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2009 Volume 26 Number 11 Dusty Times Magazine

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r Volume 2& -Number 11 -November 2009 S2.SO ISSN8750-17J2 Celeb,at:ing ou, 211~h Yea, o, se,viee To The OFF Road eommuni~L ----------------------l covering the world of competition in the dirt •••

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Page 2 November 2009 Dusty Times

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Volume 26 - Number 11 November 2009 Dllli71i.llll Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors Scott Bottomley J. Preston Bradshaw Jim Culp Mike Del Col Nicole Del Col Steve Hilton Victor Gazca. Martin Holmes Rod Koch Byrle Moore Steve Ruddick Maurice Selden Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham B.O.R.E. ~°"'-"""'-"-~ / Rolly % Serles Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copyright by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., SNAPSHOT OF THE MONTH ••• Walt Lott, 27 years ago, addressing the audience at the Frontier Hotel at the awards banquet for the HDRA Frontier 250. Walt left us a long time ago for a far, far better place. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8xl0 will be considered. In This Issue ... FEATURES SCORE At Primm by Judy Smith ........................................................ 8 Rally Of Australia by Martin Holmes ................................................... 14 VORRA Hawthorne 250 by Troy Robinson ......................................... 17 MORE KAR TEK Chili Cookoff by Daryl Drake ............................. 20 MDR Coyote Wash 200 by J Preston Bradshaw ................................... 21 BITD Silver State 300 by Judy Smith ................................................... 26 Traxxis TORC At Crandon by J Preston Bradshaw ............................. 32 CODE ORW AtTecate by Byrle Moore ............................................. 35 DEPARTMENTS Happenings .......................................................................................... 5 Trail Notes ............................................................................................ 6 The Big Wahzoo ................................................................................ 40 Good Stuff Directory ........................................................................ 42 Classified Ads ...................................................................................... 47 Index To Advertisers ........................................................................... 47 ON THE COVER A great race for Robby Gordon at the SCORE Primm event, Robby took the Trophy Truck win and he was the overall winner as well, here airborne for the crowd. Photo by Dave Conklin - Trackside Photo Steve Raskett And Jake Johnson hustled their Porter to the Class 1 win and they took overall honors as well at the Best In The Desert Silver State 300. Photo by Tom Murotake - Trackside Photo Visit Our Website at Su. d-a e,,z,t d-e 7 fJ<UU/' to, DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$~5.00 □ 2 years -$40.00 □ 3 years -$55.00 (to subscribe online go to □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name ______________________ _ Address ______ _______________ _ City ___________________ _ _ State _______________ Zip _ _ _;_ _ ___ _ Primary Interest Cars O Trucks O Motorcycles D Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian • 1 year $30.00 US n Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times November 2009 Page 3

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J I 0 UT OF SIGHT I OUT OF MIND GET BACK IN SIGHT You Know That This Venue Is The Best Way To Get Your Product IN THEIR FACES Don't Be Penny Wise And Exposure Foolish , Call Dusty Times - Again 818-882-0004 -Page4 November 2009 Dusty Times

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I I 2009-2010 Happenings ... (802) 265-8618 CLAIRTON HI-JACKERS l.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TWP. LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 Fax: (714) 367-1608 CODE 0FFROAD MADERO 621-A MEXICALI, MEXICO 21100 760-455-8069 USA 011-52-686-553-4087 MEXICO Aug 1-2, 2009 ORW Gran Prix Jacume, Tecate, B.C. Tecate B.C., MX October 1-3, 2010 Mexicana Logistics 300 Mexicali, B.C., MX December 3-5, 2010 Race Ready Mexicali-San Felipe, B.C., MX lOK FoUR WHEELERS P.O. Box36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 (All wents staged at the club grounds in Cleves. Ohio) 4x4 FoREVER, Lm. 1665 DEIAWARE ST. 0sHI<OSH, WI 54901 AMERICAN RALLY SPORT GRoUP, INc. 3650 Sovrn PoINTE CIRCLE, Sum: 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) ~98-8171/FAX: (702) 521-0597 E Mail: AMERICAN TRIALs AssoclATION AMA Obseroed Trials Southern California Championship Series BILL MARI<llM · I'REsIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HOTUNE • (714) 562-7742 E MAIL! BMARI<909@AOI...COM <> AsOCJACION EsTATAL DE AUTOMOVILISMO SAM l..AsELL, TECH INSPECTOR Ano42 SAN JOSE DEL CAilo BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL SUR. MExlco AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP DARRYL SMml 19 SoMERS ST. CASHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTRALIA DUSTY TIMES AUTOCROSS Qm:BEC OFF ROAD 10 CARS ONLY RENALD VAILLANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAVAL QUEBEC, CANADA H7P 1T7 (450) 622-4440 BAJA CUP CHALLENGE BARONA SAND DRAG AssN. P.O. Box 1521 i..AI<EsIDE, CA 92040 AU Races Are Night Races AU Races At Barona Racewa:,, Lakeside, CA BBM MARKETING PROMOTIONS Off Road Short Coune Racing & Special Event Marketing NORCO, CA 92860 e-mail (909) 815-5811 BEST IN THE DESERT 3475 BouwER HIGHWAY LAs VEGAS, NV 89121 702-457-5775/FAX:702-641-2431 Motorcycle/Quad/ ATV December 4-6, 2009 Fabtech Henderson Desert Classic Henderson, NV Cars/frucks BORE RACING 10 ELI< MOUNTAIN DRIVE REDSTONE, CO 81623 970-963-4563/ 623-853-3595 Sept 18-19, 2009 Wendover, NV BP MoTORSPORTS P.O. Box411 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91365 760-578-6258/760-578-6259 FAX: 818-348-4648 E-Mail: All Et1ents At California City, CA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGHTON, ONTARIO, CANADA KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR CLUB AUTOMOVILISTA ]UARENSE DE CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD RACING 7210 GATEWAY EAsr EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 011-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES <> Dusty Times CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING AsSOCIATION P.O. Box645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVE AoAMs (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DON ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. RICHARDS P.O. Box332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 ~ Short Course off Road Racing At Harrison Count) Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICA SAN QUINTIN CALLE 6TA FRAcc Co. DE SAN QUINTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HERACLIO PATINO (011 52 616-5-22-07) CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICO SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road ENSENADA, BC, MEXICO USA JAN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) RAMON CASTRO & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/ 7 0034) CMC CONTINENTAL MoTOSPORT CLUB Dec 4-6, 2009 Race Ready 275 Mexicali-San Felipe, B.C. February 12-14, 2010 Casas Geo Gran Prix Mexicali B.C., MX April 16-18, 2010 San Felipe 200 San Felipe B.C., MX May 21-2, 2010 Vw Autopartes 250 Mexicali B.C., MX July 16-18, 2010 Orw Gran Prix CowRADOHlLL CuMB AssOCJATION BARB V AHSHOLTZ, PREs!DENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box8286 CoLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O. Box392 CAI.Ex!co, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER 011-52-65-66-4458 CORR SERIES 270 NEWPORT CENTER DR., Sum: 100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 866-501-CORR Ct11tinu .. ,n p111 6 Fiberglass Body Panels Long Travel & Lift Kits Disc Brake Kits Fenders, hoods, doors, bedsides, & dashes for trucks, baJa bugs, Trophy Karts, UlV's. Suspension kits from Blitzkleg, CST, Camburg, ICON, Total Chaos, & Mazzulla. Mnzulla Chevy 1500 Lons Travel Kit Built to order Wllwood, CNC & ProAm kits. Prep Supplies Shock Replacement Parts Wheel Bearings & Seals -Motor & Gear 011 -Additives -Shafts -Power Steering Fluid -011 & Air Filters -Seals -CV Grease -Brake Fluid -Shock Bodies -And Much More! -Valving Shims -Pistons -Shock Oil KING OFF ROOD R~CIN G 'i.t-tOCK,._ -Hub Bearings & Seals -Bearing Housing Assemblies -Spindle Bearings Axle & CV Components Heims, Bungs, & Spacers Tires & Wheels -lOOM Solid & Gundrllled Axles -Type 11, 930, 934, CVs -Single & Double Boots Systems -Helms & Rod Ends -Standard & HI-Mis Spacers -Threaded Round & Square Bungs -Unlballs November 2009 Tires from MIT, Yokohama, Toyo, & Sand Tires Unlimited with a wide selection of beadlock wheels available. Pages

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Trail Notes ... tention Race and Rally Promoters - Dusty Times is in dire need of your 2010 event schedules. Please send them to Dusty Times as oon as possible for insertion into our Happenings pages. Fax us at 818-882-0090 or send to Final Flag: A memorial by Jim O'Neal. Famous Baja Motorcycle racer, Gene Dempsey passed away on Thursday, September 17th. Gene had suffered a tough long battle with liver cancer. In true racers form, Gene never gave up on beating the cancer that struck him. Unfortunately, even the strongest of men can seldom beat such disease and it eventually took Genes life. Gene competed in over 40 Baja 1000 race events. His grit, determination and strength was indeed a symbol of Baja racing itself. Gene was a constant competitor that simply couldn't be stopped. No matter how rough the terrain, how bad the conditions and or how fast the compassion, Gene would forge ahead in every event focused on the finish line. Gene was more than just a racing buddy, Gene was my best friend. I had the privilege of 30 years of traveling and racing with Gene and his brother Sam. My family and I spent Holidays, Christmases and vacations with Gene and his family. It is seldom that you meet a true friend you can count on at all times. He was a friend who would do anything for you. Gene was all that and more to me. He was always there, always helping and always looking out for me no matter what. For those who never met Gene, his sheer presence was bigger than life. Gene was built like a thick wall. His grip was strong like a vice. His hands felt tough like a·pair of old leather motocross gloves and his strength was far beyond that of anyone I knew. Under all that exterior was the sweetest man on the planet. Gene never had ill will towards anyone. Gene often treated my friends like his friends and never asked for anything in return. Over 120 races, we had so many close calls and had knocked on deaths door so many times that I always thought one of us would be taken by the grueling Baja course. At the end, it was the silent killer of Cancer that took Gene away. Everyone who came in contact with Gene enjoyed him tremendously. The motorcycle community has lost one of the greatest men to ever race on two wheels. Family man, Business man and Racer: Gene will be missed and shall not be forgotten. Gene is survived by his lovely wife Bonnie, children Chuck, Jason, Kelly, Genie and April, his brothers Tom, Sam and Wally as well as 6 grandchildren. Bonnie, I thank you for letting Gene spend so many years with the boys racing in Mexico. I know wherever Gene is, he is holding it wide open with a smile. Jim O'Neal World Rally Championship -HD Theater expands its high-octane programming by reintroducing American audiences to the FIA World Rally Championship (WRC). Starting Sunday 4 October, HD Theater launches its coverage with six new hours of action-packed rally racing programming - culminating with the U.S. premiere of 2009's first WRC event, RALLY IRELAND, at 8 PM ET. The block of programming will immerse HD Theater's audience into the adrenaline-fuelled world of the WRC. The FIA World Rally Championship is an epic motorsport adventure, pitting man and machine against nature. Over a gruelling 10 month schedule, the world's greatest drivers and the most advanced rally cars take on some of the most challenging terrain that nature has to offer. Across twelve events spanning three continents, biting cold, driving rain and scorching heat combine with dirt, asphalt, gravel, snow and ice roads to present an electrifying, high-speed challenge that is unmatched in motorsport. These drivers assault treacherous mountain passes, winding back country roads and narrow forest paths at breakneck speeds exceeding 120 mph. HD Theater presents their exclusive U.S. coverage of the 2009 WRC with the following programming schedule: RALLY NORWAY - Sunday, October 11 from 8-9 PM ET -As an all-snow event, RALLY NORWAY is a technical challenge for drivers, who must account for the snow and ice using steel-spiked tires. Roadside snow-banks offer a cushion for the lack of grip, but may be as dangerous as they are helpful. Hamar, Norway is home for this rally, which runs through the same mountains as the 1994 Winter Olympic Games in nearby Lillehammer. FXPRO CYPRUS RALLY - Sunday, October 18 from 8-9 PM ET - Based on the south side of Cyprus, this mixed-surface rally combines asphalt and gravel stages to crown the FxPro CYPRUS RALLY champion. The Troodos Mountains challenge drivers as they take on the twists and turns of mountain roads and gravel paths during 2 Of the three days of action. VODAFONE RALLY DE PORTUGAL-Sunday, October 25 from 8-9 PM ET -Portugal's long rallying tradition is on display during the Vodafone RALLY DE PORTUGAL, a gravel event that is widely considered one of the most notorious and difficult rallies on the schedule. Both the Algarve and Alentejo regions host stages in Southern Portugal, as this event attracts some of the largest and most unruly crowds within the series. RALLY ARGENTINA - Sunday, November 1 from 8-9 PM ET -With the series' first trip outside of Europe, RALLY ARGENTINA is held in the area around Villa Carlos Paz in the heart of the Cordobese Sierras on 20narrow, sloped roads best known for their spectacular water splashes. The high-speed action takes place across open plains featuring sandy river crossings and high-altitude landscapes that resemble the surface of the moon. RALLY D'ITALIA SARDEGNA-Sunday, November 8 from 8-9 PM ET -Sardinia is now home to the RALLY D'ITALIA, where the stages are made up of fine and sandy gravel that is surprisingly fast, given the course's tight and narrow nature. The stunning landscape for the opening two days of the rally crosses Olbia-Tempio, Nuoro, Sassari and Goceano before the competition heads north to the opulent Costa Smerelda region. ACROPOLIS RALLY OF GREECE - Sunday, November 15 from 8-9 PM ET -As one of the longest-standing events in world rallying, ACROPOLIS RALLY OF GREECE is a mix of rough, curvy mountain stages with blistering heat and choking dust. The undersides of the car take a pounding from the rocks hurled up by the wheels, and tire wear is an especially big issue for teams to overcome at this event. ORLEN RALLY POLAND - Sunday, November 22 from 8-9 PM ET - After not being included in the WRC for over 35 years, Poland's most prestigious Page& CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, Sum 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA Exr 42 Fax (818) 957-4435 CRS CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES <www, These are the events requesting inclu..sion that hat1e been presented to the CRS Board of Gooemors. The final Rally Championship will be a subset of these et1ents. Also CRS Moto Championship November 14, 2009 Seed 9 Rally (2) Goodsprings, NV December 5, 2009 Phoenix Rally (2) Phoenix, AZ D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERITT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (All et1ents at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston County ORV Park, Olympia, WA) DAKAR RALLY DARREN SKILTON BAJA AUTOMOTIVE AoVENTIJRES 455 E. OCEAN BLVD., SUITE 208 LoNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 DECATUR FoUR WHEEL DRIVE Cum DECATUR, TX 76234 ToMALLEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MoTORSPORTS 1863 COMMANDER ORM LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 EAs1'FBN Ow-ROAD RACING AssN. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 ENSFNADA BAJA OFF ROAD RACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX 011-52-646-1818989 Eusio 011-52-046-1715230 AARON Races for bu.ggys & Motorcycles EsTERO BEACH INTERNATIONAL Short Course Racing VICTORIA GAUNDO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO Ol l-52-646-176-0230 FORDA FLORIDA OFF RoAD DRIVER'S AssoclATION JASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Apr, Ma,, Noo at Dat1idson Racewa, FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 1855 PARKWAY DRM s. EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/959-579-ol51FAX GENERAL TIRE . TROPHYLITE SERIES DRM RACING ORGANIZATION 760-352-6020 Las Vegas, NV December-4-6, 2009 BlTD Henderson Fabtech Classic Henderson, NV GLEN HELEN OFF-ROAD SHORT COURSE SERIES Short course, stadium and desert race classes November 7, 2009 Round #7 GLEN HELEN BAJA CUP CHALLENGE SERIES Desert race classes December 12, 2009 Round #4 GORRA GEORGIA OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 420 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA GREAT PLANES OFF ROAD November 2009 RACING AsSOCIATION Bud Light Dash Plaster City, CA TIM HODGE 2010 Caliiomia Chamt>ionshi~ Series_ (402) 991-0048 ebruary 6, 2010 Scorr MORROW Wild Wash 250 Barstow-"A", CA (816) 792-2126 April 3, 2010 (All races are short course, stadium style Mojave 250 Classes -Sportsman, 1/2-1600, 5-1600, Barstow "B", CA Sport Truck, Quads, Tough Truck May 15, 2010 Nebraska Racewa, Park, Exit 420 on l-80 Ridgecrest 200 between Omaha and Lincoln.) Ridgecrest, CA For latest info check June 25, 2010 <> Mdr400 HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING Lucerne Valley (Double Pts) "A", CA August 14, 2010 2000 W. QUINCY AVENUE #B California 200 Night Race ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 Lucerne Valley, CA 303-806-8062/303-781-0974 fax September 25, 2010 INTERNATIONAL lcE RACING Lucerne 250 Lucerne Valley" B", CA AssOCIATION November 6, 2010 P.O. Box 8105 Stoddard 250 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 Barstow "B" (Double Pts), CA STEVE BEDDOR 2010 Su~erstition Championshi~ Series (612) 937-3816/Fax 474-2769 Location -Plaster City -West/ East INTER-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS February 20, 2010 The Fud PRoMOTIONs, INc. April 24, 2010 P.O. Box 2910 King Of The Desert MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 June 12, 2010 (949) 582-2371 Coyote Wash -Night Race -Double Pts ]EEPSPEED October 16, 2010 Superstition 1826 N. WINDES November 26-28, 2010 Orange, CA 92869 Sprint 2 The Dash 714-538-7434/ fax 714-633-1724 December 31, 2010 All races for ]eepspeed 1,2 & 3 The Dash KAMLooPS OFF ROAD RACING M.O.R.E. Whispering Pines Sports MoJA VE OFF RoAD RAcING & Recreation Center l<AMLOOPS, BC, CANADA ENnn.JSIASTS P.O. Box 1231 Mike Strange (250) 573-4003 BARSTOW, CA 92312 760-253-4453 LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS & OFFRoADExPo Barstow, CA (626) 961-3782 Sept12,2009 <> 250 Miles <> Lucerne, CA Oct 4, 2009 L.I.T.R.E. 4th Annual Powder Puff }EFF ELROD Barstow, CA (408) 926-0522 Dec 5, 2009 }IM ARlTTA Toys For Tots Holiday 200 (408) 247-4402 Barstow, CA LOORRS MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY LUCAS OIL ASSOCIATION OFF ROAD RACING SERIES DAVE BARRET November 14-15, 2009 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. Primm Valley Motorsports Complex FLINT, ML 48506 , l Primm,NV (810) 730-9221 November 16, 2009 MoroWF.ST WINTER TRw.s SERIES Championship Banquet Primm,NV BILL MARKHAM December 11-12, 2009 (909) 860-1857 The Lucas Oil Challenge Cup <> Lake Elsinore, CA All wents at Perris Racewa, (At Reed Valle, with a school) MAMAluuTA OFF ROAD RACING LUIS CARLOS ALVAREZO NATIONAL Mun RACING AssN. PANAMERICANA AVE #5105 RT. #l -Box 380 Co. JUAREZ, CHIH., MX DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN 011-52-1637-1799 PALATKA, FL 32177 MICHIGAN BUGGY BUILDERS (904) 325-5422 Dune Buggy Trade Show NATIONAL TuFF TRUCK ASSN. (517) 543-7214 Butch Chapin Motorsports Promo-<> tions 1404 EAsr 3RD STREET MICHIGAN OFF ROAD HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 CHAMPIONSHIPS (612) 437-2459 M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. NOORA 15529 }ONES ROAD GRAND LEDGE, ML 48837 NORTHERN Omo OFF RoAD (517) 627-6200 RACING ASSN. Motorcycles, Quads, ATVs and'Pilots onl, GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 MAORA E-MAIL <> Mm-AMERICA Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads OFF ROAD ASSOCIATION (Spring Valle, Racewa,, on route 518, 20 P.O. Box664 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) GREENUP, IL 62428 (Thunder Valle, located 15 minutes from (217) 962-1318 Spring Valle,) E-MAIL: NORRA <> MOR PRODUCTIONS NATIONAL OFF RoAD RACING ASSOCIATION OFF-ROAD RACING SERIES 1853 PARKWAY DRM -SotITH EL MoNTE, (661) 268-1232 CA 91733 PHONE: (626) 442-9320 OFF ROAD EXPO FAX: (626) 579-0051 SPIN COMMUNICATIONS E-Mail: (415) 380-3890 <> November 7, 2009 Stoddard 250 OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Barstow B, CA Volunteered Series Superstition Series PRESIDENT -GEOFF LEE Plaster City, CA 1243 TRICE ROAD November 28, 2009 LEBANON, TN 37087 MDRRally (615) 453-5830 Plaster City, CA CLASS REP. -1/2-1600 December 31, 2009 BRUCE MEYERS Dusty Times

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(865) 453-1005 CLASS REP. -9 & UNLTD. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OlJl1AW REP. DON PONDER (314) 631-8190 (All Races at Wheeling in the Count, 900 Acres) OHio OFF RoADERs INc. 1427 GOSHEN HILLS ROAD S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 JIM l<ENDEL (216) 339-4674 All races held at Harrison County Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS Assoc1ATION RICK TICHBOURNE, PUBLIC RELATIONS (519).o81-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) OUTLAW SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. LoUis, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/Fax: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. Off Road Championship 495 N. COMMONS DRNE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <> PENNSYLVANIA SHORT COURSE RACING SMITHTON HOLE RACEWAY 313 SKYLINE DRNE SMmITON, PA. 15479 MIKE GEISER 330-683-0263 Short Course Offroad Racing All Races At Smithton Hole Raceway PlKE.s PEAK P.O. Box 6962 CoLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF RoAD RACING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 875-7591 PRo 1600 SHOOTOUT CoREYGOIN 559-047-0132 GOINRACIN@HOTMAIL.COM PRoTRucK 14402 BOND COURT EL CAJON, CA 92021 619-390-6252 PURE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box50 RICKETTS, IA 51460 (712) 679-2221 RALLY AMERICA NATIONAL EVENTS RalH, America Re= E11ents: egional 'itf;:~hips. Central: November 28, 2009 Rallye de Paris Paris, TX South West ROCK CRAWLERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA P.O. Box 1406 RIVERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/Fax: (801) 253-3176 SAN DIEGO SHORT COURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New Series lry Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro Trucks, Desert Trucks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Truck <> (858) 571-5088 SAN DIEGo OFF RoAD ExPOsmoN (888) 836 7918 SCCA RoADRALLY P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-2055 <> SFX MoTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. COMMONS DRNE, SUITE 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 Fax SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., SuITE A CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 Dusty Times <> Sept 11-13, 2009 Terribles Primm 300 Primm,NV Nov 19-22, 2009 Baja 1000, Baja Mexico SNORE SOUTHERN NEV ADA OFF RoAD ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 270516 I.As VEGAS, NV 89127 702-452-4522 Dec 12, 2009 KARTEK Western Desert Challenge SONS OF THUNDER 4 WHEELERS RACE DMSION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SOUTHEASTERN OFF RoAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR({770) 963-0252 Mike Moore -(224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS EXPo MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. HACIENDA BLVD. #322 HACIENDA HEIGHTS, CA 91745 (626) 961-0522 SCTA SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING AssOCIATION &. BoNNEVIU.E NATIONALS, INc. P.O. Box 10 OROS!, CA 93647 (559) 528-0279 (559) 528-9749 FAX <> SOUTHERN SHORT CoURSE OFF ROAD RACING ASSN. 4305 WOOTLARK DRNE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (All Races at Eastba-, Raceway, Tampa, FL) TRAXXAS TORC SERIES Oct 31 - Nov 1, 2009 Las Vegas, NV SUPER SERIES (PTY) Lm. P.O. Box 706 Toys FoR ToTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADILLA VALLEY SPORTS CENTER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <> VORRA VALLEY OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 1970 EAST 2ND STREET RENO, NV 89502 877-418-0772 Prairie City, CA Sept 5-7, 2009 Hawthorne 250 Hawthorne, NV Oct 10-11, 2009 Short Course Prairie City, CA Oct 31-Nov 1, 2009 Short Course Prairie City, CA VICENTE GUERRERO OFFRoAD Cum PROFO. CENOVIO GAMBOA 011-52-016-6-21-91 (2-o p.m.) WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WESTERN PENNsnv ANIA WHEEL To WHEEL OFF RoAD RACING PATRICK McGUIRE P.O. Box376 ADAMSBURG, PA (412) 527-0556 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2325 E. KINGS AVENUE PHOENIX, AZ 85022 (602) 971-3730 <> WISCONSIN MoTORSPORTS SHow (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTIVAL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 0sHKOSH, WL 54901 (414) 688-5509 WORLD SERIES OF OFF ROAD RACING PFIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP .0 . Box99 CRANDON, WISCONSIN 54520 303-880-7221 Sept 4-6, 2009 Short Course Crandon, WI <www.WRC.COM> XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 CoMMANDER DRNE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 ZR PROMOTIONS LUIS RENE MONTANO C. CALZADA lNDEPENDENCIA 200 -5 COL INSURGENTES EsTE 21280 MEXICALI, BC, MX (686) 564 6653 List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your 2009-2010 schedule as soon as possible for listing in this c~lumn;\ t could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: Dusty Times, 207 61 Plum-mer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-5003 November 2009 Trail Notes ... motorsport event celebrates its 66th anniversary with a return to the top level of rallying. The Mazurian Lakes District provides an exceptional backdrop to these spectacular gravel stages, where the WRC regular drivers are challenged by experienced Polish drivers racing in their backyard. NESTE OIL RALLY FINIAND -Sunday, November 29 from 8-9 PM ET -As one of the biggest annual events in Scandinavia with over 500,000 spectators, Neste Oil RALLY FINLAND features high-speed runs along tree-lined tracks, peppered with high-flying jumps that demand absolute commitment. Located in central Finland, this rally requires efficient technique to cope with the high speeds and mammoth jumps that litter the loose-surfaced gravel stages. REPCO RALLY AUSTRALIA -Sunday, December 6 from 8-9 PM ET -WRC heads down under to the new base of Repco RALLY AUSTRALIA in the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales. The hard-packed gravel stages located in the Kyogle, Murwillumbah and Mullumbimby regions will be a new and unfamiliar challenge compared to the rally's historic stages on red earth_and ball-bearing-like gravel roads near Perth. RACC RALLYE DE ESPANA -Sunday, December 13 from 8-9 PM ET -Providing some of the fastest stages of the series, the sweeping asphalt roads of the Tarragona iegion southwest of Barcelona play home to the RACC RALLYE DE ESPANA. As the penultimate round of the WRC series, this rally plays a critical role in the overall championship with only one event left on the schedule. RALLY GB -Sunday, December 20 from 8-9 PM ET -As the final rally of the season, RALLY GB is one of the oldest rallies in the world and is hosted in Cardiff, Wales. This spectator-friendly event runs through gravel forest roads that often become wet and slippery. The event also features stages on the exposed military land to the north of Brecon, which is prone to fog that can wreak havoc on drivers' ability to navigate turns. FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP programming is produced by International Sportsworld Communicators Ltd -A North One Television Company. For HD Theater, Sean McKnight is executive producer, Bob Scanlon is vice resident of production and development, and Clark Bunting is president and general manager. ** For more information, please visit HD Theater's press website at where you can access photography, advance screeners and additional press materials. In 2008, WRC was covered by 188 countries via 228 broadcasters, with a total audience of over 633 million plus 12 million visitors to 2009 will see a total of 12 rallies staged across the world in Ireland, Norway, Cyprus, Portugal, Argentina, Italy, Greece, Poland, Finland, Australia, Spain and Great Britain. For more information please visit CRANDON Crowns Champions -Professional off-road racing action at Crandon International Off-Road Raceway over Labor Day weekend included racing for annual "World Championship" titles. Titles were earned in 12 different classes ranging from high performahce off-road trucks to grassroots race divisions. Crandon Raceway annually presents rings to World Champions. Listed below are World Champions by off-road class. A capacity crowd watched off-road racers compete at the 2009 BorgWarner World Championship Off-Road Races®. The following World Champions hold the title until the off-road World Championships in 2010: Kyle LeDuc, Beaumont, Calif., 2009 BorgWarner Cup Race World Champion. Scott Douglas, El Cajon, Calif., 2009 TORC Pro 4x4 Crandon World Champion. Todd LeDuc, Cherry Valley, Calif., 2009 TORC Pro 2WD Crandon World Champion. Jeff Kincaid, Argonne, Wis., 2009 TORC Pro Light Crandon World Champion. Shawn Morris, Loveland, Colo., 2009 TORC Pro Super Buggy Crandon World Champion. Dan Baudoux, Hemlock, Mich., 2009 TORC Limited Truck Crandon World Champion. Mitch Dorr, Rockford, Ill., 2009 TORC Stock pickup truck Crandon World Champion. John Fitzgerald, Omaha, Neb., 2009 TORC 1600 Buggy Crandon World Champion. Matt Gerald, Neenah, Wis., 2009 TORC 1600 Light Buggy Crandon World Champion. Dave DeMaegd, Mishawaka, Ind., 2009 TORC Formula 4x4 Crandon World Champion. Grassroots World Champions were Bob Birkholz, Black Creek, Wis., Enduro class, and Justin Keehner, Monona,la., in Classi.x, More information is available at crandonoffroad. com and rubby Gordon Leads SCORE Points -Enjoying his full-time return o desert racing in between his 'day job' as a NASCAR Cup team wner/ driver, Robby Gordon has increased his point lead in the 2009 SCORE Desert Series point standings following his second win of the year at the recent 14th SCORE Terrible's Primm 300. With 292 points, Gordon, 40, who returns to his desert racing roots as often as his NASCAR schedule allows (which is every race this year), is the SCORE Overall point leader and he also leads the marquee SCORE Trophy-Truck class for high-tech, 800-horsepower, unlimited production trucks in his No. 77 Team Gordon Chevy CK1500. After Gordon's big lead of 24 points over second place in the SCORE Overall point standings (he also has an even larger 48-point lead in SCORE Trophy-Truck), only 16 points separate the rest of the top 10 in the 2009 SCORE Overall point standings. After winning Class 10 in San Felipe, Ensenada and Primm in his Lothringer-VW, Mike Lawrence, Banning CA., is leading the class he won the season championship in last year and stands second in SCORE overall points with 268. Wilson Motorsports of Long Beach, Calif., currently leads two classes as well as being tied for third and 11th in SCORE overall points after four races. With two Class 1 open-wheel desert race cars and two Class 1-2/1600 open-wheel cars with 1600cc VW engines, Randy Wilson, 50, the middle of three racing Wilson brothers, leads Class 1 and is 11th in overall points with 241. Tied with Brian Wilson for the lead in Class 1-2/1600 and tied for third with him in SCORE Overall points is Justin Smith, Capistrano Beach, Calif., who has two class wins this year in his Fraley-VW. SCORE points are based on starting and finishing as well as the number of starters in each class and placement position in every race. more Trail Notes on paue41 Page 7

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6.9&11 TERRIBLE'S PRIMM 300 Gordon Gets The Win By Judy Smith Photos: Photo ,. . Armin Schwarz drove his Jimco-BMW to the Class 1 win, Armin finished third overall at Primm, seen here with the power on. the one-lap of "course reconnais-" sance . A good day for Robby Gordon, he abandoned his NASCAR ride for the off road event and he took the Trophy Truck win and the overall as well. The weather was hot with little wind for the early race, but some clouds formed right over the Buf, falo Bill's parking lot early in the second event and looked threaten-ing enough that some of the folks in the grandstands folded their umbrellas and left. Rain never materialized in that area, but stiff breezes blew up, and it was pos-sible to see lightning strikes off in the distance. In fact, there was enough lightning around that the Robby Gordon took the week-end off from NASCAR racing and piloted his Chevrolet to the overall win at SCORE's Terrible's Primm 300. Doing all the driving himself, Gordon finished in the time of 4:49: 18, which included a penalty of a minute and a half. Yes, penalties were an issue again. After the Baja 500, when top finishers in most of the classes lost their positions due to penalties assigned for speeding or course deviation, the ugly specter raised its head again. This time, because there were three sections of the course with speed limits, and urgent reasons for enforc-ing them, SCORE once again assigned penalties of 30 seconds for each data point generated by the vehicle's GPS device. The total mileage under speed control each lap was just 2.75. There was a mile on the outbound power-plant road, three-quarter.s of a mile on the inbound power-plant road (both limited to 30 mph) and another mile in the main pits, which was limited to 50 miles per hour. That totaled only 11 miles for an entire ·four-lap event. Bu·' many drivers couldn't s.,tick to those limits. There was plenty of pre-race warning about-the need to comply with the speett limits and the fact that penalties would be assessed. they would back out when their GPS indicated they had reached 25 mph, and in the pits, they'd top out at 45. The event was divided into two as usual, with the li hter, slower Mike Lawrence drove his VW powered Lothringer to the Class 10 win, he had a mere 11 seconds on his competition at the checkers. vehicles starting right at sunrise various helicopters, including the (and driving right into the rising one that Race Director Paul Fish sun) and just Class 1 and the was in, were grounded: He later Trophy Trucks beginning their described seeing "giant orange stint at one p.m. SCORE used the fireballs" as the lightning hit the Lucas Oil short course track for ground. The difficult thing about part of each lap. The beginning Fish being grounded was that he of that first event was horrific for was the only way a driver/naviga, the drivers because they took the tor could get back to the comfort green flag, went forward a few feet and safety of the pits if their car'' and then made a sharp right turn was disabled. The BLM allowed into the short course, along the no one to go out and collect a northern side. It may have been broken car or its inhabitants. In watered at some point, but was the extremely hot. weather this bone dry by start time, and huge could at worst mean heat stroke, clouds of dust rose up and hung, and at best extreme thirst and dis-the usual September breezes not comfort. So one of Fish's duties at having started up yet. When the this event was to helicopter to the drivers got to the end of the "back site of the broken vehicle, pick up straight" they made a sharp left the inhabitants and ferry them to turn, right into the sun. The only safety. In one case the BLM told one who had no problem was the him that the vehicle was in an area very first car to start, because where he could not land, and Fish he was dust free. Others crept was reduced to dropping bottled along at a snail's pace, some got water to the team because they'd lost, and once or twice head on put their drinking water into their collisions looked imminent. The radiator in an effort to keep the water trucks arrived during the vehicle moving. start process, but there was no The first race was scheduled way to let them out on the track to start at 6 a.m., but as usually while the cars were flogging their happens, it seemed that it would way through. Eventually they got still be a bit too dark, so they it well watered and dust wasn't an bumped the start time back to issue after the early start: At least 6: 10. Then the racers drove off not on the short course. into a beautiful sunrise, with This course was basically- de-pink, blue and gold clouds float-termined by the BLM, and des-ing over the mountains. They ignated as the official course for probably couldn't see 'them for the 2009 season, which means the dust, however, and there was that BITD, SCORE and SNORE no friendly breeze to clear the air were all limited to exactly the for the early racers. same course. And SCORE, as the The Class 10 cars were first on BITD had done, decided to forego the road, and they had a good, _____ .;;;.;~;._;;;;;;.;;;...;;..;.;;,;;.;.:...;;.;...;;.;..;;..;.;.;;..;.;...;.;.;;.;,.s~-;..;..;.;;....;..;;..;_.;., close battle. They were required to do four laps. At the end of the first lap the lead belonged to Corey Keysar, who'd been first off the line in his Jimco Honda. His was the fastest first lap at 1: 19: 10. Behind him Mikey Lawrence was second in his Lothringer VW, and in third it was Lonny Hart and Scott Martensen in a Tatum Honda. Javier Robles ran fourth. At the end of the second lap Keysar was still in the lead, with about four minutes on Lawrence. Adam Ashcraft, in an AlumiCraft VW was now up to third, and Scott Gailey and Scott Whipple in a GETVW ran fourth. Recording the fast lap time for .the second lap, at 1:21:31, was Bekki Wik in her Bunderson Honda. On Lap 1 she'd come up against stuck traf-fic in Beer Bottle Pass, jammed on her brakes and stalled, and then discovered her starter didn't work. By the time she'd got the car going again, she'd lost about 25 minutes, but now she was hauling. At the end of the third lap Key-sar was still leading, but had less than two minutes on Lawrence. Ashcraft, with the fast lap for the class, at 1: 17:36, ran a close third. When they finished Keysar was still in front, but he'd earned two minutes of penalties for speeding, and that moved Lawrence, who had no penalties, into the win. Lawrence, believing himself to be second, was feeling bad about having rolled his car. He said he, "Just rolled over and landed on my wheels on the last lap -but it took about a minute to restart it." He thought he'd thrown away a win by doing that, but he'd had no penalties, and thus got his victory. Keysar said he'd had a trouble free day, reporting no flats. He said the course was "very well marked" and he "didn't think that the no pre-running was an issue." Gailey and Whipple with three and a half minutes of penalties, were third, which is where they finished. They said they'd had a "flawless race", and are lookin forward to racing in Rob MacCachren drove his Chevy Silverado to a close second L---.:::..----.....: ...... =--------------..J place finish in Trophy Truck, Rob was 62 seconds behind the Harley Letner drove his Alpha-Chevy to the silver medal in the leader at the checkers. Class 1 contest, he's seen here heading to the checkers. It was a second place finish in the Class 1/2-1600 race for Cody Robinson, he's seen here at high speed in his Romo. Pages November 2009 Dusty Times

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Justin Smith drove a good race, he took the Class 1/2-1600 win in his Fraley, he's seen here flyin' towards the checkered flag. their Trophy Truck which is now VW, and sixth went to Hart and under construction. Wik and her Martensen. In seventh it was co-driver, husband Adam, added Jose Gonzalez and Jesus Acosta up three minutes worth of penal-who came up from Ensenada to ties, and took fourth. race in their Dunrite Honda. Ja-In fifth it was Jose Lynch and vier Robles, Sr. and Jr., who also Jason Defalco in an AlumiCraft came up from Mexico, drove their Jimco Honda to eighth. They said they'd had three flats, but no other problems. They amassed a lot of penalty minutes, but would have been eighth in any case. Ash-craft, after recording the fast lap for the class, broke on the fourth lap and became a dnf. Rob Reinertson, needing some points for his Pro Truck series, ran all by himself in this event. The rest of his group would compete in the BITD event coming up in a couple of weeks, but Reinertson had a family obligation that week which couldn't be missed. He did the three required laps in his Ford in 4:46:05 and earned no penalties. Clyde Stacy came from Bris-tol, Virginia to race his Chevy Silverado in Class 8 and was re-quired to run three laps. He said his "day was great, the course was great and I had a lot of fun out there." He had no problems and went home with a win. Class 7SX did only three laps, and they didn't have a good morn-ing. Norman Turley, in a Ford, took the win, reporting a "really good day." He said he'd lost a left front spring, which cost him ten or 15 minutes, and had found the dust and driving into the sun "terrible." He had only a couple of minutes of penalties. Racing in the same class, Aar-on Gomez and Kris Kassabian, in a Ford, ran a very close race in their Ford and would have had a second place, but they amassed three hours of penalty time, and that put them over the seven hour time limit, thus changing them into a DNF for this event. John Holmes managed to complete only two laps in his Ford. In Class 1-2/1600, a four-lap class, with 16 starters, (and ten different brands of chassis) David Caspino led on the first lap with Justin Smith, in a Fraley, less than a minute behind him and he'd started at the rear. Third belonged to Cody Robinson in a Romo, and fourth was Mario Gastelum in a Curry. In fifth it was Luke McMillin in his Jimco. On the second lap Smith took over the lead, with six minutes on Gastelum. In third it was Robinson, and Caspino dropped to fourth, with Luke McMillin in fifth. Smith, who picked up speed each lap, continued to lead through Lap 3, and now Robin-son was second, Brian Wilson third in a Kreger, McMillin fourth and Arturo and Abel Velazco, in a Porter were fifth. Smith took the win saying he'd had an "awesome run." He said he'd just "worked his way up (from that rear start) and kept it easy -not one issue." He did say he'd been held up a little in some dust, and he thought the holes were "edgy" and getting bigger. He had no speed penalties, and his time was 5:52:42. Second went to Robinson and C1ntinu .. IR ,111 10 Rick St. John drove his Duvel to a second place finish in SCORE Roger Norman drove his Ford F-150 to the bronze medal in the Pat Dean and D.anny Anderson drove their Chevy powered Lite, he's seen here just before one of many landings. Trophy Truck Division, he's seen here airborne and heading home. Bunderson to a third place finish in the Class 1 battle. Dusty Times 8 Restaurants 2, 163 Rooms And Suites 60 Table Games 2,300 Slot Machines Poker Room 65,000 Sq. Ft. Of Meeting Space 4,500 Seat Equestrian & Event Center 80,000 Sq. Ft. Exhibit Hall Race & Sports Book 800-Seat Bingo Room 16 Movie Theaters Spa & Fitness Center Showroom 64-Lane Bowling Center ~~4 ~ .· tJ .r.=:======-'' 1 1-866-791-76~6 • LAS VEGAS BLVD AT S/LVERADO RANCH • SOUTHPO/NTCASINO.COM November 2009 Page 9

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Ronny Wilson throws a bit of dirt as he speeds his Jimco to the SCORE Lite victory at Primm, he had 11 minutes on his competition. Justin Matney came from Tennessee to take the Stock Full win in his Dodge Ram 2500, he's seen here at speed. his co-driver Roberto Romo who split the driving evenly. They also had no problems, no flats and no penalties, finishing with a time of 6:04:10. Third place went to Brad Wilson and Justin Munyon, in a Penhall. They said they'd had no problems, no flats, just dust. And said there were "a lot of rocks out there." They acquired a 30 second penalty, for a time of 6: 13: 14. In fourth it was Brian Wilson and Sammy Ehrenberg in a Kre-ger. They had no problems, but said their car was too soft for this course. They had to stop for fuel every lap, but they had no penal-ties, for a time of 6:15:19. , In fifth place it was the Velazco brothers, also with no penalties, and a time of 6:22:28. Sixth went to Eric and Hiram Duran in a Neth, who'd recorded the fast lap for the class, at 1 :26:28 on the fourth lap. They had no penalties, for a total time of 6:22:49, only 21 seconds behind the Velazcos. Seventh went to Daniel McMil-lin who broke a throttle cable in his Jimco on the first lap. He had a spare and he and his navigator got it fixed but they lost about 13 minutes. After that he "pushed hard" to try to catch up, but had no more trouble. However, all that hard pushing earned him nine minutes and 30 seconds of penalties and cost two positions. Right behind him his younger brother, Luke, was eighth, with a half minutes on Gale and Matt them a slightly more comfortable only 30 seconds of penalties. He Pike in their Dodge Ram Charger. hand hold. Their "driving" hands reported that it "was awesome", In third it was Daniel Wright in were tired. They had about three until he lost oil pressure on the a Ford Bronco, another 20 min-and a half minutes of penalties for last lap and was lucky to get to utes back, and Don Moss and his a time of 4:53:42. the finish. His time was 6:28: 13. navigator were frantically trying Meanwhile, time moved on Mario Gastelum was ninth hav-to repair their Bronco, the left and the Moss Bronco was still out ing lost about 25 minutes on his front corner of which had been on the course, under repair. Once third lap with some problem. He spit off into the desert. Their first the Wright team had delivered had four minutes of penalties, for lap ultimately took four hours the parts they got things glued a time of 6:36:44. and 55 minutes. Wright, who together and went on, but began In tenth it was Steve Myers was behind them when their car to lose their brakes. So they had and Steve Dodd in a Kreger. My-broke, stopped at their pit and to stop at their pit for corrective ers had two uneventful laps, but picked up the needed parts and action. The crew pinched off the Dodd rolled the car on his first brought them back out to Moss bad corner and they did the last lap, and later hit the infield wall so he could make repairs. lap with just three brakes, and and stalled. They had six and a Skilton took the win, finish- even stopped to upright a 5/1600 half minutes of speed penalties. ing with no speeding penalties, car. And they finished with 22 Myers is the gentleman who heads in 3:30:44. He said it had been minutes and ten seconds to spare. up the IRC, which puts the little slow the first lap because it was They had no penalties. Neither black boxes on the cars and tracks so dusty, but the second lap the Pike family, nor Kirk Kovel them around the course. was clean. He stopped to pull a managed to finish. The 11th finisher was the good 5/1600 car back on its wheels, Class 5 was required to do looking Fraley of Samuel Araiza and he stopped at each pit to three laps, and there were three and Federico Montes. Araiza is check his Jeep over, since it hadn't entries. On the first lap Carlos from La Paz and Montes is from really been prepped since the Best Albanez led with about 16 min-Ensenada. They had five and-a-In The Desert Vegas to Reno utes on Kevin Carr, who was just half minutes of penalties, and a event. a little over five minutes in front time of 6:41:03. Behind him the Wright Bron-of Shaun Dunbar in his Veggie Hiram and Evan Duran were co, with Daniel Field at the wheel, Oil powered car. They stayed the 12th team to finish in their was second. He and Brian Hartley in the same order through the Neth. They had no penalties, and had taken turns driving the lap, second lap, but then both Carr their time was 6:52: 17, less than because their throttle had broken and Dunbar disappeared on Lap eight minutes before cut off time. and they'd driven the final lap 3. Albanez was probably relieved, The Class 3 vehicles had to with a piece of baling wire serv- because he lost his starter on the get only two laps done within the ing as a throttle, and pulling it by last lap and he bottomed out and seven-hour limit. At the end of hand. To keep from ripping their pinched a fuel line so he wasn't the first lap Darren Skilton had hands to shreds, they'd removed getting enough fuel and felt he the lead in his Jeep Wrangler, one of their helmet skirts and didn't have time to make a repair. but he had only about two and wrapped it around the wire, giving He went on to get the win, finish-.------...-.... ---------------------,..--, ing in 6:00:32, which included 21 minutes of speeding penalties. Class 5/1600 had two entries, and one team came up from Ensenada to race. They had to do three laps. The first lap was close with Alonso Angulo driving and staying just four minutes in front of Cody Stuart. But on the second lap, Angulo maintained his pace, but Stuart's co-driver, Patrick Dailey, rolled their car and lost a half hour (he's the one the Skilton Jeep stopped and pulled back onto its wheels). Angulo handed over to Mario Reynoso for the last lap, and he held on to the lead. They had no problems, no flats, and "loved the track." They took the win in the time of 5:22:58 with 13 minutes of speed-ing penalties. Dailey and Stuart also finished, with no penalties, just 27 minutes later. Class 6, which is for V6 pow-ered modified small trucks, had five entries, and was required to do three laps. Greg Hempel and Brian Fremal, in a Chevy, appar-ently forgot to pick up and install their IRC tracking device, so they didn't get timed at all although they were the only team in the group to finish all three laps. Of-ficially they were a DNF. Robert Pickering and Bryant Layton drove their truck two very good laps and went out on the third and never came back, although from the scoring/timing sheet it seems their pace would have got them in within the time limit. Neither of the other teams, Wes Bevly and Billy Wilson from Texas, or Heidi Steele were able to get their third laps done, as they were flagged off by the officials, so they wouldn't still be on the track when the late race started. Mark Burnet and Rick Johnson, in a Ford, got only one lap completed. '1 Class 7 trucks showed up with five entries, and they had a three-lap requirement also. Jose and Elias Canchola who drove up from Baja to race in their Ford, never even got the first lap done. But the rest of them went on. Dan Chamlee put his Ford into the lead, and had 22 minutes at It was a third place finish in Class 1/2-1600 for Brad Wilson, Corey Keysar flew his Honda powered Jimco to a silvermedalin seen here charging his Penhall towards the finish line. the Class 10 conflict, he's seen here just at touchdown. Brent Parkhouse drove his Moulton to a third place finish in SCORE Lite at Primm, he's seen here at speed on the course. Shawn Croll drove his good lookin' Ford Powered Porter to a BekkiandAdamWikdrovetheirHondapoweredBundersontoafourth fourth place finish in Class 1, he's seen here at high speed. place finish in Class 10, they finished four minutes off the podium. Page 10 November 2009 Brian Collins didn't have a good day, Brian was ninth in the Trophy Truck fracas, seen here really churnin' up the dirt in his Dodge Ram. Dusty Times

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I the end of the first lap. He went on to run in front the rest of the way. He had an "electrical issue" with the fan on the second lap, and that cost him ten minutes, but other than that he did noth-ing but go around and around. At the finish he had no penalties, and won with the time of 4:41:40. In second place it was Oscar Solaiza and Igor Galvan, in an-other Ford, and they came up from the Bay of L.A. (nearly half-way down the Baja peninsula) and Ensenada to race. Galvan drove the first two laps and had two flats in the first 15 miles. But after that they had no problems, and Solaiza drove the last lap. They earned just a one minute penalty, and were only nine minutes behind Chamlee at the finish. Third place went to Adrian and Aaron Celiceo in a Toyota. We missed them somehow in the confusion at the finish line. They had a long first lap, but then ran steadily and amassed no penalties to be the third, and last, finisher in the class. Brandon Walsh and Travis Freedman, in another Toyota, did one very long lap and then had time to get only one more lap completed before they ran out of time. In Class 17 there was but one entry, the Jeep Cherokee of Mike Shaffer and Lance Clifford. They did their required two laps at an even pace, amassed just 30 sec-onds of penalty, and went home with a win. The Stock Full class was re-quired to do just two laps also, and there were two entries. Justin Matney, in a Dodge Ram, said he had "a few problems", notably a steering box issue -something with the steering stabilizer. Then he said, "It's Primm, it's rough, it's rocky." He acquired 14 penalty minutes. Joe Bacal, in a Lexus, finished second, a little over a half hour later. He totaled up 21 minutes worth of penalties., and said he, "I hated this event - my shocks were not working right -no dampening." In the Stock Mini class, only Gavin Skilton and his Honda Ridgeline came. Skilton said it was a "fun day", but that the dust was "pretty outrageous early." He had a flawless day, never got out of the car, and liked that the course was "a little different" from the last couple of years. His time for two laps was 4:02:22. The Sportsman Truck class had four entries and they were required to complete two laps. Joe Aguayo, in a Ford F150, drove all the way and took the win, finish-ing with no speeding penalties, in the time of 4: 11 :07. He said he A good race for Gavin Skilton, he took the Stock Mini win in his Honda Ridgeline, seen here racing through a slight dust cloud. "had a motor problem, and, some bano ran second in their Penhall. parts broke off." Third belonged to Bill Hernquist In second place it was Ken Fra-in a Jimco. zier, who also drove all the way in On the second lap L. J. Ken-his Chevy. He said he'd "ripped nedy took over for Ronny Wilson the power steering pump off" in their Jimco, and he had a front and had to drive 40 or 50 miles flat, but still recorded the fast with no power. He was happy to time for Lap 2 and moved the car finish, and his time was 4:55:37 up into the lead. Now Pfankuch and it included seven minutes of was second, about a minute back penalties. and it was pretty much a two-car Third went to Nick Tonelli battle. The rest of the class ran _who had a "perfect day" in his another 15 minutes back or so. Ford Ranger. He said he "took But Pfankuch's car wasn't run-it slow", keeping in mind that ning right, and it got worse as he came into the race first in the Rick St. John took over for the points standings. He didn't take final two laps. it quite slow enough, and built Wilson and Kennedy took up an hour and 40 minutes in the win, adding in a six minute penalties. He'd have had the win penalty, for a time of 5:55:23. without the penalties. Pfankuch and St. John also had Michael Pasznik and family six minutes of penalties, and their also ran in this class, but they time was 6:06:20. Third place didn't get their first lap com-went to Brian Burgess and Brent pleted. Parkhouse and they had the fast In the Sportsman Car class lap for the class on Lap 3. They there were two entries, and they earned eight minutes of penalties, needed to complete two laps. Pe-and finished five minutes behind ter Lang put his homebuilt Chevy second. powered car in front on the first Hernquist and his co-driver, lap, but only by two minutes. He Rick Ellison, who never drove later said, "The car we were rac-ing was a good car - faster than us." On the second lap Lang had a flat, his first in six races, which cost him about ten minutes. With a two minute penalty he finished in 3:46:07, to take the win. The other car, a Chevy pow-ered Playtech, was driven by Joe Gilmore on Lap 1 and Bill Bice, who said "We had a blast" on Lap 2. He had two flat tires on his lap. They had seven minutes worth of penalties, and a time of 4:54:42 for their race. The SCORE Lite cars were part of this group, with a four-lap requirement. There were nine of them. · Ty Godde and Jim Greenway never got lap one completed, but everyone else did, and Adam Pfankuch had the early lead in a Duvel. ohn Lan le and Mike Ur-.... The win in Class 17, Modified Jeeps went to Mike Shaffer, he's seen here racing across the barren waste towards the finish line. Dusty Times November 2009 Rob Reinertson was the ProTruck Class winner, he's seen here in his Ford F-150 on his way to the checkered flag. a beam-car before, took fourth. and then as he neared Mile 28 or Hernquist had had a 20-minute 29, the car quit. He coasted over flat on the second lap. They had to the side and tried to restart it, nine minutes of speed penalties. with no luck. Then he happened In fifth it was John Padgett to glance into his mirror and saw and Ryan Nikata in a Kreger, 20 foot flames shooting up from who had a long first lap but then the rear of the car. Richard and ran a steady pace and didn't his navigator turned everything earn any penalties. Chuck Sacks off and hopped out and used their and Jerry Longo were sixth, and fire extinguisher to try to put the Langley and Urbano, recovering flames out, with no luck. Then from a long second lap, finished some passing racers, including seventh. Margan and Zak Langley, Halopoff, Harley Letner, Shawn in a Penhall, finished eighth, but Croll and Josh Daniels, stopped went overtime, with 15 minutes and handed over their extinguish-of penalties and became a DNF. ers. They used them all up to no The second heat consisted of avail. · just the Trophy Trucks and Class Meanwhile, a checkpoint crew 1 cars, and SCORE sent them sent over a side-by-side with more off one minute apart to minimize extinguishers and some shovels. dust problerns. They actually When all the extinguishers started out shortly after one p.m., were empty, they started shovel-while the stragglers in the earlier ing. In the meantime, their crew, heat were still finishing. actually in sight from where they In the Class 1 ranks Kory were stopped, radioed the BLM Halopoff and Dale Lenk both and told them that they had "fire went out on the first lap. So did fighring equipment" on their Richard Boyle, who had a particu- chase vehicle, and said they'd like larly disturbing adventure. His permission to go in and "suppress car wasn't running well, so he'd the fire." The BLM told them they switched fuel pumps once already, Centinu .. on ,11112 Page 11

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.. ""l..; ' ·" -----" . ~<!'.4' f~rM-"' • . . ~ ... . , whose last lap was an hour longer with 23 entries. The Lucas Oil than the previous three. It seems short course stands held their their throttle body "snapped", so biggest crowds of the day (at least navigator Justin Seguir, had sat on until rain and lightning threat-the spare tire with a pair of vice ened) and Robby Gordon elicited grips and held the throttle open the biggest cheers., and he was so they could go on. He fell off spectacular to watch as he charged once, but wasn't hurt, and they through the short course section. went on to the pit, where it was Another highly popular driver properly welded together, and was Rob MacCachren, in the new then they "cruised to the finish." Jimco he was piloting since Mark Their time was 5:54:57, which in- Post had withdrawn his entry eluded just two and a half minutes at the last minute. MacCachren, • of penalty. with years of short course experi-In fifth it was Brian Parkhouse ence, was also great fun to watch and Tom Ridings in a Jimco through the Lucas Oil track. The Sportsman Car win went to Peter Lang, he's seen here in his Homebuilt Chevy powered vehicle headin' for the flag. Chevy. They' cl had "torque con-At the end of the first lap Mac-verter seal issues" and one early Cachren and his Chevy had the flat. They'd also been losing trans-lead, with Brian Collins in his mission fluid late in the race, but Dodge in second place, 18 sec-they said it was "really a fun race onds back. Third belonged to Pete could not do that. In fact, they told them they' cl be taken to jail if they did. There was a BLM fire crew somewhere in the area, but it was involved in a small brush fire that had resulted from a lightning strike. When telling about the event later, Boyle said, "we shoveled and shoveled -there must have been 45 g;i_llons of fuel in the car." It burned for about an hour and a half, and they did manage to save the front arms and the shocks. Boyle estimated that there was over $100,000 in damage done, and he said, "Our crew could have walked in ... " Meanwhile, the race went on. Armin Schwarz had the fast lap for the class on his first lap in the BMW Jimco, at 1:11:56, and he had about a minute and a half on Danny Anderson in Pat Dean's Bunderson Chevy. In third it was Shawn Croll in his Porter Ford, another mjnute and a half back, and then Dan Martin followed in a Penhall Chevy. Behind him it was Letner in the Alpha Chevy. Schwarz continued to lead, but Anderson dropped back, the suspension on the car "wasn't real good" for the course. Now Croll, with the best second lap time, moved up to second place. Louis Serna, in a Tatum Chevy, was fourth and Letner was still fifth. Josh Daniel fell out on the second lap. course." They had nine minutes Sohren in his Ford, another seven Croll put on another ter-of penalties, for a time of 6: 10:40. seconds later, then Roger Norman rific lap to move into the lead Sixth place went to Randy was fourth, in another Ford, 13 on the third lap, with Martin Wilson in a Jimco Chevy. He seconds behind him and in fifth Christensen, who took over for said "Whooo -that was a long it was Cameron Steele, GMC, Schwarz, now in second, and Pat day." He'd had motor problems, less than a minute behind him. Dean, who replaced Anderson, in and couldn't figure it out, then it Norman would be doing all the third. Letner hung on to fourth "didn't handle read good", and he driving at this event, his erstwhile and Brian Parkhouse and Tom tore the skid plate off and finally, co-driver, Larry Roeseler, was side-Ridings, in ·a Jimco Chevy, were the "last lap and a half was a ball!" lined for a while with a compres-now fifth. Terry Householder, in a He had six and a half minutes of sion fracture in his back. Every Playtech Chevy, had dropped out, penalty, and his time was 6: 16: 18. Trophy Truck that started made and Ronny Wilson, in a Jimco In seventh it was Martin and it through the first lap. Stout, Chevy was not having a good day. Jerry Penhall. They'd."tried a new Scheeler and Gordon had gone-Schwarz and Christensen went tire and had bad luck", which through the short course very on to take the win, amassing six included 25 minute tire changes close together and in that order. penalty minutes along the way. because they'd stripped the lug But as they got to the hard right Their time thus totaled 5:00:08. nuts. There' cl been four flats. exiting the short course track, Schwarz had got out because he They'd had 17 and-a-half minutes Scheeler and Stout braked harder had a cold and wasn't feeling of penalties, and finished with a and Gordon caught up and went well, and Christensen reported time of 6:37:55. by. A mile further down the road some "minor clutch trouble", but In eighth it was Louis Serna Scheeler and Stout, no doubt still they had no flats and didn't even and Greg Geiser (the third broth-in the grip of an adrenaline rush, change tires on their fuel stop. er) in a Tatum. Serna started and tried to make it through a corner Said Christensen,"We drove the Geiser finished. They'd lost their together, somehow got jammed heck out of the thing!" rear shocks, so there'd been no up and created a blockage. Other In second, with no penalty dampening in the back of the vehicles had to go off course to points, it was Letner, in the time car at all. Also, Serna had hit a get around. They each lost about of 5: 10:49. He said that off the rock and torn off the right front 15 minutes getting unstuck and start the car went "into limp caliper, so Geiser drove with no underway again. mode" because it was hot and he'd front brakes. He said it was "very On the second Lap 5 of them had to back off. The last 20 miles rough - very fun." They'd appar-dropped out: Adam Householder, "we went for it", driving harder ently overlooked the speed limits Craig Potts, Mark Weyhrich and than in the entire race. however and racked up a total of Rick Thomas all disappeared. Third went to Dean and An-three hours and 48 minutes in Robbie Pierce also failed to get derson, who reported a couple penalties, which put them into his lap done. He'd rolled over at of flats during their day, and ac-DNF category. They were the final Mile 56 of Lap 1 and word came cumulated six penalty minutes, an Class 1 car to complete four laps. back on the radio that they would earned a time of 5: 18:02. The Trophy Trucks had gone need a 4x4 to get him back on his In fourth place it was Croll, off the line first in the afternoon, wheels. He did get going again, ,-------------------------, with the help of the SCORE team, but then on Lap 2, lost his transmission. On that second lap the lead belonged to Norman, with Sohren second, Collins third, MacCa-chren fourth and Gordon fifth. Gordon, still bruised from a rollover a week or so before in his rally Hummer, was not pushing hard, he later said he "didn't want to G-out" because he was afraid he'd hurt himself. He had some neck damage from the rollover as well as a nasty looking eye, which featured a white that had gone deep red. Then on the third lap Mac-Cachren recorded the fast lap for the heat at 1 :06:38, and went back into the lead. Now Collins was second, within about two and a half minutes, Gordon was third, six minutes later and Mark McMillin had moved up to fourth in his new Ford. Marc Ewing, Chevy, was fifth. MacCachren actually finished first, and for a while he and his team thought he'd taken the win. But when the time penalties were assessed, he'd amassed 14 minutes and that dropped him back to second. Gordon, who finished second, had only a minute and 30 seconds worth of penalties, and was bumped up into the win. At the finish he said his only prob-lem had been "just the driver - it was rough -if I G-out hard I hurt my neck." He said they made one fuel stop and replaced their rear tires at the same time, and had no flats out on the track. He noted that he "slowed down to almost crawl speeds -couldn't afford to hurt myself. · Usually we test faster than we raced today." MacCachren reported that because he'd started way in the back he' cl had to be real cautious the first lap. He " said it had taken a long time to get around the guy who started in front of him. Then at the end of Lap 2 he'd hit a big rock and flattened a tire. On the last lap, before Pit 1 he came into rain that was hard enough and lasted long enough to clear out the dust. His time was 4:50:20, and that Mark Ewing came from Illinois to try his skill, Mark was the seventh Kory Scheeler drove his Chevy Silverado Trophy Truck to a sixth place finisher in Trophy Truck, here in his Chevy Silverado. place finish, Kory is seen here headin' to the flag. Scott Gailey drove his GET-VW to a third place finish in the class 10 battle, he's seen here haulin' freight. " It was a fifth place finish in Class 10 for Jose Lynch, seen here Mark McMillin drove his Ford F-150 to a fifth place finish in the in his Alumni-Craft VW with the power really on. Trophy Truck fracas, here settin' up for a right hander. Page 12 November 2009 It was a fifth place finish in Class 1 for Brian Parkhouse, he's seen here in his Jimco-Chevy on his way to the checkered flag at Primm. Dusty Times I I

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included 14 minutes of penalties. Norman finished third. He said that in the morning he'd rid-den two laps with truck number 603, in order to have a sort of pre-run. Then he drove all four laps in his truck. A shock reservoir bracket cracked and that made the front end bottom out and cost . him 30 minutes or so on the third lap. He had no penalties, and a time of 5:26:21. Fourth place went to Jesse Ash-craft in a Ford. He said he'd had one flat and some overheating, so he'd backed down a bit. This was just his third race in the truck, first time in a SCORE race. He had four minutes worth of penal-ties, for a time of 5:27:54. In fifth it was McMillin and Brian Ewalt who did the second two laps. Ewalt had a couple of flats and found the track "rough." McMillin had no prob-lems. The team had done nothing to the truck since it finished the recent BITD Vegas to Reno run. They had amassed 14 minutes worth of penalties, for a time of 5:30:10. The sixth place finisher was Kory Scheeler, who likes his replacement truck. (His old one burned to a·shes at the BITD event in April.) He said,° "This truck flies, this is a whole new deal here!" It's Wayne Lugo's old truck. He had two flats and then of course lost a lot of time when he got stuck to Stout. He also had to tighten a brake line. In seventh it was Marc Ewing who is new to racing this season. He says he's never done any kind of racing before this. He drove all four laps, had two flats but no mechanical problems. He had only two minutes of penalties, for a time of 5:31:12. Eighth place went to Steele, who topped the list with 25 minutes of penalties (but not by much). His time was 5:47:26. Rick Geiser drove the last two laps. He said, "Primm's not got any smoother." But thought it was a good course. Steele lost the jack, so they had to take it easy the rest of the way so as not to flatten a tire. He ·said they "chilled out", then got a flat at the very end of the pavement. In ninth it was Collins who was badly dehydrated at the fin-ish. He had 24 minutes and 30 seconds of penalties, for a time of 5:47:50, only 24 seconds behind Steele. He had to stop when his oil light came on and discovered oil coming out of the motor. B.J. Baldwin towed him in about a mile he said. Tenth place went to Stout in his Chevy, and he'd amassed just three minutes and 30 seconds worth of penalties, and had a time of 6:27:03. He talked about trans-mission problems, then said that in addition to the time lost when stuck with Scheeler, he'd broken a rotor on a rock. There are some "big rocks out there - huge!" But he went on to say it had been a "great race." Steve Sourapas finished 11th in his. Ford, even though he'd been reported "out of the ra<;e at Mile 11.7." We didn't find him to talk to him. The results show he had 13 minutes of time penalties, and a finish time of 6:28:56. -Darnen Jefferies was 12th in his Chevy, and with just one minute of penalties, had a time of 6:41:57. He said his motor had "no power" Dusty Times and he thought it might be an electronic issue. He had to let it cool off now and then. On the .last lap he broke his tire carrier. But he said, "It's neat to find the finish lin·e." Rusty Stevens, new to SCORE racing, in a Ford, had five flats. He said there were "lots and lots of rocks." He also had some overheating problems. He was the only Trophy Truck driver besides Norman to have no penalties. His time was 6:45:02. Last to come in, but officially not a finisher because 53 minutes of penalties put them overtime, were George Pondella and Dennis McCarthy in a Chevy. The truck is an old Duralast Truck they said (we remember that the Duralast truck was a Ford back in the day). McCarthy drove three laps and Pondella did the last one. They PYAOT;ECT had no flats, but had radiator is-sues, fan belt issues and lost their power steering three times. They said the truck "ran well otherwise." They also finished at about 8 p.m. with no lights. They hadn't put any on the truck, thinking they wouldn't need them. They're old motocross rac-ers. Their time (without penalties) would have been 6:35:38. Bobby Baldwin never made it in, nor did B.J. -SCORE Ops reported on the radio that he was towing in Bobby's truck. Also on the radio, truck number 59, belonging to Craig Potts was reported out of the race, and it was sa id the driver and co-driver had been taken to Jean, and no one was certain where the truck was on the course. Sometimes listening to the radio can be very entertaining at an off road race. )rylred Tower • 100 Gallon Capacity • Single or Double Dry:Break • EZSetUp • Affordable lndyCar Fl Te-0hnology A"essorits • Dump()ans •Hose • B.educer,i • Filler Necks & Caps l♦bne1$ • Snell s~ 2005 Forced Ait Helmets • 'Wired for Gommumcation & Ear Rud Ready • Ra-0int Optics T!lar Offs • Uni.versalandCustom Molded Ear Buds • Helmet Skirts • Shield~ Kool Airu lo er Sy tems • Highest Flowing Systems! • 105, 135, 150, 235 and 250 CFM Ratings • High Flow Filters & Custom Hoses • Trophy Kart Kits for Driver & Clutch Cooler The Sportsman Truck Class win went to Joe Aguayo in his Ford F-150, Joe beat out three other trucks for his win. SCORE now readies for the gran·d finale of their year, the Baj_a 1000, coming up in mid-e November. It will be a loop race this year, starting and finishing_in Ensenada. SCl■I Commellitfiion lysttmt • Vertex 5 to 110 Watt Radio Systems • Hi-Filntercom Systtm1s • Chase &. Race Packages • Base Station Packages • Crew Chief & Kart Packages 1, c.t~•raSys • • EZ 1 Button Operation • Ex.elusive X Motorsports Package • 5.7 hours of High Resolution recording time • Up to 12 hours of operation on. 4.AA Lithiu:tn Ion Batteries • Can be Interfaced to Intercom for full audio experience • 411/2 Gallon Capacity • SCORE/ Bl'l'D / FIA Approved • Tapered Design Provides Increas~d Ground Clearance & Maximizes Usable Fuel • Fuel Level Sending. Units Available • Caps, Necks, Hose, Filters and Pumps Available YOl/RfOUBCB FOB PROFESSIONAL RACE PRODUCTS " 10815 Wheatlands Avenue, Suite K • Santee, CA 92071 619-258-RAGE (7223) • Fax 619-258-0883 • November 2009 Page 13

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t.n.12C:: REPCO RALLY AUSTRALIA Hirvonen/Ford Focus Take The Win By Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden Mikko Hirvonen and Jarmo Lehtinen drove their Ford Focus RS to the overall win in Australia, they had 48 seconds in hand at the finish. lt,all looked like a very clever win for Citroen, mastering the strategieas demanded by a fast gravel rally and using loophole opportunities to advantage on publicity stages, but then the car of provisional winner, Sebastien Loeb, was examined. and found wanting. The problem was that detailed small non-homologated pieces were found on the car, the team admitted other cars were the same, and each car which finished was penalised a minute. This was a major championship fillip for Mikko Hirvonen whose lead in the Drivers's title is now five points, but only a minor handicap to Citroen's lead in the Makes' series. The other big news 20from the event was that Portugese driver Armindo Araujo had gained enough points to be unbeatable in the Production Car Championship, assuming that the Appeal by his closest rival Nasser Al Attiyah leaves the Qatari driver excluded from the Acropolis Rally. This was a rally full of drama, the result of a hasty change of plan as to where in Australia it would be held, through to protests from local parties who were angry after misunderstandings about the event , to the final indignity for Loeb and his team. After a three year hiatus, world championship rallying returned to Australia with the Repco Rally Australia held at the beginning of September. The venue had moved from Perth on the West=2 0Coast . to Kingscliff on the East Coast. The event which for 19 years was run by Western Australia promoters had achieved new standards of organisa·tion and new levels of innovations such as Superspecials which have become a fixed part of the sport world wide. Now on the other side of the country it was on virgin rally territory, a level playing field for the teams and a challenge for all concerned, not only for competi, tors but for a whole new range of political challenges to set up the, event in the first place. Hopes for a Queensland based event were large in the mind but difficult to materialise. A project of such a level as this needs gov-ernmental approval in Australia, not only on financial matters but also to help map a course through the countless side issues involved. In the end there was another party interested in supporting the event, the state of New South Wales, to the south of Queensland. The area selected for the event was the Tweed Valley region, right in the north east corner of the state, tying in neatly with the chance of running the event based in the Martin Prokop and Jan Tomanek took the PCWRC Honors, seen here in their Mitsubishi lancer Evo IX, they were 10th overall as well. tourist centre of Kingscliff. It was NSW in all administrative matters but in fact was less than two hours' drive down from Brisbane. The •format of the new style Rally Australia was different from the old style events in far more ways than simply a change in loca, tion. The stages were run virtually entirely on closed public- roads. These are usually gravel surfaced "shire" country roads and in ad, dition, for promotional reasons, there was a convenient venue en route where a downtown stage was used on asphalted roads. There has long been a popular annual classic car race called the "Speed on Tweed" week, which used these roads and provided a ready made course! The surface of the gravel stages was quite a change from the forest stages in the west, which had been characterised by the ball-bearing stones that covered the surfaces and created a special driving challenge. Now there were only five kilometres of stage route on forest roads! Another surprise in the land known for its wide op en popu-lation-free expanses, was that the average length of stages was to be the shortest in the championship! This was a consequence of run-ning the rally closer to areas where a high proportion of roads within easy reach of established centres of population had already been as-phalted. And perhaps the greatest challenge of the new environment was to convince the people living in the area of the sincerity of world level rallying and its compatibility alongside the cherished benefits of country life. Conscious that these ideals could become sensitive is-sues, the promoters of the East Coast event undertook a series of independent surveys intended as much to allay the fears of people who had not previously lived with this form of motorsport, as to alert themselves of issues they had never considered. In the end the state, under pressure from the FIA to confirm its availability to run the rally, itself issued legislation approving the event on condition that the recommendations of the reports were followed through. All these procedures took time, indeed the final go-ahead for the rally to take place was only granted when the legislation was signed off late in June 2009! . The stages may on average have been short by world champion-ship standards (with 35 different sections , the greatest number of stages since Finland 1994) but the road sections were long, ·it was the longest rally of the season, at 1733km total. The reason for this=2 0was that the most suitable stages were run around a town called Kyogle some 150km away from Kingscliff, and more than that, this was accessed down a long, tortuous and tedious road along which there was a constant non-passing white line. Apart from the irritation of this road, there was the worry that this would become a perfect ambush zone by anyone opposed to the Performance Proven for··oesert & Off-Road Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks-Marine Holding & Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks Quality Products & Friendly Service RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-0759 • 15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX us to Receive a Free Catalog VISA ~-------------------------------------------------------~ Page 14 November 2009 Dusty Times

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Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena drove to a second place finish in Australia, seen here in their Citroen C4 at high speed. smooth running of the event. Over recent years the format of national Australian rallying had moved on. Local rally cars no longer complied to strict FIA rules but were modified to suit both the wishes of participating manufac-turers and the need to balance the performance of Group N and Su-per 2000 style cars. Also there are now no locally owned World Rally Cars in the country. Fortunately there were various FIA compliant Group N cars available, and the organisers opened up a special cat-egory for locally compliant Group N cars, for which three entries were received, but of the two such cars to start one was driven by a prize-drive winner Michael Patton. These cars would not qualify for overall classification. Patton won the nationwide competition run by the Repco Corporation which, with typical Australian finesse, was promoted under the title "Bloody Big Repco Rally Promotion". Two Toyota Auris Super 2000 cars were on the start line, following FIA homologation, effective 1st September on an Asia Pacific regional level. Repco 20Rally Australia 2009 style was a rally of many parts. In addition to the special category for locally modified Group N cars there were entries for five drivers contesting the Shoot-Out for the Asia Pacific Pirelli Star Driver award. The winner will be one of five drivers to have a fully paid programme on six rounds of the 2010 world championship series. The Shoot-Out contestants only had to compete the Thursday and six of the Friday stages, though one of them opted to compete on the whole event but he (Brendan Reeves) then had to withdraw be-cause of injuries received during a recent rally accident. Winner of the award was Hayden Paddon who went on to beat all the other Group N competitors. All five registered World Cham-pionship teams were present (Munchi's with a single entry) while Khalid Al Qassimi drove a third non registered BP Ford Abu Dhabi entry. Citroen hoped for a change in fortunes, and four ral-lies without a win was the longest stretch for Sebastien Loeb since 2004. Ford, however, came with a winning team! Mikko Hirvonen driving his Finland winning car, Jari-Matti Latvala the car used by Hirvonen when he won Acropolis and Poland. There were ten entries from registered PCWRC teams, three of them having seconded their entries to local drivers on a one-off basis. Another driver (the provisional championship leader Armindo Araujo) took over an entry from another championship Dusty Times team, because the entry level in Australia was expected to be less strong than the expected entry level in the final round (in Brit-ain). There were also two Guest PCWRC drivers, Cody Crocker (who had to withdraw his entry when the car was unavailable, then later a replacement car was found, and the cancelled entry had to be reinstated) and Neal Bates in a Toyota which was formerly spon-sored by the national importers under local sporting rules but was now run by Bates privately. Follow-ing an experiment in Argentina, the FIA allowed extra "Guest" entries in the PCWRC category for this event. This provision al-lowed the extra guest entries use of service park facilities afforded to regular PCWRC drivers, but only the cars carrying numbers 59 and 60 (Bates and Crocker) were entitled to score PCWRC championship points. The big news the week before the World Championship circus arrived in Australia was that a legal injunction action, brought by local interests claiming envi-ronmental concerns, was quickly rejected by the Federal court, who said the claim was 'without merit'. The event was heavily promoted in the Sydney area the weekend before the start, and the crews then travelled 900km north to . start their reconnaissance. The stories behind the scenes were meanwhile getting wilder and wilder. Local campaigners against the rally may have been overruled by the courts, but then Police got involved. The local branch of the Police Association planned to make a demonstration against in-sufficient staffing levels and wage complaints at the event but they were too busy with other protest-ers instead! Day 1 - 9 Stages - Gravel -73.93kms Forty crews started the rally, including the PSD candidates. Shakedown passed without in-cident, with teams anxiously checking out their predicted sus-pension settings. The Citroens of Sebastien Loeb and Dani Sordo were quickest. The rally opened on the Thurs-day evening with two runs after dark at the Tweed superspecial course around downtown Murwil-lumbah where Sebastien Ogier scored best time on both runs to take the overall lead. Apart from a problem Conrad Rautenbach had with his lights the re were few problems among the other drivers. In PCWRC fellow Por-tuguese drivers Armindo Araujo and Bernardo Sousa were 1-2 on each. Large crowds gathered in the small town but drivers said it Daniel Sardo and Marc Marti drove their Citroen C4 to a bronze medal finish in Australia, seen here on a one lane bridge. was difficult to see them in the darkness. Drivers hurried to finish for the day as the cars were due to leave at dawn on Friday. Dust was expected to be a feature of the Friday stages if the weather stayed dry, with every-one except first runner Mikko Hirvonen being worried about this. On the first long drive down to Kyogle, where 11 stages were due to be run, there was dampness in the air. The inevitable leaders were drivers running further down the field. After his great start the evening bef ore, seventh running Sebastien Ogier was passed for the lead after stage four by fourth run-ning Jari-Matti Latvala, but at no time was the lead greater than 3.6 seconds. Latvala bent his steering, and Loeb found he could not get full throttle on stage four, Latvala maintained his lead. The drama of the day was that one stage had to be cancelled, when protesters started to wave yellow flags at rally drivers who immediately eased their pace, with nobody having a time. Matthew Wilson found his steering was losing its power as-sistance and he was delayed with a spin. Khalid Al Qassimi cut a corner and damaged his suspen-sion on a tree stump and was forced to stop for the rest of the day. Front running Hirvonen was not helped by the dampness, "We had to move mountains of gravel", he exclaimed. "We did everything we could to keep in touch with the rally leaders and were happy to arrive back at service after six stages, in fifth place only 16.6 sec-onds behind the leader, and only 2.2 seconds behind fourth placed Loeb, who was running second car on the road." The stage where the demonstra-tion took place was not run again, so there were only three orthodox stages and two superspecials round the Muwillumbah course in the second loop. Loeb was in no par-ticular hurry through stages ten, 12 and 13 ( 11 was cancelled) and finished stage 13 in fifth place, a perfect running position if the dry weather continued into the Saturday. Loeb's apparent poor performance was explainable, the restart order rules operate as at the end of the last orthodox special stage of the day, stage 13. Loeb fitted worn tyres which had lost some of their grip on the gravel but in their buffed form were excellent for use on ,the two final asphalt superspecial stages of the day. Citroen were clever, fitting used tyres discarded earlier, because they were faster, while the Fords started with all new tyres. Was this plan a good manoeuvre? Loeb jumped two places after the superspecials into third place, but November 2009 there was only 0.9 second between him and Hirvonen in fifth - while Latvala's overall lead was just 2.2 seconds. "ltwas Sebastien's idea", was the only avail able comment from the team. Latvala was still leading ahead of the Citroen of Ogier, Loeb and Sordo, in front of Hirvonen. In PCWRC Bernardo Sousa immediately took over the lead on the first stage on Friday, fol-lowed by Martin Prokop, but then Prokop damaged his front suspension on a hidden rock, and also had a damaged intercooler which caused a loss of power. Mark Tapper started fast, holding third place after stage three but then it all went wrong. On stage five he rolled the car and retired. Richard Mason was running Pirelli control tyres for the first time in a year and gradually speeded up as he gained confidence. He climbed from eighth place overnight to take the PCWRC lead afte r stag€ nine. So at the midday service Sousa's Fiat was second despite damaged suspension (another driver who met a hidden rock) while Cody Crocker was up to third, his car having been rapidly modified to FIA championship specification and fitted with a turbo restrictor having recently been used in the freer formula Targa Tasmania event. Neal Bates was fourth in his Toyota, while his teammate Stewart Reid had stopped with a broken propshaft. Araujo had dropped back during the morning from second to sixth after his exhaust was flattened and he also had a spin. Several drivers disappeared. Eyvind Brynildsen stopped after a series of problems. Firstly, the engine was not working well, then the exhaust was flat-tened and finally the= 2 0gearshift linkage was damaged. Two of the PSD candidates Eli Evans and Glen Raymond went missing. At midday service Prokop discovered a broken bolt attaching the turbo to the exhaust and planned to change the turbo at the evening service. Richard Mason contin-ued to hold the lead during the afternoon stages but he was only 2. 7 seconds ahead of non cham-pionship Group N driver Hayden Paddon. Prokop had jumped into second place, but just 0.2 seconds separated him from fourth placed Cody Crocker, with Sousa, who ~s~un on the final stage of the · day, in third. Prokop was going •,much better. Crocker made some changes to his Subaru and found it was easier to drive. Chaou Dong Liu retired after going off the road, and the roll cage wa s found to be damaged. Day 2 - 8 Stages - Gravel -108.35kms There was heavy rain when the rally restarted, again just before dawn. A total of 35 crews were still going strong including Khalid Al Quassimi who restarted. Ini-tially the weather helped leading driver Jari-Matti Latvala, but as the long road section towards Kyogle wound its way through the moun-tains, so the weather got clearer. As the weather dried out so the drivers behind Latvala began to push harder. On the first stage Ogier misjudged his braking, the engine stalled as it approached a bend and he overshot. Suddenly Latvala found his lead was now 14.0 seconds, far more than it had been before, but life was not so easy. On every stage he started losing time, hampered by the conditions, and the battle for the lead was incredible. Fifth running Loeb was in his element! After two stages he was up to sec-ond, after four Latvala's lead was down to 3.5 seconds and one stage later it was only 0.8. Hirvonen was doing everything to keep close behind Latvala and Loeb, driving as hard as possible, "We had two major moments, one when we had all four wheels off the road in the bushes, and another when ·we hit a mailbox at high speed." Henning Solberg held his sixth place (behind Ogier and Sordo) when he aquaplaned off the road at high speed, slid into a ditch and was regaining the road when a fence post smashed through the windscreen. The pos t came about a half metre into the cockpit of the car. The crew unceremoniously kicked the caved-in windscreen away from them and then contin-ued. Rautenbach meanwhile had slid off the road and stopped for the rest of the day. On the second stage in the af-ternoon Loeb passed Latvala into the lead and Hirvonen was chas-ing them both. Ford and Citroen started making plans on how to achieve the most tactical ploy in the book, selecting the final day running order by estimating the desired classification at the end of stage 23, before the two final superspecials of the event. Se-bastien Loeb spoke loudly at his annoyance at having to play games ·in order to ensure he was not first driver out o f the restart. Ford's plan was that while the other driv-ers played games with their times on the final gravel stage of the day, Latvala would go flat-out. About three kilometres after the start of the stage, however, Latvala went into a ditch after jumping over a drain pipe, and then hitting the bank which punctured a tyre and a lot of the rear side bodywork disappeared. Ford's plans were disturbed, so hasty arrangements was called for. Latvala involun-tarily lost 50 seconds or so while Loeb voluntarily dropped about 25 seconds. So the running order for the finaJ day was Hirvonen, Sordo, Loeb, Latvala, Ogier. Why did Latvala go off? "Actually it was a consequence of the plan! Rather than start the second loop with worn tyres, as Loeb had done the day before, we thought we would start with new ones and deliber-ately slide around on them to buff the tread as much as possible." It proved to be one tactic too far. Latvala was not alone in being mischievous. Sebastien Ogier then went off the road on stage 22, regained the road but dam-aged the bodywork which caused Continued on page 16 Page 15

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The silver medal in PCWRC went to Richard and Sara Mason in Jarri-Matti Latvala and Mikka Anttila finished first off the podium Making a really good looking jump, the Citroen C4 of Sebastien Ogier and Julien Ingrassia finished fifth overall in Australia. their Subaru lmpreza, seen here at speed on the course. in Australia, seen here haulin' freight in their Ford Focus RS. Bernardo Sousa and Jorge Cava/ho were a dnf, an accident put Hayden Paddon and John Kennard came over from New Zealand them and their FIAT Grande Pun to. S2000 on the trailer, much Matthew Wilson and Scott Martin drove their Ford Focus RS to and took a 9th place overall finish in their Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX. _to_th_e_ir_c_h_a~g_ri_n_. _________________ a sixth place overall finish in Australia, here at speed. the water temperature to begin to late!" Araujo gradually caught and, more importantly than that, PCWRC title race. classified second, Sordo re-climb. And Hirvonen was little and passed Toshi Arai into fourth the one extra point which 20put Loeb and Citroen's podium mained in third place and Ogier better. "In the morning we slid place, which he calculated he him beyond the reach of Nasser celebrations were short lived. dropped back to fifth. While=2 wide and hit a mailbox, then on needed to clinch the PCWRC Al Attiyah, if Nasser's Appeal is Following post-event scrutineer-0the impact on the Manufactur-the second time through the stage title -assuming his rival Nasser Al rejected. Martin Prokop scored ing all three Citroen drivers ers' championship was small, I found I was sliding wide again. Attiyah stayed excluded from the his first PCWRC category win were given a one minute penalty. Hirvonen's lead in the Drivers Not to worry, I reckoned I would Acropolis result when his Appeal of the season, finishing ahead of This gave Mikko Hirvonen his series is now five points, instead not have a mailbox to hit this time. was heard. the Subarus of Richard Mason fourth consecutive win of the of one. But with only two rallies Wrong. It was there and we hit Day 3 - 10 Stages - Gravel -and Cody Crocker, but in spite season and Ford their fifth, and left, one on asphalt and one on it once again ... !" Ogier scored a 124.48kms of this, Patrik Sandell and Eyvind also elevated Jari-Matti Latvala gravel, every point is going to be grand slam winning all six of the Five o'clock is not a wonderful Brynildsen are now out of the up to fourth. Loeb was finally important. lllJc!C 20round-the-town Tweed stages. time of day for a restart and many The overall classification at the drivers reported they were still end of the day beggared belief. feeling half asleep after driving 0.1 second separated the top three the two-hour road section away places with from Kingscliff! It looked good Sordo leading. For Sordo this for Ford for Mikko Hirvonen to was a special moment, "No prob- be seen running first car on the !ems, but sometimes I think I was road on the final day, but it was driving too fast but we got away deceptive. Unless there was a lot with it!" of rain overnight or there was Holding the lead in PCWRC, thick dust on Sunday, the odds Richard Mason was wary on the were now strongly in favour of first damp stage, not knowing the Citroen and with three stages how much he could trust the con- to go Citroen drivers Sebastien trol Pirelli tyres. Firstly Hayden Loeb and Dani Sordo were lying Paddon got ahead of him to take 1-2 overall. The final day's stages the lead in Group N overall, hav- were not only the longest of the ing learned he had been awarded rally but were also incredibly fast. the PSD drive as the Asian Pacific Sordo dropped a few seconds with candidate for 2010. Then Prokop an overshoot on the first stage, also got ahead of Mason to lead and any thoughts that Jari-Matti the PCWRC category after the Latvala would be able to keep up second stage of the day. Crocker the pressure were dashed when 20was running steadily in third he had another puncture on the place though he was baulked by second stage. Henning Solberg Rautenbach's stranded car. Sousa had brake problems, and both started a day full of troubles. He he and Khalid Al Qassimi had had a spin and went off at a junc-spins, while on stage 30 Mat-tion on the first stage, and after thew Wilson slid wide and also the end of the stage he stopped to punctured. On stage 3 2 Sordo readjust the bodywork, but then got ahead of Hirvonen into see-the car would not restart and ond place, but immediately lost he was two minutes (20 second it again on the next. As the rally penalty) late at the start of the finished it appeared to everyone next stage. Araujo went off the that Citroen and Loeb had re-road and dropped down to sixth turned to their winning ways with behind Neal Bates, but recovered his C4 colleagues finishing third to fifth when Bates had to stop and fourth, spoiled only by Mikko with a bad water leak. Bates had Hirvonen's second place. nudged a bush when sliding In PCWRC Armindo Araujo wide, and the bumper then hit had a problem he could not the radiator which sprung a leak. identify and dropped well back, He had to abandon for the rest behind Toshi Arai, a major threat of the day. Sousa crashed and to the Portuguese's champion-retired on the first stage of the ship aspirations. Arai then hit afternoon, "I came up to a bend a tree but carried on in fourth and immediately thought I had place, then on the final stage he braked too early, so I lifted my stopped with transmission failure foot for a moment and braked and could not carry on. This again, but by then it was too gifted fourth place to Armindo Page 16 20th Repco Rally Australia (AUS) Kingscliff 3/6.09.2009 WCR round 10, PCWRC round 7 WC points WRWDPC 1 (3) Mikko HIRVONEN/Jarmo Lehtinen FIN Ford Focus RS WRC SA09VHR (GB) 2h.53m.06.5s. 10 10 • 2 (1) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena F/MC Citroen C4 WRC 886ESF78 (F) 2h.53m.54.0s.# 8 8 -3 (2) Daniel SORDO/Marc Marti E Citroen C4 WRC 884ESF78 (F) 2h.54m.11.1 s.# 6 6 -4 (4) Jari-Matti LATVALA/Miikka Anttila FIN Ford Focus RS WRC PX08AXB (GB) 2h.54m.58.5s. 5 5 -5 (12) Sebastien OGIE R/Julien Ingrassia F Citroen C4 WRC AA-655-VF (F) 2h.55m.29.8s.# 4 4 -6 (5) Matthew WILSON/Scott Martin GB Ford Focus RS WRC 1ES (GB) 2h.58m.32.8s. 3 3 -7 (6) Henning SOLBERG/Cato Menkerud N Ford Focus RS WRC EU07SUV (GB) 3h.00m.24.3s. 2 2 -8 (9) Federico VILLAGRA/Jorge Perez Companc RA Ford Focus RS WRC EU07SUF (GB) 3h.00m.45.9s. 11 -9 (62) Hayden Paddon/John Kennard NZ Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX N" VOGAL (NZ) 3h.08m.42.6s. + - - -10 (31) Martin Prokop/Jan Tomanek CZ Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX PCWRC 3J5 7105 (CZ) 3h.08m.51.2s. --10 11 (50) Richard+ Sara Mas on NZ Subaru lmpreza N12 PCWRC I BNT I (NZ) 3h.09m.33.4s. - - 8 12 (59) Cody Crocker/Ben Atkinson AUS Subaru lmpreza N14 PCWRC Sl4998 (TAS, AUS) 3h.10m.26.5s. - - 6 13 (39) Armindo Araujo/Miguel Ramalho'P Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX PCWRC DJ924GW (I) 3h.12m.59.3s. - - 5 14 (45) Stewart Taylor/Warwick Searle NZ Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX PCWRC EXE TC (NZ) 3h.14m.30.3s. - - 4 18 (34) Gianluca Linari/Massimo Salvucci I Subaru lmpreza N12 PCWRC OU09FEH (GB) 3h.38m.52.8s. - - 3 19 (15) Khalid Al Qassimi/Michael Orr UAE/GB Ford Focus RS WRC AG57CKA (GB) 3h.40m.14.3s.(8) - - -40 20(14 PCWRC) starters. 25 (6 PCWRC) finishers. +Group N winner. MANUFACTURERS' REGISTERED DRIVER *APRC PSD Shoot-Out contestant. (Missed stages or road sections) Winner's average speed over stages 111.63kph (Loeb 2h.52m.54.0s.= 111. 76kph) # 1 minute post-event penalties incurred. LEADING RETIREM}:NTS LAST STAGE COMPLETED (8) Conrad RAUTENBACH/Daniel Barritt ZW/GB Citroen C4 WRC 738EGZ78 (F) overheating 35 (32) Bernardo Sousa/Jorge Cavalho P Fiat Grande Punta S2000 PCWRC DL641WX (I) accident 19 (33) Toshihiro Arai/Glenn,Macneall J/AUS Subaru lmpreza N14 PCWRC GMG301TE277 (J) transmission 34 (43) Mark Tapper/Jeff Judd NZ Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX PCWRC DDM621 (NZ) accident 5 (48) Chao Dong Liu/Anthony Mcloughlin CN/AUS Mitsubishf Lancer Evo IX PCWRC* FAS24 (NZ) accident 5 (49) Eyviri'd Brynildsen/Denis Giraudet N/F Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX PCWRC FAS241 (NZ) gear linkage 5 (60) Neal Bates/Coral Taylor AUS Toyota Corolla S2000 PCWRC YEW33A (ACT, AUS) oil pipe (7) 27 RALLY LEADERS Ogier stages 1-3, Latvala 4-20, Loeb 21 +22, Hirvonen 23+24, Sordo 25, Loeb 26-35. Hirvonen declared winner after penalty for Citroens. PCVI/RC LEADER Araujo stages 1+2, Sousa 3, Prokop 4-8, Mason 9-16, Prokop 17-35. GROUP N LEADER Araujo stages 1+2, Sousa 3, Paddon 4-12, Mason 13-15, Paddon 168 035. The Route Special Stages Total Distance Crews Leading Special Stages Restarting positions 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Day 1 Knox Park (Thursday 1845) - 9 gravel-73.93km 573.42km Loeb 9·10 4 4 4 1 (1-5, 7-10, Kingscliff - Murwillumbah - 4 asphalt-10.20km Ogier 8 7 4 5 8-12-15) Kingscliff (Friday 2015) Latvala 8 3 6 10 4 -Day 2 Kingscliff (Saturday 0530) - 8 gravel-108.35km 619.10km 35 Hirvonen 5 8 4 4 6 6 (16-25) Kingscliff - Murwillumbah - 2 asphalt-5.10km Sordo 4 3 13 8 4 1 Kingscliff (Saturday 2055) H.Solberg - 1 3 2 3 11 Day 3 Kingscliff (Sunday 0500) -10 gravel-124.48km 541.23km 33 Wilson --1-210 (26-35) Kyogle - Toonumbar - Villagra - - - - - 3 Kingscliff (Sunday 1646) Al Qassimi - - - - - 1 --------------------------------PCWRC Prokop won 17 stages, Mason 8, Araujo 3, Sousa 2, 33 stages-322.06km 1733.75km Tapper, Bates & Arai 1 each. ------------------------------GROUP N Prokop & Paddon won 1 1 stages each, Mason 6, Stages 6 + 11 cancelled: protesters. Weather: Nearly all dry. 6 stages in darkness. Araujo 3, Raymond (Mitsubishi), Sousa & Bates 1 each. November 2009 Dusty Times

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1-ff---~1 HAWTHORNE. 250 Berri· Takes overall Text & Photos: Tray Robinson VORRA made its return to Hawthorne Nevada for just it's third running of this Labor Day desert race. Letting the desert "settle" in Yerington and keep-ing our permits up to date for Hawthorne was the reason for the move in 2009. Sam Berri didn't mind though as he mo-tored his class 1 to yet another class 1 and overall victory. With the Vegas to Reno race just two weeks prior and running about 85% of the course (only in reverse) that made the track very rocky, silty and whooped out. Plus the clockwise direction isn't the desirable way to run up the last 30 miles. Those last miles are a long, uphill, soft sand climb that you have to lift for the cross grain ditches thus not allowing you to stay on top. Saturday afternoon the EI Capitan casino hosted tech and registration then a parade up and down Main Street in Hawthorne. Following the pa-rade Joe's Tavern was converted to a meeting room where the drivers meeting would be held. Immediately following that was an official premiere showing of Dezert People: Lucky 7 on the big screen projector. In the past years Vorra has hosted some heavy hitters and produced some of the best racers in the country. But this weekend we were surprised to have another big name team come out and join us for the fun. The Speed Technologies car driven by Chuck Dempsey entered the race in hopes of testing some new tires for Good-year. They were blazing fast off the line but weren't able make a lap sending them back to Reno early in the day. Another notable racer was Ryan Piggott who spent his al-lowance building up the fami-lies 1971 Ford truck. Ryan along with his dad Tom spent the past year building a real bud-get truck to race. They were all smiles making a pre-run lap and running the parade. They even chose a last start position so as not to get in any bodies way. They had an unfortunate race though as the truck got high centered about race mile 5, then the jack broke. They waited for help to arrive and finally late in the race a rock buggy in their class came by on fire. They flagged him down, put out the fire and were returned the favor by loaning their high lift jack to get them off the berm. The Piggott's would eventually make it to check point 1 when they decided to call it a day. Some of the truck was coming apart and they still had to drive it home! The quads took off the line right at daybreak and Brad Falin (104) topped the pro -uad field with a 2-lap time of 2:32:09. He edged out Ryan Stoffer (43) by just over 4 minutes. Stephen Pappas (13) topped the 3 quad amateur field by .. -.. ~-... ---·~ -...·-. _,,_ . .,... .. .... ~ . just over 2-minutes over West/ Logan (408) with Justin Peetz (4) finishing 3rd. In Bantam Quad Jordan Bender (208) topped Craig McCoy (9) by 7 minutes with Steven Daniels (715) finishing 3rd 4 minutes out of 2nd. That much anticipated class 1 battle. took off promptly at 10:30 am and the 7 racers were on the gas. Steve Sullivan (118) had the luck of the draw for first off the line. He held the lead all the way to RM 35 when at top speed the rear lower arm broke stopping the car in just a few feet. This cost Sullivan lots of time, as he had to trailer the ca.r back to main pit for repairs. He eventually got moving again but would time out after clocking the longest lap time. Sam Berri would have the lead after lap 1 and never look back. Shannon Harwell (132) would give chase all day long but Berri's wisdom knew just how fast he needed to go to stay out front in both class and overall. Berri would be the winner with a time of 5:32: 18 followed by the only other class finisher Harwell with a time over an hour slower. Five buggies entered in class 10 and it was a fight all the way to the end. JC Elrod (1001) took the first lap lead by less than a minute over Red Team Racing (1029) and JJ Schnarr (1021). Tyler Mort and Tristan Butcher (1222) were in 4th followed by Forest Creasy (905). Just The big win in the Class 10 contest went to the Red Dog Racing Team, seen here at high speed out on the hard pan. 7 minutes separated the field trucks finished the first lap in after the first lap. Second lap this very comp-etitive class. By and Red Team Racing was out lap 2 Field was in the lead and front ahead of Elrod. Mike .Koenig (#603), who had It was still a tight race with driveline issues on lap 1, was only 6 minutes separating the in 2nd. Ben Phillips (6043) was top 3. Mort would have some running third followed by Pavey issues as he was lost in the dust and Bill Jarvis (843). Pavey and and ran off the road bending Jarvis wouldn't make 3 laps a tie rod which cost him about making the race a 3-truck race 20 minutes to straighten at the to the finish. By lap 3 Fields next pit. It would be a seesaw lead was down to just 8 minutes battle going on out front as on from 16 over Koenig. 3rd lap lap 3 Elrod was back in front and 603 with Troy Robinson with a 5-minute over Red Dog now driving got stuck in the Racing. Schnarr was still in deep sand at RM42. It took 45 ·3rd with Butcher now driving minutes to finally get the truck 1222 in 4th. White flag lap and moving again. Not able to make Elrod would have some front-up that much time the team end issues. He would finish went into stay survival mode the lap but that would be the and wanting just to finish the end of the race for him. Red race Phillips made a last lap Dog Racing was now in front charge but in the end came up with a comfortable 31-minute about 8 minutes short of second lead over Schnarr and Butcher. place. Schnarr wouldn't make the In class 7-3 trucks entered final lap either and so the and with just one race on the win would go to Wes Harbor's truck James Fuhs (#730) was Red Dog Racing Team. Mort/ off to the early lead with 15 Butcher would round out the minutes over KC Keller (#738). finishers in class 51 minutes Fuhs would extend the lead on back for 2nd place. lap 2 to over 35 minutes. But on Group T trucks were next off lap three on the back side they the line with 9 entered and after slowed up but not slow enough the first lap Jake Pavey (#T503) for a danger wash and the drive-was in the lead by just 6 seconds line snapped taking them out of over Bruce Fields (#858). All Continuedonp11118 Bruce Field, moving too fast for our cameraman to get him all was the big winner in the Group T contest at Hawthorne. Shannon Harwell gave it everything he had but the best he could muster Tyler Mort and Tristan Butcher got lost in the dust for a while, bent a Mike Koenig and Troy Robinson had a fairly good day, stuck in the this race was a second place finish in Class 1, here at touchdown. tie-rod but still managed to collect the silver medal in Class 10. soft stuff for a while, but still managed a second place in Group T. Dusty Times November 2009 Page 17

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James Fuhs was having a great Class 7 race, leading the class Tom Wayes entered his Rock Buggy in the Sportsman class and Ryan Stoffer, seen here urging his mount to faster and faster until disaster struck, he broke a driveline and was a dnf. he had a good drive, he took home the silver medal for his efforts. lap times was awarded the second place trophy in Pro Quad. the race. This allowed Keller to pass and run all but 1 lap for the class win. Sportsman class had a good field with 11 vehicles entered. Right off the start was bad for one of the 3 rock buggies entered as he lost control and ran into a pit damaging a mo-tor home, trailer, truck and golf cart. Fortunately no one was hurt and the race car was able to continue, not the case for the golf cart. As for the racing, Kevin Yoder was on a roll after the Fallon race and took the lead early from lap 1 and never looked back. Mak-ing a Vorra debut and fresh off the Vegas to Reno run was Tom Wayes (321) in another rock buggy. He finished that first lap in second and never relinquished the spot the en-tire race. Max Baggett (#42) • was running third up to the white flag, which is farther than he's made it all year. Page 18 It was a nice win for KC Keller in the Class 7 race, he's seen here at high speed heading for the checkered flag. Kevin Yoder was really churnin' up the soft stuff as he raced to the Sportsman wfn at Hawthorne, Kevin bested 10 opponents for the gold. Unfortunately the car gave up the ghost on the last lap and they placed 4th. Jessie Haines (# 199) rounded out the po-dium with the 3rd rock buggy in the top 3. Despite a fire in the engine compartment that was extinguished by a fellow downed racer the team was able to finish all 4 laps. In the end the brutal track saw only 9 finishers so just to finish the race you can· celebrate it as a victory. Fast lap monies were handed and Kevin Yoder in sports-out at the awards to the fastest man (1: 18:45). Top three over-in each class. They went to: ·Sam all were awarded a cash prize Berri in class 1 (1:02:46), JC from El Capitan Casino and Elrod in class 10 ( 1: 11: 10), Jake those winners were Sam Be '7 rif Povey in Group T (1: 15:38), Red Dog Racing and Shannon James Fuhs in class 7 (1:29:49) Harwell. The unfortunate award . TTBEADL□CK SIMULATED B,L. VW BEADL□CK November 2009· Dusty Times

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In the Amateur Quad contest, it was the West/ Logan duo taking Feeling his way through the sometimes very heavy and blinding dust, The troops from J&J Racing were really ready to race, but, the car the silver medal, seen here at high speed. Craig McCoy took second place honors in the Bantam Quad class. wasn't, they were a dnf and were classified third place in Class 1. Ben Phillips ran a good race, he made a hard run at second spot JJ Schnarr ran a good race for all but the last lap in the Class 10 JC Elrod ran a good race in Class 10 until the white flag lap and that on the last lap but had to settle for a third place finish in Group T. contest, he was a dnf but shown as third in Class 10. was the end of his race day, he's seen here really kickin' up the dirt. winner for first reported out of the race goes to Brad Falin who received half his entry money back. Thanks Wes for helping out the unfortunate racer who breaks early. Lastly my team, Koenig Racing, would like to thank two people who weren't at the race but without them we wouldn't hat1e _started the race. During testing on Saturday we heard a noise from the rear end of the 603 truck. Not hat1ing a spare differential we discussed for hours on what to do. We finally decided to call our friend Scott Rodgers in Sacramentp and ask to use his third member that was still in his race truck. He agreed but wasn't able to brin it u or remot1e it. So we called another guy. Mongo. Et1erybody has a Mongo on their team: the guy that can lift and engine or will go to the most remote, hospitable pit and sit all da:y et1en though :you DNF'd 6 hours earlier. Well Mongo headed ot1er to Scott's house and pulled the differential and started the 6 hour drive to Hawthorne for us. He arrit1ed at lam and helped install it then turned around and headed home hat1ing commitments on Sunday. Without Scott and Mango we would hat1e been spectators and not placed 2nd. Thanks guys. The award looks better on Mongo'S garage wall than it would on ours. ~ Brad Falin lets no grass grow under his machine, Brad sped to the Pro Quad win at Hawthorne early last September. The gold medal in the Amateur Quad race went to Stephen Pappas, Stephen is seen here at high speed heading for the finish line. Dusty Times .,.Ired OI It 11111 vacation rentals available· in the exclusive Indian Wells country Club in the sunny Palm Springs area of southern California. Two or three bedrooms, furnished for your complete relaxation, and, if you are a glutton for punishment, play golf on either of two beautiful courses. FYI, wireless internet and long distance ph,ones calls (USA) included. starting at $4,500 in se~son (January thru April) or $2,300 ' . per month out of season. Call (760) 345-6124 • November 2009 Page 19

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Chase The Ace At Lucerne By Daryl "No-Brakes" Drake LUCERNE VALLEY, CA-Travis Chase showed everybody how to do it at the Mohave Off Road Enthusiasts' recent .KarTek/ORAF Chili Cook Off 250, taking home the First Overall and . First unlimited honors. "This team is growing and getting better every race. I want to throw a HUGE thanks to my Dad. Without him I wouldn't even have this op-portunity." said Chase after the race. "Thanks to my· Mom and Wife for letting the race shop consume us and still having positive attitudes about it. Big thanks to my brother-in-law Jamie for giving up his spot so Jeff could stay in the car with me and have a quick pit. Thanks to the crew!" Running on the familiar Course B off Anderson Dry Lake, the route ran clockwise to the tune of 39 miles per lap. Race day conditions were good, not too hot and breezy enough to minimize dust concerns for the racers. Registration, contingency, and tech inspection took place Friday afternoon across the street from the usual high school parking lot in what appeared to be a failed development but went quickly, though the number of vendors was down due to the date conflict with SCORE' s Primm event. This race honored the Checkers Off Road Racing Team and its 35th anniversary of doing it in the dirt after a couple older members of the m/ c club decided "with age comes a cage." And a Checker-tat' d entrant would win the Chili Cook Off. Brandy Wilkinson, my co-driver Jesse Malinoswki's paramour and chief Coyote Racing pit tootsie, Page 20 · proudly wore a rub-on Checkers tattoo (installed by none other than Ta-Ta himself), as she entered her "Sexy Silli Chili" into the blind taste test adminis-tered by MORE officials late Saturday. She WON! $250! I don't know who got second or third, but I do know the other entry from our camp, Lesiecki's "Labor of Love," with its subtle and refined seasoning, didn't even get an honorable mention. Tasted great, though! Just not enough zing for the judges. Top classes covered six laps, while the slowest class only needed to com-plete two circuits. Starting at 8:30 am Saturday, the racers left in this class order: 1, 10, 12, 7, 1350, 1-2/1600, 3000,5, 1400,3700,5/ 1600,9, 1300, 7s, 1450, 1700, 11,and 3. Class 1 saw ten entrants and at the end of the first lap, Chase was in the lead by fifty two seconds over Ron Brant. Mike Pacewiczh was a close third ahead of Scott Kincaid in a TT, and Danny Wingering was right there for fifth. Last race's winner Sean Dunn was sixth after requesting a rear start. Rich Volpe ran seventh, and Scott Buchwitz was close in eighth. Backing off a bit after probably encountering lappers, Chase still held sway on lap two after recording the race's quickest at 38:57 his first go round. Pacewiczh was five seconds quicker and held second. Volpe and Kincaid vied for third, while Winger-ing remained in fifth. Brant was an hour off the pace, while Dunn and Buchwitz were not seen again. The halfway point saw Chase con-tinue to lead the chase, but Kincaid and Wingering went missing next time around and at the finish, Chase had a time of 4:10:47 for a 55.4 mph average and a nearly five minute margin on Pacewiczh. Volpe was the third and final finisher in class, three minutes later. "I was in absolute safe mode, I did not want to throw this thing away. I was in a conservative haul azz mode, whatever that means. It was like ... do a 100+ in the straights, do 40-in the rough. The last thing I wanted was a problem. "Coming into midway on the last lap I got report that I had a huge lead. I backed it way down and cruised it to the team's 1st Over-All victory, and my first personal win in a car. Not to shabby for my first year in a 1 car." said a beaming Chase. "Thanks to Goodyear, this is the second race in a row with no flats, Ryan at TCS for his awesome service ;md quick tum around, Brian at Ultimate Customs for a motor that didn't miss a beat, Jeff at McKenzies for his suspension setup, Sam at Rancho, Brett at King Shocks, Eric at ES Motorsports, Clint at PWR, Scott at PCI, Sol Tek, F&L Fuels, J&M Contractors, Muir-Chase Plumbing, -Astro Plumbing Supply, Inter Cooler. All these people helped us get to where we are today. Thanks." Mike McGee cruised to an easy victory in Class 10 after Scott Stice suffered a nearly five hour long first lap. McGee was happy with the per-formance of his new air-cooled car and thanked the Checkers for race support. Class 12, appropriately twelve November 2009 strong, saw Paul Keller put nearly two minutes on Mike Sandoval, just a couple minutes ahead of Blaise Jackson at the end of lap one. Thirty seconds later came Danny Savant, ahead of Rick Paquette, R)'l!n Plow-man, and Mark Fusting. Keller ran his and the class' fast lap next time around to cement his lead and at the finish he was followed by Paquette, Jackson, Plowman and Fusting. Savant, Stewart and Hector Garcia Jr. all suffered some long laps but managed to earn a checkered. Barry Karakas was unopposed in Class 7 and clicked off six relatively uneventful laps for the win. Also alone in class was the Mike Lesiecki entry, with yours truly at the helm of the Unlimited Sportsman Coyote. The dust wasn't as bad as I feared it might, and I had a good pair oflaps. But just at the first road crossing on the third trip, the water temperature spiked and the computer went into limp mode. We found the intake tract had come apart upstream of the throttle body though all seemed to be tight. Our crack crew put it back together, stiffened up the rear a bit and sent us on our way. Jim Malinowski and Lesieki filled out the driving chores as we cruised to a finish. We'd like to thank Rich Trotti and Trotti Landscaping for providing transpor-tation, Bilstein, Foutz Motorsports, BFG, Kai Off Road, KC HiLites, Schaeffers' Racing Oils, Bighorn and, of course, the CHECKERS! (howzat for a shameless, self serving plug?)In 1-2/1600 racing, Andrew Neal was first on the road after the first lap, but Mike Meehan was close behind and a 41 second advantage by the clock. Brad Inch held third ahead of Mike Ward and Scott Boyd. Lap two saw Inch fall way back, and Ron Martin moved up to fifth. Meehan would continue to lead Neal to the finish. Boyd was third, Ward fourth and Christy Sizelove rounded out the top five. ~The Chili Cook Off was my first win in class 1600!" exclaimed Meehan. "I had a trouble free day stopping only once at the beginning of the fourth lap for fuel & water. I run a Lothringer chassis with a Don Hatz motor and a transmission from Wr Race Trans." In the 3000 class, which I think is an EcoTec-engined classification, Karl Scanlan led throughout for the win after his closest competitor, Kevin El-. !is, dropped out on the second circuit. Bruce Freisen hung on for second after three long laps, finishing two and a half hours in arrears. Unlimited Baja Bug action saw Drew Belk dominate while AJ Martin, Nicole Garavito, and Larry Antuna chased him to the flag. Sal Gomez was the only 1400 to finish, after Rob Ledsinger and Allen Byma fought it out on lap one. Byma disappeared and Ledsinger had hurt his racer as well, falling way back to complete only four laps. ·-. Class 3700 results were sketchy, not listing the winner but showing Dennis Beckwith and Yves Braun as never completing a -lap for second 1 and third. It might have been Chase Rather or Greg Jackson for the win. Sorry about that! The turtle club only fielded three entrants in 5/ 1600 and Steve Patton was the winiier and lone finisher after John Berry and Guy Savedra failed to complete a circuit. Nate Himmelrick led the Challeng-ers, another big class, with Cody Rash less than a minute behind after lap one. Kyle Murray was a few seconds back, well ahead of Jamie Riker and Dave Bolles. Himmelrick came around in first again, but now Rash was just three sec-onds back. Murray, Riker and Bowles were dicing it up not far back. Rash moved into the lead after . three laps as Himmelrick fell back, but still ahead of Murray. Rash ran away with it then, to win with a nearly twenty minute margin. Bolles, Himmelrick, and Riker ALL finished on the same minute, thirteen and one seconds separating the trio, respectively. Matt Creveling rounded out the top five twenty two minutes later. The Limited (no V-8's) Sportsman battle saw Jim Kalp lead the first lap, but at the end of five· it was Ashley Davis out front by forty one minutes over Ryan Cohee, with Kalp the final finisher fifteen minutes later. Eight mini-trucks entered the 7s foray. Robbie Cockrell held sway over Steve Martz, Andrew Becerra was a close third with Rich Severson fourth and Perry Fleming fifth. Martz was in the lead after two but a long third lap put him out of contention, Becerra assumed the lead and Cockrell was second. Severson and Fleming held their positions, each moving up a slot, while Rodger Byrd took over fifth. At the end of four, Cockrell was the winner with a five minute lead over Becerra. Severson hung on for third twenty four minutes later ahead of Fleming and Byrd. We missed Cockrell's tale, but Becerra told us his story: "First lap we got in front by mile five hoping that the race traffic would slow the pack down but Team Rose# 729 (Cockrell) caught up and it was on from there. It was fun running against him, he's way fast! Second lap we passed Cockrell, seeing him on the side of the road. We got stoked and tried to keep the pace up, but on both the third and forth lap we had electrical issues that made the fuel pump cut out which made me think we were running out of gas. So thinking that, we stopped for fuel on the third lap at, like, milg 30(?). Stopping for fuel, Cockrell went by.Trying hard to catch up we lost our power steering for the last lap which was fun! and as soon as we got to the finish and received the checkered the truck shut off! Good race!" In 1450 racing, Tim Scott led wire-to-wire, besting Rhonda Parkhouse by forty five minutes. Andrew Prince was third another fifty five minutes slower but the last four lap finisher. Mike Hobbs and Shawn Walters could only manage three circuits before calling it a day. With seventeen entries, J eepSpeed fielded the largest group of racers. Ray Griffith had a thirty second lead over Eric Helgeson, Bob Standage was third ahead of Eric Heiden and Philip Heynen after their first lap. Griffith and Helgeson fought it out to the finish, with the nod to Helgeson by just thirty two seconds after four laps. Standage was third twenty min-utes back for third, Michael Vernak snuck into fourth and Heynen held on to fifth. Eight others eventually earned a checkered flag. This was a tough route for the JeepSpeed's and Class ll's. I seem to recall seeing several of the former buried to their rear axles nose-high, and a couple of the latter, what I refer to as "panned." At the end of the first of three laps for the VW sedans, Robert Henderson had a ten minute-margin on Bill Swisher, who had eleven . minutes on Chris Anderson. Luis Galindo was fourth and Robert Depew a distant fifth. Henderson fell way back on lap two and at the finish it was Swisher with a thirty two minute margin over Ander-son, and another thirty one minutes Continued on page 47 Dusty Times

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Mll.ltl: MCMILLIN COYOTE WASH 200 Mccallum Takes Class 1 And overall By ]. Preston Bradshaw Photos: Trackside Photo Shawn McCallum led the Class 1 group for the entire race, Shawn is seen here at high speed headin' for the checkers. There were 77 vehicles at the Coyote Wash 200 last June. laps were about 25 miles in length, many of the classes had eight laps to run for their race and some classes had only four laps to make their race. 21 of the entrants were dnfs and fully 18 other entrants did not start the race. There were three Trophy Truck types entered, one of them, Joe Heger, did not start the race. The other two, Jimmie Knuckles and Robbie Pierce faired a bit better but did not finish their eight required laps. On their first lap, Jimmie Knuckles was first around the course, Robbie Pierce came along a minute later. Second lap, Jimmie Knuckles still led, he now had almost two minutes on Robbie Pierce. On the third lap, Jimmie Knuckles now had a three minute lead on the truck of Robbie Pierce. Fourth lap, Jimmie Knuckles was no more, off the scoring charts. Robbie Pierce was now the only truck running in thi_ class. It was only Robbie Pierce making laps now but he too had his share of problems, he did complete seven on the eight laps but he failed to finish his last lap, he too, a dnf. There were eight cars entered in the class 1 fracas, two of them did not start the race and another two of them failed to finish their eight required laps. At the end of their first lap it was Shawn McCallum showing the way, Daniel McMillin ran in the second spot, he was a minute and change in arrears, Bob Archibald ran third, another 22 seconds back, Ramin Bagheri was in fourthplace,JasonJerniganwas in fifth place and Mike Sziauko was running in the sixth spot Chuck Hovey and Jamie Galles did not start the race. After setting fast lap for the class on his first lap, Shawn McCallum still led at the end of lap two, Daniel McMillin held on in the second spot, still a minute and small change in ar-rears, Ramin Bagheri moved up a spot into third place, Jason Jernigan was in fourth place, Mike Sziauko ran fifth and Bob Archibald dropped to sixth place after some minor problems. Third lap ended, Shawn McCallum still led the class, Ramin Bagheri had moved u into second lace Mike Szi-auko was up two spots into third place, Jason Jernigan remained in the fourth spot, Daniel McMillin dropped three spots into fifth place after encountering a minor problem and Bob Archibald remained in the sixth spot Fourth lap, Shawn McCallum re-mained the class leader, Mike Sziauko was up another spot into second place, he was 18 minutes behind the leader, Jason Jernigan came along, another five minutes behind, Daniel McMillin was up a spot into fourth place, Bob Archibald was up a spot in fifth place and Ramin Bagheri dropped to sixth place with some major troubles. lap five ended, Shawn McCallum still led the pack, Daniel McMillin was back in the second s he was David Bryan, with son Kyle in the right seat, drove a good race and took the Class 8 gold medal, seen here going for the checkers. The win in Class 5-1600 went to David Simpson, he had 14 minutes in hand when the checkers flew, he's seen here at speed. half an hour in arrears, Bob Archibald was now running in third place and Ramin Bagheri was in fourth place. Mike Sziauko and Jason Jernigan were off the scoring chart. There were no position changes on their last three laps. The Class 1 win went to Shawn McCallum, Daniel McMillin came n for the silver medal, Bob Archibald took third place honors and Ramin Bagheri finished first off the podium. There was only one car entered in Class 5, Carl Rohrer. Carl had eight laps to go for his race, unfortunately, he was only able to get five laps in before retiring to his trailer. There were eight Bugs entered in the Class 5/ 1600 race, they too had to run eight laps for their race and four of them made it all the way. At the end of their first lap it was David Simpson showing the way, Richard Glaszczak was in second place, he was less than a minute in arrears, Scott Plunkett ran in third place, Kris Schulz was in the fourth spot and Eric Garcia ran fifth. Richard Sletten was running sixth in class and Larry Negrete was in seventh place. Frank Cortez did not start the race. At the end of lap two, David Simpson continued to lead, Richard Glaszczak remained in the second spot, now he was only a few seconds behind the leader, Richard Sletten had moved u into third lace Kris Schulz ran fourth and Larry Negrete ran fifth and Eric Garcia was in the sixth spot. Scott Plunkett was on his trailer. David Simpson continued to lead on their third lap, Richard Glaszczak was right there in the second spot, only seconds in arrears, Richard Sletten was still running third, Kris Schulz was fourth, Larry Negrete was in fifth place and Eric Garcia remained in the sixth spot At the halfway point it was still Da-vid Simpson leading the class, Richard Glaszczak remained in second, still less than a minute behind, Richard Sletten was still running third, Kris Schulz remained in the fourth spot, Larry Negrete held on in fifth place and Eric Garcia was still running sixth. There were no changes in position on the fifth lap but we did see Eric Garcia call it a day, out of the race. Sixth lap, David Simpson still led the class, Richard Glaszczak remained in the second spot, he was still less than two minutes behind the leader, Richard Sletten remained in the third spot, Larry Negrete was up a spot into fourth place and Kris Schulz ran in the fifth spot At the end of their seventh lap it was still David Simpson showing the way, Richard Glaszczak remained in second place, he dropped some time and was now 16 minutes behind the class leader, Larry Negrete still ran in third Continued on a e 22 Hal Graves took the Class 9 lead when it counted most, on the final lap, he's seen here on his way to glory. A long third lap didn't help Daniel McMillin, he took the silver Richard Glaszczak ran in second place all race long, he had to Jose Victoria led four of the six Class 9 required laps but he was medal in the Class 1 conflict, here at speed. settle for the silver medal in the 5-1600 race. the second place car on the final lap. Dusty Times November 2009 Page 21

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Eric Haugley, Class 11, led the second and third laps but he was the second place bug on the first and fourth laps, a silver Jeff Shaw was running hard, as seen here, he had to settle for Luke McMillin led the Class 1600 contingent for most of the race medal for him. a second place finish in the Class 1450 fracas. but he slowed a bit on the last lap and took a second place finish. place, Kris Schulz was now fourth and Richard Sletten dropped to fifth place. Eighth lap, final lap and when they came around for the checkered flag it was David Simpson raking a very nice win, Richard Glaszczak took home the silver medal La Ne te won the bronze medal and Kris Schulz took fourth place honors. Richard Sletten was unable to complete his final lap. Class 7 had two entries, Rod Fan-telli and Stacy Morrison Jr. Fantelli did not start the race and Morrison only com leted four la s before callin it Thomas Bjorstrom was the only entrant in Class 10, he completed his eight laps with ease, took the Class 10 win and was third overall as well. Page 22 a day. Class 8 was next to race, they had eight laps to run for theirrace and there was only one truck that made it all the way. At the end of their first lap it was Richard Waite in the lead, David Bryan ran in the second s ot and Dennis Milner was running third. Jeff Stowers failed to start the race. Second lap ended, Richard Waite still led the class, David Bryan was in second place, he was less than four minutes in arrears and Dennis Milner was out of the race after a ve len Ruben Espinoza led the first lap in the Class 11 contest, was second for laps two and three, then regained the lead on the last lap. take the win. www.rob November 2009 first lap. Third lap, Richard Waite was still leading and David Bryan remained in the second spot, five minutes in arrears. There were no position changes on the fourth and fifth laps of the race. Sixth lap, David Bryan's Ford was now leading the class, Richard Waite retired from the fray. It was just drive the truck for two laps, David Bryan's son, Kyle was now behind the wheel Kyle took the check-ered flag for the Class 8 win, happy as a clam and his father seeing a chip off the old block. Class 9 was next up, there were seven of them entered, two of them did not start the race and only two of them made it the six required laps. When their first lap ended it was Tan-ner Stover in the lead, Jose Victoria ran in second place, Adam Sarver ran in the third spot, Brandon Whitehead was in fourth place and Hal Graves was fifth. Mark Culver and Joshua Willey did not start the race. Second lap, Jose Victoria was now Continued on page 24 Dusty Times

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Bob Archibald was playing catch up all race long, he was as low Larry Negrete made a long, slow climb up through_ the Class as sixth place but managed to take a third place finish in Class 1. 5-1600 ranks to end up with the bronze medal. Noah Ouantrell raced his good lookin' Ford pickup to a third place finish in the Class 1450 battle, seen here at speed. in the lead, Tanner Stover had dropped to second place, Hal Graves was up into third place and Adam Sarver dropped to fourth place in class. Brandon ·Whitehead was on his trailer. Third lap, Jose Victoria still led the class, Tanner Stover remained in the second spot, Hal Graves ran third and Adam Sarver remained in the fourth spot. Fourth lap, Jose Victoria still led the class, Hal Graves moved into the second spot and Adam Sarver moved into third place. Tanner Stover was off the scoring chart. There were no position changes on the fourth lap. Sixth lap, final lap. When the checkers flew it was Hal Graves right there to collect the gold medal, Jose Victoria had big troubles on the last lap but still managed a silver medal finish. Adam Sarver was unable to complete his final lap. Class 10 only had one entrant, Thomas. Bjorstrom, Thomas just cruised around for his eight required laps, finished third overall in the race and had a good weekend. There were four entrants in the Class 11 contest and they had four laps to run for their race. At the end of their firstlap it was Ruben Espinoza in the class lead, Erik Haugley was running in the second spot. Rick Fenley started the race but he was unable to complete his first lap and Jorge Sierra failed to start the race. For their second and third laps it was Erik Haugley showing the way while Ruben Espinoza trailed the leader in second place. At the completion of their fourth lap it was Ruben Espinoza coming from behind to take the Class 11 win, Erik Haugley slipped to the second finishing spot. Class 1200 had eight laps to run but it wasn't much of a race. Eric Palacios ran his eight required laps to take the class win and he finished 15th overall as well. Chris Cortez and Leroy Lozano were schedule to race but did not start. In the Sportsman Class, there were four cars entered but only one of them would run the six required laps. At the end of their first lap it was Steven Hall in the class lead and Ray Nawton ran in the second spot. Brad Brockway failed to complete his first lap and Harry Edwards failed to start the race. Second lap ended and it was Steven Hall leading the. class while Ray Naw-ton ran in the second spot. ended and now it."was only Steven. Hall running the race, Ray Nawton had dropped qut of contention. Ray just cruised around for the remaining three laps and happily took the checkered flag. There were only two trucks entered in the Class 1400 battle, they had eight laps to run for their race and Trevor Klat was the first lap leader, Jerry lari-mori the second spot. There were no position changes on laps two and three, Trevor Klat lead and Jerry larimori ran second. When the fourth lap ended it was Jerry larimori all alone, Trevor Klat had disappeared from the scoring chart. Jerry motored around for four more laps to take the class win. There were 14 trucks entered in the Class 1450 action, The had four la s to run for their Eric Palacios was the only car entered in the Class 1200 contest, he motored around for his eight required laps and took the win. race and fully 11 of them made it all the way. At the end of their first lap it was Danny Freeman showing the way, Gregg Zumwalt ran in second place, he was a minute and change in arrears, Jeff Shaw ran in the third spot, another two minutes back, Bill Isenhouer was running fourth and Noah Quantrell was in fifth place. David Hough was running sixth in class, Brandon Walsh was seventh, Nathan Creighton was in eighth place, Patrick Sutalo was ninth, Chris Reaves was 10th and Mike Bithell ran in the 11th spot." Shane Pollard,-Todd Richards and Tim Griggs failed to start the race. Second lap came to an end and Danny Freeman continued to lead the class, Gregg Zumwalt remained in second place, Jeff Shaw held on in third place, Noah Quantrell moved up into fourth lace and Nathan Crei hton Wd.) UiJ llllCC .)}:-'Ul.Z> lllLV Jl1Lll iJldLC. Patrick Sutalo was up into sixth place, Brandon Walsh was running seventh, Chris Reaves was up into eighth, Bill lsenhouer dropped into ninth, Mike Bithell ran in 10th place and David Hough dropped to 11th place. Third lap ended and Danny free-man continued to lead the class, Gregg Zumwalt still ran in the second spot, Jeff Shaw remained in the third spot, Noah Quantrell ran fourth while Pat-rick Sutalo now ran in the fifth spot. Nathan Creighton was in sixth place, Bill Isenhouer ran seventh, Chris Reaves remained in the eight spot, Brandon Walsh was running ninth, Mike Bithell was in 10th place and David Hough dropped into 11th place. Fourth lap, final lap and when the checkers flew it was Danny Freeman taking a really nice win, Jeff Shaw came in for a second lace finish Noah Steven Hall was the easy winner in the Class 1300 contest, his competition fell by the wayside and he motored in for the gold medal. Ray Files raced his buggy to a third place finish in the Class 1/2-Ramin Bagheri didn't have the best of races, he was doing fine Kris Schulz was doing alright in the Class 5-1600 fracas, a very long sixth lap didn't help, Kris finished fourth in the race. 1600 race, he's seen here on his way to the checkers. until a 2 hour fourth lap dropped him to a fourth place finish. Gregg Zumwalt was running in second place for three of the four Kevin Walsh led the first lap in 1/2-1600, dropped to sixth place required laps, a very long last lap dropped him to fourth place. with problems and worked his way back into a fourth place finish. Page 24 November 2009 Bill lsenhouer had a long second lap, which certainly didn't help, Bill finished in fourth place in class. Dusty Times . . . ' ........... . '

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Jeff Calhoun ran second for a while but two slower laps dropped Nathan Creighton didn't have the best of days, he managed a Patrick Sutalo Jr. raced his truck to a seventh place finish in him to a fifth place finish in the 1/2-1600 battle. sixth place finish in class. Seen here diggin' hard. Class, he's seen here at speed headin' for home. Quantrell took third place honors, Greg Zumwalt was first off the podium and Bill Isenhouer was the fifth truck to finish. Nathan Creighton finished in the sixth spot, Patrick Sutalo came in seventh, Chris Reaves finished eighth, Mike Bithell came in ninth, Brandon Walsh finished in 10th place and David Hough was the 11th and final finisher in the class. Class 15 only had two entries, they had four laps to run fortheir race and when they finished their first lap it was Kyle Milligan coming around first and Steve McNaughton was unable to complete his first lap. • Kyle Milligan raced around the course for the next three laps and happily took the checkers and the dasswin. There were 10 cars entered in the Class ½-1600 fracas, they too had eight laps to run for their race and five of them made it all the way. When their first lap ended it was Kevin Walsh in the class lead, Luke McMillin was second, he was less than a minute behind the leader, Bryan Meyers ran in third place,JeffCalhoun ran fourth and Ray Files was in fifth place. Arturo Gutierrez was in the sixth spot and Caitlin Manring was in seventh spot. Tanner Harris, Bob Archibald and Jerry Larimori was the Class 1400 winner, seen here, minus some fiberglass on his way to the coveted checkered flag. Danny Freeman led the Class 1450 group all race long, he took the class win with nine minutes in hand at the checkers. It was a great win in Class 1/2-1600 for Bryan Meyers, he only had 27 seconds on his competition ~t the end. Dusty Times Greg Parker were scheduled to start than eight minutes behind the leader, was still showing the way, Bryan Mey-the race but failed to do so. Bryan Meyers remained in third place, ers was back into second place, Ray Second lap came to and end and Ray Files remained in fourth place, Ar-Files was running third, Jeff Calhoun it was now Luke McMillin leading turo Gutierrez was still running fifth was in the fourth spot and Kevin the class, Jeff Calhoun moved up into and Kevin Walsh was in the sixth spot. Walsh was running fifth. Arturo second place, Bryan Meyers ran third, Caitlin Manring was out of the race. Gutierrez was out of the race, cause Ray Files dropped a spot into fourth Fifth lap ended, Luke McMil- unknown. place, Arturo Gutierrez was fifth, lin still led the class, Jeff Calhoun Eighth lap, final lap and when Kevin Walsh dropped to sixth place was now in the second place spot, they came around for the checkers with problems and Caitlin Manring Bryan Meyers ran in third place, Ray it was Bryan Meyers taking the 1600 held on in seventh place. Files held on in fourth place, Kevin class win, Luke McMillin had some Third lap came to an end and Walsh ran fifth and Arturo Gutierrez minor problem on the lap and it Luke McMillin continued to lead dropped a spot into sixth place. cost him, he finished in second the pack, Jeff Calhoun was in second Sixth lap, time was slowly running place, he was 27 seconds out of the place, Bryan Meyers was in third place, out, Luke McMillin was still leading win, Ray Files took the third spot, Ray Files was running fourth, Arturo the class, Ray Files was up a few spots he was another eight minutes in Gutierrez was in fifth place and Kevin and now ran in the second spot, arrears, Kevin Walsh finished in Walsh held down the sixth spot and Bryan Meyers dropped a spot into the fourth spot and Jeff"Calhoun Caitlin Manring remained in the third place, Arturo Gutierrez was up was the fifth and final finisher in seventh spot. two places "into fourth, Jeff Calhoun the class. Fourth lap came to an end, Luke dropped into fifth place and Kevin And so it ended, a good time was McMillin still led the class, Jeff Cal- Walsh dropped a place into sixth. had by almost all and they all can't houn was second, he was ··u·s·tltlleis:::,s __;t::::e...:l.:::at:.,;;;c~M~il;linr,i~wa~it~fo~r:..1:.::.·t.;;:to:::..::.h:::,al;'.,t'en again. ~ PINCH BOSSES Ii UNIBAll CUPS ,n, zaa, mm IA ~ RATEi REI.Erl 0-CEl BY HDTCHINS November 2009 LINE RESH R.SYSTEM - - - ----~ RACE RADIOS 9~KENWOOO !!rt Page 25

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~B~ BILEK SILVER STATE 300 Raskett And Johnson Win Fire Plagued Race By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Steve Raskett throws lots of the brown stuff as he heads to a great 1st overall, 1st in Class 1500 at the 8/TD Silver State 300. Alamo, NV: Steve Raskett and Jake Johnson teamed in their Porter to take the overall win at the late-September event in 5:58:44 . . The 321 mile· race traveled through some of the prettiest coun-tryside in Eastern Nevada, and teams that raced it the previous year looked forward to another chance to do a high-speed nature tour. But the elements and human nature combined to throw some · monkey wrenches into the works, in the form of three separate fires that contrived to make things difficult for a few racers, the Best In The Desert folks and local authorities. The first fire happened fairly early. For this event the BITD had an "alternate pit" for bikes, quads and UTVs. It was meant for refuel-ing only, because that section of the course was long, and many in those classes were uncertain if they could make it. Each team who thought they'd need it sent one small dump can of fuel to Mile 235. No crews were allowed to be there - just a cou-ple of Best In. the Desert personnel and the cans of fuel. As luck would have it, one of the first bikers who came along tried to refuel without shutting off his bike, spilled fuel, and set it on fire. As he hurriedly jumped off his bike it toppled over onto the neatly stacked cans of fuel. The fire was scary and grew big in a hurry, but the personnel kept it from spreading. The problem was that now some of the bikers and quad riders would have no gas when they got there. A hastily assembled batch of fuel was trucked out to that point, and got there in time to be of help to most, but not all, of the bike/ quad teams. The bike tha,t dropped onto the fuel cans was reportedly destroyed by the fire. Not long after the report of the fuel fire, word came that there'd been another blaze. This one in-volved just one vehic~, the brand new Trick Truck of Jason and Richard Voss. It caught fire, appar-ently when the converter seal blew out, spilling transmission fluid on the hot converter and the headers. Jesse Jones and Bryce Menzies drove their Ford to the Class 1400 win, they finished fourth overall in the Silver State 300 race. They had lost first and second gear just prior to that, and when out of the truck could see a trail of tranny fluid for about 200 yards before the truck stopped. This time the fire did not get to the fuel cell, and thus, the truck was not a total loss. The front and rear suspension were saved, but everything in the cockpit was lost. While the folks at the finish line were still digesting the news about the Voss truck, a new crisis arose. Up at Course Mile 147, close to Highway 93 and the small town of Panaca, Al Hogan hit a power pole with his Class 7200 truck. The pole broke and fell and live wires sent sparks flying. Hogan and his passenger, Bob Brunkan, were frightened. They saw the sparks from the fallen wires which were close to the truck and decided to stay in the truck. They didn't yet realize it was on fire. Along came Kory Halopoff and his navigator, a fireman. The course was blocked, so they had to stop, but they could see the fire and also could see that Hogan and his passenger weren't starting to climb out. They hollered at them to get out of the truck, but Hogan said they were afraid they'd "be electro-cuted". At about that time a surge of power went through the wires, causing them to bounce around and set nearby brush on fire. It was, said Halopoff later, "the scariest thing!" But the flames on the truck grew bigger also and Hogan and his navigator were finally persuaded to get out and get away from the truck. They made it safely. The fire extinguishers donated by the other teams proved unequal to the task. The truck was destroyed. Word came back to the finish line that power was out in the area. The course was totally blocked, and _BIID personnel took down times and car numbers as each successive team pulled up• behind the blockage. A new route had to be found around the stop-page. Fire equipment had to move in to put the brush fire out. Happily, the IriTrack equipment makes a record when a car stops on course, so they had an automatic record of each vehicle stopped behind the accident, and just how long that vehicle was stopped by the incident. Unfortunately, nothing could be done about the fact that they became all bunched up, and except for a couple at the front of that group, who benefitted a bit, the rest drove from there to the finish line (174 miles) in a perpetual cloud of dust. Meanwhile, the race went on. ~1 The weather was warm and dry, with only light breezes, if any. The ground in that area dissolves into silt very quickly, so dust was an issue for most of the racers, unless they found themselves all alone on the track. As It was a good race for Todd Elam, he drove his Safari built car to a first place finish in Class 1000, he finished 14th overall as well. McRae Glass and crew had a wonderful race, they captured the Class 8000 win by four minutes, seen here in their Ford headin' for the finish. a side issue, many of the navigators began to feel severe nausea. At the finish line many drivers noted that they'd had to stop to "get a new navigator". And some navigators re-ported they'd thrown up - with very fragrant and decidedly unpleasant after-effects. After some discussion it was diagnosed as a motion-sickness problem. The stricken navigators seemed to think it was because the dust was so thick for such a long time that they couldn't see a horizon line and their inner ear couldn't respond properly. In addition, they were having to keep an eye on the OPS screen to keep the driver informed about wher~ he was going. It was a stressful and uncomfortable situa-tion for many. Continued an page 28 The Keyes and the Smiths had a long day, they took the Class Kevin Colan and TJ Flores gave it their all, took the silver medal Andy and Scott McMillin raced their Ford to a second place finish in 4100 win in their big Ford, but, 12 hours is a looong time. in Class 1500 in their Bunderson, 70 seconds out of the win.. Class 1400, they were less than two minutes in arrears at the flag. Page 26 November 2009 Dusty Ti~es II

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r Kyle LeDuc#99 Lucas U-4 RD 7 Lucas U-4 RD 8 TORC Pro 4x4 RD 9 TORC Pro 4x4 RD 10 TORC Pro 4x4 RD 12 TORC Borg Warner Cup 4.0 Klng Kong BYJ>""S More race wins than all other shock manufacturers combined. Darren Skilton SCORE Class 3 Dan Chamlee SCORE Class 7 Mikey Lawrence SCORE Class 10 Gavin Skilton SCORE Sock Mini Norman Turley SCORE Class 7sx Oyde Stacey SCORE Class 8 Joe Aguayo SCORE Sportsman Truck Steve Raskett BITD Cl~ 1 Eric Anderson BITD Class s , Todd Elam BITD Class 1000 Macrae Glass BITD Class aooo Perry Coan BITD Class 1700 Keith Growe BITD Class 1800 Kyle LeDuc TORC Pro 4x4 RD 9 Kyle LeDucTORC Pro 4x4 RD 10 Kyle LeDuc TORC Pro 4x4 RD 12 Kyle LeDuc TORC Borg Warner Cup Scott Taylor TORC Pro 2wd ~D 12

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The Staats crew drove their Ford Pickup to the Class 1200 win, they're seen here with the power on in the soft stuff. The course was described as "really rough for the first six miles, then fast the rest of the way." For this event there had been a one-lap reconnaissance a couple of weeks before the race, but the date was the same as SCORE's Primm event and many who would have liked to do the reconnaissance had been unable to go. The "Time Trials", which deter-mine the start order of the Trick Trucks and Class 1500 (the unlim-ited o en wheel cars had been run line a minute apart, and considering the dust, that was a good idea. Only the last dozen or so vehicles, Class 7100, 1700, 7300, 3100 and a few others started every-thirty-seconds. There were 84 cars and trucks. The bikes, quads and UTVs had gone off the line at first light, and there was a gap of a couple of hours between the last UTV and the first of 20 unlimited cars. At the front of the pack for much of the way it was Hovey, who'd earned that coveted first-off-the start line position. He'd been nervous about it, but resolved to drive a smart race. However, at the end of the day, he'd lost some ground with a brake problem. The first three cars The Lee Bannings had a great race, they took the gold medal in Class 1100, were so close on time that it wasn't seen here just ahead of the silt in their Foddrill. until the scoring team sorted them a couple of days before the race in of the line up. The start was actually out that the overall winner was a dry riverbed outside of Mesquite, at Alamo, about 100 miles north of known. . which was the host city for the race the Highway 15 on Highway 93. The Raskett and Johnson were de-registration and contingency dis- cars were staged at the Alamo Truck dared the winners, with a minute plays. It proved soft, dusty and diffi- Stop, and took off into the hills from and ten seconds on second place. cult. Chuck Hovey had the fast time, a knoll behind the parking lot. The They said they were "just driving and would start the race at the front ma·ori of the vehicles went off the - havin fun!" The were rateful nii..---=;;..;.;...;;.;;.;; ____ ;;;..;;.. __ = ___ .,_-=.;;.;......;;,.;;.;,,;;.i....;.;.;;..;;..;;..,:o;;.;;;.;;.;;;.;;.;;;., Rob MacCachren and Steve 01/iges were 2nd place finishers in Class Bryce Menzies and Larry Job gave it their all, they were second The Jones boys, Jake and Josh, had a decent race, they took 2nd 8000, seen here in their Ford at high speed going for the checkers. place finishers in the Class 1000 battle, seen here in their Jimco. place honors in Class 1100, seen here in their Custom built car. Page 28 November 2009 Dusty Times

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to the Grove lumber team who'd helped them sort out a steering prob-lem the day before the race. Raskett had started the race and Johnson got in at Caliente and drove to the finish. They had zero problems, and took time only to change rear tires while they changed drivers. Kevin Colan and T. J. Flores were second in their Bunderson. Flores started and Colan got in at Caliente. He said, "This is a dream year - this is awesome, a great day!" They'd also had a clean day, without even any flats. Colan said it had been "a lot of fun." Their time was 5:59:54. Hovey finished third, a minute and 41 seconds later in his Jimco Chevy. He lost his brakes, "all four of them", after Pit 2. So he stopped at Caliente and put just fronts on, which cost him seven or eight min-utes. Then, with just front brakes the rest of the way he said he "took some crazy, crazy rides." He'd done 60 miles with no brakes· before that, which he said was "a little bit scary - really scary!" The first three Class 1500 cars were ahead of the winning Trick Truck. Hovey's time was 6:01:35. In fourth it was Loren Brown in a Foddrill. He drove all the way and reported only one flat tire and a "bad intercom" to mar the day. He said "I loved the race!" His time was 6:15:10, about 14 minutes behind Hovey. Fifth place went to Mike Bilek in his HMS two-seater. Bilek had a good day, but his navigator did not. Grant Kimbrel, who rode all the way, was miserably ill and, in fact, threw up "in his helmet." Otherwise the team had "no trouble, no flats." In sixth place it was the team of John Cooley and Steve Sourapas in an Alumicraft. Cooley, who started, had an early flat, but Sourapas had an uneventful ride. Cooley said he was happy to be "back in the desert." Sam Berri, last year's overall winner, was seventh in his Jimco. He said he'd been "following some slow folks" and had lots of dust. He also had a sticky throttle. Berri did all the driving. In eighth it was Vince Gae-It was a nice win for Greg Foutz in the Class 8100 race, Greg is seen here_ pushing his Ford and staying ahead of the silt. well after it got wet either. Perez said he'd had to take it "slow and easy" to get to the finish. Kory Halopoff and Harley Let-ner, in a Jimco, finished twelfth. They'd lost 45 minutes or so when a clamp fell off a water line and the car overheated. Halopoff was also the one who was first on the scene when Hogan had his fiery accident. Willie Cummings, in a Safari, was 13th. He had alternator trouble, and he had a spare, but he got it changed in a pit. He also had a flat, which he also changed in a pit. In 14th it was Kevin Swanson and Clay Flippin in a Bunderson. They said a pulley broke -but they'd had a-spare and lost only about 15 minutes. They also repor.ted that because of heavy dust they'd run the last fifteen miles "entirely off the OPS - we couldn't see at all." The 15th place finisher was the Penhall of Steve and Ryan Combs. They said their car "didn't run right" for the first half. It overheated. Then at Mile 217 they were stuck and a Protruck hit them and "went over" them. But they didn't mind that, because the hit unstuck them, although it put the Protruck out of the race. · In sixteenth place the finisher was Chuck Dempsey who had "al-ternator mount issues" in his Jimco. He'd had to replace the alternator Weyhrich had a flat. Starting 18th in the morning, because he'd got stuck during the Time Trials, Scott McMillin moved up steadily to finish second in Andy's Ford. With his daughter,. Jessica, navigating, he had a good race, stopping only for a few sec-onds to give the Voss team a fire extinguisher. Scott said the course was "really fun", and Jessica said it "was awesome." They had no flats, and, said Scott, they "didn't get out of the dust until Pit 5 (mile 184.)" In third it was Weyhrich, who'd had just one flat in his Ford when he hit a big rock and broke a wheel. He was, however, sick for a while because he got dehydrated, so he started "taking in fluids." He was just 26 seconds behind the McMil-lin truck. Fo.urth went to Greg Nunley in a Forcl. He said he had no problems, but he'd had to stop to "cbange co-drivers" when the first one got sick. He had a really good day, with no flats and was about 11 minutes behind Weyhrich. In fifth it was Ron Whitton who stopped to give a fire extinguisher to Voss. He said he broke a fender, but had no flats. He "stayed safe, stayed out of trouble. It's a fast course." He went on to say he'd rather have a "rougher, more t~chnical course." He also said he was in dust most of Greg Parker is seen here plowing through some deep silt on his way to the Class 2000 victory, dirty, dirty stuff. Bill Kunz, seen here on some hardpack, drove his Ford to a great win in the Class 7200 battle, Bill had five minutes in hand at the finish. the day. trouble free." His time was 6:55:33. In sixth place it was Kevin McGil- Tracy Rubio and Larry Trim livray and Steve Olliges in a Ford. finished eighth in their Ford. One They had brake probl~ms. Olliges of Rubie's navigators threw up and started and McGillivray finished. both of Trim's did. But Trim said, He said, "Going down East Pass "It was a fun race - dusty." Their Summit with no brakes makes you time was 7: 14:24. question your sanity." They lost the The last Trick Truck to finish was rear brakes right after Caliente (Mile the team of Jim Price, who drove all 185) and "had to pump ten times to the way, and Gary Wise. They said get any brake at all." They did some this was their pre-runner, and they workonthem.Theywereaboutfour "have a real Trick Truck coming." minutes behind Whitton. They lost a front tire at 113 miles In seventh in the Trick Trucks per hour, but managed to keep the · it was Michael Voudouris in his truck on the road. Then, about nine Ford. He said he'd had a "good day, miles before the finish they got stuck .-----------------------....... ---in a big silt bed for two hours. Their time was 9:38:32. Kellon and Quinn Walch drove their Ford to a great win in the Class 7300 Class 1000 had five entries at this event and some tight competition at the front. At the finish Larry Job and Todd Elam were so close on time it was hard to know which had won. Eventually it was announced that Job, in a Jimco, had won by two minutes. But when the results were made official it was noted that Job had somehow incurred a 15 minute penalty for "failure to stop at special stop check at race mile 138". That made Elam the winner. He said he'd had no problems and that it had been "a fun race, a helluva race." He went on to remark that he'd been "hung up" behind some slow The Coans and the Halls drove their Jeep to a nice win in the Class 1700 race, Class 1500 cars and he'd "gone off fracas, they're seen here headin' for the checkers. r~~~~ltlh~,e~.y~,'r:..:e~,s~e:...:e~n:; ... h~_e:.:.r~e~a;:t~s~p:e~e~d:g~o;:in;:g~ ... ":..:o;;r;;tih;e;,c,h~e,c_,k_eirijs._;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-______ c_o_n_tin_u_e_d _on_,p:..•-=-·•-30 ___ .... Paul Kurz drove his Penhall Fab car to a second place finish in Dave Mason took second place honors in the Class 1200 battle, Class 2000, Paul was just two minutes in arrears at the checkers. he's seen here driving his Ford towards the elusive checkered flag. Dusty Times November 2009 Dave Caspino drove his Custom Ford to a second place finish in the Class 7200 fracas, he's seen here staying ahead of the silt. Page 29

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Randy Merritt drove his KC Hilites Ford to .a silver medal finish in Rick and Ricky Johansen piloted their Class 7300 Ford to a second Chuck Hovey, seen here flying his Jimco out of the silt was the class 8100,. seen here plowing through the soft stuff. place finish, they're seen here on their way to the checkers. third place finisher in the Class 1500 race. the road once - lucky I didn't hit a was 7:25:40. behind Glass. and silt. Their time was 7:58:39. had a perfect day with no flats, but big rock." His car is a Safari with a Troy Vest, in a Chevrolet, came Third place went to Michael Alexa Bilek and Steve Myers four or five "close calls." They haqn't Honda V-tech motor, and he says in third. He said he had "all kinds Bird in a Ford. He said it had been were fourth in Class 1100 in a Neth. even changed their rear tires. this is the first year they're "really of problems", including losing a a "pretty long day." Bird blew one Alexa, who started the day, got stuck In second it was Randy Merritt racing it." His time put him at 14th wheel and some studs. His time tire and lost a transmission line. His twice. Myers also got stuck, when he in another Ford. He said he'd had a in the overall standings. was 9:01:28. time was 10:52: 19, and he arrived had the sun in his eyes and a car in "couple flats" and that put him back Job was disappointed and said In fourth it was Aaron Guthrie, at the finish line at about 20 past front of him making dust. He was in in slower traffic and then he had he'd believed he'd been waved Ford, who said he'd rolled over 9 p.m. the last finisher in the class. first gear and bogged and got high "constant dust", and got caught up through the stop sign. He had when he overshot a turn, but landed Class 1100 had seven entries, centered_. They had to jack the car up in the stoppage at Hogan's accident. hurt his back at about Mile 70 and on his wheels. He also had a broken and the winner was the team of Lee and fill in the holes, which took ten Merritt's time was 7:48:33. "couldn't really race". He said it had rear track bar and lost three hours Banning Sr. and Lee Banning Jr., in or 15 minutes. They also had only Tim Casey, in still another Ford, been a clean run with no problems with repairs. His time was 11: 12:25, a Foddrill. They were 24th overall. one light and out-drove it. Alexa finished at about 9:30 p.m., in third. beyond dust. · and he was the last finisher in the Senior started the race, and Junior said they'd "had fun" - Myers said it He said he'd got "terrible gas mileage Corey Keysar, in aJimco, finished class, and almost the lastfinisher of got in at Pit 5 and wentto the finish. was a "very challenBing course, and - about 1.5 miles to the gallon." So third. He reported that he'd had the event. They had no flat tires, but Junior reminded me of going up to Mike's he'd run out at Mile 122 and Mi-one flat and had lost fifth and sixth In Class 8000, which had four had to push a Class 1500 car out (in Baja)." Their time was 9:44:33. chael Bird's truck had pulleq them gears. His time was 7:03:31 and he entries, the winner was Macrae Glass of his way at one point. They were Sigal Greenberg and Justin Smith to Mile 130. "We owe those guys a was 23rd overall. in his Ford. Practically the first thing lucky, and didn't get 'caught in the were fifth, in an Assassin. Smith whole bunch!" said Casey. He also Mikey Lawrence finished fourth he said was that Mike de Haas, who Hogan fire. Their time was 7: 10:36. started and drove to Mile 184. lost his power steering box, and ran in his VW powered Lothringer. He owns KC Hilites and is a big sponsor About six minutes later (on cor-He had some electrical problems. over a huge rock and got stuck for reported one flat and being stuck at BITD events, rode for 100 miles rected· time) it was Jake and Josh Greenberg got in and about 20 miles 20 minutes just four miles before the in the silt a couple of times. He also in the truck and "he did great, he Jones who shared the driving in later tipped the car onto its side. She finish. His time was 10:38: 10 and said he hadn't eaten all day and "got didn't throw up." Glass drove all their car. They had been stuck be-and her passenger couldn't get it he was the last in the class to finish. a little sick." His time was 7:16:49. the way and had "no nothin' - I hind the Hogan fire, one of the first tipped back over and had to wait a Karl Hartmetz, in a Ford, also He was the last finisher in the class. never got out of the truck." He cars in line there. They said. they'd while for a BITD person to get there drove in the class and his truck There were five Protrucks racing commented: "I drive the 'cheap to spun out at Mile 225 and ended up and help settle it on the ground. didn't run well right from the start. here, and Ryan Staats, in a Ford, fix your truck pace'." His time was backwards next to a cliff. Scary mo- She said she also lost two fan belts Then, right in a corner, it started took the win in 6:45:54. He said 6:38:09. Glass has won every event ment. Their time was 7: 10:36. and had a sticky throttle, so she tied running "really good", and rolled he'd had one flat, lost first gear and in the 2009 season so far. Third in Class 1100 were Bryan a bungee on it and the navigator over a couple of times. After that it had no rear suspension. · In second it was the Ford Raptor, Folks (Casey'sson)and RickGrafina pulled it back when needed. They ran fine until just before Pit 3, where The second place finish went to driven by Andy Waters and Steve Foddrill. They'd had just one flat and had no flats, and their time was they broke a leaf spring, and had no Rick Backus and Dave Mason in a Olliges. They said it was "tough a problem with their jack. They'd also 10:42:03. They were the last finish- spare. That was the end of their day. Ford. Mason had a flat and had to to pass in the dust -but a great been held up for a while at Mile 245, ers in that dass. In Class 2000 (1600cc) there were change the alternator. Backus had course." Their time was 6:42:42, which was a very narrow underpass Class 8100 had an entry of five five starters and the winning team . no problems, "just dust." Theirtime only four minutes and 33 seconds (under the train tracks) with water trucks. Greg Foutz took first place was Greg Parker and Tim Lawrence" e . coma, source for ra andCrB • """""Su/1:s • CrlJw llnNotms • t:n,ws,,.,. • PoloShlts •TamJadallr •Hals •GarlllllJS IIDW FEATURING: In-House Embroidery Orlvcr Names • Team Loq05 • Sponsor Logos 1.BD0.700.2.350 • Fax IIOB.3B0.0436 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 Page 30 November 2009 in his Ford in the time of 7:12:02. in a TLR chassis. They said that He was 27th overall. Foutz said he'd "Tim toqk out a huge tree!" Their The Henn clan had a really good ruce, they took the gold medal in Class 7100, they're seen here racing their Ford to the finish line. It was a good race for Eric Anderson, he flew his VW to the Class 5000 win with ease, he's seen here ready for touchdown. Dusty Times ll

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Mark Weyhrich's Ford ran quickly, but, he had to settle for a 3rd place Corey Keysar and Wayne Demonja were the bronze medal finishers Kevin Smith was the third place finisher in Class 2000, he's seen here in his Mirage on his way to the finish line. finish in Class 1400, he was 26 seconds out of the silver medal. in Class 1000, seen here rushing their Jimco to the finish line. time was 7: 16:40 and they were.29th had been stuck three times. His ·time team: Perry and Jeff Coan. These overall. was 7:35:56. are the folks that the Walch truck Second place went to Paul Kurz, In third, another 12 minutes hit in the silt, but they said it didn't who finished and Robert Alatorre, back and it was Rory I.:Hommedieu do them any serious damage. They who started. Kurz finished on a in a Chevrolet. He drove all the way had a navigator get sick and get out, flat right rear that had been that and said he broke two belts and had so Jeff got back in to navigate for way for five miles. He said the dust one flat, and finished in the time Perry. They had one flat. Their time was "pretty hairy." Their time was of 7:47:54. was 8:19:42. 7: 18:59, only two and a half minutes Fourth place went to Sean Gior- Class 7100 had an entry of three behind first place. dano, who started and Dave Dens- trucks, but only one got to the fin-Kevin and Brian Smith were more, who finished, in a Ford. ish. Blake Henn and his dad, Terry, third in their Mirage. They said They'd been stuck in silt for an hour and his uncle, Eric, did the driving. they had brake issues and tried. to and had worked with the Gary Wise Terry said he "did the par:t where the fix them during the driver change. Trick Truck to get each other out of transmission didn't work." It seems They'd run thirty miles on a left their fixes. They said the silt "hung" they had no second gear for a while, rear that was nearly flat. Their time because there was no wind. Their but then it mysteriously came back. was 7:42:21. time was 8: 18:48 and they were the Eric did the first90 miles, and Blake Fourth place went to Vince Viola last in their class to get to the finish. finished. The_ir time was 8:32:06. and Drew Loftus, in a Lothringer, In Class 7300. the win went to There was just one Class 1800 . who didn't stick around to talk. cousins Kellon and Quinn Walch, truck, the ·Ford of Keith and Mark Their time was 7:53:24. in a Ford. These folks live in Alamo, Growe. Mark (the dad) started and In fifth it was Tony Modica and which is where the race started. It's went to Pit 4 with Keith navigating. Raul Solano. Modica started and a nice _little town, and unless you Then Keith got out and Anthony rolled over at Mile 79, and he and really look for it you won't see it as Valentino navigated, and then Keith his navigator had to dig their way you drive by on your way to Caliente got in at Pit 5 and drove to the fin-out. Solano then drove the middle and points north. It's sort of down "ish. They said they were stuck in section with no major problems, and in the valley and out of sight. The the silt a couple of times and 8108 Modica got in at Pit 6 to drive the cousins say "It's a great place to live, (Casey) pulled them out. They also final 50 miles. He said they'd had everybody knows everybody." They had a Class 3100 car tow them out of a short in their electronic ignition. said they had no problems in the a fix, and at one point Keith towed Their time was 9:04:26. They gave race, except that they hit someone a Rhino about 18 miles. They also their class a 100% finish rate. in a silt bed and stopped to "check it had a Jeep pull them out of a water Class 7200 had ten starters. And out". Everything else was good, they crossing. Their time was 10:21:47. · the winner was Bill Kunz in a Ford. said, and they finished in 7:54:53. Class 5000, Baja Bugs, had just He said it was a "great race - a little Second in the class went to always one entry this time. Rick Holmes issue with a battery terminal and a cheerful Rick and Ricky Johansen started and planned to go half way. lot of dust, no flats." He looked the (father and son) who both drove He had a flat, and then hit a "G-out" truck over, said, "The whole body's their Ford. They had no mechanical and hurt his back, shortly before still on it - we're good!" His time problems but did get stuck once. the Mile 90 pit. So plans changed, was 7:30:29. They said it was a "fantastic day-un-and he got out there and installed About five minutes later it was believable course - great day - great Holmes to drive the rest of the way. David Caspino who drove all the everything!" Their time was 8:58:32. Holmes had a flat and lost a belt. way. He said he'd had three flats and There was only one Jeep Speed Their time was 9:44: 12. -The Class 1800 win went to Keith Grawe, he's seen here pushing his truck to the limit on his way to the checkers. Class 4100 had one entry, a Ford Explorer that used to belong to Mike McComas. Ralph Keyes started and finished and Brian Smith drove the mid part. Their wives Kathy Keyes and Adrian Smith also were in the truck. They said they got stuck in the silt at Mile 90 for an hour and at about Mile 297 they broke their left front spindle. They were the final finishers in the race with a time of 12:17:59. There were two Class 3100 cars racing here, but neither finished, nor did the lone "rock-racer" that showed up. None of them came back to the finish to talk about how their day went. The finish line for this event was about 15 miles south on Highway 93 from where the start was, in a big flat, gravel pit sort of a place. It worked great The racers like the course, which was similar to last years. It offers a variety of challenges, some beautiful scenery, and plenty of fun. It's too bad that all the fires put a damper on the "fun" of the race, but happily no person was injured in any of the fires, and no huge conflagra-tions ensued. · There is only one event left on the BITD schedule. It's the Hen-derson Desert Classis December 4th through the sixth. This will be the one that decides champion-ships in some classes. And then the whole thing starts over again in 2010. ~ Al Hogan had a severe accident, hit a power pole and the hot Not too bad a day for Tim Burke, Tim took the bronze medal in Bryan Folks is seen here running in a fairly clean environment, wires cooked his Class 7 Ford, nobody hurt but, wow!!!!!!!f!lf!!!!! the Class 7200 conflict, he's seen here at speed in his Chevrolet. Bryan finished third in Class 1100 at the BITD Silver State race. Picture by David Clay ----'--------'----'cl-lf'-.. -,..-,..-... -T:-"f'_'.!l_■_P.:._P_".:"_"'." ___ -:-_~-r::.---:-:,-,_--:----_-_---, Troy Vest is seen here at takeoff in his Chevrolet, Troy finished Tim Casey, Ford mounted, leaves a nice dust trail as he _heads to third in the Class 1200 battle at the Silver State 300. a third place finish in Class 8100 in Nevada. Dusty Times November 2009 Michael Bird Jr. and dad took a third place finish in the 8000 Class, they're seen here in their Ford heading for the checkers. Page 31

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~ "T"~.F.?c=-. ., ~ ..... , ',, ........ ,.,_ . ~.-r:;.,,,,l!!!T:!5 TRUCKS AT CRANDON ---~ Kincaid _Takes TWO Wins In Pro-Light By]. Preston Bradshaw Plwtos: Clarks Mortorsports Imaging It was a great weekend for Jeff Kincaid at Crandon, Jeff took the win both days in the Pro Lite races, seen here flying his Toyota. Ahhhhhhh, Crandon, the holiday events there are usually more than thrilling to the average spectator, the racers love the place and the weather is usually good, so all those within the confines of the track get more than their money's worth. Saturday's events kicked off with the Kumho Tires Pro 4x4, 13 trucks and drivers, all waiting for the green flag to wave. Waiting to start was Steve Barlow, Curt LeDuc was right there, Scott Dougfas, . Johnny Greaves and Kyle LeDuc were waiting for the flag. Then it was Rick Huseman, Adrian Cenni, Chad Hord, Mike Jenkins, Mark Jenkins, Jamey Flannery, Ken Kincaid made it an even dozen and Steve McCrossan was patiently waiting for the green. At the end of their first of 10 laps it was Steve Barlow ·in the lead, Kyle LeDuc is in second place, Scott Douglas runs third, Curt LeDuc runs fourth and Johnny Greaves is in the fifth spot. Lap 2, Kyle LeDuc now leads the pack, Scott Douglas is up a spot into second place, Curt LeDuc is up in third place, Johnny Greaves runs fourth and Chad Hord is in the fifth spot. Steve Barlow had crashed heavily but he is put" back on his wheels and continues on. There were no position changes on the third lap in the top five Fourth lap, Scott Douglas is the new leader, then its Curt LeDuc, Greaves, Hord and Adrian Cenni. Kyle LeDuc was sent to the back of the pack for his incident with Barlow earlier on. Sixth lap, Scott Douglas stays in the lead, Hord runs second, Curt LeDuc runs third, Cenni is fourth and Mike Jenkins is now in fifth place. Seventh lap, it is Douglas; Hord, Jenkins is third, Curt LeDuc runs fourth and Mark Jenkins is in fifth place. Kyle LeDuc and Adrian Cenni get together, Cenni flips and is out of the race. Tenth lap, last lap and when the checkers fly it is Scott Douglas taking a nice win. Chad Hord takes the silver medal, Mike Jenkins is third, Mark Jenkins is fourth and Rick Huseman finishes fifth. Jamey Flannery is sixth in, Ken Kincaid is seventh, Kyle LeDuc finishes eighth and Curt LeDuc is the ninth · and final finisher. Sundays Kumho Tires Pro 4x4 race saw 13 waiting for the green flag, in order of start they were Mike Jenkins, Curt LeDuc, Scott Douglas, Johnny Greaves, Kyle LeDuc, Rick Huseman, Adrian Cenni, Chad Hord, Steve Barlow; Mark Jenkins, Jamey Flannery, Ken Kincaid and Steve McCrossan. The green flag waves, off they go and lots of them collide. Jenkins, Barlow McCrosson Flanner and Cenni are all involved, but all are ok and the race will restart. Land rush restart and when the dust clears it is Cu~t LeDuc in the lead, Son Kyle is second, Johnny Greaves is third, Rick Huseman is in fourth and Chad hord runs in fifth place. Second lap, Kyle LeDuc passes his father, Greaves sits in second and Curt has dropped to third, Huseman and Hord round out the top five. Third lap, Kyle LeDuc continues to lead, Johnny Greaves remains in second place but he is pressing LeDuc for the lead, Curt LeDuc remains in third, Huseman and Hord stay in fourth and fifth. Huseman has the whole skin on one side of his truck coming off. Fourth lap, Kyle continues to lead the pack, Greaves remains a fairly close second, then it is Jiuseman, Curt LeDuc and Chad Hord. On their fifth lap, the running order remains the same, except Curt LeDuc has passed Huseman and is now in third place. Sixth lap,.Kyle LeDuc continues to lead, Huseman is second, Curt LeDuc is third, Chad Hord and Ken Kincaid ar~ fourth and fifth. Johnny Greaves rolled his truck and is on fire and he is out of the race. Lap Scott Douglas was the gold medal winner in the Pro 4x4 race on Saturday, Scott finished in fifth place in the Sunday event. sits in second place, Curt LeDuc is third, Chad Hord and Scott Douglas are fourth and fifth. There were no position changes in the top five on their eighth lap. Kyle has almost half a lap lead on Huseman. Lap nine rane with no changes and when the checkers flew it was Kyle LeDuc taking a nice win, Rick Huseman. was in second place, Curt LeDuc took the bronze medal, Chad Hord finished fourth and Scott Douglas had to settle for a fifth place finish. The AMSOIL ProlWD race on Saturday had 19 trucks waiting to mix it up. They were, in order of start: Dan Vanden Heuvel, Scott Taylor, Jeremy McGrath, Rob MacCachren, Todd LeDuc, Ricky Johnson, Greg Adler, Jeff Kincaid, Mike Oberg, Evan Evans, Kevin Probst, Doug Fortin, Mark Jenkins, Ross Hoek, Ben Wandahsega, Keith Steele, Keith Schreiner, Rick Welch and Dan Baudoux. They rushed off into the dust when the green flag fell and when their first lap ended it was Todd LeDuc in the lead, Scott Taylor was second, Ricky John~on ran third, Rob MacCachren was fourth and Even Evans was in fifth place. Second lap ended ·and Todd LeDuc still led the field, Scott Taylor ran third, Rob MacCachren moved into third, Evan Evans was fourth and Ricky Johnson was in fifth place. Ricky Johnson seems to be slowing and Kincaid's truck is smoking. Third lap, there were no changes in position in the top five. Jeff Kincaid, Mike Oberg and Ricky Welch have retired from the race. Fourth lap, Todd LeDuc continues to lead, Scott Taylor is second, he is right on LeDuc's bumper, Rob MacCachreri continues in third place, Ricky Johnson sits in fourth spot and Dan Vanden Heuvel 'is in fifth place. Fifth lap, Todd LeDuc is still leading the pack, Rob MacCachren moves into second place, Ricky ohnson is third Evan Evans sits in fourth and Dan Vanden Heuvel is in fifth place. Lap six, Todd LeDuc continues to lead, MacCachren is still running in second place, Evan Evans is third, Ricky Johnson is in fourth · place and Vanden Heuvel remains in the fifth spot. Lap seven and it is still LeDuc, MacCachren, Evans, Johnson and now Jeremy McGrath has moved into the fifth place. There were no position changes on the last three laps and when the checkers flew it was Todd LeDuc taking the win, Rob MacCachren was in second place, Evan Evans, Ricky Johnson and Jeremy McGrath finished third, fourth and fifth. The Sunday Kumho Tires Pro 2WD 10 lap fracas was next up and there were 20 of them snortin' at the starting line. In order of appearance they were: Dan Vanden Heuvel Sr., Scott Taylor, Jeremy McGraff, Rob MacCachren, Ricky Johnson, Todd LeDuc, Robby Gordon, Greg Adler, Jeff Kincaid, Mike Oberg, Evan Evans, Kevin Probst, Doug fortin, Mark Jenkins, Ross Hoek, Ben w_andahsega, ,1 Keith Steele, Keith Schreiner, Rick Welch and Dan Baudoux. The green flag waved, the land rush start was on and when they came around at the end of their first lap it was Scott Taylor in the lead, Rob MacCachren was right there in second place, Robby Gordon was third, Ricky Johnson was fourth and Todd LeDuc was in the fifth spot. Second lap, Scott Taylor leads the pack, Robby Gordon is-second, he's five truck lengths back of the leader, Ricky Johnson sits third, Rob MacCachren is in fourth place and Todd LeDuc remains fifth. There were no position changes in the top five on laps three and four. Scott Taylor's lead is growing, Ricky Johnson is pressuring Robby Gordon and Greg Adler is right on Todd LeDuc's butt. Fifth lap, Scott Taylor remains in the lead, Robby Gordon is still in the second spot, Ricky Johnson is third Rob MacCachren is fourth Marty Hart was a long seventh place finisher on Saturday in the Pro Light race Saturday, Marty Finished fourth in the Sunday Dan Vanden Heuvel was the eighth place finisher in Pro 2WD . Casey Currie was the fifth place finisher in the Pro Light fracas on event. on Saturday, he took a sixth place finish in the Sunday event, Saturday, Casey finished in the fourth spot in the Sunday race . Page 32 . November 2009 Dusty Times

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,. Kyle leDuc finished in eighth place in Pro 4x4 on Saturday, Sunday, he was the gold medal winner, seen here nicely Airborne. Not too bad a weekend for Evan Evans, he took a 5'h place finish in Pro 2WD on Saturday and a bronze medal in the Sunday event. and Todd LeDuc holds on in the fifth spot. Lap six, Scott Taylor still leads the race, Ricky Johnson gets by Robby Gordon, dropping him to third, Rob MacCachren is still fourth and Todd LeDuc holds onto fifth place. remains fifth. Ninth lap, Ricky Johnson is Seventh lap, Scott Taylor still Lap eight, Scott Taylor still getting closer to Scott Taylor, leads, Ricky Johnson is second leads, Ricky Johnson holds onto MacCachren has moved into the and Robby Gordon is third, they second place, Rob MacCachren third spot, Robby Gordon is right are all within a few feet of each gets by Robby Gordon for the third there in fourth and Todd LeDuc other, Rob MacCachren remains spot and Todd LeDuc remains in remains in the fifth spot. in fourth place and Todd LeDuc fifth place. Checkers fly, Scott Taylor takes r------....... .....,~=:-:------,------, the win, Ricky Johnson takes the silver medal, Rob MacCachren takes the bronze award, Todd LeDuc is first off the podium and Evan Evans takes the fifth place trophy. Robby Gordon was hit and goes over the finish line backwards and out of contention. There were 12 trucks waiting for the green flag to start the Forest county Potowatomi Pro Light race. They were, in order: Mark Oberg, Casey Currie, Chris Brandt, Marty Hart, Jeff Kincaid, Chad Hord, Steve Federico, Brian Deegan, Chad Rayford, Randy Eller, Jeff Huseman and Josh Hintz. When their first lap ended it was Jeff Kincaid taking the lead, Casey Currie ran second, Marty Hart ran third, Chad Hord was in the fourth spot and Mark Oberg rounded out the top five. Second lap, Jeff Kincaid leads the pack, he leads Casey Currie by seven or eight truck lengths, Marty Hart sits in third place, Chad Hord Continued on page 34 Chad Hord took a second place finish in the Pro 4x4 on Saturday, It was a sixth place finish for Jamey Flannery in Pro 4x4 on Chad finished fourth in the Sunday event. Saturday, unfortunately, Jamey was a dnf in the Sunday race. Mike Jenkins took the bronze medal in the Saturday Pro 4x4 race, unfortunately, Mike was a dnf in the Sunday battle. Christmas Is coming!!!!!!!!!!! It's coming Fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's Time To Get Those Dusty Times Subscriptions For Your Family And crew. It's Time To Get An Ad Together For Printing In Dusty Times, Thanking Your Family And crew For All Their Help During The Yee1r. Most Of All, Think Christmas, Family And Friends And, Above All, Thi-1k Of The Kids And How Lucky You Are TO Live Where You Live And Do What You Do. Dusty Times November 2009 Page 33

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Curt LeDuc was a long ninth place on Saturday in the Pro 4x4 Rick Huseman (#36) was the fifth place finisher in the Saturday It was a bronze medal finish for Chris Brandt in the Saturday Pro Light race, Curt took the bronze medal in the Sunday event. Pro 4x4 race, Rick took a second place finish in the Sunday affair. fracas, unfortunately, Chris was a ninth place finisher on Sunday. Rob MacCachren was the second place finisher in the Pro 2WD Robby Gordon wasn't in evidence on Saturday but he was evident Ricky Johnson took fourth place honors in the Saturday Pro 2WD action on Saturday, Rob finished in third place in the Sunday event. in the Sunday Pro 2WD event, he's seen here under full power. event, Ricky took the silver medal in the Sunday race. runs fourth and Chris Brandt is in Brandt has moved into fourth place Light scuffle, there were 11 trucks in fourth place and Brian Deegan by a country mile, Hord has almost the fifth spolt. and Casey Currie has dropped to ready to go; in order they were runs fifth. as big a lead on Casey Currie, Brian Third lap, Jeff Kincaid continues fifth place. Steve Federico is racing Mark Oberg, Casey Currie, Chris Laps three and four had no Deegan remains in the fourth spot to lead, Marty Hart is now in on three wheels only! Brandt, Marty Hart, Jeff Kincaid, position changes in the top five. and Mark Oberg has replaced second place, Chad Hord is third, Next lap, Jeff Kincaid still leads, Chad Hord, Steve Federico, Brian Currie is gaining on Kincaid and Randy Eller in the fifth spot. Casey Currie drops to fourth and Chad Hord has passed Marty Hart Deegan, Chad Rayford, Randy Deegan is gaining on Oberg. No position changes in the top Chris Brandt is fifth. for second place, Chris Brandt runs Eller and Josh Hintz. Fifth lap, Jeff Kincaid still leads, five on their ninth lap. There were no position changes fourth and Casey Currie remains Lap one, Casey Currie is in the Chad Hord is now in second place, Tenth lap, last lap and when they on the third, fourth and fifth laps. in fifth place. lead, Jeff Kincaid runs second, Casey Currie is down a spot into come screaming to the checkered Jeff Kincaid continues to open To the checkers, Jeff Kincaid Marty Hart is third, Mark Oberg third place, Brian Deegan runs flagitisJeffKincaidtakingthewin, his lead and the top five cars have takes the win, Chad Hord is in has the fourth spot and Chad Hord fourth and Marty Hart has moved Chad Hord takes the silver medal, pulled away from the rest of the second place, Chris Brandt has is in fifth place. Marty Hart was up into the fifth position. Brian Deegan gets the last spot on pack. bumped Marty Hart and takes the black flagged for jumping the start. There were no position changes the podium, Casey Currie finishes Sixth lap, Jeff Kincaid continues bronze medal and Casey Currie is Jeff Kincaid lead the race at the in the top five on the sixth lap. in fourth spot and Mark Oberg to lead the race, Marty Hart hangs the fifth place finisher. end of the second lap, Casey Currie On the seventh lap, it was still rounds out the top five finishers. on in second place, Chad Hord The last race on Sunday was dropped to second place, Chad Kincaid, Hord, Currie, Deegan And so it ended, another great ,; runs in the third spot, Chris the Forest County Potawatomi Pro Hord runs in third, Mark Oberg is and Randy Eller had moved into Crandon International Raceway the fifth place spot. weekend. Lookin' forward to the Page 34 Ground Shipging n you shop onhne. ®' ~. # Standard Fuel Cell In Stock -Ready to Ship . November 2009 Eighth lap, Kincaid leads Hord next one"""""" ~ Scott Taylor was an unaccustomed dnf in the Pro 2WD on Saturday, Scott came back on Sunday to take the gold medal for the race. Todd LeDuc had a great weekend, he took the win on Saturday in the Pro 2WD event, he finished first off the podium in the Sunday event. Dusty Times

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~ TEcATE ··oRw GR•• PR1x'' Roberto Romo Takes 1600 Class By Byrle Moore Plwtos: Poto-Baja-Mex The Romo/Mayoral/Delfin/Hernandez quartet took the Class honors as well. 1600 honors and it looks like they took the overall Thus far the writer has been referring to this coverage as saga, journal, book, chapter and story. Not sure which fits where, but the fourth edition is right here for your edification. I like saga, in case of the ORW "Gran Prix", run for the gold. Saga fits with the spirit that has been mentioned over the years concerning the area where the race is run. Still looking for the history behind that spirituality, and apparently so is Fud. See the foto somewhere in this story, with regard to his presence. The skull represents the body that was here and the signage provides proof of the existent spirit, which permeates the area along with that of many others. Two days of racing concluded a couple of week's preparation of the track. As usual CODE found ways to make the territory an adventure in off-roading. Only a little over twenty miles distance, times three laps, times morning and afternoon runs, constituted much of the spirit that is here at the ranch. Cars, trucks and buggies, made their runs on Saturday and the bikes and quads finished out the weekend delight, on Sunday. Not all that hot for the first of August. A breeze, that sometimes became a wind, moved the dust and the water truck, helped settle it and cool the crowds, near the man made jump. This is always a popular spot for the viewing fans and back up pits. There were a total of seventy bikes and quads and a total of ninety-six trucks, cars and buggies signed up for the 2009 version, which is close to a record number for the Gran- prix. Not every entrant finished every lap, but with time to fix stuff between morning and afternoon runs, a large number found their chances for the checkered flag. Owing to the grand prix style of this race there was no overall winner either day, so times reported, reflect the top winners in each class with their combined times. The bikes and quads ran four morning laps and four in the afternoon for their collective times and the cars ran three in the morning and three in the Javier Robles flies high, wide and handsome as he soars to the Class 1 win, his competition all were dnf's. afternoon for their combined times. The Class Pro Bikes win was again run by some guy named Francisco Septien who was aided and abetted by Shane Esposito; they had runs of 1: 19: 21 and 1: 18:05 for a 2:37:26 and the gold. Just a little over a minute back was the second place team of David Gonzalez Jr. and Noe Ibarra with a 1: 18:06 and a 1:20:46 for a combined i:38:52 for the silver and Chris Parker and Christian Serna went 2:52: 12 for the bronze. The Sportsman Class was headed by the 96X team made up of Roberto Diaz and Javier Ochoa with their times of 1:25:01 in the morning and 1:27:38 in the afternoon. for a 2:52:39. Abraham Chavez and Manuel Reyes shared the ride and went 1:26:37 and 1:27:58 for the second place -time of 2:54:35. Meanwhile, Jonan Medrano, went 1:30:11 and 1:27:23 for a combined tnird place time of 2:57:34. There were a whole bunch of quads, spread over the pro and sportsman classes. Twelve in the pro . ranks and thirty-nine in the sportsman group ... something about the current price of racing fuel? Anyway all had a fine time and good times. Javier Robles Jr. who ran very consistent times of 1:24:00 and 1:24:34 for the gold time of 2:48:34 headed the pros. Gary Gonzalez ran times of 1:28:55 and 1:33:54 for a 3:02:49 and the silver and Joel Leal went 1:36:37 and 1:34:41 for the bronze winning time of-3:11:18. In the sportsman class consistency was again used to cop the win. Carlos Abdali Lopez had times of 1:33:39 and 1:33:34 for a very nice 3:07: 13 and the win. Just a little over three minutes back was Sigifredo Jimenez with his times of 1:36: 16 and 1:34:37 for a 3: 10:53 for the silver and Jesus Ayala, went 1:34:50 and 1:37:08 for the bronze winning time of 3: 11:58. Only six quads in the sportsman ranks failed to finish and all of the pros, finished all of their required laps. As stated, there were ninety-six cars, trucks and buggies, at various green starts, during the morning and afternoon runs. However when the final totals were posted only thirty-two of them had finished all six of the a.m. and p.m. laps. Hey that's 33 1/3 % completion rate. Not bad for a lap laid out at a little over 20 miles. Gives you some idea of just how treacherous things can be atJacume. Three starters in Class 1 and only one of them completed their assigned six. That was the·# 100 car driven by Javier Robles. With his times of 1:23:59 in the morning and backing it up with a 1:29: 11 in the evening and an overall 4 3. 4 5 mph, his was a golden run. Michael Jacobson, Todd Sanders and Todd Green finished more laps in the morning than did Marco Robles, Raul Guevara and Enrique Lopez Jr. who had the fastest mph nm, in their first lap, but then broke something? I guess 50 miles and hour or in this case 48.29 is just a little to fast for this particular course. Jacobson Sanders and Green were awarded the silver and Robles, and Guevara and Lopez were awarded the bronze. Another high flying car, the Lopez/Salas/Lerma entry took the gold medat'in the Class 10 contest, seen here in very high flight. The three Barragans and David Garcia flew to the Class 12 victory, they're seen here saving a bit of tire wear. Two Class 10 cars hit the green and both the teams of Jose Lopez, Dany Salas and David Lerma in the 1001 car and Christian Buelna and Luivan Voelker in the 1003 car were able to finish the required morning laps but Buelna and Voelker only managed 2 of the three in the afternoon. The time for Lopez, Salas and Lerma was a very nice 1:30:46 in the morning and a much slower 2: 13:08 in the second set Continued on 1 ■ 37 Jacobson/Sanderson and Green were the second place finishers Suspension all hung out, the Buelna/Voelker duo were the in the Class 1 race, seen he;e beautifully airborne. second place finishers in the Class 10 contest. Dusty Times November 2009 Three Ledezma's and Avilez flew their Toyota to a second place finish in the Class 8 race, seen here in level flight. Page 35

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400 bllf i'l~l' pro 200 bllf a~l1 Jpt Page 36 · ~nb J R .IIOT~PJ;~ 400 bllf ffll € pr 200 bllf Jtl; € 1pt UIIIIIIII UIIIIIIII l November 2009 Dusty Times

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edition, with an average speed of 33.46 and the gold. Ruben, Fedencio and Josue Ledezma along with Angel Alvarez the III made up the second place team. They also went three laps in the morning but could only finish one in the afternoon. Their morning time was 1 :29: 16 with a mph of 37.15. In the afternoon they had upped the mph average by almost ten miles an hour, but ended up breaking something, or ended up in a valley instead of on the track? They were awarded the silver. The bronze went to the team driving the 801 truck; that team consisted of Alex Almaraz, The Lopez/Martinez/Alvarez trio flew their Ford to the victory in the Class 8 contest, seen here flyin' high. Simon Perez, and Hector Gomez. They only completed one morning lap, came back in the afternoon and again The Canchola/Rodriguez/Muller group had a very good race, they took the only finished one lap. Guess there Class 7 win, they had 9 minutes in hand at the flag. is something about using the floor Buelna and Voelker ran a 1:29:07 in the morning but broke parts on their 1003 car but were awarded the second spot with an average mph of 41.85. That last lap must have been a killer? Three Barrigan's and a Garcia made up the only team entered in Class 12. Luis senior and junior, along with Alfredo, were the Barrigan's in question and they were joined by David Garcia and were very fast morning and afternoon. With a 1:24: 12 and average mph of 45.04 backed with a 1:24:01 and an average speed of 45:09 this team was one of was the team driving the #800 truck of the desert as a repair garage? The the quickest of the weekend. and that team was made up of Juan other entry was Noah Ostanik who There were four trucks entered in Carlos Lopez, Marcos Martinez and broke something, about 30 minutes the Class 8 field and none of them Luis Carlos Alvarez, who completed into his morning run. I told you the finished the required six laps. So, the three in the morning and two in the course was a bit of a challenge. Also in winners came down to who went the afternoon. They went 1: 19:09 early this class, apparently slower, was better furthest, the quickest. In this case it but only finished two laps in the later -Cantinued an page 38 The Hendrickson/ Tiznado/ Tiznado trio took home the silver medal In Class 5-1600 it was the Hernandez/Best duo taking the second The Gonzalez/Ibarra/Lopez/Godines quartet took home the silver medal in Class 1/ 2-1600, seen here ready for another landing. place position, they're seen here ready for a landing. in Class 9, they were less than a minute and a half out of the win. 2010 MEXICAN 1000 RALLY t\E'N l)~lE~!xica'!~a~~ !~;s~n~!ie~~l~r~?~la Paz THE LEGENDS ARE RETURNING TO BAJA!* Parnelli Jones, Malcolm Smith, Bruce Meyers, Larry Roeseler, Eddie Mulder, Bud Feldkamp, Bill Varnes, Rod Hall, John and Ray Swift, Dusty Times Curt LeDuc, Dave Westhem, Rick L. Johnson, Rick 0. Johnson and more... * Scheduled to Participate RING THE PAST. National Off Road Racing Association I \ Since 1967 ORGING THE F www.M EXICAN1000._1:am November 2009 Page 37

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The Duron/Duron/Padilla trio took home second place honors in The Rodriguez/Vargas/Arenas team were the second place finishers A nice second place finish in Class 14 went to the Lugo/Naval the Class 7S contest, seen here doing a nice landing. in the Class 11 contest, they were three minutes oµt of the win. Pena/Luke quartet, seen here with their buggy nicely airborne. of 41.85. Second place finisher was the 564 team consisting of Rkhard Garavito, Rodrigo Hernandez and Ruben Best, they ran a 1:34:29 in the morning and backed that up with a 1:30:11 for a 3:06:40 and an average mph of 40.31. Roberto Rabago and Roberto Rabago Jr., were just 2 lOths of a second back with their adjusted finish time of 3:06:42 and a 46.30 mph for the bronze. How close can run and still not tie? Five other teams ran all six laps and had times running from 3:07:56 for 4th to 3:38: 19 for 8th• In Class 5-1600 it was the Avina/Avina/Morales bunch taking the win, they're seen here nicely airborne. It was a close call in the Class 9 race, the ReyeS/Rivera/Hurtado/Arizaga quartet took the win, here getting another lap in. Three of five starters in Class 9 completed all of the required laps and all of the finishers listed four man teams to accomplish their feats. First place team, with a time of 3:36:00, consisted of Daniel Reyes, Julian Rivera, Edgar Hurtado and Gilbert Arizaga in their #901 car. Jose A. Gonzalez, Jesus A. Ibarra, Beny Lopez and Victor Godines were just under a minute and a half back, and finished with a time of 3:37:24. The third place finishers were the team of Alex Bellozo, Fernando Flores, Gabriel Solis and Cuauhtemoc Ledezma with a time of3:40: 16 and an average mph of 34.16. with regards to podium position. Eight starters in Class 1/2-1600 and four of them finished the required number of laps both in the morning and the afternoon. The winning team of Roberto Romo, Juan Mayoral, Diego Delfin and Jessie Hernandez piloted the # 1600 car and had a morning time of 1:20:04 and backed it up in the afternoon with a time of 1:22: 19 and an average mph of 46.48. Dave Hendrickson, Hugo Tiznado and Edgar Tiznado took the silver with their times of 1:32: 16 and 1:32:36 and an average of 40.82 mph. In for the bronze was a two-man team consisting · of Luis Duarte and Ernesto Maeda, with times of 1:49:29 and 1:38:14. The 1610 car was the other car with the required six laps, however they took a little over two hours to finish the first three and two hours and twenty-eight minutes to finish their last three. Class 7 started seven but only one of them managed to complete six laps. Elias Canchola Jr., Jorge Rodriguez and Erika Muller copped the gold with very consistent runs timed at 1:30:04 and 1:31:11; they also averaged 41.90 miles per hour. A six man team some how fitted themselves into the #704 truck and took the silver with two laps in the morning and three in the afternoon. Problems with the morning run caused not only lost time but also a lost lap. They worked out the trouble and ran a 1 :25:03 in the afternoon and were awarded second. The team was listed as Alberto Gonzalez, Jonathan Quintero, Jose C. Ortega, Manuel Olvera, Fernando Platas and Roberto M4»P oofine www.bak rprecislon .. eon, 11m £mJ!1m =mm ~ lXi1tl t311fJ:m} & *BLACK~ red & blue -8 st $5.99 -8 st$6.99 -10 st $9.49 -12 st $10.99 ~~cmm 20ft. Lenghts -6 20ft. $93.40 -8 20ft. $107.20 -1020ft. $128.20 -12 20ft. $185.20 High Misalignment Adapters JMXT series Chromoly tr~ JMX8T $20.05 '. '!J ,~ (:'i1<-JMX10T$26.16 ll JMX12T $33.25 / l . JMX14T $60. 78 ·. { JMX16T $76.10 _red & blue -6 45 $12.99 -8 45 $13.99 -10 45 $16.99 ----12 45 $21.84 red & blue 1-6 90 $12.99 -8 90$14.99 -10 90 $15.99 ------1290$21.84 Complete Line of ~ ® New Hampshire Ball Bearings. Inc. We!d-in Bungs n•11rAPRE I ION ~ DNK~KRA ING PRODUCTS Ph 562-427-2375 2865 GUNDRY AVE. SIGNAL HILL, CA 90755 Page 38 November 2009 Gonzalez. Meanwhile, Eilliberto Sierra Edez and Abraham Acosta also ran two morning laps and three in the afternoon. The a.m. run was a shortened to 1:25:12 and a three lap afternoon run of 1:49:15 brought them third place and the bronze. A very large contingent, numbering eighteen, made up the Class 5-1600 grouping and eight of them completed all of their morning and afternoon laps. First home was a team made up of Gustavo Avina, Lucio E. Avina and Oscar Morales with times of 1:31:21 and 1:29:01 and an average speed Four starters in Class 7S and 50% of them ran the required number of laps. Carlos Diaz, Manuel Lopez, Jose Luis Leon and Francisco Najera were the quickest to finish with their time Another win for Ford, the Diaz/Lopez/Leon/Najera team took the Class 7S gold medal, seen here on their way to victory. The Escobedo/ Galindo/Avalos/Saldana Class 11 car was the big winner in the Class 11 contest, they had three minutes in hand at the end. Dusty Times

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· a fto spirit of tllo l"odstor still watches ..,.,., tbc CODE .....,._g alto ! The Gomez/Soto/Novoa crew took home a second place finish The Salgado/Mendivil/Salgado trio were the silver medal winners Otis Fudp1.1cker (Fud) will always be remembered by the off road racing community, he was a driving force in desert racing. in Class 15, they're seen here on their way home. in the Class 18 fracas, they're seen here way up in the air. ----:-:---:-:--=--::--'---:-~-:-----:-:---::-:--,;;;;;;;;;::=====--of3:33:05 and a mph average of34.83. The second place team was made up of Sergio and Rafael Duron and Sergio Padilla in with a time of 3:54:38 and a 32-mile per hour average speed. Armando Duron and Armando Duron Jr. along with Israel Duron and Hector Buenrostro completed five laps and were awarded the bronze. · Another large turn out was in the Class 11 ranks, wherein twenty starters were at the green and five of them completed the required six laps. Roberto Escobedo, Luis Galindo, Faustino Avalos and Eduardo Saldana were first past the checkered flag for the win with their combined time of 3:36:52. The 1149 car, under control of Rene Rodriguez, Juan Vargas, Lael Arenas and Rene Rodriguez Jr. finished their laps with a time of 3:40:04 for second. And Miguel Mexia, Mario Flores and Juan Carlos, took third with a combined time equaling 3:41:14 and an average mph of 34.01 Meanwhile Class 14 was starting nine of which four finished the required distances. Fausto Moreno, Luis Vasquez, Edgar Mayoral and Luis Vasquez Jr. drove the 1449 car to the win, with a time of 3: 11 :41 and a mph average of 39.25 for the win Right on their heels was the 1403 team made up of Alfredo Lugo, Alejandro Nava, Enrique Pena and Emanuel Luque in with a time of 3: 12:07 and an average mph of 39.16 for second and Jose Martinez Francisco Reynoso, and Edward Lucero, ran a combined time of 3: 18:27 and a 37 plus mph, for third. Class 15 started 4 and none of them were able to finish all six laps. The positioning on the podium was decided by who went the furthest or C 0 The Moreno/Vasquez/Mayoral combo were the big winners in the Class 14 contest, seen here heading for home. It was a nice Class 15 win for the quartet, Williams/Pinuelas/Castillo/Hong are seen here nicely airborne. in this case finished the most laps. Pete Williams, Gustavo Pinuelas Jr., Cesar Castillo and Israel Hong managed to complete five laps with a time of 3:05:44 for gold. Marco Gomez, Jaime Soto, Miguel Novoa and Erwing Novoa used up 2 hours and 16 minutes to go three laps and Carlos Bravo , Omar Bravo, Abel Ochoa and Julio Perez also went three laps but used 2 hours and 21 minutes and change to do theirs for third. A fairly large contingent of 1800 trucks started (8) but only one of them finished six laps. That 1827 team, made up of Manuel Robles, Ramiro Vazquez, Rogelio Gomez and Samuel Martinez ran six in a time of 3: 13:49 with an average of 38.32 and took the gold. Luis Javier Salgado, Alejandro Mendivil, and Sergio Salgado finished four laps in a time of 3: 12:52 for second and Travis Davidson and Bill Kellison finished three in a time of 1:49:38 for third. Two other teams : : I I also finished three laps with times of 2:06:24 and 3:32:29. And the Safari Class. Two starters; only one, six lap finisher. That finishing team in the 11 car was made up ofLuivan Voelker Jr., Victor Gasca, Carlos Galindo and Sergio Rosales. They ran a comfortable 3:35: 18 and averaged 34.95 for the gold. Luis Lam, Raul Martinez, Eduardo Martinez and Ruben Ojeda only managed one lap and that took 55 minutes and 38 seconds, for the second spot. Thus ends the fourth race of the CODE 2009 series. Jacume is always a good place to go racing. Twenty plus miles of rough it out track and those who came prepared for everything, managed to go the distance. As stated the spirit is there. CODE personifies that spirit and with the help of course workers, ranch hands, families, friends and all the volunteers and team members it makes for a great weekend of racing; down here in the dust and The Robles/Vasquez/Gomez/Martinez foursome let it all hang out as they flew to the Class 18 victory, here beautifully airborne. dirt of the Northern Baja. As always Poncho and friends for complete thanks go out to everyone involved. details. For now; Via con Dios. See Hope to see you in October. CODE you somewhere down here on the has all the information call or e-mail Baja. ~ THE BRAKE MAN'S PATENTED F4 TORNADOTM CALIPER IS NOW AVAILABLE IN 7" MOUNTING FOR OFFROAD APPLICATIONS Zero drag: puts more power to the ground and reduces brake system temperature. Rigid design: eliminates pedal drop and deflection ''Our first race with the new calipers shONed a huge imptovement in car conttol and increase in brake pad life" , -Mike Stapleton, Wilson Racing 805-987-STOP For pricing and availability contact McKenzie's 714-441-1212 Dusty Times November 2009 Page 39

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"The Straight Poop from the Big Wahzoo II" MORE Freedom 250 -This July 18th night race was a blast for all who participated, remi-niscent of the spark and bang of the great American holiday only two weeks prior. Checkers set up pits at the start/finish line (Main), Stoddard Wells Road crossing # l(Pit 1 @RM 10. 7 5), Stoddard Wells Road crossing #2 (Pit 2 @ RM 20), and outer Hodge (Pit 3 @ The Twilight Zone), plus a radio relay. Check-ers had 9 ·cars running this six-lap event around the rough Barstow course that is anything but familiar after dark. Checkers Mike McGee ended up in second place in Class 10 after rolling his car on the 5th lap. Brian Potts DNF'd on the third lap (I think). Art Jr and Art Sr.'Velasco, also racing Class 10, had engine trouble early on and dropped out around RM 4. An• drew Neal had bad luck in Class 1600 breaking a shock at RM 3 and cracking, the engine case at RM 20 ending his night. He was last seen at the end of a tow rope heading to Pit 3. Checkers Ryan Plowman soloed his new car to 3rd in Class 12. Past Checkers President Robert Harmon was running about mid-pack in Class 12 but broke h is transaxle on lap four. Also racing in a Class 12 car, Justin Johnson d idn't make it through lap 1 with some front suspension issues. Ralph Potts and Chad Cummings took second in Class 5, forty minutes behind 1st after Chad ran out of gas on the final lap only 4 miles from the finish line. Lee Finke's car took 1st in the Sportsman V-8 class. We're looking forward to seeing him behind the wheel again soon. Malcolm Bryce served as the Main Pit Captain. Although his timing was somewhat off, other pitters picking up the slack for him included Checkers Tata Mc• Dowell, Joe Cota, Rick Cook, Lin Neal, Tom Jeremiah, and Stretch Severson. The Main Pit crew had a pretty busy night with fueling and driver changes, light bars, putting oil in Brian Potts' car, changing some flats and plugging a broken brake line. Andrew Neal, enjoying a cold brew after his breaking up his racer, ventured out into the darkness to deliver fuel to Chad. ~ ' ,. Captain Mike Wright and Pit 1 crew members Rev Roy, Willie Berman, the Colonel, Ed Jahn, Ken Tappert and friends checked out Brian Potts' car who thought he had a tranny problem that turned out to be a bad CV, but helped Potts put the car on the trailer anyhow. Otherwise they had a pretty quiet evening giving water to girl racers and changing a flat on a non-Checkers one-car, proving once again that Checkers can always be counted on for help anywhere you need it, no matter who you are (almost). Pit 2 Captain was Chris Anderson, who was assisted by Checkers Bob Jordan, Fred Nelson, John Files, Andy Diaz, and friends. Work performed included weldin g Johnson's front beam through-rod, replac-ing a broken front shock bolt on Plowman's car on lap 2, and changing out front and rear tires on the right side of Plowman's car on his final lap. They also replaced a ball joint on a 9-car. Way to go Pit 2 Captain & Crew, great job! Pit 3 was the place to be that night. Captain T. Howard's pit enjoyed 8 pounds of came asada and chicken tacos and slightly under 300 beers. How-ard's carefully hand-selected crew included famed story teller Michael Crackle Lee who spun yarns late into the night. Tommy "Kaboom" Dittfeld and Ricky Lopez" (the pit guinea pig) han-dled special effects and guest services while Craig Brabant performed radio duties. Jimmy Hook also showed up at Pit 3 with Neal's broken race car in tow. The pit captain wisely set up near a small jump to stave off boredom and one truck hit Home Of 'l'he Race Auto ~ I s S' I "' • I • I ::s I • .. I I • • I l4 · I , • I • I • t Race car I Pre Runner I sand car • 18-998-2739 I 9763 VARIEL AVENUE, CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 Page 40 November 2009 it so hard the explosion-like landing shattered a traffic cone into tiny pieces and the driver was so startled that he came to a screeching halt, looked around then drove off slowly into the darkness. Somehow through the night, Hook graduated from the tow guy to "Super Hero" as more beers were downed. And Ricky became a Guinea Pig. Things that go bump in the night ..... Ac-tual work these guys performed included changing Harmon's flat on lap 2 (using Neal's tire of course), putting oil in Brian Pott's car, installing a new limit strap on McGee's car, and giving Cummings the C heckers Salute on his last lap instead of fuel. Overall, a great job guys! Meanwh ile, away from all the dust and noise Checkers VP Jim Gregory spent a cold, err ... ahh ... hot and lonely night single-handedly staffing the gi-ant 50,000 kilowatt Checkers radio relay station high atop Mt. Hodge gazing at the stars and fireworks, and dutifully repeating urgent Checkers race business and reporting fires to MORE. It's a lonely job, but somebody has to do it .... BITD V2R· The Long Way -This three-day stage race on August 20, 21, and 22 was hard on drivers and hard on equip-ment. On Day 1 Checkers· Pro-spective Harley Letner finished 2nd in Class 1 with only brake problems. However the second day the car broke a pulley and harley finished the stage using a flashlight to guide him in and his race finally ended on Day 3 with a blown engine. Prospective Matt Kupiec's race ended with overheating and transmission problems resulting in his get• ting timed out on Day 1. Mikey Lawrence had a good 2nd place finish only 15 minutes out of 1st place, and 13th overall in his 10 car. Chasing and pitting stage races is no job for wimps, and the real story here is the effort put forth by Checker brother Chad Cummings who, along with the help of Jimmy Hook and Lou Peralta, spent three full days chasing and setting up roving pits for these three race teams on very short notice. Chad worked on Kupic's motor and chased Letner and Lawrence to the finish line on Day 1. On Day 2 he worked on the pulleys and power steering on Letner's car, did driver ch anges an d dumped fuel, and still had time to check flashligh t batteries! Congratulations to Mikey, Chad and all who participated. MORE Checkers 250 Chili Cook-off-The Chili Cook-off Race on September 12th consist-ed of a 39-mile loop around the Fry Mountains between Camp Rock Road (the start line) and Bessemer Mine Road. Checkers pits were located at Main, RM 10.5, and RM 25 plus a radio relay up in the hills. The T-Shirt of the day featured the race truck and cars of Checkers brothers Roger Byrd, Andrew Neal and Mike McGee to commemorate Checkers Off Road 35th An-niversary. If you didn't get one, ask for one at the T-Shirt van at the next MORE event! The race started early and ended early with nearly everyone was finished by one o'clock in the afternoon. The fast cars & trucks did six laps and other classes did 3, 4, or 5. Checkers had seven starters most of whom didn't turn in their driver's reports. As near as I can tell, McGee took 4th overall in his new 10 car, Severson finished 3rd with Byrd finishing 5th in their Class 7 trucks, Finke's car finished 1st of 1 in the Sports-man class, Andrew Neal finished second in 1600 about 10 minutes short of 1st, and Plowman took 4th in Class 12. I think Chris Anderson ended up in 2nd or 3rd in Class 11, in no small part due to the near heroic efforts of his dad Howard Anderson and Checkers brother Fred Nelson who suited up to bring the beetle across the finish line after getting it stuck in the sand for a while. Checkers Milo Brown was Main Pit captain and he had plenty of help from checkers Gary Stairs, George Jirka, Joe Coda, Greg Brabant, Lin Neal, Art Velasco, TaTa McDowell, and Vic Bussey. These guys worked hard and had a busy morning dumping fuel, assist-ing driver changes, checking brake fluid, adjusting passenger seat belts, and even passing a booster seat to McGee whose new car's seats sit a little low. It was particularly brilliant how they were able to shoe-horn Fred and George Jirka into those race suits. Great job out there guys! Gary "Master" Bates was commandant of Pit 1 with Crackle Lee, Andy Diaz, Big John Files and Marty Seefried and friends as crew. They fixed Roger Byrd's clutch return spring and changed Plowman's rear tire in record time, hardly effecting their drinking at aH Excellent job gentlemen! Pit 2 was captained by the Reverend Roy Moore and his one-man crew of Rickey Lopez. This remote Checkers outpost was located near the inner Powerline Road crossing. Byrd stopped in to have them relay main to get ready for a passen-ger change. They also called in for a non-Checkers chase crew to bring a trailer for a dead trophy truck. They did actually get ready to do something when Anderson called in to have them remove his front fender, but he ended up just driving on by. Now that's the way to enjoy a race. Great job Rev and Rickey! Thanks for being there . And last but not least, Tata McDowell and Joe Cota were two of the five Chili Cook-Off judges. They were both seen at main pit slugging down massive amounts of beer being hand-delivered by good-looking young pit girls and exercising their taste buds in preparation of the Official taste tasting. There were 'about 14 chilis entered and one of the gals with Finke's crew ended up on top and took home the cash . SCORE Terrible's Primm 300-Held on the same day as the Checkers Chili-Cook-Off race, SCORE's Primm 300 saw three Checkers scrappin' for overall season points. Mikey Lawrence brought home a 1st place fin-ish and 8th overall putting him Dusty Times

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solidly in the No.l points posi-tion for Class 10 and second in overall points. Mikey rolled on the last lap ending up back on his wheels taking 1st by only 20 seconds. Prospective Letner took 2nd in Class 1 and 4th overall in a penalty-free "non-eventful" day. At the end of the day, Dan Martin finished in 7th place in class 1. Main Pit Captain Ed Jahn and crew fueled Lawrence on his second lap and dumped fuel for Letner twice during the race. Brian Potts was Captain at Pit 1 with his brother Ralph, Chad Cummings, and Lou Peralta as crew members. The conditions were windy and their main chores included cooking lunch and watching after the tarps un-til it started raining when they gallantly ducked the radio under the truck. Mostly they enjoyed the weather while watching the racers haul ass, taking naps be-tween laps. Likewise it took all of Pit 2 Captain Randy Spahr's big crew of Robert Harmon, Justin Johnson, Jimmy Hook1, Gary Johnson, Bryan Brimecone, Tommy The Bomb Dittfeld, and Don Juan Watcher to hold down. the canopy during the wind storm and they pretty much carried out the same duties as Pit . 1. Mrs. Harmon is credited with keeping Pit 2 under control. Excellent job out there ·ev~ryone, and thanks for being thete._ Keep thos_e race and pit· re, ports comi-ng to Wahzoo at Wahio0Two@groail.co1w •; ' For Immediate Release: Oct. 1, 2009 Contact: Michelle Hindmarch, Western Business Roundtable, 303.577.4615 Western Coalition Rallying States to Defend Utah Against Eastern "Land Grab" New York congressman wants to 'lock away' one-fifth of all land in Utah even though not a single Utah congressional rep supports the plan LAKEWOOD, CO (Oct. 1, 20091 ·· A proposal to severely restrict public access to nearly one-fifth of all land in Utah, spearheaded by a liberal New York congressman and an environmental group chaired by a Swedish multimillionaire, is beginning to move forward in the U.S. Congress. But a Western coalition is now working to build opposition to the legislation from other states, and is predicting success. The bill, known as the "America's Red Rocks Wilderness Act; is sponsored by Rep. Maurice Hinchey, a liberal Democratic congressman from New York. It would designate as "wilderness# about 9.4 million acres of land in Utah, which would severely restrict the public's access to those lands. "It is hard to overstate the horrendous economic impacts such a decision would have on Utah,# said Jim Sims, President & CEO of the Western Business Roundtable. "Mining, farming, oil and gas development, ranching, grazing and real estate development, all would be hit exceedingly hard. Of course, the ripple effects ·· on education funding, employment, local and state tax revenues, energy production for the nation •· would also be huge and felt not only in Utah but throughout the Western region.# "There is clearly support among Utah legislators for movement on a Utah wilderness bill, but this approach is increasingly recognized as a 'gang attack' on Utah, pure and simple,# said Sims. "No one remembers a single case of a wilderness bill getting serious consideration in the Congress without the support of even one member of home state's delegation. That fact is getting other states understandably nervous about the prospect of being targeted by out-of-state politicians and extremist environmental groups like Utah is being targeted.# The Hinchey bill is being pushed by an environmental group called SUWA, which is chaired by a Swedish multimillionaire named Hansjorg Wyss. While SUWA benefits from a non-profit "charity# status from the Internal Revenue Service, which supposedly restricts the group's ability to lobby, it has clearly been a very active lobbying force for the Hinchey bill. "Federal land designations, and particularly wilderness designations, have very real consequences on the ground; Sims said. "They impact water, land and minerals rights and allocation regimes. They fundamentally alter local economies and job bases. They impact access to roads and private lands. And, they stop or vastly complicate energy infrastructure development, including the infrastructure that is needed to enable the many renewable energy systems that congressional leaders seem intent on mandating.# · ' "It is precisely because of this complex interplay that wilderness designations have historically been carefully develope~. on a state-by-state basis, with substantial input provided by the individuals, communities, local governments, states and local federal land managers. That bottom-up approach allows localized concerns to be identified and resolved, and results in wilderness designations everyone can be for," Sims said. Sims said: "Some of this bill's critics have politely tennelfthe bill as a 'top-down' approach to designations. Westerners tend to more blunt: H.R. 1925 is an attempt by interests from outside the state and outside the country to cram these designations down the throats of Utahns. It is not surprising that the bill lacks support from any of the Utah c9ngressional delegation." To see _the Western Business Rqundtable letter on H.R. 1925 to Members of Congress; click here. • • •• t - ' Contact: Michelie Hindmarch, Western Business Roundtable, 303.577 .4615 r: • I .. ' .. r ,I . . (J)BEAR We carry a full line ., KING ---------O FF -RO AD RACING SHOCKS FILTERIIIIAG-~ ~ Dusty Times November 2009 Page 41

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Good stuff Directory BE"ttE"r bt.,,1 OE>s.k;;ln Air Cleaners for Off-Road Racing. From Baja to Dakar. For a list of dealers visit our website at: JOHNCOOLE'f •Race Cars •Prervnners •Dual Sports 10815 w.-tlanda Avenue, Suite I• Santee, CA 92071 619.596.9841 • Fax 619.596.2742 www.alumlcraft.lnfo Off Road Trucks Off-Road Fiberglass• Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages Ford Truck Specialist • 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 John Baker (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 Race ca, Fabrlcaflon • Race Prep. Transmlulonl • RberglaSI 15821 Graham Street• Huntington Beach, CA 92649 Phone: 714-891 -3086 • Fax: 714-892-6360 llakerMotonporls.nel BRANDWOOD CARS for mid-engines and other applications 602-437-3107 Custom Vehicle Shifter Offroad to Street; Prerunner to Race -Chassis Design -Race Prep -All General Fabrication 760-949-3907 17459 Lilac St #E Hesperia CA 92345 CACTUS RACING Racealr Helmets & Accessories Bell, Shoei, Simpson Blower systems & cool boxes 619-482-6700 708 Rocking Horse Dr .• Chula Vista, CA 91414 CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN 39067 ORCHARD ST. CHERRY VALLEY CA. 92223 PH#/ (951) 845-8820 produds in stock Boatec Fiberglass Dimple Dies Tubing Benders Bypass Valves + tubes Sway-bar Arms Race Proven Fabrication Pre-runners Desert Trucks Short Course trucks Paris-Dakar trucks QUALITY •■ADL.DCK WHl!!l!La ■INC■ 111111!1 1511--1611--1711 ALL ALUMINUM BEADLDCK WHl!l!LB AND CDNVERBIDNB CHAMPION WHl!l!L ca. INC. 181!13'7 CDLLll!R [915'1) 47''1-E!'l83 LAKI! l!L.alNDRI!, CA 11111153'1 WWW.CHAMPIDN'WHl!l!L.CDM www 227 Calle Pintoresco San Clemente, CA 92672 FLOATER REAR ENDS • FRONT HUBS • AXLES BALL JOINTS •TORSION BARS • KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane • Templeton, CA, 93465 OFl:ICIAL RACE FUEI.B FUEL OF NASCAR 1 (800) 54-COSBY COSBY OIL COMPANY, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA ~"" / .... poao._ .... , ,lfl!al' ,..,,-r ._ ·cil"-JS CALL TODAY! PH: 949.567 .9000 111Q2 ~ INl"le-\',II 14 A~Ol~R~&~ MallbewSdlll ...

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D ..a..:,.&..:Lla...:..•seec;-u.a,,.._ ........ .......... .......... ..... ........ ...,,.. .......... llNlaler.\r,e1_ ... ~ . *~C'\ .F'U · · . ::,' .. . . ~ ) , · \ P1 ,'~//DEREKNYE,,,-,r/. / y · 755 West It' St. Uni E Costa Mesa CCl92627 ,_,/ '. " • !wt 9419.SCll.8533 1n: 9419.548.8534 e-mell: cletelcnye ~emB~z ~=~~ PIIve1e label Custom 8eg Oc:slgns 1835 John Towers Ave. •A 1:1 Cajon, GA 92020 1543 W. 16th Street Long Beach, California 90813 Ula PIBl'OIIMIICI 1558 No. Case • Orange, CA 92867 (714) 637-2889 • Fax (714) 637-7352 , (619} 448-3932 Fax(619)448-3662 GREG QUINN CELL (562) 843-4355 (562) 432-3946 (714) 540-5535 FAX (562) 432-7969 we use & recom1111nu RAt IM, [\<,INE.\, 'I llA\'i\WI\IOM .\'Ill> OFFROAO PARTS Send orroll tor our m.'\>\ catalog SS.00 . I ~0~4i9~~ ~.,,.rspo.rJ's . · f 1 9299 W. Olive Ste. 610 · Peoria AZ 85345 Offroad • Race Phone (623) 433-8643 Sand Car Parts Fax (623) 243-6368 e-mail: info@foddri/ web: 10943 WHEATLANDS AVE SUITE B SANTEE, CA 92071 USA TEl 800 FOX.SHOX 'f 619.768.1800 "' 619 596 3740 wrn WWW FOXRACINGSHOX COM Custom Off Road Fuel Cells 1 ·800-433-6524 IU111 mal (81'8) 166-6134 (800) 800-6134 GI "' GI 6 ::: A 0 1111 ::: t GI A 0 1:111: 1: ::, 0 ~~" E -S! IO .... 8 CN ~ . ~°'"' Si 11j-rj e -t.; ~.2 -~ o ·E:; ]> V::,c,._8 N~-" ~ ' .. BILL ROBERTSON a SONS, INC. 5626 TUJUNGA AVE. FAX (818)'786-9397 NORTH HOLL VWOOD, CA. 91601 RACE SHOCKS• REBIULDS • REVALVES • SPRINGS B31 .435.47B9 : KING• FOX• BILSTEIN •SWAY-A-WAY• OHLINS •ELKA• OTHERS : " i , P.O. Box 2496 ! Jefferies Racing AJ,ple \ullev, Cu. 92307 : D J a . · : amen euenes 2~2 (760)240-8615 Phone (909)633-5300 Cell (760)240-8938 Fa.~ Off-Road Race Prep & Fabrication Kevin Jensen Apple Valley, CA (760) 963-4206 Fax (760) 240-5083

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Mike Julson 9428 Whuthmds Court Santee, CA 92011 819-SN-3380 611MS98-33Mfax JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Quality RacJng Transaxl11 Mendeola Dealer · Off Road -Sand Specialist (714) 6l2•1~ JOE GIFFIN Pax(7l4)632-Ul3 l061 e. 1-3 Jolla St. ,1 Email: An:ibeim. cati(omia 92806 wwwJO' JON KINNE 520 Railroad SL, Corona, CA 92882 Tel. 951-278-2233• Fax: 95 l-278-8335• C 8 C :::i N A • Custom Alternators • Complete Wiring • Custom Fab • Exhaust & Muffler • Prep & Finish Work HONDA Power . .. . OUT 90ARO l!f!Glf!E • GEMRATOR SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. )512 EAST ~OST. ART KAWAGUCHI , Fax 323-284-2138 323-264-39361 lOS AHGELU. CA to06S All NHB8 production sizes In stock. 3/8" through 1-1/4" ~~#alll Phone: (909) 985-1901 12se w. st. Fax: (909 982-9777 Upland, Ca. 91788 POWER E STEERINC THOMASE. LEE LEE MFG. ~O. 11661P8Q.£TON&TAEET' SUN'<N.1.EY, CA.11352 FAX (818) ,_.2!Sff (818) 7et-Offl A full lj!WOf ~~-~ pumpa and ~ fDr any ~ Of f11Ci119. Mlgnlflux and Z,;IO IICDltlN - ilatQ. . •CufitOtnChaffit "RacePnip "Alumfnvm Wort 'Weldint Engineering •lllglndlux FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE. CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 (909) 596-5497 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, SUite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619} 59&-0886 Lonely Advertising Space Looking For Long Term Relationship Call (818) 882-0004 Race Seats• Restraints• Storage Bags Window Nets• Limit Straps• Tie Downs 11433 Woodside Avenue• Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455 • Fax: 619/449-9454 , ~ OFF.ROAD IS OUR BUSINESS 807 E. OrangethorpeAve. Ste. A ph 714-441-1212 Anaheim CA, 92801 fx 714-441-1622 ;:-,1emR~ AEtVOElJt,1 R1"feERfi!UltOs' eERTlFIEO ,16/06 Ht1<7/V,1FLQX@ 6ERTIFIEO s'#OT PEE/VIIV<l 1695 CACTUS RD. T. (619) 710-8800 SAN DIEGO, CA92154 F. (619) 710-1640 Todd Dwyer 1900 Compton Ave. Suite 101, Corona, CA 92881 Phone (951 I 817-0101 Ext. 156 www 619-562-5533 Oll Rood Fabriet1tion and besign -~ .... ffloseBiflt'i FU1t<tion/Strength/S<Jfety/Prlde • ;Sond On Mark by H<lnd 111 tlk USA • Tl"Uclcs •~Cars JOHN MOSl;L.EY • ~ Owner/f.ibttcot4f' •RallyCcn •Cldtom - 236 Jason ColJr't' Coro111:1, CA 92879 951-272-3026 Fax 951·272•0776 • •4,-;,4 , •• ,.,,. YOUR CCMPUl!TE IGNfTtCN SOURCE AUTOTRON,c CONTROi.a COt=IPORAT10N ~<1"3(;) Hl:'NF'lY e~eNNAN OFI •. CL PASO. ,X.?9!'336 191!118$7-S;,ofJ • rFf:H llffi' 1!1151 8:i5•l123 • VISIT OUR WUI Silt; w,,<" Shop~ 714·893-8106 Fax: 714-893-8123 15222 Connector Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92649 4FF-l!Q.AO We can Bsadlock YOUR RIMS,~ Sizes to fit _,,., ATV I AUTOMOTIVE applicationt -· ----........ ..... . " ••...a~ .. -.~-< ~111 ... ~ .. POLISHED & COLORED FINISHES SCALLOPED ORCONVENTIONAL Reinforcing Rings Also Available Phone - (951) 354-8272 WWW .OMFPERfORMANCE. com

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. . J~ ·.· . ~~?1Zf'f~~'h¥-,: . ?.\\.:.. .. ~£~~-, : . . . ;;,.t,,;.Ji A. e.~ .. .. ' -.. ,. . .. ' ' ... - . ·~ ,, '(6J9) ~1-7 ~Sl.360.5906 ;sl.360.0436 fax 800JOO.Z3SO 3834 Wacbr Orin Mira Loma, (A 91JSZ www.parbrpu p, • - • Cl Cl • Cl _ .. -@§Yb - - . . -.. -- . --fNHfiJ:> ABRICATION, INC 1660 80bcod:, 8ulkmg & Cos10 Meso. CA 92627 m t94916S0-303S fAX 19491650-472\ www.penallfab.OOffl penhollfobOootcom Jerry,_.. qary (J?owelf Motorsports: Electrical Design & Manufacturing Since 1988 Ph: (949) 735-9039 Fax: (949) 459-0085 ProFORMA '110 ROTRUCK RACING ORGANIZATION A High Performance Spec VS Race Truck Series '"The True Driver's Class• Protruck Sales and Promotion W•bsite: Email: Tel: 619-390-6252 Fax: 619-390-6470 111402 Bond court El Cajon, CA 92021 Hi-Performance Equipment Suspension • Safety • Driveline • Accessories (619) 691-9171 (619) 691-9174 (619} 691.()8()3 (FAX) 103 Press Lane. Suite 14 Chula Vista, CA 91910 e-mail: rprod1 Craig Stewart Ptton.: 619--449-97ll ,:,.., 61 ... 44Q.?67ll Celli 619-726-889i Fabrication & Race Preparation 94\9 Abraham Way S'<:ffltee, CA 92071 ~.-.-..-:1.~it:".JJl":!?tl...~~~ ... ~~~~ a-a~rt~rouworito.<om SalM& Service ,.,.,,,,..,,,,,c,-r111s.11111 .....,.~·'lntalffll1lat,vlfae-...'lnltlnmS PH: n4.&ao.11a1 • n: n4.&8o.ano Toll Free: 800.304.8126 IO I 5 E. Elm Avenue, Fulhirton, CA 9 2 8 3 1 s ......... : .s ..... .. -Ill ffl-111-114 .. .., ... ...... ,. -A••· wlll get you In gear IHSS.P1•r1111l lH\ttDS.lln• 111H Jl■U.11119 l11!1 ttMI ~~ RANCHO DRIVETRAIN ENGINEERING Trophy Trucks Short Course Trucks Class-8 Trucks Differentials Class-7 Trucks Pre-Runners Tony Selva, Jr 417-40 Enterprise Circle North Suite 106 Temecula, CA 92590 PHONE 951.296.6163 FACSIMIU: 951.296.2236 w w fiii/ SANDERS SERVICE, INC. L«Jl METAL PROCESSING 5921 W~on Ave., Los AngelH, CA 90001 (323) 583-2404 FAX (323) 583-3965 SANDBLAST •GI AS BEAD·MA NETIC PARTICLE FLOURESCF.NT . PEC'l1O MARK SMITH ~ I SUSPENSION INNOVATION MOTORSPORTS INC. Tel:562.903.1625 Fax: 562.777.2593 LARRY SMITH Tom McKenzie nMCECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821-(714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 J08 SITE SIGflS • BA.litWIS • V.11IDOW I.ETTEl!TMi • CAA LETTEflL'lG • GAAPtllCS SGUEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101 Galway C,rc!e • Huntingtu1 Beach CA 921349 (714) 897-0075 • Fa:\ I71~) 894-9567 SI ·.::CIALTY ~ACe Prep RACE CARS -TRUCKS •►~ •7NSPCKsicrll U~~ • ~ ~ • SAacfc 'Ctt..-./~6..u.ts •~ fdncttliall • e.c/l:l'H5"fissicM U ..... 16743 Parkside Ave. Cerritos. CA 90703 • RACENEUI Paul _Oil Company 'WESTERN D IV ISION Travl$ fletcher 15621 802-1404 [209) 847-2281 {800) 527-6090 FAX 12091 847,9726 P.O. Box 248 • 524 N, Si81T8 //we. Oakdale, California 95361

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2180 Collage Drive • Lake Havasu City • AZ. 86403 Call Toll Free: 877-627-8852 or E-Mall:,lnfoOtc; • HI Performanc;e Converters Custom length Axles• • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed Hubs • (for Race a. Recreation} Input Shafts • (619) 596-8033 Adam Wik SCORE ENGINE BUILDER OFTHEYEAR 994, 1999.1999,2000 From Parts To Complete engnta American Made Excellence!I , 000 W Brndfl)y. Un• 0 El Cajon, C A 92020 Carlo,s Oroz e o 3265 W. Birtcher Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89118 702-837-2522 Chris Tool 909-730-8246 @:m~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ and Bolt-On to Street Fiberglass for: "Ford, C~evy and Toyota" Trucks Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1261 N. Baena Vista St. , U.-et ca. 92543 Pit: 951-(;54-7334 Fu: 951-654-2375 See a list of r p,oducts,;tt our welt stte: http;/ />m 111Rft1xLE ENGlltEE~NG 9763 Variel Ave. JEFF FIELD (818) 998--2739 Chatsworth, CA 91311 NS WBST PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES Kevin Pirtle 22545 South Normandie Ave. Torrance, California 90501 310.782.2413 fax 310.782.3772 ,,,,141;1:1 SP£CIALIZ£0 WIRING, CDMM UNICATIDNS, AND REPAIR S FDR: Race Cars-Tirophv Trucks -Pre-runners Chase Vehlcles -Dual Spon cars (760) B03-695S MARC WADDELL, PRESID ENT W I AEFAB@secGLOSA.L.NET TRJIIIS DISTRIBUTOR Performance Trans Off Road Street Trans Lorenzo Rodriguez Par ts -Service - Transmissions -V. W. • Porsche Desert. Sand & Drag 850 S. Alta Vista Avenue • Monrovia, CA 91 0 16 (626) 305-RACE (7223) • World Leading Motorsport Transmission Manufacturer 11 Dakar Rally Victories 17 World Rally Victories 6 AMA MX/SX Championships Xtrac Inc 6183 West 80th Street Indianapolis IN 46278 email: Tel: (317) 472 2454 '383' Baja Class 1/10 sequential Transaxle •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in DUSTY TIMES. Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7".AU Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED -YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER. Enclosed is $ Name _ ____________ (Send check or money order, no Cash) Address-------------------------- - ----------------------------------City----------------------------------------------------------------State _______ Zip _________ . ____ Phone __________________________________ _ Please run ad times Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 DUB 51IDBG 2009-10 ISSUE DEADLINE December09 Nov 13, 09 January 10 Dec 11, 09 February 10 Jan 9, 10 March 10 Feb 19, 10 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page 46 November 2009 Dusty Times

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Classified ... ome o t e items a vertise in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Readers are advised to consult appropriate local or state au-thorities for information before purchase of any specific item. . FOR SALE: Completely rebuilt or brand new everything, Turnkey LS 1, Mendeola, spindels, axles, cvs, wiring, switches, GPS, 4 way intercomm, brand new wheel and tire spares, raceable, has won overall and great playcar prerun-ner, $85,000.00 (707) 249-8406, prepped and ready to go! FOR SALE: 2006 Class 1200 Bob-by Neth Chas.sis, Foddrill Arms, Kenny Majors 1835, Mendeola MD4X, CNC, Howe, 2 light bars, 7 HIDS, Color GPS, Fox Shocks & Coilovers, Fire Sup Halon, Polic-e Siren, Many, Many Spares, Spare Shocks, Ready to win Baja or BITD, $49,000.00. (562) 756-9231. FOR SALE: Pre-Runner to Buy. Foddrill 3-4 seat street legal Registered in Texas, LS6 pump gas 400hp, Fortin w/converter, Fox shocks coil over and by-pass, VDO, Howe, WR coolers, 50 gal cell, Mastercraft, BF on JJ wheels, Pro Am hubs and brakes, Roof rack w/light bar , Race radio w/ carbon fiber head sets, XM radio w/external speakers, GPS, ODO shows 546 miscarbon fiber dash, windshield, a set of spare tires w/wheels, a set of sand tires w/wheels, chase box, spare parts, single axle open trailer inc. $110,000.00 Negotiable. Cesar Fuentes (915) 726-3823' afuen-tes@fuentes 7 .com. mx. For Sale: Don't rent-own a 125 mph Unlimited 2 seat Buggy, FAT, FOX, Wildwood, BFG, PCI, prepped and shook done. Ready to race 2010 Season. 2009 trailer. Spares. $30K OBO. Las Vegas (702) 622-5720. FOR SALE: 2007 Class 1 Porter, LS7 Redline Pump gas 620 HP, 1 5/8 SCORE Tagged chassis, Fortin 4 speed, King Kongs, 120 W Kenwood 10.5 GPS, 2 Fire Halons Police Siren, Pro-Am, Fortin, Howe, Dual Tire Carrier, 4 Hella Hids, lots of spares, (562) 7 56-9231, $119,000.00, more TRAIL NOTES fr■■ •••• 7 All class titles will go down to the Tecate SCORE Baja 1000. One of female regular racers this season, Heidi Steele, San Clemente, Calif., leads the Class 6 points in the Desert Assassins Ford Ranger. Heidi Steele won a SCORE season point title last year in Class 7SX and has one Class 6 race win this year. Steele's husband Cameron Steele is fifth in SCORE Trophy-Truck points. In addition to season point class point championships, drivers in the Pro car and truck classes are also racing to earn prestigious SCORE Toyota Milestone Awards given to all drivers who complete every required mile of the five-race season. Being presented by Toyota Motorsports for the 24th consecutive year, a total of 16 drivers remain eligible after Round 4 of the 2009 SCORE Desert Series. Final Flag -Roy Denner, founder of the Off Road Business Association passed away on September 28, 2009. after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. Roy was constantly involved for the past 15 years waging legal battles on behalf of off road racers and businesses. Roy will be sorely missed by all those who knew and loved him. Roy is survived by his wife, Nancy. Our deepest condolences to her and her family. Final Flag - Gene Keith Dempsey lost an eight year battle with cancer on September 18, 2009. His wife and children were at his side. Gene was 69 years of age. Gene was born in Chicago on June 13, 1940. Gene was an avid athlete and played football for Pierce College. He owned and operated a masonary business in Van Nuys for more than 30 years. Gene was a member of the Sunland Shamrocks Motorcycle Club and enjoyed racing and riding in his free time. He raced his first Baja 1000 in 1969, raced for 39 more years with his brother Sam. Gene is survived by his wife, Bonnie, his children April, Richard, Chuck, Gene, Jason and Kelly and nine grand children. He is also survived by his mother Virginia and his brothers Tom, Wally and Sam. The racing community has lost one of its finest, he will be sorely missed. Dusty Times FOR SALE: Class 1 Porter, LSZ, Redline pump gas, 520 Hp, WR coolers, Fortin 4 speed, w/ con-verter, King Kongs, 45 gas cell, Kenwood radio, 10.5 gps, Pro-Am Hubs and brakes. 6 Hella, lots of spares. Car works great and is in immaculate condition. $135,000.00. Call (915) 626-7986 or Nextel 62*14*16663. FOR SALE: Chenowth Milleni-um Class 1. Proven and Reliable, Chevy LS 450HP, Sequential Mendeola 5 speed, TCS axels, Kings, Pro Wired, Fabricated by Fraley, CNC front, ADS Rear hubs, Howe Rack, CNC Hang-ing Pedals, Mastercraft, Beard, Fresh Prep. Call Kevin (702) 562-0652. MORE fr1m •••• 20 back was Depew, thirty one minutes ahead of Henderson. Galindo was fifth twenty five minutes later. Kurt Larmee had no competition in Class 3, literally, and had to run just two laps for his win in the Maxxis-backed Bronco. I think he was giving some driving lessons for the upcoming Powder Puff event. Heading into the final points race, the Toys For Tots 200 at Barstow, Chase leads the Class 1 standings, with Volpe, Pacewiczh, Schreiner and Nutter still in the hunt. Larmee enjoys a big lead over Nick Pike in the Class 3 ranks, Garavito and Antuna are neck and neck for the Class 5 championship, McGee has the Class 10 award in hand, with no way for Steve McMullin to catch him. In 1-2/1600 competition, Ward has a slim lead over Craig, while Rogovin still has a chance several points down. Meehan could squeek out the championship if everything went his way. 20761 Pl~r St'l"HC:, Ch&uwonh. CA. fUll FOR SALE: 2002 Ford Explorer Sport. BITD Class 3100 Stock · SUV. Great race record & class champ. EZ to maintain, fun to drive. All the good stuff. You can't build it for $14,000.00. part trade? Call Mike (760) 877-1079. Buy it before I do something stupid with it. Rl:..AL 66T ATI:.. F OQ. .::>AL{:_ Own the desert: 40 acres in · Ocotillo Wells. Property boarders the back of the Blue Inn Resort, Owner will finance. $15,000.00 down-$420.00 a month for 120 months. Interest free for the life of the loan. That's $65,000.00 total. Call Ed (909) 732-3714. Sdl your n·hide.,, l'!/Z1i/n11e11t <111d hit., <111d Jiiecn right here! Du.,ty Ti111c.s lw., the n-<1dcr-_,hi/1 :rnu 're looki11g /or .,o fill olll the /on11 011 /1<1ge 46 ,111,I get yuzff "" i11 010" 11cxt i.,.,ue. Bolles, Himmelrick, Creveling, Rash and Bud Ward could all possibly win the coveted Class 9 championship. Steve Patton leads Savedra in the 5/1600 race, while Karakas and Dan Chamlee still vy for the Class 7 honors. Fleming, Cockrell and James Bolinas are close for the 7s series win and Kevin Shain has Class 8 sewn up. Kalp, Pepper Cote and Davis could each still win the Limited Sportsman trophy. And Lesieki looks to have earned the_ Unlimited Sportsman championship in his inaugural year with the Coyote team. Danny Savant leads Hector Garcia, Jr. and David Sanchez in Class 12. Allen Byma looks unbeatable in the 1400 ranks, while Scott and Walters are both in the hunt for 1450. JeepSpeed sees Mark Kelsey and Tim Jeffus just four points apart, and Henderson has to hold off Galindo and Swisher for the crown in Class 11. Next up was the Powder Puff Race for the Cure in mid-October at Barstow, then the points chase will be settled at the Toys for Tots 200 in early December. !!&:!-A ,-.. .......... a.-.. ,...-, Rl:..AL 66T ATI:.. LI:_ A.:> [:_/Q_[:_ NT AL.:> Vacation Rental Vacation Rental in the Exclusive Indian Wells Country Club in the Sunny Palm Springs area of Southern Caifornia! 2 ot 3 bedroom furninshed for your complete relaxation and if you are a glutton for punishment, play golf on 1 or both of the beautiful courses. FYI, wireless internet and long distance phhone calls (USA) included. Starting at $4,500.00 in season Oan, Feb, March, April) or $2,300.00 per month not in season. Call (760) 345-6124. Ride Wanted: Long-time racer from So. Nev. wants MINT 400 ride in open class. 1 or 2 laps based on your pit rotation. Cash $$$ upfront for the lap(s) Ray 630-945-0736. INDl:_X TO AD\/1:_Q. T 161:_Q.6 Baker Precision Racing Products ........................... 38 BTR Racing Wheels .......................... 18 Brake Man ........................................ 39 Butch's Speed Shop .......................... 41 CODE Race Ready 275 ..................... 36 Fuel Safe Racing Cells ....................... 34 Kar Tek Off Road ................................ 5 King Off-Road Racing Shocks ............ 27 Lucas Oil... .......................... Back Cover McKenzie's Performance Products .... 25 MDR Sprint to the Dash/ Bud light Dash ............................. 23 NORRA 2010 Mexican 1000 Rally ................................... 37 Parker Pumper Helmets ..................... 30 · Racer X Motorsports ........................ 13 Robby Gordon Off Road .................... 22 Ronco Plastics .................................. 14 SNORE Rage at the River .................... 2 Soltek light Systems ....................... 28 South Point Casino ............................. 9 Transaxle Engineering ....................... 40 Vacation Rentals ............................... 19 Web Cam SCORE/BITD ..................... 11 Web Cam MORE ............................... 20 ... _____ _ OccUNs, toO'f --.-.a...,---_._. ___ _ -..--.q--==-· .... -~"""..___ __ In• ,_,.._ .. _____ _ 1••---.-----,,., .. , .. __ e,-_____ ,,....,,_, _ __, ..... __ __ ~::_ lea :-..:f:--•"==.:=. ~ __ ,,.., ___ _... , .. m ,._.,,..._....,...,..._.., .._,___....,. ..... __ Jobn I Calvla Z076l ,i,,_r StrHt, CbatnJOTtlt, CA ,uu _...,. ... ,... .................. 1Q.O-,_,,,. ___ ll .. ,...._•--'••---,,._ .. ___ ,...,..,._ ...... __ _ ____________ _,,.._,.,,_,_. ___ ..., ____ . __ .,,. _____ __ _,,......_.,, .. ....,__._. .... __,.. .. _ ____,,..,..,.. ______ .._., _..,__ ..... ,..._.,_,,,.--....--..----~ Mt l ""· . ,.. __ •- • {ll:'!, -120762 n.-r scrut Ch•uworth CA 91Jl 20761 Pl~r St._.t <-ll•uworrh CA 9131 n..,.............., .. _..._ .... ...,,.... .......... -........ -... ,...... D __ Q_0......._...12.._ ~ -~°'""',___u_,,..,...__..,...,..._,,.., ... __., November 2009 ---111 =---=~a.:..-=--=..~ --..-c.---~o.-. ..... m "' ,., tu ..------••Nm.flt._,_ ·-· ==--" :-,.:=r-~~--,. " ~.. ,._ ___ '-__ __ = PII a...'-'11!1,._l"♦'-.Qooo..._ I'll ;:.:.-==..-=-..~o.-.-.-71 I \owl __ ,,,_,,.a,_,~ 7OJl .... " "' 7011 1).90 II0 .11 ..__ .. ___ _ D ,_,,__.,._,......_.,...__. __ ,, _____ _ o----.... a r b r '09 _ _. __ Page 47

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