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2008 Volume 25 Number 4 Dusty Times Magazine

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Volume 25 - Number 4 April 2008 Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor Jolm Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors Scott Bottomley J. Preston Bradshaw Jim Culp Mike Del Col Nicole Del Col Steve Hilton Victor Oazca Martin Holmes Rod Koch Byrle Moore Steve Ruddick Maurice Selden Darryl Smith Tony Tellier T rackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA., Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contnlmtions: DUSTY TIM.ES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for sud, material. Unsolicited material will be retumed only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N . Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copyright by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address d1ange to DUSTY Tilv1ES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for d1ange of address. Please fumish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., snapshot of the Month ... May 15, 1983, Baja Cross Tom Copper drove his great looking Bug to "1" overall in the Limited Baja Bug Class. ' I; DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each rrxmth. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. U )OU wish the photo retumed, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8xl0 will be oonsidered. In This Issue ... FEATURES BITD Parker 425 by Judy Smith ............................. ....................................... 8 57,h Uddeholm Swedish Rally by Martin Holmes ............................................ 18 MORE Kartek Dash by J. Preston Bradshaw .................................................. 22 SNORE Battle At Primm by John Calvin .................................................... 28 SNORE Annual Awards by Alan P. Madden .................................................. 44 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ............................................................... ................................... 5 Trail otes .................................................................................................... 6 Club Pages ............. ............................................................... , ............... ...... 48 Good Stuff Directory ................................................................................. 52 Classified Ads ................................................................................. ............ 58 Index To Advertisers .................................................................................. 59 ON THI! COVl!R Chet Huffman and Jerry Whelchel drove their Geiser Trick Truck to the overall win at the Best In TI1e Desert Parker 425, they had 10 minutes in hand at the checkers. Photo by -Trackside Photo CJ Hutchins had a wonderful weekend at the S ORE Battle At Primm, he was the Class 10 winner and he took the overall win as well in his great looking car. Photo by Art Eugenio - Trackside Photo Visit Our Website at cSubscribe 7orfa_y lo DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRYII □ 1 year -$25.00 □ 2 years -$40.00 □ 3 years -$55.00 (to subscribe online go to □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name ______________________ _ Address _____________________ _ City __________________ _ State ______________ Zi~.-------,-Primary. Interest C... □ Tracb □ Mauc,cla □ Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian - 1 year $30.00 VS n Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times April 2008 Page 3

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What do you call a person who has been actively involved with the sport of off road 1'acing for almost thirty years? Crazy, ignorant, a glutton for punishment, a masochist, any of the above? Well, I guess you would have to say a bit of all of them, but that's what makes Jean Calvin-unique in this sport. She was sort of conned into the sport in 1969 and it certainly took hold of her. It became her greatest passion in life, the participation, the infonnation she is able to disseminate to the people, the love of racing, the love of driving, the people involved in the sport, but mostly it is the compel-ling urge to succeed, to overcome the obstacles that arise in front of her and overcome them she does. Never known as a quitter, Jean attacked the sport of off road racing with vigor, finding a great outlet for her competitive spirit, racing not only against some other driver, but against the elements themselves. There were days ( and long nights) when the temperature was in three digits, when the silt was so thick you could never even see the hood of the car, when the snow was so deep you couldn't find the race course, when your crew stood out there like frozen fools, listen-ing for "Their" engine, and then watching their driver plow on by, and Jean was one of those drivers, either freezing or sweating or choking or being blinded in the dust and in spite of it all, having the best time in the world because you were racing, off road racing, and there was still one lap to go, or 300 miles to go, it didn't mat-ter, you were where you belonged and you were putting forth your best effort, that too was Jean at all times. Now mind you, Jean wasn't the only driver out there having all that fun, she was one of maybe 450 to 500 active drivers in those days, but she was one of the few women racing the desert and she did her best to beat everybody else out there. Jean raced sports cars with the SCCA for many years before entering the off road world. She had an Austin-Healy Sprite, which was near and dear to her heart and even though it was known as a miserable ill-handling car, she raced it for years, competing against l nd efus. he "lIT ' R " . most y men a r mg to enter t vv omen s aces , racing instead against the good ole boys, who detested her when she beat them to the checkered flag. Jean had her share of accidents and flips, including one five time end over end at Santa Barbara; it destroyed the car ( except for the roll bar) and Jean ended up with a broken nose and a severely wrenched shoulder. However, as soon as possible an-other Sprite was built and she was at it again. Jean entered the off road world when she did an article on Les Choate, owner of Les' s Auto Salvage. Les was involved in the fledg-ling sport of off road racing and offered Jean and her husband a ride in a "Burro" (state of the art for the time) in the upcoming Baja 500 and except for losing a steering box it was a very success-ful race. Jean kept running with Les' s Auto Salvage Team, sharing the driving with Les and his son Eddie in many races over the next few years, until the "F" bug bit, in this case "F" stands for Funco and that was the beginning of part two for Jean in off road racing. Jean made a deal with Gil George at Funco and a brand new single seater was born, a car that was raced to death but came through the flips and the crashes without too much long tenn dam-age. Jean raced the little Funco, mostly in Class 9, then in 1600 and for the most part, enjoyed every minute of it. Lots of help came to her through Dick McCool and Jerry Lawless who always made sure the car was up to par and both these guys shared the driving chores with Jean on numerous occasions. We are unable to count the times Jean has taken the green flag in off road, but racing full time for too many years to mention with SCORE, SNORE, WRA, ARVRA, and many many other sane-. tioning bodies, she has had plenty of seat time in the desert. Jean had worked for Peterson Publishing back in the sports car days, then put out SCORE News for Sal Fish for some time but in, December, 1983 the first issue of Dusty Times hit the presses and the rest is history. Jean knew that the sport of off road racing needed an unbiased journal of the happenings in the desert racing commu-nity and Dusty Times was the answer. With help from her hus-band, Brad Goodrow; Don Goodrow and Jerry Lawless, Dusty Times was born and became another consuming passion in Jean's life. Jean continued racing and publishing Dusty Times with Judy Smith covering some events, and it wasn't too long before Jean and Dusty Times were becoming the voice of off road racing. Dusty Times was, soon covering rallying in Europe and Africa through Martin Holmes and the Australian races were covered by Darryl Smith and Mick Myers. Jean was badly injured in a Baja 500 race some years ago, her racing activities were brought to a sudden stop for a time, but her determination soon had her back covering the races and reporting on the racers she loved so well. Jean left this earth of ours on March 31, 1997. She enjoyed ev-ery minute she spent racing, covering the races and, above all, pub-lishing Dusty ' Times. Jean was blessed with the willpower, the guts and the determination to never give up, she worked the races and the paper in spite of the pain she lived with most days and was always amply rewarded when some racer thanked her for putting their picture in the paper. Jean was inducted into the Off-Road Motorsports Hall of Fame in 2004, a fitting tribute to a woman who lived and loved off road racing for more than 30 years. Jean really was a champion! Page4 April 2008 Dusty Times

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2008 Happenings ... Laughlin Rally (2,3,1) Laughlin,NV CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box 400 MAY'MX)D, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW County Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH Cura AUTOMovwsncA SANQuINTIN CoLORADO HILL CLIMB AssOCIATION BARB V AHSHOLlZ, PRESIDWf (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box8286 CoLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 lOK FoUR WHEE.LE.RS P.O. Box36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 (AU e1Jents staged at the club grounds in Cle=. Ohio) 4x4 FOREVER, LTD. 1665 DEIAWARE ST. O SHKOSH. WI 54901 AMERICAN RALLY SPORT GRoUP, INc. 3650 SoVTH PoINTE CIRCLE, Sum 205 l.AuGHUN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521.0597 E Mail: AMERICAN TRIALs AssOCJATION AMA Obser"'d Trials Southern California Championship Series Bill MARKUM • PRESIDWf (909) 860-185 7 24 HR HOTLINE· (714) 562-7742 E MAil.: BMARK909@AOLOOM <> AsOCJACION °EsTATAL DE AUTOMOVDJSMO SAM LASELi., TECH lNSPECIDR Arm 42 SAN Josi: DEL CABO BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL SUR. MEXICO AusTRALIAN ()pp RoAD CHAMPIONSHIP DARRYL SMITH 19 SOMERS ST. CASHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AuS11W.IA AUTOCROSS QuEeEC OFF RoAD CIASS 10 CARS ONLY RENALD V AlllANOOUKr 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAVAL QUEBEC, CANADA H7P lTI ( 450) 622-4440 BAJA CUP CHALLENGE BARONA SAND °DRAG AssN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKEsmE, CA 92040 AU Races Are Night Races All Races At Barona, Lakeside, CA BBM MARKETING PROMOTIONS OH Road Short Course Racing & Special Event Marketing 4344 VALLEY VIEW AVE. NoRoo, CA 92860 (909) 340-6474 BEST IN THE Dl!sERT 3475 BoULDER HIGHWAY LAS VEGAS, NV 89121 702-457-5775/FAX: 702-641-2431 April 17-20, 2008 Terribles Town Auauat 21-U, 2008 Vegas To Reno September 26-28, 2008 Las Vegas 300 December S-7, 2008 Henderson 300 BORE RACING 10 ELK MOUNTAIN DRIVE REDSTONE, CO 81623 970-963-4563 623-853-3595 May 2-3, 2008 Red Garter 250 Wendover, NV July 4-S, 2008 Horshue/Cactus Pete's 225 Jackpot, NV Auauat 15-16, 2008 Ely200 Ely,NV September 19-20, 2008 Red Garter 300 Wendover, NV BP MoroRSPORTS P.O. Box411 WOODLAND HlllS, CA 91365 760-578-6258/760-578-6259 FAX: 818-348-4648 E-Mail: Al! E1Jents Ac California City, CA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGH10N, ONTARIO, CANADA KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR Ci.UB AUTOMOVH.ISTA]UARI!NSB Dusty Times 0 DB CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD RACING 7210 GATEWAY EAST EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 011-52-16-17-45-42 CEsAR Fu= CALIFORNIA RALLY SERll!S <> M.yll, 2008 Quartzite Rally Quartzite, AZ June 21, 2008 North Nevada Rally (2) Fernley, NV July 12, 2008 Idaho Rally (2) Grand View, ID Auauat 16, 2008 Gorman Ridge Rally (3) Frazier Park, CA October 3-4, 2008 Prescott Rally (2,3) Prescott, AZ November 7-9, 2008 CENTRAL Soura DAKOTA RACING AssOCJATION P.O. Box 645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVE AoAMs (Pu.C)TS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DoN ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING AssOCJATION C.J. RICHARDS P.O. Box332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLAIRTON HI-JACKERS l.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TWP. LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 53 2-4 589 Short Course off Road Racing At Harrison PIACllftAaa lN'TlllllCCNII HIIIAmlll'T■ • CALLE 6TA FRAcc Co. DE SAN Qu!NTIN SAN QuINllN, BC, MEXIoo HERACUO PATINO (011 52 616-5-22.07) CuJB AuTOMOVILISTICO SAN VICENTE Sim. Vicente OffRoad ENSENACIA., BC, M EXJ(X) USA JAN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) RAMON CASTRO & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/7 0034) CMC CoNTINENTAL MOTOSPORT CuJB P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178. Fax: (714) 367-1608 CODE OppaoAD USA P.O. Box 2328 CALEXIoo, CA 92231-2328 760-455-8069 USA 0ll-52-686-553-4087 MEXIOO mx CORP P.O. Box392 CALEXJOO, CA92232 HECIDR CERECER 011-5 2-65-66-44 5 8 CORR LUCAS On. SERIES 270 NEWPCRT CENTER DR.,-Sum 100 NEWPOKr BEAOJ, CA 92660 866-501-CORR M.v 16-18, 2008 June 6-8, 2008 June 27-29, 2008 July 18 - 20, 2008 Aupt 22 - 24, 2008 September 12-1-4, 2008 September 26-28, 2008 October 17-19, 2008 Nove111.ber 7-9, 2008 Continued next page GLOBALMAP BAJA 540c Conunuencv Sponsors tor: SCORE -Bill -CORR MORE -SNORE -MOR bf DISPLAY GLOBALMAP 7200c GLOBALMAP 9200c ., 7l' DISPLAY cm DISPLAY April 2008 I Pages

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Tfllll Notes ••• OFF ROAD EXPO -Off Road Expo is offering three shows in 2008, two dates in Pomona and one in Sandy, Utah. 111.e first show is at the Pomona Fairplex, Pomona, CA April 4 -6, 2008. Admission is $12 for adults, $6 for kids 6-12 and under 6 years of age are free. The second show is at the South Towne Expo Center, Sandy, Utah, April 25 -27, 2008. Admission is $10 for adults, $4 for kids 6 - 12 and kids under 6 are free. The third show is back at the Fairplex in Pomona, CA, October 3 -5, 2008. Admission to the fall show is $13 for adults, $6 for kids 6-12 and kids under 6 years of age are free. Tickets are available at: Tickets will be available at the door at each show but on a cash basis only_. RALLY NEW YORK USA -The competitors and cars of the U.S. Rally Championship will retu_rn to the Catskill Mountains of New York State n April 3-5, 2008 for Rally New York USA. The event will feature special stages (speed tests) on gravel and paved roads of approximately 100 miles, out of a total of 380 miles of motoring. There will be special stages run especially for spectators through the golf course of the Concord Resort in Monticello, with its natural amphitheater, on the evening of April 4. The "home base" for the rally will be the Nevele Resort in Ellenville. As a result of a three-year agreement with the town governments of Wawarsing and Thompson, and an additional agreement with the Town of Neversink, the rally (and its autumn counterpart, International Rally New York) will be held there through 2010. The Catskills area, about 90 miles by car from New York City, is a renowned destination for sports and tourism. For the latest information on schedules and how to watch the rally, refer to the event web site, The schedule for Rally New York USA 2008 is as follows: Thursday, April 3: Registration 8 am - 8 pm. All Cars in Display Area 6:30 pm. Ceremonial Start 7: 15 pm. Friday, April 4: Restart 8:15 am. Day's Finish 9:05pm. Saturday, April 5 Restart 7:30 am. Finish 6:43 pm. Podium Ceremony 7:30 pm. Contact: Thomas Barker, Press Officer, 203-229-0718 RHM TABS SKYJACKER SUSPENSIONS AS TITLE SPONSOR - Ross Hoek Motorsports reunites ~it~ _Skyjacker Suspensions for the 2008 Lucas Oil World Series ot Ott-Road Racing series. This will be second season that RHM will be competing in the high horsepower PRO-2WD division and the team looks forward to the opportunity to bring Skyjacker Suspensions its second straight WSORR title. During the 2005 and 2006 seasons, Skyjacker Suspensions partnered with Ross Hoek to support his quest for the Sportsman 2 truck crown. In 2006, Hoeks Ford F-150 came up one point short of the season championship. Skyjacker has a history of partnering with some of the biggest names in off-road racing, including Scott Taylor and Curt LeDuc. Ross Hoek is no exception. His hard charging driving style and his meticulous race preparation make him one of the favorites in PRO-2WD. The first round of competition for the #21 Skyjacker Suspensions Ford F-150 is May 31, the WSORR Showdown at the Show-Me State at the Lucas Oil Speedway in Wheatland Missouri. Since 1974 Skyjacker Suspensions has been a leader in off-road suspension technology and innovations. Skyjacker@ builds quality suspension products the best on the market. Skyjacker@ offers a huge range of lift heights and levels of performance for most Chevrolet\GMC, Dodge, Ford, Jeep and Toyota vehicles. Brand names include Skyjacker@, Rock Ready@, Softride@ a!i.d Flex Series® SCORE TRACKING DEVICE - SCORE International, has announced an exclusive agreement with Li.ternational Racing Consultants to provide the special vehicle tracking devices used at the SCORE races in the U.S. and Mexico. Starting with next month's 22nd Annual Tecate SCORE San Felipe 250 desert race in Baja California, Mexico, IRC equipment will be mandatory for the entire field of cars, trucks, motorcycles and ATVs. Used primarily to monitor race progress while tracking the route and speed of each vehicle in the race, IRC also provides a website ( where teams and the general public will be able to view the location of vehicles with updates at two-minute intervals throughout the entire time limit of each race. Based in Tustin, Calif., IRC is in its fourth year of providing equipment and technological support for these special areas not only in the desert, but also in water and air sports as well. IRC is a specialist in advanced satellite communications in land, air and sea sports as well as commercial and per onal logistics with a team of very experienced professionals. SCORE car, truck and ATV classes will be required to have the lriTrack unit while motorcycles will need to have the smaller e-Track unit mounted on their vehicles. "IRC is very excited about its new partnership with SCORE International, which is one of the world's foremost desert racing organizations," said Steve Myers, IRC President who is a second-generation desert racer who was the 2004 SCORE Class 10 season point champion. "We began our initial discussions with SCORE when we started nearly four years ago and have had a strong presence at SCORE races since then with many racers leasing our system on an optional basis. As a matter of fact, in last year's massive 40th anniversary of the Tecate SCORE Baja 1000, nearly 45 percent of the 424 starters were equipped with IRC technology devices." Order forms for all of the IRC equipment is available on line at the IRC website ( The order forms break down all of the required equipment needed to run in the race vehicles at SCORE races. Technical personnel are also available to answer questions at 714.544.0668. RACER X HAS NEW FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM - Racer X Motorsports announces distribution of the DJ Safe!)'. COLD FIRE On-Board Fire Suppression Systems. This DJ Satety COLDFIRE System offers the ultimate in clean, safe and effective fire protection for use in Off Road Racing and Recreation whether it be for the desert, short course, rally or· the sand. Several racing organizations including Championship Off Road Racing (CORR) require these systems in all vehicles. The COLDFIRE Fire Suppression System is environmentally friendly, non-toxic, non-corrosive and biodegradable. This System utilizes the COLDFIRE technology which is a harmless plant and water based agent that is non-combustible. The COLD FIRE technology is a successful fire suppressing agent for class Boil/fuel fires. The system is easily refillable once used; just purchase a replacement cartridge, refill your system and it's ready to use again! Page& CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMtNo, Sum 352 SACRAMEITTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA EXT42 Fax (818) 057-4435 D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (AU events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston County ORV Park, Olympia, WA) DAKAR RALLY DARREN SKILIDN BAJA AUTOMOTIVE ADVENTURES 455 E. OcEAN BLVD., Sum 208 LoNG BEArn, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 l>EcATUR Foua WHEEL DmvE Cura DECATUR, TX 76234 TOM ALLEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DEsERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU OTT, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 EAsmftN Off..RoAD RAclNG As.ffl. ToM DELAuDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHlP LINE ROAD WELLSVlLLE, OHl0 43968 (330) 532-4589 ENsi!NADA BAJA OF RoAD RAclNG Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX 0ll-52-646-1818989 Eusro 0ll-52-646-1715230 AARON Races for buggys & Moco-rcycles &TERO BEACH INTERNATIONAL Short Course Racing VtCTORIA GALINDO ENSENADA, BAJA CALiFORNlA, MEXICO 0ll-52-646-176-6230 FORDA FLORIDA ()pp ROAD DRlvBR's AssOCIATION JASON LEIBlN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Apr. Mav, Nov at Davidson Raceua:v FuoPUCKER RACING TEAM 1855 PARKWAY DRIVE S. EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/959-579-6151FAX GORRA GEORGIA ()pp ROAD RACINo AssOCIATION 4 20 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963.0252 GPORRA GREAT Pl.Ams ()pp ROAD RACING AssOCIATION Tt:M HODGE (402) 991-6048 SCOTT MORROW (816) 792-2126 (All races are slwrt course, stadium siyle Classes. Sportsman, 1/2-1600, 5-1600, Spore Truck, Q11nds, Tough Truck Ne!n-aska Raceuuy Park, &it 420 on 1-80 between Omaha and Lincoln.) For latest info check , \l\'\\> HIGH PLAINs Ol'F ROAD RACINci 2000 W. QutNCY AVENUE #B ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 303-806-8062/303-7 81.0974 fax INTERNATIONAL ICE RACING AssOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDDOR (612) 937-3816/Fax 474-2769 INTER.SHOWS MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INC. P.O. Box 2910 MtSS[ON VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 }EEPSPEED 1826 N. WtNDES Orange, CA 92869 714-538-7434/ fax 714-633-1724 All races for ]eepspeed I, 2 & 3 KAMI.OOPS ()pp ROAD RACING Wlu,pe~ Pines Spona & Recre•tion Centrr April 2008 KAMLOOPS, BC, CANADA \l\'\\ Mike Strange (250) 573-4003 LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS & 0FFaoAD EXPO (626) 961-3 782 '-\1\'WW. pre> <> LJ.T.R.E. JEFF ELROD (408) 926-0522 Jt:M A.RUTA (408) 247-4402 MAMARRITA ()pp ROAD RACING Luis CARLOS ALvAREZo PANAMERICANAAVE #5105 Cd. Juarez, Chih., MX 011-52-1637-1799 MICHIGAN Buooy Bu!LDERS Dune Buay Tnde Sb.ow (517) 543-7214 <\l\> MICHIGAN ()pp ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. En~rpmes Inc. 15529 JONES ROAD GRAND LEDGE, ML 4883 7 (517) 627-6200 Motorcycles, Quads, A TVs and Pilots only MAORA MID-AMERICA ()pp ROAD AssOCIATION P.O. Box664 GREENUP, 1L62428 (217) 235-6528 E-MAIL: <w\l\> MDR PRooucnoNs 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE SOUTH EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/FAX626-579-6051 c.Iifr,mi,, Clvunpion61u,, Sena April 5, 2008 Mojave 250 Barstow "B" M•v 17, 2008 Ridgecrest 200 Ridgecrest, CA June 28, 2008 MDR400 Lucerne Valley Double Points Ausust 16, 2008 California 200 Luceme Valley Night Race September 27, 2008 Luceme 250 Luceme Valley "B" November 8, 2008 Stoddard 250 Barstow "B" Supentition Clvunpion61u,, Sena April 26, 2008 King Of111e Desert June 14, 2008 Coyote Wash 200 October 18, 2008 Superstition 250 December31,2008 Bud Liaht Dash M.O.R.E. MOJAVE ()pp ROAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 1231 BARSmw, CA 92312 760-253-4453 MOREKARTEK Off Road Gold Cup Series Miay 23-25, 2008 July 18-20, 2008 S~mber 12-14, 2008 December 5-7, 2008 MSBA MICHIGAN SPORT Buooy AssOCIATION DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. Fum, ML 48506 (810) 730-9221 MOTOWEST WINTER TmALs SERIES BlllMARKHAM (909) 860-185 7 <w\l\> All events at Penis Raceuuy (At Reed Valley with a school) NATIONAL Muo RACING AssN. RT. #l - Box 380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN PALATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TuFF TRUCK AssN. Butch Chapin Motonporta Plomo-tions 1404 EAST 3RD STREET HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NOORA NORTHERN Omo ()pp ROAD RACING AssN. GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAIL <> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Sjning Valley, on route 518, 20 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) (Thunder Valley located 15 minutes from Spring Valley) Ol'F ROAD EXPO SPIN CoMMUNlCATIONS (415) 380-3890 MEGHAN@sPINPR.COM April 4-6, 2008 Pomona Fairgrounds Pomona, CA April 25-27, 2008 South Towne Expo Center Sandy, UT October M, 2008 Pomona Fairgrounds Pomona, CA OfF ROAD RACINo AssOCIATION Voluntrered Seda PRESIDEITT -GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, 1N 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP. - 1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP. -9 & UNLTD. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OUTLAW REP. DON PONDER (314) 631-8190 (AU Races at Wheeling in the Coimty 900 Acres) Omo Ol'F ROADERS INc. 1427 GosHEN HlLLS RoAD S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 Jt:M KENDEL (216) 339-4674 All races held at Harrison County Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO ()pp ROAD RACERS AssOCIATION RICK TICHBOURNE, PUBLIC RELATIONS (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) ~ Oun.Aw SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMEU,iAN ST. Lours, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/Fax: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. OftR,,.d ChmpionaJu,, 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <> J>ENNSYLV ANIA SHORT CoURSE RACING SMmITON HOLE RAcEWAY 313 SKYLINE ORNE SMmITON, PA 15479 MIKE GEISER 330-683-6263 W\l\ Short Cour e Offroad Racing AU Races At Smithton Hole Racew;zy PrKEsPEAK P.O. Box 6962 CoLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 Pim BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS ()pp ROAD RACING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 875-7591 PRO 1600 SHOOTOUT CoREYGOIN 5 59-64 7-613 2 GO1NRAC1N@HOTMA1LCOM PRoTRuCK 14402 BoND CouITT · EL CAJON, CA 92021 619-390-6252 PuRE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box SO RICKETTS, 1A 51460 (712) 679-2221 RALLY AMERICA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES 2008 IWly Americ4 N•donu Championship Series Schedule April 19-20, 2008 Dusty Times 'I

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Olympus Rally Olympia, WA May 16-18 Oregon Trail Rally Hillsboro, OR JUDC6-7 Susquehannock Trail Performance Rally Wellsboro, PA July 11-12 (taitative) New England Forest Rally Bethel, Maine A11pt 22-23, 2008 Ojibwe Forests Rally Bemidji,MN Septemhedl-14, 2008 Rally Colorado Steamboat Springs, CO Octoher 17-18, 2008 Lake Superior Performance Rally Houghton, Ml RALLYCROSS NATIONAL SERIES EVENTS .&utftn Stata Clu,apiozulup Cea.ual Stata Clu,apiozulup Werteni Stater Championship ROCK CRAWLERS AssoclATION QpAMfilucA P.O. Box 1406 RIVERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/Fax: (801) 253-3176 SAN DlEoo SHORT CoURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New Series by SJ101,(.bird Off Road Racing Pro Trucks, Derert Trucks, Buggier, PikJts, Tough Truck <> (858) 571-5088 SAN DIEoo Ow RoAD ExPosmoN (888) 836 7918 SCCA RoADRALLY P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-2055 <> SFX MOTORSPORTS GROUP 495 . CoMMONS DRIVE, SUITE 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 Fax SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFrSMAN Ro., SuITE A 0.LABASA.s, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 <> Mav 30-JUDC 1, 2008 40th Tecate SCORE Baja 500 Ensenada, Baja Califomia, Mexico Julv 17-19, 2008• SCORE Las Vegas Terrible's Cup IV* Las Vegas Motor Speedway Septemher u, 2008 13th SCORE Terrible's Primm 300 Primm, evada Novemher 19-22, 2008 41st Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 Baja Califomia, Mexico • select classes, clcsed-coune event SNORE SoUTHERN NEVADA Ow ROAD ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 270516 LAs VEGAS, NV 89127 702-452-4522 Much 27-30, 2008 SNORE Mint 400 May 9-11, 2008 SNORE Dusty Times 250 1-20-22, 2008 S ORE KC Hilites Midnight Special Octoher 3-S, 2008 SNORE 250 N ovc:IJlbc:r 14-16, 2008 SoNS Qp TuuNoER 4WHEELERS RACE DMSION KEITH SrEWART (714) 522-1899 SoUTHEASTERN <>fl' RoAD CHAu.ENGE SrEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963.0252 Mike Moore - (224) 272-5400 SPEED 8PoRTS EXPO MEOA PRoooCl'loNs 3129 S. HACIEN!l'\ BLVD. #322 HACIENDA HEIGHTS, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SCTA SoUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING AsSOCIATION & BoNNEVILLE NATIONALS, INc. Dusty Times P.O. Box IO OROS!, CA 93647 (559) 528-6279 (559) 528-9749 FAX <> SoUTHERNSHORTCoURSE Ow RoAD RACING AssN. 4305 WcxmARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (AU Races at Eastbay Racewy, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box 706 TOYS FOR TOTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADILLA VALLEY SPORTS CENTER P.O. Box SI 19 EDMESfON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <> VORRA VALLEY <>fl' RoAD RACING AsSOCIATION (775) 224-1327 vvv, April u, 2008 Prairie City, CA April 26-27, 2008 Prairie City, CA May 23-26, 2008 Yerington 250, Yerington, NV July 19-20, 2008 Fallon 200 Fallon, NV A11pt 30-Sept 1, 2008 Yerington 250 Yerington, NV Octoher 4-S, 2008 Prairie City, CA Octoher 25-26, 2008 Prairie City, CA V ICENTE GUERRERO <>fl'RoADCt.ue PROFO. CENOV10 GAMBOA 0ll-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 p.m.) WESTERN <>fl' RoAD RACING AsSOCIATION LARRY HE DERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA WHEEL To WHEEL Ow RoAD RACING PATRICK McGUIRE P.O. Box376 ADAMSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WmPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2325 E. KINGSAVE UE PHOENIX, AZ 85022 (602) 971-3730 <> WISCONSIN M OTORSPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN <>fl' RoAD FEsTIVAL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 OSHKOSH, WL 54901 (414) 688-5509 WORLD SERIES Qp <>fl' RoAD RACING P.O. Box99 CRANDON, WISCONSIN 54520 303-880-7221 FIA WORLD RALLY CllAMFIONSlllP XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU Cm, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 ZR PROMOTIONS LUIS RENE MONTANO C. CAizADA I DEPENDE CIA 200 -5 CoL INSURGENTES EsrE 21280 MEXICALI, BC, MX (686) 564 6653 April 20, 2008 ZR Team Race & Poker Run 3rd Annual MotO'IC)'cles & Quad Race -Family Ride Mav+, 2008 Copa Autoproductos #3 Motorcycle & Quad Race June 28, 2006 Alvisa ight Race #4 Motorcycle & Quad Race Septemher 6, 2008 Cocodrilos Poker Run Family Ride Octoher 12, 2008 ZR Grand Prix #S Motorcycle & Quad Race Novemher 30, 2008 ZR Gran Prix De Campeones #6 Motorcycle & Quad Race List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but m ail you r 2008 schedules as soon as po11ible for listing in this colu~n; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally sched-ule to: 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-S003 Aprll 2008 Trall Natas ... The systems are available in two sizes: • • Five (5) Pound System with 2 Nozzles and a 3 Foot Cable Assembly • • Ten (10 Pound System with 3 Nozzles and a 6 Foot Cable Assembly. Additional accessories for these systems are also available including aluminum mounting brackets, 9' and 12' cable assemblies and replacement cartridges. Call Racer X Motorsports, Inc. at 619-258-7223. IV AN STEW ART & GENERAL TIRE -General Tire will be the spec tire for the Ivan "" Stewart Pro Truck class for the 2008 off.road season. The Grabber competition tire will debut on the ProTruck class at the Baja 500. "We are very excited to have our new Grabber tires chosen to equip all ProTruck race vehicles this year," said Travis Roffler, director of marketing, CTNA. "Ivan is one of the most accomplished drivers in off-road racing, and it is gratifying that he has placed his trust in these tires in their inaugural season." Designed with a tough, three-ply Duragen TM-reinforced body construction to stand up to the rigors of off-road conditions, the Grabber also features a newly-developed competition-specific tread compound. General Tire offers two distinct tread designs for different types of competitive conditions. In addition, the Grabber name and General Tire logo are prominently featured on the sidewall in red and white letters. The Grabber competition tires are designed in size 37x 12.S0R17 for class 1, 7S, 7 unlimited, 8 and trophy truck. "I'm very impressed with the quality and durability of the General Grabber," Stewart said. "These drivers demand a tire that can stand up to no matter what the desert throws at it, and we've found that in the Grabber." Stewart has been a consistent winner since he burst onto the oft~road scene in 197 3 with the Ensenada 300. Since then, he's chalked up 84 career victories and 10 driver's championships. The wins include 17 Baja SO0s, eight Mint 400s, four Parker 400s, three Baja 1000s and four SCORE World Championships. "These tires are proving to be ultimate contenders in the desert. They can withstand the extreme terrains encountered in desert racing," Roffler added. "We are confident that these tires will make the off-road racing community sit up and take notice." SAFETYSTICK -It's a unique new product that combines safety and practicality to assist motorists in a variety of emergency situatior:is. The 4-in-l SatetyStick Emergency Tool & Flashlight is a multi-faceted tool that can provide important aid after an auto breakdown or accident, and can even help a motorist escape a vehicle in an emergency. The patented SafetyStick includes: A strong-beamed flashlight that can be used for many purposes in and outside of the car. Flashing red LED strobes to alert oncoming motorists of an emergency situation ahead. A handy seatbelt cutter that is sharp enough to slice through any seatbelt in seconds, yet is designed in a way to prevent any injury to the user. A steel pointed hammer-like tip that is designed to shatter any window with just a tap to allow emergency exit through a window. The SafetyStick also sports a magnetic bottom that allows a motorist to attach the unit to the side of a car or truck to alert oncoming traffic. The 4-in-l SafetyStick sells for $14.95 and is available at: / http:// prod Detail Car Tool Fl ash! ight. php SCORE SAN FELIPE -38 SCORE racers are hunting for Toyota Milestone Awards. Heading into this we_ekend's 22nd An~~al Tecate SCORE San Felipe 250 in Mexico and tollowing one ot tive races in the 2008 SCORE Desert Series, 38 of SCORE's toughest drivers are in the hunt to earn 2008 SCORE Toyota Milestone Awards. Toyota is presenting these prestigious awards to the world's toughest desert racers for the 23rd consecutive year. The Toyota Milestone awards will go to those drivers who finish every required mile of every race in the five-race 2008 SCORE Desert Series, the World's Foremost Desert Racing Series. "Toyota is proud to honor the world's best desert racing drivers," said Les Unger, national motors ports manager at Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A. "For over two decades, we have had the privilege of presenting the SCORE Toyota Milestone Awards to the toughest racers on the planet." While continuing the Toyota Milestone Awards for the 23rd consecutive year, Toyota has discounted its Toyota True Grit Awards, where $12,000 was split annually among the point champions in four non-factory pro racing classes in the SCORE Desert Series. Those still in the running are: SCORE Trophy-Truck B.J. Baldwin, Bobby Baldwin, Darnen Jefferies, Robbie Pierce and Rich Ronco. Class l Steve Barry, Eric Chase, Pat Dean, Chuck Dempsey, Dale Lenk, B.J. Richardson and James Scott. Class 1-2/1600 Edgar Avalos, Cory Boyer, Dave, Hiram Duran, Adam Pfankuch, Cody Robinson and Mike Simpson. Class 3 Donald Moss. Class 5 Kevin Carr. Class 5/1600 Marcos unez and Enrique Zazueta. Class 7SX Heidi Steele. Class 10 Chris Harrold. SCORE Lite David Callaway, Hector Garcia Jr., Steve Mamer, Rick St. John and Tom Watson. Class 11 Ramon Fernandez, Todd Lucero and Jake Mueller. Stock Full John Griffin and Chad Hall. Stock Mini Rod Hall and Steve Kovach. Protruck Jason Voss. PNAL FLAG -We were just informed of the passing of Rosie Orozco. Rosie, and most of her family r~n checkpoints for S~ORE for many, many years. Rosie was a dear friend and a wondedul person. Her funeral mass and burial will be in Ensenada, the date not yet determined. Vaya con Dios Rosie. CORONADO SPEED FESTIVAL-Vintage racecars come to the Coronado Speed Festival every year. The festival pay~ homage to these historic machines each year. Car enthusiasts from across the country attend this annual event to honor the historical significance of the vintage car, while at the same time paying tribute to our nation's military. There is no other event like the Coronado Speed Festival, 'be sure not to miss this great event on September 27th & 28th, 2008. If you would like to speak with one of the events founders, or a vintage car expert, please let me know and I will be happy to arrange that for you. The Coronado Speed Festival is produced by The San Diego Fleet Week Foundation and hosted by the Naval Base Coronado and the Morale, Welfare and Recreation Program (MWR) which benefits military personnel and their families. The event will be taking place on September 27-28th,2008. Contact Amy Lewis at 619-713-0622 for more information or check at www. fleetwee kssandiego. org Page 7

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~[DJ=~ PARKER 425 Huffman And Whelchel Win At Parker BY ]UDY SMITH PHOTOS: TRACKS/DE PHOTO Chuck Hovey took the Class 1 honors at BITD Parker, he t,ad 13 minutes in hand when he took the checkers in his Jimco. tators. Two days before the race there'd been a huge rainstorm, which had dumped about two inches of rain on the area. As a consequence, dust wasn't a big issue here as it sometimes is. But the course has been used many, many times, and it's developed some serious "whoops". Many of the fin-ishing racers remarked about "holes, three and four feet deep." They said a small car would be completely swal-lowed up in some of them. One racer compared it to the over-used area around San Felipe. A great day, Chet Huffman and Jerry Whelchel beat out 25 other Trick Trucks to take the class win and the overall win as well in their Geiser. The faster cars each ran three laps, and Classes 3100, 4100, 5100, 7200, 7300, 1700, 3700 and 1800 all did only two laps. At the end of his final lap, each racer was supposed to know that at Mile 133 he should tum right and drop down along the river to the finish line. It's been that kind of a finish at Parker for years, but every year there are racers who don't re-member if they've done three laps or not, and either forget to make that crucial right jog, or make it a lap too early. Parker, AZ: The Best In The Desert season opener went to Chet Huffman and Jerry Whelchel, in a new Geiser truck. They had a near-perfect run. This year 294 starters came to try their luck at the Parker event, a fa-vorite with racers since the early '70s. Although it now is run only in Ari-zona, and doesn't cross into Califor-nia at all, it still tugs at the heart strings of old racers, and brings many of them to the area as spectators, and some come to race. A lot of old racers still in Parker and many have homes or trailers there that bring them to the area over and over during the year. One of those who lived there, and loved to race, was Manny Esquerra. He was detennined to race in this event, and to his delight was invited to drive with Tracy Rubio in his Trick Truck. Manny started the race in the morn-ing, and was running well when a heart attack brought am end to his life and his race. Manny had been racing for upwards of 30 years, and was an icon to off-roaders. He was a major tal-ent, a bit of history, and a very nice guy. 1l1e off-road community will miss him. Jason Voss drove his Ford Protruck to a nice win at Parker, he's seen here with the power on and headin' for the finish. It was a good day for Drew Belk and clan, they took the Class 5 win with ease, two hors in hand, seen here at full throttle. Pages The layout of the course was enough like last year's, and the year before, to make little difference. It was about 137 miles long, and at the west end there was a huge "short course", or "Python", section com-posed of tight turns, man-made jumps, some moguls and some very deep sand. It was just less than nine miles in length. It gave the spectators a chance to see the cars in action close up, and every now and then, a chance to set one back on its wheels. The main pits were stretched out along the perimeter of the "Python" area, and this was a favorite area for spec-The Best In 1l1e Desert has begun using transponders to record finish times at their events, and so far they've perfom1ed with few problems. As always, some race teams failed to The LeDuc clan had it all their way in the Class 8 competition, they had 50 minutes in hand at the flag, seen here in their goori lookin' Ford. Rod Smith took a nice win in the Class 10 Light conflict, he had four minutes in hand when the checkers flew. April 2008 pay attention to the instructions, and mounted their transponders in posi-tions that didn't allow them to "read" the signal at the finish line. But for the most part the system works well, and will record times for cars moving up to 100 miles per hour, a speed at which human eyesight often fails to be able to read numbers on the sides of cars. So far the transponders are being used only at the finish Line. For this event, the Best In The Desert handled the Time Trials a bit differently. Classes 1500 and the Trick Trucks are the only ones invited to the Trials, and instead of just start-ing the fastest 20 at the front of the pack, as has been done in the past, this time the BITD started those who entered the Time Trials in the order in which they finished. As it turned out, more than 70 Class 1500 and Trick Trucks went for it. When it was done, Todd Wyllie had the fast time in his Chevrolet Trick Truck, and had earned the number one start posi-tion for the race. Behind him it was Garron Cadiente, John Herder in a 1500 car, then Jerry Whelchel in Chet Huffman's new truck, Sam Berri in another 1500 car, Cameron Steele, Kyle Taylor, Steve Strobel, Rick D. Johnson and Brad Etter. They made up the first ten. The first 20 went off the start line on race day at 45 second intervals, and the rest of them were started 30 seconds apart. When they got back to the 1100 cars (SCORE lites) and those that came after them, they closed it up to every 15 seconds. The BITD uses the main street through Parker as a start and staging area, and has a strict time table to adhere to. As eigh-teen wheelers are detoured through the neighboring residential area, Casey Folks is adamant that the start runs as planned, because Parker offi-cials really want the street back and functioning normally right on time. This year there were 294 starters, so it was a bit edgy. This year, thanks to the reorgani-zation of SCORE's calendar by the Laughlin Chamber of Commerce, there were only five days between the Last Sunday race at Laughlin and the start of the Parker race. Still, a sur-prising number of teams got the race car re-prepped in the intervening time, and showed up for the Parker start. Robby Gordon was one of them, but he'd had an extra little touch of drama to deal with, when he Lost his motor in qualifying, and had to have a new power plant flown in to be transplanted into the truck. There were 29 of the Trick Trucks here, but four of them went out early. Mark Weyhrich's new truck lost its steering, hit a fence and the hood was skewered by a fence post. Cameron Steele's Cadillac lost its oil pump, Steve Jangaard's truck rolled over and caught fire, putting an end to his day, and somehow Jim Beaver got Dusty Times 7,

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Ii Dale and Mike Dondel drove their Porter to a second place finish The McDowell's had a decent day, they drove their Jimco to a Alan Levinson gave it his all but had to settle for the silver medal in in the Trick Truck fracas, 10 minutes in arrears. second place finish in the Class 1 battle, seem here at speed. Pro Truck, he was eight minutes away from the gold in his Ford. stuck at Mile 104 and neYerwent any was 7: 15:35. In second behind them at Laughlin), and the shield pressed lot of fun." fitting broke as he came into Midway further. it was Dondel and his co-driver, Joe against the air cleaner, unknown to Seventh place went to Garron and the truck quit. He felt fortunate At the front of the pack Todd Heger, who hadn't raced for four Baldwin.Finally,theytookthehood CadienteinhisFord.Hebentadriv-thatitdidn'tcatchfire.Thenthetail Wyllie in his Chevrolet and Jerry years. They said they'd had a perfect off, which released the pressure, and eline, broke a header, changed a fuel housing broke and took out a bear-Whelchel in Chet Huffman's Geiser run, not even any flats. Heger said he then it "ran like a rocket." In sixth it injection, and had a flat. He de-ing. But Johnson wascheerfuL he says, were on the same moment as they had "a lot of fun." They were a little was Robby Gordon who'd also scribed the course as "brutal". Nine-"The truck's getting better and I'm neared the end of the first lap. Dale over ten minutes behind Huffman raced at Laughlin in his Che\'rolet teen seconds behind him, in eighth getting better with it." Dondel, in a Porter Ford truck, was and Whelchel. In third it was (he had found himself with time on place, it was Chris and Michael Eleventh place belonged to Bill a minute later, and then it was Larry McGillivray and Roeseler. his hands when the Dakar ewntwas Robinson in their Chevrolet. They'd McBeath and Jesse Jones. Laughlin Roeseler in Ke\'in McGillivray's new McGilliYray still could hardly believe cancelled). Gordon had a motor had a clean run, with no flats, but had been the first race for this truck. Chevrolet. his good luck that Roeseler had problem of some sort during quali- had been running out of fuel each Here, they ran out of gas. But Jones, Whelchel was the clear leader on agreed to co-drive with him in a new fying, which resulted in him notquali- lap as they headed into the infield/ who drove the last lap, said he'd the second lap, but not by much. and untested truck. He said he was fying, and meant he had to have an- Python. Ninth place went to B.J. strapped in and "never got out, for Dondel was only four minutes back, "honored." They'd had no serious other motor shipped in, and in- Baldwin, whose air jack had fallen the first time at Parker." He'd had and Wyllie was just two minutes be- trouble, just a flickering oil light, stalled overnight. He was late to start, out of the truck, hit the ground and "zero issues", after years of bad kanna hind them. Then it was Jeff Quinn which flickered even after they added but went off the line sounding very torn up an air line, thus losing air at Parker, and thus, was a happy man. and Scott Kincaid in Kincaid's Ford, oil. They were about 18 minutes fur-healthy, But, since he'd been busy, he pressure throughout the system. In 12th it was the Staats family, Will which was using more fuel than they ther back. hadn't attended the guided pre-run Then, when he had a flat he had to and Emily. Emily's been riding with expected, so they had to stop twice Fourth place went to Kincaid and early in January, and thus, had no use a "tiny bottle jack". He also had her dad for several years, but hadn't each lap. Quinn who'd spent a lot of time stop- GPS of the course on the first lap. to add 20 quarts of oil to the motor yet driven much. This time the air At the finish it was Huffman, who ping for fuel (eyen with a 74 gallon Still, he was making good time. But on the third lap. In 10th it was Rick cleaner blew off the truck at Mile 11 took oYer for Whelchel and did the fuelcell)andon the last lap had added on the second lap he got sideways, D. Johnson and Brian Sallie, who'd and they waited an hour and a half final lap. He was reco\'ering from her- oil at every pit. They were only two and hit a rock with a rear wheeVtire, had a rock in some part of their brake for replacement parts.Will decided nia surgery, but didn't seem to be suf-minutes behind third. In fifth it was which not only flattened the tire, but system. It had made a slow leak, and that this would be a good event to let fering at all. He'd stopped to tighten Josh Baldwin in his Ford, which he'd took out a brake line. He lost 20 or Rick had lost his brakes within a mile. Emily try her hand, so she drove the a rear hub, and also had to mess with raced at Laughlin the weekend be- 30 minutes with repairs, in part be- This was a big surprise, because they'd third lap. She clearly takes after her a broken throttle return spring, but fore. His hood had a rain shield owr cause his impact gun didn't work. He been "phenomenal" the day before dad, and rolled the truck coming out had no serious trouble. Their time the air cleaner (it rained on Sunday finished sixth, and said he'd had "a for the qualifying run. Then a fuel Continued next page Dusty Times 1,200 Rooms 4,500 Seat Equestrian & Event Center 50,000 Sq. Ft. Of Meeting Space 80,000 Sq. Ft. Exhibit Hall 6 Restaurants Spa & Fitness Center HeadUner Showroom (May '07) 64-Lane Bowling Center 16 Movie Theaters 52 Table Games Over 2,300 Slot Machines Poker Room 800-Seat Bingo Room Race & Sports Book Child Care Center Kids Arcade 1-866-791-76Q6 • LAS VEGAS BLVD AT S/LVERADO RANCH RD • SOUTHPOINTCAS/NO.COM April 2008 Page9

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Red Burgin was a mere four minutes away from the Class 10 Richard Harrah didn't have the best of days, he did take home the A second place finish in Class 10 went to Lonny Hart, he was 10 win, he's seen here in his Chenowth with the power on. silver medal in Class 8 but has an hour down in his Chevy. minutes off the pace in his Tatum, seen here at speed. of the Python. Spectators helped her Robby Gordon said he'd hit Stout them, as 53 of the 61 got the first lap started. Proceeding in this way, he got done it sooner." They had a flat get back on her wheels, and it cost unintentionally hard, and apologized done. to the finish line first in class. He said about two miles before the finish and her only about 10 minutes. She fin- for it. But Stout had enough other Witt and Ellison didn't get he'd "made some mistakes in qualify- just drove in on it, and reported no ished on a front flat. In 13th it was troubles that he apparently hadn't through the second lap, but the rest ing" - accounting for his 19th place other problems. In seventh it was last year's season champion, Ste\'e eYen noticed the hit, and never men-of them did, and Hovey was now in in the Time Trials, but that he'd had Derrick and Lloyd Sproule, a father Olliges, with a new co-driver. Wayne tioned it. The 15th finisher was Bucky the lead, with 10 minutes on Berri "really good pit stops." On course he and son team from Canada. They Lugo, his partner for years, is "taking Strunk, and in 16th it was Nick and Steve Croll who were tied for changed ECUs, and his map sensor, said they'd had "no trouble, a good a break", and so Olliges signed up Mazzio, who'd had a run in with a third. In fourth it was Darren but neither of those "fixes" helped kind of day." Eighth place went to John Swift, with whom he raced many Class 1500 car early in the day, but Hardesty and Mark Randazzo in his mystery problem. Still he was 13 Sam Berri, who'd been way up at the years ago. Olliges lost his fan belts on still managed to finish. The Class their new AlumiCraft, and fifth be- minutes ahead of the second place front of the pack for a while in his the second lap, which cost him an 1500 car didn't. longed to Charley McDowell in a new 1500 car. That was Charley Jimco. But the steering locked up se\'-hour, and then Swift also lost one Class 1500 had 61 starters. Whew! Jimco Che,y. Randy Wilson was sixth McDowell, in a J imco Chevy. eral times. He did three-quarters of a on his lap. In 14th it was Ed Stout, in As they neared the end of the first in hisJimco. But then Croll, Hardesty McDowell's been driYing trucks be- lap with itmisbehaYing, and then got a Stout. He'd hit a square edged wash lap the Bill Witt/Rick Ellison car had and Randazzo and Wilson failed to fore this, but adapted well, had a flaw-it fixed. He was an hour and 10 min-at Mile 26, and flipped the truck over the lead by two minutes on Chuck get the next lap done. less run, with no flats, and was 13 utes behind the winning time. on its roof. ltlanded hard enough to Hovey in his Chevy Jimco. Then, only As he motored along, Hovey wor- minutes in front of the third place In ninth place it was Tom give him a nosebleed. He got it back a minute back came Sam Berri in his ried about the gremlins that are still car. That was Martin Christensen in Gilchriese in an HMS. On his second up on its wheels again and went on. Jimco, Gary Weyhrich in another haunting his car. It quit every now his BMW Jimco. Christensen had an lap he landed hard on the rear of the Then he'd sheared the studs on the J imco, B.J. Richardson in his and then, And he wasn't able to fig-early flat and no brakes on the last car and broke a couple of coils on left rear tire, and had to pull the hub, Bunderson, Ste\'e Croll in his Porter ure out what caused it. Whenever it two laps, but didn't find that too his shocks. He limped to a pit for a which cost him an hour. And he'd and a minute after them, Shawn happened, he got out of the car and troublesome. In fourth it was Brad fix, and said it cost him about an also replaced his transmission on the Croll in another Porter. There were "wiggled things", until something Etter and Dale Ebberts in their Por-hour. After that "it ran like a champ." last lap. Earlier in the afternoon, plenty more just a hiccup behind came to life again and th<:_ car r~ ter. They lost their brakes for about Two minutes behind him it was Steve 80 miles early in the day, and then Raskett and Jake Johnson in a Porter broke some limit straps, and their Chevy. They lost an oil pump bolt throttle linkage, and replaced a volt- early in the day, and that caused an age regulator. They were just five min- oil leak, which they had repaired. Be-utes behind Christensen. In fifth place yond that they had no other prob-it was Brian Brown in aJimco. He'd lems, not even any flats. This was the managed to get high-centered on a first race for the car. BOSSES II UNIB CUPS zaa, lESAl IA ( ~ \ RATEi IELIIETB , ;t,\; -~ -\ \ ~-./ , ~ ,-, , ~/ ' . ' 0-CEl BY , IIUTCIIINI ).\ Page 10 LINE llESII ll SYSTEM EDA ~-~ KENwaaa ~ April 2008 berm in the Python for about ten In 11th place it was Paul Keller minutes and was five minutes behind and Brian Coneen in a Jimco. they fifth place. In sixth it was Chuck Sacks had only third gear from early in the and Jerry Longo in aJimco. This was day, and spent some time working, their first race in this class; they used on it, but couldn't manage a fix. So to race Class 5. Longo said that if they just went ahead and finished the he'd "known it was this fun I'd have race in third. They were only eight 01' buddy Ed Beard and Ron Dalke took the Class 10 honors with relative ease, they had 11 minutes in hand at the finish. The 1600 victory went to Matt Gumz, he's seen here on his way to victory in his ORE with 11 minutes on his competition. Dusty Times

Page 11

,. A second place finish in Class 1600 went to Brian Jeffrey, he Shawn Giordano had to settle for a second place finish this time, Kevin Heitritter must have had some troubles along the way, he took was only 11 minutes out of the class win in his Porter. he's seen here in his Class 7200 Toyota headin' to the finish. second place in Class 5 but he was two hours in arrears at the flag. minutes behind 10th. In 12th it was sunset. Twenty-third went to Jeff idler pulley explode. Their pit crew McMullen and Keith Banfield, all was the team of Lee Criner and Mike and Randy Walser, from Texas. Farris who said he'd broke an axle, a fixed it with a bunch of wa hers. But from Arizona. Their time was Donald Vaughan, in a Tatum. That The car was new to them, but it was C.Y., a slave cylinder, a shock coil and on the last lap they'd had to stop 15 15: 17: 23. Twenty-sixth went to sounds like a lot of finishers, but it Pat Dean's old car, and if turned had one flat.Alex Danze and Mark times to add water. Their time was Charles Rodrick]. Curtis, Jason-Cox was only 44 percent of the total start-loose could probably find its way Johnson were 24th in their Jimco 14: 16:05. Twenty-fifth went to Jer- and Robert Beaudoin, in 15:29:03, ers, giYing some indication of just how around the course by itself. They Che\y, reporting that they had an emy and Jerry Atkins, Kevin and the final finisher, in 27th place, Continued next page rolled it and lost a half hour early in the day, but then didn't have any big problems. This was their first car race, they\·e been racing quads. Thirteenth went to Michael Mastro, Tod Brindlinger, Chris Smigel and Steve Roehlk, in a Tatum. They were seven minutes behind 12th. In 14th it was Ryan Combs and Jerry Penhall in a Penhall with a "built LS 7 motor". Combs had a front flat early, and Penhall had a rear flat that shredded and took out a shock, which cost them 45 minutes for re-pairs. Their last lap was pretty good they said.Two minutes behind them it was Gary and Mark Weyhrich in their Jimco. Gary did the first two laps, and a bleeder vah-e came off the caliper and he lost his brakes on the second lap. It cost him about an hour and a half. Mark got to drive the fi-nal lap because his Trick Truck had expired. In 16th place it was Robert Hayley, who used to drive a Stock Full truck. this was his third race in the Jimco, which has an LS 1 motor. He said he "took it easy", because he's still learning how to drive it, and finds it a lot different from that Stock Full. SeYenteenth went to Greg Foster and Rino Navera in a Hustler. They were stuck in fourth gear for the last lap and a half, and also had a flat late in the day. In 18th it was Shelby and Kevin Reid, in a RPS powered by an LS7. The husband and wife team had an early flat, but then had c.v. boot prob-lems, and had to stop to have them duct taped together. Nineteenth was Steve Combs, Ryan W ieferich, Jamie Campbell and Brian Matthews in a Penhall. They had lost power on the first lap, and after about 40 minutes of trying to soh-e the mystery, discm·• ered that the air intake had "sucked in on itself." They also broke a c.v. and had to walk some spare parts in to the car, which cost them about two hours. In 20th it was Mark McMillin and Brian Ewalt in their J imco. On the first lap they got only two miles to the gallon and ran out of fuel in the Python. Later in the day the left front hub came off. Still, McMillin said it was a "great race." Twenty-first went to Chuck Dempsey who did all the driving in his HMS. He had a snick throttle cable, his shift linkage broke, his batteries died and his alternator went out. A busy day for Dempsey. In 22nd it was Damen Jefferies and Stew Sourapas in an HMS. They had cs. boot problems, and broke a star because of it. They lost five hours getting going again, and at the finish said they were "really happy to be here." They used up 13 hours and 18 minutes making it in, and said that it had been "really cold" after Dusty Times April 2008 Page 11

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10 lights notwithstanding, Josh and Chad Hall were only able to Noe and Tony Sierra tried very hard but this race they had to settle Kevin McGi/livray and Larry Roese/er, Chevy, were just a bit off the winning grab second place in Class 8100, seen here in their Hummer. for the second spot in Class 7100, seen here in their Ford pickup. pace in the Trick Truck category, they took home the bronze medal. tough the race was. Mark and B(endan Beeler ran fourth driYer, Ron Dalke, moYed to the front the last in the class to finish. SeYenth place was Richard Bachand, The Class 8000 trucks were next about six minutes behind them. of the pack. He has 12 minutes on The Protrucks took of next, with and Dale and Rich Nyeste. In eighth to start, with eight entries. On the Curt got back into the truck for Scott Martensen and Lonny Hart in 12 starters. Two of them dropped it was Driggs who rolled oYer because first lap the lead belonged to Craig the final lap, and that was a flawless a Tatum VW. In third it was James out on the first lap, Tom Koch when of a broken front brake rotor. Spec-T umer and Tim Cecil, in a Ford, with lap. The LeDucs took the win, finish- Hodgson and Troy Ankerstein in a his ford lost its motor at Mile 40, tators helped him get back on his Dave Crinklaw and Mike Thurlow ing an hour in front of second place. Porter. Brandon Dawson and Dustin and Ryan and Steven Staats also went wheels. Later he had to weld his light just four minutes in back of them. That was Becker and his co-driYer, Miller ran fourth, and another three out early. But Richard and Jason bar on, but he had no flats. In ninth Tammie and Regen Gubler, another Rick Harrah, who did Lap 3. He said or four had dropped out. Voss went into the lead with their it was Rob Reinertson and Mike Ford, ran third. But on the second their truck wouldn't turn right for At the finish it was Beard and ford, with two minutes on Alan Childress, in a Ford. They somehow lap both Turner/Cecil and the last 60 miles or so. "That got to Dalke, and they won by 11 minutes. leYinson in another Ford. In third O\'erheated the truck, ran it dry and Crinklaw/Thurlow fell out. be fun", he said. But they had no They'd lost an alternator on the sec-place it was DaYe Creagan, and seYen killed the water pump. They were the The Lap 2 lead belonged to Curt flats. None of the other Class 8000 ond lap, and that had cost them 10 minutes later, Rob Clouser in a final finishers. and Todd LeDuc in their Ford. trucks finished. or 15 minutes. The motor was three Dodge. Bill Driggs had his Ford in Class 7200 went next, with 22 They'd dented a driveshaft on the There were 20 of the Class 1000 quarts low on oil, but it wasn't out. fifth place. starters. Three of them failed to com-first lap and had to change it. Then cars, and on the first lap the lead be-Beard was certainly the oldest entrant On the second lap leYinson went plete the first lap, but of the ones their transmission started slipping so longed to Adam Ashcraft in an in Class 1000, and maybe the entire into the lead, with five minutes on who made it, Jason Ruane ran first they stopped for a look at Mile 15 AlumiCraft. SeYen minutes behind race. Hart and Martensen finished the Voss truck. Clouser and his co- in his Ford. He had four minutes on and found that their antenna had him was 70 year old Ed Beard in a second, and 22 minutes later it was driYer, Cody Swantywere now third, Jonathan Swift and Andy Waters in holed an oil cooler. They bypassed Beard, in second place, and Matt Dawson and Miller. In fourth it was and Creagan, and his partner, Brian another ford. In third it was Ross that cooler and added two quarts of Loiodice, in aJimcowas third, only a Kyle Conlon and SteYe Eugenio in a Coats were fourth. They'd lost a little SaYage and Keith Ray in another oil and two quarts of power steering minute further back. In fourth it was J imco, and fifth belonged to Mike time at the end of the first lap by Ford, and then on the same minute, fluid and "then we were o.k." Todd James Hodgson in a Porter, and Mike La'A;Tence in his Lothringer. He'd bro-running out of gas. In fifth now it it was Richard Blunk in a Ford, and got in for the second lap, and moYed Lawrence ran fifth in his Lothringer ken a tie rod on the second lap which was Dave Mason in his Ford. DaYid Binns, in still another Ford. into the front. Greg Becker ran sec-VW. Six of the 20 hadn't made it cost him about45 minutes, and he'd Most of them kept moYing for-Another seYen trucks dropped ond on Lap 2, in the only Chevy run- through the first lap. had one flat. Erick Jacobs and Ray ward, but Al Hogan, who tends to out on the second lap, and now ning. The Gublers were third, and On the second lap Beard's co- Becker, in an IMF, were sixth, and haYe exotic things happen to him, Ruane was in the lead by 26 minutes. w.-carry a l'u/1 ~lectlonol': WELD•ON•TABS Wl!LD•ON•BUNGS tEIMS & ROD ENDS 3054 .£ VALLEY llil'6EJ4V BLll'D. LAS V~~ NV-8910Z TEL: Jl'OZ-B7,-4V,I FAJ/C: 70.Z-,B7 l-5ZZ I Page 12 SACa ()t( ~ (SHOEI) baja~ IGIDl;tl April 2008 droppedoutonthelastlap.TheVoss Binns ran second, and Shawn team moved back to the front of the Giordano ran third in a Toyota. In pack, and took the win in 8:32: 17. fourth it was Blunk and co-driYer They reported just one flat to mar Larry Trim, and Bartt Yochheim was their day, but said it was "a rough fifth, in another Ford, 16 minutes race course." Eight minutes later it later. was leYinson, who reported an "un- Binns had a good day, and with eyentful day." Then he went on to co-driYer Jared Teague, he took the say it was "really, really rough - win. They had some spark plug prob-' whoops three and four feet deep." lems and needed a little welding, but He had lost a radiator hose which had no flats. They were 19 minutes cost him ten minutes, but all in all it in front of second place, which was was a "good day." Third place went Giordano. He'd had no problems at to Clouse and Swanty who'd had no all, and no flats, saying his truck was flats, but did their last 30 miles driY-"intact." In third it was Yochheim, ing into the sun, which they said, was who had just one flat and no other "brutal." Fourth place went to Ma-trouble. He was nonetheless, an hour son and Backus, who'd had some and ten minutes behind the winning small electrical problems and one team. In fourth it was Ruane and flat. They were 14 minutes behind Nick Cone, who finally got to driYe third. In fifth it was Creagan and some. ll1ey'd had to replace a spindle Coats. Coats had broken the top A- and hub. Fifth went to Barry ann in the Python. ll1ey said the Voss Karakas, in a Toyota, who'd broken crew helped weld it, which took a half an upper control arm heim, and that .hour. had bent a shock. He said it cost a lot Sixth place went to Ken Losch, oftime.In sixthitwasBrettYochheim, Rob Martensen and Peter Weiss in about a half hour later. SeYenth went their Ford. On the first lap they'd to brothers Kelly and John McNeil, flipped in the Python, but landed on in a Ford. They'd hit someone and their wheels with the hood flipping broken their lights, and also broke a up. They'd had a couple of flats, and coil O\'er spring. Eighth place went to their air filters got plugged with dust. Swift and Waters who'd lost a lot of David Binns drove his really good looking Ford to the Class 7200 victory, he had 19 minutes on his competition at the checkers. Dusty Times

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It was a third place finish for Martin Christensen in the Class 1 A third place finish in Pro Truck went to Rob Clouser, he's seen It was a third place finish for Brandon Dawson at Parker, he's battle, he's seen here in his good looking Jimco. here with the hammer down in his Dodge truck. time somehow early in the day, and lap. He was working with a handi- Greenberg, who drove the third lap. in ninth it was Joe Stone and Randy cap, because the front end "was rigid" They were just a bit less than two min-Sorenson, with the time of 15:48:03. for the first 100 miles or so. Third utes behind third. Fifth place went They were the final finishers. place belonged to Jim Anderson and to Tim and James Pangborn, in only Class 1100 (which is the same as Mike Belk in an RSP, and Lee the second race for their car. They SCORE Lite) went off the line next, Creiglow had taken over for Justin lost their power steering for the final with 25 starters. Only four bombed smith and now ran fourth, about five 22 miles, but muscled it in. Sixth was out on the first lap. The early lead minutes later. In fifth it was Craig Jarrett Lemley in a Mirage, a half hour belonged to Justin Smith, in a Desert Brabant and Ricky Brabec, and sixth later, and in seventh it was Robert Assassin, but he had only one minute was Scot and Jake Jones, 36 minutes Scarla in a Kreger. In eighth it was on Red Burgin in his 20 year old behindfirstplace.ltwasstillanyone's RonMalekowandJasonLaFortune, Chenowth. Then there was a tie for race. in a Seagroves that was out for the fourth place, another four minutes Four more teams fell out on the first time. They broke a tie rod and back, between Malcolm Bryce in a last lap. And Smith and Brockmann, had a flat on the first lap, and then Moulton and the team of Mike Wil- who had a late flat, moved into the late in the day the clutch wouldn't Iiams, Mike Sandoval and Blaise Jack-lead and took the win. They finished fully disengage, and it started to burn son in their Meco. Another four min- just four minutes in front of second up. They figured that cost them an utes back Jarrett Lemley in a Mirage, place Burgin and Brown. In third hour. Their time was 12:05: 15. was tied for sixth with Brian Burgess place it was Bryce and Jim Moulton. Ninth place went to the Jones team, in a Moulton. They'd pulled over on the second lap 25 minutes later, and in tenth it was On the second lap they lost an- to let a faster car go by, and got high- Scott Rhone in a Chenowth. Eb--other five cars, and the lead was now centered. It cost them a half hour, enth was Stan Calvalage in a Tatum, in the hands of Burgin and his co-and then they'd had a late flat. and in 12th, Richard Garavito and driver, Tom Brown who did the sec-Moulton, describing the course, said, Raul Solano in an ORAF. Garavito ond and third laps. In second it was "fa·erything was holes." they were had rolled early in the day, and hurt Rodney Smith and Vic Brockmann about an hour and 15 minutes be- his ann, so Solano did one more lap in a Prill. Smith had started and he'd hind second place. In fourth it was than he'd planned. He had motor rolled over and had a flat on the first Smith, Creiglow and Sigal and suspension problems, butgotto seen here in his good looking Class 10 Jimco. thefinish.Hewasthelastonetomake and Weeks, who'd had a flat and it in, in the time of 13:47:52. their torsion bars had sagged. That Class 5000 was next to start. does slow things down. They were 21 These are the unlimited Baja Bugs. minutes in front of the Potts and There were seven of them for this Velasco, who'd run out of gas, which event. Two teams dropped out on they blamed on "lots of soft sand." the first lap, and Drew Belk went into Even so, they said, "It's a great race." the lead, with just two minutes on No one else finished. second place A.J. Martin, part of the Class 2000 went off the line next, venerable Martin racing family that These are the 1600cc single and two-did very well here in the past. In third seat buggies (in SCORE: Class 1/2-it was Ralph and Brian Potts and 1600), and they had 31 starters. They Arthur Velasco. lost four members on the first lap, Belk, and his co-driver Dave and the lead belonged to Brian Jef-Bonner, who took over halfway frey in his Porter. But he had only through, held their lead, and had two minutes on Matt Gumz in a 1983 over an hour on the second lap. Kevin ORE chassis. Tim Bums ran third in Heitritter and Shannon Weeks were an unknown type of car, and then now second, in only their second race. there was a three-way tie for sixth be-The Potts and Velasco were third, tween Brad Wilson in a Penhall, Brian and Martin had dropped to fourth, Benson in an M & T chassis and just three minutes later, but then he Kevin and Brian Smith in their Mi-was unable to finish. rage. At the finish it was still Belk and On the second lap they lost a few Bonner. They'd had no problems, more, and Gumz's co-driver, Shane and stopped for one "preventive" tire Brown, moved up into the lead, with change, and took the win by almost five minutes on the Jeffrey car. Broth-two hours. Second went to Heitritter Continued on page 17 Re a·te Runs March 1st -May 31st 2008 Skyjacker® has the performance shocks you need for your on or off-road vehicle. The performance components of these shocks respond to the on-and off-road conditions instantly. Whether you are going over rough or smooth terrain, the true velocity sensitive valving produces better handling, improved stability, and maximum comfort. If that is not reason enough to buy, Skyjacker® now offers an extra incentive of $35.00 cash back on the purchase o_f 4 Skyjacker® shocks. Buy 4 Hydro or Nitro shocks at any Skyjacker® Authorized Dealer and submit the rebate form to receive $1J5.oo C1"SH B'"C1u1 FEATURES iJ /1 /1 ft• • 150 PSI PRESSURIZED NITROGEN GAS (NITRO ONLY) ' 1 • ORIFICE DISK To find an Authorized Skyjacker® Dealer near you call 866.4.A.DEALER ext. 5061 or visit us on the web at to find out more about this exciting shock offer. • VELOCITY SENSITIVE VALVING • LEAK PROOF SEAL • BONDED IRON PISTON • CHROMED PISTON ROD • RED BOOT INC,l:UDED • RED POLYURETHANE BUSHINGS • LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY Dusty Times April 2008 Page 13

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Malcolm Bryce and Jim Moulton didn't have the best day, they Brad Wilson drove a pretty good race, he came in third in his Bart Yocheim came down from Salt Lake City to take a third finished third in Class 1100 in their Moulton. Penhall in the always competitive Class 1600 fracas. place finish in his Ford, seen here during a rough landing. ers Brian and Joe switched midway the middle of the cat at the top of the was making repairs. He'd been just some. Still, he held his lead and 20 minutes to replace a broken leaf through the second lap. Third place dash, and then Brady held on to the "going down the road", when his took the win, dedicating itto Manny spring. In third it was Ziegler and belonged to Brett Spielman in a Mi-errant light bar as they drove to the steering box broke and the truck Esquerra. Twenty-three minutes Decker, and Brian Day and Kevin rage, and in fourth it was the Smiths. finish. It was a new car. rolled two and a half times and later the Halls finished and re- Brown were a distant fourth, about Brent and Jamie Meyer had moved In eighth place it was Brent and landed n his roof. Greg had short- ported that their goal had been just three hours later. Sullivan and up to fifth. Wilson dropped to sixth Jamie Meyer, who reported brake course racer Rick Huseman riding that-"to finish." They were a half Jones had dropped out and so had when he rolled the car and landed and clutch problems. They were only with him. They got to work, jacked it hour in front of third place team Wayne DeMonja who had already on his side. He needed help from the about a half minute behind seventh. up and get it on its wheels by them-of Dunlap and Harris, who said broken his third gear twice, and spectators to get moYing again. In ninth it was Rick Graf and Amy selves. It had two flats but they had that "something is wrong in the rear replaced his transmission twice. At the finish it was Gumz and Perez. Graf, who drove Laps 1 and 2, twospares,and theyhadasparesteer-end - maybe a broken axle." In He'd also broken his rear leaf Brown, who reported that they'd had rolled the car at Mile 5, but appar- ing box, which they installed. They fourth it was Foutz, who let part- springs, had two flat tires at once, no problems. Their elderly car used ently didn't lost much time. Tenth also changed a leaf spring. It took ner and sponsor, Da\'id Winner, and had a leaky radiator. Then, to belong to Ste,·e Barlow, according place went to Ross and Ryan Mattox them an hour and a half. drive the third lap. They'd made a with co-driver Bob Nance in the to Jim Moulton who built it in '83, in a Carroll, and two minutes behind Another couple of trucks big comeback after the first lap truck, the third transmission broke, and it's got a lot of hard miles on it. them it was Tony Medina and Tim dropped out on the second lap, and crash. Fifth place went to Loren so they replaced that, but when In second, 11 minutes later it was the Burns. Twelfth place went to Mark Tunnell held on to his lead. On the Worthington, about 40 minutes Nance got to Mile 97 that one Jeffrey brothers, who had a perfect Acuna and Tony Mastrangelo in a second lap he lost his starter, but later, and in sixth it was Alden and broke also. They'd run out of parts day. They said they "diced for the lead Mirage, and in 13th itwasJ.J. Schnarr got help from spectators making a Napoleon, with a time of 16:05:26. by then, so finally had to call it a all day", and had no flats and no and James Fry. Their time was fix. He was 11 minute ahead of They were the last finishers in the day. problems. Third went to Wilson and 12:41:47. The 14th place car, an M Josh and Chad Hall in their Hum- class. Lawrence got back into Steele's co-driver, Justin Munyon, an hour & T chassis, was driven by Brian mer. They'd broken tie rods twice Class 7100 started next, with 10 truck to do the final lap, and hung later. Munyon had a flat near the Benson and Gregg Watkins, who said on the first lap, which cost them trucks, all of them Fords. Four of on to the lead to take the win. The end of the second lap, and also, their they'd tangled with another car in ten or 15 minutes each time. In them, al experienced teams with Sierras weren't far back, and with light bar had fallen off. They stopped the Python and bent their front third it was Scott Dunlap and Mike good equipment, failed to finish the any luck might haYe mo\'ed up, but and left it with a broken-down racer beam. Ed and John Bonanni and Harris in a Ford, and Loren first lap. Tim Lawrence, in Heidi they also broke a rear leaf spring and finished with just one small light. John Scharf were 15th in their Worthington ran fourth, followed Steel's truck, had the lead, with and then ran out of gas, which they Spielman was fourth, reporting that Lothringer. They broke their steer-about a half-hour later by Foutz in Tony and Noe Sierra running sec- estimated cost them 40 minutes. he'd rolled once, and one of his two ing at Mile 2 and were astounded fifth. The only other truck running ond and Clayton Sullivan and They were just 40 minutes behind lights had fallen off, He drove in with when Weatherman Bob Steinberger then was Mike Alden and Anthony Jeffery Jones in third place. Fourth the winning truck,. Noe, the one light on a flat, and was just eight showed up on the ground, in a Ye-Napoleon in their Ford, and they belonged to Paul Ziegler and Matt brother who finished, declared that minutes out of third. Fifth place went hide towing a disabled truck. He had were another hour and a half back, Decker. "this cour e is like San Felipe three to DanielMcMillin in aJimco. On he a welder with him, and quickly fixed apparently haYing a difficult day. On the second lap with Steele at times! Very tough!" He also said that first lap he'd had to adjust his rear the problem. (Ir seems that Tunnell had only one flat all the wheel, the team continued to he'd been Yery cold, and couldn't torsion bars and on the second lap Steinberger, who doesn't do the ra-day, but the truck started using oil lead, with the Sierra brothers still feel his hands. They finished at his battery came loose. On Lap 3 he'd dio relay bit at the BITD races, and late in the trip, and he had to add second. Steele had to pit for about Continued next page had a broken throttle cable that cost who has a house in the area, had rnl-another ten minutes and he was ten unteered to work the race as a tow minutes behina fourth. Yehicle, or whatever else wa needed, In sixth it was Matt Niles and He helped many folks in the course Derek Kreger in a Kreger. It was a of the day.) His fix was apparently brand new car and they rolled it, but not permanent for these folks, be-landed on their wheels. They re-cause their steering went away again ported no flats, and were seYen min- later on. Their time for the day was utes out of fifth. In seYenth it was 13:06:37. In 16th place it was Sean Tanner Harri age 15, Corbin Har- Backus a11d Matt Pina in aJimco and ris, age 17 and Cody Robin-on, age two hours later Rob Gibbs and Ja-16, who all drO\·e. The oldest, Corbin, son Cramer were 17th, and the final rolled the car on three separate occa-finisher in this class. sions while driving the second lap. Class 8100 was next, with ten start-This caused the light bar, a big one ers, one of which fell out on the first with four lights, to fall off on the lap. Of the remainder, the lead be-third lap just when it was needed. longed to Larry Tunnell in his Che,y, When that happened, Robinson, but he was only about a minute who droYe Lap 3, and his passenger, ahead of Randy Merritt in his Ford. Taylor Brady (who rode all the way) In third it was Scott Dunlap in an-taped one light in the middle of the other Ford, and Mike Alden, also car at the top of the dash, and then Ford, ran fourth. Greg Foutz, who's Brady held on to the errant light in usually in the lead pack in his Ford, The Class 8100 went to Larry Tunnell Jr. he had a bit more than 23 minutes on his competition, seen here in his good lookin' Chevy. Dusty Times IE • Slows forwurd motion in tbe event ol a crasb • Allows l,ead movement • No am,hersome coRar to wear • Quick, one-time adjustment • Does not ltook imo lap heh • Reduces aecl tension by 4S-10% • Great for all types of motor raclng, especially where driver changes are common TIP DRIVERS UTILIZINI THE 1-1:El Geor9e Seeley • bl, Jim & Tray Herbst • Larry "LR" Roese/er Mork Past • Nick Baldwia • Jerry Whelchel • Ala11 Pflueger Jason & Josh Baldwin • Ri<k, Rondy & Ronny Wilson Mike Julson • Bab tJtnn • Mark & Gary Weyluidi • Dave Ashley Dao Smillr • lyle Taylor • G11s Vildosola • RDb Mac(adlren NIDl,'IIJIUJ . (~:, 7 I, ·.•.;::: ::::::?111 IHI/' 1..B00.7110.2350 • Fax 909.360.11436 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Lom~ CA 91752 April 2008 Page 17

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The Potts and the Velasco's gave it their all, they were the third The third place finishers pin in Class 8100 went to Scott Dunlap, The Class 7100 third place finish went to Paul Ziegler, he's seen here racing his Ford to the checkered flag. place finishers in the Class 5000 battle. he's seen here hustling to the finish line in his Ford. about 8:45 p.m. In third, an hour They finished their two laps in he had a flawless run with the truck and 20 minutes later it was Ziegler 8: 12:37, and went home with the to take another second. In third it and Decker, and none of the oth- win. was Rick Johansen, with his son, ers made it in. There was only one 5100 car Ricky, riding all the way. This team The 4100 cars were next, with just (Baja Bugs limited to 1600ccs), and has more fun than anybody. They'd three starters, and they were the first it was driven by John and Bill Skaggs, had "a few little things here and of the two-lap classes. Marc Stein both from Parker. They had one there", like a broken bolt. But no and Travis Walser led all the way in flat, and added brake fluid at every flats. They were the final team to their Ford, but the other two were pit, and finished the race in finish in the class. close enough that they needed a 11:21:34, with a victory on their The next group off the line was good run. Chad Hall was second in record. the Class 3100 trucks, with four his Hummer, and the Sunderlands, The 7 300 cars were next to take starters. DaYe Blakely and his Nissan John A. and John R. ran third. Stein the green light, another two-lap dropped out on the fir t lap, and and Walser had a flawless day, and class, and there were seven of them, Milo Brown and his Ford also fell finished in 7: 10:57 to take the win. all Fords.Two of them dropped out victim to some disaster. That left Hall said he'd had "not a bad day-on the first lap, but there was a close Mike Falkosky in his ford, who ran didn't have to get out -no flats. It battle at the front of the pack. Carl first, and Rod Hall and Mike Winkel needs some tun in'." His time was Fitts had the lead, but Josh Sutton in their Hummer, who were second. 7: 37: 3 2. In third it was the and John Webster were only three Falkosky had what he called a "per-Sunderlands, whose day had gone minutes behind him, and Lance feet" day. He said a vent hose fell off sour on the second lap. They'd bro- Fisher was just a minute further back. the rear end, so they taped a rag over ken a lower balljoint, upright and Fitts finished first smelling of the hole to keep the big pieces out. limit straps and used up a lot of time burnt brakes. He said the truck had Then, on the last lap he came across with repairs. They were four hours starting idling high so he'd had to Sunderland with a problem on his down atthe finish, butthey made it, use "a lot more brakes." But he'd 4100 car. Sunderland needed a jack, giving this class a 100% finish rate. had no other problems, not even a so Falkosky left him his. He said he Class 3700 was next off the line, flat. He'd averaged six miles to a gal-worried a bit that he might need it with four starters. This is JeepSpeed Lon of fuel he reported.Nine min- later on, but as it turned out, he 3, and they're more modified Jeeps utes later it was Lance Fi her, driv-didn't. On the whole, his day was than in the regular JeepSpeed group. ing an entire race for the first time "pretty uneventful." He finished in They were also a two-lap class. They here. He'd also ridden in the BITD 9: 15:02. Hall and Winkel had spring had a rough day, because three of motorcycle race a couple of weeks problems and lost an hour and a them failed to finish the first lap, before this e\'ent, which had given half with repairs. It was "not an easy leaving Mike Barnett and Bruce him a "good pre-run". He'd finished fix" said Hall. Their time was Kerstner running by themseh-es. second in his class in that race. TI1en 10:52:00. SAT PHONE RENTALS & SALES Rent Iridium Phones from only $49.99 per week Same Day Delivery/Pick Up We Sell New & Used Sat Phones We Buy Used Sat Phones We Repair Sat Phones Open 24 Hours Located in San Diego, CA • it •• • IRIDIUM /\ Globalstar \/k' ))'Y inmarsat i' 7 bgan 1-888-884-7623 Page 18 April 2008 Next to go were the JeepSpeeds, with 24 starters. They also ran only two laps. But that was hard to do for some, and nine of them dropped out on Lap 1. Ray Griffith had the early lead, but there was a pack breathing on his rear bumper. Scott Hartman ran only four minutes be-hind him, and then Eric Heiden was third. Tom Barnett ran fourth and Bryan Dodge was fifth and only 16 minutes off the lead pace. Four more dropped out on the second lap, and one of those was Griffith, who was reported to ha\'e lost his motor. Hartmann and his co-driver, Jeff Knoll, went on to take the win in their Wrangler, in spite of the fact that they'd had to dri\'e on a flat for a long time. In second, 11 minutes later, it was Dodge, who'd been stuck at Mile 2 when he'd tried to make a pass. Some spectators had pushed him free. He said it had been a "long day" in his two wheel drive Jeep. In third it was Tom and Thomas Barnett, in an-other Wrangler. Theirs is a stock one, which still has its catalytic con-verter, smog equipment and license plates. They'd had no flats and no problems. They were just six min-utes out of second. Fourth place went to Bob Standage, who'd had some excite-ment when he got up on his front tires on the first lap, then landed hard on his left rear and "debeaded and flattened" the tire. His time was 8:06: 14. In sixth it was Eric Helgeson, who'd blown a head gas-ket off the start, but put Stop Leak in and had no trouble with it. Then he'd broken the rear leaf pack and replaced it, and then he'd broken a track bar. They were only 37 sec-onds behind fifth place. In seventh it was Michael Shaffer and Da\'e Schneider, and then Jeff Jordan and Chris Watts were eighth, followed in by Clint Mazburg and Steve Hammack in ninth. Tenth went to William Frey and Matthew Perron, and in 11th it was Kevin Da\'is and Steve Kramer, in 14:38:34. Chase and John Rather were the last fin-ishers in 15:41:57. The Sportsman group was the fi-nal bunch to take the green flag, and there were 16 of them, a mixed bag of chase trucks and buggies. They were also supposed to do two laps. Seven of them went no distance at all, not eYen being recorded at the first timing check. Of the rest, Bob Howle and Joe Daraskevius had a 14 minute lead over Lee Finke in his LS l powered Coyote buggy. Bob Myers and Steve Craig, in a tandem buggy powered by a 1980cc VW motor, ran third. Andrew Megaw and Zack Perez and Tim West were fourth two minutes later. Myers, whose son-in-law, Steve Craig, rode in the back seat all the way, had to weld a broken clamp on the front beam, and also welded something in the rear, but they still moved up to take the win by 15 min-utes. Finke and his second driver, Daryl Drake had a fuel delivery prob-lemon the second lap, which slowed their time. It also caused the car to "die in a mud hole", which which the friendly spectators pushed them to hard ground. They went on to take second place, finishing their two laps in the time of 8:55:07. In third it was Ryan and Mark Valdez, but they didn't stop to talk about it. Their time was 10:22: 17. Fourth place went to Michael Si\'ak and Jacob Kelly, in 10:50:09, and fifth was Eric Kirby and Shawn Davis in a Toyota, in 12: 18:75. They were the final finisher in the class. The race was huge in numbers, and at times the army of rnlunteer course workers was pushed to keep up with stalled vehicles and crashes. But they handed it all effectively for the most part, and cleared the course expeditiously. That's no small mat-ter on the Parker course, where many miles are isolated from access roads, so no one can driYe in to re-move a broken vehicle. The course workers all had to be on site before the race started. The BITD goes next to Primm, for the Terrible's 250, on April 17th through the 20th. It's a new \'enue for them, but should be great for spectators as well as the racers. ~~ Heidi Steele and Tim Lawrence were the Class 7100 gold medal winners, they're seen here headin' towards the barn. Dusty Times

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l.l\Jc:!C:: 57™ UDDEHOLII SWEDISH RALLY Latvala Wins Big Far Fard BY MARTIN HOLMES PHOTOS: MAURICE SEWEN Jari-Matti latvala, 22 years old, was the gold medal winner in S weden, he drove to victory in his Ford Focus, seen here at speed. There was hardly a dry eye in the house. By winning the Swedish Rally virtually from start to finish on only his second appearance in a full works entered car, 22 year old Jari-Matti Lat\'ala smashed the 27 year record set by his idol Henri T oivonen and became the youngest driYer eYer to win a World rally. It was surely the most popular win possible. He drove with assurance and confidence, seizing the chance of good times because of a fa\'ourable initial starting order posi-tion, and holding his ad\'antage with the coolness of a Yeteran. Mikko HirYOnen, handicapped by running the first morning at the head of the field in treacherous conditions, droYe competently into second place, with the Stobart driwr Gigi Galli making it a 1-2-3 result for Ford. Sebastien loeb went off the road on the first day, damaging his C4 WRC and re-tired with engine trouble, while Petter Solberg struggled in to fourth place, the highest non-Ford finisher. Once again the world champion-ship headed up north for a winter e,·ent, and once again there was a long period of uncertainty whether the rally would arriYe before the snows. In fact, it was a tie. The forest areas, where the special stages are held, had a fair coYering of snow enough for some snow banks to form, but the weather kept above the zero mark which meant that the depth of ice nec-essary to giYe a permanent hard sur-face was too thin and got thinner as the rally drew e,·er closer. Karlstad it-self, adorned with its promotional logo of a smiling sun, was well aboYe the zero temperature mark, and snow had long since turned to slush and to water. Karlstad itself is such a suitable location for the base of the eYent that the organisers had to find other ways to contain the ewnt. They abandoned the stage Yenue in the far north of the route, e\'en though this was the loca-tion where snow banks were most likely, and they inYoked the FIA's Re-mote Service Park system. By haYing the permanent sen-ice location in Karlstad, Shakedown could be run on the outskirts of the town, and the city's trotting track could be used as a superspecial stage. This meant the rally cars could stay all day in more north-erly regions without the need for set-ting up a pennanent ser\'ice park away from Karlstad, but it created a lot of limits in the way that crews could op-erate. Compromises in car set-up were necessary, so that cars would be equally suitable for the smooth first runs through stages as the rougher second runs. The highlight at the eYent was that it was the 100th world championship rally start for Sebastien Loeb and his co-driYer, Daniel Elena, not a great · number by today's standards, but the achieYement of this pair in their Citroen cars was far and away the most impressive in the history of the sport. Not all was happy in the Citroen camp, howewr. When the cars re-· turned to their Paris base after Monte Carlo, it was discoYered that the en-gine in Sordo's car had been dam-aged when the turbocharger failed, e\'en though it had lost a little of its perfonnance capabilities on the final day of the eYent. Because Sordo was classified as a finisher, and then had the engine changed, he started the Swedish with a fiye minute penalty. In hindsight it would haYe been better to haw withdrawn Sordo's car before the finish at Monte Carlo, forfeiting what turned out to be one manufacturer's championship point, but would haw saYed incurring the fiye minute penalty here. "Unfortu-nately, we were not in full possession of the facts in Monte Carlo, when we had to make a decision", explained Citroen Sport's Director, OliYier Quesnel. FiYe of the registered teams took part in the eYent, only the Munchi's team having yet to start their competi-tion this season. There were some musical chairs among the entries for the subsidiary Ford teams. Galli stayed in the Stobart team, Henning Solberg took over the car used in Monte Carlo by DuYal, which meant a quick be-tween-rallies repaint of the once blue and green car, while Henning' s orange car from Monte Carlo, in turn, had to be painted green and blue so that non-registered driYer, but regular Stobart driwr, Matthew Wilson, could run it instead! Toni Gardemeister'sSuzuki had to haYe an engine change between events, but as he did not qualify as a finisher in Monte Carlo, he had no penalty here t:;J;Ji;;r;..i"!"'-"....--...... in Sweden. This was the first e\'ent in the 2008 PCWRC series and 19 of the 28 registered contenders were present, plus two nominated Guest driYers from the organisers as well (Patrik Flodin and last year's Group N winner, Oscar SYedlund). This was the first appearance of the "N4" hatchback Subaru Impreza in the PCWRC series and no fewer than four championship teams were run-ning these cars, as were three priYa-teers. For the first time a driYer had declared his intention to run a Super 2000 car in the series, this was the Swedish driYer Patrik Sandell, the 2006 Junior Champion who arriYed in the Peugeot 207 S2000 used last year by Jimmy Joge. Sandell is one of two drivers planning to contest both the Production Car and also the Jun-ior series, the other being Martin Prokop. The Pirelli control tyre rule brought fresh challenges for the sup-plier, as it had been decided the rally would be run using narrow 16 inch wheels, eYen though in 2009 the snow tyres (application for Rally Norway) will be fitted to regular 15 inch wheels, as used for graYel rallies. More than this, there was a development with the studding. In past years, teams were able to arrange their own studding, mak-ing themseh-es a selection of tyres in which the studs were deeply embed-ded into the tread block suitable for rough graYel use with maybe 4mm of protrusion, with protrusion further out of the block suitable for snow or ice conditions. faery tyre supplied by Pirelli had studs protruding by 7mm, apparently making them less ideal and highly disadYantageous for the graY-elly conditions which were anticipated for the second runs through stages but in the eYent these longer studs were remarkably effectiw and gave hardly any trouble to crews. Of the 61 crews accepted for the start, only seven drivers were Swedish, although O\'er a hundred were entered in the shorter two-day national e,·ent planned to run in tandem with the world championship rally and using some of the same stages on the Satur-day-Sunday. Daniel Carlsson had en-tered the world championship e\'ent in a Peugeot 307 WRC, sponsored by a national telecom company, but when it was learned they wanted to experiment with in-car transmissions they were banned from the WRC e\'ent and the entry was transferred to the nationale\'ent instead. Day 1 8 Stages, gm-el, 122.14kms. Despite predictions the Shake-down was satisfactorily run on a short course located adjacent to the central SerYice Park outside Karlstad and the dri\'ers reported the conditions were surprisingly nice considering the warm weather. Chris Atkinson was fa test of all, ahead of Sebastien Loeb and Petter Solberg. There was no ceremo-nial start that evening, but there was the first run round the trotting track superspecial course, where it was Petter's turn to be fastest of all, the first time a Subaru had led a World Rally since Finland in 2007. Atkinson dropped a little time on the stage when the clutch failed. The local superstar of the event was P.G. Andersson, fresh from his great driYe in Monte Carlo, and journalists scoured the family records for eYery possible picture of the young Suzuki driwr. Mikko HirYonen was quite aware of his new responsibilities ... Tactics? ''None, its got to be flat-out all the way". With the temperature abo\'e zero all the time, the talk was always about tyres. HirYOnen: "It will be harder on the tyres and more tricky for the drh·ers. There could be punctures where there is a lot of graYel." The conditions were worrying, and it wasn't just the mat-ter of the damage to the cars and to the tracks themseh-es. 1l1e speeds were incredible. The first forest stage of the rally was won at an aYerage of 125kph, the second time through the a,·erage was 126.16kph. The problem of the morning, however, was wet snow, slush. For the first driYers through tl1e stages this was ,·ery treacherous, and it was not surprising that the first car through went off the road. The sur-prise was that this was Loeb ... It was a tricky double bend and he rolled, damaging a water pipe and the clutch. He was able to repair the water hose before he got to the remote service area at Sunne, albeit arri\ing fiw min-utes behind schedule, but then he abandoned the struggle on the road section to the next stage. Jari-Matti\-ala meanwhile was ha, ing the time of his life. Running 10th car on the road he made a series of best times, immediately taking oYer the lead from Solberg, and pulling away from HirYonen who was running second car. Another drh·er in trouble was Atkinson, whose car went straight into a snow bank, causing him to lose a quarter of an hour, waiting for help. "I don't know what happened at all. The car has a mind of its own." With Loeb out of the eYent for the day, Fords were running in the top four places with the Subaru of Petter Solberg fifth, being as delicate in his opinions as possible, but from the colourofhiseyesyou knew hisSubaru was next to undriwable. The Swedish favourite P.G. Andersson stopped on Stage 4 with an engine problem "Oil leaking, and warning lights blazing". An excitement for many visiting spectators was the battle between the Norwegians. At Sunne, Henning Solberg was up to third, in front of Galli and Petter, Mads Ostberg was eighth in his newly acquired 06 spec Subaru, just 1.6 sec-ond in front of Andreas Mikkelsen. Mikkelsen was far from happy, how-ever, haYing a problem with a wastegate Yal\'e which progressi\'ely ebbed his power. While Ostberg fin-ished Stage 4 on a flat tyre, Urmo Aan was ha\'ing a dramatic rally, spending some se\·en minutes on Stage 4 in a snow bank. Khalid Al Qassimi Continued next page --.--,-,.--, Juho Hanninen and Mikko Markkula drove their Mitsubishi Lancer A silver medal finish for Mikko Hirvonen and Jarmo Lehtinen in Jari Ketomaa and Miika Teiskonen drove their Subaru lmpreza to Eva IX to the PCWRC win and they were seventh overall as well. their Ford Focus RS, seen here in beautiful flight. second place in PCWRC and an impressive 10th overall finish. Dusty Times April 2008 Page 19

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Gianluigi Galli and Giovanni Bernacchini were third overall in their Martin Prokop and Jan Tomanek drove their Mitsubishi Lancer Henning Solberg and Cato Menkerud drove yet another Ford Focus Ford Focus RS, seen here in a tight right hander. Eva IX to fourth in PCWRC and a 12th overall finish. RS to a 13th place finish in the snowy, slushy Swedish Rally. was experiencing his first rally on snow. but conditions were deteriorating fast, PCWRC drivers reported that much to believe our calculations or the fuel Dutch printeer dri\'er, Jaap Sinke, Conditions in the afternoon were a and after all the championship driv-of the slush had cleared away from gauge. We thought the gauge was retired from the rally in disgrace. He mess. Crews had expected the wet slush ers had passed the course was closed the stages by the time they arrived, with faulty, but it wasn't!" The problem had been caught O\'erspeeding in recce would have cleared away completely and the pri\'ateers did not drive it. gravel beginning to show itself. Uwe was that a breather pipe was syphoning by 5lkph, which incurred not only a but it didn't. Hin'Onen was now run- Meanwhile, latvala was cruising in the Nittel led the category after the Thurs- fuel from one tank to the other, with- fine ofEuros 510 from the organisers, ning first car on the road, "Lots of lead. "I am really happy. I had a good day night superspecial, then Jari out their knowing. A happy Sandell but two days before the e\'ent he had gravel and slush, water lying in the ruts, opportunity to test the car before the Ketomaa led for two stages in his 2006 finished the day 15 seconds in front to go to court, where the magistrates horrible." Atkinson said his car was event and got it to handle exactly as I model Subaru before Patrik Sandell of Juho Hanninen while Flodin was banned him from dri\ing. InSweden, going better because there was more wanted it to do." An interested spec-got full confidence with his Peugeot up to third. Ketomaa lost six minutes the effect of a licence suspension is traction in the gravel but Petter tator was Marcus Gronholm, who and went ahead. "This 207 is fantas- with a puncture on Stage 6 and then delayed by 48 hours. So Sinke was Solberg was still miserable. Henning commented, "I rather think that tic", he exclaimed, "you can put it side-spun on Stage 7 and needed se\'eral allowed to contest the first four stages, was happy except for a minor gear- lat\'ala isgoingtogi\'e Hinonen some wayswhene,·eryou want. It isn't like a movements before the car was point-but when he got to the end ofStage 4 shift problem. Norwegian fans were problems in the future ... " TI1en came Group N car at all, and I feel that ing in the right direction again. Oscar he found a policeman waiting for him, very impressed, four of their drivers the news that the organisers had given experience of Super 2600 cars is im-Svedlund had misfiring on his new "Your 48 hours has now elapsed. I ahead of the top Swede -in Sweden. Hirvonen a ten second penalty for late portant to get the best out of it." Driv-Subaru. Nasser AlAttiyah and Toshi wanted to check that you are now Mikkelsen, howe\'er, was lucky to hold arrival at the control at the start of ers of the new 2008 Subarus were not Arai were both loathing e\'ery minute going to retire from the rally and go on to his place when both rear shock the superspecial which look suspi-really happy, still finding their way with of the event. Nittel, who was driving straight back to Holland", he ex-absorbers failed on Stage 7. Aa,-a went ciously like a tactic to force Henning the new model. fageniy Vertunov had his first World Rally for eight years, plained! missing altogether, his C4 having gone Solberg to run in front of Hin'Onen to drive six kilometres on a flat front was already in the PCWRC points Eventually Hinunen' s ten second off the road on Stage 7 and landed in on the stages the next day, but in fact, tyre. Patrik Flodin spun on the first zone (ahead of reigning champion penalty was scrubbed and he started a river. Toni Gardemeister had no this was never intended. It seemed to corner of the first forest stage. Young-Arai), and finding the sport a lot more the Saturday second car on the road. sooner left the midday service halt be due to a misunderstanding with a ster Jussi Tiippana spun and stalled competitive than he used to know. Overnight the temperatures remained when his Suzuki lost hydraulic pres- marshal. Dani Sordo, who started the and lost a minute. Stefano Marrini "You have to take a lot of risks to keep abo\'e zero, so the thawing process was sure. Conrad Rautenbach was dri\'- rally last in the classification because lost third gear and was struggling, while up with the new young drivers these not halted at all. The organisers re-ing safely in his Citroen Xsara WRC, of his five minute penalty, finished the Eyvind Bynildesen (who recently eel-days", said the 38 year old German. gretfully cancelled the nationalcham-detennined to make no errors this day in 18th place overall, and more ebrated his 20th birthday), had to Indonesian Subhan Aksa was discm·-pionship section of the rally, the sec-time. The day finished with the sec-importantly was seventh among the stop for the day when his car ran out ering a lot of new things, "I had ne,·er ond time a top national event had ond run round the superspecialtrack, registered team competitors. The of fuel. "We had a problem, whether seen snow until I came to Europe!" been abandoned. So unlike ~ ROA Page 20 Aprll 2008 Dusty Times

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Fourth overall in Sweden was Petter Solberg and Philip Mills, Toni Gardemeister and Tomi Tuominen drove their Suzuki Swift Patrik Sandell and Emil Axelsson drove their Peugeot 207 to third their Subaru lmpreza is seen here at full tilt. to a seventh overall finish in Sweden, they're seen here at speed. in PCWRC and an 11th overall finish in Sweden. neighbouring Finland and Norway, the race after his initial five minute Subaru Group N cars were in despair, th rough the remaining stages. badly damaged to continue. Finns the world championship rally was penalty. From 18thovernighthewas AlAttiyahappalledhecouldnotchal-Trouble struck Matthew Wilson, took 1-2 in the category, Juho Sweden's first sight of important ral-up to seventh overall only three stages lenge for a points position, explained whose fly-by-wire system failed on the Hanninen winning in his Mitsubishi lying this year. But it was all touch- later! that his car was completely unstable penultimate stage and he had to run ahead of Jari Ketomaa in his 06 and-go. Contingency plans were im-The first stage of the afternoon was at high speed. The privateer driver some distance with the throttle fully Subaru. This was the third year run-mediately put in hand in case the to be Stage 12, a repeat of Stage 9, Bernard Munster said his car had ab-open before he could find a place ning Hanninen had won Group N stages deteriorated on the first runs in and was cancelled. It was not a stage in solutely insufficient power. Even the to safely take the car off the road on the road, but in 2007 he was even-the morning and they might be forced thestyleofothers,asitwastoberun Swedish lady driver, Ramona andstop.Thiscosthim20minutes tually excluded after post-event to abandon those due to be run in mostly on private forestry ground Karlsson, was happy that in her case and in the end the team withdrew scrutineering of his car. the afternoon. Anyway, Stage 9 was rather than public gravel roads, so just she was only trying to finish without him before the finish. This meant So an exciting rally which wit-the first action of the second day and two stages remained in the day. Plenty fighting for positions. Mikkelsen finished in fifth place nessed Henri Toivonen's 27 year old Loeb ("I would prefer to have gone of competitors wished they would have Day 3 overall. Chris Atkinson eventually record smashed by Jari-Matti Latvala back home but my team wanted me cancelled, or at least shortened Stage 5 Stages, gravel, 81kms. finished a long way down the placings and who also became the 14th to carry on") and Aava were back in 14 as well, where the route entered a Henning Solberg was back in ac-but in the end his perseverance with driver from his country to win a action, Andersson's engine failure kept stretch which was asphalt based. When tion, the Stobart team having re-the car bought the team one extra World championship rally. Fords him out of the event. After winning there was ice on the surface the tyres paired the front damage of his car point. finished 1-2-3, equalling their result every forest stage the day before worked well, in the afternoon the ice after it was retrieved from the for- In PCWRC Sandell charged back in Norway in 2007, Hirvonen's and Latvala eased his pace but continued had gone and even the top drivers were ests, and as the top runners eased and on the final stage passed Prokop Galli 's best results in Sweden. to pull ahead, while Loeb and Sardo, passengers in theirslidingcars.APirelli their pace, Henning stormed into third place in PCWRC and the Andreas Mikkelsen had become running further back, were the fastest executive reckoned the stage would through to make fastest times on all highest placed Swede, in 11th place. youngest driver to score WCR cars on the track. Conditions were still have been faster on plain gravel tyres. five stages today. The organisers were Tenth placed Al Attiyah retired on points. BP Ford Abu Dhabi have tricky but, as Hirvonen explained, the Stage 14, the pleasure of the re-run hedging their bets, hoping not to the final stage, the end ofan unhappy taken a ten point lead in the grip on the gravel with the 7mm studs Varsagen stage, with its celebrated have to cancel any more stages, but event, which let the Indonesian driver Manufacturer's Series while Mikko was fantastic! Mads Ostberg was the "Colin's Crest", was the one redeem-until the first loop of three stages Aksa into the top PCWRC ten on his Hirvonen takes a six point lead in first to go off on Stage 9, misjudging ing feature of the afternoon, and Al had been run they were not sure baptism of snow. Gianluca Linari re-the Drivers' Series over his teammate the unexpectedly slippery approach Qassimi (after going into a ditch the what to do. In the end the second tired with broken suspension. Jari-Matti and reigning champion to a bend at the end of a long straight. stage before) claimed the prize for the run through the first stage was can- Svedlund withdrew at final service on Sebastien Loeb, who are equal on Henning Solberg drove 5km on a flat longest lap, at 35 metres. Back with celled (Stage 18), and drivers cruised Saturday and Vertonov's car was too ten points. l.nJ2C: front tyre, "I never saw the stone I must Latvala, the focus was now on co-have hit", and dropped back behind driver Miikka Anttila, who was feeling Galli, who was now third. Petter far from well. Cancelling Stage 12 Solberg was in deep distress, "The meant there was an extended midday team changed the shock absorbers last rest halt, which gave Miikka enough night and it is as undriveable as ever." time to lie down for an hour, after Remote Service rules meant that all which he arose completely invigorated. the team could do at midday was re-Gardemeister had more hydraulic adjust the damper settings. Latvala was pressure problems but in two stages doing his best to remain calm, the pros-had recovered from tenth to eighth. pect of becoming the youngest ever Loeb, meanwhile, had gone home. World Rally winner (by 16 months) The team had used the morning stages was very daunting. He had one mo-as a test session. "We wanted to know ment ofluck when he touched a stone how strong was the new engine", Loeb on Stage 11, which broke a piece off explained to his colleagues. "We ran it the wheel rim, but the air stayed in the safely at 130 degrees. When we had tyre.Atkinson had his damper settings discovered that, it was time to stop." changed to make the car, as he put it, A crack in the cylinder head was sus-a bit safer. Ostberg had an unbalanced pected, a legacy from overheating af-set of tyres after having to change a ter the accident the day before. wheel earlier in the morning. Wilson In PCWRC, Sandell was finding it had problems with his wipers. hard to keep his lead in the category Henning and Gardemeister went off in his normally aspirated Peugeot )"the in Stage 11, the Norwegian for the torque of the turbo cars is against rest of the day after hitting a bridge, me"), and with Hanninen close be-the Finn for longer than he would hind, though finding he was destroy-have wished, "We were so happy to ing his front tyres, and causing the see spectators run to our aid when we studs to loosen. Flodin lost time off went off the road, and they really the road and dropped right back. seemed to put their heart into the Then on Stage 10 fourth placed cause, but it was a little odd we weren't Andreas Aigner was off the road, and getting back as we would have ex-on Stage 11 ninth placed Vertunov as pected. It was only when (co-driver) well. Bernardo Sousa rolled his car TomigotoutdidwediscovertheSwed-but lost a little over a minute. In the ishspectatorswere in fact pushing us new Subarus, Svedlund and Al further off the road. Bastards!" Later, Attiyah were both struggling with mis-Tomi wanted to express his official firing, assumed to be due to their en-thanks for the good work of his ginesnotbeingfullytunedtoFlAcon-neighbouring country's citizens... trol fuel. On Stage 14 Sandell went Rautenbach was busy trying to put into a snow bank which dropped him someheatintohisbrakeswhenheskid-to fourth and gifted the lead to ded off the road into a snow bank, Hanninen. Simone Campedelli was needing privateer PCWRC drivers struggling with missing studs. Sousa Frisiero and Campedelli to stop and explained he had lost more time after help him back again, just three min-his roll than during it, "The utes within his maximum allowed late-windscreen was so badly damaged that ness. Mikkelsen was now much hap- it was difficult to see through it, and pier, the car was perfect, like new. The the windscreen water stopped work-Citroens of Loeb and Sardo were ing as well." The 19 year old Madeira quickest on all three states in the morn- driver was still in the PCWRC points, ing. Sordo was now getting back into however. The drivers of the new Dusty Times 57th Uddeholrn Swedish Rally 2008 (S) Karlstad 7/10.02.2008 WCR round 2 PCWRC round 1 WC points PC 1 (4) Jari-Matti LATVALA/Miikka Anttila RS WRC EU07SUF (GB) 2h.46rn.41.2s. 10 2 (3) Mikko HIRVONEN/Jarrno Lehtinen FIN EU07SSZ (GB) 2h.47rn.39.5s. 8 8 3 (7) Gianluigi GALLI/Giovanni Bernacchini RS WRC EJ56FXA (GB) 2h.49m.04.4s. 6 4 (5) Petter SOLBERG/Philip Mills N/GB FT57SRT (GB) 2h.49rn.40.6s. 5 5 5 ( 17) Andreas Mikkelsen/Ola Floene N EU55CNJ (GB) 2h.52rn.27.2s. 4 WR WD FIN 10 Ford Focus Ford Focus RS WRC I 6 Ford Focus Subaru Impreza WRC Ford Focus WRC 6 (2) Daniel SORDO/Marc Mar~i E Citroen C4 WRC 734EGZ78 (F) 2h.53rn.54.3s. 4 3 7 (11) Toni GARDEMEISTER/Torni Tuorninen FIN Suzuki SX4 WRC TKA301CH1891 (J) 2h.57m.16.5s. 3 2 8 (52) Juho Hanninen/Mikko Markkula FIN Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX PCWRC CG9526 (FIN) 2h.59m.08.7s.+ 1 10 9 (19) Mads Ostberg/Ole Unnerud N Subaru Irnpreza WRC DL51125 (N) 3h.00m.09.7s. 10 (46) Jari Ketomaa/Miika Teiskonen FIN Subaru Irnpreza 06 PCWRC CC4779 {FIN) 3h.00m.31.9s. 8 11 (55) Patrik Sandell/Emil Axelsson s Peugeot 207 S2000 PCWRC PEUGEOT (S) 3h.0lrn.00.5s. 6 12 (33) Martin Prokop/Jan Tomanek CZ Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX PCWRC 3J0 8110 (CZ) 3h.Olm.11.7s. 5 13 (8) Henning SOLBERG/Cato Menkerud N Ford Focus RS WRC EO56TZR (GB) 3h.02rn.17.9s.(3) 2 14 (53) Uwe Nittel/Detlef Ruf D PCWRC DH272EZ (I) 3h.03m.04.0s. Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX 4 15 (31) Toshihiro Arai/Glenn Macneall PCWRC GMG301TA3317 (J) 3h.03m.31.6s. J/AUS 16 (21) Conrad Rautenbach/David Senior ZW/GB 98DZF78 (F) 3h.04rn.19.7s. 17 (50) Arrnindo Araujo/Miguel Ramalho p Evo IX PCWRC DJ924GW (I) 3h.05m.13.9s. Subaru Impreza 08 3 Citroen Xsara WRC Mitsubishi Lancer 2 18 (20) Urrno Aava/Kuldar Sikk EE Citroen C4 WRC 733DYN78 (F) 3h.06m.58.9s. (2) 19 (42) Bernardo Sousa/Carlos Magalhaes P Evo IX PCWRC KI-961BV (A) 3h.07m.07.3s. 20 (49) Simone Campedelli/Danilo Fappani Lancer Evo IX PCWRC CZ097YH (I) 3h.07rn.18.0s. 21 (6) Chris ATKINSON/Stephane Prevot AUS/B KT57SRT (GB) 1 25 (51) Subhan Aksa/Hendrik Mboi RI Evo VIII PCWRC CG9524 (FIN) 3h.13rn.33.6s. 26 (23) Khalid Al Qassimi/Michael Orr UAE/GB EA07RGZ (GB) 3h.13m.45.8s. 27 (45) Jussi Tiippana/Marko Salminen FIN PCWRC BS386RX (I) 3h.13rn.49.2s. 28 (47) Fabio Frisiero/Simone Scattolin I April 2008 Mitsubishi Lancer 1 I Mitsubishi Subaru Irnpreza WRC Mitsubishi Lancer Ford Focus RS WRC Subaru Irnpreza 06 Mitsubishi Lancer Page 21

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KARTEK Dunn Wins TWD Classes And overall Sean Dunn entered Class 1 and Class well. MORE kicked off the new year with it's first race, early in January and a pretty good time was had by all. As usual, all the racers were ready to challenge the course and the elements and, as far as we could tell, a good time was had by all, well, not all, as the finishing ratio was way down. There were fiw entered in the Class 1 contest, they had to get through 12 laps for their race and, unfortunately, only two of them made it all the way. At the end of the first lap it was Ron Brant showing everyone the way, Sean Dunn came along in the second spot, Joe Willardsen was in third place, Jennifer Clemison ran PHOTOS: TRACKSIDE PHOTO 10 in his Class 10 car, he won both classes and he was the overall winner as fourth and Alex Gonzales was in the fifth spot. At the conclusion of their second lap it was still Ron Brant in the lead, Sean Dunn held on in second place, about a minute in arrears, Joe Willardsen still held the third spot, Jennifer Clemison was first off the podium and Alex Gonzales had de-cided to call it a day. Laps 3 through 7 saw no changes in position in the Class 1 race and when we got to the end of the eighth lap it was Joe W illardsen now in the class lead, Sean Dunn was a bit over a minute behind the class leader, having to stop and change a flat tire on his fourth lap and Jennifer Clemison was running in third place. Sean Dunn had an-other two flats that had to be changed. Ron Brant, who had led the class until this lap, had disap-peared from the scoring charts. There were no position changes on Lap 9, it was still W illardsen, Dunn and Clemison. On the 10th lap, Joe W illardsen had some troubles, Sean Dunn took the class lead, Joe slipped into the second spot and Jennifer Clemison still hung on in third spot. On the next to last lap it was still Sean Dunn holding the lead, Joe W illardsen was in second place, he was a bit less than three minutes in arrears and Jennifer Clemison had disappeared from the race. Gary Kincaid took the Class 1300 win but it was really close, second place was a mere 32 seconds in arrears. The checkers flew, it was Sean Dunn taking the Class 1 win, Joe W illardsen followed him in, less than two minutes in arrears. Now comes the best part, Sean Dunn was having a brand new Class 1 car built but it wasn't ready for this race. Soooooo, he entered in Class 10 and also entered in the Class 1 con-test, he took the Class 1 win, took the Class 10 win and he was the overall race winner as well. Congrats on a fine drive. The Trophy Challenge cars were up next, they had nine laps to run for their race. There were six of them waiting for the green flag, alas, only one car would see the check-ered flag. At the end of their first lap it was Gary Kincaid in the lead, Jim Kalp came along a bit under two minutes behind the leader, Wendell Mortensen ran in third place, Debbie Rash was in fourth, Diana Mooney was fifth and Tut Cote was running in sixth place. There were no positions changes on the second lap. Lap 3 saw Gary Kincaid still leading the class, Wendell Mortensen had moved up into sec-ond place, Debbie Rash was up a spot into third, Jim Kalp had dropped back to fourth place, Tut Cote was up a spot into fifth and Diana Mooney dropped a spot into sixth place. There were no position changes on the fourth lap. Lap 5, Gary Kincaid still led the pack, he now had eight minutes on Wendell Mortensen, Debbie Rash still held on in the third spot, Tut Cote was up a spot into fourth place, Jim Kalp dropped a spot, he was now in fifth place and Diana Mooney held on in sixth. Once again, there were no posi-tion changes on the sixth lap. The seventh lap saw significant changes, Gary Kincaid still led the pack, Tut Cote had moved up into second place, he was some 40 min-utes behind the leader, Jim Kalp was up a few spots into third place and Diana Mooney was now in fourth place. Wendell Mortensen and Debbie Rash were on their respec-tive trailers. The eighth lap was also quite eventful, Gary Kincaid still led the Trophy Challenge class, now he was all alone as Tut Cote, Jim Kalp and Diana Mooney were all out of the race. Lap 9, Gary Kincaid came around to take the checkered flag, a nice win and he led the class all the way. The Class 1400 contingent had seven laps to make their race. Seven of them took the green flag, but it was attrition city as only two made it to the finish line. When they fin-ished their first lap it was Shawn Walters showing the way, Mike Hobbs was right there in second place, he was a mere nine seconds behind the leader, Mitchel Pederson ran in third, he was two minutes back, Rhonda Parkhouse was in fourth place and Frank Demedio was running in fifth place. Tim Scott was in sixth and Allen Byma was running seventh. Shawn Walters took the Class 1450 win with less than two minutes to spare, he's seen here throwin' a bit of dirt around. Bob Ledsinger was the only one to finish all 11 laps in Class 1400, he's seen At the end of the second lap, it was now Mike Hobbs in the lead, Mitchel Pederson had moved up into second place, Rhonda Parkhouse ran in third, Shawn Walters had dropped to fourth place and Tim Scott was up to fifth place. Frank Demedio dropped to sixth place and Allen Byma was still here hustling his Ford to the finish line. Continued next page Tut Cote was awarded the second place finish in Class 1300 Mike Hobbs led Class 1450 for five of the seven required laps, he A silver medal finish went to Jim Bradbury in the Class 1400 fracas, battle, he's seen here just at liftoff in the MORE Kartek dash. had to settle for second place, seen here at speed on the course. he's seen here headin' for home in his really good looking truck. Dusty Times April 2008 Page 23

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Leaving a trail of dust, Patrick Oliver ran his Bug to a second place finish in the Class 5-1600 battle. Kurt Youngs led one lap of the Class 7S battle, unfortunately, not the last lap, he had to settle for the silver medal. In Class 10, Pat Chicas picked up the silver medal, he's seen here in his good lookin' car on his way to the finish. in seventh place. the race. Lap 3 ended and Mike Hobbs Seventh lap, last lap and when still was the leader, he had a bit less the checkers flew it was Shawn than two minutes on Mitchel Walters taking a nice win, he had Pederson, who was in second place, picked up some time and was now a Rhonda Parkhouse held on in third little over a minute and a half ahead spot, Shawn Walters was still in of Mike Hobbs, Mike had to settle fourth place, Tim Scott remained for the silver medal this time. Mitchel in fifth and Frank Dernedio was still Pederson failed to complete the last running sixth. Allen Byrna was not lap. to be found. Next up was the Ultra Truck class, Lap 4, Mike Hobbs was still the there were four of them on the start-class leader, Mitchel Pederson was ing line but only one of them would still running second, Shawn Walters finish the 11 required laps. had moved up a spot into third When they came around at the place, Tim Scott was up a place into end of their first lap it was Jim fourth and Rhonda Parkhouse had Bradbury in the lead, Bob Ledsinger dropped to fifth place. Frank was second, he was less than two Dernedio was on his trailer. minutes in arrears, Bob Lemaster There were no position changes was third, about eight minutes back on the fifth lap. and Chris Russell brought up the Lap 6, the penultimate I ap and Mike Hobbs was still in the class lead, Shawn Walters was up to second spot, he was only a minute behind the leader and Mitchel Pederson had dropped to third place. Tim Scott and Rhonda Parkhouse were out of rear. There were no position changes on the second lap. Third lap ended and Jim Bradbury still led the class, Bob Ledsinger still held onto second place, he was now five minutes be-hind the leader and Chris Russell was in the third spot. Bob Lemaster was out of the race. Lap 4 ended and now it was Jim Bradbury leading the class, Jim Bradbury had a minor problem and he had dropped to second place, just seconds behind and Chris Russell still held onto third place. Lap 5, Jim Bradbury had retaken the class lead, Bob Ledsinger dropped to second place, just sec-onds behind and Chris Russell still held down the third spot. Sixth lap ended and Jim Bradbury still led, he now had three minutes on Bob Ledsinger who was in second place and Chris Russell still hung on in third place. Lap 7, Jim Bradbury still led the way, Bob Ledsinger was now seven minutes in arrears and Chris Russell was nowhere to be seen. There were no position changes on Laps 8 through 10 although Bob Ledsinger was ever so slowly closing the gap between first and second place. Lap 11, last lap and, surprise, it was Bob Ledsinger taking the check-ered flag. It was a great win for him and Chris Russell had some major problems on his last lap and was out of the fray. The Class 5 contest wasn't much of a contest. They had to run 11 laps for their race and there were only two cars in the class and at the end of their first lap it was Chris Bowman with a 20 minute lead over Keith Rogovin. The second lap ended and Chris Bowman came around with ease but Keith Rogovin had succumbed to terminal car troubles and was seen no more. It was an easy win for Chris Bow-man, he motored around at about 20 minutes a lap and took the check-ered flag just a bit more than four hours on the course. The Class 5-1600's had to get eight laps in for their race. There were only three cars entered and for a while they had a good race going. At the end of their first lap it was ·; 2.1~ a·; f" tKr Torn Volk showing the way, Akiko Haya ta came along some three min-utes later and Patrick Oliver was the third place runner. On their second and third laps there were no position changes. At the end of the fourth lap Torn Volk still led the class, Patrick Oliver had moved up into second place and Akiko Hayata was now in third place, just a minute and change be-hind second place. They remained in those same po-sitions for Laps 5 and 6. The seventh lap saw some dra-matic changes, Torn Volk continued to lead the class, he now had 30 minutes on Patrick Oliver and Akiko Haya ta was off the scoring chart. Eighth lap, last lap and when the checkers flew it was Torn Volk tak-ing the honors. Patrick Oliver had terminal troubles on the last lap and was seen no more. Next to race was Class 7 A, there were seven of them and they had to complete seven laps for their race. At the end of their first lap it was .. · Beria KIIVG:S':fr~&OGY 714.530.B701. FAX714.530.B702 12842 JOY STREET, GARDEN GROVE, CA 92840 WW'W'.lcingshoclcs.«»n Page 24 April 2008 2.5" BIIIP Btap €'f!t!£Q Need coil springs? Call King Shocks! We have custom and production coils in stock, and the experience to get you what you need. Call today! Dusty Times

Page 25

Scott Weir didn't get all his required laps finished in Class 11 but he was awarded a second place finish. Bob Smith drove his really great looking car to a second place It was a silver medal finish for Mike Denault in the Class 1600 finish in the Class 12 battle, seen here at speed on the course. contest, Mike is seen here on his way to the checkered flag. Zach Quiros in the class lead, Kurt Youngs was right there in second place, just under three minutes be-hind, Roger Byrd was third, he was just lO seconds out of second place, Eduardo Escobado was fourth, just another two minutes back, Perry Fleming ran in fifth place and SteYe Jordan was in sixth place. Duane E\'ans was unable to complete his first lap. Second lap ended and Zach Quiros still. led the group, Kurt Young still held second place, he was some fiye minutes in arrears, Perry Fleming had mowd up into third place, Stew Jordan was up a few spots into fourth place, Eduardo Escobado dropped a spot to fifth place and Roger Byrd had dropped from third to sixth place with ma-jor troubles. There were no position changes on the third and fourth laps. The fifth lap also saw no posi-tion changes but Rodger Byrd did retire from the fray. The sixth lap saw Zach Quiros still leading the class, Kurt Youngs was still in second place, he was five minutes and change in arrears, Perry Fleming was third and Stew Jordan was first off the podium. Eduardo Escobado was missing from the race. SeYenth lap, final lap, and Zach Quiros came across the line to take a Yery nice win, Kurt Youngs was sec-Chris Bowman really had no competition in Class 5, he ran fast and finished his 11 laps in four hours, seen here at speed. ond to finish and Perry Fleming was the third and final finisher. Ste,·e Jordan was unabkto complete his final lap. There were 11 Class 9 cars en-tered, they had to make nine laps for their race, alas, only one of them would see the checkered flag. At the end of their first lap it was Justin Rash showing the way, Steve Johnson was right there in second place, he was some 30 seconds be-hind the leader, Bud Ward came along some 40 seconds later in third place, Nate Himmelrick ran ·in fourth place and Kathy Kirkmeyer held down fifth place. In sixth place was John Hunsaker, Kurt DaYidson ran se\'enth, Chris Dunne was in eighth place, DaYe Bolles was ninth, Dan Bergen was 10th and Matt Creveling was in the 11th spot. Justin Rash still held the class lead at the end of the second lap, SteYe Johnson remained in second place, he was less than a minute slower, and Brad Ward remained in third place, less than two minutes behind the leader, Kathy Kirkmeyer held on in fourth place and Kurt DaYidson had Jack Quiroz was the big winner in Class 7S, he led every lap but one and had seven minutes and change on his competition at the checkers. Dave Campbell 2nd Place Class 12 Jeremy Volk led the Class 5-1600 battle all the way, he finished his eight required laps with a 40 mile per hour average speed. moYed up a few spots into fifth place. was fourth and John Hunsaker was John Hunsaker remained in sixth up a spot into fifth place. Chris place, Chris Dunne was sewn th, Dunne was now in sixth place, Daw Dan Bergen ran in eighth, Da,•e Bolles was up a few spots in se\'enth Bolles was still running ninth, Nate place, Dan Bergen remained eighth, Himmelrick had dropped way back Nate Himmelrick was up a spot into to 10th place and Matt Creveling ninth place, Kathy Kirkmeyer remained in 11th place. dropped to 10th place, problems The third lap ended and Justin along the way and Matt Cre\'eling Rash still led the class, Bud Ward remained in the 11th spot. moYed up a spot into second place, Their fourth lap ended and Jus-less than three minutes behind the tin Rash still led the class, he had leader, SteYe Johnson was down a three minutes and change on Bud spot into third place, Kurt Davidson Continued next page (' Messer/Naughton ]$Place 1/2 1600 • 0 ilattle of P,,rimm f Nie Lyon/Kevin Lyon 3rd Place Class 10 Battle of Primm Jason Semmens Lake Havasu City, AZ Battle of Primm Bud Ward led the last three laps in Class 9, he took a nice win over 10 other cars, seen here at speed. Dusty Times 928-208-6385

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Jennifer C/emison didn't finish all the required laps but she is Jim Kalp was running third in Class 1300 when he retired, he is Mitchel Pederson was the bronze medal winner in Class 1450, shown in third place, seen here in her husky, well /it car. listed as a third place finisher, he's seen here making tracks. he's seen here flyin' /ow on his way to the finish line. Ward, Kurt Davidson was up a spot ninth place and Kathy Kirkmeyer still ran eighth and Matt Cre,·eling re-and only one of them made it all the spot. into third place, John Hunsaker ran in the 10th spot. mained in ninth place. way. TI1ey had 12 laps to go for their Their second lap ended and now mo\'ed into fourth place and Dan At the end of the sixth lap, Justin The eighth lap was disastrous for race and when the first lap ended it it was Anne Naso leading the class, Bergen moved up into fifth place. Rash still led the way, Bud Ward some, Bud Ward still led the class, was Sean Dunn with a 48 second Chip Rodriguez had dropped to sec-Chris Dunne remained in sixth place, still ran second, but he was closing, Justin Rash remained in second lead, Pat Chicas was in second place, ond place, Scott Weir remained in Dave Bolles was seventh, Nate now less than three minutes in ar- place, he was now almost 20 min- Ke\'in Martin was third and Mike third and Timmy Sletten still held Himmelrickwasupanotherspotinto rears, Dan Bergen held on in third utes behind the leader, Kurt McGee ran in the fourth spot. fourth. eighth, Matt Cre\'eling was up into place, Kurt Davidson was fourth Davidson was up a spot into third Second lap came to an end and Lap 3, Anne Naso was still in the ninth place and Kathy Kirkmeyerwas and John Hunsaker till ran fifth . place, John Hunsaker was up a spot Sean dunn was still leading, Kevin lead, Scott Weir was up a spot into in 10th place. Steve Johnson sue-Chris Dunne and Dave Bolles were into fourth and Chris Dunne was Martin moved into the second pot second, Timmy Sletten was in third cumbed to terminal problems. sharing sixth place, Nate in fifth place. Mi.sing in action were and Pat Chicas dropped to third. place and Chip Rodriguez was out At fifth lap end, Justin Rash was Himmelrick was in eighth spot and Dan Bergen, Nate Himmelrick, Mike McGee was on his trailer. of the race. still the leader, Bud Ward remained Matt Creveling ran ninth. Kathy Dave Bolles and Matt Creveling. TI1e There were no position changes There were no position changes in second place, he was now some Kirkmeyer had retired from the fray. field was now down to five cars. during the third to the eighth lap. on the fourth lap. fiw minutes back, Dan Bergen was TI1eir se\'enth lap ended and Bud Ninth lap, final 5-1600 lap and On Lap 9, Sean Dunn still led Lap 5 came to an end, Anne now up into third place, Kurt Ward had taken the lead, Justin when the checkers flew, Bud Ward the class, he had about 30 minutes Naso came around but she was all Davidson dropped a spot into Rash dropped to second place, he was right there to take the honors. on Pat Chicas and Kevin Martin alone, Scott Weir and Timmy fourth place and John Hunsaker was now some eight minutes behind Unfortunately, Bud was the only came along in third place, some nine Sletten were nowhere to be seen. dropped a spot into fifth place. the new leader, Dan Bergen held on Class 5-1600 finisher, Justin Rash, minutes later. And so it ended, Lap 6 saw Anne Da\'e Bolles was up into sixth place, in third, Kurt Davidson remained Kurt Davidson, John Hunsaker and Laps 10 and l l saw no position Naso took the checkered flag for a Chris Dunne was down to seventh fourth and John Hunsaker was still Chris Dunne all went missing on the change . nice Class l l win. place, Nate Himmelrick was still in fifth. Chris Dunne was sixth, Nate last lap. The checkers flew on their final Class 7B had 12 laps to run, eighth place, Matt Cre\'eling held Himmelrick was seventh, Dave Bolles Class 20 only had four entries lap and it was Sean Dunn taking there were five entries but, here too, SPECIALTY PRODUCTS DESIGN, INC. ality Exhaust Components anufactwing & Fabrication SeNices Available 2,3,4,5,6 & 8 into 1 Merges Double Slip Merge Weld -On Merge Formed Tri-Y's Collectors Transitions & Megaphones • Mild Steel / 304 & 321 Stainless Rancho Cordova, Ca. 95742 Page 26 Y Mandrel Bends 1 .25" -5.00" Mild Steel (.049-.065) 304 & 321 SST (.035-.049-.065) 1-888-778-3312 April 2008 the Class 20 win, Pat Chicas held onlyonevehiclewouldseethecheck-on for a second place finish, and ered flag. At the end of their first that's all there were, Kevin Martin lap it was Richard Garavito in the had terminal troubles and failed to lead, Bob Smith was less than two complete the lap. minutes behind in the second spot, Class 11 had four entries, they Bob Jordan ran third and Brian had six laps to run but, once again, Crew was fourth. Da\'id Sanchez only one of them would take the failed to complete his first lap. checkered flag. When their first lap Second lap ended, Richard ended it was Chip Rodriguez in the Garavito still held the lead, Bob lead, Anne Naso was in second Smith held on in second place, Brian place, 30 second behind the leader, Crew was up a spot into third ptace Scott Weir was in third place and and Bob Jordan ran in fourth. Timmy Sletten ran in the fourth There were no position changes on Anne Naso took the Class 11 lead on the second lap and that was all she wrote, Anne cruised in for a nice win. Richard Garavito led all the way in the Class 12 battle, he's seen here in flight heading for that good 'o/ checkered flag. Dusty Times

Page 27

It was a third place finish for Chris Russell in Class 1400, he's It was a bronze medal for Akiko Hayata in the Class 5-1600 It was a somewhat decent race for Perry Fleming in Class 7S, he seen here just about to get airborne in his good lookin' truck. race, he's seen here at speed in his good lookin' Bug. took home the bronze medal, seen here in his Toyota. Kurt Davidson was credited with a third place finish in Class 9, In Class 10 it was Kevin Martin taking the bronze medal, Kevin is Steve Dodd was the third place finisher in the Class 1600 battle, he's seen here getting ready for an off kilter touchdown. seen here with the hammer down, heading for the flag. he's seen here nicely airborne on his way to the checkers. the third lap. Kevin Coleman was out of the race. third, Rick Waszkiewicz still ran sixth, Brian Logan remained sev-place, Mike Meehan dropped to Fourth lap ended and Richard Lorenzo Rodriguez continued to fourth and Mike Meehan was in fifth enth, Paul Kurz was still running sixth place, Brian Logan was still sev-Garavito still led the class, Bob lead the 1600 class, Mike Denault place. Greg Pierson was sixth, Brian eighth, Brett Maurer was in ninth, enth, Brett Maurer was eighth, Paul Smithremainedinsecondplace,and moved into second place, he was Loganwasseventh,PaulKurzwasin Mike Ward ran 10th and Ashley KurzwasninthandAshleyDaviswas Brian Crew was still third. Bob Jor- three minutes behind the leader, eighth place, Mike Ward dropped Davis was in 11th place. Steve Cossey 10th. Mike Ward was out of the race. dan was heading to his trailer. Steve Dodd was into third place, to ninth place and Brett Maurer was out of the race. No changes in position for the Richard Garavito continued to Rick Waszkiewicz was up to fourth held on in 10th place. Steve Cossey Lap 8, Lorenzo Rodriguez still top five on the 11th lap but we did lead on the fifth lap, Bob Smith ran and Mike Ward ran in the fifth sot. was 11th and Ashley Davis remained led, Mike Denault remained in sec-lose Logan, Meehan and Maurer. in second place and Brian Crew had Mike Meehan ran in sixth, Brian in 12th place. ond place, now four minutes in ar-Twelfth lap, last lap and it was disappeared. Logan was seventh, Greg Pierson There were no changes in the top rears, Steve Dodd was still third, Lorenzo Rodriguez taking a very big Laps 6 through 10 saw no posi-ran in eighth place, Paul Kurz was five in class on the fifth and sixth Greg Pierson was still in fourth and win, he led all the way, his lap times tion changes. ninth and Brett Maurer was in 10th laps. Mike Meehan was into fifth place. remarkably consistent. Mike The 11th lap ended and Rich- place. Steve Cossey was 11th and On Lap 7, Lorenzo Rodriguez Rick Waszkiewicz was down a spot Denault was the second place fin-ard Garavito was the only vehicle Ashley Da,·is was in 12th place. Tom continued to lead the class, Mike into sixth, Brian Logan was still sev- isher, he was 10 minutes in arrears running, Bob smith was out of the Craig was out of the action. Denault was six minutes behind in enth, Brett Maurer was eighth, Paul at the flag, a good race run. Failing race. Fourth lap ended and Lorenzo second place, Steve Dodd held on Kurz dropped to ninth, Mike Ward to finish their final lap were Steve Garavito came around to take Rodriguez continued to lead, Mike in third, Greg Pierson was up a spot was 10th and Ashley Davis remained Dodd, Greg Pierson and Rick the checkers on his 12th lap, he was Denault was second, less than four into fourth and rick Waszkiewicz 11th. Waszkiewicz. the only one left standing. minutes behind, Steve Dodd ran dropped to fifth. Mike Meehan ran On the ninth lap there were no A good race, lots of infighting, There was only one Jeepspeed en- changes in the top four cars, Rick not a lot of finishers but, so it goes. try, Tim Jeffus. He ran three laps at Waszkiewicz was up a spot into fifth See ya at the next one. !!!&:!&: speed and was declared the class win-ner. There were 17 entered for the Class 1600 battle, they had 12 laps to run and it was a pretty good race, even though only two cars saw the checkered flag. When their first lap ended it was Lorenzo Rodriguez in the lead, Tom Craig was only four seconds behind in the second spot, Steve Dodd was third, he was 40 seconds out of second place, Mike Denault was fourth, another nine seconds back and Rick Waszkiewicz was in fifth place. Brett Maurer was in sixth place, Brian Logan and Mike Ward were tied for seventh place, in ninth place was Kevin Coleman and Mike Meehan was in 10th place. Paul Kurz ran in 11th place, Ashley Davis was 12th, Greg Pierson was 13th ai1d Steve Cossey was in 14th place. Corey Geer and Craig Forrest failed to complete the first lap and Shawn Bowman failed to start. The second lap ended and Lorenzo Rodriguez still led the way, Tom Craig was only seconds away in second place, Mike Denault was up a spot into third place, Steve Dodd was only seconds behind in fourth and Rick Waszkiewicz held on in fifth. Mike Ward was in sixth place, Mike Meehan was up to seventh, Brian Logan was eighth, Paul Kurz was up to ninth spot and Greg Pierson was in 10th place. Ashley Davis was in 11th place, Brett Maurer had dropped to 12th place and Steve Cossey was in 13th place. Dusty Times Lorenzo Rodriguez led Class 1600 all the way, he had about 10 minutes in hand at the end of the 12 required laps. Justin Rash led Class 9 the first six laps, dropped to second and that's where he finished in his high flying car. Aprll 2008 Page 27

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~ AT PRIMM C.J. Hutchins Is Fastest BY ]. PRESTON BRADSHAW PHOTOS: TRACKS/DE PHOTO Jeff Farris finished in sixth place on Saturday, finished second on Sunday and that gave him the overall win for Class 1. CJ Hutchins finished 2nd on Saturday, 1st on Sunday and took the Class 10 win as well as the overall win for the weekend. What a weekend, what a race, what a tun1out, what great weather, it was really something to witness. It was a gathering of the faithful SNORE racers and then some, there were 233 cars entered for the weekend, there were 18 classes to compete in. There was a nice breeze fortunately, the lap times are soooo to help the driYers each day and close in each class we may haw the when it was all O\'er and done with, running order a bit out of order A great win for Sigal Greenberg, second on Saturday, a win on Sunday and that adds up to the overall win for Class 12. everyone seemed to have a had a each lap, but the last lap statistics the class but only two of them really great time. are correct. would get in their required laps We are reporting here the place Starting with the Class 1 con-each day. In the Saturday race it in class for each car, each lap. Un-test, there were 13 cars entered in was T.J. Flores leading the first on ..-----------------------'-~ lap, Adam Householder was second in, Tim Lindsay was third, Atom Shields was fourth and Byron Ashley was fifth in. Pat Allen was in Pat Allen churns up the dust at the Battle at Primm, Pat was Not too bad a weekend, Jeff Bowland drove his good looking car Rick Poole had a decent weekend, he finished 2nd in the Class 10 second overall in the Class 1 battle, seen here at speed. to third place overall in the Class 1 contests at Primm. contest and was 2nd in Unlimited Sportsman. r----------------------------~--------------------------~ Performance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding &Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks Quality Products & Friendly Service RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-0759 • 15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX us to Receive a Free Catalog ~-------------------------------------------------------~ Page 28 April 2008 Dusty Times

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A third place finish overall in the Class 10 contest went to Nick Dave Campbell drove his neat looking car to a second place finish A nice third overall in the Class 12 battle went to Jessica Freeman as well as a third in Unlimited Sportsman and second i~ the Powder Puff. Lyon at Primm, he's seen here saving a little tire wear. overall in the Class 12 fracas, seen here at speed. sixth place, he had jetting problems Next up were the Class 10 cars, Saturday race it was Tim Jones lead-all weekend, Derek Marley ran sev-there were 18 of them but they too ing the way, Chris Harrold was in enth, Jeff Bowland was eighth, Jeff would suffer some missed laps, only second place, Garfield Davies was Farris was ilt ninth and Jeff Perkins four of them would get in their re- in third, Rick Poole ran fourth and was 20th across the line. Billy quired nine laps over two da:,,s. Clay Flippin was in fifth place. C.J. Gereghty, Todd Jergenson and When the first lap ended in the Hutchins was in the sixth spot, Rick Danny Ebberts failed to complete their first lap. On the second lap it was still T.J. Flores leading the pack, Adam Householder still ran second, Byron Ashley moved into the third spot, Pat Allen was up to fourth and Derek Marley was in fifth place. Jeff Farris moved up into sixth place, Jeff Perkins ran seventh and Jeff Bowland was eighth. Tim Lindsay and Atom Shields were out of the race. At the end of the third lap it was Adam Householder leading the class, Byron Ashley ran in second place, Derek Marley was in third, Pat Allen remained in fourth place and Jeff Farris was up a spot into fifth. In sixth place was Jeff Perkins and Jeff Bowland ran seventh. T.J. Flores had retired from the race. Last lap on Saturday in Class 1 and Adam Householder took the checkered flag, Byron Ashley took the silver medal, Derek Marley took the bronze, Pat Allen was first off the podium, Jeff Perkins finished fifth and Jeff Farris was the sixth place finisher.Jeff Bowland did not finish. Sunday's Class 1 race saw Tim Lindsay leading the first lap, T.J. Flores was right on his tail in sec-ond place, Jeff Farris was third, Jeff Perkins ran fourth and Byron Ashley was fifth in. Adam House-holder was sixth, Jeff Bowland ran seYenth and William Allen, who was in for Pat was in eighth place. Derek Marley failed to complete his first lap and Atom Shields did not start. Second lap ended, T.J. Flores was first to cross the line, Tim Lindsay was second in, Jeff Farris ran third, Adam Householder was fourth, Pat Allen was fifth and Jeff Bowland was sixth. Byron Ashley and Jeff Perkins were on their trailers. Third lap ended and T.J. Flores still led the class, Tim Lindsay held on in second, Jeff Farris ran third, Pat Allen was fourth and Jeff Bowland was fifth. Adam House-holder was out of the race. Last lap on Sunday, Tim Lind-say took the checkers, Jeff Farris came in second, Pat Allen took third place and Jeff Bowland was the fourth and final finisher. T.J. Flores v.1as on his trailer. The overall standings for Class 1 had Jeff Farris taking the win, Pat Allen was second overall and the others failed to complete their re-quired laps. \~ltadio& s~~ l'ackages • Handheld.Badlos w/B.o!S"te;r, • Spotter Headsets • Relmet Wiring Kits • Al~um Carry Gase ll&lmets & Blowers • Forced Air Snell SA 2005 Helmets • Pyrotec • Arai • Wired for Communication Kool Ah' Blowers • 105, 185, 150 & 285 CFMRatings Lance was seventh, Todd Bauman ran eighth, David Terrell was in ninth place and Kyle Woodward was in 10th place. Carlos Cortez was in 11th place, Rod Colbert made it an even dozen, Jesse McClain was in 13th place, N ic Lyon ran in 14th and Michael Hanson was 15th And Chris Wright was in 16th place. Bill Dicton and Courtney Whipple Continued on page 32 ,C-OJ1U111llittitlOJlif,8n111a • Vmex.5 to l10 Watt ~o-sygtelbs :lJl,-Ii tate~• s~ • .C.w. &~~kate, ·NtS~Piwkages " i'D.,.aYi'ee • I~ &lleck Restraint • ,Ligb,t &Easy to Ute • ll.equl.ret1 by NASl.lAll., Formula l &Ma.ny'Others • Can Be Um With Any SA Rated Helmet • Race Proven • Free Installation with Purchase • 41112 Gallon f;-,p&(lity • SCORE t IITb/l'IA A},p~ved • :f•t•redDestgaPrtMn~ ht~JtcHmif~ce &~~ U$~le hel In the Unlimited Truck class there was only one competitor, Cameron Steele. Cam didn't finish any of his required laps on Satur-day. H e ran well on Sunday, fin-ished the required laps and was SAFETY & COMMUNICATIONS SOURCE happy with his truck. Dusty Times heatlands Avenue, Suite K • Santee, CA 92071 (7223) • Fax 619-258-0883 • April 2008 Page 29

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Page 31


Page 32

,_ A nice second place finish overall in Class 1450 went to Jeff. Greg Hempel does a rather delicate touchdown at Primm, Greg Ricky Johnson literally flew to a second overall finish in the Trophylite race, he was three minutes in arrears at the checkers. Fogle, he's seen here in his really great looking truck. went on to take a second overall finish in the Class 7 race. .. lag. When the irst lap ended it was Tim Jones in the lead, C.J. Hutchins was right on his tail in sec-ond place, Da\'id Terrell was in third, Nie Lyon was fourth and Kyle Woodward was in fifth place. Chris Harrold ran in sixth place, Todd Bauman was seyenth, Michael Hanson ran in eighth place, Carlos Cortez was ninth, Garfield Davies was in 10th place, Rick Poole was back in 11th place and Courtney Whipple was in 12th. There were 116 significant posi-tion changes on the second lap. Third lap ended, now it was C.J. Tom Giordano finished third on Saturday, led all the way on Sunday to take the Heavy Metal Class win, seen here flying to the finish. Mike Bailey led all the way on Saturday in Class 8, second on Sunday, but got the class win, seen here flyin' his truck to the finish line. Hutchins leading the class, Tim Jones had dropped to second place, Nie Lyon was third, David Terrell was fourth and Michael Hanson was in fifth place. Kyle Woodward failed to finish their first lap. When their second lap came to a close it was Chris Harrold show-ing the way, Tim Jones had dropped to second place, C.J. Hutchins and Rick Poole were tied for third place and Garfield DaYies was in the fifth spot. Todd Bauman was up two spots into sixth, Rick Lance held on in seYenth, Kyle Woodward was in eighth place, Carlos Cortez ran ninth and Da\'id Terrell was in the 10th spot. Nie L n wa in 11th la e McClain was 12th, Rod Colbert ran in 13th place and Michael Hanson was 14th. Clay Flippin and Chris Wright were out of the race. Third lap ended and Chris Harrold still held the lead, Tim Jones held on in second place, C.J. Hutchins ran in third, Rick Poole ran fourth and Kyle Woodward was in fifth spot. Carlos Cortez was in the sixth spot, N ic Lyon ran in se\'-enth, Michael Hanson was in eighth place, Todd Bauman ran ninth and Da\'id ~ rrell wa 10th. Garfield part# 44130 dealer inquiries available and quantity breaks Da\'ies, Jesse McClain, Rick Lance and Rod Colbert were out of the race. At the end of the fourth lap Chris Harrold was still the man to beat, Tim Jones was still in second place, C.J. Hutchins had dropped to third place, Rick Poole remained in fourth place and Kyle Woodward was still running in fifth place. Nie Lyon was up a spot into sixth, Carlos Cortez dropped a spot into se\'enth, Todd Bauman was up to eiahth Michael Han on was ninth Blaci line Plated f t1r superi(tr pr(ttecti(tn r cisi,n CPIC Mat;hined 4340 Alloy Steel Page 32 Ro.lled T'hreads El c.jon 4115 N. M•l'9hall Aw 1,a.~a. aaa ~ftt~~ @t1Di El Centro RI 8 Mtrrill Center Dt 7 0,31!1 ,RI toondldo 4&Au\O rl(W•v 710,741,3'183 Aprll 2008 and Da\'id Terrell held the 10th dropped a spot into sixth place, spot. Fifth lap, final lap on Saturday and Chris Harrold took the check-ered flag, C.J. Hutchins was second, lucky was he as his clutch was going away, he was only seconds in ar-rears, Rick Poole took the last spot on the podium, Kyle Woodward was in fourth place, Nie Lyon was fifth and Carlos Cortez was the sixth place finisher. Tim Jones, Todd Bauman, Michael Hanson and David Terrell did not complete their final lap of the day. Sunday's four lap event for Class 10 only saw 12 cars take the green Chris Harrold was se\'enth, Rick Poole was up to eighth, Courtney Whipple ran in ninth place, Todd Bauman was 10th and Garfield DaYies was in 11th place. Carlos Cortez was among the missing. Final lap for Class 10 on Sun-day and it was C.J. Hutchins taking a really nice win. He reported a trouble free run this day. Tim Jones followed him in for second place, Nie Lyon took third place, DaYid, · Terrell was first off the podium and Michael Hanson finished in the fifth spot. Sixth place went to Kyle Woodward, se\'enth was Rick Poole, Fourth on Saturday, a win on Sunday and that gave Steven Herrera the Class 1450 overall title, he's seen here nicely airborne. A great weekend for Robert Newton, a second and a fourth place finish gave him the overall Class 1600 win, seen here at speed. Dusty Times

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It was a decent finish for Ricky Moran at Primm, he slid into a David Hendrickson drove to a nice second overall finish at Primm, High flying Orio Cox Ill soared to a 2nd overall finish in the Limited Sportsman skirmish and was 5th overall in ½-1600 second overall finish in the Class 9 contest. he's seen here in his good looking Stock Bug. eighth was Courtney Whipple and place finisher. Nobody else in class in third place, Kevin Derby ran ninth was todd Bauman. Chris survived their fifth lap. fourth and Paul Sullivan was in fifth Harrold and Garfield DaYies failed Sunday, there were four laps to place. Paul Keller ran sixth, Tim to complete their last lap. go and Sigal Greenberg was right Pangborn was seYenth, Dave After combining the two day there in front, KeYin Reardon was Campbell was back in the eighth times, it was C.J. Hutchins taking in second place, DaYid Norris was spot, Ken Owens ran ninth and the Class 10 win, as well as the over-all win for the race, Rick Poole fin-ished second in Class 10, Nie Lyon was third in class, Kyle Woodward finished fourth and Tim Jones rounded out the top fiye in the class. There were 15 Class 12 cars ready to run their required laps but only three of them would see the checkered flag on Saturday and Sunday. When they finished their first lap on Saturday it was Jessica Freeman showing the way, Mike Campbell was right behind in sec-ond spot, Paul SulliYan ran in third, Justin Smith ran fourth and KeYin Reardon was in fifth place. KeYin Derby had the sixth spot, Ken Owens was seYenth, Wesley Stephens was eighth, Richard Garavito ran in ninth place and DaYid Norris was 10th. In 11th place was Dave Matsui, Rob Fiege was in 12th, Tim Pangborn was un-lucky 13th, Doug Renfro ran in 14th place and Paul Keller was in 15th place. I.IST YOUR PHONE NUMBER, YEAR,. MODEL AND ENGINE SIZE! Sain Information; Payment may be made oy credit cam, money order or cashier's cl\eclt Personal 0( business checks are not accepted. C.0.0. orders accepted with 50o/. pre-payment. S5 Handling charge on all orders. Califo mia residents incfude 7.75% sales lax. Customers responsible for an freight charges. Minimum older is $25. The use of Vol~wagen by Pacific Customs Unlimited. Inc. is for descriptr;e purposes ONLY and in no W3'f is the name used to i!lfer or intend a direct conntction between Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. and VolksWagen. VolksWagen Is a registered trademark. PRICES EFFECTIVE DURING THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MAGAZINE COVER OAT£. DaYe Matsui was in 10th place. Rob Second lap ended and Sigal Fiege was in Uth place, Richard Greenberg still led the class, KeYin Garavito was 12th, Jessica Freeman Reardon remained in second place, was way back in 13th place and DaYid Norris was still in third place, Wesley Stephens ran in 14th place. Paul SulliYan was up to fourth and Doug Renfro did not start. Continued next page SPORTSMAN MICRO STUB KIT IJJ/lflll#t/!lf ~-TJmkl!t IJntfnp, 11• &1ors, ~ftOilalltrA/f4r $tttiblu 1114Wllwood ,1'1tta11&,l/Jm$. Spe1~ MieroStull Kil .$t.39S 9311 CHROMDLY STUBAXLES& DRIVE FLANGES BUS CHROMOLY STIJBAXLES& DRIVE FI.ANIIES The second lap had lots of posi-tion changes but Jessica Freeman remained in the front spot, Justin Smith had moYed up into second place, Mike Campbell was down a spot into third, Paul SulliYan dropped to fourth and Wesley Stephens was up three places into fifth. KeYin Reardon was in sixth place, Kevin Derby ran seventh, Ken Owens was in eighth place, Rich-ard GaraYito was ninth and David Norris ran 10th. DaYe Matsui held on in 11th place, Rob Fiege ran 12th, Tim Pangborn was in 13th spot and Doug Renfro held on in 14th place. Paul Keller was among the missing. CENTERLINE WHEELS Their third lap ended and Jes-sica Freeman was still the path-finder, Justin Smith still ran second and there were no position changes on this lap. Lap 4, Jessica Freeman contin-ues to lead the pack, Justin Smith is still right there in second place, Mike Campbell is third, he blew out a spark plug and had to fix a broken rear piYot, Kevin Reardon is fourth and wesley Stephens is still fifth. Paul Sullivan ran in sixth place, KeYin Derby hung on in seventh, Ken Owens still ran eighth, David Norris was ninth and Richard GaraYito ran 10th. DaYe Matsui was still in 11th place, Tim Pangborn was 12th, Rob Fiege was 13th and Doug Renfro was in 14th place. Fifth lap, final lap for Saturday and when the checkers flew Jessica Freeman was right there to grab them, Justin Smith, who said he had a flawless race, took the silver medal, KeYin Reardon was third and Mike Campbell was the fourth Dusty Times COMMUNICATION KITS /nllt KltOffllrt 11tfrR tfl l'l/$Ua;.r"tJ#ft. lidr1lfflld Kltth•JMC1111b/111Tlor 1111111'/Wt lo C111t1ftl/f#lut1 to l'asw!n,s, Citrta C3t 1H CH#II fflf IWltl R84fa AIIHII. Basic 2·1'!!r!!tm Kl!w/liS ...... ,_$465 813d< finiS!i tteatl Set ....... ,., .. SOO lla$lc 4•~1$~ IQ w/HS .......... 700 Blad., BIile, Rtld M Vallow /\dvaooed 560 -t·l'e!SOll lle!liiid tile Head Head Set 164 lntercom Klt ...................... 6$ Caroon FIW Behind H~ Putll lo Talk Button«>~•····, .~ ..... 37 ttead Set .............. ,,, ......... 1711 f«fd. 11.fJIIJllmmt WltH/swlltt l'olls.11111 F/tllsl/, April 2008 Page 33 I ~ 1

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Tim Jones recorded a fifth overall finish in Class 10 at Primm, Nicolette Dunn flew her truck to a fourth overall finish in the It was a decent weekend for Gsrado /ribs, he screamed around for a third overall finish in Class 1600, sBBn hers at speed. he's seen hers ready for his 1,000th landing of the race. Class 1450 battle, sssn hers starting another lap. Daw Campbell was now in fifth was Sigal Greenberg taking a nice At the end of the first lap on Sat-place. In sixth place was Ken win, she had a real quick pit stop urday it was Monte Tibbitts lead-Owens, Dave Matsui ran in se\'enth to change a power steering belt, ing the way, John Vaughan was sec-place, Rob Fiege ran eighth, in Da\'id Norris came in second, Kevin ond, Tom Giordano was third and ninth place was Richard Garavito Derby took the last spot on the po- Brian Stark came in fourth. and Kevin Derby had dropped to dimn, Paul Sullivan was fourth and Their second lap ended and 10th place. Jessica Freeman ran in Dave Matsui came in for fifth place. Monte Tibbitts still led the way, 11th place, Wesley Stephens was Da\'e Campbell was in sixth place, John Vaughan held on in second 12th and Tim Pangborn was in he reported no problems, Ken spot and Tom Giordano took the 13th place. Paul Keller was on his Owens came seventh, Rob Fiege was last spot on the podium. trailer. eighth in, Jessica Freeman came in On Sunday Heavy Metal had They came around at the end of ninth, Wesley Stephens came in four laps to run and this time we their third lap and, guess what? ninth and richard Garavito fin- saw Tom Giordano in the lead, Sigal Greenberg still led the class, ished in 10th place. Kevin Reardon Monte Tibbitts ran in second place Kevin Reardon still held on in sec-failed to complete his final lap. and John Vaughan ran third. Brian ond place, in third place was David So, adding up the cumulative Stark did not start. Norris, Paul Sullinn held fourth times we find Sigal Greenberg tak-Their positions ret}lained un-place and Kevin Derby was well up ing the overall Class 12 win, Dave changed on the second lap. into fifth place. Dave Matsui was Campbell was second overall and Lap 3 and Tom Giordano con-up to sixth place, Dave Campbell Jessica Freeman was third in elapsed tinued to lead the class, John dropped to seventh, Ken Owens was time. Vaughan moved into second place in eighth, Rob Fiege was in the ninth There was only one Class 5 car and Monte Tibbitts was out of the spot and Jessica Freeman was in entered, George Milke, he only got race, thanks to a broken rear end 10th place. Richard Garavito was in one lap on Saturday and he did and no radio communications. down in 11th place and Wesley not start on Sunday. Fourth lap, last lap and Tom Stephens was in the 12th spot. Tim There were four trucks in the Giordano took a nice win. John Pangborn had retired to his pit. Hea\)' Metal class and 50% of them Vaughan came in for the second Last lap, leading all the way it would see the checkers both days. place honors he had two flats to contend with this day, Their positions remained un-In the Heavy Metal overall it was changed on the second lap. Tom Giordano taking first place On the third lap Joe Pacelli took and John Vaughan winning the sil-over the lead, Dean Schlingmann ver. Class 8 only had four entrants moved into the second spot and and two of them would see the Mike Bailey dropped to third place. checkered both days. At the end of Fourth lap, final lap and Joe their first lap on Saturday it was Pacelli hung on for the class win, Mike Bailey in the lead, Dean Mike Bailey came in for the sih·er Schlingmann was second and Joe medal, his transmission was slipping Patelliwasinthirdplace.MikeLowe in third gear and Dean failed to complete his first lap. Schlingmann took home the There were no changes on the bronze. second and third laps. In the Class 8 overall standings, Fourth and final lap ended and Mike Bailey took the Class 8 win Mike Bailey, who led all the way, and Joe Pacelli was second. took a nice win in spite of a bit of In Stock Full there was only one brake trouble along the way. Joe entry, Steve Schwab. Steve only Pacelli was second while Dean managed one lap on Saturday and Schlingmann had retired from the one lap on Sunday. fray. Class 1450 was next up, they had On Sunday the Class 8 guys three laps to run each day and there came out to do it all over again. were 29 of them in the class. Al-Mike Bailey came around first in most half of .them would see the the class, Joe Pacelli was just a few checkered flag both days, a pretty seconds behind in second place and good average. On Saturday, when Dean Schlingmann ran in third they finished their first lap it was place.MikeLowewasonhistrailer. Dan Vance in the lead, Mick TT EfEADLOPJ< Page 34 Aprll 2008 a s1M1J&AttP a.L. vwa~OLQC. l 5X 12 VW BEAC>L.DCIJC;: 1 SX7 Nt:lN &EADt..OCK SEA'O~K Dusty Times

Page 35

Patrick Dailey makes a one point touchdown on his way to a third Bob Dziurawiec finished fourth overall in the Champ Car race, he Jeremy Altman and Jason Gutzmer combined their talents to take a third overall finish in the Stock Bug competition. place overall finish in the Class 5-1600 battle at Primm. was a mere 13 second away fro,n a podium finish. Madson was right there in second Roy Tomkins was in second place, Melissa Thornton ran ninth and place, Nicolette Dunn ran in third, SteYen Herrera ran third, Craig Charles Strong was in 10th place. SteYe Herrera was fourth and Adam Viller was in fourth and Jeff Fogle Sean Kepler ran in 1 l th place, Filbin was in fifth. John Phegley was was fifth. In sixth place was John Brian Grows was 12th, Benjamin sixth in his tall vehicle, Frank Napoli Phegley, Mick Madson ran seventh, Wright ran 13th, Michael Alden was seYenth, Melissa Thornton ran Justin Hampton was in eighth place, was in 14th place and John Copitas eighth, Andrew Stephens was ninth place and Benjamin Wright ran in the 10th spot. In 11th place was Jeff Fogle, Eric Ludian was 12th, Jim Borden ran in the 13th spot, Matt Farris was 14th and John Reber rounded out the top 15 places. Brian Grows was in 16th place, Bryan Ziegler was 17th, Michael Alden ran 18th, Charles Strong was 19th and Justin Hamp-ton was in 20th place. Sean Kepler was in the 21st position, Eric Farnsworth ran 22nd, Craig Viller was in 23rd place, Brian Trochenski was 24th and John Copitas Jr. was in the 25th spot . Robby Woolworth fai led to complete his first lap. When the second lap ended it was still Dan Vance leading the way, Nicolette Dunn was in second place, SteYe Herrera wa sin the third spot, Big John Phegley was running fourth and Mick madson was in fifth place. Adam Filbin dropped to sixth place, Melissa Thornton was up a spot into seY-enth, Andrew Stephens ran in eighth place, Frank Napoli was ninth and Jeff Fogle was 20th,. John Reber was running 11th, Ben Wright was in 12th place, Brian GroYes was 13th, Jim Borden ran 14th and Roy Tomkins was in 15th place. Justin Hampton was 16th, Michael Alden ran 17th, Charles Strong was in 18th place, Craig Villerwas 19th and Sean Kepler was 20th. Brian Trochenski was 21st and John Copitas Jr. was 22nd. Bryan Ziegler, Eric Ludian, Eric Farnsworth and Matthew Farris were out of the race. Final lap on Saturday foe the 1450 class, SteYe Herrera took the checkered flag, Nicolette Dunn took the silver medal, Dan Vance took the bronze, SteYe Herrera was the fourth finisher and Mick Madson finished fifth; Melissa Thornton was sixth, Adam Filbin was seYenth in, John Phegley was eighth, he had broken a coil/over shock, Jeff Fogle finished ninth and Frank Napoli was 20th. John Reber was 11th in, Brian Grows was 12th, Ben Wright finished in the 13th spot, Roy Tom kins fin-ished 14th and Justin Hampton was 15th. Craig Viller was 16th to cross the line, in 17th place was Charles Strong, Jim Borden was 18th, Sean Kepler finished 19th, Michael Alden was in 20th place and Brian Trochenski was the 21st finisher. John Copitas Jr. was the 22nd and final finisher. Andrew Stephens failed to finish his last lap. On Sunday the 1450 guys and gals were all ready to do it again. When they finished their first lap it was Dan Vance as the pathfinder, Dusty Times April 2008 Jr. was in 15th place. Eric Ludian was in 16th place, Robby Woolworth was 17th in, Bryan Zeigler can 18th, Nicolette Dunn was 19th and Brian Trochenski was in 20th place. Adam Filbin was 21st and Frank Napoli was 22nd across the line. At the completion of their sec-ond lap it was Dan Vance still show-ing the way, SteYen Herrera was Continued next page Page 35

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Blaine Conrad was the 10th place finisher in Class ½-1600, Sean Kepler gets our award for qigh flying, he was fifth overall in Justin Hampton was the sixth place overall finisher in the 26 finished fourth in limited Sportsman, seen here in beautiful flight. Class 1450, seen here before some admiring spectators. truck 1450 Class, seen here at full power. right there in second place, Roy in 13th, Nicolette Dunn ran in no thin' but a fun time, Jeff Fogle Robinson ran third, Kenny Free-eYer. Lap 3 ended and Dan Martin Tomkins dropped a spot into third 14th place and Benjamin Wright took the bronze medal, Sean Kepler man was up a spot into fourth and still led the Yery large class, Cody place, John Phegley was up two was running 15th. Bryan Ziegler was first off the podium and Justin Orlo Cox III was in fifth place. Curt Robinson was up a spot into third spots into fourth place and Jeff was up two spots into 16th place, Hampton was fifth in. Melissa Geer remained in sixth place, place, Curt Geer was up two spots Fogle was in the fifth spot. Mick Brian Trochenski was in 17th place, Thornton took sixth place honors, Blaine Conrad was seventh, Monte into fourth place and Bob Madson was up to sixth place, Jus-Brian Grm·es was 28th, Adam Craig Viller was seYenth to finish, Wadsworth remained in eighth Naughton had slipped two spots tin Hampton wa~ up a spot into Filbin was in the 19th spot, Frank Charles Strong finished eighth, place, Tom Burns was ninth and and was now in fifth place. Orlo seYenth, Melissa Thornton was Napoli was 20th and Michael Alden Nicolette Dunn was ninth in and Scott Smith was in the 10th spot. Cox III had slipped a spot into sixth eighth, Sean Kepler was up two was 21st in. Eric Ludian was out of Robby Woolworth was the 10th Jay Shain ran in 11th place, Arden place, Monte Wadsworth was seY-spots into ninth and Craig Viller the race. place finisher. Bryan Ziegler came Dennington was up sewn spots into enth, Blaine Conrad was in eighth dropped from fourth to 10th Third lap, last lap for the 1450 across the line in 11th place, Ben-12th place, Rick Gutierrez was un- place, Tom Burns was ninth and place. C harles Strong ran in 11th class and it was Stew Herrera tak-jamin Wright finished 12th, Mick lucky 13th place, Randy Jones was Scott Smith was in 10th place. Josh place, John Copitas Jr. was up to ing a nice win, John Phegley took a Madson was 13th, Brian up eight spots into 14th place and Urioste was up four spots into 11th, 12th place, Robby Woolworth was great second place finish, he had Trochenski was in 14th place, Brian Josh Urioste was running 15th. Dan Jay Shan was in 12th place, Dan Page 36 ect1on. ights GroYes was 15th in and Adam Folts was 16th to cross the line, Folts ran 13th, Jason Hansen was Filbin was the 16th and final fin- Roberto Romo ran in 17th place, 14th and Arden Dennington was isher. Dan Vance, Roy .Tomkins, Jack Hansen was 18th, Derek Bra- in 15th place. Randy Jones was John CopitasJr., Frank Napoli and dley ran in 19th place and Jeff down a few places into 16th, Michael Alden all failed to complete Farshler was in 20th place. In 21st Gerado Iribe was in 17th place, their final lap. place was Ryan Schank, Gerado Garit Wallace ran 18th, Byron Add up all the numbers and lribe was 22nd, Garit Wallace was Ziegler was 19th and Rick Gutierrez Steven Herrera was the oYerall Class in 23rd place, Byron Ziegler was was in 20th place. Jeff Farshler was 1450 winner, Jeff Fogle was second 24th and Brian Collins Jr. was the in 21st place, Ryan Schank was overall, John Phegley was third over- 25th place. SteYe Fuller was in 26th 22nd, Brian Collins Jr. was in 23rd all finisher, Nicolette Dunn was place, Ken Cox Jr. was in 27th place, place, Ken Cox Jr. ran in 24th place fourth o\'erall and Sean Kepler was Mike Simpson was 28th, Lorenzo and SteYe Fuller was in 25th place. the fifth overall finisher. Rodriguez was in 29th place and Lorenzo Rodriguez was up three Boy, were there a lot of 1600 Jasper Dyer was in 30th place. In spots into 26th place, Mike cars, 44 of them to be exact but 31st place was Nathan Schweigart, Simpson was 27th, Danny Ander-only a dozen of them would see the Danny Anderson ran in 32nd son was in 28th place, Nathan checkered flag both days. When place, Joey Westhoff was 33rd, Jus- Schweigart was in 29th place and they finished their fi\'e lap stint on tin Da\'is ran 34th and Aaron Derek Bradley was in the 30th spot. Saturday it was Dan Martin in the Hawley was in a \'ery unaccustomed Jasper Dyer was in the 31st posi-lead, Cody Robinson was right 35th place. Mike Boonzwas in 36th tion, Joey Westhoff ran in 32nd there in second place, Bob place, JeremyLindsaywas37thand place,AaronHawleywas33rd,Jus-Naughton ran in third place, Orlo Corey Torres was in 38th place. tin DaYis ran 34th and Rick Boyer Cox Ill ran fourth and Kenny Free- Boy, this is going to go on for- was 35th. Mike Boonz was in the man ran in fifth place. Curt Geer was sixth, Tom Burns was in the seYenth spot, Blaine Conrad ran eighth, Monte Wadsworth was in ninth place and Roberto Romo was 10th in. Rick Boyer was in 11th place. Scott Smith was in 12th place, Josh Urioste was in 13th place, Dan Folts ran in 14th place and Jason Hansen was 15th. Rick Gutierrez was in 16th place, Jay Shain was in the 17th spot, Derek Bradley ran 18th, Arden Dennington was in 19th place and Brian Collins Jr. was 20th. Ryan Schank was in 21st place, in 22nd place it was Randy Jones, Jeff Farshler was in 23rd place, Byron Ziegler ran 24th and Gerado Iribe was in the 25th spot. Mike Simpson was 26th to cross the line, Steve Fuller was holding down 27th place, Ken Cox Jr. ran 28th, Garit Wallace was in 29th place and Nathan Schweigart ran in 30th. Lorenzo Rodriguez held down 31st spot, Jasper Dyer was in 3 2nd place, Joey Westhoff ran in the 33rd spot, Justin DaYis ran 34th and Jeremy Lindsay was in 35th place. Wait, there's more. Danny Anderson ran 36th. Mike Boonz was in 37th place, Aaron Hawley was well back in 38th and Corey Torres brought up the rear in 39th place. Unable to complete their first lap were Cory Boyer, Cameron Steele, Craig Forrest and Andy Anderson. Lap 2 ended and Dan Martin still led the class, Bob Naughton was up a spot into second place, Cody April 2008 Brent Shermak had a couple of second place finishes at Primm and that gave him the overall Class 5-1600 win. A good few days for Cody Freeman, 1st on Saturday, fourth place finish on Sunday and he took the overall Champ car win. Dusty Times

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Seventh overall in Class ½-1600 went to Arden Dennington, he's Shawn George finished fourth overall in the Class 5/1600 battle, A fifth overall finish in Champ Car was earf)ed by Bryan Adams seen here saving a bit of tire wear on his way to the finish line. he was less than two minutes away from a podium finish. at Primm, Bryan is seen here nicely airborne. 36th spot, Jeremy Lindsay ran 37th and Corey Torres was still way back in 38th place. Roberto Romo was out of the race. Their fourth lap came to an end and it was still Dan Martin as the pathfinder, Cody Robinson still ran second, Kenny Freeman still held the third spot, Bob Naughton was fourth and Curt Geer was in fifth. Orio Cox III held sixth place, Monte Wadsworth ran seventh, Blaine Conrad was in eighth, Tom Burns was ninth and Jay Shain wa sin 10th place. Dan Folts ran in 11th place, Josh Urioste made it an even dozen, Arden Dennington ran 13th, Byron Ziegler was 14th and Gerado Iribe ran in 15th place. Garit Wallace was up two spots into 16th place, Jeff Farshler was 17th, Jason Hansen ran in 18th, Ryan Schank was in 19th place and Brian Collins Jr. was 20th. Ken Cox Jr. was up a few spots into 21st, Lorenzo Rodriguez was 22nd, Steve Fuller ran 23rd, Mike Simpson was 24th and Rick Gutierrez was in the 25th spot. Danny Anderson was in 26th place, Nathan Schweigart was 27th, Derek Bradley was 28th, Joey Westhoff was in 29th place and Aaron Hawley ran in the 30th spot. Justin Davis ran in the 31st spot, Mike Boonz was 32nd, Jer-emy Lindsay was 33rd, Rick Boyer ran 34th and Corey Torres hung on in 35th place. Scott Smith, Randy Jones, Roberto Romo and Jasper Dyer all had retired from the fray. Fifth lap, last lap for the 1600's on Saturday and Dan Martin took the checkers, having led the class all the way, Bob Naughton took sec-ond place honors, Cody Robinson was third in, Kenny Freeman was in fourth place and Orio Cox III finished fifth. Sixth place went to Monte Wadsworth, Blaine Conrad was lucky seventh, Jay Shain fin-ished eighth, Tom Burns was in ninth place and Dan Folts rounded out the top 10 finishers. Eleventh place went to Arden Dennington, Gerado Iribe finished 12th and Garit Wallace was the 13th and fi-nal finisher. The other 19 cars, who shall remain nameless here failed to finish their fifth lap. Class 12600 had four laps to run on Sunday. There were only 34 of them on the starting line and fully 30 of them would see the checkers. At the end of their first lap it was Orio Cox III in the lead, Garit Wallace was right there in the second spot, Jay Shain rounded out the top three, Dan Folts ran fourth and Gerado lribe was in fifth place. Arden Dennington was in sixth place, Dan Martin ran seventh, Cody Robinson was in eighth place, Bob Naughton ran ninth and Joe Stone had a great weekend! He took the Class 7 win on Saturday, repeated in the Sunday race and was the Class 7 overall champion. Logan Knecht scored a win on Saturday in the Trophy/ire class, took second on Sunday and was the class overall winner. Dusty Times Kenny Freeman was in 10th place. In 11th place was Monte Wadsworth, Blaine Conrad was 12th, Curt Geer was in 13th place, Byron Ziegler was 14th and Danny Anderson was in 15th place. In 16th place was Tom Burns, Ken Cox Jr. was 17th, Nathan Schweigart ran in 18th place, Brian Collins Jr. was 19th and Steve Fuller was in 20th place. Aaron Hawley ran in 21st place, Josh Urioste was 22nd, Jeff Farshler ran 23rd, Joey Westhoff was in 24th place and Mike Boonz was 25th. Scott Smith ran in 26th place, Randy Jones was in 27th place, Justin Davis was 28th, Roberto Romo was in 29th place and Jason Hansen was in 30th place. Rick Gutierrez ran 31st, Derek Bradley was 32nd, Jeremy Lindsay was 33rd and Rick Boyer was running 34th. At the end of the second lap it was still Orio Cox III holding the lead, Garit Wallace remained in second place, Dan Folts was up a spot into third, Gerado Iribe moved into fourth place and Dan Martin was up two spots into fifth. Bob Naughton was in sixth, Jay Shain dropped to seventh, Arden Dennington was eighth, Cody Robinson was ninth and Kenny Freeman held on in 10th place. Blaine Conrad was 11th, Curt Geer ran 12th, Monte Wadsworth was in 13th place, Danny Anderson was 14th and Tom Burns was in 15th place. In the interest of breviry, we'll go on to the third lap and Orio Cox III still led the pack, Garit Wallace still ran second, Gerado Iribe was up to third place, Bob Naughton was up two spots into fourth and Dan Martin still held fifth. Dan Folts had dropped to sixth place, Cody Robinson was up to seventh, Arden Dennington was eighth, Curt Geer was in ninth and Kenny Freeman remained 10th. Blaine Conrad was up a spot into 11th, Curt Geer was up into 12th place, Monte Wadsworth remained in 13th, Byron Ziegler was in 14th place and Tom Burns was 15th. Last lap, Orio Cox III took a nice win, Gerado Iribe took second place, Dan Martin took third, Bob Naughton finished fourth, he limped in with an ailing transmis-sion and Dan Folts was fifth. Garit Wallace finished sixth, Cody Robinson was seventh, Arden Dennington finished eighth, Curt Geer was ninth and Kenny Freeman was 10th in. In 11th place was Danny Anderson, Blaine Conrad finished 12th, Byron Ziegler was unlucky 13th, Monte Wadsworth was 14th and Tom Burns was the 15th finisher. In the overall 1600 standings it was Bob Naughton taking the over-all win, Dan Martin finished sec-ond, Gerado Iribe finished third, Garit Wallace was fourth and Orio Cox III finished in the fifth overall spot. Class 5-1600 had 11 entrants and eight of them would get in their required laps. Saturday, on Lap 1, it was Chris Moreno in the lead, Patrick Dailey was second, Tim Jones was third, Brent Shermak ran fourth and Rulo Solano was in fifth place. Guy Savedra ran sixth, Don Harper was seventh, Glen Mayernick ran in eighth place, Patricio Alvarez was ninth and Mark Clifton was 10th. Matt Stevens was in 11th place. Lap 2 saw Patrick Dailey in the lead, Brent Shermak moved up to second, Rulo Solano was third, Tim Jones was fourth and Guy Savedra was up to fifth. Don Harper was up to sixth, Chris Moreno dropped back to seventh place, Glen Mayernick was eighth, Patricio Alvarez was ninth, Mark Clifton was 10th and Matt Stevens was in 11th place. Continued next page • .,.,. •n1ac www.Nlterpnt,el lo .com eJJJ ~ €UriX.[{Bj;tJ) IX§1[J {l3 £lt1!r§} (I11 *·B LA GK* red & blue red & blue -6st$5.99 ~ · -645$12.99 -8 st $6.99 -8 45 $13.99 -10 st $9.49 -10 45 $16.99 -12 st $10.99 -12 45 $21.84 ~Cf11r:.YlJijJ) ™3 20ft. Lenghts -6 20ft. $93.40 -8 20ft. $107.20 -10 20ft. $128.20 -12 20ft. $185.20 High Misalignment Adapters red& blue -6 90$12.99 -8 90$14.99 -10 90 $15.99 ~-----1290$21.84 Complete Line of ---· New Hampshire Ball Bearings. Inc. Weld-in Bungs I I JMXT series Chromoly ---JMXBT $20.05 JMX10T $26.16 JMX12T $33.25 JMX14T $60.78 JMX16T $76.10 {~ ~ -r:-; ,~ ~"::.----~~"---.;,-,; -~---~·· i•ER/ PRl!CI ION -~-aj . Ki RACING PRODUCTS Ph 562-427-2375 2865 GUNDRY AVE. SIGNAL HILL, CA 90755 April 2008 Page 37

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Eighth overall in the huge ½-1600 Class was Dan Folts, he's It was a ninth overall finish for Kenny Freeman in the ½-1600 Kyle Woodward took home a fourth place finish in the Class 10 seen here at speed heading for the checkered flag. fracas, Kenny is seen here just at liftoff, headin' for home. battle, he's seen here with Jots of power on. There were no significant posi- place, Shawn George was seventh ninth, Sheldon Paul was 10th and Ken Redelsperger was fifth in. Sixth Class 7 was next to go, there tion changes on the third lap. and Patrick Dailey was in eighth Vic Martin was in 11th place. Bran-place was Alan League, KeYin were four of them and two would Checkered flag, Patrick Dailey place. Guy Sa\'edra and Glen don Hughes was out of the race. Streety was se\'enth and Sheldon finish all their required laps. At the took the win, Brent Shermak fin- Mayernick were out of the race. Second lap, Cody Freeman con- Paul finished eighth. Hadley, Mar-end of their first lap on Saturday it ished second, Rulo Solano can~e in Third lap and Chris Moreno tinued to lead, Daniel Maurer held tin and Maurer were out of the was Travis Bazzano in the lead, third, Tim Jones finished fourth, took the checkered flag, Brent on in second, Bryan Adams was race. Gregg Hempel was second, Joe reporting no problems and Guy Shermak was in second place, Rulo third, Rusty Ruby was fourth and KeYin Streety led the first lap on Stone was third and Richard SaYedra was fifth. Don Harper was Solano finished third, Don Harper Bob Dziurawiec remained in fifth. Sunday, Rusty Ruby was second, Cassey was fourth in. sixth in, Chris Moreno was seventh, was fourth and Mark Clifton fin- Ken Redelsperger was still sixth, Bryan Adams came third, Ken Second lap saw Gregg Hempel Mark Clifton was eighth, Patricio ished fifth. Patricio AlYarez was Alan League was seventh, Kevin Redelsperger was fourth and Bob in the lead, Joe Stone second and Alvarez was ninth and Glen sixth, Shawn George was seventh Streety was eighth, Sheldon Paul Dziurawiec was fifth. Cody Free-Richard Cassey third. Tra\'is Mayernick finished 10th. and Patrick Dailey was the eighth was in ninth place, Sean Hadley was man was running sixth, Alan Bozzano was out of the race. In 5-1600, first lap on Sunday, place finisher. 10th and Vic Martin was 11th. League was seventh, Vic Martin was Third lap, Joe Stone led the class, it was Chris Moreno in the lead, Brent Shermak took the overall Third lap, Cody Freeman con- eighth and Sean Hadley was ninth. Gregg Hempel was second and Ri-Guy Savedra was running second, win, Rulo Solano finished second tinued leading, Daniel Maurer re-There were no position changes chard Cassey was on his trailer. Brent Shermak was third, Rulo overall and Patrick Dailey was third mained in second place, Bob on the second lap. Final lap and a nice win for Joe Solano was fourth and Mark overall in 5-1600. Dziurawiec was third, Bryan Adams Rusty Ruby was first in for the Stone, Gregg Hempel was second Clifton finished fifth. Don Harper Champ Car was next up, there was fourth and Rusty Ruby was checkered flag, Kevin Streety was in. was sixth, Glen Mayernick was in were 12 of them entered and seYen fifth. Ken Redelspergerwas in sixth second in, Ken Redelsperger was On Sunday it was Richard se\'enth place, Patricio Alvarez was would see the checkers each day. place, Sheldon Paul was seventh, third, Cody Freeman finished Cassey leading the first lap, Joe eighth, ninth was Shawn George Cody Freeman led the class on their Alan League was eighth, Kevin fourth and Bob Dziurawiec finished Stone was second and Gregg and Patrick Dailey ran 10th. first Saturday lap, Daniel Maurer Streety was ninth, Sean Hadley was fifth. Bryan Adams was sixth, Alan Hempel ran third. Second lap and now Chris was second in, Bryan Adams came 10th and Vic Martin was in 11th League finished seventh and Vic There were no position changes Moreno was the class leader, Brent in third, Rusty Ruby was fourth place. Martin was the eighth finisher. on the second lap. Shermak ran second, Rulo Solano and Bob Dziurawiec was fifth. Ken Last lap and Cody Freeman took Overall, the Champ Car winner When the checkers flew it was ran third, Don Harper was fourth Redelsperger was in sixth place, the win, Bob Dziurawiec was sec- was cody Freeman, Rusty Ruby was Joe Stone taking the gold medal, and Mark Clifton was in fifth Alan League was seventh, Sean ond, Rusty Ruby finished third, second and Ken Redelsperger was Richard Cassey won the silver and place. Patricio Alvarez was in sixth Hadley was eighth, KeYinStreetywas Bryan Adams remained fourth and third. Gregg Hempel took home the Page 38 April 2008 Dusty Times

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- I John Vaughan was a real high flyer in the Heavy Metal class, Joe Pate/Ii had a decent weekend, he took second place honors in t was really fun for John Phegley, he ran well both days and took home third overall honors in Class 1450, seen here nicely airborne. John took the silver medal when all the racin' was done. the Class 8 conflict, seen here hustlin' for home. bronze. Jared Benson was third, Bud Ward Johnny Burns and T.L. Taylor were Moran was fifth. Eddie Frias was up Randall finished fourth and Ricky to sixth and Tom Pittman was se\'-Moran was fifth. Eddie Frias and Overall it was Joe Stone taking was fourth and Jack Randall was in gone. thewin,GreggHempelwassecond. fifthplace.RodgerSchankwassixth, Third lap ended, Brandon enth. Frank Wagner was out. Tom Pittman were on their trailers. There were two entries in Class Ricky Moran came seventh, Eddie Hughes led the pack, Jared Benson 7S but there were no finishers. Greg Frias was eighth, Thomas Pittman was second, Bud Ward was third, Gilbert led the first lap on Satur-ran ninth and Don Kelly was 10th. Jack Randall ran fourth and Ricky Final lap, Brandon Hughes took Frank Wagner led the first lap the win, Jared Benson was second, on Sunday, Jared Benson ran sec-Bud Ward finished third, Jack Continuednextpage day, Peter Garfinkle was second. On Sunday Greg Gilbert ran two laps and Garfinkle did not ~tart. Trophylite class had eight en-tries, two of them would see the checker both days. At the end of the first lap on Saturday it was Gary Messer in the lead, Brian Freemal was right there in second place, Bruce Finchum was third, Matt Armstrong was fourth and Logan Knecht ran fifth. Ricky Johnson was sixth, Bruce Friesen was se,·enth and John Murray was in eighth place. Gary Messer led the second lap also, Matt Armstrong was now sec-ond, Logan Knecht was third, Ricky Johnson was fourth and Bruce Finchum was in fifth place. John Murray was sixth and Bruce Friesen remained in seventh place. Matt Armstrong took the lead on the third lap, Logan Knecht was second, Ricky Johnson was third, Bruce Friesen was fourth, Bruce Finchum remained in fifth and John Murray was sixth. Gary Messer ran out of gas. Fourth lap, only two came around for the flag, Logan Knecht in the lead and Ricky Johnson in second place. Sunday, Gary Messer was lead-ing the class, Bruce Finchum ran second, Ricky Johnson was third, Logan Knecht was in fourth, John Murray was fifth, Bruce Friesen was sixth and Matt Armstrong ran in se,·enth place. Ricky Johnson led the second lap, Logan Knecht was up to second spot, Gary Messer ran third, he had a run-in with a 5-1600 car which blew a tire, John Murray was fourth, Bruce Friesen was in fifth and Bruce Finchum was in sixth place. Matt Armstrong was out of the race. Last lap, Ricky Johnson took the win, Logan Knecht was second, Gary Messer was third and John Murray was fourth. TI1at's all there was! In the oYeralls, Logan Knecht took the win, Ricky Johnson was sec-ond and John Murray finished third. There were 13 Class 9 cars, but only three of them would do all their required laps. When the first lap ended it was Frank Wagner in the lead, Brandon Hughes was second, Jared Benson came third, Bud Ward was fourth and Jack Randall was fifth. Rodger Schank was in sixth place, T.L. Taylor was seYenth, Ricky Moran was eighth, Eddie Frias came ninth and Tom Pittman ran 10th. Don Kelly was 11th and Johnny Burns was 12th in. Mark Bass was out. Frank Wagner led the second lap also, Brandon Hughes was second, Dusty Times Hi Desert Charities ID# 33-0576145 OFF-ROA1> POKeR RUK April 26th & 27th - A Two Day Event ALL PROCEEDS GO TO HELP BARSTOW CHARITIES VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT: Co-Sponsored By: BUREAU OF LA D MANAGEMENT *POKER FUN* Two loops approximately 25 miles each, one for 4-wheel vehicles and one for motorcycles and ATV's. Families and groups may ride and drive motorcycles, ATVs and 4-wheel vehicles together on the same track after notification and approval of event officials. l\velve (12) Best poker hands from each day win prizes. You can enter Saturday, Sunday or both days as many times as you wish. Sign-up and go from 8:00 a.m. to Noon. MUST COMPLETE COURSE .BY 1:30 p.m. Any type Off-Road Vehicle can enter; however, all California Off-Road Vehicles must have a "Green or Red Sticker". All off-road vehicles must have an approved spark arrester (exempt if equipped with a muffler). THIS LAW WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED!!! Helmets required for ATV & motorcycle riders. No riding double on ATV's. $25.00 entry fee. Each rider/driver goes twice for single entry fee. New motorcycles must present registration at Tech Inspection if Green or Red Sticker is not available. FREE hats to the first 250 entries Saturday - 150 on Sunday. T-shirts, hats & sweatshirts available for purchase at the start/finish area. * SATURDAY NIGHT DINNER 4:00 p.m. - Slash X Cafe BBQ/Dinner Chicken, Ribs, Beans, Vegetable and Bread $13.00 + tax per plate * FACILITIES AND CAMPING Portable Johns, Trash Dumpster & Lots of Open Desert for Camping Bring you own water and firewood. No Pallets, or wood with nails allowed in the desert per B.L.M. BURRTEC NO FIREWORKS RAFFLE BURRTEC WASTE INDUSTRIES, INC. WASTE INDUSTRIES, INC. Lots of PRJZl(S to be given away each day - 2:00 p.m. AWARDS Twelve (12) Best Hands fron1 the Poker Run will win Prizes each day - 2:00 p.m. BBQ Hamburgers, Hot Dogs and Refreshments available at the event site 10:00 a.m. -??? Rolls & Coffee• Harn, Bacon or Sausage & Eggs Breakfast Sandwich• Saturday morning - 7 a.m. - 9 a.m. Ham, Bacon or Sausage & Eggs Breakfast Sandwich • Sunday moring - 7 a.m. TO GET TO THIS EVENT Go .12 miles south of Barstow on Hwy 247 (Barstow to Slash X Cafe) For more information call the Slash X Cafe at (760) 252-1197 or Mal & Connie Wessel at (760) 252-3093 PLEASE DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE April 2008 Page 39

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Meet and Greet, Caliente Elementary School Kids 9-10:30 a.m. Series Sponsor Page 40 Bring your team's Hero Cards, Hats, T-Shirts, Stickers for the kids and lots of sharpies for the autograph session © Fun Run Fri May 9th 11 :00 am - 3 :00 pm Fri May 9th • Tech/Contingency 5:30 - 9:30 pm Sign Up@ The Shamrock Bar & Grin s~oo • 9:00 pm Race Starts 9:00 am Sat May l 0th Awards@? pm w/BBQ & Post-Race Party Hosted By: www,snoreracina,net • (702) 452-4522 SNORE hotline YOKOHAMA April 2008 Series Sponsor I.I.A ... ~~ ;z:,'¥4a«eU-Dusty Times T

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.. , Melissa Thornton had a lot of fun, she finished seventh in Class Wallace finished fourth in the 1600 race, finished third in limited Cody Robinson took home a sixth place finish in the Class 1600 1450, she was a mere 2 seconds out of sixth place. Sportsman, all in all, a pretty good weekend. battle, he was just a bit over a minute out of third place. It was an 11th overall finish in Class ½-1600 for Monte A nice second place finish overall in Class 5/1600 went to Rulo Rusty Ruby took home the silver medal in the Champ Car contest, Wadsworth, he's seen here settin' up for a sharp left hander. Solano, he's seen here nicely airborne. ond, Tom Pittman ran third, Ricky finished fifth. Jack Randall came in ond lap, Cory Vandemark re-Moran was fourth and Brandon sixth and Eddie Frias was seYenth mained second, Jason Gutzman was Hughes was in fifth place. Johnny in. Tom Pittman was out. still third, Garey leaYitt was now Burns was sixth, Jack Randall ran There were 10 Stock Bug cars en- fourth and Mark Murrell was up to seYenth, Mark Bass was eighth and tered and fully 40% of them would fifth. DaYid Hendrickson was up to Eddie Frias was ninth. take the checkers both days. On Sat• sixth, Dick Nichols Jr. was up to se\'• Frank Wagner led the second lap urday it was Corey Torres leading enth, Bob Johnson dropped to also, Tom Pittman i1as in second the pack on the first day, Cory eighth and Derrek Krumm was place, Ricky Moran was third, Bran, Vandemark ran second, Jason ninth. Brandon Benson was gone. don Hughes was fourth and Johnny Gutzmer ran in third, Brandon Third lap, last lap and Corey Burns was fifth. Jack Randall was in Benson was fourth and Garey Torres took the win, reporting no sixthplace,MarkBassranseYenth leaYittwasfifthin.BobJohnsonwas problems along the way, Cory and Eddie Frias was in eighth place. sixth, Mark Murrell was sewn th, Vandemark finished second, Jason Jared Benson and Bud Ward were DaYid Hendrickson ran eighth, he Gutzmer was third in, he laid the gone. had to stop for a bit when his alter- car on its side, a mile from the fin-Frank Wagner took the class win, nator light came on, Dick Nichols ish, Mark Murrell finished fourth, Ricky Moran finished second, Bran- Jr. was ninth and Derrek Krumm he was lacking a working rear sus-don· Hughes was third, Johnny was 10th. he's seen here heading for the checkered flag. pension and Da,id Hendrickson fin-Ed Mahoney took the bronze medal, ished fifth. Lea\'itt, Nichols, Krumm he drm·e almost the entire lap stuck and Benson failed to finish the lap. in second gear. Garey LeaYitt fin-Sunday, two laps to race and it ished fourth and Derrek Krumm was DaYid Hendrickson leading the was fifth. Dick Nichols Jr. was sixth pack, Jeremy Altman ran second, Ed in, Jeremy Altman finished seYenth, Mahoney ran in third, Mark Murrell he broke a stub axle but got going ran fourth, his car just quit on him, again, with no brakes and Mark and Brandon Benson was in fifth Murrell was eighth to finish. Bob place. Garey LeaYitt was sixth, Bob Johnson disappeared. Johnson ran se\'enth, Derrek In the Stock bug O\'erall it was Krumm was eighth and Dick Ed Mahoney, DaYid Hendrickson Nichols Jr. finished in ninth place. and Jeremy Altman, 1,2,3. David Hendrickson took the Hang on folks, it's almost oYer. checkered flag, happy with the win Unlimited Sportsman had 17 en-but not happy about a two lap race. tries and fully seYen of them would Brandon Benson finished second, Continued next page Burns was fourth and Mark Bass Corey Torres still led on the sec-TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING, INC. Brandon Hughes made it look easy on Saturday, he took the Class 9 win, took third on Sunday and was declared the class overall winner. First place finish on Saturday, third place on Sunday, it all adds up to the Stock Bug Class Overall Win for Ed Mahoney. Dusty Times WauldUkaTa cangn1t1•lat• Shawn Mccallum 11aa fst Class 112nd Overall BIid Light Dash (MDR> TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD Chat Huffman Jerrv Whelchel fst T'. T'./fst Overall B.I.T.D. Parker 425 9763VARIELAVENUE CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818-998-2739 April 2008 Page 41

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Ken Redelsperger was the third place finisher overall in the Champ car fracas, seen here on his way to the finish. John Murray took third place overall in the new Trophylite Class, it looks like here he's doin' it the hard way. Wesley Stevens looks like he is going under but he held on to take a fourth overall finish in Unlimited Sportsman. finish their required laps each day. Morgan was llth in. Marcelo Cabrera was the leader on Second lap, Jessica Freeman still Lap 1, Josh Harmon was second, led the class, Marcelo Cabrerra was Rick Poole finished third, John Po)-second, Rick Poole ran in third, ing was fourth and Jessica Freeman Brandon Catello was fourth and was fifth. Billy Gereghty was sixth Wesley Stewns was in fifth place. in, Jason Semmens was seventh, Gary Messer was sixth, Jeremy Sundt KeYin Reardon was eighth, Wesley was seYenth and Jeff Morgan was SteYens was ninth and Gary Messer eighth. was 10th in. John Koksha was 11th, Last lap, Marcello Cabrerra took Polo Ramirez was in 12th place, the win, he had a trouble free run John Pfeffer was 13th, Brandon this day, Jessica Freeman was second Catello was 14th, Jeremy Sundt was in, Rick Poole finished third, Bran-15th and Mike Logsdon was 16th don Catello was fourth and We~ley in. Jeff Morgan was out. SteYens finished fifth. Gary Messer Second lap ended and Marcelo wassixth,JeremySundtwasseventh Cabrera still led the class, Josh and Jeff Morgan finished eighth. Harmon still second, Rick Poole still In the oYerall it was Cabrerra, third, Billy Gereghty ran fourth and Poole and Freeman. Jason Semmens was fifth. Jessica Free-OK people, here it is, the last cla s man was now sixth, Wesley SteYens at the SNORE Short Course, Lim-ran seventh, Kevin Reardon was ited Sportsman, seems like everyone eighth, Gary Messer was ninth and wanted to get in one more race so Polo Ramirez ran 10th. John Koksha here we go. At the end of their first was 11th, Jeremy Sundt was 12th, lap it was Eddie Aguiar in the lead, Brandon Catello was in 13th place Blaine Conrad was in second place, and John Pfeffer ran in 14th place. Joe Bourland ran third, Briana Bra-John Poling was gone. dley was fourth and Adam Fisher Third lap and Marcelo Cabrerra was in fifth. Alex Pate was in sixth came in for the win, he reported that spot, Kenny Freeman was sewn th, he was hit by a Class 12 car on his DaYe Wallace ran eighth, Daniel first lap but kept on going, report- Maurerwa ninth and Garit Wallace ing no other problems along the was in 10th place. Frank Baird ran way. Nick Poole was in second place, in 11th place, Holly Gill was 12th, Billy Gereghty took the bronze, Ja-Corey Torres ran in 13th place, son Semmens took fourth and Orlo Cox III was 14th and Ken Cox Wesley SteYens finished fifth. In sixth Jr. was in 15th place. In 16th was place was Jessica Freeman, Gary Randy Jones, Bryan Freeman was Messer ran sewn th, Jeremy Sundt 17th, Tracy Fuller ran 18th, Ashley ran eighth, Brandon Catello was DaYis was in 19th place and Rich-ninth and John Pfeffer was 10th in. ard Brady was 20th. Danielle Brad-That's all there were. ley ran 21st, Billy Shapley was 22nd, Sunday, Unlimited Sportsman Mike Simpson was 23rd, Rusty saw Jessica Freeman leading the class, Ruby was 24th and Tom Burns was Marcelo Cabrena was second, Ja-25th. Monte Wadsworth was in son Semmens ran third, Rick Poole 26th place and Thomas Morales was was fourth and Brandon Catello was 27th to cross the line. fifth. John Poling was sixth, John On Lap 2 it was still Eddie Aguiar Koksha was seventh, Wesley SteYens in the lead, Blaine Conrad still ran ran eighth, Gary Messer was ninth, second, Joe Bourland was third, in 10th was Jeremy Sundt and Jeff Kenny Freeman was up to fourth place and Adam Fisher held on in fifth. In sixth was Alex Pate, Daniel Maurer ran seYenth, Garit Wallace was eighth, Frank Baird ran in ninth and Briana Bradley was in 10th place. Corey Torres ran in 11th place, Daw Wallace was 12th, Orlo Cox was 13th, Holly Gill ran 14th and Ken Cox Jr. was in 15th place. Bryan Freeman was in 16th place, Danielle Bradley was 17th, Ashley Davis was 18th, Tracy Fuller ran in 19th place and Richard Brady was in 20th place. Randy Jones ran in 21st place, Rusty Ruby was 22nd, Monte Wadsworth was 23rd, Tom Burns ran 24th and Thomas Mo-rales was in 25th place. Billy Shapley was among the missing. Last lap on Saturday and Eddie Aguiar came in for the checkered flag, Blaine Conrad took the sih-er medal, he reported no problems along the way, Kenny Freeman took the bronze, Joe Bourland was fourth and Adam fisher was in fifth place. Corey Torres was sixth in, Garit Wallace ran seventh, Alex Pate was eighth, Daniel Maurer came in ninth and Briana Bradley was 10th in. Frank Baird was 11th to finish, Orlo Cox was 12th in, Ken Cox finished 13th, Bryan Freeman finished 14th and Danielle Bradley was the 15th finisher. DaYe Wallace was 16th, Ashley Davis finished 17th, Holly Gill was 18th, Randy Jones finished 19th and Tracy Fuller finished 20th. Rusty Ruby was 21st in, Richard Brady finished 22nd and Thomas Morales finished 23rd. Monte Wadsworth was on his trailer. Last day, last race and when they completed their first lap of the Un-limited Sportsman it was Orio Cox III leading the pack, Blaine Conrad was in second place, Corey Torres was third, Garit Wallace was in fourth and Eddie Aguiar was fifth. · Joe Bourland was sixth, Frank Baird c_ame in seYenth, Ken Cox Jr. Under new ownenblp .. Over 40 years of experience mcnve~t 17t • · ·. · · www.Yf>!'e/,<'.lh◊$<',(◊!'rl J,!49-645-,. S.;ninlijy9 !Vil }PM Bring your hot rod, sand rait, motorcyde, boat or ATV down t() our l<><ation and ... L.ef ut solve your plumblnt problems from complete system de1i1n1 to minor modifica11on1. "' Page 42 I i I-' t?U-.$t¥«t,\ .,,. April 2008 ran eighth, Alex Pate ran in ninth Blaine Conrad took second place, and Adam Fisher rounded out the he reported a trouble free run. Garit top 10. Kenny Freeman ran in 11th Wallace was third, Corey Torres fin-place, Briana Bradley was 12th in, ished fourth and Joe Bourland was Bryan Freeman was unlucky 13th, the fifth place finisher. Frank Baird Rusty Ruby was in 14th place and came in sixth, Eddie Aguiar was seY-Tracy Fuller was in 15th place. Ri-enth in, Ken Cox Jr. finished eighth, chard Brady was 16th, Monte Adam Fisher finished ninth and Alex Wadsworth ran 17th, Ashley DaYis Pate finished 10th. Briana Bradley was in 18th place, Billy Shapley was was 11th in, Tracy Fuller finished 19th and Randy Jones was 20th in. 12th, Rusty Ruby was 13th, Rich-Holly Gill was 21st, Danielle Brad- ard Brady finished 14th and Bryan ley was 22nd and Thomas Morales Freeman was 15th. Ashley Davis fin-was 23rd. ished 16th, Billy Shapley was 17th, Second lap ended and Orlo Cox Randy Jones was 18th in, Holly Gill still had the lead, Blaine Conrad was was 19th, Kenny Freeman finished second, Garit Wallace was up a spot 20th and Danielle Bradley was the into third, Corey Torres ran fourth 21st and final finisher. and Joe Bourland ran fifth. Frank There was a Powder Puff race, it Baird ran sixth, Eddie Aguiar ran was in the dark and we are not able seventh, Alex Pate was eighth, Ken to give you all the details, ran out of Cox was ninth and Adam Fisher was space but suffice it to say that Sigal in 10th place. Briana Bradley was in Greenberg won the race, Jessica Free-11 th place, Rusty Ruby was up to man was second, Kelly Suiter was 12th, Bryan Freeman was 13th, third, Br . Tracy Fuller ran 14th and Monte iana Bradley finished fourth and Wadsworth was 15th. Richard Ashley Davis finished fifth. Brady was 16th, in 17th was Ashley And so it ended, two great days Davis, Billy Shapley was 18th, Holly of racing, lots of action, lots of Gill, ran 19th and Kenny Freeman bitchin' but, ali's well that ends well. ran in 20th place. Danielle Bradley See ya all at the Mint. was 21st and Thomas Morales was It you would like great pictures 22nd. of your car at this race, you can pro-Sunday, Last Class, Last Lap and cure them from , Orlo Cox III took the class win, Two races, two wins, it looked sort of easy for Marcelo Cabrera he was the Unlimited Sportsman winner at the Battle At Primm. Corey Torres had it his way, he ran 5th in Limited Sportsman on Saturday, 4th on Sunday but he did take the overall class win. Dusty Times --r

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(J)BEAR We carry a full line of KING v--~ OF~ -----OFF-ROAD ({ACING SHOCKS FILTERMAa. ~~.

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SNDRE 2aa, Awards Banquet Bryan Freeman accepts his award for 1/2-1600 Class Championship, Driver Of The Year Award and Overall Points Championship, what a season he had! Worldwide benchmark manufacturer of ~eoificetion wif"ing ayateme for al motoreport; eppllo~lone Utilizing the flnetat.Raychem Syatem 25 CO_ftl:)Onent~. the indl...latry etenc:lerd for ell professionel racing sanctions. Engineering, esser:rt:>ly. and compr-ehetnaive • testing pert"oN'ned 100% In-house. ate ~s assemblies .end circuit . ' . ;. eompc.nente ~ availetble to suit . , · · r!' bud "1.. ' . "-Mo ..____ end Oat.a· . 'ay~~-,_ ' ~ i , ·. entieJifuel end ,. .... J, "' v..._...;, · buift-~ ~o W,lii..,..•n ,«' . ~ < ; -PnJ;:l pre•ri;.unnlh ,, ',> ' " a available fo~ ;all -E:!OQine packages. Digital ?tspley and data acquisition systerT'l&J, for ell levels of competition. Engine -rid chassis services ~able. Sakata Motorsport Electronics, Inc. 1217 N. Patt Street Anaheim, CA 92801 (714) 446-9473 / Fax: (714) 446-9247 Page 44 High-Accuracy Air-Fuel Ratio Mat91"'8 Lightweight. stend-etone system works with all engines end alternate fuels -carbureted or fuel Injected. For the dedicated engine tuner who needs to know exsctlywhet their engine is doing. No fleshing lighte -just the fects.-Ns// /t to s nutT1ber! ...,....,~-,,,., <~-= ~ rvlDTCl~SPD,..,~T ELECTF=IONICS IN'e re rna,...,n conr,eot/ohs ... April 2008 banquet took place January 5 at Michael Gaughan's South Point Hotel and Casino. O\'er 400 guests attended the award ce.remony, A one hour open bar warmed everyone's spirits before dinner. The South Point Hotel served a luxu-rious buffet with a variety of ap-petizing salads, and superior en-trees, and a \'ariety of excellent desserts. This was the 38th annual SNORE awards ceremony. John Pellissier, outgoing SNORE President, was this year's emcee. His first duty was to introduce the new 2008 SNORE President, Don Wall who spoke for a few minutes before turning the podium back to John. It was also coinciden• tally Don Wall's birthday. We wish you many more Happy Birthdays, Don Before the start of the awards, the 2007 SNORE Make a Wish Ride \"ideo was pre-sented. (Insert statistics) The major event of the evening was the Bryan Freeman trifecta," Brian received the Driver of the Year Award, the ½ 1600 Class Championship and the O\'erall Points Champi-onship with 4,206 points. He was also one of only four dri\•-ers who received the prestigious "Milestone Award" for driving every mile of every race during the 2007 season. The other dri\'ers were Gary Messer, Rulo Solano, and Corey Goin. Brian Freeman also holds the distinction of being the only third generation O\'erall Points Champion in SNORE or any other off-road racing organiza• tion with his parents and grand-parents winning past Champi• onships. But Brian is no stranger to the winner circle; he won the tricycle race at Jean, Nevada when he was only three years old in 1983. Most notable of his awards was the prestigious Driwr of the Year. This award is not some• thing you automatically win but it is the result of a vote by the entire six hundred and some odd SNORE members. Brian is \'ery humble and is the first to admit that off.road racing is a team sport. Besides thanking the usual long list of family, friends, and sponsor, Brian singled out one individual for special thanks. Up to that time no one had explained why Bryan "Butter Bean" Adams won Sportsman of the Year. At the Buffalo Bill race, Brian broke a rocker ann on his engine, when "Bean" came up. Brian tried to give him the "thumbs up" sign and wa\'e him on but "Bean" stopped anyway almost taking Brian "Out." "What do you need, Brian?" Adams asks. "Bean, I broke a part on my motor, so just keep going," Re-plies Brian Well, you can take the part off my motor." "No Bean, just keep going." "Well, I could use a break, so just take it off my motor." So Brian took the part of "Bean's" motor and continued the race. But Bryan Adams was out until after dark trying to finish his race. "Thank you \'ery much, 'But• ter Bean' for all your help." The biggest surprise of the e\'ening was a proposal of mar• riage by John Pellissier to Miss Chesha Rich during the Ladies President's Awards. John dropped to one knee and popped the question to the totally surprised Miss Rich, Amid a tor• rent of tears, she managed a hardy yes and the whole room went crazy for a good fi\'e min-utes or more. At Left, Top to Bottom, Corey Torres took home the Class 9 Championship and Corey was second overall in points as well, he's one happy young man. Billy Shapley accepted the awards for Mechanic Of The Year, for his father, Bill Shapley, who was unable to attend. Garfield Davies, a regular competitor in the Class 10 ranks was awarded the True Grit Award, here with trophy and check. Dusty Times

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Sixth Onrall and third in 1/2 1600 was Corey Goin with 3596 points. Class 8 Hea,·y Metal Champion and eighth OYerall was that Crazy ln-d i an, Monte Tibbits with 3453 points. Runner up in C lass 8 was Mike Bailey with 2995 points. with 3316 points. Runner up in the Champ Class was Bob Dziurawiec with 2972 points. Class 7 Champion is Russ Ramsey. nlimited Sportsman Buggy award was Tom Hood and lim-ited Sportsman was Jillian Rootring. The True Grit Award went to Garfield DaYies. Class 10 Champion, 5th overall in points, C.J. Hutchins was Fourth overall in points and second in the Class 1/2-1600 standings Class 11 Cham-pion and ninth OYerall was Mark Murrell with 3420 points. Run-ner up in Class 11 was Gary Lea\'eitt with 3446 points. The most coYeted award in SNORE is the President's Award. These awards go to those people who ha\'e gi\'en aboYe and beyond during the year. The following ladies were giYen this award: Claudia Alexander, Debi Tapert, Shelley Zinkosky, Mayetta Bowman, Kelly Bradley, Briana Bradley, Sean Maxwell, Kelly Sponseller, Tiffany Sponseller, and Jamie Fagan. really pleased with his award and his new title. is Gary Messer, seen here with trophy and dollars. Mrs. Jamie Brooke, the bride's ner up in C lass 9 was Brandon the Year. mother, was nearby. She was Hughes with 3401 point and Fourth O\'erall and second in one of the few people who knew 10th place oYerall. 1/2 1600 was Gary Messer with John's intentions. Class 5/1600 Champion and 3629 points. Best wishes to the new couple third Qyerall was Rulo Solano Class 10 Champion and fifth from all of us at the Dusty with 3692 points. Runner up O\'erall was CJ Hutchins with Times. in the 5/16 class and seYenth 3605 points. Runner up in The first OYerall and Class 9 O\'erall was Rino N aYera with Class 10 was Ken Flippin, Jr. Championship went to Corey 3531 points. Rino NaYera also who was also 15th O\'erall with Torres with 3723 points. Run-took the honors for Rookie of 3150 points. Class 1 Champion and 10th OYerall was TJ Flores with 3401 points. Runner up in Class 1 was Jeff Perkins with 2959 points. Champ C lass winner and 13th O\'erall was Bryan Adams The gentleman who receiYed this award were: Don Wall, Spooner, Sean Sponseller, Continued next page ,----,---Jill Rootring was the happy recipient of the Limited Sportsman A surprised Bryan Adams, he was awarded the Sportsman Of The Monte Tibbits, who commutes 800 miles each way for a race Champion trophy, a job well done. Year Award, he certainly deserved it. was the popular winner of the Class 8 Championship trophy. Dusty Times · April 2008 Page 45 .,

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Reply To Maryetta Bowman On The Clark County Land Grab You Have An As a life long resident to Clark County and now Chairman of the County Commission I have watched a lot of changes over the past 40 years. When I grew up in Las Vegas in the 60'and 70's there was desert lands that surrounded the entire small city of Las Vegas. I can also remember as a kid attending the Mint 400 that was held near Nellis Dunes and being at the Speedrome. In my opinion it was one of the most exciting races that my friends and I looked forward to each year. I have to admit that nobody ever really expected the growth and changes in our valley. While the growth has been good and has provided you and me with years of employment, the opportunities to new housing, entertainment and the necessities of life, there are some things that haven't been so good. For example, transportation and parks are things that I think about all the time, and as we try to do our best to catch up with transportation, it is the latter that I wish to speak to today. When I think about all that Las Vegas has to offer, the opportunity for off-road recreation is lagging behind. My view is not alone; Commissioner Collins, who's District the Nellis Dunes area resides within, feels the same way. Consequently, in 2005 the Commission directed staff to study the issue of off-road recreation and the opportunities to permanently have our United States Congress protect the land known as the Nellis Dunes in the Las Vegas valley. From that research, the Commission believes Congress should take immediate action to protect these lands from any possible future private development. Over the last two and a half years, the County has: • met one on one with as many OHV organizations as possible, • attended almost every off-road organizations' local event, • published information on the internet, at local race shops, power sports dealerships and vendors shops, • interviewed with the local media (radio, television, newspaper) to solicit input, • created a public web site for public comments in efforts to get the public's opinion and keep the community involved with our efforts. _ From these efforts, the County has submitted to Congress monthly progress reports. In the six months of reporting, from August 2007 to January 2008, the County has received 1,100 letters of web page comments and emails supporting our proposal. We believe this has been a successful effort to reach the public one on one. And we will continue to reach out for the public's comments. Opportunity In January 2008 the BLM held three open house meetings. Initially, both agencies agreed a joint press release was paramount to offer an accurate and constant message. Unfortunately an erroneous press release was sent out stating that Clark County's proposal included closing off the area by fencing and charging fees to the public. There have not been any discussions to do either of those things. The County has maintained that an Advisory Group made up of OHV users will be created to address issues like this. _The Las Vegas Review Journal picked up on the mistake release and wrote a story before it could be corrected. Once the story hit, a number of. OHV community activists began posting this information out on various OHV web sites. Our staff has been working with the OHV community to correct any false information since that time. With so much erroneous information 'circulating, it is important to focus on the facts: • Clark County is not proposing to fence in this location, nor is the County proposing fees to ride in this area. • The first goal is to secure the land for the public and protect it for future generations of off-roader' s. • The second goal is to create an Advisory Council made up of OHV users to address all issues, and make recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners. It would be-public decision thereafter to determine how best to care for these lands. • We are asking Congress to deed restrict the land from development so it could not be converted into any other uses (such as conservation, baseball or football fields) . Under such a scenario, the County under the law also could not sell any of these lands for private development. • The County is also asking that any bill contain language that this area would be given back to Congress should we fail to meet our responsibilities to take care of the land as the OHV community has requested. You can make a difference and preserve this land for all of us to enjoy. We ask you to help us by visiting the county's web page at to educate yourself and to leave us your comments. I hope that the efforts that we put forward today will preserve the Nellis Dunes area for not only my family, but yours, and many others, for many generations to come. Sincerely, Rory Reid, Chairman, Clark County Board of County Commissioners, 500 S. Grand Central Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89155. 702-455-3500 Page 46 April 2008 Dusty Times

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r Milestone Award winners, these drivers completed every mile of TJ Flores (left) took home the Class 1 Championship and was The big winner of the Unlimited Sportsman class, Tom Hood, every race: Messer, Solano, Goin and Freeman. 10th overall in points as well. poses with his hard earned Champion trophy. Brandon Hughes, Ken Pa pert, Jackson, and Arnold Fredrick. Steve Alexander. The Jimmy bership also nominates and tions: Race Sponsor of the Year-Kenny Freeman, Vince Bishop, Other prestigious awards Schaefer/ Al Perino Award was \'Otes on a number of awards South Point Hotel; Hotel Spon-Clay Flippin Jr., Independent gi\'en were: The Denny Selleck/ gi\'en to Jessica Freeman. that are given at the banquet. sor of the year Buffalo Bill's; Pit Landscaping, Art Sa\'edra, Joe Dan Dayton Award was gi\'en to The SNORE general mem-The following are their selec-Crew of the Year -Freeman Mo-Best award of the evening, John Pellissier and Chesha Rich, she accepted his proposal of marriage before the crowd. Our best to you both. Dusty Times Jessica Freeman was the recipient of the coveted Jimmy Schaefer/Al Perino Award, given to one who has done the most for SNORE. Steve Alexander was the recipient of the Denny Selleck/Don Dayton Award, he's seen here all smiles. April 2008 ........ Russ Ramsey was the Class 7 Champion, he's seen here posing with the brand new hardware. tor Sports; Engine Builder of the year -Wik's Racing; Transmission Builder of the Year -NV Automotive; Mechanic of the Year - Bill Shapley Checkpoint/Vol-unteer of the Year Lea\'itt Motorsports, DaYe Nelson. After closing re-marks and thanks by John Pellissier the members were free to dance the night away. All attendees were already look-ing forward to a full racing sea,,son in 2008. Page 47 ,_, • f .• I I # • I 1 J .,.-

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RACE READY PRODUCTS 103 PRESS LANE SUITE 4 CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 (619) 691-9171 (866)891-9171 TOLL FREE (619) 691-0803 FAX -Mil-SPEC CIRCULAR CONNECTORS -QUICK CONNECT THREADED DESIGN -ALSO CHECK OUT OUR MOLDED HEAT SHRINK BOOTS FOR THE PROFESSIONAL TOUCH! -...!!!""l.T..!! Page 48 -X-BRITE LED LIGHTING -AVAILABLE IN 1 INCH AND tt/16" DIAMETERS -COME IN YOUR CHOICE OF RED, BLUE, AMBER, OR GREEN I ".. \ t -FUU SELECTION OF DEUTSCH. DELPHI, AND TYCO CONNECTORS -HIGH VIBRATION. WEATHER PROOF CONTACTS AND SEALS -SMS SEALED MIL-SPEC TOGGLE SWITCHES -MULTIPLE SINGLE AND DUAL POLE VARIATIONS AVAILABLE NOW! April 2008 AT PARKER 425 Feb. 1st & 2nd, 2008 The 2008 ATK-Jeepspeed Desert Race Series got off to a flying start at Parker, Arizona on the first week-end of February. The Bes t in the Desert race promoters had a record entry of 310 race trucks and cars. The ATK/ field consisted of 24 Rubicon Express Jeepspeed Chal-lenge contenders and four Currie Jeepspeed Cup race Jeeps. The town of Parker and The Blue Water Resort and Casino hosted this exciting historic off road race on Bureau of Land Manage-ment approved wild desert trails alongside the mighty Colorado RiYer. On Friday, February 1st J eepspeed, assisted by per-sonnel from ATK Engines, GearHeadJeep, Currie En-terprises and Rubicon Ex-press in Contingency Row conducted pre-season Jeepspeed rule compliance of all the race Jeeps prior to the Best in the Desert (BITD) safety checks and competitor registration. The excitement level was high as O\'er 300 teams and nearly 100 sponsors and Yendors prepared for the weekend. One thousand people attended the pre-race briefing Friday night before pit support teams departed for their loca-tions on the 140 mile race loop. Saturday, February 2nd Parker woke up to the sound and Yisual impact of 310 race vehicles arriving downtown with police es-cort. The first cars left the line and raced out of the city at 7: 15 a.m., one every 45 seconds and a second three lap group every 30 seconds, followed by the Jeepspeed two lap Group 1, every 15 seconds. The new Jon Krellwitz Team ATK Currie Cup Wrangler was not finished in time for this event and Jon was forced to rent a race Cherokee from Fab Tech Motorsports in order to gain Championship points. Jon initially led the race until a failed water hose resulted in the motor o ,. e r h e a t i n g a n d s u b s e -quent retirement Fab Tech CEO, Dave Winner, placed Dusty Times

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an immediate order for a new ATK engine with Adam Butterfield of and of-fered Team ATK the use of his race car anytime in the future. Mike Barnett went on to win this unlimited Jeepspeed class in his J 10 Jeep V8 pickup b eing the only sur\"ivor in the group. The real Jee p spee d ac-tion took place in the Rubicon Express Jeepspeed Challenge Class with over 20 similarly equipped Cherokees and Wranglers battling for the win. The initial leader and race favorite, 18 year old Ray Griffith, took an early lead in his yellow Wrangler. The 2007 Champion looked like he was going to be impossible to beat until he also suffered an unchar-acteristic ei1gine failure 100 miles into the 280 mile race. Immediately he was on the radio looking for ATK! Ray's retirement opened the door for Jeff Hartman in the Dust Junkies Wran-gler and Tom Barnett turn-ing in an outstanding per-formance in his street legal 1997 Wrangler. Tom had just signed up as Team GearHeadJeep and his ATK stock street smog legal en-gine was powering his Wran-gler away from other full race Jeeps. It looked like Wranglers firs t and second until Tom had to stop to repair his co-driver son Thomas' window net that had come adrift and could not continue with this safety violation until re-paired, thus allowing Brian Dodge to storm by in his hot rod Cherokee. So at the finish line it was the Hartman/Knoll mean looking black Wran-gler taking the win after winning the last race of 2007, followed by Brian Dodge m aking his first ap-pearance on the Jee p speed podium after seve r a l years in the series, and third place went to the Barnett father and son duo in the Team GearHeadJeep Wran-gler complete with all street legal gear including hard-top and stereo! A s the winner's celebra-tions took place at the po-dium in front of several hundre d fans, media and television crews there were many great still go-ing on throughout the Jeep speed Challenge group with brand new Jeepspeed entries of Bob Standage, Perro Coan, John Helton, Ronald Giminez and sea-soned veterans like Bill Frey, Jim Hunt, Steve Ghamari, Ke\'in Dads and Eric Filar. After 12 hours on a bru-tal course the final finish order was Hartman, Dodge, Barnett, Standage, Heiden, Helgesen, Shaffer, Jordan, Mazburg, Frey, Davis, Rather. Retirements were Cope, Griffith, Acton, Filar, Coan, Szymanski, Hunt, Jeffus, Ghamari, Helton, Giminez, Simonson, Nissley. The next event in the ATK-Jeepspeed series will be the Terrible's 250 at the Primm Resort and Casino, State Line, NV., April 18/ 19/20, 2008 where exciting new entries are expected. F£0LOGICALLY BALANCEDBIIL THATGREATLY IMPROVES THE Cransman Jack llaunt Kil • Secure mounting platform for racecar, pre-runner or chase vehicle • Sell-latching quick-release system locks the jack to the chassis • Spring-loaded quick-release mount secures the jack handle • Flat base increases the jack's footprint and prevents the jack from sinking in sand or silt Dusty Times MANAGEMFNI' ANDFUNDING OFTHE CALIFORNIA OFF-IHGHWAY MOTOR VEHICLE RECRFATION PROGRAMIS SIGNEDJNTO IAW Support for this bill came from both the OHV and environmental com-munity. BAKERSFIELD, CA (October 19, 2007) On Friday October 12, 2007, Governor Schwarzenegger signed S.B.742 into law. This bill reforms the Califor-nia Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation (OHMVR) program and extends the date it is scheduled to sunset for ten years. The OHMVR program has been a source of contention for off-roaders and environ-mentalists alike. It has n · e n b e e n t h e s u b j e c t o f an audit by the State of California. The audit brought to light the fact that the management of the program, as orga-nized, with a commission that was given the major-ity of the funding au-thority was dysfunc-tional. The commission, in recent years, as ap-[ April 2008 pointed by the legislature and Governor, had not shown its commitment to fulfill the mission of the program. During the las t grants cycle the OHMVR Commission only ap-proved $365,000, from an allotment of $18 mil-lion, for on the ground maintenance of trails. The OHMVR program has historically gone to great lengths to manage its OHV areas in an eco-logically balanced man-ner. This bill continues that tradition while at the same time providing the needed funding for maintaining the exist-ing OHV areas in the state. This bill is the product of long and comprehen-sive negotiations with all concerned parties. I[ was authored by California State Senator Darrell Steinberg, Chairman of the Natural Resources Committee. Off-road rec-reation is often a contro-versial issue and all par-ties involved in this pro-cess are to be commended for their dedication to the negotiation process. The end product is a piece of legislation that continues the OHMVR Division's tradition of e n ,. i r o n m e n t a 1 p r o t e c -tion while at the same time prodding the neces-sary funds to manage an increasingly popular form of family recre-ation. This bill is a win-ner for all Californians! Some key changes made by this legislation are: The OHMVR Commis-sion, which previously held the majority of the funding power, now has an advisory role. It has also been expanded from seven members to nine. The two additions are to be appointed by the Gov-ernor and will require Senate confirmation. Grant funding deci sions will now be made by the OHMVR division. Fines for excursion into areas closed to OHV operation have increased from $35 to $50 for the first offense and for the second offense within seven years being in-creased to $75. The third offense will not exceed $150. The OHV commu-nity understands the im-portance of protecting Wilderness areas. With regard to Roadless Areas, all in-ventoried system road and trail routes existing on or before January 1, 2009 are not only pro-tected as legislatively in-tended legitimate routes but are also available for state funding. Program funding will no longer be decided by fuel tax studies. The Rev-enue & Taxation code clearly states that the funds transferred to the OHV Trust Fund will be equal to the per-cent transferred in 2007. Adjustments will be made n · e r y five ye a r s b a s e d o n OHV recreation use. The sunset, or end of the pro-gram, is the longest pe-riod in recent history: ten years. All involved in Continued next page 0 STAR Wrench Set (6 pieces) T25r 127, T30, T40, T45, TSO 0 HEX Wrench Set (5 pieces) SAE: 3/16" 7 /32" 1 /4" 5/16" 3/8" 0 HEX Wrench Set (6 pieces) Metric: 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 milimeters 0 Lifetime Warranty O Pivots around obstacles · quickly without disengaging & long handles for better reach 0 Heavy duty folding canvas pouch/holder included WWW.HEXPRO.NET ) Page 49

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.... this process belieYed that the bill was a good com-promise and did not feel the need rewrite the pro-gram again in a short time period. The cost of "Green Sticker" registration will increase from $25 to $50 eYery two years. The in-crease of $25 goes di-rectly into the OHV Trust Fund. During nego-t iations t his was a con-t r o ,. e r s i a l i s s u e . T h e i n -crease agreed upon in the end was significantly lower than originally proposed. ORBA's 2008 OFF-ROAD SUPERSHOW PROMISESTO BEANOTHER BIG SUCCESS! Fuel Safe Custom Works builds fuel cells to your specifications with custom manufactured aluminum containers and fill plates; collectors, surge tanks and internal fuel pumps available. OFF-ROAD EXHIBITSOF ALLTYPES, TROPHY, KART RACING, HONDA Power Equipment UCEI & SPRTATII IISCOUNTS • GENERATORS • TILLERS • OUTBOARD ENGINES • LAWNMOWERS • 'WATERPuMPS Calllornla's Largest Source lor Honda Power Equlpm'!.nt Parts fl Inventory socc MOTORCYCLE FREESTYLE, DEMORIDES ANDMORE BAKERSFIELD, CALI-FORNIA (OCTOBER 30, 2007) -"One stop off-road shopping in San Di-ego County with free en-tertainment:" That's how ORBA's Event Manager, Roy Denner, describe the upcoming 2008 ORBA SuperShow. "Whether you're looking for 4wheel drive prod-ucts, sand toys, dirt bike/ATV vehicles and/ or accessories, toy trail-ers, motorhomes or any-thing related, you're cer-tain to find it at ORBA's off-road show. Two large exhibit halls are rapidly being committed to ex-hibitors and all of the large outdoor spaces are consigned at this time," With the move to the Del Mar Fairgrounds, ORBA will have space for a wide Yariety of ex-hibitors and will be able to entertain visitors with active motorized events. Loren Snyder of Pro Comp Suspension -sponsor of the TrophyKart races to be IF WE DON T NAVE 11: NO ONE DOES/ EU100 Check Our Website: Kawaguchi Honda Corp. 3532 East 3rd St. • Los Angeles, CA 90063 Nert cAa a PU (323) 264-3936, 264-5858 • FAX (323) 264-2136 Nothing's easier. For optimum performance and safety, we recommend you read the owner's manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment. Connection of a generator to house power requires a transfer device to avoid possible injury to power company personnel. Consult a qualified electrician. ©2008 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. Page so Aprll 2008 Dusty Times

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run over the weekend -tells us: "TrophyKart rac-ing is the best thing ever to happen to off-road racing families. It brings the kids into the race truck environment at a very early age. These ve-hicles are not lust toys, but are miniature ver-sions of real race trucks with sophisticated sus-pensions, roll bars, and all of the safety equip-ment used by the big guys. Low horsepower engines assure that this type of racing is a driv-ing contest rather than a speed contest. The kids are having a great time!" Title Sponsors for the show come from two sides of off-roading. 4 Wheel Parts and their s u p p l i e r s w i 11 c o ,. e r t h e 4 -wheelin' demands and Cycle Parts West will sat-isfy visitors looking for a good deal on motor-cycle/ATV products. Sup-porting Sponsors includ-ing Pro Comp Suspen-sion, Off Road Ware-house, KTM North America, and ITP Tires will also play a major role. The ORBA SuperShow is scheduled .for the weekend of February 9 & 10, 2008. Saturday hours will be 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Sunday will be 9:00 a .m. to 5:00 p.m. Discount coupons for vtsttors will soon be available in off-road stores all over Souther n California. Mor e infor-mation and a list of ven-dors can be found at ORBA's website: [f you are interested in becoming a vendor you can call 800-948-8216 or download a vendor application from our website. The Public Instead Of FROM The Public 4555 Burley Dr. Suite A • Pocatello, ID • 83202 1-800-BLUERIB • m,--TX (800) 654-7223 C'A (310) 539-2266

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Air Cleaners for Off-Road Racing. From Baja to Dakar. For a list or dealers visit our website at www.advance< /'~ (AIRSERTS~ '---1'. CELLULAR TIRE INSERTS Preliminary announcement: new technology that flat-proofs / blowout-proofs pneumatic tires. Please go to: for i information and a video demonstration of AIRSERTS™ Cellular Tire Inserts. OFF-ROAD FUEL CELLS . -SCORE• CORR• SODA • MAORA l'RERUNNERS •RALLY-~ ETC Custom SA144 t . Sizes ,, Toll free: 800-526-5330 Fax: 201-825-1962 e-Mall: ..A..2•• Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages Ford Truck Specialist • 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 /Al(g\s lheba.iasllOD@earthHnlUlet (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 2MN.CRru, lr111t.CAUl&I, RACECARS PRE RUNNltRS ," y--~ ·-/ F , . CUSTOMF. Tll: TI4.2Jl.8$45 ~ ~-"-: ..... _ .. ~. John Baker 'l10C9 G:r ,caicor= • f\lc,:;e !'rill), lr,;,~ • Fibt,rgbs:s 1582:l G¥ohe1m Skeet • H1.inlingtor. tloocn. CA 'n:M9 Phone: 714-tl91-JOe6 • ftll(: 71-4-89:2:-i.:loa 5(,j(e1M(lt0(!1'.)0f'tt.M BRANDWOOD CARS for mid-engines and other applications Castorr. V'3hicle Shifter 9S1S l'Jinw,vS.., S-.nt"" <"A th."71 Ph: (619)562,3071 fux, {619)562,0592 Offroad to Str'Mt, Pntrunner to Race -cha.alt OHJgn-bce Prep -All General Fabricatton *••·7 11'.t!O 1.i •o SUE H...,._CA 92849 ~orktOaol.OOffl CA S RACING RaceaJr Helmets & Accessories Bell, Shoel, Simpson -ts.tower systems & cool boxes ...... 2 .. 790 7H llooldllt NorN Dr. C._. ,,...._ CA t1tt" CAUFORNIA PRE•FUN 39067 ORCHARD ST. CHERRY V .AU.EV CA. 92223 PMS. (ftt)-Nl--8820 products in stock Race Pwitn Fabricatjon· Boatec Fiberglass . Pre-Runners Dimple Dies Desert Trucks Tubing Benders Short Course trucks Bypass valwes+tubes Paris-Dakar trucks Sway-bar Arms e &E -..;;._~ Q UALITY 111!:ADLDCIC Wl-<l!!ltLS ■INCi!: 191!19 ....... f.U ... ;.:;..~ 1s11--1e"-~17• ALL ALUMINUM 8£A0LOCK WHEELS ANO CONVERSIONS CHAMPION WHltltL CO, INC, 18537 CO\.LIER (9S 1) 471 •21 es LAKE -£L91NCRI!: CA, 92531 WWW.CHAMPIONWHEEl.,COM CHENOWTH 22.7 Calle Pvit0~ San Oemenre, CA 92672 <ACING PltODIJCTS. INC. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 {619) 449-7100 Fax (619} 449-7103 FLOATER REAR ENOS• r'RONT HUBS • AXLES BALL JOINTS • TORSION BAAS • l<NOCK OF; HUBS (805) 239·2663 Sanely Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane • Temple1on, CA.93465

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B!J Countrywide· BRAD TIJRPIN HOME LOANS SR. HUME WAN C:0N>lll.TANT 27805 SANTA MANGARITA PKWY ML'i.~JON Vle}O, CA 92691 (949) 291-3158 Cw. (949) 707-2223 OFFICE (866) 379-0298 fax WWW. HUME.COIJl'm!YWIDE.C'.OM/ BllADTURPIN HRAD_TURPIN0COl!1'ITl!Y'«'IOE.Cc)M OF~ICIAL RACE FUELS FUEL OF NA.SCAR / 1 (800) 54-COSBY COSBY OIL COMPANY, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA ~.,., ·, ~ ...,.,.,.. PfSTON CALL TODAY! PH: 949.567 .9000 'lOOU.40(~.w. lrvtM. CA926f4 AMtmbd,off'ril~ S,S..... RACECAR,SANDCAR,PR£RUNNERPREP DESERT AND SHORT COURSE Specialisly ia... ----........... ......... F--._......,... Jl-,nllllll.t<I lllNlll.rAut1..U. ~•1~11 Fu e'u)-•..o .. &us. Tctl Free 81Xl-«S7-.!l80t MATraE'W@CUSTOMDECALCOM DEST SERVICE IN THE WEST <iODE~!.,~~fV = KYMCO ATVS SCOOTERS MOTORCYCLES Mmo•••a••• NEW USED CUSTOM Coiy, Seely, Mike, Chris 91et & Grllld Avenue 11808 N 91st Av Ptoria, Al. 85345 Ph 623-334-33,46 FAX 623-334-3730 Toll Frff: 866-745,043.4 REPAIR SERVICE FABRICATION SUSPENSION PARTS & ACCESSORIES RACE PREP & FUa CUSTOM RIINO FABRICATION WWW.DESEltTTOVZA.TY.COM DESERTTOY2ATVQHOTMAIL.COM DUB 71illDB8 25 Years of service To The 011 Road Industry 818·881•1114 E ic Flechsig 7(...0-73 -9473 '\.\·uu: ~ +H-J i ~ J>il, www.t':ojwir 1&35 John~ Aw;. IA fl~GAtl20M . . retat448-3932 Fax {619) 448-3662 1543 W. 16th Street Long Beach, California 90813 Ola Pllll'OIIIIIICI 1558 No. case• Orange, CA 92867 (714) 637-2a89 • Fax (714} 637·7352 GREG QUINN CELL {562) 843-4355 (562) 432-3946 (714) 540-5535 FAX {562} 432-7969 Wt use & recommend R.-\( IM, f.\t.JNfS, TR;\:\\"\11,'l!OM A\I) OFHUlAD PAR'f'i Send or-rall for our m:w catalog S5.00 BRUCE FRALEY 702365.9055

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• UEADFWW MASTERS Adrian JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Quality Racing Tranuxles Mendeola Dealer · Off Road -Sand Specialist JOE GIFFIN 3061 E. La Jolb St, #I 2466 S. SANTA FE AVE. #F VISTA CA. 92084 PHONE (760) 727-1827 An3heim. California 92806 (714) 632-1~ Fax {714) 632-1223 Email: HONDA •1~~,;ua · (818) 166-613-4 (800) 800-6134 FAX (618)766--9397 BILL ROBERTSON & SONS; INC. 5626 TUJUNGA AVE. NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA. 91601 . I-ILJSTLE:~ COncePTS -C., ~AJA SHOP (me.1967) AL.L.ll'Tir-R...Jl'TI wc:::u::::11--1 Sl=JEC::s:::L.rr~ VEHC~E5 J eaae Rodriguf!S PH 714-997-0701 Fax:71◄-907-0758 JON KINNE 520 Railroad St., Corona, CA 92882 Tel. 951-278-2233• Fax: 95 l-278-8335• C: 8 C: ::J N A C: ro ~ • Custom Alternators • Complete Wiring •.Custom Fab • Exhaust & Muffler • Prep & Finish Work Lonely Long Advertising Term Space Relationship Looking For Call (818) 882-0004 HONDA . . . Equipment OUT BOARD ENGlkE • GEN£AATOI' l,P£CWJST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. ART KAWAGUCHI 3532 EAST 3RD ST. fax 323-264-2138 71 ◄ N Lemon SI. Otanve.CA.112867 LOS ANCU.E$. CA toOl3 323-264-6858 Mike Julson 9426 Wlteatlands Court Santee, CA 92071 619-598-3380 George Jimenez Se Hob/a Espanol 61M98,.3364fax 535 E .. Central Park Ave. Anaheim, CA 92802 Tel: (714) 535.5116 Fax: (714) 535-5816 .. , ....... , PH: 114.289.9048 Fil: 714.631.1854 ' 1214 N. Parker Unli # 3 Orange. CA 92861 POWER E STEERINc; THOMAS E. LEE LEE MFG. CO. 11681 PEHOLETOfllffeT SUN \N.1.EY, CA 813152 FAX (818) ,-.2a7 (818)7et-0371 A full line of POIMSteeM;pa,a. pumpa and ~ tor any type Of rac:if\O. Magnaflux an4 Z>90 flcifitlel availabNI. Engineering •customa..... ·Rac:ePrep •Aluminum Wort -w.ldin8 '4ignaftux FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 (909) 596--5497 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER Assembly • Machine Work • Parts · Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street,·Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 {619) 596-0886 " Race Seats• Restraint$• Slorage Sags Window Nets• Limit Straps• Tie Downs 11433 Woodside Avenue• Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455• Fax: 619/449-9454 . Catch. us .o.n the Net/ PHOl;E: (714) 441~1212 FAX: (714) 44'f•1J22 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CA 92806 r?ftJrl)Rr/~£/f/P@tA RA/JJ" R& trlLtJ.s' tJERT/rlEtJ A(J/t)(J At14#rfrL/JIX@ (JERT/rlEtJ s>lltJT PEE/f///f/4 1695 CACTUS RD. T. (619) 710-8800 SAN DIEGO, CA 92154 F. (619) 710-1640 Toddl>wla' 1900 Q>mptonAve. SUite 101, Coo:cla, CA 92881 Poone(951)817-0101 Ext.156 www.mickeytnompsontires,com

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619-562-5533 Off RQod Fabricati()II and l)esign @moseB!Uti •Scndt:.r:n • Trucks •~Cot-$ ·~ •RctlyC.-S • CldtOffl Funcfion/Strengtlt/Silf~fy/Pride Made by Hand 111 tit< USA JOHN MOSEi.EV Owna-/fobril:OtOt' 236 J\1$0n Court CoroM, CA C}2879 95!-.27.2«3026 Fax 95J.l?72-0776 #OUtTONF•1IOII,• IIAa CAIi$ .,.,...,_LS DUAi. $l'Olll'l'S 661-974-7961 • • •1,-;,1 , •• ,,,,.,,. YOUR COMPLETE IGNITION SOUFIC& AUTDTRONIC CONTROLS CORPDRATION 1490 HFNnv Sl"IENNAr-.1 OR. , EL PASO. ·r·.x 78S:'.;16 !9151 857. S:>rnl • lff.>f I !Nf 19151 ~5. 112:l • VlSlf OtJP WE8 $1Tf www.insd!!l•"""'·co111 OFF-ROAD RACE PREP Custom Fabrication 1 .. • ** Mlg & Tig Welding ; . Now Offering . j Alu:::=:rk t:~if;;;.~~:~:s~ WWW.MYERS-RACING.COM ..... ❖,~~;4:-~ '•'... \ Myers Racing Mgrs J 15222 Connector Lane pr ~ ifi Huntington Beach, CA 92649 r ~-Tel: 714-893-8106 Off R ~ "'1fi@ • Fax: 714-893-8123 ~ ~~;ttac• rvices TUBE BENDERS Y"" TO 3" O.D. Copocity Models Starting at $279.00!!U M-TECH SUPPLY TUBE BENDERS • PIPE BENDERS • TUBE NOTCHERS RING ROU.ERS • COLD SAWS • ABRASIVES 480-726-2876 We CM Baadlock""'D. -- -r.· ... YOUR R1MSH '-...~ ) Sizfl to fit mcxt ATV ~~~___.-/ & AUTOMOTIVE applicatioM POUSHEO l COLORED FJNISHES Sr.ALLOPED OR. CONVEH TIONAL Reinforcing Ringt Also Available Phone - (961) 354-8272 WWW .QMf PERfQRMANCE. com ORBS Parts for; Dune Buggy • Race Car• VW Engine • Subaru Engine Parts Custom Machine Work & Fabrication 1~800-231-815$ 2525 East 16th Street• Yuma,AZ. 85365 928-783-6265 • Fax 928-783-1253 ·,VERY DOLLARSA , :Ci:,-/~ ·':=::,,,,~, CAN,'.··. 9SIJ60.S906 9SIJ60,0436 ftx 800.700.m0 3814 Wacker Driw Mira lom11 CA 91TS2 . 'ENHR[D ASRICATION, INC 1660 8obcodc. Mdilg &-Qislc MesrJ. CA 92621 ltl.194916~ FAX 19491650-4721 www • ....-1tallflli1t.oom _,,~ " ,., , 711tlSIOII , , Todd frauds 2S8051£46'AYt. ~ . . . . . . . ·. • Radios • GPS ~ Intercoms • Headsets • • Wired helmets • GPS Protectorz • , 1-877-WEE-RACE . www 12221 Poplar St., Unit 8., Hesperia, CA 92345 (Jary <Powe{{ . Motorsports: Electrical Design & Manufacturing Since 1988 Ph: (949) 735-9039 Fax: (949) 459-0085 ProFORMANCE@>,cox .. net A Hlgh Performance Spec va Race Truck Serie$ "The True Driver's Class .. Ptotruck S•I•• and Promotion Wtbslte: www.protrw::k.eom Email~ lttf:f,.~ Fu:t1~ :f44028oncl Cowl' ·Et c.jan, CA 92021

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RACING SAFETY PRODUCTS HELMETS • FIRESUITS • SEAT BELTS • GLOVES SHOES • LIMITING STRAPS • WINDOW NETS DEALER INQUIR IES INVITED - (800) 669-2355 ·Hl-.,Psdormance Eqt.lipment Suspem;iM. ,Safsty. Driveling. Accesscrf6s (619) 691~9171 (619) 691-9174 (619) 691,-0803 (FAX} 103 Press Lane, Suite 114 Chula V,sta, CA 91910 e-mail: tp( I q .76g.6306 ( -cf~.542.0233 ONLY.CO,M, • .,,,...,.@ Craio St.wart Phone: 619-449-9728 F...,., l\~',1"'4Q-')A7ll C.11; 619-7l6-$$91 fabrication & Race Preparation 9419 Abr<lhom WOJ $cmtee, CA 9201l t•J11¥t•.u...:!•~• ... i.~'!;~~ cra.-~uom Sa1-& Service PH: 114.680.6131- • fl.: 114.680.3110 TOIi Free: 800.304.8128 I O I 5 E. Elm Avenue, Fullerton, CA 9 2 8 J I MiU.Pt.tll#I t11•11s.11n• 11111 s,amr.11111: ·S••1■1t -IHIU ... 1-lf4 ....... -a11,.1a ...... JIIIIU .• 11111 012) 22MIII RANCHO DRIVETRAIN ENGINEERING Tony Selva, Jr 41740 Enlerprise Circle North Suile 106 Temecula, CA 92590 PHONE 951.296,6163 FACSIMILE 951.296,2236 t se m GuAu,y lsrlr ExPENsn!E, Ir's PRtca.Ess! VA.1.W 1iwN Ptloout:rs • Cutnaw, HEAD WORK 7B0/948-4BSB • FAX 7BO/B4B 4856 ~-RDVALVE!BPRING.COIIH --.... (?>=.. . ~?:. t+#A##R-jP Barry Beacham 1021 Calle Sombra - Unit A San Clemente, CA 92673 Office 949-361-4388 Fax 949-361-4352 Do vou Need To E :x ~ ~ "' ess ? ore e 818-882-0004 R-~-'k/wu,,,. o/ %~ "/,,_ qNJ ~4.()()1 • ()/,,.a 9 ~ o/ ~1(/J,,u, 5294 H. Casa Grande Hwy • Ste 102 TIICSOl'I, Az 85143 A Tatum OIStribUI0r SpeeJalitfng in Off-Road Racing & OriYinR Fot Over 21 Years M!g Welding • Tig Welding Upgrades ti Repairs Baja-Proven Equipment 520-850-36,3 fiii/ SANDERS SERVICE, INC.1 L?l!J METAL PROCESSING 59?1 Wll_mlngtonAn., Los~IN, CA 90001 (323) 583-2-404 FAX {323) .S83-3965 SANDBLAST-OLA S B.EA.l).MAGNETIC PARTICLE FWURESCENT lNSPECTlON MARJ< SMtnt LARRYSMJTH LAUAA RICHARD S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOT" HCA66, BOX 11030 PAHRU-MP (CRYSTAL) NV 89048 (775) 372--5335 TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821--(714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 JOI SITE SIGHS • WikUIS • 'wltJOOW LETTEAA.O • 0\11 lETTEfllNG • CAAPtfiCS SGUEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101 Galway C,rc!e • Huntingto1 Beach CA 92549 (714J 897-0075 • Fa:-. 171-41 894-9567 PREP • SET-UP • MAINTENANCE • ELECTRICAL Sean Kennedy (714) 470-5552 s,ECULIZING IN f1jiPIONSHIP -~RACIIG

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• RACENEUI Paul Oil Company (2091847-2281 {800) 527-6090 FAX (2091847-9726 P.O. Box 248 • 524 N. Sien-a Ave. WESTERN D IV ISION Oakdale. California 95361 2180 Coll419e Drive • Lake Havasu City • AL 86403 ean Toll Free: 877-627-8852 or E-Mail: • Hi Performance Converters Custom Length Axles • • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed ttubll • (for Race ll Recreation} Input Shafts • American Made ExcellenceU W~ • Off-Road and Bott-On to Street Fiberglass for: "Ford, C~evy and Toyota" Tructcs • Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1261 N. Buena \!lslaSt., ffe.alelCa. 92543 Ph: 951-654•7334 fa: 951-6544375 See a 1kt of oar pndfidl411 oar weft site: tiffBix'tE ENGINEE~NG 9763 Varlet Ave. JEFF FIELD (818} 998--2739 Chatsworth, CA 91311 NS WIIST RfORMANCETRANSAXLES Kevin Pirtle 22545 South Normandie Ave. Torrance, California 90501 (619) 596,8033 1000 w . Bredl•y, Unlt Q et Cajon, CA 92020 . Carlos Orozco VP Racing Fuels, Inc. West Coast Region P.O. Box 1319 34283 Monie Vista Wildomar. CA 92595 •o,,llty 1t,ls & ftlhd, ltt M•t,np«t•" W,b111, • www.,prtdlJlffh.ct11 KELLEY HENOEL Regional Manager Office:(9Sl) 674-9167 Fax(?Sl~ 674-7361 Email: Get The Ward Out About y . . . ~. SCORE ENGINE BUILDER Of THE YEAR 994, 1998, 1999, · From Parts To Comptttt Engl~• 3265 W. Birtcher Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89118 702-837-2522 KOi N. 21st Dr. Phomix, AZ 8021 Ra<:e Cars Dune Buggies Lorenzo Rodriguez Jack Woods '61-242-0071 Fait 602-242•'213 Baja Bugs 'lt""""""<"-'>S - Pivu • Se""<:e • We!d,ng VW. ~he• N,mn • 'loyo--a _-f'l<)!\d;, 850 S. Alta Vina Ave., Monrovia. CA 91016 (626) 305-RACE {7223J • (626} 3.S7-6629 Fax ··-------·--RRCE PREP SHOP •BU&6IES • SRnDCRRS •SHOCKS • TRUCKS • PRE·RUnnERS • FRBRICRTIDU 818) '128-2280 World Leading Motorsport Transmission Manufacturer 11 Dakar Rally Victories 17 World Rally Victories 6 AMA MX/SX Championships Xtrac Inc 6183 West 80th Street Indianapolis IN 46278 email: andrew...t, Tel: (317) 472 2454 '383' Baja Class 1/10 sequential Transaxle Trophy Truck solutions available for Lead Customers

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c::, c:::::, IV i-,-,=c:::::, ~ c;;; E=-r -,-c:::::, E3 LI ,:::JI ,:::JI c:::::, ~-,--,-,-, El= ~ c::, ~El=~ -,-1 E3E= ~E/3 VVI-I c:::::, #CE= El= ,:::JI DUGli ~ El= ,:::JI C:::::, ~-,-I IV c;;; -,-,-, El= C:::::, ,=,= ~c:::::,~ C::, IV E=VVE:!6 ~ For Better Reproduction of Your Photos: For the best reproduction of your ad's photograph it is best if you allow Dusty Times to size and crop the photo. To allow sufficient space for us to display your vehicle in the most effective manner it is suggested that the object you are advertising occupy no more than 75% of the space in the photograph. To achieve the highest quality in your photograph you should not provide Xerox copies, photo prints in less 600dpi if computer generated, or photographs already printed as halftones. It is always best to provide an actual photograph or a digital photograph printed on photo quality paper with a photo printer, not smaller than 4x3" in size. We also accept digital imagery on compact disc in jpg, tif, and pdf formats. Your photograph, regardless of the media, should never be folded as it is impossible to remove the line created by the fold. Adding a piece of stiff cardboard or heavy cover quality paper with your photograph will help to protect it on it's journey to our offices. The higher quality the original photograph, the better it will appear in your ad. Classlfled ... Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be le-gal for sale or use in all 50 states. Reader-are adYised to consult appropriate local or state authorities for infonna-tion before purchase of any specific item. FOR SALE: 197 3 Blazer PreRunner. Full cage, leafs rear 3 .0 bypass, front arms, 3 .0 by-pass, floater rearend, Mastercraft front and rear, Gray carpet, CA. smog exempt, 7 wheels, 9 tires, 35" tires, extra parts, call for more pictures! (619) 277-1867. FOR SALE: Lothringer 1600, just race prep this month, FAT Dual Port new 24 miles. New WR Racing Trans, Kings, 16" BFG w/10 spares, SCORE Tagged, Micro, P/steering, disc brakes in rear, new Springs, New arms front & rear, radio, inter-com, CA green sticker, $29,000.00 OBO. (619) 279-1474. FOR SALE: Pro 4 Cham-pionship Truck, built in 1994, champion in 1995 and 1996, tube chassis, 8 Kuster bypass and coiloYer shocks, big block Ford engine, C-6 auto trans, B-W transfer case, lots of spares including an extra engine, complete prep and race ready, $37,500.00 OBO. Call 810-333-2499 for details. FOR SALE Woods built 2006, Class 1 two seater, Score tag, race prepped, Mendeola sequen-tial, Black Hawk Bilstein, 45 gal fuel cell, Lowrance GPS, Kenwood race radio, LS6, CC front, Kartek rear, Howe power steering, 934CV, Baja TA bead lock wheels, Foddrill spindles, Parker Pumpers, asking $97,000.00 also 1600 FAT mo-tor VW cc $3500.00 (not for car) for sale. (602) 242-0077, (602) 859-5130. FOR SALE: J imco 2 seat race car, SCORE Tagged, 440 HP LS2, Fortin Wide gear 4 speed, King Shocks, ll0W race radio, AYcomm intercom, IRC mount and antenna, UMI Filters, Pro-Am Hubs, 35 spline axles, 6 Hella HID, driYer controlled light bar, 7" GPS, Beard seats, 40 gal fuel cell, Fresh Prep, spare parts, 8 tires and wheels, pit boxes. Only 23 races total on car, 1 owner since turn-key built by Jimco. Call Tim @ (626) 893-1976. 115,000.00 OBO. FOR SALE: Raceco Class 10 Single Seat. Foddrill, CNC, Rear Floater Hubs, Boxed Rear Arms, Fox Shocks, Fuel Safe, Fluidyne Cooler. Cactus Blower Mastercraft adj seat, Crow. Schroeder str. Wheel. Autometer. New Al. body. No motor/transmission $18,000.00 Paul (760) 394-0039 / (760) 413-8335. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ : Sell or swap your extra pans and pieces in ■ ■ ■ ■ DUSTY TIMES. ■ Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use ■ of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. ■ REMEMBER -CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED -YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A : TIMELY MANNER. . . . ■ ■ ■ ■ • • • • • .... • Enclosed is $ _____________ (Send check or money order, no Cash) • ■ Name ■ ----------------~------------ ------■Address------------------ - - -------------------------------------------■ . ■City------------------------------------------------------------------■ ■State _______ Zip __________________ Phone ________________________________ _ Please run ad times Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 118575 8 -2008-09 ISSUE DEADLINE May08 Apr 11, 08 June 08 May 9, 08 • July08 June 6, 08 • • August 08 Jul 11, 08 • September 08 AugB,08 • • October08 Sept 5, 08 • November08 Oct 3, 08 • December 08 Nov 7, 08 ■ ■ January 09 Dec 5, 08 ■ February 09 Jan 9, 09 ■ ■ March09 Feb 6, 09 ■ ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Page 58 April 2008 Dusty Times

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FOR SALE: 2- 1600 Green Sticker. One race on all new car. Mohr performance Mo-tor and Trans, King's, Kartek micros, Fodrill spindles, front & rear discs, gun drilled axles, 930 s, pumper, Saco rack, Charlin power steering, Pro 4 seats, PCI ra-dio & Intercom, Fuel Safe, mild steel chasis, $3'8,000.00. Call Bob at (760) 792-5431 or (760) 248-2112. FOR SALE: 2 Seat Class 1/ 1500 Race Car, SCORE Tagged, Race Ready, LS 1, S4, King Shocks, Bumps, ProAm Hubs & Brakes, UMP, PWR Cooler, CNC, Howe, Mastercraft, Race Radio & In-tercom, Light Bar, 42 Gallon Cell, 37" BFG's, AZ Street le-gal & Much More. $125,000.00 Spare package, trailer, Prerunner & Etc. Also Available. Call Dan (480) 688-76 4 6 or email at G..u..n..: FOR SALE: Foddrill 12/10, 1835 FAT Plenum motor dry sumped w/ dual CompuFire, Mendeola se-quential 5 speed \\-/indicator by Dave Folts, CNC, turning brake w/ bias adjuster, Lightened 934 CV's, Kings done by Webber-3 front by-pass, 5 rear bypass, Mastercraft w/ adjustable drivers seat, BTR wheels, w/ beadlock on wheels, Sweet & Howe Diablo rack, Fuel Safe, cell w/ 1 dry brake & 1 regular filler, Lowrance 6500 C GPS, Icom radio & intercom, Parker Pumper, Score legal, Aluminum light bar, Prepped by PBW. Contact Ste,·e (928) 442-9285 or Jim (480) 894-1286. FOR SALE: 2005 Baja Pro Truck, Chassie No. SS-1-044 truck No 299, Che,)' body pan-els. Fresh Engine and tran . Floor jack/ spare drive line/al-ternator/ steer motor/tool stor-FOR SALE: Jimco 2 Seat 1600, Score legal, preYious Score points champ, Kings just ser-viced by Webber, Fresh FAT dual port, Lightweight hoses, DFT Transmission, DFT rear hubs, serviceable, Kartek shifter, Mastercraft with adjust-able driYers seat, Lightened 930 CV's Fuel Safe w/dry break, Foddrill Beam & Tor-sion housings, New Foddrill front, arms & spindells, Sway-A-Way, Sweet Saco & Howe, Lowrance 480c GPR lcom, V-8000 and Intercom, Odyssey Battery, Parker Pumper, CNC Willwood, Dual MSD Ignition, BTR rims Yokohama tires, Sis-ter car to Bekki Freeman Wik, Car completer rebuilt by Foddrill 4/06, Spare parts, con-tact Steve (928) 442-9285 or Jim @ (480) 894-1286. age and much more on board. 2006 Jimco Dominato r,,400 Full equipped, ready to race, the in. LS 1-Redline, Mendeola best of everything. Many spare HD 4, 25" front travel, 27" parts. $ 140,000.00 OBO. (818) rear traYel, size 30 cv's with 991-9898. sliding axle, TT CNC front SCORE MECHANICS O F TH E YEAR hubs, TT rear hubs, Bea rd, :..__ Manufacturing and preparing C rq w, Fu e 1 111J1;.,....,..-.-=~,-.....:1111;._ the -finest line o.f o«-road Race. Safe 80 gallon ~ &:> c:> J' 'J 'IF , tank, BTW -· • ,. -~~~:: and Pre-Runner Vehicles whee 1 s, Toyo tires, All spares and a possible parts deal, $175,000.00 , Jeff Quinn/ McKenzies, 807 E. Orangethorpe, Anaheim, CA 92801, (714) 8 15-8466. Dusty Times FOR SALE: 06 Ford Ranger 4x4, 7 300 Le-g a 1 , Master c raft, U m p , Racerunners, Goodyear, HID lites, Parker Pumper, Flame-out, Race Ra-dio, Fluidyne, lots of spares, $27 ,000.00 O BO. (619 ) 754-5099, (619 ) 444-2488. April 2008 FOR SALE: Own the leg-endary Great Candy Cane! Great Sportsman car. Raceco 2 seater, VW, type 4 Motor, rebuilt trans, Fox Shocks, $12,500.00 OBO. TJ Stanworth (435) 864-4933. Leave message or email tj st an wort h@ho tm a i I. com fo r pictures. FOR SALE: Pre-Runner to Buy. 2006 Foddrill 3-4 seat street legal Regis-tered in Texas, LS6 pump gas 400hp, Fortin w/con-,. e r t e r , F o x s h o c k s c o i 1 o ,. e r and by -pass, VD O , Howe, WR coolers, 50 gal cell, Mastercraft, BF on JJ wheels, Pro Am hubs and b rakes, Roof rack w/light bar , Race radio w/carbon fiber head sets, XM radio w/ external speakers, GPS, ODO shows 546 miscarbo n fiber dash , windshield, a set of spare tires w/ w heels, a set of sand tires w /wheels, chase box, s p a r e parts, s ingle axl e open t r aile r inc. $ 119,000.00 Nego-t iable. Cesar Fuentes (915) 726-3823 a fuen tes@fuen tes 7 .com. mx. FOR SALE: Complete Race Package. Two brand new Baja Pro Trucks, Ford e ngines & body. Test miles only. Texas t r aile r 18' o p e n tand e m a n d enclosed 30' TPD b uilt out fo r rac-ing,· 2004 Ford lariat 250 c hase truc k 4 door with c ustom built box. Man y sp a res, too much to list. Best of e v e r y,thing, will ·em ail pictures. Call (818)-77 3-0155 ext # 103. BAJA PROPERTY FOR SALE: 13 ACRES +/- Located in the Baja Wine Valley, 14 miles in-land from Ensenada off Hiway 3 to Tecate. Income producing orchard, deep well permitted for 18,000 gallons/day, perimeter fenced, 40x60 race shop with water and electric. $495,000.00 USD. 1 (785) 817-9556. VACATION RENTAL Vacation Rental in the ExclusiYe Indian ·wells Country Club in the Sunny Palm Springs area of Southern California! 2 or 3 bed-room , furnished for your com-plete relaxation and if you are a glutton for punishment, play golf on 1 or both of the beauti-ful courses. FYI, wireless internet and long distance phone calls (USA) included. Starting at $4,500.00 in season (Jan, Feb, March, April) or $2,300.00 per month not in sea-son. Call (760) 345-6124. INDb..X TO AD'Vb.R Tl6b.J2.6 All Road Communications ....................... 15 Baker Precision Products ....................... 37 BTR Racing Wheels ................................ 34 Butch's Speed Shop ................................ 43 Chet Huffman Motorsports ..................... 15 Clark County Land Grab Response .......... 46 Competion Air Systems .......................... 27 CORR ......................................... Back Cover Fabtech ................................................... 11 Fox Racing Shoks .............................. 30-31 Fuel Safe Racing Cells/Custom Works .... 50 Hex Pro/Star Pro Pivot Head Wrenches ......................... 49 Hi Desert Charities Ott Road Poker Run ............................ 39 J&S V.W. Transaxles .............................. 25 Jimco Racing, Inc .................................... 14 Kar Tek Off Road .................................... 35 Kawaguchi Honda ................................... 50 KC Hilites ................................................. 2 King Shock Technology .......................... 24 McKenzie's Performance Products ......... 10 MOR Productions Ridgecrest 200/ Superstition King of the Desert ......... 22 Mendeola Transaxles .............................. 15 Mesa Hose .............................................. 42 NevadaOff Road Buggy ........................... 12 Off Road Warehouse ............................... 32 Pacific Customs ...................................... 33 Parker Pumper 0-Cell ............................. 17 PCI Race Race Radios ............................... 5 Prowire Motorsport Electrics ................. 48 Race Prep Services ................................. 59 Race Ready products .............................. 48 Racer Ott Road ........................................ 36 Racer X Motorsports .............................. 29 Robby Gordon Ott Road .......................... 45 Ronco Plasti~s ............. : ......... : ................ 28 Sakata Motorsport El6i:tronics .............. : 44 Simpson .................................................. 51 Skyjacker Suspensions ........................... 13 SNORE Caliente 250 ............................... 40. Soltek Light Systems .............................. 38. South Point Casino ................................... 9 Specialty Products Design ...................... 2{ Stewart Raceworks .............................•.. 49-Swift Springs , Suspension Spring Technology .......... 51 Team Ford ............................................... 47 Transaxle Engineering ............................ 41 Vision X Off Road Lighting ...................... 20 Web Cam Racing Cams ........................... 43 Page 59

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... , Apr/l 26-27 Pomona Falrplex Los Angeles. C4 '8 Las Vegas lntematlonal Off Road Raceway Primm. NV Pomona Falrplex Los Angeles. C4 July 26-27 Chula Vista lntematlonal Raceway Chula Vista. C4 August 16 -17 Pomona Falrplex Los Angeles. C4 eptembe 1. 1' Chula Vista lntematlonal Raceway Chuta Vista, C4 October 25 -26 Las Vegas lntemstlona/ Off Road RBCl!WBY Primm. NV December - 7 Chula Vista International Raceway Chula Vista. C4 As seen on NBC Sports and SPEED For more information call: 866-501-CDRR WWW.CORBACINC.COM