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Volume 25 - Number 1 January 2008 D 81. Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors Scott Bottomley J. Preston Bradshaw Jim Culp Mike Del Col Nicole Del Col Steve Hilton Victor Gazca Martin Holmes Rod Koch Byrle Moore Steve Ruddick Maurice Selden Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSfY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSfY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882.0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copyright by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., A Velf MerrY aB ~{roDl of us •t 1}IJstY Tanes to aB our frjeDJsaBoverdie .,.,atiJdie coua .. , wadJ. In TIiis Issue ... FEATURES SCORE Baja 1000 lry Judy Smith .................................................................................... 8 Rally Japan lry Martin Holmes ....................................................................................... 22 MORE Powder Puff lry Ste11e Ruddick ........................................................................... 26 MDR Superstition 250 lry J Preston Bradshaw ............................................................. 31 CORR At Primm lry J. Preston Bradshaw .................................................................... 42 BORE Wendover 250 lry Mike Chamberlain ............................................................... 45 SNORE Filtermag 250 lry John Ca!11in & Briana Bradley ........................................... 50 BORE Season Recap by Mike Chamberlain ................................................................. 60 DEPARTMENTS Happenings .............................................................................................................. 5 Trail Notes ................................................................................................................ 6 Baja Pite lry Mr. Baja ...................................................................................................... 48 BFGoodrich News .................................................................................................. 48 Good Stuff Directory ............................................................................................. 64 Classified Ads ......................................................................................................... 70 Index To Advertisers .............................................................................................. 70 ON TN■ Cov■■ Mark Post and Rob MacCachren had a wonderful Baja 100, they took the Trophy Truck win as well as the overall in their Riviera Racing steed. Elapsed time: 25:21:25 Congrats Photo by Chris Haston -Trackside Photo Larry Roeseler and Troy Herbst took the Class 1 win with nearly an hour in hand at the checkers, that's four years in a row they've taken the class and they were third overall as well. Photo by Art Eugenio - Trackside Photo Visit Our Website at Dustytimes.com cSub scribe 7orfa_y lo DUSTYTIMl!S THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRYII □ 1 year -$25.00 □ 2 years -$40.00 □ 3 years -$55.00 (to subscribe online go to www.dustytimes.com) □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name Address --------------------- -City __________________ _ State Zip -----------------------Primary Interest Can□ Trudu □ Motmcyda □ Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian - 1 year $30.00 VS n Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times January 2008 Page 3
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2DD7•2DD8 Happenings ••• Seed 9 Rally (2) Jean, NV March 14-lS, 2008 Desert Storm Rally (3,3) Blyrhe, CA May 31, 2008 Quartzite Rally Quartzite, AZ RACING AssOCIATION P.O. Box 645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVE ADAMS (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DON ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 Cum AuroMOVILISTICO SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road ENSENAO<\, BC, MEXICO USA )AN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) RAMON CASTRO & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/7 0034) 1 OK FoUR WHEEI..ERS P.O. Box36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 (All events staged at the club grounds in Cleves. Ohio) 4x4 FOREVER, Lm. 1665 DELAWARE ST. O SHKOSH, WI 54901 .AMERICAN RALLY SPORT GRoUP, INc. 3650 Soun, Po1NTE C1RCLE, SuITE 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521-0597 E Mail: roger@rallyusa.com .AMERICAN 'fRLus AssOCIATION AMA Observed Trials Southern California Championship Series BILL MARKUM -PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HaruNE-(714) 562-7742 E MAIL: BMARK909@AOL.COM <www.atatrails.com> AsOCIACION Es'fATAL DE AUI'OMOVILISMO SAM l.AsELL, TECH INSPECTOR AP-ro42 SAN )OSI:. DEL CABO BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL SuR. MExlco AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP DARRYL SMITH 19 SOMERS ST. CASHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTRALIA DUSTY TIMES @bigpond.com Aurocaoss QuEBEC OFF RoAD CIASS 10 CARS ONLY RENALD VAILLANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAVAL QUEBEC, CANADA H7P IT7 (450) 622-4440 BAJA CUP CHAilE.NGE December 8, 2007 BARONA SAND DRAG AssN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 All Races Are Night Races All Races At Barona Raceway, Lakeside, CA BBM MARKETING PROMOTIONS OH Road Short Course Racing & Special Event Marketing 4344 VALLEY VIEW AVE. NORCO, CA 92860 (909) 340-6474 BEST IN THE l>EsERT 3475 BOULDER HIGHWAY LAs VEGAS, NV 89121 702-4 57-577 5/FAX: 702-641-24 31 November 30 - December 1-2, 2007 Henderson's Terrible 400 February 1-3, 2008 Parker April 17-20, 2008 Terribles Town August 21-24, 2008 Vegas To Reno September 26-28, 2008 Las Vegas 300 December S-7, 2008 Henderson 300 BORE RACING 10 ELK MOUNTAIN DRIVE REDSTONE, CO 81623 970-963-4563 623-853-3595 www.Boreracing.com May 2-3, 2008 Red Garter 250 Wendover, NV July 4-S, 2008 Horshue/Cactus Pete's 225 Jackpot, NV August lS-16, 2008 Ely 200 Ely, NV September 19-20, 2008 Red Garter 300 Wendover, NV BP MOTORSPORTS P.O. Box411 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91365 760-578-6258/760-578-6259 FAX: 818-348-4648 E-Mail: bpmotorsporrs@earthlink.net All Events At California City, CA Dusty Times BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGHTON, ONTARIO, CANADA KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR CuJB AUTOMOVIUSTA]UARF.NSB DB CHAMProNsHJP OPF-RoAD RACING 7210 GATEWAY EAST EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 011-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES <www.Californiarallyseries.com> January 26, 2008 Year End Awards Banquet Ontario, CA February 9, 2008 CRS Rally School Ridgecrest, CA February 23, 2008 June 21, 2008 North Nevada Rally (2) Fernley, NV July 12, 2008 Idaho Rally (2) Grand View, ID August 16, 2008 Gorman Ridge Rally (3) Frazier Park, CA October 3-4, 2008 Prescott Rally (2,3) Prescott, AZ November 7-9, 2008 Laughlin Rally (2,3,1) Laughlin, NV CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box 400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA ... .• . . ~ NTIIIIID.>MII HIIADIIIITS ... 11 • • tMITS ~ IIQtrlf!JMINT DcaJ-. CliAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING AssOCIATION C.J. RICHARDS P.O. Box332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLAIRTON HI-JACKERS l.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TWP. LINE ROAD WELLSVlLLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 Short Course off Road Racing At Harrison Councy Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH Cum AuroMOVILISTICA SAN QuINnN CALLE 6TA FRACC Co. DE SAN QUINTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HERACLIO PATINO (011 52 616-5-22-07) CMC CoNTINENTAL MOTOsPORT CuJB P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 Fax: (714) 367-1608 CODE OFFRoAD USA P.O. Box 2328 CALEXICO, CA 92231-2328 760-455-8069 USA Ol 1-52-686-553-4087 MEXICO www.codeoffroad.com.mx November 30-December 1-2, 2007 Race Ready 275 Mexicali - San Felipe, BC, MX CoLORADO Hn.L CLIMB AssOCIATION BARB V AHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H Continued next page ~aw.··• : ,a,1ucoorrnm ~ IIATIIIHCINIIII Aflllf'AJIIIL DVDS January 2008 ---. • lffll • CORR ■ -SIIIE -MOR . ~f§c~ Pages
CORR CHAMPIONS -The CORR contestants racking up the most points in their individual classes are: Pro 4 -Carl Renezeder, Pro 2 -Jerry Whelchel, Pro Lite -Robert Naughton, Super Buggy -Larry Foddrill, Single Buggy - Bryce Menzies, Driver Of The Year -Robert Naughton, Crew Chief Of The Year -Curt Greaves, Sportsman Driver Of The Year -Larry Foddrill. no DIESEL COMING To SCORE -Turbo Diesels will be wed to race in SCORE Trophy Truck, Class 8 and Stock classes, commencing with the SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge. SCORE Trophy-Truck is the premier class in all of desert racing, featuring 800-horsepower, unlimited production trucks. Class 8 is the workhorse in the history of the sport for full-sized two-wheel drive trucks while Stock Full is for stock, full-sized trucks. SCORE Trophy-Truck is the premier class in all of desert racing, featuring 800-horsepower, unlimited production trucks. Class 8 is the workhorse in the history of the sport for full-sized two-wheel drive trucks while Stock Full is for stock, full-sized trucks. The detailed rule package will be posted on the SCORE International website (www.score-international.com) in the near future. For more information regarding the series, contact SCORE at its Los Angeles headquarters 818.225.8402 or visit the official website of the SCORE Desert Series at www.score-international.com. BAJA 1000 - Post/MacCachren/Renezeder Win 40th Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 Overall In No. 3 Riviera Racing Ford F-150 in Wild SCORE Trophy-Truck Battle, Roeseler Takes 16th SCORE Baja 1000 Class win. Mark Post of San Juan Capistrano, Calif., capped off a sensational 2007 SCORE Desert Series Wednesday by driving his Ford F-150 SCORE Trophy-Truck to the overall victory in the 40th annual Tecate SCORE Baja 1000, the granddaddy of all desert races. Only 30 vehicles had completed the course in the first 32 hours of the grueling 1,296.39-mile race. With a 53-hour time limit in the elapsed-time race that started early Tuesday morning in Ensenada, Baja California, racing will continue until the course closes officially at 6 p.m. (PST) Thursday. Post, 49, teamed with veteran drivers Rob MacCachren of Las Vegas and Carl Renezeder of Laguna Beach, Calif., to record the fastest overall speed in a four-wheel vehicle on down the length of the peninsula of Baja California, Mexico. Post's Rivera Racing No. 3 Ford averaged 51.13 miles per hour in covering the distance in 25 hours, 21 minutes and 25 seconds despite rain and dust throughout the distance. The Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 win for Post was his third victory on the six-race 2007 SCORE Desert Series and helped him clinch his first and MacCachren's second SCORE Trophy-Truck season point championship. Entering the legendary granddaddy of all desert racing, Post/MacCachren held a slim one-point margin and five drivers had a shot at claiming the coveted point title. They beat a near-record field of 424 starters. "This has allowed me to do what I want to do, to do what I love doing, come here and win the 40th anniversary of the SCORE Baja 1000," said MacCachren. "I have never had the overall win and I finally got that done. In the middle of the night, there are fires all along the course and thousands of people up all night and it really keeps you motivated, you see everyone yelling out there. One thing I learned about Baja is up and down the Peninsula, there's always someone nearby. We didn't have any flat tires at all." Defending race winner Robby Gordon of Charlotte, N .C., charged back from early problems with the No. 71 Chevy CK1500 to place third in the SCORE Trophy-Truck category and fifth overall among four-wheel vehicles. Gordon had to run an early portion of the course in the dark with just a hand held portable lamp for vision. But the Nextel Cup team owner/driver fought his way back to complete the event with a finishing time of 27: 12: 14." Just when you thought you couldn't top the unusual in Baja, we topped it," said Gordon, whose second driver was Dale Ebberts, Canyon Lake, Calif. "When we stopped at the first pit stop, the crew (part of t he Nextel Cup crew) thought we didn't need lights in the next section. They were wrong. We had to borrow a portable lamp to see. We used a handheld portable lamp through that section (early in the race). By the time we got through that section, we were way back with the Class 10 cars. You talk about giving one way, that's what we did today." In the highly-competitive Class 1 division for unlimited open-wheel desert race cars, Larry Roeseler of Hesperia, Calif., continued his incredible SCORE Baja 1000 performance with Las Vegas' Troy Herbst for their fourth consecutive Class 1 win, an event Page 6 P.O Box 8286 COLORAOO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O. Box 392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER 0l 1-52-65-66-4458 CORR LucAS Ou. SERIJIS 270 NEWPORT CENTER DR., SUITY 100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 866-501-CORR Mav 16-18, 2008 June 6-8, 2008 June 27-29, 2008 Jul,-18 - 20, 2008 Aupat 22 -24, 2008 September 12-14, 2008 September 26-28, 2008 October 17-19, 2008 November 7-9, 2008 CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, Sum 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA EXT 42 Fax (818) 957-4435 D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (AU events at Hannigan race crack, Bellingham, WA or Thurston County ORV Park, Olympia, WA) DAKAR RALLY DARREN SKILTON BAJA AUTOMOTIVE ADVENTURES 455 E. OCEAN BLVD., 'Sum 208 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 Bajaaucomoti<Je@Yahoo.com 0EcATUR FoUR WHEEL DRlvE Cum DECATUR, TX 76234 TOM ALLEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MoTORSPORTS 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 EAsn!RN ~RoAD RACING AssN. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 f..NsFNADA BAJA OFF RoAD RACING Av. REFORMA I 136 ENSADA, BC, MX 01 l-52-646-1818989 EL1s10 Ol l-52-646-1715230 AARON Races for buggys & Mocor9cles &TERO BEACH INTERNATIONAL Sbort Course Racing VICTORIA GALINOO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO 01 l-52-646-176-6230 FORDA PLoRJDA OFF RoAD DRlvER's ASSOCIATION JASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, AP,-, May, Nov at David.son Raceway FuoPUCKER RACING TEAM 1855 PARKWAY DRIVE s. EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/959-579-6151 FAX mdrracing@aol.com GORRA GEORGIA OFF ROAD RACING AssoclATION 420 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA GREAT Pl.ANES OFF RoAD RACING AssoclATION TIM HODGE (402) 991-6048 ScoTTMORROW (816) 792-2126 (AU races are shore course, stadium style Classes -Sportsman, J/2-1600, 5-1600, Spore Truck, Quads, Tough Truck Nebraska Raceway Park, Exit 420 on 1-80 between Omaha and Lincoln.) For latest info check < www.gporra.net> HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING 2000 W. QUINCY AVENUE #8 ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 January 2008 303-806-8062/303-781-0974 fax INTERNATIONAL ICE RACING AssoclATION P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDDOR (612) 937-3816/Fax 474-2769 INTER-SHows MoTORSPORTS PRoMoTioNs, INc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 JEEPSPEm 1826 N. WINDES Orange, CA 92869 714-538-7434/ fax 714-633-1724 All races for Jeepspeed 1,2 & 3 November 31-Decemher 2, 2007 BITD Terrible 400 Henderson, NV K.AMLooPS BRONCO BUSTERS W1iiaperias Pines Sparta & Recreation Center P.O. Box 465 KAMLOOPS, BC, CANADA VZG5L2 DALE NYESTE (250) 579-8039 TONY (250) 554-97801. Craig Byers (250) 376-8466 LAs VEGAS SANDSPORTS & 0FFROAD ExP0 (626) 961-3782 <www.prerunners.com> <www.megashow.com> LI.T.R.E. JEFF ELROD (408) 926-0522 JIM ARUTA (408) 247-4402 MAMARRITA OFF ROAD RACING LUIS CARLOS ALVAREZO PANAMERICANA AVE #5105 Co. JUAREZ, CHIH., MX 011-52-1637-1799 MICHIGAN BUGGY BUII..DERS Dune Buggy Trade Sliow (517) 543-7214 <www.buggybuilders.com> MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterpriaea Inc. 15529 JONES ROAD GRAND LEDGE, ML 48837 (517) 627-6200 Motorcycles, Quads, ATVs and Pilots only MAORA Mm-AMERICA OFF RoAD AssOCIATION P.O. Box 664 GREENUP, IL 62428 (217) 235-6528 E-MAIL: maora@peako.com <www.maoraracing.com> MDR PRODUCTIONS 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE SOUTH EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-44 2-93 20/FAX626-579-605 l Calilomb, Cb.ampioml:up Series February 2, 2008 Wild Wash 250 Barstow "N.' April S, 2008 Mojave 250 Barstow "B" May 17, 2008 Ridgecrest 200 Ridgecrest, CA June 28, 2008 MDR400 Lucerne Valley Double Points Aupat 16, 2008 California 200 Lucerne Valley Night Race September 27, 2008 Lucerne 250 Lucerne Valley "B" November 8, 2008 Stoddard 250 Barstow "B" Supentitioa Clumpioml:up Series Decemher 31, 2007 The Bud Light Dash 200 February 16, 2008 FUD 200 April 26, 2008 King Of The Desert June 14, 2008 Coyote Wash 200 October 18, 2008 Superstition 250 December 31, 2008 Bud Light Dash M.O.R.E. MOJAVE OFF RoAD RACING ENTffuSIASTS P.O. Box 1231 BARSTOW, CA 92312 760-253-4453 moreracing@earthlink.net MOREKARTEK Off Road Gold Cup Series December 1, 2007 Toys For Tots Holiday 200 Barstow, CA January 11-13, 2008 March 14-16, 2008 Ma,- 23-2S, 2008 Julv 1s.20, 2008 September 12-14, 2008 December 5-7, 2008 MSBA MicmGAN SPORT BuGGY '-ASSOCIATION DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. FUNT, ML 48506 (810) 730-9221 MoroWF.ST WINTER TRws SF.RIF.S BILL MARKHAM (909) 860-1857 <www.ITStrials.com> All events at Perris Raceway (Ac Reed Valley with a school) NATIONAL MUD RACING ASSN. RT. #l · Box 380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN PALATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TuFF TRUCK AssN. Butch Chapin Motonports Promo-tiom 1404 EAST 3RD STREET HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NOORA NORTHERN Omo OFF RoAD RACING AssN. GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAIL Kaylaaron@aol.com <www.Nooraoffroadracing.com> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Spring Valley Raceway, on route 518, 20 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) (Thunder Valley located 15 minutes from Spring Valley) OFF RoAD ExPO 2007 (626) 599-8622 OFF RoAD RACING AssOCIATION Volunteered Series PRESIDENT• GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP. - 1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP. -9 & UNLTD. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OUTLAW REP. DON PONDER (314) 631-8190 (All Races at Wheeling in the County 900 Acres) Omo OFF RoADERS INc. 1427 GOSHEN HILLS ROAD S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 JIM KENDEL (216) 339-4674 All races held at Harrison County Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS AssoclATION RICK TICHBOURNE, PUBLIC RELATIONS (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) OUTI.AW SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. LOUIS, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/Fax: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. Off Road Cb.ampioml:up 495 N. COMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <www.usoff-road.com> PENNSYLVANIA SHORT CoURSE RACING SMITHTON HOLE RACEWAY 313 SKYLINE DRIVE SMITHTON, PA. 15479 MIKE GEISER 330-683-6263 www.smithtonhole.com Short Course Offroad Racing All Races Ac Smithton Hole Raceway Dusty Times
Poo!sPF..AK P.O. Box 6962 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF ROAD RACING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 875-7591 PRo 1600 SHOOTOUT COREY GOIN 559-647-6132 GOINRACIN@HOTMAIL.COM PRoTRuCK 14402 BOND COURT EL CAJON, CA 92021 619-390-6252 PuRE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box 50 RICKETTS, IA 51460 (712) 679-2221 RALLY .AMERICA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP SERIF.S 2008 Rally America National Championship Series Schedule January 25-26, 2008 Sno*Drift Adanta,MI February 22-23, 2008 Rally in the 100 Acre Wood Salem, MO April 19-20, 2008 Olympus Rally Olympia, WA May 16-18 Oregon Trail Rally Hillsboro, OR June6-7 Susquehannock Trail Performance Rally Wellsboro, PA July 11-12 (tentative) New England Forest Rally Bethel, Maine August 22-23, 2008 Ojibwe Forests Rally Bemidji, MN Septemberll-14, 2008 Rally Colorado Steamboat Springs, CO October 17-18, 2008 Lake Superior Performance Rally Houghton, Ml RALLYCROSS NATIONAL SERIF.S EvENTS But.em States Cluunpjona/:up Central States Cbampiona/:up Western States G_hampionship ROCK CRAWLERS AssoclATION OF .AMERICA P.O. Box 1406 RIVERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/Fax: (801) 253-3176 SAN Dn!Go SHORT COURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New Series by Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro Trucks, Desert Trucks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Truck <www.snowbirdracing.com> (858) 571-5088 SAN Dn!Go OFF RoAD ExPosmoN (888) 836 7918 SCCA RoADRALLY P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770.2055 <www.scca.org> SFX MOTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE, Sum 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/ (630) 556-6180 Fax SCORE SCORE OOl!RNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., Sum A CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 <www.score-international.com> January 24-27, 2008 14th SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge L'lughlin, Nevada March 14-l S, 2008 22nd Tecate SCORE Baja 250 Baja California, Mexico May JO-June 1, 2008 40th Tecate SCORE Baja 500 Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico July 17-19, zoos• SCORE Las Vegas Terrible's Cup IV* Las Vegas Motor Speedway September S-6, 2008 13th SCORE Terrible's Primm 300 Primm, Nevada November 19-22, 2008 41st Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 Dusty Times Baja California, Mexico *select classes, closed,course event SNORE SoUTHERN NEV ADA OFF ROAD ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 270516 LAS VEGAS, NV 89127 702-452-4522 www.Snoreracing.net February l S-17, 2008 March 27-30, 2008 SNORE Mint 400 May 9-11, 2008 SNORE Dusty Times 250 June 20-22, 2008 SNORE KC Hilites Midnight Special October 3-S, 2008 SNORE 250 November 14-16, 2008 SoNS OF TuuNoER 4WHEELl!RS RACE DMSION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SoumEASTERN OFF RoAD CHAI.u!NGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 Mike Moore -(224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS ExPO MEGA PRooucnoNs 3129 S. HACIENDA BLVD. #322 HACIEN[lA. HEIGHTS, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SCTA SoUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING AssOCIATION & BoNNEVILLE N ATIONALS, INc. P.O. Box 10 OROS!, CA 93647 (559) 528-6279 (559) 528-9749 FAX <www.SCTA-BNl.org> SOUTHERN SHORT CoURSE OFF ROAD RACING AssN. 4305 WOOTLARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (All Races at Eastbay Raceway, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIF.S (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box 706 T oYs FoR T oTS (619) 252-1197 / (619) 252-3093 UNADILLA VALLEY SPORTS CENTER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <www.unadillamx.com> VORRA VALLEY OFF ROAD RACING AssoclATION (775) 224-1327 www.vorra.com April S-6, 2008 Prairie City, CA April 26-27, 2008 Prairie City, CA May 23-26, 2008 • Yerin~on 250, Yerington, NV July 19-20, 2008 Fallon 200 Fallon, NV August JO-Sept 1, 2008 • Yerington 250 Yerington, NV October 4-S, 2008 Prairie City, CA October ZS-26, 2008 Prairie City, CA VICENTE GUERRERO OFF RoAD Cum PROFO. CENOVIO GAMBOA Oll-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 p.m.) WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA WHEEL To WHEEL OFF RoAD RACING PATRICK McGu1RE P.O. Box 376 ADAMSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2325 E. KINGS AVENUE PHOENIX, AZ 85022 (602) 971-3730 <www.whiplashracing.com> WISCONSIN MOTORSPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD Fl!sTIV AL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 OSHKOSH, WL 54901 (414) 688-5509 WORLD SERIF.S OF OFF ROAD RACING P.O. Box 99 CRANDON, WISCONSIN 54520 303-880.7221 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP XTREME OOl!RNATIONAL 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU Crrv, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 ZR PROMOTIONS LUIS RENE MONTANO C. CAUADA INDEPENDENCIA 200 -5 COL. INSURGENTES ESTE 21280 MEXICALI, BC, MX (686) 564 6653 info@zrpromo.com January 13, 2008 ZR Mexicali Gp #l Motorcycle & Quad Race February 24, 2008 Mitsubishi Motors Gp #2 Motorcycles & Quad Race April 20, 2008 ZR Team Race & Poker Run 3rd Annual Motorcycles & Quad Race • Family Ride May 4, 2008 Copa Autoproductos #3 Motorcycle & Quad Race June 28, 2006 Alvisa Night Race #4 Motorcycle & Quad Race September 6, 2008 Cocodrilos Poker Run Family Ride October 12, 2008 ZR Grand Prix #5 Motorcycle & Quad Race November 30, 2008 ZR Gran Prix De Campeones #6 Motorcycle & Quad Race A T T b_ N T I o N I Race & Rally Organizers List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don,t happen to be on your club mailing list. Don,t call, but mail your 2008 schedules as soon as poHible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: DllliJli1mu1 20761 Plum.mer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-S00l January 2008 Trall Notes ••• record for the category. The Class 1 race win was Roeseler's 16th class win in the 40 SCORE Baja 1000 races dating back to 1967. Teaming with Troy Herbst since 2001, Roeseler drove the No. 100 Terrible Herbst Smithbuilt-Ford open-wheel machine to time of 26:30: 10 for the third overall position. In fact, the Herbst vehicle also set a SCORE record Wednesday by claiming the car's 23rd Class 1 race victory, the most in this class in SCORE history. The incredible racing machine is racing its final races in the 11 years since it debuted in 1997. At some point in 2008, the vehicle will be retired to permanent display at the Terrible Herbst Motorsports race shop in Huntington Beach, Calif. "One heck of a race," said Roeseler, a SCORE Baja 1000 with wins on motorcycles as well as in cars. "We literally came through the pack and were third physically (overall). The car was fantasti~. With the little bit of rain, there were mudholes all over the place. But minimal dust. We lost pressure with our (gear) shifter. We broke a shock. Troy brought the car home to the finish. It's always an incredible feeling to finish the SCORE Baja 1000. It was an incredible journey today." (Read the complete story beginning on page 8.) REPLY TO HOPE HUGHES -As you pointed out in your etter, we are only able to report on incidents that people tell s about and we haven't the time nor the wherewithal to research what the drivers tell us in their post race interviews. People will embellish the truth, even flat out lie but we are forced to believe what they tell us. I'm sorry you were so upset over the incident and perhaps we'll take that drivers post race story and tone it down a bit in the future. Thanks for your input. John C. CORR SEASON END -The CORR troops finished their season at Primm, Nevada, the finale to a great short course season. After all the checkered flags had flown, CORR was pleased to announce the 2007 Season Point Winners. Taking the gold · medal in the classes were: Pro 4 -Carl Renezeder, Pro 2 -Jerry Whelchel, Pro Lite -Robert Naughton, Super Buggy -Larry Foddrill, Single Buggy -Bryce Menzies. The Driver Of The Year is Robert Naughton, the Crew Chief Of The Year is Curt Greaves and the Sportsman Driver Of The Year is Larry Foddrill. Congratuiations to all the winners, and a hearty pat on the back to all the drivers who compete in the series. May you have a very successful CORR season in 2008. YOTA MILESTONE AWARDS -After six races and 2,296.84 miles completed, 22 of the best desert racers in the world, from 1ght different classes were presented with the prestigious Toyota Milestone Award for 2007 at the SCORE Awards Banquet at Primm Valley, Nevada. Two of the 22 competitors also split the $12,000 Toyota True Grit Award. The Toyota Milestone Award is presented to all SCORE off road competitors in the four wheel classes. who complete every required mile in the six race desert series. Award winners were: BJ Baldwin, Garron Cadiente, Travis Coyne, Mark Post and Larry Ragland in Trophy Truck Class. Eric Chase, Billy Gasper, Dale Lenk, Dan Myers and Ronny Wilson in C lass 1. Dave Gaspino, Hirum Duran, Eliseo Garcia, LJ Kennedy, Daniel Mcmillin and Arnoldo Ramirez in Class 1/2-1600. Mario Reynoso in Class 5-1600. Rich Severson in Class 7SX. Nick Vanderway in C lass 8. Tim Noe and Stan Potter in SCORE Lite and John Griffin in Stock Full. Dave Caspino, 1/2-1600. and Tim Noe received $6,000 each with the Toyota True Grit Award. This is the 22nd tear that Toyota has presented these awards. Dusty Times offers our congratulations to all the winners. RJD HALL -I've known Rod Hall since Hector was a pup, he's been a good friend for many, many years and I just want to ongratulate him on his 19th class win in the Baja 1000. Rod is a few years younger than I, that's still pretty old. He celebrated his 70th birthday recently and I just want him to keep on going for at least another 19 more wins. Ed 2 007 SCORE OFF-ROADSMAN OF THE YEAR AWARD WINNERS -Contingency Company-BFGoodrich Tires, Motorcycle Manufacturer-American Honda, Mechanic-Jim Blackmore, Riviera Racing, Entry Sponsor-Terrible Herbst Motorsports, Pit Support Team-BFGoodrich Tires, Journalist-Judy Smith, Dusty Times & Hot VWs, Photographer-Jim Ober's Trackside Photo, Rookie of the Year-Eric Chase, Class 1, Person of the Year-Cameron Steele, Desert Assassins Racing, *Original Buggy Chassis Manufacturer-Jimco, *Engine Builder-Major Performance. Page 7
1£9qlJ _.. ANNUAL BAJA 1000 Post, ■accachren And Renezeder Ace the Uth PHOTOS: TRACKS/DE PHOTO Mark Post and Rob MacCachren were the overall winners at the Baja 1000, their average speed was over 50 miles per hour. While a lot of things looked dif-ferent about this year's version of the SCORE Baja 1000, the names at the top of the finisher's list were pretty unsurprising, except that there was one extra. Mark Post and Rob MacCachren have been having a banner year, winning or finishing in the top five at nearly every event. They went into the final race of the season in a tie for points with B.J. Baldwin, and came out on top. But they needed just a little extra help, and their choice for that was Carl Renezeder, one of MacCachren's toughest competitors in the CORR short course series, and only a some-time Baja racer. The reason that seasoned veter-ans like MacCachren and Post looked for help, was that the course for this year's event, which was the 40th since the inception of the race, was 1296 miles long, and that's a long haul. Many teams added a third . driver in the Trophy Truck ranks, and back in the limited classes, which would take longer to go the distance, some teams had four or five drivers: For some reason, the race ended in Cabo San Lucas this time, a bit odd since there was initially a lot of talk about recreating the original eveAt (starting at the Bullring in Tijuana was one option that was discarded), and if they had stayed true to NORRA's initial race, it would have been an Ensenada to La Paz event. Perhaps the decision mak-ers decided that Cabo would be showier somehow1 or perhaps it was Mexican politics. At any rate, the fin-ish line was in Cabo, although it was not as long as the Baja 2000 which also ended there. It was plenty long enough, and difficult. The course went eastward to Ojos Negros, and then stayed fairly close to Highway 3-, crossing at Alamo, and again at Valle de Trinidad. At that point it stuck to the pavement for a bit, then climbed up into the mountains to Mike's Sky Ranch, then down on the western side, through Coyote. They got fairly close to the highway but didn't cross it, and at Santo Domingo headed The Class 1 win went to Larry Roese/er, Larry had almost an hour on his competition when the checkered flag flew. east and south again, into territory that had never before been raced. It was difficult, very twisty, with scat-terings of silt, cross washes, tire eat-ing rocks and steep and narrow trails. Racers emerged from this dif-ficult area at Guayaquil (off to the north of Highway 1) and hopped up onto the pavement for a 66 mile run to the road that turns in to Coco's Corner. Then they went through the boojums and up Calamajue Wash, which had water in it, and down the old trail and into Bay of Los Angeles. The beauti-ful section from Bay of L.A. to El Arco was next, easy and relaxing, but an invitation to disaster if the racer lost concentration for a few seconds. Then they came up away from the gulf, to the road that just misses El Arco, and then popped out on the highway again, north of San Ignacio. From there it was last year's race to San Juanico, then across the peninsula and south to Loreto's outskirts, then winding through the cliffs and rocks back across the pen-insula. This time they went straight west, over to Purisima before turn-ing south. At that point they ran along the coast, past Cd. Insurgentes and Cd. Constitucion. In the area around Purisima and Insurgentes there were many difficult silt traps. And some clever Mexicans. The course stayed to the west of the high-way all the way to Todos Santos, where it crossed over, went through some rail and dense shrubbery with wandering cattle and one treacher-ous water crossing, before dashing down the broad wash that crosses under the highway at the eastern end of Cabo, and sliding up the bank to the finish in the soccer field. The time limit was 53 hours. An amazing number of entries made it in far less, but some needed every minute. Out of that 1296 miles there were 174.9 miles of pavement, in 11 different chunks of the course. They ranged in length from the 60.3 miles between Arenoso and Catavina, to the 6/ lOths of a mile near San Telmo. On all of them the speed limit was 60 miles per hour, no mat-ter what the posted speed was. It was to be rigidly enforced by the Mexi-can policia, and if that didn't get the point across, the Rally Logger attached to every car, would let SCORE officials know that the driver had been lead footed, and SCORE would apply penalties af-ter the finish. As always in Baja, the BFG tire folks had pits strung along the course, and in each pit there was ' someone keeping track of every car and truck that passed by, and the time of day it went past. It is this information that lets us figure who was leading at which point. Al-though it's all non-official, it's very efficiently done, and at the end their times match up with SCORE's offi-cial ones. There were 23 classes running in this year's event, including a hand-ful of hardy souls who thought they could get to Cabo San Lucas in a UTV -or side-by-side -or glorified golf cart. Brave souls. The bikes rook off at about dawn, 6:30 or so, and ultimately, the ace Honda team of Robby Bell, Kendall Norman, Steve Hengeveld and Johnny Campbell took the ab-solute overall win in the time of 24: 15:50. Matt Cullen flies a bit on his way down , Matt took the Class 10 win with ease, he had many hours on his competition. A nice win for Don Moss in his always good looking Bronco, he had a bit over an hour in hand at the finish. The Trophy Trucks started the day with a field of 31 starters, taking to the trail at about 10:45 a.m., to give the last quads a chance to get Gus Vildosola had plenty of light for his run down the peninsula, Steve Strobel spent 27 ½ hours getting to the finish line, he took Lobsam Yee had lots of trouble going down course, he did manage he finished second in Trophy Truck, 20 minutes in arrears. the silver medal in the Class 1 competition. a second place finish in Class 10, 50 hours on the course. Pages January 2008 Dusty Times
7 Dylan Evans gave it his all, he spent 41 hours getting to the finish A second place finish in Class 5 went to luivan Voelker in Class 5, line, he finished in second place in the Class 3 contest. he had some problems and finished eight hours out of first place. Gregorio Villarino had a pretty good race, he ran down the peninsula in 35 hours and took a second place finish in Class 5-1600. far ahead. They went off the line one-When they got to just north of Steele's sticky throttle caused him to every-30 seconds and a half-dozen San Ignacio, at Mile 679, Cadiente get stuck in Calamajue Wash. never got to the first check. Ron still led, with Baldwin still chasing. At the finish it was Post, Whitton endoed early, and put his Vildosola's son, Gus Jr. (known as MacCachren and Renezeder, taking truck on the "out" list, and Alan Tavo), now was third, Post's second the win by 11 minutes in the time of Pflueger, in a new truck, had major driver, Carl Renezeder, was fourth, 25:21:25. Post, naturally enthused, c.v. issues that cut his day very short. and Ragland's second driver, Chuck said, "That was the greatest race At Arenoso, a spot on the high- Hovey, was fifth. None of them were course ever!" The Vildosolas were way south of Rosario, where the having any problems. second, having been slowed by noth-course came out of the difficult part Down south, near Santa Rita, at ing more than a couple of quick that ran from Santo Domingo up Mile 1106, Post was in front, stops to add brake fluid. They did into the hills, they were 321 miles Vildosola was second, Collins had earn a "Speed Penalty" somehow, along the way, and that's where they taken over for Hovey and ran third, and SCORE added ten minutes to had a 60 mile pavement stretch. and Robby Gordon's Chevy, with their time, but it didn't change their Garron Cadiente had his Ford in Dale Ebberts as co-driver, was finish position. In third it was Gor-the lead there, with B.J. Baldwin a fourth. Gordon's team had a mis-don and Ebberts, who'd moved minute behind him in a Chevy. step at an early pit and didn't get steadily up through the ranks. Baldwin wasn't feeling well, and had their light bar on soon enough, fore-Fourth went to Sohren, who said been sick for about a week. Third ing Gordon to borrow a hand-held his truck's rear end had been leak-belonged to Darnen Jefferies in his light, which navigator GregTil then ing for a long time, and they'd had Chevy, fourth was Larry Ragland's aimed out the window to light his to keep adding oil. About 96 miles Dodge, and Mark Post's Ford, with way when it got dark. They'd also before the finish it had started clank-Rob MacCachren driving, ran fifth. holed an oil cooler and lost some ing, and he'd "babied" it in. Ragland, Gus Vildosola was sixth in his Ford, time waiting for pit help to get there. Collins and Hovey brought their and had liked the fact that the early In fift;h at this point it was Pete Dodge in fifth, their only problem part of the race, damp from Sohren'sFord,andCameronSteele comingwhenRagland,drivingwith Sunday's long, easy rain, had no and Darren Hardesty had driven the no rear brakes, blew a turn at Mile dust. Cadillac into sixth place even after 900 and went off a mountain into a 1,200 Rooms tree. He had to cut off part of the tree to get free and moving again. The team of Chris Lucas, Steve Barlow, Rick D. Johnson and Ricky Johnson, in a Ford, finished sixth. Ricky had been stuck in the silt be-cause the air cleaner got plugged and the truck didn't run well enough to get through it. They were only four minutes behind Ragland and Collins. In seventh it was Cadiente and Todd LeDuc. They'd broken the rear end, and thus lost the ring and pinion, twice. Two long repair sessions cost them about four hours. In eighth it was B.J. Baldwin, who'd become even sicker. He'd changed a transmission somewhere along the way. Baldwin felt so terrible that he decided to get out. Walker Evans, who'd been scheduled to drive with Bobby Baldwin (B.J.'s dad), but didn't get to since Bobby broke early, was handy, and banded, and he got in to drive for a while, down to where Danny Anderson got in to go to the finish. Anderson somehow got fuel · with water in it, so they had to dump it out, and clean the cell, and lost two hours. He then was behind Ricky Johnson when he got stuck in the silt, and even though the locals told him to go around, he slid off a bit and got stuck. Someone with a windl pulled him out. At the finish he was stoked, delighted to have had the chance to "co-drive with Walker Evans!" In ninth place it was Ryan Arciero and Bob Shepard in a Chevy. Arciero had been driving with no brakes and landed in a tree, which then caught fire. They also had steer-ing problems, but finished with a time of 32:06:07. Tenth was Steele and Hardesty who'd lost a lot of time with alternator problems. Hardesty hadn't even had a chance to sit in the truck before he got in to race, but seems to have adapted well. At Mile 1175 Steele came to a big silt bed, and he said the locals were blocking the route around it, and they'd also fenced part of it. Steele Continued next page 16 Movie Theaters 4,500 Seat Equestrian & Event Center 50,000 Sq. Ft. Of Meeting Space 80,000 Sq. Ft. Exhibit Hall 52 Table Games Over 2,300 Slot Machines Poker Room 800-Seat Bingo Room Race & Sports Book Child Care Center Kids Arcade Dusty Times 6 Restaurants Spa & Fitness Center Headliner Showroom (May '07) 64-Lane Bowling Center 1-866-791-76!16 • LAS VEGAS BLVD AT S/LVERADO RANCH RD • SOUTHPOINTCASINO.COM January 2008 Page9
said he over-revved his motor and broke two rocker arms there. Eleventh was Todd Wyllie and Jeff Darland in a Chevy. Wyllie had gone off the course somehow at Mile 233 and got stuck, which cost him about five hours. He also got involved in helping others get freed up, some of whom had been there when he ar-rived. Apparently anxious to get to the finish, he'd incurred the wrath of the officials, and earned a ten minute speeding penalty, which dropped him from tenth to 11th. In 12th it was the new team of Chad Ragland, Dan Friedkin, Danny Sullivan (the "Spin & Win" one), and Rex Whiteside in a Toyota Tundra. They'd been hit early in the day when Chad slowed for a paddle and the guy behind him didn't. The other truck landed on him, breaking his rear end and brakes. Once repaired they seemed to have a good run, but it was still a 36 hour trip. In 13th it was T,rnvis Coyne, Dan Ragland and Mike Emerson. They'd been stuck some-where for a long time early in the day. Unfortunately, they hurried too much on the pavement, and earned a speeding penalty of three hours, which dropped them from 12th to 13th. The 14th finisher was Jesse Jones, Mike Voyles and Wally Dallenbach in Jones' Ford. Dallenbach had crashed at Mile 70, and broken the front end, needing about six hours of repair time. They got to Check-point 1 with only ten minutes to spare. Their day didn't get better, because after that they lost two transmissions and replaced them, and something was bent so that any time they hit 6000 rpms it tossed belts. In 15th place it was Jesse James in his Chevy. He drove all the way, and said, "I thought I should do it once." He blew a trans, and his crew fixed it in about an hour and then things went well 'ti! about 30 miles from the finish. Then he got stuck in a water crossing. He wasn't the only one, but he was a long time get-ting out. He was there for four hours, digging and pushing, and Drew Belk was the big winner in the Class 5 competition, he averaged over 40 miles per hour down the peninsula. along the way his battery went dead. Then, along came Rob Martensen in his Protruck, who also got stuck. But Rob's been racing off road a bit longer than Jesse, and he wasted no time taking off his fenders and using them for traction. He left them for Jesse, along with his spare bat-tery, and that was what got him out. James had an interesting approach to planning for his long drive. He packed power bars, Doritos, ba-nanas and Pedia Lite. He said, "The hardest thing about it was being away from my wife for 30 hours -no cell phone." Sixteenth went to Andy and Scott McMillin and Brian Ickier in a Chevy. They lost two alternators before they got to Mike's, and had a long wait after the second one be-cause the spare was in a truck that had already headed south. Then Ickier broke the valve cover studs, and lost another hour, and when Scott was driving they lost the trans-mission over near Loreto, and that cost about three hours. Scott got stuck in the silt also, but paid some-one $30 to be towed out. Seven-teenth was Dave Sykes, Marc Stein, Mike Childress and Scott Steinberger. They replaced a trans-mission somewhere along the way. Their time was 41:46:39. In eigh-teenth it was Roger Norman, Todd Clement, and Rhys Millen in a Ford. Early on they changed a power steer-ing belt, and then they cracked their transmission and got a big cloud of smoke in the cab. They refilled the trans, but the fluid all leaked out within three miles, so they had to change it. They waited four hours for the new trans to arrive, and then it took three hours for repairs. While Millen was driving then, a balljoint came apart at Mile 1063 and sent him off through the cac-tus. The crew had to come in a long way to fix it, and then Norman got in but just before Cabo, the nut fell off the front suspension and the A-arm fell off and folded in under the truck. That was fixed in about 25 minutes. They had no tire problems, however. Darnen Jefferies and Steve Sourapas were the final finishers in this class, in their Chevy. They were 19th but had been third at one point. Their fuel cell had developed a hole down around Loreto, so, in order to plug it they went to an Auto Parts store and bought a cone-shaped bottle of oil, and cut it off, leaving the lid on. Then they shoved it into the hole, and strapped the assemblage together tightly. Then for the rest of the trip they had to keep their fuel level below the level of their "patch", which meant they ran with only a quarter of a tank the rest of the way. Nothing else went wrong, not even a flat. Except for the speed penalty they earned somewhere along the way -that cost them five minutes, giving them a finish time of 51:25: f7. It was a looooong race for Don Chamlee and crew, it was over 42 hours before they took the win in Class 7. Class 1 had 29 starters, and only a few failed to get the first 121 miles done to San Matias pass. But by the time they'd reached Arenoso, down south, they'd lost quite a few. Larry Roeseler was in the lead in the Smithbuilt Ford powered Truggy, and he had about a half hour on second place Mark McMillin, Brian Ewalt, Cameron Parrish and Mike Julson, in their Jimco. In third it was Bud and Buddy Feldkamp in their Penhall, and Billy and Dave Gasper and Scott Schovajsa ran fourth in their Pom;r and had already had a flat. Steve Strobel, Bob Lofton and Ernesto Arambula made it down the peninsula in really good time, he took the Class 5-1600 win with an hour and a half in hand at the flag. Gay Smith were fifth in their new Chevy Jimco, which was out for only its second race. At just north of San Ignacio, the Truggy still lead, and now the McMillin team was still second, only seven minutes back. The Feldkamps were third, Strobel and his crew were fourth, and the team of Brian Street, Mike Bilek, and Tom Gilchriese in a new HMS chassis, ran fifth. Schovajsa had rolled in the Gasper car, and lost over an hour. When they arrived at Sta. Rita Troy Herbst was in the T ruggy and he still led. The Feldkamps moved up to second, Strobel and his group were third, and now in fourth it was Ronny, Randy and Rick Wilson and Jeff Quinn in their Jimco. McMillin, Ewalt, Julson and Parrish had dropped to fifth when a ro.d end pulled out of a front A-arm. Herbst and Roeseler had had one flat and some shifter trouble that made it hard or impossible to get sixth gear, but since the Truggy would run at 110 mph in fifth gear it wasn't a big handicap. They also changed a shock late in the race, and were using a little oil. They took the win, finishing in 26:30:09, for Herbst's fourth consecutive win at a 1000. Roeseler said he'd really liked seeing his fans "cheering and wav-ing" for miles along the course.Troy's dad, Jerry, declared that "this was a magnificent race!" Strobel, Lofton and Smith were second only 14 minutes later. They had a flawless run, without even any flats. Smith, who's been a Pike's Peak racer, and champion, for many years, was racing in Baja for only his first time, and declared he'd had a "lot of fun -the ride of my life!" They did incur a speed penalty of 40 min-utes, but it didn't change their fin-ish position,. In third it was the Wil-son/Quinn team, who'd lost 20 minutes near San Ignacio, with some problem, and then very late in the day had got into barbed wire and become aH tangled, costing about 15 more minutes. But they'd had no flats, and finished in 27:50:34. Fourth went to McMillin, Ewalt, Julson and Parrish after an hour and a half repairing that front A-arm. They were 12 minutes out of third. The Gaspers and Schovajsa were. fifth, another half-hour down, af-ter a nearly clean run. In sixth it was Dale Lenk, Randy Perry and Jerry Penhall in a Penhall. They chopped the trip up into six sections, and each of them drove two. Their day was apparently pretty smooth, but when they finished the passenger was hold-ing a shock and its mount in his lap. They'd done some 20 miles without it on the car. In seventh it was Street, Bilek and Gilchriese. Street, who hails from South Africa originally, got his first taste of Baja racing in a Baja Challenge car, but much pre-ferred the Class 1. They had a a pretty good day, with just one flat, and one roll-over, performed by Street. He said, "Nothing came off." Eighth went to Juan C. Flores, Jim Mihal and Rody Amaya, Jr., in a Porter. They were losing transm is-sion fluid, and maybe that made them hurry, because they earned a speed penalty of three hours, which actually dropped them from their seventh place finish to eighth. In ninth it was Greg Hukari and Todd Welling, who just moved up from Sportsman Buggy class to Class 1. Their car is a brand new Spectrum, with a VlO Viper motor, which they say has a top speed of 142 miles per hour. Tenth place went to Mark Levrett, P.J. Jones, Marty Fiolka and Chuck Dempsey. At Mile 5 Levrett hit a booby trap and tore off the left front brake caliper. Before he could get organized, someone swiped the caliper and ran. So they did the rest of the day with only three. The throttle stuck wide open for Jones at Coco's Corner, and he went over. The Herzog crew helped him get back on his wheels. In eleventh it was Troy Johnson, Tom Ridings, Rick Wilcoxson and Marty Melendrez in a Jimco Cadillac. They had had front brakes early in the day, and some electrical problems cost them about ten hours of down time midway through the trip, but they made it, using up 41 hours, 27 minutes and 24 seconds. In 12th it was Dan Myers and Casey r--=------~~~;:;::::::=~~-~ A second place finish in Class 7 went to Francisco Chavez, he's Stan Burns didn't have an easy time getting down there but he Stan Potter was just a wee bit off the winning pace in SCORE seen here at speed heading down the course. did end up in second place in the Class 8 contest. Lite, he finished 14 minutes out of the class win. Page 10 January 2008 Dusty Times T
A second place finish in the Pro Truck category went to Gus It takes a long time to travel 1,296 miles, just ask John Griffin, Ryan Millen just missed the win in Pro Stock Mini Truck, he was Vildosola, he's seen here at launch time on the course. he finished second in Pro Stock Full Sized Trucks. 11 minutes out of the win after 40 hours of competition. Currie in a Porter Chevy, who were two hours further down. And 13th went to Eric and Stuart Chase in their Penhall Chevy. Their day had started well, with Stuart and Jimmy Tucker each taking their turn at the wheel, but after Stuart's son, Eric, took over they began to have a prob-lem. They couldn't figure out why the car didn't seem to have full throttle. Stuart thought it might have something to do with the com-puter going into some kind of safety mode or something. They tried ev-erything they could think of, called experts, sent someone to a Chevy store in Insurgentes to buy a new temperature sensor -nothing worked. Finally at some point, an alert pit person noticed the tube that goes from the motor to the air inlet was sucking in whenever pressure was applied to the throttle. This was a big "Aha!" They back tracked in the air inlet behind the passenger seat and discovered that someone had thrown an emergency jacket into the space, and its sleeve was in front of the air inlet. They moved the sleeve and everything worked from then on, but they'd spent about eight hours messing with it. Their time was 43:55:40 and they were the final fin-ishers in the class. Volkswagen had stepped up to the plate for the first time, and posted a nice $40,000 of contin-gency for this event. That included $2,000 for first in most of the VW powered classes and $7,000 for the Class 11 winner. There was also sec-ond and third place money. But the item that had many of the Class 10 and SCORE Lite entries buzzing was the $10,000 for the first VW pow-ered car to the finish line. In Class 10, which had only seven entries, there were three with VW motors, and they started behind the Class l cars. But, of course, right behind them would be all the SCORE Lites, all equipped with VWs. At Arenoso, the lead belonged to the team of Greg and Matt Blakeman, Matias Arjona and Matt Cullen in an Alu mi Craft VW. They had about 45 minutes on second place Brendan Fikes, Pierre Lavie, and Scott and Jim King in a Porter Honda. Mike Lawrence, Lou Peralta and Joel Liska, in a Lothringer VW were having fuel line problems, and Lobsam Yee, Pepe Gonzalez and Alex Crosthwaite lost time when their Honda's computer died. At San Ignacio, the Cullen, Arjona, Blakeman team was about three hours in front of the second place Fikes, Lavie, King team, and Lawrence, Peralta and Liska were an-other 45 minutes back. Only two teams, the Kreger Porsche of Rudy Cortez, and the RPS VW of John Mike Horner flew his Class 7S truck every now and then, he won the class but it took them more than 51 hours to get to the finish line. t was a good wm for Noe Sierra, he got his Class 7SX truck to the finish line ,,, good ttme, averaging 33 miles per hour. Dusty Times Hsu were out. When they arrived at Santa Rita, Mile 1106, it was still Cullen et al in front. They had about seven and a half hours on Fikes, the Kings and Lavie, and another hour on Lawrence, Peralta and Liska who were tied with Yee, Gonzalez and Crosthwaite. Cullen, Arjona, and the Blakemans had only one flat and had to replace something in their hydraulic clutch. They finished in 30:09:24, placing 34th overall and taking the Class 10 win, and the $2,000 Volkswagen purse. Yee and his team didn't have an easy time. Once their computer was fixed they lost two alternators, and four bat-teries. It was also overheating, and they'd lost third gear at Catavina. They were stuck many times. About a mile from the finish all the rest of BOSSES BUNIB CUPS 200B lEBAl SA RATED HElMETS the gears disappeared, but Yee finally of their trip they blew a front shock, jammed it into a gear that let it move, and they finished in the time of and he crept to the finish and over 46:23:39. They were the final fin-the line. He said it was "The worst isher in the class. silt I've ever seen". It must have There were 20 SCORE Lite start-looked even worse to a driver whose ers, but they were down to 19 by transmission was acting up. He was Mile 190 when Cameron Steele's car 15 hours behind the winning car, "committed suicide". He had put and second. Third went to togetheragoodteam,andhadsaid Lawrence, Liska and Peralta, who they were after the big VW check. had six hours down in the silt some-While his car sat idle, Stan Potter where. In fourth it was Fikes, the went into the lead in his Jimco. At Kings and Lavie, who were just un- Arenoso, where they'd all made it der an hour behind them, and re- except the Steele car, Potter had a ported an hour and a half in the minute and a half on the team of silt, but no mechanical troubles, and Tom Noe, Tom Watson and Vic no flats. In fifth it was Jay Bruckmann in their Jimco. Then Culbertson, Joe Baguio, and Ken came Dan Martin, Paul Keller and Phillips in a Toyota Chenowth. They Grant Pfluegge, in a 1988 Mirage, had early electrical problems that which, they said, still ran its original cost them about three hours, and shocks. They were another four min-then got caught in a traffic jam up utes back. In fourth it was James by Mike's Sky Ranch. Near the end Continued next page 'f•~ KENWOOD ~ """' . 1 _:;u IN ! -~--• - - y -"""""" -IUEl SAil RAC/NS CEllS January 2008 Page 11
John Mcinnes took home the silver medal in the Baja Challenge Ronny Wilson had plenty of lights for his trip, Ronny finished in Mikey Lawrence needed just a bit heavier foot, he was third in Class, he spent 36 hours getting to the elusive finish line. third place in Class 1, seen here saving on tire wear. Class 10, just three minutes out of the second place spot. Marquez, Marcos Nunez, Norberto Rivera and Edmundo Fernandez in aJimco. And fifth place went to Jeff and John Kawell and Chris Herford in a 20 year old Raceco. They were only 16 minutes back from the lead. When these guys came up out of the boojums and cardon cacti onto the pavement at Arenoso, it was already dark, and when they got to just north of San Ignacio, the next place that BFG was keeping times, the lead car arrived at about two in the morn-ing. At that point it was Noe, Watson and Bruckmann. They'd already lost third gear, and Watson had had alternator problems and tossed a fan belt. They were eight minutes in front of Marquez, Nunez, Fernandez and Rivera. In third it was the Pot-ter/Worley car, and Pancho and Cisco Bio, and Leo and Alex Navarrete were now fourth in their Tubular Design car. Pancho had started, but he became ill, even throwing up, so he'd got out early and Cisco took over. In fifth it was Martin, Keller and Pfluegge. By the time they were at Santa Rita, Mile 1106, they'd been on the road 24 hours, had seen the sun both set and rise, and still had al-most 200 miles to go. Noe, Watson and Bruckmann led by 11 minutes, __ .J ,vT- -1 -..... - -_L _ _ ; ___ .,L -L--.l The Bios and Navarretes were third another hour back, and Martin, Keller and Pfluegge ran fourth only three minutes behind them. Fifth belonged to Matt Drever, Jim Vick and Dave Wert in a Penhall, another two minutes behind them. By now they'd lost quite a few, and only 12 made it this far. At the finish it was Noe, Watson and Bruckmann. Bruckmann drove the final section with his wife, Class 5 racer Michelle doing the navigat-ing. They'd been stuck in the silt, but said "Forty guys lifted us out." They had lost reverse gear somewhere along the line also. Their time was 28:30:43. And they had beaten the Class 10 car, and thus were the win-ners of the $10,000 "first to the fin-ish line" VW money. In second it was Worley, who'd been without brakes for the last 100 miles and had "slid into a lot of ditches". He and Porter did all the driving in their single seater, and at the finish he said, "It's Baja, it's what you're supposed t do -don't need four or five guys." And then, after a moment's reflec-tion. "Long day". They were only 14 minutes behind the first place team. Third went to the Bios and Navarretes an hour later. In fourth it was Martin, Keller and Pfluegge. e camR_j·. source tor lei • DrMng Suits • Cn1w lJnfloms • Cn1wSh'ltr • PoloShltll • TIIMTI JadallJJ •Hat8 • GearBlll1$ d,:;re NOW FEATURIN6: In-House Embroidery Dritter N. mes • Te;,m LO{IQS • SP(JnSt)( logos They'd replaced a brake caliper early. Then, in one of the late silt beds Martin rolled the car, and tore up the rear brakes and broke a c.v. He repaired the c.v. but ran to the finish without the brake. In fifth it was Francisco Villagomez, Mike Quade and Humberto Osuna, in a Pabloff chassis. They'd broken a throttle cable twice, which cost them about two and a half hours, and they finished about three hours be-hind fourth place. Sixth place went to Marquez, Fernandez, Rivera and Nunez in a Jimco. At Puri ima they'd been in a tie for the lead, and a l~te-running Trophy Truck had run into them. He did a lot of damage and they had to radio for a new alternator, fan shroud, intake manifold, car-buretor and airbox. It took their crew three and a half hours to get there, and another hour and a half to complete the repairs. The Tro-phy Truck driver didn't make any friends with that deal. Seventh went to the Kawells and Hereford. Back up around San Ignacio a spark plug had burned the electrode and welded itse into the head. They managed to ' t it ct.Lt, re-tapped and put it back. They'ti been stuck in one of the late silt beds, and a man with a tractor wanted t.800.700.2350• Fax 909.360.0436 3834-Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 Page 12 January 2008 $100 to tow them out. They had had to pull their motor to put an only $20 with them, so the guy took oil pump in, and that cost them it and towed them out. But word seven hours. While the Greers dug was that for $20 they wouldn't tow and moved rocks to get themselves the car quite as far, and you might unstuck, the Vanderweys did some get stuck again. If you had the whole serious mechanical work. Burns, $100 they towed you past the entire Murillo and Avila moved into sec-silt area. About 130 miles from the ond, and Ostanik and crew were now finish a lower front trailing arm third. Somewhere along the line broke. They wrapped a ratchet strap they'd torn the front end off their around it at the last road crossing truck, and used up eight and a half to kind of immobilize things, and hours with repairs. The Vanderweys just came in on it that way. Their had dropped to fourth. time was 38: 17: 12. At the finish it was the Greer In eighth it was Larry Nash in a truck. And Glenn Greer, who'd said Mirage, and he added a 15 minute way back in September, that he was speeding penalty to his time, to give going to come to Baja to see the him an official time of 40:52:51. Vanderweys but didn't have much Ninth was Dwayne Reinert who so-hope of winning because "they're so loed in a D & D Fab chassis. And good down there" jumped out of he finished in 49:29:30. his truck asking, "Did I beat him?" In tenth it was Rick Graf, Lee And, indeed, he had. His team's time Banning, Lee Banning,Jr., and Tom was 35:01:45. They'd had no prob-Shaw. They'd been stuck, broke their lems beyond the "stuck" and a steering rack and lost their clutch. couple of flats. In second it was They were just another 28 minutes Burns, Murillo and Avila, about back, and were the final official fin- eight hours down. At least they had is hers in the class. a short drive home. Third place went Class 8 was big for this event, with to the Vanderweys, with a time of 13 starters. By the time they'd 45:41:36. In fourth it was Ostanik, reached Arenoso, at Mile 321, there Sandelson, Dinsmore, Nelson and wete only two missing, and the Siewert. Siewert, who had always Vanderwey brothers, Nick, Larry raced small trucks before, was in at and Mike ran in front in their cow-the finish, and said he'd really en- , patterned Chevrolet. In second it joyed the big truck. They'd been was Glenn and Thom Greer and stuck in the silt at Mile 1175, and a Don Kolt, in a Dodge, about an BC car had pulled them out. hour and a halfback, having already Fifth place went to Greg Adler, lost an alternator. In third it was Ron Staubaugh, Eric Heiden and Noah Ostanik, Dave Dinsmore, Jesse Craig Turner in a Ford. They'd been Nelson, Todd Sandelson and Doug stuck early in the day for about six Siewert in their Ford. Fourth was a hours. Turner had no serious prob-team from Loreto; Stan Burns, lems, Heiden had silt trouble, and Carlos Murillo and Reynado Avila, Staubaugh did the last 140 miles in a Chevy. There was only a bit over with no power steering. He was ex-an hour between first and fourth. hausted at the finish line. And, the At San Ignacio the Vanderweys man apparently has a high tolerance still led, now with about an hour for discomfort, because he rode and a half on the Greers and Kolt, part of the race with Pete Sohren who'd lost an alternator in the in- al o. The sixth place truck was terim. The Ostanik, Dinsmore, Monroy, Diaz and Gable, who'd Nelson, Sandelson and Siewert broken an axle in Loreto. Then truck ran next, followed by Burns, Gable had crashed in Cd. Murillo and Avila. Constitucion, and needed about six In the next section the Greers hours for repairs. Their time was were stuck in a wash on top of a hill 48:53:03. Seventh went to a team for an hour, but still moved into from Canada, in a Dodge. Richard the lead, because the Vanderweys and Mike Thomas, Jeff and Rick Glen Greer doesn't let grass grow under his feet, he took the Class 8 win with an average speed of 37 miles per hour. Dusty Tjmes
-, Kevin Carr had lots of troubles on the way down but he still Just five minutes behind the second place finisher, Alonso Angulo Jim Hinesley had problems along the way but was still able to grab the last podium position in the Class 7SX competition. managed a third place finish in the Class 5 contest. took home the third place trophy in Class 5-1600. Smith and Greg Hughes made it all a Ford, and Cody Swanty and Rob At Santa Rita, or Mile 1106, it the way in 50 hours and 44 min- Clausen had their Dodge in fourth was still Johnson, Nuckles and utes. And another Canadian team, another half hour back. Rob Cardone. They'd had a couple of Chad and Ryan Ulansky ran an in- Kittleson, Mike McNaughton and flats and changed a driv.eshaft but credible race. They brought their Devin Housh ran fifth in their ford. things were all going well at the end. 1986 Land Rover, thinking it would Sixth was Gus Vildosola, Jr., Bryan Freeman and Levinson, who did be a good vehicle for Class 8. But Freeman and Alan Levinson, in a most of the driving in Vildosola's they'd never raced a.ilything before, Toyota. They lost a lot of time early truck while he helped his dad in the nor had they been to a race. The when their fans quit at Mile 177 and Trophy Truck, had to slow or stop two drove their vehicle, which looks they had to install a spare set. to let the truck cool occasionally, something like a mailbox on wheels, In the next section Voss lost his but had no serious trouble. They all the way, switching seats. So they steering box and had distributor were second, and now Dave were both in the truck all the way. trouble. (He seems to do that every Creagan, Ricky Mondragon, Brian Theyhadnoproblems,notevenany race.) Johnson, Nuckles and CoatsandJimWassonwerethirdin flats, and finished in the time of Cardone moved into the lead and their Chevy. Wasson had rolled, and 51 :02: 27. When they acquire a the Voss team fell to second. In third Mondragon had got the truck up more suitable vehicle they could be it was the Vildosola truck, which was on its side, but they weren't having a really good team. now running hot with its substitute mechanical trouble. Fourth was Rob In the Protruck class there were fans, which were installed in front Martensen and Ken Losch in a Ford 13 starters, and all but two of them of the radiator and weren't terribly and Rob Reinertson, Jeff Dickerson made it to Arenoso, which was 321 efficient. They'd hit rain coming in and Rick Taylor were now fifth in miles into the race. At that point to San Ignacio, heavy rain, and it their Ford. Taylor had been stuck the lead belonged to Jason and Rich was nice and cool, but made it hard at Mile 87 5 and when Reinertson Voss and Ryan Thomas in a Ford, to see. Rob Reinertson and Jeff went in to help, he'd stuck the pre-and they had about 20 minutes on Dickerson had their Ford in fourth runner also. second place Rick L. Johnson, Jim after repair work due to a broken Johnson, Cardone and Nuckles Nuckles and Dane Cardone in a bolt in a steering arm. It had cost held their lead and took the win in Toyota. In third it was Al Hogan in them two hours. the time of28:28:43. Behind them, ~ Dusty Times January 2008 Gus Jr., got into his truck to drive had also been stuck in the silt ear-the final 100 yards or so to take sec-lier. ond place, thanks to teammates Free-Seventh place went to Kittleson, man and Levinson. They'd had only McNaughton and Housh, who one flat and never got stuck, and somehow earned a speeding penalty finished in 30:09:51. In third it was of 15 minutes. It didn't change their Creagan, Wasson, Mondragon and finish position. In eighth it was Coats and they'd been stuck a few Swanty and Clausen in their Dodge. times. They were four hours and six They'd been stuck in the silt and had minutes behind the second place a few flats, but the truck ran well. truck. In fourth it was the Vosses Then, near the finish, Swanty had and Thomas who did the last sec-been stuck in that water crossing for tion. He'd had to change a trans- a long time. He called for.help and mission and lost a couple of hours. his crew came in about three hours Fifth went to Reinertson, Taylor and after he got stuck. They got the chase Dickerson. Their air cleaners got truck stuck too, and ha'd to dig both clogged and their starter quit and of them out by hand. Well, with they had to change it. Reinertson shovels. They made use of called it "quite an adventure". Sixth Martensen's fenders also. place went to Martensen and Losch. Dave Westhem, Ryan Herzog, Martensen, who'd been in for the Racin Smith and Paul Perrizo broke finish, had been stuck for an hour a shock early, then broke the steer-and a half in the water crossing with ing box and ram and waited hours Jesse James. He's the one who had for parts to get to them. But they the idea to remove his fenders and did not get stuck in the silt. They use them for traction. Not only were ninth, and had a speeding pen-James, but several others found them alty of 30 minutes, which didn't useful once he'd gone. Martensen Continued next page Page 13
change their finish position. They were the last finishers in the class. In the 1/2-1600 class there were 25 starters and almost all of them made it to Arenoso, at Mile 321. They were probably better suited for the ti~ht and technical sections they'd just been through than the Trophy Trucks and their ilk. In the lead at that point it was the team of Adam Ashcraft, Adam Pfankuch, Dan Folts and Curt Geer, in an Ashcraft. They had only three min-utes on Hiram, Evan, and Eric Duran in their Neth, who'd already lost their top lights. In third it was Victor Barreda and Alejandro and Santiago Diaz, a team from La Paz, in a Curry. In fact, it was Caleb Gaddis' old car, a known winner. The SCORE lite win went to Tim Noe, but it was close, he only had 13 minutes in hand at the checkered flag. God, what a long race! Ramon Fernandez arrived at the finish line to claim the Class 11 win, he was on the course for 53 hours. They were only eight minutes behind the lead car. Fourth belonged to they'dallseensunriseandwereinto Arnoldo Ramirez, MisaelArambula mid-morning or early afternoon of and Daniel Lopez in a Curry, just the second day. Barreda and the another three minutes back. The Diazes led there, with five minutes fifth place team was Edgar Avalos, on the Velazcos and Cruz. Five min-Luis Wallace and Indio Gutierrez in utes after over 26 hours! Nine min-an Avalos built car. There was a lot utes further back it was Arambula, of Baja experience in that lead Lopez and Ramirez, and they were group, and it would be hard to pick now driving with no clutch. In a potential winner. fourth it was McMillin, Gaddis and They were more than 16 hour'~ Chris Cort~z, who was now driving. on the road when they got to San · Fifth belonged t'o the Duran broth-Ignacio, and at that point the lead ers, ~l).d ln,sixth ,it was Avalos, belonged to Arambula, Ramirez' -Wallace and'Gutierrez. and Lopez, and they'd had rio prob- . Positions didn't change much by lems to that point. Barreda and tht _ the time they reached the finish. Diazes ran second. They'd had an •· Arambula,llamirez and Lopez took unplugged plug wire early in the day, the win, reporting that their rear and a "bunch of flats" also, and were torsion bars had sagged, giving them about 50 minutes back. Third place a terrible ride for the final 400 miles. was the Duran brothers, who had Their time was 31: 13:51 and they only their lower lights to lead them were only a minute and nine seconds through some difficult terrain. In in front of second place. That was fourth it was Daniel McMillin's car, Barreda and the Diazes, who'd had with Caleb Gaddis in now. McMillin no more problems along the way. had done the first 470 miles, which They were just four minutes in front he described as "horrible, and of the Velazco brothers and Cruz, rough". Thirty seconds behind them who finished third. But in post race were Arturo and Abel Velazco and tech the inspectors found omething Steve Cruz. They were trying to make out of order and the Velazcos were up time after Abel rolled over in the DQ' d. That moved the Duran first 50 miles and had to go hunt up brothers into third, and they'd spectators to help get the car back changed a transmission, which cost on its wheels. an hour and a half, somewhere late Very few dropped out of this in their trip. Their time was class, and the race wasn't an easy one 31:38:01. for any of them. At Santa Rita In fourth it was McMillin, Rick Johnson had an hour and a half on his competition when he crossed the finish line for a great win in the Pro Truck Division. Gaddis and Cortez, who'd had some clutch problems and only two flats. Fifth went to Avalos, Wallace and Gutierrez who said they'd had no problems. LJ. Kennedy, Sammy Ehrenberg, Wayne Lacher and Shane Reed brought their Jimco SPF home in sixth place. They'd spun the splines off a rear hub at Mile 154 and it took over three hours just to get the new parts. They'd played catch-up all the way. In seventh it was Dave Caspino, Steve Eugenio, Bernie Carr and Travis Fletcher. Eugenio had rolled the car and lost some time, and then late in the trip Carr had had water in his fuel for the last three hours as well as no front brakes, and to add insult to injury a front shock had blown and doused him with oil. Eighth place went to Eliseo Garcia, Federico Montes, Hector Sarabia and Luis Guevara, in a Garibay. Between them this team has thousands of race miles under their driving gloves. But they'd rolled the car and needed three hours for repairs, and they'd als had four flats, and they got a speeding pen-alty of ten minutes. In ninth place it was Alberto Medina and Armando Lios in a Curry. They'd rolled at Mile 251, lost their lights and stub can. At the finish line there were a frantic few moments while they scrabbled for the stubs that had been stuffed in vario~s places. Tenth place went to Juan and Marco Gallo, Victor Lugo and Luis Martinez in a Curry. They lost the screws on their front sus-pension by Bahia de Los Angeles, stalled several times in water cross-ings. They also lost their belts twice and had to change a clutch. Their time was 36:45:04. In 11th it was the team of Kevin Walsh, and two folks who'd never raced before: . Mark Smith and Matt O'Malley. Walsh is a short course racer-usu-ally. They had to replace their clutch because it got silt in it. The 12th place finisher was the team of Julio Herrera, Antonio Castro, Jaime Legg and Carlos Olmos in a Diaz Fab. chassis. This was their first SCORE race, but they race in the Cabo area regularly. They broke a tie rod, lost an alternator and finished on a rear flat. In 13th it was Layton Bowles, Walter and Brandon Moss and Bob King in a Lothringer. Their light bar came off the top of the car, and someone made an ingenious fix by attaching a small log up there and then at-taching the light bar to it. The 14th finisher was the team of Adam Ashcraft and Adam Pfankuch who'd looked so good early on. They lost a lot of time some-how and finished in 40:34:54. In 15th it was Samuel Araiza in a May-Mike Shaffer, Class 17, took a nice win down in Baja, he drove his Jeep to the finish in a bit over 46 hours. oral. He earned a 40 minute pen-alty, which cost him a position. • The 16th finishing team was Adrian Diaz, Rolando Holmos and Abraham Espinoza in a Diaz Fab. They'd had oil problems and their OPS didn't always work. It took them 44:57:54 to get to the finish. Seventeenth place went to the team of Ray Files, Josh Tieman, Kyle Ash and John Matson in a Metal Worx. They'd been caught in a traffic jam at Simpson's, lost their light bar, lost a cylinder head, lost a c.v., used oil and ran out of gas. It took them a little bit over two full days to get there: 48:45:24. In 18th it was Alejandro Lozano and Cesar Romero in a Curry. They broke their front upper and lower trailing arms and used up four hours with repairs. They were at Punta Conejo and had to send someone to La Paz to get parts. They also had dust in a fuel filter. In 19th it was Wyatt Radke, Jeff Oiebolt and Scott Graham in an old Lothringer/ Raceco. They had no mechanical problems (it's Lorenzo Rodriguez's old car), but did get the car on its side in the silt. This was the first race , for this team, who are all drag rac-ers. Sparky and Steve Wilbur, Greg Jones and Steve Horowitz, in a Homebuilt car, were the 20th, and last, finisher in the class, at 51:59:55 -or just a minute and five seconds before their time would have run out. Ramsey El Wardani also crossed the finish line, but not in time. Ramsey soloed in his Jimco, and wanted to make his effort a sort of homage to the old days by doing it without some of the frills and com-forts available to racers these days. It seemed fitting to choose a single seat 1600 car for the effort, since they have limited motors, limited suspension and in some ways, re-semble the early race cars. But early in the day Ramsey dis-covered a level of discomfort that was too much to live with for the whole trip, when his rear torsion bar took a set. So he drove out through Continued on page 19 Not too bad a finish for Pancho Bio, he took home the bronze Dave Creagan was well off the winning pace in the Pro Truck Terry Henn had some problems on the way down south but was medal in SCORE lites, he's seen here early in the race. battle, he finished in the third spot, he's seen here at speed. still able to grab a third place finish in Stock Full. Page 14 January 2008 Dusty Times
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Uruapan to meet this crew on the highway headed south, and installed the spare set. Then he had to rene-gotiate the fairly nasty chunk of old race course (nQt being used this time), to get back onto this year's course and head out. Sometime later Ramsey also changed a torn c.v. boot, which cost him an hour. (If he were emulating the really old race cars, he'd have been in a two seater and repairs would presumably have taken less time.) Then he had a car-buretor float problem, and his shifter fell apart. With all his problems, he had some refinements never thought of in the old cars. For one thing, he had a windshield and a windshield washer and a drinking system with a pump that would also wash the dirt out of his eyes. He had a Sirius ra-dio, which he complained wasn't loud enough to hear well, he had a flare gun for protection and he had a heated seat. For many hours he was the last car on the road, and everyone at the finish line was cheer-ing him on, but ultimately, he timed out. It took him 53:30:04 to get there. At least Ramsey can say he drove the 2007 Baja 1000 solo. Chad Hall had a decent run down the peninsula, he arrived at the finish line in his Hummer to take the Stock Full win. Class 5 produced 11 entries for this race, no doubt encouraged by the fact that VW had included them in their nice new contingency. When they got to Arenoso, the lead be-longed to Kevin Carr and Perry McNeil, and they had 20 minutes on Jim Anderson, Mike and Drew Belk, and Dave Bonner. Anderson, who'd started, lost his power steer-ing, so his wife, Ann, did the honors with the turning brake. In third it was Chris Bowman, Chuck Sacks, Jerry Longo and Brent Parkhouse. Just north of San Ignacio it was still Carr and McNeil, with a half hour on the Belks, Anderson and Bonner. In third it was now Luivan Voelker, Carlos Albanez, Hector Perez and Mario Gastelum, who'd broken a front arm and rear bearings. They were six hours behind the lead two, but moving at a good clip again. At Santa Rita, Mile 1106, it was the Belk, Anderson, Bonner team in front, while Voelker, Albanez, Perez and Gastelum ran second, re-covered from their problems, and making up time. Carr and McNeil were now third, but they'd spent seven hours repairing a blown rack and pinion. In fourth it was Vince Wavra, Terry and Rick McClintick and Todd Murrah, who'd already lost and replaced a transmission. Nearing the end of the trip, one of the Belks followed the Pflueger truck into that devilish water cross-ing just 30 miles from the finish. He was disappointed to have spent an hour getting out (but others lost much more time), but still got to the finish line in first place. A little over eight hours later it was Voelker, Albanez, Gastelum and Perez, in sec-ond place. And about six and a half hours behind them Carr and McNeil were third. In fourth it was Danny and Terry Wiyrick, John Harle and James Wilharm, all from the state of Washington. Their time was 52:31:59. The Wavra, McClintick, Murrah team, barely moving, had to be towed up the embankment (it was a good 12 feet tall) and then they pushed and shoved, and though they were fifth to finish, were given a "finish line penalty", which bumped them back to seventh, and last, but still official finishers. Class 7 had seven starters, and only one, Victor Herrera, Jr., had fallen out by the time they got to A big win in Sportsman Truck went to Mark Grawe, they spent over 42 hours getting to the finish, the only finisher in class. Arenoso. At that point the lead be-longed to David Binns,JaregTeague and Ran McCoskey in their Ford. Daniel and Tom Chamlee in their Ford were second, about 16 min-utes later, and Oscar Salazar, Jose Gonzalez and Bias Corona ran third in still another Ford. When they arrived north of San Ignacio, the Chamlees had moved into the lead, with about an hour and a half on Binns and his group. Salazar, Gonzalez and Corona were still third, and another hour back it was Francisco Chavez, Miguel Carballo, a La Paz team, in another Ford. They were having.to weld on their exhaust repeatedly. At Santa Rita, now 32 hours and more on the road, the Chamlees still led, and now had about four hours on Carballo and Chavez, who'd had to change a drive shaft and mess with a rear brake line. They had also got their truck up on its side and had to "work" to get it back on its wheels. Salazar, Corona and Gonzalez were third here and the Binns team had fallen by the wayside. The Cham lees took the win, fin-ishing in 42:27:58. In second it was Carballo and Chavez, an hour and a half later. And they were the last finishers, the Gonzalez, Corona, Salazar team having somehow come to grief in the final section. The Baja Challenge class is an en-tity unto itself. This time they fielded 18 of them, all alike, with anywhere from four to eight drivers in each car. The Wide Open Baja folks, who own and rent the cars, also had four chase vehicles, with multitudes of parts and mechanics, on the track, and they pitted with BFG. They're not a regular part of the SCORE series, racing as they do only in the point to point Baja 100s, so they're not competing for points. They're powered by Subaru motors. The chase people and whatever other pits they had were also pitting for Greg Norman and Todd Clem-ent (owner of Wide Open) in their Trophy Truck, and also the Class 10 car ofJay Culbertson. Every one of the vehicles made it to the finish line, an astonishing feat, although Rod Hall did it again! Took his 182nd win in Baja, seen here in his Stock Mini Hummer on the way to the distant finish line. one or two were not there entirely under their own power. Tommy Morris, who ramrods the whole ef-fort, has much to be proud of. The first team to finish was a com-bination of Jim and Matt Christensen, Elizabeth Anderson· and a couple of experienced Baja racers, added to the mix to help keep things moving along, no doubt. Those were Rich Minga and Mark Stahl, a long time-ago winner in Baja. They were down to two cylin-ders much of the day, but their big-gest problem came when, in a sort of traffic jam, the car in front of them (another BC car), suddenly backed up without making sure it was clear. His rear bumper jammed into the driver's seat, right behind Minga. Then the fellow went for-ward, and that jerked the seat all crooked, making it nearly impossible to sit on. Somehow ion the fracas, he also banged Minga's head. Minga went on, and for some time the seat was a nearly insurmountable prob-lem, but eventually, they got to where a pit truck was, and they had a new seat ready to install. The team fin-ished in a time of 34:28:57. In sec-ond place it was John Mclnnis III, Sam Jones, Rick Skelton, Jim Hancock, Lin Herron and Rick Bolton. They said they got stuck four times and lost all but second gear, and did the final 100 miles with just that. Their time was 36:27: 12. In third it was Mark Hall, Colby Kiene, Bob Adams and Paul Lukanski. They said they'd been stuck in ra-vines, silt, water and mud, but had had no mechanical problems. Their time was 37: 14:30. Four of the 18 received speeding penalties, and one got a "finish line penalty" after mi-raculously getting to the finish with a broken c.v. joint. Class 5-1600 was really big, all eager to win a bit of the Volkswagen money. There were 20 of them. When they reached San Telmo, at Mile 177, the lead belonged to the team of Ernesto Arambula, Miguel Rosales and Adolfo Arambula. They had 12 minutes on second place Mario and Francisco Reynoso. In third it was Alonso Angulo and Andres Rodriguez, another ten min-utes back. The team of Greg Villarino, )avider Yee, Alberto Villarino and Carlos Iribe were fourth about another half hour back, and in fifth it was Jerry Hill. Most of them had got there in less than six hours. It took them another eight hours or so to get to San Ignacio, and it was still the Arambulas and Rosales in front. Now they had just four minutes on the Reynosos. The Villarinos, Yee and lribe ran third, Angulo and Rodriguez were fourth, Tom Bird was fifth, and in sixth it was Jay Silver, Mark Andrew, Tony Steingraber and Trevor Terra. Sil-ver and Andrew are from New York, and after seeing the movie, "Dust to Glory" decided they'd like to give this form of racing a try. So they leased the car from Steingraber and have raced several events this year. They'd blown the race motor in testing, so had to race with the backup, and then a late running 7SX truck had hit them early and done some dam-age, and they'd been caught in the traffic jam near Mike's. This class was just arriving in Santa Rita, 1106 miles into the race after 28 or 30 hours, and the over-all winning teams had already had their celebration, a hot shower and a nice dinner. The Arambulas and Rosales still led, but they'd broken their front torsion bars twice and had also run out of gas twice and one of those times their crew had a hard time finding them. They were an hour and 20 minutes in front of the Villari nos, Yee and Iribe. That team had been stuck in the pine for-est early on and then Iribe had had brake troubles. Third place be-longed to the Reynosos. In fourth it was Angulo and Rodriguez, who'd lost an alternator and had several flats. They'd also rolled the car, but landed on their wheels and didn't lose any time. Fifth place at Sta Rita belonged to Silver and his group, and they'd been stuck in the silt for a while. In sixth it was Armando Qarcia, Oscar Montano (from Spain), Marco Robles, and Gabriel Continued next page -~""l!'--------------""""----~-=""l Pete Sohren was awe bit off the winners pace in the Trophy It was a fourth place finish for Mark McMillin in the Class Truck bash, Pete took a fourth place finish in class. battle, he's seen here flyin' high on his way down the course. Dusty Tim•es :.-· • r. r ~ January 2008 A first off the podium finish went to Daniel McMillin in the Class 1600 race, he was just an hour behind the class winner. Page 19
Garcia. At the finish it was the Arambulas and Rosales, who reported that they'd had two flats in addition to all their other trouble. Their time was 33:35:06. In second it was the Villarinos, Yee and Iribe, about an hour and a half later. Third place went to Angulo and Rodriguez, and they earned a Speeding Penalty, but it wasn't enough to lose them a posi-tion. Fourth went to the Reynosos who were another two hours back. And seven hours behind them it was the Garcias, Robles and Montano. When asked if they'd had problems with anything, they said they'd had problems with "all". Sixth place went to the New Yorkers, Silver and An-drew, with Steingraber' s help. They'd had no flats and no mechanical prob-lems, and their time was 49:46: 19. In seventh it was Adolfo Aguilar, Tony Gilson and Mike Aguilar, in 50 hours and 22 minutes flat. And in eighth it was Tom Bird, who crossed the finish line 33 minutes later with a dented roof. He was the final finisher in this class. In seventh it was Adolfo Aguilar, Troy Gilson and Mike Aguilar, in 50 hours and 22 minutes flat. And in eighth it was Tom Bird, who crossed the finish line 33 minutes later with a dented roof. He was the final finisher in this class. Class 7S went next with only two starters. Both of them made it to Arenoso, at Mile 321, and at that point Mike Horner, Chuck and Greg Foreman and Carl Sosa had their Toyota in the lead by almost three hours. Aaron Dodson, Nicolas Gomez, and Nathaniel Whorf ran second in their Ford. When they got to San Ignacio Homer's team had nearly seven hours on the Dodson, Gomez, Whorf group. But from then on there's no record of the Dodson team, and Horner and his group went on alone to reach the finish line in 50 hours 43 minutes and 30 seconds as the winner. Class 7SX had 11 entries, and when they reached San Telmo, at Mile 171, the lead belonged to Jim Page 20 Paul and Amber Bailey had a good race, looong but good, they took the Sportsman Buggy win with eight hours in hand. Hinesley, Igor Galvan and Oscar Solaiza in their Ford. They had only five minutes on Tony and Noe Si-erra and Jesus Perez and German Encinas in another Ford. In third it was Rich Severson, George J irka and Bruce Finchum in another Ford. Norm and Trevor Turley and A.J. Rodriguez were fourth in a Ford, nearly three hours off the lead pace. Heidi Steele and Chris Vano were fifth in their Ford and had already replaced a third member twice. They were seven and a half hours behind the leader. Nick Moncure, usually near the front, was reported to have broken his transmission, broken his power steering and had a fire, and "turned around early". When they reached San Ignacio Severson' steam was leading but only by about two and a half minutes. The Sierra team ran second, and Hinesley and his group were third, two and a half hours later. They'd broken and replaced a transmission. The Turleys ran fourth, and Steele was still fifth, and last, six and a half hours further back, having replaced one more third member. They'd decided there must have been a wrong part in the mix somewhere. When this class reached Mile 978 at Insurgentes, Severson still led, with the Sierras second, then Hinesley, and Steele was now fourth, but only because the Turleys had dropped out. Steele and her crew had made a heroic effort, but were barely stay-ing ahead of the closing time at the checkpoints. At the finish it was the Sierras and Perez and Encinas. Noe, who drove the last section, said, "Every-thing was beautiful -I'm so tired!" In second it was Severson. His crew had replaced two balljoints at San Ignacio, but then he'd replaced one on course also. He'd also been stuck in a hole for two hours. He was three hours and 10 minutes behind the winner. Third went to Hinesley, Galvan and Solaiza, another eight hours later, and they were the final finishers. Steele and her team got to Mile 1015, ten minutes past the cut-off time and were out of the race. The Stock Full class was next to start, with 11 entries. All of them made it to San Telmo, at which point John Griffin and Jeremy Spirkoff had their Ford in the lead. Thirty seconds behind them it was Chad Hall and Sam Edgar in their Hum-mer, and in third it was Terry Henn and John Herman in another Hum-mer. Josh Hall, who'd led for a while in another Hummer, was out after the front differential broke and de-bris damaged the oil filter mount-ing bracket, a rep.air too complex to do on course. At San Ignacio, Griffin and Spirkoff still led, with only 13 min-utes on Kent Kroeker, Malcolm Smith, Darren Skilton and Glen Pake in a Dodge Ram. Hall was third, and the Henn team ran fourth. When they reached Sta. Rita Hall was back in the lead. He'd been stuck in the silt, and when the guy on the tractor asked for $ 100 he happily handed it over for a tow. He had over two hours on Griffin and Spirkoff who'd dropped to second after changing a rear end outside of Loreto. Henn and Herman were third, and they'd broken half shafts, a front drive line and an oil filter. They'd also pulled out a bunch of Trophy Trucks and buggies, and also, the Griffin/ The Baja Challenge win went to Jim Christensen at an average speed of 37. 6 miles per hour, two hours ahead of their competitors. Spirkoff truck. Now Kevin Ostlund and Tracy Peters, in a Dodge 2500 diesel, moved up to fourth. They'd blown some shocks and blew a turbo, and also got stuck, but had been able to get themselves out. At the finish it was Hall, who did the last 400 miles on seven cylinders. This was Chad's sixth win in this class in a Baja 1000. In second it was Grif-fin and Spirkoff, six hours behind him. Henn and Herman were third another four hours back, and two hours later it was Ostlund and Pe-ters, in fourth. Clyde Stacy, Justin Matney, Sam Blankenship, William Aylor and Shane Roberts finished fifth, in a Dodge Ram 2500, in the time of 52 hours, 33 minutes and 13 seconds. They were just 27 min-utes shy of the cut off time and last in the class to get there. The Stock Mini class went next, with six starters. At Arenoso, the lead belonged to Rod Hall and Mike Winkel. Rod's sons, Chad and Josh, were also signed on to the car. They had 46 minutes on Daniel Fresh, Tom Kirk and Harry Boessler in a Mitsubishi. Third place belonged to Ryan and Rod Millen, Adam Dupree and Jeff Zwart in a Toyota FJ Cruiser. In fourth place it was Gavin and Clive Skilton and Jason La Fortune in a Honda Ridgeline, and Steve Kovach and Chip Carr ran fifth in a Ford, already about four hours down. At San Ignacio the lead belonged to the Millen team, but they had only three minutes on the Halls. Third was the Fresh team, about 50 min-utes back, and fourth belonged to the Skilton team. Kovach and Carr were still fifth, running well now, but with four hours to catch up. The Millens led into Sta. Rita with 45 minutes on Fresh and he was eight minutes in front of the Hall team. The Skiltons ran fourth, and Kovach and Carr were still fifth, now nearly 11 hours behind the leader. At the finish it was the Halls and Winkel, in the time of 40:04:30. The Millens were just 11 minutes behind them in second place. And an hour and a half later it was Fresh and his crew. The Skiltons were another four and a half hours back, report-ing a tie rod, an axle and a flat giv-ing them trouble, and they'd also been stuck. Said Gavin, "Toughest Baja I've been in." Kovach and Carr, after a valiant effort, probably timed out, because they're the only non-finishing team in the class. Class 9 had three entries, but all of them fell out early, none even get-ting to Arenoso (Mile 321), and thus there were no finishers. Eric Fisher, who usually races in this class, was a bystander this year, still recovering from a heart problem that hospi-talized him in the fall. Class 3 had nine starters, and Ken and Don Moss and Dave Grundman ran first at Arenoso in their Bronco, with three hours on second place Dylan Evans, Steve Krieger, Kreg Donahoe and Brady Helm in their Toyota FJ. They were having fuel delivery and pickup prob-lems. In third it was John Maine, another two and a half hours down. Gale Pike and his sons, Matt and Noah, had somehow slid off the pavement after Arenoso and before Catavina, and got themselves per-manently stuck in their new Dodge. In the next section, down past Bay of L.A. the Moss team had their first on-course tire change in eight years. The result of a rock, it cost them ten minutes to change. They were still leading at San Ignacio, where Evans, et al ran second a couple of hours back. John Maine was third, already 30 hours into the race, but still moving. At Santa Rita the Evans crew went into the lead, with one minute on the Moss brothers, who'd changed a ring and pinion and a driveshaft and had lost many hours. Maine was third, now 46 and a half hours along the way. Late in their trip the Moss Bronco got stuck in the silt, and they got a deal, and a tow out for only $20. They went on to take the win, finish-ing in 40:41:37. Evans, Helm, Krieger and Donahoe were second, an hour and six minutes later. They reported no flats, but said they'd changed one "soft" tire. They were the final finisher. Arnoldo Ramirez took the Class 1600 gold medal, but after 31 hours of racing, his competition was less than two minutes behind him. Chris Raffo, who brings his Class 3 Blazer and crew out from the Mid-west for these events, had an epic journey, but didn't make it on time. Their day was very busy. At Mile 100 they had a flat and a broken brake hose. At Mile 160 they replaced the front driveshaft. At Mile 205 they rebuilt both front hubs, replaced a front spindle and replaced the front driveshaft. At Mile 250 they had a flat. At 280 they had a rear flat and found a broken brake hose. At Mile 340 they replaced a broken tie rod. At Mile 514 they ran out of gas and January 2008 Dusty Times
F ., Mario Reynoso had some major problems on his way down course, It was a fourth place finish in the SCORE Lites competition for Larry Ragland had plenty of lights to help him down the course, he finished fourth in the Class 5-1600 race, seen here at speed. Dan Martin, Dan is seen here early in the race heading south. unfortunately, he had a fifth place finish in Trophy Truck. replaced the left front shackel bolt. and would do the rest of the trip in their worst problem had been that At Mile 791 they ran "out of fuel in two-wheel drive. In third it was Wil- the GPS had last year's course in it the middle of nowhere", and at Mile liam and Garrett Wolford, Mike and "we got major lost!" They actu-830 they had a rear brake line re- Long and David Springer in a Ford, ally had the right chip, but someone pair. Mile 839 they replaced a bro- two hours further back. pushed the wrong button. They went ken steering box and at Mile 990 After that everybody fell out ex-about 30 miles in the wrong direc-when the transmission housing ceptthe Growe Hummer, which was tion before they figured out what broke in two and the two rear shock doubling as a" chase" vehicle for the their error had been. mounts were also broken, they real- Griffin/Spirkoff Stock Full truck. Class 11, which had that hefty ized they were out of time. They They made sure to be behind it, be-$7000 Volkswagen purse, had eight weren't far past Insurgences, and cau e there was a serious points starters this time. At Arenoso (Mile they'd been timed through there at battle involved. Essentially, said 321) the lead belonged to the team 45 hours. There was no way they Growe, "We aborted our race". of Tommy and Ramon Fernandez could make it to Cabo on time. Aborted or not - they got the win, and Rogelio Robles in their som-The JeepSpeed crowd brought by virtue of being the only survivor brero topped car. Eric Solorzano only four starters, and two of them in the class, and finishing in and Sean Malabanan, in a swing axle went out very early. When the survi- 42:24:39. The Stock Full truck they car, ran second there, only seven vors reached Catavina, the lead be- were babysitting also finished, sec- minutes later. Mike urbano, Dennis longed toCliffCook,Autumn Wells ond in their class. Cota, Brian Martin and Mike and Justin Cook. They had almost In the Sportsman car class there Cisneros were third, and John four hours on the second place team were nine starters. At San Telmo Ledyard, Stefano Torres and Tim of Mike Shaffer and Jeff Mello, (Mile 177) the lead belonged to Brian Hanna ran fourth. who'd already broken their steering Shaleen, Dave Kanipp, Damon At San Ignacio it was still the and a track bar. Cordone and Tom Hellwig in a Fu- Fernandez/ Robles team in front, As they continued, the Cooks sion Chevy. They had three minutes and they were having to repeatedly and Wells held the lead, even though on the second place team of Jillian weld on their roll cage which was they had problems with broken wir-and Tom Rootring and Paul and trying to come apart. Solorzano and ing. The Shaffer, Linker, Mello team Amber Bailey in a Bunclerson VW. Malabanan were still second, only caught up to within three hours by Third belonged to Carl, George and about 45 minutes back. Urbano San Ignacio with no serious troubles John Becker and Dan Fritz, Guy and his team ran about four hours for a while. Ruse, Dave Caswell, Mike Dobsort, down here, and Ledyard's team was At Santa Rita the Cook/Wells Gary Jones, Gerry Smith and Joey another hour further back. team was about an hour and a half Dixon in a Lothringer/ Mirage with When they got to Santa Rita it ahead, and at the next BFG pit, at a 1600cc VW in it. They were an- was only the Fernandez/Robles Mile 1200, the Shaffer/Mello/ other 45 minutes back. And in team. Solorzano and Malabanan Linker crew had moved into the lead fourth place it was Mike Higbee, Bob had major problems with a drum by 22 minutes. The Cook/Wells Fetters and Scott Albro in a andranoutoftime,hittingacheck-crew blew a couple of shocks and Chenowth VW, almost two more point after closing time. The lost some time. hours back. Fernandez/Robles team hustled At the finish it was the Shaffer/ The class thinned out a bit in the along, and almost at the finish found Mello/ Linker group, winning by just next few sections, and at San Ignacio that some markers had been moved, a little less than two hours. They'd there were only three of them run- so they got "a little bit lost", which lost their radiator in the very last ning. The Rootring, Bailey team was cost them a few moments. They fin-section, so they pinched the cores in the lead with just under two hours ished in 53:00:00, precisely at the off, took the fan out and "tried to on the Beckers. In third it was Pam last possible second, to take the win. go fast enough to keep it cool". Reilly, Smoky Hill, B'rian Siler, There were ten starters in the Whatever works. It was good rac- Belinda Eastman and George Jack- Sportsman UTV class. They're vari-ing, and good pit work that got both son (San Felipe's best) in a Jimco ously called Rhinos, or side-by-sides, teams to the finish. VW. They were nearly seven hours or even golf carts. SCORE calls them There was one starter in the further back, but still moving. UTVs (which means "utilityvehicles"), Modified JeepSpeed class, but it At Santa Rita there were only two but these little vehicles are far from didn't get to the finish line. of them left, and the Rootring/Bailey the original concept, and the owners In the Sportsman Truck class team led by seven and a half hours have pumped a lot of time and money there were six starters, and one over the Becker group. At the finish into making them into race vehicles. dropped out very early. Of the rest, it was the Rootring/Bailey team, in To many onlookers it seemed opti-Bob Graham had the lead at San the time of 41 hours, 12 minutes and mistic in the extreme to hope to get Telmo (Mile 177), with 45 minutes 15 seconds. The Becker clan and their to Cabo San Lucas in one of them, on Mark. and Keith Growe, Mike friends finished second, eight hours and as it turned out it apparently Sabbarese, Tim Brown and Bryan and 23 minutes later. They s_aid was a bit much for them. But some O'Lear in John Griffin's old Hum-they'd had flat tires, rolled it once of them got a good distance down mer. They'd broken a half-shaft early and replaced the clutch. But perhaps the peninsula. Flyin' high, Rich Severson and crew hustled down the Baja in decent time, Rich took the silver medal in Class 7SX. At San Telmo there were still five running, and Thomas Graves was in the lead, at seven hours and 21 min-utes, and just 15 minutes in front of the second place team of Barry and Rick Mancha, Kelly Sexton, Brett Zens and Shawn Clark in a Polaris Razr. In third place it was Chris Fallon, Dan Tucker and Jim Creagan in an Arctic Cat Prowler, and fourth was another Arctic ~at Prowler with Sean and Jeff Creagan driving. When they got to the Bay of L.A. most were gone, but Graves still led, now over 20 hours into the race. The Manchas and their co-drivers ran second, six hours later, and Sean and Jeff Creagan were only ten min-utes behind them in third. But that was apparently as far as they went and were recorded. Between the Bay of L.A. and San Ignacio there were 160 miles of mostly fast, easy run-ning. But they were into their sec-ond day already, and may have sim-ply timed out at the next check. It was, as promised, a very special event. The folks in Cabo loved hav-ing it there, and they built a terrific finish line compound. Crowd con-trol was lax, but the crowd was gen-erally cheerful and interested. Many of them wanted to know why the race didn't finish there every year. SCORE finished their 2007 rac-ing season in grand style, and headed into the second 40 years of racing in Baja on a definite high note.SCIIE Robby Gordon had some lighting problems (lack of lights) but still managed a third place finish in the Trophy Truck fracas. ,-,,,.,.=c-===~----~~__,...,..,,,.........,..,,,,,......,_, Chris Lucas had problems on the way down the peninsula, he Billy Gasper averaged 50.3 miles per hour during the race but it Edgar Avalos, seen here early in the race, was the fifth place ended up in sixth place in Trophy Truck at the checkers. was only good enough to get him a fifth place finish in Class 1. finisher in the ½-1600 contest, here at touchdown. Dusty Times January 2008 Page 21
.. l.n.J2C:: 7th RALLY JAPAN Nlrvonan/Fonl Take A Big Win BY MARTIN HOLMES Mikko Hirvonen and Jarmo Lehtinen were the big winners in Japan, seen here flying in their Ford Focus RS. How good it is to have a trust-worthy teammate! For the third time in his career Mikko Hirvonen stepped in when BP-Ford's leader Marcus Gronholm let them down. His second WCR win this year helped maintain his team's increas-ingly strong chance of retaining the Manufacturer's title. In a remark-able rally, where even the greatest drivers in the world fell foul in the incredibly slipper conditions. Hir-vonen took the lead when fellow Ford (Stobart) driver Jari-Matti Latvala fell back and both he and Gronholm went off the road. He then drove a sterling event, putting pressure on Gronholm's Drivers' championship challenger Sebastien Loeb to such an extent that Loeb went off the road. Hirvonen was trailed to the finish by Loeb's team-mate Dani Sordo kept the Citroen Total Team still in the hunt for the Makes' title. Loeb himself restarted the event under SupeRally rules but withdrew after the final forest stage with engine trouble. This prob-lem cost the team one extra point, and meant that Ford now had to score only three not four points in the final two rounds of the cham-pionship to retain their title. Gron-holm goes to Ireland four points ahead of Loeb in the Drivers' series but Loeb has the advantage of more victories should there a tie at the end of the year. Group N was led throughout by Katsuhiko Taguchi in a Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX and finished eighth overall, one place ahead of PCWRC winner Gabriel Pozzo. Following the post-event exclusion of Armindo Araujo, the PCWRC title remains open to three drivers to win, Pozzo, Mark Higgins and Toshihiro Arai (who does not compete on the re-maining two rounds). The third World Championship Rally in four weeks, and the first of the final three rounds of the Production Car WRC, which are all to be held within five weeks ... The Japan Rally was run later in the year than pre-viously, moving season-wise from late summer to early autumn, con-sequently there were a lot of changes in the colours of the trees and the extent of the foliage lining the tracks of the special stages. Just as regular visitors were really becom-ing comfortable with Obihiro cam news that this was going to be the last time the event was expected to be based in this town. The climate made the city feel different with a cool feel to the mountain air, and there was also quite a different cli-mate out on the stages. Up in the forests the average temperature was expected to be below zero at night, with just a chance of snow as well. Stages held in the far north of the route in previous years were not used, both for climatic reasons and also to help reduce the total dis-tance of the event. What chance of snow this year? Snow is now un-known in the Rikubetsu area of the month of October. By regulation, no snow tyres could be used, the same tread pattern having to be used all event. The town of Rikubetsu, the epicentre of the northern part of the rally, is famous for its winter antics. One of the most spectacular is a human endur-ance competition in which competi-tors stand naked in the open air and the last one to run for shelter is the winner! The only snow to be seen, however, was on the peaks of nearby mountains. Although in the end there was snow beside some of the stages but not on the actual roads. They came from Europe all to-gether. The four different organisations chartered a Japan Air Lines freighter to bring their equipment to Hokkaido. Firstly the plane collected the Citroen C4s and Stohl's Xsara from Paris, then the following day called at London for the British-based Fords and Subarus. A lot of spare equipment was brought to Japan direct from New Zealand, taking advantage of the fact that neither of the World Championship Rallies held since New Zealand had been gravel events. BF Goodrich meanwhile, had the chance to bring the tyres in good time by boat. There was high tension at the top end of the sport with Marcus Gronholm praying for the sake of his title hopes, that he could beat Sebastien on this event. At the pre-event FIA Press Confer-ence a variety of top stars talked about their hopes for success. Se-bastien Loeb said that is he was beaten by Marcus on this event, he could wave goodbye to his hopes of retaining the World Drivers' title. "Marcus was faster than me last year, and the only reason I won then was that he made a few er-rors." BP-Ford's team chief Malcolm Wilson shared tantalizing thoughts about next year, "We still have not decided who will be our number two driver in 2008, after . Marcus retires", and presumably Mikko Hirvonen inherits the team leader's job? "Looking round the shops", he added, "you do not find any spare Loebs or Gronholms on the shelves, waiting to be sold ... " On the Production Car WRC front, local driver Toshihiro Arai said that his main priority was not to win the category on this event, but to keep checking the times of Mark Higgins and Gabriel Pozzo to make sure they did not threaten his championship lead. "Oh yes, I must also ensure my co-driver Tony Sircombe concentrates on the rally. His wife is expecting a baby this week!" By the end of the week, how-ever, there was still no news for the expectant father. This was Arai's sixth and final appearance having nominated to miss the final two rounds, while Higgins and Pozzo are due to contest both the remaining rounds in Ireland and Wales. Arai, however, had a good chance of win-ning the PCWRC title here, on home ground. First-timers making appearance in the PCWRC series this year were Yoshio Ikemachi, driv-ing the SYMS entered Subaru. Ikemachi has been registered in the Asia-Pacific rally championship this year. Romanian driver Claudiu David, who entered Argentina as a privateer, drove the number 43 OMV Bixxol RT entry. After Niall McShea did not start the Acropo-lis Rally, the FIA agreed that the TaCk entry, number 53, could be honoured instead in Japan, where Evgeniy Vertunov was at the wheel. There were no Guest entries from the organisers on this occasion. One curiosity was that Vertunov was now driving for a second team, hav-ing already appeared in the car for Subaru Rally Team Russian in Greece and New Zealand, he now drove for tl'le TaCK team in Japan. Although teams are limited to six entries in the series, it is theoreti-cally possible, because of the "team" and the "Guest" entry systems, for a driver to compete on all eight ral-lies as a PCWRC driver. However, no more than six scores can count, being those from the events nomi-nated in advance by the crews. Al-though no Mitsubishi WRCs were present a prototype Group N Evo X as well as a prototype of Subaru's Group N 2008 Impreza were used as organiser's zero cars. After a cold and windy spell, the early morning sun came out to greet the competi-tors as they set out for their second day of reconnaissance. The air freighter bringing all the champi-onship teams arrived in Obihiro safely. In point of fact, most of the WRCars which arrived in Japan were the same cars which had pre-viously been used in Rally New Zealand but had been back to the teams' European workshops since then. In the OMV team, Stohl's car had also been pressed into service in Corsica, because the car he had expected to use on that event was damaged the weekend before in Catalunya. "It was two solid days of hard work for the mechanics at Kronos back in Belgium", Stohl ad-mitted, "but we caught the plane in Paris and here we are again". Few drivers reported problems on recce. Championship leader Marcus Gronholm said everything went well. "it was interesting to see how the roads compared with when we have competed here earlier in the year. Mainly there is less foliage, and I suspect drivers will be more tempted to cut the corners. And I must say that autumn in this area is beautiful. We were driving the stages we were due to tackle on the Sun-day, when my co-driver Timo Rautiainen told me to stop so he could take some pictures. The sight of the distant mountains with snow on their caps was stunning!" Some trouble came to the Estonian Mar-tin Rauam and the Swede Patrik Flodin who both lost time when they had punctures. "It was ter-rible", Rauam explained. "In the end our mechanics had to sort out the problems and meanwhile we all piled into one car. Patrik and I sat in the front, and our co-drivers Kristo Kraag and Maria Andersson in the back of the car. I really don't know what they were doing back there!" Shakedown came, the first chance for enthusiasts to see the World Rally Cars in action this year ' in Japan. The course for Shake-down was a superspecial track ad-jacent to the Service Park, a course which was to be run no fewer than five times during the actual rally. Japan is one of the countries where rally car testing is forbidden for World Championship drivers, so even if the Shakedown course was not typical of the average stage on the event, it was still an important opportunity to check that the cars were performing correctly after their long journey here. This was a morning for the number two driv-ers. Fastest over the course was Subaru's number two driver Chris Atkinson, 0.1 seconds ahead of Cit-roen number two driver Dani Sordo, leaving the teams number one drivers Petter Solberg, Sebas-tien Loeb and Marcus Gronholm the three next fastest. The.Japanese telecom companies did well over-night as rally team officials rang FIA delegates who had attended the Katsuhiko Taguchi and Mark Stacy were the big winners in the Gabriel Pozzo and Daniel Stil/o took the PCWRC win in Japan, Daniel Sardo and Marc Marti finished second overall in Japan, Group N division, seen here in their Mitsubishi Lancer Eva IX. they're seen here in their Mitsubishi IX at speed. they're seen here in their Citroen C4. Page 22 January 2008 Dusty Times
II Federico Villagra and Jose Luis Diaz finished seventh overall, Marcus Granholm didn't have a good rally, he was out early on in Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena lost the engine in their Citroen C4, they're seen here throwing lots of gravel early on. they're seen here in the gloom in their Ford Focus RS. an accident, he's seen here at very high speed. sports World Motor Sport Coun-ated a lot of fog. On the first stage Subarus were in dire straights with cil meeting in Paris. This brought drivers were distraught, Marcus traction problems. One co-driver good news for Rally Japan, con-Gronholm: "I completely lost my-opined that the problems could firmed as one of 15 events in the self'. There was then a second haz-only originate from the dampers. series for 2008, and a surprise when ard, the early morning low lying ris-Front or back ones? "All of them ... " Rally Mexico was voted in to the ing sun. Jari-Matti Latvala, running Chris Atkinson said the cars were list to replace Rally Australia, which eighth car on the road, was quick-undriveable. Xavier Pons said the had requested a one year postpone- est on the first stage and found him- car had neither traction or feeling. ment. There was disappointment self in the lead, but he did not feel Petter Solberg, meanwhile, a para-for Polish and Cypriot fans as nei-that his running order position did gon of expedience, was tellingJapa-ther of their events, run under Can-anything to help. On the second nese journalists just how excited he didate status this year, appeared on stage came another hazard, mud was at driving the Japanese car in the 2008 list of events. and icy patches, and it was here Japan. That guy is a real profes-Two important co-driver Atkinson spun. Only when the sional in every way! Citroen may changes had taken place. The Pol- crews reached the long third stage not have been leading the rally, in-ish PCWRC driver Leszek Kuzaj did a semblance of normality re- deed they were only third and fifth, had a British co-driver for the first turn. The Citroens chose tyres but the feeling in the Service Park time. This was Welshman Craig which were probably a little too was one of sadness. Somehow it Parry. And in the number two hard for the opening stages. Sordo seemed the excitement had suddenly Munchi's WRC entry, co-driver had a spin on Stage 3 and Gron-gone out of the championship, even Jorge Companc had remained in holm was in the lead just one sec-if the rally itself clearly had a lot of Argentina for personal family rea-ond ahead of Latvala, with Hir-life left in it. sons, and on this event was replaced vonen third and Loeb fourth. Then In the afternoon the same stages by the team's trainee co-driver Jorge on Stage 4 Gronholm slid off the as used in the morning were tack-Diaz. One unhappy driver was road, "We hit something with the led once again. Although.they were PCWRC title contender Mark right front of the car and this threw clearer of gravel there were a lot of Higgins, "I broke my collar bone in the car off line to the left, where it ruts and rocks, and they were much an accident at my home before I impaled itself on some tree stumps." rougher. Without Gronholm, came to Japan. I managed to drive The Finn lost a minute, but made could anything else go wrong? In the recce, as this was in a right hand it back to service and dropped to fact, yes, for Subaru. Sixth placed drive automatic saloon car, but I eighth overall, and Latvala was back Petter Solberg went off the road on am worried how I will manage on in the lead. The news of Stage 5 and sustained damage the rally. My rally car is left hand Gronholm's problem was a tragedy which led to problems with the gear drive. After making my first pass in for the BP-Ford team. Everyone in box, the car getting stuck in gear. Shakedown, we asked the Top Run the team refused to believe what Eventually he had to stop on the Team mechanics to alter the seat had happened. Even the official road section up to Stage 6 . mounting position, to make the car team's press releases took three and Atkinson was forced to abandon more comfortable to drive, but I a half paragraphs before it con-after his car slid off the road on do not know if I will be able to do firmed that Gronholm had been Stage 6 and impacted a tree on the more than just cross the start line forced to withdraw for the rest of co-driver's side. The roll cage was before I have to retire". This was a the day's action. Six missed stages damaged and the car was not al-disastrous start for the British at best, exclusion at worst if the FIA lowed to carry on. Both the Subaru driver, who along with Gabriel Scrutineers confirmed that the roll team cars were out with only non-Pozzo, was statistically one of only cage was too badly damaged for Makes championship car ofXavier two drivers still able to challenge safety, which they did and it was Pons continuing. Hirvonen had a Toshi Arai for the Production Car the worst scenario: Exclusion. The good run, made fastest time on championship title this year. side impact was very similar to what Stage 6 and passed Latvala into the Leg 1 caused teammate Mikko Hirvonen lead, but Sebastien Loeb was catch-10 Stages, gravel, 106.18kms. to be excluded from last year's ing him. The Citroen driver was This was the day of the late start, Wales Rally GB. As there was no unhappy with the handling on his first car to leave the time control at chance at all of repairing the car in C4 and worried all the time about the Service Park was ... 0600. On the 30 minutes midday service, the the pressure, now that Gronholm the following two days it was neces- car was put into pare ferme just in was out. Henning Solberg had a big sary to get out of bed even earlier! case they would be allowed to re-moment exactly where his brother The weather was clear and very start under SupeRally rules, in had been off the road, happilywith-fresh. Thick ice formed on which case they would have three out the same consequence. Two windscreens of the cars, but as soon hours service time available. In the runs round the Service Park Su-as the sun rose above the horizon end, however, it was clear the perspecial rounded off the day. The the temperature rose quickly. In the driver's side cross pieces of the roll conditions were miserable and dark stages there was another problem. cage were irreparably broken and and then wet, though at least it was The high degree of humidity ere-the team withdrew the car. The considerably warmer than before. The big surprise was that the PCWRC driver Armando Araujo scored an overall fastest stage time on Stage 9, the first time a Group N car had scored a scratch time on a World Rally since Monte Carlo 2001 and the first time a Portuguese driver since Rui Madeira on the 1997 Portugal Rally. It was on Stage 9 that Loeb also got ahead of Latvala into second place to even-tually finish the day only 10.3 sec-onds behind the leader. Running away with Group N was Katsuhiko Taguchi, in his non-championship Mitsubishi. He was leading all the PCWRC drivers, in which category Patrik Flodin was leading by 12.9 seconds. Toshi Arai got ahead of Fumio Nutahara, Takuma Kamada was fourth, four Japanese drivers in the top five Group N cars. Arai's two championship challengers were not going well. Pozzo had rear dif-ferential trouble and lost a lot of traction, Higgins was struggling on the best he could, feeling terrible, and praying for the faster stretches which were less painful to drive. Arai had a broken rear differen-tial, doing two stages in front-wheel drive only. Juho Hanninen was struggling with no rhythm to his driving. Martin Rauam stalled, lost his place in the pacenotes, and drove eight kilometres on a flat tyre. In the afternoon Flodin went off the road on Stage 6, at a place where their pacenotes were bad fol-lowing their recce troubles, and dropped from first to last place in PCWRC. Describing the frustra-tions of his accident Flodin com-ments, "The car ended up five metres off the road, but we were able to run it round and drive it back to the road, except for the last few centimetres. We drove it down the bank again and had another go, same result. It was very frustrat-ing to lose ten minutes in this". Flodin's problems allowed Toshi Arai to take the lead ahead of Fumio Nutahara with Juho Hanninen third. Then on Stage 7 Arai went off the road and, a little further on, Hanninen did the same. Juho "Our cars ended up off the road a couple of metres away from each other. It was curious the way that the mud had been rolled to the edge of the road, it was like the mud pulled you helplessly off the road if you touched it." Toshi: "We were the first car through the stages after the World Rally Cars, and they had completely changed the character of the surface. They had been cutting the corners with their puncture resistant tyre mousses in a way we couldn't do, I think any driver in our position would have gone off." As the rally returned to base Nutahara was in the lead by nearly one minute from champion-ship contender Gabriel Pozzo and the Portuguese driver Armindo Araujo, with the newly crowned Russian champion Evgeniy Vertunov fourth. Nutahara was under pressure of drive consistently and safely. Pozzo reported that most of the problems were on the road sections rather than on the stages, and not so much the specta-tor cars but the vast number of threatening-looking police every-where. The organisers had already extended timing on the road sec-tions because of the regular Japa-nese problem that these were timed too tightly. Much to his own sur-prise Mark Higgins managed to fin-ish the first leg of the event, tenth of the 14 drivers still in PCWRC action. Ahead of all the PCWRC drivers, however, was Taguchi, his lead over Nutahara around a half minute. Seven different drivers had scored fastest overall stage times during the day including Araujo in a Group N car! All the stages had been dry but it was raining steadily back in Obihiro when the cars ar-rived, making local people suspi-cious of what the weather up in the hills would be like. Leg2 10 Stages, gravel, 146.68kms. Saturday dawned and everything was quite different. Petter Solberg was back again, running first car on the road for restart purposes, but Marcus Gronholm's car of course could not be repaired. Overnight thick cloud had raised the tempera-tures of the land immensely, and the long spell of overnight rain com-pletely changed the conditions of the stages. As the morning progressed, however, it was not just the weather Continued next page Urmo Aava and Kuldar Sikk took the win in S 1600 in Japan, Petter Solberg and Phillip Mils were well back in 16"' overall in Matthew Wilson and Michael Orr took a nice fourth place overall they're seen here navigating through the soft stuff. Japan, they're seen here in their Subaru lmpreza. in Japan, they're seen here speeding through the gloom. Dusty Times January 2008 Page 23
which had changed but the whole spirit of the event. This was going to unfold dramatically into a rally for number two drivers ... The day started with Mikko Hir-vonen holdings 10.3 seconds lead over Sebastien Loeb. Hirvonen's co-driver explained: "We were running one car behind Loeb, so we could control things perfectly. It would al-ways take time on a stage before he knew how we were doing. It was ob-vious that he wanted to drive steadily (he had already told people that sec-ond place, eight points, would be a perfect result for him), but what was strange was he didn't show his usual rhythm. The times were showing he was unusually erratic. Then we came round a bend on Stage 13 and found him stuck on the side of the road." The circumstances of Loeb's off road excursion were very strange, "It was my fault", co-driver Daniel Elena admitted, "It was the first time I have ever made a pacenote mistake, and I still don't know how it hap-pened. Before the rally we agreed the bend was " 100 minus, minus. In my mind I really thought I said just that, but Sebastien said I said plus, plus. that cannot have been a mistake of hearing. I really must have said the wrong thing." Loeb was not alone. Two kilometres away Jari-Matti Latvala went of the road. "It was not a pacenote problem. I had already used similar notes last year, but one of my problems is that I make recce with a standard car, with only one emergency spare wheel, and all the time one has to think more about driving to avoid punctures than con-centrating on the checking of the notes. I had some problems with the car with the hydraulics. We had to run with manual gear selection, and the differentials were not working perfectly. In the end we just under-steered off into a tree." Xavier Pons was out as well, stopped fo r the rest of the day. "No it wasn't a pacenote problem fo r us, we think it was a suspension failure but so far we are not sure". After all these adventures, Hir-vonen was 46.1 seconds in front of Dani Sordo with Henning third, hoping to repeat his Norway po-dium position. Number two drivers held the top three places. Argentine drivers were in three of the top eight positions, and even more impressive, the race for the World Drivers' title was back on again in earnest. The depression at the end of the first day was gone. Manfred Stohl had a clutch failure and on Stage 14 dropped from fourth to sixth place. World Rally Cars held the top seven places, Group N cars b.eld the other top places. Finally the intensity of the battle eased. Petter Solberg had an uneventful but promising day scoring four fastest stage times, his first since Greece. Co-driver Phil Mills said "The second run through the stages gave us a chance to see all the marks left by the cars which had gone off the road earlier". The mud had become more compacted but it was even more slippery than in the morning. Stage 16 was especially slip-pery, Hirvonen admitted he had se-riously slowed down rather than take any risk. Sordo said the ruts in the road on Stage 18 were so bad he eased off for fear of causing unnec-essary damage to his car. Stohl was full of praise fo r his mechanics f9r the second time in a week! "They changed the whole transmission sys-tem, clutch and everything, and we lost no time. Now everything is good again." In Group N, the pacenote ques-tions were as important as ever. Martin Rauam went off at a place where they had no chance to check the notes properly. Things were going according to plan for the no n-c ha mp io n ship entry o f Katsuhiko Taguchi and on the first three stages Leszek Kuzaj gained places, passing firstly Armindo Arauj o (stopped to change a wheel following a puncture after the start of Stage 12), and then Vertunov. On Stage 14 the PCWRC leader Nutahara retired after damaging the left rear suspension. Nutahara had stalled at the start of Stage 12 and lost a quarter minute, and was pushing to get more of a lead. All this left Gabriel Pozzo in the lead with Takuma Kamada second and Kuzaj third. All alone, far away from home, was Urmo Aava in his Suzuki Swift, on the company's last official entry for a Super 1600, having no problems but not much impressed with his Bridgestone tyres, "They might be fine for Raikonen or Hamilton, but not so good for rally drivers ... !" Pozzo had no trouble but Araujo felt his car was not stable in the ruts. Kuzaj was still in third place despite having no tyres soft enough for the conditions. Arai stopped to change a wheel af-ter another puncture and dropped to 12th out of 13 cars still running, four places out of the chance of adding any points to his champi-onship score and now quite wor-ried about how well Pozzo was go-ing. Hanninen was also struggling when a brake cable broke and he had only the handbrake in opera-tion. The Romanian David was happy, seventh in the ,category and thrilled, "the long stage (12 and 16) is the most beau~iful stage I have ever driven in my life!" Higgins was courageously still in action, "There was one bad bump which caused a tremendous pain, but otherwise I am still okay, driving mostly with one hand •. But what is not okay is the zealousness of the police. "On the first day I stuck religiously to the speed limits, and 36 hours later they penalised me fo r being late at the end of the section! Today I de-cided, like everyone else, to ignore the limits and run the gauntlet of the police - and I am now waiting to be given notice of the fine. Hung if you do, hung if you don't." There SAT PHONE RENTALS & SALES Rent Iridium Phones from only $49.99 per week Same Day Delivery/Pick Up We Sell New & Used Sat Phones We Buy Used Sat Phones We Repair Sat Phones Open 24 Hours Located in San Diego, CA /\ IRIDIUM Globalstar· Vid l')' inmarsat r---·"---7 bgan 1-888-884-7623 ALLROADSAT .com Page 24 January 2008 were many instances where the po-lice appeared to target foreign com-petitors and not the national driv-ers. The FlA is studying this prob-lem by inviting the Clerk of the Course in future to intervene be-fore penalties are levied, to avoid cases where this sort of problem happens. At present, the police present their findings directly to the Stewards, which is a very one-sided system. On this event, the organisers did not levy penalties for speeding but only for ignoring Stop signs. "Knowing that now really doesn't help at all", Mark added. Further-more, the competitors were given the option of accepting a penalty or arguing with the Stewards. Two competitors chose the latter -and had their fines reduced! Meanwhile, Stefano Marrini stopped for the day with gearbox failure. Leg 3 7 Stages, gravel, 97.33kms. The clouds had gone away, the sun was back out again. Pons, Latvala and Loeb all restarted but Group N driver Fumio Nutahara decided not to, even though the Scrutineers said they would have no objection. The muddy stages meant this was a splen-did opportunity to go testing for the Wales Rally GB! This was the short-est leg of the event, with two loops of a group of three stages to the north-west of Obihiro, and a finale at the Obihiro Superspecial immediately before the finish. Few things of consequence hap-pened. The Citroens of Loeb and Sordo scored fastest scratch times on all the forest stages, both driv-ers eventually scoring a total of six each on the rally. Hirvonen held his lead, controlling the gap be-tween himself and Sordo. Pons had a spin. The stages were still muddy but drying out. Matthew Wilson looked fo r the chance to catch Companc and even after stalling at the start of the third stage of the day he had already reduced the defi-cit by nearly a quarter minute in three stages. On the final forest stage he did it, and led Companc back to the Service Park where only a last run round the Superspecial remained. Loeb, meanwhile, stopped after the final forest stage, apparently due to an engine prob-lem and he did not attempt the fi-nal stage or check in at the finish. In PCWRC Gabriel Pozzo al-most had heart failure when his engine unaccountably stopped for some seconds before restarting. Ly-ing second was Takuma Kamada when he lost his brakes in Stage 26 and dropped down to fourth while Araujo, who started the day in fourth place behind Leszek Kuzaj , pulled up to beat him on the final forest stage, and gained second place. Although the Romanian Claudiu David stopped on Stage 25 with rear differential failure he made it to the final pare ferme to be classified under SupeRally. Mark Higgins finished in sixth place some 41.6 seconds behind Vertunov. It looked like the 50 second time pen-alty had cost the British driver the chance of his title but then at post-event Scrutineering Araujo's Mitsubishi was excluded, fo r steel parts missing from the inside door sills of the bodyshell, and it was all change. Apart from Pozzo everyone in PCWRC moved up a place leav-ing Kuzaj second, Kamada third, Vertunov fourth and Mark Higgins fifth. The one extra point gained by Higgins means he retains a chance of the PCWRC title as he and Pozzo head for Ireland. Loeb's unexpected withdrawal brought another Makes' point to Stobart through Latvala's efforts (finishing 25th overall) but presumably this also gives Citroen the chance, by Loeb retiring officially, for a new engine to be fitted to his car fo r Wales Rally GB, an event where components are otherwise paired with Japan. This would help Cit-roen as they are spoiling for a fight in Ireland in the hope Loeb can beat ~ Marcus Gronholm to the Drivers' Championship title. lAJ'eC: 1th Rally Japan (J) Obihiro 26/28.10.2007 WCR round 14, PCWRC round 6 WC poim:s WR WD PC l ( 4 ) Mikko HIRVONEN/ Jame Lehtinen FIN For.d i'ocus RS WRC EJ56FXA (GB) 3h.23m.51.6s. 10 10 2 (2) Daniel SORDO/Mar c Marci~ Citroen C4 WRC 745DYN18 (t"J 3h.24ni.35.0s. 8 8 (10} Henning SOLBERG/Cato Menketud N For.d Focus RS WRC EU55CNX (GB) 3h. 28m. 31. 3s . 6 6 4 (16) Matthe w Wilson/Michael Orr GB Ford Focus RS WRC EJ56E"ZI/ (GB) 3h.30m.35.5s. 5 5 (11) Lui s Pere z COMPANC/Jose Mari a Volta RA Ford focus RS WRC EA01PXN (GB) 3h, 30m.38.0s. 5 6 (5) Manfred STOHL/Ilka Minor i>. Citroen Xsara WRC 98DZF19 (Fl 3h. 3lm.Ol.9s. 4 3 7 (12) Federico VILLAGRA/Jose Lui• Dia z RA Ford Focus RS WRC E055CNN (GBJ 3h.35m.12.9s. 3 2 8 (61) Katsuhiko Taguchi/Mark Stacey J/AOS Mltoubishi Lancer E·~o IX N Kt1Y301Hu 5721 (J) 3h.44m.31.h.f 9 (54 } Gabriel Pozzo/Daniel Stillo RA Mitsubishi Lancer Eva IX PCWRC GOU64 (RA) 3h.45m.50.6s.+ -10 10 (66) Masayuki lshida/Keiji Seita J Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX N KMG300HA1603(J) 3h.48m.30.0s. 11 ( n) Leszek Kuzaj /Craig Parry PL/GB Subaru Impreza 06 PCWRC GM301SE4038 (Jl 3h.48m.30. 1s . 8 12 t52) Takwna Kamada/Naoki Kase J Subaru L"!\l)reza 06 PCWRC TICTJ01T05887 (J l 3h. 48m.39.0s. 6 15 (79) Or.mo Aava/Kuldar Sikk EE Suzuk.i Swift S1600 JVR684 (Hi 3h. 50m.07. 9s.• -16 (1) Petter SOLBERG/Philip Mills N/GB Subaru lmpreza WRC FT56SR'r (GB) 3h.5Cm. 25.8s. (5 ) 2 1'1 (53) Evgeniy Vertunov/Georgy l1roshkin ROS Subaru Imp t eza WRX PCWRC P0560T (177, RUS) 3h.50m.41.7s. 5 19 { 34) t...:ark Higgins/Martin Scot t GB Mi t,5ubishi Lancer Evo I X PCWRC DF103TL (I ) 3h.5lm.23.3s. 4 21 (50) Patri k Flodin/Mari a Ander s son S Subaru Impr e za OE PCWRC GF32oCE (A) 3h.58m.39.6s . 3 23 (36) J Uho Hanninen/Mi kko Markkula FIN Mitsubishi Lancer Evo I X PCWRC 290NZ (NZ) 4h . 03m. 12 . 4s . (4) 2 24 (38} Ycshi o lkeroachi/Sadat o ~hi Ando J Subaru Tmpreza 06 PCWRC GM300YA35 93 ( J .) 4h.03m.48.7s. l 25 (9) Jari-Matti LATVf.LA/ Miikka Anttil a FIN Ford Focus RS WRC Eli55CNJ (GB) 4h . 04m. 47 .2s. (8) 26 {48} Amjad Fa:-rah/Nicol a Arena HKJ/I Mitsubis h i Lancer Evo IX PCWRC ECHSOS (NZ) 4h.05m.23.4s. 29 (31) Toshihiro Arai/l'ony Sircombe J/N7, Subaru Impreza 06 PCWRC GMG301SU5507{J) 4h.08m.03.3s. (4) 30 (43 ) Claudiu David/Mn.aela Beldie RO Mitsubishi Lancer Evo I X PCWRC GF391BX (A) 4h. l 0m.52.6s . (3) 31 (31 ) Spyres Pavlides/Denis Giraudet CY/ F Subaru Imprcza 06 PCWRC TA51SUB (GB) 4h .l5m.52.3s . 35 (17) Xavier Pons/xavi er Amigo E Subaru Impreza WRC JT07SRT (GB) 4h.18m.09. 2s. (9) 47 (51) Ma r t i n Rauam/Kristo Kraag EE Mitsubishi I.anc:er Eva I X PCWRC DF844YZ (I) 4h.30m .05.2s. (9) 60 {40 ) Stefano Marri ni/Tiziana Sandroni I Mitsubishi Dusty Times
DAYI SOl T! TRAN!Ml!!ION! WOUlD lllCI TO rot11eRATUUTI TIii!! Wlll'NIRS ... Bruce Fra.ley Second Place Single Buggy Champion Greg Boyer Fourth Place Single Buggy Champion Bryan Freeman Overall SNORE Points Champion 1/2 1600 Champion Bryce Menzies First Place Single Buggy Champion SNOII Lone Kid Racing Cory Boyer Third Place Single Buggy Champion Rick Boyer Sixth Place Single Buggy Champion Mark & C.J. Hutchins Class 10 Points Champion Rino Navera First Place 5/1600 Points Champion Second Place 5/1600 Points Champion Tom Watson & Tim Noe Clas$ 12 Champion Baja 1000 Winner 5co11 Arnoldo Ramirez Baja 1000 Winner 1/21600 G!Jll!D TO !!lft YOU Dave Folts Trarumiuions 1~16 UtT ru"''' !T. O"T.11110, CA91761 .. 9 .. tff.§970 DfOl ft®DfOLTtTIMt.COM Dusty Times January 2008 Page 25
M,Q&!i ; POWDERPUFF Rac1n· Far The cure B Y STEVE R UDDICK PHOTOS: T RACKS/DE PHOTO .. A great win for Shirley Jergensen in the Class 1 Unlimited car class, Shirley had about nine minutes on her competition at the checkers. The M.O.R.E. Powder Puff Race for the Cure was held on October 13, 2007 at Barstow, CA. Start/Fin-ish was at Outlet Center Drive. The course was a 20 mile loop with eight checkpoints, four road crossings, and a whole lot of fun in between. The Race for the Cure is a special M.O.R.E. event because all the pro-ceeds to go women's breast cancer research at Cedar-Sinai Medical Center. All the drivers and their co-rides are women (get outta da way, guyz). The race was divided into a morning go-for-it (Group 1), and an afternoon romp-n-the-dirt (Group 2). One hundred thirty ve-hicles entered the Race for the Cure. The morning race (Group 1) in-cluded seven different classes in more forward-momentum challenged classes. Some 62 Wild _N _ Crazy women saw the green flag at the Go! I think everybody finished, no mat-ter how many 'laps' they did or didn't. Oh! You mean finished for the trophies. and bragging rights. That's what this story is all about -giving the women a chance to show their stuff and raise a lotta money for a worthy cause in the process of having mu cha fun ... laughing all the way. It sure looked that way to me. CLASS '1300' misc. other 'buggys': Five/Six Laps. Seventeen Starters, seven finishers. Car #333 -Angie Vander horst, and #4 • Apryl Sheleen, completed six laps; in that order. Yander horst did it faster in 3:06:53 at 39.9 mph in #333. Sheleen was over the finish line in #4 about six minutes later, complet• ing the course in 3: 12:51 at 38.6 mph #333 smoked Lap 1 at 43.4 mph for Fast Lap honors. In the CLASS 1300 pack, Robbie Doherty completed four laps in the fastest car# 1388, doing the dirt rounds in 2:44:21 at 37.8 mph; forthe#l win in class. Doherty also won Fa~ Lap on Lap 1 at 41.2 mph; in 00:30:07. Julie Ellis was next in line at the checkered flag to win second place in car # 1396 in 2:47:53 at 37.0 mph. Caitlin Carr's car# 18 was only 00:00:49 seconds off Ellis' rear 'bumper' at the finish line to take third place, in 2:48:42; at 36.8 mph. Theresa Lauria was in the hunt for the win in car #1313, completing her five laps in 2:51:05 at 36.3 mph, for the number four atta-girl. Katrina Sallvin got her five laps done in 2:55:48 at 35.3 mph, for the fifth place win, incar#l353. Stephanie Cotham got the Check-ers in car #1307 for the number six spot finish, in 3:01:05 at 34.4 mph. Jessica Freeman drove car# 1804 to the seventh place win in 3:06:40 at an average speed of 33.3 mph. Terra Jacobus was the eighth place finisher in car# 1367. Jacobus did her driver duties in 3:09: 15 at 32.8 mph. Pep-per Cote rounded out the finishers It looked easy for Jessica Freeman, she led all the way and had more than a lap lead on her competition when the flag flew . Out of 11 Ultra Trucks entered, only Nicolette Dunn was able to get all the laps finished, she took an easy win. in Class 1300 in car # 1325, com-pleting the course in 3: 19:36 at 31.1 mph. CLASS 1700/Jeepspeed: Four laps. Two starters, one finisher. Tandi Hartman drove four laps in Jeep #1706 to win first place in class in 3:06:44 at 26.6 mph. Hartman found some more pedal to win Fast Lap on Lap 2 at 31.6 mph; in 00:39: 17. Dana Filar got in one lap of fun in truck #1790 before her race day was done. CLASS 1450: Five laps. Seven starters, two finisher. Stacey Robburts started at the front of the Class 1450 pack at the green flag GO> in truck #1472, and never let off the gas or looked back on her way to the# 1 win; in 3:00:46 at 34. 4 mph. You go girl! Julie Humphreys started further back in the pack in truck# 1488, and made it a race all the way to the checkered flag to win second place in class in 3:03:24 at 33.9 mph. Pretty close racin' there, sports fans, Humphreys also put da' pedal down on Lap 4 to win Fast Lap honors at 36.8 mph; in ' 00:33:43. Regina Patton got in four laps in truck #1451 (!ha• "my" old number), before her race day of fun was done; and so did Mariah Belcher in# 1483. ('I'll be back'). CLASS 5/1600: Five laps. Ten starters, two finishers. Kristen Flaherty drove the fastest and most consistent laps to win first place in Kathleen Lang ran her four required laps in just over 2½ hours, Cheri Nutter was hanging in there for five laps but problems put Layne Brown was a bit off the winning pace in Class 10 but she won Class 9, she's seen here in her really good lookin' Lothringer. her down, she was still accorded a second place finish in Class 5. came in for the silver medal, seen here at speed. Rhiannon Freiley had problems and was unable to finish here last Apryl Sheleen is ready to race, she had a really good second Julie Humphreys was just a bit off the winning pace in the Ultra lap but still was accorded second place in Class ½-1600. place finish in the Class 1300 conflict at the powder puff. Truck race, she finished in second place, 3 minutes down. Page 26 January 2008 Dusty Times
Michelle Bruckmann throws a lot of dirt on her way to a nice win in Class 5, she really hustles in her good lookin' Bug. No grass grows under Bekki Wik's car, Bekki averaged 46.6 miles per hour for her six required laps, seen here at speed. car #569; in 3:02: 12 at 34.l mph. She won by a 00: 18:00 margin of victory. Flaherty also clocked the fastest speed and time on Lap 3 at 34. 7, in 00:35:46. Lisa Wheeler won second place in class in car #571. Wheeler got her wheel duties done in 03:20:00 at 31.1 mph. CLASS 7: Five laps. Seven start-ers, one finisher. Tabitha Rose com-pleted all five laps in 03:03:25 at 33.9 mph to win first place in class in truck #729. Rose also won the Fast Lap honors on Lap 2 (and 4) at 34.2 mph in 00:36:21, and the most consistent again on Laps 3 and 5 at identical speeds of 33.8 mph. Go figure! One for the record book. Evelyn Morley completed four laps in truck #777 to finish_ in second po-sition in class for the day. Morley 'got her done' in 2:44:35. Erin Wahl drove four laps too in truck #762 to finish in third position in 2:50:46 at 29.1 mph. It took Courtney Norton 03: 17:_24 to get her four laps of fun done for the day in truck #738; at 25.2 mph. Angie Vanderhorst led Class 1300 all the way, she ran a 40 mile per hour average and had six minutes in hand at the checkers. A nice win for Stacy Robburts in the Ultra Truck race, but it was close, she had less than three minutes in hand at the end. Dusty Times Marie Westwood just starting her Class 8 race, Marie won the class at an average of 38 miles per hour in her truck for her five required laps. She hadn't raced for a while, but Day Malloy made it look easy, she took the Class ½-1600 win with absolute ease. CLASS 9: Four laps. Twelve starters, eight finishers. Kathleen Lang was the firstest and fastest to the checkered flag in car #988, do-ing her dirt duties in 02:33:45 at 03:25:10. Kirkmeyer tied the #l place winner for fast lap speed at 33.l mph, and took home the fast lap honors on time at 00:37:28 vs. 00:37:31. Who said 'time is irrel-evant'? The Dalai Lama was once asked why he wore a watch? "So I won't be late for my next meeting", replied. Funny guy. CLASS 11: Three laps. Seven entries, four finishers. Lacy Perrault did the whole thing in 02:31: 18 at 24.6 mph to win first place in class, in car #1187. Perrault tore up the track on Lap 1 at 27.8 mph to win the fast lap honors; in 00:44:40. Who was that masked woman? Dawnette Brewer made it a race in car# 1107, getting to the checkered flag in 02:34: 17 at 24.2 mph, to win second place; just 00:03:00 min-utes behind #1187. Michele Silcock brought car # 1196 around the course in 02:44: 16 at 22. 7 mph to finish in third place for the day. Anne Naso won fourth place in class in car #1169, in 03:03:03 (another 'record' for the book) at 20.4 mph. The afternoon race (Group 2) included eight classes, 64 starters, and 13 finishers. Three classes made up 60% of the total racers: 1400, 10, and 1600. CLASS 1: Seven laps. Nine start-ers, two finishers. Shirley Jergensen powered car # 156 around the course seven times to get to the check-ered flag in 02:59:09 for the first place in class win, at 48.5 mph. Jergensen also won the Fast Lap honors on Lap 1 at 49.4 mph, in 00:25:07. Lori Robinson got the second place finish and win in car #26, in 03:08:43 at 46.l mph. Sev-eral racers completed six laps of fun to finish, in order: Shelby Reid #168; Vanessa Sproule #1516; Ranae Brunnin # 122. CLASS 10: Six laps. Thirteen starters, five finishers. Bekki Wik got from the start to the checkers the Continued next page 32.3 mph. Land _____________ S_C_O_R_f ___ M_E_C_HAN __ - -IC_S_O_F_T_H_E_YEA.R ___ ---. won by a ten minute margin of ♦ C ---=~---victory. arissa Stephens drover ___,.,, ,c:, .r:::::,, her car #990 to a second place in class win, com-pleting the re-quired laps in 02:44:50 at 30.0 mph. Andi Wagner got to the finish line in 2:45:44 (54 sec-onds later) in car #976, at 30.0 mph, to win third place in class. Shaunah Forrest won fourth place in class in car #914, in 2:49:38 at 29.3 mph. Vikki Nixon was next to proceed across the finish line in car #944, doing the whole thing in 02:54:56 at 28.4 mph, for the fifth place win. Gema Ptasinski rolled in next in 03:01:41 at 27.3 mph to win sixth place in car #980. Nicole Ward got the re-quired laps done in 03:21:15 at 24. 7 mph for the seventh place win. And last in class to finish and w.in eighth place was Kathy Kirkmeyer in car #977; At 24.2 mph in January 2008 Manufacturing and preparing the finest line of off-road Race, and Pre-Runner Vehicles Page 27
Lisa Wheeler ran well for four laps, had problems on her last lap Evelyn Morely drove her Class 7 truck to a nice second place Just a wee bit off the winning pace, Lori Robinson took home the but still took a second place finish in Class 5-1600. finish in class, she's seen here reaching' for the sky. silver medal in Unlimited Class 1, seen here at speed. Trina Campbell is seen here plowing through the desert, Trina A third place finish in the Class 5 contest went to Christina Dauge, A bronze medal in the Class 10 conflict went to Robyn McMullin, took the silver medal in the Ultra Truck race. she's seen here with the hammer down headin' to the checkers. she's seen here at high speed on the course. fastestincar#l001,in02:40:0lat fastestonlapsland2at48.9mph, wascar#l099withlayneBrown-at ishlinein03:03:42at40.6mph,to for the fourth place win; in 46.6 mph, for the first place in class to grab the Fast lap honors, too; in the wheel. Brown got ro the check- win third place in class for the day. 03:04:05 at 40.5 mph. Gaby win. Wik won by a 20 minute mar- 00:25:25. Next to proceed across ers in 03:00: 11 at 47.4 mph. Robyn Kelly Boyle was only 00:00: 18 be-Godde won fifth place in class in gin if victory. #1001 also went the the finish line to win second place McMullin got car #1022 to the fin-hind at the finish line in car #1025 car #1007. Godde got it done in Kristen Flaherty took the Class 5-1600 lead on the second lap and that's all she. wrote, Kristin took the class win by 18 minutes. The win in Class 7A went to Tabitha Rose, she covered her five required laps in just over three hours, seen here at speed. #1007 in 03: 13:36 at 38.5 mph. CLASS 1200: Six laps. Four starters, one finisher. Jessica Free-man drove car # 1804 to the sole finish and first place win in class, in 03:07:40 at 39. 7 mph. Freeman also smoked the course on Lap 1 at 41.4 mph to win the Fast Lap hon-ors in 00:30:02. CLASS 1400: Six laps. Eleven starters, one finisher. Nicolette Dunn got it done in 02:57:07 in truck # 14 26 to be the solo victor and win first place in class, at 4 2.1 mph. Dunn also blasted past her competition on Lap 2 to take home the Fast Lap hon-ors at 45.0 mph, in 00:27:36. Trina Campbell #1425, Kelly Steinberger #1407, Danyelle Thayer #1438, and Melissa Thornton # 1448, all got five laps finished before their day of race A third place finish in the Class ½-1600 contest went to Julie Robbie Doherty lands a bit hard on her way to a third place finish Regina Patton is ready to race, she was awarded a third place Meehan, seen here flying down the course. in the Class 1300 contest at the MORE Powderpuff function. finish in the Ultra Truck Class in the Cancer Fighting race. Brittany Sanchez was rolling right along in the Class 5-1600 race Andi Wagner was a bit off the winning pace in Class 9 but she did Danielle Brewer had a pretty good time, she was unable to complete but had major problems on her last lap -and was unable to finish. take home the bronze medal for her efforts. her last lap but was awarded a second place finish in class. Page 28 January 2008 Dusty Times
It was a second place finish in Class 11 for Dawnette Brewer, Belinda Garcia failed to complete her final lap but she was credited It was a nice third place finish for Kelly Steinberger in Ultra she was less than three minutes out of the win. with a third place finish in the class. Truck, seen here setting out on her last lap. A third place finish in Class 7A went to Erin Wahl, she's seen Lacy Perrault tt,ok the Class 11 win, Lacy had less than three It was an easy race for Belinda Karakas, all her competition faded and she took the gold medal with ease. here with the power on, headin' for the checkers. minutes on her competition at the checkered flag. fun was done. pleted five laps of fun. # 167 3, Brittany Sanchez # 1691, CLASS 5: Six laps. Eight start- CLASS 1600: Six laps. Fifteen Terry Maurer-Johnson #1878, ers, one finisher. Michelle Bruckman starters, one finisher. Day Malloy Sherry Bussey # 1614, Kailey Goin got all six laps done in 02:53: 13 at got it all done in 02:49:07 in car # 1682, Pat Gumz # 1606, Tiffany 43.0 mph in car #501, to win first #1627 to take the solo finish and Watkins # 1620, and Sarah place in class for the day. Bruckman first place in class, at 44.l mph. Ferguson #1655 -all completed five also found the gas pedal on Lap 5 Malloy also won the Fast Lap hon- laps before their day of race fun was towinFastLaphonorsat44.2mph, ors on Lap 2 at 45 mph, in doneandover. in 00:28:06. Cheri Nutter #529, 00:27:35. Rhiannon Freiley#2014, CLASS 8: Five laps. Two start-and Kristina Dauge #511, com- Julie Meehan #1699, Karen Owen ers, one finisher. Marie Westwood got -MIL-SPEC CIRCULAR CONNECTORS -QUICK CONNECT THREADED DESIGN -ALSO CHECK OUT OUR MOLDED HEAT SHRINK BOOTS FOR THE PRIFESSIONAL TOUCH! Dusty Times -FULL SELECTION OF DEUTSC!!a_DELPHI, AND TYCO CONNECTunS -HIGH VIBRATION. WEATHER PROGf CONTACTS AND SEALS January 2008 all the required laps done in 02:44:22 at 37.8 mph, to win first place in class for the day. Westwood cranked up the forward momentum on Lap 5 to win Fast Lap honors at 38.8 mph, in 00:32:01. Kendall Hays completed three laps in truck #800. CLASS 7: Four laps. Two start-ers, one finisher. Belinda Karakas won first place in class in truck #700. Karakas completed the course in 02:57:22 at 28.0 mph. #700 also won the Fast Lap honor on Laps 2 and 4 at 30.0 mph, in 00:41:25. The 2007 Powder Puff Race for the Cure is done. It was a lot of fun for a lot of people, and raised a lotta dough for women's breast cancer re-search. Good job, eh. Let's do it again, next year. !!!~Q:!-~ Page 29
Thanks to everyone who helped make our 2007 Baja 1000 such a success! Drivers / Co-Drivers: Steve Strobel / Dave Cole Bob Lofton / Rusty Szymanski Gay Smith / Dwight Strobel Core Crew: Kent Booth Steve Gioia Scott Booth Dayton Painter Big Tom Dittmer Bill Rice Pat Ryan Baja :1000 Crew: Kerry Armstrong Mitch Armstrong Gary Berck Kyle Berck Denis Boisclair Yves Braun Joe Farley Coach Joe Granato Noah Hadaway Dale Harrison Junior Kaiser Tom lamb Paul McHargue Burt Naszlger Paul Naszlger Jon Root www.strobelmotorsports.com Mahlon Saunders Belinda Strobel Mike Wagner Tom Wagner Dave Yeutter Jerry Zambo
ll/l_/U:. MCMILLIN HOMES SUPERSTITION 250 Mccallum overalls BY]. PRESTON BRADSHAW Miguel Cortez took the Class 5-1600 lead on the fifth lap and he went on to take a nice class win, he's seen here at speed. the end of their sixth lap it was still Shawn McCallum showing the way, Bob Archibald remained in the second spot, now six minutes behind the leader and Soren Megling still ran third. There were no changes in position on their last two re-qui red laps, Shawn McCallum was the happy win-ner, Bob Archibald took the silver medal and Soren Megling took home the Shawn McCallum led five of the eight required laps, he took the Class 1 victory and the overall win as well. bronze medal. It was .quite a race, it was place, Rick Backus ran in Backus had dropped to Class 5 only had one entry, about a 30 mile course in the fourth and Soren Meg ling fourth and Bob Hayley was in Daniel Powroznik and he was low desert, there were 83 cars held down fifth place. Brent fifth place. only able to get one lap com-and trucks entered into this Miller and Josh Rigsby were At the halfway point, Bob pieced before major problems long running race but only 24 entered but failed to start. Archibald had retaken the put him on his trailer. of them would see the check-Lap 2 ended and Bob lead, Shawn McCallum was in There were 10 cars entered ered flag, that's less than a Archibald continued to lead second, just over a minute in in the Class 5-1600 race, nine 30% finishing ratio, pretty the class, Shawn McCallum arrears, Soren M-egling re-of them started and three of low. But, all in all, most of was now very close in second mained in third, Rick Backus them would actually complete the drivers had a good time. place, Rick Backus had remained in fourth and Bob their seven required laps. There were seven Class 1 moved into third, Robert Hayley was fifth. When they ended their first cars entered, two of them Haley was very close in fourth Their fifth lap ended, lap it was Richard Glaszczak failed to start the race and and Soren Megling was run-Shawn McCallum was back in showing the way, Miguel three of the remaining five ning fifth. the lead after setting fast lap Cortez was in second place, were DNFs. They had eight The third Class 1 lap for the class, Bob Archibald some six minutes in arrears, laps to make their race and ended and Shawn McCallum was second, now four min-Roberto Aguilar ran in third, when the smoke cleared at the had moved into the lead, Bob utes back, Soren Megling still Greg Horr ran fourth And end of Lap 1, it was Robert Archibald had dropped into held down third place, Rick Kris Schulz was in fifth place. Archibald in the lead, Shawn second place, he was less than Backus was in fourth place Eric Garcia was in the sixth McCallum came along some a minute in arrears, Soren and Bob Hayley was out of spot, Tom Craft ran seventh, two minutes later, Robert Megling had moved up two the race. Dave Dennett was eighth and Haley was running in third spots into third place, Rick When they came around at Jorge Perez held down ninth ...................... -..... -~~----~_,;,,~..;;;,..-----~-~-~-John Andrews had a good run, he took the Class 7 win with ease, he's seen here headin' for the elusive checkered flag. Jack Hettinger led every lap in the Class 9 contest, seen here nicely airborne in his really good looking car. place. Scott Plunkett did not start. Second lap ended and Ri-chard Glaszczak still led the pack, Miguel Cortez still ran second, he was now 14 min-utes behind the leader, Rob-ert Aguilar remained in the third spot, Kris Schulz was up a spot into fourth place and Greg Horr was down a spot in fifth. Tom Craft was up a spot into sixth place, Dave Dennett was down a place, he was seventh, Eric Garcia was down two places, he was eighth and Jorge Perez still ran ninth. Richard Glaszczak still led the way at the end of the third lap, Miguel Cortez held on in second place but he was now 20 minutes down to the leader, Dave Dennett still ran in third place, Roberto Aguilar dropped a spot into fourth and Tom Craft was up another spot into fifth place. Kris Schulz dropped two spots, he was now sixth, Eric Garcia was up a spot into sev-enth, Greg Horr was now down in eighth place and Jorge Perez remained in ninth. At the end of their fifth lap it was Dave Dennett up two spots to take the lead, Miguel Cortez remained in second place, he was now less than a minute behind the class leader, Robert Aguilar was up a spot into third place, Tom Craft was also up a spot, he was now fourth and Kris Schulz was in fifth. Eric Garcia was up a spot into sixth place, Greg Horr was seventh and Jorge Perez was eighth. Richard Glaszczak had disappeared from the fray. Lap 5 ended and we had a new leader, Miguel Cortez now led the group, Dave Dennett was second, he was four minutes in arrears, Kris Continued next page Polo Ramirez was all alone in class but it mattered not, he drove Bob Archibald led 3 laps in Class 1, never ran worse than second Kris Schulz had a good race, he finished second in Class 5-1600, his seven required laps and took the gold. place and that's where he finished his race. he's seen here in his really good lookin' bug. Dusty Times January 2008 Page 31
Skip Edwards seems to be shy a bit of fiberglass but he w ent on to take a decent second place finish at the Superstition. Jeff Calhoun worked his way through the pack to second place finish in the Class 1600 battle. Schulz was now in third place, Agu ilar. Tom C raft h eld o n in fourth Migu el Cortez still led the place, Eric Garcia h eld down field at the end of the s ixth fifth p lace a n d J o rge Perez lap, Kr is Schulz was up into was in sixth p lace. W e had second place and Eric Garcia lost Greg Horr and Roberto ran third. Jorge Pe rez and Page 32 After 565 grueling miles in the Vegas to Reno race Fabtech's Dirt Logic 4.0 shocks provided the Foutz Class 8 Race Truck with flawless dampening power to get them to the finish line in record time. This same shock performance that Greg Foutz depends on goes into each Dirt Logic shock. Racing or daily driver, Dirt Logic shocks provide the ultimate in ride comfort and suspension performance. Dave Dennett had big prob-lems and were out of the race. The seventh and final lap came to an end and Miguel Cortez took the checkered flag for the win, Kris Schulz January 2008 take a nice Soren Megling drove his good looking Class 1 car to a third place finish at Superstition, he's seen here hustling to the finish. took t h e silve r, h e was abou t e ight minutes in arrears a nd Eri_c Garcia took third place, 21 minutes out of second spot. The Class 7 guys had to run eight laps for their race. There were five of them en-tered, two of them did not start and only one of the re-maining three saw the finish line. When their first lap ended it was Aaron Celecio in the lead, John Andrews was two minutes behind in second place and that's all there was. Stacy Morrison, Jr. failed to finish his first lap and both Jason Rodriguez and Dave Ahles failed to start the race. At the end of Lap 2, Aaron Celecio still held the lead, he had just set fast lap for the class, John Andrews remained in second, he was now a bit over six minutes behind the leader. Lap 3 was over and Aaron Celecio still led, John Andrews held on in second place but he was now 40 some minutes in arrears. Lap 4 ended and there was no change in position but Aaron Celecio now had 44 minutes on John Andrews. The fifth lap saw major changes as John Andrews took over the lead and Aaron Celecio was nowhere to be seen. The next three laps went by with no problems and John Andrews came in to take the Class 5-1600 win. Class 8 was next off, there was only one entrant, Jody Mason, Jody ripped off a quick 38 minute lap but that was his only lap, he retired from the fray, cause un-known. Class 9 only had four cars entered. Unfortunate_ly, three of them were DNF's and only one saw the finish line. At the end of their first lap it was Jack Hettinger in the lead, Mark Culver came along in second place, Alyssa Looney ran third and Steve Keblish was unable to com-plete his first lap. When the second lap ended it was Jack Hettinger running all alone. We had lost Aly sa Looney and Mark Culver. And so it went, Jack Hettinger ran his seven re-quired laps to take the Class 9 win. There were seven cars en-tered in the Class 10 conflict, three of them failed to start the race and three more were unable to finish their eight required laps. At the end of Lap 1 it wa Cory Brewer in the class lead, Steve Mamer came along in second place, he was a mere 15 seconds in a rrears a n d Alejandro M endez was third, about five minutes back a n d Jesse McClain ran fourth. C h r is Dusty Times
Not too bad a day for Eric Garcia, he was as far down as eighth A decent third place finish for Bryan Castro, he's seen here with Bob Figlioli had a reasonable race, he took the last spot on the podium in Class 1600, he's seen here at speed. place but soldiered on and came in for the bronze medal in 5-1600. the power on, heading for the finish line. Harrold, Danny Haines and it was still Jesse McClain hold-Third lap completed and Gunnar Peterson failed to ing the lead and it was his to Lacy Perrault continued to start the race. hold as Cory Brewer also was lead, Jeff Lee remained in sec-At the end of the second out of the race. ond place, he was now 29 lap it was still Cory Brewer And so it ended, Jesse minutes behind the leader showing the way, Alejandro McClain just kept on and Jason Gutzmer was run-Mendez held second place, he motorin' and he took the cov-ning third, way back after a was now 13 minutes behind eted checkered flag. two and a half hour lap. the class leader and Jess There were five in Class 11, Lap 4 still had Lacy McClain came along less than two of them failed to start Perrault in the lead, Jason a minute later in third place. the race and two more Gutzmer was second, he was Third lap came to an end DNF's. When the first of still a loooong way back. Jeff and Cory Brewer was still their six required laps was Lee had disappeared from the showing the way, Alejandro over it was Jason Gutzmer fray. Mendez still ran second, he leading the class, Lacy No changes on the fifth was now 19 minutes behind Perrault ran in second place lap, Perrault continued to the leader and Jesse McClain and Jeff Lee was running lead and Gutzmer was still a remained in a close third third. Allen Bucher and long way behind. place, less than three minutes Cody Agee did not start the Sixth lap, final lap, and out of second. race. Lacy Perrault came around to Their fourth lap ended When they came around at take the sometimes elusive and Cory Brewer still held the the end of their second lap it checkered flag. A nice win. Ja-reins, Jesse McClain was now was Lacy Perrault leading the son Gutzmer had problems in second place, half an hour way, Jason Gutzmer ran sec-on his last lap and was unable behind the leader and Cory ond, he was less than five to get to the finish line. Brewer had retired from the minutes in arrears and Jeff There were five entered in race, cause unknown. Lee ran third another 12 Class 1200, four of them When the fifth lap ended minutes back. failed to start the race and only one of them got in a lap start the race. before retiring. Bob Bingham Polo Ramirez was the only turned in a 48 minute time entry in Class 1300, he mo-on his first lap but was never tored around in good time, seen again. Robert Smith, completed his seven required Dustin Farmer, Phil Green laps and went home with the and Jeff Hartmayer did not Continuedonpage39 Jesse McClain had a wonderful race, his Class 10 competition all fell by the wayside and he took a really nice win. THE TRUCK Dusty Times January 2008 THA rs CHANGING IT ALL I\ I 3" Coil-overs 3" Performance Struts Skyjacker® has developed two new 3" Suspension lifts for the NEW 2007 Tundra, along with the new 2· leveling spacer. The 3" coil-over conversion lift features Platinum Series front coil-over shocks with 2" outside diameter and all the necessary mounting hardware. The 3" Performance Strut lift features new performance series struts and the factory coil is maintained. The rear lift on both kits is achieved using Skyjacker® blocks and u-bolts. These are high performance Skyjacker® Suspensions complete with all the options and the ease of a simple bolt-on installation. Page 33
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i I A fourth place finish in a 22 truck field ain't too bad, Jason Cagle Leaving a dust trail in his wake, John Deuth managed a fifth Ryan Mattox finished first off the podium in the Class 1600 battle, he's seen here on his way to the finish line. is seen here with power on out on the course. place finish in the large truck class at Superstition. class gold medal. and Jeff Shaw failed to start was 37 minutes behind the There were two entrants in the race. leader, Bryan Castro was in Class 1400, Jeromy Burnits, At the end of Lap 2, Jim third place, Jason Cagle ran who did not start the race Holt was still the pathfinder, fourth and John Dueth was and Kevin Weeks, who Jason Mount had moved up the fifth place runner. Aaron started his first lap but was into second place, Edwards Lopez was still running sixth, unable to complete it. had moved up five spots into Bill lsenhouer was seventh The guys in Class 1400 third, Jason Cagle was in and Jason Mount had were 22 strong and almost a fourth place and Bryan dropped to eighth place with third o f them made it t o the Castro was running fifth. a horrendously long lap. finish line. They h ad six laps John Deuth was in the sixth N ot much changed o n the t o run for their r a c e and sp ot, A a r o n Lopez was up fifth lap, Jim H olt continued wh en they cam e around at the seven s p o t s into seventh t o lead , Skip Edwards h e ld end of their first lap it was place, Jerry Steed was eighth, onto second, Bryan Castro J i m H olt leading the way, Bill lsenho ue r was ninth and re m ained third , Jason Cagle T yler M cNeil was. in secon d M ick M adson was 120th. Kyle was first off the podium and place, h e was two minutes in Bo n amo, T yler McN eil , Spen-John D euth was fifth. Bill arrears, Travis Bartlett was cer Smith, Justin Forem a n , Isenho ue r was u p a spot into running in third p lace, John Sh aw n S ma il, To d d Rich ards sixth , Aaron Lopez was sev-Deuth was fourth an d Jason and Travis Bartlett were on enth a n d Jason M ount was Mount ran in f ifth place. their respective trailers. eighth. Sixth spot belonged to Jason Lap 3, Jim H olt is still lead-The sixth lap came to an Cagle, Bryan Castro was in ing th e class, Jason Mount end and it was Jim H olt tak-seventh place, Skip Edwards held on in second place, Ja-ran in eighth, Todd Richards son Cagle was up to thir d was in ninth place and Spen-place, Skip Edwards was in cer Smith was 10th. Shawn fourth and Bryan Castro Smail ran in 11th place, Bill rounded out the top five. Isenhouer was in 12th place, Aaron Lopez was in sixth Mick Madson was in 13th, place, John Dueth ran sev-Aaron Lopez ran 14th and enth a n d Bill Isenhouer was Justin Foreman was in 15t h in eigh t h place. Mick Madsen p lace. Sixteen t h place be-and Jerry S teed were out of lo nged to Jerry Steed and Kyle the race. Bo n am o was in 17th place. Jim H olt continued to lead Amanda Hugh , Sean Julia n , o n the fourth lap, Skip Ray Valdez, Jason Rodrigu ez Edwards was second but he ing a nice win, having led the class all the way, Skip Edwards took the silver medal, Bryan Castro took the bronze, Jason Cagle finished fourth and John Deuth came in fifth. Bill Isenhouer was the sixth place finisher, Jason Mount came in seventh and A a r o n L opez finished in eighth place. There were 13 entered in Class 1/2-1600 but only four of them would take the check-ered flag. All 13 cars started and whe n t h ey finished their first of eight laps it was Steven Eugenio in the lead , Caleb Sanden was just a sh ort way behind in s·econd p lace, Isaac Gastelum ran third, Joe Laff was i n fourth a n d B ryan Meyers was in fifth place. Sean Backus ran sixth, Jeff Calhoun was seventh, Ryan Mattox ran eighth, John Forster was ninth, Bob Figlioli was 10th and Cody Robinson was run-ning 11th. Steve Willenberg and Andrew Ayala didn't fin-ish their first lap. At the end of the second lap it was still Steve Eugenio leading the class; Caleb S anden h eld o n in second place , Jo e Laff was up a sp o t into third, Isaac G astelum ran fourth and Jeff C alhoun was in fifth. Ryan Mattox was u p to s ixth place, Cod y Robinson was seventh and Bob Figlioli was eighth. Brya n Meyers, J o h n Forster a n d Sean Backus were out of the race. Continued next page Wiring Harnesses Worldwide benchmark manufacturer of rnlllt.ery-apecifloation wiring ayatt!itT'IS for- au motoreport: appllc:etlone Utlllzing the flhiac.Raychern System 25 c?r,:ipof'.'en;~: -~ lriduetry etandel"d for ell p!"Of~nel·;recins eerict:lons. · Engineering, ~lj'tbly. eind oornpreh~nsive t~ing a., ~ 100% ~-.-:*,.. s :::. · ~t)a aesen"lbliea end eil"'CUit _ ' oqmpohente eJ"e avelleble to suit ;,-,· V ~ >; ~ • i: ✓ > i n•puciget. · Lacy Perrault took the Class 11 lead on the second lap and went on from there to take a nice win in a good lookin' car. ems evaileble for .all ~pff-road engine peckeges. Jim Holt beat 21 competitors to the checkered flag, Jim led_ all the way and had 50 minutes in hand at the flag. Dusty Times 1 I 'pit3play end dete acquisition systemsi,'for all levels of competition. Engine and chassis dynamon,eter, · services ayeilable. ... .. Sakata Motorsport Electronics, Inc. 1217 N. Patt Street Anaheim, CA 92801 (714) 446-9473 / Fax: (714) 446-9247 www.sakatamotorsport.com January 2008 H igh-Accuracy A ir-Fuel Ratio Met_... Lightweig r,t, seend-elon e system wor"ks with a ll engines end eltel"nate fuels -carbureted or fuel injected. For the dedicated engine tuner who needs to know exsctly whet their engine is doing. No fleshing lights - Just the facts ... Nall It to s number! Page 39
Caleb Sanden took the Class 1600 lead on the sixth lap and went on for the checkers, he's seen here at speed. On Lap 3, Steven Eugenio continued to lead, Caleb Sanden was second, some six minutes behind, Joe Laff was now third, Isaac Gastelum held on in fourth and Jeff Calhoun ran fifth. Ryan Mattox re-mained in sixth, Cody Robinson was seventh and Bob Figlioli remained in eighth place. All positions remained the same on the fourth lap except for Bob Figlioli who moved up to seventh place and Cody Robinson who went from sev-enth to eighth place. The fifth lap ended and Steve Eugenio still led the pack, Caleb Sanden remained in sec-ond, Jeff Calhoun was up to third place, Ryan Mattox was now fourth, Bob Figlioli was fifth and Isaac Gastelum was in sixth place. Joe Laff and Cody Page 40 Robinson were out of the race. Lap 6 came to an end and Caleb Sanden was the new leader, Jeff Calhoun ran sec-ond, Ryan Mattox was third and Bob Figlioli was fourth. Isaac Gastelum and Steven Eugenio were on their trailers. Caleb Sanden continued to lead on the seventh lap, Jeff Calhoun was second, 11 min-utes in arrears, Bob Figlioli was back into third place and Ryan Mattox was fourth. Eighth lap, last lap and Caleb Sanden took a very nice win, Jeff Calhoun came in sec-ond, Bob Figlioli was the third place finisher and Ryan Mattox was the fourth finisher. And so it ended, a race that was awfully hard on the equip-ment, based on the number of DNF's. See ya all at the next one! l!/HU, BeneathdtHei~ l" plastic ~f every wfnT ng offroad race vehicle lie two things: January 2008 .. •z *" ~up'. ,. J , ' J . . rSeria ';'2.5" 2.5" Blllplap €{g4q Need coil springs? Call King Shocks! We hove custom and produdion coils in st«k, and the experience to get you what you need. Coll today! Dusty Times
kM#j AT PRIMM ■accacllren Takes-2 In TIie PfD 2 BY ]. PRESTON BRADSHAW PHOTOS: TRACKS/DE PHOTO Rob MacCachren had a great weekend, he took the win both days in the Pro 2 contest, seen here on his way to victory. It was the gathering of the clan for the final brace of races in the CORR season, the setting was good ol' Primm, Nevada, where the Herbst clan had created a short course track for the event and there were plenty of cars and trucks on hand, 132 entrants if our arith-metic is correct. it turned out to be a great weekend of racing, decent weather and a brand new course to stretch one's legs on. The Pro 4 race on Saturday went off with a road, 14 honkers all heading for the first turn en masse, they flew around the track for their required laps and when the checkers flew it was Johnny r-------------...-=-Greaves taking his fourth win of the season in his Toyota, Josh Baldwin followed along in second place in his Ford, Tony Herbst finished third in his Chevy, Ed Herbst, in another Chevy, finished fourth and Travis Coyne, Ford mounted, was the fourth place finisher. Tim Herbst, also in a Chevy came across Two wins in two days for Cory Boyer, he was the big gun in the Single Buggy contests, he's seen here headin' for the flag. Guess what? MacCachren took the win both days in Super Buggy, seen here at speed in his Toyota powered buggy. the line in sixth place, in seventh was the point leader, Carl Renezeder in his Nissan, Jerry Daugherty finished eighth in his Chevy, John Marking, in a Chevy was the ninth place finisher and George Reiss, also Chevy mounted, rounded out the top 10. Scott Douglas was the 11th place finisher in his Ford, Rick Huseman, Toyota, made it an even dozen and Curt LeDuc, Ford, was the 13th and fi-nal finisher. Round 12 of the Pro 4 group Josh Baldwin had a second and a ninth place finish in Pro 4 at It was a second and an 11th place finish in Pro 2 for Carl Renezeder, Todd LeDuc took a second and a seventh place finish in the Pro 2 Primm, he's seen here in his Ford with the power on. he finished third in points in his Nissan. contest, he's seen here under full power in his Ford. Perfor·mance Proven for Desert.& Off-Road Use 150 • Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding & Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks Quality Products & Friendly Service RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-0759 • www.ronco-plastics.com 15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX us to Receive a Free Catalog ~----~------------------------------------~-------------~ Page 42 January 2008 Dusty Times
Garrit Wallace flew his Nissan to a second place finish on Saturday in the Pro Lite contest, he's seen here nicely airborne. Rob Naughton took second place in Pro Lite on Sunday, he took It was a nice second place finish in Single Buggy for John Fitzgerald the season points win in class in his Ford. on Saturday, he's seen here going for the checkers. saw Scott Douglas taking his sec-ond win of the '07 seas-on, Troy Herbst was right on his heels in sec-ond place, Josh Baldwin came across in third, Steve Barlow, who had dnf'd on Saturday came in fourth in his Ford and Curt LeDuc was the fifth place finisher. Sixth place went to Ed Herbst, Rick Huseman finished in the seventh spot, Travis Coyne was the eighth place finisher, John Marking was ninth in and George Reiss finished in 10th place, again. In 11th place was Jerry Daugherty, Carl Renezeder, not having a good week-end, finished in 12th place. The year end point wrap-up for Pro 4 had Carl. Renezeder taking the championship, Scott Douglas was second in points and Troy Herbst finished his year in third place. There were 19 Pro 2 types snortin' at the start line and boy, did they have a race. When the checkers flew it was Rob MacCachren taking his fourth win of the 2007 season in his Ford, Carl Renezeder came in second in a Nissan, Ricky Johnson, Ford, was the third place finisher, Greg Adler was fourth in his Ford and Scott Taylor was fifth in his Ford. Jerry Whelchel, Ford, was the sixth place finisher, Todd LeDuc, also in a Ford, was seventh, Jeremy McGrath finished eighth in his Ford, was sev-enth, Jeremy McGrath finished eighth in his Ford, Mark Porter, Ford, was the ninth place finisher and Alan Pflueger finished 10th in his Chevrolet. In 11th place'was Eleventh on Saturday, a win on Sunday, Scott Douglas had a pretty good weekend at Primm, he's seen here in his flyin' Ford. Leon Noel, he was in a Ford, Larry Foddrill was 12th in, he was Dodge mounted, Dan Vanden Heuvel, Sr. was 13th in, he was in a Chevy, Tommy Bradley was ti}e 14th in, he was driving his Chevy and Mike Oberg, Chevy, was 15th to take the checkers. In 16th place was Adam Daffner driving his Chevrolet, Jesse Jones, also in a Chevy, came in 17th, Rodrigo Ampudia, Ford mounted, was the 18th finisher, and Steve Sourapas, Ford mounted was the 19th and final fin-isher. In the second round of the Pro 2 contest, once again, it was Rob MacCachren taking yet another win, his fifth of the year, Todd LeDuc was right there in second place, Jerry Whelchel was the third finisher, Ricky Johnson finished first off the podium and Scott Tay-lor scored his second fifth place fin-ish of the weekend. Greg Adler was sixth to take the checkers, Dan Vanden Heuvel, Sr. was the lucky seventh finisher, Mike Oberg was the eighth place finisher, Steve Sourapas was the ninth and Alan Pflueger ended up in the 10th spot, again! Carl Renezeder finished in an unaccustomed 11th place, Mark Porter finished in 12th, Tommy Bradley was unlucky 13th, 14th place went to Larry Foddrill and Leon Noel crossed the line in 15th place. Jeremy McGrath was the 16th finisher, Adam Daffner came in 17th, Rodrigo Ampudia was 18th and Jesse Jones was the 19th and final finisher. Jerry Whelchel was the Pro 2 Point winner for the year, Rob MacCachren was right there in sec-ond place and Carl Renezeder fin-Kyle LeDuc flew his Ford to a nice win on Saturday in Pro Lite, seen here all nice and shiny in the air. ished in the third spot. No less than 27 Pro Lite trucks were waiting for the green flag for their 13th round of racing. They were off in a thunderous roar and when it was time to take that ever elusive checkered flag it was Kyle LeDuc taking a really great win in his Ford, Garrit Wallace came across in second place in his Nissan, Liam O'Donnell, Nissan, was third to finish, Javier Sacio was fourth to finish, he too in a Nissan and Todd Cuffaro finished fifth in his Ford. Jim Kandel finished sixth in his Toyota, Randy Eller finished seventh in his Ford, Chris Brandt finished eighth, he too in a Ford, ninth place went to Joel Tarquin in his Ford and Rodrigo Ampudia finished in 10th place in his Ford. In 11th place was Aaron Daughtry in his Nissan, Jon Probst finished 12th in his Nissan, Steve Federico was 13th in his Toyota, Jeff Geiser came in 14th in his Ford and Brian Cannon was 15th to cross the line in his Ford. In 16th place was Jeff Huseman, Ford mounted, Bill Markel, Toyota, was in 17th place, Larry Webster finished 18th in his Nissan, Bob Naughton, the points leader, was way back in 19th place in his Ford and Valerie LeDuc was 20th in her Ford. In 21st place was Mark Krueger in his Nissan, in 22nd place was Jeff Yoder in his Toyota, Dan Pentico came in 23rd in his Chevy and Marty Hart finished 24th in his Ford. It was a good Sunday for Marty Hart, he took a nice win in Pro Lite, he's seen here saving some tire wear in his Ford. Johnny Greaves threw a lot of dirt as he hustled to the Pro 4 win on Saturday, Sunday's Pro Lite race saw Marty Hart doing a complete reversal, he was dead last on Saturday and he took a really great win in the Sun-day event, Rob Naughton was sec-ond in, Rodrigo Ampudia was right on his heels in third place, Jeff Geiser finished fourth and Liam O'Donnell finished fifth. Chad Hord was the sixth place finisher, Steve Federico finished seventh, Chris Brandt was eighth, Jim Kandel came across in ninth place and Casey Currie was the 10th place finisher. Todd Cuffaro was first out of the top 10, Dan Pentico finished 12th, Garrit Wallace was unlucky 13th, Brian Cannon fin-ished 14th and Bill Markel came in 15th, Javier Sacio was the 16th fin-isher, Jeff Yoder came in 17th, Valerie LeDuc was 18th in, Jeff Huseman finished 19th and Kyle LeDuc, in a complete role reversal, finished 20th. Randy Eller was 21st a ninth place finish on Sunday. Continued next page Aaron Hawley was the second place finisher in the Super Buggy Doug Fortin lands hard in the Super Buggy contest, he took a nice Jerry Whelchel had no wins this weekend in Pro 2, but he had contest on Saturday, he's seen here on his way to the finish. third on Saturday and second place on Sunday. more than enough points to take the Pro 2 Point win for the season. Dusty Times January 2008 Page 43 ..
Ricky Johnson scored a third and a fourth place finish in Pro 2 Rodrigo Ampudia finished 10th and third in Pro Lite at Primm, Liam O'Donnell scored a third and a fifth place in Pro Lite in his over the weekend, he finished fourth in class points. he's seen here flyin' his Ford to a third place in the season points. Nissan, he's seen here with the hammer down. in and John Beyer was the 22nd rally big win, John Fitzgerald fin-Saturday race. SORRY. The Super Buggy contest on complete the run-down on the Su-and final finisher. ished in second place, Andy Ander-The Sunday Single Buggy event Saturday saw Rob MacCachren per Buggy contest for Saturday Rob Naughton took the Pro son was third in, Bryce Menzies fin- saw Cory Boyer taking his fourth taking a really big win, Aaron and Sunday. We promise to do Lite points title, Casey Currie fin- ished fourth and Billy McCool fin-win of the '07 season, and, once Hawley was the second place fin-better next year. ished second in points and ished fifth. Bruce Fraley finished again, the balance of our records isher, Doug Fortin finished in The top three in points in Su-Rodrigo Ampudia took third in sixth place, Jeff Knupp was sev-went into the ether. third, Larry Foddrill finished in per Buggy are: 1st, Larry Foddrill, place honors. enth, Greg Boyer was eighth, Jose We do have the top three in the fourth place and Larry Job fin-Rob MacCachren finished in sec-There were 35 entered in the Reyes finished ninth and Kenny Single Buggy final points race, ished fifth. ond place and Larry Job was the Single Buggy contest and when the Freeman was 10th in. Cissy Bryce Menzies took the Single We're really sorry folks, but it's bronze medal finisher. checkers flew on the Saturday Baldwin finished in 11th place. Buggy honors, Bruce Fraley came almost press time and our records We'll see ya all there at the rounditwasCoryBoyertakinga Unfortunately,ourrecordswere insecondandthirdplacewentto havereallybeencontaminatedin CORR events in the 2008 corrupted for the balance of the Cory Boyer. our computers. We are unable to season. (lpS Andy Anderson finished in third place on Saturday in the Single In Super Buggy, Larry Foddrill finished fourth and third in his Troy Herbst had a pretty good weekend on his course, he took a Buggy class, he's seen here heading for the checkered flag. rounds, Larry is the Super Buggy Point Champion for 2007. 3rd and a 2nd in Pro 4 and he finished third in points for the season. Page 44 • TTBEAOLOCK SIMULATED B,L.. VW BEAOLOCK 1 5X l Z VW BEAOLOCK January 2008 Dusty Times
a.o.m.m WENDOVER 2-Bawers Clan overalls Roger and Ty Bowers led the Class 1 contingent all the way, took overall winners as well. Schmuesser Racings' Roger and Ty Bowers set a pace that proved to be unbeatable for the BORE end-of-season race. The season end- . ing race was held just outside of Wendover, Nevada and was a com-bination of all out full throttle to test your speed nerves along with technical skills brought into play by using a narrow canyon and year's old washes. BORE has a long standing repu-tation of setting up a course that will put race team mechanical and driving skills to their maximum. The team that usually wins sets a good running pace while at the same time keeps the thousands of vehicle parts just below the breaking point. I have been involved with BORE as a pit crew member, racer, and finally an owner with part time driving and have seen racers come and go and I have to say that BORE racers this year are some of the best drivers, maintainers, and all around great people to be around. My BORE time now is spent as the Event Di-rector and unofficial photogra-pher. As I go through the race pic-tures I see race teams repairing bro-ken down vehicles, drivers putting their vehicles through their paces and the dynamics of these fine folks getting their vehicles to the check-ered flag. This race was no differ-ent! The season ending 44 mile course was run in the opposite di-Kenny McKnight took the Mini Metal Class lead on the second lap and he patriotically went on to take the win easily. Dave Morse took the Class 9 Challenger gold medal, it was a close one, he only had 31 seconds in hand after a seven hour run. Dusty Times rection from the first Wendover race held in May. The main entou-rage started assembling at Wendover on Wednesday before the race to mark the course, set up tech, inspection and registration areas. It must be said that all of the efforts to set up a race are accom-plished by some of the finest volun-teers that I have ever seen. These dedicated folks volunteer their time, money, and energy to be an active member of the BORE Rac-ing team with the only goal of hav-ing each racing team experience a well organized and exciting race. At this time BORE would like to say Mike Sims led the Class 8 group all the way, he took the gold medal with half an hour in hand when the checkers flew. thanks to each and every one of you for your dedicated efforts to not only this race, but to all the races you have been to. BORE, with great enthusiasm, thanks all the sponsors that have participated in this race; Red Garter Hotel & Casino, Butch's Speed Shop (Las Vegas), Scott Smith Construction, Colo-rado Commercial Services, 4 Wheelers Off-Road, Andy Schifanelli (Vai!NewHomes.com), Bruce Cochran (Powder Shop in Rifle, CO) and TRICK Racing gas services available through Elliott Lafreniere. BORE also thanks Jen Kimoto for the design work on the T-shirts, hats, and hoodies available for the race and big thanks goes to Christine Sams from Winners Circle Trophies ·for the award plaques. The course setup was accom-plished by the usual set of folks on Thursday and with a little bad luck some parts had to be re-accom-plished on Friday due to some pretty nasty winds Thursday night. On Friday tech. inspection was held at the Red Garter along with the drivers' meeting. Butch's Speed Shop had rolled into town on Fri-day and had set up just in time as some teams were having difficulties and needed parts for their vehicles. Glad we had Butch's on board to provide the parts. Overall tech. in-spection and the drivers' meeting went smoothly and everyone ad-journed to the pre-race dinner and get together. Race day Saturday morning was simply beautiful. The early morn-ing sun was shining and as vehicles started gathering for the parade from the Red Garter through town and out to the course couldn't have been more picture&que. Seeing all the vehicles in a double line, engines roaring with crews next to their ve-hicles, then parading out was awe-some sights. The line up for this race was the Unlimited class, followed by Class 8 trucks, Class 1/2-1600 buggies, Class 7 trucks, and Class 9 buggies. After going through the parade route, all vehicles were pulled off Highway 193 and green flagged in 30 second intervals to start their official time. First off the line was the Unlim-ited class buggies. There were four entries and Dan Prestin piloting the Continued next page BRING. IN THIS AD FOR $50·00 OFF 11,,..,.,.,---THE JMR 1001 BENDER Wd-'ITIIIISCIIP .CIM .~~~~ JMR 1001 BENDER WITH THREE ROUND DIES 1", 1·1/4" AND 1-1/2" CAPACITY: 2·1 /2" ROUND TUBE 2" SOUARE TUBE 2" SCH 40 PIPE Will BEND .250 WAil 4130 TUBE UP TO 2" OD 177084 SALE $3,250·00 COME IN AND SEE OUR IARGE SELECTION OF MOAL TUBING* ONTARIO IRWINDALE SIN BERNARDINO BURBANK HESPERIA LANCASTER 1·800/792-9782 1-800/800-PIPE 1-800/877-4289 1-800/400-3446 1-800/7-PAn0N GSl/942-2755 6 LOr.ATIONS m SERVE YOU • FOR ALL YOUR METAL WORKING NEEDS • ·CALL YOUR LOCAL BRANCH FOR smCKED SIZES January 2008 Page 45
Sandi Koeth had a really great race, he watched all his competition Dan Prestin was just a wee bit off the winning pace in the Unlimited Mike Hickey was the silver medal winner in the Heavy Metal fade away and he motored on to take the Class 1/2-1600 win. Class, he fook second place honors, seen here at speed. Class, he's seen with the hammer down in his Ford Pickup. 1031 buggy took the official first 1081, and in the back of the pack and 1/2 minutes back. Unfortu-ors posting a 1:00: 13, 44 mile but had slipped his stance on sec-green flag to start the race. Dan was was Zack Buttars piloting the 1881 nately, the 1881 piloted by Zack course lap time (smoking). In do-ond place by almost 18 minutes. followed by Terry Shelton in his buggy. At the end of Lap 1, Bowers Buttars was sidelined early in Lap 1 ing so Roger had also increased his By the end of Lap 3 Bowers again number 81 buggy, followed by had a firm grip and lead by 29 sec- with rear c.v. problems. During Lap lead to just over 3 and 3/ 4 minute stretched his lead by more than Roger & Ty Bowers in the onds over Terry Shelton in the 81 2 Bowers stepped up the pace and lead over second place holder of eight minutes but Shelton was still Schmuesser Racing sponsored followed by Dan Prestin almost 12 ended up with the fastest lap hon-Terry Shelton. Prestin was in third in command of second although Page 46 Dry Break To tr • 100 Gallon Capacity • Single or Double Dry Break •EZ8etUp Acmsorte ._ Dm.p Cau ·Rose • Redueers Shorf Couae a. Tffjlty:lut Pubges 411.$0$ Radio & .Spotter P~ages • Handheld Radios w/Rolsters • Spotter Headsets • Helmet Wiring Kits • AlU]Jlinum Carry Case Belllleta & Blowen • Forced Air Snell SA 2005 Helmets • G-Force • Pyrotec ·Arai • Wired for Communication Kool Air Blowers • 105, 135, 150 & 235 CFMRa.tings • Filters &Hoses also available C.mmuleatlon S~•• • Vertex 5 to 110 Watt Radio Systems • BH'i Iateroom Systems • OJwe &Race Packages • .Baae Station Packages • Head & Neck Restraint • Light&Easyto Use • l\equked by NAS<lAR. Formula 1 & Ma.ny Others • Can Be Used with Any SA Rattld Helmet • Race Proven • Free Installation with Purchase lact-r !Cell• • 411/2 ~on Capacity • SCORE/ BITD / FIA Approved • Tapered Design ProVides lnc~d Gronnd Clearance & Maximizes Usable Fuel YOUB SAFETY & COMMUNICATIONS SOURCE 10816 Wheatlands Avenue, Suite K • Santee, CA 92071 619-258,.RACE (7223) • Fax 619-258-0883 • www.RacerXms.com January 2008 Prestin had gained almost seven minutes on Shelton. Lap 4 again Bowers wasn't letting off the throttle and pushed his lead to over eight and a half minutes to Terry Shelton. Prestin still in third wasn't letting off the throttle either and again gained on Shelton and was only nine minutes back. On the fi-nal fifth lap Roger & Ty Bowers took the first place checkered flag with a commanding lead time of just over 20 minutes. Dan Prestin not ever giving up on the throttle had caught and passed Shelton and •ended up capturing the Silver sec-ond place by 22 minutes. !twas not reported but Terry Shelton pilot-ing the tiger 81 must have had prob-lems the final lap to drop to third capturing the Bronze . Next to pit their metal against the course was Heavy Metal Class 8 trucks. Glen Wise in the 857 led the trucks out, followed by Mike Sims 828, 877 piloted by Mike Hickey and last in the big trucks was Richard Cretsinger in the 852. Cretsinger didn't have a good race day and broke putting him on the sidelines for the rest of the day. The "Big B's" made for some of the best and clos-est racing during Lap 1. Mike Sims had a two second lead on Glen Wise followed by Mike Hickey a mere five seconds back. Now that's a tight race! Mike Sims in the 828 stretched his lead to just over two minutes at the bottom of the second lap over Mike Hickey, who was now in the second place position. Glen Wise had slipped to the third position over 21 minutes back. Glen must have had some type of trouble during the third lap accounting for the drop back. By the end of the third lap first place position was now com-manded by Mike Hickey by three and a half minutes over Mike Sims and Glen had again slipped further back in third 24 minutes back. At the end of the fourth lap Mike Hickey was still in command of first place fol-lowed by Mike Sims who had cut Mike's lead to only one minute. Glen was still pulling up the third place position and giving it his all. Glen had that "never give up" attitude, keeping the pedal down trying to gain on the leaders. The fifth and final lap was quite exciting. Just within sight of the finish and the checkered flag, Mike Hickey was down for an electrical problem. The scramble began and with a battery change Mike pulled the 877 through the finish line in second place. Mike Sims in the 828 kept pouring it on and passed Hickey for the lead and took the checkered flag capturing the first place in Class 8. Wise never giving up, pulled the 857 through the finish line a little over an hour Dusty Times
Cameron Blakely was the second place finisher in the Challenger Terry Shelton had a fairly long last lap, he was the third place Glen Wise drove his Wise Plumbing sponsored pickup to a third Class, he's seen here stop ing for some fuel at an outlying pit. finisher in the Class 1 race, he's seen here at speed. place finish in the Heavy Metal contest, seen here haulin' freight. Zack Buttars never got a lap completed in the Heavy Metal race, Richard Cretsinger had major problems early on and he was unable Randy Moffitt was the Mini Metal Class leader by the third lap but some unknown malady struck and he was out of the race on his fourth lap. neck for quite a few miles and all Cretsinger. Class 1/2-1600 1) could see the final mile from the pits. Sandi Koeth, 2) Dave Sams, 3) This was one of the greatest race end-Daniel Brady. Class 7 1) Kenny ing battles as both racers came to McKnight, 2) Brady Sessions, 3) the start/finish nose to tail. Morse Randy Moffitt, 4) Scott Smith, 5) won the first place position over Noah Brady. Class 9 1) Dave Cam by 31 seconds due to starting Morse, 2) Cameron Blackley, 3) position but these two racers sure Rod Stevenson. cv problems were heard to be the cause of his dnf. to finish his first lap, seen here at a better time. behind. Glen, great third place, and by BORE Class 1600 famed Scott back. Lap 2 would see no position my hat's off to you for never giving Smith piloting the 719 sponsored changes; however Morse had cut up! by "Butch's Speed Shop" head-into Cam's lead by about a minute. Next to challenge their machines quartered in Las Vegas. The third Stevenson seemed to be struggling against one another and the race position was 777 piloted by Noah in third but continued to give it his course was the Class l/2-1600s. Brady followed by McKnight all. By the end of Lap 3 Stevenson BORE had only three entries for Motorsports in the 7288 with the succumbed to mechanical problems the final race of the season. The major sponsorship from the "Red and was sidelined for the rest of the 1600 class has seen a dramatic de-Garter Hotel and Casino" which is day. The battle continued between crease in the past several years. also one of the major sponsors of Blackley and Morse with Morse cap-BORE wants to call on all those the two Wendover races BORE curing the lead over Cam by nine folks out there that may have one holds. The last to hit the course was minutes. Lap 4 had Cam really pour-of the older 1600s to come race. the 701 piloted by Randy Moffitt. ing on the coal and cut into Morse's BORE allows the non-major BytheendofLap lSessionswas lead.Camwasnowonly48seconds SCORE modifications from the commanding a one minute lead back with no sign ofletting up. The past few years. BORE realizes many over Kenny McKnight,. Moffitt had fifth and final lap was down to the racers just plain can't afford to a firm grip on third position over wire. Cam and Dave were neck and put on a great finish. Fantastic rac- l' d like to take this time to bring the older 1600s up to Smith by almost 18 minutes fol-SCORE standards. lowed by Noah Brady in fifth. Lap Even though BORE has a small 2 saw several position changes with number of 1600s, our class doesn't McKnight Motorsports taking the lack the competitive spirit. The first lead position by a little over nine 1600 to hit the course was Dave minutes. Moffitt was now in the sec-Sams in the 1677, followed by Sandi ond position over Sessions followed Koeth in the 71 and pulling up in by Smith 19 minutes back. Lap 2 third was Daniel Brady piloting would sideline the 777 piloted by number 50. At the conclusion of Noah Brady with broken shocks. Lap 1, Sandi had taken the first Lap 3 also proved to be pretty hard place position over Daniel Brady just on the Scott Smith sidelined for the by a little over one minute. Daniel day \\rith a broken spring. This left crossed the start/finish in second three racers battling for the top position right at five minutes over honors, Randy Moffitt in first by Sams in the third position. During 12 minutes over McKnight and in Lap 2 troubles would sideline the third almost an hour back was Ses-50 piloted by Daniel Brady for the sions. By the end of Lap 4 the race restoftheday,hewouldgetthethird course again proved pretty tough place position at the end. Dave Sams on the Class 7s with Moffitt being with his never ending supply of rac-sidelined for unknown reasons. ingenergy crossed the second lap fin-This dropped the battle to two ish in the lead over Sandi by three trucks, McKnight Motorsports in minutes Lap 3 saw Dave Sams side-first place followed by Sessions lined for mechanical problems end-Motorsports over two hours back. inghisday.Sandicontinuedracing The fifth and final lap had while the 1677 and 50 crews worked 1'.fcKnight Motorsports capturing to get their buggies back in the game. the Class 7 win. In second was Ses-This wouldn't happen and at the sions Motorsports and the third end of the day Sandi took the check- place position was Randy Moffitt. ered flag for her first place win. This The final class to test their skills win was the first win for the Koeth on the season ending race was the team which was their first full sea- Class 9 buggies. The class had only son. Great racing Sandi and con-three competitors but they were all gratulations to you and your entire veterans with many years of racing team. under their belts. The first buggy to The Class 7 trucks with five en- start the Class 9s was the 936 of Cam tries were next to hit the course. Blackley followed by the 996 piloted The Class 7s seem to have grown by Dave Morse and in the third start-over the years. These racers sure ing position was the 901 of Rod have a lot of determination and Stevenson At the end of Lap 1, fight in them. The first "Mini-Metal" Blackley held onto a four minute to challenge the course was the 702 lead over Dave Morse in second and piloted by Team Sessions, followed in third was Stevenson over an hour Dusty Times ingguys! apologize t6 all the BORE Race The ending race for Bonneville Team and Members for the late-Off-road Racing Enterprises ness of the article. I would like breakout follows: Class Unlimited also to take this time to pass along 1) Roger Bowers, 2) Dan Preston, to all sponsors, volunteers, rac-3) Terry Shelton, 4) Jack Buttars. ers and race teams a great thanks Class 8 1) Mike Sims, 2) Mike for making BORE the best olace Hickey, 3) glen Wise, 4) Richard to race. ... " . . .. . .. . red & blue _.......,......,.._ red 8 blu -6 st $5.99 -6 45 $12.9 --8 st $6.99 -845 $13.99 -10 st $9.49 ----10 45 $16.9 -12 st $10.99 -12 45 $21.84 ' : • • I I llJ:iEI3 20ft. Lenghts -6 20ft. $93.40 -8 20ft. $107.20 -10 20ft. $128.20 -12 20ft. $185.20 High Misalignment Adapters JMXT series Chromoly JMXBT $20.05 JMX10T $26.16 JMX12T $33.25 JMX14T $60. 78 JMX16T $76.10 January 2008 red& blue -690$12.99 · -8 90 $14.99 -10 90 $15.99 ..__ ____ , -12 90 $21.84 Complete Line of New Hampshire Ball Bearings. Inc. Weld-in Bungs Page 47 ,
By Mr. Baia Welcome race fans and racers alike. The Baja 1000 is over and it was a huge success for Baja Pits. We pitted 75 vehicles and 55 bikes and quads for a total of 130 race entries for the 40th anniversary Tecate Baja 1000 race to Cabo San Lucas. Baja Pits ran 24 pits for this race, most of them 50 miles or less apart. This was the largest pit organization we had ever tried before and it worked per-fectly. We had FM and SAT phone communication between all pits and over 400-pit personnel scattered over the peninsula. Baja Pits poured out over 10,000 gallons of Sunoco race fuel in those 24 pits combined. Since this race was so long, I will split the Baja 1000 report into the next two months issues. This month, I will list how our finishers did. Next month, we will go into the pit action and some racer's stories. Here are our results for this, the 40th running of the Baja 1000. They will be listed by class, racer number, then by last name, and finally by both place in class/ over-all place in the race. We start with Class Trophy Tncck, #2 Sohren got 4th place/20th OA. In Class 1 Buggies we have # 105, Gaspar who was 5th/18th OA. #2, Strobel who finished 2nd/ 10th OA. #124, Chase in 13th/172nd OA. #127, Flores in 8th/74th OA and #129, Leuroll in 19th/ 135th OA. In Class Pro Truck it was #203, Cregan in 3rd/82nd OA. #213, Westhem in 9th/193rd OA. #215, Swanty in 8th/173rd OA. #253, Voss in 4th/86th OA. In Class 12 it was #1211, Reinhart in 9th/196th OA. # 1212, Martin in 4th/58th OA. #1213, Villagomez in 5th/93rd OA. And #1215, Potter in 2nd/19th OA! In Class 1600 it was #1601, Wilbur in 20th/234th OA. #1604, Duran in 3rd/52nd OA. # 1605, Files in 17th/207th OA. #1610, Bowles in 13th/134th OA. #1611, Gallo in 10th/111th OA. #1612, Caspino in 7th/70th OA. # 1613, Avalos in 5th/ 62nd OA. #1643, Lozano in 18th/ 213th OA. #1646, Ashcraft in 14th/ 144th OA. #1648, Radke in 19th/ 224th OA and #1649, Kennedy in 6th/64thOA. InClass3 itwas#347, Evans in 2nd/156th OA. In Class 5 it was #502, Dejesus in 4th/229th OA. #518, Carr in 3rd/182nd OA. #519, Wavra in 6th/238th OA and #575, Bird in 8th/227th OA. In Class 7 it was Chavez in 2nd/ 171st OA. In Class 8 it was #803, Burns in 2nd/ 167th OA and #809, Smith in 7th/226th OA. #1734, Cook took 2nd in class/204th OA. In Stock Full Class it was #878, Stacy in 5th/236th OA. These are all the vehicle finishers for this tough race. For our racers who didn't finish this grueling race, take solace that you attempted to race the hardest race in North America. That alone is a tremendous feat. I wish to thank our sponsors for 2007 that without their help, racing would be really hard to do. Baja Pits races in the Score, Code, Record, MOR and BITD Series all through the year. Out current sponsors are King Shocks, General Tires, US Wheels, Streamline Forms and Graphics, Baja Huskys, IMS Prod-ucts, Sunoco Race Fuels San Diego, All Roads Communications and Off Road Warehouse. Thank you again to all of you that have helped Baja Pits so much this year in 2007. We look forward to working with you again for the 2008 race season. Look for Baja Pits to be in Contingency with US Wheels at the 2008, Tecate Score season opener at Laughlin in January. Until then, have a safe Christmas holiday and see you in 2008. Adios from Mr. Baja. BFGoadricli -----------'/)u ~~ BFGoodrich Tires, a staple of desert racers world-wide for over three decades, captured two major honors Saturday Night as SCORE International officially concluded the six-race 2007 SCORE Desert Series with the annual SCORE Awards Night at the Whis~ey Pete's Resort in Primm, Nev. The evening was also a cel-ebration of 34 years of SCORE t:ransman Jack 11aun1 Iii • Secure mounting platform for racecar, pre-runner or chase 11ehicle • Self-latching quick-release system locks the jack to the chassis • Spring-loaded quick-release mount secures the jack handle • Flat base increases the jack's footprint and prevents the jack from sinking in sand or silt Page 48 championship desert racing. SCORE President/CEO also announced that after a last days switch last year because of po-litical reasons beyond SCORE's control, the popular SCORE 'Spring Break' race will return after a one-yea-r absence to San Felipe, Baja California, Mexico. The 22nd Tecate SCORE San Felipe 250 will be held March 14-15 in the quaint Sea of Cortez fishing village. BFG Tires, the official tire of SCORE for 32 years was honored as both the 2007 SCORE Contingency Company and the 2007 SCORE Pit Sup-port Team of the year. The Off-Roadsman awards are determined by the vote of more than 2,500 mem-bers of Los Angeles-based SCORE International. Among the other honorees were the top point leaders from the 2007 SCORE Desert Series, the World's Foremost Desert Rac-ing Series. It was the 20th time BFG Tires has been voted the top Contingency Company and 21st time it has been honored as the premier pit support team. Cameron Steele, San Clemente, Calif., an action sports and motorsports Television an-nouncer who is a second-gen-eration SCORE desert racer, was honored as the 2007 SCORE Person of the Year, an award he also won last year. Competing in two or three classes in SCORE races, he also lent is announcing skills to SCORE throughout the year and was the emcee of the SCORE Awards Night. "Cameron Steele is SCORE's ambassador to the outside world and we are truly happy to see him voted the SCORE Person of the Year two years in a row," said Sal Fish, SCORE President/CEO since shortly after SCORE was founded in 1973. "He is always talking about SCORE wherever he goes around the world and no-body has raced in more classes at SCORE races than he has." American Honda was voted SCORE Motorcycle Manufac-turer of the Year for the 19th time and the 11th consecutive year. Riviera Racing's Mark Post, San Juan Capistrano, Calif. and Rob MacCachren, Las Vegas, were honored both as the 2007 SCORE Overall point champion and SCORE Trophy-Truck winner. Winning three races in 2007 Post and MacCachren in the No. 3 Riviera Racing Ford F-150 be-came the first SCORE Trophy-Truck in the 14-year history of the marquee SCORE racing di-vision to earn the SCORE Over-all Point Title. Riviera Racing picked up another prestigious award in front of nearly 500 SCORE desert racers, crews and families as Jim Blackmore was voted as the 2007 SCORE Mechanic of the Year. "BFGoodrich Tires has been supported all of desert racing, especially SCORE, for 3 2 years," said Fish, "To win the Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 once is a major feat, but to capture the world's most prestigious desert race 20 straight years (1986-2005) is unbelievable. BFG Tires are the most domi-nant desert-racing tires in the January 2008 world and we are privileged to honor them. Their grassroots support of desert racers is un-paralleled. SCORE is deeply honored to have the relation-ship with BFG Tires that we have for three decades." Eric Chase, Burbank, Calif., was voted the 2007 SCORE Rookie of the Year. Competing in the unlimited Class 1, Chase and his father Stuart Chase ran consistently in a Penhall-Chevy all season long, finishing a close fourth in the season point standings for the competitive class that had 89 different driv-ers of Mike Julson, of Santee, Calif., who is a SCORE regu-lar in SCORE Trophy-Truck, saw his Jimco open-wheel desert race cars win the 2006 SCORE Original Buggy Chassis Manu-facturer point championship for the 14'h time and 13'h straight. Ken Major and his Major Performance company captured the 2007 Engine Builder point championship for the fourth time and Ter-rible Herbst Motorsports was voted as the 2007 Entry Spon-sor of the Year for the fifth time. A rugged record group of 22 SCORE racers were also honored as 2007 SCORE Toyota Milestone Award win-ners after finishing all 2,296.84 race miles during the season. Two of them were also hon-ored as winners of this year's $12,000 SCORE Toyota True Grit Awards presented to the Toyota Milestone receipts who were the top-qualified point leaders in their non-factory supported class. The SCORE Toyota True Grit Award win-ners this•year who split the $12,000 bonus purse are Dave Caspino, Woodland Hills, Ca-lif. (Class 1-2/1600, Lothringer-VW) and Tim Noe, San Diego (SCORE Llte, Jimco-VW). Noe and his team-mate Tom Watson, El Centro, Calif., who have now finished 25 consecutive SCORE races over four-plus years, earned their fourth straight Toyota True Grit award. Judy Smith, the well known and re-nown desert racing journalist, was honored for the 15th time as SCORE Journalist of the Year, while Jim Ober's Trackside Photo earned Pho-tographer of the Year honors for the 16'h time. 2007 SCORE Off-Roadsman of the Year Award Winners Contingency Com pan y-B FG ood rich Tires Motorcycle Manufacturer-American Honda Mechanic-} im Blackmore, Riviera Racing Entry Sponsor-Terrible Herbst Motorsports Pit Sup-port Team--BFGoodrich Tires Journal= ist-Judy Smith, Dusty Times & Hot VWs Photographer-Jim Ober's Trackside Photo, Rookie of the Year-Eric Chase, Class 1, Person of the Year-Cameron Steele, Desert Assassins Racing *Original Buggy Chassis Manufacturer-Jimco, *En-gine Builder-Major Perfor-mance. SCORE opens its six-race 2006 ?CORE Desert Series Jan. 24-27 in Southern Nevada with the 14th Annual SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge. SCORE official 2007 sponsors were: BFGoodrich Tires-official tire, Sunoco Race Fuels/C.L. Bryant-official fuel supplier, Bilstein-official shock, Instant Mexico Auto Insurance-official Mexican auto insurance, Ameri-can Racing ATX Series-official wheel. Associate sponsors are: Tecate Beer, Coca-Cola of Mexico, Las Vegas Events, Ter-rible Herbst Inc., Micron Tech-no logy, Red Bull North America, Kartek Off-Road, NAPA Chassis, Fram, Autolite, Prestone, Bendix, American Su-zuki, SignPros, P.C.l. Race Ra-dios, McKenzie's Performance Products and Advanced Color Graphics. Additional associate sponsors for the 2007 Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 were Fideicomiso Publio para la Promocion Turistica de Ensenada, the government of Baja California Sur, the State Tourism Department of Baja California Sur and the city tour-ism fund of Loreto. BFGoodrich Tires Captures Overall Title at the 4'112 Aoaivenary of tlieSCORBB,va 1000 Mud-Terrain Tl AlfOUanJB,vaT/ A 4KR Tires Eam Several • • 118 Class Vido.r.ies GREENVILLE -November 16, 2007 -BFGoodrich® Tires, the official tire of the SCORE Desert Racing Series, domi-nated Mexico's Baja Peninsula by earning its 21st overall four-wheel victory at the 40th Anni-versary of the SCORE Baja 1000. Facing a near-record field of 424 starting entrants, BFGoodrich Tires drivers Mark Post, Rob MacCachren and Carl Renezeder recorded the fastest overall speed in a four-wheel vehicle over the grueling 1,296 mile course down the rugged peninsula of Baja Cali-fornia, Mexico to capture the overall title. Their Ford F-150 Trophy-Truck outfitted with BFGoodrich Baja T / AKR off-road tires crossed the finish in 25 hours, 21 minutes and 25 seconds after logging an aver-age speed of 51.13 miles per hour despite early rain and blinding dust throughout the race. "We had very little mechani-ca I errors o n the truck this year," said Post. "We had three SCORE race wins this year but to win the overall at the SCORE Baja 1000 in a Trophy-Truck is a dream come true. The entire team did a flawless job. This is very exciting for BFGoodrich Tires and Riviera Racing." "This has allowed me to do what I want to do, and to do what I love doing, which is to come here and win the 40th Anniversary of the SCORE Baja 1000," said MacCachren. Dusty Times
"I have never had the overall win and I finally got that done. Our team was great and thanks to BFG, we didn't have any flat tires at all." In the highly-competitive Class 1 division for unlimited open-wheel desert race cars, BFGoodrich Tires drivers Larry Roeseler and Troy Herbst con-tinued their mastery of the SCORE Baja 1000 by earning their fourth consecutive Class 1 win, an event record for the category. The Class 1 race win was Roeseler's 16th class win of the 40 SCORE Baja 1000 races dating back to 1967. The duo, which has raced the Baja 1000 together since 2001, drove their BFGoodrich-shod Terrible Herbst Smith Built-Ford open-wheel machine to a time o f 26:30: 10 for the third overall position and set a SCORE record by claiming the car's 23'd C lass 1 race victory, the most Class 1 victories in SCORE history. "This was one heck of a race," said Roeseler, a SCORE Baja 1000 veteran with wins on motorcycles as well as in cars. "We came through the pack and were third physically (over-all). The car was fantastic, the tires were flawless and Troy brought the car home to the finish. It's always an incredible feeling to finish the SCORE Baja 1000. It was an incredible journey today." "Winning a legendary motorsports event such as the SCORE Baja 1000 is no small feat," said Todd Steen, motorsports marketing man-ager for BFGoodrich Tires. "This year's overall victory for Post, MacCachren and Renezeder, plus a Class 1 win for Roeseler and Herbst at the 401h Anniversary of the SCORE Baja 1000 is a testament to the great drivers, partners and the entire BFGoodrich Tires brand." BFGoodrich Tires also sup-ported the entire Baja Chal-lenge Class with Mud-Terrain T/AKMZ tires, which brought home the entire 18-car field at its Baja 1000 debut. In addi-tion to its BC Class support, BFGoodrich Tires also sup-ported two Baja Challenge Class buggies that took part in a feature-length docu men ta ry film appropriately titled "Chas-ing Baja." The show's creator and producer Bud Brutsman, along with NASCAR Busch Se-ries driver Erin Crocker, Bill Weber, a former Navy Seal and Rock-crawling champion Tracy Jordan, were the foundation of the incredible "Chasing Baja" BC-13 Team-. The team stepped up to the challenge of the Baja 1000, finishing fifth out of 18 starting entrants, thus proving that perseverance is an invaluable facet in desert racing. In addition to supplying its renowned Baja T / AKR tire and all-new Mud-Terrain T/AKMZ for the race, BFGoodrich Tires was on-site, providing extensive pit and communications sup-port to teams through its fleet of off-road motorsports sup-port vehicles. More than 250 off-road enthusiasts/volunteers donated their time to help make the race happen. "Congratulations to all of Dusty Times our teams and a special thank you once again to all of our vol-unteers and pit support special-ists that help make this race possible," said Kaz Holley, brand director for BFGoodrich Tires. "This race could not happen with out the dedication of all of those in-volved and this year was a prime example of why the Baja 1000 is the most amazing off-road race in history." The SCORE Baja 1000 is one of the most demanding off-road races known to man, run-ning 1,296 miles down the rug-ged Baja California peninsula through some of the worlds' toughest terrain. During the past several years, teams equipped with BFGoodrich Baja T/AKR off-road tires, a purpose-built racing tire de-as seat sllawn signed for use in desert and off-road racing have been near per-fect in the worlds' most recog-nized off-road race. The following is a complete list of BFGoodrich Tires 2007 SCORE Baja )000 class win-ners: -Trophy-Truck -Mark Post/ Rob MacCachren/Carl Renezeder -Class 1 -Larry Roeseler/ Troy Herbst -Class 3 -Donald Moss -Class 5 -Drew Belk -Class 7 -Daniel Chamlee • Class 9 -Mark McIntyre -Class 10 - Matt Cullen -Class 11 Ramon Fernandez -Class 12 -Tim Noe -Class 7X -Noah Sierra -Class S 15 -Mark Gross -BC Class -Jim Christensen -Jeep Speed -Mike Shaffer -Full Stock -Chad Hall -Mini-Stock -Rod Hall (40th Baja 1000 finish) -Sportsman Truck -Mark Growe Nearly 424 entries from more than 44 states and 19 countries, competing in 28 Pro and six Sportsman classes for cars and trucks, plus additional classes for motorcycles and ATVs took part in this year's SCORE Baja 1000. It's the oldest and most well known of all desert races, and it remains the single most appealing ac-complishment for any racer. Since 1967, the granddaddy of all desert races has been run over the mysterious Baja Cali-fornia peninsula every year ex-cept 1974 when the interna-tional fuel crisis forced a can-cellation. This year's SCORE Baja 1000 will be televised on a delayed basis as a one-hour NBC Sports special for the fourth consecutive year, airing on Dec. 30 o n the NBC Televi-sion Network. It will also air on a delayed basis outside of the U.S. on ESPN Interna-tional. 2002Dan Smith/Dave Ashley Ford Pickup 2003Doug Fortin/Charlie Townsley, Jr. Jimco Chevy 2004Troy Herbst/Larry Roeseler Smith Built Ford 2005Troy Herbst/ Larry Roeseler Smith Built Ford 2007Mark Post/Rob MacCachren/Carl Renezeder Ford F-150 Top Competitors In every Major OIi Road Event Choose Mastercratt Seats and Restraints · , Including: Scott Douglas Evan Evans Mike Julson Curt and Kyle Le Due Rob Maccachren John Marking Carl Renezeder Matt Scaroni Dan Smith and Dave Ashley Scott Steinberger Shannon Campbell Aaron Dusenbery Walker Evans Johnny G. Mitch Guthrie Joachim Schweisow Tracy Jordan Jason Paule 1 800 565 4042 www.mast rcraltseats.com January 2008 Page 49
~ FILTERIIAG 250 C.J. Hutchins Takes 10 And overall Mark and CJ Hutchins had a great race, they led Class to hinder them. 10 all the way, took overall honors as well with just one flat Well, it was quite a week before the race. Everything had been set for months, Contingency and Technical Inspection at the Railroad Pass Ho-tel and Casino, the Nelson Hills race course had been laid out and all was ready to go. But, was it? NO, said the. County of Clark, there are a few ar-eas on your proposed course that are not designated as a racing trail. The Clark County troops usually go along with whatever the BLM says and the Bureau of Land Management had long ago approved this particular race course, but, the County heads said NO! So, one week before the race all is screwed up! Not to worry, the SNORE folks are very creative and Tom Giordano led Class 8 all the way, in spite of major problems on his last lap, he's seen here with the hammer down. resilient and they jumped in with both feet and had a new race course and a new Tech and Contingency all set up in a matter of days. Thanks to the help of the Herbst Clan, every-thing moved out to Buffalo Bill's Hotel and Casino for Tech and Con-tingency on the Friday evening, and a nice rough 54 mile race course fell into place with a lot of work from the SNORE gang and the blessing of the BLM. The race is on!!!!!! There was a 7-1/2 hour time limit to complete the required laps. Classes 1, 10, 12, 1/2-1600, 5 and 8 had four laps to run, Classes 9, 5-1600, Champ, 1450 and all the Sportsman classes had to get three laps in and Class 11 had to get two laps in. The Class 1 guys were first off, there were five of them, but, alas, only one of them would see the checkered flag. When they came around at the end of their first lap it was T.J. Flores showing the way, Kevin Colan was running second, he was eight minutes behind the leader, Jeff Perkins ran third, he was another two minutes back and Byron Ashley was still in the race but was way down in time. Under new ownerahlp .. Over 40 years, of experJ,nae 670 W(?511 lth •-ti~t·t t;t)it G,5 (,osra M~·~, (A 92627 \''WW.<n ,,.iho~e.rnm 9--1<)..t'W>-.('61 0P'-'nMor,<iay-l'r,<l~y8/\M ,PM 'S37vf<lay9AM ll'M Bring your hot rod, sand rail; motorcycle, boat,. « ATV down to our location and,.. L.et us tolve your plumbing problems from complete system designs fOJ!linor modifications. I ''flthSt:t.ffl ~ J ·~ ·-• / Any high penotJl'lilnce h05f' pur ha-;ed from MfSA ti05e w,11 ne 3'>5emblC'd free of (horge Crimp lltting:i trom 2" on down. ill A#l/2VII Page so January 2008 Bryan Freeman cemented his SNORE Driver Championship with a nice Class ½-1600 win, he's seen here headin' for home. Jeff Perkins took the Class 1 lead on the third lap and went on from there to take the win, he's seen here at speed. Atom Shields was never seen. Lap 2, T.J. Flores still leading the way, Kevin Colan still held the sec-ond spot, he was 12 minutes in ar-rears and Jeff Perkins still ran third, he was 22 minutes behind the lead car. Byron Ashley was out of the race. Third lap, what happened? The only Class 1 car that appeared was that ofJeff Perkins, now being driven by James Tyler. Flores and Colan were out of the scrap. Fourth lap, last lap for the Class 1 contest and it was a shoe-in for James Tyler who completed his laps in just under four and a half hours. He said they had a few flats and tried to drive too long on them. Next up was Class 10, there were 10 of them entered and fully six of them would take the checkered flag. When they completed their first lap it was Mark Hutchins showing the way, Cody Freeman was running in' the second spot, 13 minutes in ar-rears, Ken Flippin, Jr. came across in Brandon Hughes, with ,wife Hope in the right seat made his way thru the pack to take the Class 9 win, seen here at liftoff. Rino Navera with lots of driving time by Gerado tribe took first place honors in Class 5/ 1600, seen here in the soft stuff. Dusty Times
r third place, Rick Poole ran in the fourth spot and Stuart Baxter rounded out the top five cars. In sixth place was Layne Brown, Mark Davidge ran in seventh, Garfield Davies was in eighth place, Cortney Whipple was ninth and Kenny Thatcher was running 10th. Second lap came to an end and Mark Hutchins still held the class lead, Ken Flippin, Jr. had moved up into the second spot, Rick Poole was up a spot into third, Layne Brown was up two spots into fourth and Garfield Davies was up three spots into fifth place. Stuart Baxter had dropped back into sixth place, Mark Davidge remained in seventh place, Cody Free-man had dropped back to eighth place, Kenny Thatcher was up a spot into ninth and Cortney Whipple had dropped a spot into 10th. When they came around at the end of their third lap it was no sur-prise to see C.J. Hutchins, who was now in for Mark, still leading, Ken Flippin, Jr. was four minutes behind in second place, Rick Poole held on in the third spot, Garfield Davies was up another spot into fourth, Stuart Baxter was up a spot into fifth and Kenny Thatcher was running in sixth place. Lost on that lap were Layne Brown, Cody Freeman, Cortney Whipple and Mark Davidge. Fourth lap, final lap and, no surprise, C.J. Hutchins came in for a very nice Class 10 win, ,-.·#.':· ;,;,;; 41£ he had a flat tire on the T J Flores led the first two laps in the Class 1 conflict, mechanical The Flippin boys, Ken and Clay gave it all they had but this time they had to settle for second place in Class 10, here at speed. minutes out, Corey Goin was run-made it an even dozen, Steve Fuller ning in third place, Scott Smith was was unlucky 13th, Rick Gutierrez ran running fourth and Kenny Freeman in 14th place and Jeff Carr was 15th. was holding down fifth spot. Sixth Gregg Hempel was 16th in and Bryan place went to Gary Messer, Corey Mathews was 17th to cross the line. Torres was in seventh place, Tom Don Wall failed to complete his first Burns ran eighth, Jeff Farshler held lap. third lap, no other woes put him out of the race on the third lap. problems. Ken Flippin,Jr. was in the Garfield Davies came in fifth and second spot, he lost a lot of time on Kenny Thatcher was the sixth place this lap, but he wanted to congratu- finisher. late Hutchins on his win, Rick Poole Next up were the Class 1/2-1600 finished in third place, he had a flat cars, there were 18 of them and 13 on the second lap, said he never had were going to take the checkered flag. so much fun. Stuart Baxter was first When they came around at the end off the podium, he suffered two flat of their first lap it was David tires and a broken wheel and broke a Schweigart in the lead, Bryan Free-trailing arm very late in the race. man was in second place, he was three on in ninth place and Jasper Dyer Whenthesecondlapendeditwas was in 10th place. Bob Mathews was Bryan Freeman in the lead, Corey running in 11th place, Louie Serna Continued next page Corey Goin was hustling as fast as he could but this race, second Rodger Schank led the Class 9 race for the first two laps but a Raul Solano ran in the second spot all race long, he took the silver place in Class 1600 was the best he could muster. longer than usual last lap dropped him into the second spot. medal in class, he's seen here running thru the soft stuff. Congratulations if' On Their Respective Championship Wins To Joe Willardsen On His First Place Win at the MDR 250 With the New Ml Automatic Transaxle To A nd To All Our Customers That Have Supported Us Throughout The Year Tony Selva & T he Staff At R.D.E. Dusty Times January 2008 Page 51
Page s2 . - . . ' -.• ',£ -~:. : . J.. . . . Q .. ,. &£ . Battle at Primm Feb. 15-17th rv Primm, NV Mint 400 March 27-30th rv Las Vegas, NV Dusty Times 250 May 9-11th rv Caliente, NV 31st KC Hilites Midnight Special June 20-22nd . SNORE 250 Oct. 3-5th rv Las Vegas, NV Western Desert Challenge Nov. 14· .... .i.gth rv Nv· "'-. '-~ . . '~ ' www. snoreracing.net ~ (702)452-4522 January 2008 Dusty Times
A second place finish in Champ Car went to Jared Blitz, survived lots of problems on his last lap, seen here at speed. he Brian Crew came up from sixth to second place in Unlimited A second place finish in the Limited Sportsman Class went to Goin was running in second place, he was four minutes behind the leader, Scott Smith was in third place, Kenny Freeman was into fourth and Gary Messer ran in fifth place. Bob Mathews was sixth across the line, Jeff Farshler was up two spots into sev-enth place, Nick Gutierrez was well up into eighth place, Louie Serna ran ninth and Steve Fuller was in 10th place. Jeff Carr was up four spots into 11th place, Corey Torres had dropped way back into 12th, Greg Hempel ran in 13th place, Bryan Mathews was 14th and Tom Burns was in 15th place. Gasper Dyer and David Schweigart were amongst the missing. When they came around at the end of their third lap it was Bryan Freeman leading, Corey Goin was still Sportsman, he finished 32 seconds out of the first place spot. Adam Fisher, he's seen here nicely airborne on the course. Jake, Brian and Eddie each drove a lap, they took the Champ car win with a bit over 15 minutes in hand at the checkers. Tom Hood ran second the first two laps, took the lead on lap 3 when it counted and took the Unlimited Sportsman win. AT LEFT -TOP: Jill Rootring and Mike Cole shared the driving, they took the win in Limited Sportsman, seen here with a bit of dust. AT LEFT - CENTER: Jesse Ware drove his good lookin' truck to the Class 1450 gold medal, he's seen here nicely at speed. running second, still four minutes and change behind the leader, Bob Mathews was lip three places, he was now running third,.Kenny Freeman Continued next page We canya lull ~lectlon or: El!lf 8& SACa Oltfto«d Mark Murrell took the Class 11 win with ·1 1 minutes in hand, who says the Class 11 guys don't drive hard? Dusty Times January 2008 Page 53
Devan Lyman drove his Jeep to a second place finish in the 1450 It was a nice second place finish in Class 11 for Ed Mahoney, he First time in a Class 10 car, Rick Poole drove to a decent third Class race, he's seen here just at takeoff. was only 48 seconds out of the class win at the checkers. place finish, he's seen here about to be engulfed. still held on in fourth place and Gary was ninth and Steve Fuller was in Last lap, Bryan Freeman was first trouble free run and said it was a and Scott Smith was the fifth place messer remained in fifth place. Scott 10th place. Greg Hempel was in 11th, to cross the finish line and take a re-great race. Gary Messer was third finisher. Scott said he had a little run Smith had dropped three places into Bryan Mathews was 12th and Tom ally big win. Bryan reported a flaw-across the line, Kenny Freeman fin- in with a tree along the way which sixth, Corey Torres was on the move Burns was in 13th place. Rick less car and a flawless race. Corey ished first off the podium with knocked out his front end alignment. again, he was up to s'eventh place, Jeff Gutierrez and Louie Serna were no-Goin came across in second place, Audrey Tschanz riding all the way, he Bob Mathews finished in sixth place, Carr ran in eighth place, JeffFarshler where to be seen. seven minutes behind, he reported a reported a flat tire on his last lap Corey.Torres finished in seventh spot, Sales lntormatlon: Payment may be made by credit ca1d. m011ey order or cashier's c;beck. Personal or business checks are not accepted. C.0.0. Ofdets accepted with 50% pre-payment. S5 Handling charge on all ordefS. California residents include 7.75% sales tax. Customers responsible for au freight charges. Minimum order is $25. The use of Volksw3gen by P.icific Custom Unlimited, Inc. is for descriptive purposes ONLY and in no Wl>J is the name used to infer or Wend a (/irect connection between Pacific Customs Unlimited, roe. and Volkswai)en. Volkswagen is a registered trademar1<. PRICES EFFECTIVE DURING THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MAGAZINE COVER DATE. COMMUNICATION KITS lam Kit D'-~Drln, w hnt1!gtr CIHIIJ1IIUJkll1/IIJI. Adfff/C#d Klt:t/lan llt6Ca11abll/tf hit lbt (J{fm t. Co11111111nlcatf IU PIJUl!fU', C., lo C,,a, C., lo Bau W/lh Rllllo UHd, llasltl-Pl!fSCllKllwiliS ........ $465 Slal:kflnlshtte.dSet ...... _ ..... $98 Basic 4-Pe,son !(ii v,,ffi 799 81aGk. Blue l¼l ()I' Yellm•t MW.lll:ed 560 ~•Pl!ISOR Behitld Ill& tt-..ad Head Set 164 IIIWtl)Jlm l(i1 ...... , .... ,. ........ 635 Canion fiber Bell!rnl Hex! !'\ISi! to Talk Button .............. ,. .. 37 Head se1 .. , ...................... 118 Page 54 FRONT BRAKES Z·Pff" Ill/fl Hull wftb r llotor, BIIMfllF, C.11/,r Clp 11nl Wl/itoot 2 Pl#Olt C.lipftr wftb Mlwnling Bmkalr. WI Link Plil Ftont 8rill<es • $7◄5 Combo UnHmut llrakes . 755 froltlHabKiJ VW ll~k l1l fro,,t llub !<4. $499 Combo Uni! ftom l!Ub KIL .. .499 SPORTSMAN MICRO STIJB Kn 1111.r llurl/1(/ Ho;tsflll WdA ~-,...,Ulff, ,,.,,.,, Akmll Ouftt,Allo,SlllbAxler all/I Wilw#d 4 Pi:IDII l:ali/#1'1. Sportsmal> Ml£fo Stub Kit $1,39!, H.B. SOOM MICRO STUB BRAKE KIT Bil/ff llul1ng "-"'# ffllll rfflltH fJarinOr, 11" Rl:Jl4n. Liff• Dillllflff 3t/lJM Slrtb Allll nii Wilwwd.f l'li1H Clllpm. H D M!C<O Stub~ Kit $lli95 CENTERLINE WHEELS Fo,,-d Alllll1illllm Wllu/r 111/llt Ptilidd FIIIWI. SVW ................... ~ 5V\V ........ ...268 5VW .................. 112 5Wi ............ :mi ~vw . ...279 s vw_ ..... -......... 291 t5X12 5W( ................ 293 15J 3 '/, 4 VW .... •· .. 1.75 15 t5 '/, 4VW. .. ... ?.83 15~7 4VW .... ., ......... .291 15x8'/, 4VW .................... ,m POWER STEER/NB COMPONENTS HIIW11 P~ Rack. 2' W~fJ3d.. .. .. . .... ...... ... . ...... 1.275 Howef>ow!!rR.Jct 2't 'W'ldespread .. .. • 1.26 J-lo"A'e Po-~ RaLk. 2 W Wldes!lfead with Coollol \falw,---··---1,650 Char•tyoo Torque Ge11trat0f.. .• .. ... .. .•• . • .296 Char•t.~-n., B111ct Moom Clamps 10 1 'I· fij~ ...... .... ...-... 459 Mot1nlc11Q T . Wtld-O!l. eacil • ·• ... 10 Port Slocii. lor Cti.r•Lyon wan f,ttulQs .... ... ...... . ................. .JO Cou~it,rlorChar-tyn"----·--· ... .. .... ... .. ........... . .. ....... 18 lhlomttor Cllar-1.yon (S\'ieel) .. . ., ... .. .. .,..... .. Hom !i& Powe, Slef,1mg Pumps 1000 PSI or 1300 l'SI. ...,...... .100 Pulley lw Power SteerNlQ Pump • .. ..... .. .... ........ .... from ~ PQ¼.tr Stoonng R.estrvot1 fit, t8a.nd tlO Fnuncs ....................... .S5 rower ~ nng Reservoir Wllh fllltr M1p1er.. ... .. .• ... 150 Mouot.torf'owe, Stllilrino P\mlp {Spt;:ifyfngmt} ........... ,.Jnm, 65 ll"~ ier Re$illVOlt ...... .... .. .. .. ................. --........................... 14 930 CHROMOLY STUBAXLES& DRIVE FLANGES • · St~b AXies for 930 CV, paif .... S140 Stub Axles for irus CV. pair .... st40 O!lve naJ19es for 930 OJ. pair .. 70 Orrve flaJ1llilS tor 8u$ CV, pair .. 70 HEAVY DUTY AXLES BERMAN CV JOINTS 1ft tATEST BASE Bul118us '1'1aos 10 AND BO(JT$ Belltle Trailef Alms ,. .• $1.20 8ug. CV Joint . . ... ... • .S4~ Bu(>lllus TraTis to 3JC3 Arms ..... 138 s~o. CV 8001 .... .• ... .. ............. s Bw,'l!IIS Tr.11$ IO 3"3 Alm!I Bus, CV JoilU, , ....................... so IOI 930 CV-s, .................... 140 Bus. CV Boot ........................... ] :z.· 01 25" Axles f~r 930 CV-$ ... 100 930, ev Joint . •. ,.. .. .. ·• ... 5$ 24'·28' M300 to, 930CV's f1 440 930. 0oct and Range .......... 34 CI] Zl BENCH SEAT LIL' SPDRTSrER =I Order W-ldfflsAvoiubt, l)p,IJ f!J"',/;idtl Jlqw YH <:a,t, lmi .,.. • $alpffll0tl Sfftf III llamwiltt 2 .BC1ltllSeal. Eltassl;.AY,Jfa/llflnlUl«11ttlm,. 46" or 48' W'4t • ...... S435 Lil' Sportstet SU1.. low-9ack $170 BEARD SUPER SEAT u,;;;,;, riEDOWNS5 MOUNT KIT LiQ.'lt Oury Tle Down. 1W x s· $ll0emr C<Jmt>IMlon .......... .$126 Strap, 5,000tCapacrty, ..... $ta ST!de/Sllde C-0mblITTtltm Ratcilet Tie Oowl'i, 2' 7' for l>I' $P-Of'f$1?.( .............. t.t♦ • Shap, 10.~C:ap;ieity ... -~ Ora&t and Slide Mount Onl\' .60 .A'Jft Sll'ill-... ,., .. --·•··•-.i·•--,., .. c42' January 200s he said he lost rear brakes on the first lap and had a long pit stop to get it .fixed. Jeff Carr was in eighth place, he said he had a sticky throttle off and on, Steve Fuller was ninth to fin-ish and Jeff Farshler was 10th to take the flag. Greg Hempel was 11th to finish, Tom Burns finished in 12th place and Bryan Mathews was the 13th and final finisher. We should note here that with his win, Bryan Freeman clinched the points title for SNORE fo r the 2007 year. Congrats, Bryan. ·Next up was Class- 8, there were three of them but only one truck would see the checkered flag. After their first lap it was Tom Giordano in the lead, Monte Tibbitts came along in second place and Mike Bailey ran in the third spot. When they finished their second lap Tom Giordano still led the class, Monte Tibbitts held on in second place, he was eight minutes back and Mike Bailey, Mike was nowhere to be seeh. Lap 3 ended, Tibbitts really turned it on, he still ran second to -Giordano but now he was less than a minute in arrears. Fourth lap, final lap and when the smoke cleared it was Tom Giordano taking the Class 8 win, Monte Tibbitts failed to complete his last lap. Next up was Class 9, there were five of them and all five made it to the finish line. When they came · around at the end of their first lap Jason Romans was leading the class, Rick Moran was in second place, Bran-don Hughes ran in third place with Hope in the right seat, Thomas Pittman was running fourth and the Jack Randall/Robby Willis came across in fifth place. · On the second lap Jason Romans -still led the tlass, Brandon Hughes had moved up a spot into second · · place, he was just seconds behind the · leader, Rick Moran had dropped to .third place, Thomas Pittman re-IJHi.inei in fourth place and Jack .' Randa!l•stillhn-fjfth.-~ . : , ·Third lap-, las.t lap, and we had a .. new=lea-der, Bi-a.ndoo Hughes came in to take the checkersfirst in Class 9. He said he lost an alternator wire on Lap 1 and a fan belt on·the sec-ond lap. Rodger Schank, who was in for Jason Romans had some prob-.. Jems on his lastlap, like a flat tire in the wrong place and he took home the silver medal, RoyTreffke was in for Rick Moran and held on for a third place finish, reporting no prob-lem and a really fun race. Thomas Pittman finished first off the podium and Jack Randal was. the fifth place finisher, he said they lpd· a ball, it , ~WaJ{9~ first race th,ey.fiad fintshed. ",.,~ · - • Co!11_\nu_ed lfext page DU$tY Times
ff BFGaadricH -----rtres [ii!:~~~, . ®ualilp~ sin« /960
It was a third place finish for Gary Messer in the ½-1600 fracas, Rick Moran ended up third in the Class 9 contest, he was just two Shawn George was just a bit off the winning pace, he ran third all he's seen here trying to leave the dust in his wake. minutes out of second place, seen here at speed. the way in Class 5/1600, seen here in his good looking Bug. The 5-1600 racers also had to place, Bob Gros came along four up hisseatto Tim Jones at Pit A, they in arrears, he said he had one flat Adams was the class leader when they complete three laps to make their minutes later and Richard Diaz ran were 20 minutes behind the leader, and that it was a rough and fast race. finished their first lap, Brad Maurer race. Six of them started and fully fifth,encounteringtroublesalongthe BobGrosscamealonginfourthspot TimJonesheldontothirdplace,re-was in the second spot, Bob four of them would take the check- way. Glen Mayernick was never and Richard Diaz still held the fifth porting no problems during the race Dziurawiec ran in the third spot, ered flag. At the end of the first lap it scored. position. and Robert Gross was the fourth and Brian Collins, Jr. was back in fourth was Gerardo lribe holding the reins, When their second lap came to When they came around on their final 5-1600 finisher, he said it was place, Alan League ran fifth and Jared Rino Navera had only driven half of an end, Gerardo lribe still led the last lap it was Gerardo lribe taking a really a fun race in great weather. Blitz was in the sixth spot. the lap, Raul Solano was less than a class, Raul Solano still held second, nice win, reporting absolutely no There were six Champ cars, they There were major changes on the minute behind in the second spot, he was less than two minutes behind, problems, Raul Solano remained in had three laps to run and three of second lap, Brian Collins, Jr. was the Shawn George was running in third Shawn George still ran third, he gave the second spot, he was nine minutes them made it to the checkers. Bryan new class leader, Bob Dziurawiec was Alan League was the third place finisher in the Class 5/1600 Wesley Stephens was off the pace a bit in the Unlimited Sportsman Trey Medina partially buries another car as he heads for home in battle, he's seen here going into a left hander. fight, he was in third place when the checkers flew. Limited Sportsman, he took home the bronze medal. Page 56 January 2008 Dusty Times
A fourth place finish in the Class 10 fight went to Stuart Baxter, Kenny Freeman likes to have a good time, here he's seen in the Billy Shapley got up to second place in Limited Sportsman but fell he's seen here in the soft stuff, headin' for the barn. silt as he heads for a classy fourth place finish in the 1600 class. to a fourth place finish with problems on his last lap. up into second place, less than two third place, Trey Medina was up a John P. was the second car to cross flats on the first lap and a broken fore he disappeared from the race minutes behind the leader, Jared Blitz spot into fourth and Briana Bradley the line, Trey Medina took the third ignition wire on his last lap. Briana and Russ Ramsey never completed a was up three spots into third place, was d·own two spots, running fifth. spot, he reported a flat tire on Lap 1 Bradley retired to her pit. lap. Alan League was in fourth spot, The checkers flew and Mike Cole that cost him a lot of time and Billy Class 7 only had two trucks en- There were four in Class 1450 but Bryan Adams had dropped to fifth was there to take a nice win, report- Shapley had dropped back to fourth tered: John Baker and Russ Ramsey. only a brace of them would take the and Brad Maurer was running in ing no problems during the race. place, not his best race, he had two John Baker got in two good laps be-Continued next page sixth place. There were some changes on the last lap but the leader remained the same, Eddie Aguiar, who was in for Brian Collins, Jr. took a very nice Champ car win. It was their first race in a Champ car and they had a lot of fun. Jared Blitz came across in sec-ond place, he said his steering wheel fell off on the last lap and the hood soon followed. Alan League took third place honors, reporting no problems, a really good day. Bob Dziurawiec, Bryan Adams and Brad Maurer all failed to complete their final lap. The Unlimited Sportsman were next, they too had three laps to run for their race. When the smoke cleared at the end of their first lap it was Clark Coplan leading the pack, one minute behind him was Tom Hood, Joshua Harmon ran in the third spot, Jessica Freeman ran fourth, Wesley Stephens was in fifth place, the duo of Brian Crew and Chris Parr ran sixth and Amber Doerr was in seventh place. There were some position changes on the second lap, Joshua Harmon had moved into the lead, Tom Hood held on in the second spot, Clark Coplan had dropped to third lace, Brian Crew was up two spots into fourth place, Wesley Stephens re-mained in fifth place and Amber Doerr was sixth. Jessica Freeman was on her trailer. When they came around at the end of their third lap, it was Tom Hood taking a very nice win, Chris Parr, in for Brian Crew was right there for a second place finish, he reported one flat tire that was changed at Pit A. Wesley Stephens took third place honors, even with a variety of co-drivers. Clark Coplan finished first off the podium, report-ing the car ran great! Joshua Harmon was fifth in, he had a broken return spring on the carburetor and got some bad gasoline in the tank. Am-ber Doerr was the sixth and final fin-isher. The seven entrants in the Limited Sportsman class also had three laps to go for their race, there were seven of them and four saw the checkered flag. When their first lap ended it was Jill Rootring in the lead, Adam Fisher was in second place, he was four minutes in arrears, Briana Bra-dley was running in third place, Billy Shapley ran fourth and Trey Medina was the fifth place finisher. Pete Mortenson and Kacey Barlow were never scored. -Lap 2 ended and Jill Rootring, who had surr~dered her seat to Mike Cole still 'kd the class, Billy Shapley was up two spots into sec-ond place, John P., who was in for Adam Fisher was down ;,i spot into Dusty Times
Garfield Davies lost (!/most an hour on the last lap with problems Scott smith got up ·to third place in the race but had to settle for Bob Mathews got as far up the ladder as third place but when the but still managed a fifth place finish in Class 10. a fifth place finish in Class ½-1600, seen here in the air. checkers flew he was the sixth place finisher in f600. checkered flag. At th~· end of their On their l_ast lap, Jesse. Ware was in the lead, Mark Mui:rell was less leader, Ed Mahoney was third to cross 1., no problems at all. Ed Mahoney first of three laps it was Jesse Ware in right ~here··to-take the class win, than two minutes in arrears, Garey the line' and Garey Leavitt came ,-moved up into second place, he the lead, Devan Lyman ran in the Devan Lyman took the silver medal Leavitt ran in third place and Ed across in fourth place Garey saifi he thought he was down on power ear-second spot and ClintArinsttongwas and Clint Armstrong was among the Mahoney was in fourth place. had three flats and it was a greafrace: lier in the race. Garey Leavitt made it out on the course with major prob-missing. · Second lap came to an end and it Changes were made in the Class onto the podium. !ems. Bryan Ziegler never completed · Class 11 w~s four cars strong, they was Brandon Benson taking a nice 11 outcome, it was discovered that And so it ended, a great race, an his first lap. had two laps t-0 make their race and, win, he'd had a flat on the second Brandon Benson had missed a check- absolutely amazing accomplishment by Therewerenopositionchangeson believe itbr n6t,.all four of them fin-lap, no other problems.' Mark -point so he was dq'd and that made theSNOREfolksandalltheracersjust the second lap, it was still Ware, Lyman ished the racefWhen they completed Mu~ell was right there in the second Mark Murrell the Class 11 winner, anxious to get together and do it all and Armstrong, in that order. their first lap it was Brandon Benson spot, less than a minute behind the· Mark said he'd had a flawless race, again in 2008. Seeya there! Corey Torres had brake problems that dropped him to 12th place, Jeff Carr and Kenny Cox had a fun day, they had problems along the Is this fun, or what? Steve Fuller spent five hours out there, he he ended up 7th in Class 1600 at the checkered flag. way and ended up taking an eighth place finish in the 1600 me/ee. ended up in ninth place in the 1600 scuffle. ,, lied by ~t'D11e,a C\ass \ \\attt KING OFF-ROAD RRCING SHOCl<S (J)BEAR We carry a full line of \I~~~ ~ DFFR~HTING FILTERMAIJ. ~~
season A complete success Kenny McKnoght had a good year, he took the Class 7 win every race and was the overall points co-champion for 2007. race day, however, proved to be a great day for racing. This was the theme throughout the entire year for BORE. The course and weather seemed to always come together to make for great racing. By the end of the season BORE had some well deserved Class champions as we!! as overall points cham-pions. A complete breakdown of classes and first three places are listed at the end of the ar-ticle. Year End Notes from BORE: Special Thanks: Roger Bowers was the Unlimited Class Points Champion, he's seen here throwing lots of dirt on his way to yet another. victory. We cannot express our Nevada coming not only to flight line (these guys are re-thanks enough to all the vol-race but to experience the true tired Air Force fighter air-unteers, that without their sportsmanship of the BORE craft crew chiefs). In all seri-help these races would not family, and this is due in large ousness, the Jackpot 200 we t have happened. From setup to part by the Cain family. From quite well. Everyone from the teardown, they know what all racers, crews, and volun-racers, pit crews, and all the has to be done and they do it teers "Thank You" from all of volunteers made for a great with enthusiasm and without us to the entire Cain family fir-st race for the new owners. complaint. Thanks to everyone for their devotion to BORE This year's racing was some of that came out for the race, we and keeping BORE racing the tightest in years. All told couldn't have done this with-continuously running for over BORE had 42 trucks and bug-out everyone's help. From the 30 known years. gies between all three races racers, sponsors, volunteers, BonneviUe Off-Road Rac-ing Enterprises, BORE, puts a great season in the books. This season has seen some changes within BORE manage-ment that posfures for a great 2008 season.· After the 2007 opener at Wendover, USA it was announced that long time owners George and Glen Cain were stepping down. They left with a legacy of true caring for the best interest of all racers and teams along with a "keep it simple" philosophy keeping BORE one of the truest off road racing experiences to be had in the western US. BORE has seen members from as far away as Canada, Oregon, Washington, Dakotas', Ari-zona, Colorado, Utah and The new owners Roger/Peg this year. to the whole BORE family we Bowers, Jake/Sharon Maness We certainly began the year appreciate your support. We and Roger Ball picked up the with many challenges. The learned more at Wendover torch and went right to work May Red Garter 200 saw a 74 and hope to keep improving. preparing for the annual 4th mile course cut to around 50 This is your organization and of July Jackpot 200. Through miles when on Friday pre-run with your thoughts, ideas and all prep work and heavily re-day the course was blanketed input, BORE will flourish lying on the 3 Amigos Brian, with fresh snow. By the end of and grow. Kwazi and Mike to bring it off the day the final course lay-Sponsorship Highlights: like a properly ran Air Force out was 45 miles. Saturday Thanks to all the sponsors .-----------------~~~~~ that support this effort in many different ways, but all important as a whole. Again, without their support these races would not happen. Butch's Speed Shop in Las Ve-gas was a great addition to the BORE sponsorship group, providing their new contin-gency trailer at Wendover for our support along with parts discounts. They will be back for all four races next year. Please support the folks sup-porting you. Call (702) 247-1277 for your off road and speed parts. Don't forget to mention BORE and get 10% off. We'll provide the website as soon as it is up and run-·ning. If there is anything spe-cial you need, just give them a call. Also sponsoring the 2007 race season was The Red Gar-ter Hotel and·Casino, Cactus Pete's Hotel and Casino, Scott Smith Construction, Colo-rado Commercial Service, 4 Wheelers Off-Road, Andy S c h i f a n e I I ·i (VailNewHomes.com), and Bruce Cochran from the Pow-der Shop in Rifle, CO. If you get a chance, please drop these folks a thank you note or use their services if you have the need. Elliott Lafreniere pro-vided the TRICK Racing Gas. Continued next page Glen Wise took the year end honors in the Class 8 contest, glen The Class 9 BORE champion for 2007 was Cam Blackley, seen Roger Bowers and the Schmueser Racing Team, they were the was the big winner in all the BORE contests in 2007. here ripping across the desert for another win. Unlimited co-Champion team in the overall points battle for 2007. Dave Sams was the Class ½-1600 points champion for 2007, The BORE points co-champion Kenny McKnight team, they all do The Class 1/2-1600 points winner's team poses for their honor, he's seen here headin' for home in his good looking car. their share to keep their Class 7 truck in the winners circle. Dave Sams and crew give it their all every race. Page 60 January 2008 Dusty Times
; ,< , Congratulations to the following teams using NEO Synthetic Oils in the 40th Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 Mark Post I Rob MacCachren I Carl Renezeder Riviera Racing SCORE Trophy Trucks Larry Roese/er I Troy Herbst Terrible Herbst , C(a,ss 1 Rick L. Johnson I Dane Cardone I Jimmy Nuckles Pro Truck B.J. Baldwin I Danny Anderson PC/ Racing Score Trophy Truck Eric Heiden CONGRATULATIONS I STROBEL MOTORS PORTS 2nd Place Class I In the B■J• 1000 Ancl, 4th uehlcle lo C•••• the finish llne. WOW•••• Wap To Go!!IIII You• Friends In Colo•aclo Springs .
2008 Notes: BORE is a small grassroots Page 62 RACE READY PRODUCTS 103 PRESS LANE SUITE 4 CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 organization that has pro-vided great desert racing for (619)691-9171 (866) 891-9171 TOLL FREE (619) 691-0803 FAX over 30 years to northern parts of Nevada, Idaho, Utah January 2008 and Colorado and above. The 2008 season will be no exception. BORE, which has been under new management since July of this year, will in-troduce the BORE Champi-onship Series for 2008. This series will consist of four races instead of three and a cash fund for an Overall Points Champion and Runner-Up Points Champion. Individual class champions will continue to be recognized and the paybacks for each race will re-main intact. The points system has also been restructured to provide each class an oppor-tunity to win the Overall Championship, if they run well, finish the miles and, of course, have some luck on their side. BORE's focus has been to provide good, safe, competitive racing for every-one that doesn't have a large budget or the latest and great-est equipment on the market, but feel they still want to com-pete in a safe and friendly at-mosphere. The goal is to pro-mote a race series that is safe, challenging and competitive for all classes. BORE is known for its scenic courses that will challenge you, but leave most of your equipment intact. BORE is also exploring the possibility of promoting a UTV class in 2008. If you're thinking about getting back into desert racing on some scale or just ready for a change or looking for new courses to run, give BORE a call. For contact info or more race information please see BORE at the new website "Boreracing.net". 2008 Race Dates will in-clude: Wendover, NV -May 3 & 4 Jackpot, NV -July 4 & 5 Ely, NV -Aug. 15 & 16 Wendover, NV -Sept. 19 & 20. BORE will incorporate a Championship Fund into the mix for 2008. We will try our best to restructure the points system so that everyone in the Pro I classes compete equally for the BORE Overall and Run-ner-up Championships. The championship purse total will be in the amount of $6000. The Overall BORE Champion will receive $4000. The BORE Run-ner-up Champion will receive $2000. Interested yet? Please spread the word and start prep-ping for all four races. In 2008 we will again have strictly a Sportsman class, run what you can't anywhere else, as long as it meets all safety require-ments. Proposed classes for Pro I will be: Heavy Metal Truck (VS), Mini Metal Truck (6 or 4 Cy!), 1/2-1600, 9 class and 10 class. Pro II will consist of the Sportsman class only at this time. Entry fees will increase slightly for 2008, due to the in-crease in insurance and land use. Entry fee for Sportsman (Pro II) will be $400 and all other classes (Pro I) will be $500. Each of the four races will provide a payback as normal. Have a great off season and we look forward to seeing all Dusty Times
of you next year. Keep us posted on what you're doing and call if you have any ques-tions or suggestions. We'll h ave another newsletter out the first part of January for more updates. 2007 Class Points Break-down: Unlimited: 1) Roger Bow-ers, 2) Terry Shelton, 3) Allen Gerber. 1/2-1600: 1) David Sams, 2) Sandi Koeth, 3) Scott Smith. Class 9 : 1) Cam Blackley, 2) Dave Morse, 3) Rod Stevenson. Class 8) 1) Glen Wise, 2) Richard Cretsinger, 3) Mike Sims. Class 7: 1) Kenny McKnight, 2) Brady Sessions, 3) Randy M offitt. 2007 Overall Champions: This was a first for BORE; DAVE FOLTS fllllJttSMISSIOftg AJTllt !9 YIAM IN lA IIA91tA Wl'ltl MOYINe TO A NIW !IIOP IN ONTAltlO. !AMI ltAtl PltOYIN QUAllTY, NIWlOtATION! --------0--------NIW tllOP lMATION 1S161Aff n&Ntlt tT. ONTAINO, tA 91761 909.ft!.S970 D.JOl ff®l'lltffON.NIT --------0--------TIII tllOltl OJ tllAMPIONt CIADID TO tlll'I YOU Dusty Times RC TRANS would lk• lo Thank some of the people who used our prOCIUcls in 2007 Mar£Bass Co"e.!I Torres 2nd Overall MORE 1st Class 9 MORE 2nd Overall SNORE 1st Class 9 SNORE 7th Class 9 SNORE .:Joe Forte 1oth Class 9 SNORE Brando11-H1!Jlies 2nd Class 9 SNORE T liomas Putnuu1-3rd Class 9 SNORE lf/ liesfe.!J StgJ!iou 3rd Unlimited Sportsman SNORE AtiamFlslier 5th Sportsman Buggy SNORE {lalJISWrs l?Pout(Jross 4th 5-1600 SNORE 2nd 'Class 2000BITD i r Congratulations to al ot our racers 2007 Season. \Ne look forward lo racing in 2008. we had a tie for overall cham-pion. Champ ions: K enny McKnight in the Class 7 Truck sponsored by the Red Garter Hotel & C asino, and Roger Bowers in the Class 10 Buggy sponsored by Schmueser Rac-ing. January 2008 Runner-up: David Sams in the Class 1/2-1600 Buggy sponsored by Winners Circle Trophies. For a full breakdown of all races and points visit the new BORE website at http:// boreracing.net/ In closing, the BORE 2007 was a complete success and there will be new and exciting things to come for 2008. The BORE family wants to wel-come any a'nd all racers to come and join in the fun in 2008, and we wish everyone a happy new racing year ,in 2008. ,. Page 63
Good stuff Dlract:o,v Air Cleaners for Off-Road Racing. From Baja to Dakar. For a list of dealers visit our website at www.advancedaircleanersystems.com (:,')SER Ts· '---"'. CELLULAR TIRE INSERTS Preliminary announcement: new technology that flat-proofs I blowout-proofs pneumatic tires. Please go to: www.airserts.com for information and a video demonstration of AIRSERTS™ Cellular Tire Inserts. . ~ OFF-ROAD FUEL CELLS -i . . SCORE• CORR• SODA • MAORA PRERUNNERS •RALLY-~ ETC , ·. ;,, : Custom SA144 tf Sizes Toll free: 800-526-5330 Fax: 201-825-1962 e-Mall: ~tl@atllnc.com ,L~ ...At..Z:2., www.aUfuelcells.com ~ Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages Ford Truck Specialist • www.autofab.com 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 2141.CIIIIII lr1111.CAUIQ. MOTORSPORTS lllellalashoP@eanhlinUie, RA.CECA.RS PRERUNNERS .. "' v-~; CUSTOM . ' TEl: n4.Ue.=5 ' · fAX:114.i19.e I . ·· ... ~ .. - -... ~ · ·. ~ ----., ' . ; 14-iATtv-v ..rrv-vt...r. John Baker Race Car Fabricalion • Race Prep. Transmissions • Fiberglass 15821 Graham SITeet • Huntington Beach. CA 92649 Phone: 714-891-3086 • Fax: 714-892-6360 BakerMotorsports.net .. BRANDWOOD CARS for mid-engines and other applications C"'storr. V~hicle Shifter r -~ r-,~ ~ ,,,. -~ · .... _ •. ,,.:. • l . . AdYanlllQu: -· 51'1t lnc:fUHd air flow. -No ()ii~ 01\ foller element. • Fl!ift end C8?$ n mactwiltd. • ~-1:t• o, 15' Lg · 19117 . • 8iflet mou1111og clarnpf .. • No external weld&. • Billet Off Rood Pam - Eny dMlliog FlniSh, Air Filters. Spinc;ile$,, Huos VS1S p,;},,.,y St,. Son~. C.. 91~11 Ph: (619)562-3071 f.oic (6J9)S62-0S92 www.BTlferformance.com Offroad to Snet, Prerunner to Race ~ O..lgn ..ftac• Prep ..Aff General Fabrioatlon 'l'IOt ... , 1749U1aoSUIE H.eperia CA t2M! O~.OCMI CA $RACING Racea.Jr Helmets & Accessories Bell, Shoei, Simpson a1ower systems & cool boxes .1 ..... 2 .. 100 7 .. llaoldlla ...._ •• C ...... va.ta, CA 11•t.a. CALIFORNIA PRE•FUN 39067 ORCHARD ST. CHERRYVALLEYCA.92223 PH#.(911) .... 1--1820 products in stock Race Provtn F;lbriation'. Boatec Fiberglass . Pre-Runners Dimple Dies Desert Tmcb Tubing Benders Short Cottrse trucks Bypass valvts+tubes Paris-Dakar trucks Sway-bar Arms e&E ---~ QUAI.ITY l!l!:AO\.CCK WHltl:1.& _.,. -_,____ ■INCll: l9Se IU.vlF ■--.-ff~ 1s" .. 1e"~-17• ALL ALUMINUM 8EAOLOCK WHEELS ANO CONVERSIONS CHAMPION WHEEL CC. INC. , as37 co\.LlltR (9 s T, 471-2 , as LAKE: £1.l!IINORE CA, 'i12S3 l www.eHAMPI ONWHEE L,CO M CHENOWTH ,-.. jCING PIIODIJC'TS. INC, 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 Fax (619} 449-7103 www.chenowth.com [CNC] Manufacturers of CNC,lnc. 1221 West Morena llvd. Sun Diego, CA 92110 (619) 275-166~ w www.coastpdWdefFoatlng.tom 227 Calle Pintoresco San Oemente, CA 92672 Broke ond Clutch Pedol AsS) Moster Cylinders S'lave Cylinder$ Cutting and Staging Brakes Hydraulic Throttl.s Throttle Pedals ~ oll of Ol.lr accessories. Send $3.00 for Catalog
FLOATER REAR ENDS • i-'RONT HUBS • AXLES BALL JOINTS • TORSION BARS • t<NOCK OF, HUSS (805) 239·2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane • Templeton. CA.93465 II Countrywide· BRAD TIJRPIN HOME LOANS SR. HOME WAN CoN~llLTANT 27805 SANrA MAJ<GARITA PKWY MISSION V IEJO, CA 92691 (949) 291-3158 Cw. (949) 707-2223 0FFTCE (866) 379--0298 FAX WWW.HOME.COlJNTll\"WIDE.COM/ BllADTIJRPIN BRAD_TURPIN@0)llNJ1<YWIDE.0)M OFf:ICIAL RACE FUELS FUEL OF NASCAR 1 {800) 54-COSBY COSBY OIL COMPANY, SANTA FE SPRINGSt CA .... . -,.-.. ,:::::,.-.,w-·· ... CALL l'ODAYf PH: 949.567 .. 9000 www.cppistons.com RACECAR, SAN~ PRERUNNER PREP DESERT AND SffORT COURSE 11-!...L.a..1,,,;.L.':1._.~..::s....-..::..• Specia!i!!M hi... • ._._.. .......... lf-'-4· ·---......... ...,... ..,.._ ... ltNbhr A.utomacte ~-•~11 Yu $'il>••WC~ .. ,v,i;. Toll Fnie 800-0S'?-!im MATTHEW@CUSTOMDECAL.COM ·"" BEST SERVICE IN THE WES.I' <loDl~!~~TY = ~!~~ ATVS SCOOTERS MOTORCYCLES NEW USED CUSTOM Cory, Sffly, Mlkt, Chris 91st & Grand Av•nue 11808 N 91st Av P•olla, AZ. 853-45 Ph 823-334-3346 FAX $23-334.3730 Toil Free: 866-7 45-0434 WWW.DESERTTOVZATV.COM ,---------, REPAIR SERVICE FABRICATION SUSPENSION PARTS & ACCESSORIES RACE PREP & FUEL CUSTOM RHINO FABRICATION DESERTTOVZATVOMOTMAIL.COM 24 Years of service To The a,, Road Industry 818-882-0004 / --~~~ I" ~/_/DEREKNYE_.,~/IJ /{jl ( 75S Watf1'-'I st. Uni E Cost.au.a Co92627 ,.,,/ . .,::, •llt,~9548.8533 fn:9419.548.85]4 ~ ........_ www.Ollm!AGZ.com e-nu,11, deteknye l■eolcom ,;:: ;--.,. Tnm aeorl r::::~=::;:;::;,.y '· •" ~:>.., Privett LebclfJ.,wJ~ _ Custora Bag Dcslons • --. ' (619) 448-3932 · .Fax ($19}448-3662 1543 W. 16th Street Long Beach, California 90813 http://www.FandL.com greg@FandL.com Ota Pllll'OBIIIICI 1558 No. case• Orange, CA 92867 (714) 637·2889 • Fax (714) 637-7352 GREG QUINN CELL (562) 843-4355 (562) 432-3946 (714) 540-5535 FAX (562) 432-7969 we usa & racommend R,\t I~(, ['-1,INt\, TR,\\\"\11\\lOI\\ ANO UFfR0\11 l'AR1'-Scnd or call for our nt'¼ catal~g ~5 00 . BRUCE FRALEY 702365.9055 gary@fuelsafe.com www.fuelsafe.com
• HEADFLOW IIJASTERS Adrian JG TRANSWfRKS 'Go with a Proven Winner' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Quality Racing Transaxlea Mendeola Dealer · Off Road - Sand Specialist JOE GIFFIN )061 E. La Jolla St. •I 2466 S. SANTA FE AVE. #F VISTA CA. 92081 PHONE (760) 727-1827 Anaheim. California 92806 (714) 632-1240 Fax (714) 632-!2i3 E~il: jgtt;lll$@pac:be)l.net www JO'JtJnswcrlts.com $ .SUZUKI sa..-..aa (81'8} 768-613,4 (800} 800-6134 SILL ROBERTSON & SONS; INC. 5626 TUJUNGA A.VE. FAX (618}'766-9397 NORTH HOLlYWQPD, CA. 91601 _ t-lLJS TLEE::~ ccncePTS ~=u=:~c:s c:ru,s J::Jl=U= ~t....Jrll'"'1~ ALLJml"'"ll..Jl'TI ~H SF=ec::~ Jeaae Rodriguez Pl-t 714-1197-0701 Fax:714-1197-0758 ~f.AJA SHOP (Ul<lt 1967) JON KINNE 520 Railroad St., Corona, CA 92882 Tel. 951-278-2233• Fax: 951-278-8335•www.jonnylightning.net Lonely Long Advertising Term Space Relationship Looking Call For (818) 882-0004 OUT80ARD£NOtNE • GENEMTOR Sl't'.CIAl.l$l Kawaguchi Honda Corp. 1"WW.KawagudtiboadJL(OM ART ICAWAGUCHI 1 3ffl UST 3'40 ST. fax 323-264-2136 714 N Lemon SI, Orange.CA. 92867 www.t-.ustlerconcepls.com LOS AHG!UlS. CA 90Dt:l 323-284-&868 Mike Julson 9428 Wheatlaftds Court Sant-, CA 92071 819-596-3380 61N96-3364fax www.Jlmc:Of'11Ce.coffl Ceorge Jimenez Se Habfa Espo/Jol 535 E., Central Park Ave. Anaheim, CA 92802 Tel: (714) 53S.5116 Fax: (714) S3S-5816 DerelllCre■er PH: 114.289.9048 Fl: 714.831.1854 1214 N. Parker UnU N3 Orange. CA 92867 THOMAS E. LEE LEE MFG. CO. 11601 P8Q..El'<»l$TAIET' SON WLEY, CA l'fS FAX (818). 111,,2'11 (818} 7e&-OIN A full l~of Po.etSwring~ l)\ni» ~ ~ for any type of nw;lng •. MaQAaflwl and Z,sJIO flldltlM available. · •custometilttil 'Rae.Prep 'AlllminumWodl 'Weld1na Engineering •M1gn«t1ux _FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 {909) 596-5497 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 ags Window Nets • Limit Straps• Tie Downs www.mastercraftseats.com 11433 Woodside Avenue• Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455 • Fax: 619/449-9454 1695 CACTUS RD. SAN DIEGO, CA 92154 Todd°"'91' T. (619) 710-8800 F. (619) 710-1640 1900 Compton Ave. Strite 1or, Corooa, CA 92881 Phone (951)817-0101 Ext.156 www.mickeythompsontires.com 619-562-5533
Off R"'1d Fabrication and Design -~ ... mosl!ffi.llti Functkm/Sfrengtlt/Stlfety/Pride • Sand Cars Mad« by Hcnd in t!Je USA • Trucks •~Cars Z36 JO$.On Ccurt • ~s ==~ Corona, CA 92879 · • Ratty Car$ 95l•:Z7~•30l6 • Custom -JN>Kbih.«lffl Fax 951,.zn.ont. #OULTON FABR/tA110N,to1 IIAO t:AIIS MIJIIIJlllll,8, OUM .flllMTS 661-974-7961 SD Mf;J fJL Jf.1 f■ •1,~,, t••1,•,,. YOUR COMPLBTE ICINtTtON SOURCE AUTOTRONIC CONTROL& CORPORATION 1 490 HGNRV 8...,.ENNAN OA., !1'L PASO. TX 799!3G 19151 llS1-s:>ntl • f;f)I tlflf !!11~1 8:15-1123 • VlSIT OUA Wt8 SllE w•~w "1$d;gll"""1 coir. Shop; 714•893-8106 15222 Connector Lane Fax: 714-893-8123 Huntington Beach, CA 92649 WWW. myens-racing,co:m OFF·IIGAO RACING TUBE BENDERS .¼., TO 3" O.D. Capacity Models Starting at $279.00!!!! M-TECH SUPPLY TUBE BENDERS • PIPE BENDERS • TUBE NOTCHERS RING ROllERS • COlD SAWS • ABRASIVES www.mtEchsuppfy.com 4S0-72G-ZB76 • We con' Bea.dlock YOUR RIMSH --------~ Srzn to fit nacnt A TV .... WU'w» I. AUTOMOTIVE applicatioM Parts for: POUSHED & COLORED ANISHES SCA.l.LOPED OR CONVENTIONAL Reinforcing Ringt Also Available Phone - {951) 354-8272 WWW .OMfPERfORMANCE. c~ BRBS Dune Buggy • Race Car • VW Engine • Subaru Engine Parts Custom Machine Work & Fabrication 1-800-231-8156 2525 East 16th Street • Yuma, AZ 85365 . 928-783-6265 • Fax 928-783-1253 9SIJ60.S906 9~1J60.0436 faic 800.lOO.ZlSO 3834 Wa<kff Orin Nir• l11111, CA 911Sl www.p•ritr,umper.co111 For The Price Of A Phone Call And A Few Bucks A Month Your Ad could Be Here 818-882-0004 ASRICATION, INC 1660 Bob<:ott. Building~ C0$1C Mesa. CA 9261.1 TB. 19491650-303S FAX 194916~721 ............ .,. ... 00• peoholllobOooi,COO\ Jflrly'Petld Pre,isio11 Allol'f lid. Todd fronds 2Slt5 JU. 46' An. litlgefWd, WA 98642 • Radios • GPS • Intercoms • Headsets • • Wired helmets • GPS Protectorz • 1-877-WEE-RACE www .procommraceradios.com 12221 Poplar St. Unit 8, Hesperia, CA 92345 .... (]ary <Puwetr Motorsports: Electrical Design & Manufacturing Since 1988 Ph: (949) 735--9039 Fax: (949) 459-0085 ProFORMANCE@cox.net PROTFIUCK AA.CING OROANIZATION A High Performance Spec V8 Race Truck Series "The True Driver's Class ... Protruek Sal .. 111d Ptomotlon W•bslte: www.ptotruck.com Email: protruck@prodlgy.net ,.,:,1~ Fax:81•~ 14402 Bond Court ·eea,on.cAt.2021 Hi.Performanc'1 Equipment ~ •Ssfety• Drfvtllif'lfJ ·~ (619) 691-9171 (619) 691-9174 (619) 691.()8()3 (FAX) 103 Press Lane, Suite 14 Chula V1Sta. CA 91910 e-mail: rprodt Oacl.oom
• 2..02.33 v.co~ ... ..r-~ Ctaio St.-.-rt Phone:6~ f,n;, t,1~4-~t.18 Cd: 6'9-726•«J9l fabrication & Race Preparation 9419 Abraham VJ~ Santee, CA 920n ........ .._.,,,,.:4~.L.~~.J..~~90!'? <r<l~•~rit,.com ~ Sale&& Service ...... c .. ,,..,.._11m..,... ....... 1r1■11111M PH: 114.680~6137 • f1l: 114.680.3110 Toll free: 800.304.8128 10 1 5 E. Elm Avenue, Fullerton, CA 9 2 8 3 1 MHUtllrll#5 lll\l.s,llffl• 11112 s,,m11r111•: ., .. , .. -111112-lt1-114 ·lntlllll ........ •Hill 1, ......... . 11121 m-.tHI RANCHO DRIVETRAIN ENGINEERING Tony Selva, Jr 41740 Enterprise Circle North Suite 106 Temecula, CA 92590 PHONE 951.296.6163 FACSIMILE 951.296.2236 t se lva@roncho d rivet rain .com VALW TRAIN PRooutm • CusroM HEAD Womc 7SD/S4B-46SB • FAX 760/S4B-4B56 J IN'INIIV.RDVALUSSPRING.COIW --~~ ........ * ram ri:5'74-9.::, ;i !2t?fl+~ Barry Beacham 102j Calle Sombra - Unit A San Clemente, CA 92673 Office 949-361-4388 Fax 949-361-4352 barry@raceprepservices.com www.raceprepservices.com A Tatom Distributor /Ji,,.:'/JaJ/u. S peclalizinv in Ott-Road Racing & Oriving For Over 21 Years 'k/ww,.,,J ~~ "'f,_quJ 2.0()()4.00t • P"'4. 9 ~ oJ (!ku.p/4,cilup, 'W1;u. Mig Welding • Tig Weldin9 UPQrades & 8epalrs Baia•Provett Equipment 52'4 H. Casa Grande Hwy• Ste 102 TUC$01t, Az 85743 520-850-3693 fiiil SANDERS SERVICE, INC. L«Y METAL PROCESSING 5!>21 WU;mtn,gton An., Los~. CA 90ll01 (323) 583-2404 t'AX {323) 583-3965 SA:NDBLAST-01,.ASS BEAD-MAGNETIC PARTICLE Fl.OURESCENT INSPECTION MA.RJ<SMITH LARJlYSMJTH Do You Need To E X p . A N 818-882-0004 LAURA ~ ~ RICHARD S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BDDT" HCR66, BOX 11030 F?AHAUMP (CRYSTAL} NV 89048 (775) 372-5335 TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821-(714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672 .. 9246 SGUEAK & MARGIE COATS 510 1 Galway C1rc!e • Huntingto·1 Beach CA 92'649 (714) 897-0075 • Fax (714) 894-9567 • PREP • SET-UP • MAINTENANCE • ELECTRICAL Sean Kennedy (714) 470-5552 E. sik•performance@hotmail.com SPECIAL/ZINC IN ~PIONSHIP . ~~RACllli IIACEFUEUI Paul .Oil Company 12091 84?-2281 [800) 527-6090 FAX {209] 847-9726 P.O. Box 248 • 524 N. Sierra Ave. 'WESTERN D IV ISION Oalcdale. California 95381 T & J 's Diesel Performance ·~ WJ Extreme ·Performance Di~sel Exhausts & Performance Aceessories Powerstroke, Duramax, Cummins www .. TJDIESELPERFORMANCE.com 714-924-5094 Placentia, CA 92870
2180 Col..,_ Drive • t.,ke ltev••u City • AL 116403 can Ton Free: 877-627-8852 .• or E-Mail: lnfoOtcsperformance.com • Ml Performance converters Custom Length Axle• • • Automatic Trams Axles TCS Designed Hubs • (for bee • Recreation) Input Shafts • American Made Excellencell • Off-Road and Bolt-On to Street Fibergtast for: "Ford, c~ and Toyota" Trucks • Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1281 N •.... ftlea St. , lle,ltNt QI. 92543 Pfl: 951-4i54-733' fa: 951-6!U-2375 See a lilt or..,. ttN•■rn.111 _. WIiii ..-.: ldlp:/,.............,.t,.,_ ... LE . NG JEFf FIEU> (81&} 998-2739 TEL: 714.526.5820 FAX: 714.526.5840 1015 E. Elm Avenue, Fullerton, CA 92831 · s WBST PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES Kevin Pirtle 22545 South Normandie Ave. Torrance, California 9050 l (619) 596,-8033 1 000 W . Bradley, Unit 0 el CaJon, CA 82020 Car-lo• Orozco VP Racing Fuets,.lne. West Coast RegiQn P.O. Box 1319 34283 Monte Vi$t$ Wildomar. CA 92595 . ...,, ,.,,, ' ,,.,, , .•. ,.,.,.,,,, wm11,. www.,,,..,,._.-KELLEY HENOEL Regional Manager Office:( ,.s1) 674-916'1 Fax(?51~ 674-7367 Etnaii; vppaciflcO.aol.oom For A Few Bucks You can Increase Your Productivity SCOAE ENGINE BUILDER OflHEYEAR 994, 1998, 1999, From Parts To Comptel~ Engl~•• 3265 W. Birtcher Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89118 702-837-2522 HOaN.2htO,. Pboalix, AZ, 15021 Jack Wood$ 6'>2~242.00,7 Fu 602•2•2-7213 Lorenzo Rodriguez ~...,.,. ·n ,ons • Pant • ~t\lic:e • Werd111g V.W. -flonche • N15Wi • ~ta • ~ . 850 S. Alta Vista Ave .. Monrovia. CA 91016 (626) 305-RACE (7223} • (626) 357-66:29 Fax ~.wrtrans.<:om ~ ............... • BU£&IES •SRllDCRRS •SHOCHS IIIICE PREP SHOP • TRUCHS • f'RE·RUDffERS • FRBRICRTIOff 818) '12&-22&0 World Leading Motorsport Transmission Manufacturer 11 Dakar Rally Victories 17 World Rally Victories 6 AMA MX/SX Championships Xtrac Inc 6 l83 West 80th Street Indianapolis IN 46278 email: andrew_heard@xtrac.com Tel: (317) 472 2454 '383' Baja Class 1/iO sequential lransaxle www.xtrac.com/inc
ClasslRed ••• Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be le-gal for sale or use in all 50 states. Readers are advised to consult appropriate local or state authorities for informa-tion before purchase of any specific item. FOR SALE: 2007 Jimco class 1, HP Engine Chev SB 630HP, 620T Torque con-verter with sequential Fortin 5 spd. Hyd. In car jacks, Lowrance OPS, !-Kenwood VHF 110w, !-Kenwood UHF-1 l0w, PCI intercom, fire sys, Mastercraft 3g's. dual en-gine-brains, front and roof light bars with 8 Hella HID, stainless exhaust and too many details to list. 300 test and pre-run miles only with complete prep and set-up by Jimco. Very reliable and fast with 140 mph top end. $220K-(760) 787-1737 or mark@tyrmotorsports.com. FOR SALE: 2006 Herman Motorsports "Avenger" 2 seat Class 1/1500 race car. SCOR E legal and tagged complete race prep, new LS7 engine, Mendeola transmission, King Shocks, 55 gal.· fuel cell. Comes com p l et e with lights, tool bags, air jack, impact gun etc. $150,000.00. OBO Call Dan (77 5) 690-4791 or e mail framing@danmillsconstruction.com. FOR SALE: Jimco 2 seat race car, SCORE tagged, 440 HP LS2, Fortin Wide gear 4 Speed, King Shocks, 110W race radio, Avcomm intercom, UMI Filters, Pro-Am Hubs, 35 spline axles, 6 Hell a H ID, driver con-trolled light bar, 7" OPS, Beard seats, 40 gal fuel cell, Fresh Prep, Spare parts package includes radios, 10 wheels, pit boxes. Call Tim @ (626) 893-1976. $125,000.00 OBO. FOR SALE: 2005 Ford Ex-plorer BITD Class 3100 SCORE Stock Mini. Only Raced 4 times. All the Best in-cluding Mogi, Trans, Fox, 456 gears, Mastercraft, Autometer, K&N. Always in the hunt. Race Ready for only $34,500.00. (949) 633-0773. FOR SALE: G&R Racing's Chevy Pre-Runner extremely re-liable, Geiser Brother's has completely gone through this truck. Features a New Redline LS2 aluminum 550hp motor, four speed 4L80 transmission, new Howe steering box with T-pump, 3" King bypass and coils, big Trophy Truck style brakes and 6 lug hubs, Chrisman rear end housing and gear set, 6 new 37" BFGoodrich tires on Robby wheels with another 6, 4 Vision X HID's, power everything, cold AC, tilt Momo steering wheel, new Beard seats, big Kenwood radio with PCI inter-com, XM radio, & G lobal Star station, 6" color OPS, air com-pressor, two big storage boxes, new paint. G reat pre-runner with all of the bugs worked out. This truck knows its way around Baja. Call Brian Godfrey @ 602-999-6123 Ask-ing 185K FOR SALE: AWESOME CAR TO BUY 2006 HMS class one SCORE tagged and race prep, Big HP LS7, Fortin w/con-verter, King Shocks, PWR coolers, Race Radio w/inter-com, Mastercraft, Stainless exhaust, ProAm hubs and brakes, Fortin rack, OPS, Race pack digital dash, HID light bar, BF tires on JJ's wheels, ODO has 508 mls total, Car comes with 16 spare tires and wheels, alt's, pumps, TC, lights, Lots of lubricants, Hardware, tool bags, air jack, 24' dual axle open car trailer w/storage bin. Very fast reli-able car $198,000.00 Nego-tiable. Includes chase boxes and starters. Call or email Cesar Fuentes (915) 726-3823 a fuentes@fuen tes 7 .com. mx. FOR SALE: 2006 Ford F150 Stewarts Raceworks ultimate prerunner as featured in DP5 and Off Road Enthusiast. New in late 2006. Prerun with comfort, style and speed! All the best of every-thing and is show quality through-out. Maintained by Stewart's and is impeccable condition. Serious inquiries only please. mark@tyrmotorsports.com or (760) 787-1737. FOR SALE: Own the leg-endary Great Candy Cane! Great Sportsman car. Raceco 2 seater, VW, type 4 Motor, rebuilt trans, Fox Shocks, $ 15,000.00 O BO. TJ Stanworth (435) 864-4933. Leave message o r e mail t j sta nworth@hotm a i 1. com for pictures. 2006 Jimco Dominator,,400 in. LS 1- Redline, Mendeola HD 4, 25" front travel, 27" rear travel, size 30 cv's with sliding axle, TT CNC front hubs, TT rear hubs, Beard, Crow, Fuel Safe 80 gallon tank, BTW wheels, Toyo tires, All spares and a possible parts deal, $175,000.00, Jeff Quinn/ McKenzies, 807 E. Orangethorpe, Anaheim, CA 92801, (714) 815-8466. FOR SALE: Trophy Truck. 406 Winser dry sump trans prows c6 dual MSD 3" King coilover & bypass, Summers 9" Howe R&P 55 gal Fuel Safe Mastercraft, CNC, Willwood. $85,000.00. (951) 687-6416. Randy FOR SALE: Pre-Runner to Buy. 2006 Foddrill 3-4 seat street legal Registered in Texas, LS6 pump gas 400hp, Fortin w/con-verter, Fox shocks coil over and by-pass, VDO, Howe, WR coolers, 50 gal cell, Mastercraft, BF on JJ wheels, Pro Am hubs and b rakes, Roof rack w/light bar , Race radio w/carbon fiber head sets, XM radio w/external speakers, OPS, ODO shows 546 miscarbon fiber dash , windshie ld, a set of spare tires w/wheels, a set of sand tires w/ w heels, chase box, spare parts, singl e axl e open trailer i nc. $119,000.00 Negotiable. Cesar Fuentes (915) 726-3823 afuen tes@fuen tes 7 .com . mx . FOR SALE: 2004 F250 4x4. 6.0L Diesel, King Ranch, Util-ity bed, Alloy Wheels, 35" BFG, Leveling lift, Rear Air bags, 100 Watt Race, Radio w/ Antenna base station. Tire Rack, Comes w/tools & everything needed in Great Chase truck. $34,999.00 OBO . (619) 239-4176. FOR SALE: 2005 Baja Pro Truck, Chassie No. SS-1-044 truck No 299, Chevy body pan-els. Fresh Engine and trans. Floor jack/ spare drive line/al-ternator/ steer motor/tool stor-age and much more on board. Full equipped, ready to race, the best of everything. Many spare parts. $110,000.00 OBO. (818) 991-9898. ;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; FOR SALE: 2002 JIMCO Single Seat 10 Car. Brand new Kroyer Honda, Motec Electronics New Wiring. Fox Shocks, Fortin 5 Speed Trans, Howe P/ S. Car is prepped by Jimco. Only has been raced 9 times. Car is fresh and ready for the 2008 season. $90,000 Mike Julson (619) 596-3360 \&' FOR SALE: 2007 JIM CO Cham-pion Series Class 1 Car. Brand New never been raced. Chevy LS7, Al bins Sequential w/Con-verter, Fox Shocks, Howe Hy-draulic Jacks, Hella Lights, All the bells and whistles. Call for more details. $250,000 Mike Julson (619) 596-3360 FOR SALE: HP Chevy Alumi-num Small Block V8. Built by Jim Horn Brand New, No Race Miles on Motor. Comes with Electronics. $15,000 Mike Julson (619) 596-3360 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in 00B~V · : • CJ..,ifi,d Admtising m, is only $25 lot 45 wotd1!.~~~in:.~~:dms , nd phon, numb«. Add $5.00 lot use 0'51111 • of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. 2""° nn REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED -YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A ~ • • • • • TIMELY MANNER. • Enclosed is $ (Send check or money order, no Cash) . --------------• Name . -------------------------------------• Address---------------------------------------------------------------• •City------------------------------------------------------------------• • State _______ Zip __________________ Phone ________________________________ _ Please run ad _______ times Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 ISSUE DEADLINE February 08 Jan 4, 08 March08 Feb 8, 08 April08 Mar 7, 08 May08 Apr 11, 08 June 08 May 9, 08 July 08 June 6, 08 August OB Jul 11, 08 September 08 Aug 8, 08 October08 Sept 5, 08 November08 Oct 3, 08 December08 Nov 7, 08 January 09 Dec 5, 08 February 09 Jan 9, 09 March09 Feb 6, 09 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page 70 January 2008 Dusty Times
II FOR SALE: Serious Chevy PreRunner 3 seat 480hp, big travel on bypasses and coilovers, custom every-thing, back half tube frame, GPS, A/C, Momo Seats, Rhino Lined Interior, 80 gal fuel cell. Reliable and prepped. Damien (805) 748-5546 $40k OBO, pic-tures at http:// s 240. photo bucket. com/ a I-bu ms/ff34/ da mienmavis/ FOR SALE: 1991 Ford Ranger PreRunner. Beamed Front end w/2.5 King Coilovers 16" of travel, back has Deaver Springs w/King 2.5" Bypass 18" of travel, 9" rear end, Jaz Fuel cell, 5 Beadlocks w/35" Goodyear, plus more $20,000.00 OBO. (928) 208-6402. FOR SALE: Brian Burgess dream car, 9 race miles on it. F;it 1776 dry sumped, Compu Fire Ignition, Mendi 5 speed sequential, Fox's all the way around done by Webber, 7 Soltek HID's, Black BTR's bead locked rear with Yokahoma's, Lowrance GPS, PCI Radio, Ira-track mount, King Jack, Dirtbags, Mastercraft seat. Dual Fuel Fillers one dry brake one regular, state of the Art 100mph, FAST! Completely prepped by Webber. Ready to Race. Assembled by Ronny at SPF, this is the future of 12 cars! Steve (928) 442-9285. Jimc.o 2. seat 1600, Sco·re tagged, previous SCORE points champ, Kings. al'! the way around don.e by Webber, FAT dual por.t; DFT. Trans an d H u b s , Ka t te k Shifter, Mastercraft,· Fuel S;ife• one dry break, Foddrill Bea·m, Arms and T"orsion' ·Housing, Sway-Away, Sweet Saco ·Howe; Lowrance 480c GPS, Icom V-8000 and Inter-com, Parke-r Pumper, CNC _Willwood, Adjustable Seat, D-ual MSD, BTR rims,. Yokahomas, Sister car t o Bekki Freeman Wik, Com-pletely prepped-ready to race! Steve (928) 442-9285. Dusty Times FOR SALE: 72 Bronco. 302. Floor 3-speed. Needs paint. Padded rollbar. Rebuilt tranny. 3-point seat belts. CD. New Fuel tanks (35 gal). Shop books. Spare gas car-rier. A/C. Power Steering, etc. $11,000.00. John (702) 497-1247. FOR SALE: 1974 Volkswagon thing with Full Chromoly chassis. Foddrill front arms with Fox coilover & position sens1t1ve. Foddrill rear arms with coilover bypass. Midboard Hubs, 934 C V Mendeola 2 D. BFG, BTR, Beard, Momo, Turnkey LLLLS 1, 5 Baja de-sign HID, Car is new less than 250 miles. $55,000.00 (949) 290-5412. FOR SALE: 2005 Porter Class l. 402 LS2, Fortin 4 speed, Fox Shox, Pro-Am Hubs, brakes, driveline, cus-tom Heat-treated Arms. Im-maculate car, very reliable, lots of spares. $149,000.00 OBO. (619) 239-4176. FOR SALE: CORR Superbuggy-Chenowth mag-num. Toyota by Fat and and Mendeola trans. Fox Shocks, Ron Davis, BFG's all around. 4th in points in 2007 with one win. Ffnished every race we started. Car is light and fast. Many spares/body. Car is located in Lake Havasu. Let's deal. $29,000.00. Call (928) 486-1602 Matt. FOR SALE: Foddrill built 2 seat class 10/ 12 PreRunner, 2680 FAT motor dry sumped, Mendi. Sequential 5 speed trans, Turn-ing Brake, Kings all the way around done by Webber, Mastercraft, Fuel Safe one dry brake one regular, lcom Radio and Intercom, GPS 7 inch screen Steve (928) 442-9285. FOR SALE: 4 Seater. TLR/ Stout Industries made-reliable vehicle prepped & powdered w/ a coated silver is a great Prerunner. Includes Mendeola S-4 transmission, Fox Shocks, CNC brakes, Howe Steering, Mastercraft seats, GPS, Kenwood radio, Sirius Radio, Robbie Gordon Wheels, Roof Rack, holds 2 spares. (714) 754-6649, (714) 757-5263. FOR SALE: 2003 Alumicraft PreRunner, 4 seat, New LS-1, Mendeola trans, Large Howe power rack, Fox Shox, Titanium spindles, Awesome car. $59,500.00. Rich (619) 443-1042. FOR SALE: Trophy Truck-Stout built Pro Truck conversion. Past winner of Baja 1000 & numerous Top 10 SCORE finishes. 26" rear wheel travel, 3.5 Fox Bypass shock, CNC brake coppers w/13" rotors, rear end has 5:00 gears w/2 5/8'h gears, 40 spline axels. (714) 754-6649, (714) 757-5263. FOR SALE: 06 Ford Ranger 4x4, 7 300 Legal, Mastercraft, Ump, Racerunners, Goodyear, HID lites, Parker Pumper, Flameout, Race Radio, Fluidyne, lots of spares, $27,000.00 OBO. (619) 754-5099, (619) 444-2488. PLEASE! DON'T FORGET TO SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO KEEP DUBliJlillDHB REPORTING THE OFF ROAD NEWS! STROBEL INDUSTRIES 105 SOUTH GREEN STREET CLARKS, NEBRASKA 68628 E-MAIL: STROBELINO@CLARKS.NET PH: 308-548-2254 BAJA 1000 TESTED BY STROBEL MOTORSPORTS CALL FOR PRICES ... ASK FOR DWIGHT 60 GALLON - 100 GALLON COMPLETE KIT FUEL DUMP TOWER A'ITACHESTO PICKUP RECEIVER January 2008 HYDRAULIC JACKS FOR RACE CAR "OR PLAY COMPLETE KIT 96 Bronco, 4 W.D. King Coilovers, New Detroit Lockers w/ 4.11, 33" BFG's, A/ T, PIS, A/C. $6,500.00 OBO. (928) 855-3151 or 9357. FOR SALE: Lucerne Valley Home. View Lot against Moun-tain Border's BLM land. PreRun courses A & Bout back gate, no trailoring. 1400 sq foot, 4 bed-room, 1 bath, 30x30 shop. Home is on Hauld Wate and Generator. Close to electric, good road. $265,000.00. Call Bob at (760) 792-5431. INDLl TO AD\/b.12. Tl6b.12.6 All Road Communications ....................... 24 Alumi Craft ............................................. 15 Baker Precision Racing Products ........... 47 Bryan Freeman ....................................... 55 BTR Racing Wheels ................................ 44 Butch's Speed Shop ................................ 59 Competition Air Systems ........................ 20 Congratulations Strobel Motorsports .... 61 Dave Folts Transmissions ................ 25, 63 Eibach Springs ........................................ 41 Fabtech ................................................... 32 Fuel Safe Racing Cells /Custom Works .:. ................................ 40 Kawaguchi Honda ..................................... 4 King Shock Technology .......................... 40 Major Performance Racing Engines ........ 56 Mastercraft Seats .................................. 49 McKenzie's Performance Products ......... 11 MOR Productions .................................... 34 Mesa Hose .............................................. 50 Neo Synthetic Oil .................................... 61 Nevada Off Road Buggy .......................... 53 Off Road Warehouse ............................... 57 Pacific Customs ...................................... 54 Parker Pumper Helmets .......................... 12 Patton's Metal Working Solutions ......... 45 PCI Race Radios ........................................ 5 ProAm Racing Products .................... 36, 37 Prowire Motorsport-Electrics ................. 29 Racer Off Road ........................................ 63 Racer X Motorsports .............................. 46 Race Prep Services ................................. 27 Race Ready Products .............................. 62 Rancho Drivetrain Engineering ............... 51 RC Trans ................................................. 63 Riviera Racing ................................... 16, 17 Robby Gordon Off Road .......................... 62 Ronco Plastics ··························"············· 42 Saka_ta Motorsport Electronics ............... 39 SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge .............. Back Cover Skyjacker Suspensions ........................... :J3 SNORE .................................................... 52 Soltek Light Systems ................................ 2 South Point Casino ................................... 9 Speed Unlimited ...................................... 63 Stewart Raceworks ................................ 48 Strobel Industries ................................... 71 Strobel Motorsports ............................... 30 Team Ford ............................................... 18 Transaxle Engineering ........................ 2, 41 Vision X Off Road Lighting ...................... 13 Watson/Noe Motorsports ....................... 58 Page 71
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