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2009 Volume 26 Number 8 Dusty Times Magazine

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I I N 1 r r r ii s i C t i eyl lo l f r 1 f t 1 f V __ i 9 _ __ _ 1 l jl i l t _ i l

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For Nearly 40 o LESS than the Cost _ of the KC HID POU The incredible 70 Watt HID KC Pooe now has a cousin the new 130 Watt HALOGEN KC Pooe Same distinctive looking 7 1 4 diameter high strength weight saving 100 Carbon Fiber housing Same computer designed multi surface reflector Same virtually unbreakable hard coated Lexane lens Super bright 130 watt halogen bulb and over 370 000 candlepower Includes FREE SHIPPING Plus if you feel the urge down the road it s fully upgradable to the HID model Just change out the bulb add the starter the ballast and presto a 70 watt HID KC POD Get the exciting KC HiLiTES Regularly 24 95 OFFROAD JOURNEY DVD Available at kchilites com now at a special limited Enter coupon code 1999DVD at checkout time online discount price OH r goad uni I 12 J1 lDl19

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rVolume 26 Number a August 2009 DllliYlil IB In This Issue FEATURES Lucas Oil at Elsinore by uay Smith 8 Rally Of Sardinia by Martin Holmes 15 VORRA Spring Special by Troy Robinson 18 Publisher Emeritus B O R E Jean Calvin Baja 500 Part Two by Juay Smith 22 CODE In The Night by Byrle Moore 26 Editor VORRA At Yerington by Troy Robinson 30 John Calvin Tatersall s Finke Race by Ste11e Hilton 34 Aasoc iate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Mubting Pat Caplan Cin ulation Vance Scott Contributon Scott Bottomley J Preston Bradshaw Jim Culp Mike Del Col Nicole Del Col Stew Hilton VictorGazca Martin Holmes RodKoch Byrle Moore Stew Ruddick Maurice Selden Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Tracbide Photo TORC At Crandon by Preston Bradshaw 37 Subscription Rates 25 00 per year 12 issues USA Foreign Subscription rates on request D PARTM NTS Contributions DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions but is not responsible for such material Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope Trail Notes 6 Classified Ads will be published as received prepaid DUSTY ORBA 48 TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors All ads may be subject to editing Good Stuff Directory 49 DUS IY TIMES ISSN 8750 1732 is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp 20761 Plummer St Chatsworth CA 91311 818 882 0004 with additional Dusty Times LLC offices at 415 N Higgins Avenue Suite lA Missoula MT 59802 Copyright by Hillside Racing Corp No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices Happe ings 5 Club Pages 48 Classified Ads 55 Index To Advertisers 55 ON TH Cov R Rick Huseman had a wonderful weekend at the TORC Truck Series at Crandon Rick and his Toyota took the win in the hotly contested Amsoil Pro 4x4 race Trackside Photo POSTMASTERi Send address change to DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St Chatsworth CA 91311 It was a great weekend for Sean Geiser at the Lucas Oil races at Lake Elsinore Sean took the win both days in the Limited Buggy events beating out 26 other opponents CHANGE OF ADDRESS1 Four weeks notice is required for change of address Please furnish both old and new address and send to DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St Art Director Larry Worsham Trackside Photo Visit Our Website at Dustytimes com Su d a e z t d e 7 04tfU to SNAPSHOT OF THE MONTH DU STY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY 1 year 25 00 2 years 40 00 3 years 55 00 to subscribe online go tcrwww dustytimes com NEW RENEWAL Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ State_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zip _ _ _ _ _ __ Primary Interest Cars It was 1982 somewhere south of Ensenada these guys had been watching race cars all day now there was a break in the action and it was siesta time Photo by Judy Smith DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar funnies or woes on this page each month Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration DUSTY TIMES will pay 10 for the picture used If you wish the photo returned enclose a stamped self addressed envelope Only black white prints up to 8xl0 will be considered Dusty Times August 2009 D Trucks D Motorcycles D Send check or money order to DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St Chatsworth CA 91311 Canadian 1 year 30 00 US n Overseas subscription rates upon request Page3

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r For more information please contact Best In The Desert Racing Association 702 457 5775 bitd bitd com www bitd com Photo courtesy BlnkDeslgns

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1 2009 Happenings IOK FoUR WHEELERS RACING P O Box36 CLEVES OHIO 45002 AU events staged at the club grounds in Cleves Ohio 7210 GATEWAY EAsr EL PASO TX 79915 915 593 4848 RALPH GARCIA 0ll 52 16 17 45 42 CESAR FUEN rES 4x4 FOREVER LTD 1665 DELAWARE ST 0sHKOSH WI 54901 CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES CANNING ATTRACTIONS AMERICAN RALLY SPORT GROUP INc 3650 Sourn PoINTE CIRCLE Sum 205 LAUGHLIN NV 89208 702 298 8171 FAX 702 521 0597 E Mail roger rallyusa com TRIALS AMERICAN ASSOCIATION AMA Observed Trials Southern California Championship Series BILL MARl

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Trail Notes S CORE Baja 500 As you will see on page 8 of this issue the SCORE Baja 500 story is now complete The SCORE officials spent many many days correcting the scoring penalizing many competitors for course infractions and finally it was done Judy Smith has put our second half of the race to pen and paper and it appears on page 8 of this issue of Dusty Times Thanks for bearing with us and hopefully the Baja 1000 will be back to normal Ed F uel Safe Fuel Safe launches online shopping function at www fuelsafe com At last an e store for consumers of Fuel Safe products opening July 20 2009 The online store features detailed photos of fuel cell families and related parts Customers can do their own sourcing see before they buy compare prices services and add shipping costs This shopping cart and pay online system allows consumers to place orders quickly conveniently and economically Fuel Safe will continue to support its dealers with referrals and special pricing Dealers can use the e store as a communications tool as well as a way to efficiently and satisfactorily service small orders For instance the person who needs a couple of gaskets will be encouraged to order them online As the world has changed Fuel Safe has changed too offering new products made of improved materials This too is a stage in the evolution We hope you find it of benefit to you For more information contact Aircraft Rubber Mfg Inc dba Fuel Safe Systems 1550 NE Kingwood Ave Redmond OR 97756 TEL 800 433 6524 FAX 541 923 6600 osh Hall Australasian Safari bound Josh is going to tackle J the 3600 kilometer course in the West Australian outback in his Hummer HT SUT It s a first for this vehicle for this event The rally begins on August 1 Josh said he picked this particular venue because it s known as a very tough competitive event there are no land mines lining the course and everybody speaks English The rally starts on August 1 and will wind up on August 8 Hopefully the organizers will keep Dusty Times informed as the rally progresses and we ll keep our readers informed of Hall s progress F inal Flag We regret to report that James Saasta son of Bryan Saasta passed away on Fathers Day June 21st 2009 James had an atherisceroyic artery burst and slipped away immediately James had no symptoms of heart trouble Our hearts go out to Bryan and all of the family RIP James CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES

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GU ONTARIO KOAD RACERS Assoc ATION RICK T CHBOURNE PuBUC REIATIONS 519 681 4192 H 519 457 2913 W SCORE SCORE INTEllNATIONAL Z3961 Cv FrsMAN Ro Surrr A 0U l1 Aw SEVEN PICKUP CA91302 818 2258402 FAX 818 225 8102 9269 UMMELMAN ST Louis MO 63123 314 631 8140 Fax 314 631 1921 PACE MOTOR SPOR TS U S Off Road Championship 495 N CoMMONS DRIVE AURORA IL 60504 p30 566 6100 Sq t lt 13 2009 Terribles Primm 300 Primm NV Nov 1 22 2009 Baja IOOO Baja Mexico SNORE SoUTHDN N EvADA Off RoAD mnJsIASTS P O Box 6962 CoLORADO SPRINGS CO 80934 719 685 4400 P O Box 270516 L s VEGAS NV 89127 702 452 4522 www Snoreracing net August 7 9 2009 KC HiLITES Midnight Special Ridgecrest CA October 2 4 2009 South Point SNORE 250 Las Vegas NV October 29 31 2009 Off Road Grand Prix Las Vegas NV Dec 12 2009 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS Western Desert Challenge Pl NNSYLVANIA SHORT CoURSE RACING SMITHTON HOLE RAcEWAY 313 SKYLINE DRIVE SMITHTON PA 15479 MIKE GEISER 330 683 6263 www smithtonhole com Short Course Offroad Racing All Races At Smithton Hole Raceway PlKEs PEAK OFF ROAD RACING CHATS VORTH NJ KARTEK PRo 1600 SHOOTOUT CoREYGOIN 559 647 6132 GOINRACIN HOTMAILCOM VORRA V AllEY Off ROAD RACING Assoc ATJON 1970 EAST 2ND STREET RENO NV 89502 877 418 6772 www vorra com Prairie City CA Sept S 7 2009 Hawtnome 250 Hawthorne NV Oct 10 11 2009 Short Course Prairie City CA Oct31 Nov 1 2009 Short Course Prairie City CA VICENTE GUERRERO OFFROADCUJB PRoro CENoVIo GAMBOA 011 52 616 6 21 91 2 6 p m WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION LARRY HENDERSON 4 WHEELERS 604 538 0692 WORRA P O Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 RAcE DMSION KEITH STEWART 714 522 1899 WESTERN PENNsYLv ANIAWHEEL To WHEEL OFF RoAD RACING SONS 856 875 7591 P O Box 5119 EDMESTON NY 13335 606 965 8784 FAX 606 905 8784 OF THUNDER STEVE RULE PATRICK McGUIRE P O Box376 ADAMSBURG PA 412 527 6556 14402 BoND COURT EL CAJON CA 92021 619 390 6252 800 313 5621 OR 770 963 0252 Mike Moore 224 272 5400 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS PuRE ENERGY PROMOTIONS MEGA PaODUCTIONS 3129 s H c ENDA BLVD 322 HEIGHTS CA 91745 626 961 6522 PRoTRUCK P O Box50 RICKETTS IA 51460 712 679 2221 RALLY AMERICA NATIONAL EVENTS 2009 National Champ Series August 28 29 Ojibwe Forests Rally September 19 20 2009 Rally Colorado Lake Superior Rally October 16 17 2009 Rall America R e Regional Central August 28 2009 Paul Bunyan s Ride Bemidji MN August 29 2009 10 000 Lakes Rally Bemidji MN October 16 2009 Ottawa Rally Houghton Ml October 1 2009 Keweenaw Rally Houghton Ml November 28 2009 Rallye de Paris Paris TX South West September 19 2009 Middle Cog 1 Steamboat Springs CO Septeml er 20 2009 MiddlcCog2 Steamboat Springs CO SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD CHALi ENGE SPEED SPORTS ExPO SCTA SounmtN CALIFOllNIA TIMING AssoclATION BoNNEVILLE NATIONAI S INc P O Box 10 Osos1 CA 93647 559 528 6279 559 528 9749 FAX SounmlN SlloRT CoultsE OR ROAD RACING As ffl 4305 Woon AU ORM TAMPA FL 33624 813 962 2857 All Races at Eastba Raceway Tampa FL TRAXXAS TORC SERIES August 8 9 2009 Barie River Ml August 29 2009 Perris CA September 4

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AT LAKE ELSINORE New venue Hot stuff By Judy Smith Photos Track side Photo Chad Leising took the Super Lite race on Saturday finished in third place on Sunday here nicely airborne A great weekend for Sean Geyser he drove his buggy to the win both days at Lake Elsinore seen here at speed Lake Elsinore CA New short course race tracks have been popping up as fast as new short course racing series The Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series created a new venue out of a dry lake bed that borders on a motocross track an airstrip and a parachute drop site It was for the most part a comfortable facility There was ample room for all the teams to bring in their motorhomes and extra vehicles There seemed to be plenty of parking for spectators and all the various folks who are needed to get these shows off the ground There were two big tented public seating areas with shade and nearby porta potties and one of them had big misters and fans There were concession stands and there was the requisite loud music But there were no grandstands Instead there was a terraced hill created on the south side of the track and on each eight inch high terrace there was a row a very long row of folding chairs The chairs were zip tied together and every so often one was staked firmly Just as if it were a grandstand there were steps leading upward for access to the seats and the officials and various high rollers who had the shaded areas perched up on the top It was a clever and expedient way to provide seating when there wasn t time to build a grandstand And in general the audience preferred the seats because the were sli htl ad ded and much more comfortable than the average grandstand seat and they all had back rests The track itself was an oval with the ends pinched in to create a long front straight and a long back straight and four left and two right turns all nicely banked There was a double step down table top off the back straight into Turn 4 and the drivers could get huge huge air And there were various bumps and jumps elsewhere They said it was nine tenths of a mile long Some thought it was too narrow for passing others liked it a lot The Limited Buggy class had an entry list o f 30 cars and there were 20 of the Unlimited Bugies In the trucks the bi est class was the Unlimited Light group with 19 The Karts numbered about 60 and they ran in three different groups while the UTVs which include a couple of oddballs that are not in the stock group all ran at once numbering about 17 So the Karts were in the majority at this event If every one of those Kart drivers grows up into an off road racer the future will be rosy for race car builders The program started each day with the Kart races and in those groups on Saturday Sheldon Creed won the first Jr Heat and Jerett Brooks won the second Jr Heat while Connor Hart was the Modified Kart winner The UTV event which ran next was won by Austin Kimbrell but he d had to work to fend off Robert VanBeekum and Chad George who were second and third On Sunday Creed again won the first Jr Kart heat and then he went on to win the modified Kart event also He s apparently a serious future racer The second Jr Kart heat on Sunday went to Maxwell Ries In the UTVs the finish order on Sunday was Chad George R J Anderson and Robert VanBeekum In fourth it was Larr Carl Renezeder took the Unlimited 2 race on Saturday problems gave him a 13th place finish in the Sunday fracas The Unlimited 2 4 races saw Carl Renezeder taking the win on both days he s seen here flying high in his Ford Pickup A silver medal went to Jim Panghorn on Saturday in the Limited It was a second place finish both days in the Unlimited 2 races for Buggy race Jim finished in 11th place in the Sunday event Mr Adler he s seen here throwin lots of dirt on his way to the flag Pages August 2009 Roeseler yes indeed that LR in a UTV He d raced on Saturday also but had co mpleted only two laps The first truck race each day was for the Unlimited 2 class because some of them would also race in the final event of the day the combined 2 4 race On Saturday there were 15 trucks and on the green flag Kevin Probst took off in front But he had Carl Renezeder and Bryce Menzies hot on his rear bumper Renezeder and Menzies tangled a bit and Probst built a good lead Robby Woods managed to finish only one lap and pulled out On the sixth lap Renezeder caught Probst in Turn 1 gave him a little nudge and went into the lead Now it was Renezeder Probst and Menzies Renezeder s sixth lap was the fast one for the event at 1 03 277 And then Menzies went past Probst in Turn 5 Greg dler had been running fourth all along and was closing a bit They had a double mandatory yellow lap and on the restart Menzies slowed for some reason and Adler ran into him Menzies was towed off with a flat tire So at the end of the tenth lap it was Renezeder Adler and Probst Then as they started their twelfth lap Rodrigo Ampudia trying to catch Whelchel didn t lift over the bump at the end of the front straight flew into a huge endo and landed on his wheels The truck was obviously done for his dad later said he broke everything the rear end is in two parts and the audience held their collective breaths until he popped out of the truck and waved uninjured After a couple more yellow laps they got his truck towed away and in the meantime Menzies had also pulled out There were only nine trucks left for the restart and it was Renezeder Adler and Probst Then Whelchel ran over Probst and flattened his left Travis Coyne took a second place finish in the Unlimited 2 4 race on Saturday Travis finished in sixth place in the Sunday race Dusty Times

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I Rodrigo Ampudia finished second in the Unlimited lite race on Saturday Bruce Fraley took a silver medal finish in limited Buggy on he finished well back in 11th place in the Sunday race Sunday Bruce was the third place finisher in the Saturday race front tire So then the order was Renezeder Adler and Whelchel and that s the way it went to the finish Only seven trucks managed to finish all 16 laps Interestingly seventh place went to Justin Oavis the 16 year old son of Kevin Davis who had a bum leg that weekend The younger Davis has been racing buggies but this was his first race in a truck and he seemed to take to it just fine Probst not entirely thrilled with the way his race went says he needs to get more seat time on this kind of track Adler reported that he had a new compound on his BFGs and that it worked well It was if anything hotter on Sunday than it had been on Saturday which was reported to have been upwards of 100 degrees Clouds hovered on the horizon but all they did was increase the humidity The Goodyear Blimp made lazy circles overhead occasionally making a welcome patch of shade for a few moments More spectators Joey Granatelli finished second in the Sunday Super lite race he was the fourth place finisher in the Saturday race brought umbrellas for shade on Sunday but the track announcer asked them to fold them up during the racing so the folks behind them could see Sunday s Unlimited 2 event was down to 13 trucks Ampudia s was too damaged to repair overnight and Michael Johnson who finished only five laps on Saturday also failed to come back They got off to a nice clean start with just a little bumping in Turn 3 Adlet jumped to the early lead with Whelchel in second and Scott Schovajsa in third But on the second lap Whelchel spun in Turn 3 and dropped back After c ntinued n 1110 i ml Jerry Whelchel really flies high Jerry finished third in the Unlimited Tim Herbst had a decent weekend Tim took the silver medal in 2 race on Saturday he was the 11th finisher in the Sunday race Unlimited 2 4 on Sunday and the bronze medal in the Saturday event 2 163 Rooms And Suites 60 Table Games 2 300 Slot Machines Poker Room Race Sports Book 800 Seat Bingo Room 16 Movie Theaters It was a pair of third place finishes in the Unlimited Buggy races for Mike Halliday seen here nicely airborne 8 Restaurants 65 000 Sq Ft Of Meeting Space 4 500 Seat Equestrian Event Center 80 000 Sq Ft Exhibit Hall Spa Fitness Center Showroom 64 Lane Bowling Center 1 866 791 76Q6 LAS VEGAS BLVD AT SILVERADO RANCH SOUTHPOJNTCASJNO COM Dusty Times August 2009 Page9

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II John Fitzgerald took a pair of fourth place finishes in the Limited Alan Pflueger took a third place finish in the Unlimited 2 4 race Buggy races on Saturday and Sunday on Sunday Alan was scored in eighth place in the Saturday race another couple of laps he was gone Meanwhile Adler built a nice lead and Robby Woods had moved into second place with Menzies in third They ran that way through most of the sixth lap and then Menzies took over second with Renezeder behind him in third The track was a little drier on Sunday and the infrequent breezes actually had some dust to blow into the stands The mandatory yellow flag lap was lap seven and on the restart they held their order But on the ninth lap Menzies hit Adler and got sideways and Reneze der got into him On the tenth lap Renezeder was limping and he pulled off the track Now the order was Adler Woods and Whelchel Adler pretty much enjoying running out in front by himself On the 12th lap Whelchel did a big rollover at the end of the front straight His truck landed upside down but Whelchel managed to scramble out and wave at the crowd There were two laps of yellow and then a red flag while they got his truck off the track and in the meanwhile Menzies pulled out and the Probst truck had disappeared also They had the water trucks dampen things down a bit and announced that it would now be white and checkered Adler held his lead with Schovajsa second and Dale Dondel in third place as they took off There was a bit of a tangle before Turn 3 and as they took the white flag Jeff Ward had plowed up through the other two trucks and was now in second place with Schovajsa in third On the final lap Ward went around Adler in Turn 5 and stayed in front of him to take the win Adler was second and Dondel got third place Schovajsa was fourth and the last one to finish all the 15 laps Saturday s next event was for the Limited Buggies with 26 of them out on the track They got what looked like a clean start but yellow flags flew in various spots around the track as the damaged and deceased vehicles were towed clear As they got moving at speed again the lead belonged to Sean Kennedy with Bryce Menzies chasing him and Sean Geiser behind him By Lap five Menzies led and Geiser was second with Kennedy third Then there was a jam up right up against the front straight wall in front of the grandstands Most of it was out of sight to the spectators because it was so close to the wall The upshot of it all was that Rino Navera was parked and another car hot footed around Turn six never realized Larry Job takes a victory lap at Lake Elsinore Larry took the win both days in the Unlimited Buggy race beating 19 other drivers Navera was stopped until too late and plowed into him The course workers went to try to get the wreckage cleared but then they called the ambulance out and eventually the red flag flew Navera was taken to the hospital where it was learned he had a collapsed lung and a broken foot When the race got going again the lead belonged to Menzies but Geiser was close behind him and for three laps he worked to get around He finally passed him on the eighth lap and began to pull out a good lead Menzies held firm in second an cl then a pack of three made up of Tim Pangborn Bruce Fraley and John Fitzgerald was battling for third place Geiser took the win Menzies fell away on the last lap and Pangborn moved up to take second with Bruce Fraley in third place Geiser is a newcomer to the sport a graduate from motorcycle racing He turned 19 the week before this race His first race in a car was the season opener of this series at Primm and then he ran at Surprise and also at the TORC event in Perris He s the nephew of Trophy Truck builders Jeff and Rick Geiser and works at their shop where he preps the Whitton truck He and his uncle Jeff built the race buggy after work On Sunday there were only 24 cars The track had been groomed and watered and apparently Tum 2 had somehow been left more slippery than expected For the first three laps a couple of cars would spin in that turn as the pack came around This time Geiser went into the lead right away and he had Curt Geer and Bruce Fraley chasing him He built a big lead gradually and then Geer inadvertently helped him by rolling his car in Tum 6 on the sixth lap He landed on hts side Then the mandatory full coarse yellow came out and Fitzgerald and Fraley dosed up on him But they co11Mn t catch him and he held on to his lead making it loolc easy It wasn t easy for Fttzgerala however and he couldn t hold off Fraley and l3ryce Menzies who worked up to second and third place on the last lap So Geiser took another win followed in by Fraley and Menzies It ll be interesting to watch Geiser as he gains experience and skills Saturday night proved relaxing and entertaining Perhaps the most entertainment came from a Limited Buggy team that had experienced engine failure early in the day They drained the fluids out of their car turned it bell an u and used the Brian Deegan was the winner of the Unlimited Lite race on Saturday he was the 13th place finisher in the Sunday event Jimmy Stephenson flew his Nissan truck to a fourth place finish in LJ Kennedy took a sixth place finish on Saturday in the Limited Unlimited Lite on Saturday he finished in 14th place on Sunday Buggy race he finished seventh in the Sunday race Page 10 Chuck Cheek finished first off the podium in the Unlimited Buggy race on Saturday he only got in six laps in the Sunday race August 2009 surface for a game that involved four man teams plastic cups of beer and cupcakes It kept a lot of people very busy for the long evening It was reported that things moved very slowly in that pit on Sunday morning Saturday s third event was the Unlimited Buggy race with 20 cars lined up They got off to a good start with just a bit of bumping in the second turn and Larry Job out in front Chuck Cheek ran second and Mike Dondd was third Turn 2 was apparently slippery as there was a spin and crunch event on the second lap also but they all moved on By the fourth lap Mike Halliday had moved into second place and Cheek was third Moving into fourth on the fifth lap was Malcolm Pointon who drives one of only four cars that feature a VW type beam front end rather than A arms The other three were Larry Foddrill who was dealing with a battery with a dead cell Scott Demmer who d already pulled out and Todd Stemmerman The mandatory yellow flag flew on Lap 7 and when they restarted it was still Job and Halliday at the front of the pack and then Halliday moved to the front on the ninth lap Phil Bollman was making a game effort to stay up with the pack even though he was missing his left front tire Job got back into the lead on the first turn of Lap 12 and then Halliday messed up going through Turn 2 giving Job a comfortable lead and letting Pointon move up to second On the white flag lap it was Job Pointon and Halliday and things got busy Someone went up in smoke someone parked in Turn 3 Cameron Steele was moving but very slowly and Pointon held on to second place He was having a good race and had recorded the fast lap for the heat on his 11th lap So it was Job Pointon and Halliday o n the podium When they came back on Dale Dondel drove his Chevy to a third place finish in the Unlimited 2 race on Sunday he finished sixth in the Saturday event Dusty Times

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It was a fourth place finish in the Unlimited 2 4 race on Sunday Bobby Pecoy in beautiful flight Bobby finished fifth in Unlimited for Carey Hart he s seen here shifting a bit of dirt around Buggy on Saturday he finished 14th in the Sunday fracas Justin Davis finished seventh in Saturday s limited Buggy race Justin finished a Ion 17th in the Sunday event Scott Schovajsa finished fifth on Saturday in the Unlimited 2 Steven Greinke was the fourth place finisher in Unlimited Buggy on race Scott finished fourth in the race on Sunday Sunday he recovered from a 12th place finish in the Sunday race A third place finish for Chris Brandt on Sunday in the Unlimited lite race Chris had finished sixth in the Saturday fracas Sunday there were 20 of them for a few moments The green flag waved and almost immediately the officials went to full course yellow and Stephen Estey was parked dead in the water at the side of the course and needed to be towed away So 19 cars restarted a few moments later and Halliday went into the lead He was being followed by Job and Cameron Steele who s driving the Menzies car that Rob MacCachren ran in the now defunct CORR series On the fourth lap Rfch Ronco made a bid for third place but he and Steel bumped Ronco went sideways and off course and lost about five positions The lead three ran in the same order for six laps and at the end of that lap Mike Dondel got past Steele to sit in third place The seventh lap was the mandatory yellow and Steele went into the hot pits with a flat By the ninth lap Dondel had passed Halliday and was working on Job On the tenth lap he got by him after Tum 2 and they had a great race side by side out of Tum 3 and Job surged back into the lead as they went off the big step down jump in the back On the 11th lap it was Job and Halliday and Dondel and now Steven Greinke was up to fourth At the finish it was Job and Dondel and Halliday whose car was clearly overheating Dondel had recorded the fast lap on lap six The Super Lites were next This is the spec truck class with Mazda motors that s slowly developing They had only seven trucks and they looked a bit lonely on the long track The water trucks had been a bit over zealous so these guys did about four pace laps obviously intended to dry off some of the really slippery spots New to the class was Joey Granatelli at 16 years old the youngest of the bunch and a recent forced retiree from Trophy Karts where they re too old to race at 16 When they were finally given the green flag they must have been overanxious There was banging in Turn 1 and someone spun in Tum 2 and things clogged up so the officials red flagged the race When they lined back up there were only six trucks The second start was better and Granatelli went into the lead with John Harrah chasing him and Chad Leising in third Leising got around Harrah on the second lap This was to be a ten lap race and for some reason they threw the mandatory yellow flag on lap three When they restarted it was still Granatelli in front with Leising second and Harrah third Then Granatelli spun at the end of the first turn and once he d sorted himself out he was last Leising Harrah and Brandon Bailey now led the parade the rest of the way Granatelli did work back up a couple of positions to finish fourth a good showing for the teen ager There were nine trucks on Sunday and once again the course had been heavily watered and they did several pace laps to dry things off The start went smoothly but somehow Granatelli got left behind and had to come from the rear Brandon Bailey took the early lead with Harrah second and Leising in third But by the second lap Leising had moved into second place and the lead three developed a big space between themselves and the rest of the group Chuck Dempsey who usually races in this group wasn t racing this time because he d been injured in a crash during the Unlimited Lite qualifying Bailey Harrah and Leising ran steadily through the first five laps then Bailey spun out in Turn 6 and Harrah moved up into the lead Meanwhile Granatelli had moved steadi ly upward for a while then dropped back and then made a forward charge again On the eighth lap he was in second place but Harrah had such a big lead by then that he ran out of time to catch him Harrah went on to take the win Granatelli was second and Leising finished third The Saturday Unlimited Lite Truck event had a field of 19 trucks and they went off the line in a raggedy st art Brian Deegan jumped into the led with Robert Naughton following and Heath Centinued an page 12 Home OI T he Race Auto I a I II I Race ear I Pre Runner I sand ear John Harrah had a decent weekend he finished second on Saturday in Super lite and he took the gold medal in the Sunday race Dusty Times I 18 998 2739 9763 VARIEL AVENUE CHATSWORTH CA 91311 August 2009 Page 11

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T It was a bronze medal finish on Sunday in the limited Buggy Justin Davis finished fifth on Sunday in the Unlimited 2 race on event for Bryce Menzies Bryce was the 18th finisher on Saturday Sunday Justin was seventh in the Saturday event Carpenter in third place In Leroy Loerwald s truck it was Bruce Fraley because Loerwald had broken his right arm on Friday and had had surgery to repair it It s the truck that Bryce Menzies used to drive so Fraley had some familiarity with it He did seem to be having some small problem right off the start At the end of the second lap it was still Deegan Naughton and Carpenter followed by a battling trio of Marty Hart Chris Brandt and Rodrigo Ampudia On the third lap Hart bicycled Turn 2 but held his ground and Ampudia moved up to fifth on the third lap Joey Reyes came to the end of his race in Turn 5 on that lap and that brought out a full course yellow until they got him cleared away On the fourth lap it was still Deegan and Naughton but on the sixth lap Hart moved up to second bumping Naughton to third They were charging hard except for John Harrah whose truck was running slowly and last The seventh lap was the planned mandatory yellow and it was Deegan Hart Naughton and Ampudia They got a good restart and came around in the same order and then Hart spun in Turn 1 and by the time he was going forward again he was way at the back of the pack So now it was Deegan Naughton and Rob Naughton took the win in Unlimited lite on Sunday after finishing third in the Saturday affair here nicely airborne Rick Boyer took a fifth place finish in the limited Buggy race on Saturday Rick finished eighth in the Sunday event Ampudia Parker Grabowski s truck was smoking On the 12th lap Naughton caught Deegan in mid air as they flew the big jump But he didn t quite get to the front of the pack Then pushing extra hard he bicycled Turn 3 on the white flag lap and Ampudia went past him So at the finish it was Deegan Ampudia and Naughton When they came back on Sunday there were 16 trucks They got off to what looked like a clean start but Naughton hit the wall in Turn 1 and brought out a full course yellow and a restart This time Naughton made lost some ground but held his position However then as he headed into the front straight on the start of the 11th lap he unexpectedly slowed when his shifter stuck another truck hit him and pushed him a ways and by the time he was moving normally again he was last So now it was Naughton Todd Cuffaro and Brandt in the fi rst three positions They followed in order around the last lap and finished that way Naughton winning Cuffaro second and Brandt in third Loiodice got bumped and ended up on his side in Turn Jeff Ward took the gold medal in the Unlimited 2 race on Sunday he had a fourth place finish in the Saturday race it stick and Chris Brandt was second with Rodrigo Ampudia right on his rear bumper He went by and into second on the first turn of the second lap Now it was Naughton Ampudia and Brian Deegan as Brandt dropped to fourth On the fifth lap Matt Loiodice moved into fifth place They ran in that order for another couple oflaps and then it was time for the mandatory full course yellow That turned into two yellow flag laps and on the restart it was still Naughton Ampudia Deegan Brant and Loiodice But then Ampudia spun in Turn 3 and Marty Hart flew to a 5th place finish in Sunday s Unlimited lite race Marty was 16th in the Saturday race A second place finish for Mike Dondel in the Sunday Unlimited Chris Boyer foreground drove to a fifth place finish in limited Buggy race mike was the 17th finisher in the Saturday race Buggy on Sunday Chris was a long 21st in the Saturday battle Page 12 Larry Foddrill launched himself to a fifth place finish in Unlimited Buggy on Sunday Larry finished ninth in the Saturday race August 2009 6 Kyle Conlon who broke an axle on Saturday had no spare so his crew tried welding it back together He managed to do one lap before it broke again They figured it was worth a try The final event of the day each day was the combined Unlimited 2 4 race The four wheeldrive group is always the smallest one at the short course venues so the Lucas Oil folks permit any Unlimited two wheel drive racers who still have a functioning car to join in On Saturday there were nine trucks It didn t get going until about 20 after 6 in the evening and it was still very hot The temperature had gone up to 105 and the audience s seats were in full sun Many people had already packed up and gone home They got off to a good start with Kent Brascho out in front chased by Jerry Daugherty who had already pretty much destroyed one truck this weekend In third it was Tim Herbst and Alan Pflueger ran fourth but was not entirely happy with the way his truck was running Brascho led through the fourth lap then slowed fell back and ultimately left the track with a broken rear suspension By then Carl Renezeder had moved up through the pack and taken over the lead DaughContinued an a 14 Kyle Quinn finished 6th in Unlimited Buggy on Sunday after finishing in 10th place in the Sunday race Dusty Times

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Brandon Catello churns it up Brandon finished 14th in Unlimited Michael Cohen finished 15th in Unlimited Buggy on Saturday Buggy on Saturday he finished ninth in the Sunday event Michael had a 10th place finish in the Sunday race erty was second and Travis Coyne had fought his way up to third On the sixth lap Coyne moved into second and they ran that way through several laps including the mandatory full course yellow Pflueger was struggling a bit and dropped back to sixth On the restart it was Rene zeder Coyne and Daugherty but Herbst passed Daugherty on the ninth lap to move into third Now they just ran along in order except that Daugherty was trying Leroy Loerwald finished in fourth place in the Unlimited Lite race on Sunday Leroy was the 14th finisher in the Saturday event valiantly to get past Herbst again and they had an entertaining battle going for the rest of the way Josh Merrell s truck went up in smoke and he pulled out Alcon the world s leader in brake systems for World Rally IndyCar Formula 1 NASCAR off road short course and desert racing With over 20 years of expertise and experience Alcon is the obvious choice for serious race teams From a quality and performance standpoint nothing comes close The pedal to road feel is awesome Mike Julson owner Jimco Racing Inc SALES AND SERVICE 111 RACING PRODUCTS WWW MIRAGERACEPRODUCTS COM Page 14 August 2009 CALL FOR DETAILS 619 56 5533 after ten laps Renezeder took the win Coyne was second and Herbst finished third When they came back on Sunday there were only eight trucks Robby Woods and Scott Schovajsa didn t make it but Carey Hart came out to join in the fun They got off to a good start but Josh Merrell was having a hard time keeping his truck aimed forward and he slid around in Turn 1 and then spun in Turn 5 In the meantime Brascho went into the lead with Daugherty second and Coyne third Brascho and Daugherty stayed first and second with Coyne in third and Herbst in fourth Behind Herbst who was looking very good this weekend Renezeder was biding his time On the sixth lap Renezeder went past Herbst Then he went by Coyne just in time to be third for the mandatory yellow seventh lap They held the yellow for two laps and it was Brascho Daugherty and Renezeder in front Renezeder moved up to second on the tenth lap and as they started the 11th lap he was working on getting around Brascho They were almost neck and neck coming out of Turn 1 and both Renezeder and Brascho spun out and Daugherty hit them Brascho rolled and so did Daugherty who ended up parked on his side on the K Rail and as Herbst came around he also ran into him It was the end of Daugherty s day And brought out another full course yellow When they restarted Herbst was in the lead Pflueger whose truck ran better on Sunday was second Coyne third and Renezeder had dropped to fifth right behind Carey Hart Now he was seriously racing hard And Brascho who d been able to get going but in about sixth place went up in smoke and pulled out Renezeder put on a furious charge and was up to second place by the 13th lap Herbst held him off for most of the lap but Renezeder was willing to fly higher and further off the big jump and literally passed Herbst in mid air to go into the lead For a brief instant it looked as if Herbst might regain the lead but he couldn t quite get it done Renezeder took the win Herbst was second and Pflueger finished third The racing was exciting the facility was a nice surprise and the Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series goes back to Lake Elsinore to do it again on July 25 and 26 then they take a break and don t go racing again until October when they head to Surprise Arizona LOORRS Dusty Times

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lJ J2C 51n RALLY n ITALIA SARDINIA Latvalla Ford Focus Truimph By Martin Holmes Photos Maurice Selden First in PCWRC was the Subaru lmpreza of Nasser Al Attiyah and Giovanni Bernacchini there were the ninth overall finishers as well Jari Matti Latvala and Miikka Anttila drove their Ford Focus RS to a really great win in Sardinia seen here saving tire wear Never in a lifetime could one envisage what a debacle would befall Citroen in Sardinia Time after time the normally invincible team made errors or suffered bad luck and only the continuing brilliance of the world champion Sebastien Loeb brought them even a lowly fourth place Citroen s misery was Ford s delight scoring the team s first 1 2 world rally result for nearly a year on a rally which was thrilling from start to finish and which brought unprecedentedly close battles in the Production Car and Junior categories as well But is it too little too late Sardinia wrapped up the first half of the 2009 World Championship and 20in both the Makes and the Drivers categories the Ford team is further away from title success than ever Impressive performances by privateer Petter Solberg who finished third and 18 year old Evgeniy Novikov a remarkable fifth overall This was the sixth time that Italy s world championship rally had been run in Sardinia For the first time the Ceremonial Start was held outside the City Hall in Olbia the headquarters town of the event but as usual the cars went for the finish on Sunda to Porto Cervo in the Costa Smeralda coastal region in the north east of the island There were many detailed changes in the route this year with only one stage in the north of the island the final stage on the way up to Porto Cervo The rest of the stages were located in the wooded hills in the centre of the island north of Nuoro of which two on the second day were completely new One of the new stages was run along an old disused railway line while another used traditional tricky Sardinian roads Main Organisational novelty concerned spectator control Instead of spectator forbidden areas being shown by red tape loathed by professional photographers there were areas marked out by green tape within which spectators had to stand As round six of the 12 round 2009 World Rally Championship Sardinia was the half way point in this year s series Both the Drivers and the Makes series had so far been dominated by the blue red and white Citroen team In the Drivers series Loeb and Sordo were lying 1 2 while non championship Citroen driver Petter Solberg was lying fifth There were two major records which could be broken in Sardinia If Loeb won this would be his seventh successive world rally win breaking his own record And if Citroen won this would be their seventh successive win breaking the record of six shared by Lancia in 1987 8 and Mitsubishi in 1998 9 The last non Citroen World Rally victory was for Ford in Japan in 2008 Ford brought a newly built car for Mikko Hirvonen while Jari Matti Latvala drove the car previously used by Hirvonen in Portugal The latest news from Citroen Junior team was that a decision about Sebastien Ogier s future had been deferred until after Acropolis but there was growing irritation within Citroen at the poor performance of the Junior drivers Their two car team had only amassed one more point than the single car Munchi s team which had done two fewer events Both the Production Car and the Junior series had already entered the second half of their season Rules state that these drivers must enter six out of the eight championship events Sardinia was for both series round five All the top championship drivers in both series had already contested three of the first four events except for Martin Prokop in the JWRC series This was the only time this season that all nine re istered drivers in the Mikko Hirvonen and Jarmo Lehtinen ford the river in their Ford Focus RS they finished second overall in Sardinia 30 secs out of the win Dusty Times JWRC were to compete against each other Patrik Sandell had a pre Sardinia test in Austria in his Skoda S2000 where it was wet in the hope that this year s Sardinia would break its tradition of always being a dry event but it stayed dry and hot on the rally Only major PCWRC news was that reported contractual difficulties had forced Indian driver Gaurav Gill to miss the Sardinia world championship rally His entry was taken up by the German privateer Hermann Gassner Junior This was the second appearance by the five Pirelli Star Drivers in their six event programme of world championship events with their Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X cars Their first outing was in Portugal where the Finnish driver Jarkko Nikara was fastest and even scored one scratch time in Group N while South African Jon Williams showed the relevance of his experiences back home when he was the only one of five to complete the route Some suspension strengthening had been implemented following weaknesses shown in Portugal Many recent news items came from Norway Petter Solberg s eight year old Xsara WRC was to appear in Sardinia with a revised nose section which improves the under bonnet cooling This modification first appeared on the K ronos run works cars in Mexico 2006 where Sebastien Loeb broke a spell of bad luck and went on to win his next five rallies This meant that the car was now going to run under later homologations rules and that meant that it also had to have mechanical differentials In fact it turned out to be a completely different car anyway For Sardinia M ads codriver was Veronica Engan the former codriver for Eyvind Brynildsen and Bernt Kollevold The en list showed 60 crews Fording the river before a large crowd of rally fans Patrik Sandell and Emil Axelsson finished 10th overall second in PCWRC August 2009 but only one Italian car a Fiat Grande Punto S2000 driven by the Portuguese driver Bernardo Sousa but none of the regular Italian championship drivers took part WRC wise however the entry was amazingly strong 20There were no fewer than 41 priority drivers of whom 33 were registered championship competitors including two of the five Pirelli Star Drivers The most important technical novelty was the appearance of the Ford Fiesta R2 rally car which ran as a zero car driven by Matthias Boon it was publicly presented to the press before the event The main story from reconnaissance was the unpopularity of the disused railway line stage Hirvonen broke the suspension on his recce car on a tree stump which suddenly appeared in the middle of the track I tell you there were a lot of tree stumps and when we have to drive the stage the second time we do not know how many more will emerge Novikov had an accident with a local driver who was not wearing seat belts luckily without serious injury Andis Neiksans had a moment during recce on the public road which did not impress the police they took his driving licence away before the rally The police spoke about speed white lines and causing an accident The weather was hot up to 31 degrees Shakedown was not a very typical stage narrow and rough Loeb was quickest by 1 1 second from Henning Solberg over a three minute course with brother Petter third Sousa broke a steering arm on his Punto the third time he has had a Shakedown disaster on his third rally so far this year Day 1 A hot dry spring day greeted the 58 starters Running order was critical Sebastien Loeb was wary of once again being forced through his championship standing to run first car on the road while second driver Dani Sordo seemed to be playing tricks He checked in at the start of stage one three minutes late 30 second penalty which conveniently forced Mikko Hirvonen to run second car helping to further clean the road for Sordo Jari Matti Latvala however was running seventh an excellent position so it was little surprise that the young Finn took an immediate lead Actually I really wasn t driving well Latvala claimed I had no proper rhythm and was jabbing the brakes too much and then I stalled at the hairpin on stage two Anyhow he arC ntinud n P I 16 Page 15

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Citroen Xsara Petter Solberg and Philip Mills drove to a third Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena flew their Citroen C4 to a fourth overall finish in Sardinia seen here at speed on the course overall finish seen here nicely airborne before a huge crowd of fans rived at the midday service after three stages with a lead of 14 6 seconds over second placed Loeb Sordo was creeping back into the top ten following his 30 second penalty but on stage three he lost a half minute when he hit a rock in the road apparently flung there by Hirvonen s passing car Evidently one trick too far for Citroen Hirvonen fighting a lack of physical energy and stomach pains drove cautiously and was safely lying third Snapping at his heels was Petter Solberg in his Citroen Xsara despite suffering engine overheating on stage one when the fan stopped working properly Matthew Wilson had hydraulic failure on stage one which affected the differentials and the gearshifting forcing him to revert to manual shifting Munchi s driver Federico Villagra had clutch control failure on all three stages while Khalid Al Qassimi lost his brakes On leaving the midday service park there was another disaster for Sordo the team got the impression that there was more damage to the car than just a broken damper but they took three minutes longer than the time allowed to change the whole Page 16 suspension area as well but Sordo still kept his nine place overall There was a sense of inevitability that tactics of one sort or another would come into play at the end of the day but as to who how much and why was a matter conjecture The only certainty was that it would happen just before the flying finish of stage six By running cars two Hirvonen and seven Latvala on the road Ford were in complete control compared with Citroen running cars one Loeb and four Sordo Loeb had no chance to make any calculation with any certain knowledge of how he stood against the Fords It was assumed he would not even try to play tactics but the surprise was he did His team calculated how much he must lose in order to drop behind Hirvonen assuming that the Ford s themselves were planning tactics and they reckoned about 20 seconds which he did Then they waited to see what the Fords would do Fords meanwhile were planning to ask both their drivers to lose time about a half minute by Hirvonen and whatever was necessary by Latvala Then it went wrong for them Hirvonen received the instructions but did not believe by how much his codriver was telling him to slow down and suddenly found they had passed the yellow warning board Too late now to stop Suddenly Ford s plans changed Latvala was ordered to drive the stage flat out start to finish and put himself as far into the lead as he could He finished the day 39 8 seconds in front which should be enough to win even if he then had to drive first car on the road for the rest of the rally whatever the conditions of the Saturday stages But why did Citroen even try We had to d9 something If we did nothing we would never win this rally explained Quesnel Actually because of the confusion for Hirvonen I think things worked out better than expected he added enigmatically Henning Solberg losf his bonnet on stage five shades of Latvala in Argentina Brother Pett e r was really happy in his work Ogier had to retire for the day when a strut to the top mount failed and the loose top end of the strut punched its way into the inner wheel arch Al Qassimi had more brake troubles Both Evgeniy Novikov and Conrad Rautenbach stalled on stage six August 2009 Martin Prokop and Jan Tomanek powered their way to a 12th overall finish in Sardinia seen here swimming along the way Villagra stopped with transmission problems which were eventually traced to a broken clutch input shaft In Production Car the first retirement was Simone Campedelli victim of a road accident after stage one and because the rollcage was damaged the officials stopped him continuing Valdez stopped as well with a failed turbocharger sensor Nasser Al Attiyah led after the first two stages but then Patrik Flodin speeded up and after the three morning stages was 6 6 seconds ahead of the Qatari who was delayed when the rear of his car started sliding awkwardly Patrik Sandell was lying third in his Skoda despite rear differential and handbrake troubles Eyvind Brynildsen was another driver with engine overheating trouble while Sousa continued to try to understand his Grande Punto An extraordinary series of disasters befell the five Pirelli Star Drivers on the first loop of three stages only two of them were still running and reached the midday service Williams had complete clutch failure while both Nikara and Thomas had mysterious fuel troubles and reported misfiring But Nikara once again proved to be the sprinter of the group going fastest of all the Group N drivers on stage two and rising up to lie third in Group N While Patrik Flodin found he could not master stage 1 4 Nasser Al OD Attiyah found it was stage 3 6 he couldn t get his head round Flodin lost his lead after stage four dropping behind Sandell while Al Attiyah lost the PCWRC lead both times 3 6 was run and both times it was to Flodin Five leader changes in six stages and more cars were coming Armindo Araujo had an overheating problem with his intercooler spray and also joined the list of competitors who had misfiring troubles which was eventually traced to contaminated fuel the cause of this was being investigated Flodin was beating Sandell for the lead in PCWRC by 0 7 seconds as retirements mounted Tapper on stage four fuel problems Hermann Gassner on five off into a tree Brynildsen 20on six the engine just stopped again with suspected fuel contamination problems A t the end of the day only one of the five proud Pirelli Star Drivers Nikara was running and his car was misfiring like mad but the good thing all of the cars were undamaged Veteran Rally d ltalia driver Giovanni Manfrinato rolled his Mitsubishi on the final stage of the day and retired Campedelli had a road accident and the officials ordered him to retire as the rollcage was damaged In the Junior category Alex Bettega shot into the lead but then Martin Prokop passed him after stage two After stage three Prokop had an electrical problem on the road section to the midday service which caused him to arrive nine minutes late and dropped him to fourth restoring Bettega to the lead Luca Griotti slid off the road a kilometre into the first stage On stage two Kevin Abbring retired after his engine lost oil pressure On stage three Simone Bertolotti had gearbox failure and the dust of his slow moving car unwittingly baulked those following him Michal Kosciuszko complained about a bad set up fellow Suzuki driver Aaron Burkart had engine troubles Hans Weijs had brake troubles after driving in the dust of Bertolotti Bettega held the lead through the rest of the day while Prokop rose just one place to third but made three more fastest times I am really 0Agoing flat out and having reverted to our Portugal Rally set up things are much better Yoann Bonato s car died in the refuelling zone due to air locks in the fuel system and stopped for the rest of the day Kosciuszko remained unhappy with his setup On stage 3 Wallenwein s Clio R3 was badly damaged when he collided with a Mitsubishi which blocked the stage Day 2 53 cars restarted on the Saturday morning Missing were Kevin Ab bring whose motor was too badly damaged the privateer Fabio Montanari with his very old Impreza WRC and prize winning German driver Mark Wallenwein It was to be a strange day two laps of three stages of quite differing characteristics Starting with the rough railway line stage 7 10 which the drivers were dreading The Fords were unbeatable Hirvonen The noise from the rocks over which we had to drive meant it was difficult to hear the pacenotes There was also dust hanging in the air Hirvonen made best time pulling another 12 seconds ahead of Loeb Citroens were unbeatable on the narrow and twisty stages 8 11 and Loeb on stages 9 12 which had the classic Monte Lerno jump Loeb was at sea on stage seven dropping from 42 8 seconds to 49 0 seconds behind Latvala then came storming back on stage eight to narrow the gap to 35 6 seconds But then came a strange incident with Loeb arriving late at the start of stage nine We had brake troubles on stage eight the pedal was very soft so we stopped to bleed the brakes before stage nine forgetting the long and narrow road section to Dusty Times

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There is a car in front of all that dust Matthew Wilson and Scott Mads Ostberg and Veronica Engan flew their Subaru lmpreza to a Martin drove their Ford Focus RS to a sixth place finish in the rally seventh overall finish at Sardinia seen here impressing the fans Michal Kosciuszko and Maciek Szczpaniak finished 13th overall in their Suzuki Swift seen here sliding around a sharp corner the next control Loeb arrived would Ford allow Latvala to were damaged and he lost a lot place at Petter Solberg s expense It was a splendid second career five seconds too late incurring win or was there to be a gift for of time before he reached service with no troubles but the rally victory for the Finn Citroen a ten second penalty On stage Hirvonen Hirvonen finished Kosciuszko was happier with his was still capable of springing sur miseries continued with Dani eight he had beaten the best Ford the day 9 9 seconds behind his car and started to push to take prises Still morning air brought Sordo having more turbocharger by 13 4 seconds with no brakes teammate Fair question The the lead in the category but clouds of hanging dust 20over troubles and falling well back In Hirvonen lost further time twice nearest Citroen was a minute his Suzuki teammate Bertolotti the opening stages of the day and the end the Citroen Junior driver having to slow down for horses or so behind Malcolm Wilson went off the road and stopped Latvala despite the problem of Conrad Rautenbach withdrew which had strayed onto the said what a splendid drive Lat Burkart was cautious but Prokop running over virgin tracks had at the final service the team the inestimable advantage of claiming there was an incurable stage Loeb unwittingly caused vala had been making Sounds now up to second was havoc at the start control for like Hirvonen would be allowed slowed by dust from Bet clear visibility It did not prove electrical fault but conveniently stage nine as marshals ordered to win The two drivers know tega s slowing car Kosciuszko easy for Loeb to catch Solberg this allowed Sordo to gain one Petter Solberg to start the stage exactly what is needed mean was enjoying his run Burkart despite the Norwegian s car more point in the Manufacturone minute later instead of the ing both had to finish without was delayed having to stop and overheating Loeb I had to stop ers title chase In the Junior mandatory two Novikov lost a problems It is the first time change a flat tyre then had the several times I just could not see championship battle Kosciuszko couple of places on stage eight these drivers have forced Citroen rear hatch fly open and fill the where I was going But eventu punctured and this gave Prokop when the gear lever snapped off into making mistakes Loeb for car with dust Prokop damaged ally he did until the Stewards of the chance he needed and he and twice he stalled Henning the first time has shown he is the front of his car going off the the meeting had their attention regained the lead It was in the Solberg drove on with a puncture human after all No answer to road shortly before the end of drawn to how Loeb s codriver Production category where the for 26km on the long stage nine the question but the drift was stage 12 driving in thick dust was sitting beltless in the car as battle for the was intense Finally created by the punctured Fiat they came to change their flat Nasser Al Attiyah beat Patrik Novikov was still the best Citroen clear to understand tyre on the second day A two Sandell by 1 5 second 20For JariIn PCWRC the incredible of Sousa Junior driver Rautenbach havminute penalty was imposed Matti Latvala Sardinia was again ing spun Latvala s three stages battle for the lead continued Day 3 of agony running first car over Once again the lead changed Fords looked cautiously hap and Loeb s chance of a podium a happy place Two years ago he virgin stages ended with his after every stage First Flodin py only uncertain in what would were gone There had been too led a world championship rally lead dropping from 39 8 to 27 0 thought he had punctured but be the final results Would Lat many misjudged tactical displays here for the first time last year seconds A Ford victory still did in fact he had broken a driveshaft vala be allowed to win Citroen and Ford decided the 20easiest he won more stages than anyone not look secure Hirvonen was on the opening stage of the day reckoned they would gain third course was to let Latvala win else and now jackpot lAl2C 7 5 seconds in front of Loeb dropping to fourth Sandell after the ten second penalty was thereby regained the lead but taken into account but the rally then Araujo went ahead but 51st Rally d Italla Sardegna I Olbia Porto Csvo 22 24 05 2009 WCR round 6 JWRC round 5 PCWRC round 5 WC points had 40 left to run Villagra damaged his rear suspension and WRWDJCPC retired at the midday service his on stage nine Sandell was back 1 4 Jari Matti LAlVALA Miikka Anttila FIN Ford Focus RS WRC PXOBAXC GB 4h 00m 55 7s 10 10 in the lead again Brynildsen codriver was unwell 2 3 Mikko HIRVONEN Jarmo Lehtinen FIN Ford Focus RS WRC SA09VHR GB 4h 0lm 25 1s 8 8 The day s excitements contin restarted but damaged the rear 3 11 Petter Solberg Philip Mills N GB Citroen Xsara WRC 526ERR78 F 4h 02m 53 3s 6 4 1 Sebastien LOEB Daniel Elena F W atroen C4 WRC 886ESF78 F 4h 04m 39 4s 6 5 ued through the afternoon On suspension in stage eight Gas5 7 Evgenly NOVIKOV Dale Moscatt R stage 10 the first stage of the af sner s engine stopped in a water US AUS Citroen C4 WRC 723EGZ78 F 4h 06m 07 Ss 5 4 ternoon loop Ogier hit a barrier crossing on a road section and 6 5 Matthew WILSON Scott Martin GB Ford Focus RS WRC 1ES GB 4h 08m 25 0s 4 3 damaged the rear suspension could not continue The Ralliart 7 21 Mads OStberg Veronlca Engan N SUbaru Impreza WRC M700WRC GB 4h 14m 16 3s 1 2 and retired On the tricky stage Italia team fitted new filters and 8 6 Henning SOLBERG cam MenkenJd N Ford Focus RS WRC EU07SUF GB 4h 14m 16 9s 2 3 1 11 Loeb punctured changed the pumps and co mpletely resealed 9 150 Nasser Al Attiyah Glovannl Bemaa hinl QA I Subaru Impreza N14 PCWRC OUSSFUG GB 4h 20m 39 4s 10 wheel and dropped o nly lm03s the fuel tank apertures o n the 10 146 Patrik Sandell Emil Axelsson S Skoda Fabia S2000 PCWRC KI207BZ A 4h 20m 40 9s 8 against the fas test time This was Pirelli Star Driver Mitsubishis 11 63 Jarkko Nikara Jarkko Kallioiepo FIN Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X N DS705PC I 4h 22m 13 1s incredible His codriver Daniel and h oped for the best All five 12 38 Martin Prokop Jan Tomanek CZ a Elena said It took us lmlOs in restarted but T apper retired troen C2 51600 JWRC 6R0009 CZ 4h 23m 40 6s 10 all including the time lost driv 20when he went off the road 13 32 Michal Kosduszko Madek Szczpaniak Pl SUzuki Swift Sl600 JWRC JVR684 H 4h 23m 53 8s 8 ing for two kilometres looking and smashed the radiator Sau14 147 Armlndo Araujo Miguel Ramalho P Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX PCWRC DJ924 GW I 4h 24m 23 5s 6 for a place to stop Had they van retired with a broken ra15 10 Khalid Al QassimVMichael Orr UAE GB Ford Focus RS WRC EU07SSZ GB 4h 24m 54 3s practised hard Sebastien We diator Valdez restarted but then 16 145 Patrik Flodin Goran Bergsten S Subaru Impreza N14 PCWRC E190KB 199 RUS 4h 27m 14 9s 5 practised a bit last year when we stopped after a heavy landing 17 31 Aaron Burkart Michael Kolbach D Suzuki Swift 51600 JWRC SSE002 H 4h 31m 55 4s 6 made the change to Pirelli tyres which broke the radiator Sandell 18 149 Eyvind Brynildsen Denis Giraudet N F Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX PCWRC EQK867 NZ 4h 34m 37 9s l 4 19 35 20Yoann Bonato Benjamin Boulloud F Suzuki Swift Sl600 JWRC HP SR138 D 4h 34m 45 2s 8 5 In fact this is the first time in remained ahead of Patrik Flodin 20 39 Alessandro Bettega Simone Scattolin I Renault Oio 51600 JWRC DF4001V I 4h 35m 40 2s 4 eight years we had a puncture Nasser Al Attiyah who had been 21 36 Hans Weijs Bjom de Gandt NL B Citroen C2 S1600 JWRC H PR1106 D 4h 37m 14 2s 3 This dropped him at the end of delayed by a bent steering arm 22 2 Daniel SORDO Marc Marti E atroen C4 WRC 884ESF78 F 4h 42m 05 7s 2 the day to just 2 2 seconds be and Armindo Araujo who had 24 137 Frederic Sauvan Thlbault Gorczyca F Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX PCWRC 9028WWK06 F 4h 47m 14 Ss 4 3 hind third placed Petter Solberg the rear suspensio n knocked ou t 25 134 Gianluca Unari Paolo Gregorlanl I SUbaru Impreza Nl4 PCWRC OU09FB t I 4h 48m 10 7s 2 who had suffered badly having to of alignment again Bernardo 26 138 Gabor Mayer Robert Tagai H SUbaru Impreza N14 PCWRC LIV071 H 4h 48m 11 3s 1 OD drive in the dust Loeb had cre Sousa h ad two punctures and 28 62 Jon Williams George Gwynn ZA GB Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X N DS701PC Ij 4h 57m 06 2s 5 ated On the same stage Henning arrived at the end of day service 33 33 Simone Bertolottl Luca Celestini I SUzuki Swift S1600 JWRC KIH353 H Sh 13m 03 0s 9 2 Solberg s run came to an end with a huge hole in a tyre wher with suspension failure Sordo the tread used to be Only two 58 9 JWRC 115 PCWRC starters 37 7 JWRCJ8 PCWRC finishers Group N winner MANUFACTURERS REGISTERED lost four minutes with turbo of the PSD Mitsubishis finished DRIVER Pirelli Star Driver trouble dropping from fifth to the day those of Nikara and Missed stages or road sections Winner s average speed over stages 86 45kph eighth Things were goin g badly Williams Nikara had scored a for Citroen Suddenly however second Group N scratch time on LEADING RETIREMENTS LAST STAGE COMPLETED Novikov was up to fifth overall stage 11 then badly damaged the 8 Conrad RAlJTENBACH Danlel Barritt Z N GB Otroen C4 WRC 721ESZ78 F electrical 17 despite having to slow for cows rear end when he spu n off the 9 Federico VILLAGRA Jorge Perez Companc RA Ford Focus RS WRC EA07PXN GB cxxlriver unwell 1 9 12 Sebastien Ogier Julien Ingrassia F Citroen C4 WRC 7330 on stage 11 but both his Citroen road backwards it was still also YN78 F accident damage 2 9 Junior teammates were now miss misfiring badly Thomas stopped 34 Luca GriOtti Corrado Bonato I Renau1t a1o R3 JWRC DK845HF I lost wheel 13 ing Conrad Rautenbach after he with blocked fuel feed Semerad 37 Kevin Abbring Erwin Mombaert s NL B Renault Oio R3 JWRC 62 SN VX NL engine 1 suffered a shock absorber prob hit something and damaged the 61 Nicos Thomas Stephane Prevot CT B Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X N DS702PC I fuel problems 1 9 lem Another last stage disaster radiator while Tapper had rolled 64 Martin Semerad Bohuslav Ceplecha CZ Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X PCWRC DS704PC I radiator 2 12 The big story in the Junior hit sixth placed Mads Ostberg 65 Mark Tapper JE f Judd NZ Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X PCWRC DS703PC I aa ident 1 7 category was the problem for when the suspension failed after 132 Bernardo Sousa Jorge cavalho P Fiat Grande Punta 52000 PCWRC Dt 641WX I electrical 16 a heavy landing Matthew Wilson Bettega on stage eight He hit 136 Egoi Valdez Daniel Lucas Coll E Subaru Impreza N12 PCWRC 9951FLJ E radiator 5 7 was up to sixth ahead of Al Qas a rock which launched the car 139 Simone campectetli Danilo 20Fappani I Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX PCWRC DM246HN I road accident 1 simi delayed by power steering off the road and had to wait for 140 Andis Neiksans Peteris Dzirkals LV Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX PCWRC FV3333 LV exduded no licence 0 trouble a broken jack and failing help from spectators to get the 148 Hermann Gassner jr Katharina Wuest enhagen D Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX PCWRC BGL cGS D fuel problem 6 17 brakes and Dani Sordo car back on the road The sumpThen came questions like guard and the engine mountings Dusty Times August 2009 Page 17

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j ____ _ I SPRING SPECIAL Berri Is Class 1 Winner Text Photos Trcry Robinson Tyler and Cindy Mort were the gold medal winners in the Class 10 conflict they beat out five other cars for their class win No big surprise here Sam Berri was the Class 1 winner at the Spring Special Sam is seen here rushing across the terrain As I reflect on the second race of Vorra s 2009 season and the last short course race before we head into the desert for the summer I think about what a great race weekend it was Beautiful weather record car count new race course and a repeat of the first race success that Vorra had just a month earlier It s always fun to go to a Vorra short course race and camp out hang out with friends and watch some great racing come Sunday The race course was different in that it was run in the untraditional backward clockwise direction This put the racers jumping up the big jump on the front straight away Thanks to the hard work by Steve Sullivan on the tractor the jumps were reconfigured from the last race making the take offs easier on the cars The Vorra crew did a wonderful job with the two water trucks at keeping the dust down when they could After the first moto some racers complained that the course watering right before their moto made the track too slippery and unpredictable So for the second motos the watering was sparse and for the Pro 10 and Pro 1 moto two the dust was thick making a good start key to a good finish On to the races First off the line as usual to break in the track is the Sportsman class with 13 cars taking the green flag from the Sacramento Gold Rush start First car to Turn 1 was 10 of Erik Jenkins making his Vorra comeback after several years off with his beautiful Unlimited class car Turn 1 was a clean start as all 13 made it through with no issues Car 24 of Max Baggett got past Jenkins by the end of the first lap for the lead which he started to stretch out over the rest of the field Lap 2 Turn 1 Jenkins spins and runs over the inside tire markers dropping him to fourth behind Max Baggett 42 and Ruffus Wheeler 1018 Kevin Yoder 34 had his rock buggy up in fifth Michael Soto 1417 dropped out when the right rear tire departed the car and Chris Sullivan 535 was out next when the motor just about departed the car when the motor and trans mounts broke loose from his Baja bug Lap 4 would be the last for Max Baggett as his left rear tire decided to depart from the car too By La 5 Wheeler was starting to catch Brian Baggett making time up each lap But at the finish Baggett was able to hold off the last minute charge from Wheeler for the win with Jenkins cruising home for third and Yoder half a lap back for fourth Bill Minteer 1025 finished the moto fifth In Mato 2 Jenkins once again pulled the holeshot followed by Yoder Brian Baggett Wheeler and Max Baggett By mid race Jen kins had a big lead over the two Baggett s who were going back and forth for second place Yoder and Wheeler were tight for third Max Baggett would have ignition troubles dropping him out of the race on Lap 4 Chris Sullivan s issues weren t over yet as he broke a left rear sub axle on Lap 5 Brian Baggett began having motor issues as he slowly faded allowing Wheeler to get around at the next to last lap At the finish Jenkins received a little pressure from Wheeler but managed to hold on for the win Brian Baggett finished third and Yoder a strong fourth The overall for the day went to Erik Jenkins with Ruffus Wheeler second Brian Baggett third Kevin Yoder fourth Bill Minteer fifth and Michael McClary 6th Pro quads lined up next with three entries Taking the lead early was Travis Rowley 821 Rowley hammered all eight laps as if someone was going to catch him he was on a mission Running second for the first two laps was Ryan Stoffer 43 but he suffered a rear flat and continued limping around finishing five laps Tony Furgundus 104 finished all eight laps for second Mato 2 had Rowley again off to a strong run with Furgundus and Stoffer battling for second Coming up to the checkered flag with a huge lead Rowley s quad up and died He tried to push the quad up the hill to the checkers but it was too steep and slippery to get the quad up there Furgundus passed for the moto and overall win with Stoffer second Rowley would eventually get the bike fired and finish the moto in third giving him second for the overall Apparently the deadman kill switch pulled out causing the motor to die Amateur quads had four quads and it was Neal Borba 61 off to the early lead and stretching it out over the eight lap race Kenny Pomeroy 55K ran a strong second with Marc Harmon 81 and Ryan Souza 2 fourth At the finish Borba had a big lead over the field for the moto win Mato 2 was just This race Patty Hayos had to settle for a second place finish Joel Swanson gave it everything he had but he had to settle for in the Class 7 competition seen here at speed on the course a second place finish in the Group T competition Brad Falin was out there runnin with the big boys Brad had to settle for a third place finish in the Class 1 competition Baggett is not afraid of heights here he flies towards a ninth Rick Massie drove hard but he had to settle for a fifth place place finish in the Sportsman clash finish in the Class 1 contest seen here at speed Tim Compton got himself a beautiful silver medal in Class 1 he s seen here on his way to a really fine second in class Page 18 August 2009 Dusty Times

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1 A fourth place finish in Class 1 went to Dave Morton Dave is Brian Baggett gets himself nicely airborne as he heads to a third seen here battling his way to the checkered flag place finish in the Sportsman battle the same as Borba had a big lead at the end of the race over Pomeroy and Harmon Class 10 lined up after the water truck watered only half the track A clean start by all up to the east turn where Tristan Butcher driving Tyler Mort s 122 spun in the slick dirt dropping him to fourth Spinning out was in the cards for J C Elrod 1001 as he went around twice from the lead lost the lead but got it back each time Tim Compton 8 was the recipient of the misfortunes of Elrod but could never capitalize on keeping the lead Running third was Boss driving Dale Smith s 1044 Butcher was running fourth trying for that next spot On the wh it e flag lap Compton was of the pace and dropped out handing second to Boss and Butcher in third Moto 2 had Mort in his car taking the holeshot driving around the outside of Boss as Elrod Missed the shift going to Turn 1 Lap 2 and Boss got around Mort for the lead with Elrod in third Mort would get the lead back though as the two were battling allowing Elrod to close in Elrod would spin out yet again then he started fading back Eventually breaking the left front on Lap 5 taking him out This moved Lott Rodeman 1029 into third At the finish Mort had a one turn lead taking the moto and overall win Boss finished second in Moto 2 and second for the overall as well Elrod managed to scratch a third as Lott Rodeman finished fourth in the overall in Lott s 25 year old car A new car is in the works Bantam quads were up next and it was Jordon Bender 208 off to the early start Craig McCoy 9 was running second with Cody Bennett 77 running third at the end of Lap 1 Bennett would pass McCoy on Lap 2 and start to pull away On the white flag lap McCoy caught back up to Bennett and made the pass for second Bennett didn t give up and tried to get it back but wasn t able to do so at the finish line Moto 2 was similar with Bender out front early with McCoy Bennett and Jason Pomeroy 5 giving chase Bennett was up to second at Lap 2 as Pomeroy and McCoy battled for third At the finish Bender pulled off the moto win Bennett held on to second in the moto with McCoy out drag racing Pomeroy to the checkers for third Overall had Bender first Bennett second McCoy third and Pomeroy fourth In the Pilot class Tim Compton 8 was out to the lead followed by Miles Berghold 16 and Aaron Rupley 77x Rupley performed a perfect barrel roll in the east turn land Tannen Garrick took the gold medal in the Peewee Quad division seen here nicely airborne at the Spring Special ing on his wheels and never lifting Trying to pass a lapper Berghold almost lost it but made a nice save At the finish it was Compton Berghold and Rupley Moto 2 had Rupley and Berghold get the holeshot but Compton would hold on for the moto and overall win over Berghold and Rupley At the awards Berghold said in his acceptance speech that at least Compton is in sight now and not a half a lap away The UTV s were on track with the Pilots with three in the field Frank Dignon battled with Sean Cook 1930 for all eight laps with Dignon holding off for the lead Joe Crowley Jr 19 started catching Cook towards the end but Cook held on for second by less than two feet Moto 2 and Dignon was out front with Crowley in second 19 slowed and dropped back to third behind Cook Crowley caught back up and passed for second as Cook eventually dropped out on Lap 4 At the checkered Crowley was up to Dignon and almost made the pass but Dignan held on by one car length Overall results Dignon Crowley and Cook In the youth quad class Shania Bennett 76 was out front from the green Lap 2 however her deadman switch pulled and stalled the engine By the time she got it fired up again Cameron Daniels 816 and Josh Machado 7 got around her It didn t take long for Bennett to work her way up to the point and on Lap 4 she took the lead and didn t look back Machado was up to second and Daniels in third Second moto was a bit different as Daniels Bennett and Machado ran 1 23 from flag to flag Overall results were Bennett Daniels and Machado Continued on page 20 TTBEAOLOCK SIM ULATED 8 L VWBEAOLOCK 1 5X 1 2 VW BEAD LOCK NON BEADLOCK BEADLOCK Dusty Times August 2009 Page 19

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Katya Anderson was the fifth place finisher in the Peewee Quad Shawn Souza had a pretty good day finishing in third place in race seen here hustling towards the finish line the Peewee battle seen here saving a bit of tire wear p Group T and Class 7 ran on the track at the same time with one green flag for the 8 truck field Jump out and getting awful squirly heading to Turn 1 patty Hayos 769 This caused few trucks behind to take defensive measures to avoid her and each other Much to everyone s surprise was the fact that Bruce Fields 858 didn t the holeshot Fields was to the top by the end of Lap 1 and locked in a great battle with K C Keller 738 Joel Swanson T635 and Hayos were also in a good battle for third overall second in their respective classes Two laps is all James Ruhs 730 would make as he rolled his truck with some pretty extensive damage Getting locked in the battle with Swanson Hayos wasn t able to get around to make a change at Keller for the class position At the finish in Group T the top three were Fields Swanson and Mike Koenig T603 Class 7 tops were Keller Hayos and John Manfroy 761 who fought with Koenig in the closing laps Moto 2 in the combined truck classes had Fields taking Erik Jenkins was the gold medal winner in the Sportsman competition he s seen here starting out on another lap The gold medal in Class 7 went to KC Keller seen here rushing across the terrain on the way to the checkered flag the lead from the get go with Swanson Keller and Hayos fighting for second Two laps into the moto and Koenig snaps the right rear axle taking him out for the day Manfroy would end up on his lid Lap 3 in the east turn ending his day also At the finish it was Field Keller Swanson and Hayos Overall for Group T was Fields followed by Swanson and in Class 7 it was Keller then Hayos 2 and Garrick was out front with Anderson and Megan Falin 15 in tow Souza would be dead from the start with no forward gears Lap 2 and Anderson s chain flew off taking her out Surprise to all was that Kaydee Rowley 821 y was now running second as the leader Garrick was lapping up to third on the shortened course For the overall Garrick was the winner and dressing in pink Rowley was second Souza would manage the last podium spot with 2 3 moto finishes Last race before the lunch bread was the Class 1 s with 10 entries Heading into Turn 1 was Tim Compton 8 Sam Berri 149 and Steve Sullivan 118 Those three would battle out front while Rick Massie 24 Jim Stiles 117 and Dave Morton 125 would battle for fourth Sullivan and Berri would get together taking Sullivan out of the race By Lap 3 Massie Stiles Morton and now Brad Falin 1572 were dicing hard for third place Compton had a one turn lead over Berri as Morton was now up to third J J Racing had a stuck throttle Lap 4 taking them a lap to get going from eighth place At the checkers Berri almost cau ht Com ton Class 9 also ran with the trucks and in Moto 1 Forest Creasy 905 was running tops until the left rear wheel broke sending the car in to a barrel roll and out of the race Taking advantage was Ethan Rudd 9005 who went on for the Moto 1 2 and overall win Pee Wee quad had eight kids lined up and going flag to flag in Moto 1 was Tannen Garrick 55 followed by Shawn Souza 88 and Katya Anderson 77 Moto OUR PATENTED ZERO DRAG TORNADO CALIPERS WITH OFF ROAD MOUNTING PATTERNS DIRECT BOLT UP REPLACEMENT FOR YOUR EXISTING SYSTEM SUPERIOR BRAKES AT MILE 10 OR MILE 1000 Page 20 Steve Millward was the third place finisher in the Class 7 action he s seen here nicely airborne headin home August 2009 for the win but Compton managed to hold him off They were followed by Massie Fred Jenson 126 Shannon Harwell 132 and Stiles Harwell had run from Lap 1 with a flat right front tire Last race of the day was Moto 2 for Class 1 Taking the holeshot this time was Berri as Jenson spun in Turn 1 Berri Compton and Sullivan were all fighting for the top position until Sullivan would spin out of second place Berri almost spun on the dry slick track Sullivan would run wide in the east turn almost allowing Compton to sneak past Running order half way was Berri Sullivan Compton Falin and Morton Towards the end of the race Sullivan was off pace and that allowed Compton to make a last lap pass for second Moto results Berri Compton Sullivan Falin Morton and Harwell Overall results Berri with 2 1 moto finishes Compton 1 2 Falin 3 4 Morton 4 5 and Massie 5 7 All in all like I said before it was a great day at the races We all look forward to the summer desert series then back to Prairie City in the fall for the two more before wrappi t ie seasonu It was a nice win in Group T for Bruce Fields we almost got all of him in this frame maybe next time Dusty Times

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Harley Letner 114 SCORE Baja 500 Overall Race Winner Class 1Winner Joe Bacal 879 SCORE Baja 500 Class Stock Full Winner i OKlngKor g 2009 SCORE Baja 500 More race wins than all other shock manufacturers combined Rick D Jolmson SCORE Trophy Truck Brent Parkhouse SCORE Lite Mikey Lawrence SCORE Class 1000 Harley Letner SCORE Class 1 Kevfn Carr SCORE Class 5 Joe Bacal SCORE Stock Full Darren Skilton SCORE Class 3 Gavin Skilton SCORE Stock Mini Dan Chamlee SCORE Class 7 sx

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BAJA By Judy Smith 500 PART 2 Lawrence Takes Class 10 Win Photos Track side Photo A good race for Marcos Nunez he took the gold medal in the Class 5 1600 fracas seen here at speed an saving some tire wear Mikey Lawrence had a really good day he took the Class 10 win in his VW powered Lothringer he s seen here at speed with all four on the ground Ensenada Baja Cal Mex SCORE officials finished computing the Official Finish List by the last weekend in June and we now continue our story about the race beginning where we left off previously Just to refresh the memory of our readers we ll go back a bit Originally Robby Gordon was thought to be the overall and Trophy Truck winner but he had refueled his truck on the highway at that point it was also the race course which is not a legal pit according to the rules so he was penalized and Rick 0 Johnson with almost no penalties became the Trophy Truck class winner while Harley Letner and Kory Halopoff winners of Class 1 became the overall winners Many of the teams originally thought to be class winners lost their wins because of penalties These were assessed for three reasons course deviation speeding on the pavement or having no data for a segment of the course As it happens Letner and Halopoff were the Class 1 winners both unofficially and officially since they managed to travel the full length of the course without accruing any penalties In Class 10 which had ten starters the official winner was Mikey Lawrence in his VW powered Lothringer Lawrence worried a bit on the east coast where the terrain was soft and his motor overheated some but other than th at his day went well He said he just drove our own race didn t really worry about anybody else He was the unofficial winner as well as the official winner with both course deviation and speed penalties His official time equaled 11 23 38 Every finisher in this class had some penalty In second place it was Javier Robles Arturo Honold and Ricardo Malo who started At Mile 45 the throttle mount broke off the pedal Malo zip tied it but of course the throttle now stuck and he had to use his toe to pull the pedal back up He stopped for a fix at Mile 75 Honold got in at Mile 155 went a little ways and then went back to his pit for a fuel pump fix Then they were last in class After that they pushed hard Robles got in at Mile 270 it s his car and improved their position They had a course deviation penalty and their official time was 11 26 53 Third place went to Will Higman in a Kreger Honda Higman drove all the way had a couple of flats and got stuck when Steinberger s Trophy Truck was parked sideways on the course He had course deviation and speeding penalties for an official time of 11 27 55 In fourth it was Sergio Salgado and Gustavo Pinuelas in a Honda Lothringer They had three flats and in the dust got stuck in a ditch at Uruapan They had course deviation and speed penalties to give them an official time of 12 13 17 Fifth place in Class 10 went to Scott Gailey and Scott Whipple They d had a couple of flats and were stuck for an hour at Uruapan when Ed Stout s truck got in their way They tried to pass Stout while his truck was still turned over and got their left front wedged into Stout s door because the 10 car hit an unseen rock as they tried to get past the Trophy Truck They lost an hour and a half getting unstuck They had a course deviation penalty which brought their time t o 13 28 33 In sixth place it was Jesus Gonzalez in a Dunrite Honda who drove the whole distance He said he d broken a brake line and then he hit a Class 1 car that stopped in front of him and that broke his front end He had a speeding penalty for an official time of 13 30 51 ohn Holmes was the Class 7SX winner at the Baja 500 John had almost two hours in hand when he took the checkered flag It was a long day for Joe Baca he was out on the course for 16 hours but he was the gold medal winner in Class Stock Full Gavin Skilton was the big winner in the Stock Mini Class he was out on the course for 17 hours seen here just at the start of his race Rodrigo Ampudia ran penalty free for the entire race he took the win in Class 8 easily he s seen here just before touchdown Page 22 August 2009 The seventh place car was the team of Arthur Sal as Lobsam Yee and Tito Robles in a Jimco Honda They had three flats early in the day Yee was the second driver and h e lost the fan and the car go t hot before Borrego It quit running twice and cost about 30 minutes At San Matias they fixed it then he lost the clutch and drove to Valle de Trinidad without it Robles did the third section and got lost for a few minutes They had just speed penalties and their official time was 13 56 38 In eighth it was Cory Keysar and Matt Loiodice in a Jimco Honda Keysar started and he lost the power steering pump and had to limp 50 miles to a pit to get the pump replaced The replacement didn t work so then he got another Loiodice got in midway and 6ut on the beach road past Erendira he swerved to miss a spectator Jeep on the course and broke a wheel That cost him ten minutes Then he lost a power steering belt and drove about 15 miles without it other than that the tires were good They had course deviation and speed penalties for an official time of 14 45 35 Ninth place went to Alex C ntinued on page 24 Dusty Times

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Photo courtesy of Wilson Photography I 4531 E Eisenhower Circle Anaheim CR 92887 PH 714 777 5758 j

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Javier Robles was the silver medal winner in the Class 10 contest Alonso Angulo had to settle for a second place finish in Class he was just a bit over three minutes in arrears at the checkers 5 1600 he s seen here at speed on the course Oscar Solaiza drove his truck to a second place finish in the Class 7SX race he s seen here early on headin out of town Crosthwaite and Pepe Gonzalez in a Jimco Crosthwaite started and Gonzalez finished They said they had no flats but at the end of the race their gas pedal stuck so they ran full throttle from the wash to the end Their clutch was burnt up and their brakes were burning at the finish line They amassed a big speeding penalty for an official time of 17 44 13 In tenth and last place in class it was Edgar Avalos and Ruben Sanudo in a RCD Toyota Avalos lost three hours with an electrical problem and Sanudo had fuel pump problems They had both course deviation and speed penalties and their official The Class 7 win went to Dan Chamlee he drove penalty free Dan is seen here on his way to victory in the Class 7 contest Dan Pickering took home the gold medal in the Class 6 contest at the Baja 500 Dan is seen here following his Checker banner fla s somew he e long th way and started their effort with a late night struggle to fix the rear end the night before the race A stellar crew of Ramon Castro Willie Valdez and Gabriel Rivera helped them with the repair or they probably wouldn t have made the race Their time was 15 25 15 and they had no penalties of any kind In second place it was Oscar Solaiza and Jim Hinesley in their Ford They apparently Pl t 11 BBBBEB II U IBAll 9 f a hil o niel Reyes Jr Julian Rivera and Hector Ortega drove their Mayoral to the finish They said they d had electrical problems in the first seven miles and then broke an axle Because the spare was at Erendira they had to wait five hours for it to get to them After that they said it was dark cold and afraid Unfortunately they hurried SO much to get to the finish that they didn t watch their speed earned a big speeding penalty KENWDDD 31 CUPS Brent Parkhouse had a really good run at the 500 he was the SCORE lites winner he s seen here nicely airborne A 2001 lESAl BA RATEi HElllETS _ HJI IIJEl SAil RACING CEllS 0 Clf IY lvl B Randy Swink had a great race he was out on the course for just under 13 hours was penalty free and went home with the Sportsman Truck win Page 24 August 2009 Dusty Times

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Clyde Stacey had a rather Jong race he was out on the course for eighteen and a half hours he still scored a second place A second place finish in the Class 7 contest went to Aaron finish in Class 8 Ce ecio Aaron spent more than 16 hours earning his position Heidi Steele took the silver medal in the Class 6 contest she was only 18 minutes in arrears after 14 hours of racing Not too bad a day for the Lee Banning crew finishing second in It was a very long race for Ken Frazier more than 17 how s on Score Lites seen here in pursuit of the checkers the course but it did pay off with a silver medal It was a third place finish in the Class 5 1600 battle for Pedro Athie it was a long race but it did have its rewards and that put them into the did not finish column Tough day for the team In Class 11 which had two starters there were also two finishers Eric Solorzano and Robert Johnson reported that they d had an early flat and then a truck ran over their left rear corner Then before Borrego they had two flats within ten miles But they didn t get stuck they said and they finished at about 4 15 a m Their official time which includes a speeding penalty was 17 50 50 In second place it was the team of Rene Rodriguez and Sergio Madrueno They shared the driving and had steering trouble and two flat tires They were also stuck for an hour in the sand near El Chinero Their time was 19 12 34 and they earned no penalties at all In the Stock Full class there were three starters but only one team got to the finish line That was the Lexus LX570 of Joe Bacal This was his first race and he drove all the way He declared he d had no flats but got lost a few times He had no penalties and had a time of 16 22 26 a good showing for a first race The Stock Mini class had only one entry and one finisher Gavin Skilton drove his Honda Ridgeline to the finish He damaged a driveline early on limped to where there was a chase truck and cannibalized a Peter Lang was the Sportsman Buggy winner he finished the course in 13 21 09 and went home with the gold medal in his pocket stock part Then he damaged a rear suspension part and later on the beach broke it and had to wait for the crew to come in with a new one After that it was all good to the finish and he had no flats for the day Their team said they had a good race and liked the cheers of the spectators They had no penalties at all for a finish time of 17 13 28 In the Sportsman Car division there were two starters and two finishers In first place it was the team of Peter Lang and Brian Jellison in their Homebuilt Chevy powered buggy They said the only thing that slowed them on their way was one flat tire They had no penalties at all and a time of 13 21 09 Second place went to Glenn Smith and Terry Collis in a Raceco They said they d become tangled in a barbed wire fence and also had run into some booby traps But they d had no flat tires They also had no penalties at all and finished just eight minutes behind first place in 13 29 18 In the Sportsman Truck class there were four starters and two finishers In first place it was Randy Swink and Bill Kellison who split the trip They said this was their first race ever driving They had Not a single problem no flats And they earned no penalties at all finishing in 12 58 39 Second place in the class It was close for Will Higman and crew they took a third place finish in Class 10 they were 62 seconds out of a 2nd place finish went to Ken Frazier and Larry Crider in a Chevy Unfortunately they arrived during our nap time and we didn t get to hear about their adventures They earned no penalties and finished in the time of 17 24 27 The UTV class also a Sportsman group had five starters and two finishers In first place it was Reid Nordin Hans Waage and Todd Romano on a Kawasaki Teryx They finished with an average speed of 23 51 miles per hour in 18 23 42 and they earned no penalties along the way Second place went to brothers Tom and Joe Graves who shared the driving in their Yamaha Rhino They broke four axles along the way Each time they d put it in 4 wheel drive and go to a pit and get it repaired Each axle change took about 40 minutes They said they also got hit several times This team also earned no penalties and finished in the time of 19 15 17 damed close to cut off time The penalties changed the results lists drastically but did show that it was possible to get a good result even though the drivers stayed on the marked course and stayed within the speed limit At this writing it s unknown what SCORE plans to do about checking the data at the Baja 1000 in November We can only wait and see SCIII I A long race but it did have its rewards Bill Kunz and crew John Langley drove hard for a long time he was the bronze medal finished third in the Class 7 fracas seen here at speed finisher in the Score Lites contest seen here headin for home Dusty Times August 2009 Every race in a long one in Class 11 Eric Solarzano has been doing it for years and winning for years 1st place Class 11 at the 500 Page 25

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DD vw AUTGPARTES NIGHT RACE Rama And crew Take 1600 And overall By Beryl Moore Photos Foto Baja Mex The Brassea Felix Pacheco Yepis quartet took the Class 1 gold medal they ran hard through the gloom took the gold Roberto Romo M ayoral De din and Hernandez took the Class 1600 win as well as taking the overall win seen here at speed The night was dark the moon was missing and what there were of the number of cars entered just kept going around If you don t remember W ilson Picket then Google Stagger Lee T h is opening sentence is ded icated to them Don t know if it s the economy or the rumor mill but a 60 car and truck entry almost doesn t cut it producer wise CODE is in the same boat as many others or maybe persons just don t like driving at night Anyway we had the third chapter of the CODE racing season start at sunset on Saturday evening and finish sometime between 0130 and 0530 in the dark of Sunday morning There was a somewhat shorter track next door where some 40 bikes and quads ran a five lap shortened course version starting about 30 minutes earlier Results of that group are as follows David Gonzalez and Now Ibarra led the Pro ranks and shared the gold with their ride and winning time of 2 41 31 for five laps Christian Serna and Roberto Villalobos were second with a time of 2 24 54 and Alejandro Olguin Edgar Espinosa and Mario Acosta shared the third place ride and win with a time of 2 48 37 There were eight starters in the Sportsman ranks and all but two The Barragan family p ut their shoulders to the wheel and they took the gold medal in the Class 12 contest of them managed to finish First across the line and black and white was the 54X team made up of Francisco Espinoza and Ramon Ceja in with their winning time of 3 13 33 Silver went to the 55X team of Armando Menesses and Adrian Rosas in with a time of 3 18 13 and the bronze went to the 52X team consisting of Carlos Becerril and Rene Angulo in with a time of 3 40 43 Julio Moreno Johan Sanchez and Christian Espinoza all ran solo rides and finished fourth through sixth in that order Nine entries in the Clase Quad Pro field and seven of them had finishing times Three riders made up the gold team Angel Morfin Jose Lopez and Daniel Salas were declared the Class 10 winners They re seen here on their way to the win Gilberto Perez and Miguel Verduzco riding Q12 with a winning time of 3 06 33 Silver winner was another three man team aboard the Q3 and they were Joel Leal Gustavo Perez and Artemio Perez in with a time of 3 11 14 meanwhile the four man team of Julio Lizarrage Rene Montano Raul Guaradado and Enrigue Martinez on the QlO quad ran a 3 13 55 for the bronze What a difference one rider change o wide turn might made In the Sportsman class there were 18 starters and 10 of them finished the required distance for The Gonzalez Olvera Quin tero Platas foursome drove their g ood looking truck to the Class 7 win here at speed The Bravo Krigbaw trio gave it everything they had but had to settle The De La Torre s and crew fought hard and collected a second for second place in Class 1 here just before dark place finish in the Class 12 contest here at high speed Page 26 August 2009 times A four man team was first a three man team was second and a two man team was third Q61 ridden by Alfonso Lopez Benjamin Lopez Jesus Lopez and Gary Gonzalez made the required turns and ride changes and did it with a winning time of 3 13 19 Samuel Garcia Lucio Zuniga and Lucio A Zuniga ran a 3 15 53 on Q55 And the Q69 quad ridden by Carlos A Lopez and Juan Carlos Lopez in with a time of 3 16 01 took the bronze Hardly enough time for the dust to clear between the various laps and rides Seven solo riders made the other quali fying times and finished in the following order Alex G o mez 4th Rafael G arcia 5th Casey Lizaola 6th Javier Rubio 7th Jose Contreras 8th Ciro Calderon 9th and Valente Bellozo 10th The Pro ranks of the various four wheel types trucks buggies and cars was headed by the four man team led by driver of record Pietro Brassea in the converted 149 ar with lap times of 1 13 37 1 18 58 and 1 31 48 for a combined corrected time of 4 04 23 for the clase win and third overall Abel Felix Ivan Pacheco and edgar Yepis aided and abetted the go ld win Armando Bravo Johnnie Krigbaw and Allen Bravo had laps of 1 24 05 1 21 45 and 2 16 32 for a 5 02 22 for the silver and Javiar Robles Sr Javier Javier Manzo and friends took second place honors in the al ways hotly contested Class 7 contest here at speed with a I lights ablaze Dusty Times

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The Varelo Angulo Chavez group took the win in the Class 5 1600 race they re seen here speeding through the night The Duron Family with light bar all aglow fly through the night to take the Class 7S victory at the CODE night race The Class 9 win went to the Gonzalez group they beat out four other cars to take their nighttime win here at speed The Mexia Flores Robles trio were the gold medal winners in the Class 11 contest they re seen here headin for the checkers Robles Jr and Alex Zozaya had laps of 3 37 39 and 1 48 50 but only got to Checkpoint 2 of the third lap and were awarded the bronze tian Buelna Luivan Voelker Mele Valencia and Josue Olvera for the Gold the latter four were awarded the silver Dusty Times Class 10 had two starters and neither of them finished Jose Lopez and Daniel Salas went further than the four men team of Chris August 2009 The overall winner in the Pro ranks was the Clase 12 car managed by three Barrigans Luis Luis Jr Alfredo and David Garcia with three very quick laps of 1 15 45 1 18 37 and 1 21 35 for a combined 3 55 57 for class and overall wins Jesus de la Torre Jorge Sainz Cesar de al Torre and David Feliz went 1 48 29 Jorge Sainz Cesar de la Torre and David Feliz went 1 48 29 2 13 10 and 1 47 15 for a 6 39 10 for silver and Efrain Vargas Fernando Vargas Jorge Vargas and Marcos Perales broke somewhere near Check 1 of the first or second lap but were awarded the bronze No Class 8 entries in this go round Seven starters in Clase 7 and three of the managed finished First across the black and white was a four man team made up of Alberto Gonzalez Manuel Olvera Jonathan Quintero and Fernando Platas in their 702 truck and they had laps of 1 49 47 1 25 35 and 1 27 21 for a 3 55 57 and the win Another four man tam consisting of Javier Manzo Ismael Gaxiola Gustavo Pinuelas and Emilio Leo ran laps of 1 25 05 1 44 30 and 2 15 18 for a 5 24 53 and the second spot Five persons were listed as drivers in the 707 truck and they ran laps of 1 40 15 1 41 08 and 2 26 10 for a third place finish of 5 24 53 The five listed were Cesar Bellozo Oscar Bellozo Walter Padilla Alberto Corral and Erick Ruiz Think the driver of record in all these multiples is the first listed Guess we will see the end of the year There were four no finishers in the 7 Clase Class 2 1 1600 had eight starters and four of them managed to finish Roberto Romo Juan Mayoral Diego Delfin and Jessie HemanContinued on page 28 Page 27

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The Gutierrez family along with Campos and Castillo were a while No lights yet Roberto Rabago and his crew drove their Bug to a getting there but they took the silver medal in Class 1 2 1600 second place finish in the Class 5 1600 battle dez had laps of 1 22 03 1 18 19 and 1 21 44 for a 4 02 06 and the gold Arnoldo G utierrez Arnoldo G utierrez Jr Josue Campos and Cesar Castillo ran 1 24 31 2 29 29 and 1 46 43 for a combined time of 5 40 43 and the silver Daniel Ugalde Den is Rosales and Jesus Rosales C went 2 34 39 1 45 31 and 1 37 10 fo r a 5 58 30 and the bronze The other team to finish was made of Julio Cesar Marin Francisco Escareno Sergio Rosales Claudia Daval os and Anto nio Marin with lap times of 2 25 30 2 07 34 and 2 14 36 and a total time of 6 37 06 Two out of four finished in the 5 1600 class and the team of Alberto Varela Geraldo Varela Alonzo Angula and Omar Chavez in with lap times of 1 36 00 1 45 03 and 1 34 52 for a quick 4 55 54 took the gold Just about three minutes ak was the team of Roberto Rabago Beto Garcia and Daniel Camero in the 550 ar who ran 1 40 50 1 46 00 an 1 31 54 for a really nice 4 58 44 for the silver Three starters and one finisher in Class 7S The declared gold and the check went to several Duran s and one Padron In sort of this order Armando Duron Armando Duron Jr Cesar Duron and Ivan Padron They had lap times of 1 49 30 2 42 36 and for a 4 32 06 Class 9 had five starters and five starters and four finishers Two laps with times of 1 53 52 and 1 50 37 for a 3 44 29 were completed by a four man team made up of Jose Angel Gonzalez Jose Angel Gonzalez Jr Alfredo Gonzalez Raul Garcia and Jesus Ibarra with laps of 1 53 52 and 1 50 37 for a time of 3 44 29 took the gold Gustavo Mesa Adrian Gonzalez Sandra Rucobo and Claudia Gutierrez had two lap times of 1 49 55 and 2 02 28 for a 3 52 23 and the silver and Alejandro Bellozo Gabriel Solis and Cuauhtemoc Ledezma ran 2 00 07 and 2 25 24 for a bronze time of 4 25 31 Fourth place finisher was a team consisting of Manuel Silva Jose Ope Colis Gregorio Mendez and Manuel Ibarra with a 6 01 38 There were two starters and two finishers in Class 11 Mi el Mexia Rodrigo Feria and friends were the big winners in the Class 14 Sportsman category they re seen here boring through the night Jorge Rivas and crew were the big winners in the Sportsman Class 18 they beat out seven other trucks for their win The Espinoza Sanchez Cruz quartet took first place honors in the Class 15 Sportsman division here with al lights aglow luivan Voelker and friends drove their vehicle to a first place finish in the Sportsman Safari class seen here at speed Mario Flores and Roberto Robles ran their two laps at 1 56 25 and 2 01 35 for a 3 58 flat for the win Ruben Espinoza and Ruben Espinoza Jr went 2 27 05 and 3 01 58 for a second place finish of 5 29 03 In the Sportsman class made up Class 14 Class 15 Class 18 and the lone Safari entrant they were also required to finish two and three laps and the times are as indicated The 1447 car headed Class 14 with a four man team made up of Rodrigo Feria Victor Celaya Heetor Pimentel and Cesar Ramirez and they had times of 1 29 09 1 44 26 and 1 31 38 for a 4 44 22 Arturo Rodriguez Senior and Junior along and second Richardo Larios went third with lap times of 2 50 30 and 1 54 25 for a 4 44 55 Fourth place and the only other finisher was the team of Manuel Robles Ramiro Vazquez aiid Rogelio Gomez in with a time of 5 09 29 Two starters and two finishers in Class 15 The four man team of Gyan Espinoza Juan Carlos Espinoza Danny Sanchez and Julio Cruz took the gold with lap times of 2 03 55 and 2 05 52 and a 4 09 47 The 1540 car teamed by Carlos Bravo Ivan Zamarripa Emmanuel Duran and Ivan Bravo ran 2 39 35 and 2 31 48 for a 5 11 23 and the silver with Victor Campos and Fernando Rodriguez went second with times of 1 31 43 1 40 24 and 1 36 33 for a 4 48 40 and Jose Luis Sanchez Carlos Davila Fernando Rubio and Oscar Balderrama ran 1 2 29 2 25 49 and 1 46 15 for a third place finishing time of 6 41 19 The 1800 truck headed the Clase 18 field of eight starters and four finishers with listed drivers as Jorge Rivas Gilberto Arreola Arthuro Garcia and Adolfo Castaneda who had times of 1 40 02 and 1 31 38 for a time of 3 11 40 and the gold Fernando Duron Erica Cuevas and Ignacio Terriquez went 1 29 25 and 1 53 52 for a time of 3 23 127 A second place finish in Class 9 was awarded to Gustavo Meza The Rodriguez Campos quar tet were four minutes in arrears in and his crew for their actions in the Class 9 battle Sportsman Class 14 they had to settle for a second place finish Page 28 Augustin Fonseca and crew were awarded a second place finish in the Class 7S battle here rushing through the night in their Ford August 2009 Which leaves only Luivan Voelker Jr Victor Gasca Nicolas Galindo and Pedro Feliz in the lone Safari entry Their times were listed as 1 37 36 1 03 57 and 3 30 21 for a somewhat elongated time of 5 07 57 but they did take the gold home with them And thus another day and night in CODE racing history ends We want to thank all participants and we do man all participants for their continued support in these less than stellar times Remember what has been said We have nothing to fear except fear itself Via con Dios and hope to see you somewhere back down here on the Baja soon Almost invisible behind the lights Fernando Duron and friends took a second place finish in the Sportsman Class 18 Dusty Times

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I I YERINGTON 300 Roger GrayClass 1 overall By Troy Robinson Photos Lyman Photography It was a firs t p lace finish in Group T for Kaile Vierra seen here w ith th e pedal to the m etal heading for the win Roger Gray had a great race he took the Class 1 gold medal and he was the overall winner too seen here with lots of power on Roger Gray brings out his trophy truck just once last year and set fast lap in Fallon this year in Yerington he fought off an early charge from Sam Berri than a later charge from the truck of Rick Massie to win overall at the Yerington 300 in Northern Nevada on Memorial Day weekend Yerington is a fun race by all the Vorra competitors as the town really opens its doors to the Vorra racers and family Friday night there is the welcoming party and drawing for starting positions at Casino West Saturday had a different schedule away from the tradition of years ast Tech would start later at noon and end sooner at 4pm with the drivers meeting immediately following at 4 30 Following the drives meeting at 6pm is the parade up and down main street then on out to the start finish area just two miles from downtown With the new format most racers didn t show up for tech until after 3pm and tech and registration had to e extended to allow for the latecomers There is a saying in northern Nevada If you don t like the weather stick around 10 minutes it will change Well just before the parade at 6pm the weather changed and it started raining and raining But it was ust a local thunderstorm Bill Lott drove the Aluminum Red Team to a first p lace finish in the Class 10 cont es t they had 17 minutes in hand at the finish not the deluge of rain that we had last year where it didn t stop raining until race morning This would be just enough rain to get us wet driving in the parade As soon as the parade was over and we returned to main street the rain stopped and the sun was out Not having the drivers meeting after the parade like it was last year was better for families and teams as we now had the evening off to finish final prep have pit meetings and in the case of our team have a party May 24 marked my mom and dad s 40th wedding anniversary and my dad surprised my mom with a party at the local RV park clubhouse The last thing my mom wanted was an anniversary party in damn Yerington but with the help of my dad s friends he was able to pull off the party without her knowing It was a lot of fun and we had over 50 family and friends some of which haven t been to a Vorra race in over 20 years but were at the first race in Plymouth CA some 38 years ago Some have nevei even been to a race With the later start time for tech of noon most racers were able to get a lap or two of pre running in before tech Vorra head honcho Wes Harbor once again followed the approved race course map provided by the BLM and found yet another road we have never raced on before The race course was run in the counter clockwise direction heading out of Weed Heights first over the hill hitting the stadium jump at rm 4 first Then down into visual A and onto Check 1 at rm 15 From there the power line road was graded but not the wash after that The eight miles or so of rocky wash is rough for pre runners and I often skip it but as the race car gets dialed in we like to see how fast we can run it Then the course headed north to the power line and hard turn west where pro pit would be race day Passed the dry lakebed where I m sure unlimited class speeds were flat out down the graded roads heading into Checkpoint 2 Passed two pretty much the same on into 3 This is where the new course was found A 359 degree uphill turn in the sand and silt let into about five miles of some very technical uphill and sand wash This dropped into Delphi mine site and on up the wash to the top of the hill A choice near the top do I have enough traction and power to go right or do I play it safe and go left Right is about a minute faster but if I can t make it it will cost me five minutes backing down Over the top and down the fast gravel wash into start finish makes up the 50 miles course Sunday morning 6am the Pro quads would leave the line for two laps At the end of the first lap Ryan Stoffer 43 had a ten minute lead over Brad Falin 104 and Travis Rowley 821 Stoffer would lost 3 18 on Lap 2 to Falin but held on for the win by just over ten minutes Rowley finished in third 13 minutes behind Stoffer Amateur quads also did two laps and Cliff Wilson 431 held off Kenny Pomeroy 55k to win by just over 11 minutes They were the only two finishers in the class of four Bantam quads had five entered for the one lap showdown and Jason Pomeroy 5 was the close victor by just 2 17 over Cody Bennett 77 Jordan Bender 208 finished third with Craig McCoy 9 fourth McCoy s time was just 5 24 slower than Pomeroy Chad Giguire was the class 10 leader on the first lap but he Ben Phillips gave it all he had in the Group T contest he ran never did arrive at the start finish obviously a dnf second most of the race took home the silver medal in class Page 30 August 2009 Once the track was cleared the cars and trucks started at 10 00am First off the line was 124 Chris Tomaszeski followed by his car owner boss Chris Tomaszeski in the 24 Trophy Truck Starting ninth in the 10 car field Sam Berri 149 managed to pass all of them for the lead on Lap 1 Roger Gray 21 started behind Berri and was second on Lap 1 That s a lot of passing in the 50 mile lap Holding o n to a strong third was Fred Johnson 126 followed by Shannon Harwell 132 and Rick Massie After two laps Berri had a 3 15 lead over gray but his car was stuck in fourth gear Berri lost the lead on Lap 2 and dropped to second behind Gray Berri would have to make repairs to the shift linkage on Lap 4 and eventually timed out on Lap 5 placing 6th in class Rich Massie was on a charge though as he never gave up and was up to second on Lap 4 just 18 48 off of ray s time Harwell was sitting well in third Chris Tomaszeski was in fourth despite having computer and fuel issues that cost them over an hour at Pro Pit to 1 repair At the finish Gray was the class and overall winner over Tick Massie by 4029 Third place went to Harwell and the final finisher i class was Chris Tomaszeski This was a monumental finish for the Rescue Racing Team of Rick Massie and Chris Tomaszeski as this was the first finish at desert race for either car Congrats guys Class 10 was next up and going for a ride in the Red Dog Racing entry owned by promoter Wes Harbor was contingency director Danielle Henley I have to mention her name she buys me a drink for it each time This beautiful new car was piloted for the first three laps by long time Vorra racer and Fibercraft shop in Reno owner Bill Lott They got the luck of first off in class but didn t hold the lead long Chad Giguiere 1088 was the leader after one lap running well in with a 1 17 lead over the Class 9 entry of Forest Creasy 905 Creasy jumped up class to race as he was the lone Class 9 entry this weekend It was a fifth place finish for Bruce Field in the Group T contest he s seen here haulin freight Dusty Times

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Jake Povey seen here with a bit of the fiberglass missing was Sam Berri led the first lap in Class 1 later had shifter problems the third place finisher in the Group T category dropped way back and eventually finished 6th in class Running third after one lap was the coast aluminum 1021 entry followed by Tyler Mort 1222 and Red Dog Racing Lap 2 and Creasy was hammering in his Class 9 car with the lead by just 0 20 over Coast Aluminum with Mort in third Coast Aluminum had the lead after three laps ad never looked back Red Dog Racing was motoring on for second followed by J C Elrod 1001 who was fighting flat tires in the young Elrod s first desert race At the finish line Coast Aluminum was the winner by 16 48 over Red Dog Racing Elrod motored in for third and Tristan Butcher was driving now for Mort finished fourth In Group T 11 trucks entered with a varying range of Class 6 8 and 1450 trucks represented Kaile Vieira s Class 8 803 was blazing fast after one lap with a 4 07 lead over Ben Phillips 6043 in his Trophy Truck Running 3rd was another Class 8 of Bruce Field 858 After experiencing electrical and ECU issues then getting caught in traffic for half a lap Mike Koenig 603 had his Class 6 truck in fourth Tim Schrader 689 drove his family to the race in his four door Tacoma pre runner and he let his wife drive on Saturday during the re run She mana ed to ut the truck i a sow mild barrel roll on three sides so Tim decided to enter the truck in the race on Sunday He was running sixth after the first lap using his four wheel drive to pull fellow competitor off the hill after he couldn t made it u Shannon Harwell gave it all there was but it wasn t enough had to settle for a bronze medal finish at the flag Rick Massie was a threat all during the race he ran hard and finished in the second spot in the Class 1 battle the decision right Heading into Lap 3 the owner of Total Chaos Fabrication was driving Koenig s truck and just six miles into the lap the third member blew The team pillaged the third member from friends Scott Rod ers truck after he blew his transmission o Lap 2 The downtime was over two hours and the team eventually got the truck moving again completing two more laps but timed out on Lap 5 At the finish line Vierra was the Continued on a e 32 Taking a fourth place finish in Class 1 was Chris Tomaszeski he started first on the road but couldn t hold it J BEAR We carry afull lin KING FILTERMAIJ 0 FF il O fi D RACING SHOCKS Dusty Times August 2009 Page 31

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II ft _________________ class winner by 43 45 over Phillips Jake Povey 503 kept his 1450 truck moving well all day and finished in third place And surprise finisher was the followed truck or Schrader placing fourth Class 7 had four trucks entered and Rob Roggy 1701 in his JeepSpeed was ut front after two laps by just 2 20 over K C Keller 8738 and Mike Shaffer 1705 Two laps is all Roggy and Keller would finish and Shaffer would do just one more for the class win with three laps under his belt In the UTV class the line entry was Sean Cook 1930 who finished five laps in 9 08 15 Sportsman class had 14 entered for five laps of competition Brian Baggett 24x was running strong after one lap with a 3 06 lead over Kevin Yoder 34 Rufus Wheeler 1018 was running third followed by Scott Wooden 349 Bradford Racing 1208 and Bill Minteer 1025 At the end of two laps Baggett s lead was 5 47 now over Wooden Yoder and Wheeler Heading into the final lap Baggett s lead was now 39 59 over Yoder Wheeler Wooden and Minteer But in the final lap Wheeler kept up his consistent pace and pulled out ahead for the win in class by just 3L59 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Forest Creasy has a Class 9 car he ran with the Class 10 cars Not the best race for Tyler Mort he ended up the fourth place this race and took a fifth place finish in spite of the power loss finisher in the Class 10 battle he s seen here at high speed over Yoder on corrected time Yoder actually was first across the line but Wheeler started 2 30 later so had more time to subtract 81 in fifth rounding out the finishers in class Immediately following the race was the awards in town at the Ryan Stoffer led all the way in the Pro Quad battle he s seen here on his way to the checkers and a nice win Brad Falin was the second place finisher in the Pro Quad tussle he s seen here at speed headin for that elusive checkered flag Casino West where they posted 1000 00 to the winners to be given away at Wes discretion This race the monies were split to the fastest laps in class As in the past you must be present to win I think that cost my team a gift certificate As we look ahead to the Fallon night race in July we have heard the rumor that a lot of the BORE trucks are coming to race us in Group T That should bring much more competition to an already competitive class Cliff Wilson had a good race he s seen here on his way to the checkered flag in the Amateur Quad fracas ONGRATULATIONS TOALL OUR RA WHO HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT 2007 SCORE CLASS CHAMPIONS Class 1 Billy Gasper Class 10 Lobsam Yee Class 12 Tim Noe Class 1 21600 David Caspino Class 5 Luivan Voelker 2007 BAJA 1000 WINNERS Class 11st Larry Roeseler 2nd Steve Strobel 4th Mark McMillin 5th Billy Gasper 6th Dale Lenk Class 121st Tini Noe 2nd Stan Potter Class 8 1st Glen Greer Class 1121 2nd Victor Barreda 4th Dan McMillln Class 51st Drew Belk 2nd Luivan Voelker 2007 arro OVERALL POINTS CHAMPION Chuck Hovey Page 32 August2009 Dusty Times

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TAnERSALL s FINKE DESERT RACE Fellows Kittle Take The Gold Text Photos Steve Hilton Wayne Sanderson was the big winner in the Pro Lite fracas he took the win with a mere eight seconds in hand at the checkers It was a great Finke race for Dave Fellows he took the overall win in his good looking Toyota powered race car Shawn Teagle raced his really good looking Ford Pickup to a first place finish in the Limited 2WD contest seen here at speed David Fellows and Andrew Kittle in the Kittle Motors Toyota sponsoredJimco took the win in Pro class and the outright prize for the second year The race starts on Saturday morning with the running of the Prologue an 11 kilometres race over a section of the track used on both race days the fastest would start first and have the advantage of no dust in the race to Finke The Pro class Chevypowered Jimco of Brad Prout set the fastest time 4 48 56 Andrew Pinto in his Jlmco was second with a time of 4 48 76 David Fellows had a two wheel experience in the oval section of the track It was a great win for Greg Hichs at the Finke Race he took first place honors in the Class Super 1650 2 A good race weekend for Geoff Pickering he drove his Mitsubishi to the win in the Standard 4WD contest seen here headin for home Anthony Kuhn powered his Toyota pickup to a silver medal finish Brad Prout was the fastest car in the Prologue unfortunately the in the Extreme 2WD event he seen here at high speed Jimco was lost to fire early in the race nothing could be salvaged Brad Gallard was quickest from Finke to Alice Springs he s seen here hustlin the Geiser Brothers Chevy Unlimited 2WD truck Terry Rose finished 4th in the Pro Class he finished fifth overall Mark Burrows drove his Jimco Chevy to a second place finish in the race he s seen here churnin the dirt in the Pro Class a 2nd overall finish overall Beau Robinson finished third overall in his really good looking twin turbo powered Jimco seen here at speed Page 34 August 2009 Dusty Times

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Justin Watt drove fast and well but the best he cold muster was a Tony Fehlhaber was the third finisher in the Pro Lite Class he s 2nd place finish in the Pro Lite Buggy Class seen here at high speed seen here in his Honda powered Mirage in front of all the spectators nearly rolling the J imco his time of 4 53 29 was only fast enough to take third place Rentsch in the V6 Nissan twin turbo powered Chenowth was fourth followed by Coulthard then Mark Burrows both in J imco buggies Brad Gallard driving the Geiser Bros Chevy unlimited 2WD truck set a time of 5 03 61 placing him in seventh position The local buggy driven by Peter Taylor was eighth with a time of 5 05 35 Greg Gartner in the Ford F150 took ninth place clocking a time of 5 06 17 rounding off the top ten was Travis Robinson in his V8 Chevy Out of Bounds Jimco his time 5 06 90 Justin Watt quickest in the Pro Lite buggy class with a time of 5 20 18 second was Matt Martin 5 22 33 third was Wayne Sanderson driving the ex 2008 Kittle Jirrico now powered by a 3500cc Nissan V6 his time over the course was 5 29 03 placing him in position 27 Seventy five of 78 competitors completed the Prologue ready to start at 7 30am on Sunday morning to race to Finke in Section 1 of the event 7 30am and the sO n has just come up the temperature at the track very cold Brad Prout was away first followed by Andrew Pinto and then David Fellows by kilometre 100 a radio message came through that Prout s Jimco was on fire and nothing could be done to put it out the flames en engulfed the car all that could be done had been but now Prout just stared and watched the dollars burn nothing on the car seemed to be able to be salvaged after the heat of the fire Another accident at the 60 kilometre mark saw three buggies roll the first was Peter Taylor an end for end Matt Hanson in his V12 BMW powered Porter was next to roll doing considerable damage to the car not long after the Aceco Pro Lite of Steven Phillips from Western Australia out done all with a violent roll over all crews were reported to be out of the cars and alright Further down the track Buddy Crowe rolled his J imco Champion leaving him out of the track and limping back to Alice Springs Fellows made it to Finke with a time of 1 50 22 50 he was followed in by Chris Coulthard driving the Robert Hawker Chevy Jimco his time 1 50 3 2 30 Third across the line in a time of 1 52 10 20 Dusty Times was the Out of Bounds Racing Chevy Jimco of Travis Robinson In Pro Lite Wayne Sanderson was first into Finke followed by Justin Watt only three seconds separated these two after the run to Finke third in the class was the Mirage V6 Honda powered buggy of Tony Fehlhaber he had a shock blow a seal and a c v joint problem but still managed to make it to Finke knowing he was in a good position for the run back to Alice Springs the next day The unlimited 2WD class saw the Geiser Bros Chevy of Geoff Roe set a time to Finke of 2 01 13 43 over Greg Gartner s F150 Ford 2 02 32 37 The Chevy truck of Wayne Attard had a fire causing some major damage to the truck he needed to be towed back to Alice Springs he and his crew were left to survey the damage to the Chevy truck After an overnight stay at Finke the remaining competitors lined up for the 7 30am start for the return to Alice Springs They would start at the intervals they finished so Coulthard would start ten seconds after Fellows and the Robinson one minute 50 seconds later Geoff Roe was really flying in his Chevy he finished first in Extreme 2WD and was fourth overall to the checkered flag Fellows was first away with the early morning light over the red sand a broken throttle cable was the only reported problem on the 226 kilometre return his time for the distance was 1 56 17 00 giving him a total for the race of 3 46 39 50 After a considerable amount of work overnight on the engine and turbo waste gate M ark Burrows was next home to take second overall his time was 1 56 47 00 and a total for the race of 3 50 47 70 Third to cross the finish line was Beau Robinson in the new V6 twin turbo powered Jimco his time 1 59 03 07 with a total time of 3 56 18 21 Fourth outright and first in Unlimited 2WD was the Geiser Bros built Chevy truck of Geoff Roe his time was 2 00 16 75 and a total of 3 58 53 57 A good race to the finish was between the Pro Lite class buggies of Sanderson and Watt separated by three seconds in the race to Finke they finished only eight seconds apart on the road with the Sandersons in front his time of 2 2 18 34 a total of 4 10 08 63 giving him seventh outright and the class win Watt following him in across the finish line in eight outright position Continued n p11e 36 ffred OI It 1111 1 vacation rentals available in the exclusive Indian Wells country Club in the sunny Palm Springs area of southern California Two or three bedrooms furnished for your complete relaxation and if you are a glutton for punishment play golf on either of two beautiful courses FYI wireless internet and long distance phones calls USA included starting at 4 500 in season January thru April or 2 300 per month out of season Call 760 345 6124 August 2009 Page 35

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his time 2 02 23 63 a total of 4 10 16 67 Tony Fehlhaberwas third in the Pro Lite class after having to change a flat rear on the Mirage buggy Setting the fastest time from Finke to Alice Springs was Brad Gallard in the Geiser Bros Chevy truck if not for the problems on the previous day who could say where he could have finished in the event his time for the 226 kilometre race home was 1 52 36 00 Only 36 of the 7 8 starters finished the Tattersall s Finke Desert Race for 2009 with the track holding on to it s title as the toughest in Australia Page 36 Sandy Bowman drove his tiger striped vehicle to a first in class finish he s seen here in his Extreme 4WD vehicle August 2009 Sam Barnes had a great race he took the gold medal in the Sportsman 1350 Class he s seen here headin for the checkers Dusty Times

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I AT CRANDON Lots Of Vehicles Lots Of Action By Preston Bradshaw Photos Lyman Photography Rob MacCachren took the win on Saturday in the Kuhmo Tires Pro 2WD race on Saturday Rob didn t fare too well in the Sunday race Rick Huseman flew his Toyota to the Saturday win in the Amsoil Pro 4x4 contest and he repeated the feat in the Sunday edition Scores of cars and trucks trekked to Crandon International Raceway just a w e bit outside of beautiful downtown Crandon Wisconsin Folks have been comin here to race the fantastic short Ur Se O ff road C O Ur Se for many years and this Memorial Day venue was no different from those a way way back in time There were lots of trucks CO and buggies entered and as usua 1 t h e crowd 1ove d every minute of it There was race after race all day Saturday and Sunday and all those either racing or watch in surel __ ot their ___ Scott Taylor flew his Ford to the win on Sunday in the Kuhmo Tires Pro 2WD race on Sunday seen here flyin high in his Ford m nies worth The following report may not be in the exact race __ order in which they ______ Kyle LeDuc was the second place finisher both days in the Amsoil Curt LeDuc flew his Ford pickup to a third place finish both days 4x4 fracas he s seen here flying to the silver medal in the Amsoil race Curt finished third in the Chairman s Cup Race occurred but the racing was fast furious and not without loads of anxiety for C ntinu1tl en 38 Another LeDuc Todd by name took the silver medal both days in the Kumho Tires Pro 2WD races here leading a hungry pack Performance Proven for Desert Off Road Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding Water Tanks Bulk Storage Waste Tanks R V Tanks Quality Products Friendly Service VISA RONCO PLASTICS INC 714 259 1385 FAX 714 259 0759 www ronco plastics com 15022 Parkway Loop Suite B Tustin CA 92780 CALL WRITE or FAX us to Receive a Free Catalog Dusty Times August 2009 Page 37

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It was a third place finish for Dan Vanden Heuvel on Sunday in the Chad Hord took a second place finish in the PPL on Saturday Kuhmo Tire Pro 2WD on Sunday Dan finished fifth on Saturday he s seen here flying his not yet dirty Toyota down the track all concerned On Saturday they lined up for the Amsoil Pro 4x4 10 lap event At the end of their first lap it was Kyle LeDuc in the lead his father Curt was in second spot Johnny Greaves ran third Rick Huseman was fourth and Scott Douglas was in fifth place The running order was the same on their second la Third lap Kyle LeDuc still leads Huseman is now second Greaves remains third Curt LeDuc has dropped to fourth and Steve Barlow runs fifth Fourth la K le LeDuc Jeff Kincaid was the second place finisher in Sunday s PPL race he s seen here headin for the finish in his Toyota leads Huseman is right there in second spot Greaves Curt Leduc and Steve Barlow are the top five Sixth lap Huseman takes the lead K le is second Ricky Johnson foreground finished third in the Saturday Kuhmo Tire Pro Marty Hart took the win both days in the Potawatomi Pro Lite PPL he s 2WD on Saturday 4th Sunday and he won the Chairmans Cup Race as well _s_ee_n_h_e_re_fl y _ n g_h_is_F _o_rd_to_th_e_fl_ag then it s Greaves Curt LeDuc Steve Barlow and Scott Douglas Seventh lap Huseman and Kyle LeDuc are fighting hard for the lead Scott Douglas is having problems Last lap Huseman takes the win Kyle LeDuc is second Curt LeDuc is third Johnny Greaves is fourth and Steve Barlow finishes fifth Sunday s Amsoil Pro 4x4 saw Steve Barlow in the lead on lap 1 Kyle and Curt LeDuc ran second and third Second lap saw Kyle LeDuc in the lead Barlow ran second Rick Huseman was third Curt LeDuc ran fourth and Scott Douglas was fifth Third lap Barlow moved into the lead Kyle ran second Huseman was Page 38 August 2009 Dusty Times

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Steve Federico took third place honors in the PPL A third place finish in the PPL Sunday race for Mike Oberg M ike race on Saturday Steve finished in fifth p lace in the Sunday race finished second in the Chairman s Cup Race in third Cu rt L e Du c w as fo u r th a nd Dougl as re m ai n ed in f ifth place Fourth lap n o positio n changes and Barlow is moving away fro m K y l e LeDuc Seventh lap R ick Huseman leads t he pack then it s Ky l e and Curt LeDuc with Mike Jenkins in fifth place Last lap Rick H u seman takes the win Kyle LeDu c is second C u rt is th ird Scott Dou glas is fo u r th a n d Mike Jenki n s fi n is h es in fifth p l ace N e xt up the Kumho Tir es Pro 2WD On Saturday Todd LeDuc led the first lap he was followed by Mike Oberg Rob MacCachren Dan Vanden Heuvel and Jeremy McGrath Second lap saw LeDuc still leading MacCachren had moved up into second place Vanden Heuvel was now third McGrath was in fourth place and and Ricky Johnson ran fifth Sixth lap Todd LeDuc still leads the pack MacCachren is a close second Evan Evans runs third Ricky Johnson is fourth and Dan Vanden Heuvel rounds out the top five Final lap Rob MacCachren takes the class win Todd LeDuc is second in Ri c k y Johns on takes the bronze medal Jere my M c G rath is fourth and Greg Adler is fifth in Su n d ay s Kumh o Tir e Pro 2W D event s aw Ricky John son tak e the lead on t h e f irst lap Sco tt Taylor r a n second Jeremy McGrath was in t h i rd place Rob MacCachren r a n in fourth plac e and Todd LeDuc was fifth Th i rd lap and Ricky J o hn so n continues to l e ad T a ylor remains in secon d place McGrath is s t i ll t h i rd Dan Vanden H e u vel is fo urth and Rob M acCachr e n is in the f ifth spot Fifth lap a n d J o hn son still leads the class but Taylor is right on his rear bumper McGrath remains in third place and Vanden Heuvel and LeDuc remain in fourth and fifth place MacCachren had to pit for a tire Ninth lap Scott Taylor passes Ricky Johnson for the lead Johnson drops to seco n d place T o d d LeDuc runs in third place D an Dusty Times Craig Metz finished second on Saturday in the Stock Truck race Craig finished first off the podium in the Sunday race In Stock Truck Mitch Dorr took the win on Saturday Mitch finished in third place in the Sunday race in his Ford Scott Beauchamp won the Stock Truck race on Sunday he finished fifth in the Saturday race seen here in flight Vanden Heuvel is fourth and Ross Hoek is in the fifth spot At the checkers Scott Taylor takes the win Todd LeDuc is a close second Dan Vanden Heuvel is third Ricky Johnson finished fourth and Ross Hoek was fifth to finish Next up is the Forest County Potawatomi Pro Light race At the end of their first lap it is Jeff Kincaid in the lead Marty fourth and Mark Oberg rounds out the tope five trucks At the checkers Hart takes the win Hord is second Federico finishes third Chris Brandt finishes fourth and Mark Oberg takes the fifth finishing position Sunday s Pro Light race has Chad Hord crashing hard on the first lap and when they come around at the end of their second Hart runs second Randy Eller is third Chad Hord is in fourth place and Casey Currie runs fifth Fourth lap Marty Hart passes Chad Hord for the lead Randy Eller is right there in third and Casey Currie is on his tail in fourth place Lap eight Marty Hart leads the pack Chad Hord is second Randy Eller runs third Steve Federico is lap it is Marty Hart in the lead Jeff Kincaid runs second Casey Currie is third Randy Eller is fourth and Chris Brandt is in fifth position Fifth lap ends and Marty Hart still leads Jeff Kincaid is in second place Randy Eller runs third Casey Currie is fourth and Chris Brandt hold the fifth position Seventh lap ended and Continue 1n 40 Keith Steele won the SRT limited Truck Class both days he s seen here flying his Chevy to one of the big wins Dale Chestnut took the win both days in the Grassroots Classix races he s seen here flyin his Ford to the finish line Shawn Morris took the win in Super Bugg y on Saturday finished a neat second p lace in the Sunday race The win both da ys in 1600 Bugg y wen t to Mark Steinhardt Mark is enj oying _a_b ig le_a_d _in_ th_e_cl_a_ss p_o _ n_ts_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ August 2009 Page 39

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I I Pie 25 Al Konitzer raced his Dodge to a second place finish on Luke Johnson raced his Ford to a fifth place on Saturday second Sunday in Stock Truck Al finished eighth in the Saturday race on Sunday in Limited Truck seen here throwin lots of dirt Marty Hart still the lead Kincaid running second Brandt is in third Casey Currie runs and Mark Oberg is holds is still Chris place fourth in the fifth spot When they take the flag on their last lap it is Marty Hart taking the win Jeff Kincaid is second in Mark Oberg takes the third place Ross Hoek leading drove his Ford to a second place finish in SRT Limited Truck on Saturday Ross finished sixth in the Sunday race Cup race combining Pro 4X4 trucks and Pro 2WD trucks First lap ended and it was Ricky Johnson Mike Oberg and Scott Taylor all 2WD leading Todd finishing position Casey Currie is fourth and Steve Federico finished in fifth place Now came the Potawatomi Chairman s Pachgu LeDuc Johnny Greaves and Scott Dougles led the 4WD contingent On lap 4 it was still Ricky Johnson leading the 2WD group Mike Oberg was 1111 u I lllllll 11811111 PIIIIC I N k wtr lnf Light Baqto ltequirei by NAif JAR Spotterl ackages HandheldBadios w llolaters FormUla 1 ll any Others Can Relfm with Ally SA RatedJJelmet ltace Proven Freelnstallation with Purchase Spotter Headsets B elmetWirmgKits Almn num tarry Gaae Helmets Blowers lacet ll Forced Air Snell SA 2005 Helmets G Force Pyrotec 411 2 Ga llan Gap dty nt SCORE I BI l D JIA AJJU OVed TaperedJJesignPNVides mfflalied Ground tneara nce Ma izes Usable Fuel Arai Wired for Gommunieation Kool Mr Blowers 105 135 150 235 GFMRatlngs Filters Hoses also available YOUB SAFETY COJIJIUNICATIONS SOURCE 10815 Wheatlands Avenue Suite K Santee CA 92071 619 258 RA0E 7223 Fax 619 258 0883 www RacerXms com Page 40 August 2009 Dusty Times

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In Grassroots Classix Dale Anderson took a second and a third Justin Keehner took a second place finish on Sunday in the place finish on Saturday and Sunday seen here in his Chevy Grassroots Classix seen here in level flight in his Chevy Tim Lemons took a second and a sixth place finish in the Super Buggy contests Tim is seen here in flight headin for the flag Jeff Villemure took a second and a fourth placefinish in the 1600 It was an eighth and a second place finish in 1600 Buggy for Buggy races nicely airborne in his great looking buggy John Fitzgerald he s seen here scramblin for the checkers Bob Rinehart drove his Ford pickup to a fifth and a second place finish in Grassroots Enduro Class seen here on his way home second and Mark Jenkins was third In the 4WD group Kyle LeDuc led the class Rick Huseman was second and Curt LeDuc was in third place At the end of their eighth lap it was still Ricky Johnson leading the 2WD contingent Oberg and Jenkins remained in the second and third spots In 4WD Kyle LeDuc was still leading Scott Douglas was second and Rick Huseman was third Last lap and it was Ricky Johnson taking the overall win it was the second time Greg Stingle took the win in 1600 Light Buggy on Sunday Greg was the fifth place finisher in the Saturday race Wesley Frehse took the 1600 Light Buggy win on saturday he finished in fifth place in the Sunday conflict Dusty Times In the Limited Truck race on Saturday it was Keith Steele taking the win Ross Hoek was second in his Ford Don Williams also in a Ford finished third Ken Hallgren was fourth in his Chevy and Luke Johnson Ford was the fifth place finisher Sunday s Limited Truck race saw Keith Steele taking yet another win Luke Johnson finished in second place Jerry Edgerton Ford finished third Ken Hallgren finished fourth again and Dave Bayer finished fifth in his Chevy In points it s Keith Steele with 50 Luke Johnson with 37 points earned and Ross Hoek with 36 points Next up were the Grassroots Classix trucks they saw Dale Chestnut take the Saturday win in his Ford Dale Anderson was second in his Chevy Bob Weiland was third in his Chevy Eric Chernetski finished fourth in his Chevrolet and Kenny Platten was the fifth place finisher The Grassroots Classix race on Sunday had Dale Chestnut taking another nice win Justin Keehner finished second in his Chevrolet Dale Anderson finished in third place Bob August 2009 A first place finish in Grassroots Enduro on Saturday went to Jesse Wagner Jesse was the sixth place finisher on Sunday AT LEFT Matthew Ives took the gold medal on Sunday in the Grassroots Enduro Truck race Matt was fourth in the Saturday race Weiland was fourth in and Fortin was the fifth place Eric Chernetski was the finisher fifth place finisher In the Sunday Super In Grassroots Points Buggy race we saw Doug Dale Chestnut leads with Fortin taking the win 50 points Dale Anderson Shawn Morris finished is second with 40 points in the second spot Tom earned and Bob Weiland is Continued on page 42 third with 36 points in hand Super Buggy was next up on Saturday a n d when the checkers flew it was Shawn Morris taking a very nice win Tim Lemons t o o k s Color Display second Internal 16 Channel GPS Antenna place US and Baja Map S C O t t Sirius radio and weather chwalbe San Diego El Cajon was third 7915 Balboa Ave 425 N Marshall Ave car in Tom 858 565 7792 Schwartz619 442 8689 b u r g Escondido Temecula finished 2645 Auto Par1c Way 26901 Jefferson Ave first off the 760 746 3193 951 326 2880 podium wvvw offroadwarehouse com and Doug Page 41

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Matt Dale foreground drove his Ford Pickup to a second and a In 1600 Light Buggy it was Matt Gerald taking a sixth and a ninth place finish in the Grassroots Enduro contests second place finish in the 1600 Light Buggy contests Schwatzburg finished in third place Herman Barnum was fourth in and Rick Jacobson took fifth place honors Shawn Morris leads the points race with 46 in hand Doug Fortin is second with 41 and Tom Schwartzburg is third with 36 points earned The 1600 Buggy race was next up and in the Saturday race it was Mark Steinhardt taking the gold Page 42 August 2009 Bryan Ho tger and Craig Pait shared the driving taking a 2nd and a 16th place finish in 1600 light Buggy we don t know who drove what medal Jeff Villemure was second to finish Mike Seefeldt finished in third place Terry Fitzgerald was first off the podium and Bob Kinner was fifth buggy to finish In the Sunday 1600 clash it was Mark Steinhardt in the winners circle again John Fitzgerald had a nice second place finish Mike Seefeldt took a third place finish Terry Fitzgerald finished in fourth place and Bob Blaney was fifth to take the checkers In the points race it is Mark Steinhardt leading with 50 points earned Mike Seefeldt and JeffVillemure are tied for second place with 38 points each Now it was time for the Grassroots Enduro trucks to show their stuff Jesse Wagner was the big winner in his Chevrolet Matt Dale was right behind him in his Ford for second place Shaun Bruski took third place in his Chevy Matt Ives finished fourth he too in a Chevy and Bob Rhinehart finished fifth in his Ford Sunday s Grassroots Enduro Truck race saw Matt Ives taking the win Bob Rhinehart was right there in second place Ben Wierzba took third place in his Chevy Shaun Bruski finished in fourth place and Tom Varner Chevy was the fifth place finisher Matt Ives leads the points with 42 earned Jesse Wagner is second with 40 points and Bob Rhinehart is third with 37 points Last but not least the 1600 Light Buggy s were ready for battle When the checkers flew on the Saturday race it was Wesley Frehse taking a nice win Bryan Holtger was second car to finish Vincent Lofquist took third place Jamie Kleikamp took fourth place and Greg Stingle was the fifth place finisher Sunday s 1 6 00 Light B uggy race was a doozie Greg S t ingle took the win Matt Gerald finished second Jeff Virnig was third car in Tony Keepers finished fourth and W esley Frehse was the fifth p lace finisher In the points race it is Greg Stingle and Wesley Frehse tied for the lead with 41 points each Matt Gerald is third with 36 points And so it ended a great weekend for racing and agreat bunch of racers See ya at the next one T c IFi

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If you ean t stand the beat get out of the kltc laen and GO NIGBT RACING PRESENT THE KC HiLiTES Midnight Special RIDGECREST C 111 JFOIINIII __ A1ag11st 1 7 9tb ___ Way Cooler Way Better Way Darker FEATURE CLASS Class 1 2 500 total with 10 cars In class 3 600 with 20 cars In class 500 bonus for 2nd place Class 1 with 10 or more cars In class Dusty Times August 2009 Page 43

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BILEK400 By Steve Ruddick Mark weyhrich overalls Photos Trackside Photo Chuck Krumm was the only Class 9 entrant he motored around the course for his six required laps and took home the gold medal DNF d on the first lap After four laps of racing Mark Weyhrich was out in front in car 117 with a 2m15s lead ahead of Richard Boyle in car 105 Boyle had a comfortable five minute advantage in front of the third spot racer Brian Parkhouse in car 115 But Mike Bilek in car 156 and Vincent Galewick in car 154 and Alex Stats in car 122 are all within 60s of each other and only two minutes behind Parkhouse in car 115 At these speeds and at this point in this race getting to the podium is still up for grabs Will Staats DNF d after four laps in car 42 and Alex Staats DNF d after lap 5 in car 122 Jeff Zimber was in the hunt through lap 7 when car 101 got to the trailer by way of DNF too That left five racers to battle it out to the checkered flag Mark Weyhrich cranked up the accelerator on lap 5 in car 117 to win the Fast Lap award at 73 mph in 0 41 06 That was good enough to propel Weyhrich to the front of the line at the Finish Line and to win the Overall Cham ion in car 117 with an eleven minute margin of victory That was also a First Place win in class at 67 3 mph in 5 56 52 top of the podium and a gold medal too Richard Boyle got car 105 to the checkered flag to win Second Overall and Second in Class in 6 07 45 at 65 3 mph Boyle won the Silver Medal by a ten minute and 15s margin of victory Third Overall and Third Place in Class was won by Brian Parkhouse in car 115 with an elapsed time of 6 17 30 at 63 6 mph Mike Belik finished all the required laps in 6 28 11 to win Fourth Overall and Fourth Place Mark Weyhrich was the big winner at the MDR Bilek race he took Class 1 and was the overall winner as well in class in car 156 at 61 8 mph Hello again Race Fans thrills in between It was hot mph That s fast Bilek also managed a top speed reporting once more from deep 99F It was breezy and the dust CLASS 1 Eight laps 400 of 128 mph in between Oh within the blowing sands of was thick and zesty miles Thirteen starters five my Vincent Galewick finished beautiful Lucerne Valley out Sixty racers entered fifty Finishers eight DNFs George Fifth Overall and Fifth Place in by Soggy Dry Lake off Bessemer one started 26 Finished Pondella got the pole position Class in car 154 in 6 53 41 at Mine Road in the Mojave Desert Eight 50 mile laps for Classes start in Class at the green flag 58 mph of southern California It s 1 10 1600 and 1400 Classes start in car 8 but DNF d CLASS 10 Eight laps June 28 2009 and the hunt for 12 Unlimited 900 and 1300 before the first lap was done 400 miles Three entries one victory is the MDR Bilek 400 a raced for six laps Four laps Meanwhile Mark Weyhrich Finisher two DNFs John Hsu double points race It s Course for Class 1450 Mark Weyhrich started fourth in line in car 117 was first off the line in class at A clockwise 50 miles of fun won both Overall Champion and was in the lead in front of the green flag in car 1032 H_su with 32 major course changes and the gold medal in Class 1 Brian Parkhouse in car 115 by DNF d before lap 1 was done two Check Points The Sand at this inaugural event with a 00 01 38 at the end of Lap 1 That left Brent Parkhouse in Hill whoops got cha s and a First Place win in car 117 with Parkhouse started in the 6 slot car 1005 and David Greenhill few bi di s and dro offs and a XYZ mar in of victor at 67 3 at the reen fla Four racers in 1056 to battle it out to the finish line Greenhill had some serious issues on Lap 1 and Parkhouse was in the lead by 2 37 22 after the first lap was done Parkhouse applied some more pedal to car 1005 on Lap 2 to win the Fast Lap award in class at 57 mph in 0 52 55 Parkhouse was in the lead by over 2 hours at the end of Lap 3 before David Greenhill even got car 1056 running again when 1005 DNF d AKA nofun all You just gotta hate when that happens to you So David Greenhill and crew fix 1056 and finish the race in a total elapsed time of 11 00 32 at an average speed of 36 3 mph to David Greenhill was the winner of the Class 10 event he saw his competition Alexa Bilek led Class 1200 m ost of the way she took the class honors winning win First Place in Class AND drop by the wayside and he came in for the checkers with 13 minutes in hand at the flag Fourteenth Place Overall too AND Double Points to boot That puts Greenhill and 1056 in the Class Points lead at this moment in the 2009 race season CLASS 1600 Eight laps 400 miles Eight starters eight Finishers 0 DNFs Matt Niles was first off the line in class in car 1601 at the green flag Joe Jeffrey started in the sixth spot in line in car 1600 and was in the lead by 13 seconds ahead of Niles after the first lap was completed Meanwhile Paul Kurz in car 1620 was only two seconds behind Niles after Lap 1 was done after starting seventh _in line at the start Christy Sizelove is running in fourth Paul Kurz took the gold medal in the Class 1 2 1600 battle he beat out seven Jeff Shaw took the win in the Pro Prerunner battle he had 12 minutes in hand spot in car 1621 less than two at the flag seen here in his neat looking Ford other entries and had nine minutes in hand at the flag Continued on a e 46 Page 44 August 2009 Dusty Times

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Carl Scanlon was the only entry in class he just cruised around the Richard Boyle gave it all he had but this time he had to settle for course for his required six laps and went home with the gold medal second place in Class 1 he s seen here at speed Brent Parkhouse went out in Class 10 and set fast lap for the class on lap 2 then he had problems and was reduced to a dnf Terry Ingold was right there in the running for a class win but he Kelly Essenwanger led the class early on but at the checkers had had to settle for a second place finish in the Class 1200 fracas to settle for a second place finislr 15 minutes in arrears Matthew Niles was right in there pitchin all the way a second place finish was his in the Class 1 2 1600 contest minutes behind the pack leaders after the first lap is done after she started last in line in class at the green flag After completing four of the required eight laps of fun Joe Jeffreys is still in the lead in car 1600 by over twenty five minutes ahead of Paul Kurz in car 1620 Kurz is running four minutes in front of Niles in car 1601 Christy Lovesize has fallen back to sixth spot in car 1621 and Jim Goff is now in fourth position in car 1646 but is twenty minutes behind Niles in car 1601 Justin Arnold has also moved into fifth spot in car 1678 and is only two minutes off the rear bumper of Goof in 1646 This race ain t quite over yet Race Fans On to the Finish Line and the checkered flag we go Joe Jeffrey was in the lead by 25 minutes in car 1600 at the half way point in the race ran into trouble on Lap 5 and fell back in the pack to Finish in Seventh Place and Twelfth Overall in 9 01 55 at 44 3 mph Paul Kurz crossed the Finish Line in 7 26 02 at 53 8 mph to win First Place in Class and Sixth Overall in car 1620 Kurz put the icing on the cake on Lap 8 at 55 4 mph to also win th_e Fast Lap award in 0 54 18 Kurz won the Gold Medal in Class 1600 by a ten minute margin of victory Matt Niles was the next in line to cross the Finish Line in car 1601 to win Second Place in class and Seventh Overall with an elapsed time of 7 35 59 at 52 6 mph Jim Goff got all the laps done in 8 10 07 in car 1646 to win Third Place in Class and Eighth Overall Justin Arnold finished in Fourth Place in class and Ninth The Most Sought After Fuel in Off Road Racing Today Ask your engine builder about the increased horsepower torque and cooler operating temperatures offered by VP s Late Model Plus C12 VP113 and other great fuels Then you ll know why champions in each of these series choose VP Racing Fuels VP Racing is the Official Fuel and or Contingency Sponsor of aoornm RACING ASSOCIATION PIJNStRP RAClli SCIIE INTERNATIONAL OFF ROAD RACINO For technical help or to locate the nearest VP dealer call today or visit vpracingfuels com 951 696 5100 vppacific vpracingfuels com Page 46 World Leader in Race Fuel Technologyn August 2009 Overall in car 1678 in 8 19 28 at 48 1 mph Chad Baeskens got the required laps of fun done in 8 37 50 at 46 3 mph to finish Fifth Place in class and Tenth Overall in car 1650 Christy Sizelove finished in 8 40 19 at 46 1 mph in car 1621 to win Sixth Place and Eleventh Overall for the day Chris Fogle ran into problems on lap 3 in car 1635 got it fixed and still got all the required laps done in 10 41 40 to finish in Eighth Place and Thirteenth Overall at 37 4 mph CLASS 1400 Eight laps 400 miles Three entries two starters two DNF 0 Finishers Dan Groff got the pole position start in truck 1409 and recorded a DNF before lap 1 was done That left Tyler Fain to beat the desert in truck 1419 Fain left his competition lying in the dust and dirt on Lap 1 to win the Fast Lap award in 0 54 42 at 55 1 mph Fain was in the lead by almost six hours after the race was half done Fain DNF d on the last lap It s trailer time race is done and over So close and no victory CLASS 900 Six laps 300 miles One starter one Finisher Chuck Krumm was the sole entry in Class 900 Krumm cruised to the First Place win in car 903 in 9 23 13 at 32 mph Krumm also won the Fast Lap award on Lap 6 at 36 8 mph in 1 21 59 CLASS 12 Unlimited Six laps 300 miles Four starters two Finishers two DNfs Alexa Bilek was first in line in class at the green flag in car 1267 and was in the lead by ten seconds ahead of Terry Ingold in car 1203 after the end of the first lap At the end of the second lap Ingold was in the lead by about 3 1 2 minutes At the end of the fourth lap Bilek was back out in front again with a 2 minute lead on Ingold Bilek put some more pedal to the metal on Lap 5 and increased her lead to 11 minutes Bilek left no doubt on Lap 6 with a Fast Lap time of 0 54 20 at 55 4 mph Alexa Bilek won First Place in Class in car 1267 with a total elapsed time of 5 50 05 at 51 4 mph and by a 13 minute marginof victory Terry Ingold took home the Silver Medal and the Second Place win in car 1203 in 6 03 48 at 49 5 mph CLASS 1300 Six laps 300 miles Two starters two DNF s O Finishers Ray Promer got the pole position start at the green flag in car 1313 but was behind Matthew Kupiec in car 1341 by forty minutes after the first lap of racing was done Matt Kupiec blistered his first lap in the ti e of 0 54 05 at 55 5 mph to win the Fast Lap award in car 1341 1341 DNF d after that Promer went on to complete four laps before he DNF d too CLASS 3000 Six laps 300 miles Three starters one Finisher two DNF s Carl Scanlan pretty much had the Class all to himself in car 3018 Scanlan had a nine minute lead over Jim Knox in car 3068 at the end of the first lap and a 45 minute lead after Lap 2 Knox gracefully DNF d after that Scanlan motored on to complete all the required laps in 5 30 17 at 54 5 mph 3018 also won the Fast Lap honors on Lap 6 at 55 4 mph in 0 54 18 CLASS 1450 Four laps 200 miles Twelve starters eight Finishers 4 DNFs Steve Fike got the pole spot start in truck 1498 but was running in seventh position after the first lap Kelly Essenwanger started fifth in line in truck 1468 and was in the lead after the first lap by 3 minutes plus ahead of Court Legar in truck 1493 who started way back in eleventh spot in line at the green flag Jeff Shaw had moved up from a sixth spot start to third place in truck 1499 and Dan Tyson was running in fourth place in truck 1471 after starting in the number eight spot at the green flag At the halfway point Jeff Shaw is in the lead by 45 seconds in truck 1499 in front of Kelley Essenwanger in truck 1468 Dan Tyson is running in third Dusty Times

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Brian Parkhouse was a bit off the winning pace in the Class 1 battle A long second lap didn t help Court Legare took a third place finish he took third place honors he s seen here at liftoff in Class 1400 he s seen here headin for the flag Jim Goff ran consistent lap times for the entire race he took third place honors in Class 1 2 1600 seen here at takeoff Mike Bilek sponsor of this race was the fourth place finisher in Juan Sanchez was the fifth place finisher in the Class 1400 race the Class 1 battle fourth overall in the race he s seen here at speed in his good looking truck A fourth place finish in Class 1 2 1600 went to Justin Arnold he s seen here just before touchdown at the MOR Bilek 400 spot in truck 1471 about 3 1 2 minutes behind Essenwanger Juan Sanchez is running in fourth spot in truck 1452 but is twenty minutes behind Tyson Mark Slater in truck 1460 is only 1 1 2 minutes behind Sanchez but Slater then DNF d after two Lap 2 After completing the required four laps of racing Jeff Shaw got to the Finish Line the fastest to win First Place in class by a twelve minute margin of victory in truck 1499 in 4 03 00 at 49 4 mph Shaw also won the Fast Lap award on Lap 3 at 51 4 mph in 0 58 33 Kelly Essenwanger won Second Place in class in truck 1468 with an elapsed time of 4 15 13 at 47 mph Court Legar took the Bronze Medal Third Place win in 4 43 25 at 42 3 mph in truck 1493 Straight from the driver s seat We started the race in our usual position at the back of the 1450 pack First lap was really fast and tqe truck wlls running perfect We passed a few of the trucks in our class by the second lap and had developed a strong pace that enabled us to slowly FLEASE SUPPORT THE ADVERTISORS WHO KEEP creep up on the competition But things didn t exactly go to plan when we ran out of gas 45 miles into our second lap But thanks to our speedy O R A Racing pit crew we were able to get gassed up and do a full pit check in less than 30 minutes After stopping we knew we had to pick up the pace to get a podium finish and that s what we did Court Driver mashed the gas and once again we were back in the race At about mile 35 in our third lap we heard noises and felt weird vibrations coming from the rear axle We shop lne pitted after lap 3 to check on the problem Justin co driver jumped out the truck to check on things and noticed we had a good amount of rear end fluid on the axle But in the true racer spirit we pushed on and despite the noises and the slipping of the rear end in the fourth lap we were able to pull off a 3rd place finish For the most part the race went really smooth except when those clas 1 cars come out of nowhere at blazing speeds and the silt like dust clouds that followed then Steve Fike got all the required laps done in 4 52 38 at 41 mph to finish in Fourth Place in truck 1498 Juan Sanchez finished in Fifth Place in truck 1452 in 5 05 54 at 39 2 mph Chris Reeves took 5 29 25 to finish in Sixth Place in truck 1463 at an average speed of 36 4 mph Dan Tyson got his four laps of fun done in 5 52 02 at 34 l mph to finish in Seventh Place in truck 1471 Jeremy Deakins had serious issues on laps 2 3 and 4 in truck 1481 and still managed to finish in Eighth Place in 10 41 50 at 37 4 mph 11 JlU www fJakerpreoialon com 6ill lJlY Rii mm rxml

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rf BA JA BY SRcHUPACABRA vAHoo coM Bajapits will be at the upcoming Vegas to Reno and Chupacabra s best friend IRC Tracking devices for the August 19 23 2009 race for three HOT HOT HOT days Come if you can handle the heat otherwise stay home and hear about this USA RACE later We will be there to support all racers fast and slow make sure your water pack is full of H2O and you have a Grand Slam Breakfast At Denny s before the Race As we all learned at the Baja 500 IRC tracking devices will keep you honest Shame Shame Shame on any race team that tries to challenge the IRC Tracking devices Best In The Desert Inc Racing is owned and operated entirely by Casey Folks with offices at Sportsman Cycle 347 SC Boulder Highway Las Vegas Nevada 89121 The entire remaining staff consists largely of volunteer off road racing enthusiasts dedicated to the sport of racing The Philosophy of the organization is to provide top quality World class OffRoad Racing events and more importantly to make those events exciting spectacular fun different well paying and most of all affordable Based on over three decades of experience founded on years of sponsoring and promoting successful local and national events Best In The Desert has in the last fourteen years reached for a new frontier in the sport of Off Road Racing Using promotion and advertising techniques previously reserved for high density spectator events and combining them with both genuine concern for both racers needs and environmentalists input Best In The Desert along with its competitors and sponsors now enjoys recognition and exposure never before seen in Off Road Racing Our organization currently has a constantly updated computer mailing list that reaches over 4000 professional and amateur racers several times a year Over 50 000 mailers entry blanks posters and flyers are distributed across the United States Along with the Professional and Sportsman Off Road Races Best In The Desert also takes part in local club races and has a number of family and celebrity trail rides throughout the year These celebrity events involve local businessmen and members of the political community and are designed to create public awareness and acceptability In the future our organization plans to continue providing bigger and better events Based on this desire we are seeking additional national sponsorships for our races and for our series If you would like to become a part of our exciting and growing organization please contact us at our Main Office or for more information call Casey Folks 702 457 5775 Page 48 THE OFF ROAD BUSINESS ASSOCIATION ORBA ORBA WELCOMES THREE NEW MEMBERS TO THEIR BOARD DON EMDE OF DON EMDE PUBLICATIONS INC GREG ADLER OF 4 WHEEL PARTS AND STEVE MYERS OF INTERNATIONAL RACING CON SULTANTS IRC BAKERSFIELD CA July 08 2009 Recently the ORBA board of Directors voted to add three new members Don Emde of Don Emde Publications Inc Greg Adler of 4 Wheel Parts and Steve Myers of International Racing Consultants We are honored to have such well known industry professionals offer to serve In these economically challenging times it is easy to let land use issues fall onto the back burner I am encouraged that these professionals understand the importance the issues and are willing to volunteer their time to help stated Cory Hove Chairman of the Board Don Emde is best known for a motorcycle racing career that includes winning the prestigious Daytona road race in 1972 an event that his father had also won back in 1948 In 1990 he and his wife started their own publishing company which is a full family affair with daughter Jen working as Editor and Emde s son Jeff managing advertising for Parts Magazine Through the years Don has served on numerous Boards of Directors including the Motorcycle Heritage Foundation and the Motorcycle Industry Council For recreation the Emde family often heads to their favorite camping spot in Ocotillo Wells State Vehicular Recreation Area to ride dirtbikes or drive UTVs I am honored to have been invited to join the ORBA Board of Directors Motorcycling and related powersports activities have been my life and I feel fortunate to be able to live it 24 7 365 days a year It s been that way for my family for over 90 years now and through my new role with ORBA I hope to help keep the deserts and local trail riding areas open for many years to come stated Don Greg Adler is currently the President and CEO of the nation s largest off road retailer Transamerican Auto Parts whose family of companies include sixty 4 Wheel Parts Performance Centers Transamerican Wholesale 4 Wheel Drive Hardware Pro Competition Tires Wheels and Suspension and Truck Jeep Fest Greg Adler has grown up in the offroad industry and has a personal interest in the decisions being made regarding land use Mr Adler has raced numerous times in the SCORE series including the BAJA 500 1000 Laughlin Vegas and more More recently you can see Greg drive the 10 Pro 2 short course race truck in the Lucas Oil and TORC series My family has been involved in the off road industry since the early 60 s either selling parts to the off roaders or taking our personal vehicles up the rocks or down the trails stated Adler He added ORBA is very important to us be make sure we continue to be the voice of the people that enjoy taking their vehicles off road On any given weekend you can see family s camping riding and spending time with friends It is important that ORBA helps maintain these qualities of life and I look forward to helping in this cause Steve Myers has been racing actively in the off road industry for the past 27 years Three generations of his family have raced various vehicle classes in various venues such as Best In The Desert SCORE and Dakar Currently his two daughters aged 14 and 15 are racing in different events this year for their first time He is the president of International Racing Consultants IRC which specializes in advanced satellite communications in land air and sea sports as well as commercial and personal logis tics He is also an accounting professional and a founding partner of G S Myers Corporation Mr Myers is also a founder and is acting V P of Business Development for Tracking International Tracking International is a revolutionary web site specializing in all aspects of extreme sporting events Steve stated that I am very happy that ORBA has asked me to join them I will do my best to try and help keep the family off road experience in our deserts I feel that I can bring some new ideas to the board and will be looking forward to working with them on all the projects that I can helps manage OHV recreation statewide Raiding the trust fund will result in the loss of OHV opportunity and management on millions of acres of county and federal lands This means the elimination or reduction of trail maintenance law enforcement and resource protection activities statewide Earlier this year the OHV trust fund was raided by the Legislature to lend the general fund 90 million that had been set aside for acquiring new properties And now after that money has been sacrificed to the current budget crisis the OHV community in California is being asked to give more Below you will find a template letter that can be personalized and faxed or e mailed to the Governor His fax number is 916 558 3160 or e mail him at governor governor ca gov This template letter can also be found on the AMA D37 message board at http www district37ama org forums in both the off road and dual sport forums Together the OHV community can make a difference Dear Governor Schwarzenegger It is my understanding the state is looking for funds to operate non OHV State Parks Raiding the OHV trust fund is not an acceptable alternative California s OHV Program is a nationwide model because it is funded solely by users and helps manage OHV recreation statewide Raiding the trust fund will result in the loss of OHV opportunity and management statewide This means the elimination or reduction of trail maintenance law enforcement and resource protection activities I strongly urge you to reject any proposal to use OHV trust fund dollars to fund activities that have no relationship to the source of the funds that have been raised As pointed out on the recent Bureau of State Audits BSA Audit it is wrong that funds that I pay while engaging in OHV recreation could be diverted to support places like Angel Island State Park In 1971 the Off Highway Vehicle OHV community agreed not use general fund dollars to operate and maintain their system of recreation areas Instead the OHV recreating public chose a pay to play system The OHV Division of California State Parks is funded exclusively by taxes paid on gasoline used recreating off highway green and red sticker registration fees and entrance fees to the State Vehicular Recreation Areas SVRA s This State should attempt to emulate the success of the OHV program in order to properly fund other non OHV State Parks that are in need of operating funds Earlier this year the OHV trust fund was raided by the Legislature to lend the general fund 90 million that had been set aside for acquiring new properties And now after that money has been sacrificed to the current budget crisis the OHV community in California is being asked to give more This is an example of government gone wrong Why destroy a successful nationwide model which funds itself Sincerely Your name address TELL THE GOVERNOR OF CALIFO A NOT TO USE OHV TRUST FUND DOLLARS TO FUND NON OHV STATE PARKS FUNDS RAISED IN THE COURSE OF OHV RECREATION should ONLY BE USED TO SUPPORT OHV RECREATION California residents are urged to contact the Governor and ask him not to destroy the OHV program hich is one completely self funded program and receives no support from the state s General Fund California State Parks has said that because of a severe budget shortfall over 200 state parks will need to close Until now there was no suggestion of removing funds that support the State Vehicular Recreation Areas SVRAs and the other local and federal areas that depend on support from the Off Highway Vehicle OHV trust fund to remain in operation Yesterday the Administration announced that Governor would veto the Vehicle License Fee and that funds to keep State Parks open will be found elsewhere Send the Governor s office a clear message that raiding the OHV trust fund is not acceptable California s OHV Program is a nationwide model because it is funded solely by users and August 2009 I n Dedication to Uncle Max Norris 1936 2009 Uncle Max at the Checkers Post Baja 500 Meeting on June 10 2009 the evening before his tragic stroke Maxi was in top spirits drinking a beer scratching his head and getting ready to tell a great big lie Max passed peacefully on August 21 2009 at 3 50 AM Max was a cornerstone of off road racing and excelled at everything he did He was the well known radio voice of the classic off road race season opener from Parker AZ Other passions he pursued included fishing and hot rodding Uncle Max is survived by his beloved sister Linda Jackson and his niece Lee Ann Jackson He will be dearly missed by those who knew him Please join us in a moment of silence Next Wahzoo II column in Dusty Times will be entirely dedicated to the Life Times of Uncle Max Norris We will be doing a compilation of stories and photos of Uncle Max and already the letters are pouring in Please email all of your Uncle Max stories and pictures to Wahzootwo gmail com The Straight Poop from the Big Wahzoo II Dusty Times

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Good stuff Directory BRANDWOOD CARS Air Cleaners for Off Road Racing From Baja to Dakar Custom V hicle Shifter for mid engines and other BE ttear by DE i IQn applications www coastpowdercoating com For a list of dealers visit our website at www advancedaircleanersyslems com 227 Calle Pintoresco San aemente CA 92672 Race Cars Prerunners Dual Sports Offroad to Street Pntrunner to Race JOHN COOLEY cha1ts Offlgn Race Prep FLOATER REAR ENDS r RONT HUBS AXLES BALL JOINTS TORSION BARS KNOCK OFF HUBS AH General Fabrication ffllttS 01 805 239 2663 H _ canddfabwork90IIOI OOM 174591 llacSttE 10815 Wheatlands Avenue Suite I Santee CA 92071 619 596 9841 Fax 619 596 2742 www alumlcraft info CA 92841 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane Templeton CA 93465 CA US RACING RaceaJr Helmets Accessories OF ICIAL Bell Shoel Simpson IIACE RIEI S lower systems cool boxes 1 FUEL OF NASCAR 1 800 54 COSBY 1 2 700 auldlltl lfone8 C _ _ CA 1tt COSBY OIL COMPANY SANTA FE SPRINGS CA CALIFORNIA PRE FUN 39067 ORCHARD ST CHERRY VALLEY CA 92223 PH 911 Nl 8820 Oft Road Fiberglass Off Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings Hood Pins Suspension Roll Cages Ford Truck Specialist www autofab com 619 562 1740 10996 N Woodside Ave Santee CA 92071 FAX 619 562 6151 products in stock Race Proven Fabrication Boatec F Pre Runners Dimple Dies Desert Trucks Tu bing Benders Short Course trucks Bypass valves tubes Paris Dakar trucks Sway bar Arms e LL QUAL TY ftl AOL0CK WMlte LS 91NCE 1985 f A9l lCI wov wc1tw a 1 D 15 i __ 1 t5 11 1 7 ALL ALUMINUM B AOLOCK WHEELS AND CONVERSICNB iJJinh CHAMPION WHEEL CC INC 111we1 n lfi Uill ffii 1 J lt 1 1 1 lilil Ut l ult Juf 1l l 1 fJ E4i Phone 714 279 094 thebaJashop earthltnk net www BAJASHOPMOTORSPORTS com John Boker 1582 G 2 t UU 8 rt

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HONDA a L Ja PM Dae ta opp a SUZlRC I Da fl ret tt EI AT ro fd rspor s f 9299 W Olive Ste 610 Peoria AZ 85345 Phone 623 433 8643 Fax 623 243 6368 Knlelec Aln 1h Offroad Race Sand Car Parts e mail info foddrillmotorsports com web www foddrillmotorsports com 81 8 766 6134 BILL ROBERTSON SONS INC 5626 TUJUNGA AVE NORTH HOLLYWOOD CA 91601 800 800 E134 FAX 818 766 9 7 HWSTL E concEPTS gAJA SHOP fsinca1967 A c r lFl5 F IAS L Jr Ti i a urnr wrn H ss ec Jeae Rodrigua 10943 WHEATLANOS AVE SUITE B SANTEE CA 92071 USA 800 FOX SHOX 619 7681800 619 S96 3740 WWW FOXRACINGSHOX COM PH 714 897 0701 Fa r f 4 1117 4758 114 N 1 SI 9 CA 9 2167 www hus1lerconcepts com 951 245 6050 Fax 951245 605 BRUCE FRALEY 702365 9055 570 Central Ave C Lake Elsinore CA 92530 Darnen Jctteries J l 611 448 3932 Fax 619 448 3662 GREG QUINN 1543 W 16th Street Long Beach California 90813 http WWW Fandl com greg Fandl com Ota PiBIVIIIIICI CELL 562 562 714 FAX 562 843 4355 432 3946 540 5535 432 7969 HJ11 In I a 0 CG Off Road Race Prep Fabrication Kevin Jensen Apple Valley CA 760 963 4206 Fax 760 240 5083 we UJa a NC01111119nd Mike Julson 1558 No case Orange CA 92867 714 637 2889 Fax 714 687 7352 9428 Wheatland Court Sant CA 92071 R I

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llN O MOZ______ RACING ENGINB COMPl TE ENCIN 5 PARTS OYNO SEllVIC LEE MFG CO POWER 11661 PENOUITON 8 TREET E SUN VAU EY CA 91352 FAA 8 8 JU 2617 818 788 0371 STEERING Cieorge Jimenez 535 E Central Park Ave Anaheim CA 92802 Tel 714 S3S S116 Fax 714 535 5816 Se Hobfo Espanol A full l ff ol Powef gean and tor ny pump tyJMt ot THOMAS E LEE nic1no _ Magneflux and JG TRANSWERKS Go with a Proven Winner I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Quality Racing Transaxle1 Mendeola Dealer Off Road Sand Specialist 714 632 1240 3061 E ua Jolb St I Email jgtrans pacbell net Analleim California 92806 Custom Challis RaoJPnip Aluminum Wort Ml w ldlng llagn nux Engineering FABRICATION RACE PREPARATION u m 632 1223 JOE GIFFIN ZY9kl tkitities www JO Jtanswcrks com Todd _ 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE CA 91750 909 596 4076 909 596 5497 FAX 1900 Compton Ave SUite 101 Corooa c A 92881 Phone 951 817 0101 f A 156 www mickeythompsontires com KENT LOTHRINGER Assembly Machine Work Parts Ken Major JON KINNE 520 Railroad St Corona CA 92882 Tel 951 278 2233 Fax 95 l 278 8335 www jonnyligbtning net N C 8C i A E Ill Custom Alternators Complete Wiring Custom Fab Exhaust Muffler Prep Finish Work 619 562 5533 10722 Kenney Street Suite C Santee CA 92071 619 596 0886 For The Price Of A Phone Call And A Few Bucks A Month Your Ad could Be Here 818 882 0004 Off Rood Fabrication and Design mosl ftjll t i Function Sfrengtlt Sofety Pride Sond Cars Trucks Rau ars f rerul herS Rally Ccrs Mttde by Hand in th USA 236 Jason Court JOHN MOSELEY Corono CA 92879 Owner fobnt 0tor Custom 951 272 3026 Fox 951 212 ono msebilf com HONDA Power Equipment OUT 804110 EHGIHE GENERATOII SPECIAUS1 Kawaguchi Honda Corp www Kawaguchihonda com 3532 EAST 3110 ST LOS ANGEi ES CA 90063 ART KAWAGUCHI FH 323 264 2136 323 264 39361 Race Seats Restraints Storage Bags Window Nets Limit Straps Tie Downs t J Jr 1 1 www mastercraftseats com YOUR COMPLETE IGNITION SOURCE 11433 Woodside Avenue Santee CA 92071 619 449 9455 Fax 619 449 9454 AUTCTRONIC CONTROL CORPORATION f Derail Kreger PH 714 289 9048 Fl 114 631 7854 1214 N Parker Unti 3 Oranue CA 92867 1r111l 1 t 1259 w 9th St

Page 52

Parts for Dune Buggy Race car VW Engine Subaro Engine P rts Custom Machine Work Fabrication 1 800 231 8156 2525 East 16th Street Yuma AZ 85365 PH 114 680 8731 Fl 114 680 3110 Toll Free 800 304 8128 928 783 6265 Fax 928 783 1253 101 5 E Elm Avenue Fullerton CA 9 2 8 3 1 Hi Performance Equipment Suspension Safety OtivtNnf Acce ori s s111Cilllrlllll s 14 I I I I 103 Press Lane Suffe 14 619 691 9171 619 691 9174 619 691 803 FAX Chula Vista CA 91910 e mail tpfOdtOaol com Do You Need TO E s 11 11 1u1 1 I Jtllll l 1111111 l712J22MIU 111l RANCHO DRIVETRAIN Trophy Trucks Class 8 Trucks Class 7 Trucks Pre Runners 3U4 W cbr Orivt Hir1 lom CA 91152 www pm rpumpmom i51J60 S906 51 360 0436 fax 800JOO Z350 wlll get JOU In gear ENGINEERING Short Course Trucks Differentials 417 40 Enterprise Circle North Suite 106 Temecula CA 92590 PHONE 951 296 6163 FACSIMILE 951 296 2236 Tony Selva Jr w w w ranchodrivetraln com f1ii SANDERS SERVICE INC L Y METAL PROCESSING 5921 w Ave Los Angeles CA 90001 323 583 2404 FAX 323 58 3965 SAND81 AST GI A S BEAO MAONF TIC PARTICLE FLOURESCENT IN PEC11 N MARKSMJTH lness S ore l6608

Page 53

c IALTY nace Y Jrep RACE CARS TRUCKS 1 1N n lfflffi INC C m 61soch wmq e6NihCS stow f 6oodioK e r 11smission UJ ffradeS 7NS tclt5M1K l i p9 1Nk5 i efjNJtt 11ttRAxLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 9763 Variel Ave 818 99S 2739 16743 Parkside Ave Chatsworth CA 91311 NS SCORE ENGINE BUtLDER w11sT PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES OfTHEYEAR 994 1998 1999 1000 Kevin Pirtle 22545 South Normandie Ave Torrance California 90501 310 782 2413 fax 310 782 3 772 Get The Word Out About Your Business Big or small From Parts To complete Engines 3265 W Birtcher Drive Las Vegas NV 89118 702 837 2522 SPECIALIZED WIRING CDMMUNICA TIDNS AND REPAIRS FDR Race cars T1ronhv Trucks Pre runners Chase Vehicles Dual Spon Cars 760 B03 6955 MARC WADDELL PRESIDENT WIREFAB SBCGLOBAL NET 1IACENELS 1209 847 2281 800 527 6090 FAX 209 847 9726 Paul Oil Company wESTERN DIVISION P O Box 248 524 N Sierra Ave Oakdale California 95361 Put Your Business card 1n The Goodstuff Directory E r ic Flechsig 760 7 L 9473 818 882 0004 TRIIIIS DISTRIBUTOR 2180 College Drive Lalle Havasu City AZ 86403 Call Toll Free 877 627 8852 or E Mail info tcsperformance com Hi Performance Converters Automatic Trans Axles for Race Recreatlon Custom Length Axles TCS Designed thlbs Input Shafts American Made Excellence Chris Tool 909 730 8246 Performance Trans Off Road Street Trans Lorenzo Rodriguez Parts Service Transm issions V W Porsche Desert Sand Drag 850 S Alta Vista Avenue Monrovia CA 91 0 I 6 626 305 RACE 7223 www wrtrans com World Leading Motorsport Transmission Manufacturer ChrisTool ymall 11 Dakar Rally Victories 17 World Rally Victories 6 AMA MX SX Championships Xtrac Inc 6183 West 80th Street Indianapolis IN 46278 email and ew _heard xtrac com 383 Baja Class 1 10 sequential Transax1e Tel 317 472 2454 www xtrac com inc Trophy Truck solutions available for Lead Customers Off Road and Bolt On to street Fiberglass for Ford C evy and Toyota Trucks Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1261 N Buena lista St He_me1 ca 92543 Ph 951 654 7334 Fax 951 654 2375 See a list of our pn duds lt our welJ site http www o f f o o

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WHY ARIN T YOU A Jojn Our Growina List Of Readers As We Continue Our 16jhYear DUSTYTIMIS SUIISCRl IR Of cowenna lhe World Of Competion In w he Dirt Doll I miss iss11e1 Subscribe now I Year 25 00 2Years 40 00 3Years 55 00 An orn See Our Comprehensiwe Subscription Form On Paa 1 Or Order OnHne At www dustytimes com Usina PayPal Foreign Sub criptions I Year 55 00 2Years 110 00 3Years 165 00 DUlliJlil BI 207 61 Plummer Street U S Dollars Air Mail Rates On Request Chatsworth CA 91311

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Classified 12 b AL 66T ATb U A6b R b NTAL6 I Vacation Rental Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states Readers are advised to consult appropriate local or state authorities for information before purchase of any specific item FOR SALE 2006 Class 1200 Bobby Neth Chassis Foddrill Arms Kenny Majors 1835 Mendeola MD4X CNC Howe 2 light bars 7 HIDS Color OPS Fox Shocks Coilovers Fire Sup Halon Police Siren Spare Majors Motor Spare Shocks Ready to win Baja or BITD 59 000 00 562 756 9231 FOR SALE Pre Runner to Buy Foddrill 3 4 seat street legal Registered in Texas LS6 pump gas 400hp Fortin w converter Fox shocks coil over and by pass VDO Howe WR coolers 50 gal cell Mastercraft BF on JJ wheels Pro Am hubs and brakes Roof rack w light bar Race radio w carbon fiber head sets XM radio w external speakers OPS ODO shows 546 miscarbon fiber dash windshield a set of spare tires w wheels a set of sand tires w wheels chase box spare parts single axle open trailer inc 110 000 00 Negotiable Cesar Fuentes 915 726 3823 afuentes fuentes7 com mx RIDE WANTED Long time racer from So Nevada wants MINT 400 ride in Open Class 1 or 2 laps based on your pit rotation Cash upfront for the lap s Ray 630 945 0736 FOR SALE Class 1 Jimco Dominator This car has fresh prep on it Redline LS 7 Ml auto 4 King shocks rear 24 wheel travel 3 King shocks front 24 wheel travel 14 rotors CNC 6 piston calipers 37 BFG tires Robby Gordon wheels series 30 plunging CVs Lowrance 7500 OPS PCI radio 150 000 firm Call Brian at 619456 4951 Series inquiries only FOR SALE Completely rebuilt or brand new everything Turnkey LS 1 Mendeola spindels axles cvs wiring switches OPS 4 way intercomm brand new wheel and tire spares raceable has won overall and great playcar prerunner 85 000 00 707 249 8406 prepped and ready to go Sell your vehicles equipment and bits and pieces right here Dusty Times has the readership you re looking for so fill out the form below and get your ad in our next issue FOR SALE 2005 Jimco 2000 Class 1 Used as play car never raced All TIG welded and powder coated Fresh Redline LS 1 Fresh Albins syncro 5 speed 0 miles on full prep Fox shocks w air bumps Fortin hubs rack shifter Mastercraft Kenwood radio w intercom Lowrance GPS flameout Hella HIDs Jessie Jones forged wheels 47 gal cell curved windshield street legal AZ Car works great and is in immaculate condition 150 000 00 Steve 909 52497 52 sthompson acgonline com FOR SALE 2007 Class 1 Jimco Millinium Hp Engine 400 Chevy Sb 630 Hp Fortin 5 Speed Sequintial Transw Torque Converter Fox Coil Over s And Bypass At All 4 Corners Hyd In Car Jacks Lawrance Gps W 11 Screen Ken Wood Uhf And Vhf Radios Pei Intercom Fire Sup System Master Craft 3g Seats Dual Brains 6 Hella Hid W Light Bar To Many Details To List Totally Trick Custom Everything Must See Test And Prerun Miles Only Complete Prep And Set Up By Jimco Race Ready 135 000 00 Call Coy 702 531 4655 Or Email Coyhigley Yahoo Com FOR SALE 2007 Class 1 Porter LS7 Redline Pump gas 620 HP 1 5 8 SCORE Tagged chassis Fortin 4 speed King Kongs 120 W Kenwood 10 5 OPS 2 Fire Halons Police Siren Pro Am Fortin Howe Dual Tire Carrier 4 Hella Hids lots of spares 562 756 9231 124 000 00 FOR SALE KregerFab Class 10 2 dry sump Kroyer Hondas Fortin 6 speed sequential Kings Best of everything Prepped by KregerFab All spares including tires 2008 SNORE overall Points Champ Very Fast and reliable w 10 Class wins and 3 overalls 130 000 00 Call 702 565 5317 Vacation Rental in the Exclusive Indian Wells Country Club in the Sunny Palm Springs area of Southern Caifornia 2 ot 3 bedroom furninshed for your complete relaxation and if you are a glutton for punishment play golf on 1 or both of the beautiful courses FYI wireless internet and long distance phhone calls USA included Starting at 4 500 00 in season Oan Feb March April or 2 300 00 per month not in season Call 760 345 6124 IND _X TO AD 1 _QTl6 _Q6 2007 Desert Dynamics Dual Sport Prerunner 100 Chromoly Turnkey 450 LSl Mendeola 4spd Fox3 bypass front rear Fox coil carriers 20 front rear real working travel 25gal Fuel Safe 8mpg on dirt Mastercraft 30 seats front sliders Mastercraft bench in rear Lowrance GPS Kenwood radio CNC pedals ProAm hubs front rear tilt steering MOMO steering wheel HOWE steering PWR radiator custom exhaust Soltek HIDs Hella horns BTR wheels Contact Jess Johnson Brawley CA 760 455 6104 FOR SALE 70 Pieces of water filled K Rail 200 00 each For Sale Great for short course race tracks or traffic control 909 478 4321 or rent for 30 00 per day per piece Baker Precision Racing Products 47 BITD Silver State 300 4 BTR Racing Wheels 19 Brake Man 20 Butch s Speed Shop 31 Crandon 38 Fuel Sate Racing Cells 16 Kar Tek Off Road 5 KC HiliTES 2 King Off Road Racing Shocks 21 Lucas Oil 13 Mastercraft Seats 42 McKenzie s Performance Products 24 MDR California 200 45 Mirage Racing Products 14 NORRA Mexican 1000 Rally Back Cover Off Road Warehouse 41 Racer X Motorsports 40 Redline Performance Letner Congratulations 23 Robby Gordon Off Road 27 Ronco Plastics 37 SNORE 250 29 SNORE KC Hilites Midnight Special 43 Soltek Light Systems 32 South Point Casino 9 Transaxle Engineering 11 Vacation Rentals 35 VP Racing Fuels 46 Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in DUBG DUSTY TIMES Classified Advertising rate is only 25 for 45 words each month not including name address and phone number Add 5 00 for use of black and white photo or a very sharp color print Maximum size 5 x7 All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE REMEMBER CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER Enclosed is 2009 10 ISSUE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Send check or money order no Cas h ame Addres s City State _______ Zip ______________ Phone __________________________________ _ Please run ad times Mail to DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth CA 91311 ilGS DEADLINE September 09 Aug 14 09 October 09 Sep 11 09 November09 Oct 16 09 December09 Nov 13 09 January 10 Dec 11 09 February 10 March 10 Jan 9 10 Feb 19 10 Dusty Times August 2009 Page 55

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SEPTEMBER 16 20 2009 r a a de os Angeles Loreto La Paz NORRA is returning off road motorsports back to its roots hot rodding and fun The Mexican 1000 Rally is a fully supported on road off road rally open to vintage and alternative fueled vehicles It will be an event filled with high performance driving incredible scenery and world class adventure E Parnelli Jones Malcolm Smith Bruce Meyers Larry Roeseler Eddie Mulder Bud Feldkamp Bill Varnes John and Ray Swift Rick L Johnson Rick D Johnson and more Scheduled ta Participate PIE 1919 OFF ROAD VEHICLES MOTORCYCLES TOURING CARS s ____