SI.SO ,....,so-1791 ------------------Ce I e b, at' in g ou, "'~h Yea, OF se,viee To The OFF load eommunit'L -------------------. covering the world of competition in the dirt •••
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r volume 26 - Number 7 July 2009 Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor Jolin Calvin AaaociateEditor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors Scott Bottomley J. Preston Bradsliaw Jim Culp Mike Del Col Nicole Del Col Steve Hilton VictorGazca Martin Holmes RodKoch Byrle Moore Steve Ruddick Maurice Selden Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Trackaide Photo Art Director Larry Worsham SNAPSHOT 8.0.R.E. ~ ----.~ Subscription Rates1 $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA; Foreign Subscription rates on request Conttibutions1 DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads1 will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES1 (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St, Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 88W004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copyright by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St, Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., OF THE MONTH ••• Riversiile, 1983, Ivan Stewart, Toyota Truck, talk about mud, Ivan sure had his share of it this race, he's seen here churning his way ·towards the ever elusive finish line. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshorof sometR!ng comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self.addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8xl0 will be considered. in· This· Issue ... ; FEATURES SCORE Tecate Baja 500 by Jud:, Smith ................. .'· ........................................... 8 Rally Of Argentina by Martin Holmes ................................................................. 12 MDR At Ridgecrest by J Preston Bradshaw ........................................................... 15 Baja Cup At Glen Helen by Jud:, Smith ........................................ ~ ...................... 19 M.O.R.E. ORAF 500 by Staie Ruddick ........... : ......................................................... 20 SNORE At Caliente by J. Preston Bradshaw ............................................. : .......... 28 TRAXXAS TORC Series by Jud:, Smith ............................................................... 34 Racing At Guam by Jud:, Smith .................................... ,. ...................................... 40 Lucas Oil Off Road Series by Kermit Lennick ..................................................... 41 NORRS by Homer Eubanks ................................................................................ 53 D■PARTM■NTS Happenings ..................... : ..................................................................................... 5 Trail Notes ........................................................................ : .................................... 6 ORBA ................. · ............................... ' ............................................................. 40 Baja Pits by Chupacabra ...................................................................................... 46 Good Stuff Directory ......................................................................................... 49 BFGoodrich ....................................................................................................... 53 Blueribbon Coalition ..................................................................... , .................. 54 The Big Wahzoo ................................................................................................ 54 Classified Ads ..................................................................................................... 55 Index To Advertisers ........................................................................................... 55 ON THE Cov■R What a great win for Harley Lemer and Kory Halopoff, they took the Class 1 win and the Baja 500 overall win as well, seen here in beautiful flight in their Alpha.Chevy. Photo fry Art Eugenio -Traclcside Photo Rick D. Johnson and Brian Sallee literally flew their Ford F-150 to a first place finish in Trophy Truck at the Baja 500, here in launch mode. Photo fry Dave ConJclin -Traclcside Photo Visit Our Website at Seeke,r,td-e 70IUJUI 16 DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$25.00 □ -2 years -$40.00 □ 3 years -$55.00 (to subscribe online go to □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name. ______ ...;_ _____________ _ Address __________________ _ City ____________________ _ State ______________ Zip_--'-------Primary Interest Cars O Trucks O Motorcycles 0 Send check m: money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 9131i Canadian - 1 year $30.00 US n Overseas subscription rates upon request > Dusty Times June 2009 Page3
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' j P HEELERS .0 . Box36 (AU CLEVES, OHIO 45002 etients staged at the club grounds . Cb-es. Ohio) in 4x4 FoREVER L 1665 DEIAW.di, s TD. 0sHKOSH, WI 549~i AMERICAN RALLY 3650 ~~Rio~o~, INc. l..AuG IRCLE, Sum 205 (702) 298-8l71/F NV( 89208 E Mail: rog~2) 521-0597 AME1u CANTRIALs AMA Observed ~f1ATION Southern Califom. Championship Seri ia BILL MA1ua.JM n..--es ( • ciu:,,IDENr 24 HR H 909) 860-1857 E MAn.: ~-(714) 562-7742 < MARK909@AOLCOM> AsoclACION Es'fATAL DEAUT S OMOVILISMO AM l.AsELL,T ECH INSPECTOR S AP-ro42 BAJA c~Jos~ DEL CABO RNIA DEL SUR. MExlco AuSTRALIANO . FF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP DARRYL SMrra C 19 SoMERS ST. ASHMERE Q 4500 • UEENSLAND, DUSTY ' AUSTRALIA TIMES@b· AUTOCROSS n,.,...,.. ~vr.oEC OFF ROAD 10 CARS ONLY RENAill V 3069 D AILLANCOURT '.. AGENAISW LJ\VAL QUEBEC C EST (450)' 62~~ H7P 1T7 BAJA CuP CHALLENGE BARONA SAND D P.O. Box l~G AssN. Al(1=IDE, CA 92040 All Races A Races Are Night Races t&ronaRacewa BBM ,. Lake.side, CA Off Ro~ PROMOTIONS Special E urse Racing & vent Marketin ~OROO, CA 92860 g e-mail bbmracin (909) BEST IN THE DEs 3tl; ~ULDER Hiott!; 702-457_57;r;5; • NV 89121 M FAX:702-641-2431 otorcycles/ Quads/ A , ~rot 19-23,2~ s Las Vegas To Reno ,Jegas, NV Sep Cla.ue.s B~Sil 2S-27, 2009 ver State 300 Mesquite, NV O AU C1a.ue.s Terr:i'berp _16-18,2009 es runm Gran p . Pri NV TIX M~Quadl ATV Fab~ 4-6, 2009 HHenderson Desert Cl . enderson NV ass1c Cars/T rud<_s BORE RACING 10 ELK MOUNTAIN D REosro C RIVE 970.963-4s~16PJ1~~1s9s ugust 7-8, 2009 Ely,NV Sept 1~19, 2009 Wendover, NV • BP MoTORSPORTS W P.O. Box 411 OODLAND H 760.578-6258/ILLS7£'n CSA 91365 F uv-78-6259 E-Mail· b AX: 818--348-4648 . pmotorsports@ hi AU Events At Calif, . ear~ omia C,cy, CA BRIGHTON SPEED WAY BRIGHTON ONT R.R.3 (613) 475-116fJ.:vccc't1ADA3) KOK-lHO 475-3250 CAJOR Dusty Times Cum AUT0Movn1sTA Ju DE CHAMPIONS O ARENSE n . IIlP FF-ROAD RACING 7210 GATEWAY EAST c915> ~tf~4g1X 79915 011-52-16-17-4S-42~H GARCIA · ESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RAL <www.CalifomiarallysLeY _SERIES> CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box400 ~®~tiw0 CENTRALS RA OUTH DAKOTA CING AsSOCIATION P.O. Box645 DAVE AI::~(·PSD 57501 J"UJI\MS !LOTS AN B (605) 224-9481 D AJAS) DON ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 iHAMPLAIN VALLEY ~1.~=TION F P.O. Box 332 AIR HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 ~LAIRCTON HI-JACKERS · .0 . ToMDE'. 1091 T LJ\UOER SR w WP. LINE ROAD ELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 Shor "'--(330) 532-4589 t \.,014TSe off Road Rae. Count)' Fair Gr nds mg At Harrison au · Cadiz.OH CumA S UTOMOvnISTICA CALLES~A ~~~CDEMrAN QUINTIN H ' ' EXICO ERACUO PATINO (011 52 616-5-22-07) CumAUT S OMOvnISTICO AN VICENTE San Vicente Off R d ENSENADA BC M oa ' , EXICO USA JAN WRIG (0 RAM6N CASTRi~ it1 52 61746834) (61637/ 7 ~~-0 ACEVEDO Co CMC ~ALO MBooTOSPORT Cum M · · oc3187 1ss1'; VIEJO, CA 92690.3178 ax: <714) 367-1608 CowRADOHru. B':!~ ASSOCIATION (719) 531-3t:I~irh~IDENT C P.O Box 8286 87-982TH OLORADO SPRINGS CO (719) 653-8449 80933 ftll llf _ ,_ -Race ,aclcS tram Fortin, Ho-.W, ProAlfl, & SACO -Powe< ra<:#8 available in 2.0• & 2.s• -VVI eeam RaclrlS available wtth ram assist, ctaarlynn tllfJtllP or as a Forfin power rack-.control vatvftS, rams, ,.,,.rvo1rs, Ile rod$ and ma,,y mot" comPOnents available Clutches components .FlyWhe6IS tor a11 popu1B-r eng/MB -Multi disC, rour & sJx puck cl!Jlch dlSCS .Stage I Jo l'I p19SSUre plates -1-1a,rtwa1e, pilOt t,68ritlf1S -Availabl& in 2(JOmlTI and 9" Race Radio Packages -Race prepped radio pacltafJflS trom pCI with 1COM or Kenwood radJOS -S~ kit& wr chase IIIJCkS, ,roph)' /cttrts, MXJ/1,TVS -All new high definiliofl GPS u LowntJ'IC9 • 16-bit disf'IIIY9 av.ailabffl In 5•, B". •nd 10" ../ntemal 1&-CM-(1(1111{ GPS+WMS /41lten(WJ .Seal(Jd ~ cases Race EJCttaUSt Headers ..complete race .xhauSt tle,aeletS tor VW • LS1&LS78't{JiM$ -Avallabfe in raw ot jf1t coated finJsh -Ftan!JIIS· tubin{I, crossover tut,eS. (l'IIJltlMS & spatfc a,reste,S available for fabrie8.titla your own custom ~ust Aluminum Radiators -Aluminum race radla.Jrs trom PWR -Available with SPAI. fs/1$ & s/llOud -Available with standatd hoS6 barb or AN fltfifl!l frl/8IS & oulfets 7 • ..Qff tOSd ,-diglltS trom S.ja ~gns. Hella, ACRO, PIM & HD/ . -$IZf1$ availat# ill,•, tr. &. s· -HIDS wnnmternal &. exrema1 wssrs -M,ountinO h8fdWate and umvtH$Sl llght ttatS a,e available Baja BU!J Fit,erglaSS I ' I ~s.;asugfibelVlaSSb()dypane/S ..Ht,Ods. ~tram9, dOOl"skins & f9(tdefS ~ dOOf & ,ea.f ft,ttdefS aJs0 available ..Ht,JdWal9 tor t,oltt 61,)etglaSS & aluminum paMIS Pages
Trail Notes ... SCORE BAJA 500 - Boy, what a mess, after all the scoring was completed and the unofficial results were released it became evident that there was a problem, the GPS systems were reporting a lot of driver errors, speeding, short-coursing, etc., and SCORE knew they had to act quickly. So the guys in charge got busy, started looking at all the GPS figures and they started handing out penalties, lots and lots of penalties and the entire unofficial results were thrown out while new winners were announced and many drivers were penalized in time and some were declared out of the race and, therefore not a finisher. Dusty Times has received the corrected results for classes Trophy Truck, Class 1, Class ½-1600, Class 3 and Class 5. As I write this, Judy Smith is trying to create a story out of all this pandemonium and we're trying to get as much of the true story into this July, 2009 issue of Dusty Times. We are not putting any results here in Trail Notes, refer to page 8 of this issue. Our coverage of the SCORE Baja 500 will be limited to the classes shown above for the July issue, the remaining story will be in the August issue of Dusty Times. Thanks for understanding, ed. VALV0LINE OFFER -A major announcement from Valvoline. They are so confident in their products that they will guarantee that your vehicle's engine will run for up to 300,000 miles, or they will pay for any engine related work. To signup for this offer, register your vehicle at, use Valvoline motor oil regularly, and Valvoline will guarantee your engine up to 300,000 miles. Since scheduled oil changes will always be a necessity, participating in the Valvoline Engine Guarantee program ensures a stress-free driving experience for as long as your car remains on the road. "We're putting our money where our mouth is" said Sam Mitchell, President, Ashland Consumer Markets (Valvoline). We want to keep people on the road. Period! Vehicles that use Valvoline continue to perform. We have the utmost confidence in our products, so we're excited to now offer this best-in-class guarantee. For details and limitations of the Valvoline Engine Guarantee, visit or BORE -(Bonneville Off Road Enthusiasts) have sold the racing organization to Allen Gerber in Alpine Utah. He can be reached (for the time being) at 801-380-9011 cell or e-mail is the best in the day. Use the cell phone at night please. At present our intent is to keep BORE racing alive. Unfortunately the Jackpot and Ely races for 2009 will not be happening. The good news is that the race scheduled for Wendover in September is still a go. We intend on having a three to four race series next year and will update that as things progress. We do need help! We need ideas that will help the sport grow. We need volunteers to help not only with the race but also behind the scenes. There will be some updated information on the BORE website next week sometime. Please feel free to E-Mail Allen with your thoughts and ideas. B FGOODRICH TiREs - Larry Roeseler 2008 Motorsports Person of the Year Continuing a tradition that began in 2003, BFGoodrich Tires named off-road legend Larry Roeseler as the 2008 BFGoodrich Tires Motorsports Person of the Year at the 41st Annual Tecate SCORE Baja 500 press conference. The award recognizes the achievements of drivers and officials in each racing series that BFGoodrich Tires competes. A Southern California native, Roeseler has been racing in the SCORE Baja 1000 since 1972 and he has compiled an amazing 17 class wins, both on two wheels and four wheels, including a race-record 13 overall victories, 10 of which came on a motorcycle. Roeseler has also amassed an astonishing 11 SCORE Baja 500 overall wins, all of which contributed to this recognition. To win the prestigious award, the person must have made a significant contribution to racing both on and off the track, demonstrated a commitment to excellence with an uncompromising passion for motorsports, shown a sincere dedication to improve off-road motorsports for all competitors and leave a positive lasting mark. "Look back at the past recipients of the award and you'll notice that some of the most recognized names in racing have been honored," said Roberts Kukainis, motorsports manager for BFGoodrich Tires. "Our previous five are proof that the standard is high, and Roeseler is a fitting recipient. He's a stand up guy both on-and off the race course and we are extremely honored to recognize Larry with this award." Roeseler has endured harshness of off-road racing for more than 35 years on motorcycles, buggies and trucks. Having already established himself as a well-known off-road racer, Roeseler joined Kawasaki's green team in 1987 where he went on to win 10 International Six Days Enduro (ISDE) gold medals, two silver medals and one bronze. In 1999, Roeseler was honored by the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) with an induction into the AMA Hall of Fame. After retiring from a successful motorcycle career in 1994, Roeseler's four-wheel domination began. "Mr. Baja," as he is often referred, has 39 career SCORE Baja race wins, 17 career SCORE Baja 1000 class wins and 11 career SCORE International season point championships. He has been associated with the most high-profile teams in the business including Ivan Stewart, Terrible Herbst Motorsports, and currently Roger Norman Racing. The 2008 season proved to be yet another success for Roeseler, as he capped it off with his 13th SCORE Baja 1000 overall win with teammate Roger Norman. Roeseler and Norman finished the 631.35-mile loop in their Norman Motorsports Ford F-150 Trophy Truck outfitted with BFGoodrich BajaKR off-road tires in 12 hours, 40 minutes and 33 seconds. The 2008 SCORE Baja 1000 victory signified Roeseler's fifth straight win, having won the last four years driving with Troy Herbst in Class 1, all five occurring on BFGoodrich Tires. The 2008 SCORE Baja 1000 victory was also the second straight win in 2008 for Roeseler and Norman, who won the SCORE Terrible's Primm 300 in September. The Norman Motorsports team finished an impressive second overall in the 2008 SCORE Trophy Truck class, just 20 points behind the 2008 SCORE overall points champion, B.J. Baldwin. Roeseler' s accomplishments did not end in 2008; he set a new Laughlin Leap record of 161 feet 6 inches in his 1,000 horsepower #88 single seat Trophy Truck in January 2009. Each year, BFGoodrich selects five finalists with one winner selected from the distinguished group. The inaugural winner of the award in 2003 was Sal Fish, President/CEO of SCORE International, the world's premier off-road racing series, and home to events like the SCORE Baja 1000. The 2004 winner, Rod Hall, is widely considered the most successful driver in off-road history, having earned 19 SCORE Baja 1000 class victories. In 2005, BFGoodrich Tires honored the contributions of Frank DeAngelo and recognized him as the cornerstone of the BFGoodrich motorsports program and the 2006 honor was bestowed upon Marty Fiolka, editor-in-chief director of the off-road group at Advanstar Communications, which publishes DIRTsports magazine. In 2007, Rob MacCachren was recognized for his extraordinary contributions to off-road motorsports, numerous business accomplishments, and 40th annual SCORE Baja 1000 victory. Page& <www, 1nese are the events requesting inclusion that have been presented to the CRS Board of Govemon. The final Rall, Championship will be a subset of these events. Also CRS Moto Championship July 10-11, 2009 Idaho Rally (2, 3) Mountain Home, ID Also CRS Moto Championship August 29, 2009 Gorman Ridge Rally (3) Frazier Park, CA Also CRS Moto Championship October 2-3, 2009 Prescott Rally (2, 3) Prescott, AZ Also CRS Moto Championship November 14, 2009 Seed 9 Rally (2) Goodsprings, NV December 5, 2009 Phoenix Rally (2) Phoenix, AZ D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (All events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston Count, ORV Park, OZ.,mpia, WA) DAKAR RAu.v DARREN SKILTON BAJA AUTOMOTIVE ADVENTURES 455 E. OcEAN BLVD., Sum 208 loNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 DECATUR Foua WHEEL DRIVE Cum DECATUR, TX 76234 ToMAUEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MoTORSPORTS 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAvASu Cm, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 E.A8TmN OfF..RoAD RACING AssN. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WEUSV!LLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 ENsFNADA BAJA OH' ROAD RACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC,MX 011-52-646-1818989 Eus10 011-52-646-1715230 AARON Races for buggys & Motorcycles EsTERO BEACH INTERNATIONAL Short Course Racing VICTORIA GALINDO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO 011-52-646-176-6230 FORDA FwRIDA OFF RoAD l>IuvER.'s AssOCIATION JASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Apr, Ma,, Nw at Davidson Racewa, FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 1855 PARKWAY D~ S. EL MoITTE, CA 917 3 626-442-9320/959-579-6151FAX GENERAL TIRE TROPHYJ.,JTE SERIES DRIVE RACING ORGANIZATION 760-352-6020 Las Vegas, NV October 29-31, 2009 Ricky Johnson Off-Road Grand Prix Las Vegas, NV December 4-6, 2009 BITD Henderson Fabtech Classic Henderson, NV GLEN HELEN OFF-ROAD SHORT COURSE SERIES Short course, stadium and desert race classes July 11, 2009 Round #4 August 15, 2009 Round #5 October 3, 2009 Round #6 November 7, 2009 Round #7 GLEN HELEN BAJA CUP CHALLENGE SERIES July 2009 Desert race classes MoJA VE DESERT RACING June 28, 2009 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE Round #2 SoLJTH EL MoITTE, CA 91733 August 8, 2009 626-442-9320/FAX626-579-6051 Round #3 August 15, 2009 Decemberl2,2009 California 200 Round #4 Lucerne Valley, CA GORRA Night September 26, 2009 GEORGIA OFF ROAD Lucerne 250 RACING AssOCIATION Lucerne Valley B, CA 420 HOSEA ROAD November 7, 2009 LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 Stoddard 250 (404) 963..0252 Barstow B, CA GPORRA S~stition Series Paster City, CA GREAT PLANEs OFF ROAD October 17, 2009 RACING AsSOCIATION Plaster City, CA TIM HODGE November 28, 2009 (402) 991-6048 MOR Rally Scarr MORROW Plaster City, CA (816) 792-2126 December 31, 2009 (AU races are short course, stadium si,le Bud Light Dash Classes -Sportsman, 1/2-1600, 5-1600, Plaster City, CA Sport Truck, Quads, Tough Truck M.O.R.E. Nebraska Racewa, Park, Exit 420 on 1-80 MOJAVE OFF ROAD RACING between Omaha and Lincoln.) For latest info check ENrnuSIASTS <> P.O. Box 1231 HIGH PLAINs OFF RoAD RACING BARSTOW, CA 92312 760-253-4453 2000 W. QUINCY AVENUE #B ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 Barstow, CA 303-806-8062/303-781-0974 fax Julv 18, 2009 INTERNATIONAL lcE RACING Freedom 250 Barstow, CA AsSOCIATION Sept 12, 2009 P.O. Box 8105 250 Miles ST. PAUL, MN 55108 Lucerne,CA STEVEBEDDOR Oct 4, 2009 (612) 937-3816/Fax 474-2769 4th Annual Powder Puff Barstow, CA INTER-SHows MoTORSPORTS Dec 5, 2009 PROMOTIONS, INc. Toys For Tots Holiday 200 P.O. Box 2910 Barstow, CA MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY (949) 582-2371 AsSOCIATION }EEPSPEED DAVE BARRET 1826 N. WINDES 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. Orange, CA 92869 FLINT, ML 48506 714-538-7434/ fax 714-033-1724 (810) 730-9221 All races for ]eepspeed 1,2 & 3 KAMLooPS OFF ROAD RACING MoTOWEST WINTER Tows SEJ.UES BILL MARKHAM Whispering Pines Sports (909) 860-1857 & Recreation Center <> KAMLOOPS, BC, CANADA All events at Perris Raceway (At Reed Valley with a school) Mike Strange (250) 573-4003 NATIONAL Mun RACING AssN. , ; LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS & RT. #l -Box 380 OFFROAD EXPO DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN (626) 961-3782 PAIATKA, FL 32177 <> (904) 325-5422 <> NATIONAL TuFF TRUCK AssN. L.I.T.R.E. Butch Chapin Motorsports Promo-JEFF ELROD tions (408) 926-0522 1404 EAST 3RD STREET JIM ARtrrA HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 (408) 247-4402 (612) 437-2459 LUCAS OIL NOORA AMERICAN OFF ROAD SERIES NORTHERN Omo OFF RoAD SHORT CoURSE RACING RACING AssN. August 22-23, 2009 GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 Kai Guard Motorsports Complex E-MAIL Lake Elsinore, CA <> October 17-18, 2009 Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads Speedworld Motorsports Park (Spring Valley Raceway, on route 518, 20 Wittman,AZ minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) November 14-15, 2009 (Thunder Valley located 15 minutes from Primm Valley Motorsports Complex Spring Valley) Primm,NV NORRA MAMAluuTA OFF ROAD RACING NATIONAL OFF ROAD UJIS CARJ.os AI.VAREZO RACING AssOCIATION PANAMERICANA AVE #5105 Co. JuAREZ, CHIH., MX (661) 268-1232 011-52-1637-1799 September 16-20, 2009 MICHIGAN BUGGY BUIIDERS Original Mexican 1000 Rally Ensenada, BC, MX Dune Buggy Trade Show (517) 543-7214 OFF ROAD EXPO <> SPIN CoMMUNICATIONS MICHIGAN OFF ROAD (415) 380-3890 CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. OFF·RoAD RACING AssOCIATION 15529 }ONES ROAD Volunteered Series GRANO LEDGE, ML 48837 PRESIDENT -GEOFF LEE (517) 627-6200 1243 TRICE ROAD Motorcycles, Quads, A TVs and Pilots on!, LEBANON, TN 37087 MAORA (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP. - 1/2-1600 Mm-AMERICA BRUCE MEYERS OFF RoAD AssocIATION (865) 453-1005 P.O. Box664 CLASS REP. -9 & UNLTD. GREENUP, IL 62428 MICHAEL MOORE (217) 962-1318 (334) 271-7035 E-MAIL: OUTI..AwREP. <> DON PONDER Dusty Times
(314) 631-8190 (AU Races at Wheeling in the County 900 Acres) Omo OFF RoADERS INc. 1427 GOSHEN Hrus ROAD S.E. NEW PHIIADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 JIM l<ENDEL (216) 339-4674 AU races held at Harmon County Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION RICK TtCHBOURNE, Pusuc REIATIONS (519).681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) Oun.Aw SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. Lours, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/Fax: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. Off Road Championship 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <> PENNSYLVANIA SHORT COURSE RACING SMITIITON HOLE RACEWAY 313 SKYLINE DRIVE SMITIITON, PA. 15479 MIKE GEISER 330-683-6263 Short Course Offroad Racing AU Races At Smithton Hole Raceway PIKEs PEAK P.O. Box 6962 CoLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF ROAD RACING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 875-7591 PRo 1600 SHOOTOUT CoREYGOIN 559-647-6132 GOlNRAClN@HOTMAILCOM PRoTRUCK 14402 BOND COURT EL CAJON, CA 92021 619-390-6252 PuRE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box50 RICKETTS, IA 51460 (712) 679-2221 R.Au.Y AMERICA NATIONAL EVENTS 2009 National Championship Series July 17-18, 2009 New England Forest Rally August 28-29, 2009 Ojibwe Forests Rally September 19-20, 2009 Rally Colorado Lake Superior Rally October 16-17, 2009 Ralllt;America Re= &,ents: gional <fk~hips. July 17, 2009 Mexico Rally Mexico, ME July 18, 2009 Berlin Rally Berlin, NH Central: August 28, 2009 Paul Bunyan's Ride Bemidji,MN August 29, 2009 10,000 Lakes Rally Bemidji.MN October 16, 2009 Ottawa Rally Houghton, MI October 1, 2009 Keweenaw Rally Houghton, MI7 November 28, 2009 Rallye de Paris Paris, TX South West September19,2009 Middle Cog 1 Steamboat Springs, CO September 20, 2009 MiddleCog2 Steamboat Springs, CO ROCK CRAWLERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA P.O. Box 1406 RlvERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/Fax: (801) 253-3176 SAN DIEGO SHORT COURSE Dusty Times WINTERNATIONALS A New Series lry Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro TnlCks, Desert TnlCks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough TnlCk <> (858) 571-5088 SAN DIEGO OFF RoAD E.xPOsmoN (888) 836 7918 SCCA RoADR.Au.Y P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-2055 <> SFX MoTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. CoMMoNs DRIVE, Sum 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/ (630) 556-6180 Fax SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., Sum A CAIABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 <> Sept 11-13, 2009 Terribles Primm 300 Primm,NV Nov 19-22, 2009 Baja 1000, Baja Mexico SNORE SOUTHERN NEVADA OFF ROAD ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 270516 LAs VEGAS, NV 89127 702-452-4522 August 7-9, 2009 KC HiLiTES Midnight Special Ridgecrest, CA October 2-4, 2009 South Point SNORE 250 Las Vegas, NV October 29-31, 2009 Off-Road Grand Prix Las Vegas, NV Dec 12, 2009 KARTEK Western Desert Challenge SONS OF THUNDER 4 WHEELERS RACE DMSION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SOUTHEASTERN OFF RoAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 Mike Moore• (224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS EXPO MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. HACIENDA BLVD. #322 HACIENDA HEIGHTS, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SCTA SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING AssocIATION & BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, INc. P.O. Box 10 OROS(, CA 93647 (559) 528-6279 (559) 528-9749 FAX <> SOUTHERN SHORT COURSE OFF RoAD RACING AssN. 4305 WOOTIARIC DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (All Races at Eastbay Raceway, Tampa, FL) TRAXXAS TORC SERIES July 11-12, 2009 Bark River, MI July 24-26, 2009 Oshkosh, WI August 8-9, 2009 Bark River, MI August 29, 2009 Perris, CA September 4-6, 2009 Crandon, WI September 26-27, 2009 TBA Oct 31 - Nov 1, 2009 Las Vegas, NV SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box 706 Toys FoR ToTs (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADILLA VALLEY SPORTS CENTER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <> VORRA VALLEY OFF ROAD RACING AssocIATION 1970 EAsr 2ND STREET RENO, NV 89502 877-418-6772 Prairie City, CA July 17-19, 2009 Fallon 250 Fallon, NV Night Race Sept S-7, 2009 Hawthorne 250 Hawthorne, NV Oct 10-11, 2009 Short Course Prairie City, CA Oct 31-Nov 1, 2009 Short Course Prairie City, CA VICENTE GUERRERO OFFROADCUJB PRoFO. CENOVIO GAMBOA 011-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 p.m.) WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WESTERN PENNsYL v ANIA WHEEL To WHEEL OFF RoAD RACING PATRICK McGUIRE P.O. Box376 ADAMSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WIDPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2325 E. K!NGs AVENUE PHOENIX, AZ 85022 (602) 971-3730 <> WISCONSIN MOTORSPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTIVAL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 OSHKOSH, WL 54901 (414) 688-5509 WORLD SERIES OF OFF ROAD RACING PFIA WORLD R.Au.Y CHAMPIONSIDP . 0. Box99 CRANDON, WISCONSIN 54520 303-880-7221 July 11-12, 2009 Short Course Bark River, MI July 24-2S, 2009 Short Course Oshkosh, WI August 8-9, 2009 Short Course Bark River, MI Sept 4-6, 2009 Short Course Crandon, WI <WWW.WRC.COM> XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAvASu Cm, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/ (520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 ZR PROMOTIONS LUIS RENE MONTANO C. CAUADA INDEPENDENCIA 200 -5 COL. lNSURGENTES EsrE 21280 MEXICALI, BC, MX (686) 564 6653 Attention Race & Rally Organizers List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your 2009 schedules as soon as pos-sible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: Dusty Times, 20761 Plummer f3t., Chatsworth, CA 91311-5003 July 2009 Trail Notes ... OFF ROAD ExPO -Th.e Nation's Largest Off-Road Consumer Products Show Series Returns to Southern California OCTOBER 9-11, 2009. WHAT: Off-road fans dreaming about the latest off-road toys or finding hot new accessories for their existing ride need look no further than the Off-Road Expo presented by Toyota, rolling into the Pomona Fairplex October 9-11. Now in its tenth year, this off-road extravaganza features hundreds of national and local exhibitors and is filled with every type of off-road vehicle imaginable, including trucks, UTVs, sand rails, ATVs, side-by-sides, dirt bikes, RVs, and Jeeps. In addition, Off-Road Expo hosts the widest variety of off-road parts and accessories anywhere, and all at unbeatable show-special pricing. But wait, there's more! Live-action entertainment and exhibitions, vehicle ride-and-drives, live music and celebrity driver appearances are just some of the added features that make Off-Road Expo presented by Toyota the ultimate off-road staycation. Don't miss it. Admission to the event is $12 for adults, $5 for children ages 6-12 and children 5 and under are free. A Family Four Pack is available for $20 and includes admission for two adults and two children. Food and drink will be available for purchase on-site. Tickets are available online at www. and at the box office during the Expo (cash only). WHEN: Friday, October 9, from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday, October 10, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday, October 11, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. WHERE:Pomona Fairplex, 1101 W. McKinley Avenue, Pomona, CA 91768 WHO:Thousands of off-road fans will be on hand to see all the latest off-road innovations, shop for new toys the whole family can use, enjoy the incredible demos and take advantage of great show discounts. In addition to the thousands of spectators and guests, off-road manufacturers, dealers and distributors will be on-site to demonstrate and educate attendees on all the latest vehicles and accessories. FOR MORE Information please visit: IVAN STEWART -Just a quickie, it was good to see Ivan Stewart at the NASCAR Race at Infineon Raceway last Sunday. Ivan was one of a trio of men shouting "Gentlemen, start your engines!" Ivan is a well known and very popular figure in the racing world, not just off road racing and I'm sure he signed autographs for many, many people. Just thought I'd let you know. CRANDONfrORC - Ricky Johnson, driving his Red Bull Kumho Ford F-150, avoided a race full of on-track mayhem in the 16th running of the Forest County Potawatomi Chairman's Cup race at Crandon International Off-Road Raceway to take the win. It was an elated Johnson's first Chairman's Cup victory and only the second time it has been done in a two-wheel drive vehicle. The Chairman's Cup race pits two-wheel drive versus 4x4 race trucks over Crandon' s fast but punishing 1.5 mile track. Crandon Raceway, celebrating its 40th anniversary season, showcased a star-studded field of 17 of nation's top off-road racers. A number of spectacular crashes and collisions thinned the field taking out top contenders including Greaves, Huseman, and Douglas among others. The last hope for a 4x4 to catch the speedy Johnson was Kyle LeDuc whose race ended when he crashed in Crandon's notorious Calamity Corner. Johnson seized the opportunity, drove around the numerous caution flags and led flag-to-flag to win by nearly four seconds over Oberg with former Chairman's Cup champion Curt LeDuc rounding out the podium. Johnson netted $13,500 dollars for a first place purse which included $3,500 in cash contingency from the Ford Truck Division. Johnson was also awarded a Miller Electric Welding system valued at $1,400. On hand to award the Forest County Potawotomi Chairman's Cup trophy was Tribal Chairman Phil Shopodock. Presenting the Ford Truck prize money was Brian Bell, marketing manager, Ford Raptor F150 SVT. The next event at Crandon Raceway will be the annual BorgWarner World Championship Off-Road Races on Labor Day weekend September 46th. The Trax:xas TORC Series presented by Amsoil visits the "Big House" for what is expected to be a sellout crowd for its 40th anniversary race weekend. The weekend will feature live off-road racing on ABC television . BITD VEGAS To RE.No -More than 250 entries have confirmed to run the incredible 2009 TSCO Vegas to Reno The Long Way!! event. Leading racers planning on racing include Chet Huffman & Jerry Whelchel, defending 2008 Trick Truck champions; Tim and Troy Herbst, Terrible's Motorsports; Andy McMillin, current Trick Truck points leader, Rick D. Johnson, 2008 overall Vegas to Reno winner; BJ "Ballistic" Baldwin; Sigal Greenberg, 2008 Class 1100 defending champion; Lee Banning Jr, and Bryan Folks, Banning Motorsports; Chuck Hovey, class 1500 points leader; Rob MacCachren & Steve Olliges, Ford SVT F150 Raptor-R; Macrae Glass, class 8000 current points leader; Cory Sappingron UTV; Factory KTM rider and points leader David Pearson; and on Quads, Greg Stuart and Wayne Matlock. Best in the Desert will be utilizing tracking by the well-regarded firm International Racing Consultants, known as IRC. Specialists in advanced satellite communications in land, air and sea sports as well as commercial and personal logistics with many years of experience, IRC has been successfully providing tracking for Best in the Desert events for more than 20 races over 4 years. The main focus of the service is to provide tracking and the ability for racers to contact officials in the event of an emergency or a breakdown. "In an event this long, with complicated logistics, it's imperative we have all of our safety measures in place," stated Casey Folks, director of Best in the Desert. He went on, "We've had a lot of success in helping racers on that rare occurrence that someone needed medical assistance with the IRC system in place. Our long track record with IRC has helped us establish a fair and equitable running of our races for many years. Their systems use sophisticated GPS electronics; plus we maintain a stand-alone timing system with triple checks for accuracy. With nearly 300 entries running over three days, this is the best way to ensure the safety of our racers and their teams." Phone (702) 457-5775.MEDIA CONTACT: Don Fall or Russ Turner 619/258-6225 FUEL SAFE -Fuel Safe has launched an online shopping function at www. At last, an e-store for consumers of Fuel Safe products. The online store features detailed photos of fuel cell families and related parts. Customers can do their own sourcing, see before they buy, compare prices, services and add shipping costs. While this shopping cart and pay online system allows consumers to place orders quickly, conveniently and economically, the subject of fuel cells is so specialized that there is little likelihood that end users would deal directly with the manufacturer on more than a few occasions. Fuel Safe will continue to support its dealers with referrals and special pricing. Dealers can use the e-store as a communications tool as well as a way to efficiently and satisfactorily service small orders. For instance, the person who needs a couple of gaskets will be encouraged to order them online. As the world has changed, Fuel Safe has changed too offering new products made of improved materials. This too is a stage in the evolution. We hope you find it of benefit to you. Page7
Ifill.I ., BAJA 500 Letner/Halopoff overall By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo A Class 1 win and the overall win as well, Harley Letner and Kory Halopoff drove their Alpha-Chevy to a most glorious finish. Ensenada, Baja Cal., Mex: In an action that caused dismay and chagrin along with surprise and some glee, SCORE officials applied the rules more stringently than they've ever done, to change not only the overall winner of the race, but many top finishers in many classes. "Course deviations" brought on penalties, as did speed-ing on the 60-miles-per-hour high-ways. It was a move long thought necessary, but until the advent of systems like the !RI-Track system, impossible to bring to fruition. Originally listed as the overall winner, in what were carefully labeled "unofficial" results, Robby Gordon drove a seemingly picture perfect race to be the first to finish in Ensenada. The first words he spoke to Sal Fish were, "I never left the course once." And he clearly did not. But he ran afoul of a rule about pitting on the race course, when he dumped fuel into the truck while stopped directly on the pavement of Highway 1, which was the race course at that point. There are some rules which apparently cover this action, nota-bly Item #11 of the "2009 Tecate SCORE Baja 500 Race Briefing" which said, in part, "Pitting is not permitted within 100 feet before or 100 feet after a paved highway crossing." The briefing, a single sheet of paper, was included in each driver's packet. There is also, however, OPT 8 on page 21 of the current rule book, which states, "All pits must be at least fifty feet (50') off the edge of the race course." The rule does seem to cover Gordon's action, since he fueled right on the pavement. He was dead meat whether the of-ficials used the briefing or the rule book, because, most importantly, he apparently outraged the Mexi-can Federal Highway Police, from whom SCORE gets permission to use the highways during a race. This permission, said SCORE, "is subject to safe and prudent conduct by racers while running on the various highway sections." Gordon's time penalty (90 min-utes) dropped him back to seventh place in the standings. He had a ten minute penalty for excessive highway speed also, but that was minimal compared to the penalties accrued by some racers. Using the !RI-Track records from each finishing vehicle, SCORE was able to track "course deviations" and "speed violations" to a degree never before possible. Gordon was free of any such viola-tions, but obviously didn't know he could be penalized for dumping a can of fuel at a convenient spot on the pavement. Apparently, if he'd changed a flat or replaced a driveshaft right there he'd have been assessed the same penalty. Gordon is pursuing legal action at this writing. Penalties were assessed based on the !RI-Track reports, which were closely and time-consumingly scrutinized after the race. The records of every finisher in every class were checked. A driver who went over 60 miles per hour on the paved sections of the course earned 30 seconds per mile, per data point. Each data point on the readout was about a tenth of a mile. Thus, a run-up from 60 mph to about 71 mph and back down to legal speeds again, would cost a team a 24 minute penalty. It was complicated, but set in stone, and readily computed by Race Director Paul Fish. A penalty was given au-tomatically if the equipment were to mysteriously stop functioning on a pavement section, and those penalties varied, depending on how long the section was. The assumption is that someone in the vehicle had access to a forbid-den on/ off switch and took the equipment out of service when the vehicle was speeding. There were also time penalties for "Course Deviation", and once the penalty was determined1 it was applied automatically if the vehicle used the off-limits trail. Thus, a side trip into a farmer's field ne~r San Vicente would cost an hour or an hour-and-a-half, depending on whether one used the entire short-cut or just part of it. And using the shorter road near the Uruapan cemetery was also forbidden, and costly. There were some short-cuts Rick D. Johnson and Brian Sallee flew their Ford Trophy Truck to a gold medal in class, second overall, 2 and a half minutes in arrears. used only by the motorcycles, but helps scout and lay out courses for they cost dearly once the records many years, they could see that it had been scrutinized. A few bik-had been used, but it was recover-ers actually became non-finishers ing and weeds were growing. They because their time penalties for did another run in May and it was Course Deviations took them over overgrown with weeds and, ac-the 20 hour time limit. cording to Cummings, "You had This year's course was the same to know right where to look and as last year's, a loop going out even then it was hard to detect." through Ojos Negros, over the So his assumption is that when the Summit, down into the soft washes marking crew got to that point they on the eastern side of the peninsula "would not have seen it with all the and jogging north for a while then weeds." Then, of course, when south to Borrego. Then the trail prerunning began, the teams that paralleled Highway 3 up to Mike's knew (from the 1000) that there Road, where it turned in, up to was a "smoother path on the lower the point where it met the road line next to the field" would have from Valle de Trinidad. Then been tempted to use it, especially it went back toward Trinidad, since the marking crew apparently turned left and headed to the hadn't seen it; and it hadn't been beach. At the highway the racers marked as "wrong way". Cum-turned westward again, heading mings went on to say that "this area to the shoreline, and then turned has changed a little every race for northward toward Erendira, then at least the last four years as it has inland to Santo Tomas. At that become a very touchy deal with the point they hit the pavement for a land owners. Just because you ran while, climbing the winding road it that way last race doesn't make it up to Uruapan, and then they the course NOW. The same thing went eastward. Then it was back applies up by the cemetery behind to Ojos Negros and in to Ensenada Uruapan where the most direct on the same road they'd used go-route is past the cemetery but ing outbound. As always happens, out of respect SCORE has been the returning racers in the slower asked to run a slightly longer route classes found that all the markers around it. Both are examples of had been removed, and many the fine line of where the land own-lost valuable minutes while they ers have approved or disapproved struggled to find their way in the that the race course runs. Having confusing roads. It totaled 4 3 2 witnessed some of what Sal, Oscar miles, and every entrant had a and everyone else went through to 20 hour time limit. The weather, gain access - teams need to stay on sometimes very foggy on the beach, the marked course and stay on the stayed clear this year, but on the SCORE plot trail! If not, everyone east side it was extremely hot and is going to lose out." the course was very soft, a worry for Cummings added "I've learned the Volkswagen powered vehicles. that showing respect is a huge deal The "course deviation" penal-in that culture and not doing what ties were almost entirely for taking is agreed to is disrespectful and the easier, smoother road near San makes Sal a liar in their eyes. As the Vicente. Unfortunately, it was pri-population grows and the options vate property and was not the race narrow this becomes a bigger deal course. Last year in the Baja 1000 every event." it had been used by some racers The bad publicity about Baja's who discovered that it was easier. crime wave hadn't let up, and in When SCORE' s scouts went out to addition there'd been heavy cover-have a look at the course in March age of Mexico as the "source" of (right after the San Felipe race) ac-the Swine Flu, without mention of cording to Jeff Cummings, ofBFG, the fact that this particular version who's been part of the team that of the flu is not considered nearly Nick Vanderway teamed up with Curt Le Due, they took the silver Eric and Hi rum Duran had a great race, they took second place medal in Trophy Truck, they were 9 minutes in arrears at the flag. honors in Class 1600, they're seen here in their Neth. Roger Norman and Larry Roese/er drove their Ford F-150 Trophy Truck to a third place finish in Baja, seen here spewing dirt. Page a July 2009 Dusty Times
r The Cisco B_iolleonardo/Navarrete trio were the third place Armin Kremer and Andreas Aigner drove their Jimco-Chevy to a Pete Sohren literally launches his Ford F-150 Trophy Truck into finishers in the Class ½-1600 contest, seen here in the gloom. third place finish in Class 1, seen here nicely airborne. the air, Pete finished fourth in class at the checkers. as "lethal" as the flu that annually · sickens thousands of Americans. There still were enough entries to bring the level up into the top 25% of Baja 500s, and crowds were thick, albeit mostly Mexican. But then there are always more Mexi-can fans at the _races than gringos. As always, the motorcycles and quads started early in the morning, and after the final quad left the start line, SCORE waited three hours be-fore starting the first Trophy Truck. That was Greg Nunley and Tom Carr in a Chevy. They got about 20 miles down the road and some-how got tangled up with a concrete wall, and hung up crosswise on the course. They became an instant roadblock, and had a broken right front corner so they couldn't drive away. Racers later described a scene of off-road chaos, with trucks going in all directions, trying to find a way back to the race route. Reports of trucks pulling into local citizen's yards in their .frenzy to find a way . out were surely exaggerated, but Dusty Times probably based on fact. When he got there, Rick D. Johnson, in a Ford, found his way blocked. He came up over a hill into the jam-up. He later said he'd "got backed into, backed into an-other guy - so frustrating - lost 20 minutes." When he was untangled from the jam he was.behind slower vehicles who'd found alternate routes more quickly. He went on to say, "by the time we got freed up the leaders were way ahead." The rest of his day went well, and in fact his run was flawless. John-son incurred a speed penalty of five minutes, but had no "course deviation" penalties, and was thus . the Trophy Truck class winner. It was a stellar performance. Before the race Johnson had predicted that he' cl.finish in eight hours and 50 minutes. He actually arrived in nine hours and three minutes, after losing time in the jam up. His prediction was, incredibly, almost dead on. In second place, officially, was the team of Larry and Nick Vander-wey and Curt LeDuc, in a Chevy. They'd also been caught up in the "Nunley jam", but after that had had no problems, not even a flat tire. They had zero penalties, meaning that they had neither sped nor "deviated" from the course. It was a finish to be proud of. Their time was 9:15:49. In third, officially, it was Roger Norman and Larry Roeseler, in a Ford. Roeseler started the day and Norman finished. He reported that they'd had "no left front shock for the last 115 miles", and that they'd been "blowin' oil every-where", and just kept refilling it They had a one hour _penalty for "course deviation", so their official time was 9:41:59. The fourth official finisher was Pete Sohren in his Ford. He'd rolled his truck in a big silt bed because the hood was bouncing up and he couldn't see and hit a big hole. It cost him 15 or 20 minutes he said. Sohren had only a slight 2, 163 Rooms And Suites 60 Table Games 2,300 Slot Machines Poker Room Race & Sports Book 800-Seat Bingo 16 Movie Theaters speed penalty added to his total, so his official time was 9:56:45. He'd been listed as 10th on the unofficial results, but moved up as the others received penalties. In fifth it was Troy Herbst in his Ford. He wasn't happy with the performance of his truck, or the course, which he said was "tough." He had both "deviation" and speed penalties, which cost about 71 minutes combined, giving him an official time of 10:03:14. Sixth place was officially Brian Collins and Chuck Hovey in their Dodge. Hovey was in at the fin-ish, and he reported that they'd lost first gear at Mile 250, and • the throttle had been hanging up all day. Collins had a flat and they'd lost the air jack, and then the manual jack had broken so all they had left was the bumper jack. Hovey said he'd been "trying to be careful" so they'd have no more flats. Their official time, after penalties for course deviation and speeding, was 10: 11:26. Seventh place went to Robby Gordon, who'd finished first in his Chevrolet, saying that he'd had "a flawless day." Gordon was penalized 90 minutes for his illegal pit, and had an additional ten min-utes tacked on for speeding. His original time was 8:35:49, and his official time was 10:15:49. In eighth it was B. J. Baldwin in :i._ Chevrolet, who'd had a lot of fun all day, racing close in with Gor-don. His day went well but once he had a course deviation penalty and a speeding penalty added his official time was 10:22:34. Ninth place was earned by Scott Steinberger, Dave Sykes and Jimmy Nuckles in a Ford. Sykes started, Nuckles did the middle and Stein-berger finished, saying they had a "pretty good" day. They had only a six minute speeding penalty, for a time of 10:45:46. Officially in tenth it was Bobby Baldwin and Jesse Jones in a Chev-rolet. Jones started and got stuck C1ntinud 1n p111 10 8 Restaurants 65,000 Sq. Ft. Of Meeting Space 4,500 Seat Equestrian & Event Center 80,000 Sq. Ft. Exhibit Hall Spa & Fitness Center Showroom 64-Lane Bowling Center ~~4 . . (/ . [,.. _______ , __ ,, 1-866-791-7626 • LAS VEGAS BLVD AT SILVERADO RANCH• SOUTHPOINTCASINO.CO.M July 2009 Page9
It was a 4th place finish in Class 1 for Brian Parkhouse and Tom Ridings, The Wilson/Ehrenberg/Kennedy trio finished first off the podium Tim Herbst took fifth place honors in the Trophy Truck battle, he was 22 minutes away from a podium finish in the Trophy Truck division. they were only two minutes off the podium in their Jimco-Chevy. in Class 1/2-1600, seen here in their good lookin' Kreger. • Arnoldo Ramirez and MisaelArambula took the Class ½ in Mexico, they're seen here flying their Curry to the finish. in the Nunley jam. Then later Bobby stopped to be sure Adam Householder, who'd rolled, was all right, up by Mike's then he ' also stopped when Sohren rolled to check on him. They had two flats and changed tires at the driver change. They had a course devia-tion penalty, and their official time was 11:24:39. The eleventh place finisher was Robbie Pierce and Mike Julson in their Chevrolet. Pierce drove to Mile 300 and then Julson went to the finish. He said he got the truck wet and "lost ground chasing Herbst." They had a course devia-tion penalty and also a penalty for highway speed. Their official time was 11:36:58. In 12th it was Jason and Rich Voss in a Ford. Rich started and Jason finished. They had five flat tires, lost a starter and lost an oil pump belt. Other than that it was "pretty cherry" they said, until just near the end of the race a kid threw a dead bird at them and it landed on their hood. They had course deviation and speeding penalties, and their official time was 11:57:16. The 13th place finisher was Ed Stout in his Chevrolet. He did the beginning and the end of the drive, while Jake Batulis drove the middle section. They lost their jack and it took out a fan, and they also put it on its side on the steep "short cut" (a legal one) out of Santo Tomas, and got stuck. (That short cut is the rutted trail that eliminates the paved uphill switchbacks between Santo Tomas and Uruapan. It's very rutted and rough, and often loses more time than it saves for the unlucky driver. It originated years ago as a downhill shortcut, for which it worked well.) Stout was originally 16th but moved up to 13th with only a six minute speed-ing penalty. His time was 12: 17:31. In 14th it was Cameron Steele who drove the entire distance in his GMC Sierra. He said it was a "long day - got my butt kicked by Baja." He'd been stuck in the Nunley bottleneck where he said there'd been "Ten million dollars in Trophy Trucks driving around in circles." He'd tried to get out by following the trucks who had helicopters (presuming the folks in the helicopters could see the correct route), but they got stuck again, so then they went on an-other road and were blocked by trees, and then a fence. Then he flattened a tire on a rock and stopped to change it in a spot where he thought it was hard, and "had to dig." He also changed a driveshaft. And then he got a course deviation 'penalty and ;i hefty speeding penalty. His official time was 12:39:33. The official 15th place finisher was Alan Pflueger and Mike Em-erson in a Chevy. Pflueger did the first part, and was stuck in the Nunley jam. Emerson finished. They had course deviation and speeding penalties, and their of-ficial time was 12:52:57. In 16th, it was Rob Bruce in a Chevy. He drove all the way and lost his brakes early. He lost his hood, and tore a fender off on a stuck Class 10 car, and lost his brakes two times. He said all that cost him about two hours total. Then he had speeding penalties on the highways, and his official time was 12:59:09 In 17th place it was Gus Vildo-sola Jr., in a Ford. His dad, Gus Sr., had planned to drive also, but didn't feel good on race morning, so Tavo did it all. He was "stuck in the Nunley thing" and lost a bunch of time, and then before Borrego did a "nosedive· into a ditch and tore the front end off." But he got it repaired. Later he lost his rear brakes, lost an altei:nator, lost his lights and the transmission ran hot. He also got stuck two miles out from the finish. He said it had been "a long day." The he received course deviation and speeding penalties, for an official time of 14:47:18. Adam Householder was 18th, both officially and unofficially. His Chevy went upside down at Mile 253, which is below Mike's but Darren Skilton, with help from dad Clive took the gold medal in the Class 3 competition, seen here hustling their Jeep Wrangler to the win. above Trinidad, not a nice place to be upside down in. He lost two or three hours there, and then had to make repairs. He said he ran on seven cylinders for three-quarters of the race, and he finished at about 1:15 in the morning. But he had no penalties of any sort. His time was 15: 12:44. In 19th it was Greg Nunley, of the "Nunley jam", in his Chevy. His time was 18:53: 10, which meant he finished at about 4:53 a.rit. on Sunday, just at the time when this reporter was having a nap. Nunley also had no penalties of any sort. He was the last finisher in the Trophy Truck class. Class 1 was next off the line with 18 starters. At the end of the day the winner was Kory Halopoff and Harley Letner in their Alpha. Halopoff started and he lost his brakes at about Mile 70. When they did the driver change Letner asked if they shouldn't fix them, but Halopoff said, "No - you'll figure out how to drive without them." And for the most part, Letner did. They had nq flats, but did change their rear tires at the driver change. Letner "flew off a• cliff" on the beach, but gpt right back onto the course with no serious consequences. They had no penalties of any kind and finished in the time of9:05:47, the Class 1 winners, and the overall winners. Said Letner, "I'.in going to Disneyland!" In second place it was Jose Arzate, Nick Johnson and Miguel Sandoval, in a BTC-Subaru. That's one of the Wide Open Baja tour cars with the governor removed. They borrowed it from their boss, Todd Clement, and went racing. At the finish they were dragging the left front comer, alld had been dragging it so long they'd worn clear through the tire. They said they'd had no rear brakes since Borrego and about four miles before the finish they ran into a block of concrete the size of a bale of hay. It broke the front spindle. The tire didn't go flat, but it slid along the pavement and wore out. They had no penalties at all. Their time was 10:46:21. In third place it was Armin Kremer and Andy Aigner, from Germany and Austria, in a Jimco Chevy. They said they'd had no problems, but had been stuck · once and lost five or ten minutes. They'd also had no flats. They had a speeding penalty, and their official time was 10:59:39. Fourth went to Brian Parkhouse and Tom Ridings in their Jimco · Chevy. Parkhouse lost an alterna-tor and Ridings had a· flat when he hit a cattle guard. They had no penalties of any kind, and their time was 11:01:51. In fifth it was Jerry Penhall and Dan Martin in their Penhall Chevy. They burnt up a C.V. at San Matias and lost 30 minutes with repairs. Then they cooked their brakes coming out of Mike's and had to take it easy to Urua-pan. They had just a speeding penalty, and their official time was 11:04:29. Sixth place went to Kyle Con-lon and Steve Eugenio in a Jimco Chevy. These two have been rac-ing in Class 10 cars and 1600 cars until now. Eugenio started and had problems all the way, starting with losing his brakes at Mile 20. Conlon ran clean. They said Class 1 was "awesome." They had only a speeding penalty, and their official time was 11:21:41. Seventh place went to Ron Brant in a Jimco-Chevy. He said he'd lost 20 or 30 minutes on Lagu-na Salada when an alternator wire broke, and before he knew what it was "I was lookin' for a beer." He was unofficially 7th also, and had one course deviation penalty, and his official time was 12:03: 15. In eighth it was. Randy Wilson and John Herder in a Jimco Chevy. Herder ran with the team instead of brother, Rick, because Rick's daughter was in the hospital giving birth to a new grandchild. Herder started and he had brake problems. He put all new brakes on it once, and a caliper got put in wrong, so they lost the brakes again, and finished with only front brakes. They'd been running that way since San Vicente (about race mile 295). They also had "no steering" and got stuck. They had only a speeding penalty, and their official time was 12: 16:40. Ninth place went to Martin Christensen and Armin Schwarz in a BMW Jimco. Schwarz had one flat and was "stuck behind a Trophy Truck" for a long time. Christensen finished and he'd had a flat out of Tres Hermanos, and said that "something's going on with the car." He said it was "pushing so hard I can't turn." They had a hefry speeding penalty that dropped them from second to ninth, with an official time of 12:48:54. In tenth it was Carlos Olmos in a Jefferies Chevy. He drove all the way, and reported that someone had hit him from behind. He had only a speeding penalty, and his official time was 13:43:07. Eleventh place went to Tim Herbst who drove all the way in the Smithbuilt Ford powered Truggy (now unrecognizable in black). He said he "got out of the car too much .... flats." And he'd been stuck because he'd been behind Sohren when Sohren "turtled" his truck at Mile 365 or so. He had a course deviation penalty and a speeding penalty, and his official time was 13:46:20. In twelfth in Class 1 it was Josh Daniel and Mike Voyles in a Racer Chevy. Voyles started and had a flawless race to Mile 223, and Daniel drove the second half and lost a couple of belts and a fuel filter. They had a course de-viation penalty and a hefry speed penalty, to bring their official time to 14:07:43. They were the final official finisher in the class. Class 1-2/1600 had 21 starters. Arnoldo Ramirez and Misael Ar-ambula, in a Curry, took the win. Ramirez started and Arambula fin-ished. They said their front torsion bars had been too soft. They had absolutely no penalties, and their time was 10:20:06. In second place it was Eric, Evan and Hiram Duran, who each drove a section of the course in their Neth. They had one flat and changed a damaged wheel. They also got stuck trying to go up that short-cut between Santo Tomas and Uruapan, and had to back down and go up the long way. They had one small speed · penalty, and their official time was 10:22:18. In third it was Cisco Bio and Leonardo Navarrete in a Tubular Designs chassis. Bio started and finished and Navarrete did the middle. They had a flawless day, and earned just 'a speed penalty, for an official time of 10:51:56. Fourth p1ace went to Sammy Ehrenberg and Brian Wilson in
T Jerry Penhall and Dan Martin finished fifth in the Class 1 fracas, seen here launching their Penhall-Chevy skyward. Ramiro and Carlos Escobedo were the fifth place finishers in the Class ½-1600 contest, seen here just airborne in their Fraley. Kevin Carr teamed with Perry McNeil to take the win in the Class 5 contest, seen here with loads of power to the rear wheels. a Kreger. Ehrenberg started and drove to Borrego, where Wilson got in. Their only problem was a broken bolt on the steering ram. They had no flats and no penalties at all. Their time was 11:20:09. In fifth it was brothers Carlos and Romero Escobedo and Jose Carlos Robles, who all drove their Fraley. They said they'd had two flats and their carburetor was dirty. More specifically, they said it "tiene basura." They had no penalties at all, and their time was 11:59: 13. Sixth place was earned by Ar-turo and Abel Velazco and Stevie Cruz, in a Porter. They'd had four flats: one for Stevie and three for Arturo. They had only a speeding penalty, and their official time was 12:07:39. In seventh it was Hector Sarabia and Eliseo Garcia in a Garibay chassis. They had a flat and lost a C.V. boot, which they fixed at Ojos Negros. That took about 30 minutes. They had only a speed-ing penalty, and their time was 12:13:05. Eighth place went to Cody Robinson and Roberto Romo in a Romo. Romo started and Robin-son finished. At Mile 20 they had a fuel problem, and Romo hit the carburetor with a rock and "made itgo again." At Mile 140 the motor quit again, and they worked on the carburetor again, and in Valle de Trinidad they changed a distribu-tor. They had only a speed penalty, and their time was 12:31:44. In ninth it was Sergio Galindo, who started and Alejandro Blen-gio, who drove the finish section in their Jimco, and said all the mark-ers at the end of the course were gone. They got in at about 11: 15 at night and had only a speeding penalty. Their official time was 12:45:54. Tenth place went to Ray Files and Josh Tieman in a MetalWorx. Files, who started, broke a spindle at Mile 60 and spent about an hour getting it fixed. Then when they got to Mile 200 where Tieman got in, the car had a broken front torsion bar, but they just drove in on it. They had no penalties, and their time was 13:02:42. In eleventh it was John Spar and George Peters, in a Penhall. They reported just one flat tire, on John's shift. They had a speed penalty, and their official time was 14:11:30. Twelfth went to David Caspino and Mike Malloy in a Lothringer. Caspino started and Malloy fin-ished. He said he'd had a couple of flats and had been lost a few times. They earned a course deviation penalty and a speeding penalty for an official time of 13:50:08. In 13th it was Kevin S. Walsh and Rob Archibald in a Bunder-son. Archibald started and Walsh finished. They had a "rear brake issue" and ran out of gas sev-Dusty Times eral miles before their pit. They thought it had something to do with a leaky carburetor. Walsh jogged part way, and then hitched a ride on a bike to a pit where he got some gas, and then a local fan gave him a ride back. They had a speed penalty, and their official time was 14:11:30. The 14th place finisher was the team of Roman and Horacio Pey-reyra in a Garibay. Roman started the day and he had a flat early in the day. Horacio, who finished, had problems with the rack and pinion, and at Mile 285 spend four or five hours getting the car repaired. Then they had "one flat, one c.v. joint and a couple of stucks." They had no penalties, and their time was 15:22:58. In 15th it was Mario Gastelum, who drove the beginning and the end, and someone named Quen-tin, who did the middle section. It was his first 500. (We apologize for not getting his full name -it was a long day.) They had a total of three flat tires and the adjuster on their front torsion bars broke, so it sagged and hit every rock go-ing down the Summit. They had a speeding penalty, and their time was 15:29:39. The 16th place car was the Fraley of Justin Smith. He said Steinberg-er' s truck hit him and knocked the air cleaner off and he didn't know it for 60 miles. He also hit a rock and broke the studs off the rocker arm box and had to go to town to get a stud off of a local's car. Then, he said, he spun out coming in to the finish. He had a course devia-tion penalty and a speed penalty, for an official time of 15:43: 13. Samuel Araiza was 17th, in his Fraley. The records say that Fed-erico Montes co-drove with him, but we can't say for sure because whoever was in the car didn't, or couldn't turn the car off to talk. It smelled as if the brakes were burning, and it sounded as if the throttle was stuck full on. They had a big speeding penalty, and their official time was 17:01:14. Their car was the final finisher in the class. Class 3 had two starters and two finishers. The Don and Ken Moss team wasn't there, because several of their kids were being graduated from various levels of school. Darren Skilton and John Krell-witz took the win in their Jeep. Skilton drove the first 200 miles and Krellwitz went to the end. They changed a transfer case at the driver change because it was leak-ing, and they also had a couple of flats. Krellwitz wasn't feeling well at the finish. They had a deviation penalty, and their official time was 15:04:08. In second place it was Jerry Baragan in a Range Rover. He drove all the way and said he had "no problems, no flats, no noth-ing." He did, however, have course deviation and speed penalties, so that his official time was 17:41:13. Class 5 had three starters and two finishers. Kevin Carr and Perry McNeil took the win. Mc-Neil started and Carr finished. He said he'd "made a couple mistakes - lost some time - got stuck in a big old rut", which cost him 15 or 20 minutes. And, he had no starter. They had a small speed penalty, for an official time of 10:43:39. In the "Veggie Bug", which is diesel and burns recycled vegetable oil, Shaun Dunbar and John Cas-tillo took second place, finishing at 3 a.m. Castillo, who finished, reported one flat, during the repair of which the lug wrench broke. So they had to use an open-end wrench and a hammer to get the wheel and tire off, and lost 15 or 20 minutes. They had only a speed penalty, and their official time was 17:00:12. Class 8 had six starters this year, but only two of them made it to the finish. In a Ford, the Ampudias, Rodrigo and Rodrigo, Jr. took the win. Senior started the race and did about the first 100 miles. Then Jr. got in to drive to the finish. In the San Felipe area the truck over heated, because he said, he was "pushing hard." But then he Jose Arzate and Miguel Sandoval drove their really good looking BTC-Subaru to a second place finish in Class 1. discovered he had "tranny issues" so he was pacing himself, and had to stop four times to let it cool. A lot of cars went by each time he did that. But he had no tire problems, and came on to the finish in first place and with no penalties of any kind. Their time was 10:37:59. In second place it was Clyde Stacy and Justin Matney in their Chevrolet. They finished during this reporter's nap time, with a speeding violation, but nothing else. They must have had some serious problem, because their of-ficial time was 18:28:29. No one else in the class finished. The Protruck class had only two entries, and only one got to the finish. But it was all in vain. Tom Espey, Rob Kittleson, Devon Housh and Gary and Chelsea Magness all drove their Ford. At Mile 168 they broke a spindle and used up a couple of hours with repairs. Then while Chelsea was driving the steering came apart and they limped to near Llano Colorado, and the crew came in C1ntinud en p111 48 BRAHE ,....AINI OUR PATENTED ZERO-DRAG TORNADOn1 CALIPERS WITH OFF-ROAD MOUNTING PATTERNS. DIRECT BOLT UP REPLACEMENT FOR YOUR EXISTING SYSTEM July 2009 Page 11
lJ\J2C 29TH RALLY ARGENTINA Loeb/Elena/Citroen Do It Again By Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden Again, Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena flew their Citroen C4 to the overall win in Argentina, seen here in flight. Argentina witnessed Sebas-tien Loeb's fifth successive win here in South America. He further extended his unbeaten start to this year's season to five and his current run of world championship wins to six. The Frenchman, however, could never take anything for grant-ed, "I really wanted an easy rally but we had four different leaders on the first full day of the event, and even though I took the lead on Day 2, I could only relax after Mikko retired with engine trouble." There was early promise as the BP Ford drivers took the battle to Citroen, both its drivers hold-ing the lead during the first two days. But on the second loop of stages on Day 2, and as Loeb made his big attack, Mikko Hirvonen's engine suddenly stopped, forcing his retirement and bringing to an end a quite remarkable run of 35 consecu-tive finishes in the champion-ship. His retirement meant the pressure was off Sebastien and Citroen came home with their second I-result of 2009. A care-ful, measured drive brought PCWRC success to Nasser Al Attiyah while Michal Kos-ciuszko won a second success JWRC round. Dry conditions were unexpectedly dry with traditional rocky stages. World level motorsport returned to Argentina for the second time in three months. Following the remarkably suc-cessful and popular Dakar event, on its first time in South America, came Rally Argen-tina. The curiously unbalanced new 12 round rotation format of this year's World Rally Championship was starting to play tricks. Before the start of this weekend's Rally Argentina, Round 5, one-third of the 2009 season had already been held! Furthermore this was the first Page 12 of only two "long haul" rallies (held outside Europe) in this year's series. In these days of widespread world economic crises, there was however an encouragingly good entry of 59 cars (56 started last year) with nine world championship entries, 12 PCWRC -including two official, then four extra, guest drivers -and three JWRC entries. In addition to Citroen Total, BP Ford Abu Dhabi, Citroen Juniors and Stobart VK team entries, there was once again a single WRC Munchi's entry, for Federico Villagra. Main Driver change in the WRC sector concerned the Citroen Juniors. Argentina was never in Evgeniy Novikov's programme, so Citroen Total's regular third entrant Sebastien Ogier was registered for its Juniors team. The FIA, however, or-dered that Ogier should not carry the vacant competition number 8, but the number 12 which he had already car-ried on the three rallies this year. Petter Solberg was once again declared fit to drive, after his recent illness, despite a tendency still to feel tired at times as he did in Portugal. His eight year old Citroen Xsara was the only non-registered World Rally Car. Argentina counted for both the JWRC and the PCWRC, the PCWRC cars again carrying three digit competition numbers. For the three JWRC drivers Argentina promised a ·points bonanza, so long as they quali-fied as finishers. Aaron Burkart and Michal Kosciuszko came from Suzuki Sport Europe, Alessandro Bettege had a Re-nault Clio Super 1600, chosen instead of the usual R3 car for logistic reasons. Joint PCWRC championship leaders Armin-do Araujo and Patrik Sandell had both nominated Argentina as one of the two events they would miss, so the top drivers actually present in Argentina were joint third placed Eyvind Brynildsen and Martin Pro-kop. There were various driver changes in PCWRC. Mark Tapper Motorsport assigned their championship entry to Luciano Bernardi (no relation to the French driver, Nico-las Bernardi!), at the Errani Team the nominated driver was Stefano Marrini, in the joint Autotek/JM Engineering entry it was the turn for the Autotek driver Spyros Pavlides. The regular PCWRC drivers expected a strong challenge from two international veteran Guest drivers, the 2002 FIA Group N Cup winner Gabriel Pozzo and the 2001 Rally Fin-land Group N winner Marcos Ligato. Then came news that the FIA was now allowing organisers to nominate more Guest drivers. Rally Argentina selected Mitsubishi Tango team , drivers Alejandro Cancio (who finished best non-S2000 car on the IRC's Curitiba Rally in Bra-zil), Nicolas Madero (winner of opening round of the national championship) and Barattero Subaru drivers Claudio Menzi (Safari Rally Group N winners in 2000) and Juan Marchetto (currently fifth in national standings). Regular PCWRC drivers were assured that only the two originally selected drivers could score points, the other four could not. Certainly it w;i.s anticipated that Rally Argentina would see some of the toughest battles in Group N in the 2009 world championship, on account of the strong local entry, and so it proved. The national rally series in Argentina (confus-ingly marketed under the name "Rally Argentino" and even July 2009 Nasser Al Attiyah and Giovanni Bernacchini cruise by admiring crowds in their Subaru lmpreza. They took the PCWRC win and were 8th overall. more confusingly referred to as stage an d the two stages close "RAC"!) goes from strength to to La· Falda. There was one strength, with strong rivalry be-stage route completely new to tween Mitsubishi and Subaru the event, Stages 13/17, again teams and many of the regular to the west of Villa Carlos Paz national championship drivers which has been used on local having world championship rallies. There was no official experience. Rally Argentina, ceremonial start, as the rally however, did not qualify for started early on Thursday eve-this year's national series but ning with a superspecial held all of the top national drivers inside the Cordoba Stadium. planned to take part with their This featured a simplified regular cars, except Villagra course without a flyover bridge. who drove a World Rally Car. Instead of the traditional fig-The Tango Rally Team entered ure-of-eight route, the two cars eight Mitsubishis, headed by on the course at the same time the team's proprietor, Ligato. started simultaneously from The top Subaru drivers, which different parts of the route, included Gabriel Pozzo and with three laps held per run. Claudio Menzi, had cars pre-The superspecial was held on pared by th e Barattero team, three separate days: the third who had seven cars entered. time at the end of the rally, There were no Super 2000 when the top ten cars ran in entries on this event. reverse order. Based again at Villa Car-Another curiously unbal-los Paz, the lakeside resort anced factor about Rally Ar-town some 35km west of the gentina concerns the weather country's second largest city in late autumn South America. Cordoba, the rally was more The forecast was for a dry event compact than usual. This was with temperatures in the high on account of the decision 20's during the day, and not not to use the group of stages much cooler at night. The last 100km south of Cordoba, and time the event was held at this instead to run twice the high al-time of year was in 2006. Last titude stages in the Traslasierra year the event was held four hills to the west. Once again weeks earlier and was miser-the traditional stages up to the ably wet ... Punilla valley north of Villa As the rally circus arrived Carlos Paz featured strongly. in town, the latest realities The Traslasierra stages are pervaded. General opinion in some of the most historic and the Valla Carlos Paz paddock emotive in the championship, concerning the crisis at Rally including the legendary Guilio GB was that stories about a Cesare and El Condor sections. "threat" to the 2009 event were This year they are expected little more than an emotional to be the highest stages in ploy, to distract from the reali-the championship, stretching ties that someone somewhere up to 2000 metres above sea in their organization may have level. Traditionally rough, on caused the crisis. There are account of embedded rocks many contrasting realities in which are unearthed with the what make Argentina what it passage of the cars, even more is. Compare, the spectacular so when the stages are re-view available from the rally peated. Historically the clouds headquarters of the idyllically often descend to ground level, beautiful Lago San Roque at adding to the challenge. In Villa Carlos Paz to that of the recent years it has been the theft of a camera case of leg-rally with the longest route in endary photographer Francois the championship, up to 50% Baudin at the baggage carou-longer than other world ral-sel in Cordoba airport. Rally lies. However, despite its more logistics is a traditional South compact nature this year, it has American nightmare. Evyind retained the "long distance" Brynildsen safely arrived in factor as it was only around Villa Carlos Paz but his Ralliart 100km shorter and was still NZ Mitsubishi was stuck in a expected to be the longest of port in Brazil. For the second the year. time Federico Villagra's rally Other special changes since team had to supply a spare last year included a new shake-Lancer Evo rally car for a New down location, sited imme-Zealand rally team in distress. diately to the west of Villa Spanish PCWRC drover Ego Carlos Paz, while some stages Valdez failed to take part and missing in recent years had provided a sick note, hoping been brought back into the that would protect him from route, including a return to the wrath of the FIA. the faster and faster Panaholma After all the earlier confu-Dusty Times I
Mikko Hirvonen and Jarmo Lehtinen are certainly high flyers, Oust Bowl? I don't see no dust bowl. Luciano Bernardi is in it Henning Solberg and Cato Menkerud finished third in their Ford unfortunately, they were out with engine troubles. up to his windshield, he later retired with radiator problems. Focus RS in Argentina, seen here at speed trailing dust. --'---------''----------'--,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;,_;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~;;:;;;;;;--iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir:;:;;;;;;~;;:.;;;;:;;:;;~iiiiiiinii;:;;.. sion regarding the four extra Guest entries, one competitor (Nicolas Madero, Mitsubishi) decided t o opt out of the scheme, which would have meant he had to buy FIA con-trol fuel. He changed to use Avgas which was available to private drivers. Day 1 9 Stages, gravel, 142.16kms. Eight drivers from those originally entered were missing at the start, all except Valdez being local privateers. The opening superspecial saw Se-bastien Loeb snatch a o ne-sec-ond lead over Mikko Hirvonen. Nasser Al Attiyah was eighth fastest overall, best PCWRC and Group N competitor. Alex Bettega was the best two wheel driver. A luckless Gustavo Pereyra completed the stage but then ran out of fuel driv-ing back to Villa Carlos Paz. Friday morning started with a 65km drive up the Punilla Valley at La Cumbre for the first orthodox stage, which started at daybreak but only just. Twelve minutes before the first car started it was still really dark! The recent long period of dry weather produced the two expected terrors, dust and rocks, and the fortunes of the crews depended on various factors. Four different drivers, Latvala, Sordo, Petter Solberg and Loeb, made fastest time on the first four stages of the day, achieved in three differ-ent types of car. With three orthodox stages held, there had been a different leader after each, Latvala, Sordo and then Hirvonen! By the time the cars arrived back at Villa Carlos Paz for the midday service, the leading margin had never been greater then 3.0 seconds. Un-usual things were happening on the stages. Teams studying the monitors could see that sometimes the splits would show a wide disparity of times, on other occasions the times were predictable. When the cars came back, the reason was clear. There had been a most unusual variation of wind, which in turn controlled the dust. Hirvonen's co-driver, Jarmo Lehtinen, explained: "Come round one side of a mountain and there would be a steady strong wind, then there was no dust, and the times were predictable. Drive round the mountain and it might be completely still with dust hang-ing in the air. "Anyway, this did something to explain the inconsistency of Loeb's times. Generally Loeb faced the prob-lems of running first car on the road, sometimes disadvantaged by the dust and other times Dusty Times benefiting from the wind. By the end of the first loop, Loeb was a 0.6 seconds behind Hirvonen, with the prospect of cleaner if rockier stages to come in the afternoon. Both Solbergs were happy with Pet-ter lying fourth and Henning sixth. One Argentine journalist mischievously asked Petter if he would prefer the rally to be wet, "Yes please", he replied, "I really want it to rain." Two minutes later, the first rains fell on the service park. When BP team's press chief Mark Wilford saw on the monitors that Latvala had made fastest time on the first stage of the day, he went white with worry. "He needn' t have worried", explained Jari's co-driver, "it was absolutely without any risk. And another thing", he added, "I really approve of Jari's new simplified pace note policy. I haven't lost my voice at all!" (which he had done in Cyprus). Federico Villagra had a loose steering wheel, Sebastien Ogier was struggling as he learned the special techniques of rallying in the pampas. It was different to know what to expect but the specta-tors were out in full force. One stage was estimated as having 80,000, another as 60,000 ... The storm clouds, however, were gathering over Villa Car-los Paz as the cars headed northwards, and during the afternoon the service park was drenched by very heavy rain, but curiously there was no pre-cipitation on the stages. The fight stayed very tight. Sordo and Hirvonen sepa-rated by less than a second on the first three stages of the afternoon, and then by only 5 .1 seconds on the final stage of the day. Loeb stayed in an uncustomary third place, not helped by twice stalling on the final stage, and by the end of the day he was only 2.6 seconds in front of Petter Solberg. Sol-berg was grinning from ear to ear "a *** fantastic day. It is no surprise that Citroen won't let us have a more powerful en-gine!!!" Jari-Matti landed heav-ily on one wheel which flicked the tyre off its rim and caused a slow puncture. This dropped him back one place, not helped when the front fairing bent up-wards and blanked off the front air inlet, causing overheating. Ogier was beginning to enjoy the event, "When we discov-ered it was necessary to attack the corners to get a good time." Rautenbach suffered brake problems for much of the day. It was a surprise the day had been dry for the drivers, but rain was confidently forecast before the rally restarted. In the PCWRC, Gabriel Poz-zo was gradually relearning the required techniques of world championship rallying and gradually speeded up, firstly overtaking Toshi Arai, when the Japanese driver suffered a boost control problem on his anti-lag system, then passing Al Attiyah into the lead. At the midday service Subarus were lying 1-2-3, Pozzo ahead of Arai, with Al Attiyah in third. Marcos Ligato was speeding up and was lying fourth in his Evo X leading Martin Prokop and Eyvind Brynildsen. Brynildsen began to slow with tow turbo boost on his rented Mitsubishi which caused dust problems for Prokop. Stefano Marrini went off the road. Frederic Sau-van firstly had power steering trouble then front differential failure and both stopped for the day. Luciano Bernardi went off the road in the dust of Brynildsen and lost a couple of minutes. Pozzo maintained his lead through the afternoon, slowed only by a steering prob-lem on the final two stages. There was, however, a three sided battle for second place between Al Attiyah, Arai and Ligato. Al Attiyah ended up the top regular PCWRC driver, but only after losing time with two bent steering arms while Arai damaged a tie rod and steering rack. Ligato paced himself and stayed out of trouble. The non-championship cars, however, were impressive, and by the end of the day the Group N leader was Nicolas Madero de-spite finishing Stage 9 with two flat tyres. Menzi had made best Group N time three times but lost five minutes with power steering and brake troubles. Cancio retired with broken front suspension. In the JWRC both the Suzukis disappeared with steering problems which let Bettega suddenly up from third to being the only remain-ing JWRC car. At the end of the day the event's Stewards received a re-port that Prokop's Mitsubishi had front brake discs of a type for which homologation had been withdrawn and he was excluded. Day 2 9 Stages, gravel, 141.64kms. The conditions were drier than expected and smoother than customary. Dani Sordo started to experience the· prob-lems of running first car on the road, "Very difficult to keep up a suitable pace especially if you do not have split information from your rivals." He dropped down from first to third in the morning loop, behind July 2009 Daniel Sordo and Marc Marti sped to a second overall finish in Argentina, seen here rapidly eating up the course. Loeb and Hirvonen, but the team were quite relaxed. Petter started to suffer problems with his older car in the high stages of the morning, losing time to the more powerful cars around him. Hirvonen was struggling with traction troubles and on the second stage Loeb passed him into second place. Latvala had a frightening moment on Stage 10 when the bonnet on his Focus flew off, happily with-out smashing the windscreen, and he still made competitive times! The weather turned out nice in the Traslasierra hills. Before the restart teams ex-pected it would be foggy, but it wasn't. After the Guillo Cesare stage Rautenbach explained, "We still couldn't always see the road as smoke from the spectators barbecues was lying over the track!" On the sunny El Condor stage Loeb finally passed into the lead. Now was the time for tactics to be evalu-ated. Citroen chief, Oliver Quesnel: "We are really happy with the performance of Dani (Sordo). Slow technical stages are not his favourite but he is doing well to keep up the pres-sure on Mikko (Hirvonen). I want him to keep up that pres-sure this afternoon." At the BP Ford, Malcolm Wilson, "We must find some more power for Mikko. If he loses the same amount of time this afternoon as he lost to Sebastien this morning (18.5 secs.) Sebastien will have a lead of nearly a half minute tomorrow morning, which will be enough for him to cruise to victory." On the first stage of the afternoon loop Hirvonen beat Lo~b by 1.2 second, a reversal of trend! But then on the sec-ond stage came the big story of the day Hirvonen was out. The water temperature had reached 140 degrees and he retired in a cloud of steam. Citroens were now lying 1-2. Jari-Matti was up to third, game end? It was the first time a works Ford had suffered an engine failure in three years, when there was a crisis with the engine valves. Hirvonen had a new engine for the event, but there were heav-ily denied suspicions that the boost h ad been increased in the quest for chasing Loeb, and this was the consequence. Both Solberg brothers suffered punc-tures but were up to fourth and fifth. Petter was relieved to reach the end of the day still in fourth place. "WE gained a place thanks to Mikko, but lost a place to Jari-Matti because the engine was overheating badly on the climbs. Then we had a huge top gear spin without hitting anything." Then came news that Ogier was out with a broken suspension strut. Wil-son and Villagra had a close fight all day, with the Argen-tina ahead going in to the last, superspecial, stage of the day. The only PCWRC car miss-ing at the restart was Frederic Sauvan, who had decided that his first day's delays were too serious to give him a reason for carrying on, and of course, Prokop. Brynildsen reported that his electrical trouble was a coil which had failed but today, for the first time, he was complimentary about his car! On the road up to the start of the first stage of the day the PCWRC leader Pozzo's engine went on to two cylinders and he withdrew from the rally, so Nasser now headed the cham-pionship category. Then on the second stage the rally lost the Group N leader Nicolas Madero, who stopped in the stage with gearbox trouble. The carnage continued. Marrini stopped again, this time with suspension arm failure. Clau-dio Menzi went off the road into a tree. Al Attiyah went calmly, aware of the steering weakness of the N 14 and Ligato gradually overtook him and Ctntinutll an ,111 14 Page 13
Like your water clear or muddy? Jari-Matti Latvala and Mikka Anttila Alessandro Bettega and Simone Scattolin ran hard in their Renalt Through rocks adorned with spectators, Federico Villagra and got plenty of both, the finished 6th overall in their Ford Focus RS. Clio S1600, seen here at speed and saving some tire wear. Jorge Perez finished fourth overall in their Ford Focus RS. - ----'------'-----=----r===--.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::a:aaa=a::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:::::::;;:::::::;;;;~~~~~~"'--'-i went into the PCWRC lead. Arai again had steering arm failure but held his third place in front of Bernardi's Evo X. In the overall Group N battle Juan M arch etto (YRS team Mitsu IX) gradually overhauled Ligato and on Stage 12 went into the lead, the fifth driver to lead the category. Brynildsen started off the day in fine fettle but then had m o re electrical trouble. Bernardi, who was lying fourth, never left the mid-day service due to the damage to a broken sump being too difficult to repair. There were now only six points scoring PC-WRC drivers still running. The battle for the PCWRC lead, however, remained intense. Ligato held his PCWRC lead and regained the Group N lead from Marchetto after Stage 14. Ligato started Stage 16 with power steering trouble, which dropped him to second and Al Attiyah was in the lead in both PCWRC and Group N . Ligato rued his power steering problem. "Having this problem on a twisty stage like El Condor was terrible!" Brynildsen again suffered electrical trouble and only just managed the climb at Giulio Cesare stage, when the car had rear differential trouble as well,. In the JWRC battle all three competitors ran the morning stages without trouble, Bettega continuing to control the two Suzukis Kos-ciuszko won all but one of the stages during the day and even-tually got ahead of Bettega after the penultimate stage when the Italian's car failed to fire up at the start of Stage 17 when an alternator belt broke. The Clio was trailered back to base to be repaired for the final day. As the day proceeded ru-mours emerged that the Stew• ards were preparing for another late night. Five Mitsubishi drivers were summoned to dis-cuss the specification of their Lancer Evo IXs, which were prepared with plastic panels as allowed in national cham• pionship events. All five were excluded. The number of rally finishers was continuing to get fewer and fewer ... Day 3 5 Stages, gravel, 48kms. After the spate of overnight exclusions and the organisers refusal to let Rautenbach carry on, due to the roll cage being damaged, 37 cars restarted but the rally was not over yet. On the first stage Jari-Matti's Focus suddenly stopped after he landed after a jump. Eventu• ally he reloaded the electronic circuits and the car restarted, but he had lost eight minutes and dropped to seventh. Then Page 14 towards the end of the second stage Petter Solberg, now up to third, noticed his warning lights had come on and his car also stopped, with suspected fuel problems. With much dis-appointment Petter retired his Xsara, "It would be nice to taste the champagne again!" O gier stalled his engine on Stage 20 an d had a starter motor fa ilure, "Happily the road was going downhill, so I let the car free-wheel before having to restart." When he arrived at the final superspecial, h e h ad trouble starting and initially the organ-isers imposed a penalty which would have cost him a couple of places, but eventually he finished seventh. But for the Citroen Total cars the event was faultless. Oliver Quesnel, "The only problem was that Sebastien twice stalled which was unusual, and something we can think about for the future." In PCWRC Stefano Marrini's hopes of finishing were dashed when his radiator broke. Brynildsen crawled to the finish. Nasser Al Attiyah secured his first PCWRC cat-egory win of 2009 with ten fastest stage times, and his first win in the series since Acropolis 2006 ... the year he also won the title. Local guest driver Marcos Ligato finished second ahead of regular series contenders Toshi Arai. In JWRC, the Suzuki drivers Kos-cuiszko and Burkart finished 1-2, notwithstanding their steering troubles, while Bettega was third on what was planned to be his final appearance in his Super 1600 car, While Citroen gained maxi-mum points from Loeb and Sordo's 1-2, Ford drivers came home in the next four places, while the final Citroen to come was that of Ogier in seventh. Henning Solberg was all smiles, inheriting third place from his brother to gain his first po-dium result of the year. Fourth eventually went to Federico Yil-lagra, the best overall result on a world championship rally for the reigning Argentina cham-pion, after a long battle with Matthew Wilson. Jari-Matti Latvala ended up having to settle for sixth place following his problem earlier in the day. In the champiQnship standings Citroen Total now have what appears to be an insurmount-able lead of 39 points over BP Ford. Dani Sordo just crept up in to second place in the Drivers' series to lead Mikko Hirvonen by one point while Loeb continues to strengthen his position with a lead of 19 points. In the secondary champion• ships, Al Attiyah's win brings him in to contention, splitting the current PCWRC leaders who did not compete here. Armindo Araujo heads the series on 23 points from Al Attiyah on 21, Patrik Sandell on 20 and Brynild-sen on 18. Despite none of the JWRC competitors completing the route, all three competitors finished to gain points. Koscui-szko now leads the series by four points from Burkart with Prokop a further six points behind. The series now heads back to Europe and the island of Sardinia, the season is nearly halfway through but will Ford be able to do anything to halt what seems inevitable for the Michal Kosciuszko and Maciek Szczpaniak flew their Suzuki Swift S1600 to Citroen steamroller. lAl2C: the class win, their second win this season. THE SAME INFORMATION CONTAINED IN ATTACHED RTF FORMAT 29th Rally Argentina (RA) Cordoba Stadium-Villa Carlos Paz 23/26.04.2009 WCR round 5, JWRC round 4, PCWRC round 4 WD JC 1 WRC 459EMX78 PC (1) (Fl Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena 3h.57m.40.3s. 10 10 F/MC WC points WR Citroen C4 2 (2) Daniel SORDO/Marc Marti E 3h.58m.53.4s. 8 8 Henning SOLBERG/Cato Menkerud Citroen C4 WRC 454EMX78 (F) 3 ( 6) N Ford Focus RS WRC EU07SUF 4 Focus RS 5 WRC EU07SUO 6 Focus RS 7 C4 (GB) (9) WRC (5) (GB) (4) WRC (12) 4h·. 6i.m. 44. 4s. 6 6 Federico VILLAGRA/Jorge Perez Companc EA07PXN (GB) 4h.03m.40.0s. Matthew WILSON/Scott Martin 4h.03m.51.2s. 4 4 5 GB Jari-Matti LATVALA/Miikka Anttila AG57CKA (GB) 4h.07m.30.3s. 3 Sebastien OGIER/Julien Ingrassia WRC 721EGZ78 (F) 4h.18m.35.4s. 2 2 RA 5 Ford Ford Focus RS FIN 3 F Ford Citroen 8 (150) Nasser Al Attiyah/Giovanni Bernacchini QA/I Subaru 1 Impreza N14 PCWRC OU58FUG (GB) 4h.20m.51.9s. 10 9 Lancer Evo IX 10 Lancer Evo X 8 12 Nl4 (155) N (160) PCWRC (133) Juan Marchetto/Jose Diaz PRD220 (RA) 4h.21m.14.6s.+ Marcos Ligate/Ruben.Garcia EIN790 (RA) 4h.23m.04.8s. Toshihiro Arai/Glenn Macneal! PCWRC GMG301TE3500 4h.27m.27.9s. RA RA J/AUS Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Subaru Impreza 14 (32) Michal Kosciuszko/Maciek Szczpaniak PL 6 Suzuki Swift S1600 JWRC SSE00l (H) 4h.42m.28.8s.(1) 10 15 Sl600 JWRC 16 N14 PCWRC (31) Aaron Burkart/Michael Kolbach D KIH354 (RA) 4h.44m.08.7s. (2) (144) Spyros Pavlides/Chris Patterson CY/GB OU09BZH (GB) 4h.45m.10.4s. July 2009 Suzuki Swift 8 Subaru Impreza 5 Dusty Times
8'lfti RIDGECREST Wayne Lugo Takes Class 12 And overall By ]. Preston Bradshaw Photos: Trackside Photo Wayne Lugo was a happy fella, he took the Class 14 win at Ridgecrest and he took the overall race win as well. The weather was perfect not start the race or did not Class 1 cars, and it was Erik for desert racing as the crowd finish their required laps. You Jacobs in the class lead, Ray assembled for the Mojave Des-do the math. Becker ran in second place, ert Racing Ridgecrest 200, Depending on the class, the he was 16 seconds behind the a few miles out of beautiful vehicles had eight laps, six laps leader, George Pondella ran in Ridgecrest, California. There or four laps to run for their the third spot, John Kolturra were 39 cars and trucks entered particular class. came along in fourth place, and fully 20 of them either did First off the line were the another 47 seconds back and Rob Sims had little competition in class, he drove his Ford to the class win, he's seen here just airborne. David Caspino was unable to finish his first lap. Bryan Yonan failed to start the race. Second lap ended and now it was Ray Becker in the lead, Erik Jacobs was in second place, just a wee bit back of the leader, John Kolturra was up a spot into third place and George Pondella ran fourth. Their third lap ended and Ray Becker continued to lead the class, Erik Jacobs held on in the second spot, George Pon-della was up a spot into third place and John Kolturra slipped back into fourth position. Fourth lap saw big changes, Ge·orge Pondella had moved into the class lead, John Koltur-ra was in second place only sec-onds behind the leader and Erik Jacobs ran third, he was having a very long troubled lap and Ray Becker was out of the race. Their fifth lap came to an end and George Pondella re-mained first on the road, John Kolturra was in second place, he was 18 minutes in arrears and Erik Jacobs was out of the race. There were no position changes as Pondella and Koltur-ra finished their sixth, seventh and eighth laps. Pondella took a nice win, John Kolturra took the silver medal, he was a bit less than seven minutes in arrears at the end. Class 3 only had one entry, Chuck Muncy, Chuck managed to get an hour and a half lap in when he took the green flag, but he was unable to finish his sec-ond lap and was declared a dnf. There were two entered in the Class 725 race, Rob Sims and David Brigdon. Rob Sims was the class winner, he ran his Continued on page 16 • Kelly Boyle had a great race, worked hard for it, led five of eight John Koltura had a decent day, he finished in second place in Paul McAllister was a bit off the winning pace in the Sportsman laps, took the Class 10 win and finished 2nd overall in the race. the Class 1 contest, seen here just at liftoff. Class contest, he had to settle for the silver medal this race. Performance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding & Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks .I Quality Products & Friendly Service RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-0759 • 15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX us to Receive a Free Catalog VISA ~-------------------------------------------------------~ Dusty Times July 2099 Page 15
Wayde Michau drove his absolutely gdrgeous truck to a silver medal finish Jason Griffin had a really close call, after four hours of racing in Class Jay Arnold finished second in his class, his Chevy is seen here in the Pro Prerunner contest, he's seen here on his way to the finish. 10, he finished second in class, he was 29 seconds behind the leader. sans a bit of fiberglass on the way to the flag. eight laps with little or no prob-lems and took the class win, un-fortunately, David Brigdon had severe problems on his first lap and never completed the lap. Steven Marsee was the only entrant in his class, he ran his four required laps and collected the gold medal for his efforts. Class 10 had three entrants, believe it or not, all three of them made it all the way and two of them had a really tight race all the way. At the end of their first lap it was Kelly Boyle in the lead, Jason Griffin was second car in, he was 24 minutes behind the leader and Paul Smiley was third car in, he was another minute and small change further back. Their second lap ended and Kelly Boyle retained the class lead, Jason Griffin remained in the second spot, he was now a bit less than three minutes be-hind, Paul Smiley ran third, he was just another minute back. Page 16 Lap 3, Jason Griffin was now the class leader, Kelly Boyle dropped to second place, just a few seconds out of the lead and Paul Smiley ran third, less than a minute out of second place. They ran their fourth and fifth laps with no changes in position. When Lap 6 ended it was Kelly Boyle back in the class lead, Jason Griffin was in sec-ond place, he was just a bit over a minute behind the leader and Paul Smiley was another six minutes back in third place. There were no position changes on their seventh and eighth laps and when the check-ers flew it was Kelly Boyle taking a very nice, hard fought win, Jason Griffin was second· car in, he was less than a minute behind after four hours of rac-ing and Paul Smiley finished in third place, Paul had a long seventh lap and was well behind second place. The 1200 class was up next, there were three cars in the class but only one of them would see the checkered flag. They had six laps to run for their race and when their first lap ended it was Brady Helm in the lead, Terry Ingold had big problems and was unable to complete his first lap and Terry Wyrembeck never started the race. Brady Helm kept on running, he finished his remaining five required laps and took the class win with ease. Class 1300, Sportsman, had three vehicles entered and two of them would see the checkered flag. At the end of their first lap it was Scott Zimmerman in the lead, Paul McAllister had some troubles but still ran in the second spot, D.J. Jeffrey did not start the race. There were no position changes for the remainder of their laps and Scott Zimm~r-man raced in for the class gold medal, Paul McAllister had problems on his first two laps, ran well from there, but he fin-ished in second spot, he was al-most two hours in arrears when he took the checkered flag. Class 1400 was up next, there were three of them entered but only two of them would com-plete their eight required laps. When their first lap ended it was Wayne Lugo showing the way, Tyler Fain was second in, he was a mere four seconds be-hind the leader and Jay Arnold was in third place, he had some problems and was well back in the third spot. Second lap ended and Wayne Lugo was still leading the class, Jay Arnold moved up into the second spot and Tyler Fain dropped into third place. Wayne Lugo led Laps 3 and 4, Jay Arnold was chasing him all the way and Tyler Fain lan-guished in the third spot. Wayne Lugo remained in TTBEAOLCCK SIMULATED B.L. VW BEAOLOCK 1 5X1 2 VW BEAOLCCK 1 5X7 NON BEAOLQCK BEAOLCCK NON .BEAIX.OCK Ja,ly 2009 the lead on their fifth lap, Jay Arnold was second, he was well back of the leader and, we had another bite the dust as Tyler Fain was out of the race. Wayne Lugo continued to lead Laps 6, 7 and 8, he finished his required laps in 3:49: 11, a 46 mile per hour average, Jay Arnold came in to take the silver medal for the class, he was more than an hour behind the leader when he took the checkered flag. Class 1450 had eight trucks waiting to race, they had four laps to run for their race. Five of them would receive the checkered flag for their efforts. At the end of their first lap it was Jeremy Deakins leading the class, Jim Borden was in the second spot, he was about a minute and a half behind the leader, Wayde Michau ran third, he was another minute, Mark Slater was in fourth place and Continued on page 18 Dusty Times
Mark Slater gave it his all, but it wasn't enough this time, he Paul Smiley had to settle for a bronze medal finish in Class 10, ended up a third place finisher, seen here getting off the ground. he's seen here at high speed headin' for the checkers. Brady Helm drove his Sway-A-Way sponsored car to a win in class, he's seen here on his way to the checkered flag. Steve Fike was running in fifth place. Kelly Esswanger was un-able to finish the first lap and Richard Cassey and Greg Sunds failed to start the race. When their second lap ended it was Jim Borden in the class lead, Wayde Michau was in second place, he was four min-utes behind the leader, Jeremy Deakins had a little trouble and he dropped to third place, Mark Slater remained in the fourth spot and Steve Fike remained in the fifth spot. There were no pos1t1on changes on their third lap. Fourth lap, final lap and when the checkers were un-furled it was Jim Borden taking a nice win, Wayde Michau came in second, he was less than two minutes behind the leader, Mark Slater took the last spot on the podium, °Jeremy Deakins was the fourth place finisher and Steve Fike was the fifth place finisher. There were five 1600 cars entered, but it wasn' t really much of a class race. Three of the cars did not start the race and another car was only able to complete three laps of the required eighth. At the comple-tion of their first lap it was Joe Jeffrey leading the way by one second, Jim Goff sat in second place and Christy Sizelove did not start the race. At the end of their second lap it was Jim· Goff now lead-ing the class, Joe Jeffrey was in second place, only a few seconds in arrears. Third lap ended and Joe Jef-frey was back in the lead, Jim Goff was about half a minute out of first place. Fourth lap, halfway, Joe Jef-frey was now the class leader and Jim Goff was on his trailer. Joe Jeffrey ran his four re-maining laps in good time and he finished his race in 4: 13:38, the only class finisher. Class 1900 had three entries and unfortuna'tely, none of them made it the four required laps. When their first lap ended it was David Bed leadin the Steven Marsee had a so-so race, he was all alone in class, cruised to the win, he's seen here with the power well on in his truck. way and Richard Sylvester was in the second spot, he was 10 minutes behind the leader. Second lap ended and David Bedy still led the class, however, Richard Sylvester was really flying, he still ran second but he was now only a minute and change out of the lead. Their third lap ended and only-Richard Sylvester was run-ning, David Bedy· had disap-peared. Fourth lap, well, there was no fourth lap everybody was headed home. Last class on the books, Class 3000, the Trophy Lite class, there was only one entry, he had eight laps to make his race. Brian Roberts had it made, he just cruised around the course for four hours and 45 minutes· and took the class win. He aver-aged 36. 7 miles per hour and took his gold medal home. And, so it went, a good time for a lot of folks, fru'strating for many others. Next up is the MOR 400, June 27th in beauti-ful, downtown Lucerne Valley.-See ya all there! IJI/JJU,_ Jim Borden led all but the first lap in the Pro Prerunner contest, he's seen here in level flight on his way to the checkers. Joe Jeffrey led seven of eight laps to take the Class 1600 class win, seen here at high speed on his way home. Scott Zimmerman took the Sportsman Class win, he's seen here hustling across the terrain on his way to the checkers. · Brian Roberts was all alone in the Trophy Light race, he's seen here flying his super clean truck to the checkered flag. Jeremy Deakins took a first off the podium finish at Ridgecrest, George Pondella had a great race, ·he took the gold medal in the Steve Fike drove his Toyota to a fifth place finish in class, he's he's seen here in his Lucas Oil pickup on his way to the checkers. Class 1 contest, he's seen here at high speed on the course. seen here hustlin' his Toyota to the checkered flag. Page 18 July 2009 Dusty Times
~~ BAJA CuP CHALLENGE carter/Suznow Take Class 1 By Judy Smith Phctos: Track.side Photo Darren San Angelo took the honors in Class 000 at Glen Helen, he's seen here nicely airborne heading for the checkers. Ron Carter and Ray Suzow still have the good stuff, they took the Class 1 gold medal at Glen Helen, seen here at speed. Devore, CA: The Short Course wars of 2009 haven't made it easy, but the Glen Helen folks are working hard towards their goal of an affordable series in a "close-in" location. Up against competition from not only the other series' race dates, and those of the desert events, they've also been hit by conflicts with "practice" days for the other short course series. The March 21 race date was up against two desert races, the Off Road Expo and a short course practice day at the Primm facility. Still, Bob Beyer, of the Glen Helen series, is determined to continue working toward a budget con-scious series, entertaining and fun and affordable for racers and fans alike. Warm sunny weather greeted those who came out for the sec-ond weekend of racing fun, which started in mid-morning with prac-tice, and then the racing began at about 12:30. In the first of the Pilot events, Steve Nelson led for about half the race, his vehicle enjoying better suspension than the others, but he was sidelined on the sixth lap, and towed away while Danny Barnett, of Lake Elsinore, went on to take the win. Jerry Byerman, from Hemet, was second. It turned out that Nelson had seized a piston in that first heat, and he was done for the day. The second heat developed into a duel He led steadily then as Williams between Barnett and Byerman, dropped further and further Guy Savedra shows how to save a bit of tire wear as he heads to the Class who are both extraordinary driv- back, and Barrett and Whiteley _5/_1_6_0_0_w_in_a_t_th_e_G_le_n_H_e_le_n_f._a_c_ift_·t-'-y. _____________ _ ers. Byerman is a quadriplegic, chased in vain. To compound about 15 seconds, was mixing it ing chase. Bustamante, severely who drives with just hand con- his problems, Barrett developed up with them by lap two. handicapped due to his 1600 cc trols, and his hands have to be a front flat about two laps from Alsobrook and Carter were motor, nevertheless gave it a good velcroed to the controls. Barnett, the end. Sizelove took the win having a great time, running try. His car was built in 1989, on the other hand, is a paraplegic, in the second heat, which gave neck and neck in some sections, and he'd enjoyed racing it here which means that while he does him the weekend victory. Wil-and doing a little crowding in the in the past. not have the use of his legs, he Hams, it seemed, had differential turns. And by the sixth lap Cun-This time Alsobrook really has the use of his hands. Both problems, as only one wheel ningham was breathing down pushed hard and Carter couldn't are serious competitors, and have would turn. their rear cages. He moved into catch him. By the seventh lap found a way to go racing. Barnett The third race was a mixed the lead, Carter caught him back, he'd built a big lead, while Cun-was the weekend winner. bag of buggies, one 5-1600 and they dueled for a bit, and then ningham's truck developed a miss In the first heat for the limited a truck. The truck represented Cunningham had a firm hold and McDowell's car developed buggies, Gary Williams, from a new class that's trying to get a on the lead. a right rear flat. Then, on the Wildomar, California, jumped foot in the door in some series. . They started lapping Mario eighth lap Alsobrook had a right out in front while a three-way It is a Chevrolet, with a tube Bustamante, of Chino Hills, CA rear flat also, and Carter began duel developed behind him. frame, like the defunct ProLite in his 5-1600 car on the seventh closing up. He took the lead on Williams developed a long lead, trucks that raced the expired lap, and then on the ninth lap the ninth lap, but then Cunning-but then slowed and pulled into CORR series. But this one has, Scott McDowell, in a single seat ham was right on his bumper. the hot pits, missing a cylinder. instead of a high-dollar race mo- car, developed a right front flat. The two entertained the crowd Meanwhile Jeff Barrett, of Foun-tor, a stock Chevy VS which runs He kept running. mightily, pushing and shoving in tain Hills, Arizona, led, and Jim on pump gas, and a two-speed Cunningham built a big lead, the turns, but obviously having a Sizelove, from Hesperia, CA Powerglide transmission. Todd and Carter held on to second, un-good time. was second. Sizelove lost a little Cunningham, the owner/ driver, able to deal with the horsepower Ultimately, Cunningham was ground when he took Turn Four who was last seen racing UTVs in in the stock Chevy motor. At the the overall winner of the heat, too wide and slid off the embank-the CORR series, explained that finish it was Cunningham, then with Carter second. Alsobrook ment, but he recovered well. Bar-it is a relatively inexpensive way Carter, and Alsobrook. was the weekend winner for the rett went on steadily to take the to go truck racing, and he's hop-Midway through the program single seat buggies. win, followed by Sizelove and Joe ing to create interest and build a they had watered the track, so it While they haven't yet put Whiteley, from Palmdale, CA. big class. continued to be in good shape in grandstands near the new In the second buggy heat Wil-They didn't water the course throughout the second heats. track, there's close parking for liams once again jumped into between races, so it was a bit When the mixed bag of racers spectators' pickups, and the fans the lead, but before the first lap dusty for the third event, but not came back out for their second enjoyed sitting in the vehicles, was over he was obviously hav-blinding. Andy Alsobrook, of Te-heat, they were all there. ice chests handy, and watching ing some kind of trouble and hachapi, CA went into the lead, This looked like a repeat of the fun. droppedback. Sizelovethenwent withRonCarter,inatwo-seater, the first race, with Alsobrook The third event in the intothelead,butonthethirdlap chasinghim. Cunningham,who jumping out in front, and then series is scheduled for Sat-Barrettwent astandtothefront. started behind with a dela of Carter, and Cunningham giv-urday, June 12th. ~ ,_;.;..a..;;.;.;;.;;.;.;.;._.;..;.;;;;.;;..;.;..;.;....;;;..;;.:;;=;;;.i....;.:..;=....;;;...;;;.;;.;;;;;....,;;;.;.. ___ .....;._ Johnny Walker had a good day he ran his Ford pickup to the Class A third place finish in Class 3000 (Desert lites) went to Clint Andy Peterson took the Class 10 win at Glen Helen, he's seen lS win, he's seen here at speed on the course. Barry, he's seen here navigating a slight berm. here just at one on many touchdowns. Dusty Times July 2009 Page 19
M.O.R.E. GRAF 400 ... .: 11:'· . Joe Willardson overalls By Steve Ruddick Photos: Trackside Photo Joe Willardson drove his Class 1 Chevy to the class win and he took the overall win as well, seen here at high speed. LUCERNE VALLEY CA -I'm here in beau-tiful LV Ca for another day of off road racing in the Mojave Desert in southern California. I mean night racing .. I mean -both. Camp Rock Road .. Bessemer Mine Road .. It's -both. It's the M.O.R.E. ORAF 500 -500 miles of open desert racing on a 66-mile course that starts at Camp Rock Road and loops it's way over to Bessemer Mine Road and back again -big chunks of both race courses. Start Time: 2:00 P.M. PST. A 12 hour time limit. Racing from daylight to dark and into the wee hours of the morning. This is an endurance race. Ev-ery kind of terrain you can imagine .. raw dirt. Who can go the fastest for 500 miles and sur-vive to get the checkered flag. This is going to be fun, race fans. Five hundred miles; 500. Two hundred six entries in eighteen dif-ferent Classes. Oh my! Mass quantities of rac-ers -and only one of me. It's gonna be a 1-o-n-g and busy race. Over the 12-hour time limit, that only gives me about 3-1/2 minutes per racer to get their story . . y0iKes* The weath-er -it's springtime in Lucerne Valley in the Mojave. Saturday was sunny; 13% humidity and High temps up to 92. Light winds -west 15 to 20 mph with gusts to 30 mph in the after-Steve Lang drove his good lookin' Class 9 car to the win at Lucerne, Steve had 10 minutes in hand when he took the checkers. noon. Saturday Night asada, race fans; attri-was clear. Winds south tion. First -you got to 15 to 20 mph with Gusts beat The Desert .. the to 35 mph. Mother Na-old ground-N-pound. ture in the Mojave. Race I saw many cracked axles dust was definitely a and front beams, bro-factor; thick and zesty ken mounts and shocks, or clean air. The first wrinkled or missing 90-degree turn about a body panels, no brakes, mile past Start/Finish leaking some thing .. was particularly note-congrats to those who worthy for spills and made it to see the Check-thrills as many -racers ers fly! The numbers are blew the curve in all the telling: One hundred dust or took a slight de-sixty-two starters. Forty-tour through the pits in four (27%) DNFd on the that area; soft dirt made first lap. Twenty-seven it fun -and dangerous. percent (44) Finished. It was fast .. it was The actual Finish rate furious .. it was rough was M.O.R.E. if you .. it was rocky .. it was count the cars that com-dusty .. it was long .. it pleted fewer laps within was all the above -in the 12-hour time limit. mass quantities. You But you get the picture could see rooster-tails -parts - R -parts. One-for miles off in the dis-fourth of the entire tance. Bobbing beams field was out of the of light at night. The competition by the end Desert took its toll. of Lap 1. Trailer up . Big Time. Several non-Classes 1, 10, 12, injury rollovers. Kyle 5 and 1600 raced for Caso endo'ed his Class 7 laps. Classes 1400, 14?? truck and turned 3000, 1300, 9 and 5/16 it into trash -bits and battled it out for six parts and pieces were laps. Classes 1700, 7s, flying everywhere. We 8, 1450 and 1350 did aretalkingmasscarnage five laps. Classes 11 and 300 went at it for four laps. 500 miles with more twists and turns than your OPS can count. With all those cars and trucks pound-ing the same patch of dirt, course conditions changed every lap. Six Road Crossings (X), ## Check Points (symbol), a solid and slick slab of rock from MM##-##. When only one-fourth of the entire field Fin-ishes the required laps within the max time limit -you know it was a brutal course. It was a good race for Jim Davenport, he took the class 10 honors with ease, all his competitors fell by the wayside. Dan Folts was the Class 78 winner, but he had to fight for it, his competition was only six minutes in arrears. CLASS 1: Seven laps; 462 miles. Fifteen start-Rick Romans gave it his all in the Class 1 battle, he took home Dave Bolles drove to a second place finish in the Class 9 race, Danny Savant took second place honors in the Class 78 race, the silver medal, he was a mere three minutes out of the win. he finished 10 minutes out of the win, seen here at speed. he finished six minutes out of the win. Page 20 July 2009 Dusty Times
It was a silver medal finish for Tom Craig in the Class 1/2-1600 Ryan Cohee did his best, but his car said otherwise, he finished Kevin Ellis was the big winner in the Trophy lite action, Kevin fracas, he ended up 11 minutes behind the class winner. second in class, he's seen here at speed. had 50 minutes on his competition at the checkers. ers, seven Finishers, eight DNFs. Joe and Jed Willardsen drove car #25 to the Top of the Podium to win First Place in Class and First Overall after complet-ing the required laps in 8:44:19 at 52.5 mph. That was a 0:02:51 mar-gin of victory. Sean Dunn was first out of the shoot at the green flag in car # 123 and set the race pace for the day at 59.1 mph in 1:06:35 on lap 1. Dunn was done for the day after that -the fastest DNF in class and over-all. Likewise, John Hsu made a run for the front from the starting gun in car #3 2 and was in sec-ond place after lap 1 at 55 .6 mph; after starting number 12 inline. #32 also DNF'd after lap 1. Dusty Times Travis Chase wasn't far behind Hsu and was in third after lap 1 at 54.6 mph after starting number 13 inline in car #195. Chase was all done for the day after lap 1 was done, too. Kathy Kirkmeyer got in two laps of fun in car #22 at 47.1 mph before she DNF'd for the day. John Vaughn started fourth in line at the green flag in car #85 and averaged 50. 7 mph but recorded a DNF after lap 3. Mike Pacewiczh got five laps done in 10:52:47 at 30.1 mph and wasn't able to complete another lap within the max time limit. Brian Cox com-pleted six laps in car #125 in 11:24:17 at34.5 mph. Can you still spell "fun"? At the midway point in the race -Lap 4 -Rick Romans was in the lead by almost six minutes in car #122 af-ter starting 7th in line. Joe Willardsen started the race in the number eleven slot in car #25 and was running in sec-ond spot after four laps. Jeff Nutter was running in third spot in car# 129 about 17+ minutes be-hind Willardsen after starting 8 th in line, and Steve Garcia in car # 150 was 5 minutes be-hind Nutter. Rich Volpe started 9 th in line in car # 110 and was running in fifth position after four laps, about 12-minutes behind Garcia. Mike Pacewiczh was running in fifth spot after four laps, but was stopped after five laps due to time limits. Jennifer July 2009 Clemison started at the rear of the Class 1 race pack at the green flag in the pink Damzyl car # 132 and was running in 7 th spot after four laps of racing. Uncle Bob Schreiner was run-ning in eighth position after four laps in truck #70 -after also starting towards the rear of the Class 1 pack. Brian Cox started in 16 th spot in class in car # 125 and was running in 9 th position at the midway point in the race. Cox would go on to complete six laps in 11:24:16 at 34.5 mph. Joe and Jed Willard-sen picked up the pace on Lap 6 to take the First Place and Overall win in 8:44: 19 at 52.5 mph in car #25 -with a 3 minute margin-of-vie-tory, too. "What a great race and turnout!", Wil-lardsen said after taking the podium. "We had good quick pit stops and driver changes, which helped out with the lap times -and THANKS to all of the guys and gals who show up for sup-port." Jefferies Racing ended up having a great day with two vehicles in Class 1 finishing First and Second Overall. The Joe Willardson TT #25 was built by Darnen and Casey Jefferies and ended up with the Over-all victory. CONGRAT-ULATIONS to Joe and Jared on a great job! Rick Romans fell off the pace in car #122 to win Second Place in Class and Second Over-a 11 in 8:47:10 at 52.3 Continued on page 22 Page 21
Guy Savedra gave it his all but it wasn't meant to be, Guy finished In Class 7A, Robbie Cockrell was just a bit off the winning pace, Bob Henderson had to settle for the silver medal this race, he second in Class 5/1600, seen here at takeoff. he scored a second place finish, he was 13 minutes in arrears. was half an hour behind the winner in Class 11. mph. Number 122 was the second car built and prepped by the Jefferies brothers. CONGRATU-LATIONS to Rick and Darnen on a great race as well. Both vehicles looked like they could go a few more rounds at the finish line. "Num-ber 122 had no flats and had plenty of power. Thanks to all the spon-sors for the continued support and we will now concentrate on getting ready for the BAJA 500 next month. Darnen will be driving the new design TT and Jefferies Grant Fluegge had a good race, he beat out 18 other 1600 cars to take a Racing has several other really nice win at Lucerne, seen here mid race. entries of customers en-in car #1000. Hutchins first lap, and went on tered as well", said Wil-DNF'd after lap 3. Only to win Second Place in lardson. GOOD LUCK three racers remained class in 9:55: 15 at 46.3 to all of them. in class after the race mph; by a thirty minute Steve Garcia in car was half over, and James margin-of-victory. Bri-# 150 and Rich Volpe Davenport was in the an Munson won Third in car #110 both passed lead ahead of Brady Place in Class in car Jeff Nutter in car #129 Helm in car #1090 by #1248 in 10:25:51 at 44 in the last three laps over ten minutes at that mph. Munson started in of the race to finish in point. Helm DNF'd af-the number eleven slot Third and Fourth and ter Lap 5 at the green flag, moved Fifth Places, respec-CLASS 12: Seven up to seventh in line tively. Garcia finished laps; 462 miles. Sixteen after the first lap, and in 9:38:08 at 47. 7 mph starters, four Finishers, drove consistent laps to in car #150. Volpe fin-12 DNFs. Three Class win a spot on the podi-ished in 9 :47:30 at 46.9 12 cars DNf'd on the um. Jake Jones finished mph in car# 110. Nutter first lap. Another four all the required laps in finished in 9:50:29 at DNF'd after Lap 2, and 11:31:36 at 39.6 mph 46.7 mph in car #129. another four DNF'd to win Fourth Place in Bob Schreiner finished by the time Lap 4 was Class in car #1277. Hee-in Sixth Place in Class done. Dan Folts started tor Garcia completed in truck #70 in 10:36:57 in seventh spot at the five laps in car# 1206 in at 43. 3 mph. Jennifer green flag in car #1230, 11:35:32 at 30.4 mph to Clemison completed and was in the lead by win Fifth Place. the required laps in over three minutes af-CLASS 5 Open: Seven 10:54: 17 at 42.1 mph in ter Lap 1 was done. It laps; 462 miles. Twelve car #132 to win Seventh helped that Foltz also starters, one Finisher, Place for the day. won the Fast Lap honors 11 DNFs. Advantage: CLASS 10: Seven laps; on Lap 1 at 54.6 mph; Desert. Class 5 took a 462 miles. Nine start-in 1: 12:05. After that, beating on thi~ course; ers, one Finisher, eight Foltz never looked back ninety percent• did-not-DNFs. James Davenport and #1230 went on to finish. Brutal. Three was the sole survivor to win First Place in class class 5 racer's DNFd finish all the required by a 6+ minute matgin-after Lap 1. Mike'Belk laps in car #1011 to win of-victory; in 9 :49:20 at was ninth off the line First Place in Class -in 46.8 mph. Danny Savant at the green flag in car 10:13:02 at 44. 9 mph. started number four in #5011, won the Fast CJ Hutchins won the line at the green fla g Lap honors on Lap 1 Fast Lap honors in class in car #1281, fell back at 49.2 mph (1:20:02) at 52.6 mph on Lap 2 to eighth spot after the and had a 4 - 1/ 2 minute ..-----__,;;a...-----..a...-------""---..a...--, Ashley Davis was the big winner in her class at the M.O.R.E. 500, she's seen here midway in the race at speed. lead after Lap 1. Bilk on the next car (either had a +1 minute lead Johnson or Varshay). after Lap 2, and DNFd All of a sudden the after that. "I started the motor started sound-race 8th or 9th in class ing sick, though it still and by race mile 4 had pulled strong. A quick passed 5 cars", Bilk re-stop revealed no exhaust ported. "By Race Mile leaks, so we kept going 30 I was first in class, until our scheduled fuel until we had to stop at stop at the end of lap RM 37 to duct tape my 2 . My crew pulled the navigator's visor back valve cover to reveal a on. We were stopped broken head stud, so for about 3 minutes we decided to throw in..; and Troy Johnson #500 the towel rather than passed us while we were risk an expensive motor stopped. Once we got blowup. They put the going we caught back up valve cover back on and to him but got stuck be-I limped across the fin-hind a class 8 truck that ish line just to complete wouldn't get out of the the lap (46 mph average way for several miles. A 2nd lap with 5 minutes light tap on the bumper of downtime -47. 7 avg finally got us past him, mph overall). That was and I eventually caught our race!" car #500 at the second Seven of the twelve road crossing near RM Class 5 starters had 60." DNFd before the race "With our 'trophy was half over. At the truck' siren blaring halfway point, Kevin #500 finally moved out Heitritter was in the of the way and we went lead by two hours in car through the start/finish #5025. Heitritter start-line back in first place ed in the pole position physically for an average at the green flag but fell mph of 49.2 for the first back to fourth spot after lap, including down-Lap 1 was done. He had time. By RM 12 or 13 my regained a commanding pits told me via radio lead after four laps of we had about 8 minutes racing -with another A second place finish went to Allen Byma in the Class 88 contest, Steve Garcia took third place honors in the Class 1 contest, In the Class 9 battle, Giti Gow/and was the third place finisher, he's seen here hustlin' his truck across the terrain. he's seen here pushing hard to get another lap into his pocket. he was less than half an hour behind the class winner. Page 22 July 2009 Dusty Times
It was a third place finish in Class 78 for Brian Munson at the Kevin Denault flew to a third place finish in the Class 1/2-1600 Dennis Dunn was well off the winning pace on the late laps, he MORE 500, he's seen here nicely airborne on the course. bat(le, a slow 5th and 7th lap proved to be very costly. was the third place finisher in the 5/1600 fight. Tim Scott was the Ultra Truck Class winner, he's seen here ready for takeoff in his nice looking truck. three full laps of racing ahead. Nicole Garavito in car #505 and Steve Griffith in car #518 lasted through four laps before the DNF grem-lin struck. Jim Varshay made it through five laps before car #501 also DNf'd. Larry Antuna got in six laps of fun in 11:46:54 at 33.4 mph' in car #507 to finish in Second Place. Kevin Heitritter was the sole race·r in Class to finish all 7 laps in 12:02:42 at 38.1 mph to win First Place in Class by a lap and 0: 15 :48. CLASS 1600: Seven laps; 462 miles. Nine-teen starters, seven Fin-ishers; 12 DNFs. Two racers DNF'd right off the bat before their first lap was done. Another four racers were out before the race was half done. Grant Fluegge started in the pole po-sition at the green flag in car # 1620 and was in the Jead by over one minute at the end of lap 1 ahead of Brett Maurer in car #1617. Maurer started eighth in line at the green flag. Maurer had a 1-1/2 minute lead on Kevin Denault in car 1618 after the first lap; after Denault started in the number thirteen po-sition at the GO! Line. Maurer stayed competi-tive through the end of lap 3 when #1617 DNF'd for the day. At the halfway point in the race -after Lap 4 -13 of the 19 starters in class 1600 were still in the race. At the half-way point in the race -after Lap 4 -Jimmy Messick was in the lead by +2 minutes in car Dusty Times # 1610, after starting at the very back of the Class 1600 race pack -the rear starter. Messick recorded the dreaded DNF after lap 5, and so did Mike Depue in car #1697. Grant Fluegge is running in second posi-tion after four laps with a 5-1/2 minute lead ahead of Kevin Denault· in car # 1618. Denault is in third spot after he started number 13 inline at the green flag. Denault had a 3-minute lead ahead of the fourth place racer Tom Craig in car # 1622, and the fifth place car # 1655 of Ryan Plowman· was only 3-1/2 minutes behind Craig. With three full laps still left to go, this is still any body's race with less than 15 min-utes separating the top five cars in class still in the hunt for victory. Indeed, the class lead-er by +2 minutes at the halfway point -Jimmy Messick in car # 1610 -DNF'd after Lap 5 and that re-shuffled the pack and the results. Grant Fluegge ran a clean race from the start in car # 1620 to fin-ish the seven required laps in 10:10:14 at 45.1 mph; with. a + 11 min-ute margin-of-victory. Tom Craig started sixth inline at the green flag and finished in Second Place at 44.4 mph in car # 1622 with an elapsed time of 10: 21 :04. Kevin Denault started third inline in car #1618, was in third spot after the first lap and at the halfway point, and Fin-ished Third in Class in 10:37:27 at 43.2 mph. Ryan Plowman fol-lowed suit in car #1655 race number nine in-to win Fourth Place in line in car # 1615 and class -only 3-1/2 min-won Seventh Place in utes beh~nd Denault class after completing in car #1618. Plowman the required 7 laps· in completed all the re-11 :39:42 at 39.4 mp.h. quired laps in 10:41:06 Jen Campbell com-at 43 mph, after start-pleted six laps in car ing in fifth spot. Chris #1632 in 10:32:06 to Boyer started in sixth finish in Eighth Place spot in ·car #1648, was at 37.4 mph. Mike Ward running in sixth posi-also got six laps done -tion after four \aps, and in 10:55 :50 at 36 mph -won Fifth Place in class to finish in Ninth Place after completing the re-in car #1673. Ed Bonan-quired laps in 10:57:22 ni finished in Tenth at 41.9 mph. Mike Mee-Place in car # 1625 in han got seven laps of 11:09:04 at 35.3 mph. fun done in 11:31:02 at Ron Martin did six laps 39.9 mph in car #1699, in 11:27:44 to finish in after starting in seventh Eleventh Place in car spot at the GO! Line. #1659, at 34.3 mph. 396 miles. Thirteen starters, two Finishers; 11 DNFs. Three Class 1400 trucks DNFd on the first lap. Another five racers· DNFd after two laps. Another three were out after four laps. That left two to duel it out for the win. Re-wind to Start: Benjamin Wright got the hole shot at the green flag in truck # 1422. Wright was run-ning in fourth spot after the first lap was done but DNF'd af,;:er lap 2. Greg Flores went from a rear start to leader of the pack on the first lap in truck # 1408 and set the Fast Lap pace Pete Seany started the CLASS 1400: Six laps; ~---::-----,.,.n::i~-Continued on p191 24 2111 lEIAl IA \ IATEI lll.ETI -1-rtl Ir ~f1 111'll11 ~ July 2009 Page 23
A couple of very long laps didn't help Chris Anderson, it was a Rich Volpe ran consistently for his seven laps but he was a bit It was a fourth place finish in Class 9 for Nate Himmelrick, he's third place finish in Class 11, a long way back. off the winning pace, he finished in fourth place. seen here churning up the desert on his way towards home. Kevin Heitritter was the winner of the Class 5 contest, all of his competition were unable to finish their required laps. for the day at 46. 3 mph in 1:25:02 and a 2-1/2 minute lead. Flores also DNFd after lap 2. Ken-ny Walker started in tenth spot in class at the GO! Line in truck # 1402 and was running in second place at the end of the first lap. Al-lan Byma also started at the back of the class pack in truck# 1433 and was running in third spot after the first lap was done, about 7 min-utes behind Walker in truck # 1402. Kenny Walker was in the lead by over 23-min-utes in truck# 1402 after three laps of racing, after Flores and Wright both DNFd after Lap 2. Allen Byma was run-ning in second spot in truck #1433, and Jasen Harmon was running in third spot in truck #1403 -about lh:45m behind B.yma. Serge Bomard was in fourth spot in truck #1441 at the halfway point -about nine minutes behind Harmon. Born-hard and Harmon both DNFd after Lap 3. Ryan Desautels was running in fifth place in truck # 1428 after 3 laps of fun but DNFd after Lap 4. That left Byma (# 1433) and Walker (# 1402) to duel it out for the win -with another three laps left to go. Fast Forward to Fin-ish: Kenny Walker won First Place in Class in truck #1402. Walker completed all the re-quired laps in 9: 15:27 at 42.5 mph -with a 52-1/2 minute margin-of-victory. Allan Byma got the required laps done in 10:08:06 at 38.6 mph to win Second Place in truck #1433. CLASS 3000 -Tro-phy Lite: Six laps; 396 miles. Seven starters, two Finishers; 5 DNFs. Daniel Nunley got the pole position in car #3017 but had fallen back to third inline after the end of the first lap. Meanwhile, Steve Trom-bley went from sixth inline at the start to leader of the class race pack by +27 seconds af-ter lap 1 in car #3020. Brian Melsheimer was running in second spot in car #3018 after the first lap, after starting fifth inline at the GO! Steve Patton took the win in the Class 5/1600 contest, he beat his competition by 11 minutes, he's seen here mostly airborne. Line. Darren San Ange-lo was running in fourth place in car #3019 after Lap 1 was done. Mike Lanphere had slipped from third inline at the green flag to fifth posi-tion in car #3045 after lap 1 was over, Kevin El-lis was running in sixth position after the first lap in car #3021, after starting number two inline at the GO! Line. Gema Ptasinski had some serious issues with car #6065 on lap 1 and was running way back in the pack in seventh position. Steve Trombley ONF' d after two laps in car #3020, as did Mike Lam-phere in car #3045. At the halfway point in the race, Daniel Nunley had retaken the lead in car #3017 -by over 23 minutes ahead of Darren San Angelo in car #3019. Gema Ptasinski1was now -running in third posi-tion in car #6065 -but was over an hour behind San Angelo on time. Pta-s ins ki DNFd after Lap 3. Brian Melsheimer had slipped from second to fourth position after three laps of racing in car #3018. Kevin Ellis was bringing up the rear of the class race pack in car #3021 -over two hours behind the class leader. Both San Angello (#3019) and Melsheimer (#3018) DNFd after Lap 4. Daniel Nunley was down for 4 hours on Lap 5 in car #3017, but still pulled off a Second Place finish in 12: 13:06 at 32.2 mph. "The first three laps we did pret-ty well -just one flat. We had pretty good lap times", Nunley stated to this reporter. " On Lap 4 things started going south -we lost a clutch slave, and then lost the brakes. We managed to get these fixed but when we came around to main pit on lap 5, the header system came apart at the collector. It took around 50 minutes of welding to repair it. Then -we lost a throttle cable and the co-driver had to throttle by hand to a remote pit for this repair. Lastly -we lost a bolt in the steering tie rod at full speed." "We were down around 3 hours, but we had a lot of great pit support with all of our family and friends, we still took second place, and we all never had MORE fun than this!" Nunley said. Well said. Kevin Ellis was behind by 2 hours at the half-way point in the race in car #3021. Ellis motored on in 11:29:32 at 34. 2 mph to the First Place win. Funny how rac-ing works sometimes .. you're way behind -and you still win. Go figure. ?? ·CLASS 1300: Six laps; 396 miles. Five starters, one Finisher; 4 DNFs. CLASS 9: Six laps; 396 miles. Thirty-two starters, five Finishers; 27 DNFs. The Big One !! "The largest field of class nine race cars in years". Nine Class 9 cars DNFd on Lap 1. Oh my! Jamie Riker got the pole position at the starting line in car #930 but had a 5h:45m first lap and DNFd after lap 3. Ouch. Meanwhile, Kyle Murry started sixteenth" inline in car #998 and was in the lead by 1-1/2 minutes after Lap 1 af-ter setting the Fast Lap pace for the race in class at 39. 7 mph in 1 :39: 14. Steve Lang started _num-ber two inline at the green flag. in car #988 and was running in sec-ond spot after the first lap, with a 1 m: 12s lead in front of Frank Wag-ner in car #976. Wagner DNFd after Lap 2. John-ny Burns was running in fourth position after the first lap in car #985, just ten seconds in front of Adonis Barela in car #909. Burns and Barela both DNFd after Lap 2, too. At the halfway point in the race, Steve Lang was in the lead in car Ryan Plowman had a decent race, he finished fourth in the Class George Rosenbaum had a really long first lap, very expensive, 1/2-1600 fracas, a long lap really hurt him. George finished in fourth place in Class 7A. Jeff Nutter was another driver who was a bit off the winning Class 1 pace, Jeff finished in fifth place in the Class i contest. Page 24 July 2009 Dusty Times
#988 by 12-minutes in front of Giti Gowland· i n car #992. G owland had a 3-minute lead on the third place racer -D ave Bolles in car #911. Bolles had a 3 -minute lead o n the fourth place r acer - S t e v e Johnson in car #954. Nate Him-m e lrick was running in fifth spot in car #987 -about 20-minutes be-hind Johnson. Another fourtee n Class 9 racers were also still in the hunt -somewhere back in the dust of the lead-ers. At the Finish Line after six laps of racing -Steve Lang [Upland CA] emerged victorious in car #988 to win First Place in Class with an elapsed time of 11 :09:57 at 35.3 mph. That was a + 10 minute margin-of-victory. "The green flag flew and I quickly raced to the front and never looked back", Lang said. "Outstanding strate-gy, lightening pit stops along with three top drivers getting it done kept Team 988 in the lead to the checkered flag. I started the first two laps and handed it off to Kevin Davis who got it around to Mike Malloy who brought it to the finish." Giti Gow-land got all the required laps done in 11:26:51 to win Third Place in Class in car #992 at 34.4 mph. Gowland started the race back in 29 _th place at the green flag. Nate Himmelrick also started toward the back of the Class 9 pack at the green flag, and won Fourth Place in class in car #987 in 11 :53 :06 at 33. 1 mph. Steve John-son started in 30 th place in car #954-at the GO! Line, and won Fifth Place in Class with an elapsed time of 11:55:57 at 33 mph. Greg Gilbert had a good race, he drove his Ford to the win in Class 7A, he's seen here reaching for the sky. The Class 11 win went to Bob Depew, Bob had half an hour in hand when he took the checkered flag, he's seen here at speed. Another nine Class 9 racers went on to com-plete five laps within the max 12-hour time limit; in Finishing Or-der and time: Renzo Ricci -#919; 10: 16:39. Christopher Dunn -#914; 10:31:11. Kyle Murry -#998; 11: 13: 15. Kathy Kirkmeyer -#977; 11:13:49. Bud Ward -#907; 11:27:58. Jus-tin Johnson -#933; 11:28:03. Lorenzo Du-arte -#939; 11:38:10. Jorge Ventura -#984; 11:43:31. And last and least -car #911 said he wasn' t interested in any ink, so here's his race story: ____ . CLASS 5/16: Six laps; 396 miles. Seven start-ers, three Finishers; 4 DNFs. Three Class 5/16 race cars DNFd on the very first lap. My strat-egy is just to get out of their way and let the Desert take its toll; no-body has ever won a race on Lap 1 (unless every body else in Class DNfs, of course). Mathew Vir-gil got the pole position start at the GO! Line in car #545 but slipped back to fourth in line after the first lap. Guy Savedra started num-ber three inline at the green flag in car #569 and was in the lead of the class pack by 4-1/2 minutes after the first lap. Are wings legal in Class 5/ 16? -because #569 was flying. Steve Patton was unning in second spot in car #551 after starting last inline at the GO! Line. Den-nis Dunn started fifth inline in class in car #557 and was running in third position about 4-minutes behind Pat-ton in car #551. After three laps of rac-ing, Steve Patton was in the lead by 11-minutes in car #551 in front of Savedra in car #569. Dennis Dunn was still in third spo t but was 13-minutes behind Kenny Walker was the 'big winner in the Class 88 conte~t, he bested his competition by 53 minutes when hew took the checkers. Dusty Times #569. John Berry got in three laps in car #5124 in 9-1/ 2 hours, and was done after that. Mathew Virgil got in five laps in 10-1/2 hours in car #545 before his race was done. (Why is it you never see any Finnish people?) At the Finish Line, Steve Patton emerged from a cloud of dust in car #551 in 10:30:26 to win First Place in Class with an 11-minute margin-of-victory, at 37.5 mph. Guy Savedra finished in 10:41: 14 at 36.8 mph in car #569 to win Second Place in Class, as well as Fast Lap honors on Lap 1 at 40. 7 mph in 1:36:38. Dennis Dunn got all the required laps done in 11 :35:41 to win Third Place in Class at 33.9 mph in car #557. CLASS 7s: Five laps; 330 miles. Nine starters, six Finishers; 3 DNFs. Amazing! A Class where 2 / 3 of the starters ac-tually Finished all the required laps too. I got to check this out. Class 7s started at IO-second intervals. Greg Gilbert was first off the line at the green flag in truck #7120 but was running in second spot about 4-1/2 minutes Robbie Cockrell in truck #729. Cockrell started near the rear of the Class 7s race pack and blasted past the competition to win Fast Lap hon-ors on Lap 1 at 40.3 mph in 1 :37:44. Ted Moncure was running in third spot in truck #741 about another 4+ minutes behind Gilbert. Eduardo Gonzalez had moved up from a rear start to fourth in line in truck #7 58 after one lap of racing, just one minute off of Moncure's rear bumper. Tyler Fox DNF'd on the first lap in truc k #723. Eduardo Gonzalez would follow Fox to the trailer after Lap 2 in truck 7 58. After three laps of rac-ing and two more still to go, Greg Gilbert had reclaimed the lead in truck #7120 from Rob-bie Cockrell in truck #729, and Cockrell had fallen back to last in line in Class. Mean-while, Perry Fleming was now in second place in truck 7 38 but still about a half-hour be-hind Gilbert. Lap 3 was Fleming's last; DNF for #7 38. After starting in third spot in truck #727 and falling back to last in line after lap 1, George Rosenbaum was now in third place in line just six minutes behind Fleming. Ted Moncure was in fourth position in truck #741, followed C1ntinud ,n •••• 26 l'lred Of It 11111 vacation rentals available in the exclusive Indian Wells country Club in the sunny Palm Springs area of southern California. Two or three bedrooms, furnished for your complete relaxation, and, if you are a glutton for punishment, play golf on either of two beautiful courses. FYI, wireless internet and long distance phones calls (USA) included. Starting at S4,500 in sea.son (January thru April) or $2,300 per month out of season . . Call (760) 345-61_24 July 2009 Page 25
Steve Johnson was well off the winning pace in the Class 9 A two hour fifth lap didn't help Jake Jones, he finished a long Chris Boyer finished in fifth place in the Class 1/2-1600 race, he's seen here at high speed, speeding across the terrain. contest, he finished 46 minutes behind the leader. fifth place in Class 78, he's seen here in flight. by Andrew Bracera just a minute later in truck #748. James Bolinas was running in sixth spot in truck #7 37 after three laps, after starting sixth inline at the GO! Line. Robbie Cockrell, the leader after lap 1 in truck #729, was now running last in line -almost 2-1/2 hours be-hind the current leader in truck 7120 -Greg Gilbert. That's a lot of time and dirt to make up. After all five laps were done, Greg Gilbert won First in Class in truck #7120 in 9:11:56 at 35.7 mph -with a 12-1/ 2 minute margin-of-vic-tory. Robbie Cockrell found a lot more pedal in truck #729 and went from last in line at the halfway point in the race t<;> Second Place in Class in 9:24:27 at 34.9 mph. He passed five other trucks on the last two laps to do it, and on a course that was pretty well hammered at that. It also helped that Cockrell won the Fast Lap honors on Lap 1 at 40.3 mph in 1 :37:44. Nice come back and win. George Rosenbaum drove consistent lap times to win Third Place in Class in truck #727 in 10:10:51 at 32.2 mph. James Bolinas moved up from sixth in line at the halfway point to finish in Fourth Place in 10: 12:58 at 32.1 mph in truck #7 37 -just 2-min-utes after Rosenbaum. Andrew Bacera finished just 3-minutes later in truck #748 to garner Fifth Place in 10: 15:28 at 32 mph. Ted Moncure had some serious issues on laps 4 and 5 in truck #741 but still finished in Sixth Place in truck #741 in 11:47:38 at 27.8 mph. CLASS 8: Five laps; 330 miles. One starter, no Finishers; one DNF. Joe Patelli was the sole entry in truck #802 and drew the pole position start at the green flag. Patelli won the Fast Lap honors on Lap 1 at 46.2 mph in 1:27:09. 802 DNF' cl after Lap l. CLASS 1450: Five laps; 330 miles. Six starters, one Finisher; 5 DNFs. Mike Hobbs started at the front of the Class at Page 26 the green flag in at 29.9 mph to truck# 1466 but win First Place had fallen back in Class. to fourth in line CLASS 1100: after the first Four laps; 264 lap was over. miles. Seven Tim Scott start-starters, three ed at the back Finishers; 4 of the Class in DNFs. Three truck #1451 (my Class 11 cars old #) and flew DNF'd on the to the front in first lap, and 1:46:18 at 37 another did af-mph to take the ter Lap 2. Luis lead by 12m:45s ~..:......:..;.;.;..~ Galindo in car after Lap l. An-# 1168 and Bill drew Prince was Dan Nunley was the second place finisher in the Trophy Lite Swisher in car fourth off the fight,analmostfourhourfifthlapdidn'thelphimtoomuch. #ll49 both got line at the green flag in the required five laps in in three laps before truck #1486 and was run-10:06:50 at 32.4 mph to they DNF'd too. Both ning in second spot after win First Place in Class. Chris Henderson in car Lap 1. Prince DNF'd CLASS 1700: Five #1138 and Bob Depew after Lap 2 . Shawn Wal-laps; 330 miles. Nine in car #1153 started ters was running in third starters, one Finisher; 4 toward the back of the spot in truck # 1469 -DNFs. four Class 1700 Class 11 race pack at just 56-seconds behind Jeeps DNF'd the first lap the green flag. And both Prince after the first lap. -trailer up. Another two clocked in at 29.3 mph Dennis Gredes started Jeeps were out after two on Lap 1 to vie for the third in Class at the GO! laps. Perry Coan made Fast Lap honors. Depew Line in truck #1471 but it a race for two laps in would win that contest had fallen back to fifth Jeep #1736 before the by 3-seconds in 2:14:12. spot when his first lap dreaded DNF put him At the halfway point, was done. Gredes DNF'd out of the race. Coan Depew in car #1153 after Lap 3 (not enough started third inline at had a 14-minute lead time to go for more). the green flag and was over Robert Henderson Ronda Koch Parkhouse running in second spot in car # 1151. Chris An-started second inline in after the first lap, only derson was runnin Class in truck #1496 and 14-seconds behind the slipped back to number leader. Coan got the pass six position after the and was in the lead by first lap was over. Park-1 m:35s by the end of Lap house too would 'trailer-2 -and then Coan was up' after three Laps, as done after that. Scott well. Hartman got in three third spot in car # 1138 -about an hour behind Henderson. Bob Depew got car # 115 3 to the Checkered Flag in 10: 18:24 at 25.8 mph to win First Place in Class -with a ·30 minute margin-of-victory. Rob-ert Henderson got four laps done in 10:49:46 to win Second Place in Class in car 1151, at 24.2 mph. Chris Ander-son won Third Place in car # 1138 in 11 :45:50 at 22.3 mph. That's a wrap on this race story. First, you've got to beat the desert. Congrats to those who did and Finished in one piece -aka victory. I am usually down around S/F after the race doing interviews. Racer's can always send me their stories by e-mail: If you don't do either -the only ink you will see is your name, number, and time. DT readers want to know M.O.R.E. -so please share your , race story. C'ya at the races! ~.Q:!L.b When all the fun was laps in 9:43:04 to fin-done, Shawn Walters got ish Third in Class in four laps completed in Jeep #1706. Mark Kelsey 10:08:24 at 25.9 mph to got three laps done in win Third Place in Class 7h:58m in Jeep #1727 to in truck # 1469. Mike finish Second in Class. Hobbs also got four laps Chris Nissley started at done 9:33:28 to win the front of the,line in Second Place in truck Class at the green flag in #1466, at 27.5 mph. Tim Jeep #1719 and won the Scott started last in line Fast Lap on Lap 1 a,t 35 in Class in truck# 1451, mph. Nissley went on to won the Fast Lap on complete all the required Lap 1, and finished all five laps 'in 10:58:23 In the Class BC fracas, it was Mike Lesiecki taking the gold medal, he had 44 minutes in hand when he took the checkers. Chris Nissley was the big winner in the Jeepspeed action, he got his laps in Unfortunately, Brady Helm was a dnf in the Class 10 contest, but he was and then found he was the only finisher in class. awarded a second place finish, seen here launching skyward. July 2009 Dusty Times
-~ 2009 SCORE Baja 500 Harley letner #114 SCORE Baja 500 Overall Race Winner Class 1 Winner Joe Bacal #879 SCORE Baja 500 Class Stock Full Winner 4.0 King Kong 8yp.s More race wins than all other shock manufacturers combined. Rick D. Johnson SCORE Trophy Truck Brent Parkhouse SCORE Lite Mikey Lawrenre SCORE Class 1000 - Harley l.etner SCORE Class 1 Kevin Carr SCORE Class 5 Joe Bacal SCORE Stock Full Darren Skilton SCORE Class 3 Gavin Skilton SCORE Stock Mini Dan Chamlee SCORE Class ?sx
By ]. Preston Bradshaw Plwtos: Alan Madden TJ Flores makes it look easy in Caliente, he took the Class 1 gold medal with ease and he captured the overall win as well. What a race, what beauti-ful weather, what a location, beautiful downtown Caliente, Nevada, really a great town and a hospitable town as well. The SNORE folks were not out in force for this event, there were 72 vehicles all ready to race through the trees in the Delamar Mountains. Class 1 was first to start, there were three cars entered but only two of them would see the checkered flag. At the end of their first lap it was T.J. Flores showing the way, James Price was in second place, he was seven minutes in arrears, and Byron Ashley was running in the third spot. Second lap, T.J. Flores con-tinues to lead the class, he is followed by James Price who is just under 10 minutes behind the leader and Byron Ashley continues to hold down the third spot. Their third lap ended and it was still T.J. Flores in front, James Price continued on in second place, still less than 10 minutes behind the leader, By-ron Ashley still running in the third spot. Fourth lap, final lap ended and it was T.J. Flores taking a well deserved Class 1 win, his elapsed time of 5: 18 would later prove to be the quickest time of the day. Byron Ashley came in for the silver medal in Class 1 and, unfortunately, James Price had some problems on his last lap and was unable to finish the race. Next up were the Class 10 troops, there were three of them in the class, but, alas, only one of them would complete the entire race. When their first of four laps ended it was Michael Hanson showing the way, Matt Stevens was having much trouble out on the course but was de-termined to get going again and the third car in the class, Mike Wichmann never completed his first lap. Second Class 10 lap ended, Mike Hanson turned another hour and a half lap while Matt Stevens continued to have hor-ribly bad luck and was struggling to keep going. Mike Hanson finished his third lap with a 1:38 and was just really cruising, Matt Stevens finally succumbed to terminal problems and was listed as a dnf, after all their hard work and the desire to keep on going. Fourth and final lap came to an end, Mike Hanson was the only car running n class, turned a 1:44 for a total time of 6:37:01 for his four required laps. He happily took the gold medal. There were five cars entered Clay Lenard beat out all the other Class 12 cars, he had eight minutes in had when he came in for the checkered flag. Michael Hanson took the Class 10 win easily in Caliente, he's seen here out on the course at high speed through the trees. in the Class 12 conflict and sur-prise, surprise, they all finished their four required laps. At the end of their first lap it was Justin Smith leading the pack, Cody Freeman was less than two min-utes in arrears in second place. Clay Lenard ran in third place, he was another five minutes back, Dave Campbell ran in fourth place and Jessica Freeman was another six minutes back in fifth place. Their second lap ended and it was still Justin Smith leading the way, Cody Freeman remained in second place, he was now 16 minutes behind the leader, Dave Campbell was up a spot into third place, Clay Lenard dropped a spot, he was now run-ning fourth and Jessica Freeman remained in fifth place. Their third lap came to an end and Justin Smith still led the class, Clay Lenard had moved up two spots, he was now run-ning in second place, he was 25 minutes behind the leader, Dave Campbell hung on in third place, Cody Freeman dropped a few minutes and dropped to fourth place and Jessica Freeman was another 30 minutes back. When they came around for the checkers it was Clay Lenard taking the class win, Dave Camp-bell took second spot, he was eight minutes in arrears at the flag, Cody Freeman was just an-other minute back in the third, Jessica Freeman finished fourth and Justin Smith finished in fifth place after a horrendously long fourth lap. There were six cars entered in Class 13, they had three laps to run for their race and only four of them would see the checkered flag. At the end of their first lap it wa Darin Anderson in Court-ney Collins car, leading the class, John Houlton ran in sec-ond place, he was five minutes behind the leader, Bill Shapley ran in third place, Thomas High was running fourth, Rick Ro-chell ran fifth and Glen Davis was in the sixth spot. When they came around at the end of their second lap it was still Darin Anderson leading the class, Bill Shapley moved up a spot into second place, he was 15 minutes behind the leader, John Houlton had dropped a spot and was now in third place, Rick Ro-chell ran fourth and Glen Davis ,, was in the fifth spot. Thomas High had major problems and was out of the race. Third lap, last lap for the Class 13 group, Courtney Col-Continued an page 30 Courtney Collins and Darin Anderson pooled their talents and they took the Class 12 win at Caliente, seen here at speed. Byron Ashley had a fairly long second lap but he soldiered on and took Matt Stevens only got in two laps at Caliente, he's seen here after Dave Campbell gave it his all in the Class 12 race, he took home the silver medal in the Class 1 race, seen here charging for home. his swim before problems arose. the silver medal, 17 minutes behind the class leader. Page 28 July 2009 Dusty Times
"U yoa ea•~ •ta•cl die fieat ••••• get oat of die lcltclaen•• aw1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• · 00 NIGBT RACING!!! PRESENTTHE Way Cooler! Way Better!· Way Darker! FEATURE CLASS-Class 1 - $2,500 total with 10 cars in class I $3,500 with 20 cars In class. $500 bonus for 2nd place Class 1 With 10 or more cars In class. Dusty Times July 2009 IIIDGECWT1 CUolFO-UI ..... t, 7-9tla Page 29 -
Bill Shapley drove two laps in Class 13, son Billy drove the last lap, In the Class 1450 race it was Michael Alden taking a second place they finished second in class, 6 minutes in arrears. finish, he was less than three minutes out of the win. It was a second place finish for Richard Boyett in Class 15, he's seen here on his way to that elusive checkered flag. Eric ludian speed out of the car/truck wash on his way to victory at Caliente, he had three minutes in hand at the flag. Jay Pfeffer fords the stream outside of Caliente as he heads for a nice Class 15 win, he had 34 minutes in hand at the checkers. of them would see the checkers. At the end of Lap 1 it was Rob MacCachren in the class lead, Tom Craig was in second place, he was 17 seconds in arrears, Co-rey Torres was third, another 33 seconds back, Kenny Freeman was fourth another eight seconds and Derek Bradley was in fifth place, another 22 seconds back. O rio Cox ran in the sixth spot, Jay Shain had seventh nailed down, Jason Coleman was in eighth place, Jasper Dyer ran ninth and Mac Marmon was in the 10th spot. Dan Bradley was in 11th place, Robbie Madison made it an even dozen, Don Wall was unlucky 13th, Ray Bokel-14th place, Patrick in 15th place and lins, who was in for Daren An-derson came in for the checkered flag and a very nice win, Billy Shapley, who took over the driv-ing chores for his father Bill, took second place honors, he was six minutes behind the leader John Houlton came in for third place, he was less than three minutes out of second place and Rick Rochell came in for a long fourth place, he had problems on his last lap and finished first off the podium. Glen Davis had terminal problems on his third lap and was listed as a dnf. Class 1450 had three entrants and they were all able to make it all the way. When their first lap ended it was Michael Alden leading the way, Chuck Harvey came along four minutes later in second place and Eric Ludian ran in the third spot. Michael Alden continued to lead, he had six minutes in hand at the end of the lap, Eric Ludian had moved in the second spot while Chuck Harvey had all sort of troubles and ran an almost three hour lap. When the checkers came out for Class 1450, it was Eric Ludi-an right there to take the win, Michael Alden was right there in the second spot, he was less than three minutes behind the leader and Chuck Harvey took the bronze medal for his efforts. There were three vehicles entered in Class 15, and in this class too, all three would take the checkers. At the end of their first lap it was Greg Crew show-ing the way, John Pfeffer ran in second place, he was 18 minutes behind the leader and Richard Boyett ran third, another five minutes behind. When Lap 2 came to an end it was still Greg Crew in the lead, John Pfeffer held on in second place, he was now 22 minutes in arrears and Richard Boyett remained in the third spot, he was another 11 minutes back. On the final lap, John Pfeffer was a bit slower on time but he was able to slide into the gold medal position for the class, Richard Boyett moved up to second place and Greg Crew rounded out the class in the third spot. There were 16 cars entered in the Class 1600 race and fully 14 It was a nice Class 1600 win for Rob MacCachren, he bested the other 15 cars in the class, he's seen here racing toward home. Kenny Freeman drove hard and well, it earned him a well deserved It was a second place finish in Class 18 for Bob Dziuraweic, he Patrick Dailey stirs up a bit of landscape as he heads to a second place finish in the Class 5/1600 battle. second place in Class 1600, he finished five minutes in arrears. finished nine minutes behind the leader in Caliente. Dean Schlingmann had big troubles on his second lap in Class 8, Ryan Tyler had to settle for a silver medal finish in Class 9, he's he's seen here on the course before the fit hit the Shan. seen here on his way to the checkers. Page 30 July 2009 Robert Johnson had a very long second lap in the Stock bug Class, he still managed a second place finish, seen here at speed. Dusty Times
Cody Freeman took a third place finish in the Class 12 contest, John Houlton ran second for a while, dropped to third place and A little spray, a little steam, Tom Craig drove his now clean car he's seen here on his way to the finish line. that's where he finished in the Class 13 contest. to a third place finish in 1600, five minutes out of second place. Blaine Conrad ran in 16th place. Their second lap ended and it was Derek Bradley in the class lead, Kenny Freeman ran in the second spot, Rob MacCachren was down two spots into third place, Tom Craig was down two places in fourth and Orio Cox ~ was up a spot in fifth place. Jay Shain remained in sixth place, Dan Bradley was up four places into seventh place, Jasper Oyer ran over in eighth place, Mac Marmon was ninth and Don Wall running in 10th place. Robbie Madison was 11th, Corey Torres lost 20 minutes this lap and was down nine spot's into 12th, Patrick Nirschl was in 13th place, Ray Bokelman remained Clint Braun is about to get his feet wet as he heads for a Class 18 win, Clint in 14th place, Jason Coleman _h_ad_1_0_m_,_·n_u_te_s_,_·n_h_a_n_d_a_t_t_h_e_f._la~g_. ______________ _ was in 15th place and Blaine Conrad ran 16th. Their third lap came to an end and Rob MacCachren was back on top of the charts, Kenny Free-man was two minutes in arrears in second place, Tom Craig ran in Dusty Times third place, Dan Bradley was well up into fourth place and Derek Bradley was in the fifth spot. Orio Cox ran in sixth place, Jasper Oyer was up a spot into seventh, Corey Torres ran eighth, Mac Marmon was in ninth place and Robie Madison was in the 10th spot. Don Wall held down the 11th spot, Patrick Nirschl was 12th, Ray Bokelman was in 13th place, Jason Coleman was in 14th spot, Blaine Conrad was 15th and Jay Shain had major problems and July 2009 It was a good day for Tomas Morales, he took the Class 5 win at Caliente, he's seen here about to lose some of the race course grit. was a long 16th place. The checkers flew, Rob Mac-Cachren was right there to take a nice win, Kenny Freeman came in for a nice second place finish, Tom Craig came along some three minutes later, Orio Cox t~ok fourth place honors and Derek Bradley was the fifth car to finish. Sixth place went to Jasper Oyer, Corey Torres took seventh place, Robbie Madison finished eighth, Don Wall came Continued on page 32 Page 31
--Chester Williams gave it all he had in the Class 18 fracas, he had Brandon Kaylor ran in third place all the way in the 5/1600 race, It was a third place finish in Class 9 for Joe Forte, a lengthy second to settle for a third place finish when all was done. he's seen here emerging from the stream on his way home. lap didn't help his chances in any way. Raul Solano took the Class 5/1600 win, but it wasn't a cake walk, he only had 11 minutes in hand when he took the checkers. in ninth ·and Patrick Nirschl was the 10th car to finish. Mac Marmon was 11th in Ray Bokel-man was 12th, 13th place went to Jason Coleman and Blaine Conrad was the 14th and final finisher. Dan Bradley and Jay Shain failed to complete their final lap. There were five entries in Class 18, they had to run three laps for their race and four of them would make it all the way. Their first lap ended, and Lonan Page 32 Pies held the first spot, Clint Braun ran in second place, Mark Bass ran in third spot, Chester Williams ran in fourth place and Robert Dziuraweic was in fifth place. When they came around at the end of their second lap it was Clint Braun in the class lead Mark Bass ran second, he was a bit less than five minutes behind the leader, Robert Dziuraweic was in third place, Chester Wil-liams held on in third place and A fun day for John Baker, he drove his Ford to a first place finish in Class 7S, seen here going into a left hander. Lon Pies had dropped to fifth place, suffering some problems along the way. Third lap, final lap for Class 18 and when the checkered flag flew Clint Braun was there to take the win, Robert Dziuraweic took the silver medal, he was nine minutes in arrears, Ches-ter Williams finished in third place, Lonan Pies finished first off the podium and Mark Bass had problems and was unable to complete his final lap. Class 5 had but one entry, To-mas Morales, he literally cruised around the course and took the class win with ease. There were six cars entered in the Class 5-1600 fracas, they had three laps to run for their race and four of the cars would see the checkered flag. At the end of their first lap it was Raul Solano leading the class, Patrick Dailey ran second, he was 48 seconds in arrears, Brandyn Kaylor was in third place, Bob Gross was in the fourth spot, Glen Mayernick ran fifth and Mark Ralenkottere was in sixth place. Second lap ended and Raul Solano still led the class, Pat-rick Dailey remained in second place, he was now seven minutes behind the leader, Brandyn Kay-lor held on in third place, Bob Gross remained in fourth place and Glen Mayernick ran in the fifth spot. Mark Ralenkotter was on his trailer. Third lap, last lap, and Raul Solano cruised in to take the gold medal, Patrick Dailey fin-ished second, he was 12 minutes behind the leader, Brandyn Kaylor finished in third place, he was·another 11 minutes back and Glen Mayernick finished in the fourth spot. Bob Gross failed to complete his final lap. Class 7 was a bit confusing, we had two entered in class and then we had three other vehicles, Bozzano, Pickering and Harrison grouped in that class but not scored with that class. We're going to put them all together, in the same class and let the chips fall where they may. They had four laps to run but only one of them would see the checkered flag. At the end of their first lap it was Travis Boz-zano showing the way, Charles Anderson ran in the second spot, Robert Pickering was running in third lace and Robb Woolworth Cody Rash led Class 9 for the entire rlt:e, he had 21 minutes in hand when he raced in for the coveted checkered flag. July 2009 Dusty Times
Jessica Freeman had a decent race, she finished first off the podium A two hour long last lap didn't help Rick Rochell, he was the fourth Orio Cox was just a wee bit off the winning pace in the Class 1600 race, he finished in the fourth spot after 5:50:17 run. in Class 12 after a couple of longer than usual laps. place finisher in the Class 13 fracas. ran in the fourth spot. Jeff Harri-son was nowhere to be seen. Second lap, Travis Bozzano continued to lead the class, Robert Pickering ran second, he was 27 minutes in arrears. Charles Anderson and Robby Woolworth were out of the race. Third lap and Travis Bozzano continued to lead, Robert Pick-ering had troubles and recorded a four hour third lap. Fourth lap, final lap and tra-vis Bozzano was there to take the checkered flag. Robert Pickering failed to complete his fourth lap. · Class 7S was next, there were two trucks entered and one of them made it all the way. They had three laps to run for their race and when their first lap ended it was Ben Williams in the class lead, John Baker came along some two minutes later. Second lap came to an end and it was now John Baker first on the road, Ben Williams had terminal problems and was out of the race Third and final lap came to an end and John Baker just cruised on in foi the class win. Class 8 was next up, there were two trucks entered and only one of them would see the checkered flag. When their first lap ended it was Sheldon Paul showing the way, Dean Schling-mann ran in the second spot, he was 16 minutes behind the class leader. Their second lap ended and Sheldon Paul still led, now by Dana Dague sends up a wall of water as he hustles his now all wet truck to a first place finish in the Mini Metal Class. a bunch as Dean Schlingmann spot, another four minutes back. had big problems and was on a Steve Vega had big problems and three hour lap. came in sixth after an almost Sheldon Paul never let up, three hour lap. he literally raced the course for Second lap came to an end the next two laps and took the and Cody Rash still led the pack, gold medal for the Class 8 com- Ryan Tyler remained in second petition, Dean Schlingmann was place, he was 11 minutes back of seen no more. the leader, Vicki Lenard was up There were six entered in the a few spots into third place, Joe Class 9 competition, they had Forte dropped a spot into fourth three laps to run for their race place and Joshua Englestead and fully five of them made it dropped a spot and was now run-to the checkers. At the end of ning iR fifth place. Steve Vega their first lap it was Cody Rash was on his trailer. in the class lead, Ryan Taylor was Third lap, last lap came to an second, he was 12 minutes in ar- end, no surprise, Cody Rash took rears, Joe Forte ran third, he was the gold medal for the class, Ryan another 49 seconds back, Joshua Tyler took the silver medal, Joe Englestead was in the fourth Forte took the bronze medal, Vicki spot, another six minutes back Lenard finished off the podium and Vicki Lenard was in the fifth and Joshua En lestead was the Felipe Neri Sanchez drove his VW to the Stockbug Class win at Caliente, Felipe had over an hour in hand when he took the checkers. fifth and final finisher in Class 9. There was only one entry in the Mini Metal class, Dana Da-gue, finished the first lap with ease, ran the second lap some 30 minutes slower and then ran the third lap an hour and 50 minutes slower than the first lap. But, took the checkers! There were four entries in the Stock Bug class, three of them would make it all the way. They had two laps to run for their race and when they came around at the end of their first lap it was Felipe Neri-Sanchez in the class lead, Robert Johnson ran in the second spot, Richard Palasik was in third place and Mark Murrell was in fourth place. Lap 2 ended and it was Felipe Neri-Sanchez takin Robert Johnson was the second place finisher, in spite of a long second lap, Richard Pakasik was the third place finisher, he was only four minutes out of the second spot and Mark Murrell was nowhere to be seen after a four and a half hour first lap. Last to start was Steve Schwab in the Class 8 tussle, he was the only entrant, he was out on the course for more than eight hours and got three laps under his belt before calling it a day. And so it ended, another wonderful weekend of fun, frolic and disappointment in beautiful, downtown Caliente. Next up is the SNORE Midnight Special in Ridgecrest, Califor-nia on August 8-10. See ya all there!!!!!! A two _and a ~aff h':ur second lap relegated Glen Mayernick to a Vicki Lenard hafl to live through a three hour long third lap, she Derek Bradley led the second l~p in the [!l~ss 1600 race, when finished in fourth place in the Class 9 contest. Jasper Dyer churns up the earth in Caliente, Jasaper was only Corey Torres was third on lap 1, had a long second lap and ended Steve Schwab was the only Stock Full truck entered, he was out able to take a sixth place finish in the hotly contested 1600 race. up finishing in seventh place in the 1600 battle. ' there for 8¼ hours getting the three laps in. Dusty Times July 2009 Page 33 -
-~ -,-c=,;::,;,c::-... ~. .. . ~~-5 AT PERRIS -•-. -...... ;~~:; Ricky Jo_hnson Dominates B-y Judy Smith Photos: Track.side Photo Ricky Johnson made it look easy, he took the AMSOIL PR02WD win both evenings, he's seen here nicely airborne. Perris, CA: Ricky Johnson blew away the competition both nights at the TORC Perris event in late May. Johnson, who is a co-owner of the series, drove his new Ford to victory in the Pro 2WD events on both Friday and Saturday. He was the only truck racer to go home with two.wins. The series, which debuted a month earlier in Texas in rainy weather, races on Friday and Saturday nights, under the as-sumption that more fans will come out for a nighttime event than an all day affair. As with other short-course series, prac-tice is held early on the same day as the racin and it's also o en to spectators, giving them more opportunitie~ to watch their favorites in action. Perris is a comfortable facil-ity, with permanent junk-food vendors built in, permanent restrooms, many bleachers and sturdy catch fences between the race vehicles and the fans. It's also got a great se! of lights so that when the sun finally went beyond the horizon it made no difference. A big difference between Perris and the other venues that have produced short-course off road racing was that they didn't have open pits. It came as a shock to families with kids that the would need to Curt Geer was the big winner Friday in the 1600 race, he was relegated to a third place finish in the Saturday race. buy pit passes for everyone, at an additional $10 each, even the young toddlers, if they wanted to wander through the pits, check out the cars, and talk to the rac-ers. Apparently trying to give the racers some opportunity to press the flesh with their fans, TORC had an on-track pre-show auto-graph opportunity each evening, a feature used at the old MTEG events as well a1, SCORE's sort course action in Las Vegas. The spectators, especially those with kids, seem to enjoy these chances to meet their favorites up close, get autographs and photos, and have a look at the truck. Unfortunately, the buggy drivers weren't included in the autograph sessions, because they were the first race of the evening and were sitting in stag-ing during the last moments of the fan fun. The series has hired USAC to do all the officiating at these events, in part to forestall any complaints about favoritism, since Ricky Johnson a co-owner of the series, is also a·contender. This means that the flagmen all work within USAC rules, and so, apparently, does the' rough"-driving committee, which con-sists of three people on various areas of the track observing. As it happened, there were no black flags waved for rough driving at this event, in part, we were told, Johnny Greaves was the Friday night winner of the Kumho Pro 4x4 race, Johnny finished in second place in the Saturday race. because "black flags don't look good on TV." The program was being filmed· for release a few days later. The start order is determined by formulas that make it fairly easy to predict where a racer will be in the line-up. For the truck events it's partly determined by the drivers' points standings, with the top six inverted line-up. For the truck events it's .partly determined by the driver's stand-ings, with the top six inverted. Then those who are seventh through tenth place in the stand-ings start in that order, and 11th through the last entry, are lined up according to their practice times. Thus, an individual who comes to race only once (and they used the example of Robby Gordon) would know he would start 11th at best For the buggies the system is different. They "pea pick" for the first event of the weekend,. and then they invert the whole field from their Friday finish order, for the Saturday start. So if he wins on Friday, he starts last on Saturday. The system is apparently a leftover from the now defunct WSORR series, which ran the Midwestern series for several years. The track at Perris is a double "u", one inside the other. The front straight leads into a wide left-hand sweeper, which goes into the back stretch along the rear fence. It has four jumps,. one of them a double. Then there's a left sweeper, into a narrow stretch with four jumps and some "rollers", leading into Turn 3, a tight right hander with a tricky little bump right on the inside apex. There's a nice cushion of "fluff' along the inside of this turn that the drivers like to use for traction. Coming out of Turn 3 the driv-ers were faced with a long table top, and then a couple of bumps before Turn 4, a tight left hander with K-Rail on either side of the opening. Then they were back on the front straight, which had a couple of non-threatening jumps to liven it up a little. Most of the drivers we asked said they liked the course because it was "tight and technical". Most also liked the clay surface, although some had trouble finding the right tire compound for traction. The Hot Pits were inside the track area , rather· than outside the walls as was the case with the CORR tracks for instance. Somehow the Perris course builders made space between the back straight and the bumpy straight after Turn 2, and the Hot Pits were snuggled down inside there. They had a hard time getting enough buggies in either class to make a good race. A little extra purse money convinced a few more to show up, and then they simply put the 1600cc buggies and the 1650 to 1915cc "Pro Su-per Buggies" all on the track at once for the racing. They didn't even include the 1600cc buggies in their souvenir program. The first event was the com-bined buggy race, with just four of the Pro Super Buggies and,; nine of the 1600 cars. They got a clean start and Greg George went into the lead in the Su-per Buggies .. Doug Fortin, Jr. was very soon right at his back bumper and the two fought a fierce duel for three laps. On the fourth lap Fortin took over the lead, but to Lap 6 George was back in front. The full course mandatory yellow was thrown at the end of the eighth lap, closing them up, and that turned. into a two lap yellow, as they waited to get everyone properly lined up. George led at the restart, and Fortin chased hard, gradually drawing closer and closer. Two laps from the end, he took the inside line on Turn 1 .and managed to slip past George. Then George battled back, and they did some shoving, which resulted in a right rear flat for George. Then to compound his problem. Georg~ took a bad Greg George took a pair of second place finishes in the Pro Super It was a brace of second place finishes for RJ Anderson in the Jeremy McGrath took an 8th place finish on Friday in the AM SOIL Buggy races at Perris, he's seen here flyin' low. UTV races, he's seen here headin' for the checkers. PR02WD, he had a second place finish in the Saturday race. Page 34· July 2009 Dusty Times
Todd LeDuc finished third in the AMSOIL PR02WD on the Friday Greg Adler finished in fourth place in the PR02WD Friday race, It was a third place finish in 1600 for Reno Navera on Friday, he finished fourth in the Saturday event. night, he took a seventh place finish in the Saturday race. he was the 10th place finisher in the Saturday night race. bounce and dropped back a bit, too far to catch up in the time left. Fortin took the win, George was second and Randy Minnier was third, with John Holmes in fourth place. In the 1600 Buggies, which ran at the same time, the early lead belonged to John Fitzgerald second and Curt Geer in third. There was a very good battle at the front of the pack, and posi-tions kept changing. But at the end it was Curt Geer in first place, with John Fitzgerald sec-ond and Rino Navera in third. This meant that they'd start at the back on Saturday night. They all came back on Sun-day, although there may have been different drivers in one or two of the 1600 cars. Once again, they got a clean start, with Randy Minnier taking off in front of the Pro Super Buggies. But, by the end of the second lap the order had changed and Fortin was in front, with George second and Minnier third. For-tin, who's also racing a Pro 2WD truck this season, was having a little trouble switching between classes. He'd discovered that he couldn't use the same lines. At the end of the third lap there was a tangle in Turn 4 which involved at least one Boyer Fortin moved far in front of George, and car numbered 373, which was identified as the Pan-gborn/Rayford car, had the lead in the 1600 cars. John Fitzgerald ran second, and another Pang-forn, first name Tim, was third. When they got to the manda-tory yellow flag on about the eighth lap, Fortin had a good lead, with lapped 1600 cars be-tween himself and George and then some between George and Minnier. John Holmes pulled out at about this time. When they lined the cars back up for the restart, they put the three remaining Pro Super Buggies in front by themselves, with KING Dusty Times OFF-ROAD RACING SHOCKS the 1600 cars all together be-hind them. At that point, John Fitzgerald had the lead, and Pan-gborn/ /Rayford were second. Two laps later Cory Boyer and Curt Geer tangled in the tight corner leading into Turn 4. The hit knocked a valve cover off Boyer's car, and the flag men told him about it, so he pulled out. Fortin ailed on, untroubled, way in the lead, while George struggled with not quite the right set up. He became frustrated and took a chance, which got him hung up on Tim Pangborn's car, and lost him a lot of ground. Fortin went on to take an-other win, with George second and Minnier third in the Pro Super Buggy class, while John Fitzgerald got the Saturday win in the 1600 buggies, with the Pangborn/Rayford car second and Curt Geer in third place. The Pro Light 2WD trucks were next on the agenda, with 16 entries. They used the same rolling start as the buggies, and got off neatly but in the second lap. Todd Cuffaro rolled over and landed on his side. He needed to be towed off. The incident brought out a red flag, and on the restart, with just 15 trucks, things went fairly well. Someone stalled in Turn 2, and as they went into the second lap someone spun in Turn 1. But Kyle LeDuc emerged in the front, with Marty Hart in second and Casey Currie in third place. Mark Oberg had a little trouble with Turn 1 and fell way back. By the end of the third lap Brian Deegan was losing his hood, and it kept flapping up into his line of sight. They ran that way for another lap, and then Jimmy Stephensen slid up most first into the K-Rail after Turn 4 and sat there. No yellow flag appeared, and once everyone had gone past, he restarted the truck and went on. Currie, in the meantime, (JJ BEARDl~I We carry a full line of V" -~ ~ OFF RrHTING FILTERIIIIAG-~ ~ July 2009 had moved into second place, and now Jeff Kincaid was hard on his bumper and trying to get by. LeDuc had built up a big lead. Stephensen was apparently having traction problems, and he spun again in Turn 1. Hart slowed way down, just creeping along And Kincaid passed Cur-rie for second place. At the midway point they were widely spread out: LeDuc, Kincaid, Currie and Chad Hord in fourth. The Mandatory yellow flag closed things up again, and on the restart, Kincaid jumped into the lead. Then LeDuc re-gained the front, but by the end . of the lap, Kincaid was leading again, with LeDuc right on his tail, Hord ran third. And sud-denly, Currie was parked in Turn 4. That brought out a full course yellow as he needed to be towed off the track. Since these events are run by USAC rules, the yel-low flag laps are not counted, Continued an page 36 Page 35 -
-. -In the Pro light events, Chris Brandt walked away with a fourth Evan Evans was the fifth place finisher in PRO 2WD on Friday, John Dempsey took 3rd place honors in UTV on Friday, finished place finish on Friday and a sixth place finish on Saturday. finished sixth on Saturday, seen here throwin' dirt. in seventh spot in the Saturday race. so what is scheduled as a 20 lap event can grow to 24 or 25 laps with very little effort. It took two laps to get Currie disposed of, and ten they h ad a clean restart with Kincaid, LeDuc and Hord leading the pack. Kincaid had built up a head of steam appar-ently, and created a big space between himself and LeDuc. Hord was now busy defending himself from Chris Brandt, who ran close on him in fourth place. They held those positions until the end, and Kincaid got the win, folllowed in by LeDuc, Hord and Brandt. They all came back on Sat-urday night, and got another good start, with just a big of banging and shoving in Turn 2. Chad Hord went into the lead, followed by Currie and Kincaid, and then Marty Hart, who had said he was enjoying this course, and it reminded him of racing in the old Mickey Thompson days. On the fourth lap Hord got sideways in Turn 2 and Kincaid got past him. Now it was Kin-caid, Hord, Hart and Currie, while LeDuc tried to move up to join them. He got his op-portunity on the next lap when Hart stopped in the middle of the track after Turn 4. That put LeDuc into fourth place and he had a podium finish in his sights. Of course, a full course yellow came out while they towed Hart of the track. His rear wheels were not turning. They did another lap in the same order, and then Jeff Huse-man parked at the end of Turn 2, in the infield, and Deegan had made a visit to the Hot Pits. For two more laps they ran in the same order, strung out a bit now. Deegan's hood blew up, ap-parently no better attached than the one from the night before. Happily it fell off fairly quickly. When they flew the manda-tory yellow flag Cuffaro went into the pits. Everyone lined up nicely, but as they neared the flagman (where racing should restart) Steven Federico, who'd been about fifth, and the flag-man grabbed for the yellow again, and a black flag. Mean-while, the drivers charged on, at least four of them really irked and trying to catch Federico. They got through Turn 1 and onto the back stretch, when Federico's spotter apparently radioed to him that he'd be get-ting the black flag when he got around to the other side. This caused Federico, who must have known that he'd probably jumped the flag, to'take his foot off the throttle and slow drasti-cally. Behind him, Hord had his pedal to the metal, trying to catch him, and when Federico slowed suddenly, Hord tried to take evasive action, which result-ed in him sideswiping Federico, running up on the K-rail, and rolling off. A bit further back, as trucks went every which way trying to avoid the crash. Huse-man rolled over and landed on his roof. The red flag came out. Hord was uprighted and limped to the Hot Pit with a right front flag, body panels flapping. When they lined up again, Hord was put back in second place, just where he'd been when the fun started. This, the announcers told the crowd, is a USAC rule. They all got through the first turn sedately this time, but Huseman was left behind in Turn 2 and had to be towed away. It was Kincaid, Hord and Curried at the front of the pack, but a lap later LeDuc had moved into third. For the next few laps Kincaid led and Hord tried to find a way around him, They did a little banging as exited the tight Turn 2, and would go through Turn 1 side-by-side, years of close competition with each other let-ting them trust one another to not mess up. On about the third lap from the end, Kincaid apparently missed a shift coming out of Turn 4, and Hord screamed past him into the lead. The audience loved it But a-lap later, LeDuc and Currie had also gone by Kin-caid, and it was apparent that his truck was on its last legs. Hord took the win, LeDuc was second and Currie finished third. Kin-caid hung on for fourth. There were 12 trucks for the Pro 2WD event, and Dan Van-denHeuvel jumped to the front in his new truck, leading Todd LeDuc and Rob MacCachren. A little further back Greg Adler was banging on Scott Taylor, but in general it was a clean start. Jeremy McGrath was rapidly moving up through traffic and soon was past Maccachren, then LeDuc and then working on VandenHeuvel. Ricky Johnson had passed MacCachren also and was running along right behind McGrath. On the fourth lap McGrath went past Vander-A Word To The U7lse "The Person Who Stops Advertising T 01 Save Money Is Like The Person Who Stops The Clock To Save Time." . Page 36 July 2009 Dusty Times
l Todd Cuffaro likes to fly, he took 5th in Pro light on Friday, he Chad Rayford took a 4th place finish in 1600 Buggy on Friday Dan Vanden Heuvel finished 12th on Friday in the PR02WD race, finished in 9th place in the Saturday event. night, had a nice second place finish in the Saturday event. Dan finished third in the Saturday race, seen here nicely airborne. Heuvel in Turn 2, and Johnson went by him on the next lap. On the sixth lap Johnson passed McGrath in Turn 3 and went into the lead. Now it was Johnson, McGrath and Vanden-Heuvel, but MacCachren was worrying at VandenHeuvel's rear bumper By the eighth lap it was Johnson, McGrath and MacCachren, and it stayed that was for the next four laps or so, until the mandatory yellow flag .. On the restart Johnson jumped ahead, with MacCa-chren, McGrath, LeDuc and Damn Baudoux in a tight clump right behind him. In the crunch McGrath got turned around somewhere, and found himself in last place. And a lap later VandenHeuvel left the track when his alternator shorted out. Now the order was John-son MacCachren and LeDuc. MacCachren had the wrong compound tires for this track, and couldn't gain on Johnson. LeDuc didn't make up ground either. They pretty much just ran around and around for the remaining six or seven laps. It was Johnson, MacCachren and LeDuc on the podium. Johnson said, "When your vehicle works right it makes it look easy." Mac-Cachren declared that his crew Doug Fortin was the winner of the gold medal both evenings in the Pro Super races, he's seen here beautifully airborne. was "going to go back and work real hard on the truck." On Saturday night all 12 came back. Evan Evans couldn't get his truck started after the intro-ductions and the track crew tried to help him start by giving a tow with a golf cart. That proved un-helpful, so they sent a tow truck over so they could jump battery, and then a crew member who knew the truck came out and helped fire it up. Meanwhile, all the others had done a long slow pace lap, and then they did another to let Evans et s uared Jeff Kincaid drove his Toyota to a first place finish in Pro light on Friday, he was the fourth place finisher on Saturday. Rob MacCachren took the silver medal in the AMSOIL PR02WD on Friday night, he finished first off the podium Saturday night. Dusty Times away, and they were finally off and running at ten of nine in the p.m. It was a good start, and McGrath got the lead with Scott Taylor in second place and Greg Adler third. "R.J." as Johnson is called, ran fourth. By Lap 3 he went past Adler when Adler got into the K-rail in Turn 2, and moved up to third place. Scott Douglas had pulled out, and was towed away, and Mark Jenkins spun in Turn 2 and fell to last place. On the sixth lap R.J. went past Taylor in Turn 2 and set his sights on McGrath. He was gaining, but it was a slow pro-cess. By the time they got to the mandatory yellow flag lap he was still second, but on the restart, as McGrath, Johnson, Taylor and Mike Oberg took of in a tight clump, R.J. was clearly pushing hard. He'd obviously been just biding his time, running second, saving the truck, and waiting for this restart. Oberg got past Taylor and into third, and then R.J. went past McGrath and into the lead in Turn 2. Now the order was Johnson, then McGrath, Oberg, Taylor and MacCachren all in a tight clump. Oberg and Taylor did some banging in Turn 2 and then Doug Fortin, still getting used to his truck, was suddenly parked up on the K-Rail at the end of Turn 2, tangled in the Red Bull flag that had been erected there. It seems he'd taken the turn side, as always, using the "fluff' that had piled up along the K-Rail for traction, and suddenly his tires had developed a mind of their own, and climbed up and over the concrete. He was hung up, and his driveshaft was broken, so he needed to be towed off. This brought out a yellow, and then when they had assessed the problem, a red flag, to allow time to get him off his perch. On the restart it was R.J. Mc-Grath, Taylor and MacCachren. A little further back Adler and VandenHeuvel had a tight duel July 2009 Chad George won the UTV race on Friday evening, he was the ninth place finisher on Saturday, seen here in level flight. going, bouncing off one another. Adler took a hard bounce off the front straight wall, making a big display of sparks, which VandenHeuvel later said he'd enjoyed. Adler kept moving but fell back. VanderHeuvel, inci-dentally, races on D.O.T. tires, probably the only truck racer to run them. Taylor and MacCa-chren also did some banging in Turn 2 and MacCachren got the better of it and held on to fourth Meanwhile, R.J. was building a big lead. Adler's truck had been damaged in the collision with the wall, and now he was just creeping around the track. They finished the last few laps all strung out, no one able to move up on another, and once again it was Ricky Johnson in front. McGrath was second and VandenHeuvel held on to third place. MacCachren, with a bad spark plug, had basically been running on seven cylinders for half the race and was happy to save fourth. On Friday night the final event was for the Pro 4 trucks, which got the green flag at 10 p.m. There were eight trucks. John Greaves jumped out into the lead, with Curt LeDuc sec-ond and Steve Barlow in third place. Everything ran smoothly for a couple of laps, and then on Lap 3 Kyle LeDuc got turned around in Turn 3 which put him back to last. Greaves was build-ing a big lead and Barlow had moved up to second, while Scott Douglas ran third now Adrian Cenni had caught up to Curt LeDuc and was trying to find a way around him. On the eighth lap Douglas got Cantmu■ d an page 38 t:raflSlllan Jacks & Mount Kits • Secure mounting p/afform tor racecar, pre-runner or chase vehicle • Self·latching quick-release qstem locks the Jack Jo the chassis • Spring loaded quick-release mount secures the Jack handle • Flat base increase Jack's footprint and prevents the Jack tram sinking in the sand or silt Spring loaded quick-release mount 2 'l'on lack 2BB.IJII a 'l'on lack Kit 390.59 408.30 3 'l'on lack Kit 43S.OO Page 37 -
-past Barlow in Turn 3 when he took the inside line and Barlow used the more truck-friendly outside line. Now it was Greaves, Douglas, Barlow and then the side-by-side duel of Cenni and Curt LeDuc. On the tenth lap Cenni moved ahead of LeDuc. On the 11th lap Barlow spun in Turn 2 and Curt LeDuc messed up in Turn 4. The man-datory yellow flag came out in timely fashion and everyone got sorted out. But LeDuc had to be towed away. They actually had two yellow flag laps. On the restart it was Greaves, Douglas, Barlow and Cenni, and Cenni went by Barlow in Turn 2. It became apparent a lap later that something had gone terribly wrong with Barlow's truck. He was now creeping along, pull-ing to the side to let the faster trucks go by. By about the 20th lap they were all really pushing hard. Greaves, Douglas and Kyle LeDuc still ran at the front, and as they got the white flag, LeDuc moved in tighter, kind of leaning on Douglas in the turns. Then he bicycled Turn 3 and was briefly hung up on the K-Rail, but was able to reverse himself of it. (That 4WD comes in handy.) At the finish it was Greaves, Douglas and LeDuc. Rick Husemam finished fourth and Cenni had dropped to fifth. On the podium Greaves said, "I said to myself, 'I'm not gon-na make any mistakes no take any chances' I'm, happy with my truck." Barlow's problem had been a right front shock that was bottoming because it was too soft It finally broke, punching a hole in the wheel well that was perilously close to the oil pump. As the crowd filed out of the grandstands, the sharp scent of an agitated skunk wafted up from below the seats. Appar-ently some urban skunk had had his sleep disturbed. On Saturda ni ht all ei ht A second place finish went to Scott Douglas in the KUMHO PR04x4 race, Scott finished in third place on Saturday evening. John Fitzgerald flew to a second place finish in 1600 on Friday evening, he came back on Saturday night and took the class win. entries were back at it, but hap-LeDuc and brought himself pily, the skunk didn't seem to up to third, and as Kyle got be anywhere close. Once again anxious and tried to catch him they got of to a clean start with back up he spun in Turn 3 and Greaves in the front, Barlow fell in fifth, his dad going past second and Rick Huseman him. On the next lap he went third. Somehow Scott Douglas back around Curt and then got turned around Turn 1 and Curt slowed and pulled out started his race dead last. with a holed water line that On the second lap Barlow cost him a motor. Cenni had got up on the K-Rail in the also pulled out, on about the outside of Turn 4 and wrecked ninth lap. his right front suspension. Or, The mandatory yellow flag more likely, his right front sus-came on about the 13th lap, pension failed and he couldn't and it was Greaves, Huseman avoid climbing up on the and Douglas, and now it could K-Rail. He pulled out perma-be seen that Kyle LeDuc had nently. Now Greaves, Huseman a bent and wobbly right front and Kyle LeDuc ran in front, corner, because he'd lost a with Curt LeDuc fourth. Then, wheel bearing. On the restart on Lap 3 the yellow flag came it was Greaves. Huseman and Kyle leDuc collected a pair of second place finishes in Pro light and a third and a fourth in Pro 4x4. out. when course officials no-Douglas and a tight and skill-truck. Douglas, never one to ticed that Barlow had damaged ful duel ensued. Greaves' truck mince words, was angry about the catch fence in some way. was shooting flames under-having been hit in a turn on There ensued four yellow flag neath and since it was night, the first lap. He complained laps while they made repairs. they lit him up every time it about the officials "wearing On the restart it was Greaves, happened. It was dramatic, and sunglasses at night". Huseman and Kyle LeDuc. The spectators speculated about the Douglas wasn't the only one course was starting to dry out reason for it, but it's just the displeased with the officiat-a bit, and Turn 2 actually had way Greaves' truck functions. ing. There was some general wisps of dust blowing around. At the end of the 18th lap grousing about the fact that By Lap 7 Huseman and Greaves Huseman got past Greaves in no black flags were thrown for were side by side much of the Turn 3 and now it was Huse-rough driving. But from up in way around the track, and then man, Greaves and Douglas. the stands it didn't look like a LeDuc got into Cenni and put They ran that way to the finish. serious problem. Most of the him in the wall. Cenni fell way Greaves said that he still had "a racing seemed clean, which back. Dou las moved on K le little work to do" on his new robabl not eas for the ==-------... drivers on such a tight course. It was an exciting weekend of racing, if late. There were UTV and Kart events also. Both of those classes ran on the full length of the track which was a little less than breathtaking to watch. Mitch-ell Dejong won both the Kart events, and Chad George and -Tyler Winbury each won a UTV race. There were only nine UTVs and only six of the modified Karts. Maybe more will come. Chad Hord finished third in Pro light on Friday night, he took the class win on Saturday night, seen here at touchdown. Tyler Winbury took a sixth place finish in the UTV contest on Friday and took the class win on the Saturday evening. The general consensus is that most racers would prefer to have just one short course series. They do not like the split that has occurred since CORR's demise. Most seem to think that one solid series would make it a perfect world, not that anyone knows exactly how that could be accomplished. Some like the idea of a Western Series and a Midwestern Series with a couple of joint championship events at the end of the season. Some would prefer just one strong se-ries that allows everyone to get a season of racing in. A good many of the folks at Perris simply shrugged and said they hoped it would all work its way out and eventually evolve into one 7 IO "':.ii!'IC"' Scotty Taylor finished in 7th place in PRE2WD in the Friday race, It wasn't Jeff Huseman's weekend, he finished 10th in PROLIGHT Casey Currie finished unlucky 13th on Friday in the Pro light he was the 5th place finisher on Saturday. on Friday, 13th on Saturday, seen here nicely airborne. affair, he did finish in 3rd place in the Saturday race. Page 38 July 2009 Dusty Times
-.r, GUAM SMOKIN' WHEELS Hana•a Does It Again Text & Photos: Judy Smith Masazaku Amauchi, always a threat at Guam, came from.Japan to win the uner 1999cc class for buggies. Yigo, Guam: Ikuo Hanawa, from Japan, once again drove his Toyota Trophy Truck in the overall victory at Guam's annual automotive spectacular, in the Smokin' Wheels Off Road Enduro Little by little the powers that be are building a fine auto-racing facility on the north end of Guam, and several years ago they started with the moto-cross track and on off road short course. Gradually, they've added a huge climping area and drag strips. The short course the off roaders use is also part of the moto-cross track and is going to criss-cross a paved oval for Stock car racing eventually. Some of that is underway already. There are lots of U.S. military in Guam, and many of them are racing fans, if not racers, and for some reason the native born Guamanians are enthusiastic fans of all things automotive. Little kids start racing quads and motorcycles before they go to kindergarten. Rock scrawling is a big favorite on the island, which hasn't got a natural rock-crawling site, but has had to manufacture one. Every year for this event the Guam Racing Federation invites a mainland racer to come and join the fun, and a bunch of off roaders from Japan always come also. This year the honored guest was Malcolm Smith, who was a big winner on Guam some 29 years ago. Last year his son, Alexander, was the mainland representative and he gave Hanawa a good battle, but wasn't able to defeat him. However, he had so much fun that he decided to come back again • this year and give it another go. The weekend of racing is rather over whelming. It starts on Friday and goes on until late Sunday. There's· drifting on the pavement. drags p.m. the strip, mud-bogging and rock crawling on their their of the facility, and quads and bikes seem to be racing on the moto-cross from dawn to dark. It's a truly splendid event, with everything happening at once, so there's a three-ring-circus atmosphere, and spectators meander from one activity to another trying to decide which they enjoy more In between bike and quad heats they occasionally let the off road cars out on the track Page 40 to practice, and at some point, to qualify. Then, late on Sunday they got the track to themselves for a three hour enduro. Guam's near the equator, but because it's cooled by ocean breezes, it has an average daytime temperature of about 86 agrees in April. There are two seasons in Guam,. wet and dry, and April is the end of the dry season. It's also not the typhoon season, so it was selected as the best time for the off races. It's still hot, and hydration sometimes becomes an issue for racers who've come from a dryer, cooler climate. It can also rain, hard, at almost any moment, making things very slippery. The base of the race course is coral, which is what part of the island consists of. The track builders have trucked in many tons of red dirt from other parts of he island consists of. The track builders have trucked on many tons of red dirt from other parts of the island, and it's fine, almost like silt, and creates a haze of red dust if the track isn't kept watered. The officials have to go easy on the watering, because Guam although it's surrounded by nothing but water, and seems to be very rainy is short of fresh water, and they don't use it recklessly. Hanawa qualified for the pole this year, and Alex Smith, in an elderly Chenowth with an LS 1 motor in it, was second fastest. Smith's car belongs to Henry Simpson, who's the coordinator and organizer of the event, and lives on Guam. Simpson also owns a Jimco, which sported a 3.2 liter V6 Toyota motor for this event, and that's what he and Malcolm Smith co-drove. Originally, Smith planned to run his Predator buggy, but problems in shipping created a change in plans. The course is a bit over a mile in length, and has a couple of long straights, some uphill, some downhill, a flying jump, moguls, hairpins and sweeper. When the dirt gets worn off the coral the tires can take a beating, because the coral has sharp edges. Some of the racers put screen into their windshield area to prevent being beaned by a piece of flying coral, also. Beginning with a drag race start, Hanawa's massive Toyota VS motor and four-wheel-drive got the jump, and he was able to stay in front for the duration. Behind him, Alexander Smith ran well; recording the second fastest lap of the day on Lap 18, at 1:32:024. Tetsuya Morimotot, and Masazaku Amauchi both from Japan, also ran good laps, but their buggies' engines were less than 2000ccs, and they were hard pressed to keep up. Malcolm Smith and Simpson ran near the front of the pack also. Hanawa, who had some problems in previous years. had put bigger heim joints on the track for this year, and "updated" some other things. Everything worked as well as he'd hoped. Alex Smith broke a rear axle on Lap 27 and was done for the day. But his dad and Simpson carried on, sharing the driving and hanging on to the end. Hanawa had a flawless race this year, and didn't even flatten any tires. He took the overall victory. Smith and Simpson ran well also, but couldn't quite keep up, and ended their day in second place overall, first in the Unlimited Buggy division. For the first time this year there were UTVs racing inithe event, but one of them was bumped by Hanawa and did a spectacular endo. Fortunately, the driver, Joey Crisostomo, was unhurt. However, the promoter~ have declared that next year the UTVs will have to race in their own separate event. The other one, driven by Fred Reese, actually had a really good day and finished fourth overall, apparently driving the whole distance with his throttle foot planted on the floor. Arnauchi won the Under 1999cc class for buggies, and Hiroshi Tashiro, another Japanese driver, was the winner in the 4WD 1600 and under class. Work on the facility continues to progress, and even bigger and better events are in the plans for next year. There may be a stock car track by then, and apparently stock car racers are waiting to come out and join the fun. They'll surely have as much fun as everyone else does. It goes without saying that a weekend of racing on Guam couldn't be anything but fun. July 2009 Off road legend Malcolm Smith returned to Guam after 29 years to team with Henry Simpson in a Jimco, and finished in second overall, first Unlimited Buggy. lkuo Hanawa, who built his VB Toyota powered Trophy Truck in Japan, took the overall win, staying in front all the way, with a perfect day. California Legislators Considering Using OHV Funds To Operate State Parks Where OHV Use Is Not Allowed California residents are urged to call their representatives and members of the Budget Conference Committee to ask them to not take money out of the OHV Trust Fund to operate CA State Parks where OHV use is NOT allowed The State of CaUfornia is in the midst of a severe budget crisis. Some legislators in the State would like to destroy one of the only programs in the State that is self funded and does not use any general fund money. In 1971 the Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) community agreed not use general fund dollars to operate , and maintain their system of recreation areas. Instead, this segment of the recreating public chose a pay to play system. The OHV Division of California State Parks is funded exclusively by taxes paid on gasoline used recreating off~ighway, red and green sticker registration fees and entrance fees to the State Vehicular Recreation Areas (SVRA's). Earlier this year the OHV trust fund was already raided by the Legislature to lend the general fund $90 million that had been set aside for acquiring new properties. And now after that money has been sacrificed to the current budget crisis, the OHV community in California is being asked to give morel When will this madness stop? Why destroy one of the only successful and fully self funded programs in the State? Instead, our representatives are looking to steal the money of hard working OHV recreating families. The leaders of this State should attempt to emulate the success of the O HY program in order to properly fund other non OHV State Parks that are in need of operating funds. Below you will find the contact information for the members of the Budget Conference Committee who wiH be considering this irresponsible action. Please contact them as well es your local representatives and express your displeasure with the idea of using OHV trust funds to operate Cafrfomia State Parks where OHV use is not allowed. Below you will find a template letter that can be personalized and faxed or Hllailed to the members of the Committee. This template letter can also be found on the AMA 037 message board at in both the off-road and dual sport forums. Together the OHV community can make a difference! 2009 Bu•I•t CInflrIncI C11111itt11 ll111ll1rs A111■llly S1n1t1 limn Evens -Fax 916-319-2107 (phone 916-D1ni11Duch1ny-Fax916-327-3522(phone916-319-2007) (Chair) 651-4040) (Chair) R111r li1ll1 • Fax 916-319-2105 (phone 916-B111 Dutten • Fax 916-327-2272 (phone 916· 319-2004) 651-4031) I B111 Blu■1nfi11• -916-319-2140 (phone 916-ll1rk l1n1 · Fax 916-445-4722 (phone 916-319-2040) 651-4003) Kevin•• lien• Fax 916-319-2145 (phone 916-Alan llwutll■I -Fax 916-327·9113 (phone 319-2045) 916-651-4027) Ji■ li1l11n -Fax916-319-2102 (phone 916-Mi■i W1lt1rs • Fax 916-651-4033 (phone 916-319-2002) 651-4033) Above you will find a ~st of the 2009 Budget Conference Committee Members. H one of your legisla-tors is on this committee then please send a letter to them. H not, please send a letter to the chair of either of the committees or both. Dear (insert name of Legislator): My family enjoys recreating together on off-highway vehicles. This~s one of the few activities that everyone in our family can participate in together. I am also aware of the fact that the state of California is in the midst of a serious financial crisis. It is my understanding that the state is considering using OHV trust fund dollars to fund parks that do NOT allow OHV use. I am strongly opposed to this idea. In 1971 the Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) community agreed not use general fund dollars to operate and maintain their system of recreation areas. Instead, the OHY recreating public chose a pay to play system. The OHV Division of California State Parks is funded exclusively by taxes paid on gasoline used recreating off~ighway, red and green sticker registration fees and entrance fees to the State Vehicular Recreation Areas (SVRA's). Earlier this year the OHV trust fund was already raided by tha Legislature to lend the general fund $90 million that had been set aside for acquiring new properties. And now after that money has been sacrificed to the current budget crisis, the OHV community in California is being asked to give morel When will this madness stop? Why destroy one of the only successful and fully self funded programs in the State? Why are these representatives looking to steal the money of hard working OHV recreating families, like mine? The leaders of this State should attempt to emulate the success of the OHV program in order to properly fund other non OHV State Parks that are in need of operating funds. Sincerely, Your name & address ORBA -tha Off·RDld Bu1in111 A111ci1tian 951-926-1953 -office/ 951-415-1869 • Cell 661-323-1464 • Corporate Office Dusty Times
El! IN ARIZONA Renezeder Wins Again By Kermit Lennick Photos: Trackside Photo It was business as usual for Carl Renezeder, he drove his Lucas Oil Products Ford to the Unlimited 2/4 race on both Saturday and Sunday. After a long and anticipated wait, the excitement of high fly-ing bumper to bumper action of short course racing finally returned to the "Valley of the Sun." The Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Se-ries (LOORRS) debuted May 1st and 2nd at Speedworld in sunny Surprise, AZ. It was a beautiful weekend for racing; however the new track would wreak havoc on all the racing classes, especially the 850 horsepower unlimited trucks. The stands were at capacity and the crowds were brought to their feet by the many rollovers and colli-sions during both days of the event. Some of the biggest names in short course racing battled it out for a victory in the second round of action in the Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series. Jerry Whelchel, Carl Renezeder, Travis Coyne, and many others traveled from all over the country to be a part of the historic return of short course rac-ing to Arizona. Local hometown favorites such as Rob Naughton, CeotiPYPd pg RIPP 43 AT RIGHT: Rob Naughton had a great weekend, he took the gold medal in In the Sunday Unlimited race it was Cody Freeman taking a great win, Cody the Unlimited Lite race both days, Jerry Whelchel took the Unlimited 2 race on Saturday, on Sunday he was only able to grab a 13th place finish. In the Unlimited Buggy Race on Saturday it was Chuck Cheek taking the win, he settled for second spot in the Sunday race. had finished sixth in the Saturday race. seen here saving some tire wear. ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;--;::::::::::::::::::::~=============:_~::=::::::::::-;:============~============~:=================.:! John Harrah took the silver medal both days in the Super Lite It was two second place finishes for Alan Pflueger in the races, he's seen here in nice, level flight. Unlimited races, seen here flying his Chevy home. Greg Adler finished second in the Unlimited 2 race on Saturday, finished seventh in the Sunday race, here in flight. Bobby Pecoy took a nice second place finish in the Unlimited Chris Brandt gets it nicely airborne, Chris took a pair of second Kyle Quinn took the bronze medal in the Saturday's Limited Buggy Buggy race on Saturday, finished fourth in the race on Sunday. place finishes in the Unlimited Lite races. race, he finished sixth in the Sunday race. Dusty Times July 2009 Page 41
Casey Currie finished third in the Unlimited lite race on Saturday, Larry Job flew to a third place finish on Saturday in the Unlimited Jerry Daugherty finished third in the Unlimited 2/4 race on way back in 16th place in the Sunday event. Buggy fracas, Larry finished eighth on Sunday. Saturday, Jerry had a seventh place finish in the Sunday race. Jesse Jones, and Larry Foddrill competed and went home with trophies while infamous desert rac-ing personalities such as Pistol Pete Sohren entertained those around him with a running commentary! Page 42 The action began Friday with practice and qualifying. The rede-signed track proved to be extremely technical with tight turns and treacherous moguls. Many drivers, included the unlimited classes, fell • . orht'ble pr,BNt •IZSetO'p • llao$ Radio & Spotter l>ackages • llaaclkel4 Badlot wl&lrim •-i}mkr Bead4ets • lleltllet;WirJ»4 Kita ·Al~q(lmyCas& • Forced Air Snell SA 2005 Helmets • &-force • :Pyrotec • Arai • Wired for Communication Kool:llr Blowers • 105, 185, 150 & 235 Cnt Ratings· • Fil~ & Hoses also avaUabla victim to the off camber whoops and the hairpin turns as the field was riddled with many crashes and close calls. The difficulty of the track and the carnage it created made for long days and even longer nights of repairs by the dedicated pit crews. LOORRS rounds 3 and 4 were held on Saturday and Sunday and 65+ drivers would compete for the win in the unlimited classes. • V;ot.:ti io 110 '1~1 .a6'$JN• liM •l'IH"1hl$&~S,... •eiau.•b>tPaoutu • But Stuton Paoka'let mmmt ( Heid & Neck Rmr!,\nt • J:Jght & Easytl)lJiBt • llequJ.rotl lly NlSfJAll. )'ormlda l &)(uy otlle111 • Cu Je Um "1th A.hf SA BAtetlJI&Jmet : Race Ptoven KP· • Pree Installation ,mhhrohue bl "tl lJ!a.lluaCapae\ty • SG'OD I BITDJTJ4;;4p)iroved • Tapered Desig»,PnMdCII }DureaaetGrouclCl(waace &~u Uaable hel I f l!aA'fifY & fJOMIJUNIC.ATIONSSOlJBCB heatlands Avenue. Suite K • Santee, CA 92071 23) • Fax 619-258-0883 · July 2009 In the Unlimited 2 class (2WD 850HP trucks) Jerry Whelchel, Carl Renezeder, Jesse Jones and many other legendary racers would duke it out with 17 trucks .for the vic-tory. Whelchel, hungry for the win, battled it out and took 1st place in round 3, followed closely by Greg Adler and Bryce Menzies. Renezeder was running strong and had his eye on a podium finish when he was black flagged for hitting Adler. Making his debut in the Unlimited 2 class, Bryce Menzie would add to his growing trophy collection by tak-ing the win during Sunday's action. Robby Woods claimed a second place finish during round 4 and the popular Pappas and Beer truck driven by Rodrigo Ampudia took home a close third. n the Unlimited 2 standings for the season, Whelchel is currently in the points lead with Renezeder chasing him down in second while Schovaja, Ward and Adler round out the top five. Competing in the Unlimited 4 class (4WD 850HP trucks), Carl Renezeder once again stepped back into the driver's seat with other big names such as Alan Pflueger, Travis Coyne, Jerry Daugherty and Kent Braschco. Pushing his truck to the limit for victory at the inaugural • LOORRS race, Daugherty was eager to come out on top and defend his Primm, NV win. It was Renezeder and Pflueger who wouldn't budge and Renezeder claimed the win both days. Pflueger also clinched the second place title for both rounds and Daugherty rounded out the third spot during Saturday's race and Travis Coyne claimed third during Sunday's action. In the Unlimited 4 standings, Renezeder currently has a comfortable points lead followed by Pflueger, while Daugherty trails in a close third. After the high horsepower Un-limited 2's & 4's, next up was the Unlimited Lite class (300hp midsize trucks) and this popular field pro-vided the fans with exciting action and spectacular crashes throughout the entire weekend. Well-known names such as Rob Naughton, Casey Currie, and Brian Deegan made up a small percentage of this class. Naughton, a local favorite, won both rounds of racing action at Speedworld and claimed a clean sweep in the Unlimited Lite class for the 2009 Lucas Oil Offroad Race Series. Winning the first four races of the debut LOORRS season, Naughton's impressive points lead is even more astonishing consider-ing he is competing with a broken throttle foot. Brandt closely fol-lowed with a second place for both rounds while Casey Currie would take the third place spot in round 3 and Todd Cuffaro claimed third on Sunday. As for the Unlimited Lite standings, Naughton is on top, followed by Brandt, then Deegan and Currie rounds out the top five. With 23 entries, the Unlimited Dusty Times
7' Chuck Dempsey took a third place finish in the Super Lite action Travis Coyne took a bronze medal finish on Sunday in the Unlimited Rodrigo Ampudia was the third place finisher in the Unlimited 2 on Sunday, he had finished in sixth place in the Saturday affair. 2/4 action, he had finished in ninth place in the Saturday race. race on Sunday, he scored a 12th place finish in the Saturday event. Buggies had the largest field of com-petitors out of all the weekend's clasees. Racers such as Larry Fod-drill, Troy Herbst, Chuck Cheek, and Cody Freeman had their work cut out for them. Cheek would win 1st followed by Bobby Pecoy and Larry Job during round 3. Young gun, Cody Freeman, battled it out and took the win over Chuck Cheek in round 4, followed by local favor-ite Larry Foddrill in third. In the Unlimited Buggy standings, Cheek has the lead, while Pecoy maintains a close second followed by Ronco, Foddrill and Larry Job finishing out the top five. The aggressive moguls and hair-pin turns bounced the Limited Buggy class around the track like pin-balls. Racers such as Bryce Menzies, Bruce Fraley, and John Fitzgerald, made up part of this impressive class of racecars. In Round 3, Fraley clinched the victory followed by Fitzgerald and Quinn. In round 4, Bryce Menzies would battle for the win and very close behind him was Fitzgerald and Fraley. In the Limited Buggy standings Fraley is in the lead followed by Geer, Navera, and Menzies. Bruce Fraley was the big winner of the Limited Buggy race on Saturday, Bruce finished in third place in the Sunday event. The most recent class to be added to competitive short course racing is the Super Lites; a spec class of mini trucks with Mazda rotary engines. Racers such as John Harrah, Chuck Dempsey, and Chad Liesing are some of the racers that make up this new Bully Dog sponsored spec class. In round 3 Johnny Harrah would take the win over senior John Harrah, and was closely fol-lowed by Brandon Bailey in 3rd. In round 4 Chad Liesing would battle it out with John Harrah for the win, Liesing got first followed by Harrah, then Dempsey. As for the Super Lite standings John Harrah is in the lead followed by Jonny, then Liesiiig and Bailey. The excitement doesn't stop with the monstrous 850 hp Unlimited trucks or high flying Unlimited Bug-gies, but continues with the highly competitive Trophy Kart and UTV (Rhinos, Razors, etc) classes. First was the Trophy Karts, broken up into three class, Junior 1 Kart (ages 8-11), Junior 2 Kart (ages 12-15), and modified Kart (ages 10-15 with 250cc -450cc engines). These young-sters are the future of the sport. .,..,, -.. www.bal<erpreclslon .. com l1iil t:mmi~l =film ~ C1il!J {!!, lli1!rJ} <:i11 *BLACK* red & blue -6 st $5.99 -8 st$6.99 -10 st $9.49 -12 st $10.99 w·ll~l1/m(f{fYl(Tfffi)IIC€m 20ft. Lenghts -6 20ft. $93.40 -8 20ft. $107.20 -10 20ft. $128.20 -12 20ft. $185.20 High Misalignment Adapters JMXT series Chromoly ~ JMXBT $20.05 ~ JMX10T $26.16 JMX12T $33.25 JMX14T $60.78 JMX16T $76.10 red & blue -6 45 $12.99 -8 45 $13.99 -10 45 $16.99 ----12 45 $21.84 red & blue -6 90 $12.99 -8 90$14.99 -10 90 $15.99 ------1290$21.84 Complete Line of ._._. New Hampshire Ball Bearings. Inc. Weld-in Bungs I PRECISION RACING PRODUCTS ~2~75 2865 GUNDRY AVE. SIGNAL HILL, CA 90755 Dusty Times July 2009 In Sunday's Limited Buggy Race, Bryce Menzies took a very nice win, Bryce had finished in ninth place in the Saturday race. The win in the Super Lite race on Saturday went to Johnny Harrah, he finished seventh in the Sunday conflict. Junior 1 Kart was the first to go; 23 karts made up this class and it proved to be highly competitive racing. Coming off of two podium finishes at Primm, Sheldon Creed would sweep the first place spot both days in Arizona, followed by Jerett Brooks in sec-ond and Brock Heger in third for round 3 and Myles Cheek in second and Brock Heger in third for Sun-day's round 4. Soon after, the Junior 2 Karts conquered the course. Dustin Graboski and Trent Wil-liams battled door to door as they each took first and second places in Primm and second and Connor Pankratz in third. In round 4 the roles were reversed and Trent would overtake Dustin for the 1st place spot while Dustin narrowly claimed second and Maxwell Ries took 3rd. C1ntinud 1n ,111 45 1 once again faced off in round 3 on Sat-urday. Dustin took the check-ered flag and close behind was Trent in San Diego 858.565.7792 Escondido 760.746.3193 Temecula 951.m.2880 vvvvv,1 offro,,d\-v~rcf,<...,u~c:-CL"n~ Page 43
f · ... . : ·,. .,
It was a third place finish for Larry Foddrill in the Unlimited Buggy Todd Cuffaro finished third in the Unlimited Lite race on Sunday, race on Sunday, Larry finished well back in 16th place on Saturday. Todd finished 12th in the Saturday race. Sheldon Creed (foreground) finished fifth in the Modified Kart race on Saturday, took a fourth place finish in the Sunday event. Robby Woods was 15th in the Unlimited 2 race on Saturday, he Tyler Winbury scored a first place finish in the UTV race on came back on Sunday with a 2nd place finish in the Sunday event. Saturday, he scored a silver medal in the Sunday race. Todd Oullette won the Limited UTV race on Saturday, came back and repeated the win in the Sunday affair. Chad Leising was the big winner in the Sunday Super Lite race, he finished fifth in the Saturday event. Connor Hart made it look kinda easy, he took the win both days in the Kart Modified races, seen here at speed. In the Unlimited 2 race, Bryce Menzies took the win on Sunday after a third place finish in the Saturday event. Dusty Times In the nearly 70 horsepower Modified Trophy Karts, Connor Hart was hungry for the win and swept the first place podium both days, followed by Brandon Arthur in 2nd place and Mitchell Dejong in 3rd place during round 3. Dave Mason earned a second place and Brandon Arthur claimed third dur-ing round 4. Next up was the excitement of the door-to-door racing of the Un-limited UTV's. Debuting in the Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series for the first time, the UTV class rules require an engine of 800cc's or less and these 1,400 pound July 2009 fully-modified utility terrain vehicles make for some intense racing. In round 3, Tyler Winbury would take the win followed closely but Robert Vanbeckum in 2nd and Todd Ro-mano rounding out 3rd place. In round 4 it would be another excit-ing day for the UTV race, as Chad George clinched 1st place and right on his bumper was Tyler Winbury in 2nd place and Brent Fouch in 3rd. The Modified Trophy Kart and UTV' s may be small but only in size. Modified Karts can run as much as $25,000 and an Unlimited UTV can run in excess of $40,000. The Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series put on quite a show with plenty of action for the racers and fans alike. The event ran smoothly and it was a fantastic debut race for Arizona. One thing is for certain, race fans are eagerly awaiting the return of the Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series to the Valley of the Sun in October! The next round of LOORRS racing will be held at Lake Elsinore Motorsport Complex in Lake Elsinore, CA on June 27th and 28th. Coverage of the all the races can be found on the SPEED, Versus and Outdoor Channel. Be sure to check out all the fender bang-ing fun either live or on TV! Page 45
SCORE Baja 500 from page 11 from the highway and repaired it. They finished at 6:35 a.m., with a time of 19:57:52, but earned a six minute penalty for speeding, which put them overtime and put them in the DNF category. Class 7 had 11 starters this race, but most of them didn't make it to the finish. In first place both un-officially and officially, it was Dan Chamlee in his new Ford truck. He drove all the way, and he had no flats. His starter quit, but that wasn't a big problem. He was also running out of gas for the last 20 miles and wanted to radio his crew for a splash of fuel, but his radio quit. (Ed.note: Maybe that was a good thing; if he'd fueled the way Gordon did he could have been in big trouble.) Chamlee had no penalties of any sort, and his time was 11:46: 18. In second place it was Aaron, Stephanie and Adrian Celiceo in a Toyota Tacoma. They finished during our nap time, with an of-ficial time of 16:08:21. They'd had course deviation and speed penal-ties tacked on. Third went to Bill Kunz and Greg Jones in a Ford Ranger who said they'd rolled their truck at Mile 247, but landed on its wheels. It cost a couple of hours for repairs. They finished at 3:51 a.m., and had only speed penalties, so their official time was 17:42:58. Fourth went to Igor and Guiller-mo Galvan in a Ford. They finished during nap time, so we didn't speak to them, but know they live in Bay of LA. (Bahia de los Angeles) and don't prerun a lot. Their official time was 19: 17:34, and they had no penalties at all. It must be assumed they had some problems. In Class 600, which had just three starters, the win went to Rob-ert Pickering and Mike Childress in a Ford truck. Pickering drove the first 200 miles. This was his first SCORE race and only his fifth race ever. Mike Childress, who rode on a Class 22 bike early in the day, drove the rest of the way in the truck. He'd reportedly hit a car while on the bike, but apparently suffered no serious injury. They had penalties for insufficient data, and no highway data, but held on to their win, with an official time of 14:27:05. In second place it was Heidi Steele and Rene Brugger in another Ford. Steele started and Brugger got in at Mile 220. They said they had no problems. They had course de-viation and speed penalties, bring-ing their official time to 14:45:41. The SCORE Lite cars had six starters, and at the end of the day and after all the figuring, Brent Parkhouse and Brian Burgess, in a Moulton, had the win. Burgess started the day and got stuck on a rock at Mile 84, which cost him 20 minutes. Then he had no more problems, and Parkhouse had no problems either. They had no pen-alties of any kind, and their official time was 11:23:55. In second place it was the team of Lee Banning Sr. and Jr. The dad started and the junior finished. They had "no flats, nothin' - a solid day." But they had penalties for in-sufficient data and no highway data, and their official time was 13: 16:05. In third it was John and Morgan Langley in a Penhall. They said they'd had no OPS. After adding the penalty for speeding, their of-ficial time was 14:08:30. No one else in that class finished. Michelle and Vic Bruckmann came close, however, in their Lothringer. Michelle started, had a couple of flats and put herself well up in the standings, but lost a cylinder. Upon checking it was discovered she had a broken push rod and other problems. Her husband/ co-driver, Vic, limped to San Vicente where a clever BFG pit person welded the push rod and put it back together. It not only ran, it didn't leak oil. But they'd lost two hours. By the time he got to Santo Tomas it didn't run well, so Vic made some repairs. But at the first silt hill out of Uruapan he found he'd lost first gear. He ruined his clutch getting up the hill in second, but went on and got to Ojos. To his horror he discovered that the checkpoint was right at the base of a big hill. There was no way he could get a run at it in second gear, but he gave it a try and blew the clutch totally. Somehow, back earlier in the trip he'd lost his tow strap, and nobody in the area had one. He had $100 with him and had tried to buy one earlier, but no one would sell. So their day came to an end about 30 miles from the finish line. Class 5/1600 had eight starters. The winning team was Marcos Nunez, who started in the car, and Norberto Rivera, who got in at Mile 10 and finished. Rivera said he'd spent an hour repairing his oil cooler at Santo Tomas and then rolled the car about 20 miles before Ojos and it landed on its wheels. Before the oil cooler problem they'd been physically in the lead. They received a course deviation penalty, and their official time was 13: 19:08. In second place it was Alonso Angulo and Mario Reynoso who said they had one flat, "no mas." But they had penalties for insuf-ficient data and no highway data, and theirofficial time was 14:41:43. The third place 5/1600 car was the team of Pedro Athie and Faisal Diaz who said they'd had no brakes since Mile 80. They also had to stop Home tH The Race Auto .s I Ii. • I • ... I • Page 46 • I :a I r • • t Race ear I Pre 1111nner I sand ear • 818-998-2739 9763 V.ARIEL AVENUE, CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 July 2009 every 100 miles to adjust their rear torsion bars, and they got stuck on uphills four times. They had only a highway speed penalty, and their official time was 15:29: 11. The fourth place finisher was the team of Miguel Rosales and Edmundo Fernandez who shared the driving. They broke an axle and C.V. joint and made on-course repairs. They had no boot, but got another later and put it on. They had course deviation and speed penalties, bringing their official time to 16:03:03. In fifth it was Sergio Moreno, who started, and Carlos Iribe, who finished. Moreno had carburetor problems and Iribe got lost for 15 or 20 minutes. Their official time, after adding in penalties for course devia-tion and speeding, was 17:40:41. The process of checking the !RI-Track data for every race team is excruciatingly slow. Although both Paul and Sal Fish and a "team" of assistants worked on it almost from the moment they arrived back in the States, it was a very time consuming exercise and as of this writing, is not yet completed. The rest of the story of the Baja 500 will have to be continued in some future issue of the Dusty Times. Stay tuned! SCIIE BY SRCHUPACABRA@vAAHOO.COM BAJA 500 Results Here are the racers that finished the BAJA 500 with International Rock'in Racing Bajapits. As the world is getting wiser to our profes-sional Baja Pit Magic gets YOU TO THE FINISH LINE ON TIME! But, Sr Chupacabra has a warn-ing for everyone that Races Baja. Sr Chupacabra purchased over 200 Chinese IRC JAMMING DEVIC-ES on Ebay, delivered by pack mule to his Gold Mines and had them placed throughout the race course to mess up the IRC transmissions to satellites in space. Sr Chupacabra was not in a good mood for find-ing out GOLD was stolen from his mines and felt payback to the racers was needed. SCORE will have this settle by the time you get this article. So did these racers place for real? Trophy Trucks -2nd -BJ Bald-win, 4th - Robbie Pierce/Mike Jul-son, 6th - Brian Collins, 7th - Rick Johnson/Brian Sallee, 9th - Jason Voss/Rich Voss, 11th-Bobby Bald-win, 13th - Scott Steinberger, 15th - Rob Bruce, 16th - Ed Stout, Class 1, 5th - Josh Daniel, 9th - Brian Parkhouse, 10th-Kyle Conion, 12th Julio Herrera/Luis Ramirez, Class 1-2/1600 - 1st - Eric Du-ran/Hiram Duran, 3rd - Dave Caspino, 4th - Cisco Bio/Lenardo Navarrete. 7th -Samual Araiza, 8th - Mario Gastelum/Isaac Gastelum, 16th-Ray Files/Josh Tieman, Class 5 - 1st - Kevin Carr, Class 7 - 3rd Bill Kunz Class 8 -2nd - Clyde Stacey Class 10 - 1st - Mike Lawence, 2nd -Will Higman Score Lite - 1st -Lee Banning, 2nd - Brent Parkhouse, 3rd -John Langley/Morgan Langley Pro Truck - 1st -Rob Kittleson Pro Motorcycles - 11th -Terrence Montelongo Class 21 -8th - Carlos Becerri, 10th -Chad Thornton/Mike Whit-man Class 20 -2nd -Jesus Rios, 3rd -Manuel Reyes Class 30 -2nd - Javier Hernan-dez, 3rd -Sean Bradley, 6th -Sergio Villapando, 7th - Marc Haldeman, 10th - Todd MelinnVJohn Burke-Zuber, 12th -Andy Padulo Class 40 -2nd -Brian Campbell, 3rd - Julio AbriVOscar Hale, 4th -Tom Vogt Class 50 -2nd -Charlie Marshall ProATV's Class 25 2nd-Santos Perez/Juan Sanchez, 4th - Adolfo Arellano, 5th - Travis Dillon Class 24 · 1st Craig Christy, 5th • Brian Harris, 7th-Roberto Ruiz/ Francisco Espinoza, 8th-Jose Juarez Class 26 · 1st - Reid Rutherford SPT UTV -Ried Nordin SPT MIC "-250CC · Greg Willits SPT ATV • Luciano Parada/ Jesus Ruiz/Francisco Gomez Sr Chupacabra would like to welcome "Team Vintage" to the 2009 Baja 1000 racers that will be back after being the first guys to race BAJA. "Team Vintage" 2009 Baja 1000 over 70 motorcycle class- Press Release November 18, 2009 Usually that's just about a week or so before Thanksgiving Day. Most people I know are making plans to drive over to Grandma and Grandpa's house for a feast of epic proportions. By then Grandma's getting out the fine china and putting those last items on her shopping list, and Grand-pa, ... Well he'll generally be polish-ing up the silver or putting those last coats of varnish on the dining room table he just refinished. But not if you're Tony Harrell, Paul Edmonds, Dave Hutchens, Roy Watson, Ned Jones, Don Voyer, or Al Perrett. These Grandpa's all at least seventy years old, are about to race the Baja 1000! On a motorcycle! That's right, the Tecate Score International Baja 1000. The toughest point to point off-road race in the world! On Friday, November 20th, 2009. Five guys born in 1939, at least 70 years ago, will tempt fate and the Baja Gods, leaving the starting line in Ensenada at around 6:00 in the morning and run the peninsula in the meanest roughest dustiest most grueling off road race in the world. If you're thinking this is some bucket list by a bunch of old farts looking for their last hurrah, you're dead wrong, these guys are serious racers, all seventy years old or older. No shuffleboard on Sunday afternoon either. .. 1939-That was a long time ago to be born and still go race a motorcycle in Baja or any other location for that matter. Least you forgot or can't fathom just how long ago that was? Let me take you back in time. In 1939, the epic movie "Gone with the Wind" was first released. Nazi Germany just invaded Poland, be-ginning what would become World War II. Al Capone was released from Alcatraz, and the latest new college craze to hit the streets; swal-lowing goldfish. CBS Television began broadcasting for the first time. Batman made his super hero debut, and a little company called Hewlett-Packard started in a small garage in Palo Alto California. You might know them today as hp. That's when these guys were born, and this November, in 2009, as the "Team Vintage" 2009 Baja Race Team" these guys are going to race the Baja 1000. Talk about super hero's. In 1939 the atomic bomb hadn't even been invented. Neither had Dusty Times
the likes of motorcycles we take for granted today. Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, KTM. Nobody had ever h.eard of=2 0those names before. In 1939 "Kawasaki" had just started their Heavy Industries Division, but no motorcycles, not until 1954. It wasn't even until 1959 that a Japa-nese motorcycle company entered the V.S. market. By that year Tony and the fellows were 20 or older. Yea, that's how old these guys are. By the time most of the team even started riding real "dirt bikes" made for the deserts trails and back roads of Baja, most guys you know that race off road motorcycles had already retired from the sport. Hell most guys their age have retired from just about everything. When Paul Edmonds first swung his leg over a dirt bike in 1987, Malcolm Smith, remember him from "On any Sunday" fame, had been retired from professional motorcycle racing for ten years. By the way, Malcolm was born in 1941. Ever hear of a fellow named Carl Yastrzemski? He played baseball for the Boston Red Sox. Born in 1939-and retired from the sport in 1983. Not a baseball fan, how about Bob Lilly of the Dal-las Cowboys? Ye p he was born in 39 too. Retired in 1973. Remember Al Unser? Indy car driver born in 1939 -He began his professional racing in 1957, at age 18. In 1965 he raced the Indianapolis 500. Last race-199 3. And finally there's Jackie Stewart, Scottish born US Grand Prix race car driver. Last race-1973. When I was a kid I reveled in their accomplishments. I collected their cards. These guys were my heros. They all were born in 1939, and they all retired from the sport we loved to watch. By the way I'm only 52 and retired from racing. THE FIRST BAJA RACE In 1939, the only way you could travel Baja was by foot ... or a burro. The first "Official Baja lOOO"started in Tijuana, on October 31, 1967 and was named the NORRA Mexican 1000 Rally. The off road race course that year was a mere 849 miles (1,366 km) of treacherous cactus filled wasteland ending down the peninsula in La Paz. The overa).l win-ners, Vic Wilson and Ted Mangels, drove a Meyers20Manx four wheel buggy and finished the race in 27 hours 38 minutes. The actual first timed run re-corded for .a · motorcycle was in 1962. From Wikipedia Two guys working for American Honda Motorcycle wanting to prove the reliability of Honda's new CL72 Scrambler decided to hold a long distance run. They approached a well known off-road dirt biker and local Honda dealer Bud Ekins for suggestions. Bud suggested the Tijuana to La Paz route which was 950 miles (1,530 km) of rocks, sand washes, dry lake beds, cattle cross-ing, mountain passes, and paved road. Dave Ekins (Bud's brother) and Billy Robertson Jr. agreed to perform the trip. After pre-running the peninsula in a Cessna 180 air-plane, they began the journey to La Paz just after midnight on March 22, 1962. Followed by two journalists in an airplane and using telegraph offices at the Mexican border and in La Paz, Dave Ekins recorded the first official timed run20in 39 hours 56 minutes (39:56) with a total dis-tance of952.7 miles (1,533.2 km). In 1973, then Baja California governor Milton Castellanos handed over sanctioning of the event to a non-profit Mexican corporation called Baja Sports Committee. BSC renamed the event to Baja Mil, Baja Dusty Times 1000 in English. Promoting Baja races was found to slightly more difficult than originally anticipated but Instead of giving up the race, in 1974 the Mexi-can government gave exclusive rights to Short Course Off-Road Enterprises (Score), founded by the late Mickey Thompson the year before. In 1975 under the leadership of Sal Fish, who by the way turns 70 this year, the Score International Baja 1000 was born. Throughout the years since, there has been a long list of winners in many classes. Some well known faces have attempted the peninsula. But there has never been an all "over 70" effort in any class. "The 2009 Baja 1000" . This year the race leaves and ends in Ensenada, but don't let that lull you into thinking this is a cake walk for these guys. For starters 50% of the race is run in the dark. You can imagine just how tough the course is in the day at race speeds, now turn the lights out and keep going ... faster, faster, faster, because just about dusk you can bet the next thing on the mind of those of us who have raced Baja is avoiding the sound of an 800 HP Trophy Truck coming up on us from the rear. You hear them first, then you feel them, pounding the earth behind you .. and then you get the hell out of the way. As Paul Fish of Score-International, put it so succinctly "Age before youth does not apply to the Baja 1000 starting order, but it might apply to the finishing order if your team rides like the wind". Talk to anybody at any age who has run the peninsula, and they will tell you; "just finishing the Baja is a feat itself". For Tony, Paul, Dave, Roy, Ned, Don, and Al it's the stuff "Legends" are made of. So, if you're interested in knowing a little more about "Team Vintage" and the 2009 Baja 1000, or maybe want to be part of it; check out the guys at www. baja2009 .com. Drop them a note of encourage-ment, and if you don't have much to do the week before Thanksgiving, come on down and witness history in the making. It's not often you'll get to meet "Legends" like these ... S. Gerald "Jerry" Bronstrup, RMO/ General Manager, Bristol Builders, Inc., P.O. Box 221855, Newhall, California 91322, Lo-cal. 661. 799.8169, Toll Free. 866. 775.8169, Fax. 661.260.2394, Cell. 661.816.6949,, Sent: Sat, 23 May 2009 8:27 am Subject: Fines Double Racing and Baja 500 Fines Double Racing chief me-chanic Ryan Best is working on the final touches for the race and pre run Thundercats. Everyone is very excited to get down south and defend our win at the San Felipe 250 in pro utility quad. We want to welcome Auidyne Radiators to our outstanding team of current partners. The new Auidyne radia-tor will help the Huge v-twin of the Thundercat run cool in the 430 mile mexican race. The Fines Double racing team will be visiting La Mission Orphan-age in Ensenada to deliver clothing and toys that have been collected throughout the past months. Any extra clothing, toys and/ or school supplies that you may have and want to donate please give us a call. Thanks to Ridgway Schools for there generous donations of all the unclaimed lost and found clothes. Pit captains Phil Heck and Alex Waters are returning from Utah to help during the race and 10 days of pre run. Doug Heyduk from Wicked Gravity Video will accompany us to capture all the pre run carnage and fun. If you haven't seen his video of the 250 check it out at . Monday June 1st our good friend Jeff Hensen and a few camera crews will join us for the rest of the pre run and race. They are filming a new TV show for Fox Sports featuring Fines Double Racing and the Arctic Cat I will let you know the air date when it is announced. Ron Rutherford, Richard Schwarten, Amy, Jessica, Kaitlyn and Blake Rutherford will arrive on Thursday the 4th just in time for the visit to La Mission. The stuff that we take for granted will be appreciated so much by the kids at La Mission. Friday, The Baja vets and great chase team of Craft Motorsports will arrive in country. Ron and Tom Craft's house in Ensenada will be the Headquarters for this race (thanks Ron). Ryan Best flies in on Friday in typical rock star fashion. Baja Pits has a line up of 10 pitstops ready to' aid us if needed. The Greenball Dirt commander tires that we used to pre run the 250 worked great and are the new tires of Fines Double Racing. We hope to complete the race with out any flats, but still we will have almost 40 sp~re wheels spread over this 430 mile course. Thank you Kevin and Green Ball Tire.(GBC) Our number for this race is 201A and you can view Ollr progress in real time at www. . Thanks to Pam and Tom Demo who once again will watch over us from Colorado on the computer, relaying to the five chase trucks our exact location and speed via satellite phones. All thru the night they stay up keeping every one informed. Thank you to everyone who helped out and thanks to our gener-ous s onsors. ARCTIC CAT Rox Green Ball Tires, Auidyne Radia-tors, Elka, RTT Stabilizers, Vision X Lighting, Douglas Wheels, Motion Pro, SPEEDWERX, ,planetmoto .com, Spider Grips, Craft Motor-sports, Montrose Signs, Krey Ben-efit Solutions, Standard Tire and Service Center of Montrose, Lizard Head Log Homes, TNT Painting and Reid Rutherford Plumbing and Heating. Reid. RESCUE THREE Rescue 3 is a specialized, private Search & Rescue team. We support pre-scheduled motor sports events in Southern California. The major-ity of our current events are desert dirt-bike races, but the team also supports grand prix races, buggy races, dual sport rides, and other special events from time to time. The members of Rescue 3 have specialized skills which are valu-able to many kinds of off-road motor sports events in Southern California. First and foremost, all members have current First-Aid and CPR certifications. The team also con-tains many EMTs, as well as other certified medical providers, such as · RNs, and those with military and ski-patrol medical experience. Secondary to medical skill is what makes Rescue 3 stand out from other groups; off-road logisti-cal capabilities. For any given event, Rescue 3 brings a Command Post trailer, a dedicated Radio Relay, several 4x4 trucks, and a host of rapid-response teams on dirt bikes and quads. All personnel carry professional public-service grade radio equipment, and all teams are OPS-enabled. This equipment is supplemented by the off-road experience of our members; experience required to safoly and quickly traverse the harsh desert terrain of the Mojave Des-ert Most members have extensive .I FSOR12SBE experience riding dirt bikes in the Southern California deserts, and know the terrain from memory. The combination of our equipment and experience enables us to search for, and rescue, trauma patients, much quicker than government agencies. We can then coordinate transfer of patients to medical facilities, by ground' ambulance or airship, as required. Lastly, there are two things Res-cue 3 has that many other groups do not; enthusiasm, and a drive for improvement. Because Rescue 3 is staffed by dedicated volunteers, who bear considerable personal expense, we love what we do. Also, because we come from the off-road. community, we feel a commitment to our fellow racers, riders, drivers, and their families. · What You Should Do If You Crash Or Break Down Breakdowns- First get your bike and yourself off the course. Second turn your bike or quad to face on-coming riders so they can get your number. Three if you have a pen on your card or on some paper write down your name, number, location as best you can, your club or club you are pitting with and what the problem is. Be patient! Never leave your bike. Help will come and you will be easier to find with your bike or quad. If you take off walking you could become dehydrated effecting your level of consciousness and get yourself lost or you could fall and hurt yourself or be bitten by a snake off the beaten path. If you are by the course you can flag a rider if your health becomes an issue. If possible shade your self and try to stay hydrated. Crashes- Each crash is different but if you can follow the advice above then flag a rider down. If your injuries are serious ask them to stay with you. If you have possible internal injuries or broken bones c,ntinud ,n , , 53 RACE READY PRODUCTS 103 PRESS LANE SUITE4 CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 (619} 691-9171 (866)891-9171 TOUFREE (619} 691-0803 FAX July 2009 Page 47
Good stuff Directory Air Cleaners for Off-Road Racing. From Baja to Dakar. For a list of dealers Visit our website at: JOHNCOOUY •Race Cars •Preninners •DuolSpom 10115 Whfftlondl A'Nnu., Suite I• Sant.e, CA 92071 619.596.9141 • Fax 619.596.2742 -alumlcraft.lnfo Off Road Trucks Off-Road Fiberglass• Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages Ford Truck Speci~list • 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 V':. r-v ·John Baker ioceCa~(blcot(ltt. f!t>Clt '!Jo~iUIQ<l< • fib l;,JOd 15821 Groham • I • HIJntrig n OOC!>. CA 9!64~ Ph 714--891·3CM• fax;.71•-l392·6~ r, "4.otoopc, v,e• BRANDWOOD CARS for mid-engines ancf other applications 602-437-3j07 Castom V~hicle Shifter . c:••-,' _~....,,-~ Offroed lo street; Pr..-uMer lo RKe -cttu'90eelgn-RacePNp · •Al General Fabrication ...• , 174" U1ao St IE H11,11rta CA nM8 ~.OOM CA US RACING RaceaJr Helmets & Accessories Bell, Shoel, Simpson 8lower systems & cool boxes •1 .... .a .. TN 7N •ohln■ U.... a,. Cllula ..... CA t1tf" CAUFORNIA PRE-FUN 39067 ORCHARD ST. CHERRY VALLEY CA. 92223 PHS. (NI) ....... produds in stock kc Proven Fabrication: Boatec Fiberglass . PJ:e..Rllllners Dimple Dies Desert Tnacb ~ Benden Short Coarse tmcb Bypass valws+tabes i Pari&-Dakar b'ucks Sway-bar Arms 0- .E!! .. ZC_ -~ QUAL.ITV BEAOLDCIC. WMlllfL.8 ,. ■,NCI£ 1•■• w 11 aa.JEA111.. . """"•"" ............... 1 s•--1 e"-· 1 7" ~ . ALL ALUMINUM BCAOLDCK WHEELS ANO CDNVERIJICNII CHAMPIO,., WHICICL CO, INC. 18537 COLl.111:1111 (9 !5 1 ) 47 1 •2 l 83 LAW.IC ICL91NORE CA, 9253 I WWW.CHAMPIONWHl!:ltL.COM 227 Calle Pintoresco San Oemente, CA 92672 FLOATER REAR ENDS• FRONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFF HUBS l805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree L.ane • Templeton. CA.93465 Ofl:ICIAL llACE FUEJ.S FUEL OF NASCAR 1 (800) 54-COSBY COSBY OIL COMPANY, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA CALL TODAY! PH: 949.567.9000
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CA 92867 WWW.LAMBCOMPONENTS.COM All NHBB production sizes in stock. 3/8" through 1-1/4• ~-=--~ M81 Phone: (909) 985-1901 1259 w ..... St. Fax: (909) 982-9777 Upland, Ca. 91711 POWER E STEERINO THOMASE. LEE LEE MFG. CO. 11881 PENOLETOr(~ SUN WJ..EV, C,.tt'52 FAX (818J 78il-2117 (818)7ee-am AfullljMofFowwS.,..gee,a. pumpeanct~1Dra,iy typeof~ Mqnaftwl and Zygio fllcilltiN ............ •Cfttoffla..... ~Prlip • Aklllllnutn Wort 'WIiding Engineering *Mlgnaflux FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 (909) 596-5497 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 For The Price Of A Phone Call And A Few Bucks A Month Your Ad could Be Here 818-882-0004 MastErCraft~ ~ Race Seats• Restraints• Storage Bags Window Nets• Limit Straps• Tie Downs 11433 Woodside Ave~ue • Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455 • Fax: 619/449-9454 OFFROAD IS OUR BUSINESS 807 E. 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Les Aageln, CA 90M1 (323) SBJ-2404 FAX (323) S8J-396S SANDBLAST-OL.ASS BEAD-MAONEllC PARTICLE Fl.OtlRESCENT INSPECTION MAR.KSMITH LARRY SMITH TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821-1 :-(114) 447-3581 Fax (114) 672-9246 1 ' ---------------__________ J JOB SITE SIG8S • BA.lfllEAS • V.11400W lET1£1111.G • CAR lETTEltltiG • !'-,RAPIICS SBUEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101 Galway C1rc!e • Huntingto1 Beach CA 92'649 (714) 897-0075 • Fa:i. 17141 894-9567 TY ,Cue rJ,ep RACE CARS -TRUCKS .,,.,..... ·~ u,...,,,s-. •4-ttCm •~~~ -~~ -~ .......... u....,. 16743 Patkslde Ave. Cemtos. CA 90703 Ttav1$ Fletcher 1562) 802-1404
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NORRS It Never Happened By Horiier Eubanks The NORRS event that almost was! The first ever event of National Off-Road Racing Series, NORRS, to be held at Antelope Valley Fair-grounds, AVF, was canceled before it got started. Who is to blame, is up in the air, but experience says that_ both parties involved usually share in the out come. Here is what I understand hap-pened. NORRS organizer, Aaron Mortenson, apparently stretched himself thin and over looked some last minute details in his agreement with AVF, who it appears became sticklers for detail (although be-gan as a fairly casual agreement), thus causing distrust among the parties. I never met Mortenson but talked after the non-event by phone. A couple of the main points were; AVF informed NORRS (late Thursday), that changes had to be made to the catch fence, that issue was being dealt with when AVF demanded a final payment that NORRS thought would be paid out of the gate money. One of the more unusual issues were the lack of portable restrooms, which NORRS had ordered but were canceled by someone supposedly from AVF. So when it came down to it NORRS had created some of the problem, but it appears that AVF could have been more lenient-after all the outcome affected thousands of potential fans and racers. But, maybe that was part of the AVF BaJa Pits h•• , ••• 47 do not move or be moved. Ask· them to flag another rider and send word via card or in writing to the closest check ASAP. Make sure and let them know what type of injury you have. Rescue 3 sometimes will have multiple calls and needs to sort them by seriousness. Relax as best you can, it may be a while. Do not depend on the first rider to leave word with the check. Stop another rider ever 10 or 15 minutes or so and ask them to tell check you're still there and any new information. Never leave your bike unless your in the course and could get hit. Then only if you have no internal or possible back or neck injuries. If you have breaks or internal injuries have the rider direct traffic around you and stop others for help. If for any reason you leave make sure to send word to check that you have left otherwise Rescue 3 and others will be looking for you! When you get back to the pits go to or send someone to the Rescue 3 command post to let them know you are back and safe. Tips: Today you can buy a GPS for less than a hundred dollars. With a GPS you can give your loca-tion saving a lot of time, if injured that time could save your life. Never ride without water. If you have medical problems make sure to have meds with you. Keep a pen, paper and a lighter just incase. A space blanket will make great shade or offer warmth and weighs ounces. Join a club or at least hook up with one for the race! I carry a couple beef sticks and my meds in my camel pack. Plenty of room and may make my wait more comfy. Dusty Times decision, the lack of rac;ers. When I arrived at the Antelope Valley Fairgrounds almost every-thing was in place for a short course event. The track was well groomed, miles of TV cabling snaked its way around the track, the sound system was blaring music, timing and scor-ing were set up, and some vendors were setting up their stands. The main missin~ ingredient were rac-ers. There were a few clusters of teams in the pit area but not as many as one would expect the day before the event was scheduled. And those that were there were not on track practicing, due to the fence issue, and I understand part of the missing payment included EMTs. NORRS asked for a meeting with AVF officials and took along Billy Heandiges (TV), Scott Rehn (Announcer), and the track build-ers, Pollock Brothers, to discuss-2 0options. At that time, each of the issues were discussed and a solution to each was .offered but AVF said that it was too late. NORRS offered to put up a 100,000.00 bond to cover the weekend so as to basically make it a "no risk" weekend for the AVF. NORRS conceded that AVF did have a few valid points, but felt that each and every one of the ·issues were addressed with a valid solution. Mortenson even felt that AVF has issues with him and volunteered to step aside but AVF again said it was too late. To make things even more con-BFGaadricli -----------r/1'85 BFGoodrich Tires Names Larry Roeseler 2008 Motors-ports Person of the Year Continuing a tradition that began in 2003, BFGoodrich Tires named off-road legend Larry Ro-eseler as the 2008 BFGoodrich Tires Motorsports Person of the Year at the 41st Annual Tecate SCORE Baja 500 press conference. The award recognizes the achievements of drivers and officials in each racing series that BFGoodrich Tires com-petes. A Southern California native, Roeseler has been racing in the SCORE Baja 1000 since 1972 and he has compiled a_n amazing 17 class wins, both on two wheels and four wheels, including a race-record 13 overall victories, 10 of which came on a motorcycle. Roeseler has also amassed an astonishing 11 SCORE Baja 500 overall wins, all of which contributed to this recognition. To win the prestigious award, the person must have made a significant contribution to racing both on and off the track, demonstrated a commitment to excellence with an uncompromising passion for motor-sports, shown a sincere dedication to improve off-road motorsports for all competitors and leave a positive lasting mark. "Look back at the past recipients of the award and you'll notice that some of the most recognized names in racing have been honored," said Roberts Kukainis, motorsports man-ager for BFGoodrich Tires. "Our previous five are proof that the stan-dard is high, and Roeseler is a fitting recipient. He's a standup guy b9th fusing is the fact AVF told some of the racers they had "double-booked" with another event uti-lizing the same parking lot that NORRS was going to be using as its pit area. At one point in the meeting AVF made the statement that they · were going to cancel the event a week earlier, but never notified NORRS. They said they wanted to see what was going to happen as the weekend got closer. Sometime, before the final hour, it appears AVF should have terminated their agreement with NORRS; or, being the more experienced, grabbed them by the hand and walked them through the process to ensure that what happened, didn't happen. But they didn't. NORRS is a real deal. They have everything ready to promote a new off-road short course series. Even after taking a serious financial hit, NORRS says it is not throwing in the towel. Mortenson says they are aggressively looking at new venues; one that offers long term viability. NORRS has a TV package bought, and paid for, and states their goal, is to bring the most amazing mo-torsport anywhere, to the attention that it justly deserves. NORRS contact information Aaron Mortensen NORRS Corpo-rate Relations Director a mor m 760-746-2434 xlOl on-and off the race course and we are extremely honored to recognize Larry with this award." Roeseler has endured harshness of off-road racing for more than 35 years on motorcycles, buggies and trucks. Having already established himself as a well-known off-road racer, Roeseler joined Kawasaki's green team in 1987 where he went on to win 10 International Six Days Enduro (ISDE) gold medals, two silver medals and one bronze. In 1999, Roeseler was honored by the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) with an induction into the AMA Hall of Fame. After retiring from a successful motorcycle career in 1994, Roeseler's four-wheel domination began. "Mr. Baja," as he is often referred, has 39 career SCORE Baja race wins, 17 career SCORE Baja 1000 class wins and 11 career SCORE International season point championships. He has been associated with the most high-profile teams in the business including Ivan Stewart, Terrible Herbst Motorsports, and currently Roger Norman Racing. The 2008 season proved to be yet another success for Roeseler, as he capped it off with his 13th SCORE Baja 1000 overall win with teammate Roger Norman. Roeseler and Nor-man finished the 631.35-mile loop in their Norman Motorsports Ford F-150 Trophy Truck outfitted with BFGoodrich Baja.KR off-road tires in 12 hours, 40 minvtes and 33 seconds. The 2008 SCORE Baja 1000 victory signified Roeseler's fifth straight win, having won the last four years driving with Troy Herbst in Class 1, all five occurring on BFGoodrich Tires. The 2008 SCORE Baja 1000 victory was also the second straight win in 2008 for July 2009 Roeseler and Norman~ who won the SCORE Terrible's Primm 300 in September. The Norman Motor-sports team finished an impressive second overall in the 2008 SCORE Trophy Truck class, just 20 points behind the 2008 SCORE overall points champion, B.J. Baldwin. Roeseler's accomplishments did not end in 2008; he set a new Laughlin Leap record of 161 feet 6 inches in his 1,000 horsepower #88 single seat Trophy Truck in January 2009. Each year, BFGoodrich selects five finalists with one winner se-lected from the distinguished group. The inaugural winner of the award in 2003 was Sal Fish, President/ CEO of SCORE International, the world's premier off-road rac-ing series, and home to events like the SCORE Baja 1000. The 2004 winner, Rod Hall, is widely consid-ered the most successful driver in off-road history, having earned 19 SCORE Baja 1000 class victories. In 2005, BFGoodrich Tires hon-ored the contributions of Frank DeAngelo and recognized him as the cornerstone of the BFGoodrich motorsports program and the 2006 honor was bestowed upon Marty Fiolka, editor-in-chief director of the off-road group at Advanstar Communications, which publishes DIRTsports magazine. In 2007, Rob MacCachren was recognized for his extraordinary contributions to off-road motorsports, numerous business accomplishments, and 40th annuatSCORE Baja 1000 victory. Using motorsports as a proving ground for more than 30 yea-rs, BFGoodrich® Tires is involved in every type of racing, including oval, sports car, drifting, drag, desert, dirt, rally, and extreme rock crawl-ing. BFGoodrich Tires combines technological expertise with vast motorsports experience, delivering a high-performance tire for every type of vehicle. Visit BFGoodrich Tires online at BFGoodrich Tires Recognizes Barnwell Mountain Recre-ati.on Area as Part of the 2009 Outstanding Trails Gilmer, Tex. (May 26, 2009) -More than 100 off-road enthu-siasts and members of the Texas Motorized Trails Coalition (TMTC) gathered Saturday to celebrate as BFGoodrich Tires named Barnwell Mountain Recreation Area as one of its 2009 Outstanding Trails and awarded the club a grant. The Barnwell Mountain Recreation Area near Gilmer, Tex. features a system of trails in an 1,800-acre park featur-ing scramble areas, training hills and rock crawls. The BFGoodrkh grant will be used to preserve the trail system and continue conservation efforts for one of America's premier areas for off-roading. BFGoodrich Tires, working in conjunction with Tread Lightly!® and United Four Wheel Drive Associations (UFWDA), chose the Barnwell Mountain Recreation Area because it provides riding opportu-nities for many skill levels on varied terrain - rock, dirt, mud and hills. "Barnwell is an off-roader' s para-dise because it offers activities for every type of off-roader and obstacles thai cover the board in difficulty and skill levels," said Joe Mazur, light truck brand category manager for BFGoodrich Tires. "We're honored to join with the Texas Motorized Trails Coalition to help in the con-servation efforts for this amazing off-road park." Texas Motorized Trails Coalition is a not-for-profit organization estab-lished in the year 1999 and is quickly becoming the leading "grass root authority" for establishing and man-aging off..road parks for motorized usage in Texas by all-terrain vehicles, motorcycles and full-size 4x4 trucks and Jeeps. This Texas-based orga-nization requires membership and is family oriented with responsible member.s - young and old, who are concerned for safety and are aware of their responsibilities for proper land usage and natural resources -and is completely dependent on member volunteer participation. Launched in 2006, the BFGo-odrich Tires Outstanding Trails program is dedicated to the re-sponsible use, and preservation of, off-road trails while providing aid in the trails' conservation efforts. Since its inception, the Outstanding Trails program has recognized 17 off-road trails in 14 states and two in Canada. The program has also given $62,000 in grants to clubs and seen more than 2,000 participants at trail events. Aside from Barnwell Mountain, Fordyce Creek Trail, located in California in the Tahoe National Forest, was also named to the 2009 Outstanding Trails. To learn more about these trails, visit the Outstanding Trails Web site at outstandingtrails. Both Tread Lightly! And UF-WDA are non-profit organization dedicated to responsible and ethical outdoor recreation. BFGoodrich Tires collaborated with these two groups to select the finest off-road trails, and will continue to work with these organizations on restoration and education initiatives. -Tread Lightly! Tread Lightly! is a national non-profit organization whose mission is to proactively protect recreation access and opportunities. Tread Lightly!'s strategic educational mes-sage, along with its training and restoration initiatives are designed to instill an ethic of responsibility in outdoor enthusiasts and the indus-tries that serve them. The program is long-term in scope with a goal to balance the needs of the people who enjoy outdoor recreation with the needs of the environment and it's leading the way to help remedy current and future recreation issues. Tread Lightly! is proud to be recog-nized by the USDA Forest Service and its partner actively engaged in collaborating to implement solu-tions to the problem associated with outdoor recreation. United Four Wheel Drive As-sociations (UFWDA) United Four Wheel Drive As-sociations is the world's leading representative of all-brand four wheel-drive enthusiasts. UFWDA benefits, developed and tested true over the past 30 years, include four wheel drive safety and awareness education; user ethics programs such as adopt-a-road, conserva-tion volunteer, and volunteer trail. patrol; assistance with new club formation; education seminars to aid four wheelers through complex state and federal programs affect-ing trail access; Internet forums designed to connect members globally and instantaneously; and unrestrained member access to its full-time legislative advocate and nationally,recognized attorney work-ing exdusively for four wheel drive enthusiasts to protect access and prevent road and trail closures. For more information on the UFWDA C1ntinu1d tn p111 54 Page 53
BFG fr••, ••• 53 log on to or call toll free 1-800-44-UFWDA (800-448-3932). BFGoodrich Tires Using motorsports as a proving ground for more than 30 years, BFGoodrich Tires is involved in every type of racing, including oval, sports car, drifting, drag, desert, dirt, rally and t,_xtreme rock-crawl-ing. BFGoodrich Tires combines technological expertise with vast motorsports experience, delivering a high-performance tire for every type of vehicle. Visit BFGoodrich Tires online at BLUERIBBON COALITION, INC. Off-Highway Vehicle Group Expresses Concern Over Obama Blm Pick POCATELLO, ID Oune 17, 2009) -The BlueRibbon Coalition (BRC), a national grass-roots group dedicated to preserving responsible recreational access to public lands and waters, today expressed concern over the Obama Administration's nomination of Robert V. Abbey as Director of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). The group says although Abbey has a good record· during his 32 years with federal land managing agencies, his affiliation with some litigious preservationist groups raise significant questions. Abbey worked for more than 32 years with state and federal land management agencies before retiring from the federal government in July 2005. Most recently, he served as BLM' s Nevada State Director. Upon learning of Abbey's nomination, BRC polled many of its members and supporters who had worked with him over the years. "With few exceptions, the reports we are getting have been positive," said Brian Haw-thorne, BRC's Public Lands Policy Director. "Abbey is generally known of as a good manager, and one who understands the importance of public lands in providing diverse recreation for the American public." But the Coalition is concerned about Abbey's association with the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) and their sub-groups, Pub-lic Employees for Environmental responsibility (PEER) and Rangers for Responsible Recreation, after his retirement from the BLM. CBD and PEER are aggressive litigants who of, ten challenge even the most restric-tive recreation management plans. BRC's Executive Director, Greg Mumm, noted that among the vast number of so-called environmental groups, CBD and PEER are well known for being the least willing to compromise and most likely to sue. "The goals of these groups are directly opposed to BLM' s multiple-use mandates," Mumm said, adding, "Congress needs to ensure Abbey's affiliation with these radical groups will not impede his ability to ful-fil BLM's multiple-use mission." Don Amador, BRC's Western Representative, remembers be-ing shocked when Abby joined CBD. "These groups specialize in manufacturing conflict where none exists. Given Abbey's solu-tion-oriented approach at BLM, we were mystified as to why he would want to affiliate with them." The BLM manages 256 million acres primarily located in 12 West-ern states, including Alaska. The Bureau, with a budget of about $1 billion, also administers 700 million acres with strategic oil, gas and min-eral reserves. The BLM's multiple-use mission is to sustain the health and productivity of public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations. "The Straight Poop from the Big Wahr zoo II" Wahzoo Two@gmailcom CHECKERS WIN BIG IN BAJA WITH OVERALL AND THREE CLASS WINS! SCORE's 41st running of the Baja 500 was controversial to say the least Four days after the Awards Ceremony, SCORE stripped Robby Gordon of his overall and class win based on a video of "illegal servic-ing" or fueling his truck on Hwy 1 (posted on YouTube by some dude calling himself viczarce) resulting in a 90 minute penalty, plus another 10 minute penalty because his IRC tracking device apparently did not transmit on the highway between km 77 and km 78. Sixteen of the 19 Trophy T rocks that finished the race were penalized for various combina-tions of course deviation and highway speeding, resulting in overturning of nearly all of the unofficial results, moving Gordon back to 7th place. Unofficial 7th place Ricky Johnson moved into first in the TrophyTruck class, having only a 5 minute penalty levied against him by SCORE for "highway speeding" and 8th place (unofficial) Nick Vanderway, having no penalties levied, was promoted up to 2nd in class. Roger Norman kept his 3rd place finish in the Trophy Truck division in spite of a 60 minute penalty for "course deviation". Even Honda's factory Red Team of Kendall Norman and Johnny Campbell were not immune to the wrath of SCORE and IRC taking a whopping 210 minute penalty for course deviation and highway speeding knocking them back from 1st Overall (unofficial of course!) to 8th in Class 22. We love ya Sal, but one can only hope that next time, you and IRC can figure all this shit out and let us all know who you guys think won the race sometime before the Awards Cer-emony. As I write this, it's been nearly a week and a half since the last of the dust settled on the course and we still don't have your "official" res·ults for all of the classes, including 6, the 7's, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Sportsman's, and most bike and quads. Will it be that Champ Eric Solorzano and his little red beetle might be sufficiently dinged back for something like "speeding on the highway" or "illegal pitting" to strip him of his win of nearly 2 hours over Rodriguez? Inquiring minds want to know. At the end of the day, it was the buggies that came out on top. Check-ers took 1st Overall, with a 1st and a 5th in Class 1, 1st in Class 10, and 1st in Class 6. Now this is not "verified" but the Big Wahzoo thinks this just might be a new Checkers club record for wins in a Baja 500 event. Check-ers had a very good day in Baja by all accounts. Checkers Prospectives Harley Letner and Kory Halopoff took Of-ficial 1st place overall- including over the bikes-and 1st in Class 1 with a time of 9:05:47 for the 432.5 mile loop. Harley and Kory ran a good clean race with ZERO penalties and it really paid off! They beat unofficial 2nd place finisher Armin Schwarz by over 2 minutes, but Schwarz was busted with a 221 minute penalty for highway speeding knocking him way back to 9th place. Kory started 14th in class off the line in the big Chevy Tatum. He lost the front brakes at RM 60 and Harley radioed him to "take it easy and don't crash the car, we have spare parts at Checker Pit 2 at San Matias". Kory arrived at Pit 2 at RM 225 in 4th place due to some very cool-headed driving and handed the car off to Letner telling him to "leave the brakes alone, you get used to it". Pit 2 Captain Gary Bates and crew changed the two rear tires and fueled the car before sending Letner on his way. After settling into his groove, Harley was in 3rd by Valle de Trinidad and then put the pressure on the 2nd place car which ended up in a ditch. At RM 390 Halopoff radioed to Harleythattheywere tied for 1st place in time with Schwarz and to "pick it up a bit", so he did and overshot a few turns but ended up taking 1st in. class by over 2 minutes, uncorrected time, and after SCORE's "adjustments", Letner took the Overall win besting all bikes, trucks, and other cars! Way to go Letner and Halopoff! Checker Dan Martin and team leader Jerry Penhall drove the new COPS-sponsored Penhall to a 6th place C~ 1 finish. Hmyever, SCORE fined the COPS 44 minutes and Com-munity Service time for "highway speeding", effectively knocking them up to 5th place. Jerry started the race and had only one stop for fuel at RM 100, handing the car off to Dan at Borrego. Dan ran well until a CV boot ripped loose and slung all the grease out, eventually breaking the CV near San Matias Pass. The Penhall chase crew made the repairs with about 45 minutes total down time. Checkers brothers Dennis Crowley and Stuart Bradley fueled the COPS car near the Hwy 1 crossing at RM 295. From there it was a fast ride to Erendira, along the coast to Punta Cabras, then inland to Santo Tomas. It was starting to get dark so they picked up the light bar at the Hwy 3 crossing (RM 394) and also changed a tire that was going down and picked up a 10 gallon splash of gas. Dan crossed the finish line in "unofficial" 6th place and after penal-tie& finished 5th. Congratulations to Dan Martin, the entire Penhall Crew and Team COPS! Fellow Checker brother and SCORE Class 10 Champ Mike Lawrence beat the pants off the Class 10 field with a good 25 minutes to spare over 2nd place. There were ten starters in class and ten finishers. This is somewhat "unofficial" of course since we still don't have Sal's official results for Class 10, however I know Mikey runs a good clean race and am confident his class win will be upheld after everything shakes down. Mike started his day 5th off the line and was in 3rd or 4th by RM 100. Dust was bad and his battle-proven VW Lothringer started running a little hot around the dry lake but he managed to work his way up in the pack and had the lead by Checker Pit 2 where Master Bates & crew fueled him and sent him on his way. Mikey never looked back and held the lead to the finish line. Congratulations to Mike Lawrence for another Baja win! Checker Mikey. Childress had a ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••• Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in DUSTY TIMES. Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7" .All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED - YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER. Enclosed is$ _______________ (Send check or money order, no Cash) Name-------------------------------------Address City------------------------------------- ---------------------------State _______ Zip _______ · _____ Phon e __________________________________ _ Please run ad times Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer Street C hatsworth, CA 91311 very interesting day in Baja. He started very early in the morning, leaving the Ensenada start line piloting the number2xHondaCRF450XofTeam Ryan PenhalVChildress/Steve Hen-geveld. At RM 25 near Ojos, Mikey hit a really big rock on the course sending him and the bike to the ground. The crash knocked the exhaust pipe off and after being helped up by some locals who made sure he was OK, the battered and bruised Childress picked up his bike and rode it to the next rider change. There they made some repairs to the bike and his teammates rode the bike on to take 4th place in Class 22 but were subsequently moved back to 5th following a 153 minute penalty. But crashing the bike on a big rock and living to tell about it was only the start of Mikey's day! Hitching a ride on the highway down to Bor-rego, Childress rested and recovered while waiting for Pickering's #604 Class 6 truck to arrive. Mikey took the wheel at RM 200 in 2nd place. But that's not all he took. After some hard charging he came upon Heidi in the #602 truck who was leading the show. He chased her tail for a while, gently banged her backside, and then made a pass, taking her from the rear. Mikey liked it, but all this hot action resulted in an overheated trans by RM 260 and he had to cool it for a while. Childress continued to lead his class through RM 400 where he had to jerk some stuck cars off course with a rope, then made his advance to the finish line. Mikey "had it his way" in Class 6 with 50 minutes to spare. He was so spent in the end that he had Dan Martin yank him from his ride. Yeah, we know, it's all "unofficial" at present but Congratulations to Mikey Childress for his SPECTACULAR Baja 500 adventure! A big thanks go out to all the Checker Pit Captains who were there for the racers! Steve "Dr. Checker" Kassanyi (Pit 1 at lndependencia RM98), Gary Bates (Pit 2 at San Matias RM 225), Greg Krasnow (Pit 3 past Erendira at RM 322) all did their normal fantastic job of seeing our cars to the finish line. A special thanks to Mark Naugle and Los Mocos Locos for seeing the Checkers cars through at Cohabuzo Jct (RM 129)! It really does take some "crazy buggers" to set up such a plush pit at that spot You guys are great! MORE ORAF Lonekid 500-This May 24th race in Lucerne was a lot of fun and the biggest Checkers event of this year to date with 11 entries. Because the race started at 2:00 PM making it largely a night race, Check-ers Prez Bob Wright and the Pit Coordination Committee decided to place no less than 5 pits, including •••••••• •••••••• 1185151111 · 2009-10 ISSUE DEADLINE August09 Jul 17, 09 September 09 Aug 14,09 October09 Sep 11, 09 November09 Oct 16, 09 December09 Nov 13,09 January 10 Dec 11, 09 February 10 Jan 9, 10 March 10 Feb 19, 10 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page 54 July 2009 Dusty Times
Main Pit, around the very rough 65 mile course. The faster classes had to do 7 laps, the 9-cars did 6, and Class 11 ran 4 laps. Pit Captains were Lin Neal at Main Pit, Josh Gilliam at Pit 1, Billy & Dick McCool at Pit 2, Bob Wright at Pit 3 (and we' re not even to Race Mile 40 yet!), and Milo Brown at Pit 4. There was abundant carnage around the track keeping the pits busy welding, changing tires, fueling and driver changes (both Checkers and non-Checkers cars). And I mean busy! Radio relay duties were supposed to be handled by Joe Coda but he bailed at the last minute claiming he was in the hospital because of enlarged testi-cles. He also used this lame "big balls" excuse a week later for passing on the Baja 500. WTP. Big Wahzoo always thought having "juevos grandes" was a good thing. We do, however, have to give Joe some credit for tracking down long lost Checker brother Tom Jeremiah to cover relay for him. Tom set radio relay up way on top of Big Bear Mountain and by all accounts, he did a superb job keeping track of all Checkers cars as they cleared each pit Oh, yeah, and it was a very, tough day and a long night for most of the Checkers racers. But Checkers man-aged to take home a 1st in Class 1000, 3rd in Class 9, 3rd in Class 11, and a 4th in Class Y2-1600. Mike McGee attributed his Class 1000 win to "patience, quality race prep, good teamwork, great pit sup-port and an indestructible set ofBFG tires". He was also the only finisher among a field of nine 10-cars which I think puts him at the top of the MORE Clas.s 1000 points chase. Great job Mike! Checker Art Velasco, Sr., also rac-ing Class 1000, started having a rocker arm issue which was field-repaired at Pit 3. Art broke again on the third lap and DNF' d. Better luck with that new car next time! Checkers Prospective Matt Kupiec had a good start in Class 1200 and was running in the top three for the first part of the race. Later on he had to have some welding done on his front end at Main Pit, then he started to have electrical problems. Pit 1 fixed a loose charge wire, then the alterna-tor finally quit and Kupiec finished only 6 of the 7 required laps, but this was enough to give him 6th in Class 1200 with a field of 16 entries. Good strong race Matt! Checkers Dan Martin also entered his Class 1200 car, but a broken valve and bent pushrod early on ended his day at RM 30 on the first lap and he "never got in the car". Likewise, Checkers Chad Cum-mings was also down on his luck in the 1200 class, beginning with steer-ing problems at RM 20. Cummings limped into Pit 2 at RM 30 where the McCool crew welded the U-joint at the steering box. Chad got back on track but a broken output shaft at RM 4 2 on lap 1 ended his day. The team of Ryan Plowman and Checkers Andrew Neal drove their 1600 car to a 4th place class finish in a field of 14 very fast ½-1600 cars. Checkers Prospectives Jeremy Staffard and Justin Grossman went along for the ride as navigator/ co-drivers. The team had a mostly trouble free race for the first 5 laps, stopping in at Main Pit only for fuel stops and a driver change. On lap 6, the Main Pit crew removed a broken bypass shock. They ran the last 15 miles of the race, finishing on a flat right front tire. Great job guys! New Checkers brother Chris Anderson took his "kick-ass" Class 11 race car to a solid 3rd place class finish, completing all four required laps in a time of 11:45:50. Chris ran as smooth of a race as is possible in a Dusty Times stock beetle. He made fuel and driver changes at Main Pit Pit 2 swapped out a flatted spare on the second lap. Also on the second lap, they ran out of gas at RM 52 and Pit 4· took some fuel out to get them back in the mix. Then disaster struck on the 3rd lap! The dreaded CV joint bolts all fell out of one side. The quick thinking Pit 3 crew removed half of the CV bolts from the "good side" and used them to replace half the missing bolts from the "bad side". Chris ran up front for the first half of the race, but these "time consuming problems" as he calls them, set them back to 3rd place at the finish. Well the Big Wah-zoo knows that a 3rd place finish in Class 11 is a finish. Congratulations to Chris! Just when Checker Prospective Erik Ernest said he had finally solved the electrical problems that plagued his car in the last two races, but this time his Class 5 Baja bug lost the clutch on the first lap. They surmised that a leaking mainshaft seal had saturated the clutch with gear oil. Co-dog Ronnie slipped the clutch the last 400 yards to the start/finish line and called it a day after completing only one lap. Better prep, err ah, luck next time Erik! The team of Checkers Past Prez Jimmy Hook and Gitti Gowland did well finishing 3rd in a very large field of 33 Class 9 cars. Hook had a mostly trouble-free day, making all scheduled driver changes and fuel stoops all at Main Pit. Good going Jimmy! Also racing Class 9, Checkers Justin Johnson had a rough time out there trying to keep his car together. Sharing in driver duties were Checkers Travis Howard and Tommy Dittfeld. Pit 1 repaired a ball joint, then a shock broke at RM 32. Limping into Pit 3, the crew attempted to weld the shock and it was re-welded again at Main. On the second lap, the shock broke again and this time the Cook Bros. helped take it off and told Travis, who was at the wheel at the time, to go find shock off another broken 9-<:ar. About a mile down the road they found a "donor car" and borrowed a shock. After that, the steering wheel fell off-no less than three different times, but finally they just couldn't keep the car together any longer and the center welds in the steering wheel sheared off on lap 5. In spite of all this trouble,Johnson's team finished 12th in Class 9 completing 5 out of the 6 laps. Good show Justin, way to keep those Checkers pitters hoppin'! New Checkers Lee Finke com-peted experienced some down time but managed to complete four laps in the Unlimited Sportsman's division. And that was just enough for him to take a 1st in class. Good job Lee! News-It is with deepest regrets to inform you that 30-year Checkers brother Uncle Max Norris suffered a stroke on June 11th, the night fol-lowing the post-Baja 500 Checkers party. Several people who talked to' Uncle Max at the party told me how good he looked and that he kept tell-ing everyone "I feel good, this new diet has done wonders for me. I feel better than I have in a long time." Lucho Peralta has been in contact with Max's sister and she informed him that he fell and hit his head and that he wasn't feeling too good later in the day. He was taken to the hospital where doctors found he had some bleeding in the brain which they operated on immediately. Uncle Max had is 7 3rd birthday on June 14th and remains at USC Medical Center in stable condition where his doctors are expecting anticipating a full recovery. Our prayers go out to you Uncle Max. Checkers Off-Road is proud to Classified ... Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Readers are advised to consult appropri-ate local or state authorities for information before purchase of any specific item. FOR SALE: Penhall Diablo 2008 Car only has 500 miles on it. Can be set up as a 3 or 4 seater. Wiks LS2 550hp; 500ft, lbs torque, Fortin 5 speed se-quential with torque converter: King Shocks, Mastercraft Seats; Kartek Front Hubs; Howe Rack; Kartek 934 Mid-Board Hubs; Dirt Bagz interior bags; 4 Baja designs;Hid Roof lights; Roof Rack; Radflow Jack; Fuego HID front lights, Safety nets; Fridge / Freezer Set-up; Heavy duty Marine Windshield Wipers, 35 gallon Fuel-Safe Cell, CNC Pedal assem-bly, interior body panels, Carbon Fiber Body, Powder coated Chas-sis (silver) OPS, 110 watt radio; RacerX intercom, nickel plated arms,.$120,000.00 OR MAKE OFFER. will SELL TO BEST OFFER Las Vegas Nv. Bill (702) 499-6050. FOR SALE: 2007 Class 1 Jim-co Millinium. Hp Engine; 400 Chevy Sb. 630 Hp, Fortin 5 Speed Sequintial Transw/ Torque Converter, Fox Coil Over's And Bypass At All 4 Comers, Hyd In Car Jacks, Lawrance Ops W / 11" Screen. Ken Wood Uhf And Vhf Radios, Pei Intercom, Fire Sup Sys-tem, Master Craft 3g Seats, Dual Brains, 6 Hella Hid W / Light Bar, To Many Details To List. Totally Trick, Custom Everything. Must See. Test And Prerun Miles Only, Complete Prep And Set Up By Jimco, Race Ready. $135,000.00. Call Coy 702-531-4655 Or Email Coyhigley@Yahoo.Com welcome five new members to the club who have stated their intents, endured their six-month long "proba-tion" as Prospectives, and passed the dreaded Checkers Black Ball vote. Bob Jordan, a racer and machinist from Phelan became a full member on March 25th. Chris Anderson son of 28-year Checker member Howard Anderson became a full member on May 27th along with Travis Howard who is also from Phelan. Robert Mendoza, a computer consultant from Palmdale was also voted in to the July 2009 FOR SALE: KregerFab Class 10, 2 dry sump Kroyer Hondas, Fortin 6 speed sequential Kings, Best of everything, Prepped by KregerFab. All spares including tires. 2008 SNORE overall Points Champ. Very Fast and reliable w/10 Class wins and 3 overalls. $130,000.00. Call (702) 565-5317. FOR SALE: New Jimco Class Ten-2 seater. Best deal Ever!! Never Been Raced!! Over $55,000.00 Invested in the Recent Better Than New Professional Ground-Up Restoration. $22,000.00 Jimco all new parts, Power Coat Chassis and Suspension parts. $4,000.00 Complete Rewire-New Switches, By Wirefab. New Fat Perfor-mance 2 Liter VWMotor, New Fortin 5 speed Transmission, New Virtex Race Radio, AVCOMM Pro Service Intercom. $2,000.00 Motocam in-Car Camera. New Howe Power Steer-ing Unit Mastercraft Seats, (9) Spare Trres & Rims, (2) Sol-Tek Lights, (5) Xenon High Intensity Lights (2) Light Bars. Lowrence 7200 Globalmap. Have all Receipts. $65,000.00 Or Best Offer. Mike James (619) 985-2198 Cell or (619) 445-5142 Home. Or FOR SALE: Pre-Runner to Buy. Foddrill 3-4 seat street legal Reg-istered in Texas, LS6 pump gas 400hp, Fortin w/converter, Fox shocks coil over and by-pass, VDO, Howe, WR coolers, 50 gal cell, Mastercraft, BF on JJ wheels, Pro Am hubs and brakes, Roof rack w/ light bar, Race radio w/carbon fi-ber head sets, XM radio w/ external speakers, OPS, ODO shows 546 miscarbon fiber dash, windshield, a set of spare tires w/wheels, a set of sand tires w/wheels, chase box, spare parts, single axle open trailer inc. $110,000.00 Negotiable. Cesar Fuentes (915) 726-3823 afuentes@ fuentes 7 club on May 27th. Finally, Lee Finke, owner of the Race Shock Company in Phoenix, Az. was voted in as a full Checkers member at the post-Baja 500 party on June 10th. You are now brot~ers of an elite and tight-knit band of hardcore off road enthusiasts that make shit happen. Welcome to the club, Checkers brothers. Your lives are about to change. Well, that's a wrap for this month. Keep those cards, letters, and gifts coming to the Big Wahzoo II at FOR SALE: 2005 Jimco 2000 Class 1. Used as play car, never raced. All TIO welded and pow• der coated. Fresh Redline LS-1. Fresh Albins syncro 5 speed. 0 miles on full prep. Fox shocks w/air bumps, Fortin hubs, rack & shifter. Mastercraft, Kenwood radio w/intercom, Lowrance GPS, flameout, Hella HIDs, Jessie Jones forged wheels, 47 gal cell, curved windshield, street legal AZ. Car works great and is in immaculate condition. $150,000.00 Steve 909-524-97 52. sthompson@acgonline. com. 12.b..AL b..:)T ATb.. U..A6i:../Qi:..NT AL6 Vacation Rental Vacation Rental in the Exclusive Indian Wells Country Club in the Sunny Palm Springs area of Southern Caifornia! 2 ot 3 bedroom furninshed for your complete relaxation and if you are a glutton for punishment, play golf on 1 or both of the beautiful courses. FYI, wireless internet and long distance phhone calls (USA) included. Starting at $4,500.00 in season Oan, Feb, March, April) or $2,300.00 per month not in season. Call (760) 345-6124. INDI:_X TO AD\II:_ 12. T 161:_ 12.6 Baker Precision Racing Products ..................... 43 BITD Vegas to Reno .................... 39 Bilstein Shock Absorbers .............. 4 BTR Racing Wheels .................... 16 Brake Man .................................. 11 Butch's Speed Shop .................... 35 CODE/ORW Lazo De Amistad GP ................. 2 Fuel Safe Racing Cells ................. 32 Kar Tek Off Road .......................... 5 King Off-Road Racing Shocks ........................ 27 Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series ......................... 44 McKenzie's Performance Products ............ 23 MOR California 200 .................... 17 NORRA Mexican 1000 Rally .. Back Cover Off Road Warehouse ................... 43 Racer X Motorsports .................. 42 Race Ready Products .................. 4 7 Robby Gordon Off Road .............. 31 Ronco Plastics ............................ 15 Simpson ...................................... 45 Skyjacker Suspensions ................ 21 SNORE KC Hilites Midnight Special... .................. 29 South Point Casino ....................... 9 Stewart Raceworks .................. 37 T ransaxle Engineering ................. 46 Vacation Rentals ......................... 25 Page 55
LI SEPTE . a -NORRA is returning off-road motorsports back to its roots -hot rodding and fun! The Mexican 1000 Rally is a fully-supported on-road/off-road rally open to vintage and alternative fueled vehicles. It will be an adventure filled with high-performance driving, incredible scenery and world-class adventure. PRE-1989 OFF-ROAD VEHICLES, MOTORCYCLES & TOURING CARS VINTAGE -CURRENT PRODUCTION HYBRID, DIESEL, BIO-DIESEL ELECTRIC, FUEL CELL