda, they had nine minutes in hand when they took the checkers. drove to Mile 147. He said it popped with six entries. First to finish was out of third gear, which he wanted to the Jimco Honda of Jose Gonzalez use about 800/4 of the time. Martin and Alex Crosthwaite. Gonzalez had a flat at Mile 186, and lost about started and Crosthwaite finished, ten minutes making the change. and he did the last 100 miles with Third gear finally went away, and no second gear. They had no flats. then fourth gear locked up at about Crosthwaite said it was a "very good Mile 220 -he drove in with only race, very hard, very difficult, very second and fifth gears. Their time challenging." Then he thought a bit was 4:46:42. and said, "Very, very hard!" Their Fifth place went to Eric Chase, time was 5:33: 17. who drove the full distance in his Mikey Lawrence was second in a Penhall Chevy. He had an early flat Lawrence VW. He said the car ran tire and had to lift in the deep sand fine all day. He'd had just one flat and silt due to overheating. Basically and had to change it himself. His a good day. His time was 4:49:05. time was 5:42: 12. In sixth it was the father/son Third place went to Jesus Gon-team of Brian and Cody Parkhouse zalez in a Dunrite Honda. He said in a Jimco Chevy. Brian drove to he'd had to change a coil, had a fuel Mile 107, and at that point fixed a pump problem and a transmission Cody Freeman and dad Ken took the gold medal honors in the SCORE LITE division, here nicely airborne in their Fraley machine. limiter strap that had broken at Mile problem, and he had no starter. He He commented that the course was 20. Cody got in to drive to the finish, did all the driving, and finished in "smoother than I expected" and he and he lost an alternator about 20 the time of 7:56:46. James and Jacob Bult, from Il-linois, and in the only Dodge Trophy Truck running, finished at about one minute before nine p.m., and blew right past us in the dark, not stopping to talk. Their time was 10:49:05, just 11 minutes before they'd have been overtime, and included no penalties. They were the last Trophy Truck in, In fact, most of the teams had no penalties. We have noted those that did, just to keep things straight. In the car and truck classes the teams are doing very well indeed, avoiding the speeding penalties for the most part, and also mostly staying on the straight and narrow. The motor-cycles and quads are another matter entirely, apparently not ~ ready to submit to the tyranny of'technology, and give up those slick short 01ts. It has been suggested that part of their problem is that it's hard for the bik-ers to see their GPS devices, so they tend to take the line they knOW' and hope it works out. There were 18 Class 1 cars for this event. Behind Schwarz and Christensen, who've done vvell at this event many times before, was a new-comer to Class L Daniel McMillin, who's just moved up to Class 1 from Class 1-2/1600, drove all the way in his Jimco Chevy to finish second. He said he'd had a flat at about Mile 45, and knew he was close to his pit so he drove in and had them change it. was the only driver to say that. Maybe miles before the end of the trip. It In fourth it was Jose Lopez and he was remembering how it felt in a was his first time to race the family Edgar Alvarez, Jr. in a Garibay Toy-1600 car. He did say that driving a Class 1 car. Their time was 4:50:55. ota. They each drove two sections, 1600 was "way harder" than piloting The seventh place team of Charles kind of leap.frogging, so that Alvarez a Class 1 car. He also earned kudos Rudolph and Paul Keller, in a Jimco apparently started and went to Mile . from Jerry Whelchel, who said he Chevy, motored on down the road 25, and then Lopez got in and went was "the most courteous driver" he'd before we could catch them to find to Mile 150. Then Alvarez got in ever come across. It seems that when out how they fared. Their time was again, and drove to Mile 220 and Whelchel caught him in the Huff- 5:10:45. Lopez went to the finish. Lopez said man Trophy Truck, McMillin moved In eighth it was Conan Barker the shocks "overheated" and the car over to let him pass. Whelchel was and Scott Zeppenfeldt in a Jimco "started jumping like crazy." Their astonished. McMillin' s time was Chevy. Zeppenfeldt finished. He said roof flew off in the last section, so 4:35:52. it was his second race ever, and they'd they replaced it with a hunk of card; In third place it was Randy Wil- had "a small engine misfire and were board. Lopez said, "I had fun anyway, son and John Herder in a Jimco down a cylinder." Their time was saw a lot of coyotes!" They finished Chevy. Herder started and got the 5:10:45. after dark, with a time of 10:03:11, car into third place, and then Wilson Ninth place went to Mario Acosta which included a highway speeding got in and lost a torque convertor in a Tatum Chevy. He had a fuel penalty of 35 minutes. But it didn't belt so he stopped for a fix, then a pump problem beginning at Chan- change their finish position. They bit further on broke a limit strap and ate Wash, and just drove to the finish were the last Class 10 car to make it. had to stop for another fix. Their that way. It was his first SCORE The SCORE Lite cars were next time was 4:39:33. The other Wilson race, but he's been racing the CODE off the line, with 18 starters. The car wasn't there to race, although series, so he knew the territory pretty winning team was a bit of a surprise, they'd entered it. Sadly, they'd been well. His time was 6:02:04. since they're generally found in the out testing and had a crash with In tenth it was Harley Letner and Las Vegas area. Ken and Cody Free-another team, also testing, which re-Kory Halopoff in their Alpha Chevy. man, father and son, teamed in their suited in some injuries and seriously Halopoff started and had the car Fraley to take the win. It was Cody's damaged cars. None of the injuries doing as well as second place at one first time in a SCORE Lite and were life-threatening apparently, but point. He got out at Mile 95 and first time in Mexico. He had a flat, the other Wilson car, at any rate, Letner took over. He had a major but didn't know how his dad's day couldn't be fixed in time to get to radiator problem at Mile 235 and went. Couldn't have been too many the race. was down for "hours." Their time problems, because they finished in In fourth place it was the team was 7: 14:05 and they were the last in 5:24:43. of Dan Martin and Justin Smith in the class to get to the finish. In second place it was the Foddrill a Penhall Chevy. Smith started and Class 10 was next off the line, of Lee Bannin Sr. and r. Senior ______ ...;,_...;,_ ______________ .., .... .,. ;z, ..._ _____________________ __. ......... ____________________ __, started and Junior finished, and Chris Godfrey navigated the whole way. They had two flats, one of them a right rear that they finished on. Lee, Jr. said, "For me it was awesome - ran as hard as we could." And then he said "It wasn't as bad as we thought." Their time was 5:36:41. The third place team was Brent Parkhouse and Brian Burgess in their Moulton. They said they had "a cou-ple flats -no other trouble." In fact, the Banning car passed them when they were fixing one of the flats. D.J. Jeffrey navigated the entire distance. Their time was 5:40:04. Fourth place went to Mike Wil-liams and Blaise Jackson in a Meco. Williams started and Jackson fin-ished, and he said they'd had two flats. Their time was 5:47:35, which included a ten minute VCP penalty and a minute and a half for highway speed. They'd have been third with-out the penalties. In fifth it was Rafael Navarro IV, and Rafael Ill, in a Jimco. San Felipe through and through - these are the descendants of the original Pete's Camp founders. This was the teen-ager' s first desert race, though he's done some Glen Helen events. He also races the Jetta TD! Cup series, so he's not a rookie racer -just new to Baja racing. Rafael the elder started the race and drove to Mile 98 with the son navigating. Then they switched seats. They had a flat at Mile 120, but friendly specta-tors changed it for them. They also had a flat fixed in their BFG pit. Other than that it "was a good race". They said the "course was really well marked." Their time was 6: 16:02. Sixth went to David Callaway, in a Callaway. He got away from us before we could talk to him. His time was 6:47:05. In seventh it was Zak Langley and Mike Urbano in a Penhall. Urbano started and had one flat then handed over to Langley at Mile 147. Langley went on to the finish with no prob-lems, but they had some difficulty with their lritrack device and got a 30 minute penalty for no highway speed data, which cost them a position. Their time was 6:47:49. Justin Davis and Daniel Folts took eighth place in their Seagrove. Folts started, and got up near the front of the pack, and then handed over to Davis, who's still new at this, but very quick. Unfortunately a rocker arm stud broke at Mile 223, and curtailed his speed a bit. Their time was 7:11:17. In ninth place, and last in the class to finish, was Sammy Araiza, in a Curry. Araiza came up from the Caho area for this event. He said he'd had two flats and some issues with his motor, but he got that "fixed." His time was 7:27:06. The Class 8 trucks were next off the line, with six starters. At the end of the ride, it was Juan Carlos Lopez, in a Ford. He. drove all the way and said Continued on page 12 Chet Huffman and Jerry Whelchel left clouds of silt as they raced their Randy Wilson and John Herder piloted their Jimco-Chevy to a third way to third place in Trophy Truck, here in their Chevy C2500. place finish in Class 1, they were four minutes out of second place. The Hiram/Eric/Evan Duran trio drove their Amplified car to the bronze medal finish in Class ½-1600, seen here on the course. Dusty Times May 2010 Page 11

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The Class 11 win went to Eric Solorzano and Bob Johnson, it was a long 10 hours racing but well worth the effort. The Stock Full win went to Joe Baca/ in his Lexus LX570, Joe is seen here flying across the soft stuff and marking his course. Fourth place went to Mario Gas- cisco and Carlos Mejoral in a Che-telum, in a Romo. The car is nearly nowth. They'd had to replace a c.v. new; this was only its second race. joint along the way. Their time, Gastelum, who drove all the way, including a four minute highway broke a fan belt and had two flats. He speeding penalty, was 9:56: 14. also drove from Mile 30 to Mile 100 In eleventh it was Rick Steven, with no clutch, he said he shifted by who didn't stop to talk. According to "synchronizing things." His time was the program he was driving a Raceco, 7:09:24. and his time was 10:36:26, a long, Rob Archibald and Cody Agee long day. He was the final finisher in were fifth in their Mirage. Agee did the class. the first 100 miles and somewhere Well, he wasn't really the last car along the way the fuel filter clogged. to finish; he was the last official fin-This was his first time in a 1-2/1600 isher. At a few minutes past ten p.m., car, but he's driven 5/1600s before. Carlos Montalvan drove across the They lost some time cleaning out the line in his Curry. He'd had problems fuel filter. Archibald got in for the with his alternator and he'd broken finish, and had a good run, finishing a rear hub and it "took forever to get in 7:14:40, including VCP penalties. parts." Racer Services gave them an In sixth it was Juan Gallo, who alternator and installed it. And Steve The Stock Mini Class win went to Gavin Skilton and Vlad Chioreanu in their Honda Ridgeline, seen here spewing lots of silt. started and Marco Antonio Gallo, Eugenio towed them out of Matomi, problems arose because of it. He said who finished, in a Curry. They lost a where he'd been chasing Kyle Con-the race was "rough", but finished in coil wire at Mile 5, which cost them Ion. But it was all in vain because 6:28:40. ten minutes, then lost an alterna- he was overtime and goes into the he had "no flats, no problems, no roll-overs." He also said, "Bien, bien! Very hard race." It was his first SCORE win, and his time was 4:57:36. Second behind him was the team of Dave Crinklaw and Mike Thurlow in another Ford. Crinklaw started and had one flat, and Thurlow, who finished, said he had two flats and a broken axle. Their time was 7:05: 14, which included 30 minutes for "no highway speed data." In third it was Beny Canela and David Bryan in another Ford. These two veteran racers had all their trou-ble before they got started, when an eagle-eyed tech person spotted that the navigator's helmet didn't have the right stickers on it. They futzed around for a long time, and finally went to a local motorcycle shop and bought a legal helmet and started 40 minutes late. Canela was the first driver, and Bryan finished. He said the "silt was nasty", but added that they'd had fun. Canela, at age 73, may have been the oldest entrant at this event. Their time was 7:12:51 and that included 20 minutes for VCP infractions. They were the last to finish in the class. In Class 4, which had only one starter, there was one finisher. Ed-ward Zimmerman drove all the way in his Eco Tech powered spec buggy. He said that a Class 600 truck hit him and cracked a valve cover, but no .. The 1-2/1600 cars were next to tor pulley and belt. Their time was records as a dnf. start, with 18 entries. Roberto Romo 7:39:54, which included a highway Class 5 had four starters, but and Cody Robinson got to the fin- speeding penalty of two minutes. only two managed to get all the ish line first, in their Romo, and Seventh place went to Kyle Con- way around. In first place it was Robinson was worried that he might Ion in a Jimco. He broke a c.v. and Kevin Carr and Kent Lothringer. have gone over the speed limit on the axle, and lost his power steering, and Lothringer started and his day didn't pavement. Romo had driven the start drove without it for 100 miles. Then go real well. The adjuster nut on the to Mile 78, and he'd had a flat and he put a new starter on, and broke a front torsion bars broke off, and the changed an alternator belt. Robinson clutch, and he said, ''After that it was IRC box was lost when it fell out of had three flats, lost his power steering good." His time was 8:02:23, includ- its mount. And then the floor pan and lost second gear. And, as it turned ing penalties for VCP violations. under his feet peeled back, creating out, he apparently did not speed on Brothers Arturo and Abel Velazco a hole where there should not have the pavement, because he had no pen-finished eighth in their VBR, a been one. Carr, wh"o finished, said alties. Their time was 6: 10:44. brand new car. They built it them- he had an excellent race with Ivan In second place it was Luke Mc-selves. They broke the bolts that hold Pacheco in another Class 5 car, Millin who drove all the way in his the trailing arm to the spring plate, which finished behind him. Carr new AlumiCraft. He said it was and had to fix that, and they ran and Lothringer's time was 6:42:09. "rough and soft." His oil dipstick only one coil per shock, and broke In second, only ten minutes later, broke off and they had to stop to get one. They said they had "lots of fun." it was Pacheco, who'd driven the it duct taped up because they were los-Their time was 8:25:56, including a second half, and Pedro Morquecho, ing oil. He had a flat before Matomi, VCP penalty. who started. Pacheco also said it had and had to get out and fix it, and then In ninth place it was George Pe-been a good race, but he lost his mo-the starter wouldn't work, so the navi-ters, who finished and Kevin Walsh, tor a mile before the finish, and they gator got back out to push or bang who started, in a Penhall. Sean ended up pushing the car the final on the starter. But once going, it kept Umphries did the navigating. They 100 yards. Their time was 6:52:40. moving, and they finished in 6:26:25. ran out of gas about eight miles be-Class 6 started next. There were Third place went to the Duran fore the finish, and some locals who nine of the highly modified small brothers, Evan and Hiram. Evan were out there chasing for a Class 10 trucks, and six of them finished, all started the day in their Amplified, car gave them some gas. They were Fords. First to the finish line was and Hiram finished. He had four lucky to find 'them since they were Dave Caspino. He said it was "Really flats, one of them with no spare, so he about a half mile off course at the easy this year - lot easier than last stopped in the Baja Pits and borrowed time they ran out, "by accident." year's." And reported no problems. one. They had a VCP penalty of 10 Their time was 9:25:56. He did break a shock at Mile 30, minutes, and had a time of 6:28:50. In 10th place it was brothers Fran-but then he just drove with it that ..--------.....-----.....--.--....... ......,----------, • ---, way. He said he "Let a bunch of the crazier guys get ahead of me - I knew they were gonna break - the smartest driver finishes first here." His time was 5:35:15. In second, Steve Kovach drove all the way. He said he had "No trouble, no flats, no nothin' - a lot of bumps." And then went on, "It was an awesome course. I figured out how to stay on top of the whoops, and there were a lot of whoops." His time was 5:42:28. Heidi Steele and Renee Brugger were third. Brugger started, and he had no problems. Steele got in at 148. She hit a rock and flattened two tires on the same side, but luckily she had two spares, so it cost only about 15 minutes. But she did stop Mile 172 to pick up two new spares. It was a clean run after that except that the transmission ran hot. Their time was 6: 19:56. Javier Manzo was fourth, and somehow he slipped past us in the crowd, so we don't know how his day went. His time was 6:36:01. In fifth place it was Jose Canchola Jr., who drove all the way. He said he had a flat, transmission problems, steering trouble and his air filter got clogged up. His time was 7:44:20, including 30 minutes for a "no high-way speed data" penalty. Second generation racer, A. J. Rodriguez was sixth. He had a long day, beset by overheating and trans-mission problems. He had to drain his transmission fluid and put new in. And up at the top of Matomi he got stuck. His time was 9:48:55, including a 30 minute penalty for no highway speed data. He was the last finisher in the class. There were two starters in Class 7 and one finisher. Dan Chamlee' s Ford didn't run trouble free. He had to weld a broken shock mount at Mile 176, and at Mile 202 his cooling fan broke. His son, Thomas, brought his pre-runner out and "sacrificed his fan", so dad could get to the finish . .J It meant that Thomas was going to have to drive back in "short sprints." Chamlee's time was 8:32:17. Class 7-2 had three starters, and one finisher, all powered by Eco-Tech motors. This truck was a Chevy Trophy-Lite driven by Bruce and Fawn Finchum, a husband and wife team. Bruce started and went to Mile 108. He had to change a fuel pump at Mile 60. Fawn got stuck in a wash and dug for a while, but one of the UTVs in the race stopped and pulled them out. Then she got stuck again at Mile 238, and that time she and her navigator jacked it up and rolled it off. Their time was 10:46:40, peril-ously close to the cut-off time. In Class 5-1600 there were six starters, and three of them made it all the way around. Gustavo Avina drove all the way in his green Rocko-dile car to take the win. He said he'd had two flats and otherwise everything was fine. Then he said, with a hu e · n, "there was onl one Heidi Steele and Renee Bruger drove their Ford Ranger to a third place Brent Parkhouse and Brian Burgess had to settle for a third place finish Fourth place in the Trophy Truck Division was Robbie Pierce, he's seen finish in Class 6, they're seen here at speed on the course. in SCORE LITE this race, they're seen here headin' for home. here piloting his Chevy Silverado on the hard pack. Page 12 May 2010 Dusty Times

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problem - the road is very bad." His time was 7:20:10. The second place driver, Trevor Anderson, also drove all the way. He said he'd been stuck a "couple times" and his navigator did all the pushing. Their time was 7:57:25. In third, Alonso Angulo, who started, and Mario Reynoso, who drove the second half, didn't have an easy day. Angulo broke a spindle in the first 50 miles, and lost about 45 minutes. But they didn't have any flats. Their time was 8: 16:28. ,. Class 7SX had three starters and they all made it back to the finish. In first place it was Norman Turley, who drove all the way in his Ford. He had no tire trouble, but ran out of gas about eight miles from the finish. The Class 7-2 victory went to Fawn and Bruce Finchum, they're seen here plowing their Bajalite-Chevy towards the checkered flag. To get going again he siphoned some from A. J. Rodriguez's truck which "cooling fan issue", and said he'd them, and lost only 15 minutes or was temporarily sidelined nearby. had to re-wire them. He ran a "real so. They had no flats. They couldn't Turley's time was 8: 10:05, and in- conservative pace", had no flat find their "splash of gas pit", but eluded a VCP penalty of ten minutes. tires, although he said, "the course "some guys" gave them some 93 In second place it was Elias Han-was bad, bad, bad." He was tired. octane so they could get to the finish. na, Ford, who also drove all the way. Skilton's time was 10: 14:09. Their time was 8:52:00. He said his radiator didn't work for Class 9 had two starters, and just In third it was John and Brenda many miles, and he had to stop ten one managed to get to the finish. Pfeiffer in a Chevy powered Curry. times to add fluid and let it cool. But Lalo Laguna drove all the way in his They didn't stop to talk about their he had no flats, and it was "good oth- TRFab to take the win. He had he'd day. Their time was 9:29:43. erwise." His time was 9:20:30, and had no problems, and just one flat There were five Sportsman includes two VCP penalties, and 39.5 which he'd had to change himself. Trucks, and two of them got back minutes for speeding on the highway. His time was 8:58:30. to the finish line. In front it was Ken Ted Moncure and Doug Hood In Class 11 there were four start-Frazier, who drove all the way in his were third in their Toyota. They said ers, but only one got all the way Chevrolet. He said he'd had mostly it was "pretty much a good day". around. Robert Johnson started driveline problems. He lost two They had radiator and fan problems, and drove to Morelia, and then Eric hours at Mile 224 when he had to and had to get a replacement fan Solorzano took over to the finish. "make a U-bolt strap." He hadn't pre-from a salvage yard. They lost an He said they'd had a broken fan belt run, and his OPS didn't work for the hour one time, and then used 35 and three flats, and called it "a pretty whole race. His time was 10:02:55. minutes to put in the electric fan, goodday."Itwas,hesaid, "verysilty", InsecondplaceitwasNickTonel-and then another half-hour to fix it and they got stuck three times. He li and Benjamin Wright in a Ford. again. Their time was 10:31 :41. got pushed out. This was Solorzano' s Tonelli drove to Check 2 and Wright Sadly, there were no Class 3 cars tenth victory in a San Felipe race. His finished. Will Wright navigated the at this event. time was 10:11:00. last section. They said they'd had a In the Stock Full class there were Six Sportsman Buggies started couple of flats, and the truck had four entries, but only one managed to the race, and three of them got to the overheated from about Mile 82 to get a finish. Joe Baca! drove his Lexus finish. In first place it was Wendell Matomi, and "then we figured it all the way, finishing at about 8:15 in Mortensen in a 1985 Raceco with out." Then, at about Mile 190 it the evening. He said he had "no prob- a Type IV VW motor. He drove all had started running on six cylinders. !ems, the truck ran great". He had the way and at the finish he said, "So Their time was 10:37:58. a "back and forth" race with Justin rough -so much fun - great course." There were six UTVs in this Matney that he enjoyed, but Matney He'd had one flat and his motor was race, and they all run as Sportsmen. didn't get to the finish. Bacal hadn't sounding tired. His time was 7:02:47, They're getting it figured out appar-pre-run, but described the course as 42nd overall. ently, because this year four of them "fun", although, he said, the silt was In second place George Jackson got to the finish. In first place it was "tough". His time was 9:21:52. drove his VW powered Jimco all the Chris Koch and Bob Viau in an ITP In the Stock Mini Class Gavin way, with Jeff lngebritsen navigating. Nessie IL They'd had no flats all day, Skilton had a very long day in his They said they'd fried a fuel pump but for the last fifty miles of the race Honda Ridgeline. He reported a in Huatamote, but had a spare with the throttle had been stuck at 45 .---,,-----"'------..._ _________ .__ __ _, I Ed and Don Zimmerman piloted their Class 4 PSD-Chevy to a win at San Felipe, they're seen here at high speed on the course. Wendell Mortensen,Dan Higginbotham and Ruben Garcia drove their VW powered Raceco to the Sportsman Car win, here at high speed. ·mph, so they'd had to use "a lot of and he didn't stop. His time was brake." Their time was 8:53: 12. 10:04:22, and included 20 minutes In second it was brothers Peter ofVCP penalties. and Steve Hajas. Peter started and The car and truck racers are be-Steve finished. They lost eight clutch coming acclimated to speed limits belts, each of them needing 15 to 25 and Virtual Check Points, so that minutes to replace. Their time was there seem to be fewer penalties 9:20:07. assessed each race. This event went Third went to Tom Graves who off smoothly, and except for the soloed in his Yamaha. He said his program glitch, everything worked as engine wasn't running well, and he'd intended. The weather stayed nice, had no top end in sand washes. He the town is friendly and happy to also discovered that his tires were too have the racers there, and there were hard for all the sand. He said, "It's no untoward incidents. the worst course I've ever seen in my The next SCORE event will be life." In the past he raced bikes and the Baja 500, followed by the Primm quads. His time was 9:27:48. race and then the finale in Novem-ln fourth it was John Crowley ber, the Baja 1000, which is going to in an unknown brand of vehicle, La Paz. SCIII Dan Martin and Justin Smith drove their Penhall Chevy to a first off the Mario Gastelum and Javier Rascon raced their Romo to a fourth place It was a fourth place finish in SCORE LITE for Mike Williams and Blaise podium finish in the Class 1 battle. finish in the Class ½-1600 fracas, here hustling to the finish. Jackson in their Meco, here at high speed on the course. BJ Baldwin had to settle for a fifth place finish in the Trophy Truck battle Andy and Scott McMillin finished sixth in the Trophy Truck race, they The Rafael Navarro's the IV and the Ill raced their Jimco to a fifth place at San Felipe, he's seen here hard at work in the soft stuff. finished 12th overall in their Ford F-150. finish in SCORE LITE, seen here runnin' in the soft stuff. Dusty Times May 2010 Page 13

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lAl2C:: 2ND JORDAN RALLY Loeb/Elena/Citroen Take It All By Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden Xavier Pons and Alex Haro dreove their Ford Fiesta S2000 to the SWRC/WRCC win in Jordan, here before some admirers. Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena drove their Citroen C4 to the overall win in Jordan, Seen here at very high speed. There was only one Guest driver in the PCWRC category, that for Am-jad Farrah in a Mitsubishi. In the SWRC, this event saw the first regular appearance of Per-Gunnar Andersson in a Skoda, although he had earlier won the cat-egory in a one-off Guest appearance on the Swedish. Anders Grondal's team meanwhile had hoped to have their PCWRC nomination for New Zealand changed for Jordan but this did not happen and Grondal has announced he will not now start the event. Also missing was PCWRC competitor Gianluca Linari, who had volunteered to contest Rally GB instead of this event Another newcomer to the championship was Welcome to Jordan, a most un- with a regional championship event the news that the FIA had removed the first Chinese team to register in -a usual rally! There are special things as well. Drivers could elect to run the .event in Saudi Arabia from the world championship event The two-about this recent addition to the only in the two-day MERC category MERC calendar, reducing the size of car FCACA team is involved in both World Rally Championship, being and would only tackle the stages on · the 2010 MERC series and thereby the SWRC (Jari Ketomaa, with a run in 2010 with World status for the Friday and Saturday, but it was threatening Khalid's chances of the S2000 Ford -formerly used by Nasser only the second time. Not only has possible for competitors who also title in that series if he missed out Al Attiyah) and the PCWRC (Wang this been the sole Arab event in the wished to compete in the world on the Jordan event as well. World Rui, in a Group N Subaru). calendar for more than 30 years, championship category to drive the Rally Cars are not admitted in the The organisers faced severe prob-since the days the world champion- Thursday stages as well. MERC so he arranged to drive his lems in the weeks before the rally on ship went to Morocco, or that it is Nine registered WRC entries Fiesta S2000 on this event instead account of the weather. Six months' run literally at the bottom of the were received. Citroen Total had but by then it was too late to amend rain fell within 36 hours causing con-world, it is the one FIA champion- the same four official cars that his WRC entry. He therefore had siderable damage to the scheduled ship rally in which a former driver, they had in Sweden. BP Ford Abu to cancel the entry for the three day route. The Jordanian army were now King of the land, twice finished Dhabi also came with same cars WRC event. And then, of course, engaged to help rebuild the damaged the event in previous years in a po-as in Sweden, while Stobart came the Saudi event was reinstated... roads and the organisers found that dium position! The unexpected is with the same cars their drivers The entry list for the world cham- the changes to the planned route never far away on this event used in Mexico. Petter Solberg had pionship category was small but the were minimal. The nature of the Like on Jordan's first appearance a different C4 WRC, a car in which quality was remarkable. The event territory in which many of the stages in the WRC in 2008, the Head- Loeb won two events in 2007, and counted for the WRC, SWRC and were held, being below sea level, quarters for the event was located a completely state-of-the-art service PCWRC series, the third round compounded the issue as water kept at the Dead Sea, to the west of the van which he had acquired from of the season in each. Making his flowing downhill from the hills! The country's capital Amman, authen- Renault Fl team. Because of re-first appearance of the season in the low altitude made quite a change ticated as the lowest place on earth. cent rains, team expectations were PCWRC was Nick Georgiou, who is after Mexico where the roads on the Since the 2008 event there had been uncertain. Ford explained that the also one of the five Pirelli Star Driver stages were the highest in the series! some specific changes. The Start only previous time they had been competitors whose season officially Five drivers planned to contest both was held to the north of Amman at to Jordan the conditions were com-begins two weeks later in Turkey. the WRC and the MERC divisions the historic city of Jerash, the rally pletely dry, so who knew what they For the Tommi Makinen team its of the event, the big uncertainty was then headed across country towards would be like this year? Further entry this time was taken by Cypriot where in the running order these the traditional stage region between more pre-event testing in Jordan is driver Spyros Pavlides. A recent PG drivers would be placed. Already Amman and the Dead Sea. Also, not allowed, so there was not much WRC championship egistration there was to be a 15 minute gap be-under the new alternative format ar-chance to find out in advance. had come from the Uspenskiy team tween the WRC and the MERC run-rangements offered by the FIA, the One of the drivers caught up in from Russia, whose car on this event ners, for safety reasons. The duality of rally ran 24 hours earlier than usual, the dual championship problem was driven by Swedish driver Patrik championship status had raised some so that this three day event ran from was BP Ford's Khalid Al Qassimi. Flodin, who had already appeared in curious situations, not the least the Thursday through to Saturday, to He had planned to miss the MERC Sweden as a Guest entrant Flodin is fact that the champio~hips are run fit into the traditions of the Islamic qualifying round in Jordan and having an exceptional season, having to different rules, especially regarding weekend. And thirdly, for the first contest the full WRC as the third enjoyed four victories in four events tyres. time since Japan 2004, a world rally driver in the BP team, driving his -two in Sweden, one in Russia and While the WRC/MERC debate championship event doubled-up usual Focus RS WRC. Then came one in the very far north of China. subsided another issue rose, which .------------------------..---------------------------, concerned the PCWRC and SWRC series, on account of the points ac, credited to Patrik Flodin and PG Andersson respectively. Both drivers had scored maximum points in the Swedish Rally, as guest drivers. Now both had subsequently been regis-tered in full in their respective series -would they be allowed to keep their Swedish points -and if not, would the drivers they beat in Sweden have their points upgraded? Or could they only score points on five more occasions, not six, and if so on which of their six-round programmes? Tricky one, no sign of an answer. The decision to hold the rally over the Easter weekend was not so popular, as this coincided with a great amount of visitors wishing to travel to the country, a fact that was quickly noted by the airlines and hotels. Regular teams reckoned it was less expensive to contest an event such as New 2.ealand. The event went ahead in difficult days, when the sporting promoters North One (lSC) let it be known that they did not want the event to stay in the world champion-ship calendar, but wanted a proposed new event in Abu Dhabi to replace it On top of this, there was ominous ~i silence on the question of the third planned Pirelli Star Driver season due for 2011, coupled with the de-bate whether to continue with single tyre supply arrangements. There was clearly a lot going on behind the scenes, and to their credit the Jordanian people kept their nerve, so it was interesting to learn that the FIA President Jean Todt planned to attend the event The weather was getting hotter at the Start drew near. Long term weather forecasts had predicted that the temperatures would be in the low 20s all rally, but already it was up to the 30 mark, with hot weather now expected by the final day of the event Shakedown was held as usual before the day grew hot, over a short stage dose to the Service Park at the Dead Sea and the results were very close. Sebastien Loeb was quickest with lml3.4 but equal second at lml35 were Dani Sordo and Petter Solberg, Citroens were the fastest Patrik Flodin and Goran Bergsten piloted their Subaru lmpreza to the They weren't allowed to enter the Rally Jordan as they only had Dani Sordo and Marc Marti race by some admiring spectators in PCWRC win in Jordan, seen here in a very fast left hander. two horsepower. Jordan, they finished fourth overall in their Citroen C4. Page 14 May 2010 Dusty Times Ii

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Jari-Matti Latvala and Mikka Anttila ran their Ford Focus RS to second overall in Jordan, here running by the Dead Sea. three cars. Then came Jari-Matti Latvala at lm13.7, Mikko Hirvonen lml3.8 ;nd Sebastien Ogier with lm13.9s. Fastest S2000 were jointly Nasser Al Attiyah (Skoda) and Michal Kosciuszko (Ford). This result was an encouragement for Nasser, who came to Jordan disappointed with his performances in Mexico and then on the !RC round in Argentina, "I have had a lot of trouble adjusting to the normally-aspirated S2000s. I have only rallied turbo cars since 2003, and with the available torque on the rally raid cars being much greater still than on the Group N cars, this has made the transition even more difficult." Finally 33 cars lined up for the start of the WRC event, five of which were also competing in the MERC section, and all but five were regis-tered championship drivers. There were ten Super 2000s, the first time they had not been outnumbered by World Rally Cars, more than on any world championship rally so far, with two more in the MERC event. With 25 stand alone MERC competitors the total on the rally was 58, not so bad! With 12 Super 2000s com-pared with 10 World Rally Cars. At the pre-event Press Conference Sebastien Loeb spoke about the chal-lenge of the event. "Driving first car on the road will be difficult. There are a lot of downhill sections and narrow areas with stones. There are a lot of places where you see nothing over blind crests. Sometimes it is in the middle of nowhere and there are no trees for guidance, just roads over crests. You need to be very precise, you need to trust your notes. One metre either side and you might hit a rock." At Ford, M-Sport chief Mal-colm Wilson put on a brave face when questioned about their disappointing result in Mexico, "I cannot pinpoint one single thing why we were not competitive. It was a combination of many things." Meanwhile it was noted elsewhere that the five-speed Focus never went well on that event .. Dav 1 - 7 St.ages -Gravel - 95. 70kms This was a rally where no driver had any serious interest in winning, more specifically, to be leading! Per-haps more than any other recent rally, running order was going to be critical and certainly there was no anxiety to do well by the end of the first day. Running order influenced positions greatly. First driver on the road, Loeb, lay fifth at midday, second driver, Hirvonen, was sixth, while the third driver, Latvala, held the lead, fourth driver, Sordo, was fourth and fifth driver, Petter Solberg, was lying second. Loeb shrugged his shoul-ders, he expected this would happen and was just putting up with his handicap. Hirvonen lost time with a spin and two stalls on the first stage before starting to settle down. Latvala and Petter Solberg had a one minute Dusty Times time penalty due to delay at refuel-ling. "Actually I do not mind what happens, I certainly don't want to be first car tonight!" The organisers then removed the penalties and Lat-vala found himself still holding the lead he had held since the morning. With no fewer than 21 stages all rally, road sections were inevitably shorter than average and also the time al-lowances were tight. Many drivers complained there was often not enough time to change tyres round between stages. Ogier commented that rocks were starting to proliferate on the stages, having hit one which was unexpectedly in the middle of the road. Villagra found more rocks, and had a frightening high-speed mo-ment when he went from one ditch to another. Raikkonen found his suspension set-up less than ideal and went carefully until there was time to adjust it. The teams spent the afternoon wondering how to react to whatever their rivals would do, in the hope that each would end up with the maxi-1.l}Um possible advantage concerning the running order for the second day. In the end only two drivers slowed down. In second place Pet-ter Solberg, and in third place Dani Sordo, respectively dropping them to fourth and sixth. Latvala was still leading by a slender 5.6 seconds after the penultimate stage but Solberg's and Sordo's tactics to slow down sud-denly boosted Latvala's lead to 30.2 seconds, while Loeb was now third some 31.8 seconds behind the leader. Sitting in a nice fifth place, gener-ally considered the best place in these conditions, was Mikko Hirvonen. None of the top drivers had prob-lems, though seventh placed Hen-ning Solberg was generally unhappy and Villagra had some brake troubles on stage six. Raikkonen made some set-up changes and began to find a new confidence in the car, ending the day in tenth place. There was drama galore in the SWRC. The cars were safely lined-up just above the famous Roman audito-rium at Jerash before moving down to a spectacular start below, but Jari Ketomaa's car suddenly manifested . a breakdown and would not restart. The crew pushed the car down to the start ramp and withdrew for the day. The Autotek team, running Ke-tomaa, waited anxiously to see what had happened to the engine. The problem was either trivial or terminal and they did not know which. It turned out to be a loose bolt between the flywheel and the gearbox which jammed the crankshaft. Anders-son made spectacular times on the first two stages before going off the road and damaging the suspension on stage three, leaving fellow Skoda driver Nasser Al Attiyah to inherit the lead, in front of Michal Kosciuszko and Bernardo Sousa. On the same Petter Solberg and Philip Mills get their Citroen C4 a bit dirty as they fly a dip, they finished third overall in Jordan. stage sixth placed Patrik Sandell stopped for the day with a broken steering link, and then on stage four fifth placed Janne Tuohino went off the road. Of the eight runners which started the day, five restarted for the second loop after the midday halt. Immediately, however, their dramas continued. Al Attiyah went off the road, sliding into a rock which reportedly pulled the wheel and the car off the road. The radiator was broken. He was able to restart in fine condition. Andersson explained that he did not pull wheels off his car as re-ported, simply that an impact with a rock had damaged a suspension strut top mounting. This let Kosciuszko into the lead which he held after stages five and six, but then as he was driving to the last stage of the day the alternator belt broke and he had to miss the final stage. At the same time Brynildsen, who was driving carefully - determined to make no mistakes, had the alternator failed and he also missed the final stage. So at the end of the day the only cars still running in SWRC were Bernardo Sousa, who was still finding it difficult to find a good rhythm, and Xevi Pons, who was now findin the car was handling better. Yazeed Al Rahji was going carefully, delayed only by some steer-ing misalignment, but others were waiting for the MERC round to start in the following day. In the PCWRC Patrik Flodin went immediately into the lead before being delayed on stage three when he slid off the road and dam-aged the steering arm. Despite this causing the brakes to overheat Flodin regained the lead on stage four from Armindo Araujo, but he wasn't happy, "On my last rally (in China) the temperature was minus 39. Here it is plus 30. I wish the weather was not always so extreme!" Araujo had a problem with the throttle response. Martin Semerad slid off the road and damaged his oil cooler. Spyros Pavlides hit a rock which damaged the rear suspen-sion but he managed to carry on. Wang Rui was driving cautiously, determined to get the most out of the experience. The Brazilian Paulo Nobre disappeared when he went off the road on a stage and hit a big rock but was able to carry on, but on stage three the transmission broke. Araujo took the lead again briefly from Flodin after stage six, but from then Flodin became established in the lead which he now held ahead of Semerad who had risen to second. Reijo Muhonen had trouble with his clutch but apart from Nobre everyone was still going strong. Day 2 - 6 Stages - Gravel -138.28kms Ford hoped that their tactics would work both ways if the second day's stag-es were cleaning a lot, and Hirvonen had an ideal slot If not, then Latvala did. It was clear that the main tactic was for the team was that both Lat-vala and Loeb were the drivers who would go flat out on the final stage after having driven conservatively on the two stages before. Petter Solberg thought about Mexico and the deci-sion not to play tactics, decided that maybe tactics would be a good idea to try and in two stages had moved up from fourth to second. Latvala was driving well, but found that it was Petter Solberg rather than Loeb who was starting to challenge him. In two stages Petter had taken 11 seconds off him and was now only_21.8 seconds adrift. The big story however was the exit of Hirvonen, who on the opening stage hit a bank on the right, which spun the car into a rock on the left and wrecked the front left suspension of his Focus. Then came the first of the River stages, a 41 km section which wound along the bank of the Jordan River, easily the longest stage of the event, to be tackled twice during the day. It was more slippery than Latvala had expected and on this stage Loeb pulled up to within 4.7 seconds of the lead. Petter Solberg, however, was passed by both Loeb and Sebastien Ogier, stating that the car was over-steering badly. The team later realised they had gone out with suspension set-tings harder than the other Citroens and suffered accordingly. Sordo spun and had the engine stall on the long stage. In worse trouble on stage ten was Henning Solberg, who punctured and had to change the wheel in mid Continued an page 16 -. .... www.bakerpri l1f1J mY!Ri/:lllI¥J ~ Ci©fJ {3 Oil!IY& olsion.00111 *BL.ACK* red & blue -6 st $5.99 -8 st $6.99 -10 st $9.49 -12 st $10.99 ~r:mrnml!)/film 20ft. Lenghts -6 20ft. $93.40 -8 20ft. $107.20 -10 20ft. $128.20 -12 20ft. $185.20 High Misalignment Adapters JMXT series Chromoly ~"' JMX8T $20.05 ' ~ JMX10T $26.16 · JMX12T $33.25 JMX14T $60.78 JMX16T $76.10 red & blue -6 45 $12.99 -845 $13.99 -10 45 $16.99 ----12 45 $21.84 red& blue J -6 90 $12.99 -8 90 $14.99 -10 90 $15.99 ,._ ____ -1290$21.84 Complete Line of New Hampshire Ball Bearings, Inc. Weld-in Bungs •1t•E\APRECISION D ,j ft. IC RACING PRODUCTS P.h 562-427-2375 2865 GUNDRY AVE. SIGNAL HILL, CA 90755 May 2010 Page 15

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Kimi Raikkonen and Kaj Lindstrom were the eighth overall finishers Mikko Hirvonen shows the saline content of the Dead Sea, here Matthew Wilson and Scott Martin drove their Ford Focus RS to a in Jordan, seen here in their Citroen C4. he floats with ease, the Sea is saltier than Great Salt Lake in Utah. fifth place overall in Jordan, here at high speed on the flat surface. stage, but then found the brakes had completely disappeared. This in turn meant he held up Kimi Raikkonen, who went immediately off the road in Solberg's dust. After the midday halt, the drama of the final stage on Day 1 was about to be repeated. Latvala's splendid lead continued to be eroded. After the first of the second loop of stages, La.tvala and Loeb were exactly equal. With one stage to go, Loeb was 5.4 seconds in front, virtually the same amount by which La.tvala had been leading at the same point of the rally 24 hours earlier. Citroen drivers fol-lowed Ford's ploy, ordering Loeb to go as hard as he could, hoping other drivers would ease their pace and give the champion as good a chance as possible to pull out an unbeatable lead. The situation was as complex as ever, however. l.a.tvala was running first car on the road and set the target on which the Citroen drivers based their tactics. Sebastien Ogier was running second car on the road, and he had a perfect chance to slow down and set a time which would force Latvala into second place. l.a.tvala however slowed down, not so much out of free will but simply because of the nature of the narrow clear tracks on the roads, and by the time l.a.t-vala crossed the finish line of the final stage it was too late for Citroen to give any instruction to Ogier. So Loeb went into the final day 24.6 seconds ahead but with Ogier second and La.tvala in the more comfortable third position. Behind the leading trio Pet-ter Solberg held fourth place ahead of Dani Sordo while Henning Solberg eventually got back into the points behind Wilson, Villagra and Raik-konen. The final day, which inciden-tally was also La.tvala's 25th birthday, was sure to be full of interest! The Super 2000s continued to provide unexpected excitement. Sousa struggled to keep his lead, com-plaining he found it difficult to keep a competitive level of concentration while Pons was getting happier and passed into the lead of the category on stage ten. Ketomaa restarted, got fastest SWRC time on stage eight but then stopped, this time with a broken alternator belt. Brynildsen continued but only with front wheel drive mode. Kosciuszko found the tyres were overheating and losing their grip. Al Attiyah had a broken throttle cable and had to drive with one hand turning the ignition switch on and off. Nasser's misfortune had a double edge, not only did it mean that he fell to last of the seven SWRC drivers still running, but he also lost the lead in the MERC section, dropping to 18th of the 21 cars still running! Sandell exited the event once more, this time after finding a rock in the middle of the road, which broke the sumpguard and gearbox. During the second loop of stages Pons consolidated his lead ahead of Sousa, but then on the final stage of the day Kosciuszko got ahead of Page 16 Sousa into second place. Sousa then ran out of fuel about a kilometre from the service park and incurred a ten minute penalty. Brynildsen still continued with his transmission problems but stayed in front of T uo-hino, but then the Finn stopped on the penultimate stage with a seized propshaft. Andersson and Al Atti-yah continued and finished the day, although Al Attiyah's team were a lit-tle wistful, believing that a lot of time had been unnecessarily lost when the throttle broke in the morning. When the episode of Sousa running out of fuel was investigated further it seemed that many people, includ-ing FIA officials, reported the car being pushed illegally to the service park. The car had been damaged when the driver went off the road on the final stage of the afternoon, but the big problem was that the car ran out of fuel due, according to the team, to a crew miscalculation. The decision to be pushed was unfortu-nate. A simple telephone call to the organisers would have registered the crew as wanting to restart the final day under SupeRally rules, which would have incurred a penalty of ten minutes which would have been the same -and the crew would have been allowed to carry on and not been excluded from the rally. Rodin continued to hold the lead in the PCWRC, showing the luck of a champion when he punctured on the long stage ten, just 500 metres from the end of the stage. Araujo held on to second but after Semerad stopped with transmission prob-lems, it was Nick Georgiou who was third, notwithstanding firstly having clutch trouble, then losing his brakes. Muhonen twice had a turbocharger pipe become disconnected. During the afternoon loop Flodin pulled further ahead. Apart from Sandell all the runners were still going strong at the end of the day. • Day 3 - 8 Stages -Gravel -105.5kms The tactical games between Citroen and Ford were the order of the day. Under registration rules the order in which the drivers left pare ferme was Loeb, Ogier, La.tvala, Petter Solberg and so on, with Hirvonen in 10th place. The game first started when Ogier left service five minutes late, the team explained that the engine would not start, and it was a frightening moment when they thought all their plans to prevent Loeb running first would collapse. Actually Ford's spies were watching. There was no panic with Ogier's car, they had simply wanted Ford to think their plan to protect Loeb had failed. Ford meanwhile were taking no chances, and their wish was to give l.a.tvala as clean a surface as pos-sible, and decided to move Hirvonen forward at the cost of very severe pen-alties (10 seconds were given for every minute late, one minute for every minute early). There were two time controls between leaving pare ferme and the start of stage 14. Hirvonen arrived nine minutes early at the first, then six at the second, gaining 15 minutes and placing himself neatly in front of La.tvala's car in the running order. Ogier's car meanwhile was manipulated so that he was now run-ning first car on the road, in front of Loeb. Now they ran in the sequence Ogier, Loeb, Hirvonen, Latvala. It was strange to see Ford's world championship contender being given an extra penalty of a quarter hour in order to help the fortunes of his num-ber two driver! Who was the winner in all this? Petter Solberg was now ly-ing third overall in the -classification! And poor Ogier was the sacrificial lamb, had dropped down to seventh. Ogier's problems were not entirely imaginary as he had a slow puncture on stage 14, but basically the rally ran its course as expected, in the circum-stances. Loeb pushed on the first loop of the day and built up a satisfac-tory buffer over La.tvala, who made no mistakes. Wilson commented that the places where they ran stages in re-verse direction to previous years were ever more tricky. Villagra nearly went end over end after sliding into a rock, but it was now all quiet at the front. All the tactics still saw Loeb make fastest time on four of the day's eight stages and to win the rally by 35.8s from La.tvala, who finished in a safe second place. Petter Solberg was third, a second successive podium finish for his private team, ahead of alternating Citroens and Fords headed by Sordo, Wilson, Ogier, Villagra, Raikkonen and Henning Solberg. Mikko Hirvonen finished in 20th place, no Drivers' points but two important Makes' points. In the overall championships Citroen Total took the lead in the Makes series, ahead of BP Ford Abu Dhabi by 14 points and Sebastien Loeb now holds a 25 point lead in the Drivers' cham-pionship but now ahead of La.tvala with Hirvonen in third, a further six points behind his teammate. But behind there were dramas in SWRC. Kosciuszko had a heavy crash going off at a right hander after a straight and rolled five metres downhill, suffering concussion which required him being flown to hospi-tal. Pons continued safely, the only SWRC driver to complete the whole route of the rally, and scored a second successive win in the category in his Fiesta, finishing ahead of the Skodas of Brynildsen and Andersson. In the SWRC championship standings these two Skoda drivers were equal in second place on 40 points, ten points behind leader in the category Pons. In the WRC Cup for SWRC teams, Nupel Global Racing is ahead of Skoda-Rene Georges Rally Sport in second place and Czech Ford Na-tional T earn in third. In PCWRC Flodin continued at a pace that could not be matched. Araujo gave up the struggle and fin-ished safely in second place. Semerad however retired· when he hit a rock and pulled a wheel off, blocking the route. Then Muhonen also crashed and also blocked the route, so the Stewards were busy sorting out the consequences. Rodin took his sec-ond win of the year in the series in his Subaru, but like Andersson (in SWRC) the points situation from their earlier scores as guest drivers in Sweden remains unresolved, ahead of the Mitsubishis of Araujo and Georgiou finished second and third. In the PCWRC championship stand-ings Araujo retained his lead in the series, ahead of Rodin and Grondal and Arai neither of whom competed in Jordan. lAJ'cC 2nd Jordan Rally (HKJ) Jerash-Oead Sea 1/3.04.2010 WCR round 3, SWRC/VVrcclPCWRC round 3 WCR points WCR WCD S WC PC 1 (1) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena F/MC Citroen C4 WRC AJ520MN (F) 3h.51m.35.9s. 25 25-• -2 (4) Jari-Matti LATVALNMiikka Anttila FIN Ford Focus RS WRC PX08AXD (GB) 3h.52m.11.7s. 1818- - -3 (11) Petter Solberg/Philip Mills N/GB Citroen C4 WRC AP007 AM (F) 3h.52m.47. 7s. - 15 - - -4 (2) Dani SORDO/Marc Marti E Citroen C4 \NRC AJ646MH (F) 3h.53m.25.2s. 15 12 - - -5 (5) Matthew WILSON/Scott Martin GB Ford Focus RS WRC PX08AXC (GB) 4h.00m.00.2s. 12 10 - - -6 (7) Sebastien OGIER/Julien Ingrassia F Citroen C4 WRC AJ557NM (F) 4h.02m.02.3s. 10 8 - - -7 (9) Federico VILLAGRA/Jorge Perez Companc RA Ford Focus RS WRC EU07SUF (GB) 4h.03m.03.9s. 8 6 - - -8 (8) Kimi RAIKKONEN/Kai Lindstrom FIN Citroen C4 WRC AJ701NM (F) 4h.04m.06.9s. 6 4 • - -9 (6) Henning SOLBERG/Ilka Minor NIA Ford Focus RS WRC EU07SSZ (GB) 4h.05m.44.5s. 4 2 • • • 10 (28) Xavier Pons/Alex Haro E Ford Fiesta S2000 S\NRC/WRCC MM59ORT (GB) 4h.10m.09.8s.+ -1 25 25-11 (48) Patrik Flodin/Goran Bergsten S Subaru lmpreza N14 PCWRC K1207BZ (S) 4h.10m.42.9s. - - - -25 12 (31) Armindo Araujo/Miguel Ramalho P Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X PCWRC DP385JW (I) 4h.12m.39.5s. - - --18 14 (25) Eyvind Brynildsen/Cato Menkerud N Skoda Fabia S2000 SWRC/WRCC 956BEW (B) 4h.22m.01.8s.(1) - -1818-15 (36) Nick Georgiou/Joseph Matar RL Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X PCWRC H29915 (DXB) 4h.29m.01.3s. • -·-15 16 (53) Per-Gunnar+ Jonas Andersson S Skoda Fabia S2000 SWRC/WRCC 14R0200 (CZ) 4h.29m.07.2s.(5) - -1515-• 17 (47) Spyros Pavlides/Chris Patterson CY/GB Subaru lmpreza N14 PCWRC OU09BZH (GB) 4h.29m.54.8s. - ---12 ' 18 (22) Nasser Al Attiyah/Giovanni Bemacchini QM Skoda Fabia S2000 SWRC/WRCC 401 S3E (CZ) 4h.31m.26.0s.(3) - • 12 12 -19 (49) Amjad Farrah/Nancy AI-Majali HKJ Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX PC\NRC 3573 (HKJ) 4h.35m.10.4s. - - - - 10 20 (3) Mikko HIRVONEN/Jarmo Lehtinen FIN Ford Focus RS WRC BK08LCW (GB) 4h.38m.09.4s.(6) 2 - - - -21 (45) Rui Wang/Hongyu Pan CN Subaru lmpreza N14 PCWRC OU10ADX (GB) 4h.38m.14.8s. - • - - 8 23 (24) Patrik Sandell/Emil Axelsson S Skoda Fabia S2000 SWRC/WRCC KI53OAT (GB) 4h.51m.50.0s.(5) - -10 10 - . 24 (44) Paulo Nobre/Edu Paula BR Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X PCWRC Kl652CK (A) 4h.55m.22.0s.(5) - - - - 6 25 (29) Jari Ketomaa/Mika Stenberg FIN Ford Fiesta S2000 SWRCNvRCC PX59ATZ (GB) 5h.04m.29.3s.(7)--88-33 (9 SWRC/9 WRCC/9 PCWRC) starters. 27 (6 SWRC/6 WRCCfl PCWRC) finishers. +Group N winner. MANUFACTURERS' REGISTERED DRIVER · (Missed stages or road sections) Win,-ier's average speed over stages 87.95kph. LEADING RETIREMENTS LAST STAGE COMPLETED (23) Michal Kosciuszko/Maciek Szczepaniak PL Ford Fiesta $2000 SWRC/WRCC PX59AXA (GB) accident (1) 15 (26) Bernardo Sousa/Nuno Silva P Ford Fiesta S2000 SWRC/WRCC PX10AAN (GB) excluded (4) 13 (27) Janne + Markku Tuohino FIN Ford Fiesta S2000 SWRC/WRCC A3389 (FIN) throttle 19 (34) Martin Semerad/Bohuslav Ceplecha CZ Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX PCWRC 01R0102 (CZ) accident 13 (43) Reijo Muhonen/Lasse Miettinen FIN Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X PCWRC A3386 (FIN) accident 13 RALLY LEADERS Latvala stages 1+2, Sordo 3, Latvata 4-10, Latvala & Loeb 11, Loeb 12-21. SWRC / GROUP N LEADERS Andersson stages 1+2, Al Attiyah 3+4, Kosciuszko 5+6, Sousa 7-9, Pons 10-21. PCWRC LEADERS Flodin stages 1 +2, Araujo 3, Flodin 4+5, Araujo 6, Flodin 7-21. The Route Special Stages Total Distance Crews Restarting Day 1 Jerash (Thursday 1100) • 7 gravel-95. 70km 292. 42km (1-7) Dead Sea -May 2010 Dusty Times ...)

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You Know That This venue Is The ' Best way To Get Your Product . Don't Be Penny Wise And Exposure Foolish Call • A=ain Dusty Times May 2010 Page 17

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M.O.R.E~ BALLS OUT 250 u., .... __ ,._,.,. :. Reid Takes Class 1 And overall By Stet1e Ruddick Photos: Trackside Photo Shelby Reid had a wonderful day, he took the Class 1 contest with ease and he was the overall winner in the race as well. Jim Kalp was the big winner in the Trophy Challenge contest, Jim had 22 minutes on his competition when the checkers flew. It's Spring time ... in the Mojave. It's March 20 - the Spring Equinox (days and nights of equal length) and I'm here in beautiful Barstow CA for the M.O.R.E. Rac-ing Balls Out 250. Eighty-three entries in 14 Classes are staged up and ready to race. The Course is 27.5 miles around, with six Road Crossings (RX) and two Check Points (CK). The Course is mostly - fast- with the usual assortment of whoops and hills and ravines and rocks and sand and other mis-cellaneous got-chas along the way. Fifty racers will make it all the way to see the checkered flag. Classes 1, 5, 10, 12 and 1600 raced for nine la s; 247.5 miles. Classes 5/16, 9, 1300, and 1400 competed for eight laps; 220 miles. Class 1350 did 7 laps; 192.5 miles. Classes 7s and 1450 raced six laps; 165 miles. Class 3 and 11 did 5 laps; 137.5 miles. Shelby Reid won the Overall in car #168. CLASS 1: Nine laps; 247.5 miles. Five entries; 3 Finishers. Alex Cody got the hole-shot at the green light in car# 122 but was running in fifth spot in class after the first lap. Shelby Reid was next off the line in car #168 and had a 21-second lead ahead of Travis Chase in car #195 after Lap 1 was done. Doug Silcock was running in third spot - about 3m:45s behind #195. After five laps of racing - Shelby Reid in car #168 had a 24-minute lead in front of Travis Chase in car #195. Reid won the Fast Lap honors on Lap 3 with an average speed of 60.6 mph in 27m: 14s. Fast women in fast cars. Travis Chase lasted through Lap 6 and then it was trailer-time; the dreaded DNF for #195. That put Doug Silcock in second spot in car #169 with three laps left to go. The race is still on. After 4:34: 17 of off-road rac-..J ing - Shelby Reid got car #168 to the checkered flag to win First Place in Class 1 and First Overall Kurt Larmee was all alone in his class at the Balls Out 250, he raced around for his required laps and took the win. Jonathan Libby took the gold medal in the Ultra Truck battle, Jonathan had three hours on his competition at the flag. at 54.1 mph. Reid won by a 2: 12:36 margin-of-victory. Doug Silcock won Second Place and Second Overall in car # 169 in 6:46:53 at 36.5 mph. Alex Cody won Third Place with a time of 7:56:04 at 31.2 Shawn Walters drove his Ford pickup to a second place finish in the Chris Lazenby was well off the winning pace in the Class 5 contest, Jerry Fisher had a decent day, he took second place honors in the Ultra Truck class, it was a long day but a fruitful one. but, he rallied and was able to take a second place finish in the race. Class 5/1600 fracas, he's seen here just at takeoff. Mark Nappi had a pretty good run this day, he took second place Mike McGee gave it all he had but this race it just wasn't enough, Not the greatest day for Tom Stewart, he was the second place honors in the Class 9 event, seen here in beautiful, level flight. Mike finished second in the Class 10 race, here at speed. finisher in the Class 12 contest, seen here on his way home. Page 18 May 2010 Dusty Times

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' Marylou Garavito led almost every lap in the Class 5 contest, Marylou had 70 minutes on her competition at race end. Guy Savedra led all eight laps in the Class 5/1600 fracas, Guy had 17 minutes on his competition when the checkers flew. mph. I believe Alex is the winner of the highly coveted Dusty Times contingency award for finishing last in any class within the allotted time - a 1-year subscription! Congrats • Andrew Beauchard got in eight hard-earned la s in car # 107 before running out of time. car #504. That was #504 only lap; by 5-minutes in front of Garavito CLASS 5: Nine laps; 247.5 miles. DNF. Crumb was running 3-1/2 in car #505. Lazenby followed in Five entries; 3 Finishers. Scott Wag-minutes ahead of Marylou Garavito car #5090 and Darrell Clinton was staff completed Lap 1 in 0:37:07 at in car #505. Chris Lazenby was in next in car #525. 44.5 mph to lead the class in car fourth spot in car #5090. At the Scott Wagstaff was still in the #502 at the end of the first lap by half-way point in the race, Wagstaff lead in car #502 on lap 7 but ran 53--seconds ahead of Rick Crumb in was still out in front in car #502 into some serious issues that shuf-,.;.--..;.... ______________ ...;.;,;,.;.;...;..;..._,, fled the Class 5 deck. Marylou Ga-ravito moved up front in car #505 and finished the race in 5:35:47 at 44.2 mph to win First Place in Class by a + 1 hour margin-of-victory. Fast women in fast cars. Chris Lazenby got all the required laps completed in 6:45:00 ar-36. 7 mph to win Sec-ond Place in car #5090 with a half-hour to spare. Scott Wagstaff got car #502 back in the race and won Third Place in 7: 13:54 at 34.2 mph. CLASS 10: Nine laps; 247.5 miles. Seven entries; 5 Finishers. Kathy Kirkmeyer was leader of the Class 10 race pack by I-minute at the end of the first lap in car # 1021 in front of Matt Cullen in car . #1039. Matt McBride in car #1071 was only 12-seconds behind Cullen, and Kelley Boyle in car # 1025 was only 13-seconds behind McBride. The rest of the pack was still in the hunt too, only seconds behind the leaders. At the end of five laps -Kirkmeyer was still out front in car # 1039 but had increased her lead to C1ntinud 1n ••1• 20 It was a silver medal finish for Tim Scott in the Class 88 contest, Tim was only 10 seconds out of the win after five hours of racing. Tim Pierson couldn't have cut it much closer, he was only 8 seconds Alex Cody was well off the winning pace in the Class 1 contest but out of the Class 112-1600 win, he's seen here at speed. he hung in for a third place finish in class, here at speed. ·www.robb -Dusty Times May 2010 Page 19

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Steve Jacketti took the gold medal in the Class 7A contest, he had to hustle as he had only two minutes in hand at the checkers Jim Malinowski took the checkers in the Class BA action, Jim had a good run and was 11 minutes in front of his competition. in both Class 12 and Class 16). Piersen motored on to win First Place in Class 12 with a 30 minute margin-of victory in 5:04:36 at 48.8 mph. . "All in all, the race went over very well, we had no major prob-lems", Piersen said. Greg and his wife Jennifer started out for the first lap. On the second lap they did a · rider change and Reese Stoops got in. After fixing a ripped CV boot Greg and Reese finished out the race, only stopping for fuel on lap 5. Greg Pierson had to drive the whole race by himself because his brother Wayne Pierson was forced to work at the last minute. "Someone has to Bud Ward, seen here headin' to the finish line was the Class 9 winner, Bud had 16 minutes in hand when i:he checkers flew. work to support our racing habit", brother Greg said. Tom Stewart completed all the required laps in 2-minutes. McBride was now run-ning in second spot in car #1071 with a 3-1/2 minute lead ahead of Kelly Boyle in car #1025. Matt Cul-len had slipped back to fourth in line in car # 1034 and was in a tie with Ron Carter in car #1019. Place in Class for the day. Kirkmey- 5:34:56 at 44.3 mph to win Second er also won the Fast Lap honors on Place in car #1216. Stewart did it Lap 4 at 52. 7 mph in 0:31: 18. Kelly by a 40 minute margin-of-victory. Boyle finished in Fourth Place in Ed Moore got car # 1234 to the car #1025 in 5:18:37 at 46.6 mph. checkered flag in 6:14:47 at 39.6 Matt Cullen had some serious is- mph to win Third Place in class. Jeff sues on the last lap of the race in car Nutter finished in Fourth Place in # 1039 but still managed to finish in car # 1220 with an elapsed_ time of Fifth Place in 7:54:56 at 31.3 mph. 8:02:51 at 30.8 mph. CLASS 12: Nine laps; 247.5 CLASS 1600: Nine laps; 247.5 miles. Nine entries; 4 Finishers. miles. Eighteen entries; 11 Finish-Matt Laughlin left the rest of the ers. It was a crowded field in Class class in his dust in car #1249 for the 1/2-1600. Greg Piersen found him-first three laps of the race clocking self at the front of the field of en-in at 51 mph each lap. Laughlin tries in car #1613 at the end of the won the Fast Lap honors on·all 3 first lap. Just 24 seconds behind, laps. Laughlin DNF'd after Lap 3. Andrew Neal in car # 1651 and and-neck. And Brian Meyers in car #1681 was just 12 secqnds behind Neal and Meehan. After five laps of racing, Mike Meehan was out in front in car # 1699 with a two second lead ahead of Greg Piersen in car #1613. Andrew Neal in car #1651 had DNF'd after Lap 2. Brian Meyers had slipped back to sixth spot and DNF'd after Lap 6 in car #1681. Paul Kurz was running in third spot in car #1678 - about 7-minutes be-hind the leaders. Mike Ward in car #1673 was about 7-minutes behind Kurz but Lap 5 was Ward's last; DNF. Mike Depew in car #1697 was about 2-minutes behind Ward on Lap 5 when # 1697 was done for the day after Lap 6; DNF. Carnage asa-da. The field of starters grew fewer. After nine laps and 247.5 miles of open desert racing, Mike Mee-han got car # 1699 to the checkered flag ten seconds faster than Greg Piersen did in car #1613 - to win First Place in Class. Ten seconds. Meehan did it in 5:04:26 at 48.8 mph. Piersen did it in 5:04:36 at 48.8 mph. That qualifies as "close" but that's all it took. Paul Kurz got to the checkered flag in 5:17:19 at 46.8 mph to win Third Place in car # 1678. Jack Sizelove finished in Fourth Place in car # 1621 in 5:48:21 at 42.6 mph. James Richey finished in car #2095 with an over-all elapsed time of 6:06:35 at 40.5 mph to win Fifth Place. Another six racers completed all the required laps to Finish and win: Six Place - Chad Baeskins; #1650. Seventh Place -Brett Maurer; #2099. Eighth Place - Spencer Mc-Bride; #1670. Ninth Place - Keith Rogovin; #1688. Tenth Place - Dave Carranza; #1633. Eleventh Place -Ron Weddle; #1603. CLASS 5/16: Eight laps; 220 miles. Four entries; 3 Finishers. Guy Savedra didn't leave much doubt about it. Savedra motored car #569 to the front of the class on Lap 1 to win the Fast Lap honors at 40.5 mph - and stayed there until the checkered flag flew to win First Place by a 16-1/2 minute margin-of-victory in 5:55:58 at 37.1 mph. Jerry Fisher completed all the laps After nine full laps of racing, Matt McBride crossed the Finish Line in 4:49:21 at 51.3 mph to win First Place in Class in car #1071, and by a 9m:34s margin-of-victory. Mike McGee ran very consistent lap times all day and won Second Place in car #1011 in 4:58:55 at 49.7 mph. McGee finished 2m:30s ahead of Kathy Kirkmeyer. Kirk-meyer got all the required laps done in 5:01:25 at 49.3 mph to win Third That DNF put Greg Piersen out Mike Meehan in car # 1699 were The silver medal in the Trophy Challenge race went to Holli Bechard, she's seen front in car #1613 (Piersen entered both hot on Piersen's heels; neck-here navigating the course . .-----=::.:...:::.:...::.:.:...:..;.:::=-:...:.::.::.::.:..;:.:.::.:.;___;===,;;;=====~================:==, It was a third place finish in the Trophy Challenge Class for Pepper Shelby Thompson hung in there for almost all the race, Shelby never Scott Wagstaff was looking for a win in Class 5 but a very long Cote, here at speed heading for the checkers. completed the eighth lap in the Ultra Truck event. . seventh lap dropped him to a third place finish in class . .. ,.ff,,"" "" -~, .... ii-, . .. ~►«"9r Chad Williams had a decent race, he took third place honors in the Johnny Walker drove his Ford pickup to a third place finish in the Dave Bolles gets nicely airborne as he flies his buggy to a third place Class 5/1600 race, Chad is seen here at speed. Class 7A contest, he's seen here lust at launching. finish in the Class 9 contest in the MORE Balls Out race. Page 20 May 2010 Dusty Times

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Kathy Kirkmeyer gave it all she had but it was only good enough for Ed Moore is nicely airborne as he flies to a third place finish in the Casey Benito was doing quite well but a horrendously long third lap dropped him to a third place finish in Class BB. a third place finish in the Class 10 contest. Class 12 action at the Balls Out 250. required in 6: 12:26 to win Second did too after Lap 7. Jonathan Libby got truck # 1449 fixed and motored Place in Class at 35.4 mph. Chad ran into some problems on the last on to win Second Place in class in Williams had some fast times, and lap but crossed the Finish Line in 7:50:39 at 28 mph. some slower times, but finished the 4:50:39 at 45.4 mph to win First CLASS 13: Seven laps; 192.5 race in 7:29: 10 at 29.4 mph to win Place in Class. Libby also won the miles. Five entries; 3 Finishers. Jim Third Place in class for the day in Fast Lap honors on Lap 7 at 53.1 Kalp was second off the line at the car #553. mph in 0:31:06. Shawn Walters green flag in car #1322 and left CLASS 9: Eight laps; 220 miles. Ten entries; 8 Finishers. Bud Ward had a rear-start in class in car #907 at the green light. Ward won the Fast Lap honors on Lap 1 at 41.3 mph and was out in the front of the class race pack by 3m: 16s at that point. Mark Nappi was running in second spot in car #930 and was followed by Dave Bolles in car #911. After four laps of racing, Bud Ward was still out in front by almost ten minutes in car #907. Mark Nappi was running in second spot in car #930, and Cody Jeffers was in third spot in car #909 about 10-minutes behind Nappi. Jeffers was done for the day after that; trailer up. After 220 miles and 5:21:35 of racing, Bud Ward pulled car #907 into the winner's circle for the First Place prize, with a 15m:45s margin-of-victory. Mark Nappi won Second Place in 5:37:20 at 39.1 mph in car #930 by 26m:36s. Dave Bolles ral-lied car #911 to the Third Place win in a time of 6:03:56 at 36.3 mph. Matt Creveling finished in Fourth Plac in car #990 with an overall time of 6:23:00 at 34.5 mph. The ' Fifth Place finish was won by Brian Caudill in car #923 in 6:49:24 at 32.2 mph. Chris Mursick in car #978 was only about a minute behind Caudill. Mursick finished in 6:50:32 to win Sixth Place for the day. CLASS 1350: Eight laps; 220 miles. One entry; 1 Finisher. Jim Malinowski was the sole entry in Class in car #1351. All he had to do to win was beat -The Barstow - . He • did. Malinowski .completed the re-quired eight laps in 5: 10:00 at 4 2.6 mph to win First Place. Malinowski waited to Lap 8 to play with the gas pedal and win the Fast Lap honors at 46.5 mph in 35m:29s. CLASS 1400: Eight laps; 220 miles. Five entries; 2 Finishers. Jon-athan Libby didn't waste much time motoring truck #1406 to the front of the line after the green flag and was out in front by 3m:46s ahead of Sal Gomez in truck #1413 after the first lap. Shelby Thompson was run-ning in third spot in truck #1468, and Shawn Walters followed lifter in fourth spot in truck #1449. At the halfway point in the race, Libby was still in the lead in truck #1406 -by more than 40-minutes ahead of Thompson in truck #1468. Gomez had slipped back to third spot in truck #1413 and Shawn Walters was way back in the field in truck # 1449. Ryan Desautels was still in the race in truck # 1428 but called for the trailer after Lap 5; DNF. Sal Gomez was the next to DNF after Lap 6 in truck #1413, and Shelby Thompson in truck #1468 Dusty Times May 2010 little doubt about his intent after First Place in car #1322 with a +22 that. Kalp blasted past the rest of minute margin-of-victory. Kalp also the class to take the lead by 7-min-won the Fast Lap honors on Lap utes after the first lap. Kalp kept his 6 at 46. 7 mph. Holly Bechard just foot firmly on the gas pedal after kept on racing and improving her that too. Kalp finished the required times every lap to win Second Place laps in 4:27:29 at 43.2 mph to win C1ntinued on p19e 22 Page 21

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out of race course. Beaumont won Second Place in 4:30: 13 at 36.5 mph in truck #7110. Johnny Walker got all the laps done in 5:46:39 to win Third Place in truck #746. Chris Anderson had good time, he took the Class 11 win with ease and completed his five laps in less than five hours. Greg Pierson took the Class 12 win with 30 minutes in hand, Greg is seen here just at liftoff at the MORE Balls Out 250. CLASS 1450: Six laps; 165 miles. Four entries; 3 Finishers. Tim Scott got the rear-start at the green flag in truck # 1451. Scott was out front with a 6+ minute lead by the end of Lap 1. Scott was still out front by 9-minutes at the end of Lap 2. Scott had some issues on Lap 3 and lost his lead. Rhonda Park-house was running in second spot in truck # 1496 through Lap 2 and then DNF'd. Casey Benito also ran into some problems on Lap 3 that put truck #1462 on the sidelines for repair. That put Perry Fleming in the lead in truck #1469. in car #1319 in 4:49:23 at 39.9 mph. Pepper Cote completed the re-quired laps in 6:03:40 to win Third Place in car #1325 at 31.6 mph. CLASS 7S: Six laps; 165 miles. Six entries; 3 Finishers. Steve Jacketti got the pole start at the green flag in truck #749 and pulled out to a 17-second lead af-ter the first lap ahead of Eduardo Gonzalez in truck #758 and Javier Avila in truck #721. Gonzalez and Avila were in a tie on time. Don Beaumont in truck #7110 wasn't far behind the leaders. Avila DNF'd af-ter Lap 2 and Gonzalez DNF' d after Lap 3. Jacketti had a 9+ minute lead in truck #749 after three laps of rac-ing. Don Beaumont was running in second spot at the halfway point in truck #7110 - about 19 minutes ahead of Johnny Walker in truck #746. After 165 miles of racing, Steve Jacketti won First Place in Class in truck #749 by a 2m: 7 s margin-of-vic-tory with an overall elapsed time of 4:28:06 at 36.9 mph. Tom Vladov-ich was Jacketti's Co-rider. Jacketti summed up his race this way: "We were first off the line in Class 7s. Just before dropping out of the col-lege hills, Javier (#721) caught up to us and was about 10 feet behind us as we started down the hill at mile 10. We had a little more speed and was able to pull away in the flats and maintain about a 15 second advantage at the end of lap 1. On lap 2 Javier (#721) again caught us and was able to pull up along side just before the downhill out of the college hills. The course narrowed a little -we bumped fenders and he slowed just enough for us to lead him going down the hill. Again we were able to pull out to about a 15 second lead at the S/ F line.» ."On Lap 3 we were expecting to see Javier again and pushed a little harder as we headed towards the College Hills. We didn't see him. He told us later the foam in his fuel cell started breaking down and clogged the filter at mile 4. They cleaned it and he got about another mile before it clogged again and .:i" ,. I RACE RAO/OS -PINCH BOSSES NEWI' l#ll#E IREBII ~~ KEIIWOOO !1:e II UNIBAll CUPS Dusty Times AIR BfBTEM - -J - - - . . , j, -h~ ,J.j May 2010 they called it a day. Don (#7110) said he had us in sight and got a flat tire trying to catch us. By the end of lap 3 we had about a 8 minute lead. At the end of lap 4 we pitted for fuel and maintained our lead of 8 minutes lead to the end of lap 5. Lap 6 we took it easy in the rough and cruised to the finish with a 2 minute advantage, for the win. We had no problems.» Don Beaumont had closed the time gap on Jacketti by about 2 minutes per lap but ran Tim Scott got truck #1451 fixed and back onto the track and in the hunt. Scott made it a race right down to the finish line, but it was Perry Fleming who took the First Place win -by a ten-second margin-of-victory. That's pretty close, Race Fans. Fleming got to the checkered flag in 4:53:49 at 33. 7 mph in truck #1469 for the First Place win. Scott got truck #1451 to the finish line in 4:53:59 at 33. 7 mph to win Second Place in class. Casey Bonito also got Perry Fleming was the Class BB champion at the Balls out 250, he's seen here just at liftoff on his way to the checkered flag. Mike Meehan took the gold medal in the 1600 class at MORE, he ran flawlessly but he only had eight seconds in hand at the checkers. Don Beaumont finished second on the podium in the Class 7A race, he's seen here reaching for the sky in his good looking Ford. • Page 22 f

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It was a bronze medal finish in Class 1/2-1600 for Paul Kurz, he's It was a first off the podium finish in Class 9 for Matt Creveling, Matt Cullen was well off the winning pace in the Class 10 conflict, Matt was the fifth place finisher in class, here at high speed. seen here at high speed headin' for the checkers. Matt is seen here at speed on his way to the flag. truck # 1462 fixed and to the finish # 302 in the First Place winner's derson then proceeded to motor car line in 7:08:12 to win Third Place seat and the one and only spot on #1138 to the front with a Fast Lap in class at 27 mph. the podium. Larmee also captured time of 0:56:29 at 29.2 mph and a CLASS 3: Five laps; 137.5 miles. the Fast Lap honors on Lap 2 at 34 5-minute lead ahead of M Cullen One entry; 1 Finisher. Kurt Larmee mph in 0:48:35. in car #1139. Cullen had issues on was the sole entry in Class in car CLASS 11: Five laps; 137.5 Lap 3 and #1139 DNF'd after Lap #302. Larmee was in the lead from miles. Three entries; 1 Finisher. 4. Chris Anderson kept on racing the green flag to the Finish Line Bob Depew was first off the line in and made it to the Finish Line in and completed all the required laps class in car #1153 and that was the 4:51 :50 at 28.3 mph to win First in 5:43:23 at 24 mph. That put end of his race day; DNF. Chris An- Place in class in car #1138. That's the wrap-up on this race you all the good dirt that's fit to story. Another day of M.O.R.E. print; BYOB. Racer's NOTE: You fun in the dirt for the record books can always send your race story to brought to you by Dusty Times. me at: Post-This is hard-core off-road racing tech gets a bit crowded sometimes in the open desert. Ain't no tiny and getting interviews with each groomed tracks with comfy specta-and every racer ain't always easy. tor stands and cold beer vendors Please send me your story if I don't out here in the desert and dirt. see you so our readers can share the Meanwhile • I'll be on-hand to bring thrill of the race. Be safe out there. It was a fourth place finish in the Class 1/2-1600fracas for Jack Sizelove Jeff Nutter was running quite well until he spent over three hours Jim Richey was well off the winning pace in the Class 1/2-1600 at the Balls Out 250, Jack is seen here headin' for the checkered flag. on his eighth lap, he still managed a 4th place finish in Class 12. contest, Jim is seen here at high speed headin' for the finish line. Dusty Times May 2010 Page 23

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Dao WoP RALLY SERIES Hintz Brothers Win The crown Text & Photos: Jim Culp Sean Medcroft -Jenne Medcroft, rally rookies took the Group 5 win in Doo Wop 2. Dave Hintz - Rick Hintz, won both rounds of the Doo Wop Rally Series to take their second Doo Wop championship Dave and Rick Hintz are the 2010 Doo Wop Rally Series Champions after winning both rallies in the series with their 2002 Subaru WRX. The Hintz brothers finished more than two minutes ahead of Mark Mager and Jake Blattner in the RalliTek sponsored 2006 Subaru WRX. Two popular historic class entries out ran and out lasted the competition to take the two-wheel drive honors for the series. Garth Ankeny teamed with Russ Kraushaar to finish first in a 1969 Saab 96. Glenn Wallace, with R. Dale Kraush-aar (Russ's father) co-driving, were the two-wheel drive run-ners-up driving a 1967 Ford Cortina GT. The 22nd running of the sano City Forest, and two tries Doo Wop Series started in at the mixed surfaces of the 13 the Washington seaport of Corners stage. Kristen Tabor - Janice Tabor, daughter and mom team from Oregon captured the production class win. Aberdeen and raced through The Hintz brothers jumped Doug Heredos enlisted Paul the coastal forests near Grays into the lead on the first Blue Eklund as his co-driver and Harbor and Willapa Bay. The Slough stage and never lost finished fourth in a 2007 Ral-2010 Doo Wop crown was the the top spot. They were fast-liTek Subaru lmpreza WRX, second for the Hintz brothers; est on the first four stages, 11 seconds ahead of the Pro-they also captured the Doo but not without drama. Dave duction GT winners Mark Wop Series title in 2006. Hintz had "several moments" Tabor and Ben Bradley in a Doo Wop 1 on the Pico stages because Subaru WRX. Northwest rally competitors the car was running too good. Ten seconds behind in sixth found sunshine and 60-de-"We were getting into corners was the first two-wheel drive gree weather for the start of faster than in the past," he car, Josh vanAhelfeld and Dan Doo Wop 1. The six stages commented. Norkus in a group two class covered included; two passes Mager and Blattner fin-1985 Volkswagen Golf GTI. on Blue Slough Road, a lovely ished second, 1:27 behind the Idaho's Dick Rockrohr and little paved two-lane squiggle leaders. Close behind came Marie deAngelis were seventh with lots of abrupt elevation Malcolm Davies and Tina in a Subaru Legacy. changes, two runs through the Warner, only seven seconds Ankeny and Kraushaar fin-sweeping gravel roads of the back in third place, driving a ished eighth overall in the Pico stage through the Monte-1990 Mitsubishi Eclipse. classic 1969 Saab. While Bryan __ ..,....,.,..._...,.... __ -;--___ ....,,...--...,...,....,...--.. ..... """':!,.-;,...,,..,,,,..._,. and Rudy Watson were ninth, first in Group 5 with their tur-bocharged VW Rabbit. Wallace and Kraushaar were tenth in the English Ford Cortina. Mike Goodwin and Martin Burley Subaru WRX were run-ning in the top five and lead-ing in PGT until brake failure led to an exciting moment on " the second run of Pico. "I hit the brakes and nothing hap-pened," said Goodwin, a rock had sliced a brake line. After bouncing off a berm, they stopped for repairs and fin-ished the day in the 11th spot. Production class winner Kristen Tabor, with her moth-Bob Trinder -Adam Trinder, the father- son team from Vancouver, Doug Heredos - Paul Eklund, Oregon team took fourth overall in Malcolm Davies - Tina Warner, broke up the Subaru sweep with a B.C. finished fourth in Doo Wop 2. Doo Wop 1. third place finish for Mitsubishi. ;::;:=~;:=====:;=:;;;==;:;;::--------------Mark Mager - Jake Blattner, second in both Doo Wop 1 and 2 with Glenn Wallace -R. Dale Kraushaar, the second 2WD finisher was Garth Ankeny - Russ Kraushaar, the classic 1969 Saab 96 beat all the Ra/litek Subaru. another classic, a 1967 Ford Cortina GT. the other 2WD entries in the Doo Wop Series Page 24 May 2010 Dusty Times

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provided a tow and got them back on the road. The Wat-sons' turbo Rabbit rolled out of contention and into a boul-der covered ditch on the road to Brooklyn. Mark Tabor - Ben Bradley, production GT class winners finished in the top five in both rounds of the Dao Wop. Josh vonAhlefeld - Dan Norkus, were the Group 2 winners in Dao Wop 1, finishing sixth overall. The Doo Wops always at-tract a large contingent of first time drivers and this year the rookies did an exceptional job of finishing what they started. Five of the six newcomers managed to finish both Doo Wop rallies. C lark and Tayor again led the novice class in 15th overall and second in Group 2. In addition to the Medcrofts' Group 5 win, n ov-ices Sam and Rebekah Ellis were second in production, while novice driver Albert Kun teamed with ageless John Vanlandingham to take third in Group 2. er Janice co-driving, finished 16th overall in the Tabor Rally Team's Nissan Sentra. Dave Clark was the top finishing rookie, 17th overall with co-d river Nick Taylor in a 1980 Toyota Celica. Four time Doo Wop cham-pion Carl Jardevall and his rookie co-driver Nate Tennis dropped out early when en-gine electronic problem gave the Nordic Motors Mitsubishi Evo a chronic misfire. Cody Crane and Billy Irvin while leading Group 2 un-til their H onda encountered mechanica l problems, then they capped off the day with a spectacular roll just before the finish on the next to the last stage. Doo Wop 2 A change in the weather brought cloudy skies to the start of Doo Wop 2 and rain to the finish, with three great stage roads in between. Doo Wop 2 included two runs on each of three stages; the clas-sic Brooklyn stage, hilly Smith Creek and the Palix Road over a ridge top at the edge of Wil-la pa Bay. The Hintz brothers were fastest o n the five of the day's six stages, including the rainy final run from Brooklyn to Oakville. They finished the day 45 seconds ahead of Mag-er and Blattner and another 59 seconds ahead of Davies and Warner. Vancouver, British Co-lumbia's father-son team of Bob and Adam Trinder fin-ished fourth in their right hand drive Subaru WRX. The Trinders ran well in Doo Wop 1, but a dramatic off road ex-cursion early on the Pico stage cost them 20 minutes and any hope of a top ten finish. Tabor and Bradley again claimed the PGT class win with a fifth place finish. Here-dos and Eklund were sixth , with Rockrohr and DeAngelis seventh. A father-daughter team, Steve and Kelly Greer finished eighth in a Subaru lmpreza after recovering from a crash in Doo Wop 1. The historic class swept the top two spots in the two-wheel drive competition. Ankeny and Kraushaar finished ninth overall while Wallace and Kraushaar were tenth. Brian Gottlieb and Pat Dor-row finished first in Group 2, 13th overall in their 1987 Toyota Corolla FX16. The Tabor ladies were again first in Production class and 14th overall. Rally newcomers Sean Dusty Times and Jenne Medcroft claimed the Group 5 win in their 1986 Merkur XR4Ti. VonAhlefeld and Norkus were leading Group 2 when they slid wide midway through ~ :· 11Ju.,1s . ~ ·1tn1sne1ist2000 ForMil Aft Helmets [I] ttJC MOf0~$POFtfS • Wired for Collllli.uniuation & Ear Bud Ready • Racing Optics Tear Offs • Universal and Custom Molded Ear Buds • Helmet Skirts • Shields Kool Air,.. Blower Systems • Highest Flowing Systems! • 105, 135, 150, 235 and 250 CFM Ratings • High Flow Filters & Custom Hoses • Trophy Kart Kits for Driver & Clutch Cooler the last stage. They lost twelve minutes, stuck and high-cen-tered until the Medcroft clan etllUIUUllc&UR Systems • Vertex 5 to 110 Watt Radio&ritems • Hi,Fi Interoom Systems • ChllSe ~ RaeeP®ka.ttlS • ~e S~1o.n ~aok · ··· qi ·lri~ (piier~Xart Ill Care&meraSystt • EZ 1 Buttoii'Operatiori " ~ Exclusive Racer X Motorsports Package • 5.7 hours ofHigh Rffl!olnthm recording time • Up to 12 hours of operation on 4AA Lithium Ion Batteries • Ca.n be Interfaced to Intercom for full audio experience ~~XCellni • 411/2 Gallon Capacity • SCORE/ lnTD / FIA Approved • Tapered Design Provides Increased Ground Clearance & Maximizes Usable Fuel • Fuel Level Sending Units Available • Caps, Necks, Hose, Filters and Pumps Available YOUR SOURCE FOB PBOFBSSIONAL BACB PRODUCTS 10815 Wheatlands Avenue, Suite K • Santee, CA 92071 619-258-RACE (7223) · Fax 619-258-0883 · May 2010 Page 25

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~ GENERAL TIRE MINT 400 Narman/Raeseler Take All The Marbles By]. Preston Bradshaw Photos: Trackside Photo Roger Norman & Larry Roese/er took the Unlimited Truck win at the SNORE Mint 400 and they were the overall winners as well. What an event! What a course! It was shades of the old Mint 400 races, Technical Inspection and Contingency were held on Fremont Street on the Friday before the race. There were 215 vehicles entered and the Mint Course would have its way, only 85 of the entries were able to make it all the way, the rest suffering from mechanical failure, fatigue and just not having their vehicle as well prepared as it should have been. The course was 105 miles in length and you had all of 18 hours to complete your required laps. The weather was not a fac-tor, it was quite chilly in the morning hours and warmed up nicely during the day. Those that met the challenge were ready to do it all again in a month or so, but, next year will be here before you know it. First off were the Unlim-ited Trucks, there were 27 of them and 15 would make the required four laps. At the end of their first lap it was Roger Norman showing the way, Rick Johnson was two minutes be-hind the leader, Greg Nun-ley was another two minutes back, Darnen Jefferies was in fourth place and Bryce Menzies was running in the fifth spot. Michael Voudoris was run-ning sixth, Bill McBeath was in seventh place, Lloyd Sproule was in the eighth spot, Bobby Baldwin ran ninth and Ron Whitton, who had a flat tire was in the 10th spot. Marc Ew-ing was running in 11th place, Adam Householder made it an even dozen, Todd Wyllie was in 13th place, Scott Whipple was 14th and Edward Stout ran in 15th place. Ed was nursing a foot burned in the SCORE San Felipe race. In 16th place was George Rosenbaum, Scott Steinberger was in 17th place, Jerry Zaiden ran 18th, BJ Bald-win was well back in 19th place and Cameron Steele was in Harley letner had a great race, he took the Class 1 crown with minutes to spare and he was second overall for the race. 20th position, having to repair power steering problems, Voss was in 21st place, John Koltura was 22nd and Rusty Stevens ran 23rd. Jason McNeil rolled his truck, he and Kory Scheeler, Jesse Ashcraft and Craig Potts were unable to complete their first lap. Second lap ended and Roger Norman continued to lead the class, he turned the truck over to Larry Roeseler at the one and a half lap mark. Rick John-son held onto the second spot, he was about five minutes in ar-rears, Bobby Baldwin was third, another two minutes back, Bill McBeath was in fourth place and Bryce Menzies was run-ning in fifth place. Darnen Jefferies ran sixth, Michael Voudouris dropped to seventh, he would be sharing the driving with Brendan Gaughan, Lloyd Sproule was running eighth, Adam Householder was up two spots into ninth and Scott Whipple was in the top 10. Todd Wyllie ran in 11th place, Ron Whitton dropped to 12th, Jake Batulis was in for Edward Stout was in 13th place, Scott Steinberger was in 14th place and Greg Nunley dropped back to 15th spot. Jerry Zaiden was running in 16th place, BJ Bald-win was 17th, Jason Yoss was 18th, Rick Geiser, who was in for Cameron Steele was 19th, George Rosenbaum was 20th and Rusty Stevens was in 21st place. Marc Ewing and John Koltura were out of the race. Third lap ended and Roger Norman still led the way, Bobby Baldwin was in second place, four minutes in arrears, Rick Johnson was another four min-utes back, Bill McBeath held on in fourth and Bryce Menzies was running fifth. Adam House-holder was up to sixth spot, Michael Voudouris was sev-enth, Darnen Jefferies dropped to eighth, Scott Whipple ran ninth and Jake Batulis was run-ning 10th. Ron Whitton was in 11th spot, Todd Wyllie ran 12th, BJ Baldwin was in 13th place, Jason Voss was up to 14th and Rick Geiser ran in 15th place. In 16th spot was George Rosenbaum, Jerry Zaiden was in 17th place, Scott Steinberger ran 18th and Rusty Stevens was in the 19th spot. Lloyd Sproule and Greg Nunley were on their ' ' respective trailers. Throwin' lots of dirt and gravel, Bekki Wik drove to the Class 10 win at the Mint, Bekki had over an hour on her competition. Kevin McMurray flies high, wide and handsome as he flies to the Class 1450 win, he was the only finisher in the Class of 10. Checkers flew and the Nor-man/Roeseler truck was right there to take the Unlimited Truck win as well as the overall win for the race. Bobby Baldwin came in for the silver medal, he was awarded third overall in the race, Rick Johnson took the bronze medal, Bryce Menzies finished first off the podium and Adam Householder was the fifth truck in. Michael Vou-douris finished in sixth place, Scott Whipple was seventh in, Darnen Jefferies took the eighth spot, Ron Whitton came in ninth and BJ Baldwin finished in 10th spot. Jason Voss was 11th in, Justin Smith, driving for Cameron Steele finished in 12th place, Edward Stout, back in his own truck, was 13th in, Jerry Zaiden came in 14th and Todd Wyllie was the 15th and final finisher in the class. Bill Continued on page 28 Bobby and BJ Baldwin pooled their talents to bring the Unlimited T J Flores was close, but no cigar, TJ took the silver medal in the Alex Hall was just a wee bit off the winning pace in the Class 10 Truck to a second place finish, they're seen here at speed. Class 1 contest, he's seen here just at touchdown. contest, he finished second in class, here at speed on the course. Page 26 May 2010 Dusty Times t

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Dusty Times 250 Caliente NV May 7th· 9th KC HiLiTES Midnight Special Ridgecrest CA July 30th -Aug 1st 41st Annual SNORE 250 Pahrump NV * * * * * NOTE DATE CHANGE! Dusty Times Oct 1st -3rd Rage at the River Laughlin NV Dec. 10th· 12th SNORE Hotline: (702) 343-7761 ' May 2010 Page 27

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Wendell Mortensen launches his car as he heads to the Class 15 win at the Mint 400, Wendell had more than two hours in hand at the checkers. McBeath, George Rosenbaum, them would see the checkered Scott Steinberger and Rusty flag. When the first of their Stevens were unable to com-four required laps ended it was plete their final lap. TJ Flores in the lead, Pat Dean ~ Next to start was the Class was a minute and change in ar-1 contingent, there were 23 rears, Terry Householder ran cars entered but only eight of third, Harley Letner ran fourth Blaine Conrad led all but the first lap in his victory drive in Class 1600, Blaine had 27 minutes in hand when he took the checkers. and James Scott was in fifth Parkhouse was in the 11th spot, place. Steve Raskett ran in sixth Sean Mecham made it an even place, Richard Boyle held down dozen, Adam Bosch was in 13th seventh place, Josh Daniel was place, Vince Galewick was 14th eighth, Cam Thieriot was run-and Jon Martensen was in 15th ning ninth and Brett Lenk spot. Ryan Hoy was in 16th was in the 10th spot. Cody place, Kyle Conlon was 17th and Sean Dunn was in 18th place. Steve Garcia, Tom Koch, Patrick McCarthy, Cody Jeffers filed to complete their first lap and Byron Ashley did not start the race. Second lap came to an end and now it was Pat Dean lead-ing the class, Harley Lerner had moved into second place, TJ Flores was another minute back, Terry Householder ran fourth and Steve Raskett was up a spot into fifth place. Richard Boyle was up a spot into sixth, Brett Lenk was up three places into seventh, Cam Thieriot was in eighth place, Adam Bosch was up into ninth spot and Vince Galewick was up four places into 10th place. Jon Mar-tensen was up to 11th place, Kyle Conlon ran 12th, Sean Dunn was up five places into 13th and Scott James was in 14th place. Josh Daniel, Cody Parkhouse, Sean Mecham and Ryan Hoy were out of the race. Bryan Freeman didn't lead the Class 12 race until the last lap, that's Greg Crew second all the way in the Class 15 battle, he's seen Jason Coleman worked his way through the Class 1600pack to take when it counted, seen here on his way to victory. here churnin' up lots of gravel as he heads for home. second place honors, seen here at speed on the course. We carry a full line of KING \I~ OFFR~HTING ----------O ff -RO AD RACING SHOCl<S FILTERMAG. ~7)~~ Page 28 May 2010 Dusty Times

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Third lap ended and Class 1 had a new leader, Harley Let-ner was now showing the way,' TJ Flores was running second, he was two minutes in arrears, Terry Householder ran third, Richard Boyle was in fourth place and Cam Thieriot was running fifth. Vince Galewick was in sixth place, Adam Bosch was up two spots into seventh, Brett Lenk ran eighth and Sean Dunn was in the ninth spot. Pat Dean, Steve Raskett, Jon Mar-tensen, Kyle Conlon and James Scott were out of the race. Fourth lap, final lap ended and Harley Letner came in for a great win, Harley was also second overall in the race, TJ Flores was second, two minutes behind the leader, Richard Boyle took third place honors, Terry Householder finished first off the podium and Cam Thieriot was the fifth place fin-isher. Vince Galewick was sixth car in, Brett Lenk was seventh, Adam Bosch finished eighth and Sean Dunn was the ninth and final finisher in Class 1. It was a fun Mint 400 race for Chuck Harvey in the Class 18 conflict, he took the win with 25 minutes in hand. Not too bad a day for the Moss troops, they raced their Bronco to the gold medal in Class 3, seen here at high speed. The Class 10 folks were next up, there were 13 pf them en-tered but only four of them made it all the way. When they completed their first lap it was Mike Lapaglia leading the class, Bob McBeath was run-ning second, he was a minute in arrears, running in third place was Bekki Wik, she was another 18 seconds back, Todd Elam ran in fourth place and Mikey Lawrence ran in fifth place. Michael Hanson was sixth, Jon Walker was running seventh, Todd Bauman was in eighth place, Alex Hall ran ninth and Steve Restivo was in the 10th spot. Mike Dunn ran 11th, David Greenhill was 12th and Kevin Ellis was in 13th place._ Second Class 10 lap ended and Mike Lapaglia continued to lead the class, Mikey Law-rence was up into second place, Bekki Wik held on in the third spot, Alex Hall was up to fourth place and Jon Walker was run-David Ollis drove his Class 5 car to the win at the SNORE Mint 400, David had well over two hours in hand when he took the checkers. ning fifth. Steve Restivo was up four places into sixth, Bob McBeath dropped to seventh place, Kevin Ellis was now in eighth place and David Green-hill was running ninth. Todd Elam, Michael Hanson, Todd Bauman and Mike Dunn were on their trailers. Third Class 10 lap ended and we had a new leader, Bek-ki Wik had moved into first place, Mikey Lawrence was running in second place, he was 10 minutes behind Bekki, Alex Hall was running in third spot, Steve Restivo was run-ning fourth, Bob McBeath was running fifth, David Greenhill was in sixth and Kevin Ellis was In the Class 3000 conflict it was Pete Sohren taking the win, Pete is seen here sev~nth. Mike Lapaglia and Jon launching his truck into the sky. Walker were unable to complete a minute later in second place, the lap.. Jerry Longo ran third, Ronny Final lap for Class 10 and Wilson was in fourth spot and it was Bekki Wik charging in Lee Banning was running in to take the checkers, Alex Hall fifth place. Morgan Langley was came in for the silver medal, he in sixth place, Brian Munson was well behind the leader, Bob was running seventh, Dwaine McBeath took third place and Reinert was a close eighth, Zac Kevin Ellis was the fourth and Langley was in ninth place and final Class 10 to finish. Mikey Bryan Freeman was in an un-Lawrence, Steve Restivo and · accustomed 10th place. Brent David Greenhill were unable to Parkhouse was running in the complete their final lap. 11th spot, Rick Poole was in the ning 18th. Wesley Stephens was out of the race. Second lap ended and Rob Smith still led the class, Zak Langley had moved up six spots into second place, Lee Banning was up to third place, Bryan Folks dropped to fourth place and Jerry Longo dropped to fifth place. Rick Poole was up six spots into sixth place, Bryan Freeman was up into .seventh place, Brent Parkhouse was up into eighth, Brian Munson ran ninth and Ronny Wilson dropped to the 10th spot. Greg Gustin was in the 11th spot, Talya Dodson was in 12th spot, The Class 12 troops were 12th spot, Talya Dodson ran next up, there were 19 of them 13th, Greg Gustin was in 14th entered and 12 of them made it place and Eric Paslacios held all the way. When their first lap 15th place. Billy Gereghty was ended _it was Rob Smith leading in the 16th spot, Mark Talla was the way, Bryan Folks came along 17th and Kevin Derby was run-====================;;;--;::::===----..:..;____;___; ______ -=-----C1ntinud en •••• 30 It was ·a second place finish in the Class 18 fracas for Alan league Blake Slater had to settle for the silver medal this time at the Mint Richard Blunk lets it all hang out as he flies his Ford pickup to a at the Mint 400, he's seen here in the soft stuff. 400, a long last lap· didn't help him any. second place finish in the Class 7 conflict . .. Kent Kroeker is seen here as he heads to a second place finish in the Bruce Finchum was well off the winning pace in the Trophylite Class Rick Johnson ran second in Unlimited Truck for two laps, dropped Class 8 contest, he ran in second spot most of the race. battle but he hung on and took second place honors. to third place for the last two laps and that's where he finished. Dusty Times May 2010 Page 29

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Steve Patton was the big winner in the Class 5/1600 battle, he took the win with more than two hours on his competition. Heidi Steele had a little help in the driving department and she took the Class 7 win, she had more than an hour on her competition. Dodson was the sixth place fin-McMurray taking the Class 13 isher, Greg Gustin finished sev-victory. There were no other enth, Jerry Longo finished in fi~ishers. Jim Borden ran all eighth place, Mark Talia came four laps but was DQ'd after in ninth and Billy Gereghty was the race. 10th in. Dwaine Reinert was The Class 15 racers were up 11th in and Brian Munson was next, there were. only four of the 12th and final finisher in them entered and two of them the class. Brent Parkhouse and completed all four laps. When Morgan Langley failed to finish their first lap ended it was their final lap. Wendell Mortensen leading the Class 13 only had one entry, class, Greg Crew was second, Henry Vasquez. Henry only Che Corlett ran third and Scott completed one lap and was out Foster was fourth in. of the race. Second lap ended and Wen-Class 1450 was up next, there dell Mortensen continued to were 10 entrants. Eight of them lead, Greg Crew was running failed to complete the race and second but he was an hour in one was DQ'd. When their arrears. Che Corlett and Scott Foster were out of the race. Wendell Mortensen contin-ued to lead for the two remain-ing laps and he took the win with lots of time to spare. Greg Crew took the silver medal happily. Class 1600 troops were next up, there were 21 of them en-tered but only nine of them would see the checkered flag. When their first lap ended it was David Schweigart lead-ing the pack, Blaine Conrad was three minutes behind the leader in second place, Jasper Dyer was running third, Billy McCool was in fourth place and Raul Solano was running fifth. Kenny Freeman was in the sixth spot, Jason Coleman ran seventh, Brad Wilson was in eighth place, Vince Viola ran ninth and Darin Anderson was running in 10th place. Corey Torres was in 11th place, Harry Curtin ran 12th, Joey Westhoff was in 13th place, Don Wall, the SNORE Prez was in 14th place and Mac Marmon was in the 15th and final spot. Out of the contest were Rob MacCa-chren (Almost never happens), Corey Goin, Lucas Knecht, Ed Maurin, Justin Smith, he broke a trailing arm and Steve Cossey. Second lap ended and Blaine Conrad was now the class lead-er, David Schweigart dropped to second place, Kenny Free-Sheldon Paul too the Class 8 lead on the final lap, he was happy with his win, he's seen here churnin' up a bit of gravel. first lap ended it was Kevin Mc-----------------------------Dwayne Reinert ran 13th, Eric Palacios was in 14th place and Morgan Langley was in 15th. Mark Talia held the 16th spot, Billy Gereghty was 17th ·and Kevin Derby remained in 18th place. Their third lap ended and Rob Smith was still leading the class, Bryan Freeman was now in second spot, Ronny Wilson held on in third, Lee Banning dropped to fourth place and Zak Langley dropped to fifth place. Jerry Longo was down a spot into sixth, Talya Dodson was up five places into seventh, Brent Parkhouse was running eighth, Greg Gustin was up to Murray leading the class, Tim· ninth place and Dwayne Rein-Scott ran in second place, Chad ert was up three places into Hummer was running third, 10th. Morgan Langley ran in Andrew Leavitt ran fourth and 11th place, Mark Talia was up Frank Napoli was in fifth place. into 12th place, Billy Gereghty Jake Povey, Mark Slater, Eric ran 13th and Brian Munson Ludian and Mark Workentine was in 14th place. Brian Folks, did not complete their first lap. Rick Poole, Eric Palacios and Second lap ended and Kevin Kevin Derby had retired from McMurray was still holding the fray. down first place, Chad Hum-Fourth lap, final lap, and mer ran second and Andrew when the checkers flew it was Leavitt was in third place. Tim Brian Freeman taking a re-Scott and Frank Napoli were on ally nice win, Rob Smith was their trailers. second, he was 10 minutes in Third lap was over and Kevin arrears, Ronny Wilson took McMurray was still leading. the bronze medal, Zac Langley Chad Hummer and Andrew . .. nailed down fourth place and Leavitt were out of the race. LotsofdirtforDanUnsickerasheheadstotheHeavyMeta/ClasswinattheMint, Lee Banning was fifth in. Talya Final lap and it was Kevin he wonders where all the fiberglass went? __ ...:_ ____ _.:,_ ______ __:==::::;--;::::====================::; Richard Boyle plows through the soft stuff on his way to a third place Bob McBeath had a terribly Jong second lap in the Class 10 contest, Rob Smith led the first three laps in the Class 12 contest, he dropped finish in the highly competitive Class 1 action. he recovered and ran his car to a third place finish in class. to second place on the last lap for the silver medal win . • Kenny Freeman had a decent race, he was as high as second place in Class 1600 but had to settle for third place honors at the flag. Page 30 Travis Bazzano Jed the second and third laps in the Class 7 conflict, Kyle Friesen drove his really good looking truck to a third place finish dropped to third on the last lap and took home the bronze medal. in the Trophylite Class action, here at high speed. May 2010 Dusty Times

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man hung on in third place, Billy McCool ran fourth and Ja-son Coleman was up two spots into fifth. Raul Solano dropped to sixth, Corey Torres was up to seventh place, Brad Wilson remained eighth, Vince Viola remained ninth and Darin An-derson was 10th. Joey Westhoff was up into 11th place, Don Wall was up two places into 12th, Harry Curtin dropped to 13th, Mac Marmon ran 14th and Jasper Dyer was 15th to fin-ish the lap. Third lap finished and Blaine Conrad still led the class, Kenny Freeman moved up into second place, Jason Coleman was up to third place, Billy McCool remained fourth and Brad Wilson was running fifth. Raul Solano was in sixth place, Corey Torres remained in seventh place, Darin An-derson was up to eighth place, Vince Viola ran ninth and Joey Westhoff was in the 10th spot. Don Wall was up to 11th place and Jasper Dyer made it an even dozen. David Schweigart, Harry Curtin and Mac Marmon were out of the race. Eric Helgesen gets our vote for high flying, he took the JeepSpeed Challenge win over 14 other drivers in the class. Jon Krellwitz took the win in the Jeepspeed Cup race, he's seen here on his way to the beloved checkered flag. Fourth lap for Class 1600 and Blaine Conrad came in for the checkerea flag and a great win, Jason Coleman finished second, Kenny Freeman was third car in, Brad Wilson took fourth place and Raul Solano finished fifth. Billy McCool took a sixth -place finish, Joey Westhoff was seventh in, Vince Viola was eighth and Don Wall was the ninth place finisher. Corey Torres, Darin Anderson and Jasper Dyer were unable to complete their final lap. Class 18 was next to race, there were six of them entered and three of them got in their four required laps. At the end of their first lap it was Chuck Harvey in the class lead, Mark Bass ran in second place, Alan League was third and Cody Freeman was bringing up the rear. Lonan Pies and Lucas Hand did not complete their It was fairly easy for Troy Vest in the Pro Truck Class, he was the only one entered and he drove hard to take the win. first lap. Second lap ended and Chuck Harvey still led the class, Mark Bass remained in second place, Cody Freeman was up a spot into third and Alan League dropped into fourth place. When their third lap ended it was still Chuck Harvey showing the way, Mark Bass remained second, Alan League was up into third place and Cody Free-man dropped to fourth spot. Final lap, Chuck Harvey took a well deserved checkered flag, Alan League was second in and Mark Bass took third place honors. Cody Freeman failed to complete his final lap. Class 3 was next to race, Rick Doetsch led Class 7S Challenge all the way, he finished his laps with more there were three of them en-than an hour in hand on his competition. tered but only one would get plete his final lap. in all four required laps. Gale Now it was time for Class Pike led the first lap, Don Moss 3000, there were eight entered ran in second place and Larry in the class but only a pair of Schwacofer was third one in. them would take the checkered Second lap ended and Don flag. At the end of their first lap Moss was the new leader, Gale it was Karl Scanlan in the class Pike dropped to second place lead, Pete Sohren was in second and Larry Schwacofer remained place, a mere 17 seconds in ar-in third place. rears, Dave Wilson was running Third lap, Don Moss contin-in third place, Blake Slater ran ued to lead the class, Gale Pike fourth, Jim Knox was in fifth ran in the second spot. Larry place, Justin Davis was sixth Schwacofer was nowhere to be and Sean McDonald was sev-seen. enth. Clint Barry did not start. Fourth lap, final lap and Second lap ended and now up a spot into third, Dave Wil-son dropped to fourth and Sean McDonald was fifth. Karl Scanlan and Jim Knox were out of the race. Third lap ended and Pete Sohren continued to lead the class, Blake Slater was up into second place, Dave Wilson was running third and Sean McDonald was running fourth. Justin Davis was on his trailer. Final Class 3000 lap, Pete Sohren came in for a nice win, Blake Slater took the silver medal and Dave Wilson was the bronze medal winner. The Class 5 cars were next Continued on page 32 when the checkers flew Don it was Pete Sohren in the class Moss was there to receive them. lead, Justin Davis was up into Gale Pike was unable to com-second place, Blake Slater was ;:=================::::;;---.====----------------__,; • Bryce Menzies wandered between fourth and fifth place in the Terry Householder vacillated between third and fourth places in Kevin Ellis worked his way up from 13th place on lap 1 to get a fourth Unlimited Truck battle, he settled for a fourth place finish in the end. Class 1, when the checkers flew he was running in fourth place. place finish in the Class 10 battle, seen here at speed. Ronny Wilson was as low as eighth place during the race but he rallied Brad Wilson ran a decent race, he was the fourth place finisher in Adam Householder gets nicely airborne as he heads to a fifth place finish and took a bronze m(;dal finish in the Class 12 action. the Class 1600 battle, beating 17 other competitors. in the Class 1 conflicthehadbeenaslowas 11th place during the race. Dusty Times May 2010 Page 31 I I --I i I I

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to race. There were four of them entered and two of them made it all the way. At the end of their first lap it was David Ollis in the class lead, Steve Al-exander was running in second place, Tom Bird ran third and Todd Davis was in fourth place. Second lap ended and David Ollis still had the lead, Tom Bird was now in second place and Steve Alexander was in the third spot. Todd Davis was out of the race. There were no position changes on the third lap. Final lap and it was David Ollis taking the checkered flag, Tom Bird followed in second place and that's all there was. Steve Alexander had problems and was out of the race. There were eight cars entered in the Class 5/ 1600 battle, four of them made it all the way. At the end of their first lap it was Patrick Dailey leading the class, Steve Patton was in second place, Mike Norris was running in third place, Glen Mayernick ran fourth and John Berry was in the fifth spot. Brandyn Kay-lor was running in sixth place, Mike Boone was in seventh place and John Witchel ran in the eighth spot. Second lap ended, Steve Pat-ton was the new leader, Mike Norris was up a spot into sec-ond, Mike Boone ran third, Brandyn Kaylor was up two spots into fourth and John Berry was running fifth. John Witchel was in sixth place and Glen Mayernick ran in seventh place. Patrick Dailey, after a bunch of welding, was on his trailer. Steve Patton continued to lead at the end of their third lap, Mike Norris remained in second place, Brandyn Kay-lor was into third place, Mike Boone dropped to fourth and John Witchel was into fifth spot. Glen Mayernick ran sixth and John Berry was running seventh. Final lap ended and Steve Patton took a really great win, Mike Norris was a long second Bob Johnson only had one other car to battle in Stock Bug Class, he won the class handily, he's seen here headin' for home. place finisher, Brandyn Kaylor was the third car in and Mike Boone finished first off the po-dium. John Witchel, Glen May-ernick and John Berry failed to complete their final lap. Next were the Class 7 trucks, there were 12 of them entered and six of them made it all four laps. When their first lap ended it was Bob Pickering in the class lead, Travis Bozzano was run-ning in second place, Jeff Harri-son ran third, Bryce Yarbrough was in fourth spot and Heidi Steele was running fifth. Rich-ard Blunk was in sixth place., Matt Lovell was seventh, Serge Bomhard was in eighth place, Chad Shiells was running ninth and Keith Basso held down 10th place. Marc Burnett ran 11th and Jason Rodriguez was out of the race. When their second lap end-ed we saw Travis Bozzano in the Class 7 lead, Jamie Campbell was in for Heidi Steele, 24 min-utes back in second place, Rich-ard Blunk was up three spots into third, Bob Pickering had dropped to fourth place and Matt Lovell rounded out the top five. Jeff Harrison dropped to sixth place, Bryce Yarbrough dropped to seventh place and Serge Bomhard remained in eighth place. Chad Shiells, Keith Basso and Marc Burnett were off the scoring charts. Third lap ended and Tra-vis Bozzano continued to lead Class 7, we believe Cameron Steele was in for Heidi Steele, remaining in second place, Richard Blunk remained third, Jeff Harrison ran fourth and Matt Lovell remained fifth. Bryce Yarbrough was up a spot into sixth place and Bob Picker-ing dropped three more spots into seventh. Serge Bomhard was out of the race. Final lap, and when they came in for the checkers it was Cameron Steele taking the Class 7 win, Richard Blunk took second place, Travis Bozza-no finished in third place, Matt Lovell was first off the podium, Jeff Harrison took fifth place honors and Bryce Yarbrough was sixth truck in. Bob Picker-ing failed to finish his final lap. There were seven trucks in the Class 8 race, two of them made all the laps. When their first lap ended it was David Sykes leading the class, Andy Schifanelli was in second place, Kent Kroeker ran third, Joe Patelli was in fourth place and Terry Evans was running fifth. Loren Worthington was in sixth place and Sheldon Paul ran in seventh place. Second lap and David Sykes continued to lead the class, Kent Kroeker was up a spot into second, Terry Evans was run-Gary Messer took the Trophylite Class win at the Mint, he had a bit more than 50 minutes on his competition at the checkers. ning third, Loren Worthington ran fourth and Sheldon Paul was in fifth place. Andy Schifanelli and Joe Patelli were out of the race. Third lap ended and David Sykes still led the class, Kent Kroeker remained in second place, Terry Evans stayed third and Sheldon Paul was now fourth. Loren Worthington was through for, the day. Final lap, surprise! Sheldon Paul raced in to take the Class 8 win! Kent Kroeker came in second and that's all there was. David Sykes and Terry Evans did not complete their last lap. The Class 9 group consisted of six entries and, unfortu-nately, none of them made all of their required laps. Cody Rash got in three of four laps before he retired, Kyle Cox did the same, Derek Dixon, Steve Cantrell, Scott Cimino and Joshua Englestead were all out there racin' but never made it all the way. There was only one entrant in the Heavy Metal Class, Dan Unsicker by name. Dan com-pleted all four required laps and took the class win. There were 15 entries in the Jeepspeed Challenge, only two of them made it to the finish. Here's how it went at the Mint 400, Bob Standage led the first lap, Eric Helgeson was sec-ond, Clint Malburg was third, Chris Wacker ran in fourth place and Jason Tuig was fifth. Billy Bunch was sixth, Chris Nissley ran in seventh spot, Tandi Hartman was in eighth place, Cliff Cook ran ninth and Eric Heiden was in the 10th spot. Tom Thorvick was in 11th place, Perry Coan ran 12th, Phillip Heyen was 13th and Tim Martin was the 14th Jeep in. Mike Shaffer never completed a lap. Second lap ended and Bob Standage still led the class, Eric Helgeson held on in second spot, he was 13 minutes behind the leader, Chris Wacker was up a spot into third, Jason Tuig ran fourth and Tandi Hartman was up three places into fifth. Chris Nissley was in sixth place, Cliff Cook was up to seventh spot, Perry Coan ran eighth, Eric Heiden was ninth and Tom Thorvick rounded out the top 10 Jeeps. Clint Malburg, Billy Bunch, Phillip Heyen and Tim Martin were out of the race. Third lap ended and BoJ;, Standage continued to lead the class, Eric Helgeson remained in second place, Tandi Hart-mann was up into third place, Chris Nissley was up two spots into fourth and Chris Wacker dropped to fifth place. Perry Coan was in sixth place and Continued an page 46 Hard right rudder for Cam Thieriot as he heads to a fifth place finish Zak Langley ran as high as eighth place in the Class 12 race, but Raul Solano was the fifth place finisher in the Class 1600 battle, in the Class 1 battle, here cutting through the high berm. when the checkers flew he was in fourth spot, here at speed. he's seen here at high speed headin' for home. Michael Voudouris had to settle for a sixth place finish in the Unlimited Vince Gale wick makes a perfect landing on his way to a sixth place Lee Banning got up to third place at one time in the Class 12 battle, Truck contest, here on some hard stuff running fast. finish in Class 1, Vince was as high as 14th place at one time. but when the checkers flew he was there to tq/(e a fifth place finish. Page 32 May 2010 Dusty Times

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Mickey Thompson Exhibit unveiled Text & Photos: Jim Ober Ivan Stewart poses next to the United States Marines Chevy luv. The new Mickey Thompson exhibit, "First American to 400 MPH", was unveiled in February and is currently being shown at the Wally Parks NHRA Motors-ports Museum. The Museum is at the L.A. County Fairgrounds, and is easily accessible right off the 10 freeway and on McKinley Ave. in Pomona. In the exhibit were 11 of Mick-ey's favorite and most historic vehicles. The star of the show is obviously Challenger I that pro-pelled Mickey over 400mph, to make him the fastest American in 1963. It is powered by 4 pon-tiac engines and transmissions operating in tandem 2 by two, and to make it more interesting, the entire car was built in his garage in El Monte, California. It is stun-ning to see it in person. Other vehicles shown are a couple of his Ford Mustangs that Mickey successfully campaigned in 1968 for Ford, two of his off-road cars-the rear-engined V-8 powered Dan Gurney and Mickey's sister Collene Campbell share a moment in front of the Mickey Thompson Speed Equipment sign. Dusty Times single seater he raced at Riverside, and his US Marines mid-engined Chevy LUY truck that ran at the Mint 400 and Baja 1000 numer-ous times. There are scores of historic photos in the exhibit that chron-icle Mickey's career, which started at Bonneville Salt Flats in the early 50's through his ownership and promotion of races at Lions United States Marines Chevy luv drew many admiring stares. Drag Strip in Wilming-ton, and up until his un-timely death as an off-road events promoter. Danny Thomp-son, Mickey's son, an ac-complished off-road racer in his own right, made the exhibit possible by the refurbishing, rebuild-ing and show-prepping of these cars that have been in storage for many years. It was recalled that Mickey was a cham-pion in many different types of auto racing: Land Speed record racing, off-road racing, drag racing, and he also competed in sports car events and drag boat racing as well. He also started SCORE in 1974 and the Mickey Thompson Entertain-ment Group which pro-Alex Xydias, long time friend of Mickey and moted off-road stadium the promoter of the SCORE Show. racing for about 15 years. He was a pioneer in many ways and was the first to introduce a rear-engined car to Indianapolis, with rookie Dan Gurney driving in 1962. Dan was one of the driv-ers in attendance at the media preview who was there to pay homage to a great innovator and sportsman, Mickey Thompson. FUE.L SAFE.! OUR NAME SAYS ·IT ALL. 800-433-6524 Your Source for Off Road Fuel Cells Specializing in Custom Cells Visit our onllne store for standard sizes or special truck and buggy fuel cells. Shop Online • Free Ground Shipping for Standard Items Fuel Safe Systems, 1550 Kingwood Ave, Redmond OR 97756 Tel: 541-923-6005 Fax: 541-923-6600 May 2010 Page 33

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1-----=-·' SEASON OPENER Berri Takes Class 1 Text & Photos: Troy Robinson What can you say about Sam Berri? He's a competitors competitor, Sam took the Season Opener win in the Class 1 contest. Patrick Timmons had it all his way at the season opener, he took the Class 10 win, he's seen here in beautiful level flight. The longest running short course series on the west coast started its 35th year with the sea-son opener at Prairie City SVRA in Sacramento. The location and late March date were about the only thing traditional to this new season as promoter Wes Harbor started his 3rd year as Vorra chief. Off season Vorra brought on board Nathan McBride as the new technical director in charge of making sure the class rules are upheld within the limited classes. Nathan comes from years of building and prepping road course and Bonneville cars. One of his duties was to level the play-ing field in Group T. Group T is in its second season and puts classes 6, 7200, 1450, 8, pro-truck and Trophy Lites in the same class. As last season was a test bed to see where the trucks would stand this year needed a little "tweaking" to make them a bit more even. One of the new Group T rules is a minimum weight based on engine cubic inches. New too this year is the computer scoring system from A little muddy but unbowed, Tony Domschott took the gold medal in the Sportsman Class at the Prairie City opening race of the season. Westhold timing and scoring. This new scoring system allowed the lap checkers to have the races up to the line quicker and results posted as soon as the race was completed with lap times, margin of victory and best and worse lap displayed. And while the race was going on the announcer BJ (Chet) Butcher and sidekick For-rest Creasy also had a monitor showing leader, margin and fast lap times. The course while mostly the same had a couple of new chicanes taking away the long straight away. This early spring race also produces unpredictable weather in Sacramento and you never know what you're going to get on the track. But with light watering a few times though out the day the track stayed dust free and with the exception of the races that ran right after watering the track stayed mostly tacky and free of mud. Perhaps the biggest change was the addition of a 3rd moto. Gone was the traditional 2-moto motocross format and now it's a 3-moto system scored the same way as before with each finish position in each moto counting as a point and any missed laps also adds to your score. Best score to have would be 3 which is a 3-moto sweep. Changed too is the quad mo-tos which are exclusively a Satur-day only show. So the Saturday schedule is now 8am to 12pm race registration and tech, quad drivers meeting then practice and first moto for the quads. During quad intermission is car and truck practice followed by the final quad moto. Final on-track event of the day is the car and truck qualifying then the quad awards. Additional class this year is the Ultra 4 King of the Hammers class. This class is open to 4wd vehicles and the Vorra season participants will be an official qualification ·to the 2011 KoH race. First to take the track as usual was the sportsman class. Racing for trophies and a small purse the run-what-ya-brung sports-man class gets the worst of the track to break it in. Jumping to the early lead was first time Vorra racer and tech director Nathan McBride (99) as he made it three wide for the lead ahead of Tony Domschott (23) and Bill Hermant (91). Domschott and McBride had a good see-saw battle back and forth exchanging the lead several time as Hermant was off the pace. Domschott had• more horsepower in the straights and was able to pull on McBride who could gain in the turns with a more nimble set up car. At the half way mark Domschott spun and McBride went to the lead once again. But the battle brewed once again and Domschott was back to the lead only to have a nudge from McBride in the new chicane, the two would tangle and Hermant would take the Performance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marin'e Holding & Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks Quality Products & Friendly Service RONCO PLASTICS, INC ... 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-0759 • 15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX us to Receive a Free Catalog VISA ~-------------------------------------------------------~ Page 34 May 2010 Dusty Times

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KC Keller was the big winner in the Class 7 contest at Prairie City, he's seen here in flight heading for the checkers. lead with Stephanie Hayos (769) driving her mom's 7 open truck to 2nd. One lap later Hayos was in the lead but bicycled allowing Hermant, Domschott and Mc-Bride to sneak by. At the check-ers it was Domschott, McBride, Hermant (who was off pace by a leaking rear main seal) and Hay-os. One other note, at the check-ers all cars were still running with the top 9 still on the lead lap. Moto 2 and Hayos used her Toyota power to the lead early followed by McBride, Randy Scheck (205), Domschott and Hermant who was smoking even worse now even receiving a black flag. Randy Scheck was racing with a heavy heart this race as since the last race his significant other passed away, Godspeed. Out of sight from just about everyone including the local tow jeeps was Erich Reinhardt (33) rolled over. The unusual position of the roll made it difficult for the jeeps to get to right the car. Meanwhile Hayos was out from and checked up for the caution McBride got into the side of her breaking the front suspension taking the truck out for the day. At the finish it was McBride, Scheck, Domschott, Michael Mc-Cleary (03) and Brendan Fowler (13) making his short course debut as well. Moto 3 and it was McBride back on top but quickly spun on the freshly watered track. This moved Reinhardt to the lead followed by Domschott and Terry Shelton (81). McBride was moving again and was up to 2nd as Domschott grabbed 1st after Reinhardt spun. At the finish: Domschott, McBride, Reinhardt and Shelton. Overall for the day: Domschott, McBride, McCleary, Scott Robinson (6043) driving Ben Philips Trophy Lite and Fowler. In the UTV class Dennis Jean (1959) won the first two motos and took a 2nd in moto 3 for the overall win. Jon Crowley (1965) took two seconds and a first for 2nd overall. Sean Cook (1930) went 3-3-3 for 3rd overall. In the pilot class Tim Comp-ton (8) pulled a double driving duty which was a lot in the new 3-moto system. Compton won all three Pilot motos for the overall win. Aaron Rupley (77x) was 2nd. Miles Berghold (16) went for a wild end over end ride in moto 1 which eventually landed him in the ER for a good bump on the head. Class 7 was lined up next and leaving off right where they were in 2009 was KC Keller (738) Jay Schroeder had a really great time, he took the Class 9 win, Jay is seen liere hustlin' his Buggy to the checkered flag. Gary Herrod drove his really great looking Bug to the Class 11 win at Prairie City, he's seen here at speed on the course. and Patti Hayos (769). The two of them went at it all moto one but at the finish it was Hayos for the win. Hayos' truck was broke in the sportsman race and wasn't able to run motos two and three. The class was then run with Group T and Keller had a blast running with the "upper class" as he went on for the class 7 win. Taking 2nd for the day in class was Josh Nie (715) who had a good run going until the right front spindle broke in moto 3. Class 10 saw the return of 2008 class champion Patrick Timmons after the final race of 2008 nearly destroyed his car. In moto 1 Steve Bradford ( 1008) was out front early and on_ the gas. Tim Compton (8) was giving chase followed by Timmons and Brian Baggett (1024) who was making the jump to the pro class this season. Bradford was legging up the field as Compton, Tim-mons and Baggett were having a great battle for second. Timmons would be up to 2nd by half way as Bradford now had a straight away lead. Baggett was now up to second as Compton was off the pace. On the last lap Baggett would break in the east turn as Bradford went on to the moto win followed by Timmons, and Red Team Racing (1029). Moto 2 and it was Compton who had repairs made and was out front early with Baggett, Tim-mons, and Red Team Racing in 4th. Bradford got a bad start and in traffic tangled with Tyler Mort (1222) and broke a stub axle. At the checkers Compton hand-ily won the moto with Timmons 2nd. Baggett, Red Team Racing and Mort rounded out the finish-ers of moto 2. In the third moto Compton was once again in the early lead but went sideways and Timmons closed in and made the pass for the lead. Baggett barrel rolled but was back on his wheels running 4th. At the finish Timmons was winner over the slowing Comp-ton followed by Bradford and Baggett. Overall for the day was Timmons, Compton, Red Team Racing and Baggett. Next up on a shorter course was the Trophy Karts. Having the faster 450 powered Kart taking all 3 moto wins and the overall was Colton Scudder (511). Mean-while there was some banging and bashing going on for 2nd place bragging rights. In moto 1 JJ Parelli (212) was 2nd with Blake Scudder (207) 3rd and Ryder Haag (91) 4th. Moto 2 had Blake Scudder in 2nd with Parelli 3rd. In the 3rd moto Ben Phillips drove his Group T truck to the Class win at Prairie City, he's seen here heading for the Class win. Parelli would go too far outside in a turn and rolled the Kart dropping to 4th, Blake Scudder would be 2nd. So after the math Blake Scudder would be 2nd, Parelli 3rd and Haag 4th. Class 9 was up next and it was Jay Schroeder (903) taking the moto and overall wins over Kathy Keller (950). Yes, Keller is KC Keller's mom. Running with the class 9's was the start of the "Vorra Bug Invasion" of class 11's. While only two made the trip this race there promises to be more soon. After rolling in practice Richard Palasik (1107) pounded out the roof and split the moto wins with Gary Herrod (1112) as the two of them mixed it up with the fellow "swingers" from class 9. Herrod would win motos 1 and 3 for the overall win. Palasik blew the transmission on lap 3 of moto 3. In the combined truck class of Group T jumping to the early lead out of the gate was Jake Povey (1402) with a new paint, number, bedsides and a strong engine under the hood. All that pretty made it to turn 1 as he carried too much speed in and went over two and a half times. The race was red flagged and restarted. This time Garry Man-nion (838) jumped out front fol-lowed by the Trophy Lite of Ben Phillips (6043), Joel Swanson (635) and Mike Koenig (603) in 4th. Swanson blew the rear end on lap one taking him out of the running. A couple of laps in and Phillips was out front with Man-nion 2nd, Koenig 3rd and Eric Steiger (9) 4th. Closer to the end Koenig's Goodyear tires moved him past Mannion for 2nd. At the finish Phillips TL had pres-sure from Koenig but held on for the moto win. Mannion was 3rd and Steiger 4th. In moto two Phillips shot out of the gate as his 4 cylinder TL liked the downhill start line. Swanson was 2nd, with Koenig 3rd and Povey 4th. Povey would have issues and was off the pace but finished the race. Swanson made a mistake moving Koenig to 2nd. Despite a long full turn bicycle and incredible save Phil-lips went on to take the moto win with Koenig 2nd, Swanson 3rd and Mannion 4th. In the 3rd moto Swanson, Phillips and Povey were having a battle out front for the early lead. On the last lap Povey would pass Swanson and go on to the moto win. Phillips and Koenig didn't need to do any better than 3rd and 4th in the moto for the overall standings as Phillips was 1st and Koenig 2nd for the day. Mannion managed a 3rd place as Povey was 4th. Continued an page 36 Nathan McBride ran as hard as he could but this race he had to settle Steve Sullivan won the second moto but ran second to Berri in the Tim Compton gets our award for best flight, Tim kept pouring it on for the silver medal in the Sportsman conflict. others, Steve is seen here just at touchdown. ad he finished second overall in the Class 10 fight. Dusty Times May 2010 Page 35

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Ultra 4 was next up with 6 trucks on the grid. Taking advan-tage of his proven short course and desert build and U4 rules, Brad Falin (457) was able to race in this class with his 4 wheel drive Ford powered buggy. Falin is using the U4 class this season to gain entry to the KoH next season with a new car in the works. In moto one Falin was out to the lead with Chris Ridgway (422) giving pressure. Last season Vorra Sportsman champion Kev-in Yoder (434) made the jump to the pro class and was running 3rd followed by the 2009 KoH champion Jason Scherer (476) and Greg Hussey (450). As the Falin and Ridgeway battled up front Scherer was up to 3rd and closing in on the top two. Ridge-way was off the pace moving Scherer to 2nd and gaining on Falin who developed and engine miss. Coming up the hill to take the checkers Scherer was a good 20 mph faster than Falin but chose the same line and nailed the back of Falin pushing him across the line in 1st, Scherer settled for 2nd. Ridgeway crossed the line in 3rd but not without transmission issues and Yoder was 4th, Hussey 5th. In moto 2 Falin had to start row two and Yoder, Hussey, Scherer were out front early. Yoder had the power down to the ground with his Bull Dog In the Ultra 4 fracas it was Brad Falin taking a nice win, Brad is seen here at landing, on his way to victory. In the UTV activity, it was Dennis Jean taking a really nice win, Dennis is seen here flying across the terrain towards the finish. tires. Falin was working his way up until he lost fire in the engine dropping him back. Scherer was gaining on Yoder until he too lost the fire. They both would regain and continue. Scherer was gaining fast again coming to the checkers behind Yoder but this time he chose his own line and at the line took the moto win in a photo finish by just 0.07 5 seconds thanks to the computer scoring. Hussey kept moving and finished 3rd followed by Falin. Moto 3 was off but the course wasn't yet clear from the prior race and it had to be red flagged for a restart. In the lap and a half they ran Scherer was out front but broke getting back to the start line. In the restart Falin was out front and never looked back. Yoder was running 2nd at mid-race but was passed by Ridgway and dropped to 3rd. At the fin-ish Falin had a 23 second lead over Ridgway and Yoder, Hussey finished 4th. Overall results for the day: Falin, Yoder, Hussey and Scherer. At the start of class 1 moto 1 Arden Dennington (955) and Steve Sullivan ( 118)· got hooked together and by the time they were unhooked the field was a half a lap ahead. Meanwhile Mike Lehners (121), who was making the jump to class 1, was out to the early lead. Sam Berri (149) was giving chase followed In the Trophy Kart action, it was Colton Scudder taking the win, Colton is seen here with the rear end really diggin' in. by Shannon Harwell (132); Har-continued, with a wet suit I'm well was debuting his new 2-seat sure. Lehners was taking heat car. JJ Schnarr (102) also made from Berri until Berri pulled the jump to the unlimited class an outside-inside move to pass as he put an Ecotec in his limited Lehners. Berri gave good chase 1600 car, he was running 4th. to Sullivan and got to the rear By mid race Berri was all over bumper but was never able to get Lehners and eventually made the close enough to make the pass. pass and started to pull a good Sullivan went on for the moto size lead. At the finish the win win followed by Berri, Lehners for Berri was 15 seconds over and Schnarr. Lehners followed by Harwell and In the final class 1 moto and Schnarr. final race of the day Berri didn't In moto 2 Sullivan pulled the mess around and was out front early lead followed by Lehners, and gone but not without pres-Dennington, Schnarr and Berri. sure from Sullivan all race. Leh-Dennington slowed and eventu-ners was running 4th until the by 10 seconds over Sullivan. Schnarr was 3rd. Overall results for the day was Berri with yet an-other class 1 win with Sullivan in 2nd, Schnarr in 3rd and Lehners in 4th. It was a second place finish in the Group T contests for Mike Koenig, he's seen ally dropped out. Schnarr was transmission blew on lap 1. At here hustling towards the finish line. off course and into the drink but the finish Berri was the winner ;::================;;;:;::;;;:;:;---;:::===-..::.:.::..::.:::..:::.:.::.;.::.:.:.:::..:.:.:.:::~::..::.;:.:.:.:.::..::.::::.:........:.:.:.::...:.:.:.:.:::.; So that wraps up the 35th Vor-ra season opener. One other note that was announced on Saturday evening in a special impromptu 1 drivers meeting announcement was the addition of a 4th desert points race. This new race will be June 18-19 and based out of Reno with support from a major casino in the Reno area as well as some big name local race teams. Stay tuned for more information on this race. Kevin Yoder took second place honors in the Ultra 4 contest, he's Richard Palasik rolled in practice, blew the tranny in the third moto In Class 10, Red Team Racing took a third place finish overall for the seen here nicely airborne on his way to the silver medal. and took the silver medal for Class 11. three motos, seen here headin' for the checkers. Third overall in the class 1 conflicts was JJ Schnarr, he's seen here Blake Scudder fought hard in the Trophy Kart contests and when Kathy Keller had a fun time, she finished second overall in the Class climbing towards the sky and the finish line. the checkers flew he had the silver medal in his pocket. 9 contest and will definitely be back for more. Page 36 May 2010 Dusty Times

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BJ Baldwin #97 Trick Truck Winner WI 1'-11'-1 E:~' 5:i i...o IQ,g Kong Bypass More race wins than all other shock manufacturers combined. JohnFitzgerald LOORRS Limited Buggy BJ Baldwin BITD Trick Truck, Overall Steve Croll BITD Class 1500 Cory Keysar BITD Class 1000 Jake Jones BITD Class 1100 McCrae Glass BITD Gass 8000 David Ollis BITD Class 5000 Todd Bauman SNORE Class 10 Bryan Freeman SNORE Class 12 -Dan Unsicker SNORE Class 1450 Dan Unsicker SNORE Heavy Metal Aaron Hawley SNORE Class 15 Raul Solano SNORE Class 5/1600 Richard Blunk SNORE Class 7 John Krellwitz BITD Class 3700 Eric Helgeson BITD Class 1100 Dan Moore BITD Class 1800 Justin Davis SNORE Class 3000 Steve Alexander SNORE Class 5

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BFGaadricli -----------•Tires BFGooodrich Tires Announce Five Outstanding Trails for 2010 BFGoodrich celebrates five year anniversary of Outstanding Trails program. The five 2010 selected trails cover the map from Southern Califor-nia to Pennsylvania. BFGoodrich Tires has announced the five trails selected for its Outstanding Trails program at a presentation held in Moab, Utah during the Easter Jeep Safari. Celebrating the program's five year anniversary in 2010, the Outstanding Trails program has recognized 19 trails, donating more than $70,000 to club across the United States and Canada. The program was established to raise awareness for responsible use, and preservation of, off-road trails while providing aid in the trails' conserva-tion efforts. In collaboration with Tread Lightly! and United Four Wheel Drive Associations (UPW-DA), BFGoodrich Tires is proud to present the 2010 Outstanding Trails: Rausch Creek, PA, Drummond Island, Ml, Yacolt, WA, Johnson Valley, CA, Holy Cross, CO. "The five trails that have been se-lected this year are well deserving of the recognition and we;re excited to have them part of the Outstanding Trails family," said Joe Mazur, light-truck marketing manager, BFGo-odrich Tires. "We look forward to honoring the clubs at selected events Dusty Times throughout the tear and helping them maintain and preserve these beautiful off-road trails for everyone to enjoy." The five 2010 Outstanding Trails cover the map from the Mojae Des-ert in Southern California to the green forests of Pennsylvania The trails narrowed down and selected by UPWDA, Tread Lightly! and BFGo-odrich Tires BFGoodrich Tires will host sev-eral vents honoring each of the five trails beginning in June and running through October the events will higlight the beauty and uniquness of each trail, as well as educate off-road enthusiasts on the responsible use of trails. A grant will also be awarded to each of the clubs associated with the trails to help conserve the trail's beauty. Following is a closer look at each trail: Rousch Creekprovides a fun, legal place for 4x4 off-road clubs and organizations to wo "wheeling." The off-road park consists of 1,700 acres of easy, intermediate and hard ttrails. Rocks, bowls, hills, the glacial "Rock Creek", club-friendly trails and free on-site camping conbine to make Rausch Creek a unique 4xr destination. Drummond Island has some of the most scenic and rugged off-Oroad trails in the state of Michigan. With more than 117 miles of trail in a closed loop system, Drummond Island's off-road trails provide a wide range of riding opportunities. Surrounded by the waters of Lake · Huron, in a true wilderness setting, the riding esperience is unparalleled by any other place in Michigan. With abundant wild life, lush vegetation and sweeping vistas, the trails on Drummond Island are truely special. Yacolt Burn is located in the Yacolt Burn State forest and features OHV trails that have been shut down for a long time. There are several clubs, including the Piston's Wild Mortorsports, that are worn-ing to get thesetrails cleaned up and ready to use once again. This is a relatively new 4x4 trail system that ex-pects to have approsimately 25 miles of dedicated off-roading very soon. Johnson Valley is home o King of te Hammers, the ultimate desert race. Johnson Valley offers a varied landscape of the off-road driver. It is punctuated by steep red rocky mountains, rolling hills, open val-leys, dry lake beds and sandy washes. Elevations rang from 4,600 feet at Hartwell Hills to 2,300 feet at Mel-ville Dry Lake. The area's beautiful vegi-etation consista of creosote scrub, annual grasses, wild flowers and Joshua Trees. Holy Cross is a scenic and chal-lenging high mountain trail in cen-tral Colorado. It is an old mining trail that gold miners built and used until 1883 when the mines on Mt. Holy Cross played out. One of the more challenging 4x4 trails in Colo-rado, Holy Cross holds a rating of 8 to 9 on a 10 point difficulty scale. Each of the trails honored will be highlighted on BFGoodrich Tires' Nation of GO throughout the year. Nation of GO allows visitors to in-teract with members, as well as share their experiences on the trails by tracking drives and uploading photos and videos. Visit www.NationofGO. com/OutstandingTrails to view the 2010 Outstanding Trails trailheads. "United Four Wheel Drive As-sociations shares the goals and de-May 2010 sires of BFGoodrich Tires and the Outstanding Trails program and is a great way to highlight clubs and trails across the country that are promoting responsible off-roading," said Dave Logan, chairman of the advisory committee, UFWDA. "We enjoy our partnership with BFGo-odrich Tires and look forward to continue promoting responsible land use throughout the year." "Tread Lightly! is proud to part-ner with BFGoodrich Tires for the fifth year to help communicate re-sponsible four wheeling principles," said Lori McCullough, executive director of Tread Lightly!. "It's im-portant to tread lightly on designated roads and gtrails and the Outstand-ing Trails program does a great job spreading the word." Both Tread Lightly! and UFWDA are non-profit organizations dedi-cated to responsible and ethical out-door recreation. BFGoodrich Tires collaborated with these two groups to select the finest North American trails, and will continue to work with these organization son arestoration and education initiatives. United Four Wheel Drive As-sociations is the world's leading representative of all=brand four wheel drive enthusiasts. UFWDA benefits, developed and tested true over the past 30 years, include four wheel drive safeety and awareness education; user ethics programs such as adopt-a-road, conservation volunteer, and volunteer trail patrol; assistance with new club formation; education seminaars to aid four wheelers through complesx state and federal programs affeting trail access; internet forums designed to connect members of globally and instanta-neously. and unrestrained member access to it's full-time legislative advocate and nationally recognized attorney working exclusively for four wheel drive enthusiasts to protect access and prevent road and trail closures. For more information on the UFWDA long on to www.ufwda. org or call toll free 1-800-44-UFWDA (800-4483932). Tread Lightly!® is a national non-profit organization with a mission to promote responsible recreation through ethics education and stew-ardship. Tread Lightly!'s strategic educational message, along with its training and restoration initiatives are designed to instill an ethic of responsibility in outdoor enthusiasts and the industries that serve them. The program is long term in scope with a goal to balance the needs of the people who enjoy outdoor recreation with the needs of the en-vironment. The federal government recognizes this by acknowledging Tread Lightly! as a sole~ource service provider of education and training on how to be environmentally and socially responsible while using mo-torize and mechanized vehicles in off-highway settings. Using motorsports as a proving ground for more than 35 years, BF-Goodrich® Tires is involved in ever type of racing, including oval, sports car, drifting, drag, desert, dirt, rally, and estremerock crawling. BFGo-odrich Tires combines technological expertise with vast motorsports expe-rience, delivering a high-performance tire for every type of vehicle. Visit BFGoodrich Tires online at www. In 2009, BFGoodrich Tires developed a gath-Continued on page 40 Page 38

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ering place for auto enthusiasts to celebrate the thrill of GO through an online community. Nation of GO is an online community where people with a passion for driving can celebrate and share what they love to do best at This month's Wahzoo col-umn is dedicated exclusively to the memory of our brother Checker Jeff Hibbard. It is a rare moment in life when one person's memory and past actions can so deeply affect our lives. I remember when Jeff decided to leave the Chapala Dusters and ap-ply for membership in the Checkers Off-Road. It was in the early 1980's, and Jeff, ac-companied by his friend Bob Vanegas, showed up at one of our meetings to state their in-tent. They both became full members after their prospec-tive member requirements were satisfied. After a few years Bob dropped out, but Jeff stayed on and made his-torv. His book, Baja Bugs & Buggies, became the defini-tive and well-thumbed bible on how to prepare VW-based cars for off-road fun and rac-ing, and after several reprints is still in use today. Jeff was Page 40 also the first Checkers mem-ber to serve as president of the club more than twice; he served three terms: In 1987, 1992, and again in 2005. After Jeffs unfortunate demise, the internet was nearly overwhelmed by com-m en ts posted by members and friends. To me, the most deeply felt comments were made by his best friend George 0R. Thompson,•who said: "It is with the greatest regret that I have to tell my Checker brothers that Jeff Hibbard committed suicide on Tuesday at his home in Grants Pass, Oregon. As I long considered Hibbard to be my best friend, the news was devastating to me as I'm sure it was to all who knew him. I am trying to get more information but I don't know that there is much else to say. "Rest in Peace Jeff Hibbard." George R. Thompson. Among other fine pieces of journalism, Jeff wrote the comprehensive history of the Checkers Oft-Road Racing Team. We thought it appro-priate to include it in today's column. THE CHECKERS It was on almost every Sunday morning during the late 40's/early 50' s that hun-dreds of noisy motorcycles were all lined up side by side somewhere out in the middle of the Southern California desert. These early pioneers of desert racing were out there for a "Hare'n'Hound" race ..... and suddenly all the engines were shut off. Total silence enveloped the area for five minutes. A guy a few miles away had raised a great big banner. Along side a thick black smoky gaso-line and old tire bonfire had sprung to life. Everyone's eyes were on the banner until the guy dropped it and then all hell broke loose. Three to five hundred bikes immedi-ately fired up and headed out hell bent for leather for the 'smoke bomb', where the fast-est of the pack quickly turned the seemingly mass confu-sion of a land rush start into a trail. The race course on the other side of the smoke bomb was simply marked by broken lime bags and rib-bons for the leaders. The rest of us just funneled in behind on the obvious trail that the leaders were now clearly creating for tlie start of about a hundred miles of freedom and adventure. It was during this beginning phase of desert rqcing when a unique bunch of competi-tive go-fasters joined forces and formed a brotherhood of racers calling themselves the 'Checkers MC'. And most of these Checker dudes were really classic racing charac-ters if ya ever saw one. The legendary Checker winning tradition began in those early days of our sport with these fearless and dedicated racers charging off across virgin des-ert on stripped down street bikes. And it was from these deep roots of fun loving and serious .competition that the Checkers are still continuing to race the desert today. As time went by, like sands through an hourglass, the pounding of bike racing start-ed to have its natural affect on some of these once young but still fearless go fasters. And, with race promoters now staging long distance desert races for 4 wheeled vehicles, it was only a natural progression as that old adage "with-age-comes-a-cage" came into play! Hence was born 'Checkers Off-Road'. Started and well seeded by a number of wily old 'bike Checkers' who were happy to pass on their desert-winning attitude, their competitive brother-hood, while also extending their individual dirt racing careers a white longer on four wheels rather than two. Today the bike Checkers are in their 54th year, and the car Checkers are celebrating their 30th year. That's over 80 years of desert racing experience! Spanning from 'the beginning of our sport through today, with both Checker chapters alive and well and still functioning as the 'guys to beat'. Along with many others, for quite a while the bike Checkers had the legendary J.N. Roberts helping to carry TTBEAOLOCK SIMULATED B,L. VW BEAOLOCK 1 SX 1 2 VW BEAOLOCK May 2010 their Checker banner and the # 1 desert plate, striking fear into the competition with his traditional check-ered helmet and constant roster tail of dirt. Gary Le-upold was one of the first notable bike Checkers to get involved in the formation of the car Checkers, with such notables as Al Baker, Steve Holladay, Patrick & Bowers, Mike Burke, Carrol Oitson, Steve Brown, a.nd many oth-ers making that smooth tran-sition over from two wheels to four. And for many years during our sport's glory days Checkers dominated both the bike and car desert races in most classes. Checker members are a diverse group of achievers. Most excelled at racing flat out across the desert. As an example, at one point Jim Sumners won 16 consecutive races in the 1-2/1600 Class and points championships in both HORA & SCORE. Some others specialized in pitting, and could seemingly fix any problem with all the stuff they brought with them out to the pits in 'the back of their pick-ups. Over the years Big John Files and Scott McKenzie have been excel-lent examples of what pit captains should be. The bike Checkers have continually staged their popular annual 'CheckChase' as part of the AMA District 37 desert rac-ing series, and a number of car Checker members have Dusty Times

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I'' successfully staged 4 wheeled desert races from time to time. A lot of Checkers have-branched out into other fields related to desert racing with significant success. As a member of the car Checkers for 25 years let me tell you a little more about some of our more unusual and/or suc-cessful members in and out of racing: *The Sandmaster Team consisted of Don Arnett and Scott McKenzie operating out of North Hollywood. With Don running the busi-ness end and Scott build-ing and prepping a team of unlimited buggies, they created an off road racing dynasty which dominated the races for years. Some of the hot shoes who drove for the Sandmaster Team were-Checkers, and some were not. Four time Indy win-ner Rick Mears join ed Gen e H urst. Johnny Johnson , Bob-by Ferro, amon g others to p u t Sandmaster's tradition-ally checkered race cars into th e winner's circle. Mckenzie went on to become th e Crew Chief of the Modem M o -tors team buggy successfully driven by Ivan Stewart. *Michael Gaughan was once a desert charger, and still hosts major desert races at his string of popular Las Vegas hotels & casinos. *Steve Kassanyi did a lot of racing for 10 years then served as ' Race Director' for SCORE for over 5 years. He was also President of the Checkers for two vears, and today owns & runs a popular bar in the Rosarita area of Baja. *Roy Moore is known as an outstanding Checker pit captain. He is also known as 'The Rev', as he h as m ar-ried n umerous "C ou ples over th e vears includin g gettin g one of our brother C heckers hitched. *Jeff Hibbard, a w inning journeym an b uggy racer for years, was Club Prez for three years. H e also wrote a still very popular off road how-to-do-it book named 'Baja Bugs & Buggies'. * A number of members have Checker tattoos on vari-ous parts of their bodies and, with very little prompting, are often willing to show any wide-eyed prospective member the degree of their Checker dedication to this male-only organization. *Big John Hastings has been elected as the Presi-dent of the Checkers a re-cord four times. A fun loving Checker dude who has re-peatedly proved he can party down with the best of them, yet somehow always make things work when all things seemed to be commuting apart around him. *George Thompson was a 1-2/1600 racer who later turned to team managing. He has successfully managed and raised big sponsorship bucks for a number of winning race efforts, includin g t hat of Fran k Vessels an d Rod H all. Currently h e is still serving as Director of the Indepen-Dusty Times dent Desert Racer!s Associa-tion (IDRA), which assures a fair hearing by your peers if you're protested at any SCORE race. He is also one of the founders of the new 'Motorsports Hall of Fame' and a mover & shaker in the production of the Off Road Expo. *In an unusual Checker twist, a new young swift bug-gy racer decided he wasn't really done with bike racing yet. So he went back to AMA competition when some ma-jor sponsorship decided to get behind him. In 2002, Mike Childress earned the District 37 1st Overall Desert Rider title, winning 20 of his 26 races. A glutton for punishment, Reese King was recently our Checker Prez for two years, 2003/2004. Prior to that he was the Vice President of SCORE's 'Offi-cials Association' for 6 years, and now personally p resides over th e IDRA's Competition Review Board at all SCOR E races. Obviously, with a n or-ganization t h a t has a hun-dred member limit, thete is 'just noway I 'could list the achievements of all the loyal C hecker members who deserve credit in the limited space of this article. So I apologize to all those dedi-cated members I failed to mention wh o have contribut-ed so much to our long win-ning Checker tradition. The Checkers were there from the very beginning of desert rac-ing, and we'll always be out there kickin' up dust as long as there's desert racin' to be done! The Big Wahzoo Jeff Hibbard teamed up with a lot of brother Check-ers to go racin', as he pre-ferred saying. Who mever Jeff raced w ith, they u su -ally managed a p o d iu m fin-ish in Class 5 for unlimited Baja Bugs in SCORE and H ORA events, proudly brin g-in g the fam ed Checkers logo to the forefront of the awards p resentation s. Once t h e word got out about Jeff's unfortunate de-mise, t h e internet forums came alive with posts of fare-wells from his many friends, be they Checkers o r not. Due to space limitations, it is im-possible to list them all, but here are a few we felt needed to be shared. From Checkers president Greg Krasnow: "We are deep-Ly saddened by the loss of our brother Jeff Hi b ba rci, who passed away at his home in Grants Pass, Oregon on Tuesday, March 30'". Jeff was influential in many ways to many people in our sport and wiLL be dearLy missed ''. From former Checkers member and owner of Moult-on Fabrication: "Shocking news. I met Jeff years ago when I got my start in off-road fabrication. Jeff was then roommates with my boss (also former Checkers mem-ber) Jim Weber, the owner of Creative Automotive. When Jeff was writ in g this book h e would oft en stop by to p h otograph the projects we were working on, usually on the way to a Checkers meet-ing. Later when he updated the book I was working at Off Road Engineering and he would also corne by and take pictures of projects we were working on. So there is a lot of stuff I built in that book. Jeff also used to write the Checkers column for Dusty Times under a ficti-tious name. Godspeed and RIP, Jeff Hibbard ". From Wayne Nosala: "Just heard about the passing of Jeff Hibbard, author of the book Baja Bugs & Buggies. I read this this thing front to back to build my first Baja Bug. Think I was about 14 years old. Ann had it auto-graphed at one of the Off-Road Expos a few years ago. RIP, Jeff". From Baja Herbie: "Rest in peace, Jeff. Your $ 1.98 tune-up is one of my favorites from the book .... ". There are so many more ... Jeff Hibbard was a friend a n d m entor to m any of us, an d h e will b e greatly missed. This is the last colum n t hat will be penned in th e name of the W a hzoo and we will re-tire the name forever, as Jeff was indeed, the one and only Big Wahzoo. Rest in peace, my;Jt,11 ,,_,, TELL CALIFORNIA STATE PARKS WHAT l'lred OI It 11111 Vacation rentals available in the exclusive Indian Wells country Club In the sunny Palm Springs area of Southern California. Two or three bedrooms, furnished for your complete relaxatloni and, if you are a glutton for punishment, play go f on either of two beautiful courses. FYI, wireless Internet and long distance phones calls (USA) Included. Starting at $4,500 In season (January thru April) or $2,300 per month out of season. Call (760) 345-6124 YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE FUTURE OF THE OCOTILLO WELLS STATE VEHICULAR RECREATION AREA. THEY ARE CURRENT-LY ACCEPTING COM-MENTS ON THE GEN-ERAL PLAN UPDATE FOR THE AREA California State Parks is updating the General Plan for the Ocotillo Wells State Vehicular Recreation Area (SVRA). A General Plan is a broad based policy document that establishes a long-range vision and goals and provides direction on future types of improvements, services and programs for th e park. It also provides a decision-makin g framework for the future t hat is consistent with t h e goals and vision of the park but flexible enough to allow for changing conditions over time. A project website has been created to provide informa-tion and maximize opportuni-ties for stakeholders to pro-vide input and feedback on the development of the gener-al plan. The website includes a visitor survey. We encourage everyone who uses this park to go to the website ( and take the survey. In addition ORBA has a template comment letter posted on our website (www. that you can e-mail directly to California State Parks. 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Good stuff Directory BE"ttffbyCJEa!.k;;an Air Cleaners for Off-Road Racing. From Baja to Dakar. For a list of dealers visit our website at •Race Cars • Prervnners •Dual Sports JOHNCOOUY 10815 Wheatlancls Avenue, Suite I• Santee, CA 92071 619.596.9841 • fCDI 619.596.2742 www.alumlcraft.lnfo Off-Road Fiberglass• Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages Ford Truck Specialist • 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 Phone: (714) 279-0945 BRANDWOOD CARS Shifter for mid-engines and other applications 602-437-3107 Custom Vehicle For VWs C:•6' ..,..._ ~ Offroad to Street, Prerunner to Race · -Chassis Design -Race Prep -All General Fabrication 760-949-3907 17459 Lilac St #E Hesperia CA 92345 CACTUS RACING Racealr Helmets & Accessories Bell, Shoel, Simpson Blower systems & cool boxes 619-482-6700 708 Rocking Horse Dr., Chula Vista, CA 91414 CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN 39067 ORCHARD ST. CHERRY VALLEY CA. 92223 PH#/ (951) 845-8820 products in stock Boatec Fiberglass Dimple Dies Tubing Benders Bypass Valves + tubes Sway-bar Arms Race Proven Fabrication Pre-runners Desert Trucks Short Course trucks ~aris-Dakar trucks CC::: ~ GUALITV ■•A0L0CK WH••L■ -· -••fAltlllell ■INC• 1■-11 •ov•"""" OAu•o•""' 115"--16"--1711 ~~MINUM BieADLOCK WHEELS AND CONVERSIONS CHAMPION WHIH!L CO, INC. 181!137 COLLl ■R[ 9 l!5 'I) 4 7 'I -E! 'I B 3 LAKI! l!LBINORI!, CA 8111!131 W'W'W.CHAMPIONWH.BL■CDM 227 cane Pintoresco San Oemente, CA 92672 FLOATER REAR ENDS• FRONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS •TORSION BARS • KNOCK OFF HUBS (8051 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane • Templeton, CA, 93465 OFFICIAL II.ACE FUELS FUEL OF NASCAR 1 (800) 54-COSBY COSBY OIL COMPANY, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA ~-~ ......... CALL TODAY! PH: 949.567.9000 .. Quality Metal Crafting MIG & TIG Welding Baja Winning Car Prep 909-599-8282

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a--=--.... 6..=-.J'""-'r&..::I.....,..._ Specialiaiy ba-a.a... .............. ._._. .. _... ,..........,_ .._._.,. KNlalff~~ 949.244.8852 T1111m 111oz P1lvet11 lebiil Cus111,. ••o Onions 1a3S John Towen Aw. IA B~GA92020 1543 W. 16th Street Long Beach, California 90813 Uta Piiinidlll'JI 1558 No.~• Orange, CA 92867 (714) 637-2889 • Fax (714) 637-7352 (61~,·449.3932 Fax(619)448-3662 BRIAN BUSBY CELL (562) 843-4355 (562) 432-3946 (714) 540-5535 FAX (562) 432-7969 Wl' Use And Rl'Commend R \( I\<; E\<,I\I-, , \D 01-Hm \I> P .\KI-, Sl·nd or mil for our Ill''' t·atalog $3.00 Offroad • Race Sand Car Parts ~,.a~~ ,,rspo,,s 9299 W. Olive Ste. 610 Peoria AZ 85345 Phone (623) 433-8643 Fax (623) 243-6368 e-mail: web: 10943 WHEATLAND$ AVE. SUITE B SANTEE, CA 92071 USA ·, 800 FOX.SHOX , 619.768.1800 619.596 3740 ,v,, WWW FOXllACINGSHOX COM I II al HONDA fj~fir;J:til . (818) 166-6134 (800) 800-6134 FAX (818)766-9397 G) VI G) t5 ~ ..0 0 11111 ~ .. .. G) ..0 0 1¥ • . SUZUKI ..a.MIiia ~ ATVS . . . BILL ROBERTSON & SONS, INC. 5626 TUJUNGA AVE. NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA. 91601 Off-Road Race Prep & Fabrication Kevin Jensen Apple Valley, CA (760) 963-4206 Fax (760) 240-5083 Mike Julson MZa Wlleatlanda Court S.ntae, CA 92071 819-598-3380 81M9&33Nfax www..J~ JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Qualhy Racing Tranuxles Mendeola Dealer · Off Road - Sand Specialist {714)632-1240 JOE GIFFIN Fax(714)632-1l23 306 l E. La Jolla St. Email: jJIQll$Ci> Anaheim. Califomia 92806 wwwJG' JON KINNE 520 Railroad St, Corona, CA 92882 Tel. 951-278-2233• Fax: 95 I-278-8335• C 8 C :J N A C ai ::i: • Custom Alternators • Complete Wiring •Custom Fab • Exhaust & Muffler • Prep & Finish Work HONDA Power Equipment OUT 90.IJID ENGINE • GENEJIATOII SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. ART KAWAGUCHI lm EAST 3RD ST. Fax 323-264-2136 LOS Al'tGEUS, CA toCl'f,l 323-264-393~

Page 44

BOAT .SERVICE ~ UKF/ANP JIAIINF FACTOIIY AlJTl:IORJilD SM.ES & SERVICE CENTER The Race Never Slops. RlolE HullsoH 928•453• J 155 www.merc, 1625 We,I Acoma Boolevord • I.alee Hovosu City, A,;zono 86403 All NHBB production sizes in .stock. 3/s• through 1-1/4" ~'"'::.=::/WI Phone: (909) 985,.1901 1259 w. 9th St. Fax: 909 982-9777 Upland, Ca. 91718 POWER E STEERING THOW.S E. LEE LEE MFG. ~O. 1166'1 P£NOLETON.&TREET SUN IMW..EY, CA 113152 FAX (118) 7U-2U7 {818} 7e8-037'1 A.11.111 lineof "-Steeriftvgeers. pumpe Ind IICc:etaOries for any lys» of nici"O, Magnaflu• and ZygiG facilitlN .,,.ilable. •customC1111m 'RlcePntp •Aluminum Wont 'Welding Engineering •Magnlflux FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 {909) 596-5497 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 .,,~ OFFROAD IS OUR BUSINESS 807 E. OrangethorpeAve. Ste. A ph 714-441-1212 Anaheim CA, 92801 fx 714-441-1622 r,1CJTZJR'1' ,,1/E;VOEOL,1 R,1CJE REBtflL!)s' (JERT7rlE!) ,1CJ/Oe ,,lf,1t7/V,1rLtf.X@ CJERTlrlEO s'IIOT PEE!Vl!Vtl 1695 CACTUS RD. T. (619) 710-8800 SAN DIEGO, CA 92154 F. (619) 710-1640 For Advertising Space Looking Long Term . Relationship Call (818) 882-0004 619-562-5533 Todd Dwyer 1900 Compton Ave. Suite 101, Corona, CA 92881 Phone (951) 817-0101 Ext. 156 Off Rood r obrlcotion ond Design Function/Strength/Sofety/Pr1dc • S4nd C4rs Madi!: by I-land tn th11: USA • Trucks • Rau CM-s • Prerunners •RollyCMs •Curtom JOHN MOSELEY Ownu/Fabrt<o.tor __.,mose.t» 236 Jason Court Corona, CA 92879 951-272-3026 Fox 951-272-0n6 Mf.lflLJf.1:'* •4,w:11 t••4,•J! • YOUR COMPLETE U3NITION SOURCE AUTOTRQNIC CONTROLS CORPORATION 1 48□ Hf' NrlY 01-'1£::.NNAN UR. . ··l P A:,;c.), "T' X 7~9:3C 19151 857 -5;>!111 • r~r.» !INF ffl1Sl 655 /123 • VISIT OUI• WE!;I Slll .,,.,. msd,gr,,t; tel. 262-719-0233 We can_·eaadlock c::a---r YOUR RIMSH · ) S. t fit t •rv Z?'"'"w,~ IZfl O IIII08 " ,,,.,. ''"" · ~ AUTOMOTIVE applicatiom ~51.360.5906 m360.0436 fax 800.100.DS0 POLiSHEO It COLORED RNISHES SCALLOPED OR CONVENTIONAL Reinf01cing R• Also Available Phone - (951) 354-8272 WWW .OMfPERfQRMANCE. com 3834 Wacke, Drive Hir• lom,. (A 91752 ~~ ~l§cl~ ~ @:FEl ~ ~ ~ @)Isa!:!!:, ~ ~~ ~ ~ fNHRL 1660 Babcock, Building B Costa Mesa, CA 92627 TEL (949) 650-3035 FAX (949) 650-4721 Jerry Penhall

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'110 AOTRUCK RACING ORGANIZATION A High Performance Spec VS Race Truck Series "The True Driver's Class· Protruck Sales and Promotion Website: Email: (619) 691-9171 (619) 691-9174 {619) 691.()8()3 (FAX) Tel: 619-390-6252 Fax: 619-390-6470. , 103 Press Lane. Suite 14 Chula Vista. CA91910 e-mail: .COM __ CraigSt-1 Phone: 65-449-9728 Fm., 111q.449.'}11711 Cell: 619·726-6891 Fabrication & Race Preparation 9-U<J Abfohom WOii Scmtu. CA 92071 cra1f/11tewcubrci<eworlt1.<om SalM& Service PH: 714.680.6131 • Fl: 114.680.3110 Toll free: 800.304.812& IO I 5 E. Elm Avenue, Fullerton, CA 9 2 8 3 I will get vou In gear 3'55S.fllllrlU#& lulalps.,_.• 1111! S pecilliZil! ii : -sw11ga11t -111112 .. 1-tu -lnriHII -ae, .. ,. -aa111 JOIUI U.1111111 1712 J ttt-4313 fiiil SANDERS SERVICE, INC. L?l!I METALPROCESSING 5921 Wilmington A~e.. Los ~b. CA 90001 (323) 583-2404 FAX (323) 583-3965 SANl)BLAST-<.,LASS BEAD-MAGNETIC PARTICLE Fl.OVRl:SCENT IN PECTION SUSPENSION INNOVATION MOTORSPORTS INC. Tel:562.903.1625 Fax: 562. 777.2593 12345 Florence Ave. TIM CECIL Tom McKenzie 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821 (714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 • RACENEUI Paul Oil Company [209] 847-2281 {800] 527-6090 FAX 12091847-9726 P.O. Box 248 • 524 N. Siem, Ave. WESTERN DIVISION Oakdale. California 95361 2180 Collev• Drive • Lake HavHu City • AZ. 86403 Call Toll Free: 877-627-8852 or E-Mall: • Hi Performance converters Custom Length Axles • • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed Hubs • (for Race a. Recreation) Input Shafts • American Made Excellence!! Chris Tool 909-730-8246 ®li~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ???~ . , ~6-. S-"'l • Off-Road and Bolt-On to Street Fiberglass for: ''Ford, Chevy and Toyota" Trucks Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1261 N. Baena \/ista St. , .... .,. ca. 92543 Ph: 951..fi54-7334 Fu: !t51~54•2375 See a fist or our produd8Jd our web site: http:/ / 1&ifiiLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD (818) 998-2739 NS W■ST 9763 Variel Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 RfORMANCETRANSAXLES Kevin Pirtle 22545 South Normandie Ave. Torrance, California 90501 (619) 596-803 3 , ooo w Bradley. Un,, a fl Cajon, C A 92020 310.782.2413 fax 310.782.3772 Co rto,s OroYco

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Adam Wik SCORE ENGINE BUILDER OfTHE~ 994.1998, 1999,2000 From Parts To COmplele Englnn ~ e,i r,. ,INC. SPCCIALIZED WIRING, COMMUNICATIONS, AND REPAIRS F"DR: Race Can-TirophJ Trucks -Pre-runnen Chase Vehicles -Dual Suon can (760) B03-6955 3265 W. Birtcher Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89118 702-837-2522 MARC WADDELL, PRESIDENT WIREF"Ae@eeCCJLOBAL.NET Do You Need To E :x: I==-~ TRINS . ' MENDEOlA DISTRIBUTOR Performance Trans Off .Road Street Trans Lorenzo Roddguez Parts -Service -Transmissions -V.W. -Porsche Desert, Sand & Drag 850 S. Alta Vista Avenue • Monrovia, CA 91016 (626) 305-RACE (7223) • PRAC World Leading Motorsport Transmission Manufacturer 11 Dakar Rally Victories 17 World Rally Victories 6 AMA MX/SX Championships Xtrac Inc 6183 West 80th Street Indianapolis IN 46278 email: 818-882-0004 Tel: (317) 472 2454 '383' Baja Class 1/10 sequential Transaxle Trophy Truck solutions available for Lead Customers more Trail Notes from page 7 background, from aspiring professionals to first time teenage drivers. And now, each and every one of those drivers will be safely and comfortable protected by a MasterCraft Safety performance driving suit w)len they step out onto the track. "Since we first began in 1970, our full line of products, from seats to restraints to driving suits, has always enjoyed a loyal following," explained Robbie Pierce, CEO of MasterCraft Safety. "Teaming with Bondurant School of High Performance Driving provides us with an opportunity to extend that relationship to a new generation of racers." Available in SFI 3.2A/l and SFI 3.2A/5, MasterCraft Safety performance driving suits meet and exceed all fire major protection requirements while providing a comfortable fit and design with innovative features such as 360 degree soft Nomex® stretch knit arm attachments for unrestricted arm movement. Featuring a heavy-duty zipper and a Velcro® collar enclosure, the suit is constructed from the highest quality hardware and materials available, allowing them to stand up to the day-in, day-out use they will endure at the Bondurant School. of High Performance Driving. Related MasterCraft Safety products include fuel and pit crew fire suits, neck braces, helmet skirts, and elbow and knee pads for pit crew safety. MasterCraft Safety is an industry-leading international manufacturer and innovator of performance and recreational safety devices, best known for the suspension seats that have nearly become standard issue in the harsh environment of desert racing. In addition, Mastercraft Safety's diverse product line includes SFl-approved restraints used in NASCAR, suspension seats used in military response vehicles, and window safety nets and suspension limit straps used for short course racing. More information on MasterCraft Safety's full-line of products can be found by visiting Mastercraft Safety Media Contact: Kelli Willmore, 619.449.9455 more Happenings from page 7 XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAvASu Cm, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: Oll-526-6i25 ZR PROMOTIONS Luis RENE MONTANO C. CALZADA lNDEPENDENCIA 200 -5 COL INSURGENTES EsTE 21280 MEXICALI, BC, MX (686) 564 6653 Page 46 Attention Race & Rallv 01·ganizers -List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your 2010 sched-ules as soon as pa;-5ible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: Dusty Times, 20761 Plummer St., Chatswonh, CA 91311-5003 SNORE Mint 400 from page 32 Eric Heiden ran seventh. Ja-son Tuig, Cliff Cook and Tom Thorvick were amongst the missing. Fourth lap, last lap and when the checkers flew it was Eric Helgeson taking the Jeepspeed win, Tandi Hartman took the silver medal, well behind the leader but still a nice finish. The Jeepspeed Cup Class was next off, there were only three of them entered and only one of them would see all four laps completed. When their first lap ended it was Jon Krell-witz in the lead, Bob Mamer was in second spot and Tom Barnett ran in third place. At the end of their second lap Bob Mamer had taken over the lead, Jon Krellwitz dropped to second place and Tom Bar-nett remained in th'ird place. There were no position changes on the third lap. Fourth lap, final lap and it was Jon Kr~llwitz coming in for the checkered flag, Bob Mamer and Tom Barnett were unable to complete their final lap. There were only three trucks entered in the Class 7S race and Rick Doetsch was the first lap leader, Mike Horner was in second place, he was 15 1 minutes in arrears and Peter Garfinkle never completed his first lap. Rick Doetsch and Mike Horner ran first and second for the rest of the race, Rick taking the gold medal and Mike set-tling for the silver. In the Protruck class there was only one entrant, Troy Vest. Troy ran his four required laps and he was the gold medal winner for the class. StockBug guys were next, April 2010 there were two of them entered and one of them made it for their three required laps. Bob Johnson led the first lap with ease, Dick Nichols had big prob-lems but did finish the lap. Bob Johnson completed his race and took the class win. Nichols never completed his sec-ond lap and was listed as a dnf. The Stock Full Class only had one entrant, Lee Creiglow, Lee ran his first lap in a bit less than seven hours and then called it a day. There were 14 entered in the TrophyLite Class and half of them completed all their laps. When the first lap ended it was Gary Messer in the class lead, Ryan Finchum was running in second spot, Bruce Finchum ran in third place, Louis Chamber-land was in fourth place and Rob-ert Woolworth was in the fifth spot. Brian Antle was running sixth, Kyle Friesen ran seventh, Trevor Scherrer was in eighth place, Eric Fiorino ran ninth, Jim Riley was in 10th place, Randy Blacker was in 11th and Steve Hengeveld made it an even dozen. Billy Worthing and Gary Mechum were out of the race. There were lots of position changes on the second lap but Gary Messer remained in the lead, Louis Chamberland was up a few spots into second place, Bruce Finchum held on in third, Ryan Finchum dropped to fourth place and Kyle Friesum was up two spots into fifth. Eric Fiorino was in the sixth spot, Robert Wool-worth dropped to seventh place, Jim Riley ran eighth, Randy Blacker w.i,s up into ninth place and Brian Antle dropped into the 10th spot. Steve Hengeveld was 11th and Trevor Scherre1 dropped back to 12th place. Third lap, Gary Messer con-tinued to lead the class, Ryan Finchum was back into the sec-ond spot, Louis Chamberland dropped to third, Bruce Fin-chum was now fourth and Kylt Friesen remained in fifth place. Robert Woolworth ran in sixt · spot, Randy Blacker mo~ed into seventh, Jim Riley was still eighth and Steve Hengeveld wa! now ninth. Eric Fiorino, Brian Antle and Trevor Scherrer wen amongst the missing. Final lap, checkers flew and Gary Messer took them happily. Bruce Finchum took the silve1 medal, Kyle Friesen was tht bronze medal winner, Rober1 Woolworth finished first of1 the podium and Louis Cham-berland took fifth place hon-ors. Steve Hengeveld finished in sixth place and Jim Rile) was the seventh and final fin-isher. Ryan Finchum and Rand) Blacker failed to finish thei1 final lap. The VORE-VC class rounded out the day, there were three o1 them entered but none finished the required four laps. Karman Cusack led the first lap, Jim Johnson was four minutes in ar-rears in second place and Kevin Lobisser did not complete hi! first lap. There were no positior changes on their second lap. Jim Johnson finished hi! rhird lap but Karman Cusack had disappeared and that wa! that. And, so it ended, anothe1 SNORE Mint 400 in the books A success? You betcha! Next or the SNORE Calendar is tht Dusty Times 250 in Caliente Nevada on May 7-9, 2010. Don't forget, Dusty Times is awardin~ $1,000 to the overall winner a1 Caliente. See ya all there! Dusty Times

Page 47

., Classified ... Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Readers are advised to consult appropriate local or state authorities for in-formation before purchase of any specific item. TO BUY: Foddrill 3-4 seat Pre-Runner, register in Tex-as, LS6 400hp, Fortin w/ converter, Fox coil & by-pass, VDO, HOWE, W R coolers, Mastercraft, BF tires, Pro-AM, Race & XM radios, GPS, ODO 550 mis, carbon dash, roof rack, removable windshield. Lots of spares inc/trailer. $99,000.00 or will trade for exotic sports car of equal or greater value pay-ing the difference. Cesar Fuentes (915) 726-3823 or a fuen tes@fuentes 7 .com. mx FOR SALE: Class 1 Off-Road Truggy/Pre-Runner. Chromoly Chassis, Ford 347, Mogi C-6 Transmission TCS Converter, 2 ½" Bilstein Coil-Overs, 9" Dirt-Tech Rearend, CNC 6 Piston Calipers, TT 6 on 6.5 Hubs/ Brakes, 37" Projects, Walker Evans Wheels, 7 5 gal. Fuelcell, Pump Gas, Intercom Radio, Color GPS, Raceworks Swaybar. $68,500.00 OBO. Scott (619) 889-7171. FOR SALE: 2005 Vintage Race/ Toy Box Trailer Sep. Liv-ing Space/Garage, 20ft. Liv-ing Space w/ refrig, Micro, AC, Shower, Queen bed, folds down table, Fold Couch Folds, sleeps 6. Separate 28ft. w/workbench & cabinets, Large stainless tool storage, Big CFM Air Compres-sor, One Piece Aluminum roof, 102" Wide, Extra Tall Sides, Have been towing w/F250 Die-sel, Only weighs 8, 165 lbs. Excellent condition! $24,700 OBO. Call Scott (619) 889-7171. Here is your chance to buy the most Modified 2007 Jeep JK in the world! Rear Steering, Su-percharged 6.0 Chevy, 4L80E, Atlas 4 speed, 40" MTR Walker Beadlocks, 2" Roll Cage, King Bypass and Coils. Get more information at George (562) 822-5324. FOR SALE: Previously Kyle Tay-lors 8 Truck. No expense spared. 700+ HP Chevy dry sump, Cul-hane Transmission, Chrisman rearend, King Shocks all around, CO2 air jacks for tire changes, 37" Toyos with KMC 17" wheels, Pro Am Spindles, Howe steer-ing rack, new 65 gal. fuel cell, GPS, in-car camera, we have spares that come with the truck. $150,000.00 OBO, call Greg at (702) 498-0267 . FOR SALE: 1971 VW Panel Bus. New brakes, tires, battery. Rebuilt engine & trans less than 1000 miles, sleeps two. $3,900.00. (661) 261-1774. FOR SALE: 1991 Ranger 7s race truck. Pro built by C & D and 777 motorsport. All the best stuff: King, Beard, Howe, Deaver etc. Race Ready. 65K invested. $20,000.00 firm. Larry (805) 797-4773. FOR SALE: Wyllie Racing Pro2 Chevy, ProPower 434 ci 800 + Hp, Fox shocx, tubeworks differential, C & C calipers, KMC wheels, Howe Steering, Mastercraft Seat. Daily oil pump, Probst built for 2006 season, Tig welded, Lots of spares, ready to race. $150,000.00 Com-plete. Call Todd. (602) 463-0936. FOR SALE: Class 1 or 12 Raceco, 120 W.B. Fox, Sum-mers, Wildwood disc brakes, 2 seater, communication system, turbos, fresh trans, Norra legal, fresh air cooled Leighton en-gine. Ready to Race with trailer and spares. 30k OBO. (702) 622-5720. IP D (fJ fJJ rJ (E g 12..b_AL b6T ATb_ LhA6[:_/R._i:_r'-JTAL.:i Vacation Rental Vacatio n Rental in the Ex-clusive Indian Wells Coun-try Club in the Sunny Palm Springs area of Southern Cali-fornia! 2 or 3 bedroom fur-nished for your complete relax-ation and if you are a glutton for punishment, play golf on 1 or both of the beautiful courses. FYI, wireless inter-net and long distance phone calls (USA) included. Starting at $4,500.00 in season (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr) or $2,300.00 per month not in season. Call (760) 345-6124. INDb..X TO ~Vb..R.. TL:::>b..R..6 Baker Precision Racing Products ....................... 15 BTR Racing Wheels ....................... 40 Butch's Speed Shop ...................... 28 Extreme Outlaws ............................ 2 Fuel Safe Racing Cells ................... 33 Kar Tek Off Road ............................ 5 King Off-Road Racing Shocks .......................... 37 Lucas Oil at Las Vegas Motor Speedway ........ Back Cover McKenzie's Performance Products .............. 22 MOR Bilek 400/ Coyote Wash 200 ..................... 39 Racer X Motorsports .................... 25 Redline Performance ..................... 38 Robby Gordon Off Road ................ 19 Ronco Plastics .............................. 34 Spanish Style Home ...................... 21 SNORE ......................................... 27 Soltek Light Systems .................... 23 South Point Casino ......................... 9 Transaxle Engineering ................... 41 Vacation Rental ............................ 41 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in DUSTY TIMES . • Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of • black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. REMEMBER -CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED - YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER. Enclosed i $ ____________________________ (Send check o r money o rder, no Cash) Name Address City----------------------------------------------------------------State _______ Zip ______________ Phone _________________________________ _ _ Please ru n ad ti mes Mail co: DUST Y TlMES 20761 Plum mer Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 DUS5J~ IDUS 2009-10 ISSUE DEADLINE Jun 2010 May 14, 2010 Jul 2010 Jun 18, 2010 Aug 2010 Jul 16, 2010 Sep 2010 Aug 13, 2010 Oct 2010 Sep 17, 2010 Nov 2010 Oct 15, 2010 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Dusty Times May 2010 Page 47

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