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2009 Volume 26 Number 6 Dusty Times Magazine

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i Volume 2& -Number & • June 2009 $2.50 ISSN8750-17:S2 -... Celeb,a~ing ou, 2/lt'h Yea, OF Sei'viee To The OFF Road Comm11ni~ covering the world of competition .in the dirt •••

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''If you ean't stand tlae laeat ••••• get 011t of tlae kltclaen.'' -aac1 ••••••••••• ~ ••••••••••• GO NIGHT RACING!!! PRESEN'l'THE BC HiLiTES Midniglat Special Way Cooler! Way Better! Way Darker! -FEATURE CLASS-Class 1 - $2,500 total with 10 cars In class/ $3,500 with 20 cars In class.. $500 bonus for 2nd place Class 1 with 10 or more car In cla • Page 2 June 2009 IIIDOEeJIIUT, f9.JllclFOIIIIIII Augast, 7 •9tla Dusty Times

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Volume 26 -Number·& June 2009 Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation . Vance Scott Contributors Scott Bottomley J. Preston Bradshaw Jim Culp Mike Del Col Nicole Del Col Steve Hilton VictorGazca Martin Holmes RodKoch Byrle Moore Steve Ruddick Maurice Selden Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham SNAPSHOT B.O.R.E. ---lt,o,C.--Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, l2 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copyright by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offi~es. POSTMASTER.: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., OF THE MaNTH ••• Rick Paquette borrowed a horse to ride back to a pit to scrounge a part needed for his broken race car, proving the ingenuity of the off road racer when he knows "The race must go on!" DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8x10 will be considered. In This Issue ... FEATURES Best In The Desert Terrible's 250 by Judy Smith ................................. 8 Rally Of Portugal by Martin Holmes .................................................. 18 Greg Symonds Artist by J Preston Bradshaw ....................................... 21 M.O.R.E. Balls Out 250 by Steve Ruddick ........................................... 22 Lucas Oil Off Road Racing by Judy Smith .......................................... 28 MDR Mojave 250 by J. Preston Bradshaw ........................................... 34 VORRA 2009 Season Opener by Troy Robinson ................................ 38 CODE Race by Byrle Moore ................................................................ 41 DEPARTMENTS Happenings .......................................................................................... 5 Trail Notes ......................................................... .' .................................. 6 Club Pages ........................................ , ................................................ 46 Good Stuff Directory ........................................................................ 46 Classified Ads ..................................................................................... 57 Index To Advertisers ....................................... , .................................. 59 ON THE COVER Rick Johnson and Brian Sallee were the big winners at the BITD Terrible's 250, they took the Trick Truck win and the overall win as well in their Ford. Photo by Trackside Photo It was a nice Class 1 win for Chuck Dempsey, he was the big winner in Class 1 at the BITD Terrible's 250 at Primm, he's seen here in his Jimco. Photo by Trackside Photo Visit Our Website at S u-d-a e,z,t d-e 7 044ff t6 DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$25.00 □ 2 years -$40.00 □ 3 years -$55.00 (to subscribe online go to □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name _____________________ _ Address __________________ _ City ____________________ _ State _______________ Zip ______ _ Primary Interest Cars D Trucks D Motorcycles D Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian • 1 year $30.00 US n Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times June 2009 Page3

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~w~~r_.'W"'.'_., Includes --FREE SHIPPING '-...-..~ Regularly $24.95 Available at Enter coupon code 1999DVD at checkout Olllr""' llllil 1tm/ZOII It was a great day for racing as members of the KC Motorsports family racked up podium finishes at the Best In The Desert's "Terrible's 250 at Primm". We congratulate them all for their great effort. Macrae Glass -1st Class 8000 Braxton Southwick-2nd Class 7300 Ray Griffith -1st JeepSpeed Bryan Folks -3rd Class 1100 John R. Sunderland -1st Class 4100 Randy Merritt -3rd Class 8100 uPistol" Pete Sohren -2nd Trick Truck Blake Henn -3rd Class 1100 Rob MacCachren -2nd Class 8000 If you're as serious about your racing as these drivers are, get serious about your lights. It's time to check out KC HiliTES. We have every kind of light for any kind of budget. Get the exciting new KC HiUTES "OFFROAD JOURNEY" DVD now at a special online discount price tor a limited time.

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., P.O. Box36 (All e CLEVES, OHIO 45002 vents staged at the club . Cleues. Ohio) grounds m 4x4 FOREVER L 1665 DEIAW~ STD. 0sHKOSH, W1 549~i AMERICAN RALL 3650 ~~R:o GROcUP' IN:. I.A INTE IRCLE, SUITE 205 (702) 29 UGHUN, NV 89208 E Mail:8:~7~AX: (702) 521-0597 g AMERICAN 1'RIALs AMA Ob dASSOCIATION Sou sm,e Trials them California B Championship Series Ill MAfu<uM • PRESIDENT 24 (909) 860-1857 E ~t::J714) 562-7742 < Q9@AOL.COM> AsocIACION EsTATAL DEAUT SAM LAs OMOVILISMO ELL, TECH INSPECTOR AP-ro42 BAJA C SAN Jos£ DEL CABO AIJFORNIA DEL SUR. MEx:Ico AUSTRALIAN O R C FF OAD HAMPIONSHIP DARRYL SMITH C 19 SoMERS ST. ASHMERE Q 4500 ' UEENSLAND, Dus , AuSIBALIA TYTIMES@b· A UTOCROSS QUEBEC OFF R C!Ass 10 CARS OAD REN ONLY 306ALD9 DVAJLLANCOURT , ., AGENAIS W '-"VAL QUEBEC CAN EST (450)' 622-4~.W H7P 1T7 BAJA CuP CHALLENGE BARONA SAND DRA P.O. Box 1521 G ASSN. Al(=IDE, CA 92040 AU Races AtRaces B Are Night Races arona Rae BBM ewa,, Lakeside, CA Off Ro~ PROMOTIONS Special Event ::;'k:a~ing & 1:'IORCO, CA 92860 g e-mail bbmracing@a (909) BEST IN THE 3475 Bo DESERT lAs V Ul.DER HIGHWAY 702-457_57;c;5; • NV 89121 M FAX:70Ui41-2431 otorcycles/ Quads/ A , August 19-23 2~ s TSCO Vegas T~ Reno Las Vegas, NV S All Classes ep~r 2S-27, 2009 Bilek Silver State 300 Mesquite NV O AIIC~ Terri'i!f:«; _16-18,2009 nmmGranP · Primm NV me ~=Quad,,'ATV Fabtech Hend 4-6, 2009 Henderson Desert Classic erson, NV Car.s/Trucks 10 ~~!E RACING RE OUNTAIN DRNE 970-96~~s1~iU1~~1595 une 26-27, 2009 Jackpot, NV August 7-8, 2009 Ely,NV Sept 18-19, 2009 Wendover, NV BP MoTORSPORTS W P.O. Box 411 OODLAND H 760-57S-0258/~0.~~:J?ti E-Mail· FAX: 818-348-4648 All E. bpmotorsports@earthl· k vents At Cal·✓, . m .net 11orn1a Cir:y CA B , RIGIITON SPEEDWAY BRIGHTON O R.R.3 (613) 475.1fofJ.:.XC~fi~t~~JJIO Dusty Times CAJOR CLUBAUTOMO DE CHAMPION=TOA ]UARENSE n. FF-ROAD RACING 7210 GATEWAY EAST (915) ~~j:~8TX 79915 011-52-16-17-45-42~H GARCIA ESAR FUENTES fALIFO~ RALLY S www.Cahfomiarallyseries= CANNING A p O BTTRACTIONS · . ox400 ~~~~~6°'170 CENTRAL SOUTH D RACING A AKOTA SSOCIATION . P.O. Box645 DAVE ~ERRE(, SD 57501 AMS PlwTS AN B (605) 224-9481 D AJAS) DoN ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING AsSOCIATION C.J. RICHARDS P.O. Box332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 ~LAIRCO TON HI-JACKERS ... TOM DE'. 109l T u-.UDER SR w WP. LINE ROAD ELLSV!llE, OHIO 43968 Shor Co 030) 532-4589 t off Road Rae· Counr:y Fair Grounds mg At Hamson ·Cadiz. OH CLUBAUT S OMOVILISTICA CALLE 6TA F~c~~r SAN QUINTIN BC MAN QUINTIN H ' • EXICO ERACLIO PATINO (011 52 616-5-22-07) CLUB A S UTOMOVILISTICO AN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road ENSENADA BC USA }AN w ' ' MEXICO RAMON C~: ~OJ.I 52 61746834) (61637/ 7 ~~~) ACEVEDO Co CMC NTINENTAL MOTOSPORT CL P.O. Box 3187 UB Missic; V1(EJO, CA 92690-3178 ax: 714) 367-1608 CODE OFFROAD M MADERO 621-A ~~5~~~/1100 011-52-686-553-4087 ~ www.codeoffroad c EXICO F b • ommx e 13-15, 2009. SOASA:Circulo K 250 an Luis Rio Col.SON Aug 1-2, 2009 ORW Gran Prix Jacume, Tecate B C October 2-4, 20()() Mex. Logistics 300 Mexicali, B.C. Dec 4-6, 2009 Race Ready 275 Mexicali-San Felipe, B.C. CoWRADOlhu B CL"IMB ASSOCIATION ( ARB VAHSHOLTZ, n..--719) 531-3642 W/(71r-i=IDENT PO Bo 9)687-9827 H Co · x8286 WRADO SPRING CO (719) 653]449 80933 CORP P.O. Box392 ~co, CA 92232 ECTOR CERECER 011-52-65-66-4458 270 N CORR SERIES EWPORT CENTER D NEWPORT BEA CR., SUITE 100 866-50~0~2660 1500W CORVA SAC~EL CAMINO, SUITE 352 1-800-42E~R~ ~~3/2 Fax (818) 957-4435 C1ntinu1d an p1g1 6 -CALL OR VISIT US ~cKS - 951.737.2999 ~ or=r= 110A-='WW'!4.KAR1£K.C0M . s u••jiiiii-" 2811 R,..GU: WAV -CoRONA, cA 92879 All Clf-PIRlSI POwer Rack & Pinions -Race rackS trom FotlHI, Howe, pro,Arn, & SACO .powe< rackS ava/Jab/8 in 2.0" & 2.s· -l/W seam RadCS available with ram sssiSI, chSrfYn'I sell.IP or as a Fortin power ,aclc. .contrOI vaNeS, rams, <8$8fYOirs, tJe rodS and matlY mo,e O)tflJ)Ot)BfllS avaf,ab/8 autenes comPonents .FJyWttee/S tor all popvlar engitlfJS -Mu/II diSC. four & six puck clutch dlSCS -Sta{16 I to IV p,essure plateS .1-fan:/W918, pilot t,earinf}S -Available in 2()0ml1I al'ld 9• Race Radio Packages -Race prer,ped ,adiO psd<SQ6!J trom pC/ with tCOM or Kenwood radioS -Special kitS tor chas8 ttucl<S, t,ophy kartS. w<JATIIS -All new high definition GPS unitS f10lfl Lowrance -16-bif cJisplays availBble in 5". 8", and 10" -tntemat 16-CtllJfl/lftl Gf>S+WMS Anl8M8 -Seated wa,erprool c8S9S Race Extaaust Headers .eomp1ete race eJthatJSI headetS tor VW. LS1 & LS7 engines -AvaiJSble ill raw or jet coated 1/niSh -Ftaf198S, tubinU, crossover tut>eS, muftlefS & sparl< arrestsn availab/6 tor fabriCBt/ng your owrt custom eidlatJSI Aluminum Radiators r 1 -A1vminu111 race radlato,p from pWR -Availab» with $PAL tafls & s/11'0"'1 -Aval/able wiltl sta(t(lard tiose t,atb or AN tiltil'l9 Inlets & outfets Baja sug Fibett.JlaSS I ' J -~Baja&J9 til)6iplaSSb0<1ypanels -HoOdS, ~ fra(fte, d<JtOf skittS & {e(ldelS .,UJnlflllll" d<JtOf & f8B' fertdMS a/SO available -~ for bOlh fiberOla$S & atumtnum panels Pages

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Trail Notes ... Toyota Milestone Awards - Following the first two of five races in the 2009 SCORE Desert Series, 32 ofSCORE's toughest drivers are in the hunt to earn 2009 SCORE Toyota Milestone Awards. Leading the way are five racers in the featured SCORE Trophy-Truck division along with five in the unlimited Class l for open-wheel desert race cars and seven in Class 1-2/1600 for '1600cc VW-powered open• wheelers. Female driver Heidi Steele, San Clemente, Calif., is the only racer still eligible in two classes, driving two different Ford Rangers in Class 6 and Class 7. Toyota is presenting these prestigious awards to the world's toughest desert racers for the 24th consecutive year. The Toyota Milestone awards will go to those pro car and truck drivers who finish every required mile in the five-race 2009 SCORE Desert Series. "Toyota is proud to honor the world's best desert racing drivers," said Les Unger, national motorsports manager at Toyota Motor Sales, U.SA "For over two decades, we have had the privilege of presenting the SCORE Toyota Milestone Awards to the toughest racers on the planet." Through round #2, 32 racers have completed every required mile in the five race 2009 SCORE Desert Series. SCORE Trophy-Truck - Robby Gordon, Mark Post, Ed Stout, Adam Householder, Greg Nunley. Class 1 -Ronny Wilson, Randy Wilson, Julio Herrera, Richard Boyle, Dale Lenk. Class 1-2/1600 -Brian Wilson, Justin Smith, Cody Robinson, Dave Caspino, Mario Gastelum, Eric Duran, Samuel Araiza. Class 3 -Donald Moss. Class 5 - Kevin Carr, Carlos Albanez. Class 5/1600 -Alonso Angulo. Class 6 -Heidi Steele. Class 7 -Dan Chamlee, Jose Canchola, Jr., Heidi Steele. Class 7SX -John Holmes. Class 8 - Clyde Stacy. Class 10 - Mike Lawrence, Scott Gailey. SCORE Lite - Rick St. John, Brent Parkhouse. Stock Mini - Gavin Skilton. SCORE Baja 500 -The 41" Annual Tecate SCORE Baja 500 will occur the first weekend in June. As of this date there are 210 entrants, eminating from 23 states and from Canada, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Japan, Mexico and Portugal. There are 24 entries in Trophy Truck, 16 in Class 1, 14 in Class ½-1600, 2 in Class 3, 2 in Class 5, 4 in Class 5/1600,.4 I Class 6, 5 in Class 7, 3 in Class 7SX, 4 in Class 8, 2 in Class 9, 7 in Class 10, 7 in SCORE Lite, l in Class 11, 2 in Stock Full, 1 in Stock Mini, 2 in Protruck, 1 in Sportsman, 2 in Sportsman Truck and 4 in Sportsman UTV. Lucas Oil Series - Lucas Oil and Team Lucas Marketing Partner, E3 Sparkplugs completed an agreement that names E3 as a Presenting Broadcast Partner for the Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series and a Presenting Sponsor of the Live NBC Series finale. As a long time Team Lucas Partner, the elevated support of the off road racing series marks a significant step for E3 Sparkplugs, known for their DiamondFire Technology. ''As we continue our expansion into the automotive industry, the Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series is a perfect fit to build brand recognition for E3," stated Steve Joyner, E-3 Sparkplugs Vice President of Marketing. While visiting with Lucas Oil Vice President Bob Patison at the inaugural Lucas Oil Off Road race in Primm, Nevada, Joiner shared his enthusiasm for the growing off road series. "Steve and his daughter had a great time at the track. I enjoyed the opportunity to share such a fantastic event with one of our Team Lucas Partners and we are thrilled to be growing our relationship with E3 and this sport together," said Patison. With an even greater presence in the motorsports marketplace with Team Lucas, E3 Sparkplugs will have significant, active, sponsorship involvement in a variety of programs across the Lucas Oil Motorsports spectrum including the Geico EnduroCross and the Lucas Oil Pro Pulling Series. The Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series (LOORRS) is the evolution of the long standing support of short course racing by Forrest Lucas and Lucas Oil. Steeped in the Midwest tradition of short course off road racing infused with a West Coast influence, LOORRS brings intense four wheel door to door action to challenging, fan friendly tracks. Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series: This is Short Course. For more information please visit BITD New Website - Casey Folks, Director of Best in the Desert, has announced the launching of their new website. Designed to be user friendly for both racers and fans, the new. site is easy to navigate and will include faster updates, more race coverage and video from the races. "This new site will help fulfill the many requests we've had for up to the minute information and better coverage. Plus, the new graphic look reflects our proven innovative approach to delivering the highest quality off road racing" said Folks. Visit the new site at: 41" Tecate SCORE Baja 500 -Sunoco Race Fuels, the official fuel of SCORE International and the SCORE Desert Series, has announced a special cash contingency bonus posting ofUS$5,000 for the overall four-wheel vehicle winner of next month's 41" Annual Tecate SCORE Baja 500 desert race. Round 3 of the five-race 2009 SCORE Desert Series, the World's Foremost Desert Racing Series, will feature over 250 entries, competing in 28 Pro and 6 Sportsman classes for cars, trucks, motorcycles and ATVs, will be held June 4-7 in Ensenada, Mexico. Traditionally one of the most popular events on the SCORE schedule, over 150,000 spectators are expected to enjoy the world's best desert racers in action at this year's 41" anniversary of the Tecate SCORE Baja 500. With late entries excepted up to race morning, over 250 entries are expected from 25 U.S. States, and 10 countries. The green flag will drop for the race at 6 a.m. on Saturday Qune 6) for the motorcycle and ATV classes in the Tecate SCORE Baja 500, followed by the car and truck classes three hours after the last ATV at approximately 10 a.m. The elapsed-~me race will start and ~ish in Page& CRS CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES <www, 1nese are the wents requesting inclusion that have been presented to the CRS Board of Govemon. The final RaU1 Championship will be a subset of these events. May 30, 2009 Irwindale Rally (1) Irwindale, CA June 13 or June 20, 2009 North Nevada Rally (3) Fernley, NV Also CRS Moto Championship July 10-11, 2009 Idaho Rally (2, 3) Mountain Home, ID Also CRS Moto Championship August 29, 2009 Gorman Ridge Rally (3) Frazier Park, CA Also CRS Moto Championship October 2-3, 2009 Prescott Rally (2, 3) Prescott, AZ Also CRS Moto Championship November 14, 2009 Seed 9 Rally (2) Goodsprings, NV December S, 2009 Phoenix Rally (2) Phoenix, AZ D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (All wents at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA <Yr Thurston Count, ORV Park, Ol1mpia, WA) DAKAR RALLY DARREN SKILlON BAJA AI.J!OMOTIVE ADVENTURES 455 E. OcEAN BLVD., Sum 208 l.oNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 DECATUR FoUR WHEEL DRIVE Cum DECATIJR, TX 76234 ToMAilEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DEsERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1863 CoMMANDER ORNE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 EAsllRN OFF-ROAD RACING AssN. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WEUSV!LLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 F.NSEN"ADA BAJA OFF RoAD RACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSAf>A, BC, MX 011-52-646-1818989 Eus10 011-52-646-1715230 AARON Races f<Yr buggys & Motorcycles Esn!RO BEACH INTERNATIONAL Short Course Racing VICTORIA GALINDO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO 011-52-646-17Mi230 FORDA 1 FLORIDA OFF ROAD DRIVER'S ASSOCIATION JASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Apr, Ma,, Nov at Davidson RacewaJ FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 1855 PARKWAY ORNE s. EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/959-579-6151FAX GENERAL TIRE TROPHYLITE SERIES ORNE RACING ORGANIZATION 760.352-6020 Las Vegas, NV June 27-28, 2009 Glen Helen Baja Cup San Bernardino, CA October 29-31, 2009 Ricky Johnson Off-Road Grand Prix Las Vegas, NV December 4-6, 2009 BITD Henderson Fabtech Classic Henderson, NV GORRA GEORGIA OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 420 HOSEA ROAD June 2009 LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA GREAT OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION TIM HODGE (402) 991-6048 ScO'JT MORROW (816) 792-2126 (All races are short course, stadium st,le Classes• Sp<Yrtsman, 1/2-1600, 5-1600, Sp<Yrt Truck, Quad.!, Tough Truck Nebraska Racewa:, Park, Exit 420 on l-80 between Omaha and Lincoln.) For latest info check <> HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING 2000 W. QUINCY AVENUE #B ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 303-806-8062/ 303-781-0974 fax INTERNATIONAL lcE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDDOR (612) 937-3816/Fax 474-2769 INTER-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 ]EEPSPEED 1826 N. WINDES Orange, CA 92869 714-538-7434/ fax 714-633-1724 All races f<Yr ]eepspeed 1,2 & 3 KAMLooPS OFF RoAD RACING Whispering Pines Sports & Recreation Center KAMLOOPS, BC, CANADA Mike Strange (250) 573-4003 LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS & OFFROAD EXPO (626) 961-3782 <> <> L.I.T.R.E. JEFF ELROD (408) 926-0522 J1M ARurA (408) 247-4402 LUCAS OIL AMERICAN OFF ROAD SERIES SHORT COURSE RACING June 27.:28, 2009 Kai Guard Motorsports Complex Lake Elsinore, CA August 22-23, 2009 Kai Guard Motorsports Complex Lake Elsinore, CA October 17-18, 2009 Speedworld Motorsports Park Wittman, AZ November 14-1S, 2009 Primm Valley Motorsports Complex Primm, NV MAMARRITA OFF ROAD RACING Luis CARLOS ALvAREzo PANAMERICANA AVE #5105 Co. JuAREz, CHIH., MX 011-52-1637-1799 MICHIGAN BUGGY BUILDERS Dune Buggy Trade Show (517) 543-7214 <> MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 JONES ROAD. GRAND LEDGE, ML 48837 (517) 627-6200 Mot<Yrcycles, Quads, ATVs and Pilots only MAORA MID-AMERICA OFF ROAD ASSOCIATION P.O. Box664 GREENUP, IL 62428 (217) 962-1318 E-MAIL: <> MOJAVE DESERT RACING 1853 PARKWAY ORNE Sot.TrH EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/FAJ(626-579-6051 June 27, 2009 MDR400 Lucerne Valley, CA Dbl Pts August 15, 2009 California 200 Lucerne Valley, CA Night September 26, 2009 Lucerne 250 Lucerne Valley B, CA November 7, 2009 Stoddard 250 Barstow B, CA Superstition Series June 13, 2009 Coyote Wash 200 Plaster City, CA October 17, 2009 Plaster City, CA November 28, 2009 MOR Rally Plaster City, CA December 31, 2009 Bud Light Dash Plaster City, CA M.O.R.E. MoJAVE OFF RoAD RAcING ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 1231 BARSTOW, CA 92312 760.253-4453 Barstow, CA July 18, 2009 Freedom 250 Barstow, CA Sept 12, 2009 250 Miles Lucerne,CA Oct 4, 2009 4th Annual Powder Puff Barstow, CA Dec S, 2009 Toys For Tots Holiday 200 Barstow, CA MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY ASSOCIATION DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. Fum, ML 48506 (810) 7 30-9221 MoroWFST WINTER ThIALs SF.RIES BILL MARi<HAM (909) 860-1857 <> All events at Perris RacewaJ (At Reed Valle, with a school) NATIONAL Muo RACING AssN. RT. #l • Box 380 DAVE OR MARI.ENE RYAN PAIATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFF TRUCK AssN. Butch Chapin Motorsports Promo-tions 1404 EAST 3RD STREET HAsTINGs, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NOORA NORTHERN OHIO OFF ROAD RACING ASSN. GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAIL <> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Spring Valle, RacewaJ, on route 518, 20 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) (Thunder Valle, located 15 minutes from Spring Valle,) NORRA NATIONAL OFF RoAD RACING AssocIATION (661) 268-1232 September 16-20, 2009 Original Mexican 1000 Rally Ensenada, BC, MX OFF ROAD EXPO SPIN COMMUNICATIONS (415) 380-3890 OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Volunteered Series PRESIDEN'r -GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 C!J\SS REP. - 1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 C!J\SS REP. -9 & UNLTD. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 Ol.TT1AW REP. DoN PONDER (314) 631-8190 (AU Races at Wheeling in the Count, 900 Acres) Dusty Times . -,-. ►•

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Omo OFF RoADERS INc. 1427 GOSHEN Hius ROAD S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 JIM KENDEL (216) 339-4674 All races held at Harrison County Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO OFF RoAD RACERS ASSOCIATION RICK T!CHBOURNE, Pusuc RELATIONS (519).681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) OUTLAW SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. l..oUIS, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/Fax: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. Off Road Championship 495 N. COMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <> PENNSYLVANIA SHORT COURSE RACING SMmITON HOLE RACEWAY 313 SKYLINE DRIVE SMmITON, PA. 15479 MIKE GEISER 330-683-6263 Short Course Offroad Racing All Races At Smithton Hole Racewa, Porn; PEAK P.O. Box 6962 CoLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF ROAD RACING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 875-7591 Pao 1600 SHOOTOUT CoREYGOIN 559-647-6132 GOINRACIN@HOTMAIL.COM PRoTRucK 14402 BoND CoURT EL CAJON, CA 92021 619-390-6252 PURE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box50 RICKETTS, IA 51460 (712) 679-2221 RALLY AMERICA NATIONAL EVENTS 2009 National Championship Series June 5-6, 2009 Susquehannock Trail Rally July 17-18, 2009 New England Forest Rally August 28-29, 2009 Ojibwe Forests Rally September 19-20, 2009 Rally Colorado Lake Superior Rally October 16-17, 2009 Ralllt; America Re= Events: gional 'ft:ymships. t: June 5, 2009 Finger Lakes Wellsboro, PA June 6, 2009 Sherwood Forest Wellsboro, PA July 17, 2009 Mexico Rally Mexico, ME July 18, 2009 Berlin Rally Berlin, NH Central: August 28, 2009 Paul Bunyan's Ride Bemidji.MN August 29, 2009 10,000 Lakes Rally Bemidji.MN October 16, 2009 Ottawa Rally Houghton, Ml October 1, 2009 Keweenaw Rally Houghton, MI7 November 28, 2009 Rallye de Paris Paris, TX South West September 19, 2009 Middle Cog l Steamboat Springs, CO September20,2009 Middle Cog 2 Steamboat Springs, CO ROCK CRAWLERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA Dusty Times P.O. Box 1406 RlvERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/Fax: (801) 253-3176 SAN DIEGO SHORT COURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New Series lry Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro Trucks, Desert Trucks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Truck <> (858) 571-5088 SAN Diroo OFF RoAD ExrosmoN (888) 836 7918 SCCA RoADRALLY P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770.2055 <> SFX MoTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. COMMONS DRIVE, Sum 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 Fax SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., Sum A CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 <> June 5-7, 2009 Baja 500, Ensenada Baja Mexico Sept 11-13, 2009 Terribles Primm 300 Primm,NV Nov 19-22, 2009 Baja 1000, Baja Mexico SNORE SOUTHERN NEVADA OFF ROAD ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 270516 LAs VEGAS, NV 89127 702-452-4522 June 27-28, 2009 Glen Helen Baja Cup San Bernardino, CA August 8-10, 2009 KC HiLiTES Midnight Special Ridgecrest, CA October 2-4, 2009 Sourh Point SNORE 250 Las Vegas, NV October 29-31, 2009 Ricky Johnson Off-Road Grand Prix Las Vegas, NV Dec 12, 2009 KARTEK Western Desert Challenge SONS OF THUNDER 4 WHEELERS RACE DMSION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 Mike Moore -(224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS ExPo MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. HACIENDA BLVD. #322 HACIENDA HEIGHTS, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SCTA SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION & BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, INc. P.O. Box 10 OROS!, CA 93647 (559) 528-6279 (559) 528-9749 FAX' <> SOUTHERN SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD RACING ASSN. 4305 WOOTLARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (All Races at Eastba:, Raceway, Tampa, FL) TRAxxAs TORC SERIES May 29-30, 2009 Perris, CA June 20-21, 2009 Crandon, WI July 11-12, 2009 Bark River, MI July 24-26, 2009 Oshkosh, WI August 8-9, 2009 Bark River, Ml August 29, 2009 Perris, CA September 46, 2009 Crandon, WI September 26-27, 2009 TBA Oct 31 - Nov 1, 2009 Las Vegas, NV SUPER SERIES (PTY) LID. P.O. Box 706 Toys FoR ToTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADILLA VALLEY SPORTS CENTER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <> VORRA VALLEY OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 1970 EAST 2ND STREET RENO, NV 89502 877-418-6772 Prairie City, CA May 23-25, 2009 Yerington 300 Yerington, NV July 17-19, 2009 Fallon 250 Fallon, NV Night Race Sept 5-7, 2009 Hawrhorne 250 Hawrhorne, NV Oct 10-11, 2009 Short Course Prairie City, CA Oct 31-Nov 1, 2009 Short Course Prairie City, CA VICENTE GUERllERO OFF ROAD CLUB PRoFO. CENOVIO GAMBOA 011-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 p.m.) WESTERN OFF RoAD RACING ASSOCIATION LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA WHEEL To WHEEL OFF RoAD RACING PATRICK McGUIRE P.O. Box376 ADAMSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WHIPLASH MoTORSPORTS 23 25 E. KINGS A VENUE PHOENIX, AZ 85022 (602) 971-3730 <> WISCONSIN MoTORSPORTS SHow (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTIVAL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 0sHKOSH, WL54901 (414) 688-5509 WoRLD SERIES OF OFF RoAD RACING PFIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP .0. Box99 CRANDON, WISCONSIN 54520 303-880-7221 May 30-31, 2009 Short Course Wheatland, MO June 20-21, 2009 Short Course Crandon, WI July 11-12, 2009 Short Course Bark River, Ml July 24-25, 2009 Short Course Oshkosh, WI August 8-9, 2009 Short Course Bark River, Ml Sept 4-6, 2009 Short Course Crandon, WI <WWW.WRC.COM> XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAvASu Cm, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 ZR PROMOTIONS June 2009 Trail Notes ... front of the Riviera del Pacifico Cultural Center on Boulevard Costero in the heart of Ensenada, leaving and returning into the city through the spectator-laden Arroyo Wash. "SCORE has had a great relationship with Sunoco and its distributors in the U.S. and Mexico and this special bonus for the qualified overall 4-wheel winner of this year's Tecate SCORE Baja 500 comes at a particularly great time given the state of the world's economy," said Sal Fish, SCORE CEO/President. "Sunoco Race Fuels power most of the top racers in the SCORE Desert Series and it will be exciting to see who takes home the contingency bonus purse in Ensenada." Sunoco, whose race fuels were used by 17 class winners in the 2008 Tecate SCORE Baja 1000, has been associated with racing excellence for decades. Since the mid 1960s when Sunoco and the Roger Penske Racing Team with Mark Donahue forged what would be a long and successful alliance, the company has grown into an industry powerhouse. For information regarding ordering Sunoco Race Fuel, contact Bill Rodriguez at 619.247.1798 or Terri Rodriguez at 619.247.1797 or via e-mail at S CORE's Sal Fuh - Launching his eighth decade in glamorous style, SCORE International CEO/President Sal Fish will celebrate his 7CJh birthday Saturday at Dodger Stadium by throwing out the ceremonial 'first pitch' prior to the start of the 7 p.m. Major League Baseball game between the Los Angeles Dodgers and the visiting San Diego Padres. Based in Los Angeles, SCORE International is the world's premier desen racing organization and Fish has led it since 1974, more than 34 years. SCORE annually produces five races, two in Southern Nevada and three in Baja California. SCORE's flagship event is the legendaryTecate SCORE Baja 1000, the granddaddy of all desert races that actually started in 1967. "This is really exciting to do something that I've never done before, I just hope I don't throw the ball over the backstop," quipped Fish on the eve of his history birthday. "I am honored that the hometown Los Angeles Dodgers would think of honoring me in this way on my 7CJh. I feel great and I have been so blessed to have so many friends and to do something that I truly love. Not too many folks can say that there office is in the beautiful desert-literally." Fish, who had been an executive at Petersen Publishing Company, was recruited by the late Mickey Thompson, founder of SCORE International, soon after Mickey started it in 1973, and in late 1986 the team of Fish, president and then-chief financial officer Ted Johnson, acquired full ownership of the company long associated with Thompson. In reality, SCORE had been managed solely by Fish for many years before that. "Sal Fish is synonymous with desen racing and he already has left an indelible mark on our spon and we look forward to sharing many more adventures on the desenwith him and SCORE," said veteran desert racer Rod Hall, of Reno, Nev., who is the only person who has raced in all 41 Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 events. "If it weren't for Sal, there would not any world-class desen racing in Baja California and for that, as well as all of his other significant contributions to the legacy of our sport, we will be forever grateful" VP Fuels - Officials at The Off Road Championship (TORC) announced an agreement naming VP Racing Fuels as its Official Racing Fuel for 2009. With the agreement, VP will be the exclusive on-site supplier of racing fuels at all TORC events including VP's C12, C14, C14 Plus, C16 and Late Model Plus. "TORC promises to be the premier shon course series with events held both in the Midwest and the West coast," said Bruce Hendel, Western Regional Manager for VP Racing Fuels, •and we are very pleased to sign on as its Official Fuel. The vehicles that will race in the TORC series are the thoroughbreds of off road racing and VP's extensive product line is a perfect fit for the many different engine configurations used byTORC competitors. In particular, VP's Late Model Plus has become the fuel of choice for most Pro2 and Pro4 class racers." Teams that need fuel can order directly from VP by contacting the appropriate regional office as listed at An order form is also available on TORC' s website In addition to being the Official Racing Fuel of TO RC, VP is the Official Racing Fuel of Best in the Desert and the Baja Pro Truck Off Road Race Series as well as a contingency sponsor of SCORE International Off Road Racing, SNORE (Southern Nevada Off-Road Enthusiasts) and more Trail Notes 1n p11153 luis RENE MONTAl<O C. ~ lNDEPENDENCIA 200 -5 CoL lNSURGENTES EsJ'E 21280 MEx!CAU, BC, MX (686) 564 6653 info@zr List your ooming =ts in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event., if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your 2009 schedules as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: Dusty Tunes, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-5003 Page 7

Page 8

~IDJH~ TERRIBBLE's 250 AT PRIMM Rick D. Johnson overalls It By Judy Smith Phot~s: Trackside Photo Rick Johnson and Brian Sallee literally flew their great looking Ford to the overall win and to the Trick Truck win as well. Primm, NV: Rick Johnson pi-loted his Ford Trick Truck to the overall victory at the BITD Ter-rible's 250 in the time of 3:43:18. He was only a minute and 53 seconds in front of second place. This race, unlike most of the BITD events, had no motorcycles or quad racing. It was a lap event, and followed the precedent set by SCORE many years ago by running two separate races on the same day. Thus the slower vehicles started just before sunrise, and then, as the last of them were flagged in, the heavier, faster classes took the green flag at 12:05 p.m. The course was about 70 miles long, all on the east side of the 15 Freeway. It started and ended on Primm property, and went north beyond Jean, climbing up into and down out of he neighboring mountains several times. It was all familiar stuff, and most classes did three laps, but some of those in the first race got only one or two laps. In most instances the BITD has what they term a "pre-fun run" sometime before the race, which gives those who have entered a chase to pre-run the course, al-though at controlled speed and at a date and time determined by the promoter. Everyone goes at the same time. For this event, because there had been some difficulty ar-ranging things to suit BLM, and not wishing to upset the applecart, of the Best In The Desert, decided to forego the "pre-fun run"." So -unless they'd raced the area in the recent past racers had only a slim idea what the track was like But most had been around it at one time or another, since it's used by SCORE and SNORE in addition to the BITD. This year they would also be using the short course track, recently resurrected by the Lucas Oil Off Road Short Course series (only two weeks before the date of the BITD event) as part of the spectator friendly ~python." This meant that those who'd raced the short course event had an edge when they hit the short course section, almost the full length of which was included in the "python". Some racers, includ-ing Chuck Dempsey, John Harrah, Johnny Harrah, Jerry Whelchel, Bryce Menzies and Larry Job had run all the short course race, and must have been pleasantly sur-prised to see the track as part of the track for the Time Trials on Thursday before the race. Those Time Trials are used to determine the start order of the racers en-tered in the Trick Truck class and Class 1500 (open wheel Unlimited cars). At the end of the day, the start order for the race showed that having had a lot of practice on the short course section two weeks earlier probably didn't hurt. Jerry Dr. Macrae Glass took a really nice win in the 8000 Class, he's seen here in his neat looking Ford on his way to victory. Bryce Menzies and Larry Job drove their Jimco to the Class 1000 win at Primm, they had about 11 minutes on their competition at the flag. Whelchel qualified first in Lloyd outer edge of the Primm Resorts Huffman's truck, Harrah drove complex. It was all very compact. his car to third in the start order Because there'd been no pre-and Dempsey was fifth. Menzies run, several of the Trick Truck and Job and Johnny Harrah, all teams elected to enter the early entered in Class 1000, didn't run morning race as Sportsman Truck the Time Trials of course, but still entries, so they could run a lap, must have saved precious seconds and get a look at the course. So the each lap as they zipped around the Limited cars and UTVs, who were short course during the race. supposedly racing only against The close-in section of the other cars of similar size and speed, course was snugged up behind the and not having to deal with be-Buffalo Bill's and Primm Resorts ing run over by a Trick Truck at properties, and the actual start speed, found themselves in front time was just east of the Outlet of a half dozen fearsome looking Mall, on a concrete slab that was Trick Trucks. It was to be hoped just south of the sewage treatment that since they were "pre-running", plant. It was fragrant, but very ef- they would behave themselves and ficient as a start line. There was avoid damaging any of the cars that good parking for spectators and pit were actually racing. They did pull folks, and access to the area from off after just one lap. the long serpentine pit area that There were 15 UTVs at this wound in and semi-short course event, and they did just one. At that led into and out of the actual the finish line the first team to short course, and because of the finish was the Razr ofRito Juaregui grandstands, was a terrific place and Jerome Vinagro. They were for the spectators to watch. On the in front all the way and reported Primm side, because it was pit row, "zero problems". They had dis-the speed limit was 25 miles per covered that the JeepSpeeds were hour, and spectating was less than "slow in the rough stuff, but fast in exciting there, although there were the smooth." Unfortunately, this some interesting pit stops to watch. team was given a 90 minute pen-The finish line complex, with alty for an unknown infraction and Casey Folks and his stop signs, that dropped them to last place. then the Ford Mesa, and finally, Behind them about eight min-the media area, lined the side of utes were Mark Holz and Matt the road what winds all around the Parks in an unknown brand of It was a good race for Dave Mason, he took the gold medal in Class 1200, he's seen here outracing the dust he's churning up. Pete Sohren won the silver medal in the Trick T;uck competition, 2"d Steve Raskett has the power full on, he drove his Porter to a silver overall, he was less than 2 minutes in arrears at the flag in his Ford. medal finish in Class 1500 at the BITD Terrible's Town event. Tony and Zack Mclaren really churned up the soft stuff, they drove their car to a second place finish in the Class 10 fracas. Pages June 2009 Dusty Times ..J

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Not too bad a race for Jason Rodriguez, he drove his Ford to a second Rob MacCachren had some problems along the way, he still pulled Andy Mc Millin is nicely airborne at the 8/TD Terrible's Town, he place finish in the Class 7299 race, he's seen here nicely airborne. off a 2nd place finish in Class 8000, seen here making up time. finished fifth overall, third in Class 1400. UTV. They said their only prob-lem had been dust, and they'd got behind some rookies who didn't know the rules." Their time was 1:52:04 and they moved into first place when Juaregui and Vinagro were penalized. Second place went to Jessi Kohrell and Devyn Bellville, driving a Kawasaki which had no OPS. It was the ladies' second race, their first, the MORE Powder Puff benefits event. They said the dust had been "bad" here at Primm. Their time was 2:00:35. In third it was Cory and Jea-nette Sappington in a Yamaha. Said Cory, "I could not see -the dust on the first half is insane." His car is less sophisticated than some, with only eight inches of travel. He finished in 2:16:31. The fourth place team was Mike Cook and Bill Fain who had to be pushed for a while. Their Razr used up 2: 18:03 in getting to the finish, The fifth place team was Jim Creagan and Tabor Cresap in an Dusty Times Arctic Cat, which they said was totally stock. Creagan had a flat on course and also finished on a flat. He also races the Protruck series, and says this gives them "something to do when it's not a Protruck event." His time was 2:24:07. In sixth it was Michael Lasher in a Kawasaki, with Rick Wallace {Wallyworld) riding They'd had a flat and finished in 2:41:02. Matt Peers and Todd Pike were seventh, and they'd run the final 25 or 30 miles "with one missing rear axle." They said they were glad to finish, and their was 2:41:40. Eighth place went to Brandon Schueler, Chad Riccio and Mile West in a Polaris. They'd lost a head pipe, and had it replaced in a pit. This is the last race for this car, and the team will be in a new racer for the Vegas to Reno race. In ninth it was Pierre Perret and Daniel Fontes, who had a long morning using up 5:51:48 in getting to the finish. They were the last to finish in the class, but Vinagro and Jauregui show up as tenth place, thanks to their huge penalty. One team elected to race in the Sportsman UTV class. Joe Leeper, who drove, and Greg Hempel, who navigated, actually had a time that would have given them third place in the "pro UTV" ranks, but they'd decided to save a few dollars and run Sportsman class. Their Rhino has a Suzuki motorcycle motor, and they had some ignition problems, and said their shocks "aren't dialed in", but otherwise it "was fine." At some point during the run-ning of the first race, the officials decided that they would have to have a "grand prix" finish. Earlier it had been said that it wouldn't be that type of finish, but perhaps the length of time it took for the slower classes to complete their laps made that seem necessary. It had no effect on the UTVs, but did make a difference to the mul-2, 163 Rooms And Suites 60 Table Games 2,300 Slot Machines Poker Room Race & Sports Book 800-Seat Bingo Room 16 Movie Theaters tiple lap classes A "grand prix" type finish means that once the leader in that class has come in, everyone in the class will be flagged in also, regardless of how many laps they've completed In this case, once the first car in the three 1 ap classes had finished, regardless of class, all other three-lappers were flagged in. Thus, the class winners classes in some classes came in hours behind the runners up. It did get confusing. There a bunch of two lap classes in the morning heat, and Class 4100 was one of them. John R. and John A Sunderland took the win in their Ford, by a very slim mar-gin. John R (the dad) started and he had no flats or other problems, John A. did the second lap with his wife, Holly navigating. They said the traffic was "really good about getting out of the way." Their time was 4:02:49. Just 17 seconds behind them it was Ralph Keyes who drove both laps in the old McComas/Stein Ford. He led on the first lap at one point, by about three minutes. He said his rear shocks had "faded badly", but he'd had no tire prob-lems on his way to second place. There was just one Limited Baxja Bug, driven by the team of Steve ward, John Berry and Jeff Swickard, but they managed to finish only a lap and a half and go into the record book as a dnf for this event. There were a lot of JeepSpeeds for this race, and they were a two lap class also. Ray Griffin said he'd had a "good day" in his Cherokee. He'd had three coils go out, and that cost him about ten minutes total. But he had no flat tires. He said that, in fact, he'd had only three flats in four years of racing. His dad, Todd, did the navigating. They were second at the end of the first lap, but then moved into the lead. Their time was 3:36:26. In second place, about five minutes later, it was Bob and Kyle C1ntinud en ,111 10 8 Restaurants 65,000 Sq. Ft. Of Meeting Space 4,500 Seat Equestrian & Event Center 80,000 Sq. Ft. Exhibit Hall Spa & Fitness Center Showroom 64-Lane Bowling Center ?1Uefut~a 1-866-791-76g6 • LAS VEGAS BLVD AT SILVERADO RANCH • SOUTHPOINTCASINO.COM June 2009 Page9

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Shawn Croll had a decent race, he finished in the third spot in the Class Mike Lawrence leaves a trail of silt as he cruised to a third place 1 contest, he was less than three minutes behind the class leader. finish in Class 10 in his Lothringer. It was a third place finish in Class 7200 for Al Hogan, he's seen here rushing his Ford to the finish line. Jason Ruane drove his Ford truck to the Mini Trick Truck win at Primm, here at speed headin' for the home stretch. Standage. And in this team, the dad, Bob, did the driving, while the son, Kyle, navigated. They said they'd had a "great day" and had "no scratches on the roof." Their time was 3:41:45. They'd been very close on time with the third place team all the way. Third place went to Jim and James Hunt, another father/son tam. Jim's the dad, and he started, and James, the son, finished. They had flats, and said it had been" an uneventful, awesome day." Their time was 3:47:46. In fourth place it was Chuck and Tyler Harvey in a Jeep Wran-gler, Chuck, who is the dad on this team, did the driving, and Tyler did the navigating. They said it had been "pretty much trouble free • took it easier than normal and it paid off." Their time was 4:00:00. Fifth went to Lance Clifford who drove both laps, He had no flats, but lost second gear and fin-ished in 4:14:25. The JeepSpeeds were close together on time, and their story reads as if they all just ran around the track in a clump, But that's not how it worked, and as an example, between fourth and fifth place in the JeepSpeed class, there were 25 race cars and trucks in various other classes so they were dealing with a lot of traffic as they made their way to the finish. Sixth place went to Jim Cope . and Frank Sabatano, who finished in 4:17:32, but somehow missed talking to us about their day. In seventh it was Tim Jeffus, who drove both laps and said it had been "wonderful." Then he added that he'd been high centered on a rock right off the start and had lost a half hour. His time was 4:33:02. Eighth place was earned by Phil Heynen who drove the entire dis-tance. He'd had two flats and had been vapor locked, and then had lost his alternator 20 miles from the finish, and went the rest of the way on just his batteries. His time was 4:36:30. . As the last few JeepSpeeds and other Limited classes were being flagged in, the second race was getting underway, and our atten-tion was divided. This is a great format for spectators, but difficult for scorekeepers, officials and me-dia. It's hard to keep track. Not only that, but Folks had decided to hustle things up a bit, and the start of the second race was an hour earlier than the time listed on the printed schedule. This caused some serious last minute hustle in a few pits. In Class 3700, JeepSpeed 3, there were just two entries, and they were required to do two laps. Greg Jackson took the win driving both laps, and having a great day. He came south from Colorado "to get out of the snow", and didn't much care how things went as long as he was warm. His time was 3:22:01. Then it was Chase and John Rather and Ryan McVey, all from Parker. They'd lost an hour and a half somewhere along the way, but went home with second place. The Sportsman class also ran in the first group, and there were 19 of them, their numbers enhanced by the group of drivers entered in Race 2 who were "pre-running". At the end of the first lap the lead be-longed to Brandon Dana and Ron Whitton, in a Trick Truck, who did their lap in an hour and 26 minutes. In second it was Gerald King and Charles Rodrick, six min-utes behind them in an Unlimited buggy, then Emily and Will Staats were third in their Trick Truck only seven minutes later Clearly they were soft-pedaling it as they pre-ran, their times about equal to those of the lead 1600 cars. And they all dropped out after the first lap. (Others who dropped out after Lap 1 were Rick Johnson, Ryan and Steven Staats, Jason and Jeff Horsley, Troy Vest and Rob Gibbs.) David Underwood and Michael Hendrickson, in a Sandco chassis buggy, were tied with Ted Lesiecki and Jim Malinowski, in a Coyote chassis, for fifth, and were actually the first and second genuine Sportsman vehicles, while Shannon Campbell ran an actual third in a rock-crawler turned off road racer, a Campbell Enterprises car with an LS3 motor and an automatic Hughes Turbo 350 transmission Underwood and Hendrickson had another good lap and took the win, finishing only two min-utes and nine seconds in front of Campbell,. They said they'd had "no flats• nothing at all", but that the dust and rocks had been "terrible." After the checkpoint they claimed it had been "one big silt bed." Their time was 3:22:02. Campbell, whose off road ex-perience has been limited to rock crawling, where he's a champion, and short course, where he's still mpretty much.a rookie, was second. He said "I had a blast • I can't wait t come back. I love it!" He had rock crawling tires all the way around the car, and his only problem was that his fuel cell was so small he had to fuel three times in two laps. In third, just seven minutes later it was Lesiecki and Ma-linowski. The spare flew off while Malinowski was driving the first lap, but he had no serious trouble. Lesiecki, who was driving his second race ever, said it was "the dream of my life!" They said the clutch was slipping, but they'd had a great day. Their time was 3:31:03. In fourth place it was Eric Waite in Pete Sohren's pre-runner. Sohren drove the first lap as a pre-run for this Trick Truck race later, and Waite, who works for Pete, navigated and then drove Lap 2. Fifth place went to Jay St. Claire in a Toyota Claire with a stick shift. He has a 32 gallon fuel cell in the truck and said he finished "on fumes." His time was 3:58:33, and he'd helped the second place team o n the 7100 class out of a jam. Mark Growe finished sixth in his Ford truck, having a good run, with no problems, though he said he "stopped to check a couple times." His time was 4:21:09. Seventh place went to the Mazzio family: Phillip, Sandy, Nick and Phillip, Jr. all of Scottsdale. We didn't get to talk to them, but they finished in 5:42:27. Phillip, the younger, was also entered in Class 1500. They were the final team to finish in Class 1800. Class 2000, the 1600cc buggies, ran in the first race, with a three lap quota. There wee 11 starters and at the end of the first lap Curt and Cory Geer had the lead in their Lothringer Paul Kurz and Justin Arnold, in a Penhall were only seven minutes behind the, and on the same minute with Tony Modica and Rulo Silano in a Neth. In fourth it was Andrew Neal and Ryan Plowman, in a Lothringer. Everyone in the class had finished the first lap. They all finished the second lap also. It was still pretty much the same group, but they'd scrambled things around a bit. The Geers held onto the lead, now 11 min-utes in front of Kurz and Arnold, who was six minutes in front of Neal and Plowman, who were on the same minute as Modica and Solano. One minute further back it was Lorenzo Rodriguez and Bret Maurer, in a Lothringer, in fifth. They didn't quite all make it to the finish line, and it was the Geer team that fell out, after get-ting part way through the last lap. That meant that Kurz and Arnold m moved into the lead and took the victory, finishing in 4:43:39. They said they'd been "a little lost" a couple of times, and blew an oil breather line late in the race. But they had no flats and no serious problems, and won by a little over six minutes. In second it was Maurer and Rodriguez who split the driving evenly. Rodriguez had two flats, but Maurer had a clean race. They said the car "ran good" and ut was a "fun race." Their time was 4:49:48. Third went to Neal and Plow-man. Plowman rolled on the first lap, but spectators tipped him back over and he lost only a minute or so. They also changed a power steering belt, and finished only a little behind second place, at 4:51:13. In fourth it was Modica and So-lano. Modica did the second half, and he drove the final. 45 miles with a broken rack and pinion. Their time was 4:56:37. Ultimately, they all finished except the early leaders, the Geers. The Class 1100 cars also ran three laps here, and there were 14 of them, all of whom finished the first lap. At that time there was a tie for the lead between Mike Williams and Tim Jones in their MECO, and Justin Smith in Sigal Greenberg's Assassin. They had about five minutes on the third place car which was Rick Graf in a Foddrill. Then there was a three way tie between Matthew Kupiec in his Kreger, Blaise Jackson in a MECO and Jeff Cepelik and Paul Keller in an unknown chas-sis. They were only two minutes further back, so the battle for the lead could change in the blink of an eye. At the end of the second lap Smith had the lead, with four minutes on Williams and Jones, Continue4 en p111 12 The Staats boys drove their Ford Pickup to a bronze medal finish Not too bad a race for Shannon Campbell, finishing two minutes The Hunt clan had a decent race, they took silver medal honors in Class 1700, they were six minutes in arrears at the checkers. in Class 1200, seen here leaving the silt behind. behind teammate in Class Safari Pre0runner. Page 10 June 2009 Dusty Times

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Chuck Dempsey and John Armas drove their Jimco to the Class 1 win at BITD, seen here with lots of power to the ground. In third it was Kupiec, driving an get out. He also said his motor ran entire race by himself for the first a little hot. His time was 4: 18:02. time. Fourth was the team of Graf Third place went to Graf and and Bryan Folks (son of Casey Folks, who said they'd had "no Folks), and in fifth it was Steve tire problems." Their time was Fuller and Todd Abratowski in 4:22:59. And in fourth it was their TruBuilt. Six of the teams in Smith and Greenberg, who drove . this class had fallen by the wayside the last lap. Greenberg had a flat, and would not get three laps done, and a sticky throttle, and her radio At the finish it was Williams didn't work either. Her floor pan and Jones. When they'd changed was also starting to fall off. Their drivers they'd discovered that a time was 4:26:49. belt had fallen off, very luckily it In fifth it was Fuller and Abra-must have just happened Their towski. Fuller drove all three laps, only problem was that the radio, and for the final 40 miles he'd which they got wet at the Parker had no power steering. His time race, wouldn't work. Their time was 4:32:09. Sixth place went to was 4:07:35. In second, 11 minutes Blaise Jackson, in a MECO, who back, it was Kupiec, who soloed said he'd "lost quite a bit of time" this time, his dad having decided with two lost alternator belts. His he'd paid close attention to all the time was 5:10:26. driving lessons, apparently. He'd The seventh place team was Stu-got himself stuck in a tree for a art Baxter, Mark Estes and Bryan while on the first lap, and had to Slaughter in a Tatum, in the time do a "lot of forward and reverse" to of 5:24: 14, and behind them, last Page 12 Aaron Guthrie comes out of a silty left hander in his Ford, Aaron took a second place finish in the Class 1200 battle. in the class to finish, was Alexa enough time that he was flagged Bilek and Steve Myers in a Neth. in at the end of Lap 2, because They had an eventful day. On the the winning car in the class had first lap they'd been high centered, already finished. Steve Gresham, and had to wait for everyone to get Matt Catron and Henry Hernan-by before they dared to get out of dez, in a Foddrill, also did only two the car to push. (Good move, that!} laps, but some problem delayed Then on the last lap Alexa had them long enough that they were rolled the car, with Myers riding. also flagged in as finishers. With the help of about 29 specta-Class 3999, for Production tors, they got the car back o n its Utility Short Wheelbase vehicles wheels and going again, on its way was next on the agenda, with six to the finish line. Their time was entries required to do three laps. 5:55:57. No one else in the class This class had had a difficult time finished three laps,. at Parker, producing no finishers. Jake Jones, who did only two 1 They did better here. At the end laps in his Henry, said he'd been of the first lap they were all still passing a Class 2000 car when moving, and Karl Scanlan was in their rear tires touched. Jones the lead, with just one minute on rolled over "six or seven times" Darren Sanaugelo and Scott Craw-and finally stopped moving about ford. In third it was Clint Barry 50 yards to the side of the course. and Parker Grabowski, another Luckily there weren't many rocks three minutes back. there, so the damage wasn't as At the end of the second lap great as he expected. Still he lost Scanlan still le~, but now Barrry ....... ,,-;,,.._,.,, www.rob June 2009 and Grabowski ran second, seven minutes later and one car had fallen out. At the end of three laps Scanlan had the win, citing "no problems". Richard Scott navigated for him, and they won by just under ten minutes. Second place went to Barry and Grabowski. And in third it was Kevin Ellis and Jerry Clark, almost an hour and 40 minutes later. None of the others got three laps in. Jeff Offutt; who got only two laps in, had a sad tale to tell about fuel cell foam in his fuel lines. Class 3100 had only one entry, the Ford of Jerry and Jesse Her-ling,. Jerry, the dad, started and Jesse did the second lap, Each had a clean lap without even any flat tires. They added a win to their record. Class 5000, for Baja Bugs, also had one entry. The team of David Ollis who drove the first lap and Rick Holmes, who did Laps 2 and 3, went into the record books with a win. Holmes said they'd had a valve cover leak, so had to stop for oil and to tighten the valve cover. Their time was 5:04:37. Class 7100 didn't have an easy time of it. There were eight of them, all Fords, and they were re-quired to do three laps. All of them got through the first one, even though the dust had been heavy and they'd been driving into the sun off the start, Erin Wahl and Greg Gilbert lead by two minutes at the end of the lap, Wayne / Demonja ran second and Mike McCarthy was third, another three minutes back. A minute behind him it was John Baker. The sec-Dusty Times I

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-· ond lap was their downfall, Wahl bombed out at about Mile 20, and only Demonja and McCarthy managed to get it finished and go out on another lap. They stayed in that order to the end. Demonja stopped long enough for a splash of gas, and went on to take the win in 5:09:56. McCarthy finished 15 minutes later in second place. The first of the two lap finish-ers was the team of Blake and Tyler Henn their Ford, who lost a serpentine belt and had a flat. Their two lap time was 4:04:44 and they're credited with third in class. So they were actually parked at the finish an hour before their class finisher did his third lap and got the checkered flag. It was confusing. John Baker broke a rear leaf spring and a radius arm bolt and lost some time, but still managed to finish two laps, giving him fourth place. Andrew Becerra, who drove both laps in his truck, rolled over. The truck went over twice and caught a rock along the way, which punched a hole in his roof. He'd misjudged a hard left turn with a berm. Jay St. Clare's team, with the # 1808 Sportsman class vehicle, helped set him back on his wheels and he went on to earn fifth in Class 7100 with his two lap finish. Brian Day drove both laps in his truck, while Adam Warner navigated. They lost an alternator bolt about 30 miles before the finish and the truck was "making a weird noise." They were sixth, in 4:36:53. Noe and Tony Sierra also fin-ished two laps and earned a finish, in 5:56: 10, but we didn't get to talk to them. In Class 7 300 there were only four starters, and only three of them managed to complete the first lap. They were a two lap class. Cousins Kellon and Quinn Walch had the lead in their Ford, with Rick and Ricky Johansen, also in a Ford, in second place about eight minutes behind them. And in third it was Braxton Southwick and Robby Sibold, in a Toyota, another five minutes back. The Walch team took the win. each of them drove one lap and they had no trouble at all, stop-ping only for fuel and their driver change. Southwick· and Si bold were second, finishing 24 minutes later, in their Toyota · The Johansens shared the driv-ing, with Rick, the dad, doing Lap 1 and son Ricky finishing. Their day was a good one (but then, it always is for them) and they had only minor brake problems along the way. Their time was 4:45:48, good for a third place finish. Class 8100, for Stock full size trucks, had nine entries, and they were a three lap class. Two of them David Underwood drove the Safari Class Pre-runner to the class win, he's seen here just at touchdown on his way to the flag. didn't get the first lap completed, and of the rest, they completed the lap within four minutes of one another. Greg Foutz was in front in his Ford, then came John Griffin in another Ford, Kent Kroeker and Rudy Iribe in a Dodge and tied with Trent Beaver in a Ford, then Larry Tunnell Jr., in a Chevy, fol-lowed by Randy Merritt in a Ford. On the second lap Griffin moved into the lead, but it was no runaway because Kroeker/ Iribe and Foutz were on the same minute, only a minute back. Mer-ritt was now four minutes further behind, and Tunnell had a six minute deficit and ran fifth. No one else finished the second lap. Griffin was having a good day, and h ad to stop only for a splash of fuel. He said he'd blown "a corner in Beer Bottle pass and Foutz went by and it took 60 miles to catch him". Jeremy Spirkoff, builder of the truck, who also taught him much of what he's learned about driving, said it was Griffin's "finest hour of off road racing." Griffin won in the time of 4:57:56. The Kroeker/lribe truck fin-ished second, only seven min-utes behind them in the time of 5:05:36. And in third it was Merritt, barely two minutes later. Then Foutz was fourth, another five minutes back, reporting drive shaft problems. Eleven minutes behind him Tunnell finished in fifth place. Robert Roglin, who'd hooked a berm and landed his Ford on its side on the first lap, I lost over an hour getting back on his wheels. Then he also had a left front flat. His first lap took so long that he was flagged in (because of the "Grand Prix" finish thing) and goes into the record books as a finisher. Trent Beaver, who com-pleted h is first lap and got well into his second lap, doesn't get a finish, because he broke on that second lap The "Grand Prix" thing creates some odd situations. As the finishers from the first race were being flagged in, those racing in the second race were lin-ing up for their start, which was to be at noon, or as close to it as possible. Those who'd run in the Time Trial were first to start, so the first 56 vehicles off the line was a mixture of Trick Trucks and Class 1500 cars, one at a time, 30 seconds apart. Jerry Whelchel was first to go in Chet Huffman's Ford, with Andy McMillin starting right behind him in his Geiser. At the end of the lap they were on the same minute, and Pete Sohren was three minutes behind them in third in his Ford. Fourth placed was held by Rick D. Johnson, in another Ford and only another minute back, and then it was a tie between Will Staats in his Chevy and Steve Strobel in his n new Jimco. They were only a minute off Johnson's pace. Only one Trick Truck, the new Ford of Shawn Wanzek, had failed to make the first lap. Lap 2 was similar looking, with McMillin and Whelchel still tied for the lead, and then seven minutes later, Sohren and Johnson on the same minute, battling for third. Todd and Kyle Jergensen ran fifth in their Chevy, another six minutes back. Now, another three vehicles had dropped out, including Kory Scheeler, whose Chevy had broken something (he thought maybe a dirveshaft) which had then speared the transmis-sion and released the hot fluid, sending a wave of flame up into the rnb of the truck. Scheeler and his navigator got out unhurt, but even though they used their on-board in-cab extinguisher, and the exterior one also, they couldn't stop the fire. The Jergensen truck stopped and gave them another extinguisher, but it was virtually useless. Scheeler later said that it was only when the BITD team showed up with better fire-fighting equipment, and shovels, that the flames were suppressed. There would be no change of drivers for either the Huffman/ Whelchel truck or the McMillin Bob and Kyle Standage drove their Jeep to a first in Class 1700, they're seen here saving a bit of tire wear. truck. They were so close that nei-ther team wanted to take the time. Stopwatches were out in many pits and gleeful spectators watched the duel. But as Whelchel came into a wash at about Mile 6 on his last lap, he rounded a turn and was suddenly faced with a stalled small truck. Before he could get stopped he slammed into the truck, doing terminal damage to the front of his own vehicle. Word spread quickly through the finish line crowd. And then - before the idea was even fully digested - McMillin rounded the turn, saw the wreckage and slammed on his brakes. He did hit the rear ofWhelchel's truck, but it wasn't a hard hit and did no seri-ous damage to his own truck. The big problem for McMillin was that in slamming on the brakes he dug himself into the sand of the wash. He was stuck. Whelchel helped McMillin dig out, and once he was free, as he was helping McMillin strap back into the cab of his truck, both Johnson and Sohren went past. Now it was catch-up time. The fans waited excitedly at the finish, wondering who'd show up first. Could McMillin catch up, or was there some inhibiting damage to his truck that would slow him down? It was anybody's guess. And it was Rick D. Johnson who got there first. He finished in the time of 3:43: 18, a minute and 53 seconds in front of Sohren. John-son was ecstatic. He said that the reason heh hadn't been able to get the performance out of his truck that he'd expected for the last few races was because some bit of equipment had been putting pres-sure on his throttle position sen-sor, which kept it from functioning properly. Due to that the normal "crispness" was missing, and he'd been using too much fuel. Leon Patton had solved the mystery just the day before the race. In second, Sohren reported that he'd had two flat tires on the last lap. He also said that his motor was sick, "it gave its all." His time was 3:45:11. Two minutes and 52 seconds be-hind him, McMillin was third. He said that when he'd hit Whelchel he'd torn up his body work and "messed up" his front brakes. His time was 3:48:03. Will Staats was fourth in his Chevy .He said he'd had a couple of flats, one of which was a blow out at 102 miles per hour on the last lap. That had been excit-ing, but he'd "managed to get it whoaed down." Other than the flats he and his daughter, Emily, who rides with him, had no other problems. Their time was 3:53:02. In fifth it was Ron Whitton, who drove all the way in his Ford. He said he'd had "two dead cylin-ders" when he did the qualifying, but "it was working today." He reported no flat tires, and said he "just drove around." His time was 3:54:02. Sixth place went to Todd Jer-gensen who drove all the way. He'd had a flat on the second lap, which he figured cost him four minutes. "We were on it the whole time", he said. His time was 3:58:12. In seventh it was Jason Voss in his Protruck-turned Trick Truck. It's a Ford. He hit a rock with the driveshaft on the second lap and had such a bad vibration that he stopped at Pit 2 for a new one. He figured he spent about 15 minutes in the pit. His time was 3:59:04. Eighth place went to Marc Ew-ing in a Geiser Chevy. He said he had "one little issue" five miles out. He stalled the truck and couldn't figure out why. Finally, he discovered he'd bumped the ignition switch. Ewing comes from the Chicago area, and got into this form of racing when he went to a hobby show with his young son to see the Traxxis RC cars and saw a display of a short course 4WD truck. He decided he'd have to "get into that!" His time was 4:07:44. In ninth it was Greg Nunley and Tom Carr in a Ford. They had no problems, except that each of them had a flat tire. Their time was 4:31:15. The tenth place finisher was Mi-Ctatiaud on ,111 14 Second finisher in Class 3700 were Chase and John Rather, their Ted Lesiecki was the third place finisher in the Class 1800 fracas, The Griffith's, Ray and Todd did a pretty good job, they were the third place finishers in the Jeepspeed 1 conflict. Jeep is seen here heading for the finish line. he was only eight minutes behind the class winner. Dusty Times June 2009 Page 13 ,,

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Matthew and Curtis Kupiec flew their really good looking Kreger to a silver medal in Class 1100, seen here really flyin' high. Bryan Folks was the third place finisher in the 1100 Class, he's seen here nicely airborne oh his way to the flag. Jessi Kohre/1 drove the Kawasaki UTV to a second place finish in Class 1900, seen here just before touchdown on the way to the checkers. The Sunderland's, John Rand John A were the big winners in the Class 4100 battle, Seen here with their Ford Behemoth nicely airborne. chael Voudouris in a Ford. He had just one flat; he said he "tore it to shreds." Then he couldn't get the jack off its mount, and lost about 20 minutes. His time was 4:31:27. In 11th it was Steve Strobel who said he blew a corner and got into a ravine and laid his truck on its side. A BITD person helped him get back on its wheels. He said he'd :caught rocks" and had two flats. This was his first race in the truck; he's been a buggy racer 'ti! now. His time was 4:44:06. Twelfth place went to Lloyd Sproule and Dale Dondel. Sproule drove Laps 1 and 2 and Dondel fin-ished. They had two flats and the hydraulic jack didn't work. They had to wait for someone to bring a jack out. Their time was 5:30:29. In 13th place it was Kevin James and Mike Mastro in Mastro's Ford. Mastro had power steering prob-lems and limped to a pit (using a gallon of fluid along the way) to get a new pump installed. Their time was 5:44:22. Fourteenth went to Jesse Ash-craft in a Ford. (He's Adam Ash-craft's older brother.) This was his second race in the truck. The first lap was fine, but then he started losing voltage and had to replace an alternator. Then he lost a power steering belt on the second lap, and he had a flat on the third lap and broke a wheel. Then. a mile before Pit 1 on the last lap, he lost the power steering belt again, and an oil pump belt. He said it had been "a busy day, a lot of fun!" His time was 5:44:30. He was the final finisher in the Trick Truck class. There was one non-finisher of note: Nils Castillo was driving Kevin McGillivray's Chevy on the last lap when something in the underpinnings e·xploded on the one pavement stretch of the course. He'd been traveling at very high speed. Whatever broke simply tore the truck's underpinnings in two. The cab went tumbling, with Castillo and his navigator, and ground to a halt still on the pavement. But they'd taken a beating and were Life Flighted to a hospital. Although it was scary, their injuries were not serious and by the next day they'd both been released. The Class 1500 open wheel Home o, The Race Auto • ... a • I • Page 14 Race car I Pre Runner I sand car 818-998-2739 9763 VARIEL AVENUE, CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 June 2009 • I :a t Q r • • I cars had 35 entries and all but three finished the first lap. Chuck Dempsey, who'd been fifth fastest in the Time Trials, had his Jimco fourth on the road behind the two lead Trick Trucks and the car John Herder was driving, which their boss, John Harrah, hoped to get into later in the day. Dempsey was ahead of Herder on corrected time, but it was close. It didn't matter, though, because Herder's day was done, and he didn't head out again, his transmission suffer-ing some kind of terminal failure. Behind Dempsey about three minutes was a clump of fast guys: Dale Dondel in a racer, Cory Halopoff in a Tatum, and Der-rick Sproule. About one minute behind them was another group, including Shawn Croll in a Por-ter, Chuck Hovey in a Jimco, and James Scott. So the top seven in the class were running within three minutes of each other. A minute further back was the Alu mi Craft of John Cooley and Steve Sourapas, and a minute behind them came Steve Raskett in a Porter and Pat Dean in his Bunderson. It was a toss up who'd be in front on the next lap. Dempsey did have the advantage, because he'd become the first 1500 on the road, with nothing in front of him but the battling Trick Trucks who were running about six minutes a lap quicker than him. Another six cars fell out on the second lap, including Scott. Also gone were Sam Berri, who never made a lap, Richard Boyle and Da-rnen Jefferies and Darren Ebberts. Gary and Mark Weyhrich in two separate cars, came to an early end, when one broke an axle and the other proved to be set up so badly that neither wanted to drive it. They retired to the Tree Bar. At the end of Lap 2 Dempsey still ran in front with about a five minute lead on Hovey who'd moved up to second place. Third belonged to Sproule, another couple of minutes back, and then Shawn Croll, Cooley/Sourapas, and Dean were all on the same minute, only another minute. Sproule fell out of the hunt at the end of the lap when he hit a ditch hard and ripped the shocks off the passenger side of his car. On the third lap Dempsey passed those two Trick Trucks before McMillin got moving again. That put him first on the road, with little traffic to slow him. He brought the car to the finish line for the Class 1500 win, only two minutes and 30 seconds slower than Rick D. Johnson's overall time. And he'd had a flat on that last lap,. His time was 3:45:48. In second place it was Steve Raskett, in a Porter. He was not quite two minutes back, and re-ported a trouble free day, stopping just once for fuel. He said he did break one limit strap, but he "just let it hang." His time was 3:47:48. In second place it was steve Ras-kett, in a Porter. He was not quite two minutes back, and reported a trouble free day, stopping just once for fuel. He said he did break one limit strap, but he "just let it h and." His time was 3:47:49. Third went to Shawn Croll who said he'd had a good fast lap, but on the second lap when he had a flat he'd discovered that the jack and all his tools had fallen off the car. There was a BITD truck nearby, and they helped him with the tire, which cost h him "eight minutes or so .. . " He said he then had to "charge hard" to catch back up. His time was 3:48:21. In fourth it was Cooley and Sourapas who were happy to be there. They said they "really want-ed a finish." Then said that the car worked great, but they "didn't have quite the right transmission." Their time was 3:51:19. Fifth went to Hovey who had two flats, at two separate times, on the last lap. He said he'd been "pushing real hard - gambled and lost." His dad said, "He went for the win and it didn't work out." His time was 3:51:39 -only six minutes behind the wining car and he was fifth. This was some close racing. In the Class 1100 scrap it was Mike Williams taking the class win, he's seen here just at takeoff at BITD Primm. Dusty Times

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Joe Leeper and Robby Sibold gave it their all but the best they Mike and Robbie McCarthy drove their Ford to a neat second Kevin Ellis and Jerry Clark drove their good looking pickup to a could manage this race was a third place finish in Class 1900. place in Class 7100, they're seen here in beautiful level flight. third place finish in Class 3000, seen here just at touchdown. Forty seconds behind him Pat Trials and became part of the a c.v. joint on the third lap and Dean finished sixth. Dean, who course also. His time was 4: 14:25. changed it on course. He said the hasn't been racing since injur- Lucky 13 went to John Koltura, car was "pretty new", so "we aren't ing his shoulder on New Year's who drove Laps 1 and 2 and Dave quite dialed in-drove half the race Eve, had to drive the entire race, Perez who drove Lap 3 in their with no power steering-we learned because his planned co-driver, Chevy powered Porter. They said a lot." His time was 6:17:29. All Danny Anderson turned up sick their :day went well", and reported together, 13 of the Class 1500 cars this weekend. Dean said he didn't just one flat on Lap 3. Their time -didn't make it. take any pain pills and his shoulder was 4:26:07. The Protrucks were next to didn't hurt. He's been doing a In 14th it was Todd Romano start, with seven entries. They all lot of therapy. He said his motor who drove all the way in a Tatum made it through the first lap and didn't run right after the first lap, Dragonfire. He said she'd had one Troy Vest in a Chevy, had the lead and he'd had a top speed of only flat, "and a little dust." His time with about a minute on Justin about 90 mph, instead of his usual was 4:35:48. Fifteenth spot was Blower and Ryan Moore in a ford, 125. His time was 3:51:59. Steve and Ryan Combs in their who were on the same minute as :~ ~ Seventh place went to Steve Penhall, reporting "only one flat Dave Mason and Rick Backus in Croll in his Porter Ford. He'd all day." Their time was 4:36:00. another Ford. been pushing hard and "passing In 16th it was Harley Letner and On the second lap three of people non-stop" he said, and his Halopoff. Halo po ff lost an alterna-them dropped out. Now it was a tie face shield was all pitted from the tor wire during his stint (Laps 1 between Backus and Ryan Staats, flying sand and gravel. He'd had and). Originally, Letner planned in another Ford, and Aaron and no flats, and finished in the time to sit out the race if Halopoff was Randy Guthrie ran third, about of 3:53:38. running well, but since they'd lost 25 minutes behind them. In eighth it was Chuck Rodrick, so much time, he got in and did Backus put Dave Mason in for in a car. He lost the third lap. They also said their the final lap, and he moved up his fourth gear about 20 miles tranny was "whining." Their time to take the win, with the time of before the finish and said it had was 4:37:39. 4:36: 18. They reported just one "to massage it between third and In 17th it was Eric Jacobs and flat. Backus did a good job for fifth." But he wasn't complaining, Kyle Robbins in a Jimco, in the someone who's just switched from because this was his fourth race on time of 4:41 :40. And in 18th it navigating to driving. the transmission. His first word as was Kevin Colan and T.J. Flores In second place it was the Guth-he took off his helmet was "awe-in a Bunderson. Flores started and rie team, with a time of 5:01:09, some!". His time was 3:55:41. he had a burnt plug wire that cost and Ryan Staats drove his truck Ninth place went to /Steve and him a lot of time in the main pit. all the way, to third place. He said Chris Appleton from Boise, Idaho Colan, who bought the car from he'd had one good lap and then in a Jimco. They got lost in the B.J. Richardson, then got in to do lost both front and rear shocks, shuffle apparently, and we didn't the last lap and a half. He said he but he'd had no flats. His time was talk to them, but their time was "hit rocks." He also said, "This 5:20: 14 and he was the lastfinisher 3:57:56. car scares me to death!" He had in the class. In tenth it was Rob Gibbs, who problems with the plug wires also,. Class 8000 was next to start, d rove Lap 1 and Phil Bollman Their time was 4:41:52. Ninteenth with just three entries. They all who did Laps 2 and 3, in their place went to Edison Pavia, Luis got through the first lap with chassis. They said Silva, Ubaldo Bayon and Eddie Macrae Glass, in Curt LeDuc's they hadn't had enough horse- Gilez, who didn't stop to talk. old Ford truck, in the lead by 40 power, exclaiming, :We're gonna Their time was 5:09:51. minutes. A mixed bag of a team, spend some more money on it!: In 20th it was Mike Bilek, who including Rob MacCachren, Steve Their time was 4:03:42. said it had been a "tough day" in OUiges and Monster Truck driver Eleventh place went to Levi his HMS. He said he'd lost the Lindsay Weenk, ran second in the Rockhill in a Rockhill Racing. idler pulley and lost two belts, and Ford Raptor, and Michael Bird, Chassis with an LS2 motor. He that had cost him an hour. He also and Michael Bird, Jr. and Kenny drove all three laps and said he had a flat. His time was 5:27:39. Bluedel were third, an hour later, had "zero problems" His time was The 21st car to finish was Pierre in an unknown brand of truck. 4: 10:37. Lavie and Brendan Fikes in their The Birds and Bluedel dropped In 12th it was Vince Galewick Porter., but they didn't stop for a out on the second lap, and Glass in a car. He drove chat. Their time was 5:43: 13. The went on his way with no problems. all the way, and said he'd felt last Class 1500 car to make it in He had to stop once for fuel, but "unfamiliar on the short course" was Jerry Penhall's Penhall. He didn't have any mechanical woes section that was used for the Time drove all the wa and he'd lost or flat tires. Ultimately, he took .. the win in 4:30:09. Glass said his goal was " ... to have fun and drive the car all day. This is not my job, it's my hobby." Behind him the Raptor team had to replace a driveshaft. Weenk, who'd never driven off road, rode with Olliges on Lap 1 then drove Lap 2 with MacCachren in the third seat as advisor. Then he moved back into the middle seat and rode while MacCachren drove. At the finish he said, "I had no idea off road racing included so much general knowledge of the track. In Monster Truck if you crash, you crash bit for the spec-tators -out here that's not cool, causes there are no spectators to Greg Jackson took home the gold medal in Class 3700, seen here running hard to get to that sometimes elusive checkered flag. Parker race, and he'd like to do a was "uneventful" except for the little more. He explained that the mystery problem, which meant truck is really only about "10% that Job had to "drive it l like a more than stock" -or just enough 1600." They took the win with a that it can't run in the Stock Full time of 4:23:54. class (Class 8100), but has to run In second place it was Tony in Class 8000. The Raptor's time and Zack McLaren, who finished was 6:09:30. in 4:34: 11. The Class 1000 cars were next Lawrence, who drove all the with 15 starters. Only one of them way, thought it was "soft out failed to make it through the first there." At one point he thought he lap, and that was a surprise, be- had a flat and stopped to look, and cause Adam Ashcraft is usually in discovered that he didn't. He got the hunt all the way. Bryce Menzies stuck once and had to be pulled had the early lead in his Jimco, but out. His time was 4:35:34, and he he was only a minute up on Mikey was third. Lawrence in his VW Lothringer, In fourth it was Harrah and who was on the same minute with Hall. Hall said that John Harrah Chad Hall in Johnny Harrah's Qohnny's dad) told him "to floor Jimco. And in fourth it was Tony it and keep it between the rocks." and Zack McLaren, a minute Apparently he managed to do that. later, followed by Brady Helm in Hall, who drove the first two laps, a Lothringer, only three minutes lost the power steering which cost behind the leader, in fifth place. him some time, but he had no On the second lap they lost four flats. When asked how buggy rac-more cars, and Menzies held onto ing was compared to his Hummer, his lead. Now he had nine minutes he said "It's a little different, I've on the McLaren car, which was learned a lot - they go really fast." two minutes in front of Lawrence. Continued an page 16 He, in turn, was just two minutes ahead of Hall and Harrah, and now Ken Tap-ert ran fifth in his Tatum. Larry Job took over for Menzies half-way through the second lap and he had some electri-cal problem. The motor kept quitting, until about five miles be-POre the end when it "came on" and ran great again. They'd had no flats. They said it was a * 5" Color Display • Internal 16 Channel GPS Antenna * US and Baja Map * Sirius radio and weather San Diego 7915 Balboa Ave. 858.565.7792 Escondido El Cajon 425 N. Marshall Ave. 619.442.8689 Temecula Mark Holz and Matt Parks drove their UTV to the class 1900 win, they're seen here on their way to the checkered flag. see it." MacCachren said the truck great course, is a little better tuned since the ' and their race 2645 Auto Park Way 760. 7 46.3193 26901 Jefferson Ave. 951.326.2880 vvvvw.offr-oadvvar-ehous e .com Dusty Times June 2009 Page 15

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Blake Henn drove his Ford to a third place finish in the Class Braxton Southwick looks a wee bit off the course here, he went Rick and Ricky Johansen took bronze medal honors at BITD, they 7100 contest, he's seen here literally flying toward the finish line. on to take a second place finish in Class 7300. drove their Ford to a third place finish in the class 7300 battle. Johnny Harrah said it "rough and really rocky -it was fun." Their time was 4:48:07. Fifth went to Tapert who said he had one flat, which was caused by "pilot error", and otherwise had no problems at all. His time was 5:05:55. In sixth it was the Jimenez brothers, Alejandro and Eduardo, in a Metalworks chas-sis. They finished in 5:17:25, and didn't stop to talk. Norris and Layne Brown, and husband/wife team from Jackson, Wyoming, were seventh in their VW powered Bunderson. Norris drove the first two laps, and Layne, who got the car from her husband as a birthday gift a couple of years ago, drove the third lap. They didn't have any problems. In eighth it was Brian Potts and Chad Cummings in a Lothringer. They shared the driving evenly, and had a difficult day. They tore up an A-arm, and Potts got stuck in second gear for a while, until Cummings fixed the shifter. Their time was 5:47:28. Last in the class to finish were Brady Helm and Jim Price. The computer on their Honda motor overheated and "went into limp mode." The motor wouldn't run for a while. They also had a couple Kellon and Quinn Walch drove their Ford truck to a first place finish in the Class 7300 battle, seen here just before touchdown. of flats. Their time was 6:35:36.17 Tin Burke and Rory L'Hommedieu and they were the last in the class in a Chevy and Richard Blunk and to finish Karry Trim in a Ford, also on the Class 7200 went off the line same minute. behind them, with 14 trucks. One The second lap didn't go well of them dropped out on the first for a bunch of these guys, and six lap but the rest kept moving along, of them fell by the wayside. But at At the front of the group it was the front it was still Ruane, now a crowd scene, with three trucks with a clear lead of four minutes. on the same minute: Jason Ruane The Bozzanos were second, and and his ford, Dave Caspino in an Jason Rodriguez and Shane Lawler unknown brand, and Travis and ran third in a ford about ten min-Tom Bozzano in a Chevy Then, utes back. In fourth it was Shawn two minutes behind then, came Giordano and Doug Siewert in a The entire staff and management of Kartek Off-Road would like to send their sincere condolences to the family and friends of Jerry "Otis" Stewart, who passed away on May 7, 2009. t Jerry was the owner of TCS Performance and since 1978 has produced high quality performance torque converters, axles, and transmission parts for the off road and draq racing communities from his machine shop facilities in Chino and Lake Havasu. God Speed Jerry, you will be sorely missed! Page 16 June 2009 Jesse and Jerry Herling were the big winners in Class 3100, they drove their Ford to the gold medal, seen here waaaay up in the air. Ford, and Jeff Holmes was fifth. When they finished the third lap Ruane was still in front, tak-ing the win with a time of 4:38:21. He said he'd bent a tie rod on a rock and had an oil pump prob-lem, but no flats. "It was fun", said Ruane. Rodriguez and Lawler took sec-ond place, but didn't stop to talk. Their time was 4:46:49. In third it was Al Hogan who drove the whole distance. He said he'd broken a tire and wheel on a big rock in the dust, and also spent 15 minutes in a pit because of an alternator belt problem. His time was 4:51 :13. Fourth place went to Jeff Hol-mes who drove the whole distance. His son J.T., navigated for him. This is a rear-engine truck, and jtey had "no problems -no prob-lems - clean race." Their time was 4:52: 13. In fifth it was Dou Siewert who started and Shawn Giordano, who did the second half, in their Ford. Giordano lost eight minutes with a flat, but it was a "flawless race otherwise." "Except", said Siewert, "for the fuel pump prob-lems the last 15 miles." Their time was 4:52:28. Sixth place went to Burke and L'Hommedieu, who finished in 5:32:01 and didn't stop to talk. Their time was 5:32:01 ln seventh it was Caspino, who also didn't -.1 talk, finishing in 6: 19:20, and followed in by Bill Kunz and Greg Jones in a Ford, in 6:54:29. Most of the racers enjoyed the course, the set up and the event as a while. Happily, the weather cooperated this year and there was no howling wind as there had been last year. 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Page 17

Carl Renez.eder #17 Lucas Oil Rl Unlimited 2 Winner Lucas Oil Rl Unlimited 4 Winner Lucas Oil R2 Unlimited 2 Winner BITD Terrible's 250 Overall Race Winner Trick Truck Winner l+.O l<ing Kong eyp.. 2009 BITD Terrible's 250 & Lucas Oil Rounds 1 & 2 More race wins than all other shock manufacturers combined. Rick Johnson BITD Trick Truck Carl Renez.eder Lucas Unimited 2 R2 John Griffin BITD Class 8100 Curt Geer Lucas Limited Buggy R2 Ray Griffith BITD Class 1700 Sunderland BITD Class 4100 John Harrah Lucas Super lite R2 Jason Ruane BITD Class 7200 Carl Renez.eder Lucas Unlimited 4 R1 Eric Anderson aim Class sooo Chuck Dempsey Lucas Super Lite R1 Carl Renez.eder Lucas Unlimlted 2 Rl Bryce Menzies BITD Class 1000 Macrae Glas.5 BtTD Class 8000 Curt Geer Lucas Limited Buggy Rl

Page 18

l.l\!C 13™ VODAFONE RALLY OF PORTUGAL Loeb/Citroen Take l=ifth Win Hy Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selaen Arminda Araujo and Miguel Rama/ho drove their Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX to the PCWRC win, they were 9'h overall, here in the dirt. Magalhaes. Araujo, was lying second was making a return to the world in the PCWRC, still driving an Evo rally championship, well at least for IX and his primary concern was his this event! For the Finn the Portugal PCWRC rival Patrik Sandell. Sandell Rally was of the events he did not had won both PCWRC events this win in the two years he was world year and held a seven point lead over champion. He was competing in a Araujo. "My great disappointment", Subaru Impreza S 14 from Prodrive, Armindo told his team", is that San- and was run alongside the similar car dell has nominated exactly the same of the Norwegian Adapta team for six rallies in the championship as me. Mads Ostberg. Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena won one more time, they drove their Citroen C4 to the win in Portugal, here on a narrow sreet. I have got to beat him every time!" The Star Drivers constantly faced In his quest to be the best national new experiences. Mark Tapper discov-driver Magalhaes, however, had no ering that an Evo X was difficult to championship responsibilities this exit when the driver's seat is mounted year, with the FIA or at home, and close to the steering wheel and was relishing the freedom that al-dislocated a rib, while Jon Williams lowed, although he was nominated was learning a whole new world. by the organisers as a Guest entry in Left-hand drive, turbocharged rally Unbeaten this year on the first four World Championship Rallies of 2009 and now scoring a fifth suc-cessive world championship rally win, Sebastien Loeb is seemingly unstop-pable. His Citroen C4 WRC now in uprated specification was quite the fastest car on the event, when tricky conditions ensnared many rivals, not the least Ford's Jari-Matti Latvala who suffered an accident of frightening proportions and escaped without injury, and who was leading at the time .... Accidents prolifer-ated the event, evidence not only of the exceptionally tricky stages in southern Portugal, but the hazards caused by dust, during the event and during recce as well. With a third of the 2009 championship already held, Citroen Total now heads BP Ford Abu Dhab~ by 24 points and Loeb heads Hirvonen by ten points. In the Production Car local driver Armindo Araujo won the category and took the lead in the series ahead of Patrik Sandell who retired very early into the event. Michal Koscuiszko's win in the Junior category means that he now leads the category on equal points with Martin Prokop, who competed here in the Production Car series. After three very individual rallies so far this year ( wet asphalt in Ireland, snow in Norway and the mixed sur-face twisty roads in Cyprus), Rally Portugal could safely be considered the first true orthodox event of the 2009 season! Under the FIA's event rotation system it was not run as a pionship rallies and scored Makes; the PCWRC category. Frederic Sau- car, new style gearshifting and so World event in 2008, instead it was championship points every time, and van did not start, after his codriver on. His worries were increased when part of the International Rally Chai- Drivers' championship points on 33 was hurt in a road accident, and he there was confusion at the start of the lenge series and had a number of occasions. In the Makes' series BP was granted permission to start in superspecial. He was told to go before guest drivers in support The stages Ford were 16 points behind Citroen Argentina instead. Both the Fiats of he was ready, had to reverse during wereheldonceagainintheregionsof Total. Would Loeb make this four BernardoSousaandJaromirTarabus the stage and eventually ended up Alentejo and Algarve in the south of wins in a row (five including Britain were rolled in Shakedown, without with a ten second jump start penalty. the country. There were considerable last year)? Here in Portugal, with the injury to the crews, but both had to Finally the problem of the dusty con-detailed changes to the routes used in prospect of three days on loose gravel withdraw from the rally, so in the end ditions were enough to persuade the the past two years with only 4 3. 7% roads, the thought of starting first car there were 68 starters. Stewards to authorise that everybody of the stage route exactly the same as the road was daunting, though maybe JWRC leader Martin Prokop gave could start the special stages at two last year. ln addition to the full World if it was wet, it could be a perfect this event a miss, instead entered minute intervals. series, this year also counted for both opportunity. If it was dry, strategic here in the PCWRC category, while Day 1 _, the Junior and the Production Car tactics among the top teams seemed second driver in the series Aaron Bur-The rally started on Thursday series, and also for two other major to be inevitable. Sven Smeets, Citron kart was absent altogether. The series evening with a Superspecial in the series. These were the Fiesta Sport Racing team manager: "We will wait was now sure to liven up with the Algarve Stadium with 27,000 spec-Trophy International as well as being until the end of first loop and then recent homologation of performance ta tors. The course was faster and the first of six prize drive events under see what is happening, before we parts available for the Renault Clio wider than in previous years, the the 2008 Pirelli Star Driver scheme. decide what to do about it all." Both R3 cars. Pieces which are expected to drivers having to use gravel tyres on The rally attracted no fewer than 7 5 Citroen Total and Ford BP fielded radically close the gap between the R3 an asphalt surface, where Henning entries, around twice as many as on brand new cars for this event, each and the Citroen and Renault Super Solberg was fastest Solberg: "I have previous world championship events with technical novelties following 1st 1600 models. never scored a scratch time on asphalt this year. April homologations. Petter Solberg Seen for the first time together in before -and the best thing was I beat Who would win? Normally the had missed the chance of celebrating public were the five Pirelli Star Driv- Loeb!" 300 meters after the start of all-gravel surfaces mean this should with his team after his great result ers (PSD), selected during 2008 from the first stage, on the Friday, Loeb be a Ford event, if the superhuman in Cyprus by falling ill, but he had various regions round the world. This slid wide on the approach to a narrow capabilities of the Citroen driver recovered to drive a friend's Formula was the first of six events they will bridge and had to reverse, and lost Sebastien Loeb could be put aside One Ferrari the week before Por-enter, part of the Pirelli supported more time waiting for the dust storm for a moment. "We will have to beat tugal! Ford did well at Shakedown, programme for the championship. he had created to subside before he Sebastien on this event, if we don't Jari-Matti Latvala wa~ quickest, 2.4 Their identical yellow Mitsubishi could restart. He finally dropped 25 it will be the end of the world for us seconds faster over the 5km course Lancer Evo X cars were all prepared seconds to stage winner and new at Ford", said Ford's technical chief than his teammate Mikko Hirvonen. and run by Ralliart Italia, who were leader Jari-Matti Latvala. Latvala Christian Loriaux. Loeb came to Matthew Wilson was third,and then also running the Evo IX of Araujo. had a fine time running seventh car Portugal with a maximum score of Evgeniy Novikov was fourth on his Around 30 people were in Portugal on the road while his teammate 30 points from the first three World fourth run, after earlier spinning on to run these cars. In addition to the Mikko Hirvonen, running second, Rallies in the series while hanging in a very narrow part of the route and championship Fiestas, this event was was attacking anxiously. Then came the battle continued to be an incred- damaging both ends of his car. the debut for the Abu Dhabi Junior catastrophe for Latvala on stage four ibly reliable Mikko Hirvonen, who For Portuguese fans the fight for team, also with Fiestas. when he went off the road on a fast was eight points adrift. Hirvonen the top local driver was expected to be Rally fans were delighted when left hander and his wrecked Focus had finished his last 34 world cham- between Armindo Araujo and Bruno Marcus Gronholm announced he ended up far down a hillside, out ..---------.....,on-.,..,..--,-.--,,..,..-------, ---------------------------, ' Daniel Sardo and Marc Marti won the bronze medal in Evgeniy Novikov and Dale Moscatt, seen here at speed, had Mads Ostberg and Ole Unnerud drove their Subaru lmpreza Portugal, they're seen here in their Citroen C4 in the carwash. an accident with their Citroen C4 and were out of the rally. to a sixth overall finish in Portugal, seen here at high speed. Page 18 June 2009 Dusty Times

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Mikko Hirvonen and Jarmo Lehtinen finished second overall in Portugal, they're seen here in their Ford Focus RS generating dust. of sight oflater drivers. An ISC film crew were anxious to see the in-car footage of Latvala' s crash and were horrified when they checked out what actually happened. It seemed he rolled no fewer than 17 times. It was a miracle the crew were unscathed! Suddenly Dani Sordo found him-self in the lead, and second to the amazement of all, was ... Granholm! By mid point on the first day Loeb had climbed back to fourth, not at all unhappy with his position when thinking about the running order for the following day. Several drivers had brake troubles, Henning Solberg suf-fered in this way on the first loop of three stages, "It happens to me when I am not so happy with the set-up, because I use the brakes much more." Mads Ostberg had a broken rear caliper and between the stages had to blank off the rear brakes. Conrad Rautenbach also had brake problems on stages two and three, before he had a chance between stages to bleed the system. Evgeniy Novikov, like several drivers, suffered from poor pacenotes on stage three, caused because the stage was very dusty dur-ing recce. All eyes, however, were on Granholm. "The only trouble has been suffering from the confusion at the start of stage four, when we heard about Latvala's crash." What a performance for a first rally in 17 months! On stage five Hirvonen and Granholm got ahead of Sordo when he made the same error as Loeb had done earlier, at the entry to the nar-row bridge, and dropped down to third place while Loeb was pushing but still in fourth. Granholm eased off on the final stage of the day, "Probably a bit too much" letting both Citroen Total cars get in front of him and dropping back to fourth. Further down the field, Sebastien Ogier gradually passed Novikov and then Matthew Wilson to rise to sixth Michal Kosciuszko and Maciek Szczpaniak took the gold medal in JWRC in their Suzuki Swift and they finished a nice 13th overall as well. behind Petter Solberg. Hirvonen had two tyres badly damage themselves on stage seven, the final stage of the day, but he held his lead -18.0 seconds in front of Sordo. Outside the top ten Al Qassimi had a horrendous afternoon. The turbo failed, then the electrics and he was stuck with difficult gearshifting, unintentionally creating a dust storm behind him. Both Rautenbach and Ostberg had badly worn tyres. In PCWRC, Bruno Magalhaes shot into the lead in the category but then on stage three the Peugeot's en-gine failed due to a faulty water pump and he was out of the event. Araujo was lying second when he also suf-fered from bad notes on stage three and also had a spin. So into the lead came Nasser Al Attiyah with Patrik Flodin second. Hot favourite Patrik Sandell rolled on stage two and was out, while on stage three Gaurav Gill abandoned with steering arm failure. His manager said "He had a spare, but no tools with which to change it ... " Then Nicos Thomas went off the road, the first of the Pirelli Star Drivers. Martin Semerad, who was also registered in the Production Car, also left the road. Al Attiyah held his lead through the second loop of stages but then damaged the steering and eventually had to give up, letting Araujo ahead. Later it was discovered Al Attiyah' s problem was the same piece which had broken on Gill's car. Eyvind Brynildsen was up to second but then had gearbox troubles, stuck in second and fifth gears, probably a legacy of his earlier gearshift problems. Gianluca Linari continued to have power steering problems through the day. By the end of the day Flodin was second, Brynildsen third and Tapper fourth. Martin Prokop, slowed with a broken brake disc, was fifth but of the 15 starters now there were only eight runners left. In the Junior category all seven starters went strongly. Alessandro Bettega gradually came to terms with his new, more powerful, Renault Clio, "Previously we had fantastic traction and not enough power, now it is quite the opposite. I still have not tried to find out how powerful it is now! Kevin Abbring had a broken ca-ble to his electric fan and had to ease his throttle to keep the temperature down, so he also did not know how much better his Clio was going. Luca Griotti was lying third in-his Clio but then dropped back to fourth when he hit a tree. Bettega led after the Superspecial but Michal Kosciuszko got ahead of him after stage two, the first orthodox stage on the Friday, with Yoann Bonato third. Hans Weijs had a miserable start with no brakes at all, and then had to drive 14km on stage three with a flat tyre. Simone Bertolotti had constant misfiring due to an electrical problem on his Suzuki and was seventh. Despite in-tercom failure Kosciuszko continued to hold a strong lead ahead of fellow Suzuki driver Bonato, whose tyres were badly worn. Kosciuszko's team-mate Bertolotti, however, stopped with engine overheating trouble. On the first stage of the second loop of stages, Bettega stopped in the middle of stage five when the crew found dense fumes were entering the cockpit. Contacting their service crew for advice, trying to discover where the fire was coming from, he was eventually forced to stop for the rest of the day. The Dutch KNAF drivers, Abbring and Weijs, were lying third and fourth, while Griotti dropped back to fifth when he had to stop and Cantinud an p1g1 20 A Word To The Jf'lse "The Person Who Stops Advertising To Save Money Is Like The Person Who Stops The Clock To Save Time." Dusty Times June 2009 Page 19

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Mark Tapper and Jeff Judd finished 28th overall in their Federico Villagra and Jose Diaz finished seventh overall Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X, they competed in PCWRC, seen Petter Solberg and Philip Mills were the fourth place finishers in Portugal, seen here at speed in their Ford Focus RS. here in a good left hander. in Portugal, seen here at speed in their Citroen Xsara. ----"-------------------ch an g ea flat tyre. unchallenged. Prokop was slowed in stage, a repeat of the superspecial driver Armindo Araujo over a The stage was stopped and Griotti Among the Pirelli Star Drivers, the dust of Tapper, who nad gone in the relative safety of the stadium minute ahead of Martin Pro-then carried on! Abbring had screen Mark Tapper was able to keep driv- off the road and damaged the power which Henning Solberg won again! kop, and in third place Evyvind misting problems and stopped so he ingwith the aid of pain killers for his steering. Threeoftheotherfour Pire-Loeb took his 51"World win leading Brynildsen. The first Subaru could see where he was going. Polish dislocated rib and the others were lli Stars were also in trouble. Nikara home Mikko Hirvonen, Dani Sordo finisher was Nasser Al Attiyah driver Michal Kosciuszko won the going fine, with Jarkko Nikara the was out again, with damage to the and Petter Solberg. in his N 14 in fourth place but category in his Suzuki, having led the highest placed. On stage five Nikara right rear suspension, Semerad hit a PCWRC Guest driver Moura over ten minutes behind Araujo. rally from the start of the orthodox hit a rock and had to stop for the rock and broke the suspension and had to retire with transmission Among the swathe of retirements stages, ahead of two Dutch drivers day, so the third different driver to Thomas had the left rear suspension problems while Tapper got ahead in the category were all the Super Abbring and Weijs who finished lead the PSD competitors in five missing,so Williamswastheonlyone of Linari into fifth place. None 2000 drivers. second and third in their respective stages became Mark Tapper. The leftstillinactionbymidday!Prokop of the cars in the subsidiary JWRCGriottihitthewatercross-RenaultandCitroenandthreeital-three remaining PSD drivers were had rear differential failure for the championship categories ran the ing on stage 14 very hard, his screen ians Griotti, Bettega and Bertolotti. still going strong. last two stages of the day. Brynildsen final orthodox stage. Mitsubishi was obliterated by water, he lost con- There was only one retirement from Day 2 hit a tree and lost road section time Evo IXs took the top three places trol, the car ended up on its side and the category that of the Frenchman The running order was strange, changing a broken suspension arm. in the category, headed by local blocked the route for later drivers. Yoann Bonato. uuac: with the various categories fairly lnJWRC Bertolotti restarted but -------------------------------------------mixed among each other, leading immediately withdrew as there was to awkward anomalies. Hirvonen still an electrical problem with the dropped only seconds of his lead on car. In the lead Kosciuszko was pull-the first stage of the day (stage eight), ing further ahead when the second but it was now Loeb who was second. stage of the day was stopped after On stage nine, however, there was Bonato went off the road (at exactly a lot of loose gravel on the surface, the place where Chris Atkinson did just what Loeb (running third on the same thing two years before) and the road) needed and he swept into hit a photographer who suffered a the lead, gradually pulling ahead broken leg. Abbringwas now second of Hirvonen as the day progressed, with Griotti back up to third. Weijs while Sordo stayed ahead of Petter lost time with a broken brake caliper. Solberg. There was drama on the Bettega was back in action but the first stage when Gronholm slid off fuel readings were bad. The remote the road and rolled, but he regained refuelling crew said his tank was full the road and tried to continue but but it wasn't and he ran out of fuel the water radiator was damaged and on the following stage. he had to stop. Then Ogier went off Day 3 and hit a tree, damaging the right Among those which did not reap-rear suspension arm and was out for pear for the final day's competition the rest of the day. Behind the lead- were the PCWRC driver Patrik Flo-ers there was a tight battle between din (after his accident the afternoon Novikov, Henning Solberg and before) and Neiksans (transmission Ostberg, until Novikov misjudged a problems) and Prive (accident dam-bend and slid into a bank which then age) but Ogier was back in action as punctured a tyre. Sordo lost time on was Bettega, who was the only driver stage ten when he overshot a bend pushing his car along. and had to reverse before he could Dust was the name of the day! start off again. Loeb meanwhile was Hirvonen' s codriver Jarmo Lehtinen confident, "Everything is going ac-said "Even with three minute in-cording to plan. I have the ideal road tervals it would not be enough. It position. My only problem, I do not is always terrible first thing in the know what sort of leading margin I morning in that area." Only Loeb will need tonight, because the stages had a clear run, but then he nearly do not seem to clean in a regular spoiled everything when he had a pattern. Petter Solberg lost time in long sixth gear slide, leaving more Gronholm's dust. Federico Villagra dust for those behind him. First car lost his front brakes. By midday Loeb on the road in fact was not such a was 6.9 seconds in front ofHirvonen. bad place to be! ... Petter Solberg was On went the Loeb machine through slowed by a bonnet that was flapping the day, everything according to plan, in the wind in front of him. Novikov while Hirvonen became more and went off the road causing his rival more depressed, "We went carefully Ostberg suddenly to ease his pace, through stage 12 to save our tyres for before he remembered he still had stage 13. We need not have taken the a rally going on. Henning Solberg trouble. The tyres were completely de- had bad screen misting coupled with stroyed anyway!" Petter Solberg had a dust hanging in the air in the car, tyre down to the canvas, Rautenbach leaving a nasty mess. Rautenbach had a tyre come off the rim. There had more problems with his brakes was a big worry when news came but held on to eighth place. Then through that the Dutch privateer came the drama of the final gravel Rene Kuipers had a bad accident on stage. Wilson went off the road and a road section and his codriver was was eventually anle to regain the evacuated to hospital. track, but only after causing mortal In PCWRC Andis Neiksans re-damage to the clutch, and he was started but then retired on the way out. Then Rautenbach went off at to the first stage, Araujo had trouble the same place, irretrievable. His finding a rhythm, but Flodin was fly-car caught fire and was destroyed. ing and took the lead, "I have to be re-That stopped the stage as the fire ally careful, however," said the Swede, brigade officials did their best to "This is a rally where it is very easy stop the whole countryside from to damage the car." Flodin went off · getting b,umed. Cars then made the road and retired, leaving Araujo their way back to Faro for the final Page 20 43rd Vodafon~ Rally of Portugal 2009 (P) Algarve Stadium 2/5.04.2009 WCR round 4, JWRC round 3, PCWRC round 3 WC points JC PC 1 (1) 886ESF78 (F) 2 (3) WRC PX08AXC 3 (2) 884ESF78 (F) 4 (11) 526ERR78 (F) 5 (6) EU07SUF (GB) 6 (16) M700WRC (GB) 7 (9) EA07PXN (GB) 8 (14) EU07SSZ (GB) 9 (147) Evo IX 10 Evo IX 11 PCWRC (131) PCWRC (149) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena 10 10 Mikko HIRVONEN/Jarmo Lehtinen (GB) 3h.53m.37.4s. 8 Daniel SORDO/Marc Marti E 3h.54m.58.5s. 6 6 Petter Solberg/Philip Mills 3h.55m.57.7s. 5 Henning SOLBERG/Cato Menkerud 3h.58m.59.4s. 5 4 Mads Ostberg/Ole Unnerud 3h.59m.33.9s. 3 Federico VILLAGRA/Jose Diaz 4h.06m.12.6s. 4 2 Khalid Al Qassimi/Michael Orr 4h.llm.34.8s. 1 Armindo Araujo/Miguel Ramalho DJ924 GW (I) 4h.15m.31.6s.+ Martin Prokop/Jan Tomanek 3J57105 (CZ) 4h.16m.38.7s. Eyvind Brynildsen/Denis Giraudet F/MC FIN 8 Citroen N/GB N N RA UAE/GB p CZ Lancer Evo IX 6 PCWRC EQK867 (NZ) 4h.16m.44.7s. 13 (32) Michal Kosciuszko/Maciek Szczpaniak Swift Sl600 JWRC JVR684 (H) 4h.22m.38.6s. 16 (150) Nasser Al Attiyah/Giovanni Bernacchini Impreza Nl4 PCWRC OU58FUG (GB) 4h.26m.09.2s. 5 17 WRC 19 JWRC 22 JWRC 23 Evo X 24 (12) s'ebastien Ogier/Julien Ingrassia 733DYN78 (F) 4h.26m.59.3s. (6) (37) Kevin Abbring/Erwin Mombaerts NL/B 62-SN-VX (NL) 4h.28m.45.1s. (36) Hans Weijs/Bjorn de Gandt NL/B H-PR1106 (D) 4h.32m.01.3s. (62) Jon Williams/George Gwynn ZA/GB N* DS701PC (I) 4h.32m.50.8s. (34) Luca Griotti/Corrado Bonato I WR WO Citroen C4 WRC Ford Focus RS 09 C4 WRC Citroen Xsara WRC Ford Focus RS WRC Subaru Impreza WRC Ford Focus RS WRC Ford Focus RS WRC Mitsubishi Lancer 10 Mitsubishi Lancer 8 N/F Mitsubishi PL Suzuki 10 QA/I Subaru F Citroen C4 Renault Clio R3 8 Citroen C2 S1600 6 Mitsubishi Lancer Renault Clio R3 5 JWRC 28 PCWRC* 31 DK845HF (I) 4h.37m.48.7s. (65) Mark Tapper/Jeff Judd DS703PC (I) 4h.4lm.21.2s. NZ Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X 4 PCWRC 33 PCWRC 34 Clio R3 38 (134) Gianluca Linari/Andrea Cecchi I DH571XA (I) 4h.43m:39.3s. (148) Gaurav Singh Gill/David Senior IND/GB NM-MR532 (D) 4h.46m.25.3s. (5) (39) Alessandro Bettega/Simone Scattolin JWRC DF400TV (I) (5) (!54) Martin Semerad/Bohuslav Ceplecha Lancer Evo X 1 PCWRC* DS704PC (I) 5h.00m.32.7s. June 2009 Subaru Impreza Nl2 3 Subaru Impreza Nl4 2 I Renault 4 CZ Mitsubishi Dusty Times

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How Active can You Get?· By ]. Preston Bradshaw Greg holds some of his easel art, here he holds his portrait of Ivan Stewart. Greg Symonds, a retired General made it up to Expert, then broke his contractor, is a man who is always wrist and decided to keep on racing, looking for a challenge. Greg's but now it would be on four wheels, introduction to Off Road Racing with a bit of protection. So, at age was on a motorcycle, at the age of 55, he started racing in Class 11, 48, when most racers are getting then on to Class 1600, Class 2, ready to hang it up, Greg was just Class 10 and then was picked to starting! Greg raced in District 37, drive a Toyota 4x4 for Yokohama, Plwtos: Track.side Photo which he· did for five years. Then SCORE issued an ultimatum that if you were less than 18 years of age or over 69 years of age, you could not race in the Baja 1000. That hit Greg right where he lived! The end of his racing career? No sir! So, off road racing in cars and trucks was over, Here, Greg displays some of the portraits he has painted, always looking for the challenge and then mastering the challenge. Greg gave it a bit of thought, just another challenge and he went on to short course circle track racing, he was second in the NASCAR Class at Saugus speedway at the end of the season, his age, 75! Five years later, Greg decided he had enough of auto racing and went looking for something else to channel his energies into. Well, this was really a challenge, Greg discovered the art of painting, not painting houses, but he took up the painting of portraits. I mean, landscapes are a lot easier to paint, lots of running one color into another and if you overdo a bit here and there, who's to know. But, portraits, that's a definite skill, no margin for error. Just what Greg was looking for, another real challenge. Greg paints from a picture, he does not have someone posing, sitting for hours while he works and, I must tell you, I have seen his portraits and they are really fantastic! Greg took a few snapshots of Ivan Stewart at a race and also a few shots of Butch Dean. He painted them from the pictures and, having seen them personally, I can tell you they are really fantastic. He also did a portrait of the Checkers own Reverend Roy, which I have not seen. The portraits are seen here on this page, judge for yourself. Greg Symonds found there is no challenge he won't dare to take. How about you? This article is a salute to Greg Symonds, he is now 87 years old, looks and acts about 65. Greg is now looking for yet another challenge and his wife of over 60 years, Dee, is his most ardent supporter. Moral: When you think all is said and done, get out there and find another challenge to overcome. ~ Why aren't you a Dusty Times Subscriber? It's so much easier to receive Dusty Times in your mailt~ox each month, getting all the latest news and race and rally reports, written by the best off road journalists in the business. Don't miss an issue! Subscribe now! Foreign Subscriotions 1 Vear ............... $25/00 1 Year ............... $55.00* 2 Vears ............. $40.00 2 Years ........... $110.00* 3 Vears ............. $55.00 .I 3 Years ........... $165.00* *Prices are in U.S. Dollars Air mail rates on request. See complete subscription form on page 3. DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer Street, Chatsworth, CA 91311 Dusty Times June 2009 Page 21

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o .. ,.,. .... 4-1 BALLS OuT 250 ~<>.~Racir~Enlh;.;.....S Pacewiczh Takes It All By Steve Ruddick Photos: Trackside Photo .., Pepper Cote took the gold medal in the Challenge Division; seen here at speed on the course, headin' for the checkers. #1005, about 21-seconds behind Volpe in #130, and Jennifer Clemison in car # 13 2 was only 5-seconds behind Brown. This is still anybody's race, because -nobody ever wins a race on the first lap. In fact, Lap 1 is usually the most carnage asada of all. Lap 2 saw significant changes. Mike Pacewiczh drove to the Class 1 win at the MORE Balls Out 250, he took the overall honors as well. Rich Volpe in #130 and Jennifer Clemison in #132 both had 'bad' laps and fell well off-the pace . Sadly, Rick Brabec flipped in car #1582 and was medivaced out with serious injuries. James Ward was still out in front in car #109, with a 00:01:49 lead ahead of Mike Pacewiczh in car #135. Shane Brown maintained a After the mid-way point in the race (Lap 4), Mike Pacewiczh is in the lead position in car #130 by just over 6-minutes ahead of James Ward in #109. AND -Shane Brown in # 1005 is only 3-seconds behind Ward. Bob Sch-reiner is still running in fourth spot in truck #70 - still about 4-minutes off the main pace. Jeff Nutter is running in fifth spot in #129, with Shelby Reid only 2-minutes or so behind in car #168. Travis Chase is still in the race in #195 following Reid, and Jennifer Clemison is far behind in car #132. Rich Volpe stays in the running through Lap 5, and is done for the day after that: DNF. It's springtime, in Barstow -in the Mojave. March 13, 2009. Mostly sunny, with temps in the mid-70s. A 10-15 mph west wind, with gusts up to 35mph in the afternoon; some very dusty gusts, I might add. The desert wildflow-ers are in bloom - yellows and purples and blues. And a long thin white line of haulers and RVs and trailers on the horizon. That would be -The MORE Balls Out 250. More racers than you can wave a green flag at -one hundred four entries in seventeen different Classes. Tech and contingency were • held Friday out behind the Slash X, and Start/Finish was too. Rac-ers were camped on both sides of Pit Row at S/F, and there was plenty of action with the main Course right in the middle. It was dusty -and great weather for off-road racing. M.O.R.E. plotted a 32-mile Course with eight Road Crossings (RX), # Check Points (CK), and lots of fast dirt. Classes 1, 10, 12, 5, 1/2-1600, 1400, 8, 7 and 1350 raced for seven laps. Classes 5/16, 9, 1300, 7s, 1450 and 1700 dueled it out for six laps. Classes 11 and 3 did fours laps of fun. The Ultra Truck race win went to Casey Benito, Casey had 25 minutes in hand when the checkered flag flew. Dennis Dunn took the honors in Class 5/1600 with only 66 seconds in hand after a six hour run, he's seen here just at takeoff. Page 22 CLASS 1: Seven laps; 224 miles. Ten starters, seven Finish-ers, 3 DNFs. Rich Volpe started in the pole position in class at the green flag in car #130. Volpe set a fast pace at 52 mph on the first lap, but it was James Ward in car #109 that would lead the pack at the end of Lap 1 at 53.6 mph. Mike Pacewiczh was in second position at the end oflap 1 in car #135, about 58-seconds behind Ward in #109. Rich Volpe was now running in third position, only 5-seconds off of Pacewiczh's rear bumper. Shane Brown was running in fourth position in car steady pace in car #1005, and was running in third position about 0:01:22 behind Pacewiczh, after two laps of racing. 'Uncle Bob' Schreiner was having prob-lems with truck #70, but was still running in fourth position -but about 4-minutes behind #1005. Jeff Nutter in car #129, Shelby Reid -#168, and Travis Chase -#195 are all still in the race, but well off the pace. Jennifer Clemison-#132, and Rich Volpe in # 130 both got their rides fixed -and are back in the hunt again. -.. Troy Johnson led Class 5 all the way, he had some 19 minutes in hand at the flag, he's seen here at speed runnin' for the checkers. It was a good run for Perry Fleming, he had less than five minutes in hand when he came in for the Class 7A Victory. June 2009 After seven Laps of racing, Mike Pacewiczh [Oak Hills CA) and first-timer co-driver Steve Adams got the Dunn Tech Racing car #135 to the check-ered flag in 4: 19:57 at 52.3 mph to win First Place in Class -and Overall Winner, too. Pacewiczh won with an 11-minute + margin-of-victory, and won the Fast Lap honors on Lap 4 at 54.5 mph; in 0:35:40. "It was a very dusty but 'clean' race for us - we had a minor fuel issue but we ran strong and set a decent pace; no problems"; reported Pacewiczh. "The terrain was rough and there were some BIG rocks out there. The most fun? Pulling in for First Place!" James Ward and Cody Jeffers [Wyoming; + 1030 miles) got to the finish line in 4:30:35 in the Paint Rock Crossing Estates Racing car # 109 to win Second Place and Second Overall. "The suspension is hammered -soft as ****. We had 3 flats and lost sooo much time", reported Ward. "We ate a lot of Uncle Bob's dust but we had a lot of fun going back.-and-forth with #70 too! The most fun was -the Finish Line!" Bob Schreiner won Third Place -in the LEATT-BRACE/ Trail-Glow TT #70 in 4:32:44 at 49.9 mph; only 2-minutes behind Ward. Here's 'Uncle Bob's story, from the driver's seat. It's a first-hand in-sight into off-road racing in the Mojave desert in southern California: "The race started on time, #70 started second in line, and Bob and his co-driver Bob Silva started chasing the class leader - # 130 - for miles. Around RM18, the #70 Trophy Truck was on the tail of the # 130 Class 1 car in the severe dust and . . . barn! ~ the 130 car made a slight right turn and up off the course ... through bushes and a rock pile the #70 went. With mirrors now folded in, bushes and branches sticking out from everywhere on the front of the truck, they slow a little, regrouped, cleaned out the Dusty Times

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Jim Ward had to settle for a second place finish in the Class 1 Tim Scott's first lap was a long one, it cost him, he was the Nicole Garavito was the silver medal finisher in the Class 5 contest, she's seen here nicely airborne, heading for home. battle, he was 11 minutes in arrears when the checkers flew. second place finisher in the Ultra Truck battle. windshield area (there is no wind-shield) and off they went again. With watching the gauges and the terrain, they had a great pace going again but also had a severe vibration now. With main pit at RM32 just before S/F, Uncle Bob called in to be ready to look over the truck. The truck stopped and main pit made the determination to keep going-that all looked OK. Lap 2 was a good lap but very discouraging because #70 could only pull a top speed now of 80mph across the Barstow desert. Knowing this, a pace was set in the race truck to be very consistent. Pit stops for fuel were made on Lap 3 5. Lap 6 and 7 were the best times the team has ever had. Team UBRT Racing in the #70 Trophy Truck finished a strong 3rd -despite running gear damage. After the race was when the team noticed that there was a bent drive shaft, the skid place for the rear-end was ripped off and 3 of the 5 pinion bolts sheared off - leaving the pinion gear flexing in the rear-end. After all this, the team ofUBRT Racing still retains the 2009 points Class 1 lead. Jeff Nutter drove a consistent race in car #129 to win Fourth Place in 4:53:39 at 46.3 mph; just off the podium finish pace. Shelby Reid finished her required laps in 5:03:49 at 44.8 mph to win Fifth Place in Class for the day. Travis Chase won Sixth Place in car #195 with an elapsed time of 5: 14:22 at 43.3 mph. DSMS Motorsports had a rough race weekend, but Jennifer Clemi-son managed to finish and win Seventh Place in 6:29:48 at 34.9 mph. Shane Brown got six laps of fun done before he DNF'd for the day in car #1005. CLASS 10: Seven laps; 224 miles. Two starters, one Finisher; one DNF. Steve McMullin got the hole shot at the green flag in car #1022 and set the pace on Lap 1 at 53.3 mph in 0:36:29. McMullin DNF' dafter that. That left Mike McGee as the sole racer in class to beat the desert in car #1011. And he did. McGee com-pleted all the required laps in 5:54:38 at 38.4 mph to win First Place in Class for the day. CLASS 12: Seven laps; 224 miles. Eight starters, six Finish-ers; two DNFs. Danny Savant started in the pole position at the green flag in car #1281 and was in the lead by 25-seconds ahead of Jerry Longo in car #1108 after the first lap. Longo started in sixth position. Doug Silcock started in the #7-slot in car #1169, and was running in third position after one lap -about 20-seconds be-hind Longo. Sean Krach started in the third position in car #1275, and was running in fourth place after the first lap was done. David Sanchez started car #1229 second in line at the green flag and com-pleted his first lap in 4: 11:31 at 7.7 mph. Sanchez DNF'd after two laps. At the mid-way point in the race, Doug Silcock had taken over the lead in car #1169 and was out-in-front of Danny Savant in car #1281 by 26-seconds. Cody Reid was running in third position in car #1268 - a couple of minutes behind the leaders. Reid put the pedal to the metal on lap 4 at 48.9 mph to earn the Fast Lap honors in class for the day. Sean Krach was still in the race in fourth posi-tion after four laps of racing in car #1275, but was almost 20-minutes Continued on page 24 Kevin Shain was the only entry in Class BA, he had a ball, motored around and took the checkered flag after an almost five hour run. gJ BEARDl~I' ,, 'lled by 'PA!'V1Ni Class\ ate~ We carry a full lin KING ---------O FF -RO fi D RACING SHOCl<S FILTERMAGW ~~ Dusty Times June 2009 Page 23

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Mark Lundberg had a slow second lap and it cost him, he was James Solinas was fairly close, he drove his truck to a second It was a second place finish in the Class 9 battle for Forest the silver medal finisher in the Class 5/1600 scuffle. place finish in Class 7A, less than five minutes out of the win. Creasy, he's seen here scampering across the desert. Nate Himmelrick was the big winner in the Class 9 contest, he bested 13 other drivers for the coveted gold medal. behind the leaders at that point. by Troy Johnson in car #500, Jerry Longo had some issues on Mark McDivitt in car #5187, and laps 3 and 4 and was now run-Scott Wagstaff in car #502. Rear ning a distant fifth position in starters included A J Martin in car #1108, and Hector Garcia was #5013, Chris Lazenbury in car right on Longo's rear bumper in #509, DoR Nichol Garavito/ car # 1206. Vanessa Garcia had Raul Solano and co-driver Bryan major issues on lap 4 in car #1210, Johnson in car #505, and Larry and DNF'd after lap 6. Atuna • #507. When all the dust settled at the After the end of the first lap, A Finish Line, Doug Silcock got to . J Martin had sprinted to the lead the podium with a 0:01:28 mar-in car #5013 -with a 2-second gin-of-victory to win First Place in lead in front of Troy Johnson car #1169 in 4:53:50 at 46.3 mph. in car #500. Scott Wagstaff was Danny Savant won Second Place running in third position in car in 4:55:13 at 46.1 mph in car #502 about 0:01:18 later, and #1281. "The course was difficult Erik Earnest had slipped from -technical - lots of whoops and first to fourth position in car big rocks", Savant reported. Cody #524 • about 0:02:20 later. Nichol Reid finished about 5-minutes Garavito was another 0:01: 14 behind Savant to win Third Place behind in position, in car #505, in class in 5:01:35 at 45.1 mph in but was 0:11: 16 ahead of the sixth car #1268', and 17-minutes ahead spot car #509 of Chris Lazenby. of the Fourth Place winner -Sean After four laps of racing, A J Krach in car #1275. Krach had a Martin in #5013 had increased total elapsed time of 5: 18:41 at an his lead to 2-1/2 minutes in front average speed of 42. 7 mph. Jerry of Troy Johnson in car #500. That Longo completed all his laps in was the end of Martin's race day 5:31:59 at 41 mph to win Fifth when he DNF'd -but not before Place in car #1108. Hector Garcia #5013 won the Fast Lap honors motored car #1206 to the Sixth on Lap 4 at 49. 7 mph in 0:39:07. Place win in 8:00:49 at 28.3 mph. Johnson was still running a strong CLASS 5: Seven laps; 224 second -with a 50+ minute lead miles. Eight starters, six Finish-ahead of Nichol Garavito in car ers; two DNFs. Erik Earnest #505. Garavito has a 5-1/2 min-was first to see the green flag ute lead on Earnest in car #524, in class in car #524 - followed but the remainin racers are far Bob Henderson was the gold medal winner in the Class 11 conflict, he had five minutes in hand when the checkered flag flew. Page 24 Mike McGee had a fairly easy day, he took the class 10 win with ease, he's seen here at touchdown, headin' for the flag. behind. Chris Lazenby DNF's in car #509 after the end of lap 5. Time to push the pace if your car has anything left. When the checkered flag flew at the finish -it was for Troy Johnson [Cypress CA] in car #505 and the First Place win. Johnson finished all seven laps with an elapsed time of 4:59:09 at 45.5 mph. That was a 0: 19:20 margin-of-victory. "We didn't have any issues all day", Johnson reported. "Cody and I did Laps 1-3; pretty uneventful, but we got passed on lap 3. Rick and Johnny got in for Laps 4-6 and it was smooth sailing." Nichol Garavito won Second Place in Class in car #505 in a time of 5: 18:29 at 42. 7 mph. Raul 'Rulo' Solano also took a turn at the wheel, and Bryan Johnson was co-driver. Here's their story: "We encountered a lot of dust in the first lap and visibility was very poor but we managed to continue to lead. Although we had several (3) flats and stopped to check the car ~o times, we were averaging good•speeds until the last lap • when the car broke the lower bypass shock, mount bolt. We had to stop and try to fix it but we couldn't find anything in the car so Rulo (Raul Solano) it around the shock and limped the car to a finish placing in 2nd. It was indeed a very good race that kept us all on our toes, all our fel-low friends and competitors did a great job. We can't wait for the next race, the ORAF 500." It took Erik Earnest 5:54: 15 to win Third Place in Class at 38.4 mph in car #524. The Fourth Place winner was Larry Atuna in car #507 -0:02: 16 behind Earnest in car #524; who was followed 0:02: 10 later by Scott Wagstaff in car #502 for the Fifth Place win. Atuna got it done in 5:56:31 at 38.2 mph, and Wagstaff completed all the laps in 5:58:41 at 37.9 mph. Mark McDivitt finished a rather distant Sixth Place in car #5187, but Fin-ish and win he did in 6:45:59 at 33.5 mph. CLASS 1/2-1600: Seven laps; 224 miles. Seven starters, seven Finishers. WoW! That's pretty stiff competition. Mike Dupue was in the pole position in car # 1697 when the green flag flew, but was 0:01:18 behind the leader of the class race pack at the end of lap 1. The leader at the end of lap 1 was Tom Craig in car #1622, who started the race in fourth position. Meanwhile, Dave Carranza had moved up to . . In the Class 78 contest, it was Doug Si/cock taking the win, he's seen here in a sharp lefthander on his way to the flag. June 2009 lap in car # 1635 and was only about 30-seconds behind Dupue in #1697. Mike Ward was running in fourth position after lap 1 in car #1673 and was two minutes behind Carranza in #1635. Keith Rogovin started in the second spot in class at the green flag in car # 1688, and was running in fifth spot in class after the end of the first lap; 0:01: 19 behind Ward. Likewise, Rick Waszkie-wicz had slipped from the third to sixth spot in car #1612 after completing lap 1. With another six laps and 190+ miles to go, it's still too close a race to call. Any-thing and everything is within the realm of possibility. CLASS 1400: Seven laps; 224 miles. Two starters, one Finisher; one DNF. Ryan Desautels got the hole shot at the green flag in truck #1428, and won the Fast Lap honors on lap 1 at 46.4 mph in 0:41 :45. At the end of the first lap, Desautels had a 2 + minute lead on Allen Byma in truck #1433. Desautels completed lap 2 in 3:06:58 at 10.4 mph, and DNF' d after that. That left Byma to beat the Barstow desert in truck #1433. Byma motored on for the First Place win in 5: 14:271 at 37.1 mph. CLASS 1350: Seven laps; 224 miles. Three starters, three Finishers. Joe Micklus started at the front of the line in class at the green flag in car # 1369, and was in the lead by 8-1/2 minutes at the end of lap 1. .Micklus in-creased his lead to 20 minutes by the end of lap 2, and then had serious issues on lap 3 - taking almost 2-1/2 hours to complete. Rene B******* also turned it up a notch on lap 3 with a Fast Lap speed of 47.7 mph in 0:40:43, in car #103, but then Brunnig also ran a troublesome 1-1/2 hour lap 4. At the midway point in the race, Mike Lesiecki was in the lead by 45 minutes in car #1811 ahead of Rene Brunnig in car #103 -who in turn was 30 minutes ahead of Joe Micklus in car #1369. It ain't over until the checkered flag flies. After competing for seven laps and 224 miles of downright dusty and dirty fun, Mike Lesiecki won First Place in car #1811 with an elapsed time of 6:08:29 at 36.9 mph. Lesiecki won by a 1:16:31 margin-of-victory. Joe Micklus won Second Place in class in 7:25:50 at 30.5 mph in car #1369. Rene Brunnig completed her required laps in 7:36:47 at 29.8 mph to win Third Place in car #103. Brunnig also won the Fast Lap award at 47. 7 mph on Lap 3. CLASS 3(000): Seven laps; 224 miles. Two starters, two Finishers. Daniel Nunley -car #3017, and Mike Lanphere - car #3045 were the only competi-Dusty Times

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Scott Sebastian was the second place finisher in the Class 11 Danny Savant was only a minute and 23 seconds in arrears in the Mike Dupue saves a bit of tire wear as heads to a second place finish conflict, he was less than 4 minutes in arrears at the end. Class 78 contest, he's seen here heading for the checkered flag. in the Class ½-1600 race, he was 4 minutes in arrears at the finish. tors in class. It was pretty much Nunley's race from start to finish. Nunley was in the lead by over 12-minutes at the end of the first lap, and set the Fast Lap pace on Lap 3 at 44. 7 mph, in 0:43:30. #3017 maintained his position and lead at the halfway point. Nunley completed the required seven laps in 5:28: 18 to win First Place in class, with a 1:07:42 margin-of-victory. Lanphere got all the laps done in 6:36:07 at 34.4 mph to win Second Place in. car #3045. CLASS 7s: Six laps; 192 miles. Five starters, three Fin-ishers; 2 DNFs. Andrew Becerra started first in line at the green flag in truck #748 and was in the lead by 7-1/2 minutes at the end oflap 1. Bacerra won the Fast Lap honors at 36.7 mph in 0:53:02 on Lap 3, and was in the lead by 30 minutes at the end of lap 3. Bacerra's DNF'd after lap 4. That DNF put James Bolinas in the lead in truck #737 for lap 5, but Bolinas stumbled on the last lap 6 and was passed by Perry Fleming in the Big Bear Disposal Racing truck #738 for the First Place win in 6:17:58 at 30.9 mph. Fleming won with a 4 minute margin-of-victory. "I'm tired. Thank You Team!" said Fleming. "We broke the upper track bar on the rear end at the housing", Fleming repprted. "Winning is good". James Bolinas won Second Place in Class in #737 in 6:22:07 at 30.5 mph. "The steering wheel came off and we rolled it", Bolinas said; [note badly wrinkled roof, broken leaf spring, came x_cross Finish Line "smoking"). "We had to trash the bedsides. The last lap was the worst! I got no complaints", stated Bolinas. Duane Evans started the race in the second spot at the green flag in truck #744, slipped to fourth position at the halfway mark, and finished Third Place in class with an elapsed time of 7:25:31 at 26.2 mph. Danielle ONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OUR RA WHO HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT! 2007 SCORE CLASS CHAMPIONS Class 1 Billy Gasper Class 1 0 Lobsam Yee Class 12 Tim Noe Class 1/21600 David Caspino Class 5 Luivan Voelker 2007 BAJA 1000 WINNERS Class 1 1st -Larry Roeseler, 2nd -Steve Strobel, 4th -Mark McMillin, 5th -Billy Gasper, 6th -Dale Lenk Class 121st -Tim Noe, 2nd -Stan Potter Class 8 1st -Glen Greer Class 1/21600 2nd -Victor Barreda, 4th -Dan McMillin Class 5 1st -Drew Belk, 2nd -Luivan Voelker -2007 BITD OVERALL POINTS CHAMPION Chuck Hovey Dusty Times Corbin got in five laps of fun in truck #763 before a DNF finished her race day. CLASS 5/16: Six laps; 192 miles. Five starters, two Finish-ers; three DNFs. Dennis Dunn got the hole shot at the green flag in car #557, but was running in third position at the end of the first lap. Steve Patton started second-in-line in car #551, and was leading the class by 8-seconds at the end of the first lap, with Guy Savedra in second spot in car #569. Mark Lundberg was run-ning in fourth spot in car #564, after starting in the same position earlier. Curtis Valenzuela got in one lap in car #577 before he DNF' d for the day. After three laps of racing, Guy Savedra was in the lead by almost six minutes in car #569, and Steve Patton was in second spot and running strong. Dennis Dunn -#557, and Mark Lundberg in car #564 were both -running almost 20-minutes behind the leaders. June 2009 Then, both Savedra and Patton DNF'd after Lap 4 -their day of fun was done. That left Dennis Dunn and Mark Lundberg to duke it out. And they made a close race out of it, too. After completing the required six laps of racing, Dennis Dunn [West LA CA) emerged the First Place win-ner in car #557, with a 66-second margin-of-victory. Dunn's elapsed time was 5:56:36 at 32. 7 mph. "Fantastic! This is our second Continued on ,111 26 Mike Lesiecki was the easy winner in the Class 7C battle, he's seen here at speed heading for the elusive checkered flag. Page 25

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Bob Schreiner drove his really good looking truck to a bronze Shawn Walters had a horrendously long fifth lap but he still It was a third place finish for Erik Earnest in the Class 5 race, medal finish in the Class 1 contest, seen here at speed. managed a third place finish in the ultra Truck skirmish. he's seen here at high speed heading for the finish line. Duane Evans was a bit off the winning pace in the Class 7A Jim Riker likes to fly, as you can see here, he finished third in race, he took a third place finish, seen here with the power on. the Class 9 fracas, less than 2 minutes out of second spot. The third place finisher in the Class 11 battle was Chris Anderson, he's seen here on his way to the checkered flag. race ever, and our first win", Dunn said. "We had 2 flats on Lap 3, and we broke a throttle cable. The course was challeng-ing and pretty rough and tough in spots. We had so much fun!" Mark Lundberg [Thousand Oaks CA] and Bill Westerhouse made it a close race in the Elite Fire Protection car #564 with a total time of 5:57:42 at 32.6 mph, to win Second Place in Class. "This was our first race this year", Lund-berg said. "The course was brutal in spots, but we had no flats or issues. A perfect day for racing." CLASS 9: Six laps; 192 miles. Eleven starters, six Fin-ishers; five DNFs. Cody Rash started the race in the pole posi-tion in class in car #973. Rash was running in seventh spot after the end of the first lap. Nate Himmelrick started number six in line at the green flag in car #987, and was leading the pack by almost 3-minutes after the first lap. Dave Bolles started in the ninth position in car #911 and had worked his way up to second spot after one lap. Matt Greveling was in third spot in car #990. Forest Creasy also did a lot of passing on the first lap in car #905 -moving from a rear start up to fourth position. Roger Arnold -car #969, was in fifth spot, followed by James Riker in The Class 88 win went to Allen Byma, he's seen here hustlin' along in his really good lookin' truck. Tom Craig was the big winner in the Class ½-1600 event, he had less than four minutes on his competition at the flag. Page 26 car #930. Fred Von Stieff got in one lap of fun in car #963 before his race day was over; DNF. After three laps of racing, Cody Rash had moved back up to leader of the pack in car #973, with a 54-second lead in front of Nate Himmelrick in car #987. Himmelrick has a 19-minute lead on the third place car #930 of James Riker. Forest Creasy is still in fourth spot in car #905, but Dave Bolles has slipped from second spot back to fifth place in car #911. Roger Arnold is still in the race in car #969 in sixth spot. Things changed a lot after that. Don Wood was the next racer to DNF after lap 4 in car #965. Lorenzo Duarte got in five laps of fun in car #939 before he too also DNF'd for the day. The race leader -Cody Rash in car #973 - also DNF'd after Lap 5, but not before winning the Fast Lap honors on Lap 4 at 40.5 mph in 0:47:57. Nate Himmelrick [Barstow CA) got to the checkered flag in 5:13:42 at 37.2 mph in car #987 to win First Place in Class, with a 0:24:36 margin-of-victory. Wayne Pierson got the wheel duties for Laps 5 and 6. "We lost our radio and had no communications", Himmelrick reported. "Other-wise, we ran a flawless race. The course was very rough. I've got It was a fairly easy day for Dan Nunley, he took the Class BC gold medal with ease, his competition was over an hour behind him. Tim Jeffus took the win in the Jeepspeed battle, he's seen here floating across the desert on his way to the checkered flag. June 2009 blisters on my fingers". Forest Creasy won Second Place in car #905 at 34.5 mph in 5:38: 18 - by almost 2-minutes ahead of the Third Place winner James Riker in car #930. Riker completed all the required laps in 5:40: 10 at 34.5 mph. Roger Arnold won Fourth Place in car #969 in 7:00:07 at 27.8 mph. Dave Bolles got all his laps done in 7:02:03 at 27.6 mph to win Fifth Place in class in car #911. Matt Creveling finished in Sixth Place in car #990 in 7:09:38 at 27.1 mph. CLASS 1300: Six laps; 192, miles. Three starters, one Fin-isher; two DNFs. Jim Kalp set a blistering pace on Lap 1 at 42.6 mph to win the Fast Lap honors in car #1322. Kalp DNF'd after that. Bob Jordan got four laps done in car # 1311 before he also DNF' d for the day. That left Pep-per Cote to beat Barstow, in car #1325. Cote completed six laps in 7: 16:51 at 26. 7 mph to win First Place in Class. CLASS 8: Five laps; 160 miles. One starter, one Finisher. Kevin Shane was the sole com-petitor in class in truck #847. All he had to do was beat Barstow. He did. Shane finished all the required laps in 4:42:50 at an average speed of 34.4 mph to win First Place. Shane won the Fast Lap honors on Lap 1 at 36.9 mph in 0:52:42, and motored the rest for the win. CLASS 1450: Five laps; 160 miles. Seven starters, four Fin-ishers; three DNFs. Rhonda Parkhouse took the pole posi-tion at the green flag in truck #1496. Parkhouse slipped back to seventh spot after the first lap of racing. Tim Scott started the race in fourth position in truck #1451 and was in the lead by 5-1/2 minutes by the end of the first lap. Scott won the· Fast Lap honors on Lap 1 at 35.3 mph, in 0:55:02. Shawn Walters in truck # 1469 was running in second spot after the tirst lap, after starting sixth in line at the green flag. Andrew Prince started at the rear of the line in truck #1486, and had moved up to third spot by the end oflap 1. Alan Rockwood was Dusty Times

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Cody Reid finished third in the Class 78 contest,he's seen here Mike Ward was a bit off the winning pace in the ½-1600 fracas, he had Sean Krach was a bit outgunned this race, he finished first off the just slightly airborne on his way to the elusive checkered flag. to settle for a bronze medal finish, he's seen here headin' for home. podium in Class 78, seen here in his good lookin' car. the first racer in class to suffer the dreaded DNF on lap 2 in truck #1453. Half way through the required five laps, Shawn Walters was in the lead by 41-seconds in truck #1469. Casey Benito was run-ning in second position in Truck # 1466 -with a 3-minute lead ahead of Andrew Prince in truck #1486. Tim Scott had slipped back to fourth spot in# 1451 after setting the fastest race pace on Lap 1. Chad Normile was run-ning in fifth spot in truck #1474 after three laps. Both Prince and Normile would DNF after com-pleting four laps. After racing for five laps and 160 miles of competition in the Barstow dust and dirt, Casey Bennito got to tl1e checkered flag the fastest in truck # 1466 to Win First Place in Class with a total elapsed time of 4:57:53 at 32.6 mph, and with a 25-minute margin-of-victory in hand to boot. Tim Scott got all his laps done in 5:22:59 at 30.1 mph to win Second Place in truck #1451. Shawn Walters had some major problems on the last lap but fin-ished the race in 6:59:36 at 23.2 mph to win Third Place in class for the day in #1469. Rhonda Parkhouse also had her share of gremlins throughout the day in truck # 1496, but still managed to finish and win Fourth Place in 7:35:33 at 21.3 mph. CLASS 1700: Five laps; 160 miles. Two starters, one Finisher; one DNF. Tim Jeffus - #1775, and Mark Kelsey in Jeep # 1727 were the sole starters in the Jeep speed class. Kelsey DNF' d after getting in three laps of fun. Jef-fus [Corona CA] and co-driver Tom Thorsell completed all the required laps in 6:03:39 at 26.7 mph to win First Place in #1775. Jeffus also won the Fast Lap honors at 31.4 mph on Lap 5, in 1:02:00. "We had an awesome race", Jeffus said. "It was rough, real rough, but fast in sections. We broke a drive shaft. M.O.R.E. did a great job and the course was a little mix of everything that Barstow has. No dings, no dents, no rolls .. lots of air!" CLASS 11: Four laps; 128 miles. Five starters, four Finish-ers; one DNF. Robert Henderson and Steve Patton started the race at the back of the class 11 pack in car # 1151. Henderson set the Fast Lap pace on Lap 1 in l: 10: 12 at 27. 7 mph, and was in the lead by over 4-minutes after the first lap was done. Henderson kept up a fast pace in the American Dump Truck Racing machine and went on to win First Place in Class in 4:56:46 at 26.2 mph, with a 0:03: 19 margin of victory. "The track was quite rough and we're running the oldest car out there - swing arms", Henderson said. Dusty Times "But we leave today with the Points Lead in class." Not too bad for the 5-time Class Champion, eh. Scott Sebastian [Sanger CA] made it a competitive race in car #1194 and won Second Place with a total time of 5:00:05 at 25.9 mph. Sebastian has only raced once before. "The course was extremely rough -violent, but we had a clean race", Sebastian said. Jon Lanner and Coi;y Van-Dry Break Tower • 100 Gallon Capacity • Single or Double DryBrw • EZSet Up coessorles •Dump Cans •Jfose • Reducers • lb.Ce Radio & S~tter fackages • llandheld Radios w/liolsters • Spotter Hea.d&ets • BelmetWiringKits • Aluminum Carry Case Helmets & Blowers • Forced Air Snell SA 2005 Helmets • G-Force • Pyrotec • Arai • Wired for Communication Kool Air Blowers • 105, 135, 150 & 235 CFMRatings • Filters & Hoses also available dermark also shared the duties in # 1194. Chris Anderson finished the required laps in 5:09: 18 at 25.1 mph to win Third Place for the day in car #1138. Luis Galindo took a lot longer to com-plete all the laps - 7:27:25 -but he did and won Fourth Place in car #1168 at 17.0 mph. Cool. Bill Swisher completed three laps of fun in car #1149 before his race day was done: DNF. !!~Q~.A: PROFEi 1/0NAL lACE PROOIJCTI Co unteatlon S stems • Vertex 5 to 110 Watt Radio Systems • fil·Fi Intercom Systems • Chase &JI.ace Packages • Base Station l'a.okages • Head & Neck Restraint • Lig}tt & Easyto Use • Required by NASCAR, Formula 1 & Many Others • Can Be Used with Any SA Rated Helmet • Race Proven • Fre& lruitallation with Purchase Racer X-Oenn · 41 l/2 Gallon Capacity • SCORE I BlTD / FIA Approved • Tapered Design Provides Increased Ground Cle&raaoe & Kaximizes Usable Fuel YOUB SAFETY & COMMUNICATIONS SOUBCB 10815 Wheatlands Avenue, Suite K • Santee, CA 92071 619-258-RACE (7223) • Fax 619;258-0883 • June 2009 Page 27

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LUCAS OIL OFF ROAD RACING SERIES The Next Generation By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Two great days for Curt Geer, he took the Limited Buggy race on both days, he's seen here in level flight goin' for the checkers. 11th lap. In the Unlimited 2 Race on Saturday and Sunday it was Carl Renezeder showing the way, he's seen h(Jre flying high on his way to the gold medal. On lap 12 Robby Woods' truck began to smoke, but he kept run-ning. Renezeder still led, with Whelchel second and Adler third. On the 15th lap Ebberts' hood started to flip up, but it didn't seem to bother him. On the last lap, Renezeder and Whelchel held their one/two positions, but Ampudia got up a head of steam and passed Adler in time to finish third. It was Renezeder, Whelchel and Ampudia, and Ampudia had recorded the fast lap of the event The first event in the Lucas Oil short course series got off the ground at Primm, Nevada in mid-April, slipping in to fill the spot vacated by CORR with little or no difficulty. The race course was the same one used by CORR last year, and the bleachers were in the same posi-tion relative to the track, and the concessions even looked the same. But these folks had put the pits on the pavement, rather than in the dirt, which was easier on the race teams, and they had eliminated the UTV races. Other than that, it felt the same. They even blasted the audience with ultra loud music as CORR had done. The schedule worked out the same way, with practice and quali-fying for an hour-and-a-half in the morning, a bunch of Trophy Kart races, and then the "Opening Cer-emonies" at about 1:30. After that it was racing until after 6 p.m. Each day is a separate points earning event for the race teams. The weather didn't cooperate. That is, it was typical Primm weath-er for April: sunny and clear, but with a cold wind out of the north and east. On Friday they'd had to shut qualifying down early, because the wind had been blowing dust, and was even catching the front ends of the trucks as they came off the big "mesa" on the back straight, and lifting them. This meant that Saturday morning practice was also qualifying for many. As it happened, it was windy on Satur-day also, although for those who worked in the pits or wandered day they did no inversions, which at 57. 7. Adler was second fastest. around the concessions looking meant that the starts were in the When they came back on Sun-for snacks it was not uncomfort-order of qualifying. When Sun-- day, again, the first race of the day able. The timing and scoring folks, day rolled around each class drew (after the Trophy Karts), there were and the Lucas leadership, as well fours, so four rows were inverted 12 trucks. They got off to a clean as the all important TV people in each start. start, with Jeff Ward jumping into were perched at the very top of the On Saturday there were 12 Un- the lead. But then he spun in Turn grandstands and were bundled up limited 2 trucks, but not for long. 2 and by the time he got ·sorted in heavy jackets all day. It got cold The course was very wet, and Kevin out, he was last and Ebberts had up there. Probst slid into the concrete wall in the lead, with Ampudia second With the economy at a low Turn 4 and knocked off his right and Renezeder nagging at his back point, and other series vying for front corner, folding it in under bumper. Robby Woods' truck was entries, it was reassuring to see that the engine. Carey Hart was also already smoking. On the second there were plenty of cars and trucks out on the first lap. But Rodrigo lap Ampudia moved into the lead, in attendance to make the racing Ampudia took the early lead with and Renezeder moved up to second entertaining to watch. The open-Carl Renezeder chasing and Jerry on lap three. Ward had trouble ing ceremonies included a brief Whelchel in third place. On the with that second turn again, but welcoming speech by Bob Patison fourth lap Ampudia went too wide he kept moving on. of Lucas Oil. Mr. Patison said, of in Turn 4 and that let Renezeder On lap four Whelchel moved the series, "This is not gonna go close up. Behind the lead three into third. So it was Ampudia, away - it's only gonna get better!" Greg Adler and Danny Ebberts Renezeder and Whelchel, and He was rewarded by enthusiastic were having a good battle. This Ebberts was hanging in there in applause. was Ebberts' first race here. Scott fourth. Kevin Davis had a little The racing began with the Un- Schovajsa has a new truck which trouble with Turn 1, and after the limited 2 class (two-wheel drive full Ebberts built, and that left the old next lap Robby Woods pulled off. size trucks). They were also going one for Ebberts to drive. They held that order at the front to be permitted to run in the final Ampudia continued to lead of the pack for the next several race of the day, the Unlimited 2/ 4 through the seventh lap, but then laps, and Matt Loiodice, a rookie event. This had originally been he slowed in Turn two on the this year, was running fifth, but he scheduled as the Unlimited 4 race, eighth lap, and Renezeder went pulled out at the end of the seventh but there were only five of those past him. Whelchel was still lap with a broken tie rod bolt, and teams in attendance, and the of-third. Gene Woods pulled out some other bits and pieces also out ficials wanted to see more trucks somewhere along here, and on the of order. on the track if possible. Thus, tenth lap, after they1d restarted With the mandatory yellow Unlimited 2 was the first race each from the mandatory yellow flag flag it was Ampudia, Renezeder day, to give them time to make any lap, Whelchel took advan,tage of and Whelchel, and when they repairs needed before heading into having been closed up, and passed restarted there was some banging, the last event of the day. Ampudia, wl)o was dealing with and then Ampudia pulled off in The start order is generally de- some problem. But it must have Turn 2 with a broken throttle cable, termined by draw. After qualifying, been temporary, because a lap later and Renezeder went into the lead, each class does a drawing. In the he was hard at it again, although he with Whelchel second, Ebberts was hat there are two number 2s, two couldn't regain the lost positions. third, but Schovajsa was right on number 4s, and one zero. Satur- Adler had also passed him, on the his bumper. And on the 12th lap ....-...---------.....;;.------------, he moved into fourth as they came out of Turn 1. They ran steadily for a couple oflaps, but as they finished lap 14, Whelchel hit the K Rail in Turn 2, which is a tight right hander, and lost a little ground, and on the next lap he spun in Turn 4 and Schovajsa moved up to second. His truck was running a little hot by now. Renezeder had a solid lead going into the last lap, and Scho-vajsa was all by himself in second, but Whelchel and Ward were bang-ing and bumping, fighting for the podium position. At the checkered flag it was Renezeder, then Scho-vajsa and Whelchel. The racing is always entertaining when Whelchel and Renezeder go at it, and it looks as if Ward and Schovajsa will be fierce contenders also. The Limited Buggies were the next race on Saturday, with 19 starters. They got off to a good start, with Curt Geer in the lead and Kyle Quinn behind him. But Quinn's motor quit on him, and by the time he was going again, he was last. Meanwhile, Reno Navera moved up to second and L.J. Ken-~ nedy was third. By the end of the second lap Sammy Ehrenberg had a right rear flat, and Sean Kennedy's left rear wheel and tire were falling off his car. At the front of the pack things stayed the same for several laps, and then on the seventh lap Quinn's car quit again, and he was parked in Turn 2 briefly. Meanwhile, Navera got past Geer and on the mandatory yellow flag lap he had the lead, but as they went through the whoops after Turn 1, Geer got by him, his suspension a tad bet-ter, but then in the turn Navera slid back into the lead. A bit later Quinn's car was parked by the wall in Turn 4 and he was done. Nav-era led through laps nine, ten and eleven, but Geer wasn't giving up. Kennedy stayed firm in third place, wishing he had a "little shorter tire". On the last lap Geer put on a drive and passed Navera in the whoops again, to take the lead. He Continued on page 30 Sans some glass, Alan Pflueger flew his Chevy to a 3rd and a 6th Bruce Fraley had some fun, he took a 7'• on Saturday, a 2nd on Chris Brandt ran his mud besmirched truck to a 2"" place in Unlimited place finish in the Unlimited 2/4 race at Primm in April. Sunday in the Limited Buggy Class, seen here saving tire wear. Lite on Saturday, and he duplicated his effort in the Sunday race. Page 28 June 2009 Dusty Times

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_.., ' ' . • ·,-' . . ,, June 27-;28 take Elsinore Motorsports . ~ ·.. Lake. Bsine,e;,c· ~ .,, '"' ... . " ,. · .<J~,?--. . JUiy 25:-2 • ~ _ . ( ~ · , < Lake Elsinore Moforsports Lake Elsinore, CA Oct 17-18 Speedworld Off Road Park, Surprise, AZ No 14-ey Motorsports Co imm, NV

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Travis Coyne finished 2nd in Unlimited 2/4 race on Saturday, he In the Limited Buggy races, Reno Navera took a 2nd place finish Casey Currie was 3,• in Unlimited Lite on Saturday, took a 4th was well back in 9th place in the Sunday fracas. on Saturday, a 3,d place finish on Sunday, seen here flyin' high. place on Sunday, seen here flying his Nissan. was able to hold on 'ti! the finish to get the win, with Navera and Kennedy behind him. During the interviews Navera said he'd "do a little suspension work, and see how it go~s in the whoops tomorrow." Page 30 When Sunday's race got under-way there were 20 cars, and they got a clean start, and all made it through the crucial first turn. Bryce Menzies had the early lead, with Navera second, and Geer third. But Geer moved up into second, and went by Menzies just out ofTurn 2, but Menzies got him back, then got sideways out ofT urn 3, lost the lead, then regained it. At the end of the third lap it was June 2009 still Menzies, Geer and Navera, and Geer was pushing hard through the whoops, trying to catch Menzies, and nearly came to grief, losing a bit of ground. On the fifth lap as they went t ,tHlO 5Gt; .• J0.1:~ '"'=-..., • through Turn 2, Geer hit Menzies and spun him out, costing him three or four positions. Geer now led, Navera was second and Jeff Knupp ran third. They went that way for several laps, and through the mandatory yellow flag. Menzies worked back up to fourth by then. On the restart it was Geer, Navera and Knupp in a tight bunch. Na-vera gained the lead, but lost it in Turn 2, and then Menzies moved up into second, with Bruce Fraley third and Navera battling to pass him. Then Menzies stalled in the difficult Turn 2 and fell a long way back. Now as they neared the final lap they were pushing hard and it was Geer, Fraley and Navera. Navera may have worked on his suspen-sion, but Fraley was able to pass him in the whoops and move up to second. They held their positions through the last lap, and Geer took the win, with Fraley second and Na-vera third. During their interviews Geer apologized for hitting and spinning Menzies. Fraley thanked his sponsors, and remarked that he likes the way the promoters treat the buggy racers. Navera said he'd lost his power steering at the end, ,1 but it hadn't been obvious. It was a terrific race, exciting clear to the checkered flag. The Unlimited Buggies were the third event on the schedule, and they showed up on Saturday with 19 cars. It was about 3:45 p.m. by the time this race started, and very windy and cold. Larry Foddrill's car had to be pushed before it would start, but then he had no problems. The start involved some banging in Turn 1, and then as they went into the straight Troy Herbst ran into the back end of Chuck Cheek, who had spun and was try-ing to get going again. The crash broke Herbst's front end and he sat the race out in the infield. Cheek went on, apparently undamaged. Meanwhile, Mike Porter went into the lead, with Cody Freeman in hot pursuit and Mike Halliday third. They ran around in this order for several laps, feeling out the course and getting used to the turns. Fod-drill was moving up. By the end of the fifth lap it was Porter, Halliday, Aaron Hawley and Foddrill. By the time the yellow flag flew at the end oflap seven there were already lapped racers. When they waved the g1een again, it was still Porter in front, with Freeman second. Freeman actually got up into the lead for a bit as he came out of Turn 1, but Porter reclaimed it quickly. Hawley dropped way back, having trouble getting traction with his tires. At the end of lap 11 it was still Porter and Freeman in front, but now Larry Job had moved up to third. Halliday had got sideways in Turn 4 and tangled with Foddrill, who then collided with him on the Dusty Times -,-

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T Kent Brascho finished 1" off the podium in the Saturday Unlimited LJ Kennedy was 3rd in the Limited Buggy race on Saturday, he Mike Halliday finished 3'd in Unlimited Buggy on Saturday, h had 2/4 race, his lot was a 5'• place finish in the Sunday race. finished well back in 19th place in the Sunday event. a first off the podium in the Sunday fracas. straight. On the next to last lap Hal-liday slowed, his motor sounding bad and Job and Foddrill moved up. But then Cheek put on a big effort and went by Foddrill (still in his old beam car) in the whoops to take over second place. At the checkered flag it was Job, Cheek and Foddrill. When they came back on Sun-day there were 20 cars again. Sun-day was windier and colder than Saturday, but it had little or no effect on the cars. The start was clean, with a bit of hitting in the second turn, which is really almost unavoidable because it's tight. Por-ter took the early lead again, with Cheek in second place and Hawley in third. Mike Halliday spun in the front straight and was last by the time he was going again. On the third lap, as Porter and Cheek led, Hawley spun in Turn 4 and lost several positions, letting Rich Ronco slide up into third place. But by the fifth lap Job had taken over third, and Foddrill was right on his bumper. By lap six they were going around lapped cars, and at the end of lap 7 the mandatory yellow flag flew. It was Porter, Cheek and Foddrill at that time. They ran that way through the 12th lap, and then Cheek went into the lead, and Job fell out, something broken. Porter held second, and Foddrill was third. And that's how it went to the finish. Cheek, Porter and Foddrill were on the podium. Porter said, "I did everything I could to hold off Cheek!" The next event was the new class, the Superlite trucks, which are tube frame trucks with Mazda motors. They're all alike, and as it's still a very new class, there are only eight of them. They got off to a good start, with David Reyes in the lead, but two of them spun in Turn 2, and fell a long way back. Reyes held the lead with Chuck Dempsey second and Chad Leising in third, and the balance of them straggled along, widely separated. At the end of the second lap Reyes spun in Turn 4 and Dempsey moved to the front, with Leising second. Reyes rallied to hold third place. As they made their way around the course, three of them got backwards in Turn 2, and things got even more spread out. They threw the mandatory yellow flag at the end of the fifth lap, but when they went to restart them at the end of lap six, someone had jumped the start, so they waited another lap. This time it went alright, except that Reyes rolled over in Turn 1 and landed on· his side. The track crew got him up and going again. By now Dempsey had a good lead, with Leising second and John Harrah in third place. Leising managed to get close to Dempsey and even got in front for a bit, but Dempsey fought him off. At the Dusty Times It was a great weekend for Rob Naughton, he took the gold medal both days Larry Job took the gold medal on Saturday in Unlimited Buggy, finished way in the Unlimited Lite Race, he's seen here nicely Airborne. back in 15th place on Sunday. AT RIGHT: Sheldon Creed took the Kart Modified race on Saturday, finished ;;;;;===;;;;;;====================;;;;;; well back in 17th place in the Sunday battle. finish it was still Dempsey in front, was going on with him, Reyes got with Leising second and Harrah sideways in the whoops, couldn't third. On the podium, Harrah save it and rolled off the berm said, "It's rough, it's muddy, but and landed on his side. They red it's fun." It was fun to watch also. flagged the race, and led everyone When they came back on Sun-off into the Hot Pit. day Dempsey wasn't there. They When they restarted them got a clean start, with Joe Granatelli about five minutes later, there were in front, and then a couple got only six trucks. Reyes didn't come tangled in Turn 2. Granatelli back. This time Leising got the had the lead with Kris Hansen in hole shot, and John Harrah ran second, but as they finished their second. They ran that way until second lap they black flagged Han-the yellow flag lap, and at that sen for unknown reasons. While time, Johnny Harrah had moved everyone was still wondering what Cantinu■d on p11e 32 TOP OFFROAO RACERS ARE SWITCHING TO 11T6l68All.AJl11 They know that the cheapest speed in a acecar is a great brake system. let us fix your spongy pedal andpoorbrakingpetformance. Wearethe only brakecompanythatcan giveyouthe same pedal at mile 1000thatyou had at mile 1. BETTER BY: Jnn011Btio/L.Jfotlmitation. ~ wt SO 'S Cl SS 1 U A zero drag brake system is the most cost effective way to improv handling and performance. Stop wasting money & horsepower with ineffective dragging brakes. That:s why these top cars switched. KYLE UINN June 2009 NOW AVAILAB FROAD OISTRI -44 . 12 F ALL ffiE~ -•n Page 31

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It was a 3rd place finish on Saturday in the Unlimited 2 race for Chad Leising took the silver medal in Super lite on Saturday, he Rodrigo Ampudia, he was scored 101• in the Sunday race. was the 51• place finisher in the Sunday event. It was a 41• place finish in Unlimited lite on Saturday for Brian Deegan, he had a third place finish in the Sunday race. Dustin Grabowski had a gold medal finish in Kart Jr. on Saturday, took the silver medal for his finish in the Sunda race. Chuck Dempsey drove his truck to a win in Super lite on Saturday, he did not start the race on Sunday, seen here nice and clean. In Unlimited Buggy on Saturday, Chuck Cheek took the silver medal finish, he topped that with a gold medal finish on Sunday. Johnny Harrah took the gold medal in Super lite on Sunday, he had finished fourth in the event on Saturday. AT LEFT: Trenton Briley finished 2nd in the Kart Modified race -on Saturday, took the win on Sunday, not too bad a weekend. into third. He then moved up event had 18 entries and started at and passed his dad to take over about 5: 15. At first blink it looked second place. Then on the eighth like a good start,, but then two col-lap Leising spun in Turn 1 and lided in Turn 1, a couple got hung the young Harrah moved into the up on the wall in Turn 2, three were lead, with Leising second and the stuck together in a crash. Yellow senior Harrah in thi(d. They were flags came out, and then so did the becoming spread out by now. On red flag. the last lap Leising had some sort On the restart there were of disaster, and so did Brandon only 17 trucks, Chuck Dempsey Bailey who backed into the wall in apparently unable to get going Turn 2. Wl-ren the dust had settled, again. This time Robert Naugh-literally, Johnny Harrah had the ton jumped in front, and they all win, John Harrah was second and made it around turns one and two Kris Hansen was third. Leising except for one straggler. As they dropped to fifth. settled into the second lap it was ::==::::::::::::::::~:::::::::=~=============:=;--;::====------~S~a!Jtub!Jrrs:d~a~• s~Uad.!]n.!]lil!]m[i[!te£!d~Ld;it~e;.-JN~au~h!:!;t~o!.!n, Case Currie and Chris Brandt in front. Turns 2 and 4 were quite dusty for this event. Four trucks jammed up in turn 2 on the second lap, but one got moving again quickly. The order stayed the same, and there was still a yellow flag in Turn 2 as course workers tried to remove the left-overs. As they got into lap 5, with Naughton, Currie and Brandt still at the front of the pack, someone got backwards into Turn 2 and collected a couple others. But in general they went 'round and 'round smoothly. On the eighth lap Brandt's hood started to flip up on the driver's side, and after being annoying for a while it fell off. On the ninth lap they flew the mandatory yellow flag, and it was Naughton, Currie and Brian Deegan at the front of the pack, Brandt having lost a little ground with the annoying hood. This time the restart went well, and everyone cleared both turns 1 and 2, still with Naughton at the front and Currie second. Brandt was working on getting around Deegan, and on the next lap they did some banging, but he went back into third place. They then followed in order for several laps, until, on the last lap, with Naughton still in front, Currie inexplicably stalled for a bit just after the whoops and Brandt closed up and was able to get past him in Turn 4. Naughton took the win, Brandt was second and Currie held third place. Jimmy Stephensen, who hadn't raced for nearly a year, finished sixth. He'd been injured in a practice accident, and had suffered a broken back and broken ribs, and had to undergo extensive surgery. He appears to have recov-ered all his racing capabilities and looks healthy and fit as well. When they came back on Sun-day there were only 15 trucks. The course was dry and the wind was blowing some dust, particularly in Turn 2. Nevertheless, they got off to a good start, and even all made it through Turn 2, with Brandt in the lead and Naughton chasing him. On the fourth lap, it was Brandt, Naughton and Dempsey at the front. Heath Carpenter had an off-course incident, and on It was a 41• place finish for Greg Adler in the Unlimited 2/4 race Randy Minnier carded a 4th place finish on Saturday in the on Saturday, Greg was not scored in the Sunday race. Unlimited Buggy race, he finished 91• in the Sunday fracas. Todd Cuffaro finished 51• in Unlimited lite on Saturday, he was the 61• place finisher when the Sunday race ended. Page 32 June 2009 Dusty Times T

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1 Larry Foddrill finished 5th in Unlimited Buggy in the Saturday Jerry Daugherty takes his victory lap after winning Unlimited Brandon Catello took a 5th in limited Buggy on Saturday, he race, he was 3,d when the race ended on Sunday. 2/4 on Sunday, he had finished 8th on Saturday. finished 18th in the Sunday event, here in level flight. j g a w It was a silver medal finish in Unlimited Buggy for Mike Porter Scott Schovajsa took a 2nd place finish on Sunday in the Dave Mason gets a choppy ride in the Kart Modified race, he on Sunday, he finished 12th in the Saturday race. Unlimited 2 race, he had a 9th place finish in the Saturday battle. was 5th on Saturday, 2nd in the Sunday race. the next lap Kyle Conlon (a desert Class 10 racer) spun in the whoops. Naughton was slowly catching Brandt, and Currie sneaked up and went past Dempsey to take over third place on the eighth lap. Lap nine was the mandatory yellow flag lap, and on the restart it was Brandt, Naughton and Currie in a close bunch. Naughton went into the lead in Tum 1. Dempsey got stuck in Tum 2 and lost ground. On the tenth lap Currie got past Brandt to move into second place, and then they ran in that combi-nation for a couple of laps, with Brandt trying hard to get back to second. Somehow, on the last lap, as Naughton sailed along in solitary splendor, not only Brandt, but also Deegan managed to pass Currie. So it was Naughton, Brandt and Deegan on the podium. The last event for Saturday was the combined Unlimited 2 and Unlimited 4 race, with ten trucks, and it started at five minutes to six. They got a clean start, with Kent Brascho, in a 4-wheel-drive truck, jumping into the lead. In Turn 1 somebody spun and got hit, but they all kept moving, Jerry , Whelchel struggling with trying to see around his hood, which had popped up. It was Brascho, then Jerry Daugherty, and Renezeder at the front of the pack, all in Unlimited Jack Grabowski was the big winner in the Kart Jr 1 race on Saturday, he's seen here at speed on his way to the checkers. Trent Williams finished 2nd on Saturday in the Kart Jr 2 race, he took the gold medal in the Sunday race, seen here nicely airborne. Dusty Times 4s. Rodrigo Ampudia was fourth in his Unlimited 2. On the fifth lap Renezeder got past Daugherty and started trying to catch Brascho. He got that done on the sixth lap and now Travis Coyne had moved up and gone past Daugherty and into third. So now it was Renezeder, Bra-scho and Coyne at the front of the pack. Whelchel was apparently in the Hot Pit all this time, try-ing to get his hood squared away. When he finally came out, he was in a hurry and left a big cloud of dust, because the entry area had apparently not been well watered. June 2009 The officials black flagged him for speeding out of the Hot Pit, and dq' d him out of the race. In the meantime,JeffWard had also been in the Hot Pit for something, and he was now running last. By the time they flew the man-datory yellow flag Coyne had moved into second, so it was Renezeder, Coyne and Brascho at the front of the pack. At the restart Coyne hung close on Renezeder's bumper and they had a tight battle for the lead. Renezeder stayed in front, and they went on to the end of the race in that order. On the · eleventh lap Alan Pflueger moved past Brascho and took over third place, and then they got strung out again. It was Renezeder, Coyne and Pflueger on the podium. There were ten trucks again on Sunday, and it was very windy and dusty, particularly in Tums 2 and 4. Brascho went into the early lead, chased by Daugherty and Pflueger. They ran in that order for three laps or so, and Daugherty started to close up on Brascho. Whelchel pulled off the track on about lap five, with what he diagnosed as "probably a dropped valve". His truck is the one that Adrian Cenni Continud 1n p111 34 Page 33

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John Harrah took a silver medal finish in Super Lite on Sunday, It was a fourth place finish in Unlimited 2/4 for Danny Ebberts Bobby Pecoy scored a 5th place finish on Sunday in the Unlimited he had a third place finish in the Saturday tussle. on Sunday, he was not scored in the Saturday race. Buggy event, he scored a 7th place finish on Saturday. &::s... Justin Davis placed 4th in Limited Buggy on Sunday, he had Jeff Ward finished in 7'h spot on Saturday in the Unlimited 2/4 race Jeff Knupp finished 4th in the Limited Buggy fracas on Saturday, finished 14th in the Saturday event. on Saturday, he was on the podium in third place in the Sunday race. he finished in 6th place in the Sunday event. -Jerry Whelchel was 2nd in the Unlimited 2 race on Saturday, he Sheldon Creed took the silver medal on Saturday in the Kart Jr. Eric Greener finished B'h in Limited Buggy on Saturday, he finished '1 in the 5th spot in the Sunday engagement. finished in the third spot in the Sunday battle. 1 race on Saturday, he's seen here just at landing. Tired a, It.,,, vacation rentals available in the exclusive Indian Wells country Club in the sunny Palm Springs area of southe_rn California. Two or three bedrooms, furnished for your complete relaxation, and, if you are a glutton for punishment, play golf on either of two beautiful courses. FYI, wireless internet and long distance phones calls (USA) included. starting at $4,500 in season (January thru April) or $2,300 per month out of season. Call (760) 345-6124 Page 34 June 2009 drove last year, and Whelchel says he still needs to "get used to ,it." Brascho, who's new to -the west coast audience, came out of the Midwest, where he raced with WSORR last year. His truck is one that belonged to Walker Evans at one time. And, in the same vein, Coyne's truck used to belong to Jason Baldwin, while Pflueger' s was a Flannery truck. Thanks to Scott Rehn for that information. On the fifth lap Pflueger moved into second place, with Daugherty third and Renezeder fourth, fol-lowed by Coyne. But on lap five Renezeder got past Daugherty. Brascho's roof was trying to get away, lifting up in the back. And Pflueger's brakes were red hot on the seventh lap, as he held on to second place. Renezeder hadn't caught him. The eighth lap was the mandato-ry yellow flag lap, and things closed up, but after the restart the front still looked the same, with Brascho, Pflueger and Renezeder at point. Pflueger's hood was loose now, as he worked on Brascho. Renezeder slowed in the whoops section and then disappeared, and Pflueger went into the lead on the 12'h lap, with Brascho worked to get back by. He got around in Tum 1, and Pflueger tried so hard to recatch him that he spun in Tum 2 and by the time he got himself sorted out he was way back. Brascho now led Daugherty and Rodrigo Ampu-dia. Pflueger spun in Tum 4, and again in Tum 2, possibly having a mechanical problem of some sort. Brascho develop a right rear flat and slowed down, so Daugherty and Ampudia went past him to be first and second. They ran that way through the white flag lap, Bra-scho' s tire shredding and smoking as he tried to hang in there. At the checkered flag it was Daugherty, Ampudia, Ward and Ebberts. Brascho dropped to fifth. It was Daugherty's first win in a west coast short course series. He used to race a Blazer in the desert back in the 80s, and then took 17 years off of racing, before returning a few years ago, to short course. He said, "I'm still not as smooth as I need to be." His truck's a Chevro-let, and was brand new last year. As the weekend progressed, from a spectator's standpoint, it was possible to imagine Jim Baldwin sitting up in the officials' comer of the stands. Everything seemed to run exactly as the CORR series had. There may be differ-ences that are impossible to see if one isn't a racer. Time will tell. The one difference that seemed apparent was that the buggy classes were not relegated to the most distant and uncomfortable pits. Some of them, in fact, had very close in spots, and several did comment about being treated very well by these promoters. Tony and Sherri Vanillo are certainly to be commended for that as well as for orchestrating a first weekend of racing that went off with no serious glitches .#ft#. Dusty Times 7

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~ MOJAVE 250 Joe Jeffrey Takes 1&aa Win By ]. Preston Bradshaw Photos: Trackside Photo Kelly Essenwanger was the big winner in the Sportsman Truck race, seen here in the ultra clean Ford pickup. Early in April the MDR Mojave 250 ran in the Bar-stow area. There were 42 cars and trucks entered but only 18 of them would take the checkered flag. Some classes had to get in nine laps to make their race, some had to go eighth laps while others only had to get five laps under their belt for a finish. First to start were the Class 1 cars, there were only two of them entered and their finishing rate was 100%. They had nine laps to go and when their first lap ended it was Mike Bilek in the lead, George Pondella had some trouble on his first lap and carded an hour and fifty five minute lap, he was an hour and twenty minutes behind the leader. Second lap ended, Mike Bilek still led and after yet another bout with problems, George Pondella carded an-other long lap, this one was almost two hours long but he~ was still running. Third lap, Mike Bilek ran another 30 minute lap, he was leading his opponent by almost three hours and he was on cruise control. They both ran the remain-ing six laps without incident and when they took the check-ered flag at the end of their race it was Mike Bilek taking the Class 1 win, George Pon-della took the silver medal, he was almost three hours behind the leader and he still set fast lap for the class on his ninth lap. The two Class 3 vehicles were next up, they had five laps to make their race and when they came around at the end of their first lap it was Sal-vatore Cervantes in the lead, Chuck Muncy was 64 seconds behind the class leader. Second lap ended, Salva-tore Cervantes still led the class, Chuck Muncy remained in second place, he was 42 seconds out of the lead. Their third lap ended, Salvatore Cervantes still led, now Chuck Muncy was four minutes in arrears. Fourth lap, Cervantes still leads and Muncy slows a bit, he is now 20 minutes out of the lead. Fifth lap, last lap, Salvatore Cervantes comes in for the class win, alas, Chuck Muncy never appeared. He gets a dnf and Cervantes takes the win. Steven Marsee was the only Mike Bilek likes to fly, he flew to victory in the Class 1 contest at the MOR Mojave 250 and was 1" overall as well. entrant in class, he ran his over an hour in arrears. five required laps in a bit over At the end of the third five and a half hours and went lap it was still Terry Ingold happily home with the gold leading the way and Taylor medal in hand. Morford was holding his own Class 9 was up next, there in the second spot. were only three of them en-Fourth lap came to an tered, they had five laps to end, Terry Ingold was still go for their raceand, unfortu-running 35 to 36 minute laps nately, not one of them made while Taylor Morford scored it all the way. another almost two hour lap At the end of the first lap and remained a very long there was only one car run-second place. ning, Cronus Dillard, the They both ran well on their other two in class failed to fifth and sixth laps but when start the race. Cronus turned Terry Ingold cam around at a very nice 54.29. the end of his seventh lap, Second lap and Dillard Taylor Morford was nowhere turned a 1:03:29, he was the to be seen. only car running in class. Terry Ingold ran his re-Third lap came to an end, maining lap in good time and Cronus Dillard turned an came in for the checkers and almost hour flat lap and that his gold medal. was the end of it. Dillard was The Class 1300 Sportsman unable to complete his fourth were up next.-There were only and fifth laps, no finishers in two of them entered and only Class 9 this day. one would get in the required Class 12 was next up, there eight laps. When their first were three of them entered, lap ended it was DJ Jeffrey only two started and only in the lead and Danny Pow-one would run the required roznick some eight minutes eight laps. When their first in arrears in the second spot. lap ended it was Terry Ingold At the end of their second leading the way, Taylor Mor-lap it was still DJ Jeffrey in ford had some problems and the lead, Danny Powroznick turned in an hour and three had some more troubles and quarters lap for second place. slipped a bit further behind. Jeffrey Hanz failed to start At the end of their third the race. lap DJ Jeffrey was still click-When their second lap ing off fast laps and Danny ended it was still Terry Ingold Powroznick hung on in sec-in the lead, Taylor Morford and place. still ran second, he was well Continued en p11e 36 Performance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use 150 H8avy Duty Sizes to -Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding & Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks Quality Products & Friendly Service RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-0759 • 15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX us to Receive a Free Catalog t VISA ~-------------------------------------------------------~ Dusty Times June 2009 Page 35

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George Pondella had his share of problems the first two laps, he ran Jim Borden, seen here just at liftoff, was the second place Christy Sizelove led four of the nine laps in the 1600 class, well the rest of the race am;f took home the silver medal in Class 1. finisher in Sportsman Truck at the MOR Mojave 250. Christy ended up with the silver medal, she's seen here at speed. -----'"------------'---;:::::::::::::::.,_.;;;;:;::::;::::::::::::::::;:;::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; Fourth lap ended and Jef-back, Tyler Fain was fourth, At the end of their fourth frey was still running fast Jay Arnold ran fifth and Tyler la p we had a new leader, while Danny Powroznick was Scott was in the sixth spot. George Rosenbaum had out of the race, malfunction Second lap, Jonathan Libby moved into the lead, Tyler unknown to us. still led the class, George Fain had moved into second DJ Jeffrey continued to Rosenbaum remained in sec-place, Tyler Scott ran third, click off high thirty minute ond place, he was now three Jonathan Libby dropped into laps and took the checkers minutes in arrears, Tyler the fourth spot and Jay Ar-with a total time of 5 :28:49, Fain was up a spot into third nold remained in fifth place. almost 40 mph average. place, Jay Arnold remained in The end of the fifth lap saw There were eight trucks fourth place, Tyler Scott ran many changes, Tyler Fain had entered in Class 1400, the fifth. Wayne Lugo had retired moved into the lead, Tyler Pro Prerunners, two of them from the battle. Scott was second, he was some did not start and only two of At the end of their third 13 minutes in arrears and Jay them would get in their nine lap it was still Jonathan Libby Arnold was a long third place. required laps. At the end of in the class lead, George Jonathan Libby and George their first lap it was Jona-Rosenbaum still held second Rosenbaum were off the scar-than Libby showing the way, place, still three minutes be-ing chart, problems unknown. George Rosenbaum was right hind the leader, Tyler Fain When the sixth lap ended there in second spot, he was held on in third, he was two it was Tyler Fain leading the a minute and a · half behind minutes further back, Tyler remnants of the class, Tyler the leader, Wayne Lugo ran Scott was running fourth and Scott was second, some 29 third, another five seconds a Arnold held in fifth. 2111 lESAl IA IATEI IELMETI 1-Clt If ~,, ''""'' t:J Page 36 'f~ KEIIWOOO ;t:P June 2009 Salvador Cervantes took the Class 3 win, he's seen here churnin' up the gravel on his way to the gold medal. minutes behind and Jay Ar-nold ran third. They all held their posi-tions for the next tow laps. Eighth lap, final lap and when the checkers flew it was Tyler Fain taking a very nice win, Tyler Scott finished in second place, he was 15 minutes in arrears and, Jay Arnold was unable to finish his final lap. The Sportsman Trucks were next up, there were 12 of them entered, three did not start and fully five of them would make it all five required laps. When their first lap ended it was Kelly Essenwanger in the lead, Greg Sunds was in second place, he was some 30 seconds behind the leader, another minute back was Vincent Munoz, in fourth place was Jim Borden and Brent Veenstra rounded out the top five. Michael Priestman was in the sixth spot, Brandon Feenstra ran in seventh place, Raymond Ma-nel was eighth and Brandon Alves was in the ninth spot. _ Second lap went into the record books and Kelly Essen-wanger continued to lead the class, Greg Sunds remained in -.. minutes in arrears, Vincent Munoz held on in third place, Jim Borden was fourth and Michael Priestman was up a spot into fifth. Brandon Feen-stra ran sixth and Brandon Alves was in seventh place. Eric Hampton, Brent Feenstra and Raymond Manel were out of the race. Third lap came to an end, Kelly Essenwanger now had a 16 minute lead, Vincent'' Munoz had moved up into second place, Jim Borden ran in third place, Michael Priestman was now in fourth place, Brandon Feenstra was fifth and Brandon Alves was in sixth place. Greg Sunds was on his trailer. Fourth lap ended and Kelly Essenwanger still led the class, Vincent Munoz remained in the second spot, he was now 40 minutes down to the leader, Jim Borden ran third, another two minutes back, Michael Priestman remained fourth, Brandon Feenstra was still fifth and Brandon Alves ran in sixth spot. Their fifth lap ended and Kelly Essenwanger, who led the class all the way, took a very nice win, Jim Borden It was an easy race for Steven Marsee, he was the only truck in class so he just motored around and took the win. Dusty Times I

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A third place finish in Sportsman Truck went to Vincent Munoz, Jennifer Campbell led 1/3 of the Class 1600 laps, she ended Michael Priestman drove his Ford pickup to a fourth place finish he's seen here on his way to the finish line. up third in class, she's seen here at high speed on the course. in Sportsman Truck, seen here headin' for the checkers. came in to take the silver medal, Vincent Munoz was third to take the checkers, Mi-chael Priestman finished first off the podium and Brandon Alves was fifth one in, but he was over the allotted time and was denied a finish. There were four 1600 cars entered, they had nine laps to run for their race and all four of them would see the checkered flag. At the end of their first lap it was Jennifer Campbell leading the group, Chad Baeskins was in second place, he was two and a half minutes in arrears, Christy Sizelove ran in third place and Joe Jeffrey was in fourth place. Second lap, Jennifer Camp-bell continued to lead the class, Christy Sizelove was now in the second spot, she was five minutes behind the leader, Joe Jeffrey was third, he was another two minutes back and Chad Baeskins had dropped to fourth. When the third lap ended, Christy Sizelove had taken over the lead position, Joe Jef-frey had moved into the sec-ond spot, Chad Baeskins was now running third and Jen-nifer Campbell had dropped to fourth place. Fourth lap ended and Christy Sizelove continued to lead the class, Chad Baeskins had moved up into the second spot, Joe Jeffrey dropped a position into third place and Jennifer Campbell remained in the fourth spot. Christy Sizelove continued to lead the 1600 Class on the fifth lap, Chad Baeskins remained in second place, he was four minutes behind the leader, Joe Jeffrey still ran third and Jennifer Campbell was still fourth, although she was only 12 minutes behind the leader, a really close race. Sixth lap, guess what?, Christy Sizelove still led the class, Joe Jeffrey was back in second place, he was four It was a good win for Terry Ingold, he led the Class 12 race from start to finish, he's seen here on his way to the checkers. third and Chad Baeskins had dropped to fourth. Seventh lap, Jennifer Campbell was once again leading the 1600 group, Joe Jeffrey ran second, he was less than a minute behind the leader, Christy Sizelove ran in third place and Chad Baeskins remained in the fourth spot. Penultimate lap, Joe Jeffrey had takn the lead, Christy Si-zelove was now in the second spot, she was less than five minutes behind the leader, Jennifer Campbell was third, another 13 minutes back and Chad Baeskins was another 16 minutes back in fourth place. Ninth lap, final lap and Joe Jeffrey took the Class 1600 gold medal, Christy Sizelove finished in the second spot, the bronze medal went to Jennifer Campbell and Chad Baeskins was first off the po-dium to finish. A great race was run between four great drivers. Last to run were the Desert Lite cars, there were five of them entered, they had five laps to run for their race and two of them would see the checkered flag. At the end of their first lap it was Joshua Lucero leading the rou , Larr Sterenbuch ran in minutes in arrears, Jennifer Joe Jeffrey took the Class 1600 lead on the eighth lap, hug in and took the Tyler Fain was the big winner in the Class 1400 fracas, he took the win with 15 minutes in hand, seen here in his husky truck. · second spot, Brian Fitzpatrick was in third place, Jeremiah Landreth ran in the fourth spot. Brian Roberts started but failed to complete the lap. When their second lap end-ed we had Larry Sterenbuch in the lead, Brian Fitzpatrick was a up a spot into second place, Joshua Lucero had dropped to third place and Jeremiah Landreth remained in fourth place. Larry Sterenbuch contin-ued to lead on the third lap, Joshua Lucero ran in second place, Brian Fitzpatrick ran in third place and Jeremiah Landreth was fourth. Fourth lap, a new leader, Brian Fitzpatrick was now the pathfinder, Larry Sterenbuch dropped to second place, Jer-emiah Landreth was now in third place and Joshua Lucero was on his trailer. Fifth lap, last lap, Brian Fitzpatrick came in to take the elusive checkered flag, Jer-emiah Landreth was second in, he took the silver medal and that's all there was, Larry Sterenbuch was unable to ' complete his final lap. And so it ended, another one in the record books. Next up for MOR is the Ridgecrest 200 on Ma 16. See ya there! The win in the Desert lite cars went to Brian Fitzpatrick, he had just less than an hour in hand at the checkers. Cam bell was now runnin checkered flag in the number one position. ---:-----------------------.,-,r-------........... --r--:------------.,,_=,....-,---r---------------------, Chad Baeskens was a bit off the winning pace this day, Chad Jeremiah Landreth had a pretty good race, he finished second finished in fourth place in the 1600 race, seen here at speed. in class at the MDR Mojave 250, seen here with the power on. Page 38 June 2009 Tyler Scott had a decent race, he took home the silver medal in the Class 14 contest, he's seen here scootin' over the course. Dusty Times

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1 _n_,;'.!.:..~I 2DD9 SEASON OPENER Berri Wins Big By Troy Robinson Photos: Jessica Dobyna It was another win for Sam Berri, he bested nine other cars to take the Class 1 victory, seen here leading the race. The 2009 Vorra season opener was a successful race with 82 entries in car, truck UTV, Pilot and quad classes. As new promoter Wes Harbor started his sophmore season the entire Vorra community is excited for the new season. The traditional race schedule of two short course races in the spring and two more in the Fall with three summer _ .... Tim Compton had a great race, he took the Class 10 honors at Prairie City, he's seen here nicely airborne on his way to the flag. desert races would take rac-ers back to Hawthorne, NV for the Labor Day race in September, the other venues remain unchanged. For the 2009 season open-er and rest of the season there is always good, bad, new and old ... The good. The weather was perfect on Saturday as late March can be un-predictable in Sacramento. The lengthened 1.5 mile track was widened with new jumps and was well watered throughout the weekend. Track direction was also the traditional counterclockwise direction. The bad. The weather changed on Sunday as high winds dried up the track and made some allergy sufferers have some dry scratchy eyes. The new. This year Vorra "lifer" Danielle Henley has taken the reigns of Contin-gency Director and has done a great job bringing in new as well as old and return-ing donors on board with Vorra. Also new for this year is another Vorra lifer B.J. Butcher behind the mic as announcer. Joel Swanson is nicely airborne here as he flies to the Group T win in his good lookin' truck, he beat out six others in his class. Patty Hayos added another trophy to the shelf, she took the Class 7 win at Prairie City, seen here leading the class. Also new this year and big controversy in the off season was the new Group T class. This class is the brainchild of promoter Wes and Samco Fabrication who is putting up a bonus purse at the des-ert races. Basically, the class is a hodgepodge of all the truck classes except trophy/ trick trucks putting Class 7, 6/7200, 1450, Pro truck, Trophy trucks and Class 8 into one class. The founders wanted to see who is the king of these classes. Historically the classes in Group T run about the same lap times. While individuals may have faster top end or higher speeds in the rough, at the end of the day with all the Continued on p111 40 It was a decent second place finish in Class 1 for Steve Sullivan, Mike Koenig was the silver medal winner in the Group Trace, he's seen here nicely airborne on his way to the checkers. he's seen here flying down the hill before the crowd. Jay Schroeder had a pretty good weekend, he took home a second Kevin Yoder took second place honors in the Sportsman Class, place finish in the Class 9 contest, he's seen here at speed. he's seen here in his unique machine on his way fo glory. Dusty Times June 2009 James Fuhs drove or flew his Ford to a fine second place finish in the Class 7 contest, he's seen here at speed on the course. , .. Third place finisher in the Group T battle was the truck of Eric Steiger, he's seen here hustlin' to that checkered flag. Page 39

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Dale Smith was running so fast we couldn't get him sf/ in one Rick Massie was the first finisher off the podium in the Class Fred Jenson needs to gets pilots license, he really gets airborne frame of film, Dale finished third in the Class 10 battle 1 battle, he's seen here beautifully airborne, hesdin' for home. out on the course, Fred finished sixth in the Class 1 battle. Forest Cressy was the man to best in the Class 9 competition, but, nobody did, Forest took the win, seen here nicely airborne. racer Randy Avery. Race day everything went smoothly with great rac-ing action! Class 10. 1 and Group T were all intense! We did have a quad rider go down and had to send the ambulance out but he was okay, just in some pain (meds help!). Class result overviews: In Class 1 Sam Berri brought out his Acura pow-ered Mirage to take the class win over Steve Sullivan who was sporting a new energy drink sponsor Fuel. Vorra newcomer Shannon Har-well driving his beautiful four seat family pre-runner finished in third. The Un-limited truck of Rick Massie placed fourth. The team of J & J Racing made their move up from Sportsman to the Pro ranks this year in their VW Baja and finished fifth in class. Ten Unlimited cars Randy Avery took the gold medal in the Sportsman Class st Prairie City, he's seen here driving his red Jeep to the front of the class. entered the Class 1 battle. eligible for this purse Class In Class 10 Tim Compton 10 racers need to run all was the class winner in the season with desert setup eight car field. Nineteen year including 33" tires at short old J.C. Elrod lived up to the course events. families reputation and fin-The new Group T class ished a strong second. Dale was won by J oe_l Swanson Smith finished third holding who made an engme upgrade off the pursuing Tyler Mort in the off season making his who was having fuel pick up truck unbeatable this day. issues. Smith and Mort seem In Moto 1 the best race of to be the only two Class 10 the weekend was between drivers going for the $2000 Mike Koenig and Kevin Bet-season bonus money. To be tencourt. For six laps Koenig tried to pass Bettencourt pass stick in the last corner taking second in Moto 1 by less than half a truck length. Koenig would run out of gas in Moto 2 but still finished second for the day. Third for the day went to Eric Steiger followed by newcomer Jake Povey whose dad raced the infamous blue and orange Bronco with Vorra in the 80's. Class 7 had six entries and it was Patty Hayos who took the class win winning both motos. The weekend was very special for Patty as her Aunt Jane came out to visit from Arkansas to support Patty's effort and to raise money for a three day walk for breast cancer in November. Jane's a double breast cancer survivor and the team put together a raffle and fundraiser for the Susan B. Komen Founda-tions for the cure. They went on to thank everyone who participated. Finishing second in Class 7 was James Fuhs with K.C. Keller finishing third. The Most Sought After Fuel in Off-Road Racing Today! and was able to make the Forest Creasy is getting the season off right with a win , in the four car Class 9 field. Some new names in that class so let's ho e the car count Ask your engine builder about the increased horsepower, torque and cooler operating temperatures offered by VP's Late Model Plus, C12, VP113 and other great fuels. Then you'll know why champions in each of these series choose VP Racing Fuels. VP Racing is the Official Fuel and/or Contingency Sponsor of: ~[B]ffl:I]~ RACING ASSOCIATION ~IONStftP ~-RAClli SCIIE INTERNATIONAi: OFF-ROAD RACIN G For technical help or to locate the nearest VP dealer, call today or visit 951-696-5100 Page 40 World Leader in Race Fuel Technology™ June 2009 Psuty Hart drives his Ute before sn admiring crowd, Psuty took the gold medal in the UTV Class in his good looking vehicle. JC Elrod really has the front suspension working ss he drives hard to a second place finish in the Class 10 fracas. Dusty Times

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Shannon Harwell ran to a third place finish in the class 1 battle, It was a third place finish for Michael Soto in the Sportsman Neal Borba took the Gold Medal in the Amateur Quad Class race, he's seen here flying down the hill lined with spectators. seen here with Jots of power to the track. Class race, he's seen here slightly airborne headin' for home. stays up for the class. In Sportsman class it was Randy Avery in his arena truck taking the class win. Kevin Yoder had a good 2008 and is backing that up with a second at the season opener in his rock buggy. The Fall races weren't so kind to Mi-chael Soto but a third place with a new car should start the season out on a high note. Bill Minteer, Rene Soto and William Minteer, Jr. rounded out the top six in the 14 car field. Seven Pilots showed up at the season opener and Tim Compton made it two wins in three classes for the weekend. Rounding out the podium was Dave Atteberry and Miles Berhold. For the first time Vorra had a UTV class with two entries and it was Pauly Hart winning over Sean Cook. In the Quad classes Travis Dusty Times Rowley won the Pro class over Toni Furgundus and Ryan Stoffer, Neal Borba edged out Ryan Souza for the amateur class win and Jordan Bender was winner over Aus-tin Call and Cody Bennett in the bantam quads. Shania Bennett was off to her win-ning ways taking the youth class win over Josh Machado and Shawn Souza won the Peewee class over Carley Bai-ley and Kaydee Rowley. Travis Rowley was the big winner in the Pro Quad Class, he's seen here puttin' distance between himself and second place. June 2009 All in all the race went well with great reviews! Heard nothing but good things from the racers on how organized everything was and how smoothly it all went. One official was even 2,!._., told by one racer who used to race motocross that we could teach those officials a thing or two!! Oh, the new rule book was a big hit as well as · the VORRA store which sold out of all the hoodies! •Haven't you always wondered what it's like to be o mountain goot?I" Page 41

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@ab MEx1caL1 soo Magnes Takes Class 1 Win By Byrle Moore Photos: Foto-Baja-Mex It was a great race for the Magnes-Robinson-Kittleson trio, they had five minutes on their competition at the flag. NUMBER two; in the CODE racing series, for 2009, is on the books. We had just over 100 entries, 104 to be exact and the somewhat better finish (if you can) rate of almost 35%. Bikes and quads and cars and buggies and trucks, made up the field in this contest, conducted the first weekend in April. AS usual, when CODE lays out a course, there is something, out there, for and against, all participants. Rocks and more rocks in the first 20 miles, flat out across the lake beds, if you don't mind the sand and silt. Some very tight places for the larger equipment and hills and val-leys and some more rocks for everyone. THE climate Gods partici-pated with typical April Baja weather. Not too hot, not too cold, and a little breeze to help clear the dust. LThe first bike got under way at 0603 and Francisco Septien never looked back finishing with the Pro Motos Clase win and the fastest overall time of 03:05:31 and an average speed of just over 65 miles an hour. Twenty minutes back was David Gonzalez Jr. who covered the same somewhat shortened course in three hours and 25 minutes and change; and third place went to Colie Potter another two minutes back with a time of 3:27:38. Alex Olguin and Alfredo Osorino shared the ride and finished fourth with their time of 3:49:20. Three other entries were all dnf's. NINE starters in the Mo-tos Sportsman class and five of them saw the checkered finish flag. Paul Lopez, who was out of the gates first, also led all the way, finishing with a time of 3 :22:08. Silver was shared by the team of Chris-tian Espinoza and Miguel Sergio Salgado and crew had a very good race, they took the Class 10 honors with ease, they're seen here at speed. Rodriguez, in with a time of 4 : 19:41 and another two man team made up of Julio Moreno and Armando Ayala who ran 4:21:01 copped the bronze. One minute and 39 seconds difference and they had a 20 second head start. Think about how close some of these contests are. Roberto Shiaffino went 4:29: 12 and a three man team consisting of Rau l Barajas Martinez, Raul Barajas Brambila an d Herib-erto Rosales were the other entry with a finish time of 4:43:50. Four dnf's. AND there were the quads. Nine starters in the Pro ranks and all but two finished with times. A three man team consisting of Javier Robles Jr., Cesar Lopez and Adolfo Arellano were first across the line and fifth overall in the motos and quads division with their time of 3:51:35. Just under a minute back with a time of 3:52: 12 was the second place team made up of Juan Sanchez, Raul Cano and Javier Beltran. Bronze went to yet another three man team this one made up of Gary Gonzalez, Benjamin Lopez and Jesus Lopez, their finishing time was 3:53: flat. THE Sportsman category started 17 and all but five of those teams had finishing times. The Lopez boys, Alfon-so, Benjamin and Cesar had a very quick time of 3:51:09 for the class win and the overall check for this clase. In at 4: 12:20 was a four man team this one made up of Casey Lizaola, Gerardo Del Gadillo, Julio Valadez and Eric Enci-nas, for the silver; an d Alex Gomez, Rafael Duarte an d Jose Luis R am irez were th e riders for the bronze with a time of 4: 16:20. AND there were cars and trucks and buggies. BUT, first my apologies to all my readers, who I now hang in suspense with every word written. Somehow the computer, editor, printer, mail man, chopped a couple of paragraphs out of my reportage on the San Luis 250, CODE's first race of the season. Part of that short-age included the Motos Pro Clase results which included, mention of Francisco Septien and Shane Esposito who won class and overall that day. Also, David Gonzalez Jr. and Noe Ibarra who finished second and Collie Potter and Mike Eiklenborg who took the bronze, were lost in the shuffle. Check back to the third paragraph of this story and you m ight note that some of those lost n ames were re-peated as finish er's winners of th is second CODE race. Josue Delagado, with help from Marcos Bnd Rodolpho took the gold medal in the Class ½-1600 fracas, seen here at speed. The McNeil/Shadduck/Brown trio took the Class 7 win, they averaged almost 60 mph and had two and a half hours on their competition at the end. YES, there were cars and trucks and buggies and you will note several repeats of names from San Luis. Class One for example had the Mango Racing Team tak-ing first and third this time bracketing the 100 car of J a-vier Robles. First place team consisted of Gary Magnes, Matt Robinson and Rob Kittleson , their winn ing and overall winnin g time was The Lopez/Garibay/Navarette quartet were second place finishers Sergio Silva and crew took a second place finish in the Class 7 Emilio Salcido and crew took the second place honors in the in Class 10, problems dropped them way back on time. skirmish, problems took their toll, a nine hour race. Class 5/1600 battle, he's seen here headin' for the checkers. Page 42 June 2009 Dusty Times

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Almost an hour in arrears, Gustavo Meza and his crew did their The Sergio Duron family had to settle for a second place finish in Rodriga Feria had lots of troubles late in the race, he finished a best, problems dropped them way back of the Class 9 leader. the Class 7S contest, they were half an hour in arrears at the flag. loooong second place in the Class 14 contest. 6: 13:58. Robles, was in with Paul Scott saw Checkpoint you try and figure out who Hector P. Martinez, Gabriel C. Lopez, Marcos Martinez, a 6: 18:49 for the silver and 2 of the first lap, they and was who and who did what. Martinez and Ricardo Mu-Federico de los Cabos and second overall, and Chelsea Javier Robles Jr., were non-Jesus de la Torre, Jorge Sainz, noz. Arlette Gomez, not necessar-Magnes and Jessica McMil-finishers. Ismael Nery, Cesar de la ONE starter/entry in ily in that order, were listed lin, took the bronze with CLASS 12 had no finish-Torre, Luis Barragan Sr. and Class 8 and those four indi-as team members. their time of 6:47:57. Mario ers, among the three starters. Jr., Alfredo Barragan, David viduals were dnfs before the THERE were nine signed Acosta, Victor Gasca, and I will list their names and Garcia, Hector M . Martinez, start of the second lap. Juan Continued■np1ge44 Melchor Acosta had the other finishing time, in this class, with a fourth place time of 7: 17: 15. CLASS 10 started five and two of them managed to finish. The class winner and third overall in the Pro ranks, was garnered by a four man team consisting of Sergio Salgado, Gustavo Pinuelas, Leonardo Navarrete, and Alex Navarrete finishing sec-ond with a time of 9:48: 12. WHERE have we heard those names before? CHRISTIAN Buelna and Luivan Volker got as far as Check 2 of the second lap for third. Rick Sanchez, Os-car Munoz, Jose Leon and Dusty Times Alberto Varela and crew had a great race, they took the Class 5/1600 race win with ease, they're seen here at speed. Alejandro Bellozo and crew took first place honors in the Class 9 battle, they're seen here at speed on the course. 1TBEAOLOCK SIMULATED B,L. 1 7XB BEAOLOCK l SX l 2 VW BEAD LOCK June 2009 Page 43 ...

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Raul Maya, his son and other friends gave it their all, they took Luis Salgado and friends took home a decent second place finish It was a second place finish in the Safari Class for Juan Gutierrez and his crew, seen here at high speed on the course. the silver medal in Class 15, seen here at speed. in Class 18, they were 13 minutes in arrears at the flag. only required to complete one lap and the times listed below reflect that fact. In Class 9 three starters and two finishers. This group led by Alejandro Bellozo, Ga-briel Solis, Gerardo Ruiz and Cuauhtemoc Ledezma had a time of 4:50:24 for gold. Gustavo Meza, Adrian Glez, Claudia Gutierrez and San-dra Rucobo turned a 5:54:21 for second/silver and the 948 team were dnfd. The Diaz/Lopez duo had a great race, they took the gold medal in Class lS and had about half an hour on their competition. Class 11 only had one finisher, Rodriguez and Acosta, the boys are seen here on their way to a nice class victory. 7S CLASS had three start-ers and all three finished the only class other than Safari that all starters finished. In this class Carlos Diaz and Manuel Lopez led the way with a time of 4: 10: 14. The Duron family consisting of Sergio Sr.,. and Jr., Pedro and Rafael went second with their time of 4:39:49 and Roy and Rod Fantelli along with Ray Coffee and Karen Busch were third with a time of 5:09:38. up as starters in Class 1/2-Maeda and were awarded sec-1600 and one of the teams ond and third in that order. made it all the way to the There were a lot of other finish. That was a three man problems in the 1/2-1600 team of Josue Delgado, Mar-ranks; possibly including cos Valenzuela and Rodolfo some non-starters? Gonzalez and they went CLASS 7 started four and 10: 17 :44 for the gold. Ro-three of this group finished berto Romo, Juan Mayoral the required laps and dis-Jr., Joseph Romo and Diego tance. A team including Perry Delfin got to Checkpoint McNeil, Gus Shaddock and 1 of the second lap quicker Kenny Brown led the group than Luis Duarte and Ernesto and were almost three hours FS ED 122A-AOR FSOR12SBE ahead of the rest, with a time of 6:49:26. A four man team made up of Sergio Silva, Genaro Monge, Fredrico Esc-obedo and Christian Silva, were silver with their time of 9: 12:59 and the bronze went to the three man team of Alberto Gonzalez, Jonathan Quintero and Jose Carlo Ortega in with a time of 9:30:20. THREE out of four finish-RACE READY PRODUCTS 103 PRESS LANE surrE 4 CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 (619)691-9171 (866)891-9171 TOLL FREE (619) 691-0803 FAX Page 44 June 2009 ers in Class 5. The first place team consisted of Alberto Va-rela, Hernan Duenez, Cesar Duenez and Gerardo Varela who had a time of 8:20:45 for gold. The four man team of Emilio Salcido, Daniel Leon, Miguel Hurtado and Miguel Hurtado Jr. ran second with a time of9:20:34 and the third spot went to a team made up of Roberto Rabago, Francisco Reynoso and Chuy Garcia finishing with a nine-thirty seven flat. CLASS 9 and 7S were ONE out of three finished the Class 11 battle, and that was the team of Luis A. Ro-driguez and Oscar Acosta with their single lap time if 4:42:49 for gold. Miguel ' Mexia, Mario Flores and Juan Carlos Aguirre got to Check 3 for second and Ricardo Edgar Alvarez Jr. and crew had an exceptionally good day, they took the win in the Sportsman Class 14 fracas. The Class 15 win went to Mele Valencia and friends, they averaged 39mph and they had 20 minutes on their competition at the checkers. Dusty Times

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-Chelsea Magnes and Jesica McMillin had a pretty good race, they Alberto Gonzalez and crew took a third place finish in the Class took the bronze medal in the Class 1 race, seen here at speed. 7 race, troubles held them to a 42.29 mph average speed. Roberto Rabago and his group drove to a third place finish in Class 5/1600, they're seen here hustling towards the finish line. The Fantelli clan, with some outside help took home a bronze· 1t was a third place finish in Class 1500 for Joshua Morquecho Manuel Robles and his crew had a decent race, they finished third in Class 18, they're seen here headin' for the checkers. medal for their efforts in the Class 7S battle. · and his pals, they're seen here at speed on the course. Matus and Gilberto Arreola got to Check 2 for the bronze. LAST, but never least, the Sportsman class~s. Clase 14 ran two laps and the others . were only required to run one. Six starters in this class and two of them managed to finish. First across the line, with a time of 8:42:47, was a team m made up of Edgar Alvarez Jr., Emmanuel Lo-pez and Eduardo Laguna. Rodrigo Ferla ran solo and finished with an 11:48:49 for the silver. FIVE starters and four finis h e r s in Class 15 An-other four m an team, this one made up of Mele Valen-cia, Carlos Fregoso, Jesus Barajas· and Erick Arce, hit the checkered flag first and copped the golden Prize with their time of 5:02: 19. Second spot went to the 1531 team of Raul Maya, Raul Maya Jr., Alan Matir and Javier Diaz in with a time of 5:22: 12 and the bronze went to Joshua Morquecho, Pete Morquecho and Dolores Cazares who fin-ished with a time of 6:44:09. Carlos Vazquez, Raul Bar-rera, Sergio Perez and Carlos Presichi took the 1545 car to fourth with a time of 7:43: 19. CLASS 18 had seven set to luivan Voelker Jr. and his compatriots took the Safari Class win, they had a 50 minute cushion when they took the checkers. Javier Robles led the first few laps in Class 1, he had to settle for a 2nd place finish, he finished five minutes behind the leader. Dusty Times start and five of them got. all the way around the course for times. Carlos Alonso, Jaima Anaya, Ali Arroyo and Isaac Medina were the first to finish in this class. Their time for the single lap was a very quick 4:01:30. Second place team was made up of Luis Salgado, Alex Mendivil, Ricardo Corve-ra and Viviana Torres in with a time of 4: 14:23; meanwhile the bronze went to a three man team consisting of Manuel Robles, Ramiro Vazquez and Rogelio Gomez with their time of 5:00:58. June 2009 SAFARI class, as stated ear-lier, was the only other class wherein all entries/starters finished. Luivan Voelker Jr., Gonzalo Ruiz, Hector Perez and Efren Garcia took their renumbered red beast, to the win, with a time of 4:36: 14. Juan Gutierrez, Nicolas Meza, Carlos Ramirez and Jose L. Lo-pez were almost an hour back with their time of 5:25:03 and the last of the four man teams, Luis Lam, Raul Martinez, Ru-ben Ojeda and Omar Rivera finished for the bronze with a time of 6:47:17. AND thus ends Chapter 2 of the current CODE rac-ing story. This saga will have continued with the VW Auto Partes Night Race, to be held on the weekend of the 16th of May. As always, thanks go out to all partici-pants in all CODE racing endeavors. Racing teams, families, friends, fans and as usual all the course work-ers and organizers who help make things happen. For this writer, hope to see you somewhere on the Baja. Via con Dios. ~ Page 45

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t!riiP' l--BA-JA]~ By SiChupacabra@Yahoo.Com ANNA CODY RACING SrChupacabra and "BAJAPITS" (As seen on NBC TV) President Carlos Orozco would like to dedicate this story to Anna Cody's Race team and to all the sacrifices women make to manage a household, have a career, raise the kids, put food on the table, Tell Bed time stories, help cure Cancer, fund raisers, keep the men in check, solve worldly challenges, and even go the extra dusty and dangerous mile to show this world that you can even race the BAJA 1000 as an Ironwoman or team it with your racer friends. International CHAMPION BAJA 1000 IRONWOMAN ANNA CODY in 2006 did this on her Honda XR650R and showed the WORLD that with the proper training, leadership, vision, determination, a little insanity, a Honda XR650R, and support teammates, any-one has the ability to reach their goals. We would like to thank ANNA and her teammates for taking the time to interview with us and allow Internation-ally known BAJAPITS and DUSTY TIMES to Publish her feats of successes. We race guys applaud her for what she has done and God is she fast!!!!! You can talk more about this also on www. We also want to thank the Execu-tives at NBC Television for being kind enough to put our BAJAPITS Logo sign on the recent show aired about the 2009 BAJA250. Anna Cody is the ONLY WOMAN IN THE WORLD that has IRONWOM-ANED THE BAJA 1000, Yes Boys and Girls, let's see you beat that accomplish-ment. No one has even thought to chal-lenge this feat. So the record stays with Anna Cody Racing. And SrChupacabra welcomes her team, family, fellow HON-Page 46 DA XR650R owners Steve Soto, Gene Lane, and friends to Baja to visit, race, ride, and train with an open invitation forever. BAJAPITS will keep the lights on while you are racing or pre-running. Anna i:; a true professional when it comes to leadership racing and we feel you will really get some great information from this article to pursue your dreams weather it be a family, education, racing, trade school, music, athletics, business, career, travel, volunteer work, team building and making this world better for the next generation of racers. As we all know, The Baja Races are the tough-est in the world &ince your mind must become one with BAJA to get you across the finish line. Remember • THE BAJA FORGIVES NO ONE! Some Anna Cody SCORE Baja 1000 race history includes, 1047 miles of treacherous, unforgiving terrain in the 2006 Baja 1000, is a pinnacle motorsport achievement. The 2006 SCORE BAJA 1000 attracted some 431 entries from around the world, and only 54% of those entries finished. Of the solo motorcyclist entries riding "lronman" and ONE "lronwoman" 43% finished. This incred-ible test of man or woman and machine includes professional and sportsman class riders and drivers who enter the 33 different car, truck, motorcycle and ATV classes. Contestants race the entire way, from start to finish, stopping only for gas, repairs and to change riders/ drivers. It's a total TEAM EFFORT to not just get to the starting line, but to finish is an international glorious achievement! Four-Wheel vehicles that are in a position to pass a motorcycle or ATV MUST NOT ATTEMPT TO PASS UNTIL THE RIDER HAS MOVED TO THE SIDE OF THE COURSE. Mo-torcycles and ATVs must remain aware of approaching traffic and move over as quickly as possible. Four-Wheel vehicles are ultimately responsible for the safety of passing. USE YOUR HORN So, In Anna's own words, we would like to share with the world what it takes to be Anna Cody and the team of women, men and kids that get's her and lady racers to the finish lines. Better get out of the way Slow BAJA Boys, Anna Cody just passed you. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA. My dream of off road racing began when I was a very young girl, each month I could not wait to get the dirt bike magazine, barely old enough to read, I used to read about this guy named Larry Roesler and the Baja 1000. We had a world globe, I'd go in and trace the Baja peninsula, it was fascinating to me because my only memory of a family vacation at that time was in 1970 driving down to Bahia De Los Angeles in our Jeep Wag-oner, there were no paved roads it was all dirt. Perhaps that's when my love began for Baja. Growing up we lived in the rug-ged San Rafael mountains, 2 1/2 hours from town, since I had no peers my age, Each afternoon I would take my Honda 50 and ride around my parents 160 acre ranch and yep if you haven't guessed I'd play racing the Baja, I'd ride for hours. Some-day I am going to race the Baja 1000 I used to say to myself, someday! Those childhood dreams came true for me, in 1990 I entered the entire SCORE Series with my teammate Lillie Sweet-land, we finished every race including the Baja 1000 and finished 2nd in the 250 Pro Class. . I spent many years racing all kinds of off road races, I had always want-ed to take on the challenge of rac-ing the Baja 1000 solo, I wanted to race it when the race was a point to point race covering most of the Baja Peninsula, starting in Ensenada and end-ing in La Paz. I knew this was something that would take some serious dedication, I knew it would be tough, with a great probability of failure. I am not one that likes failure, so I waited for several years until I really felt like I was ready. Than in late 2005, one night unable to sleep I said to myself it's time. For the entire year of 2006, I r 0 June 2009 prepared, I had to loving support of my Boyfriend Eric Sedor, Richard Jackson worked hours building the HONDA XR650R into a bullet proof motorcycle with an awesome light set up, Doug Williams dedicated himself to drive all the way to La Paz and back while pre-running and than back down on race day just as my chase driver and my trainer Teddy Leyva, who trained me so hard that I could pick the HONDA XR650R up with one arm by race day. I had a great support system behind me and that's how I became the first women in the history of SCORE to ever solo the Baja 1000 on a motorcycle in 2006. It was a journey of a life time, there are no words to describe the feeling of coming down off that plateau into La Paz after being on a motorcycle for 33 hours straight! With that behind me it was time to move forward, I have been so blessed in my life time to have had some of the very best off road racers in history to teach me everything that I have I partnered up with Cathy Duncan · owner of Seymour Duncan one of the largest manufactures in the music indus-try of guitar pickups, they would be the primary sponsor for learned in my racing career. I moved my business forward formally "Codygirl Racing", now ''Anna Cody Racing", selecting a group of wom-en racers to form a team for the 2008 race season, a few racers from each team would be entered n the SCORE series in Baja in class 20, a couple in the Best in the Desert series in the 4 stroke un-limited class. the SCORE Series. We chose to race a Honda 250CRF. Eric Siraton from JCR Racing was our mechan-ic, he worked so hard to make sure that our motorcycle was in the best mechanical condition to endure the test we would be putting it through for hours in the rugged terrain of Mexico, we had the San Felipe 250, the Baja 500 and the Baja 1000 ahead of us. The Best in the Desert se-ries was going to consist of 6 off road races in the rugged Arizona and Nevada desert, includ-ing Vegas to Reno the longest off road race in the United States. Backed by Cobb racing and Lynch Electric. We raced a Hon-da 450CRF prepped by our mechanic Eric Siraton. I spent countless hours ne-gotiating with sponsors. Its very expensive to keep 2 race bikes going, that's why sponsor-ship is so important, but along with sponsorship comes allot of pressure, each race needs to show . good results to keep spon-sors happy. My sponsors had a lot of faith in my plan for the all women's team and were a tre-mendous help to our team. Planning out each race strat-egy, planning our pre-running schedule, getting the bikes ready for each race, Ill admit it took a bit of toll on me, I know the racers were grateful for this, but I don't think they really knew how much behind the scenes work went into it, but in the end it was well worth it to me. With these kind ·of pressures, my expectations of each racer is very high, I am tough on these ladies, I ex-pect them to be out there pre running their sections as many times possible, they need tobepreparedwiththeirtools,knCJ1.VhCJ1.Vto use them if they need to. I am giving them the opportu-nity to do something that very few people have, and I am going to lead them to success, as fail-ure is something I don't allow. I maybe hard on them, but I also know there strengths and weak-ness and would never put anyone of them in a situation that I did not think they could handle, I am very careful to put the racers in sections of the course that bests suits to their skill level. On March 15, 2008 our team came in 1st in class 20 at the San Felipe 250. We became the first all women's team in the history of SCORE to win a class in the motorcycle division. There were 4 of us that raced that day, my-self, Cathy Duncan, Sarah Kritsch &Stacy Doerksen. This win put us into a good position we actually had a shot at winning the championshipattheendoftheyear. By June after the Baja 500 we were still leading the points for class 20 inSCOREand running 2nd in the Best in the Desertseries. Over the Summer our biggest race was Ve-gas to Reno, 500 miles in the Nevada desert. My primary teammate for the series Tricia Lane and I de-cided we needed one more of our strongest racers and chose to have Sarah Kritsch race with us. While the day did not go exactly as planned, the team learned al-lot. It was a good test for the up coming Baja 1000. Because of a couple crashes the bike re-quired repairs along the way, we had 3 hours of down time but with a great pit crew we got the bike going again and finished the race about 11 pm that evening. Every single per-son on the team that day lived up to my motto never give up! Its what team work is all about. As the fall of 2008 arrived we had 3 races left, including the Baja 1000 which would be the deciding factor of our class cham-pionship or not, all we had to do was finish the race and we would clinch the title, but I knew like anything in racing getting to the finish line of a race we had a lot of obstacles to overcome. Dur-ing the Summer I started tothinkaboutthe SCORE team, it was only my-self, Cathy and Sarah. Tricia only raced in the United State with me, it was apparent we n ~ed-ed another teammate, so I de-cided to ask Jen Morton if she would like to ride with us. Jen and I had rid-den the Baja500theyear before, I knew she was a solid strong dependable racer and was relived when she said yes. On September 26, 2008 Tri-cia and I hit our next BITD race. It was an awesome day, the 2 of us really put things togeth-er, running 15th overall our day could not have been better, until I made a terrible mis-take within 1/2 mile of my last leg of the race, I miss judged what I thought was a road crossing, it turned out to be a giant mound of something, by the time I realized what it was I prob-ably got the bike slowed down to about 60MPH, I hit it and that was ·the last thing I remem-bered until waking up in the hos-pital in Caliente, NV. As I was coming too, I started to realize that some-thing was just not right with my arm, it was draped over my chest, I was gur-gling on blood, I looked around, there was Tricia standing next to my bed. As I collected my thoughts I said to myself oh my god Baja is in about 8 weeks, my heart sank, how could of I done this to myself, I am the team leader I don't do stJ.!pid stuff like this. I returned home, my arm re-quired surgery. I had broken it into 15 pieces. The Dr. laid it on me, no you will not be racing the Baja 1000 OK I took a day to think about things, ·do I pull the team out of the race and throw the championship away or do I let Dusty Times

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them race. We talked about it and they all felt confident that they could do it, sowe decided to move fur, ward.MuchtomyrelieITricialaneandher Family decided that Tricia would ride with theteam,sonowitwasSarahKritsch, Gtthy Duncan, Jennifer Morton and Tri-cia Lane, as rider of record I had to start the race, which I coulddo,l wentdownthestreetandhanded the bike off to Sarah Kritsch and the team would takeoverfurthenext20 houn;. These ladies did an incredible job that day. We clenched the Class 20 champion-ship, earning the honor of be-ing the first all women's team in the History of SCORE Inter-national to ever win a class cham-pionship in the motorcycle division. We raced against all male com-petitors during the year. When not blazing through the silty dust of Baja, here's what the ladies have to say about about their day to day lives. Anna Cody - Owner of Anna Cody Racing -conducting off road riding clinics and running an all women's off road team on weekends. I love to teach and help people, my dream someday would be to run a full time race team. During the week I work in the Insurance field doing sales and managing 2 lnsurance Agencyoffice'sin VenturaCounty. lhavea strong work ethic, I love insur-ance sales, sometimes there is so much competition its like being in a race. Every so often the company will have a sales contest, it fires me up, I am always racing all my co work-ers until the bitter end. I have worked for the same company of 11 years, my boss always knows he can get twice as much pro-duction out of me if he adds a little completion to the fire!! Cathy Carter Duncan , 57 yr old Co-Founder and CEO of Sey, mour Duncan Pickups (for guitars that is). She first got on a bike late in lifu. "Ilost thewte fur surfing fur the family sport", but has loved it ever since. "It's the perfect antidote to a busy stressful work world and its does keep a family together. My sons were my pre-running buddies, how cool is that?" "In my work world, I love sup-porting our customers in real-izing their Vision, and that same desire can forth here. Anna had a firm Vision that a Woman's team could win races and the Championship, and I wanted to sign up to help that happen. She does all the hard work, from getting the tremendous and necessary support from our Spon-sors, selecting and training a team, and planning the race so it fits the best skills of each rider". Sarah Kritsch - A recent gradu-ate of California University of Ba-ke rs field and is focusing on elementary school teaching. Dirt biking has always been a partofourfamily. I started riding ata -young age and I began racingoff-road fullowingthefuotstepsof mybrother. I started off just competing in races my brother did, but eventu-ally I found myself hooked. I started racing desert when I was 16 and worked my way through the ranks, becoming expert in 2005.Currently, I ride a 2007 KTM 200 xcw and am currently #l in the woman's class fur the desert division in District 37. I am grateful to have a such a supportive faro.. ily, especially my Brother Ryan, and I am a proud member of Dirt Diggers MC. Tricia Lane-Grew up in Big Bear. Tricia's family has been one of her biggest supporters in racing, both her mom & dad raced as she grew up. She is now living in Oceanside, Ca attending school to become a Hyperbaric Cham-ber operator. This method is Dusty Times used to save patients lives after diving accidents and more re-cently has become a common healing method for profes-sional athletes that have been in-jured, speeding up their recovery time. She hopes that upon gradu-ation she can work in the field with professional athletes. She also works part time at Baja Designs an off road lighting company. Jennifer ,Morton , Co own-er of Baja Bound, a motorcycle adventure company offering tours and racer packages for Baja riding/racing. Jennifer's hus-band Tim Morton leads off roadmotorqdetoursthroughBajaonsome fantastic routes. For those real adventures they offer full race rental packages fur races such as the Baja500& 1000. The company hasagreatcrewandguestareassured to have a wonderful, safe time and successful time when riding with Baja bound. Some of the racers highlights and memories in their own words. Sarah Kritsch Well most of my stories come from the 1000. I remember at the start Malcolm Smith came up and gave me a hug and waited for us to switch which was pretty cool! I just remember the start being so dusty and people everywhere. Locals throwing rocks and cheering as I rode by. On my second leg, I remember it was just getting dark and I remember when the first trophy truck passed me in the section of awesome whoops. I remember the feeling of being lost and then I actually got lost! Coming into the pit at Borrego was a relief. I was so happy to see -you guys there, but it seemed like the pit was so fast and I was off again. On the Mikes loop I just remember having so much fun but it was so cold and foggy! When Jen got on the bike I knew we were almost there. The last part going into the finish was probably the worst. It was dark and late and silty. I hadn't pre ran some of the sections and I wished I would have then. When I hit the sandwash I just had an indescribable feeling When I hit that tum to the finish it was even better. It was funny because I remember watchingDustToGlorywhenitfirstcame out and I said to myself that I want to do that someday. Well when we finished the Baja 1000 my dream had come true. Now, a day doesn't go by where I don't think about Baja. Also.. pre running with Cameron Steel and those guys was awesome Jennifer Morton Escondido, Ca 1-I got to pre run with Ricky Johnson for a little bit and crossed paths with Larry Perkins who we were only leading by 1 point going into the 1000. Larry and his partner seemed pretty deflated when I introduced them to my riding buddy for the afternoon. I'll never forget the look on his face, we had a good laugh. 2-On race day, I was on pins and needles waiting for Tricia at Honda 4, I heard from her brother that she had gone down a few times and had to stop and quickly fix the levers. Tricia arrived, Dylan changed our air filter with surgical hands, and I took off into the canyons with sharp rocks that gave me a rear flat during my pre run. 3-Passed a downed rider right away that had obviously swapped in the sand whoops and was being tended to by spectators. Made me slow down in the whoops for sure. Enjoyed the fast lake bed, avoided a flat in the sharp rocks, brought the bike to Cathy at Borrego. 4-Waited again on pins and needles in Valle T for Sarah where the nerves re-ally kicked in for the first time when the first Trophy Trucks flew by in the dark. 5-Heavy, heavy fog out on the coast made it impossible to see. The dirt was dark in color from the wetness so I basi-cally followed the light colored car track and rode without goggles for most of the coast. 6-Fell once in the silt hills getting off the road for a class 1 buggy. Got up and rode to Sarah. Our Baja Designs sponsored lights were awesome and a life saver in the terrible conditions. I switched between the spot and flood (and used both) quite a bit depending on the dust and fog at the time. We clearly had the best set up of an-yone. Being a member of an awesome team of women lead by Anna Cody is an experience I'll never forget. Really! Cathy Carter Duncan-In the 500, my 2nd section was the fun and fast Crossover Road . I love street riding (on my Honda CB599, the Hornet), and I was ready to really have fun here. Funny, the bike stalled coming into a JCR Honda Pit, and started oddly. Then it stalled as I dropped throttle for a comer. All the kicking in the world wasn't doing it. Luck would have it that I had passed a support truck on the last comer just finishing changing their flat tire! They had one of those fat yellow and short tow straps. No way was it going to work in the normal bar wrap! So I motioned for mi amigo to sit behind me and hold it centered up, back bumper is maybe 6 feet in front of me and off we go. At maybe 25mph, it started thank God. I got the bike to Anna and she rode it the rest of the 160miles to the finish, never drop-ping the throttle and staying just in front of the first Trophy Truck. What a race! Nothing is like Baja ...... the adventure, the sense of community, and the digging deep inside yourself to keep pressing on. I love the moments when we're out pre-running, the sun is setting and -you' re still 2hrs from the hotel Tum off the bikes and feel the vastness. Then there is the waiting for -your rider to come in, then the rush of the change and off -you go .... Whether you are out pre-running or racing, you are absolutely Alive every moment. .. Well that brings the 2008 race season to an end, we won the SCORE class 20 Championship in the 250 Pro Class and finished the Best in the Desert series 2nd in the 4 stroke unlimited class. It was a red&blue -6st$5.99 -8 st$6.99 -10 st $9.49 -12 st $10.99 great year for all of us, I am very proud of these ladies, their dedication and de-termination is exactly what is needed to be champions and I am honored to have been able to work with them. We also could not have done it with-out the help of our trainer Teddy Leyva, and sponsors, Seymour Duncan, Pro Honda Oils & Chemicals, GPR, IMS, FMF, Kibblewhite Valves, JCR Racing, BulletProofDesigns, Precision Concepts, Lynch Electric, Cobbs Racing, Asterisk, Seal Savors, Baja Designs, SIDI, Dunlop Tires. Our mechanic, Eric Siraton truly made this happen for us, he prepped us a motorcycle that never failed us, what can we say he is awesome. And of course without the love, help and support of our families. Stay focused, live -your dream~ work hard and never ever give up!!! .And, Again, ever-yone, Set-your goals as high as you wish, We Baja Racers love a challenge. You can get in touch with Anna and on her website and we want her bike on display at Fun Bike Center in San Diego. Our "Food for Thought Section" has determined that there are so many very good places in Baja to eat. Here is one more you may with to visit as we are always on the look out for a place to rest and enjoy our surroundings in BAJA I even suggest -you E-mail Steve Soto who is always going for rides in BAJA and knows as much as SrChupacabra when it comes to BAJA Steve's e-mail is Steven Soto If you suddenly have a craving for McDonald's, Burger King and Starbucks while in Loreto, you will have to find some other dining substitute because none of these popular establishments exist in the small town of Loreto. Loreto is known fur its well-preserved traditional Mexican culture and history, and many of the restaurants located in Loreto reflect that small town Mexican charm. Due to the fact that Loreto, Baja California Sur is located near the abun-dant waters of the Sea of Cortez and has always been a fishing village, it comes as no wonder that seafood is one of the spe-red& blue -845$12.99 -845$13.99 -10 45 $16.99 ----12 45 $21.84 ffi·H~llffflcmaiimJ cmm · 20ft. Lenghts -8 20ft. $93.40 -8 20ft. $107.20 -10 20ft. $128.20 -12 20ft. $185.20 High Misalignment Adapters cialties of most Loreto restaurants. You can find anything from simple seafood dishes such as grilled fish and squid, to gourmet seafood dishes such as caviar and oysters. During the peak season of dorado and yellowtail fishing, -you can also find several seafood festivals and seafood cooking contests in many Loreto restaurants and along Loreto's beaches. Here are a few products that will help you get to the Finish Line as we always promote safety and proper gear in case you slam your truck, car, quad, bike into a rock while racing. Karl LaPinska TIG Welding and Fab-rication KLFUSION@YAHOO.COM GOT METAL FABRICATION WELDING QUESTIONS? When the WEATHERMAN hears over the radio in BAJA for a need to have a broken metal part welded during the RACE. Karl LaPinskas name is spoken over the Airwaves. Will Karl have the Mobile Aircraft Welder with a Miller Dynasty 200 Tigrunner over his shoulder at the BAJA 500 and 1000? We sure hope so. Make sure -you gas up with ARGON at and get extra metal from Racer Greg and Crew at "Competi-tive Metals" at Magnolia and Cyprus in ElGtjon to. Karl, with his Solidus to Liquidus Direct Injection Filler metal weld system, will cure your problems, Karl's Weld Beads look like a Robot Did the Work as NASA and General Atomics Engineers look on with delight drinking Starbucks coffee!. He came up with this idea from Metal Sculptor Ken Kosiorek while work-ing on an Artwork for a client. Liquidus ON!! Solidus ON!! Karl LaPinska Gas tungsten arc weld-ing (GTAW), also known as tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding, is an arc welding process that uses a nonconsumable tung, sten electrode to produce the weld. The weld area is protected from atmospherie contamination by a shielding gas (usually an inert gas such as argon), and a filler metal is normally used, though some welds, known as autogenous welds, do not require it. A constant-current' weld-C1ntinu1~ an p111 53 red& blue -890$12.99 -8 90$14.99 -10 90 $15.99 ~-----1290$21.84 Complete Line of ...... New Hampshire Ball Bearings, Inc. Weld-in Bungs I I JMXT series Chromoly JMX8T $20.05 ' . . , '!/) ' JMX10T $26.16 ~1 JMX12T$33.25 JMX14T $60. 78 JMX16T$76.10 ...._ -·, . . . :.• ~....,I~ I ·-----~--~------·n1rllfAPRECISION DJ K IIRACING PRODUCTS Pit 562-4~'1~2375 2865 GUNDRY AVE. SIGNAL HILL, CA 90755 June 2009 Page 47

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Good stuff Directory BEi'ttE"f' bl..,I OE"!!.IQn Air Cleaners for Off-Road Racing. From Baja to Dakar. For a list of dealers Visit our website at: JOHN COOLEY •Race Cars •Prervnners •DuotSpom 10815 Wheatlands Avenue, Suite I• SantN, CA 92071 . 619.596.9141 • ,_ 619.596.2742 www.alumlcraftJnfo Off-Road Fiberglass • Off.Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages Ford Truck Specialist • 10996 N, Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-1740 FAX {619) 562-6151 ~ . - ~ ~9"Y../r9",r/;J. John Baker ilooeettfatricolbi • lhx;~l"i'ffl, lmmm~-• Abo~ J 5821 Graham street • Hunfugton Saoch, CA 916"49 PhQ!'I~ 7!4,lWI~ • fax: 11.4,ffl-6360 ~t~ BRANDWOOD CARS Custom V<!hicle Shifter for mid-engines and other applications. 602-437-31()7 ss e I 818-88 -0004 CA $RACING Racea,Jr Helmets • Accesso~ Bell, Shoel, Simpson alower s,st.ems & cool boxes ....... 2...,.. , ................... --.•11••• CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN -39067 ORCHARD ST. CHERRY VALLEY CA. 92223 PH#. <••t)-N•, products in stock Race Ptovm Fabrication Boate<; Fiberg)ass . Pre--Runllers Dimple Dies Tubing Benders Bypass valves+tubes Sway-bar Arms Desert T.nacb Short Coarse trucks Paris--Oabr tru,,.ks I-= . ~ i;u.-,1.1n IIE.AOLCC:te: WM&ltLli ...... lfAIII.ICK ■INCi: 19■• ;;;;~ 1 s•--1 s"--1 ..,. ALL ALUMINUM SICAOLDCK WHEELS AND CDNVER.SICNB CMAMP1QN WHICl:L ca. INC. 1853? COt..Lll:11 (95 ti 4? 1 •21 BS LAKE -1:t..l!IINCRII!: CA, 92531 www.CHAMPlDNWHEEL,COM 227 Calle Pintoresco San Oemente, CA 92672 FLOATER REAR ENOS ~-1-'RONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION 8.ARS • l<NOCK OFF HUSS ( 805 J 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane • Templeton. CA.93465 OF~ICIAL RACE FUEUJ FUEL OF NASCAR 1 (800) 54.COSBY COSBY OIL COMPANY, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA

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CALL TODAY! PH: 949.567.9000 t96a M..G w. 1rv1ne. CA ~ 1• A~o/Plril~S~ MalthewScllmalce ,,,..., ~W.t ~ .n"-"Vf.J-,~-lfl'NCIU'it:JA.~ 9M6BooclA-~-l~U BCajcm,C"ANOlt Fu 4'1~J$ Tlll.l Free 800-4SS7--4!09 ....,_....._.._..,;:a...-...::.,&-:---..::...a SP!fi!1i!iM ha-._._ .. ......... .......... ....... • ......_IIDO ..,..._,.. KINlahrAllt■ .... 11v.._-.<',...~ ./ \ ~,,,#!'_ 949 . • 8812 :R. - -.-~wit> *FO. , '/!-A-.-~··""·-' ' .. "' r ' . ~ ·-,- , ,t' ~ -//DEREK NYE ,,-,~/- · . - mw.stit-st. UnlE C'.ostaMesaCo~7 / ·~. 1111:.~9.S'IBJISJJ tu: 9'49.548.8534 ~ ~ e-mail: delt!lcfl!ill: 1■ ;:;2 ~....,. T111111 9agz r:1r.rr:-:,r.,,r.n===a~ . i>/ / Pdvatt Label CJJ,J~ tustam 8111 Designs • --1835 John lOWtta Aw. IA El~~92020 1543 W. 16th Street Long Beach, California 90813 Eric Flechsig 7i~U-7 JS-9473 ,..,,-nu: , '+H ~ ... - .'\,t .I.ii. . (619) 448-3932 Fax(619)448-3662 GREG QUINN CELL (562) 843-4355 (562) 432-3946 (714) 540-5535 FAX (562) 432-7969 Get The word out About Your Business, Big or small. ' 818•8.82·0004 [B;a PIBfOR'IIIIIJI We Ilsa & -mmend 1558 No. Case• Orange, CA 92867 (714) 637-2889 • Fax (714} 637-7352 R~< IM, EM,INE.'i, TRAN~1i\ll'i'i!ONS ANO OFFROAD JIART'i Smd or mil for our mw catalog SS,00 ~ -OQQ.R~~ ~,,;t..· # ~p,.rspo.nis '1#/·~ ,rjf 9299 W. Olive Ste. 610 Peoria AZ 85345 Offroad • Race Phone (623) 433-8643 Sand Car Parts Fax (623) 243-6368 e-mail: web: BRUCE FRALEY 702365.9055 .'IIJIE nw.tilclsafc.CIIII 1-•-m-llZ4 1111 HONDA i1,ltiLUD · (81'8) 166-6134 (800) 800-6134 FAX (818}'766-9397 GI Ill GI e ::: ..a 0 1111 ::: t a, ..a ~ -t: 5 ~~ ..._ E .!!t.n" 8 CN ..-. d°' o:r Si "'j'ltE e °' ! g_•COa, _g -~ 0 a, ... ·-u 'E "' °' ::, °' -g N::E -..o " "<t • . SUZUKI ·.tll!D.!411111 ~ ATVS BILL ROBERTSON & SONS; INC. 5626 TUJUNGA AVE. NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA. 91601

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HLJSTLE~ ConcePTS &, rAJA SHOP (111n<111967) i:::::u::::ac=e . c::nne; F=i=::us • F=u ... r,r,~ s=JI.....L.Jf'TinLJrn ~ si:::>e~ ve....c::~ JeaH Rodriguu PH 71◄-IWl-0701 fax:71+007.07~ 714 NL-Sl, ~ .Cl,, 112867 www, 951 245-6050 Fax: 951 245-6052 570 Central Ave #C Lake Elslnore, CA 92530 , P.O. ~ax 24?~ ! Jefferies Racing Apple valley, Ca. 923ut '. DamenJefferie.< .Je,=,=eA1 Off-Road Race Prep & Fabrication Kevin Jensen Apple Valley, CA (760) 963-4206 Fax (760) 240-5083 Mike Julson 9426 Whttatlands Court Sant.e. CA 92071 619-596-3380 George Jimenez Se Hablo Espoifol -✓ 81N96-33Mfax 535 E. Central Parle Ave. Anaheim, CA 92802 Tel: (714) 535.5116 Fax: {714) 535-5816 JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Quality Racing Transaxles Mendeola Dealer Off Road - Sand Specialist JOE GIFFIN (714) 632-1240 Fax (714) 632-1223 Email; jgtrans@113cbclLnct www .J( 3061 E. l.a Jolla St. #I Anaheim. Califomia 92806 JON KINNE 520 Railroad St., Corona, CA 92882 Tel. 951-278-2233• Fax: 951-278-8335• C 8 C ::J N A • Custom Alternators • Complete Wiring • Custom Fab • Exhaust & Muffler • Prep & Finish Work Lonely Advertising Space Looking For Long Term Relationship Call (818) 882-0004 HONDA Power Equipment OUT 1104110 ENGINE • GffiERo\TOSI SP£CtAUST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. www • .Kawaguchihonda.c~m ART KAWAGUCHI fa,c 323-264-2138 3$32 UST 3110 Sl. LOS ANGELES, CA 90053 Derell Kreger 323-264-393s3 PH: 114.289.9048 FX: 114.631.7854 1214 N. Parker Untl # 3 Oranue. CA 92867 WWW.LAMBCOMPONENTS.COM All NHBB production sizes~ stock. 3/8" through 1-1/4" .. _ 611/11. Phone: (909) 985-1901 1259 w. 9th t. Fax: (909) 982-9777 Upland, ea. 91786 POWER E STEERING THOMAS£LEE LEE MFG. CO. 11661 P£NDLET()N,&TAE£T SUN VAUEI, CA 1121152 fAX (818) 7ea,.2817 (818)7e&-OS7'1 Afullh,.ofPowwSt.-inggea,-. pumps and ~ fof ffl'/ typeofrKing. Magnaflwl and Zygio IKilltlel .au.aahl• . Engineering FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION i320ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 (909) 596-5497 FAX KENT. LOTHRINGER Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596·0888 Race Seats• Restraints• Storage Bags Window Nets• Limit Straps• Tie Downs 11433 Woodside Avenue• Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455 • Fax: 619/449-9454 OFFROAD IS OUR BUSINESS 807 E. Orangethorpe Ave. Ste. A ph 714-441-1212 Anaheim CA, 92801 fx 714-441-1622 rr'1CTlJRt'/ ,#E/f/PEOL,1 Rr'1tJE RE/Mf/Lf}g tJERTlr/Ef} ,1C/f}(} ,,f/,1'7/f/,4rLtfX@ (}ERTlrlEO s>llor PEE/f/l/f/'7 1695 CACTUS RD. T. (619) 710-8800 SAN DlEGO, CA 92154 F. (619) 710-1640

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. • ... ,-.. -----=--=--:..-•r,wlll""""'•~:~-=-==--=-~~~-:,, ToddlJw)II' 1900 ~ Ave. Stlite 101. Corona. CA 9'2881 Plme (951)817-€1101 EXt 156 619-562-5S33 Off Rood FabricatiM and Design -@ ... moseBillt"i FINl&tion/Strength/Safety/Pride • Sand Cars M«k by HNrd ;,, the USA •TNdcs •AlsteC.W-S •Pret-uN!ers •RaftyC.W-S •CustOIII JOHN MOSELEY 01,,mu/fobricotor -JIIOSebilt.COffl 236 Joson Court Cocl"OIICI. CA 92879 951-2~-3026 Fox 951-272-0n6 • ■1,-;1i 1••4,•Ji • VCJUR COMPLETE IGNITION SOURCE • • • . , ♦ • I • '" j j, I, ' AU'TDTAONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION '1490 H - NAV ~ENNAN OF!. , E l P AtiU, 'r>( 799:36 19151 857 -5'!10 • TH~ft (!115! 855 7123 • VISIT OUA W(8 SUE w,iw ~ -= 15222 Connector Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92649 www.myer OFF·RO AD RACING We cmi Beadlock YOUR RlMSH Sizes to fit aosl ATV L AUTOMOTIVE applicationt Parts for. POLISHED fk COLORED FINISHES SCALLOPED OR CONVENTIONAL Reinforcing Ringt Abo Available Phone - (951) 354-8272 WWW .QMfPERfQRMANCE. com GRIS Dune Buggy • Race Car • VW Engine • Subaru Engine Parts Custom Machine Work & Fabn'cation 1~800-231-8156 2525 East 16th Streel • Yuma, AZ. 85365 -92&-783-6265 • Fax 928·783--12$$ -)c - ,~-.~ . --. · .PAtti:1cAe1.)t:· ::· . ·.-::~~. . ·. t.AKDSCARt; : ' : .. ,~5:~ ---~·s-,.,,:~~-_: __ .·. , "Q(~n•Dellg,I,•~). . - . . . . . . . -?~~A. g •• ~.. . #/',: ♦ ._,. * A..,,, /> • ~ ''@' • ~ ~ ..... ,., ,,. .. ~ ". - • .. '\ ~.} . 11,&) SfJ/1.19!#-·\ . -. ., . 95l.l60.S906 951.160.0436 fax 500.100.llSO '1.11 ~ JUJ'L.,.,.. 3834 W,citr Orij Mir, tom•, CA 911S2 ForVeJYFew DoUars A Month Your '110 ROTRUCK RACING ORGANIZATION A High Perf<>nnance Spec V8 Race Truck Series "The True Driver's Class· Protrucl< Sales and Promotion Website: Email: ieJ: .,,..'9CM1212 Fu:t1~ 14402 Bond Ccut I ·a Cllfoft, CA 11i1m1 ffi.Peffolrn,nce Equipment SUspension • Safely• Drivelin6 • AccessOl1$s (619) 691-9171 ff» Press Lane. Suite 14 (619) 691-9174 Chula V,sta, CA 91910 (619) 691-0803 (FAX) e-mail: rprodt ourSales---------~ unch rJENHfiD ABRICATION, INC l6608obcock. Building& COs1o Mesa. CA 92627 m (9491650-303S FAX 19491650-4711 •-• peotiolitobOool com JetryPslhal qary <Powetr Motorsports: Electrical Design & Manufacturing Since 1988 Ph: (949) 735-9039 Fax: (949) 459-0085 r Craig St~ Phone: 019--449·9128 Fnw, t.19-449·'167ff Cell: 619-726-8891 Fabrication & Race Preparation Salee & Service PH: 714.680.6131 • FK: 114.680.3110 Toll free: 800.304.8126 101 5 E. Elm Avenue, Fullerton, CA 9 2 8 3 1 wlll get vou In gear s11ecill1Zll1 II: -s••••• -IHtlt-at-tH ....... ...... ,. ...... MHS.Plllrll#fl .............. 11111 JftlU.11 ... ~ lllU nMlllj

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~~ RANCHO 0RIVETRAIN ENGINEERING Trophy Trucks Short Course Trucks Class-a Trucks Differentials Class-7 Trucks Pre-Runners Tony Selva, Jr -417Ml Enterprise Circle North Suite 106 Temecula. CA 92590 PltONE 951.296.6163 FACSIMII.I: 951.296.2236 w w QUAU1Y lsN.,. EXPENSIVE, Ir's PRlcEI.Ess! IIALW TRAIN A1oout:rs • CutnoM HEAD Womc 7BO./S4B-4SSB • FAX 760/94B-4856 Mni'I/IIV.RDVALILESPRIIIIB. COIW fiiil SANDERS SERVICE, INC. L?lY METAl.i PROCESSING 5921 ~on Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 (323) >83-2404 FAX (323) S83-3965 SANDBLAST-01.ASS BEAD,MAQNETJC PARTICLE FLOUR£SCENT INSPECTTON MARK.SMITH .. , SUSP91S1QN INNOV"'TION MOTORSPORJ:s INC. Tel: 562.903.1625 fax:562.777 .2593 12345 Florence kle. Santa Fe Springs,Ca 90 LARRY SMITH Tom McKenzie ~ I I I ! TIM CECIL l I I I I : 849 Lamben • Brea, CA 92821, : :.(114)-447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 : I · ' I JOB SITE SIG~• l!AHIIEAS • VtltlOOW UTTI:RlM • CAA LETTEAmG • \1AAPlflCS SGUEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101 Galway Circle • Huntlngrn1 Beach CA 92'649 (714) 897-0075 • Fai. 17141 894-9567 81 CCIALTY· ~RGe rJtep RACE CARS ~ TRUCKS • ~....,,. • "511C•sio• UptftNln/ii>Cfiittt •'""' t.,, •61socl ~,/~e6Nila •.:::--1•6riGalin •e"fA'C~r .. smissiott t-l,..,ce1 1674~ Parkside Ave. Cerritos. t.A 90703 Travis Aetcher !562} 802-1404 • IIACEFUB.S Paul Oil Company [2091847-<!281 (800) 527-6090 FAX (209! 847-9726 P.O. Box 248 • 524 N. Sierra /:we. "WESTERN DIVISION Oakdale. California 95361 2180 Coll-,• Drive • Lake H•VDu City • AL 86403 Call Toll Free: 877-627-8.852 or E-Mail: • HI Performance converters Custom Length Axles • • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed Hubs • (for Race&. Recreation) Input Shafts• American Made Excellencel! ChrJsTool 909-730-824& Off-Road and Bolt-On to Street Fibergtass for: "Ford, C~evy and Toyota'' Trucks Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1261 N. Buena \1lsta St . • f1¥1et ca. 92543 Pb: 951-654•7334 FD.: 951~•.2375 See a list of oar prodllds,.jlt oar web sb: http:/ /tnrW,Ofkoadftberglass.affll ....l(EJlmlYJm··.114. '111>1 . I IUINSflXLE ENGl"EEIRING 9763 Varlel Ave. JEFF FIELD (818) 998-2739 Chatsworth, CA 91311 NS WBST PERFORMANCETRANSAXLES Kevin Pirtle 22545 South Normandie Ave. Torrance, California 90501 (61 9 ) 596·8033 l 000 w. SradhtY. Unlt Q e1 Cajon, CA 92020 C arto• O rozco SCORE ENGfNE BUILDER Of THE YEAR 994, 1998.1999,2000 From Parts To Complete EnglMI 3265 W. Birtcher Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89118 702-837-2522

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SPECIALIZED WIRING~ COMMUNICATIONS, ANO REPAIRS FOR: Race cars-TIOPhl Trias -Pre-runners Chase Vehlcles -DUii SPOIi Cars TRIIIS ■ENIEllA DISTRIBUTOR Performance Trans Off Road Street Trans Lorenzo Rodriguez ~RAC World Leading Motorsport Transm~ssion Manufacturer 11 Dakar Rally Victories 17 World Rally Victories 6 AMA MX/SX Championships Xtrac Inc 6183 West 80th Street Indianapolis IN 46278 email; (760) B03-695S Parts -Service -Transmissions - V. W. -Porsche Desert, Sand & Drag :V Tel: (317) 472 2454 MARC WADDELL, PRESIDENT WIREF"Ae@eecaLOBAL.NET 850 S. Alta Vista Avenue • Monrovia, CA 9 IO 16 (626) 305-RACE (7223) • '383' Baja aass 1/10 sequential Transaxle Trophy Truck solutions available for l ead Customers ~--!!! ftea1 & lur Traw«,/Z.. • Spwiles For The Price Of A Phone call And A Few Bucks A Month Your Ad could Be Here Satpentlon Sp«Ollist • Csmom bee & Play tuar Chastil A-Ann Front heh • IHm Freet fads Jack Woods fltl-:ZU.0017 FH •02-2•2-na 818-882·0004 9'08N.2tst0,. Pho.nix, AZ. 15021 more Trail Notes From Page 7 MORE (Mojave Off Road Racing). Contacts: TORC: Christine Lunniss - 562-394-2506; VP Racing: Bruce Hendel· 909-322-0737; or Steve Scheidker - 210-635-7744; steves@vpracingfuels. com Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series & Toyota -An agreement has been finalized between Lucas Oil and Toyota Corporate Manager -Marketing Motorsports, Ed Laukes, that names Toyota as "The Official Truck" of The Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series (LOORRS). As the "Official Truck," Toyota is providing a fleet of theit full-size Tundra 4x4 trucks to be utilized as on-track safety and support vehicles. "The Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series is an ideal platform for us to reach our target demographic and feature the Toyota Tundra," said Toyota's Laukes. The Toyota Tundra will be heavily relied on by safety and emergency crews throughout the events on the various Lucas Oil Off Road Racing tracks. These off road racing courses feature a variety of terrain including huge jumps, giant "whoop de-do" sections and rutted dirt surfaces. Lucas Oil's Jamie Deveny, who worked closely with Laukes along with Toyota National Motorsports Manager Don Brown to complete the agreement, had this to say, "Lucas Oil looks forward to showcasing Toyota products on NBC, SPEED, VS. (Versus) and across the entire spectrum of programming where the Lucas Oil Off Road Racing series will appear this season. Toyota has been a wonderful partner of Lucas Oil's and we're excited to have them on board with us in the off road series." Toyota, with a storied history of involvement in short course off road racing dating back to their long time support of off road racing legend Ivan "Ironman" Stewart, is once again taking a pivotal role as The Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series continues to grow in popularity. "We have a strong history in off road racing and we are enthusiastic about our involvement in Lucas Oil Series," said Laukes on the Toyota commitment to the series. Final Flag -We just learned that Dick Dahn, a long time racer and he who built all the Micke_y Thompson shott co~rse tracks in the LA Coliseum, Pomona Fairgrounds, Angel Stadmm, etc. has passed away. We don't know when or where, just a short note telling us he had passed. We spent many hours gabbing with Dick many moons ago, a really nice man with a lot of talent. Via con Dios. SNORE Caliente 250 -What a race, what a good time everyone had. The weather was perfect, the trees on the course were forgiving, and the racing was great. 72 cars trekked to the race and 56 of them made it all the way. Congrats. TJ Flores was the Class 1 winner, Mike Hanson took Class 10, Clay Lenard was the Class 12 winner, Courtney Collins took the win in Class 13, Eric Ludian was the winner in Class 1450, J. Pfeffer won Class 15, Rob MacCachren took Class 1600, Clint Braun won Class 18, Tomas Morales won Class 5, Raul Solano was the 5/ 1600 winner, Charles Anderson won Class 7, John Baker won Class 7S, Sheldon Paul took Class 8, Cody Rash was the Class 9 winner, Dana Dague won the Mini Metyal Class, Felipe Neri-Sanchez took the Stock Bug Class and Steve Schwab was the Stock Full winner. Look for the full story and loads of pies in the July issue of Dusty Times. Mastercraft Seats -CEO Robbie Pierce announced the acquisition of Ryan Safety, specializing in protective equipment for motorsports and stunt professionals, SFI rated Nomex fire suits, neck protection and SFI 16.1 rated multi-point belts and harnesses. The purchase of Ryan Safety will further build upon Mastercrafts already expansive line of safety products and will provide an even more comprehensive selection of protective equipment. Additions to the product line will include helmet supports and skirts, knee pads and an exclusive line of race suits specifically tailored towards desert and short course off-road racing. May you prosper and grow. Dusty Times BAJ A Pits from page 53 ing power supply produces energy which is conducted across the arc through a column of highly ionized gas and metal vapors known as a plasma. ITTAW is most commonly used to weld thin sections of stainless steel and light metals such as aluminum, magne-sium, and copper alloys. The process grants the operator greater control over the weld than competing procedures such as shielded metal arc welding and gas metal arc welding, allowing for stronger, higher quality welds. However, ITTAW is comparatively more complex and difficult to master, and furthermore, it is significantly slower than most other welding techniques. A related process, plasma arc welding, uses a slightly dif-ferent welding torch to create a more focused welding arc and as a result is often automated and still uses Tungsten to carry the ionized column of arc. The ttade name "Needle Arc" is common. Karl and Ken work well together as they both love welding metal. , Manual gas tungsten arc welding is often considered the most difficult of all the weldingp~ commonly used in industry. Because the welder must maintain a short arc length, great care and skill are required to prevent contact between the electrode and the workpiece. Unlike most other welding processes, ITTAW normally requires two hands, since most applications require that the welder manually feed a filler metal into the weld area with one hand while manipulating the welding torch in the other. However, some welds combining thin materials (known as autogenous or fusion welds) can be accomplished without filler metal; most notably edge, comer, and butt joints. To strike the welding arc, a high fre. quency generator provides a path for the welding current through the shielding gas, allowing the arc to be struck when the separation between the electrcxle and the workpiece is approximately 1.5-3 mm (0.06-0.12 in). Bringing the two into contact in a "touch start" ("scratch start") also serves to strike an arc. This technique can cause contamination of the weld and electrode. Once the arc is struck, the welder moves the torch in a small circle to create a welding pool, the size of which depends on the size of the electrcxle and the amount of current. While maintaining a constant separation between the electrode and the workpiece, the operator then moves the torch back slightly and tilts it backward about 10-15 degrees from vertical. Filler metal is added manually to the front end of the weld pool as it is needed. Welders often develop a technique of May 2009 rapidly alternating between moving the torch forward (to advance the weld pool) and adding filler metal. The filler rod is withdrawn from the weld pool each time the electrode advances, but it is never removed from the gas shield to prevent oxidation of its surface and contamina-tion of the weld. Filler rods composed of metals with low melting temperature, such as aluminum, require that the opera-tor maintain some distance from the arc while staying inside the gas shield. If held too close to the arc, the filler rod can melt before it makes contact with the weld puddle. As the weld nears completion, the arc current is often gradually reduced to allow the weld crater to solidify and prevent the formation of crater cracks at the end of the weld. . And Karl says "Drive it Like you Stole it!" Tootsie the Naughty Fly - A three pound fly that bothers everyone it gets near, PhD Engineer Robert Colling has studied this Fly and it's family for over 40 years and just can't figure out why this huge Fly picks on everyone includ-ing Baja racers. Robert sure has got his work cut out for him and as he has used Solid Works computer design program to try and figure out what makes this fly tic. Robert Calling's e-mail for design work is Need any thing designed for your race vehicle and computer stressed?? E-mail Robert the Engineer and let him figure it out As for Tootsie the Naught Fly, Well, I heard Robert is working on a Nitrous Powered Fly Swatter. Watch out for Tootsie the Naughty Fly as you race the Baja 500. OK, you BAJA RACE FREAKS, Who's got more stuff at home than they need? We are all going to the Baja 500 to Race, Bring any stuff you don't need any more and give it to the Kids in BAJA, Clothes, Shoes, Books, Bags, College Enttance Exams, Sports goodies. Don't be a Cheapskate like Dave Lincoln Penny who has the Gaul to be cheap, If you don't need it give it away to someone that may need it Just a quick reminder to go look at the Kearny Mesa Fun Bike Center's BAJA RACE TFAMS BIKES, A Honda CRF450X and a XR650R. Fun Bike Center will Team Race the BAJA 500 # 105X on the CRF450X and we will also ride the SOLO Street Legal XR650R to the)\ace, SOLO and TFAM and Return boih bikes back to Fun Bike Center for display all year. We also want ANNA CODY'S HONDAXR650R to be on dis-play after she does a few more rides on it Fun Bike Center in San Diego, Cali-fornia is the only Motorcycle Dealership in the World with a BAJA RACE TFAM lronmaned All three Baja's for 2008, Imagine that!! Go check out these accom-plished bikes and maybe look into getting one or two for Sunday Adventures. AND SIGN UP FOR YOUR BAJA-PITS SERVICE For just $300.00 PLUS $50.00 MEMBERSHIP for the YEAR. WWW.BAJPITS.COM We will even have some nice music when you come through our BAJAPITS for your enjoy-ment, Detailing (Ice Cleaning) the Bike, Quad, Truck, Car is a little extra so you can look good for the cameras. We can clean your race vehicle in less than one minute. BFGaadricli •••••••••1111111111111111• BFGoodrich •Tires Adds LRE Rated Sizes to the All-Terrain T/A-.C0 Tire Line GREENVILLE, S.C. -April 29, 2009 - Since its launch in 1976, the BFGoodrich«> All-Terrain T/ A«>KO tire is the industry's premier all-terrain light-truck tire. Known for deliver-ing the ideal combination of style and performance, the All-Terrain T / A «>KO tire line will be available in six additional LRE rated sizes, providing drivers with additional load carrying capacity. The All-Terrain T /AKO line features 51 fitments ranging in size from 215/75R15 to 325/60R22 with sizes 225/75R16 LRE and 285/70R17 LRE available now, 305/54R16 LRE and 325/65R18 LRE released in May and 325/0R20 and 265/75R16 LRE released in June. "BFGoodrich Tires understands that drivers face a variety of condi-tions and circumstances out on the road and need a tire that can eas-ily adapt to their changing environ-ment," said Joe Mazur, light truck category manager for BFGoodrich Tires. "The additional LRE sizes of theAll.:ferrain T/ AKO will ensure that drivers can go where they want to go and do what they want to do both on and off road without sacrificing pay-load and air pressure requirements they expect." The All-Terrain T/AK0 tire is known for its excellent off-road performance having been tested in some of the most extreme off-road motorsports competitions over the last 30 years. It boasts a number of unique attributes, such as improved stress distribution, which translates to as much as a 12 percent increase in treadlife. High-strength, single-strand bead construction, two full-width steel belts and a three-ply polyester C1ntinud 1n p111 54 Page 53

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BF Goodrich from page 53 carcass contribute to the All-Terrain T/A1'0 tire's legendary strength and durability. The stiffer tread area allows for precise steering and im-proved handling without sacrificing on-road comfort or a quiet ride. Using motorsports as a proving ground for more than 30 years, BFGoodrich Tires is involved in every type of racing, including oval, sports car, drifting, drag, desert, dirt, rally (Dakar and WRC) and extreme rock-crawling. BFGoodrich Tires combines technological expertise with vast motorsports experience, delivering a high-performance tire for every type of vehicle. Visit BFGoodrich Tires online at www. BLUERIBBON COALITION, INC. BlueRibbon Coalition Announces Online Auction For Access P<X:ATELLO, ID (April 30) -The BlueRibbon Coalition (BRC), a na-tionwide, non-profit recreation access group, announced today the launch of its 2009 Board of Directors Online Auction, put together by board mem-bers to help raise funds for preserving responsible recreational access. Announced earlier this year, the auc-tion is a result ofBRC board members taking initiative to make use of one of the many new and exciting avenues for non-profit fund raising. The auction will last into May of 2009, with m_any items available for bidding. Included among them are gift certificates, trail guide books, snowmobile boots, a tire pressure gauge, CB radio antenna, lodging in West Yellowstone, and more. All of the proceeds from the auction will be used to defend your access. A list of items can be viewed on BRC's website ( and will be updated as new items are added. Recreation Groups Join Forces To Improve Trail Safety And Eitjoyment Of Public Lands A group of national and state trail advocacy organizations representing equestrian, OHV, and bicycle inter-ests recently completed a collabora-tive effort to develop a new guide called "Sharing Our Trails -A Guide to Trail Safety and Enjoyment" The guide is intended to be used in a vari-ety of ways such as incorporation in trail brochures, magazine articles and trail education programs of all types. The purpose of the guide is to improve safety and improve trail satisfaction for all trail enthusiasts on multiple-use trails. To quote the document itself, "In many parts of the country, trails are open to and shared by equestrians , OHV riders, bicycle riders, runners and hikers. Trail shar-ing can and does work when people respect each other and work coopera-tively to keep each other safe." Deb Balliet, CEO of The Eques-trian Land Conservation Resource stated "We all recognize that there are techniques and practices that will keep trail enthusiasts safe and im-prove the quality of our experiences. This guide represents the efforts of a broad range of trail enthusiasts working together to develop an un-derstanding of each other's needs and develop a guide that specifically tells trail enthusiasts what steps to take when they meet on the trail." Jack Terrell, Senior Project Coor-dinator for the National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council said "Understanding other trail enthu-siasts' needs, particularly when it comes to safety, is critical to minimiz-ing conflicts and maximizing the en-joyment of all trail enthusiasts. This guide goes a long way toward pro-moting that understanding among everyone on the trail." Daphne Green, Deputy Direc-tor of the California State Parks OHMVR Division stated "We are proud to work with the organizations involved in this effort to devise pro-grams and initiatives to minimize user conflicts, increase safety, and enhance enjoyment of our public recreation opportunities." Lori McCullough, Executive Director of Tread Lightly!, Inc. said "The Tread Lightly! ethic has always encouraged respect and courtesy between all trail enthusiasts, but con-flicts still occur. This joint effort in educating all recreationists on the best practices for sharing trails shows common ground and collaboration can lead to improved trail experiences for all." Jim Bedwell, Director of Recre-ation, Heritage and Volunteer Ser-vices for the US Forest Service stated "The groups that came together to produce the guide for sharing trails on our public lands are to be com-mended for their view of 'the big pic-ture.' Outdoor recreation provides many benefits to people, communi-ties, and the economy. An attitude of sharing increasingly scarce resources and cooperating safely is paramount to sustaining these benefits." Tom Ward, California Policy Di-rector for the International Mountain Bicycling Association (IMBA) said "This set of guidelines was developed after an extraordinary collaboration between equestrians, mountain bikers, hikers and motorized trail users. It includes suggested rules of etiquette, which provide understand-ing between users, and will create a safe and enjoyable experience for all. IMBA was pleased to be involved in this effort." Organizations and agencies in-volved in the development of the guide include the American Endurance Ride Conference, Americans for Re-sponsible Recreational Access, Ameri-can Motorcyclist Association, Ameri-can Trails, Back Country Horsemen of America, BlueRibbon Coalition, California State Parks Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division, Cycle Conservation Club of Michi-gan, Equestrian Land Conservation Resource, International Mountain Bike Association, Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics, Loomis Basin Horsemen's Association, Mo-torcycle Industry Council, National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council, Off-Road Business As-sociation, Open Beaches - Trails, Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle As-sociation, Specialty Vehicle Institute of America, Tread Lightly!, United Four Wheel Drive Associations, and United States Forest Service. The guide can be found on the following websites: Americans for Responsible Recreational Access http:// American Tr ails http:/ / Equestrian Land Conservation Resource http://. index_cal. php International Mountain Bicycling As-sociation Loomis Basin Horsemen's As-soc1at1on http:// www. garlic. co m/-1 b ha/ National Off-Highway Ve-hicle Conservation Coun-cil Tread Lightly! United Four Wheel Drive Associa-tions BlueRibbon Coalition ShareOurTrails.doc The BlueRibbon Coalition is a na-tional recreation group that champions responsible recreation, and encourages individual environmental stewardship. It represents over 10,000 individual members and 1,200 organization and business members, for a combined total of over 600,000 recreationists nation-wide. 1-800-258-374l. http://www. "The Straight Poop from the Big Wahzoo II" Best in the Desert• Casey Folks again reinforced his organization's namesake with the Terrible's 250 at Primm race, which turned out to be one kick ass event having nearly 200 entries in the car and truck classes and just over a dozen UTV's. To the dismay of many racers, it became nec-essary for BITD to cancel the pre-fun run because of some emerging BLM and US Fish and Wildlife policy changes. The fast trucks and cars did get a practice lap in before their time trials on Thursday. Registration and Tech Inspec-tion at Buffalo Bill's went pretty well for most. The first of the two races on Saturday used a Grand Prix finish around the 72 mile loop, meaning that after the overall leader finished the required 3 laps and took the checkered flag, it became the last lap for all other cars, no matter which lap they were on. There were eight entries sporting Checkers stickers, four in the morning race and another four in the afternoon. In the first race, Andrew Neal powered his 1600cc VW Lothringer to 3rd in Class 2000 and a very respectable 10th overall, stopping at Checkers main pit for fuel, a tire, and to replace his alternator and power steering belt. Neal's post-race encore performance for his chase crew and budding Checkers prospectives includ-ed a live demonstration of how to roll down a rocky slope and land face first-while making it look easy! John Sunderland took his Ford Expedition to a win in Class 4100 like a stroll through the park. Lee Finke finished a solid 3rd in Safari Class 1800. Matt Kupiec, a new state-of-intent from Palos Verdes, started back about 10th in Class 1100, and not far into the first lap missed a turn and got stuck losing about 5 minutes but was back in the 5th position going into the next lap. Having a "near flawless" second lap, Matt stopped for fuel at Pit 2 then passed a few more cars. Backing off a bit on the last lap to save his over-heated motor, Kupiec cruised to the finish line in 2nd place in class and 2nd overall in the morning race, just under 11 minutes behind the winner. Good show Matt! In the afternoon race, Mike Lawrence was leading the Class 1000 pack until he stopped to check what he thought was a flat, but it looked good so he charged back into the mix in second place and when his wheel locked up on lap two he got stuck and dropped back into third place. Gaining but un-able to catch number two before the finish, Lawrence saw the checker flag a mere 20 seconds after the number two car in class and only 12 min-utes behind the·class winner, finishing 26th overall in the afternoon group. The team of Tapart and Stairs finished 5th in Class 1000, taking fuel on each lap and making their driver change the at Main Pit. The Potts Bros. drove Brian's 10-car to 8th place having to stop in at Pit 1 to get a broken A-arm welded back together and a new CV boot. Harley Letner took 16th in the un-limited buggy class and 30th overall. As expected, BITD estab-lished pit location in all the right spots. Ed "Robert" Jahn was the Main Pit cap-tain, Josh Gilliam took Pit 1 captain duties at RM 30, and Randy Spahr was captain of Pit 3 at RM 43. The pits were adequately manned with a good turnout of Checkers and friends of Checkers. Thanks to all pitters and special thanks to the captains for being there for the racers and for doing an excellent job in helping them ill get to the finish line! That's the only Checkers race to report on this month. Checkers are busy planning for the MORE 500 race in Lucerne on May 23. So far 7 Checkers entries are signed up and as I prepare this column for press. This should be a night race and we're plan-ning on having 5 pits and a radio relay for support. Look for a full race report in next month's column. News, Business, and Steek-ers• After a lot of patient years, ················································~········································· Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in DUSTY TIMES. Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7" .All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED - YOUR AD MAY BE PVT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER. ______________ (Send check or money order, no Cash) --------------------------------------City----------------------------------------------------------------State _______ Zip ______________ Phone __________________________________ _ Page 54 June 2009 Please run ad _______ times Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 ISSUE July09 August09 September 09 October09 November09 December09 January 10 February 10 March 10 Dusty Times

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Lori officially roped Reverend Roy as they tied the knot in May. Congratulations Roy and Lori! The lucky couple from Wrightwood have graced the desert with their always welcome presence at most Checkers races and events as a couple over the past 15 years. People are asking when Mr. & Mrs. Moore are having the baby shower! By the time you read this our brand spanking new 2009 Checkers jackets will be avail-able. They are of pretty decent quality, come in your choice of black and white, or black and white, and are available to full Checkers members in good standing only! A BIG THANKS goes out to Las Vegas casino owner and long-time friend and supporter of the Checkers. Michael Gaughan for pro-viding us with another huge supply of quality Checkers stickers. Mike has been provid-ing Checkers stickers to the club since about 1979 when he opened Barbary Coast, his first casino. Checkers stickers are world famous, having been applied by our loyal members in conspicuous places through the country, Mexico, and even in the far reaches of the world like various European loca-tions and even the Great Wall of China. Although you are bound to see our "steekers" decorating walls, floors, and commodes in any number of Mexican bars and restaurants, or even applied to an occa-sional Mexican police vehicle or Federale checkpoint, only a full Checkers member can affix a Checker sticker to his car or truck. The old stickers provided by Michael through the years are now classics and show a history of his casino ownership. The names of the various casinos he owns at the time a run of stickers is made appears in very fine print with-in the white squares. At the apex of his casino ownership, there were five casino names on our stickers, including Barbary Coast, Gold Coast, South Coast, The Orleans, and Sun Coast and you would only know this by inspect-ing the sticker very closely! Through great leadership and management skills, Michael's casinos soon became Las Ve-gas local favorites. In 2004 Michael sold the business to a gaming corporation, and in 2006 traded his remaining interest for the South Coast casino which he changed to South Point in 2006, and this latest run of Checkers stickers bears this sole casino name. Thanks Mike for being a part of Checkers history! Then-Speaking of history, I'll never forget many of the happenings at the Check-ers 25th Anniversary bash at Gaughan's Gold Coast Casi-no. What a parry! There were a shit load of people and guests, including a sprinkling of des-ert celebrities like Ivan Stuart, Sal Fish, and Judy Smith. Back then it was "El Prez" John Hastings who turned the gavel over to incoming presi-dent Jimmy Hook. Jeff Hib-bard did a bang-up job as the 25th Anniversary Chairman, Dusty Times Butch Dunn did a fantastic job as master of Ceremonies and Lucho Peralta passed out, uh, I mean passed out some of the awards. Uncle Max and Dr. Checker put together one hell of a nice Anniversary program book, framing 25 years of Checkers history with anecdotes and pictures. Of co11rse e'Jerybody remembers the heckling coming from Larkin's table and Gary Bates getting Larkin in a headlock during the presentation of the Van Ella award to BLM's "One Eyed" Jack Weldon. The ruckus really ensued when Al (Algae) Rogers' s grandson tipped their table over knock-ing Rev Roy to the floor. This prompted Rev Roy and Mas-ter Bates to pick up Algae's grandson by his ass and neck, tossing him head first through the banquet hall double doors where he ended up in a pile on -the floor under a slot ma-chine. Roger's grandson then got up and took a swing at BJ and Mikey Childress got into the action and together BJ and Mikey cleaned the grandson's clock. The commo-tion was so bad that the cops soon arrived, and dealing with them is the reason the Bates' didn't make it into the 25th Anniversary Checkers group photo. After the incident Jack thought Checkers did a great job "staging" a fight just for his amusement! And Now-Checkers is in the beginning stages of plan-ning our 35th Anniversary gala to be held January 9, 2010 at Gaughan's South Point Ho-tel Casino. A lot of planning and preparation is going into this event and a lot of hard work by our dedicated party planners will be needed to match the glamour, glitz and excitement of the 25th• This will be a "black tie" affair with Off -Road Motorsports Hall of Fame executive director Bob Bower as Master of Ceremo-nies. Lucho is working on con-tacting special guests, George Thompson and Uncle Max are working on contacting old time checkers, Dr. _Checker is preparing the anniversary pro-grams, and Stuart Chase and Greg Krasnow are in charge of "begging, borrowing, or ·stealing" some really cool raffle prizes. We are reserving an block of luxury rooms at special discount prices so we can participate in some door-to-door partying. We need to give South Point a head count as soon as possible, so please sign yourselves and your guests up ~ . If you have any old Checkers photos, race memorabilia, or stories you would like to share in the anniversary program, please contact Dr. Checker. If you can donate a raffle prize or two call Kraz or Chase. This promises to be another his-toric Checkers event, and it can only happen with YOUR participation! Don't forget to let the front desk know your head count ASAP! Well, that's all the space we have left for this month. See you at the races and don't forget to keep those letters coming to the Big Wahzoo II at Classified ... Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Readers are advised to consult appropri-ate local or state authorities for information before purchase of any specific item. FOR SALE: Wyllie Racing Pro2 Chevy, ProPower 434 ci 800 + Hp, Fox shocx, tube-wo-rks differential, C & C calipers, KMC wheels, Howe Steering, Mastercraft Seat. Daily oil pump, Probst built for 2006 season, Tig welded, Lots of spares, ready to race. $150,000.00 Complete. Call Todd. (602) 463-0936. FOR SALE: Own the legend-ary Great Candy Cane! Great Sportsman car. Raceco 2 seater, VW, type 4 Motor, rebuilt trans, Fox Shocks, $10,500.00 OBO. TJ Stanworth (435) 864-4933. Leave message or email tjstanworth@ for pictures. FOR SALE: 2004 Bunderson Class 1/1500, 400 C.U. Chevy, Albins sequential 5 speed, King Shocks, TCS Converter & .ax-les, 2006 BITD Overall Champ, 2008 SCORE Overall Champ, $125,000.00. Call Butch (702) 873-1962. FOR SALE: KregerFab Class 10, 2 dry sump Kroyer Hondas, Fortin 6 speed sequential Kings, Best of everything, Prepped by KregerFab. All spares including tires. 2008 SNORE overall Points Champ. Very Fast and reliable w/10 Class wins and 3 overalls. $130,000.00. Call (702) 565-5317. FOR SALE: Pre-Runner to Buy. Foddrill 3-4 seat street legal Reg-istered in Texas, LS6 pump gas 400hp, Fortin w/converter, Fox shocks coil over and by-pass, YOO, Howe, WR coolers, 50 gal cell, Mastercraft, BF on JJ wheels, Pro Am hubs and brakes, Roof rack w/ light bar, Race radio w/carbon fi-ber head sets, XM radio w/ external speakers, OPS, ODO shows 546 miscarbon fiber dash, windshield, a set of spare tires w/ wheels, a set of sand tires w/wheels, chase box, spare parts, single axle open trailer inc. $110,000.00 Negotiable. Cesar Fuentes (915) 726-3823 afuentes@ fuentes 7 FOR SALE: Penhall Diablo 2008 Car only has 500 miles on it. Can be set up as a 3 or 4 seater. Wiks LS2 550hp; 500ft-lbs torque, Fortin 5 speed sequential with torque converter: King Shocks, Mastercraft Seats; Kartek Front Hubs; Howe Rack; Kartek 934 Mid-Board Hubs; Dirt Bagz inte-rior bags; 4 Baja designs;Hid Roof lights; Roof Rack; Radflow Jack; Fuego HID front lights, Safety n"ets; Fridge /Freezer Set-up; Heavy duty Marine Windshield Wipers, 35 gallon Fuel-Safe Cell, CNC Pedal assembly, interior body panels, Carbon Fiber Body, Powder coated Chassis (silver) OPS, 110 watt radio; RacerX inter-com, nickel plated arms,. Please Serious inquiries only. Make me an offer! Las Vegas Nv. Bill (702) 499-6050. SELL YOUR vehicles, equipment and bits and pieces right here! Dusty Times has the readership you're looking for so fill out the form on the opposite page June 2009 FOR SALE: New Jimco Class Ten-2 seater. Best deal Ever!! Never Been Raced!! Over $55,000.00 Invested in the Recent Better Than New Professional Ground-Up Restoration. $22,000.00 Jimco all new parts, Power Coat Chassis and Suspension parts. $4,000.00 Complete Rewire-New Switches, By Wirefab. New Fat Perfor-mance 2 Liter VWMotor, New Fortin 5 speed Transmission, New Virtex Race Radio, AVCOMM Pro Service Intercom. $2,000.00 Motocam in-Car Camera. New Howe Power Steer-ing Unit. Mastercraft Seats, (9) Spare Trres & Rims, (2) Sol.:fek Lights, (5) Xenon High Intensity Lights (2) Light Bars. Lowrence 7200 Globalmap. Have all Receipts. $65,000.00 Or Best Offer. Mike James (619) 985-2198 Cell or (619) 445-5142 Home. Or I Rb.AL b:>T ATb. U..A.:>b_/12.b_NTAL.::> Vacation Rental Vacation Rental in the Exclusive Indian Wells Country Club in the Sunny Palm Springs area of Southern Caifornia! 2 ot 3 bedroom furninshed for your complete relaxation and if you are a glutton for punishment, play golf on 1 or both of the beautiful courses. FYI, wireless internet and long distance phhone calls (USA) included. Starting at $4,500.00 in season Oan, Feb, March, April) or $2,300.00 per month not in season. Call (760) 345-6124. INDl:._X TO AD\/1:._Q T 161:._12.6 Baker Precision Racing Products ............. 47 BITD Vegas to Reno .....................•.......... 11 BTR Racing Wheels ................................ 43 Brake Man .............................................. 31 Butch's Speed Shop ................................ 23 Fuel Safe Racing Cells ............................. 45 Kar T ek Off Road ...................................... 5 KC Hilites ................................................. 4 King Off-Road Racing Shocks .................. 17 Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series ............ 29 Mastercraft Seats .................................. 30 McKenzie's Performance Products .......... 36 MOR Bilek Racing 400 ............................ 37 NORRA Mexican 1000 Rally ...... Back Cover Off Road Warehouse ............................... 15 Racer X Motorsports ..... : ........................ 27 Race Ready Products .............................. 44 Robby Gordon Off Road .......................... 12 Ronco Plastics ........................................ 35 Simpson Mojave Off Road Racing Shoe ... 33 Skyjacker Suspensions ............................ 41 SNORE KC Hi lites Midnight Special .......... 2 Soltek Light Systems .............................. 25 South Point Casino ................................... 9 Stewart Raceworks .............................. 16 T ransaxle Engineering ............................. 14 Vacation Rentals ..................................... 34 VP Racing Fuels ...................................... 40 Page 55

Page 56

J.N. Roberts 1970 , I James Gamer (L) and friend 1968 Natio al Off oa acing Associatio I \ Since 1967 GOBIERNO MUNICIPAL ENSENADA CM41NI\NVO HACIA LL FIJTURO ......... v ...... ,.-..... .... lsBo~k! Proturismo OE ENSENAOA REVIVAL OF THE ORIGINAL ''MEXICAN 1000 RALLY'' Rally in The Spirit of Ed Pearlman and Don Francisco .WHEN: SEPTEMBER 16-20, 2009 • WHERE: ENSENADA, MX (START) - Bay of LA covERNtGHT) -Loreto (OVERNIGHT)• LaPaz, MX (FINISH> • FORMAT: SPECIAL STAGE RALLY WITH LIASON TRANSFERS • Ensenada (Start) Bay of Los Angeles • (Overnigh_t Layover) Sani horro fUWTA Ot IA llAtUO& POftt&THII s owV lSUAL VEHICLES: SEE RULES FOR CLASSES • VINTAGE OFF ROAD VEHICLES {1955-1975) · •VINTAGE MOTORCYCLES (1955-1974) • VINTAGE TOURING CAR CLASS 1955-1975 • HONORING THE PAST, FORGING THE FUTURE By catering to the .Hot Rodding Roots of the Vintage Off-Road Enthusiast as well as newer Alternative Fuel Technologies, we are creating an event fusion not yet seen in North America • Loreto This will again revolutionize Off Road Motorsport as we know it! (Overnight Layover) .• ~ ~ •. [a Paz (Finish) . . · I James Gamer{L) Doug Roe (R) 1970 I I Special S1age Fun! I INF~~N-~R; A.~~ M -WWW.NO RRA.CO M -(661)-268-1232