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2009 Volume 26 Number 10 Dusty Times Magazine

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Volume 28 • Number 10 • october 2009 $2.50 ISSN8750-1732 Celeb,at'ing ou, 211~h Yea, o, se,viee To The OFF Road eommuni~ ilf~k ~;. ~ ~\-,:.;".' _,..... ..,.~ ·iiIF 'l' .-:. • .:.c· covering the world of competition in the dirt •••

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t . Volume 26 - Number 10 October 2009 Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin · Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors Scott Bottomley J. Preston Bradshaw Jim Culp Mike Del Col Nicole Del Col Steve Hilton VictorGazca Martin Holmes Rod Koch ,Byrle Moore Steve Ruddick Maurice Selden Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham B.O.R.E. Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750.1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copyright by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plul'l)mer St., SNAPSHOT OF THE MONTH ••• Riverside, 1982, a really good way to watch the races in the esses· was to have your own swimming pool, it certainly added to your racing pleasure. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8x10 will be considered. In This Issue ... FEATURES BITD Vegas To Reno by ]w:l.y Smith .............................................................. 8 Rally Of Finland by Martin Holmes ............................................................. 14 SNORE KC Hilites Midnight Specia by J Preston Brads_haw ........................ 22 Traxxix TORC At Bark River by] Preston Bradshaw .................................... 28 MDR California 200 by] Preston Bradshaw .................................................. 31 VORRA Fallon 250 by Troy Robinson .......................................................... 36 DEPARTMENTS Happenings .................................................................................................... 5 Trail 1-:Jotes ...................................................................................................... 6 Good Stuff Directory ··•.•·······································-·····:·······························42 Classified Ads ····················································:···············:························· 47 Index To Advertisers ......................................... ~ .......................................... 47 ON THE COVER Andy Mcmillin teamed with his father, Scott to pilot their Ford Trick Truck to the Vegas To Reno win, seen here churnin' up the soft stuff along the way. Photo by John Rettie - Trackside Photo T. J. Flores co-drove with Kevin Colan in the Class 1500 (Class 1) fracas, they took the Class win, seen here in their Bunderson just at one of many landings. Photo by Alan Madden -Trackside Photo Visit Our Website at S u.d-a e,,z,t d-e 7 tufUU/ to-DU STY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$25'!00 □ 2 years -$40.00 □ 3 years -$55.00 (to subscribe online go to □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name ______________________ _ Address _____________________ _ City _____________________ _ State. ________________ Zip _______ _ Primary Interest Cars O Trucks O Motorcycles 0 Send check or money orde·r to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian • 1 year $30.00 US n Overseas subscription rates upon request . Dusty Times October 2009 Page3

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Page4 . . . . . . . . >·o UT OF SIGHT OUT OF MIND GET BACK IN SIGHT You Know That This Venue Is The Best Way To Get Your Product IN THEIR FACES Don't Be Penny Wise And Exposure Foolish . Call Dusty Times ~ Again 818-882-0004 October 2009 Dusty Times

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2009 Happenings ... 10K FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 (All events staged at the club grounds in Cleves. Ohio) 4x4 FoREVER, LTD. 1665 DEIAWARE ST. 0sHKOSH, WI 54901 .AMERICAN RALLY SPORT GROUP, INc. 3650 SotJTH POINTE CIRCLE, SUITE 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521-0597 E Mail: AMERICAN TRIALs AsSOCIATION AMA Observed Trials Southern California Championship Series BILL MARKuM • PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HoruNE -(714) 562-7742 E MAIL: BMARK909@AoL.coM <> ASOCIACION EsTATAL DE AUTOMOVILISMO SAM WELL, TECH INSPECTOR AYro42 SAN Jost DEL CABO BNA CALIFORNIA DEL SUR. MExlco AusTRALIAN OFF RoAD CHAMPIONSHIP DARRYL SMITH 19 SOMERS ST. CASHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTRALIA DUSTY TIMES AUTocRoss QUEBEC OFF RoAD Ci.Ass 10 CARS ONLY RENALD VAILLANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAVAL QUEBEC, CANADA H7P 1T7 (450) 622-4440 BAJA CUP CHALLENGE BARONA SAND DRAG ASSN. P.O. Box 1521 • LAKESIDE, CA 92040 All Races Are Night Races All Races At Barona Racewa1, Lakeside, CA BBM MARKETING PROMOTIONS Off Road Short Course Racing & Special Event Marketing NORCO, CA 92860 e-mail (909) 815-5811 BEST IN THE DESERT 3475 BOULDER HIGHWAY LA.s VEGAS, NV 89121 702-457-577 5/FAX: 702-641-2431 October 16-18,2009 Terribles Primm Gran Prix Primm,NV Motorc,cle/Quad/ A TV December 4-6, 2009 Fabtech Henderson Desert Classic Henderson, NV Cars/Trucks BORERAcING 10 ELK MOUNTAIN DRIVE REDSTONE, CO 81623 970-963-4563/623-853-3595 Sept 18-19, 2009 Wendover, NV BP MoTORSPORTS P.O. Box411 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91365 760-578-6258/760-578-6259 FAX: 818-348-4648 E-Mail: All Etl!'nts At California City, CA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGHTON, ONTARIO, CANADA KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR CLUB AUToMOVILISTA JuARENSE DE CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD RACING . 7210 GATEWAY EAST EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 011-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES <> Dusty Tlme_s CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVE AilAMs (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DoN ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. RICHARDS P.O. Box332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLAIRTON HI-JACKERS l.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TWP. LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 Short Course off Road Racing At Harrison County Fair Gmunds. Cadit. OH CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICA SAN QuINnN CALLE 6TA FRAcc Co. DE SAN Qu1NTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HERACLIO PATINO (011 52 616-5-22-07) CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICO SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road ENSENADA, BC, MEXICO USA JAN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) RAMON CASTRO & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/ 7 0034) CMC CoNTINENTAL MOTOSPORT CLUB P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 Fax: (714) 367-1608 October 2009 CODE OFFRoAD MADERO 621-A MEXICALI, MEXICO 21100 760-455-8069 USA 011-52-686-553-4087 MEXICO mx Feb 13-15, 2009 OASA.Circulo K 250 San Luis Rio Col.SON Aug 1-2, 2009 ORW Gran Prix Ja<;~me, Tecate, B.C. October 2-4, 2009 Mex. Logistics 300 Mexicali, B.C . Dec 4-6, 2009 Race Ready 275 Mexicali-San Felipe, B.C. CowRADOHILL CuM8 AsSOCIATION BARB V AHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box8286 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O. Box392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER 011-52-65-66-4458 CORR SERIES 270 NEWPORT CENTER DR., SUITE 100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 866-501.CORR CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, SUITE 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA ExT 42 Fax(818)957-4435 CRS CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES <www, 1nese are the events requesting inclusion that have been presented to the CRS Board of Governors. The final Rall1 Championship will be a subset of these events. October 2-3, 2009 C1ntinud ,ii ••1• 6 Pages

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Trail Notes ... VERY RED FACE - I've done some stupid things in my life but what I did with last months cover really takes the cake. I had scheduled Kyle LeDuc to be the top picture and Todd Craig to be the bottom picture. Well, LeDuc came out well but I put Todd Craig's brother on the cover in his 1600 car. I sincerely apologize to Todd Craig and his crew, I know how a Dusty Times cover shot is worth it's weight in gold and it doesn't come along too often. Please accept my sincere apology, that's all I can give you at this time. John Calvin · NORRA MExlcAN RALLY -The NORRA Mexican 1000 Rally has been temporarily delayed, thanks to the hurricane that hit the Baja peninsula. NORRA will provide hurricane relief assistance for the· immediate future. For questions contact Alex Plewniak at 619-572--7092 or TRICK LIGHTS -TrailGlow lighting provides HID lights to help guide the off road racer through the gloom. They also provide INERGY number panels, showing your car or truck number in a lighted form. TrailGlow also sponsors the Class 11 Desert Dingo Racing Team. This team is the official World Diabetes Day off road race team and they work with the International Diabetes Federation, helping to raise money for diabetes education and awareness programs. So, donate some bucks to the Diabetes Foundation and give TrailGlow a call for some very good lights. Kn.E LEDuc .ANolNTl!D 2009 KING OF OFF-ROAD RACING -Kyle LeDuc, Beaumont, Calif., captured his first BorgWarner Cup win at Crandon International Off-Road Raceway in the Traxxa TORC Series presented by AMSOIL Pro 4x4 racing action Sunday. LeDuc, 26-year-old son of 1998 BorgWarner Cup champ Curt LeDuc, Cherry Valley, Calif., won a record $43,500 for taking . the checkers in the pressure-(illed TORC Pro 4x4 showdown. He joins Helio Castroneves, 2009 IRL Indy 500 winner, as winners of the top·BorgWamer prizes in their respective Series. It was the first time in history a "father and son" combo are together on short course off-road racing's most prestigious prize. Curt also finished third in the race to podium with his son. Rick Huseman, Riverside, Calif., finished third, rounding out an all-California podium. The race - for valuable TORC Series points, the $100,000 BorgWarner sterling silver and 18 karat gold Cup, the$ 7,500 Cral}don BorgWarner "King" of Off-Road Racing" Championship Driver's Award and a minimum $40,000 cash·purse - was won handily by LeDuc's glossy black Rockstar Energy Drink - Tools..:_ Toyo Tires Ford F-150 race machine. The $40,000 -posted by Crandon in honor of its 40th Anniversary - was increased to $43,500 when LeDuc crossed the finishing line in a Built Ford Tough truck. Ford, the official truck of Crandon Raceway and of the TORC Series, annually pays a Racer Performance Award to racers win the Cup in their vehicles. LeDuc also won a $2,000 Miller Electric Company plasma cutter as part of his earnings. LeDuc was presented the traditional BorgWarner victory wreath by Erika Nielsen, director -marketing & public relations, BorgWarner Corporation. Also on hand in Victory Circle was BorgWamer's William "Skip" Cline, who presented the four foot high Cup, winner's purse check and special Crandon 40th anniversary BorgWarner Cup ring. Cline retired this year and was honored in a pre-race ceremony. "This is big, awesome, just huge" gushed the new champion. "It's big for my team, for Rockstar, Makita, Toyo, my family, every single sponsor and teammate I have" said an elated LeDuc. "To join my dad on the Cup is incredible. And to win with the youngest crew chief in the sport is special too,". he said. TORC televised the rac~ live on ABC-TV. The start of the race was marred by a multi-truck accident in Crandon's notorious Forest County Potawatomi tum one. LeDuc came out of the restart in first position and then dominated the entire event in a powerful display of savvy driving and full tilt horsepower. "There was a lot of excitement in this TORC Pro 4x4 race -something for everybody," said Doug Davis, Crandon promoter. "We ran 22 races all weekend without a major mishap. But you put the country's top Pro 4x4 racers, the pressure of live ABC TV, big money, and a chance to be immortalized on the Crandon BorgWarner Cup together in one pot, and you are bound to see something extraordinary go down," he said. The young LeDuc has carved out a place in history in off-road racing. He now reigns as the BorgWarner champion until the annual TORC off-road World Championships next year at the famous "Big House" track. 14m SCORE TERRmLE's PRIMM 300 -Here is the current entry list by class of the cars and trucks that will be copmpeting. SCORE TROPHY-TRUCK (Unlimited Production Trucks) 13 Ed Stout, Stanton, Calif., Chevy Silverado, 50 Jason McNeil, Lakeside, Calif., Ford F-150, 3 Mark Post, Laguna Beach, Calif./Rob MacCachren, Las Vegas, Ford F-150, 53 Rick Thomas/ Lonny Hart, Phoenix, Chevy Silverado, 51 Kory Scheeler, Las Vegas, Chevy Silverado, 11 Greg Nunley, Tulare, Calif/Tom Carr, Visalia, Calif., Chevy Silverado, 77 Robby Gordon, Charlotte, N.C., Chevy CK1500, 22 Darnen Jefferies, Apple Valley, Calif., Chevy Silverado, 1 B.J. Baldwin, Las Vegas, Chevy Silverado, 9 Mark Weyhrich/Gary Weyhrich, Troutdale, Ore., Ford F-150, 68 Marc Ewing, Glncoe, Ill./T.J. Sorensen, Salt Lake City, Chevy Silverado, 89 Rusty Stevens/Chad Quarles, Pampa, Texas, Ford F-150, 2 Pete Sohren, Glendale, Ariz., Ford F-150, 30 Robbie Pierce/Mike Julson, Santee, Calif., Chevy Silverado, 16 Cameron Steele, San Clemente, Calif., GMC Sierra, 24 Adam Householder, Orange, Calif., Chevy Silverado, 23 Mark McMillin, El Cajon, Calif., Ford F-150, 6 Steve Sourapas, Rancho Santa Fe, Calif., Ford F-150,. 8 Roger Norman, Reno, Nev./Larry Roeseler, Alpine, Calif., Ford F-150, 96 Bobby Baldwin, Las Vegas, Chevy Silverado; 20 Mike Julson, Santee, Calif., Chevy Silverado, 12 Brian Collins, Las Vegas/Chuck Hovey, Escondido, Calif., Dodge Ram 1500, 7 Scott Steinberger, Cypress, Calif., Ford F-150, 78 Jesse Ashcraft, San Marcos, Calif./ Adam Ashcraft, Vista, Calif/Vincent Farley, Escondido, Calif., ~ord F-150, 58 George Pandella, Glendale, Calif./Steve McCaslin, Agua Dulce, Calif/Dennis McCaslin, Burbank, Calif., Chevy Silverado. CLASS !(Unlimited single or two-seaters)- 101 Richard Boyle, Ridgecrest, Calif./Tommy Kirkmeyer, Apple Valley, Calif., Jefferies-Chevy, 102 Jerry Penhall, Costa Mesa, Calif./Dan Martin, Monrovia, Calif., Penhall-Chevy, 104 Brian Parkhouse, Bell Gardens, · Calif./Tom Ridings, Los Alamitos, Calif. Jimco-Chevy, 105 Terry Householder, Orange, Calif., Playtech-Chevy, 106 Dale Lenk/Brett Lenk/Grant Lenk, Costa Mesa, Calif., Penhall-Chevy, 107 Ronny Wilson, Long Beach, Calif/Jeff Quinn, Irvine, Calif., Jimco-Chevy, 108 Josh Daniel, Canyon Lake, Calif./ Allen Hickerson, Vista, Calif., Racer.Chevy, 109 Armin Schwarz, Germany/Martin Christensen, Escondido, Calif. (Denmark), Jimco-BMW, 110 Randy Wilson, Lakewood, Calif./ Rick Wilson, Long Beach, Calif., Jimco-Chevy, 111 Pat Dean/Danny Anderson, Las Vegas, Bunderson-Chevy, 112 Kory Halopoff, Orange,· Calif., Tatum.Chevy, 113 Harley Lemer, Orange, Calif., Alpha.Chevy, 114 Shawn Croll, Corona, Calif., Porter-Ford. CLASS 1-2/ 1600 (VW-powered, single or two-seaters to 1600cc)- 1601 Brian Wilson, Long Beach, Calif./Sammy Ehrenberg, Las Vegas, Kreger, 1602 Mario Gastelum, El Centro, Calif., Curry, 1603 Arturo Velazco/ Abel Velazco/ Stevie Cruz, Banning, Calif, Porter, 1604 Daniel McMillin, El Cajon, Calif., Jimco, 1605 David Caspino, Woodland Hills, Calif./Mike Malloy, Las Vegas, Lothringer, Page& Prescott Rally (2, 3) Prescott, AZ Also CRS Moto Championship November 14, 2009 Seed 9 Rally (2) Goodsprings, NV December S, 2009 Phoenix Rally (2) Phoenix, AZ D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (All e11ents at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston Counc, ORV Park, Ol,mpia, WA) DAKAR RALLY DARREN SKILTON BAJA AUTOMOTIVE AoVENTIJRES 455 E. OcEAN BLVD., Sum 208 LoNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 DECATUR FoUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB DECATUR, TX 76234 ToMALLEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090. DESERT STEEL MoToRSPORTS 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 EAsn:RN Off.ROAD RACING A.ssN. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 ENSENADA BAJA Off ROAD RACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA,BC,MX 0ll-5Ui46-1818989 Eus10 0ll-52-646-1715230 AARON Races for buggys & Motorcycles EsTERO BEACH OOERNATIONAL Short Course Racing VICTORIA GALINDO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO 0ll-5Ui46-176-6230 FORDA FLORIDA OFF RoAD DluvER's ASSOCIATION JASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Apr, Ma,, Noo at Davidson Racewa, FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 1855 PARKWAY DRIVE s. EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/959-579-6151FAX GENERAL TIRE . TROPHYLITE SERIES DRIVE RACING ORGANIZATION 760-352--6020 Las Vegas, NV October 29-31, 2009 Ricky Johnson Off-Road Grand Prix Las Vegas, NV December~. 2009 BITD Henderson Fabtech Classic Henderson, Ny' GLEN HELEN OFF-ROAD SHORT COURSE SERIES Short course, stadium and desert race classes October 3, 2009 Round#6 November 7, 2009 Round #7 GLEN HELEN BAJA CuP CHALLENGE SERIES Desert race classes December 12, 2009 Round#4 GORRA GEORGIA OFF ROAD RACING AsSOCIATION 420 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA GREAT Pl.ANES OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION TIM HODGE (402) 991-6048 SCOTT MORROW (816) 792-2126 (All races are short course, stadium sc,le October 2009 Classes -Sportsman; 1/2-1600, 5-1600, MoJA VE OFF RoAD RACING Sport Truck, Quads, Tough Truck ENnruSIASTS Nebraska Racewa, Park, &it 420 on 1-80 P.O. Box 1231 between Omaha and Lincoln.) BARSTOW, CA 92312 For latest info check 760-253-4453 <> HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING Barstow,· CA 2000 W. QUINCY AVENUE #B Septl2,2009 ENGLEWOOD, co 80110 250 Miles 303-806-8062/303-78U:l974 fax Lucerne, CA Oct 4, 2009 OOERNATIONAL lcE RACING 4th Annual Powder Puff AssociATION Barstow, CA P.O. Box 8105 Dec 5, 2009 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 Toys For Tots Holiday 200 STEVE BEDDOR Barstow, CA (612) 937-3816/Fax 474-2769 MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY ASSOCIATION INTER-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INc. DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. P.O. Box 2910 FLINT, ML 48506 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (810) 730-9221 (949) .582-2371 ]EEPSPEED MOTOWF.ST WINTER TRw.s SERIES BILL MARKHAM 1826 N. WINDES (909) 860-1857 Orange, CA 92869 <> 714-538-7434/ fax 714-633-1724 All events at Perris Racewa, All races for ]eepspeed 1,2 & 3 (At Reed Valle, with a school) KAMLooPS OFF RoAD RACING Whispering Pines Sports NATIONAL Muo RAcING AssN. RT. #l - Box 380 & Recreation Center. DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN l<AMLOOPS, BC, CANADA PALATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 Mike Strange (250) 57 3-4003 I.As VEGAS SANDSPORTS & NATIONAL Tmr TRUCK AssN. Butch Chapin Motonports Promo-OFFROAD EXPO tions (626) 961-3782 1404 EAST 3RD SIBEET <> HAsnNos, MN 55033-!415 <> (612) 437-2459 LI.T.R.E. NOORA )EFF ELROD NORTHERN Omo OFF RoAD (408) 926-0522 RACING ASSN. JIM ARI.ITA .GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 (408) 247-4:402 E-MAIL LOORRS <> LUCAS On. Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads OFF ROAD RACING SERIES (Spring Valle, Racewa,, on route 518, 20 October 17-18, 2009 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) (Thunder Valle, located 15 minutes from Speedworld Off Road Park Spring Valle,) Surprise, AZ November 14-1S, 2009 NORRA Primm Valley Motorsports Complex NATIONAL OFF RoAD Primm,NV RACING ASSOCIATION November 16, 2009 Championship Banquet (661) 268-1232 ,I Primm,NV December 11-12, 2009 OFF RoAD EXPO The Lucas Oil Challenge Cup SPIN COMMUNICATIONS Lake Elsinore, CA (415) 380-3890 MAMAluuTA OFF ROAD RACING LUIS CARLOS ALVAREZO OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION PANAMER!c.ANA AVE #5105 Volunteered Series Co. JUAREZ, CHIH., MX PRESIDENT - GEOFF LEE 011-52-1637-1799 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, TN 37087 MICHIGAN BUGGY BUII.DERS Dune Buggy Trade Show (615) 453-5830 Cl.ASS REP. -1/2-1600 (517) 543-7214 BRUCE MEYERS <> (865} 453-1005 MICHIGAN OFF ROAD Cl.ASS REP. -9 & UNLTD. MICHAEL MOORE CHAMPIONSHIPS (334) 271-7035 M. T .B. Enterprises Inc. OU11AW REP. 15529 )ONES ROAD DON PONDER GRAND LEDGE, ML 48837 (314) 631-8190 (517) 627-6200 (All Races at Wheeling in the Counc, 900 Motorcycles, Quads, ATVs and Pilots on!, Acres) MAORA Omo OFF RoADERS INc. ~AMERICA 1427 GOSHEN Hius ROAD S.E. OFF ROAD AssOCIATION NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 P.O. Box664 )IM KENDEL GREENUP, IL 62428 (216) 339-4674 (217) 962-1318 AU races held at Harrison E-MAI1.: County Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio <> ONTARIO OFF ROAD MoJA VE DESERT RACING RACERS AsSOCIATION 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE RICK TICHBOURNE, Pusuc REIATIONS Sol!Ili EL MONTE, CA 91733 (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) 626-442-9320/FAX626-579-6051 Lucerne Valley B, CA Oun.Aw SEVEN PICKUP November 7, 2009 9269UMMELMAN Stoddard 250 ST. LoUis, MO 63123 Barstow B, CA (314) 631-8140/Fax: ((314) 631-1921 S~tion Series Paster City, CA PACE.MOTOR SPORTS October 1 7, 2009 U.S. Off Road Championship Plaster City, CA 495 N. COMMONS DRIVE November 28, 2009 AURORA, IL 60504 MDRRally (630) 566-6100 Plaster City, CA <> December 3.1, 2009 PENNSYLVANIA SHORT COURSE Bud Light Dash Plaster City, CA RACING M.O.R.E. SMITHTON HOLE RACEWAY 313 SKYLINE DRIVE Dusty Times

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t SMITIITON,PA. 15479 MIKE GEISER 330-683-6263 Short Course Offroad Racing All Races At Smithton Hole Raceway PIKEsPEAK P.O. Box 6962 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF ROAD RACING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 87 5-7 591 PRo · 1600 SHOOTOUT COREY GOIN 559-647-6132 GOINRACIN@HOTMAIL.COM PRoTRUCK 14402 BOND COURT EL CAJON, CA 92021 619-390-6252 PuRE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box50 RICKETTS, IA 51460 (712) 679-2221 RALLY AMERICA NATIONAL EVENTS 2009 National Championship Series October 16-17, 2009 Rallffe America Re2ional E"ents: gional ~ionships. Central: October 16, 2009 Ottawa Rally Houghton, MI October 1, 2009 Keweenaw Rally Houghton, MI7 November 28, 2009 Rallye de Paris Paris, TX South West ROCK CRAWLERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA P.O. Box 1406 RlvERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/Fax: (801) 253-3176 SAN DIEGO SHORT COURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New Series lry Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro Trucks, Desert Trucks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Truck <> (858) 571-5088 SAN DIEGo OFF ROAD ExPosmoN (888) 836 7918 SCCA RoADRALLY P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-2055 <> SFX MOTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. COMMONS ORNE, Sum 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/ (630) 556-6180 Fax SCORE SCORE INn:RNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., Sum A CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 <> Sept 11-13, 2009 Terribles Primm 300 Primm,NV Nov 19-22, 2009 Baja 1000, Baja Mexico SNORE SOUTHERN NEVADA OFF ROAD ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 270516 LAs VEGAS, NV 89127 702-452-4522 October 2-4, 2009 South Point SNORE 250 Las Vegas, NV October 29-31, 2009 Off-Road Grand Prix Las Vegas, NV Dec 12, 2009 KARTEK Western Desert Challenge SONS OF THUNDER 4 WHEELERS. RACE DMSION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD Dusty Times CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 Mike Moore - (224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS ExPO MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. HACIENDA BLVD. #322 HACIENDA HEIGHTS, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SCTA SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION & BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, INc. P.O. Box 10 OROS!, CA 93647 (559) 528-6279 (559) 528-9749 FAX <> SOUTHERN SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD RACING ASSN. 4305 WOOTLARK ORNE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 96i.:2857 (All Races at Ea.stbay Raceway, Tampa, FL) TRAXXAs TORC SERIES Oct 31 - Nov 1, 2009 Las Vegas, NV SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box706 TovsFoRTOTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADD.LA V AU.EY SPORTS CENTER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <> VORRA VALLEY OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 1970 EAST 2ND STREET RENO, NV 89502 877-418-6772 Prairie City, CA Sept 5-7, 2009 · Hawthorne 250 Hawthorne, NV Oct 10-11, 2009 Short Course Prairie City, CA Oct 31-Nov 1, 2009 Short Course Prairie City, CA VICENTE GUERRERO OFFROADCUJB PROFO. CENOVIO GAMBOA 0ll-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 p.m.) WESTERN OFF RoAD RACING ASSOCIATION LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WESTERN PENNsYL v ANIA WHEEL To WHEEL OFF RoAD RACING PATRICK McGUIRE P.O. Box376 ADAMSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 . WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2325 E. KINGS AVENUE PHOENIX, AZ 85022 (602) 971-3730 <> WISCONSIN MoTORSPORTS SHow (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTIVAL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 0sHKOSH, WL54901 (414) 688-5509 WORLD SERIES OF OFF ROAD RACING PFIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP .0. Box99 CRANDON, WISCONSIN 54520 30,3-880-7221 Sept 4-6, 2009 Short Course Crandon, WI <WWW.WRC.COM> XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 COMMANDER ORNE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/ (520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 ZR PROMOTIONS LUIS RENE MONTANO C. CAI.ZADA INDEPENDENCIA 200 -5 CoL INSUROOOES EsTE 21280 MEXICALI, BC, MX (686) 564 6653 List your coming events 1n DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your 2009,2010 schedules as soon as possible· for listing in this column; it could bring yoq som~ extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: Dusty Times, 207 61 Plum, mer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311,5003 October 2009 Trail N.ot:es ... 1606 Cody Robinson, El Centro, Calif./Roberto Romo, Mexicali, Mexico, Romo, 1607 Christopher Fogle, Palmdale, Calif., Jimco, 1608 Brad Wilson, Long Beach, Calif./Justin Munyon, San Clemente, Calif., Penhall, 1609 Luke McMillin, El Cajon, Calif., Jimco, 1611 Eric Duran/Hiram Duran, Tecate, Calif., Neth, 1612 Samuel Araiza, La Paz, Mexico/ Federico Montes, Ensenada, Mexico,.Fraley, 1647 Rob Archibald, Alpine, Calif./Kevin Walsh, Poway, Calif., Mirage, 1648 Hiram Duran/Evan Duran_, Tecate, Calif., Neth, 1649 Justin Smith, Capistrano Beach, Calif/Cameron Steele, San Clemente, Calif./ Andy De Vercelly IV, El Cajon, Calif., Fraley. CLASS 3 (Short Wheelbase 4X4)-300 Donald Moss, Sacramento, Calif., Ford Bronco, 301 Daniel Wright, Rio Vista, Calif./Daniel Field, Fruitland, Idaho, Ford Bronco, 302 Darren Skilton, Orange, Calif., Jeep Wrangler, 349 Kirk Kovel, Cascade, Colo., Ford Bronco. CLASS 5 (Unlimited VW Baja Bugs)-500 Kevin Carr, San Diego/ Perry McNeil, Lemon Grove, Calif. 501 Shaun Dunbar, La Mesa, Calif./John Castillo, Santee, Calif. 519 Carlos Albanez/Richard Escamilla, Hanford, Calif. CLASS 5/ 1600 (1600cc VW Baja Bugs)- 551 Alonso Angulo, Ensenada, Mexico/Mario Reynoso, Tijuana, Mexico, 552 Patrick Dailey, Bonsall, Calif./Cody Stuart, Capistrano Beach, Calif. CLASS 6 (UNLIMITED, PRODUCTION MINI TRUCKS) - 601 Robert Pickering, Las Vegas/ Bryant Layton, Wildomar, Calif., Ford Ranger, 607 Steve Kovach, Chandler, Ariz./Chip Carr, Gilbert, Ariz., Ford Ranger, 608 Heidi Steele, San Clemente, Calif., Ford Ranger. CLASS 7 (Open, production mini trucks)-700 Dan Chamlee/Tom Chamlee, Carpenteria, Calif., Ford Ranger, 701 Jose Canchola Jr./Elias Canchola, Mexicali, Mexico, Ford Ranger, 702 Brandon Walsh, Encinitas, Calif./Travis Freedman, Salome, Ariz., Toyota Tacoma, 703 Igor Galvan, Bahia de Los Angeles, Mexico/Oscar Solaiza, Ensenada, Mexico, Ford Ranger, 704 Aaron Celiceo, San Diego/Adrian Celiceo, San Ysidro, Calif., Toyota Tacoma. CLASS 7SX (Modified, open mini trucks)-741 Jeff Fuller, Beverly Hills, Calif., Toyota Tacoma, 742 Norman Turley, Long Beach, Calif., Ford Ranger, 759 John Holmes, Olivenhain, Calif., Ford Ranger, CLASS 7-2 (Unlimited 2.2/2.4 Liter Truck)- 781 Wes Bevly IV /Billy Wilson, Corpus Christi, Texas. CLASS 8 (Full-sized two-wheel drive trucks)-839 Clyde Stacy, Bristol, Va./Justin Matney, Bristol, Tenn., Chevy Silverado. CLASS 10 (Single or two-seaters to 1650cc)- 1001 Corey Keysar, Colorado Springs, Colo., Jimco-Honda, 1002 Steve Restivo, Yorba Linda, Calif./ Kevin Reardon, Anaheim Hills, Calif., Porter-Honda, 1003 Jose Gonzalez/Jesus Acosta, Ensenada, Mexico, Dunrite-Honda, 1004 Lonny Hart, Desert Hills, Ariz./ Scott Martenson, Peoria, Ariz., Tatum-Honda, 1000 Mike Lawrence, Banning, Calif./Blake Kirkpatrick, Hacienda Heights, Calif./, Lothringer-VW, 1006 Javier Robles/Javier Robles Jr., Ope Victoria, Mexico, Jimco-Honda, 1007 Bekki Wik/ Adam Wik, Las Vegas,-Bunderson-Honda, 1008 Scott Gailey/Scott Whipple, Norco, Calif., GET-VW, 1009 Adam Ashcraft, Vista, Calif./Jesse Ashcraft, San Marcos, Calif., AlumiCraft-VW, 1048 Sergio Salgado/Ricardo Corvera, Mexicali, Mexico, Lothringer-Honda, 1049 Jose Lynch/Jason Defalco, Tustin, Calif., AlumiCraft-VW. SCORE LITE {VW-powered, Limited single-1776cc-or two-seaters-1835cc)- 1201 Bill Hemquist, San Diego/ Rick Ellison, Dinuba, Calif., Jimco, 1202 John Langley, Santa Monica, Calif./Mike Urbano, Long Beach, Calif., Penhall, 1203 Ronny Wilson, Long Beach, Calif./L.J. Kennedy, Orange, Calif., Jimco, 1204 Ty Godde, Palmdale, Calif./Jim Greenway, Ojai, Calif., Henry, 1205 Zak Langley/Margan Langley, Santa Monica, Calif., Penhall, 1206 Jerry Longo, Alta Loma, Calif./Chuck Sacks, Canyon Lake, Calif., 1207 John Padgett/Ryan Nikata, Canada, Kreger, Henry's Electric, 1200 Rick St. John, Encinitas, Calif./ Adam Pfankuch, Carlsbad, Calif., Duvel, 1249 Brent Parkhouse, Long Beach, Calif./Brian Burgess, Riverside, · Calif., Moulton, CLASS 11 (Stock VW Sedans)-1149 Eric Solorzano, Tijuana, Mexico/Robert Johnson, Ahwahnee, Calif., STOCK FULL (Stock, Full-sized trucks)- 878 Joe Baca!, Anthem, Ariz., Lexus LX570, 879 Justin Matney, Bristol, Tenn./William Aylor, Union, Ky., Dodge Ram 2500. STOCK MINI (Stock, Mini-sized trucks)- 779 Gavin Skilton, Anaheim, Calif./Vlad Chioreanu, Santa Monica, Calif., Honda Ridgeline. CLASS 2 (Limited, 2.2 Liter open-wheel car)- 201 Dee Savage, Sportsman CAR-SPT 1400 Peter Lang/Brian Jellison, Santa Rosa, Calif., Homebuilt-Chevy, 1401 Bill Bice/Marc Ausman/Joe Gilmore, Albuquerque, N.M., Play Tech-Chevy. TRUCK-1501 Nick Tonelli, Huntington Beach, Calif./ Gil Aguirre, Carlsbad, Calif., Ford Ranger, 1502 Joe Aguayo, San Jacinto, Calif./ Abraham Cueva, Pala, Calif., Ford F-150, 1503 Ken Frazier, Waddell, Ariz./Larry Crider, Phoenix, Chevy Silverado, 1549 Michael PasznikJr., Monroe, N.J./Michael Pasznik Sr. / Jason Pasznik, Toms River, N.J., Toyota Tacoma. LUCAS OIL PREsENTS BULLY Doo SUPERLITE TRUCK RACING -Corona, California (September 4th, 2009) -On Labor Day, Monday September 7th at 4:30pm ET, the Outdoor Channel premtered the Bully Dog SuperLite Truck Championship Series. The Bully Dog SuperlLite Series competes on the most grueling off road tracks ever built in equally matched spec built trucks making for a true drivers class. Presented by Bully Dog Technologies, the show will provide viewers with an inside look at what it takes to field a professional short course off road racing team. Viewers will meet the teams and get to know the meri behind the wheel who compete in the intensely competitive world of short course off road racing. In addition, the Outdoor Channel show will feature highlights of the Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series Kart racing class with the future stars of short course off road racing. The Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series (LOORRS) is the evolution of the long standing support of short course racing by Forrest Lucas and Lucas Oil. Steeped in the Midwest tradition of short course off road racing infused with a West Coast influence, LOORRS brings intense four wheel door to door action to challenging, fan friendly tracks. Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series: This is Short Course. For more information please visit No CRANDON FOR "CRANDON CARL" RENEzlIDER -The Fall Crandon event is epic every year, and with this being the 40th anniversary celebration, it's poised to be one of the most memorable'of all. The racing is always outstanding, but it's the fans that make it an experience teams never forget. "Because the fans have treated us so well for so long, I feel compelled to send out this release explaining why we can't be in Crandon this year, and to let everyone know that I truly wish I could be there," commented multi-time World Champion, "Crandon Carl" Renezeder. "As we put our original 2009 schedule together, we intended to put Labor Day Crandon on that schedule," Renezeder continued. "However, Travis Coyne's experience in Texas at the firstTORC race of the season was a clear ' indication that we wouldn't be allowed to run our trucks at a TORC event; we would run into the same sponsorship constraints. We were disappointed as we realized early in the year that Crandon most likely wasn't going to be a possibility for us." Then, a few weeks ago Renezeder received a call on his cell phone from the Crandon community and the track asking if there was anything they could do to help the team come to the race. They wanted Renezeder there to help celebrate forty years of racing and hoped to highlight some of his achievements there over the last ten years. "I felt honored to receive the invitation," Renezeder humbly admitted. "My more Trail Notes ,np•1•47 Page 7

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~llllJi~ VEGAS TO RENO McMillins overall By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Andy and Scott McMillin had a really great race,they took the Class 1400 win and they were the overall winner as well in their Ford. · · The father and son team of Andy and Scott McMillin paired their considerable talents in August and drove their Ford Trick Truck to the win at the Best in the Desert's highly touted "Vegas to Reno, The Long Way" event in the time of 17:47:52. While it actually started in Beatty and finished in Dayton, it's traditionally been given the Vegas to Reno name since its inception in 1982 as one of Walt Lott's events. Even Lott's race finished in Dayton. A few years ago the BITD had a series of multi-day events which, while they didn't attract huge numbers of racers, were well liked by those who entered. The most recent was the McMillin 1000, which was held in 2005. That was actually a four-day event, starting in Beatty and finishing in Tonopah on Thursday, then starting and finishing in Tonopah on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Contestants' families and crew were stashed in a massive campground near the Jonopah high school, and the start and finish were fairly close by each day. It worked well for the racers, but was clearly stressful and difficult for the BITD staff and volunteers. This event was similar ·in many ways. The contingency, tech inspection, start-position determining Time Trials and mandatory drivers' meeting took place in Henderson. Then it all moved north, where a huge fenced compound had been dozed smooth at the side of an east/west dirt road just south of Beatty. Beginning in the late afternoon the crews and families started to arrive, in modern caravans featuring 40 foot motorhomes, toy haulers, pickups, flat car trailers, biker box vans and every possible variation of chase vehicles. The BITD had asked for a count of motorhomes (and their length) so they'd be able to plan accordingly for parking. At some point they had reportedly reached a census of more than 600 motorhomes. That seems a gross overstatement, but there were certainly more than we'd ever seen in one place before. Many of them were rentals and clearly being piloted by nervous drivers. (There aren't enough motels in the area to service such a crowd, thus the high number of motorhomes.) It was an awesome sight. Until 2 a.m. they streamed into the compound and at five a.m. the bikers started lining up, for their very early start. Cars and trucks didn't take off until 9:30, and the seemingly endless parade of support vehicles, motorhomes, campers, chase trucks and the like headed north to Tonopah. Although there were huge numbers of chase and support vehicles, the total entry ~--~~~~"""'~~Pf?'~ of car/ truck racers was down from the previous two events of this season. There were just 159 cars and trucks, while there'd been 261 at Parker and 211 at Primm. There did seem to be lots and lots of bikes and quads however. Vehicles on the highway traversed only 94 miles to reach Tonopah. But that day the course spent about 20 miles on the east side of Highway 95 and then crossed the pavement and did some serious zigzagging to make it 332 miles for the racers. They finished across the street from the McDonald's in Tonopah. Meantime, all those motorhomes, which had had to drive only 94 miles, got to Tonopah early in the . day. The planned parking area for the race teams was overwhelmed. "Overflow" parking filled up quickly also, and -later arriving teams wanered around looking for space to park. The way the three-day format worked was· a bit complex. As each driver finished his race for the day, he pul,led into a "free zone". Within this zone he was free to check over his vehicle and radio to his crew a list of things that needed fixing. · He could not make any repairs, nor could any pit person come out tq work on the car. He could stay in the free zone as long as he wished. This was important, because if a team had more than one vehicle, Kevin Colan, with help from the Flores clan was the big winner in the 1500 (Class 1) contest, seen here in the big Bunderson. they'd need to finish with one before the other came into the pits. There was also the chance that the vehicle might need a part that the crew didn't have. In that case, they could scout around to beg or borrow the necessary items. They could even drive to the parts store, or another town if necessary. The weary driver could eat and drink and talk on his phone or radio, but couldn't do anything else. Once the race . vehicle was cool enough to work on and the crew was set up, the driver would "check out" of the free zone. He was given a piece of paper with his car number and . his departure time on it, and he had a time limit for getting to the pit area. If he wandered away, or stopped for some reason, and went over time, he'd receive a penalty. When he entered the pit area he was timed again, and then his crew had an hour to make the necessary repairs. It's fairly amazing what a crew can do in an hour if they know in advance what they need and can be all set up. If they got the car sorted out within the hour, the driver then took it to impound, going back through the time clock, and having his departure time from the pits recorded. The car was then left in the impound area for the night. If the crew used more than an hour to make repairs the extra time, plus some penalty was added to the driver's time for the day, potentially costing him positions. Each morning they lined up in the order in which they'd finished the night before: not in their actual corrected-time position relative to one another. Bikes and quads and UTVs started early each day, and the cars would go off the line about 9 a.m. If a team had a · disaster like losing a transmission, and didn't have time to repair it on course, they could "take a DNF" for the day, and then make the necessary repairs in the pits. There was some way of recording their time also, and each team could have one "DNF day" during the event, and still be considered a finisher. No one seemed to be entirely certain how it worked, but quite a few teams took advantage of it. On the second day i:he racers covered 367 miles between Tonopah and Hawthorne, which was .a 103 mile cruise for the team vehicles on the highway. The racers actually began the day headed south, went down below Goldfield, crossed 95, then came back north to Tonopah and then did some serious wandering through the desert to the outskirts of Hawthorne. The third day did a similar thing, in that they started out headed south and went nearly all the way back to Tonopah, before turning northward again, and going through Gabbs, Rawhide, Top Gun, and then westward.and into the Rodeo grounds on the outskirts of Dayton. The racers drove 297 miles that day, to the 109 miles for the motorhomes. , Chase teams were another matter, because they had to do a lot of backtracking and charging off into the desert, it was often difficult for them to get to their assigned pit on time. Logistically, it was difficult for the BITD folks also. Each day the course marking team was out marking the next day's course, staying ahead, but not far enough ahead to let any racers scope it out in advance. The Beatty start line arch had to be deflated and moved to become the Tonopah finish line, and then it stayed in place as the start for the next morning, but as the last vehicle left it was unceremoniously deflated an'd moved on to the finish line at Hawthorne. Once again, it overnighted, but then had to be moved to Dayton to become the final finish. Check point personnel had long days, and then moved on to do it again and again. Road crossing teams did the same, and radio teams and radio relay folks also had to keep up with the northward run. It must have been a real challenge to find the people necessary to man such an undertaking. Bryce Menzies and Larry Job were the Class 10 winners, they're seen here . hustling their Jimco to the north. McRae Glass and friends hustled the Class 8 Ford to the class win, they're seen here chewing up the soft stuff on the way . The communities in the area loved it. Motels and hotels filled up, convenience stores were full of customers, gas stations were busy, fast food emporiums had long lines, and all in the heat o_f summer. And, as opposed to the years when the course was a one-day affair, this time the racers spent a night each in Beatty, Tonopah and Hawthorne. The local newspaper publisher said Pages October 2009 Dusty Times

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'· .. Ryan and Steve Staats flew their Ford northward and took the win in the Class 1200 battle, seen here just airborne. David Caspino drove his Ford to the Class 7200 (Class 7) gold medal, David had two hours on the competition at race end. again, the McMillin Ford Truck was first on the road (behind the bikes, quads and UTVs). Scott McMillin, Andy's dad, was driving on Friday. B. J. Baldwin started right behind him, a minute and 32 seconds back on corrected time in his Chevy. But they were flagged off one minute apart. Kevin Colan and T. J. Flores, who'd finished first in Class 1500, started third on Friday, and Kory Halopoff who replaced Harley Letner in their Class 1500 car, started fourth. Behind them it was the Voss family Trick Truck, then Gary Weyhrich in his 1500 car, then Danny Anderson in Pat Dean's Bunderson. Behind Anderson Kory Scheeler started in his Ford Trick Truck. He's bought Wayne Lugo's truck to replace his which burnt to ashes at the April Primm event. Behind Scheeler it was the Herbst Trick Truck, with all three brothers, Tim, Ed and Troy, signed on, but Troy would drive all the way. And behind them, Jesse Jones' new Geiser-built Ford, with Alan Pflueger driving on Friday Oones did all the driving on Thursday.) Starting just behind them it was Berri, and then Rick D. Johnson in his Ford Trick Truck. Mike Bilek's HMS was next in the lineup, followed by Tracy Rubio in his Ford Trick Truck. Then it was Todd Jergensen in his Chevy, and the Herbst 1500 car, with Tim driving. So it was a mix of Trick Trucks and 1500 cars at the front of the pack, and the first vehicle in a different class was the team of Bryce Menzies and Larry Job in that the influx of dollars into move." They'd torn off an arm. Hawthorne would be huge. They There was a rollover at Mile 37, were thrilled to have the racers and it was reported that a UTV spending the night in their town. had burned down by about noon. The race was marred by tragedy Clive Skilton, in a Jeep was on the first day, when Tony reported taking a DNF for the Sorenson, in the #68 Trick Truck, day, and Justin Arnold and Glenn suffered a heart attack and died Davidson were on their lid at Mile while at the wheel. Sadly, his son, 55. It never got any better. T. J., was riding with him at· the In the pits on Thursday time. The truck simply slowed night the Weyhrich team and came to a stop off course worked furiously to replace the and medical help was there very transmission in their Trick Truck, quickly, but there was nothing to so they'd be able to start on the be done. Our condolences go out second day and go on to finish. to the Sorenson family. Their trans had overheated, but On Thursday as pit crews and the sensor had failed and Mark spectators traveled northward on Weyhrich, who was driving hadn't Highway 95 they could overhear realized it was getting hot 'til it radio reports from racers and was too late. He said it "burned course personnel. Two hours all the lines off the trans -melted into the race a plaintive call them." They ran four miles in came from Steve Raskett and reverse, but realized they-wouldn't Jake Johnson· who said they were have time to fix it in a pit, so broken at Mile 76.4, and "cannot they took a DNF for the day and headed to the Tonopah end-of-day pits. Billy Bunch's crew spent all day and into the evening working on their' 7100 truck. Bunch had lost a rear upper control arm, after reporting that he'd "passed everyone in the class." Co-driver Dave Turner was hopeful they'd get it ready for Ftiday's start. The working pit area at Tonopah was a zoo, with pit vehicles parked in all directions and cars pulled in willy-nilly. Some racers finishing their stint used precious minutes of their permitted hour wandering around looking for their pit if the crew hadn't thought to send a member over to lead him to it. Sam Berri's crew, which is a group of volunteers, replaced a C.V. boot, welded a rear arm and performed routine maintenance and had Berri's car off to the impound in 54 minutes. Pat Dean had only a 2, 163 Rooms And Suites 60 Table Games 2,300 Slot Machines Poker Room Race & Sports Book 800-Seat Bingo Room 16 Movie Theaters couple of flats to report, but the Jones family, in a 1200cc buggy. Reported that the jack had been knocked off the car by a rock, and the floor pan had hit something and folded back. Macrae Glass, in a Class 8000 Ford truck had had one flat and "one half flat" at the same time, and was carrying only one spare. So he drove a while on the half flat. Harley Letner, in his Class 1 Tatum, finished about fourth, reporting that he'd lost his brakes at Mile 30. In the pits Thursday night they bled them and changed the calipers within their allotted hour. Others weren't so efficient, or lucky, and some worked all night to repair major problems. On Friday_ morning the finishers lined up in the order in which they'd finished, with those who'd taken a DNF at the back of the pack. This meant that once 8 Restaurants Continued an page.10 65,000 Sq. Ft. Of Meeting Space 4,500 Seat Equestrian & Event Center 80,000 Sq. Ft. Exhibit Hall Spa & Fitness Center Showroom 64-Lane Bowling Center ~~6 1-866-791-76Q6 • LAS VEGAS BLVD AT S/LVERADO RANCH• SOUTHPOINTCAS/NO.COM Dusty Times October 2009 Page9

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It was a nice win in Class 1100 for Jake Jones and his crew, Jake had more than an hour and a half lead on his competition. Greg Parker saves a bit of tire wear as he heads to the 1600cc win, Greg had 20 minutes on his competition at race end. their Class 1000 Jimco. Job drove There was, if anything, more he'd passed Halopoff when he "pretty uneventful" drive. They'd Thursday, so Menzies was driving silt and more rocky stuff on had a flat. Said Anderson, "We changed their transmission and Friday. Right behind them was Friday. They also got up into decided to cruise." He stayed three coils and put in a rear end the first Class 8000 truck, the some high altitudes, which gave behind B.J., until B.J. stopped at in the Tonopah end-of-day pit, Toyota of Ted Hunnicutt and some people problems. Mina for repairs. and they'd gone overtime and Mike Horner. Whereas on Thursday the McMillin came in next, with had to start Friday way back in Back near the rear of Friday's media had been excluded from the story about his dad's flats, and the start order. lineup there was an interesting the "free zone", and thus unable reporting that he'd had one also. B. J. Baldwin finished a few group of cars, mostly muffled to talk to finishers as they came He said he'd had no rear brakes minutes later, not terribly late and quiet, looking oddly tall in, on Friday in Hawthorne, that for a while. considering that he'd had to have and with radiators that looked error was rectified. The "free Troy Herbst was next to finish major repairs midway. vulnerable. Only one or two of zone" was on the outskirts of in the Herbst Trick Truck. He When Mark Weyhrich finished them had made the full distance the town; in a slightly elevated said he'd had a flat that cost "2 he reported he'd had a front flat, on Thursday. These were the area that had a nice view of what and a half or 3 minutes", and he'd and his motor had been "kind of "rock racers", which have been the locals told us is the "largest also stopped for a rear tire change sour" from time to time. Then he built to compete in the new munitions storage facility in the halfway. Herbst said the course said that when his brother, Gary, rock-racing that's growing in world." The road from the "free was "wav. silty today, and when it lost the motor in the 1500 car he popularity. For some reason zone" to the pit area was about five was rocky, it was ROCKY!" He'd went to tow him out. He nearly · the King of the Hammers eyent miles long, skirting the edge of been the sole driver on Thursday drove into a ravine while towing (happening some time in the some military area (which is most also, and on that day had a bad him, hit the brakes just at the last future) has declared that this event of the area around Hawthorne) jack problem. moment and stopped on the edge, would be a "qualifying event" for and thus the speed limit was Rick D. Johnson finished about angled partly over. Then he got their race. (As one of the rock- carefully watched. Racers, once six minutes later reporting that out and unhooked Gary, and gave racers said, "You 're wondering timed out, had a 15 or 20 minute he'd been in "dust all day -it was the truck the gas and. drove down why I need to run this 1000 mile time limit for their transit. tough." On Thursday he'd had into the ravine and right back up event to qualify for a 100 mile It was another hot day. About a rock get behind the alternator and out. Then he went back and race? So am I!") Most of them three or three-and-a-half hours pulley and the serpentine belt was hooked Gary on again. had time consuming problems on into the day word came that B. cut. He'd replaced it and had to The sun set behind the Thursday, but they gamely made J. Baldwin was first on the road, work on the fan and had lost 15 mountains on the far side of repairs and showed up on Friday chased by Danny Anderson in minutes. the valley and it grew dark, and morning. They started at almost Pat Dean's car, and then T. J. Behind Johnson it was T.J . cool. Cars, trucks, bikers and theverybackofthepack,eventhe Flores, who'd taken over for Flores, who'd got into his car at quad riders continued to come few of them who'd finished the Kevin Colan. Scott McMillin, Mile 208. He reported that he'd in until about 11:30. The lritrack previous day, because the officials who had his daughter, Jessica, in had three flat tires, but Kevin folks reported four cars not thought they might be a bit slow, the passenger's seat, had induced Colan, who'd started· the day in moving on a rocky/silty hill seven and back there they wouldn't be a couple of flats. Each time he the car, hadn't had any problems. miles before the finish line (Mile a hazard. They'd started just in and Jessica had to both get out Alan Pflueger showed up next 360). If mental energy could front of the Sportsman Class on to make the change and it was in Jesse Jones' car. He said that have moved them they'd have all Thursday also. Missing on the time consuming. They decided Jones had lost the brakes on floated in as all of the lritrack second day was the Trick Truck to put Andy back into the truck Thursday and they thought they folks and their crews waited and of Jerry Whelchel and Chet at Tonopah, which was about had fixed them, but he'd lost hoped they'd get going again. Huffman, which was seen on its 100 miles into Friday's drive. them today also. He'd hit a rock Only Chris Cortez, who'd taken trailer. Kevin McGillivray's truck (Confusing - because they started and flattened a tire and the air over for Luke McMillin in the was missing also. Chuck Hovey, at Tonopah and dropped south, jack didn't work. All in all, he family's 1600, was able to find who'd put his big motor in his then came back up through said, "it's a great truck." a way. He had Tyler Hall riding old car, and found it "scary fast" Tonopah before heading into Then Sam Berri came in, with him, and he made Hall get in testing, had blown the motor totally new territory for this day.) reporting that he'd had three out and push. They were almost on Thursday. Six other Class Radio reports announced that flats, and lost a cooling fan on the the last car to finish that day. 1500 cars failed to start on Friday. B. J. Baldwin had pitted for a radiator. But he had p.o serious Little by little the finishers There were two 7200 cars on transmission replacement, and trouble. got the word that their pits were the DNS list, and the 1200 class dropped way back, but he'd been Robby Pierce finished in the ready for them and they headed car of Matt and Kurtis Kupiec. first on the road. But as the day Staats Chevy Trick Truck at-about in to the compound. Many teams Kent Kroeker's big Dodge wasn't drew to an end, it was Danny 5:30, an hour after the first car thrashed all night while the there, nor were another five or Anderson who came in first, in got in. Will ..Staats had started drivers · got some food and rest. six vehicles in various classes. Pat Dean's car, at about 4:30. He in the morning and had one flat. Early in the morning they were all Because most of them apparently said he'd stopped only for gas all Pierce got in at Pit 6, (Redlich, back up and at it again, this time didn't reach Tonopah, we've no day. He'd seen the Weyhrich car Mile 565 for the three-day event, heading out for a drive of 297 idea what hap ened to them all. stop ed before the first pit, and Mile 234 for Friday) and had a miles. This day was the hardest -------------------'-'-----------for the chase vehicles, because some of the pits were way off the highway. If a team got to Pit 5 before their race vehicle they'd have to cover so many miles to get to Pit 6 or Pit 7 that the race car would beat them there. It made for some difficult logistics. And it was still hot. (Ed. Note: We wrote this story two weeks after the race was over, and the "official" three-day results had not yet been computed, so we have used the positions listed on the unofficial results. Please be aware there may be differences once things are made official.) The first four-wheeled vehicle to finish was the Herbst Trick Truck, with Troy still at the wheel. He reported a perfect day, but said he'd lost the clutch which "slowed us down a little bit." This was just the third race for this new truck, and he reported no flats this day. When asked how he liked the three-day event, he said; "I love the format." He'd passed McMillin when he pulled over early for some reason. We asked him about catching up with the UTVs, which started at the tail end of the bike/ quad group and he said, "The Polaris guys were all watching their mirrors." When Herbst's times for the three days were totaled up, he had finished in second place, about four minutes behind the winning team. McMillin finished a few moments later. He said he'd had a flat tire when he came out of a turn and it ".popped." They couldn't get the jack out, and had to dig out their spare, which was a little floor jack. This meant some time digging under the big 39" tire to get it free of the ground. They said they'd been wishing for their old 37 inch tires while they were doing that. McMillin said he'd run in Flores's dust for ..; the final 60 miles or so. He also said that this was his third day of driving, and "it takes a lot out of you." Andy's dad, Scott, said he liked the three-day format, and went on to say, "We had to work hard every day, had good barbecues every night, everybody worked hard." After about 15 minutes of suspense, the timing and scoring people announced that the McMillins had the three-day victory. Rick D. Johnson also finished in front of McMillin by a few moments. He said it had been an "uneventful" day, and he'd passed Andy while he was changing a flat. Johnson had "no flats -no nothing" on Saturday. He said the truck ran solid, and never got hot. Asked how he liked the three-day format, he said, "It's long - everybody seemed to like it - it's a good event." His three day total gave him third place in The Herbst boys, Tim, Troy and Ed were the silver medal Sam Berri, always a hard competitor in his Jimco,took second In the Class 7300 contest it was Kellon Walch pushing his Ford winners in Ciass 1400, they were less than four minutes out place honors in the 1500 Class, he was about 30 minutes in for all it was worth, Kellon was quite happy with his win. of the class win. _ar_r_ea_r_s_a_t_t_h_e_f._la-=g'-.--------------'----Page 10 October 2009 Dusty Times J

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f. It was a nice win in Class 8100 for Greg Foutz, Greg and his Ford had a couple of hours on his competition when the checkers flew. the Trick Truck division. B.J. Baldwin said that on Saturday he'd wanted "to have a really good time." He had, he said "entertained everybody -did donuts in my fuel stop." He reported that Day One had gone as planned, but on Day Two he'd lost the trans, so he'd apparently just decided to enjoy Day Three. He did say that his team "liked the three-day format a lot." Jesse Jones and Alan Pflueger earned fifth place in the Trick Truck class in their Ford. Jones said they worked on the brakes every night. They "never got them really fixed, and after about 100 miles they went completely away." He said they'd spent about an hour working.on them. Jones also said he'd been "showing everyone my talent and ran out," and rolled his truck in his pit. Pflueger drove only Friday, Jones drove Thursday and Saturday. He said they "had a good time." Mark McMillin finished sixth in his new Trick Truck. This was his first race in a Trick Truck and his first words at the end of Saturday were; "Now this is fun!" On Thursday he'd said, "This is like cheating!" Brian Ewalt did some of the driving, and he'd made an error at one point that cost them about 20 minutes. He'd pulled out in someone else's dust and got the truck high centered in a hole he couldn't see. He and navigator, Cameron Parrish, had to get out the shoyel and go to work. They used sticks Dusty Times and brush and filled up the hole so they could drive out. Mark Weyhrich had a good day on Saturday and finished in a time that would have given him a Saturday-only fifth place, but because of that DNF on Thursday, his Trick Truck final finish position is 11th. He said his "biggest hurdle" had been getting around the Protrucks, and he'd hit a rock passing them and flattened a tire, and they all went by again. Mark said he "struggled through the dust" all the way. He and Gary really like the three-day format, and he says he's the one who asked Casey to make this event into a three-day race. Will Staats and Robbie Pierce had mixed results this race. After replacing the trans on Thursday night they'd had a good run Friday, and Saturday looked pretty good until ten miles before the finish, Will lost the motor. As Will's daughter, Emily, who rides with him, put it, "We had a fatal motor something_ happen." To that point their day had been good, marred only by three flat tires. After they sat there a while, along came Rob MacCachren in his Class 8000 Ford Raptor and he towed them the rest of the way in. Emily was relieved. She said she hated the idea of running 989 miles of a 999 mile long race and then just being parked out there. They're listed as seventh. In eighth place it was the team of Michael Voudouris and Jeff Geiser. Voudouris had had plug Karl Scanlon, seen here nicely airborne, flew his car to the Class 3000 win in the very competitive wire problems on Thursday and an axle had fallen out, making it a long day. Friday, with Geiser driving, they'd had no problems, but he'd collected some tire marks on his door, a souvenir of passing a 1600 car very closely. Geiser said it had been "dusty dusty." On Saturday, with Voudouris back at the wheel, they got a good finish, but all he could say was that "something's wrong with the motor, or the timing's off." In ninth place it was the team of Greg Nunley and Tom Carr, in a Ford. Their weekend was truly a mix of the good and the bad. They finished on Thursday, but when they went to line up on Friday the Ford wouldn't run. By the time they got it working they were late to the start. This team had a helicopter and at least one of their wives was riding in it, along with some other folks, and a person taking videos. On Friday, when they stopped in a pit for some routine work, the helicopter hovered so the photographer could get some good shots. Something went wrong and the helicopter fell to the ground. The passenger in · the race truck watched in horror. But, miraculously, everyone in the 'copter was able to get up and, they said, "walk away." Some of them must have been hobbling, because they had an assortment of broken bones and bad bruises, but no life-threatening injuries. The whole bunch were taken away to the hospital, and as they October 2009 went they assured the race team that they'd be okay, and the truck was to continue with the race. They'd lost about an hour and a half with the incident, but they went on. On Saturday they said "it was rough." They hit a rock in the dust and flattened a tire and lost their power steering. And to add to their problems, the power steering fluid "caught on fire." Tom Carr did the driving · on Friday and Saturday. Nunley drove on Thursday. Tenth place went to Ryan and Richard Voss in a Ford. Ryan drove Thursday and Saturday and Richard, the dad, drove on Friday. He broke the valve cover studs, and then snapped the rear end housing in half. They had a DNF that day. Thursday and Saturday their times were good, and they even had no flat tires on Saturday. They said there will be a new truck for the next race. Kory Scheeler and his new Ford finished only one day, and it was the same for Tracy Rubio, Todd Jergensen, Ron Whitton and Steve Strobel. Another four Trick Trucks didn't even get that first day done. In the 1500 class, after running well for two days, T. J. Flores ·and Kevin Colan followed through with a third good day in their Bunderson. T. J. drove the entire distance on Thursday, but on Friday and Saturday they each did half. On Saturday Colan said he "drove steady" on his section, with no problems. They finished fourth overall, and first in Class 1500, with a three day time of 18:05:42. The second place finisher was Berri, who said he'd gone off a turn and flattened a tire on the last day. He said it was "the flat from hell." The car fell off the jack and "I had to dig holes. It seemed like I was down forever." And then he finished on a right rear that was almost flat. When asked how he liked these three-day events, he said, "It's hard with a volunteer crew, to get the whole crew to take off for that length of time. But it's fun!" His total time was 18:35:55. Third place went to Dennis and Richard Boyle in an HMS. Dennis drove on Thursday and Friday, with no major problems, and Richard drove on Saturday. He had a good day, but had two flats, "one right after another." He said he'd changed one but drove ten miles on the next one. Their three-day time was 20: 17:20. In fourth place it was Mike Bilek and Steve Jangaard, in an HMS. They both drove each day, and on Thursday and Friday had nothing more serious than flats. On Saturday they lost reverse gear, and they had only one flat, but the jack didn't work properly. Jangaard, who drove the second half on Saturday, thought it was a very dusty day. Their three-day time was 20:54:33. Fifth place went to Vince Galewick who did all the driving all three days in his DuneBuggy. He said he'd had two flats each on Thursday and Friday, but Saturday had been a clean day. It was, he said, "a great race - amazing." His total time was 21:01:09. In sixth it was Pat Dean and Danny Anderson in a Bunderson. Pat drove Thursday, Danny drove Saturday and those were good days, a_nd they'd definitely been in contention for the overall win. But Day 3 wasn't so hot. Said Pat, "I gave it away." At Mile 10 he "lost it" in a set of rollers, and ripped the front arm off the car. He lost about four hours with repairs. He was not a happy camper. Their total time added up to 21:52:51. Seventh place went to Tim Continued on page 12 Page 11

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Mike Lawrence and his crew raced to a second place finish in Troy Vest and friends raced their Chevy to a second place finish Kevin and Brian Smith drove their Mirage to a second place finish in the Class ½-1600 race, seen here beating the silt. Class 1000, they're seen here at high speed on the course. in Class 1200, seen here just a takeoff. .. -· ,f'':'° ·---""'~ ... Todd Elam was third in a Safari. He did all the driving and had two flats on Thursday, and lost a circlip on an axle on Friday, and took the time to fix it. On Saturday he started with a flat, and then threw a steering belt. But he said the second half of the day went well once he got out of the dust. It was a nice win in Class 5500 for Nick Baldwin on the Vegas To Reno run, Nick is seen here hustlin' around a sharp right hander. The big winner in the Class 7S contest was Rick Doetsch, Rick is seen here at high speed on the hard stuff in his Ford. Wes Harbor, Bill Lott and Gaylord Rodman, in a Skeeter Built car were the next finishers. On Thursday Harbor, who owns the car (and also owns the VORRA series up north) and Lott had no problems and no flats. On Friday Rodman and Lott drove and they again had no problems and no flats. But on Saturday Harbor rolled it at Mile 776 and had to limp to Pit 3 for help. He'd bent a rear trailing arm and lost all his lights. Repairs cost them two or three hours. Herbst in his Ford powered buggy. He had about fourth place on Thursday, then ran third or fourth on Saturday, but had some kind of problems on Friday that _put him back. He got away before we could talk to him at the finish line. In eighth it was Chris Kemp and Dino Crescentini in a Jimco. Kemp did all the driving on Thursday and Friday. He had one flat each day, but he had belt and pulley problems on Friday, and it was a very long day. That day he said he drove 120 miles with the tensioner "zip tied tight." He said "It was a rough day." On Saturday he finished in a good time, but he left without telling his story. His total time was 23:49:04. Ninth place went to Tony Smiley and Rickie Gaunt in a Tatum. Smiley drove on Thur,Sday which was an o.k. day . . Gaunt drove all of Friday's miles, and he'd had a flat and had to have the header welded up, which cost him an hour. On Saturday, Smiley did the driving, and he'd had to replace an alternator at Mile 6. He said they used up five alternators in the three days. He also replaced a power steering pump, servo and rack and'Pinion. The "hard part was finding the right parts", said Smiley, "Some good people helped us out." He'd driven about 50 miles with no ower steering. Their total time was 24:03:08. Saturday got very long, and they he still had 100 miles to go, with Steve Raskett and Jake used up 12 hours getting to the no lights. They hadn't brought Johson, in a Porter, ripped a finish, for a tenth place finish. any lights with them. Other trailing arm off their car on John Koltura, Dave Perez and drivers were astounded as they Thursday and took a DNF for Joe Osteen shared the driving were hustling down the course that day. But they completed both in their Porter and they had trying to get to the finish that Friday and Saturday, their only electrical problems on Thursday, night and suddenly a car with no problem a couple of flats each day. and didn't get a finish. It seems lights would go by them. It was Rick Brabec did the driving the jack broke off and cut the apparently an eerie experience. in his Desert Dynamics chassis alternator wire and fried both In Class 1000 the first car in on Thursday and Friday and ha batteries. They had a good run and the apparent winner, was the only one flat for the two days. on Friday, and another good run team of Bryce Menzies and Larry He was pleased to be there, since on Saturday. Job in their Jimco. Each driver he broke his back in March at a Ron Gibbs finished on did half the driving each day. MORE race and this was his first Saturday in his Dune Buggy and They switched when they stopped time back behind the wheel. He reported that he'd had three flats for fuel. Job said the motor didn't was wearing a brace and feeling on Thursday, and had been rear-run well the first two days because good. Apparently he didn't get to ended by a Trick Truck on Friday. the map sensor wasn't working the finish line on Saturday. On Saturday he had one flat and right, thanks to a broken wire. It Chuck Dempsey and John "a little transmission problem." kept telling the motor it was at Herder, in a Jimco, shared the He had no fifth gear and couldn't sea level and it ran way too rich. driving both days. Herder started always find second either. He Once they found the broken wire and-Chuck finished. Dempsey was apparently the last 1500 car it worked fine, but that was the is still recovering from a badly to finish. last day. They had one flat on Matt Cullen started in his Alumicraft on Friday and Greg Blakeman did the last 170 miles. They had just one flat near the end of the day. They said that the transmission had locked up on Thursday at Mile 11. They got it free, but then it blew at Mile 200. They had another trans brought in from Los Angeles, and worked on ·• it until 5:30 a.m. Friday. 'Brothers Matt and Greg Blakeman did the driving on Saturday. Greg ripped a brake line off and drove without it. They had only a left front brake, which made the left turns easy, they said. They also had one flat. They're another VW powered Class 1000 car. broken right foot, result of a crash Kory Halopoff and Harley Saturday. Job said his recent short In Class 8000 Macrae Glass in short course racing. He said Letner didn't make it in on course racing experience was a big took the victory in his Ford. On it was not bothering him during Saturday, because they lost their help in the mountain roads. Thursday he'd had two flat tires this event. On the first day that motor early in the day. They In second place it was Mike at the same time and bent a link had alternator problems, wiring had a late day on Friday also Lawrence, in a VW powered bar, but Friday was better, with troubles and flats. On the second because they'd had a problem. Lothringer. He had one flat on no flats and only a "possible" fuel day they lost a water pump seal Their tensioner pull~y broke, Friday when he clipped a rock, pump problem. Overnight the and had flats. And on the third and Kory had to drive for a and the car ran hot both Thursday team put on new tires, changed day they had two flats. while without power steering. and Friday. Qn Saturday his the heims and added oil. But in Chuck Rodrick and Jeff Then they stopped and installed power steering belt came off at spite of all the coddling it "ran Quinn, in a DuneBuggy, had working power steering, and then Mile 80 or so, and that cost him ratty" for about 150 miles or so. three.flats on Thursday and three they lost an idler pulley. Their about 5 minutes. He said he When he took the win he said, "I flats on Friaay. Anq_. ~m Friday big problem was waiting for parts thinks his VW powered car is at can't believe it." they alsq had.a h,ote •in a hose to be brought out. Harley got in aslightdisadvantageonthehigh In second it was Rob and kept losing brake fluid. They to finish, and it got dark on him speed fire roads, but he liked the MacCachren and Steve Olliges in had to hose clamp a patch on it. by the time he got to Pit 8, and "three day deal." the Ford Raptor. They reported --------------------------.. ..--------------....a.------'--...... ---, Alan Hogan and his crew didn't do too bad, they drove their Ford The Lee Banning clan, Junior and Senior, drove their Foddrill to to a second place finish in class 7200, seen here haulin' freight. a second place finish in the Class 1100 contest. It was a second place finish in Class 8000 for Rob MacCachren and Steve 01/iges, seen here speeding their Ford across the desert. Page 12 October 2009 Dusty Times

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' • • • • 4 ~ ' ' ,. • • ' • ' • ~ • Randy Merritt and his crew raced their Ford pickup to a second Mike and Robbie McCarthy posted a second place finish in Class Mike Falkosky and crew drove their Ford to a second place finish place finish in Class 8100, seen here with the power on. 7100 in their Ford, they're seen here headin' for the flag. in the Class 3100 fracas, seen here throwin' silt. that Day 1 was "almost perfect", and day two they'd had to change a rack at Pit 1 and on Day 3 they'd changed a ring and pinion. MacCachren drove the second half of Day 1 and Day 3 and the start and end of Day 2. Olliges did the rest. As he was coming to the finish MacCachren came upon the deceased Staats Trick Truck and towed it in the last ten miles. Ted Hunnicutt and Mike Horner had a good time on Thursday, and looked as if they'd give Glass a battle with their Toyota. But they took a DNF on Friday, and then didn't finish on Saturday either. The Protruck win went to Ryan and Steve Staats in their Ford. They said that on Thursday a wheel flew off after a tire change and messed up the studs. It cost them about 20 minutes. But then on Friday they had no problems and no flats, but the steering was "getting loose" late in the Dusty Times day.· Ryan, who is the dad ·of this team, and Steve, his son, split the driving every day. Saturday was "good" - they had a flat about nine miles before the finish, and it took them about four minutes to make the change. They said they "love the three-day Vegas to Reno bit. It's a good time for everyone." In second it was probably Troy Vest in a Chevy. He drove all the way. On Thursday he had just one flat and called it an "awesome day." Friday he was reluctant to turn it off because he thought it wouldn't restart. On Saturday he said "a Trick Truck landed on top of us and broke our shock!" {Weyhrich's truck.) He finished about 25 minutes behind the Staats team. In third it was Aaron Guthrie who did all the driving in his Ford. He rolled it on Thursday and had a "few flats", and said he'd had "traffic and dust." On Friday he apparently had another fairly clean day, and cinched the third place. Dave Mason finished next. He had a really good time on Thursday in his Ford, but Friday was a long day for him, with several hours of down time. Then on Saturday things went well again. Rick Backus shared the driving chores with Mason, and they took fourth place. Rob Reinertson, Ford, had a pretty good day on Thursday, but on Friday he broke an axle and an A-arm and ran out of time. He got stuck because of the axle. That night they worked ·on the truck until about 5:30 a.m., but it was on six cylinders at the start. It turned out it had a broken plug, and they replaced it to solve that problem. They also got stuck in a sand wash. Reinertson drove all the way, all three days. The only other Pro Truck, Rob Clouser in the Dodge, had two DNF days. In Class 7200 the first driver over the line was David Caspino in his Ford. He ran at the front of the pack on Thursday and Friday, and was within a minute of the fast time on Saturday, to take the victory by almost exactly two hours. He said "We took our time -didn't make any mistakes -had no down time." In second place it was Al Hogan, another Ford, and Dane Cardone who shared the driving. They were running some 35" BFG test tires on the rear of the truck, and like them really well. Pat Bell rode with Cardone, and said, "They got me and Dane out of the mothballs." It's been a while since we'd seen them at a race. Third was Marc Burnett in a Ford. He'd been stuck in the silt once and had some transmission problems, so he replaced the trans on Friday night. On Saturday the truck was "awesome", and the replacement trans didn't overheat at all and the truck ran great for the first time. The fourth place truck, the Ford of Bill Kunz, had a pretty good day on Thursday, but then took a DNF on Friday when it "endoed into a roll" out of Pit 6. Greg Jones, who was driving at the time, went off to the hospital where he was diagnosed with a broke C3 vertebra. Bill Kunz drove the truck on Friday, and he and Jones had split the driving on Thursday. Jones, wearing a neck brace, was at the finish line to greet the truck when it arrived. In fifth it was Jason Rodriguez, Ford, who was towed into the "free zone" on Friday, some time after 11 p.m. Rodriguez did all the driving and he said he had "lots of problems." He had steering problems, he holed a transmission oil pan, he had no brakes for Friday and Saturday, he had two holes in his radiator, alternator problems and fan belt trouble. He also broke a tie rod and here he had just a little Continued an p111 14 " · Perror111ance 22 Racing_ Industry T R A D !i H D W DECEMBER 10-12, 2009 • ORLANDO • FLORIDA • USA THE 3 BIGGEST BUSINESS DAYS IN RACING! October 2009 Page 13

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The Braxton Southwick gang had a good race, they took the Eric Harp and Ryan Thomas raced to a second place finish in the silver medal in the Class 7300 race, they're seen here rushing Class 5500 race, they're seen here speeding over the terrain. across the hard stuff. The Hartmann's, Scott and Tandi are engulfed in the silt as they hustled their Jeep to a second place finish in the Class 1700 race. ------;:.-=.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::. _________ ...., Rod Hall and Emily Miller drove their Hummer to the Class 3100 win, seen here saving a bit of tire wear. luck. A spectator came out of the shrubbery (sounds like Baja) and went to his nearby house to get him a piece of rebar to duct tape into place so he could get on down the road. Rodriguez's days were long, but he didn't have any DN~. . In sixth it was Gary Dixon, another Ford. Gary drove on Thursday, Derek Dixon drove on Friday, and that day they became a DNF when their starter froze up. On Saturday "they split the-driving, and at the finish they said they were "Glad to be here." Seventh place went to Tim Burke, Steven Burke, Randy Burke and Rory L'Hommedieu in a Chevy. Thursday wasn't bad, but on Friday they vapor locked and had a DNF. Saturday was another good day. In eighth place it. was Shawn Giordano, Dave Dinsmore and Doug Siewert in a Ford. They all drove at one time or another. They said they "had a little incident o·n the first day, and DNF'd." It seems that Giordano did a barrel rot!, and broke the steering box and bent both the lower and upper control arms. The team was up until 3:30 a.m. fixing the truck. They had much better luck on Friday and Saturday, and finished both days. Ninth went to Dallas Luttrell and Bill Billington in a Toyota. They said they "switched back and forth for three days." They took ·a DNF on Friday when the . rear end broke, but had a good day on Saturday. Ryan Ingham and Dan White, in a Ford, are credited with tenth place, but they had a DNF on Friday, and thus we didn't get to talk to them. · In Class 1100, Jake, Scott and Josh Jones and James Beek, in a Foddrill, went home with first place. Jake, Scott and Josh all drove on Friday, and they had just one flat. They also reported that they'd been stuck for a few minutes in the "Foutz jam". Thursday's loosened skid pan had cost them only 15 or 20 minutes they said. On Saturday Josh and Jake did the driving. They had a good day with no flats and no stops. Jake· said he "never went off course." .Though when he got behind an 8 truck in the silt, "it was tough." They won by about a half hour. Second went to Lee Banning, Jr. and Sr., in a Foddrill. Lee, Jr: was in at the finish. He said it was a "great course - we _had a great time - glad to finally be in Reno." He said they'd broken the steering rack and fi~ed it on this last day. They'd also spent some time working on it overnight. Then they went off to a barbecue dinner. In third it was Wes Stephens and John McCormack in a Chenowth. This was an heirloom The Coan's and the Maxwell's drove their Jeep to the win in Class 1700, they're seen here churnin' up the soft stuff. Chenowth as a matter of fact, gentleman who broke his back at having been the winning Class the Parker race this year and this 10 car in the 1988 Mint 400, was his first time back in a race with Larry Job as one of the car. He drove both Thursday drivers. Stephens hacl one rear and Friday, and so did Shaw. flat on Friday, but that .was their Thursday was pretty _uneventful, only problem·. Thursday they'd good, with no issues beyond being had bad plug wires and "fought stuck once for 20 minutes. On it all day", but changed them Saturday Williams and Shaw split overnight. On Saturday they got the driving again and each had a into a sand wash and tossed a fan flat. They said their day had been belt. It was impossible tc:i stop "good", with "minor oil issues." in the sand, so they just kept on They carried a case of oil on the going, for about a mile, until they navigator's lap for 120 miles, but got to hard ground. That was didn't use it. They knew they had the end of their motor. But there a loose oil line and thought they was enough left to go on, and might need it. By the car owner's they kept adding oil, and "had count they had three flats and to use first gear a lot." At the bent two tie rods. Who are you finish they were kind of tickled going to believe? that they'd done "120 miles on a Sixth place went to David blown motor." Callaway and Scot Mapes, but Fourth place went to Sigal they had a DNF on Friday and . Greenberg, Tony McLaren and weren't at the finish area to talk Zach McLaren in an Assassin. about their w~ekend. This was -Thursday had been a pretty clean the last team to get a finish in day with just two flats. On this class. Friday Sigal drove frorp Pit 5 to There were 15 of the 16QO VW the finish, and she'd had two powered cars, Class 2000. And flats. Tony drove the first half · the team that took first place was of that day. On SJturday, Tony,. a TLR-Fab piloted by Greg Parker, who is Zach's dad, had hit a hard Joe Laff, Tim Lawrence and Travis bump and hurt his back, so his Rojas. Parker and Lawrence drove son did the driving for a while, it on Thursday, then Lawrence with no one in the passenger and Laff drove it on Friday, and so seat. A sK'eriff took Tony off to far they'd had no problems, and be checked out by a medic. -no flats. On Saturday Lawrence In fifth it wa$.. Tom Shaw, was in at the finish. He'd had a Gary Williams and Jeff Rhodes flat and ran on a little spare for in a Foddrill. Williams is the a while. The mount fell off and when they went to put the spare back on it cost a few minutes. Other than that, it was a good day. In second place it was Kevin and Brian Smith, brothers who raced 20 years ago and have just come back to racing after a hiatus while they raised their families. They're driving a Mirage. On Thursday Brian had tipped it over .in the last three milt;s, and they'd lost their CV boots. On Friday they had a sticky throttle cable. But they said Saturday was their "best and fastest" day. (Ir was also the shortest.) They said there was "lots of fast stuff' and called it a great course, but did mention that the final 30 miles was "complete rock." They'd been running up pretty far and found starting up among Trick Truck and Class 1500 cars was "pretty challenging." Third in this class was the team of Curt Geer and Daniel Folts in a Lothringer. On Thursday Geer started and Folts finished and they had no problems. Friday Geer had a flat at Mile 30, then worked his way back up to second place and got another flat. Folts had no problems. Saturday was "not a good day." Geer start\:sf and Folts finished. But they broke the front end at Mile 2, and spent about ten minutes in the pit for repairs. Fourth went to Tony Modica and Raul Solano. Thursday Modica got stuck for a half hour or more. And on Friday, Solano finished, driving his last two miles or so on a left rear flat. On Saturday things "went great". They had one flat tire, but nothing else. They said it was "silty and dusty", and also said it was "difficult when you have Trick Trucks starting behind you. But they were very courteous." In fifth it was the team of Max and Jake Hanberg and Jeff Mower in a Mirage. They say it's an old Mirage. Max and Jake drove on Thursday, and on Friday Max started and Mower finished. They had a front flat, and after changing it got back out in front by Pit 4. Then· Max rolled the car Rick Johnson and Brian Sallee finished third in Class 1400, third Dennis and Richard Boyle drove their HMS to a third place finish overall in their Ford, seen here exploding the silt. in the Class 1500, seen jeer at high speed. Todd and Willy Elam drove their Safari to a third place finish in the Class 1000 contest, here just leaving a silty area. Page 14 October 2009 Dusty Times

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Wesley Stephens and crew drove their Chenowth to a third The Geers, Curt and Corey, along with Daniel Folts drove their The Protruck of Aaron and Randy Guthrie and John Rodriguez place finish in the Class 1100 skirmish, seen here running in Lothringer to a third place finish in Class 2000, seen here at speed. literally flew to a third place finish in Class 1200. _th_e_re_a_ll~y_s_o_f_t _st_u_f_f. _______________ _ and flattened another tire, losing about an hour and a half. They had no mechanical trouble. On Saturday Jake drove all the way. He also rolled the car, completely over, and then "muscled it back on its wheels", losing only about ten minutes. In sixth it was Paul Kurz and Robert Alatorre in a Penhall. Kurz started on Thursday and bent a tie rod by hitting a Protruck. Alatorre was the second driver that day. On Friday Kurz started again and rolled the car before he got to Pit 1. Alatorre wasn't sure, but thinks he may have rolled it again later on. Alatorre got in at Pit 5 to go to the finish, and he had a flat and lost two 'alternator belts. When he had the flat his jack failed and the folks in the #2020 car stopped to help. Nice guys. On Saturday Alatorre started and Kurz finished. He said that when he rolled on Friday it was because he hit the rear tire of a Protruck he was passing. He said he'd gone over "about ten times." Seventh went to Peter and William Janss and Lenny Loftin all from Texas, in a Bullitt chassis. Peter drove on Day 1, Bill drove on Day 2 and Loftin was the driver on Day 3. They said they'd had one rollover and two flats and had helped pull the "Bad Attitude car out of a stuck." Their time was about 45 minutes behind sixth place. Pat Nirschl and Troy Messer, in a Bunderson, were eighth. They split the driving each day. On Friday they said they'd had a "lot of problems." They'd broken a spark plug, been stuck on a hill, high centered, and then stuck on another hill, had two flats and rebuilt a shock. On Saturday the saga continued. They'd tipped the car on its side, got it back on its wheels, added oil and went on. They blew out two shocks, lost two fan belts, rejetted the carb, got lost in the silt and had a couple of flats. When asked how they liked the format Messer said, "You've gotta save something." In ninth it was Glen Davidson · and Justin Arnold in a Penhall. " The win in the class 4100 race went to Chad Hall, Chad is seen here at speed in his Hummer on his way to the win. It was a good race for the Clive Skilton crew, they drove their Jeep to the Class 3700 gold medal, seen here at speed. They had "no problems" on weekend with a DNF. On Friday Trophy Kart. But now Scott is too Friday, except that they had to they had a variety of problems, old for the Karts, and old enough clean an air filter, and lost a and finished about five minutes to go desert racing. fuel pump and therefore had to before the Hawthorne finish line There were two of the Class 1 reroute the line through their closed. On Saturday Daniel drove Lite cars entered but one bombed spare, and they had a flat. On all the way and. had the third out the first day. Karl Scanlan Saturday things got difficult quickest time for the class on that and Brian Melsheimer split because they got ahead of their pit day. He said, "Great day! " the driving every day and they support. They said they "didn't In the 8100 trucks CJreg Foutz finished every day, reporting that have a good day", and were forced and Andy Waters teamed in they'd blown a seal on the power to borrow gas in order to keep the Ford to take the win. On steering servo and had one flat. going. They also had one flat. Thursday they had a perfect day. They also said they "had a lot of Ryan and Ross Mattox finished , On Friday Waters took a "bypass" fun." And they went home with tenth. They had a very long instead of going around the long a win. Thursday because they to way and got stuck, blocking the There were five Baja Challenge change their transmission at Pit 3. bypass for about a half hour and cars at this event for the first On Saturday they had a "perfect creating the "Foutz jam." He also time. These are Subaru powered day", with no flats. All they had had a flat and finished Friday on a two seat buggies, all alike, rented to do was tighten up a front hub. flat. On Saturday Foutz drove all by the drivers for a bit of fun In 11th it was Greg Ferruzzo the way, and had another "perfect and adventure. Each car is and Ted Tedford in a Kreger. day." They won by about two always provided with one or two They both drove half way each hours and 45 minutes. experienced drivers and someone day. On Friday the first driver hit Second place went to Randy who can do some on-course repair a truck on ruined the front end. Merritt in another Ford. He did work. The winning team at Then they had a clutch problem all the driving and his crew was this event was made up of Nick and then they tipped the car up just four men -but they were Johnson, Matt Cruson, Jeff Glodt on its side. When it got to the highly skilled and experienced. and Nick Baldwin (late of Riviera finish line it got into the "free Merritt had some flats and lost Racing). Baldwin, Johnson and zone" and quit, out of gas. On a couple of fuel pumps, but had B1:ian Nix shared the driving on Saturday they had a "couple of no major problems all weekend. Friday and they had no problems. minor problems", including a Tim Casey, in another Ford, They were, in fact, the only one collision in the silt. They replaced finished third. He drove all the of the bunch that didn't have at their springs, repaired a shock, way every day, with Mike Tuba least one DNF day. On Saturday and changed air cleaners. Also, riding all the way every day. Casey they had only one brief comment Tedford rolled the car, doing "very said, "The main thing was to to make as they finished, "Good minor" damage. finish." He reported that they'd day." Twelfth went to Daniel· and gone through "a lot of parts and Finishing ahead of them on Luke McMillin and Chris Cortez pieces." He hasn't been racing for Saturday, but having a DNF day in aJimco. They'd broken a pulley a while, having been busy with his on Thursday, Eric Harp, and Ryan on Thursday and started the son Scott, who has been racing a Thomas also reported a good day ---------------------------, on Saturday. In third it was the team of Christian Hammarskjold, Michele Shapiro and Glen Plake. Shapiro drove the final section, and Hammarskjold reportedly bent the bumper on a stuck car. He rode to the finish with Shapiro. They'd had a DNF day on Friday. Class 7100 had six starters and the winner was Rick Doetsch and Scott Martinez in a Ford. Martinez rolled the truck two separate times on Friday. He announced that "Troy Herbst is my hero -he pulled me over." That was the second time. The other time some BITD folks helped him. They had no mechanical problems that day he said, but on Thursday, when he drove all the way, they'd had vapor lock: On Saturday Doetsch and Martinez split the driving evenly. They had no flats but their ring and pinion were "gone" at the end of the day, and they'd been adding gear oil for about half the trip. Mike McCarthy and Greg Crowther piloted their Ford to second place, but not without drama. McCarthy drove all day Thursday and Crowther navigated. Then on Friday, McCarthy crashed and "got hurt" and Crowther drove the rest of the race. They were about 50 minutes behind first place. No one else in the class finished. C1ntinu1d an p111 16 Marc Burnett and Rick Johnson drove their Ford pickup to a third Tim Casey and his band of folks drove their Ford to a third place place finish in Class 7200, seen here running at speed. finish in the Class 8100 race, they're seen here making some dirt. Christian Hammarskjold, with help from Michele Shapiro grabbed a third place finish in Class 5500, seen here on their way to the flag. Dusty Times October 2009 Page 15

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Rod and Ryan Millen, eta/, raced to a third place finish in the Class The Mortensons and the Garcias had a great time, they took 1800 fracas, they're seen here speedily headin' for the checkers. home the silver medal in the ever popular 1800 Class. Kevin Sacs/as and his crew plowed through the soft stuff and took the win in the Class 4400 battle, seen here plowin' tiilt. In Class 3100 there· were three entries, and the Rod Hall/ Emily Miller Hummer took the victory. Miller drove all the way. She lost her four-wheel-drive on Thursday and it turned into a long day, "limping in" in front drive. Overnight they made repairs and had a great run on Friday. On Saturday, knowing they started in the lead, "we were making sure we didn't lose it." She had no flats. Mike Falkosky finished second in his Ford. He had a really bad day on Thursday, because, since he runs on pump gas, he'd bought some at a low price gas station, and it malfunctioned. But they didn't know that was the problem and spent a lot of time fiddling with other things. Then, on Friday Falkosky hit a "really big rock" and broke two leaf springs. They had only one spare. They replaced one, and decided they'd just "limp around" the rest of the way. But Mike's energetic dad, Pat, hustled to Hawthorne and found someone who had an old Explorer and bought the springs. Then he didn't make it back to the next pit on time, so he kept going and finally met up with Mike and got the replacement done. Each time they replaced a spring it cost them about a half hour. Saturday the truck ran well, and they finished about an hour and a half behind Miller. In Class 4100 there were two entries, but only Chad Hall seems to have started, in his Hummer. He said he thought he had a "bad part" on Thursday, but had a "good time" on Friday, which he said was "very dusty and pretty fast." On Saturday he had one flat right off the start, but then ran "pretty much trouble free." Chad also said he's "getting too old for this - I want a Class 1 ride." Class 4400 was for those rock racers, and they didn't have an easy time with this long event. Seven of the original 11 were DNFs. The BITD started them in front of the Sportsman class, assuming that they would not be too awfully fast this time, since it was their first time out. Ten of of all three days, did the whole timed out. They got some good them were unable to finish the thing on one set of tires. On gas for Friday and it ran o.k., but first day. One, Rick Mooneyham, Saturday he said he'd had "some then it had electrical problems. came to the pits fairly early. He mechanical problems." Once he Clive, Barnett and Clive's son had he said, "Punched a hole in got a look at how badly his front Darren all drove that day. · On the radiator." He'd been in the end was toed out he understood Saturday they had a good day, silt, couldn't see and dropped why it had been so difficult to all problems apparently having into a big hole, and blew all the drive. He went on, "This is the been solved, and took home a water out. They managed some first time I've done it (raced off- first place. sort of patch, but then didn't have road) - I wonder why they make it There were four JeepSpeed 1 any water to replace what they'd so rough for so many miles?" No cars, and Perry and Jeff Coan and lost. He and his crew got to work, one seemed to have an answer. Doug and Ian Maxwell took the ready to re-start the next morning. He did say he was going to "try victory. The Coans used to race Unfortunately, they didn't finish it again." He was the last finisher in Class 1600 20 years ago, and the next day either. in the class. enjoyed their re-entry into the · Kevin Sa ca las, Douglas There were four trucks in the sport. Both of them drove, and Williams, Jon Jonsson and Sam 7 300 class. First ,place went to they actually finished all three days. Wiseman took the win in a GMC Kellon and Quinn Walch, in a In second it was Scott Hartman powered car. They did actually Ford. On Thursday and Friday and Marty Scott who shared the manage to finish all three days. they had overheating and vapor driving. They had a DNF on We don't know how their first checking problems. They were Thursday. Then on Saturday they day went, but on Friday they had one of the very last finishers on just barely made it, because their "fuel problems." On Saturday Friday. Things went better on transfer case blew up crossing the their time wasn't bad, at 7 hours Saturday, but it wasn't a perfect finish line and the class winners and 12 minutes. They said it had day. They had some overheating, towed them in to the parking area. been "fun - long!" They lost their got stuck once in the sand, and Class 1800 had 12 entries, rear brakes, their clutch was gone had to add power steering fluid. some real Sportsman racers, and it was overheating. But they They had to add it often, and some entered to function as chase got the win in 31: 12:41. when they ran out they used vehicles for a Pro class car. In first In second, almost exactly two brake fluid. place at the end of the weekend hours later, it was Brandon and In second it was Braxton it was Kevin Swanson, Angelo Steven Watson, who both drove Southwick and Austin Anderson lanucci, and Mario lanucci. They each day. They had taken a DNF in a Toyota. The truck is very all drove their Bundersori four-on Thursday, due to "cooling stock and still has its stock air seat car at one point or another. issues." Friday they said they conditioning, stereo and power They had flats on both Thursday had "a lot less problems" because windows. · In the silt they kept and F.riday, and lost a serpentine they'd removed their exhaust the a/con, but when they came belt. They actually race with pipes which they realized had to a hill they turned the a/c off. passengers riding in the back been routed incorrectly and were They also run a stock tire, and had seats. Sometimes there may be boiling their fuel. only two flats for the entire race. only one passenger, but often Third went to Ben Napier, They said that Saturday's segment they've got two. These people are David Camp and Randy Slawson, was "a blast." They were the last potential customers they said. On who had also taken a DNF on finisher in their class. Saturday their day was flawless Thursday. When they'd finished Clive Skilton and Tom Barnett except for one flat. (One wonders on Friday they said "That is a long · were the only finishers in the if the passengers got out to change ride!" They'd been stopped on JeepSpeed 3 class. Not only that, the tire.) They won the class by a course for a bit as BITD officials but at 68, Skilton was one of the margin of a .half_hour. tried to recover a vehicle stuck elder statesmen of the event. (A The second place team was in a gully. Someone asked them quick glance through the entry made up of Wendell Mortensen, how they felt and the answer was. list shows about four drivers Ruben Garcia, Billie Jo Garcia "Beaten to s-t!" At the end of listing that age, an"1 several just and Laura Mortensen in a Saturday's run they said they'd a year younger. Rbd Hall lists Raceco. They said Friday had had "some flats, and bent the car himself as 69, but then he let his been "pretty good", except that up pretty good -she's creaking co-driver have all the fun at this they broke a beam and welded and whining." They were 45 event.) They had to take a DNF on it up. On Saturday they said minutes behind second place. Thursday b,ecause they got some they'd had an "awesome day; In fourth it was Dean Bulloch bad gas (they use pump gas in the with a little bit of welding." Both and Tom Allen. They took a DNF Jeep) and it ran very poorly. By :Mortensen and Garcia drove. on Thursday, but managed to get the time they figured out what it They were just eight minutes in to the end of Friday's section by was Pit 1 had closed and they had front of third place. 11 p.m. Bulloch, who_d,;.r;.;o;.;v..;;e_a.;.l;;.l ________ ---''--------..;T..;h.;.a;..t;..,was the team of Ryan and Rod Millen, Paul Olsen and Garritt Schmitz. Their vehicle was a diesel powered relative of a Hummer. They said they'd had only one flat in the three days, but had the wrong C.V. boot. They had four hours on fourth place. That was Jason Lafortune and Ron Malekow. They said that on Friday they'd run out of fuel 15 mi~utes before they got to the finisn line, and thus were late getting their finish. They both drove each day, and had only three flats for the whole race. They said they'd "had a good time." The team of Mike Alden, Matt Wonders, Anthony Napoleon and Jordan Kundert, in a Ford took fifth place, and we missed them at every finish. They were 25 minutes behind fourth place at the end. In sixth it was old friends John and Carl Becker, and their entourage_,· in their Mirage. They've raced Baja many times, but this was their first event in Nevada. They particularly like point-to-point races. In addition to John and Carl, the drivers were Jerry Smith, Paul Stewart, Guy Ruse, Gary Jones, Dan Kolenich, Adam Stewart, Bill Painter, and Jonathan Painter. They rolled the car once each day, and finished on the same four tires they started on. They said they "got hit. three or four times a day", went_to bed at four a.m., bent a couple of rims, had clutch problems, and had no rear brakes late on Saturday, and then · finished with no brakes at all the final 7 5 miles. None of the other Sportsmen finished. This was a difficult and demanding event, for everyone concerned. We apologize to those race teams we didn't talk to. We would really like to include every story in these pages, but sometimes a finish line area becomes crowded and hectic, and we lose track of who's come in. The BITD folks deserve a long rest after this chore, but instead will have already had another event, the Silver State 300, scheduled for the last weekend in September. ~ Ben Napier and David Camp came from Australia to run VtoR, they're Kevin Swanson and his crew drove hard and drove fast, they The Watsons, Brandon, Stephen and James were the silver medal seen here fighting their way to a third place finish in Class 4400. took the gold medal in the Class 1800 battle, seen here at speed. · winners in the Class 4400 race, they're seen here at speed. Page 16 . October 2009 Dusty Times

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• • ' • • t ' ' • • • • • I' I•' • I\ I • • I • \ '• SCORE San Felipe 250 Winner • SCORE Baja 500 Winner SCORE Primm 300 Winner 4.01(),gKong~ More race wins than all-other shock manufacturers combined. Ron Whitton SNORE Trophy Truck Bryce Menzies BITD Class 10 Justin Davis SNORE Class 10 Adam Ashcraft SNORE Class 16 Macrae Glass BITD Class 8 Eric Ludian SNORE Class 1450 Kevin Ellis SNORE Class 6000 Patrick Dailey SNORE Class 5/1600 _ Mike Bilek MDR Class 1 Kevin Colan BITD Class 1 , Kelly Boyle MDR Class 10 John Fitzgerald TORC 1600 Buggy Dave Miah TORC Formula 4x4 Kevin McMurray MDR Class 1400 Steve Herrara MDR Class 1450 Kyle LeDuc TORC Pro 4x4 Terry Ingold MOR Class 12 Keith Steele TORC Lrnited Truck Brandon Schueler BITD lJlV Clive Skilton BITD Jeepspeed 2 Perry Coan BITD Jeepspeed 1 I . .....

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\!C RALLY OF FINLAND Hirvonen/Ford Victory B:y Martin Holmes Life was back to normal in the spiritual home of high speed gravel rallying, Finland. The ISC announcing Rally Finland will stay in the championship every year for the next five years, and more immediately, Mikko Hirvonen became a new Finn to win his country's rally. He held the lead for three whole days, slowly but surely, pulling away from Sebastien ·Loeb, whose effective hopes of victory . were dashed by a puncture on Saturday. Jari-Matti Latvala had the pressures of the world on his shoulders, knowing that no excuse would ever be accepted for errors and he eventually passed Dani Sordo into a safe third place. There were smiles for everyone in Jyvaskyla. Spectators were enthralled at the splendid drive for two days by the Formula 1 driver Kimi Raikkonen, and by fans of the Czech driver Martin Prokop, who took the FIA's World Junior rally title on the penultimate round of the 2009 JWRC. Only three WRC events remain this year and the races for the other titles are hotting up. Round 9 of the 2009 World Rally Championship, Neste Oil Rally Finland, needs little introduction to rally fans, being one of onl three rallies which have featured in the WRC calendar every year since the series started in 1973, and the only such rally run from the-2 0same headquarters town all the time. The stages used on the Finnish rally are the fastest of the current championship as well as being some of the smoothest gravel roads anywhere. Where the stage roads were held on less well based surfaces, the roads were used only once not twice, to reduce damage. Many of the stages are traditional favourites but there were some variations, notably the _classic fast Ouninpohja was not held and instead another old favourite was revived, Myhinpaa, with spectacular jumps, was run twice in quick succession on the final day. With only three events to follow after Finland in this year's world championship, Finland had a major significance for the teams. Although their drivers had won the last three 20rallies, and Ford's Mikko Hirvonen was now one point in front of Citroen's Sebastien Loeb, the BP Ford team started the event 17 points behind Citroen Total. In a rally where previous experience was critical, only one driver started with a victory on this event behind them and Martin Prokop was the big winner in the JWRC portion of the rally, here cornering hard in his Citroen C2 S1600. Page 18 Photos: Maurice Selden Besmirched in mud the Skoda Fabia S2000 of Juho Hanninen flew to the Group N win in Finland, here flyin' down a stage. the penultimate round of 20the There were 90 crews on the entry Junior series, one of only two list, which made this easily the rounds for which every biggest entry in the championship registered JWRC driver opted this year, including five 52000s. to contest. With drivers having Tommi Makinen Racing, the to enter six individually selected Nordic official base supplier for events in the season, the points Subaru Group N cars, ran the was confusing, though Fiat Grande Punto S2000 cars four drivers were able to win for Kimi Raikkonen and Anton the title. Finland was the sixth Afen. Raikkon~n is the first and final event for joint leader Formula 1 World Champion Michal Kosciuszko, fellow leader ever to compete on a rally in Martin Prokop, Aaron Burkart the World Rally Championship. and Kevin Abbring each contest A late change of car saw Janne Finland and the final round Tuohino move from a Mitsubishi in Catalunya. There were ten to a Peugeot. The rally saw the entries in the JWRC category first World Rally Car drive for including Mark Wallenwein Matthias Therman, whose family he was not a Finn! Sebastien who took over the TRT entry company owns the-2 0brewery Loeb won here last year and from Alessandro Bettega. which produces Karjala beer, had finished on the podium There were other attractions one of the official suppliers to on the last four occasions. this year in Jyvaskyla. Eight the event organisers. Nearly For the first time in 2009 young Northern European 40 entries were in two-wheel Sebastien Loeb did NOT start drivers travelled to Finland drive cars, a remarkably high first car on the road on the for a preliminary shoot-out in proportion for a gravel world opening day, instead Mikko readiness for the 2010 Pi relli championship rally. Competitors Hirvonen had this duty. Good Star Driver selection, run as with small engined cars had or bad for the Frenchman? Hard part of Neste Oil Rally Finland special entry concessions from to tell on this event, conditions activities the day before the start. the organisers. Nine entries were always change from place to Of these eight, the best five with VW Polo 1.4 cars. place, and from wet to dry. drivers will be invited to go to The weather was mixe-d Ford's Hirvonen had been on Austria for the final selection of but warm and usually sunny. the podium the last three times drivers from Europe and various Citroens were 1st and 2nd on the but his teammate Jari-Matti other regions run at Freistadt Shakedown-Sebastien Loeb's C4 Latvala had never had a good on 26-27 September. Another only 0.4 seconds ahead of Petter placing on his home world major alternative attraction was Solberg's Xsara. Jarkko Nikara championship rally. Of the five the Saturday evening rallysprint . was predictably the quickes_t PSD teams registered for the World competition run over the same competitor and Renault Clio series, only Citroen Total, BP 2km Killeri stage as used by R3s were the three fastest Junior Ford Abu Dhabi and Stobart the rally on the Thursday and cars, headed by Kevin Abbring. VK M-Sport Ford were now still Friday evenings, located in the Day 1 - 10 Stages -Gravel.-able to win the Manufacturers' western suburbs of Jyvaskyla. 130.84kms title though no fewer than seven Action started at 1700 hours. The It was remarkable, all 90 crews drivers could win their series. main attraction was the entry entered in the rally appeared! 1:f unchi's were only allowed by Marcus Gronholm, driving a After the opening superspecial to score points with Federico rallycross spec, unrestrictored, stage on the Thursday evening Villagra's entry, though they 500bhp Mitsubishi Lancer Evo it was dry overnight, but the had a total of three entries and IX. Gronholm faced opposition opening four stages on the Friday their number two entry, for Matti from some -40 -50 competitors were a little damp, exactly what Rantanen, carried the team's beating Tomi Hallia (four times Mikko Hirvonen h'oped for, on official competition number 10. Finnish National Rallysprint his 29th birthday. "Yes , it was This year' s Production Car Champion) in the final. During slippery but it could have been championship competitors did Saturday there' was also a much worse. And, we suspect not come to Finland, but the special rally called Vetomies our friend Sebastien might have unior ones did. Finland was for historic vehicles as well. been a bit sleepy!" So one of the f-"'-;.;;.;;.;;;.;;....;;.;;;;.;;.;;.....;;.:.;;;.'-i-,.;.;.;.:.;;;.;;,,;;T~...,.,r=--==.:.;;;.:...:..;;,. worst fears for the Ford team was Sebastien Loeb drove his mud spattered Citroen C4 to a silver medal finish in Finland, seen here before an admiring crowd. October 2009 overcome-in the morning, but then there was another one. Stage four - Latvala's bogey stage, where three times he has come to grief on this rally before. He eased his pace and escaped ·problems this time. So at the end of the first loop Mikko led Sebastien by 3.6 seconds, with Dani 20Sordo and Latvala following. Mikko, "Yes, we decided to drive flat out. But the big question was how much we could afford to cut the corners. T he organisers kept on putting posts on the inside of the bends, just where we wanted to cut the bends." T he front of his Focus was littered with dents and splits, and of the posts erected on the inside of the corner ... later Dusty Times

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Kalle Pinomaki drove his Renault Clio R3 to a decent second in Jari-Matti latvala drove his Ford Focus RS to a third place overall Michael Koscuiszko was the third place finisher in the JWRC class in the JWRC category, seen here just at liftoff. finish in Finland, seen here saving a bit of tire wear. battle, seen here flying his Suzuki Swift S1600. drivers never saw any of them! These four drivers were leaving the opposition far behind. Next up was Mads Ostberg, nearly 40 seconds behind after a total of five stages, despite persistent steering misalignment on this Subaru Impreza S14. His teammate Jari Ketomaa was lying eighth in his older Impreza S 12b, extremely happy with his personal. suspension tuning work, but he suffered several times from the engine stalling. Petter Solberg was lying second overall after stage three but then he punctured 100 metres from the end of stage four, slid off the road and damaged his Citroen Xsara, and was forced to stop for the rest of the day as the car was too badly damaged to continue. On stage two Evgeniy Novikov went off the road and although he managed to start stage three he was forced to stop after just two kilometres. Other drivers were also struggling. Federico Villagra, "It is so difficult to find the right speed, and so difficult to know where I can cut the corners." Sebastien Ogier was lying a promising ninth, "It is so different in a World Rally Car compared with the C2 R2 Max which we last drove on this event!" Khalid Al Qassimi, "I'm struggling. We missed Poland. We've had no chance to go testing." At the head of the rally a classic "1000 Lakes" battle was developing between Hirvonen and Loeb. During the afternoon stages Hirvonen increased his lead from 3.6 seconds -to 4.0 .. G seconds, at a rate of exactly 0.1 second per stage, "In a couple of bends we went fractionally wide," said Hirvonen, "otherwise the lead might have been even greater!" Jari-Matti was lying fourth, ten seconds behind Sordo, looking forward to Saturday's stages, which he knew better. Matti Rantanen quietly and effectively held fifth place, · 20well exceeding his remarkable seventh place last year, ahead of the Norwegians Henning Solberg and Mads Ostberg, the latter suffering from a strange damper problem which kept deteriorating his performance. Jari Ketomaa was eighth, despite a curious loss of power which suddenly cured itself, ahead of Ogier who lost time when he spun on a narrow stretch of road. Martin Prokop went straight into the lead of the JWRC category, ahead of Kalle Pinomaki who had overheating brakes and no time to bleed them before the following stage, and Michal Kosciuszko who had spongy brakes. Aaron Burkart started the day badly but struggled onwards. Kevin Abbring was struggling with his pacenotes, "The roads are muc h faster than you would imagine. All my notes are far too slow. Meanwhile his KNAF teammate Hans Weijs stopped before the final stage of the first loop with a radiator leak. Faster than aI).y of the JWRC drivers was Urmo Aava in his Honda Type R R3. Prokop's S1600 Citroen gradually edged further ahead of Pinomaki's Clio R3 during the second loop, but the talk of the category were the worsening road conditions during the afternoon, as the morning's stages were repeated. Both Prokop and Pinomaki said it was a miracle they had no problems, but Kosciuszko had a double puncture. Luca Griotti, Yoann Bonato and Mark Wallenwein also punctured, while Simone Bertolotti went off the road after a jump and.Jost a minute waiting forspectators to help-him regain the road. Abbring lost a lot of time "driving around the rocks" when he punctured and had to change the suspension unit on the stage. Aava's two-wheel domination ended when the suspension broke and he had to change a lower suspension arm in the middle of a stage. In Group N the Skoda of Juho Hanninen was generally the quickest, but on stage four Anton Alen's Fiat made best time but then on stage five the car developed an odd handling problem. Third in the category was Janne Tuohino's Peugeot in front of Patrik Flodin's Subaru, which also had a handling problem. ,Alen' s great challenge was his fellow Fiat driver Kimi Raikkonen, who was enjoying hims'elf. His codriver, Kaj Lindstrom, said: "My greatest problem is to stop Kimi trying too hard. When he really eased off he was quicker than ever!" Kimi's progress was impressive. On the four stages of the first loop he was 24th, 21st, 19th, and then 16th quickest overall. Ott Tanak retired his Subaru with a broken suspension ball joint after suffering steering arm problems. Leading the PSD drivers was Martin Semerad. Jarkko Nikara was quickest on the first five stages of the rally, but firstly was delayed by nine minutes (incurring a 90 second penalty) having a gearbox changed after it split its casing, then another ten minutes before stage five , when there wa s an underbonnet fire caused by burning differential oil. Mark Tapper was going well, considering he had recently broken his arm, "I cannot use the handbrake, but the team rigged up a system to make that easier for me!" Hanninen continued to hold his lead during the second loop, and was nearly a minute ahead of Alen's Fiat which was again being slowed by handling troubles, thought to be differential related, while Raikkonen was closing on third placed Tuohino's Peugeot, just 13.3 seconds behind. In the PSD contingent, Nikara had a clear afternoon as did Nicos Thomas, but Jon Williams was forced to go carefully when he lost his sumpguard. The early leader Semerad stopped with engine oil loss and Tapper stopped after hi tting a rock and having suspension failure. Later, on the Friday evening, the cars were sent out from the headquarters in Jyvaskyla down to the Killeri superspecial where Loeb once again was the quickest, reducing Hirvonen's lead from 4.0 seconds to 3.3. Raikkonen damaged the wheel alignment on his Fiat. Day 2 - 9 Stages - Gravel -166.87kms The weather turned. Steady drizzle overnight had completely changed the whole aspect not only of Jyvaskyla, a clean and attractive lakeside city, the rain turning it into a dull grey domain, but also the challenge of the rally. Running first car on the road now offered a great advantage. Evgeniy Novikov, Petter Solberg, Hans=2 0Weijs and Urmo Aava all rejoined the· activities as did the PSD drivers Martin Semerad and Mark Tapper. Latvala was unwell overnight but safely made it through the morning, "running on adrenalin", as codriver Miikka Anttila believed! "He looked absolutely awful before the first stage this morning." First running Hirvonen observed, "The conditions have been perfect for me! Because of the rain the surfaces have constantly good grip, it really has been enjoyable!" Sebastien Loeb noticed .the difference. He arrived at the end of the third stage of the first loop (stage 13) declaring he could never have driven faster -and in that stage alone he fell another four seconds behind the Finn. By the first of the two mid day service halts. Loe b was 10.9 seconds adrift. And despite his condition Latvala was slowly catching third · placed Dani Sordo: From being 16.8 seconds down overnight, Latvala was now 8.3 seconds behind. The big-WRC story of the morning was the exit into a ditch for Henning Solberg, where he remained with broken c,ntinu .. ,n ,,,, 20 IITIIE BRIii IHE BRAKE MAN'S PATENTED F4 TOIINADOT. CALIPER IS NOW AVAILABLE IN -,. 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Jan Ketomaa was the seventh overall finisher in Finland, he's Henning So/berg's Ford Focus RS is reflected in the lake. Hennig seen here nicely airborne in his Subaru lmpreza. finished 30th overall in Finland, well off the pace. suspension, having one stage earlier passed Matti Rantanen into fifth place. The battles for the rest of the leader board were close. On stage 12 Mads Osberg lost time with an overshoot and Ketomaa punctured. The second time through the loop of three stages was very rough, especially the third stage in the series. Petter Solberg suffered a broken damper top mounting, just like happened in Acropolis, and did not attempt to carry on. Hirvonen esfged slightly ,further ahead on the first two stages, then on stage 15 Sebastien had a tyre pull off its beading and lost some air, and Hirvonen's lead at the end of the second loop was now 28.0s. Sordo then had a slow puncture on stage 16, enough for him to lose his third place and drop behind Latvala. Ostberg struggled on with damper problems but the team finally discovered the trouble and prepared to rectify this at the end of the day. Ogier was chasing Ostberg hard, and before the penultimate stage of the day he was only 2.3 seconds behind. Matthew Wilson had a worrying moment when the electronics of his car cut out after a heavy landing but, as happened to La tvala in Argentina, he was able to reboot the system and carry on. Novikov had his third accident in the total of seven stages he had driven on this rally, this time shown on live television from a helicopter which was tracking his car. The pressure in the race for the lead was now off. The third loop had been tricky, using stages for the first time which proved to be surprisingly slippery. The top teams however were playing the split times game, watcl;i.irig the opposition and checking nobody was suddenly speeding up. Latvala confessed to slightly nervous moments on each of the last three stages of the day, but extended his lead over Sordo to 10.5 seconds. Al Qassimi had a ne.rvous moment when he 20went off on to rocks beside the road, but just managed to drive back to the stage again. Villagra went off and back on again as well. Ostberg lost his battle with Ogier, and then went off the road on the final stage of the day. Martin Prokop was walking away with the JWRC, and indeed the two-wheel drive categories, even with Aava back in action. Kalle Pinomaki broke a brake pipe and although he kept second place this allowed Prokop to extend his lead to over a half minute. Burkart and Kosciuszko were third and fourth, the latter delayed on stage 13 with engine misfiring. Conditions were getting rough for the JWRC Page 20 competitors. Kosciuszko got stuck on the start line on stage 16. Prokop was still pushing hard, "Pinomaki is not so ·far behind, and if I ease off I am still just as likely to make an error!" Burkart had a rear-wheel puncture. Abbring had to stop for the day with a broken radiator, when he went off the road after a heavy landing. Griotti went off the road and broke his rear subframe. In the third loop of stages Burkart found the handling had deteriorated and this allowed his Suzuki teammate Kosciuszko to pass .him into third place in the category. Bertolotti lost a lot of time when a driveshaft failed. In Group N Juho Hanninen continued to win stages and was more than a minute in front of Anton Alen. At the early morning ·service the re wasn't enough time for Raikkonen's wheel alignment to be corrected and he was now delayed by a broken rear anti roll bar. Janne Tuohino retired his Peugeot with clutch failure. Bieltvedt retired his Subaru Impreza N 14 with oil loss after a heavy landing. As Hanninen continued on his unchallenged way the Fiats were in trouble. Alen firstly had a broken sumpguard and then a broken anti roll bar, while Raikkonen had a broken rear shock absorber and also potentially serious engine troubles. Flodin had slipped down to fourth, after delays with a bent steering arm on his Subaru. The main feature of the afternoon for the Group N drivers was the exit of Raikkonen, at a left hander shortly after the start of stage 19, his car rolling twice before joining Mads Ostberg's already stranded Subaru. Alen's car was now running' well again, though well behind Hanninen, while Flodin was third best orthodox Group N car. There was gloom, however, in the PSD driver camp. Only one car, that of the South African Jon Williams, was still active. Semerad had brake problems but managed to continue then three of them, including Semerad, stopped with engine troubles, caused it seemed by a nasty jump at the Himos stage which resulted in the sumpguards impacting on the sumps, while Nicos Thomas went off the road. Day 3 - 4 Stages - Gravel -47.44kms · Overnight the images of Raikkonen's accident appeared and the Ferrari driver explained what ended his run. "I took a little bit too wide line on the corner. I thought it would be alright but unfortunately there were too many rocks on the outside of the bend. Anyway, I did not think I would be able to finish the rally because we had too many problems with the engine, but it was good fun. Nobody got hurt so it did not matter." Not so much was expected to happen on the final day, much of the fight had gone. Conrad Rautenbach was cruising along in ninth place when he crashed on the penultimate stage and the Group N leader, Juho · Hanninen, crept into he top ten overall placings to beat Federico Villagra on t o the leader board by just 3.2 seconds. In fact Ogier missed fifth place by just 0.3 seconds! Stages 21 and 22 were the same stages, but when a medical problem happened to a later runner during stage 21, it ·was stage 22 that was interrupted, so the JWRC cars and privateer drivers did not tackle the second run through the Myhinpaa stage. Tuohino finished the rally running under Supe-Rally rules but did not put his car into pare ferme so was excluded, and the t o t a l number of finishers was 60. Martin Prokop " led the J WR C contend-Are theJWRC troops happy with their win? Prokop and Tomanek ers from are ecstatic and the rest of their crew share in their joy. start to finish, to win the category The rally proper started on on the event for the second year 31st July, his 29th birthday, running. and it all went well from then In the WRC championship onwards. Once again his great stakes BP Ford took another rival Sebastien Loeb had the bite out of Citroen Total' s weary look of someone who lead, which is now down to 14, and the manufacturers series is was not quite sure why this now down to the two leading country did not work well for contenders. In the Drivers him, but at least he got himself championship, the contenders safely to the finish of a rally are. down to just Hirvonen, once again, as did third placed Loeb and Sordo. It had been driver Jari_Matti Latvala, so not a splendid time for Hirvonen. everything was wrong! IJ\J2C 59ti Neste Oi Raly Rl&ld (AN) )Jvaskyla 30.07/2.08.2009 WCR round 9, JWRC rOllld 7 WCp 1 (3) Mikko HIRVONEN/Jarmo Lehlinll1 AN FOldRlcuaRS WRC SA09VHR (G8),f:J1597 (AN) 2h.50m...0.9a. 2 (1) Sebeallen LOE8/0ilniel Elena FJV; Cifroen C4 WRC 734EGZ78 (F) 2h.51m.06.0s. 3 (4) Jsl.Matti LAlVAl.A/MldmAnlfila AN FOldFowsRS WRC PXDeAXB (GB),'E.11598 (AN) 2h.51m.30.8a. 4 (2) Danial SOROOIMarc Min E CifroenC4 WRC 454EMX78 (F) 2h.51m.47 .Os. 5 (10) Mall RllltanenlMikl<o Wdla FIN FOid FOClUI RS WRC EU07SSZ (GB),f:.11608 (FIN) 2h.54m.59.18. 6 (12) SeiJaatien OGIER/Julen IJ91IM F Cflroen C4 WRC M-«>5--VF (F)IEJ1810 (AN) 2h.54m.59.48. 7 (16) Jeri Kelon'IIWMl<a Sleri>erV AN Stillrull'f1)RIZ8 WRC EH4373 (FIN) 2h.56m.48.4s. 8 (5) Ma!lllN WILSON/Sclolt Martin GB FOldfoweRS WRC 1ES (GB),f:.11599 (FIN) 2h.57m.14.5s. 9 (15) Khalid Al Clallslml/Midlael Orr UAEIG8 FOid Fooua RS WRC AG57CKA (GB),'E.11611 (AN) 3ti.03m.38.2a. 10 (66) · -Uio HennilerYMkko 1Mk1N AN Skodll fabla S2000 N K~207BZ (A'/1 EJ1613 (AN) 3h.04m.54.&.+ 11 (9) Federico VtU.AGIWJorge Pac Conl)8IIC RA FOid Focus RS WRC EUOSSUF (GBJ,f:.11604 (FIN) 3h.04m.57.8a. 14 (38) Mri1 Prok~Jari Tommiei CZ Cl1roen C2 S1600 JWRC 06R0008 (C~1627 (FIN) 3h.17m.03.1a. 16 (59) KaloPi'oomalwMatli Kaskr,en FIN R~CloR3 JWRC EG6287 (FIN) 3h.17m.58.6s. 18 (32) Mdl88I Koearirzko'Madelc Szlzepaniek Pl Sllzulcf Swift S1600 JWRC J\JRS84 (H),f:.11621 (FIN) 3h.20m.24.0s. 19 (31) Aaron lklrkllrtlMd1ae Kol>adl D Sllzulcf Swift S10000 JWRC KIH354 (RA),'E.11617 (AN) 3h.20m.5:!.5s. 21 (62) Jen WtliamalGeolge GwyM ZAIG8 Mtaubialli La.--Evox N' . DS701PC (l)EJ1630 (AN) 3h.23m . ..0.48. 25 (39) Mlll1t Wallenweln/Stefan Kq>ezyk D RtNUCloR3 JWRC S-WT91 (D),'E.11628 (AN) 3h.30m.28.6s. 30 (6) Hemiv SOLBERGIC!m Mriaru:I N FOldFowaRS WRC EU07SW (GB),'E.11601 (AN) 3h.32m. 13.0s. (8) 32 (33) Siraie Bert0tol1ill..uca Caleatini I Suzud Swift S1600 JWRC SSE001 (H),f:.11622 (FIN) 3h.34m.19.0s. ,43 (36) Hn Weija/Bjam Oegandt NUB CifJoenC2S1600 JWRC H-ffi-4406 (D)IEJ1625 (FIN) 3h.51m.17.8s. (5) 90 (10 JWRC) awlln. 60 (7 JWRC) misherl. ~ N wimer. MANUFA~S' REGISTERS) DRIVER. (Missed 81llgeaa road aec:tiooe) Wimar'aavnge speed over stages 121.33kph. 'Pnli Sir Driver. LEADING RETREI.ENTS LAST STAGE COl.f'I.ETED (7) Evgeny NOVIKOVn>all! Moeoatt RUSIAUS Citroen C4 WRC 723EGZ78 (FJ,f:J1602 (AN) llllQdent (9) (8) CCfnd ~ Ben1tt ZWJG8 Cilroen C4 WRC 721EGZ78 (F) IIDCidenl (11) Peller Sollerl>'f'hil_, Milt NIGB Ciioer!Xln WRC 526ERR78 (F) upeneia1 (6) (14) t.'ilds Oalbero'-'\1"118 Andlnaon NIS Slbalul~ WRC AM9374 (N),f:H4374 (AN) accident (34) Luca GrioCIVCa'llldo Baitl!D I RendClioR3 JWRC DKe.15HF (l)IEJ1623 (AN) aooident (35) Yoim Booalc/Benjamln Bouloud F Suzuki Swift S1600 JWRC HP-SR138 (D)IEJ1624 (FIN) actident (37) Kevin Abbring,'8wio Morooae11B NLJB Renau'tCloR3 JWRC 62-SN-VX (Nl)IEJ1626 (FIN) accident (61) Niooc Thomas/~loe l.oi2ides CY Lttaubiali Lancer Eva X N* DS702PC (l)IEJ1629 (AN) acddent (63) .aldtoNbra/Ja&Kdiaepo AN Mlllti>iati Lancer Eva X N' DS705PC (l)IEJ1631 (FIN) aooidant (64) Marin~ Cep4edw CZ l.tlBubial1i LancerEvo X N' DS704PC 0) /EJ1632 (FIN) qile(2) (65) ~ T appert.Jeff Judd NZ l.ftsublali Lancat Evo X w DS703PC 0)1EJ1633 (AN) qile(3) (70) Kimi Raidconerll<ej lindalrom AN Flat Grande Punto S2000 N E.Xl639(AN) aooident RAl.l.Y LEADERS Loeb stage 1, HivlXlell 2·23. JWRC LEADER Pl1lkq> stages 1-23. TheRoule Speael Slagea TOIIIIDiatanoe Cnlw9 leedilg Speaal Stages ReMq poeitioos 1 2 3 4 5 6 Dlly1 Jyvaalcyte {Thur8day 1815) 10pial-130.84km 519.45km Hivonen 10 4 5 1 2 (1-10) .t,Yaal(yla . Jyvaakyla • Loeb 7 7 3 4 1 Jyvask)ia (Friday 2030) I La\vala 6 2 6 6 2 Dlly2 Jyvaakym (saturday 0615) • 9 gravei-166.87km 644.89km 86 Ogier 1 1 1 3 4 2 (11-19) Jyvaal(yla->Jvaskyta-SOido 7 6 7 2 Jyva8lcyte (Satimly 2042) P.Sollelg 1 1 1 Olly 3 Jyva8lcyte (Sunday 0650) • 4 !J'IMll,47 .4-4km 285.27km 65 H.Sollelg 1 4 3 (20-23) Jyveskyle (Sunday 1400) Ran1anen 1 3 4 Novi(oy 1 23 atages.345.15km 1449.61km JWRC Pl1lkq> woo 12 81llgea, l'n>makl 7, Bll'klrt 2, Weather. Orf, often Wllllll and sunny, aometime8 d11111> aunaoes. No 1fagel in datkneaa. Abbri'Q & KoeQuszko 1 each. Poeitione in Wond Chanl>~ lorRalties(WCR): Cifroen TotalWRT 119poinls, BP FOid Abu Dhabi WRT 105, Sta>artVK M-Sportf'ord RT 64, Ciioerl JUiiar Teem 33, Muidlrs FOid WRT20. Po6i1iona in Wald Charrl)~ lor DIMl1l (WCD): Hivonen 68polnta, Loeb 65, Sordo44, lalv8la 31, H.Sollelg 27, P.Sollelg 25, Wllaon 20, Ogler 16, Vililgnl 14, Raulemadl 8, etc. Po8itions In JlliarWRC (Roood 718-mrrberof6 -,1s 00C'fl)81sd): Prokq, (5) 48poilts, Koaciuszko (6) 42, Buroin (5) 35, Abbmg (5) 22, 8ertllottl(5) 18, etc. Prokop now Chan1)iai From Martin Hohiea, Proepeot Coltage, Pyrford Graen, Wol<lng, Suney, GU22 6UZ. UK Tel: +44 (0) 1932 352894 & 347757. Fax: +44(0) 1932 343102. Emait ~--com WR i 10 1 8 E 6 E 5 f ◄ 4 3 1 2 1 13 22 13 18 14 10 18 18 15 16 14 18 October 2009 Dusty Times

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~KC H1L1TES MIDNIGHT SPECIAL Josh Daniel Takes Class 1 Ai1d overall By ]. Preston Bradshaw Photos: Track.side Photo Josh Daniel had a great run, he took the Class 1 honors as well as the overall win at the SNORE Midnight, seen here before dusk. Ridgecrest, California, the weather was perfect, the course was both rough and fast, Technical Inspection and Contingency was held at the Kerr-McGee Center, a most beautiful site donated by KM to the City of Ridgecrest. There were 78 cars and trucks just waitin' to mix it up and most of them were not disappointed, there was some really close racing during the night and most everyone entered went home with a good feeling inside. First to leave the starting gate were the Unlimited Trucks, there. were three of them entered and all three would make it to the checkered flag. At the end of their first la it was Cameron Steele showing the way. 17 seconds later it was Ron Whitton in second spot and another 13 seconds later it was Ron Wyllie in the third spot. On their second lap Cameron Steele continued to lead the class, Todd Wyllie had moved into second place, he was some five minutes behind the leader and in third place it was Ron Whitton, who had a slower lap and was 10 minutes behind the leader. Whitton turned it on and took the lead on the third lap, Todd Wyllie remained in the second spot, he was less than three minutes behind the leader. Cameron Steele was in big trouble, he had lots of troubles and recorded a three and a half hour third la dro him into a verrrry long third place position. Fourth lap came to an end and Ron Whitton continued to show the way, he was followed by Todd Wyllie who ran second, Todd was a bit over five minutes in arrears and Cameron Steele remained in third place, Cam turned a 50 minute lap once he was back in action. Fifth lap, last lap and Ron Whitton was the happy winner on the Unlimited Truck class, Todd Wyllie took the silver medal, he was eight minutes and change in arrears and in third place was Cameron Steele, a long way back but never a quitter. The Class l chargers were there were four of them The big winner in the Unlimited Truck category was Ron Whitton, he's seen here flyin' his way to that wonderful checkered flag. and 7 5% of them would run all out of the win and Tom Koch took the required laps. At the end of third place honors. the first lap it was Josh Daniel, The Class 10 troops were next turning a less than 50 minute lap, up, there were five cars in the race Ridgecrest resident Tom Koch was and all five of them would make running in the second spot, Tom it all the way. was only 23 seconds in arrears, TJ At the end of their first of five Flores was running in the third required laps it was Justin Davis spot, he was another two minutes leading the class, Michael Hanson back. Ray Becker started the race ran in the second spot, he was but was never seen again. three minutes in arrears, Kyle Their second lap ended and Woodward was in the third spot, Josh Daniel continued to lead Kelly Boyle was in fourth place the class, TJ Flores· moved into and Jason Griffin was running in the second spot he was a couple the fifth spot. of minutes behind the leader and Their second lap ended and Tom Koch dropped to third place, Justin Davis was still leading the Tom was five minutes behind the class, Michael Hanson remained leader. in second place, Kyle Woodward. Third lap ended and Josh was still in the third spot, Kelly Daniel continued to lead, TJ Boyle was fourth and Jason Grifffn Flores remained in second place he remained in fifth place. was one minute behind and Tom Third lap came to an end and Koch remained in third, another Justin Davis was still leading, 10 minutes back. Michael Hanson remained in the Fourth lap came to an end, second spot, he was five minutes Daniel continued to hold the lead, behind the leader, Kelly Boyle was TJ Flores remained in second place in third place another 14 minutes he dropped a few minutes and in arrears, Kyle Woodward was in was now five minutes behind the fourth, he was another six minutes leader, Tom Koch remained third, back and Jason Griffin remained he was now eight minutes out of in the fifth spot, well off the pac~ second place. Fourth lap, Justin Davis Last lap, when the checkered continued to run laps in the high flag flew it was Josh Daniel taking 50 minute area, Michael Hanson a nice win, leading the class all was hanging in, he was just a bit the way, TJ Flores gave it the old over three. minutes back, Kelly college try, he took the silver Boyle remained in the third spot, medal he was a mere 13 seconds back another 16 minutes, Kyle Woodward still ran in fourth place, he was another nine minutes back and Jason Griffin held on in the fifth spot. Last lap, checkers flew and Justin Davis was right there to take the win, Michael Hanson was the second car in, he was a bit less than three minutes behind the leader, Kelly Boyle finished in . third place, 26 minutes behind the leader, Kyle Woodward finished fourth, another six minutes dawn and Jason Griffin came across the line in fifth place. Justin Davis won the Class 10 battle, he took the class win with just less than three minutes in hand, seen here in flight. Jessica Freeman had a ball, she took the Class 12 win with half an hour in hand when the checkers flew, here headin' for home. Class 12 was next to run, there were eight of them entered and five of them would be around for the checkered flag. At the end of their first lap it was Justin Smith Continued on page 24 Todd Wyllie had to settle for a silver medal finish in the Unlimited TJ Flores almost made it, he was the second place finisher in the Michael Hanson flies through the dusk, Michael was the second Truck race, he was eight minutes in arrears at the finish. Class 1 conflict, he was 13 seconds out of the win at the flag. place finisher in the Class 10 fracas at the Midnight. Page 22 October 2009 Dusty Times

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• • • ' t •,•,I'•• Josh Meister worked his way through the Class 12 pack to take The Shapley/Alexander team had a good time, they took second It was a nice second place finish for Richard Cassey in the Class the silver medal, he's seen here at speed with tights ablaze. in the Class 1450 battle, seen here rushing through the night. . 1450 race, he's seen here on his way to the checkered flag. showing the way, Clay Lenard was in the second spot, he was 46 seconds behind the leader, Kevin Martin came along in third place, another 50 seconds back, Dave Campbell ran in fourth place, _ Jessica Freeman was running fifth and Josh Meister was in the sixth spot. Frank Baird and Scott Clifton were amongst the missing. Second lap, Justin Smith continued to' lead the class, Clay Lenard remained in second place, he was now eight minutes in arrears, Dave Campbell moved up a spot into third place, Jessica Freeman was up a spot into fourth place, Josh Meister was no in fifth place and Kevin Martin had dropped to sixth place with a veeeeery long lap. John Houlton flew his car to the Class 13 win at Ridgecrest, he's seen here on his way to the checkered flag. Their third lap ended and Justin Smith still had the lead, Clay Lenard still held down the second spot, he was 14 minutes behind the leader, Jessica Freema·n had moved up into third place, she was another five minutes back, Dave Campbell was down a spot into fourth place, Josh Meister remained in fifth place and Kevin Martin remained in the sixth spot. Fourth lap, Jessica Freeman really turned it on and she took over first place in the class, Clay Lenard remained the second place car, Josh Meister moved into the third ·place spot, Justin Smith dropped to fourth place with some major problems and Kevin Martin ran in fifth place. Dave Campbell retired from the fray. Fifth lap, final lap and Jessica Freeman roared across the finish line for the Class 12 win, Jess had her hubby Bryan in the right seat all the way, Josh Meister took second place honors, he was almost half an hour in arrears, • s• Color Display • Internal t6 Channel GPS Antenna • US and Baja M p • Sirius radio and weather San Diego Clay Lenard came in third, he was another three minutes in arrears, Justin Smith finished in fourth place and Kevin Martin was the fifth place finisher. The Class 13 troops had four entries and they had three laps to go to make their race. When their first lap ended it was Ashley Davis showing the way, Bill Shapley came along in second place, he was three minutes back, John Houlton ran in third place, he was another three minutes back and Beau Binkowski ran in the fourth spot. Second lap ended and it was now John Houlton leading the class, Ashley Davis ran in the second spot, she. was five minutes and change behind the leader, In third place was the combo of Bill Shapley and Steve Alexander, they were another minute in arrears and Beau Binkowski was in the fourth spot after suffering major problems. Third lap, last required lap, and John Houlton came in the checkered flag, a very nice win, El C Jon Shapley/ Alexander were the second car in, they were 13 minutes ·behind the leader, Ashley Davis was third in, she was just 54 seconds back of second place and Beau Binkowski was the fourth place finisher. Class 1450 was next up, they too had . three laps to run for their race and there 7915 Balb(M Ave. 858.565.7792 425 N. Marshall Ave. 619.442.8689 were five in the class. At the end of their first lap we had Eric Ludian in the class lead, Serge Bomttard ran in the second spot, Escondido 2645 Auto Pal't< Way 760.746.3193 Temecula 26901 Jefferson Ave. 951 .326.2880 \N\NVV oft, oadwn, c-house co111 Page 24 Andrew Leavitt was in the third· spot, Richard Cassey was in fourth place and Noah Henderson ran in the fifth spot. When their second lap ended it was still Eric Ludian leading the pack, Richard Cassey had moved up into second place, he \Yas four minutes in arrears, Andrew Leavitt remained in third place, Serge Bomttard dropped to fourth spot and Noah Henderson in fifth place. Third lap, last lap and Eric Ludian came across the finish line for a nice win, in second place was Richard Cassey, he was 15 minutes behind the leader, Serge Bomttard came along in third, he was another five minutes back, Noah Hender.son took fourth place honors and Andrew Leavitt was the fifth and final finisher in the class. Class 15 only had two vehicles ready to race, both of them finished. They too had three laps to run for their race and at the end of their first lap it was Greg Crew in the lead, Trey Piersall was 19 minutes in arrears in econd place. At the end of their' second lap it was Trey Piersall in the lead, Greg Crew had some problems,and was now running in second place, he was 19 minutes behind the leader. Third lap, final lap ended and Trey Piersall came across the finish line for the win, Greg Crew took home the silver medal, he was 20 some minutes in the hole. The Class 1600 troops were next up, there were 15 cars entered and 11 of them would make it the ' five required laps to the checkered flag. When their first lap ended it was Corey Torres leading the class, Kenny Freeman was right there in second place, he was 32 seconds behind the leader, Adam Ashcraft was in third place, another 15 seconds back, Bryan Mathews was in fourth place and Matt Gumz was running in the fifth spot. Brian Collins Jr. was running in sixth place, Jason Coleman ran seventh, Grant Fluegge was in eighth place, Derek Bradley ran ninth and Ray Blokelman was in the 10th spot. In October 2009 Eric Ludian led the Class 1450 group all the way, he's seen here just before dark getting' another lap under his belt. 11th place was Evan Dixon, Corey to eighth place, Orio Cox III was Goin ran in the 12th spot, Orlo up four spots into ninth and Grant Cox III was unlucky 13th, Brian Fluegge ran in the 10th spot. Bryan Benson was in 14th place and Don Mathews was in the 11th spot, Don Wall was in the 15th spot. Wall .ran in 12th place and Brian Lap 2 ended, and we had a new Benson was unlucky 13th. The leader, Jason Coleman had moved Corey's, Goin and Torres were on from sixth place into the class lead, their respective trailers. Brian Collins Jr. was up a bunch Third lap, the newest leader of spots into second place, he was Adam Ashcraft, Matt Gumz was less than a minute in arrears, was now running in second place Adam Ashcraft was just a few more in the class, Brian Collins Jr. ran seconds back in third place, Kenny in third place, Jason Coleman Freeman dropped to fourth place dropped to fourth place and Grant and Matt Gumz dropped a spot Fluegge now ran in fifth place. to fifth place. Derek Bradly was Orlo Cox III held on in the sixth up two positions into sixth place, spot, Ray Blokelman held on in Ray Blokelman was up two spots seventh place, Bryan Mathews was into seventh, Evan Dixon was up up into eighth place, Evan Dixon The win in the Class 15 conflict went to Trey Piersall, he's seen here on his way to the checkered flag. Lots of visibility for Adam Ashcraft as he hurtles through the night to take the Class 1600 victory at Ridgecrest. Dusty Times

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Matt Gumz was the second place finisher in the Class 1600 battle, It was a second place finish in Class 5/1600 for Raul Solano, Charles Anderson was a wee bit off the winning pace in the Class 7 race, he went on to take a decent second place finish. he was just three minutes in arrears when the checkers flew. he's seen here at speed before the moon came up. Clint Braun is just off the ground as he races through the darkness to take the win in Class 18 at the SNORE Midnight. ran in ninth place and Brian running 10th. Derek Bradley was Benson rounded out the top 10. fn 11th place. Derek Bradley dropped to 11th Their fifth lap ended and it was place. Kenny Freeman and Don Adam Ashcraft taking a nice win Wall decided to call it a night. against some strong competition, When their fourth lap ended it Matt Gumz took home the silver was still Adam Ashcraft in the class medal, he was three minutes in lead, Matt Gumz ran in the second arrears, Jason Coleman took the spot, he was about five minutes in bronze medal, Brian Collins Jr. arrears, Brian Collins Jr. remained finished first off the podium in third place, Jason Coleman and Orio Cox III took fifth place held on in fourth spot and Grant honors. Grant Fluegge was the Fluegge was still running in fifth sixth car in, Bryan Mathews was place. Orio Cox III remained in the seventh car in, Ray Blokelman the sixth spot, Ray Blokelman ran finished in eighth place, Evan seventh, Bryan Mathews was in a Dixon finished in ninth place, dead heat on time with Blokelman, Brian Benson was the 10th place Evan Dixon remained in ninth finisher and Derek Bradley was the place and Brian Benson was still 11th place finisher. Patrick Dailey had plenty of light available as he took the Class 5/1600 win, he's seen here with just some of the lights on. It was a fun night for Bob Pickering at Ridgecrest, he took the Class 7 win with 50 minutes in hand when the checkers flew. Dusty Times Kevin Ellis makes a slightly nose heavy"fanding,Kevin went on the take the gold medal in Class 3000 at the Ridgecrest meet. Next to run were the Class 18 checkered flag. At the conclusion vehicles, there were three of them of their first of four laps, e te red a.Tu ii iJll..ID! Bass was next, he was less than a minute in arrears and Clint Braun ran third, he was another three minutes back. The end of lap 2 saw major change Clint Braun was now the leader, Lonan Pies had some problems, he ran in second spot and was 19 minutes behind the leader and Mark Bass had terminal problems and was on his trailer. Third lap, Clint Braun continued to lead, Lonan Pies still ran in second place, a lot further back no as he had another longish lap. Fourth lap, last lap, Clint Braun came in for• the checkered flag, Lonan Pies finished in sl!cond spot, but, the silver medal is still the silver medal. Next up was the Class 3000 Cantin~4 an page 26 . -·---RACE RADIOS PINCH BOSSES ~~KENWOOD ~ II UNIBAll CUPS October 2009 - -J - - - . .. " Page 25

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Rodger Schank was the silver medal winner in the Class 9 It was a decent night for Cory Vandermark in the StockBug Tom Koch ran second on the first lap in Class 1, slipped to third contest, he's seen here on his way to the elusive checkered flag. Class, he took second place honors after a good run in the dark. place and that's where he ended up, he's seen here at speed. contestants, there were only two medal, he was some 18 minutes it was Raul Soland in the lead Bob Pickering still led the class, one would make the entire four lap of them entered and both would behind the leader. car, Patrick Dailey was in second Charles Anderson remained in the race. When their first lap ended it take the checkered flag. At the end · There were five entered in the place, he. was about four minutes second spot and Dallas Lattrell was was Steve Rose showing the way, of their first of four required laps, 5/1600 contest, three of them in arrears, Glen Mayernick was amongst the missing. Brandi Anderson was in second Kevin Ellis was the class leader, would make all the required laps. running in third place and Third lap was over and Bob place, Peter Garfinkle was in the Earl Fraser was behind him by only When their first lap ended it was Brandyn Kaylor ran in the fourth Pickering still led the class, third spot and Brian Day was on five seconds. Patrick Dailey in the class lead, spot. Robert Gross was out of the Charles Anderson remained in his trailer. · At the end of their second lap it Bob Gross came along in the race. second place but he was slipping Second lap ended, Brandi was Earl Fraser in the.lead, Kevin second spot, he was 2 minutes Their third lap ended and and was now almost an hour in Anderson.was now.the Class 7S Ellis was trailing by three minutes. behind the leader, Raul Solano Patrick Dailey was once again in arrears. leader, Peter Garfinkle was in the ThirdlapandKevinElliswas wasinthirdplace,hewasanother thelead,RaulSolanodropped Fourth lap ended, Bob-secondspot,some40minutes back in the Lead again, Earl Fraser minute back, Glen Mayernick was back to the second place s.lot, Pickering still led the class, Charles behind the leader. Steve Rose was was some nine minutes in arrears. languishing in fourth place and he was eight minutes behind the Anderson ran second, now over an off the scoring charts. Fourth lap, final lap and Kevin Brandyn Kaylor was in fifth place leader, Glen Mayernick ran in hour behind the leader. Third lap ended, Brandi Ellis came in for the gold medal, after an extremely long first lap. third place and Brandyn Kaylor Last lap ended, Bob Pickering Anderson was now the class leader, Earl Fraser took home the silver At the end of their second lap remained in a long fourth place took a nice win and Charles running all alone. Peter Garfinkle position. Anderson remained in the second also retired from the race. Their last lap ended and it was spot. Last lap ended and Brandi Patrick Dailey taking 'the 5/1600 Class 7S was next away, there Anderson was all alone of the win, Raul Solano took a second were four of them entered but only course in Class 7S, taking a nice place finish and Glen Mayernick was the third and final finisher in the class. Brandon Kaylor finally succumbed to his earlier problems. It was a great" night for Brandi Anderson, Brandi took the Class 7S win at the SNORE Midnight, seen here just at landing. There were four trucks entered in Class 7, they had five laps to run for their race ad only two of them would make all five required laps. At the end of their first lap, it was Bob Pickering leading the class, Charles Anderson ran in the second spot, he was some eight minutes back, Dallas Lattrell was running in third place and Travis Bozzano was out of the race. Their second lap ended and Page 26 Race car I Pre Runner I sand car 818-998-2739 9763 VARIEL AVENUE, CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 • I ::a t 9. a I ~ I I October 2009 It was a good night for Dean Schlingmann, he raced to the Class 8 win at Ridgecrest, seen here just at touchdown . Ryan Tyler only needed half his lights to take the Class 9 win at the Midnight, he's seen here charging through the dark. • Felipe Sanchez was using all the lights available as he raced to the StockBug Class win, here boring through the blackness. . Dusty Times

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r win. Class 8 had two trucks entered and they battled fairly well over their five required laps. At the end of their first lap it was Sheldon Paul in the lead, Dean Schlingmann ran second, he was a bit over two minutes in arrears. Second lap, it was still Sheldon Paul in the lead and Dean Schlingmann running second, now just less than four minutes behind the leading truck. Third lap was over and now it was Dean Schlingmann in the class lead, Sheldon Paul had a problem, he dropped to second place, 12 minutes behind the leader. Fourth lap ended and Dean Schlingmann continued to lead the class, Sheldon Paul was second, he was now 13 minutes behind the class leader. Final lap and Dean Schlingmann came in for the checkered flag, Sheldon Paul arrived 10 minutes later for a second place finish. The Class 9 troops were up next, they had four laps to go for their race. There were five of them entered, only three of them would make it all the way. When their first lap ended it was Cody Rash in the lead, Ryan Tyler was se.cond in the class, he was about as minute and a half out of the lead, Rodger Sch-ank was third, another minute back, Cronus Dillard ran in fourth place and Vicki Lenard ran in the fifth spot. · Second lap ended and Cody Rash still led the class, Ryan Tyler continued in second place, he was 19 minutes behind the leader, Rodger Schank ran in third place, another two minutes back, Cronus Dillard remained in the fourth spot and Vicki Lenard held on in fifth place. Their third lap ended and Cody Rash continued to lead the cla~s, Ryan Tyler held on in second place, Rodger Schank still ran in third place, Cronus Dillard was still running fourth and Vick1 Lenard was still running in fifth place. Fourt_h lap, final lap and it was Ryan Tyler taking a nice Class 9 win, Rodger Schank came in for the silver medal, Cornus Dillard took the last spot on the podium, Vicki Lenard was out of the race and Cody Rash was disqualified for a course infraction. There was only one entry in the Mini Metal Class, Dana Dague who only got in one lap and then retired from the fray. There were five entered in the Class 11 contest, three of them would see the checkered flag. They had three laps to run for their race and when their first lap ended it was Felipe Sanchez in the lead, Cory Vandermark was in second pl.ace, he was seven minutes behind the leader, Bob Johnson was third, he was another three seconds back, Richard Palasik ran fourth, Gary Herrod was in fifth place, he was a long way back with problems and Jerry Ornellas was in sixth place, fighting a four hour lap. Second lap ended, Felipe Sanchez still held the class lead, Sheldon Paul used a bit of candlepower to race to a second place finish in the Class 8 contest, he was 10 minutes in arrears at the flag. Cory Vandermark ran second, he was some three minutes in arrears, Bob Johnson remained in the third spot and Gary Herrod was running fourth. Jerry Ornellas and Richard Palasik were out of the race. Third and final !pa, Felipe Sanchez came in for a great Class 11 win, Cory Vandermark took second place honors and Bob Johnson was the third car in to the finish. Gary Herrod was unable to finish his final lap. And so it ended, another Midnight Special under the belt. Next up is the 40th running of the SNORE 250, October 2-4, 2009. See ya all there! · Ashley Davis led the first lap of the Class 1300 race, but, Kelly Boyle was a bit off the pace in the Class 10 contest at Clay Lenard had to settle for a third place finish in the Class 12 unfortunately, ended up with the bronze medal, a minute out Ridgecrest, Kelly finished in third place, seen here at touchdown. contest, seen here at speed with lights ablaze. of second spot. · Serge Bombard finished in third place in Class 1450, he's seen Not too bad a night for Jason Coleman, he took a third place here charging through the night towards the finish line. finish in Class 1600 at Midnight, seen here at touchdown. Glen Mayernick was well off the winning pace in the Class 5/1600 skirmish, he finished third in class, seen here at speed. Robert Johnson ran in third [place all the way in the StockBug Justin Smith led the Class 12 contingent for three laps, a two and It was a fourth place finish in Class 1600 for Brian Collins Jr., race, he's seen here at speed before the sun disappeared. a half hour fo.urth lap spelled fini, Justin finished in fourth place. he's seen here at speed before darkness set in. Kevin Martin had a long two and three quarter hour second lap, Orio Cox /II was off the winning pace in the Class 1600 fracas, he still managed a fifth place finish in Class 12. seen here just going airborne in the darkness. Dusty Times October 2009 It was a sixth place finish in Class 1600 for Grant Fluegge, Grant is seen here charging through the night. Page 27

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TRAXx1s ToRc AT BARK R1vER Kyle LeDuc Takes Pro 4x4 Races By ]. Preston Bradshaw Photos: Dave Cark It was a great weekend for Kyle LeDuc, he took the win both days in the Kumho Pro 4x4 events, Kyle is seen here hustlin' to the checkers. The Traxxis Tore Series truck entrants and they had Truck Series moved to Bark some really fast and close · River for their August 8 and · racing. 9 series. There were len of First race on Jeff Kincaid was the Pro Light winner at Bark River on Saturday, unfortunately, Jeff was unable to finish in the Sunday event. was the Kumho Pro 4x4 event, there were nine trucks entered, they had 11 laps to go for their race and only five of them would see the checkered flag. When the green waved it was Steve Barlow taking the hole shot, Kyle LeDuc is right there in second place, Curt LeDuc is running third, Scott Douglas is fourth and Johnny Greaves is in fifth place. Second lap, Kyle LeDuc has taken the lead, Steve Barlow is in second place, Curt LeDuc remains in third, Johnny Greaves is up a spot into fourth and Rick Huseman runs in fifth place. Third lap, Kyle LeDuc continues to lead, Steve Barlow remains second, Johnny Greaves is now running third, Rick Huseman is running fourth and Scott Ricky Johnson took the Amsoil Pro 2WD win on Saturday, Ricky had to settle for second place in the Sunday event. Douglas runs in fifth place. Lap four, Kyle LeDuc is a long way out in front and Steve Barlow is holdin down the second spot. Fifth lap, Kyle still has a large lead, Johnny Greaves is now in second place, Rick Huseman is up to third place, Steve Barlow l\as dropped to fourth place and Scott Douglas holds on in the fifth spot. Lap six saw flies, LeDuc flies out in front and Scott Douglas is no position changes in the top five places. Lap seven, the Competition Yellow overheating. Eighth lap, Kyle LeDu_c still leads the pack, Johnny Greaves is second, Rick Huseman runs third, Scott Douglas is in fourth place and Adrian Cenni is now running fifth. There were no position changes in the top five trucks on the ninth and 10th laps. Eleventh lap, final lap and when the checkers flew it was Kyle LeDuc taking a really great win, Rick Huseman followed in second, Scott Douglas was the third truck in, Adrian Cenni finished in fourth spot and Mike Jenkins was the fifth finisher. Sundays Pro 4x4 race was also 11 laps, there. were nine trucks entered and when they completed their first lap it was Steve Barlow in the lead; Curt LeDuc ran close in second place, Kyle LeDuc was right there in third place, Scott Douglas ran fourth and Johnny Greaves was fifth. Second lap and Kyle LeDuc is in the lead, Steve Barlow runs second, Johnny Greaves runs in third place, Rick Huseman is fourth and Ken Kincaid is i.n fifth place. Curt LeDuc and Barlow rubbed some fiberglass. LeDuc and Douglas are out of the race. Third lap, Kyle LeDuc continues to lead; Huseman passes Barlow and Greaves .and moves into second place, Barlow runs third, Greaves is fourth and Ken Kincaid is in the fifth spot. Fourth lap, Kyle LeDuc continues· to lead the pack, then it is Huseman, Greaves, Barlow and Kincaid. On to the seventh lap, Kyle LeDuc still leads, Huseman is second, Greaves, Barlow and Mike Jenkins follow in order. There were no position in. the top five on the next three laps and when the checkers flew it was Kyle LeDuc winning the class again, Rick Huseman cam·e in second, Johnny Greaves came in third, Steve Barlow was fourth and Mike Jenkins was the fifth place finisher. On Saturday, the Amsoil Pro 2WD race was second race of the day, they also had Performance Proven fQr Desert & O.ff-Road Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding & Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks Quality Products & Friendly Service RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714~259-1385 • FAX 714-259-0759 • 15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX us to Receive a Free Catalog ~-------------------------------------------------------~ Page 28 October 2009 Dusty Times

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l Todd leDuc took the silver medal on Saturday in the Pro 2WD race, Todd took the win in the Sunday event, seen here f/yin' high. 11 laps to make their race and when they came around at the end of their first lap it was Dan Vanden Heuvel in the lead, Jeremy McGrath ran in second place, Todd LeDuc ran third, Scott Taylor ran fourth and Ricky Johnson was fifth. Second lap and Jeremy McGrath is now the leader, Dan Vanden Heuvel drops to second place, Todd LeDuc runs third, Scott Taylor is fourth and Ricky Johnson is in fifth p\ace. No position changes in the top five trucks on their third lap. Fourth lap, Jeremy McGrath continues to lead, Todd LeDuc is now in second place, Rob MacCachren has appeared in the third spot, Scott Taylor runs fourth and Mike Oberg is in fifth place. Dusty Times The fifth lap only had one change in the top five, Ricky Johnson moved into fifth place. Seventh lap saw the top three remain in place, Ricky Johnson moved into fourth and Scott Taylor dropped to fifth place. Eighth lap, Jeremy McGrath continues to lead, Todd LeDuc is ·very close in second place, Ricky Johnson runs third, Rob MacCachren runs fourth and Scott Taylor is in fifth place. Ninth lap, Jeremy McGrath still leads b t Ricky Johnson is right there fighting for the lead, Todd LeDuc is third, MacCachren is fourth and Scott Taylor is in fifth place. Tenth lap, Ricky Johnson moves into the lead, Jere my McGrath drops to second Chris Brandt launched himself to a _third place finish in Pro light on Saturday, Chris was a dnf in the Sunday race. · place, Todd LeDuc is third, Rob MacCachren is fourth and Scott Taylor is in fifth place. Eleventh lap and Ricky Johnson takes the win, Todd LeDuc takes the silver medal, Jeremy McGrath takes third, Rob MacCachren is fourth and Scott Taylor is the fifth place finisher. The Amsoil Pro 2WD race on Sunday saw Todd LeDuc in the lead on the first lap, Dan Vanden Heuvel was second, Scott Taylor ran third, Ricky Johnson was fourth and Rob MacCachren was in fifth place. and Taylor swa·pped places. Laps 4 and 5 saw no position changes in the first five trucks. Dan Vanden Heuvel led the sixth lap, Todd LeDuc ran ·second, then it was Johnson, MacCachren and Taylor. On laps 8 and 9 there were no position changes in the top five running trucks. On the 10th lap we saw Todd LeDuc move into the lead, Ricky Johnson was second, Dan Vanden Heuvel ran third, Jeremy McGrath was fourth and Rob MacCachren was ion the fifth spot. When the checkers flew it was Todd LeDuc· taking the win, Ricky Johnson was second in, Rob MacCachren moved up to a podium finish, Jeremy McGrath finished fourth and Dan Vanden Heuvel took fifth place honors. The Pro Light trucks were Centinud 1n 1 • 30 On lap 2 Vanden Heuvel passed Todd LeDuc for the lead, Taylor, Johnson and MacCachren remained in place. On the third lap, Johnson Chad Hord took a fourth place finish in Pro light in the Saturday battle, Chad took a nice win in the Sunday affair. 1 7XS TT BEAOLOCK 1 7XB SIMULATED B.L. 17XS VW BEADLOCK 1 SX 1 2 ~ BEAOLOCK October 2009 NON BEADLOCK BEAOLOCK Page 29

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Rick Huseman put together a pair of second place finishes in the Scott Douglas flew beautifully to a third place finish in the Marty Hart was the second place finisher in Pro light on Saturday, Pro 4x4 race, seen here with tuns of power to the track. Saturday Pro 4x4, Scott was listed as a dnf in the Sunday race. Marty finished fourth in the Sunday race. Adrian Cenni was the fourth place finisher in the Saturday Pro Jeremy McGrath took the bronze medal finish in the Pro 2WD race Rob MacCachren finished fourth in the Pro 2WD race on Saturday, 4x4 race, Adrian was a dnf in the Sunday conflict. on Saturday, Jeremy finished fourth in the Sunday race in his Toyota. Rob had a third place finish in the Sunday battle. next up, there were eight of them entered and when their first of 11 Saturday laps was over it was Marty Hart in the lead, "Jeff Kincaid ran second, Steve Federico was third, Chris Brandt ran fourth and Chad Hord rounded out the top five. There were no position changes in the top five on laps 2 and 3. On their fourth lap the only changes were Chad Hord moved to fourth place and Casey Currie dropped to fifth. On laps 5 through 7 the only change in the top five was the move of Chris Brandt into fifth place on the seventh lap. On the eighth lap Chris Brandt and Chad Hord swapped positions. On la 9 Jeff Kincaid moved into the lead, Marty Brandt ran in fourth place Third lap, no position Hart ran in second place, and Marty Hart ran fifth. changes in the top five and Chris Brandt was third, Chad Second lap, it was Currie, the front four ;ire running Hord ran fourth and Casey Hart and Kincaid running 1 nose to tail. Currie was in fifrh place. to 3, Hord was in fourth place Lap four, Marty Hart is There were no position and Chris Brandt was in fifth now in the lead, then it's changes on the last two la s lace. Hord, Brandt and Kincaid in so it was Jeff ------------------------, thatorderandMark Kincaid taking Oberg is in the fifth the win, Marty spot. Hart ran second, > Fifth lap and 1 .. -Chris Brandt was Marty Hart still third, Chad Hord le ads , Hord is was fourth and second, Kincaid Casey Currie was is third, then it's fifth in. Brandt and Oberg. Sundays Pro Casey Currie is on Lite 11 lap race his trailer. saw Casey Currie S eve n t h l a p in the lead at comes to an end, the end of the it is Hart, Hord, first lap, Chad Kincaid, Oberg and Hord ran second, Mark Krueger in the Mark Krueger It was a seventh place finish in Pro light on Saturday for Mark top five. lap Chad Hord takes the lead, Jeff Kincaid is second, Marty Hart is third, Mark Oberg sits in fourth place and Mark Krueger is in fifth place. Ninth lap and Jeff Kincaid now leads the group, Hord is second, Oberg is third, Krueger is fourth and Hart is in the fifth spot. Chad Hord took the lead on the 10th lap, then its Oberg, Krueger, Kincaid and Hart. Eleventh lap, final lap and when the checkers fly it is , Chad Hord taking the win, Mark Oberg finished second, Mark Krueger is third and Marty Hart is the fourth place finisher. Stay tuned, another race is coming with lots of action and many, many changes in osition. was third, Chris Oberg, Mark finished second in the Sunday race. Durin the eighth ----'-----'"---.._ ____________ _ It was a seventh place finish for Scott Taylor on Saturday in the Pro Mike Oberg finished sixth in the Pro 2WD race on Saturday, Mike Johnny Greaves flew to a seventh place finish in the Saturday Pro 2WDrace, Scottwasalongseventhplacefinisherin the Sunday race. had a 10th place finish in the Sunday fracas. 4x4 battle, Johnny took a third place finish in the Sunday clash. Steve Barlow really gets up there for a sixth place finish on Dan Vanden Heuvel was the ninth place finisher in the Pro 2WD race Saturday in Pro 4x4, Steve finished fourth in the Sunday event. on Saturday, Dan was the fifth place finisher in the Sunday event. Page 30 October 2009 Talk about pouring it on, Ross Hoek finished 12th in Pro 2WD in the Saturday race, Ross was the sixth place finisher on Sunday. Dusty Times

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K:ll..~ CALIFORNIA 200 Mike Bilek Takes Class 1 And overall ' By]. Preston Photos: Trackside Photo Mike Bilek took the Class 1 lead on the second lap and there he remained for a great class win and the overall as well. Shades of the old days, the MDR was George Pondella leading the Yonan ran in the fourth spot, Craig California 200 was a howling, if pack, Mike Bilek was almost two Dillar was in fifth place and Rory somewhat hot (Temperature, that minutes behind the leader, Bob Ward ran in the sixth spot. George is) race weekend. It was a night race Pickering came along four minutes Pondella was on his trailer. but, as most of you know, the desert later, Danny Wingering was 30 Third lap ended and Mike doesn't cool off much at night but seconds back and Bryan Yonan Bilek continued in the lead, Bob to all the racers it was another race. rounded out the top five cars. Craig · Pickering remained in second There were 96 cars and trucks pre• . Dillar ran in the sixth spot and Rory place, still running a bit less than entered and there were actually.SO Ward was in seventh place. George four minutes in arrears, Danny vehicles that took the green flag. Pondella failed to finish his first lap Wingering was in third place, he Lucerne Valley is just that, hot, and Greg Perryman did not start was another 14 minutes back, breezy or freezing cold_ with howling the race. Bryan Yonan ran fourth, another winds. This was different, it was Second lap for the Class 1 troops 19 minutes back, Craig Dillar was actually bearable. and now it was Mike Bilek showing fifth, he was yet another 16 minutes First to run were the Class 1 the way, Bob Pickering was up a in arrears and Rory Ward was in the vehicles, there were eight of them spot into second place, he was five sixth spot. entered, seven actually started and minutes behind the leader, Danny Fourth lap, final lap and Mike six of them made it the entire four Wingering was in third place, Bilek takes the checkered flag, a la s. At the end of their first la it another three minutes back B n ver nice win Bob Pickerin took Jeremiah Watson led the Class 9 race all the way, he's seen here charging through the night to the checkered flag. Kelly Boyle led the Class 10 contest all the way, seen here with al/ lights ablaze, headin' towards that beautiful checkered flag. the silver medal, he was still four At the end of their first lap it was minutes behind the winner, Danny Jeremiah Watson in the lead spot, Wingering came in third, Bryan Chuck Krumm followed along Yonan was the first off the podium some seven minutes later in second finisher, Craig Dillar took fifth place. place honors and Rory Ward nailed At the end of their second lap down the sixth place finishing it was still Jeremiah Watson in the position. lead, Chuck Krumm remained in Next up was the Class 5/1600's, second place, some 10 minutes actually there was only one of them behind the leader. entered, Steve Jones. Steve made it Last lap, it was Jeremiah Watson around for two laps only and then taking the gold medal, Chuck he retired, ·cause unknown. Krumm took second place honors, Class 9 was next up, they had some 30 minutes behind the Class three laps to run for their race and leader. both entrants made it all the wa . Class 10 had four laps top go for their race, there were four cars entered and three of them would see the checkered flag. At the end of their first lap it was Kelly Boyle showing the way, David Greenhill was second in class, he was three minutes behind the leader and Mark Fusting was in the third spot, he was a long way back suffering from major problems and Tom Kickmeyer was unable to complete his first lap. Moving swiftly through the night, Terry Ingold took the Class 1200 win at the MOR 200, seen here at speed. Kevin McMurray led the last two laps for the win, he's seen here with all lights ablaze headin' towards the finish line. Second lap came to an end and Kelly Boyle was still showing the way, David Greenhill remained in second place, he was now 11 minutes in arrears and Mark Fusting was back at speed but still a loooong way back. Third lap ended, Kelly Boyle still Continued on page 32 David Greenhill gave it all he had this race but had to settle for a A nice second place finish in the Class 12 contest went to Alexa silver medal this night, seen here in his Class 10 racer. Bilek, she's seen here nicely airborne. Dusty Times October 2009 With all nine lights ablaze, Tyler Fain sped through the dark night to a second place finish in the Class 14 fracas. Page 31

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.. Not too bad a night for Jeff Falzone, 'he took second place honors Danny Wingeriog was a bit off the winning pace in the Class 1 Aaron Farkas saves a bit of tire wear as he flies thrpugh the night at the MDR California 200, here flying through the air. in Class 1400, he's seen here at speed. · battle, Danny finished third in the class, here nicely airborne. was the Class leader, 22 minutes later along came David Greenhill and Mark Fusting remained in the third spot. · Fourth lap, final lap and when the checkers flew it was Kelly Boyle right there in the winning spot, David Greenhill was the second car in, he was half an hour in arrears · and in third place it was Mark Fusting, he was about 70 minutes further back. Class 1200 had three laps to run for their race, there were six of them contesting and five of them would see the checkered flag. At the end of their first lap it was Terry Ingold leading the pack, Alexa Bilek ran in the second spot, she was seven minutes in arrears, Terry Wyrembeck ran in the third spot, Ben Swift was running fourth, Aaron Farkaas was in fifth place and Taylor Morford was in the sixth spot, he was some 20 minutes behind the leader. Second lap came to an end, Terry Ingold still held the lead position, Alexa Bilek still held onto · second place, she was 14 minutes behind the leader, in third place was Aaron Farkaas, another 16 minutes back, Taylor Morford was now in fourth place, Ben Swift ran fifth and Terry Wyrembeck had succumbed to mechanical troubles. Last lap ended, Terry Ingold came in for the coveted checkered flag, Alexa Bilek was the second vehicle in, Aaron Farkaas took third place honors, Taylor Morford finished first off the ·podium and Ben Swift was the fifth and final finisher in the class. Ray Promer was entered in the Sportsman Class 1300 class but he failed to start the race. Class 1400, the Pro Pre-Runners were out in force, there were 34 of Continued on page 34 Dan Vance had a pretty good night, he took a bronze medal finish Not too bad a race for Dan Koenig, he took a third place finish Ryan lewis finished fourth in the crowded Pro Prerunner class, he's seen here at speed heading towards the elusive checkered flag. in class this night, he's seen here headin' for home. in Class at the MDR race, he's seen here at speed . Page 32 October 2009 Dusty Times

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them scheduled to start. their four lap race, eight of them failed to finish their first lap and 14 failed to start their first lap. That left 12 of them to duke it out for the glory and those remaining did really have a go at it. When their first lap ended it was George Rosenbaum leading the pack, Kevin McMurray was 50 seconds behind the leader, Dan Vance was another three minutes back, Jonathan Libby ran in fourth place and Kenny Walker was in fifth place. Tyler Fain was in sixth place, Ryan Lewis was seventh, Nathan Strong ran in the eighth spot, Russell Hampton was ninth and Mark Pulido was running in the 10th spot. Ben Wright was in 11th place and Dan Unsicker made it an even dozen. Starting the race but unable to finish their first lap were Greg Flores, Jeff Fogle, Wayne Lugo, Kevin Siegel, Seth Lundberg, Greg Sunds, Brad Hemphill and Brent Veenstra. Lap 2 came to an end, George Rosenbaum still led the pack, Kevin McMurray held on in second place, Jonathan Libby was up a spot into third place, Tyler Fain was up two spots into fourth and Nathan Strong was up three spots into fifth place. Dan Vance had dropped ' to sixth place, Ryan Lewis held on in seventh place, Ben Wright moved up into eighth place, Russell Hampton was ninth, Dan Unsicker was in 10th place and Mark Pulido was 11th. Kenn Walker was on Steven Herrera had a very good evening, he drove his truck to the class win, he had 12 minutes in hand at the checkers. his trailer. When their third lap came to an end it was now Kevin McMurray leading the class, Tyler Fain ran second, he was 12 minutes behind the leader, Jonathan Libby remained in the third spot, Dan Vance was in fourth place and Ryan Lewis was in the fifth spot. George Rosenbaum had dropped to sixth place with some sort of malady, Russell Hampton was up a few spots into seventh place and Nathan Strong dropped a few spots with mechanical troubles, he was now in eighth place. Ben Wright and Mark Pulido were out of the race. Fourth la , final la , and when the checkers flew it was Kevin McMurray right there to take a very nice win, Tyler Fain took second place honors, he was 14 minutes behind the leader, Dan Vance was another 10 minutes back in third place, Ryan Lewis finished first off the podium, another 12 minutes back, Russell Hampton was the fifth place finisher, back another seven minutes and Nathan Strong was the sixth and final finisher. Failing to finish their final lap were Jonathan Libby and George Rosenbaum. Class 1450 was next to race, there were 34 of them entered for the race, they all started the race and only six of them would fail to finish their three re uired la s. Joe Jeffrey led the Class 1600 all the way, Joe had 13 minutes in hand when he took the checkered flag. · When their first lap ended it was in 17th place, Juan Sanchez was Steven Herrera leading the class, 18th in class; Andreas Nicolaou ran Geoff Falzone was running in in 19th place and Cory Clarizio was second place, he was five minutes 20th to cross the line. Chris Reaves in arrears, Garrick Freitas ran in was running in 21st position, Craig the third spot, Mike Roberts was Gay was 22nd, Mark Slater was in running third, Mike Koenig was in 23rd spot, Kevin Studley was 24th fourth place and Ryan Hasbrouck and Jeff Solberg was in 25th place. was in fifth place. Dan Tyson was Chris Freas was running 26th, in sixth place, Vincent Munoz Tommy Trego ran 27th, Jensen ran seventh, Scott Bicknell was in Manabat was 28th, Brandon Alves eighth spot, Sean Kepler was ninth ran 29th and Brandon Feenstra and Jeff Shaw was running 10th. was in the 30th spot. Cameron In 11th place was Nick Isenhouer, Samuelson was in the 31st spot, Jeremy Deakins was in 12th place, Noah Quantrell was 32nd and Tim Scott was unlucky 13th, A. J. Ryan Dowe was the 33rd truck in Steeber ran 14th and Josh Pfohlman the class. was in 15th place. In 16th place was When their second lap Kell Essenwan er, Steve Fike was ended we saw Steven Herrera still in the lead, Mike Roberts had moved up into second place, he was six minutes behind the leader, Geoff Falzone was in the third spot, Mike Koenig held down the fourth spot and Ryan Hausbrouck ran in fifth place. Scott Bicknell was running sixth, Garrick Freitas was in seventh place, Nick Isenhouer was eighth, Dan Tyson dropped to ninth place and Jeremy Deakins was up a spot into 10th. In 11th place ..., was A.J. Steeber, Jeff Shaw ran in 12th, Tim Scott was running 13th, Josh Pfohlman was 14th and Chris Reaves was in 15th place. Craig Gay was 16th, Mark Slater was in 17th place, Kelly Essenwanger dropped Bob Pickering gave it all he had but the best he could muster this night was a second place finish in Class 1. Chuck Krumm was the second place finisher in the Class 9 contest, he's seen here with lights ablaze, headin' for the finish line. to 18th place, Steve Fike dropped to 19th place and Juan Sanchez now ran in 20th place. Sean Kepler was It was a fourth place in class finish for Scott Bicknell, seen here Russell Hampton worked his way up to a fifth place in class A fifth place finish in Class went to Nick lsenhouer, he's seen in his good looking truck charging through the night. finish, he's seen here al/ lit up in the blackness. here with al/ lights on as he heads towards the finish line. We missed an action shot of Ryan Hasbrouck but we do have a shot Jeff Shaw lets all the suspension hang down as he heads through of the happy crew appreciating their truck at the MOR California 200. the blackness towards a seventh place finish in class. Page 34 October 2009 With lots of candle power, Jeremy Deakins rushes through the darkness, Jeremy ended up with an eighth place finish in class. Dusty Times

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1 Tim Scott had a decent night, Tim drove his truck to a 10th place Putting out tons of light, Garrick Freitas heads for the finish line, It was a sixth place finish in class for Nathan Strong, seen here just at touchdown on his way to the finish line. finish in class, he's seen here headin' for the checkers. Garrick finished 11th in class that night. in 21st place, Andreas Nicolaou was down four places into 22nd, Vincent Munoz had troubles and dropped 16 places into 23rd position, Kevin Studley ran 24th and Jeff Solberg was running in 25th place. Brandon Feenstra was running 26th in class, Jensen Manabat remained in the 27th spot, Tommy Trego ran 28th and Chris Freas was in the 29th position. Ryan Dowe, Noah Quantrell, Cameron Samuelson, Brandon Alves and Cory Clarizio were all out of the race; causes unknown. · When their third and final. lap ended it was Steven Herrera taking a big win 'in a very crowded _class, Geoff Falzone was second in, he was f3 minutes behind the leader, Mike Koenig took third place honors, another 10 minutes back, eight minutes later, Scott Bicknell finished in fourth place and Nick lsenhouer was the fifth place finisher. Ryan Housbrouck was sixth truck in, Jeff Shaw finished seventh, Jeremy Deaskins was eighth to finish, A. J. Steeber was ninth in and Tim Scott was the 10th place finisher. Garrick Freitas came in 11th, Chris Reaves made it an even dozen, Craig Gay was unlucky 13th to finish, Dan Tyson finished in 14th place and Josh Pfohlman came across in place. Vincent Munoz was 16th truck in, Sean Keppler finished 17th, Kelly Essenwanger was the 18th finisher, Steve Fike finished 19th and Juan Sanchez came in 20th. Kevin Studley was 21st to finish, Jeff Solberg finished in 22nd place, Andreas Nicolaqu was 23rd, Jensen Man,abat was 24th to finish and Tommy Trego was 25th in. Brandon Feenstra finished in 26th place, Chris Freas finished 27th and Mark Slater was the 28th and final finisher in the class. Just a note to the reader, the finishers in this class, there were 28 of them, there were 34 starters, this give a finishing percentage rate of 82%, a tremendously high number for such a large class, possibly a record of sorts. Congrats to all involved. The 1600 cars were next to start, there four of them entered and all four would make the four required laps for a finish. At the end of thei_r first lap it was Joe Jeffrey in the class lead, Christy Sizelove was second, eight minutes in arrears, John Manring ran in third place and Ed Bonanni was the fourth car in. Second lap ended, Joe Jeffrey continued to lead, John Manring was now in second place, he was 17 minutes out of the lead, Christy Sizelove ran in third place, a shade over a minute further back and Ed Bonanni ran fourth, anotherthree· minutes in arrears. At the end of their third lap it was Joe Jeffrey still leading the class, John Manring remained in the second spot, John was 16 minutes behind the leader, Christy Dusty Times Sizelove ran third, one minute out of second place and Ed Bonanni was in fourth place, another 18 minutes behind. Fourth lap, final lap and Joe Jeffrey came in for the .class win, John Manring took second place honors, Christy Sizelove finished third, only two minutes out of second place and Ed Bonanni was the fourth and final Class 1600 finisher. Brian Fitzpatrick was alone in Class 1900, he failed to complete his first lap. Brian Roberts was the only entrant in the Trophy Lite Class, Brian drove around for his four required laps and took the class win. Next on the MOR schedule is the Lucerne 250, scheduled for September 26. See ya all there11111111111 ~ il"""''m""""""'!""""'! ............... _-............ --........... .....,t,,,... ................. .....,_ ...... ___ "'!:_..l"'g.c:::"""._ -.;;,,.-_,,,------------, PYAOTECT tor Com.mum.Wion & :t)~ Rlltl Ready\ ~ Racing ~p"iies Tear Offs • Uttivllrsaland Custom Molded Ear Buds • Helmet Skirts • Shields ·•'le Koolllr,._ Blo1'&r Systems • Hig!iestFlowing Systems! • 105, 135, 150, 235 and 250 (}FM Ratings • High Flow Filtel's & Custom Hoses • Trophy Kart Kits for Driver & Clutch Cooler · ·'m t~11-Mi$V,Cll\J, ,. EZ 1 Jlu.ttonOperatlon • ExebislVfl Racer X llotor!l)>orts Packag,e • 5.7 holll'!J oflligh Resolution reeording time • Up to 12 h<111rs of operation on 4AA Lithium Ion Batteries • Gan be Interfaced to Intercom for fnll audio experience • 41 {/2 GaJlon,Cap~ity • SCORE/ BlTD /Ft!,. Appr11ved • Tapered llesign,Prov-tdes :In.er11as:ed Ground-Glearmc,e & Mal:imli:es Usabl& Fuel • Fuel Level Sending Units Available • Caps, Necks, Hose, Filters-and Pumps Available _____ ___.,......,........,_ ...... ________ ....,... __ _..,"I \ YOUB SOURCE FOR PRO:IESSIONAL RACE PRODUCTS 10815 Wheatlands Avenue, Suite K • Santee, GA 92071 619-258-RAGE (7223) • Fax 619-258-0883 • October 2009 Page 35

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, ____ .:-I FALLON 250 AT NIGHT Harwell Takes Class 1 And overall Text & Photos: Troy Robinson It was a good race for Shannon Harwell, he took the Class 1 honors as well as the overall win, seen here kickin' up dust. Shannon Harwell outlasted the field to capture the overall win in the Fallon 250 at night, Vorra's mid season desert race. Shannon with his wife as co driver came from behind in his "sand car" but was able to keep moving throughout the night for the victory, his first win in his first season with Vorra. Race weekend in Fallon started with 105+ degree heat that greeted racers from as far away as South Dakota. Yes, the Crazy Indians brought their class 8 racer the long trek from the Midwest to race with Vorra. With the fait of the Bonneville off-road ser.ies in jeopardy some of their heavy metal racers decided to race this summer series. While the results were good for one Gary Hull taking the win in Group T, others were not so fortunate. Richard Cresinger (852) and the Crazy Indians Monte Tibbetts (850) each blew transmissions taking them out of the race early. Also making a long trek from Ventura Ca was the Motion Tire guys of Frank Hines. They dusted off their older for sale Lothringer and made the trip up. Hosting tech and registration as well as their 40th anniversary party was the Stockman's Casino who closed their parking lot and greeted The Most Sought After Fuel in Off-Road Racing Today! Ask your engine builder about the increased horsepower, torque and cooler operating temperatures offered by VP's Late Model Plus, C12, VP113 and other great fuels. Then you'll know why champions in each of these series choose VP Racing Fuels. VP Racing is the Official Fuel and/or Contingency Sponsor of: ~00~~ RACING ASSOCIATION ~IONSHIP ~RACING SCIIE1 INTERNATIONAL OFF-ROAD RACING For technical help or to locate the nearest VP dealer, call today or visit 951-696-5100 Page 36 World Leader in Race Fuel Technology™ October 2009 Kenny Ott, seen here in his Class 10 speedster was the big winner in class, Kenny bested four other drivers for the win. Gary Hull had a really good race, he flew his Ford to the win in the Group T division, he's seen here with the power really on. racers with DJ music, bar-be-que, snow cones, car show and drink specials. This went on all afternoon and into the evening all the while fellow racer Kenny Ott brought a "low boy" flat bed to transport racecars from the pits into town for the festivities. Three at a time he hauled racecars, quads and UTV's the 20 miles trip free of charge. This was a huge convenience for racers that don't have a truck and trailer to haul their car. Post tech was the drawing and welcoming party. As soon as the party was over everyone headed out to the pits and for a few hours the pit area was a bustling cruise town as almost all racers were out testing and adjusting the headlights on their car getting ready for the twilight affair the next night. Some of us decided to get a last night pre-run lap in. Racecourse for this year was the reverse of last with just one change. The course would be 41-miles long starting with a 5 mile technical, -rocky sand wash to check point 1 where the course would turn south .. and run nearly dead straight down the "gas line" road for 17 miles. The gas line starts with about 5 miles of deep sand that robs all cars of horsepower and is brutal on transmissions. After the sand come the rocky rollers, some "straight over crest" but not all. Only those that pre-..; run can for sure gun it and be confident that the road doesn't turn. Check point 2 and turn north again up 4-mile canyon: a twisty graded road that leads into checkpoint 3. Then it's into the straight and narrow: a dusty section with large boulders on either side of the course, stray off here and it's for sure a flat. This leads racers on to the new section, the alkali flats that aren't so dry. Then be careful of the pipeline on the side of the road that carries 170-degree water to the power plant. Finally a 3 mile wide graded road into the pits and into the finish line. Saturday morning was last minute tech and registration with the drivers meeting at 1pm. in the blazing hot sun. It was a good race for Jim Fuhs, he drove his pickup to the Class 7 win, he's seen here early in the race. Dusty Times

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-Craig McCoy had a wonderful race, he took the Bantam Quad Dave Morton wasn't foolin' around, he was really flying but was Forest Creasy did a hell of a job, he took second place honors honors at Fallon, he's seen here flyin' across the desert. only able to secure a second place finish in the Class 1 conflict. in Class 10, he's seen here cornering hard. Quads were off the line first at 2pm with a 3-hour time limit and the cars were off the line at 6pm with an 8-hour time limit. The Nevadan's have a saying that if you don't like the weather, stick around 30 minutes it will change. Well it did as the heat turned to strong winds and but the time the cars started the clouds came in and it even started raining on most of the track even though it wasn't enough to create mud or even keep the dust down. This allowed for much cooler race weather throughout the night. Quads would start at 2pm in the blazing sun for their 2-lap run that was led off by Ryan Stoffer (43). He would have a flat on the first lap and that moved Brad Falin ( 104) to the top spot. Falin would hold on for lap 2 for the pro quad win. Stoffer would finish 2:44 behind Falin. Travis Rowley (821) had a long first lap but the fastest 2nd lap and finished in 3rd. In amateur quad 7 entered and Cliff Wilson (431) took the lead from the pole starting spot and never looked back. He beat out Stephen Pappas (13) who finished 2nd. Kevin Davidson (89) forgot his gloves and rod the first lap without them. e had huge blisters on his hands and was more than 4 minutes off the pace. He handed the quad over to Mike Koenig who made a pass on the 2nd lap and finished the day in 3rd. Justin Peetz (4), Hudson Phillips (43x) and Ryan Souza (2) rounded out the finishers in the class. The bantam quads raced 1 lap and had 3 of the 4 finish. The winner by 2:01 was Craig McCoy (9). He beat out Jordan Bender (208) and Steven Daniels (715). Class 1 's started first at 6pm with 10 in class. First off the line was Shannon Harwell (132). Pre race favorite Sam Berri (149) started in 6th position and made a quick lap, fastest of the day at 4 2: 20 to take the track lead after the first lap. Scary moment of the day, Rick Massie (24) in his Rescue Racing trophy truck was running 2nd after lap 1 but on the gas line road in the deep sand, the co-driver noted the transmission temperature had shot up and there was a fire on board. They quickly pulled over and by now the fire was into the cab. Driver Rick had the fumes overcome him before he could get his seat belts, radio, pumper hose and head and neck restraint sorted and was slow getting Dusty Times out of the car. The co-driver got out and saw this, ran around to the driver's side and helped Rick out of the truck. They used their extinguishers and those of fellow racers that stopped to help them out. But it was shovels and sand from mother earth that finally smothered the blaze. Not all was lost but the interior is gone. October 2009 At the mid race point the running order was Berri with a 22-minute lead over Harwell, Dave Morton (125) and Frank Hines (1594). Berri would hold on to the lead until the 5th of 6 laps when he put the car on it's side just past check point 2 and blocked the course. He would be there long enough to drop him to Continued on page 39 Page 37

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Toys For Tots OFF-ROA1>#i50K£,R RUH October 24th & 25th - A Two Day Event ----ALL PROCEEDS GO TO HELP BARSTOW CHARITIES ----VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT: Co-Spons.ored By: BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT *POKER FUN* Two loops approximately 25 miles each, one for 4-wheel vehicles and one for motorcycles and ATV's. Families and groups may ride and drive motorcycles, ATVs and 4-wheel vehicles together on the same track after notification and approval of event officials. Twelve (12) Best poker hands from each day win prizes. You can enter Saturday, Sunday or both days as many times as you wish, Sign-up and go from 8:00 a.m. to Noon. MUST COMPLETE COURSE BY 1:30 p.m. Any type Off-Road Vehicle can enter; however, all California Off-Road Vehicles must have a "Green or Red Sticker". All off-road vehicles must have an approved spark arrester (exempt if equipped with a muffler). THIS LAW WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED!!! Helmets required for ATV & motorcycle riders. No riding double on ATV's. $25 .00 entry fee. Each rider/driver goes twice for single entry fee. New motorcycles must present registration at Tech Inspection if Green or Red Sticker is not available. FREE hats to the first 250 entries Saturday - 150 on Sunday. T-shirts, hats & sweatshirts available for purchase at the start/finish area. * SATURDAY NIGHT DINNER 5:00 p.m. - Slash X Cafe BBQ/Dinner Chicken, Ribs, Beans, Vegetable and Bread $13.00 + tax per plate * FACILITIES AND CAMPING Portable Johns, Trash Dumpster & Lots of Open Desert for Camping Bring your own water and firewood. No Pallets, or wood with nails allowed in the desert per B.L.M. • !~!!!r!!£ NO ~~~RKS • !~!!!r!!£ Lots of PRIZES to be given away each day-2:00 p:m. AWARDS Twelve (12) Best Hands from the Poker Run will win Prizes each day-2:00 p.m. BBQ Hamburgers, Hot Dogs and Refreshments available at the event site 10:00 a.m. - ??? Rolls & Coffee • Ham, Bacon or Sausage & Eggs Breakfast Sandwich • Saturday morning - 7 a.m. - 9 a.m. Ham, Bacon or .Sausage & Eggs Breakfast Sandwich • Sunday moring - 7 a.m. TO GET TO THIS EVENT Go 12 miles south of Barstow on Hwy 247 (Barstow to Slash X Cafe) For more information call the Slash X Cafe at (760) 252-1197 or Mal & Connie Wessel at (760) 252-3093 PLEASE DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE Page 38 October 2009 Dusty Times

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Bruce Fields is really churnin' up the desert, Bruce drove to a KC Keller is really digging in with his truck, no matter, Keller ·It was a nice second place finish in Sportsman for Terry Shelton, second place finish in Group Tin his husky truck. took a silver medal finish in the Class 7 conflict. he's seen here early on pourin' on the gas. Who says we're not having fun? Sean Cook raced his UTV to the Ryan Stoffer gave it everything he and his quad had, but, he still Stephen Pappas, seen here rally haulin' a--, had to settle for the Class win at Fallon, he's seen here churnin' up the dirt. ended up in second place in Pro Quad at Fallon. silver medal in the Amateur Quad contest. Jordan Bender wan fed to win Ban ram Quad sooo bad, but this The Red Team Racing Group went into the race with a lot of Ben Phillips wasn't the happiest driver out there, he had to settle race he was only able to take home the silver medal. determination, they took home the bronze medal when it was all over. for a third place finish in the Group Trace. It was a nice win in Sportsman Class for Kevin Yoder, he's seen here with lots of power on in his big tired Jeep. 4th in class. It was Sportsman class leader Kevin Yoder who stopped and with his four-wheel drive righted Berri. Once underway Berri wasn't able to make up the time and settled for 4th in class at -the flag. A last lap charge from Morton wasn't enough for him to catch Harwell as Harwell went on to take the win in class with a 2:38 margin over Morton. Hines finished in 3rd 6: 27. In class 10 8 cars were entered and local favorite Kenny Ott (1063) took the lead from the green and never looked back.• His finish was 14:22 over second place. That second place driver was the class 9 car of Forest Creasy Dusty Times (905) who doesn't have class 9's to race with so he bumps up to class 10. He puts the hammer down in that ball-joint, swing axle car and turns some pretty fast lap times in route to the finish. Finishing 3rd in class was Red Team Racing (1029) who overcame some early issues in the race fro the finish that was only 1:52 behind Creasy. 4th in class 10 went to JC Elrod (1001) in only his 2nd desert° race. The largest pro class was the Group T class with 12 trucks entered. The hodge-podge class had 9 v8's and only 3 v6's entered. Monte Tibbetts (850) was fastest on Continued on page 41 UEL AFE •• YS IT ,.,_, . YeurSollNekr sro11,-, 011 •••d Fuel c ~, October 2009 Custom fuel Cells FREE Ground Shipping when you shop online. Hade to Your Specifications Standard Fuel Cell In Stock • Ready to Ship Page 39

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ONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OUR RA WHO HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT! 2007 SCORE. CLASS CHAMPIONS Class 1 Billy Gasper Class 10 Lobsam Yee Class 12 Tim Noe Class 1/2 1600 David Caspino Class 5 Luivan Voelker 2007 BAJA 1000 WINNERS Class 11 st -Larry Roeseler, 2nd -Steve Strobel, 4th -Mark McMillin, 5th -Billy Gasper, 6th -Dale Lenk Class 121st-Tim Noe, 2nd -Stan Potter Class 8 1st -Glen Greer Class 1/21600 2nd -Victor Barreda, 4th -Dan McMillin Class 5 1st -Drew Belk, 2nd -Luivan Voelker 2007 BITD OVERALL POINTS CHAMPION Chuck Hovey KING ------OFF-ROAD RACING SHOCl<S We carry a full lin FILTERMAB. ~~-

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Mike McCleary, seen here in his buggy, was the third place Kevin Davidson, trying to urge more speed from his quad, ended Steven Daniels gave it all he had in the Bantam Quad race, alas, finisher in the hotly contested Sportsman fracas. up as the third place finisher in the Amateur Quad race. he had to settle for a third place finish in class. Sam Berri was really hustling along, but, it wasn't his day, Sam JC Elrod comes out of the right hander at high speed, unfortunately Jake Povey's front end looks a little askew, no matter, Jake went finished first off the podium in the Class 1 contest. for Elrod, he had to settle for a fourth place finish in Class 10. on to take a fourth place finish in the Group T battle. the first lap but the deep sand on the gas line toasted his transmission and caught fire too taking him out on lap 2. Mike Koenig (T603) broke a steering link just 1 mile from the start but got it fixed and was moving again nearly a lap down. Jake Povey (T503) had his ranger moving along and was 2nd after 1 lap followed by Joel Swanson (T635), Gary Hull (813), Bruce Fields (858) and Tim Schrader (T689). . By mid-race Swanson was in the lead followed by Fields, Povey, Hull and Ben Phillips (6043). Going into the last lap Fields was in the lead with 20 minutes over Hull followed by Phillips, Povey, Koenig and Schrader. Fields would have a last lap flat that allowed Hull to close in. At the finish line Fields was there first followed by Hull, then Povey, Phillips and Koenig. After the math was done the corrected time had the finish order Hull, Fields, Phillips, Povey and Koenig. Only 12:45 separated the top 5 trucks in the class! Topping the class 7 field was James Fuhs (730) who brought out a new truck for the flag to flag finish and Brad Falin uses a bit of body English as he races to the Pro Quad win at the Fallon 250 race, a very hot day in July. Cliff Wilson was the gold medal winner in the Amateur Quad race, he's seen here with the power cranked. up. Dusty Times win in class. Fuhs rolled his primary truck in the April race and built this truck in just a few weeks. Fuhs would be the only finisher in the class. KC Keller (738) had electrical gremlins from the last race that carried over to Fallon. He had two of the longest laps of the day at over 4 hours on lap 2. The team eventually found a short and got going again but timed out after 4 laps . The largest class was the Sportsman class with 15 entered. Scoring first lap times under an hour for the top spots were Brian Baggett (24x), Scott Wooden (349), Kevin Yoder (34), Bill Hermant (1591), and Terry Shelton (81). By lap , 2 of their 5-lap race Yoder was in the lead over Hermant and Rufus Wheeler (1018). Yoder would maintain the lead all night ~ven with a stop to help out Sam Berri who had rolled just past checkpoint 2. Brian Baggett worked his way up to 2nd but dripped out after 4 laps. At the finish line Yoder was the winner in his rock buggy with a 28:29 lead over Terry Shelton. Mike McCleary (3) finished a respectable 3rd followed by the baja bug of Chris Sullivan (535) who managed to keep all the wheels and drive train in the car this time. Scott Wooden (349), Alex Hall (918), and Derek Boarman (1211) rounded out 5th thru 7th and the final finishers in the class for the night. Sean Cook (1930) entered the lone UTV in class. He motored and finished all 5 of his re4!1ir~d laps in 7:28:05. ~ red& blue red & blue red & blue -645$12.99 ~-690$12.99 . -6 st$5.99 -8 st$6.99 -10 st $9.49 -12 st $10.99 • • lJ.lll:.Y1Jm) ~ 20ft. Lenghts -6 20ft. $93.40 -8 20ft. $107.20 -10 20ft. $128.20 -12 20ft. $185.20 High Misalignment Adapters JMXT series Chromoly tr'~ - JMX8T$20.05 ' ~ r""I JMX10T $26.16 fl JMX1,2T $33.25 JMX14T $60.78 . JMX16T $76.10 -8 45 $13.99 • -8 90 $14.99 -10 45 $16.99 -10 90 $15.99 ----1245$21.84 · -1290$21.84 Complete Line of _.,_e New Hampshire Ball Bearings, Inc. Weld-In Sungs n•11ri1PRECISION DNKEKRACING PRODUCTS P-fl 562-427-2375 2865 GUNDRY AVE. SIGNAL HILL, CA 90755 October 2009 Page 41

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Good stuff Directory Air Cleaners for Off-Road Racing. From Baja to Dakar. For a list of dealers visit our website at: JOHNCOOUY •Race Cars •Prerun-rs •Dual Sports 10815 WMattan• Aftrlue, Suit9 I• Santee, CA 92071 619.596.9141 • Fax 619.596.2742 -.alumlcraft.lnfo Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages Ford Truck Specialist • 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 ~-v - V: r17" John Baker l'oet1 CcrfCVICOton • cx:e flon,,m=s•Fib~ 15821 (4aham s•raet • HUn•ington oodi, CA ~U44 Pht;ml!! 714-891 3066 • lu•: 11,.1391.636() II M-ot $1) BRANDWOOD CARS for mid-engines and other applications 602-437-3107 CiJstorr. V<!hlcle Shifter OfJroad to 8trMt, Pr'erunner to Rac1J -ChaieDnlgn-Race~ -All Generat Febricdon *'••1 U1ao 8t tE H1e,1rtaCAHMI canddfabworuOIIOl.ooa CA US RACING RaceaJr Helmets & Accessories Bell, Shoel, Simpson •lower systems & cool boxes •1 ..... 2 .. TN 7M ■,o .......... a,. Cllula V1etat CA 1111" CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN 39067 ORCHARD ST. CHERRY VALLEY CA. 92223 PH#. (Nt)-Mil-a20 products in stock Race Proven Fabricition: Fiberglass Pre-Runners Dimple Dies Desert Trucks Tubing Benders Short Course trucks Bypass valves+tubes I Pam-Dakar trucks Sway-bar Arms ALL ALUMINUM BEAOLOCK WHEELS ANO CONVERSICNB CHAMPION WHIEltL CC, INC, 111!53? OOLLICR (9 !5 1) 47 1 •21 B3 . LAKE ELl91NDRE. CA, 9253 1 WWW.CHAMPIONWHll:EL,CCM 227 Calle Pintoresco San Clemente, CA 92672 FLOATER REAR ENOS• r·RONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS • TORSION BARS • 1<.NOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Tree Lane • Templeton. CA.93465 OFf:ICIAL llACEFl/EI.S FUEL OF NASCAR 1 (800) 54-COSBY COSBY OIL COMPANY, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA CALL TODAY! PH: 949.567.9000 1902~1-Cl\~1 .. AMln'Wfli~~~ Mattbew9dlnlllllre

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_........_...._,._.-...-.:,,._.....,..::..,a Specialisig la-R , *FQ. ~ .. , ~ a-a.... ._... ..... ~ ...... ............ -.... -.. ................. , .... t-mall: deltknye THffl Begz P11vetir I.abet Cuslo11 Bag Designs I~ 1&15 John TOWWI Aw. IA et~ CA t202t • 1543 W. 161h Street Long Beach, California 90813 1558 No. case • Orange, CA 92867 {714) 637-2889 • Fax (714) 637-7352 " (619)448-3932 Fax(619)448-3662 GREG QUINN CELL (562) 843-4355 (562) 432-3946 (714) 540-5535 FAX (562) 432-7969 We use & NCOl'lllllllld VP Race""Gas · R,\t IM, [\1,1!".f.\, I lt.\\\\11'1\IOM \\I> OfFROc\O PAR1' Send or call for our m.'\\ catalog SS.00 Offroad • Race Sand Car Parts ~.D.8/Z.;t' ~spo~:s-9299 W. Olive Ste. 610 Peoria AZ 85345 Phone (623) 433-8643 Fax {623) 243-6368 e-mail: web: 10943 WHEATLANDS AVE SUITE 8 SANTEE, CA 92071 USA 800.FOX SHOX 619 768 1800 619.S96 3740 WWW FOXRACINGSHOX COM BRUCE FRALEY 702365.9055 ~• Custom Off Road Fuel Cells 1-800-433-6524 t J & HONDA fZ:JtiEfm1 · . . . ATVS (818) 166-6134 .(800) 800-6134 --. BILL ROBERTSON & SONS, INC. 5626 TUJUNGA AVE . FAX (818}'766-9397 NORTH HOLL vwopo, CA. 91601 . HWEEiTL..EE~ ccrCEPTS g_,,gAJASHOP 1::::u::::.::::&: Cl I r.S ~ 1::::n .. r,r'1EiF=lS Af.._Lfftr-twrTl l.UCJFIH -~s:::L.J"T'"Y J-Rodrip.q PH. 7"14-887-0701 Fu:714--1187-075& 71• Ni.-SI, Orw,ge.CA, 112967 (IIIIOt 1967) www.hus1lan::oncepcom 951 245-6050 Fax: 951 245-6052 570 Central Ave #C L.ake Elsinore, CA 92530 P.O. Box 2496 Jefferies Racing Apple Valley. Ca. 9230? Darnen Jefferies Off-Road Race Prep & Fabrication Kevin Jensen Apple Valley, CA (760) 963-4206 Fax (760} 240-5083 Mike Julson 9428 Wheatland& Court Santee, CA 92071 81NN-3HO www.Jlfflcorac:• COIII 619-596-33Mfax

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JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Qu1llty Racing Tranuxlea Mendeola Dealer · Off Road -Sand Specialist 01•> 632-1240 JOE GIFFIN Fax <71•> 632-1223 306 I E. 1..1 JoU:l St. •I Email: jllflll$ Anabcim. California 92806 wwwJG' JON KINNE 520 Railroad St., Corona, CA 92882 Tel. 951-278-2233• Fax: 95 l-278-8335• C: 8 C: ::J N A •. Custom Alternators • Complete Wiring • CustomFab • Exhaust & Muffler • Prep & Finish Work OUT 9O4110 ENGINE• GfNEl'IATOII SPfCIALIS'T Kawaguchi Honda Corp. 3532 E.UT 3RD ST. ART KAWAGUCHI Fax 323-284-2131 323-264-39361 LOS AMC.RES. CA. tOlll3 All NHBB production sizes in stock. 3/8" through 1-1/4" ____ .._,IIIIJIII _ ......... . Phone: (909) 985-1901 1259 w. Sttlt at. Fax: 909 982-9777 Upland, ea. 91718 POWER E STEERl,.C THOMAS£ LEE LEE MFG. CO. 11ee1 PENDI.ETON&TMET SUN~.~11352 FAX (811) 711-297 (818) 7ea-os71 AfulllineofPOWllfStNriflQ~ pumps and accewrlea '°' .,.,, type of rllCtl'fO. Megneftwt and Z,oto lllcltltia availabM. ·Ccittom Chauis *RacePtlp 'Alulllinum Wortt 'w.lclng Englneenng •Magnafk,x FABRICATlON/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 (909) 596-5497 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER ~ssembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 Race Seats• Restraints• Storage Bags Window Nets • Limit Straps • Tie Downs 11433 Woodside Avenue• Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455 • Fax: 619/449-9454 OFFROAD IS OUR BUSINESS 807 E. Orangethorpe Ave. Ste. A ph 714-441-1212 Anaheim CA, 92801 fx 714-441-1622 F,1CfnJR'i' tl/EtV!)EtJL,1 Rt16E RE8tl/Ll)g {]ERTIF/El) ,1{]/l){] tlM(//V,1FLtlX@ CERT/FIE!) glltJT PEEtVltV(/ 1695 CACTUS RD. T. (619) 710-8800 SAN DIEGO, CA 92154 F. (619) 710-1640 Todd.,.,.. 1900 Q)mptonAve. Sooe 101, Corona, CA 92881 Phone (951)817-0101 Ext.156 619-562-5533 Off Rood Fabrication and Design -® ..... mosl!ftjllt® Function/Strength/Safety/Pride • Sond Con Made by Hand in tlte USA • TNCks • RaceC4rs • PreruMers • RcttyCon • Custom JOHNMOSEL£Y Ownu/fobncat«-_ _ mosebtl1.c0ft\ 236 Joson CouM Corona, CA 92879 951-272-3026 Fax 951•272-0n6 • t.J ,, , J ,. , ~'. ■1,-;,4 , .... ,..,!. YOUR COMPLETE tGNITION SOURCE I • • ,, >S! 1• • • • ,+ • 1,1 ( ! J i , , -..' AUTDTRDNIC CONTROLS COJ:tPORATtON '1-<U210 H\"NAV ld14ENNAN 01'-'1 . , EL PA~O. T >( 7993Ei 191518S7-5Xll'I • IH'J,H INf tlf15l 65~ /123 • V1SlrouP WES SilE wwwmsd,gM, Shop: 7 14-893-8 106 15222 Connector Lane F'ax: 714-893-8123 Huntington Beach, CA 92649 www.m ers-racing,com 0 F F - A O ,A O R A C I II Ii We ca,i Beadlock (ii---~ :!~:~'!:.:!~ PJl!!LJ I AUTO.MDT.JV[ applicatioM POLISHED la COLORED ANISHES SCALLOPED OR CONVENTIONAL Reinforcing Rinp Also Available Phone - (951) 354-8272 WWW .OtAFPERFORMANCE. COlll

Page 45

Gr.BS Parts for. Du e Buggy • Race Car• VW Engine • Subaru Engine Parts Cusrom Machine Work & Fabrication 1 ·800·231 ·8156 2525 Eas 16 Street• Y ma, AZ 85365 928-783-6265 • Fax 928-783-1253 ~51J60.S906 9Sl.360.0436fn 3834 W1cbr Drivt Mir• Loma, CA 911SZ · r.lENHJiD ASRICATION, INC 1660 8abcoc:I;,, 8Ui!oog S CostO Meso. CA 92627 TEL 194916S0-3035 FAX 19491650-4721 •-. penholltobOool com JsryPenhcll •=" ~~--=--,.... ........ <;ary <Powe/I Motorsports: Electrical Design & Manufacturing Since 1988 . Ph: (949) 735-9039 Fax: {949) 459-00HS f>roFORMANCE(a, A High Performance Spec V8 Race Truck Series "The True Driver's Class• Prolruck-Sales and Promotion Website: Emal!: protruck@prodigy.ne1 ief: 61"390-e262 Fu.:81~ 14402 Bond Court El C.Jon, CA 92021 Hi-Perlormance £quipm6,lt Suspension • Safely. OrlvtllntJ. Accessotfes (619) 691·9171 (619) 691.9174 (619) 691.()8()3 (FAX) 103 Press Lane. Suite 14 Chula Vista. CA 91910 e-mail: rprod1 Do vou Need To E :x: ess ? or ---·-ore Exposure Call 818-882-0004 Craio5t-1 . Phone: 619-44~'17'28 F...._, 1,1-a-...a<f-'>6711 Celli 61~7'.24-8891 Fabrication & Race Preparation 9419 Abraham w~ Santee, CA ?2on SalM& Service PH: 114.880.6131 • Fl: 714.680..ffl0 TOIi free: 800.304.8126 101 5 E. Elm Avenue, Fullerton, CA 9 2 8 3 1 s, ........ : will get IOU In gear ........ -111111-tll-llC ...... ........ -Aa11, MHs.PIWIIH 1.1, ......... 11112 JIIIIU.llllal 11111 !!MIU ~~ RANCHO DRIVETRAIN ENGINEERING Trophy Trucks Class-8 Trucks Class-7 irucks Pre-Runners Short Course Trucks Differentials Tony Selva, Jr 417-40 Enterprise Circle North Suite 106 Temecula, CA 92590 PHONE 951.296.6163 FACSIMII.I: 951.296.2236 w w fiii/ SANDERS SERVICE, INC. L~ METAL PROCESSING 5921 WUmlnJ!on Ave.. Los Affaeles. CA 90001 (323) 583-2404 FAX {323) S!<3-J96S SANDBLASl -<.H .ASS BEAl),MA(iNF.TIC PARTICLE Fl..OURfSCE INSPECTION MARK SMITH ~, SUSPENSION INNOVATION MOTORSPORTS INC. Tel: 562.903.1625 Fax: 562.777.2593 • 12345 Florence Ave. LARRY SMITH Tom McKenzie TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821-(714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 JOB SITE SICliS • 8A!lliEIIS • 'AlrlOOW lfTTER~.G • CAA LETIEJUIIG • GRAPlflCS SGUEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101 Galway C1rc!e • Hunt;ngta1 Beach CA 92649 (714) 897-0075 • Fa\ 17-1t!l 694-9567

Page 46

... .....i~TY ~ACie ,:1rep RACE CARS -TRUCKS ·►~NNff •""4<:ats • SNSpettsio" U~esit-• 7'locls ~•9/~c6""'5 •~ruSltlisstn U.,...... •a... ffflictltill'll • IIACEFUEI.S Paul _Oil Company [209) 847-2281 t800J 527-6090 FAX 12091 847-9726 'WESTERN OMSION P.O. BDX 248 • 524 N. Siem, ~ -Oakdale, California 95361 2180 Colleg4a Drive • Lake H..., .. u City • AZ.. SMO:J Call Toll Free: 877-627·8852 or E-Mall: • HI Performance COnverter11 Custom Length Axla • • Automatlc Trans Axles TCS Designed Ht.lbs • (for Race• Recreation) input Shafts• American Made ExcellenceU SP.l ~ Off-Road and Bolt.On to Street Fiberglass to(: "Ford, Chevy and Toyota" Trucks Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1261 N. Bllena Vista St. , ca. 92543 Ph: 951-4i54-7334 fa: 951-6s.l-2375 See a list of oar prodllds-Jd oar web site: bttp:/{www.o~.a,,a . 9763 Variel Ave. JEFF FIELD (818) 998-2739 Chatsworth, CA 91311 NS Wl!ST PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES Kevin Pirtle 22545 South Normandie Ave. Torrance, California 90501 3'10.782.2413 fax 31 0. 782.3 7 72 Get The ward out About .Your Business, Big O Small. ut our Business card e 818·882·DDD4 {619) 596•803 3 10 0 0 W . Bre d l•Y, Unit 0 El Cajon, C A 9 2 020 Carlo• Orozco l di:t, 1X:_8f/A'T ee (J)4.11N_llS •GgAHI.Cf, « J,()p(JfJ • •BA('~ Ti?~ MAJNT~~ .. 51/Vlt'NJr/,/Jfl.f/Ht:.•-76Q-949-1220t SCORE ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR 994.1998, 1999,2000 From Parts To COmplete Englnt1 3265 W. Birtcher Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89118 702-837-2522 7~/iii)) ~INC. SP£CiALIZ£D WIRING, CDMMUNICA TIDNS, AND REPAIRS FDR: Race cars-TronhV Trucks -Pre-nlnners Chase Vehlclas-lual Suon cars (76□) B03·6955 MARC WADDELL, PRESIDENT WIRE:F'AB@sacoLCBAL.NCT MilVBTBIIJIS ME.NDEti'lA DISTRIBUTOR Performance Trans Off Road Street Trans Lorenzo Rodriguez Parts -Service • Transmissions • V. W . • Porsche Desert. Sand & Drag 850 S. Alta Vista Avenue • Monrovia, CA 91 0 16 (626) 305-RACE (7223) • World Leading Motorsport Transmission Manufacturer 11 Oakar Rally Victories 17 World Rally Victories 6 AMA MX/SX Championships Xtrac Inc 6183 West 80th Street Indianapolis IN 46278 email: Tel: (317) 472 2454 '383' Baja Class 1/10 sequential Transaxle Trophy Truck solutions availabl6 for Lead Customers

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more TRAIL NOTES from page 7 guys immediately got to the task of prepping the trucks, we booked hotel rooms, held flights and decided it was the right thing to do to make a couple of phone calls to the TORC decision-makers to make sure they were ok with us racing with them at this one event." Renezeder personally placed the calls to make sure the team would be welcome. Unfortunately, after a few days of phone calls, it became clear.that the sponsor rules enforced at the Texas event would hold true at Crandon as well. "The foundation Team Renezeder has built throughout the years is our commitment and dedication to our sponsors, so to ask us to censor any of our sponsors is not an option nor is it healthy for the future of our sport," explained Renezeder. "This is why we won't be able to race at Crandon this year." Renezeder went on to say, "I sincerely hope that someday in the future, we'll be able to race again at the fabled Crandon International Off-Road Raceway. I'm extremely proud to have been part of the last decade of racing there and of my team's accomplishments on the rrack. The fans are amazing and the atmosphere is indescribable. I wish the fans, the staff and all the racers a safe, successful, enjoyable 40th anniversary." MASTERCRAFT SAFETY SFI3.2A/1 RAcE Sun -The single layer race suit by Mastercraft Safety is the ideal entry level option, offering the highest level of protection available in an. SFI 3.2A/l rated suit. Constructed from durable flame resistant cotton, this one piece race suit exceeds many of the race sanction's requirements for fire safety. Designed for harsh off-road environment and ideal for short course racing, the suit offers unparalleled fit and comfort. Available in a variety of color combinations in sizes from medium to XX large and is made here in the USA. For more information, contact MasterCraft at 619-449-9455 or at 800-565-4042. ROBBY GORDON - Robby Gordon will be driving his #77 Chevrolet CK1500 at Primm, this is unprecedented action, as Robby is driving at Primm instead of at the NASCAR Cup Race at Richmond, Virginia. Robby's Toyota NASCAR Cup car will be driven by David Gililand. We certainly wish both of them well that weekend.(see below) SCORE TERRIBLE's PRIMM 300 - It was a good hard race. The full results and a story by Judy Smith will appear in the next issue of Dusty Times. The finishing order for the top 20 vehicles is as follows: 1st overall, Robby Gordon Trophy Truck, 2nd Rob MacCachren Trophy Truck, 3rd Armin Schwarz Class 1, 4th Harley Letner Class 1, 5th Pat Dean, Class 1, 6th Roger Norma, Trophy Truck, 7th Jesse Ashcraft, Trophy Truck, 8th Mike Lawrence, Class 10, 9th Mark McMillin Trophy Truck, 10th Corey Keysar, Class 10, 11th Kory Scheeler, Trophy Truck, 12th Marc Ewing, Trophy Truck, 13th Cameron Steele, Trophy Truck, 14th Brian Collins, Trophy Truck, 15th Scott Gailey, Class 10, 16th Justin Smith, Class ½-1600, 17th Bekki Wik, Class 10, 18th Shawn Croll, Class 1, 19th Ronny Wilson SCORE Lite, 20th Jose Lynch Class 10. RACING FoR THE CURE -Join the Women of the Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series (LOORRS) in the fight for the cure for breast cancer on October lOthat the 2009 4th Annual MORE Powder Puff Race for the Cure. One in every eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in their life. Over 200,000 US women will be diagnosed this year. 40,000 will not survive. Cedar Sinai Women's Cancer Research Center is fighting to find a cure for this horrible disease that affects so many people. The MORE Powder Puff Race for the Cure is an all female off road race held in the desert of Barstow, CA put on by the great people at MORE (Mojave Off Road Enthusiasts). Women will come together from around the country to "race for the cure" and help to raise money for the Cedar Sinai Women's Cancer Research Center. Last year's event raised over $115,000 with 186 teams competing. All proceeds and contributions go directly to the center and are completely tax deductible. The Women of LORRS is a five vehicle off road racing team comprised of Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series technical Inspection and on-track support personnel, employees and their family members. Joining Sherry Vanillo and daughters Crystal and Tanya in the Class 1 North American Off Road Truck are the Class 10 Buggy of Poppy Perfect, the Class 5 Unlimited of Kristina Dague, Class 9 buggy campaigned by Paula MacDonald and Andi Wagner and the UTV of Jeanette Sappington. In addition to the support of Lucas Oil Products, the team has received generous contributions from Bully Dog Technologies, Ntensetees, RockStar Energy Drink, Lawson Products, and Symons Safety. Through their association with the Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series, the team has also made arrangements for the series safety team as well as the series Toyota support vehicles to be on-site throughout the race course to assist all participants. For more information about the Women of LOORRS please contact Poppy Perfect at or Sherry Vanillo at For more information about the MORE Powder Puff Race for the Cure please visit Classified .... Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Readers are advised to consult appropriate local or state au-thorities for information before purchase of any specific item. FOR SALE: Lothringer 1600 Car Jimenez Motor, Folts Transmission, King Shocks by Mike Weber, Up-grades done by Gary Seagroves, Score Certified, Foddrill Front Arms, Spindles and much more. Tons of spare parts. $30,000.00 OBO Great Car! Call Brian (714) 309-1990 or email FOR SALE: Pre-Runner to Buy. Foddrill 3-4 seat street legal Registered in Texas, LS6 pump gas 400hp, Fortin w/ converter, Fox shocks coil over and by-pass, VDO, Howe, WR coolers, 50 gal cell, Master-craft, BF on JJ wheels, Pro Am hubs and brakes, Roof rack w/light bar , Race radio w/ carbon fiber head sets, XM ra-dio w/ external speakers, OPS, ODO shows 546 miscarbon fiber dash, windshield, a set of spare tires w/wheels, a set of sand tires w/wheels, chase box, spare parts, single axle open trailer inc. $110,000.00 Negotiable. Cesar Fuentes (915) 7 26-3823 afuentes@ fuentes 7 For Sale: Don't rent-own a 125 mph Unlimited 2 seat Buggy, FAT, FOX, Wildwood, BFG, PCI, prepped and shook done. Ready to race 2010 Season. 2009 trailer. Spares. $30K OBO. Las Vegas (702) 622-5720. l'lred OI It 11111 vacation rentals available In the exclusive Indian Wells country Club In the sunny Palm Springs area of southern California. Two or three bedrooms, furnished for your complete relaxation, and, If you are a glutton for punishment, play golf on either of two beautiful courses. FYI, wireless internet and long distance phones calls (USA) included. starting at $4,500 in season (January thru April) or $2,300 per month out of season. Call (760) 345-6124 R.b..AL 66T ATb.. U..A6(:_/l:z.(:_NTAL6 Vacation Rental Vacation Rental in the Exclusive Indian Wells Country Club in the Sunny Palm Springs area of Southern Caifornia! 2 ot 3 bedroom furninshed for your complete relaxation and if you are a glutton for punishment, play golf on 1 or both of the beautiful courses. FYI, wireless internet and long distance phhone calls (USA) included. Starting at $4,500.00 in season Oan, Feb, March, April) or $2,300.00 per month not in season. Call (760) 345-6124. INDl:_X TO wVi:_i:z. T 161:_R.6 Baker Precision Racing Products ..................... 41 Bilstein Shock Absorbers ............ 21 BTR Racing Wheels .................... 29 Brake Man ................................. : 19 Butch's Speed Shop .................... 40 Fuel Sate Racing Cells ................. 39 Kar Tek Off Road .......................... 5 KC Hilites ..................................... 2 King Off-Road Racing Shocks ........................ 17 Lucas Oil... ..................... Back Cover MasterCraft Seats ...................... 37 McKenzie's Performance Products ............ 25 MDR Superstition 250 Stoddard 250 ......................... 33 Off Road Warehouse ................... 24 Performance Racing Industry Trade Show .............. 13 Racer X Motorsports .................. 35 Robby Gordon Off Road .............. 32 Ronco Plastics ............................ 28 SNORE 250 ................................ 23 Soltek Light Systems ................. 40 South Point Casino ....................... 9 Toys For Tots ............................. 38 Trailglow .................................... 11 Transaxle Engineering ................. 26 Vacation Rentals ......................... 47 VP Racing Fuels .......................... 36 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in : DUSTY TIMES. Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED -YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER. Enclosed is$ Name Address (Send check or money order, no Cash) City---------~--------------------------- - - ------- -----------------State _______ Zip ______________ __________________________________ _ Please run ad ti mes Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 00851 • mm M"WN51108 2009-10 ISSUE DEADLINE November09 Oct 16, 09 December09 Nov 13, 09 January 10 Dec 11, 09 February 10 Jan 9, 10 March 10 Feb 19, 10 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Dusty Times October 2009 Page 47 ......

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