.. ' - - . -~ ' -,'_ . . . ,. ... . . .: c1111111rat1ng our 28"' r1111r Of Slll'lllce l'O """ llll IIOad co111111un covering the world of co11111111t:lt:lon In the dirt ...
u.in an attempt t -o minimize the gaudy~ superficial, like total-ly-dope extremeness of today's adyertising, we et;. sno~e have developed. a 5irnple campaign _for one particular race this year. the mere m~ntion of its name will elicit feelings in lC<?'l.1 that ran9e from fear, to pain, to inexplicable joy. known for its trees and train::>., whi:,key and water, people and pr~izes, this race can be s1..muned up in a matter of one wo rdu -page 2 ., . ' ... :: .. (no, 1,1ot that word ...... ) "' ~'ii:.; ~ .,.:_..;>,M-1 ; ... ~--. ,,_ r.na,; ·8-10, 2009. sponsored by dusty times --~ ..,, __ .. _ .· ~-1 . . t ~-_,, __ : : more info soon ... March 2009 Dusty Times
Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors Scott Bottomley J. Preston Bradshaw Jim Culp Mike Del Col Nicole Del Col Steve Hilton Victor Gazca Martin Holmes Rod Koch Byrle Moore Steve Ruddick Maurice Selden Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham March 2009 Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copyright by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POS1MASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS, Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., snapshot of the Montl\9 ..• SCORE Canada, 1983, Steve Norri~ got ·away with only a· cut on his knee after this spectacular alm·ost end over end stunt; Bill Varnes wasn't too happy ·seeing this. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictun:s of similar "funnies" or woes on thiii page each month. Send us }OOr snapshot of something comic or some d~ b consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 Jor the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclO!ie a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black&. white prin~ up to 8x10 will be considered. In TIiis Issue ••• FEATURES SCORE Laughlin by Judy Smith .................................................................... 8 Rally Of Wales by Martin Holmes ............................................................... 18 VORRA Season Finale by Troy Robinson ................................................... 2 2 CODE ORW by Byrle Moore ....................................................................... 26 Baja Cup Challenge by Stet1e Ruddick ........................................................ 30 MOR Bud Light Dash by Judy Smith ..................................................... 34 CODE Race Ready 27 5 by Byrle Moore .................................................... 40 DRIVE Off Road by J. Preston Bradshaw ................................................ 44 DEPARTMENTS Happenings .................................................................................................. 5 Trail Notes .................................................................................................. 6 Good Stuff Directory ............................................................................. 48 Classified Ads ........................................................................................... 5 4 Index To Advertisers ............................................................................... 55 ON TN■ Cav■R A really great win for Robby Gordon at Laughlin, he flew around the course in his Chevy CK1500 for a total time of 1 hour, 57 minutes, 54 seconds, average speed of 50.891mph. Photo by Christian Sora -Trackside Photo Danny Anderson had a great time at Laughlin, he drove the LVDV Chevrolet powered Bunderson to the Class 1 win, fourth overall in a time of 2:07:05, 47.213mph. Photo by Art Eugenio- Trackside Photo Visit Our Website at Dustytimes.com ' rSub.Jcribe ~oda_y lo DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRYII □ 1 year -$25.00 □ 2 years -$40.00 □ 3 years -$55.00 (to subscribe online go to www.dustytimes.com) □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name Address ___________________ _ City ______________________ _ State _______________ Zip ______ -__ Primary lntneat Can □ · y._. 0 Muluac,-; ·O Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMeS 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian• 1 year $30.00 US n Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times March 2009 Page3
,..~~~r~-:-·W"·s .,j . :}~ , In 2008, Bl/stein equipped racers battled the desel1s of the Southwest U.S. and Baja to capture impressive SCORE and Best In The Desert final class points standings. Bi/stein wishes to congratulate all of them for a great season and continued success in 2009, , From all classes at oH•toad race winning vehicles, to your truck or SlJV, no other shack manufacturer otters as wide a range of shock applications as BILSTEIN. No matter what you drive, get Ille performance advant,ge with BILSTEIN shocks. 51llfl Sfllifl$ Ridtl lleigbt stSO Sttlin 1100 Sarles All/11Stable 510/J Slltln i';!;_ 9:ffJJI &1rln IJJgl'S$$IVB vaMng, O.E.c,rtitied mlJunts, durability t«sted.,.,Bil1tei11 qffsn a 1upsrlor rang, of tho#k, tor ,taij ~11laas~11nt, lifted tfllckt, at1d pr1Jf#tlonal off-road racing. Visit out weltJit1 to ,,e the luff sefetlltm. or,9111 tor the deal1r nt1a11tt you. ' C1Ildli~9:aOiWC!i!l!JO!l(iJE1wlifljJIJ!ml.mtt!fjta(f/J!JlJIU£fJ,T.{9€JlttJ!!JII!Jir;Jilifr/~
·11 19 Happenings ••• 1 OK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 (All events staged at the club grounds in Cle1Jes. Ohio) 4x4 FOREVER, Lm. 1665 DELAWARE ST. O SHKOSH, WI 54901 AMnucAN R.w,y SPoRT GROUP, INc. 3650 Sol.JTli POINTE CIRCLE, SUITE 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521-0597 E Mail: roger@rallyusa.com AMnucAN 1'luAis AssocJAnoN AMA Observed Trials Southern California Championship Series BILL MARKUM • PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HOTLINE· (714) 562-7742 EMAIL: BMARK909@AoL.coM <www.atatTails.com> AsoclACION EsrATAL DE AuroMoVWSMo SAM lAsELL, TECH lNSPECTOR APro 42 SAN JOSE DEL CABO BAJA C ALIFORNIA DEL SUR. MExlco AuSTRAIJAN OFF RoAD CHAMPIONSHIP DARRYL SMID! 19 SOMERS ST. CAsHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AuSTIWJA DUSTY TIMES @bigpond.com AUTOCROSS QuEBEC OFF ROAD Cl.Ass 10 CARS ONLY RENALD VAILLANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAVAL QUEBEC, CANADA H7P 1T7 (450) 622-4440 BAJA CUP CHALLENGE BARONA SAND DR.AG AssN. P.O. Box 1521 LAl<EsmE, CA 92040 All Races Are Night Races All Races At Barona Raceway, Lakeside, CA BBMM'.ARKEnNG PROMOilONS OH Road Short Course Racing & Special Event Marketing NORCO, CA 92860 e-mail bbmracing@aol.com (909) 815-5811 BF.ST IN THE DEsERT 3475 BOULDER HIGHWAY LAs VEGAS, NV 89121 702-457-577 5/FAX: 702-641-243 J Jan 9-10, 2009 Parker 250 Parker, AZ Motorcycle - Quad Marcb.~7,2009 Laughlin Scrambles Laughlin, NV Motorcycle April 3-S, 2009 Nevada 200 Motorcycles -lnl!itarion Only April 17-19, 2009 Tertible's 250 at Primm Primm,NV Car/r ruck,/lJIV Mav 8-10, 2009 Bluewater Gran Prix Parker, AZ Mocmcycles/Quadsl ATV's Auguat 19-23,2009 TSCO Vegas To Reno Las Vegas, NV AllClasses September 25-27, 2009 Bilek Silver State 300 Mesquite, NV All Classes October 1~18,2009 Terribles Primm Gran Prix Primm,NV MororcycWQua4/A1V December -4-6, 2009 Fabtech Henderson Desert Classic Henderson, NV Ca>l/r rucks BORERACING 10 ELK MOUNTAIN DRIVE REDSTONE, CO 81623 970-963-4563/623-853-3595 www.Boreracing.net Mav 1-2, 2009 Wendover, UT Dusty Times June 2~27, 2009 Jackpot,NV Auguat 7-8, 2009 Ely,NV Sept 18-19, 2009 Wendover, NV BP MOTORSPORTS P.O. Box 411 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91365 760-578-6258/760-578-6259 FAX: 818-348-4648 E-Mail: bpmotorsports@earthlink.net All Ewnts At California Ciry, CA BRIGIITON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGHTON, ONTARIO, CANADA KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR CLUB AuroMoVIUSTA]UARENSE DE CHAMPIONSHIP ~ROAD RACING 7210 GATEWAY EAsT EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 0ll-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA R.w,y SF.RIPS <www.Californiarallyseries.com> CANNING ATIRACTIONS P.O. Box 400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW CENnw. Soura DAKOTA RACING AssoclATION P.O. Box 645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVE ADAMs (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DON ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 CIIAMPLAIN V Al.LEY RACINGAssoclATION C.J. RICHARDS P.O. Box 332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CI.AIRTON HI-JACKERS I.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TWP. LINE ROAD ~ NT.-caMII ........,.. ... tt■u.:ra ....,,. aaJP•-ff DCILL WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 Short Course off Road Racing At Harrison Counry Fair Grounds. Cadi~. OH CuJB AuroMOVILIS11CA SAN QunmN CALLE 6TA FRACC Co. DE SAN QUINTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HERACLIO PATINO (011 52 616-5-22-07) CwB AuroMoVIL1S11co SANVICENTE San Vicente Off Road ENSENADA, BC, MEXICO USA JAN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) RAMON CASTRO & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/7 0034) CMC CoNTINENTAL MorosPORT Cum P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 Fax: (714) 367-1608 CODEOFFRoAD MADERO 621-A MEXICALI, MEXICO 21100 760-455-8069 USA _,....~..,_ . ....... Ill lll'"'W'WI, Ill t!llJ IIATIIJHQNall AllllltAIII&. DVall March 2009 - 0 ,_.,, .... ,...,,..~• 15) • \i@ 0l l-52-686-553-4087 MEXICO www.codeoffroad.com.mx Feb 13-1S, 2009 OASA-Circulo K 250 San Luis Rio Col.SON April 3-S, 2009 Mexicali 500 Mexicali, B.C. Mav 15-17,2009 VW Autopartes 250 Mexicali, B.C. Aug 1-2, 2009 ORW Gran Prix Jacume, Tecate, B.C. October~. 2009 Mex. Logistics 300 Mexicali, B.C. Dec -4-6, 2009 Race Ready 275 Mexicali-San Felipe, B.C. CoLORADO ffn.L CuMB AssocJAnoN BARB VAHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719',687-9827 H P.O Box 8286 COLORADO SPRINGS, co 80933 (719) 653-8449 Continued next page • CORR IE-MOR . ffi@;;(g§M§ Pages
Trall Notes .•• RED FACE D EPARTMENT -In the February edition of Dusty Times we reported that John Myers drove the Trick Truck #98 at BITD Henderson, the driver of that truck was Jason Shick, not John Myers. Thank you Jennifer, we always want to get it right. ROBBY GORDON/D AKAR -Congratulations to Robby Gordon with navigator Andy Grider of Team Dakar USA, piloted their two-wheel drive Monster Energy/Toyo Tires Hummer H3 racer to a third place overall finish in the 2009 Dakar. It was the highest placing two-wheel drive vehicle in the competition and the team's best Dakar finish to date. The 14-stage rally crossed the continent of South America, beginning and ending in Buenos Aires, Argentina this past weekend. Considered one of the hardest Dakar races to date, the course crossed through the mountains, sand dunes and rocks in the middle of the continent, then along the coast of Chile from Valparaiso to Atacama before returning into Argentina. The original route was 9,574 km (5,949 miles) long but the rally was shortened along the way due to poor weather. Competing on 37Xl3.50R17 Toyo® Open Country M/T®-R tires, Gordon's #309 Hummer H3 ran head-to-head in the sand dunes with the 4WD Volkswagen Touaregs which ultimately won the event. During Stage 13 of the race, Gordon momentarily led until a small rock lodged in the throttle linkage necessitating a repair costing valuable time. "We congratulate Robby Gordon, Andy Grider and all of Team Dakar USA on their remarkable third place finish overall," said Steve Hutchinson, vice-president of marketing, Toyo Tire U.S.A. Corp. "This year's course was especially demanding on the drivers and the vehicles. As a member of Team Dakar USA, Toyo Tires is committed to doing our part to help Gordon win overall next year." Teammate Eric Vigouroux with navigator, Alexandre Winocq, piloted their #324 Vanguard/Toyo Tires Hummer H3 to 13'h overall. This provided another great finish in this epic rally for Team Dakar USA. GREEN STICKER C AR DOLLARS -According to CORVA, part of the Governor's latest budget proposal is a $90M loan from the OHV Trust Fund to help balance the state budget! Although we understand that the state is in the grip of the worst budget crisis in history, this loan is not a solution to the problem! Why? The law requires that this loan must be repaid within 2 years, so all this does is delay a real solution to the budget problem. Similar tactics have been tried in the past. In recent years the state budget was often balanced by borrowing billions from constitutionally protected trust funds reserved for highway construction and repair of local streets and roads. Local governments united to oppose this borrowing gimmick and the governor and legislature agreed to stay away from borrowing from local government trust funds this year. Unfortunately this commitment does not extend to our OHV Trust Fund. The governor is proposing an urgency bill that would authorize this loan. This money is our green sticker money that comes directly from the increased cost of green stickers from $25 to $50. This funding was supposed to go to law enforcement and other essential public safety services as well as improving the program. The public agreed to this fee increase to better fund the program, not to bail out the state budget. What can you do? It is urgent that OHV users get in touch with their state legislators as soon as possible. Write or fax a letter to YOUR state senator and state assembly member. Tell them to stop borrowing to balance the budget. Tell them the OHV Trust Fund should not be used to balance the budget. http://gov.ca.gov/interact. GENERAL TIREITROPHYLITE SERIES -Following a sensational inaugural season, the 2009 General Tire TROPHYLITE Series is set to build on its momentum to create an even greater series for racers and fans alike. Despite a sluggish economy, the 2009 General Tire TROPHYLITE Series will have $61,500 for race and championship prize money! A few minor changes in points and purse payout have been made and TROPHYLITE competitors stand to benefit immensely. For 2009, races will now pay money through fifth place instead of third place. The change was made in order to encourage perseverance and consistency throughout what promises to be an exciting and challenging 2009 General Tire TROPHYLITE Series. The following is the 2009 purse race payout: Round #l -TROPHYLITE 200-$7,500, Round #2 -General Tire Mint 400-$15,000, Round #3 -Glen Helen, Round #4 -Ricky Johnson Off Road Gran Prix-$4,500, Round #5 -BITD Fabtech Henderson Classic-$12,000, Championship -$18,000. Another modification is the introduction of bonus points for first through third place awarded for the two longest races on the 2009 General Tire TROPHYLITE Series schedule which are General Tire Mint 400 and Best in the Desert Fabtech Classic. The General Tire Mint 400 and the Best in the Desert Fabtech classic will not only cover the longest distances, but will also be the toughest to complete. Therefore bonus points are warranted for those who can finish well. TROPHYLITE competitors are also contributing to make the 2009 General Tire TROPHYLITE Series even better. 2008 Championship winning owner Rick Johnson has created the "Compdoor.com Tough Luck Award" which awards $100 each race to the TROPHYLITE competitor who suffers from the most problems throughout the course of a race. T ROPHYLITE competitor Gary Messer has created the "ALLcoat Milestone Award" which awards $500 to the TROPHYLITE competitor wh o finishes highest in the 2009 General Tire TROPHYLITE Series Points Stan dings and completes every mile of every race. Randy Blacker of Lil Mynx will be giving out $400 of product for the winner of 6th place in the General Tire T ROPHYLIT E Series. TROPHYLITE President Matt Scaroni commented, "The 2009 General Tire T ROPHYLIT E Series will once again surprise people just as it did last year. W e have a very diverse schedule, and sponsors like General Tire, KC HiLiTES, and KMC Wheels who have stepped up huge this year to provide a payout that far exceeds most other off-road payouts. Off ROAD GRAND PRIX -Off-road racer and Supercross legend Ricky Johnson and the principals of the Off-Road Worlds Series in the Midwest, announced th is morning that th ey have agreed to bring both their organizations together, forming a new organization, named the Off-Road Grand Prix (ORG P or Off-Road GP). T h e move will solidify short course off-road racing and unify the off-road racing communities and driver bases of th e Midwest an d the Western U.S. A letter of inten t was Page& CORP P.O. Box 392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER 0l 1-52-65-66-4458 CORRSERIES 270 NEWPORT CENTER DR., SUITE 100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 866-501-CORR CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, SUITE 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA EXT 42 Fax (818) 957-4435 CRS CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES <www,CaliforniaRallySeries.com These are the events requesting inclusion that have been presented to the CRS Board of GOllemors. The final Rally Championship will be a subset of these events. Marcb.13-1-4 or March 20-21, 2009 Desert Storm Rally (2, 3) Blythe,CA May2,2009 Ensenada Rally (2) Ensenada, Baja California May30,2009 Irwindale Rally (1) Irwindale, CA June 13 or June 20, 2009 North Nevada Rally (3) Fernley, NV Also CRS Moto Championship July 10-11, 2009 Idaho Rally (2, 3) Mountain Home, ID Also CRS Moto Championship August 29, 2009 Gorman Ridge Rally (3) Frazier Park, CA Also CRS Moto Championship October 2-3, 2009 Prescott Rally (2, 3) Prescott, AZ Also CRS Moto Championship November 1-4, 2009 Seed 9 Rally (2) ~gs,NV 5,2009 Phoenix Rally (2) Phoenix, AZ D&.T PROM0110NS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (All events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston County ORV Park, Olim~ia, WA) DAKARRALLY DARREN SKILTON BAJA AUTOMOTIVE AoVENn.JRES 455 E. OcEAN BLVD., SUITE 208 LoNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 Bajaautomotive@Yahoo.com l>EcA1UR FOUR WHEEL DRlvE Cum DECATUR, TX 76234 ToMALLEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DF.mlT STl!l!L MOO'QRSPORTS 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 &sn!RN~RoADR.AaNGAssN. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WELLSVlLLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 f..NsENADABAJA Ow RoAD RACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX 011-52-646-1818989 Eus10 011-52-646-1715230 AARON Races tor bums & Motor!:")Cles &rmlo BEACH INTERNATIONAL Short Course Racing VICTORIA GALINDO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO 0ll-52-646-176-6230 FORDA PuJRIDA ()pp ROAD DluvER's ~110N JASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Af!., Mai, NOii at Davidson Racewai FUD~ RACING TuM 1855 PARKWAY DRIVE S. EL MoNTE, CA 91733 March 2009 . I 626-442-9320/959-579-6151FAx MlcmGAN BuGGY BUIIDERS mdrracing@aol.com Duae Buggy Trade Sliow GENERAL TuE (517) 543-7214 <www.buggybuilders.com> TuoPHYIITE SERIES DRIVE RACING ORGANIZATION MlcmGAN OFF RoAD 760-352-6020 CIIAMPIONSIDPS March 26-29, 2009 M.T.B. Enterpriaee Inc. SNORE General Tire Mint 400 15529 )ONES ROAD Las Vegas, NV GRAND LEDGE, ML 48837 June 27-28, 2009 (517) 627-6200 Glen Helen Baja Cup Motorcycles, Quads, ATVs and Pilots onl:y San Bernardino, CA October 29-31, 2009 MAORA Ricky Johnson Off-Road Grand Prix ~AMERICA Las Vegas, NV OFF RoAD AssoclATioN December 4-6, 2009 P.O. Box 664 BITD Henderson Fabtech Classic GREENUP, IL 62428 Henderson, NV (217) 962-1318 GORRA E-MAIL: rooster@maoraracing.us GEORGIA OFF ROAD <www.maoraracing.us> RACING AssoclATION MoJA VE l>F.sERT RACING 420 HOSEA ROAD 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 SOUTH EL MONTE, CA 91733 (404) 963-0252 626-442-9320/FAX626-579-6051 April-4,2009 GPORRA Mojave 250 GREAT PI.ANF.s OFF ROAD RACING Barstow B, CA AssociATION May16,2009 TIM HODGE Ridgecrest 200 (402) 991-6048 Ridgecrest, CA ScOTT MORROW June27,2009 (816) 792-2126 MDR400 (All races are short course, stadium style Classes Lucerne Valley, CA -Sportsman, 1/2-1600, 5-1600, Sport Truck, Dbl Pts Quads, Tough Truck Nebraska Raceway Park, Auguat 15, 2009 Exit 420 on 1-80 between Omaha and California 200 Lincoln.) Lucerne Valley, CA For latest info check Night < www.gporra.net> September 26, 2009 Lucerne 250 HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING Lucerne Valley B, CA 2000 W. QUINCY AVENUE #8 November 7, 2009 ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 Stoddard 250 303-806-8062/303-781-0974 fax Barstow B, CA S't;Atition Series INTERNATIONAL ICE RACING AssociATION 2S,2009 King of the Desert P.O. Box 8105 Plaster City, CA ST. PAUL, MN 55108 June 13, 2009 STEVE BEDDOR Coyote Wash 200 (612) 937-3816/Fax 474-2769 Plaster City, CA October 17, 2009 INTER.SHOWS MOTORSPORTS Plaster City, CA PROM0110NS, INc. November 28, 2009 P.O. Box 2910 MDRRally MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 Plaster City, CA (949) 582-2371 December 31, 2009 ]EEPSPEED Bud Light Dash 1826 N. WINDES Plaster City, CA , / Orange, CA 92869 M.O.R.E. 714-538-7434/ fax 714-633-1724 MOJAVE OFF RoAD RACING All races tor ]ee~s~eed 1,2 & 3 Emm.JSIASTS P.O. Box 1231 l<AMI.ooPS OFF ROAD RACING BARSTOW, CA 92312 WbJaperJq Pins Spam & R~ 760-253-4453 ation Center mor~earthlink.net KAMLOOPS, BC, CANADA www.korrbc.ca. 21,2009 Mike Strange (250) 573-4003 250 Miles Barstow, CA I.As VEGAS SANDSPORTS & May23,2009 OFl'ROAD ExP0 500 Miles Lucerne, CA (626) 961,3782 July 18, 2009 <www.prerunners.com> Freedom 250 <www.megashow.com> Barstow, CA LI.T.R.E. Sept 12, 2009 )EFFELROD 250 Miles (408) 926-0522 Lucerne,CA )IMARUTA Oct4,2009 (408) 247-4402 4th Annual Powder Puff Barstow, CA LucASOn. Dec5,2009 AMERICAN OFF RoAD SERIES Toys For Tots Holiday 200 SHORT CoURSE RACING Barstow, CA April 4-5, 2009 MlcmGAN SPORT BUGGY Assoc:IA-Primm Valley Motorsports Complex TION Primm,NV DAVE BARRET May 2-3, 2009 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. Speedworld Motorsports Park FUNT, ML 48506 Wittman,AZ (810) 730-9221 June 27-28, 2009 Kai Guard Motorsports Complex MoroWEST WINTER TRw.s SF1UES Lake Elsinore, CA BILL MAfoo-tAM August 22-23, 2009 (909) 860-1857 Kai Guard Motorsports Complex <www.lTStrials.com> Lake Elsinore, CA All events at Perris Raceway Octoher 17-18, 2009 (At Reed Valley with a school) Speedworld Motorsports Park Wittman,AZ NATIONAL MUD RACING AssN. November 14-15, 2009 RT. #l - Box 380 Primm Valley Motorsports Complex DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN Primm NV PALATKA, FL 32177 MAMAlutrrA OFF RoAD RACING (904) 325-5422 LUIS CARLos AlvAREZO NATIONAL TufF TuuCK AssN. PANAMERICANA AVE #5105 Butch Chapin Motonpora Promo-Cd. Juarez, Chih., MX dam 011-52-1637-1799 1404 EAST 3RD STREET HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 Dusty Times
I I NOORA Re= GiorisBps. NORTHERN Omo OFF RoAD RACINGAssN. JuneS,2009 GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 Finger Lakes Wellsboro, PA E-MAIL Kaylaaron@aol.com June6,2009 <www.Nooraoffroadracing.com> Sherwood Forest Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads Wellsboro, PA (Spring Valley Raceway, on route 518, 20 July 17, 2009 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) Mexico Rally (Thunder Valley located 15 minutes from Mexico,ME Spring Valley) July 18, 2009 OFF R OAD E.xPO Berlin Rally SPIN COMMUNICATIONS Berlin, NH Central: (415) 380-3890 February 27, 2009 Meghan@spinpr.com Trespassers Wil OFF RoAD RACING AssoclATioN Salem, MO Volunteered Sena February 28, 2009 PRESIDENT· GEOFF-LEE 100 Acre Wood 1243 TRICE ROAD Salem, MO LEBANON, TN 37087 May23,2009 (615) 453-5830 Gravity Park CIASS REP. -1/2-1600 WI BRUCE MEYERS Aupat 28, 2009 (865) 453-1005 Paul Bunyan's Ride CIASS REP. -9 & UNLTD. Bemidji, MN MICHAEL MOORE Aupat 29, 2009 (334) 271-7035 10,000 Lakes Rally 0lJl1AW REP. Bemidji, MN DON PONDER October 16, 2009 (314) 631-8190 Ottawa Rally (All Races at Wheeling in tne OJunty 900 Acres) Houghton, MI October 1, 2009 Omo OFF RoADERS INc. Keweenaw Rally 1427 GOSHEN HILLS ROAD S.E. Houghton, Ml7 NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 November 28, 2009 JIM KENDEL Rallye de Paris (216) 339-4674 Paris, TX All races held at Harrison PacificNW County Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio April.ZS, 2009 John Nagle Rally ONTARIO Off ROAD April 26, 2009 RACl!RS AssoclATioN Gene Nielsen RICK TICHBOURNE, PUBLIC REIATIONS May lS-16, 2009 (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) Oregon or Bust Hillsboro, OR Oun.Aw SEVEN PICKUP South West 9269 UMMELMAN March 20-21,2009 ST. Louis, MO 63123 Desert Storm (314) 631-8140/Fax: ((314) 631-1921 Blyth,CA: Sepmnberl9,2009 PACE MOTOR SPORTS Middle Cog 1 U.S. OflRoad Chmploaalup Steamboat Springs, CO 495 N. COMMONS ORNE Sepmnber 20, 2009 AURORA, IL 60504 Middle Cog 2 (630) 566-6100 Steamboat Springs, CO <www.usoff-road.com> lloCK CRAWLERS AssoclAnoN ()p PJ!NNSYLV ANIA SHORT CoURSE AMmlicA RAclNG P.O. Box 1406 SMITHTON HOLE RACEWAY RlvERTON, UT 84065 313 SKYLINE ORNE (801) 446-5337/Fax: (801) 253-3176 SMITHTON, PA. 15479 MIKE GEISER 330-683-6263 SAN Do!Go SHORT CoURSE www.smithtonhole.com WINTl!RNATIONALS Short Course Offroad Racing A New Series by Snowbird Off Road Racing All Races At Smithton Hole Raceway Pro Tnu:ks, Desert Tnu:ks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Tnu:k PIKEsPEAK <www.snowbirdracing.com> P.O. Box 6962 (858) 571-5088 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 SAN Dn!oo OFF RoAD ExPosmoN (719) 685-4400 PINE BAllllENs RouGH RIDERS (888) 836 7918 0.. RoAD RACING SCCARoADRAu.Y CHATSWORTH, NJ P.O. Box 19400 (856) 875-7591 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-2055 PRo 1600 SHOOTOUT <www.scca.org> COREY GOIN SFXMOTORSPORTS GROUP 559-647-6132 GOINRACIN@HOTMAILCOM 495 N. CoMMONS ORNE, Sum: 200 AURORA, IL 60504 PRoTIU.JcK (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 Fax 14402 BOND COURT SCORE EL CAJON, CA 92021 619-390-6252 SCORE INTERNATIONAL Pulll! ENERGY PROMOTIONS 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., Sum A CA!ABASAS, CA 91302 P.O. Box 50 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 RICKETTS, IA 51460 <www.score-international.com> (712) 679-2221 Jan 22-lS, 2009 RAu,.y .AMmu:CA NATIONAL Laughlin Desert Challenge EvENTS Laughlin, NV March 13-lS, 2009 2009 National Cha~~ Series San Felipe 250 February27-2 , 2 San Felipe, Baja Mexico Rally in the 100 Acre Wood JuneS-7, 2009 2009 Rally America Regional Rally Cup Baja 500, Ensenada April lS-26, 2009 Baja Mexico Olympus Rally Sept 11-13, 2009 May lS-17, 2009 Terribles Primm 300 Oregon Trail Rally Primm,NV June S-6, 2009 Date TBA Susquehannock Trail Rally Baja 1000, Baja Mexico July 17-18, 2009 SNORE New England Forest Rally Auguat 28-29, 2009 Sotmll!llN NEV ADA OFF Ojibwe Forests Rally RoAD F.NnrusIASTS Sepmnber 19-20, 2009 P.O. Box 270516 Rally Colorado LAs VEGAS, NV 89127 Lake Superior Rally 702-452-4522 October 1~17, 2009 www.Snoreracing.net Rally America Regional Events: Feb 13-lS Dusty Times Battle At Primm, Primm, NV Mar2~29 General Tire Mint 400 Las Vegas, NV MayS-10 Caliente 250, Caliente NV June 27-28, 2009 Glen Helen Baja Cup San Bernardino, CA July l S Midnight Special October 29-31, 2009 Ricky Johnson Off-Road Grand Prix Las Vegas, NV Dec 12 Western Desert Championship SoNS ()p TlluNnER 4 WIIEl!Ll!llS RACE OMSION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SoUI'Hl!ASTl!RN Off RoAD Clw.u!NGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 Mike Moore - (224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS E.xPO MIGA PaoDUCI'IONS 3129 S. HAcIENDA BLVD. #322 HACIENDA HEIGHTS, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SCTA SoUI'HERN CALIFORNIA TIMING AssoclATioN 6\ BoNNEVILU! NATIONALS, INc. P.O. Box 10 OROS!, CA 93647 (559) 528-6279 (559) 528-9749 FAX <www.SCTA-BNl.org> Sotmll!llN SHORT CoURSE OFF RoAD RACING AssN. 4305 WOOTIARK ORNE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (All Races at Eastbay Raceway, Tam~a. FL) SUPER SERIF.S (PTY) Lm. P.O. Box 706 ToYSFoRTOTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADII.LA V Al.llY SPORTS Ci!NrP.R P.O. Bbx 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <www.unadillamx.com> VORRA V Al.llY Off RoAD RACING AssoclATION 1970 EAsT 2ND STREET RENO, NV 89502 877-418-6772 www.vorra.com March 28-29, 2009 Short Course Prairie City, CA April lS-26, 2009 hort Course Prairie City, CA May 23-2S, 2009 Yerington 300 Yerington, NV July 17-19, 2009 Fallon 250 Fallon, NV Night Race Sept S-7, 2009 Hawthorne 250 Hawthorne, NV Oct 10-11, 2009 Short Course Prairie City, CA Oct31-Novl,2009 Short Course Prairie City, CA VICENTI! Gtmuu!Ro 0..RoADCUJB PROFO. CENOVIO GAMBOA 0ll-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 p.m.) Wl!STERN Off RoAD RAclNGAssoclATION LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 Wl!STERN PENNSYLVANIA WHEEL To WHEEL 0.. RoAD RACING PATRICK McGUIRE P.O. Box 376 ADAMSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 March 2009 / Trall Notes ••• signed with the World Series and a new 2009 series schedule will be released shortly, which will include eight races at venues in Phoenix, AZ; Crandon, WI; Bark River, Ml; Oshkosh, WI; and Perris, CA. The events will be sanctioned and operated in cooperation with the United States Auto Club (USAC). The Off-Road Grand Prix™ Series will be the exclusive short-course off-road series of USAC. The agreement gives ORGP long-term exclusive rights to hold off-road races at Crandon International Off-Road Raceway in Crandon, WI, and Bark River International Racew(\y near Escanaba, MI. Johnson stated the agreement assures that short-course off-road racing, which has such a great heritage in the Midwest, will continue there as well as the West Coast. "One of the points in the deal that I am most excited about is that the USAC sanctioned Off-Road Grand Prix™ will be bringing the highest level of professional short-course off-road racing to passionate fans in the Midwest where the sport has its roots but also to the super fast racing community in the West," Johnson continued. "In 2009, we have a schedule of races that brings five weekends to th e Midwest's best facilities in addition to several West Coast racing dates. It's truly a nation-wide, unified series with driver support an d that's what the sport needed." IVAN STEWART HONORED -The 63rd Annual Viejas Salute to the C hampions dinner will be held at the Town and Country Resort Hotel's Grand Exhibit Hall February 18th in America's Finest City, San Diego. Reception begins at 5:30 PM and the dinner program at 6:30 PM. The Salute dinner inducts the Hall of Fame Class for 2009, honors the Stars of th e Year, the Challenged Athlete of the Year and the Stars of the Month. The dinner annually attracts a crowd of 1,000 or more San Diego sports fans. Included in this years Hall of Fame Class of 2009 is our own Ivan "Ironman" Stewart. Ivan Stewart, a Grossmont High alum, was the "lronman" of Off-Road racing. He won 84 races in his career and is an icon in h is sport. Stewart's 84 career wins included 10 season driver championships in truck and buggy racing. The SCORE "Ironman" award is named for Stewart, and he was inducted into the Off-Road Motor Sports Hall of Fame in 2006. Stewart was the SCORE Driver of the Year four times, was twice the overall champion in 1990 and 1993 and was a three-time All-American driver. His desire to race solo against teams of two and three drivers in all-terrain races of up to 1,000 miles in length and 24 hours in duration earned Stewart the nickname "Ironman." The victory was the start of a winning streak that resulted in Stewart signing a contract with Toyota. He as the first pro to sign with a factory for Off-Road Racing, and Toyota later named a truck for him. Stewart earned his 17th Baja 500 win in 1999. His 84 career victories include 17 Baja 500s, eight Mint 400s, four Parker 400s, three Baja 10000s and four SCORE World Championships. Stewart is the second motor sports inductee into the Breitbard Hall of Fame. Bill Muncey of Hydroplane racing was inducted in 1982. SNORE/GENERAL TillE MINT 400 -The General Tire Mint 400 off-road race, which returned after a 21-year hiatus last year, will be back bigger and better than ever complete with Tech/Contingency Inspection Friday, March 27 utilizing the Fremont Street Experience in its entirety from Main Street to Eighth Street, as well as the Fremont East Entertainment District, after being held only on Fremont East in 2008. Presented by the Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts (SNORE), Tech/ Contingency Inspection of vehicles entered in the event will line up from Main Street to Eighth Street under the world-renowned Fremont Street Experience Canopy, according to SNORE Contingency Director Jamie Fagan. The expansion of Tech/Contingency Inspection will now include the entire length of the Fremont Street Experience canopy, which has been heralded world-wide for its colorful presentations, as well as will cross over Las Vegas Boulevard and include the Fremont Street Entertainment District. "This is an incredible opportunity for the City of Las Vegas, the people of Las Vegas and businesses located in the downtown corridor, as this is an event that has been recognized throughout the world in years past. I am very proud to be working with the City of Las Vegas government and municipalities, our Mayor and the properties located along the Fremont Street corridor in getting this event off the ground and to be a part of history once again in the making. I can't thank everyone enough for their unyielding support and trust throughout this incredible journey and history lesson," said Ms. Fagan. Additionally, th e world's oldest off-road race will be run Saturday, March 28 northeast of Las Vegas on the grounds of the old Mint 400 with the start/finish line located in the vicinity of the Fireworks stand/plaza on the Moapa Indian Reservation about 8 miles west of Glendale, NV, near Continued on-Page 54 WIDPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2325 E. KINGS AVENUE PHOENIX, AZ 85022 (602) 971-3730 <www.whiplashracing.com> WISCONSIN MOTORSPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN ()pp RoAD Fl!snv AL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 0sHKOSH, WL 54901 (414) 688-5509 WORLD SERIF.S ()p OFF RoAD RAaNG P.O. Box 99 CRANDON, WISCONSIN 54520 303-880-7221 May 30-31, 2009 Short Course Wheatland, MO June 20-21, 2009 Short Course Crandon, W1 July 11-12, 2009 Short Course Bark River, MI July 2-4-2S, 2009 Short Course Oshkosh, W1 Auguat 8-9, 2009 Short Course Bark River, MI Sept-t-6,2009 Short Course Crandon, WI FIA WORLD RAu.Y CHAMPIONSIDP XTRF.ME INTI!RNATIONAL 1863 CoMMANDER ORNE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 ZR PROMOTIONS LUIS RENE MONTANO C. CALZADA INDEPENDENCIA 200 -5 COL. INSURGENTES EsTE 21280 MEXICALI, BC, MX (686) 564 6653 • info@zrpromo.com Page 7
§IJ,\IIJ LAUGHLIN DESERT CNALLNGE BY ]UDY SM/TI RDIIIIV Go•d•n Gets It Done PHOTOS: TRACKS/DE PHOTO Danny Anderson was subbing for Pat Dean (broken Shoulder) and he took the Class 1 win with three minutes to spare and was 4th overall. It was a great race weekend for Robby Gordon, he drove his Chevy CK1500 Trophy Truck to the class win and he took the overall win as well. tense and hugely competitive. Unlike the usual long desert events, at this race the driver can't take a few moments to relax and rest. They're "on" ev-ery inch of the way, and if not running wheel to wheel, they're almost always in sight of an-other vehicle, with still another in their mirrors. It's a lot of fun, very demanding, and tough on car and driver. The cars start each event two-at-a-time, going off the start line at 30 second intervals. There's a long straight heading to a "table-top" that narrows, and the spectators love the long drag Laughlin, NV: Robby Gor-don has been close a time or two, but this time he actually finished the weekend on top. Gordon drove his Chevrolet Trophy Truck to the weekend "overall" victory, at SCORE's frenetic season opener in Laughlin, Nevada. The Laughlin event, a three day off road circus, is a specta-tor friendly taste of off road racing, that takes place in the Laughlin, Nevada special events area, in the outskirts of town. SCORE has developed a six mile long track that includes about a mile of "infield", where grandstands and convenient hilltops allow spectators a good view of the racing. The infield has right and left hand turns, moguls, a table-top and a fly-ing jump. Strategically placed, a huge TV screen brings the spectators views of the action from beyond the infield. There are also viewing areas elsewhere around the track, some of which allow spectators to sit cozily in their own vehicles while watching the racers go by. Back at the infield area, an-nouncers identify each car as it speeds through, and keep the spectators informed about who's actually doing _the driv-ing. It's the one event that truly gives the spectators a chance to know what's going on. The action starts on Thurs-area on a street adjacent to the races that develop. day night with the entertaining events park. It was also "pre-This event has no need for "Laughlin Leap", a long-jump run" day, and when they were road-crossing personnel, or contest open to all racers who finished going through the con-checkpoint people, but there don't mind the chance of dam-tingency area and pre-race tech is still a huge cadre of folks on aging their cars, with a total inspection, the racers could and near the course, ready to cash purse of $16,000 put up take their cars out on the course do what's necessary. Some 96 by the Laughlin Chamber of to see how things looked. Spec-SCORE volunteers stood Commerce. Generally the Tro-tators could watch these prac-ready around the course to phy Truck and Class 1 cars are tice runs. Then at one o'clock move disabled vehicles off the most numerous, but there are on Friday, all the practice track, flag those still racing always some hardy souls in the ground to a halt and it was around stalls or wrecks, give small trucks and limited cars. time for the Trophy Trucks to first aid, alert the medics and This year the event opened, just qualify for their start position. report everything to SCORE at dark, with a flying leap by a Each driver got two runs at the Ops. Race Director, Paul Fish Trophy Truck festooned with full length of the course, and often hovered in a helicopter, fireworks. That got the specta-ultimately, the fastest was keeping an eagle eye view of tors' attention and set the tone Robby Gordon, in his Chevy. things, so as to send heavy of the evening. Ultimately, Just back from a great podium equipment or ambulances to Larry Roeseler took the Trophy finish at the South American the right spot when needed. Truck win in his Ford, with a version of the Dakar Rally, Each race was an intense 80 flight that measured 161' 6", Gordon was a hit with the spec-minutes for these folks, but the which was a new record for the ta tors as he recorded a time of system worked well. There was Leap. In Class 1, James Scott six minutes 43.72 seconds only one place where the rac-jumped 156' in his RPS Chevy. around the 6.25 mile long ers were expected to stop, and The winner in Class 1/2-1600 track. B.J. Baldwin qualified that was at the "end" of each was Justin Smith in a Fraley, second in his Chevy and Justin loop, right in front of the tim-who jumped 101 6". The Pro-Lofton, in another Chevy was ing and scoring vehicle. A ban-duction Truck winner, Chris third. ner stretched across the course Taylor, recorded a leap of 126' The format of the event is at that point, supported by 6", to get his third win in a row unusual in several way~. For one two tall stanchions, and in in his Ford. And in the Re-thing, of course, the laps are front of that there were two stricted Car division, it was Jus-very short. For another, the full sized "stop" signs on each tin Davis, with a jump of 113 racing is divided into two days. side of the track, not to men-6" in a SCORE Lite car. Each day each class runs just tion a man with a _yellow flag Friday was another enter-half of its eve-nt. A racer must and another with a red flag. taining day, with a chance to complete both halves to get fin-And still, a few drivers had get a close up look at the cars isher points, and it's not an trouble remembering to stop. and drivers as they rolled easy thing to do. Because of its This year there were five through the Contingency Row shortness the racing is very in-races each day, starting at seven .------------------------------.. a.m. Each had a limit of an hour and 20 minutes, and driv-ers were required to run any-where from five to eight laps, depending upon the class. The weather is often the big-gest problem at Laughlin, and cold, blustery rain storms have dampened the audience's en-thusiasm more than once. This year the forecasts looked threatening, but it turned out well. Friday's contingency fes-tivities were rained on a few times, and big clouds floated over the mountains to the east of the river. But there was no wind, and it wasn't cold, so no one paid it much attention. Late in the evening, rain started to fall again, but by then no one cared. And that meant that on Saturday morn-ing the course was beautifully watered, courtesy of Mother Nature, and it was a dust free day. The clouds threatened all day Saturday, but it didn't rain. Saturday's first race was the combination of the 1600 cars, Class 5-1600, and the Sports-,1 man buggies. There were 23 ve-hicles on the track, and some terrific talent on display. This was a great way to start the weekend, and the 1600s were looking forward to it. The sky was cloudy and grey but there was no rain, and no wind. That was o .k., because there was also no dust. There were 1.8 1/2-1600 cars, and for this event they were flagged off two every 15 seconds. (For subse-quent races SCORE changed that to 30 second intervals.) Justin Smith put his Fraley into the lead on the first lap even though he'd lost his rear brakes, with Aaron Hawley, in Brian Burgess's Seagrove in second, just one second be-hind him. Hawley was having some carburetion problems, and the car wanted to stall when he braked. In third, an-other second back it was Steve Mini only had one entrant, Gavin Skilton, !Je ran the course in his Cameron Steele and Justin Smith are flyin ' high at Laughlin, Honda Ridgeline, seen here at speed on the course. they took the silver medal in the Trophy Truck competition. Harley Letner looks like he has a problem in the left front, he drove his Alpha Chevy to a second place finish in Class 1. Pages March 2009 Dusty Times
have a race practically in his back yard, and not be able to get the car working. Angulo drove his six laps at a steady pace and took the win, giving himself a heads-up on the sea-son points in Class 5-1600. He said that his car was "per-fecto!", but the course had "big holes" in it on Sunday. Adam pfankuch and Steve Eugenio took the gold medal in Class 1/2-1600 seen here flying to the win in their Mirage car. Don Moss, (#300) flies his Ford Bronco to the Class 3 win at Laughlin, help from brother Ken makes their wins possible. Also running in this group were the Sportsman Buggies, just three of them. On the first lap Peter Lang's Chevy pow-ered buggy, which had a new motor for this race, spewed a puff of smoke, and quit run-ning, permanently. That left Rory Ward in his Chevy pow-ered Chenowth to duel with Louie Serna in a Chevy pow-ered Tatum. Serna's car had more horsepower than Ward's, and he stayed tantalizingly in front all the way. Serna took the Saturday win by two min-utes and 45 seconds. Eugenio, who couldn't get first gear, in Adam Pfankuch's Mi-rage, and one more second later it was Hiram Duran in his Neth. Two seconds later it was Dave Caspino in a Lothringer. So the first five cars were sepa-rated by just six seconds. Of course, they'd traveled a scant six miles, barely enough to get everything warmed up. On the second lap things looked similar, but now Eugenio and Hawley were on the same second, tied for the lead, and seven seconds later it was Justin Smith, then, in another three seconds, Caspino and Duran were tied for fifth. From that point on the battle was between Eugenio, who got his first gear back, and Hawley. Hawley squeaked out a faster lap, by three seconds, and went into Dusty Times the lead on the third lap, then was quicker again on the fourth lap to hold his lead. His carburetor messed him up on the fifth lap and he lost about seven seconds, and going into the final lap the two were tied. Eugenio ticked off the fast lap of the race, at 8:29 and edged out Hawley by two seconds to take the win. Hawley said, "I made a lot of mistakes on the last lap!" Cody Robinson, age 17, moved his Curry a little faster each lap, and slid U'p into third, 43 seconds in back of Hawley. Fourth went to Caspino, and Davis was fifth. One of the Wilson cousins, Brad, lost a whole lap with a bad alternator, and Smith rolled his car on the third lap because of his bad brakes, and then had to stop for oil on the fourth lap, which cost him about four and a half minutes. He dropped to 14th. Rick Boyer, in a new Lothringer, had only first and second gear after the second lap, and fin-ished 12th. But the weather was so good, and the air so dust free, that they'd all had a lot of fun. On Sunday things looked different. There were no clouds. Blue skies and bright sunshine greeted the specta-tors who climbed out of bed early to cheer on the limited classes. There was still no wind, and the course was still plenty damp, because in lieu of rain, SCORE had water trucks working overnight. The course was rougher, and a big com-plaint was that the "whoops" weren't rounded as they are in San Felipe, but had "square edges", which made the ride 2, 163 Rooms And Suites 60 Table Games 2,300 Slot Machines Poker Room Race & Sports Book 800-Seat Bingo Room 16 Movie Theaters uncomfortable and hard on the body in these cars. SCORE course workers had tried to "smooth" things out a bit, but apparently it wasn't a terribly successful effort. Class 5-1600 had only two cars, and, while they were close together at the end of the first lap, by the end of Lap 2 Alonso Angulo had about a three minute lead and Brent Shermak was in trouble. He pulled into the infield, and his car quit. He got it fired, but it was obviously in distress, ap-parently stuck in second gear. Angulo continued to go 'round, his quickest lap time being 9:53 on Lap 3. He fin-ished all six laps for the win. On Sunday Shermak, who lives in Bullhead City just across the river, didn't race. lt must have been frustrating to When they came back on Sunday they were without Lang, whose car had suffered terminal injuries. Ward and Serna renewed their battle, and this time Ward pushed a little harder, but he was still trailing at the end of five laps. Then Serna's car gave up the ghost on the sixth lap, and Ward went on to take the week-end victory. It was his second winning year in a row. The second race each morn-ing was an assortment of trucks. Classes 8, 6, 7, 7SX, Stock Mini, 3 and Sportsman Trucks. There were 23 racers Continued on next page 8 Restaurants 65,000 Sq. Ft. Of Meeting Space 4,500 Seat Equestrian & Event Center 80,000 Sq. Ft. Exhibit Hall Spa & Fitness Center Showroom 64-Lane Bowling Center ?lticfut ~;i 1-866-791-76~6 • LAS VEGAS BLVD AT S/LVERADO RANCH • SOUTHPOINTCASINO.COM March 2009 Page 9
on the track at 9 a.m. Satur-day, when they took off, still under heavy cloud cover, but no wind. Greg Adler put his Ford out in front, but Clyde Stacey didn't want to let him get too far away, and was chas-ing hard. Unfortunately, as he went into the last big turn be-fore the full stop, he miscalcu-lated something, and toppled his Chevy over. SCORE infield workers rushed over to help with a variety of vehicles and equipment, but since he'd turned turtle on the outside of the turn, and they had to work from the inside, they needed a very Jong tow strap, and they didn't have one. Then a long line of traffic showed up, and Stacey and his passenger watched grimly as everyone went past their upturned truck. After 15 minutes, or about a lap and a half, he was set back on his wheels and went on. But then he didn't have any brakes and his throttle was sticking. Adler, meanwhile, settled into a steady pace an_d went around and around, with very consistent times and no problems, to get the Saturday win. His first lap, timed at 8:01, was his quickest, and af-ter that he did'n't have to push. Stacey got all his laps done also, but was 20 minutes down at the end. When they came back on Sunday they started side-by-side once again. Stacey's truck looked rumpled, but was me-chanically sound. Adler, who got the hole shot, and was thus the first vehicle on the track, settled into a steady pace once again. He took the Sunday win by just three minutes and 14 seconds, and of course, got the weekend win. also, thanks to Stacey's Saturday disaster. When asked why he'd rolled on Saturday, Stacey grinned and said, "Because I don't drive good." Class 6, which, according to SCORE's website is for "Open Production Unlimited" mini, mid or SUV bodied vehicles Kevin Carr took the gold medal in the Class 5 battle, he had nine minutes in hand at the flag, seen here at speed. , with a maximum of six cylin-ders, had only one entrant. It was Ross Savage's Ford, but Heidi Steele was listed as the entrant. She started in the truck and was required to run only five laps. Late in the race an axle broke, and then the truck got stuck in the soft sand section of the track. Once they'd freed it Savage got into the driver's seat to take it to the finish. Overnight they installed new axles, and then Savage drove the truck on Sunday, finishing all the required laps. His sec-ond lap was their quickest lap for the weekend, at 9:27. The two day total gives him a win in the record books, and a good start on season points. There were six entries in Class 7, five Fords and a Toyota. On Saturday Chris Taylor went to the front of the pack on the first lap and didn't look back. His first lap was the best time for the class for the weekend, at 8: 11. Behind him Jose Canchola, Jr. had a good battle going with A.J. Rodriguez, both of them in Fords. Rodriguez said his sus-pension wasn't right for the big holes. Canchola stayed just a bumper ahead of Rodriguez, behind Taylor. But disaster struck on the last lap, when Taylor's left front wheel broke . He tried to limp in on it, but things got so messed up he had to stop and try to make some kind of repair. Eventually he did get to the finish line, but he was overtime by then. In the meantime, Canchola had run a beautiful race, and he took the win, exactly on-e minute in front of Rodriguez. One entry in this class was listed as being Heidi Steele, an apparent er-ror, since she was in the #601 Class 6 vehicle. It was her Ford, b u t he r reg u l a r co·-cl r iv e r , Renee Brugger ,was driving it this weekend. When they came back on Sunday, Taylor's truck was re-covered from its mishap, thanks to Dan Chamlee who lent them parts so they could make re-pairs. This time Canchola went into the lead on Lap 1, with the fast lap time for Sunday, at 8:38. Josh Quintero, in Taylor's truck, was second and Rodriguez ran third. But then Rodriguez didn't come around again. Canchola got stuck on the second lap and lost about three minutes, and Quintero had Taylor's truck back in front. Canchola was the fastest truck on the track for a couple of laps, but then on the last lap he made a serious error. Think-ing he still had a lap to go, he pitted to change fuel pumps. Had he realized that he was on ..-----'!I!, .'!ll.;;,t'I"'· --------Alonso Angulo and Roberto Escobedo took the win in the Class 5/1600 fracas, they're seen here in level flight. his last lap he could have had a second place, but after that pit stop, he fell to third. Quintero took the win in Taylor's truck, but since they hadn't finished on Saturday, they went home with a DNF. Chamlee, the Good Samaritan, got the win, and Canchola was second. Heidi Steele is listed in third (but Renee Brugger did the driv-ing) and they're the final fin-ishers in this class. There was just one Stock Full truck, a huge Dodge Ram 2500 driven by Justin Matney. Every time it stopped at the finish line and re-started, it blew a huge cloud of black diesel smoke at the timing and scoring bus. But Matney made steady laps around the track, even though on Saturday he had "a boot is-sue" with the turbo, and lost some boost. Unfortunately, on Sunday he completed only two laps, and then never came around again, to give him a DNF for the weekend. Class 3 had only one entry also, the big, black Bronco of Don Moss. He said he'd love to have some more Class 3 entries to race with, but thinks they feel the Laughlin race "costs too much per mile." He did his re-quired five laps both days, his quickest time a 10:08 on Sat-urday, and went away with a Class 3 victory and a good start on his season points. Class 7SX had only one en-try, the Ford of John Holmes and Mark Landersman. Holmes drove the full five laps on Sat-urday and Landersman drove on Sunday. Holmes had his 15 year old son, Ty, with him on Saturday. They had identical fast laps, a 10:17 recorded by Holmes on Lap 2 and Landersman on Lap 1. Another one entry class was Stock Mini, which was the Honda Ridgeline of Gavin Skilton. Skilton did his re-quired five laps each day, with a fast lap of 11:20, on Satur-day. He starts his season with a win, but would have liked some company on the track. The Sportsman Truck class was the big one for this event, with ten entries. On the first lap the lead belonged to Jonathon Libby in a Toyota, and Greg Hempel was second in a Chevy, with Gary Messer, in a TrophyLite in third place. Chris Shive ran fourth in a Ford and Cody Stuart in Cameron Steele's Trophy Truck, was fifth. Steele was riding, and get-ting in a pre-run. He had busy weekend, because he was an-nouncing the X-Games up north in snow country some-where. He hadn't been here on Friday to practice or qualify. So he was letting Stuart get a Brian Burgess and Aaron Hawley took a second place finish in Mikey Lawrence drove his VW powered Lothringer to a 2nd place finish Class 1/2-1600, they were 30 seconds in arrears in their Seagrove. in Class 10, he was just a minute and small change out of the class win. Ed Stout and Trigger Gumm (R) flew their Chevy Silverado to a third place finish in Trophy Truck, seen here fighting for position. Randy and Rick Wilson drove their Jimco-Chevy to third place in Cody Robinson and Roberto Romo finished third in 1/2-1600 in Adam Householder pours on the power, heading to a fourth place Class 1, seen here a bit high on the banking. their Curry,-seen here in flight on their way to the checkers. finish in Trophy Truck at the SCORE Laughlin bash. Page 10 March 2009 Dusty Times
Heidi Steele was the only entrant in Class 6, she and Ross Savage literally flew around the course in their Ford Ranger to take the class win. little practice driving the truck, while he rode along and famil-iarized himself with the terrain. On the second lap Stuart ap-parently felt more at home in the truck, and recorded the fast lap for the class for the week-end at 7:55. Of the real Sports-man trucks, the fast lap be-longed to Libby's Toyota at 8:25, except that it's not a real Sportsman truck either. He built it as a Class 8, but it turned out not to be legal for SCORE, so he had no choice but to enter in Sportsman. He led through three laps on Sat-urday, with Hempel second for two laps, and Gary Messer, in a TrophyLite in third. Then, on the fourth lap he lost about two minutes and dropped back, leaving Messer to take the win by one second. Libby was third. Rob Anderson, ih a Ford, fin-Dusty Times ished in third and Reid Ruth-erford was fourth in a TrophyLite that he'd rolled over. All but two trucks fin-ished all five laps, and Stuart, in Steele's Trophy Truck, was one of the non-finishers. The biggest smile of the weekend was on the face of Pat Sutalo, in a Ford, who declared, "best ever -I'm hooked!" as he headed back to the pits. On Sunday they were all back out there, except Hempel, who'd done only two laps Sat-urday. Libby started off with the lead, and Stuart, still in Steele's Trophy Truck, was sec-ond, with Charles Anderson, who replaced his brother, Bob, in the truck today, in third. On the second lap Stuart had the fast time for this group, at 8:24, and briefly took the lead. Libby was second, and Ander-Dan and Tom Chamlee had a great weekend, they took the win in Class 7 by six minutes, they're seen here flying their Ford Ranger. son held third. But on the third of 19 racers on the track. The lap both Stuart and Libby dis-Class 10s started first, then the appeared, and Anderson moved SCORE Lites and then Class 5. into the lead. He then ran a very In Class 10, which was to run evenly paced race, had no prob-seven laps, Brian Freemal put lems, but the truck started to his Jimco Honda into the lead smoke near the end. Still, he on the first lap, with Bryce went on to take the Sunday win. Menzies second in Larry Job's Chris Shive was second, with a Jimco Honda. Robert rod knock disturbing him a bit McBeath, in still another Jimco at the finish. And in third it was Honda, was third. On the sec-Messer, who said he'd had a "lot ond lap they lost three cars. of fun." Adam Wik, in a new (so new it When they totaled up the hasn't been painted yet) times, the weekend winner in Bunderson Honda, was out af-this class was Messer, in one of ter being stuck in second gear the Trophylites. Second went and then breaking a power to the Anderson brothei;s and steering pulley. Jesus Gonzalez Chris Shive was third. also dropped out after a 15 The third race on Saturday minute first lap, and Sergio was a little less confusing, with Salgado dropped out after only three classes running. breaking a rear hub on his There were eight Class 10 cars, Lothringer Honda. That left eight Class SCORE Lites and only five cars running. three Class 5 cars, for a total It was still Freemal, Menzies March 2009 and McBeath. On the third lap Freemal had the fast lap for this heat at 8:01, and held his lead, with Menzies and McBeath fol-lowing along. But o~ the fourth lap Freemal rolled over and ended up parked in the infield. Menzies and McBeath were hav-ing a close duel for the lead now, and Menzies was having some trouble shifting. It all changed on the last lap when Menzies and Freemal both dropped out, leaving McBeath with the Saturday win. Scott Whipple was second in a big VW powered GET. And Mikey Lawrence, in a VW Lothringer, was third on Saturday in spite of a sticky throttle pedal. When they came back out on Sunday, there were only seven of them. Gonzalez didn't re-turn. Wik put the new car into the lead, with Job, who was now driving his car, in second and Lawrence third. Freemal didn't get the first lap done. On the second lap they ran the same way, and on Lap 3 Wik recorded the fast lap for the Sunday heat, at 8:09. The lead-ers all got through the fourth lap, but on Lap 5 Job's rear hub "fell off", and he was fin-ished. Wik was still leading, and he went on to take the win. Lawrence was second and Patrick Gailey was third in the other VW powered car. So, for the weekend the winner was McBeath, since Wik's first day was a DNF. Lawrence was sec-ond and Whipple and Gailey took third. There were no other Continued on next page Page 11
14 lap finishers. This race is al-ways tough for this class. The SCORE Lite cars had a lot of serious talent at the wheel, and it was another ex-citing race. As they finished their first lap it was impossible to tell who had the actual lead just by watching. On the clock it was a tie between Dan Worley in his Jimco and Jake Jones in his Henry. But Jones had a moment of major brain fade, and forgot to stop at the start/ finish line. He charged past Worley's stopped car, scaring him, and gaining a huge lead. SCORE officials were watch-ing, however, and Jones' error cost him dearly. But in the meanwhile, he was at the front of the pack. Matt Kupiec, in a Kreger, and Rick St. John in a Duvel, were tied for fourth place and Michelle Bruckmann, racing in a buggy for the first time, was fifth. Bruckmann had raced here before, in a Class 5 Baja Bug, and she got the win that year. The second lap was still close, but Jones had a nine second lead, Worley was second, St. John was third and Kupiec was fourth. The flagman, a bit put out by Jones' failure to stop the previous lap, held the red flag for a skosh longer than usual to make his disapproval obvi-ous to Jones. On the third lap they retained the same order, BPARE TIRE M IIJAt:KB BOBB BUNl t:UPB Page 12 John Holmes and Mark Landersman had Class 7X all to themselves, they're seen here in their Ford Ranger on the way to the checkers. and they were still physically close to one another on the track. The cloud cover had kept the course from drying out, so it was still almost entirely dust free. On the fourth lap Jones re-corded the fast time for this class in this heat at 8:22, and held onto his lead. Worley and St. John followed along. But anyone who had even the slight-est problem stood to lose sev-eral positions, because they were all so close in time. Jones led all the way, and fin-ished three seconds in front of St. John. But SCORE officials added 15 minutes to his time fqr blowing through the stop signs on the first lap, and that dropped him to last. It was a shame, after that skillfully run race, but it got the point across. St. John moved up to take the win, with the best last lap time for the group. Worley finished second, and Bruckmann was third, thinking the buggy was a lot of fun. Brent Parkhouse, in a Moulton that used to belong to Brian Burgess, was fourth. Parkhouse had never raced in this class before. His nephew, Cody, son of Brian Parkhouse, was sched-uled to race, but broke his back snowboarding, so Brent drove in his place. He reported that Cody was recovering nicely. March 2009 Greg Adler drove his Ford F-150 to the Class 8 win at Laughlin, he had close to half an hour in hand at the checkers. Kupiec was fifth and Kevin Davis, in a Wicked VW, which they said was built in ten days, finished sixth. Roberto Encinas, in a Curry, was the last to physically finish, his right front corner dragging. In spite of the very close and hard rac-ing, the class had finished 100%. They all came back to try again on Sunday. By 11 a.m., their start time, the blue sky was dotted by a few clouds, but it was still fine racing weather. Once again, they completed their first lap really close to-gether, and the naked eye couldn't tell who was actually in front. Timing and scoring said it was Vic Bruckmann, with three seconds on Adam Pfankuch, who'd taken over for St. John, and 15 year old Jus-tin Davis, now in the family car instead of his dad, who was tied with him. They all arrived at the start/finish in a pack, and then in the slight breather be-fore they came around again, SCORE Ops realized that one was missing. Roberto Encinas and his Curry hadn't come with the bunch. Now the radio was busy with queries about where he could be. No one had ap-parently noticed him particu-larly, and he didn't seem to be parked anywhere. Ops asked plaintively, "They're no big black holes out there, are there?" Ultimately, Encinas was discovered out near Race Mile 4, already out of the race. Meanwhile, the others had completed another lap, and Bruckmann still led, 'though he had only one second on Pfankuch. Worley was third, about 20 seconds later, and Justin Davis was reported out and waiting to be picked up at "the yellow gate." Worley was obviously having some trouble shifting, and got third gear in-stead of first off the start/fin-ish line. He could be seen shak-ing his head as he went out on the next lap. Pfankuch moved into the lead on the third lap, with two seconds on Bruckmann. Worley was still third, and Jones, fourth. Ultimately, Pfankuch took the Sunday win, cement-ing a weekend victory for him and St. John. Although Bruckmann pushed hard and was a second faster on that fi-nal lap, it wasn't enough, and his second, and Michelle's third gave them second for the week-end. Parkhouse and Sacks were third Sunday, and third for the weekend. Jones, whose weekend wasn't a great one, didn't fin-ish on Sunday. Class 5 ran with this group, and there were just three of them entered. Kevin Carr was dueling with Carlos Albanez and Luivan Voelker in their New Beetle, as they did for all of last year. But there was a new car, given permission to run with the class for the first time. Shaun Dunbar's used vegetable oil fueled turbo diesel Jetta motor powered car was de-clared a legal Class 5 car. The audience loved it - it smelled like the backside of a fast food joint with a dirty grill. Carr led all the way, having "lots of fun" as he bounded over the bumps. Albanez fol-lowed, also completing all the laps. He confessed that he didn't take the big infield jump "at full speed", thinking he could seriously damage his car, or someone else if he landed on them. They finished first and second, and the "veggie car" rolled over on the fourth lap, and then wouldn't re-start. Much later it was determined that terminal damage had been done to the motor, which had been running while the car was upside down. It seems that die-sel motors don't like this sort of treatment. Whatever the damage was, it was unfixable, and the team didn't come back the next day. It will be interest-ing to watch the development of the car. It's quiet for one thing, and it's ecologically "green", because it's using used cooking oil for fuel. On Sunday Carr once again led all the way, and this time Voelker was at the helm of the other car. Carr apparently had a clean run, but Voelker lost about five minutes on the last lap with some problem. For the weekend it was Carr first and Albanez and Voelker second. The fourth event on the schedule was the Trophy Truck race, and there were 19 of them on the track. They started at one o'clock in the afternoon, in comfortable weather, with a slight breeze to move any dust. Their race was to be eight laps long. All of them survived the first four laps, and Roger Norman started the day in the lead in his Ford. Then it was a tie between Brian Collins in his new Dodge and Robby Gordon in his Chevy, with Travis Coyne, Ford, just seven seconds behind him. Tavo Vildosola ran fifth in his Ford, one second further back. On the second lap Norman continued to lead, with seven seconds on Collins who was now Dusty Times
Bob and Jessica McBeath had a great weekend, they took the gold medal in Class 10 in their Honda powered Jimco, here in level flight. second. G ordon was third, two trans. seconds later, Coyne fourth and When they came back on Vildosola fifth. There were four Sunday the truck that Roeseler o r five more running within a had driven Saturday was miss-minute o f the fifth place car, so ing -the motor cooked by eight any mishap could lose a driver overheated laps. Roeseler was three o r four places. now in the truck that N orman On the third lap Bria n had driven on Saturday. This Collins recorded the fast time being a class with over ten ve-for the race, at 7:02 and moved hides finishing, the first ten fin-himself into a tie for the lead ishers from Saturday would with Norman. Gordon was still start on Sunday in their finish third, Coyne fourth and order. So Gordon and Vildosola fifth. No one had Vildosola were at the front, dropped out. then Lofton and Pierce in the Lap 4 saw Norman back in second row. the lead by himself, with Gor-Gordon took advantage of don up to second and Coyne his front row start to record the and Vildosola tied for fourth, fast lap for this heat, at 7:07 as Collinsdroppedtofifth,with and go into the lead. B.J. a lap that was 40 seconds slower Baldwin was four seconds back than his previous one. Unfor-in second place, and then tunately, Collins and Bill Vildosola was tied with Justin McBeath were both gone on the Smith, who was driving next lap. Collins broke a front C ameron Steele's truck today, A-arm and that brought an end for fourth. Steele had gone back to his d ay. McBeath was re- to the X Games announcing. In ported as having endoed , then fifth it was Roeseler. Lofton had tried to go on , ten pulled off. rolled his car at Mile 5 .5, and O n the fifth lap G ordo n that was the end o f his race. His went into the lead , and passenger, John Vance, was re-Vildosola moved into second, ported to have broken his leg in e igh t seconds b ehind him. the roll-over, and he was hustled Coyn e was n ow third, Justin off to a hospital. Ironically, Lofton , in a C hevy, was fourth Robbie Pierce, who'd started and Jesse James ran fifth in his next to Lofton , had almost com-C hevy. H e said he'd d on e a lot pieced his first lap when he also of work on the suspen sion , to rolled , in the infield. N o one raise it up so it wouldn't bot- was injured , but the truck was tom out. R obbie Pie rce re- taken away on a flatbed. One ported that his C hevy had no other car, the Ford o f Rusty front brakes, Roeseler's Fo rd Steven s, which had had prob-was running hot , B.J. Baldwi n !ems o n Saturday, was also out vi sited the H ot Pits b riefly and o n the first lap. so did Norman , on his fifth lap, O n the second lap Gordo n as he started to have transmis- held his lead , Baldwin was a sion trouble. solid second , a n d Vildosola On Lap 6 Gordon continued moved to third. S mith was to lead, and Vildosola ran sec-fourth and Roeseler still held ond. Vildosola had started in fifth . O n the third lap things th e fourth row, wh ile Gordon were a little different, as Baldwin started in the first row and he had ticked off a reall y good lap ran first on th e road, his only and he was now tied with Gor-traffic being occasional lapped do n . Smith ran third, Roeseler vehicles. Coyne was third. Then was fourth and Jesse Jam es was Vildosola moved into the lead fifth. He'd lost a transmiss ion as Gordon's pace slowed. His Saturday, an d said this was the crew had apparently missed third one that they'd put in the Vildosola's steady run at the truck this weekend, and his crew lead, and Gordon thought he was getting pretty good at in-was still in front, so he eased u p stalling transmiss ions. a bit. Vildosola h ad 11 seconds O n the third lap, and every on him going into the last lap. lap through the end of the race, And he put another two seconds Brian Collins was the fastest on G ordon, and took the win. d river on th e track. He'd lost a Go rdon, who finished first, still couple of m inutes o n the first thought he'd got it, and was vis-lap with a quick stop in the Hot ibly disappointed to learn that Pit to fix a loose brake line, but Vildosola had repeated his Sat-he was on the throttle now, and urday co me-fro m-the-back win picking up time. On Lap 3 he o f last year. Lofto n finish ed was ten seconds quicker than third, Pierce was fourth and B.J . G ordon. Baldwin was fifth. C oyne and On the fourth lap Baldwin James both fell out o n the last moved into the lead , with Gor-lap after looking really good fo r d o n second, Smith third, most of the race. James lost his Roeseler fourth and Ed Stout, Dusty Times Rick St. John and Adam Pfankuch squeaked out a win in SCORE LITE in their Duvel, they had less than a minute on their competition at the flag. Stock in a Chevy, in fifth place. monsenseprevailed,andalook Vildosola, who'd been reported at the watch confirmed that he to be losing oil, had lost two couldn't get it done. minutes on the third lap, and The combined results gave had essentially lost an entire lap the win to Gordon, Steel and this time around. He never got Smith took second place, Stout his fifth lap completed. was third, Householder fourth On Lap 5 Baldwin held his and Norman and Roeseler fin-lead, with 18 seconds on Gor-ished fifth. Greg Nunley was don. Stout was still third, Smith sixth in a Chevy and Mark Post had dropped to fourth, and and Rob MacCachren were sev-now Collins had worked his way enth in a Protruck. That was a up to fifth. Jesse James dropped sad story. Post and out and so did Bobby Baldwin. MacCachren's Trophy Truck B.J. Baldwin continued to wasn't ready on time for this lead through the sixth lap, with event, so rather than miss out Gordon, Collins, Stout and on the points chase this year, Smith following along behind they entered the Trophy Truck him. On the seventh lap event in Post's son's Protruck. Baldwin's transmission gave up, MacCachren did most of the and so he put the truck in re-driving, and although he moved verse and headed for the finish along steadily both days it was line. Now it was Gordon, clear that the Protruck was no Collins was up to second, then match for the Trophy Trucks. Stout, Smith and Adam House-He finished 14th on Saturday holder, in a Chevy, at the front and 9th on Sunday, for a com-of the pack. They held their po-bined finish of seventh, which is sitions, and finish ed that way. a whole lot easier to live with Baldwin got his seventh lap than a DNF or no-start would completed, but it was a 22 have been. It'll be interesting to minute lap , and although h e watch them work their way out tried to go out on another, com-of the slow beginning to their season. The Class 1 cars, 19 of them, made up the final event both day. This was another eight lap race. It took most of them be-tween seven and a half and eight an d a half minutes to get a lap done, and Harley Lerner put his Alph a C hevy into the lead on the first lap, even though he'd started 18th. Behind him Armin Schwa rz in a Jimco BMW an d Dale Ebberts in a Po rter C hevy were tied for third. In fourth it was John H erder in a Jimco Chevy, and Brian Parkhouse, another Jimco Chevy, was fifth. He was just 17 seconds behind the lead car. Kory Halopoff had some problem that gave him a 46 minute first lap, and John Harrah's new Jimco broke its transmission on the first lap. Letner continued to lead through the second lap, but now Ebberts was firmly in sec-ond, and Schwarz was third. Herder still ran fourth, in spite of an entertaining roll-over in the infield (he landed on his wheels), with Parkhouse fifth. On the third lap it was Letner, Ebberts, Schwarz, Parkhouse and Danny Anderson in Pat Dean's Bunderson Chevy. Herder had lost about four and a half minutes. Anderson and Dean had planned to share the driving at this event, but Dean had suffered a broken shoulder on New Year's Eve, and the doc-tors said he'd not be driving for four or five months, thus, Anderson did all the driving this weekend. On the fourth lap Ebberts re-corded the fast lap for this event, at 7:35, and moved into the lead. Now Letner was second, Schwarz third, Parkho use fourth and Anderson fifth. They kept the same order through the fifth lap, Continued on page 16 Home OI The Race Auto ~ ir 5 S' I "' • II. I • a = t a • 0 ... i a • • l1 I • = • t • t Race car I Pre Runner I sand car • I 818-998-2739 9763 VARIEL AVENUE, CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 March 2009 Page 13
u - # -.... • • #. • .,: •... ~!'• .. . . ...:.. ·.:-:; ~~~~,11111~ -~ > -liiilii~~-· .• . . . astErCraft®
.~~ .. ·•· .. •· .. ····.<.•·.··· .. ;··•· .. •·· -.'.";:; . . .. ·· =· Ronny and Rick Wilson flew their Chevy powered JIMCO to a Brian Wilson and Sammy Ehrenberg had to settle for a fourth fourth place finish in Class 1, they're seen here ready for landing. place finish in Class 1/21600, they're seen here flyin' home. Roger Norman drove his Ford F-150 to a fifth place finish in Trophy Truck at Laughlin, he did beat the helicopter. ===;;;;;;;;;; Enrique Bujunda drove his Porter-Chevy to a fifth place finish in Dave Caspino and Mike Malloy fin~shed in fifth place in 1/21600 Mario Gastelum gets ready for a hard landing, Marion was the the Class 1 battle, he's seen here just at takeoff. at Laughlin, seen here in their Lothringer. sixth place finisher in Class 1/21600. but on Lap 6 Parkhouse lost was barely moving for a while, and eventually he got past it, and ers ran slower laps on Sunday comes from Texas for this race, about eight and a half minutes trying to aim his one working around the final turn, through due to the increased roughness was fifth for the weekend. when he bicycled a turn and front wheel in a straight line, the checkered flag and got his of the course. The only other Parkhouse dropped to eighth, landed on the side of the car. He when Anderson came along. His third place finish. The audience one faster on Sunday was and only ten managed to finish needed help getting back on his crew had warned him that cheered enthusiastically. Then Letnet, pushing his car to try to both days. wheels, and fell way back. So it Schwarz was limping in ahead of Randy Wilson moved up to fin-make up for that flat. As always, the racing was en-was Ebberts, Letner, Schwarz him, but Anderson didn't know ish fourth, as Ebberts came into On Lap 5 it was Anderson, tertaining and exciting. These and Anderson at the front of the exactly where he was. He found view driving in reverse. The audi-then Ronny Wilson and desert racers display some amaz-pack, and that's how it went out as he cleared the jump. When ence couldn't believe their good Parkhouse on the same minute, ing skills, along with fierce com-through Lap 7 also. But every-he landed he bumped Schwarz, luck. Two hard-luck finishers in then Randy Wilson, and petitiveness and hard headed de-thing changed on the last lap. but, although it looked scary, it one race! Ebberts almost made it Bujanda. And they stayed in that termination. It's a terrific chance Schwarz broke a front arm didn't do any serious damage to look easy, but his lap time went order to the finish. Anderson for spectators to get some insight about a half mile from the finish either car. Anderson went from less than eight minutes to put together a first and a second into what off road racing is line, but continued to drive, the around him and took second, eleven and a half minutes, as he to get the weekend win for him-about. While it isn't very "off entire arm, wheel and tire drag-while Schwarz had all eyes glued finished in fifth place, after lead-self and Dean. Letner, with a win road", the cars don't now that, ging on the ground. It made it on him as he tried to get past the ing for four laps. and an eighth, was second for and they still must be driven wit~ hard for him to steer. Meanwhile, infield ambulance. H e got abut When they came back o n the weekend. Then Randy Wil- skill and precisio n to get the Ebberts lost all his forward gears, even with its midsectio n and Sunday there were only 16 of son earned third, Ronny Wilson driver to the finis h line. It was so he put the car in reverse and thumped into it. Then he had to them. John Herder, James Scott was fourth and Bujanda, who great fun to watch. SCIIE kept on driving, from abo ut a muscle the car into reverse, back and Brendan Gaughan had all mile out. Letner motored on with away from the.ambulance, aim his apparently d o n e irreparable no problems and took the win. left front wheel forward and gas damage to their cars on Satur-Anderson came in second an d it -thump, into the ambulance day. At the end of the first lap Schwarz, after entertaining the again. The combined weight of H arley Letner had the lead, with spectators (and earning their ad-that dead right front corner his cousin, Kory Halopoff in miration) by man-handling his pulled the car that way. The left second place. Ronny Wilson car around the infield in that con-front tire was just barely touch-had his Jimco in third, Schwarz dition, finished third. After kind ing ground. The ambulance was fourth, and Parkhouse was of lurching off the big jump, he rocked from repeated hits, but fifth. t:ransman Jadis & Maun, Kits • Sewre mo11nlln11 plafform for racecar, pre-runner or chass vshlcle • SetHatthing quiclNe/ease system locks the Jack to the chassis • Spring loaded quick-release mount secures the Jack handle • Flat base increase jack's footprint and prevents the Jack from sfnklnJJ In the sand or 1fll Spring loaded quld<·n!lene maullt B Tb11 lack 2118.1111 a "°" lack Kit atlO.BB 8 ftm lat:k 408.80 3 ftm lack llll 485.00 _#.·:~~ ,·l:1W!K~· ~ ~-,.,A-~---"··· Order on/111e or cal//619) 4./9-9728 <,,-"' Fout mo,e q11a/1tv products ,1/ our we/Js1/e: www.s/ew,1r/sr.1cewo1ks.com Page 16 But on the second lap both Halopoff and Schwarz fell out, and Parkhouse went into the lead as Letner flaFtened a rear tire, and since he was carrying no spare, had to limp to the hot pits on the flat. Anderson was sec-ond, Wilson third, a'nd then Dale Lenk was tied for fifth in h is Penhafl Chevy, with C huck Dempsey in Harrah's new car. On the third lap it was Ander-son, Parkhouse, Ronny W ilson, Randy Wilson and in fifth , Enrique Bujanda in his Porter C hevy. Dempsey was out. Begin-ning with this lap, and continu-in g t hrough t h e eigh t h lap, Harley Letner, his flat tire re-placed, ran the fastest lap time each lap, trying to make up the seven minutes he lost with that disaster, On Lap 4 it was Anderson , Parkho use, R onny Wilson , Randy Wilson and Bujanda. It was obvious · that the Wilson brothers were h aving a great time racing with each other, and their times were very close to Saturday's, or faster than Saturday's, whereas most oth-March 2009 Rory and Tracy Ward took the Sportsman Car win at Laughlin, seen here landing hard in their Chevy powered Chenowth. Gary Messer and Mike Simpson drove their Sportsman Truck Chevy to the class win, seen here with all the power on. Dusty Times
SCORE Laug1lin Desert ChallerVJe Class 1 Winner BITD BkJe Warer Casro Parker 425 Class 1500 \Mmer SCORE TT - leap . • Clas.5 7200 l ·"'~P <t, D ~,·''' ann,· Eric Ga: • Jon tk Justin 1*JCF ·. Ro
ln.Jc:?C: NTN RALLY OP WALES Loeb/Citroen Win 11 1n 2aaa BY MARTIN HOLMES PHOTOS: MAURICE SELDEN Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena let nothing slow them down as they head to the gold medal in their Citroen C4. · He made it 11! Sebastien Loeb went home from the Wales Rally GB with yet another record un-der his arm, his 11th win in the same world rally season. He put Wales Rally GB finally into his list of victories and his closest ri-val, Mikko Hirvonen took an-other record, the first driver to have scored drivers' points on every round of the season. But the talk was just as much about the weather and about Jari-Matti Latvala. Held later in a season than any world rally for nearly 30 years, ice, coupled with the mandatory use of wide studless tyres, caused the cancellation or shortening of stages. And Latvala held the lead for the majority of the rally, finally being overhauled by Loeb with two stages to go. "I reckoned it wasn't worth the risk. I had already suffered one embar-rassing last-moment retirement this year, I did not want to dis-grace myself any more". There was excitement everywhere and, it was almost easy to forget, Citroen regained the world manufacturers' title, Andreas Aigner unexpectedly won the PCWRC title and Guy Wilks re-tained his British championship. Final round of the 2008 World Rally Championship was essentially based in the now tra-ditional forests of South Wales but this year the first day would also take in stages in Mid-Wales. By using the FIA's concept of a Remote Service Park, which was ._~ www.Nlceri eclalon.com /1flltJl]I!li~l'f.mm ~Ci<Jt!1&311:il!@& *BL~CK* "' red & blue red & blue -6 st $5.99 ~-6 45$12.99 -8 st $6.99 -8 45 $13.99 -10 st $9A9 -10 45 $16.99 -12 st $10.99 -12 45 $21.84 20ft. Lenghts -6 20ft. $93.40 -820ft. $107.20 -10 20ft. $128.20 -12 20ft. $185.20 High Misalignment Adapters JMXT series Chromoly JMX8T $20.05 JMX10T $26.16 JMX12T $33.25 JMX14T $60. 78 JMX16T $76.10 red & blue -6 90 $12.99 -8 90 $14.99 -10 90 $15.99 ------1290 $21.84 Complete Line of New Hampshire Ball Bearings, Inc. Weld-in Bungs PRECISI H RACING PRODUCTS Ph 112'4~1-~375 2865 GUNDRY AVE. SIGNAL HILL1 CA 90755 Page 18 March 2009 Patrik Flodin and Goran Bergsten are a bit muddied as they drive to the PCWRC win in Wales, seen here in their Subaru lmpreza. at Builth Wells, it was now pos-sible for the rally to revisit famous stages such as Myherin and Hafren which had not been used on the British championship round since 2000. This was a move popular with spectators, but imposed a three hours tran-sit section immediately afrer the start of the rally, and a gap of almost 12 hours before the cars returned to the Swansea service Park. It also meant that the com-petitors had to face 128km of special stages with no formal ser-vicing at all, longer even and tougher than the record first day in Sweden this year. The rules of remote servicing allow only the replacement of parts which have been carried within the car, in ad-dition to changing tyres and re-fuelling. Full work on the cars on Friday therefore was only pos-sible before the 0600 restart or on arrival back to Swansea in the evening. Championships waiting to be settled in Wales included: (a) World Championship for manufacturers. BP Ford Abu Dhabi started the event 11 points behind Citroen Total, effectively meaning that Ford had not only to score maximum points, but also hope that Citroen would have a disaster, a tall order. (b) The Production Car Championship. Two drivers could be champion, Juho Hanninen and Andreas Aigner, advantage to the Finn. The Finn had scored on all his five previ-ous rounds and won three times. The Austrian had won three times as well, finished once out of the points and once retired. Six points lay between them. (c) The British Rally Champi-onship situation which was more tricky. Day l of the WRGB served as Round 6 of the series, Days 2 and 3 together served as the final round. The brothers Mark and David Higgins were tied at the top of the table, but there was a pos-sible challenger, Guy Wilks. Guy's challenge depended on the results of the previous championship round, held five weeks ago, from which he had provisionally been excluded on homologation grounds. An appeal against exclu-sion was heard the week before Wales Rally GB and Wilks won, so he suddenly became a strong challenger, his chances enhanced by the dropped-scores rule. But the race to the title was scrambled by the presence of three occa-sional BRC participants, Patrik Flodin, Juho Hanninen and Eyvind Brynildsen. These three were registered for the BRC se-ries and could therefore deny British resident drivers of much needed points. Eighty-six crews entered, 22 in World Rally Cars even though the Munchi's WRC team were not taking part, and 23 in the PCWRC division, in-cluding the Mitsubishi of Wilks. Two important entries did not appear, the Citroen C4 of Aava and the Group N Subaru of fel-low Estonia Martin Rauam, both citing financial problems. Two special attractions were the new JWRC champion Sebastien Ogier on his first rally in a C4 WRC and the appearance of world MotoGP champion Valentino Rossi in a Focus WRC run by M-Sport. Ogier had a very special car, chassis 17, a car which Loeb had rallied four times this year and won on every occasion. Rossi entered privately, but turned up in full Stobart livery. Only three Super 2000s were on the list (Sandall's Peugeot, Tarabus' Fiat and Stephenson's MG) and only four Group R cars, all C2 R2s. There had been crew changes as a result of Duval's accident in Ja-pan: he would now be co-drivel"\; by Denis Giraudet. Giraudet had been entered with Brynildsen who now took Glenn MacNeall, while Giraudet's erstwhile driver Spyros Pavlides was co-driven by Steve Lancaster. In addition to their two World Championship en-tries for Duval and Wilson, and Rossi's car in their colours, Stobart VK team had four other entries. In the PCWRC there was a sudden and unexpected change when Indonesian Rally winner Gaurav Gill was announced as the replacement driver in the Sidvin PCWRC team, replacing Naren Kumar. Rossi was given number 46, which by rights be-longs this year to the Motoring Club entry ofJari Ketomaa, who this time carried number 146 in-stead. There were several other swapped entries in the PCWRC, notably among the British cham-pionship challengers. The organisers nominated Guy Wilks and David Higgins as Guest en-tries, Mark Higgins drove the Subaru USA entry and Darren Gass the Orion entry. Rauam's entry was taken over by another Estonian, Egon Kaur. At the other end of the scale anoth~ driver was waiting to become a celebrity. 17 year old Tom Cave, graduate of the Junior Rallying Training Scheme, entered the WRGB in the hope that he would pass his street driving test before the event. He took the test nine days before the start -and hap-pily passed and was featured on BBC's early evening news head-lines! Another privateer had a special plan. Finnish driver Dusty Times 11
Jari-Matti Latvala and Mikka Anttila took second place honors at the Wales Rally, seen here in their Ford Focus. Finishing second in PCWRC, Andreas Aigner and Klaus Wicha were the 13th overall finishers in their Mitsubishi Lancer Eva IX. points. Fingers were crossed at Ford for another good result by their --drivers. If Ford lost either car during the event their cham-pionship chances would be gone, ·but Mikko Hirvonen stood on the edge of a possible record. No driver before had ever scored drivers' championship points on every round in a season, though Mikko scored Makes' points on every rally in 2007. In the hours before the rally started came in-dications about teams' plans. Subaru issued a press statement strongly refuting stories that Gronholm was going to drive for them, because Petter Solberg and Chris Atkinson were staying in the team. Good news there! Then Citroen assembled journalists to-gether to be told that stories of Loeb's defection to Peugeot were Tommi Luostarinen made an en-try but never planned to drive himself. The idea was that the opportunity to drive on the event would be a 50th birthday present for Heikki Westerlund. At his birthday party two weeks before the event, his friends made the an-nouncement and Westerlund was astonished and delighted! On the organisational side, the exit of Nazir Hoosein from his position of permanent Chief Steward meant that his deputy Waltraud Wunsch took over. Little technical stories are ex-pected from an event where tra-ditionally the components most hard stressed are the windscreen wipers! Ford managed to repair the car crashed by Duval in Ja-pan, and he was at the wheel of this car once more. Subaru's driv-ers had a horrendous problem on this event last year with eter-nal windscreen misting. "One of the problems with this event", explained Prodrive chief engineer Graham Moore, "are the angu-lar stones on the stages. These puncture the floorpans on the cars, so however waterproof are the bodyworks, you can't stop water coming in!". Heavy duty windscreen heaters and blowers were their solution. Cars coming to the WRGB had a variety of histories, the Citroens were last used in Germany, the official Subarus last used in Corsica, Hirvonen and Latvala's also from Japan, Al Qassimi's from Corsica and so on. The mid Wales stages could at-tract more adverse weather con-ditions than in recent years but cool and damp conditions were forecast. In addition to the Mid Wales stages, which had not been used on this event for many years, there were many other detailed route changes, in-fact only one venue (Stage 16/ 18) was exactly the same as before. The short "Walter's Arena" promotional stages run at night on Friday used stretches of stage used in daylight on Sunday, and they were there-fore run four times. Although in terms of numbers there were likely to be more stages run at night than last year, in terms of stage distance there would be less. This was the latest date the tradi-tional "RAC Rally" has been held and the world championship was due to end later than any year since 1980. The event was post-poned from the original FIA ap-proved date a few months ago, on account of unexpected non-availability of the Millennium sta-dium in Cardiff, the headquar-ters of the event and the venue for the Saturday night stadium stage. Dusty Times The race to the manufacturer) s' title was full of permutations. Basically Ford were hoping for a similar miracle to their good fortune in Japan. With Munchis not taking part, there was a greater chance that a driver running under SupeRally would score manufacturer's space entry form and mait With a cbeck1o catifornia Pre-Fun. 39067 Qrohard St, Chel'fY Valley, CA 92223 before March 2, 2009. Name __ ___,_...,...,,_. ______ Stree._ _____ "'k __ -. ____________ _ ,~ ·~· Move fn Saturday 12 p.m. March 7, unufshow opens at 6 a.m:on Sunday Maroh 8, ... ·- ~ _ _ _ add $5.00 late fee after 6 _a.m. on March 8. Booth space ~ailable day of show. ,. ;--·· · · · .-•~~ Reservations recommended but not reqmred. PRESENTED BY CURT LeDUC'S CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN for more information call Curt LeOuc {951) 845-8820 March 2009 Page 19
Avoiding Hirvonens accident, Daniel Sardo and Marc Marti went Down, but not out, Petter Solberg and Philip Mills recovered Henning Solberg and Cato Menkerud were out late in the rally, on to record a third overall finish in their Citroen C4. from the water and finished first off the podium in Wales. broken suspension, gee, we all wonder why. false and that Loeb and Sardo line, the smallest Wales Rally GB making." Just as he was speaking happy, however, "We did our pre-PCWRC drivers Loris Baldacci were happy to continue for one entry for five years, a late non-rain started to fall. Two minutes rally test in full snow!!!" Eamon and then Gurav Gill, while more season with Citroen, with starter being Darren Gass who later it started to hail. The Boland had a puncture and dam-Campedelli and Manfrinato got the hope of more to come. Then injured an arm when exercising. weather was so unfortunate, ex- aged the front suspension. Stage stuck in a water crossing and the biggest announcement came Day 1 acerbated by the one week post- 3 eventually was halted after a Aksakov had engine damage, a from Ford that contracts had 6 Stages, gravel, 49.7kms. ponement of date. Rally cars had spectator was injured by a flying hole in the block. Nasser Al been extended another year, un-The news from the camp was to drive the cancelled stages be-stone. Then came news that the Attiyah had a badly overheating til the end of 2009, and that getting worse Overnight the cause the alternative routes were Turkish Fiesta of Kuratoglu was engine, after suffering radiator there would be no driver changes ground at Hafren forest, due to reserved for controlled spectator involved in a serious head-on col-damage in the Sweet Lamb water there, either. The only ominous be the first stage, had stayed fro-traffic. Stage 1 would have been I is ion on the liaison section be-crossing. Arminda Araujo lost silence therefore came from zen and there was no option but fully ice, there was patchy ice on tween Stages 2 and 3. At the re-time stuck in the water crossing, Suzuki, who at least confirmed to cancel the stage, even in its al-Stage 2 and the shortened Stage mote service Ogier was 2. 7 sec-then went well off the road on they were making plans on an ready shortened form. Situations 3 was basically clear except for ands in front of 21 year old the liaison section after the end event-by-event basis in 2009. were bad enough and led to wor-some vicious ice patches near the Ostberg, with Latvala third. The of Stage 3, with his car semi-sub-Recce had been a nightmare. ries about the lack of alternative new end of the stage. afternoon brought more agonies merged in a river. Hanninen then Some snow and a lot of ice on tyre availability for 2009 in ral-The rally eventually started for the drivers. Rain had caused got stuck in a water crossing, the central Wales stages had made lies where extreme changes in con-with the front running drivers running water down the stage. blocking Aigner, and his season conditions treacherous, with the ditions were possible, like for the suffering badly and later drivers Loeb, "We were aqua-planing all was heading for misery. Arminen five time World Champion firstevent,Ireland.Clearlyifthe goingwell,headedbythenewsen-thetimeandwindscreenismist-was stuck for five minutes at a Sebastien Loeb being one of the tyres were studded, this would sation Sebastien Ogier, running ing up." Petter Solberg got to the water crossing. British champion-many whose race cars had gone have been a splendid winter rally, 13th car, whose time on the end of Stage 6 distraught, "Sud-ship driver Gwyndaf Evans had a nff the road. In the end all three but they weren't and a lot of vital 3.67km Sweet Lamb stage was an denly the whole windscreen was broken driveshaft and lost time stages were substantially short-safety issues had to be considered. amazing 5.1 seconds quicker than misted up." His teammate Chris in a water crossing. Eyvind ened, with just the sections of Driving first car on the road was anyone else, led by seventh run-Atkinson said, "I had to drive with Brynildsen retired. Good news stages which passed by the specta- a nightmare. First car driver ning Francois Duval! All the my window open to see out of the came from the hospital, confir-tor areas retained. Cars had to Sebastien Loeb: "I know there World Rally Cars reached the end car at all." The main disaster be-mation that Chris Atkinson had drive all the rest of the stage would be some ice somewhere, but of Stage 3, but everyone with fell Mikko Hirvonen who lost been released during the day with routes as a liaison section. In-I do not -know where! I am the some story or other to report. control leaving a water crossing no lasting damage except to the stead of the planned 123km of first to find out!" Second driver Barry Clark spun on the liaison and rolled his Focus on to its car. News of mechanical change stages, just 57km were to be com-Hirvonen: "The stages were com-section, at 4kph; Latvala reached roof, which was an awkward po- was never ending. N utahara re-petitive. It was damp underfoot pletely different from recce. the end of Stage 3 sideways; sition when spectators tried to tired after go,ing off the road and during the shakedown test, with There is ice and mud you do not Henning Solberg was struggling push him back again, getting stuck damaging his engine, Brynildsen Mikko Hirvonen fastest almost a know what to expect. It is easier with a gearbox problem; Conrad as he tried to carry on. This ef-got to the end of Stage 6 but he second in front of Petter Solberg. for later drivers They can see the Rautenbach had a slow puncture. fectively ended BP Ford's hopes then retired down the road to-A total of 78 cars crossed the start panic tyre marks which we are Second placed Ostberg was of retaining the Manufacturer's wards Stage 7 with a hole in the '1 Page 20 FSOR12SBE RACE READY PRODUCTS 103 PRESS LANE SUITE 4 CHULA VISTA,, CA 91910 (619) 691-9171 (866) 891-9171 TOLL FREE (619) 691-0803 FAX March 2009 title. Toni Gardemeister lost a lot side of his engine block. Prokop of time with windscreen misting had head gasket failure and re-up on top of a fluctuating hy-tired with no view to restart. draulic pressure. Duval spun near Hanninen's permanent exit the end of Stage 6. Ogier lost the meant that Aigner now had to lead when his engine stopped and finish third or higher in the then he lost third gear as well, PCWRC in order to take the title. down to seventh. Ostberg In the British championship, dropped down to fourth with Wilks won Round 6, taking a two misting problems, then a spin on point lead over David Higgins, an icy patch. whose efforts were thwarted by The strange day ended with Flodin. Hanninen and two runs through a sort public-Brynildsen had, of course, both ity section at Walker's Arena, retired during the day. where countless enthusiasts O'Mahony stopped in his Clio at waited in the rain and in the the water crossing on Stage 6. darkness which typified the tra- Day 2 ditions of RAC Rallies of. old. 6 Stages, gravel, 128.22kms. Atkinson had a heavy crash on More tales of ice! Stage 9 was the first time through the stage, the scene of the most extensive ice which destroyed his Impreza and on recce but it was to be run in caused him to be airlifted to hos- its entirety, which caused alarm pita!, at night, for observation for the top runners, especially though co-driver Stephane front running Latvala. Sardo Prevot was happily unhurt. The took a half minute off Latvala big uncertainty of the day had and jumped from sixth place up been the number of spare tyres to second, ahead of teammate to carry. In the WRC teams, only Loeb, who was running second Ford and Suzuki opted to use car on the road. "On the recce two, the others only one. Mark we took very careful notes of ex-Higgins made fastest time of the actly where the ice was lying, and PCWRC and the BRC drivers on by;and-large it was a perfect help Sweet Lamb and went off the when we did Stage 9", co-driver road on Myherin, giving the lead Marc Marti explained. Latvala to Guy Wilks who held this for lost some time with a puncture at the rest of the day despite a gear the end of the stage, but just man-linkage problem. Juho Hanninen aged to hold his lead over Sardo, lost a total of nearly three min-but on Stage 10 he pulled up to utes on the first two stages with a ten seconds ahead, this time of suspected broken driveshaft on Loeb. Petter Solberg held fourth, Stage 3, effectively ending his finding traction was lacking in the hopes of the Production Car conditions. In fifth was 21 'year title. Stage 3 saw a lot of cars off old Ostberg, who had some fuel the road, including other pump troubles. Andersson was in Dusty Times
Water and mud were everywhere, here we see Matthew Wilson Stay on the road. Simone Campedelli and Danilo Fappani managed a Mikko Hirvonen and Jarmo Lehtinen rolled their Ford Focus RS and Scott Martin going to a 9th overall in their Ford Focus RS. 42nd place finish in Wales, seen here in their Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX. but got back into action and managed an eighth overall finish. sixth place, "too cautious, using Patrik Flodin but then he of stages. Gardemeister went up alty was removed and his win-the Italian MotoGP champion, the left foot (brake)." Hirvonen dropped some time with a spin, a bank as well, Clark went side-ning margin became 12. 7 sec-when he finished 12th overall. was driving flat out despite still while Patrik Sandell started to ways into a rock, Focus WRC onds. It was a tense final loop There was a fight for the lead of lying 13th, five minutes behind make best times. "Today the privateer Weston went off for of stages. Loeb was unbeatable, the PCWRC when Sandell his leading teammate, but how-roads are much easier for the four minutes, Ogier was much and was unphased when he was made his challenge on the final ever much carnage had already S2000s". Aigner was playing the less sensational, "We discovered told wrongly he had been given day but the Peugeot driver had happened, the rally was still PCWRC game. Hanninen did yesterday just how suddenly you a ten second penalty. "I just had engine problems and stopped on young, less than half the competi-not restart Day 2 so therefore can go off the road in these con-to react like it was real," he said the final stage. This elevated tive distance had been covered. could score no points, meaning ditions!" Focus privateer Steve later. Latvala did his best, think-Andreas Aigner, who was al-Hirvonen said the conditions Aigner had to finish third or Perez found oil pressure was fall-ing all the time that New ready in line to win the PCWRC were tricky, "You had to watch higher in PCWRC on this event ing away. Loeb was in his ele-Zealand was the final time he title, in to second place. Guy out for the sun, as soon as the to be champion. The BRC/ ment and made fastest time on was prepared to throw every-Wilks was now up to third sun comes out the frozen surface, PCWRC competition led to every stage. It looked like he ac-thing away at the last minute. which was quite enough to give which normally has quite good strange situations. Flodin was a tively took the lead on the Finally, as Latvala put it "The him the British national title. Of grip, suddenly turns very slippery major threat to Wilks as he could penultimate stage but then he best man won, that I cannot the 25 PCWRC starters, only indeed." On Stage 11 deny Wilks much needed BRC was penalized ten seconds after deny!" Latvala's first season in ten were classified at the finish, Gardemeister had the power sud-points. Wilks in turn could deny a jump start report was re-a major team had come to an and of these only six completed denly disappear and then sud-Aigner much needed PCWRC ceived, but on the final stage he end. Henning Solberg was side-the full route. Seventeen year denly return, very disconcerting. points. Kaur retired just before made no mistake and won his lined on the penultimate stage old Tom Cave won the 1600cc Barry Clark went off four times the midday halt with trans mis-record 11th event of the season. when the suspension broke, but Group N class by a quarter of in the first three stages of the day. sion trouble. Flodin and Sandell Then after the finish the pen-there was happiness for Rossi, an hour. lJ\JeC: Matthew Wilson had a big mo-settled down at the head of the ment on Stage 9 which scared him field with Wilks battling with badly, and made his cautious. Aigner for third. Behind them Latvala held on to the lead Ketomaa was struggling, un-through the afternoon, albeit happy with the handling of his suffering one worrying moment N 14, in front of Czech driver when he slid into a guardrail, Jaromir Tarabos, quite a new which bounced his car back on name in the category, in his Fiat. to the track. He started the after-Tarabos rose to sixth when noon 8.9 seconds ahead of Loeb, Mirco Baldacci withdrew after the incident dropped his lead to Stage 12 with a transmission 2.4 seconds, but he immediately problem. Araujo had a misfire pulled out the lead to 10.8 sec-on Stage 14 and found a plug onds. Privateer Gareth Jones had broken. Pavlides drove all went off for five minutes on Stage afternoon with a strange steer-13, and Steve Perez went off as ing problem, but Aigner contin-well unfortunately baulking Rossi ued in the third place ne needed after getting back to the track. for the title. Had Wilks done Then on the same stage Ostberg enough to be declared British went off and stayed there. It was champion? It all depended on treacherous slush and ice, other whether Mark Higgins would de-drivers only avoiding an accident cide to drive the final day, un-through the warnings given by der SupeRally or not. Among marshals. In the heavy traffic go-the privateers Heikki Westerlund ing into Cardiff for the superspe-went off the road on Stage 12, cial stage, Latvala's car suffered the end of his surprise 50th clutch trouble. "I was really wor-birthday present drive on this ried but fortunately there was a event. In the N3 class 17 year old car park before the stadium stage, Tom Cave was leading fellow Fi-and water from the spray cooled esta drivers by a huge margin. the clutch. The launch control Meanwhile another cold night did not work however, so we lost was forecast, the days of ice were some time." not yet over. At the end of the day Latvala Day 3 was just 7.3 seconds in front. 4 Stages, gravel, 96.lkms. Seventeen cars restarted in A clear sky for the second PCWRC. Missing were Prokop, night running, meant it was still Nutahara and Brynildsen. Four going to be cold in the hills, just of the 17 did not survive the first under zero on Stages 16/ 18 and stage. Novikov and Arminen just over for 17/19. Conditions, both had engine failures, and however, albeit tricky, were not Mark Higgins and Al Attiyah so devastating as earlier, because were off the road. The next stage the temperatures were much saw retirement for Sousa (bro-more constant through the ken gearbox 50 metres after the stages. Latvala, running first car start), David Higgins (went off) on the road again, was unsure and Simone Campedelli (broken whether this was good or bad. rear right suspension). On Stage "I am sure some of the stages will 11 Kaur went missing. Wilks now become glazed for later runners. started having a crisis of objec-In some places the frozen gravel tive -PCWRC or BRC, and when made for very high levels of Day 2 started things started to grip." He had one hairy mo-go wrong for him. The safety cut-ment, "The marshals warned us off switch was damaged by a tree, about a place in the stage and he had a huge moment on a we still went up the bank, but downhill left-hander and then then so did Sebastien!" This was the turbo pipe was disconnected. the only moment of despair for Into the PCWRC lead went the two leaders in the first loop Dusty Times 64th Wales Rally GB 2008 Swansea-Cardiff (GB) 5/7.12.2008 WCR round 15, PCWRC round 8 WC points WR WO PC 1 (1) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena F/MC Citroen C4 WRC 738EGZ78 (Fl 2h.43m.09.6s. 10 10 2 (4) Jari-Matti LATVALA/Miikka Anttila FIN Ford Focus RS WRC EU07SUF (GB) 2h.43m.22.3s. 8 8 3 (2) Daniel SORDO/Marc Marti E Citroen C4 WRC 734EGZ78 (F) 2h.44m.30.2s. 6 6 4 (5) Petter SOLBERG/Philip Mills N/GB Subaru Impreza WRC 2WRC (GB) 2h.45m.09.2s. 5 5 5 (12) Per-Gunnar ANDERSSON/Jonas Andersson s Suzuki SX4 WRC LAX598 (H) 2h.47m.13.7s. 4 4 6 (7) Francois DUVAL/Denis Giraudet B/F Ford Focus RS WRC EU07SUV (GB) 2h.48m. 17 .4s. 3 3 7 (11) Toni GARDEMEISTER/Tomi Tuominen FIN Suzuki SX4 WRC LAX446 (H) 2h.48m.34.6s. 2 2 8 (3) Mikko HIRVONEN/Jarmo Lehtinen FIN Ford Focus RS WRC EU07SSZ (GB) 2h.48m.48.4s. 1 1 9 (8) Matthew WILSON/Scott Martin GB Ford Focus RS WRC lES (GB) 2h.51m.23.5s. 10 (20) Barry Clark/Paul Nagle GB/IRL Ford Focus RS WRC EU07SSX (GB) 2h.53m.02.7s. 11 (44) Patrik Flodin/Goran Bergsten PCWRC El90KB (199, ROS) . 2h.56m.Ol.3s. 12 (46) Valentino Rossi/Carlo cassina EU07SUO (GB) 2h.56m.30.0s. 13 (41) Andreas Aigner/Klaus Wicha Evo IX PCWRC KI-946BY (A) 2h.57m.43.4s. s I Subaru Impreza N14 10 Ford Focus RS WRC Mitsubishi Lancer 8 14 (60) Guy Wilks/Phil Pugh GB PCWRC WU56GWG (GB) 2h.58m.09.0s. Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX 6 15 (16) Conrad Rautenbach/David Senior ZW/GB 738DYN78 (F) 2h.58m.30.9s. 16 (19) Khalid Al Qassimi/Michael Orr UAE/GB EA07PXN (GB) 2h.58m.33.8s. 17 (146) Jari Ketomaa/Miika Teiskonen FIN PCWRC NM-MR533 (D) 3h.00m.48.2s. 18 (61) Gwyndaf Evans/Gareth Roberts GB Evo IX N MlMMC (GB) 3h.03m.12.8s. 21 (47) Jaromir Tarabus/Daniel Trunket CZ S2000 PCWRC 02R 0227 (CZ) 3h.08m.18.6s. 24 (37) Spyros Pavlides/Steve Lancaster CY/GB PCWRC OU08FLZ (GB) 3h. 2lm. 19 .3s. 26 (17) Sebastien Ogier/Julien Ingrassia WRC 883EHK78 (F)" 3h.22m.36.8s. (7) 27 (50) Armindo Araujo/Miguel Ramalho p Evo IX PCWRC DM298AN (I) 3h.24m.53.9s. (4) 29 (59) David Higgins/Ieuan Thomas GB PCWRC OU08EXA (GB) 3·n .28m.17.8s. (6) 31 (42) Bernardo Sousa/Jorge Carvalho p Evo IX PCWRC KI-961BV (A) 3h.30m.00.7s. (6) Citroen C4 WRC Ford Focus RS WRC Subaru Impreza Nl4 5 Mitsubishi Lancer Fiat Grande Punto 4 Subaru Impreza Nl4 3 F Citroen C4 Mitsubishi Lancer 2 Subaru Impreza Nl4 1 Mitsubishi Lancer 42 (49) Simone Campedelli/Danilo Fappani I Lancer Evo IX PCWRC CZ097YH (I) 3h.51m.56.ls. (11) Mitsubishi 78 (25 PCWRC) starters. 47 (10 PCWRC) finishers. +Group N winner. MANUFACTURERS' REGISTERED DRIVER. March 2009 Page 21
l~I SEASON FINALE Damschat Takes semi Pro Will Domschott took on 21 other drivers in the Semi-Pro heats and he was the big winner each time, seen here at speed. With an up and down start W9rks put together a great to the Verra season for 2008 haunted house that spooked the championship weekend went out with a bang and a "boo". With championships on the line in three classes as well as the overall Verra title still up for grabs, the racing was sure to be very furious. The pits were overflowing once again as a near record turnout of racers and spectators were on hand. The weekend started Satur-day night with a hosted bar-be-que by Verra promoter Wes Harbor and catered by Pig Feathers BBQ Company. Hayes Motorsports and J & J Racing provided pumpkins for a pump-kin-carving contest. Both young and old daunted elaborate cos-tumes for trick or treating camp to camp, pit to pit. Ev-eryone was able to fill their bags with candy. Bradley's Race too. _ At registration all partici-pants were given event T-shirts sponsored by Advanced Pow-der Coating's Guy Jessop. First race of the day was the 22 car field of Semi Pro's. Igor Palagin (78) in his AWD buggy took the holeshot in Moto 1. That thing is quick off the line with the all-wheel drive. But af-ter Lap 1 second in points Will Domschot (1223) was quickly in the lead to which he ex-tended it lap after lap without challenge. Battling for second was Palagin and Gaylord Rodeman (1037) with Jon Gur-ney (40), Bill Hermant (1091), and Michael Soto (1417). Palagin would drop out on Lap 3 moving everyone up a notch. Points leader J aklevick/ J ones (Sllx) were having clutch issues and were forced to run mid-pack early stuck in third gear. Hermant would get caught be-hind a lapper who had a flat tire and would lose control vio-lently rolling, landing upside down. He was righted and kept going finishing eight laps. On Lap 4 Gurney had caught up to Rodeman. James Allen (1018) had moved up to fourth followed closely by Soto, Roger Gray (33), Scott Harville (17), Bill Minteer (1025), Kevin Yoder (34) in his rock crawler buggy, Tony Bond (1007), Jim Carius (1033) and Jaklevick/ Jones. On this lap Soto and Minteer would get together cost-ing them each a lap before sort-ing it out. On Lap 6 Gurney was around Rodeman for sec-ond. Allen still i.n third with Carius up to fourth and Gray Rob Parsons had a pretty good time, he took the Class 1 win in both heats, he's seen here on his way to victory. to fifth. Domschot was out front still on cruise control to the checkered flag for the moto win. Coming to the checkers in second was Gurney with Rodeman giving chase, the two would tangle sending Rodeman onto his lid right in front of spectator hill just 100 feet from the finish line. He climbed out and took a bow. Finishing a now distant third was Carius followed by Jaklevick/Jones and Gray who were the remaining cars on the lead lap. Moto 2 was a "clean" but muddy start. Taking the lead into Lap 1 was Rodeman fol-lowed by John Baggett (661), Harville, Allen, Domschot, Gray, Jaklevick/Jones, Gurney, Hermant and Minteer. After two laps Rodeman and Baggett were tight running for the lead as were Domschot and Allen for third. On Lap 5 Domschot would make a smooth pass and go from third to first in one corner. Baggett was still in sec-ond, but _Rodeman now in third. Allen was running a strong fourth followed by Harville, Jaklevick/Jones (who were having tear off and over-heating issues) in sixth. On Lap 8 Domschot and Baggett were still running side-by-side for the lead. Baggett would have trans-mission issues on the last lap dropping him to fifth for the moto. At the checkers it was Domschot, Rodeman and Allen with a quarter lap lead over Harville and another half lap back to Baggett in fifth followed by Jaklevick/Jones and round-ing out the lead lap was Minteer. With a mixed up score sheet the overall for the day was Will Domschot 1st, Jaklevick/Jones 2nd, James Allen 3rd, Gaylord Rodeman 4th, Jon Gurney 5th, Bill Minteer 6th and Roger Gray 7th. The Bantam Quads were up next and taking the flag to flag win was #208 Jordan· Bender. Jason Pomeroy (5) was running second until his nerf bar came loose and eventually took out the chain on Lap 5 taking him out of the race. Working his way up from a bad start #9 Craig McCoy finished the Moto 2, followed by Cody Bennett (77), Casey Thiering (3) and Nick Magazu (267). Moto 2 was much the same with Bender out from with a quarter lap lead at the halfway mark. Cody Bennett had also a quarter lap over McCoy in third. At the checkers it was Bender, Bennett and McCoy . ..J And that's the way the overall for the day calculated out too. Class 10 Moto 1 had seven cars line up for the day calcu-lated out to start and Dennis Kordonowy (1020) and Patrick Timmons ( 1030) would touch wheels at speed sending Timmons barrel rolling at least ten times before coming to rest. This brought out a red flag Performance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding & Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks Quality Products & Friendly Service RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-0759 • www.ronco-plastics.com 15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX us to Receive a Free Catalog ~-------------------------------------------------------~ Page 22 March 2009 Dusty Times
I' It was a great Amateur Quad win for Mike Jasmann, he's seen In the Pro Quad contest, it was Ryan Stoffer taking the win in Tim Compton was the overall winner in the Pilot competition, he here with the power really on, headin' to that checkered flag. both heats, thus he took home the gold medal for the race. " 'Ion both heats and is seen here hustlin' to the checkers. and other cars that were in-second until his right front (769) off to the early lead cal problems on Lap 3. This moved James Fuhs (730) valved went to the hot pits for suspension broke slowing him ahead of a t ight battle for sec-Sherrill was able to get aroun d into third. Up front H ayos and inspection of thei r cars. to a lap down. Aaron Rupley o n d between John Ph illips Ph illips on Lap 3 and Phillips Sherrill would have a tigh t Timmons, who drives th e 25 (77x) finished Moto 2 in sec-(743), Tim Sherrill (724), K.C. eventually dropped out on Lap battle all th e way to th e check-year o ld car for Tom Spitler, onds. Keller (738), and John 5.Kellerwouldalsohaveissues ersevenwithlaptrafficinthe wouldgettowedofftothepits. InClass7,seventruckstook Manfroy (761). Manfroy slowing him and taking him waybutHayoi;heldonforthe The damage to the chassis, sus-the green flag with Patti H ayos would drop ou t with mechani-out of the running for second. Continued on next page pension, engine and trans would be unrepairable even in the of~season and they have decided to retire the car. At the restart Kordonowy got the jump followed by Tyler Mort (1222), Guy Jessop (1037x) and Forest Creasy (905) in his Class 9 car. Sam Berri (1049) was slow off the start running in fifth. The or-der stayed the same to the mid-way point with Kordonowy out front but slowing. He had a big lead over Mort who had a big lead over Berri who was now up to third after passing Jessop. On the last lap Kordonowy had a half lap lead over Mort buy Berri was gaining on Mort. At the checkers Kordonowy was the winner and Mort held off Berri for second. Fourth went to Jessop and Creasy was one lap back in fifth. In Moto 2 just four cars would make it out. Sam Berri pulled the holeshot and was given chase by Kordonowy. Kordonowy's moto would go south and drop out on Lap 2. By midway Berri had a half lap lead over Mort with Jessop close behind. At the finish Berri just cruised to the Moto and Over-all win with Mort squeaking out second over Jessop. Pro Quads, Amateur Quads and Pilots were up next. In the Pro Quad ranks Ryan Stoffer (43) motored around for the Moto 1 win. Brad Falin (104) entered and raced with a bro-ken arm to keep his points alive for the season. In Amateur Quads, Mike Jasmann (31) had a big lead over Kenny Pomeroy (55k) who was in a back and forth battle with Michael Krebs (11). At the finish it was Jasmann, Pomeroy then Krebs. In the Pilot class Tim Compton (8x) had a huge lead over sec-ond place Shawn Reed (90). In Moto 2, Pro Quad Stoffer was all alone in the Pro Quads as Falin dropped out completing just one lap. In Amateur Quad Jasmann crashed early and was forced to play catch up to Pomeroy. Jasmann mounted his quad a half a lap behind Pomeroy and made up the distance in just five laps to take the lead. Stoffer lay up to "play" with Jasmann for the final laps as they diced to the finish. In Pi-lots, Compton led all the laps despite getting a flat right front tire towards the end of the race. Reed was running Dusty Times March 2009 Page 23
Jordan Bender had no problems in the Bantam Quad races, he Rick Massie gave it everything he had, but had to settle for the Tim Sherrill finished in the second spot in both Class 7 heats, that took both heats, took the overall win, seen here nicely airborne. silver medal in Class 1 at the VORRA Season Finale. gave him the silver medal in class for the day. -,==;===============a........aaa========--a-n--.d"'Kc-a-;-;il'e-,V.--,,-ie....:.r_r_a'(,,;8:;;0:"'i3')'h_a_d,---\l Patty Hayos was the big winner in both Class 7 heats, seen here with the power really on and a clear track in front. Moto win over Sherrill, Fuhs and Keller. In Moto 2 Hayos, Sherrill and Keller were at it again fighting for the top spot as Joel Swanson (734), Fuhs and Phillips were fighting for Page 24 fourth. At half way Hayos and Sherrill were still neck and neck while Keller slowed with ignition problems. Hayos and Sherrill had big lead over Swanson and Fuhs as Phillips also was slowed. On Lap 5 Sam Berri was third in the first Class 10 heat, won the second heat going away and he was the Class 10 winner for the day. Fuhs would break a front spindle taking him out of the race. Hayos was still in the lead but her truck was smoking and she was just hoping to make it to the finish line. At the check-ers it was Hayos with a slim March 2009 margin over Sherrill with Swanson back in third. Over-all for the day was Hayos, Sherrill, Keller, Fuhs, Phillips then Swanson. Class 8 had,four trucks in a nice race. Bruce Fields (858) tight battle flag to flag with Eric Steiger (9) not too far back for third. Brian Carroll (805) debuted his new "older" Ford and was running in fourth. At the finish it was Fields, Vierra then Steiger with Carroll one lap back in fourth. Moto 2 had Vierra stall on the line and the pack was in Turn 1 before he got moving. Within two laps though Vierra was up to Fields battling for the win. Steiger was in third close enough to make a move should first or second falter. At the finish after ten laps, Fields held on to the Moto and Overall win over Vierra and Steiger. In Trophy Karts Colton Scudder (211) out powered his younger brother Blake (7) for both Moto wins. Their age dif-ference has Colton in the modified 450, while Blake is Dusty Times
Josh Machado took the second place spot in both Peewee Quad mot os, thus, second overall in Class, seen here nicely airborne. Tyler Mort took second place overall honors in Class 10, he was second in both heats, seen here with the ha -mer down. Kaile Vierra was relegated to a second place overall finish in Class 8, finishing second in both heats, seen here at speed. still in the slower truck Trophy Kart. Peewee Quads had 11 kids line up. Taking the lead was Shania Bennett (76) followed by Josh Machado (7), Logan Bailey (19) and Carley Bailey (8). Machado gets the award for not lifting, ever. That kid runs the whole lap full throttle. Carley Bailey gets the award for style points doing tricks off the jumps. But the award for Moto win goes to Bennett as she went flag to flag. Machado finished in second followed by Logan Bailey, Kyle Bailey (18) and Carley Bailey. Peewee Moto 2 was much the same with Bennett out front ahead of Machado, Logan Bailey and Kyle Bailey. At the finish of their quick five lap Moto it was Bennett, Machado, Kyle Bailey, Logan Bailey, and Carley Bailey. Overall for the day: Bennett, Machado, Kyle Bailey, Logan Bailey and Carley Bailey. Bruce Fields took the Class 8 win in both heats and thus won the gold medal for the class, seen here at speed. The gold medal in Peewee Quads went to Shania Bennett, she took the win in both heats, seen here on her way to the checkers. As a sign that the Overall points battle was close there were no Class 10 cars pulled double duty running Class 1 also. A rare sight any more at a Yorra race. There were seven full sized Class 1 cars with only one four-cylinder lined up for the race. Taking the holeshot was Rob Parsons ( 111) and Brad Falin (1572) with Steve Sullivan (118) close behind. Falin would spin on Lap 1 dropping him to sixth. On Lap 2 Sullivan would pass Parsons for the top spot followed by Ryan Sargent (1 43), the lone four-cylinder, Ryan Massie (124), Rick Massie (24) and Dave Morton (125). By Lap 3 Sargent was up to second drop-ping Parsons to third. Parsons would slip one more spot as Ryan Massie passed on Lap 4. Ryan Massie moved up to sec-ond getting around Sargent who eventually dropped out on Lap 6 with multiple suspen-sion failure. Don't count Par-sons out yet as he was fighting for the overall points title. He would be back up to second on Lap 7 then on the last lap at the checkers over the final jump would pass Sullivan for first. Moto 1 results were Par-sons, Sullivan, Ryan Massie, Rick Massie, Dave Morton and Brad Falin. Moto 2 had all seven Class 1 's line up. Dave Morton would go dead stick at the start breaking a transmission. Sullivan would take the holeshot but would spin in Turn 1 high centering on the tires breaking the rear suspen-sion. After one lap it was a four-way fight for the lead be-tween Parsons, Sargent, Ryan Massie and Rick Massie. Sargent would also break a rear suspension on Lap 3 tak-ing him out. By the midway point Parsons had a big lead over the Massies and they fought for second. At the fin-ish the ten lap finishers were Parsons, Rick Massie then Ryan Massie. Overall for the day: Parsons, Rick Massie, Ryan Massie and Brad Falin. Unique to Yorra racing is the Mechanics and Ladies race after the season is over. This is an opportunity for the me-chanics that wrench on the cars all year and the wives, girl-It was a third place overall finish for James· Allen in the Semi-Pro conflict, he's seen here at speed. Dusty Times friends, daughters or mothers to take a stab at racing. In the mechanics' race Den-nis Kordonowy was forced to start Rob Parsons' car facing the wrong direction as offi-cials thought it was too much of an advantage for a racer to be in this race. Rusty Wise ( 1049) was in the early lead in Sam Berri's car but spun out. That handed the lead to Chris "Larry Folsom" Oberg (1222) driving Tyler Mort's car. He and co-driver Tristan Butcher led all the way to the checkers. Taking second was Josh Atkinson in Guy Jessop's #1037. Third place went to Max Baggett (661) driving John Baggett's Semi Pro car #661. . Ladies race had Kristen Huger (33) take the holeshot in Roger Gray's car. At the start Karen Brown (1037) and Amy Bangs (124) would touch sending chills up spectator's spines. Working her way from a bad start was Shauna Timmons (1222) to take the lead by the end of one and eventually the win. Karen Brown finished second fol-lowed by Kristen Huger. After a long season up thrills and spills and ups and downs the Vorra series looks back at a very successful 2008. All the races that were sched-uled went off as planned on the dates planned. ~ l'lrad OI It 1111, vacation rentals available in the exclusive Indian Wells country Club in the sunny Palm Springs area of southern California. Two or three bedrooms, furnished for your complete relaxation, and, if you are a glutton for punishment, play golf on either of two beautiful courses. FYI, wireless internet and long distance phones calls (USA) included. starting at S4,500 in season (January thru April) or $2,300 per month out of season. Call (760) 34S-6124 March 2009 Page 25
~ DRW TECATE GRAN PRIX Rama/Ralllnsan Take 1aaa BY BYRLE MOORE 1t over entnes t e ran Prix has become the largest event on the CODE race schedule. As stated in other stories and the coverage I have written in the last several years, this race was inaugurated when "Fud" and all the people from CODE got together to stage an international race of sorts. In those early days the race was held in the United States one year and Baja California, Mexico the next. Upon the passing of the 'fudster', CODE took over and the race has been one of the six, these guys present every year on the Northern Baja. The race is set up so that cars and trucks take each other on, on Satur-day and a somewhat shorter version is covered by the bikes and quads on Sunday, with all participants gather-ing late in the afternoon, on Sunday, PHOTOS: FOTO-BAJA-MEX Armando and Allen Bravo took the gold medal in the Class 1 contest, they're seen here nicely airborne on their way to the checkers. they beat out 16 other cars in the 1600 class. to share and accept the various gold, silver and bronze awards and possi-bly a cervasas or two. It was a nice Class 10 win for Javier Robles Jr., he had 11 minutes in hand when he received the checkered flag. Again as usual the Saturday por- Class 1 in a Trophy Truck look alike tion of the race is a morning and af-and produced a time of 3:08:40 for ternoon affair. With two or three the silver. Charles Rudolph, a new laps run, depending on the class, in name in the CODE books ran the morning and two or three run in 3:28:31 for the bronze. the afternoon the times are com-In Class 10 Javier Robles, Jr. ran a bined and the winning times all come very quick 2:4 2:01 for first place and out of the computer. The results of won the overall title for this version the top three finishers follow sepa-of the Gran Prix. Right behind him rated by class. came Roger Merino in his # 1049 car Armando and Allen Bravo were finishing second with a time of the gold standard with their com- 2:53:33 and Rick Sanchez managed bined time of 3:07:81 for six 30 mile third but failed to finish the after-laos. J,ason McNeil has ro.oved uo. to The Barragans, Luis, Lws Jr. arid Alfredo took top honors in the Class 12 battle, seen here headin' for the checkered flag. noon portion. The Barragan boys Luis Senior and Junior, along with Alfredo went 2:59:50 for the win in Class 12. Hec-tor M., Hector P. and Gabriel A. Martinez, along with Ricardo Munoz had a time of 3:01:58 for the silver and Jesus de la Torre ran to third place with a time of 3: 14:03. Beny Canela and Denis Milner shared their day's journey with Rudy Aleman and were rewarded with gold for their times of 1:52:11 in the morning and backed up with a 1:28:27 for the Class 8 win and a time of 3:20:38. Elias Canchola and Beny Canela, Denis Milner and Rudy Aleman had a good race, they took the Class 8 win with ease, seen here just at takeoff. Alberto Gonzalez and Jonathan Quintero took the Class 7 win, bit it was close, they only had a minute and change in hand at the end. Hector Garcia gave it his all but had to settle for second place in Rodrigo Merino literally flew to a silver medal finish in Class 10, Hector, Hector, Gabriel and Ricardo gave it all they had in Class 12, they had to settle for a second place finish. 1600 this time, he led the first heat lost it in the second heat. seen here in flight in his good looking car. Page 26 March 2009 Dusty Times
I II Class 7S had Gabriel Ramos at the top of the podium, for the gold, with his time of3:37:53; the team of Alejandro Cancino and Carlos Mantilla went second with a time of 3:55:35 and Pedro Mercado III, who was also a dnf, was awarded third place for going the furthest. Some-thing about those afternoon runs? Hector Ortega and Dany Reyes ran a combined time of 3:51:37 for the Class 11 win. Luis A. Rodriguez closely followed them, just a little over a minute back, with a time of 3:52:59. Roberto Escobedo took the third spot with his time of 4:05:24. It was a nice win in Class 5-1600 for Julian Patron, he's seen here flying towards that elusive checkered flag. A nice Class 9 win went to Juan Mayoral, he had more than half an hour in hand when he took the checkered flag. The Sportsman Entourage is made up of six classes now that there is a Class 6 and a Rhino class. These guys only had to do two laps morn-ing and afternoon and their times reflect this fact. Ignacio Terriquez were second and Marie and John and Josh Westwood copped third with their combined time of 3:21: 17. Class 1/2-1600 was headed by the team of Roberto Roma and Cody Robinson with their winning time of 2:48: 10. Second spot went to Hec-tor Garcia piloting his #1602 car to a combined time of 2:49:58, just a little of a second back and Joe Laff ran 2:52:05 for third place honors. Alberto Gonzalez and Jonathan Quintero had a quick 2:55:02 to make it to the top of the podium in Class 7. Just four minutes back was a team made up of Elias Canchola, Jr., Feliciano Alderete and Francisco Gonzalez in with a time of 2:56:23 and another team consisting of Cesar Bellozo, Oscar Bellozo, Walter Padilla and Juan Leon who took the bronze with their morning and afternoon runs combined for a time of 3: 14:51. Class 5-1600 was headed by Dusty Times Julian Patron who finished the day for the win with a time of 3:16:35. Meanwhile the two man team of Os-car Galindo and Martin Garibay went3:19:10 for the second spot and the gold in Class 9, Trey Somers ran Roberto Rabago took the bronze in 3:47:09 for second and the team of with a time of 3:20:05. Alonso Jacques and Victor Arce were Juan Mayoral went 3: 18:07 for dnf, but were awarded third place. .-------------------------------. One starter in Class 6 and that was Joshua Morquecho who was Continued on next page Gabriel Ramos had 18 minutes in hand when he took the checkered flag in Class 7S, he's seen here flying his Toyota to the win. Hector Ortega and Dany Reyes took the Class 11 win, they beat 20 other cars in their class, seen here saving some tire wear. March 2009 TT8EAOLCCK SlMULATEO B,L. VW EAOLOCK Page 27
Trey Somers just wasn't fast enough, he finished in second place The Cancino/Mantilla Class 7S truck faired fairly well, they were in the Class 9 battle, he's seen here saving some tire wear. the second place finishers in class, seen here nicely airborne. Charles Rudolph was the bronze medal finisher in the Class Jesus De La Torre finished third in Class 12 at Tecate, he's seen contest, he's seen here just at takeoff in his very quick car. here grabbing lots of air on his way to the finish line. r===;;;aa;a======a:=======;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;====--==;;;;;::=---=--;-Luis Rodriguez had top settle for a second place finish in Class 11, he was 82 seconds in arrears at the checkers. Seen here nicely airborne, Roberto Rabago drove to a third place finish in Class 5/1600, he was just four minutes out of first place. unable to finish but was awarded gold for his efforts. Class 14 had only one driver make the entire trip a.m. and p.m. and that was the class point leader Jose Quintero in his 1400 four seater, in with a time of 3:04:34. Jose Martinez and Francisco Reynoso went further than Edgar Alvarez Jr. and Mildred Alvarez the former were awarded second place and the latter were awarded third or bronze. Jose Quintero was the only finisher in the Class 1400 contest, he's seen here flying nicely to the checkered flag. Favian Aros was the winner of the Class 15 contest, but, he had to share the honor, seen the next picture and caption. The same circumstance took place in the Class 15 ranks, where Favion Aros was the only driver who managed to finish both morn-ing and afternoon runs. His com-bined time of 3:01:21 placed him with gold in hand. Pete Williams and Gustavo Pinuelas Jr., went l: 16:45 on their morning try and were awarded second. Daniel Licon Pete Williams and Gustavo Pinuelas Jr. also shared the Class 15 win, both teams had identical times for the race. contest, They're seen here heading for the checkers. Dusty Times Richard Reeves, Jr. flew his good looking Ford to the win in Class 18, he's seen here flying his Ford to the Class win. out of the class win, seen here flyin' high. March 2009 took the bronze with his morning run of l: 18: 16. Two minutes is two minutes. Class 18 was headed by Richard Reeves Jr. with his time of3:23: 13, Kyle Bonamo went further and quicker than Ramon Gutierrez with an incomplete time of 3:05:06 while Guerrero was incomplete and a time of 3:50:06 and was awarded the bronze. The Safari Class's Heriberto Chavez, assisted by Victor Gasca went 3:40: 16 for the win. Javier Silva took the silver and Luis Lam carried home the bronze. There was only one entry, in the Rhino class and that is Taylor Mullen, who fin-ished his two runs with a time of 2: 19:29 and the win. So comes the reporting, what there is of it, of the fourth race of the CODE 2008 series. As is always the case, the fo lks from CODE would like to extend their heartfelt thanks to all who participated this time out. To all the drivers and teams, families and friends and fans, of all sorts, thank you. To the volunteers, who deal with the crowds and the checkpoints and the timing and the road crossings and all else, you know who you are and mucho gracious to all of you also. Next race is in October, hope to see many of you back down here then. In the meantime, see you some place on the Baja; via don Dios. ~ Page 29
GLl!N Hl!Ll!N BA.IA CUP Rich Vass Takes Class a BY STEVE RUDDICK PHOTOS: TRACKS/DE PHOTO Ron Carter and John Sprague, took the Class 10 win, they dedicate their win to Ronni Lou Carter, Ron's daughter, who passed away last July. It was a good day at the Glen for Jonathan Moreno, he took a nice Class 51 1600 win, he's seen here in flight. I'm here at the Glen Helen Raceway in Devore, CA for the 5th Annual Baja Cup Challenge -the final.points race of the 2008 Baja Pro Truck Series Rac-ing Season, held Saturday, De-cember 13, 2008. It isn't exactly your typical sunny 'Baja' IIDPllao weather because it's raining. Racers and fans alike were greeted by thick overcast skies and a course that was wet, sloppy and slippery. I'm glad I brought my rain gear and boots. The winds are gusting too, mak-ing for chilly temps and less-El CliPD tha n-hosp i-table condi-tions for both specta-tors and rac-e rs. 'Tear-offs' were a popular item at the vendor's booths on Contingency Row. The inches of rain that fell, how-7fle8albNINe. .. .-.1112 425N ......... l#e. 111M2 ..... . ever, did not dampen the spirits of the spectators or the 60+ off road race teams that came out to race. The var-ied terrain of &condldo Temecula 2WAuioPadiWiiy 2t801 Jdereon --.. 780.741.3193 H1.32e.2880 Page 30 Elc,ntro 2211 llentl Cent. Dr 7IOM4.901t Glen Helen Raceway and the 3+ mile long course [especially laid out for desert cars] provided the racers with a challenging course suitable for all types of cars -and an excit-ing spec ta tor venue. The 5th Annual Baja Cup Challenge kicked off at 10:00 a.m. when Ivan Stewart's Baja PRO Trucks began the first of the three races scheduled for the event . The PRO Trucks headed out onto the course, rac-ing with a two hour time limit and the requirement to perform one pit stop which must include changing at least one tire and taking o n 10 ga llons of gas. The second race began at 1:00 p.m. and included SCORE classes 1/ 2-1600, TT, Class 1, Class 8, Class 10 and all other classes. In this heat two pit stops were required with a minimum of one tire change. The third and final race of the day began in near darkness, when Trophy Karts and Rhinos (Side-by-Sides) took over the course. The course was designed to simulate 'Baja' racing condi-tions -straight-aways. and curves and twists and tur·ns every which-a-way. Steep uphills and blind at the crest and ... Lt made for some exciting racing and ac-tion, for su.re; under slippery conditions. There certainly was a lot of air-born dirt clods fly-ing about -some sizeable chunks too. It translated into thrills and spills and action for every-body. A couple of racers how-ever, got poked in the eye pretty good with a mud pie; one re-quired a trip to the ER -ouch! Several racers were fresh from the 2008 Baja 1000, and prepped to go some more. Even Ivan 'The Iron Man' Stewart was there. Ivan didn't race, but you could sure see his fingers 'itch-ing'. The final race for the Baja Protruck Championship Series turned out to be a great race -right down to the end. A two hour endurance race with one mandatory pit stop. This race March 2009 Sean Backus was the big winner in the Class 1/2-1600 Class, seen here nicely airborne at Glen Helen Raceway. Larry Roese/er flies high, wide and handsome in his pickup as he heads to the Class 1450 win at the 5th Annual Baja Cup Challenge. would decide how the final points standings for the Baja Protruck Championship Series for the year would play out. Jason Voss, who clinched the Baja Protruck Championship prior to the start of the race, led every lap at Glen Helen - ex-cept for two. The only other truck that led a lap was last year's winner -Rich Voss (Jason's father). Jason Voss had a flat tire in #235 just prior to the white flag [signaling one more lap]. "We got off to a good start. It was slippery and we played it safe until about half-way through the race. We were leading the whole race when we got a flat on the last lap", Voss said -which allowed Rich Voss and Aaron Guthrie to get around him on the final lap. Rich Voss was able to stay in._ the lead in #237 from there and take the Baja Cup Challenge win Brent Fletcher had a really great day, he beat out seven other Class entrants to take the win, seen here saving tire wear. Hector Garcia was the only entrant in Class 12 but that didn't slow him down, he literally flew his car to the checkers. Dusty Times
for the second year in a row. Second place went to Aaron Guthrie in the AG Racing Protruck #232, who stayed con-sistently in the third spot from midway through the race. Guthrie, from Yucca Valley, CA is new to the Baja Protruck Se-ries this year and looks forward to a full season of racing in 2009. "We went a little off course and got smashed up at the start. This is my fourth race, so I'm the new rookie. We don't have any sponsors, no radio, and our family is the pit crew", Guthrie said. "It was slippery and slick and even worse in some spots, but we had good times an d st ill finished in Second Place today", Guthrie added. Third place for the day would end up going to Jason Voss who dominated the race pretty much from the start. J a-son had a very successful season and has proven to be one of the best Baja Protruck drivers in its 13 year history. Congratula-tions Jason and the entire Voss Motorsports Team for winning the 2008 Baja Protruck cham-pionship! Fourth place in the race went to Rob Reinertson and co-driver Mike Salimbeni in #234. Reinertson was about a half lap down after the first lap. "We got off course and stuck on Lap 1", Reinertson said, "and that cost us five minutes to get back on track. The truck ran flawless, and we've still got fenders". Reinertson battled back to take fourth, respectively. Jason and co-driver/brother Jeff Horsley moved up in the field through-out the entire race to take fifth in Protruck #277; from Salt Lake City, UT. "This was our first race on a short course", noted Horsley. "Our radio was out, so we had no intercom ei-ther. Our helmet shields fogged up, so we had to race with our visors up. We dropped it on its side on Lap 6, and it was an ab-solute riot!" Horsley's fifth place finish would give him the much needed points to tie for third place in the Baja Protruck champion-ship with Dave Mason who fin-ished seventh in the race. A tie-breaker would be needed to de-termine who would take the third place spot in the champi-onship. This would be deter-mined by looking at the bonus points races first to see who had the best finishes between the two. Both would have two -fourth place finishes. Still tied after that, the tie-breaker needed to move onto the single points races for a decision. Horsley with two First Place fin-ishes would then take third place in the championship and Mason would take fourth in the championship. Both Horsley and Mason have been strong competitors the entire 2008 sea-son. With Championship points and the season finishing posi-tion at stake, driver Dave Ma-son with co-rider Mark Moffat, raced their truck hard and fast, running in second with their sights focused on the lead car and getting their truck to the front of the pack. But the win was not to be theirs that day as one of the rear-end gears broke. The team hustled, changing the rear end in a record time of 22 minutes, just short of the neces-Dusty Times A good race for Darren San Angelo, ho drove his Desert Lite car to the Class win, he's seen here in beautiful, level flight. The Class 5 win went to Todd Stemmerman, he's seen here driving his kinda plain wrap VW to the win. sary time to complete the race. season. Fifth place in the race They came away with a disap-went to Rob C louser who has pointing finish to a hard fought been consistent all season long. C louser's fifth place finish at Glen Helen would secure second place in the Baja Protruck cham-- = - - -©~~. -~~ - -. -GiEJ .. ~'i1E:i:il 0 March 2009 pionship. T he final results for the 2008 Continued on next page Page 31
Barry Karakas drove his good looking Toyota Truck to the Class 7 win, seen here with all the rear suspension hanging out. A good day for Johnny Walker at the Glen, he drove and flew his neat looking Ford Pickup to the Class 7S win. Class 5 in #503. Second went to Richard Dormack from Riv-erside, CA in #536. In Class 1/ 2-1600 Sean Backus of Valley Center, CA won first in #1665; and Billy McCool from Canyon Country, CA won second in #329. In Class 5/1600 Jonathan and Chris Moreno of Hesperia, CA won first in #588. "It was a good race", said the Moreno brothers. :It was back and forth and a battle till the end. We lost third gear about halfway through the race. The course was tough and the holes got bigger and deeper every lap." Guy Savedra came from Las Ve-gas, NV to win second in the A.R.T.S. Racing #555. Third went to Donald "XYZ' Harper from Palmdale, CA in the AGS Racing car #599. David Reyes almost needs oxygen up there as he flies his Superlite to the Class win at the Glen, seen here way up in the air. Rich Voss was the Pro Truck Class winner, he beat seven other trucks for his win, he's seen here in his Ford pickup. Barry Karokos from Oak Hills, CA won first in Class 7 in #7211. Second was Doug Chadwick in #77 5 from San Clemente, CA. Aaron Gomez from Fallbrook, CA took third i n #701. Johnny Walker was the sole winner in Class 7s in #746. Walker had to re-place the alternator and bat-tery on his way to the check-ered flag. In the Stock Mini Class, Larry Gross from Capistrano Beach, CA won first in a Toyota in #1245. Steve Marsee from Rancho Cucamonga, CA won second in class in #1287. Finishers in the Class 300 Desert Lites in-cluded -First: #3020 Darren Baja Cup Challenge are: 1. Rich Voss (Ford); 2. Aaron Guthrie (Ford); 3. Jason Voss (Ford); 4. Rob Reinertson (Ford); 5. Ja-son Hawley (Chevy); 6. Rob Clouser (Dodge); 7. Dave Ma-son (Ford); 8. Ryan Staats (Ford). The final (Top Ten) stand-ings for the 2008 Baja Protruck Championship Series are: 1. Ja-son Voss; 2. Rob Clouser; 3. Ja-son Horsley; 4. Dave Mason; 5. Ryan Staats; 6. Rob Reinertson; 7. Aaron Guthrie; 8. Ken Losch; 9. Bill Drigg; 10. Rich Voss. The afternoon race included the more typical open-desert ve-hicles in 11 different classes: 1, 10, 12, 5, 7, 7s, 1450, 1/2-1600, 5/16, 3000 and Stock Mini. In this heat, two pit stops were required with a minimum of one tire change. Attrition and carnage asada took its toll on many along the way. Class 1 included eight finishers, as fol-lows: First: #69 Brent Fletcher, Thousand Oaks, CA. Second: # 151 Matt McBride, Brea, CA. Third: #1521 Buddy Feldkamp, Redlands, CA. Fourth: #1564 John Koltura, Yorba Linda, CA. Fifth: #1567 Mike Biley, Tustin, CA. Sixth: # 1546 Steve Raskett. Seventh: # 10 Sergio Nunez, Riv-erside, CA. Eighth: # 11 Phil Carter. The finishers in Class 10 in-cluded -First: #1019 Ron Carter and Ray Suzow. Second: # 1013 Marcos Reyes, National City. Third: # 1045 David Zetterlung, Brea, CA. Fourth: # 1021 Spencer McBride, Brea, CA. Fifth: # 1377 Richard Nichols, Orange, CA. Hector Garcia was the sole finisher and First Place winner in Class 12 in # 1206. Todd "Stumpy" Stemmerman from San Diego, CA won first in TOP OFFROAD RACERS ARE SWITCHING TO "11l llAIIIIAl11 They knowthatthe cheapestspeed in a racecaris a great brak system. Let us fix your s,pongy pedal and poorbraking performance. We are th& only brake companythatcan give you the same pedal at mile 1000that you had at mile 1. BETTER BY: IDJ11J1111lilln-ll11tlmi111111111. A zero drag brake system is the most co.st effectivewayto improve handling and performance. Stop wasting money & horsepower with ineffective dragging brakes. That's why these top cars switched. Page 32 WILSON•s CLASS 1 BUGGY NOW AVAILABLE THROUGH OUR OFFROAD OISTRlBUTOR. CALL M<:KENZIE'S 714-441-1212 FOR MORE INFORMATION OR CALL THESRAKEMANAT 805-987~STOP(7867} March 2009 Alan Ryan ran his Ford pickup as hard and fast as he could, but, he had to settle for the bronze medal in Class 1450. Buddy Feldkamp was a contender in his Chenowth but the best he could do this day was take home the bronze medal. Jason Horsley came down from Utah for the Cup Race, he ended up finishing third in Pro Truck in his Chevrolet. Dusty Times
San Angelo, Gardena, CA. Second: #3019 Jeremy McGrath (yes, "the" Jeremy McGrath), Encinitas, CA. Third: #3028 Gary Jones. Fourth: #31 Mike Johnson. Fifth: #3018 Karl Scanlon, Menifee, CA. Sixth: #ll Mike Lanphere, Orange, CA. CLASS 1450 saw plenty of ac-tion with 13 finishers: 1st: #88 Larry Roeseler. 2nd: #1457 J.J. Hanson. 3rd: # 1481 Alan Ryan 4th: #1488 Sean Keteksieger -FD Huntington Beach, CA. 5th: #1422 Nick Tonelli. 6th: #729 Ryan Tovar. 7th: #1414 Jonathan Libby. 8th: #1445 Kyle Caso. 9th: #750 Jason Robinson. 10th: #1489 Brent Veenstra. 11th: #1461 Rick Johnson. 12th: #1413 Robert Ander-son. 13th: Loppnow. #1473 Dustin The third and final race of the day began in near darkness, when Trophy Karts and Rhinos (Side-by-Sides) took over the course, and a whole bunch of racers showed up for the fun. The final results: Pilot: 1st: #22 Andy Hill. 2nd: # 17 Steve Nelson. FTO Superlites: 1st: #77 David Reyes. 2nd: #18 Don Thomason . Trophy Kart Stock: 1st: #234 Zachery Hunt. 2nd: #216 Hunter Stewart. 3rd: #007 Trevor Doherty. 4th: #297 Macinzie Keegal. 5th: #10 Chad Graham. 6th: #422 Joshua Baker. 7th: #241 Greg Atherton. 8th: #28 Christopher Ander-son. 9th: #08 Brooke Kawell. Trophy Kart Modified: 1st: #565 Dave Mason, Jr. ·2nd: #577 David Reyes, Jr. 3rd. #507 Trenton Briley. 4th: #516 Rafael Navarro. Trophy Lites: 1st: #6017 Gary Messer. 2nd: #6069 Rand Blacker. 3rd: #6061 Louis Chamberland. Tom Clark was the gold medal winner at Glen Helen in the Rhino Division, he's seen here flying his way to the finish line. Zachery Hunt was the big winner in the Stock Trophy Kart, he bested eight other drivers to take the gold medal. 4th: #6099 Mike Jenkins. 5th: #6024 Mitch Mathers. 6th: #6084 Bruce Finchum. 7th: #6065 Matt Armstrong. 8th: #6028 David Scaroni. 9th: #6027 Matt Scaroni. 10th: #6056 Logan Knecht. 11th: #6033 Pete Sohreu. 12th: #6011 Vance Smith. Rhino: 1st: #18 Tom Clark .. 2nd: #1934 Tracey Greiger. 3rd: #65 Steve Blaniss. 4th: #420 Geo Guessy. 5th: #64 Mike Cimmarusti. 6th: #627 Mike Beeb. 7th: #1770 M ike Van Newkirk. 8th: #1922 C had Edwards. And that's the way it was at the G len H elen Raceway in Devore, Ca for the 5th Annual Baja Cup Challenge -December 13, 2008. It was wet and slick and slippery. The course was "Aweso'me!". It was described as "bumpy" ... "tough" ... "ham-mered" ... "big rocks" ... "chal-lenging" ... "fun" ... and "scary-blind drop offs". I think the overall consensus was: "The whole race was a blast!".~ AT RIGHT: Billy McCool certainly wanted the Class 1/2-1600 win at the Glen, he had to settle for a silver medal this time. There were only two entrants in Stock Mini but you couldn't tell in from here, Larry Gross hustled his Toyota to the Class win. A lot of fun for Gary Messer, he flew his Trophy Lite to the Class win, he's seen here setting a new record for altitude. JJ Hanson drove his step side Chevy to a second place finish in the Guy Savedra took a decent second place finish in the Class 5-Class 1450 fracas, he's seen here at one of many, many landings. 1600 contest, he's seen here headin' for the checkered flag. Matt McBride ran his four seater in the Class 1 race and he pulled out a nice second place finish, seen.Here at liftoff. Not too bad a race for Marcos Reyes, he was the second place Aaron Guthrie's truck is a bit besmirched with muck, Aaron finisher in the Class 10 battle, seen here nicely airborne. drove to a second place finish in the ProTruck categor,y. Dusty Times . March 2009 Randy Blacker ran hard in the Trophy Lite Division, he ended up with the silver medal, he's seen here in his Chevy. Page 33
~ BUD LIGHT DASH Rob Archlbald overall BY ]UDY SMITH PHOTOS: TRACKSIDE PHOTO Carlos Albanez was the only Class 5 car entered, had troubles on his first lap but he carried on and finished first in class. on old Highway 8, between Seeley and Ocotillo. The area is an of-ficial Off Highway Vehicle area, very popular with San Diego off roaders. (which is like Class 1 in SCORE events), but also Trophy Trucks and a couple of Protrucks. They all run together here, so there aren't a bunch of two and three car classes. There were 15 of these very fast vehicles. Bob Archibald made it look easy, he took Class many landings. 1 honors and was first over all as well, he's seen here just at one of For this weekend, as always on the New Year's holiday, the area was packed with campers and their off road toys. But appar-ently most of the campers knew there was a race and they were able to contain the urge to play racer until most of the racing was finished. The day actually started with a couple of Trophy Kart events, divided according to age groups. Fourteen of them put on a good show, waking up the late sleepers and getting com-petitive juices flowing. The Main Event totaled 135 starters, some leaving the start line one-at-a-time at 30 second intervals and some going two-at-a-time at 30 second intervals. They managed to send off the final entrant just a minute and 20 seconds before the first vehicle completed its first lap. Excellent timing, but no chance for the scoring team to take a break or get a cup of cof-fee. On the first lap Andy McMillin had his Trophy Truck in the lead, with the fast lap of the day for all classes, at 46: 19. He was about three and a half minutes in front of Charles Lathren. In third it was Mark McMillin in a Jimco, and fourth was Rob Archibald in his Jimco. Ed Zeller ran fifth in his Chevy powered PRD chassis. Three cars went out on that lap, including Jason Jernigan who lost his transmission. PLASTER CITY WEST, CA: Rob Archibald put together a good run with some good luck and drove his Jimco to the over-all victory at Plaster City. This was the final event in their Superstition Series, taking place on New Year's Eve, and truly closing out the year as well as the racing season. Typically, the weather was mild, with sunny skies, temps in the low ?Os dur-ing the day and brisk overnight temperatures. It was just right for all those toasty campfires alongside the long pit row. For the past six or seven years someone has undertaken to sweeten the pot for one of the ' limited classes at this race, and this year it was the 5-1600s. By devoting endless hours to phone calls and emails, Todd Cunningham put together a package that made it very attrac-tive to race in the 5-1600 class. As a result there were 28 of them entered in this event. The MDR folks guaranteed to add $2000 to the purse if the total of cars in the class went over 20, which it did. In addition, he had extra contingency awards from nearly all the vendors and manufactur-ers that might apply to 5-1600 cars. A few were custom tailored to this event, such as a $300 cash award for the team with the fast There were 17 entered in Class 5/1600, Steve Patton put them all behind him as he ran to a really nice victory. It was a good race for Cliff Zucker, he drove his pickup to the class win, he's seen here just at takeoff. Page 34 lap; a set of body panels to the car with the best finish that suf-fered body damage in the race; and photos of the car in the event. In addition, there was a "side bet" of $100 per entry, all of which would be paid to the winning team. So the payoff would be quite wonderful -like a late Christmas gift. Other classes were eligible for bonuses also, if their entry was big enough. This meant there was a $ 1000 bonus for Class 100 and the 1/2-1600 group. The course was a 45 mile long octopus shape that wandered in and out from a central point just north of Plaster City, which is The first group off the line included not only the Class 100 Aaron Celiceo Was the gold medal winner in the Class 700 contest, he's seen here irl his great looking truck at speed. David Bryan, with son Kyle aboard was the Class 8 winner, he's seen here driving his Ford pickup to the checkered flag. March 2009 Andy McMillin had another quick lap and held onto the lead on Lap 2, with Lathren still in second place. Archibald had moved up to third, and Mark McMillin had stopped for a driver change (so he and his daughter Macy, could get out) and put Brian Ewalt in for the final three laps. They were now fourth and trying hard to catc.h Archibald. Zeller was still fifth. Andy McMillin never got the third lap completed. A bolt on his valve cover broke, and since it was down inside somewhere, there was no way to make repairs on course. Archibald took over the lead, with Ewalt/ McMillin in second, only two and a half min-utes back. In third it was Zeller, and Charles Rudolph was fourth. Archibald ran his best lap on Lap 4, and took the win by three minutes and 42 seconds. He even rolled over on that last lap and landed on his roof. There were some helpful spectators nearby, who got him back on his wheels quickly. Archibald, who's done some CORR racing in the last year, said the short course expe-rience helped him learn to use a turning brake. In this race, how-ever, he lost his rear brakes at the end of the second lap, so had some problems with the turns. He also lost his roof on the third lap (it was loose when he started, though he didn't notice it). In second it was Ewalt and McMillin, who'd both had a re-curring problem with the car shutting off whenever they'd come down hard on the brakes. They were 12 minutes up on third place. That was Ed Zeller and his co-driver, Rodney Smith. Zeller, who started, rolled on the first lap, but landed on his wheels. Smith had no problems at all. They were a minute and eight seconds ahead of the next Continued on next page Dusty Times
It was a good race for Soren Megling, beating the other Class 9 cars, seen here hopping across the desert. car and were also the season points winner in Class 2100. Fourth place went to Charles Rudolph, who didn't stop to talk. In fifth it was Brian Coneen, 21 minutes later, and he also failed to stop. Sixth place belonged to Jeff and J.T. Holmes and Mark Landersman, in their truck. It's a Best In The Desert Class 7200 unlimited mini-truck, and they were there to do some testing and suspension work. They stopped The Class 10 win went to Tom Bjorstrom, he's seen here on his way to victory at Plaster City, avoiding the videographer. every lap and changed drivers of-is Andy's sister, drove all four ten, and finished a little less than laps. She had a front flat that three minutes behind fifth. happened right near where her In seventh it was Jessica brother was broken, so he McMillin. She was driving a changed it for her, and he also Protruck borrowed from the reattached a loose fuel line that Gary Magness team. Jessica, who was spewing gas. He worried that if he didn't she wouldn't finish. She had another front flat on the fourth lap, but no serious mechanical trouble. In eighth it was Steve Appleton, in a Jimco, who had a broken shock bolt and rolled over on the first lap, which cost him about ten minutes. A spec-tator helped him get righted. He was about 13 minutes behind seventh place. Ninth place went to Jeff Stowers in a Trophy Truck. His throttle stuck wide open on the first lap and he lost an hour with repairs. Then, still on the first lap, he rolled over, but landed on his wheels. He then played "catch up" the rest of the day. He was the final fin-isher in the class. In Class 1000 {like Class 10 in SCORE rules) there were just three entries. Rod McCain dropped out on the first lap, and Tom Bjorstrom went into the lead. Gunnar Peterson was only 35 seconds behind him in second .-----------------------,----. Mark McMillin was just a touch off the winning pace in Class 1, he It was a close one for Miguel Rosales in Class 5/ 1600, he was took second place honors, he was three and a half minutes in arrears. the silver medal winner, just 25 seconds out of the class win. John (JC) Andrews gave it his all this race but he had to settle for a second place finish in Class 700, he's seen here at speed. PRTSnTSD RRSHDt:KSt:004 1st Ov81.'WU IIDR Dunaway Dash, December 31, mos Conpa1Dlad.ons ·Rob Alddbald With 170+ Entries Bob Archibald Wins It All With One 3" Shock Per Wheel! Page 36 March 2009 Dusty Times
place in his AlumiCraft. On the second lap Bjorstrom recorded the fast time for the class, but he couldn't shake Peterson, who ran only ten seconds slower. They were neck and neck for the re-maining two laps, but Bjorstrom stayed in front, and took the win. Peterson was second, and he'd somehow earned a 15 minute penalty. In actual time, he finished only a minute and 46 seconds behind Bjorstrom, after four laps. Peterson was the sea-son points winner in Clas-s 2000. Class 800 started next with three trucks, one of them the brand new Ford of David Bryan and his son Kyle. At the end of the first lap Robert Wagner, The always hard fought Class 11 win went to Ryan Haugley, he 13 minutes Ford, had the lead with a very on his nearest competitor when he took the checkered flag. fast 52-46, the best time for the the class. He was also the season start. This group had 26 entries, class all day. Second place be-points winner. and lots of talent. At the end of longed to Jody Mason, in an-Class 12 started next, with six the first lap the lead belonged to other Ford, and the Bryans ran buggies. Chris Cortez went into Steven Eugenio in his Lothringer. third, having tossed their belts. the lead with the fast lap for the He had 37 seconds on Andy De They were really here for a "test class, at 57:24. In second it was Vercelly. Then there was a tie for drive" this time, and were being Jason Gregory, only two minutes fourth between Joe Laff in a conservative, hoping to finish. back. Michael Proctor ran third, Chenowth and Caleb Sanden. On the second lap the lead was another eight minutes down. They were five seconds in front in Mason's hands as Wagner On the second lap Cortez of Cody Robinson and he had failed to come around again. But broke a stub axle and had to wait three seconds on Daniel Mason never showed up for the for someone to bring him parts. McMillin. third lap, and the Bryans went Gregory went into the lead, but On the second lap Eugenio on sedately to take the win. Proctor was close behind him. continued to lead, and now he Bryan said that "just finishing is Cortez lost about 45 minutes had just under two minutes on a feat". He'd been getting about with the repair, and dropped to Sanden who'd moved up to sec-four hours of sleep a night, try-fourth, or last. ond place. Eugenio's second lap, ing to get ready for the race. He On the third lap Cortez had at 56.57, was the fast time for described the course as "very the best time, and moved him-the class for all laps. In third it technical", and said he enjoyed self up to third. Gregory still led was De Vercelly, 26 seconds it. Wagner was the season points and Proctor was second, only later, and Robinson ran fourth winner in the class. nine minutes behind him. Cortez 48 seconds further back. In fifth Class 700 started next, with was a long way back. it was Laff another 38 seconds three entries. At the end of the On the fourth lap Cortez later, and Quentin Tucker was first lap Chris Taylor had the pushed hard again, and was once sixth in his Curry, about 47 sec-lead in his Ford, at 1:01:24, with again the fastest car in the class. onds later. From first through 58 seconds on Jason Rodriguez Gregory also had a good lap, sixth the span was just four min-in another Ford. Aaron Celiceo however, and hung onto his lead utes and 38 seconds. was third about six minutes to take the victory. He'd had no Eugenio continued to lead back. problems, except that his front through the third lap, and now Taylor continued to lead skid pan folded back, and he had Sanden was second, about two through Lap 2, but Rodriguez to get some spectators to help re-minutes and 25 seconds back. In fell out. Celiceo hung in there in move it. Cortez moved up to fin-third it was Robinson, another second place. On the third lap ish second, 31 minutes back, and two and a half minutes down, Taylor recorded the fast lap for that was good enough to give him and Tucker was fourth a minute the class at 59:28, and had built the season points. In third it was and a h half behind him. Laff a good lead by then. But he Proctor, only a minute and four didn't finish the lap, and De didn't make it through the seconds behind Cortez, and Vercelly had done a driver fourth lap. Celiceo went on to Jerome Cutter finished fourth. change, and put Lori Pfankuch take the win, the only finisher in The 1600 class was next to (Adam's wife) into the car, and ...-----------------_,,,..,.,, ....... _ _,,..,.........,,,...... ..... --, Jason Gregory took the Class 1200 win with more than half an hour to spare, he's seen here just at touchdown. she ran fifth. Eugenio led through the last lap, and finished in front. But he was given a 30 minute pen-alty, for two on-course infrac-tions (apparently passing within a no-passing zone was one), and that cost him the win. Robinson finished second, eight minutes behind Eugenio and Tucker was third, another two minutes back. But both of them earned 15 minute penalties, and that changed the results of the race drastically. Ultimately, Rick Boyer, who'd run a steady pace in his brand new car, took the win in the time of 4:14:19. Robinson, who'd been second, was still sec-ond, with an official time of 4: 14:35 (including his penalty), and only 12 seconds in front of the third place Ryan Mattox who drove all the way in his Carroll. He said he had an "uneventful" race, beyond overshooting "a few turns." In fourth it was the de-moted Tucker, and just 13 sec-onds later, De Vercelly and Pfankuch, with a very nice fifth place. Sixth went to Bryan Meyers and in seventh it was Luke McMillin, who had a clean day. He said, "I didn't roll it." At the finish he discovered that his spring plate was being held on with only one bolt. Eugenio was eighth when his penalty was added in. All together 20 of them got to the finish line, the last one being Ramsey El Wardani and Andy Anderson who had a bellacious day, in-cluding spark plug wires that fell off, a broken rear trailing arm, a broken exhaust and a run-in with a spectator in a play car on the course, that rolled the race car over. Their time was 7:37:22. The season points championship went to Tucker, and Luke McMillin was second. The un-lucky team of El Wardani and Anderson were third in points. There was only one Class 5 car, but Carlos Albanez drove all his four laps in the time of 6:42:12, his best lap time at 1: 11 :07 coming on the second lap. He earned a win for his record, and the season points championship. Class 1300, the Sportsman Unlimited class, started next, with four entries. They had to do only three laps. On the first lap the lead belonged to Daniel Powroznik, with a time of 1:15:47. He had about five and a half minutes on second place Steven Hall, who was five min-utes up on Adam and Anthony McCollum. Jose Luis Sanchez didn't get his first lap completed. On the second lap Powroznik disappeared and so did Hall. That left the McCollum broth-ers to run around by themselves. Continued on next a e Mark Culver's laps got longer and longer as the race wore on, he It was tough for Gunnar Peterson, he collected a penalty along A second place finish in Class 11 went to Timmy Sletten, he's did take a second place finish in the Class 9 contest. the way, still finished second in the Class 10 battle. seen here pouring on the coal and heading for the checkers. Chris Cortez had a good thing goinr; 'ti/ trouble struck on the Adam McCollum had it all to himself in the Sportsman race, they second lap, he managed to take a second place finish at the flag. all didn't start or finish, leaving it all to him. Dusty Times March 2009 Cody Robinson led Class 1/2-1600 all the way but a time penalty dropped him to a second place finish, 16 seconds out of the win. Page 37
Steve Looney beat out 28 opponents in the Pro Pre-Runner competition, he's seen here flying his Ford to the finish line. They had flat tires on the first and second laps, but other than that their nice 2210cc air-cooled Baja Bug had no problems and they emerged from their race with a win and the season points championship. -Next to start were the Class 725 trucks, with three entries, required to complete four laps. Cliff Zucker had the first lap lead, with the fast time for the class at 1:09:42. Behind him it was Jack Doherty, only four minutes back, and another four minutes later, Rodd Fantelli, who probably has done more miles in this part of the desert than any of the other entrants in the race. On the second lap Zucker continued to lead, now with about 12 minutes o n second place, and Fantelli had moved up to within a minute or so of second. Zucker lost some time on his third lap, but so did Andrews and his co-driver, Jack Doherty. They lost a driveshaft and they also had a flat. But they didn't feel bad about that, because they ran the whole season on the same set of tires. Fantelli still ran third. On the last lap Zucker, who'd had a fuel pump issue, also had the steering column pull off the shaft. He lost about 35 minutes making repairs, and then went on to take the win. Doherety and Andrew ran another good lap, and finished about nine minutes behind him. In third it was Fantelli, who had a two and a half hour last lap, thanks to a broken spindle. Andrews and Doherty won the season points championship for Class 725. The 5-1600 cars were next to take off. There were 28 of them, and this group went off the line two at a time. Only three of them failed to make it through the first lap, and in the lead it was Eric Deen who'd recorded the fast lap for the class at 1:04:58. He was about two and a half minutes ahead of Edmundo Fernandez, who was nine seconds ahead of Tim Lawrence. In fourth it was Cody Agee, not quite a minute further back, and then Dennis Sletten Rick Boyer was the Class 1/2-1600 winner, he outraced 26 contenders for the Class win, seen here f/yin' to home. ran fifth, eight seconds later. were now up to fourth, another Sixth belonged to Mario and minute and four seconds back, Francisco Reynoso, 22 seconds and Jason Lakin had taken over further back. It was hard to for Lawrence, and ran fifth. guess who might be in front at Deen, after. three beautiful the end. Four minutes and two laps, had a fourth lap of two seconds separated first place hours and 14 minutes. He'd from sixth place. stopped to fix his clutch at the Four more teams became start of the lap, and then the DNFs on the second lap, and right side rear torsion bar broke Deen still had the lead. He had when he was partway through two minutes and 35 seconds on his final lap. He drove in over Lawrence now, and Lawrence 30 miles with the broken bar. was a little over three minutes At the finish it was Dennis ahead of Sletten· and Patton. Sletten and Steve Patton in first Agee ran fourth, the Reynosos place. The two shared the driv-were fifth and Fernandez had ing evenly, and had no problems dropped to sixth after losing with their car. This was only the about six minutes on that lap fifth race on this car, so it's with a broken spark plug wire. fairly new. Patton got lost for a Another 5/16 driver, whose car bit at a point where they'd made was broken, gave him a new a course change, but other than wire. that they had a clean race, and On the third lap only one took the win by 25 seconds. In more car fell out, and that was second it was Fernandez, who Danny Ledezma, who "popped drove all the way. He had no out a spark plug." At the end of more problems after that bro-the lap the lead still belonged ken plug wire. This was his first to Deen, who had a minute and race in this area; normally he 45 seconds on both the Sletten/ races the SCORE and CODE Patton car and Fernandez. events, and is part of the season Ruben and Daniel Gutierrez championship SCORE team. He -----------------------------------------was a minute and two seconds The Most Sought After Fue, in Off-Road Racing Today! Ask your engine builder about the increased horsepower, torque and cooler operating temperatures offered by VP's Late Model Plus, C12, VP113 and other great fuels. Then you'll know why champions in each of these series choose VP Racing Fuels. VP Racing is the Official Fuel and/or Contingency Sponsor of: ~lmu'C:B~ RACING ASSOCIATION ~ONSHIP ~-RAClll SCIIE INTERNATIONAL: OFF-ROAO .. RACING lVi.O .. 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(It was good to see his dad, Steve, who was spec-tating at this event.) In fifth it was Mario and Francisco Reynoso, brothers, racing here for the first time. They said they lost their power steering twice. Sixth place was Dave Simpson who drove all four laps. He had "zero trouble no flats -nothing -but was a little low on horsepower." His time was 4:50:35, five minutes behind fifth, and 14 minutes ahead of seventh. That was Ri-chard Glaszozak, who didn't stop to talk. Along with his nice seventh place finish, he'd earned the points championship in the 5/1600 class. In eighth it was Jorge Perez, and in ninth it was Cody Agee, who'd been fourth early on. He lost a half hour on his third lap, and that dropped him to the ninth place finish. The tenth place finishers were Shaun Dunbar, who started, and Dave Collier. The car is over 20 years old, and has no power steering and no micro-stubs. Dunbar got a nail in a tire (someone's been burning pallets) and had a flat, five and a half miles into the race, and they were running no spare to.save weight. But they had "a bunch of pit guys" spotted around the course, and it didn't take long to get a new tire on the car. Their time was 5:35:47, almost exactly an hour behind the winning car. In 11th place it was Eric Garcia in 5:36:33. And 12th place was earned by Adolfo Aguilar, Jr., who didn't stop to talk. Thirteenth went to Kris Schulz in the time of 5:59:45, and in 14th it was Eric Deen, his car completely sagged down on the right rear corner. His time was 6:08:36. The 15th place finisher was Travis Reese, and 16th was Frank Cortez. This team was so happy to finally be finished that they started throwing beer at the car, the driver and each other. (We avoid beer-throwers, be-cause if it hits the notebook, all our notes about the race get washed away.) The final finisher placed 17th. That was Greg Horr, who had a bent spring plate. His time was 6:42:07. He'd had a long day. The next class to start was Class 1450, a Sportsman Truck class, with 29 starters. Some of these trucks looked like refugees from a salvage yard, and oth-ers were beautiful, with nice. paint jobs and undented body panels. This class had to do only three laps. At the end of the first lap the lead belonged to Mike Ballard in Steve Looney's Ford. He had seven minutes and 42 seconds on second place Travis Bartlett in another Ford. In third it was Sean Julian, still another Ford. Fourth place, less than a minute later, was held by Tyler Wheeler, and in fifth it was Nicolette Dunn in her Ford with a Chevy motor. On the second lap Ballard re-corded the class fast lap at 57:03, to solidify his lead. Now Bartlett was 17 minutes back in second place, and Wheeler moved up to third, about three and a half minutes further. Dunn was fourth, less than a minute behind him, and Adam Filbin was now fifth, almost five minutes behind her. Ballard moved into the pas-senger seat and Looney drove the final part of the third lap, but the driver change didn't cost them much, and Looney and Ballard took the win. They had no flats and said their day had been "all good." Dunn, who'd never raced h here before, drove all three laps and finished sec-ond. She didn't get a chance of pre-run the course, but de-scribed it as "nice." In third it was Bartlett, who drove all three laps. He rolled his truck at Mile 36 on the last lap, but there were nearby spectators who helped and he lost only about five minutes. His truck had been Dusty Times 7
smoking when he finished, and he'd gone straight to his pit to see what was wrong, but it proved to be oil on the exhaust, just cosmetic" he said. He had no flats and called it a "great race." He finished fourth in the season points. ln fourth place it was Julian, who finished a little less than ten minutes behind third place, but didn't stop to talk. Fifth was Filbin, about a minute and a half later. Sixth place went to Bill Isenhouer, another 15 seconds back and that earned him sec-ond place in the season points standings. Corey Mendoza finished sev-enth , about three and a half minutes later, and in eighth it was Eric Reynolds, 20 minutes later. Ninth place went to Mark Slater in a Toyota. Patrick Sutalo was tenth in his Ford, and said it was the "best drivin' ever". Then he thought about it a bit, and went on to say, "it wash hard." He was 17 minutes behind ninth. Many of the late finishing trucks just headed for their pits. One who stopped was Sean Caviness, in a Toyota. This was his first race as a d river. His day started on a good note when he passed tech. The tech guy told him that he was the first first-time racer he'd ever seen who passed tech the first try. During the race he blew two ignition fuses, and fixed them with wire. He'd thought it was only a two lap race, so he ran out of gas on the third lap A crew member went out and refu-eled him. David Wert finished 18th in his Ford, and it was the first race for him and his truck. He broke his front suspension, bent the steering and it over-heated in the sand wash. But he finished. All together, 20 of the 29 starters got to the finish line. There was just o·ne Class 300 car, and it was driven by Kevin Sullivan, who was unable to fin-ish his first lap. In Class 900 there were five starters, and they were expected to complete three laps. Jeremy Willey had the fast time on the first lap, at 1:21:51, to take the lead. Soren Megling, in a 1995 Chenowth, was second, abou t 43 seconds behind him. And in third it was Mark Culver, in his 1971 Raceco. He was concentrat-ing on getting to the finish, be-cause ifhe did, he'd win the sea-son points. He was about 11 minutes back. On the second lap Megling's co-driver, 16 year old Schuyler Schoonmaker, driving in a race for the first time, still had the car in front. Culver held second. Megling' s second co-driver, Chris Hancock, drove the third lap, and he brought the car to the finish line for the win. But Culver made it around also. He said it was "so soft out there." He also remarked that there were "a lot of people on the course -non-racers." Culver got second place, and he also got the season points championship in Class 900. There was one Class 1200 ve-hicle entered, with Kyle Milligan at the wheel. He did two laps, his fast time being 1:38:15, and went into the record books with a win, which gave him the season points win also. Class 1100 attracted six en-tries for this event, but only five of them got through the first lap. Chris Green didn't make it. Ruben Espinoza had the lead, but he was only 15 seconds in front of Ryan Haugley, who ran second. Juan Zamarripa was third, another 34 seconds back. It was fun to watch as they com-pleted their fi rst lap in a bunch. Espinoza lost first gear, which was a handicap, and Haugley moved up to take over the lead. When he finished his second lap the flag man waved a checkered flag, but Haugley didn't stop, be-cause he "knew" it was a three lap event and he went to his pit and put Ryan Haugley in for the last lap. This wasn't the only team to believe it was a three lap race for the class. It seems that at the driv-ers' meeting that morning several of them had heard that state-ment -and some had panicked. They had fuel for only two laps. They hustled around borrowing and buying the additional fuel they needed, and then went and started the race. But, either the speaker had misspoken, or all those folks had misunderstood ,---------------,,.,. Nicolette Dunn had a pretty good day, consistentlap times and a nice second place finish in the Pro Pre-runner class. something, and as it turned out, only two laps were required for the class. So Ryan Haugley ran a lap that wasn't needed. It made no difference, because the team had won the race, but it worried them that they hadn't pulled in after the checkered flag. As it turned out, they won by 13 min-utes, and had no mechanical trouble at all (not even on the unnecessary third lap). Second place went to Richard and Tim Sletten. Their fuel pump had cracked, and they came closes to running out of gas, but made it in. They said they didn't get stuck. In third it was Zamarripa, about 24 m inutes down. He'd lost second gear on the second lap, and finished the race with only first and third. He said, "That messed us up badly." This was his first race at Plaster City; he usually races the CODE se-ries. Fourth place went to Espinoza, who had a four hour and 42 minute long second lap. That's an example of real deter-mination! There was one UTV, driven by Taylor Mullen. His fast lap was 1:28:40 and he did his re-quired two laps in 3:01:53. Maybe more of the side-by-sides will come out for next season. It was a great day of racing, with some really close competi-tion as usual, and some dramatic finishes. The MOR Superstition series is planning a six race series again in 2009, and the culmina-tion will be the New Year's Eve Dash once again. ~ Eddie Zeller was the bronze medal finisher in the Class 1 contest, Ruben Gutierrez Jr. was the third place finisher in the Class 5/1600 It was a third place finish in Class 1200 for Michael Proctor, he was just one minute behind the second place car. he finished 15 minutes behind the class leader. fracas, he was a mere mi9nute and a half out of the class win. Travis Bartlett took home a third place finish in the Pro Pre-Runner It was a third place finish in Class 1/2-1600 for Ryan Mattox, he Class, he was just a minute and a half out of a second place finish. was only 28 seconds behind the class leader at the flag. Sean Julian finished first off the podium in the Pro Pre-Runner Class, he's seen here just at one of many landings during the race. Quentin Tucker was the first finisher off the podium in the Class 1/2- A fifth place finish in Pro Pre-Runner went to Adam Fi/bin, he's Andy Devercel/y had to settle for a fifth place finish in the Class 1600 race, he was only two and a half minutes out of the class win. seen here landing at high speed in his good looking truck. 1/2-1600 battle, he's seen here at speed headin' for the checkers. Dusty Times March 2009 Page 39
@aD RACE READY 275 Ramirez/Valenzuela Take l■DD BY BYRLE MOORE PHOTOS: FOTO-BAJA-MEX Throwing lots of dirt the Salazar/Gutierrez truck was the big winner in the Class 1 battle, seen here heading to the gold. The Rahuel Ramirez/Javi Valenzuela duo took home the gold medal in the Class speed headin' for the checkers. 1/2-1600 race, they're seen here at If the weather is too chilly in the northern Baja the first week of De-cember, you can always pack up and head a couple of hundred miles south to San Felipe. Go to the beach, find some Fish Tacos and Cerveza and the end of the line or the finish line for CODE's last race of the 2008 season. He also finished in first place for the for second and another three man Clase Motos Pro win. Chris and team made up of Adriana Anguis, Colie Potter were about 20 minutes Roberto Navarro and Juan M. The Lopez/Ramirez/Aguilera truck took the win in the Class 8 contest, they had 11 minutes on their competition at the flag. On the first weekend in Decem-ber 43 bikes and quads and 79 cars and trucks did just exactly that. The 129 entry size group took what could be called the difficult route, while chase teams and friends and families probably stayed on or some-where near the black top for the trip down. Francisco Septien got under way just after 6:30 a.m. and some four hours later hit the black and white just north of the arches in San Felipe. back for second and Joel Leal fin- Pinuelas finished with an 11:53:48 cate it. I have taken the liberty of ished in third, about 45 minutes for the bronze. Clase Quad Sports-rounding all the finish times off to back. Christian Serna and Michelle man had 18 starters and all but four the hours and minutes since I have Valenzuela headed Clase Motos finished with times. Leading the pack misplaced my abaca and as can be Sport with a finishing time of was the three man team of Samuel seen some classes finished at almost 11:02:47, a three man team made Garcia, David Corbani and Stefano the same time. That's what 275 miles up of Paul Lopez, Andy Padulo and Caputo who ran an 11:29:49 for means, dirt and rocks and broken Mike Stein were second with a time the gold. Benjamin Lopez Jr., Ben- stuff and pit stops, flat tires, missed of 11:11:28 and Alberto Ruiz and jamin Lopez Sr. and Jesus Munguia turns. The checkered flag and the Alfredo Osorino were just two min- teamed up for the silver with a time podium await those who are able to utes back with an 11:13:11 for third. of 11:34: 16 and another father and do the most stuff right. Lots of lucky elevens there weren't son team consisting of Gilberto In December the final CODE set, there? Ramirez Sr. and Jr. along with there were four Class 1 starters and Quad Pro had a three man team Gerardo Higareda took the bronze all four finished. Hector Salazar and made up of Gary Gonzalez, Angel with a time of 11:50:45. Cesar Gutierrez led the way in class Morfin and Mike Free and they fin- Cars, trucks and buggies, Pros and finished in four hours and 32 ished first with their time of and Sportsman everyone ran the minutesforthegold.Justeightmin-11:24:37. Roberto Ruiz and Fran- same distance green to black and utes back in their 103 car was the cisco Espinoza were in at 11:36:32 white and the reported times indi- team made up of Carlos and Daniel ...-------------------------. Ibarra in with a four hour and 40 minute silver finish. Javier Robles and Alex Zozaya made up the bronze finishers with a time of five hours and one minute and just two minutes off that third place time, with a five hour and two minute run was a team made up of Armando, Allen and Cesar Bravo. Close is as close does. , • Class 8 fielded six entries but only four started and all four of them finished. In fact, the overall winner for this version of the Race Ready 27 5 came from this class. A three man team made up of Juan Carlos Lopez, Jaime Ramirez and Arturo Aguilera, in the 800 truck, ran a very quick, 3:32 for the 8 class win and Elias Canchola and Ignacio Terriquez ran hard all day but had to Luis Martinez, with help from Rios and Gomez were the silver Jaime Medina, with Jaime Jr. and Julian Ramirez drove the Ford settle for second place in Class 8, seen here at speed. medal finishers in Class ½-1600, seen here with the power on. Pickup to a second place finish in the Class 7 contest. It was a second place finish in Class 5-1600 for the Cortez/Rodriguez/ Reyes/Rivera and Valenzuela had a decent race, they were second It was a second place finish in Class 14 for the Jose and Caralina Quintero Lopez trio, they're seen here in their good lookin' Baja Bug. in the Class 9 race, seen here heading for the finish line. wfth help from Noe Raigosa, seen here in their good lookin' car. Page 40 March 2009 Dusty Times
the overall check and trophy. Just 11 minutes back was the team of Elias Canchola and Ignacio Terriquez in the 802 truck with a time of three hours and 53 minutes for second in class and second over-all. The 805 truck piloted by Josh Westwood, Ted Gomez and John Tripp took the third spot on the podium with their finishing time of four hours and 13 minutes. This 8 truck was also in the top four for race overall in the Pro ranks. Rick Sanchez and Humberto Arce were the other finishers in with a five hour and 15 minute time. Clase 10 had three entries, two hit the green and one of them made it all the way down to San Felipe. That finisher and eventual class win-ner was the 1001 car, with a four man team made up of Rick Sanchez, Oscar Munoz, Paul Scott and Marco Munoz, their time was five hours and 15 minutes. Ivan Rubio, Angelica Hernandez and Alonso Carrillo only made it to Checkpoint 2 and Javier Robles, Jr. either didn't start or never made it to Check 1. Four Class 12 participants and only one of them had a finishing time. That was the 1202 team made up of Hector Martinez, Gabriel Martinez and Hector Paolo, in with a five hour and 13 minute first place time. Jesus De La Torre, Jorge Sanez and Antonio Carrillo only made it past Checkpoint 3 in the 1237 car and the four man team of Miguel Mexia, Mario Flores, Efrain Vargas and Fernando Flores only saw the CODE persons at Check 1. Three Barrigans, Luis, Luis Jr. and Alfredo were not listed as starting; either that, or they never made it to the first checkpoint. Nine entrants in Class 1-2/1600, six of them made the entire journey south. First in class and also the third place overall finisher, was the 1605 car driven by Rahuel Ramirez and Javi Valenzuela, their time down to the fish tacos and Cerveza and check-ered flag was four hours and 11 minutes. The 1603 car made up of The Sanchez/Scott/Munoz/Munoz took home all the marbles in the Class 10 contest, seen here at high speed. Kenedy Valencia and Enrique Caballero were the only entrant in Class 5 but they sped around the course for the win. a three man team consisting of Luis two man team was made up of Martinez, Antonio Rios and Omar Kenedy Valencia and Enrique Ca-Gomez and their silver winning time ballero and it took them five hours was four hours and 40 minutes. and 34 minutes to make the trip. Francisco Escareno, Sergio Robles Class 7 had four entries and three and Jose A. Marin made up another of them made it all the way to San team in the 1604 car and took the Felipe. It took five hours and 14 bronze with a time offive hours and minutes for Elias Canchola, Jr., eight minutes. Josue Delgado, Erika Muller and Alejandro Adolfo Talavera and Bryan Hanson Canchola to hit the checkered flag were fourth place with a time of five and win the gold. Running second hours and 38 minutes. Only one entry in Class 5, the ~~----------------,,, Sergio and Gabriel Moreno and Andy Solorzano took a really big win in Class 5-1600, see here in their really good looking Bug. Hector and Gabriel Martinez with help from Hector Paolo took the gold medal in the Class 12 battle, here at speed. Elias Canchola Jr., along with Alejandro and Erika Muller took the gold medal in Class 7, they're seen here at speed. with a time of five hours and 22 minutes were Jamie Sr. and Jaime Jr. Medina with help from Julian Ramirez for silver. The other fin-isher either had a bunch of prob-lems or simply took a leisure drive down of 11 hours and ten minutes. That was the 702 truck, piloted by Javier Manzo, Ismael Gaxiola and Leonardo Manzo. Unfortunately, the 701 truck never started or never made it to Check l? The three un-fortunates were Oscar Rebeles, Rafael Gonzalez and Guillermo Quintana. Clase 6-1600 fielded eight en-trants and only three of that group finished with times. Sergio Moreno, Andy Solorzano and Gabriel Moreno were first across the finish line with a run of four hours and Continued on next page FSOR125BE The Mayoral/Lopez/Hernandez trio were the big winners in the Class 9 contest, they had 11 minutes in hand at the checkers. Dusty Times March 2009 RACE READY PRODUCTS 103 PRESS LANE SUffE 4 CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 t (619)691-9171 (866)891-9171 TOLL FREE (619) 691--0803 FAX Page 41
A great win for the Martinez/Lopez/Lopez in Class 7S, they had more than five hours on their competition at the checkered flag. The Rivas/Garcia/Castaneda Ford pickup took the Class 18 win with lots of time in hand at the flag, seen here haulin' freight. The Espinoza's, Ruben and Ruben Jr. with Armando Cera were the Class 11 winners at the CODE Race Ready 275, seen here headin' for home. The Class 15 win went to the Williams/Pinuela Jr./Castillo/Serrano quartet, they had almost an hour on their competition at the checkers. 59 minutes. Next came the three man team made up of Miguel Cortez, Raul Rodriguez and Jessy Lopez whose five hour and 30 minute time garnered the silver. Emilio Salcido, Miguel Hurtado and Daniel Leon were the bronze win-ner with their time of five hours and 41 minutes. Seven starters in Class 9 and all of them except one finished. Gold went to the three man team ofJuan Mayoral Jr., Carlos Lopez and Jessy Hernandez with their time of five hours and 19 minutes. Second place, with a time of five hours and 30 minutes, was the three person team of Daniel Reyes Jr., Julian Rivera and Carla Valenzuela. The 947 team, made up of Hector Ortega, Daniel Reyes and Santa Reyes, with a time of five hours and 54 minutes, took the bronze. Fourth place finisher was the team of Eduardo Laguna, Marco A. Martinez, Edgar Alvarez Jr. and Jorge Martinez. Their time, six hours and four minutes. Six teams signed up to go and two of them finished. In fact, there were three non-starters and one other entry that took almost five hours to get to the first checkpoint and that was about it for them. Alberto Martinez, Manuel Lopez and Javier A. Lopez finished their trip in five hours and 40 minutes for the gold. Meanwhile Roy and Rod Fantelli along with Danny Sheets took almost all of their allotted time to finish in ten hours and 57 min-utes. Not a good day for the Class 7 groups. Two signed in for Clase 6 and neither of them finished. In fact, the 601 team, composed of Daniel Salas, Jose Lopez and Mario Duran may not even have started. The other 6 car, number 649, made it to three checkpoints but never saw the check-ered flag. That team was made up FAR LEFT: The win in the Safari Class went to the trio of Chavez/ Voelquer/Urias, they had hours on their competition at the end. LEFT: Carlos and Daniel Ibarra finished second in the Class 1 contest, they were some eight minutes in arrears at the finish. Jesus Mirandas, with help from Luis, Carlos and Hector, were The Valencia/Fragozo/Montoya boys ran their Bug to a second Javier Robles and Alex Zozaya drove their really good looking car second place finishers in Class 18, seen here in a left hander. place finish in Class 15, they're seen here at speed. to third in Class 1, here heading for the checkers. A third place finish in Class 8 went to Josh Westwood, Ted The Escareno/Rob/es/Marin trio scored a third place finish in the Gomez and John Tripp, seen here headin' for home in their Ford. Class ½-1600 tussle, seen here on their way to the finish. Page 42 March 2009 Lots of big lights up front, the trio of Manzo/Gaxiola/Manzo scored a bronze medal victory in Class 7. Dusty Times
A third place finish in Class 9 went to the Ortega - Reyes -Roy and Rod Fantelli, with help from Danny Sheets drove their The Vazquez/Barrera/Rob/es trio didn't do too bad, they took third Reyes entry, they're seen here on their way to the finish line. pickup to a second place finish in Class 7S, seen here at speed. place honors in Class 15, seen here somewhere along the way. of Joshua Morquecho, Pete and six minutes, was the team of and Narciso Martinez were listed as ary; with the participation of all the concerned and are looking forward Morquecho and Victor Mancilla. Sady and Joel Suarez. Those last two non-starters. racers and their teams, families, to 2009 and another year of off Seems most of the Class 11 teams checkpoints were killers. But then And thus ends the CODE 2008 friends and all the course workers, road racing. As for this writer, took December off, as there were again Javier A. Silva, Carlos Perez racing season. It was, all in all, a inspection teams, and of course the Happy New Year, hope things turn only three teams entered and only and Antonio Perez only made it past very successful year. With the eel-many fans, we will call it not only out exactly the way you hope. Via two of them finished. Ruben Checkpoint 1 and were awarded the ebration in San Felipe and the successful, but a great season. The con Dios, and we will see you some-Espinoza Jr. and Sr. with Armando bronze. Luis La!°, -~a~-~artinez awards banquet in Mexicali in Janu-people of CODE want to thank all where on the Baja. ~ Cera spent a little over six hours on ____ _ the trip actually six hours and 17 minutes for the top spot. In with a time of six hours and 50 minutes was the 1149 bug of Luis A. Rodriguez and Oscar Acosta for sil-ver. Gustavo Vellasenor, Carlos Esquer and Rene Torres broke some-thing right after Check 1 and were dnfs. And now the Sportsman class. 14, 15, 18 and Safari made up 21 supposed starters of which 13 made it all the way down to the finish. We will start with Clase 14, since the winner of the class was also the Overall win claimer, for the Sports-man Group. The team of Jose Martinez, Daniel Camberos and M. Reynoso drove that car, the 1403 car; the winning time, four hours and 55 minutes. In with a time of five hours and 40 minutes was the team of Jose Quintero, Noe Raigosa and Carolina Quintero piloting the 1400 car. Third place finishers were Smookey Hill, Carlos Galindo, Ja-son Hill and Hall Clark in their 1449-numbered car. These teams were also the only teams to finish with times. Class 18 presented the second fastest Sportsman overall time that being four hours and 59 minutes and was brought about by the #1849 team made up ofJorge Rivas, Arturo Garcia and Adolfo Castaneda. Jesus Miranda, Luis Leon, Carlos Rubio and Hector Torres were silver with a run of five hours and 57 minutes. The bronze went to the 1801 Truck driven by Fernando Duron, Erika Cuevas and Pedro Garibay who finished in six hours and 50 minutes. Four starters in Class 15 and three of them saw the checkered flag and finishing times. The four man team made of Pete Williams, Gustavo Pinuela, Jr., Cesar Castillo and Joel Serrano ran six hours and 40 minutes for the class win. In with a time of seven hours and 30 min-utes and second place, was a team made up ofMelesio Valencia, Luis Fragozo and Fernando Montoya. While the third spot, on the po-dium, went to the 1548 team made up of Carlos Vasquez, Raul Barrera and Mercedes Robles. The 1501 car driven by Luis Felipe Rodriguez, Miguel Angel Musso and Alvaro Higareda never saw Check 2. The Safari class didn't have a whole lot more luck than the 7S team. Here again, four teams at the line with only two finishers. The gold went to Eriberto Chavez, Luivan Voelquer and Brianda Urias with their time of six hours and 30 min-utes. Silver was somewhat later, timewise, in with a time of 11 hours Dusty Times llrt Br, k To et · 100 Gallon Capacity • Single or Double Dry Break •EZSetUp l\ll$~J)l!lti l)umpOans 'Jlose, •J,edl(c&l'$ itur Pa.okages • B'imdh.eld Radio$ w/Rolstm • Spotter Headsets • llebneUftnngKitw • Aluminum Carry C~ Helmets & Blowers • Vertex 5 to 110 Watt Radfo Systems • Hi-Fi Intercom Systems • 0lwe &Race Packages • ~ Statfon Packages .;",;lhllUlQJ. Dlvlt ; Head & Neck Restraint •l>igbt&Easyto U'.se ·ltequired by NA:SOAR, Formula 1 & Many Others • Can Be Used with Any SA JlatedBelmet • .Race Proven • 'Free Installation with Purch~e • Forced Air Snell SA 2005 Helmets • 411/2 Gallon Capiwity • G-Force • Pyrotec ·Arai • Wired for Communication Kool Atr Blowers • 105, 135, 150 & 235 CFM:Ratings • Filters & Hoses also a.vail.able 1 · -f/B SAFETY& COJIMUNJCA'llONS SOURCE • SCORE I BITD / FIA Approved • Taperedl>esig:o. Provides hcnaaed GJ'Onnd Cleua.nce ,&Jfa.ximtzes U11able Fuel 10815 Wheatlands Avenue, Suite K • Santee, CA 92071 619-258-RA0E (7223) • Fax 619-258-0883 • www.RacerXms.com .. ,~ March 2009 Page 43
DRIVE OFF ROAD Rolfe Takes Trophy Lita Win BY]. PRESTON BRADSHAW PHOTOS: TRACKSIDE PHOTO j It was a great win for Glen Rolfe, he drove his Trophylite to the class win and he was the second overall finisher as · well. A brand new racing organi-zation Drive Off Road has hit the lower desert area. Headed up by Doug Wasser, they put on their first race in the Plas-ter City area, a few miles west of downtown El Centro, Cali-fornia. Their first race saw 28 cars entered in seven classes, 23 of them made all their required laps and all in all it was a fun Kyle Conlon led Class 1 all the way, he averaged almost 50 miles per hour for his six laps, he's seen here at liftoff. experience for all those in-volved. First off the line was the Class 101 vehicles, they had six laps to run for their class but, unfortunately, only one ve-hicle would complete the re-quired laps. At the end of their first lap it was Drew Belk in the lead, Kyle Conlon was in the second spot, he was less than a minute in arrears and the third vehicle, Jeff Farris failed to complete his first lap. At the end of the second lap it was Kyle Conlon leading the way, Drew Belk had gone on the "Missing In Action" sheet and was nowhere to be seen. Third lap, Kyle Conlon was the only car running the class but he certainly didn't slack off his pace, he kept running laps in the 37 minute range and he continued on his way to take the class win. There were two cars entered in Class 10, they too had six laps to run for their race and both of them really made a race out of it. At the end o f their first lap it was Garfield Davies showing the way, Trey Piersall came along 10 minutes later in the second spot. Second lap came to an end and Garfield Davies was still in the lead, Trey Piersall still ran in the second spot, he was now 17 minutes behind the leader. Third lap, halfway home and it was still Garfield Davies in the lead, Trey Piersall still Garfield Davies missed the Class 10 win by a mere 50 seconds Quentin Tucker had troubles on his fourth lap but he soldiered on Andy McMillin had a pretty good day in his Trophylite, he was second in class at the flag and finished third overall. after five hours of racing, she's seen here headin' for home. and ended up second in Class 1601, seen here at speed. Billy Worthing was the third place finisher in the Trophylite fracas, Ray Files gave it all he had in Class 1601 but he was only able to he's seen here throwin' dirt at high speed. grab a third place finish in the class. Terry Tolbert ran as high as second place in the Class 1601 race Bruce Finchum was running in 11th place in Trophy/ire, he worked but he ended up fourth in Class, 21st overall in the standings. his way up to a fifth place finish at Plaster City. Page 44 March 2009 Gary Messer was the ninth place finisher in the Trophylite Division, he's seen here kicking up some dirt on his way. Brian Rieve started out running ninth in the Trophylite race, raced his way up to a decent fourth place finish. Dusty Times
sat in second place, he was now 19 minutes behind Davies. End of the fourth lap, there was no change in position, Garfield Davies still was the leader and Trey Piersall was now 22 minutes in arrears. Lap 5 ended, Davies just kept clipping off the miles and Piersall was falling a bit fur-ther behind on every lap, he was now 28 minutes behind the class leader. Sixth lap, last lap, and, wouldn't you know, Garfield Davies had a problem, she added about 30 minutes to her last lap and Trey Piersall took over the lead. It was touch and go when the check-ers flew, Trey Piersall took the win and Garfield Davies slid into home plate 50 seconds behind the leader. So, it was Piersall and then Davies. Hell of a race. The Class 1/2-1600 race had four cars entered and all four of them would see the checkered flag. They had six laps to go for their race and when they came around at the end of the first lap it was Caleb Sanden in the lead, Quentin Tucker was in second place, he was 49 seconds be-hind the leader, Ray Files ran in third place, he was another 35 seconds back and Terry Tolbert ran in the fourth spot, he was another four minutes back. Second lap came to an end and Caleb Sanden still led the pack, Quentin Tucker still ran in the second spot, he was 50 seconds in arrears, Ray Files still ran third, he was almost three minutes back and Terry Tolbert still ran fourth. There were no position changes during their third lap. At the end of their fourth lap, Caleb Sanden still had the bit in his mouth, Terry Tolbert had rocketed into the second spot, 24 minutes behind the leader, Ray Files had some troubles but he moved into third place and Quentin Tucker had even bigger prob-lems and dropped to fourth place. Their fifth lap ended, Caleb Sanden was still leading the class, Terry Tolbert remained in the second spot, still half an hour behind the leader, Quentin Tucker had moved up a spot into third place and Ray Files had dropped into fourth place. Fourth lap, final lap and when the checkers flew it was Caleb Sanden right there to re-ceive the gold medal, Quentin Tucker was in second place, al-beit a loooong second place, an hour and 40 minutes in ar-rears, Ray Files took the bronze medal and Terry Tolbert was the first finisher off the podium. Class 1450 was next to run, there were three of them en-tered and two of them would take the checkered flag. They had four laps to run and when their first lap ended it was Ja-son Duncan in the lead, Brian Cully was next to cross the line and Tyler Wheeler never com-pleted his first lap. Second lap came to an end and Jason Duncan still led the class, Brian Cully still ran in second place, he was five min-Dusty Times The Class 10 win went to Trey Piersall, he's seen here moving at high speed on the Plaster City course in the low desert. utes behind the leader. in second place, he was less When their third lap came than 30 seconds in arrears, to an end it was still Jason Andy McMillin still ran in the Duncan in the lead, Brian third spot, Mike Jenkins re-Cully had some trouble on this mained in the fourth slot, and lap and dropped back even Lenny Holder remained the further in time but remained fifth car on the road. In sixth in the second spot. place was Billy Worthing, Last lap and Jason Duncan Bruce Finchum was up two came in for his checkered flag, spots into seventh place, Brian Brian Cully had more prob-Rieve was now in eighth place, lems this lap but finally did Randy Blacker was running make it in for his finish. ninth and Gary Messer was Class 9 only had one en-now running 10th. Louis trant, it was Bob Yeakel, he Chamberland held on in 11th had to finish four laps for his place, David Scaroni made it win and he did, even though an even dozen and Philip his two middle laps were quite McKinney was unlucky 13th. slow, but he got his finish and Fourth lap ended, time was his win. starting to run out and Vance Another one car class, Class Smith still led the race, Glen 11, and Niel Binggeli was Rolfe still ran in second place, rarin' to go but he never got about two minutes behind the to complete his first lap. leader, Andy McMillin re-Trophylite class was next, mained in third place, Billy there were 14 of them, they Worthing was up a few spots needed to complete four laps into fourth place and Brian for their race and fully 13 of Rieve was now in the fifth the 14 made it all the way. At spot. Bruce Finchum had the end of their first lap it was moved up into the sixth spot, Glen Rolfe leading the way, Mike Jenkins had dropped to Vance Smith was in second seventh place, Gary Messer was It was a nice Class ½-1600 win for Caleb Sanden, he was the fourth overall finisher as well, seen here headin' for home. Jason Duncan was the Class 1450 winner, he's seen here at speed in his good looking truck on his way top an eighth overall finish. up two spots into eighth, Randy Blacker dropped two spots to ninth place and Louis Chamberland was up a place into 10th. David Scaroni ran in 11th place, Lenny Holder was 12th and Philip McKinney was in 13th place. At the end of the fifth lap Glen Rolfe had moved into the lead position, Andy McMillin was now in the second spot, he was less than five minutes be-hind the leader, Vance Smith had dropped to third place, Billy Worthing held on in fourth and Brian Rieve re-mained in fifth. Bruce Finchum was still in the sixth spot, Mike Jenkins still ran sev-enth, Gary Messer was eighth, Continued on next page 111Felllt251 larcb13-15 place, 26 seconds behind the leader, Louis Chamberland ran in third place, Andy McMillin was running in fourth place and Mlke Jenkins was running fifth. In sixth place was Billy Worthing, Lenny Holder ran in seventh place, Gary Messer was run-ning eighth, Brian Rieve was ninth and Philip McKinney was holding down 10th place. Bruce Finchum was 11th, Randy Blacker made it an even dozen and David Scaroni was in the 13th spot. Eric Fiorino started but never completed his first lap. INTERNATIONAL OF.1:-ROAD RACING Their second lap ended and now it was Vance Smith show-ing the way, Glen Rolfe was in the second spot, he was half a minute behind the leader, Andy McMillin had moved up a spot into third place, Mike. Jenkins was now in fourth place and Lenny Holder was in fifth place. Billy Worthing was holding on in sixth place, Brian Rieve ran seventh, Philip McKinney was up two spots into eighth, Bruce Finchum was up to ninth place and Randy Blacker was now 10th. Louis Chamberland dropped to 11th place, having some troubles along the way, Gary Messer had dropped to 12th place and David Scaroni held on in 13th place. '¾2009 NI 1.1.P. 18 llNE / Ni WAIT At the end of the third lap, halfway through their race and Vance Smith continued to lead the class, Glen Rolfe held on E 11,EMIIIISIT .... ri ddemexk,@aol.1om · OR*VISIT: www.4roekodile.com March 2009 Page 45
Bob Yeakel gets his feet a wee bit off the ground as he heads to a Class 901 victory, he was the 22nd overall finisher. Randy Blacker was ninth and Louis Chamberland remained in the 10th spot. In 11th place was David Scaroni, Lenny Holder was 12th and Philip McKinney still ran in 13th spot. End of the sixth lap, final lap and it was Glen Rolfe tak-ing a very nice win, Andy McMillin finished in second place, Billy Worthing took the bronze medal, Brian Rieve fin-ished first off the podium and Bruce Finchum was the fifth place finisher. Gary Messer finished in sixth place, Mike Jenkins was seventh in, Randy Blacker finished eighth, Louis Chamberland was ninth in and David Scaroni came in 10th. Lenny Holder was 11th in, Vance Smith was 12th across the finish line and Philip McKinney was the 13th and fi-nal finisher. And so it ended, a good race and a lot of happy people. See ya on March 21st for the next Drive Off Road Race. -.. New Short course serlesl When the CORR short-course series ended abruptly and short of a complete season in 2008, there was dismay among the car and truck owners who'd been competing. They worried that with the shaky economic situa-tion in the country, it might not resurface again, and they'd be left with no place to go racing. But things are looking up for short-course -racers, anda a new series is set to go, starting with the weekend of April 4th and 5th. Tony Vanilla, most recently the Race Director for CORR, has Lucas Oil as title sponsor, and a six weekend series that begins at Primm, Ne-vada. Te levis ion-exposure is pa rt of the pack-age, and fans will be able to watch action on Speed TV. The new series will look a lot like the old one, with four truck classes and two classes in the buggy division. The trucks will be: Un-limited 2, Unlimited 4, Unlimited Lite and Super Lites. In the buggy group there will be both Unlimited and Limited cars, and the Trophy Karts will also be racing, with three divisions. Many of the personnel on the track and in the tech area will be the same folks that the racers are already familiar with. Tony and his wife, Sherry, will be at the top of the pyra-mid, and they're still gathering together a staff of experienced folks to run the show. After the April Primm weekend, the Lucas . Oil American Short Course Series will move to Speedworld Motorsports Park in Wittmann, Arizona early in May. That's Northwest of Phoenix a little, on Highway 60. Then in June they'll move to the Kal Gard Motorsports complex in Lake Elsinore, which is south of Riverside, just off the 15 freeway. Their Augus t event will be back at Lake Elsinore, then they'll head out to Wittmann, Arizona again in October, and the season will end back at Primm in mid-November. Racers with questions should call the Vanillas at 860-617-0534, or visit their website at americanooffroadseries.com. Page 46 B y SRCHUPACABRA@YAHOO.COM GENE LANE'S #234X BAJA 1000 EXPERIENCE This "Internationally known Dusty Times" article will get to you in 2009 after the Baja 1000 race. With the final fun holidays finishing up we had time to get our families together for the mo-tor related festivities and plan the NEW 2009 BAJA RACE YEAR. This years race phrase is "Drive it like you stole it" Since you have your new 2009 www.Chasecam.com camera you can record your off road events. And the camera systems works best if You drive the race Vehicle like you stole it!!! This 2009 Baja Races will be very challenging as we all have to deal with the nasty Baja Terrain. SCORE has a special tribute to who ever wants to get dirty at this years BAJA. HOW ABOUT A SCORE T-S HIRT, And it looks like the BAJA CUSTOM CLASS RINGS are a REALITY starting at $360.00 if you want have one custom made at www.RingCompany.com . Only a few of us can proudly wear this custom priceless ring. And the GOLD for the Rings comes from Sr Chupacabra's GOLD MINES in BAJA. JUST BUY IT! Also, We have asked you all to write in and tell us your Baja Race Experiences and we just got this story from lronman SOLO IRONMAN Gene Lane #234X who tells us about his 2006 Baja 1000 Ironman race from Ensenada to LaPaz. It sure was a grueling Iron man Feat for him to accomplish. This is in his own words. We hope this story will encourage you to try the Baja as Gene Lane did it all alone. Well there was also BAJAPITS to the Rescue when he really was in need of fuel. Here's Gene's E-mail if you need a real Veteran that can tell you what's it really like going the distance. Gene is also part of the "Honda Ice Clean XR650R" Ya-hoo Groups if you want to start hanging with these riders. They are gre'at bunch of off road riders and Sr Chupacabra has some of them working in his various Gold Mines hl Baja. From: Gene Lane Gene <califxr650l@hotmail.com> T o XR650R@yahoogrou ps. com; Carlos@Bajapits.com -Join this "Ice Clean XR650R" group and meet some very nice off roaders and fast racers. The XR650R lives on forever . My inspiration to conquer this feat was born out of the 2004 Baja 1000. After pre run-ning my 330 mile section from Bay of LA. I waited in Bay of LA on race day for a bike that never arrived. I got a ride back to Ensenada and drove home to LA. After that I soloed San Felipe in 05 and finished the year racing on Mike Powells team for the 500 and 1000. A friend of mine, 246x said he was going to solo the 1000 in 06 and since I had an unquenched thirst to March 2009 lronman I immediately said, "me too" So in Jan or 06 My prepara-tion for this race started. As part of my training I decided to solo all the Score races and the Vegas to Reno(approx 600 miles that yr). I did many District 37 races, Hare and Hound Nationals and training rides, day and night. Lastly Me and my friends led by 2006 Sportsman class champion Jeff Leonard made two pre runs all the way to LaPaz. As they took turns doing their sections I rode nearly the whole course, twice. As race day approached I was in the best riding shape I had ever been in. My bike prep was very mini-mal. Lucinda, as she is called, is an Eveready 2002 XR650R with 19,000 miles on her on race day. Only the top end had been done once at 13,500miles. A new set of Desert Maxxis IT's, new DID ERV3 ch ain , new clutch and cable, a Baja Designs rewound stator(by Dan), a Tecate light and LeadDog helmet light. The ride was a freshly rebuilt Baja race tuned suspension by Bruce Borynack. I had no chase crew, only Honda Pits and friends along the way to help. My buddy Jeff agreed to bring my bike back or pick me up along the way home if I didn't make it. Three days before the BAJA 1000 race my right fork seal blew. I had a spare seal, oil and the tools. Did a quick change to one of Rob Brownings synergy seals. They are the best, Easy to install and never leak. Now both sides have one. Two d~ys before the race we were out pre running. I came off a roller with Jeff next to me. Right where my front tire needed to land was a'round rock. I knew it was gonna be bad .. Jeff said my bike went instantly sideways at about 40 mph. I flew up in the air and bounced several times. The bike slammed a couple times, we tumbled together and came to a stop. My right footpeg was bent most of the way to the engine and The kickstarter was blocked by it, Had to push start the bike. The frame weld under the footpeg was cracked and frame is also bent and twisted. I came away with only a sore elbow and a swollen arm. Very lucky. I hit very hard. This was my 3rd ride using forearm protectors besides elbow guards and I'll never ride with-out them. I searched around Ensenada to try and find some-one to weld it but no luck. I went up to Horsepower Ranch and they were busy prepping vehicles for the race but one guy was nice enough to help me. His suggestion was to heat the peg mount and bend it out so I could start the bike. So we did it. Race day came and off we went. I finally started at 7: 13am. After the wash it was nothing but dust for the first 50 miles. Their were cars driving down the course south of Ojos creating a white out. Almost rode into the back of a moving car. So did my buddy Alastair. Then it cleared a bit. Then it was more dust followed by more dust and the 1st silt bed. Nothing to exciting. Just cruising along. Down the Goat Trail and met up with David Gray. We pulled off my filter skin and ate a couple things and off I went. That was 111 miles. Rode the hwy to Diablo. Blew across the lake bed and came across my buddy and fellqw lronman Jon Johnson. We rode together for a bit. I stopped at Honda pit 3, Mile 177 outside of San Felipe for refreshments and a leak. I Saw Gisela, David's girl-friend, which I hoped I would and said Hi. Took off, past San Felipe and on to old Puerto Citos Road. I road the bad side cause it was marked as the course and not the smooth graded side .. Then got to the really bad road and whooped part. It went on forever. Extremely exhausting and hot. Saw another good friend Ivan Estrada just before the pavement. Mile 214. Rode another paved section to Puerto Citos were it became dirt again. The next section is about 130 miles of graded washboard that shook my hands and arms till they were numb. My Baja Designs headlight shook so hard it broke one of the rubbers causing my headlight to fall part way off. I ziptied wrapped it back on. My rear fender went limp and started hitting the tire at every bump. I thought it was falling off too be-cause it was flopping around so much. I rode the canyon after CoCo's. It has a couple deep mud holes but I blew through them. I then saw a quad and a bike stuck in the mud. At El Crucero my friends chase team, #246x led by Joe Black, got a saw and cut the fender off just below the light. Off I went To Bay of LA. mile 377 Stopped at Honda 7 and took a nice break with my buddy Scott Neal. I ate and put on my jacket and my Lead Dog helmet light. This type helmet light runs off the bike and worked great .. It is so nice to have a bright light on your hel-met that points where ever you look. Here the 1st truck passe'd. I took off and after a few miles a guy pulled up next to me. It was dark and all he had was a stock headlight. I stopped and he asked if he could share my light. I said sure but I recognized his voice. "Are you Eric"? Yeah, it was my buddy Eric, I didn't even know he was racing. He was 505x., part of Dana's team. I heard later they had ex-ploded the front wheel and lost allot of time. His night lights were waiting at San Ignacio. We rode over 100 miles to-gether for hours. We got passed by dozens of trucks and buggies. Sometimes we just had to sit and wait for enough dust to clear to go again. We came across 223x? He had a broken wrist and wanted to be rescued. We reported it to the next group of people we saw. Eric and I did manage to pass a few people during our section together. We stopped at Pit 9 for a fresh air filter, gas and refresh-ments. And to visit with Leroy(main jet). Just before we got to the hwy Eric fell in some silt. I took off trying to stay in front of this guy who was coming we had just passed. Eventually we hit the hwy and went our separate ways. I stopped at my new friends chase truck and had a sandwich ... Alastair 238x and his wife Ursula volunteered to help me since I had no chase. They were very instrumental in me finishing this thing. After my dinner break I took off to San Ignacio and then out Dusty Times
to the coast. At about mile 625 I took my 1st fall in some wet sand . . Ouch, about a 35mph get off .. I wandered around out there for a couple hrs. They had changed the course since pre running and I was kinda turned around but finally found some markers and got on course. Made it to San Juanico and then to La Purisima. The dirt road over the peninsula to the gulf, mile 724 is just a gi-ant wash out since the hurri-canes. Rock gardens and wash-outs. This is the start of the techni-cal stuff and much more dust. This is also where it stopped be-ing fun. Buggy after truck started pass-ing me. From 724 to 77 5 is tight twisty 2 track. This is where Jim, on Jeffs team got hit by a truck that tore off his foot peg. I also got ran off the road twice. Once hurt my leg pretty good. The dust was so thick I could cut it with a knife and their was no wind to clear it. I almost never went over 25mph. I got so fed up with that dust and the crazy 4wheelers that when I got to Honda pit 14, mile 750, I quit. Well I tried to quit but my buddy Jerry Seville the pit cap-tain told me to take some aspi-rin, eat and lie down. Then make up my mind. He said Anna Cody (218x solo) had left there about an hour earlier. I laid down in front of a heater, put my jacket over my head and fell asleep for half an hour. When I woke it was getting light. I said OK. I'll keep going. The next 25 miles to Loreto was a lot easier in the day even though the dust never cleared. I then rode up to San Javier mission (mile 800) which is awe-some. Now the rocks and water started. 30 or more crossings, 3 that are deep. Plus many, many rock gardens that seemed to never end. By now the course barely re-sembled the one we pre rode. It was chewed. Rocks all over the place. I knew all I had to do was make it through the next 50 miles and it would be a downhill slide to the finish. Little did I know. During our 2 pre running excursions Jim and I rode back and forth many times through the 3 deep water cross-ing. We discussed them, marked them and memorized them. For 2 weeks 64 the race I kept think-ing over and over the paths I would take them. We thought we would be doing them at night so we did our homework. For me it wasn't to be but for Jim it was. The 1st one I would hug the rocks on the right past the one in the middle then veer left toward the shore. No prob-lem. 2nd mud hole I heard was dug out by the vehicles and was really deep. I would take the small alternate route to the right. The 3rd I aimed for the stick in the middle and veered left. Stay on the gas. Their were people lined up at these last two water crossings and both times I just rode up and dived right in. Powered across, out the other side and I was gone. From all the pre running I knew once I made it past the last waterhole and rock garden and one more major rock crossing it would be a downhill ride to the finish accept for one more short but deep mud hole. How wrong I was. By the time 2weeks had gone by and hun-Dusty Times dreds of vehicles the bottom half of the course was torn up. Their were dozens of silt traps that weren't there 64. Some as much as 3ft deep. From 825 to 855 their were a couple dozen silt traps and like Jim wrote, I to went down many times. It wasn't like Vegas 2 Reno silt that I could ride through in 3rd or 4th gear. This stuff threw me around and out of control. One crash found my leg caught between the rear tire and fender. The same one I hurt the night before dodging trucks. Now it really throbbed. A few more crashes and I was done. It was heating up too. By the time I reached the hwy and checkpoint at 856 I was done. I quit again. Told the check guy and everyone I saw I quit this time. A little while later Alastair came in. He was beat too but he intended to press on. He made a good point. Honda pits were go-ing to start closing. He took off as I went to un-wind. After a rest and some re-freshments from my buddies Joe Black, Kevin and Sharon, Jeff Matthews (246x) chase people I came around again and decided since I had to go to LaPaz anyway I may as well ride the course. It was only 200 miles and about 6hrs away. It was about 1230-lpm. I gave myself a way out. I could always quit after another 100 miles where the course crossed the hwy again at Santa Rita. I went to the Honda pit 16 but they were closed. Fortunately my buddies Lance and Baja Rudy were there waiting for their bike. They gassed me and put in my 5th air filter. I took off and crashed again in more silt. I knew their would be some hellacious silt beds after Santa Rita but for now the next 100 miles only had a couple. I came to the last deep mud hole and to my relief it was gone. Drained!! Woo Hoo. At Santa Rita their were no Honda pits to be found. I had trouble borrow-ing gas cause most people were waiting for 4 wheel vehicles all they had was 112 octane race fuel. I didn't know if that would hurt my bike so I didn't try it. Finally I asked the Japanese team for gas and they gave me all they had which wasn't quite enough to get to the finish, Another 110 miles away. I went down the course a ways and came to BajaPits. They were nice enough to give me one more gal-lon of Sunoco Race Fuel and re-fused my money. So off I went toward the finish. BAJAPITS RULES!! After Santa Rita some of the deepest, nastiest silt was still to come. I realized my best bet was to just ride up to it. Put both feet out and drop it into 1st gear and paddle. I still took a couple falls but I kept moving. Nearly all the silt had no way around them but through cactus country and that meant probable flat tires. As I made it over to the pacific coast it started getting dark again. No way did I ever think I would ride at night twice. I pressed on as fast as I could till approximately 60 miles before the finish. Here I came across a small group of people watching the race. Oh my, Its Luis Napoles (235x), his dad, family and friends. What a surprise. Put a smile on my face. I took an unplanned break. They had some food so I ate tamale, yogurt and Red Bull. Sucked down a gel pack. I put on my night gear and headed off to a Paz. It got dark quick and my speed slowed again. The vehicles kept coming and created a non stop wall of dust plus surprise silt sections kept my going slow. I fell one more time in a silt patch. I pre rode this section twice. Once at night and once during the day . but very little of it looked famil-iar. It was way different now. I did recognize a few spots, some splits and turns. Eventually I came to the last check point at the mini-summit. They said it was 13 more miles to La Paz. I crept along. Up and down hills. Over big whops and down sheer drops till it flattened out and the glow of the city was just ahead. I turned on my gps speedometer Jon.athan lent me one more time and rode the pave-ment to the finish. Here I was. Up on the finish stage. Cheering people all around. Jeff Matthews (246x) chase people, Joe, Kevin and Sharon were there plus a few of the guys I had been dicing with for 2 days. Nosign of Jeff Leonards team though. Crowds cheered, little kids wanted their shirts and pa-pers signed. They wanted my au-tograph believe it or not. Hot young girls wanted to sit on my bike and get their pictures taken with me. After they all calmed down I had a moment to reflect: I wasn't very tired really. With the help of so many people I stayed fed and hydrated. I just pretty much cruised the race. The 14 1/2 hour, 600 mile Vegas to Reno kicked my ass but that was a race. This was more of a 1000 mile, 36 hour dust bowl ride. Even when I could go 90 I just went 70. Had to preserve the bike. I know I could have done this in 30 hrs easy if not for the dust. Will I do it again? Perhaps the loop 1000 if I sign up for the Open pro class and they keep the 3hrs separation. Or unless it starts a day be-fore the 4wheelers. I will most likely continue to share the love and do some more team racing with my Buddies ........... 2 1/2 yrs after my 1st race I've now soloed the San Felipe 250 twice. The Baja 500 and the Vegas to Reno once, and now the Baja 1000 peninsula run. Who knew!!! Thanks again to all who helped!!! and to my sev-eral "go the extra mile" sponsors!!! Steve Karcz from Lead Dog Hel-met Lights, Chris Silva from Edelbrock, Aaron from Smith Goggles, Rob Browning, Synergy Seals Bruce Borynack, suspen-sion, Jeff Leonard, And BAJAPITS who gave me Fuel and Encouragement when I was really was in need. All around good friends that you keep for life. Gene Lane, 234x Solo IRONMAN 2006 BAJA 1000 to La Paz 24th out of 52 last I heard. Gene Lane took home the IRONMAN TROPHY THAT DAY and races International Baja Races and Stateside District 37 and is a wealth of knowledge for anyone that wants to pursue this sport. His Leadership enthu-siastic attitude is unsurpassed and he can really give you good advice to get YOU to the worlds toughest Finish Line On Time. March 2009 Not more than 17 out of 35 IRONMEN per year in the World take home the IRONMAN trophy, So Baja Boys and Girls, If your looking to prepare, take a trip to the BAJA 1000, Race and Finish, Get in touch with VET-ERAN BAJA 1000 SOLO IRONMAN GENE LANE for some coaching to fulfill your dream to finish the Baja 1000 as an IRON MAN or IRONWOMAN. And BAJAPITS will keep the light's on for you . To get to that international fin-ish line Gene says "Drive it Like You Stole it!!! Keep that Race vehicle "ICE CLEAN" and did you order you BAJA 1000 GOLD CLASS RING YET? BLUE RIBBON COALITION BLUERIBBON OALITION, INC. MEDIA RELEASE BLUERIBBON COALITION EXPRESSES CONCERNS ABOUT HOUSE VOTE ON OMNIBUS LAND BILL POCATELLO, ID (February 4) -The BlueRibbon Coalition (BRC), a national trail-based rec-reation group, today voiced con-cern that the U.S. House of Repre-sentatives will "grease through" over 160 public lands bills, thereby avoiding the public review these bills deserve. In addition, BRC cau-tioned that recreational access te-nets in some of the bills may have been intentionally removed in closed-door proceedings. The Omnibus Public Lands Management Act of 2009 was fast-tracked through the U.S. Senate and could see a vote in the House as early as next week. The bill (S 22) is over 1,200 pages long with over 160 different bills, designates 2.2 million acres of Wilderness, identifies three new national parks, 10 national heritage areas, and des-ignates over 1,000 miles of wild and scenic rivers. BRC expressed concern that ac-cess protection provisions were ap-parently stripped from several of the bills involved. For example, new sections were added in the Wash-ington County (Utah) Growth and Conservation Act regarding clo-sure of roads and trails and limit-ing how Bureau of Land Manage-ment funds generated by the Act can be used. "It is important that local col-laborative efforts be sustained as legislation moves in Congress. Push-ing these bills into law via the omni-bus package allows powerful spe-cial interest groups in Washington D.C. to eliminate hard-won local consensus and ram through provi-sions that are contrary to the de-sires of those, on all sides of the issues, who actually visit these re-markable lands." said Brian Ha:)lthorne, BRC's Public Lands Policy Director. This bill collectively reduces rec-reational opportunity, feeds mil-lions of earmarked dollars into pet projects, will cost billions to imple-ment, and provides very little of the protection it is touted to deliver," added Greg Mumm, the Coalition's Executive Director. "If this behe-moth bill is any indication of the aggressive agenda in store for this congress, the American recreating public faces difficult challenges ahead," Mumm concluded. Mumm said BRC will be encour-aging its 600,000 members and supporters to contact their politi-cal representatives and encourage them to work to restore the locally-generated compromise provisions in these bills and oppose changes demanded by the large preserva-tionist lobby in Washington D.C. ### The BlueRibbon Coalition is a na-tional recreation group that champi-ons responsible recreation, and encour-ages individual environmental stew-ardship. It represents over 10,000 individual members and 1,200 orga-nization and business members, for a combined total of over 600,000 recreationists nationwide. 1-800-258-3742. www.sharetrails.org ORBA NEWS THE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT (BLM) CHANGES LAND USE PLANNING DOCUMENT TO ALLOW FOR POSSIBILTY OF WIND ENERGY DEVELOP-MENT IN LARK CANYON OHVAREA WINCHESTER, CA (Febru-ary 2, 2009) In October of 2008, the BLM issued a Record of De-cision (ROD) on the Eastern San Diego County Resource Manage-ment Plan (ESDCRMP). In re-sponse to concerns raised by the public that the plan placed overly-stringent restrictions on wind energy development in an area of high wind energy poten-tial, the BLM chose to allow for additional acreage to be available for wind energy development. Ecologic understands the need for and supports the devel-opment of renewable energy re-sources. At times, these resources are found in the same area where OHV recreation occurs, as is the case in the Lark Canyon OHV Area. We are hopeful that wind energy development in this area will result in a no net loss to the existing trails and possibly add to the trail system. "In most cases, OHV use and wind energy pro-duction can peacefully co-exist," said Ecologic's land use attorney, David Hubbard. "It just requires that people be creative and un-derstand that public lands must serve a variety of interests, includ-ing recreational interests." We at Ecologic look forward to work-ing with BLM and the energy companies as they refine their plans for wind development in the Lark Canyon area. Lark Canyon OHV Area is lo-cated approximately 70 miles east of San Diego. It is a year round facility with 15 developed camp-sites. There are approximately 31 miles of trails and they are open to OHVs 40 inches or less. The area is designed specifically for motorcycles and ATVs might have difficulty using some of the more narrow trails. The area is popular with the local trials rid-ers because of the rocky terrain. The mission of EcoLogic Continued on page 53 Page 47
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1-tLJSTLE::~ concePTS g,. 'CAJA SHOP tmc.1967) ~ C:.i. iS F=IRE!; R~ ~L..Jrnrll...nl ~t-t Eis=Et::~ VE:ii......::L...&llii J-.eRodripes PH: 71◄-wT-0701 Fu:71-4-1197.0759 71◄ N '--SI.Orange.CA. 82167 www.huslletconcepts.com P.O. Box 2496 Jefferies Racing Apple Valley, Ca. 92307 Darnen Jefferies (760)240-8615 Phone (909)633-5300 Cell (760)240-8938 Fax Off-Road Race Prep & Fabrication Kevin Jensen Apple Valley, CA (760) 963-4206 Fax (760) 240-5083 Mike Julson 9428 Wheatland• Court .. ntee, CA 92071 819-998-3380 81N96-33Mfax www.Jlfflcon.ce.com George Jimenez Se Habfa Espalfol 535 E .. Central Park Ave. Anaheim, CA 92802 . Tel: (714) 535.5116 Fax: (714) 535-5816 JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Qu111ty RacJng Trlnsul11 Mendeola Deafer · Off Road -Sand Specialist (71-4) 632-12AO JOE GIFFIN Fu m•> 632-122..1 3061 E. 1..:1 Jolla St. #I Email: j,uans@pacbell.~t Analleim. California 92806 wwwJG'Jml$wcrks.com JON KINNE 520 Railroad St., Corona, CA 92882 Tel. 951-278-2233• Fax: 95 l-278-8335•www.jonnylightning.net N A • Custom Alternators • Complete Wiring • CustomFab • Exhaust & Muffler • Prep & Finish Work Derellllreaer PII: 114..289.9148 Fl: 114.837.1154 1214 N. Parker Unti µ3 Orange. CA 92867 ForVeJYFew 1'oUaisA Month HONDA Power Equipment OVT 90AAD eNOIHf • GENEMTOfl SPlCIAUST Can (es Kawaguchi Honda Corp. www.Kawap.cbiboada.eom ART KAWAGUCHI! ,m tuT 1110 tt. Fu 323-284-2131 LOUNGllA CA toOU 323-264-3936 All NH88 production siz in stock. 3/8• through 1-1/4• -·-::: ... '"'.""~!W Phone: (909) 985-1901 12D w. 9th St. Fax: 909 982•9777 Upland, Ca. 91711• POWER E STEERIIIQ THOltlASE.LEE LEE MFG. CO. . . 11681 PEHD1£1'0ftf'l'AEET' SUNWLEY, CA.._ FAX (811} ,._2917 {818)TIJe.OS'M Afulll!MofPoMI'~.,..,._ l)UfflPI and ~ for M)' type of l'lldnf. MaQNflu• and Zyg6o fal:ll1iN available. •eustoma..... ·RacePnlp •Atumklum Wortl ...... Engineering ·lllgnaffux FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE. CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 (909) 596-5497 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER Assembly • Machine Work • Parts · Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street.Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (819) 596-0886 www.mastercraftseats.com -i 11433 Woodside Avenue• Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455 • Fax: 619/449-9454 ~ www_McKenzies_com OFFROAD IS OUR BUSINESS 807 E. Orangethorpe Ave. Ste. A • Anaheim CA, 92801 ,. FrltJTtl,;f// ,11£#1). · RlltJE R~l,l(LP.f rJERT1T/f5lJ At!/llif . iif NAl?:'ttK~ rJERT1rlElJ .f#t> r f?EE#/117?7 1695 CACTUS RD. T. (619) 710-8800 SAN DIEGO, CA92154 F. (619) 710-1640
TGddDw,ar 1900 Compton Ave. &ite 101, Corona. CA 92881 Phone (951)817-0101 Ext 156 www.mickeythompsontires.com 619-562-5533 Off Road Fabrication and Design ~---...mose Hilt-~ • Rau Cars Function/Strength/Safety/Pride Made by Hand in the USA • Prerunners • Sand Cars JOHN MOSELEY Owner/Fabricator 4602 Arrow Hwy. • Trucks • Rally Cars Montclair, CA 91763 909-624-8888 Fax 909-624-8880 • Custom . w-.mosebilt.net • •1,-;,4 , •• ,.,,. VCJUR CCJMPLl!TE tGNITIDN SOURCE AUTOTRONlC CONTROLS CORPORATION ~490 Hf.ON A Y 8 ~E'.NNAN OFI . • E t. P A S O . T X 79938 19151851.~"111 • f~QIIIN' (!1151 ~~-1123 • \'1SIT OU~Wl:8 Sil£: wwwtl1$d!gn~.cam OFF-ROAD RACE PREP Custom Fa.bricatlon , ,.. . • • M g & Tig Welding 1 Now Offering AJuminom Body Work ;Off-Road & 5andcar Tire Moantfng Chassis Setup ' Beadlock$, Tubes, lnnet'. Liners Shock Tuning ' ( Tire Gtoovlng WWW.MYERS-RACING.COM Myers Racing mrmrs 15222 Connector Lane ~~~ Huntington Beach, CA 92649 7;;.;, Tel: 714-893-8106 Off R d R • . fax: 714-693-8123 • oa acitServ1ces Wb cmi Headlock (Q--·· -r YOURRIMSH :,_._) Sizestofit.,.aATV ~S~~ &: AUTOMOTM appficatioM · . Partsror: POUSH£0 l COLORED FINISHES SCALLOPED OR,CONVENTIONAL ReinfOfcing Ringt Abo Available Phone -(951 ) 364-8272 WWW .OMFPERFORMANCE. ~ Gr.3S Dune Buggy • Race Car• VW Engine • Sobaru Engine Parts Custom Machine Work & Fabrtoation 1-800-231-8156 2525 East 16th Street• Yuma, AZ 85365 928--783-6265 • Fax 928-783--1253 9Sl.l60.S906 951.160.0436 ftx ao,uoo.nso Lonely Advertising Space Looking For Long 3834 Wicttt Drivt Mir• lt!U; CA 91TS2 nw.pntffU■Ptf.COII Term Relationship Call <818> 882·DDD4 ABRICATION, INC 166<1eotx»dt.Mding8· ~MesQ.CAtt627 m 19491650-®35 FAX t949l 65(µnl __ .,....Nllfalt.COM pel~(Ol'n .,.,.,,.,... ••-• ·· fiary <Powe([ Motorsports: Electrical Design & Manufacturing Since 1988 Ph: (949) 73$-9039 .Fa:x: (949) 459-0085 ProFORMANCE@cox.net ···'l/0 ROTRUCK RACING ORG,,11..N~~'TION A High Perfonnance Spec V8 R,ace Truck Serie$ "The True Driver's Class• Ptolruek S•lff and Promotion W•balte: www.protruck.com Emall: p,oCM:k@prodlgy.net /ef:81 . Fu:t1t,~ 144028ondeoc.t · El C.,O,.; CA 8a2t ;'Hf.Pedormancs Equipment Suspension. Safety. Drfv6lirHJ. Accessottes (619) 69t•911f {619) 691·9174 (619) 691.(}8()3 (FAX/ 103 Press Lane, Suite 114 ChtM V,sta, CA 9t910 &-mail: tp{tldt 04<Ji.com Qalgn-t Phone: 619--44H121 Fem l\1~'l-".\67a c.• 619-126--e89l fabrication & Race Preparation MWAbrohclmWCIIII Sc:mtee, CA 9207l t.t,.•.•.fltJJ..:!l .. ~.!.~a>:T! craigf~ritMom ~ _...,.. Sa&..& Servtce PH: 114.880.8131 • fX: 114.88 ~O Toll free: 800.304..8126 10 1 S E. Elm Avenue, Fullerton, CA 9 2 8 3 1 S,aefai.111111: -sn1a1t ...... 1 ........ ........ WIii get PU In gear ..U .. 11 ..... MIH.PIINll#S , .......... . IJtlt ,,.u.••• 1111122MID ~~ RANCHO DRIVETRAIN ENGINEERING Trophy Trucks Short Course Trucks Class·S Trucks Differentials Class-7 Trucks Pre-Runners Tony Selva, Jr 417-40 Enterprise Circle North Suite 106 Temecula, CA 92590 PHONE 951.296.6163 FACSIMILE 951.296.2236 w w w.ronchodrivetraln.com
VA.&.W 1iwN PRoout:rs • CusnN HEAD Womc 7BO/IHB-4BSB • FAX 7B0. SB ININl,V-RDVALVEBPRING.COltll Barry Beacham 1021 Calle Sombra - Unit A San Clemente, CA 92673 Office 949-361-4388 Fax 949-361-4352 barrv@raceprepservices.com www.raceprepservices.com A Tatum Distributor Speclalttlng In Off-Road Racing & OriY.iflg fOf Om 21 Yurs Mlg WeldfAg • T19 Weldin Upgram a Re11tir1 Bala-Proven Equipment 520-850-3693 fiii/ SANDERS SERVICE, INC. Yl!} METAL PROCESSING 5921 W~ Ave., Los Angela, CA 90001 ()ZJ) S83-2404 fAX (323) 583-3965 SANDBLAST-GI.ASS BEAD-MAGNETIC PARTICLE Fl.OURESCENT lNSPEct!ON MARKSMinf LARRY SMITH Top, flcKenzie TIM CECIL 849 Lambert •. Brea~ CA 92821, (714)·447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 JOB SITE SIGHS • 8A.*IN£AS • V.ltlOOW lfTTERIM • CAA lffiEJUtiC • GAAPHICS SGUEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101 Galway Circle • Huntlngtv'l Beach CA 92649 (714) 897-0075 • Fax !714) 894-9567 • E >< ~ ~ 1IACERIEI.B Paul _Oil Company (209] 847-2281 [8CXJJ 527-6090 FAX (2091841-9726 P.O. BOK 248 • 524 N. Sierra Ave. WESTERN DIVISION Oakdale. California 95361 2180 College Drive • "-k• tt•V11s11 City • AL 864OJ Call Toll Free: 877-627•8852 or E-Mail: lnfoOtcsperformance.com • Hi Performance converters Custom Length Axles • • Automatic Trans Ax.les TCS Designed ttubs • (for Race• Recreation) Input Shafts• American Made ExcellenceU * Off-Raad and BoH-On to stl'Mt Fiberglass for: "Ford, Chevy and Toyota" Trucb • CalfJon fiber Parts and Custom Mold$ 1261 N. Baena Vista St. • f¥et ca. 92543 Pit: 951-654-73:U Fax: 951-6fU..2375 See a Ost of oar prod.._'9f..,. WM ate: lrttp:/ , ..... ~ ... Tf&RfixiE ENGINEERING 9763 Vartel Ave. JEFFFIELO (818) 998-2739 Chatsworth, CA 91311 NS WBST f'ERFORMANCETRANSAXLE$ Kevin Pirtle 22545 South Normandie Ave. Torrance, California 9050 l 310.782.2413 fa,c 310.782.3772
Eric Mechslg 760* 73~-9473 \.VlfU:f 7NJ4H-t~ S. M,,j.,H. W¥-'W .enjwireworks.com TRIIIS ,; MENDEOl A DISTRIBUTOR Performance Trans Off Road Street Trans Lorenzo Rodriguez Parts -Service -Tr~nsmissioos -V. W. - Pors<:he Desert. Sand & Drag 850 S. Alta Vista Avenue • Monrovia, CA 91016 (626) 305-RACE (n23} • www.wrtrans.com SCOR£ ENGINE 8UllOER Of THE YEAR For The Price Of A Phone Call And A Few Bucks A Month Your Ad could Be Here World Leading Motorsport Transmission Manufacturer 11 Dakar Rally Victories 17 World Rally Victories 6 AMA MX/SX Championships $94~1998, 1999,2000 From Parts To ~w Engtnt1 818·882·0004 Xtrac Inc 6183 We& 80th Street Indianapolis IN 46278 email: andrew_heard@xtrac.com Tel: (317) 472 2454 '383' Baja aass 1/10 sequential Transaxle www.xtrac.com/inc Trophy Truck solutions available for Lead Customers 3265 W. Birtcher Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89118 702-837-2522 SP<c•AUZ<D W>Rmo, CDMMU?t~:!•~q, ~liKt!•!!il !!! Race Cars- T1rophy Trucks -Pre-runners ft'Oftt " 1.e., trauma AtmrS • Spinciles Chase Vehicles -Dual Spon Cars SutpMJion specialist ,:.z:;~~: ~~C::: (760) B03-6955 MARC WADDELL, PRESIDENT WIREF"Ae@secaLCBAL.NET 9608 N. 2ht Di-. P~n[,c, AZ. 0021 Club Reports... · continued Partners, Inc. is to advance land use policies that conserve natural resources w hile pro-viding responsible outdoor rec-reation for American families. Currently the American Mo-torcyclist Association, Dis-trict 37 (AMA D37), the American Sand Association (ASA), the San Diego Off-Road Coalition (SDORC) and the Off-Road Business Asso-ciation fund EcoLogic Part-ners, Inc. THE OFF-ROAD BUSINESS ASSOCIATION (ORBA) URGES THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TO OPPOSES. 22, AN OMNI-BUS BILL THAT WILL MAKE OFF-HIGHWAY VEHICLE (OHV) USE ILLE· GAL ON OVER 2 MILLION ACRES OF PU BLIC LAND BAKERSFIELD, CA (Febru-ary 10, 2009) S. 22, an omnibus public lands bill approved by the Senate January 15, 2009 has now moved to the House of Rep-resentatives. This bill would des-ignate over 2 million acres of public lands as wilderness, the most restrictive land use designa-tion available. All forms of mo-torized and mechanized recre-ation are prohibited in wilder-ness areas. In a time when our economy is seeing a dramatic slow down it makes no sense to elimi-nate one of the few income mak-ers in some of the rural commu-nities effected by this bill, OHV recreation. We recognize the need for wil-derness in the appropriate areas and with the proper local input so that trails and areas of high recreation value are cherry stemmed or excluded totally from this type of designation. It is not good public policy for congress to push a 1200 page piece of leg-islation through without giving people the proper time to d igest and understand it, as they are at-tempting to do with this bill. A recent addition to this bill is the codification of the National Landscape Conservation System (NLCS). The NLCS would, in our opinion, create an additional and undue level of bureaucracy for the national system of public lands. ORBA urges its members and anyone who enjoys motorized rec-reation on public lands to con-tact their representative and ask them to oppose S.22. If you are not sure who your U.S. Represen-tative is go to the following link to find out. https:// wri terep. house.gov /writerep/ welcome.shtml ORBA is a national trade association composed of off-road related businesses united to pro-mote common goals that support the prosperity and growth of the off-road industry. SELL YOUR '\lenic\es, equipment and bits and pieces right hel'e 1 Dust~ Times has the readership ~ou',-e looking \or so ji\\ out the \orm on page 54 Dusty Times Jade Woods ftlt2-24i-00'7 fai 602-242-7113 li11DI ·wHY AREN'T You A DusTY TIMES SUBSCRIBER?· It's so much easier to receive Dusty Times in your mail-box each month, getting all the latest news and race and rally reports, written by the best off road journal-ists in the business. Don't miss an issue: Subscribe now: 1 Year ........•........................•.................... $25.00 2 Years ......•.............................................. $40.00 3 Years ............................ ~ ........•............... $55.00 Foreign Subscriptions 1 Year ..................................................... $55.00 * 2 Yea rs.............. ....... ....... ................ ..... $11 o. o o * 3 Years ......•.....................•.................•... $165.00 * * U.S. Dollars Air Mail Rates on Request (Subscription Form is on Page 3) . March 2009 Page 53
mare Trall Notes ... State Route 168 and 1-15. "Tech Inspection is back where it belongs," said K.J. Howe, who was the event's Race Director beginning in 1973. "In its heyday, the Mint 400 Tech Inspection was so popular that kids were even cutting school to gather on Fremont Street and l think the latest development will generate the same enthusiasm again." SNORE President Don Wall joined Howe in lauding the expansion of Tech/Contingency Inspection on Fremont Street, "In its heyday, we would have as many as 500 cars lined up on Fremont Street for the Mint 400," said Wall, "It was almost like a county fair with off-road cars and it drew thousands of people every year. We should see the same thing happening again with the expansion of Tech Inspection to include all of Fremont Street." Last year's event signaled the return of the Mint 400, which had last been staged in 1988. Run on one of the original courses south of Las Vegas in an area near Primm in 2008, last year's event was won by Trophy Truck drivers Brian Collins of Las Vegas and Chuck Hovey of Oceanside, California. Following the General Tire Mint 400, the remainder of the 2009 schedule will include the Dusty Times Caliente 250 May 8-10; the KC HiLilTES Midnight Special July 25; the South Point SNORE 250 Oct. 2-4 and the Kartek Western Challenge Dec.12. Futther information regarding the 2009 SNORE Kartek Championship Series can be found at www.snoreracing.net or call (702) 452-4522. GLEN HELEN SERIES -Bud Feldkamp and Bob Beyer have announced a new short course series at Glen Helen Raceway. It is a seven race series at that great course, right outside of San Bernardino. The race schedule is: February 21, March 21, June 13, July 18, August 29, October 10 and November 14. $300 entry fee, 50% payback. Races to be run in 2 15 minute heats for each class. For more information contact Bob Beyer at 909-815-5811 or e-mail bbmracing@aol.com SCORE POINTS -Following his dominating season-opening victory at the recent 15'h SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge, NASCAR Cup owner/driver Robby Gordon finds himself at the top of a very crowded Overall leaderboard in the 2009 SCORE Desert Series point standings. With 54 points, Gordon, who returned to his desert racing roots in Laughlin, also leads the marquee SCORE Trophy-Truck class for high-tech, BOO-horsepower, unlimited production trucks in his No. 77 Team Gordon Chevy CK1500. After leading the SCORE Overall points much of last season and finishing third, San Diego County racer Adam Pfankuch, 26, is second overall this year and again leading Class 1-2/1600 in a Mirage-VW with 53 season points, just one behind Gordon. Pfankuch also raced in the SCORE Lite class in Laughlin, helping driver of record Rick St. John, Encinitas, Calif., win the race in a Duvel-VW. St. John is tied for 10th in overall points with 43. Tied for third in overall points is Cameron Steele, San Clemente, Calif., who is second in SCORE Trophy-Truck and Harley Letner, Orange, Calif., who leads Class l. With 48 points each, Steele, a two-time SCORE Person of the Year, drives the No. 16 Desert Assassins Chevy Silverado while Letner, who finished second in Laughlin, drives a Chevy-powered Alpha Performance open-wheel desert race car in the unlimited Class l. "What a great way to start the year, by winning the SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge for the first time," said Gordon, whose victory was his eighth in the 15-plus yerl.r history of the featured SCORE Trophy-Truck division. "Our Chevy truck was ready to dominate and we didn't have any real driver errors so we are able to start the year out front, which is a great thing in any form of motorsports. Our plan is the same as it was before the Laughlin race-to run the entire SCORE series and our goal is to win the SCORE Trophy-Truck point championship again. l haven't won it since 1996 and l would like another title." While the top five in the 2009 SCORE Overall point standings are just seven points apart, the second five is even tighter with two drivers tied with 44 points and three more all tied up with 43 after the season's first race. Tied for sixth overall are Ed Stout, Santa Ana, Calif., who is third in SCORE Trophy-Truck in the No. 13 Stout Industries Chevy Silverado and Randy Wilson, Lakewood, Calif., who is second in Class 1 in a Jimco-Chevy. Besides St. John, the SCORE Lite point leader, the other two drivers tied for eighth overall with 43 points each are Class 10 point leader Robert McBeath, Las Vegas in a Jimco-Honda and Cody Robinson, El Centro, Calif., third in Class 1-2/1600 in a Curry-VW. Among the car and truck classes, other point leaders include: Dan Chamlee, Carpenteria, Calif. (Class 7, Ford Ranger), John Holmes, Olivenhain, Calif. (Class 7SX, Ford Ranger), Kevin Carr, San Diego (Class 5, VW Baja Bug), Greg Adler, Manhattan Beach, Calif. (Class 8, Ford F-150, Alonso Angulo, Ensenada, Mexico (Class 5/1600, VW Baja Bug) and Gavin Skilton, Anaheim, Calif. (Stock Mini, Honda Ridgeline). ClasslRed ••• Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Read-ers are advised to consult appro-priate loq1.l or state authorities for information before purchase of any specific item. FOR SALE: Race Ready Chevy 1450 or PreRunner, fresh 545hp 355ci, new MSD ignition, new Turbo 400, new headers, new rear end (RPP, spool, bear-ings, brakes) Moser axles, new 3 2 gallon cell, Raceshockshocks rebuilt, newwir-ing, tons more, 6 tires and wheels, $14,000.00. (505) 947-4763. FOR SALE: Pre-Runner to Buy. Foddrill 3-4 seat street legal Registered in Texas, LS6 pump gas 400hp, Fortin w/ converter, Fox shocks coil over and by-pass, VDO, Howe, WR coolers, 50 gal cell, Mastercrafc, BF on JJ wheels, Pro Arn hubs and brakes, Roof rack w/light bar, Race radio w/carbon fi. ber head sets, XM radio w/ external speakers, OPS, ODO shows 546 miscarbon fiber dash, windshield, a set of spare tires w/wheels, a set of sand tires w/wheels, chase box, spare parts, single axle open trailer inc. $119,000.00 Negotiable. Cesar Fuentes (915) 726-3823 afuentes@fuentes7.com.rnx. SCORE R EDU CES R ACING COSTS - Less Pre-Running, using the same course as last year and the Time Tracking device will NOT be required at the San Felipe 250. LUCAS O 1LIAMERICAN O FF ROAD S ERIES -Lucas Oil Products has finalized an agreement with Tony and Sherry Vanillo to acquire complete ownership of the newly formed American Off Road Series. The Series has been renamed the "Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series". Lucas Oil will operate the Series under its racing division, l-10 Race Promotions, Inc. Lucas Oil currently owns and operates two race tracks, the Lucas Oil Speedway in Wheatland, Missouri and the Lucas Oil 1-10 Speedway in Blythe, California. Lucas Oil also owns and operates three racing series and sanctioning bodies: the Lucas Oil Late Model Dirt Series, the Lucas Oil Pro Pulling League and the Southwest Modified Series (currently entitled the Super Clean Modified Series-presented by Lucas Oil). Additionally, Lucas Oil is an integral part of the race team operations of Morgan Lucas Racing (NHRA Top Fuel Division) and Jason Patison Racing (NASCAR Camping World East Division). The Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series will be added to the mix of these racing assets. The business structure is already in place to hit the ground running with this new Off Road series. Lucas Oil is committed to this new venture and will make all of its managerial, marketing, television and financial resources available to ensure the long term success of the Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series. The 2009 schedule is still being developed. Confirmed race dates as of this announcement are as follows: April 4-5 Primm Valley Motorsports Complex, Primm, NV., May 2-3 Speedworld Motorsports Park, Wittman, AZ., June 27-28 Kai Gard Motorsports Complex, Lake Elsinore, CA., Aug 1-2 Kai Gard Motorsports Complex, Lake Elsinore, CA., , Oct 17-18 Speedworld Motorsports Park, Wittman, AZ., Nov 14-15 Primm Valley Motors ports Complex, Primm, NV. The Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series will be televised on SPEED, with 18 original hours of programming currently committed to the sport. The contract with SPEED is firm for the 2009 and 2010 seasons. The show will be co-hosted by Ken Stout and Cameron Steele. Tony and Sherry Vanillo, along with their team of loyal supporters, will remain heavily involved in the Series, as key employees. Their duties will include race day operations along with tech and safety responsibilities. Tony and Sherry Vanillo have issued the following statement: Anyone who would like to obtain additional information on the Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series can go to www.lucasoil.com or, you are welcome to contact me at l-800-342-2512. FINAL F LAG -It is with great sadness that we report that our beloved Jeremy Lusk passed away at approximately 11:03 PM PST this evening due to complications from the crash sustained Saturday evening in Costa Rica. Still in the Calderon Guardia Hospital Intensive Care Unit, he was surrounded by his loving Mother and Father, Chuck and Gina Lusk, his wonderful wife Lauren, his Mother and Father-in-Law Lynne and Larry and many of his closest Mulisha family members including Brian Deegan, Ryan Hagy, Cameron Steele and Erik Apple. Please keep Jeremy and his family in your thoughts and prayers. All the warm thoughts, comments and support are comforting in these times, FOR SALE: 1994/2004 Ford Bronco Pre-Runner, Solo twin trac-tion beam, warn hubs, cone rear end, engine is caged, King shocks, Deaver springs, Mastercraft seats, PCI radio & intercom, chromoly bumpers, K & N, Boria, 6" fiber-glass front fenders, 33" BFG NT Street legal $12, 500.00 (530) 401-5646. FOR SALE: Class 5 Baja Bug PreRunner. Fox By-pass shocks with coilovers, 4 wheel disc brakes, fresh Major Performance 2332cc engine with JG Transwerks bus box. Kenwood 2 way radio with PCI in-tercom. Spares, CA lie. Economical, fun desert car. Trailer Included. $15,000.00 Call Tom (714) 742-1418. FOR SALE: 2007 Baja Pro Truck, #SS-1-049, Ford body and engine, everything is brand new. Everything goes with the truck, all misc shop items from jack stands to parts a9d trailer. Please call for details too much to list. $145,000.00 (818) 773-0155 ext 103. FOR SALE: Wylie Racing Class 8 with Trophy truck abilities. "Franken-stein" 2004 and 2005 SCORE Class 8 points champion 2 motors, Fox shocks, Chrisman diffWalker Wheels, 37" BFG Tires, Dual OPS' s 77 gallon Fuel Safe. Ready to dominate $175,000.00. Todd. (602)463-0936 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in DUSTY TIMES. Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7" .All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED -YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED TN A TIMELY MANNER. IUBliY5lll8 2009-10 ISSUE DEADLINE • . ~ ---------------------------------------~------------March 09 February 6, 09 • : ---------------'-'-------------------------~--------.,..---'--:-L April09 March 13, 09 : ■ .A May 09 · April 10, 09 • • -----------------------'----''----------------------------June 09 May 8, 09 ■ • ____ __.;: ___ :.__;_:c._-'-_~ ___ ;_ ___ ..:_ _____________________ ...:... ____ :.c_-,-July 09 June 19, 09 • : August09 July 17, 09 : ■ September 09 Augmt 14, 09 ■ • Enclosed is $ _______________ (Send check or money order, no C ash) Please run ad _______ times October 09 ~ ember 11, 09 • • · ,,. November 09 October 16, 09 •• • Name ■ ------------'------'---'-----------------------Mail to: December 09November 13, 09 • • Address -------------------------------------------------------------DUSTY T IMES January 10 December 11, 09 • • 20761 Plummer Street February 10 January 9, 10 • : City -----------------~-------------------------------------------'.;----Chatsworth, CA 91311 March 10 February 19, 10 : • State _______ Zip ______________ Phone___________________________________ _ ___________ ,. • ···································~························································ Page 54 March 2009 Dusty Times
FOR SALE: 2005 Porter Class 1, LS2, 450 C.l. Pump gas, Redline motor, 4 speed Fortin w/conver-tor, King 10 ½", OPS, 6 Hella, Kenwood radio, spare tires, Wheels, parts and extra motor, Pro-Am, all the best, fresh prep. $136K (915) 626-7986, (915) 613-8878. FOR SALE: 5-1600 SCORE Le-gal, Jimco chassis, fresh Wiks engi~e, Fresh tranny, new disc brakes front and rear, new CV's, new axles, new front springs, & all the normal stuff, Centerlines, BFG tires, Fuel Cell ect, $17,500.00 (619) 504-5386. Dusty Times FOR SALE: 2004 Truggy PreRunner or Dune toy. Fresh GM224 350 ci motor, 355 hp, fresh turo 400, King Shocks, new 35" Baja TA's and a set of smoothies and paddles for the dunes flatbed trailer included. $24,000.00. Todd (602) 463- 0936 . . FOR SALE: Supper Buggy, Fresh engine & trans. Ready to race, C & R radiator, CNC pedals, Wilwood brakes, new seat & belts, Flame Out extinguisher, power •steering, Fox Shocks, nine Centerline Wheels, Four-teen tires, NEW Body. Lots of spare parts. $20,000.00.(408) 847-7159. FOR SALE: Wyllie Racing Pro2 Chevy, ProPower 434 ci 800 + Hp, Fox shocx, tubeworks differential, C & C calipers, KMC wheels, Howe Steering, Mastercraft Seat. Daily oil pump, Probst built for 2006 season, Tig welded, Lots of spares, ready to race. $150,000.00 Complete. Less motor?? Call Todd. (602) 463-0936. FOR SALE: 2006 1-2 1600 car built by KAT Metal Worx, very low time raced only 4 times, Wiks motor, King shocks, disc brakes, Artigas Racing trans, BTR Beadlock wheels, Beard Seats, Call Bill Clarey for details. 20' trailer included w/car, can be purchased separately. (206) 422-4060. 2004 Bunderson Class 1/1500, 400 C.U. Chevy, Al bins se-quential 5 speed, King Shocks, TCS Converter & axles, 2006 BITD Overall Champ, 2008 SCORE Overall Champ, $125,000.00. Call Butch (702) 873-1962. VICTORVILLE SHOP FOR LEASE: 1700 SQ FT, Big door, Bathroom, office, $780.00 month. (760) 949-7797. Dennis-2 units avail-able. VACATION RENTAL Vacation Rental in the Exclu-sive Indian Wells Country Club in the Sunny Palm Springs area of Southern Cali-fornia! 2 or 3 be'drooms, fur-nished for your complete re-laxation and if you are a glut-ton for punishment, play golf on 1.or, both of the beautiful courses. F)'I, wireless internet and long distance phone calls (USA) included. Starting at $4,500.00 in season (Jan, Feb, March, April) or $2,300.00 per month not in season. Call (760) 345-6124. CJJBEAR We carry a full line of V,_ ,_~ ~ OFF. RrHTING FILTERMAGW ~~~ March 2009 INDLl TO AD\lb.R. Tl6b.R.6 Baker Precision Racing Products ........ 18 Bilstein Shock Absorbers .................. 4 BTR Racing Wheels .......................... 27 Brake Man ...................................... 32 Butch's Speed Shop .......................... 55 CODE Mexicali 500 ......................... 28 Fuel Safe Racing Cells ....................... 20 Glen Helen Short Course Series ...... 31 Kar T ek Off Road .............................. 23 King Off-Road Racing Shocks .......... 17 McKenzie's Performance Products ..... 12 Mendeola Transaxles ........................ 15 Menzies Motorsports ...................... 14 MOR Productions ............................ 35 Off Road Swap Meet ...................... 19 Off Road Warehouse ......................... 30 PCI Race Radios ................................. 5 Racer X Motorsports ......................... 43 Race Ready Products ........................ 41 Revolution Racing Shocks .............. 36 Robby Gordon Off Road ..................... 11 Rockodile ........................................ 45 Ronco Plastics• ................................... 22 Skyjacker Suspensions ....................... 24 SNORE Caliente ................................ 2 SNORE Mint 400 ............... Back Cover South Point Casino ........................... 9 Stewart Raceworks ......................... 16 Trans axle Engineering ....................... 13 Vacation Rentals ............................. 25 VP Racing fuels ................................ 38 Page 55
... Pre-Run Thursday Morning FanFest Kfc:k.Off Party on Fremont St. 'nmrsday Night Tech & Ccmtingenc:y Friday 400 Miles of Original Mint 400 Terrain Saturday #1-, Awaids Banqaet Sunday Morning