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2008 Volume 25 Number 8 Dusty Times Magazine

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volume 25 • Number a • August 200a S2.50 ISSN8750-17:12 eelellratlng our 25tll rear o, Sel'llfce ro r11e Off 11oad eommunl~ covering the world of competition In the dirt ...

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Hft takes a lot 111111'11 than a high speed crash f11 stl1/I /JS. Fortunately, I haY6 a great crew that refuses f11 f/1/II as much as I t/0. We got the truck patched up and /Jack 111 the ,ace. With lime ta make up, I was hear, 1111 the gas. It startef/ gel/Ing dark atflUml mile 240, blll slowing t/OWR wasn't an npl/1111. $ti I gol fJJ try out nnr new KC-pm/ Hghts tor the first lime and I have f11 say that they're a night and day diHerence from what we use to run.,, -Da11on Cadlente, D&R Racing, 2008 Baja 500 T

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Volume 25 - Number 8 August 2008 Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circul.ition Vance Scott Contributors Scott Bottomley J. Preston Bradshaw Jim Culp Mike Del Col Nicole Del Col Steve Hilton Victor Gazca Martin Holmes Rod Koch Byrle Moore Steve Ruddick Maurice Selden Darryl Smith Tony Tellier T rackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham B.O.R.E. -------~--/';"';,1 Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subsc:ription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liabiliry for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusry Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copyright by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., snapshot of the Month •.. Some days you just can't win. The words of Mike Gillman as he comes to rest at the MTEG race at Pomona in 1983. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or ~ on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed en.dope. Only black & white prints, up to 8xl0 will be considered. In This Issue ••• FEATURES SCORE Baja 500 by Judy Smith .......................................................................... 8 Rally d'Italia Sardegna by Martin Holmes ........................................................ 16 WSORR At Wheatland by J Preston Bradshaw ........................................... 20 Sou'easter/Olyrnpus Rallies by Jim Culp .................................................... 23 MORE ORAF 500 by Steve Ruddick ................................................................ 25 VORRA Yerington 300 by Troy Robinson ................................................... 32 Acropolis Rally by Martin Holmes .................................................................... 36 CORR At Pomona by Judy Smith ..................................................................... 40 AlCan Winter Rally by Jerry Zurschmeide ........................................................ 48 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ................ : ................................................................................. 5 Trail Notes .................................................................................................... 6 Baja Pits by Sr. Chupacabra .......................................................................... 50 Good Stuff Directory ................................................................................. 52 Classified Ads ............................................................................................. 58 Index To Advertisers .................................................................................. 59 ON TN■ Cov■R What a race! B.J. Baldwin took the overall Baja 500 win in his good looking Chevy and the Trophy Truck win as well, but it was close, he only had seven seconds in hand. Photo by Nick Sexton - Trackside Photo Luis Ramirez had a great race, he took the Class 1 win in his Chevy powered HMS, he took the win with more than 20 minutes in hand at the checkers. Photo by Mike Solis - Photo by Trackside Photo Visit Our Website at c5u6 scri6 e 7oday lo DUSTYTIMIIS THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRYII □ 1 year -$25.00 □ 2 years .-$40.00 □ 3 years -$55.00 (to subscribe online go to □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name Address ____________________ _ City _____________________ _ State _______________ Zip _______ _ Primary Interest Can O Trudu O Motorcycles 0 Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian • 1 year $30.00 US n Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times August 2008 Page 3

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, I : 3 -r.;:3, d: fi • a J 0 J :f j =I ~ <i r RACING ASSOCIATION August 21, 22, 23, 2008 2008 ''THE LONGDIT OPF•ROAD RACE IN 'l'BE .UNl'PBD &TA'PB&" ., -~UADS. MOTORCVi ''Vegas to Reno" Past ~ Qm. ~ ~Vtltl!;tt Wl!!l!!!!a1'1mt 1996 M~de Ty~lllll'.nt"'~ X....-kl 1:44:57 Qu4d Mltd1<Cat1efWKnia Ca-.,a lie* 1)Jl4:3' C.-r~ ~Slllie.'JIIII SUlts ~ U:04:2' i.Wl ,~'1!11>!,tyRO t11:,,11t 11~~•<>11~• K•-1<1 9';41:1,$ Qud ,-s~~llk ~~ 011• u,":n (:at/'l'n,ck Out Ltl)ltdlfllt•~ J ... p lt'.ll,23 1ffl Mawl'eyde Rllffd'I Pttt~ Pun<lll KTM a~,St Qbd $1.b'e ... lllOoqF.kloler llolllRIIII 12llt:U c-,m-wek fla~wMklq l'iwd ♦:l'fl)l lMt M~ ~ o..wtSlt.!llltll ~osl!I> ' Ka~ 9',lA:41 Qaad ~t,nml/CbliHl-11•* ll•Ja:l'l' earrrrwe.t: l411Y~•/'llealltt!Ctal/ (;llny io:u,u lOll1 ~ ...,_,c..pbolVl'llaS!aab HNlla ►.11 .. , Qud SCl!tt~Slem Yotmalll. U:Se:05 CarlTl'l!(l< ».k<EMlmlJl!mleC-. ,limn 10:13:116 YAMAHA 1.lllVNIIIS,,lff <re)• HiU1'ES overall "Winners l:m .am, :uu. Bl<tYtld<k Wlaugg Thet ltlOJ Morott)de Dntry Abbott/SbM,bpM!fo Ka.MW! JI,~ Qbd DM&ElcwrJM_.iSpfflll Rolll)tsfp JO:ll:tS OlrlTrKk, ~ T•,iarf Snll>by MrX..11 Fot<f s:,lt:Ol JOO!' MOOl<eytk 1-~8-ffld U<i1111• ll:U:1◄· Quli Do4t&ElewrJMareSp,lct11 Rollltttdp j;,llt:14 C'arll':nad, 1-..~~ Yort« ll,l$t40 ms Moto~ Jo-f ~8-fflil lfollda 8::4~1 Q.ua4 Jcal'Ndmctf()k~ ~ 1();34;53 C..,/fivr.k Md::&.tdwWScil'Lcn 1'iril 9:l1~S 200II M-")'Cle Mb~~ l1'"'4• 9:'26:" Qul,1 ~~Oiidl'nall llall4& 10:59-.24 Carl'nuck llrilll C'ollim/Lmy~ ~ 9:Sl:07 2006 M~ J:arddNor,,;oa/~~ H1'1M!• 9:?4:01 Ou.a W'4Ya4~l'Y1111 lJnll4a U:U:116 C.llnc:k Maa ~Gwf W~ Ji-~~ , I II I ~ 'A , a;.ac ,9 '~1}{) ~ ..,, ~ -l ~-For IVlc:>re lrafc:>rmatic:>ra: www.bitd.co1n , 3475 Bc:> ... lc:ler Highway, Las Vegas, NV 89"12"1 (702)457-5775 (702)641 -2431 FAX bitcl<§>lasv-egas.n~'I: T

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2aoa Happenings ..• CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING AssOCIATION C.J. RICHARDS CMC CoNTINENTAL MOTosPORT CuJB P.O. Box 3187 CORP P.O. Box 392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER OJ 1-52-65-66-4458 1 OK FOUR WHEl!LERS P.O. Box 36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 (All et1ents staged at the club grounds in Cleves. Ohio) 4x4 FoREVER, Lm. 1665 DElAWARE ST. Osmmsu, WI 54901 AMERICAN RALLY SPORT GRoUP, !Ne. 3650 POINTE C1RCLE, SuITE 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521-0597 E Mail: AMERICAN TluALs AssoclAnoN AMA Obsert1ed Trials Southern California Championship Series BILL MARKUM • PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR Hcm.1NE • (714) 562-7742 E MAIL: BMARK909@AOL.COM <> AsoclACION Es'fATAL DE AuroMOVIlJSMO SAM lAsELI., TECH INSPECTOR APTO 42 SAN Josi:: DEL CABO BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL SuR. MExico AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP DARRYL SMITH 19 SoMERS ST. CASHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTRALIA DUSTY TIMES AUTOCROSS QuEBEC ()pp ROAD Cl.Ass 10 CARS ONLY RENALD VAILLANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAVAL QUEBEC, CANADA H?P IT? (450) 622-4440 BAJA CuP CHALLENGE BARONA SAND DRAG AssN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 All Races Are Night Races All Races At Barona Racewa~, Lakeside, CA BBM MARKETING PROMOTIONS Off Road Short Course Racing & Special Event Marketing 4344 VALLEY VIEW AVE. NORCO, CA 92860 (909) 340-6474 BEST IN THE DESERT 3475 BoULDER HIGHWAY I.As VEGAS, NV 89121 702-457-577 5/FAX: 702-641-2431 Augwt 21-24, 2008 • Vegas To Reno September 26-28, 2008 Las Vegas 300 December 5-7, 2008 Henderson 300 BORERACING 10 ELK MOUNTAIN DRIVE REDSTONE, CO 81623 970-963-4563 623-853-3595 Augwt 15-16, 2008 Ely 200 Ely, NV September 19-20, 2008 Red Garter 300 Wendover, NV BP MOTORSPORTS P.O. Box 411 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91365 760-578-6258/760-578-6259 FAX: 818-348-4648 SMail: All Et1ents At California City, CA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGHTON, OITTARIO, CANADA KOK-IH0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR Cl.VB AVTOMOVILISTA]UARENSE DE CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD RACING 7210 GATEWAY EAST EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 011-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES Dusty Times CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES <> Augwt 16, 2008 Gorman Ridge Rally (3) Frazier Park, CA October 3-4, 2008 Prescott Rally (2,3) Prescott, AZ November 7-9, 2008 Laughlin Rally (2,3,1) Laughlin, NV CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box 400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW Cl!Nnw. SoUTH DAKOTA RACING Assoc:IATION P.O. Box 645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVE ADAMS (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DON ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 P.O. Box 332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CI.AmTON Hl-JACICERS l.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TWP. LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 Short Course off Road Racing At Harrison County Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH CuJB AuroMovwsncA SAN QmNnN CALLE 6TA FRACC Co. DE SAN QUINTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HERACLIO PATINO (011 52 616-5-22-07) CuJB AuroMOVIlJSTICO SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road ENSENAD>., BC, MEXICO USA JAN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) RAMON CASTRO & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/ 7 0034) PIACIIIIIAaQ HTll'C0hW .«>llltl'TS a GLOBALMAP BAJA 540C DISPU GLOBALMAP 9200C cm DISPLAY August 2008 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 Fax: (714) 367-1608 CODE OFFRoAD USA P.O. Box 2328 CALEXICO, CA 92231-2328 760-455-8069 USA 011-52-686-553-4087 MEXICO Augwt 1-3, 2008 ORW Gran Prix Tecate, BC Mexico October 3-S, 2008 Mexicana Logistics Mexicali 300 Laguna Salada, BC Mexico December 5-7, 2008 Race Ready 275 Mexicali-San Felipe, BC Mexico CoWRADO ffn.L CllMB AssOCIATION BARB VAHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box8286 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORR LUCAS On. SERIES 270 NEWPORT CENTER DR., SUITE 100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 866-501-CORR Augwt 22 - 24, 2008 September 12-14, 2008 September 26-28, 2008 October 17-19, 2008 November 7-9, 2008 CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, SUITE 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA EXT 42 Fax (818) 957-4435 D&.T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (AU events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston Counr:, Continued next page Candngancv Spansars tar: SCIRE -BITD -C8RR MORE -SNORE -MOR GLOBALMAP 7200c V1' DISPlAY Pages

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SCORE LAs VEGAS CUP - Las Vegas Events announced today that July's cheduled SCORE Las Vegas Cup IV has been cancelled. The event was scheduled o be held July 18-19 at the Dirt Track at Las Vegas Moto r Speedway. "The SCORE Las Vegas Cup has been an important summer event for Las Vegas Events," said Pat Christenso n , president of Las Vegas Events. "Unfortunately, we could n ot deliver a race experience this year that SCORE fans have become accustomed to and expect. In the future, we will continue to support SCORE desert racing. "It is very disappointing for SCORE to see this exciting event be cancelled, but circumstances beyond our control significantly dictated the outcome," said Sal Fish , SCORE President/CEO. "We want to thank Las Vegas Events for their commitment and support, as well as those racers who had signed up and were ready to participate. Unfortunately, there were not enough entries." Las Vegas Events will give full refunds to fans wh o purchased tickets for the event. The SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge, held each January, and September's SCORE Las Vegas Primm 300 are also both sponsored by Las Vegas Events and the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority. Founded in 1981, Las Vegas Events, Inc. is a private, not-for-profit organization that serves as the exclusive special events agency for the city. Next up for the 2008 SCORE Desert Series will be the 13,h Annual SCORE Terrible's Primm 300 desert race, to be held September 5-6 in Primm, Nevada. QRR NEWS -Catch the season finale action of Championship Off Road Racing as a VIP, complete with seats in the CORR Suite, local accommodations, personal autograph and photo session with a Pro 4TM driver and much more. The season finale is December 6 and 7, 2008 in San Diego, CA. All you have to do is log onto the CORR website and enter for a chance to win. The Grand Prize winner will receive four CORR Suite tickets for both days of racing action, local two-night accommodations, an autograph and photo session with the Pro 4 winner, CORR apparel, and a chance for one (1) to ride around the race track. First Prize: Family Four Pack of tickets for Reserved Seats for both days of the season finale. Second Prize: Two General Admission passes valid for either day of racing action, and $100 to be used on merchandise and/ or food at the event. Third Prize: Two General Admission passes valid for either day of racing action. All entrants who register will receive a $5.00 off discount coupon, good for use at any future 2008 CORR event. Drawing of eligible entrants will be held on October 26, 2008. Winner does not need to be present to win and is responsible for all taxes and travel to San Diego, CA. Championship Off Road Racing™ brings high action, four-wheel motorsports including two-wheel drive and four-wheel drive trucks to the closed course off road arena. The 2008 C hampionship Off Road Racing race season includes eight events at tracks located in Los Angeles, CA, San Diego, CA and Las Vegas, NV. OHV LICENSE PLATES -Most people have no idea that 4.5 m.ill.iQn Californians enjoy off-roading, or that it's an 11 b.illiim dollar industry. However, if we all displayed a specialized OHV license plate on our automobiles, everyone would see how widespread and important off-roading is to state's economy. Similar to "Save the Whales" and other Special Interest Plates , Assembly member Joel Anderson (77th District) is starting a petition drive to authorize a specialized OHV license plate. California will produce the plate QillY if it receives an initial order of 7,500, To guarantee the success of this petition, we need to collect the names and addresses of 10,000 people willing to buy an O HV plate for their street vehicle. As of January 14th, 2986 names have been received. Please help us collect these signatures by signing the petition online at: PLEASE TELL or FORWARD THIS TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW THAT ENJOYS OFF ROADING. OFF ROAD ExPo -The ninth annual Off-Road Expo presented by Toyota invades Pomona October 3-5, 2008. Off-road fans dreaming about a hot new ATV, side-by-side or accessory for their existing ride need look no further than the Off-Road Expo presented by Toyota set to roll in to the Pomona Fairplex for its ninth year. This off.road extravaganza will be filled with all the latest trucks, UTVs, sand rails, ATVs, side-by-sides, dirt bikes, RVs, Jeeps, thousands of accessories and more. Off-road enthusiasts from all across the West will not want to miss this three-day off-road party, which showcases all the latest toys, technologies, gear and accessories from hundreds of national and local exhibitors. In addition to amazing show discounts, there will be exciting live-actio n entertainment including freestyle motocross, vehicle ride and drives, live music, celebrity driver appearances and mo re. There is truly something for off.road fans of all ages and expertise at this world famous gathering for the off-road lover! Admission to the event is $12 for adults, $5 for children ages 6-12 and children 5 and under are free. Food and drink will be available for purchase on-site. Tickets are available online at and at the box office during the Expo (cash only).Show times are: Friday October 3, from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday, October 4, from 9 a.m . to 6 p.m. Sunday, October 5 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pomona Fairplex 1101 W. McKinley Avenue Pomona, CA 91768 FOR MORE INFORMATION: Please visit: RR A T CllANooN -The racers were busy at Crandon International ceway in June. We'll list here some of the Class winners, a full story the next issue of Dusty Times. Pro 4x4 -Johnny Greaves won both days, Scott Douglas 2nd on Saturday, Kent Brascho second on Sunday.P ro 2WD - Kevin Probst won on Saturday, was second on Sunday, Scott Taylor was second on Saturday, won on Sunday. Pro Lite - Jeff Kincaid won both days, Chad Hord was second on Saturday and Mark Oberg finished second on Sunday. Super Buggy -Scott Schwalbe won on Saturday, Tim Lemo ns finished second on Saturday, won on Sunday. John Mason was second on Sunday. Super Truck -Keith Steele won both days, Ross Hoeck was second both days. Stock Truck -Eric Ruppel won on Saturday, Craig Metz won on Sunday, was second on Saturday. Scott Beauchamp was second on Sunday. Formula 4x4 -Bob Sayers won on Saturday, Tim Moeller won on Sunday, David Demaegd was second on Saturday, Jim Ridderbush was second on Sunday. 1600 Buggy-Mark Steinhardt won both days, Brad Erickson was second on Saturday, Terry Fitzgerald finished second on Sunday. 1600 Light Buggy -Matt Gerald won both days. Mike Vanden Heuvel was second on Saturday, Chad Dewall finished second on Sunday. Y SMl'I1I -We are more than happy to report that our own Judy Smith will be ducted into the Off Road Motorsports Hall Of Fame on Sunday, August 24, 08. A well deserved honor, Judy has been an off road racer and off road list for a total of 37 years and is well known and well read throughout the off road racing community. Judy has been writing for Dusty Times since its Page 6 ORV Park, Olympia, WA) DAKAR RALLY DARREN SKILTON BAJA AUTOMOTIVE ADVENTURES 455 E. OCEAN BLVD., SUITE 208 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/ FAX: (562) 590-7925 l>EcATUR FoUR WHEEL DRlvE Cum DECATUR, TX 76234 TOM ALLEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 °EAsTPBN OfF-RoAD RACING AssN. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 °F.NsJ!NADA BAJA OfP RoAD RACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX 01 l-52-646-1818989 Eus10 Ol l-52-646-1715230 AARON Races for buggys & Motorcycles &TERO BEACH INTERNATIONAL Sbort Course Racing VICTORIA GALINDO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO Oll-52-646-176-6230 FORDA FI.oRlDA ()pp ROAD DluvER's AssocIAnoN JASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Apr, May, Nov at Davidson Raceway FunPUCKER RACING TEAM 1855 PARKWAY DRIVE S. EL MONTI, CA 91733 626-442-9320/ 959-579-6151FAX GORRA GEORGIA OFF ROAD RACING AssOCIATION 420 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA GREAT PLANE.s OFF ROAD RACING AssOCIATION TIM HODGE (402) 991-6048 ScoTIMORROW (816) 792-2126 (All races are short course, stadium scyle Classes -Sportsman, 1/2-1600, 5-1600, Sport Truck, Quads, Tough Truck Nebraska Racewa) Park, Exit 420 on 1-80 between Omaha and Lincoln.) For latest info check <> HIGH PLAINs OFF RoAD RACING 2000 W. QUINCY AVENUE #B ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 303-806-8062/ 303-781-0974 fax INTERNATIONAL ICE RACING AssocJATION P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDDOR (612) 937-3816/ Fax 474-2769 INTER-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS PRoMOTIONs, INc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 }EEPSPEED 1826 N. WINDES Orange, CA 92869 714-538-7434/ fax 714-633-1724 All races for ]eepspeed 1,2 & 3 KAMwoPS OFF ROAD RACING Wlu,periq Pine. Spona & Reae.tioa Center KAMLOOPS, BC, CANADA Mike Strange (250) 573-4003 LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS & OFFRoAD ExPO (626) 961-3782 <> <> LLT.R.E. JEFF ELROD (408) 926-0522 August 2008 )IM ARUTA (408) 247-4402 MAMAluuTA OFF ROAD RACING Luis CARLOS ALVAREZO PANAMERICANAAVE #5105 Cd. Juarez, Chih., MX 011-52-1637-1799 MIClllGAN Buooy Bunnms Dune BUflllY Trade Sb.ow (517) 543-7214 <> MIClllGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M. T.B. Enterpriaa Inc. 15529 JONES ROAD GRANO LEDGE, ML 48837 (517) 627-6200 • Motorcycles, Quads, A TVs and Pilots only MAORA MID-AMERICA OFF ROAD AssocJATION P.O. Box664 GREENUP, IL 62428 (217) 962-1318 E-MAIL: <> MDR PRonucnoNs 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE SOUTH EL MONTI, CA 91733 626-44 2-9 3 20/FAX626-579-6051 Cali£om.ia ClumpJoamip SerJet, Augun 16, 2008 California 200 Lucerne Valley Night Race September 27, 2008 Lucerne 250 Lucerne Valley "B" November 8, 2008 Stoddard 250 Barstow "B" Supentitioa ClumpJoamip Sena December 31, 2008 Bud Light Dash M.O.R.E. MOJAVE OFF RoAD RACING ENnrusIASTS P.O. Box 1231 BARsrow, CA 92312 760-253-4453 MOREKARTEK Off Road Gold Cup Seri!,$ September 12-14, 2008 December 5-7, 2008 MSBA MIClllGAN SPORT BUGGY AssocJATION DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. FUNT, ML 48506 (810) 730-9221 MoroWP.ST WINTl!R TllIAu SP.RIES BILL MARKHAM (909) 860-1857 <> All a,ents at Perris Racewa) (At Reed Valley with a school) NATIONAL Mun RACING AssN. RT. #l - Box 380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN PALATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TuFF TRUCK AssN. Butch Chapin Motonporta ero-tions 1404 EAST 3RD STREET HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NOORA NoRrnERN Omo OFF RoAD RACING AssN. GARY WuLFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAIL <> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Sp-ring Valley Racewa), on route 518, 20 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) (Thunder Valley located 15 minutes from Spring Valley) OFF ROAD ExPo SPIN CoMMUNICATIONS (415) 380-3890 MEGHAN@sPINPR.COM October 3-5, 2008 Pomona Fairgrounds Pomona, CA OFF ROAD RACING AssocJATION Volunteered SerJet, PRESIDENT· GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP. -1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP. - 9 & UNLm. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OUTLAW REP. DON PONDER (314) 631-8190 (All Races at Wheeling in the County 900 Acres) Omo OFF RoADERS INc. 1427 GOSHEN HILLS ROAD S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 JIM KENDEL (216) 339-4674 All races held at Harrison County Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS AssOCIATION RICK TICHBOURNE, PUBLIC RELATIONS (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) 0UTI.AW SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. LOUIS, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/Fax: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. Ol1 Road Clumploamip 495 N. COMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <> Pl!NNSYLV ANIA SHORT CoURSE RACING SMITHTON HOLE RACEWAY 313 SKYLINE DRIVE SMITHTON, PA. 15479 MIKE GEISER 330-683-6263 Short Course Offroad Racing All Races At Smithton Hole Raceway PIKEsPEAK P.O. Box 6962 CoLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF ROAD RACING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 875-7591 PRo 1600 SHOOTOUT COREY GOIN 559-647-6132 GOINRACIN@HOTMAIL.COM PRoTlluCK 14402 BoND COURT EL CAJON, CA 92021 619-390-6252 PultE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box 50 RICKETTS, 1A 51460 (712) 679-2221 RALLY AMERICA NATIONAL CIIAMPIONSIDP SERIES 2008 Rally America National Championship Seriee Schedule Augwt 22-23, 2008 Ojibwe Forests Rally Bemidji, MN Septemberll-14, 2008 Rally Colorado Steamboat Springs, CO October 17-18, 2008 Lake Superior Performance Rally Houghton, MI RAilYCROSS NATIONAL SERIES EVENTS Butera Stares Cluunpiombip Ceatnl Stares Cluunpiomlup Western States Championship ROCK CRAWLERS AssOCIATION OFAMERICA P.O. Box 1406 RIVEITTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/ Fax: (801) 253-3176 SAN Dn!Go SHORT CoURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New Series b) Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro Trucks, Desert Trucks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Truck <> (858) 571-5088 SAN Dn!Go OFF RoAD ExPosmoN (888) 836 7918 SCCA RoADRAllY P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-2055 <> Dusty Times

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SFX MOTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE, Sum 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 Fax SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRATTSMAN Ro., Sum A CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 <> September ~ . 2008 13th SCORE Terrible's Primm 300 Primm, Nevada November 19-22, 2008 41st Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 Baja California, Mexico • select classes, close,koune e11en1 SNORE SourHERN NEVADA ()pp ROAD ENnrosIASTS P.O. Box 270516 LAs VEGAS, NV 89127 702-452-4522 Auaust 8-10, 2008 SNORE Midnight Special October 3-S, 2008 SNORE 250 November 14-16, 2008 SoNS ()p TlluNDER 4WHEELERS RACE DMSION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SoUI'HEASTERN ()pp RoAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 Mike Moore -(224) 272-5400 SPEl!D SPORTS ExPO MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 s. HACIENDA BLVD. #322 riAclENDA HEIGHTS, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SCTA SoUilll!RN CALIFORNIA TIMING AssoclATION & BoNNEVILLE NATIONALS, INc. P.O. Box 10 OROSI, CA 93647 (559) 528-6279 (559) 528-9749 FAX <> SoUilll!RN SHORT CoURSE 0n RoAD RACING AssN. 4305 WOOTLARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (All Races at Ea.stba7 Raceway, Tampa, FL) SUPER SJ!RIES (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box 706 ToYSFoRTOTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADILLA VALLEY SPORTS CF.Niu P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <> VORRA V AI.UY On RoAD RACING AssoclAnoN (775) 224-1327 All events for the VORRA 2008 season ha11e current!, been cancelled. Check their website, abooe, for additional information, if any. Auaust JO-Sept 1, 2008 Yerington 250 Yerington, NV October 4-S, 2008 Prairie City, CA October 25-26, 2008 Prairie City, CA VICENTE GUl!IUU!RO OFF RoAD CuJB PROFO. CENOVIO GAMBOA 0ll-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 p.m.) WESTERN OFF RoAD RACING AssoclATION LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WESTERN PENN'SYLV ANIA WHEEL To WHEEL OFF RoAD RACING PATRICK McGUIRE P.O. Box 376 Dusty Times Trall Notes ••• inception, almost 25 years have passed and she is still going strong. Judy joins some of the greats in our sport and is welcomed with open arms. Congratulations from all in our industry. BBY GoRDON - We were really happy to see Robby Gordon take a nice xth place finish at the NASCAR Coke Zero 400 on Saturday, July 5. obby has had nothing but bad luck all season and hopefully this is where it all turns around. Robby has a lot of friends rooting for him and we here at Dusty Times wish him nothing but the best. 'nu/ said. BETrER MIi.EA.GE? - To fill it up may cost 100 dollars soon: now a 50 cent MPG increase guaranteed by the only gasoline powered mass p duced hydrogen kit. Since it could soon cost $100.00 to "fill it up", a Hydrogen Assist Fuel Cell was installed for a three-day endurance test June 27-29 prior to commencing mass production. To prove its ability to increase gas mileage, Pro Motors Group set up the hydrogen kit in a used 2006 standard Ford Fusion which had been averaging 25-28 miles per gallon on the highway. The Company reports a 100% increase to an impressive 55 miles per gallon, during the 3,000 mile coast-to-coast road trip. Pro Motors confirms the Fusion performed at an average 65 MPH for the three days using Regular gas with a driver, passenger, cargo, air conditioning, and a variety of weather situations and terrain. The Hydrogen Assist Fuel Cell is the only mass produced hydrogen system powered by gasoline. "Every gas/diesel powered vehicle driver in the world can save money using our Hydrogen Assist Fuel Cell. The two man team participating in the endurance test drove the hydrogen modified Fusion out of Wayne NJ on Friday June 27 arriving in LA on Sunday night June 29. Using Regular 87 octane gas, they averaged 55 miles per gallon which was over a 100 % increase the Ford's previous fuel efficiency. Depending on the type of driving, we now guarantee a 50%-100% increase in MPG with the hydrogen system possibly paying for itself in a matter of months. Owners interested in ·boosting their MPG are advised to seriously consider the Hydrogen Assist Fuel Cell as the alternative," states Larry Palmer, CEO, Pro Motors Group Corp. the manufacturer of the Hydrogen Assist Fuel Cell. Hydrogen Assist Fuel Cell systems are available online from Pro Motors Group Corp. for $995. The Company recommends installation by a trained mechanic. The easily accessible Fuel Cell will require filling with water about every two tanks of gas. McCACHRENIFREEMAN SIDNE- Rob MacCachren is leading in the CORR Race Point standings in Pro 2 and Pro Buggy Class and Bryan Freeman leading the points race in Single Buggy. Rounds 7 and 8 will run at ADAMSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2325 E. KINGS AVENUE PHOENIX, AZ 85022 Chula Vista International Raceway July 26 and 27. MacCachren drives the #21 Rock Star Ford F-150 in Pro 2 and is in the #921 BFG Tires, Honda powered AlumiCraft open wheel buggy in Pro Buggy. Freeman, also from Las Vegas drives the #307 Nevada Off road Buggy Fraley VW in the Single Buggy Class and has won five of the six races this season and has been the fastest qualifier in all the races this season. Both Rob and Bryan drive for Las Vegas based Menzies Motorsports. MRE LAND CLosuRE? - This came in over the transom last week. We can't vouch for the facruality but here it is. Jean, Nevada: It is being proposed y the Solar Energy Industry to install panels on Knight Ranch road where our pit area is. They are wanting to shutdown approx. 6000 acres in this valley. This will completely close down OHV use in this area. In addition to this proposal they are proposing to close off approx. 280,000 acres throughout the Las Vegas District. We strongly suggest and that ALL MRAN, SNORE, SCORE, BITD, MORE, MOR, VORRA, BORE, CODE members submit a comment objecting to this proposal and request that if this area is closed the BLM be required to reestablish an equal size area with the same miles of trails in another area in their district within close proximity to Las Vegas. This new area would be in addition to any remaining OHV areas (Nellis Dunes). Here is the link to comment htrp:// involve/comments/ BrrDfl'EAMFORD PoLEAWARD-When Casey Folks announced the exciting ew "Team Ford" Time Trials Pole Award from "Team Ford" Steve Olliges, or last year's TSCO "Vegas to Reno" race, it meant for the FIRST TIME EVER, a $1,000 CASH award would be paid to the fastest qualifier at the Time Trials to determine the overall starting positions for Class 1400 Trick Truck and Class 1500 Unlimited desert race vehicles. And with this race, Olliges is renewing his commitment for the second year. Steve Olliges, president of Team Ford Las Vegas, stated, "Best In The Desert IS THE ONLY DESERT RACING ORGANIZATION that runs Time Trials for the top starting positions, and I'm proud to step it up with the "Team Ford" Pole Award. I will personally hand a thousand dollars in cash to the fastest qualifier. To qualify for the first starting position, and get $1,000 on top of it .... now that's the way to begin a race!" Casey Folks stated, "Ford Motor Company is a huge sponsor of Best in the Desert, and we appreciate their continuing support. And now Steve Olliges' announcement of the prestigious "Team Ford" Pole Award only adds to the credibility and stature Best in the Desert races have attained." This cash prize, along with a one-of-a-kind trophy, is awarded to the fastest qualifier of the time trials held before each Best In The Desert race for the car and truck classes. The location and terrain of the special five-mile course is a closely guarded secret until the day of the event, this year held on August 21st. FACE AT MDR -MOR is pleased to announce that Bill Hannack is arheading the CRB at all MOR Superstition races. Bill brings many years off road experience to this position, having been involved in Fud Racing, CODE and MOR off road events. SPECIALTY PRODUCTS DESIGN. INC. (602) 971-3730 <> WISCONSIN MOTORSPORTS SHow (414) 747-1711 Quality Exhaust Components -Manufacturing & Fabrication Services Available WISCONSIN ()pp RoAD Fl!sTiv AL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 OSHKOSH, WL 54901 (414) 688-5509 WoRW SJ!RIES OF OFF RoAD RACING P.O. Box99 CRANDON, WISCONSIN 54520 303-880-7221 FIA WoRW RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 ZR PROMOTIONS LUIS RENE MONTANO C. CA!.zADA iNDEPENDENCIA 200 -5 Col. INSURGENTES EsrE 21280 MEXICALI, BC, MX (686) 564 6653 ~6,2008 Cocodrilos Poker Run Family Ride October 12, 2008 ZR Grand Prix #5 Motorcycle & Quad Race November 30, 2008 ZR Gran Prix De Campeones #6 Motorcycle & Quad Race Attention Race & Rally Organizers • List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your 2008 sched-ules as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: Dusty Times, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-5003 Collectors 'Y 2,3,4,5,6 & 8 into 1 Merges Double Slip Merge Weld -On Merge Formed Tri-Y's Collectors Transitions & Megaphones 'Y Mild Steel / 304 & 321 Stainless I www.spdexhaustcom 'Y Mandrel Bends 1 .25" -5.00" Mild Steel (.049-.065) 304 & 321 SST (.035-.049-.065) Header & Exhau 11252 Sunco Dr. Rancho Cordova, Ca. 95742 1-888-778-3312 August 2008 Page 7

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lliVl~u BA.IA 500 B.J. Baldwln Wins overall PHOTOS: TRACKS/DE PHOTO ii\F Dale Ebberts and Brad Etter drove their Chevy powered Porter to a second place finish in the Class 1 battle, seen here at high speed. more conducive to civilized conversation for most of its length. Only at tl1e very end where Red Bull decided to bring chaos with their oversized speakers did it become unpleasant BJ Baldwin was the big winner at the Baja 500, he drove his Chevy Silverado Trophy Truck to the overall victory, he won by 7 seconds. On race day the officials moved around to the road that runs in front of the Convention Center, where the starts have been situated for many years. Once again, a dirt "start ramp" was built, and the racers were flagged off about a half-block before the left tum. Then they ran the length of the block that had been Contingency Row tl1e day before, made a quick left turn and dropped down into the wash. The new Mayor, Pablo Alejo Lopez Nunez, had graded the beginning of the wash, put down some gravel, and caused not just one, but two jumps to be created. Grand-stands lined the sides of the wash, and spectators had a choice spot from which to watch the beginnings of the race. Ensenada: B.J. Baldwin drove the entire 441 miles in his Chevrolet, ID hold off a late challenge by the Post/ MacCachren team and take the SCORE Baja 500 by the margin of seven sec-onds. The race was the topic of much dis-cussion for months before it ran, the issue being generally the apparent esca-lation of crime in the area, and the per-ceived danger to tourists and/ or racers. Much of the discussion was on the internet, and much of it was based on nothing but rumor and speculation. But there was some basis in fact, as the area had been plagued with corrupt law en-forcement. Steps were taken to weed the cor-·"' rupt individuals out. And then addi-tional steps were taken to improve safety all around. New phone numbers to call for assistance were created and pub-licized. All were accessible from any tele-phone. Gringos could even use the fa-miliar 911 number to call for help, but there was a hotline specifically for tour-ists: 078, which would bring informa-tion or assistance 24/7. The roadside assistance team of"GreenAngels" was beefed up, and highly visible Policia Fed-eral cars patrolled the toll road. The race went off without a hitch, and there were no reports of crimes against tour-ists or racers. That's not to say that there were none, because with that many people and that much tempting Adam Pfankuch and Steve Eugenio had a really great race, they took the - · ·n h ir Mira e seen here in fli ht. The Montoya/Arambula/Moreno trio took the gold medal in the class 5-1600 battle, they had 20 minutes in hand when the checkers flew. Pages race and shop equipment standing around, there is usually some theft whether the race is in Mexico or the U.S. But there was no epidemic of crime. SCORE had put together a chal-Ensenada has been growing and de-lenging and entertaining race course, veloping at about the same rate as South- totaling 441 miles. Everyone had a time em California, and available areas for limit of 20 hours to get to the finish, contingency, tech, and stan/finish lines and it was not an easy prospect. The grow ever more scarce. This year firstfewmilesofthestartwerenotquite SCORE was given the road that runs as in the past, avoiding new homes built along the south side of the Convention recently. Then they skirted Ojos Negros, Center complex to use for contingency, crossed the highway and headed east and then tech was positioned right be- toward El Alamo. From there they ran hind it. It was tight, but with tl1e noisy north, crossed the highway again at K77, Tecate and Coca Cola bands isolated and then wound through some old fa. from one another and a bit further away miliar stuff, including Santa Catarina than usual it was less ear-shattering and and Nuevo Junction. At this point they pm=""""llrn,,wEl"""'TT'=F''"""""WW"'Wf!!f!~"!l!W""""""6 Don and Ken Moss did it again, they took the Class 3 win with ease in their Ford Bronco, seen here before an admiring crowd. Dan and Tom Chamlee were the big winners in the Class 7 fracas, they're seen here in their Ford Ranger on their way to the finish line. August 2008 headed for tl1e dreaded Summit, which was at Race Mile 114. ltwasaveryrocky and narrow climb up to the Summit, from where the racers have a terrific view of the eastern edge of Baja. Then they dropped off the mountain, trying to avoid the boulders, as they zigzagged their way down. At the bottom they turned north into tl1e sandy desert, and ran up to Cohabuzo Junction. Then they went south again, all the way to Highway 3 at Borrego. After they crossed the high-way once more tl1ey paralleled it west-ward to Mike's Sky Ranch road, and then they turned south, up into the hills. Where that road meets the road com-ing in from Trinidad, tl1ey went right, and rather than going up to Mike's, headed back down, to the outskirts of Valle de Trinidad. From there it was out through grapevines and fences, and to Llano Colorado at Highway 1. A short stretch of pavement took them to San Vicente and they turned west and out to tl1e beach, where the road headed north. After turning inland to Santo Tomas they ran up the highway a bit, an turned in at Uruapan. At this point SCORE had bladed a new road, in an effort to avoid traffic too close to the town. The new road turned to silt ap-parently, and some teams had 4x4s on the site to help. Then it was familiar, if difficult, trail through tall shrubs, through Tres Hermanos, then into the neighborhood of Ojos again. Once they crossed the highway for the last time, they came in to the finish on the road they' cl left on. It was more difficult in the late afternoon, as they were heading into the sun, and the locals had removed most of the signs. At least there was very little fog. At the very end they dropped into the outgoing wash, and were greeted by a crowd of enthusiastic spectators as they made their way to the final quarter mile. The bleachers were still there. All classes were equipped with the lritrack sending units that would allow emergency help to reach them quickly if they were involved in an accident It would also allow SCORE to note whether or not they stayed on the race course or took advantage of the few ar-eas where short coursing was possible. Those areas had been noted on lritrack' s map, and anyone going through there would leave a permanent trail on the computer screen, allowing nearly instan-taneous disqualification. With the lritrack devices, pit teams and friends and family at home can also keep track of every vehicle on course, doing away with all those time consuming radio calls trying to locate an overdue vehicle. SCORE allowed approximately three hours between the start of the last Sportsman Quad and the first Trophy Truck, which meant that the first truck off the line left at 9:35. From the Tro-phy Trucks through the SCORE Lite class they left at 30 second intervals, and then it closed up to 15 second intervals. As usual, those at the back of the line-up didn't remember that it was going to happen that way, and as a result many of the drivers in the limited classes got Dusty Times I'

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lee Banning and his son lee Jr. were the second place finishers in the SCORE LITE Class, they're seen here in their Foddrill at high speed. Aaron/Stephanie and Adrian Celiceo were a long time in getting It was a pretty good day for Javier Buelna, he took home the home, but they did and they took second place in Class 7 in their silver medal in Class 10 at the Baja 500. _T._o~yo_t_a_T._a_c_o_m_a_. ________________ _ caught unprepared and started late. Somehow they never seem to be able to figure out when their start time will be, even though SCORE tells them in ad-vance about the 30 or 15 second sepa-ration. All of those who started on time were gone by 10:28, but stragglers kept taking the green flag for another 20 min-utes orso. The weather was warm to hot, de-pending on which section of the course a driver was on, with a steady breeze but not a big wind. There was little of the fog that plagues the course some years. In the Trophy Truck class, which started the day with 18 vehicles, all but one made it through the first check, which was at Mile 91, and then another three fell out before Check 2 which was at Borrego, at Mile 206, where the course crossed Highway 3. Bobby Baldwin had been the first one out, and then Pete Sohren, Jesse James and Robby Gor-don fell out in the next section. Sohren said he'd been trying to "chase down Gordon", and hit a big rock, and James was reported in a "bad ditch" after the Summit. Word came back that Gor-don also came to grief after the Sum-Dusty Times mit, breaking a hub on a big rock. Gor- had a flat and MacCachren went by. ten minutes behind fourth. In sixth don had apparently figured that if he Then, just five miles later Baldwin had place it was Robbie Pierce and Will had problems he might just as well call it another flat. Then his power steering Staats, Chevy, who'd had a flat and some a day, because he needed to fly back to was slipping and he had no rear brakes, computer trouble. the east coast for a NASCAR race. but he was determined to catch Seventh place went to Cameron When they got to Check 2, the lead MacCachren. As they neared the finish, Steele and Rick Geiser in a GMC Si-belonged to B.J. Baldwin in. his Chevy. reports came in from the helicopter erra, and in eighth it was Rick D. He'd had a flat early and lost a brake abouthowclosetheywere. Baldwin had Johnson, in a Ford. Ninth place went line, so he had only a minute on Mark a "strange noise" coming from the rear to Chad Ragland and Steve Hengeveld, Post, in a Ford, who'd had three flats. of his truck, but didn't want to take the in a Toyota. Hengeveld rolled the truck Brian Collins ran third in his Dodge, time to stop and check it out. He crossed during his stint. The tenth finisher was about 12 minutes later, after having a his fingers and went for it. MacCachren the team of Scott Steinberger and Mike flat and getting stuck just before crossed the finish line first, but Baldwin, Childress in a Ford. Steinberger had Borrego. Larry Roeseler, in Roger who'd started a minute behind him, gotsruckinsandatMilel88andhadto Norman's Ford, was fourth. He'd had pulledinlessthanaminutelater, to take let his tires down to flat so he could an alternator problem. the win by seven seconds. Baldwin's odd drive out. He lost a lot oftime. Childress No more trucks faded away before noise rurned out to be from his hydrau- finished with no brake on the right rear. Check 3, whichwasanotherlOO miles licjackstand, which was halfoutofits In 11th it was Nick and Larry down the road, just after they rurned mount, and was hitting things now and Vanderwey and Curt LeDuc. LeDuc off the pavement in San Vicente. then. spentsometimeinabrushysiltbedwith Baldwin was still leading there, but he Collins and Hovey were third, about a broken rear end, but they got things had only six minutes on Rob 15 minutes later, and Norman and going again. The Vanderweys, who MacCachren, who'd taken over for Post. Roeseler were fourth reporting that moved up from Class 8 this season, are Norman was driving now and was only they'd had a belt come off a couple of enjoying running in this class. They said, a minute further back, and Collins' co-times, and they finally figured out that if "It's so much fun to be able to goas fast driver, Chuck Hovey was in his truck, they didn't run full throttle it would aswewant!"GarronCadientewas 12th runningfourthand making up time lost stay on. In fifth it was the Ford of Ron in his Ford, and in 13th it was Mike whenCollinsgotsruck. Whitton and Todd LeDuc, who said Voudouris in another Ford. The last As they neared the finish, Baldwin he was "agallonshortofoil". Theywere finisher, lucky 13th, was Darnen Jefferies, in a Chevy Silverado. He'd lost an alternator at Mile 35, changed it, and then caught back up. But later, while running about sixth, he popped a c.v. off an axle, and lost a lot of time with repairs. He used up 16 hours and 39 minutes in getting to the finish. There were 19 Class 1 cars this time, and five of them fell away before Check 1. At Check 2, the lead belonged to Luis Ramirez in his HMS Chevy. He later said his plan was "to go easy at first." He was just two minutes in front of Armin Schwarz in a BMW Jimco. Brad Etter and Dale Ebberts in their Porter Chevy were another two minutes back, and Pat Dean had his new Bunderson in fourth, one minute later. Then a minute behind him it was a tie between Brian Parkhouse in a Jimco and Enrique Bujanda, who hails from Texas, in a Porter Chevy. So the lead six cars in Class 1 were separated by only six minutes. When they got to Check 3 it was pretty much the same picrure. Ramirez, who lives in Cabo San Lucas, still led, now with six minutes on Etter and Ebberts. Dean had moved up to third, Continued next page 2, 163 Rooms And Suites 60 Table Games 2,300 Slot Machines Poker Room 8 Restaurants 65,000 Sq. Ft. Of Meeting Space 4,500 Seat Equestrian & Event Center 80,000 Sq. Ft. Exhibit Hall Race & Sports Book 800-Seat Bingo Room 16 Movie Theaters Spa & Fitness Center Showroom 64-Lane Bowling Center ~~~ .· .•'!!ZI. · .. ·.· ">::J ... (I ( l · ·· · ·. ···· · · ·· If 'J , .. . ·. ,· :::,,,, ,;-·._.··-'··•;., .·.; 1-866-791-76Q6 • LAS VEGAS BLVD AT SILVERADO RANCH• SOUTHPOINTCASINO.COM August 2008 Page9

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Eric and Stuart Chase drove their Chevy powered Penhall to a fifth place finish in Class 1, they were out on the course for 12 long hours. Arnoldo Ramirez and Misael Arambula finished second in Class 1/2-1600 in their Curry, they were a mere three minutes in arrears at the flag. It was a fifth place finish in Trophy Truck for Ron Whitton and Todd LeDuc, they're seen here taking their Ford F-150 over the hurdles. seven minutes further back, and Schwarz' s co-driver, Martin Christensen and Bujanda were tied for fifth, three minutes later. In sixth itwas Parkhouse's co-driver, Tom Ridings. They were spread further apart, and in a slightly different order, but it was the same six teams leading the class. Ramirez, who said he'd had a "great battle with 108" (Schwarz and Christensen), lost his rear brakes at San Vicente, roughly 141 miles from the fin-ish, but had no other problems. He took the win, finishing in 9:36:55, and saying "that's a good feeling." He said the "course was awesome• everything was beautiful." In second it was Etter and Ebberts. Etter, the second driver, had one flat at Mile 265 and another about five miles before the finish, a front, which he just ran in on. They were 24 minutes behind first place. In third itwas Schwarz and Christensen, about eight minutes later. They'd lost time at the driver change when Christensen plugged his chip into the OPS and it wouldn't load. They "let itcool", butitstilldidn'twork. ltmeant, said Christensen, "driving really, really slow." In fourth place itwas Parkhouse and Ridings, who had "no issues." One belt came off. Ridings said, "It was a good day -it's not dark." They had de-cided not to put their light bar on the car. Ridings and Parkhouse dedicated their race to the memory ofFrank and Rose Orozco, long time friends, who It was a nice win in Class 7SX for Heidi Steele and Rene Burger,.seen here hustling their Ford Ranger towards the finish line. both died unexpectedly recently. Eric and Stuart Chase finished fifth in their Penhall Chevy. Ar. the finish they said their convener was "pretty much shot" They'd been adding ATF for much of the day. They'd also had a flat, and had no spare at one point In sixth it was Pat Dean and Danny Anderson, a new team in a new Bunderson. Dean started, Anderson finished, and they said their convener got hot on silty uphills. That cost them a few positions. Seventh place went to Miguel Sandoval, Matt Cruson, and Nick Johnson, in a Wide Open Baja car pow-ered by a Subaru. They were only six minutes behind Dean and Anderson. In eighth it was Rob Bruce and Mark Witte in a Chevy powered HMS. They said the "pulley broke off the engine" and they needed three hours for repairs. Ninth went to Chuck Dempsey and Mark Levrett in an HMS Chevy. They'd gone off a hill early in the day and spent two and a half hours getting out of the hole. They'd also beenstuckatMile375, outside ofUruapan, and finished on a right front flat The centh finisher was B.J. Richardson, in a Chevy Bunderson, and he was 18 hours and 52 minutes on the road. In 11th itwasArmin Kremer and Home a, f'he Race Auto • I a • • I • Page 10 Race car I Pre Runner I sand car 818-998-2739 9763 VARIEL AVENUE, CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 August 2008 • I :a t 9. a • • It was an easy win in Class 8 for Noah Ostanik, he drove his Ford F-150 to the class win, he's seen here at speed in the outback. Adam Pfankuch in aJimco Chevy. They were the final Class 1 team to finish, in 19 hours 32 minutes and 44 seconds. They were only 27 minutes shy of the cut off time, and it was about 6: 15 on Sunday morning when they arrived at the finish. Class 10 was the next group to start at 30 second intervals. It was a small group this time, with only seven starters. One of them was gone before they'd gone 91 miles, but all the rest got to Check 2 at Mile 206. At that time the lead was in the hands of Pierre l.avie in his Honda powered Porter. He had an amazing lead of an hour and 11 min-utes and wasn't even halfway around. In second it was Jesus Gonzales and Alonso Acosta in a Honda Dunrite. And about 39 minutes behind them Javier Buelna and Luivan Voelker ran third in their Curry. The rest of them weren'tveryclose, Mikey Lawrence, for example, was already two hours and 40 minutes down. At Check 3, Mile 304, they ran in the same order, and l.avie and co-driver Scott King still had a big lead. With Gonzales and Acosta hanging on to sec-ond place, and Voelker and Buelna in third. Buelna was having some trouble keeping his car upright, and rolled it over three separate times during the race. Disaster struck King, l.avie and their third driver, Brendan Fikes somewhere in the last section. They got their com-puter module wet and had to wait an hour and a half for it to dry. While they sat and waited, Gonzales and Acosta motored on to the finish. They Daniel Reyes and Hector Ortega were the big winners in Class 9, they're seen here fording a small stream on their way to victory. Jesus Gonzalez and Francisco Palacios show off their suspension on their Dunrite-Honda, the were the Class 10 winners in Baja. Dusty Times

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Armin Schwarz and Martin Christensen drove their Jimco-BMW Marion and Francisco Reynoso, with Adrian Esparza finished second to third place in Class 1, seen here in beautiful flight early in the in Class 5-1600, they're seen here on their way to the finish The NegreteNenagas/Diaz boys ran their Class 5-1600 Bug to a third place finish at Baja/ seen here running hard on their way to line. Rick St John was a happy fella, he drove his Duvel to an easy win in the SCORE LITE race, seen here at speed on his way to the gold medal. said they'd also had problems in the water, and they couldn't shift for the final 25 miles. Sixteen minutes later it was Buelna and Voelker, with no roof left after all that rolling. Voelker said he'd been unable to find any course markers for the final five miles. And in third itwas Fikes, Lavieand King, who'd lost second gear at Mile 340 and fin-ished the race in first gear. Lobsam Yee had a strange day in his Jimco. He burned a coil every 30 miles or so. He went to Ojos and bought some spares from a junk yard, and later sent his chase crew up to Mexicali go get some more. He said he took a nap while he waited. All together he used up eight coils. The motor also shut off at one point and it took him an hour to figure out that it was a loose cable to the computer. "But", . he said, "It was fun." Lawrence was the final finisher, fifth, in 18 hours, 33 min-utes and 50 seconds. The SCORE Lite cars were next to take off, with 12 starters. All but one of them got through the first check, and at that point Rick St. John had the lead in his Duvell two-seat car. He was only a minute in front ofJake and Scott Jones in their Chenowth, how-ever, and they had just eight minutes on Tim Pangborn, Brian Steele and Ty Thompson in a Kreger. In fourth it was Lee Banning and Lee Banning, Jr. in a Foddrill, another eight minutes back. -Pangborn's team dropped out in the next section, but St. John's car was still in the lead, now with Ramsey El Wardani at the wheel. He had 24 min-The Fernandez/Fernandez/Robles trio took the big win in the Class 11 battle, they had over two hours in hand when they took the checkered flag. It was an easy win in the Stock Full category, Chad Hall drove his Hummer H3Alpha to a decisive win, he's seen here at speed. Dusty Times utes on the Jones team, and they were 17 minutes up on the Bannings. An-other half hour back it was one of off road's veteran racers, Perry McNeil, in a Lothringer. St. John and El Wardani had a flawless day. But it was dicey at the end. When they reached Santo Tomas the crew wasn't ready with the light bar, and El Wardani elected not to wait. He thought he could get to the finish before it got dark. However, he hadn't calculated how slow it would be going up the silt hills in low gear. They man-aged not to get stuck, but their visibility was poor because they had just two small lights, mounted low and not well aimed. The.y were also covered with baked on mud. That made it difficult when they got to those final few miles . To quote Greg Bowen, El Wardani's passenger, "the hillsides covered with spectators and campfires", made it dif-ficult to tell which way to go. Bowen [iuj]@][jijj]@] the finish. · · zoomed the GPS in very close and called every turn to El Wardani. They weren't sure which of the spectators they could trust, but in any case their system worked fine, and they made it back in time to get the win. The Bannings fin-ished about 44 minutes later, report-ing that the Junior Banning had been stuck in the silt after Santo Tomas. He said they "dug, pushed and worked our butts off to get out," The Jones team story was similar, if less wordy. They. said they "lost reverse, got stuck and had flats", They were 23 minutes be-hind the Banning car. In fourth it was McNeil, who drove all the way. He lost his brakes early in the day and drove to Ojos to get three of them repaired. He was 16 minutes behind the Jones car. In fifth it was David Callaway, in a Callaway, and he didn't stop to talk. Sixth place was the team of steve Mamer and Craig Smith in a Raceco. Mamer hadn't liked the section after Santo -FUEL SAFE RACING CELLS ·o-Cll BY ~-, HUTCHINS i,;, ;} -,, :-" . s August 2008 Jomas, and used some colorful lan-guage to express his feelings to Sal Fish. Bill Hernquist and Scott Reams, in a Jimco, had been stuck at Mile 17 in a hole with some bikers and some other cars. Once free of that mess they'd had a rocker go our, and had to replace it. Reams said it "was a blast". They were the last SCORE Lite finisher. Class 8 started next, but there was only one truck, the Ford of Noah Ostanuik. His plan was to make a slow and steady run and get to the finish. But he didn't have an uneventful day. His throttle cable broke, and he lost three hours getting it repaired, and then at the end of the day he got lost five times coming in to the finish. Ostanik is one of the few who has no GPS. Still, he made it, with a time of 16:25:51. The Protrucks started next with seven entries. Two of them went out before they'd gone the first 91 miles. At Continued next page Page 11

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Gerado and Carlos tribe, along with Correy Torres finished fourth in Class 1/2-1600, seen here running along the beach at a good John Holmes and Mark Landersman were the silver medal winners The Files/Tig/io/Tieman car was the third place finisher in class 1/2-1600 in Baja, seen here early on in front of a large .crowd of spectators. clip. Check, Jason and Rich Voss, in a Ford, had the lead with 11 minutes on Ken Losch and Rob Martensen in their Ford. In third it was Rob Reinertson and Mike Salenbeni in another Ford, while Gary Magness and Steve Knudson were fourth in their Ford. When they got to Check 3 the Voss truck was still leading, and now they had about a half hour on Reinertson and Salenbeni, who'd moved into sec-ond. Dave Creagan and Brian Coats, in a Chevy, were third now, and Magness and Knudson hung on to fourth. Losch had lost about two hours but was still running. At the finish it was Voss, with a time of 11:35:10. The driver and passenger pushed the truck through the finish line, because they said, they'd "lost a rod bearing". They'd also had one flat tire. Unfortunately, they had been pushed by a non-entrant vehicle within a mile of the fnish line, prohibited un-der rule GL-13 and were disqualified by the cCompetition Review Boar. That gave the Potruck win to Dave Creagan and Brian Coats .. In third place it was Losch and Martensen, in a Page 12 in the Class 7X contest, seen here in their Ford Ranger. Ford, and Magness and Knudson, body utes on the second place team of Jose panels missing, but were still moving, Robles and Ramiro Escobedo in their were fourth, only 13 seconds behind Fraley who'd been without power steer-them. A protest was filed, and the up- ingfor 30 miles early in the day. They,· shot of it was that the Voss team was in turn, were two minutes up on movedtolastfinishposition, "forvio-Arnoldo Ramirez and Misael lation of Rule GL13". That's the rule Arambula in their Jimco. Fourth place, that states that the motor of the vehicle 11 minutes further back, was the team must be running as it crosses the finish of Ray Files and Josh Stevens, and Files line, even it it's being pushed by its oc-had already had a flat. In fifth it was cu pants. That gave the Creagans the Cory and Rick Boyer in a Lothringer. win. Cory was driving the first part and he'd The 1/2-1000 cars were next off had a couple of flats. the line, with 18 starters. They were still They were all still running when they leaving at 30 second intervals. Only got over to the Pacific coast, and three teams failetl to get to the first check Eugenio was still leading. But he was at Mile 91, but fWo more disappeared having a hard day, with flat after flat. by the time they got to Mile 206 and He later said, "I really took it easy ... I Check 2. It w~s already after 3 p.m. wasn't hittin' anything hard." He had when they got ~here, and turned west only six minutes on Ramirez and to head back to the Pacific side of the Arambula at this point. They were hav-peninsula. At that point the lead was ing no problems and no flats. In third in the hands of Adam Pfankuch and it was now Files and Stevens, and Steveri Eugenio in their Mirage. Escobedo and Robles had dropped Pfankuch had started; gone about two to fourth. The Boyers were fifth, two miles, and then Eugenio got in to do minutes behind them. There was a half the rest. Pfankuch hustled out onto hour spread from first to. fifth. the course to meet up with his Class 1 Eugenio got to the finish first. He said ride. So Eugenio had about three min- he'd had nine flat tires and had to change August 2008 In the Stock Mini Class once again it was Rod Hall taking another nice win in his Hummer H3, he's seen here at speed headin' for the flag. six of them himself. He insisted he'd not was the team of Gerardo Iribe and Vic-been hitting things, that he'd been taking tor Herrera, in a Curry. They'd had no it" easy". He and Pfankuch had the win. problems or flats and the only thing that In second place it was Ramirez and slowed them was when lribe had to get Arambula, only a little over three min-out of the car and help Rick Boyer get utes behind him. They still hadn't had unstuck. He'd been blocking the road. any problems or any flats. Third went to Robles and Escobedo were fifth, and Files and Steven, who said he'd had a they'dhadc.v. boot problems along the battle from Erendira to the finish. Fourth way. In sixth it was the Boyers. Rick, the Dusty Times It

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Ramiro Escobedo and Jose Robles drove their Fraley to a fifth Ernesto Arambula and Hector Ramos were the fifth place finishers place finish in Class 1/2-1600, seen here at speed early on in the in Class 5-1600, seen here at speed heading back to the finish Kevin Carr and Perry McNeal took the win in the Class 5 contest, they're seen here moving towards the checkered flag. race. dad, had been stuck when he blew a cor-ner. He said they had no GPS. TI1ey were nine minutes behind fifth. Seventh place went to Max Hanberg and Bernie Carr in aJimco. They'd broken tie rod ends twice, and finished with a broken one. In eighth it was Roman and Horacio Pereyra, brothers, in a new Garibay chas-sis. They'd had some problems when oil leaked on their clutch. Ninth place be-longed to Juan Gallo in a Curry. In tenth it was Hector Garcia, who started and finished, and Andres Alvarado, who drove a trouble-free middle of the race. Garcia was covered with mud, and said "getting back was hard". Eleventh place was earned by Chris langmayerand Mike Herrick in a Curry. And in 12th it was Eliseo Garcia and Hector Sarabia in a Garibay. Tiuneenth belonged to and Manuel Delgado, who finished in 19:51:34, less than nine minutes before they would have run out of time. The Class 5 cars ran next, with just two starters. George Seeley had entered, but his wife was reportedly due to give birth soon, and he chose to stay home just in case. At Check 2 the lead belonged to Kevin Carr in his newly painted race car, and he had about four and a half hours on Carlos Albanez and Mario Gastelum who must have had a major disaster. At Check.3 they were separated by five and a half hours, and when they got to Check 4, or Mile 398, Albanez and Gastelum weren't there. Carr went on to the finish with no competition. He said he'd had two front flats and a tree branch had pulled the ignition wires out He also broke a trailing arm mount, and line. had it welded at a BFG pit. He was upset at a big dent in his door, which had been hit by a rock thrown by unruly and thoughtless spectators. He'd fallen into a ravine after Uruapan, and someone with a four wheel drive vehicle had pulled him out. Carr finished in 15: 12:45. They were the final group to start at 30 second in-tervals. Class 7 started next, with seven teams heading into the difficult and dusty early miles with just 15 seconds' separation be-tween one anoilier. Only A.J. Rodriguez failed to make it to the first check, and, in fact, he was still the only one missing at Mile 206. At that point Dan Chamlee had the lead in his Ford, with about 45 minutes on Aaron, Adrian and Stephanie Celiceo, in a Toyota. In third place it was Guillermo and Ricardo Galvan in a Ford. Two more competitors fell by ilieway-side in the next section, but Chamlee moved steadily on, building a strong lead. He had an hour and 45 minutes on the Celiceos at Mile 304, and they were just 23 minutes in front of the third place Ford of Scott Ulrich. Chamlee ran out of gas once and it took him a while to get going again, us-ing the time honored method of suck-ing on the fuel line to get the gas moving. But he managed to stay in front, even stopping to add quarts of oil at every pit. He took the win, finishing more than six hours ahead of the second place Celiceo team. Then it was Guillermo and Ricardo Galvan, an Ensenada team, in third place, another 40 min-utes back, in their Ford. Fourth place Jason and Rich Voss like to race, as evidenced by this photo, they were the big winners in Pro Truck at the Baja 500 in their Ford F-150. The Lang/Cotter/Jellison guys took home the gold medal in the Sportsman Car category, they're seen here at speed on the course. Dusty Times went to Ulrich, the final finisher in ilie class, at 19:46:30, very close to ilie cut-offtime. The 5-1600s started next. All but one of the 15 starters got to the first check, and at Check 2 there were only two missing. At that time Roberto Escobedo and Alonso Angulo had ilie lead. In second place, only five minutes behind them was the team of Mario and Francisco Reynoso. They were 15 minutes in front of Jose Montoya, Adolfo Arambula and Gabriel Moreno who ran third. Fourth place was held by Ernie Negrete, Oscar Venegas and Gabriel Peralta, and eight minutes later it was Gustavo and Lucio Avina. After their trip westward, up into the foothills, back down towards Valle de Trinidad and ilien through the grape-vines to the Pacific side, things had changed only a little. There were still only two teams missing. They'd been on the road for right about eight hours, and it was nearly6:30 p.m. when they reached the western edge of the course. The sun was heading downward, and they still had the difficult steep and silty section after Uruapan to get over, not to men-tion finding their way to the finish line through the partying spectators who'd removed the markers for souvenirs. At Mile 304 the Escobedo/ Angulo team still led. The Reynosos were still second, 22 minutes later, followed by Montoya, Arambula and Moreno. In fourth place it was Negrete, Venegas and Peralta, and theAvinas still ran fifth, 42 minutes be-hind the lead car. It was still anybody's race, and the slightest problem could cause a change in the finish order, and iliey had a very tough section of tl1e road ahead of them. Montoya, Arambula and Moreno, after running third much of the way, moved up into tl1e lead and took the win, finishing in 12:23:40. In second place it was tl1e Reynoso team, who said they'd been stuck in sand. They had an extra reason for celebrating, because they said it was their birthday. Both of iliem were birthday boys. In third place, about a half hour later, it was Negrete, Peralta and Venegas, who reported no flats. Negrete said that at Mile 3, "for the first time ever", he'd rolled his car. He went on to say, "That was the scari-est thing." They'd also had a loose jack for a while, which was probably a result of the roll-over. They were about 18 minutes in front of fourth place, which was the team of Ruben, Robert and Daniel Gutierrez who'd moved up in the standings as others had problems. TI1ey'd had a ilirottlecable come loose and had been stuck for 30 minutes be-hind Uruapan waiting for stuck cars to get out of their way. Fifth place went to Ernesto Arambula and Miguel Rosales. Rosales was unhappy because not only had someone thrown a rock tl1rough the' opening where his windshield would have been ifhe had one, buttl1ey'd also to ed a bottle tl1rough ilie window net of the driver's side door. It punched a hole in the net. In sixtl1 place it was Angulo and Escobedo. Seventh place went to the Avinas, who'd rolled over twice. The door and roof of their car August 2008 were seriously crunched. In eighth it was So atthe finish it was Steele and Bruger Pedro Athie, Faisal Diaz, and Ruben de in first place, and five minutes later, la Fuente who were 44 minutes behind Holmes and Landers man took second. seventh. Ninth place went to Tommy One of ilie better races of the day. In and Ron Craft and Reid Ruilierford, iliird place it was ilieSierras and Encinas, who finished a half hour later. In tenth another ten minutes down. They'd ac-it was Marcos Nunez and Norberto tually started the race a half hour late Rivera, one of the best teams in the class because of electrical problems, but ilien another 50 minutes back after having they'd had no trouble in the race. some kind of major problem. The 11th Homer and Anderson were fourth. place team was Armando and Marco And the last team to finish. Severson Garcia and Jose Dukes, and in 12th did finally get his truck to restart, but it place, the last to finish, it was Enrique wouldn't run on all cylinders so he gave Zazueta, Jr. and Sr., Edgar Zazueta and it up as a bad idea. Novelo's Nissan Sodgi Zazueta. They made it to the fin-didn't get ili rough the final section. ish with an hour and six minutes to The Stock Full class started next with spare. six entries, and they all made it through Class 7SX had ten starters and nine the first check at Mile 91. But by the of them got through the first check all second check they were missingJosh Hall right. At Mile 206 the lead belonged to and his Hummer, which had lost a mo-John Holmes in a Ford, just 13 minutes tor. In the lead was his brother, Chad, back, and in third Noe, Tony and another Hummer, with an hour and Jonathan Sierra and German Encinas four minutes on John Griffin and Jer-in another Ford. Mike H imer and Jon emy Spirkoff in their Ford. Clyde Stacy, Anderson were fourth in their Toyota. Justin Matney and William Aylor, in a Rich Severson was in a pitwith this Ford, Dodge Ram 2500, ran third, but over which he'd rolled, trying to convince it three hours further back. to start again. At Check 3 there were only three At Mile 304, Holmes and his co-teamsleftrunning.Hallwasstillleading, driver,Marklandersman, were still lead-by now with over three hours to the ing, but they had just eight minutes on good. Griffin and Spirkoffwere second, Steele and her co-driver Renee Bruger, and two hours later it was Stacey, who was in the truck now. The Sierras Matney and Aylor. All the rest had re-and Encinas were another hour and tired. ten minutes back in third place, and At the finish there were only two. HomerandAndersonheldon to fourth Hall took the win, saying he'd had a place. Gerardo Novelo and Arturo thumping noise for a while, but it had Valdez, in the lone Nissan, ran fifth and turned out to be a loose spare tire. Then had obviously had some time consum-he went on to say that "this course was ing problem. way better than last year's course." His Near the end as they threaded their biggest problem, it seems, was iliac his way through the treacherous silt beds catheter broke, and he'd had to empty after Santo Tomas, Landersman got his bladder au-natural, and was tired of stuck three times. He'd also had a flat. sitting in iliewetseat. Stacy, Matney and Bruger made a quick move to avoid a Aylor finished second, over six hours fallen biker and got high-centered for a later, and not much before they'd have bit, but was able to move into the lead. Continued next page t:rattsman Jack •aunt Kil • Secure mounting platform for racecar, pre-runner or chase vehicle • Self-latching quick-release system locks the jack to the chassis • Spring-loaded quicl(-release mount secures the jack handle • Flat base increases the jack's footprint and prevents the jack from sinking in sand or silt Page 13

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It was a third place finish in Trophy Truck for Brian Collins and Second in Protruck was the Chevy Silverado of Dave and Chris Mark Post and Rob MacCachren, Ford f-150 took the silver medal Chuck Hovey In their Dodge Ram 1500, seen here with the Creagan with help from Brian Coats, seen here with the power in Trophy Truck, they missed the big win by a mere seven seconds. h_a_m_m_e_r_d_o_w_n_. ----------------~ on. run out of time. They sh6uld be pleased made it to the first check. Daniel Reyes, Mortensen and Russell Klassen in their nately alread,...y_o_u_t __ ..,,Sc-o_w_e_r_e-,E~rn_es_t_o _ _,d'""iffi""·,-cu-1.-t_tr...,.ip-,-a-n-,drrh-e-r' s-t-o""Tb_e_c_o_n_gr_a_tu_-with themselves, and they'll have plenty Jr. and Hector Ortega, in a Venegas, ran VW powered Raceco. Three hours later Martinez Sr. and Jr. lated on the skill and determination of good stories to tell when they get back a steady pace, and made it to the finish in it was Rob Caveny and Steve Fleming At the third checkpoint, which they that brought him to the finish line. totheirhomebasesin Virginia, Tennes, a little more than 19 and a half hours. in a VW powered Baja Bug. Caveny started to hit at about 9 p.m., it was For the most part the racers liked see and Kentucky. ltwas a job well done. Unfornmately, we weren't there to see came from Hawaii to race the 500. still the Fernandez/Robles team in the the course very much. The exception Griffin and Spirkoff, uncharacteristi- them finish. The other entrant, Eduardo At Check 3 Caveny and Fleming lead. But now the Bio car ran second, of course, were the folks who got cally, didn't finish. Orozco Padilla, had a bad day and was had dropped out, and Lang, Cotter about an hour and 25 minutes back, trapped, either in the silt or behind ln the Stock Mini class there were out early. and Jellison had a two minute lead on followed by Carlos and Rafael Villa those who were stuck in the silt, after four starters, and they did better than Class 3 had two entries, the Ford the Mortensens and Klassen. Ulti- and Saul Trevino, another 45 minutes Uruapan. Orherwise they had fun. The their big brothers. All of them made it Bronco of Don and Ken Moss and mately, the Lang, Cotter and Jellison behind them. Two more teams were lritrack system worked well to get help not only through the first check, but William Frey and Tom Barnett in a team won, finishing an hour and 15 still moving, but they were two and three to injured bikers and quad riders who also through the second. At that point Jeep Cherokee. At the first checkpoint minutes in front of the Mortensens and hours further back and in danger of seemed to fall off their mounts with Gavin Skilton had his new Honda the Moss car was in the lead, but Frey Klassen. running out oftime. greatregularity at the beginning of the Ridgeline in the lead, with 16 minutes and Barnett were only 14 minutes be-Class 11, attracted by VW contin- At the finish it was the Sombrerito day. There were few post-race brouha-on Rod Hall in his Hummer H3. Kevin hind them. Not a bad beginning. But gency money, had eight entries for the car of the Fernandei/Robles team that has, and no disqualifications (at least Necessary and Russell Stoddard, in a it was also the end, because they never race. One of them, the day-glo orange got the win. They'd had no problems by the time of this writing), in the cars Toyota ran third, two hours and some made itto Check 3. newly built car of Cisco and Pancho at all on course, and finished in 16 and trucks. minuteslater,andanotherfouranda TheMossteamwentoninsingular Bio,didn'tevenhaveamotorinitasit hours 13 minutes and 30 seconds. Some people stayed home from half hours back it was Steve Kovach and grandeur, bounding through the rolled through contingency and tech Their average speed was 27.189 miles Baja, worried that all the scary stories Chip Carr, in a Ford. desert, on their way to another Baja inspection just before it all closed on per hour, no mean feat for 441 miles they'd read on the internet might come Atthethirdchecktheonlyonewho 500 victory. They had two front tires Friday afternoon. of Baja. In second, two and a half true. Nothing untoward happened. didn't make it was Kovach and Carr. go flat at once, their biggest problem All eight of them made it through hours later, it was the Bios, against all There were the usual booby traps, and Hall and his codriver, Mike Winke~ had all day, and went on to take the win in the first checkpoint, and at the second, odds. And, finishing third, the Villas some rock and bottle throwing, but moved into the lead, withtwohourseven 15 hours and 12 minutes. Mile 206, six of them were still run-and Trevino, got to the finish in that's nothing. new, having gone on on Skilton, who probably had new car There were only three Sportsman ning. Ramon and Thomas Fernandez 19:35:20. down there for roughly 35 years. It was trouble of some sort. Necessary and Trucks in this event. At the first check and Rogelio Robles, had the lead, with There were six UTVs at this event, an uneventful race, with an entertain-Stoddard were only 18 minutes behind only one was missing, but by Check 2, 45 minutes on Eric Solorzano and and only two of them got as far as the ing and challenging race course. End him. Mile 206 only the team of Bob Land, Claudio Escobar. (The Fernandez/ firs check. At that point Mark Lind-of story. Whentheyarrivedatthefinish,itwas Eric Garcia and Tom Hanscom and Robles team had got off to a shaky say, in a Polaris RZR led by four hours SCORE's next event is the Las Ve-Winkel and Hall, giving Hall another in their Jeep Cherokee was still running. start, late to the green flag because their over Shane Morgan in an Arctic Cat gas short course event, one that engen-a very long time of victories in Baja. They made it all the way, in the time of co-pilot overslept.) ln third place it was Prowler. But at the next check Lindsay ders mixed emotions in the hearts of Winke~forarelativebeginneratBaja 17:19:12,togetthewin. Cisco and Pancho Bio, another 11 wastheonlyonemoving.Hemadeit off readers. After that they go to racing, has been doing well, apparently The Sportsman Buggy folks did a minutes back. Jacob Mueller and all the way, finishingtheentire441 miles Primm for the September Primm 300, thanks to the teaching skills of Hall. bit better. There were three of them Enrique Hernandez, who had "Dos in 19 hours 49 minutes and 30 sec-and then the finale comes in Novem-Skilton kept moving, and took second also, and all three made it through the Gringos y Muchos Mexicanos" painted onds. Unfortunately we weren't there ber with the Baja 1000, which will be a place, which is a good finish for a brand second check. At that point Peter Lang, on the side of the car, were unfortu- to see him come in. It must have been a loop race this year. SCIII new car. ln third it was Necessary and Terry Cotter and Peter Jellison, in their Stoddard, another two hours down. Homebuilt Chevy powered buggy, were Class 9 had two entries, and they had leading by seven minutes. Second be-a 500/o finish rate. In fact, 500/o of them longed to Wendell and Laura Bob land, with help from Eric Garcia took the win in the Sportsman Truck class, seen here in the Jeep Cherokee on their way to glory. Luis Ramierz Jr, with help from dad and Juan Araiza took the Class 1 win in his brutal looking HMS with Chevy power, they were fourth overall. · Dusty Times n Diego 7915 Balboa Ave. 858.586.TT92 EiC. n 425 N. Marshall Ave. 619.442.8&89 2646 Auto Park W,ry 2298 Merrill Center Dr 26901 Jeflllrson Ave. 750.741.3193 780.404.9019 Coming 2008 shop online. www August 2008 Page 15 _

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lAlc!C: 50™ RALLY D•ITALIA SARDINIA Loeb Wins ••h In Citroen BY MARTIN HOLMES PHOTOS: MAURICE SELDEN Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena took the overall win in Italy, they're seen here flying their Citroen C4 to the f;nish. It had to happen sooner or later, and it was at the Rally d'Italia Sardegna that we saw the 40th World Rally victory for Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena. It was an achievement far greater than anyone in rallying had ever attained in the past, not to mention a personal score to settle af-ter his uncharacteristic accident on the previous year. It was also an event full of uncertainties and unpredictability, but once again Loeb's Citroen was hard pressed by the official Ford driv-ers, of whom Jari-Matti Latvala was the fastest driver on the stages, but was delayed by a puncture on the sec-ond stage of the event. A puncture led to complications that delayed JWRC championship leader Sebastien Ogier, and the Junior category this time "1as won by Michal Kosciuszko after a close battle with Martin Prokop. Three different makes of car had won this event on the four occasions the Italian world championship has previously been held on this Mediter-ranean island. Although never pub-licly acknowledged by the organisers, this event was in fact a major anniver-sary for the Italian championship rally. The 50th event in the line of world class rallies in Italia, a series which be-gan before the second world war and which continued strongly through the Sanremo rallies. As the debate about how rallies should be included in the world championship calendar, and the relative priority of "classic" rallies, it was interesting to note that Italy was one of the last four rallies (with Fin-land, GB and France) to have been every year in the championship. 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All six regular teams were present, and for the second world rally run-ning, this was a Junior event. It was widely presumed that this would be the final official world championship entry for the Subaru S 126, but noth-ing was officially announced, and once again the event was a dismal re-sult for their team. Signs of a sweep-ing-out scenario at Subaru were evi-denced as Solberg was given an old Atkinson car, after the car he was ear-marked for this event was badly dam-aged in his Jordan Rally accident. Af-ter the burst damper problems in Jor-dan, shock absorber hoses had been modified but otherwise there was tech-nically nothing new. Petter Solberg had a new car engineer, Gerard de Jongh, freeing up Graham Moore into his other role as team's chief engineer. The whole subject of dampers had become a moist sensitive issue at Subaru WRT, the team being banned from event mentioning these troublesome com-ponents and their failings to outsid-ers! There was only one championship car new .for this event, Matthew Wilson's Focus. The 21 year old had been elevated into official Stobart team status like in Mexico. Henning Solberg meanwhile had moved to Munchi's team for the second time this season. The rally followed a famil-iar format, save for a special short tele-vised final stage held behind the coast-line of the Cala di Volpe, the legend-ary Costa Smeralda resort immortalised by the James Bond film "The Spy Who Loved Me", with the Ceremonial start and the finish on the nearby quayside at Porto Cervo. Curiously there was no service halt between the final stage and the finish, a pity for photographers who wanted to capture the scenic coastal beauty of Costa Smeralda, and also attend the finish ceremony. There was excite-~ ment that four of the stages on the first day were also new, but "new" meant a different route using essen-tially the same old tracks but in a dif-ferent sequence, though there were some specially constructed stretches of track used for stages on the final day. Shakedown was at a new location with fastest time made by Gigi Galli ahead of Sebastien Loeb with Dani Sordo and·Jari-Matti Latvala joint third. Drivers tackled Shakedown sparingly. They had all done th~ir setup work on the island in authorised testing, and there was another factor. Since the original details of the route were announced, on which the FIA ordained the total number of tyres each driver could use, the number of authorised tyre changing points had been increased, but the total allow-ance remained unchanged. The teams faced the very real prospect that they night have to fit used tyres at some point during the rally, and wanted to have as many available tyres in as good a condition as possible. P.G. Andersson had gearshift problems, forcing the Suzuki team to fit another gearbox, but this also showed the same symptoms,. Chris Atkinson hit a rock during Shakedown which damaged the suspension. In addition to the regular champi-onship entries, two young rival Nor-wegian drivers Andreas Mikkelsen and Mads Ostberg started the event with their World Rally Cars. Mikkelsen, at just 18 years of age, has only three more weeks before he officially leaves school, but on arrival in Sardinia his usual co-driver Ola Floene was feeling unwell and an urgent phone call was made to Maria Andersson asking her to come from Sweden to replace Ola. Gentleman Dutch driver Peter van Merksteyn, who last year astonished local residents with the size of tl1e yacht which he parked in Porto Cervo, was also competing in a private Focus WRC. After the championship exclu-sion of Lithuanian driver Vilius Rozukas, announced in Jordan, all the 17 drivers remaining in the Junior cat-egory took the start, though Francesco Mikko Hirvonen and Jarmo Lehtinen were 10 seconds out of the overall win, they settled for second spot in their Ford Focus RS. , Dusty Times

Page 17

Alessandro Bettega and Simone Scattolin drove their Renault Clio It was a fourth place overall finish for Gianluigi Galli and his Sebastien Ogier and Julien Ingrassia finished 22nd overall in Italy, R3 to the silver medal in JWRC, seen here at the carwash. Fords Focus RS, he's seen here at speed. they're seen here ready for a hard landing in their Citroen C2. Fanari, the leader of the Rookie's morning's loop. Petter Solberg had award, changed teams albeit still run- were not perfect for the top runners, passed Hirvonen into fourth place, ning in a Citroen. PatrikSandell had championship leader Mikko despite two broken front brake cali-a late change of car after it was discov- Hirvonen was not enjoying running person the final stage of the day. Team ered that the Renault he ran in Jor- first on the road, while at the encl of orders meant they were not to say a clan had suffered a broken roll cage. the firSt loop Hirvonen and Chris word about the dampers. From lying Martin Prokop also had a new car, a Atkinson were tied in thircl place. 11th at midday Latvala was up to sev-car he proudly explained was ex-Mikkelsen made a stunning fifth best enth, Galli was sixth. Both Suzukis had Sordo. Alex Bettega arrived with his time on Stage l but then crashed on hydraulic troubles and incurred time Clio R3, proudly announcing he was Stage 2· It was a fast downhill section, control penalties after spending too now sponsored by CSAI, the Italian with a fast left into a tightening right. long at service. Ostberg had a remark-sporting federation, there were He slid wide on the left-hancler ancl able coincidence as a driveshaftfailed changes of co-driver for Gallagher and had no chance to avoid a crash. Peter again -the same drives haft within 2km Abbring.Aftertheintriguingbetween- Merksteynthencrashedclosetowhere of where the item failed in the first rally story about the FIA official re-Mikkelsenhadpreviouslygoneoffand loop! port that Sebastien Loeb was scruffy retired. Hirvonen ancl Latvala both In the first three stages, three di f-in appearance, he arrived freshly overshot a junction on Stage 3, at a ferent drivers set fastest times in the shaven, joking that he only shaved on place where the stage ran along a main JWRC. Firstly Patrik Sandell in his a Thursday! road and bollards, absent in recce, Clio S 1600, then Martin Prokop Day 1 had been erected. Atkinson com- (Citroen C2) and on Stage 3 Michal 6 Stages, gravel- 131.56kms. plained that his suspension was a little Kosciuszko (Suzuki). Prokop held the Nobody quite knew what to ex-soft, while Petter Solberg reckoned the lead despite being slowed by steering pect. How the rains had affected the old damper problem was still slowing vibration on Stage 3, Alex Bettega (in surfaces,giventhattheweatherseemed him. Subaru WRT chief David to be warming up, even if it was still Richards confirmed that the old spitting with rain at the Friday start. S 12b cars were benefiting from S 1 Gianluigi Galli continued to be Italy's tests and that damper problems in rallying folk hero, but was disap- Jordan (burst reservoir hoses) had pointed that the Stobart team had been rectified, but the general han-done no testing, "I love to be in dling problems seemed to remain. Sardinia", he said, "but unfortunately Matthew Wilson and both the I did all my pre-rally testing lying.on Suzukis were going well, Andersson the beach! Already we found in Jor-had pre-rally worries about clan that when you do no testing it gearshifring, but so far all was good. takesadaytogetuptotherightspeed." Khalid Al Qassimi had a couple of ItwasanexactreplayofwhatLatvala spins. The handbrake on Conrad hadsaidinpreviousyears.Infact,the Rautenbach's C4 broke. Mads weather on the stages was nice and Ostberg had a chapter full of troubles many drivers said they expected it to beginning when he stalled at the start be rougher than it turned out to be. of Stage 1, had a spin and an excur-Jari-Matti Latvala made scratch time sion in the stage and then a broken on the opening stage, but then lost driveshaft throughout nearly all of towards two minutes on the second Stage 3. his Clio R3) fell back with setup prob-lems (the suspension needed to be harder). Winner in Mexico and Jor-dan, Sebastien Ogier was lying fourth and was gradually finding his rhythm. Milos Komljenovic stopped with trans-mission failure, Gilles Schammel hit a rock and stopped with suspension damage and Francesco Fanari disap-peared when the rear axle departed company from the rest 9f the Citroen. Prokop held the lea<;! through the af-ternoon despite suffering from the dust created by Aaron Burkhart, who was struggling along after going off the road. The German had a bad time, no sooner had he got his car back on the road than Patrik Sandell ran into him. Sandell suffered a broken driveshaft and steering arm in the im-pact. It was only a kilometre or so from the end of the final stage of the day! Jaan Molder drove ten kilometres on a flat tyre. Bettega had a puncture close to the end of Stage 4. Ogier stopped on Stage 4 after hitting a rock which punctured a tyre, he then slid off the road and hit a bank which then damaged the transmission and the steering. Kosciuszko finished the day just 3. 7 seconds behind Prokop. Sandell kept his third place and Bettega was fourth. The other driver missing during the day was Kevin Abbring, who had too much suspen-sion damage to be repaired at midday service. Day 2 6 Stages, gravel- 134.60kms. The weather was not promising. Once again spitting with rain, clouds over the hills, and uncertainty as to what the conditions of the stages Continued next page Wiring Harnesses .,,,· Worldwide benchmark. manufacturer of mllltery-epec;ification wiring systems for all motOl"'sport; epplicetione Ut,ilizing '.the fl~.Aeychem System 25 compoh$nt~:the induetry standard for ell pl"Ofei¥S$lonal:,r-ac:k'\g s&nctione, ""' ·•:·' .,; Engineef"iihg, ess~ly. and cornpreh~sive teat;! . 0~ 100% in-house. . , '• ·, assemblies\end circuit s ere ave.ileble to suit stage. "I hit the rear of the car on a There was a familiar scene as the bank and I think the impact dislodged rally entered the second loop, Loeb the tyre on the rim as we punctured." started with a 22.5 second lead over In fact, Pirelli officials thought this was Sordo, by the end of the day this had an unlucky failure, as they believe the increased to 35. 7, after the Spaniard valve was tom off the wheel in the im-was slowed by intermittent intercom pact. Galli had a similar tale to tell failure. Al Qassimi stopped for the after he lost a minute or so, "This was rest of the day when he hit a rock and certainly remarkable, I drove 20km wrecked the suspension. Jari-Matti on a flat tyre and still the tyre stayed once again found himself trying to on the rim." Galli had a damaged rim, make up for lost time. Hirvonen was Latvala's rim was still intact. upset that his pace was not fast By Stage 2 Sebastien Loeb was in enough, even though the stages were the lead and his Citroen teammate nowclean.Theconditionsofthestage, Dani Sordo was second. Conditions curiously, had changed little since the· s · sya11eb1;·::t~r .an .. ff-road engirwfpec~. ,-· i~ptay and data· ;~i:iUisition mar•'.f'•··,-,;,, all levels ef ccmpet:ition. k::. Jari-Matti Latvala and Mikka Anttila were the third place finishers in Italy, they're seen here flyin' high. Dusty Times Engine ~r'\d chassis dynamo services available, ?};.;, Sakata Motorsport Electronics, Inc. 1217 N. Patt Street Anaheim, CA 92801 (714) 446-9473 / Fax: (714) 446-9247 www August 2008 . ' High-Accuracy Air-Fuel Ratio Meters L ight:weight. stand-alone system works with at! engines and alternate fuels -carbureted or fuel injected. For the dedicated engine tuner who needs eo know exsctlywhat their engine is doing. No fleshing lights - just the tects ... Neil it: ta s nurr1ber! ...,- . ~ ~~~<~-=~, fVl□T□FtSP□RT ELECTRONICS IN'er& rruskl, c:::onneat,ons ... Page 17

Page 18

f1l,iltTJ1 A .. Seventh overall in their Ford Focus RS were Henning Solberg and The Citroen C2 team of Martin Prokop and Jan Tomanek were Per-Gunnar Andersson and Jonas Andersson, seen here before an Cato Menkerud, seen here fording a bit of the wet stuff. the 30th place finishers in Italy, seen he1e nicely airborne. admiring crowd, finished ninth overall in their Suzuki SX4. would oe. Loeb was first driver on had to stop and change the wheel "I and by midday Gardemeister was just tered his style of driving in the stage. I end of the day was just 0.5 second. the road, opening the loop of three do not know why it deflated. To our 0.9 seconds ahead of Andersson. never cease to be surprised. Just re-Prokop had a heavy landing and stages, suffering the problems that knowledge we did not impact any-Conditions never stopped being cently he has learned the art of going reached service but with a lot of dam-Hirvonen had faced the day before, thing." That wasn't everything for the unpredictable. Second time through flat out first thing in the morning. age at the front of the car. He also and generally to a greater extent. But Norwegian, the bonnet flew up on the stages was just as dirty as the first Mikko, and a lot of the other drivers broke a rim but reached the end of Loeb held his nerve, even though the stage and he had to stop to re- time, to the anguish of Loeb who struggle to do that." Latvala's team- the stage with the air intact. Gallagher Ford were on the offensive. Sordo fasten the safety securing pins. Brother thought he would now have a better mate Hirvonen made second best had disconcerting oversteering in left had a bad problem with traction, Henning twice overshot junctions on time opening the road. Jari-Matti eel-time on all the stages, while Sordo hand corners. Cortinovis retired with and was passed firstly by Hirvonen, Stage 7. Fellow Norwegian Ostberg ebrating his one year anniversary, continued to suffer traction a broken driveshaftwhile Fanari lost who now had a lot more confidence discovered the cause of his driveshaft Sardinia last year was the first occa- troubles, which he could not explain, a wheel. Bettega had been third all with the car, and then Latvala, who problem but still had gearshifting sion he had led a world champion- which dropped him further back. By day ahead of Gallagher, while climbed four places in three stages. troubles, and then had a stone ship rally. He was in fine forrri again Stage 11 Sordo was down to fifth: Burkart and Albertini (a protege of Petter Solberg's happy days were over. thrown at the windscreen. Galli was and made best times on every stage of Fords were 2-3-4! Petter Solberg was Andrea Dalla villa) rose up to fifth On the first stage he lost a lot of time trying to match his speed safely with the day, "Stage 12 was tricky, it was in despair, "They changed a few parts and sixth respectively. and fell from third down to seventh, his confidence. Rautenbach clipped much more slippery than I expected." at lunch time (code for, fitted new Day 3 citing a bad lack of grip and refusing a bridge and this caused handling His co-driver, Miikka Anttila was shock absorbers) and the car was 5 Stages, gravel- 89.57kms. to comment on the performance of problems for most of the morning. amazed, "I have never seen him do it worse. Let's talk about the weather!" Starting the final day ahead of his the dampers. He then punctured and The two Suzukis were running well before. Suddenly he completely al-The Suzuki battle came to an end teammate, Latvala's time on the first 50th Rally d'Italia (I) Olbia-Porto Cervo 16/18.05.2008 WCR round 6. JWRC round 3 WC points WR WD JC 1 (1) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena F/MC Citroen C4 WRC 738EGZ78 (F) 3h.57m.17.2s. 10 10 2 (3) Mikko HIRVONEN/Jarrno Lehtinen FIN Ford Focus RS WRC EU07SSZ (GB) 3h.57m.27.Bs. 8 8 3 (4) Jari-Matti LATVALA/Miikka Anttila FIN Ford Focus RS WRC EU07SUF (GB) 3h.57m.32.5s. 6 6 4 (7) Gianluigi GALLI/Giovanni Bernacchini I Ford Focus RS WRC lES (GB) 3h.58m.59.7s. 5 5 5 (2) Daniel SORDO/Marc Marti E Citroen C4 WRC 734EGZ78 (F) 3h.59m.22.8s. 4 4 6 (6) Ch~is ATKINSON/Stephane Prevot AUS/B Subaru Impreza WRC KT57SRT (GB) 4h.02m.25.8s. 3 3 7 (10) Henning SOLBERG/Cato Menkerud N Ford Focus RS WRC E056TZR _(GB) 4h.03m.18.2s. 2 2 8 (16) Urmo Aava/Kuldar Sikk EE Citroen C4 WRC 735DYN78 (F) 4h.03m.38.5s. 1 9 (12) Per-Gunnar ANDERSSON/Jonas Andersson s Suzuki SX4 WRC TKN301S08685 (J) 4h.05m.05.9s. 1 10 (5) Petter SOLBERG/Philip Mills N/GB Subaru Impreza · WRC JT56SRT (GB) 4h.06m.58.2s. 11 (19) Mads Ostberg/Ole Unnerud N Subaru Impreza WRC DL51125 (N) 12 (8) Matthew WILSON/Scott Martin GB Ford Focus RS WRC EU07SUV (GB) 4h.07rn.24.5s. 13 (15) Conrad Rautenbach/David Senior ZW/GB Citroen C4 WRC 735DYN78 (F) 4h.07m.35.8s. 14 (9) Federico VILLAGRA/Jorge Perez Cornpanc RA Ford Focus RS WRC EU07SSX (GB) 4h.08m.18.5s. 15 {35) Michal Kosciuszko/Maciek Szczepaniak PL Suzuki Swift Sl600 JWRC SSE002 (H) 4h.21m.52.9s.+ 10 16 (14) Khalid Al Qassimi/Michael Orr DAE/GB Ford Focus RS WRC EA07PXN (GB) 4h.26m.06.2s. (3) 17 (48) Alessandro Bettega/Sirnone Scattolin Clio R3 JWRC DF400TV (I) 4h.26rn.17.8s. 18 (76) Moreno Cenedese/Marika Rossetto I Evo N DK354KR (I) 4h.30m.47.9s.# 19 (33) Aaron Burkart/Michael Kolbach D JWRC H-PR2206 (D) 4h. 32rn .14.6s. 21 (46) Shaun Gallagher/Claire Mole -IRL/GB JWRC 9147NE52 (F) 4h.32m.40.9s. - 22 (42) Sebastien Ogier/Julien Ingrassia Sl600 JWRC 7214NE52 (F) 4h .37m.39.8s. (3) 23 (39) Stefano Albertini/Piercarlo Capolongo Clio R3 JWRC DF333TV (I} 4h.38rn.Ol.7s. 26 (41) Patrik Sandell/Emil Axelsson s JWRC CB655VD (F)· 4h.47m.29.2s. (5) 27 (44) Hans Weijs-/Hans Van Goor NL JWRC 27-XN-PT (NL) 4h.48m.07.7s. 28 (32) Jaan Molder/Frederic Miclette EE/B JWRC KIH354 (H) 4h .48rn.36.0s. (5) 30 (31) Martin Prokop/Jan.Tomanek CZ JWRC 06R0009 (CZ) 31 (34) Andrea Cortinovis/Giancarla Guzzi Page 18 I Renault 8 Mitsubishi Lancer Citroen C2 Sl600 6 Citroen C2 Sl600 5 F I Citroen CZ 4 Renault 3 Renault Clio Sl600 2 Citroen C2 R2 Max 1 Suzuki Swift Sl600 Citroen C2 Sl600 I Renault August 2008 when Gardemeister stopped in a stage stage of the day showed what a disad-with suspension failure when a bolt vantage it was front-running. Loeb, failed. Khalid Al Qassimi who re-who was again running first car on started under SupeRally drove 13km the road, started the day 29.4 sec-on a flat tyre but the tyre stayed on onds in front, after Stage 13 he was the rim: this ability of the Pirelli Scor-19.1 seconds ahead of Hirvonen but pion tyres had never been seen be-on stage 14, where the surfaces were fore and everyone was astonished. not so dirty, he was fastest and was Both private C4s arrived without 23.0 seconds ahead at service. There their foot bumpers: Rautenbach had were only two stages in the loop, the struck a tree at a haitpin when the second two stages being repeats fol-handbrake failed, Aava had no idea lowed by one short stage right at the where the bumper left the car. end. Ford gave orders to the drivers. Hirvonen and Latvala were a sensa- Hirvonen and Latvala could fight out tion, as they reached the end of the their battle to the limit of their abil-day equal on minutes and to the ity and the road conditions on the tenth of a second. Tie deciding rules first loop, then they should exp~tt were imposed and Latvala, who made orders when they returned to service fastest time on Stage 1, was ordered after Stage 14 t stay put and cruise to to start second on the road on the the finish. Hirvonen had no prob-final ·day, with Hirvonen third. The lems but Latvala touched a stone near final day was going to be interesting the start of Stage 14 which caused a on account of whether teams would handling problem. Hirvonen, there-have fresh tyres for the two loops or fore, knew he was going to finish sec-whether they had already fitted part- ond. Stobart driver Galli meanwhile worn tyres earlier in the event. • was lying fourth, and his job was to In the JWRC Jaan Molder keepDaniSordobehindhimandso stopped with a broken engine sump strengthen the BP Ford Abu Dhabi while Patrik Sandell stopped when team's championship standings. Main helostawheel,fornoreasonheknew drama of the first loop centred about. Simone Bertolotti stopped around Petter Solbert. There was a with rear suspension failure. Florian problem with the front brakes and · Niegel rolled twice and was unable to he had only rear wheel braking. Simi-get the car repaired to retart the fi-Jar problems were experienced on nal day. Milos Komljenovic crashed both Friday and Saturday, team heavily: both crew members were manager Paul Howarth explained, taken to hospital for a check up. "We d_on't know why, the parts were Kosciuszko managed to haul in exactly the same as on other rallies." Prokop and took the lead on Stage Ostberg had a lot of water pouring 9, -despite an overshoot on the first into his car at a water crossing, stage of the day. Ogier had regained drenching the co-driver's pace notes. his confidence and sought a good As the crews left service for the final rhythm afte.r he had stopped the day loop Gardemeister suffered an elec-before. Bettega found the faster roads trical fire in his Suzuki and stopped. on Stage 7 were to his disadvantage, Kosciuszko won his firstJWRC event. "Just wait until September when the His battle with Prokop ended when R3 will have a much more powerful the Czech driver had fuel problems engine ... !" but the twistier roads on. on Stage 16, which in fact, turned Stages 8 and 9 were more to the little out to be the final stage of the rally Clio's liking. Schammel had some for the JWRC and privateers when overheating trouble, andafter his Day only the top teams contested Stage 1 troubles had to fit old specifica- 17.AbbringretiredonStage 15when tion suspension to his car. Hans Weijs the steering broke on the first stage damaged the radiator after a heavy of the day. Bertolotti rolled and re-landing but managed to carry on. tired. Ogier finally recovered to fin-Gallagher and Albertini were slowed ish fifth and maintained a healthy by brake troubles. lead in the series. He is the only driver In the afternoon the battle for the in the JWRC to miss Finland, and so JWRC lead hotted up. Kosciuszko led between now and the end of the sea-after Stages 9, 10 and 12, Prokop son we will only see him on asphalt after Stage 11. The Pole's lead at the events. I.A.J'c!C Dusty Times

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Page 20

E-' ... IJ AT WHEATLAND Renezeder Wins Pro • llndPPD2 BY]. PRESTON BRADSHAW PHOTOS: J&L PHOTOGRAPHY Carl Renezeder took the win in Pro 4WD both days in his Ford, he also won both days in Pro 2WD in his Nissan and leads the points in both Classes. What could be so fair as a week-end in Wheatland? Just ask all the drivers who participated there a while ago at the WSORR races. Pro 4WD had a good race, in the Saturday round it was Carl Renezeder taking the win in his Ford, Kent Brascho came in second in his Chevrolet, Al Drews came across third in his Ford and Jerry Daugherty was the fourth and final finisher. On Sunday, we had a repeat win-ner in Pro WD4 as Carl Renezeder took another win, Kent Brascho took the silver medal and Al Drews was the bronze medal winner. Jerry Daugherty failed to start the Sun-day race. Carl Renezeder leads the l?ro 7""===="""',.....---------..,,,-., Gary Nierop topok the Super Buggy win in the Saturday round, finished fourth on Sunday and is tied for second in points. 4WD points with 50 points earned, Kent Brascho is second with 42 points earned and Al Drews is third with 38 points in hand. The Pro 2WD crew saw some action in the Saturday race, it was, guess who? Carl Renezeder taking the win in his Nissan, Dan Vanden Heuvel, Sr. was second in his Chevrolet, Dave Waldvogel took third, he too in a Chevy, Evan Evans, also in a Chevrolet came in fourth and Dan Baudoux finished fifth in his Ford. Ross Hoek was sixth in his Chevy, Jim Potts, also in a Chevy was seventh, Keith Steele finished eighth in his Chevy, ninth place went to Zane Roberts, he too in a Chevy and Kevin Probst, Chevy, finished in an unaccustomed 10th place. Ben Wandahsega failed to start the race. In the Sunday Pro 2WD round it was Carl Renezeder taking yet an-other win, Kevin Probst was right there in the second spot, third place went to Dan Vanden Heuvel, Sr., fourth place went to Dave Waldvogel and Ross Hoek took fifth place honors. Jim Potts was the sixth place finisher, Zane Roberts took seventh place and Even Evans was Under new ownerthip -Over 40 years of experience e'>/(J\\lt:'\t l }'th St<<:'. ,..~· Jt~t1 .~,, (:~J$ .. ~ ti;t;f¼'·, (A w-"'vw . .fr'tt-t-h~-01,;.-,xtrtH iH964$·26"' Opc,nMo,,ct~, -l'r.JJySM,\•5PM Satu1<l~v'Jf<M .;?PM &Jng your hot rod, sand rail, motor<:-yde, boat, or ATV down to our k>catl9n and ... Lef us solve your plumbing problem, from complete 1y1fem design, ' "f,e, minor modifleatlona. ~ ¾;~ Afr.I· hlgh per(Qmiance nnse purc:ha5e(I from Ml:SA MOX will oo m>5®"1bl<M rr~· of dlarge. <nm1> fittings from 2* on ~ m Page-20 August 200s Jeff Kincaid took the Pro Light Class win both rounds in Wheatland, he leads the class points, seen here in his good looking Toyota. back in eighth place. Dan Baudoux, Keith Steele and Ben Wandahsega failed to start the race. Carl Renezeder leads the Pro 2WD points race with 50 points earned, Dan Vanden Heuvel, Sr. is second with 40 points and Dave Waldvogel is third with 36 points in hand. The Pro Light troops had a couple of good races, on Saturday it was Jeff Kincaid taking a nice win in his Toyota, Mark Oberg finished second in his Ford, Randy Eller fin-ished third, he too in a Ford, Jonathan Probst was fourth in his Nissan and Lee O'Donnell finished fifth in his Toyota. Sixth place went to John Fitzgerald and his Ford, Josh Hintz, Nissan was the seventh place finisher and Steve Federico was the eighth place finisher in his Toyota. Sunday's Pro Light race had the same winner, Jeff Kincaid struck again, Lee O'Donnell was right there in the second spot, John Fitzgerald was third to cross the line, Steve Federico was fourth in and Josh Hintz was the fifth place finisher. Jonathan Probst came in sixth, Mark Oberg was in seventh place and Randy Eller was the eighth and fi-nal finisher. Jeff Kincaid leads the Pro Light points race with 50 in hand, Lee O'Donnell is second with 37 points earned and Mark Oberg is third with 35 points. The Super Buggy racers had a great weekend, on Saturday it was Gary Nierop taking a nice win, John Mason finished second in his Jimco, Tim Lemons was third in his Chenowth, Scott Schwalbe finished in fourth place and Herman Barnum finished fifth in his Mirage. Sixth place went to Luke Zoetmulder, Craig Biesik finished seventh, John Frana was eighth in, Stephanie Krieman came in ninth and Ryan Mulder finisher in 10th place. Adam Guberud was the 11th place finisher, Corry Heynan was 12th and Michael Lucas was the 13th place finisher. Tom Schwartzburg failed to start the race. Sunday's Super Buggy race had Tim Lemons taking a great win, John Mason did a rerun of Saturday with a second place finish, Craig Biesik finished in third place, Gary Nierop was fourth in and Stephanie Krieman was the fifth place finisher. Michael Lucas came in sixth, Herman Barnum seventh place, John Frana finished eighth, again, Ryan Mulder was the ninth place finisher and Adam Guberud Dan Baudoux took the win on Saturday in Super Truck, took second on Sunday, Dan is seen here in his good lookin' Ford. Dan Beauchamp finished 8th on Saturday, took the win on Sunday in Stock Truck, he's seen here just at liftoff in his Ford. Dusty Times

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Mike Vanden Heuvel was way back on Saturday in 1600 Light Kent Brascho took a pair of second place finishes in the Pro 4WD Dan Vanden Heuvel Sr. took a second and a third in the Pro 2WD Buggy but he took the class win in the Sunday action. action at Wheatland, he's seen her in his Lucas Chevy. events at Wheatland, he's seen here flying his Chevy to the flag. rounded out the top 10. Scott fourth with 33 points in hand. In the second Super Truck round points earned, Ben Wandahsega is was fourth in his Dodge and Mitch Schwalbe was way back in 11th In the Super Truck Division it we saw Ben Wandahsega taking a second with 42 and Ross Hoek is Dorr finished fifth in his Ford. Jake place, Luke Zoetmulder finished was Dan Baudoux, Ford, taking a nice win, Dan Baudoux was right third with 37 points earned. Vande Voort was sixth in his 12th and Corry Heynan was the nice win in the Saturday Round, there in second place, Don Williams The guys in the Stock Truck Divi-Chevrolet, Al Konitzer, Dodge, fin-unlucky 13th place finisher. Ross Hoek was second in his Chevy, came in third in his Ford, Keith sion had a fun weekend, when the ished in seventh place, Dan The Super Buggy points lead be- Keith Steele was third, he too in a Steele finished first off the podium, action ended on Saturday it was Beauchamp finished eighth in his longs to Tim Lemons with 44 in his Chevy and Ben Wandahsega was Ross Hoek finished fifth and Ron CraigMetztakingthewin in his Ford, Ford, Nick Byng was ninth, he too pocket, John Mason and Gary fourth in his Chevy. Don Williams Schreiner was the sixth one in. Jim Van Rixel finished second in his in a Ford and Eric Ruppel was 10th Nierop are tied in second place with and Ron Schreiner failed to start In Super Truck points it is Dan Chevy, Scott Beauchamp, also in a in his Ford. Jay Schaefer failed to 4 2 points each and Craig Biesik is the round. Baudoux showing the way with 46 Chevy, finished third, Don Demeny Continued next page Kevin Probst drove his Chevy to a 10th and a 2nd place finish in It was a fifth and a second place finish for Lee O'Donnell in Pro the Pro 2WD action, seen here sans some fiberglass. Light, he's seen here flying his Toyota towards the finish line. DEFINES Dusty Times August 2008 John Mason picked up a pair of second place finishes in the Super Buggy contests at Wheatland, seen here at speed. Page 21

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Brad Erickson picked up a sixth and a second place finish in 1600 It was a second and a third place finish in Pro 2WD for Dave Eric Ruppel finished 10th on Saturday, a respectable third place finish on Sunday in the Stock Truck category. Buggy at Wheatland, he's seen here headin' for home. Waldvogel, seen here in his really good looking Chevy. Jeff Virnig drove his good lookin' buggy to a first and a founh Al Drews took a brace of third place finishes in Pro 4WD at place finish in 1600 Light Buggy, seen here saving some tire wear. Wheatland, he's seen holding onto'a position near the final lap. Keith Steel (#29) battles with Dave Waldvogel (#10) in the Pro 2WD battle, Waldvo el is third in oints in Pro 2WD. start the race. Sunday was a brand new day and when the checkers flew for the Stock Truck guys it was Dan Beauchamp taking a nice win, Al Konitzer was right there in second place, Eric Ruppel had a nice third place fin-ish, Jim Van Rixel was first off the podium and Scott Beauchamp fin-ished fifth. Don Demeny was sixth across the line, Craig Metz was way back in seventh place, Mitch Dorr finished eighth, Nick Byng was ninth in, Jake Vande Voort finished in "The Original" Foldable Land Anchor Learning to Weld For trail repairs & A.P.C. MIG & TIG "Featuring the Premier Power Welder' Hosted by a welding -~"'"""" teacher & Rick Russ.II 10th place and Jay Schaefer was the L1 th and final finisher. The Stock Truck point lead be-longs to Craig Metz with 39 in hand, Dan Beauchamp and Jim Van Rixel are tied fo r second spot with 38 points each and Al Konitzer and Scott Beauchamp are also tied with 35 points each. Formula 4x4 had fun, when they finished their first round it was Jim Ridderbush taking the win in his Chevy, Ben Passa was second in his Ford, David Demaegd finished third DON'T GET STUCK WITHOUT THEM! ftnll!! .. lll!!n _,ft.lioaftllioft. -AIAlll!!ft 1&111!!1 ftll!!ft® • .., ..... ft. ...... u .. : * The ONL Y onboard welding system with a PROVEN track record over 25 years/ USED BY THE ffllLITARY WELD JUST ABOVE IDLE BROKEN: MUIU'IIY"S lAW, ANYTHING THAT CAN co WltOt«:. WILU SHOCK • 115 Volt DC Power • Battery Charger • Alt. also sold separately Mou= • DC Arc Welder • Weld on your own vehicle ORDER YOUR PORTABLE WORKSHOP TOOflY! E-mail: Ir."""' ~~ :SC ::II; II l=t--=:l a .~ TECH & PHONE LINE 970-963-8875 • BROCHURE ORDERS 800-541-1817 Page 22 in his Jeep and Michael Cusack fin-ished fourth in his Ford. In the Sunday Formula 4x4 round we saw David Demaegd tak-ing a very nice win, Jim Ridderbush was second in, Ben Passa finished in third place and Michael C usack failed to start the round. Jim Ridderbush leads the For-mula 4x4 points race with 46 in hand, David Demaegd is second with 44 points and Ben Passa is third with 40 points. The 1600 Buggy rounds were great to watch, as usual and when the smoke cleared on Saturday it was Terry Fitzgerald taking a nice win, Mark Steinhardt finished in second place, Mike Seefeld Jr. fin-ished third, Kyle Lucas was fourth in and Bob Blaney was fifth to cross the line. Brad Erickson finished sixth, Daniel Martin came in sev-enth, eighth place went to Chad St. Mary, Jesse Plawman was ninth in, Chris Ernster finished 10th and Jeff Barrett came in 11th. Sunday's 1600 Buggy race saw Mark Steinhardt taking a big win, Brad Erickson took the second spot, Terry Fitzgerald finished third, Mike Seefeld Jr. finished fourth and Bob Blaney took another fifth place fin-ish. Sixth place went to Kyle Lucas, Chad St. Mary took seventh, Daniel Martin finished eighth, Chris Ernster was the ninth place finisher, Jesse Plawman finished 10th and Jeff Barrett was the 11th and final fin-isher. Mark Steinhardt leads the 1600 Buggy points with 46 earned, Terry Fitzgerald is second with 44 points earned and Brad Erickson and Mike Seefeld Jr. are tied for third place with 36 points each. There was great racing in the 1600 Light Buggy race and when it ended it was JeffVirnig taking a great win, Craig Rabe finished second, Greg Stingle finished third, Matt Gerald was fourth in and Steve Oman finished in the fifth spot. Sixth place went to Todd Lemke, Bill Kortens finished seventh, Bryan Holtger was eighth in, Beau Ambos finished ninth and Randy Oman fin-ished in 10th place. Eleventh place went to Tom Virnig, Mike Vanden Heuvel took 12th place Carol Gunderson finished 13th, Bryan August 2008 Terry Fitzgerald (311) took the Saturday win in 1600 Buggy, finished third on Sunday and is second in points. Norris finished 14th and Barry Wahlen was the 15th place finisher. Stephanie Paid was in 16th place, Ryan Stingle finished 17th and Chad De Wall was the 18th and final fin-isher. Sunday's 1600 Light Buggy race saw all sorts of position changes. When the checkers flew it was Mike Vanden Heuvel taking a really great win, Greg Stingle followed him in for second place, Bill Kortens had a third place finish, JeffVirnig finished in fourth place and Matt Gerald fin-ished in fifth place. Sixth place went to Craig Rabe, seventh place went to Craig Paid, Barry Wahlen fin-ished in eighth place,. Beau Ambos was ninth in and Julie De Wall fin-ished in 10th place. Tom Virnig fin-ished in 11th place, Randy Oman made it an even dozen , Carol Gunderson was unlucky 13th, Stephanie Paid finished in 14th place and Ryan Stingle finished in 15th place. Steve Oman was the 16th place finisher, Bryan Norris was 17th in and Todd Lemke was the 18th and final finisher. JeffVirnig leads the 1600 Light Buggy Points with 42 in hand, Greg Stingle is second with 40 points and Craig Rabe is third with 36 points in hand. And so it ended. A great week-end of racing. Next on the WSORR schedule is Crandon. Stay Tuned!!!!!! l!li!!l Mark Steinhardt took the silver medal on Saturday in 1600 Buggy, took the gold medal on Sunday, seen here hard at work. Dusty Times

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PACIFIC NORTH Wl!ST RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP sou·■aster Rally/ Olympus National Rally TEST & PHOTOS: ]IM CULP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i Ken Block and Alex Gelsomino were the fastest in the Olympus Rally, seen here sliding through a turn in Eastern Washington State. The fastest rally in the North-west Rally Championship gave us two new winners when Mark Fox and Jake Blattner blasted through the Gene Nielsen Sou'Easter Rally at an average speed of 68 mph. You read it right, that's the av-erage speed for nine stages and 66 stage miles. Top speeds were clocked in excess of 120 mph on the smooth, wide, gravel farm roads near the agricultural center of Pomeroy in southeastern Wash-ington. The long straight-aways and wide sweeping turns resulted in breathtaking speeds. Fox and Blattner driving a 1996 Subaru lmpreza spent most of the rally stuck in second place, but they raced through the last three stages of the day in record time to steal the win by less than six seconds over John Lane and Jason Grahn. Lane and Grahn in the rear wheel drive 1976 Volvo 262 turbo dominated the early stages. Claiming fast times on two of the first three stages, the Group 5 Volvo edged into a ten second lead. Fox and Blattner nibbled back with three stage wins, making up the deficit and slipping into the lead just two stages from the end. Malcolm Davies and Bruce Parker finished third overall in their second rally start. Driving a 1990 Eagle Talon TSi, Davies and Parker even posted the fastest time on the eighth stage, a rare accom-plishment for a rookie season. Former Northwest Rally Cham-pion Dave Hintz teamed with Ben Bradley to take fourth overall, seven seconds ahead of the visiting east coast team of Dmitri Kishkarev and Kim DeMotte. Sixth overall was the first Group 2 car, Peter Barnes and Jody Olson in a 2003 Nissan Sentra SER. The first Production GT car, the Subaru lmpreza RS driven by Brian Svedin and Tracy Manspeaker, finished seventh. Chris Baldini and Kailee Wheeler were eighth in a 1998 Mazda 323 GTX. Another Mazda, the 1982 RX-7 of Doug Heredos and Dan Brown, finished ninth overall and second in Group 5. The Produc-tion class winners, Jan and Jody Zedril from Winnipeg, Manitoba, were tenth overall in a 2003 Mitsubishi Lancer. Only three of the 22 starters failed to finish the 82 miles of smooth stage roads, but two of the DNFs were the result of roll-over accidents. Tom and Don Burress raced their 1977 VW Rabbit to the fastest time on Stage 1, but then rolled on Stage 2. Brian Gottlieb and Josh Rustigan did a little less damage rolling their 1988 Toyota Corolla FX-16 on Stage 8. Lane and Grahn Score with Travis Pastrana and Derek Ringer were second overall in the Olympus Rally, seen here at speed in their Subaru. Two Wheel Drive John Lane and Jason Grahn scored a victory for two wheel drive and sideways style rally driving in the Ruchert's Reward Regional Rally. The fan-favorite 1976 Volvo 262 is powered by a turbo V-6 and it flies on the smooth, fast eastern Washington farm roads. Lane and Grahn posted the fastest time on two of the first three stages to claim a deserved win. Unfortu-nately since the regional rally ran concurrently with a national points event, the final results were dictated by the national rules. The national organization re-quires that average stage speeds not exceed 80 mph. Rather than modify the course to safely slow cars on the stages, team were al-lowed to race at speeds that ex-ceeded the 80 mph average and then their stage times were altered to make it look like they'd run slower. Obviously changing the stage times after the fact does noth-ing to promote safer speeds, but it does put a large asterisk on the fi-nal results. The results listed the eastern visi-tors, Kishkarev and DeMotte in sec-ond, Hintz and Bradley third and Fox and Blattner fourth, all in some variation of the popular Subaru lmpreza package. Davies and Parker got credit for the fast-est time on two stages, and penal-ized for exceeding the 80 mph av-erage on two other stages. In fact, the first five cars were all given the same calculated time on the final stage of the day, making it impos-sible for anyone to mount any kind of challenge to the early lead-ers. Sixth overall, and first in the under 80 mph class, were Mark Jennings-Bates and Jennifer Daly driving a 1993 lmpreza. The Ca-nadians slid into a gully on the sec-ond stage of the Sou'Easter, but overnight repairs put them back on course for an impressive US debut. Svedin and Manspeaker again claimed the PGT class win in their lmpreza, seventh overall. Lou Beck and Jerry Mizar were eighth and first in Group 2 with a fast Ford Focus. Ninth were the Zedrils, re-peating their Production class win in the Mitsubishi. Tenth overall were Matt Tabor and Jeff Zurschmeide in the second PGT car, yet another lmpreza. Block and Gelsomino Capture Olympus National Rally Ken Block and Alex Gelsomino topped the field in the Olympus Rally to claim their second na-tional victory in a row and extend their championship lead. 'Tm stoked", said block at the finish, "we're looking to win the champi-onship this year." Block and Gelsomino took ad-vantage of the third starting spot to post the fastest time on the first three stages. Their team-mates at Subaru Rally Team USA, Travis Pastrana and Derek Ringer drew the first starting spot and spent the first day sweeping loose rocks off the road for the Continued next page Performance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding &Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks I Quality Products & Friendly Service RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-0759 • 15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX us to Receive a Free Catalog L-------------------------------------------------------J Dusty Times August 2008 Page 23

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Stephan Verdier and Scott Crouch were the Production GT Class John Lane and Jason Grahn drove their 1976 Volvo 262 Turbo to Mark Fox and Jake Blattner posted their first rally win in the winners, seen here at speed in their lmpreza WRX. second place in the first regional rally and won the second event. Sou'Easter Rally, they're seen here in their 1996 Subaru lmpreza. Zibigniew Szewczyk and Tomasz Karzynski were the Group 5 Peter Barnes and Jody Olson were the Group 2 winners in the Malcolm Davies and Bruce Parker finished third overall in only winners, seen here with the hammer down in their Mitsubishi Lancer. Sou'Easter Rally, they're seen here in their 2003 Nissan Sentra SER. their second rally start in their 1990 Eagle Talon TSi. cars that followed. They finished was essentially frozen by the rule In fifth place were Matt Johnson second overall. and more than 20 cars received the and Jeremy Wimpey in their brand The two Subarus USA spon-same assigned time for one stage. new Hankook Subaru WRX STI. sored lmpreza STls were strong fa-Third overall were Rocks tar Pat Richard and Alan Ockwell col-vorites coming into the high speed Energy's Tanner Foust and co- lected some much needed seat time event where top speeds in excess of driver Chrissie Beavis in their and a solid sixth place overall in 130 mph were recorded on the Subaru WRX STI. Andrew another STI. Teenager Kyle Sarasin long straights. "I've never been in Comrie-Picard and Marc Goldfarb and co-driver Mikael Johansson anything this fast in all my life", drove to fourth place in their were seventh in an lmpreza. Since noted the amused former WRC Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9. "Our re-there was no question about the champion Ringer. suit is great for the championship", results, several drivers put on a show Since a rule dictated that all cars said Comrie-Picard. "This event was for the fans. Pastrana, Johnson exceeding the 80 mph average about bravery and horsepower. and Sarasin all spun doughnuts for speed be given the same calculated Full points to the guys on the po-the crowd on the final stage. Other stage time, the results were settled dium, but there wasn't any need for drivers demonstrated their drifting early in the rally. The competition us to take risks here." techniques for the delight of spec-PREP SHOPS * Sponsorship Opportunities * HOSE SMITH San Diego *ATTENTION* CONSTRUCTORS RACE TEAMS Hose Smith San Diego is now providing certified internal and external cleaning of your high value racing components including rust and debris removal via our proprietary "Ultrasonic" cleaning technique. Oil Coolers Heat Exchangers - Oil Lines - Engine and Drivetrain - By-Pass Shocks By-Weekly Pick-up and Delivery ~ineYIOlks™ pnldliollutiilllhNdlrmodllnt.-. 8n7fff1&M/hr!e~Sdttm!i mBMRSm _.-;-w;,'i":.~-...;.v,?.r.1:h~·t' J !'::,,;,~l~ 619-665-1361 Send Sponsorship Requests and Resumes to: PO Box 1689, San Marcos, CA 92079-1689 Mention this ad for a 5% discount on any service Page 24 August 2008 Brian Svedin and Tracy Manspeaker were the fastest Production GT car in both regional rallies in their Subaru lmpreza RS. tators and workers. Andrew Pinker and Robbie Durant were eighth overall in an-other Rockstar STI, "This was su-per high speed, drag-racing type of rallying. It was a horsepower battle", said Pinker. "I prefer a tighter, more technical challenge." Ninth was another technical ex-pert, Carl Jardevall with Amity Trowbridge in an Evo 8, the second Mitsubishi finisher. Stephan Verdier and Scott Crouch earned the Pro-duction GT class win with a tenth place finish in an lmpreza WRX. One place back was the second POT finisher, another WRX driven by Patrick Moro and Mike Rossey. Christopher Duplessis and Mar-tin Headland suffered through some new car blues to finish 12th in a most interesting entry, a 2004 Volkswagen R32 prepared by Team NatuRally. Zibigniew Szewczyk and Tomasz Karzynski claimed the Group 5 win in their Mitsubishi Lancer. Lou Beck and Jerry Mizar took the Group 2 crown and Jan and Jody Zedril grabbed the Pro-duction class win. It's too bad this rally will always be remembered for the extreme speeds and the silly scoring, because it deserves to be remembered for the wonderful people of Pomeroy and the extraordinary hospitality provided by our new friends~ southeastern Washington. W Jan and Jody Zedril won all three Production Class titles in their 2003 Mitsubishi Lancer up in the Northwest. Dusty Times

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ORAFSN Dall Foltz Takes The overall BY STEVE RUDDICK PHOTOS: TRACKS/DE PHOTO Dan Foltz had a really great 500 miles, he took the win in the Class 1200 competition and took the overall win as well. Brad Cope was the big winner in the Class 5-1600 fracas, he took the win with over an hour in hand, seen here in the rough stuff. Justin Rash literally flew to the Class 9 win at the MORE ORAF 500, he had over 40 minutes in hand when he took the checkers. Dusty Times AT LEFT: It was a nice win for Steve Griffith in Class 5, he ran consistently and quickly and took the win with a lap on the class. Lucerne Valley, CA. May 24, 2008. Bessimer Mine Road. The M.O.R.E./ORAF 500. Five Hun-dred miles of off road racing fun in the open desert of sunny southern California. A 'first' I do believe. One hundred fifty-one entries in 11 dif-ferent classes. Oh my! A 'Crazy 8' course layout with a 41 mile big loop, and a 14 mile little loop. Fifty-five miles each lap, and a 14 hour time limit to do it. It was a day/night race with a 2:00 p.m. start time. Nine laps for Classes 1, 10, 12, 8, 1400s, 5 & 1600. The clos:k was set at seven laps for Classes 1400, 1300, 9, 5/16, 7 and 1450. Class 11 and 1700 did four laps. Saturday -Slight chance of show-ers. Highs 61 to 68. Light winds be-coming south 15 mph in the after-noon. Chance of measurable precipi-tation 20 percent. Saturday night -slight chance of showers. Lows 40 to 46. Wind5 southwest 15 mph in the evening becoming light. Chance of measurable precipitation 20 percent. It was a sight to see. M.O.R.E. turn-out than I've seen since the old Baja days -open desert racing; 1-o-n-g dis-tance endurance style - in both day and dark. The biggie loop was the 'standard' course layout, run counter-clockwise. The little loop was out on Soggy Dry Lakebed and was run clockwise out past Powerline Road. Start/Finish staging was crowded with racers all waiting their turn at the green flag. Prepped; di-aled; adrenalin boost engaged. "Let's light this candle!" (Chuck Yaeger -Test Pilot X-1; broke his ribs and he still broke the sound barrier.) The Overall Winner of the M.O.R.E./ORAF 500 was Dan Foltz in car # 1250. CLASS 1: Nine laps. Eighteen entries, 18 starters, six finishers, 11 DNFs, one DQ. Alex Gonzales got all the re-quired laps done in car #1596 and got to the checkered flag in 9:27:32 to win first place in class; at an aver-August 2008 Alex Gonzalez really poured on the coal, he took the Class 1 win with ease, he's seen here with the pedal to the floor. Jim Kalp took the Trophy Challenge win at the MORE ORAF 500, he's seen here in his good lookin' car headin' for the finish. age speed of 52.3 mph. That was a 0:23:42 margin-of-victory ahead of the second place winner Rick Brabec in car# 151 in 9:51: 14 at 50.2 mph. Brabec's win was a 0:24:23 margin-of-victory ahead of Steve Raskett in car# 1546. Raskett got to the finish line in 10: 15:37 at 48.2 mph to win third place in class. Jennifer Clemsen won fourth place in class in car# 132, completing the race in 11:23:55 at 43.4 mph. Richard Boyle won the Fast Lap honors in car # 1363 on Lap 1 at 61.5 mph in 53:37. Boyle DNF'd after Lap 5. John Vaughan got DQ'd in car #85 for "Excessive nerfing". That's a No-NO. CLASS 10: Nine laps. Seven entries, seven starters, three finishers, four DNFs. Scott Gailey won first place in class in car #1043. Gailey got it done in 11:01: 19 of fun at 44.9 mph. Gailey got there first with a 0: 16: 15 of mar-gin-of-victory. Mike Deardorff got to the checkered flag in 11: 18: 17 at 43.8 mph to win second place in car# 1027. Deardorff also won the Fast Lap honors on Lap 1 at 56.0 mph in Continued next page Page 25

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Rick Brabec had a couple of slightly slow laps and it was Ashley Davis drove her buggy to a close second place finish in the Rich Volpe was going like a bat out of hell but he only lasted expensive, he ended up second in the Class 1 contest. Trophy Challenge, less than four minutes out of the class win. three laps, he's seen here at speed before disaster struck. Mike Callaway's eighth lap was a long one, and it was costly, he It was a great second place finish in Class 5-1600 for Marylou Cody Reid ran seven quick and consistent laps at the 500, he was the second place finisher in the Class 5-1600 battle. was second in Class 5, one lap down at the end. Garavito, she.'s seen here just getting airborne. 0:58:53. Mike McGee won third or even overall, but he drove car his race day offun done in 10:27:25 place in class in car# 1011, finishing # 1250 to the checkered flag in front for the third place win in class in car in 11:39:03 at 42.5 mph. of everybody else. Foltz won Overall # 1240, at 47.3 mph. The fourth CLASS 12: by a 0:03:37 and .4-mph margin-of- place winner was Rob Smith in car Nine laps. Sixteen entries, 15 start- victory. Foltz won his class by a # 1205. Smith completed the re-ers, six finishers, nine DNFs, one 0:42: 10 and 3. 7 mph margin-of-vie- quired nine laps in 11:28:38 at 43.1 DNS. Dan Foltz did it all in car tory. Chad Cummings won second mph, for the win. John Manring #1250: First Overall and First in lace in class in car#l249. Cummings found his way to the finish line in car Class; in 9:23:55 at 52. 7 mph. Foltz averaged 49.0 mph of fun to get it # 1246 in 11:35:36 at 42. 7 mph for didn't have the fastest lap time in class done in 10:06:05. Brian Burgess got the fifth place win. Last to finish in l<IIVG:::C4.»&oaY 714.530.B701 • FAX714..530.B702 12842 JOY STREET, GARDEN GROVE, CA 92840 wtNW".lcingshoc:lcs.corn Page 26 August 200s class for sixth place was Richard Callaway got eight laps done in Garavitoincar#l255,gettingitdone 13:01:29 at 33.8 mph to 'finish' in in 12:47:41 at 38.7 mph. second place, but just plain ran outta CLASS 5: time to get that last lap done in the Nine laps. Two entries, two start-14 hour time limit. ers, one finisher, one DNF. Steve CLASS 1/2-1600: Griffen drove car #518 to the first Nine laps. Sixteen entries, 16 start-place win in class in 13:40: 10 at 36.2 ers, seven finishers, nine DNFs. Joey mph. Griffen also won Fast Lap on Westhoff got it done the fastest and Lap 1 at 46.4 mph in 1: 11:08. Mike the firstest in car #1691, to win first 2.511 --(F/!Ji!£Q Need coil springs? Call King Shocks! We hove custom and produdion coils in stock, and the experience to get you ' what you need. Call today! Dusty Times

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Mike Deardoff was slightly off the winning pace in Class 10, he Timmy Sletten had a six hour lap, which had to be a lot of fun Chad Cummings drove his really good looking car. to a second took the silver medal, he's seen here at speed. but he soldiered on and took second place in the Class 11 battle. place class finish at MORE ORAF, he's seen here at speed . ...---==============================;::;-It was a second place finish for Lorenzo Rodriguez in Class 1/2- Zach Quiroz drove his Jeep to a second place finish in. Class 7A, 1600, he was a total of 16 minutes off the pace at the checkers. he's seen here with lights aglow in the fading light. Tim Scott took the silver medal in Class 78, it was a heartbreaker though, he was two seconds out of the win after 12 hours of racing. AT RIGHT (L to RJ: The Class 10 win went to Scott Gailey, he had 16 minutes in hand when he took the checkers, seen here in his really great looking car. Gavin Drake turned in four consistent laps at the MORE ORAF 500 and that gave him the Class 11 win, he's seen here at speed. place in class. Westhoff got to the checkered flag to finish in 10:34:21 at 46.8 mph. That was a 0:15:47 and 1.1 mph margin-of-victory. Lorenzo Rodriguez won second place in car #1671; getting it done for the day in 10:50:08 at45.7 mph. Rodriguez also drove the Fast Lap in class on Lap 2 at 52.2 mph in t03: 15. That was good enough to finish about five min-utes in front of the third place winner Brett Maurer in car #1617. Maurer finished the required nine laps in 10:54:55 at45.3 mph. Mike DeNault got car # 1618 to the finish line to see the Checkers about ten minutes after Maurer, for the fourth place win; in 11 :05:28 at 44.6 mph. Bob Matthews finished in 11:30:05 at 43.0 mph to win fifth place in class for the day in car #1610. Gary Long got car #1603 to the finish line in 11:58:47 at 41.3 mph to win sixth place in class. It was a long day for Mike Ward in car #1673. lttook Ward 13:27:30 at36.8 mph to complete all the required laps, but he did! Ward won seventh place in class for his efforts. CLASS 5/16: Seven laps. Nine entries, nine start-ers, five finishers, four DNFs. Brad Cope did it the fastest and the mostest consistent in car #578 to finish in first place in 9:58: 18 at 38.6 mph. That was a 1:02:55 and 3.7 mph margin-of-victory ahead of the sec-ond place winner Marylou Garavito in car #555. Garavito got car #555 to the checkered flag in 11:01:13 at 34.9 mph. Garavito also won the Fast Lap honors on Lap 2 at 50.8 mph, in 1:04:56. "Fir t and utmost very important -Thank you M.O.R.E. Racing for a fantastic race. The course was very well marked (Awesome Job Ron!) Jim as USUAL- I love being in M.O.R.E. because you and your family and staff are above phenomenal. You run a great race organization." "Second - I, Marylou Garavito, Continued next page Dusty Times Joe Westhoff went quickly, hardly put a tire wrong and he took the Class 1/ 2-1600 win with 16 minutes in hand, here grinding up the dirt. Tyler Fox was the Class 7 winner, he drove his truck to a resounding victory, two hours in hand at the checkers. August 2008 Barry Karakas ran his 9 laps in just over 12 hours, he's seen here on his way to the class win at the 500. Shawn Waltecs took the Class 78 win but it was really close, after 12 hours of racing he won by 2 little seconds! Page 27

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Steve Raskett had a decent race, he took the bronze medal in Tut Cote was a bit off the winning pace at the MORE GRAF 500, · Dave Bolles had a pretty good run, he was the third place finisher Class 1, he's seen here lighting up the night. he was the third place finisher in the Trophy Challenge. in Class 9, he was just a couple of minutes out of the second spot. have been in three races total prior to 2. Nicole Garavito & Ruben Garcia Ventura completed one big loop and rear suspension problems, which de-FIRST RACE with the BOYS. NOT ORAF 500. As an inexperienced completed only Big Loop. 3. Ruben two small loops. 6. Omar Garcia & layed us for quite some time. None- BAD FORALL THE HANDICAPS, driver we had awesome co-drivers to Garcia & Roberto Solitario com-Osman completed both loops. 7. thele.55, ORAF mechanics and friends YOU KNOW ALL THE STOPS, assist. Not that its necessary but here pleted both loops. 4. Guy Savedra & Omar Garcia & Osman completed (GREAT JOB GUYS!!), took care of REPAIRS, AND US GIRL DRIV-is the role: 1. Marylou Garavito & Armando Ventura completed both bothloops." it.So-Hereitis:l,MarylouGaravito, ERS!!!.And,westillmanagedtocome Raul Solano completed both loops. loops. 5. Guy Savedra & Armando "After completing Lap 5 we had organized, drove, and executed MY in after all that." You Go Girl! "I still Page 28 August 2008 am very happy with my FIRST BOY RACE and my team's and my per-sonal accomplishments. We did great out there. Keep safe and let RACE!!" Oh yea. I love it when the girl drivers talk 'racey'-talk, and can drive it too. Steve Patton in car #551 was only about four minutes behind Garavito at the finish line, to win third place in class in 11:05:19 at 34.7 mph. Steve Jones got car #579 around the course for all the required loops in 12:43:53 at 30.2 mph to win fourth place in class. Aikiko Hayata got all the re-quired laps done in car #570- before the max time limit expired, to win fifth place in class. Hayata got it done in 13:44:00 at 28.0 mph, before her day of fun was done. CLASS 7: Seven laps.Twelve entries, 12 start-ers, five finishers, seven DNFs. Tyler Fox got truck #723 to the checkered flag in 11:09:22 at 34.5 mph and won first place in class with a three + hour and 5.6 mph margin-of-victory. Zach Quiroz won second place in truck #725 with a total elapsed time of 13:19:39 at 28.9 mph. Gary Chase was only off the pace by 0:02: 18 and .1-mph in truck #769 to win third place in class. Kurt Yo·ungs in truck #747 was only 0:01:40 behind #769 to win fourth place in class for the day' in 13:23:35 at 28. 7 mph. James Bolinas won fifth place in class in 13:31:12 at 28.5 mph. Steve Rose completed five laps in truck #729 be-fore he DNF'd for the day, but he also won the Fast Lap honors on Lap 1 at 42.6 mph in 1:17:32. CLASS 9: Seven laps. Sixteen entries, 16 start-ers, eight finishers, eight DNFs. Justin Rash won first place in class in car #973. Rash got all the required laps pf fun done in 10: 14:34 at 37.6 mph to claim the win and victory. Rash also drove the fastest on Lap 1 at 43.2 mph in 1:16:19. That was 0:44:05 and 2.6 mph faster than the second place winner Cody Reid in car #968. Reid found the finish line in 10:59:39 at 35.0 mph. Only 0:02:05 behind Reid was Dave Bolles in car #911, for the third place win in class; at 34.9 mph in 11:01:44. Adonis Barela got to see the checkered flag about ten+ minutes later in car #909 for the fourth place win at 34.4 in 11: 11: 14. Nate Himmelrickgot in 11:54: 18 min-utes of fun at 32.3 mph to win fifth place in class in car #987. Chris Dunne got it done in 12: 16:08 at 31.4 mph to win sixth place in class in car #914. It took Kurt Davidson 12:37:31 of fun to get it done in car #920, and to win seventh place in class for the day at 30.5 mph. Matt Creveling drove arou.nd-and-around for 13:01:20 2.9.6 mph to finish in eighth place in car #990. <;::LASS 1300: Dusty Times

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Mike McGee was right there in the running but a long last lap Brian Burgess drove hard as he could but this time he could only Brett Maurer churns up the dirt a bit as he drove to a third place dropped him to a third place finish in Class 10. muster a third place finish in class, seen here at speed. finish in Class 1/2-1600, it was almost 11 hours for nine laps. Seven laps. Eleven entries, 11 start- Ghamari finished the required laps struggled with a s-1-o-w Lap 1 in Jeep tough and dirty job. L-o-n-g hours, starters, 56 finishers, 7 3 DNFs, two ers, five finishers, five DNFs, one DQ. in 8: 18:37 at 26.5 mph to win first #1775, but recovered and finished his brutal working conditions, low pay... DNS, two DQs. I'm just plain worn Jim Kalp completed the course in place in class in Jeep #1797. Ghamari required laps in 9:52:44 at 22.3 mph am I having fun yet? You bet I am! out, but I sure had a lot of fun doing 10:33:38 at 36.5 mph to win first completed Lap 1 in 1:49:44 at 30.1 to win second place in class. WOO-HOO. ltwas a sight to see. Five it. I hope you all did too. THANKS place in class in car #1322. Ashley mph to win the Fast Lap bragging That's a.wrap on this story. My hundred miles ... and the day is done. for supporting Dusty Times and Davis was only 0:03:42 off the pace rights in class for the day. Tim Jeffus posterior is sore and tired. This is a One hundred fifty-one entries; 131 M.O.R.E. ~~2:!-lb in car # 1305, but that was good enough for second place at 36.2 mph in 10:37:20. Tut Cote drove around for 11:49:22 in car #1325 when he got to the finish line in time for the third place win in class; at 32.6 mph. Clare Ross got her day of race fun done in 12:00:29 at32.l mph to fin-ish in fourth place for the day in car #1381. Christy Sizelove was DQ'd af-ter six laps in car# 1301; easy now. CIASS 1400: Seven laps. Four entries, four start-ers, one finisher, three DNFs. Carnage in Class 1400 Ultra trucks. Out of the carnage asada emerged - Rob Ledsinger in truck# 1427 to cross the finish line in 7:49:41 at49.2 mph to win first place in class. "OLE" Ledsinger also managed to drive # 14 2 7 the fastest of all in class on Lap 5 at 52.0 mph in 1:03:27. CIASS 1450: Seven laps. Eleven entries, ten start-ers, five finishers, five DNFs, one DNS. Talk about exciting racing! Shawn Walters in truck #1469 and Tim Scott in truck #1454 dueled and duked it out all day long; back and forth. Twelve hours and 30 minutes, and 385 miles later, Shawn Walters crossed the finish line 0:00:02 seconds ahead of Scott for the well deserved first place win in class. Dang! Two sec-onds! Awesome! Shawn Walters won first place in class in truck# 1469 with a total elapsed time of 12:30:23 at 30.8 mph. Tim Scott won second place in class in truck # 1454 with a total elapsed time of 12:30:25 at 30.8 mph.Two seconds! Dang. I think that is one for the Record Books maybe. Allen Byma won third place in class in truck #1453. Byma can still claim and got the bragging rights to Fast Lap honors for the day at 39.1 mph on Lap 1; in 1:24:24. Chris Gerdes fin-ished in fourth place for the day in truck# 1471. CIASS 1100: Four laps. Eight entries, eight start-ers, two finishers, six DNFs. I heard the entire class almost got DQ' d for 'excessive nerfing'. !HA! I'm kidding. It takes a special kind of racer to be in Class 11, and have as much fun as they do doing it. It took Favin Drake 8:37:07 at an average speed of 25.5 mph to win first place in class in car #1199. He won by a 4:01:53 and 8.1 mph margin-of-victory. The second place winner was Timmy Sletten in car # 1101 with a total elapsed time of 12:39:00 at 17.4 mph. But Sletten won the Fast Lap honors and brag-ging rights on Lap 2 at 29.2 mph in 1:52:51. On Lap 3, Sletten averaged 8.4 mph in 6:34:21. Only in Class Ll! Everybody else in class DNF'd. And they had fun doing it, too. CIASS 1700: Four laps. Three entries, three start-ers, two finishers, one DNF. Steve Dusty Times 0 . too Gallon Capaol\y •~ttl)ttble Dry~ •IZSet.Up Aeeaa ri •Dllllp~ •Jloa& •WllCtrt Short C011J's.A · p :r ft.4 ge, •B~Radi-0& Spotter .Packages • Bandheld Radios w/Rolsters · Spotter Beads&ts • Wiring Kits • Aluminum Carry Case Helmets & Blowe • Forced Air Snell SA 2005 Helmets • G-Foree • Pyrotee • Arai • Wired for Communication lool Air Blowers • 105, 135, 150 & 235 CFMRatings • Filters & Hoses also available • Vertex 5 Ml_ 110 Watt Ba41oa,.tema • BHilltfflola8yatems • C1laP &lace Pactagu • Jaa. Station l'aokagea • Head & Neek Restraint • Light&Easyto Use • Required by NASCAll Formula 1 & llany Others • Can Be Used with Any 8A RatedJielmet • Race Proven • l'r$e bmallation with Purchase • I r C I'"' • .-i 112 hUOll Capaci\y • SCOU /Bl'fl) /JU. Approved • 'fap•red DestgnProvidts htcreased Ground Cle&r&Boe & Jlaximizes Usable Fuel UB SAFETY & COMMUNICATIONS SOURCE 10815 Wheatlands Avenue, Suite K • Santee, CA 92071 619·258wRACE (7223) • Fax 619-258-0883 • August 2008 Page 29

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1~~1 YE■1NGTDN :sao Timmons Wins Dva,all Patrick Timmons had a really great race, he took the Class 10 lead on the second lap and then went on to take the overall win as well. Patrick Timmons brought out his short course car and beat 51 other cars. And with an average -Jap time of 1 :03: 16, he earned the top overall spot. In the hours following the last short course race at Prairie City Page 32 the future ofVorra was uncertain. The promoter was calling it quits, selling Vorra and moving on. Thankfully, within four days of the last checkered flag at Prairie City, Wes Harbor, a current Vorra racer, stepped up to the plate. He purchased Vorra and decided to make a go at being an off road pro-moter. Well, t~e new marriage seems to be a success, as Wes did one heck of a job running his first off road race. Racers were greeted in SCORE MECHANICS OF THE YEAR Yerington by cold weather, but a warm welcoming party and draw-ing as well as a hosted bar by Wes Harbor. We were all packed into the old pizza par-lor at the Casino West. A lot of us were meeting Wes for the first time, and we all wished him luck on his new venture. I don't know if it was beginner's luck or Vorra rac-ers just dying for• a desert race, but even in this slow-ing economy the drawing saw one of the largest en-try counts for Vorra since Ed Robinson was the promoter. Manufacturing and preparing the finest line of off-road Race, and Pre-Runner Vehicles Weather would play a big part of the week-end - Friday and Saturday thun-derstorms came overhead and doused northern Nevada with peri-odic rain. Starting Saturday after, noon, the rain started again and this time it didn't stop all day and night. The tradi-tional parade up and down Main Street was nice and wet for par-ticipants and spectators. The August 2008 It took Rob Parsons four laps to take the Class 1 lead and from there on in it was easy, he won Class 1 and was second overall as well. • rain would continue all night but time of 2:22:26 for the two laps would let up before race start on was 10 minutes 29 seconds ahead Sunday. of second place. The fastest lap Before the drivers' meeting on time of the day belonged to young Saturday night, Vorra racers were Cody Bennett (77) in the Bantam treated with the premier ofDezert class 04-16 year olds). Bennett People: Checkpoint 6, the sixth in-started behind all ·the other class stallment of the Dezert People quads and was the first to cross movie series. The movie was shown the line hav·i-ng passed all the other in the Casino West lounge, bar and quads. The bantam class is only casino area and was showcased on required to complete one lap and a big screen with·surround-sound. his time of 1:04:20 was 3:36 faster The movie premier brought a than any other quad lap time! Sec-packed house of racers and crew ond place in the Banta_m class to the casino. The drivers meeting went to Jason Pomeroy (5) with a followed the premier where final time of 1: 15:55. instructions were given for the race. At 10:00am sharp the cars and After everyone received instruc-trucks take off the start line with tions the Class 7 racers were asked 30 second intervals. A total of 12 to stay for an individual meeting. Class 1 's line up. After the first 45 In. this meeting the class voted miles, Jeff Stiles (117) is in the lead unanimously to bump the class with his beautiful red four-seater. status from Limited Pro to a Pro Running second place is steve class. This means more laps, more Sullivan (118), followed by Rob entry fee, more payback and the Parsons (111), both in Fast Track class is now eligible for the overall Enterprise chassis, then Dave purse monies. Morton (125), Kelly Smith and Sunday morning. What luck, Brian Read (105), in their great race day is mostly cloudy, but no looking black Baja, Jim Paddock rain. The quads start first at (169) and Brad Falin (1572) in the 6:30am and have the worse of the Hummer buggy. Everyone thought terrain. Because of all the rain the the Hummer buggy would be the days before, there were entire car to beat: all wheel drive, great straight-aways covered with water suspension, mega horsepower. But and mud. The first lap of the cars differential and axle problems was about the same. However, by plagued the buggy right from the Lap 2 the mud started drying up. start line. After two laps Sullivan By Lap 4 the entire track was dry is now in the lead at just 3: 19 and even had some spots on the ahead of Parsons, and 12:22 course with hard packed blue ahead of Stiles, who had a flat leav-groove. ing the start line/pit area. At the The quads line up race morn-end of the day it is Parsons who ing hoping to dry the track out. ran consistent with very little down Tony Fagundes (104), who tried time and he takes home the class to stay out of the puddles, rode win as well as second overall with a the first lap for Brad Falin. The time of 6:23:30. The Baja Bug of team took the top honors in the Smith & Read placed second hav-Pro Quad class with a time of ing only completed four of the six 2: 19:25. After two laps of racing laps but they made it further in they were 7:01 ahead of Derek the race with the fastest time. Third Craft (55). In the amateur class place went to Steve Sullivan and Mike Jasman (31) was the winner fourth to Jeff Stiles who com-ahead of second place Tim pleted two laps before dropping Schrader (151) and third place out with power steering failure. Kenny Pomeroy (55K). Jasman's In Class 10 five cars lined up --~---------------'--, Chris Gray led the Class 8 contingent all the way, he took the gold medal in his really good looking Chevy. Dusty Times

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1-1 Kelley Smith and Brian Read were able to drive their Baja Bug to Dale Smith had a pretty good race, he took a second place finish Mike and Gary Taylor ended up in the second spot in the Class 8 a very nice second place finish, seen here at speed. in the Class 10 battle and finished third overall as well. fracas, seen here in their vintage Dodge truck. and it was Sam Berri (1049) tak-Rodgers moving up to third and leaders Koenig and Roggy. After time (and second desert race), with the class win and sixth overall ing the first lap lead followed by fourth. Rodgers would drop out four laps Koenig handed over the dropped out with battery mount with a time of 7:06: 18. Second Patrick Timmons (1030), Tony on Lap 4 with a rear suspension driving to Troy Robinson and he failure, loss of second gear and place went to Roggy who was just McClaren ( 1005) and Dale Smith failure. Swanson, Phillips and kept the lead to the end. Osborne, cage structure failure. At the check- 12:26 behind. Third place went to (1044). Berri would have transmis-Osborne were still in sight of the who was racing only for this third ered flag it was Koenig/Robinson Continued next page sion problems on Lap 2 and with that handed the lead over to Timmons with Smith gaining to second. Timmons would hang on to the lead until end taking the class and overall win with a time of 6:18:33. Dale Smith came across the finish line second with a time of 6:28:20 placing third overall as well. Third in Class 10 went to Sam Berri who overcame his downtime to set the fastest overall lap of the day at 56:26 and his overall six lap time was 7:41:08. Heavy metal Class 8 was next off the line with seven trucks tak-ing the green flag. Going with a flag to flag win with a time of 6:36:20 was the SOOS truck of Chris Gray. That time was. good enough for a fourth overall. De-spite having some minor issues with a flat tire and the UPC label of the fuel filter stuck in the filter, the brothers Mike and Gary Tay-lor with their co-driver wives took their Rare Parts Racing #813 old Dodge truck five laps around the track putting them in second place. Bruce Fields (858) broke a spindle on Lap 4 but the distance was good enough to place third in class. For the first time· in at least 10 years, starting behind the Class S's, was the 1600 class with three en-tries. This class died out in Vorra but is starting to make a comeback with some added bonus money in-centives from Bill Lott of Fibercraft in Reno. Taking the lead from the start and never looking back was Vince Viola in his Lothringer (1685). Vince ran well all day despite hitting a rock on Lap 5 breaking a shock off, right before Checkpoint 4. Later the team rolled onto its side just be-fore Checkpoint 1 but was quickly uprighted. They placed first in class and fifth overall with a time of 6:57:59. Finishing all six laps 35:24 back was Chad Giguire (2021). Class 7 had ten trucks take the green flag for their Pro class de-but. After one lap it was a dog fight for the top spot between Mike Koenig (701), Joel Swanson (735), Ben Phillips (743), Scott Rodgers (784), Rob Roggy (1734), Aaron Osborne (748), Tim Fitzpatrick (708), and Rob Henderson (758) who were all separated by just a mere 16:50. After two laps of rac-ing, Koenig's Toyota was still out front by just 2:12. Roggy's Jeepspeed had moved up to second place, Phillips moving his Ford along pretty well, was in third. Meanwhile Swanson, Osborne and Rodgers, who had a flat, stayed within 15 minutes of the leader. On Lap 3 Koenig and Roggy w_ere still out front with Swanson and Dusty Times . August 2008 Page 33

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Kevin Yoder brought out his rock craw/in' buggy, just for fun, he ended up in the second spot in the Semi-Pro Class. Steve Sullivan led Class 1 on laps 2 and 3 but various problems dropped him to a third place finish at Yerin ton. Sam Berri led Class 10 the first lap, was down with tranny problems, but came back strong and finished a decent third place. Phillips over an hour out of the lead. This was P_hillips' first desert race and he soloed the race with his son and two friends who helped work on the truck. Com-pleting five laps gave Swan on fourth in class. In the 14 car semi Pro class, Will Domschot (1223), field point leader after two race , was running really fast with a Lap 1 time of 1:01:37 having passed nearly everyone in his class despite the mud. Scott Wooden (349) Bronco also had a good first lap and kept the power on. He was followed by the Baja ofJonathan Zordell (500) and another Baja ofJaklevick/Jones (511x). Round-ing out the top five after one lap was the rock buggy of Kevin Yoder (34). With Domschot out on Lap 2 due to steering failure, Zordell moved into the lead passing (349). Heading into Lap 3 Wooden had now moved into the lead with 24:07 to spare. In second place Yoder was still moving along In spite of a broken shock and a quick rollover, Vince Viola took the Class 1600 win in his good looking Lothringer. pretty good for a rock buggy in the desert followed by Jaklevick/ Jones. After the required five lap distance the Bronco of Wooden was the winner with a time of 6:22:31. Second place by 32:59 was the rock buggy of Yoder. Fin-ishing third in class was Dan Gallmeistler (60) in his very first race. His time of 7:05:30 was 42:59 behind the winner. Fourth place was Bill Hermant (1091) in his converted short course a-arm car. Hermant had worked his way ,, 11ed by ~t 7),,,. C\ass' iacet KING Mike Koenig and Troy Robinson shared the driving chores, they led Class 7 all the way, their good /ookin' Toyota seen here at speed. up from 12th place. Fifth place went to Jaklevick/Jones and rounding out the finishers for sixth in class was the Ford of Mike Long (1547). At the drivers' meeting it was encouraged that all race partici-(J)BEAR We carry a full line of v--~ OF~ pants attend the awards presenta-tion Sunday night (following the race). There would be a lot of cash and prizes awarded, bur you had to be present to win. Some of the winners were ... Scott Rodgers (Class 7) who won a $250.00 gift ---------O FF -RO fl D RACING SHOCKS FILTERMAGM ·~tffib Page 34 August 2008 -Dusty Times

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Bruce Fields drove his good lookin' Chevy hard, he was a dnf but was credited with a third lace finish in Class 8 For his first desert race, Ben Phillips did pretty good, he finished Another first time racer, Dan Gallmeistler finished his required in third place in Class 7, he's seen here in his Ford. laps and took home the bronze medal in the Semi-Pro Class. ·• l<la ~-·:, . ~~ SIART flklSN - ~ Tony Fagundes and Brad Falin pooled their riding skills and they It was a nice win for Mike Jasman, he swept the Amateur Class Cody Bennett really flew across the course, he only had to run 1 were the gold medal winners in the Pro Quad Class at Yerington. on his quad, he's seen here waiting for the green flag. lap in Bantam Class and he passed every other quad out there! certificate from D&D Tire in were handed out including free oil and will split $2,000.00 between was uncertain. Wes and his crew As we look forward to the Fernley for having the most flats changes, maid service, vehicle de- all the drivers that finish every re-did an outstanding job with the next two races, Octane Fest, a during the race (3). Casino West tailing and a Baja survival tool quired lap at all of the three Vorra running of the race. The weather, short course race in Fallon, put up $1,100.00 to the overall shovel specially given to a driver desert races. This means 24 driv-which could have played a big fac-NV, and the Fallon 250, a class winners and they were: Patrick who is a war veteran, that was given ers will be eligible. tor, held off for the race and de-night race i"n Fallon, Nevada, Timmons (Class 10) $500.00, Rob to the #813 team of Mike Taylor. All in all, it was a great race de-spite a muddy first couple of laps we are anxious to see what a Parsons (Class 21) $250.00, Chris The award for being the first to spite the tentative hours following you could not have asked for a little experience will bring to Gray (Class 8) $150.00, Mike report their car as a DNF was half Vorra's last race when their future better track or race conditions. the new Vorra crew.t ~ Koenig & Troy Robinson (Class of your entry fee. That went to 7) $100.00 and Vince Viola (Class Roger Gray (Class 1). There was 1600) $100.00. $50.00 was given even a cash award of $200.00 given to the fastest lap time with a non-for the slowest lap to Nolan Rudd top spot awarding position. Those in the Semi Pro #9005 with a time cash awards went to: Class 1 -Jeff of 4:56:44. Stiles, Class 10 -Sam Berri, Class One more award that was an-8 - Bruce Fields, Class 1600-Chad nounced is the "can you go the dis-Giguire, Class 7 -Joel Swanson tance" money put up by Bradley's and Semi Pro, Will Domschot. Raceworks. This award is like the Other awards and gift certificates Toyota Milestone award at Score Scott Wooden had a good day in his Ford Bronco, he took the Semi-Pro Class win, he's seen here saving a bit of tire wear. Rob Roggy took over the second place spot in Class 7 on his second lap and there he remained to take the silver medal in his Jeep. Dusty Times We carry.a l'uD selection of: WELD•ON•TABS WELD•ON•BUINOS 1-EIHIS & ROD ENDS August 2008 a .. CCNCJ Ila& SACa Oflftoacf Page 35 --

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l.n.J2C:: 55™ BP ULTIMATI! ACROPOLIS RALLY Loeb/Citroen Take The Gold BY MARTIN HOLMES PHOTOS: MAURICE SELDEN Petter Solberg and Philip Mills were only able to take home the silver medal at Acropolis, here kicking up the dust in their Subaru lmpreza. A special, and quite novel, award world championship programme was being offered on this event. The but was disappointed that he bent Colin McRae Award was for the the fender of his car at the official driver who made the fastest stage PCWRC test day before the event. time this year. Last year the fastest He went to his team chief, stage winner was Jari-Matti Latvala apologised, put his hand in his wal-on what this year was Stages 15/ let and offered 300 rupees to pay 18, at just under l00kph average. for the damage. The chief was most The late Colin McRae's five overall impressed with his kindness until victories on this event make him the they saw the official Indian currency most successful driver in the 55 year exchange rate, and then noticed history of the rally. The other pre-Naren had neatly autographed his event talking point was the small banknotes as souvenirs! number of privateer entries. In the Day 1 old days drivers drove their rally 7 Stages, gravel -l09.34kms. cars from all over Europe down to It was not a good morning for Sebastien lpeb and Daniel Elana were the overall winners at the Acropolis Rally, seen here in their Citroen C4. Greece, for the fun of rallying in Mikko Hirvonen, running first car the warm and pleasant conditions, on the road, "We pushed as hard After two years of Ford domi-nation, Citroen have again won the Acropolis Rally, arguably the roughest and toughest event in the world rally championship. Sebastien Loeb gained his 41st World Rally win, but only after Jari-Matti Latvala led initially Loeb's Red Bull sponsored teammate Dani Sordo led briefly after Loeb punctured. This was toe the hard-est test for Pirelli in their control tyre regime and there were far more punctures than seen earlier in the season, but still far fewer then widely expected. The success story of the event was Petter Solberg' s sec-ond place in the new Subaru lmpreza WRC2008, while both Suzuki SX4 drivers scored manu-facturer points. But the big disas-ter came in the Production Car cat-egory to Subaru, where only one of its five new N 14 cars reached the finish. Suspension damage was rife, exacerbated by the stiff construc-tion of tyres necessary in view of this year's ban on mousse inserts. But most heartbreaking of all was the turbocharger problem for Latvala which dropped him down to seventh. With the help of priva-teer Urmo Aava taking fourth place, three Citroen C4 WRC's were in the top five places. Red Bull scored another success when their Mitsubishi Group N team scored a 1-2 result i the PCWRC category in which Subaru drivers suffered many misfortunes. The heat of the Greek plains was the character of the stages for the Acropolis Rally, traditionally of the hottest events of the season. It was the second event of the trilogy of early summer gravel rallies in the Mediterranean region and the sev-enth event out of 15 in this year's World Series. Much of the route was similar to 2007, but the head-quarters had moved across to the Tatoi military air force base north of Athens, where a superspecial stage was held at the end of the com-petition on both the Friday and the Sunday. Tatoi provided a logisti-cally convenient venue, close to the main through roads used as transit sections between the stages, and which has historical connections with the event. In the '70s it was the location of a special stage which took the form of a circuit race, the last time there was a circuit race with a mass start on a World Rally. Also for the first time since 2003 a Ceremonial Start was held in Ath-ens itself, on the service road at the foot of the famous Parthenon building. Special interest among the com-petitors were the new Subaru lmpreza S 14 cars, expected to be the final debut appearance of a Henning Solberg and Cato Menkerud get our award for highest flyer, they're seen here flying their Ford Focus RS. Page 36 World Rally Car built under the nowadays privateers, even local driv- as we could, but we were far too current regulations, before the new ers, stayed away. Of the 15 priva- slow." Sebastien Loeb, running one rules come fully into force in 201 l. teers only two came from outside car behind, made best time on There was no change in driver line- Greece. In contrast the event was Stage 2, but only because Jari-Matti up among the top teams but Ford's spectacularly well supported by pri- Latvala, who had gone into the lead game of musical chairs among their ority drivers, with no fewer than 45 on Stage 1, drove cautiously "Last two subsidiary teams continued. of the 60 starters coming from 'pri- year I spun and almost went off, Once again the line up for cars 8, 9 ority drivers', the world champion-and Loeb made best time. This year and 10 changed, this time with ship categories or world rally car I went carefully and nearly went off Greek driver Aris Vovos making a privateers. The continued use of again." Latvala just held on to the guest appearance in car number 10 rough roads did nothing to encour- lead, and after the first three stages for Munchi's. After the Junior cars age budget rallymen. Vovos noticed the young Finn was 4.2 seconds in were run in Sardinia, Production this, "The organisers have no state front! The two new Subarus were cars compete in Greece and then in help to run the event, and this going well, fifth and eighth, with no ~ Turkey. For the two immediate shows. Competing on the Acropo-particular problems, very encour-Mediterranean rounds of the series, lis costs a driver the same as two or aging. Dani Sordo was going well Evgeniy Novikov abandoned his three national championship ral- in third place. First casualty was Gigi Subaru lmpreza N 14 for a lies, on which they would get far Galli on Stage 2, he stopped for Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX while fel-better promotion." the day with damaged suspension low Russian Evgeniy Yertunov re-Shakedown was held close to after hitting a rock. Toni verted to a N 12. India came to· Tatoi and, apart from hanging Gardemeister had a fuel pump fail world championship rallying for dust, was enjoyed by all. Mikko on his Suzuki just where Galli was the first time with a car for Naren Hirvonen said it was the best Shake-stopped, they also stopped to Kumar, run by Motoring Club. A down location by far for a long change the fuel supply on to their Subaru upgrade came to Motor-time, but Latvala dented a door spare pump, then on Stage 3 the ing Club driver Jari Ketomaa. Co-when he slid wide into a bush. It engine stalled. P.G. Andersson, driver changes included Maria seems unbelievable that the 23 year meanwhile, had some brake prob-Andersson teaming up with Eyvind old Latvala first started driving I ems but was ninth already. Brynildsen, Michael Wenzel with works World Rally Cars five years Federico Villagra was working well Uwe Nittel, Jorge Carvalho with ago here in Greece. His misfortune with his new co-driver Jose Maria Bernardo Sousa and Paolo on previous events this year meant Volta. Conrad Rautenbach had a Gregoriani with Gianluca Linari. that he started on Friday with a broken shock absorber on his pri-There was only one Super 2000 car favourable running place, fourth vate C4. Mads Ostberg stopped on the list, a replacement Peugeot car on the road. Dani Sordo was when a rock damaged the rear dif-for the PCWRC driver Patrik quickest at Shakedown, the new ferential guard which in turn broke Sandell after his own car was de-Subarus fourth and fifth. Kumar the propshaft. Then Matthew Wil-layed by dock strikes in Argentine. announced he had a two year son, who had earlier been seventh, ~....,.,.,,.,_,;..,,,,,.,.,,,...,...,,,,,=~-~:;.,..,........,,,.,..,, ___ ..,,,,,,,,,,...,.,,,,..~=-=- also had the propshaft fail near the Urmo Aava and Kuldar Sikk finished first off the podium, they're seen here in their Citroen C4 on the way to the finish line. August 2008 end of Stage 3. Aris Yovos' car rap-idly filled with dust. So far, quite a quiet start, but not for long. The afternoon stages were re-peats of the mornings, but of course rougher, with a most con-voluted superspecial before final service. The afternoon started off with an intriguing battle between the brothers Solberg for fourth place, and Latvala had a puncture on Stage 4 but luckily with little time loss. Then came the rock at the end of Stage 6. It was just at the maxi-mum braking place and car after car limped out of the stage. Hirvonen -front right suspension damage, Atkinson as well, Latvala rear right and Al Qassimi the same. The cars staggered through the su-Dusty Times

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Matthew Wilson and Scott Martin drove their Ford Focus RS to a Travis Pastrana and Derek Ringer had all sorts of problems at Acropolis, Per-Gunnar Andersson and Jonas Andersson piloted their Suzuki sixth place overall finish, here in a sharp right hander. they finished way back in 29th place in their Subaru lmpreza. SX4 to an 11th place overall finish, seen here at liftoff. perspecial and all of a sudden his suspension and went out of time Araujo stopped on a stage to clean 6 Stages, gravel - 119.12kms. first stage when Sebastien Loeb was Latvala had fallen from second to trying to repair this. Sixth placed his air filter. Crews went away to .What a day! It was well known slowed by a lot of loose gravel on sixth, Hirvonen from fourth to sev-Nittel stopped. Pavlides' N 14 re- sleep and prepare for the second this would be the toughest part of the road, then on the next stage he enth, Atkinson kept his eighth tired with overheating. Arai was day, which if recce proved anything, the rally, probably the toughest punctured. He was able to reach place. All very dramatic, and look- very unhappy with his N14, "My car promised to be rougher still. part of the whole championship, the end of the stage on the flat tyre ing at the squiffy suspensions arriv-is also overheating all the time." Day 2 and the drama started on the very Continued next page ing back at base one doubted whether Ford could have contrived in arranging for a starting order scenario on this occasion. Wilson lost time swapping tyres around when he discovered another tyre had unknowingly been damaged and also needed changing. Gardemeister lost a lot of power, "On the long and fast Stage 5 I went flat out, took a lot of risks, and I was still almost a minute be-hind the leaders. Andersson fared little better. Beginning to smile through the dust and rocks was Petter Solberg, "This new lmpreza is far from right but we can tell it has massive potential." Urmo Aava, in the other private C4, won the final stage of the day, the super-special, the first scratch time in his career. In PCWRC Mirco Baldacci took the initial lead in front of Nasser Al Attiyah, who had just returned from finishing second on the Transiberico with his BMW. "I haven't been back home in Qatar since the Swedish Rally!" Then on Stage 2 Baldacci had a tyre come off the rim and Nasser, who went into the lead, then had overheating troubles, which afflicted his car halfway through the stage, exactly the same problems which he suf-fered on the recent Cyprus Rally. This letJuho Hanninen go ahead. Andreas Aigner hit the front of his car which damaged the intercooler so he had a very slow morning. Toshi Arai was running experimen-tal shock absorbers, one of which failed. Armindo Araujo spun and had overheating troubles, as did Martin Rauam. Guest driver Panos Hatzitsopanis had central differen-tial troubles as well as overheating and damaged steering. Spyros Pavlides had engine troubles. Evgeniy Novikov lost a half hour on the road section to Stage 2, be-cause of brake failure, so he went out for the day. Missing completely were Martin Prokop, who slid off the road harmlessly but helplessly, the other Guest driver, Labros Athanassoulas, who had been lying third after Stage 1, stopped with a broken steering arm. Travis Pastrana had rear suspension fail-ure when driving with the car stuck in third gear on Stage 3. Al Attiyah was not giving up and his N 14 re-took the lead on Stage 6 when Hanninen had a leaking shock ab-sorber and went slower to ease the stresses on the car. Baldacci had meanwhile recovered well from his earlier delay and was now up-to third in front of Patrik Sandell, after the retirement of Jari Ketomaa from an overheating en-gine on his N14. On Stage 6, fifth place Evgeniy Vertunov damaged Dusty Times August 2008 Page 37 ..... ...,

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-· Jarri-Matti Latvala and Miikka Anttila got in some time off the Churning up the roadway, Federico Villagra and Jose Volta drove It was a third overall finish for Mikko Hirvonen and Jarmo Lehtinen, ground, they drove their Ford Focus RS to a seventh overall finish. their Ford Focus RS to an unlucky 13th place finish. seen here dusting down some spectators with their Ford Focus RS. but by then Sordo had passed him heating, and Hatzitsopanis. George Galli. Vovos was the only missing of his rally. Waiting in vain for started along with Sandell, into the lead. Hirvonen made best Donaldson, STl's Group N coor-World Rally Car, his earlier ago-him at the service park, sadly, was Ketomaa, Pastrana and Novikov time, his first moment of glory so dinator explained why some of the nies of driving with dust, not only the CEO of Fuji Heavy Industries, while Arai, Pavlides, Al Attiyah, far, but then on Stage 9 he touched N 14s had more overheating than outside but also inside the car, Mr. lkuo Mori, who came to con-Campedelli, Aksa, N ittel, Jereb a gravel pile, thought little of it but others. "Kumar and Al Attiyah had having been too much to bear. gratulate Petter. Henning, mean-and Ha tzi tsopan i~ all went discovered that the impact had shat- problems but not so severe, mainly Dust hung around the first stage while, had his engine stop a couple home. Hanninen made best time tered a brake disc. He blanked off because their cars had smaller to such an extent that, from the of times on Stage 16, dropping on the first loop of stages while the offending brake, and after 4km sumpguards than other drivers with second stage onwards, cars were his lead over Hirvonen from 72.9 leader Aigner struggled through of Stage 10 the rear right suspen- these cars." But worse was to come sent out at three minute intervals. seconds to 22.6. Hirvonen cer-the morning with a broken rear sion broke, similar to the impact for them. Both Al Attiyah (wrecked Much of the fight had gone out ta inly smelt blood and immedi-differential. Mirco Baldacci had Latvala suffered in Jordan. rear suspension and no brakes) and of the event, survival was now the ately news of Henning's trouble to stop with overheating. r{irvonen staggered to the end of Toshi Arai (more damper prob-general objective. On Stage 14 arrived he started to push as hard Sandell lost his power steering the stage, inadvertently causing a !ems) stopped and by lunch time Atkinson scored the first scratch as he could. Henning's problems and stopped. Ketomaa had to dust storm for Petter Solberg, who the top TWELVE cars in PCWRC time for the new Subaru. This were good for the BP Ford team stop with suspected fuel pump found that Latvala was now only were Mitsubishis. The only Subaru turned out to be the fastest stage and enabled the team to stay problems. Brynildsen retired be-1.5 seconds behind him in third to have completed the whole route of the rally so far, therefore he ahead of Citroen Total in the fore the superspecial at the end place. By the midday halt Hirvonen for the first half of the rally, and was in line to win the special Colin Makes' Series. The Colin McRae of the rally, because of an oil leak had dropped down to eighth place. the only N 14 still running was the McRae Award, so long as nobody Award finally went to Gigi Galli, from the central differential. There were dramas everywhere. car of the Indian driver Kumar. beat his speed of99.17kph on the he was fastest on Stage 17 -Martin Rau am was excluded Chris Atkinson's engine refused to Martin Prokop went missing on the second time through. On Stage 100. 77kph! from second place in the final restart after he stopped to change first stage of the day, his engine just 15 Atkinson spun and damaged In PCWRC, Hanninen got his results for use of non-homolo-a tyre. The problem was due to an stopped without reason. A quarter his rear suspension on a rock, end car back safely overnight and re-gated brake parts. lAJ2C: electrical cable being cut behind the of an hour later it started up again ------------------------------------------------------. starter switch. Vovos stopped with and he continued, but out of con-steering failure. Henning Solberg tention for a good result. Novikov had a tyre worn through to the can-retired again, this time with a bro-vas, and had the engine intermit-ken gearbox, Sandell and Ketomaa tently cutting out. Aava lost his over-both retired after hitting the same night fifth place when he broke a rock, Linari was missing and wheel causing the tyre to deflate, Campedelli arrived with the right and stopped on the first stage to rear suspension askew and could change the wheel. Gardemeister had not carry on. Nutahara had dam-power steering failure. Rautenbach aged shock absorbers, Rauam had and Ostberg, in his newly acquired intermittent loss of power. Aigner private S 12B, both stopped to pushed hard and managed to pass change flat tyres. Al Qassimi had Mirco Baldacci into second place, his launch control fail. Galli was behind Hanninen. Hanninen's luck flying. After losing time in the dust came to an end on Stage 11 when of Rautenbach, Galli made best the hydraulic pump for the power time of everyone on Stages 9 and steering failed and caused the fan 10. Latvala's hopes were soon to be belt to break. Reluctantly he had dashed. On the start line of Stage to abandon the car beside the track, 11 a clamp connecting two pieces hoping the damage could be re-of the high pressure turbo pipe paired so he could start on the fi-failed and the three longest stages nal day. Later he heard the news. in the career of the 23 year old Finn The official organisers breakdown began. From fourth place, 47.4 sec-truck collected the car but then onds behind the leader, he tumbled crashed off the road, rally car and down the charts. By the end of all. Juho waited for more news, Stage 13, the final stage of the day, wondering if the two giant cranes he was in eighth place, 3m 17. 7 sec- ordered by the organisers were able onds adrift. Aava repeated h is feat to bring the low-loader truck and of the first day, making fastest time rally car back to safety. Vertunov overall on a stage, this time it was recovered from SupeRally penalties the orthodox Stage 11. Henning on the Friday, and was able to rise Solberg was up to fourth after the up the field and got ahead of stage, and then there was more ac-Kumar, who was struggling with a tion. Sordo had just lost the lead broken turbocharger, and by the to Loeb when a rear tyre burst on end of the day Mitsubishis filled just the road section to Stage 12a and the top ten placings in PCWRC! an old tyreless rim had to be fitted Second placed Mirco Baldacci ar-to tackle the stage. Sordo dropped rived with a spanner jammed into over four minutes and fell from sec-a strut top mounting. Sousa was ond to seventh. Sordo confirmed now ahead ofRauam (delayed by a he deliberately fitted the tyreless rim broken steering arm) and in third to use on Stage 13, to make sure place was Araujo, who arrived with they would have a street-and a rally-his front suspension tied up by legal car for the run back to the straps. Jereb crashed and caused service area. So after Stage 13 Stage 13 to be interrupted for later Petter Solberg was lying second, runners. Pastrana stopped with brother Henning third and broken front suspension. Aksa Hirvonen was up to fourth. stopped with broken suspension -Gardemeister arrived with a bro-and Nittel stopped for the second ken manifold, the car sounding ter- day running. rible, and the driver reported the Day 3 engine kept misfiring as well. 7 stages, gravel- 102.32kms. Two of the PCWRC cars did Back in action for the final day, not restart, Pavlides, because the under SupeRally were Andersson, engine was damaged through over-Villagra, Atkinson, Ostberg and Page 38 55th BP Ultimate Acropolis Rally of Greece -2008 (GR) Tatoi 30.05/1.06.2008 WCR round 7 PCWRC round 3 WC points PC 1 (1) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena 733EGZ78 (F) 3h.54m.54.7s. 10 10 2 (5) Petter SOLBERG/Philip Mills WRC lWRC (GB) 3h.56m. 04 .2s. 8 3 (3) Mikko HIRVONEN/Jarmo Lehtinen EU07SUA (GB) 3h. 56m. 50. 8s. 6 6 F/MC N/GB 8 FIN WR WD Citroen C4 WRC Subaru Irnpreza 2008 Ford Focus RS WRC 4 (15) Urmo Aava/Kuldar Sikk EE Citroen C4 WRC 365EHJ78 (F) 3h.59m.14.4s . 5 5 (2) Daniel SOR°oO/Marc Marti E Citroen C4 WRC 728EGZ78 (F) 5 4 6 (16) Matthew Wilson/Scott Martin GB EU07SUV (GB) 4h.0lm.06.0s. 3 7 (4) Jari-Matti LATVALA/Miikka Anttila RS WRC EU07STZ (GB) 4h.0lm.42.2s. 4 8 (8) Henning SOLBERG/Cato Menkerud N EO56TZR (GB) 4h.04m.08.7s . 3 1 9 (11) Toni GARDEMEISTER/Tomi Tuominen FIN TKA301CHI1891 (J) 4h.05m.08.5s. 2 10 (18) Conrad Rautenbach/David Senior ZW/GB 733DYN78 (F) 4h.08m.23.8s. 11 (12) Per-Gunnar ANDERSSON/Jonas Andersson WRC TKN301SO8685 (J) 4h.08m.47.2s. (2) 12 (14) Khalid Al Qassimi/Michael Orr UAE/GB EA07PXN (GB) 4h.08m.50.3s. 13 (9) Federico VILLAGRA/Jose Volta EU07SSX (GB) 4h.13m.24.9s. 14 (41) Andreas Aigner/Klaus Wicha Evo IX PCWRC KI-946BY (I) 4h. 16m.06.7s.+ 15 (42) Bernardo Sousa/Jorge Carvalho Evo IX PCWRC KI961BV (I) 4h.17m.04.8s. 16 (50) Armindo Araujo/Miguel Ramalho Evo IX PCWRC DJ924GW (I) 4h.17m.34.4s. RA A/D p p 17 (56) Fumio Nutahara/Daniel Barritt J/GB Evo IX PCWRC KNY301HO8590 (J) 4h.18m.19.6s . 18 (48) Evgeniy Aksakov/Alexandr Kornilov Lancer Evo IX PCWRC DM246AN (I) 4h.23m.11.6s. Ford Focus RS WRC FIN 2 Ford Focus Ford Focus RS WRC Suzuki SX4 WRC Citroen C4 WRC s 1 Suzuki SX4 Ford Focus RS WRC Ford Focus RS WRC Mitsubishi Lancer 10 Mitsubishi Lancer 8 Mitsubishi Lancer 6 Mitsubishi Lancer 5 RUS/UA Mitsubishi 4 19 (43) Evgeniy Vertunov/Georgy Troshkin RUS Subaru Impreza '06 PCWRC E309XP (177, RUS) (2) 3 20 (52) Juho Hanninen/Mikko Markkula FIN Evo IX PCWRC A2256 (FIN) 4h.2Srn.07.0s. (3) 21 (40) Loris Baldacci/Rudy Pollet RSM/I Evo IX PCWRC DM253AN (I) 4h.26rn.39.5s. 22 (38) Amjad Farrah/Nicola Arena HKJ/I Evo IX PCWRC 17-73777 (HKJ) 4h.29m.18.4s. Mitsubishi Lancer 2 Mitsubishi Lancer 1 Mitsubishi Lancer 23 (58) Naren Kumar/Nicky Beech IND/GB Subaru Irnpreza N14 PCWRC NM-MR532 (D) 4h.32rn.21.5s. 24 (17) Mads Ostberg/Ole Unnerud N Subaru Impreza WRC FTS6SRT (GB) 4h.43rn.56.4s. (7) 25 (34) Gianluca Linari/Paolo Gregoriani I Subaru Impreza Nll PCWRC CY856CZ (I) 4h.44rn.50.8s. 26 (60) Labros Athanassoulas/Nikotaos Zakheos GR Subaru Impreza '06 PCWRC NM04601 (D) 4h.45m.02.7s. August 2008 Dusty Times

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) . IIDUND 5 & & AT PDMDNA Klncald·s Back BY ]UDY SMITH PHOTOS: TRACKSIDE PHOTO Todd LeDuc had a great weekend at the CORR Pomona festival, he took the win both days in Pro 2 in his Ford and he sits third in Pro 2 points. Jeff Kincaid, who sat out a year of west coast racing, has returned to CORR this season, and demonstrated that he hasn't forgotten any of his skills. There was a real potpourri of win-ners at the 5th and 6th rounds of CORR racing, and Kincaid was the only one able to put together two vic-tories. The racers returned to Pomona to find that not much had changed. CORR had piled dirt on the first two thirds of the front stretch, which had been pavement in the first two rounds of the '08 season. That reduced the amount of pavement to about half, and, because they could thoroughly wet it down, also reduced the dust ris-ing up into the stands. For this weekend of competition, the inverted starts were still in effect, meaning that the top six, eight or ten qualifiers would be flipped around in order for the start. So they won't feel entirely cheated by this system, CORR is now giving points to the top three qualifiers. At the previous weekend of racing CORR also started giving points to the first two on the track when the "Competition Yellow" is thrown. This is a full course yellow, supposedly for just one lap, but in practice, often for two or even three laps. It allows the field to catch up, and it gives CORR a chance to send the water trucks out and wet down problem areas. They are working hard to find ways to keep the dust from blowing into the stands, or obscuring the drivers' vision. At Pomona there's little activity on Friday because of noise laws, thus the trucks are not allowed to practice or qualify. They have to wait until Satur-day morning to get that done, which makes Saturday a busy day indeed. The weather, expected to be terri-bly hot, was something of a surprise, as the morning dawned overcast and chilly. It warmed up to a nice day, never super hot as had been anticipated. The truck qualifying drew a fair crowd, and was entertaining. A couple of racers had problems with Turn 3, the banked turn on the south end of the course. Greg Adler simply fell off the back side of it. Nothing about the turn had been changed since the pre-vious races here, but the CORR people decided maybe they'd add some K-rail. It was apparently just too much en-thusiasm on the part of the drivers. Saturday's racing started with the UTVs, who showed up 25 strong. Todd Arthur and Robert Yan Beekum had a five lap battle for the lead, while Chad George made his way from the back of the pack up to third place. On the sixth lap Van Beekum went into the lead, as Arthur pulled off the track. Jeffrey Spooner moved into second. On the eighth lap, as they rounded Turn 5, George didn't get slowed down early enough, and some-how ran up onto the rear of Spooner, and that was the end of their charge. They were inextricably adhered to one another, and by the time they'd been freed, had dropped way back. Van Beekum went on unmolested, to take the win, with Chad Mittag in second place. On Sunday there were 24 of them, and this time Regis Harrington had the early lead, but by the third lap Todd Arthur had moved up to the front and taken over. He lost his muf-fler early on, but it didn't seem to make any difference to him, and he ran steadily on to take the win. Harrington was second, and Van Beekum took third place. The second event to take the green flag on Saturday was the Single Buggy race, with 23 starters. Three of them got stuck together in a clump between Turns 1 and 2, and the officials de-cided to have a restart. The second time they had better luck, but some-one did roll over in Turn 3. Whoever it was landed on his wheels and kept going. So the race was on. Brock Krahenbuhl had gone into the lead, and he stayed there for two laps. Bryan Freeman ran second and by the third lap had gone to the front. Sean Kennedy was in third place by the third lap, and they ran in that order for many laps. Kennedy worked hard, but just couldn't get past Krahenbuhl. The "Competition Yel-low" came on Lap 7, and when they restarted Kennedy made a good try, but didn't manage to slide past Krahenbuhl that time either. On about Lap 10 Tyler Caspino had got himself up into fifth place, and he stayed there for two laps, but then he spun out and lost nine posi-tions. The rest of the field pretty much went on in order for the remaining laps. Kyle Quinn was making a deter-mined effort to get past Kennedy, and on Lap 12 he did it, only to have Kennedy go back around him when he developed a right rear flat. The race was a 13 lapper, and the finish order was Freeman, Krahenbuhl, Kennedy, Quinn and Rino Navara was fifth. Jeff Kincaid drove his Toyota to the Pro Lite win both days at Pomona, as you can see he is one happy fella. Sunday's Single Buggy race started a little after 1 p.m., with 22 cars. A couple of them got sideways in the first turn, and Sammy Ehrenberg took over the lead. Bryan Freeman got side-ways, Brock Krahenbuhl took a hit from Rino Navara and it spun him around, while Andrew Kelegian slowed, then pulled off the track. Ehrenberg stayed in front, but Navara was second and moving up close. By the fourth lap he was in front, and Ehrenberg had dropped to second with Curt Geer on his bumper. Then Geer moved into second, and Kyle Quinn came up to third. Geer was close on Navara and they had a good battle, but Geer never could quite get around. Meanwhile Freeman worked his way back up from 15th place, and by Lap 7, when they threw the "Com-petition Yellow", he was third, and working on Geer. Sean Kennedy was fourth. On the restart afrer the yel-low, Freeman moved into the lead, but the flagman called it a bad start, and said Freeman had jumped the green flag. So they immediately dropped the yellow and lined the cars up again, Freeman in third. On the next attempt Freeman moved to the front quickly, passing the two cars in front of him on the right. They did a whole lap, but then the flagman brought out the black flag and waved it at Freeman. Then there was a big crash in Turn 4, which left Kelly Renezeder upside down, and brought out a full course yellow. Freeman went into the hot pits, as one is supposed to do if they get the black flag. Somewhere in the confu-sion, after the first couple of cars had started the next lap, the flagman waved the white flag. At the check-ered it was Navara in front, with Geer second and Krahenbuhl third. Free-man ended up in seventh place. Saturday's second event was the Pro Buggies, but there would be a "B Main" later in the day, so there were only 18 of them for this race. With the inverted start the top qualifiers, Rob MacCachren and Greg George found themselves in the fifth row. The start was clean, but Turn 3 was really dusty, and then they all bunched up in Turn 5. Larry Foddrill went into the lead, and by the third lap MacCachren was second and Mike Porter was third. Foddrill, who drives a Chenowth Magnum that's arguably the oldest car in the field, stayed firm in the front. (When he started racing, at age 13-1/2, Foddrill drove this same car, and it's the one he used when he raced, first the Mickey Thompson series, then the Pace short course events. He's 28 now. It's been mended, modified and updated many times, but is basically the same car. It's also probably the only Pro Buggy running these days that has a front beam rather than A-arms.) MacCachren chased after Foddrill, and the two opened up a gap between themselves and the rest of the pack, and Foddrill stayed in front. They were fun to watch. A distant third behind them, Doug Fortin held off Larry Job. MacCachren tried differ-ent lines, hoping that one would give him the edge needed to get past Foddrill. He was also acutely aware that behind him, Greg George was moving steadily up through traffic. The Competition Yellow was on the eighth lap, and at that point it was Foddrill, MacCachren, Fortin and Greg George. On the 11th lap Fortin and Greg George were doing some ' banging in Turn 5, and then George slipped past and into third place when Fortin spun in Turn 1, which is paved. On the next lap MacCachren finally managed to get past Foddrill, so then it was MacCachren, Foddrill, George, and Larry Job, who'd also slid past Fortin. At the checkered flag it was MacCachren, George and Foddrill. Foddrill said "It's a really good finish for us -we did a lot of work on the car . - I have to hone my [driving] skills I guess." In the B Main for this class, later on Saturday afternoon, there were 14 cars. Brady Helm's car was smoking out the breather before the race got started. On the start John Cooley spun in Turn 1, and before he could get pointed in the right direction, he was center punched by Andrew Alsobrook. The jolt sent his legs up against the side bars, badly bruising him, and he decided he'd had enough, and pulled off track. The car that hit him was also out, and officials decided Ricky Johnson took a pair of second place finishes in Pro 2, he's Marty Hart had a fairly good weekend at Pomona, he took a It was a nice second and third place finish for Brock Krahenbuhl in Single Buggy, Brock is seen here saving a bit of tire wear. seen here on his way to the checkered flag. second and a third place finish in the Pro Lite contests. Page 40 August 2008 Dusty Times

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'I Trent Williams took the win both days in Kart Jr. point lead in the Class standings. 1, Trent has almost a 100 to red flag the race and have a restart. On the restart, Rich Ronco got the hole shot, but then he spun in Turn 1 and Malcolm Pointon moved up into the lead.Troy Herbst was second, and Brandon Coyne ran third. That's not an error -Herbst has added a Pro Buggy Alu mi Craft car to his arse-nal. Scott Peterson moved up from a start at the back of the pack, and started looking for a way around Coyne. He got it done on the fourth lap, and started working on Herbst. He got around him on Lap 5 as they came out ofT um 4 and went in search of the lead. The Competition Yellow was on the sixth lap, and Coyne's car was starting to smoke. When the green flag came out Peterson worried at Pointon's rear bumper, and as they exited Turn 4 they were side-by-side and Peterson got the lead. Kevin Carter's car quit, and on the tenth lap Pointon, trying hard to catch up, spun in the treacherous Turn 2. Peterson built a good lead in the few laps remaining, and went on serenely to take the win. Pointon was second, and Coyne, who'd gone around Herbst on Lap 9, finished third. On Sunday they let the entire Pro Buggy class race together. It meant a field of 28 cars. The start order was an inversion of the qualifying order again, which put the fastest two cars back a ways in the pack. Rob MacCachren, who's been one of those fast guys, wasn't one on Sunday. He'd had a fuel pressure problem during qualifying, and started the race in the last row. The race got a clean start, but they were a little strung out. The course was dusty. Aaron Hawley spun in Turn 3, another got sideways in Turn 5 and Rob Archibald ran into him. Hawley, for all his problems, went into the lead, with Jerry Whelchel, who's picked up a ride in a buggy, in second place. He'd raced on Satur-day also, but the car wasn't appar-ently up to snuff, and he'd run in the middle of the pack. Obviously, they'd worked on it to suit Whelchel over-night. Shawn Gibson was in third place, and Rob MacCachren was al-ready up to 14th. Doug Forti n's motor seemed to be going away, and he slowed way down. Whelchel went around Hawley on the tl1ird lap to move into the lead, Hawley held second, and Dale Dondel was third. Troy Herbst spun in the front straight and someone ran up and over his tire, but both went on seemingly all right. Whelchel continued to lead, Hawley ran second and Dondel third. Brady Helm's car started to smoke, and Vic Bruckmann's VW motor wasn't too happy, after having quali-fied for several laps on Saturday with no fan belt. His warning light hadn't worked. On the eighth lap they threw the Dusty Times Competition Yellow flag to bunch everybody up again, and now MacCachren was up to sixth. In front Carl Renezeder took the Pro 4 win on Saturday but was well back in 12th place in the Sunday race, he sits third in points. of him it was Whelchel, Dondel, Hawley, Greg George and Greg Fos-ter, a formidable line-up. They did two August 2008 laps of yellow, partly because they de-cided to water some areas of the course and maybe in part because Fortin's car momentarily quit running. MacCachren passed Foster on the tenth lap to move into fifth. In front of him it was still Whelchel, Dondel, Hawley and George. On the 11th lap Whelchel spun in the first turn and that slowed the two behind him, al-lowing George, who had a good run at it, to zip past into the lead. Whelchel dropped to second, and Dondel was now third, with MacCachren fourth. On Lap 12, it was Dondel who moved up a spot, and MacCachren went with him, the two passing Hawley together. While they struggled for position George built a solid lead, and wor-ried about getting through the lappers with no problems. MacCachren moved into second place on the 14th lap, but he couldn't catch George. At the finish it was George, MacCachren, Dondel, Hawley and Whelchel. There was a Continued next page Page 41

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Brian Cotham, seen here slightly off balance took a pair of second It was a second and a seventh place finish for Chad Mittag in the Brock Heger was second in the Saturday Kart Jr 1 race, Sunday place finishes at Pomona, he's second in points in Pro Spec. UTV races, he's seen here headin' for the finish line. was another story as he finished in the 28th position. Rob MacCachren had a pretty good weekend in the Pro Buggy races, he took the gold medal both days and he leads the class points. lot of racing history in that grouping. these two guys in front of me are diffi-George said they'd changed his gear- cult period!" ingovemight. "That's huge!" he said. Saturday's first Pro 2 race had an Dondel said he'd had "gremlins all entry of 18 trucks, and it was the A weekend and in this race had devel- Main, a 10-entry B Main would come oped a flat two or three laps from the later in the day. In the A Main, the end that "made it a little difficult -but officials inverted the first six, which HONDA Power , Equipment put Alan Pflueger and Todd LeDuc around, and he then lost a belt, and moguls, and gained some ground. As onthefrontrow.They'dwateredthe hadnopowersteeringorbrakes. they went into Turn 5 he hit track a lot before this race, and Turns On the seventh lap MacCachren MacCachren and turned his truck, 1 and 2 (pavement) were soaked. Ap-had the lead for a bit, but then LeDuc and not only Johnson but also parently wishing to dry things out a and Johnson both went around him, Whelchel and Taylor went past him. bit, they did two pace laps rather than dropping him to third and the Com- Now Whelchel was second, Johnson the usual one, and it was probably a petition Yellow came out. It lasted for third and Taylor fourth. Rodrigo good idea. two laps. They held their positions Ampudia took a hit and that broke At the start Pflueger went sideways through the tenth lap, but on Lap 11, the upper arm and spindle of his on the wet pavement and lost about MacCachren was past Johnson in truck, putting him out. eight positions. Evan Evans spun in Tum4 and back up into second place Before the 15th lap was over, Tum 3, and LeDuc went into the lead and chasing LeDuc. In the meanwhile, Pflueger blew his motor, the cab filled with Jerry Whelchel in hot pursuit. Geiser and Pflueger were having a great with smoke, and he was immobilized Ricky Johnson ran third. On the third race for position at the back of the not quite al the way off the track. Now lap Whelchel spun in Tum 4 and lost pack. Ultimately, Pflueger moved MacCachren was trying to get past fourplaces,lettingJohnsonmoveup ahead,andthentheybothmovedup Taylor, and when he did, they to third, with Scott Taylor right be-a bit through traffic. bumped a bit in Tum 5 and Jeremy hind him. · On the 12th lap as MacCachren McGrath took advantage of their LeDuc was building a nice lead as closed a bit on LeDuc, Carl Renezeder discombobulation to slip past both MacCachren and Johnson followed slowed with a shredded left rear. He of them. That put him fourth. But along, and then at the end of the hadawholelaptodobeforehecould not for long. On the final lap fourth lap Jeff Geiser and Pflueger get into the hot pit. LeDuc put on a Whelchel hit the K-rail after Tum 2, collided in front of the stands, and burst of speed, and now everyone had bent his rear end and was suddenly seemed briefly to be glued together. their trucks maxed out, and as they parked on his side. That made Then Taylor's truck started to smoke. came out ofT um 4 (the one that's in McGrath third. At the checkered flag, Tum 5 was suddenly really dusty, and a hole in the ground) they were all it was LeDuc, Johnson, McGrath and still LeDuc stayed in front. Someone bunched up, and somehow, Johnson MacCachren. This was LeDuc's first flipped and knocked Evan Evans was moving so fast that he flew two win of the year. He said, "The track UCER & IPRTATIR IISCIUNTS H:OND.A G&NEAATCRfl IPUM,fl!:iJI • GENERATORS • TILLERS • OUTBOARD ENGINES • LAWNMOWERS • WATERPuMPS Calilornia's Largest Source lor Honda Power Equipment Parts 8 Inventory IF WE DON T NAVE 11: NO ONE DOES/ Check Our Website: Kawaguchi Honda Corp. 3532 East 3rd St. • Los Angeles, CA 90063 (323) 264-3936, 264-5858 • FAX (323) 264-2136 Nothing's easier. For optimum performance and safety, we recommend you read the owner's manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment. Connection of a generator to house power requires a transfer device to avoid possible injury to power company personnel. Consult a qualified electrician. ©2008 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. Page 42 August 2008 Dusty Times

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Parker Grabowski gets set for a landing, Parker took the win both Steve Barlow was unlucky 13th finisher on Saturdaybut he came Bob Naughton finished eighth on Saturday, took a nice second place on Sunday and he sits in second place in points in Pro Lite. days in the Kart Modified Division and leads in the points. back for a second place finish on Sunday in his Ford. was so muddy I couldn't get my car to they used up a bunch of extinguish- neared the checkered flag there was a turn." ers, and did away with the scary flames. lot of banging going on, between Tum The Saturday Pro 2 B Main had In the meantime, they'd just ordered 5 and the finish, and at one point only ten trucks and started at about all the other trucks to park in the hot Wyllie was heading for the finish back-5:35. They'd watered the track until pits fora while. It seemed like a good wards. He lost four positions. At the it was very wet, and then when the move. finish it was Cenni, Kevin Davis, trucks came out they had them do They got everyone lined up and • Jenkins and Brian Cotham. It had three pace laps before they waved the ready to go again after two full course entertaining and frightening mo-green flag. Todd Wyllie got the hole yellows, and Lap9wasgreen, but then ments, but wasn't one of the better shot, looking very fast, and Adrian Schovajsa got sideways at the end of races of the weekend. Cenni stalled in Turn 5 and got Turn 3, Cenni passed him, and then Sund~y's Pro 2 race put them all bumped. He had a serious problem Mark Jenkins ran into him on the together. There were 26 trucks on the withtiresthatweren'tworking.well approach to Turn 4. That got track,andthewatertruckshadwetit for him in the mud, and his normal Schovajsa sideways again, and he down. When they drew the slip of driving style was completely missing, as rolled over. Now the order was Cenni, paper to determine how deep the in-he tried to keep his truck on the track. Wyllie and Jenkins, butSchovajsa was version would go, it came up with a On the second lap Scott Schovajsa still on his lid down in the hole. They number 8 on it, and that put Carl passed Wyllie at the end of Turn 5 brought out the full course yellow Renezeder and Todd LeDuc on the and went into the lead. Cenni moved again, and after three laps, finally had front row. Even though they'd wa-in to second on the third lap, and the course clear and waved the green tered, the track was fairly dry, and a Wyllie, still very new to this game, flag again. It was now 6 o'clock. Cenni faint haze of dust was starting to blow dropped to third. They ran that way went into the lead, and Wyllie was sec- back onto the grandstands. They did for another three laps, and then they ond. But then Jenkins passed him, · one pace lap and decided to water, had the Competition Yellow, and just bumping him in the process, and then did another pace lap. Wl1en they as it went into effect, Ross Hoek's truck Wyllie was obviously upset by this. He finally got going, it was a clean start, erupted in huge flames, and he parked tried to get back around Jenkins, but and LeDuc jumped into the lead with at the beginning of Turn 1. Course theresultofhisaggressionwasthathe Scott Taylor right behinq him and workers helped him exit the truck, and and Jenkins spun out. Then, as they Renezeder in third. They towed Jesse 2007 SCORE CLASS CHAMPIONS .... Class 1 Billy Gasper Class 1 O Lobsam Yee ' Class 12 Tim Noe Glass 1/21600 David Caspino Class 5 Luivan Voelker 2007 BAJA 1 ODO WINNERS . ., Class 11st -Larry Roeseler, 2nd-SteveStro 4th -Mark McMillin, 5th -Billy Gasper, 6tll ..:; CJass 12 1st -Tim~Noe, 2nd-Sta1f Pott(lr Class 8 1st ~ Glen Greer Class 1/21600 2nd -Victor Barreda, 4 Class 5 1§t- ~re~;Belkt.2ntf ~ LuivaiiV:9, 0.7~ 20f)7 BJTD OVERI\LL POlNTS CHAM~tij' Chuck}toyey · > y >.:{" Dusty Times August 2008 Bryan Freeman Was first on Saturday, seventh on Sunday in the Single Buggy races, seen here on his way to victory. Jones off the far side of the track after the second lap. On the third lap Cenni and Ampudia got together in Turn 5 and while Ampudia moved away un-der his own power, Cenni had to be towed away. It was still LeDuc, Taylor and Renezeder at the front of the pack. Jerry Whelchel was moving up, and by lap 4 was behind Renezeder and trying to get around him. He finally got it done in the first turn on Lap 7, and then Lap 8 was the first of two Continued next page Page 43 .......

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Kevin Davis was the big winner both days in the Pro Spec racing, he's seen here flying his Chevy to the checkered flag. Joe Granatelli garnered a win and a sixth place finish in Kart Jr 2 at Pomona, he sits second in Class points. Competition Yellow laps. The water trucks came out again. Todd Wyllie went into the hot pits with a flat, and Cenni was parked outside Turn 5 bleeding fluids. Jones was towed away. Laps 10 and 11 looked like more of the same. Evan Evans spun in Turn 1, apparently not having the right tire choice for d1e pavement, and now Ricky Johnson was working to get around Renezeder for fourth place. He got it done on the 12th lap; on the 13th lap both Whelchel and Johnson made it past Taylor. Now it was LeDuc, Whelchel, Johnson, Taylor and Pflueger had come up to fifth in a truck he'd borrowed from the Baldwins, his own being under the weather from Saturday's race. On the 15th lap as they headed into the hole that is Turn 4, Renezeder hit Pflueger and spun him, costing him six positions. Now LeDuc still led, and Johnson had passed Whelchel who had a left rear flat. Taylor was fourth and Renezeder was fifth. On the next lap, for some unknown (un-seen) reason, Renezeder was last. At the front it was LeDuc, Ricky Johnson and Whelchel, who had cut a tire on the last lap. They went on to take the first three positions. LeDuc It was a seventh place finish and a win for Rick Huseman at Pomona, he leads the point race in Pro 4, he's seen here at speed. Robert Van Beekum took a win in the UTV Class on Saturday, a third place finish on Sunday, seen here headin' for the checkers. said the track had been "super greasy" and Johnson confessed, "I made some bad mistakes ... " Whelchel said his crew had worked all night to get his truck ready. Saturday's Pro Lite A Main got off the ground at 3:50 p.m. There were only 16 trucks. This was right after the Pro 2 A Main finished, and they wa-tered the track. They ran a couple of pace laps, which made one think of "mud packing" in the old days. Once they were given the green flag Bryce Menzies got the hole shot, with Rob-ert Naughton second and Jeff Kincaid third. But by Lap 2 Kincaid passed them both as they exited Turn 5, and went into the lead. Menzies held onto second, and Naughton stayed in third for a few laps, but then Marty Hart worked around him into third place on the fifth lap. Chuck Dempsey was having problems with his truck, and was doing very slow laps. Rodrigo Ampudia was having problems with his right front corner, and stopped for a few moments on track, then got going again, but left the track and never came back. Kincaid liked it up front and just stayed there. Menzies tried to move up but couldn't catch him, and soon he had Hart working on getting around him. Naughton ran third for a while, and then dropped to fifth. On the restart after the Competition Yellow, itwas Kincaid, Menzies, Hart, Chad Hord and Naughton. They came together in Turn 5, after Kincaid and Hart, who'd moved up, got through. The end result was that Hord got left behind after the crash, and Naughton was black flagged. He was sent to the hot pit where he sat for long enough and drop him to 12th place. Hord made a quick trip to the pit for some repair. The remainder of the race was relatively calm, with Kincaid taking the win, Hart second, and Casey Currie (who uses up fenders at a great rate) in third place. Chris Brandt got a nice fourth, and Naughton salvaged an eighth place. Neither Hord nor Menzies got to the finish. The Saturday Pro Lite B Main didn't run until a little after 6 p.m. There were 11 trucks. At the start one of them spun in Turn 1, and then Anthony Verdone spun in Turn 2 and slipped off the berm. He got going again. Aaron Daugherty went into the lead, with Matt Barney in second place and John Fitzgerald third. On the sec-ond lap David Reyes spun out, and Garit Wallace, who'd been the favor-ite going in, was towed away for a while, then came back and ran last, and not well. Javier Sacio lost his right rear wheel, and Jose Reyes got stuck down in the hole. On the fifth lap Leroy Loerwald went into the hot pit, and it was hard to keep track of who was in what position. Greg George finished second on Saturday, took the win on Sunday and Greg is second in the Pro Buggy Points race. Curt Geer ha a 10th place finish in the Single Buggy race on Regis Harrington was a long 21st place finisher on Saturday, Daugherty led for four laps, then Barney went into the lead for two laps, and on Lap 7 John Fitzgerald became the leader. The eighth lap was the Cqmpetition Yellow, and there were only eight trucks running. Verdone had been in and out of the hot pit and Loerwald was parked between Turns 1 and 2. Fitzgerald led through the tenth lap, with Barney making way for Daugherty in second on that lap. Bobby Altamirano moved up to third, and then everybody moved up a spot as Fitzgerald suddenly went to the pit and didn't come back out. Daugherty now stayed at the front of the pack, and took the win, with Barney finishing second and Altamirano in third. Only five trucks were on the lead lap. That wasn't even the final event of the day. The Pro Buggy B Main (discussed earlier) started at 6:30 and was the finale. It was a long day; the addition of the three "B" main events adding a lot of time. For Sunday's Pro Lite race they put them all into one event, which put 28 trucks out on the track. They watered the track, and started them off at 4:35 p.m. It was a clean start, but Anthony Verdone backed off the track in front of the grandstands for a little while. Chad Hord went into the lead, followed by Marty Hart, then Chris Brandt and Kincaid. Aaron Daugherty backed off Turn 5 at the end of the second lap, but got back on track quickly. Kincaid moved up to third on the second lap, and started worrying at the backside of Hart. By Lap 3 Naughton was chasing Kincaid, and Bryce Menzies was on Naughton's tail. Kincaid and Naughton went by Hart on the fifth lap, and they were al-ready dealing with lapped cars also. Heath Carpenter lost a tire in the midst of all the action. On Laps 5 through 7 it was Hord, Kincaid, Naughton and Hart. Hart , was reported to be running on three cylinders. Matt Barney spun out in Turn 5, and then the eighth and ninth laps were the Competition Yel-low flag laps. Somehow Bruce Fraley landed on his side in Turn 5, and Hord, who'd been leading, had to nip into the hot pits for a tire re-placement. When he came back out he was 20th. So Kincaid now led, with Naughton second, Hart third and Brandt fourth. When they restarted the four lead trucks held their positions, but be-hind them Rodrigo Ampudia was slowly moving up. On the 11th lap Verdone was parked on his lid in Turn 5 and Bobby Altamirano spun out. Brandt, who'd been running fourth, went up in smoke on the 12th lap, and retired from the race. Ampudia moved into fourth and Garit Wallace was now right behind him. They ran in that order to the fin-ish. Kincaid said he'd "got a little more confidence", with Saturday's Saturday but he rebounded with a second place finish in the came in second on Sunday in the UTV race in his great looking Quentin Tucker finished fifth and second in the Kart Jr 2 races at Sunday fracas. vehicle. Pomona, he certainly looks like he's in a good mood. Page 44 August 2008 Dusty Times

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win. There's a lot of talent in this class, and the racing is entertaining to watch. When they put all the trucks on the track at the same time it's re-ally good spectating because so many of them are capable of running in front. Saturday's Pro 4 race started at about 4: 10, and they didn't water the track. They had 15 trucks for this race, and that was the full comple-ment. On the start Steve Barlow found himself pushed into the wall that runs between Turns 1 and 2, and then someone hit him and broke a shock and tore off some brake lines. Then, in Turn 3, Josh Baldwin got into the wall, and the red flag came out for a restart. When they lined up again for the new start, Baldwin went back into his original start position. Rick Huseman had to make a quick run into the hot pit for a new front tire, and Barlow was also in the hot pit. Huseman m~de it back out in time to start with the rest of the group. At this start, they got through Turns 1 and 2 fairly uneventfully, but then Tim Herbst hit the end of the K-rail after Turn 2 and with major suspen-sion damage, just kept to the right and took the escape road off. Mean-while, Kyle LeDuc had the lead, with Scott Douglas in second place and Josh Baldwin third. Barlow rejoined the fray but wasn't up to speed. His crew replaced the shock, but couldn't fix the brakes. By the third lap Renezeder had passed Baldwin for third, and was working on Douglas. Barlow parked for a while, and then moved on, still slowly. LeDuc and Douglas did a whole lap side-by-side, displaying some terrific driving talent, and then on the fifth lap, Renezeder inserted himself into the act, and moved into second, bumping Douglas to third. Curt LeDuc, meanwhile, had to make a fast visit to the hot pit. On the seventh lap Renezeder managed to pass LeDuc and take over the lead at ths: end of Turn 5, and then the yellow flat was waved. It was Renezeder, LeDuc, Douglas, Johnny Greaves and Troy Herbst, who was looking a good deal faster this week-end than he has in the past. This time they watered during the "Competition Yellow", which lasted for three laps. Only the pavement was left mostly dry. They actually tried for a restart on Lap 9, but quickly threw another full course yellow, say-ing ''it was not a clean start." The next try worked, and Renezeder, LeDuc, Douglas and Greaves were still the lead four. Greaves had body work hanging, including a fender, which he seemed to be running up onto from time to time. When it came off it flew at Douglas, but seemed to cause no harm. On Lap 13, Greaves passed Dou-glas for third place, and then went by LeDuc and into second on the next It was a fifth place finish for Rina Navera in Single Buggy on Saturday, he took the win in the Sunday event. lap. Baldwin, who'd moved up to fifth, got into the start of Turn 1, hit something, came to a sudden side-ways stop, nearly rolled, but saved it. But it did flatten a rear tire. Greaves, meanwhile, had gone past Renezeder into the lead, and then they were side-by-side off the table top. Greaves stayed in front through Turns 2 and 4, but he spun in Turn 5, and Renezeder, Douglas and LeDuc all passed him to finish in front of him. Said Renezeder at the podium inter-view "I wasn't gonna let it go down easy!" Greaves said he'd "run into . something", and had broken a front axle, so he couldn't make that last turn. Sunday's qualifying runs had been made dramatic by the efforts of Scott Douglas to get his transmission to shift properly. He kept backing up and trying over and over, but it never performed correctly. Everybody qualifie~ each day, because Saturday's events and Sunday's events are scored as completely separate events. So if Saturday was a bad day, it won't drag down the better scores made on Sunday. On the other hand, if Saturday is a great day, Sunday can still be total misery. And that's how it looked for Douglas. Sunday was starting out pretty poorly. Sunday's Pro'4 race featured 15 trucks and started at about 3:20 p.m. Cenni got the hole shot, but Johnny Greaves then charged to the front, with Cenni second and Rick Huseman in third place. On the second lap Kyle LeDuc tipped over on his side in Tum 5, and lost a lap in the process. He was uprighted and went on, with his roof flapping. Huseman moved into second place on the second lap and Cenni dropped to third, and then Josh Baldwin moved into third, and Cenni was fourth. They stayed in that order for five laps, as Carl Renezeder gradually moved up into fourth. Troy Herbst pulled out on the sixth lap. The eighth and ninth laps were Competition Yellow laps, and on the tenth they held their positions, but on Lap 11 Greaves suddenly slowed and everybody went by him. Liter-ally. Now it was Huseman, Renezeder, Curt LeDuc and Scott Douglas at the front of the pack. And on the 14th lap LeDuc had moved up to second, with Douglas third, as Renezeder developed a left rear flat and spun out in Turn 1. He lost ten positions and headed for the pit and a new tire. Huseman continued to lead with LeDuc in second and Douglas third, and Douglas was working hard to get around LeDuc. On the white flag lap it was Huseman, LeDuc and Dou-glas, with Steve Barlow running fourth. As they rounded Tum 5, the last turn of the last lap, Barlow tagged LeDuc and spun him, and went on past. Huseman took the win, Barlow was second, Douglas third and LeDuc fourth. Douglas, who'd had to change a converter and transmis-sion between qualifying and the race, was happy about his finish. LeDuc was not a happy person. Greaves said he'd had a "ticking", and then it de-veloped into a "clunking", and that had been the end of his race on Lap 11. There were Kart races on both Saturday and Sunday, for both Scott Douglas flew his Ford to a secant/ and a third place finish in Pro 4 he's only 9 points out of the point lead. Dusty Times August 2008 Todd Arthur was a long 23rd place finisher on Saturday, he took the win in UTV in the Sunday event, seen here in the air. Geoffrey Cooley corners hard in his Kart Jr 2, he finished second on Saturday, took the win on Sunday and leads the point race. modified and non-modified types. In one of the modified events, Parker Grabowski got the win. The 15 year old, who plans to race in a Pro Lite. truck next year, was given the check-ered flag so he could celebrate. He proceeded to do some donuts on the straight in front of the grand-stands, and then, as he whirled around, one tire caught some pave-ment, and his Kart rolled over. 103 PRESS LANE SUITE 4 CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 There was a collective gasp from the audience and a moment of silence as they wondered ifhe was o.k., and then the checkered flag projected · out of the inverted Kart and contin-ued to wave madly, still celebrating his victory. He's a second generation racer, and will certainly be an en-thusiastic and committed Pro Lite driver. We look forward to watch-ing him next year. ~ (619)691-9771 (866)891-9171 TOLL FREE (619) 691-0803 FAX Page 45 -

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ALCAN WINTER RALLY Going TD TIie End Of All Roads TEXT & PHOTOS: JEFF ZURSCHMEIDE Team Mitsubishi Outlander ready to roll on the Caribou Highway in beautiful British Columbia. Adventure rallying is one of the fastest growing motorsports in the world, yet it remains relatively un-known. But thanks to events like the Akan 5000 Winter Rally, the sport gets bigger every year. The Akan is a ten day, 5,000 mile competition that takes participants from Kirkland, Washington to the tiny village ofTuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories, located about 200 miles north of the Arctic Circle. Competi-tors make the trip in ordinary cars and SUVs outfitted with winter tires HE and a few key safety items such as two-way radios and tow straps. Preparing for Adventure If you want to make it to the far north in February, and more im-portantly make it back, you have to have the right stuff. That starts with a car as reliable as the sunrise be-cause where you're going even the dawn fails in winter. "We chose to go to the Arctic in a Mitsubishi Outlander", said Gary Bockman of Portland. "We wanted a car that would be tough enough • Slows forwurd motion in tire event al a crash • Allows head movement • No mnbetsome collar to wear • Quick, one-lime adjustment • Does not l,ook iJllo lap bell • Reduces aect tensioa by 45-10% • Great for all types ol motor rodag, especially where driver d,anges are common T■P DRIVERS UTIUZIN& THE D•CEl George Seeley • Ed, Tim & Troy Herbst • Larey "LR" Roeseler Mark Post • Nick Baldwin • Jerry Whelchel • Alan Mfueger Jason & Josh BD/dwin • Rick, Randy & f onny Wilson Mike Julsrm • Bab Loftoo • Mark & Gary Weyhrich • Dave Ashley · Don Smith • Kyle Taylor • Gus Vildosola • Rob MacCadiren nnu,111,HJ 7 1 ·••: , •••. 7i,1iiE1r 1.BDIJ.'7ll0..2350 • Fax 909.360.0436 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma$ CA 91752 Page 48 to stand up to the north country in winter, and comfortable enough to make it fun." Bockman and his team chose a pair of 2007 Outlander XLS cross-over utility vehicles. With limited-slip AWD, heated leather seats, GPS navigation, a hard-disk MusicServer, Y6 engine and paddle-shifted 6-speed transmission, the Outlanders were just what the team wanted to be comfortable on their adventure. Drivers on the Akan overwhelm-August 2008 Crashing through a snowbank while racing near Whitehorse in the Yukon Territory. ingly choose All Wheel Drive cars, trucks, and SUVs. Among cars and SUYs, Subaru, Mitsubishi, BMW and Audi are the most popular brands. Some teams chose GMC and Dodge 4WD trucks, and more than once ended up pulling cars out of the snow. One team braved the north country in an elderly Saab 900 Turbo as the sole entry in the rally's 2WD class. A good car is necessary, but not by any means sufficient to carry you through to the ends of the earth. "We made some changes, start-ing with pulling the third row seats and dropping the convenience spare out from under the rear end to lighten the cars and free up some space for gear", Bockman said. Af-ter taking out everything a pair of H3R "clean agent" fire extinguish-ers, emergency triangles, and tow straps. Then they tossed in a full set of tools and cold weather supplies. Of course, the preparation also in-cluded a complete set of battery, oil pan, and engine block heaters. "We knew that the Arctic ice was going to be different from snow and ice at home, so we opted for stud-ded Hankook Winter iPike tires. We read a lot about the effectiveness of stud less ice and snow tires, but from the number of studless cars we saw slipping and spinning on the Arctic ice, we're convinced we made the right choice", Bockman says. Two full size spare tires ended up on the roof of each car, conveniently carried in a "Mule" basket from Baja Rack. Ten gallons of emergency fuel supply also went topside. The Arctic gets seriously dark in the winter time, and with only about six to eight hours of daylight at that time of year, the team wanted some heavy-duty driving lights. They solved that problem with a set of High In-tensity Discharge rally lights from KC HiLites. "We chose one broad beam and one spotlight to give a good range and scope of light at night. Per rally rules, the extra lights all went off with the car's high beams, and we installed an extra switch for separate control", Bockman says. To keep the stock headlights safe, Bockman covered the Outlander's stock HID headlights with a race car driver's secret - thick, clear polyure-thane "helicopter" tape. This is the same "Clear Shield" material used to deflect rock chips from the paint on a car's nose. "Comparing our perfect headlights to our cracked and pitted windshield, the stuff was worth its weight in gold", Bockman says. But on a trip to the Arctic, the right gear for people is just as im-portant as for cars. "We chose Co-lumbia Sport wear's Titanium line of winter clothing, from furry hats to heavy duty glacier boot. We ex-pected to spend some time out of doors up there, so we really wanted to have the right clothes up on the ice", Bockman says. What It Takes to Win To claim victory on the Akan Rally, competitors must master three challenges. Most of the event is scored as a traditional time-speed-distance rally, testing competitors' ability to stay on course and on time over a given distance. This is where the rally is won or lost, yet it's the least taxing element of the competi-tion. Ice Racing is also factored into each team's score, and in this arena a fast car and a steady hand can help make up time lost on the road. Endurance is the third obstacle, and the factor that makes this rally unique. Ten days of marathon driv-ing under harsh and often unpre-dictable conditions is hard on people and machines alike, and the Akan Rally is subject to some of the most extreme weather conditions in the most remote regions of North America. In order to win the event, a team must make it to the finish line under their car's own power. "It's the challenge of both com-peting and completing the rally. The Arctic in winter is a magical experi-ence. Not a lot of people get the chance to see that", said Paul Eklund of Tigard, Ore. At the Top of the World "If you survive the first three days of the rally", says past winner Greg Hightower from Seattle, Washing-ton, "then you get to the fun part." The Dempster Highway strikes out northeastward just outside of Dawson City. Rally officials caution everyone to top off fuel tanks at the highway junction. Fuel is critical be-cause apart from the rough gravel of the highway, there are no towns for the next 250 miles. Works of man are easily forgotten, however, because the works of nature are ev-erywhere and spectacular. Each crest on the route shows more and more of the wilderness -at times you can see for 50 miles in any direction and not an inch of it has been measured, marked, or fenced in. The panorama of snow-covered hills rest under a wide blue sky; it's clear and cold this time of year. This is old country; mountains and rocks alike are weathered and worn down in this region. The landscape is the work of wind and water and ice grinding away for millennia. Trees grow stunted and narrow, when they grow at all, on the south-facing slopes. Ponds, lakes, and streams flash in the sunlight because the ice has been polished to a diamond shine by blowing snow and dust. Reaching the Arctic C ircle feels like a real achievement. Yes, it's just a 2500 mile drive from Seattle, but it's a particular 2500 miles that not many people choose to cover -espe-cially in winter. The Arctic C ircle Dusty Times

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Team photo at the Arctic Circle monument, 66 degrees, 33 GPS view, driving across the Beaufort Sea into the mouth of the minutes north. monument stands absolutely alone on the tundra. It's an informative and picturesque structure, set on an absolutely desolate rise with noth-ing but distant mountains in view. The rallyists spend the night in lnuvik, Northwest Territories after they cross the Arctic Circle. The end of the next day will find them far-ther south again, but only after they make the trip to Tuktoyaktuk. The tiny town is as far north as you can drive in Canada; it's the end of all roads. There are towns farther north, but you can't reach them in a car. And Tuk can be reached by car only in winter, using the ice road. The ice road covers 100 miles of the Mackenzie River and then nine miles across the surface of the Beau-fort Sea. The rally left lnuvik early, to catch the dawn at the top of the world. But as the cars came to the south end ofTuk, the full moon was settling into a strange conical hill in the middle of the flat tundra. The pre-dawn twilight of the Arctic is more blue than gray, and the yellow Dusty Times McKenzie river. moon sinking into an apparently misplaced volcano looked like a gift from the lnuvialuit gods. The hill is a geographical oddity known as a pingo, peculiar to per-mafrost areas. Pingos are formed by water welling up from beneath the frozen tundra. As the water hits the cold surface and freezes, it pushes up a perfect cone of earth and ice. Some of these Pingos reach heights of 200 feet and over a mile in diameter. After moonset, the parade of rallyists crossed town and came to the end of the road monument for more pictures. Then the sun cracked the horizon and for the second time in 15 minutes, there was a visual drama unavailable anywhere else on Earth. The sun rises over the frozen ocean in shades of red, peach, and bright yellow, and the blue-tinted landscape shifts into the plain light of day. The Long Way Home After the visit to Tuk, the rally winds back through lnuvik and down the Dempster and Klondike highways. Shortly the route turns and heads southwest on the Alaska Highway, back into British Colum-bia and the Liard Hot Springs. The Liard River Lodge is a charming rough-hewn log building. True rus-tics can choose to save a few dollars and stay in one of the primitive cab-ins with a woodstove and outdoor plumbing. But people don't come to this place for a fancy room -they come for the hot springs at the end of a long, hard road. Across the highway and about a half mile down a narrow boardwalk, the hot springs are open 24 hours a day. Apart from a set of changing rooms and some steps down into the pond, the spring is just as it was made by nature. Admission is free and the water is hot-and stinky. The springs smell of fire and brimstone. But that's all part of the experience, and the water is hot. After eight days living in a car and staying in a different hotel every night, an hour spend soaking in hot water is just what the doctor ordered. August 2008 Eternal ice and snow with an occasional shrub for a dab of color. It's Not All About Winning After everything they've seen and thousands of miles under their wheels, the question of who won the rally might seem almost beside the point. But the people on the Akan really are among the top rallyists in North America, and they care deeply. This year's rally was won by past champions Greg Hightower, Gary Webb, and Russ Kraushaar in a Subaru lmpreza. The team finished ten days of competition with just 39.1 seconds of error. "The Alcan beats people down but if you look around you find a lot of goals being accom-plished. I think everybody had rea-son to be proud", Kraushaar said. Together with his rally partner, Kala Rounds of Portland, Ore., Paul Eklund won the Stock Odometer class in his Subaru Forester. In this class, competitors are limited to the car's stock speed and mileage equip-ment and a pocket calculator to de-termine correct time and speed. Eklund also dominated the ice rac-ing portion of the event. Bockman's Team Mitsubishi Akan performed well. Both cars fin-ished on the podium in their com-petition classes. April Smith, Marcus -Song and Kevin Poirier drove their Outlander to a fourth place overall finish, and second in the computer-equipped class. Bockman, Matt Ta-bor and this writer finished third in · the Stock Odometer class. In the end, the people who run the Alcan 5000 Winter Rally are not terribly unusual. They're com-puter programmers and diesel me-chanics and accountants. What makes the people on the Alcan ex-ceptional is simply that they made the decision to go! To point the car where other people don't and drive it until the road ends. Adventure rallyists pursue unique experience in the company of kindred spirits, who by the end of the road have become fast friends. The next Alcan Winter Rally is scheduled for 2012. To find out more about the adventure, visit Page 49

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Sr CHUPACABRA LOCO MOCOS TO THE RES-CUE! LOCOS MOCOS TO THE RESCUE! Readers, Fans, Booby Trap Engi-neers and Racers, here is a BAJA JONES PIT #3 BAJA 500 Story we just had to publish as we all work as a team to supply the best Pit Service to International Racers. Also, everyone that stopped at Pit #3 for the Baja 500 had their lives saved by Stuart who made everyone shower down to stay wet and cool to survive the 120 degree heat through the desert for the next 100 miles. Thank you Wise One Stuart and your Desert BAJA 500 Commandos at LOCO MOCOS. TC/LOCOS MOCOS-SCORE Tecate Baja 500 CHAOS, CAR-NAGE and FREE pit repairs! T winkies too! A few of us from the shop made the annual pilgrimage south of the border for the SCORE Tecate Baja 500. We were donating tools, labor and motivation to over 280 racers in the motorcycle, car & truck classes .. For a few years Locos Mocos has been assisting the Baja Pits racer support program through a joint effort cre-ated by one of the Team Locos Mocos pioneers Stuart, aka "Baja Jones". TC enjoys giving back to the race commu-nity and we offer our services at these pits as long as the calendar permits. You cant beat the trails in Baja, the food or the camp fire stories. We were scheduled to hook up with part of the team off Highway 3 at noon on Friday and then hit the race course at MM 104 to prerun the no-torious "summit". Our scheduled pit and fuel location was MM 134, pit Page so #3 in the Baja Pits support chain. The TC crew took the opportunity to run some added miles in the dirt, crossed at the Tecate border'and headed outh via Old Compadre trail to the meet-ing location. Alternator woes had us at a parts store before we ever hit the dirt. To play it safe we purchased a Mexico modified spare alternator for Jeremy's truck. Extra precautions were taken since we were headed to such a remote location. We had blue bird skies and a few packs of directional traffic in trucks and on dirt bikes along the trail. We met 4 other vehicles to prerun the summit section via the race course at noon. The prerun to the pit went flawless for our crew, but as you can see from our action in the pit, and afrer the race, some of the racers and crew members were not as fortu-nate. "Baja Jones" who could be Cap-tain Kirk on Star Trek ship Enterprise, handles all the logistics and trailer transport. He gathered nearly40 tire, 7.5 drums of fuel, 7 dry brake & 5 regular moto cans, the welder, RED-D-ARC generator, and a few other crates filled with equipment. "Baja Jones" and our 2008 Baja 500 LM officially elected President "Bethel", made the trek via the highway then on the race course to our remote pit. The custom fabricated team trailer is the backbone of the pit program consid-ering it also transports the food for the 30 people who would participate with pit support. Casually late, hear-rived to a camp causing chaos. BCG 7 was lighting off rockets like it was the 4th ofJuly. The crew remaining crew was starved and had been living on barley pops and travel snacks since the taco shop we ate at that afternoon in Valle de Trinadad. Race day proved to be punishing. At 5am a-Weatherman (Who Loves Dennys to.) radio transmission re-ported a booby trap at MM40 where locals built a rock kicker. With the bikes getting ready at the starting line, the hair on the back of your neck was red &.blue -6 st$5.99 -8 st $6,99 -10 sf $9.49 -12 st $10.99 ~ CilJEfEI31) [filfil 20ft. Lenghts -6 20ft. $93.40 -8 20ft. $107.20 -10 20ft. $128.20 -12 20ft. $185.20 High Misalignment Adapters red & blue -6 45$12.99 -845 $13.99 -10 45 $16.99 -----1245$21.84 red& blue ! -6 90 $12.99 ' -8 90 $14.99 -10 90 $15.99 ------1290$21.84 Complete L.ine of New Hampshire Ball Bearings, Inc. Weld-in Bungs 2865 GUNDRY AVE. standing! We took friendly monetary wagers on first bike pit times and trucks. Within hours another SCORE event would begin, it would claim race victims, destroy baja dreams, create new winners, and etch its mark on the skin of every dusty Baja 500 attendee. The summit was brutal on race August 2008 SIGNAL HILL, CA 90755 day. We had 8 full hours of action packed pit services. 30 second fuel stops for bikes with dry brake fuel fillers and a 30 minute rear trailing arm welder repair. We had an air filter change on a quad and several honks and thumbs ups from racers. Tourist racers as well classify them, pulled in and utilized the LM water tank to cool off from the heat and contemplated pulling out in front of the class l cars and trophy trucks. Ohhh!!!!, Did we tell you that we were in the middle of the 120 de-gree desert that only supports Pet Rocks! At times we were 3 deep with pit action keeping everyone on they're toes. We also had class 7 racer "TB Walsh" need radiator assistance at dusk. The last 2 cars through the pit were class 11 's, plucking away at each · mile of the SCORE Tecate Baja 500 destined to finish within the time limit! With the sun now setting a mo-torcycle recovery team decided to camp with the crew instead of pro-ceed down the race course. We con-vinced the driver it would be safer. Chase vehicle flats, no spares, racer and passenger fatigue, and the Lo-cos Mocos camp serving fresh cooked food convinced them to ex-pire till early the next morning. The Locos Mocos Survival Commandos even refueled and refreshed the bike and rider logoed with bike. This rider was determined to finish the race and with Stuarts Wisdom, the rider and bike finished within the time limit under 20 hours SOLO. Leaving the pit Sunday on the race course, TC's project Toyota Tundra busted the spider gears in the rear cliff. Running desperately low on water from the excessive heat the day prior, the team pulled off and unloaded a few items to lend assistance to TC with repairs. Within an hour we were capable to proceed. Since the Tundra is 4wd we were able to remove the broken gears and drive back to the states using 4wd and only the front cliff. It was a handful on the road but its another reason I prefer retaining 4wd in my prerunner trucks. It's been a few weeks since the race, and I must admit I miss Baja already. This team is comprised of industry personal, retired men i\.nd women, RV owners, ex racers, weld-ers, CEO's, professors, AAA card holders, "Dust to Glory Club", pi-lots, current racers and pure enthu-siasts. It's a group of friends who love to donate experience. Our mis-sion every race is to assist ANY RACER who needs our pit services or just some more mental motiva-tion to make it another mile, or ever better the checkered flag. Thanks to the crew for another awesome Baja adventure! And for all the Baja 1000 hopefuls, "see ya in the dirt!" N-Chaos BAJAPITS/LOCOS MOCOS also serviced racers who may have not gotten enough pit services along the race course or chase trucks that may have broken. We will help even crazy people who just broke out of the men-tal hospital that are in the desert dur-ing the race. We can see many BAJA related videos on that leads us to do something fun for our readers to do after they get home from work and are surfing on the internet. BAJAPITS is a great way for you to get youer friends involved with Baja Racing. We want all ages from Grand-pas/Grand mas to grand children to experience the Baja Racing Culture whether it be Baja Dirt racing/p~t-ting/just watching or Mexican Rally Races with 1965 or older cars on the mainland of Mexico. It's a family gig and we encourage you to bring who ever can make the trip. Besides, on the way home you can get some really cool stuff at the US/Mexican Bor-der Crossings for your home like Elvis Statues, Piggy Banks, Hanging Veg-etables, and Cookie Jars. Dusty Times

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Now we have a special treat for the "FIRST PERSON" who can tell BAJAPITS "WHAT VIDEO" on has the term "BAJA 1000" spoken in it. You will get a $25.00 Gift Certificate from BAJAPITS for a "Grand Slam Breakfast" at DENNY'S. Jay Lenos Garage website has some great edu-cational videos of the Past. Present and Future Engine Powered Ve-hicles, Aircraft, Tools, Restoration/ Maintenance Techniques and Pres-ervation Products. It's a wealth of knowledge for vehicle information on this very well done up to date website? I must say it is a 5-Star World Class Quality Motorhead, Gearhead, Racer, Auto, Aircraft, Motorcycle, and Steam Engine en-thusiast site!!! Kinda like BAJAPITS and LOCOS MOCOS. Please send your answer to or call Carlos (He Likes Denny's Breakfast Meals) And, ls the coming to the BAJA 1000 ? Better make sure and e-mail Julie in Orange County, Looks like the Internationally Known, Big, Pink, Plushed out, Movfo Star, Heavy Duty Hummer Truck made it on Can Julie make time for us and bring The Pink Hummer to the Baja 1000 November 20, 2008? Better ask Julie. So much for you Baja Fans and all the broken farmers fences, ran over quads, bumped motorcycles and thick dust from Trophy Trucks, Silt Bed Crybabies, Lost phones, crushed rims, over heated motors, I need to get back to my BAJA Gold Mine I live in and do more planning for the Best Baja 1000 yet to come. E-mail Dusty Times me with questions as I will respond late at night when the rest of you sleep. You can also put up a personal web site on and then network with the rest of us off roaders. And we are still waiting for Motorcycle 506X to be returned to it's rightful Owner. Yours Truly Sr Chupacabra at Next month we will have a story on a SOLO Racer. Please send YOUR stories to me so I can pub-lish them. Racers, Fans, Booby Trap Engineers, Mechanics, Wives, Power Puffs, Chad and Mary at and whatever else we can share with YOU the reader that ROCKS your world, (get it (ROCKS!!!! BAJA has ROCKS!!!) HA HA HA HA HA HA). Carlos Orozco -President of In-ternational BAJAPITS and his Rock On, Race On Pit-crews who keep our greatly appreciated Racers Fueled up would like to thank all of Our Sponsor's and Supporters BFGoodric:li res BFGoodrich Tires Captures its · 13th Consecutive SCORE Baja 500 Win in One of the Closest Finishes in SCORE History ENSENADA, Mexico -June 3, 2008-BFGoodrich Tires, the offi-cial tire sponsor for the SCORE Desert Racing Series, reigned su-preme on Mexico's Baja Peninsula last weekend earning the top-three overall finishing spots and eight class wins at the 40th Annual SCORE Baja 500 in Ensenada, Mexico. Facing 289 starting entrants, BFGoodrich Tires solo driver, B.J. Baldwin, put forth a hero's effort to capture his first SCORE Baja 500 overall four-wheel trophy-truck crown at round three of the five-race SCORE Desert Series. Baldwin battled through 441.15 miles of dust-filled desert in his Chevy Silverado trophy-truck to cross the line in nine hours, ten minutes, and 47 seconds at an average speed of 48.06 miles per hour. Baldwin's vic-tory was the closest in history of the heralded event, a mere seven seconds over the reigning SCORE trophy-truck championship team of Mark Post and Rob MacCachren. In fact, the veteran duo actually finished first physically in the elapsed-time race in their BFGoodrich Tires equipped Ford F,150 trophy-truck but the corrected-,time results revealed their second place finish as Baldwin started 60 seconds behind but came across the finish just 53 seconds af-ter Post and MacCachren. Third-place overall went to two-time SCORE Baja 500 winner Brian Collins and his new teammate Chuck Hovey. The pair finished 15 minutes behind Baldwin in their Dodge Ram trophy-truck giving BFGoodrich Tires the top-three overall.finishing spots in the race. Arriving at the finish line on BFGoodrich Baja T/ A lllKR tires, "This win is massive. It is very impor-tant to me,• said Baldwin. "I've had a handful of trophies, but what r don't have is that Montezuma thing, the first overall in a SCORE Baja race. That's what I always wanted.• Another incredible accomplish-ment came on behalf of legendary off-road racer and revered Baja vet-eran Rod Hall, who became the all-August 2008 time winningest driver in the history of the SCORE Baja 500 by earning his 18th class win and remains un-defeated in SCORE races this year. Hall and co-driver Mike Winkel, pi-loted their BFGoodrich Tires shod Hummer H3 to first place in the Stock Mini class in a time of 14:42:54. Hall, 70, finished an hour and a half after his youngest son Chad Hall, who won the Stock Full class in a BFGoodrich Tires equipped Hummer H3 in 13:09:53 for his first win in the SCORE Baja 500 and .second class win this sea-son. Using motorsports as a prov-ing ground for more than 30 years, BFGoodrichlll Tires is involved in every type of racing, including oval, sports car, drifting, drag, desert, dirt, rally (Dakar and WRC) and extreme rock-erawling. BFGoodrich Tires combines technological exper-tise with vast motorsports experi-ence, delivering a high,performance tire for every type of vehicle. Visit BFGoodrich Tires online at 45SS Rnril-y Dr. Scrit,: A • Putatcllu. 10 • &31:el t..stO-RLl!l.JU8 • •w-wMwudndk.tq DONATE YOUR VEHICLE TODAY: THE MOST IMPOR-TANT MILES ARE YET TO COME POCATELLO, ID (July 8) -There is a new way for enthusiasts to support the BlueRibbon Coalition's efforts to protect rec-reational access. Vehicle owners can now turn their unwanted but us-able vehicles into valuable contri-butions. Vehicles can be donated at any time, and the process is easy. The proceeds of each donation benefit the BlueRibbon Coalition, an organization devoted to "Pre-serving our natural resources FOR the public instead of FROM the public." Vehicles for Charity, a division of the Metropolitan Association for Retarded Citizens, also a 501(c)(3) organization, acts as the agent for the contribution ( The BlueRibbon Coalition uses support from the vehicle donation program in its ongoing efforts to protect public access to public lands, and promote safe and re-sponsible recreation on public lands. The process is simple. Just call 1-866-628-2277 to speak to a repre-sentative, or visit our vehicle dona-tion website to learn ho\\: to begin the process on line ( The vehicle is usu-ally picked up in 3-5 days at the donor's convenience. Please pro-vide a clean title and make sure the vehicle has no major damage. A re-ceipt for the donation will be sent as a follow-up in the mail, which can be used for tax purposes. Unwanted but usable vehicles are accepted, including cars, trail-ers, trucks, motorcycles, ATVs, snowmobiles, personal watercraft, boats, RVs, etc. Some restrictions apply. Call 1-866-628-2277 for more information. Contact: Jack Welch, Special Projects Consultant, BlueRibbon Coalition Phone: (303) 279-8436 or Cell (303) 324-7185, Fax: (303) 279-8214, Email: brjack_ Page 51

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Air Cleaners for Off-Road Racing. From Baja to Dakar. For a list of dealers visit our website at ,-~ (AIR SER TS~ '----1' * CELLULAR TIRE INSERTS Preliminary announcement: new technology that flat-proofs / blowout-proofs pneumatic tires. Please go to: WWW.airsertS.COffl for I information and a video demonstration of AIRSERTS™ Cellular Tire Inserts. ~ OFF-ROAD FUEL CELLS --SCORE• CORR• SODA • MAORA PRERUNNERS •RALLY~ ETC ,, '.rcustom ,i· Sizes Toll Free: 800-526-5330 fax: 201-825- 1962 e-Mall: ..A..22:.. OH·Aoad Fiberglass • Off.Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages Forcfi'ruck Specialist • 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee. CA 92071 (619)' 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 RACECAR& PRERUNNERS '•' .. :· y · "; CUSTOM. f: . . Tll: 114.119.0IJ,45 JAX:114.219.0171 ,, ~ ·-;,~ .. ~,.....:_al!~ .. ~R u ,~ .. ,.:rf,.;. V ..r r?Y-U John Baker lioce OY~t.::,i • R~?rac,. ·~r<J~ • Fl!leri;,s:m 15!21 Grohom Slreef • Hun1ington !looch, CA 916•? Phone: 714,./;l?J~ • Fw: :,:.i..11S>2-~ 8$0<Mctcnporu.ne1 Get The Word Out About Your Put Your BUSI card Ad In Th.e Good stuff Directory B1B-BB2-DDD4. BRANDWOOD CARS for mid-engines and other applications 602--437-3:107 Custorr. V~hicle Shifter ~:::Wldairllow. -. Nooil ~uiredonlilter~ . Filttt tnd Q1P' ero machined • • Sizes 12" 0t 1 s• lg 19111 • Bin.I. fl'lO!Jnting damps .. • No txt«maJ wl)lda. · . Billet Off Rood PO/'IS · EiiY cleaning finiih. ,w Fiitffl-Spi!ldles. Hvbs 9U~ p...i,,...,.s,,. Swtt.f..,., 9.!071 Ph, (6l9)5~2-J07l. f.tx~ {619)562-0592 C:•£1 ,.Jj::.-~.,._ ' ~ ~ Offroad 1D Street. Prerunnef' to ftaoe .ChU6- 0-ton--Race Prep -All O.neraJ Fabrication ~1 17.-SO LUae St IE Knperta CAt2U5 ~-·°°"' CA US RACING Raceajr Helmets & Accessories Bell, Shoel, Simpson tllower systems & cool boxes .1 ..... 2◄7M 7 .. llool .... ...,_Dr.CW.,,...._ CA 11•1• CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN 39067 ORCHARD ST. CHERRY VAU..EY CA. 92223 PH#. (Nt) ..... 1-8820 products in stock 'Race Provtn Fjibric.ttion: Boatec Fiberglass , Pre-Runners Dimple Dies Desert Trucb Tubing Benders Short Course trudcs B~ valves+tubes Pam-Dakar trucks Sway-bar Arms ALL ALUMINUM 8£AOLOCK WHEELS ANO CONVERBICNS CHAMPION WHIEl:L CC, INC. I 8!137 COl.l..11:R 19 !St) 4 71•21 es LAKII: f!:LBINOl'II!: CA, lil253l WWW.CHAMPIONWHEEL.COM 227 Ollie Pitltor1!SCO San Oemerite, CA 92672

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--FLOATER REAR ENOS• fRONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFF HUBS {805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2056 Hangmg Tree Lane • Templeton, CA.93465 I] Countrywide~ BRAD TIJRPIN HOME LOANS SR. HOME WAN WNSLILTAITT 27805 SANTA MAJ!GARITA PKWY MIS.~ION VIFJO, CA 92691 (949) 291-3158 Cm. (949) 707-2223 0PflCE (866) 379-0298 FAX WWW.HOME.COUNIBYW!Ur:.COM/BRADTUIIPIN 13RAD_TURPIN0COJJNll<YWIDE.COM OFFICIAL RACE FUEI.S FUEL OF NASCAR 1 (800) 54-COSBY COSBY OIL COMPANY• SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA __ ,..,.....,~~~: /..,. ><· ----.i!"!~ ,.-STON RACECAR. SAND~ PRaDQER PREP DESERT MD SHORT COURSE -a-,::..--.._1r1.._.~~--= ... spenallg911._ .......... ......... Bewtand· w..u. ........ ~ ..,..._.,. ltrebler~de . 1a35John f~ Av-e, t.A. ' .a~~9mt, For The Price Of A Phone ca1r And A Few Bucks A Month Your Ad could Be Here 81"8·882·0004 1543 W. 16th Street Long Beach, California 90813 tH:a PBlll'OBllUIOI 1558 No. case• orange, CA 92867 (714) 637-2889 • Fax (714) 637-7352 GREG QUINN CELL (562) 843-4355 (562) 432-3946 (714} 540-5535 FAX (562) 432-7969 We 11• & recommeno RA< IM, f.\<,IM.'i, 1 R..\\'i'\JIS'iltll\S ANO OFfROA11 PART\ . Send orrall for uur ntw catalog SS.00 Offroad • Race Sand Car Parts 9299 W. Olive Ste. 610 Peoria AZ 85345 Phone (623} 433-8643 Fax (623) 243-6368 e-mail: web: BRUCE FRALEY 702365.9055 ••• I-IN-433-CSN HEADFWW MASTERS 2466 S. SANTA FE AVE. #1' VISTA CA. 92084 Adrian PHONE (760) 727-1827

Page 54

/ HONDA riAtaatt · (81'8} 166-6134 (800) 800-6134 FAX (818}'766-9397 $ .SUZUKI ......... ~ ATVS . .. BILL ROBERTSON & SONS, INC. 5626 TUJUNGA AVE. NORTH HOLL YWOPD, CA. 91601 . HUSTLE~ concepTs g., gAJA SHOP (since 1967) r:::u::::c:& c::r:,r::::l5§ ~ ~unr,~ s=a..LJn'l..-a....trn ~1-4 Si:::::iec::~ Vet---=:~ Jeae Rodrigues PH: 714-887-0701 Fu:714-907-0758 71◄ N len!on SI, O<anp,CA, e2ffl Off-Road Race Prep & Fabrication Kevin Jensen Apple Valley, CA (760) 963-4206 Fax (760) 240-5083 Mike Julson 9428 Wheatland• Court Sant-• CA 92071 819-598-33e0 819-SN-3364fax www.,Jlmcontee.co111 George Jimenez Se Hob/a EspafloJ 535 E .. Central Park Ave. Anaheim, CA 92802 Tel: (71◄) 535.5116 Fax: (714) 535-5816 JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Quality Racing Tranaxl11 Mendeola Dealer · Off Road -Sand Specialist JOE GIFFIN (714) 632-1240 fax(714)632-1223 Email: jgtrat\ wwwJG' 306 l E.. ui Jolla St. #I Anaheim. Califomia 92806 Lonely Long Advertising Term Space Relationship Looking Call For (818) 882•1114 JON KINNE 520 Railroad St., Corona, CA 92882 Tel. 951-278-2233• Fax: 95 l-278-8335• HONDA Equipment OUT IOAJID £NGIN£ • GIENEJIATOR SPECWJS'f Kawaguchi Honda Corp. www.Kawaguchibonda,.com ART KAWAGUCHI 3$32 U.ST :MID ST. fax 323--264-2136 I.OS AHGEUS. ¢A tOOli3 323-284-6868 POWER E STEERING THOMASE. LEE LEE MFG. CO. 11661 P£NDLET~6TREE't SUN WJ.EY, ~91S FAX {818} 'NJI.M7 {818) 7-.«m A 1ull lineof Pl:Jww's...rinv9'1f1l. pumptatld~-~ type of f111Cil'l9. Mllgnettwc and Zygio tdltiM IY&ilable.. . •customChallis •Rac:ePJ9t) •Aluminum Worll ~ Engineering *Mlgntflux FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 (909) 596-5497 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major , 1 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 Race $elds • Restraints• Stora941 J;ll,gs Window Nets• Limit Straps• Tie Downs 11433 Woodside Avenue• Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455 • Fax: 619/449-9454 • Custom Alternators mD~~-• Complete Wiring • Custom Fab N : · • Exhaust & Muffler www. McKenzies. com • Prep & Finish Work OFFROAD IS OUR BUSINESS Derelll Kreger PH: 114.289.9048 Fl: 114.631.7854 1214 N. Parker Unli #3 Oranue. CA 92861 8~7 E. OrangethorpeAve. Ste.A ph 714-441-1212 An heim CA, 92801 fx 714-441-1622

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f,f './J'7:r}.R¢t7ff'$WO.£i CERTIFIElJ ,4(}/170 At4'7#AFLtl)(© (JERTIF/El) cff'#OT PEE/41/#'7 1695 CACTUS RD. T. (619) 710-8800 SAN DIEGO, CA 92154 P. (619) 710-1640 TcalDwler 1900 Comptoo Ave. SI.lite 101, Cocooa. CA 92881 · Phone (951)817--0101 Ext.156 619-562-5533 Off ROtJd rabricatitm 1111d l>#ig,r --®( ... TioseBillti FUMtion/Strengflr/Safety/Pride. • Sand Cars MOIM by Htmd ltt flle ll,SA • Tl'\IJCks • Ao,ce tors JOHN MOSEI.EY · ~ 236 J'o.son Court · CoroM. CA 92879 951•27Z-3026 FClX 951•272-0776 • ~ly Ccn Ownu</Fobricotor •CustOll'I • •4,-:14 t••1.,•,,-VOUR COMPLETE IGNITION SOURCE AU"':0"':.RONIC CONTROL.& CORPORATION 149(! ~ .. -iF.NAV SAENNAr--1 OR. , El. PASO, TX 799:313 t91SI QS1.~::>otl • (H'>! l!NF 1!1151 65t>-7123 • vlSlr OUi> W£8 SITE· ,,.,,., msa,g,,°"".com OFF-ROAD RACE PREP Custom Fabrication Mig & Tig Welding *" Mow Offering ** Aluminum Body Work Off-Road & Sarldca, Tire Mounting Chassis Setup Beadlocks, TUbes, lnnerJ .. in~ .. Shock Tuning Trre Grooving WWW.MYERS.RACING.COM 116! Myers Racing 1r/Vers 15222 Connector! ~C7M Huntmgton Beach, CA 92649 '.:cv Tel: 714--893-8106 Off-Road Rac"ervices Fax: 714--893-8123 TUBE BENDERS ¼" TO 3" 0.0. Capacity Models Starting at $279.00!!!! M-TECH SUPPLY TUBE BENDERS • PIPE BENDERS • TUBE NOTCHERS RING ROLLERS • COU> SAWS • ABRASIVES 4S0-7i!6-2S76 We aui Beadlock <!i-· --__,_.....,....._ ;~u .. R&::;~ PJPf.-J I. AlJTOMOTJVE applicationt Parts for: POLISHED & COLORED FINISHES SCALLOPEO OR CONVENTIONAL Reinforcin1i Rinp Alco Avcnlabfe Phone - (951) 354-8272 WWW .OMfPERfORMANCE. co~ Dune Buggy " Race Car• VW Engine • Subaru Engine Parts Custom Machine Work & Fabrication 1-800-231-8156 2525 East 16th Street • Yuma, AZ. 85365 92$«783-6265• Fax 92$-183-1253 951.360,5906 951.360.0436 fu .I 3834 Wacker &rivt Mir• loru, CA 91m www,parkerpumptr.<om r.,ENHfil:> A8RICATION, INC 1660 Babcod:,8uilcfng 8 · Costa /Mso, CA 92627 TEl 19491 650-3035 FAX 1949f 650-4111 ..,..,.._..lfalt.oom · · p«w' • Radios • GPS • Intercoms • Headsets • • Wired helmets • GPS Protector.,; • 1-877-WEE-RACE www 12221 Poplar St, Unit 8, Hesperia, CA 92345 •~:==-=~· qary <Powe{[ Motorsports: Electrical Design & Manufacturing Sincel988 Ph: (949) 735-9039 Fax: (949) 459-0085 ProJ4' ··'110 ROTRUCK RACING ORGANIZATION A High Perfonnance Spec V8 Race Truck Series 1lle True Driver's Class" Protruck Sales and Promotion W•btlte: Emall: ptOtn.tck@Prodlgy.n•t

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Hi.Performancs Eqwpment Suspen$ion,. 5afety. Drfwli/'16 • Accessori6S (619) 691-9171 (619) 691-9174 (619} 691./J803 (FAX} 103 Pf9$$ Lane. Suire #4 Chula Vista, CA 91910 trmaII: 6i.6306 _,....._..-n:lfl.54:Z.0:Z33 ONLY.COM ...... »re <:rolo St.wart Phone< 61'>-449-97:za Faw,61,._ .. ~ ?6711 Cell: 619-'T.26-a89t Fabrication & Race Preparation 94'9 A.brahom Wvy SantM. CA non \•!',!J'.J.L.~t,J .. ~~~~~!.~"T? crai9(t~om ~ --PH: 114.680.6131 • fl: 714.680.3110 Ta free: 800.304.8128 1 O 15 E. Elm Avenue, Fullerton, CA 92831 Sfleflltrlll 11: ..sw111a1t -111112-111-114 ........ wm get YOO In gear .au••• ...... JUtiU1at11#1 11, .......... llfll 1, ......... . l11tJ 221-<tHJ ra'~ RANCHO DR 1.V ET RAIN ENGINEERING Tony Selva, Jr 41740 Enterprise Circle North Suite 106 Temecula, CA 92590 PHONE 951.296.6163 F11CS!MllE 951.296.2236 t se lva @ranchodrivetrai n. com VALW 1iwN PRoout:rs • Cus1IMf HEAD Womc 7BO/S4S-4B9B • FAX 7BO/S4B 4856 ININMr-RDVALILESPRIIVG.C:C:,IVI -~}}!:. 4lllfl ?!: tdki'? .--, if:?lC: Barry Beacham 1021 Calle Sombra - Unit A San Clemente, CA 92673 Office 949-361-4388 Fax 949-361-4352 A Tatum Distributor Specializing in Ott-Road Racing & DrMng fot Over 21 Yeart Mig Wehling • fig Wekllng Upgrades ti Repairs Baja•Prown Equipment 520-850-3693 Do YOU Need TO E F» INI ...... oiiil!l!ll.-n E!l,$S rr:· or ore Expos.ure Call 818-882-0004 fiiil SANDERS SERVICE1 INC. L?l.Y META~ PROCESSING 5921 Wilmington Ave., Los Anf.t'le,, CA 90001 023) S83-2404 FAX {323) S8l-396S SA.NOBLAS1'-0J.ASS BEAD-MAGNETIC PARTICLE Fl,()UR£SCENT INSPECTION MAR.KSMlTH LAURA S. B. ENGi NEERING "SUPER BQQTU HCR66, BOX 11030 P.AHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV 89048 (775) 372-5335 Tom McKenzie Tel; 562.903.1625 Fax:'562.:7-112$93', . 12345 Florence Ave. Santa Fe Spring$, Ca TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821--{714)-447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 rrc~,.,. .71.:,;,-:. ll II~,... • ,.:,,,,■_ ... .....__ ..-.. .-.-~-RACE LETTE.R-'.n,G JOB SITE SIGtilS • IIA.lltttAS • ~IM)OW lEmRIM. • CAIi lETlElll,'lG • \ilW'HICS SQUEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101 Galway C1rc!e • Huntingto, Beach CA 92649 (714) 897-0075 • Fa, !7141 694-9567 • RACENEI.S t2091941.22s1 {800J 527-6090 Paul _Oil Company FAX 12os1847-9726 P.O. BOil 248 • 524 N. Sierra Ave. 'W ESTERN DlVlSION Oakdale, California 95361

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2180 College Drive• I.Ake Havasu City• AZ.. 86403 Call Toll Free: 877-627~8852 or E-Mail: • Hi Performance Converters Custom Length Aides • • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed H\lbs • (for Race 8t Recreatfon) Input Shafts• American Made Excellence!! . ~ . . . . . .S'.P.. ... . . * Off-Road and Solt-On to Street Fiberglass for:· "Ford, C~evy and Toyota" Trucks • Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1261 N. Baena Vista St. , ffetMt ,ca. 92543 Ph: 951--654-7334 Fax: 951-654•2375 See a Im of ottr pn,ducts,Jlt our web site: http:/ /• 1fft&i& ENGINEERING 9763 Varlet Ave. JEFFFIELO (818) 998-2739 Chatsworth, CA 91311 NS WBST PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES Kevin Pirtle 22545 South Normandie Ave. Torrance, California 90501 (619) 596,•8033 SCORE· EN.GrHE 8UILOER O~Ttt£YEAR 1994~1998, 1999,~ · •• From Parts To comptete engJnea 1000 w . Bradley, Uolt Q Et Cajon, CA 92020 Cartos Orozco 3265 W. Birtcher Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89118 702-837-2522 Race Cars -Throohv Tmcks -Pre-runners Chase Vehicles -Dual Soon Cars (76□} B03·6955 MARC:: WADDELL, PRESIDENT WIREF"Ae@secOLOBAL.NET Performance Trans Eric Flechsig 7(~.i-73 · -9473 Jade Woods '°2•242-0077 fax 601-2•2·7283 TRANS D I S T R I B U ·r O R Off Road Street Trans Lorenzo Rodriguez Parts -Service • Transmissions - V.W. -Porsche Desert. Sand & Drag 850 S. Alta Vista Avenue • Monrovia, CA 91016 (626) 305-RACE (7223) • ··~--·--·--Rllt:E PREP SHOP • BU&&IES • SRfflJCRl:S •SHOCKS • TRUCKS • PRE·RUnnERS • F11BRICRTl0ff 818) '128-2280 ~~RAC World Leading Motorsport Transmission Manufacturer 11 Dakar Rally Victories 17 World Rally Victories 6 AMA MX/SX Championships Xtrac Inc 6183 West 80th Street Indianapolis IN 46278 email: Tel: (317) 472 2454 '383' Baja aass 1/10 sequential Transaxle www ... ~!!:i~&!.!l!;; Trophy Truck solutions available for Lead Customers r ·

Page 58

ClasslRed ••• Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be le-gal for s·ale or use in all 50 states. Readers are advised to consult appropriate local or state authorities for informa-tion before purchase of any ·r . FOR SALE: Lothringer 1600, just race prep this month, FAT Dual Port new 24 miles. New WR Racing Trans, Kings, 16" BFG w/10 spares, SCORE Tagged, Micro, P/steering, disc brakes in rear, new Springs, New arms front & rear, radio, inter-com, CA green sticker. Son is off to college and car is sitting in garage. $24,900.00 OBO. (619) 279-1474. FOR SALE: Pre-Runner to Buy. Fo ddrill 3-4 seat street legal Regis t e re d in Texas, LS6 pump gas 400hp, Fortin w/converter, Fox shocks coil over and by-pass, VDO, Howe, WR coolers, 50 gal cell, Mast er craft , BF on_ JJ w heels, Pro Am hubs and bra kes, Roof rack w/light bar, Race radio w/carbon fi-ber head .sets, XM radio w/ external speakers, GPS, ODO shows 546 miscarbon fiber dash, windshield, a set of spare tires w/wheels, a set of sand tires w/ wheels, chase box, spare parts, single axle open trailer inc. $119,000.00 Negotiable. Cesar Fuentes (915) 726-3823 a fuentes@fuentes 7 .com. mx. FOR SALE: Foddrill 12/ 10, 1835 FAT Plenum motor dry sumped w/dual CompuFire, Mendeola sequential 5 speed w/ i ndicato r by Dave Folts, CNC, turning brake w/bias adjuster, Lightened 934 CV's, Kings done by Webber-3 front bypass, 5 rear bypass, Mastercraft w/adjustable drivers seat, BTR wheels, w/ headlock on wheels, Sweet & Howe Diablo rack, Fuel Safe, cell w/ 1 dry brake & 1 regu-lar filler, Lowrance 6500 C GPS, lcom radio & inter-com, Parker Pumper, Score legal, Aluminum light bar, Prepped by PBW. Contact Steve (928) 442-9285 or Jim (480) 894-1286. FOR SALE: New 2006 Starcraft 30" pull-trailer with slide out. Sleeps 8, includes microwave, sci sor jacks, awning, AM/ FM CD w/ exterior speakers, dual LP tanks and air conditioning, A k-ing $17,500.00. Located at Desert Trails RV Park in· El Centro, C A . Call (760) 352-7275. FOR SALE: 06 Geiser TT new 440 cu Chevy 800 + HP new Turbo 400 Trans, new 3 mem-ber Chrisman Rearend King Shocks, wired by Finish line-2 gps, 2 Flameout, 6 Walker rims on 40" Maxxis tires. $250,000.00 FIRM. Call (602) 421-5386. 2006 Jimco D omina-to r,,400 in. LSl-Redline, Mendeola HD 4, 25" front travel, 27" rear travel, size 30 cv's with sliding axle, TT CNC front hubs, TT rear hubs, Beard, Crow, Fuel Safe 80 gallo n tank, BTW wheels, Toyo tires, All spares and a possible parts deal, $145,000.00 OBO, Jeff Quinn/ McKenzies, 807 E. Orangethorpe, Anaheim, CA 92801, (714) 815-8466. FOR SALE ; New 2332cc-Turn Key Engine Blue Printed-Dyno Tested only. Custom built by Pat Downs of CB Performance. 84x94 Universal Super Case, Welded #3 Cylinder, 84mm Forged Chromoly Crankshaft 5.500 Forged Chromoly H-Beam Rods, Forged Chromoly Light Weight Flywheel, Manton Chromoly Push Rods .. 035 wall thickne s, 94mm Mahle Pisto n/ Cylinder kit, #2246 Camshaft 308 duratio n x 410 lift at cam, 1.1 Ratio Rocker Arms w/swivel feet adjusters, Hardened Rocker Shafts, Billet Distributor lamp, 044 Heads 42 x 37.5 Stainless Steel Va lves, Dual Springs, Chromoly Retainers, Stage 1 Ke nnedy Pressure Plate w/ 200mm Daycon Disc, Bosch 009 Distributor w/Bosch Blu e Coil, Dual 44 IDF Weber Carb kit with CB Hexbar Linkage, Dog-house Fan Shroud w/ high amp Bosch Alternator, 26mm Keyed Oil Pump, Degreed Crank Pul-ley, Chromoly 8mm Head Studs, 94mm Teflon wrist pin buttons, Windage Tubes, Chromoly Straight Cut Cam Gear Assem-bly, 8.5: 1 Compression, and dyno test 195hp on pump gas * $5,500.00 OBO*. Call Tom @ (714) 904-4745 or (562) 903-1625. FOR SALE: 2008 Fortin Rac-ing CORR Pro Buggy, Racer Eng. Chassis, Fortin 4 or 5 speed transaxle, Fortin 930 lighten hubs, Fortin PR2 2.0 power rack, Sparco Seat, Alum & fiberglass bodies, Fox inter-nal; bypass shocks. Complete Ready to Race NOW!!! $65,000.00-Less motor. Call (619) 449-3633. FOR SALE: Pflueger Racing Overall Winning Trophy Truck. Full ground up prep, fresh re-build on Kroyer Racing motor, spare motor (new), many extras, top of the line parts.No expense spared. Ready to race now. $350,000.00. Call shop for de-tails 951-694-9800 FOR SALE: Jimco 2 Sea t 1600, Sco re legal, previo us Sco re points champ, Kings just serviced by Webber, Fres h FAT dual port, Lightweight hoses, OFT Transmissio n, OFT rear hubs, serviceable, Kartek shifter, Mastercraft with ad-ju table drivers seat, Light-ened 930 CV's Fuel Safe w/ dry break, Foddrill Beam & To rs io n h o u sings, New Fo d drill front, arms & spindells, Sway-A-Way, Sweet Saco & Howe, Lowrance 480c GPR lcom, V-8000 and Inter-com, Odyssey Battery, Parker Pumper, CNC Willwood, Dual MSD Ignition, BTR rims Yokohama tires, Sister car to Bekki Freeman Wik, Car com-pleter rebuilt by Foddrill 4/ 06, Spare parts, contact Steve (928) 442-9285 or Jim@ (480) 894-1286. FOR SALE: Penhall 07 Diablo, Redline LS2 , 515hp, Albins 5 speed, Tilton 3 disk clutch, 45 gal cell, ProAm Midboard hubs, 35 spline axles, Walker Wheels, BFG 35" Projects, 300 miles on car, Kenwood 110 watt, Fox 3.5 bypass, HID light bar. Call Jerry (949) 650-3035 $150,000.00. Penhall- Class 1, 2 seater, Race Ready, Score Tagged, Redline LS 1, Fortin wide gear 4 speed, Fox shocks, Pro Am hubs & brakes, Kenwood Radios, GPS, Light bar, 40 gal cell, 35 spline ax-les, 1 owner since turn key built. Car is very, very fresh. $135,000.00. (951) 212-2602. FOR SALE: 2006 Porter Class 1, LS7, 427 C .l., pump gas Redline Motor, 4 speed Fortin, King 10 Yz" GPS, 4 HID's, 2 Halons, police siren, 120 watt Kenwood , spare tires, wh eels, parts, turn brake, Pro-Am, all the best, fresh prep. $135k (56'2) 7 56-9231. FOR SALE: 2000 Ford F550 7.3L Diesel, 6 spd Man, 2WD, 13K Miles, Cab Over Box, 2,5016 Lift Gate, Built-in 60 gallon Compres-sor & 10,000 Watt Generator, Work Bench & storage Shelves, lots of extra features, built as Race Support truck. $20K OBO (310) 930-4842 . •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in IUSt:V== : DUSTY TIMES. . ••~IIUB ~ Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use • of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. 2""° N\ REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED - YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A ~ TIMELY MANNER. Enclosed is $ ______________ (Send check or money order, no Cash) Name ____________________________________ _ Address---------------------------------------------------------------City ------------------------------------------------------------------State _______ Zip __________________ Phone ___ .-----------------------------Please run ad _______ times Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 ISSUE DEADLINE September 08 Aug 8, 08 October 08 Sept 5, 08 November08 Oct 3, 08 December 08 Nov 7, 08 January 09 Dec 5, 08 February 09 Jan 9, 09 March 09 Feb 6, 09 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page 58 August 2008 Dusty Times

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FOR SALE: 2005 Baja Pro Truck, Chassie No. SS-1-044 truck No 299, Chevy body panels. Fresh En-gine and trans. Floor jack/ spare drive line/alternator/steer motor/ tool storage and much more on board. Full equipped, ready to race, the best of everything. Many spare parts. $130,000.00 OBO. (818) 991-9898. FOR SALE: Pflueger Racing Chase Truck. HD Duramax Die-sel 4x4 Dually. Utility bed crew cab, custom tire rack. Leather in-terior. l lO watt Kenwood race ra-dio. KMC Wheels/ BFG A/T tires. Tranny cooler, 50 gallon fuel tank, tow package. Well main-tained, excellent condition. $28,000.00. Call shop for details 951-694-9800. FOR SALE: 2007 Alumicraft Prerun, LS2 500HP, Fortin 4 speed, Bilstein Blackhawk Shocks, Perfect condition, 4 or 3 seat, new style roof, 35" tires, 4 ea headsets. Call Darren at (619) 843-0873, $120k. FOR SALE: Pflueger 38ft. Featherlite Race Trailer. 2 AC units. Lifta Tool & storage cabi-nets. 110 watt Kenwood race ra-dio. Full Canopy with enclo-sures. $25,000.00 OBO. Call shop for details 951-694-9800. FOR SALE: Alumacraft Pre-runner, 4 Seater Set For 3, 4.3 L V-6, 5-speed Mendeola, 50w Roadmaster W /Com, 7" Gps Lowrance, Hid's, 24 Gal Fuel Safe, Pumper, Lots Of Spares, Street Legal, Arizona Plates. Prepped & Ready To Go. $55,000.00. Call Jan Or Steve @ 661-294-1866 M/F 7:30 -4pm. Staats FOR SALE: 73 Thing body/ chrom chassis, CA Street legal, 2.4L Toyota, OFT box, 3x arms, 930 cvs, wide-long beam, King coilovers, Saco, CNC, PIAA, BFG etc, roof rag, ragtop, all new, 500 break-in mi. $40,000.00. Mike (562) 328-3423. 1W FOR SALE: 197 3 Ford F-100 PreRunner Project. Ca-lif. Smog exempt Smallblock 302 Edelbrock Headman 650 cfm, Howe PS, Remote Res, Custom Beams Brack-ets Radius arms, 9" fully trussed National Springs Custom front rear bumpers, Rally lights, Mastercraft, ArtCarr Custom dash Autometer Earls 35 BFG, Spare Smallblock c-6 Ro-tors, big studs Whells new 07 silver paint. Must see. $11,500.00. 858-442-1516 Bryan. FOR SALE: Jimco 2 seat race car, SCORE Tagged, 440 HP L 2, Fortin Wide gear 4 speed, King Shocks, l l0W race radio, Avcomm inter-com, !RC mount and an-tenna, UM! Filters, Pro-Am Hubs, 35 spline axles, 6 Hella HID, driver controlled light bar, 7" GPS, Beard seats, 40 gal fuel cell, Fresh Prep, spare parts, 8 tire and wheels, pit boxe . Only 23 races total on car, 1 owner since turn-key built by Jimco. Call Tim @ (626) 893-1976. $99,000.00 OBO. Fuel Safe, 250 SE Timber Ave, Redmond OR Dusty Times August 2008 FOR SALE: Class 12, 2 seat Chenowth with one race on new FAT motor and 5 speed Mendeola trans, 2" & 3" Fox Shox, BTR bead locks, Pumper, GPS, New Radio, Intercom, paint and light bar with 6 H.l.D.'s, Lots of spares includ-ing: 10 wheels and tires, front arms, Rack, CV's and 2 spare motors, I-Type 4 1835 used for pre-running, ·!-Majors 1835 Type 1 used for short course, Lots of other spares included. Suspension built and main-tained by Foddrill. $45,000.00 takes it all. Call (928) 899-3016 or (928) 717-ll19. FOR SALE: # 16 TT, driven by Cameron Steele & Clyde Stout. Converted Pro Truck, 88" wide, Fox Shocks, Howe R & P steer-ing, 7" GPS, 110 w Kenwood radio & intercom, 65 gallon Fuel Cell, Flameout system, Mogi tranny, new Dougans racing engine. (714) 754-6649, (714) 757-5263. FOR SALE: Pflueger Racing CORR Pro2. Alan's CORR Rookie of the Year winning Pro2. Full ground up prep, minus motor. Just add your motor & go race! $50,000.00. Call shop for details 951-694-9800. FOR SALE: 1994 Home-made gooseneck enclosed race trailer, 39', lifted for clearance, 10,000 lb tan-dem torsion axles, alum sides, 77 ¾" ceiling, fin-ished inside panels, 4kw Kohler generator with shore power, roof mount Coleman A/C 29' of cargo space, 90.5" wide, 85'x74'h ramp door, awning, genera-tor fuel tank, water tank with outside shower, mounted craftsman tool chest, cabinets with work t 9'P , so I a r ch a r g er, ext er i o r lights, carpet, removable screen at ramp door, less than 1,000 miles on new brakes, bearings and hubs, 5 new tires, $9,500.00 (602) 989-2488, (480) 516-0880. LAND FOR SALE: ACREAGE FOR ALE: 20 Acres of pine trees and Joshua, high up in the Tehachapi Mountains. Nestled within the borders of a huge ranch, locked gates ensure your pri-vacy. Two building pads exist with view of the entire Ante-lope Valley. 70 minutes from the San Fernando Valley. Call Don at 661-268-1644. VACATION RENTAL Vacation Rental in the Exclusive Indian Wells Country C lub in the Sunny Palm Springs area of Southern California! 2 or 3 bed-rooms, furnished for your com-plete relaxation and if you are a glutton for punishment, play golf on 1 or both of the beau ti-fu l courses. FYI, wireless internet and long distance phone calls (USA) included. Starting at $4,500.00 in season (Jan, Feb, March, April) or $2,300.00 per month not in sea-son. Call (760) 345-6124. INDLl TO ADVb.12. Tl.:>b.12..:> Baker Precision Racing Products ............. 50 Ballistic B.J. Baldwin Congratulations .......................... 14, 47 Best In The Desert Vegas to Reno .......... 4 Bilek Racing/F&S Racing Congratulations ................................ 51 BORE Wendover 300 ............................. 46 BTR Racing Wheels ................................ 31 Butch's Speed Shop ................................ 34 Competition Air Systems ........................ 25 CORR ........................................ Back Cover Fabtech Dirt Logic Shocks ....................... 41 Fortin Racing ........................................ 50 Fox Racing Shox ..................................... 31 Fuel Safe Racing Cells/Custom Works ...... 59 Hose Smith ........................................... 24 Kar Tek Off Road .................................... 28 Kawaguchi Honda .................................. 42 KC HiLiTES ............................................. 2 King Shock Technology ........................... 26 MasterCraft Seats ................................ 33 McKenzie's Performance Products .......... 11 Mesa Hose ............................................. 20 Mendeola T ransaxles .............................. 30 MOR Productions Lucerne 250/ Superstition 250 .............................. 39 Nevada Off Road Buggy .......................... 35 Off Road Warehouse ............................... 15 Parker Pumper D-Cell Harness ............... 48 PCI Race Radios ....................................... 5 Premium Power Welders ........................ 22 Pull Pall ................................................. 22 Race Prep Services ................................. 32 Racer X Motorsports ............................... 29 Race Ready Products .............................. 45 Robby Gordon Off Road ........................... 12 Ronco Plastics ........................................ 23 Sakata Motorsport Electronics ................ 17 Skyjacker Suspensions ........................... 21 SNORE 250 ........................................... 19 Soltek Light Systems .............................. 43 South Point Casino ................................. 9 Specialty Products Design ..................... 7 Stewart Raceworks ............................... 13 Swift Springs ......................................... 49 T ransaxle Engineering ............................ 10 Vision X Off Road Lighting ....................... 37 VP Racing Fuels ...................................... 16 Page 59 " -

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