Volume 2• • Number • • ---•-• -7 12.so ·---.I' ' covering the world of competition In the dirt ...
[]3[3~'=o='Dl!l'irt!t 1:1 [])[§~~[]hf RACING ASSOCIATION Presents ~ ''A SHOWDOWN IN THE DESERT'' Official Truck ~ormo~ RACING ASSOCIATION 50% Payback of Entry Fee for ALL Pro Classes Two Separate Courses for Motorcycles/Quads and Race Is On Saturday Motorcycles Quads Cars Trucks Do;.::i::~~;':,~k= ~~at I: 3 ~ D: ru a J D m 3 (~ f event - Las Vegas in October! RAC::•1t11a A&SOC•AT•ON 'I SHOWDOWN II THE DESERT'' ~B~•~ Official Racing Fuel ~olllHI~ Call (866) 791-7627, 9702) 796-7111 .iAc1NalflJBsoc1A-r10N Make your hotel reservations today! October s, 6, 7, 2007 Official Tire ~(mfflm~ RACING ASSOCIATION SOUT1fEM NEVADA OFF-ftOAO HEADQUARTERS I ~] ~~OO'imD I 0) ~ ::{fli] RACING .ASSOCIATION C)KC HiliTES Official Lights ~~ OF THE ~~r.;;;!r;;--;::;-;l ~Ullllffl:D~U RACING ASSOCIATION 3475 Boulder Highway, Las Vegas, NV 89121 - (702) 457-5775 - (702) 641-2431 - bitd@lasvegas.net .. bitd.com Page 2 September 2007 Dusty Times
,, Volume 24 -Number 9 September 2007 Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors Scott Bottomley J. Preston Bradshaw Jim Culp Mike Del Col Nicole Del Col Steve Hilton Victor Gazca Martin Holmes Rod Koch Byrle Moore Steve Ruddick Maurice Selden Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Trackside Photo . Art Director Larry Worsham Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liabiliry for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUS'IY TIMES: (ISSN 8750--1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racin_g Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite IA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copyright by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. · CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., snapshot: Of t:he Month ••• Ah, those were the days, here we see Fritz Kroyer in his Sway-DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, selfoddressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8x10 will be considered. In This ISSUII ••• FEATURES SCORE Las Vegas Terrible's Cup by Judy Smith ...................................... 8 Susquehannock Trail Rally by Jerry Winker ................................................. 16 M.O.R.E. Off Road Autofab 400 by Steve Ruddick .................................... 18 VORRA At Yerington by Dwight Stewart ..................................................... 23 WSORR At Crandon by J Preston Bradshaw ................................................ 24 MDR McKenzies 400 by J Preston Bradshaw ................................................ 28 SNORE Midnight Special by John Calvin & Briana Bradley ...................... 34 MORE Freedom 250 by Steve Ruddick ..................................................... 42 CRS Fall Preview ............... : ..................................................................... 46 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ........................... : ..................................... : ............................. 5 Trail Notes ................................................................................................. 6 Baja Pits by Mr. Baja ....................................................................................... 50 Checkers by El Prez ........................................................................................ : 50 ORBA News ............................................................................................ 51 Good Stuff Directory ....................................................... ....................... 52 Classified Ads .......................................................................................... 58 Index To Advertisers ............................................................................... 59 ON THI! CDVl!R Mark Post and Rob MacCachren had a great weekend at the SCORE Terrible's Cu{)_short course race, in their Ford, they ended up with the gold medal in the Trophy Truck contest. Photo by Trackside Photo It was a great weekend for Dave Waldvogel at the WSORR Crandon meet, Dave swept the Super Stock Truck class ooth days in his Chevy, seen here at speed. Photo by J&L Photo Visit Our Website at Dustytimes.com cSubscribe :Joday lo DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN. THE COUNTRYII □ 1 year -$25.00 $40.00 □ 2 years -□ 3 years -$55.00 (to subscribe online go to www.dustytimes.com) □.NEW □ RENEWAL Name -----------------------Address ____________________ _ City __________________ _ State ---------------Zip _____ _ Primary Interest Can O Trucks D Motorcycles D Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian - 1 year $30.00 US n Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times September 2007 Page 3
Page 4 Tom wishes to thank the following for helping to make the Pikes Peak Climb such a great success. ·. · Mike Cl,i/dress, r,l,o drore tl,e track ••d •Y soi,, Joe Darid for co-driri•f • Also, in no particular order, a great big thanks .to Peter Brock, Precision Gear, Rex Keeling, NAPA A■to Parts, Diff Shop Colorado · Springs, GW Transport, Transaxle Engineering, Alcoa Wheel, Yokohama Tire, Sierra Trucking, Red Line Oil, KP Productions, Checkers Off Road, Sierra Auto Recycling, Roy Moore, Sage Country, Marty McNamara, Brian Watters, Gary Weirich, Brian McNa■ara, Scott Smith, Garrett Tamada, Jimmy Tucker, Shocks, Cram McCall Automotive Machine and Adam Wik Racing Engines. September 2007 Dusty Times
2•, Happenings ... 1 OK FoUR WHEELERS P.O. Box36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 (All events staged at the club grounds in Cleves. Ohio) 4x4 FoREVER, LTD. 1665 DEIAWARE ST. O SHKOSH, WI 54901 AMERICAN RALLY SPORT GRoUP, !Ne. 3650 SOUTH POINTE CIRCLE, SUITE 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521-0597 E Mail: roger@rallyusa.com AMERICAN 1'RIALs AssOCIATION AMA Observed Trials Southern California Championship Series BILL MARKUM -PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HOTLINE -(714) 562-7742 E MAIL: BMARK909@AOL.COM <www.atatrails.com> AsOCIACION EsTATAL DE AUTOMOVILISMO SAM l.AsELL, TECH INSPECTOR APTo 42 SAN JOSE DEL CABO BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL SUR. MExlco AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP DARRYL SMITH 19 SOMERS ST. CASHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTRALIA DUSTY TIMES @bigpond.com AUTOCROSS (luEBEC OFF ROAD CLASS 10 CARS ONLY RENALD VAILLANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAVAL QUEBEC, CANADA H7P 1T7 (450) 622-4440 BAJA CUP CHALLENGE December 8, 2007 BARONA SAND DRAG AssN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 All Races Are Night Races A[l Races At Barona Raceway, Lakeside, CA BBM MARKETING PROMOTIONS Off Road Snort Course Racing & Special Event Marketing 4344 VALLEY VIEW AVE. NORCO, CA 92860 (909) 340-6474 BEST IN THE DEsERT 3475 BOULDER HIGHWAY lAs VEGAS, NV 89121 702-457-577 5/FAX: 702-641-24 31 August 22-25, 2007 Vegas To Reno September 14-16, 2007 MC Nevada Rally Experience Invitation only October 5-7, 2007 Las Vegas 300 November 2-4, 2007 MC Golden West Cycle Avi 150 November 30 - December 1-2, 2007 Henderson's Terrible 400 BORERACING 10 ELK MOUNTAIN DRIVE REDSTONE, CO 81623 970-963-4563 623-853-3595 www.Boreracing.com August 31-September 1, 2007 Wendover 200 Wendover, NV BP MOTORSPORTS P.O. Box411 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91365 760-578-6258/ 760-578-6259 FAX: 818-348-4648 E-Mail: bpmotorsports@earthlink.net All Events At California City, CA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGHTON, ONTARIO, CANADA KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR CLUB AUTOMOVILISTA] UARENSE DE CllAMPIONSlHP OFF-ROAD RACING 7210 GATEWAY EAST EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA Dusty Times 011-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES <www.Califurniarallyseries.com> September IS, 2007 Treeline Rally Coef 3 Quartzsite, AZ October S-6, 2007 Prescott Rally Coef 2,3 Prescott, AZ November 9-11, 2007 Laughlin International Rally, Coef 1,2,3 Laughlin, NV CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW Cl!NrRAL Soum DAKOTA RACING AssOCIATION P.O. Box 645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVE ADAMS (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DON ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING AssOCIATION C.J. RICHARDS P.O. Box332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLAIRTON HI-JACKERS I.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TWP. LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 Short Course off Road Racing At Harrison County Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH Cum AUTOMOVILISTICA SAN QuINnN CALLE 6TA FRAcc Co. DE SAN QuINTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HERACLIO PATINO (011 52 616-5-22-07) Cum AmoMoVILisnco SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road ENSENADA, BC, MEXICO USA ]AN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) RAM6N CASTRO & RUBEN ACEVEDO ~ NTIIFl:CNII ~ ... .,.. . · .. ¥4 . . . . :T■ , .. . ' .... ff ' ca.a. . }} . . . .> . . :· .· ' :·. . ' . _, .. .... September 2007 (61637/7 0034) CMC CoNTINENTAL MOTosPORT Cum P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 Fax: (714) 367-1608 CODE OFFRoAD USA P.O. Box 2328 CALEXICO, CA 92231-2328 760-455-8069 USA 011-52-686-553-4087 MEXICO www.codeoffroad.com.rnx September 29 - October 1, 2007 Mexicana Logistics Mexicali 300 Laguna Salada, MX November 30-December 1-2, 2007 Race Ready 27 5 Mexicali -San Felipe, BC, MX CoI.ORADO Hw. CLIMB AssOCIATION BARB VAHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box 8286 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O. Box 392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER 011-52-65-66-4458 CORR LUCAS On. SERIES 270 NEWPORT CENTER DR., SurTY 100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 866-501-CORR September 15-16, 2007 Antelope Valley Fairgrounds Lancaster, CA September 29-30, 2007 Chula Vista Raceway San Diego, CA October 19-20, 2007 Texas Motor Speedway Dallas, TX November 2-3, 2007 Las Vegas Motor Speedway Las Vegas, NV CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, Sum 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA EXT 42 Fax (818) 957-4435 D&.T PROMOTIONS Continued next page Pages
CRANDON RECORD BOOK -Crandon International Off-Road Raceway nnounced that three off-road racers have been added to its record ook after sterling performances at the 2007 Forest County Potawatomi Brush Run Races this past June 23-24. Headlining the list is "Crandon Carl" Renezeder who achieved his second Potawatomi Chairman's Cup win in his Lucas Oil BF Goodrich Nissan Titan 4x4. Renezeder, (Newport Beach, Calif.), previously won the Cup in 2004. Renezeder is all over the Crandon record books as he also holds the overall fastest lap time ever completed at the famous off-road track, the record for the fastest lap by a PRO 2WD race truck, and he is also a winner of the 2003 BorgWarner Shootout. He was pole winner for BorgWarner Shootout's in 2001 and 2003. Two well-known PRO Light Pickup racers broke records over the race weekend for fastest lap and also fastest race of all-time in the class. Chad Hord(Felch, Mich.) broke the fastest lap record set last year by Robert Naughton (1:33.555) by spinning a quick time of 1.32.927 over Crandon's wide open throttle 1.5 mile circuit in his Boss Plows Kumho Lucas Oil Nissan Frontier. Not to be outdone, fellow PRO Light Pickup competitor Jeff Kincaid set the record for the fastest PRO Light Pickup race of all-time at the track posting a time of 14: 10.38 in his Forest County Potawatomi BF Goodrich Fox Toyota Tacoma. Kincaid (Argonne, Wisc.) broke the class record set by Rodrigo Ampudia at last year's BorgWarner World Championship Off-Road Races. Crandon hosts the 2007 edition of the BorgWarner Off-Road World Championships this coming Labor Day weekend August 31-September 2. Off-road racing's biggest event of the year, the World Championships feature the 13th annual battle for the BorgWarner Shootout and $125,000 BorgWarner Cup on Sunday, September 2. More information is available on the internet at crandonoffroad.com or WSORR.com. aRR's NEW VENUE -Championship Off Road Racing is excited to nnounce the 2007 season finale race weekend will take place at the rand new Las Vegas International Off Road Raceway in Primm, Nevada. With what has been a truly ground breaking season for Championship Off Road Racing it is only fitting to end the season at one of the most thrilling tracks CORR has ever built. The location will give CORR the needed space to create a track worthy for the 2007 Championship battles. With the point's race tighter than ever before, the season finale will be the battling grounds to settle feuds, start new ones and crown the 2007 Champions. Will Jerry Whelchel, Carl Renezeder and Rodrigo Ampudia still be leading the point's standings in their respective Pro classes when CORR arrives in Nevada? Fans stay tuned; anything can happen. The dirt will fly again when the action packed ride of CORR returns on September 15'h and 16'h at the Antelope Valley Fairgrounds in Lancaster, CA. Don't forget about the second annual Jason Baldwin Memorial Cup race, which takes place at the finale in Primm, Nevada. The race pays tribute to the highly recognized driver Jason Baldwin and his contribution to the sport. Pro 2 and Pro 4 drivers compete throughout the year in seven separate races to qualify in the winner-take-all cup race at the end of the season. In the finale the two classes will be racing against each other, battling it out for a $66,000 purse and the prestigious Jason Baldwin Memorial Cup. BEST IN THE DESERT - Points battles heating up leading into the TSCO Vegas To Reno Race. As the Best In The Desert Racing Association gears up for the August 24-25 TSCO "Vegas to Reno" race, the 2007 overall and individual car and truck class points battles are starting to show how competitive these classes are. After a fifth place class finish at the Parker "425 " and first overall at the Terrible's Town "250", Chuck Hovey has the number one overall ranking as well as the points lead in Class 1500 Unlimited open-wheel vehicles with 207 points. He's followed closely by Kory Halopoff with 199 points and Michael James with 187. In Class 1000, with 176 points, Larry Job has the lead over Erick Jacobs and Bryan Folks who are tied at 154 points each. There's a real tight race in Class 1100 between Steve Gresham with 75 points and Tom Shaw with 71. There's only one point separating to two top spots in Class 1200 for the Baja Protrucks . Jason Voss' 141 points holds the lead over Alan Levinson at 140 points. They're followed by Cody Swanty (128 points) and Wade Kelson (124 points). With back-to-back wins at the Parker "425" and Terrible's Town "250", Mark Post is at the top of the Class 1400 Trick Truck standings with 171 points. His closest rival is the "Team Ford" Trick Truck piloted by Steve Olliges with 154 points sitting in the number two spot. Class 1700 JeepSpeed sees Ray Griffith with 174 points in the lead over Jim Hunt with 154. Mike Barnett sits alone at the top of Class 3700 JeepSpeed with his 75 points. Earning 162 points, Rick Waszkiewicz has the top spot in Class 2000 over Gary Stairs' 148 points. In Class 3100, Mike Falkosky (152 points) enjoys a comfortable lead over off-road racing legend Rod Hall (114). With 141 points, John R. Sunderland has the lead in Class 4100 followed by Marc Stein with 110 points. In the Baja Bug classes, Shad Kennedy holds the lead in Class 5000 with 76 points, while Joshua Gilliam's 75 points puts him at the top of Class 5100. Tyler Henn's 150 points gives him the lead in Class7100 with Aaron Dixon coming in second with 143 points. Class 7200 is up for grabs with Jerry Zaiden (159 points) in the lead, Daniel R. Bolton (157 points) in second and Barry Karakas (156 points) a close third. Carl Fitts sits alone at the top of Class 7300 with 152 points. Having captured class victories in both the Parker "425" and Terrible's Town "250", Curt LeDuc sits at the top of Class 8000 Modified Full-Size Pickup in his Ford truck with 157 points. He's followed by Mark Shoaff with 138 points. In the Stock Production Full-Size Trucks of Class 8 100, the KC HiLiTES Ford F-150 of Randy Merritt is tied with Chad Hall's Hummer at 153 points each. They're followed closely by the Donahoe Racing diesel powered Ford F-250 of Kreg Donahoe with 140 points. ORR NEWS - Greaves Raids Bark River; Pockets $13,600 for the Weekend. Three race weekends into the inaugural WSORR Tour 007 and $350,000 in cash has been paid out to World Series racers. The latest payout is $100,000 from the recently completed race weekend at Bark River International Raceway. "What a great weekend for WSORR at Bark River where their experienced promoters and track personnel hit another home run," said Jake Flannery, chief race steward, WSORR, about the 32-year-old off-road track. Racers also continue to reap major league benefits from the World Series $ 1. 7 million posted contingency package for the year. Topping the WSORR season money charts is Lucas Oil-Nissan-BF Goodrich-SoBe PRO 4x4 and PRO 2WD racer Carl Renezeder, (Newport Beach, CA) who earned $11,272.50 this past weekend during Rounds V & VI at Bark Page 6 DAVE V Af< DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (All events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA err Thurston Counry ORV Park, Olympia, WA) DAKARRAu.Y DARREN SKILTON BAJA AvrOMOTIVE ADVENTIJRES 455 E. OCEM< BLVD., SUITE 208 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 Bajaautomoti11e@Yalwo.com DllcAnJR FoUR WHEEL DRlvE CLUB DECATIJR, TX 76234 ToMALLEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1863 COMMAf<DER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 EAsn!RN Ofl'-RoAD RACING~. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 f..NsFNADA BAJA Ofll RoAD RACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX 01 l-52-646-1818989 Eusio 0l l-52-646-1715230 AARoN Races for buggys & Motorcycles &TERO BEACH INTERNATIONAL Sbort Course Racing VICTORIA GALINDO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO Ol l-52-646-176-6230 FORDA PLoRIDA CJn, RoAD DRlvER's ASSOCIATION JASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Apr, May, Nov at Davidson Raceway FuoPUCKER RACING TEAM 1855 PARKWAY DRIVE S. EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/959-579-6151FAX mdrracing@aol.com GORRA GEORGIA OFF RoAD RACING AssocJATION 420 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA GREAT PLANES OFF ROAD RACING AssocJATION TIM HODGE (402) 991-6048 ScoTI MORROW (816) 792-2126 (All races are short course, stadium sryle Classes• Spcrrtsman, 1/2-1600, 5-1600, Spcrrt Truck, Quads, Tough Truck Nebraska Raceway Park, Exit 420 on 1-80 between Omaha and Lincoln.) For latest info check < www.gporra.net> HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING 2000 W. QUINCY AVENUE #8 ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 303-806-8062/303-781-0974 fax INTERNATIONAL ICE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDDOR (612) 937-3816/Fax 474-2769 INTER-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 ]EEPSPEED 1826 N. WINDES Orange, CA 92869 714-538-7434/ fax 714-633-1724 All races for Jeepspeed 1,2 & 3 September 29, 2007 MOR Lucerne 250 Lucerne Valley, CA November 31-December 2, 2007 BITD Terrible 400 Henderson, NV KAMLooPS BRONCO BUSTERS Wbisper.i.og Pmm Sparta & Recreation Center P.O. Box465 September 2007 KAMLOOPS, BC, CANADA VZG5L2 DALE NYEsrE (250) 579-8039 TONY (250) 554-97801. Craig Byers (250) 376-8466 LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS & OFl'ROAD ExP0 (626) 961-3782 <www.prerunners.com> <www.megashow.com> LI.T.R.E. JEFF ELROD (408) 926-0522 JIM ARVfA (408) 247-4402 MAMARRITA OFF ROAD RACING LUIS CARLOS ALVAREZO PM<AMERICANA AVE #5105 Co. JUAREZ, CHIH., MX 011-52-1637-1799 MICHIGAN BUGGY BUIIDERS Dune Bll611Y Trade Sliow (517) 543-7214 <www.buggybuilders.com> MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CiiAMPIONSIDPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 JONES ROAD GRAf<D LEDGE, ML 48837 (517) 627-6200 Motorcycles, Quads, A TVs and Pilots only MAORA Mm-AMERICA OFF RoAD AssocIATION P.O. Box 664 GREENUP, IL 62428 (217) 235-6528 E-MAIL: maora@peako.com <www.maoraracing.com> August 2S, 2007 Short Course Soggy Bottom, Greenup, IL September 8-9, 2007 Short Course & Enduro TBA September 29-30, 2007 Short Course & Enduro TBA MDR PRODUCTIONS 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE Sovrtt EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/FAX626-579-6051 Califomia CbampiolJ6bip Serim September 29, 2007 Lucerne 250 Lucerne Valley "B", CA November 10, 2007 Stoddard 250 Double Points Barstow "B", CA Supentition Cbampioa.sbip Serim October 27, 2007 Superstition 250 December 31, 2007 The Bud Light Dash 200 M.O.R.E. MOJAVE OFF ROAD RACING ENnluSIASTS P.O. Box 1231 BARSTOW, CA 92312 760-253-4453 moreracing@earthlink.net MOREKARTEK Off Road Gold Cup Series September lS, 2007 Lucerne Valley October 13-14, 2007 Powder Puff December 1, 2007 Toys For Tots Holiday 200 Barstow, CA MSBA MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY ASSOCIATION DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. FLINT, ML 48506 (810) 730-9221 MoroWF.ST WINTER TuALs SFJUES BILL MARKHAM (909) 860-1857 <www.ITStrials.com> All events at Perris Raceway (At Reed Valley with a school) NATIONAL MUD RACING ASSN. RT. #l -Box 380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYM< PALATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TuFF TRUCK AssN. Butch Chapin Motonporta Promo-tiom 1404 EAST 3RD STREET HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NOORA NoRTIIERN Omo OFF RoAD RAcING AssN. GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAIL Kaylaaron@aol.com <www.Nooraoffroadracing.com> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Spring Valley Raceway, on route 518, 20 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) (Thunder Valley located 15 minutes from Spring Valley) OFF RoAD ExPO 2007 (626) 599-8622 OFF RoAD RACING AssOCIATION Volunteered Series PRESIDENT· GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP. - 1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP. - 9 & UNLID. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OvrLAwREP. DON PONDER (314) 631-8190 (AU Races at Wheeling in rhe County 900 Acres) 01110 OFF RoADERS INc. 1427 GOSHEN HILLS ROAD S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 JIM KENDEL (216) 339-4674 All races held at Harrison County Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS AssOCIATION RICK T1CHBOURNE, PUBLIC RELATIONS (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) 0U'I1.A.W SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAf< ST. LOUIS, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/Fax: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. OH Road CbampiolJ6bip 495 N. COMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <www.usoff-road.com> PJ!NNSYLV ANIA SHORT CoURSE RACING SMITHTON HOLE RACEWAY 313 SKYLINE DRIVE SMITHTON, PA. 15479 MIKE GEISER 330-683-6263 www.smithtonhole.com Short Course Offroad Racing September 29-30, 2007 Season Championship & Buggy Shootout All Races At Smithton Hole Raceway PIKEs PEAK P.O. Box 6962 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS ()pp ROAD RACING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 875-7591 PRo 1600 SHOOTOUT COREY GOIN 559-647-6132 GOINRAClN@HOTMAIL.COM PitoTRucK 14402 8oND COUITT EL CAJON, CA 92021 619-390-6252 Puiu! ENERGY PltOMOTIONS P.O. Box 50 RICKETTS, 1A 51460 (712) 679-2221 RALLY AMERICA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES August 24-25, 2007 Ojibwe Forests Rally Bemidji, Minnesota September 22-23, 2007 Colorado Rally Steamboat Springs, Colorado October 26-27, 2007 Lake Superior Rally Houghton, Michigan November 9-10, 2007 TBD Rally Location, TBD RALLYCROSS NATIONAL SERIES EVENTS Dusty Times
Butera St11'81 Cl:uunpiombip October 6-7, 2007 Homestead Motor Speedway, Florida Bos R!CKER Frscc@bellsouth.net October 13, 2007 Detroit Fowlerville Fairgrounds, Michigan ROBERT M. MA!mN 8072 BALDWIN ROAD GOODRICH, Ml 48438-9014 Central St11'81 Cb.amp;ombip October 6-7, 2007 Utah (Tentative) KARL SEALANDER 485 S HAzEL DRIVE SALEM, UT 84653 Weirtern St11'81 Cl:uunpiombip September 22-23, 2007 Jean Ory Lake, Las Vegas, NV MICHAEL MAl.sED mmalsed@gmail.com RallyCross National Championship October 26-28, 2007 Motorsports Park Hastings, NE lloCK CRAWLERS AssoclATION OF AMERICA P.O. Box 1406 RIVERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/Fax: (801) 253-3176 SAN Du!Go SHORT COURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New Series lry Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro Trucks, Desert Trucks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Truck <www.snowbirdracing.com> (858) 571-5088 SAN Dn!Go OFF RoAD ExPomloN (888) 836 7918 SCCA RoADRALLY P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-2055 <www.scca.org> SFX MOTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE, SUITE 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 Fax SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFrSMAN Ro., SuITE A CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 <www.score-international.com> September 7-9, 2007 SCORE Las Vegas Primm 300 Primm, NY November 12-17, 2007 SCORE Baja 1000 Baja California, MX SNORE SourHERN NEVADA OFF RoAD ENnruSIASTS P.O. Box 270516 LAS VEGAS, NV 89127 702-452-4522 www.Snoreracing.net September 28-30, 2007 South Point SNORE 250 Las Vegas, NY November 9-11, 2007 Kartek Western Desert Challenge Nelson Hills, NY SoNS ()p TlluNDER .fWHEDDS RACE DIVISION K EITH SnwAJIT (714) 522-1899 Sounu!AsTERN OFF RoAD CliAu.ENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 Mike Moore• (224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS ExPO MEGA PRooucnoNs 3129 s. HACIEN[IA. BLVD. #322 HACIENDA HEIGHTS, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SCTA SoUIHERN CALIFORNIA TlMING AssoclATION &. BoNNEVILLE NATIONALS, INc. P.O. Box 10 OROSI, CA 93647 (559) 528-6279 (559) 528-9749 FAX <www.SCTA-BNl.org> SourHERN SHORT CoURSE OFF RoAD RACING AssN. 4305 WOOTLARK DRIVE Dusty Times TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (All Races at Eascba, Racewa,, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box 706 ToYSFoR TOTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADILLA V AI.LEY SPORTS CENTER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <www.unadillamx.com> VORRA V AI.LEY OFF ROAD RACING AssoclATION (775) 224-1327 www.vorra.com Septemberl-3,2007 Yerington 300 Yerington, NV October 6-7, 2007 Prairie City, CA October 27-28, 2007 Halloween Party Prairie City, CA November 17, 2007 Awards Banquet To Be Announced VICENTE GUERRERO OFFRoADCuJB PROFO. CENOVIO GAMBOA 011-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 p.m.) WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING AssoclATION LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WESTERN Pl!NNSYLV ANIA WHEEL T o WHEEL OFF RoAD RACING PATRICK McGUIRE P.O. Box 376 ADAMSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2325 E. KINGS AVENUE PHOENIX, AZ 85022 (602) 971-3730 <www.whiplashracing.com> Septemberl-2,2007 The Race Heber, AZ October 6-7, 2007 TBA November 3-4, 2007 TBA WISCONSIN MOTORSPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FEsTiv AL TERRY OR BEV FRI[IA.Y 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 0sHKOSH, WL5490] (414) 688-5509 WoRLD SERIES OF OFF RoAD RACING P.O. Box99 CRANDON, WISCONSIN 54520 303-880-7221 AUIQlt 31-September 2, 2007 Rounds XV & XVI Borg Warner World Championship Off Road Races Crandon, W1 November 8, 2007 WSOOR Annual Ba.nquet Location To Be Announced FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU Cm, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 ZR. PROMOTIONS RENE MONTANO P.O. Box 2122 CALEXICO, CA 92231 September 2, 2007 ZR Poker Run October 14, 2007 ZR Gran Prix #5 November 25, 2007 ZR Gran Prix De Campiones #6 ATTb.NTION Race & Rally Organizers List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your 2007 schedules as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-5003 September 2007 Tfllll Nates ••• River International Raceway. In just two WSORR event weekends, including a major Chairman's Cup Challenge race win, Renezeder has earned at least $41,272.50. Amsoil Kumho Tire racer Michael Oberg, picked up $1,540 in a pair of PRO 2WD races at Bark River. Oberg, (Eagle River, WI) has earned more than $36,500 from WSORR this young racing season and more with personal and sponsor contingency. The WSORR Tour 2007 season is not quite at the halfway point and already there are several racers in five figures including Potawatomi Toyo Super Truck racer Ben Wandahsega, ($16,502.50); Chevy Goodyear Stock Truck driver Scott Beauchamp ($10,038); Skyjacker BFG Ford PRO 2WD truck racer Scott Taylor, ($13,360); Simply Wow Chevy Toyo Tires PRO 2WD truck driver and points leader Kevin Probst, ($12,190); Monster Potawatomi BFG PRO 4x4 truck racer John Greaves ($23,230); Goodyear Chevy PRO 4x4 truck driver Kent Brascho ($13,127); as well as Boss Snowplows Nissan Lucas Oil Kumho Tires PRO Light Pickup points leader Chad Hord ($11,980). Attending just two WSORR event weekends, Greaves (Abrams, Wl) has earned well over $23,000 with contingency from Toyota, BF Goodrich, other sources and personal contingency. Davis thanked the Forest County Potawatomi for helping to make the bulging WSORR racer purses a reality in 2007. "The Forest County Potawatomi stepped in as presenting sponsor and teamed with our title sponsor Lucas Oil Products to make this all happen and bring off-road racer payback into the 21" century," he said. VSIMPSON - For over four decades, Simpson Performance Products as been the driving force behind the development of enhanced safety nnovation for professional and recreational motor sports. Regarded as the leader in pioneering race safety products, Simpson has provided racers worldwide with the ability to seek out epic journeys on race courses internationally. In 1987, PCI entered into the motor sports industry and immediately emerged as a leader providing unparalleled support, service and clear communications. Providing trackside support for over 20 years, while developing racer friendly products, PC! is widely recognized as the leader in off road racing motor sports. PC! and Simpson Performance Products have joined together creating a partnership that will provide every level of racer unmatched support from two leading-edge corporations. With design and development technology supplied by PC!, Simpson Performance Products introduces their Sidewinder Voyager race helmet, designed to fit with the PC! RaceAir hose fittings, allowing a firm grip for racers clean air supply. Simpson has developed a line of fitted helmets from size 6 7/8" all the way up to 8. Stocking 10 sizes of unwired helmets, as well as 10 sizes of PCI wired helmets occupies an incredible amount of inventory space. Although, having the ability to offer our customers a helmet that really fits is well worth adding to our already large inventory. We're very excited to carry and support a helmet of this caliber at PC! Race Radios. For more information contact PCI at 800-869-5636 or www.pciraceradios.com AL FLAG -We just heard that Nye Frank passed away. We don't have the details but we heard that he had an altercation with a neighbor, ry physical, and when the fight was broken up and he returned to his home, he collapsed inside the house. Our sympathies go out to Nye's wife and hi family. He will be sorely missed by all who knew him. Go with God. Sf ORE POINTS RACE -The Top 20 Overall Cars and Trucks in the oints race are: 1. B.J. Richardson, Las Vegas, Bunderson-Chevy (CLASS ), 284 2. B.J. Baldwin, Las Vegas, Chevy Silverado (SCORE Trophy-Truck), 281 3. Mark Post, San Juan Capistrano, Calif./Rob MacCachren, Las Vegas, Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy-Truck), 278 4. Larry Ragland, Cave Creek, Ariz./Brian Collins, Las Vegas, Chevy Silverado (SCORE Trophy-Truck), 264 5. L.J. Kennedy, Orange, Calif./Sammy Ehrenberg, Las Vegas, ChenoSPF-VW (CLASS 1-2/ 1600), 262 6. Bill Gasper, Chino Hills, Calif., Porter-Chevy (CLASS 1), 259 6. Dave Caspino, Woodland Hills, Calif., Lothringer-VW (CLASS 1-2/1600), 259 6. Steven Eugenio, El Centro, Calif., Lothringer-VW (CLASS 1-2/1600), 259 9. Alan Pflueger, Honolulu, Chevy Silverado (SCORE Trophy-Truck), 258 10. Cameron Steele, San Clemente, Calif., Desert Assassin-VW (SCORE Lite), 257 11. Garron Cadiente, Mesa, Ariz., Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy-Truck), 251 12. Max Thieriot, Petaluma, Calif., RPS-Chevy (CLASS 1), 240 12. Josh Baldwin, Newport Beach, Calif., Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy-Truck), 240 14. Scott Wisdom , Lake Forest, Calif., Mirage-VW (SCORE Lite), 239 15. Daniel M cMillin, El Cajon, Calif., Jimco• VW (CLASS 1-2/ 1600), 237 16. Ronny W ilson, Long Beach, Calif., Jimco-Chevy (CLASS 1), 236 16. Lobsam Y ee, Tijuana, Mexico, Jimco-Honda (CLASS 10), 236 18. Stan Potter , San Marcos, Calif./Dan Worley, Encinitas, Calif. (SCORE Lite), 233 19. Eric Chase, San Diego/Stuart Chase, Burbank, Calif., Penhall-Chevy (C LASS 1), 231 20. Randy Wilson, Lakewood, Calif., Jimco-Chevy (CLASS 1), 230 20. Tim Noe, San Diego/ Tom Watson, El Centro, Calif., Jimco-VW (SCORE Lite), 230. IDER DOWN -TSCO "Vegas to Reno" Pre-Fun Run Injury Update rom Casey Folks: As many of you may know, Christopher Blais, our pen Pro rider N 16, was injured early Sunday morning during the pre-fun run. He's not sure what he hit but it was a single person accident at mile marker 255, just coming out of the Miller's Pit. David Pearson was riding with him and there were people on site with Chris. Donald Jackson, our Race Steward, was on site managing the accident and an EMT team was dispatched out ofTonopah and a medical helicopter came out of Reno to transport Chris. Chris fractured his 7'h vertebrae; he had surgery Sunday night and we are all waiting to see how Chris heals. He is with his wife Patty. Patty and C hris would like to extend their thanks to everyone that was on the scene to help, everyone that has called to help and they are overwhelmed with all of the concern, and your thoughts and prayers. Best In The Desert is setting up a fund to help Chris out, we will have details on our site soon, it just takes some time to set up, but any help you can extend to Chris and Patty would be greatly appreciated. Also, all of us at Best In The Desert would like to thank everyone that stopped to help. Johnny Campbell and Steve Hengeveld helped, we understand the BJ Baldwin team stopped, we have their medical bag, and a big thank you to Steve Olliges for calling his doctor friends and getting things to happen in Reno and I know there are many more of you that helped. That is what makes off-road racing so great, it's you, all of our racers, because we are a family and there isn't anyone involved with Best In The Desert that wouldn't help anyone of us. Unfortunately this time it was Chris. Again, just keep praying for Chris to make a full recovery and we will keep you updated as we know more information. Chris is in the Renown Hospital on Mill Street in Reno. Further information available from: www.bitd.com email: bitd@lasvegas.net (702) 457-577 5. Page 7
I.As VEGAS TERRl■LE's CuP Ill Not And Heavy Racing BY ]UDY SMITH It was a great weekend for Mark Post and Rob MacCachren, they took home all the marbles in the Trophy Truck contest in their Ford F-150. Las Vegas, NV: As the last of the fireworks fizzled out, SCORE officials huddled to determine that the winner of their third Las Vegas short course Tro-phy Truck main was the team of Mark Post and Rob MacCachren in their Ford. B.J. Baldwin had actually crossed the finish line first, but a yellow flag he didn't see dropped him back to second place once the offi-cials had had their say. While it was a dispiriting way to end what had been a night of great racing and terrific competition, it was the right thing to do. MacCachren was driving the final heat in Post's truck and he and Baldwin had a terrific race for the full six lap heat. On the fi-nal lap, as they neared a very narrow right turn onto a ramp that went up then down over the circle track's fencing, another truck stalled. The flagmen imme-diately went to work, and so did the spotter that MacCachren was listening to on his radio. MacCachren was in front, having just got there on the previous lap, and he braked for the flags. Baldwin, right behind him, didn't see the flagmen and he apparently had no spotter. At any rate, unaware of MacCachren's reason for braking, Baldwin passed him. It was hard for both teams, but good sportsmanship and good manners prevailed, and the win went to Post and MacCachren while Baldwin was declared second. This year for the first time the event was on SCORE's calendar as a points event. This meant that for those classe that were on the list, it would be a disadvantage to stay home. Those who are chas-ing points came. And in general they enjoyed the Page 8 racing and had a good time. SCORE had declared that Trophy Trucks, Class 1, Class 10, SCORE Lites, 1/ 2-1600 and Class 7 would earn points for racing at the Speedway. They had 22 Trophy Trucks, 18 Class ls, 8 Class 10s, 14 SCORE Lites, 22 1600s and 13 Class 7 trucks. They split the Trophy Trucks into heats; creating two heats and a "semi" or "main" each day. Classes 10 and SCORE Lite raced to-gether, the SCORE Lites starting 30 seconds after the 10s. All classes except the Trophy Trucks raced two heats on Friday, and one heat and a main event on Saturday. Effectively, as in the two previous years, the first day's racing was merely practice for the sec-ond day, and the heats just determined the start order for the next race. The only race that counted for points was the main event for each class on Saturday night. Times didn't get "added up" the way they do at the Laughlin event. The weather was typical of Las Vegas in July, with temperatures at about 110, and some mugginess thanks to the onset of the annual "monsoon" weather that drags moisture up from Mexico by way of Arizona. This year, the third time for this event, many of the race teams were ultra-prepared for the heat. The pits be-came a long line of closed tents with huge air condi-tioners plugged into giant generators to keep the teams cool while they made between-race repairs or ad-justments. Next to the tents many teams had set up swimming pools. Some were big enough for a whole team to enjoy at once, some were glorified wading pools, but all allowed a weary and hot team member to settle in and cool off. While it's kind of surprising to walk past a pit and see six adults males, beer bottles in hand, sitting in an inflatable pool, it's hard to beat the logic. For the most part the rac-ing was close and exciting, and the best show wasn't al-ways from the Trophy Trucks. An appreciative au-dience hollered and cheered as hard for the 1600s, who put on a terrific show every ti me. All the events were five laps except for the Trophy Trucks and Class 1, who got to run six lap races. All weekend long the Trophy Trucks were touted as the "premiere class" of SCORE racing, which apparently meant that those drivers got more interviews and the an-nouncers took the time to get their names right. The schedule for the weekend included a sort of haphazard contingency and tech inspection on Friday, interspersed with brief on-track practice for the rac-ers. During tech a good number of them were told by tape-measure wielding inspectors that their tires were "too short". It seems that although a tire may be marked 30 inches or 33 inches, they may not actu-ally measure that amount. The tire industry permits a variance of a couple of inches, thus a 33 inch tire could measure 32 inches, or 34 inches. Representa-tives from BFGoodrich ex-plained this to the tech people, and also told them about the accepted way to measure tires which was to remove them from the car, then measure all the way around the midsection of the tire/wheel, and divide the number by 3.4. Obvi-ously, the idea of trying to check tire size in this way September 2007 Robert Ross drove his Potter Chevy to the Class 1 win at Vegas, beating some very heavy talent along the way, seen here at speed. in 110 degree weather didn't appeal to anyone. Ultimately, the tech crew decided to check the tire size at the finish line on Saturday. But in the mean-time, some teams had gone hustling off to various tire stores, looking for taller tires. The course was almost the same as in the previous two years, except that they added an infield turn, which meant the cars had to make a left and then a sharp right, immediately af-ter landing off the finish line jump. Besides that, there was the long back stretch, where each event started, a left into a short straight, then a sweeper left, some moguls, and then a right into the second longest straight, which ended in some uneven mo-guls and a very sharp and narrow right hander, threading through K-Rail, onto dirt ramp built up and over the fencing around the facility's dirt track. Then a short straight, with bumps, into the infield sweeper, which had a soft berm around the outside, onto a short straight and the fin-ish line jump. Then the cars landed just why of the new left turn, into a right hand hairpin, then a gentle left out onto the old track, and a jump on to the pave-ment and past the pits, to a left hander onto the long backstretch. New for this year was a big TV screen in the infield which allowed the audience a close up look at seven different ar-eas of the course not so eas-ily seen from the bleachers. During practice, a fine dust wafted over the con-tingency area, and appar-ently attracted the atten-tion of the air quality con-trol folks from the area. They threatened either closing the event down, or assessing a hefty fine if something wasn't done to stop the dust. The water trucks went to work with a vengeance, and the result was so slippery that the rac-ers could hardly maneuver around the track. Some who practiced after that heavy application of water were really concerned that the races would be a disas-ter the next day. The racing started on Friday with a heat for half the Trophy Trucks and Andy McMillin got the hole shot in his Chevrolet. The new turn was wet and slimy and the drivers all had trouble keeping their ve-hicles going forward through it. Bobby Baldwin somehow got his Chevy high-centered in the sweeper before the finish line jump, and course work-ers were a long time getting to him. As he came to the sharp right-hander through the K-Rail, McMillin took a bad bump and ended his week-end hung up on the K-Rail. Travis Coyne went into the lead in his Ford. Garron Cadiente was second now, but a distance back and Josh Baldwin ran third in another Ford. Bobby Baldwin was pulled clear by a tow truck and had t ime to get four laps done. Cameron Steele left the track, and now Coyne had such a big lead he was vir-tually all by himself. Then it was Cadiente and Baldwin, Larry Ragland Steven Eugenio literally flew to a great Class 1600 victory, he's seen here headin' for that checkered flag in his Lothringer. Dusty Times
BJ Baldwin takes a hard landing as he drives his Chevy Silverado Dan Myers, seen here in level flight, flew his Class 1 Porter Chevy It was a good night for L.J. Kennedy, he flew his Chenowth to a Trophy Truck to a second place finish at the Terrible's Cup. to a silver medal finish at the SCORE Vegas event. second place finish in Class ½-1600, seen here just at takeoff. and Jesse Jones. On the last Whelchel stalled in the in-Jr. ran third in a Porter and second and Eugenio third. stalled in the Fish-hook lap, as Coyne took his bound straight and lost two L.J. Kennedy and Sammy On the second lap Kennedy turn on the second lap. checkered flag, Jesse James positions. Sohren led for a Ehrenberg were fourth in a went over, but lost only one On the third lap Jason tore up his Chevy's left bit, but then Alan Pflueger Chenowth. Cars slid side-position, because Freeman McNeil, Ford, had moved front corner on the same K-put his Chevy into the lead, ways and backwards also turned over near Turn to the front, with Barry Rail that finished with Arciero still hanging through the new infield 4. Now Eugenio went into Karakas, Toyota, in second McMillin. Cadiente was on to second, and turn, which had been nick-the lead, with Kennedy sec-and Chamlee third, Ross second, Ragland moved up Whelchel back in third. named the "Fish-hook" by ond and Kevin Graves, dropped to fourth. They to third and Josh Baldwin Then they strung out, fol-the announcers. Someone Jimco, in third place. Adam stayed that way to the fin-was fourth. lowing neatly in order for ran into Daniel McMillin Pfankuch, in Adam ish. The second Trophy Truck the final couple of laps, in his Jimco and flattened Ashcraft's car, was moving The second Friday Class heat on Friday night was with Pflueger, Arciero, his right rear tire, so he had up. 7 heat started about 9:30, led off the start by Ryan Whelchel and Sohren fin-to stop for a new one, Eugenio led for the bal-in full dark, and some of Arciero in Bob Shepard's ishing in order. which cost him two laps. a nee of the race, with them had their lights on. Chevy. Pete Sohren chased Friday night's second Leo Navarette also lost a Kennedy second, and Broe Ross went into the him in his Ford and Jerry race was the first 1600 heat, lap somehow. Perhaps he Graves finishing third early lead again, with Whelchel, in Chet and the course had been was the one upside down Class 7 ran third on Fri-Karakas running second. Huffman's Chevy, was watered heavily, turning after the second turn. day night, with 13 trucks. Robert Anderson devel-third. Whelchel went into parts of it into a swamp. Eugenio took the win, with Broe Ross went into the oped a rear flat. Now it was the lead as he rounded After the cars had gone Bryan Freeman second, and lead, with Dan Chamlee, dusty, and the dust was Turn 1 on the second lap. through the first puddle Curt Geer, in a Lothringer, Ford, chasing hard. The hanging, because the wind Sohren chased, with they were covered with mud was third. track was still pretty wet, had uncharacteristically, Arciero, who w a s racing and it was almos t impos-The second Friday night and one of the trucks spun stopped. On the fourth lap short course for the first sible to identify them. 1600 heat had 21 starters, before the Fish-hook. McNeil moved to the front time, third. Darnen Steven Eugenio had his and this time the course Chamlee got off course and again, and stayed there 'ti! Jefferies got sideways going Lothringer in the lea d . was dryer for them. L.J. lost two places, and an-the end. Karakas w a s sec-up the finis h line ramp, Bryan Freeman was second Kennedy went into the other truck lost its hood in ond, and R o s s finis h e d and o n the second lap in his Fraley, Luis R a m ire z, lead, with Bryan Freeman Turn 4, while still a n othe r Continuednextpage Dusty Times 1,200 Rooms 4,500 Seat Equestrian & Event Center 50,000 Sq. Ft. Of Meeting Space 80,000 Sq. Ft. Exhibit Hall 6 Restaurants Spa & Fitness Center Headliner Showroom (May '07) 64-Lane Bowling Center 16 Movie Theaters 52 Table Games Over 2,300 Slot Machines Poker Room 800-Seat Bingo Room Race & Sports Book Child Care Center Kids Arcade 1-866-791-76!16 • LAS VEGAS BLVD AT SILVERADO RANCH RD • SOUTHPOINTCASINO.COM September 2007 Page 9
Shannon Dierkop was able to drive the good looking Ford Ranger to Darren Hardesty drove to a decent second place finish in Class 10, Jason Batu/is (1207) races towards the elusive checkered flag, he a second place finish in the Class 7 contest. he's seen here in flight in his Alumicraft-VW. finished second in SCORE Lite in his Prep-By-Jake. third. car was still on its side a lap right from the beginning, third. then moved up to third in In the first Friday night later. while a couple of others got In Friday's first Class 1 his Porter-Chevy. Ross is combined Class 10 and Wik continued to lead stuck in the Fish-hook turn, heat there were 18 cars. Ramirez's uncle, and also Score Lite event they had a and Hardesty continued to which was fairly narrow, Most of them had not raced lives in Caho. Midway total of 20 cars on the hold second, although he and if one got sideways, it at this event before, but Pat through the race the cars track, seven of them Class was running on three cylin-often jammed up for a bit. Dean was a previous winner were all so muddy it was im-l0s and the rest SCORE ders because of the mud. At Hardesty's front end had here. Off the start line the possible for the spectators Lites. Adam Wik put his the finish it was Wik and collapsed, as the trailing lead belonged to Lu is to tell them apart. Ramirez, Jimco Honda into the lead Hardesty, with Sean arm bent, because, he later Ramirez, Jr., in a Porter-however, out in front, in Class 10, with Darren Kennedy third in his said, of all the hard driv-Chevy. Ramirez, who lives stayed pretty clean and he Hardesty in an AlumiCraft-Honda Jimco. On the ing. Wik took the win, in Caho San Lucas, was rac-was easy to track as he ran VW in hot pursuit. Will fourth lap Chad Cummings Hardesty was second and ing here for the first time, steadily, and error-free, six Higman, in a Kreger Honda had passed Steele, who, Higman dropped to sixth and he was racing his 1600 laps around the track to spun on the still wet track based on previous years' when a tire pulled off the car also. He brought a big take the win. Roeseler was and lost two or three performance, was the heavy rim and lost air, as Yee team with him: his wife, sis-second and Ross third. Josh places. Someone rolled favorite in this class, and moved up to fourth. By now ter, uncle, father and Baldwin, in his new Jimco over at the end of the Steele wasn't able to get the track was so d_ry that a brother-in-law. He said he Chevy, was fourth. Ramirez sweeper, and another spun him back. Wik and cloud of dust hovered over was "a little intimidated by and Ross, it turns out, have in the Fish-hook, but Wik Hardesty were one/two in it and it was hard to see the these guys -kind of ner-been racing for quite a held onto his lead through Class 10 and it was cars from up in the stands. vous." He didn't look ner-while in the Caho area, in-the second lap, and Cummings and Steele in The wind wasn't cooperat-vous. He had a firm grip on eluding short course Cameron Steele had his SCORE Lite. ing. the lead, and built a long events. Ramirez was born Desert Assassin in the lead The second Friday Class Steele led all the way in space between himself and into an off road family, and in SCORE Lite. It was so IO/SCORE Lite heat was the SCORE Lite race, fight-Larry Roeseler in Troy calls his team Jefferies Rae-wet that mud was getting on better for the racers be-ing off a determined Herbst's Ford powered ing, after his grandfather, the wires of some cars, and cause it had dried out quite Cummings who ultimately Truggy. Pat Dean was third, Jim Jefferies. Jefferies they were not running well a bit. Hardesty and Wik finished second. Tom but fell back, and out, af-raced in Baja 'way back in as a result. The overturned were battling for the lead Watson, in a new car, was ter three laps. Robert Ross the NORRA days. Bilstein Gas Pressure Shock Absorl,ers 1hyuenlrupp ...... of America Sales: 1-80().377•7521 • Tech: 1-80()-.537· 1085 • getbilstein.com Page 10 September 2007 Dusty Times
Larry Ragland drove the Collins Chevy Trophy Truck to a third place A third place finish in Class 1 went to Luis Rameriz Jr., seen here Adam Ashcraft, driving a car with the same name drove to a third finish, seen here in flight. piloting his Porter Chevy towards the flag. place finish in the Class ½-1600 event, seen here at takeoff. Friday's second Class 1 pursuit. When they got to each for the Class 7s, Sohren. It's a little hard to had moved back up to heat had a starting line up the Fish-hook for the first 1600s, 10s, SCORE Lites understand why Pflueger third. Herbst took the win, of 17 cars, and Ramirez got time there was some bang-and Class ls, and then a and Whelchel rolled, be-and said that they'd made the hole shot once again, ing and shoving, and it main-event for each. The cause for the most part, some suspension changes with his uncle, Ross, be-looked a bit like CORR rac-Trophy Trucks would have this heat had the look of a overnight, so the truck hind him, and Dan Myers' ing for a while. On the sec-two heats, each with only parade, with everyone sav-handled better for him than car, Casey Currie at the ond lap, as Pflueger contin-half the entry, then a main ing their trucks for the it had for Ed, who drove on wheel, in third. B.J. ued to lead, Arciero moved event with all entries would main event that was still to Friday. In second it was Richardson spun in the up to second, Coyne was top off the evening. come. Jones, then B.J. Baldwin, Fish-hook turn, and Dean third, and Rob MacCachren This time they didn't For the second Saturday and Josh Baldwin. spun at the finish line in-was fourth in Mark Post's over the water course to Trophy Truck heat they wa-The first Sunday 1600 cline, nearly rolling over in Ford. Post, who'd never start the evening off. Once tered the course, but they race started at 7:25, in fad-the process. Larry Roeseler done any short course rac-again the Trophy Trucks didn't make it slimy. The ing daylight. By the time developed a right front flat ing, had driven the earlier started the evening off, in trucks got the green flag at they'd sorted themselves and Andrew Buck pulled heat with the intent to keep full daylight, with a ten 8:30, so now it was dark. out Eugenio was in the lead off course. By the fourth the truck in good shape so truck group. Pflueger Coyne and B.J. Baldwin again, with Luis Ramirez lap ross had got by his Rob could do some hard started things off in front, bumped one another when (the same one who raced in nephew and gone into the racing in the later race and Cadiente was second, they landed off the infield Class 1) in second place lead, with Myers' car in sec-Whelchel was gone, having but then Pflueger rolled jump, and then got stuck and Bryan Freeman third. ond and Ramirez third. hit the K-rail and "killed over in Turn 4 and left together, and Jesse Jones They ran around in order Roeseler was still running the front end" of his truck. Cadiente in the lead. took over the lead. Jesse for four laps, and then on the flat. Ross took the A traffic jam developed as Ragland was second and James was back for this Freeman lost a position win, the Myers car was sec-they exited the Fish-hook Steele ran third. heat, his front end repaired somehow. At the finish it ond, and Ramirez was this time, with some bang-They couldn't get overnight. was Eugenio, Ramirez, third, with Billy Gasper ing and pushing. Pflueger out of the way, so On the second lap it was whose car was smoking a fourth in his Porter Ford. By Lap 3 it was Pflueger, his truck sat upside down Jones, Tim Herbst, Josh bit, L.J. Kennedy and Free-Thirteen of them managed Coyne, Arciero, for the balance of the heat. Baldwin, James and man. to get all six l'aps done, but MacCachren and B.J. Cadiente, Ragland and Arciero. And Coyne had Their next event was Roeseler finished the heat Baldwin. MacCachren and Steele ran in order, with gone missing. By the third their Main, and 19 cars a lap down thanks to that Post are locked in a tight Whelchel fourth, until Lap lap Herbst had the lead, made it to the start line, flat. points battle with Baldwin, 4, when he rolled off the with Jones, Josh Baldwin, ·Ramirez wasn't one of The fireworks show, very for the SCORE series cham-course past the first turn. B.J. Baldwin, and James. them, nor was Arturo popular with the audience, pionship, so all this was Cadiente went on to take They pretty much ran in Velazco. Off the line it was was next, and worked like a very important to the.m. By the win, followed in by order from then on, but by L.J. Kennedy, then Eugenio seventh-inning stretch. But the fourth lap the first Ragland, then Steele and the sixth lap B.J. Baldwin Continued next page the break didn't last long, three were the same, but because Sal Fish, SCORE's Baldwin had passed CEO, was anxious to keep MacCachren. Again, there things moving. The racing was a brief problem in the runs on a tight schedule at Fish-hook. Arciero was out the Speedway, and must be with a blown transmission. all over and quiet by acer-On the fifth lap as tain time each night. There Pflueger continued to hold are dire consequences if it his lead, with Coyne chas-runs overtime, so if time is ing at about the same dis-lost on the course due to a tance, and Baldwin up to stuck vehicle, or bungled third, body panels flap-start, it's a major issue. ping, MacCachren had a Each night's program called right rear flat and it was for 11 races, and SCORE shredded. Pflueger got the and their track people win, with Coyne right on worked wonders keeping it him, Baldwin third, Josh as close to on time as they Baldwin fourth, Ragland did. fifth and MacCachren, who Friday's final event was had no idea what had flat-for the Trophy Trucks, and tened the tire, in sixth. it was labeled the "semi-Ryan Arciero was one of main", even though there the busiest folks at the would be two more heats on track this weekend, because Saturday night. They had a he had a commitment to 21 truck line-up, but race one of Volkswagen's McMillin, James, Steele, Touaregs at Pike's Peak, in Sohren, Tim Herbst, Wyllie Colorado. Somehow he and Tim Gendreau were all squeezed in a rup up Pike's non-starters. In fact, Peak 12.2 miles and 136 McMillin was done for the turns, setting a new record weekend, his front end bro-for the High Performance ken in about seven places. Showroom Stock class. His team had decided that It was a long night for it would be unsafe to patch some teams who had lots of itupandsenditouttorace repairs and changes to again. The rest were under make. On Saturday the repair for various reasons. schedule called for several So there were only 14 start-periods of practice, then ers, but that looks like a lot once again, the "autograph when it's Trophy Trucks. session" from 5: 15 p.m. un-Pflueger jumped into the ti! about 6: 15, and racing lead with Coyne chasing to begin at 7 p.m. This him and Cadiente in hot night there'd be one heat Dusty Times TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING, INC. WauldUkeTD cang111t1,1ate Tam Kach Mike Chlldress tst Place Protruck Plk .. s Peak Davey Girdner 11mmyc,a1g tst Place t/2-tllOO stave Eugenia Dan 111111en1a tst Place t/2-tllOO ht Race TRANS.AXLE ENGINEERING JEFF nELD 9763VARIELAVENUE CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818 8-2739 September 2007 Page 11
It was a good weekend for Barry Karakas Sr., he drove his Toyota Tacoma to the Class 7 win, seen here ready for touchdown. Adam Wik drove his Jimco Honda to a very nice win in the Class 10 competition at the Terrible's Cup, seen here in flight. arid Adam Pfankuch. The first time through the Fish-hook turn three or four cars tangled in a jam. On the as seat shown second lap, with Kennedy still in front and Eugenio chasing, Kevin Graves got bumped out of the Fish-hook and lost a position. Lap 3 looked the same, with Kennedy leading, Eugenio chasing, and Pfankuch third. Curt Geer rolled over in the infield sweeper turn. Eugenio was pushing Top Competitors in every Major Off Road Event Choose Mastercran Seats and Restraints , Including: Scott Douglas Evan Evans Mike Julson Curt and Kyle Le Due Rob Maccachren John Marking Carl Renezeder Matt Scaroni Dan Smith and Dave Ashley Scott Steinberger Shannon Campbell Aaron Dusenbery Walker Evans Johnny G. Mitch Guthrie Joachim Schweisow Tracy Jordan Jason Paule 1 800 565 4042 w. w.mastercraltseats.com Page 12 September 2007 Kennedy hard, but it was by no means certain that he'd catch him. Then, Pfankuch, Freeman and Kevin Walsh ran behind them, ready to move up if a gap appeared. When they came around on the last lap Eugenio was in front, with Kennedy and Pfankuch right behind him. It was a tight finish, and Freeman and Walsh weren't far behind in fourth and fifth. Eugenio said he'd had to "kick it up a bit the last couple of laps" to get the all important win. Eugenio won $3,000, Kennedy took home $1,000 and Pfankuch and Freeman were each awarded $500. All 19 cars that started fin-ished all five laps. Saturday's first Class 7 race started at _7:40, and Br5)C Ross got the hole shot one more time, and devel-oped a big lead. But McNeil and Chamlee were follow-ing. McNeil was running hard this heat, and caught Ross near the end of the long inside straight. Now it was McNeil, Ross, and Chamlee, with Chris Taylor in fourth. But he lasted only one more lap. Patty Hayos rolled over near the end of the back straight on the third lap, and got no more laps in. McNeil stayed in front, Ross was second, and Chamlee third, and they ran that way to the finish, lapping several drivers who'd just not run at the same pace. For their main event, Ross once again started in front, with Chamlee second and McNeil running third. On the second lap Karakas got by three trucks to move into second place. McNeil, meanwhile, tipped over onto his side and some-thing caught fire. Both the driver and passenger were quickly out of the car, and McNeil was done for the evening. Ross stayed in front all the way this time, and took the checkered flag first, fol-lowed across the finish line by Karakas. Ross immedi-ately left the field, knowing he'd been DQ'd, before the race, for a front end that was too wide. Karakas was the legal winner, and won $3,000 for his weekend of fun. It was the third year he'd won at the Las Vegas event. Not surprisingly, he said "I love it!" In second it was Shannon Dierkop, in a Ford. He said this was his first time short course rac-ing, and "I was kinda slow learning." He learned enough to win $1,000 for his efforts. In third it was Robert Anderson, another Ford, who said he'd had an "awesome race." His payday was $500, as was that of fourth place, Doug Chadwick, Toyota. When the first Class 10 and SCORE Lite event started on Saturday it was almost 8:00 p.m·. Once again, Wik got the lead, with Hardesty chasing him. The course wasn't wet; in-Dusty Times
stead there were clouds of dust, which suited the rac-ers just fine. One car rolled over in the infield, landed on his wheels, but didn't go anywhere after that thanks to two right side flats. Wik and Hardesty were still du-eling, and continued right to the end. They flew the finish line jump together, to take first and second. Steele and Cummings were one and two in the SCORE Lite class, and all but two of them managed to finish all five laps. When they came back for their main event it was even dustier. And this time it was more of the same. Wik and Hardesty dueled hard, Yee ran third and Higman fourth. Higman moved up to third, by Lap 3. And they ran that way to the finish. With Wik and Hardesty there was never a moment when they just drove around. Wik was concen-trating on not letting Hardesty by, and Hardesty was working all the time to find a spot. He was the only in the class who jumped the triple jump, which most had thought could be done only by the Trophy Trucks or Class 1 cars. It was in-credible racing. Wik won the $3,000, Hardesty took home $1,000 and Higman and Mike Lawrence each won $500. Only four of the six starters got all five laps. In the SCORE Lite Dusty Times ranks, Steele took the win, working his way up to third on the road, and hoping to be able to catch and pass Hardesty and Wik. He couldn't get that accom-plished, but drove a fine race. Behind him, Chad Cummings, who'd been so tough on Friday, was stuck in second gear, and was hard pressed to hang on to third place. Jason Batulis, in a car painted pink, to "mess with Cameron's mind", ran a steady race, to take second. Again, the purse was $3,000, $1,000, $500 and $500. Tom Watson took fourth place. The first Class 1 race on Saturday had 17 starters, and went off the line shortly after 8 p.m. Ramirez went into the lead, but there was a big jam in the Fish-hook, and he lost several positions. His uncle, Robert Ross, emerged from the mess in the lead, with Gasper sec-ond, Roeseler third, and Josh Baldwin fourth. By the third lap the Truggy had moved up to second behind Ross, and Baldwin was third, with Ramirez fourth and trying to catch him. They held those positions through the fourth lap, but Gasper lost his position when he devel-oped a right rear flat. On the fifth lap it was Ross, Roeseler, Baldwin and Ramirez. And at the finish it was the same, with Ross just barely holding off Roeseler for a terrific fin-ish. When they came back for their main event there were only 15 of them. Max Thieriot rolled over in Turn 1, and Ross just barely holding off Roeseler for a terrific finish. When they came back for their main event there were only 15 of them. Max Thieriot rolled over in Turn 1, and Ross went into the lead, followed by Ramirez, and Casey Currie in Dan Myers' car. They stayed the same through Lap 2, except that Thieriot was going again, but a lap down. There was a rolled car in the infield sweeper turn. And for some reason, Pat dean was way off the pace. On the third lap it was still Ross, Ramirez, Currie and Baldwin, and that's the way it went to the finish. This was not a follow-the-leader event. These drivers were working hard, but so well matched in equipment and skill, that it was all but impossible to get an edge. As they rounded the last turn, all tight on one an-other, Ramirez's car started to miss just a bit. The three leaders went over the finish line in a bunch, but Ramirez's was not running when he landed off the jump, and he coasted to a September 2007 Cameron Steele had a good time, he drove his Score Lite Desert Assassin to the class win over 13 other drivers. stop in the next turn, while the others drove up to the podium area. He wasn't sure why it quit, but thought it might have run out of gas at just that mo-ment. Ross took the win, the Myers/Currie team was second, and Ramirez held on to third in spite of his edgy finish. Their winnings were $3,000, $1,000, $500 and $500 to Baldwin, who was fourth. The final event of the weekend was the Trophy Truck main, and there were 18 starters lined up. B.J. Baldwin got the early lead, and got through Turn 4, which is the one that had wiped out McMillin's and James' trucks on Friday. But Alan Pflueger didn't make it through. He some-how got his right front tire up on the K-Rail, and the truck went over. The rest of the field was going every which way to get through the narrow turn, without running into anyone or any-thing. When they went past the finish line jump the first time it was Baldwin, MacCachren, Ragland, Jones and Sohren leading the pack. Tim Herbst al-ready had a right rear flat, and he apparently decided there was no use messing with it. He did one lap and that was all. Josh Baldwin was running very late, last, and his body was crunched, giving the impression that he'd been rolled over, a fairly common occurrence with Josh. Continued next page Page 13
A third place finish in the Class 7 contest went to Robert Anderson, Will Higman (1003) took home the bronze medal in the Class 10 Chad Cummings grabs some air on his way to a third place finish in he's seen here at speed in his Ford Ranger. contest, seen here hustling to the flag in his Kreger Honda. _S_C_O_R_E_L_it_e_,in,--h1.,...·s_B_o_o_n_D_u~g=g~y--=-,------.--------.---. On the second lap it was him. The main events were to stay in the points' chasf'. more damage to their race The s.tands were crowded still Baldwin, MacCachrcn, spectacular. Garron Cadientc called it cars here than at any desert on Friday night and full on Ragland and Jones, with Some of the racers "dangerous", and thought race. Bu.t many also re-Sunday. Ilowever the racers Whelchel in fifth. By the didn't agree. Some re-there were some really bad ported having a lot of fun, feel about it, it's clear that time they carn.e around sented h_aving to come to drivers on the track. Many and liking the change of the Las Vegas race fans are again, they were right to-this oddball event in order commented that they did all for it SCIIE gether, edging through that treacherous Turn 4 next to one another. Then it was Ragland, Jones and Whelchel. Josh Baldwin ancl Pflueger were both lapped, but running. B.J. Baldwin held the lead, but MacCachren was moving closer and the two of rhcm had widened rhe gap back to Ragland, who was fending off Jones, who was holding off Whelchel. On rhc fifth lap MacCachren passed Baldwin on the rear straight, but then B.J. got him back at the very end of the inner straight. On the next lap MacCachren went back into the lead again, and this time, with Baldwin close on his tail, . when they got to Turn 4, MacCachrcn put on his brakes, and Baldwin, who didn't see the flags, passed him. 1t was an awkward mo-ment when B.J., believing he'd got the win, drove up to the podium area. Sal fish, there to present the trophies, was quickly on the radio to the officials, who gave him their inter-pretation of the event. There was nothing fish could do under the circum-stances. The rules had been clearly stated at the drivers' m~eting: there would be no passing under a yellow. MacCachren, who's been short course racing for many years, is· probably a bit more at-tuned to watching for such things. Baldwin, still a rookie at this by compari-son, although a very tal-ented one, learned a hard lesson. Though clearly sorely disappointed, he took the bad news with grace. And so it was MacCachren and Post in first place, B.J. Baldwin second, Ragland third (and saying that he ,,vas "almost 65, and this is the last time 1'm _going to do this."), and Whelchel fo11rth. Their payoff was $15,000, $5,000, $3,000 and $2,000. fish calle-d their race, "One oi the _greatest races I_'ve ever see~1 in my life-time." lt's a good bet that most of the people in the audience would agree with Dusty Times 2005 Helmets •G-Foree • Pyroteo • Arai • Wrnd for Go.mmnnieation • 106. 136. 160 & 236 Uaedwitl.by SA.Bated lltlatt •Jlaeel'm'tll • .Free Jutallati-oa withhroJlue • 41 ~ Gallon C&paaity • 800:U f BITDJ FIA Approve4 • Tapere4 Desiga PreVicles 1m'ease4 Groua4~ Ir llallJll11t1 Uwla hel ~ SAFETY & COJIJfl/NICATIONS SOURCE eatlands Avenue, Suite K • Santee. CA 92071 (7223) • Fax 619-258-0,883 • www.B.acerXms.com September 2007 Page 15
l6rUa SusouEHANNOCK TRAIL PRO RALLY Plnkers Subaru Wins Andrew Pinker and Robbie Durant took the overall win at STPR, they're seen here hustling their Subaru WRX on a stage. For the second time this season Australia's Pinker bested a tough field of com-petitors to win the oldest con-tinually run rally in America, the Susquehannock Trail Pro Rally, also known as STPR for short. The event is run on the forest roads of the Tioga State Forest near Wellsboro, Penn-sylvania. Pinker's win was not an easy one, however as he was trailed. by Ramana Lagemann, winner at the Olympus Rally held two weeks prior in the state of Washington, and Subaru Rally Team USA driver Travis Pastrana, who was last year's Rally-Australia cham-pion. This rally 1-ias always been known as unforgiving to even the best competitors. This year was no exception. Subaru Rally Team USA had big problems before the start of the event when Ken Block had rolled his Subaru WRX in a big way on the practice stage the day prior to the event. The car hit a tree on the passenger side door and the right rear suspen-sion was torn from the car as well. The crew then trailered the wrecked car back to Burlington, Vermont and re-trieved the car that Ken had used to make his gigantic 170-foot jump for the Stunt Junkies television show. The crew had to work feverishly overnight to make adjustments prior to the event. The car made it back in time for the final tech inspec-tion and made it to the pare expose in Wellsboro at the last minute. Ken's substitute co-driver for this event was none other than rally legend John Buffum as his regular co-driver Alex Gelsomino received minor injuries from the Friday crash and sat out the event as a pre-cautionary measure. Ken was leading the championship going into STPR, and wanted to keep his points lead solid. Travis Pastrana in the other SRT USA car wanted a win here after having a slight off last year on the final stage and handed the win to Matt Iorio. DNF's at the prior two events at Oregon and Olympus had set him back in hop.es of get-ting a second championship. A win here would help to put him back in the hunt. Only one of the SYMS Rally Team USA Subaru WRX's was on hand and that was Pinker's Jack Daniels sponsored car. Tanner Foust was competing at a drifting event on the west coast and stated that he would be sitting out the next event at Maine as well. Pinker chose to take the dust-free option and opted to start the rally as the first car on the road dur-ing the seeded draw for start positions on Friday evening. Pastrana and Block were next on the road followed by Raman Lagemann in the Cas-A big win in Production GT went to Matthew Johnson and Jeremy Wimpey, seen here at speed in their Subaru WRX. cade radng Mitsubishi Evo 7, Canadian Antoine L'Estage in an ex-factory Hyundai Tiburon, and last year's win-ner Matt Iorio in a Subaru Im-preza. Other cars that had true potential to win included Seamus Burke in his very fast Mitsubishi Evo 9, multi-time S1PR winner Paul Choinere in the other ex-factory Hyundai Tiburon, Canadian hotshoe Andrew Comrie-Picard in an Evo 9, and Celsus Donnelly in the ex-Thomas Lawless Evo 8. A field of 50 cars left the start on the one day formatted rally, which is known for its high speed sections and ultra-tight hairpins. Stage 1 saw Pinker grab the early lead beat-ing L'Estage and Andrew Comrie-Picard, more com-monly known as ACP. The SRT USA cars of Pastrana and Block ran fourth and sixth respec-tively, with Iorio sandwiched in the middle. Stage 2 saw Pinker maintain his lead over L'Estage, but Lagemann was reeling them in by getting third fastest time. Burke was also on the move only just over 11 sec-onds off of Pinker's pace. Then the first big nilme was out, and unfortunately it was Ken Block. After a grueling night of getting the car prepped the engine expired about a mile into the second stage. On Stage 3 Lagemann was fastest over Pinker, L'Estage, Pastrana and ACP. On 4, the famous Subaru Splash stage where the cars enter a stream crossing at 80 mph, L'Estage was fastest. By the midday break where the cars were di·s-p layed back in We.llsboro, Pinker held a 4.9 second lead over L'Estage, with Lagemann's Evo back another 20 seconds. Pastrana, ACP and Iorio held down the next three positions and continued to battle amongst each other. Burke and Choinere were playing it cau-tious during the morning stages as each driver has had their share of bad luck at this event in the past. Jonathan Bottoms held down ninth place in his now Open-class Subaru as the lack of entries in the Group N category prompted him to make the switch. In the other classes there was plenty of action. In Pro-duction GT, Matthew Johnson's Subaru WRX held down the top spot and 10th overall after his biggest threat Stephen Verdier limped to the end of Stage 3 and quit. By the end of Stage 4 he had almost a two minu.te lead over his near-est competitor Patrick Moro, also in a WRX. In Group N, Otis Dimiters held onto the lead but his car was running rough through the last two stages of the morning. In Group 5, 18 year old sensation Kyle Sarasin in a Ford Focus held the top spot over Andrew Performance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding & Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks Quality Products & Friendly Service RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-0759 • www.ronco-plastics.com 15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX us to Receive a Free Catalog ~-------------------------------------------------------~ Page 16 September 2007 Dusty Times
Ramana Lagemann and Mark Williams kept everyone honest, they The big winner in Group 5 was a Ford Focus driven by 18 year old A third overall finish went to Travis Pastrana and Christian Edstrom, took second overall in their Mitsubishi Evo 7. Kyle Sarasin and Mikael Johannson, seen here spewing gravel. seen here at speed in their Subaru WRX. The Group 2 winner was a Volkswagen GTi driven by Chris Duplessis Seamus Burke and Eddie Fries lost their chance for a win with a cut Antoine L 'Estage and Natalie Richard retired their Hyundai Tiburon while leading, hitting an embankment was the cause. and Martin Headland, seen here heading for a stage finish. tire on Stage 9, seen here in their colorful Mitsubishi. Havas' very fast Mazda RX-7. The top five remained in the shouldn't deter from the in-The Group 2 race saw Colin same positions after Stage 8: credible action up front. Hope-Bombara's Dodge Neon less Pinker, Lagemann, Pastrana, fully by Ojibwe Forest Rally in than a minute ahead of Chris Burke, and Choinere, but on Bemidji, MN in late August Duplessis' VW GTI. James Stage 9 Burke cut a left-hand fields will be back to the nor-ma! size of 50-60 cars. At mini-track to a successful series af-mum, this is one of the best ter the SCCA backed out. years in US rally since about For more photos of the event 2001. It's nice to see Rally-go to www.comicozzie.com/ America put things back on stpr07. <BJ Robinson's brand new Honda tire and had to do the last half Civic Si was the sole Produc-of the stage on the rim! This tion car remaining after Jim moved Choinere ahead by one Stevens was a DNF in his Su-position and Burke relegated zuki Swift. to fifth at the end. Johnson On the first stage of the af-came home in sixth and won ternoon Pastrana took his first the GT category handily. Both stage win with both Lagemann Celsus Donnelly (Evo 8) and and L'Estage less than five sec-Chris Gilligan (Evo 4) were in onds off his pace. This was the to·p ten on Stage 8, but good enough to move L'Estage both slid off the road on Stage into the lead by a mere 0.2 sec- 9 letting Patrick Moro into sev-onds and bunch the top four enth overall and second in GT. positions to within 25 seconds Eighth overall was Kyle Sarasin of each other at the halfway who took home the Group 5 point of the rally. Stage 5 took win as well. He left the rally im-out yet another top contender mediately early Sunday morn-when ACP's car quit. ing to be back home Monday Before the first evening ser-for his high school graduation. vice two more cars went out. Mark my words, this kid is go-L'Estage hit an embankment ing to be a big name some day and threw the handling off and in American rally! Bryan Pepp tagged another bank yet fur-(GT-class WRX) and Bob Wall ther on down the stage. Rather (Open class WRX) rounded out than damage the car further he the top ten. chose to retire, but before In Group N, Dimiters limpingtoservicehepickedup DNF'd again with a sour the dead car of last year's win-sounding engine. The only re-ner Matt Iorio and tow him maining car in the class, Josh back as well. Matt's car had a Chang's WRX, made it to the gearbox pack up near the end finish on a tow rope. In Group of the stage and he was able to 2 Chris Duplessis' GTI won limp the final mile out. By the after Colin Bombara's Neon start of Stage 7 the top five collided head-on with a tree at were now Pinker, Lagemann, speed. Bombara was sore but Pastrana, Burke and Choinere. otherwise unhurt. James The the problems started. Robinson's Honda cruised At the Stage 7 spectator loca-home to the Production win. tion the crowd was much big-With his win at STPR, ger than anticipated, and the Pinker now holds the champi-marshals were doing the best onship lad with 76 points over they could to contain the situ-Block with 60. Pastrana and ation. Or at least one marshal Foust are tied for third with did. The local sheriff was 55 points. Choinere is fifth called in to contain a gentle-with 43, Lagemann sixth with man who was heavily intoxi-41, Iorio seventh with 34, and cated while working the event, ACP eighth with 31. All eight which eventually caused the have official invites to the X-cancellation of Stage 7 to keep games Rally competition in the cars on schedule. Confu-August. sion ensued after Stage 8, and With gas prices looming the drivers were told that even higher the New England Stage 10, essentially Stage 7 in Forest Rally has only 38 entries reverse, was cancelled as well. with a week to go before the This cut almost 44 miles of start, about 30 of which are stages from the event. national entries. This Dusty Times Worldwide. benchmerk manufacturer of ~lcetior, wiring·ayat...,._ for-ieR motorepol"t eppl~~ . . _LJtJt~inca{~J~ti'.R~ Syacem-ee ~~:the Ind~ stenderd fOI"' ell . :<..,.,,,.:::-.-;". ,_ ,,: ' ... \:,,-.;';_,,. \. :,·, ' . ·::-::\-' ' ' p!'"'Qf~~l"leti,~ng sencrttions. ,'.,, /,.~ ... . ·, · _, _ .. ~~nff ~ -~gtily;ang_~h~ve j~~ J '-:··· ... ,-?~L . , =~~ cJrcuit ~I'"""~-~~ .......... ~"""'..,.· ~ " · , e ~ -eyeileble to suit Sakata Motorsport Electronics, Inc. 1217 N. Patt Street Anaheim, CA 92801 (714) 446-9473 / Fax: (714) 446-9247 www.sakatamotorsport.com September 2007 High-Accur-acy Air-Fuel Ratio Matera Lightweight, stand-alone system works with alt engines and alternate fuels -cerbureted or fuel Injected. FOr' ehe dedicated engine tuner who needs to know sxect:ly what their engine is doing. No flashing lights -just t:he facts.;. Ni!Ji/ it; to s f"'R.Jrnber! ~=:.~<~-=A ,.._,,CJ,CJBSPC>,._F,IT ELECTA□NICS w-e re rnif!/1,-,,, conrH!!IOtfons ... Page 17
... T■KIAUTOFAB .. Ran ■,ant Takes It All BY STEVE RUDDICK PHOTOS: TRACKS/DE PHOTO Can't keep a good man down, Ron Brant got it all together and took the Class 1 honors and the overall win as well. aaArgg! It's a dusty n'a dirrrRty job, I do, mind you; 'tis true. But, who could ask more from a job like this. Consider: I'm out in the middle of BFE Lucerne Valley, CA (aka the Johnson Valley BLM OHV area at Bessemer Mine Road). It is a beautiful, sunny day , the skies are all clear as a bell; and blue, too. You can see for miles - un-less you're caught in somebody else's 'dust' stream. The weather is warm and breezy on Saturday for the M.O.R.E. Off Road Auto Fab (ORAF) 400 night race; May 26, 2007. Many came out early to play over the 1-o-n-g Memorial Day weekend holiday, and Pit Row at Main S/F went on for miles. The course was actually something new, too; for a change; FreSh diRt! Forty-plus miles of it. The race actually "started" at Soggy Dry Lake, and M.O.R.E. gave 'em the green -four and five racers wide at a time; a mini-Land Rush style start. GasZ N GO! The first lap everyone was standing and spectating from the top of the Rock Pile, as the racers made their way uphill from Soggy Dry Lake to the main course -about three miles or so. Ron Brant was first off the line at the green flag in car #101, first to crest the hill at the Rock Pile, and first to cross the finish line for the Overall, and first place in class, wins. Brant won the whole enchilada, completing nine laps in 06:35: 10 at 55.9 mph. #101 also took home the Fast Lap honors on Lap 1 at 63.3 mph, in 00:38:45. The course was mostly fast-N-faster. Well, there was 'some' kinda-'technical' stuff on the backside at Mile Marker 22-23 or thereabouts. And, there were the usual three Checkpoints and remote pits, along with 28 ma-jor course changes and lots of bumps and thrills in between. And, in the dark of the desert night. Yep, dark. As in, pitch-black. Like, I can't see ... nada. And when you throw up a little dust, it's like driving in pea soup; at least if you are unlucky to be behind someone. Even a zillion watts of HID won't let you 'see' through the dust any better, neither. A GPS helps a lot, if you got the right course plot dialed in. A night vision helmet shield would be soooo way cool! I just do it the olde fashioned way: yellow lights, mounted down low, like you do for the fog and snow. Just follow the bouncing yellow light in front of you, and if it starts go-ing jiggly-wiggle ... slow down. Yu must become 'one' with the diRt, Grasshopper; the art of Zen off road racing, in the dark and the dust. One hundred fourteen en-tries in 14 different classes. Classes 1, 10, 12, 1/2-1600, and 5 did the full money -nine laps. Classes 9, 5/16 and 1300 raced for eight laps, and Classes 8, 7S, 1450, 1400 and 7 went for six laps. Class 11 raced for three laps. The racers had a long, straight uphill stretch from Soggy Dry Lake, and crested the hill under power at the Rock Pile on their way down a steep and dusty slope, before hanging a hard right at the bottom and onto the main course. Lots of frequent flier miles off the top. It was fun and exciting watching two, and even three, racers come flying off the top of the hill -side-by-side; and still race each other neck-and-neck down the hill. The devil dust was already making itself a factor, lingering and loitering in the air. CLASS 1: Nine laps. Eight starters; five finishers. Ron Brant took hone the Overall, Fast Lap and First Place in Class 1 awards in car # 101. Tom Gilchriese won Sec-ond Place in class in car #154, completing the required laps in 06:43:46 at 54. 7 mph. "This is Sean Dunn was the Class 10 winner at MORE, he bested his competition by 11 minutes when he got to the checkers. Gene Wilson, seen here just at touchdown took the Class 12 win, Gene had almost forty minutes in hand at the finish. my first year driving in Class 1 and we are having a ball!! I drove the entire race. My navigators were Ronnie Imhof, and my son, T.J. Gilchriese", said Tom Senior. The TLG Paving Company Class 1 race car #154 ran flawlessly. Built by the amazing Herman Motorsports crew. The start "Sucked". I was lined up on a mound of dirt and 50 feet in front of me was bushes, so all we did was spin the wheels and couldn't get the car out of first gear. Anyway, things worked out and I was the eighth car to hit the rock pile. The course was fast, till later that night it was getting pretty chewed up. We thought we had a flat at one point but all was good, We had two pit stops, one to fuel, switch navigators and put on the light bar and the second pit was for a splash of fuel. We kept a steady pace and finished second overall. I just want to thank everyone who was in-volved." Third Place in Class 1 was won by Shirley Jergensen in car #105. Jergensen finished in 07: 13:06 at 51.0 mph. Danny Wingerning won Fourth Place in class in car #112 at 50.6 mph in 07: 16:53. Lloyd Snyder finished in Fifth Place in truck #70 08:52:16 at 41.5 mph. CLASS 10: Nine laps. Eleven starters, three finishers, one DNS. Shawn Dunn won First Place in Class 10 in car #1035, in 07:30:27 at 49.0 mph. Second Place was Craig Dillon in car #1005, in 07:41:50. Scott Stice won the fast lap in class, on Lap 2 at 57.1 mph, in car #1009. Mike McGee was the Third Place winner in car #1011, getting to the checkers in 07:45:54 at 47.4 mph. CLASS 1200: Dave Cote had a great race, he took the Class 11 win in good style, Dave is seen here hustling towards the finish line. It was a good day for Dave Girdner, he bested 11 other entrants in Class 1600, Dave had more than 10 minutes in hand at the end. Nine laps. Seven entries, two finishers, one DNS. Gene Wil-son got to the checkered flag in 07:48: 10 at 47.2 mph in car #1225, and won First Place in class for the effort. Ben Monroy got car # 1203 to the finish line in 08:28: 17 at 43.5 mph for the Second Place win. Ben Monroy described his race, this way: "Jeff Zember was brought in to drive the first 120 miles of the event. Jeff's day started out a little rough when he encountered some small mechanical issues right off the starting line. Shawn Barbetta rode in the passenger seat the whole race and was able to diagnose the issue and get the car to the nearest F.A.l.R. pit for a quick fix. Unfortunately, this minor set back put #1203 about 45 minutes behind the lead car and in sixth position physically. Jeff did an excellent job driving his part of the race. Ben Monroy jumped into the driver seat af-ter the third lap and was ready to reel back the leaders with 240 miles left in the race. The goal was to finish the race and possi-bly finish on the podium -with some luck. As the race went into the night our car started to pick its way thru the field, as the next 240 miles were uneventful and the car was flawless. We were able to finish the race in eight Page 18 September 2007 Dusty Times
Raul Solano, seen here making a hard landing, was the big winner in the Class 5-1600 class, he had 46 minutes in hand when he finished. hours, 30 minutes, and bring home a Second Place win out of seven cars in our class." "Once again -big thanks to all of our sponsors and support-ers that made this finish possible for us. Out title sponsor A&D Buggies once again supplied us with fast, reliable motors that never skipped a beat. Trans West ensured out transmission was up to the task of the harsh desert abuse we administered. Mickey Thompson tires handled the rocks and abuse with ease. The whole #1203 race team jumped on every task and never quit until we saw the finish line. Al-lied Racing helped us out this race with pit services, an awe-some job by the whole crew. Big thanks goes out to the F.A.l.R. pits for all of the support this race! We are not F.A.l.R. mem-bers yet, but we thank them for not turning us away." Mike Diorio finished the race in 10:39:36 at 30. 7 mph in car # 1214, for the Third Place win. Matt Frick made it through six laps in car# 1224, before his race night was done: "Hey Brandon, we found your fender. We lost an alternator at Mile 9, on Lap 7. We were walking in the dark so we didn't pick it up. Sorry, I was tired. We ended up walking all the way back to Check 1... six miles!!! Fun stuff. Thanks to our crew and everyone cheering ol Blackie on out there." CLASS 5: Nine laps. Two starters, one finisher, one DNF. From John Aguilar, #513: "I would like to say it was a very exciting race with a lot of carnage in the first few laps. The course was very well planned. The first 29 miles, we were able to move fast, the next 11 miles were more techni-cal which made it a lot of fun. We had a few issues with flat tires and a suspension problem, finally pulled the plug at Mile 268, due to a rear trailing arm. Unfortunately, we did not fin-ish, but still came home in first place, plaque and check in hand." And even though Steve Griffith didn't finish in car #518, it sounds like he still had fun: "Good job to all the M.O.R.E. team and staff, and thanks to the Ward team for sharing their pits with us and to the Deardorff gang for all their help. Even though I lost a mo-tor on Lap 3, I had a blast! It was nice for a change to pass all the 1600 cars and even tag a few 12-10 guys. The track was all about horsepower, that's for sure. The Pack West car did a snap, twist and roll right in front of me and sent $5,000.00 worth Dusty Times of HIDs 20 feet in the air. We stopped to make sure there was not going to be a fire, and a 1600 There were lots of competitors in Class 7S, but when the dust cleared it was Steve Rose taking a nice win. stopped and could see inside their car and gave us a 'thumbs up', so we carried on." Griffith September 2007 did win the Fast Lap honors on Lap 2 at 49.5 mph. CLASS 1/2-1600: Nine laps. Eleven entries, ten starters, seven finishers, three DNFs, one DNS. Dave Girdner got car #1622 to the checkered flag in 07:41:48 at 47.8 mph to win First Place in class. Girdner also won the Fast Lap honors on Lap 2 at 53.2 mph in 00:46:10. Brett Maurer won Second Place in car #1617, completing the course in 07:54:22 at 46.6 mph. Matt Gumz finished his required laps in 08:03:27 at 45.8 mph to win Third Place in car #1616. Jeremy Lindsay took 08:27: 12 to find the finish line in car #1672 for the Fourth Place win, at 43.5 mph. Lindsay summed up his race day, this way: "I actually had a pretty uneventful day/night. I was at a bit of a disadvantage on this course due to the fact that I'm still running a single port, Continued next page Page 19
The Class 1300 win went to Eric Jacobus, he's seen here flying his Tom Gilchriese gave it a great run but this time he could only muster Aaron Pearce took the silver medal in the Class 1300 contest, he's seen here pourin' on the power headin' for the finish. car to the win, he had more than 20 minutes in hand at the flag. a second place finish in the Class 1 battle. and I saw it right off the start. the Seventh Place win. Joey started to set, Tom pulled in to But, I had a good race for third Westhoff gave it a go for seven-Main Pit on the start of his place with Matt Gumz, taking plus laps in car #1691, before fourth lap and the crew noticed advantage of a flat and some fuel the dreaded gas gremlin got to that something was definitely pick-up problems of his. I started them in the dark of the desert wrong with the left rear. After having engine troubles at the be-night: "Lucerne Valley looked evaluating the situation, the ginningofLap4,andGumzgot likeacityoflightsthispastweek-crew determined that they past me for good. My engine end as Westhoff Motorsports set sheared a bolt that holds the hub wouldn't pull fourth gear, so I up under the light of the desert bearing assembly on, which in settled into survival mode and sky. The first night race of the turn loosened the other two worked on finishing. My only season would be a triumph for bolts and cambered the wheel -stoops all day were for fuel at the all who finished; 400 miles of which then tore the caliper up end of the third and sixth laps rocks, dust and determination. and bent it. It also tore the c.v. and for a double flat(right front, The # 1691 of Westhoff boot up and folded the c.v. boot left rear) on Lap 7 at the CORE Motorsports drew the tenth pole mounting flange over the c.v. pit located near Check 3. The position of 20 1/2-1600 cars bolts. After 45 minutes in the course was very fast and fun, and that were pre-entered." pit, Tom and Josh were back on the dust was crazy, especially af-"Ready for whatever the their way again for the last 40 ter dark." desert would throw at them Tom miles of their leg. Joey Westhoff It took Mike Ward 10: 19:06 and Josh Westhoff buckled into and Brittany Sanchez strapped at 35.7 mph to win Fifth Place their race seats and cruised in on the next lap and were set in car #1673. Nick Robertson down to the dry lake bed for the to do the last five laps with the won Sixth Place in class in car green flag start late Saturday af-help ofVision-X and the light of # 1674, at 35.3 mph in 10:25:01. ternoon. Tom and Josh worked the moon. After only two laps, Scott Boyd was the last Class hard together to get through the Joey and Brittany had to pull 1600 finisher of the night in car dust and traffic and by the sec-into Main Pit to change the coils # 1615, getting to the checkered ond lap they were running up on the distributor and check the flag in 10:34:30 at 34.8 mph for top with the leaders. As the sun timing. Joey commented, "It felt Page 20 To find an Authorized Skyjacker~ Deale call 866.4.A.DEALER ext. 5054 or visit September 2007 like I had a whole new car!!!" Joey and Brittany navigated through the dust as they made their way around the course for another lap. On the start of their seventh lap, they started losing the power steering. They had to pull into Main Pit once again to fill up on power steer-ing fluid and were on their way. They made their way to Race Mile 29.5 and lost the power steering again; the car wouldn't turn at all. Joey and Brittany tried to make it to their remote pit at Check 3 where Tim & Zack were standing by, wen the steering locked up and they hit a boulder and landed in a Joshua Tree. Out pit at Check 3 loaded up and made their way through the desert and rocks to help get us on our way. With the help of Wild Bill's relay we were able to get the message to main pit to bring spare parts, bolts, and lots of tools." "Thanks to Tim, Zach, David, Josh and Steven for getting there so quickly and getting them back on their way, Joey and Brittany were able to finish that lap. It was now a race against time; with two laps to go it was going to have to be a flawless finish. The duo started their next lap with just enough time, made it to Race Mile 29 -and ran out of fuel. After everything that hap-pened before this they were lucky to have made it this far. The two sat out in the middle of nowhere, waiting for Main Pit to come with fuel and were re-layed that they would not be able to make it out on another lap; their race was over. With the sun about to rise, the team made their way back to Main Pit, pass-ing the carnage in the desert. Teams were strewn out all over; being towed in by chase trucks, digging out their race cars, and rethinking their defeat ... After a harsh battle with the Lucerne Valley desert." Very nice try. Dusty Times
It was a second place finish in Class 10 for Craig Dillon, Craig is Gavin Drake gave it everything he had in the Class 11 contest, but It was a second place finish in Class 1600 for Brett Maurer, he's seen here at touchdown heading for the checkers. _se_e_n_h_e_r,~e~s_av_in"'"'g",,--,-a_b_it_o_f_t_ire_w_e_a_r. ____ C_L_A~S~S-9_: ___ he had to settle for a second place finish this time. CLASS 1300: exploded a rock. After I got off Eight laps. Eight entries, six Eight laps. Eighteen entries, the rock and was passed by every-starters, two finishers, two DNS. seventeen starters, eight finish-one, I very slowly limped to my Eric Jacobus was first to the fin- ers, nine DNFs, one DNS. Ian Check 3 chase crew -who told me ish line in car #1367 for the First Maxwell was the First Place win-that all that was done was a Place win in class, in 07:55:25 at ner in Class 9, in car #999. Max-cracked beam and a flat tire. Vic-41.3 mph. Jacobus also smoked well got all eight laps done in tor changed the tire and I was on the Fast Lap honors on Lap 2 at 08:06: 13 at 40.4 mph. More my way, stopping at Main Pit to 53.5 mph, in 00:46:05. Aaron news for you, straight from the see if the crack needed welding. Pearce was the only other finisher driver's seat: "The car was pur-Started Lap 2 and everything felt in class in car #1355, completing chased a month ago by my good with the car. The dust was his required laps in 08:49:17 at brother and I for our nephews, bad but I passed a few cars back. 32.5 mph, for the Second Place Trevor and Ian Maxwell. Trevor Lap 3 was much of the same -very win. had no racing or play time in a dusty. Lap 4 was quick and yet Yep. The open desert in SoCal buggy before testing the race car. the dust got even worse. By Lap can be brutal and unforgiving. Ian has raced three times before, 5, the dust was at its worst, be-Just ask them poor pilgrim pio- all ending with a DNF; the last cause even though there were no neers who tried crossing it. Or race getting-T-boned by a spec- cars ahead • the dust just hung take a recap of the race from the ta tor and totaling his car. Ian in the air. At the ·end of Lap 5 I driver's seat of car #1325 • Cote started the race last in line at the· handed the car over to my uncle, Tut: "We had a fuel pump prob-green flag, and did a two lap John Ward and Robert Allen • lem right off the starting line. stint ending at our pit in first who did a great job at keeping a Went to take off, starved for fuel, physical and on time, due to the nice pace for the remainder of and had to go to an idle and then rear start. After a driver change the laps and came in to the fin-take off. Now in the back of the and installing our Vision-X ish line for an awesome finish. pack and dust. We thought it was lights, we noticed a rear wheel-We all had a fun time, the car a filter, so after the first lap we bearing problem and broke out handled great, and now I can't changed them. Then on the sec, the wrenches -losing 20 minutes wait to get back out to the next ond lap - we still had fuel issues, and five positions in the process. MORE race." we we changed them again and Trevor set out to do the next two And even though Dillon Th-tried coils, etc. We also had the laps, but was feeling so good and ompson only got in one lap plus relay for the oil fan not working, cutting good times, we opted to three miles of fun before his race so the fan was not kicking on and leave him in for a total of four was done in car #913, his story had to wire up a switch and laps; good thing because he re- shows a·lot of 'class': "First off, I manually kick it off and on. Then gained the lead. Ian got in again would like to apologize to the the alternator went a little funky for the final two laps, put the on us around Lap 4 right before Lothringer in cruise control, going into the night. So it was and finished with a 10 minute down to minimal lights and no lead over Corry Torres. No flats breathers, etc., to just get by." on our Mickey Thompson tires "We had a lot of mechanical and no issues with our Maxwell's 'store bought' stuff go wrong. racing engine. I had more fun Also the fuel pump leaked and standing outside a car this week-made the spark plug wires going end than I ever had inside a car onto the cap and rotor soft and driving, and am very proud of they fell off on Lap 4 or 5; my the preparation before the race wife and co-driver Pepper, had to and the driving skills by the boys jump out and fix that." (Note: during the race." A nice win; gasoli~e spilling onto live igni-and fun, too. What M.O.R.E. Deardorff family for ending their finishers, three DNFs. Raul night so early, and a big thanks Solano won First Place in #566 to Jim Clements for an outstand-in 07:33:00 at 43.3 mph. Solano ing event. We had just finished also won the Fast Lap honors on our first lap and were at about Lap 2 at 45.8 mph, in 00:53:33. MM3 on the right lane when car Mike Boone took Second Place #105 passed us on the left lane. in class in car #589, getting the We were in their dust and driv-dirt deed done in 08: 19:22 at ing blind, so I slowed down wait-39.3 mph. Tom Bolha, car #565, ing for the dust to clear. The won Third Place, in 08:41:23 at course turns right there, but I 37. 7 mph. The Fourth Place win-went straight, hit a bump, and ner in class was Aaron Aspel in ended up sideways on the course. car #573; in 09:03: 13 at 36.1 That's when I went black. The mph. Richard Garavito came in Deardorff Class 10 car T-boned Fifth Place in car #555, complet-us right behind my seat. The next ing all the laps in 09:24:05 at thing I remember is me out of the 34.8 mph. Shelby Tolbert was car pushing it off the course. the last and Sixth Place finisher Luckily everyone was OK. in class, in car #578, getting the Thanks again to the Deardorff required laps done in 09:30:41 family for waiting there with me at 34.4 mph. Troy Sullivan also for my crew to come. Also thanks had some fun in car #595, but to the rescue crew for being there came up short of the finish line: in no time flat. Thanks to Ryan "Another great effort by the from TCS for getting me off the M.O.R.E. family. Just an out-course real quick and my Mom standing race. We got bumped/ and Dad for giving me this rammed too much• enough to chance; and Shaun, Joe, Kevin break our cage. I have no idea andRyanforhelpinginthepits. why ... just a racin' thing, I Even though it only lasted a lap, guess??? Our team would like to I still had a blast and can't wait personally thank all of the to get it fixed and see you guys people with Wicked Creations. in the desert again." They welded our cage back to-CLASS 5/16: gether so we could get back into Eight laps. Nine starters, six Continued next page tion wires is NOT a good thing.) could you ask for? "We had to be pull-started Corry Torres won Second around Lap 5, and finally on the Place in car #989, finishing the last lap we had to have a new fuel race in 08: 16:40 at 39.5 mph. pump brought out to us, which Torres tied Ron Rash in car #973 cost us a bit of time. After all for the Fast Lap honors at 44.2 this, we never gave up and about mph, but the bragging rights 2:30 a.m. we rolled in for a went to Torres in car #989 by Fourth Place finish in our class." mere seconds in 00:55:29. Ado-e coma, source"ltir m "The course was 50% fourth nis Barela placed third in car gear and fast, for the most part, #909, completing the required withmostlyjustrollerbumpsand laps in 08:24:19 at 38.9 mph. a few turns to worry about. Cody Rash finished in 08:27:57 About 25% was pretty jarring at 38.6 mph in car #990 to win and rough, and then 25% was Fourth Place. Ron Rash wasn't third gear sandy, some hills, and far behind for the Fifth Place win technical -but ok running stuff. in car #973, in 08:32:59 at 38.3 Almost no wind, so a ton of dust mph. Bud Ward finished in Sixth to slow you down in the night Place in car #97 5, getting to the and day. We had one flat but ran checkers in 09:26:48 at 34.6 on it as it was just a stick stuck mph. "I started second-to-last in in it and one bent rim -ham-line at the green flag, and basi-mered out in the pits and again cally got out horse-powered by ev-ran on it. We also broke a bat-eryone that was in my row. After tery terminal from over tighten-I got to Mile 4 I had them passed ing it a bit working with the al- as well as others, and everything ternator problem. No worries." went well until I got to Mile 30 • Saturday, in the dark -we thought when I felt that I had a flat tire. I it was "Very cool and a lot of came into a ditch and the wheel fun ... " got ripped out of my hands and Dusty Times . """"'Salls • 0-,..,,.. •Claw ... • PoloSNtll • T#m .fllldmll . ,,,,,, •Gara.,,. df:re IIOW FEATIIRIN6: In-House Embroidery Drwer Names • Team l.O(JOS • Sponsor logos 1.800.700.2350 • Fax· IIOll.3II0.04311 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 September 2007 Page 21
a Corey Torres literally flew to a second place inish in the Class 9 There were 18 starters in Class 9 and Adonis Barela was the third A nice second place in Class 7S went to Eduardo Gonzales, he's contest, Corey is seen here with all four in the air. place finisher in the always hotly qontested class. seen here flying towards the elusive checkered flag. 7th'e_ra_;c_e-.. -. --'m-u-c'h-t'h-a-n'k-s.-.. -. "Y;;,O"U,,-----.===;;;;=;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,.,,;::;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;.;;::::;i,m._...;;;;;,;:;;;;;;~ GUYS WERE AWESOME!!! We would also like to thank our "Team mates" at HAMMER DOWN MOTORSPORTS. Thanks a bunch to Gene Wilson and his entire organization. You guys are the best!!! Most of all, we would like to thank our Wives/Moms Lori and Bobbie ... you guys ROCK!!! ... thanks for letting us guys LIVE THE DREAM. Midlife Crisis Motorsports #595". CLASS 8: Six laps. Three starters, two finishers, one DNF. Mark Shoaff won First Place. in truck #8004, completing the required amount of dirt in 07:52:04 at 31.2 mph. 4t8004 also won the Fast. Lap honors on Lap 5 at 42.9 mph, in 00:57: 14. It took Kevin Shane 10: 18:40 to finish in Second Place in truck #847, at 23.8 mph. Joe Patelli got in four laps of fun before he DNF'd for the night in truck #802, after get-ting rammed hard in the rear, knocked off the course, and damaging the steering idler in the process; which eventually put #802 out of the race. CLASS 1400: Six laps. Eleven entries, ten starters, one finisher, eight DNFs, one DNS. Kyle Caso was the sole finisher in the 1400 Ul, tra Truck class, in truck #1445. Caso got to the checkered flag in 05:51:24 at 41.9 mph, to win F.irst Place. Craig Reynolds, #1426, and Nathan Scherneck -#1401, both got in five laps be-fore they got the dreaded DNF. Reynolds won the Fast Lap hon-ors on Lap 2 at 51.2 mph, in 00:47:54. Scherneck summed up his race, this way: "Well, we Page 22 Ian Maxwell, seen here making a slightly off kilter landing was the big winner in Class 9, he had 10 minutes in hand at the finish. ended up finishing 210 miles of a 250 mile race. Not bad for our first run. After replacing belts, somewhat rewiring our trans cooler, and welding the rear heim into the bung on the rear wishbone, we were finally stopped by a dead alternator around 12am." (NOTE: Bring a spare alternator to all night races.) CLASS 1450: Six laps. Six starters, one fin-isher, five DNFs. Shawn Walters covered all six laps in 07:37:12 at 32.3 mph, to win First Place in truck #1469. Walters was the sole finisher in class, and also son the Fast Lap honors on Lap 1 at 36.2 mph; 01:07:53. Den-nis Gerdes only made it through Lap 1 in truck #1471, before he DNF'd; but he still had this to say for our readers: "Thanks again to M.O.R.E. for another great race. The four-wide start was awesome and we should defi-nitely do that again! #1009 got us with a gentle, clean nerf - so no complaints. Thanks to the others who saw us wave and gave us time to mover over. I heard a rumor there was a little dust on the course, but I don't know if anyone saw any." Likewise, Braden Line got in two laps ins truck #1492, before the DNF gremlin got him, too: "Well, we only made it two laps, but we learned a lot -since it was our first race. Thanks to M.O.R.E. for a great time. Hope we didn't slow anyone down too bad as we limped around on our second lap with bad rear shocks. And sorry we could not come to a complete stop at the end of our second lap. We smashed a brake line and the brakes were getting worse and worse. We just wanted to finish Lap 2 and pack it up. Also, if anyone found a BIG flared fender near MM4 or so, please contact me. We took it off to keep it from self-destructing." CLASS 7: Automotive electrical installation experts with over 15 years experience specializing in off-road wiring for your race, pre-runner and sand vehicles. (858) 748-3494 Go to www.enjwireworks.com for au of your electrical components and communication system needs such as sealed switches, waterproof connectors, circuit breakers, fuse boxes and more! September 2007 Shawn Walters bested five other entrants to take the win in the Class 1450 event, he's seen here at speed. Six laps. Two starters, on~ fin-ishers, one DNF. Todd Orminston was the sole finisher and First Place winner in class, in truck #772. Orminston com-pleted the course in 08:35:54 at 28.5 mph for the win. John Addison got in four laps of fun before he DNF'd in truck #755, but Addison won the Fast Lap honors on Lap 1 at 35.5 mph, in 01:09:08. CLASS 7S : Six laps. Eleven starters, seven finishers, four DNFs. Steve Rose won First Place in class by over 30 minutes in truck #729, find-ing the finish line in 06:06: 13 at 40.2 mph. Rose also won the Fast Lap honors on Lap 3 at 44.9 mph, in 00:54:42. Rose put his win, this way: "I would like to thank the M.O.R.E. crew for put-ting on an awesome event. I would also like to thank our pit guys, Chris, Matt, Big Al, Joe, Johnny K., John Fechner, Joe Mashburn, and Grandpa; you did an awesome job. Robbie, thanks again for driving your a@# off, and to Amin -thanks for another flawless prep job on the truck. I would also like to say "thank you" to the guys who helped us change out the fuel pump on our first lap around MM9. Other than being nailed twice from behind from a 12 car in an area where there were three lanes, this race was a lot of fun." Eduardo Gonzales finished in Second Place in truck #739, in 06:39:30 at 36.9 mph. "I would like to thank Jim Clements and everyone at M.O.R.E. for a good race. I would like to thank my brother, Jose, for driving the first half, and my bro' Eric for being the co-dog all night long. We had one flat and a vibration issue that we could not go faster than 55 mph." Andrew Bacerra got to the checkered flag in 06:56:33 at 35.3 mph to win Third Place, in truck #748. Jeff Lloyd fin-ished the race in 07: 14:56 at 33.9 mph, to win Fourth Place in truck #747. Javier Avila won Fifth Place in truck #721, find-ing the finish line in 07:55:32 at 31 mph. James Bolnias fin-ished in Sixth Place in truck #] 37, getting to the checkered flag in 07:59:53 at 30. 7 mph. Ted Quiroz was the final finisher in class in truck #725, winning Seventh Place in 10:06:43 at 20.2 mph. CLASS 11: Three laps. Six starters, five finishers, one DNF. David Cote was the First Place winner in car # 1191, getting to the checkered flag in 04:24: 15 at 27.9 mph. "Yeeeeah. We did it folks: A !st! Thanks to the entire MORE or-ganization for another great weekend. l can't believe that just a few weeks ago, Pump Gas was in shambles and I had no inten-tions on making this race. I owe it to Dave for having the moti-vation to come over, drag the car out and hammer, cut and pound the car back into shape for the race. My shop still looks like a war zone with parts, tools, trash and empties. Thanks to my wife, Rosie, for making me get into the driver's seat and doing what I do best. And thanks to Zach, too, for climbing into the pas-senger sear and being such a great navigator." Gavin Drake won Second Place in car #1199, finishing the required laps in 04:29:13 at 27.3 mph. Anne Naso won Third Place in car # 1169 in 04:34:20 at 26.8 mph. Steve Landis took 05:41:23 to win Fourth Place in car #1171, at 21.6 mph. The Fifth Place winner was Travis McGee in car #1133, getting to the checkered flag in 06:15:39 at 19.6 mph. YaaaWn* ... My work is done. Next time, I bring the high-Oc-tane IV-drip coffee. Mucho car-nage all through the night. A thick blanket of dust still fills the air in the dawn's early lgiht. The dark and the desert dished out the dirt and took their toll, but it was fun for all. I'm off now to check out the backside of my eyelidzzzzzz... !!!&~~ Dusty Times
AT YERINGTON Do1n· 1t In The Dirt TEXT & PHOTOS: DWIGHT STEWART Kevin Hescock had a good day, he took the gold medal in the Semi Pro Division, he's seen here at speed. VORRA has done it again ... hosted a great desert race that is. The Yerrington 300, what a race it was, complete with a parade down Main Street prior to Sunday's big race. The race was followed by an aawards ceremony at Ca-si no West in downtown Yerrington on Monday. The race course was carefully mapped out and would prove to be as de-manding on a race vehicle as it would be the driver. Dennis Kordonowy and the VORRA crew put to-gether a 50+ mile loop that would be lapped five time. Watching the quads. wind through the canyon, one could only wonder how a car or truck would be navigated through the miles of twists and turns up, over, and around the mesme.rizing mountains of the Northern Nevada desert. With a cool breeze off the Sierra Nevadas, abun-dant farmland, and a river running through it, Yerrington is all but a mi-rage. Throw in good honest family fun, and a few dozen races, and you have ... VORRA. In full compli-ance with BLM and no se-rious injuries to speak of, VORRA is well on its way to another successful year racing in the Nevada desert. The quads left the start-ing line at 6 a.m., with three classes; Bantam, Amateur and Pro. This is the first year VORRA has let the Bantam class par-ticipate in the desert races. Much to everyone's sur-prise the Bantam would be turning lap times less than 10 minutes longer than· the Amateur class. Cars and trucks would make up four classes. Sam Berri got·off to an early lead in his Honda-powered Class 1 car. Sam would hold his position finishing 30 min-utes ahead of the competi-tion. In the Semi-Pro class, newcomer Guy Jessop fin-ished first having drove his #247 buggie down victory lane at his first off road race April of this year. The show must go on! Thanks to Dennis Kordonowy's love of off road racing and pursuit of justice in the desert. After long negotia-tions and several meetings Not too bad a day for Jim Paddock, he slid into a third place finish in the Class 1 Division, seen here turning hard right. Bruce Fields had a pretty good day, he took the Class 8 win at Yerington, he's seen here at speed in his truck. · It wasn't a good day for Dale Smith, he drove his good looking Class 10 car to a dnf at the Yerington festivities. earlier this year, VORRA (Dennis Kordonowy) and BLM (Bureau of Land Man-a.g e m e n t) r e c o n c ii e d a n d formed a contract which insures our right to race in the desert for many years to come. By the looks of things, the little race organization that could is going to be the little race organization that did. VORRA moves on the Lovelock, NV next, a favorite race destination for many of .the drivers. This race is 300 miles long and will be held on the weekend of June 23rd and 24th in and around beauti-ful Lovelock, Nevada, northeast of Reno. For more information and VORRA racing news, log on to www.vorra.net. See you at the races! ~ Tony Bond looked pretty good at the start but he was a dnf in the Class 10 division, seen here moving quickly. All that dust usually signifies trouble and trouble it was for Jason Ryan sergeant only got in three good laps before disaster struck, Not too good a day for K.C. Highbaugh, he was unable to get a Sacks he rolled his car and went right to the trailer. unfortunately Ryan was a dnf at the Yerington meet. finish in his Amateur Quad, he's seen here before disaster struck. Dusty Times September 2007 Page 23
•·1 AT CRANDON Crandon IS Stlll Crandon Scott Douglas had a great race for his opener at Crandon, he took the coveted Pro 4x4 win in the Saturday fracas. Boy, was it crowded! It was Crandon all over again! There were more people in attendance, more vendors, more decent weather than has been there in a long time. And racers, there were lots of racers, trucks and buggies, all rarin' to go and more than ready to win. By Dusty Times un-official count there were 198 en-trants in 11 classes and there was more than enough racing to sat-isfy anyone's desires. Starting with the Pro 4x4 group, there were 13 of them ready for battle and battle they did! Scott Douglas was the man to beat in the Saturday race, but nobody did! Page 24 Scott took a nice win in his Ford, Johnny Greaves, Toyota followed in second place, Carl Renezeder was there for the bronze medal in his Nissan, Al Drews was first off the podium in his Ford, John Marking came in fifth in a Chevrolet, Dave Christoferson was sixth in his Chevy, Kent Brascho finished seventh in his Chevy, Curt LeDuc finished in eighth place in his Ford, Troy Menne was ninth in a Ford and Adrian Cenni was the 10th and final finisher in his Chevy. The Sunday Pro 4x4 race was just as hot and heavy but we had new winners! Johnny Greaves got his first win of the season, Kent Brascho recorded his third second place finish of the season, Carl Renezeder took another third place finish, Scott Douglas was only able to grab a fourth place finish this time and Al Drews rounded out the top five. Troy Menne was the sixth place fin-isher, Curt LeDuc finished in sev-enth place, John Marking was the eighth place finisher and Adrian Cenni was the last guy in, in ninth place. Kent Brascho leads the 4x4 points with 77, Al Drews is second with 71 points and Michael Oberg is third in points with 50 earned. There were 13 entrants in the Pro 2WD contest. Michael Oberg, Chevy took the honors in the Sat-urday race, Scott Taylor, Ford, came in for the second spot, Dan Vanden Heuvel Sr., Chevy was last man on the podium, Kevin Probst, also in a Chevy was fourth to fin-ish and Evan Evans came across in fifth place in his Chevy. Brian Hinman was sixth in his Chevy, Rhonda Konitzer, Chevy, was the seventh place finisher, Todd LeDuc was eighth in his Ford, Carl Renezeder was a long ninth in his Nissan and Ross Hoek was way back in 10th place in his Ford. In the Sunday Pro 2WD event, it was Kevin Probst taking the win, Michael Oberg slipped to second place this day, Dan Vanden Heuvel Sr. took third place, Brian Hinman came in fourth and Carl Renezeder was the fifth place fin-. isher. Rhonda Konitzer was the sixth truck to finish, Scott Taylor was not happy back in seventh place and Evan Evans was side-lined with problems and was a dnf. Michael Oberg leads the Pro 2WD points with 86 earned, Scott. Taylor is right there with 85 and Kevin Probst is in third place with 82 points. No less than 22 Pro Light trucks were entered, the contest was hot and heavy and when the smoke cleared on the Saturday race it was Jeff Kincaid, taking his second win of the season in his September 2007 Johnny Greaves finished second in Pro 4x4 on Saturday and he came back on Sunday with a big win, seen here in combat. Michael Oberg took a first and a second in 2wd action, he leads the class points and is seen here in flight. Toyota, Chad Hord was the sec-ond place finisher, Nissan mounted, Art Schmitt was back in action in third place in his Nissan, Marty Hart, Ford, was fourth to finish and Jim Kandel, Toyota, was fifth across the line. In sixth place was Lee O'Donnell in his Nissan, Dan Vanden Heuvel Jr., Nissan, came in seventh, Randy Eller, Ford, came in eighth, Glen Grint was ninth in his Toyota and Josh Hintz was 10th in his Nissan. Steve Federico finished 11th in his Toyota, Jon Probst came in 12th in his Nissan, Don Ponder, Ford, was unlucky 13th, Kyle LeDuc, Ford, was a long 14th piace and Alan McMillan was the 15th and final finisher. Sunday's race saw all sorts of position changes, Chad Hord took his first win of the year, Art Schmitt took the second spot, Randy Eller had a nice third place finish, Josh Hintz took the fourth Kevin Probst got a nice win on Sunday in 2wd, his fourth place on Saturday puts him solidly in third place in points. Chad Hord was second on Saturday, took the win in the Sunday Pro Light event and he's only two points in arrears in the chase. Dusty Times
Carl Renezeder took a pair of thirds in Pro 4x4 but he did win the Scott Taylor took a second and a seventh in the Pro 2wd contest, Marty Hart, Ford, (left) leads the Pro Light points, Art Schmitt (right) Potowatomi Chairman's Cup for the second time in his Nissan. he's seen here pushing his Ford to the Limit. finished third and second in his Nissan. spot and Marty Hart was fifth to Waldvogel as he took his second ish, Don Demney came in third, Cusack, Ford, was in seventh Cornish was the 10th place fin-take the flag. Jim Kandel finished win of the weekend, Ben Jason Bort finished fourth and place, Shannon Rinehart was isher. Dave Malh was way back in in sixth place, Glen Grint was up Wandahsega repeated his second Andy Arndt was the fifth place fin-eighth in a Ford, Curt Zenefski 11th place and Chris Kaiko was a few places into seventh, Lee place finish of Saturday, Keith isher. Daniel Beauchamp was sixth finished ninth in his Chevy and the 12th and final finisher. O'Donnell finished eighth, Jeff Steele picked up his second third to finish and Jake Vande Yoorte Crystal Refke finished 10th in a Bob Sayers leads the Formula Kincaid was an unhappy ninth place finish of the weekend, Don finished in seventh place. Ford. Johnny Cornish, also in a 4x4 points race with 80 in hand, and Don Ponder was the 10th Williams finished fourth again Scott Beauchamp leads the Ford finished in 11th spot and Larry Maciosek is second with 78 place finisher. Kyle LeDuc was un-and )ace Schubert was the fifth Stock Truck points with 94 in Jerry Conrad finished 12th, he too and David DeMaegd is third in happily 11th to finish, Mark place finisher. Sixth place went to hand, Don Demney is second with in a Ford. points with 68 accrued. Oberg finished 12th, Steve GaryGottchalkand Ken Hallgren 69 points and Jason Bott is third Sunday's Formula4x4 race was There were 24 entries in the Federico finished 13th and Dan was the seventh and final finisher. with 68 points. a ho-hum for Larry Maciosek as he Enduro Truck Division and they Vanden Heuvel Jr. was the 14th Ben Wandahsega leads the Su-The Formula 4x4 race on Sat-took his second win of the '07 sea-made uses of the great track at and final finisher. per Stock Truck points with 92, urday had 14 trucks ready to race son, Tim Moeller repeated his Sat-Crandon. Larry Manske picked up Marty Hart leads the Pro Light Dave Waldvogel is second with 84 and wen they came across the fin- urday second place finish on Sun-his first win of the year in his Ford, Points with 74 in hand, Chad and Don Williams is third with 72 ish line it was Larry Maciosek tak- day, Bob Sayers finished last on Matt Ives was right behind him in Hord and Jeff Kincaid are tied in points earned. ing the win in his Ford, Tim the podium, David DeMaegd was his Chevrolet, Bob Rinehart took second place with 72 points each. An even dozen were entered in Moeller was right there in second fourth in and Jim Ridderbush the bronze medal in his Ford, There were 11 trucks entered in the Saturday Stock Truck class and place in his Ford truck, in third came across the line in fifth place. Chevrolet mounted Ben Wierzba the Super Stock Truck races. it was a cakewalk for Scott place was David DeMaegd in his Shannon Rinehart was the sixth finished first out of the money and Sa tu rd ay' s race had Dave Beauchamp as he took his third Jeep, Bob Sayers Ford, came across place finisher, Curt Zenefski was Richard Arndt finished fifth in his Waldvogel taking a nice win in his win of the season in his Chevrolet, in fourth and Dave Malh, also in lucky seventh, Michael Cusack fin-GMC. Jim VanRixel was the sixth Chevy truck, Ben Wandahsega, Al Konitzer, Dodge, was second to a Ford was fifth. Jim Ridderbush ished eighth, Jerry Conrad was place finisher, Marc Rogaczewski also in a Chevy was second to fin- finish, Eric Ruppel, Ford, finished was sixth in his Chevy, Michael ninth across the line and Johnny Continued next page ish, Keith Steele, also in a Chevy in third place Don Demney, llfRIF..,,...--=~-----rrr~;;:::;~;:;:;;:::;---came in third, Don Williams, Dodge, finished fourth and Ford, was the fourth place finisher Daniel Beauchamp, Ford, finished and Ken Hallgren came in fifth in in the fifth spot. Andy Arndt was his Chevy. Jim Wrobleski, Chevy sixth to finish in his Chevy, Jason mounted, was sixth across the line, Borr, in another Chevy finished Zane Roberts, also in a Chevy seventh, Jim Van Rixel finished came in seventh, Gary Gottchalk eighth in his Chevy and Jake was eighth in his Chevy truck and Vande Voorte finished in ninth )ace Schubert, also Chevy place, he too in a Chevy. mounted was the ninth and final Sunday's Stock Truck race had finisher. Eric Ruppel taking a nice win, Sunday's Super Stock Truck Scott Beauchamp broke his win-race was ever so great for Dave ning streak with a second place fin-Flyin' high in his Chevy, Dave Waldvogel picked up a pair of wins in Super Stock Truck, he's seen here nicely airborne. In Stock Truck, Scott Beauchamp took a first and a second in his Chevy, his third win of the season has him nicely first in points. Dusty Times SPA Ii J. BOSSES II UNIB CUPS [iw@)[iw@) I l" A t. V September 2007 ,,, , m , , ~o n• .,,_.,.,_-,.....,,.._,_._,.,~.,,_.,_._...,...__.,,._....,.,.-9&tKENWDDD !!rt ~ ... Ii" RACE RADIOS Page 25
Ryan Mulder took a third and a second in Super Buggy at Crandon, Dan Vanden Heuvel Sr. had a decent weekend, he took third place he sits fourth in Class points after Crandon. both days in Pro 2wd in his Chevy, seen here in close combat. In the Super Stock Truck races, Keith Steele drove his Chevy to a pair of third place finishes, seen here at speed. Josh Hintz took the win in Light Buggy on Saturday, problems on Sunday relegated him to an unwanted dnf. finished seventh in his Ford, Dave Clement finished in eighth place, Don Demney was ninth in his Dodge and Nick Byng finished 10th in his Ford. Mike LeRoy fin-ished in 11th place in his Chevy, Renee Peebles was 12th in her Chevy, Paul Jensen finished 13th in a Ford, Jonathan Pepin was 14th in his Ford and Shaun Bruski, Chevy mounted, finished 15th. Eric Morrow was well back in 16th place in his Ford and Dan Bengel was 17th in his GMC pickup. Page 26 Sunday's Enduro Truck race saw many position changes from the prior day's race. When the checkers flew it was Craig Rogaczewski taking a very nice win, Matt Ives had another second place finish, Nick Byng was third to finish, Larry Manske finished fourth and Mike LeRoy finished in fifth place. Shaun Bruski took sixth place, Bob Rinehart was sev-enth, Marc Rogaczewski came in eighth, Tom Varner came in ninth and Dan Bengel finished 10th. It :~·,:-:-:·~ ·.···•.·.'~~' ;,,;,; .w, Todd Lemke took the Light Buggy win on Sunday, he finished 11th on Saturday but he has the class points lead. was an 11th place finish for Eric Morrow, Andy Arndt finished 12th, Tracy Peebles finished in 13th place, Brandon Rouse fin-ished 14th and Jim Van Rixel was the 15th finisher. Duane Klassen finished in 16th place, Paul Jensen was well back in 17th place and Ben Wierzba was the 18th and fi-nal finisher. In Enduro Truck points it is Bob Rinehart leading with 79, Larry Manske is second with 77, and Matt Ives sits in third with 63 points. September 2007 In the Classix Division there were 20 trucks ready to race and it was Bob Weiland taking a nice win in his Chevy, Justin Keehner was in second place, Shane DeGroot finished third, Victor Anderson was first off the podium and Kurt Schuch was the fifth place finisher. Jeff Tomlin finished sixth in his Chevy, Bill Groboski Sr. finished seventh in his Chevy, Adrian Tomlin was eighth, Ken-neth Platten was ninth in his Chevy and Steve Gibbs, also in a Chevy finished 10th. Sunday's Classix race saw Bob Weiland taking his fourth win of the '07 season. Good for him! Shane DeGroot was second across the line, Justin Keehner was third, Kurt Schuch finished fourth and Bill Wilson finished fifth. Victor Anderson came across in sixth place, Bill Groboski Jr. was sev-enth and Jeff Tomlin finished in eighth place. Bob Weiland leads the Classix points with an even 100, Kurt Schuch is second with 67 points and Bill Groboski is third with 66 points. No less than 35 buggies were in contention in the Light Buggy races. The big winner in the Sat-urday event was Josh Hintz, a re-ally nice win, Craig Metz was sec-ond, Wesley Frehse was third to finish, Matt Gerald came in fourth and Greg Stingle was fifth. In sixth place was Steve Oman, Kurt Metz was lucky seventh, Jamie Kleikamp came in eighth, Beau Ambos fin-ished in ninth place and Kevin Huth finished 10th. Todd Lemke finished in 11th place, Jim Schmit made it an even dozen, Brian Glime was unlucky 13th, John McDonald finished 14th and Tom Thomas was the 15th finisher. Barry Whalen came in 16th, Steve Schuch was 17th in, Craig Paid found 18th place, Stephanie Paid was 19th across the line and Tom Virnig finished in the 20th spot. Randy Oman came in 221st, Craig Rabe was 22nd, Bill Kortens fin-ished in 23rd place, Jake Burkhart came in 24th and Jim Miller was the 25th finisher. In 26th place was Charles Scully, Bryan Norris came in 27th, and Mark Phalen was the 28th and final finisher. Sunday's Light Buggy race saw many changes in the finishing order from Saturday's race and they fin-ished in this order. First to take the checkered flag was Todd Lemke, he was followed in by Wesley Frehse, Greg Stingle was last on the po-dium, Craig Metz finished fourth and Matt Gerald was fifth in. Steve Oman collected his second sixth place of the weekend, Bryan Holtger was seventh, Steven Schuch was eighth, Julie Dewall finished ninth and Jamie Kleikamp rounded out the top 10. Jim Schmit was 11th in, Kurt Metz finished 12th, John McDonald was the baker's dozen, Eric Lear came in 14th and Barry Whalen was the 15th finisher. Randy Oman finished 16th, Tom Virnig came in 17th, Kevin Besseret found 18th place, Scott Laatsch was 19th and Kevin Huth rounded out the top 20 positions. In 21st place was Tom Thomas, Jim Miller was 22nd, Stephanie Paid came in 23rd, Brian Glime was back in 24th and Charles Scully was 25th. Mark Phalen finished in 26th place, Carol Gunderson was in 27th place, Bill Kortens finished 28th and John Bauman was the 29th and final fin-isher. Todd Lemke leads the Light Buggy points with 7 5 earned, Matt Gerald is close in second place with 70 points and Greg Stingle sits third with 69 points. There were 15 Class 1600 bug-gies waiting for the green flag and they had a hell of a race. John Fitzgerald was the very elated win-ner in the Saturday race, Mark Steinhardt was close behind in sec-ond place, Brad Erickson won the bronze medal, Mike Seefeldt came in fourth and Bob Blaney was fifth to finish. In sixth place was Terry Fitzgerald, Michael Notary was lucky seventh, Jeff Villemure was eighth to finish, Dan Martin was ninth in and John Svanda finished 10th. Allen Plawman came across in 11th place, John Huven fin-ished 12th and Jason Janusz was the 13th and final finisher. The finishing order in the Sun-day race was kinda ho-hum as John Fitzgerald took the win once again, Mark Steinhardt followed him in again for second place, Mike Seefeldt moved up a spot into third place, Michael Notary fin-ished fourth and Bob Blaney was fifth again. Brad Erickson was the sixth place finisher, Terry Fitzgerald was seventh in, John Svanda finished eighth, Allen Plawman came in ninth and Jason Janusz was the 10th place finisher. Brad Arndt finished in 11th place and Dan Martin was the 12th and final finisher. John Fitzgerald leads the 1600 Buggy points with 87, Mark Dusty Times
Randy Eller got himself an eighth and a third place finish in the Pro Eric Ruppel had a third place finish and a win in the Stock Truck Jeff Kincaid took a win and a ninth place finish in Pro Light, he's Light events, seen here in his great looking Ford. races, he seen here flyin' his Ford towards the finish line. tied for second in points in his Toyota. SS~te!iinnhh"aarcrdltt~issrr~ig;Iih~ttthheier~e:ii;;n~s~e"ccoonndd-*ii•-l~;;;:;;;;=~~T=~cr===:=====. place with 86 points and Mike Seefeldt is third with 78 points. Last group to report on was the Super Buggy group, there were 19 of them ready to race and, as usual, they put on a hell of a race for the fans. When their Saturday race finished it was Las Vegan Aaron Hawley tak-ing his se;.:ond win of the season. Gary Nierop was right there in sec-ond place, Ryan Mulder was last on the podium, Tim Lemons finished fourth and Todd Wallace finished in the fifth spot. Adam Guberud came across in sixth place, Team Krieman were the lucky seventh place finish-ers, Luke Zoetmulder finished eighth, Don Olson was ninth and Tom Schwartzburg came across in 10th place. Corry Heynan took the 11th spot, John Mason made it an even dozen, Craig Biesik finished in 13th place, Rick Jacobson was 14th in and Scott Schwalbe finished in 15th place. John Frana finished in 16th place and Herman Barnum was the 17th finisher. John Fitzgerald had a great weekend, he took the win both days in the 1600 Buggy Class, he's seen here flyin' to the checkers. Super Buggy on Sunday saw the desert racer, Aaron Hawley take an-other win, his third of the year, Ryan Mulder was up a spot into second place, Gary Nierop finished in third place, Corry Heynan was getting back in form with a fourth BUILT-IN HEIM STAB/LI NON-SLIP FG PAD EURO & SPOT LENS place finish and Tim Lemons rounded out the top five. Craig Biesik was up to sixth place, Team Krieman were seventh again, Todd Wallace finished in eighth place, Scott Schwalbe finished ninth and Tom Schwartzburg finished 10th ~ -,/ ~ ',#" .... ~ AVAILABLE IN EURO, SPOT & FLOOD LENSES LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY Dusty Times September 2007 Aaron Hawley's besmirched buggy was the big winner both days at Crandon, he leads the Super Buggy points by 20. again. Lisa Grint finished in 11th place, Herman Barnum was 12th, Rick Jacobson was unlucky 13th, John Frana finished in 14th place and Luke Zoetmulder was the 15th and final finisher. In Super Buggy points, Aaron Hawley leads with 96, Gary Nierop is second with 76 points and Tim Lemons in third with 69 points. Four rounds of the WSORR Se-ries are history, there are eight more to go. See ya at the races! ~ H.JJl. l/7V CONl/'EIISJON JfJTS RHINO -PROWLER -RANGER Page 27
KQJU. McKENZIE'S 40D Brabec overall BY]. PRESTON BRADSHAW PHOTOS: TRACKS/DE PHOTO It was a nice win for Rick Brabec, he took Class of a thousand landings. 1 and the overall as well, he's seen here_ ready for one The Mojave Desert Racing (MOR) crew spent the June 23rd weekend in the Lucerne Valley, playing host to a bunch of off road racers. There was a decent entry, especially in the Class 1 group and there was plenty of good racing for all. The McKenzie 400 was run on 50 mile laps, so the big guys and the semi-big guys had eight laps to run while some had six laps to make a race and some had only four laps to run. There were ten Class 1 cars scheduled to run but two of them failed to start the race. At ....... ,.._.... the end of their first lap it was Alexis Gonzales leading the pack, Steve Raskett came along less than two minutes later in second place, Rick Brabec ran in third place, some 20 seconds later, Alexis Staats came along in the fourth spot and Keith Hughes was running in fifth place. Kelly Beal was running sixth and David Jensen was in seventh place. Craig Diller started but failed to finish his first lap. Lap 2 ended and Rick Brabec had moved into first place, setting fast lap for the flll.Pl1111SCIIP .CIII JMR 1001 BENDER WITH THREE ROUND DIES I", l·l/4" AID 1-1/ 2" CAPACITY: 2·1 /2" IIUND TUBE 2" SDUUE TUBE 2" SCI 40 PIPE Will IBID .250 Will 4130 TUBE IP Tl 2" ID 177084 SALE $2,995·00 COME IN AND SEE IUR LARGE SELECTION If METAL TUBING• ONTARIO 1·800/792-9782 lmNDALE 1-800/S0D-PtPE SAN BERNARDINO 1·800/877-4289 BURIIAIII 1-800/ 401>-3448 class along the way, Steve Raskett remained in second place, he was less than three minutes in arrears, Alexis Gonzales had slipped two places and was now running third, Kelly Beal was up two places into fourth place, David Jensen was up two spots into fifth place and Keith Hughes was down a spot, into sixth. When they came around at the end of the third lap it was Rick Brabec still leading the group, Steve Raskett still held on in second place, Kelly Beal was up another spot into third BRING IN THIS AD FOB $50·00 OFF THE JMR 1001 BENDER HESPERIA 1·800/7.PAlTON LANCASTER 681/942-2755 s lor.ATIDNS TD SERVE YOU • FOR AU YOUR METAL WORKING NEms • ·CALL YOUR LOCAL BRANCH FOR STOCKED SIZES Page 28 September 2007 A.J. Rodriguez took the Class 7 win, he's seen here at touchdown, minus some fiberglass, must be the extra weight. It was a nice win for Norman Turley, he's seen here saving a bit of tire wear as he heads for the elusive checkered flag. place, David Jensen moved up a spot into fourth and Keith Hughes had moved into fifth place. Alexis Gonzales had dis-appeared from the fray. At the halfway point Steve Raskett had taken the lead, Rick Brabec had dropped to second place, he was some four minutes behind the leader, Kelly Beal held on in third place, David Jensen still ran in fourth place and Keith Hughes still ran in fifth place. Fifth lap came to an end and Steve Raskett still held the lead, Rick Brabec held on in second place, he was now two minutes behind the leader, David Jensen was up a spot into third place, Kelly Beal was down a place into fourth and Keith Hughes was still running fifth. When their sixth lap ended Rick Brabec had taken the lead once more, Steve Raskett was now in second place, he was two minutes and change in ar-rears, David Jensen still ran third, Kelly Beal and Keith Hughes still ran fourth and fifth. There were no position changes on the seventh lap. Lap 8, final lap and when the checkers flew it was Rick Brabec taking a hard fought win, Rick averaged almost 60 miles per hour on his travels, Steve Raskett took the silver medal, he was a bit over two minutes behind the leader, Kelly Beal moved into the third place finishing position, Keith Hughes finished fourth and David Jensen was the fifth and final finisher in Class 1. There was only one entrant in Class 3, Kurt Larmee. Kurt gave it his all, but he only got three laps under his belt before he disappeared from the scor-ing charts. Class 7 had two entrants but it wasn't much of a contest. A.J. Rodriguez led the first lap, Nick Tonelli ran in second place, he was almost 50 min-utes behind the leader, fighting some mechanical woes. At the end of the second of eight required laps, A.J. Rodriguez was running all alone. Nick Tonelli had disap-peared from the race. It was a breeze from there on in, Rodriguez motored around for the rest of his laps and com-pleted his race with a 44 mile per hour average speed. There were three trucks en-tered in Class 725 and they too didn't have much of a race. When they completed their first lap it was Frank Gilliland showing the way, Norm Turley came along some 20 minutes later in second place and the other entrant didn't start. At the end of their second of eight required laps it was still Frank Gilliland in the lead, Norm Turley was some ten minutes behind the leader. Lap 3 ended, now Norm Turley was the only truck run-ning, Frank Gilliland had re-tired with terminal troubles. From there on it was only Norm Turley cruising around the course, he had problems on his last lap but he did take the class win. Class 8 only had two trucks entered and one of them failed to make the start. This left Matt Towery to make the eight lap run by himself and al-though Matt had some big problems on his second lap, he carried on and finished his eight required laps at a 41 mile per hour average speed. Class 1200 had seven trucks scheduled to start, but four of them failed to start their first lap so it was Terry Ingold show-ing the way around the first Continued next page Dusty Times
Christian Hall was the only one in his class, he had major problems Steve Raskett led the Class 1 contingent for a few laps but had to Jay Arnold had a reasonable race, he took third place honors in on his third lap but he carried on and took the checkers. settle for a silver medal when the checkers flew. Class 1400, he's seen here speeding towards the finish. lap, Josh Thompson had a long Terry continued on and fin-jor problems on his third lap and when they came around at Randy Shields ran in third first lap and Jerome Cutler ished the race with a 33 mile but he soldiered on and took the end of their first lap it was place· and John Vaughan ran failed to complete his first lap. per hour average speed. the class win. Adam Householder in the cat-fourth. Matt Torian was out of When the second of their Christian Hall was all alone The Class 1400 troops had birds seat, Jay Arnold ran in the race. six required laps ended it was in class, he had six laps to run eight laps to go for their race. second place, Jay Arnold came Their second lap ended and Terry Ingold running all alone. for his race. Christian had ma-Two of the entrants didn't start along some eight minutes later, Adam Householder continued MODEL AND ENGINE SUE! Sales Information: Payment may be made by credit card, money order or cashier's cneck. F'l!rsonaJ or business checks · are not accepted. C.O.D. orders accepted with 50% pre-payment. S5 Handling charge on all orders. Calilomia residents include 7.75% sales tax. Customers responsible for all freight charges. Minimum order is $25. The use of Volkswagen by Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. is for descriptive purposes ONLY and in no way is the name used to infer or intend a direct connection between Pacific Cusloms Unlimited, Inc. and Volkswagen. Volkswagen is a registered trademark. PRICES EFFECTIVE DURING THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MAGAZINE COVER DATE. EAGLE EYE OFF ROAD LIGHTS H./.O. Ug/11$ witi 35W Xld(/11 Bu/OS and fla/luJ 4 /,' Oval HJD. Onving Light SIIV!!r FIIIISII a'1d Exlemal Baflasl paw-··-·--.. $522 8" Oval HI 0. Onving liOlll. .._ ______ __, SIM!f Finish and External Sup•r Brl1hl 1111011n LJ1hts. Ballast pair .522 6' Round 100W Dnvong lighl 8" Oval HID. Spot Ughl S11Yef wrth Black finish. pa,r . $38 FilllSh and External Ballast 6" Round 100W Shm·Pro Driving pair .. .522 lighl wrth Chrome finlSII. pair 74 S-Round H.1.0. DIMoO Light. 4 '/' Du.al 100W DIMng ltohl Opal Finish and tn1ernal ,.. with S,t-,,er finlSh. pa,r _ 32 Ballast paw .•. ...... .522 8" Round 55W 011v,ng Liqhl S-Round H.I 0. $pol light. Opal • with $,Ivel Finish. pair -.. 98 FlfllSh and Internal Ballast. 8" Round $pol WI SilVer pa• .522 AoiSh pair .. .. • COMMUNICATION KITS Ba,/c Kit o,,.,, DrMr to,..,...,,, Commulutloa. Mranc., /Cits -Ill• C1pabl/f'1 tor 1M Driver lo Communltltd lo h_n,.,.. Cir Ill Cir or Cir 1, S,s, 111/IJI Raf/a Atf4etl. Buie 2-Person w/llS ...... $466 Black Finish ~ Se! ... 8iStC ◄ •Pe(soa wlHS 799 Bladt Bl . Red or Yellow Advanced 560 4-l'l!rson Behllld Ille Head Head Set 164 Intercom Kil........ ...-.635 Cirbon Fiber Behind Head PuSII to Tallc Botlon. . .. ...... 37 Head Sal ... ... .. 178 COIL BEAM SUSPENSION •Made In USA• Fto11I f/1111 ,,, 6" lflldfr with 111' TOllllf'I lo ~Call Sh«:ks Wit/lout ModifiUtlon lfli lsl•dn Rad:•• Pinion Mllflllt. . 111//1111 AnllSIIW 0. 0.111. lbltrl'1, :t•;.• ur,er 1t 1" Wiffr Alli CIR Uu Eitlw SUd K/Jlf Pl• $pinll/n tr Combo Ulllt$. Front Beam for Cod Shoclcs ... S26S Combo Link Spmles .$475 Chromoly Frooi Beam for Combo lm Spmdles 3' raised .510 Cod Shixis_.... .... ...:. 310 K1no Shod< 2' Adj Dody o.o M. Tramno Atms. sei of◄ 310 w/Reservo1r, Includes D.O.M., 4"Tr.iillll0 Arms (41 360 Spnnos. each .... _ . .495 Thru Rods w/NUIS. pa,r .. -... SO Piggy Baek Reserlo1r Op11011 .... 65 Ul'!thane Beam 8US11in9s _ 24 Sviedged Tie Rods. Alum .. pr 65 H.D. Unk Pins .... -.... ·-.... 52 Swedged T-Rods cnromoly. pr.65 Page 30 FRONT BRAKES 2-Pi•c. Blli.t Hub 1111/h 8" Rotor, BtarltJff, Cini r C,ps '"' Wlflll00/1 Z PistOtl C1/iµr1 with 111#11/Jng Brr&hts. VW Un Pill ftonl Brakes 745 Combo link I ronl Brakes . 755 Fn111/HubKil VW linlt Pin front Hub I(( Combo Link F ronl Hub Kit H.O. FROIIT BRAKES 1·Plln II/Ml Hub 1111/118" Rotor, Timken 811rln,s, c.,,,., Clps anti WIIIIIHd 2 Pillon C,l/p1r, fllottntlngBmtm. COmbo Un Front Bra $940 KING ADJUSTABLE SHOCKS WI RESERVOIR F11II At/j11$lm1nt O I Spring Sllott lllilll H0$1 lnll R,umir. KitO 2" Adiuslable Shoclc SPORTSMAN MICRO STUB KIT 1111,1 8 ,r1,., Hao1iflf with Tlma, 81,nngs, 11· Roton, Airrrrlt Ou/it, AJ/111 Slut A1ll,s IIMI W1/wood, Pist/111 Cll,Plff. Sportsnm o Stub Kil $ I 395 Billet Bearing Haasin1 wit• nmu11 l11rinp. 11" Roton. L.,_ Ot11M/,r JOOM Shit Alla Ind Wilwood 4 P/sto,, C,1/plff H.D Mero Stub Bra Kil $1 6'15 IIO#·COIL SHOCKS King2"Shocil, 8-10-12· Stroke. lrom $225 K' IQ 2 •1,• Shod<. 12-14·16' Stroke. .lrom 295 s-10-12· Stroke from $495 "''NG 811,M'D sTnn Ktr1Q 2'r-" Ad1ustableSl10ck, n11 r ,vr 12·14·16" StJoke_.lrom585 Z-BtunpStop wltll'130 Piggy 8aclc Reservoir Ophon 65 Chlllmo/y S/nr,. Triple By-Pass. 2 I' Body 650 Bump Stop WIiii SleM, AC/I $257 CENTERLINE WHEELS forg1/I A/11mlnum Whllll lfirh Pall If Rn/sh. 15 X 4 · ••-.. $264 15x5 ... 268 15x6 272 15x7 .275 15 x8 279 15 X 10 5 VW ••--291 15xl2 5VW. -.. 298 15x3'b 41/W •. . 275 15x5'1, 4VW -· .283 15 X 7 4 VW ------~-----, 291 15x8'f 4VW ... .. , 298 POWER STEERING COMPONENTS Howe"-Rad<. r Widespread ._ ... _ .... $1.215 Howe~ Rade. 2 W Widespread ... _ .... . 1.275 Howe Power Rad<, 2 '/.' Widespread With Control Vall/9._ .. _ 1.650 Char-Lynn Torque Generator. •• ·-·· •• •. 295 Char•Lynq 8'1tet Mount Clamps to 1 'ltlublng ..... _ ... __ .. __ 459 MOUnllllO Tab. WelCI-On. each ·--... _.. .... ·-10 Port Block lor Char-Lynn w«h Fittings .... __ .... _ ........... _.... . •.• 30 Coupler lot Chat-Lynn.... ... 18 U·JOint for Cllar-Lynn (S.ell . ... .. from 56 P-Steenno Pumps. 1000 PSl or 1300 PSI ··-·-.... 160 Pulley for Power Steering Pump ... .... ... from 45 Po-Steerino Reservoir lor 18and 110 Frnnos ..• -...... ..... .85 Power Steenno Reservoir Wllh Fl~er Adapter.. .. 150 Mounl tor Power SIeerv,o Pump (Specify £nu )........ . ..... from 65 Bracllet Reservoir ... -14 930 CHROMOLY STUB AXLES& DRIVE FLANGES S11111 Axles for 930 CV. pair S140 Slob Axles for Bus CV. pair 140 DIMI flaaoes lor 930CV, pa,r .70 Orive flanoes for Bus CV, pair ... 70 HEAVY DUTY AXLES GERMAN CV JOINTS by LA TEST RASE BUGIBus Trans 10 AND BOOTS Beetle Tratler A,ms_ ... $120 Buo CV Joint BUGIBus Traru; 10 3ll3 Am1s 130 Buo CV Bool ··-.. • • 8tJG1Bus Trans lo 3x3 Am1s Bus. CV Joint . tor 930 CV-s. 140 Bus. CV Boot _ -.. 23' or 25' Axles for 930 CV's 160 930 CV Joint ... 24'·28" M300 tor 930CV-s .tr ◄40 930 Boot ,Id Flilnoe CROW SAFETY BELTS 3• UP Bl/II Wll/l Snm-/n 2· or ;J" Sllauld1r Hlrrt-Allllilbll hi 3, 4, or V Poim W1bbing is Allllfllle In BIid/, Gr11, Blul, Rid or Prlr,11. 3"x2" 3P0ttll 3" x 2" 4 Point.... . .. 3" x 3" 3 Po,nt . .. 3·x3• 4Po,ni_ ..... 80 3' x 2' 3 Pt WIShoulder Pad 90 3" x 2" 4 Pt w/Shoulder Pad 90 3' x 3" 3 Pt w/SllOulde! Pad 100 3· x 3" 4 Pt wlShoulder Pad 100 2 Crotch Slrap • 12 CROW SHOULDER PADS Alfl//1ble tor 1" tr T ShOlllder Hamiss, BIid:. 81111 Or R1d. Z-Shoulder Ha1J1esS Pillds. pr .$24 :r Shoulder Harness Pads. pr. 28 UL' SPORTSTER s,«i.i an,., Willlll$ A ~ Ont, 1r Wide/ Now y.., Cl11 /Ju 2-Pass Benell Seal Ill ,. StupmiOfl Sutt,. lllt101111r CMall. Anl/atls II 8/d or G,.,,. 46' or 48" Wide. $435 LIi' Sf)Of1Sler $eat. low-Back $170 BEARD SUPER SEAT UBEARDTIEDDWNS5 MOUNT KIT LiQlltOutyTieOown. n,•xs· Slide/Tri! Comb11131ioo ..... $128 Strap, 5.00ltl' (:,Jpacity ..... $18 Slide/Slide CombmallOrl lla!chet Tie Oown, 2" x 7' tor ur Spo11Ster ... _ .... 144 Sirap, 10,000, capacity .... 26 Bracket and Slide Mount Only .. 60 Axle Slfap .. -12 September 2007 to show the way, Jay Arnold re-mained in second place and Randy Shields remained in the third spot. John Vaughan was on his trailer. The third lap ended and there was no change in the run-ning order, it was House-holder, Arnold and Shields. At the halfway point, it was still Adam Householder in the lead, Randy Shields had moved up into second place and Jay Arnold dropped to third place. End of Lap 5, Randy Shields was now in the class lead, Jay Arnold was a long second place after encountering problems on the lap and Adam House-holder was out of the race. There were no position changes in the remaining laps, Randy Shields continued to open up his lead over Jay Arnold and that's how they fin-ished. As usual, in the Sportsman class there was a good sized turnout, 15 were scheduled to start but only 11 of them actu-ally started the race. They had but four laps to run for their race and no less than eight of them would see the checkered flag. At the end of their first lap it was Tyler Fain leading the pack, Alan Ryan was in sec-ond place, he was already 20 minutes in arrears, Corey Mendoza ran in third place, Belden Alivio was fourth and Kyle McEniry was in fifth. Mike Belcher was in sixth place, Bob Anderson was sev-enth, Frank Demedio was in eighth place and A.J. Steeber ran ninth. Nathan Batchelder and Nick Puccio failed to com-plete their first lap. Tyler Fain was still in the lead at the end of the second lap; Corey Mendoza had moved up a spot into the second slot, Mike Belcher had moved up three places into third spot, Belden Alivio held fast in fourth place and Kyle McEniry remained in fifth. Bob Ander-son was up a place i_nto sixth, Alan Ryan had dropped to sev-enth place with major mechani-cal problems and A.J. Steeber was running eighth. At the end of their third lap, Tyler Fain was still the man to catch, Corey Mendoza remained in second place, about half an hour behind the leader, Mike Belcher was third, Belden Alivio was still in fourth place and Bob Anderson was up another Continued next page Dusty Times
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A decent second place in Sportsman went to Belden Alivio, he's Jerold Ester/ein led the Class 1 battle for a few laps but he had to A bronze medal was awarded to Kelly Beal in the Class 1 contest, Kelly is seen here at speed on the course. seen here just getting airborne on his way to the flag. settle for second place when the checkered flag flew. was Jerold Esterlein with a 12 minute lead, Joe Jeffrey was in second place and Ashley Davis was running in third place. There were no change·s in position on the second lap. When the third lap ended Joe Jeffrey had taken over the lead, Ashley Davis had moved up a spot into second place and Jerold Esterlein had dropped to third place after encountering problems on the lap. There were no position changes on the next two laps. Matt Towery was quick, he's seen here hustling across the desert on his way to a Class 8 win, lookin' good. Terry Ingold had no competition in Class 1200, nonetheless he sped to a nice victory, he's seen here at speed. The end of the sixth lap saw Joe Jeffrey with a com-manding lead, Jerold Esterlein was in second place but he was more than an hour behind the leader and Ashley Davis was third, more than 20 minutes behind second place. spot into fifth. Kyle McEniry was down a spot into sixth place, A.J. Steeber was up to seventh place and Alan Ryan was now in eighth place. Fourth and final lap came to an end and when they crossed the finish line it was Corey Mendoza taking a very nice win, Belden Alivio took the silver medal, Mike Belcher held on for the bronze medal finish, Kyle McEniry finished first off the podium and Tyler Fain fin-ished fifth after a horren-dously long last lap. Bob Anderson was the sixth place finisher, A.J. Steeber finished seventh and Alan Ryan was the eighth and final finisher. ICIIVG&~J&.OGY 714.530.B701 • FAX 714.530.B702 12842 JOY STREET, GARDEN GROVE, CA 92840 lltl"tNIIV.lcingshodcs.corn Page 32 September 2007 There were only four Class 1600 cars scheduled to start but one of them failed to take the green. The other three would all see the checkered flag. When the first of their eight required laps ended it There were no more posi-tion changes for the rest of the race, Joe Jeffrey took-a 2.5" --6!!il£b Need coil springs? Call King Shocks! We have wstom and produdion coils in stock, and the experience to get you what you need. Call today! Dusty Times
Mike Belcher drove his really neat looking truck to a third place finish in Sportsman Truck, seen here savin a little tire wear. Ashley Davis drove her car to a third place finish in the Class 1600 Kyle McEniry drove his really good looking Toyota to a third place battle, she survived big troubles on the sixth lap. -,;;;;;====finish in Sportsman Truck, seen here just at liftoff. nice win, Jerold Esterlein was the silver medal winner and Ashley Davis took the bronze medal home. Last to start were the JeepSpeed Challenge, Class 1700 guys. There were only two of them and they both would finish their four re-quired laps. Ray Griffith would lead the first lap, Tim Jeffus was second, some 20 minutes behind the leader. There was no position change on the second lap but now there was only 13 min-utes between the vehicles. When the third lap ended, we had a new leader, Tim Jeffus was running his normal lap and Ray Griffith had big problems and was now almost an hour in arrears. Lap 4, the checkers flew and Tim Jeffus was there for the honors, Ray Griffith came w~ C«IFIY a lull selection or: Dusty Times it Randy Shields was the big winner in Class 1400, he ran his eight required laps at an average speed of 48 miles per hour. AT RIGHT: Joe Jeffrey took the 1600 Class win with relative ease, he was fourth overall as well in his good looking car. in for a second place finish. good for a lot of drivers but That's all she wrote! A that's show biz. See ya all at good race for many, not so the next one. l!UJll,,! SAO, °"""'" September 2007 Corey Mendoza had a good day, he took the Sportsman win with more than 20 minutes in hand, seen here with power on. Page 33
KC N1L1TES MIDNIGHT SPECIAL ■,van Freeman averalls PHOTOS: ALAN MADDEN It was a good night for Bryan Freeman, he swept the 1600 Class and he was the overall winner as well, seen here at speed. The first SNORE Midnight Special took place 30 years ago, it was a nighttime event for many off road enthusiasts, all out for a tough race in the dead of night. This race in the year 2007, was no different, 90 entrants were ready to combat the desert and the blackness of night for a touch of glory. It all took place on the last weekend in June: Technical In-spection and Contingency were held at the Fiesta Hotel and Ca-sino on the Friday evening and although the temperature was up there, it wasn't too bad for the 42 contingency donors in atten-dance or for the drivers and crews who always make the tech wait sort of an impromptu party. Most of the cars had to run five laps for their race, a lap was just over 45 miles and, as usual for a SNORE race, there was a bit of everything on the course to challenge every driver. First off the line was the Un-limited Truck of Curt LeDuc. Curt's son, Todd, was to drive the entire race and although he had some major troubles on his first lap that cost him an hour in time, he still managed to whip around the course for the class win in just a bit under six hours. Next off were the Class 1 cars, there were 11 of them and they started two at a time at 50 sec-ond intervals. When they came around at the end of their first lap it was Rick Ellison in the lead, Ronny Wilson was right there in second place, some 30 seconds behind, T.J. Flores came along in third place, he was al-most five minutes in arrears, Tim Lindsay ran in the fourth spot and Shirley Jergenson was in the fifth spot. Jeff Perkins was run-ning in sixth place, Tom Vanderploeg was seventh, Steve Strobel ran in eighth place, Chuck Rodrick ran ninth and Kevin Curtis was in 10th place. Kevin Colan was among the Todd LeDuc drove dad's Trophy Truck the entire way, he had some problems on his first lap but got it going to take the Unlimited Truck win. missing. The second lap saw some changes in the running order, now it was Ronny Wilson lead-ing the group, Rick Ellison had dropped to second place, T.J. Flores still ran in third place, Tim Lindsay remained in fourth and Shirley Jergenson was still fifth. Tom Vanderploeg was up a spot into sixth place, in spite of having some brake problems, Rett Tyler, who was in for Jeff Perkins was down a spot into sev-enth while Steve Strobel, Chuck Rodrick and Kevin Curtis re-mained eighth, ninth and 10th. When the third lap was over it was Tim Lindsay showing the way, Ronny Wilson had dropped a place and was now in second place, Rick Ellison was down a spot into third place, Rett Tyler had moved up into fourth place and Steve Strobel was up into fifth place. Tom Vanderploeg held on in sixth place, both the tranny and the suspension were acting up, Shirley Jergenson had dropped a few spots into seventh place, Chuck Rodrick was up a spot into eighth and Kevin Curtis also was up a spot, he ran ninth. T.J. Flores was out of the race. Lap 4 came to an end and Tim Lindsay still led the pack in spite of a flat tire along the way, Rick Ellison had moved back into sec-ond place, he was less than a minute behind the leader, Rick Wilson, who was in for Ronny dropped a place into fourth and Rett Tyler was down one place into fifth. Cory Cook, in for Tom Vanderploeg was still in the sixth position, Shirley Jergenson remained in seventh, Chuck Rodrick remained in eighth and Kevin Curtis held on in ninth. The checkers flew for the Class 1 contingent and it was Rick Ellison taking a very nice win. Rick drove it all and had a sticky throttle to contend with as well as a flat tire, Tim Lindsay came in second, he was 10 min-utes behind the class leader, he had dropped a couple of cylin-ders along the way. Rick Wilson took the bronze medal this race, the Wilson's had suffered a couple of flats and some power steering problems along the way, Rett Tyler was up a place, he fin-ished first off the podium, Rett had only a broken limiter strap in problems, Cory Cook finished in fifth place, Shirley Jergenson was up a spot and finished sixth and Chuck Rodrick was the sev-enth and final finisher. Steve Strobel and Kevin Curtis failed to negotiate their final lap. Rick Ellison led lap 1, fell back as far as third place but came back and took the Class 1 win with 10 minutes in hand. Jeff Moore took the Class 10 lead on the third lap and went on for a nice win, seen here headin' out on another lap. There were nine Class 10 cars pawing the ground, waiting to get on the course and up to speed. When they finished their first of five required laps it was Cortney Whipple in the lead, Jeff Moore was second, he was some two minutes behind the leader, J.C. Dean ran third, an-other two minutes back, Ken Flippin, Jr. was in fourth place and Bill Woodward rounded out the top five spots. In sixth place was Dave Campbell, Stuart Baxter was in seventh place, Laurence, who was in for Garfield Davies was eighth and Rod Colbert was in the ninth spot. When their second lap ended Continued next page Pete Mortensen led three of the four required laps in Limited Tim Lindsay led laps 3 and 4 in the Class 1 event but he ended up in Cortney Whipple led the first two laps in the Class 1 0 contest, Sportsman, he's seen here charging through the blackness. second place when the checkered flag flew. dropped to second on the third lap and took home the silver medal. Page 34 September 2007 Dusty Times 7f
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Steve Cossey rolled on his fourth lap but he still managed a great Mike Bailey was a bit off the winning pace in Class 8, had some Brandon Hughes ran in second spot all race long, he took second second place finish in the Class 1600 battle. problems on lap 4 but still took the silver medal. place honors in Class 9, he's seen here with the power on. it was still Cortney Whipple ing well, now up into fourth When they came around at for Dave, remained in the third changes on the fourth lap, it re-showing the way, Jeff Moore still place, Rod Colbert was now in the end of their third lap it was spot, Laurence Davies held on in mained Moore, Larry Whipple, ran in second place, still two fifth place and Stuart Baxter was Jeff Moore in the number one fourth place, Stuart Baxter was who was in for Cortney, minutes in arrears Dave running sixth. J.C. Dean, Ken position, Cortney Whipple had up a spot into fifth place and Campbell, Davies, Baxter and Campbell was up three places in Flippin, Jr. and Bill Woodward dropped to second place, Mike Rod Colbert was running sixth. Colbert, in that order. third, Laurence Davies was mov- were on their respective trailers. Campbell, who was now driving There were no position Fifth lap, final lap and it was Page 36 Jeff Moore taking a nice Class 10 win, Jeff had Clay Currier in the right seat all the way and only had one flat tire to hinder his performance, Larry Whipple was second, some nine minutes be-hind the leader, he reported no problems, just that it was a bit on the dusty side and Mike Campbell was the third and fi-nal finisher. They had a trouble free run although they did lose their light bar somewhere on the last lap. Laurence Davies, Stuart Baxter and Rod Colbert all had major problems and were unable to finish their last lap. Next on the agenda were the Class 1/2-1600 cars, there were 19 of them entered and fully 14 of them would make it to the fin-ish line. When they came around at the end of their first of five required laps, it was Bryan Free-man leading the way, Bill Witt 6!!ftft 'rl'.11 came along in second place, he r1,11 4-•J was two minutes behind the A n,tAT JUST WENT BY? Want to have your Rhiilo 'blaz_e past everyone on the trail? Then set ii up tith !'abtech' s new Long Travel system. That's right, FaQtech ~a~es their race fabrication skills and d~livers a ~ard hitting ATV Long Travel s:,,stelll with the legendary quality you W¢Uld expect. Front and J.·ear chromol:,, tubular control arms \,ith uniballs and heims controlled by ~irl :r.osic 2,0 Coilover race. shocks will make your Rhino run like never bet.ore. the tech on the ,,eb---wwv;.fabtechrhino.com • 13" 01' functional wheel trav i • 1.25 OL 4130 Chromoly Cont~l Arms «4340 Heat treat axle sha£Ta • Lirt Logic 2 .O Resi "Race t>ilovers • Increased track width n wheelbase i'or greater stabil:l;<t;? September 2007 leader, Byron Ziegler was third in, David Schweigart came in fourth and Don Wall was fifth across the line. Steve Cossey was running in sixth place, Dan Bra-dley ran in seventh spot, Scott Kinman was running eighth, Gary Messer was running ninth and Corey Goin was in 10th place. Brad Wilson was running in 11th place, Jeff Farshler made it an even dozen, Kenny Freeman was in 13th place, Steve Fuller ran 14th, Jasper Dyer held down 15th place and Jay Shain was in 16th place. Rick Gutierrez, Tom Burns and Orlo Cox III failed to finish their first lap. When their second lap ended -it was still Bryan Freeman in the lead, Byron Ziegler had moved up into second place, he was some seven minutes in arrears, David Schweigart was up a spot into third place, Steve Cossey was fourth and Dan Bradley was running fifth. Scott Kinman was up a few spots into sixth place, Don Wall had dropped two spots, he was now in seventh place, Brad Wilson was up three places into eighth, Gary Messer remained in ninth place after changing a flat tire and Kenny Freeman was the 10th placed car. Jay Shain was up four places, he ran 11th, Jasper Dyer was up two spots into 12th, Steve Fuller ran 13th, Corey Goin had dropped into 14th place and Jeff Farshler was 15th. Their third lap ended and it was still Bryan Freeman showing the way, he had about 11 min-utes on Byron Ziegler, David Schweigart still held on in third Dusty Times I'
11 Shawn George was off the winning pace in the Class 5-1600 battle, Bob Dziurawiec was just a wee bit slower than he wanted to be, he Brian Crew ran in second place all race long, he took home the silver he finished in second place, seen here throwin' dirt. finished second in the Champ Car Class, seen here at liftoff. medal in the Unlimited Sportsman fracas. place, Steve Cossey remained in fourth and Don Wall remained take the flag, Byron Ziegler had ond place, he was now more than Class 9 was next to go, they fourth place and Don Wall was fifth, suffering from brake prob-some problems on the lap and 20 minutes down to the leader, had four laps to rnn for their up two spots into fifth place. !ems. Brad Wilson was running dropped to seventh place, Dave Frank Russell remained in third race and they too had a great Brad Wilson had moved up into sixth, Gerardo Iribe, who was in Schweigart also had some prob-place and Mike Bailey was still night. When their first lap ended sixth place, Gary Messer was up for Gary Messer remained in sev-lems and finished in eighth fourth. it was Corey Torres at the head to seventh place, Dan Bradley enth place, Brad Maurer was place, Scott Kinman came in Tibbets continued to lead on of the pack, Brandon Hughes had dropped three spots into eighth, having to fight a rear flat ninth and Jay Shain was the 10th the third lap, Frank Russell re-came along three minutes later eighth place, mostly due to a tire, Scott Kinman was still run-place finisher. Jasper Dyer fin- ally turned it on and moved into in second place, Rick Moran was driver change, Brad Maurer was ning ninth and Jay Shain held on ished in 11th place, Kenny Free-second place, "Kreg Donohoe the third place runner, Rusty now driving, and also having to in 10th place. Jasper Dyer, Kenny man was 12th, Corey Goin fin-dropped a spot into third and Ruby ran fourth and Steve change a fan belt, Scott Kinman Freeman, Steve Fuller, Corey ished 13th and Steve Fuller was Mike Bailey hung on in fourth Downing was in fifth place. In was running ninth and Jay Shain Goin and Jeff Farshler remained the 14th and final finisher. Jeff place. sixth place was Tom Pittman, was 10th. In 11th place was Jas-in their respective spots, 11th Farshler was unable to complete Their fourth lap ended and Mark Bass ran in seventh spot, per Dyer, Kenny Freeman ran through 15th. his final lap. Monte Tibbets continued to lead Jeff Bowland was in eighth place 12th, Steve Fuller was unlucky Their final lap came to an end Class 8 was next to go, they . the class, Mike Bailey moved up and Eddie Frias was ninth. Lo--13th, Corey Goin ran 14th and and Bryan Freeman took a very too had five laps to run for their into second place, Kreg gan Knecht was among the miss-Jeff Farshler was in 15th place. big win, he ran trouble free, his race. When they came around at Donohoe hung on in third and ing. Bryan Freeman continued to only problem was a broken strap the end of their first lap it was Frank Russell disappeared from .Corey Torres was still leading make it look easy as he contin-on his tool bag, he sat on it part Monte Tibbets showing the way the scoring charts. at the end of the second lap, ued to lead the class, Byron of the way, Steve Cossey slid into in his great looking new truck, Monte Tibbets came in for the Brandon Hughes still ran second Ziegler remained in the second a second place finish Gary Kreg Donohoe came along in sec-checkered flag, averaging just but he was now five minutes in spot, still holding on some 12 Messer really turned it on and ond place, 10 minutes in arn;ars, over an hour for a lap, happily arrears, Rusty Ruby had moved minutes behind the leader, Steve came in for a third place finish, · Frank Russell ran in third place seeing a flat tire after the check-up a spot into third place, Rick Cossey had moved up a spot, he Don Wall moved up a spot into and Mike Bailey was running ers were thrown, Mike Bailey was Moran was running fourth and was now in third place, in spite fourth place, still looking for his fourth. second, he was more than two Tom Pittman was up a spot into of a roll-over that cost him a few brakes and Dan Bradley was up Second lap, same leader, hours down to the winner and fifth. Steve Downing was run-minutes, David Schweigart three places for a fifth place fin-Monte Tibbets still led the class, Kreg Donohoe was third, an-ning sixth, Jeff Bowland was up dropped a spot, he was now ish. Brad Wilson was sixth to Kreg Donohoe remained in sec-other 10 minutes back. Continued next page Dusty Times e e tll'iei::l a tested 0%Stranger , Lighter man other cast wheels an the market ounter Pressure Casted Aluminum • Satin Smooth Machine Finish le In: . 15x7 adlo ead/ock ugPa ?,D5mm September 2007 Bsadla.ks:·: □blue □black □red . □polished• Page 37
Billy Shapley and Byron Derrwaldt led the second lap in Limited Brian Groves was the second place finisher in the Class 1450 battle, Mark Murrell had problems on his second lap in the Class 11 contest, he finished in second place, he's seen here at speed. Sportsman but dropped to second place and there they finished. he was 12 minutes in arrears when the checkers flew. fifth place. In sixth place was Raul Solano and Curtis Valenzuela ran seventh. Second lap ended and Rino Navera still led the way, Shawn George had moved into second place, Bob Gross was up a spot into third place, Raul Solano was up two places, he was now fourth, Glen Mayernick held on in fifth place and Greg Pope was sixth. Curtis Valenzuela failed to complete the lap. Monte Tibbets ran trouble free, he took tfJe Class 8 win with ease, he's seen here in his great looking truck at speed. Rino Navera still led the class at the end of Lap 3, Shawn George was still chasing him, Raul Solano was up a spot into third, Greg Pope was up two spots into fourth, Glen Mayernick ran in fifth and Bob Not much new here, Corey Torres led all the way in the Class 9 contest, he had 14 minutes in hand when the checkers flew. Gross had dropped to sixth Bass was the sixth and final fin- place. a spot into seventh, Mark Bass had dropped to eighth place and Eddie Frias was still running ninth. Guess what? Corey Torres was still leading when the third lap came to an end, Brandon Hughes had given his seat to Rick Poole and they remained in second place, but they were los-ing ground, they were 10 min-utes behind the leader. Clint Braun, who was driving for Rusty Ruby hung on in third place, they lost a starter somewhere out on the course, Rick McCartey who was in for Steve Downing was up a few spots into fourth place and Jeff Bowland was up to fifth place. Mark Bass was now in sixth place and Tom Pittman was seventh after a horrendously long lap. Ri.ck Moran and Eddie Frias were unable to complete their third lap. Last lap ended, Corey Torres came around to take another nice Class 9 win. Corey had a trouble free run, had a couple of lights fail but it was no biggie. Rick Poole had been keeping him honest all race long, he fin-ished in the second spot, he too having a trouble free race. Clint Braun took home the bronze medal, Rick McCartey finished first off the podium, a terrific feat as the guys finished build-ing the car a few hours before the race started. They had no prob-lems and had a great time! Jeff Bowland came in fifth and Mark SAT PHONE RENTALS & s-ALES Rent Iridium Phones from only $49-.99 per week Same Day Delivery/Pick Up We Sell New & Used Sat Phones We Buy Used Sat Phones We Repair Sat Phones Open 24 Hours Located in San Diego, CA ·/'\ Globals tar v~c-))1 inmarsat .---- 1 bgan ... 1-888-884-7623 ALLROADSAT .com Page 38 September 2007 isher. Fourth and final lap, the There were seven Class 5-1600 checkered flag flew and Rino bugs ready to race into the night Navera was right there to take and fully five of them would see the class win, he had only suf-the checkered flag. They had fered one flat tire to hamper his four laps to run for their race efforts, Shawn George took sec-and when they came around at ond place honors, Raul Solano the end of their first lap it was was the third place finisher, he Rino Navera in the lead, Greg was only running on three cylin-Pope was second, he was five ders at the finish, Greg Pope minutes behind the leader, came in fourth and Bob Gross Shawn George came along in was the fifth place finisher. Glen third, some six minutes in ar-Mayernick failed to finish his fi-rears, Bob Gross was in fourth nal lap. place and Glen Mayernick was in The Champ Car class was next ,..........,,,.... ..... _....,,,_"">m!l!F"'"'lr"!!!"""'""""lrnl!l""W9-Rino Navera had a trouble free four laps, he took the Class 5-1600 win with more than half an hour in hand at the flag. Ken Redelsperger was the Champ Car Class winner, he led all the way but it was close at the finish, he's seen here rushing through the dark. · Dusty Times
Ronny Wilson led the second lap in the Class 1 conflict, slowed a bit The Campbells were well off the winning pace in the Class 10 Don Wall was the fourth place finisher in the Class 1600 contest, he was a mere 36 seconds out of a third place finish. on the next three laps and ended up with the bronze medal. contest, they finished third but were well over an hour in arrears. up, there were five of them en-tered an d three of them were able to complete their four re-quired laps. When th eir first lap ended it was Ken Redelsperger showing the way, Bryan Adams was second, a mere minute and a half in arrears, Bob Dziurawiec ran in the third spot and Lonan Pies was fourth. Cody Freeman failed to complete his first lap. Ken Redelsperger held onto the lead on the second lap, Bob Dziurawiec was four minutes be-hind in second place, Lonan Pies ran in third place and Bryan Adams was out of the race. There were no position changes on the third lap, Chester Williams, who was in for Redelsperger, .Dziurawiec and Jerry Stewart took the gold medal in the Unlimited Sportsman Class, he led all the way and had 14 minutes in hand at the flag. Pies all held their positions. losing some lights. Lonan Pies Final lap, C hester W illiams took the last spot on the podium, came across the fin ish lin e in he had some driving help from first place, reporting a perfect C hris Boyer, they had some dis-race, Bob Dziurawiec took the tributor problems during the silver medal, he thought it was a nce. bit too dusty and he reported Next up were the Unlimited Sportsman, there were six of them rarin' to go and they had four laps to race. At the end of their first lap it was Jerry Stewart in the lead, Brian C rew came along in second place, less than two minutes behind the leader, It was an easy win for Dylan Evans in Class 3, he motored around in a trouble free run and took home the gold medal. Tom Hood was in third place, another four minutes back and Wesley Stephens came across in fourth place after a 45 minute stop fo r some engine adjust-ments. G reg H empel and John Poling failed to complete their first lap. Jerry Stewart still led the pack after the second lap was com-pleted, Brian Crew still hung on in second place, he was eight minutes back, Wesley Stephens Continued next page CLARK COUNTY SEEKS TO SECURE FUTURE OF NELLIS DUNES RECREATION AREA With the explosive growth of the Las Vegas area and the number of people involved in motorized recreation, the Clark county commission in March directed county staff to work with the state's congressional delegation to secure the BLM-owned Nellis Dunes so that a regional motorized recreation park may be created. "We all want southern Nevadans to have a place where they can enjoy safe riding, while respecting the beauty of our desert," said Clark county commission Chairman Rory Reid. The county envisions a well-managed regional park for an types of users, including ATV, motocross, open unrestricted dunes riding, racing and BMX. Also envisioned, a-n advisory council made up of off-ro_ad riders, which would make recommend•tions to the county commission about policy and recreational matters surrounding the future regional park. commissioner Tom Collins, who represents the area, noted that the dunes have long been popular, "This area has been a favorite place for off-road recreation enthusiasts." With a congressional conveyance of the land it would give riders a permanent home. It's important for the public to get involved and voice their opinion to our Nevada delegation though letter writing or by visiting our web page." The full proposal and a growing list of supporters may be viewed at: www.nellisdunes.com. Dusty Times September 2007 Page 39 ....
Kreg Donahoe and his constant companion, Bob Bower had troubles on lap 4 but still managed a third place finish in Class 8. Rusty Ruby had a fairly decent night, he took a podium finish in the Raul Solano got faster each lap and when the checkers flew he had had moved up into third place and Tom Hood had dropped to fourth. There were no position changes on the third or fourth lap so when the checkered flag flew it was Jerry Stewart taking a nice win in spite of some electrical problems that plagued him, Brian Crew took home the silver medal, he had two flat tires along the way. Wesley Stephens finished in third place and Tom Hood was the fourth and final finisher. The Limited Sportsman class also had four laps to run to make their race and when Pete Mortensen came around in the lead on the first lap, he had 19 seconds on Jill Rootring who was running second, Byron Derrwaldt was next, he was running third after changing a flat in• the outback and Adam Fisher was in fourth place. At the end of the second lap it was Byron Derrwaldt leading the group, Pete Mortensen had slipped to second place, Jill Rootring was running third and Adam Fisher re-mained in fourth. Third lap ended and Pete Mortensen was back in the lead, Billy Shapley, who was in for Byron Derrwaldt was second, some six minutes in arrears, Adam Fisher was running in third place and Jill Rootring had fallen to fourth place, encountering prob-lems on the lap. . And, that's how they finished their final lap, Mortensen, who re-ported a perfect race, no problems Class 9 contest, he's seen here at speed. a very decent third place finish under his belt. Eric Ludian took the Class 1450 lead on the second lap and he continued on to take the class win, seen here at takeoff. at all, Shapley, Fisher, who said "It was a good race!" and Rootring, in that order. Class 7 only had two entrants, they too had four laps to go for their race. At the end of their first lap it was Garrett Evans in the lead Russ Ramsey was second, a long way back, thanks to some problems along the way. On the second lap Evans still led in spite of major troubles and a two and a half hour lap and Ramsey had even bigger problems and had dropped further behind the leader. Third lap ended and Ramsey got in a trouble free lap while Evans succumbed to terminal troubles. Fourth lap, well, there was no fourth lap as Ramsey also disap-peared, never finished the final lap, cause unknown. Class 3 also had two entries, they had four laps to go but it wasn't much of a contest, Dylan Evans cruised around at about an hour and a half a lap while David Wanzek, his competition, never negotiated his first lap. So, the Class 3 win went to Dylan Evans, according to his lap times he had a trouble free run. Next to go was Class 1450, there were seven of them entered and four of them would get in their three required laps. When their first lap ended it was Jesse Ware in the lead, Brittany Burgos came along in second place, just 11 sec-onds in arrears, Brian Groves was next, in third place, Eric Ludian was running fourth, he had major problems with a flat tire and Clint Armstrong was in the fifth spot, he Garey Leavitt had some problems on his last lap but he still took the Class 11 honors, he's seen here hustling through the night. had major problems along the way. Derek Knight and Jeff Fogle never completed their first lap. Lap 2 ended and Eric Ludian had lept into the lead, Jesse Ware was second, he was a couple of min-utes behind the leader, Brian Groves held on in third place and Clint Armstrong was running fourth. Brittany Burgos was on the trailer. Third lap came to an end and it was Eric Ludian taking the class win, changing another tire, Brian Groves was second, he had a leak-ing radiator most of the way, he was about 12 minutes in arrears, Jesse Ware finished last on the podium, he had broken a transmission sup-port bracket somewhere along the way and Clint Armstrong finished in fourth place. There were three entered in Class 11, they too had three laps to run and when they came around at the end of their first lap it was Garey Leavitt in the lead, Mark Murrell had prob-lems and was a long second place. Eric Palacios never com-pleted his first lap. Garey Leavitt still led the class at the end of the second lap, Mark Murrell remained in second place. Third and final lap, it was Garey Leavitt taking the class win. Garey said it was a decent course with not a lot of room to pass. Mark Murrell took home the silver medal. So a long night came to an end, 90 cars started the race and 56 of them saw the checkered flag, a 62% finishing rate. Not tooooo ba. ya all at the next one! . Lonan Pies was a bit off the winning pace in the Champ car contest, If not for a first lap valve adjustment, oh well, Wesley Stephens still Jesse Ware had some tranny support member breakage and it cost he took third place honors in his keen looking car. took third place in Unlimited Sportsman. him, he was the third place finisher in Class 1450. Jeff Perkins was not on the winning pace this race, he finished first Dan Bradley and Brad Maurer had a decent evening, they took a Brad Wilson gave it a shot this evening, he was the sixth place off the podium in the Class 1 race, seen here at speed. fifth place finish in the Class ½-1600 battle. finisher in the 1600 event, he's seen here in his gopd looking car. Page 40 September 2007 Dusty Times
M.0 RE, FREEDOM 250 ~;,-.•Cff•~h••~f:~ McMullln Takes Class ID And The overall B Y STEVE R UDDICK PHOTOS: TRACKS/DE PHOTO Bob Schreiner drove his really good looking truck to the Class 1 win, he's seen here with lots of power on. with a 20 second starting inter-val between each race vehicle. #70 completed the required six laps in 4:39:02 at 47.5 mph, to win first place in Class l; along with sec-ond in the overall field standings for this race. Steve McMullin and Tom Craig shared the driving chores, had no real problems and took the Class 10 win as well as the overall honors. On Lap lat RM 7, Tim Kruger noticed something dragging un-der the truck and mentioned it looked like a limit strap from the right rear. At the end of Lap 2, a pit stop was made for fuel and the determination was made to cut the rest of the strap off and con-tinue. At RM 20 on Lap 3, Bob felt a problem in the left front -thinking it was a flat -and stopped at RM 27 in the middle of the desert; Lloyd got out to find no problem. A pit stop was made at the end of Lap 3 to find the problem - a bad seal in the power steering pump and the loss of all power steering fluid. As #70 left the pits and made their way to RM 6 on Lap 4, they passed the# 117 car that was in first place -but then a miss in the engine developed. UBRT stopped at the remote pit at RM 20 with Stu Thayer, Nick St. George and Tim Bonino to try to find the prob-lem. While stopped, the #117 car BARSTOW, CA: It's July 21, 2007 and I'm back in beautiful Barstow, CA for the M.O.R.E. Freedom 250 Night race. Twelve classes, 91 entries, 45 finishers. It's the infamous Course B at Barstow -36 miles, three check-points, nine road crossings, lots of twists and turns, and M.O.R.E. fun that you can imagine. It cooled down to about 100 degrees for the green flag start at 6 p.m. The Barstow 'breeze' kept blow-ing to keep the course mostly clear, depending on which way you were going at the time; but Start/Finish is always right in the thick of it all. Classes 1, 10, 12 and 1600 raced the full six laps, Classes 5/ 16, 1300, 1400 and 7 did five laps, Classes 7s and 8 did four laps, and Class 11 raced for three laps. OVERALL: Steve McMullin won First Overall in car #1022, and first in Class 10, completing the course in 4:33:37 at 48.4 mph. Bob Schreiner won first place in class 1, and Second Overall, in truck #70, getting the dirt duties done in 4:39:02 at 47.5 mph. Alex Doug Si/cock was a last minute entry but he had a flawless evening, taking the Class 12 honors, he's seen here saving some tire wear. Bud Ward had a great night, only one flat to contend with and a nice gold medal from the Class 9 competition. Dusty Times Danze was Third Overall, and sec-ond in Class 1, in car# 117 -with a total time of 4:44:57 at 46.5 mph. Danze also recorded the fastest Fast Lap of the day on Lap l at 56.3 mph. In 00:39: 14. CLASS l: Six laps. Twelve entries, 11 starters, five finishers, six DNFs and one DNS. Bob Schreiner was at the wheel of #70 this race, with Lloyd Snyder as co-driver and Nick Cerulle as the Main Pit Cap-tain. UBRT Racing started the race in the eighth starting spot when the green flag was dropped, Dave Girdner and Tim Craig shared the steering wheel with marked success, they took Class 1600 honors at the Freedom race. Richard Garavito ran his good looking bug to a nice win in the Class 5-1600 race, he's seen here early on, flyin' high. September 2007 passed and regained the lead. Bob and Lloyd chose to leave and run the truck till it either finished or broke. At the end of Lap 5, a 38 second pit stop was made for fuel and power steering fluid. Lap 6 was clean and with the great ra-dio work done by all parties all night, the #70 truck knew they had a seven minute lead at RM 20 and paced themselves to a five minute lead and the first place in class win; along with second in the overall field standings for this race. "Hats are off to the entire UBRT Racing Team for a fantas-tic job", Schreiner said. "Thanks goes out to all of you for your sup-port!" For a side note, upon cleaning the truck Monday night, Lloyd and Bob decided to find what the miss in the motor was all about. After a thorough in-spection and diagnostics, the problem was found: Not the plugs or wires or distributor cap or bro-ken rocker arm or push rod; af-ter pulling the cylinder heads off, it was a sucked intake valve that bent and stuck wide open. "Thank goodness that the head of the valve didn't break off and make for a catastrophic failure" noted Schreiner. "No wonder it ran like crap the last half of the race." Alex Danze won second place in class in car # 117, completing the course in 4:44:57 at 46.5 mph. Danze also won the Fast Lap honors on Lap 1 at 56.3, in 00:39: 14. Rick Wilcoxson wasn't that far off the pace in car # 127, getting the third place win in 4:49:52 at 45. 7 mph. Jennifer Clemisen, from Cypress, CA., found the finish line in 5:22:11 at 41.l mph, to win fourth place in the Damzel #132 car. "Tackling Barstow and doing all six laps was a great challenge", Clemisen said. Clemisen had a good run for two laps, but then had an unsched-uled stop at the start of Lap 3 be-cause her co-driver was getting sick. At the end of Lap 3, #132 had a flat with the jack failing to work. Other than that, the car ran great and Clemisen drove all six laps by herself this time because her husband and regular co-driver, Tony Nguyen, snapped his leg racing motorcross. Ouch. Levy Rockhill made it to the finish line in 7:03:00 at 31.3 mph, to win fifth place in car # 166. CLASS 10: Six laps. Seven entries, seven starters, four finishers, three DNFs. Steve McMullin won first place in Class 10, and First Over-all in car# 1022. # 1022 completed the course in 4:33:37 at 48.4 mph. "We had a great time!", Continued next page Page 41 ,. ' --
-Alex Danze finished second in Class 1, he was third overall and he Lorenzo Rodriguez got lost in the dark for a while but he recovered Cody Rash was the second place finisher in the Always popular Class 9 battle, Cody is seen here heading into the darkness. set fast lap for the race somewhere along the way. and took second place honors in Class 1600. McMullin said. "I he # 1022 car long time good friend, Tom Craig for the first time in three years, was just flawless for us. We and my wife Robyn, to finish up there was no rain to help keep the squared a couple of front wheels the last four laps. The Craig fam-dust down, but the wind did help that should have blown out, but ily and ours having been teaming a bit to keep things pretty clear." stayed tough; and only having one up since 1986 when we ran our Sean Dunn finished in second rear flat on Lap 4 was really all first race together in a single seat place in the Dunn Tech car #1035, the trouble we had. My son Matt 1600 with HDRA at the old Fire-getting the checkered flag in and myself started the race and works 250; so it was kinda like an 4:56:05 at 44. 7 mph. Dunn also ran the first two laps before turn-anniversary for us I guess ... 21 won the Fast Lap Award on Lap ing the car over to my partner and years! The course was rough and 2 at 51.6 mph; in 00:42:48. Dan Martin won third place in car all the marbles in the Callaghan #1021, completing the course in Construction car #1269, winning 6:04:03 at 36.4 mph. Bill Wood-first place in class in 5:07:39 at ward was close behind for the 43.l mph; as well as Fast Lap hon-fourth place finish in car #1020, ors on Lap 2 at 46.8 mph in in 6:06:48 at 36.l mph. 00:47:10. "We brought the car CLASS 12: out that day only for testing pur-Six laps. Four entries, four poses, and after testing - we de-starters, one finisher, three cided right at the cut-off time to DNFs. Doug Silcock took home race the car and see what hap-Dan Barrett was the second place finisher in Class 1300 at the Rick Wilcoxon had to settle for a third place finish in Class 1, he's Dan Martin was a bit off the winning pace in Class 10 but he did Freedom race, he's seen here just as dark is setting in. seen here just before dark at the Freedom race. manage a third place finish, seen here nicely airborne. Page 42 September 2007 Dusty Times l'
Richard Woods had a trouble free night, he ran his Class 1300 car to a nice win over eight other class entrants. pens", said Silcock. "We didn't have any tires out in the pits be-cause our guys had already been sent out for the other team cars. I drove all six laps and my rider for Laps 1-4 was Valerie LeDuc; then Vince Collins got in for the last two laps. We stopped every two laps for fuel and had no prob-lems all day, besides not having enough lights on the car." Noth-ing like being blinded by the night, and winning, too. CLASS 1600: Six laps. Eighteen starters, 12 finishers, six DNFs. 30 Racing's Dave Girdner and Tim Craig shared the driving duties of the team's #1622 car and topped 17 competitors in the class to earn their fourth straight win of 2007 at the MORE Freedom 250 in Barstow. The cousins were fourth overall and took the "Pro 1600" crown as well. Based in Barstow, California, the Craig/Girdner family has been racing since the 1970's. Over the past 30 years, dozens of family members have competed in a wide variety of off road racing. Since 2001, third-generation racers Dave Girdner and cousin, Tim Craig, have raced in the highly competitive 1600 class, sharing seat time with their uncle/dad, Tom Craig. Starting from the number 13 position at the green flag, Craig passed nine other 1600 cars and turned the fastest lap of the night for the class on the first lap; at 49.5 mph in 00:44:38. Craig picked up another position on the second lap and continued to close the gap on the other cars, as night fell across the desert starting their third lap. This is where the team's "home field ad-vantage" became very clear -and it was shortly after nightfall that # 1622 took the lead in class, with the reigning champ Lorenzo Rodriguez (#1600) in hot pursuit. After turning three very fast -and very consistent laps -Craig turned the car over to his cousin Girdner for the remaining three laps. Girdner settled in to a steady pace and retook the lead, as Rodriguez got disoriented and ended up running backwards on the course. with a 4+ minute lead on Rodriguez, Girdner was able to settle into a more conservative pace and brought car #1622 to the checkered flag in 4:46:32 at 45.2 mph, for the team's fifth vic-tory in their last six races. Lorenzo Rodriguez won sec-ond place in class in car # 1600; in 4:56:48 at 44.6 mph. Greant Fluegge got to the finish line in 5:03:21 at 43. 7 mph, in car #1610, to win third place in class. Kevin DeNault won fourth place in class in car #1618, just 00:01:20 behind Fluegge; in 5:04:21 at 43.5 mph. Christian Carr got to the finish line in 5: 10:21 at 43.5 mph. Christian Carr got to the finish line in 5: 10:46 to win fifth place in class; at 42.6 mph. Sixth place went to Ray Files in car #1605, complet-ing the course in 5:21:40 at 41.2 mph. Mike Ward drove car #1673 to a seventh place victory in 5:23:41 at 40.9 mph. "The car is brand new and it handled great", Ward said after the race. "Mark Brister started the race and drove fast and consistent laps. he handed the car over, and I drove the rest of the laps. It was a a great race for a very new car." Joey Westhoff got the eighth place win in car #1691, covering the dis-tance in 5:31:26 at 40.0 mph. Terry Tolbert was next at the fin-ish line for ninth place, in car #1697. Tolbert covered the course in 5:37: 18 at 39.3 mph. Rick Gutierrez got car # 1656 to the checkered flag in 5:40:54 at 38.9 mph, to win 10th place for the day. Jak Clinkenbeard was 11th place in car #1609, 6:36:54 at 33.4 mph. Jeremy Lindsay, from Apple Valley, CA., was the final finisher It was a nice win for Joe Pate/Ii in Class 8, he had no troubles along the way and was happy to take home the gold medal. Dusty Times went to Robert Ledsinger on Lap 1 in truck #1427, covering the dis-tance in 00:52:56 at 41. 7 mph. CLASS 7: Five laps. Two entries/starters, no finishers, one DNF, one OTL. Todd Ormnston made it through four laps in truck #772, before he just ran out of time to complete the last lap within the eight hour race time limit. CLASS 9: A nice win in Class 7S went to Javier Avila, he ran trouble free and took the win happily, he's seen here at speed. Five laps. Eight entries, seven starters, five finishers, two DNFs and one DNS. Bud Ward won first place in class in car #975, getting the required five laps done in 5: 10: 12 at 35.6 mph. Ward summed up his race this way: "Saturday night started great. We staged in the rear of the pack, the track was rougher than typical Barstow, but that made it fun. The first lap was uneventful. The second lap was another good lap and we made great time, but near the end of the lap when the sun had gone down, the connec-tion on my front lights had come unplugged. I was lucky to have my chase crew at Hodge Road so I could have them tweak the plug. The rest of the lap went great and so did the beginning of the third, but by the end of the third lap I in class and came in 12th place in car # 1672; 7: 14:57 at 30.5 mph. "Wow, what a night!", Lind-say said. "My problems started about an hour before the green and only got worse. Thanks to Tom Malloy for the repair to the fuel cell that got me to the start. I rolled pretty hard about Mile 30 on the first lap. I definitely had my bell rung. I want to thank Mike Ward in car #1673 for stop-ping to check and for signaling help. I know you lost at least a few minutes and maybe a position. On my second lap I rolled it again, same place. Guess I didn't learn my lesson. After that, it was fairly uneventful, and I finally fin-ished about 1:30 a.m. Jim and M.O.R.E. -thanks for a great and challenging course." CLASS 5/ 16: Five laps. Five entries, five starters, five finishers. Richard Garavito won first place in car #555, covering the required five laps in 4:44:39 at 38.8 mph. Garavito also won Fast Lap on Lap 1 at 41.2 mph, in 00:53:39. Second place was won by Aaron Aspel, in the Wicked Creations car #573. Aspel, from Hesperia, CA., got the five laps completed in 5:09:58 at 35.6 mph. "We had some troubles on our first lap but we were shortly back on our way", Aspel said. "We were a little far behind at that point, but came back strong for a second place fin-ish. We also had some of the best, cleanest racing ever with the car. Thanks Jim and Ron for another great race. Great job guys. That was a blast!" Mike Boon won third place in car #589, in 5: 14:48 at 35.1 mph. Art "The TECH Dude" Savedra made it a close race in car #599, getting to the checkered flag in 5: 16:01 at 34.9 mph; only 7 3 seconds behind Boon. Tom Volk, from Ojai, CA., finished in fifth place in the Composite Plastic Products Rac-ing car #553, in 5:30:23 at 33.4 mph. CLASS 1300: Five laps. Nine entries, nine starters, three finishers, six DNFs. Richard Woods drove car # 1398 to a first place win in class, covering the rounds in 4:47:47 at 38.4 mph. Danny Barrett finished in second place in car #1313, al-most an hour later. Barrett made the five rounds in 5:45:49 at 31.9 mph, and also won the Fast Lap award on Lap 2 at 43.4 mph; 00:50:56. Tut Cote got the third place finish in car #1325, beating the course in 7:36: 14 at 24.2 mph. "This was a great race", Pet-ter Cote said. "We had two issues that had us down for a bit: a bro-ken exhaust, and a broken front shock. Our pit was quick to get September 2007 both problems welded and us off and going again. Thanks to every-one out there watching the road crossings and checkpoints. And "Thanks" again Jim and the whole M.O .R.E. family for put-ting on a great event." CLASS 14: Five laps. four entries/starters, one finisher, three DNFs. Robert Lemaster was the sole finisher in Class 14 in truck #1447. Lemaster got # 144 7 to the checkered flag in 6: 18:03 at 29.2 mph, for the first place win. Fast Lap honors Continued next page Robert Lemaster was the only finisher in the Class 1400 contest, he's seen here at takeoff in his good looking truck. . . . . . • M 2865 Gundry Ave. . ma/ HIii, CA 90755 1IPFans DI/Coolers Dl'lvlng Suits Rod End Boots Neo Synthetic OIi Performance Plumbing c==1 ~ Flt . ··· :. i.::.::::J 1liii1 ' ~--562-427-2375 41· -B•Iil&-I!l .... /4ii:i> Nil► ...., B• ~ ~ Page 43
Grant Fluegge had to settle for the bronze medal this night, he's Ron Rash gave it his all but he was only able to finish a few minutes Tut Cote had some problems along the way but he was still able to grab a third place finish in the Class 1300 conflict. seen here hustling his 1600 car into the night. behind the other Rash for a third place medal in Class 9. Brandon Benson made it look kinda easy, he took the Class 11 honors this night, seen here cutting through the dark. had a flat. I was able to get the car to our Main Pit so I didn't have to get out. Main Pit changed my flat, filled the cell, and my wife, Nicole, had gotten in; and we were back on course in less than 10 minutes. Besides being a bit worried about jumping the Ant Hill, Nicole did great and I am proud that she was able to hold on for the remainder of the race. I have to thank the whole Get-R-Done Motorsports crew -everyone did an awesome job! This was my first race win with the M.O.R.E. series and it feels great! I can only hope it keeps get-ting faster." Welcome to where the fun is, Bud and Nicole. Cody Rash drove car #990 to a second place win, crossing the finish line in 5: 16:56 at 34.8 mph. Ron Rash was in hot pur-suit in car #973 and completed the course in 5: 18:48 at 34.6, just 00:01:51 behind #990 at the checkered flag; to win third place. Corey Torres had some flats and motor problems in car #989, but still managed a fourth place fin-ish; getting the dirt duties done in 5:41:36 at 32.3 mph. Ian Max-well was the final finisher in Class 9 in car #999. Maxwell completed the course in 5:56:22 at 31.0 mph for fifth place. Maxwell also won the Fast Lap award on Lap 1 at 40.5 mph in 00:54:33. CLASS 7S: Four laps. Six entries/starters, three finishers, three DNFs. Javier Avila and co-driver, Matt Thomas, won first place in class in truck #721, with a total time of 4:26:49 at 33.l mph. Avila was overheard saying, "It was kinda boring, actually." ... err, uuuM; say WHAT? "I didn't mean the race was 'boring' - I meant that it was boring because nothing bad hap-t:ransman Jack •aun1 Kil • Secure mounting platform for racecar, pre-runner or chase vehicle • Self-latching quick•release system locks the jack to the chassis • Sprlng•/oaded quick•release mount secures the Jack handle • Flat /Jase increases the jack's footprint and prevents the jack from sinking in sand or silt Page 44 Landing hard with lights ablaze, Sean Dunn finished second in Class 10 at the Freedom 250 race. pened. We ran a clean race, and my crew got me a fast pit stop. The truck was well prepped; ev-erything went as planned. I just wanted to clear that up ... and desert racing is anything but 'bor-ing'!" I think we understand what you meant: 'Clear sailing. No problems. I had fun! WooHOO*' Karl Gilbert drove truck #746 to a second place finish in 4:58: 15 at 29.6 mph. Gilbert also won Fast Lap honors on Lap 2, clock-ing in at 37.7 mph, in 00:58:35. Ted Quiroz won third place in class in truck #725, with a total time of 6:27:19 at 22.8 mph. CLASS 8: Four laps. Four entries/start-ers, three finishers, one DNF. Joe Patelli completed the required four laps in 4:04:20 at 36.1 mph, to win first place in truck #802. Patelli also won Fast Lap honors on Lap 2 with an average speed of 39.8 mph; in 00:55:32. Kevin Shane won second place in class in truck #847, with a total time of 4:25:16 at 33.3 mph. Shawn Walters finished the race in 6:12:19 at 23.7 mph in truck #1469, to win third place in class for the night. CLASS 1100: Three laps. Six entries/ start-ers, two finishers, four DNFs. Brandon Bensen in car # 1183 won first place in class, getting to the checkered flag in 4:34:39 at 24.1 mph. Bensen also won Fast Lap honors at 26.4 mph on Lap 1, in l :23:41. Gema 'Ironbabe' Ptasinski drove all three laps in 6:07:37 at 18.0 mph, to win second place in class in her # 1188 ACME/Cepielik racing bug. "Lap 1 was clean with the exception of the dust. We had a visual on all the cars in our class and were just cruising. three laps in Barstow is tough on an 11 car and we knew we needed to take our time", Ptasinski said. "We had a few issues on Lap 2 -I hit the first road crossing a little too fast in the dust and nosed it into the other side; should have been a great "Kodak moment' but we felt it ... and buried it in the sand. With the help of a few spectators, we were back in it after only losing a few minutes; thanks guys! Our stop for fuel was quick; ACME's the best! Lap 3 -the course was very loose with lots of sand. Up in College Hills, we were in dust following a truck for a few miles when two cars caught us who were dicing and honking. I tried to give them more room and not realizing I was crabbing along the side of a loamy hill -and buried it again. We spent forever dig-ging and trying, and finally Jeff decided the only chance was to back it down the hill. .. I stood by and watched while he slid it backwards down about 200 feet of sand into a ravine. I got in and we took off after losing about 45 minutes total. Thanks to our pits for waiting for us, once again ACME Rocks! The rest of the lap was clean except for passing a few trucks that didn't want to move. "Thanks" to Jim and the group at M.O.R.E. for a great race; but next time, two laps in Barstow is plenty for an 11 car!" That's a wrap for this Ace Re-porter. The M.O.R.E. Freedom 250 Night Race is done. Congrats to the winners; condo-lences to the rest. It was dusty and dirty, and the desert ex-tracted a heavy toll. There was a serious end-o, and some hard crashes and roll-overs, too. This is a dangerous sport for both rac-ers and spectators alike; so, please be safe and be careful out there. FYI: Please mark your cal-endar now for the Second An-nual MORE/Damzl Ladies Only PowderPuff Race for the Cure -October 13, 2007 -at Barstow, CA. All proceeds from this race are donated to the Cedars Sinai Women's Breast Cancer Re-search Institute. For more info and details -check out: http:/ moreraci ng. net/powderpuff/ index.html. !!&~& Under new ownenbjp -Over 40 years of experience 67Q\','eM 17th $tie,,.;, Unit <fc§QqSl:4 M;;}~, CA 'JJ627 ' wwSM<1rvwl'10$e ,tWt! MJ·64S·2$61 Qp~nM,mti;,y, Mctay.S/\M } PM Sat~lWa:r'PW 1'M ¼.: Brihg y®t hat rad, Hild r~ll, moton;yde, boat, or ATV down to out Jo<:atlon and.,. Let us tolve your PIU111bing problems,, from complete 1y1tem detilnt " ~inor mo41fiotHon1. 4 September 2007 Dusty Times
Sometime during your life you will meet someone who will affect your life forever. They will be kind, cahn, compassionate, ftmny, responsible, a mentor, a leader and not afraid to try something new. Someone you can always rely-on. That person to us was Nye Frank. He will be deeply missed. !M acCacfi:ren !Motor .sports · Nevada Offroad'Bu/Jay jamuy & jriet1,lU Nye Frank Memorial Fund Cali.fomia Bank & Trust 115 Via Pico Plaza San Clemente,. California 92672 (949) 248-2100 Account# 3460104-871 Wire TransfersRoufing # 121002042 . --ti --
malifornia ally «Cries CRS Fall Preview PHOTOS: MOTORSPORT MEMORIES Blake Yoon and Andy Goubarev seen here at last year's Gorman Ridge Rally in their Subaru WRX ST/. Summer is here and the California Rally Series (CRS) would like to cake a moment to tell our friends about the rest of our 2007 season, so that they might be able to gee out and experience performance stage rally for themselves. The following four events round out the season and competition for championship points will be nothing short of fearsome. Rally racing in the sou th-west restarts in August, after a brief summer hiatus, during which teams traded pace notes, water bottles, and dirt roads for romance novels, margaritas, and swimming pools. Well, we hope they got some R&R over the break, but if there's one thing co be said about rallyistas, it's that their work is never finished. June and July present two solid months for CRS competitors to slow things down and concentrate on bringing the cars back up to tip-top shape back at the fort, where they have all their re-sources at the ready. Some teams were fortunate in that their cars only need minimal repairs after Rim of the World in Lancaster, CA back in May; others not so much, likely feel-ing two months is simply not enough time, but all want to bring their "A-Game" to the next event. The remainder of the season pretty much cakes place within a triangle drawn between Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Phoe-nix. These upcoming events feature a variety of roads and unique challenges for the teams, so there's no way of knowing who will stand victo-rious at season's end. If you've never attended a true stage rally before, consider coming out to one of the following events before the season is over. Organizers generally try to set aside at least• one area where spectators can watch the cars race by, but the best op-po r tun i ti es for seeing the teams in their element come through volunteering at the Page 46 event. No experience neces-ing wheels at the Gorman sary! If you like being close to Ridge Rally, which is known the action and getting to know for being a great event in which other people who like to go fast to learn or further hone skills on dirt, volunteering at a rally with the use of stage notes. is an excellent way to get your Gorman 2007 provides com-fix while personally helping petitors with approximately 60 keep off-road motorsporc alive miles of stage competition in the desert southwest. made up of "all dirt road sur-August 18th -Gorman Ridge faces, which are generally Rally -Corman, CA - Yo Ho smooth, hard packed with oc-Ho and away we go! Gorman casional sandy spots, washouts Ridge be the "Pirate Rally" and and lots of waterbars," accord-ye land lubbers are invited to ing to the official Gorman bear witness to th'spectacle. Ridge Rally website (URL be-Last year, the Jolly Roger was low). Much of chis event cakes proudly displayed on many a place on the roads used in the rally car at this event and pi-2006 X-Games Rally and there rate banter filled the air. De-· is a spectator stage planned spite being miles from the sea, where those interested can see, captains and their crews sailed firsthand, how rally driver and their rally cars over rolling hills co-driver teamwork makes for and sandy washes in the hunt the highest levels of perfor-for championship points and a mance in the thick of the com-shiny prize at the end of the pet1t1on. Round six of the pace notes. In the end, a num-United States Rally Champion-ber of teams ended up in Davey ship (USRC), Gorman is also a Jones's Locker Garage, which CRS triple points event, so is where all pirate rally cars there will be a lot riding on chat die on-stage must go. chis one for every competitor. Coincidentally, August 18th There is an opportunity to re-marks the 18th anniversary of gain ground lost in prior this event, recognized by many events, but leads can be ex-in the California Rally Series tended just as well. Every com-as a rite of passage into the petitor, whether they enjoyed a world of stage rally. Organiz-leisurely summer break or ers Ray and Donna Hocker spent their time feverishly take pride in knowing that working to get the car ready for many of the top rally teams in chis event, will be going for the the southwest lost their train-gold. That be, after all, what a Chris Wilson climbs Libre Mountain during the Pirate Sweep, a now, but not forgotten part of the Gorman Rally. September 2007 Tim and Dick Moser are seen here in their VW Golf GTi on the powerline stage in the Gorman Off Highway Vehicle Park. pirate's life be about. at Exit 45 (Tomahawk Service September 8th -Quartzite Station) in Quartzite. As sum-Rally -Quartzite, AZ -Quartz-mer in Arizona can be brutal, ice is the official replacement competitors will begin their in the CRS schedule for the day early in the morning, with now defunct Treeline Rally. an extended break for service After regulatory problems that during the hot afternoon, be-affected several of the CRS's fore returning to the stages as traditional rallies, Quartzite's evening descends. Despite organizers sought and found a there not being any on-stage new venue about which they spectating allowed, should you are justifiably excited. be on 1-10 just after dark on The town of Quartzite has the 8th of September, keep your welcomed this event with open eyes peeled for the high-pow-arms. The California Rally Se-ered lights of rally cars racing ries looks to forge closer ties to off in the distance to either the community through this side of the interstate. Then event, which will be exciting stop to stretch your legs in for a number of reasons. Some Quartzite. You might be in of the stages used in the time for the after-rally party! Quartzite Rally were also used October 6th & 7th -Prescott in the Desert Storm Rally Rally -Prescott, AZ -This (based just down the road in year, we will be celebrating the Blythe, California)last March, twentieth anniversary of the and in ~hat rally provided com-Prescott Rally presented by petitors with some of the Scott Roofing. This event is a smoothest, fastest, yet challeng-perennial favorite of many ing moments of the season. CRS teams, some considering Still other stages will be com-it to be the one must-attend prised of roads never before event of the season. Located raced by a rally car, offering barely more than an hour fresh scenery to be missed as it north of Phoenix, Prescott has goes past the windows in a temperatures that actually get blur. With this mixture of fa-below boiling! In fact, be sure miliar favorites and exciting to bring a heavy jacket just in new challenges, combined with case. Odds are good that you a relative lack of danger from won't need it during the day, large rocks, trees, and expo-but once the sun goes behind sures (sheer drop-offs running the hills, it takes the heat with along the road), Quartzite en-it. tices competitors with the This year, local auto dealer promise of fast, smooth rela-Lamb Subaru will be opening tively safe roads where they its doors to the event, hosting might catch a break. competitor registration, techni-Plans for Quartzite were fi-cal inspection, and even the nalized too lace this year to ob-first stage of the rally! In the tain permission for spectator past, Prescott conducted each areas out on stage, but the of these activities at a differ-event is being scheduled so as enc location, so the organizers to allow those interested and would like to extend a very sin-"in the neighborhood" plenty cere thank you to Lamb Subaru of time to check out the cars for the use of their space for and ask questions of the teams_ this event. at the service park, which will Anyone who has attended be located just off Interstate 10 Continued next page Brian Scott and John Dillon drove their Subaru lmpreza ST1 to the win at the tough Desert Storm Rally. Dusty Times
Brothers Brian and Mike Hamblin, seen here on a technical section at Gorman in their ex-Malik Volvo 240. Lisa Klassen and Guido Hamacher negotiate a wash on the Black Bill Holmes and Kevin Carter spent some time attacking the Desert Cat Stage of the Desert Storm Rally in their Mitsubishi EVO. Storm Rally, they're seen here flying their Ford pickup. The Mazmanian family attacked the Desert Storm Rally in their Acura lntegra, they're seen here at high speed. Prescott Rally in the past will tell you, there are a number of stages which are almost the stuff of legends in the southwest rally community. A number of the more popular Prescott stages are laid out in such fashion as to be completely different when run in both directions, which is done frequently. The Prescott Rally website describes "First View": "When run to the North it starts out above the mining town of Jerome and runs on an old narrow-gauge railroad bed. Exposures seem bigger than they are here but the views are amazing (for co-drivers only). An elevation drop of nearly 2000 feet brings you down to the Verde River. When run to the South it becomes a hill climb challenge, finishing on the quick railroad bed." Be in Prescott on this weekend in October and you are almost cer-tain to hear mention of "Perkinsville." Organizers con-sider this stage, "THE stage in to these areas. Often, the road Many of the stages of the Prescott. Perkinsville starts with to get to the spectator area is Laughlin International Rally a high speed run across the the same road on which the are held just across the border high-desert range lands and has rally cars will be racing at dif-in northwestern Arizona on a deceptive 1000 foot climb/ ferent times of the day, so fail-Hualapai Nation lands. Were decent. Long sweeping corners ure to budget time can result it not for the generous conces-and a wide, smooth road base in missing out due to the sions of the Hualapai Nation, toward the finish make this a roads' being closed. Be sure to this event would not be pos-favori te." Another favorite check the Prescott Rally sible. Until you spend time stage you will hear mentioned website (URL below) for the competing in or working the is "Witty Tom," "A Prescott fa-most up-to-date information! Laughlin International Rally, it vorite since 1985. The South November 8th-11th is impossible to wrap your end is a twisty dream of a road Laughlin International Rally & mind around the sheer size of overlooking the Verde River. As Motorsports Festival this event. Laughlin is a mon-you climb up to the Juniper for-Laughlin, NV -The 2007 CRS ster rally. Teams will head out ests the road opens up to some season closes with a bang in just after dawn and likely not very high speed.running. Broad Laughlin, Nevada, at the return to headquarters until sweeping comers will keep your Laughlin International Rally & well after dark. At that point, interest with a mile-long Motorsports Festival, which is look to the Ramada Express straight to the finish. The run also the final event of the parking lot for the teams work-back is just as much fun as the United States Rally Champion-ing on their cars well into the high-speed roads take you to the ship (USRC). The top three night, in preparation for the twisty finish." teams in each class from the next day's stages. It is not un-Organizers of the Prescott eastern and western divisions common to find a rally car Rally always try to fit some co-will be engaged in a battle for completely wrecked on Satur-ordinated spectator areas into position on the national cham-day afternoon, towed back to the event, in exciting locations pionship podium. There is al-headquarters that evening, and which offer opportunities to ready a great deal of informa-put back together before dawn safely witness cars flying past at tion about the goings on over Sunday, in preparation for the top speeds and navigating some Veterans' Day weekend on the Sunday SuperStage™. of the more technical sections event website (URL below), so Laughlin organizers under-of the course. Those interested be sure to check it out next stand that a rally of this size in spectating at this event time you're in front of a com-makes spectating on-stage diffi-should be aware that some puter, because you don't want cult, so the Sunday planning is required to make it to miss out on this chance to SuperStage™ was created. Lit-witness motorsport up close erally right around the corner and personal! from the Ramada Express Ho-Master Mechanic and Fabricator positions open on Ronn Bailey Motorsports off-road racing team RBM is a 3-time DAKAR competitor currently putting together a team for DAKAR 2008 • Must be highly motivated, self managed and not requiring close supervision to get the job done • Travel outside United States to Mexico, Portugal,Spain,Morocco, Mauritania, Senegal, Russia, China, Argentina, Peru, Chile, and Tunisia required during 2008 race season • These are salaried positions with long hours under race conditions RONN BAILEY MCTCA5FICAT5 Contact Yvonne Shoup at 702.794.0014 or email yvonne.shoup@go2vanguard.com www.ronnbaileymotorsports.com Page 48 September 2007 Bnan Scott and John Dillon at speed in the Yavapai County Fairgrounds in their Subaru lmpreza ST/. Dusty Times
Jeff Regester and Duncan Smith are seen here in their Subaru WRX, Seamus Burke and Chrissy Beavis are shown here at speed in their On the starting ramp at Laughlin, Bruce Davis and Jimmy Brandt are new to the sport, they are soon to be reckoned with. Mitsubishi EVO at last years Laughlin event. set to in', Lau hlin attracts drivers from all over the world. tel and Casino, the rally culmi-nates the weekend with head-to-head rally competition. A mas-sive, superspecial stage is set up with two lanes! Rally cars are paired up, side-by-side, for an all-out rally race to the finish. This event is the only one of its kind in the region and can make a rally fan out of anyone. Watch as two rally cars jump off the starting line and tear into the first of several corners, throwing rooster tails of dirt into the sky. Crane your neck to see around the guy in front of you, as you don't want to miss a thing. Hold your breath as your favorite team takes the lead in the back half of the stage, only to move to the edge of your seat when you realize the other team has made up the ground in the following cor-ners. Into the final corner and you'll be on your feet as both teams know it's do-or-die time, nailing the accelerator to the floor as the two cars cross the flying finish in mid-air, only tenths of a second apart. · The Laughlin International Rally & Motorsports Festival is a giant weekend of fun for any-one. In addition to the rally, the Pro-Am Drift Champion-ship, where amateurs and vet-eran drifters will compete to be crowned regional Champion is held this weekend just across the river. Amateurs and ex-perts alike can have a blast rac-ing through the cones on their choice of dirt or pavement in the auto-or -rallycross events. There will even be a G PS Ad-venture Rally if you'd like to give that a try. Visit the website and see just what else there is to do in Laughlin while ·the rally cars are out on-stage, racing for the championship. These four events represent some of the most loved and feared stages in the California Rally Series. Some of them KING Dusty Times OFF-ROAD RfiCING SHOCl(S provide spectator areas where you can set up chairs and watch some of the fastest drivers in the country race past at break neck speed; others do not, but there is an almost guaranteed way to get right into the thick of the action. Volunteer. Sign up to lend a hand at an event and you will find that "work-ing" a rally isn't really work as much as it is fun. Would you rather sit and watch the race go by or be the person who waves the checkered flag at the fin-ish? Volunteering at a rally is an excellent opportunity to get close to one of the most excit-. ing forms of motors port on the planet while saving some money, and going home after the event knowing you've made a difference that day. It's ex-tremely rewarding. We hope you'll take this article to your calendar and circle these dates. Make plans to attend one (or more) of the final four events Todd and Ray Moberly (left) scream by another rallyist in their Subaru lmpreza ST/, they took the win in the '06 Laughlin Rally. of the California Rally Series Quartzite Rally -http:// season. We're looking forward quartziterally.com to meeting you! Prescott Rally -http:// Links For More Informa-www.prescottrally.com tion: Laughlin International Rally Gorman Ridge Rally - & Motorsports Festival -http://rallyusa.com/gorman http://www.rallyusa.com/ _ CJJBEAR We carry a full line of \I .. -~ ~ DFFR°'IGHTING FILTERNIAG-~ ~ September 2007 Page 49 ..
[-IA-JA]1>ll)i BYMR BNA Hello racers -and fans alike. Due to a computer glitch (hard drive crash) the report I was going to write on the Baja 500 stats will have to wait until next month. Instead we will speak of the future. Baja Pits will be running one pit at the upcoming Primm 300 race in Septem-ber. Contact Carlos at U.S. Wheels for info on that if you need help. US Wheels will be on contin-gency row as well and you can talk to Carlos and Steny there about this race and the upcoming Baja 1000. Concerning the Baja 1000. Baja Pits, along with Baja Huskys are run-ning another free, pre run pit stop, in support of all pre runners sometime the middle or end of October. We hav_e picked a tentative location and are now wait-ing to see the official Score racecourse map. Our tentative location right now is between San Quentin and Cocos Cor-ner, out in the wilderness. As with last years Baja 1000 pit, we will have the familiar Red and White Husqvarna awning up, plenty of water, shade, a place to park your vehicles while you pre run, lunch Page so each day at noon and new for the Baja 1000, fuel to s.e ll i n 1-3 g a 11 o n q u a n t i -ties. This is to help those bikes and vehicles get to their next destination or out to Hwy 1 to their chase trucks. Steny, our Motorcycle and Quad Di-rector, will be running this free pit stop as he did at last years Baja 1000 free pre run pit. Three days (Friday-Sunday) and a whole lot of fun he says! For the 2007 Score Baja 1000, Baja Pits, along with Locos Mocos, are looking to run 23 pits. We currently have 24 pit cap-tains and crews lined up, so that objective is out of the way. Prices for Baja Pits members (Member-ship is. $50.00 per calen-dar year for the ROR/ DOR) are as follows. For bikes and quads, the price is $895.00 and includes up to 4 gallons of 100 unleaded octane race fuels at each pit you use. If you need dry breaks, then you need to provide Baja Pits will two (2) dry break units in good condi-tion with stands as well or rent two cans from us for $100.00 each. Each pit has spare tires and tubes for bikes to use if you should shred a tire. We have been receiving referrals from Team Honda since June for this race. Don't delay before we fill up. Contact Steny at 619-851-9105 or by email at Stenberg@Bajapits.com for any motorcycle or quad questions or needs 103 PRESS LANE SUITE 4 CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 that you may have. For all Full Service ve-hicles, the price to pit is $ 7 9 5-. 0 0 w / o a n y fu e I. Race fuel is $8.95 per gal-lon for 110 octane, which includes the hauling charge to take it to the pit stop. We will only be us-ing two octanes of fuel for this race. These are 100 Unleaded and 110 Leaded race fuels. Each team us-ing full service pits will need to provide Baja Pits ten (10) good condition, 11 gallon dump cans for loan during the race. Re-member to give us good condition cans. A poor dump can given, could be the one we are using for your own vehicle as well. Vehicle Emergency Ser-vice is $350.00. You can also purchase just one, two or three pits at a small individual price if that's all you need as well. Any-more than four pits though, you have to buy them all. Go tQ our web site at www.Bajapits.com and download our Race Support Application for the 2007 Baja 1000. Fill it in and mail it back to us with either your deposit or full fees paid. Baja Pits does have a cut off for the number of vehicles al-lowed, so don't delay. Get you entry in before we draw the line. You can call Carlos Orozco at 619-596-8033 or email him at Carlos @Bajapits.com for any questions you need an-swered concerning pitting. (619)691-9171 (866)891-9171 TOLL FREE (619) 691-0803 FAX September 2007 The address to mail in ap-plications is on the appli-cation itself at the bot-tom. You can also pay us-ing Pay Pal at Paypal@bajapits.com. Pit drop off will be an-nounced at a later date. ALL PIT APPLICA-TIONS MUST BE RE-CEIVED & PAID IN FULL BY MIDNIGHT, SUNDAY OCTOBER 21ST, 2007. That is it for now. We hope you are enjoying your summer and are be-ing safe as well. Our meet-ing locations and dates are changing for the fall. Check back on our web site for the new location and dates in San Diego starting with the Septem-ber date. Until next month then, adios from the Baja Pits Race Team. www.bajapits.com El Prez Sez ... Ain't No Wahzoo Well, took a two month hiatus from writ-ing our column, some-thing the real Wahzoo didn't do and why I "ain't no Wahzoo", it's time to get back to the business at hand. I thought that it would be cool to direct a few interesting points out to our non-Checker friends who are reading th is. First off, if you are a racer and run indepen-dently you need to keep reading. If you love the desert and working on race cars, keep reading. If you like being associated with the very best, keep reading. The point I am making here is that the Checkers Off-Road Rac-ing team is the longest running and most versa-tile racing support club hands down! I know that is a seriously bold thing to say, but it is true. There is not one other pit support group anywhere that pits all the major sanctioned races. We run and support: SCORE, B.l.T.D., M.O.R.E., M.D.R., SNORE, CORR, and most recently the Pike's Peak race where one of our drivers set a world record in a Pro truck. Now I challenge anyone to find a race sup-port club that has our history, roots, stamina and longevity and will run wherever that's a race and we have drivers that want to run it. Each month I end my attempts at writing this column with an invitation to any-one who believes that they have what it takes to excel in this sport and wishes to do so with the best to join us at any of our weekly meetings in North Hollywood or visit with us in any of our many pit locations at darn near every desert race run. Hell you couldn't run a car across El Mirage with the S.C.T.A. without running into a dozen or more of us. We have .guys running circles on pavement at Irwindale and on the dirt in Ventura. See what I mean about versatility? Longevity you ask? Well, we were derived and founded by the Checkers bike club and its original members almost 39 years ago. The Bike club dates back to 1945, beat that! Again I want to point out that I'm not writing this so much as a pat on our back (well, may\;>e a little one), but to encourage se-rious racers to consider the benefits of being a part of something great and carrying on the proud tradition of what it means to be a part of the history of the Checkers. We have had several races since my last article and it would be fut-ile for me to try and retrace them all so I am going to hit on some of the high-lights of "what's up wit da Checkers" We have been crankin' out some great meetings lately with some excellent guest par-ticipation,. Sal Fish stopped by after the Baja race and spent some great quality time with us to the point where the res-taurant we meet at closed while we were all still talking with Sal. Myself and many others on hand had a chance to just sit one on one and talk per-sonally with Sal whom many of us have known for so long, but rarely have this type of an op-portunity because he is so busy at the races. Bob Bowers came to see us an-other night and discuss the Off Road Hall of Fame in Reno, Nevada. Bob has been a close friend to many of us for a long time and did a Speed Channel special with us on our 25th anni-versary celebration held at the Gold Coast in Ve-gas. Bob is one of the founders of the museum in Reno, along with Rod Hall (whose two sons are Checkers) and was most enthusiastic in telling us about all that this won-derfu 1 museum has to of-fer. I can say first hand that it is worth many vis-its, a great place to record the history we all make and love. Casey Dusty Times
Folks is coming to give us the run down on what to expect at the Vegas to Reno race. He will be at our August 15th meeting. We have nine cars en-tered in that race. We have been reincarnating the weekly raffles and having some fun with the Sergeant at Arms. As al-ways, each meeting is filled with great stories from the drivers and pitters following each race. We've started plan-ning out our pit strate-gies for the Baj a 1000 to support our 10 entries. We are set for the Primm race with seven ca rs en-tered and four pits for support. We are getting everyone pumped up about our eighth annual Checkers Off Road Raffle. Don't forget that some lucky person will win both the 2007 Honda CRF 70 and the 2007 Honda EU 2000 genera-tor at the Score Baja 1000 drawing at the Lake Elsinore Hotel and Ca-sino on Saturday, Septem-ber 29th. We had our an-nual Checker summer party over the Father's Day weekend in Cal-City. Absolutely one of our finer parties to date with a couple hundred family members and friends at-tending and enjoying the all day BBQ and enter-tainment, great poker run course, motor cycle melt-down and night time bon-fire. I would like to thank Andy Fricke for heading up the party committee and doing such a fantas-tic job along with the help from James Connolly and Mark Nacke. Back tracking to my earlier comments about Pike's Peak, I want to congratulate Mike Childress for his amazing run on the mountain to obtain the new record for Pro Trucks. Mike ran the 12.2 mile run in 11.59 min. in Tom Koch's Pro truck with Tom's son, Joe, riding shotgun. I also want to acknowledge our drivers leading the points in their classes in the SCORE series, Rich (Stretch) Severson and Mark Growe. Just a quick note to all members, "DASH PLAQUES", gottum! Lots of them back dated thru last year so come and gettum! Once again I wish to extend our invitation to anyone interested in be-coming a Checker to come visit us, we meet ev-ery Wednesday night at 8:00pm at Victoria's Ristorante, 10901 Victory Blvd., North Hollywood, CA 91606. Remember ... El Prez Sez ... See Ya in The Dez. Dusty Times ORBAANDBRC CHALLENGE NEWLY-FORMED "RANGERS FOR RESPONSIBLE RECREATION" TO INCLUDEOHV COMMUNITY IN THEIR EFFORTS TO ADDRESS OHV-RELATED ISSUES ON PUBLIC LANDS. BAKERSFIELD, CA (June 29, 2007) -The Off-Road Busi-ness Association (ORBA) and the BlueRibbon Coalition (BRC) have learned that the Public Employees for Environ-mental Responsibility (PEER), recently announced the forma-tion of Rangers for Respon-sible Recreation, which, ac-cording to PEER is a "coalition of more than a dozen of America's most seasoned law enforcement and natural re-source management special-ists." PEER and the newly-formed organization are asking for a "National Call to Action to address law enforcement threats on public lands." PEER has expressly singled out OHV users as the dominant threat and the group most in need of more aggressive law en-forcement action. ORBA and BRC take issue with PEER's attempt to make OHV users the villains and scapegoats for the many prob-lems that currently exist on America's public lands. PEER and the "Rangers" fail to rec-ognize that the vast majority of OHV use that occurs on pub-lic lands is done in a respon-sible manner. ORBA and BRC challenge both groups to join the OHV community in a col-laborative effort to addres.s rogue users of all types who choose to recreate irresponsi-bly and damage the resources we all wish to preserve for fu-ture generations. ORBA and BRC are very fa-miliar with the challenges in-volved with OHV recreation on public lands. Only by working together will we find solutions to these problems that will re-sult in managed off-road recre-ation and environmental pro-tection. "This looks like more of the same crisis mongering from PEER and we challenge this new group to work with the OHV community instead of demanding massive closures via lawsuit," states Brian Hawthorne, BRC's Public Lands Policy Director. Bill Dart, Director of Land Use for ORBA said, "The solu-tion to this problem is not to demonize each other, as PEER has done by using the term "Wreckreation," but to work to-gether on these issues to safe-guard the future of responsible OHV recreation and protect the environment." One solution not mentioned on the PEER website is to make the areas cur-rently available for OHV recre-ation more user friendly by pro-viding maps, trail guides and good on the ground signage. These solutions cost money and we would like PEER and Rang-ers for Responsible Recreation to join us in asking for the ap-propriate funds to manage these recreation areas so that re-source damage is reduced or eliminated. Bringing former land man-agers and law enforcement per-sonnel to the table in an effort to solve these problems is an interesting concept, especially since these same folks largely created the situation that con-fronts us today. These officials are well aware that the agencies they used to work for did not respond to the need for in-creased OHV recreational op-portunities. In essence, these agencies, by directing funds away from OHV recreation and instituting one closure after another, have caused many of the problems that PEER and the Rangers now want to blame on OHV users. In order to find a solution to these complicated and often controversial issues we need to understand the problem. In a recent Draft Environmental Im-pact Statement (DEIS) the BLM states that between 1980 and 2001, there has been an in-crease of 108 percent of the reg-istered OHVs in California. The DEIS goes on to state that between 1994 and 2001, there has been an increase of 74 per-cent of street licensed four-wheel drive vehicles. However, during this same period of time -1980 to 2001-there has been a 48 percent decrease in the amount of land available for OHV recreation. This has re-sulted in the "ghetto-ization" of vehicle recreation, with more and more people pushed onto smaller parcels of land. It is no wonder that resource values in these areas have suffered; it is also no wonder that the emer-gence of camping and OHV "ghettos" has led to trespassing and additional resource damage by those who do not wish to comply with the increasingly stringent limitations on use We can either ignore these facts and continue to watch outdoor recreation deteriorate, or we Bolt in or weld in one _Piece uni-ball cups, 1', 1 ¼ , 1 ½' Billet Spare Tire Lock & Mount Heim Joints, Uniballs & High Misalignment Spacers can find new and better ap-proaches to the land use chal-lenges that currently confront all who enjoy visiting the deserts, mountains, and forests of this country. We invite PEER and the Rangers to join us in taking the latter course. ORBA is a national trade as-sociation composed of off-road related businesses united to promote common goals that support the prosperity and growth of the off-road industry. The BlueRibbon Coalition is a national recreation group that champions responsible use of public and private lands, and encourages individual en-vironmental stewardship. It represents over 10,000 indi-vidual members and 1,200 or-ganization and business mem-bers, for a combined total of over 600,000 recreationists na-tionwide. 1-800-258-3742 www.sharetrails.org ---Meg Grossglass Media Relations & Land Use ORBA -the Off-Road Busi-ness Association 32383 Perigord Rd Winchester, CA 92596 Phone 951.926.1953 Cell 951.415.1869 Corporate 661.323.1464 Office 1610 W. Whispering Wind Dr. • Phoenix, AZ 85085 (1 blk South of Happy Valley Rd. on 16th Ave.) September 2007 Page 51
7 Good stuff Dlracto,v Air Cleaners for Off-Road Racing. From Baja to Dakar. For a list of dealers visit our website at: www.advancedairoleanersystems.com 19076 HawthOrne Btvd. 1'orranee, CA 90503 • Custom fabri<:ation • Prerunners • Suspensions • Custom exhaust (310) 542-2977 www.advanceoffroad.com C,~SERTS" ........_,,,*CELLULAR TIRE INSERTS Preliminary announcement: new technology that flat-proofs / blowout-proofs pneumatic tires. Please go to: www.airserts.com for information and a video demonstration of AIRSERTS™ Cellular Tire Inserts. OFF-ROAD FUEL CELLS SCORE• CORR• SODA • MAORA • PRERUNNERS • RALLY-~ ETC ?~· ... "). "< ".· .• i:.h,. vcustom •;r~.' Sizes Toll Free: 400-526-5330 Fa,c 201-825,..1962 e-Mall: atl@aUlnc.com ,L~ ..A!l-1-www.atlfue/cells.com 7 Off-Road Fiberglass • OIi-Road Truck Fabricalion Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages Ford Truck Specialist • www.autofab.com 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee. CA 92071 TS thebalasho11wearthllnk.lie, Tll: 114.2Je~lf85 fAX:114.219.8,78 (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 RACECARS ~ · ~ ' ' . .: -.·_-.llfll!a · · ;,;.;.,._t~,,.. ..rrv-vt.t. John Baker Race Car Fabrication • Race Prep. Transmissions • Fiberglass 15821 Graham Street• Huntington Beach. CA 92649 Phone: 714--891-3086 • Fax: 714--892-6360 BakerMatarsports.net MOTORHOMES, ~ ··--, sPoRToEcKs & ---a.a-od~~ TRAILERS ~:--•-.../ _-., ()alt• (480) 598-2600 600 S. 56th St., Bldg. A-7, Chandler, />2. 85226 www.ballrenegade.com Mobile (623) 326-8470 Fax (480) 598--2800 renata@ballrenegade.cotn RENATA REHM-MUNRO Renegade Sales BRANDWOOD CARS for mlc:f..englnes and other appllcaUons 602-437-3)~7 Castore V'?hicle Shifter , ~~airflow. -• Nooli ,-quired Ofl fil1e( ~ • fllte, tfKI caps ere metNMd. · . -Si1"12'or1S"Lg · t!l67 - Bili.! mounilllg clamps .. • No mfflllll we!Oa. • llill'et Oft trood F>om -Ealy cleaning r!Oi$h. Air Rlfl!$. Spindles. ttubs Q~n r«h"'-'1-s, .. !...n, .... <:.. 9liYlt Ph, (619)562,3071 !'wt: (619)56Z.0592 www.BTIPerformance.com CA ·$RACING RaceaJr Helmets & Accessories Bell, Shoel, Simpson .:8.lower .systems & cool boxes ...... 2 .. 7M 1eeaaa ............ c ...... --.ca.1•t .. CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN 39067 ORCHARD ST. CHERRY VALLEY CA.. 92223 PH#. (Nl}-M1"4UO. products in stock Race Frovtn Fabrication; Boatec Fiberg)ass . Pre-Runnels Dimple Dies Deselt Trucb Tubing Benders Short Course tru.cks Bypass valves+tubes Paris-Dakar tnacb Sway-bar Arms ALL ALUMINUM Bl?AOLOCK WHEELS ANO CONVERSIONS CHAMPION WHl!:11:L CO. INC. 1 S537 COLLtltA (95 1 J 471-21 es LAKE £L.SINOFHt CA, 9::1.53 l WWW.CHAMPIONWH!:EL.,COM CHENOWTH •iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiff.ACING PRODVCTS, INC. [CNC] CNC, Inc. 1221 West Moreno Blvd. San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 275-166~ e-mail: 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 Fax (619) 449-7103 www.chenowth.com Manufacturers of Broke and Clutch Pedal AsS) Master Cylinders Slove Cylinders Cutting and Staging Brakes Hydraulic Throfflas Tl)rottle Pedals and all of our accessories. Se,1d S3.00 for Catalog Coasteoatings@sbcglobal.net www.CoastCoatings.com 227 Calle Pintoresco San Oemente, CA 92672
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, ~l"'AIIRl~T}O~ . . •' ' ·o · :,. ,·o AND Wf!LDING Specializing in Race Car Prep • Sand Can -De.en Can• -er,;R.unuen • All General Fabrication and Welding l694(1Ta•l.atw ru--.ldt, CA 9lS04 9St. ?t!C. 7927 O"=/Fax pmfabr~sbc,Lo'-1.Mt 71♦.742.4720 Glen c.u 714.742.4723 Shawn C.U HEADFLOW MASTERS 2466 S. SANTA FE AVE. #1-' VISTA CA. 92084 HONDA miaaiJ· Adrian PHONE (760) 727-1827 JJ. .. z ____ _ Ceorge Jimenez Se Habfa Espanol RACING DJGINEC COMPI.ETl ENGINES • PAATS It OYNO Sf:IMCE 535 E., Central Park Ave. Anaheim, CA 92802 Tel: (714) 53S.5116 Fax: (714) 535-5816 JG TRANSWERKS "Go with a Proven Winner' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OuaHty Racing Tranaxlea Mendeola Dealer · Off Road - Sand Specialist JOE GIFFIN )06 l E,. l.(i Jolla St. #I Anaheim. California 92806 (714) 632-1240 Fax (714) 632-1%23 Email: jgtcaM@pacbell.m:t www.JO'ltanswcrks.com (818} 166-6134 (800) 800-6134 BILL ROBERTSON & SONS; !NC. JON KINNE 5626 TUJUNGA AVE. 520 Railroad St., Corona, CA 92882 NORTH HOLL YWOOO, CA, 91601 Tel. 951-278-2233• Fax: 951-278-8335• www,jonnylightning.net FAX (818}'766--9397 t-lW5TLEE:~ concePTS g.,, KAJA SHOP 1.inc.1967} r=u=~c:& c:r:,r:::::e; s:::,s:::ae; F=al..Jrll""1~ Al-LJn'lr-L..lrn ~H SF=JEC:~ VEI-ICL...Eii& Jeae Rodrigues PH: 7l4-WT--0701 Fax·H◄-1187-0758 71 ◄ N ~ SI, Otange.CA. 92867 www.t.usllarconcep1s.com ,1_ ....... 1_______.2-----V✓.------m----_Q .......... , l Mike Julson 942& Wheatland• Court Sant-, CA 92071 819-596-3380 www.Jlmcorace.com 619-596-3364fax Lonely Long Advertising Term Space Relationship Looking Call For (818) 882-0004 OUT 90AAD EkQlk£ • GENflUITOR $PECIAUS1 Kawaguchi Honda Corp .. www.Kawagucbibonda.eom ART KAWAGUCHI ! ma E.UT M _D sT. Fax 323-28'-21 S8 LO, ANGELU. CA I008) 323484 58$8 B1lll'm' Derek Kreaer PH: 114..289.9048 Fl: 114.831.1854 1214 N. Parker Unli # 3 Orange. CA 92861 POWER E STEERING THOMASE. LEE LEE MFG. ~O. 11661 P£HDLETOftsrRE£r· SON WJ.:EY, CA913U fAX {111) 7M-2U7 (818) 7-.o:311 A lull line ot PowerSMrinQ·~ put,!~ and ~ for any type of nleing. Ml!oneftux and Zyglo faclit._ l!Vailabl&. Engineering •eustomCfllllis •RaQPrep •A111mmum Work 'Wtldlne •Magn.nux FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 (909) 596-5497 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 Race Seats• Restraints• Storage Bags Window Nets• Limit Straps• Tie Downs www.mastercraftseats.com 11433 Woodside Avenue• Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455 • Fax: 619/449-9454 YOUR OFF-ROAD Catch us ~fl the Net! SPECIALISTS/ www.mckenzies.com PHONE ('714) 441-1212 FAX: (714) 441-1622 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVENUE, ANAHEIM. CA 92806 MIKE MENDEOLA 290 Trousda1e Drive, Suite I & J Chula Vi.sta. CA919t0 (619} 691-1000 2◄ Hour Fax (619) 691-1324 ToddDwJa' 1900 Comptm Ave. SUite 101, Corona. CA 9'2881 · Phone (951)817-0101 Ext 156 www.mickeyttiompsontires.com 619-562-5533 -:
Off Rood Fabrkction fJ.lld t>esign -~ ... moseBilJt~ FtHll:tion/Strv:ngtlt/Sttf ety/Pride • Send Cars Mode l>y Hand in fife VSA •Trud<s • Race Cars JOHN MOSELEY • ~ Ormcr!Fabfia:ito.-• P.ctly Cars •Cu,to,n -..mos&bift.cGffl 236 JosonCourt Corom, CA 9l!879 · 951-272-3026 Fox 951·27'2•0n6 #OIILTON IABRltA1IOll,t11 IIAOECMI$ .,._,.._r, JJUM$/JIOIITS 661-974-7961 AUTQTRONIC CONTROLS COAPORATlON 'l 4SU H FNr•lV B'-"ENNAN OR, , E:L PASO. -rx 7993G 1915) 857.!i:'!lfl •· TFOI IN' f9 15I 655 7123 • Vl$1T OIJF>WfB Silt www msd,g...,..,.com Shop: 714-a93-8106 15222 Connector Lane Fax; 714~893~8123 Huntington Beach, CA 92649 951.360.5906 9SJ.360.0436 fax soo.100.mo 1834 Wader Drive Mir• lorn, CA 91m www.p1rterpumptr.eom For The Price Of A Phone Call And A Few Bucks A Month Your Ad could Be Here www.myers-racing.com 818•882•0004 OfF~llO~O IIACIIIG TUBE BENDERS Y4" TO 3" O.D. Capacity Models Starting at $279.00!!!! M-TECH SUPPLY TUBE BENDERS • PIPE BENDERS • ruse NOTCHERS RING ROLLERS • COlD SAWS • ABRASlVES www.mtEchsupply.com 4B0-72o-cS76 Ws caDBeadlock (ii. . .• - -.:r' YOUR RIMSH · ') Size. to fit .-.t ATV ~~~~E ,/ l AUTOMOTJYE appticationa Parts for: POLISHED & COLORED FlNISHES SCALLOPED ORCONVENTtONAL Reinfotcing Air,gf Al•o Available Phone - (951) 354-8272 WWW .QMFPERfQRMANCE. com ORBS Dune Buggy• Race Car• VW Engine • Subaru Engine Parts Custom Machine Work & Fabrication 1-800-231-8156 2525 East 16th Street • Yuma, AZ. 85365 928-783-6265 • Fax 928-783-1253 r.,ENHR[D ASRICATION, INC 1660 l!Qlxocll, 8ulldil9 &, ComMe$0.CA92621 'f'Et, 19491650-303S FAX 1949f 650-4721 .,.........,. ..... ~ ~ -com ~,..,... Pretlsio11 Alloy, lltl Todd fronds 2S60S It£. 46' Ave. lidget.ld, WA 98'42 • Radios • GPS • Intercoms • Headsets • • Wired helmets • GPS Protecton • 1-877-WEE-RACE www.procommraceradios.com 12221 Poplar St., Unit 8, Hesperia. CA 92345 qary <PowefI Motorsports: Electrical Design & Manufacturing Siooe 1988 J>h: (949) 735-9039 ; Fax: (949) 459-0085 ProFORMANCE@cox.net A High Pedonnance Spec V8 Race ~k Se(!ff "The True Dover's Class· ProtNck Sain and Pn>motlon WebsltAr. www;protruck.com Emal!: pn,tri,telc@prodlgy.net ,._.,.,,.._ Fex:e-t~ f44028ondeor.t ;EJC.,O,.. CA 82021 ' Hi.PedOlmanc6 Equipment Suspension • 5afety • Dnvelinll • Accessories (619) 691~9171 (619) 691-9174 (619) 691.()8()3 (FAX} 103 Press Lane, Suite #4 Chula \.1st.a, CA91910 e-mail: rprodtOaol.com 2.0233 .COJ!..,..,..,,;cti
Ctaig5~ Phone: 619-449-9128 f,n, c\1~4-?6-r. Celt: 619·726--«191 Fabrication & Race Ptef)<lration MW Abraham Way Sant.., ·CA 9:2071 v.,w,w.tt~.-¥~~~ cra~!'ltuom ......_, .. ■ra1a·11.ar11nU1t1t111NDra1 .. 111111atrum1n PH: 114.&ao.8131 • FX: 114.110 .. ano Toll Free: 800.304.8128 101 S E. Elm Avenue, Fullerton, CA 9 2 8 3 1 will get •• In gear MHS.P1•tll#I l11lll11s.1m.a 11111 S111cillllllt II: ., ...... -IIJtlHl1-fH ........ ........ ,. ....... 1,11u.••• 012Jffl.CJU RANCHO DRIVETRAIN ENGINEERING Tony Selva, Jr. 27598 Commerce Conter Drive Temecula, CA 92590 l'ttONI 95} ,676.6569 f4CS>Mllf 951.676.1141 t se 1 'lo@ra nc hod rive tro in. com QUAUTY lstlr &PENSIVE, Ir's l'RtcEI.ESS! VALW 1JwJv PRooutts • Cusnw HEAD WoAK 7SD/S4B-46SB • FAX 7SO/B4B4856 IN'INIIV .. ROVALV'BBPRINO.COIW Barry Beacham 1021 Calle Sombra - Unit A San Clemente, CA 92673 Office 949-361-4388 Fax 949-361-4352 barry@raceprepservices.com www.raceprepservices.com A Tatum Distributor ~ !.bJJ. . Specializing in Ofl-fload Racing & Orlvlng For Ovet 21 Years 1<1...-o.J '1~ ~ ..... q,ut 21)()()...2001 • /)"'4, 9 ~o.1 (!~1(/..,. 5294 N. Cata Grande Hwy• Ste 102 Tucson, Az 85743 Mig Welding • Tig Wehling U_p9radfl & Repairs Ba1a-Proven Equipment 520-850-3693 fiiil SANDERS SERVICE,lNC. l.«!I METAL PROCESSING 59?1 WU_m-,ton Ave., Lot Angele$. CA 90001 (323) 583-2404 FAX (323) S83-3%S SANDBLAST-OLASS BEAD-MAGNETIC PARTICLE FLOURF.SCENTlNSPECl10N MARKSMITH LARRY SMJTII LAURA . ,. S.S. ENGINEERING "SUPER B00T11 HCR66. BOX 11030 P.AHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV 89048 {775) 372--5335 Do You Need To E X p A N .. D Your. Business 818-882-0004 ¢ TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821, (114) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 JOB SITE SIGNS • 9A. .. tttAS • •;,moow LETITP.!Mi • CAR lETTEIUNQ • ~ SGUEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101 Galw~y Circle • Huntingtu1 Beach CA 92649 (714) 897-0075 • Fax !7141 894-9567 RACE FUEI.S EXCU/SIVEIYFTlOM: BRYANT PETROLEUM 800-399-4176 SUNOCO-RACEGAS@HOTMAIL.COM • RACENEU Paul _Oil Company {2091 84N?281 (800) 527-6090 FAX (209) 847-9726 WESTERN DIVISION P.O. Box 248 • 524 N. Siel'ra Ave, Oakdale, California 95361 T & J's Diesel Performance . \ ·1~ . .1\. ,.-4 ...., .~ Extreme Performance Diesel Exhausts & Performance Accessories Powerstrok,e, Duramax, Cummins www.TJOJESELPERFORMANCE.com 714-924-5094 Plat:entia, CA 92.870
* Off •Road and Bott-On to street Fiberglass for: "Ford, C~evy and Toyota" Trucks * Carbon fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1261 N. U.ena \lfsta St. , He,aet (la. 92543 Pit: 951-65◄-733' Fax: 951~2375 See a list of our prodllds""' our ...,. site: http://www~coaa 1Hiixl.E ENGINEERING JeFF FIELD (818} 998-2739 TEL: 114.526.5820 FAX: 714.526.5840 1015 E. Elm Avenue, Fullerton, CA 92831 NS WEST PERFORMANCETRANSAXUS Kevin Pirtle 22545 South Normandie Ave. Torrance, California 90501 (619 ) 596-8033 1000 W . Bradl&y, Uoit 0 Et Cajon, CA 92020 Carlos Orozco VP Aacing Fuels. Inc. West Coast Region P.O. Box 1319 34283 Monte Vista Wildomar. CA 92595 ·o.lllty , .. ,. ' '"'"'' f11Metltqfil•" W1fllt1 • www.,pr1dl~s.C11J KELLEY HENDEL Regional Manager Office19Sl) 674-9167 Fax(~Sl~ 674-7367 Email: vppacific@aol,com For A Few Bucks You can Increase Your Productivity SCORE EN.GlNE BUlLOER OfTHEYEAA 994,1998, 1999, From Parts To Comphfte Englntl 3265 W. Birtcher Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89118 702-837-2522 KOi N. 21st 0,. fthoenix, AZ 15021 Jack Wood$ '81-242-0077 fu ~02-242-1183 Race Cars Dune Buggies Lorenzo Rodriguez Tian,m;s,,an< • PM'ls • Sc,-v,c~ • W.,id,og v:w. ~ti~ • N1$.s;ir. • Toyo1a • H<.>nd,, Baja Bogs 850 S. Alta Vista Ave .• Monrovia. CA 91016 {626) 30$-RACE (7223} • (626) 357-6629 Fa,c wwy.,,wrtrans.com .• ,..-........ . RRCE PREP SHOP • BUGGIES • SfffiDCRRS •SHDCHS • TRUCKS. • PRE·RURUERS • FIIBRICRTIDn 818) '128-2280 ~RAC World Leading Motorsport Transmission Manufacturer 11 Dakar Rally Victories 17 World Rally Victories 6 AMA MX/SX Oiampionships Xtrac Inc 6183 w.,g_ 80th Street Indianapolis IN 46278 email: andrew __ heard@xtrac.com Tel: (317) 472 2454 '383' Baja Oass 1/iO sequent.fa!Transaxle www.xtrac.com/inc --
-. ClasslRed •• ~ Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Read-ers are advised to consult appro-priate local or state authorities for information before purchase f 'f 't • ------------AUT Otv10Tl'Vb-2006 Jimco Dominator,,400 in. LSl-Redline, Mendeola HD 4, 25" front travel, 27" rear travel, size 30 cv's with sliding axle, TT CNC front hubs, TT rear hubs, Beard, Crow, Fuel Safe 80 gal-lon tank, BTW wheels, Toyo tires, All spares and a possible parts deal, $175,000.00, Jeff Quinn/McKenzies, 807 E. Orangethorpe, Anaheim, CA 92801, (714) 815-8466. FOR SALE: 03 F-150 Supercrew PreRunner, King Coilover Shocks w/ custom shock hoops front, King Shocks and National Springs rear, rear bed cage, PCI Radio, 35" BFG tires, $22,000.00. Call (402) 426-5275 leave message. FOR SALE: AG PreRunner, 4 seat, LSI, Fortin 5 speed, King Shocks, 935 CV, OPS, Intercom, Reliable and fun car. $60K. Call Todd (619) 239-4176. FOR SALE: 2007 Jimco class 1, HP Engine Chev SB 630HP, 620T Torque converter with sequential Fortin 5 spd. Hyd.· In car jacks, Lowrance OPS, 1-Kenwood VHF 110w, !-Kenwood UHF-ll0w, PCI in-tercom, fire sys, Mastercraft 3g's. dual engine-brains, front and roof light bars with 8 Hella HID, stainless exhaust and too many details to list. 300 test and pre-run miles only with complete prep and set-up by Jimco. Very reliable and fast with 140 mph top end. $220K-(760) 787-1737 or mark@tyrmotorsports.com. FOR SALE: Brian Coats built Chevy Trophy Truck. RC Per-formance 720 HP, Culhane Turbo 400, Kings, PCI, Dry brake Fuel system, Ready to race. Call Tony (714) 642-6889. $125,000.00 FOR SALE: Tube Chassis 1 ¾"-2" chromoly tubing w/full cage ·3 link, A-Arms and fab work by Geiser Bros. Partial frame un-der new cab w/all power doors, new 40 gallon cell, 2 2.5 coilovers, 2 3" coilovers, 4 3" by-pass all fresh from King. Turbo 400 Trans 3 coolers & ra-diator with shrouds. 17x8 bead locks Ultra W/39" BFG projects. All fiberglass front & rear tilt billet steering column. 4 Mastercraft seats. Call Mike (530) 269-0965 or Pete (602) 619-2277. $40,000.00. FOR SALE: 2 Seat Class 12 or prerunner. 1974cc Type 1 Bunderson Chassis fresh rebuil d engine/trans/ shocks/wiring/ s us pension . 930 cv's. Car brakes . Charlyn p/s, Beard seats, FOX shocks, $15,000.00. Call (208) 884-4622. FOR SALE: CORR legal Superbuggy. Chenowth Mag-num with FAT Toyota. Mendeola trans, just serviced. Fuel Safe, Mastercraft, Fox shocks, 3rd 2006 Po ints, Cur-rently 2nd in CORR points with one win this year (round 2). Car is fast and you can win now. $37,000.00 OBO. Call (928) 486-1602. FOR SALE: Class ½ 1600. Race Bus trans. 1835vw 930cv's Fuel Cell, Power Steer-ing. Less than 20 hr on engine and trans. Beard seats. $10,000.00 OBO (562) 244-2018. Ask for Richard. FOR SALE: 2006 Custom Chevy PreRunner, LS2 500 HP, Fox Coilovers w/bypass 24" front travel. 30+ rear travel, as featured in May 2007 Off-Road Magazine. Too much to list, Su-per Cle,iin, Price reduced, must sell, 125K OBO. Call John (970) 441-0443. FOR SALE: Class 8, King Shocks, Floater rear end, Fast Chev engine, Art Carr Trans with trailer and spare .parts. $14,000.00 35" tires, 6 spares. (661) 713-5348. FOR SALE: Porter Class 1 Race LS 2, Fortin w/ Converter, King, HIDs spares, Best of every-thing. 100% pre·pped and race ready. $149K. Call Todd (619) 239-4176. FOR SALE: Wilson Motorsports Inc. Class 1 Jimco-2000 series. Wiks LS6 motor, motec, 8 to 1 exhaust, flow mas-ter, Fortin 4-speed trans, Tilton clutch, Fortin hubs, Fortin rack, Fortin shifter, 35 spline axles and CV's, King Shocks, 35" BFG Projects, BTR wheels, with bead locks, light bar with Vision X lights. Car will be completely prepped and race ready. $110,000.00. Call Mike Stapleton (562) 634-7933 ext. 116. FOR SALE: Own the legendary Great Candy Cane! Great Sportsman car. Raceco 2 seater, VW, type 4 Motor, rebuilt trans, Fox Shocks,· $18,500.00 OBO. TJ Stanworth (435) 864-4933. Leave message or email tjstanwworth@hotmail.com for pictures . FOR SALE: Fresh Chevrolet Trophy Truck, 2007 SCORE tagged, zero race miles since complete engine rebuild & ex-tensive race prep. 418ci. Dry sump small block, 800+ hp, dual MSD, Chrisman, 25 ea. 37" project Goodyears on Robby Gordon & Ultra beadlocks, King, Hella, Mastercraft, PCI, Dual OPS, Lee, Fluidyne, RPS, Optima, Flameout, extensive spares, contact for a list. Prepped and ready to race and win. $240,000.00 race ready with all spares. Contact Bob Gray (408) 221-0103 or phoenixraceteam@aol.com for full details and pli.otos or Baja Brokers, Rich Minga @ (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: Class 8 Chevy SCORE/BITD inspected and tagged, Geiser built total update 2006. Fresh small block full roller motor 650 hp, Turbo 400. King Shocks 3' coilover 3' by-pass, Fuel cell, CNC 6 piston brakes, fire system, Mastercraft 30 seats, Lowrancel0' OPS, Fluidyne coolers, Howe steering, 10' 40 spline floater rear end. Dual MSD's, dual fuel pumps, Geiser Bros Trophy Truck body, Walker Evan's bead locks, 37' BFG projects. Ready to race. (602) 469-3377. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : Classified Admtising "" is only $2::~4~!~°£7!~!/.::: :on, numb«. Add $5.00 fm use 111~751101 ~ of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. 2007 RO • REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED -YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A -\.10 • TIMELY MANNER. Enclosed is $ _____________ _ (Send check or money order, no Cash) Name ____________________________________ _ Address---------------------------------------------------------------City------------------------------------------------------------------State _______ Zip __________________ Phone ________________________________ _ Please run ad _______ times Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 ISSUE DEADLINE October 07 Sep 7, 07 November 07 Oct 5, 07 December07 Nov 2, 07 January 08 Dec 7, 07 February 08 Jan 4, 08 March08 Feb 8, 08 ···········································~············································· Page ss September 2007 Dusty Times ·
c::::,c::,,v 1T F=C::,~C3Ef=T TC:, E!6 L.I ,::2 ,::2c::,~ T Tl--# El= ..A. C::::, '-'"El=~ Tl E!6 El=~ E!6 VVI--# C::, #<El= El= ,::2 DUBliY5lffllG 2nd Annual M.O.R.E Powder Puff Race for the Cure Saturday, October 13, 2007 Barstow, California " All Proceeds Benefit n ,_ C: Ill_ W ·_> 7r ,-·,,. <-:::: So-Cal Go-Jyrt Specialists Women's Breast Cancer Research Institute RACE INFORMATION TO ENTER RACE & FOR MORE INFO GO TO WWW.MORERACING.NET Entree Fee $200.00 ( $100.00 Check made out to M.O.R.E. and the other made out to Cedars - Sinai) Dusty Times Friday October 12, 2007 Tech and Contingency ( Tanger Mall - Outlet Center Drive/ 15 Fwy) From s -9 P.M. Saturday October 13, 2007 20 Mile Lap 8 A.M. Drivers Meeting 9 A.M. GROUP 1 Starts 12 P.M. GROUP 2 Starts 4 P.M. AWARDS Raffle Tickets -$20.00 Each Grand Prize is a Side By Side Utility Vehicle donated by Sunl Group Inc. and Desertoys.com Other prizes to be awarded WANT TO HELP? YOU CAN ••• Please Contact Ron@moreracing.net or Jenzl@damzl.com September 2007 FOR SALE: Don't Pass Up!!! FOX MOTORSPORTS FOR SALE!!! Everything you need to race Class One!!! RacePrep and Ready. 2006 HMS LS? Big HP, Fortin w/con-verter, King, PWR, Proam Hids, Racepak, GPS, all of the best, no expense spared. 2006 Foddrill 3 seat Prerunner, LS6, Fortin w/con-verter, Fox Proam, HIDS, pump gas XM radio, intercom w/headsets, GPS roof rack, street legal, regis-tered. 2004 Ford 350 4x4 Powerstroke crewcab white/tan 52,356 miles. All Chase trucks have race radios, equipment racks and all services has been done in dealerships, all in excellent condi• tion. Two bumper pull trailers, single axle, tandem axle w/storage. Everything goes, over $20,000 in spare parts. Too much to list. Must see. You won't be disappointed. $345,000.00. Will Separate. Call or e-mail for details. Contact Cesar Fuente @ (915) 726-3823. afuentes@fuentes7.com.rnx Wanted late model Pro Truck. Call Dave @ 559-246-1917. IND6-X TO AD\/6-R. Tl66-R.6 All Road Communications .................... 38 Baker Precision .................................... 43 Bilstein Shock Absorbers ..................... 10 Best In The Desert -Las Vegas 300 ....... 2 BTR Racing Wheels .............................. 37 Butch's Speed Shop .............................. 49 Competition Air Systems ..................... 33 CORR ....................................... Back Cover E&J Wireworks Custom Auto Wiring .. 22 Eibach Springs ...................................... 31 Fabtech -Rhino ..................................... 36 Fuel Safe Racing Cells .......................... 26 Kar Tek Off Road .................................. 19 Kawaguchi Honda ................................. 31 King Shock Technology ........................ 32 Mastercraft Seats ................................ 12 McKenzie's Performance Products ...... 25 MOR Productions -Lucerne 250/ Superstition 250 .............................. 29 Mesa Hose ............................................ 44 MORE -Powder Puff -Race for the Cure ........................... 59 Nellis Dunes .......................................... 39 Nevada Off Road Buggy ........................ 33 Nye Frank-A Tribute ........................... 45 Pacific Customs .................................... 30 Parker Pumper Helmets ....................... 21 Patton's Metal Working Solutions ....... 28 PCI Race Radios ...................................... 5 Race Ready Products ............................ 50 Racer Off Road ..................................... 51 Racer X Pro Race Products .................. 15 Robby Gordon Off Road ........................ 13 Ronco Plastics ...................................... 16 Ronn Bailey Motorsports ..................... 48 Riviera Racing ...................................... 14 Sakata Motorsport Electronics ............ 17 Skyjacker Suspentions ......................... 20 SNORE -SNORE 250 ............................. 35 Soltech Light Systems .......................... 42 South Point Casino ................................. 9 Speed Unlimited Motorsports .............. 24 Stewart's Raceworks ........................... 44 Team Ford ............................................. 47 Tom Koch -Pike's Peak ......................... 4 Transaxle Engineering .......................... 11 Vision X Off Road Lighting ................... 27 Page 59