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2008 Volume 25 Number 3 Dusty Times Magazine

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., • l Volume 25 -Number s -March 2008 S2.50 ISSN8750-17S2 Celellratlng our 25tll Mar Of sewfce T'o T'lle a,, lload communl~ ~-------------------~-----------------------------~---. covering the worl• of competition In the dirt ...

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Bonneville Off-Road Racing Enterprises 1'~th Date May2·3 July 4-5 -Venue Wendover 250 Express Jackpot 225 Ely 200 August 15-16 __ , _______ _ Wendover 300 September 19-20 ------------------... 1 March 200a r Location Wendover, Nevada Jackpot, Nevada Ely, Nevada --Wendover, Nevada .,. .................. rize Money •• ., ♦ r . . 9-~583 ING.NET Dusty Times

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Volume 25 - Number 3 March 2008 Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors Scott Bottomley J. Preston Bradshaw Jim Culp Mike Del Col Nicole Del Col Steve Hilton Victor Gazca Martin Holmes Rod Koch Byrle Moore Steve Ruddick Maurice Selden Darryl Smith Tony Tellier T rackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham B.O.R.E. ahiorma -•~-•M-- ally A:°fi~S v:,~ -~ '\\~ Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTI TIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copyright by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 9131'1. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., snapshot of the Month ... Toyota guys all the way, Mike and Pat Falkosky attacking the terrain during the 1983 Frontier 500. Do you know where they finished????????????? DUSTY TIMES will fearure picrures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picrure used. If )'OU wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self.addres.sed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8x10 will be considered. In This Issue ••• FEATURES SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge by Judy Smith ................................... 8 76th Rally Monte Carlo by Martin Holmes ............................................... 16 MORE Holiday 200 by Steve Ruddick ........................................................... 20 MDR Bud Light Dash by Judy Smith ......................................... : .................. 26 CODE Race Ready 275 by Byrle Moore ........................................................ 36 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ............................................................................................... 5 Trail Notes ................................................................................................. 6 Baja Pits Report ....................................................................................... 43 C.O.R.E ................................................................................................... 44 Good Stuff Directory .............................................................................. 52 Classified Ads .......................................................................................... 58 Index To Advertisers ............................................................................... 59 ON THE COVER Pat Dean had it all his way at Laughlin, in his Chevrolet powered Bunderson. He took the Class 1 win on Saturday, on Sunday and happily took home the gold medal. · Photo by Nick Sexton - Trackside Photo A great win in Class 10 went to Chris Harrold, he took the honors both days in his Honda powered AlumiCraft, seen here in beautiful, level flight. Photo by Jay McC/ow - Trackside Photo Visit Our Website at dub.scribe <Joda_y lo DUSTYTIMl!S THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRYII □ 1 year • $25.00 □ 2 years -$40.00 □ 3 years -$55.00 (to subscribe online go to • □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name Address ----------------------City __________________ _ State Zip -----------------------Primary Interest Can O Trucb □ Motmcycla □ Send check ur money order to: DUSTY· TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian - 1 year $30.00 US n Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times March 2008 Page3

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From the race winning vehicles at the recent Best lrf The Desert "Patker ' 425 ",·to the tow vehicles that got them there and their support trucks, no other shock manufacturer otters as wide a range of applications as Bi/stein. O.E. replacement to professional oft~road racing, and everything in between, we were first to introduce the incredible performance advantage of monotu~e gas pressure shocks over 50 years ago and still lead the way today. Call or visit our web site for more info on the winning line up of Bi/stein shock absorbers. · 4100 Series 5100Serles Rldil Height AdjlJ8table 5150 Series 5100Series 1100Series

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1. 20D8 Happenings ••• 1 OK FoUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 (All events staged at the club grounds in Cleves. Ohio) 4x4 FoREVER, Lm. 1665 DELAWARE ST. OSHKOSH, WI 54901 AMERICAN R.Au.Y SPORT GROUP, INc. 3650 SOUTH POINTE CIRCLE, SUITE 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521-0597 E Mail: AMERICAN TRIALs AssOCIATION AMA Observed Trials Southern California Championship Series BILL MARKUM -PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HOTLINE· (714) 562-7742 E MAIL: BMARK909@AOLCOM <U,> AsOCIACION EsTATAL DE AUTOMOVll.ISMO SAM LASELL, TECH INSPECTOR ArTo42 SAN JOSE DEL CABO BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL SUR. MEXICO AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP DARRYL SMITH 19 SOMERS ST. CASHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, At;STRALIA DUSTY AUTOCROSS (luEBEC OFF RoAD CLASS 10 CARS ONLY RENALD VAILLANCOCRT 3069 DAGE AIS WEST LAVAL Qt.,EBEC, CANADA H7P IT7 (450) 622-4440 BAJA CUP CHALLENGE BARONA SAND DRAG AssN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 All Races Are Night Races All Races At Barona Raceway, Lake.side, CA BBM MARKETING PROMOTIONS OH Road Short Course Racing & Special Event Marketing 4344 VALLEY VIEW AVE. NORCO, CA 92860 (909) 340-6474 BEST IN THE DESERT 3475 BOULDER HIGHWAY !..As VEGAS, NV 89121 702-4 57-577 5/FAX: 702-641-24 31 April 17-20, 2008 Terribles Town Augwt 21-24, 2008 Vegas To Reno September 26-28, 2008 Las Vegas 300 December S-7, 2008 Henderson 300 BORE RACING 10 ELK MOUNTAIN DRIVE REDSTONE, CO 81623 970-963-4563 623-853-3595 May 2-3, 2008 Red Garter 250 Wendover, NV July 4-S, 2008 Horshue/Cactus Pete's 225 Jackpot, NV August 1S-16, 2008 Ely 200 Ely, NV September 19-20, 2008 Red Garter 300 Wendover, NV BP MOTORSPORTS P.O. Box 411 WocmLAND HILLS, CA 91365 760-578-6258/ 760-578-6259 FAX: 818-348-4648 E-Mail: All Events At California Ciry, CA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGHTON, O'ffARIO, CANADA KOK-I HO (613) 475-1102/ FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR CuJB AVTOMOVILISTA]uARENsE Dusty Times DE CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD RACING 7210 GATEWAY EAST EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 0l l-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES <> March 14-1S, 2008 Desert Storm Rally (3,3) Blythe, CA May 31, 2008 Quartzite Rally Quartzite, AZ June 21, 2008 North Nevada Rally (2) Fernley, NV • July 12, 2008 Idaho Rally (2) Grand View, ID August 16, 2008 Gorman Ridge Rally (3) Frazier Park, CA October 3-4, 2008 Prescott Rally (2,3) Prescott, AZ November 7-9, 2008 Laughlin Rally (2,3,1) Laughlin, NV CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box 400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW CENrRAL S0UTI1 DAKOTA RACING AsSOCIATION P.O. Box 645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVE ADAMS (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 Do ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING AssOCIATION C.J. RICHARDS P.O. Box 332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLAIRTON HI-JACKERS I.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TWP. LINE ROAD PIACIDII NTlll'ICX»AII tlllla■T■ ... I &t.lllTS 9'fllllnl ~ OC&'-WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 Short Course off Road Racing At Harrison Councy Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH Cum AUT0Movn.1s11cA SAN QmNnN CALLE 6TA FRACC Co. DE SAN QUINTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HERACLIO PATINO (OIi 52 616-5-22-07) Cum AUTOMOVll.ISTico SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road ENSENA!l'., BC, MEXICO USA JAN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) RAM6 CASTRO & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/ 7 0034) CMC CoNTINENTAL MoTOSPORT Cum P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 Fax: (714) 367-1608 CODE OmtoAD USA P.O. Box 2328 CALEXICO, CA 92231-2328 ~ SAT fllHCINall MIIII'...._ DVD'S 760-455-8069 USA 01 I-52-686-553-4087 MEXICO CoLORADOHILL CLIMB AssocIATION BARB VAHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box 8286 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O. Box 392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 H ECIDR CERECER 0II-52-65-66-4458 CORR LUCAS On. SERIES 270 NEWPORT CENTER DR., SUITE 100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 866-501-CORR May 16-18, 2008 June 6-8, 2008 June 27-29, 2008 July 18 - 20, 2008 August 22 -2-4, 2008 September 12-1-4, 2008 Continued next page . -119 · CIBI •-E-MDB ™3;;~ March 2008 Pages

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A GOOD THOUGHT-You need to keep a good thought for Tom Craig, he's a 1600 racer who races with Dave Girdner. Tom was hurt when his tractor laid down on its side, he was airlifted to Loma Linda Hospital where he was diagnosed with some broken ribs and a collapsed lung. We all wish Tom a speedy recovery with no complications. S O-CAL BRONCOS -The So-Cal Bronco group will be gathering for the seventh annual Big Bear Bronco Bash, to be held on June 6 -8, 2008 in the San Bernardino Mountains, bringing together early Bronco enthusiasts from the southwest for several days of great trail runs and lots of other activities. They are expecting 150 Early Broncos this year and, if you own one of those magnificent machines, you should be there for the gathering of the faithful. BALDWIN MATES WITH BULLY DOG -Baldwin Racing has announced that Bully Dog Technologies has joined Baldwin Racing as a sponsor for Josh Baldwin. Baldwin drives a Pro 4 in CORR and a Trophy Truck in the SCORE series. Bully Dog joins an already strong roster of Baldwin Racing partners that includes Toyo Tires, KMC Wheels, Sway-A-Way Suspension, Alpinestars, Kl Speed and others. When discussing the partnership Mike De Ford of Bully Dog spoke, "In 2007, we established a presence in CORR in 2007 and became very impressed with Josh and the whole Baldwin Racing program. Like Bully Dog, these guys work hard and they always do what it takes to get to the front of the pack. As CORR becomes an important part of Bully Dog's marketing plans, it is extremely valuable for us to form a partnership with a top tier Pro 4 driver. We are confident that Josh is that driver." CAMQUEST 6 CD -CamQuest™ 6, the camshaft selection software from COMP Cams®, just became a little easier to obtain. The CamQuest™ 6 software is available for immediate, no-cost download from the COMP Cams® website ( Dependent on the speed of your internet connection, this free download will have you up and running camshaft scenarios in no time. In addition, downloadable tutorial videos are also available to guide you through the use of this outstanding software -so you can't get lost. For those looking to obtain the CamQuest™ 6 software in the original CD form, the new CamQuest™ 6 Promotional Package includes the original software on CD, a COMP Cams® Racing T-Shirt (sizes S-XXXL) and free ground shipping to any of the 48 continental United States - all for only $15.00 and available directly from COMP Cams®. For more information about the COMP Cams® CamQuest™ 6 software, the new promotional package or any other COMP Cams® product, call us at 1-800-999-0853, or visit them online at WANNA BUY A RACETRACK? - A 588-acre complex with a 2.5-mile road track, drag strip and oval track - will sell at auction Thursday, April 10, with J.P. King Auction Company managing the sale. Spokane Raceway Park is well positioned to profit from the explosion of interest in all types of motor sports at all levels," said Barry Davidson, the court-appointed receiver for the track, which has been the subject of litigation between the previous owner and investors. In addition to the tracks, grandstands and support buildings, the property includes land that will be sold in separate parcels for potential development, according to King. "When you look at the adjacent casino, the Kalispel Tribe's resort plans, and the growth that is already occurring in the Airway Heights area, the potential for this land is virtually unlimited," King said. Individuals interested in additional information about the upcoming sale may contact J.P. King at 800.558.5464 or visit the company's web site at FINAL FLAG -Morgan Maiocco passed away on February 2, 2008, victim of an off road accident. Morgan was a long time motorcycle racer in District 37 and a long time off road car racer. He raced for Honda and Kawasaki during the late ?O's and the early 80's. He was badly injured pre-running a Baja 500, and that ended his motorcycle racing career. Joined the Checkers in 1990, he was named Rookie Of The Year in 1991, drove off road cars and was always pitting when he wasn't in a car. His biggest passion was his children, he leaves his son, Jason and his grandson Evan, his daughter Stephanie, his sister Shelly and his father Erwin. He will be sorely missed by all who knew and loved him. Vayacon Dias my old friend. AMERICAN MOTORCYCLIST ASSOCIATION -The American Motorcyclist Association has announced the results of its recent elections for the AMA Board of Directors. In the Southeast Region, incumbent Carl Reynolds of Danville, Virginia, was re-elected. In a special election in the Northeast Region to fill a Board vacancy, Joseph W . Bromley of Warrington, Pennsylvania, was elected. In addition to his experience as a dealer and promoter, Mr. Reynolds has been active in the AMA for more than 30 years. He first joined the AMA Board of Directors in 1991 and previously served as chairman. In 2007, the AMA Board made changes to stagger the terms of Board members. To implement Page 6 September 26-28, 2008 October 17-19, 2008 November 7-9, 2008 CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, SUITE 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA EXT 42 Fax (818) 957-4435 D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (All events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Tiumton County ORV Park, Ol:ympia, WA) DAKAR RALLY DARREN SKILlDN BAJA AUTOMOTIVE ADVENTURES 455 E. OCEAN BLVD., SUITE 208 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/ FAX: (562) 590-7925 DEcATIJR FoUR WHEEL DRlvE Cum DECATUR, TX 76234 TOM ALLEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 EAsn:aN OFF-RoAD RACING~. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 F.N'SENADA BAJA OFF RoAD RACING Av. REFORMA I 136 E &A.DA, BC, MX 0l 1-52-646-1818989 Eus10 011-52-646-1715230 AARON Races for buggys & Motorcycles &TERO BEACH INTERNATIONAL Short Course Racing VICTORIA GALINDO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO 011-52-646-176-6230 FORDA FtoRJDA OFF RoAD DluvER's ASSOCIATION JASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Apr, Ma:y, Nov at Davidson Racewa:y FuoPUCKER RACING TEAM 1855 PARKWAY DRIVE S. EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/959-579-6151FAX GORRA GEORGIA OFF ROAD RACING AssOCIATION 420 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA GREAT PLANES OFF ROAD RACING AssOCIATION TIM HODGE (402) 991-6048 ScOTT MORROW (816) 792-2126 (All races are short course, stadium style Classes -Sportsman, 1/2-1600, 5-1600, Spore Truck, Quads, Tough Truck Nebraska Raceway Park, Exit 420 on 1-80 between Omaha and Lincoln.) For latest info check <> HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING 2000 W. QUINCY AVENUE #8 ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 303-806-8062/303-781-0974 fax INTERNATIONAL ICE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDDOR (612) 937-3816/Fax 474-2769 INTER-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS PRoMOTIONs, INc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 JEEPSPEED 1826 N. WINDES Orange, CA 92869 714-538-7434/ fax 714-633-1724 All races for ]eepspeed 1,2 & 3 March 2008 KAMLooPS BRONCO BusTERS ~ Pme11 Spam & ~ecratioa Center P.O. Box 465 l<AMLOOPS, BC, CANADA VZG5L2 DALE NYESrE (250) 579-8039 TONY (250) 554-97801. Craig Byers (250) 376-8466 LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS & OFFRoAD E:xPO (626) 961-3782 <> <> LI.T.R.E. )EFF ELROD (408) 926-0522 )IM ARUTA (408) 247-4402 MAMARRITA OFF ROAD RACING LUIS CARLOS ALVAREZO PANAMERICANA AVE #5105 Cd. Juarez, Chih., MX Ol 1-52-1637-1799 MxcmGAN BuGGY Bun.nERS Duae Buggy J;rade Sliow (517) 543-7214 <> MxcmGAN OFF RoAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M. T .B. Enterpriaes Inc. 15529 )ONES ROAD GRAND LEDGE, ML 48837 (517) 627-6200 Motor9des, Quads, ATVs and Pilots onl:y MAORA Mm-AMERICA OFF RoAD AssOCIATION P.O. Box 664 GREENUP, IL 62428 (217) 235-6528 E-MAIL: <> MDR PRODUCTIONS 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE SOUTH EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-44 2-9 3 20/FAX626-579-605 I CalJfomla Cliampiomliip Serie11 April S, 2008 Mojave 250 Barstow "B" May 17, 2008 Ridgecrest 200 Ridgecrest, CA June 28, 2008 MDR400 Lucerne Valley Double Points August 16, 2008 California 200 Lucerne Valley Night Race September 27, 2008 Lucerne 250 Lucerne Valley "B" November 8, 2008 Stoddard 250 Barstow "B" Supentitioa Clumpiomliip Serie11 April 26, 2008 King Of The Desert June 14, 2008 Coyote Wash 200 October 18, 2008 Superstition 250 December 31, 2008 Bud Light Dash M.O.R.E. MoJA VE OFF RoAD RACING ENTiruSIASTS P.O. Box 1231 BARSTOW, CA 92312 760-253-4453 MOREKARTEK Off Road Gold Cup Series March 1+-16, 2008 May 23-2S, 2008 July 18-20, 2008 September 12-14, 2008 December S-7, 2008 MSBA Mxcm GAN SPORT B uGGY ASSOCIATION DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. FUNT, ML 48506 (810) 730-9221 MoroWFSr WINTER TmALs SERIES BILL MARKHAM (909) 860-1857 <> All events at Perris Raceway (At Reed Valley with a school) NATIONAL Mun RACING AssN. RT. #I - Box 380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN PALATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TuFF TRUCK AssN. Butch Chapin Motorsportll Promo-tions 1404 EAST 3RD STREET HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NOORA NORTHERN Omo OFF RoAD RAcING AssN. GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAIL <> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Spring Valley Raceway, on route 518, 20 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) (Thunder Valley located 15 minutes from Spring Valley) OFF ROAD E:xPO 2008 (626) 599-8622 OFF RoAD RACING AssOCIATION Voluateered Serie11 PRESIDENT· GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE RO\D LEBANON, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP. - 1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP. - 9 & UNLm. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OUTLAW REP. DON PONDER (314) 631-8190 (AU Races at Wheeling in the County 900 Acres) Omo OFF RoADERS INc. 1427 GosHEN H1LLS RoAD S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 )IM KENDEL (216) 339-4674 All races held at Harrison County Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS AssocIATION RICK TICHBOURNE, PUBLIC RELATIONS (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) Oun.Aw SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. Louis, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/Fax: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. Off Road Clumpiomliip 495 N. COMMO s DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <> PENNSYLVANIA SHORT COURSE RACING SMITHTON HOLE RACEWAY 313 SKYLINE DRIVE SMITHTON, PA. 15479 MIKE GEISER 330-683-6263 Short Course Offroad Racing All Races At Smithton Hole Raceway PIKF.SPEAK P.O. Box 6962 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF ROAD RACING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 875-7591 Pao 1600 SHOOTOUT COREY GOIN 559-647-6132 GOINRACIN@HOTMAIL.COM PRoTRucx. 14402 8oND COURT EL CAJON, CA 92021 619-390-6252 PuRE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box 50 RICKETTS, IA 51460 (712) 679-2221 RALLY .AMERICA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES 2008 Rally America National Championship Series Schedule April 19-20, 2008 Olympus Rally Olympia, WA May 16-18 Oregon Trail Rally Hillsboro, OR Dusty Times

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June6-7 Susquehannock Trail Performance Rally Wellsboro, PA July 11-12 (tentative) New England Forest Rally Bethel, Maine August 22-23, 2008 Ojibwe Forests Rally Bemidji, MN September13-14, 2008 Rally Colorado Steamboat Springs, CO October 17-18, 2008 Lake Superior Performance Rally Houghton, Ml RAI.LYCROSS NATIONAL SERIES EVENTS Butera. States Cluunpiollllmp Central States Cluunpiollllmp Western States Championship ROCK CRAWLERS AssocIATION OF .AMERICA P.O. Box 1406 RIVERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/Fax: (801) 253-3176 SAN DmGo SHORT COURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New Series by Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro Tmcks, Desert Tmcks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Tmck <> (858) 571-5088 SAN DmGo OFF RoAD ExrosmoN (888) 836 7918 SCCA RoADRALLY P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-2055 <> SFX MoTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE, Sum 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 Fax SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., Sum A CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/ FAX: (818) 225-8102 <> March 14-15, 2008 22nd Tecate SCORE Baja 250 Baja California, Mexico May 30-June 1, 2008 40th Tecate SCORE Baja 500 Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico July 17-19, 2008* SCORE Las Vegas Terrible's Cup IV* Las Vegas Motor Speedway September 5-6, 2008 13th SCORE Terrible's Primm 300 Primm, Nevada November 19-22, 2008 4lstTecate SCORE Baja 1000 Baja California, Mexico * select classes, closed-course event SNORE SOUTHERN NEV ADA ()pp RoAD ENTirusIAsTS P.O. Box 270516 LAs VEGAS, NV 89127 702-452-4522 March 27-30, 2008 SNORE Mint 400 May 9-11, 2008 SNORE Dusty Times 250 June 20-22, 2008 SNORE KC Hilites Midnight Special October 3-5, 2008 SNORE 250 November 14-16, 2008 SONS OF TlluNoER 4WHEELERS RACE DIVISION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SOUTHEASTERN ()pp RoAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 Mike Moore -(224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS ExPO MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. HACIENDA BLVD. #322 HACIENDA HEIGHTS, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SCTA SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION & BoNNEVILLE NATIONALS, INc. P.O. Box 10 Dusty Times OROS!, CA 93647 (559) 528-6279 (559) 528-9749 FAX <> SOUTHERN SHORT CoURSE OFF RoAD RACING AssN. 4305 WooTlARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (All Races at Eastbay Raceway, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) Lm. P.O. Box 706 Toys FoR ToTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADILLA VALLEY SPORTS CENTER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/ FAX: (606) 905-8784 <> VORRA VALLEY ()pp ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION (775) 224-1327 April 5-6, 2008 Prairie City, CA April 26-27, 2008 Prairie City, CA May 23-26, 2008 Yerington 250, Yerington, NV July 19-20, 2008 Fallon 200 Fallon, NV August 30-Sept 1, 2008 Yerington 250 Yerington, NV October 4-5, 2008 Prairie City, CA October 25-26, 2008 Prairie City, CA VICENTE GUERRERO OFF RoAD CLUB PROFO. CENOVIO GAMBOA 0ll-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 p.m.) WESTERN ()pp ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WESTERN PENNsnv ANIA WHEEL To WHEEL OFF RoAD RACING PATRICK McGUIRE P.O. Box 376 ADAMSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2325 E. KINGS AVENUE PHOENlX, AZ 85022 (602) 971-3730 <> WISCONSIN MOTORSPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 WiscoNsIN OFF RoAD FEsnv AL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 OSHKOSH, WL 54901 (414) 688-5509 WoRLD SERIES OF ()pp ROAD RACING P.O. Box 99 CRANDON, WISCONSIN 54520 303-880-7221 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 ZR PROMOTIONS Luis RENE MONTANO C. CALZADA INDEPENDENCIA 200 -5 COL. INSURGENTES ESTE 21280 MEXICALI, BC, MX (686) 564 6653 April 20, 2008 ZR Team Race & Poker Run 3rd Annual Motorcycles & Quad Race • Family Ride May 4, 2008 Copa Autoproductos #3 Motorcycle & Quad Race June 28, 2006 Alvisa Night Race #4 Motorcycle & Quad Race September 6, 2008 Cocodrilos Poker Run Family Ride October 12, 2008 ZR Grand Prix #5 Motorcycle & Quad Race November 30, 2008 ZR Gran Prix De Campeones #6 Motorcycle & Quad Race ATT~NT oN Race & Rally Organizers List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your 2008 schedules as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally sched-ule to: 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-S003 March 2008 Trall Nates ••• these changes, Mr. Reynolds was elected to a one-year term as Southeast Region representative. An election will be held in the Southeast Region in 2008 for a full three-year term. Mr. Bromley was president of AMA District 6 for 12 years and was an AMA Congress delegate. He operates a family-owned dealership and has won numerous AMA amateur racing titles. H e was elected to a three-year term on the Board. The AMA Board of Directors consists of 12 members. Six individual Directors are elected by the general membership in their respective regions and six corporate Directors are elected by the corporate membership. Founded in 1924, the AMA is a non-profit organization with 290,000 members. The Association's purpose is to pursue, protect and promote the interests of motorcyclists, while serving the needs of its members. For more information, visit the AMA website at WSORR -The Super Buggy Class had been promoted to WSORR Pro Class for 2008 and the Ultra 4x4 Class is ready for its debut. The Lucas Oil World Series of Off-Road Racing (WSORR) has announced the elevation of one of its race classes to PRO designation and the on-going development of a new PRO class. Designated as a PRO race class in 2008 are WSORR's Super Buggy racers. Super Buggies are custom-built single-seat, four-wheeled vehicles with various manufacturer motors limited between 1650 and 1915 cc's. These 200 horsepower machines have unlimited suspensions and the result is some of the most exciting, high-flying action witnessed anywhere on the WSORR short-course tracks. "We are thrilled to acknowledge this class on the PRO level," said Jake Flannery, WSORR vice-president and race steward. "They deliver a PRO quality show for fans and are a fiercely dedicated race group to the World Series and the sport of off-road racing. These exotic machines are cutting edge in both technology and engineering and the WSORR PRO Super Buggy class has some of the most experienced and talented drivers found in the sport. ,lt1s appropriate this class of competitors gets to share the spotlight with our other PRO classes", he added. The WSORR Super Buggy class will get its first taste of "PRO" action and attention at Lucas Oil Speedway in Wheatland, Missouri when the WSORR 2008 season kicks off during Rounds I and II on May 31-June 1. WSORR also announced that it is continuing development of what is code-named the "Ultra 4x4" class. Also envisioned as a PRO class for the future, the Ultra 4x4 class fits WSORR's stated goal of making off-road racing both affordable and cost effective. "Off-road racing needs a high performance race class that controls spending and levels the p laying field for all racers. All current World Series sponsors are highly committed in making this class a reality," said Flannery. Ultra 4x4 is designed as a less expensive alternative to PRO 4x4 and is considered a spec class meaning most all chassis and drive train parts and design will be dictated by WSORR. The trucks will be smaller and much lighter than the current PRO 4x4s and can be bodied as either a truck or SUV. The Ultra 4x4 truck is designed to reduce overall build, maintenance and R&D costs. Plans include the Ultra 4x4 class to be in the future WSORR SPEED TV package. WSORR PRO race classes for 2008 include: PRO 4x4 Pickup, PRO 2WD Pickup, PRO Light Pickup, PRO Super Buggy and PRO Ultra 4x4 (Development). WSORR continues its popular SRT division of racing with the following classes: SRT Super Stock Truck, SRT Stock Truck, SRT 1600 Buggy, SRT 1600 Light Buggy, and SRT Formula 4x4 SUV. The Series will continue to run a limited schedule for its Grassroots 'entr y level division encompassing Enduro Pickup Trucks and C lassix Sedans. WSORR racers will compete in 12 rounds of racing this coming summer at tracks in three States across the Midwest. The Series opens the season May 31-June 1 at the heralded Lucas Oil Speedway in Wheatland, Mo. More information about the World Series of Off-Road Racing and the schedule is available at The Lucas Oil Speedway web site is BITD PARKER 425 -You would have to call the Parker 425 a great success, 309 vehicles were entered and 294 actually started the race. Chet Huffman and Jerry Whelchel were the overall winners in their Trick Truck, Dale Dondel was second, Chuck Hovey took fi rst in Class 1, he was third overall, Kevin McGillivray was third Trick Truck, fourth overall and Scott Kincaid, in another Trick Truck, rounded out the top five. Other class winners were: Jason Voss, ProTruck, Curt LeDuc, Class 8, Drew Belk, Class 5 , Rod Smith, Class 10 Light, Ed Beard, Class 10, Matt Gumz, 1600, David Binns, Unlimited Mini, Larry Tunnell, Class 8, Heidi Steele, Stock Mini. On a sad note, old friend and long time racer Manny 'Esquerra evidently had a heart attack while racing in the Tracy Rubio Trick Truck and passed away just off the track. A great loss to all who knew and loved Manny. There will be a full story with loads of pictures in the next issue of Dusty Times. S CORE/VW CONTINGENCY PROGRAM -SCORE International announced today that Volkswagen of America, Inc., the official vehicle of SCORE, has posted a massive Continued on page 50 Page 7

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SCORE•s LAUGHLIN MuDDY CHALLENGE Pat Dean Wins overall BY ]UDY SMITH PHOTOS: TRACKSIDE PHOTO Rich Ronco took a second and a fourth place finish in his Chevy Trophy Truck, it was enough to give him the overall class win. his Mirage with a jump of93', and David Caspino, in a Lothringer, was second at 99' 6". Each of the win-ners took home $3,000 while the runners up earned $1000 each. Pat Dean drove his Bunderson to the Overall Class 1 win at Laughlin, he's seen here fighting the water and the right side roll. Once again, the program called for a day of contingency and tech inspection, with practice on the six mile course permitted for much of the day. In the afternoon SCORE added a new feature: qualifying for the Trophy Trucks. Each truck had the opportunity to run one timed lap of the entire course, and their times dictated the start order for their first race on Saturday. This was fun for the drivers as well as the early arriving spectators. Tavo Vildosola, who crashed hard, injuring his pas-senger and damaging his truck, was probably not terribly happy about the whole thing, but his crew worked until the wee hours of the morning and got his truck back into running order. Laughlin, NV: Pat Dean drove his single seat V6 Chevy powered Bunderson to the overall victory at the season opening SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge. It was the same ol' Laughlin event that generated a kind of love/hate response in the heart of a confirmed desert racer. Many desert lovers don't like the fact that at the end of the weekend they've raced only 96 miles at the most. But there's some-thing about that wheel-to-wheel, go for broke attitude that prevails at Laughlin, that's very contagious and exhilarating. The event was set a week later on the calendar than it had been in the past. The Laughlin Chamber of Commerce made the change, mov-ing it from the weekend prior to the MLK Birthday Monday holiday. This also set it a week closer to the BITD Parker 425, a very popular event. It did seem that some teams opted to miss Laughlin, now that they'd have only three or four days to get ready for the Parker race. On Thursday evening they held the Laughlin Leap contest, which always attracts a pretty good crowd. This year the weather was better than many previous years, and the spec-ta tors got to see Robby Gordon launch his Chevrolet an impressive 152 feet and two inches, to win the Big Truck division. Gordon cel-ebrated with a series of jumps across Cory Boyer took the Class 1600 win on Saturday, finished second on Sunday and he was the official class winner for the weekend in his Lothringer. Kevin Carr was the second car across the line on Saturday, took a nice win on Sunday and he took home all the Class 5 marbles. Pages the built-up track, which entertained the spectators also. Second in the Big Truck division was Todd Wyllie, in another Chevrolet, with a distance of 136' and 3". In the Small Truck Division the win went to Chris Taylor, in a Ford Ranger, who traveled ll7' 11", and Dan Vance, with a Toyota, went 115' 6" for second place. The Large cc Open Wheel class win went to B.J. Richardson, in a Chevy Bunderson, who landed 138' 10" out from tne jump, and second place in this class belonged to T.J. Flores, a teammate of Richardson's, who jumped 138' 4" in his six cylinder Chevy powered car. The small cc Open Wheel Divi-sion was won by Adam Pfankuch in The site for the contingency dis-plays and vehicle parade had been moved by the Laughlin Chamber of Commerce which decided that it would benefit the city more if it were closer to the casinos. With that in mind they determined that it would run along Bruce Woodbury Drive from Casino Drive (the main drag Don Moss was all alone in Class 3 but he drove his Ford Bronco the required laps on Saturday and Sunday and took the points. · Enrique Zazueta took the Class 5-1600 win on Sa turday, took the gold medal on Sunday and went home a happy fella. March 2008 -------------where the casinos are), up to the street where the main gate for the events park is located. However, when Charlie Engelhart went up to set up the contingency area at about 4:30 a.m. on Friday, the local gen-darmes pointed out that there was an urgent care medical facility on the street, and access to that build-ing could not be blocked. So the contingency line ended west of the main drag one long, slightly uphill block. It's unknown how many ca-sual visitors wandered into the dis-plays on their way from one casino to another, but there were plenty of people there most of the day. What were missing were porta-potties, trash cans and food and drink vendors. The Chamber had apparently for-gotten about the first two items all together, and for some reason there were only three food/ drink vendors. One could buy water and beer, hot dogs and roasted corn, but none of the other purveyors of fine junk food had opted to set up their stands during the contingency festivities. They'd been set up in the events part, adjacent to the grandstands, and probably liked it just fine there, ca-tering to the folks who hung around ' to watch practice and the Trophy Truck qualifying. The huge infield television screen was back, and SCORE had photog-raphers in several spots, so a specta-tor could sit in the grandstands and get a really good idea about what was going on out in the desert part of the course. The course is now so short, and so many cars racing, that there's almost never a minute when there isn't a car to watch as it makes its way through the infield. But should there be a brief gap in the live action, the spectators can just watch the big screen, which means there's never a dull moment. And hardly a time for going to the snack stands. SCORE bunched the classes to-gether for some races, and let the bigger groups race by themselves, In this manner they created five sepa-rate events each for Saturday and Sunday. Each lasted just about an hour, giving the classes three, five, six, seven or eight laps, depending on how fast they were. Cars went off the start line side by side at 15 second intervals, exactly as they did last year. SCORE does a great job with the staging and starting of so many vehicles, and the program ran right on time for both days of rac-ing. Another thing SCORE does a fine job with, is keeping track of the vehicles on course. SCORE Ops had about 15 teams out on the track during each race. Each team was equipped with radios and a four-wheel drive vehicle capable of tow-ing a damaged race car off the course, and, if necessary, back to a Dusty Times

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time for the race on his third lap, but then he didn't make it through Lap 4. Gordon ran into trouble on Lap 3, and was reported to be mak-ing his way to the Hot Pits in reverse gear. He eventually got a third lap done, but that was all. Heidi Steele drove her Ford Ranger to J<d on Saturday, Tim Lawrence took the class win on Sunday, they were 1" o/a in Class 7SX. Chris Harrold took the Class 10 win both days, thus the overall class win, he's seen here in his AlumiCraft Honda at speed. Meanwhile, at the front of the pack, or more correctly, at the back of the bunch, some serious racing was going on. Gustavo "Tavo" Vildosola, Jr., who'd crashed on the first jump in qualifying, had started in the last row. He was determined to avoid problems, and maintain a steady pace. His patched-together Ford was working well, and he just kept motoring along. B.J. Baldwin ran well, doing evenly paced laps, and Brian Collins, in his Dodge Ram 2500 was also running at the front of the pack. But attrition was . mounting. By the fourth lap they'd central point where the team can later fetch it. There were trained first aid personnel out there also, and ambulances were standing by in the infield, ready to head out. A constant stream of conversa-tion on the radio kept all the safety teams informed about what vehicles were due to come by, which had bro-ken irreparably, which needed to be moved out of the way of other com-petitors, and so on. In every in-stance, the course was quickly cleaned, so that no big jam-ups oc-curred. And SCORE officials always knew exactly how many vehicles were still on the course; which were in good running order and which were injured. The teams stayed out on the course from before the first race, which started at seven a.m., until after the last one, which ended after four in the afternoon. It was a gru-eling weekend for them. In addition t the ground-based crews, Paul Fish, Dusty Times Race Director, was overhead in a helicopter through all of it. He could sometimes spot a problem before the ground-based crews knew of it, and expedite help to the scene. The course wandered through the infield with about three turns a couple of big jumps, some moguls and a table top. It looked about like last year's course. What was new was that the Laughlin folks had added a couple of spectators areas. One was on a hill at the west end of the in-field course, and folks could sit there in their vehicles or stand or sit up at the very top. The other was further west, out by the school, and it was also set up so whole groups could park in their vehicles to watch. Laughlin collected a nominal fee. There was also seating on the big ridge across from the infield, with grandstands set up, as they'd done last year. There was a fee there also, so that it's no long "Freeloader Hill". Friday was a nice day, with the sun occasionally poking out through the clouds to warm the area. People stripped off their heavy jackets and enjoyed the pleasant af-ternoon. Saturday dawned calm, but the clouds still hovered on the hori-zon. Weather reports hinted omi-nously of rain for Sunday, but Sat-urday stayed dry. The Trophy Trucks were actually the fourth group to race both days, thus assuring that there would be people in the grandstands and up on the hills to watch the action. On Saturday the stands were packed and so were the hills. The weather stayed nice and the infamous Laughlin wind hadn't even kicked up. The Trophy Trucks had quali-fied for start position on Friday af-ternoon, with Rob MacCachren, in Mark Post's Ford, earning the inside front row start. Post was at the wheel on Saturday and the second quick-1,200 Rooms est qualifier, Robby Gordon, in a Chevrolet, was next to him. Just be-hind them were Carl Renezeder in his Chevrolet, and B.J. Baldwin, who won at Laughlin the previous two years, in another Chevy. There was a good breeze, but the ground was damp from mid-week rains and dust wasn't going to be a big issue. Gordon was the first vehicle to complete a lap, screaming through the infield to the delight of the audi-ence, with Renezeder behind him, and also looking very fast. Gordon had recorded the fast lap for the class (for both days) at 6:55, while Renezeder's time was 7:01 for the six miles. But on the second lap Renezeder pulled off at Mile 2.5, with a blown ring gear. Gordon zipped off another good lap, and Jerry Whelchel, in Chet Huffman's new Geiser built truck, was also fast and close behind him. Whelchel had the second fastest lost six racers, and by Lap 6 there were 11 missing. B.J. Baldwin had a flat on his fifth lap and made a quick stop in the Hot Pits. Jesse James had two long laps and retired with a blown transmission. Todd Wyllie rolled his Chevrolet in the first tum in the infield on his third lap and lost a whole lap in the process. Ed Stout had a flat that was nothing but shreds as he went through the infield, and ultimately he lost a lap, and then was out of the race on his fifth lap. Collins lost a ring and pin-ion and Pete Sohren put a rod through the side of his motor. But Vildosola just kept motor-ing along. His dad, Gus, Sr., was hopping up and down with excite-ment on the sidelines as he watched him move toward the front. And ultimately, he was at the very front, Continued next page 16 Movie Theaters 4,500 Seat Equestrian & Event Center 50,000 Sq. Ft. Of Meeting Space 80,000 Sq. Ft. Exhibit Hall 52 Table Games Over 2,300 Slot Machines Poker Room 800-Seat Bingo Room Race & Sports Book Child Care Center Kids Arcade 6 Restaurants Spa & Fitness Center Headliner Showroom (May '07) 64-Lane Bowling Center 1-866-791-76~6 • LAS VEGAS BLVD AT S/LVERA0O RANCH RD• SOUTHPOINTCAS/NO.COM March 2008 Page9

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Rick St. John took third on Saturday, Adam Pfankuch took the win on thus the SCORE Lite win went to them. A good weekend for Rod Hall, he took the Stock Mini win both days and therefore took the overall win for the weekend. leading the pack for the final couple of laps, and making no errors, and having no problems. So Vildosola took the win, with Rich Ronco, in a new Chevy, in second place. Ronco had also enjoyed a very steady run, with almost no deviation in lap times. Third went to Darnen Jefferies in his Chevrolet, while Kory Scheeler was fourth in another Chevy. Only ten of them finished all eight laps. Mark Post, last year's season champ, dropped out on Lap 7 after losing a driveshaft in his Ford. B.J. Baldwin was stuck in a low gear for the final two laps, and finished sixth, about two and a half minutes behind the winner. When they came back on Sun-day there were only 22 of them. It was a completely different course than it had been on Saturday. For Chad Hall was the big winner in the Stock Full category, he finished second on Saturday and he took the win on Sunday. It was an easy, but wet weekend for Jason Voss, he took the Pro Truck win . , where a driver needed to nde high one thing, ther~ d_ been four more on the berm to avoid soaking his groups of cars d1g~ing ?ut the h~les, electrical system. It took some driv-and for another, 1t rained all mg~t ers a quick dunking to learn that, and much of Sun_day, up until and they'd pull up to the manda-shortly before their ra~e began. tory stop at the finish line with SCO_RE had ~ept the skip loaders clouds of steam billowing around working, cleaning the water_ from the their vehicles. But then, there was low spots wherever possible, but no dust. there were still plenty of big puddles. For some reason this class One of the biggest was at the east started in the same order in which end of the course, in the infield, they'd finished, which meant each day and the overall, here in beautiful flight. -----------------------------------------. Vildosola and Ronco were side by • Drlvlnll Su/ls • Crew IJnllorm$ • Crew Shlttl • Polo Sltltls • TtNlln JadaJII . ,_ •GearBtlfl$ ! NOW FEA1URING: In-House Embroidery Driver Names• Team U1flO$ • $/>t)n$()f l..ogos 1.800.700.23511 • Fax IOIJ.360.0436 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 Page 10 March 2008 side as the first starters, and back at the rear, Renezeder, starting in the last line, was 15 seconds behind Robby Gordon. Times were actu-ally a bit slower on Sunday, but they didn't look slower. No one was sav-ing his truck for another day of rac-ing. Renezeder and Gordon put on a show of wheel-to-wheel racing very reminiscent of their short course tactics. Rob MacCachren, now driv-ing Post's car, kept thinking about the long race season stretching ahead, and the possibility of win-ning the points another year and he didn't join in, although he's got all the wheel-to-wheel know-how the others had. Kory Scheeler, who'd looked so good on Saturday, was out on Lap 1 this time and Roger Norman lasted until the second lap, when he had a fire. The track crew put the fire out, and towed him away. Vildosola ran three very evenly paced laps that should have led to a good finish, but on the fourth lap he pulled out at Mile 4, reportedly with a blown motor. He was towed away. Brian Collins, who had the fast time on the first lap, from back in the middle of the pack, was out of the race after only two laps when a '!spear shaped" rock went into his radiator. Most of them got through six laps. Todd Wyllie had some lengthy problem that cost him about four laps right out of the in-field on Lap l. He did come back on, but had no time to catch up. Jesse James also lost a lot of time on the first and second laps, when he got that solved, but was too far back to catch up also. Renezeder kept his foot in it, avoided complications, and took the win. He was just two minutes and 14 seconds in front ofMacCachren. Gordon disappeared on the last lap, but had recorded the fast time for the group on his seventh lap, at seven minutes and 55 seconds. He was actually 12 seconds in front of Renezeder going into the last lap. The crowd was sorely disappointed when he didn't come back out of the desert to the finish line. In third it was B.J. Baldwin, who'd been trying to repeat last year's victory, but he said he'd "made a bad decision on grooving tires" and couldn't get good acceleration. Fourth went to Rich Ronco, who'd been second on Saturday. He said he just "went for the finish", and de-scribed the conditions on course as "wretched." Darnen Jefferies backed up Saturday's third with a fifth on Sunday, and declared that he liked this race. He said he'd been hard on his c.v.s on Saturday, and therefore didn't use turning brake on Sunday. When they added up the times of those who'd managed to finish both days, the weekend winner was Ronco, with 41 seconds on B.J. Baldwin. In third it was Jefferies, then Bobby Baldwin (B.J.'s dad) was fourth, and Robbie Pierce, in his new Jimco Chevy truck, finished fifth. He was ecstatic to have done so well, and said, "I had so much fun!", and then after a pause, "I have so much respect for these guys now!" It was his first time racing at Laughlin. The Class 1 cars were the last event each day, and, with 27 entries, they were an impressive group. They went off the line at three p.m., and four cars fell out on the first lap. Harley Letner, in the Alpha Chevy that Kash Vessels used to run, went into the lead on the first lap, with 11 seconds on Pat Dean in a six- , cylinder Chevy Bunderson bor-rowed from teammate T.J. Flores. In third it was Danny Anderson in his Jimco, and B.J. Richardson, in a Chevy Bunderson, was fourth, an-other ten seconds back. Josh Rigsby, Barry Karakas (yes -in a Class 1 car), Adam Householder and Jason Shipman had all dropped out. On the second lap Lerner re-corded the fast lap time for the class, at 7:20, and held on to his lead. But Dean and Richardson were sticking close, and Dale Ebberts, a previous two time winner here, who'd started dead last, was clearly starting to work his way up through traffic in his Porter Chevy. Cars rolled over, broke axles, and lost their front wheels. At the end of the second lap six were out, but the same group was looking fast and re-cording good times. On the fourth lap word came that "Car number 132 is smoking heavily!: That was Anderson, and they wanted the safety crews to watch him, so they'd be ready to pull him off the track whenever it quit running. That didn't happen until he got into his sixth lap, but then he was done for good. Letner was still running strong, and looked like a cinch to win, but on the eighth lap he fell out with a broken transmission, leaving Dean and Richardson to take first and second, a mere one second separat-ing their times. Ebberts was third, another four seconds back, and Steve Barry ran fourth in his Jimco Chevy. On Sunday there were only 22 of them, and Ebberts and Dean made up the front row, with Dusty Times I,

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8.J. Baldwin finished sixth in Saturday's race, third on Sunday, 8.J. Richardson took a second on Saturday, a fourth on Sunday, Todd Lucero finished 2"'1 on Saturday, 3'• on Sunday and that gave second overall for the weekend in his Chevy Trophy Truck. that made him second overall in Class 1 in his Bunderson Chevy. him 2"'1 overall for the weekend in his Class 11 car. Richardson back in the third row. Buggies. That put 38 vehicles out on missing Eric Solorzano, who rarely Ramon Fernandez had the fast lap On Sunday, everything was dif-Letner came back, and started mid-the course, and kept the spectators misses any event. But he'd come on the first lap, at 12:25, and then ferent. Not only was the course all pack, with Anderson right behind entertained all the time. The 1600s down sick and wasn't able to make put together three more good laps chewed up from Saturday's racing, him. The weather was cold, the did six laps, as did the 5-16s and the the trip. That meant there were four to take the win by four minutes. but it had rained all night, and was clouds threatening in the west, but Sportsmen. Class 11 ran three laps. cars, and they had some good, close Todd Lucero and Dick Nichols, Jr. still raining as they lined up in stag-the sun was shining on the moun-In the Class 11 race, they were racing both days. On Saturday, ran second. Continued next page tains over across the river. The course was badly chewed up, but it wasn't raining, and it was still wet enough so there was no dust. There were plenty of puddles, and lots of mud however. When Dean got up that morn-ing and saw the rain, he'd decided to do something about tires. He came to this race with widely grooved rear tires, very different from what he'd run the day before. And it paid off. His six cylinders got the hole shot, and blasted out of the start in front of Ebberts, who's no slouch at this game, and with no traffic and nothing to get in his way, Dean re-corded the fast lap of this race, at 7:59. Ebberts was second, Danny Anderson was third, two seconds later, and then it was Luis Ramirez, Jr., in his HMS Chevy, and Letner, who started in the middle of the pack, was fifth, and only 23 seconds behind Dean. Dean did have a nag-ging worry, because he'd lost his air cleaner on Saturday, and wasn't sure the motor would last through all eight laps of Sunday. Mike Julson, in John Harrah's new Jimco with the Viper motor, was out on the second lap and look-ing for a tow, and Ebberts was out on the third lap with a broken spindle. Barry Karakas's Chevy pow-ered car lost a radiator hose, and went for repairs which cost him 51 minutes. Steve Martz rolled over in the infield on the second lap, and apparently decided he'd had enough for the day, while Josh Rigsby drove off on his fifth lap. Attrition was more severe on Sunday than it had been on Saturday. Dean never missed a beat. He held a steady pace, the motor held up, and he went on to take the win. He said he thought his tires and his V6 motor played a bi_g part in the win, because, while the bigger motored cars were "spinnin' their tires" in the mud, he was just motoring through. He was two minutes and 51 seconds in front of second place Scott Schovajsa, from Texas. He'd lost his transmission on the fourth lap on Saturday. In third it was Chuck Dempsey in a HMS Chevy, and B.J. Richardson was fourth, less than a minute later. He'd lost a couple of spots with a flat on the sixth lap. When they added up the scores, Dean was the winner for the week-end, and not only that, but he'd been faster than the winning Trophy Trucks, giving him bragging rights for the overall weekend win. Dean's time for the 16 laps was 2:08:29, while Ronco's was 2: 12:57 in the Trophy Truck race. Each day started at 7 a.m., with a combined field of the 1/2-1600s, 5-1600s, 1100s and Sportsman Dusty Times ~f. .. 3 OasiHO MotOH(IQ Oa6t1ZOH1 ·oA, 3ttte,sttAto ;,o & AptAeAo lrallJ t1xit o, 3HtersttAto 10 W. lltA6tAzOH ex 1-,:Et~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SlAP meet is arranged to Include the .following sections ~ USED PARTS & ACCESSORIES JIACETRUCKS MCEBUGGYS MOTORCYCLES SAND.TOYS QUADS & S..WHEELERS tRAllERS & TOW VEHICLES PRE~RUNNERS MFG. & RETAIL DISPLAYS 4x4s&JEEPS e~t $45.00 $30.00 $30.00 $25.00 $30.00 $30.00 $55.00 $30.00 $55.00 $30.00 -10X15 10x16 10x15 3x8 10x15 5x8 10x20 10x15 10x20 10x20 Be sure to clean-out those garages and bring your off-road collectables to the ninth Annual ·Off-Road Swap Meet The only one of its kind In Southern Callfomla s history! $10.00 ADULTS & KIDS UNDER 12 ARE FREE! To reserve a space fill out this en~ form and mail with a check to Galifornia Pre-Fun, 39067 Orchard St., Cherry Valley, CA 92223 before March 2, 2008. Name ____________ Street ________________ _ City ___________ State ____ Z}p ______ Section. _____ _ Move in Saturday 12 p.m. March 8, until show opens at 6 a.m. on Sunday March 9, ___ add $5.00 late fee after 6 a.m. on March 9. Booth space available day of show. A -, ·· Reservations recommended but not required. '"'' · PRESENTED BY CURT LeDUC S CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN For more information call Curt LeDuc (951) 845-8820 March 2008 Page 11

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John Griffin was the 2nd overall winner in Stock Full, he was 1" on Steve Kovach finished 2"" on Saturday in Stock Mini, took another Keith Grawe worked hard for a second overall finish in the Saturday, 2"" on Sunday seen here playing in the water in his Ford. 2"" place on Sunday and was second overall for the weekend. Sponsman Truck class, he's seen here (left) ready for touchdown. ing. One of the SCORE officials of the next few laps, increasing his thought would work. By the second Zazueta, with a minute and 33 sec-he ran with his face and eyes unpro-asked an outlying course worker how speed each lap. Behind him, Marcos lap most of them were sputtering. onds on Nunez and Rivera. All the tected for the balance of the race. the course looked. The answer came Nunez and/ or Norberto Rivera Patrick Dailey led the first lap, but rest were DNFs. None of them was in very good back, "Flooded!" looked good, and so did Enrique then he was stuck, off the course on The 1600 race on Saturday had shape, but those who had good rain In Class 11, John Ledyard, who Zazueta. On the fourth lap Shermak Lap 2, and as the course worker de-16 entries with a lot of talented driv- suits over their driving suits, were broke on the first lap Saturday, also recorded the fast time for the class, scribed it, "water-logged". He never ers ready to do their allotted six laps. definitely warmer. broke on the first lap on Sunday, at 9:37, but then he never came came back. They started at the front of their Once they had combined the re-leaving only three of them racing. around again. Nunez and Rivera Enrique Zazueta was looking group, so for the first lap there suits of the two days of racing, the But they ran nose to tail most of the took the win, followed across the line quick and moving steadily, as others wasn't much traffic as they discov- winner was Boyer, with a time of two way, and once again Ramon by Zazueta, 12 seconds later, and had all kinds of problems. Chad eredthatthecoursewasverydiffer-hours and 54 seconds for the 12 Fernandez was the winner. Jake thenJoseAlonso,anothereightsec-Mayernicklosthisfirstgear,andwas ent than it had been during prac-laps. Duran was second, and Mueller finished second, and Lucero onds back. pushed off course, then towed away. tice. That qualifying run the Tro- Pfankuch finished third. and Nichols were third. And when On Sunday they were all back, in Alonso had two good laps, then a phyTrucks made had really dug out The Sportsman Buggy entries they added up the weekend scores, spite of the rain. Some had stuck long one, and never came around the holes. Adam Pfankuch, in his raced with this group also, and were it was Fernandez in first, Lucero and duct tape across their windshield again, ending his day up near the Laughlin leap winning Mirage, required to run six laps. There were Nichols second and Mueller in area at top and bottom to narrow school. But Zazueta kept moving started in the fourth row and was five of them, a mixed bag with two third. the space and try to keep some of steadily, and recorded the class fast one of the first to finish the lap, but Chevies, a Lexus and two VWs. They The 5-1600 cars had a good sized the rain and mud out. Most wore lap on Lap 4, at 11:50. He went on Cory Boyer, in a Lothringer, who'd started behind all the other classes, field with 123 entries. They lost two some kind ofrainjacketorsuit. They to take the win, with Nunez and started in the last row, had the quick but all were able to go faster than of them on the first lap, and Brent had rags in the car for wiping their Rivera in second place. None of the time, by ten seconds, and was in the almost all the other vehicles on the Shermak put his car into the lead face shields. All had tried to water others finished all six laps. lead, with Pfankuch second, and in track, so they were soon threading with the fast time for the first lap. proof their cars with WD 40 and When they totaled their times for third it was Hiram Duran, in an Am-their way through the Class 1 ls and Then he ran the fast time for each whatever magic potions they the two days, the win went to plified chassis (which used to belong 5-16s. Rory Ward put his Chenowth Page 12 .Ii'" Ill ! March 2008 to Pfankuch), ran third about four Chevy into the lead from the first seconds later. A couple of cars lap, and with no problems at all went dropped out on the first lap, and on to take the win. He'd recorded another on Lap 4, but for the most the fast lap for the group on his last part they all kept moving along in lap, at 8:32. Glenn Smith, in a good shape. Raceco VW was second, only 25 sec-Boyer stayed in front all the way, onds back and in third it was Rich-and recorded the quick lap time for ard Boyett in an AOR Lexus. All the group at 8:38 on the fourth lap. five of them finished. Pfankuch must have got word from When they came back on Sun-his crew that he needed to step it up day they were all there again. But, a bit, so he was actually quicker than the rain was a big issue. Ward had Boyer on the last three laps, but it towels, ponchos, and plastic was too little too late. Boyer took wrapped around his electronics. But the win by one second. Pfankuch was the first puddle drenched him and just 53 seconds in front of Duran, his passenger, and took out their who finished third. Thirteen of radio and intercom. They couldn't them finished all six laps. see and they couldn't communicate. On Sunday when they came ba~k, But they could at least be fairly cer-it was a very different race. The rain tain that no one else could either. came down steadily. They had hur-This time they couldn't all finish. riedly worked to waterproof their Smith dropped out after two laps, engines, but as they finished their his VW motor sounding unwell; Pe-first lap it became clear that many ter Lang was gone after three; Rich-had not been successful. Cars sput- ard Boyett managed four; and Kelley tered and stalled and crept through Renezeder, whose VW was stutter-the infield. They were stuck all over ing all the way, and in fact ran so the course, and three of them failed poorly she opted to start at the back altogether to get the lap done. An-of the pack, made five laps. Ward, other two went away on the second after losing a bolt in his steering and lap, and of the rest, half were in bad making a quick on-course fix that shape. cost about ten minutes, surprised Boyer and Duran started side-by- himself by winning. So as the only side in the first row, a big adventure one to complete all the required as it gave them a full lap with no laps, Ward went home as the week-traffic. Pfankuch started in the third end winner. row, and was one of the ones deal-The second group each day was ing with a sputtering motor. Boyer's all trucks: everything except the T ro-was sounding good, and he took the phy Trucks. That put 28 vehicles lead on the first lap, with Dave out on the track. Classes 8, 7, 7SX Caspino, in a Lothringer, second by and Protruck ran six laps, Stock 18 seconds. Pfankuch was third. Full, Stock Mini, Class 3 and the On the third lap Boyer recorded Sportsman Trucks did only five. the fast time for this event, at 10:31, Class 3 was the lone Bronco of nearly two minutes slower than his Donald Moss, who is determined Saturday fast time. But something not to miss out on another points got wet in his car, and his times went championship because of missing south on the final two laps, allow- this event. He drove around for five ing Hiram Duran to move into the laps each day, stayed out of trouble, lead. And Duran took the Sunday had respectable times and com-win, with Boyer second and a shiv- pleted all ten laps, so that he went ering Caspi no in third place. He'd home with a win, and points. been completely soaked on his first In the Protruck class only Jason lap, and the water had even gone Voss came, in a Ford. He also did all inside his helmet, getting mud all over of his laps, had pretty good times, his visor, which became useless. So reported that he hadn't been able Dusty Times

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Damen Jefferies worked hard and was rewarded with a 3'• on Saturday, Steve Barry had a decent weekend, he finished fourth in Class 1 Adam Pfankuch was the third overall finisher in the Class ½-1600 5th on Sunday and a J'• overall finish in Trophy Truck in his Chevy. in his Jimco and ended up third overall in his Jimco. to see in the rain on Sunday, but and Adler to run around, and track. He got started again, but had went home with a win and points. Adler was clearly not doing as well lost four minutes, and that was In Saturday's race, the Class 8 with the rain and mud as Wyllie was. enough to let Chamlee move into trucks numbered three, and they put That blocked-off windshield had to the lead. He then stayed there to the on a terrific show. Todd Wyllie and have been a big help. Adler did only end. Rodriguez finished second, two his Chevy was up against Greg Adler four laps, but Wyllie did all six to minutes and one second back, and • in his Ford, and Juan Lopez, from get the Sunday win. Taylor was third, but 20 minutes Tecate, in another Ford. Adler didn't Wyllie went home with the week-down because of his catastrophic last through the third lap, but Lopez end win, because he got 11 laps com- problem. and Wyllie were at it hot and heavy, pleted, and Adler was second with On Sunday Taylor didn't start, often side-by-side, and coming seven, while Lopez, who'd been just and then Rodriguez and Walsh both through the infield together every terrific on Saturday, was third, fin- broke on the first lap. Chamlee got lap. On the fifth lap Lopez had the ishing only those first six laps. four muddy laps done. He was stuck fast time for the group, at 7:24, but Class 7 had four trucks entered, and asking for a tow on one lap, then Wyllie lost his third member, and they ran six laps. Chris Taylor and then on his fourth lap devel-and was out. Lopez went on to take put his Ford into the lead on the oped a flat, which he apparently the win. first lap, with Dan Chamlee, in an-didn't know until it was too late to When they came back on Sun-other Ford, running second. But on stop in the pit. He didn't get the fi-day, Wyllie had blocked off most of the second lap Taylor was down with nal two laps finished either. But his windshield with cardboard and some problem that cost him about Chamle~ got the win, with ten laps tape, leaving just a small hole for 24 minutes. A.J. Rodriguez moved completed, to Rodriguez and visibility. He was running the BFG into the lead in his Ford, with Dan Taylor's six. He described Sunday's Krawler tire, which he'd also run on Chamlee moving up to second place. race as a "muddy mess." Saturday. Sadly, Lopez, who said Brandon Walsh, the lone Toyota, Class 7SX had four entries also, he'd built his truck himself, was out dropped out on the third lap. and on Saturday John Holmes of the race at about the half mile Rodriguez led for the next two laps, started the morning in the lead, in mark on the first lap with a blown then stalled at the Start/Finish line his Ford, with Aaron Gomez, in an-transmission. That left just Wyllie and had to be towed off to clear the other Ford, running second. They MANNY ESQUERRA battle, he's seen here hustling his way to a 2"" place finish on Saturday. went on this way for most of the race, with Holmes recording the quick time on his third lap, at 9: 15. Gerardo Novelo, who is back rac-ing after about a ten year layoff, and enjoying it more than ever, he said, had his Nissan in third, with Heidi Steele in a Ford, staying close. But word came over the radio that Gomez was out at Mile 5.5 of his last lap. That meant that Holmes was the winner, Novelo was second and Steele finished third. Gomez didn't come back on Sun-day, and Steele put Tim Lawrence into her truck to drive. He went into the lead right from the start, with Holmes's co-driver, Mark Landersman second and Novelo third. Lawrence had the fast lap for this group at 12:06 on the second lap, and just kept moving right along. Novelo was reported to be off course and "working on it" on his fourth lap, but never got the truck moving again. Lawrence went on t finish all six laps, and Landersman, who'd had to lift his face shield, had to stop to have his eyes washed out, and didn't get the last lap finished. He said it was the toughest race he'd ever done. When they combined the weekend scores, Steele and Lawrence were the winning team, with 12 laps completed. Holmes and Landersman took second, and Novelo was third. In the Stock Full class there were four entries, a Ford, a Dodge, and two Hummers, required to complete five laps. Josh Hall put his H2 Hum-mer into the lead on the first lap, and then stayed there with the quick time for this heat, at 9:40. John Griffin, in a Ford, ran second. But on the third lap Hall was out, and Griffin moved into the lead, with Chad Hall, in an H3 Hummer, in second place. Clyde Stacy, in a Dodge, had a long second lap, with some problem that cost eight min-utes, an amount of time impossible to make up in a five lap heat. At the end it was Griffin with the win, Chad Hall second and Stacy third. They all came back to romp in Continued next page VAYA CON D10S OLD FRIEND Dusty Times March 2008 Page 13

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David Callaway finished 2ndf on Saturday, 3'• on- Sunday and was Bobby Baldwin had a wonderful time, he drove his Chevy Trophy Chuck Dempsey took a fourth overall finish in the Class 1 contest, seen here deep in the groove in his HMS-Chevy. 3'• overall in SCORE LITE, he's seerJ.. here in his Dunrite earthmover. Truck to a fourth overall finish, seen here at liftoff. the rain on Sunday, and this time lap. He took the win by about 15 but Freemal had a long fifth lap Chad Hall went into the early minutes. that dropped him back. Anderson lead, while Stacy tried to solve They both came back on Sun- moved up to finish second, Mike some problem that cost him 55 day and this time Kovach kept his Jenkins was third in a Ford, and minutes. Griffin ran second, and wheels under him, and they had a Freemal took fourth in the Trophy-Josh Hall was third. Stacy did only much closer race. Rodney got faster Lite. one more lap, and then was out with every lap, but Kovach did too. On Sunday there were only seven of time. Chad Hall stayed in Hall had a secret weapon, handed of them, and Vance went into the front, Griffin lost four minutes to him at the start line by some lead on the first lap with the quick and Josh hall moved up to sec- friendly, but anonymous person. It time for the heat, at 13:28. Freemal ond. The third lap looked the was a little squeegee. When all his was second in the Trophy-Lite, and same, with Chad, Josh, and then towels got too dirty to clean his vi-one entry had already dropped Griffin. But Josh Hall didn't get sor, he tried the squeegee in des-out. the fourth lap done. On the perationand found itworked beau-Vance was reported "stuck at fourth lap Griffin ticked off the tifullytocleanthemuddywateroff Mile l" on his second lap, with fast lap for the group at 12:44, the face shield. He did the fast lap "transmission issues." He never but he was still four minutes be-on his fifth lap, at 13:28, and took came around again. RobertAnder-hind Chad Hall. And Hall went the win by just 33 seconds. Hall son, brother of Charles who drove on to take the win, with five min-took the weekend win by 17 min- Saturday, moved into the lead with utes on Griffin. Whey they did the utes, thanks in part to Kovach's first a good lap, and Freemal hung on compilation of the two days' lap mishap. to second. Keith Growe in a Ford, scores, Chad Hall emerged the The Sportsman trucks showed ran third. Then Freemal moved winner, four minutes and seven up with nine entries on Saturday, into the lead on the third lap when seconds up on Griffin. They were and they had to run five laps. Dan Anderson lost about seven minutes the only ten lap finishers in the Vance got things off to a fast start, being stuck. group. recording the fast lap for the group Freemal stayed in front, had no In the Stock Mini class there at 8:33 on his first lap in his Toyota. major problems, and took the Sun-were two entries this year, required In second it was Brian Freemal in a day win by eight minutes plus. to run five laps. Rod Hall put his Trophy-Lite Chevy, out for its first Growe was second, his second lap Hummer into the lead, while Steve time in a SCORE event. And in having been a long one, and he was Kovachtippedhistruckoveronits third,itwasCharlesAndersonina the only other finisher. The side and lost a full lap in getting Ford. Doug Chadwick dropped out Andersons had another long lap going again. Hall stayed in front all on the second lap and Vance held and then ran out of time. When the way, recording the fast lap for on to his lead. the weekend win was figured, it was this group at 11 :04, on the third Vance stayed in front all the way, Freemal, winning by nine minutes TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING, -INC. WDUldUkeTD cangrat1,1ate TOm Koch Mike Chlldress 1st Place Protruck Pike's Peak aavev Girdner ftmmv Craig 1st Place 112-1600 stave Eugenia Dan Eugenia · 1st Place 112-1600 MORE N ht: Race Tenlble'S CUP Race TRANS.AXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 9763VARIELAVENUE CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818-998-2739 Page 14 March 2008 over Growe. The Andersons earned When the weekend win was calcu-third, but were a lap shy of the full lated, it was Carr, the only one to requirement. go all the way. Albanez and Voelker The third group each day was had 13 laps and were second, but made up of Class 10 cars, SCORE Seeley with only 11, was third. Lites and Class 5s, and there were In Class 10 there were ten cars 24 cars on the course on Saturday, on Saturday, but two of them fell in clear, sunny weather, all required out on the first lap. Chris Harrold to run seven laps. piloted his AlumiCraft Honda into Class 5 was led by George Seeley the lead early on, and with a clean all the way, but Kevin Carr and run stayed in front. Larry Job Carlos Albanez were never far be-looked good in his Jimco Honda, hind him. On the third lap, but he fell out on the sixth lap. Albanez got by Carr to move into Robert McBeath had a good run second and that's how they finished. going also, and stayed near the top On Sunday all three came back, of the pack. Cars fell out on every and this time Luivan Voelker was lap it seemed, and ultimately, only driving the #500 car, but Seeley four of them finished all seven laps. and Carr were still at the wheel. Harrold took the Saturday win by There wasn't a windshield in the almost four minutes. McBeath was group, and they'd all packed tow-second, Mikey Lawrence, in a els and rags to try to keep their vi-Lothringer VW was third, and sors clean, but it was a lost cause. David Rodriguez, in a Kreger VW Carr led from the first lap, with was fourth. Seeley in second place and within Only nine of them made it just seconds. Voelker got off to a back for Sunday, but this time slow start, but was picking up speed, Job and McBeath were both out until his eyes started to give him on the first lap. Mark Hutchins, trouble. He ran with his visor up or maybe his son, C.J., went into part of the time, and muddied his the lead with a scorchingly fast eyes badly. 9:37, in their Kreger Honda, but Carr ran steadily on, recording then never came around again. the class fast lap at 11:05, on Lap Harrold was one of the few 3, and went on to be the only one whose motor was running well. .:. to finish all seven laps. Voelker and Most of the others were sputter-Albanez turned up one lap short, ing and coughing thanks to the and Seeley gave out on the fifth lap. wet. He led the pack, and Jesse It was a great weekend for Rory Ward, he took the class win both days, he's seen here on Saturday making good time. Hiram Duran finished 3" on Saturday, took the win on Sunday and that gave him the overall ½-1600 win in his Amplified car. Dusty Times

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'1 Dave Caspino, seen here in flight, had to settle for a fourth overall Brian Freemal was 4th on Saturday, 1st on Sunday in the Sportsman finish in his Lothringer in the Class ½-1600 skirmish. Truck Class, that gave him the first overall position for the weekend. wet, and it worked for some. But, while Sat-urday hardly anyone had trouble, on Sun-day it was a different matter. This time the race looked similar at the front, but Watson's car, driven now by Rob MacCachren, was sput-tering from the first lap. He started in the front row of the class, and looked good, but in the back row, Adam Pfankuch, in Rick St. John's car, was three seconds faster, McClain and/or Victor appeared after two laps. Mean-46secondsonCallaway,whohad Orellana, in their AlumiCraft while, Tom Watson in a Prill, only 44 seconds on Rick St. John. VW ran second. Harrold's mo-David Callaway in a Dunrite and Nobody was far off the pace, the tor starter to sputter on the Rick St. John had a good duel go- last finisher less than a lap behind fourth lap, and he later said he ing at the front of the pack. the winning car. was sometimes down to one cyl-Watson emerged the winner of On Sunday they all did various inder. By that time there were Saturday's race, but he had only things to protect their cars from only three cars still running. Harrold, McClain and Orellana, and the Crosby of Michael Meurer. Harrold outlasted them all, and made it to the finish line with all seven laps completed. No one else did that, although some were still out there trying to. When the weekend win was fig-ured it was Harrold, the only one with 14 laps completed. Second went to David Rodriguez who did ten laps, and Mikey Lawrence was third, also with then. · and in the lead. Pfankuch was the only one to run any laps of less than ten minutes in this heat, and on lap 4 he recorded the fast lap for the class, at 9:45. He was firmly in front, while MacCachren, fighting the wet motor, held on to second place, and David Callaway ran third. Only five of them managed to finish all seven laps this time, and it was Pfankuch, MacCachren, Callaway and Hector Garcia, Jr., with Steve Mamer in fifth, only eight minutes off the lead time. Once they computed the week-end winner, it was St. John and Pfankuch, with a time of 2: 11: 11, just two minutes and three seconds quicker than Watson and MacCachren. Callaway was third, four minutes later. Many drivers felt that this year's edition of the Laughlin race was tougher than any long desert event. The combination of the wheel-to-whee! racing, with the need to stay so completely focused, and then cope with rain and mud, made it very tough. It's an event they'll re-member and reminisce about for SCIIE The SCORE Lites running at the same time as the Class 10 cars had a lot better finish rate. There were 11 of them and all but one got all the laps done on Saturday. That one was Randy Ross, who dis-Marcos Nunez had a really good weekend, he was first in 5-1600 on Saturday, finished second on Sunday and ended up second overall. Tom Watson took the SCORE LITE win on Saturday, Rob MacCachren took 2nd for him on Sunday, they were 2nd overall for the weekend. Dusty Times KING OFF-ROAD RACING SHOCl<S March 200s (J)BEAR We carry a full line of v--~ OF~ FILTERMAG~ ~~ Page 15

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lAJ2C: 78TH RALLYE AUTOMOBILE MONTE CARLO Loeb/Citroen Take A Big Win BY MARTIN HOLMES PHoms: MAURICE SELDEN Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena took a really great win at Monte Carlo, seen here in their Citroen C4. Yet another walkover for Citroen! Sebastien Loeb led the Monte Carlo Rally from the second stage to the finish, for half the way heading his teammate Dani Sordo before the Spaniard was stopped by turbocharger trouble, then found himself towards a couple of minutes in front of Mikko Hirvonen in the leading Ford. Off to an interesting season, the top three places were taken by drivers of different marques, five in the top eight, Atkinson scored his first event po-dium result and Subaru's first such result for more than half a year, and that Suzuki although plagued by various problems achieved a top five stage result. It was a relief to find that the new Pirelli control tyre ex-periment worked well. Drivers seemed to adapt their style accord-ingly and there were amazingly few flat tyres despite the ban on mousse inserts. There was no natural snow on the roads though spectators fre-quently tried to create their own wintry scenery, there were frequent icy patches. The experimental four day format of the event was loudly commended by teams but compro-mises about service restrictions did much to ride over the complaints. As the first rally in the season, Monte Carlo never ceases to grab the attention. At this time of the year things are new in the sport, new on this event and new in the teams. This year Sebastien Loeb's aim is to break yet another record -can he be the first driver to gain five World Cham-pion Driver titles and do it in suc-cessive years? BP-Ford meanwhile will be hoping to make it a hat-trick of Manufacturer' title wins. 2008 wit-nesses revolutionary changes in the sport not faced even when Regula-tions have in the past moved from Group 4 to Group B, or then to Group A, and even 12 years ago in the move to World Rally Cars. This year at the 2008 Monte Carlo there was great anticipation. By far the most fundamental change in the sport was the arrival in full force of Pirelli. It was not just that they had been awarded the con-tractual rights to supply virtually ev-ery competitor in the event with con-trol tyres suitable for the conditions, it was that they (to the chagrin and confusion of the rival Michelin Group) were also given the oppor-tunity to help develop the lower lev-els of the sport as well. By using a control tyre system, in one stroke the performance factor of tyres was taken out of the competition equa-tion. No longer were rally tyres be-ing developed for performance rea-sons, their design and construction were based on completely different principles. Cost, safety, ecological suitability, all of which provided the by-product of reducing the perfor-mance of the tyre for competition purposes and thereby curtailing the constant increase in speeds. There were other, less striking changes in the sport, one of which was the ban on deflation proof mousse inserts in the tyres. This related only to the World Rally Car teams (Group N drivers had long been banned from running inserts), but it created a whole new thought process concern-ing driving styles. Cutting corners was dangerous to tyres without mousses, and then another factor became apparent. Punctures in ral-lying come principally from one of two causes: impacts with rocks and broken wheel rims. However much the Pirelli tyre design staff strive to make tyres impact resistant, they could never prevent deflations when parts of wheels were dislodged. The tyre revolution was for everyone a fascinating exercise. The avoidance of ecological waste, which the un-avoidable con1plexity of the condi-tions found on the Monte Carlo Rally was difficult to accomplish. Whereas rallies in the championship would normally allow competitors this year just one type of tyre per event, Monte Carlo still had to al-low three different types. The Monte Carlo organisers had their own revolutions to pursue. In the way they astounded the FIA by Mikko Hirvonen and Jarmo Lehtinen drove their Ford Focus RS to the silver medal in Monte Carlo, seen here passing the yachts. planning the 2007 event to include the faraway stages in the Ardeche area and including a race around part of the Monte Carlo Formula 1 circuit, they also included two stages run at night. For 2008 they ex-panded the route so that it took in stages in Alpes Maritimes region. This was where, in 2006, there was complete traffic gridlock. Local po-lice had declared the event would never pass that way again, but Monte Carlo knew better. "Monte Carlo is nothing without the T urini" they de-clared. Their new plans meant the rally had to become a four day event, a logistical challenge which was far beyond what the available bud-gets of the teams would allow, and which led the FIA, in their dismay, to state that championship regis-tered teams could miss the rally, with-out penalty, if they so wished, but the teams regarded that as an im-possible cop-out. In the end com-promises were reached. Restricted "Remote Service" rules were applied to the route down south on the fi-nal day, saving a lot of service car traffic. The main part of the event was again based at Valence, very con-venient geographically, but once again it was far from an ideal loca-tion. The city centre continued to look like a bomb site, the service part was again in a small and dirty exhi-bition area. This was very upsetting for the teams but the return to Ardeche was a thrill for fans and the people who lived in the region. The change to Pirelli control tyres seemed to have been handled with little problem by the teams, but of far greater significance was the "no-mousses" rule which has focused at-tention on the expectation that tyres will deflate if a wheel breaks. Some of the team experimented with the FIA's proposed safety netting, which is not yet mandatory. Several teams had, however, already fitted the new safely padding inside the passenger doors. This was the first time cars had been homologated since the new Group R rules came into force. Nine private drivers entered Group R cars and for the moment they were merged with the existing Group A or Group N categories. Citroen had two new C4 WRCs, fitted with a new type engine, modi-fied subframes and some aerody-namic changes to the shape of the front bumper. Private driver Conrad Rautenbach was present with an Xsara WRC -one of the cars used by Sebastien Loeb and the Kronos team in 2006, in which Loeb won three events that year. The BP-Ford Abu Dhabi team also had two new cars while third driver Khalid Al Qassimi was driving an old test car. These were still in the '07 specification with minor hydraulic changes, aimed at enabling faster and surer gear shifting. The no-mousse rule had forced them to re-think their spare wheel policies. (Rules al-lowed World Rally Cars to carry two spares if wanted.) When only one spare wheel is being carried this will now be carried inside the car, not underneath as before. The Stobart team were allowed to run, for this event, cars in the same specification as the BP-Ford team, and three of their four cars -were those rallied by Gronholm or Hirvonen last year. The fourth (that of Wilson) was an ex-test car. Subaru came with two new cars with various changes, principally both the cross members had been revised. They had also reverted to using carbon fibre hand brake le-vers. Towards the end of2007 they had already started to use strength-ened wheels. The private Swiss driver Olivier Burri was competing on this event with a new N14 Group N Impreza, the World competition debut for the type. Finally this was Suzuki's third world championship appearance with the SX4 WRC and the first time the team had run two cars. Main change since Wales Rally GB was revised hydraulic manage-ment, to alleviate gear shifting diffi-culties. • A great eighth place went to Per-Gunnar. Andersson in his Suzuki SX4, he's seen here going hard right on the course. Chris Atkinson and Stephane Prevot hold 'er steady as they thread their way to third overall in their Subaru lmpreza. The two day recce, which stretched a long way across the southern part of France, was tiring for the crews but all the top crews arrived, the only missing World Rally Car was the Peugeot 307WRC for Francois Delecour who was unable to raise sufficient funding to com-pete. Shakedown saw the two works Citroens (Sordo faster than Loeb) ahead of the Subaru of Petter Solberg. The fastest Ford was Duval ahead ofHirvonen and Latvala. The same number of cars started the event as last year, with five of the six registered teams present. The gen-eral media attention, however, was down with 30% fewer of the regular journalists attending the event. At the pre-event press conference (held at an unusual time) only about 50 people attended, of which around Page 16 March 2008 Dusty Times

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Daniel Sardo and Marc Marti had to settle for 11th place in Monte A fourth place finish went to Francois Duval and Eddy Chevailler Gianluigi Galli and Giovanni Bernacchini drove their Ford Focus to a Carlo, seen here in their Citroen C4 at speed. in their Ford Focus RS, seen here with the power on. sixth place finish at Monte Carlo, here before a photographic crowd. 20 were team representatives. Loeb road which crews said was unnatu-the start of Stage 1 than the inter-steamroller continued on its way. tainties and stalled at the start of was showing no signs of ennui after ral and seemingly the handiwork of com failed, he then suffered a slip-The conditions were clear with no Stage 5. Rautenbach had brake his fourth straight championship spectators. Sardo was quickest on ping clutch which failed 5km from snow in sight in the region where troubles and he lost further confi-title win, "I like rallying for the plea- Stage 1, despite glancing a straw bale, the end of Stage 2. As for blizzards have fallen on the rally in dence. sure of sitting in the cars. I had good but after the unexpected ice he was Andersson, desperately trying to gain the past. There was moisture in the The same three stages were re-fun before Christmas in an Fl car nervous on Stage 2 and dropped a four-wheel drive experience, he had first stage of the loop but it was peated in the afternoon, starting but that is not for me. Fl is for quarter minute behind his team a rear driveshaft fail half way mostly dry for the other two. Driv- again with St. Pierreville stage, fol-young people. I am now 33 years leader, who took over the lead. through Stage 1, so he was back to ers reported the tyres basically lowed by the uphill stage away from old!" Latvala showed no visible signs Hirvonen and Atkinson were third front-wheel drive rallying once again! worked well, but were perhaps less Burzet, and then the short 12km sec-of nerves for his debut in the big and fourth on both stages. Duval Rautenbach was out having suffered predictable when the grip changed tion starting at St. Martial. Loeb was time, "My motto is that if you eat went well to make fifth best time on a hydraulic problem on the way to suddenly-which meant, good stuff on his own, his teammate Sardo had well and sleep well, everything will be Stage 1 despite the breakdown on Stage l. He got going again but on for the driving style of Loeb. Nei- differential trouble which slowed alright." the prior road section of his ice note the icy stretch on Stage 1 the gear ther C4s had problems. Hirvonen him away from corners. Duval was Day 1 crew. First driver to suffer a punc-shift failed and the car slid off the was starting to feel better in the Fo-second on Stage 6, Hirvonen on 2 Stages, Asphalt -50. 70kms. ture was Latvala who hit a rock ("a road. So Loeb led Sardo by 12. 7 cus, Duval (in fifth place) was split-both Stages 7 and 8. Even though The first two stages of the rally mountain of a rock") on Stage 1 seconds with Hirvonen just over a ting the Subarus, and was doing well the car was oversteering badly and were run in darkness and conditions and had to change a wheel. It took half minute behind. considering he did not enter in 2007 behaved like it was only featuring were essentially clear, but neat: the four minutes, even though they took Day 2 so all the stages were new for him. rear-wheel drive, the red French cars summit of the first stage there were an instant decision, "The wheel nut 6 Stages, Asphalt -116.96kms. The Subarus were still off the pace. maintained 1-2, a !most a ha If icy patches which caught out the un-gun battery was flat, so we had to Another new regulation this year In other Fords, Wilson damaged a minute ahead of their nearest rival. wary and which the ouveurers had find the wheel brace and undo the -we must say "Day" not "Leg". The wheel (it was bent and cracked), but Loeb: "We kept on pushing on to no chance to warn the crews about. nuts manually", he explained. Wil- FlAgave an example like Day 1, Day the tyre kept the air, Latvala found get as much of a lead as we could. The two works Citroen once again son and Henning Solberg both spun 2 and Day 3 -not realising that the earlier cars were still cutting cor-With these new rules you do not shot in to the lead, and just like last on the ice, Al Qassimi stalled at the Monte Carlo was a four day rally! ners which made it worse for every know if you will get a puncture, year the best Ford was third, only start of Stage 2 ("My first rally ever Among the restarters was Latvala (in passing car. In the Suzukis, which now will cost you a lot of th is ti me it was Hi rvonen not in darkness"), while there was already 14th position) and Rautenbach. The Gardemeister had more problems time." Hirvonen said the conditions Granholm. On the second stage fun n the Suzukis. Gardemeister was authorities cannot always be perfect, with failing turbo pressure while of the roads was not so littered with there was a stretch of snow on the no sooner accelerating away from but Citroen were trying to be. Their Andersson had downshifting uncer-Continued next page on Dusty Times March 200s Page 17

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Petter Solberg and Philip Mills were the fifth place finishers in Matthew Wilson and Scott Martin drove their Ford Focus RS to a Seventh overall was the team of Jean-Marie Cuoq and Philippe their Subaru lmpreza, here rushing past an admiring crowd. 1CJ'" overall finish in Monte Carlo, seen here all lit up. Janvier, they're seen here in their Peugeot 307 at speed. the debris from corner cutting as in why." Petter Solberg had a misfire rest of the day, just after he had ager, Akira Kawada explained, "Pre-at midday and then found the car previous years. Cars rushed back to which came and went mysteriously. climbed into a top ten position. viously the engine had no power, now was easier to drive. At midday he Valence at the end of the leg (day) Galli had power steering trouble on Gardemeister's turbo problems it has power but it has no satisfactory was 15th. In one stage he jumped after being delayed by traffic jams. Stages 7 and 8. Al Qassimi went off were not rectified at midday service engine response." Andersson stalled at to 10th, passing Romeyer (Peugeot Duval felt frustrated, "We seem the road on Stage 6, damaging the and the Suzuki team set about try-the start of Stage 6 and then twice at 206WRC) and Matthew W ilson, to be losing time but we don't know suspension and had to stop for the ing to solve the problem. Team Man-hairpins. Latvala had springs changed Al Qassimi (who was missing) and as Seat shown 1 800 565 4042 Page 18 Top Competitors in every Major Off Road Event Choose MasterCran Seats and Restraints ., Including: Scott Douglas Evan Evans Mike Julson Curt and Kyle Le Due Rob Maccachren John Marking WW Carl Renezeder Matt Scaroni Dan Smith and Dave Ashley Scott Steinberger Shannon Campbell Aaron Dusenbery Walker Evans Johnny G. Mitch Guthrie Joachim Schweisow Tracy Jordan Jason Paule a tercratt IS.t March 2008 both Suzukis, not bad for one stage's work! On the next stage he passed Henning Solberg as well. By the end of the day he was just one place out of Driver C hampion-ship points. Alessandro Broccoli's Renault Clio was leading the class, the best two-wheel. drive car on the event, ahead of Olivier Burri, who was leading Group N. The tyre situation seemed to be going well. Whereas many top crews had ven-tured out on Day l's stages with just one spare, each carried two spares through Day 2. This was the longest day in terms of hours, but Saturday was going to be the longest in terms of stage distance. Day 3 6 Stages, Asphalt - 132. 78kms. The conditions were cool and on the first stage there was not only early morning fog, but many icy problems on an otherwise dry road. The second stage (St. Bon-net) was frighteningly fast. Once again the speed of the drivers caused alarm. Hirvonen's co-driver, Jarmo Lehtinen explained, "The -organisers always went to run the St. Bonnet stage, which they say is very nice in the snow, but there was no snow! Driving at such speed (av-erage over 120kph), where there are patches of ice is absolutely danger-ous." The very first stage of the rally had been won at 119kph, on patchy ice and also at night. But despite all the dangers was the ·Citroen armada invincible? It st:emed that way, until suddenly in the middle of Stage 11, the final stage on the first loop, Sordo was reportedly stuck, immobile at the side of the road. The team con-firmed he had noticed smoke com-ing out of the exhaust pipe and turned the engine off without de-lay. Loeb meanwhile continued to pull ahead of the opposition. Af-ter Stage 11 he was almost two min-utes in front of Hirvonen, which in these new no-mousses days is con-sidered a satisfactory time buffer. During the first stage of the day (9), came a remarkable piece of news, P.G. Andersson had recorded fifth best time! He was then seventh on the second stage - a quite remark-able experience. The Suzuki offi-cials were fascinated, "Looking at the split times PG was around the same speed as Loeb. Uphill, that was a different matter." What a performance by a driver making his first asphalt rally with four-wheel drive! Latvala immediately struck problems again, this time with a hydraulic fault which affected the differentials and forced him to change gear manually. Duval had an electric fire at the start of Stage 9, but this problem went away. Dusty Times

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Atkinson found his car was unstable and was moving around on its sus-pension a lot. Gardemeister had slip-ping clutch trouble on Stage 11. Al Qassimi was bemused, restarting un-der SupeRally rules, "I knew I was making my first rally in the night and I found on Thursday I was making my first rally on icy roads. On the first stage today I found I was making my first rally ever in foggy conditions!" Rautenbach was continuing to learn, "I spun on Stage 9, and hit a bridge in Stage 10, but otherwise trouble free." Conditions for the second run through on three stages were much clearer, except for a few icy patches at St. Bonnet. Loeb gradually in-creased his lead over Hirvonen. The main drama was the exit of Latvala who touched a kerb, broke a wheel, punctured a tyre and found he had also broken a track control arm. Last year Latvala crashed his Ford on Stage 14 and had to retire, this year he had to stop on Stage 12. Atkinson had his suspension stiffened and this was much more to his liking taking fastest time on St. Bonnet (Stage 13) for the third time in two years, this time at 122kph average. There were few other problems: Gardemeister had high oil temperatures and lost some power during Stage 14, while Rautenbach again clipped a bridge, impacted a tyre and punctured hav-ing to stop in the stage and change the wheel. Al Qassimi had a fearful afternoon with brake problems, it was a nerve racking experience for the crew, having to bleed the brakes between stages. Of the other cars, Sordo's ailment was traced to a bro-ken turbocharger, this was changed in the service park and the car was taken down to Monaco to restart the final day. BP-Ford mechanics went to collect Latvala's car in the hope of getting it back in time to take it down for the final day of rallying. Burri continued but at a reduced pace and the Group N lead was now held by the Mitsubishi of PatrickArtru. In the two-wheel drive brigade the San Marino driver Alessandro Broc-coli was well ahead, in his Pirelli-tyred Renault Clio R3, of a similar car fitted with BF Goodrich tyres of the veteran Eddie Mercier, while Luca Betti's Pirelli-shod Honda was third in the class. Day 4 5 Stages, Asphalt-69 .65kms. In the end the organisers extended the time by which retired cars had to arrive in Monaco if they wanted to use SupeRally rules to run on the final day, so Sordo and Latvala were both back in the race again. Sordo was in 12th position overall (ninth placed manufacturer entry), and Latvala was 15th (in 10th), Gardemeister was classified 10th (eighth manufacturer entry), but in fact his car was withdrawn when the engine problems were examined and there was no point in continuing un-til it blew up. So Sordo was effec-tively in the Makes' points and Latvala one place outside. The only placing which realistically was up for grabs was third place, with Duval starting the day 20.1 seconds behind Atkinson. This was the high point of the final day, after the first stage of the day (the first run over T urini, the gap was down to 8.0 seconds, and after the second (shorter) stage it was 4.0 seconds. Back to the Turini again and Duval lost time on the start line but scored the second fastest time on this stage, bringing the gap down to 3.5, and after the final orthodox stage, a shortened 6km re-run of the second stage, the gap was just 1.1 sec-ond. Flashback to last year's last stage race for fourth place, when Atkinson pipped Hirvonen on the harbour stage by 0.2 second. This time Atkinson made ex-actly the same time as Duval to hold on to third place. It was a quarter hour until the big excitement when Conrad Rautenbach lost control on the harbour front and spun his Xsara backwards into the concrete barriers and needed to be taken by a breakdown truck off the 76h Rallye Automobile Monte-Carlo 2008 (MC) Valence-Monaco 24/27.01.2008 WCR round l we points WR WD 1 (1) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena F/MC Citroen C4 WRC 738EGZ78 (F} 3h.39m.17.0s. 10 10 2 (3) Mikko HIRVONEN/Jarmo Lehtinen FIN Ford Focus RS WRC EU07SSZ (GB) 3h.4lm.51,4s. 8 8 3 (6) Chris ATKINSON/Stephane erevot AOS/B Subaru Impreza WRC KT57SRT (GB) 3h.42m.15.6s. 6 6 4 (8) Francois DUVAL/Eddy Chevailler B Ford Focus RS WRC EO56TZR (GB) 3h.42m.16,7s. 5 5 5 (5) Petter SOLBERG/Philip Mills N/GB Subaru Impreza WRC FT57SRT (GB) 3h.43m.S7.9s. 4 4 6 (7) Gianluigi GALLI/Giovanni Bernacchini I Ford Focus . RS WRC EJ56FXA (GB) 3h.48Jn.03.Ss. 3 3 7 (18) Jean-Marie Cuoq/philippe Janvier F Peugeot 307 WRC 3996YQ63 {F) 3h.49m.41.8s. 2 8 (12) Per-Gunnar ANDERSSON/Jonas Andersson s Suzuki SX4 WRC TKN301SO8685 (J) 3h.50m.36.5s. 2 1 9 (14) Henning Solberg/Cato Menkerud N Ford Focus RS WRC EO07STX (GB} 3h.52m.00.6s. 10 • (16) Matthew Wilson/Scott Martin GB Ford Focus RS WRC EU07SUH (GB) 11 (2) Daniel SORDO/Marc Marti E Citroen C4 WRC 734EGZ78 (F) . 3h.59m.57 .5s. (4) 1 12 (4) Jari-Matti l.ATVALA/Miikka Anttila FIN Ford Focus RS WRC EU07SUF {GB) 13 · (75) Alessandro Broccoli/Monica Cicognini RSM/I Renault Clio R3 R DJ254AD (I) 4h.07m.32.7s.* 14 (86) Patrick Al:tru/Pat.rice Viriux F Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX N WH249 (Bl 4h.10m.37.2s.+ -16 (19) Khalid Al Qassimi/Michael Orr UAE/GB Ford Focus RS MRC EA07RGZ (GB) 4h,lllll.36.2s, 47 starters. 34 finishers. +Group N winner. *51600 winner. MANUFACTURE.RS' REGISTERED DRIVER. (Missed stages or road sections) Winner's average speed over stages 99.90kph. LEADING RETIREMENTS COMPLETED LAST STAGE (11) Toni GARDEMBISTER/Tomi TKA301CHI1891 (J) engine tuominen FIN 14 Suzuki SX4 WRC (20) Conrad Rautenbach/David Senior ZW/GB 18 Citroen xsara WRC 667EGX78 (F) accident RALLY LEADERS Sordo stage 1, Loeb 2-19. GROUP N LEADERS Burri (Subaru) stages 1-11, Artru 12-14, Burri 15, Artru 16-19. course. So it all ended, Loeb scored his fifth win on the event and gaxe every impression of heading off towards yet another World title. lAleC Baja-winning performance. FUEL SAFE RACING CELLS Don't settle for anything less. "The Original" Fotdabte Land Anchor DON'T GET STUCK WITHOUT THEM! Learning to Weld For trail repairs & ARC, MIG & TIG "Featuri"g the Premier Power Welder' Hosled by a v.-elOing teacher & Rick Russell fta If! .. 111!1'1 -,,n.51ft15ft. a.AIAllf!l'I IAlll!I ftll!l'I® ■ V Inf liift. Inf 5•ulii: f< The ONLY underhood welding system with a PROVEN track record over 25 years! USED BY THE ffllLITARY WELD JUST ABOVE IDLE BROKEN: Ml/RPHY-SLAW.ANYTHING THATCAH GOWROHG. WllU • 115 Volt DC Power • Battery Charger • Alt. also sold separately • DC Arc Welder 800-433-6524 • Weld on your own vehicle -~ FOR ALL YOUR CUSTOM NEEDS SPRING PERCUES ORDER YOUR PORTOBLE WORKSHOP TODOY! 250 SE Timber Ave Redmond OR 97756 Dusty Times Custom Pro Cells March 2008 ~ E-mail: 1R"'!' CIC Ill Im ho=J 1W TECH & PHONE LINE 970-963-8875 • BROCHURE ORDERS 800-541-1817 Page 19

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IYlQ_.,~ HOLIDAY 2DD -Danza Takes The Win Raul Solano led all the way in the Class 5-1600 contest, he had 19 minutes in hand when the checkers flew. Craig Turner was the only entry in Class 8 so he just cruised around in his Ford to take an unopposed win. Rick Volpe was the big Trophy Challenge winner, he sped to the checkers and took the win with seven minutes in hand. Taking home all the marbles in Class 7A was Steve Rose, he was cruisin', he had about 40 minutes on his competition at the flag. Ron Rash saves a bit of tire wear as he flies towards the checkered flag and the Class 9 win, he had eight minutes in hand at the end. Jim Bradbury was the Ultra Truck Class winner, but it was close, he only had 12 seconds on his competition at the checkered flag. The M.O .R.E. Holiday 200 off road race was held on December 2, 2007 at the Stoddard OHV area outside Barstow, CA. This event is held every year to benefit Toys-4-Tots and help make the Christmas holidays special for kids who oth-erwise wouldn't. The 2007 Toys-4-Tots Holiday 200 drew 105 entries in 15 different classes. The course was divided into a 32 mile long loop (Course lA), and a 13 mile short loop (Course 2A). The two courses shared the same stretch of dirt for about two miles after S/F, and then make the split. The faster classes did most of their race on the Course lA long loop, while the slower classes saw action mostly on the Course 2A short course. Classes 1, 10, 14, 12, 7, 8, and 16 did nine laps. Classes 13, 5/ 16, 9, 7s, and 1450 did eight laps. Class 11 did six laps. CLASS 1: Nine laps. Twelve en-tries, nine finishers, three DNFs. Alex Danze won all the toys in car # 117, completing the course in 4:02:24 - First in Class and First Overall. But not by much, because Steve Martz brought his # 177 Santa's sled across the finish line only one minute later in 4:03:25; for the second place win in class and Mike Ward had some major problems to hinder his progress, he Second place in the Trophy Challenge Class went to Marcelo Cabrera, A silver medal finish was awarded to Brent Shermak in the Class was the fifth place finisher in the Class 1600 race. he was seven minutes behind the leader at the checkers. 5-1600 battle, he's seen here just at liftoff. Page 20 March 2008 Dusty Times

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Ted Quiroz was a wee bit off the winning pace in the Class 7 A Bud Ward was the silver medal winner in the Class 9 fracas, he's It-was a silver medal for Randy Ross in the Class 1200 contest, he's contest, he finished second in class in his Jeep. seen here headin' for the finish line in his good looking car. seen here flying his really good looking car across the desert. Second Overall. Lee Patten was the factor, some dirt and adrenalin. That was a healthy 20 minute mar- was only 00:01:06 behind in #1616 about ten minutes later in car third racer to see the checkered flag CLASS 1/2-1600: Nine laps. gin of victory ahead of the second at 4:49: 17 to win fourth place in # 1602, getting the checkered flag flapping, in car #111. Patten fin-Nineteen entries, nineteen starters, place finisher - Brad W ilson in car class. Fifth place went to Mike in 5:50:38 for the sixth place win. ished the course in 4: 12:42 for the ten finishers, nine DNFs. Dave #1653 at 4:39:20. Joey Westhoff Ward in car #1673, completing the Ashley Davis got it done in 5:57:12 third place in class win. Girdner drove car # 1622 to the was the third place finisher, in car required laps in 5:40:40. K.C. in car #1632 for seventh place. Jer-Brian Deegan found his way to first place win in class, in 4: 19:50. # 1691, at 4:48: 11. Brett Maurer Blackburn was across the finish line Continued next page the finish line in 4:42:01 in car # 122, for the fourth place in class victory. Chuck Sacks won fifth place in class in 4:48:24 in car # 118, to win sixth place. Jennifer Clemson won seventh place in car #132, get-ting the required roundy-rounds done 5:04:42. Bob 5-chreiner won eighth place in class in #70, in 5: 16:49. Mike Pacewiczh took 6:55: 17 to get all the laps done in #135, for the ninth place win. CLASS 10: Nine laps. Eight en-tries, six finishers, two DNFs. Kelly Boyle did it the fastest in car #1025 to win first place in 4:25:34. The nextest fastest was ? in car # 10??, who got it done in 4:32: 19, for the second place win. That was a 00:01 :54 margin of victory over the third place winner, Randy Ross in car # 1209; at 4:34: 13. That was a 00:02: 17 margin of victory ahead of the fourth place finisher, Sean Dunn in car # 1035; at 4:36:30. David Norris completed all the re-quired laps in 4:47:44, and came in fifth place in car #1040. Kevin Martin had some trouble but still got it done in 6:59:59 in car # 1097, for the sixth place win in class. CLASS 7: Nine laps. One en-try, one finisher. A.J. Denunzio was the sole entry in Class 7 in truck #7 05, and beat the desert in 5:31:01 to win first place. No small feat. It is Barstow, remember. CLASS 8: Nine laps. One en-try, one finisher. Craig Turner was the sole entry in Class 8 in truck #807, and beat the desert in 5:46:55 to win first place. No small feat. It is Barstow, remember. CLASS 12: Nine laps. Eight en-tries, seven finishers, one DNF. Craig Brabant drove car #1201 to a first place win in 4:33: 13. That was a 00:01:00 margin of victory ahead of the second place winner, Randy Ross in car #1209. Malcolm Bryce got it done in 4:45:48 in car # 1212, for the third place win in class. Doug Silcock got car # 1269 to the checkered flag in 4:49:39 to win fourth place in class for the day. Randy Halliday made it to the finish line in 5:22:27 in car# 1217, for the fifth place win. Bob Jordan gave chase in car #1211, and fin-ished the race in 5:37:08 to win sixth place. Matt Kupiec finished in 5:57:58 in #1210 for the seventh place win. CLASS 14: Nine laps. Five en-tries, five starters, two finishers, three DNFs. Jim Bradbury won first place in truck #1407 in 4:21:22. That was a 00:00:11 margin ofvic-tory ahead of the second place win-ner, Danny Giannini in truck #1401 at 4:21:34. I call that pretty. close racing. Throw in the old fun-Dusty Times March 2008 Page 21

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Cory Vandemark throws a bit of mud as he hustles his bug to a second A second place finish in Class went to Mike Hobbs, he was about place finish in the Class 11 race, he finished ei ht minutes in arrears. 13 minutes in arrears when he got the checkered flag. Brad Wilson was the second place finisher in the Class 1600 contest, he's seen here flying his still clean car across the Mojave. winner Ted Quiroz in truck #725, recording a race time of 5:07:05. That was an hour+ margin of vic-tory ahead of Duane Evans, the third place winner in truck #744, in 6:10:22. It was a very nice win for Kelly Boyle, he took the Class 10 honors and he's seen here just at touchdown. Gavin Drake led the Class 11 conflict all the way, he finished his six required laps with ease and .an eight minute cushion. CLASS 9: Eight laps. Sixteen entries, sixteen starters, nine finish-ers, seven DNFs. Ron Rash won first place in car #973 in 4: 18:48. That was a 00:07:42 margin of vic-tory ahead of Bud Ward in car #97 5 -the second place winner in 4:26:30. That.was a 00:03:05 mar-gin of victory ahead of the third place winner - Ian Maxwell in car #999. Steve Lang got car #988 around the course in 4:50:51 for the fourth place finish in class. Kathy Kirkmeyer won sixth place in car #977 in 4:53:26. Cody Rash wasn't far behind in car #990 for the seventh place finish in class. Cory Bantilan got car #931 to the checkered flag in 5:30:32 for the eighth place finish. John Burns got it done in 5:44:51 in car #985 for the ninth place finish. Corey emy Lindsey won eighth place in car # 1672. The ninth place finisher was Vince Viola in car #1685, complet-ing the course in 6:28:26. Cory Geer rounded out the finishing pack in class and took tenth place in car #1624, in 6:50:58. CLASS 5-1600: Eight laps. to the checkered flag in 4:27:06 in car #555, in 5:50:33. Eight entries, eight starters, five fin-ishers, three DNFs. Raul Solano won first place in class in car #565 by a comfortable nine minute mar-gin of victory; getting to the check-ers in 4:08:06. Brent Shermack got car #556, for the second place win. CLASS 7s: Eight laps. Four en-Daniel Drake won third place in tries, four starters, three finishers, car #552, finding the finish line in one DNF. Steve Ross drove truck 4:56:47. Mike Boone won fourth #729 to a first place win in 4:28: 14. place in class in car #589. Richard That was a 40 minute margin of Garravito got the fifth place win in victory ahead of the second place JG TRANSWERKS Mario Reynoso .l\'Qo With A ProNrt WTn,w;f'E •••••••••••••• ■ ar .. ~ ar■,aa 111r■ Quality Racing Transaxles con~ratulatiolJ.$ To These 1Proven winners 2007 SCORE 5-1600 Champion Kris Shulz/Stephanie Lozano/ Leroy Lozano 2007 MDR superstition 5-1600 Champion Ofllclal Dealer ~ TRANSAXLES Cary Nierod * We're The Largest Mendeola Dealers In The Yodek Industrial Park *Free Hot Dogs And Pony Rides For The Kids Every Sixth Saturday Of The Month/ 2006 CORR Super Buggy Champion/2007 WSORR Super Buggy Champion • we May Not Be The Biggest • we May Not Be The Cheapest • Heck, we May Not Even Be "The Best" • But, With over 30 Years Off-road Racing Experience, We're confident we can Make You A "Proven Winner", Too! D Specializing In Desert, Short course and sand Transaxles JOE CIFFIN D Personal Transaxle Builder to PAB (714)632-1240 Fax (714) 632-1223 Email: www 3061 E. La Jolla St. Unit I Aneheim, California, 92806 Page 22 March 2008 Dusty Times

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Lee Patten led the Class 1 contingent early in the race but by the time the checkers flew he had slipped to third place. A third place finish in Class 9 went to Ian Maxwell, he was just Sean Dunn took a decent third place finish in the Class 10 contest, a few minutes out of the second spot finish. he's seen here letting all the suspension hang out. Torres was the final finisher in class in car #976, getting the tenth place win in 6:34: 16. CLASS 13: Eight laps. Eight entries, eight starters, five finish-ers, three DNFs. Rick Volpe won first place by an eight minute mar-gin of victory in ar #1310; com-pleting the required laps in 3:48:49. Marcelo Cabrera won second place in 3:55:47 in car # 1331. Brian Manson won third place in car #1333 with a total race rime of 4:32:21. Tut Cote won the fourth place finish in 4:50:35 in car #1325. Wendell Mortensen finished the course in Continued next page It was a nice Class 1600 win for Dave Girdner, he's seen here flying low on his way to the cherished gold medal. Danny Giannini was the second truck in for the Ultra Truck race, he was a mere 12 seconds out of the class win. Dusty Times Craig Brabant gets a bit wet as he heads to a nice Class 1200 win, he had less than a minute in hand when the checkers flew. AJ Denunzio brought the Toyota out of the barn for a run, he was the winner in his class, seen here throwin' some water. AT TOP LEFT: Rhonda Parkhouse thought she was second in class 'ti/ they rechecked the timing sheet and she was easily the class winner. Worldwide benchmark manufacturer of ~ery-epecification wiring ayetama for elf motot"SpOt"t epplloet;ione - · enct bat.• "" r-./. . ~1' • :~ Utilizing the flnese .Raychem Syatem 25 comp~~ the lnduetry seenderd for-all professionet:reone eenoti'one. Engir,eerfng. eeserrt>t;, Sind oom¢r'eh~eive teeeing perfom,ed 10096 in-house. • ~ < r<~ - ~ ,~ eeaemblies end circuit t~ oo.rnponents ere aveileble to suit ·j'l;~- , # ,your budget.~ !a,:" f<'. 4 & C "' ~ i • .~ .t~•fueJ,end~~' butlt t:C> .,,W~t,.-~end.-. . ~er,• d :pt'lfit:.,_~J'!ll"lfng "' . ... ~ ~ ·:'<i): .·:ffe,?'/~:;,.:-~ ,-" ,,~ . _ s available for ell engine peckegee. al cl~epley and date acquleition syeterr.J;,tpr ell levets of competition. Engine ~:d chassis dynamoroete~ services eii.lallable. . , , ' Sakata Motorsport Electronics, Inc. 1217 N. Patt Street Anaheim, CA 92801 (714) 446-9473 / Fax: (714) 446-9247 www March 2008 High-AccUNJcy Al~uel Ratio Mwere Lightweight, atend-alone system works with all engines end elternete fuels -carbureted or fuel injected. For the dedicated engine tUl"lef' who needs to know exsatly what their engine is doing. No flashing lights -just the facts ... Nsil It to s number! ~zil!df'~~ <~ 'C ~ fVICJTCJ~SPCJ,__~T ELECTACJNICB IN'9 re rr,a,._,. c:;c,rv,eot;fons ••• Page 23

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A bronze medal finish went to Gema Ptssinski, the mud spattered Malcolm Bryce drove hard but this time the best he could muster Joe Westhoff was a bit off the winning pace this weekend, he had to settle for a third place finish in the Class 1600 battle. Class 11 is seen here hustling towards the checkered flag. was a third place finish in the Class 1200 battle. 5:54:48 to finish in fifth place in and a first-of-its-kind first place win 2:58:58 in car # 1199, by a seven car #1303. in 5:53:59, with a 12 minute mar-minute margin of victory. Cory CLASS 1450: Eight laps. Five gin of victory. Mike Hobbs won sec-Vandemark won second place in entries,fivestarters,threefinishers, ond place in 6:05:57 in truck car#ll07,gettingthecoursedone two DNFs. Rhonda Parkhouse #1466. Leo Brown completed the in 3:06:03. That was a 00:02:32 made it into the record book as the race in 7: 11:01 to win third place margin of victory ahead of the third first female driver to win a Class in truck# 1504. place winner-Gina Patsinski in car 1450 series M.O.R.E. race in open CLASS 11: Six laps. Six entries, #1188; in 3:08:35. Dave Cote won competition. Parkhouse drove six starters, six finishers. Gavin fourth place in car #1191 with a truck# 1496 to the winner's circle Drake won first place in class in total race time of 3: 17:33. Allen Silcock took 3:24:30 to finish in The overall winner of it all was fifth place in car #1196. Ed the kids and Toys-4-Tots. Every-Mahoney found the finish line in body else had fun doing it - win, 3:39:59 to take the checkered flag finish, or DNF, Jim Clements and for the sixth place finish in car the whole M.O.R.E. family do this #1189. Luis Galiado completed the every year for free - all proceeds, course in 3:51:57 in car # ll for gifts, and donations go to the Toys-the seventh place finish. Anne Naso 4-Tots campaign,. To see so many drove car# 1169 to the eighth place give so much, an have fun doing it, finish in 4: 11 :56. is a gift indeed. !!!&~& Brian Deegan had a Class 1 first off the podium finish this race, Kathy Kirkmeyer was the fourth place finisher in the Class 9 Doug Si/cock garnered a fourth place finish in the Class 1200 Brian is seen here flying across the tundra. race, she was less than three minutes out of a podium finish. battle, he's seen here running across the damp desert. Page 24 .... IJUll'I/IA.•JIIIIII!!!!!! SHOCK .... ,_....,,,n!CHNO&OGY 714.530.8701 • FAX71~B702 12842 JOY STREET, GARDEN GROVE, CA 92840 "WWtlVJcingshodcs.corn March 2008 '; U'; 3'; 4'~ fliJJ · • 2.6" --€'!!i!.it Need coil springs? Call fmg Shades! We hove custom and produdion coils in stock, and the experience to get you what you need. Call today! Dusty Times

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MJ'Lll,j Bun LIGHT DASH ■c■llllns overall Shawn McCallum was the big winner in the Class 1 competition, he had some help from Dad an lap 1, missed the overall win by 8 seconds in the Jimco. Scott and Andy McMillin took the big win in the Trophy Truck competition, took the overall as well, seen here in the good look in' Chevy. · into their black boxes. The changes were re-marked by the MDR folks, but, those who use GPS for finding their way, are not terribly serious about looking for course markers, because they "know" that they're on the right trail. lt'caused some initial confu-sion and upset, because some of the people charged with watching for course cutting wee sure they were seeing course cutting, and the radio got very ,busy early in the race. Those spotters had not all been in to the start area just be-fore the race, some preferring to spend the night in peace and quiet on the outer reaches of the race course, and thus they didn't have a full understanding ot the cir-cumstances. It was an unfortunate situation, but one over which the MDR had little or no control. Plaster City West, CA: Scott and Andy McMillin teamed in their Chevy Trophy Truck to take the overall win, making their New Year's Eve celebration even sweeter at the MDR Bud Light Dash. It wasn't a runaway win, be-cause in the background were sev-eral potential oilers, and one who almost got it done. As always, the Dash was a splendid way to celebrate the end of the year, and have some off road fun in the do-ing. The course, starting just west of Plaster City West, on Highway 8, west of El Centro, was a 4 2 mile loop, and the fast classes were re-quired to get five laps done be-fore the eight hour time limit was up. One hundred twenty-eight cars and trucks came to play, in mild, sunny breezy weather. They started about three quarters of them one at a time, 30 seconds apart, but the last 20 or so were sent off at 15 second intervals so the folks finishing their first lap wouldn't have to thread through the staging line. It all worked out just right. The morning actually started with a Trophy Kart event for the youngsters. There were two groups, one for ages 7 to 11 and the other for 12 to 14 year olds. Richard Glaszozak and Ahren Fox took the big win in the Class 5-1600 fracas, seen here saving a bit on the tire wear. Stacy Morrison had a pretty decent race, he led the Class 725 group all the way and was the only one to complete the required laps. Page 26 It was a desert race, with four laps of unknown length. The fast lap for the group was 1:49, which belonged to Brock Heger, who raced in the younger group, and took the win by two seconds. In the older bunch, the winner was Jacob Meyers, who also had just two seconds on the second place finisher. There were ten of them all together, and it appears to have been a very well liked feature of the weekend. It will surely grow. The BLM is heavily involved in determining the race course for these folks, and this time they made some last minute changes, which came after everyone who uses GPS had put the coordinates In addition to all the confu-sion about the course, there was some serious talk about a long stretch of silt. The MDR warned al the heavier, faster vehicles to be particularly careful after their first lap lap, "because there will be limited cars stuck there." And they were right. Happily, a throng of do-gooders were also there, and in most cases, the stuck cars were Mike Ballard led Class 700 all the way, he took the checkers in his Ford with 40 minutes in hand, seen here at speed. Jody Mason led Class 8 all race long, in spite of a rollover along the way he took the Class win in his Ford. March 2008 winched, towed or pushed to hard ground fairly quickly. This was not a long, flat silt bed of the sort that Baja racers or southern Ne-vada racers know and dread. This was an undulating section of mud hills that went soft. So a racer was in the position of trying to climb up and over a long line of silt hills. Not an easy prospect for the lim-ited classes at all. Some had friends nearby, perched on high ground, on the radio and telling them how best to go, as in these instructions heard on the radio "Haul ass, left, left, left, dammit!!!" Good friends can be a big asset in a case like that. At one point, about halfway through the day, the report came that beween Miles 13 and 17 there were about 15 stuck cars. That's roughly one car every quarter-mile. It was a busy section. In the Trophy Truck division there were four entries, and one wasn't a Trophy Truck. It was Dave Mason and Rick Backus in their new Protruck, with which they'll run the Protruck series this year. Mason, who's been driviqg a Class 1 buggy for years, said this truck was "very sweet to drive, real forgiving and easy to drive." His partner did the first three laps, and Mason did the final two. They had a broken upper ball joint and a couple of flats and finished second to the McMillins. Robbie Pierce, driving his new Jimco Chevy Trophy Truck, was second on the first lap, but didn't get any more laps done. Pierce had been kind of excited to actually be starting a race; usually he's the second driver. Jimmy Nuckles and Joe Heger were also out after the first lap. In the McMillin Trophy Truck, it was Scott, the dad, who started, and recorded the fast lap for the class at 43:05 on the first lap. He did the first two laps, with son, Andy taking over for the fi-nal three. They had no problems at all for the entire length, and went home with the win. In Class 1, which had ten en-tries, they lost Charles Lathren on the first lap. But of the remain-der, Robert Archibald ran first, in his one-seater. Mark Randazzo was second in Darren Hardesty's new Honda V6 powered AlumiCraft. This was its first race. Larry McCall um was third in his ten year old J imco (it used to be Danny Anderson's Class 10 car). He'd been stuck at Mile 12, in the silt, for a little while. On the sec-ond lap Archibald continued to lead, with Randazzo about two and a half minutes back, and McCallum in third, less than a minute later. McCallum put his son, Shawn, in to finish the day, and Randazzo Dusty Times

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people there who'd used a rope to get him upright again. His fin-ish time would have been good for a fifth place in Class 1. Not bad for a first race. · The coveted Class 9 win went to Alyssa Looney, she didn't lead all the four required laps but was first in there for the checkers. Gunnar Peterson, halfway through his teen years was the big, and surprised winner in Class 10, it was his first ever race and he won! Class 8 started the day with four trucks, one of them, belong-ing to Jack Mitman, a really nice old Ford that looked as if it should be given space in a collector's garage and not sub-jected to off road racing. On the first lap Jody Mason recorded the fast lap time for the class, at 54:26 and moved into the lead in his Ford. He was eight minutes in front of Kevin Weeks who ran sec-ond. Mitman was third, and Ray Schooley was fourth, but had used up two hours and 37 min-utes to get the lap done. got out to let Hardesty take over after two laps. At the end of the third lap the lead belonged to McCallum, who'd recorded the fast lap for the day, at 42:01. Hardesty was now second by about two and a half minutes.-In third it was Brian Coneen and Tim Everts in an LS2 Jimco, and Mark McMillin and Brian Ewalt ra12 fourth in their Jimco. McCallum, who was driving for a series points championship, also had his eye on the overall win. He wanted to beat that Trophy Truck. He continued to push hard and held the Class 1 lead, with Hardesty, enjoying his new car, in second place. McMillin and Ewalt ran third, and Mark Hanchett was fourth, as Coneen lost about an hour and a half with two blown power steering lines. McCall um continued to push, and was creeping up on the Tro-phy Truck, but then, late in his last lap, he lost his power steer-ing. It was a repeat of what hap-pened last year in the same race. His lap time was still good, but he lost just a few precious seconds, and the McMillin Trophy Truck took the overall by eight seconds. McCallum and his dad were the Class 1 winners, and the season champions. Hardesty and Randazzo reported that they'd had to "circle back" to change a belt on the second lap, and had also hit a "big cliff' and stalled the car for a few moments on the final lap. They finished second, only two minutes and 55 seconds behind the McCallums. In third it was McMillin and Ewalt, who'd had a clean day, except for Ewalt being stuck briefly, and having to be rescued by a rock crawler. Fourth place went to Mark Hanchett and Chris Westwood, in a Jimco with an LS6 motor. They'd lost an alternator, but had no problems with the silt. Brent Miller finished fifth, and Don Vaughn was sixth, followed in by Coneen and Everts, the final fin-ishers, who'd run out of gas on the last lap. Archibald came in on a rope. Class 10 had three starters, and Larry Wyatt didn't get the first lap completed, dropping that to two. At the end of the first lap Michael Dea·rdorf had the lead with the fast lap for the class, at 49:45. In second it was 15 year old Gunnar Peterson, in his first race, in a VW powered Alu mi Craft. Deardorf continued to lead through the second lap, as Peterson picked up the pace·a bit. On the third lap it was still Deardorf, and Peterson was still improving. Then Deardorf failed to finish any more laps. Peterson Dusty Times kept moving along, going a little faster each lap, and he got to the finish line, a little surprised to find he was the only one there from the class. So he got a victory with his first race, and reported that Sates llltonuiloll: Payment may be made by credit card, money Ofder or cashier's check. Personal or bl.t$ine$s checll3 are not accepted. C.O.D. orders accepted with 50% pre• l)3ylllent $5 HandlinO charoe oo all orders. ca!ifomia residents include 7.7541'. sales tax. Customers responsible 1or all freight charoe,s. Minimum order is $25. The use of Volkswagen by Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. is 1or descriptive purposes ONLY and in no~ is the name used lo in1ef or intend a direct connection between Pacific Customs Unlimited, ,~. and Volkswagen. Volkswagen is a registered trademark. PRICES EFFECTIVE DURING THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MAGAZINE COVER DATE. the reason his first lap had been appreciably slower was because he'd rolled it. There'd been On the second lap it was still Mason in front, and Weeks sec-Continued next page 1'3;··•.•.····.•.•.•·· '.',F·~·!··•••.'··•· .... :. · ·•,•• ... · .. ·. ·~ ~ ... ·.· j ... ·•. •• : . * CENTERLINE WHEELS F(ffJIIIAltmt1tttllltl li'llfflitw.llti ~ Flald. svw ........ -,, .. ~ ... .$264 :,vw ...................... ,2611 !> vw.,*"""~ .. -.2n 5Wf+,··-----><· SVW.*«•····*•.,•-" s vw.,s .. ,. ....... « .. •• t5 x fl! S\l'W,,. .......... »~» .. .293 15:t3V, 4VWM"; ....... ,; .... ., .. .21$ 1~~5v. •vw .................... m t& i 1 4 vw~,.. ... -... ·'"""291 tS lfll 'h , WL ....... ~·--~--".2!Ji!. March 2008 ..... ··•· •·.. •·.100. ftom45 .......... 35 . , ... .,_,, .... Ai .l» e}-~ ...... m_.from 65 .................. ~··~-.. 1-4 Page 27

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Jeremy Burnitz was the only entry in Class 1400, he cruised Dave Mason and Rick Backus drove their new Protruck to a decent around for his required laps and took the checkered flag. second place finish in the Trophy Truck Class. A great second place in Class 1 went to Darren Hardesty, Mark Randazzo drove the first two laps, seen here with the power on. Cody Agee, just in his 15'" year, was the surprise winner in the Class 11 competition, he only got stuck once on the course. Kevin Shea, with help from uncle Dan took theClass 1200 honors, seen here with right foot buried to the wall. ond, now 13 minutes back. Mitman was third, and Schooley had a huge deficit to make up in his remaining three laps. Mason continued to lead through the third lap, with Weeks following in second, and Mitman dropped out. Schooley was still running, but had another long-ish lap. On the fourth lap it was Mason's turn, and he lost about 27 minutes when he rolled the truck and had to winched back on to his wheels. His lead dropped to 18 seconds, and it was still Weeks in second. Feeling pres-sured no doubt, Mason stood on the gas and recorded his second fastest lap, to ensure his win. Weeks was second about 16 min-utes back, and they were the only finishers. Mason, who's been rac-ing in the area for many years, said that this was "the most technical course I've ever raced on." He was happy to finish, having had to rebuild his rear end in the pits the night before the race, and thanked Bill Varnes who'd made an emergency run to San Diego for parts for him. Class 700 had six starters, and they were required to run five laps also. At the end of the first lap the lead belonged to Mike Ballard, in a Ford. He had the fast time for the class, at 51:05, and was a little over two minutes in front of Chris Taylor in another ford. In third it was Bart Wocheim, in another Ford. It was a close race lap class also. They all made it Russ Winkler Chassis, and Hiram so far, except for Brandon Walsh, through the first lap, and Paul Duran was third in an Amplified who'd lost about 20 minutes with Keller was leading at the end of Chassis (used to belong to Adam some problem. the lap, with the quick lap time Pfankuch). In fourth it was Joe On the second lap Ballard con-for the class, at 50: 15. He was Laff and Samuel Montalvan ran tinued to lead, and now Jason having problems with his front fifth, with Daniel McMillin sixth Rodriguez, in another Ford, had brakes locking up. In second it was in his Jimco. moved up to second place, and Kevin Shea, in a Bunderson/ On the second lap they lost was five minutes in front of Goerke. Third went to Chris only one more. And it was Wocheim, who ran third. Taylor Cortez in his new Raceco. Hector Eugenio in front, with Sanden had lost about 14 minutes on that Martinez used up five hours and second about five minutes later. lap. Walsh had dropped out. 25 minutes in getting Lap 1 fin-In third it was still Duran, but On the third lap it was Ballard, ished, and then he never came Montalvan moved up to fourth Taylor's co-driver, Jeff Zinn, and around again. while Laff dropped to fifth, 20 Rodriguez, with about 20 minutes On the second lap Shea was still seconds behind him. Humberto between each vehicle. Wocheim in front, less than two minutes up Rodriguez was sixth in a Yourman didn't get that lap done. And on on Cortez. And none of the oth-Chassis. He was lucky to be there the fourth lap it was Ballard and ers got the lap done. On his third at all, because on Sunday morn-Zinn. Rodriguez rolled his truck lap Cortez broke a link pin and ing someone had stolen his truck, and had a fire. The fire was lost about 40 minutes. Shea still with the trailer and race car at-quickly extinguished, and he was ran steadily in front. On the tached. Somehow, thinking it uprighted, bur it was about 28 fourth Shea's uncle, Dan Shea, might be headed south, Rodriguez minutes before he got going again, was driving, and both cars ran had phoned a friend who knew and then he didn't make it all the steadily. On Lap 5 it was kevin how to track it with the OPS in way around. back at the wheel, and the driver the truck. He located it headed Ballard took the win with a change cost him a bit, but Cortez for Algodones, on mainland steady pace, although it was run-just couldn't make up the time lost Mexico, and got it back to Plaster ning rough at the end, maybe due with the broken link pin. The City in time for the race. McMillin to a broken exhaust. Zinn, with Sheas took the win by 23 minutes, had lost time on that lap when he another steady lap, brought their with Cortez second in his beau ti-got stuck in the silt, and had to be truck to the finish line in second, ful new car. rescued by the friendly rock and they were the only two finish-The 1600s ran next, with 22 crawler. ers. starters. They had to do five laps. On the third lap it was still In Class 1400therewasonly All but one of them made it Eugenio,buthe'dlostabitoftime one entry. Jeremy Burnitz had one through the first lap, and Steve with a flat. He was back on the long lap, and four good ones, to Eugenio was in the lead in his road quickly, thanks to the crew earn himself a finish in six hours Lothringer when he got back of another car, who replaced it and 52 minutes. around, having recorded the fast for him, even lending him one of The Class 1200 cars went next, lap for the class at 49:46. In sec-their tires. Sanden held firm in with six starters. This was a five ond it was Caleb Sanden in a second, with Montalvan now in ,,,,,.......,,,.....,.,.,....,.,,...,.,~=----..,.,,==,..,.,..,.=~==...,.,,,=,.,,...,= ... third, McMillin back up to speed and in fourth, and Rodriguez in fifth. Duran had dropped to sixth after replacing his fuel pump. Laff dropped out on this lap. The fourth lap looked the same, with Eugenio in front, now ten minutes ahead of Sanden. McMillin ran third, Rodriguez and his co-driver, Daniel Alvarez, were now fourth, and Duran was fifth. Montalvan dropped out on that lap. Eugenio, who never got stuck, sailed on to the finish to take the win. He was ten minutes up on Sanden who said he'd had "dust all the way." He hadn't been stuck either, partly because he had some friends telling him which way to go through the silt. He also had no flats. But it wasn't all good -when he climbed out of the car at the finish he discovered a missing bolt on a valve cover, and quick check of the dip stick showed no oil at all. McMillin, who thought this silt was worse than the silt in Baja, finished third. In fourth it was Duran, with Alvarez and Rodriguez, having a lucky week-end, were fifth All together, 12 cars in this class finished all five laps. . The 1300 cars were next: an assorted group of pre-runners, numbering six, and required to run only four laps. Two of them, both Baja Bugs of some ilk, went out on the first lap. In the mean-time, Beau Blue, in a big red, V8 powered Baja Bug, went into the lead with the fast lap for the class at 55:32. In second it was Ryann Ross in another Bug, a more con-ventional one, and in third, Rick and Pin Sanchez, in a Mayoral chassis with an 1835cc VW mo-tor. Fourth belonged to Sean Malabanan with a pre-runner that was kind of a 5-1600 car. On the second lap the monster bug (it was huge) had a problem at Mile 12 involving dead batter-ies and clogged air filters. They lost a good hour and a half and fell back. Now Ross had the lead, the Sanchez car was second and Blue was third. Malabanan broke his tie rod ends and lost about two and a half hours with repairs. Kevin Weeks was shy a bit of fiberglass at the checkers, but he Amanda Hawks gave it her all but had to settle for second place Timmy Sletten led the first two laps of the Class 11 battle but took the silver medal in the Class 8 contest. in Class 9, just a bit over a minute in arrears at the flag. lost the clutch on the last lap and came in second in class. Page 28 March 2008 Dusty Times

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Chris Cortez broke a link pin on his new Raceco on the second lap, lost time but still managed a second place finish in Class 1200. Second place in Class 1300 went to Ryann Ross in his really good Jim Holt took the silver medal in the Class 1400 competition, On Lap 3 the Sanchezes, whose laps were consistent, moved into the lead. Now Ross ran second, 11 minutes back, followed by Blue, and then, nearly three hours down, Malabanan. He was flagged in, out of time to do an-other lap, and not happy about it. The Sanchezes went on steadily to take the win. They'd put the car on its side briefly, but had no real problems. They said visibility was an issue, due to the dust, but other than that it was a "great race". They didn't get stuck, they said, "That was the main thing, not getting stuck." And they also said it was "the most extreme track" they'd raced. Ross finished second about 40 minutes later, and Blue was third, back up to speed for his last lap, and the last in the class to get to the finish line. Class 725 had four starters. Two of them failed to finish the first lap. The lead belonged to Stacy Morrison on Lap 1, with the best lap time for this group, at 1:09:31. In second it was John Andrews, four minutes behind him. But on the second lap Andrews spent three hours and 53 minutes completing the lap and then he was done for the day, leaving Morrison out there on his own. He did all five laps, with no apparent serious problems, and finished at about 3:45 in the af-ternoon. He headed straight for his pit, not stopping to talk about how his day went. There were 22 of the 1400 trucks, and four of them couldn't .get through the first lap. They were required to finish only three laps. Of those who made it around, Skip Edwards had his Toyota in front, with about four and a half minutes on second place Jim Holt. In third it was Jus-tin Mamer who was driving one of the new Trophy Lite trucks, just to show it off a bit, and get a chance to see how it worked in an actual race. This is a new, spec truck, which will run a five race series in a variety of locales, once looking Bug, seen here on his way to the flag. Jim was just five minutes off the winning pace. The Sanchez brothers were not to be bested, they took the Class 1300 win with four fast, consistent laps, seen here at touchdown. Skip Edwards led the Class 1400 group all the way, he's seen here making his way towards the finish in his Toyota. it's all organized. The Scaroni family has created this new class, and anticipates high acceptance for what is essentially an entry level Trophy truck. MDR put it in this class for lack of any place else to put it, but anticipates giv-ing them their own class when they show up in bigger numbers. Fourth place belonged to Travis Bartlett in a Ford, and Noah Quan tell was fifth. Most of them completed the second lap, and it was still Edwards in front, Holt second, and now Bar.tlett moved up to third, and Jason Cagle, in a Ford, was now fourth, while Tom Artim moved into fifth in his Ford. He had a short in his motor some-where and it wasn't working right. It kept stalling. Mamer fell back losing about 20 minutes when he got stuck in the silt. He also lost his second gear, but still he was finding this truck a lot easier to drive than his usual JeepSpeed. At the finish it was Edwards in front still, reporting that he'd been stuck on the second lap, but didn't lost much time. He said there were "good people out there -might cost me some beer." He won by just five minutes and four seconds over Holt, who had the fast lap for the class on his last lap, at 57:59. He said he'd been stuck four or five times. In third it was Bartlett, who'd had one flat, and said "some nice guys at Mile 20 changed it." He never even had to get out of the truck. Fourth place went to Bryan Castro and Brett Handley who'd taken turns riding and driving, just switching seats when it was time for a change. They'd had no trouble, had been stuck once and said it was hard to see when going through the silt. In fifth it was Artim, who survived in spite of his short. He said his truck was a TrophyLite, was eighth, even with-4x4, and said it had paid off, be-out second gear. All told, 15 of cause when he got stuck he "put it them finished. in four-wheel-drive and just mo-The Class 550 cars started to red out." Sixth place went to next with 17 starters, and they Jason Cagle, who finished with a had to complete four laps. Five big spiderweb of cracks in his of them failed to make it through windshield, right in front of his the first lap. Of the remaining face, from a rock tossed up by an- cars, Danny Ledezma had his in other vehicle. He said he'd been front; with about a three and a "happy" he'd had the windshield half minute lead on Brent there to stop that rock. He'd been Shermak. In third place it was stuck twice. Jason Mount was sev-Ruben Gutierrez, and fourth be-e nth, and M am er, i n the Continued on page 32 . helmets . seatbelts . extinguishers EL CAJON SAN DIEGO ESCONDIDO 619.442.8689 858.565.7792 760.746.3193 Steve Eugenio had a great race, he led the Class 1600 group all the way and took the win in his good looking Lothringer. Dusty Times March 2008 Page 29

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Caleb Sanden was just a bit off the winning pace in the Class Mark McMillin and Brian Ewalt drove their good looking car to a Brent Shermak was close to second place in Class 5-1600 but 1600 fracas, he went home with the silver medal in his pocket. third place finish in the Class 1 competition. had to settle for a bronze medal this time, seen here nicely airborne. longed to Stephen Deen, with Shermak, a minute and a half fur-On Lap 3 Gutierrez held on to car and had been stuck for a few Glaszozak and Ahren had no Chris Andrus in fifth. ther back, and Stephen and his lead, with about two and a minutes. Some of those friendly serious trtluble, and rose to the On the second lap Gutierrez Daniel Deen ran fourth. Stephen half minutes on Shermak who was people had pulled him out. The top of the heap with a good last moved into the lead with 19 sec- was driving in his first race. In fifth now up to second. Richard Deens were now fourth, and lap, their quickest for the day. onds on Ledezma who'd had a it was Shawn Dunbar, only five Glaszozak was third, taking over Ledezma had dropped to fifth, They took the win, finishing eight couple of flats. In third it was minutes behind the leader. for Ahren Fox who'd started the with a broken spindle. minutes in front of the Deens Page 32 lqln&kTowv • 1-00 Gallon Cap$0lty • &ngl• or J>ouble Dl'ylrea\ •IZ8eU1p ---· •DmapCaaa .... •Jo4v.ctn s~e1mu .UJI • B.aot, Jladto & Spotter l'ack&gee • Janfheiila41M w/llol$ten • Spotterllea.daets • Helmet Wirmglita • AllUlllla c.try C... Helmets & Blowers • Forced Air Snell SA 2005 Helmets • G-Force • Pyrotec •Arai • Wired for Communication lo.&lllrBlo en • 105, 135, 150 & 235 CFMRatings • Filters & Hoses also available PROFESSIONAi. RACE PROI.MCTS c .. uuaitta &ptemt • V&rtt:t 5 to 11-0 Watt ladlo Systems • ID·fi bitertola,8yste1118 • ~&l&cehekages .... St&tiOll laokages ~ et nnilit • Light & laJYti> 1i1e ·~by NASCA]t. FohJ11ll& l & )(any otheta • can le ll'm Yliji Any SA BateclJlel.met •l&ceProven • Free Installation with Pumaase .... ~ ·-• 411/2 Galloi Ca,Mity • SCORE/ IITD / FIA Approved • Tapered Desig'.11.Pr&Vide.1 ht~ Ground Gleuance & Ia~tae, Usable Fuel fj l/B SAFETY & COJfJfUNICATIONS SOURCE 10815 Whea.tlands Avenue, Suite K •·Santee, CA 92071 619·258•RACE (7223) • Fax 619-258-0883 • March 2008 who'd had their car on its side and had been stuck once. They said, "Other than that, it was a flawless day." In third it was Shermak, who said he'd been "stuck 116 times in the silt, every lap." He'd had no flats, and he ran sand tires thinking they'd help in the silt, but it was too deep even for them. Shermak said he'd never been in silt that deep before. In fourth it was Ledezma, who made a great comeback from the bro-ken spindle, with the fast lap for the class on the last lap, at 58:59. In fifth it was Chris Andrus and Jerry Fisher. Their car had fallen on its side at one point, but the passenger got out and uprighted it. Gutierrez, after leading for two laps, broke on Lap 4. Roberto Aguilar, Isaac Camberos and Mario Melgar were sixth, and re-ported they'd been stuck "about ten times between Miles 9 and 16." They said there was only one lap in which they didn't get stuck. In seventh it was Guy Savedra and Donald Harper, in Art Savedra's, car. Their last lap wasn't a good one. First their shifter came off, and then they got a right front flat, and didn't know what was wrong, so drove a long way in on it. Eric Garcia was eighth and said he got stuck every lap except the first, and also had a fuel pump or fuel filter problem. Leroy Lorenzo and Chris Schulz were ninth, and last to finish, in an oval window VW that they'd made into their 5-1600. They'd had to take their front end apart and put it back together on the second lap, and had also been stuck "every time". They were the last finishers in the class. The Class 9 cars were next to start, and there were five of them, and they had to do only four laps . On the first lap the lead belonged to 16 year old Alyssa Looney, who had just a bit less than three min-utes on Amanda Hawks. Both were driving two seat cars. In third it was Mark Culver, another one who tried sand tires for this race. He said they were sort of a mod-erate sand tire, made especially for use in this area, which is definitely not all sand. Fourth was Jack Hettinger, whose suspension looked very stiff. Ruben Castillo broke on his first lap. On the second lap Culver went into the lead, and he had eight minutes on Looney, who was eight minutes in front of Hawks. Hettinger fell out on this lap. Looney moved up to take the lead when Culver dropped out, and she finished just a little over Continued on page 34 Dusty Times

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Travis Bartlett, seen here in full hustle, was the bronze medal Daniel McMillin drove his Jimco to a third place finish in Class Mark Hanchett and Chris Westwood drove their Jimco to a fourth winner in the Class 1400 conflict on New Years Eve. 1600, he wasn't too happy with the soft ground conditions. place in the Class 1 contest, they're seen here at speed. Danny Ledezma scored a first off the podium finish in Class 5-Bryan Castro was the fourth place ,finisher in the Class 1400 Hiram Duran finished in fourth place in Class 1600, mostly thanks 1600 in spite a few major problems along the way. contest, he's seen here speeding towards the finish line. to a faulty fuel pump that had to be replaced. a minute to the good. She'd been ded. In second place it was the the first lap. Timmy and Rich-the Slettens, and now they had silt, and had been reduced to stuck three times, but hadn't team of Ashley Hawks, Amanda ard Sletten went into the lead, ten and a half minutes on Agee. pushing themselves out one been stuck on the first couple of Hawks and Candace Conlon. but they had only a little more Perrault's co-driver, Karla time. They were about 40 min-laps. Her big problem was that They'd had no problems, stop-than a minute on Cody Agee, Fukuta, wa sin for Lap 2, and utes behind the Slettens. In her left shoulder and arm were ping only for fuel and driver who's just 15 years old and still she still ran third. Agee rose to fourth it was Brian Maxwell very sore. It appeared that she'd changes. in his first year racing. In third the front on the last lap as the who had two very long laps, been banging them on the top There were six 1100 cars, and it was Lacy Perrault, about a Slettens had trouble. Agee found then a good third lap. He made bar of the cage, and the down they had to complete three laps. half hour further down. it "really touch - especially in the it before the eight hours were bar there, which weren't pad-Two of them dropped out on On the second lap it was still silt". He said he'd been stuck up by just 20 seconds. We car,y a 1116 selection ol! Page 34 B ~ CCN9J Ila& SACc O,,ltoff ~ March 2008 three times and had blown re-There was one entry in Class verse gear the first time. But he 1900. Conrad Gonzalez got one had no flats. He was 35 minutes lap done in an hour and 59 min-in front of the Slettens, who'd utes. But then he never came lost their clutch on the last lap, around again. and were reduced to just first As it is every year, the gear. Their car owner was most Dash was a great way to fin-upset by the fact that they'd bro-ish off the holiday season: a ~ ken a "genuine VW antique shift lot of outdoor fun, exciting knob." Perrault and Fukuta put racing to watch, and thou-Carla Sims in for the final lap. sands of off road fans to They'd all had trouble with the share it with. ll!J6,,il, . -~ Dusty Times T

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11 GINIJI,S GSAT CI,AGG 13/10 GSAIJROT/S • Score legal • previous score points champ • Kings just serviced by Webber • Fresh FAT dual port • Lightweight hoses • OFT Transmission • OFT rear hubs, serviceable • Kartek Shifter • Mastercraft with adjustable drivers seat • lightened 930 CV's • Fuel Safe w / dry break • Foddrill Beam & torsion housing • New Foddrill front arms & spin-• 1 77 6 FAT Plenum motor dry sumped • Compufire Ignition • Mendeola Sequential 5 speed w/indicator by Dave Folts • lightened 390 CV's • Black BTR's beadlocked rear with Yokohama tires • Fox's done by Webber 3 by-pass front, 4 bypass rear • Mastercraft seat w/adjuster dells • Sway-Away, Sweet Saco & Howe • Lowrance 480c GPS • lcom V-8000 and Intercom • Odyssey battery • Parker Pumper • CNC Willwood • Dual MSD ignition • BTR rims Yokohama tires • Sister car to Bekki Freeman Wik • Car completely rebuilt by Foddrill 4/06 • Parker pumper • Fuel Safe w/one dry brake, one regular filler • Howe Diablo rack • Lowrance 480 C GPS • PCI Radio • lraTrack mount • Score legal • Dual odyssey battery • Soltek ligthts w/bar • Assembled by Ronnie @ SPF FOOOHILL 12/10 HA CE CAN • 1835 FAT Plenum motor dry sumped • Sweet & Howe Diablo rock w/dual CompuFire • Fuel Safe cell w/1 dry brake & 1 • Mendeola sequential 5 speed w I regular filler indicator by Dave Folts • Lowrance 6500 c GPS • CNC turning brake w/bias adjuster • lcom radio & intercom • lightened 934 CV's , • Parker Pumper • Kings done by Webber- 3 front by-.. • Score legal pass, 5 rear bypass • Mastercraft w/adjustable drivers • Aluminum light bar seat • Prepped by PBW • BTR wheels w/beadlock on wheels !Contact Steve @ 928.Lf!f2.9285 or Jim @ Lf80.89Lf.12861 L ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ -............................................................. J

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~ IIAcE READY 275 Garcias Take 1aaa Hector Garcia and Alessa Paola Garcia were the big winners in the Class 1600 battle, they beat 13 other qars for their nice win. This report is modeled after some of the reporting done in The New York Times a couple of years ago. In other words, it is being written by the reporter who was at the race, however the only physical participa-tion this reporter experienced was the audio and/or hearing some of the larger, louder, cars and bikes go by somewhere off in the distance. Do you want an explanation? Whether you do or nor, here it is. Every once in a while it rains in this part of the Baja. We can have every-thing from a few sprinkres, to an out and out 'gulley washer'. Well, that first weekend in December it was the latter. Not only did it wash out a lot of gullies, it washed out whole sec-tions of the race course. And now :w============--we finally get to the point, of the New York style of reporting. Being the reporter and the pho-tographer, I usually pre-run a por-tion of the course the day before the race, looking for a spot to make those photographic captures, that help tell the story to be written later. On Friday the 30th of November I pre-ran the first 15 miles and was It was a nice win in Class 10 for Javier Robles he had over two hours on the second place car in class, he's seen here at speed. Like father, like son, Javier Robles Jr. took the win in the Class 12 contest, he's seen here in his great looking car. able to find a couple of good spots. Marking them on the GPS, I then proceeded on into Mexicali. As I got to the highway/quota, it started to sprinkle. By the time I arrived in Mexicali it was coming down by the bucketful. Didn't think much about the participation, had a late dinner, Omar Chavez and Alberto Landavazo were the winners of the Sergio Salgado was a bit off the winning pace in the Class 10 contest, Benny Canela and Dennis Milner gave it their all but had to settle Safari Class, they were a long way ahead of their competition. seen here heading out on the course to a second place finish. for second place in the Class 8 fracas. I I I I I I I J Performance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding & Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks Quality Products & Friendly Service RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-0759 • 15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX us to Receive a Free Catalog ~-------------------------------------------------------~ Page 36 March 2008 Dusty Times

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. I Juan Sanchotena drove his good looking car to a silver medal Frank and Danny Sanchez had some troubles along the way, they A silver medal finish in the Class 9 competition went to Daniel finish in Class 1600, he's seen here with the power on. finished second in Class 5- 1600, only five minutes out of the win. Reyes, he's seen here on his way to the elusive checkered flag. finished a book I had been reading, somewhere out there, on the origi-own problems somewhere between two of them made the entire trip. and second place. set the alarm and drifted off into a nal track, trying to shovel sand out Check 1 and 2. At least they had Javier Robles went 4: 17:20 for the Javier Robles, Jr. was 26th overall mostly deep sleep accompanied by from under my Jeep, getting more each other to talk to while they class win and second overall in the but managed to pull out the class win the patter of rain on the roof and stuck by the moment. waited for their chase crew. At any Pro ranks. A little over two hours in Class 12. Guillermo Quintero and everywhere else. Apparently Armando and Alan rate they were non-finishers. later (6: 19:00), Sergio Salgado and Ernesto Madea only made it to some-Come morning and about six A. Bravo were experiencing their In Class 10 we started five and Ricardo Corvera took the checkered Continued next page inches of rain later, I made my way back to the spot I had chosen the afternoon before. Problem was that the spot was gone, washed away, with a whole lot of the surrounding tundra, meaning that part of the track was now somewhere out in the middle of the dry lake bed, known as Laguna Salada. Only 6 a.m., nothing to worry about. Turn around and find out, to where, the start line has been re-located. About half a mile into the return trip, the brush got taller and the gul-lies got deeper. Suffice to say; ten hours later I finally walked seven miles back to the highway. Oh yes, as mentioned, I did hear some of the entries go by, on their way to San Felipe. Not sure how far away they might have been, but I didn't have a telephoto lens that could cut brush, much less see a car or bike to shoot. So now you will read the results as dreamed or imagined, of the last race in the 2007 CODE racing sea-son. Francisco Septien led the way in the Motos Pro field making the jour-ney in a little over four hours and 20 minutes, for the class win and the Pro overall trophy. Chris Por-ter, Tim Bina and Colie Potter shared the ride and were in San Felipe four hours and 23 minutes later. Just a little over 14 minutes later Rodolfo lribe and Rene Ma-gna crossed the finish line for the bronze and the Pro overall, third place spot. In the Sportsman class, Manuel Reyes and Javier Ochoa ran a 4:40:06 for the gold. Luis Carlos Napoles, Ivan Estrada and Jose Ortega shared the ride and finished with a 4:56:06 for the silver and Jesus Rios, Alex Olguin and Edgar Espinoza ran a 5:01 flat for the bronze. Javier Robles, Jr. and Cesar Chanate Lopez, who got to San Felipe in four hours, 41 minutes and nine seconds for the class win, headed the Quad Pro ranks. Jamie and Chuy Ramirez shared the ride and made it down with a time of 5:21:56, for the second spot and Angel Morfin went 6:47:31 for third. Gilberto Ramirez Senior and Junior split the ride up and took the gold in the Quad Sportsman set with a time of 5:08:49. Second place finishers were Rodrigo Gonzales and Mavi Cervantes in with a 5: 14:35 and the bronze went to Alejandro Gomez and Francisco Espinoza with their time of 5:27: 16. At around 0930 the four wheel participants hit the green, wherever the green was? Remember, I am Dusty Times March 2008 Page 37

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Luis Salgado heads out on another lap, Luis finished second in Armando and Allen Bravo, Class 1, had big troubles early on, Guadalupe and Hector Perez had terminal troubles in their Class 1 Sportsman Class 18, he was 12 minutes behind the class leader. they were scored as a dnf, seen here at speed on their first lap. car but they were scored as third place finishers in class. where between Check 1 and 2. Maybe 3:48:30. This was also, the only team, Pietro Brassea and Ivan Pacheco And if you pronounce it in Spanish, but one started and ten finished. they and the Bravos shared some time to break the four hour barrier. Nice were back on top of the platform for it does rhyme, N either Sergio Hector Garcia and Alessa Paola together? run guys. Beny Canela and Dennis the Class 6 win with a time of 5:52: 10 Alvarado and Julio Lozano nor Mele Garcia won the class and were fourth The overall win in the Pro ranks Milner went 4:24: 17 for second and and Bernardo and Jorge Delgado Valencia and Arturo Montes made overall in the Pro field with a time of was garnered by the 800 team of Glen Straightiff and Josh Westwood were a couple of hours back with a the start. Or if they did, it wasn'tre- 4:34:35. Juan Sanchoten a and Juan Carlos Lopez and Fernando de were just a smidge over six hours for 7:54: 16 for the st!ver. Hey, sometimes ported. Leopoldo Betancourt were about 18 los Cobos, with a very quick run of the third spot in Class 8. it's a long, long way to San Felipe. Class 1/2-1600 had 14 entries; all minutes back for second with a time t-, of 4:52:43 and Joe and Jake Laff Juan Carlos Lopez made it look easy in Class 8, he took the win in his good looking truck and he took the overall win as well. Pietro Brassea and Ivan Pacheco had a great run, they took the Class 5 honors with ease, their competition was two hours behind them. -uns March 1st -May 31st 2008 Skyjacker® has the performance shocks you need for your on or off-road vehicle. The performance components of these shocks respond to the on-and off-road conditions instantly. Whether you are going over rough or smooth terrain, the true velocity sensitive valving produces better handling, improved stability, and maximum comfort. If that is not reason enough to buy, Skyjacker® now offers an extra incentive of s35_00 cash back on the purchase of 4 Skyjacker® shocks. Buy 4 Hydro or Nitro shocks at any Skyjacker® Authorized Dealer and submit the rebate form to receive $'15.00 l'ASff B'AC1v1 FEAruREs .;J 1,/1 /1 ft• • 150 PSI PRESSURIZED S ER NITROGEN GAS (NITRO ONLY) ~ • . • ORIFICE DISK PEI\I . J • VELOCITY SENSITIVE VALVING 1•......iiiil!iU!i !ilOl\lslii....~ • LEAK PROOF SEAL ..,_,_... .... ~~ ~ • BONDED IRON PISTON • CHROMED PISTON ROD To find an Authorized Skyjacker® Dealer near you call 866.4.A.DEALER ext. 5061 or visit us on the web at to find out more about this exciting shock offer. • RED BOOT INCLUDED • RED POLYURETHANE BUSHINGS • LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY Page 38 March 2008 copped the bronze with their time of 5:05:30. The Navarretes, Leonardo and Alex, were another seven min-utes back with a time of 5: 17:48. Jorge Sanchez and team ran 5:23:29 and Javier Tiznado finished with a time of 5:26:34 for sixth place. J. Alberto and Roberto Gonzalez headed Class 7 with a winning time of 5:56:40. Second place and the sil-ver went to Martin Rosales and Mar-tin Rosales, Jr. with a 7:41:45 and the bronze went to Jason McNeil and Juan Apalategui with an 8:08:58. There were two non-finishers. In the 5- 1600 outing Miguel Cortez and Mario Melgar ran a nice 5:46:29 for the gold. Frank and Danny Sanchez went 5:51 :59 for sec-ond and Alberto Varela a~d Juan Dusty Times -rn--•·

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Guillermo Quintero weren't able to finish the race but they were The Strightiff/Westwood duo took a while to get to the finish but Joe and Jake Laff were a bit off the winning pace in Class 1600 scored as second place finishers in Class 12. they were a respectable third place in the Class 8 conflict. but they did take home the bronze medal, seen here at speed. Larios finished for the bronze with a with a time of 6:08:56. Next was the made up the winning team in Class Aguilar ran a 6:25:20 for third place just under six minutes ahead of time of 6:21:09. Two non-finishers team of Miguel Mexia and Mario 14 and their time of 4:21:30 gave and the bronze. Sanchez and Davita's Errol Villa and Omar Dipp in with in this class too. Flores with their 6: 13:59. Juan them almost an hour in hand win-run also gave them the overall win in a 5:38: 13 and Carlos Vasquez and Class 9 fielded four starters and Zamarripa and Abundio Pichardo ningthe gold.Jose Martinez and Fran- the Sportsman class. Carlos Miranda went 6:45:42 for all of them finished ... First into San ran a 6:45:43 for the bronze. cisco Reynoso were the second place Seven starters in Class 15 and the third spot and Eduardo Felipe was the team of Jesus de la And now onto the Sportsman finishers with their time of 5:04:32 four of them finished. Carlos and Hernandez and Eduardo Navarro Torre and Jorge Sainz with a time of classes. Pin Sanchez and Carlos Davila and Adolfo Aguilar and Mike Rolando de los Palos ran a 5:32:33 Continued next page 5:35:57. Next was the team of Daniel Reyes and Jose Arredondo with their 5:49: 12 and the third place finishers were Hector Ortega and Oscar Venegas with a time of 6:58:05. Fourth spot went to Juan Mayoral and Carlos Lopez in at 7:21:31. Class 7S started five and three of them managed the whole trip. The Streets, Danny Junior and Senior went 5:34:57 for the gold, Benjamin Arreola and Ted Brady went 6:09:4 3 for the silver and Roy and Rod Fantelli were the bronze winners with a time of 9:06: 15. Two non-finishers in this class also. The 11 class had eight starters and all but one of them made it down in time for fish tacos. Luis A. Rodriguez and Ernesto Grajeda were first across the line and first in the order line Alberto and Roberto Gonzalez took the Class 7 win easily, seen here with the rears digging into the soft sand. Miguel Cortez took the Class 5-1600 win, but he had top work for it, his competition was five minutes and change behind him. HO'NDA Power Equipment UCEI & SPECTATOR D SCOUNTS • GENERATORS • Tit I E~S • OUTBOARD ENGJNES • LAWNMOWERS • WATERPUMPS Calilornia's lor Honda Largest Source Power Equipment Parts 8 Inventory IF WE IJON T NAVE IT: NO ONE IJOE9I Check Our Website: Kawaguchi Honda Corp. 3532 East 3rd St. • Los Angeles, CA 90063 !-~~ (323) 264-3936, 264-5858 • FAX (323) 264-2136 Nothing's easier. For optimum performance and safety, we recommend you read the owner's manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment. Connection of a generator to house power requires a transfer device to avoid possible injury to power company personnel. Consult a qualified electrician. ©2008 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. Dusty Times March 2008 Page 39

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Adolfo and Mike Aguilar gave it a good run, they were the third place finishers in the Sportsman Class 14 battle. Roy and Rod Fantelli had lots of problems along the way but they Hector Ortega and Oscar Venegas were the third place finishers were fourth with a time of 8:25:56. Class 18 had another large group of starters, nine this time out but only three of them saw the checkered in San Felipe. Fernando Duron and Erika Cuevas were first across the fin-ish with a time of 5:15:53. Second place finishers were Luis J. Salgado and J. Manuel Miranda with their 5:29:00 and Elias Canchola, Jr. and Oscar Ishida ran third with their 6:30:23. Class 18 continues to grow adding another one or two starters every race. They are all looking for-ward to the 2008 season to improve on their numbers and their times. And the Safari class used to be somewhat larger in number of en-tries but they are still a few coming to race. This outing saw the team of Omar Chavez and Alberto Landavazo take the win with their time of 6: 17:54. Javier A. Silva and Gustavo Garayzar ran second with an 8:54: 11 for the silver. And so, comes to an end, the CODE 2007 racing season. There were a total of 130 entries in De-cember, which has been about the average number of entries over the year. It was, all in all, a very success-ful season. The CODE people want to thank all of the participants from all the teams and all of their friends Page 40 persevered and collected a third place finish in Class 7S. in the Class 9 · tty airborne. A nice win in Class 9 went to Jesus De La Torre, he's seen here in his nice looking buggy on his way to victory. AT RIGHT: Pin Sanchez and Carlos Davila were the Sportsman Class 14 winners, they had over 40 minutes in hand at the checkers. BELOW RIGHT: A nice win in Sportsman Class 15 went to Carlos and Rolando De Los Palos, they had six minutes on their competition at the end. and families and all of the fans that in the sands of the Laguna. First, my have come out to the various races. thanks go out to the rancher and They are looking forward to another friends who ultimately pulled me successful six race season and invite out of the wash. Thank you. Also, I you all down to participate some- need to thank Jose Pena for supply-where on the Baja. Now, unless this ing the fotos you see here. Hopefully, reporting gets nominated for a my season will go a little better in Pullitzer no one will ever know that 2008. See you somewhere on the the reporter spent ten hours buried Baja. Via con Dios. ~ RACE READY PRODUCTS 103 PRESS LANE SUITE 4 CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 (619) 691-9171 (866) 891-9171 TOLL FREE (619) 691-0803 FAX March 2008 The Danny Street's, Jr. and Sr. had a great race, they took the Class 7S win with over half an hour in hand. The Sportsman Class 18 win went to Fernando Duron, he's seen here headin' for the checkers in his goo_d lookin' truck. Dusty Times

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CLAR COUNTY LIND GRAB Clark county, Nevada has cancelled ALL forms of recreation In the Nelson HIiis area and for some 10,aaa acres In the Eldorado Valley. This Is ALL SORTS OF RECREATION: no more bikes, quads, racing, testing, no more pursuing your Interests, only the Interests of the Clark county commissioners. If you Hve In Clark County, yOU'd best: get: t:o your commissioner soon, or all wlll be lost. 1111s Is a Clark County land grabl Watch out:, Nellls DUnes wlll be next:. Maryet:t:a Bowman Is madl Her let:t:er t:o the Clark county Board Is shown here In Its entirety. Call your commissioner and let: them know how you feel. To: 1. Commissioner Bruce Woodbury/ 2. Mr. Robert Wandel / 3. From: Maryetta Bowman/ SNORE / Re: Clark County's Proposal for the sacred Nellis Dunes and your three BLM meetings during this week of January 29th, 2008. Attachment upon request My name is Maryetta Bowman. I've lived in Las Vegas and Clark County for over 52 years continuously since 1956. I was one of the first police women to go through the police academy in Clark County for the Clark Co Sheriffs Dept in 1967. I was a Deputy Sheriff for Clark County 11 years under Ralph Lamb. I left the county and began my real estate career in Las Vegas in 197 3. I recently retired after 34 years of selling real estate full time in the Las Vegas area. I and my family love and care for and are racers and members of Southern Nevada Off-Road Racing Enthusiasts, a local off-road race organization. My son, born in Las Vegas, has been racing since the early 1980's here in Nevada. At the age of 61, I raced my first off road race in 2004, with my 40 year old son, in the infamous Baja 1000, and I got to cross the finish line in 7th place sitting right next to him. We raced together just to make memories. I've since had the privilege of racing here in Nevada, with my son, for the past 3 years since I retired. My granddaughter just had her first race and my grandson, who is 20, has been racing for years here as well. You don't find criminals and druggies in our organization. Only, wholesome families, who truly love and care for our precious deserts and care for it with their own hands.The following are my observations and concerns that I personally have regarding the taking by Clark County from BLM those 10,000 acres in the Nellis Dunes area, and not even having to pay for it. Please find attached the facts that have been well documented and are attached with this letter. (19 PAGES UPON REQUEST) These are the questions and concerns I have regarding the Clark County's real reasons for wanting to acquire the 10,000 acres of the Nellis Dunes area and they really scare me. The sheer size of the land is undaunting compared to the two examples they use in the proposal that are listed below. #I. Based on past performance of many Clark County Commissioners, some in jail, some not (Dario Herrera, Mary Kincaid Chauncey, Erin Kenney, Lance Malone all taking a lot of money as bribes in the land zoning issues. Lynnette Boggs, County commissioner took money personally ($5000) in one instance from a Doctor to help him on a zoning issue ...... Again all due to money and greed with no regard for the public's best interest. #2. Who's not skeptical in the Clark County taking control and owning 10,000 acres of precious land so close to Las Vegas and close to those very large developments already on line just to the north of Nellis Dunes, including the huge growth of the tens of thousands of homes 40 to 80 miles north of Las Vegas like the Coyote Springs that will include the first of 40,000 residents, 10,000 new residents in Moapa, 15,000 new residents in Overton and Logandale and 15,000 more in Mesquite. Someone has to pay for increasing the staffing of Clark County planning departments, etc., that will be overwhelmed with new applications, etc., due to all the new growth north of Nellis Dunes and where does all that money come from ..... possible sale of county lands?? How about some of the Nellis Dunes area?? #3 And with all that growth now, in 10 or so years, can the county really guarantee that this 10,000 acres will remain what they say it will or will they guarantee that it won't be divided off maybe leaving only 200 acres for an off road motorcycle park and forget all about organizations like our local one, or better yet, not even leaving that, but selling it all off to pay for all the future expenses and making a killing in the sale. Forget all the families that use that land. #4 So far Clark County is expecting a $42 million dollar shortfall of the Clark County's General Fund Budget this fiscal year per Finance Director George Stevens. What will they do to make that up? Future sale of the Nellis Dunes Area??? #5 Also the county allocates about $100 million to it's capltal plan fund which helps pay for new buildings, parks, computer systems and it's looking like that fund could drop by 50%, especially due to the county having to dip into this fund to bail out their county hospital UMC, whose demise was due to criminal acts by those people hired by the county to manage the UMC hospital... ... and they want to manage this 10,000 acres??? #6 What about the power of Clark County, to keep for 12 years, Paul Moldon's, a private property owner's money which was his interest, to the tune of $725,000 and the interest over the 12 years of about $200,000. that was transferred into the Clark County government's General Fund. It took Mr. Moldan, 12 years of fighting through his attorneys, and finally got justice from the Nevada Supreme Court recently. #7 What about the County's power over the Las Vegas family of Carol Heers, owner of Vacation Village, when the county took their land by eminent domain, in the early 1990' s without offering compensation. Their battle took 14 years. Carol Heers died during the legal battle, but now the Appeals court recently awarded the family $10 million dollars. #8 Also, my personal experience of the power of Clark County to arbitrarily, with no chance of working something out, not even letting us-our organization talk with them, just stepping in and canceling our local racing organization's 2007 Nelson Hills race about two months ago. They did this 2 weeks before the race .. .leaving all the entrant's scrambling to get funds back, changing plans at their jobs and with their families, etc. And that organization already had ALL their permits and approvals in place by the BLM and Boulder City. Makes me think what they will do when they OWN the 10,000 acres of Nellis Dunes. Thanks to the BLM who worked with the organization, they worked out another racing venue, of course with the inconvenience, caused by the County of it's members who had to do their regular day jobs, get the new permits and approvals, mark new courses and accom-modate different hotel rooms due to a completely different location plus all their volunteers who had to make changes in their plans as well as the inconvenience to all the medical staff and water trucks and others. Now as of this date, Clark County has taken away the land in Nelson Hills again only now it seems to be permanent. I now understand that they have also taken away the Eldorado Valley land used by many families as well as Best in the Desert Association, again permanently. The County has so much power ... .l'm not quite sure they can be trusted. Especially when it comes to money and greed and the county's or commissioner's pocketbooks. I don't think the County has the experience, knowledge and desire to really manage the 10,000 acres like they say they will. They sure dropped the ball managing UMC among other things. #9 The local racing organization and all of its members, their families, the volunteers and the public have enjoyed, used and have taken care of this part of the desert for over 37 years continuously. No one has ever even heard of them killing a turtle. They work directly with BLM, to use, clean, repair, maintain, and plant vegetation where necessary. They do all the race course cleanup themselves. They provide medical services and ambulances on site for every race, they provide professional water trucks to handle the dust, and they provide portable toilets. They also mark and close all crossings into race areas for the safety of the public and racers during race days. Something I don't think the County even cares to handle themselves. The local race organization also has hundreds of volunteers and their families who stand guard at all areas of concern which is always monitored by the BLM during race days. And they pay for all this at their own expense and BLM can back this up. Safety as well as 37 years of generations of families, have always been their main concern. I'm not aware that they've ever had any fatalities in 37 years. The County somehow doesn't seem to know this. The racers and members are the professionals who take care of the desert lands, that which the county, in their proposal, seems to think there's no care being done at present. Off road racers also do the "Wish Ride" every year in the Nellis Dunes area, benefiting all the children with life threatening illnesses of the Make-a-Wish Foundation of Southern Nevada. All the children come out for a whole day and ride in the profes-sional race cars. Will the County consider this??? . Our organization has been around for over 37 years, racing annually in the Nellis Dunes area, and in past years, the Mint 400 raced over a 20 year span and it was in the same Nellis Dunes area. What happened to the County's memories of those times? What about the History that was made there and is still being made today in that area? # IO The proposal by Clark County of Nellis Dunes seems to concentrate on the off road motorcycles only which need much less land than the race trucks and buggies. And the County only mentions a "POTENTIAI...'.' of those like the local racers, even being included in the 10,000 acres. Sure they can show a picture of a SCORE (Southern Calif Off Road Enthusiasts) race vehicle owned by the Terrible Herbst family. But that family already owns Primm and does their own racing out there as well as other venues in the southeast part of the valley, so I don't think they are even affected by what happens to Nellis Dunes area. The word, POTENTIAL in this part of the County's proposal, really scares me and seems to leave those generations of families hanging and even being put in a position to be over-looked in the scheme of things in the future. Clark County is using two examples in their Nellis Dunes proposal of motorcycle parks in California. One is only 200 acres the other is 800 acres. This sure makes the 10,000 acres quite a feather in the County's cap if they acquire it and perhaps what they can do with it in the future. Makes me wonder. #II I see no written guarantees in the County's proposal to prevent future land sales to private developers. No guarantees or specifics who will use the area. The County can not and will not issue any guarantees regarding this Priceless Land. · And if the County wants to get the property back they can always double, triple or quadruple the costs of the permits and fees that are currently paid by local race organizations to the BLM and easily force them out. After all, our organization is a non-profit organization, that has been run by its members and families and volunteers for over 37 years ~ry successfully without being paid a cent. I can't say the same for Clark County's past history over 37 years. Again, I've lived here and worked here for over 50 years. I probably know a little more about the county's history then most of the county employees do. I received an email from the County/ Nellis Dunes, regarding this weeks meetings and they wanted me to email my support or opposition. I have 19 pages confirming the facts that have led me to my deep concerns. Please let me know where I can mail or fax them and to who. For convenience, I'll bring you the attachment and give it to you at one of the meetings. Respectfully, Maryetta Bowman Ph: Cell (702) 845-6666 Email: Dusty Times March 2008 Page 41

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_,. IDfP' [-BA-JA),.. ByMr.Baja Welcome members and race fans alike. 2008 is here and we are off to a roaring start. As you are reading this, the SCORE season opener at Laughlin is finished and we are looking next at the San Felipe 250 in mid March. It will be great to return to San Felipe, a land with many pleasant memories, racing being one of them. For this year's SCORE San Felipe 250 race, Baja Pits will be operating pre-running pit stops, one every weekend prior to the race itself once the course is open for official pre-running. They will be held on Saturday-Sundays, from approximately 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. These pre-runner pit stops are for you, the SCORE racer. They are a safe ~ for you to leave your truck or trailer while you pre-run the race course. Cen-trally located on the race course, they provide a shady spot to sit, plenty of water to drink, a small amount of emergency fuel for bikes and quads and for those lucky enough to be there at noon time, free lunch. Since many of you are from out of town, we want to stress that this is a safe and secure place for yo u to leave both your chase trucks, support vehicles and your friends and family that m ay be helping you those weekends. We are there all red & blue -6 st $5.99 -8 st $6.99 -10 st $9.49 -12 st $10.99 day long and close down at nightfall to retreat back to town to our motels. Go to and you can download our pit appli-cation now. Fill it out and send it in for pit service for this all-important race, and make sure to stop by or wave as you see our Baja Pits pre-runners pit stop out on the race course. This free stop-ping place out on the race course is open to all racers. not just Baja Pits members. In January's issue we re-ported on the racer stats that finished the 40th annual Baja 1000 race. This month we have a few stories to tell. This was the second longest Baja 1000 in the history of the race, the longest being the Baja 2000 in the year 2000. Baja Pits ran 24 full service pit stops from tip to tip; complete with ev-erything necessary to help you win or at least finish the race. This included dry break dump cans for the faster bike and quad classes, spare tires and tubes for bike flats, welders, tools, lights, radios, SAT phones at each pit and a large gathering of pit people to serve you right. In our north-ern pits (Pits 1-3) we had over 20 people per pit as we were expecting a large number of first bikes and quads and later vehicles to arrive at once. At Pits # 1 and 2, they had five sets of pit support people ready to service up to five rac-ers at any given time. Amon-strous effort to arrange and it came off without a hitch. With pits located at about 50 miles or less apart, radio com-munication was spot on most o f the times and with-all pits having SAT phones this year, those few in the mountainous red & blue -6 45 $12.99 -845 $13.99 -10 45 $16.99 ----1245$21.84 ~~ £m1fI3 20ft. Lenghts -6 20ft. $93.40 -8 20ft. $107.20 -10 20ft. $128.20 -12 20ft. $185.20 High Misalignment Adapters JMXT series Chromoly JMXBT $20.05 JMX10T $26.16 JMX12T $33.25 JMX14T$60.78 JMX16T $76.10 CISION N P 0 regions could be contacted as well. This was especially im-portant when the Weather-man goes down at night for his usual break from flying all day and evening. The follow-ing is the story as quoted from Class 30 Pro lronman, James Curzon, who finished 11th in class and 237th Overall. This was his first Baja 1000 and he decided to race it. lronman was representing his cause, the Multiple Sclerosis Founda-tion. He sent this to our Presi-dent, Carlos Orozco on De-cember 3rd, 2007. Greetings Carlos, I wanted to thank you for the pit support during this year's 1000. I listened to you and I want to thank you for the words of support. If you have time I wrote a short de-scription of my log strange trip. Thanks again! The 2007 Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 or the 1296 is over! It was a long and very demand-ing 1,296+ miles that took me 52 hours and 38 minutes. That is two days, four hours and 38 minutes with only four hours of sleep. I started the race with a ton of anxiety, and excitement in Ensenada. The race course was great due to heavy rains the night before the race. All was well until Mile 51 when I hit a big whoop and went over the handlebars and broke four ribs. I laid there for about 20 minutes or so trying to catch my breath and wonder what had just hap-pened. I gathered my strength and carried on, the rest of the first d ay went well. Darkness set in and my first night rac-ing was filled with wild sights and crazy thoughts as I red & blue -6 90 $12.99 -8 90$14.99 -10 90 $15.99 ------1290$21.84 Complete Line of ---· New Hampshire Ball Bearings, Inc, Weld-in Bungs I l!'h 562--2375 2865 GUNDRY AVE. SIGNAL HILL, CA 90755 Page 42 March 2008 cruised in the dark desert. I reached the first section of as-phalt around Race Mile 368 as the 800+ hp monster tro-phy trucks with speeds of 120 mph began to catch me. The race was going along just as planned, except for the bro-ken ribs! Race Mile 429 was finally time for a rest. I snoozed for an hour and let my mechan-ics, Tim and Cisco change the tires and look over the bike. The little nap and fine dining filled me with the extra zip I needed for the night racing to be less intimidating. I set off toward Coco's Corner amidst the bikes, stock trucks, trophy trucks, Baja bugs and cars. The ride was going great again! I did see Santa Claus in the middle of the night among the tall cacti. Mile 493 the sun-rise was amazing. I caught back up to my crew and napped for another hour. After more food, a great visit with my crew and another new set of tires, I set off to ride down the west coast. My ribs were feeling pretty good and my pace was adequate to finish within the 53 hour time allowed. I made myself rest at every Baja Pits Iocation (every 60+/-miles) and get off the bike for a few minutes. The second day was going well, my pace was slow and the pain was getting stronger as I grew more fatigued. Just as night fell and I reached Loreto (Race Mile 920) my camel back blew apart and my pants filled with all the wa-ter. Oh yeah, and I got a rear flat tire. I rode the flat on into Loreto where my crew replaced the wheel and I changed into dry clothes. It was going well until I fell asleep o r just lost concentra-tio n , and found myself d own again o n my side. This time the pain was severe. My ribs, my scapula? I struggled t st and the bike back up, and bare ly m ad e it to the n ext meeting site at Race Mile 984. I was sitting o n a ch air at the Baja Pits when my crew pulled up. I was ready to load up o n p ainkillers and head h o me, when Maile jumped out of the truck in pink wig a n d filled my sp irit with so much m oti-vation . I fo und t h e fight to carry o n . I did n o t want to let the people down who sup-ported this cr azy effort. The next 309 miles was the most difficult thing I have ever tried to d o and accomplished . Every moment, especially o n the mo t o rcycle caused ex-treme pain. I was give n the energy fro m some unknown source, somewhere deep within and unexplainable. Thanks to Mark Winkelman for the words of wisdo m b e-fore the race. I marched along through the night at a turtle's pace through deep silt bed s and 60 miles o f sandy whoops. Whoops hurt with-out broken ribs! The pain was becoming unbearable. I came upo n my crew again and got a 30 minute n a p o r so. Maile whispering that to finish the race I h ad to go. It was really h ard to leave a warm campfire and my dear friends fo r a cold d ark desert. As the sun rose I found yet another burst of energy and picked the pace. It was look-ing like I might finish. At Todos Santos and with only 70 miles left in the race the pain had become the most intense thing_! have ever expe-rienced. That simple 70 miles was kicking my ass! I could barely walk, see, or ride. Ev-ery bump was killing my spirit. I was trying to stand but my legs had no more strength left in them.. I was crawling along when some guy signed me 15 with his hands. I wondered miles, or minutes? Either way I did not think I would make it. Somehow I stood up and rode as fast as I could, faster than normal without broken ribs. I pulled into the finish line with only minutes to spare. I was surrounded by my crew and friends and began to melt. WOW, I made it! I did it!!! It would not have been pos-sible without Maile Rehnberg, Cisco Oldani, Tom Kolady, Marni Walsh, Gavin Skilton and Mike Murdock. Thanks Val Sarofim for the support and belief I could finish this crazy race. Thanks Janet for all the jet fuel! And thanks to all of you that gave me en-couragement and support. Thanks Mom and Dad! I owe you guys something that is un-explainable to all others who were not there. Thanks for giv-ing me this experience of my lifetime! I went to the hospital on Wednesday, November 21st in Jackson. Four broken ribs! Two completely separated and mis-aligned and two frac-tured. It only further goes to show that we can push through ad- ' versity and pain to reach our goals. Please give tho ught to and sup-port this foundatio n for Mul-tiple Sclerosis. Thanks for your support. James Curzo n After the race and back at home here in San Diego, I ran across Stu Jo nes, other w ise known for his Baja h a n d le Baja Jones. H e is the main guy with the vol u nteer g r o u p k nown as Locos Mocos o r Crazy Boogers. Stu is the C hef in the group and as you all know, where the cook goes, the me n and wome n fo llow. T im Barlow was the Pit C aptain this year, a lo ng time Pit Cap-tain in Baja who learned his skills fro m his lat e fathe r , Bruce Barlow o f Los Anicanos fame and Mag 7. H e is n o w a member of both Baja Pits and Locos Mocos. The LM crew usually pits in some God-awful parts of the race courses, helping out any-one who stops for any reason . They pull stuck vehicles fro m silt beds; feed anyo n e tha t sto ps lo n g en o ugh to eat and all they ask if to put o n e o f their stickers o n your veh icle whe n you leave. They have a co1J1plete line of mech anics that can d o just about any-th ing requested from weld ing, to sheet metal fab, to tranny repair, you n a me it , an d they h ave prob ably d o n e it. A hearty g r o u p o f m e n and Dusty Times

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women, usually numbering around 30 or more for the Baja 500 and 1000 each year. So this year, Locos Mocos was down the course around Santa Rita. They pre-run the entire Baja 1000 course each year in their assortment of pre-runners the week before, while one of their group hauls the Locos Mocos trailer down with all the spares loaded on it by highway to the pit loca-tion. So Stu is telling me of this Class 1/2-1600 buggy that pulled into their pit stop Wednesday around midday. It looked incredibly clean and was stopping for fuel with the separate Baja Pits location they run as well. This was their short story as told to me by Es Stu. Quote: "This is our first time to race the Baja 1000 or any SCORE race for that matter. Our vehicle left Ensenada and raced the course, taking its time as fin-ishing was our premier goal here. We had been told that those who go fast in the be-ginning, usually end up break-ing and becoming a DNF (Did Not Finish) by day's end. The day turned to night and they kept going. We pitted at San Ignacio and raced into the night, planning on a driver/ co-driver change at Loreto later that night. They got to Loreto and couldn't find our crew to do the change out. They called on the radio but no one an-swered. Their instructions Dusty Times were to wait at Loreto and not go any further. After waiting what seemed like an hour, we headed back onto the course and found a place to ditch the car. We camouflaged it nicely so no one would find it and hiked to the highway to start looking for our crew. Come morning we hooked up with them. We all piled into the chase truck and headed out to get the car. One problem! They couldn't remember from the night be-fore where they had left the car. So, for the next several hours we drove around a five mile section of race course looking for the car. Mean-while the race continued on without us. Finally, after several hours of looking, we saw what looked like tracks leading off into nowhere. We followed them and BOOM! There was our vehicle. Boy was it dusty. Since we were late already, we decided to clean it up a bit first before continuing on. We cleaned all the mud off of it, hosed down the dust and dried it off. Then we get in and continued to race. And here we are now!" End Quote. I sat there listening to this story and couldn't believe it. I was expecting the "Our car was stolen in the middle of the night" punch line. Nowhere else but Baja and no race else other than the 1000. Incred-ible race story and they fin-ished in time as well. The names will go unpublished, but the story is incredibly true. Across the board, there were stories of incredible odds being beat, long hours racing, broken bones, the dust, rocks, mud, silt beds, the long hours spent racing. All for one united goal, to reach Cabo and the finish line. For many, this dream happened. For oth-ers, they will have to wait un-til next November to race the 1000 again. Baja Pits started racing as a team in 1985. We originally pitted mostly VW engine classes, Class 5, 5-1600, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Slowly as the years passed, more racers from other classes heard about us and signed on. In the mid-90's, we started pit-ting a limited number of bikes and quads. That continued on until the Baja 2000. Then a few more years passed by and the movie "Dust to Glory" was released. Numbers of racers in Baja started climbing each race. This is most evident at this year's Baja 1000. Baja Pits Race Team pitted 55 bikes and quads, and 7 5 vehicles for a grand total of 130 race entries. That comes to more than 1/4 of the total entries for this year's race. Baja Auto Fuels provided our Sunoco Race Fuel to each pit and picked it up after-wards. One of our new spon-sors, King Shocks, provided water for all 24 pits. Another brand new sponsor, General Tires, provided pit banners for all 24 pits. All Roads Communication provided us with SAT phones for all our 24 pits. But now, we are into 2008 and a new race year. Baja Pits is looking forward to support-ing our racers again this year on both sides of the boarder. We support racers in the MDR Superstition series, SCORE series, CODE series and Record series races. Some weekends, there are two races going on at the same time in different locations and we have crews out at both of them. Baja Pits has monthly meet-ings every month except July and December in San Diego County here. Our monthly meetings are held in El Cajon for our crews and racers up here. In 2007, we moved loca-tions for our El Cajon meet-ings. The new location that we have been using now since last summer is called Casa Picante at 107 57 Woodside Avenue. Cross street is Magnolia (off of State Hwy 67 and 1-8 in San Diego County). The phone number there is 619-258-5557. Our meetings are the third Thursday of the month and they start at 6:30 p.m. You can go on line at and see our complete list of races we will attend for 2008. As is always the case, without the help of our sponsors, racing would be tough to support each year. TTBEADLOCK !:;!IMULA'TED B.L.. 1 7XB VW e'EAOI-OCK l SX 1 Z VW BEAOLOCK NON J3EAOLOCK BEAOLOCK March 2008 Please shop with these fine businesses for all your off road race needs. They are in no certain order: Air Gas, Red-Arc Welding, King Shocks, IMS Products, Off Road Warehouse, Streamline Forms and Graphics, All Roads Communications, Baja Huskys, US Wheels, Miller Welders, Mirage Racing Prod-ucts, Mastercraft, Fortin Rac-ing Inc., B & R Buggy, Powerbox, Sunoco Race Fuel and General Tires. Thank you again for everything and wel-come to our 2008 race sup-port season. US Wheels will again be providing contingency as well for the 2008 SCORE race season in the VW engine classes. You can find Baja Pits located under their booth at all SCORE contingencies. So, to sum it all up, Baja Pits will be hosting pre-run-ners pit stops for all racers to use at the 2008 San Felipe 250 for all the weekends be-fore the race that the course if open for official pre-run-ning. We will also be running five pit stops for the race it-self for all classes of entries. You can purchase one, two or all five pits from Baja Pits. This is our 23rd year of rac-ing and we are going strong. Come out and support Baja Pits, the race team you can count on being there when you need them the most. Until next month then, adios from.Baja Pits. ~ Continued next page Page 43

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Hello Race Fans, hope every-one had a great holiday season. CORE held their annual Christmas Party in January and a great ti me was had by every-one. A great buffet dinner was served as the racers reflected on the 2007 racing season. But the big news was that for the first time in more than ten years, CORE had a new President at the helm. Long time Class 9 racer, Johnny Burns, was elected President of CORE, along with a new VP, even longer time 1600 racer, Randy Jones. Officers Dave Girdner was re-elected as Treasurer for the fourth straight year. Tim Lindsey remains the Club's Sec-retary, along with Bob Depew as the Club's Sergeant of Arms. The entire club wants to thank Mr. Brad Inch for his many years serving as President of this great pit club. Brad's leadership kept the club going through some lean times, but his dedication kept the club moving forward, and today en-joys a very healthy future, with new racers joining the club and gaining experience from the veteran club members. Our new President and VP are looking to make this club even better in the next year, and the members are looking forward to helping any way we can. After dinner, awards were handed out. To nobody's sur-prise, the coveted Drive of the Year Award went to our Trea-surer, Dave Girdner. Davey kicked some major 1600 fanny in 2007. Winning five of the six MORE races in 2007 on his way to the overall MORE points championship, Davey had a season every racer dreams of. Congratulations to Davey and the entire 30 Rac-ing Team. Pit Captain, Bob Depew, again was awarded CORE Pit Person of the Year. Bob now has a jacket for every day of the week. And for his many years of dedication, Brad Inch was honored with the dis-tinction of being CORE's Member of the Year. The early MORE season caught some members not pre-pared for the first race of the season, so only one club car made the MORE Dash in Janu-ary. 1600 racer Kevin Coleman gave the Barstow desert an-other shot, as he was looking for his first finish. But while finishing his first lap, Kevin pulled off a perfect flip with a half gainer, scoring a 9.5 by wit-nesses. Kevin was fine, but un-fortunately the rack and pin-ion decided that was not very fun, and Kevin was listed as a DNF. Keep at it Kevin, your day is coming soon! Kevin wanted to thank all the club members that showed up to support his effort. CORE had two lifetime mem-bers make a pit stop in the hos-pital in late 2007. Jerry Lawless needed some work done to his oil pump and is recovering stronger than ever, which is great news. And the mad scien-tist behind Barn Burner Racing, Babe Jones, had some compli-cations with a knee replacement, making Santa Claus have to drop his gifts off in the hospi-tal. Babe was at the Christmas party in his usual high spirits and looking great. Every CORE member wishes these two desert warriors a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing you two at the races in the near future. Next race on the calendar is the SNORE Battle at Primm. As of this writing, CORE has eight cars going up to Nevada for a shot at all the glory. While pit support is not required at this race, this is a very popular race with drivers and pit sup-ports. Good luck guys! CORE will be supporting the remaining five MORE races along with the upcoming SNORE MINT 400. Whether you're a seasoned off road racer or a brand n.ew team look-ing for pit support, CORE's decision to its racers makes this a very strong pit club. For more information about this club, contact our new President, Johnny Burns, or new VP Randy Jones for more informa-tion. Good luck to everybody in 2008 and thanks for reading. 'Somewhere under there IS OUR WINNERl1 Page 44 March 2008 t:ransman Jack •aunt Kil • Secure mounting platform for racecar, pre-runner or chase vehicle • Seit-latching quick-release system locks the jack to the chassis • Spring-loaded quick-release mount secures the jack handle • Flat base increases the jack's footprint and prevents the jack from sinking in sand or silt SCORE MECHANICS OF THE YEAR Manufacturing and preparing the finest line of off-road Race, and Pre-Runner Vehicles Dusty Times

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The Suspension Company.

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OFH8A Brl. Dff Road Motorsports Hall of Fame Accepting Nominations For 2•a The Off-Road Motorsports Hall of Fame is currently accepting nomi-nation for induction in the Class of 2008. Nominations will be ac-cepted from the public and indus-try members through the nomina-tion packet available as a free down-load from the ORMHOF web site, ORMHOF is searching for individuals who have made exceptional contributions to the development of off-road motorsports. Those who will be considered must have been involved in off-road motorsports for fifteen years or longer. Their contribution, or impact, might be as outstanding competitors, or as leaders in the recreational field who have helped shape the sport, or as pioneers in the industrial and technological development of off-road motorsports. The 2007 Class of 8 inductees included Edo Ansaloni, Italian off-road competitor and innovator in the Pioneer: Advocate category, William A. Bryan, founder of the California Association of 4WD Clubs in the Recreation: Four Wheeling category, Gil George, fab-ricator, innovator, and Founder of Funco Motorsports in the Pioneer: Industry category, Sue Mead, in the Pioneer: Journalism category, and in the Competition: Off-Road Rac-ing category were Dick Landfield, Founder of Enduro Racing, Walt Lott, Founder of HORA, Mickey Thompson, a motorsports legend, and Frank, (Scoop) Vessels, mul-tiple champion and business leader. Nomination packets will be ac-cepted by ORMHOF until March 15, 2008. The nominations will be reviewed by the Voting Com-mittee in April. The 2008 Induc-tion Ceremony will take place in August at ORMHOF's home in the National Automobile Mu-seum in Reno, Nevada. If you have any questions after review-ing the Nomination Packet on the web page, please contact Execu-tive Director, Bob Bower at NEWS- Off-Road Motorsports Hall Of Fame Names Bob Bower As Executive Director The Off-Road Motorsports Hall of Fame Board of Directors is pleased to announce that it has appointed Bob Bower as Executive Director. Bob has worked with ORMHOF for the past five years as a volunteer serving on the Board of Directors as the Vice Chairman, and as the Master of Ceremonies at the Annual Induction Cer-emony. Bob has a deep knowledge of the off-road world. Experience gained from a background of rac-ing with winning teams, to work-ing with industry leaders and as the Vice President of Sales and Mar-keting for the Off.Road Expo, makes him a perfect fit for the task. He has served as a gifted story teller for the sport providing commen-tary for ESPN, Speedvision, and ESPN2, and as the host of Four Wheeler TV. As Executive Director Bob is re-sponsible for the administration and growth of ORMHOF. He is currently working on the develop-ment of a membership base and fund raising programs. NEWS - 1967 Meyers Manx" 10 On Exhibit At Off-Road Motorsports Hall of Fame Richard Brown of Slidell, Loui-siana has generously loaned his replica of the 1967 Meyers Manx ' 10 for display in the ORMHOF exhibit at the National Automo-bile Museum, (The Harrah Collec-tion). Brown is an avid dune buggy historian and collector who thor-oughly researched the construction of the original car. It is an authen-tic Meyers Manx recreated as an exact replica. Brown began this project in June of 2006 and com-pleted it in September of 2007. STROBEL INDUSTRIES 105 SOUTH GREEN STREET CLARKS, NEBRASKA 68628 E-MAIL: STROBELIND@CLARKS.NET PH: 308-548-2254 BAJA 1000 TESTED BY STROBEL MOTORS PORTS CALL FOR PRICES .. .ASK FOR DWIGHT Dusty Times FUEL DUMP TOWER ATTACHES TO PICKUP RECEIVER HYDRAULIC JACKS FOR RACE CAR OR PLAY COMPLETE KIT Vic Wilson, Bruce Meyers, and Jim Chamberlain worked with him as technical advisors and recreated many of the specialized parts re-quired for the build. With their help and expertise, Brown paid precise attention to historical de-tail in the fabrication of the ve-hicle. The vehicle is an exact replica of the first place car at the inaugural Mexican 1000 Rally in 1967. Bruce Meyers of Meyers Manx designed the original vehicle for Vic Wilson, who built the original Manx with the assistance of Jim Chamberlain. Both Meyers and Wilson are 1978 Inductees into the Off-Road Motorsports Hall of Fame. Meyers found tremendous suc-cess in buggy design during the 1960s producing over 6,000 ve-hicles. The Manx utilized an exist-ing Volkswagen frame, a practical and economical choice, with a fi-ber glass body Meyers created for the vehicle. Meyers knew the de-mands of driving in Baja very well and rigorously tested his vehicles there. On April 19, 1967 Meyers, in his Manx "Old Red", along with co-driver Ted Mangels set the first fou r wheeled vehicle elapsed time record in their run down the Baja Peninsula from Tijuana to La Paz. That same spring the National Off-Road Racing Association, (NORRA), formed and made plans for the first official race down Baja, the Mexican 1000 Rally, held November 1, 1967. Meyers made certain that several Meyers Manx teams of took part in this first ever wheel to wheel off-road race from Tijuana to La Paz. At this race Wilson drove his Meyers Manx# 10 to an overall vic-tory and record run in the elapsed time of 27 hours and 38 minutes with Mangels as his co-driver. In 1968 Wilson would go on to take the vehicle to win the Riverside Grand Prix and the Boulder, Colo-rado Jeepers Jamboree in the ve-hicle. Wilson sold the original ve-hide and its current location is un-known. If you have a vehicle of signifi-cant historic importance related to the development of off-road motorsports that you would be in-terested in putting on display in the Hall of Fame, please contact ORMHOF Executive Director, Bob Bower at, or Project Manager, Susan Medville at FOR SALE: Ready for race or Pre-Run -2002 Jlmco 'Ex-Weyhrlch 0*This car has just under gone a $20,000 Major service - front to rear•0 - Complete front-end rebuild - Complete rebuild of both rear arms - Complete service of rear hubs, bearings,calipers, and brake. - Complete new Fortin Steering Rack - Complete rebuild of Fortin sequential transmission - CV's serviced with 4 new leather boots - New Tilton Super Starter -New roof -All filters both air and fuel serviced or replaced • New tires (4) and new wheels (4) and spares (8) - Rebuilt Fortin shifter - Fresh LS1. Engine · 430 HP -car Is very light and fast • ca, weighs 3400 lbs. - ready to race - SCORE Tagged • HD Ught bar with new HID's $100,000 ***Serious Inquiries call: Bob Goshen -7:14.412.4527*** March 2008 Page 47

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Bud Ekins ■amarlal Early in December a wide circle of relatives and friends got together. in Burbank to celebrate the life of Bud Ekins, who died earlier this fall. Ekins, one of the pioneers of organized off-road racing on four wheels, was also a pio-neer when it came to desert racing on a motorcycle. He was so skilled that early in his career he was invited to race in Great Britain and France where he was able to make a living at the sport he loved. When he came back to the U.S., he brought with him the concept of moto-cross racing, and a whole new division of the sport got its start. Ekins was one of the early « ,,;_,,,,, ,.ff' Baja fans who sought to set records to prove that the bikes were faster than the cars. Al-though his brother, Dave, made the first recorded bike trip (with Billy Robertson, Sr.), the idea had first been proposed by Bud. He later was a participant in another record attempt, along with his brother, and Eddie Mulder and Cliff Coleman. All of the record attempts and atten-dant publicity served to focus the media's attention on Baja, and when Ed Pearlman pro-duced the first Baja 1000 in 1967, it got a lot of notori-ety. Ekins was among the mo-torcycle racers who started that first event. Huge Selection ~ oflights .~,~~-¥ ~ GPS, 2-Way Radjos 1 ,~ ',,,> Intercom ,,syftetn & v;deo Equipm~t " ' / ' Pedal Assemb~ies 1 Page 48 '9ft' Under new ownercb. p .. Over 4Q yeah of experience Bring your hot rod, sand rail* mott>reyc:h!~ boat, or ATV down to f>Ur location and ... kt u, solve your,blem,,+ s('om complete If em de111n1 ¾fGJ!llnor r,iodl &,· Bud made friends wherever he went, and as he developed a reputation as a stunt rider and driver, his circle of friends grew to include many in the film industry, as well as bikers and off road racers. A huge contingent of folks, a mixed bag from all facets of his life, met at Warner Broth-ers to see a brief video/film and photo program of his life, and to share stories and anec-dotes about Bud. Notable among the speakers were his brother David; off-road pio-neer Drino Miller; Donna and Susie Ekins, Bud's daughters; Jay Leno; Cliff Coleman, Baja pioneer and ISDT gold medal winner; producer Jerry Weintraub; Chad McQueen, son of Steve McQueen; and Nellie Adams, widow of Steve McQueen. There was also a procession SPECIALTY PRODUCTS DESIGN. INC. Quality Exhaust Components Manufacturing & Fabrication Services Available t ·j'"' J l ·0$ •l'!lo·~* I ~ . / of bikers, on a variety of bikes, some of which were se-rious antiques, who rode to the event to honor Bud. He'd been not only a bike racer, but a Triumph dealer, and a col-lector of antique motorcycles for many years. It was a fitting way to say goodbye to a motorcycle and off-road champion who also happened to be a really nice guy. ~ www.spdeXi Collectors .-2,3,4,5,6 & 8 into 1 Merges Double Slip Merge Weld -On Merge Formed Tri-Y's Collectors Transitions & Megaphones .-Mild Steel / 304 & 321 Stainless 11252 Sunco Dr. Rancho Cordova, Ca. 95742 March 2008 .-Mandrel Bends 1.25" - 5.00" M ild Steel (.049-.065) 304 & 321 SST (.035-.049-.065) 1-888-778-3312 Dusty Times

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THINGS TO LOOK INTO: A subscription to Dusty Times for your friends or relatives who you want to impress with your desert driving skills. Don't you want them to see your picture in the paper? Club subscriptions are available to your organized group, pit teams, race teams and other support groups. Advertising in Dusty Times can be a real boon to your business, if you aren't advertising now maybe you should check into it. You might look int·o becoming a dealer for the Dusty Times newspaper, either as a convenience for your customers or as a little extra profit for your business. Please support Dusty Times advertisers. When you purchase f ram them, be sure and tell them you saw their ad in Dusty Times. Visit our website at Dusty Times March 2008 Page 49

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• SAT PHONE RENTALS & SALES Rent Iridium Phones from only $49.99 per week Same Day Delivery/Pick Up We Sell New & Used Sat Phones We Buy Used Sat Phones We Repair Sat Phones Open 24 Hours Located in San Diego, CA 4& Q) ~ ~ ~ (@ ($! IRIDIUM ' ,,,;·~ '"'' 1 d ~ , inmarsat r - . -, bgan , 1-888-884-7623 ALLROADSAT .com rx (BOO) 654-7223 CA (310) 539-2266 Page so March 200s more Trall Notes ... $100,000 cash contingency program for the 2008 SCORE Desert Series. The new VW Contingency program offers cash to the top three finishers in VW-powered cars in eight Pro classes, plus a $20,000 year-end bonus to the VW-powered vehicle with the most points in the series as well as a $5,000 bonus to the highest finishing VW-powered vehicle in both the 2008 Tecate SCORE Baja 500 and the 2008 SCORE Baja 1000 desert races. "This Volkswagen contingency program is a natural extension of our marketing partnership with SCORE and we are very, very happy to reward our loyal VW desert racers with these significant cash bonuses," said Clark Campbell, Volkswagen of America Motorsport Manager. SCORE currently has three Pro classes open exclusively to VW Baja Bugs, Beetles, Rabbits (Class 5, Class 5/1600) and VW Sedans (Class 11). Three additional classes (Class 1-2/1600, SCORE Lite and Class 9) are required to have VW powerplants exclusively in open-wheel desert race cars and the unlimited Class 1 and Class 10 car classes have the option of using a VW motor. In addition to the special year-end bonus and the bonuses at the 40th Tecate SCORE Baja 500 (May 30-June 1) and the 41" Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 (Nov. 19-22), the cash prizes available each race, per class, are $1,000 for tirst, $500 for second and $250 for third. CORR TELEVISION -Championship Off Road Racing is back bringing short course racing to the next level with exciting additions to the already commanding TV Coverage. CORR racing will now be Broadcast on both NBC and SPEED in High Definition. CORR will have nine 90-minute shows all broadcasted in High Definition on NBC, three of which will be LIVE. One of the highlighted LIVE shows will be at the finale Cup weekend held at The Chula Vista International Raceway on December 6th and 7th• In addition to the LIVE coverage on NBC, CORR will also go LIVE in High Definition on SPEED six times in 2008. CORR will have nine two hour shows on SPEED. The usual crew of seasoned commentators is back bringing all the action of Championship Off Road Racing directly to the fans. You won't want to miss commentators Bill Weber, Wally Dallenbach Jr., Marty Snider, Kelli Stavast and Ken Stout as they bring you the excitement of Championship Off Road Racing on both NBC and SPEED. GOOD NEWS -Talked to old friend Jerry Lawless the other day, he was in the hospital to repair a leaky heart valve. He's home, definitely on the mend, getting stronger every day and hopefully we'll see him out in the desert real soon. SCORE POINTS LEADERS -Following his impressive season-opening victory at the recent 14th SCORE Laughlin DeseH Challenge, Las Vegas' veteran desert racer Pat Dean leads the overall and unlimited Class 1 point standings in the 2008 SCORE Desert Series while his teammate B.J. Richardson is third in overall points and second in Class 1. Racing for the Las Vegas Dissemination Company team in near-identical Chevy-powered Bunderson open-wheel desert race cars that are prepped by Valley Performance. Dean has 62 points while Richardson has 53. Dean, who owns Patrick's Signs of Las Vegas, and Richardson, a Las Vegas businessman with interests both in real estate and casinos, have been teammates for several years with their vehicles prepped by Valley Performance, which is owned by Pat's father Butch Dean and is the oldest full-service off-road shop in Southern Nevada. "We used a borrowed vehicle after I sold my old Class 1 car three weeks before the Laughlin race and the loaner was only a V6 which makes our win and start of the 2008 SCORE Desert Series even more impressive," said Dean, a veteran second-generation SCORE desert racer with numerous podium finishes in his SCORE racing career. "B.J. and I and our race cars have become almost like twins and to start the season with a 1-2 finish in Class 1 is better than we have ever started as a team before." Second overall and leading the SCORE Trophy-Truck points after his Laughlin win is Rich Ronco. Another veteran desert racer, Ronco, Peoria, Ariz., is new to the marquee SCORE Trophy-Truck racing division and has 59 points in his No45 Tatum Motorsports Chevy Silverado. The top 15 in points are: 1. Pat Dean, (Class 1), 62 2. Rich Ronco Trophy Truck59, 3. B.J. Richardson, (Class 1), 56 4. B.J. Baldwin, Trophy-Truck), 53, 5. Steve Barry, (Class 1), 52 , 6. Cory Boyer/ Rick Boyer, (Class 1-2/ 1600), 51, 7. Darnen Jefferies, Trophy-Truck), 49 7. Chuck Dempsey (Class 1), 49, 9. Enrique Zazueta Jr./Enrique Zazueta Sr., (Class 57'1600), 48, 10. Dale Lenk/Brett Lenk, (Class 1), 47, 11. Bobby Baldwin Trophy-Truck), 46, 11. Rick St. John (SCORE Lite), 46, 11. James Scott (Class 1), 46, 14. Chris Harrold, (Class 10), 50, 14.Hiram Duran, (Class 1-2/1600, 50, 14. Eric Chase, San Diego/Stuart Chase (CLASS 1), 50. HAL FLAG -With heavy heart we report the passing of Manny querra. Manny was a very long time off road racer, first in uggy's and then graduated into Ford trucks. Manny was racing in the Best In The Desert Parker 425 when he was stricken with a heart attack. He succumbed in the truck. All our best wishes go out to Manny's family. He will be sorely missed by all who knew him. Go with God. Dusty Times

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Dusty Times You ow IS THE Complete Newspaper on Everything That's Happening ·1n Off Road Racing And Rallying, So Why Not Have It Delivered To Your Home or Business Every Month? Visit our website at March 2008 ...... _ Page 51 -

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Page 53

fl Countrywide· BRAD TURPIN HOME LOANS SR. Ho~tE LoAN CoNSlll.TAr-rr 27805 SANTA MARGARITA PKWY MISSION VIEJO, CA 92691 (949) 291-3158 Cw. (949) 707-2223 OFFICE (866) 379-0298 FAX ><,WW.HOMl.C0Ut,7l!Y\\11JE.COM/BRADTI!Rl'lN BRAD_ TL'RPIN@Crn•r-.711YWIDE.C0M OFf:ICIAL RACE FUEI.S FUEL OF NASCAR 1 (800) 54-COSBY COSBY OIL COMPANY, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA / --- -ill/IC.,,. .,. h-,-r;:,i~~r..-,-CALL TODAYI PH: 949.567.9000 RAC£CAR, SANDCAR, PRERUNNER PREP DESERT AND SHORT COURSE a-:--'-"-..._...=---..:;,a...:lL.11.;:.,a Speelalialg ha-._. .... ......... lle'Wlud ....... ...... 111)411 . ..,._ .... ~A.Ul••atk 9'-MBollcl,~~ fili~"~u SCaJ~;C'A ,-ot\ ; F4t ~i~•••6'u.t r 'TrAl Fni 800-417~HOt Z: * MATI'Hl'W@roS't()f,fl)ECAL~ BEST SERVJCE IN THE WES!' CiODl~~!..~~TV = KYMCO ATVS SCOOTERS MOTORCYCLES MU'"""""••• NEW USED CUSTOM Co!y, SMly, Mike, Chris 91at & Grand Avenue 11808 N 91st Av Ptoril, AZ 85345 Ph 623-334-3346 FAA 623-334-3730 Toll Fret: 8"-7 46-0434 REPAIR SERI/ICE FAB~CATIOH SUSPENSION PARTS & ACCESSORIES RACE PREP & FUEL CUSTOM RIINO FABRICATION WWW.DESEllTTO"YZATV.COM DESERTTO"YZATVOHOTMAIL.COM 24 Years al service To The OIi Road Industry 818-882-0004 "<'· :+·" ~~ 143$~r.r-Aw,M • <,#:: ... {6t~448-3932 .._e~~wm _ • .fax~19)C48-3662 1543 W. 16th Street Long Beach, California 90813 Illa PIIDVIIMIRI 1558 No. Case • Orange, CA 92867 {714) 637-2889 • Fax (714) 637-7352 GREG QUINN CELL (562) 843-4355 (562) 432-3946 (714) 540-5535 FAX (562) 432-7969 Wt use & tteommelld fTJj~l't] RA< ll\!, [\<,IMS, TRA"\\"\11\\IOM ,.\'Iii> OffRO,.\ll PART\ Send urea)! for our new catalog S5.00 BRUCE FRALEY 702365.9055

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HEADFLOW MASTERS 2466 S. SANTA f'E AVE. #F VISTA C'.A. 92081 HONDA f1.1:,a:a · (81'8} 166-6134 (800} 800-6134 FAX (818)766-9397 Adrian PHONE (760) 727-1827 $ .SUZUKI &ED..•..OD . .. BILL ROBERTSON & SONS, INC. 5626 TUJUNGA AVE. NORTH HOLL VWOOD, CA. 91601 1-tLJSTL-EE:~ concEPTS ~ gAJA 5HOP (sin<:,, 1967} f:=u=~c=e c:::nr::,s s=i=:use Faurrie~ i:::::L-Lln11""'L.1t'n W~H si:::aec:::s:::1LJ,-..,... Jea,eRodri«ues PH: 714-891--0701 FIX'714-987-0758 JG TRANSWERKS ·ao with a Proven Winner" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Quality Raclng Transaxlea Mendeola Oealer Off Road -Sand Specialist JOE GIFFIN (714) 632-1240 (714) 632-122,1 Email: www 3061 E. L:dolla St. #I An3hc:im. California 92806 JON KINNE 520 Railroad St., Corona, CA 92882 Tel. .951-278-2233• Fax: 95 l-278-8335• C: 8 C: ::J N A Lonely Advertising Space Looking For • Custom Alternators • Complete Wiring • ·custom Fab • Exhaust & Muffler • Prep & Finish Work Long Term Relationship Call (818) 882-0004 HONDA Pow er • • OUT eouo ENGINE • GENDIATOR SHCl"'-IST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. ART KAWAGUCHI . 3532 UST 3AO ST. Fax 323-284-2138 71◄ N ~ SI. °'8nVe,CA. ll2967 t.O$ AHG!t.£S, CA IOOCl3 323·284-5868 Mike Julson 9428 Wheatland• Court lantN. CA 92071 819-598-3380 619-596-3364fax www..Jlmc~.cotn .Lt .. Z_··--··· George Jimenez Se Hobfo Espaffol RACING ENGINEC COMfllm ENGINES • PAATS ti OYNO SUVICE 535 E .. Central Park Ave. Anaheim, CA 92802 Tel: (714) 535.5116 Fax: {714) 535-5816 Derek Kreaer PH: 714.289.9048 FX: 114.831.1854 1214 N. Parker Unti # 3 Orange. CA 92867 POWER E STEERING THOW.S.£.LEE LEE MFG. qo. 119'11 P£NOL.ETON&TAEET SUN WJ.£'1. CA 1131&2 FAX (e19} 79&-2a7 (818}7ee-o:m AMll~offlioww~geet&, pumpt Ind lliCOIIIIOriea 11:)f any tv&»otndng.· MfoONtlux ~ ZYIIO flclit!N iwailal:N. Engineering •CustomCh ... "RacePrep • Aluminum Work -w.ldlng ·Magnanm FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 (909) 596-5497 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER p~ RACING ENGINES Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596--0886 Race Seats• Restraints• Storage /!Jags Window Nets• Limit Straps• Tie Downs 11433 Woodside Avenue• Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455 • Fax: 619/449-9454 Catch_ us .~n the Net/ Ptt00£;(71,4) 441-1212 FAX,(714) 441•1622 2366 E. ORA.NGETHORPE AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CA 92806 1695 CACTUS RD. SAN DIEGO, CA 92 I 54 ToddDw,r' T. (619) 710-8800 F. (619) 710-1640 1900 Compton Ave. SUile 101, Caooa, CA 92881 Pttone ~1)817-0101 Ext.156

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619-562-5533 Off Road Fabricafli,n and Design -~ ... moseBillti Funct;on/strength/Safety/Pride • Sand un M«I« i,y Hol'ld ,,, tlte. vsA • Trucks •Race Cal's · ~ ·~Uy'4rs •Curtotn JOHN MOSELEY o.rriu /F~tor - .mosebilt.c;om 236 JG$Qn Court C~n,na, CA 92879 951-27~-3026 Fax 951-272-0n6 #OULTO# FABPXA110ll.tom IIAOE CAIi$ ~ DUAi. Sl'Oll'IS ext .. .u,...., ~ &Aa MeP, IUl'Aal,$ 661-974-7961 Mf:J :f IL Jr.1 :'* •An-=t! , ...... ,! -VDUR CDMPLl!TE IGNITION SOURCE AUTOTRONlC CONTROLS CORPORATION ,.ago H E N Plv OAENNAN OR . . EL. PASO. T X '7893E l\l15) 8S1-S;>OO • tFl)I 11"1' l~l51 65!1 112:) • VlSff OUP W£6 SOt ,....,..,., msd, OFF-ROAD RACE PREP Custom Fabrication Mig & Tig Welding I' •• Now Offering •• ::J Alum. inum Body Work Off.Road & sandcarrire Mou. nting Cha$$IS Se1up ' Bead~, Tubes, Inner Liners Shock Tuning ' · Twe GrooYtng .. -WWW.MYERS-RACING.COM q:r;.; ..., IIJt,, \ Myers Racing IFl.fflirS ,c 15222 Connector Lane ;\ 'Z?{ 4W Huntington Beach, CA 92649 i A.fut; Tel: 714-893-8106 O.ff. R ,.,..,d!l1'Wf5 . Fax: 714-893-8123 • ~~ .-.ace erv1ces TUBE BENDERS ¼» TO 3" 0.0. Capacity Models Starting at $279.00U!! M-TECH SUPPLY TUBE BENDERS • PIPE BENDERS • TUBE NOTCHERS RING ROLLERS • COLD SAWS • ABRASIVES 4B0-72G-2B76 ~OUR 8;,":.~,f(_V_4fijr-, Sizes to fit most AiV ~~~~u l A.UTOMOTJVE ~ POLISHED & COLORED FINISHES SCALLOPED OR CONVENHONAL Reinfoming Ringa Also Available Phone - (951) 354-8272 WWW .OMFPERfORMANCE. com Or.BS Parts for: Dune Buggy• Race Car• VW Engine • Subaru Engine Parts Custom Machine Work & Fabrication 1-800-231-8156 2525 East 16th Street • Yuma. AZ 85365 928-783-6265 • Fax 928-783-1253 For The Price Of A Phone Call And A Few Bucks A Month Your Ad could Be Here 818-882-0004 95J.360.S906 9S J.360.0~16 fax 800.700.USO 3834 Wicker Drivt Mira Loma, CA 91752 www.~rkerpump, fNHRLD A8RICATION. INC 1660 8ob<ock. 8Ulldif19 8, CosloMe.w.CA92627 la 194916S0-3-03S FAX 1949! 650-472\ ............... 00111 l)ellllolllobOootcom ,,.,.,,.... n " " r'FIIIISI0/1 . · .. Todd f roods 25"5 I.E. ◄6' Att. • Radios • GPS • Intercoms • Headsets • • Wired helmets • GPS Protectorz • 1-877-WEE-RACE www 12221 Poplar St., Unit 8, Hesperia, CA 92345 <;;ary <Powe/I Motorsports: Electrical Design &: Manufacturing Since 1988 Ph: (949) 735--9039 Fax: (949) 459-0085 .·,go . OTRUCK RACING OPIGANIZATION A High P&rformance Spec V8 Race Truck Serl•s "The True Driver's Class• Ptotruck Sale$ .an<f Promotion W•bslt•: Email:

Page 56

RACING SAFETY PRODUCTS HELMETS • FIRESUITS • SEAT BELTS • GLOVES SHOES • LIMITING STRAPS • WINDOW NETS DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED - (800) 669-2355 • Hi.Plldormance Equfpment Susp6r,sion • S,afety • Oriw>/ine • Accessories (619) 691-9171 {619} 691-9174 (619) 691,-0803 (fAXJ 103 Press Lane, Suite U Chula Vista, CA 91910 e-mail: rprodt .-::%_ .... AP,PA~~ -A~TWOi,tK • PER!!lONAL:tl!itS' -~ . ' CralQSt-,t Phone: 619-449-9i21 F,n, t.1'1•"44-'6711 Cell: 6t~~· Fabrication & Race Preparation Ml11 Abraham Way Scmt.., CA Uo?t t'-.. lltA"JJ_'!tei .. ~ ~ ~.!-"":?...'1'M-<~~ crQlg/11~-rtu.<om PH: 714.680.6731 • Fl: 114..680.3110 1011 Free: 800.304.8126 101 5 E. Elm Avenue, Fullerton, CA 9 Z 8 J 1 MHU11llis#S , ......... .. 11112 SJHllitll!I II: -SWlll■la -lltH! .. .,..14 ........ ....... ,. -Aa111 1,111tu.111tea 0921.ttWUa RANCHO DRIVETRAIN ENGINEERING Tony Selva, Jr 41740 Enlerprise Circle North Suite 106 Temecula. CA 92590 PHONE 951.296.6163 FACSIMllE951.296.2236 tselva@ranchod rivetrai n .com QUAIJIY lsrlr &PENSIVE, Ir's PmcaEss! VALW DwN PRoout:rs • CuS10M HEAD Wamc 7BD/S4B-4BSB • FAX 7BO/S4B-485B WWW'-RDVALILEBPRING.C0/111 Barry Beacham 102j Calle Sombra -Unit A San Clemente, CA 92673 Office 949-361-4388 Fax 949-361-4352 Do YOU Need To fr TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821-(714} 441-3581 Fax (714) 612-11246 JOB SITE SlGHS • 8,\,~liEAS • 'Mtm<JW LEmlltM, • CAR lETIERING • GRAPflCS BGUEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101 Galv .. ay C1rc!e • Huntingto1 Beach CA 921349 (714) 897-0075 • Fa\ {7141 894-.9567 PEIIFOIIIUINICE PREP • SET-UP • MAINTENANCE • ELECTRICAL Sean Kennedy (714) 470-5552 SPECIALIZING IN '¥, % E. f1MMPIONSHIP . '1!!!__R!l!,!IRACING 818-882-0004 A Tatum Distributor RM.3:J<llM-Specializing In Ott-Road Rac!n11 & Driving For OVet Z1 Years W~oJ '!~ -,,,,_ q,,;i 21X>0-:1061 • P""4-9 ~ cl e~'k/1,;u. 5294 N. Can Grande Hwy • Ste 102 Tucson. Az 85743 Mig Welding • Tig Welding Upgrade. & flepairt 8•ia•Proven Equipment 520 .. 850-3693 fiiil SANDERS SERVICE, INC. l!.l!/ METAL PROCESSING · 5!>21 Wif.mington Ave., Los Aqelcs, CA '8001 (323) 583-2404 f AX (323) S83-3%5 SANDBLASr-OI.ASS BEAD-MAGNETIC PARTICLE Fl.OURESCENT IN PEC110N MARK SMITH LARRYSMJTH LAURA RICHARD S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER SOOT11 HCR66, BOX 11030 PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV 89048 (775} 372-5335

Page 57

• IIACEFUEI.S Paul Oil Company (209) 847-2281 [800) 527-6090 FAX 12091847-9726 P.O. 8011 248 • 524 N. Sierra Ave. . 'WESTERN DIVISION Oakdale, Califamia 95361 2180 College Drive • Lake H•,,.•u City • AZ. aM03 Call Toll Free: 877-627-8852 or E-Mail: lnfoOtcsperl' • Hi Performance Converters Custom Length Axles • • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Deslgned Hubs • (for Race It Recreation) Input Shafts • American Made Excellence!! • Off-Road and Bolt•On to Street Flt>erglass for: "Ford, C~evy and Toyota" Trucks • Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1261 N. Buena Vista St. , ff¥1el CL 92543 Pit: 951.fi54-73a.t fax: 951-65-t•2375 See• list of'"'" prod~ ov web site: tlllMXLE ENGINEERING 9763 Varlel Ave. JEFF FIELO (8f8) 998-2739 Chatsworth, CA 91311 s WBST PERFORMANCETRANSAX1.ES Kevin Pirtle 22545 South Normandie Ave. Torrance, California 90501 {619) 596-8033 VP Racing Fuels, Inc. West Coast Region P.O. Box 1319. 34283 Monte Vista Wildomar. CA 92595 •On111y IHh A r1,l,d1 ,., .. ,.,.,.,,., . Wmllt · www.,pr1d1ffffls.a. KELLEY HENOEL Regional Manager Officei951) 674-9167 FaxC?Slt 074-7167 Email: For A Few Bucks You can Increase Your Productivity 818•882•DDD• SCORE EN.GlNE ButlOeR OfnteYEAR 994~ 1998, 1999, From Parts To COfflJ)lete EngJJ)ea 1 000 W . S radl-,y, V nlt Q El Cajon , C A 9 2020 Cartoa Oroi:co 3265 W. Birtcher Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89118 702·837-2522 960$N. 21st Or. l"hoenix, AZ 1$021 Jack Wood$ '81-242-0077 fax 60?~242-12113 Rac e Cars D u ne Buggies Lorenzo Rodriguez 'Ii a,,s,n,551c,,,s • Patts • Se~e • IM!!dmg VW Pe<tche -N,iun • ToYoU • Hood.\ Baja Bugs 850 S. Alea Vi.ta Ave .. Monrovia. CA 91016 (626i 30:,-RACE (72231 • (626} 357-6629 fax www,w~J"~n$ <:om .......... • BUGGIES •SRnDCRRS •SHOCKS RIICE PREP SHOP • TRUCKS • PRE·RUnnERS • FRBRICRTIOn 818) 1126-2260 World Leading Motorsport Transmission Manufacturer 11 Dakar Rally Victories 17 World Rally Victories 6 AMA MX/SX Championships Xtrac Inc 6183 West 80th Street Indianapolis IN 46278 email: Tel: (317) 472 2454 '383' Baja Oass 1/10 sequential Transaxle ~ .... xtri!.,c;&Q!'.!'lJ.lm; -

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-c::,c:,,v1-r ,=c:,~caE=-r -re:, E3 LI,::::.,::::. c:, ~ -r -r-1--1 E= ~ C::, ~E=~-rlE3E=~E3 VVI--IC:, #CE= E=,::::. ~ E= ,::::.c:,~ -r1 ,vca -r-1--1 E= c:,,=,= ~c:,~c::, IVE=VVE:il For Better Reproduction of Your Photos: For the best reproduction of your ad's photograph it is best if you allow Dusty Times to size and crop the photo. To allow sufficient space for us to display your vehicle in the most effective manner it is suggested that the object you are advertising occupy no more than 75% of the space in the photograph. To achieve the highest quality in your photograph you should not provide Xerox copies, photo prints in less thaa 600dpi if computer generated, or photographs already printed as halftones. It is always best to provide an actual photograph or a digital photograph printed on photo quality paper with a photo printer, not smaller than 4x3" in size. We also accept digital imagery on compact disc in jpg, tif, and pdf formats. Your photograph, regardless of the media, should never be folded as it is impossible to remove the line created by the fold. Adding a piece of stiff cardboard or heavy· cover quality paper with your photograph will help to protect it on it's journey to our offices. The higher quality the original photograph, the better it will appear in your ad. ClasslRed ••• Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be le-gal for sale or use in all 50 states. Readers are advised to consult appropriate local or state authorities for informa-tion before purchase of any specific item. FOR SALE: Own the leg-endary Great Candy Cane! Great Sportsman car. Raceco 2 seater, VW, type 4 Motor, rebuilt trans, Fox Shocks, $12,500.00 OBO. TJ Stanworth (435) 864-4933. Leave message or email tjstanworth@hotma i I. com for pictures. 2006 Jimco Dominator,,400 in. LS 1-Redline, Mendeola HD 4, 25" front travel, 27" rear travel, size 30 cv's with sliding axle, TT CNC front hubs, TT rear hubs, Beard, Crow, Fuel Safe 80 gallon tank, BTW wheels, Toyo tires, All spares and a pos-sible parts deal, $175,000.00, Jeff Quinn/ McKenzies, · 807 E. Orangethorpe, Anaheim, CA 92801, (714) 815-8466. FOR SALE: 06 Ford Ranger . 4x4, 7 300 Legal, Mastercraft, Ump, Racerunners, Goodyear, HID lites, Parker Pumper, Flameout, Race Radio, Fluidyne, lots of spares, $27,000.00 OBO. (619) 754-5099, (619) 444-2488. FOR SALE: 2005 Baja Pro Truck, Chassie No. SS-1-044 truck No 299, Chevy body pan-els. Fresh Engine and trans. Floor jack/ spare drive line/al-ternator/steer motor/tool stor-age and much more on board. Full equipped, ready to race, the best of everything. Many spare parts. $150,000.00 OBO. (818) 991-9898. FOR SALE: 2 Seat Class 1/ 1500 Race Car, SCORE Tagged, Race Ready, LSl, S4, King Shocks, Bumps, ProAm Hubs & Brakes, UMP, PWR Cooler, CNC, Howe, Mastercraft, Race Radio & In-tercom, Light Bar, 42 Gallon Cell, 37" BFG's, AZ Street le-gal & Much More. $125,000.00 Spare package, trailer, Prerunner & Etc. Also Available. Call Dan (480) 688-7646 or email at fun: FOR SALE: 3 ea-Mendeola 5 speed with series 30 drive flanges-$18,000.00ea. Call (702) 255-1915 or (702) 219-FOR SALE: Class 8 for sale. 434ci dry sum small block. Turbo 400 trans. 10 inch Crisman rear-end. 6 piston cali-pers, big rotors, 84 gal. Fuel cell. King shocks, 22 inc. front travel, 34 inch rear travel. Score tagged. $86K obo. (602) 525-3699. Help Wanted: CORR TRUCK TEAM LOOKING FOR CREW MEMBERS! Crew Chief, Car Chief and Crew Members. Ap-plicants must be honest, hard working and able to follow direc-tion. Send resume to: speed fun Be sure to include a contact phone number . •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in OUBI:"=== : DUSTY TIMES. . 011::IIO-S ~ Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use U • of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. 2""° IV'\ • REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED -YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A ~ • TIMELY MANNER. ISSUE DEADLINE : • • • Enclosed is $ (Send check or money order, no Cash) . -------------• Name . . ------------------------------------.Address---------------------------------------------------------------• •City------------------------------------------------------------------• • State-______ Zip _________________ Phone ________________________________ _ Please run ad _______ times Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 April 08 Mar 7, 08 • • May 08 Apr 11, 08 • June 08 May 9, 08 • July 08 June 6, 08. : August 08 Jul 11, 08 • September 08 Aicg 8, 08 : October 08 Sept 5, 08 • November 08 Oct 3, 08 : December 08 Nov 7, 08 • Janl«l1? 09 Dec 5, 08 : February 09 Jan 9, 09 • March 09 Feb 6, 09 • _ __________ ... ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page 58 March 2008 Dusty Times

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-r FOR SALE: Flying Dutchman's original off-road truck. Coilover front shocks, quarter liptic rear springs, 355 chev engine, turbo 400 trani, Mastercraft seats, and 5pt belts, Autometer gauges, 5 new tires, aluminum radiator. This truck was completely re-built. $25,000.00, will deliver (920) 915-8777 .. ···-... ~~ ·,-..•:1 -Mil::--FOR SALE: 5-1600 less than 200 play miles on complete race prep, including, new engine, trans and front suspensions. Does not have dual port, disc or power steering. $7,000.00 OBO. John (928) 763-1575. FOR SALE: 1835 FAT Plenum motor dry sumped w/dual CompuFire, Mendeola sequen-tial 5 speed w/indicator by Dave Folts, CNC, turning brake w/bias adjuster, Light-ened 934 CV's, Kings done by Webber-3 front bypass, 5 rear bypass, Mastercraft w/adjust-able drivers seat, BTR wheels, w/beadlock on wheels, Sweet & Howe Diablo rack, Fuel Safe, cell w/1 dry brake & 1 regular fi ller, Lowrance 6500 C OPS, lcom radio & inter-com, Parker Pumper, Score le-gal, Aluminum light bar, Prepped by PBW. Contact Steve (928) 442-9285 or Jim ( 480) 894-1286. FOR SALE: Jimco 2 Seat 1600, Score legal, previous Score points champ, Kings just ser-viced by Webber, Fresh FAT dual port, Lightwei-ght hoses, OFT Transmission._, .iDFT rear hubs, servic;eable, ~artek ·shifter, Mastercraft with adjust-able drivers seat, Lightened 930 CY's Fuel Safo w/dry break, Foddrill Beam & Tor-sion housings, New FoJdrill £. front, arms & spindells, Sway-A-Way, Sweet Saco iSi. How~. . Lowrance 480c GPR lcom, Y-.. 8000 and Intercom, Odyssey Battery, Parker Pump!!r, CNC . Willwood, Dual MSD lgnition, BTR rims Yokohama tires, Sis-ter car to Bekki Freeman W ik, Car completer. rebuilt by Foddrill 4/06, Spare parts, con-tact Steve (928) 442-9285 or Jim @ (480) 894-1286. Dusty Times· FOR SALE: Single Seat Seagrove 1776 FAT Plenum mo-tor dry sumped, CompuFire Ig-nition, Mendeola Sequential 5 speed w/indicator by Dave Folts, Lightened 390CY's Black BTR's beadlocked rear with Yokohama tires, Fox's done by Webber 3 bypass front,4 bypass rear, Mastercraft seat w/ad-juster, Parker Pumper, Fuel Safe w/one dry brake, one regu-lar filler, Howe Diablo rack, Lowrance 480 C OPS, PCI ra-dio, Ira Track mount, Score le-gal, Dual odyssey battery, Soltek lights w/bar, Assembled by Ronnie @ SPF. Contact Steve (928) 442-9285 or Jim ( 480) 894-1286. FOR SALE: 2-1600 Green Sticker. One race on all new car. Mohr performance Mo-tor and Trans, King's, Kartek micros, Fodrill spindles, front & rear discs, gun drilled axles, 930 s, pumper, Saco rack, Charlin power steering, Pro 4 seats, PCI ra-dio & Intercom, Fuel Safe, mild steel chasis, $38,000.00. Call Bob at (760) 792-5431 or (760) 248-2112. FOR SALE: Two brand new Baja Pro Trucks, Ford engines & body. Test miles only. Texas trailer 18' open tandem and enclosed 30' TPD built out for racing, 2004 Ford lariat 250 chase truck 4 door with cus-tom built box. Many spares, too much to list. Best of every-thing, will email pictures. Call (818) 773-0155 ext #103. FOR SALE: Jimco 2 seat race car, SCORE Tagged, 440 HP LS2, Fortin Wide gear 4 speed, King Shocks, l l0W race radio, Avcomm intercom, IRC mount and antenna, UMI Filters, Pro-Am Hubs, 35 spline axles, 6 Hella HID, driver controlled ligh t bar, 7" OPS, Beard seats, 40 ga l fuel cell, Fresh Prep, spare parts, 8 tires and wheels, pit boxes. Only 23 races total on car, 1 owner since turn-key built by Jimco. Call Tim @ (626) 893-1976. $ 115,000.00 OBO. For Sale: 2007 Baja Coalition Champion: SCORE tag good until 1/09. OFT transmission, King Shocks, Racer X int. Color OPS, Xm Radio, KC HID's, this car has it all. Prepped and ready to go! We have spore motor, spare transmission, 32 BFG tires and wheels. Spare axles, tor-sions, too many parts to list. Take all for $50,000 or just the car for $35,000. Call 928-230-1344, 928-704-0140 or 928-234-4964 FOR SALE Woods built 2006, Class 1 two seater, Score tag, race prepped, Mendeola sequen-tial, Black Hawk Bilstein, 45 gal fuel cell, Lowrance OPS, Kenwood race radio, LS6, CC front, Kartek rear, Howe power steering, 934CV, Baja TA bead lock wheels, Foddrill spindles, Parker Pumpers, asking $97,000.00 also 1600 FAT mo-tor VW cc $3500.00 (not for car) for sale. (602) 242-0077, (602) 859-5130. WHY AREN'T YOU A DUSTY TIMES SUBSCRIBER? It's so much easier to receive Dusty Times in your mailbox each month, getting all the latest news and race and rally reports, written by the best off road journalists in the business. Don't miss an issue: Subscribe now: 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years Foreign Subscriptions 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years Air Mail Rates on Request $25.00 $40.00 $55.00 $55.00* $110.00* $165.00* * U.S. Dollars (Subscription Form is on Page 3) Wllll■EIAIII SC O R.E San Felipe250 March14-15 IL'11='i.-&'=DJI.Pc'lll&I 20 0 B FOR V.I.P. NO LINE/ NO WAIT ENTRY, EMAIL US AT .... OR VISIT: March 2008 FOR SALE: Raceco Class 10 Single Seat. Foddrill, CNC, Rear Floater Hubs, Boxed Rear Arms, Fox Shocks, Fuel Safe, Fluidyne Cooler. Cactus Blower Mastercraft adj seat, Crow. Schroeder str. Wheel. Autometer. New Al. body. No motor/transmission $18,000.00 Paul (760) 394-0039 / (760) 413-8335. INDLl TO AD\lb..12. Tl6b..12.6 All Road Communications ....................... 50 Baker Precision Products ....................... 42 Bilstein ...................................................... 4 Bob Goshen Vehicle Sale ........................ 47 B.O.R.E ...................................................... 2 BTR Racing Wheels ................................ 43 Butch's Speed Shop ................................ 15 Clark County Land Grab .......................... 41 Competion Air Systems .......................... 47 Eibach Springs ........................................ 46 Fabtech ................................................... 37 Fox Racing Shoks .............................. 30-31 Fuel Safe Racing Cells/Custom Works .... 19 JG Transwerks ....................................... 22 Jim Chamberlain Vehicles for Sale ......... 35 Kar Tek Off Road .................................... 21 King Shock Technology .......................... 24 Mastercraft Seats .................................. 18 McKenzie's Performance Products ......... 12 MOR Productions Mojave 250/ Superstition King of the Desert ......... 33 Mesa Hose .............................................. 48 NevadaOff Road Buggy ........................... 34 Off-Road Swap Meet .............................. 11 Off Road Warehouse ............................... 29 Pacific Customs ...................................... 27 Parker Pumper Helmets .......................... 10 PCI Race Race Radios ............................... 5 Premium Power Welding ........................ 19 Prowire Motorsport Electrics ................. 45 Pull Pal .................................................... 19 Race Prep Services ................................. 44 Race Ready products ......... :· .................... 40 Racer Off Road ........................................ 48 Racer X Motorsports .............................. 32 Robby Gordon Off Road .......................... 46 Rockodile ................................................ 59 Ronco Plastics ........................................ 36 Sakata Motorsport Electronics ............... 23 Simpson .................................................. 50 Skyjacker Suspensions ........................... 38 Soltek Light Systems .............................. 45 South Point Casino ................................. :. 9 Specialty Products Design ...................... 48 Stewart Raceworks ................................ 44 Strobel Industries ................................... 4 7 Transaxle Engineering ............................ 14 Vision X Off Road Lighting ...................... 17 VORRA Off Road Racing ......................... 25 Page 59 -

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, - . . Satg~t;taY, lMarcll/....? 2008