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2010 Volume 27 Number 11 Dusty Times Magazine

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volume 27 -Number 11 -November 2010 ~t~l{l~ ·t·~·-:· ,. ·• ;/ .. ~ ~ $2.50 ISSN8750-1732 iJEl~tt · .... ,~.,. ,. ::=:~;:! ~~~.t ~,-, ·-·1 ceteb,at'ing ou, 27~h Yea, o, se,viee To The o,, Road communit' covering the world of competition in the dirt ••.

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' • I I• • • • • • • • • • • ' , •' • • •, • • , ' Page 2 November 2010

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volume 27-Number 1~ ~· November 2010 Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors Scott Bottomley J. Preston Bradshaw Jim Culp Mike Del Col Nicole Del Col Steve Hilton Victor Gazca Martin Holmes Rod Koch Byrle Moore Steve Ruddick Maurice Selden Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham B,o,n.g, ............ O.,_lt,\C ___ _ ' \ ifomi• Rally_ S.rles Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite IA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copyright by Hillside Racing Corp, No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., SNAPSHOT OF THE MONTH ••• Dan Cornwell drove his Chenowth to the Class 1 win and the overall win as well at the 1982 SCORE San Felipe race. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8x10 will be considered. ' ' . In T FEATURES Lucas Oil At ?°peedw6r~cHry J-Presto~-Brddshaw ....... >.: ....... ~ ......... ;.:.,~.: .... S: • • Rally Of J~p~n. by Mdry:in Haimes:~ ... : .... .:. .. ;,,: ... , ..... :.:.::.::.:.:.· ........... ~.:: .... :. i4 ·: M,O.R.E: Powder:Puff 1ry St~e-Ruicli~k : .... >,.: .. _.: .. :,; .... : .... , ............... -... 18 SNORE 250 by John Ca!11in ............................... : .. : ................................. 24 VORRA Hawthorne 225 by Troy Robinson ........................................... 0• 29 Lucas Oil Regional :i,t Ole-n Heh;n :fjy Homer Eubanks ... ;: .... :, ... : .... : ......... 33 R;lly Of France by M~rtin.Ho:liile'.s~ :.;.: .. ;~: ... :, .. ~ ......... -.:.,_.: ...... ; .. • .. ; ... :.'.: ...... 37 • ... : .. .. . .. ........ "'::::.: . : .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. ... . .. "."" . . ..... : . : : : ..... -... : ~.. .. DEPARTMENTS -:=:~::::::::: .:.=::::···-·. • .. .. • : ...... ~ • ... ■ .. . .· .. . ~r:~r:i::~.:::::'.:::::::::::::::::::::·::·:::::::::t::·:::~~:::::::::·:::::::::::::~:::::::::::·:::::::::: i BF Goodrich Report ........... : .................... : ...... : ....................................... 41 Checkers Newsletter ............. : .......................... : ..................................... 41 Good Stuf~ Directory ..... :.: .... .:. ........ .-........ : ...... : .. : ... : .............................. 42 Classified Ads, .. , ..................... , ... , ........................................................... 47 Index To Advertisers ..... : .... :.;:,:.-, .. :,:,: ................................................. , ..... 47 ON THE COVER Not too bad a weekend for Carl Renezeder, he took a 1st and a 2nd in Pro 2 Unlimited and a 1st and an 8th place finish in the Pro 4 Unlimited battle. Trackside Photo TJ Flores had a great day at the SNORE 250 event, he ran trouble free for the entire race and took the Class 1 honors and the overall win as well. . Alan Madden Visit Our Website at Seed-ac-,e,td-e 7o.aeu, to DUST·Y =·:T·IMES .• . .. -. THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE .COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$25.00 □ 2 years -$40.00 □ 3 years -$55.00 (to subscribe online go to □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name ______________________ _ Address--~--------------------Ci.ty ~· ·_._. __________________ _ State ___ · ...... ·_· -~--------Zip _______ _ ·: : P~~ary Interest . . ' ' . . :.:: .,_ · ... Cars D Trucks D Motorcycles D -. · ~end check or money order to: . : DUST.Y -YIMES 2076(Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian• 1 year $30.00 US• Overseas subscription rates upon requ~t-----;; ·; -~#~--~--.-:-:-·.-... ~.• : Dusty Times· .. 1iovember ·20,0: -: ...... : . : . : . :-: . : . : . : -:-~ ... · .. ;-:-:-:-:•:-:-:-:--.·.·.·-·· Page 3

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. . . . . . . ' , . . ~ ' William A. HBill" Bryan 11-24-1933 - 10-5-2010 Bill Bryan prior to the 19 71 Baja ~00. Bills off-roading started in 1957 with organizing a Jeep club in Indio, California. His racing started in 1964 when he and Brian Chuchua promoted off-road races in the Santa Ana river bottom outside of Norco, California. He participated in the promotion of the first Mexican 1000 in 1967 as a charter member ofNORRA. He prepared a Jeep for his wife Carol and Aletha Patchen for the 1968 Mexican 1000 in where they became the first all-woman team to officially finish. Bill drove in the Mexican 1000, Baja 500, Mint 400 etc., lmtil1976 a_t which time he started his son Davids career racing Jeeps and then in 1990 moved to Class 8 Trucks. David dabbled in Pro Rally.; in the early 1980s in which Jean Calvin navigated. Along the way Bill was the Service Crew Chief chasing Brian Chuchua, Doug Fortin and Dick Clark in the 197 4 London to Munich through the Sahara Desert World Cup Rally. In 1975, Bill helped Mickey Thompson and Sal Fish map out SCOREs first sanctioned Baja off-road race. Bills second passion was traveling. He visited every country in th~ world at least once. Bill was inducted into the Off-Road Motor Sports Hall of fame in 2007. Bill is survived by his wife Carol of 56 years, daughters Debbie and Barbara, son David, 7 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren. < ·--... ---... Jean (;alvin, David and Bill Bryan at the 1993 Baja 1000 Bill and David Bryan at a service stop, Reno International Pro Rally, 1981 Page-4 November 2010 . Dusty Times 11

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2010 Happenings ... lOK FoUR WHEELERS P.O. Box36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 <4x4> (All events staged at the club grounds in Cleves. Ohio) 4x4 FOREVER, Lm. 1665 DElAWARE ST. 0sHKOSH, WI 54901 AMERlcAN· RALLY SPORT GROUP, INc. 3650 SolITH POINTE CIRCLE, SUITE 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521-0597 <web 25-ameri-can-rally-sport-group.htm. E Mail: AMERICAN TRIALS ASSOCIATION AMA Obsmied Trials Southern California Championship Series BILL MAilKuM, 2010 PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HOTLINE, 2010 (714) 562-7742 E MAIL: BMARK909@AOL.COM <> ASOCIACION EsTATAL DE AUTOMOVILISMO SAM l.AsELL, TECH lNSPECTOR APTo 42 SAN JosE DEL CABO BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL SUR. MEXICO AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSIDP DARRYL SMITH 19 SOMERS ST. CASHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTRALIA DUSTY TIMES AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFF ROAD ClAss 10 CARS ONLY RENALD VAILLANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAVAL QUEBEC, CANADA H7P 1T7 (450) 622-4440 < indexpag.html> BAJA CUP CHALLENGE BAJA PRoTRUCK OFF RoAD RAcE SERIES 14402 BOND COURT EL CAJON, CA 92021 619-390-6252 November 17-21, 2010 SCORE Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 December 3-5, 2010 BITD Henderson's Banks Power 250 BARONA SAND DRAG AssN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 All Races Are Night Races All Races At Barona Raceway, Lakeside, CA BBM MARKETING PROMOTIONS Off Road Short Course Racing & Special Event Marketing NORCO, CA 92860 e-mail (909) 815-5811 BEST IN THE DESERT 3475 BoULDER HIGHWAY LAs VEGAS, NV 89121 702-457-577 5/FAX: 702-641-24 31 <> December 3-5, 2010 Henderson 250 Henderson, NV All Classes BORE RACING Allen Gerber 801-380-9011 - after 5pm please BP MoTORSPORTS P.O. Box 411 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91365 760-578-6258/760-578-6259 FAX: 818-348-4648 E-Mail: All Events At California City, CA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGHTON, ONTARIO, CANADA KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR CLUB AUTOMOVILISTA ]UARENSE DE CHAMPIONSIDP OFF-ROAD Dusty Times RACING 7210 GATEWAY EAST EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 0ll-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES <> CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVE ADAMS (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DON ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING AssOCIATION C.J. RICHARDS P.O. Box332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLAIRTON HI-JACKERS l.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TWP. LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 Short Course off Road Racing At Har-rison County Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICA SAN QUINTIN CALLE 6TA FRACC Co. DE SAN QUINTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HERACUO PATINO (011 52 616-5-22-07) CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICO SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road ENSENADA, BC, MEXICO November 2010 USA JAN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) RAMON CASTRO & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/7 0034) CMC CONTINENTAL MoTosPORT CLUB P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 Fax: (714) 367-1608 CODE OFFROAD MADERO 621-A MEXICALI, MEXICO 21100 760-455-8069 USA 01 l-52-686-553-4087 MEXICO December 3-5, 2010 Race Ready Mexicali-San Felipe, B.C., MX CowRADOHiu CLIMB ASSOCIATION BARB V AHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box8286 COLORADO SPRINGS, co 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O. Box392 CALEX!co, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER 0l l-52-65-66-4458 CORR SERIES 270 NEWPORT CENTER DR., Sum 100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 866-501.CORR CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, SUITE 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA EXT 42 Fax (818) 957-4435 CRS CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES <www, D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. Pages

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Trail Notes ... MORE DESERT RACING -The MORE PowderPuff race was held on October 9th in beautiful, downtown Barstow. It was an all female event, no male drivers in the race. There were 163 entries in the race, half of their entry fee going to the Cedars Sinai Cancer Clinic. The amount of dollars that went to the cancer clinic, including some donations from outside sources was $122,187. Not bad for a bunch of off road racers! The total amount of dollars donated for the five years the Powderpuff has been in existence is $508,000. Say what you will, Jim Clements and his crew are definitely some of the good guys. See the whole race story on page 18 of this issue. TOYOTA Mn.ESTONE Aw ARDS - Following the fourth of five races in the 2010 SCORE Desert Series, 17 of SCORE's toughest drivers remain in the hunt to earn 2010 SCORE Toyota Milestone Awards. Leading the way are three racers in the featured SCORE Trophy-Truck division and four in Class 1-2/ 1600 for 1600cc VW-powered open-wheelers and along with five racers in SCORE Lite. The three SCORE Trophy-Truck drivers who have completed every race mile so far this season are: Andy McMillin, National City, Calif. (No. 31, Ford F-150), Jesse Jones, Litchfield Park, Ariz. (No. 76, Ford F-150), and Nick Vanderwey, Phoenix (No. 84, Chevy Silverado). The talented trio are also the top three in the current SCORE Overall and SCORE Trophy-Truck point standings. Toyota is presenting these prestigious awards to the world's toughest desert racers for the 25th consecutive year. The Toyota Milestone awards will go to those pro car and truck drivers who finish every required mile in the five-race 2010 SCORE Desert Series, the World's Foremost Desert Racing Series."Toyota is proud to honor the world's best desert racing drivers," said Les Unger, national motorsports manager at Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A. "For a quarter of a cenrury, Toyota has had the privilege of presenting the SCORE Toyota Milestone Awards to the toughest racers on the planet." The 17 racers who have completed every required mile after 4 rounds of the 5 race desert series are: SCORE Trophy-Truck-Andy McMillin, Jesse Jones, Nick Vanderwey. Class 1 - Kory Halopoff. Class 1-2/1600 - Luke McMillin, Hiram Duran, Kyle Conlon, Arruro Velazco. Class 6 - David Caspino, Heidi Steele. Class 7SX/7 - Elias Hanna. SCORE Lite - Brent Parkhouse, Justin Davis, Lee Banning, Dave Calloway, Samuel Araiza. Stock Full - Joe Baca!. 43RD BAJA 1000 STARTERS - Veteran desert racer Roger Norman, his No. 8 Norman Motorsports Ford F-150 SCORE Trophy-Truck, received the first starting position during the computerized drawing for November's 43rd Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 desert race. A solid total of 207 vehicles officially entered in time for Sarurday's computerized drawing held at SCORE International's headquarters in Los Angeles. With nearly 300 entries expected before the green flag drops, entries will be accepted up to race morning. This year's legendary desert classic, the final event of the five-race 2010 SCORE Desert Series, will be held Nov. 16-20 in Mexico. The final course distance will be more than 1050 miles. With massive crowds reaching nearly 250,000 anticipated to again be spread out along the rugged course that travels on both sides of the peninsula, the world's most famous desert race will start in Ensenada, Baja California and finish all the way down the peninsula in La Paz in Baja California Sur. Norman, who won the 2008 SCORE Baja 1000 overall and in SCORE Trophy-Truck with Larry Roeseler as his second-driver, plans to drive solo in this year's race down the peninsula. This year will be the 36th time in the first 43 years of the storied race that it has started in Ensenada and it will be the 18th time in has finished in La Paz. With over 300 expected entries for cars, trucks, motorcycles and ATVs competing in 28 Pro and 6 Sportsman classes in the internationally televised race, entries have already come from 13 U.S. states and 14 countries. In addition to the 33 States, racers have entered from Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Mexico, South Africa and the US Territory of Guam. Pre-race festivitie~ on Wednesday, Nov. 17, for the Tecate SCORE Baja 1000, including the vastly popular tech and contingency of all vehicles and the SCORE Manufacturer's Midway will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Boulevard Costero in front of the Riviera del Pacifico Culrural Center. Besides Norman, other entries among the stars in the talented 35-truck field in the marquee SCORE Trophy-Truck division include, by starting order: Mexico's Gus Vildosola Jr./Gus Vildosola Sr. (No. 21 Ford F-150), B.J. Baldwin, Las Vegas (No. 97Chevy Silverado), Andy McMillin/Scott McMillin, National City, Calif. (No. 31 Ford F-150), Nick Vanderwey, Phoenix/Curt LeDuc, Cherry Valley, Calif. (No. 84 Chevy Silverado), Rick D. Johnson, Barstow, Calif./Bob Shepard, Phoenix (No. 7a Ford F-150), Gary Weyhrich/Mark Weyhrich, Troutdale, Ore. (No. 9 Ford F-150), Mark McMillin, El Cajon, Calif. (No. 23 Ford F-150), Robby Gordon, Charlotte, N.C., (No. 1 Chevy CK1500), Cameron Steele, San Clemente, Calif./Cody Stuart/Justin Smith, Capo Beach, Calif./Pat Dean, Las Vegas (No. 16 GMC Sierra), Mark Post, Laguna Beach, Calif./Ryan Arciero, Foothill Ranch, Calif. (No. 3-Ford F-150), Darnen Jefferies, Apple Valley, Calif. (No. 22 Chevy Silverado), Ed Stout, Irvine, Calif. (13-Ford F-150), Josh HalVChad Hall/ Rod Hall, Reno, Nev. (No. 61 Chevy Silverado), Troy Herbst/Brian Collins, Las Vegas (No. 49 Dodge Ram 1500), Jerry Whelchel, Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif./Brian Hess, San Diego (No. 88 Chevy C 1500), Tim Herbst/Ed Herbst, Las Vegas/Larry Roeseler, Huntington Beach, Calif. (No. 19 Ford F-150), Jesse James, Austin, Texas (No. 54 Chevy Silverado), Mike Jenkins, Trego, Wisc./Josh Baldwin, Newport Beach, Calif. (No. 86 Ford F-150), Rob MacCachren, Las Vegas/ Will Staats, Valencia, Calif. (No. 20, Ford F-150), Jesse Jones, Litchfield Park, Ariz./Larry Ragland, Cave Creek, Ariz., (No. 76 Ford F-150) and Robbie Pierce/Mike Julson, Santee, Calif. (30-Chevy Silverado). Drawing first start in Class 1 was SCORE Baja 500 class winner Steve Appleton, Boise Idaho, in a Chevy-powered Jimco open-wheel desert race car, while first off in ;,GO.RE Lite will be the team ofJustin Davis, Chino, Calif./Daniel Folts in a Seagi;w~¥,W .. ,W4cp ,10,mandatory checkpoints spread down the peninsula, the course sta,r~ on the Pacific Ocean-side of Baja California in Ensenada Page 6 EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (All events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston Count)' ORV Park, Olympia, WA) DAKAR RALLY DARREN SKJLTON BAJA AUTOMOTIVE ADVENTURES 455 E. OcEAN BLVD., Sum 208 loNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 <> DECATUR FoUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB DECATUR, TX 76234 TOM ALLEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MoTORSPORTS 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 USTERN OFF-ROAD RACING AssN. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WELLSVIUE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 ENSENADA BAJA OFF ROAD RACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX 0ll-52-646-1818989 Eus10 01 l-52-646-1715230 AARoN Races for buggys & Motorcycles EsTERO BEACH INTERNATIONAL Short Course Racing VICTORIA GALINDO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO 0ll-52-646-176-6230 FORDA FLORIDA OFF RoAD DRIVER'S ASSOCIATION ]ASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Apr, May, Nov at Davidson Raceway FunPUCKER RACING TEAM 1855 PARKWAY DRIVE S. EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/959-579-6151 FAX GENERAL TIRE TROPHYLITE SERIES DRIVE RACING ORGANIZATION 760-352-6020 Las Vegas, NV GLEN HELEN OFF-ROAD SHORT COURSE SERIES PO Box6950 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92412 CONTACT: Bos BEYER, OFF-ROAD D1RE0 TOR PHONE: (909) 815-5811 Short course, stadium and desert race classes November 15, 2010 Round #7 GLEN HELEN BAJA CuP CHALLENGE SERIES PO Box6950 SAN BERNARDINO, CA ?2412 CONTACT: Bos BEYER, OFF-ROAD DIRECTOR PHONE: (909) 815-5811 Desert race classes Decemlter 11, 2010 Round #2 GORRA GEORGIA OFF RoAD RACING ASSOCIATION 420 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA GREAT PLANES OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION TIM HODGE (402) 991-6048 SconMoRRow (816) 792-2126 (All races are short cour$e, stadium sryle Classes, 20IO Sportsman, 1/2-1600, 5-1600, Sport Truck, Quads, Tough Truck Nebraska Raceway Park, Exit 420 on 1-80 between Omaha and Lincoln.) For latest info check <> HIGH PLAINS OFF RoAD RAcING 2000 W. QUINCY AVENUE #B ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 November 2010 303-806-8062/303-781-0974 fax (810) 730-9221 INTERNATIONAL lcE RACING MOTOWEST WINTER TmALs SERIES ASSOCIATION BILL MARKHAM P.O. Box 8105 (909) 860-1857 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 <> STEVE BEDDOR All events at Perris Raceway (612) 937-3816/Fax 474-2769 (At Reed Valley with a school) INTER'-SHows MoTORSPORTS NATIONAL Mun RACING AssN. PROMOTIONS, INc. RT. #l, 2010 Box 380 P.O. Box 2910 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN M1ss10 VIEJO, CA 92690 PALATKA, FL 32177 (949) 582-2371 (904) 325-5422 }EEPSPEED NATIONAL TuFF TRUCK AssN. 1826 N. WINDES Butch Chapin Motorsports Promo-ORANGE, CA 92869 tions 714-538-7434/ fax 714-633-1724 1404 EAST 3RD STREET Sept 10-11, 2010 HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 MORE Chilli CookOff 250 (612) 437-2459 Lucerne Valley, CA NOORA Dec 3-4, 2010 BITD Jeepspeed Challenge Finals NORTHERN OHIO OFF ROAD TBA RACING AssN. K.AMLOOPS OFF ROAD RACING GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAIL Whispering Pines Sports <> & Recreation Center Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads l<AMLOOPS, BC, CANADA (Spring Valley Raceway, on route 518, 20 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) Mike Strange (250) 573-4003 (Thunder Valley located 15 minutes from LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS & Spring Valley) OFFROAD EXPO NORRA (626) 961-3782 NATIONAL OFF ROAD <> RACING ASSOCIATION <> L.I.T.R.E. (661) 268-1232 ]EFF ELROD OFF ROAD EXPO (408) 926-0522 SPIN COMMUNICATIONS ]IMARUTA (415) 380-3890 (408) 247-4402 LOORRS OFF RoAD RACING Assoc1ATION LUCAS OIL Volunteered Series OFF ROAD RACING SERIES PRESIDENT, 2010 GEOFF LEE December 11-12, 2010 1243 TRICE ROAD Firebird Raceway LEBANON, TN 37087 Phoenix, AZ (615) 453-5830 MAMARRITA OFF ROAD RACING CLASS REP., 2010 1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS Luis CARLOS ALvAREZO (865) 453-1005 PANAMERICANA AVE #5105 CLASS REP., 2010 9 & UNLID. Co. JUAREZ, CHIH., MX MICHAEL MOORE 011-52-1637-1799 (334) 271-7035 MICHIGAN BUGGY BUILDERS OUTLAW REP. DON PONDER Dune Buggy Trade Show (314) 631-8190 (517) 543-7214 (All Races at Wheeling in the Count)' 900 ,; <> Acres) MICHIGAN OFF ROAD OHIO OFF RoADERS INc. CHAMPIONSHIPS 1427 GOSHEN HILLS ROAD S.E. M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 15529 ]ONES ROAD ]IM l<ENDEL GRAND LEDGE, ML 48837 (216) 339-4674 (517) 627-6200 All races held at Harrison Motorcycles, Quads, ATVs and Pilots County Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio only MAORA ONTARIO OFF RoAD RACERS Assoc1ATION Mm-AMERICA RICK TICHBOURNE, PUBLIC RELATIONS OFF ROAD ASSOCIATION (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-29l3(W) P.O. Box664 GREENUP, IL 62428 OUTLAW SEVEN PICKUP (217) 962-1318 9269 UMMELMAN E-MAIL: ST. Louis, MO 63123 <> (314) 631-8140/Fax: ((314) 631-1921 MDR PRODUCTIONS PACE MOTOR SPORTS OFF-ROAD RACING SERIES U.S. Off Road Championship 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE, 2010 SOUTH EL 495 N. COMMONS DRIVE MONTE, CA 91733 AURORA, IL 60504 PHONE: (626) 442-~320 (630) 566-6100 FAX: (626) 579-6051 <> E-Mail: PENNSYLVANIA SHORT COURSE <> 2010 California Chamf!.ionshit!_ Series_ RACING 2010 Sul!_erstition Chamf!.ionshif!. Series SMITHTON HOLE RACEWAY All Races 20IO at Plaster Ciry, West/East 313 SKYLINE DRlVE November 26-28, 2010 SMITHTON, PA. 15479 Sprint 2 The Dash MIKE GEISER 330-683-6263 December 31, 2010 The Dash Short Course Offroad Racing M.O.R.E. All Races At Smithton Hole Raceway MOJAVE OFF ROAD RACING PIKES PEAK ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 6962 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 P.O. Box 1231 (719) 685-4400 BARSTOW, CA 92312 760-253-4453 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS < OFF RoAD RACING CHATSWORTH, NJ December 4, 2010 (856) 875-7591 Holiday 200 Barstow, CA PRO 1600 SHOOTOUT MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY COREY0olN ASSOCIATION 559-647-6132 DAVE BARRET GOINRACIN@HOTMAIL.COM 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. PuRE ENERGY PROMOTIONS FUNT, ML 48506 P.O. Box 50 Dusty Times

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RICKETTS, IA 51460 (712) 679-2221 RALLY AMERICA <> <> < RALLYE AICHA DES GAZELLES The Only All-Women's Off-Road Rally Raid In The World 203-249-1340 Skype: kellanvanhoesen <> March 19-April 2, 2011 France & Morocco RocK CRAWLERS AssocIATION OF AMERICA P.O. Box 1406 RIVERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/Fax: (801) 253-3176 SAN DIEGO SHORT COURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New Series by Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro Trucks, Desert Trucks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Truck <> (858) 571-5088 SAN DIEGo OFF RoAD ExPOsmoN (888) 836 7918 SCCA RoADRALLY P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-2055 <> SFX MoTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. COMMONS DRIVE, Sum 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 Fax SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., Sum A CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 <> November 17-21, 2010 43n1 Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 Peninsula Run, BC, MX SNORE SOUTHERN NEVADA OFF RoAD ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 270516 LAs VEGAS, NV 89127 702-277-2295 December 10-12, 2010 Rage At The River Laughlin, NY SONS OF THUNDER 4 WHEELERS RACE" DIVISION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963--0252 Mike Moore, 2010 (224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS EXPO MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. HACIENDA BLVD. #322 HACIENDA HEIGHTS, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SCTA SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION & BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, INc. P.O. Box 10 OROS!, CA 93647 (559) 528-6279 (559) 528-9749 FAX <> SOUTHERN SHORT COURSE OFF RoAD RAcING AssN. 4305 WooTLARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (All Races at Eastbay Raceway, Tampa, FL) TRAXXAS TORC SERIES Aug 14-15, 2010 Bark River Off-Road Raceway Bark River, MI Sept 4-5, 2010 Crandon Off-Road Raceway Crandon, WI SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box 706 Dusty Times TOYS FOR TOTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADILLA VALLEY SPORTS CENTER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <> VORRA VALLEY OFF RoAD RAcING ASSOCIATION 1970 EAST 2ND STREET RENO, NV 89502 877-418-6772 <> VICENTE GUERRERO OFF RoAD Cura PROFO. CENOY!O GAMBOA 0ll-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 p.m.) WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WESTERN PENNsnvANIAWHEEL To WHEEL OFF RoAD RACING PATRICK McGurRE P.O. Box 376 ADAMSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2939 E; Grovers Ave. PHOENIX, AZ 85032 (602) 971-3730 <> November 12-13, 2010 Firebird/Lucas, AZ December (TBA), 2010 ACP,AZ WISCONSIN MoTORSPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 W1scoNsIN OFF RoAD FESTIVAL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 OSHKOSH, WL54901 (414) 688-5509 WORLD SERIES OF OFF ROAD RACING FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP P.O. Box 99 CRANDON, WISCONSIN 54520 303-880-7221 <WWW.WRC.COM> XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 ZR PROMOTIONS LUIS RENE MONTANO C. CALZADA lNDEPENDENC!A 200-5 COL lNSURGENTES EsTE 21280 MEXICALI, BC, MX (686) 564 6653 List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only 'Yay some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your 2010-2011 schedules as soon as possible for ~isting in this column; it could bring you some extra ~ntries! Mail your race or rally schedufe to: Dusty Times, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-5003 November 2010 Trail Notes ... and heads southeast to San Felipe on the Sea of Cortez before heading south through Coco's Corner, Bahia de Los Angeles, San Ignacio, back to the Pacific at San Juanico, then back to the Sea. of Cortez at Loreto, back to the Pacific at Ciudad Insurgentes heading down along the Pacific through Santa Rita before turning back east and down into La Paz for the finish. General Tire - General Tire is proud to announce that it will be the title sponsor and spec tire of the 2011 General Tire Jeepspeed Challenge. General Tire will commence its sponsorship, becoming the official tire of the popular endurance desert-racing series, Jan. 2011, and will continue its sponsorship for three years. The Jeepspeed Racing Series is designed to give Jeep enthusiasts the opportunity to take their daily vehicle and race it alongside other die-hard Jeep fans. Equipped with General tires and a motor from ATK Jeepspeed Engines, the common Jeep driver can have their shot at motorsport victory and race in this exhilarating off-road series. A number of fitment sizes will be off~ed by General Tire, including 33/10.50 Rl5, 33/ 12.50 Rl5, 35/ 12.50 Rl5 and 285/75 Rl6. Travis Roffler, director of marketing, General Tire, also announced that the tire company will sponsor six tires for each of the first 30 teams racing in the 2011 General Tire Jeepspeed Challenge. "This is a new and exciting series for us at General Tire," said Roffler. "We're an ideal tire for off-road racing machines like Jeep, so it really makes sense for us to be the official tire of the Jeepspeed Challenge." The Jeepspeed racing season consists of five Challenge/Cup events with two bonus events, and will run from February to December 2011. Jeep aficionados interested in putting their vehicle to the ultimate test can register for the General Tire Jeepspeed Challenge by going to and for more information on the tires check out www.l.{ BITD BLUE WATER DESERT CHALLENGE - A spectacular turnout of 188 vehicles attacked the race course at Parker, Arizona for a great weekend of racing. The vehicles were broken into four groups racing on both Saturday and Sunday. Race # 1 saw Steve Appleton taking the win both days in Class 1800, Jon Krellwitz won both days in Class 3700, Tandi Hartman won both days in Class 1700, Matt Parks took the wins in UTV P and George Gardner took the wins in UTV S. In the Race 2 groupings it was Rick St. John taking the win both days in Class 1100, Patrick Nirschl took Class 2000, Steve Hengeveld swept 6000, Keith Waibel took 3000, Trent Beaver swept 8000 and Don Beaumont won Class 7100. In Race #3 it was Travis Bozzano taking Class 7200, Kevin Ellis won Class 1000 and Dave Schneider took 4400 both days. The Race #4 group saw Loren Brown taking the wins in Class 1500 and in Race #5 it was a name out of the past, Steve Sourapas taking Class 1400, Macrae Glass swept 8000 and Alex Staats swept Class 1200. A full report and loads of pictures in the next edition of Dusty Times. SCORE BAJA 1000 -With 35 of the world's best desert racers in the marquee SCORE Trophy-Truck starting grid, dust will fly next month but none higher than the point championship duel between third-generation desert racer Andy McMillin and cagy veteran Jesse Jones at the 43rd Annual Tecate SCORE Baja 1000. This year's legendary desert classic, the final event of the five-race 2010 SCORE Desert Series, will be held Nov. 16-20 in Mexico on a brutally-rugged 1061.69-mile Sal Fish signarure desert race course. With over 300 expected entries for cars, trucks, motorcycles and ATVs competing in 33 Pro and 7 Sportsman classes for cars, trucks, motorcycles and ATVs in the internationally televised race, entries have already come from 35 U.S. states and 16 countries. Leading the car and truck classes into the Baja desert will be the featured SCORE Trophy-Trucks, the high-tech, 850-horsepower, unlimited production trucks that have been the stars of the sport since SCORE created the class in 1994. This year will be the 36th time in the first 43 years of the storied race that it has started in Ensenada and it will be the 18th time in has finished in La Paz. With just six points separating San Diego's McMillin, who splits driving with his father Scott McMillin, National City, Calif., in the No. 31 McMillin Realty Ford F-150, and Jones, Litchfield Park, Ariz., who has lured five-time Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 class champion Larry Ragland, Cave Creek, Ariz., this battle promises to be a desert duel for the ages as both battle for the 2010 SCORE Trophy-Truck and 2010 SCORE Overall point championships. Andy McMillin has 321 championship points and Jones has 315. The race will start on Boulevard Costero adjacent to the picturesque Bahia de Todos Santos in front of the historical Riviera del Pacifico Cultural Center in the heart of Ensenada at 6:30 a.m. (PST) with the motorcycle and ATV classes, followed at approximately 11:45 a.m. with the start of the car and truck classes. It will finish on the outskirts of La Paz near the Grand Plaza Hotel, race headquarters for the southern half of the event. ·The post-race awards celebration and fiesta will be held on the Malecon in downtown La Paz, starting at 4 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 20. The entire race will be conducted on Pacific Standard Time. All entries are provided with GPS programs defining the course and all are required to utilize special data recording devices that plot the actual route and speeds each vehicle takes during the mammoth race. In 2010, BFGoodrich Tires is celebrating the 35th year in SCORE Baja racing. In addition to being the official tire of SCORE International for three and a half decades, BFG has produced the tire of choice for 23 of the overall 4-wheel vehicle winners in the Tecate SCORE Baja 1000, including 23 of the last 24 years and a record-run of 20 straight from 1986 through 2005. This year's Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 desert race will be televised on a delayed basis as a one-hour NBC Sports special for the seventh consecutive year, airing on Dec. 19 on the NBC Television Network. It will also air on a delayed basis outside of the U.S. on ESPN International. It is being produced again by Aura360, SCORE's electronic media parmer, in association with SCORE. The total mileage for the 2010 season will be 2,133.88 miles. Racers are also competing for the annual SCORE Off-Roadsman of the Year awards, including the MasterCraft Safety SCORE Rookie of the Year award. Page 7

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AT SPEEDWORLD Maccachren/ Renezeder Take Wins By J. Preston Bradshaw Photos: Track.side Photo Carl Renezeder had a pretty good weekend, he took the gold medal in Pro 2 Unlimited on Saturday and took second place in the Sunday event. The Lucas Oil short course was the seventh truck in, Jeff MacCachren take the win, Carl troops gathered in Arizona for Ward finished in eighth spot, Rob Renezeder came in 2 seconds later their September 25th and 26th Naughton came in five seconds in second place, Bryce Menzies meeting. There was a total of 154 later in ninth and Jeff Seifert was took third place honors, Rodrigo vehicles entered in the 10 classes the 10th place finisher. 11th place Ampudia finished first off the po-and a fairly good time was had by went to Scott Martenson and Nick dium and Jeff Ward was the fifth all. Tyree finished in 12th place. Nick place finisher. Kevin Probst, still The Pro 2 Unlimited race on was the last of the 16 lap finish-smarting from the Saturday dnf Saturday ran for 16 laps of the ers. Greg Adler finished 13th, a was the sixth place finisher this 1.1 miles course and was won by lap down, Robbie Pierce was only day, Michael Johnson was the sev-Carl Renezeder, he was followed able to get 10 laps under his belt, enth truck in, Nick Tyree came in closely by Rob MacCachren, Rob Rodrigo Ampudia was only able to eighth and Robbie Pierce finished took the silver medal, he was .564 get five laps in and Kevin Probst in the ninth spot. Scott Marten-in arrears when the checkers flew. only got two laps finished. Fastest son only finished 18 laps and was Bryce Menzies took third place lap for the race went to Rob Mac- scored in 10th place, Todd LeDuc honors, Michael Johnson finished Cachren, he motored around on finished 16 laps for 11th in class, first off the podium and Todd his last lap at 70.091 mph. Pretty Jeff Geiser only got 14 laps in, LeDuc came in a few seconds quick! Robby Woods got 13 laps under Rob MacCachren took second place honors in Pro 2 Unlimited on Saturday, he took the class win in the Sunday battle. Naughton only completed 4 laps and Jeff Seifert only finished 1 lap. Once again, Rob MacCachren turned the fastest lap of the race, just short of 71 miles per hour. The Pro 4 Unlimited group had a couple of good races over the weekend meet. The 16 lap Saturday event went to Carl Rene-zeder, Adrian Cenni was second in, he was three seconds behind the leader, Kyle LeDuc came along two seconds later in third place, Mike Johnson finished first off the podium and Travis Coyne rounded out the top five. Josh Merrell was the sixth truck in, Jerry Daugherty was lucky sev-enth, Curt LeDuc was the eighth place finisher and Eric Baron fin-ished ninth. Rick Huseman only completed 15 laps and was scored in 10th place, Bryce Menzies had problems and only completed 5 laps, scored in 10th place, Kent Brascho's five laps were scored as 11th and John Harrah never got a lap completed. Renezeder's fast lap was clocked at 72.578mph. Sunday's Pro 4 Unlimited race was 18 laps long and Rick Huse-man took the win in this Sunday event, Kyle LeDuc was less than three seconds back in second place, Travis Coyne took third place honors, Eric Barron finished in fourth place and Josh Merrell finished up a spot in fifth place. later in the fifth spot. Sixth place The Sunday Pro 2 Unlimited his belt, Greg Adler got an even Carl Renezeder, same name, different truck, took the Saturday win in Pro 4 .. w_e_n_t_t_o-::iJ..,e,_.f..,fcG,-e_i..,se,,,,r.,.,_R_o,,..b_b,.,.y....,.W, __ o_o .. d_s,...r_a_c_e_, ""•p..,s=-in_l_en-,gth,~s:.:a:.:.w:...:R.:.o::.:b:__:d::o:..ze:;n:.:...:l:.ap~s::...:;in;,;...:f.::o.:.r..:l:..:4:t:.:h...ip::.:l::a::ce:,:..,R:;;.:o;b_..:u::;n:;://=·m;:i;;te=d~, ;--h~e;;;f';;;n;;;is;;;h;;;ed;;;;;;a;;;d;;;is;;;t;;;an;;;t;;;e~ig;;;h;;;t;;;h;;;in;;;;;;th;;;e;;;S;;;u;;;;n;;;d;;;a;;;;y;;;r.;;ac;;;e;;;.;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:; Jerett Brooks was the big winner on Saturday in the Kart Modified Adrian Genni took the silver medal on Saturday in the Pro 4 Unlimited Jerry Whelchel took second place honors on Saturday in the Pro Buggy race, Jerett finished in sixth spot in the Sunday race. race, he had a 12th place finish in the Sunday race. Unlimited race, he was the third place finisher in the Sunday event. Bobby Pecoy was the sixth place finisher in Pro Buggy Unlimited on John Fitzgerald had a fairly good weekend, he took a second place Jimmy Stephensen took home the silver medal in the Saturday Pro Lite Saturday, Bobby was the second place winner in the Sunday fracas. finish both days in the Limited Buggy contest. Unlimited contest, Jimmy finished in fourth place in the Sunday affair. Pages November 2010 Dusty Times 71

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Rick Huseman took the Pro 4 Unlimited win in the Sunday race, Rick was much happier after his 10th place finish in the Saturday race. Curt LeDuc was the sixth place Johnson also finished 17 laps and finisher, Jerry Daugherty finished was 11th, Adrian Cenni only got seventh, again, Carl Renezed-in 12 laps, he was 12th and Bryce er was the eighth truck in and Menzies was in a rut and once John Harrah finished ninth in his again only got five laps under his truck. Kent Brascho only finished belt. Rick Huseman had the fast 17 laps and was scored 10th, Mike lap at 72.545mph. Cameron Steele took the gold medal in the Pro Buggy Unlimited race on Saturday, Cam had a fifth place finish in the Sunday event. Pro Buggy Unlimited was next for the gold medal, Larry Joo was up on Saturday, there were 18 of the third place finisher, Cody them ready to go. They had 15 Freeman finished first off the laps to run for their race and 13 podium and Steve Greinke took of them made it all the way. The fifth place honors. Sixth place big winner this day was Cameron went to Bobby Pecoy, Rich Ronco Steele, he beat out Jerry Whelchel was seventh car ·in, Doug Fortin was the eighth place finisher, Phil _.'. Bollp:1an ..vas qi th. in and Justin Davis was the 10th p &;fip.0~sher. Chuck Cheek was th • · · e finisher, Patrick Pendley was 12th and Mike Porter finished in 13th place and was the last of the 15 lap finishers. My;m Spaccarelli fin-ished 13 laps and was listed ·14th place, Eddie 'Tafoay completed 12 laps, 15th place and Malcolm Pointon posted a 16th place finish with 10 laps in. Gregg Reichamn was listed in 17th place with 8 laps done and Brandon Bailey was 18th with 7 laps in. Sunday's Pro Buggy Unlimited was also a 15 lap race, 18 cars were on the starting line and 11 of them made it all the way. Taking the gold medal was Doug Fortin, Bobby Pecoy was second, he was 1.3 seconds back, Jerry Whelchel was third car in, Larry Job fin-ished fourth and Cameron Steele rounded out the top five places. Sixth place went to Mike Porter, Continued an page 1 D In the Super Lite contest it was Jeremy Stenberg taking the win on Corry Weller was the silver medal finisher in the UTV race on Jack Yeiser didn't have too much fun on Saturday in the Kart Jr 1 Sunday after a third place finish in the Saturday race. Saturday, Corry had a disappointing finish in the Sunday event. event, but he did take a nice second place finish on Sunday. Dusty Times 2,160 Rooms And Suites 60 Table Games 2,300 Slot Machines Poker Room Race & Sports Book 640-Seat Bingo Room 16 Movie Theaters 8 Restaurants 75,000 Sq. Ft. Of Meeting Space 4,500 Seat Equestrian & Event Center 80,000 Sq. Ft. Exhibit Hall Spa & Fitness Center Showroom 64-Lane Bowling Center LAS VEGAS BLVD AT S/LVERADO RANCH • SOIJTHPOINTCASINO.COM November 2010 Page 9

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.. , ; -The win on Sunday in the Pro Buggy Unlimited went to Doug Fortin, Doug was the eighth place finisher in the Saturday affair. Myan Sapccarelli was the sev, Cheek finished in the 12th spot, enth car in, Justin Davis came in he only got nine laps in, Brandon eighth, Phil Bolman-was the ninth Bailey was listed 13th, seven laps place finisher and Rich Ronco completed, Patrick Pendley only took 10th place honors. Malcolm completed four laps, he was listed Pointon finished 11th and was the in 14th place, Cody Freeman was end of the 15 lap finishers. Chuck listed in 15th place, he too only It was a nice win for Bruce Fraley in Limited Buggy in the Saturday race, unfortunately, Bruce finished 10th in the Sunday action. got 4 laps in, Gregg Reichman was the Limited Buggy event, 11 of 16th, three laps completed, Eddie them would complete the required Tafoya was listed in 17th place, he 14 laps. When the checkers flew it only had 2 laps in and Steve Ore- was Las Vegas' own Bruce Fraley ink"e was listed in 18th place with taking a really nice win, John one laps completed. Fitzgerald was less than a second There were 19 competitors in back in second spot, Justin Smith was in third place, another three seconds back in third place, Curt Geer was another four seconds back in fourth spot and Kyle Lucas took fifth place honors. Geoffrey Cooley was sixth car in, Jeff Knupp finished seventh, Dave Nason was the eighth car to fin-ish, Lindsay Geiser was ninth in and Tatum Ronco was the 10th place finisher. Greg Crew was the 11th finisher and the last of the 14 lap finishers. Kevin McCullough was listed 12th with 13 laps done, Kenny Freeman was shown in 13th place with 13 laps in, Quen-tin Tucker was listed 14th, he too with 13 laps completed and Toby Bost was shown as 15th with 13 laps completed. Nicole Johnson had 12 laps complete and was shown in 16th place, Ryan May was shown 17th, he had nine laps done, Kyle Quinn was 18th with five laps complete and Jeff Rich-ards was listed as 19th with 4 laps completed. · Sunday's Unlimited race had Paige Porter won the silver medal on Saturday in the Kart Jr 2 contest, JR Guthrie didn't have too bad a weekend, he took second place on Sheldon Creed finished 14th in Kart Modified on Saturday, he took Paige finished in fifth place in the Sunday race. Saturday in Kart Modified and a third place finish in the Sunday event. home the gold medal for his performance on Sunday. www.robby Page 10 November 2010 Dusty Times

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Curt Geer took the Limited Buggy race on Sunday, Curt finished first off the podium in the Saturday conflict. 17 entrants, they had 14 laps to run for their race and 11 of them got in the required laps. When the checkers flew it was CVurt Geer taking a nice win, John Fitzgerald was second car in, he was just shy of three seconds in arrears, Justin Smith took third place honors, Quentin Tucker was the fourth place finisher and Jeff Knupp rounded out the top five finishers. Sixth place went to Kyle Quinn, Tatum Ronco was lucky seventh, Lindsay Geiser was the eighth car in, Greg Crew was ninth in and Bruce Fraley finished in 10th place. Kenny Freeman finished 11th and Kenny was the last of the 14 lap finishers. Kevin McCullough was awarded 12th place, he had 13 laps in, Dave Mason was 13th in, he too had 13 laps in, Toby Bost finished 13 laps and was awarded 14th place. Jeff Richards got 10 laps in and was shown in 15th place, Geoffrey Cooley was shown in 16th place with five laps in and Kyle Lucas was shown in 17th place with four laps completed. Pro Lite Unlimited was next, there were 14 of them entered in the race and they had 15 laps to run for their race. Onl ei hth of them would make all the required laps. When the ckec'kers flew it was Chris Brandt right there to collect the honors, Jimmy Stephensen finished in second spot, he was 1.8 seconds in ar-rears, Matt Loiodice was the third place finisher, he was another four seconds behind the leader, Leroy Loerwald finished fourth, another three seconds back and Stephan Papadakis finished fifth, another three seconds back. The sixth place award went to John Beyer, Sean Geiser was seventh car in and Anthony Verdone finished eighth and was the last 15 lap finisher. Adam Wik was shown in ninth place, 14 laps completed, Marty Hart was 10th, 12 laps completed, Aaron Daugh-erty was shown 11th, he had 11 laps in the book, Jacob Person was 12th, he completed six laps, Austin Kimbrell was shown in 13th place, he had completed 4 laps and Brian Deegan only got one lap in and was shown as the 14th place finisher. Sunday's Pro Lite Unlimited saw Brian Deegan taking a very nice win in the 15 lap race, a far cry from Saturday's last place fin-ish, Chris Brandt was the second Brian Deegan only got 1 lap in on Saturday in the Pro Lite race, he countered that with a class win in the Sunday race. The gold medal on Saturday in Superlite went to Brandon Ward, Brandon was the seventh place finisher in the Sunday affair. Dusty Times The Pro Lite Unlimited win on Saturday went to Chris Brandt, Chris had to settle for second spot in the Sunday race. place finisher, he was less than a second in arrears, Marty Hart finished in third place, he was another six seconds in arrears, Jimmy Stephensen was the fourth car to finish, another second back and Adam Wik was the fifth place finisher. Sixth place went to Leroy Loerwald, Jacob Person fin-ished seventh and Anthony Ver-done was eighth in and the last of the 15 lap finishers. Sean Geiser and Matt Loiodice were ninth and 10th with 13 laps completed. Corey Sisler was show in 11th place with 10 laps under his belt, Aaron Daugherty only got seven laps in, he was shown in 12th place, John Beyer was shown 13th with six laps done and Stephan Papadakis was shown 14th with no laps completed. The Superlite race on Saturday had 13 entrants and they had to complete 13 laps for their race. Fully 11 of them finished the required laps. When the checkers flew on Saturday it was Brandon Ward taking the big win, Chad George took second spot, he was four seconds in arrears, Jeremy Stenberg was third vehicle in, he was another two seconds back, Jeffrey Kargola was first off the podium and Patrick Clark was the fifth place finisher. Sixth place went to Brent Fouch, Jacob Per-son took seventh place honors, RJ Anderson finished in eighth spot, Jonathan Elfalan finished ninth, Tanner Foust was 10th vehicle in and Wyat Kirchner was the 11th place finisher and the last of the 13 lap finishers. Colton Greaves was shown 12th with 11 laps in and Dawson Kirchner was 13th with 10 laps complete. Sunday's Superlite race had the same 13 entrants running the same 13 laps. This day, 10 of them made all the required laps. When the checkered flag flew it was Jeremy Stenberg tak-ing a nice win, Colton Greaves took second place, he was six seconds in arrears, RJ Anderson took third place honors, he was another second in arrears, Patrick Clark finished fourth, he was yet another second in arrears and Chad George was the fifth place finisher. Brent Fouch was the sixth car to take the flag, Brandon Ward was lucky seventh to finish the race, Jonathan Elfa-lan was the eighth car in, Jacob Person was ninth to take the flag and Jeffrey Kargola was the 10th place finisher. Dawson Kirchner was shown in 11th place with 11 laps completed, Tanner Foust was 12th with six laps in and Wyat Kirchner was shown as 13th place with four laps completed. The UTV racers had 10 laps to run for their race and nine of them made it all the way in the Saturday fracas. Taking a nice win was Tyler Herzog, and he did it again on Sunday, Corry Weller was second vehicle to finish, Code Rahders finished in third place, Chad George finished first off the podium and John Dempsey rounded out the top five in the class. Gary Thompson was the sixth place finisher, Dan Kelly finished seventh, Mark Turner was eighth to take the checkers and Robert Wilson was the ninth place finisher. Doug Mittag was shown 10th, he com-pleted 7 laps, Tyler Winbury ran 11th, he too had 7 laps com-pleted, Keaton Swane is shown 12th with six laps done, Austin Kimbrell finished 5 laps and is show 13th, Robert VanBeekum got in 3 laps and was shown 14th and RJ Anderson was 15th with 2 laps completed. The Sunday UTV race was an-other 10 lap affair and Tyler Her-zog was so impressed with himself on his Saturday win that he had to just do it all again on Sunday. Code Rahders tried to take the win but had to settle for second place honors, he was just .300 seconds behind the winner, John Dempsey came along in third place some 16 seconds later, Tyler Winbury was the fourth vehicle Continued en p111 12 ~ ,{]!] (!J. 0 lll, 13 £3 Ill ;1f {]!] @ .s i II. I I I ... a I ·a,r:r. Home Of The Race Auto Race car I Pre Runner I sand car 818-998-2739 9763 V~L AVENUE, CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 November 2010 I I :z t 9. Q I I t I Page 11

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Kyle LeDuc had a pretty fair weekend, Kyle was third on Saturday in Chad George was the silver medal winner in the Super Lite race on Colton Greaves was a dnf in the Super Lite race on Saturday, he Pro 4 and he finished in second place in the Sunday action. Saturday, Chad finished in fifth place in the Sunday event. redeemed himself with a nice second place finish in the Sunday race. in and Mark Turner took fifth nine laps and was awarded ninth 12th, Gary Thompson was 13th, Next was the Kart Jr 1 Satur-the race, he was followed in by place honors. Robert VanBeekum place, Ryan Beat was shown in he too with 5 laps to his credit, day race, there were 17 vehicles Broe Heger who was half a second was sixth to finish, Dan Kelly was 10th pl~ce with 7 laps completed, Chad George only got 2 laps in entered, they had 10 laps to run in arrears, Isabella Naughton took lucky seventh place and Robert Doug Mittag claimed 11th place and was shown as 14th and RJ for their race and fully 10 of them the bronze medal, Carlye Lenk Wilson was the eighth place fin-with6 laps done, Cory Weller Anderson failed to complete a lap, made all the required laps. Cole took fourth place and Preston isher. Austin Kimbrell finished completed 5 laps and was shown he was shown in 15th place. Mamer took the gold medal for Reben was the fifth vehicle to Page 12 e-0rDonble riiitk etllip • ·c". Kool.tir• Blonrlyat • • Highest Flowing Systems! • 105, 135, 150, 235 and 250 CFM Ratings • High Flow Filters & Custom Hoses • Trophy Kart Kits for ~ Driver & Clutch Cooler aps, Nee , ndPumpsA f.lBBOUBCB l'OBPBOFBSBIONAL RACBPBOJJUCTS 10815 Wheatlands Avenue, Suite K • Santee, GA 92071 19::2,.82RACE (7223) · Fax 619-258'-0883 • November 2010 take the checkers. Broe Dickerson took sixth place honors, Wolfgang Ries was lucky seventh, Krista Smith finished in the eighth spot, Ramsi Geiser was ninth in and Riley Herbst finished 10th. Co-rey Geiser got nine laps in and finished 10th, Reili Geysey took 11th place with 8 laps completed, Elliot Watson was 12th in, Dylan Winbury took 13th place, he fin-ished 7 laps, Travis Pecoy finished 14th, he completed 5 laps, Katelyn Anderson was 16th with 5 laps completed and Jack Yeiser was awarded 17th with 5 laps done. Note: Riley Herbst was dropped behind Corey Geiser for rough driving. Brock Heger followed his Sat-urday second place finish with the Kart Jr 1 race win on Sunday. Jack Yeiser was the second place finisher, Riley Herbst took a nice third place finish, Preston Roben finished first off the podium and Corey Geiser rounded out the top 10. Sixth place went to Wolfgang Ries, Eliott Watson finished close by in seventh place, Broe Dicker-son was eighth in, Krista Smith finished in the 9th spot and Car-lye Lenk rounded out the top 10. Dean Duro was 11th to take the flag, Travis Pecoy finished 12th, Cole Mamer was the 13th vehicle to take the checkers, Ramsi Geyser finished in 14th place and Isabella Naughton took 15th place. Dylan Winbury finished 8 laps for a 16th place finish, Katelyn Anderson finished 17th with 3 laps in and Reili Geiser finished 18th, also with 3 laps. in. The Kart Jr 2 Saturday race had 13 vehicles entered, they had 10 laps to run for their race and fully 12 of the 13 made all the required laps. When the checkers flew it was Jerett Brooks taking a very nice win, Paige Porter was half a second behind the leader, in second place, Sheldon Creed was the third vehicle to take the checkered flag, Maxwell Ries was fourth in and Micaela Cheek was fifth to finish the race. Shelby Anderson was the sixth place finisher, Isabella Naughton took the seventh finishing position, Jeremy Davis was the eighth place finisher, Weston Schuck finished in ninth place and Jeff Hoffman was the 10th place finisher. Hailie Dagan was 11th in, Chad Graham made it an even dozen to finish and Eddie Tafoya Jr. finished 13th with two laps completed. Sunday's Kart Jr 2 race Saw Sheldon Creed taking the class win, Maxwell Ries was right there i1:l. second place, Isabella Naugh Continued on page 46 Dusty Times

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l.n.fc:!C: 9™ RALLY JAPAN Ogier -Citroe_n Take The Gold By Martin Holmes Citroen Total driver Sebastien Ogier used determination and tactics to win Rally Japan, but he needed his resources in full mea-sure to beat the Citroen privateer Petter Solberg. Enjoying the chance to take advantage of a lacklustre performance by teammate Sebas-tien Loeb, Ogier led at the start and at the finish but in between Jari-Matti latvala and Miika Anttila Drove their Ford Focus RS to Photos: Maurice Selden this was definitely Solberg's race. As the rally neared the finish there was a nail biting fight between Ogi-er and Solberg, only resolved when Solberg was slowed with a broken Jari Keyomaa and Mike Stenberg took the SWRC win in Japan, they finished 9th overall in their Ford Fiesta S2000. shock absorber. Ford drivers Mikko Hirvonen and Jari-Matti Latvala made a brave display but were both frustrated by mechanical troubles, though handling problems for - Dani Sordo allowed Latvala to fin-ish on the podium. Absent from the World Rally Championship in 2009 on account of the FIA's rotation event selec-tion system, Rally Japan was based for the second time in Sapporo, the capital city of the northerly Japanese island of Hokkaido. This was the last long-haul rally of the current world championship rules, therefore the final time that World Rally Cars, as we know them, will compete on a championship event outside Europe and the penulti-mate time such cars will be active on a gravel WRC event. Last time the championship went to Hok-kaido, when it was the penultimate round of the series, Loeb was pro-claimed Drivers' champion. This year three events are still to run, so notwithstanding Loeb's currently healthy command of the series it was unlikely a title would be gained this time. Being a gravel event, Rally Japan brought changes in the official team line-ups since the all-asphalt German Rally, with Sebastien Ogi-er again teammate to Sebastien Loeb in the Citroen Total team, and Dani Sordo in the leading Citroen Junior Team entry. Hen-ning Solberg was back driving the number two Stobart entered Focus. This was the sixth tim~he WRC had visited Japan. For the irst four times the event was held at t e mid-Hokkaido city of Obihiro, where the FIA's Asia Pacific champion-ship rally is still run, before being moved to the bigger metropolis of Sapporo for the 2008 event. The main changes this year concerned a third place overall finish in Japan, they were 10 seconds out of Patrik Flodin and Goran Bergsten were the 11th place finishers overall Mikko Hirvonen and Jarmo Lehtinen drove their Ford Focus RS to a 2nd spot. in Japan, seen here in their Subaru lmpreza. sixth overall finish in Japan, seen here in the soft stuff. r~------------------------------------------~ Performance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding & Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks Quality Products & Friendly Service RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-0759 • 15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX us to Receive a Free Catalog VISA ~-------------------------------------------------------~ Page 14 November 2010 Dusty Times I

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I Petter Solberg and Chris Patterson drift their Citroen C4 around the bend in Japan, they finished second overall in the rally. the route. The first and second days were run in the forests close to Chi-tose Airport south of Sapporo, on stages the same as before, while the final day went northwards close to where the first day stages were run in 2008, but now with new stages and with no midday service. This activity was near the town of Su-nagawa, 100km north of Sapporo which lies alongside the north-bound Hokkaido Expressway road. In addition to orthodox stages in the area, there was a superspecial in Sunagawa at a venue which is popular on Japan's specialised dirt-trial championship events. Back in Sapporo there was a new service park area at the Hokusho Kurotech Tsukisamu Dome located 1.5km away from the Sapporo Dome which still hosted its special indoor superspecial. This move freed up parking space for the superspecial spectators and permitted a larger area for merchandising at both locations. This year there were no fewer than EIGHT stages held at the Sapporo Dome superspecial (five last time) with a slightly longer route than before. This world championship event was designed to cater for the visi-tors, as it did not qualify for the All-Japan national rally series. Of the five different category cham-pions in 2009 the only reigning Japanese champion driver active in Sapporo was Fumio Nutahara, but the current series leader Katsuta was not present. Nutahara, himself a PCWRC veteran, was there in a completely different capacity. In order to drive on this rally on Yo-kohama tyres supplied by his long time sponsor it was necessary for him to drive a two-wheel-drive non-championship car, the only type of car allowed to run on WRC events using other than Pirelli tyres. But there was another surprise. He was not driving a Mitsubishi for the first time in his WRC career, which stretched back to 1999. He was driving instead a Ford, and that was another story. F4mio was competing with a special teammate called Show Aikawa, a celebrated Japanese actor, singer and film producer. It was felt inappropriate if Fumio and Show rallied in one particular type of Japanese rally car as opposed to another type. The solution therefore was to rally a Eu-ropean car! It was a good choice for Fumio, because his Fiesta R2 is the only car in the A6 class and Show's Fiesta ST is the only car in N3! Show is a great rally fan and was instrumental in arranging special filming on the Rally Japan in 2007. Counting for both the PCWRC and the SWRC, Japan could be a turning point in the PCWRC se-ries. Series leader Armindo Araujo opted to miss this event but before Dusty Times the event he led the series by 18 points (equivalent to a second plac-ing) ahead of Patrik Flodin, both of whom have contested four of their permitted six events, but Araujo was a total of 25 points in front of third driver Hayden Paddon, the equivalent of the points for a victory. This was the second of two PCWRC events which Paddon was contesting outside his PSD pro-gramme, thanks to the scholarship awarded to him by the Rally ofNZ's 'Rising Star International' scheme. The only Japanese driver in the series is Toshi Arai, lying fourth. Two European teams nominated Japanese drivers to honour their commitments on this event. The Anders Grondal team had Kyosuke Kamata and the Tommi Makinen team had Shuhei Muta. There was one driver missing in the SWRC list. This was the strange entry by the registered Rufa Sport team for the Czech gentleman driver Roman Pesek who was to compete in a Toyota S2000 of one sort or an-other but who eventually withdrew. The Stewards decided to exclude Rufa Sport from the championship which raised questions about the championship future for PG An-dersson who has driven under the Rufa Sport entry on other events, and who like the championship leader 'Xevi' Pons was never going to contest this event. Andersson was currently lying second in the series behind Pons. Pesek's with-drawal meant that only three Super 2000s were on the start line in Ja-pan - Prokop, Ketomaa and Sousa, and all in Fiestas. Once again Japan was a step into the unknown, except for the crews who had been there in 2008. Testing is forbidden, except for the support championship drivers who were entitled to their own familiarisation test the Monday before the event, until the offi-cial Shakedown, which was little technical help because it was run on the asphalt Sapporo Dome superspecial. Loeb, "I cannot say this is one of my favourite events, but the spectators are really faith-ful fans and its nice when they give you gifts. It is good to go to Japan even if we don't race in the most beautiful landscapes in the country. On the roads which were damaged in 2008 some gravel has been put into the ruts." Ogier, who had tllever been here before and was on only his second outing driving for an "M 1" team, explained the event's peculiarities, "The tracks are narrow but fast, but vegetation hides the corners and the traps they contain." Over at Ford, Hirvonen explained he was short of recent gravel road experience, having had a shortened Neste Rally and the previous gravel rally was in May. Martin Prokop and Jan Tomanek finished in second place in SWRC in Japan, 10th overall, seen here at high speed in their Ford Fiesta. Super 2000s were almost unknown in the country, except for the Pro-tons which came to the Hokkaido APRC Rally where they were found to be hopelessly undergeared for the long fast straights on that event. Paddon was in Japan for the first time, "It's not often we encounter such not-so-nice stages", adding that one narrow goat track on Day 3 was covered in mud and rocks and although the stages were generally very fast and narrow with long straigh , corners became very rutted even during recce. "A lot of corners consisted of either soft bull-dust or fist sized stones,.and I predict that cars would spend a lot of time sliding along on the sump guards." Confusingly most of the privateer entries had their competi-tion numbers changed from those in the original entry list. Then the fun began. Shake-down used the same stadium course as the special stage to be used eight times on the rally itself, but considering the same course was going to take up over a quarter hour of total competition time on the event clearly shakedown was a chance to make perfect. The smooth concrete surface did not cause concern over wearing out the precious allocation of tyres, so driv-ers went well beyond their manda-tory four faps, Latvala leading the way with eight timed runs! Of the top drivers only Loeb contented himself with four. Latvala made fastest time on his seventh run, while Raikkonen came to grief on his sixth, when he hit a concrete wall and pulled off the front right wheel. The problem was this. The barrier walls, concrete or plastic, were all painted red, so you never knew what you were going to hit, "Like I said, I'm not worried" was the Finn's reaction, looking at the sad looking Citroen. Petter Solberg was ill and was excused attendance at the FIA's press conference. Leg 1 - 6 Stages -Gravel - 116.46kms Thursday evening did not see a ceremonial start, instead the first two stages were held around the Sapporo stadium. Sebastien Ogier was quickest on both, lying 2.0 seconds in the lead overall with his team leader Sebastien Loeb already down in sixth place 2.4 seconds behind. Toshi Arai was quickest of the ten PCWRC drivers despite a problem with his handbrake and Jari Ketomaa the best of the three S2000. The first full day on Friday started off in a curious and unex-pected way. Sebastien Loeb was already off the pace but much worse was to come for the reign-ing champion. On stage three, the first orthodox stage, Loeb was sixth fastest, 24.2 seconds slower, not November 2010 behind Ogier but this time with Petter Solberg as the fastest car. Solberg was still not feeling bright, "All I really want is one more day in bed." Anyway Citroens were hold-ing the top three places, and for once, Loeb wasn't one of them. "I have no idea what is the problem. Maybe it is because I am driving over dry gravel on top of damp surfaces, but I just don't know. I don't have confidence with the car but I am pushing hard." Latvala was also making a slow start. "We had a problem receiving the split times and didn't have a clue if I was on the pace or not. Too late we discovered we weren't!" The first drama of the rally came soon after the start of stage three when Al Qassimi went off the road and rolled. On stage four, at 27km, Loeb was marginally happier, find-ing the surfaces were generally more moist, but behind him Petter was storming, ·managing fastest time again and this time taking the lead of the rally, notwithstanding a puncture on the rear left tyre. "I am still not going flat out, but I was lucky that we only drove 3km on the flat tyre." On stage five, the final stage of the morning, another driver was fastest. This time it was Henning Solberg, "All going fine, but even running only ninth car on the road the tracks are breaking up badly." Rally leader brother Petter: "Everything works well except me. I am still not feeling as sharp as I should be." Hirvonen's codriver Jarmo Lehtinen was worried about the state of the roads in the afternoon, "You cannot slow down for the ruts even if it is rough, you just have to hope for the best." Ford team chief Malcolm Wilson said it was difficult to gauge what to do. "It is a matter of judging how hard you can push the cars over the ruts. Anything can happen in that type of situation, and conditions are getting worse this afternoon." The Saturday stages were going to be no better and Sunday's, when rain was forecast, the roads would be even worse. At midday Petter led Ogier by 10.3 with Sordo third, followed by the Fords of Hirvonen and Lat-vala. 20.3 seconds separated the top five drivers, sixth placed Loeb was another 1.3 further back. Un-usual days. Ogier however was very happy and had immediately a good feeling. "The stages were rough but a bit better than expected, I was certainly anxious before the stages." Loeb was curious to know what changes the team would make to his car at service and whether it would make a difference. The hot weather was beginning to cool as clouds covered the stages and as the organizers recovered themselves after the delays on the morning's run, the afternoon loop started a half-hour late. All the WRCars had their ride heights raised but even the leading drivers started to report the cars were srill skating along on their sumpguards. Ogier said he was still learning the art of rut rallying and Sordo report-ed his Citroen was starting to lose oil. The BP Fords meanwhile were steaming ahead, Latvala making up for the delays in the morning and was closing on Ogier, but Ogier had now slipped to third place when Hirvonen moved up to sec-ond. On the second runs through the stages in the afternoon Ford drivers won every stage, with three different drivers. Loeb finished the stages saying it was impossible to do good times, a very difficult day altogether, Henning Solberg still had his ride height too low for com-fort, while Sordo got to the end of the afternoon stages with very little remaining transmission oil and the invalidid Petter wondered if his lead of 8.5 seconds would be sufficient to keep the lead if road cleaning was going to be significant in the morning • and if he was feel-ing fit and well again. He reckoned he would have time for ten hours of sleep after the two stadium stages that evening and before the restart for the second day. In the SWRC Ketomaa was again in a league of his own, de-spite suffering a loss of traction. "The traction has been worse than on any other rally this year." Prokop lost time on stage four with inter-com failure and then finding a tree lying in the road in front of him. "I drove straight over it, and was lucky we didn't do any damage." Sousa was finding the set-up of his car ineffective but was happy that he was guaranteed a third place if he kept going. In the PCWRC the Chinese driver Wang had fuel pressure problems after the start of the event but continued, but Muta went off the road on the first stage of the day and stopped. Paddon had a frightening moment when he arrived at a bend at high speed and found a safety car going slowly along the stage, luckily without making contact, while at the end of the second stage Arai went off in sight of the finish. With Arai out the only remaining competitive drivers were Flodin and Paddon, this was an event for the gentlemen drivers! Third at midday was the Brazilian Nobre, ahead of the Mexi-can Jourdain, the Japanese Kamata and the Italian Linari. Flodin: "It's a pity there isn't a fight for us. I am over a minute in front of Paddon, I really don't know how to tackle the event." Paddon meanwhile was finding the large Mitsubishi difficult to handle. Arai's accident caused a blockage on the stage and interruption times were given to drivers involved. Muhonen had gone off the road independently and rolled. Nobre (the owner of a football club back home) said the rally was like two football matches, you pay attention to what you are doing and do not worry about what else is happening. Jourdain had never seen ruts like it, "You have to hang on and go wherever the ruts take you!" In the afternoon Flodin pressed on and finished the day al-most two minutes ahead of Pad don who had slowed with a broken bot-tom suspension arm. In the smaller classes, both Nutahara and Aikawa were leading in their Fiestas, as were a private Suzuki Swift and a Toyota Yaris. Ctntin■d en ••1• 16 Page 15

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Kyosuke Kamata and Takumi Takahashi drove their Missubishi Lancer Dani Sardo and Diego Vallejo literally flew their Citroen C4 to a first Federico Villagra and Jorge Perez drove their Ford Focus RS to an Eva IX to a 16th overall finishing position. off the podium finish in the Rally of Japan. eighth overall finish in Japan, seen here throwing water and mud. Leg 2 - 6 Stages -Gravel - 121.98kms The times of the Citroen drivers on the first day baffled the Ford team as much as Citroen. Were Citroen playing a covert game of starting order tactics? Certainly Loeb's sixth running place on Day 2 presented great opportunities, and when Ogier had been passed by Hirvonen on the first afternoon, was Loeb too worried? But Loeb was nearly one minute behind the leader Petter Solberg, and that sort of deficit was clearly not a con-trolled situation. Petter said there was always a big difference between his own top form and his average form, and he was still in average mode, "But for me things are fine this weekend. Just to be leading is very important for our people in Norway. Now we wait to find out what it will be like to be first car on the road today". Citroen were try-ing to analyse Loeb's disaster. Team manager Sven Smeets: "When we checked out his car last night, we found no problem with Loeb's car, so we assume the problem was to do with opening the road. He was not in good rhythm first stage yesterday." Nice to see a smile again on the face of M-Sport chief Malcolm Wilson: "This is one of our best performances for quite a while, great to be back where we believe we should be. We have great road positions today but it is still very close. We think that Loeb paid a big price for being first car yesterday". Expectations that there would be overnight rain were unfounded. The results of the first stage of the day, in the same region and of similar character to the first stage on Day 1, was going to unlock two secrets: whether road cleaning would be significant -and what went wrong for Loeb 24 hours earlier. The answers were clear. Pet-ter Solberg, running first car made best time and Loeb, running sixth car, was still only fourth fastest. Sor-do was now happier, his transmis-sion fully replaced, but Hirvonen spun and damaged the front of his car, so Petter's lead now jumped from 9.4 seconds up to 21.5, and Latvala was now 0.5 second behind Ogier. Wilson also spun but was stuck off the road, unable to get going with no spectators around to help, 700 metres from the end of stage stuck with the front on a bank and its wheels dug into the dirt. Not a mark on the car! On the second stage, the longest stage of the rally at 33km, road cleaning suddenly came back into vogue. Fourth, sixth and fifth running cars made the top three times, Lat-vala jumping from fourth to second and now only 7.8 seconds behind Petter Solberg. On the shorter third stage the running order was again significant and the top posi-tions bunched up further. During Page 16 the morning stages Loeb closed up from 54.4 seconds to 40.2, but was still lying sixth and still more than 20 seconds behind the car in front. Sordo gained his first scratch time of the rally, the seventh driver to do this. Latvala momentarily dropped back, "It was a mistake in my notes" (there was just too much information in the notes, explained codriver Miikka Anttila), Henning Solberg hit a rock which created a serious vibration and was curious, "My car always wants to stay in the ruts and slowing down and the car is always driving too sideways." As the cars arrived at the service park in the midday came a shock. Petter Solberg was given a ten second pen-alty for a jump start at the start of stage 13, the last stage of the morn-ing loop. This dropped him back to third place and moved Latvala up to the lead and suddenly the rally became incredibly exciting, with 5. 7 seconds separating the top four places, and Loeb 34.3 seconds behind the new leader. What would conditions be like for the second pass? First car would continue to suffer, as the lines cleared by the slower cars would not be what the fastest cars would have liked. Once again it was Petter who suffered the most, but it didn't happen like that on stage 14, a repeat of the first stage of the day. Like on the first pass Petter was again fastest, but only just. 1.3 seconds separated the first four cars through the stage, and the four leading drivers on the event. Sordo was not so happy in the ruts while Loeb admitted he was flat out but was 2.4 seconds slower. On adjusted times, Latvala led Ogier by 0.3 seconds as the cars headed out again, and after the first stage this increased to 2.6 seconds but then shortly before the end of stage 15, a repeat of the longest stage, the front right driveshaft broke, and his lead shrunk to 0.3 second and the future was ominou·s, with the 9km forest stage and two more su-perspecials to come before repairs were possible. "Great for turning to the right, awful understeer when turning left." On stage 16 Lat-vala lost 17 seconds and dropped to fourth, but the fastest car once again was Petter, who regained the lead. Ogier dropped 10 seconds on this section, the point at which the restart order for the final morn-ing was defi,ned, and on the final split Ogier lost about eight sec-onds, which in the circumstances dropped him from the leading position to third. Citroen got their tactical calculations right. Final morning order was therefore Petter, Hirvonen, Ogier, Latvala. Latvala was anxious ..about how much fur-ther time he would lose back in the stadiums while the driver who was still mystified was Loeb, who had dropped back a further four sec-onds during the afternoon, "I tried hard to no avail". Well, he told us beforehand that this was an event he didn't care for. On his first run through the superspecial the three wheeling driver Latvala had a spin and then he lost another five sec-onds on the second, so at the end of the day he has now fifth, 30. 7 seconds behind the leader. In PCWRC, Arai did not re-start but Muhonen and Muta did. Flodin continued in the lead with Paddon just over two minutes be-hind, but on the second stage of the day the New Zealander had a broken brake caliper and did most of the long stage wi~ no brakes and that put him towards four min-utes behind. Nobre lost time on the second stage after a puncture, having to drive 10km on the flat. "Rally life is full of surprises, just like football!" Muhonen stopped when his radiator was damaged as he did not want to damage the en-gine. Paddon won all the stages in the afternoon but was still well over three minutes behind. In SWRC, Ketomaa held nearly a minute lead over Prokop while Sousa stopped on the first stage of the day with an obscure electrical problem. Ketoma_a said the car was not easily driveable, but at the mid-day service this was improved and he continued just under a minute in front of Prokop. The Group N Mitsubishis and Subarus were not the only Japanese cars on the event. Toyotas were leading two classes: AS with a Yaris, A7 with a Run X, Daihatsu leading N 1 and Suzuki lgnis NZ, while the other class was N3 which was being led by Aikawa's Fiesta. Leg 3 - 4 Stages -Gravel - 45.14kms Any rumours that the weather would turn were wrong, it was a cloudless morning to the north of Sapporo. Latvala vvas not fazed by his driveshaft misfortune but aware that his chances of a podium result were not now so strong. 64 cars made the restart, including Wilson, Sousa and Muhonen. Of the eight stages of the day four were superspecials (two at the Sunagawa dirt trial track and the final two at the stadium), two were at a very fast short venue and the other two were longer (17km) and very twisty stage. Obviously the set-up for the cars would have to be a compromise. There was drama straightaway, when Kimi Raikkonen slid off the road, unable to regain the road, and retired on the first stage of the day. Then on the second stage Hirvonen had a hydraulic differ-ential pump failure, making gear changing difficult and affecting the central differential. Ogier found his tactical time loss the evening before had paid dividends and took the lead from Petter. Hirvonen dropped back behind both Sordo and his teammate Latvala. Sud-denly the rally leaders were split November 2010 up. Ogier and Hirvonen separated by 2. 7 seconds suddenly found they had a buffer of over 20 seconds from their two pursuers who were 5.5 seconds apart, with Hirvonen fractionally behind and Loeb an-other 17 seconds behind. There were still dramas to come. Petter had a broken shock absorber and a steering problem on the first run through the long stage. He kept this secret but it was a worrying time as he then tackled the next su-perspecial, then the two remaining normal stages, and the final three superspecials. It was the final move of the event. Hirvonen meanwhile was struggling, losing ground and finally Loeb got ahead of him in to fifth place, while Sordo was in despair and was unable to resist the charging Latvala who was back on to podium potential. Sebastien Ogier gained his second world championship win with Petter Sol-berg second and Jari-Matti Latvala in third ahead of the Citroens of Dani Sordo and Sebastien Loeb. Hayden Paddon made most of the scratch times in PCWRC today while the battle for third place between Linari and Joudain ended when Jourdain went off the road at the flying finish of stage 23 and had suspension damage while Muta went off the road at the end of stage 22. Then on stage 23 Nobre, who had been suffering overheating, had the engine fail and he retired, leaving only six of the original ten cars still running. In SWRC Sousa now stopped for good because of electrical trouble. Citroen Total now lead BP Ford by 95 points in the Makes championship with the Citroen Junior Team out of contention. In the Drivers' series Loeb now leads Ogier by 43 points, with Latvala in third, and still in the title race, though a further 26 points behind. In the support championships Prokop has now drawn level with Pons in the lead of the SWRC series ahead of Ketomaa in third although he has won the category on more events than Pons and Prokop. Following the pre-event exclusion of the Rufa Team, PG Andersson lost all the points he had scored under their entry but retained the 25 points from his win as a Guest driver in Sweden. In the teams WRC Cup the top three positions remain unchanged with Pons' Nupel team ahead of Red Bull. Ketomaa's win brings the Shanghai FCACA their third win in the category and they now lie fourth. Team Ford/Quinta do Lorde and Barwa WRT are now both out of the title race in this category. In the PCWRC Flodin has· taken the lead from the non-competing Araujo by seven points with Paddon 14 points adrift. Arai is now out of the championship and although mathematically Li-nari could still be champion th~1 fight is between the current top three drivers. Citroen are now treading wa-ter, waiting for their next batch of world titles and these now wait to be won at the next event, the Rallye de France run this year in the Strasbourg region, an event which is being held as a form of homage to Alsace' incredible rally champion. lJ\.J2C:: UPDATED FINAL RESULTS -ONLY CHANGE MADE TO SWRC POINTS -EXACTLY THE SAME I NFO IN ATTACHED RTF EURMAT 9th Rally Japan (J) Sapporo 9/12. 09 . 2010 WCR round 10, SWRC/WRCC round 8, PCWRC round 7 WC points WCR WCD S PC 1 (2) Sebastien OGIER/Julien Ingrassia r Citroen C4 WRC AJllOZN (F) 3h.10m.26.4s. 25 25 - -2 (11) Petter Solberg/Chris Patterson N/GB Citroen C4 WRC AL289AN (F) 3h.10m. 42 .ls. - 18 - -3 (4) Jari-Matti LATVALA/Miikka Anttila FIN Ford Focus RS WRC PX08AXD (GB) 3h.10m. 52 .4s. 18 15 - -4 (7 ) Dani SORDO/Diego Vallejo E Citroen C4 WRC AJ557NM (F) 3h.llm.Ol.6s. 15 12 ~ -5 (1) Sebastien LOEB/Dani e l Elena F/ MC Citroen C4 WRC AJ083ZN (F) 3h.llm.19.7s. 12 10 - -6 (3) Mikko HIRVONEN/Jarmo Lehtinen FIN For d Focus RS WRC SA09VHR (GB) 3h.llm.39.9s. 10 8 - -7 ( 6) Henning SOLBERG/Ilka Mi nor N/ A for d Focus RS WRC EU07SSZ (GB) 3h.13m. 29.5s. 8 6 - -8 (9) Fe derico VILLAGRA/ J orge Perez Companc RA For d Focus RS WRC AG57CKA (GB) 3h.20m.44. 3s. 6 4 - -9 (2 9) Jari Ketomaa/Mika Stenberg FIN For d Fiesta S2000 SWRC PX59ATZ (GB) 3h.25m.13.5s . - 2 25 -10 (22*) Martin Prokop/Jan Tomanek CZ For d Fiesta S2000 SWRC 06R 0024 (CZ) 3h.25m.47.2s. - 1 18 -11 (48) Patrik Flodin/Goran Bergsten S Subaru Impreza Nl4 PCWRC El90KB (199,RUS) 3h.3lm.08.3s. - - - 25 , 12 (38) Hayden Paddon/John Kennar d NZ Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX PCWRC VOGAL (NZ) 3h. - - - 18 15 (33) Gianluca Linari/Massimo Salvucci I Subaru Impreza Nl4 PCWRC GMG301TE277 (J) .. - - - 15 16 (46) Kyosuke Kamata/Takumi Takahashi J Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX PCWRC SPS301S07076 (J) 3h.48m. 18 .6s. - - - 12 19 (45) Rui Wang/Yiping Chen CN Subaru lmpreza Nl4 PCWRC OU07FKW (GB) 3h.53m.07.8s . - - - 10 22 (5) Matthew WILSON/Scott Martin GB Ford Focus RS WRC l ES (GB) 4 - - -45 (43) Reijo Muhonen/Mikka Teiskonen FIN Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X PCWRC 421MNG (EE) 4h.39m.53.3s.(10) - - - 8 70 (3 SWRC/10 PCWRC) starters. 53 (2 SWRCfo6 PCWRC) MANUFACTURERS' REGI STERED DRI VER. (Missed stages or road sections) Winner's average speed over stages 95.63kph, *Barwa entry on this occasi on . Dusty Times

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M.O.R.E. POWDERPUFF ¼ I', ~~': R.1<:,.-i,gt n., Shelby Reid Takes Class 1 And overall By Steve Ruddick Photos: Trackside Photo Shelby Reid was the Class 1 winner as well as the overall winner at the MORE Powder Puff event, seen here heading' for the checkers. It was a beautiful day to go off road racing in the Mojave Desert in Barstow in southern California. The weekend started out with a lot of motor homes and campers and RVs full of racing enthusiasts and their supporters heading for Barstow and the 2010 M.O.R.E. Powder Puff race to support Cedars-Sinai Breast Cancer Institute. It was the Fifth An-nual Powder Puff "Race For A Cure" to benefit women's breast cancer research; (and it was John Lennon's 70th birthday). This event keeps get-ting bigger and better every year. It was sunny and warm and breezy and not a cloud was in the sky. Main Pit row was a long linear line of campers and RVs everywhere. This time it was the women who got to race and show their stuff -while the guys wore pink and manned up in the pits and cheered them on. It was a sight to behold. It was a 27.5 mile course; clockwise, with five Road Crossings (RX) and five "Designated Spectator Areas". The sweet roar and rumble of raw horsepower permeated the air. I love the smell of race gas exhaust in the mornings. The race was divided in two Groups. Group 1 included Classes Su, 5/16, 9, 1300 (4cyl), 1450, 7s, 1700, 11, UTV and 6000; and raced from 8:30AM-noon. Group 2 raced from Noon-3:30PM and included Classes 1, 10, 12, 1600, 1400, 8, 1300 (6/8cyl), 7u and 3000. Everybody raced to complete the most laps they could in each heat, the fastest. It was a good-sized crowd that came out to support a good cause - and to dem-onstrate solidarity for the sport. Shelby Reid in car #168 was the Overall and Group 2 Winner and completed six laps in 3:30:31 at 47.9 mph. Reid also donated $2500 to Cedars-Sinai from her supporters and sponsors. Ann Anderson was the Group 1 Overall Winner in ...... Pamela Hall was the big winner in the Trophy Challenge Division, Pam had six minutes on her competition at the checkers. Andrea Scanlan took her class with relative ease, she had 20 minutes on her competition when she took the checkered flag. car #5011. Shawna Wesely was the Grand Prize winner of the Yamaha Rhino 700R4. The tally for 2010 at the time I'm writing this is up to $122,187 in contributions. It was announced that as a result of last year's contributions the Cedars-Sinai Breast Cancer Institute was able to hire two more research specialists to their staff. Thank You all for your support of this great cause. Group 1: Morning Heat-CLASS 5 unlimited: Nine start-ers. Five racers completed four laps. The top four winners all finished within seven minutes of each other; close. Ann Anderson pulled out to an early lead in car #5011 and won Fast Lap on Lap 1 in 4lm:50s at 40.2 mph. Anderson finished the race with a four minute lead to win First Place in class in 2:54:26 at 38.5 mph. Next to find the finish line was Emme Hall in car #549 for the Second Place win in 2:58:26 at 37. 7 mph and by a lm:23s margin of win. Cynthia Lazenev finished Third in Class in 2:59:49 at 37.4 mph in car #5090 by lm:42S ahead of Andria Calkins in car #541. Calkins got it done in 3:01:32 to finish in Fourth Place at 37 mph. Calkins said: "What an awesome time!!! I loved it! It was my first time racing the puff, first time racing ever, and I have the race bug now! Can't wait until next year, I'll be there for sure!!! I caught my hand in the steering wheel at the second lap, later found out I broke my thumb in two places. Thanks again for letting me race with you all!!! Everyone was sooo nice and it was great to meet new friends ... I can't stop smiling!!!" Nicole Pitel/ beat out 11 other trucks in Ultra Truck to take the gold medal, she's seen here at high speed on the course. Andrea Pathiakis drove her King Shock truck to the Class 7A win, she is seen here just at liftoff heading for the finish line. CLASS 5/16: Six starters. Two racers completed four laps; four finished three laps. Serena Pruett won First Place by a margin of 2m:8s in car #567 in 3:29:09 at 32.1 mph. Pruett put the gas pedal on Go on Lap 4 to win the Fast Lap honors at 33.9 mph. Christine Harper [Lan-caster CA] got in four laps of fun Kimberly Bruce had a decent race, she piloted her truck to a silver Jan Stephenson drove her car to a second place finish in the Trophy Not too bad a day for Trisha Fox, she took second place honors in the medal finish, she's seen here on her way to the checkered flag. Challenge class, she's seen here hustling across the desert. Ultra Truck Division, she's seen here piloting the big GMC. Page 18 November 2010 Dusty Times

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Heather Griffin was the big winner in the Class 10 battle, she took the gold medal with 12 minutes in hand at the flag. Laurie Pfankuch was the big winner in the 1/2-1600 battle, Laurie took the class win with 25 minutes in hand at the checkered flag. to win Second Place in 3:31:17 in car #569 at 31.8 mph. Harper said: "G*d it was bumpy. We started last, got stalled on a hill, and then we passed four cars to end the first lap in second spot. My co-driver niece 'no screams' Anna did a good job." Then Kristen ?? [Colorado) took over the steering wheel duties and Julie Covey [Torrance CA) got in the second seat in #569. Covey told it this way: "Lap 2 was a piece of cake. We giggled and laughed and Yeehaw and fun. Lap 3 was great but it was more intense and had a sense of ur-gency. Lap 4 and Kristen 'popped my cherry'. It was awesome! She was in the zone .. (i.e. "she had a hard time following co-driver signs"). Kristen told it this way: "I sruffed it twice. We were side-by-side with #567 on lap 4 and got caught in the dirt. Then I sruffed it again at RX2, caught a flat tire on a hill and .. stopped. The guys from Checkers fixed it I thought we were done for sure, but we finished!" Jennifer Grier finished three laps in 2:59:52 at 28 mph to win Third Place in class in car #559. CLASS 9: Eleven starters. Two racers completed four laps; six fin-ished three laps. There was a lot of back-and-forth and side-by-side rac-ing action. Tori Poole got the early ,. lead on lap 1 by 2m:26s in car #930. Poole lost 46 seconds in lead time but was still running up front after lap 2. Poole slowed considerably on Lap 3 and that was all the laps for #930 on this race day. That fade allowed Ann Cote to take the lead after she won the Fast Lap on Lap 2 at 33.4 mph in car #925. But Carissa Stephens in car #973 and Carrie Hoines in car #969 were still in the race and in hot pursuit. Hoines held her ground through Lap 3. Stephens went on to finish four laps and to win Second Place in 3:35:43 at 31.2 mph. Ann Cote won First Place in car #925 by a 2m:48s margin of victory in 3:32:55 at 31.6 mph. CLASS 1300 (4cyl): Eleven start-ers. One racer completed five laps to win First Place and that was Dana Lindsay ih car # 1396. Lind-say [Long Beach CA) and co-driver Rachelle Santos got all her laps done in 3:31:39 at 39.7 mph. Before that happened, Jessica Freeman in car #1249 was lapping everybody. Free-man had a 71-second lead after lap 1 and stomped on the gas pedal some more on Lap 2 to win the Fast Lap of the Day honors in class at 48.1 mph. # 1249 was done for the day after that. Lindsay described her win Renee Hudson took the Class win at the Powder Puff but it was fairly close, Renee had four minutes in hand when she took the checkers. Dusty Times Tay/a Dodson had a great race, she took the win in Class 78 with ease, she's seen here with the hammer down headin' for the checkers. this way: "It was fast .. dusty .. and a lot of fun; awesome! We had one flat and one fuel stop. This is my fourth year racing the PP and we raised over $2000 for the cure." That is awesome indeed. Christy Sizelove got four laps of fun done in 2:50:42 to win Second Place in car #1621 at 39.4 mph. Sizeloves margin of win was a slim lm:50 ahead of Kelly Walden in car #1328. Walden finished four laps in 2:52:32 at 38.9 mph to win Third Place in class. CLASS 1450: Eight starters. Three racers finished four laps. Karen Koenig [Sacramento CA) put truck #1485 into the lead by 3-minutes on the first lap. Koenig picked up the pace on Lap 2 and won Fast Lap honors at 41.2 mph. Koenig slowed after that while Cait-lyn Murray picked up the pace on laps 3 and 4 to make it a race in truck #1456. Koenig won First Place in 3:09:03 at 35.5 mph in truck #1485. After spending a day pre-running on Friday (and eating a fantastic BBQ prepared by Sru and Locos Mocos), the team was ready for racing on Sarurday morning. First in the truck was Karen Koe-nig and co-driver Ashley Robinson. Prior to running the Powder Puff race, Karen only had a few hours of off-road training in her husband's Total Chaos modified Toyota. You would never know it by the speed IIPABE TIRE MOUNTS Ii JAt:KII with which she overtook at least 40 cars that left the start line before her. With her co-driver, Ashley Robin-son, they flew past cars and caught air over the desert terrain, all while giggling like, well, girls! The original plan was for Karen to run the first lap and then rum the truck over to the second driver, Tina Brink. No way! She was having too much fun and pressed on for another lap and created a considerable lead over the next truck in her class. After an incredible pit stop with the guys dressed in full prom dresses, pink wigs and uh, breasts, they changed drivers/ co-drivers and swapped hel-mets in record time. Tina Brink got her chance for laps 3 and 4 of the day sitting beside her co-driver, Adrianne Patterson. Lap 3 started out fast and fun and soon came to a halt when she buried the truck in the sandy wash. Her off-road experience kicked in and she was able to rock the truck out of the ditch (can you say 1st/Reverse 50 times?). With the incredible lead that Karen had created, Tina took lap 4 nice and conservative and brought the truck back with 3 minutes to spare in their quest for 1st place! "This was our first PP and we had so much fun. Passing everybody on the first lap was a blast!" Team Koenig Racing can't wait until next year's event to do it all over again. Go! Caitlyn Murray [El Segundo CA) and co-driver Amy Schlumberger Continued on page 20 B.fin Ii B.fin AVAllABlE IN CHROME! So ffK LIC.-Ta~ RACE RADIOS PINCH BOSSES 9~ KE#WODB ::'3e B UNIBAll t:UPS - - ', 1-Cll BY IITCll#B November 2010 J ---~ .: , ~, Page 19

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,-,-,•~I I I I ' , - --. Poppy Perfect collected second place honors in the Class 10 race, Carrie Sandoval only got in five of the six required laps in Class 78 Kaily Goin was a bit off the pace in the Class 1/2-1600 race, Kaily Poppy was 12 minutes in arrears when the checkers flew. but she was credited with a second place finish. finished second in class this day, seen here at speed. Dana Lindsay is flying low as she heads for the Trophy Challenge win at the Powder Puff race, Dana beat 20 other cars for the win. won Second Place 3-1/2 minutes later in 3:12:35 at 34.9 mph in truck #1456. This dynamic duo are 'virgin' first-time racers, started last in class at the green flag, was only the second time even in the truck - and pulled off the first finish ever for #1456. Way to go girls! Murray summed up her fun this way: "No rolls. No flats. We raced just to support the boo-bies. It was fun doing-70 mph". Fast women in fast trucks. I love my job. Marlo Beeman completed four laps in 3:31:33 to win Third Place for the day at 31.8 mph in truck #1423. Four more Class 1450 racers went on to finish 3 laps of fun before their race day was done. CIASS 7s: Five starters. Two rac-ers completed three laps. Amanda Dunagan blasted her way to the front on Lap 1 in truck #7120 and won the Fast Lap honors in the process at 31.4 mph. Dunagan got all her laps done in 2:49:34 to win First Place at 29.7 mph and by a 15 minute margin of victory. Megan Lopez and co-driver Kelsey Anderson [Oceans-ide CA] completed three laps in 3:04:58 to win Second Place in the Sunset Motorsports truck #7114 at 27.2 mph. Lopez said: "We kicked @**. We had fun. For the cure". Andrea Coello from Orange County motored the Pure Hobby Racing truck #7199 to the Third Place win after completing two laps in 2:31:01 at 22.2 mph. "Thanks M.O.R.E. Racing for putting on this awesome event" Corello said. "My gramma, a breast cancer survivor of 14 years was able to attend and root us on. We were able to place 3rd in our class. We were prerty stoked about it con-Linda Allen drove her Ford Bronco to the Class win at Powder Puff, she's seen here at high speed heading for the checkers. sidering this was our first race ever." car #1169 and win Fast Lap honors CLASS 1700: Four starters. Crys-in class for the day. #1169 didn't fin-tal Shackleford took the early lead ish any more laps after that. Elizabeth on Lap 1 and won the Fast Lap a): Sidhu was running in second spot in 30.2 mph in Jeep #1728. Shackleford car #1163 but got passed by Michelle struggle through lap 2 and was done Silcock in car #1196. Michele Silcock for the day after that. Kat.Wilson and co-driver Rebecca Toomey, a [San Clemente CA] was the sole mother and daughter team, had a starter in class to finish three laps trouble free run and finished three to win First Place at 24.7 mph in laps in 3:10:38 at 26.4 mph to win 3:23:56 in the Jones Laten Racing First Place with a ?-minute lead. Sid-Jeep #1765. Kelly Biehl finished two hu got her three laps done in 3:17:17 laps to win Second Place in 2:38:36 to win Second Place at 25.2 mph at 21.2 mph in Jeep #1729. April in car #1163. Meanwhile, Madison Winner got in two laps in #1743 Hale finished two laps in 3:33:18 to to win Third Place in 2:39:50 at 21 win Third Place at 15.8 mph in the mph. 'Eleven Sisters' car #1101. CIASS 11: Five starters. Two CIASS 1900 UV: Six starters. racers completed three laps; one Four racers completed three laps. finished two laps. Ann Naso dashed Renee Hudson was out in front to the front on Lap 1 at 26.2 mph to after Lap 1 in UV #1969 and kept take the early lead by 12 seconds in the gas pedal down the rest of the race to win First Place by a 4 minute margin of victory in 2:44:22 at 30. 7 mph. Kimberlee Wertens made it a race to the finish in UV #1917 with an elapsed time of 2:48:59 at 29.8 mph. Wertens won Second Place. Jess 'mad max' Kohrell made a last lap dash for the finish line ,in UV #1931 at 36.9 mph and won the Fast Lap honors on the way to the check-ered flag for a Third Place win in 2:57:29. Brittney Claiborne finished in Fourth Place with an overall time of 3:02: 10 at 27. 7 mph in UV# 1922. CIASS 300: One starter. Linda Allen was the sole starter and only finisher in #302. Allen got three laps done in 3:16:57 at 25.6 mph to win First Place in Class. Allen also won the Fast Lap honors on Lap 1 at 27.2 mph. GROUP 2: Afternoon heat -CLASS 1: Sherry Vanillo got the hole shot at the green flag in car # 30 but it was Kelly Boyle who blasted past the competition on Lap 1 to take the early lead in car #157. Boyle recorded the overall Fast Lap of the day at 55.7 mph and kept up a fast pace through Lap 4. Boyle was out in front at that point with an average speed of 52.6 mph, and didn't com-plete Lap 5. That let a lot of other racers get past and complete more, laps. Four Class 1 racers completed' six laps and seven completed 5 laps; 5 finished 4 laps. Shelby Reid completed six laps in 3:30:31 to win First Place in Class and First Overall in car #168 at 47.9 mph and with an 8-minute margin of victory. Kimberly Bruce and co-driver Jennifer Jeffries won Second Kimberlee Wertens drove to a silver medal finish in class at the Powder Caitlyn Murray lets it all hang out as she flies across the desert, A second place finish in Class 5 went to Emme Hall, she's seen here Puff, she was a bit over four minutes behind the leader at the flag. Caitlyn finished in second place, three minutes behind the winner. in her good lookin' Bug on her way to the finish line. Chris Harper was less than two minutes shy of the win in Class Megan Lopez drove her ford pickup to a silver medal finish at the 5/1600, she had to settle for the silver medal this race. Powder Puff race, she's seen here at speed. Page 20 November 2010 ' ' .,. . ... <\: ,-., .... t • < Carissa Stephens was the second place finisher in the Class 9 contest, she was just three minutes away from the gold medal. Dusty Times

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Place in Class in 3:38:07 at 46.2 mph in the BMF Racing #74 by a 9-minute margin of victory. Jeffries said: "It was a smooth ride. All good to go. No flats; no problems. It was awesome. I'm ready to go again". Michelle Bruckmann got it done in 3:45:54 at 44.6 mph to win Third Place in #105. The Fourth Place win went to Chelsea Magness in #32 in 3:57:05 at 42.5 mph. CLASS 10: Kathy Kirkmeyer started in the middle of the Class 10 race pack at the green flag in car # 1021 and was out in front by 4m:35s at the end of Lap 1. Kirk-meyer went on to record the Fast Lap in class on Lap 2 at 48.9 mph in 34m:2ls. Kirkmeyer was still out in front by TIME at the end of lap 4 and didn't complete lap 5. That reshuffled the deck for the rest of the race. Karen Koenig took the win in the Ultra Truck Class, but it was fairly close, she had Ann Anderson had a good day, she took the Class 5 win with four minutes to spare three minutes in hand at the finish. and she was the overall winner in the first group. Two racers went on to complete five laps: Heather Griffin and her co-drivers Rachelle Charlon and Rhonda Griffin [Ridgecrest CA] did it in 3: 19:25 at 4 2.1 mph to win First Place gold in car # 1007 by a 12-min-ute margin of victory. Griffin said: "It was our first PP race and it was wonderful! That was so much fun and such a rush! The Fast' was the best". Poppy Perfect did it in 3:31:19 to win Second Place in car #1019 at 39.8 mph. Kathy Kirkmeyer finished four laps in 2:28: 13 to win Third Place in # 1021. Five racers completed four laps. CLASS 12: Twelve racers started. One completed six laps and five got in five laps of fun for the day. Tayla Dodson was in the lead in car # 1211 at the end of lap 1. Dodson went on to smoke lap 4 at 49.4 mph to win Fast Lap in 34m:0ls. Jessica Freeman was close and in the hunt through lap 4 after a rear start in car #1212, but wasn't able to complete anymore. Serena Pruett drove her really good looking Bug to the Class 5/1600 win, it was close, she only had two minutes on her competition. Amanda Dunagan raced her Ford pickup to the Class 7A win, Amanda had 15 minutes on her competition when she took the flag. Tayla Dodson got tagged with a Sm penalty for speeding through Main Pit and a RX, but still complet-ed six laps to win First Place in car #1211 in 3:35:09 (adj). Carrie San-doval completed five laps in 3: 19:57 at 42 mph to win Second Place in car #1222. Gaby Godde won Third Place in car # 1207 after completing five laps in 3:26:34 at 40. 7 mph. CLASS 1300 (6/8cyl): Pamela Hall hauled b**bies in car #1357 to complete six laps in 3:13:50 at 43.3 mph and win First Place in class by a margin of one lap and 6 minutes. Hall also won the Fast Lap honors on Lap 2 at 46.1 mph. Jan Stephen-son completed four laps in 3:19:18 It was a nice Class 9 win for Anna Cote at the Powder Puff event, Anna had three minutes on her competition when the checkers flew. Michelle Si/cock had a good race, she took the gold medal in the Class 11 contest with seven minutes to spare, seen here at speed. Dusty Times in car #1594 to win Second Place in Class at 33. 7 mph and by a narrow 41-second margin of victory. Tracy Leinen was close in car #1369 in 3: 19:57 at 33.6 mph for the Third Place win. ·cLASS 1600: Twelve starters. Day Gang was out of the box and in the lead by 55-seconds in car #1627 after the first lap was over. Gang kept up a fast pace through lap 4 and won the Fast Lap honors on Lap 3 at 44.9 #1622. Goin got it done in 3:37: 13 at mph in 37m:25s. Gang was DQ'd 38.7 mph. That was 8 minutes ahead for speeding through main, pits, and of Brittany Westhoff who won Third spectator areas. Fast women in fast Place in car #1691 in 3:43:08 at 37.6 cars. Baaad Girl. mph. Another five racers went on to Three Class 1600 racers com- finish four laps in the allotted time. pleted five laps. Laurie Pfankuch did Jamie Stepehson finished in it the fastest in 3: 12:59 to win First Fourth Place in car # 1651 and gave Place in car# 1649 at 43.5 mph. That this account of her race: "This was was 25 minutes ahead of the Sec-my first time in a Powderpuff race. ond Place winner Kaily Goin in car Centinued an page 22 •"°P on11ne www.bakerpreclaion.c;om /J.YlJ [J{ll!Ii'Jl =m© ~ riC1l!J S ll:i1!r9 01 * 81!.AeK * red & blue -6 st $5.99 -8 st $6.99 -10 st $9.49 -12 st $10.99 ~fflI11ilJW(llifil 20ft. Lenghts -6 20ft. $93.40 -8 20ft. $107.20 -10 20ft. $128.20 -12 20ft. $185.20 High Misalignment Adapters red & blue -6 45 $12.99 -8 45 $13.99 -10 45 $16.99 ----12 45 $21.84 red& blue 1-6 90 $12.99 -8 90$14.99 -10 90 $15.99 ------1290$21.84 Complete Line of ~e New Hampshire Ball Bearings, Inc. Weld-in Bungs n•11rl1IPRECI I N DNK ~IC RACING PRODUCTS Ph 562-427-2375 2865 GUNDRY AVE. SIGNAL HILL, CA 90755 November 2010 Page 21

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Michelle Bruckman had a slow fifth lap and it was expensive, she Shelby Fiorino took home the bronze medal in class, she is seen here• Candace Sunds is seen here flyin' low in the Ultra Truck race, she ended up taking third place in Class 1, seen here slightly airborne. just at one of many takeoffs during the race. failed to complete her final lap, she is listed in third place. My co-pilot was my good friend Burnedette Oybvik. I ·went off the start line dead last and after the sec-ond lap we came into the pit to swap seats. Burnedette did an awesome job bringing the car to the finish line in fourth! We had no problems all day thanks to a great prep job by our better halves; Andrew Neal and Mike Malloy. Also would like to thank the Checkers for the greatest pit support out there." CLASS 1400: Twelve starters. Two racers completed five laps. Ni-cole Pitell did it 16 minutes faster in truck #1420 than Trisha Fox did in truck #1422. Pitell won First Place and Fox won Second Place. Pitell also won the Fast Lap honors on Lap 5 at 43.6 mph. Candace Sunds won Third Place completing four laps in 2:52:46 at 38.9 mph. Another four racers finished four laps. Jennifer Byma completed four laps in 3:03: 19 at 36. 7 mph to finish in Fifth Place. "It was extremely dusty. We had one flat and some big strong men helped change our tire; and we finished with a flat. We lost the GPS. We hit the siren, and got ran off the road. It was fun. We raced for Aunt Barb Byma (recovering from breast cancer)." CLASS 8: Four starters. One racer completed five laps. Marie Westwood and co-driver Olivia Bar-rett drove the Viejas Racing truck #806 to the finish line in 3:33:46 to win First Place at 39.3 mph. West-wood also won Fast Lap on Lap 3 at 40.5 mph. Barrett is the daughter of the Chief of the Kunaih tribe who donated $5000 to the cure. Rebel Roglin finished four laps in 3:07:37 It was a fun race for Kat Wilson, she piloted her Jeep to the Class win, she's seen here with all the power on. to win Second Place in truck #8115. CLASS 3000/6000: Nine start-ers. Three racers completed five laps. Andrea Scanlan jumped to the front of the Class 5 race pack on the first lap and won Fast Lap honors for it after clocking in at 4 2.3 mph in car #3018. Scanlan stayed out in front the entire race to win First Place by twenty minutes in 3:27:23 at 40.5 mph. Angie Daily did it in 3:47:22 at 36.9 mph to win Second Place in car #607 5 by two minutes. Shelby Fiorino completed five laps qf fun in car #6088 to win Third Place for the day in 3:20:45 at 33.5 mph. Another five racers went on to finish four laps in the allotted time limit. Breanna and Renee Jones [Norco CA) got four laps of fun done in 3:25:53 to finish in Fifth Place at 32.6 mph in car #3028. The Jones usually race motorcycles. "We had a blast It was rough. We got a flat tire and got hung up on another car. We want to do more laps." That sounds fun. CI.ASS 7 unlimited: Two start-ers. Andrea Pathiakis and co-driver Athena Kepler [Norco CA) finished four laps in 3:31:07 at 31.8 mph to win First Place in truck #7812. Pathi-atkis also sped her way to the Fast Lap 'honors on Lap 1 at 37.8 mph in 44m:25s. This was Pathiakis third PP race. "It was absolutely amazing!", Pathiakis said. "We had a flawless race; no problems." April Dollar got in two laps of fun in truck #7299 in 2:33:46. It was an incredible turnout for the Fifth Annual M.O.R.E./Royal Purple Race for the Cure. The event generated almost $123,000 to ben-efit women's breast cancer research. Angie Dailey was a wee bit off the winning pace this race, Angie took silver medal honors, she is seen here at speed. It was fun for everyone. There were several rollovers around Mile Marker 21 but no serious injuries were re-ported. Everybody I talked to said, "Let's do it again". I concur. Let's all remember - The watchers are watch-ing. Every successful event like The Race For A Cure' makes it harder for Them' to stop off road racing because it is bad Public Relations to do so under such circumstances. WARNING!! CAUTION!! BE-WARE!! -The BLM Rangers and County Sheriff were on high-level patrol giving out citations and warn-ings for no helmets, people riding in truck beds, and similar safety stuff. Even this Ace Reporter has to sign a liability waiver form and get wrist-banded now too. I'm told I'm not supposed to drive through the main pits to get interviews or info now. Yea right - that ain't gonna happen eh. This Ace Reporter will do what-ever it takes to get the good dirt for our readers. The only 'danger' I en-countered was almost getting shot with a pressurized water 'cannon', and a bunch of crazy guys running amuck in pink shirts and dresses with fake b**bs and wigs. YoiKes. I keep telling ya' this job ain't so easy. Seriously, it is dangerous out there and many eyes are watching, so do take extra caution and care; be safe~; From my conversations with many different eyes, it seems the 'New' Rules are actually the same old rules that have always been in effect but have not always been enforced. Imagine that. What a unique con-cept. Be careful out there Race Fans. It can be a dangerous place with lots of high risks. !:.2:!& Gaby Godde failed to complete her final required lap but was listed as the third place finisher in ClasslB at the Powder Puff. Brittany Westhoff was the third place finisher in the Class 1/2-1600 Jess Kohrell was the third place finisher in class at the Powder Puff race, she is seen here just at touchdown. race, she's seen here flyin' across the desert. Marlo Beeman was a bit off the winning pace and had to settle for a Cynthia lazenev took third place honors in the Class 5 fracas, Cynthia Chelsea Magness finished first off the podium in the Class 1 contest, third place finish in class, she's seen here at high speed. was a mere minute and change out of a second place finish. seen here driving her steed towards the finish line. Page 22 November 2010 Dusty Times

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If I I I I I< t I• f • / j, I I I ~ 42ND ANNUAL SNORE 250 T J Flores overalls By John Calvin Photos: Trackside Photo It was a sweet victory for TJ Flores at the 42nd SNORE 250,' he Jed the race all the way and collected mucho dinero for his efforts. Bryan Freeman is hard to beat, Bryan took the Class 12 win with apparent ease, he had over 20 minutes in hand at race end. for fuel a couple of times and mak-ing the run in 3:31:57 for an aver-age speed of 57. 7 miles per hour for the run. TJ was accompanied by Sheldon Paul who toughed it out all the way. The second car in was the LVDC car driven by Pat Dean. Pat had no problems to report, he said "TJ had us covered all the way, I just ran my own pace and tried to keep him in sight." Pat had Brian Flores (TJ's brother) in the right hand seat for the ride. Finishing in third place in Class l was Dennis Boyle, Dennis had Ross Devlin in the right seat, they reported their only problem was a lack of brakes from about 100 mile on. Richard Boyle was the fourth Class 1 car to finish, Hartley Letner started the race and Dennis finished, Tom Kirkmeyer rode all the way with them and they reported two The 2010 edition of the SNORE 250 was held in beautiful Pahrump, Nevada on October 2nd 2010 and basically a good time was had by all. The weather was decent, it rained a bit, but not on race day and the temperature, which had been really oppressive earlier in the week moderated a bit and with a slight breeze, it was good weather for racin'! There were 100 entries in the race and 63 of them made it all the way. Unfortunately, there are no interim times for the race so the only times we have are the time taken at the start of the race and the time taken when the entrant crossed the finish line. So bear with us, we'll make as much of a story out of it as we can. First car to start was the Class 1 LVDC car ofTJ Flores. TJ reported that he had a minor electrical problem early on which was no real problem and that was it. Stopping Class 1450 was hard fought with nine entries, Eric Ludian conquered them all, taking the gold medal with two hours in hand. Cameron Steele took the Unlimited Truck honors, Cam had Jess than three minutes in hand when he took the checkered flag. .. Rod Colbert was the big Class 10 winner at the SNORE 250, Rod had more than 50 minutes in hand at the end. flat tires along the way. Brandon Dawson was the fifth place finisher in Class 1, They had to change the alternator at Pit #2 and to make things even more interesting, they had three flat tires and they broke two wheels, not a great day. Justin Hampton finished in sixth place but did not hang around for an interview. Seventh in was Tom Koch, he was not a happy camper. Seems he hit anothei: car in the blinding silt but was able to continue and along with a flat tire he was able to finish the race. Joe David rode with Tom. The lengthy list of dnfs in the Class l battle were: Josh Daniel, Mark Hutchins, Terry Householder, Victor Gruber, Kevin Conlan and Billy Worthing. Better luck at the next race. There were four entries in the Unlimited Truck Class. The class win went to Cameron Steele, he averaged 54.9 miles per hour for the race, finishing third overall for the contest. Justin Bean was in the right seat. Todd Wyllie was the second Unlimited truck in, they were a little less than three minutes behind the class leader at the checkers, RJ Stidham was along,; for the ride. They had to change a driveshaft on the truck along the way. Craig Potts was the third place finisher in Unlimited Truck but we did not get to talk to him. Ron Whitton did not finish the race. Rick Lance took top honors in the Class 15 contest, he took the win with 17 minutes in hand at the checkers. Zak Langley, obviously with the COPS Racing Team was the silver Pat Dean, driving the second LVDC car in Class 1 was second car It was a silver medal finish for Todd Wyllie in the Unlimited Truck medal winner at the SNORE 250 in Class 12 he's seen here just in, Pat was just under 10 minutes in arrears when he took the flag. division, he was Jess than three minutes behind the class winner. before touchdown. Page 24 November 2010 Dusty Times · ''

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Blaine Conrad took the Class 1600 win, but it was close, Blaine only had 37 seconds in hand when he took the checkered flag. Class 18 had five entrants, Chuck Harvey beat them all for the gold medal, he's seen here just at touchdown. Class 10 had six entrants, four Lagley was the second place fin- Bryan Freeman was the Class 12 car to finish, he said he had of them made it all the way. The isher in Class 10, David Greenhill 12 winner. Bryan said he lost a some shifter problems and one Class 10 winner was Rod Colbert, took third place honors, Kevin El-power steering belt just before the front flat to hamper his progress. he said he had a power steering lis spent a long time on the course finish not enough to worry about. Third place honors in Class 12 leak but no real problems and was but he did finish in fourth place. Basically it was a trouble free race. went to Kevin and Keith Martin. really glad to take the gold medal, Two fast racers, Clay Flippin and There were five cars entered in Keith started the race and Kevin Rod's daughter, Chanelle, rode Bekki Wik failed to complete the class and three of them finished. got in along the way. They were with him part of the time. John race, Bekki with a blown motor. Zak Langley was the second Class hampered with four flat tires along .-----------------------------, ,. ,· .... . .• ..... John Reber gave it his all and was able to capture the Class 13 win the way. Wesley Stephens and Bruce Fraley never made it to the finish line. There were six vehicles entered in Class 13, three of them took the checkered flag. John Reber was the big winner in the class contest, Billy Shapley, wfth help from dad Bill took second place honors, they were three minutes in arrears at the finish, Thomas High was the third place and final finisher in class, he obviously had some problems, he was an hour behind second place. Not being able to finish the race were: Richard Diaz, Mike Montes and Henry Vasquez. Class 1450 had 10 entrants and 4 of them were 'able to finish the race. Eric Ludian was fist one in, Eric averaged 38.9 miles per hour for the long trek, Mark Slater was second in, he was a long way back, two hours behind the leader, Andrew Leavitt came in third, he was another eight minutes back and Kevin McMurray took Continued on page 27 at the SNORE 250, he had three minutes in hand when he took the Bill and Billy Shapley had to settle for a second place finish in Class Mark Slater had big troubles at the SNORE 250 but still managed a checkers. 13, they were 3 minutes behind the leader at the checkers. second place finish in the Class 1450 skirmish. Dusty Times TTBEAOLOCK SIMULATED B,L. 1 7XB VW BEAGLOCK 1 SXl 2 VW BEAOLOCK November 2010 Page 25

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r Greg Crew gets our award for the longest jump of the race, Greg Darin Anderson gave it all he had, he took silver medal honors in Bob Dziurawiec was the second place car in the Class 18 conflict, finished in second place in the Class 15 battle. Class 1600, he was 37 seconds in arrears after 4 hours of racing. Bob was 40 minutes in arrears when the checkers flew. Karl Scanlan took the gold medal in the Class 3000 battle, he had nine minutes in hand at the end, he's seen here at one of many liftoffs. fourth place, he was yet another four minutes back. Racking up unwanted dnfs were Allen Byma, Jesus Galvan, Robert Woolworth, Chris Michael, Jason Wadsworth and Bryant Layton. Class 15 had four entrants, three of them would make the entire race. First one in was Mike Wichmann, he took over from Rick Lance at the halfway point, they didn't report any major prob-lems, Greg Crew took second place honors, he was 17 minutes behind the leader, Dale Schaub was the third car in and Anthony Arm~ strong failed to complete the one very long lap. Blaine, he soloed the race, re-ported no problems and basically had a great time. Second to finish Michael Benedict had a fairly long day, he covered the course in eight hours, he's seen here headin' for the Class 5 checkered flag. was the duo of Clint Braun, who half of the race, they too reported did the first half of the race along no problems and were a mere 37 with Darin Braun who did the last seconds in arrears at the flag, third pl\lce went to the ever optimistic Day Gang, Day was another two minutes in arrears, she too re-porting no problems. In fourth place was the Mike Meechan/Brett Maurer duo, they reported a lack of brakes for most of the race and Jason Coleman had a solo drive into fifth place. Jason had to suf-fer through two flat tires along the way. Finishing in the sixth spot was Josh Gilliam, Josh had a couple of flats in the silt and a broken spring to contend with along the way, Frank Baird was the seventh place finisher, Steven Flueharty finished two minutes later in eighth place and Don Wall, who had some problems was the ninth and final finisher in the class. Failing to fin-ish the race were: Jasper Oyer, Raul Solano and Kenny Freeman. Continued on page 28 The Class 1600 troops were 12 strong at the start of the race and fully nine of them made the required distance. First car to take the checkered flag was Conrad Mike Boone took the win in the Class 5/1600 event, it was fairly close at the finish as Mike had less tan two minute in hand at the fla . It was an easy win in Class 7 for Richard Blunk, he had two and a half hours on his competition when the checkers flew. The Class 3000 fracas saw Justin Davis take second place honors, Brandon Kaylor flew as long and high as he could but he had to settle It was a second place finish for Rick Harrah in the Class 8 conflict, Justin was nine minutes in arrears when he took the checkered flag. for second spot in the Class 5/1600 battle. Rick was some 20 minutes in arrears when the checkers flew. The silver medal in Class 9 went to Cody Rash, Cody was a long 42 The StockBug class saw Mark Murrell taking a second place finish Dennis Boyle wasn't the happiest guy in Class 1, he had to settle for minutes back of the leader when he took the checkered flag. at the SNORE 250, he's seen here at speed headin' for home. a third place finish, he's seen here at speed. Dusty Times November 2010 Page 27

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Kevin Martin wasn't the happiest guy in Class 12 but he did get a Andy Leavitt scored a third place finish in the Class 1450 conflict, The ever vivacious Day Gang was the third place finisher in Class 1600, Day was a mere two minutes out of a silver medal. third place finish in class, he's seen here headin' for home. he's seen here on his way to the checkers. Class 18 was next up, were five of them entered and three of them made it all the way. First to finish in the class was the duo of Chuck Harvey, who drove the first half and Kenny Redels-perger who brought the car home. They reported no problems along the way. Bob Dziurawiec was the second car in class, he was 40 min-utes in arrears to the leader, Kirk Hadley took the bronze medal for the class. Mark Bass and Lonan Pies were unable to finish the race. Class 3000 was next up, there were four entrants and three of them would see the checkered flag. First of the class to finish was Karl Scanlan, he reported a broken wheel and a broken head during the race but he still won with a nine minute cushion. Justin Davis was the second Class 3000 to fin-Mike Szlauko gets our nod for the highest flyer, Mike took the win in Class 8 with over 20 minutes on his competition. ish, Justin was having fuel pickup problems but still took the solver medal in class. Clint Barry took third place honors in class, he was a long way back, some two hours and change behind the class leader, The Class 9 win went to Dalton Davis, he took the win with more than 42 minutes in hand, he's seen here just at touchdown. but he did get there! Dave Wilson was not able to finish the race. Class 5 only had two entries. One of them finished the race, Michael Benedict finally made it in but it was a long day, he was out on the course for eight hours, a hard earned finish. Unfortunately, Steve Alexander was unable to fin-ish the lap. Class 5/1600 had three entries and, surprise! All of them took the checkered flag. Mike Boone was the winner of the gold medal in the class, Brandyn Kaylor took second place, he was less than two minutes in arrears at the flag. The " third spot went to John Berry, he was just less than an hour behind the class winner. Peter Garfinkle took the Class 7S Challenge win, his competition fell by the wayside There were seven cars entered in the StockBug class, the win went to Michael The Class 7 troops were up next, there were three of them entered and two would see the checkered flag. The big winner was Richard Blunk, he soloed the and he just cruised around for the win. Brenner, he's seen here racing to the finish line. Continued on page 46 Terry Evans shows us how to fly a truck, Terry was the third place Richard Boyle finished first off the podium in the Class 1 contest, A fourth place finish in Class 1450 went to Kevin McMurray, Kevin finisher in the Class 8 conflict. Richard was less than a minute out of a third place finish. finished four minutes out of a podium finish. Jason Coleman gave in the old college try but finished fifth in Class Joe Pate/Ii had some problems along the way, he had to settle for a Brandon Dawson was the fifth place finisher in the Class 1 battle, 1600, he was 26 seconds out of a fourth place spot. fourth place finish in the Class 8 contest. he's seen here nicely airborne on his way home. Page 28 November 2010 Dusty Times t

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l I ____ _:Jj, I HAWTHORNE 225 Sam Does It Again! 1st Overall· 1st Class 1 Text & Photos: Troy Robinson VORRA's last desert race of the 2010 season was the annual pilgrim-age to Hawthorne Nevada situated about 2 ½ south east of Reno Nevada on highway 95. This is a favorite race for a lot of racers because of the 3-day Labor Day weekend format marking the end of the summer. This race course is 55 miles around and 4-laps would be the required dis-tance for the pro-classes. The course is also very diverse in offering racers most of what the desert can throw at you. The first 5 miles puts you thru some fast rocky sections as we head east or start "down" the power line road. About mile 7 is where we junc-tion with the Vegas to Reno course and start the sand whoops all the way to check point 1. From there it's a tum uphill for the long fast climb where horsepower is your friend. Last year we raced down this and reached speeds of over 105 mph in our class 6 truck, this year racing uphill only 65 mph. Once the road plateaus at the top the silt beds start. Deep soft silt but virgin enough not to cause many problems as it's straight and not chopped up yet. About race mile 30 comes the "rollercoaster"; 15-miles of straight-over-crest with little air time and no gotcha's. This is very hair raising at speed when you know you should lift but stay in the gas all the way to check point 2. After a short silt bed at the checkpoint starts the rocky section for the last 20-miles. This sec-tion has a lot of rocks, sheer cliffs, hill climbs and steep drop offs. The last 5-miles is a 1300 foot elevation drop in to the finish line for a pit if you need it then back out. In the wake of the tragedy in Lu-cerne Valley we are all forced to make changes at our desert races as stipulat-ed by the BLM most notably 25mph speed limit in all pit areas, age limits in the pits and the 150' spectator rule. While Vorra races have always been a safe family place the rules were Sam Cothrun took the Group T lead on the second lap and that's where he remained, he had half an hour on his competition at the checkers. put out there and were all followed by each and every race fan to continue racing in the desert as we love it. The weekends schedule had a small tum out of the welcoming party and drawing for starting positions Friday night. Tech and registration all day Saturday at the El Capitan Casino in downtown with impound in the parking lot. This was followed by a parade of all cars up and down Main Street then the drivers meeting at the El Capitan. Immediately fol-lowing the drivers meeting was the Northern Nevada premiere of Dezert People 8, the latest installment in the Dezert People series which has Vorra as a main title sponsor, the first time a race series has sponsored a DP movie. The race would start Sunday morning at 8am with the class 9, 11 and UTVs followed an hour later by the "bigger" classes. Taking his 5th class 1 win for the season and the 3rd overall title as well was once again Sam Berri (149). Sam had a 4: 11 lead after the first lap and just extended that little by little as the race went on. At the finish line his win was 12: 13 over 2nd place as he had a 51 mph average for the day. 2nd place in class 1 was Mike Viola (134). Viola plugged along all day with very little downtime despite a stuck radio mic making it unable to hear the crew. He had a flat on lap 3, then later thinking he had another flat on the final lap slowed his pace just a bit allowing 3rd place to get closer and closer. Then after almost endoing on the roller coaster he pulled into pit 2 for a once over where 3rd place got around making him give chase. But Viola started last in class so he just needed to stay close enough to take the spot. At the finish line he was physically 3rd but corrected time put him in 2nd, 2:55 ahead of 3rd place. Taking that third spot in class 1 was JJ Schnarr (102). Schnarr had the luck of the draw and was first off the line but after the first lap was running in the 5th spot. Schnarr, who was driving Mike Decker's car this race, was back on the pace making a run for a higher spot at the finish. He passed Viola on the last lap in the pits at check point 2 but didn't have the speed in the rocks to pull the lead he needed to overcome the start deficit and settled for 3rd place in class. Shannon Harwell (132) was run-ning in the 2nd spot after the first lap but just 5 miles into lap 2 the rear axle broke and the socket to remove the CV bolts stripped out. A replacement socket would have to be sent in from start finish for him to make repairs. Then in the heat of getting the car going again they didn't strap in the jack or tool bags correctly littering the course with tools and parts. While Shannon did finish the race in 4th on a borrowed motor, he is still look-ing for his tool purses if anyone has seen them. Making the long drive from Ari-zona for his first Vorra race was Tom Wood (1574). Tom was physically on Sam Berri's bumper on the first lap but pulled in to the pits for a lengthy stop dropping nearly 35 minutes. He would rally back and on the 3rd lap set the fastest lap of the day at a 1:02:08. Tom finished the race in 6th place, just 7:27 seconds behind Harwell. Rounding out the finishers in class 1 was Bruce Fields (858). Fields brought out his heavy metal truck and raced with the buggies this race so as not to mess up the points in Group T. Fields was running in the 4th spot Red Team Racing had a decent day, they took the Class 10 win with ease although Bill Jarvis was the winner in the Class 8 contest, Bill had a very long last lap but, for the first 3 laps but dropped over ;:th=e~y=h=a=d=_t_o=s=u=f;-fi_e=r=t-h __ "-o=u_g~_h ___ a=h=o="-"-e=n=d-o __ u __ s_l.:::y=lo=n.:g=-s_e=c=o-n __ d ___ la~p=·=====.-;;=-=-=-:;=-=.-=-,,....;:as=th=e=o=n::;l:::;y:;g=u:=y=in=cl=a=ss=he=to=o=k=t=h=e=w=1=·n=. =::::;;::::::;;--;;::..=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.= ______ c_o_nt_Tn_u_■d_•_n_p_•_••-3_1 ___ _ Jon Crowley is shown in second place in the UTV race, we don't know how that happened as he clearly beat his competition to the Ben Phillips drove to a silver medal finish in Group Tat Hawthorne, flag on time. here starting his last lap at the Hawthorne event. Dusty Times November 2010 JJ Schnarr pushed hi fairly big and heavy to a bronze medal finish in Class 1, he's seen here in the soft stuff with all the power on. Page 29

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IN OFF·ROAO RACING With the BEST Raters and Pitters Chris Anderson, Howard Anderson, Scott Annand, Claude Archey, Gary Bates, William Berumen, Craig Brabant, Stuart Bradley, Bryan Brimecomb, Doug Brown, Milo Malcolm Bryce, Steve Burak, Victor Chase, Mike Childress, James Connolly, Crowley, Bryan Crowder, Chad Dillon, Tom Dittfield, Michael Duenas, Files, Lee Finke, Dwight Forell, Michael Giffin, Josh Gilliam, Dave ~-•• -Justin Grossmann, .....,._,,_._.---• Brown, Steve Brown, Vic Bruckmann, Bussey, Russ Butow, Roger Byrd, Stuart Ricky Cook, Wayne Cook, Joe Cota, Dennis Cummings, Andy Diaz, Mark Diebert, Craig Butch Dunn, Erik Earnest, Jorge Espino, John Foster, Andy Frickey, Michael Gaughan, Joe Gores, Jim Greenway, Jim Gregory, Mark Growe, Josh Hall, Harman, John Hastings, Hinkle, Jimmy Hook, Tra Jeremiah, George Jirka, Robert Harman, Steve Gregg Hawks, Junior Howard, Tom HE~"ER Justin Johnson, Bob Jordan, OFF ROAD RACING TFA.;M ... .-_,,.--Steve Kassanyi, Reese King, Tom Koch, Greg Krasnow, Mike Lawrence, Harley Letner, Al Long, Ricky Lopez, Nels Lungren, Steve LuPort, Dan Martin, Bobby McCall, Mike Mcclintock, Billy McCool, McCool, Mike (Tata) McDowell, Thumper McDowell, Michael McGee, "Baja" Bob McKee, Robert Medoza, "Rev" Roy Moore, Mark Nacke, Andrew Neal, Lin Neal, Fred Nelson, Steve Ooley, Noah Ostanik, Tom Owens, Mike Patrick, Lou "Lucho" Peralta, Ryan Plowman, Brian Potts, Ralph Potts, Marq Prince, Walter Prince, Danny Reider, Billy Robertson, Peter Rosenstein, Steve Scott, Vance Scott, Marty Seefried, George Seeley, Rich Severson, 01r:.. ~r R. o~ Ao·· Dave Shell, Jake Smith, Paul Smith, Randy Spahr, Jeremy Stafford, Gary rr 11 Stairs, Todd Starks, Brian Steele, Scott Steele, Eric Strand, Greg Symonds, Ken Tapert, To ny Tellier, Don Thompson, Michel Lee Thompson, George Thompson, Jimmy Tucker, Art Velasco, Jr., Art Vela sco, Sr., Don Wachter, Chris Wilson, Bob Wright, Austin Wulstein, Richard Young, .. and to all the CHECKERS who left 'us before their time. Their CHECKERS legacy will live forever. 35-PLUS YEARS OF EXCELLENCE ' IN THE SPORT! GOOD llJtK AT THE BAJA 1000 Page 30 November 2010 Dusty Times l

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.... :"'-':..'" .... t . .___..._ _______ ____, L..&......,;----...........:::.....:..-_---..;.__,___ ............ --.,:;._J _ . _ ............... _____ ........ ____,· .......... _....____ __ _.._. David Ackles drove his red truck to a third place finish in the It was a third place finish in Group T for Marty Morehead, he was Susan Austin was a wee bit off the winning pace in the Sportsman Sportsman Class, he was off the winning pace but still on the podium. just 12 minutes out of a second place finish. category, she's seen here speeding to a first off the podium finish. an hour on lap 4 and the two spots to Ultra 4 was Brad Falin (457). Falin of the lap looking out the nets back-overall to boot was Sam Cothrun whole race without a stop, no flat tires finish in the 6th spot. would have transmission issues at the wards as he made his way down the (7272). Sam was fighting the dust on and ran consistent lap times from lap Racing with the class l's but in his end of lap 1 and only had 1 gear: re- hill to the stripe earning the class 1. lap 1 and was running 3rd but got to 2-4 for the win. This would be only own class as he was the only entry in verse. He would drive the last 5 miles Taking the Group Twin and 2nd the top spot in the pits. Sam ran the Continued on page 32 l'lred fN It 11111 vacation rentals available in the exclusive Indian Wells country Club in the sunny Palm Springs area of southern California. Two or three bedrooms, furnished for your complete relaxation, and, if you are a glutton for -punishment, play golf on either of two beautiful courses. FYI, wireless internet and long distance phones calls (USA) included. starting at S4,500 in season (January thru April) or $2,300 per month out of season. Call (760) 345-6124 Dusty Times November 2010 Page 31

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Brent Downing raced his Chevy to a fourth place finish in Group T Shannon Harwell had a looong second lap which put him in fourth Tom Wood was a bit off the winning pace in the Class 1 battle, he's at Hawthorne, he's seen here just at liftoff. place in Class 1, he's seen here settin' up for a right hander. seen here racing towards a fifth place finish. it just about every lap to get thru the sand as the little 4 cylinder engine didn't have the horsepower to move them thru the sand. He was running 5th on lap 1, 4th on lap 2 and then up to 3rd on lap 3 where he held to the finish for the final podium spot. Rounding out the finishers in the sportsman class was another first time Vorra racer Susan Austin (4110). She bought one of Rod Hall's HZ Hum-mers and tried her luck for the first time in the desert. While her lap times were much slower than the rest of the class they were very consistent for a first time racer and she finished the race, the last official finisher, in 4th class after 7:41:27 in the driver's seat. In the Class 9 battle it was Jay Schroeder all the way, he lad all the laps and collected the gold medal for his efforts. Terry Shelton led the Sportsman Class all the way, he had no problems and took the checkers with well over an hour in hand at the finish. The class 9 win went to Jay Schro-eder (903) who took the lead from the start and never looked back. Dave Oram (909) finished 2nd place in class. the third race on the truck and its first win. Taking 2nd in Group Twas Ben Phillips (6043). Ben was in the lead creating dust for 1 -¼ laps until it worked and he shook off the chal-lengers. Phillips stopped in the pits at the end of lap 2 for gas and brake fluid that was spilling on his shoes and that moved Cothrun to the lead but the team missed the pass. He thought he had the win when he crossed the line only to find the red truck of Cothrun sitting there first. In his first race in another Trophy Lite truck was Marty Morehead (444). Marty ran a consistent race with little downtime working his way up from 6th on lap 1 to 4th on lap two then finally the 3rd place podium at the finish line. Another Vorra newcomer Bent Downing (808) brought out his beau-tiful orange retro Chevy Blazer and ran consistent lap times with little downtime for the 4th place finish in class. Chris Gray (8003) had a flat tire just 2 miles off the start and was up to 3rd on lap 2 but some major downtime on lap 3 dropped them to 5th where they finished for the day. Mike Koenig (603) was running in Phillips dust for the first 1 -¼ laps until the dust screen kicked up by the little trophy lite worked and mike hit a rock on the passenger side taking out both right side rims. We only carry 1 spare. It took mike over an hour to get a rim fixed and the truck movin a in on! to it a rock and take out the driveline a mile later. Handing the truck off to me at the start of lap 3 I quickly went into sur-vival mode only to have the rear lug studs sheer off as a result of the rock impact 10 miles earlier. After making repairs and another hour of down-time we were moving again, last car running on the course but finishing the race in 6th place. Class 10 win went to Red Team Racing (1029) who were running in 2nd after the first lap behind Patrick Timmons (1030). Timmons would blow up the motor at mile 29 though. Then Red Team would have over 2 ½ hours of down time on lap 2 and was back running in 4th place in class. At-trition would affect the class though as they were running 2nd on lap 3 then were the sole finishers in class at the end. Alex Hall (1019) was running consistent laps at 1:14 for lap 1 and 2 placing him in 5th then 2nd and on lap 3 he was running 1st after the attrition. But the attrition would get him in the end two as he dropped out only completing the 3 laps. Taking the class 8 win and the lone entry in the class was Bill Jarvis (8028). Jarvis completed all 4 laps at a decent pace finishing 11th overall. Winning sportsman class again this year was Terry Shelton (81). This team has been on a tear taking all but 1 sportsman win this year even with the largest class field in the race. Vince Viola had a fairly decent race, he finished in second place in the Class 1 effort, he was half an hour in arrears at the checkers. Shelton was in the lead from the start and never relinquished it all the way to the checkers. After a 9-year "Vorracation" Gary Steele (44) was back in the desert once again. Steele started 2nd off the line and had a flat on the first lap dropping him to 4th. He had no issues on lap 2 and moved up to 2nd place. Lap 3 handed him 2 more flats but never dropped out of the 2nd spot. On the last lap the clutch would act up adding over an hour to his time but he still held on t.o the 2nd spot finish for the day. David Ackles (707) brought his beautiful Total Chaos equipped Toy-ota down from Oregon to race. For-tunately his truck has 4wd as needed In class 11 Gary Herrod ( 1112) was the winner after he completed all 3 laps where his competition Richard Palasik ( 1107) was taking dirt samples with the roof as he rolled half way thru the lap. Palasik parked the car after the first lap. In the UTV lass Dennis Jean (1959) edged out Jon Crowley (1965) for the class win as both UTV's fin-ished the required 3 laps. All in all it was a great safe race as we finished out the 2010 Vorra desert season. We now shift our attention to the ultra fast short course final 2 fall series races at Prairil City ii Sacramento. _ · _; Gary Steele was doing just fine in the Sportsman race, a terribly long 4th lap dropped him to second place. Chris Gray had a terribly long third lap and it was expensive, Chris A two and a half hour fourth lap didn't help Bruce Field a lot, he Mike Koenig had two slow laps and it cost him, Mike finished in the finished in fifth place in the Group T Division. finally finished in sixth place in the Class 1 battle. sixth spot in the Group T battle at Hawthorne. Page 32 November 2010 Dusty Times '

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1 <E$)RDUND 6 . curt Geer Takes Limited Buggy By Homer Eubanks Big changes have been made to the Lucas Oil Regional Off Road Series held at Glen Helen Raceway. First off, race six of the seven race series was moveo from the previous track over to the new, redesigned and up-dated, permanent short course track. Held on Oct 2, 2010, race six once again featured a variety of off-road vehicles performing on the .8-mile long course chal-lenging the drivers with every obstacle imaginable from a short course off-road course. Another improvement was the addition of Etimeit, electronic timin and scoring, which provides racers with indebt information on their individual performance and provides immediate overall results. The fans gained from the move as well with the ad-dition of grandstands, food vendor, and upgraded toilet fa-cilities. Best of all is that with all these amenities Off-Road Direc-tor Bob Beyer has managed to keep prices affordable for both racers and fans. With only two events remain-ing this season Beyer pointed out that Championship points were on the line. Onl 11 oints Photos: Trackside Photo separated John Holmes and Phil Bollman in the Pro Buggy Unlimited class. The Limited Buggy title had Gary Williams with an apparent comfortable lead over Curt Geer but Geer showed at this event he wasn't ready to relinquish c-laim to the title just yet. Trenton Briley came into the event leading the Kart 450 Modified with 80 points to Hunt's 63. The Os-born's have the Kart 250 Modi-fied class pretty well sewn up as Bryan has 69 points to Alex's 62 points and their closest com-etitor is T ler Winbur with Jeff Hildebrandt placed third in Race #1, he took the gold medal in ·Race #2 and took the overall win in the Pilot/Odyssey contest. 32 points. The closest points margin is in the Kart JRl class as Danny Mollineda leads with 61 points over Dylan Winbury's 60 points. In the Kart JR2 class Shelby Anderson has earned 59 point with Myles Cheek (38) the closest competition. The UTV classes are all close as Ryan Field leads the UTV Modified 38 to 27 over Scott Santellan. John Dempsey leads the UTV Unlimited class with 50 earned points over Taylor George earn-ing 36 points. Brad Bauder is in a tight battle with Doug Mittag as only one point separate the two (43-42). Looking good so far in the Pilot/Revolt/Stadium Lite/Odyessy division was Jeff Pechtel leading with 166 points over the 104 of Jose Enriquez. Let's go to the racing action. Pro Unlimited Buggies In the Pro Unlimited Buggy division John Holmes quick-ly let the other competitors know he wants to keep his series points lead by setting fast time in practice then coming back in race one and taking a con-vincing win. With Holmes out by himself the action was be-tween Phil Bollman and Myan Spaccarelli. Spaccarelli held his second spot for several laps but got sideways and Bollman was able to take over his position. Spaccarelli wrestled back con-trol of his buggy to hold third. At the finish the running order remained the same. Race two saw Garrett George jump out front early with Myan Spaccarelli second and a hard charging John Holmes dogging Spaccarelli's every move. As the pack tightened up Hol-mes found a way to get around not only Spaccarelli but also George as well. Spacarelli spun on the landing after the turn one jump, and as Holmes went wide in turn two, George took over the lead. Holmes decided to hold the throttle down over the rough section allowing him to pull alongside George and by holding the inside line for turn three retook control of the race. George came back in turn four but later in the same lap George lost the lead when Holmes out powered him down the back stretch. George made a final attempt on the last lap but got loose in the rough section allowing Holmes to drive on to victory. George drove under the checkers second and Spaccarelli was third. Overall Holmes in-creased his dominance in the class with repeat wins. Myan Spaccarelli was second with his 3-3 effort and Phil Bollman earned third with his 2-5 results. Kart 450 One of the more heated races was in the 450 Kart class be-tween Mitch Guthrie and Zac Hunt. Before things got heated up the race was halted on lap three after Bradley Morris took a hard roll in turn one. His car did come out worse than he as all four tires were flat and it appeared to have damaged the suspension. Morris walked away a bit shaken. Nick Schons had an easy time of it, he took the Champ Truck win in both races and was the easy overall winner for the class. Jeff Musgrave took the win in both Prerunner Full races and was awarded the overall win for the class, here nicely airborne. Guthrie held the lead from the beginning but had the re-lentless pressure from Hunt throughout the race. Lap after lap the two were so close one Continued on page 34 Seen here nicely airborne, Ryan Field literally flew to the overall win In the UTV Unlimited races it was John Dempsey taking the win in Chris Rosa is seen here on his way to the overall UTV SR1 win at in the UTV Modified races, here going to the flag. both heats, John is seen here racing to the checkers. Glen Helen, Chris took both heats with ease. Dusty Times November 2010 Page 33

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Andy Hill took the win in both Class 1 races, Andy is seen here hustling to the checkers and the overall Class 1 win. Ray Promer drove his really great lookin' Bug to the Class 5 win in both races, he's seen here on his way to the gold. could have thrown a blanket and was able to pull alongside When the checkers came out result was the same. Zac Hunt over them. Hoping one of them the leader and when exiting the effort Hunt put in paid off got the early lead and this time would error was Bryan Osborn, the next corner Hunt enjoyed a and Guthrie had to settle for he had Jarret Brooks tapping who was just a couple of lengths little better traction to take the second. Osborn finished third. his rear bumper. In third was behind in third. With a couple lead. Guthrie wasn't about to The second Kart 450 race Mitch Guthrie Jr but he got of laps to go Hunt put the ham-give up easily and began knock-didn't provide the same inten-loose on the third lap and spun mer down in the rough section ing on Hunt's rear bumper. sity as the first race but the end out, causing him to loose several c-0-:::::;~g;;~;.~*~iit~~'!'?",~""::~----...----"----'------------------, positions. Hunt was able to pull some distance on Brooks, and in the mean time Guthrie was cfusing in on Brooks. Brooks suffered mechanical woes mid-r ce and Guthrie inherited srcond. Once again the finish order was Hunt, Guthrie and Osborn. UTV-Pilots Doug Mittag set fast time in practice among the 12 UTV -Pilot competitors. When the first green flag came out Mittag again seemed to have all the power he needed as he quickly moved around Chris Rosa then established a comfortable lead. Suddenly Mittag slowed and came to a stop on the front stretch. This put Rosa back in charge but he had pressure from John Dempsey. These two had a heated battle for several laps until Dempsey elbowed his way around just before entering the front stretch. Rosa came back Continued on page 36 Myan Spaccarelli finished in third place in both Pro Buggy Unlimited Sammy Ehrenberg took two second place finishes in the limited Jerry Byerman took a fourth and a second place finish in the heats races and that earned his a decent second overall win in class. Buggy races, that gave him the overall silver medal for the class. races, that added up to a secand overall finish. Nick Tyree is a 27 year old truck racer that is competing in the Lucas Oil Off Road Series (LOORSJ PRO 2 Unlimited racing series. Nick comes from a tight knit family and was born and raised in Jamul, CA. where his parents continue to reside. Nick is currently single, works full time as an estimator for Magnesite Specialties, races in his spare time and is a very active uncle in his beloved nephew Masons' life, never a dull moment when those two are out and about. Nick currently lives in El Cajon with his faithful dog Kyro. Nick has always been fiercely competitive with an affinity for anything fast, he has been on the racing scene since he was old enough to walk. Nick continued to race throughout his high school years at Vahalla high school and has now come full circle and become a professional truck racer. Nick has raced go-karts, BMX, motocross, you name it, if it had wheels on it he was charging on it. Tyree motorsports is heading into the end of the LOORS racing season (2 events left) this season has been somettiing special for Nick, he is closing out with a pretty impressive track record as a rookie driver. Nick is up and coming that is a fact, he is making a name for himself and is revered as a serious contender in the sport of professional truck racing, he has garnered the attention and accolades of many in the race industry and many local businesses such as Diffenbaugh Construction, The Greek Sombrero, Brewers, Alberts Taco shop, Bill Signs trucking have been bitten by the racing bug and have signed on as sponsors, a big portion of the racing expense is currently being carried by Magnesite Specialties Inc., a waterproofing, deck and concrete flooring company. On a community level, Nick has an exceptional reputation and upholds a positive image, because of his clean image and affable personality, a very notable local non- profit, The Dallas Pugh foundation has chosen to sponsor Nick in order .to help raise awareness and promote prevention of teen suicide through his racing. The race circuit has brought the Tyree motorsports team from the track at Glen Helen all the way to the dunes of Utah and everywhere in between. Tyree motorsports has many avid followers, Nick's pit crew is a very tight knit, dedicated group of men that Nick has been friends with since grade school, the crew is all about sportsmanship and ever ready to lend a helping hand to any of the rival teams when put to the test as many of those teams witnessed first hand during the Surprise, Arizona race. The Tyree pit is al~ays guaranteed to be a good time with lots of food, fun and racing enthusiasm, you can feel the excitement in the air. The Tyree motorsports truck is a 2002 Ford F-1 50 with a 428ci engine and 850 horsepower, several product sponsors ( MSD ignition, Aeromotive, Odyssey battery} have jumped on the Tyree team offering their high performance parts to help Tyree motorsports rise to the top. The race shop is a 24/7 place these days, any time day or night you can find Nick, the crew chief, the crew and many other essentia( team members working hard on perfecting that awesome machine, the addition of the Racepak data acquisition motherboard on the truck improved Nick's driving performance at the September 26th race in Arizona, securing an 8th finish for Tyree motorsports on the track at Speedworld. Tyree motorsports is moving forward fast and furiously and is looking to gain the support of sponsors for next years LOORS racing season. Las Vegas is the next LOORS race and the team is taking what it learned in Arizona and working to improve overall driving and finishes in Las Vegas. Tyree motorsports is "in it to win it'' come along for the ride and watch Nick and the team shoot for the stars. Lastly, the LOORS races are nationally televised with many hours of airtime on many networks specifically CBS, NBC, SPEED and Versus with the potential for more exposure during re airings and commercials for the event. Great exposure for prospective Tyree motorsports sponsors. Please visit our website at You are welcome to follow Nick's progress and to become a fan at Tyree motorsports on Facebook or a friend of Nick's at Nick Tyree on Facebook 8688 Production Avenue • Ste. A • San Diego • California • 9202 1 Page 34 November 2010 Dusty Times ..J

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Dusty Times HOTEL• CASINO• SPA LAI VIOAI NY oral•--Race #1: Short Wheelbase Challenge (Classes eligible: 5, 3000, Preditor, Trophylite, Mason Prorunner. or any car that meets short wheel base requirements_ Restrictions Apply. $10,000 Cash and Prizes) Starting on the main USGP track, racing from 1 oam-2pm {race duration 2 hours) Race #2: Starting on the main national MX track, racing from 1 pm-3pm {race duration 2 hours) Classes TBA. UTV Race: Starting on the main national track, racing from 3:30pm4pm • Gate Fees: $15 for Adults, $10 for Children (6-12yrs. old) and free for Children Syrs. and under. Pit area access is FREE for teams, families and spectators. Overnight camping is FREE on Friday night for race teams. • Race Classes: All desert classes welcome. • Race Entry Fees: $300 for trucks and buggies, $50 for UTVs and Trophy Karts • Payback: 66% payback for all truck and buggy classes Course Layout Race course is approximately 4.5 miles in length with varied terrain • Unique Features: Two mandatory pit stops are required during the race for truck and buggy classes with 1 tire change at each stop. November 2010 Page 35 --

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a couple of laps later but his attempt failed to produce, and a short time later Rosa suffered from loosing his left rear suspen-sion. Being in separate classes · meant that Dempsey won the Unlimited class and Rosa won the SRl honors. Ryan Field won the UTV Modified class. Jeff Pechtel, current class points leader, took the Pilot class win. In the second race John Dempsey could do no wrong. Dempsey powered ahead of the pack and never looked back to take the UTV Unlimited win and overall.. Michael Robinson got off second on the start but spun in turn two giving sec"nd overall to Chris Rosa. Once back in control Robinson quick-ly passed his way through the pack and was closing up on the leader when his engine starting missing badly. Robinson pulled into the pits and later returned sounding fresh but did not have time to catch Dempsey. Repeat class wins gave John Dempsey the overall in the UTV UnliJllited while Chris Rosa topped the UTV SRl class. Ryan Field, retained his series points lead by taking re-peat wins in the UTV Modified class. Jeff Hillbrandt won the Pilot class overall with his 3-1 results. Trucks & Desert Classes The last race of the day was a great combination of Trucks and Desert Classes with seven vehicles racing. When the dust had settled in race one Andy Hill in his Class 1 car had domi-nated the event. Nick Schons drove his Champ Truck to a convincing second place after passing his way through the pack. The second race got the fans excited ::is Schons quickly moved into second behind Hill. Schons, lacking the power or suspension of the Class 1 of Hill's machine, made an all out effort for the lead in his 4-cyclinder Champ Truck. For several laps Schons closed up on the leader and a couple of times actually came within strik-ing distance. Just as the crowd The Class 12 contest saw Mike Donahue taking the win in both races, Mike is seen here nicely airborne on his way to the checkers. A nice day for Shelby Anderson in the Kart Jr 2 races, Shelby took first place in both races and was awarded the overall win for the class. thought he might have a chance of challenging Hill, Schons broke his left front suspension and ended the race limping around the track in last place. There were two Class 12 cars in the event with Mike Dona-hue taking the win over Jason Robinson in both races. In the Prerunner class Jeff Musgrave took top honors with his repeat wins over Nick Valrtian. Ray Promer drove as the only contes-tant in Class 5. Limited Buggy The Limited Buggy class had 13 entries and Curt Geer was the qu i-ckest recorded in practice. Once racing started Geer had to follow Sammy Ehrenberg as Ehrenberg quickly pulled some distance from the pack. After enjoying a comfortable lead for several laps Ehrenberg ran into some lapped traffic and Geer was able to close up and capital-ize after Ehrenberg went around a lapper and Geer cut inside for the lead. Once out front Geer headed straight for the checkers. Ehrenberg had to settle for sec-ond and Gary Williams, current series leader, was third. The second race belonged to Geer after pulling away from Williams on the start. Williams made an attempt early in the race but Geer had everything Dylan Winbury took the win in both Kart Jr 1 races, thus the overall class win, Dylan is seen here saving some tire wear. Zach Hunt was the big winner in the Kart 450 Modified events, Zach flew to the overall win in the class. his way throughout the race and crossed under the checkers first. At days end it turned out that Curt Geer's repeat wins earned him the overall and Sammy Ehrenberg was second ahead of Gary Williams. Kart JRl & JR2 During the practice session Daniel Mollineda set fast time in the Kart Jrl & Jr 2 class. When the group came out to race it was Shelby Anderson jumping off the line in the lead and once out front she led all the way. In fact, with four minutes to race Anderson and several others pulled off track thinking the race was over. Anderson was quickly informed of the error and came back on to finish first with Trevor Smith second and third going to Dustin Smith. In the second Kart Jr race it was Chad Graham that took the early lead with Shelby Anderson second and Dylan Winbury ..; third. Graham pulled off after a few laps with a broken car and Anderson took over the over all. Anderson easily went on to win the event. Graham did get back in the race to finish second Kart Jr 2. Dylan Winbury was awarded the Kart Jr 1 overall with Trevor Smith second and third Dustin Smith. <El$> It was a second overall finish in the Class 12 races for Jason Madix Bailey finished fourth and third in the Kart JR1 races and that Chad Graham did not finish his first heat in Kart JR2, he placed second Robinson, Jason is seen here nicely airborne. gave him a second overall finish in class at the Glen. in Race 2 and he took second overall for the class. Mitch Guthrie Jr. took a pair of second place finishes in the Kart Scott Santellan collected two silver medals for the heat races, he In the UTV Unlimited races, Michael Robinson had a dnf and a second 450 Modified action, he took second overall honors for the class. was awarded a second overall finish in the UTV Modified class. place finish, that score gave him a second overall finish in the class. Page 36 •November 2010 Dusty Times 7

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l.AJc2C:: SJRD RALLYE DE FRANCE Loeb/Citroen Take The Gold By Martin Holmes Everyone there will remem-ber this for a very long time, the weekend when Sebastien Loeb performed in front of people from Alsace, his own people, won the rally and clinched his seventh suc-cessive World Driver's title. Every-thing went absolutely according to plan. The community of Alsace and Vosges gave their wholeheart-ed support, all wanting to be part of the great occasion, and Sebas-tien did not let them down at all. World championship rallying had never been in that region before. Nominally this was an asphalt event, though the muddy surfaces made that definition suspect. Ford's Jari-Matti Latvala did his best to challenge the Citroens, but was hard pressed even to finish fourth behind the three leading Citroens. Loeb's teammate Dani Sordo finished second -an incred-ible 17th time he has finished runner up on an WRC event, and together Loeb and Sordo made sure that the Citroen Total team won the Manufacturers' title. The Rallye de France was some-thing special. Besides being the first time that France's world championship rally had been held on the mainland, after a year's gap since the Tour de Corse was held in 2008, there was the chance Sebastien Loeb might win his seventh successive Drivers' title here. A chance which might not happen in future. And the reason the Strasbourg community were so enthusiastic to host the event was that this is Sebastien Loeb's heartland territory. That chance had been increasing with every rally this season. Despite Loeb's disappointing result in Japan it could still happen here, but what-ever happened, the most excited people would be at the little town of Haguenau, the birthplace of Loeb, some 30km north of Stras-bourg where two of the final stages of the event were held. To have the event on Metropolitan terri-tory has been the realisation of an unrequited dream many years ago of the FlA President, Jean-Marie Balestre. Aside from the Loeb factor the Rallye de France promised to be an action packed occasion. The Ceremonial Start (at Palace Kle-ber, Strasbourg) was held on the same day that BMW, Citroen and Ford launched their revolutionary 2011 World Rally Car models at the Paris Salon. Back in Stras-bourg, this was the second and final time this year that all the Photos: Maurice Selden support activities (Super 2000, Junior, Production Car and the Pirelli Star Drivers) would run on the same event. As one further attraction a round of the French championship series was run in conjunction with the world cham-pionship rally. The Strasbourg base was cho-sen after tenders were issued by the French Federation for the necessary rights, the defeated ap-plicants being those from Dijon and Limoges regions as well as the traditional Tour de Corse. Using roads in both the Alsace and Vosges regions, south of Stras-bourg, this is traditional asphalt rallying territory for France, al-though on this occasion there was also a sprinkling of gravel stretches, as in Rally Deutschland, and to greater extent to come on RaUy Catalunya. The Rally HQ and service parks were based at the Zenith centre 5km east of the centre of Strasbourg and the Shakedown was run in parkland alongside. The rally was held over three days with two loops tackled twice each day. On the Friday the stages were centred in the Vosges mountains of Haut Rhin towards Mulhouse culminating in tqe Grand Ballon stage, the high-Patrick Sandell and Emil Axelsson drove their Skoda Fabia to a second place finish in SWRC, they finished 10th overall as well. est in the region and surely one of the most picturesque. Views can be had of the distant Alps as well as the Alsace plain and Mont Blanc. Day 2 was held south west of Colmar in the Bas Rhin area, the most demanding test being the 35.4km Pays d'Ormont stage. The final day was to the north, in a military area near the town of Bitche, and the pilgrimage stages at Haguenau. In the ranks of the WRC' reg-istered teams, there was another change in the Stobart M-Sport Ford Rally Team with their second registered entry to be driven by Ken Block, the team's fi fth dif-ferent driver in five rallies, quite an honour for a driver who had never scored world championship points. There was drama when he crashed his Focus at a test on the Monday before the event and me-chanics had to repair this before the start. Since Japan, Al Qassimi and Villagra had swopped cars. The leading Citroens and Fords used cars that had been seen previ-ously in Germany, in Loeb's case his car making its fourth outing. It had already won on the previous three occasions. Although there were 13 World Rally Cars on the start list, after the abundance at Rallye Deutsch-land there was a disappointing lack of private World Rally Cars, although a surprise entry was that of the 2008 World Touring Car Champion Yvan Muller in a Xsara, an ex-factory fully active transmission car run on the event by Petter's crew. Another eight WRCs, however, were listed in the national championship event. An item of note was that there were no fewer than four Norwe-gians competing in Super 2000 cars. Three were non-champion-ship entries, for Henning Solberg (with a late replacement codriver Stephane Prevot, as Ilka Minor had back injuries in an accident codriving Manfred Stohl in a minor event in Austria), Mads Ostberg driving these cars as non SWRC championship entries and Andreas Mikkelsen, who had taken the chance to enter a Skoda run by Skoda Rally Team Italy instead of the Ford he has been driving in IRC events. The fourth Norwegian was Eyvind Brynildsen competing in the SWRC category. For all the support categories France was their penultimate qual-ifying event. There were two guest drive rs, Jean-Sebastien Vigio n in the SWRC in a Peugeot and Jeremi Ancian in a Suzuki in the JWRC. Features of the PCWRC category: The Russian entry usu-ally driven by Patrik Flodin had the Scottish driver Dave Weston at the wheel while the Chinese driver Wang Rui was back in a new style Subaru Impreza after driving an old version on Rally Japan. Features in the JWRC: Different drivers have won each of the preceding five rounds. The entry for the Grand Na-tional category was surprisingly high, including the current na-tional champion of Belgium (Pe-ter Tsjoen) and the Frenchman Bryan Bouffier who is currently the Polish champion. The maxi-mum permitted number of 70 entries in the WRC, and 70 in the oversubscribed national event had been accepted, so the event was a sell-out! The Grand Na-tional was arranged because the national French championship event Alsace Vosges was cancelled this year, with the aim of giving organisational opportunities for the WRC event. The French championship factor, however, brought inevitable complications to the event, not least because this runs to different rules to the world championship. It was run over 18 stages (all the stages of the event, except the final two held on the final day) but for national cham-pionship points only the first 12 stages counted. Dani Sordo and Diego Vallejo finished second overall in their Citroen C4 in France, seen here at high speed. Petter Solberg and Chris Patterson at high speed before an admiring crowd, they finished third overall for the French rally. The enormity of the opera-tion became apparent when the rally came to town. The splendid Zenith facility on the outskirts of Strasbourg had a severe shortage of access roads, it was so bad that rally cars was ordered to drive through a field to get to the area. There were countless detailed changes of plans, one instruction was 24 pages long! Drivers re-ported that the stages on the first day were the most demanding, those on the second were likely to become very muddy, while the military roads on the third were quite different to the military roads on Rallye Deutschland. Few sharp corners, hardly any concrete roads or hinkelsteins! Continued on page 38 Dusty Times November 2010 Page 37

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Matthew Wilson and Scott Martin drove their Ford Focus RS to eighth overall in France, as seen here, there were spectators aplenty. Henning Solberg and Stephane Prevot piloted their Ford Fiesta to the S2000 win in France, seen here in a sharp left hander. The start lists were published a time nearly nine seconds faster showing 67 starters and some curi-than the championship drivers! ous decisions by the Steward. The With the expectation that soft private Hungarian driver Frigyes compound tyres would be pre-Turan in a Peugeot 307 WRC had ferred on the actual rally, many been elevated from the ranks of drivers o·pted to use hard tyres on nobodies and given competition the Shakedown, which again pre-number 15 with P2 status, while vented good times. Second fastest Andreas Mikkelsen was given the was Turan and third was Petter's insult of being ordered to start brother, Henning, running in a Fi-67th and absolutely last, his Skoda esta S2000. The Ceremonial Start Fabia S2000 set to run behind all was held downtown in the drizzle. the two-wheel-drive private driv-Day 1 - 8 Stages -Asphalt ers. This was an important proj- - 145.86kms ect for him, a chance tci discover Friday's stages were supposed how the regulation Pirelli control to be the best in terms of style, but tyres compared with the Hankook the rain coupled with corner cut-tyres he uses on non WRC events. ting by the leading cars brought The organisers, however, did al-mud on to the surfaces. There low him to run at a three minute were 145km of stages with only gap behind the car in front. In a remote service at midday. All the end 66 cars took the start as the top drivers headed off on soft the Abu Dhabi Fiesta R2 driver compound tyres and immediately Khalid Al Dhaikh had to return on the short first stage Sebastien home for personal family reasons. Loeb went into the lead ahead of The Shakedown location was Sebastien Ogier, Dani Sordo and very convenient but very unrepre-Petter Solberg, all in Citroens, sentative not only of the stages to with Jari-Matti Latvala and Mikko come but also the fact that it got Hirvonen the best of the rest. noticeably drier and faster, as Pet-The champion was happy. At the ter Solberg proved when he went end of the second stage· Loeb ex-round and round, finally making plained: "This was the stage which I drove on my first ever rally back in the '90s!" Latvala admitted he had made several errors on the first stage "I was hesitating all the time." The same for Ken Block, "No way did I want to go off the road like I did before the rally!" Stage three was delayed for 35 minutes when a spectator, who had come to watch his hero, died at the side of the stage and an ambulance was called to evacuate him. Conditions continued to be mixed with patches of dampness and a lot of dirt on the surface as the rally proceeded to the Col de Grand Ballon where the second part of the stage was very greasy and Block dropped out of the top ten when his brakes disappeared. Yvan Muller stopped on the road section leading to the remote mid-day service while lying a promising 12th overall, when he ran out of fuel. Large crowds came to see the cars at service at the picturesque town ofMulhouse. Loeb had won every stage of the first loop, hold-ing a lead of over 14. 7 seconds over Ogier. The best non Citroen was fifth placed Latvala, nearly a half minute behind. 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He had the hydraulic troubles solved but incurred a 1 m40s penalty at ser-vice. As the day unfolded the race started for the Day 2 running or-der, with early running preferred, before the surfaces got covered with mud. Sordo got ahead of Ogier into second and Latvala was now in front of Petter Solberg who was fourth. On the final stage of the day Turan went off the road and retired. The spectators were out in full force so that the rally, already run-ning 30 minutes late, was delayed another half hour. There was no time for the drivers to talk when they arrived back in Strasbourg, they drove straight into the ar-rival control having struggled to make the 120km section in the 80 minutes allowed. One codriver commented, "It was crazy, the only way we could ever arrive on time was by breaking the speed limits, especially those through vil-lages." Penalties for lateness were not applied. At the end of the day the top six drivers were clearly in a league of their own, though now Citroens only held the first three places. Significantly Latvala was over a minute ahead of teammate Hirvonen. In SWRC Eyvind Brynildsen went into the lead and was quick-est despite a spin on stage two, but then he went•off on stage three and damaged a wheel. Non championship S2000 driver Mads Ostberg was leading Group N but slid off the road on stage two and marshals refused to let specta-tors help him back and Henning Solberg took the Group N lead. ' Then Yves Lemes went off at the same spot and collided with Ost-berg's stranded Fiesta. Michael Kosciuszko took the lead after stage three but then Brynildsen was back in the lead after four. Patrik Sandell dropped from sec-ond to fourth when he lost his brakes. Julien Maurin went off backwards on stage three and could not restart after a stone had jammed the exhaust pipe. Martin Prokop suffered power steering problems from the second stage and had a depressing time, which due to the Remote Service rules meant it could not be repaired un-til return to the service park at the end of the day, "Stupid rules, it would have been easy to repair it. I am afraid this little problem will cost me the championship!" San-dell was pressing hard to finish the day second, 4.6 seconds behind the leader Brynildsen. Bernardo Sousa's disappointing run came to an end on the final stage of the day. Series leader before the event, Xevi Pons, was lying fifth, suffering powersteering failure. In PCWRC Hayden Paddon went straight in to the lead, ahead of Armindo Araujo, despite suf-fering overheating brakes. Among Paddon's fellow PSD colleagues Nick Georgiou stopped in stage one with transmission failure, Ott Tanak had a spin on the first stage while Peter Horsey went off on stage four. Suddenly with only one stage to go Araujo's life was made easier when Paddon stopped with alternator failure which had flattened the battery. Araujo was almost a minute in front of Anders Grondal while Tanak passed Toshi Arai and was third at the end of the day. Guest driver Jean-Sebastien Vigion was lying fifth but retired with engine failure on his brand new Peugeot. Nuno Barroso went off the road in the Tommi Makinen Subaru on the last stage. In JWRC Mathieu Arzeno's Citroen S 1600 led for the first three stages but then on stage four he lost a lot of time trying to restart his engine after it stalled. Thierry Neuville got ahead with Hans Weijs in front of fellow Dutchman Kevin Abbring in the first R3 car. Yves Lemes stopped on stage four with engine dam-age after hitting Ostberg's Fiesta. Harry Hunt in the Fiesta R2 was delayed by a gear linkage problem which was repaired at midday seF-i vice. Neuville increased his lead ahead of Weijs, while Arzeno was recovering from his early problems and was up to third. Abbring's battle against the Super 1600 cars ended when he went off the road and rolled his car downhill. His codriver Erwin Mombaerts was taken to hospital. Alex Broccoli's run came to an end as he was wait-ing to refuel. He unknowingly had a fuel leak which Neuville's codriver Nicolas Klinger spotted - just before the whole car caught fire. News on Mombaerts was that he had suffered concussion, ad-mitting he remembered nothing of the accident. Story of the rally so far had to be the performance of non cham-pionship Mikkelsen, running absolutely last on the road. On the first stage he was fifth quick-est Group N car behind Ostberg, Henning, Brynildsen and Kos-ciuszko. After stage three he had scored the fastest Group N tiine of all and was up to second behind Henning. Mikkelsen's charge had no bounds, by stage seven he had made four best times in Group N and had taken the Group N lead. His moment of glory came to end, however, when there was a severe propshaft vibration and immedi-ately afterwards the powersteering failed. Mikkelsen was lucky to lose only a little over a minute through that. This was proving to be a very fast rally, despite the slippery conditions. Over half the .stages had been won at almost 120kph average, notwithstanding the presence of speed-reducing chicanes en route. Dusty Times

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--Khalid Al Oassimi and Michael Orr took 13th overall honors in France, Jari-Matti Larva/a and Mikka Anttila drove their Ford Focus RS to a Hans Weijs and Bjorn Degandt drove their Citroen C2 to a 24th overall Seen here at high speed in their Ford Focus RS. fourth place overall in France, seen here cutting as short as they dare. finish in France, speeding here through the countryside. Day 2 - 8 Stages -Asphalt - 149.22kms 7 crews restarted including Yvan Muller. It was another damp day and Loeb saw the chance to cement his grip· on the event. The first two stages were quite different in character to those the day before, narrower, low level, straight and corners, with several intentional stretches of gravel, but halfway through the second stage of the loop it was more mountain-ous and the roads more flowing and not so fast. On the first stage Latvala slid into some rocks, for-tunately, doing negligible damage but this upset his rhythm for the rest of the stage and that let Pet-ter Solberg past. On the second stage Kimi Raikkonen went off the road and got stuck without any available spectators to help. He eventually resumed but lost nearly a half minute, "Stupid low speed accident". The third stage of the loop was the big one, 35km long and where Loeb the King showed his true style. He was fastest by 18 seconds! Ogier slid off into a tree, happily without damage, but lost touch with second placed Sordo. By the midday halt Loeb's position seemed insurmountable, "It has been a very good morning, we have done two very good times. I pushed hard in stages where I felt comfortable. This afternoon will be very tricky. Again I had the advantage of driving first car on the road this morning, I am wondering what to do this afternoon!" Khalid Al Qassimi had a miserable time when he went off and dropped a couple of minutes while spectators pushed him back again, he also dropped onds ahead of Latvala. Raikkonen stopped when he slid wide and his Citroen got beached beside the road. On the final stage of the day Latvala spun and dropped to 20 seconds behind Solberg who was eyeing the car of Sordo, which was just over a half minute ahead of him. Federico Villagra went off the road into a vineyard and emerged with his engine covered with grapes. Through the day the organisers had problems with the number of spectators and the delays increased. Only one of the special stages held so far on Day 2 had started at the originally scheduled time. Meanwhile there was curiosity about the hopes for Ogier. If he restarted the final day, he would still be in seventh (manufacturers) position, notwith-standing the penalties for missing a couple of stages. In SWRC only Vigion (engine failure) was unable to restart. After the second stage of the day Sandell was just 1.6 seconds be-hind Brynildsen. Ketomaa had got ahead of Kosciuszko who lost a minute going off into some vine-yards and then had a spin. Pons had begun his recovery and was now fourth. Sandell then had a couple of spins and Brynildsen was some 20 seconds ahead. The long face belonged to Prokop, "Ev-erything went wrong yesterday and we have no hope of recovering!" Pons was struggling, admitting to a few spins. Llovera stopped with gearbox failure. Then there was drama on the final stage of the day when the long time leader Brynildsen punctured, and dropped 14 seconds, and Sandell was into the lead. Brynildsen was more determined than ever, "I don't do second, tomorrow I will win ... " Sandell had a non functioning fuel gauge and found he had been carrying far too much fuel. Ketomaa had an electronic problem which caused the engine to cut out. Sousa reported he had a very long spin. In the non-cham-pionship S2000s, Mikkelsen had rear differential problems which caused a loss of traction and on the final stage he was forced to slow with a repeat of the vibration caused by the propshaft. Ostberg had a broken cross-member and then slid into a bank when he had to edge one wheel off the road in order to avoid Raikkonen's strand-ed car. Henning meanwhile con-tinued to beam from ear to ear, as did his guest codriver Stephane Prevot, who said, "This is far more exciting than WRC ... !" In PCWRC the cars of Horsey and Barroso were too badly dam-aged to restart. Araujo was in a class of his own, winning stage after stage. After the second stage of the day he was a minute in front of Grondal, who had a spin. Jourdain had two punctures. Raschi had a puncture on stage ten. Arai stopped to change a flat tyre in stage 11. Pad don slid off into ·the vinyards on stage nine and then had bent steering two stages later. Gianluca Linari slid off the road on stage 12 and could not get back again. Fabio Frisiero rolled on the penultimate stage at the same place where Paddon had two punctures when he clipped a rock but only had one spare (so he stopped). Araujo was now cruising and suddenly his lead was increased further when Grondal Jari Ketomaa and Mika Stenberg were the 11th overall finishers in the Rally Of France, here at high speed on the course. had two punctures on the final stage of the day and he was unable to drive to the service because he only had one spare tyre. Grondal, "I feel sure the tyres pulled off the rims because we had a long wait at the start of the stage, and the tyres had cooled down. Benefit-ing from Grondal's problem was Tanak, now up to second. In JWRC Lemes, Broccolr and Abbring were all missing at the restart. After two stages leader Neuville was more than a minute ahead of Weijs but then had a slow puncture on the third stage and lost a minute and dropped to fourth. Weijs was in the lead with Arzeno in third, who took a risk and fitted dry tyres, a mistake, and dropped to fourth. Ancian was ly-ing second despite going off at the end of stage 12 on the flying finish and destroying an organisers' tim-ing sensor. Mystery of the JWRC was the inexplicable lack of pace shown by Aaron Burkart, quite out of form, quite apart from losing time with two punctures on stage 11. On the penultimate stage of the day three of the top four JWRC cars all punctured, Ancian took the lead, over a min-ute ahead of Weijs, Neuville and Arzeno. Day 3 - 3 Stages -Asphalt - 33.lOkms The Stewards were as usual at work overnight. A French Mit-subishi privateer driver Jen Pascal Besson was a regular for them, firstly he was discovered as having short-length underwear, penalty Euros 300 and then when his fuel was analysed it was found to con-tain far too much ethanol con-tent. He explained that this was the usual French gravel rally and rally raid fuel, penalty - exclusion. JWRC driver Slalov was found to have hand-cut his tyres in a remote Continued on page 40 off the leader board, let-----------------------------------------------------------ting Henning Solberg's and Eyvind Brynildsen's S2000 cars up in to the top ten. The most miserable driver of all, however, was Hirvonen, completely at sea in the con-ditions and now nearly two minutes behind his team-mate Latvala. He had no idea what his problem was. Another driver in trouble was Muller, delayed when a wheel broke. After the midday halt the rain had gone away and the stages dried out fast. On stage 15, repeat of the longest stage, Ogier went off and damaged the front suspension which livened up the battle for places. Petter was fastest, scoring his first scratch time of the event, and as the sun came out Hirvonen finally perked up and was second quick-est, quite his best stage of the rally - despite a broken wheel. Petter was up to third place 35.1 seconds behind Sordo and 12.3 sec-Dusty Times 53rd Rallye de France (F) Strasbourg 1/3.10.2010 WCR round 11, SWRC/WRCC round 9, PCWRC round 8, JWRC round 5 WCR WCD S PC 1 (1) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena F/MC Citroen C4 WAC AL791AR (F) 3h.05m.49.3s. 2 (2) Dani SORDO/Diego Vallejo E Citroen C4 WAC AL934PD (F) 3h.06m.25.0s. 3 (11) Petter Solberg/Chris Patterson N/GB Citroen C4 WAC AP607AM (F) 3h.07m.06.1s. WCR points J 25 18 4 (4) Jari-Matti LATVALA/Miikka Anttila FIN Ford Focus RS WAC PX08A)(B (GB) 3h.07m.18.6s. 5 (3) Mikko HIRVONEN/Jarmo Lehtinen FIN Ford Focus RS WAC BK08LCW (GB) 3h.09m.33.1 s. 6 (7) Sebastien OGIER/Julien Ingrassia F Citroen C4 WAC AJ607MN (F) 3h.17m.45.2s.(2) 10 7 (9) Federico VILLAGRA/Diego Curletto RA Ford Focus RS WAC EU07SUF (GB) 3h.20m.04.7s. 8 (5) Matthew WILSON/Scott Martin GB Ford Focus RS WAC 1 ES (GB) 3h.20m.16.2s. 6 9 (16) Henning Solberg/Stephane Prevot N/B Ford Fiesta S2000 N PX10ATZ (GB) 3h.22m.38.2s.# 10 (24) Patrik SandelVEmil Axelsson S Skoda Fabia S2000 SWRC Kl207BZ (A) 3h.23m.01 .6s. 11 (29) Jari Ketomaa/Mika Stenberg FIN Ford Fiesta S2000 SWRC PX59ATZ (GB) 3h.24m.57.6s. 12 (43) Ken BLOCK/Alex Gelsomino USA Ford Focus RS WAC EA07RGZ (GB) 3h.25m.34.5s. 13 (14) Khalid Al QassimVMichael Orr UAE/GB Ford Focus RS WAC AG57CKA (GB) 3h.25m.35.5s. 25 18 15 15 12 8 8 4 4 14 (23) Michal Kosciuszko/Maciek Szczepaniak PL Skoda Fabia S2000 SWRC NM-04790 (D) 3h.26m.08.6s. 15 (28) Xavier Pons/Alex Haro E Ford Fiesta S2000 SWRC PX59AVU (GB) 3h.26m.09.6s. 16 (31) Arminda Araujo/Miguel Ramalho P Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X PCWRC EC146FZ (I) 3h.28m.48.1s. 17 (17) Denis Kuipers/Frederic Miclotte NUB Ford Fiesta S2000 N MM59ORT (GB) 3h.28m.56.9s. 18 (79) Andreas Mikkelsen/Ola Floene N Skoda Fabia S2000 N NM-04795 (D) 3h.29m.59.1s. 19 (40) Ott Tanak/Kuldar Sikk EE Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X PCWRC• DZ214ZS (I) 3h.31 m.14.7s. 20 (25) Eyvind Brynildsen/Cato Menkerud N Skoda Fabia S2000 SWRC 14R 0200 (CZ) 3h.32m.37.7s. 21 (21) Martin Prokop/Jan Tomanek CZ Ford Fiesta S2000 SWRC 06R 0024 (CZ) 3h.33m.03.7s. 22 (149) Jeremi Ancian/Damien Mezy F Suzuki Swift S1600 JWRC HP-SR138 (D) 3h.34m.09.2s. 23 (32) Toshi Aral/Daniel Barritt J/GB Subaru lmpreza N14 PCWRC GMG301NA9888 (J) 3h.34m.19.3s. 24 (123) Hans Weijs/Bjorn Degandt NUB Citroen C2 S1600 JWRC 80-LGG-1 (NL) 3h.35m.13.3s. 26 (39) Alex RaschVSilvio Stefanelli RSM/I Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X PCWRC• DS703PC (I) 3h.36m.34.8s. 27 (129) Thierry Neuville/Nicolas Klinger B/F Citroen C2 S1600 JWRC AR906MH (F) 3h.36m.51.2s. 29 (46) Anders GrondaVVeronica Engan N Subaru lmpreza N14 PCWRC OU10HZY (GB) 3h.39m.39.0s.(1) 30 (132) Mathieu Arzeno/Ronaud Jamoul F/B Citroen C2 S1600 JWRC AN789MT (F) 3h.40m.26.1s. 31 (45) Wang RuVYiping Chen CN Subaru lmpreza N14 PCWRC OU10ADX 3h.41m.22.7s. 32 (26) Bernardo Sousa/Nuno Silva P Ford Fiesta S2000 SWRC PX10AOG (GB) 3h.42m.47.1s.(2) 35 (38) Hayden Paddon/John Kennard NZ Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X PCWRC• DS705PC (I) 3h.49m.54.1s.(3) 36 (121) Aaron Burkart/Andre Kachel D Suzuki Swift S1600 JWRC SSE002 (H) 3h.49m.55.0s. 37 (126) Todor Slavov/Dobromir Filipov BG Renault Clio R3 JWRC B4333KP (BG) 3h.50m.23.3s. 38 (54) Michel Jourdain/Oscar Sanchez MEX/E Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X PCWRC 6394GYH (E) 3h.51 m.08.2s. 39 (128) Harry HunVSebastian Marshall GB Ford Fiesta R2 JWRC PX09AUC (GB) 3h.53m.52.0s. 41 (18) Mads Ostberg/Jonas Anderssqn N/S Ford Fiesta S2000 N PX10AVW (GB) 3h.57m.25.4s.(7) 43 (50) Julien Maurin/Gilles Thimonnier F Ford Fiesta S2000 SWRC AR309LR (F) 3h.59m.58.2s. 47 (30) Albert Llovera/Borja Rozada ANDIE Fiat Grande Punto S2000 SWRC DK0TTGT (1)4h.10m.07.4s.(7) 48 (36) Nick Georgiou/Joseph Matar RL Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X PCWRC• DS701 PC (I) 4h.11 m.45.1s.(7) 67 (10 SWRC/14 PCWRC/10 JWRC) starters. 49 (9 SWRC/9 PCWRC/7 JWRC) finishers. MANUFACTURERS' REGISTERED DRIVER. #Group N winner. •=Pirelli Star Driver. (Missed stages or road sections) Winner's average speed over stages 105.97kph. November 2010 12 10 6 2 25 12 18 8 2 18 25 10 8 15 6 4 15 25 18 12 15 10 12 6 10 8 4 6 2 Page 39

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service, unaware that this was only permitted (for the JWRC) in the main s r".ki:!1~itl(: pehalty three minute .l1'Ahother JWRC driver in trouble was Valdez, for failing to enter this event, given the usual hefty fine and having his licence suspended. The fever in Strasbourg was unbounded. Rally veterans said they could not remember such large crowds lining even the road sections in the 30 years, maybe since the original Argentina WRC events. Even at 0700 Sebastien Loeb was being mobbed by auto-graph hunting fans as he arrived at the pare ferme ready for the final leg of the rally. Things were looking good. The weather at last was clear and sunny, for only the second time this rally a stage started at its originally scheduled time. Ken Block had only four more stages to clear before finally completing the route of a W RC event. The man who had rallied at 200kph on ice without studs in the USA said that was not half as tricky as this event. Raikkonen and Frisiero both declined to re-. start so 51 cars set off for the last four stages, two round the military ground at Bitche, and two round Loeb's birthplace. Once again the top drivers all selected scift tyres. Behind Loeb the gloves were off. Petter Solberg wanted to catch Sordo and take second, Latvala wanted to catch Petter for third. Lataval damaged the side of his car on a chicane at Haguenau. Then on the second stage Wilson's clutch started slipping, which al-lowed Villagra to pull in front of him. After the first two stages all that remained was another run through their miliary stage and a return to Haguenau, but spectator issues caused the second military stage (19) to be cancelled thus ef-fectively ending the hopes of all, except for Citroen who in one rally had gained the two major titles in the sport. Sandell continued to hold the lead in the SWRC, ahead of Brynildsen, Ketomaa and Kos-ciuszko. On what proved to be the penultimate stage E.yvind Brynild-sen slid off the road and rolled. Sandell's lead was increased to over two minutes but now in front of Ketomaa. Pons fought hard and got ahead of Kosciuszko into third after stage 18 but after the final stage the positions were reversed again and Kosciuszko finished third ahead of Pons while Brynildsen had dropped back to finish fifth. In PCWRC Araujo cruised home but had a last minute scare when a brake pipe broke on the multi-lap final stage. He lost a lot of time pulling over so as not to block other cars but he was still over two minutes in front of Tanak. Third place Arai made some best times, but he was over three minutes behind the Estonian. All seven remaining cars in JWRC restarted for the final day and reached the finish. Victory for Julien Ancian brought a sec-ond win to Suzuki this year, equal-ling Citroens wins in the category. The other places all went to regu-lar competitors with Weijs second ahead of Neuville and Arzeno. As the premier titles were settled in favour of Sebastien Loeb and Citroen Total WRT, the contenders in the support series had narrowed. Xevi Pons has held the lead in the SWRC since April and going to the final qualifying event leads Jari Ket"omaa by seven points and Patrick Sandell by just nine points ... Out of contention now is the reigning JWRC champion Martin Prokop, although he holds second place after France. Armindo Araujo retook the lead in the PCWRC from Patrik Flodin, who did not start here. Araujo, the reigning champion in the category goes to the final round 18 points ahead of Flo-din, his only remaining rival. Aaron Burkart continues to lead the JWRC after an appalling rally where he was off the pace throughout. Seven points adrift of Burkart is Hans Weijs, exactly the number of points Weijs lost to the winning guest driver here. Karl Kruuda also still has the chance of the title but as he is just 17 years of age and therefore not allowed to drive on Spanish roads, he will not be able to com-pete on the final round. With the major titles secured and only two rounds of the 2010 calendar to run, what are the chances of Dani Sordo winning the next round, and his home event, in Spain? For more than a day of the 2009 event the greatest gap between him and Loeb was 2.1 seconds, he has now secured 2nd place 17 times out of the 82 WRC starts he has made, but can he go one better? We will know soon enough. lJ\J2C:: Christmas· Is coming!!!!!!!!!!! It's coming Fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's Time To Get Those Dusty Times Subscriptions For Your Family And crew . . It's Time To Get An Ad Together Por Printing In Dusty Times, Thanking Your FQmily And crew For All Their Help During The Year. Most Of All, Think Christmas, Family And Friends And, Above All, Think Of The Kids And How Lucky You Are To Live Where You -Live And Do What You Do. Page 40 November 2010 Dusty Times

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"As the first BFGoodrich win-ter tire to be introduced in years, we knew that the Winter Slalom KSI needed to excite consumers and enthusiasts alike," said An-drew Koury, BFGoodrich Tires brand category manager, ultra-high performance and winter tires. "The BFGoodrich Winter Slalom KSI tire provides the kind of control drivers expect from the BFGoodrich Tires brand while also providing that BFGoodrich attitude we know and love." On sale now, the Winter Sla-lom KSI is offered in 36 sizes ranging from 14 to 17 inches in diameter, with a broad range of fitments for cars, SUVs and light trucks. Key features for the BF-Goodrich Winter Slalom KSI tire include: • 49 meters of high-sipe den-sity; Designed with maximum biting edges for winter grip. • Extra-long sipe length; Provides tenacious winter traction edge grip. • Optimized mould profile; Mini-mizes footprint stress in contact with the road for long tread life. • Full lateral grooves; Provides depth for hydroplaning resis-tance and deep snow traction, along with increased void for better evacuation and improved winter performance and wear. • Diamond cut block edges with sloping tread element shape; Cutting edge appearance adds block rigidly for improved wear and handling on ice, snow, slush and wet and dry roads. • Nylon cap to enable S-speed rating; Capable of speeds up to 112 mph. • Winter regenerating com-pounds; features micro-pores that provide grip mechanism for con-tinued traction on ice and snow. Additionally, BFGoodrich Tires' Equal Tension Contain-ment (ETEC) System™ maintains the tread footprint for consistent high-speed control. The BFGo-odrich Winter Slalom tire is also equipped with balanced winter · compounds, a unique rubber com-pound mix that provides an opti-mized balance of winter traction wi.thout significant compromise to wet grip. Using motorsports as a proving ground for more than 40 years, BFGoodrich® Tires is involved in every type of racing, including oval, sports car, drifting, drag, desert, dirt, rally and extreme rock crawling. BFGoodrich Tires combines technological expertise Dusty Times with vast motorsports experience, delivering a high-performante tire for every type of vehicle. Visit BFGoodrich Tires at OUTSTANDING 11.:S BFGoodrich® Tires Recog-nizes Yacolt Burn in Wash-ington as Part of the 2010 Outstanding Trails Washougal, Wash. (Oct. 18, 2010) - Located just east of Van-couver, Washington, in the south-western corner of the Yacolt Burn State Forest, Yacolt Bum was hon-ored this past weekend by BFGo-odrich® Tires as one of the 2010 Outstanding Trails. Off-road enthusiasts and members of the Piston's Wild Motorsports club took part in the weekend event as BFGoodrich Tires presented a grant of $4,000 to the club. The grant will be used to her p the Pis-ton's Wild Motorsports club and others design the trail system and offset some of the costs of getting the area open to off-highway users. The Piston's Wild Motorsports club is a not-for-profit organiza-tion that works to create a legal, safe and unique off-highway ve-hicle (OHV) trail system in the Yacolt Burn State Forest area for the riding public to experience and enjoy. BFGoodrich Tires, working in conjunction with Tread Lightly!® and United Four Wheel Drive As-sociations (UFWDA), chose the Yacolt Burn trail system because of its scenic beauty and potential it presents to off.road enthusi-asts. Piston's Wild Motorsports is working closely with the Wash-ington State Department of Natu-ral Resources (DNR) and other motorized user groups to design this diverse and challenging trail system for all off-road enthusiasts. Construction for the trail is in full force and opening date for public access to the trails is yet to be announced (mid-summer to late 2011 is hoped). Upon comple-tion, the Yacolt Burn off-road recreation area will offer 30-plus miles of four-wheel trails, and 40-plus miles of trails for all-terrain vehicles (ATVs). "Offering spectacular views of the Cascade Mountains and remarkable scenery Yacolt Burn will bring off-road enthusiasts an experience that is worth looking forward to," said Steve Calder, product category manager, light truck off-road and commercial, BFGoodrich Tires. "We're hon-ored to provide the Piston's Wild Motorsports club with a grant to help in the conservation efforts for this amazing off-road traH system." In addition to the existing Jones Creek Trailhead, the plan also makes room for a large camp-ground and trailhead in the heart of the forest. Elevations in the planning area range from 600 feet to 3,500 feet and major streams within the south part of the planning area flow south to the Washougal River, leading to the stunning Columbia River Gorge. Plans to create trails and features that will range from mild to wild '-re set, with the intention of creat-ing an OHV recreation area. "It was such an honor just to be nominated for this award," said Crystal Crowder, president of the Piston's Wild Motorsports club. "To actually be added to the list of remarkable clubs and trails speaks volumes about each individual member in this club who has worked so hard to reclaim access for 4x4's in the Yacolt Burn State Forest." Celebrating its five-year an-niversary, the BFGoodrich Tires Outstanding Trails program is dedicated to the responsible use, and preservation of, off-road trails while providing aid in the trails' conservation efforts. Since its inception, the Outstanding Trails program has recognized 19 off-road trails in 16 states and two in Canada. The program has also given more than $70,000 in grants to clubs and seen more than 2,500 participants at trail events. Both Tread Lightly! And UF-WDA are non-profit organiza-tions dedicated to responsible and ethical outdoor recreation. BFGoodrich Tires collaborated with these two groups to select the finest off-road trails, and will continue to work with these or-ganizations on restoration and education initiatives. United Four Wheel Drive As-sociations is the world's leading representative of all-brand four wheel-drive enthusiasts. UFWDA benefits, developed and tested true over the past 30 years, in-clude four wheel drive safety and awareness education; user ethics programs such as adopt-a-road, conservation volunteer, and vol-unteer trail patrol; assistance with new club formation; education seminars to aid four wheelers through complex state and fed-eral programs affecting trail ac-cess; internet forums designed to connect members globally and instantaneously; and unrestrained member access to its full-time legislative advocate and nation-ally-recognized attorney working exclusively for four wheel drive enthusiasts to protect access and prevent road and trail closures. For more information on the UF-WDA log on to or call toll free 1-800-44-UFWDA (800-448-3932). Tread Lightly!® is a national nonprofit organization with a mis-sion to promote responsible rec-reation through ethics education and stewardship. Tread Lightly!'s strategic educational message, along with its training and resto-ration initiatives are designed to instill an ethic of responsibility in outdoor enthusiasts and the industries that serve them. The program is long-term in scope with a goal to balance the needs of the people who enjoy out-door recreation with the needs of the environment. The federal government recognizes this by ac-knowledging Tread Lightly! as a sole-source service provider of education and training on how to be environmentally and socially responsible while using motorized and mechanized vehicles in off-highway settings. Using motorsports as a proving ground for more than 40 years, BFGoodrich® Tires is involved in every type of racing, including oval, sports car, drifting, drag, desert, dirt, rally and extreme rock crawling. BFGoodrich Tires combines technological expertise with vast motorsports experience, delivering a high-performance tire for every type of vehicle. Visit BFGoodrich Tires at November 2010 HIGHLIGHTS CHECKERS REPORT By El Chinero The Checkers donated $2,500 to the Cedars-Sinai Breast Cancer Fund - derived from their multi-pit support of the M.O.R.E. "Powder Puff" event. (The "PP" reportedly dragged in over $50,000!) LOWLIGHTS None: An Era Of Good Feeling! CHECKERED CAREERS George Seeley started his on-slaught into the Class 5 ranks like a latter-day Al Capone: as a furniture dealer (Not to be confused with the Seeley "Pos-turepedic" mattresses, however.) (The perennial class champ -nine times! -is currently taking a well-deserved rest; and now look how the class has petered out. A sad day ... ) (George) Seeley's Furniture is a venerable furniture store in Glendale at the corner of Brand Blvd. and San Fernando Rd. Seeley's closed in the late 1990s and the building has been vacant since. The building is from 1925 designed in the Com-mercial Spanish Baroque and was remodeled in stylish "Streamline Moderne" in 1946. The signs are lit for film shoots. -the his-toric building has been preserved and is eligible for listing on the "National Register of Historic Places." George's first 5/1600 was equally hysterical, er, histori-cal, and should be cosmolined for perpetuity. (MIL-C-11796C Class 3) Top Tip: "Due to its ge-latinous nature, cosmoline can be difficult to remove completely." Check the Art Deco font on the company's name: ing/ seeley. html George now runs his wife's mat-rimonial garb outlet - "Magnolia Gowns & Bridal" -but he needs a D-I-V-0-R-C-E gown shop! Bob is a long-time buddy of Bob Yen. EVENTS! M.O.R.E. "Powder Puff", Oc-Page 41

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Good stuff Directory Air Cleaners for Off-Road Racing. From Baja to Dakar. For a list of dealers visit our website al: fiMiSI~ CRAFT •Race Cars • Prerunners •Dual Sports JOHN COOLEY 10815 Wheatlands Avenue, Suite I• Santee, CA 92071 619.596.9841 • Fax 619.596,2742 Ott-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabncalion Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages Ford Truck Specialist • 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6}51 Phone: (714) 27~ BRANDWOOD CARS Shifter for mid-engines and other applications 602-437-3107 Custom Vehicle Offroad to Street, Prerunner to Race -Chassis Design -Race Prep -All General Fabrication 760-949-3907 17459 Lilac St #E Hesperia CA 92345 CACTUS RACING Raceair Helmets & Accessories Bell, Shoei, Simpson Blower systems & cool boxes 619-482-6700 708 Rocking Horse Dr., Chula Vista, CA 91414 For The Price Of A Phone call And A Few Bucks A Month Your Ad could Be Here 818-882-0004 CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN 39067 ORCHARD ST. CHERRY VALLEY CA. 92223 PH#/ (951) 845-8820 produl-1:s in stock Boatec Fiberglass Dimple Dies Tubing Benders Bypass Valves + tubes Sway-bar Arms Race Proven Fabrication Pre-runners Desert Trucks Short Course trucks Paris-Dakar trucks l ClUALITV llEADLCCK WHEEL& S INCE 1966 1511--1611--1711 ALL ALUMINUM BEADLOCK WHEELS AND CONVERSIONS CHAIVIPION VVHEEL CO. INC. -,91537 COLLIER(9f51) 471-2183 LAKE ELSINORE, CA eee:3-, 'W\N'W.CHAMPIONWHl!l!L.CDM 227 cane Pintoresco San Clemente, CA 92672 FLOATER REAR ENDS • FRONT HUBS • AXLES BALL JOINTS •TORSION BARS • KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane• Templeton, CA. 93465 OFFICIAL RACE FUELS FUEL OF NASCAR 1 (800) 54-COSBY COSBY OIL COMPANY, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA a-:-'-"..a..,.__~a...;.&...:11..&.-=--Speeia1iahyc ha... aa.--.. ............ B.wlaatl ...... ....... ..,... ..,.._,.. ltnlalff~

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D!\VIS HEAl>ERS ' ·~~, \·.,,..,,_,..,_~wf~--... - , ~IS· 949.244.8852 1835 JQhl'I T~ Ave. IA t!JC~CAS202 1543 W. 16th Street Long Beach, California 90813 lll:a PBIU'ORIIIIOE 1558 No. Case• Orange, CA 92867 {714) 637-2889 • Fax (714} 637-7352 (619) 448-3932 Fax (619)448·3662 BRIAN BUSBY CELL (949) 870-5773 (562) 432-3946 FAX (562) 432-7969 We Use And Rt>commend RACING ENGINES AND 0FFROAD p ARTS Send or call for our nc\\ catalog $5.00 Offroad • Race Sand Car Parts 9299 W. Olive Ste, 610 Peoria AZ 85345 Phone (623) 433-8643 Fax (623) 243-6368 e-mail: web: OFFROAD SIDE X SIDE ATV MOTO 10943 WHEATLANOS AVE. SUITE B SANTEE, CA 92071 USA TEl 800.FOX.SHOX 'El 619.768.1800 ,., 619.596.3740 WEB WWW.FOXRACINGSHOX.COM II al QI "' QI c:; i CID ~ t: QI .a ~ For A Few Bucks You can Increase Your Productivity 818·882·0004 HONDA WtiLUtJ · $ .SUZUKI SEOt...-lD (818) 766-6134 (800) 800-6134 FAX (818)'766-9397 (760)240-8615 Phone (909)633,5300 Cell (760)240-8938 Fax BILL ROBERTSON & SONS, INC. 5626 TUJUNGA AVE. NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA. 91601 Damen Jefferies JEFFEAI 1' ,,. 1./I I'\( I "•'l' ,1 /,,,n 11 ,, / 1f1 ,i, ,, ,, t, , ,1 Off-Road Race Prep & Fabrication Kevin Jensen Apple Valley, CA (760) 963-4206 Fax (760) 240-5083 Mike Julson 1M26 Wh•atlanda Court SantH, CA 92071 619-596-3360 619-596-3364fax JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Quality Racing Transaxles Mendeola Dealer Off Road • Sand Specialist JOE GIFFIN (714) 6J2-12AO rax(7l4)632-1??3 Email: www 3061 E. ~ Jolla St. An3hc:im. California 92806 JON KINNE 520 Railroad St., Corona, CA 92882 Tel. 951-278-2233• Fax: 95 l-278-8335• C 8 C J N A • Custom Alternators • Complete Wiring • Custom Fab • Exhaust & Muffler • Prep & Finish Work HONDA Equipment OUT tlOAIJO EffGINE • GENERATOII SPECIAUST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. ART KAWAGUCHI 3532 UST 3110 ST. fax 323-264-2136 LOS ANGEi.ES, CA 90063 323-264-3936> KINS OFF-ROAD RACINQ SHOCl<S • Pure Race Shocks Custom Bullt for Every Customer OEM Bolt-On Shock Kits UTV Performance .Shock Kits Superior Shock Service 114-530-B701 -

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BOAT SERVICE ~ iAKFiANIJ JIM/NF FACTORY AUTHORIZfD SALES & SERV1Cf CENTER PW#ialf ~~s:,,,s. RlcHlf HUD50N 928•453• 1155,cspe<> 1625 West Acoma Baulevo.-d • lake Hovo,u Gty, Arizona 86403 POWER E STEERING THOMAS£LEE LEE MFG. CO. 11681 PENDLET'OO&TAHT SUN VALLEY, CA 11352 FAX (818) 798-2U7 (818) 7e&-o371 A tull l!f\41 of Pow« StNring ~ pumps and acceMOliel for any type of racing. Magnallux and Z~ far:iltti• available. •cntomCllaltis •Race Prep 'Aluminum Wont "WIiding Engineering •Magnaflux FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 (909) 596-5497 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 M!aSJ.tErCEaif't4 SAFETY' SEATING • RESTRAINTS , LIMIT STRAPS , NET S • BAGS • RACE SUITS 9335 STEVENS ROAD SANTEE, CA 92071 T. 6 1 9 449 9455 F'. 6 1 9 449 9454 MastErCraftsAFETYoom ~ OFFROAD IS OUR BUSINESS 807 E. OrangethorpeAve. Ste. A ph 714-441-1212 Anaheim CA, 92801 fx 714-441-1622 r,1(]TtJR¥ ,'IE/f/OEtJL,4 R,4{]E REB«ILO.f {]ERT1rlEO ,1{]/0{] ;l/,1f/,4/,1rLCf)(@ {]ERT1FIEO .flltJT PEE,4//,4/(/ 1695 CACTUS RD. T. (619) 710-8800 SAN DIEGO, CA 92154 F. (619) 710-1640 619-562-5533 Ml Todd Dwyer 1900 Compton Ave. Suite 101, Corona, CA 92881 Phone (9511817-0101 Ext. 156 Off Rood Fabrication and Design . • Sand '41-s • Trucks • RoceCcrs •Pruunnu-s • Rally Cars • Custom Func'fion/Strengtl,/Sofe ty/Pruk MO<k by Hand 111 the USA JOHN MOSELEY Ownu/fobncotor - .moseb,11.con, 236 JOSOI\ Court Cor-ono. Cl. 92879 951-272-3026 Fox 951-272•0776 Mso· • t.:J l IL J f. 1 :' ■ •4,.a:11 t••4,.,"'J! • VDUR COMPLETE IGINITIDN SOURCE AUTOTRONIC CONTROL& CORPORATION '1 4!.J(J 1-ir-"Nnv U"4ENNA1',r OH , l r A !'-"3LJ. T)( 7f'JS:3U 1915! 857-!\:>fm • r~l'.>I ti>.!' 1q1~1 855 /123 • V1Str OUA W£11 Slit .,,,.. msd,g,won com We can Beadlock YOUR RIMS!! Sizes to tit aost ATV l AUTOMOTIVE applications POLISHED & COLORED FINISHES SCAU OPED OR CONVENTIONAL Reinforcing Also Available Phone - ( 951 ) 354-8272 WWW .OMFPERFORMANCE. cont mJ60.S906 9SIJ60.0436 fu 3834 Wacker Drivt Mira Loma, (A 911SZ 1660 Babcock, Building B Costa Mesa, CA 92627 TEL [949) 65G-3035 . FAX [949) 65G4721 Jerry Penhall Hi-Performance Equipment 'Suspension • Safety • Driveline • Accessories (619) 691-9171 (619) 691-9174 (619) 691-0803 (FAX) 103 Press Lane. Suite 14 Chula Vista, CA 91910 e-mail: rprodt@aol,com

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Craig Stewart Phone: 619-44~ Fmr, 619•<140•767" Celt, 619-'126-e891 Fabrication & Race Preparation 9-ffllAbtahomWa,,; Santa, CA 92071 ,rc;,iv@'« snoiem cam la's laf9U1 DI SalM& Service ot Me~ldell,ta nusaidts PH: 114.680.6731 • Fl: 114.680.3110 Toll free: 800.304.8726 IO 1 5 E. Elm Avenue, Fullerton, CA 9 2 8 3 1 will get vou in gear 34555.PlllflS##i l11U11p1.-.a 1111! SJHilllllll I : -sw111a11a -IHIU-81-114 ......... -ae■•la -AlliU Jouu.•11111 171!1 HMUJ fiiiJ SANDERS SERVICE, INC. L~ METAL PROCESSING 5921 Wllm~on A.,.e., Los Antlt'IM, CA 90001 (323) 5!0-2404 I-AX l323) .S 3-3%5 SANDBl.AST-GI AS BEAD·MAGNETJ . PI\RTI<.:LE FLOUR.I: · 'E1''T I SPEC'l10, MAR.KSMITH SUSPENSION INNOVATION MOTORSPORTS INC. Tel:562.903.1625 Fax:562.777.2593 12345 Florence Ave. LARRY SMITH Tom McKenzie fj/ffj.~ TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821 -(714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 • RACEFUELS Paul Oil Company 1209) 847-2281 [8001527-6090 FAX 12091847-9726 P.O. Box 248 • 524 N. Sierra 1-. 'WESTERN DIVISION Oakdale. California 95361 2180 Collev• Drive• Lake Havuu City• AZ. 86403 Call Toll Free: 877-627-8852 or E-Mail: • Hi Performance Converters Custom Length Axles • • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed Hubs • (for Race• Recreation) Input Shafts• American Made Excellence!! :»fr. Off-Road and Bolt-On to Street Fiberglass for: ·'Ford. Chevy and Toyota" Trucks Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1261 N. Buena Vista St. , ~et Ca. 92543 Ph: 951.{;54-7334 FD! 951.{;54-2:375 See a list of our product&,;tt our web site: http:/ ; .... Lonely Long Advertising Term Space Relationship Looking Call For (818> 882·DDD, .1 USix'tE ENGlrtEE~NG JEFF FIELD (818) 99S.2739 NS WEST 9763 Variel Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES Kevin Pirtle 22545 South Normandie Ave. Torrance, California 90501 310.782.2413 fax 310.782.3772 (619) 596-8033 1000 w . B r dley, Uni! a I Cajon, C A 92020 Carlos Orozco ~=..:..PAIR eeC/Jll.flNGS«(rRAP/IC,i< HMVS., •J:W'J ro ~ NWNTeMJ.NC/4f!im/A'M: ,-J,Jl1~1Ht:-• -760-949-1220, Adam Wik SCORE ENGINE BUILDER OFTHEYEAR 994, 1998, 1999,2000 . From Partt To Complete engine, 3265 W. Birtcher Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89118 702-837-2522 5P£CIALIZ£D WIRING, CDMMUNICATIDNS, AND REPAIRS F"'OR: lace cars -TnPhV Trucks -Pre-ru ers Chase Vehicles -Dual soon cars (760) B03-69S5 MARC WADDELL, PRESIDENT W IREFAB@SBCGLCBAL. NET TR/INS DISTRIBUTOR Performance Trans Off Road Street Trans Lorenzo Rodriguez Parts • Service - Transmissions - V. W. -Pone tie Desert, Sand & Drag 850 S. Alta Vista A venue • Monrovia. CA 91016 (626) 305-AACE (7223) •

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Lucas Oil at Speedworld from page 12 seconds behind the leader, JR Guthrie took third place honors, Zachary Hunt finished fourth and Bradlsy Morris was the fifth place finisher. Jerrett Brooks finished sixth in the class, Myles Cheek came in seventh, Blake Lenk finished in eighth place, Rile Herbst finished ninth and ton took the bronze medal home, Micaela Cheek finished first out of the money and Paige Porter took fifth place honors. Hailie Deegan was the sixth place fin-isher, Jeff Hoffman took seventh place, Eddie Tafoya Jr. was the eighth place finisher, Jeremy Davis finished ninth and Jerett Brooks came in 10th. Chad Graham finished 11th, he was the last of the 10 lap finishers, Weston Schuck was shown 12th with 7 laps completed and Shelby An-derson showed 13th with no laps completed. The Kart Modified race on Saturday was 10 laps in length for 16 entrants. 14 of them made all the required laps. When the checkers flew it was Jerett Brooks taking the class win, JR Guthrie · was second, he was almost three second behind the leader, Zach-ary Hunt finished third, another second later in time, Trenton Briley finished in fourth place and Mitchell Dejong took fifth place honors. Sixth place went to Brandon Vermillion, Riley Herbst finished seventh, Brooke Kawell took the eighth spot, Cole Potts finished ninth and Anthony Busnardo rounded out the top 10. Bradley Morris finished in 11th place, Bryan Osborn made it an even dozen, Myles Cheek finished 13th and Sheldon Creed finished 14th. Blake Lenk was 15th with 9 laps completed.and Austin Seif-ert was shown 16th with no laps completed. Sundays Kart Modified race had 13 of .the 16 entrants finish-in all their re uired la s. When the checkered flag flew it was Sheldon Creed taking the win, Mitchell Dejong was second, 3 Tyler Herzog had a very good weekend, he took the gold medal both days in the UYV contests, he's seen here cornering hard right. Brock Heger was the second place finisher in Kart Jr 1 on Saturday, Brock took the gold medal in the Sunday fracas. Bryan Osborn was the 10th place finisher. Cole Potts took the 11th spot, Anthony Busnardo was the 12th place finisher and Brooke Kawell was the 13th and final finisher. Brandon Vermil-lion was shown 14th with 9 laps completed, Austin Seifert fin-ished 15th with 9 laps done and Trenton Briley was 16th, he only completed 2 laps. And so it ended, a good time was had by most of the racers. Next on the Lucas table is Las Ve-gas on November 6 & 7 followed by the closing weekend at Firebird Raceway in Phoenix on December 11 and 12. See a all there! Cole Mamer took the win in the Kart Jr 1 Saturday race, Cole Mamer was a disappointing 13th place finish in the Saturday race. Sheldon Creed was the third place finisher in Kart Jr 2 on Saturday, Sheldon took the gold medal in the Sunday event. Maxwell Ries finished first off the podium in the Saturday Kart Jr 2 Mitchell Dejong was fifth on Saturday in the Kart Modified race, It was a third place finish for Code Rahders on Saturday in the UTV race, Sunday was different as he took a great second place finish. Mitch took a second place finish in the Sunday race. race, Code took a silver medal for his efforts in the Sunday race. SNORE 250 from page 28 drive, noted that he had a three man pit crew, had no problems and averaged 50.3 miles per hour for the race. Travis Bozzano was the second place finisher although he was out there for a god awful long time, seven hours and three minutes to get the checkered flag, but he got it! Serge Bomhard failed to make it all the way home. Class 8 had six trucks entered and fully five of them made it to the end. First in was Mike Szlauko, he had Dominick Marchetti in the right seat. They had top replace a driveshaft but that was the only problem they had and they took the gold medal. Second to finish in class was Rick Harrah, he had Evan Vaughan riding with him. The had three flats along the way and finished 24 minutes out of first place. Terry Evans was the Page 46 third truck in, he was an hour and 10 minutes behind the leader, Joe Patelli finished first off the po-dium, he was another 41 minutes in arrears. Tom Giordano was fifth in, he was another 49 minutes back and Sheldon Paul was the only non-finisher in the class. Class 9 fielded four cars for the SNORE 250 and three of them finished the race. Dalton Davis was the victor, he covered the very long lap at an average speed of 36.6 mph for a really nice win. Cody Rash took silver medal honors, he ran a bit slower at 32.6mph, Kyle Cox took the bronze medal, his speed was 27.6mph. Unable to fin-ish the race was Dustin Kline. Peter Garfinkle took the win in the NAPA Chassis 7S Challenge, he had along ride at 7 hours, 11 minutes to the finish. Kyle Mil-ligan was unable to complete the one lap race. There were seven entrants in the StockBug, fracas four of them made it all the way and when the smoke cleared it was Michael Brenner taking a really nice win. Mark Murrell took second place honors, he was 48 minutes behind the leader, Ed Mahoney was the third Bug in he was another 11 minutes back, Jim Juneau was al-most another hour behind but he did salvage fourth place. Unable to complete the course were, Garey Leavitt, Robert Johnson and Rich-ard Nichols. There was only one entry in the StockFull Class, Lee Creiglow and Lee failed to complete the long lap. Last on the list were the VORE-VC troops. There were three of them entered and the win went to Karman Cusak, Jim Johnson took second place, he was 25 minutes behind the leader and Arturo November 2010 Benavides failed to finish the race. There it is, the end of the 42nd SNORE 250. Next up is the Rage At The River Race on December 10-12 at beautiful, downtown 1-~ Laughlin. See ya all there! Dusty Times

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Checkers Report from page 41 Classified ... tober 9th, 2010, Slash-Xville, CA, USA The Checkers ran seven pits for the ladies ... the $ 100 pit fees were then donated to the Cedars-Sinai fund. $2,500. Entry-Supporting Checkers: Joe "Hauler" Desrosiers - Class 1 -6th, Danny Martin - Class 12 - Win-ner -2nd-OA (Lost a 22-second lst-OA finish after a five-minute pit speeding penalty -figures), Gary Stairs -Class ..J.600 - 7th, Ken Tapert - Class 1600, Mike McGee - Class 10 Pit #l: Art Velasco, Sr., Captain, Art Velas-co, Jr., Mike Wright, Steve-Steve Pit#? Robert "Bullhorn" Harman, Cap-tain, Mike Duenas, Cabin Boy, Steve Harman, Mate, Doug Swartz, Blackie Pit#6 D-Wight "The Kernel" Farell, Cap-tain, Martin Gill, SOI, Mike Mc-Clintock, Sidekick GOOD SAM CLUB: "WHERE THERE'S SMOKE, THERE'S CHECKERS" "After a real easy day of 'Powder Puff pitting, we headed towards I-15S and home. Crossing over, we noticed smoke from a car below us. The car was stopped and had the beginnings of a Car-B-Que (Ed.: + 10). Martin (Gill) saw the fire, also. I grabbed an extin-guisher arid ran over, spraying the car. The guy who was driving the car-o-fire decided to pour his gallon water jug on the engine. Well, he found that burn-ing oil doesn't like water. So I finished off the extinguisher, as Martin arrived, suggesting that we unhook the battery, and we were once again headed home." -Mike McClintock Best In The Desert "Parker Chal-lenge" - Parker, AZ, USA, October 15-17, 2010 Two 32-mile loops per day- BitD's "Laughlin, so to speak. Troubling Days In Checker History: Brian Potts -Class 1000 - DNF "We had a good start but tore my lower A-arm off at RM 13. Made it back to River Road where soine locals 'fed' us beer (Top of the Food Pyramid -Ed.) until we were retrieved. The course was dustier than xxx - but good. Chad went balls-to-the-wall dismantling the front end so we could race on Sunday and completed the task with many thanks to Ryan from TCS, Harley's crew, 1J Flores, and the Lawrences. Sunday went well until the last twelve miles when we came up on a stuck '7200' truck with the driver and codawg running around - which caused us to get stuck. I got out to see ifl could push, while Chad was jawing the driver. (I could hear him over the motor.) The driver came over with a shovel - but Chad scared him off - the driver was running away with shovel in hand. While we were in this cluster we lost two positions. BITD ended up pulling us out. Anyway, pretty good weekend. Brian Harley Letner / Kory Halopoff -Class 1500 -DNF Jimmy Hook -Class 2000 - DNF Mikey Lawrence -Class 1000 -DNS Sunday Rich "Stretch" Severson - Class 7100 - 3rd - "Slice" was the only Checkers finisher! Ryan Plowman-Class 1100 -DNF Ty Godde -Class 1100 -DNF A CHECKER'S PITHY COMMENT "Drivers are supposed to come to the next meeting to give their race reports! But only Ryan Plowman was there!" FUTURE EVENTS SCORE Baja 1000, November 18 -20, 2010, Ensenada, BC to La Paz, BCS,MX Checkers Entries: Danny Martin - Class 1, Kory Halopoff / Harley Lemer - Class 1, Matt Cullen / Billy Robertson / T. Tellier - Class 11 (!), Mikey Lawrence - Class 10: Noah Ostanik - Class 8: Stuart Chase -Class l: Dr. Checker -Pot Stirrer, Kras -Man-Among-Men QUOTABLE CHECKER QUOTE: "Some people believe The Thou-sand' is a matter oflife and death, I am very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that." - Stuart Chase (from Bill Shankly, Liverpool~ football coach) 'W I NOTICb. Some of the items adver-tised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Readers are ad-vised to consult appropriate local or state authorities for information before pur-chase of any specific item. FOR SALE: Best Offer Drives Away! Bronco Pre-Runner built from the ground up by Curt LeDuc, 3 link, Kings, Fox bumps, spool, 37" BFG Projects, KMC Wheels, Radio-Intercom-Top Condition. Call Brad (949) 939-4137. FOR SALE: Truggy Ford 347, Mogi C-6 w/TCS Converter, 9" floater, 14" disc, 6-piston, CNC, Bilstein coils & by-pass, Walker Evans w/BFG's radio GPS, 75 gal cell, Howe Power Steering, Racework SwayBar, Pumper, In-tercom $47,000.00 OBO. Call (619) 488-9108 Sell your vehicles, equipment and bits and pieces right here! Dusty Times has the readership you're looking for so fill out the form below and get your ad in our next issue. FOR SALE: RPS Pro 2, Fox, ProAm, Lee, Chrisman and Cul-hane, No Motor. $110,000.00. Call Justin (949) 280-6722 . FOR SALE: Raceco 4 Seat-er-$23,000.00. T-4 Motor, Bus Trans (new), Sway-A-Way shocks, BTR Wheels, M/T Tires, Beard Seats, CNC frt disc, Foddrill large combo's, 4" Longer laid forward arms, 930 Micro Stubs, Excellent car. Call (714) 815-8466. Comes with spares. FOR SALE: Porter Race Car Class One with New Chevy LS2, Runs on pump gas, 600 HP, Fresh Fortin 4 speed and fresh TCS converter, Fresh prep with axles, CV's and new brakes. Ready to race and win! Huge 10.5' lowrance gps, 2 Halon fire suppression systems, police siren 140 Watt Kenwood, Pei Comm, Billet Mirrors, 8 HID lights, Optional two spare tire car-rier. Best of everything, 4' King Kong Shocks, Pro-Am Hubs and brakes, Howe steering, lots of spares, New Baja Projects. Light, very fast car! Mike (562) 7 56-9231. Price $89,000.00 Quick Sale. FOR SALE: John Deere STX38 Hydro Suburban Lawn Tractor. 12.5 horsepower, 38" mower. Babied all its life. A real buy at $995.00 Call 661-268-1644 for all the particulars. Rb.AL b:>T ATb. U,_A6r;_/Q.r;_NTAL6 Vacation Rental Vacation Rental in the Ex-clusive Indian Wells Coun-try Club in the Sunny Palm Springs area of Southern Cali-fornia! 2 or 3 bedroom fur-nished for your complete relax-ation and if you are a glutton fo r punishment, play golf on 1 or both of the beautiful courses. FYI, wireless inter-net and long distance phone calls (USA) included. Starting at $4,500.00 in season (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr) or $2,300.00 per month not in season. Call (760) 345-6124. INDb..X TO L~.[A/6..R... Tl6b..R..6 Baker Precision Racing Products ..................... 21 BITD Henderson 250 .................. 23 BTR Racing Wheels ..................... 25 Butch's Speed Shop .................... 41 Checkers Off Road Racing T earn ........... 30 CODE Race Ready 275 .................. 2 Fuel Sate Racing Cells ................. 38 Glen Helen Baja Challenge ........... 35 Kar Tek Off Road ........................... 5 Laughlin, NV· SNORE .... Back Cover Lucas Oil A TF Sure-Shift ....................... 13 McKenzie's Performance Products ............ 19 Racer X Motorsports .................. 12 Robby Gordon Off Road .............. 10 Ronco Plastics ............................ 14 SNORE Rage At The River ........................... 26 Spanish Style Home .................... 17 South Point Casino ........................ 9 Transaxle Engineering ................. 11 Tyree Motorsports ...................... 34 Vacation Rental .......................... 31 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in • • • • DUSTY TIMES . • Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. 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