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2007 Volume 24 Number 6 Dusty Times Magazine

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Volume 2• -Number a • June 2007 $2.50 ISSN8750•1752 serving FIie Off lload eommunl~ For 211 rears, f covering the world of competition In the dirt •••

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'I Volume 24 - Number 6 June 2007 Gli Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors Scott Bottomley J. Preston Bradshaw Jim Culp Mike Del Col Nicole Del Col Steve Hilton Victor Gazca Martin Holmes Rod Koch Byrle Moore Steve Ruddick Maurice Selden Darryl Smith Tony Tellier T rackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copyright by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TlMES, 20761 Plummer St., snapshot Of the Month ... AMSA, Indian Dunes, 1980, Garo Muracbaoiao was always a strong competitor in tlie Camel Woncs seen liere at speed back in tlie good ol' days. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If }QU wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8x 10 will be considered. In This Issue ••• FEATURES CORR At Antelope Valley by Judy Smith ....................................................... 8 Rally Mexico by Martin Holmes ..................................................................... 16 MORE Balls Out 250 by Steve Ruddick ........................................................ 20 Rally New York by Thomas Barker ................................................................. 26 SNORE Buffalo Bill's 400 by John Calvin ................................................... 28 Desert Storm Rally by Brian Briggs ................................................................ 38 MDR Mojave 250 by Steve Ruddick ............................................................... 42 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ............................................................................................... 5 Trail Notes ................................................................................................. 6 BFGoodrich ............................................................................................. 44 Checkers .................................................................................................. 44 CORVA ................................................................................................... 45 ORBA ...................................................................................................... 45 Good Stuff Directory .............................................................................. 52 Classified Ads .......................................................................................... 58 Index To Advertisers ............................................................................... 59 ON THE COVER Phillip Finch and Danny Haines had a great race, they were the overall winners in their Honda powered Chenowth at the verrrrry long SNORE Buffalo Bill's 400. Photo by Trackside Photo Johnny Greaves took the Pro 4 Jason Baldwin Memorial Cup on Saturday in his Toyota, he took the gold in the Pro 4 action but he was sidelined on Sunday early on. Photo by Trackside Photo Visit Our Website at scr.i6 e 7oda_y lo DUSTYTIMl!S THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRYII □ 1 year -$25.00 □ 2 years -$40.00 □ 3 years -$55.00 (to subscribe online go to □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name ______________________ _ Address ___________________ _ City ___________________ _ State ____________ _ Zip _____ _ Primary Interest Cars D Trucks D Motorcycles D Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian - 1 year $30.00 VS n Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times June 2007 Page 3

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'I 2DD7 Happenings ••• P.O. Box645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVE ADAMS (Pn.oTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road ENSENAQA., BC, MEXICO CLIMB AssoclATION BARB V AHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H Hbc FoUR WHEELERS P.O. Box36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 (All events staged at the club grounds in Cle,,es. Ohio) 4x4 FOREVER, Lro. 1665 DELAWARE ST. O SHKOSH, WI 54901 .AMERICAN RALLY SPORT GROUP, INc. 3650 SOUTH POINTE CIRCLE, SUITE 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521-0597 E Mail: .AMERICAN TRIALs AssOCIATION AMA Observed Trials Southern California Championship Series BILL MARKUM -PRESIDENT (909) 860-185 7 24 HR HOTLINE• (714) 562-7742 E MAIL: BMARK909@AOL.COM <> AsOCIACION EsTATAL DE AurOMOVILISMO SAM WELL, TECH INSPECTOR Avro42 SAN JOSE DEL CABO B AJA C ALIFORNIA DEL Su R. MExlco AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP DARRYL SMITH 19 SoMERS ST. CASHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTRALIA DUSTY AlITOCROSS QuEBEC OFF ROAD CLASS IO CARS ONLY RENALD VAILLANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS' WEST LAVAL QUEBEC, CANADA H7P 1T7 (450) 622-4440 BAJA CUP CHALLENGE December 8, 2007 BARONA SAND DRAG AssN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 All Races Are Night Races All Races Ac Barona Racewa,, Lakeside, CA BBM MARKETING PROMOTIONS Off Road Short Course Racing & Special Event Marketing 4344 VALLEYVIEW AVE. NORCO, CA 92860 (909) 340-6474 BEST IN THE DEsERT 3475 BOULDER HIGHWAY I.As VEGAS, NV 89121 702-4 57-577 5/FAX:702-641-24 31 Auguat 22-2S, 2007 Vegas To Reno September 14-16, 2007 MC Nevada Rally Experience Invitation only October S-7, 2007 Las Vegas 300 November~. 2007 MC Golden West Cycle Avi 150 November 30 - December 1-2, 2007 Henderson's Terrible 400 B.O.R.E. BoNNEVILLE OFF RoAD RACING ENTERPRISES 341 w. 2575 N SUNSET, UT 84015 801-773-1651 June 29-30, 2007 Jackpot 200 Jackpot, NV August 31-September 1, 2007 Wendover 200 Wendover, NV BP MOTORSPORTS P.O. Box411 WOODLAND HILIS, CA 91365 760-578-6258/ 760-578-6259 FAX: 818-348-4648 E-Mail: All Events Ac California City, CA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGlfTON, ONTARIO, CANADA KOK-1H0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR CLUB AuroMOVILISTA]UARBNSB DB ClIAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD RACING 7210 GATEWAY EAST Dusty Times EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 011-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES <> Allllllt 18, 2007 Gorman Ridge Rally Coef 3 Frazier Park, CA September 1S, 2007 Treeline Rally Coef 3 Quartzsite, AZ October ~. 2007 Prescott Rally Coef 2,3 Prescott, AZ November 9-11, 2007 Laughlin International Rally, Coef 1,2,3 Laughlin, NV CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box 400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING AssOCIATION DoN ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 C8AMPLAIN VALLEY RACING AssoclATION C.J. RICHARDS P.O. Box 332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CI.AIRTON lb-JACKERS l.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TWP. LINE Raw WELISVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 Short Course off Road Racing Ac Harrison Count)' Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH Cum AuroMOVILISTICA SAN QuINnN CALLE 6TA FRACC Co. DE SAN QUINTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HERACLIO PATINO (011 52 616-5-22-07) Cum AuroMOVILISTICO USA JAN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) RAM6N CASTI\O & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/ 7 0034) CMC CoNTINENTAL MOTOSPORT Cum P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 Fax: (714) 367-1608 CODE OFFRoAD USA P.O. Box 2328 CALEXICO, CA 92231-2328 760-455-8069 USA 011-52-686-553-4087 MEXICO . Allllllt ~. 2007 ORW Gran Prix Jacume, Tecate, Laguna Salada, MX September 29-October 1, 2007 Mexicana Logistics Mexicali 300 Laguna Salada, MX November 30-December 1-2, 2007 Race Ready 27 5 Mexicali -San Felipe, BC, MX CoLORADO ffn.L flWICll"Aal:1 . INTIIACC:la IIIIA!ma:IS .e&J.. P.O Box 8286 • COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O. Box392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER 011-52-65-66-4458 CORR LUCAS On. SERIES 270 NEWPORT CENTER DR., SuITY 100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 866-501-CORR June 9-10, 2007 Chula Vista Raceway San Diego, CA September 15-16, 2007 Chula Vista Raceway San Diego, CA September 28-29, 2007 Antelope Valley Fairgrounds Lancaster, CA October 19-20, 2007 Texas Motor Speedway Continued next page GLOBALMAP BAJA 540c CNdngencv Sponsors tor: SCIRE -BITD -CIRR MORE -SNORE -MDR -... "~ (DD DISPLAY GLOBALMAP 7200C GLOBALMAP 9200c il DISPlAY «m DISPLAY June 2007 Pages

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SCORE TROPHY-TRUCKS - A new formula for starting positions for the Baja 500 will be in effect. The top 10 finishers from the last race, the Baja 250, in the Trophy Truck and Class 1 divisions will have a special drawing for starting positions, assuming they are entered by a specific date. They will draw for the first 10 starting positions in their class, the balance of the class will start in 11th spot, and so on. As of this writing, all of the top 10 in the Trophy Truck Class are entered and eight of the Class 1 cars are entered. 400 entries are expected for the Baja 500, motorcycles and ATV's will start at 6am and the car and truck class will start at 10am. Ready to defend their title from last year is the team of Brian Collins and Larry Ragland in the Collins Chevy Silverado Trophy Truck. Two NASCAR drivers, Robby Gordon and Brendan Gaughan are entered, in Trophy Truck and Class l respectively. Pre-running will commence on Saturday, May 19. Jus~ for your information, Ivan Stewart has won this race 11 times, Larry Roeseler has also won it 11 times, 9 of those on a motorcycle, Malcolm Smith has won four times, once on a motorcycle and Larry Ragland has a_lso won four times. Bud Feldkamp, Bobby Ferro and Robby Gordon have won three times, Bob Gordon, Troy Herbst, Parnelli Jones, Corky McMillin, Mark McMillin and Scott McMillin have all won the race twice. NW DRIVER - Jimmy and Rachelle Messick are proud to welcome heir brand new daughter, Taylor Linn. 6 pounds, 8 ounces, 21" ong. Taylor arrived on December 13th, 2006 and was warmly welcomed by her first time grandfather, Warren Messick. Many congratulations to the new parents from all of us at Dusty Times. AL FLAG -We are sorry to report the passing of Gene Hirst, a ng time friend. Gene raced with and for the Sandmaster Group d was a long time member of the Checkers. Gene fought a long battle with Progressive Palsy but succumbed to it on April 19, 2007. Go with God, Gene. SCORE POINTS LEADERS - Listed here are the top three in each of the car and truck classes, points shown in parenthesis. Trophy Truck -1. BJ Baldwin (142), Mark Post (142), Alan Pfleuger (139. Class 1 -1. B.J. Richardson (146), 2. Robert Ross (142), 3. John Herder (141). Class 1/2-1600 -1. Daniel McMillin (135), 2. LJ Kennedy (128), 3. Dave Caspino 128. Class 3 -1. Chris Raffo (78), 2. Dylan Evans (65), 3. Ken Leavitt (40). Class 5 -1. George Seeley (98), 2. Chris Bowman (96), 3. Luivan Voelker (78). Class 5-1600 -1. Mario Reynoso (99), 2. Adolfo Aguilar Jr. (91), 3. Gregorio Villarino (67). Class 7 -1. Shannon Dierkop (100), 2. Dan Chamlee (81), 3. Barry Karakas (76). Class 7S -1. Mike Horner (105), 2. Ted Moncure (29). Class 7SX -1. John Holmes (98), 2. Rich Severson (97), 3. Heidi Steele (90). Class 8 -1. Nick Vanderway (109) 2. Glen Greer (72), 3. Rodrigo Ampudia (66). Class 9 -1. Eric Fisher (65), 2. Luis Guevera (59). Class 10 -1. Lobsam Yee (131), 2. Mark Weger (103), 3. Chris Harrold (91). Score Lite -1. Cameron Steele (132), 2. Stan Potter (113), 3. Tim Noe (111). Class 11 -1. Eric Solorzano (84), 2. Ramon Fernandez (65). Stock Full -1. Terry Henn (99), 2. John Griffin (89), 3. Loren Worthington (82). Stock Mini -1. Gavin Skilton (99), 2. Steve Kovach (44), 3. Rod Hall (40). Protruck -1. Jason Voss (81), 2. Alan Levinson (41), 3. Jim Wasson (35). Class 17 -1. Bob Land (35). Sportsman Cars -1. Peter Lang (66). Sportsman Trucks -1. Mark Growe (90). RAL FLAG - David Charles Pollard passed away on March 29, 2007. long time team mate and employee of Team MacPherson and cMillin Racing. He leaves behind his wife of28 years, his daughter Erin and son in law Paul Sweeney and the two grandsons who brightened his days, Cole and Jack, age 1. David will be missed by many and he will long live in the hearts of those who loved him. D.STY TIMEs TRlvIA - as we move steadily towards the quarter entury mark of publishing Dusty Times, we decided to come up with some facts and figures from our archives. These figures are not 100% accurate but they will give you some idea of what we have been doing to support the off road sport that we love. We have published 294 issues of Dusty Times, that gives us a figure of 16,762 printed pages that we have sent to you, the off road family. We have written 49,280,288 words for about off road racing and we have published approximately 83,810 pictures of all you guys and gals that participate in our sport. What do these figures mean? Not a damn thing, we just thought some of you would like to know what we do to support our sport. CORR AT ANTELoPE VALLEY FAIRGROUNDS - Lots of good racing, lots of spectators, chilly and windy, but all we talked to had a great time. There were 96 entries on Saturday and 88 on Sunday. On Saturday, the Jason Baldwin Pro 4 Memorial Cup Championship win went to Johnny Greaves, Carl Renezeder was second. In Pro 4 it was Johnny Greaves taking the win, Troy Herbst was second. The Pro 2 winner was Rob MacCachren, Jerry Whelchel was second and in Pro Lite it was Robert Naughton taking the win, Cassie Currie was second. In Super Buggy it was Aaron Hawley taking the win, Matt Kross was second and in Single Buggy Cory Boyer took the win, Greg Boyer was second and Rick Boyer was the third place finisher. On Sunday the Jason Baldwin Memorial Cup was for Pro 2 trucks and the win went to Jerry Whelchel, Ricky Johnson was second. Carl Renezeder took the Pro 4 win, Josh Baldwin was second. The Pro 2 win went to Jerry Whelchel, Rob MacCachren was a close second place. The Pro Lite win went to Kyle LeDuc, Cassie Currie was second. In Super Buggy it was Matt Kross taking the win, Larry Foddrill was second. In Single Buggy Bryce Menzies was the winner and Cory Boyer took second. Stay tuned! Page 6 Dallas, TX November 2-3, 2007 Las Vegas Motor Speedway Las Vegas, NV CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, SUITE 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA EXT 42 Fax (818) 957-4435 D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (All events at Hanniga~ race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston Councy ORV Park, Olympia, WA) DAKARRAu.Y DARREN SKlLTON BAJA AtJr0M0TIVE ADVENTURES 455 E. OCEAN BLVD., SUITE 208 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 l>EcATUR · FoUR WHEEL DRivE Cum OECATIJR, TX 76234 TOM ALLEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DF.sERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU Orr, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 EAsn!RN ()n,..RoAD RACING~-TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO -t3968 (330) 532-4589 ENs!!NADA BAJA Ow RoAD RACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX 0ll-52-646-1818989 Eu 10 011-52-646-1715230 AARON Races for buggys & Motorcycles EsTERO BEACH OOERNATIONAL Course Racing V1croRIA GALINDO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO 011-52-646-176-6230 FORDA PwRIDA ()pp RoAD DluvER's ASSOCIA110N JASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Apr, May, Noo at Davidson Raceway FuoPUCKER RACING TEAM 1855 PARKWAY DRIVE S. EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/959-579-6151FAX GORRA GEORGIA ()pp ROAD RACING AssOCIATION 420 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA GREAT PLANEs ()pp ROAD RACING AssocJATION TIM HODGE (402) 991-6048 Sc0TT MORROW (816) 792-2126 (AIL races are short course, stadium scyle Classes -Sportsman, 1/2-1600, 5-1600, Sport Truck, Quads, Tough Truck Nebraska Raceway Park, Exit 420 on 1-80 between Omaha and Lincoln.) For latest info check <> HIGH PLAINS ()pp ROAD RACING 2000 W. QUINCY AVENUE #B ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 303-806-8062/303-781-0974 fax OOERNATIONAL ICE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDDOR (612) 937-3816/Fax 474-2769 INTER-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS PRoMOTIONs, INc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 }EEPSPEED 1826 N. WINDES Orange, CA 92869 714-538-7434/ fax 714-633-1724 June 2007 All races for Jeepspeed 1,2 & 3 June 1-3, 2007 SCORE Baja 500 (Non Points Race) Baja California, MX August 11, 2007 MOR Californai 200 Night Race Lucerne Valley, CA September 29, 2007 MOR Lucerne 250 Lucerne Valley, CA November 31-Decemher 2, 2007 BITD Terrible 400 Henderson, NV KAMLooPS BRONCO BUSTERS Wbis . Pme11 Spam & ~don Center P.O. Box 465 l<AMLOOPS, BC, CANADA VZG5L2 DALE NYESTE (250) 579-8039 TONY (250) 554-97801. Craig Byers (250) 376-8466 LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS & OFFROAD ExP0 (626) 961-3782 <> <> LI.T.R.E. JEFF ELROD (408) 926-0522 J1111 ARlffA (408) 247-4402 MAMAluuTA ()pp ROAD RACING Luis CARLOS Al.VAREZO PANAMERICANA AVE #5105 Co. JuAREz, CHIH., MX Ol l-52-1637-1799 MlcmGAN BUGGY Bun.nERS Dune Buggy Trade Sb.ow (517) 543-7214 <> MlcmGAN OFF RoAD CllAMPIONSlilPS M. T .B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 JONES ROAD GRAND LEDGE, ML 48837 (517) 627-6200 Motorcycles, Quads, ATVs and Pilots only MAORA MID-AMERICA ()pp ROAD ASSOCIATION P.O. Box664 GREENUP, IL 62428 (217) 235-6528 E-MAIL: <> June 16, 2007 Short Course/ Enduro Soggy Bottom, Greenup, 11 June 30, 2007 Short Course X Roads MX Effingham, II July 21-22, 2007 Short Course & Enduro . Liberty, In August 2.5, 2007 Short Course Soggy Bottom, Greenup, IL September 8-9, 2007 Short Course & Enduro TBA September 29-30, 2007 Short Course & Enduro TBA MDR PRODUCTIONS 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE SotJrH EL MoNTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/FAX626-579-6051 CaJiloraia Cb..ampiomlup Serie11 June 23, 2007 McKenzies 400 Double Points Lucerne Valley "N', CA August 11, 2007 California 200 Night Race Lucerne Valley, CA September 29, 2007 Lucerne 250 Lucerne Valley "B", CA November 10, 2007 Stoddard 250 Double Points Barstow "B", CA Supentiti.oa Cbampiomlup Serie11 June 16, 2007 Coyote Wash 200 Night Race October 27, 2007 Superstition 250 December 31, 2007 The Bud Light Dash 200 M.O.R.E. MoJA VE OFF RoAD RACING ENnruSIASTS P.O. Box 1231 BARSTOW, CA 92312 760.253-4453 MORE KARTEK Off Road Gold Cup Series May 26, 2007 Kartek 300 Lucerne Valley,CA July 21, 2007 Freedom 250 Barstow,CA September 1.5, 2007 Lucerne Valley October 13-14, 2007 Powder Puff December 1, 2007 Toys For Tots Holiday 200 Barstow, CA MSBA MlcmGAN SPORT BuGGY ASSOCIATION DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE OR. FLINT, ML 48506 (810) 730-9221 MoroWF.ST WINTER TRw.s SERIF.S BILL MARKHAM (909) 860-185 7 <> All events at Perris Raceway (At Reed Valley with a school) NATIONAL Muo RACING AssN. RT. #l -Box 380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN PALATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TuFF TRUCK AssN. Chapin Motonporb Promo-tiom 1404 EAST 3RD STREET HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NOORA NORTHERN Omo OFF RoAD RACING AssN. GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAIL <> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quad (Spring Valley Raceway, on route· 518, 20 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) (Thunder Valley located 15 minutes from Spring Valley) ()pp RoAD ExP0 2007 (626) 599-8622 OFF RoAD RACING AssOCIATION Voluareered Serie11 PRESIDENT -GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP.· 1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP. -9 & UNLTD. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 0lJflAW REP. DoN PONDER (314) 631-8190 (AU Races at Wheeling in rhe County 900 Acres) Omo OFF RoADERS INc. 1427 GOSHEN HILLS ROAD S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 JIM KENDEL (216) 339-4674 All races held at Harrison County Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO ()pp ROAD RACERS AssocIATION RICK TICHB0URNE, PUBLIC RELATIONS (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) Oun.Aw SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. LOUIS, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/Fax: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. OH Road CbampiofJBlup 495 N. COMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <> PENNSYLVANIA SHORT CoURSE RACING SMITHTON HOLE RACEWAY 313 SK)'l.INE DRIVE SMITHTON, PA. 15479 MIKE GEISER 330-683-6263 Short Course Offroad Racing June 30-July 1, 2007 Mudfest Weekend & Buggy Shootout July 28-29, 2007 Buggy Shootout Dusty Times

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August 18, 2007 September 29-30, 2007 Season Championship & Buggy Shootout All Races At Smithton Hole Raceway PncF.SPEAK P.O. Box 6962 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF ROAD RACING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 875-7591 PRo 1600 SHOOTOUT CoREYGOIN 559-647-6132 GOINRACIN@HOTMAIL.COM PRoTRuCK 14402 BoND CouITT EL CAJON, CA 92021 619-390-6252 PUim ENERGY PROMOTIONS ·P.O. Box50 RICKETTS, IA 51460 (712) 679-2221 RALLY AMERICA NATIONAL CIIAMPIONSIDP Sl!Rll!S June 2, 2007 Susquehannock Trail Rally Wellsboro, Pennsylvania July 13-14, 2007 New England Forest Rally Bethel, Maine August 24-2S, 2007 Ojibwe Forests Rally Bemidji, Minnesota September 22-23, 2007 Colorado Rally Steamboat Springs, Colorado October 26-27, 2007 Lake Superior Rally Houghton, Michigan November 9-10, 2007 TBD Rally Location, TBD ROCK CRAWLERS AssOCIATION ()p AMERICA P.O. Box 1406 RIVERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/Fax: (801) 253-3176 SAN Du!Go SHORT COURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New Series lry Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro Trucks, Desert Trucks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Truck <> (858) 571-5088 SAN Du!Go ()pp RoAD ExPosmoN (888) 836 79i8 SCCA RoADRALLY P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-2055 <> SFX MOTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. CoMMONs DRIVE, Sum 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 Fax SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., Sum A CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 <> June 1-3, 2007 SCORE Baja 500 Ensenada, BC, MX July 19-21, 2007 SCORE Terrible's Cup lll Select Classes-Closed Course Event Las Vegas, NV September 7-9, 2007 SCORE Las Vegas Primm 300 ' Primm, NV November 12-17, 2007 SCORE Baja 1000 'Baja California, MX , SNORE SOUTHERN NEVADA ()pp RoAD ENrnusIASTS P.O. Box 270516 LAs VEGAS, NV 89127 702-452-4522 June 29-July 1, 2007 KC Hilites Midnight Special Eldorado Valley, NV September 28-30, 2007 South Point SNORE 250 Las Vegas, NV November 9-11, 2007 Dusty Times Kartek Western Desert Challenge Nelson Hills, NV SONS ()p ThuNDER 4 WHEl!LERS RACE DIVISION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SmrrHEASTERN ()pp RoAD CliAu.ENGI! . STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 Mike Moore -(224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS ExPo MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. HACIENDA BLVD. #322 HACIENDA HEIGHTS, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SCTA SoUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION & BoNNEVILLE NATIONALS, !Ne. P.O. Box 10 OROS!, CA 93647 (559) 528-6279 (559) 528-9749 FAX <> SOUTHERN SHORT CoURSE ()pp ROAD RACING AssN. 4305 WOOTLARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (All Races at Eastbay Raceway, Tampa, FL) SUPER Sl!Rll!S (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box 706 TovsFoR TOTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADlll.A V AllEY SPORTS CENTER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <> VORRA VALLEY ()pp ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION (775) 224-1327 May 26-28, 2007 Yerington 300 Yerington, NV June 23-24, 2007 Lovelock 300 Lovelock, NV September 1-3, 2007 Yerington 300 Yerington, NV October 6-7, 2007 Prairie City, CA October 27-28, 2007 Halloween Party Prairie City, CA November 17, 2007 Awards Banquet To Be Announced VICENTE GUERRERO ()pp RoAD Cum PROFO. CENOVIO GAMBOA 0ll-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 p.m.) WESTERN ()pp RoAD RACING AssOCIATION LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WESTERN Pl!NNSYLV ANIA WHEEL To WHEEL ()pp RoAD RACING PATRICK McGu1RE P.O. Box 376 ADAMSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WIDPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2325 E. KINGS AVENUE PHOENIX, AZ 85022 (602) 971-3730 <> September 1-2, 2007 The Race Heber, AZ October 6-7, 2007 TBA November 3-4, 2007 TBA WISCONSIN MOTORSPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 W ISCONSIN ()pp RoAD FEsnv AL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 0sHKOSH, WL 54901 (414) 688-5509 WoRID SERIES OF ()pp RoAD RACING P.O. Box 99 CRANDON, WISCONSIN 54520 303-880-7221 May 26-27, 2007 Rounds Ih & IV Lucas Oil Speedway, Wheatland, MO June 9-10, 2007 Rounds V & VI 1-96 Speedway, Lake Odessa, Ml June 23-2-4, 2007 Rounds VII & VIII Forest County Potowotomi Brush Run Races Crandon, WI July 7-8, 2007 Rounds lX&X U.P. 100 Raceway Bark River, MI July 19-22, 2007 ·Rounds XI & XII Pro Only Location To Be Announced August 11-12, 2007 Rounds XIII & XIV U.P. 100 Raceway Bark River, Ml August 31-September 2, 2007 Rounds XV & XVI Borg Warner World Championship Off Road Races Crandon, WI November 8, 2007 WSOOR Annual Banquet Location To Be Announced FIA WoRID RALLY CIIAMPIONSIDP XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFF.ICE: 011-526-6225 ZR. PROMOTIONS RENE MONTANO P.O. Box 2122 CALEXICO, CA 92231 June 30, 2007 Alvisa Night Race #4 September 2, 2007 ZR Poker'Run October 1~ 2007 ZR Gran Prix #5 November 2S, 2007 ZR Gran Prix De Campiones #6 ATTb.NTION Race& Rally Orgaa.i:zers List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your 2007 schedules as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: 8 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-5003 June 2007 Trall Natas .•. 39TH SCORE B AJA SOO-409 already entered for June 1-3 race in Ensenada, Mexico, Round 3 of six-race 2007 SCORE Desert Series. With entries from 30 U.S. states and 11 countries climbing past record levels, Rod Hall, Larry Roeseler, Marcos Nunez, Jim O'Neal and Troy Herbst lead 19 defending Pro class winners preparing for the upcoming 39th Annual Tecate SCORE Baja 500. With late entries accepted up to race morning, over 450 entries are expected from 30 U.S. States from Hawaii to Rhode Island, Mexico, Austria, Canada, England, France, Germany, Guatemala, Italy, New Zealand and South Africa .. The 409 vehicles entered to date include 233 cars and trucks and 176 motorcycles and ATVs. Several crossover/ celebrity racers are already entered in this year's race, led by NASCAR' s Robby Gordon and Brendan Gaughan. Both second generation desert racers, Gordon, who has won this race three times, is a NASCAR Team Owner/ Driver and is entered in SCORE Trophy-Truck while Gaughan, who is a NASCAR Truck Series driver, is entered in Class l. Pre-race festivities at the 39th Tecate SCORE Baja 500 will include the colorful SCORE Midway and tech inspection between the San Nicolas Hotel and the Riviera del Pacifico Cultural Center in Ensenada from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. on Friday Qune 1). Racer registration will be held in the Grand Ballroom at the San Nicolas Hotel from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Thursday (May 31) and from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Friday Qune 1). The 2007 SCORE Desert Series also includes the chase for the $75,000 Kartek Off-Road contingency bonus to be awarded to several 2007 SCORE Class point champions along with the run for the $12,000 Toyota True Grit and Toyota Milestone Awards. For more information, contact SCORE at its Los Angeles headquarters 818.225.8402 or visit the official website of the SCORE Desert Series at ORR TO FLEx OFF-ROAD MUSCLE IN MINNF.SOTA - A guaranteed $100,000 race weekend purse, special season opening eremonies, national SPEED TY exposure, dramatic military flyover, and the much anticipated launch of the Lucas Oil World Series of Off-Road Racing Tour 2007 are among the many highlights to an historic weekend of professional off-road racing coming to this city's Steele County Fairgrounds May 19-20. Membership ranks in WSORR have swelled considerably over previous years with record counts in many classes. "We'll definitely bring a little mayhem to Minnesota," said Doug Davis, WSORR general manager with a big smile. "But it will all be confined to the nearly one mile Steele County Fairgrounds track," he said. Spectators at the Owatonna Off-Road Nationals will be treated to a spectacular track in full view of the grandstands with a high speed rhythm section and a dramatic switchback. "The switchback will be an exciting portion of the track," said Don Williams, race promoter. "It will be exciting for fans and for SPEED TY viewers," he said. YOU FROM S.N.O.R.E. -At the last SNORE general meeting it was decided by the-board of directors and attending members to offer a $50 Entry Fee Coupon to all "Driver of Record" participants of the 2007, Dash for the Cash 400 race. Because most all raced both events this season, SNORE wants to say "Thank You" to everyone that is supporting SNORE this year by offering a $50 coupon good towards entry fees at ANY remaining 2007 race. These have been mailed out to all "driver's of record" of the last SNORE race. SNORE CALIENTE RACE-Friday, May 18th is the Kid's Day Meet and Greet at the Caliente park which is right across from the elementary school where we had last years event. All schools in the area are closing for half the day so that they can come out and meet the SNORE racers and see the race vehicles up close. We are hoping that all of you can be a part of this occasion for the kids. It means a lot to them. They are making posters for each and every racer that pre-enters. Also{ they have volunteered to make breakfast that morning as well for all of us. g's AT IT AGAIN! -On February 6, 2007, Senator Barbara Boxer nnounced the California Wild Heritage Act of 2007, known as S493. he bill, if passed, would a_dd nearly 2 million acres to the already 14.3 million acres of wilderness in California. Wilderness designations outlaw any form of mechanized travel, including passenger vehicles, OHYs· and bicycles. This includes closure of existing roads to fishermen, campers, veterans, recreational miners and commercial entities with permits for business on the federal BLM and USFS lands, such as cattle grazers. Wilderness designations also reduce the ability to suppress wild fires, putting citizens, natural resources and private· property in jeopardy. Bombard your representatives in the congress with your opposition to this plan. Oppose S493. For their e-mail or US Mail addresses, visit the CORYA website. SNORE BATILE AT PRIMM CHANGE -In regards to the Battle of Primm article, the paragraph reads that Malloy finished fourth on Sunday and was then DQ'd for course cutting. The correction is this, Michael Malloy (Tom's son) finished first Saturday and Sunday. He was DQ'd after the race for being under the weight minimum. It was a bummer that it happened, but it did and no ot;.1.e is complaining about the decision. DT is sorry we reported the wrong information: that is what we heard at the finish. ORR CONTINGENCY PROGRAM -The Lucas Oil World eries of Off-Road Racing announced today it will kick off the 007 short course off-road racing season with a record $1,668,068 contingency program. "I've been involved in off-road racing Continued on page 59 Page 7

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LANCASTER New season Dff TD A Roa,1n· Start BY ]UDY SMITH PHOTOS: TRACKS/DE PHOTO Johnny Greaves won the Jason Baldwin Memorial and the Pro 4 race on Saturday but had no luck on Sunday in the Pro 4 contest. Lancaster, CA: CORR's 2007 season got off to an excit-ing but cold, start at the Ante-lope Valley Fairgrounds in Lancaster, CA. With rain clouds threatening overhead and a bitingly cold north wind blowing, the spectators stuck it out through the last race of the two day event, enjoying the ac-tion. The new facility was being used by CORR for the first time, but has been used by the famed Rim of The World Rally for quite a while. CORR built an entirely new course, eight-tenths of a mile in length, with four turns, a mesa-shaped jump, a swooping, steeply cambered left hand tum and a long front straight, which is just a bit longer than the one at Chula Vista had been. There were no tricky holes to drop into, and no off-camber traps as they'd had room to do at Chula Vista, but it made for entertaining racing, nonetheless. Visibility was good. There were two grandstands, holping a total of about 10,000 people, and they were both full, both days. Every seat could see nearly the entire course. In addition, there was a big screen out in the middle, which showed action from the "bat camera's" viewpoint. This season marks the debut of a new short course series in the Midwest, called the World Series of Off Road Racing, and it includes eight races, in Wis-consin, Missouri, Michigan and Minnesota. The biggest event on their schedule will surely be the Labor Day Weekend at Crandon, Wisconsin, a racing venue much loved by short course racers. The result of the formation of this new group is that some racers, who were part of the CORR series for the pre-vious year, have switched, to run in the Midwest. Driven ei-ther by their own budgets, or by the desires of their sponsors, Rob MacCachren took the gold on Saturday in the Pro 2 fracas and Rob was a very close second in Pro 2 on Sunday. they are no longer on the entry list in the west. The list includes Scott Taylor, Jeff Kincaid, Art Schmitt, Evan Evans, Kevin Probst, Mike and Mark Oberg, and more. In the buggy classes there is not such an obvious withdrawal. The buggy racers tend to be teams with fewer rac-ing dollars at their disposal, and therefore, most of them were lo-cal folk right from the start. A few mid-westerners came out last year, but, although they were some of the very best driv-ers, with many years of experi-ence on their records, there weren't enough of them to make a big difference in the look of the class this year. Nor does the missing corps of truck drivers make a big difference. There's still a lot of talent and a lot of very fine equipment rac-ing under the CORR banner, and it's plenty fun to watch. The schedule included all the usual classes, plus the new-last-year Trophy Karts, and this year they've added the Rhinos to the program. In addition to program changes, there's been a change in the list of officials working to keep the cars safe and the races moving on sched-ule. Tony Vanillo has been brought in as Director of Com-petition, which means· he will oversee "all aspects of competi-tion, operations, and activity on the race track, and driver/team relations." Gary Lane is the new Technical Director, and his re-sponsibilities include "race ve-hicle dynamics, safety and tech-nical compliance." Several new rules, applying to safety, are in force this year also. For one thing, CORR now requires the HANS device for all racers. This is the harness-like contraption that wraps around the driver's body and clips to the helmet, preventing whiplash injuries, and worse, in the event of a sudden stop. They're also requiring mud flaps, an innovation brought about by the rock that flew through the air and hit one of the LeDuc brothers last year. The injury required a trip to the hospital and stitches, and could have been much worse. And, partly due to that, they're also requiring shielded full face hel-mets. Racing started at about 11:20 on Saturday, with the first batch of Trophy Karts. They have a huge cadre of stock Trophy Karts now, and a good sized group of modified ones. They're fun to watch, and, as track an-nouncer Scott Rehn says, over and over, "They are the future of off road racing." They're cer-tainly learning about driving and competition. And they wear the HANS devices also. These races run on a separate, shorter course built inside the big truck course. It's got some fairly tough moguls and a couple of hairpins, as well as some straightaways for standing on the throttle. Many of the fledg-ling drivers are offspring of rac-ers. They're beginning to attract sponsors now, and fancy graph-ics are also favored. The Pro Lite win on Saturday went to Robert Naughton, he took the win with almost eight seconds in hand at the checkers, On Saturday, Aaron Hawley was the big winner in Super Buggy, on Sunday he had to settle for a third place finish. After the Trophy Kart event, they "brought out a big contin-gent of side-by-sides. They were billed as "the Rhinos", but the Carl Renezeder was second in the Jason Baldwin Pro 4 Memorial on Troy Herbst, seen here in flight was a close second place finisher in In Saturday's Pro 2 race it was Jerry Whelchel taking the silver medal, Saturday but he was 12th in the Pro 4 contest. Pro 4 on Saturday and Troy finished third on Sunday in Pro 4. he was the gold medal winner on Sunday. Page 8 June 2007 Dusty Times '

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Cassie Currie was the second place finisher both days in the Pro Lite Matt Kross had a great weekend, he took the silver medal in Super Greg Boyer won the silver medal in Single Buggyon Saturday but had race, seen here ready for touchdown in Lancaster. Buggy on Saturday and he won the class in Sunday's race. to settle for a 10th place finish on Sunday. fie 1 d i n cl u de d two or three Po-Jame n son took the Su =-njd"='a y'-:'":":w-::i-=n-, -=-it hca-'-t::--::t-;::h-::e----=-c-=a-=r s=-:c-=o-=u-:,1-=d,--n''-::-t--,b;:--:-e -a',l11l-;;;;=;;;;:;;:;;;;;:;;;;:;;;,,.,,;;;i;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;"'iii';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;a;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;~=======;;;;;; laris vehicles. In one of them, a followed in by Chad George lined up and ready to go until very stock one, was one of and Travis Peterson. Only seven after all the wreckage from the Robby Gordon's sister -Robyn. of the starters made it to the previous race had been re-They had a ten lap event, on the finish line. moved. With the old starts they regular track. Robyn's ride For the Single Buggies' Sat-were ready ten minutes before came to an end early, when, as urday race, 24 cars lined up. At their start time; this way the she passed another vehicle she this venue it proved to be im-spectators got to watch them get went off a jump sideways, and possible to have the familiar lined up. They did get better at when the square little vehicl "land rush" stares that everyone it as the weekend progressed, landed it rolled, and rolled, likes, because the only piece of and it was unavoidable anyway, breaking itself thoroughly and land available would have so no one complained too ending her weekend. At the aimed the cars right at the end much. front of that group Rick of the grandstands, and a tum-Rather than qualifying for Jamenson got all 10 laps done bling car could have easily start position, as the truck and took the modified class landed in the laps of some of classes did, the buggies were as-win. Actually, Gordon appar-the spectators. They decided to signed start positions based on ently won her Super Stock class, use a modified "Le Mans" start, a draw. When they were flagged having outlasted the other stock with the cars lined up on the off at 1: 10 (only ten minutes side-by-side, by a full lap. So she long front straight, backed late, a big improvement over had a win to show for her against the inside berm, at a 45 last year's efforts) there was a bruises. degree angle, pointed down roll-over in the first tum, and The Sunday Rhino race ran course. They could all easily see he was then hit by three or four without Gordon, but there were the flagman, and the starts other cars. Prophetically, the 17 of them on the track. looked good for the most part, driver had "Oops" painted on Jamenson went to the front 'tho nowhere near as dramatic the bottom of his car. again, but not until he'd fought as the Land Rush. The draw-Vic Bruckmann, who'd been a good duel with Chad Matag. back, and it was a big one, was second in line, took· the lead, 1,200 Rooms Cory Boyer (#310) took the big win in Single Buggy on Saturday, he was the second place finisher in the Sunday race. but there was a full course yel-low immediately to clear the wreckage. When they started again, Greg Boyer jumped to the front, with Bruckmann sec-ond and Greg's brother, Cory, in third. But then on about the fourth lap there was another full course yellow, due to a car stalled in Tum 3. After that they ran steadily, with no major disasters. The Boyers continued to lead, and Continued next page 16 Movie Theaters 4,500 Seat Equestrian & Event Center 50,000 Sq. Ft. Of Meeting Space 80,000 Sq. Ft. Exhibit Hall 52 Table Games Over 2,300 Slot Machines Poker Room 800-Seat Bingo Room Race & Sports Book Child Care Center Kids Arcade Dusty Times 6 Restaurants Spa & Fitness Center Headliner Showroom (May '07) 64-Lane Bowling Center ~~4 1-866-791-7626 • LAS VEGAS BLVD AT S/LVERADO RANCH RD• SOUTHPOINTCASINO.COM June 2007 Page 9

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3rd on Saturday in the Baldwin Memorial Pro 4 race, 7th in Pro 4, 2nd Adrian Genni didn't place in the Pro 4 Baldwin Memorial on Saturday, in the Baldwin Memorial on Sunday, Ricky Johnson was a busy uy. finished third in Pro 4 and was ninth in Pro 4 on Sunday. Todd LeDuc was the third place finisher in Pro 2 on Saturday, he finished in ninth place in Pro 2 on Sunday. Jake Capriotti was third in Super Buggy on Saturday and finished first off the podium in the Sunday r;;ice. Fourth place in the Memorial on Saturday went to Travis Coyne, he Rick Boyer took third place in Single Buggy on Saturday, he was an also was 4th in the Pro 4 races on Saturday and Sunday & 4th and_ unhappy eighth place finisher in the Sunday race. _1_1_th_,_n_P._'fi_o_2_. __________________ _ their dad, Rick, moved up to third place, while Billy McCool gradually threaded his way to-ward the top also. At the finish it was history in the making: the first time a father and two sons had been on a CORR podium. Cory Boyer was first, brother Greg was second, and their dad, Rick, finished third. McCool was fourth, and Bruce Fraley, car builder, finished fifth. When the Single Buggies came back on Sunday there were 23 cars. They all made it through the first lap, with Bryce Menzies out in front, followed by Troy Morgan and Kevin Graves. A couple of the Boyer cars followed him. Nothing changed for several laps, and then Morgan developed a right rear flat and had to pull out. Not it was Menzies, Boyer and Graves, and they were while, Aaron Hawley took over Off the start Duenas spun, and threading through lapped traf-the lead, and Michael Duenas then someone else spun in Turn fie. Leigh Morgan's car began to ran dead last, his steering hav-3. This course is very slippery smoke. When the white flag ing done something awful that when wet. Matt Kross moved flewitwasMenzies,CoryBoyer madethecarwanttogoleftall into the lead, with Larry and Graves, but on the final the time. Other issues were Foddrill following him. By the lap, Sean Kennedy slipped past pending. third lap Hawley had moved up Graves to take third place. By the fourth lap they were to third, and then they drove in Sunday's stands were full strung out a bit, and no one was that order for the next seven again, even though it was, if doing any close dicing. Hawley laps. On Lap 4, someone ended anything, colder than the day led and Matt Kross ran second. up parked on the wall at the end before. Spectators had _simply On the sixth lap Duenas' car of Turn 1. In the meantime, brought more and warmer gave up the ghost in a spurt of Jake Capriotti took a hit and clothes to fend off the chill. flame and a puff of smoke. He spun out, and Brandon Coyne's The Super Buggies were sec-made it another half lap, and car had a fit of sputtering and ond to race on Saturday, and had to be towed away. Hawley coughing as if running out of once again, it took a long time sailed on uneventfully to rake fuel. to get them lined up. Once the win, with Kross second and Job was working hard, trying ready, they got as far as Turn 2 Jake Capriotti in third place. to move up through traffic, and before having a big crash, but Eight of the 12 managed to fin-got himself up into fifth place this time it didn't need a full ish all 12 laps. finally. On the 11th lap Foddrill course yellow to clear it up. When they came back on briefly took the lead, but Larry Job, new to this kind of Sunday there were 12 of them couldn't hold off Kross, who racing, moved from tenth to again, and even Duenas had came back to the front in time fifth on the first lap. Mean-managed to get his car moving. to get the win. So it was Kross, Foddrill and Hawley, and Capriotti, who'd recovered enough to finish fourth. On Saturday, after a break for the opening ceremonies, the Pro 4 trucks were the first truck event on the track. There were 15 of them, and off the start, John Greaves got the hole shot. Jerry Whelchel bounced off the wall in Turn 4, but no one came to grief. Scott Douglas and Carl Renezeder were having a really good duel. There was a lot of dust, but the cold wind was blowing it away, so it didn't cause much trouble. lnteresti ngly, over at the side of the freeway, which is about a quarter mile from the track, people started to have "car trouble', and pulled over to the side to sit for a while. Greaves led the whole way, while Renezeder and Douglas Eric Robinson was the fourth place finisher in the Super Buggy contest Fifth place in the Baldwin Memorial on Saturday, 5th in Pro 4 and a Jeff Geiser was the fifth place finisher in the Pro Lite race on Saturday on Saturday, he finished 11th in the Sunday race. 10th place finish in Pro 4 on Sunday for Rick Huseman. and he had the same finishing spot on Sunday. Larry Job was relegated to a pair of fifth place finishes in the Super Jeff Knupp finished sixth in Single Buggy on Saturday, ninth place on Scott Douglas was 9th in the Pro 4 Baldwin Memorial race, 11th in Buggy races, seen here ready for landing. Sunday, he's seen here ready to land. the Pro 4 race on Saturday, 5th in Pro 4 on Sunday. Page 10 June 2007 Dusty Times

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Greg Adler was sixth in Saturday's Pro 2 race, finished sixth in the Sunday race, seen here just at liftoff. Dan VanOenHeuvel was 13th in Pro 2 on Saturday, he finished a Jeff Huseman finished fourth in Pro Lite on Saturday, he finished decent fourth place in the Sunday Pro 2 contest. fourth once more in the Sunday race. battled behind him. Then they had a full-course yellow, on Lap 7, to bunch them up. It was Greaves, Douglas, Renezeder, Huseman and Troy Herbst, who was looking very aggressive. Ricky Johnson pitted on the yel-low, and so did George Reiss, wk.o has a new truck. They had the restart, then immediately had a n other yellow. Steve Barlow went to the pits that time, and when they restarted, Renezeder got into the wall af-ter Turn l. Adrian Cenni bi-cycled Turn 4 and lost a little ground, and suddenly Josh Baldwin's truck was upside down. That brought out a full course yellow, and Baldwin was clearly upset with Cenni. Baldwin's truck was a disaster, but he was o.k. So they had another restart, and now there were only 11 trucks left running. Then Scott Douglas rolled over the wall be-fo re Turn 2. By then the flag-man was waving the white flag. the Hot Pits, and the rest lined Coyne and moved into third, I hey had to have a local yellow Greaves took the win, with up. The restart was in the origi-Douglas got him also, but after to clear the track, but it was Herbst in second place and nal order for those who stayed a couple of laps of battling, quickly done. MacCachren Cenni third. Douglas was upset on the track, but those who Coyne went back around him in stayed in front, with Renezeder with Greaves for hitting him, went to the pits went to the Turn 3 . Renezeder stayed in chasing him and Todd LeDuc but to the spectators and other back of the line. Troy Herbst al-front, Baldwin was second in running third. Way at the back, racers, it looked like a "racing ready had fiberglass trying to his new truck, and in third it and having some problem, was incident". They had collided, fall off the side of his truck, and was Herbst, looking more like Steve Sourapas, a newcomer to but it seemed a 'no fault' colli-others looked battered as well. a buggy than a truck because he CORR racing, but a desert vet-This was to be the final race for had almost no fiberglass left. eran. MacCachren hadn't raced this group for the weekend, and On Saturday, the Pro 2 heat CORR fo r about five years, but they weren't preserving the ve- was the first truck event of the he has joined the Barlow team hicles apparently. When they day, with 13 trucks. Off the to help Steve with development restarted, Re nezeder was in start the course led to a gentle of his new Pro 4 truck. sion. On Sunday, the Pro 4s were not the third event on the card, but got put at the back, so the Pro 2s would have time to race, and then be repaired in time fo r their Jason Baldwin Memorial Qualifier heat. The Pro 4s lined up at about 3: 10, and started at 3:38, with 12 trucks. Off the start, after safely navigating the first turn, Greaves somehow got bumped up onto the outside wall, slid along it and into a big light pole. He was finished. Someone else stalled, and the yellow flag came out, then, in a blink, the red flag waved. About five trucks headed fo r front with Baldwin second, turn, then a ramp up to a wide Renezeder got up clo~e to Travis Coyne third, and Troy table top, which the big trucks MacCachren, but couldn t get Herbst fourth. Curt LcDuc was could fly, and almost immedi-by. Then on about the sixth lap motoring around slowly, his ately into a fai rly sharp left Whelchel took a hit and went rear suspension apparently turn. Rick Johnson got bumped into the Turn I wall. Then gone. They ran in that order for in rhe first turn; he spun Renezeder queaked past a lot of laps, getting strung out, around stalled and sat facino MacCachren into the lead. and the most exciting thing go- all the 1oncoming traffic. Da~ Mark Porter, another desert ing on was whether or nor Troy VandenHeuvel was parked just racer with a new truck, pulled would lose another piece of fi-past the first turn. Neither of off o n the seventh lap, and on berglass. Then the officials them got ooing again. the eighth lap they threw a full threw a full course yellow on Meanwhile, Rob course yellow to close up ranks. Lap 8 to close them back up. MacCachren, in Steve Barlow's Renezeder led, MacCachren was On the restart, Herbst passed truck, was leading the pack. Continued next page TO BETTER SERVE YOU WE'RE MOVING &EXPANDING 1.5 MILES WEST OF CURRENT LOCATION -SAME STREET SAME PH: 714-441-1212 NUMBERS FX: 714-441-1622 Dusty Times June 2007 Page 11

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A 15th place finish in Single Buggy on Saturday for Sean Kennedy, a Kevin Graves finished eighth in Single Buggy on Saturday, he had a In Single Buggy, Vic Bruckman finished in seventh place on Saturday, in the Sunday race he was the fifth place finisher. very nice third place finish in the Sunday race. decent fourth place finish in the Sunday race. second, LeDuc third and Travis wasn't running well, and though on his side in Turn 4. A full Coyne fourth. he didn't know it 'ti! later, it was course yellow came out. They maintained that order because there was a nut floating Whelchel held onto his lead, when the green flew again, but around in his distributor. Only and now MacCachren was sec-Whelchel was working hard to eight trucks were running at the ond, and Ricky Johnson was regain some ground, and he was checkered flag, and it was Coyne third, with Dan VandenHeuvel fun to watch. On the 11th lap in fourth, his truck barely run-running fourth. It stayed yellow Renezeder pulled off course, ning, and Gary Dircks in fifth for two laps, and at the restart, and as MacCachren slowed for place. Whelchel held his lead, with him a bit, LeDuc went by. When the Pro 2 trucks came MacCachren right behind him, Whelchel moved up to third. back on Sunday there were 14 of and then Johnson, Now MacCachren fought hard them, and although it was late VandenHeuvel and Gordon, to get back around LeDuc, and in the afternoon, the stands who got a really good start. They got it done on the 12th lap, and were still full of spectators. This ran another lap, and Gordon Whelchel went by him on the race had a special little excite-passed VandenHeuvel and was next. It was an interesting juxta-ment, because Robby Gordon, working on Johnson, when his position,becauseallthreewere who'd flown out after his rightfrontwheelcaqiedetached sponsored by energy drinks, so NASCAR race, would be driv- as the spindle broke, a late reac-it was Red Bull, Monster and ing, in one of the Baldwin tion to that earlier run in with Rock Star, running one, two, team's slightly older trucks. Off the wall. Gordon's truck was and three. the start Whelchel took the lead, towed off, and he settled into They went on in that order, with Renezeder second and Gor-the infield to watch the racing. putting on a terrific show, even don third. But at the beginning Whelchel was having a good though MacCachren lost his of Lap 2 Gordon hit the Turn 2 run, and stayed firmly in front power steering on the final lap, wall hard, and spun. He dropped while MacCachren tried every to finish, MacCachren first, back about three positions. way he knew how to catch him. Whelchel second and then Renezeder also came to a stop in It was a great race to watch. LeDuc. MacCachren's truck Turn 2, and Mark Porter was up Johnson ran steadily in third, Page 12 June 2007 and for a while Todd LeDuc was third. They had to tow fourth, but on the 11th lap his MacCachren's truck back to the truck quit and they towed him pits. Noel was o.k., and the fire away. They carried on in the was out quickly. The audience same order, and then on the was disappointed not to see Gor-12th lap Alan Pflueger rolled don race through the whole hard at the end of Turn 1 and event. ended up on his side. On Saturday there was a sec-MacCachren was really trying ond Trophy Kart race while the hard to pass Whelchel, and as course maintenance was carried they rounded Turn 4 they were out, and on Sunday they stuck side-by-side, but Whelchel just to the same program. oozed out in front for the final The Pro Lite trucks were the lap. MacCachren was looking at third truck event of Saturday, each side of Whelchel, trying to with 17 trucks. By now it was find a way around, but it just really cold in the grandstands, couldn't be done. Once again, and sales of team sweatshirts the audience was enthralled. It were brisk as folks went looking was great racing. On the last lap for warmer clothes. Everyone sat Larry Noel rolled his truck on all bundled up, hoods pulled up the back straight, and landed on and hands in their pockets, but its side, with something on fire. they didn't leave. While the course workers and By now the show was running Gordon hustled over to give aid, late, and it was 5 p.m. before the Whelchel went on to take the trucks took the green flag. One win, followed in by truck spun off the start, and Bill MacCachren, whose motor quit Markel was late getting his to right at the end. Johnson was move off the line. Jeff Huseman Dusty Times

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In Pro Lite on Saturday, Rodrigo Ampudia was the ninth place finisher, Josh Baldwin was 12th in the Pro 4 Baldwin Memorial race, 13th in Larry Foddrill was 12th in Super Buggy on Saturday, he finished second he finished in third place in the Sunday contest. the Pro 4 race on Saturday, a nice 2nd in Pro 4 on Sunday. on Sunday, seen here nicely airborne. got the hole shot, and took off in front of the pack. Valerie LeDuc, Kyle and Todd's sister, was racing here for the first time, but her truck didn't seem up to the challenge. On Lap 2 she was tipped over and parked on her side near Turn 2. Huseman led for three laps, with Robert Naughton chasing furiously to get u to him and past. He got that done on the third lap, but then Huseman went back by him on Lap 4. On the fifth lap Naughton was back in front, and this time he made it stick. Huseman ran behind him and Marty Hart, another graduate of the old Mickey Th-ompson short course series, looked good running in third. This was his first time racing the truck. On the seventh lap they threw a full course yellow, to close up the gaps, and it stayed yellow for a second go-round. Back under green on Lap 9, it was Naughton, Huse m a n , Hart and Rodrigo Ampudia. On the tenth lap someone rolled hard in Turn 1, and another truck stalled at the end of the second turn. Suddenly, Casey Currie moved up from seventh place to third place. Then, as the lead three charged steadily on, Kyle LeDuc, Jim Kandell and Ampudia were having a three-way struggle for fourth place. Valerie LeDuc came back o n from the its, but got sideswiped in a turn. Matt Barney's fiber-glass was falling off, and the roof piece was sliding forward and down over his windshield area, obscuring his view. Ampudia slowed with some problem, and lost a couple of positions, but Jeff Geiser, another desert racer who's gone short-course, was steadily moving up and found himself in fifth place. At the fin-ish it was Naughton, Currie and LeDuc. Huseman was fourth and Geiser turned in a nice fifth place finish. On Sunday, when they came back, there were 17 trucks again, and this time a couple of colli-sions marred the start. One vic-tim was towed away, while Naughton took over the lead, with LeDuc chasing him, and Casey Currie in hot pursuit. They ran this way for a couple of laps, and then Currie moved up to second, while LeDuc dropped back to third. The lead-ers started lapping slower ve-hicles by the fifth lap. Then, on the sixth lap, Currie moved to the lead, and the next time around Naughton pulled out, at about the time the full course Billy McCool had fun he was first off the podium in Single Buggy on Saturday but he was a long 22nd on Sunday. Bruce Fraley (#360) finished 5th in Single Buggy on Saturday, a sixth place finish on Sunday seen here in combat. Dusty Times yellow came out. They closed up with Currie in front, LeDuc Sec-ond and Ampudia in third place. Then they ran that way for al-most the rest of the race. On the 12th lap Currie and LeDuc were side-by-side most of the lap, and Currie went out on top, but on the last lap, when it counted LeDuc nosed him out after a side-by-side run down from the final turn. So it was LeDuc, Currie and Ampudia on the po-dium on Sunday. The final event of each after-noon was the Qualifier for the end-of-season Jason Baldwin Me-moriam which will once again offer up a $66,000 winner-take-all purse. This year, rather than qualifying on the morning of the day of the event, those who wish to will qualify at each event, in a sort of separate series, and their standings in the series will determine their start position We carry a run selection of: fo r the big race at season's end. This afternoon's race was the first of a series of qualifiers. Each weekend of racing the Pro 2s and Pro 4s would run one qualifier heat each, and each of those heats will have a $6600 purse. It will be the final race of the day, and that generally means they don't hold back. There were 14 entries for this qualifier, and it was a 15 lap event. They used their qualify-ing position from their earlier race to determine start order. The first turn sent up billowing clouds of dust, obscuring the action, but spectators could see that Greaves stalled for a bit, and ended up nearly last. Rick Huseman took the lead, with Scott Douglas in hot pursuit, and Renezeder after him. There was so much banging and shoving that by the end of the second lap nearly everyone had panels flapping or falling off. On the third lap Renezeder was hard at it, trying to pass Huseman. They'd built a gap between themselves and the rest of the pack. Huseman's hood started to come loose, getting in the way of his vision by curling up every now and then. He was struggling to fend off Renezeder, but if he really stood on the throttle the hood came up and got in his way. On Lap 6 Renezeder went to the front, with Huseman sec-ond, and Greaves now up to third. Troy Herbst had parked his truck. Curt LeDuc, Herbst and Josh Baldwin all went to the Hot Pit. Then, on the restart, Adrian Cenni did a hard roll-over before the table-top jump and had to be towed off the course, bringing out a full course yellow. They got the Continued next page SACo Ottfloff WELD•ON•TABS WELD•ON•BUNCS HEIMS & ROD ENDS ~ @!) Wea/sosto · quantll;yo .3054 ~ VALLEY M'EMV" BLIVD. LAS VEGAJ;. .NV-89102 TEL: .TOZ-871-49 I I .FA.M:: .TOZ-871-SZZ I June 2007 DJl1IJll/lJD t;l$1#i#lfil4i "nitllLJN..\rtf'iO'ff.a5°"...., .. lU)t_pj SUSPENSIONS UNUM/TEO e Q w11ee1nu1n,e• (SHOEI) l~Jl!llfl ~ II -Page 13

Page 14

Bryce Menzies finished ninth in Single Buggy on Saturday, he won Carl Renezeder was 3rd in the Sunday Baldwin Memorial race, he Cun LeDuc was 11th in the Baldwin Memorial on Saturday, 9th in the Sunday Single Buggy race, seen here at touchdown. was a disappointing 12th place finisher in Pro 2. the Pro 4 race and 8th in the Pro 4 race on Sunday. ranks closed up and cruised and finally, o n about Lap 12, Greaves was working hard to Turns 2 and 3, and no one in The Pro 2 Qualifier heat fi n-around the course, and as they they got a green and were racing cat ch Renezed e r and h e bi-the grandstands stayed seated. ished off the weekend, with 10 reached the flag tower they took again. Now Renezeder was in cycled Turn 4 and lost a little Greaves edged out Renezeder in trucks competing. To the de-off, eve n tho ugh the flagman front, ch ased by Greaves and ground, but made it up by the the final few feet of the track, light of his fans, Robby Gordon didn't wave the green. That Rick Johnson ran third in an old time the white flag came out. to take the win, with Renezeder had managed to get his car re-brought out the yellow again, Baldwin truck. They were side-by-side through second and Johnson third. paired, and he was back out Page 14 -~---there to give it another try. In PROFEi Ill RACE PROIJIJCTS Intercom Behind the Bead Bi-Fl Headset • Custom Tuned to YOUR Application Onr the Bead Headset • Racer X EXCLUSIVE!! • EASY Plug & Play Installation • Noise Canceling Microphone • Hi-Fi Speakers • Sand, Desert & Race Applications • Carbon Fiber Finish • Extreme Noise Canceling Mic • 2 to 8 Person Capacities • Foam Mic Muff • Carbon Fiber Finish • Music Input with Auto Mute Technology • Children Sizes Available • Washable Cloth Ear Covers • Audio Output to Camera • Optional Hi-Fi Speakers • Extreme Mic Muff • Cell/ Sat. Phone Input • Optional Washable Ear Covers 30' Telescoping Base Station Package 2 Way Radio Package • INCREASE Your Range of Communication • Vertex 5. 25, 50 & 110 Watt VHF Radio • Perfect for Desert, Recreation or Race Teams • Velcro or Hole Mount PTT Buttons • HD Fiberglass Telescoping Base • Radio Interface Cable • High Gain Fiberglass Antenna • 1/4, 1/2 and 5/8 Wave Antennas Available • 50' Low Loss Coaxial Cable • Shielded Coaxial Antenna Harness • Weatherproof External Speaker • Other Radio Interfaces Available • Vertex 50 or 110 Watt Radio • Compatible with Most Radios forced Air Snell SA Helmets • Pyrotect & G-Force Helmets Wired Pre-Bun Helmets • Wired for Communication • Pyrotect & G·Force • Snell SA Rated Open Face Helmets • Patented Air Flow Interior • Wired for Communication • "NOT a Converted Motorcycle Helmet" • Snell M & SA Rated • Fire Resistant Removable Interior • Removable Interior for Cleaning • Clear, Tinted, Amber & Iridium Shields • Available in Black & White • Available in Black & White YOUB SAFETY & COJIJIUNICATJONS SOURCE 10815 Wheatlands Avenue, Suite K • Santee, CA 92071 619-258-RACE (7223) • Fax 619-258-0883 • June 2007 light of the dust that billowed over the previous race, the offi-cia ls decided to water the course fo r this one, and it was really slippery. The officials lin-ing t h e cars u p fo r t h e start could almost not walk on it. T heir feet kept sliding off in strange d irections. They all made it th rough the first turn, but Sourapas went hard into the wall at the begin-ning of Turn 2. Then he rolled over several times. The race went on, as he moved off, with Gordon in the lead, Whelchel second, and MacCachren third. Nothing like renewing old ac-quaintances. Todd LeDuc made an early trip into the Hot Pits, and lost about four positions. On the fourth lap Gordon went over the jump and his rear suspension collapsed as a shock mount broke. He pulled out. Whelchel went into the lead, with MacCachren second, Renezeder third and Johnson fourth. By the seventh lap Greg Adler's truck sounded sick, and he pulled off, and so did MacCachren. Then the officials put up a full-course yellow. Whelchel was in the lead, Renezeder was second and Johnson third. VandenHeuvel went to the pits. Adler was back out, but his truck still sounded sick, and he was slow. Through the 11th lap Whelchel and Renezeder were banging on one another, and on the 12th lap Whelchel bicycled through Turn 4, but Renezeder couldn't get by, although he was very close. Johnson was hanging in behind them, waiting for one to make an error. And it hap-pened at the beginning of the white flag lap, when Renezeder spun in Turn 2. Johnson slipped past him, but couldn't catch Whelchel. Whelchel took the win, Johnson was second and Renezeder was third. It was a great finale to an exciting weekend of racing. CORR has six more week-ends of racing on its 2007 ca 1-endar. The next set wi ll be on May 19, at Pomona, and then they go to Chula Vista on June 9, and back to Lancaster on Sep-tember 15. They'll then go back to Chula Vista for September 29, and to Texas in October, and Nevada on November 3rd. Check your television guides, because both NBC and SPEED wi ll be showing vari-ous events as the season progresses. .(n!lll!I Dusty Times

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Page 16

IJ\J2C 8TH CORONA RALLY MEXICO Loeb/Citroen Show The way In Mexico BY MARTIN HOLMES Mark Higgins and Scott Martin took the PCWRC title in Mexico, they're seen here in their Mitsubishi Lancer Eva IX. Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena drove their Citroen C4 to a great victory in Mexico, seen here at speed. registered PCWRC entries plus two "Guest" entries, but some drivers were entering the series for the first time on a rotational ba-sis. In this way we saw the Hun-garian Balazs· Benik in the num-ber one OMV Bixxol RT car and the Czech driver Stepan Vojtech in their number two car. In addi-tion, this was the first of three entries Travis Pastrana plans to drive for the Subaru Rally Team International entry. Spyros Pavlides was number two driver for the Belgian-based Japanese SYMS team with his co-driver, Denis Giraudet. The Cypriot will be Giraudet's 15th different driver Up to. thirty! Sebastien Loeb's win in Mexico was his 30th victory on a world championship rally, and the first victory for the Citroen C4 WRC on gravel brought a lot of confidence to the Citroen Total team. Marcus Gronholm and Mikko Hirvonen finished second and third in their Ford Focuses, with Dani Sordo in the second C4 in fourth place. Petter Solberg had a favourable starting position and led the rally on the debut of the 2007 Jmpreza WRC before an oil leak stopped him. His Subaru teammate Chris Atkinson, having been as high as second finally struggled to finish in fifth place. The rally was the shortest ever run in the world championship, but was spoiled by stone-throwing spectators whose missiles damaged many windscreens and windows. Mark Higgins won the PCWRC category for the first time, almost two years after his disappointing exclusion the first time in Argentina. He had a remarkable battle with the Subaru of Mirco Baldacci before the San Marino driver had a time-expensive puncture. The 2007 Corona Rally Mexico was the first non-winter, the first clear gravel, the first orthodox, and finally the first long-haul event of the season. Welcome to Leon, • well known also as the shoe capi- face of the stage had been specially on a world championship rally. tal of the country if not the world! treated to reduce dust. The main Theirs was one of six first-time This is often thought of as neu- interest amongst the teams was the entries on this year's series. tral territory with six different debut appearance of the Subaru Another three entries were ex-makes of car having won the last Impreza WRC 2007, codenamed pected to make their series debut six events. The driver with the best the S 12B. This is an interim de- in Argentina, the final chance to record for the last three years, sign, aimed at overcoming the run the necessary six events. As when the event has been in the most urgent of the technical defi- usual the event boasted one of the WCR calendar, is Petter Solberg, ciencies which had manifested smallest entries in the series but who gained a top four placing each themselves in the S 12 (2006) it was a strongly, and in some ways time. This year's event was special model, before the completely re-curious, family affair. Father and in various ways, having by far the vised 2008 car eventually appears. son entries from the Irish shortest total route distance for a And the team faced the extra cha!-MacHale family -father Austin world championship rally ever lenge of running Michelin group and son Gareth, both in Focuses. (849.55km) with 43% of the total tyres on gravel for the first time Son in an '06 ver ion, father in route special tages. A lot of the since 1993. This is the first rally an older car. Well known on this distance saving has come through for the Citroen C4 WRCar on rally is a driver whose name is .the opening of the new San Felipe gravel. Following its disappointing Name. This year there could be highway which runs north out of results on the two snow rallies, confusion with TWO drivers Silao up to the start of Stages 2/ Citroen Total WRT hoped for con- ca lied Francisco Name! The 5. The event has the longest ever tinued reliability: Norway was the Mitsubishi driving Francisco we length of orthodox special stages 65th successive rally on whioh have known before - while his fa. which competitors must tackle on Citroen had scored world manu-ther drove a one-make Peugeot the same set of tyres (81.48km). facturers' championship points! 206XS. In another 206XS was There were hardly any changes Starting the rally with a 16 point Oscar Uribe being co-driven by his to the stages, although the Nextel deficit against Ford was an un-son, also called Oscar Uribe! Superspecial was run each time on happy experience for Citroen. The Three father and son entries! the Friday and Saturday as two championship leading BP-Ford Six drivers from the United heats (Stages 7/8 and 15/16). On team had been busy testing after States came south of the border. Sunday the Superspecial was run Norway in Spain while for the sec-In addition to Travis Pastrana only once (Stage 20) but as a two ond time this season there was there was Pastrana's regular US lap section. There were changes in only a single OMV entry for championship teammate Ken the design of the jump at the Su-Manfred Stohl, who last year fin- Block plus Karl Sheible, Wyeth perspecial making it more spec-ished third overall here. There Gubelmann, Brian Street and tacular by allowing the cars to ap- were plenty of new faces in the Craig Studnicky. Give Block a proach at greater speed but to Production Car World Champion-wide berth however, as he recently make it easier on the cars. The sur-ship category. In all there were 17 made a motorcycle stunt-type jump ,--------------------------.c.......-......., Marcus Granholm and Timo Rautiainen powerslide their Ford Focus RS towards a second overall finish in Mexico. Mikko Hirvonen and Jarmo Lehtinen drove their Ford Focus RS to a third place overall finish, seen here churning up the dust. Page 16 June 2007 in his rally car of over 50 metres, made in America for a television programme called Stunt Junkies. Impressive? Still well short of Armin Schwarz's 73.5 metres at the famous Fafe jump in Portugal in 2000 or Ari Vatanen's test jump in the Tenere Desert of 67 metres in a ralty raid car. Stories emerged from recce. Jari-Matti Latvala had no fewer than five punctures, "I was driv-ing a rented four-by-four. It lost me a lot of time, and there were two stages I could only cover once, not twice." In view of the long line of available Volvo recce cars waiting each morning outside the Hotel Real de Minas, why couldn't he have used one of those cars? "Too many other Ford drivers", he ex-plained in despair. Shakedown saw a Citroen walkover, Dani Sordo 0.6 second faster than Sebastien Loeb, with Petter Solberg third and his teammate Chris Atkinson fourth. Marcus Gronholm was only fifth fastest. Austin MacHale had a bit of luck when the fly-by-wire throttle system failed on the start line of the Shakedown test, rather than during the rally itself. As the rally cars made their way late on Thursday afternoon down the road to the ancient city of Guanajuato for the Ceremonial Start, the organisers released a surprise. The FIA had agreed to abandon the confusing ten minute rule and revert to a Five Minute Penalty, for every missed stage, with ten minutes if only the final stage of the day, or the ensuring road section, was missed. It was only the following morning, when a long line of cars started to miss stages, that most people realised what had happened and nobody had much time to consider how this would relate to the end of the day double Superspecial stages. Leg 1 8 Stages, gravel, 145.62kms What a morning! The loose gravel on the stages was the talk-ing point. A loop of three stages was run twice: on the first loop fresh gravel lay everywhere, and Ford people reckoned that first running driver Gronholm would be lucky to lose only ten seconds a stage compared with fifth run-ner Petter Solberg. When the cars arrived back after Stage 3, Solberg was leading and Gronholm was 26.9 seconds behind. "We're do-ing as well as could be expected", the driver explained. Doing better was Sebastien Loeb, running third car on the road, in second place just 7.7 seconds behind Solberg . Luis Perez Companc stopped on the first stage when a strut insert snapped, without the driver being aware of any impact. Henning Solberg lost three minutes when Dusty Times

Page 17

Toshihiro Arai and Tony Sircomb took the silver medal in the Fifth overall in Mexico went to Chris Atkinson and Glenn Macneal/, Kristian Sahlberg and Risto Pietilainen drove their Subaru lmpreza to a third place finish in the PCWRC category. PCWRC competition in Mexico, seen here in their Subaru lmpreza. they're seen here in their Subaru lmpreza. he rolled. He had taken a right Ford driver was Jari-Matti Latvala. Manfred Stohl had his windscreen hand bend too wide, a rear wheel The first time he had driven an '06 smashed during recce. Drivers had touched a stone, the car lifted up Ford on dry gravel. Both Matthew to swerve to avoid these obstruc-and dropped on to the co-driver's Wilson and Juan Pablo Raies com-tions but Sordo hit one. Atkinson side, then rolled right over and fin-plained about brake problems. lost time on Stage 6 when he suf-ished up on its roof. Spectators Loeb looked like threatening fered a split rim but retained sec-were initially too nervous to come Solberg when the rally started the ond place. BF Goodrich pulled a and help but finally they did. The second loop of stages, but the coup when they supplied some of car was trussed up with barbed Subaru driver managed to stay just the drivers with "Wild Card" tyres wire to prevent the doors from in front of the Citroen until di- for this loop -the drivers con-opening and the orange car was on saster struck on Stage 5. A piece cerned included Loeb, Sordo and its way again. Brother Petter was had broken off from a cooling fan Hirvonen. These were tyres which happy, "The car understeers much on Petter's car, pierced the oil are available by regulation in small less than the old one and gener-cooler causing the engine to bleed quantities of a design different to ally the handling is much more its lubricants and when the car the one-tread pattern tyres nomi-predictable." The drivers were reached the end of the stage the nated earlier. The idea for the late learning to adapt to the lack of sump was dry and the engine dam-nomination of tyres being to allow power. Cronholm: "If you brake aged beyond repair. So Loeb was for weather conditions which may too much for a bend, it takes for- leading, ahead of Chris Atkinson not have been predicted when the ever before you can get back to the by a margin of 27.0 seconds while original tread pattern was ordered. proper speed again." Manfred Mikko Hirvonen was up to third The effect of these tyres enabled Stohl added: "It is just so odd that in front of Dani Sordo. There was Hirvonen to pass his teammate the car is so slow." Loeb did not trouble in the mountains, how-Cronholm, who did not use them, have everything his own way. A ever. Spectators were seen laying and who confided he had lost spectator's rock broke his rocks across the track, close by to more time during the day than he windscreen, fortunately in front of the place on Stage 5 where Loeb's expected. Latvala was going better: Daniel Elena, but frightening all windscreen had been smashed the the two stages which his pre-event the same. Best secondary team first time through , and where puncture dramas had prevented HONDA Power Equipment him from making a proper recce Drivers who missed the Superspe-of were now behind him. Wilson cial stages should have a penalty arrived with a badly misfiring en-of 2m30s per stage, not the usual gine, having gone on to three cyl-five minutes, but when one wasn't inders during Stage 5. Raies again sure who was driving the route in had brake trouble and then his which stage, should the new ten spare wheel fell out of the car on minute penalty be applied if the the two Superspecial stages close car stopped in Stage 8. Once to Leon which rounded off the again, SupeRally rules ended up day. His co-driver, Jorge Perez as a complete mess. Companc, had to run across the At the end of the first loop, the stadium to retrieve it! three leading PCWRC drivers It really took a long time to sort were within a quarter minute of out the results of the first leg of each other. The first retirement of the rally, on account of the confu-the event was the withdrawal of sions created by the twin-Mauro Rongoni's Motoring Club Superspecials at the end of the Mitsubishi entry which was an day. The organisers were conscious emergency entry when Fabio that one side of the track might Frisiero was unable - for business be faster than the other, so it was reasons -to attend. Kristian intended that one side of the track Sohl berg was top seeded PCWRC represented Stage 7, then for the driver and was lying fourth, his car second run they should move being the only one to arrive in across, and the other lane would good time from Sweden, after he represent Stage 8. It could, there-decided it was safer time-wise to fore, happen that a driver might fly the car to Mexico. start Stage 8 before Stage 7, and There were exciting moments things then really got complicated. Continued next page RACER & IPE£TATIR 111£1UNTI • GENERATORS • Tn I ERS • OUTBOARD ENGINES • LAWNMOWERS • WATERPUMPS Calilornia's Largest Source lor Honda Power Equipment Parts fl Inventory IF WE DON T NIIVE 11: NO ONE DOES/ Check Our Website: Kawaguchi Honda Corp. 3532 East 3rd St. • Los Angeles, CA 90063 a Nfi!ftAT o a e. M~ (323) 264-3936, 264-5858 • FAX (323) 264-2136 Nothing's easier. For optimum performance and safety, we recommend you read the owner's manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment. Connection of a generator to house power requires a transfer device to avoid possible injury to power company personnel. Consult a qualified electrician. ©2007 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. Dusty Times June 2007

Page 18

Daniel Sordo and Marc Marti finished fourth overall in Mexico, Luis Perez Companc and Jose Volta Maria had a good run, they Sebastien Loeb celebrates his win in Mexico as well as his 30'• they're seen here in their Citroen C4. finished 19th overall in Mexico in their Ford Focus RS. WRC victory and the first victory for the Citroen C4. for many. Both the two "Guest" cisco Name, in the "Guest" tures but did not have to stop. second stage the second Irish Fo- (Pirelli) and Arai (BG Goodrich) PCWRC drivers, Francisco Name Mitsubishi, duly arrived to take Sohlberg had a slow puncture on cus (that of Austin MacHale), had puncture free events while and Rodrigo Salgado overturned the start, only to be told he had Stage 11. Aigner (who was run-crashed but under SupeRally third placed Kristian Sohlberg their Mitsubishis, while Nasser Al-placed his car in the overnight ning under SupeRally rules) and rules was eventually able to fin- (Yokohama) only two all event. Attiyah had a big crash and pare ferme at the wrong time and Vojtech both punctured on Stage ish in 17th place. Huge crowds Perhaps the most impressive per-wrecked his Subaru. Mark Higgins was excluded. 10 and had to stop on the stage. came out to watch the event, formance was by the American was ahead ofMirco Baldacci. Mar- It was cool in the hills on Sat-Benik had fuel pump trouble causing some competitors to expert Travis Pastrana, the reign-tin Rauam had a troublesome urday and on the first stage it was while the gearbox was damaged think back to images of days in ing Rally America champion, on morning. A driveshaft slipped out dusty as well. Loeb shot ahead, when he ran over a stone. Portugal in the '80s. Once again his first ever world rally, who fin-of the differential and the differ-seven seconds faster than Pastrana had a broken shock ab-there was thick dust on the early ished fifth, ahead of Nutahara. ential overheated. Stuart Jones Hirvonen, another five faster sorber. Other SupeRally drivers morning stage, and eventually Salgado went on to complete all stopped for a quarter hour on the than Atkinson. Gronholm's ream included Dorosinskiy who dam-the organisers extended the gaps four stages of the day and finished first stage when a water hose be-had discovered the telling reason aged his suspension on the first between cars from two to three last of the 14 PCWRC drivers to came disconnected and he had to why he had been off the pace and day and had a spin on Stage 10. minutes. Stohl finished a very be classified. Citroen, scoring a wait for the engine to cool down. it wasn't to do, as assumed, to the Jones switched off the anti-lag in consistent sixth in his six year win and a fourth place result, re-Spyros Pavlides, on only his eighth magic tyres. That theory was order t keep the engine tempera-old Xsara. Matthew Wilson duced BP-Ford's championship ever rally, went off on the first blown when Manfred Stohl made ture down. The baitle for the lead brought his non-championship lead by just one point in the stage but carried on. Andreas fastest time on Stage 5 using or-had been incredible. On the first Focus home in eighth place, the Makes' series while Gronholm Aigner had to stop on Stage 3 thodox tyres! The team had found 13 stages of the rally the gap be-second time the 20 year old had still holds the lead in the Driv-when the engine overheated. a faulty engine sensor and his tween Higgins and Baldacci had finished a world rally in the Driv-ers' series but now ahead of Loeb Travis Pastrana was lying eighth on campaign of revenge was under never been more than ten sec-ers' points. by just four points. Although his first world rally, having spun way. On the third and final stage onds, and after four different In PCWRC Higgins nursed his Hirvonen avenged his last-stage on the first stage. Alexander of the first loop of the day, he stages it was less than one second. badly damaged Mitsubishi defeat at the hands of Sordo in Dorosinskiy stopped on Stage 2 shot up from fifth place to sec-Then Baldacci punctured but the through the final stages to beat a Monte Carlo he dropped behind with suspension damage. Higgins ond, passing teammate Hirvonen car fell off the jack, and the Brit-host ofSubarus. "The car worked Loeb to third in the Drivers' continued to hold the lead but as well as Atkinson and Sordo. ish driver was then over 90 sec- perfectly, and there was nothing standings. In the Production Car Arai and Nutahara both got ahead The Citroen versus Ford battle onds in front of Arai. Fumio wrong with it except what I had Series Kristian Sohlberg now of Sohl berg when the Finn had really perked up. In the lower Nutahara had arrived at the mid-done to it ... " Both Higgins leads the series. lAac: stopped to change a flat tyre. Focus regions, Companc had his day halt thinking there was a Mirco Baldacci held on to second gearbox stuck momentarily in problem with the driveshaft and place, upset at the nature of the fourth gear. Raies hit a rock. Aus-this was changed, but then discov-Superspecial, particularly in the tin MacHale broke a wheel rim. ered it was the differential. The way the newly contoured jump was Matthew Wilson had a series of car started to lapse into rear-designed. Arai lost a few seconds problems which included stalling wheel drive and he fell behind when he punctured. Nutahara was at a hairpin, overshooting a junc-Sohlberg and Pastrana. Problems baulked by Sohlberg restarting af- tion and then finding a gate had during the afternoon afflicted ter two tyre changes. Pastrana de- swung closed like many other both Kuzaj and Benik, both of cided not to drive so aggressively: drivers. Atkinson eased his pace whom had suspension damage, "Ideliberately slowedmyselfdown after aheavylandingonthe front while of the other Mexican and found I was quicker!" Stepan of the car and at the midday halt "Guest" driver, Mr. Salgado, little Vojtech had fuel pump troubles as was lying fourth. was seen. By the end of the sec-did Balazs Benik, who then lost Loeb had settled into the lead ond day he had ~ompleted only turbo pressure and punctured and by the midday halt was virtu- two of the 16 stages within the again on a spectator-placed rock. ally a minute ahead of Gronholm. time allowed, yet was still eligible Leszek Kuzaj had engine overheat-The battle to savour, however, was to be a finisher and was six places ~ Corona Rally Mexico (MEX) Leon 9111.03.2007 WCR Round 4, PCWRC rouni WC points WR 1/1/0 i,WRC (1) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena F/MC Citroen C4 WRC 1DYN78 (F) 3h.48m.13.3s. 10 10 (3) Marcus GRONHOLM/Timo Rautiainen FIN Ford Focus RS WRC ~56TZR (GB) 3h.49m.09.1 s. 8 8 (4) Mikko HIRVONEN/Jarmo Lehtinen FIN Ford Focus RS WRC 56FXA(GB) 3h.49m.41.0s. 6 6 (2) Daniel SORDO/Marc Marti E Citroen C4 \NRC 1DYN78 (F) 3h.49m.57.0s. 5 5 (8) Chris ATKINSON/Glenn Macneal! !RC JT06SRT (GB) 3h.50m.37.4s. 4 (5) Manfred STOHUllka Minor A OZF78 (F) 3h.51m.58.8s. 3 3 AUS Subaru lmpreza 2007 4 Citroen Xsara WRC ing problems which meant he had fo r third place between from the bottom of the fi eld! ~ to run with the cockpit heater go- H irvonen, Atkinson and Sordo. Rauam had to withdraw with un-(9) Jari-Matti LATVALA/Miikka Anttila FIN Ford Focus WRC EU55CNK (GB) 3h.52m.24.1 s. 2 2 (16) Matthew Wilson/Michael Orr Ga Ford Focus RS WRC ing full blast. Rauam now had cen-Wilson had more problems in- solvable transmission problems. tral d ifferential trouble. Jones eluding losing his brakes and hav- Vojtech and Dorosinskiy contin-stopped with head gasket failure. ing the sem i-auto sys tem fa il. ued to have fuel pump problems. Lois Baldacci stopped when he hit Atkinson then suffered fluctuat- Pavlides once again had a stone the bridge on the Superspecial. ing turbo pressure which cost him thrown at his car which made a The Superspecial was proving ti me and dropped him behind hole in front of the co-driver most unpopular with the drivers, Sordo, while Hirvonen let Sordo Giraudet, "What have I done to J55BMZ (GB) 4h.00m.35.9s. - 1 (10) Henning SOLBERG/Cato Menkerud N J55CNF (GB) 4h.02m.29.0s. 1 Ford Focus RS WRC (34) Mark Higgins/Scott Martin GB Mitsubishi Lancer o IX PC\NRC NM990R (0) 4h.08m.44.5s.+ -10 (31) Toshihiro Arai/Tony Sircombe J/NZ Subaru lmpreza '06 :;WRc GMG301 SU5507(J) 4h.1 Om.05.4s. - - 8 not the least because the rally or-up to third when he had a big deserve this?" the Frenchman ex- S der was mysteriously rearranged spin. "It was a fast spin, we ended claimed. "To my knowledge I have (12) Juan Pablo RAIES/Jorge Perez Companc RA Ford Focus WRC EU55BNA (GB) 4h.11m.10.6s. -(38) Kristian Sahlberg/Risto Pietilainen FIN Subaru for the runs through the stages. up going backwards down the never done any harm to these Then to cap everyone's misery, narrow track for 150 metres, and people!" Nutahara went over time timing for the two final stages ap-when we stopped we just had to limit at the final service of the day parently broke down and it was wait for the dust to die away be-when a driveshaft was found to two hours before even some of the fore we knew how we could start have welded itself into the differ-·imes on the stage were released. off again." Atkinson then had a ential casing. This dropped him rhe organisers, meanwhile were bad moment on a road section down to sixth in PCWRC . Six-.~usy working with the police re-when a tourist's 4x4 approached teen of the 19 starters in PCWRC garding the spectator troubles and fast from the other direction and had restarted the day, including reported a 16 year old youth had the Australian had to deliberately M r. Salgado. Absent were Al-been arrested and was going to be drive off the road to avoid a colli-Attiyah , Ro ngoni, Name and held by the police fo r another 36 sion. Austin MacHale stopped in Rauam. hours. Stage 13 with damaged front sus-Leg 3 Leg 2 pension. Higgins' lead in 4 Stages, gravel, 62.06kms 8 Stages, gravel, 158.38kms PCWRC was under threat. On As Loeb held his lead over When the restart list for Leg 2 Stage 10 he slid into a wall and Gronholm, the big interest con-was published, something inter- damaged the other side of the rear tinued to be the race for third esting was found. The first eight of the car. He assumed he had a place, like at the final stage at cars on the road (running as usual puncture and eased his pace Monte Carlo between Sordo and in reverse order) were Focuses! which let Mirco Baldacci momen-Hirvonen. Hirvonen rose to the Top drivers missing on Saturday tarily ahead. Kuzaj had fuel pump occasion, winning the first stage morning were Petter Solberg and trouble on Stage 9, slid off on of the day and jumping up to Nasser Al-Attiyah, while Fran-Stage 10 and suffered two punc-third where he finished. On the Page 18 June 2007 preza '06 PCWRC OU56FXJ(GB) 4h.11m.15.2s. - 6 (45) Mirco Baldacci/Giovanni Agnese RSM/I Subaru lmpreza '06 :;WRC 049AXC (EE) 4h.12m.51.9s. - 5 (52) Travis Pastrana/Bjorn Edstrom USA Subaru lmpreza '06 :;WRc EFC064(VT, USA) 4h.16m.53.2s. - 4 (49) Stephan Vojtech/Michal Ernst CZ Mitsubishi Lancer o IX PCWRC GF735BP (A) 4h.25m.43.3s. - 3 (18) Austin MacHale/Brian Murphy IRL Ford Focus WRC J02KMU (GB) 4h.25m.51.0s.(3) l (35) Fumio Nutahara/Daniel Barritt J/GB Mitsubishi lancer 10 IX PCWRC KNY3401Rl1041 (J) 4h.26m.02.5s.(2) 1 (11) Luis Perez COMPANC/Jose Volta Maria RA Ford Focus S WRC EU55CNV (GB) 4h.30m.54.7s.(8) ) (37) Spyros Pavlides/Denis Giraudet CY/F Subaru lmpreza '06 ~WRC OU55GVR (GB) 4h.34m.23.7s. - 1 (33) Loris Baldacci/Silvio Stefanelli RSM Subaru preza '05 PCWRC CW338Al (I) 4h.36m.43.5s.(2) l (42) Alexander Dorosinskiy/Omitry Eremeev RUS Subaru 1preza'06 PCWRC X239MA (177, RUS) 4h.41m.17.4s.(7) ~ (47) Andreas Aigner/Klaus Wicha AID Mitsubishi lancer ~o IX PCWRC B-K1593 (D) 4h.42m.26.0s.(6) ~ (43) Balazs Benik/Laszlo Bunkoczi H Mitsubishi Lancer Dusty Times

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Please Join Us For casino Night To increase dune rider safety awareness and to conduct fundraising to enhance the medical services in Glamis Dunes, California. leld On Saturdav, June 911 2001 Kris" Chi.Ii .Dog" Frick A Public Benefit Corporation Presents 6:30pm -11 :30pm In Memory Of Our Friend KRIS FRICK "Chili Dog" 12/24/1961 - 04/09/2006 • WHERE: Glamis Dunes, California • WHAT: Seeking donations to: *Enhance needed medical services. *Enhance the "On the Dunes• emergency response. *Extend the Hours of the EMS personnel. *Provide driver training to EMS personnel for dune rescues.· •WHY: Did you know that BLM is only available at Glamis between the hours of 7 am - 6pm Friday, Saturday & Sundays? (After that there are no qualified drivers for rescue buggy available). · •Did you know that emergency services are typically 45 minutes away at best? •There are over 756 documented injuries by the BLM per •riding season= 1 out of every 200 people gets injured. •100% of your donations will be spent on improving the emergency services for Glamis Dunes riding area. •Send your TAX DEDUCTABLE donation. to K"CD"F. Casino Night· Cocktails/Dinner· Silent Auction EVENT LOCATION Joe's Garage-Auto Museum 36 Auto Center Drive Tustin,· California 92782 Ticket Reservations (714) 784-7184 OUNOE ~ C.OU1lTY ._,, AIRPORT -----------·---please cut or tear on perforated line If you would like to make a donation or order tickets to this event, please fill out the donation slip and mail it to KCDF Foundation at 3940 East Miraloma Ave., Anaheim Ca. 92806 with your check or credit card information or visit us on the web at www.KrisFriclu:om. Tax ID#: 20·5410562 TOP OOG: $10,000 DONATION□ -10 TICKETS TO EVENT · ·10.EVENTT-SHIRTS -VALE.T SPONSOR· BANNERAT E.VENT ENTRANCE. -4 GI.AMIS •KCOF' FlAGS •NAME ON EVENT SANNER. RECOGNITION AT EVENT, · NAME ON WEBSITE F'OR ONE YEAR ANO ON EVENT T•SHIRT SIG OOG; $5,000 DONATION□ .-6 TICKETS TO EVENT EVENT T-SHIRTS 2 GLAMIS 'KCDP FLAGS •NAME ON EVENT BANNER, RECOGNITION AT EVENT. NAME ON WEBSITE FOR ONE YEAR, ANO ON EVENT T-SHIRT LEAD DOG: $2,500 DONATION□ -4 TICKETS TO EVENT · -4 EVENT T-SHIRTS -NAME ON EVENT BANNER AND T-SHIRT HOT DOG: $1,000 DONATION□... . · -2 TICKETS TO EVENT -2 EVENT T-SHIRTS -NAME ON EVENT BANNER SPONSORS FOR CASINO TABLES: $500 DONATION o·· .. AT ANY TABLE WILL HAVE YOUR NAME PROMINENTLY DISPLAYED AT THAT GAME TABLE SPONSORS FOR FOOD STATIONS ANO TABLES: $500 DONATION □ AT ANY FOOD STATION OR TABLE .· · Will HAVE YOUR NAME PROMINENTLY DISPLAYED O Single Event Per Person Tickets # ofTickets _____ x $150 each= ______ D Donation Only$_. ________ _ Please make checks payable to KCOF Corporation or credit card donations can be made at Name: Date: Address: Email: City: I State: Zip Code: Home Phone: Work Phone:

Page 20

M.O.R.E. BALLS DuT 250 l.b,,..,. f):$.R!'.,., :~i>~f Martz Takes Class I & overall BY STEVE RUDDICK Steve Martz had a really good day, he took home all the marbles in the Class 1 contest and he was the overall winner as well. It's Saturday, March 27, 2007 and I'm here in beautiful Barstow, CA for the M.O.R.E. Balls Out 250. There are 123 entries in 13 different classes, all ready to race for the fun and glory waiting inside the winner's circle at the finish line. The weather is hazy sun-shine with scattered high clouds, and a bit of humidity in the air. As usual, there is no wind for the green flag start -so, depending on the start in-terval -the dust and dirt was either thick-N-zesty or you could barely see; or, you were just plain driving blind and by the seat of your suit. Let's just say that visibility was in short supply. There would be enough wind in the afternoon to keep the course fairly clear, but there was a whole herd of attrition (DNFs) that helped reduce the number of racers on the ~ourse, as well. It was Course B: Forty mile laps, seven road crossings, X check points, Y remote pits. Chewed up, jacked up, brutal, every inch of the way, and some really rough terrain in be-tween ... did I mention all the dirt and dust? Classes 1, 10, 5, 12, and 1/2-1600 -.did the full six laps; Classes 13, 9 and 5/16 did five laps, Classes 7, Ultra Mike Boone bested eight other cars as he took the gold medal in the Class 5-1600 contest, seen here at speed. trucks, and 1450 raced for four laps, and Class 11 did three laps. How better to start your race day than with a major pile up on Lap 1 at MM16 -YOiKes! The course split into two differ-ent 'tracks' -one went this-a-way and the other went that-a-way, and then they converged back into one at the same point and moment; and it was bump-N-grind time. And then, it turned into a full scale snagglefarfugnugen! Ouch. Gary Johnson in car #1209 got tangled up with the lime green trophy truck, and then # 1209 got smacked by Jerry Lawless which tore off the right front shock tower in car #1269. And then Matt Gumms hit the whole bunch, which ripped off the whole left front arm, spindle and tire off in car #1616. What a mess. Mucho carnage, and a quick trip to the trailer for many. CLASS 100: Six laps. Fourteen entries, 13 starters, nine finishers, four DNFs, one DNS. Ron Brant got the lead-off start at the green flag in car #101, with Bob Schreiner next in car #70 15 seconds later. Lenny Holder fol-lowed another 15 seconds later in car# 110, and was in the lead by about one minute ahead of Harley Letner in car# 157, who The win in the Class 5 contest went to Jeff Nutter, he's seen here just getting airborne on his way to the checkers. started way back in the pack in the 11th position, at the end of Lap 1.· Alex Danze started in the sixth position in car# 117 at the green flag, and had moved up to third place at the end of Lap 1. Steve Martz started in fourth position in car #177 and held that spot through Lap 1. Bob Schreiner DNF'd on Lap 2 in car #70, and Ron Brant fol-lowed on Lap 3; done for the day. By the end of l,.ap 3, it was Alex Danze in the lead in car # 117 by over two minutes ahead of Lenny Holder in car #110. Steve Martz had moved up into third place in car #177, about two and a half minutes later. Jennifer Clemson was in fourth place in car #132, Alex Gonzales had moved up from ninth to fifth position in car #159, and Harley Letner had fallen behind from second to six place in car #157. Round and round and back and forth they went for the next three laps. When all the dust settled at the finish line after six laps, it was Steve Martz in car # 177 who got to the checkered flag the quickest to win First Place in class, and First Place Overall. Martz, out of San Diego, CA completed the course in 4:59:34 at 48.9 mph, and fin-ished with a comfortable ten minute + lead ahead of the Sec-ond Place winner, Alex Danze in car #117. The. Chris Westwood Motorsports car #177 runs a Jimco chassis, LS6 motor, and Fortin transmis-sion. Mark Hanchett drove Laps 1-3 (in his first race), with Ron Attig riding shotgun. Steve Martz got the wheel duties for Laps 4-6, while Don Primm manned the pits along with a big crowd for added support and advice. "We had one flat when a stick punctured a tire, and the right front limiter strap broke. But the car ran solid and everything went good", said Martz. "The course was rough and terrible, even more so than the 'typical' Barstow; fast, but technical, too." Martz's most fun for the day? "Doing 97 mph on Lap 1, and winning!" Alex Danze did the rounds in 5:09:46 at 47.3 mph in the Pro Armor car #117, to win Second Place in class for the day. Danze, from Riverside, CA runs an LS? motor. Corey White, from Irvine, CA shared the driving duties. "The course was brutal!", Danze said. "We had no shocks from Lap 4 on, and there was a lot of (*#@*!-de-leted) rocks! We hit a rock on Lap 1, bottomed out hard, and caught a flat tire that put us down for 18 minutes." Danze's most fun factor was: " ... redlining the LS? and clocking 117 mph in the open fast sec-tion!" I'll bet; wOOhOO! Harley Letner, out of Or-ange, CA found his way to the finish line in 5:10:48 at 47.1 mph to win Third Place in class in car #157. Letner also won Fast Lap Honors on Lap 5 at 55.1 mph; in 00:44:21. Kory Halopoff drove Laps 1-3, and Harley Letner took over the wheel for Laps 4-6. Mike Laurence got his first-time thrills in the second seat on Laps 2-6. "Awesome!", said Letner. "Flat out. The rougher the better." Sounds like a day of fun playing in the dirt, to me. Lenny H older and Ruben Arzate drove the Lee Patton Motorsports car # 110 to a fourth place win, covering the six laps in 05:15:43 at 46.4 m ph. Justin Hultquist, who also prepped the car, got the co-driver duties for the day. "We caught the #70 truck around Slash-X on Lap 1. We had a flat on Lap 2 at MM25 (TY CORE), and the radio bracket broke on the second Hodge Road loop. Two flats on Lap 5, but Lap 6 was all go! Otherwise, we had no breaks and no issues all day", said Holder/ Arzate. The course? "It was BAD! Lots of Alex Danze led Class 1 for a few laps but in the end he had to settle A nice second place in Class 5-1600 went to Shelby Tolbert, seen Adonis Barela was a bit off the winning pace in Class 9 but he still for a second place finish, seen here at touchdown. here in good looking level flight. took home the silver medal, seen here headin' for home. Page 20 June 2007 Dusty Times

Page 21

Mark Croudy drove his really good looking car to a silver medal His last two laps were a bit slower than usual, Ben Monroy finished Just ready to touchdown, Curt Geer flew his Class 1600 car to a second place finish, he was three minutes behind the winner. finish in Class 10, he's seen here at speed. in second place in the Class 78 race. whoops and 'Oh-*#@*!s' all day. car! Yea, but it was still Mark miles in on Lap 1, and got a flat A world of hurt." Did you have Dunn, of Highland, CA who later on. But it sure was fun". fun? "Oh YEAH!" won in car #1035. Dunn said, Croudy was having fun too, in Alex Gonzales finished the "This was THE roughest course, the Guy Evans Racing car race in 05:27: 11 at 44.8 mph, by far. It was super dusty. We # 1099; up until about four to win Fifth Place in class, in broke a brake line about ten miles from the finish line on car #159. The Sixth Place win went to Jennifer Clemson in the Damzyl car# 132. Clemson com-pleted the six laps in 06:02: 16 at 40.4 mph. Shelby Reid won Seventh Place in the KST Rac-ing car #168, taking 06:22:54 to see the checkered flag; at 38.3 mph. Reid got lost in the dust on Lap 1 with some of the other cars, and rolled it. "We stuffed it and hurt hard", Shelby said. This was also Brittany Tolbert's first roll as co-driver. Jonathan Tolbert got the co-driver ride-a-long on Lap 5. Tom Gilchriese took 06:36: 18 at 37.0 mph to finish the race in car #144 for the Eighth Place win. Mike Pacewiczh finished in Ninth Place in car # 135, completing the course in 06:51:02 at 35.6 mph. CLASS 1000: LIST YOUR PHONE NUMBER, YEAR, MODEL AND EIISIIIE SIZE! Sales Information: Paymeot may be made by credit card. money order or cashiers chedt Personal Of business checks are nol ~pted. C.0.0. orders accepted with 50% pre-payment. S5 Handling cha!oe on all orders, California residents indude 7.75% sales lllx. Customers .responsible for all r,eight char~ Minimum order is $25. The use of Volkswagen by Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. is for descriptive purposes QrlLYand in no way is the name used to infer or intend a direct coonectioo between Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. aod Volkswagen. VolkSwagen is a registered tra.denwit PRICES EFFECTIVE DURING THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MAGAZINE COVER DATE. FRONT BRAKES N'iaff 811-1 Jiff d ll'll#ttlt, ,.,.,c.t,r~-Wfltlltlotl 2 PltdOII t:a11'm w/111 ..... #lndftt. VW lWI Pin f(l)nt ~ S745 Combo llnkfrOllt Btal<es -.... 755 mntH11bKit VW litlk Pill kQnt Hub KL.$499 combo li'tk frOIII Hub l(il , .. , .. 499 H.B. FROIIT BRAKES ,.,,_ 811r.t,.,. .,,,,,,. Rolllt, Tlmllll 6ullllfs, Cffllet Q/IS 111111 WHrlPod 2 l'lstoe c,JJpm will! ""'1tltt11g llmtuL Combo link f./Oll( arms .. $940 the last lap, when the rear cage co-driver Sheldon Vorwaller. broke. "We strapped it down Guy Evans got behind the and got to the finish line, for wheel on Laps 4-6, with Jeff the Second Place win in class", Hunter in the second seat. said Croudy. Croudy, from "This was a rough course, but Indio, CA drove Laps 1-3 with Continued next page SPORTSMAN MICRO STUB KIT lillll_,,,,,Holl1itttld 11mati,,,,.. w1111t,n. Airr!dON/ilyN/ffst,iA»ff MIWJl.watt441'1Sl/11tC.U,,,,. Spo,isiuantmu Stub l<il .. SU96 N.D. 380M MICRO $1UB BRAKE KIT 8Jllfttlntill,"-singll#t 1lmull lullttp, W llllton. l.Mr,~3(11M$t0Amf ""'tlflwlli' Pf,111,1 t:,titlffl. 11.0. !h:11! Stub Braki !Gt ... $1.695 9SIJ CIIROMOLY S'fUBAXLES& DRIVE FI.All6ES Stul!Al<les ror930CV. palt ... .$140 Shll!Axle!S lllr Sus CV, palr .... $140 Oma f~nges lor930CV. ~•r .. 70 Ome flill9IIS for Bus CV, pair .. .70 HEAVY DUTY AXLES SERMAN CV JOIIITS suwa~r'r!~ BASE AIID BOOTS ~ Trailet Aims,-...... $120 8U!I, CV Joint .............. ., ........... $45 8~sTransto3l<3/\lms.,.,.130 BUll,CVBoot ..... - ... -, .. , ...... ~ ...... 5 QU0/'8l,s T11m$ to 3"3 Alms Bus. CV Jol!1t ...... _ .................. (ill for930 CV's ........... ,., ........ 1◄0 Sus. CV Boot .... .. ............... ..7 23' or 2S' Axles ti>r 930 r,;, .. 160 930. CV Joint ............................ 53 24•.za-M300 tor 930 cv, ... tt «o 930, soot and Rance ............. s. ~:rt. 4hlll · CROW SAFETY BEi.TS r u, 1,11s w1t11 $Mtl•Ttt r IJI 3"S/IU#Hrlllntm#Aallab1-;,, J, 4, or II Put w,._ ls Arallli/1 /1 B1Ht. &tr,, IIMI, Ru or /lwplt,. 3"X2" 3 Poilll ................... .S70 3• x 2• 4 Pllllll ......................... 71) 3"x3· 3Pooll .................... 80 3"x3' 4 Pllfflt .... , ........ _ ......... 80 3" X 2" 3 pt Wl'S!\ouldef Pad .• ,90 3" x 2' 4 Ptw/Soouldef PacL..90 a· x s· s Pt W!Sllouldet Pall .. 100 s· t 3• 4 Ptw/Silouldef Pa1UOO 2 Croteti $trap ..... -................... 12 CROW SIIOIJLDEB PADS AMtJ,f¥2'"orJ"...,,,.,, Hlnlil#, ,w, ""'(J(flwJ. 'l' Slloulder Haill66S Pads. Of .~4 3" Sllooldet HlmeM Palls, p, .... 2! Six laps. Eleven entries, 11 starters, four finishers seven DNFs. Jeff Cepielik was first off the line at the start in car # 1066, and was in the lead by 24 seconds at the end of Lap 1, but that was the end of Cepielik's race day; DNF. Like-wise, David Norris started in the tenth spot at the green flat in car #1040, had moved up to fourth position at the end of Lap 1, and DNF'd after that, in 00:53:59 at 45.2 mph. Mike Deardorff also completed one lap in car # 1016, before he DNF'd as well. Steve McMullin, from Barstow, CA spun a fly-wheel at MM 10 and didn't even finish Lap 1 in car #1022; DNF. By the end of Lap 3, Lee Per-fect was in the lead in class in car # 1010 by 00:01: 16 ahead of Larry Althoff in car # 1032. Sean Dunn was running in third position in car #1035, about three minutes later. Lap 4, and Althoff was now in the lead in car #1032 by 00:01:49 ahead of Perfect in car # 1010. But, #1032 was done after Lap 4; trailer time and a DNF. Sean Dunn was still running in the third position, in car #1035. CENTERLINE WHEELS The checkered flag flew after six laps were done, and it was Mark Dunn crossing the finish line in 05:27:01 at 44.8 mph to win First Place in class in car # 1035. Mark Croudy won Sec-ond Place in car #1099, com-pleting the course in 05:48:40 at ??? mph. Dunn and Croudy both tied for the Fast Lap Hon-ors at 48.1 mph, but it was Croudy in car #1099 who took home the bragging rights by 00:00:01 on the clock; na na na na nA! My car's faster than your Dusty Times fotfHA,,,,,,__..,. .. ~Fltli#. June 2007 Page 21

Page 22

Mitchell Pederson had a pretty good day in his truck, he ended up A second place finish in Class 11 went to Travis McGee, he's seen Harley Letner was just a bit off the winning pace, he finished third in Class 1, less than a minute out of second spot. with the silver medal in class, seen here ready to fly. here at speed heading for the elusive checkered flag. an excellent and fun race' no line in class at the waving of the fifth spot in car # 1212 after flats". green in car #1219, and three laps; as is Guy Corden in Lee Perfect, from Oak Hills, Jordan in car #1211 for fifth car #1295, following in sixth CA fell way off the pace to third position at the end of the first position. spot on Lap 5 in the Baeskens lap; both with the exact same Most open desert races are Construction car #1010, put-lap times and speeds. Ben won in the last couple of laps, ting Sean Dunn in front with a Monroy started in the middle of and this one was no exception 00:2:34 lead over Mark Croudy the Class 1200 pack in car for Class 12. Scott Wisdom was in car #1099. "We did good in #1203 and blistered his way to still in the lead by six minutes the beginning", Perfect said. the lead after Lap 1. Malcolm after Lap 4, in car #1213; when "Had a flat on Lap 3, and then Bryce started even further back he DNF'd for the day. After we broke a rear caliper brake in the pack in car # 1212, and starting in the seventh spot, line with two rear flats on Lap moved h is way up into fourth Malcolm Bryce motored his way 5. The course was beat up, position after Lap 1 was over. to the finish line in car #1212 chewed up, and tore up. Lap 1 Flash forward to Lap 3. Scott in 05:40:07 at 43.1 mph, to win was very dusty". Perfect still got Wisdom is now in the lead in First Place in class; 22 minutes it fixed in time to finish in car #1213, after starting next to + ahead of the second place win-Third Place in class for the day, last in line at the green flag and ner. This was Bryce's first race in 05:52:05 at 41.6 mph. Mike moving fast up to the number in his brand new (60 miles on McGee found his way to the two spot at the end of Lap 2. it), Mouhon-chassis, Mailman checkered flag in 06:28:08 in Wisdom blistered his way to the Motors, car. "The car was set up car #1011, to win Fourth Place lead with a fast Lap 3 speed of a little soft, but ran good. We for the day. 47.0 mph in 00:51:58; best of even pulled fifth gear out by the CLASS 1200: the day in class. Ben Monroy is Slash-X", Bryce said. "We had Six laps. Ten entries, ten now in second spot in car a flat on Lap 1, but had no starters, four finishers, six #1203, one minute off the lead other problems all day." Bryce, DNFs. Gene Wilson was first pace, and Ken Owens has from Agua Dolce/Tehachapi, off the starting line in car moved up into third position in CA drove Laps 1-3 with co-#1225, but was running in third car #1219. Gene Wilson is still driver Ron Chartan. Jim spot in class at the end of Lap in the hunt for fourth spot in Mouhon drove Laps 4-6 with co-l. Bob Jordan started in second car# 1225 after Lap 3, but that driver, John Kohut. spot at the green flag in car will be the end of his race day Ben Monroy, from Torrance, #1211, slipped into fifth posi-fun; another one bites the dust CA got to the checkered flag in tion, and DNF'd, after Lap 1. -the dreaded DNF. Malcolm the Raceway Concepts car Ken Owens was third off the Bryce is still in the running in #1203 in 06:02:21, to win Sec-SAT PHONE RENTALS & SALES Rent Iridium Phones from only $39.99 per week Same Day Delivery/Pick Up We Sell New & Used Sat Phones We Buy Used Sat Phones We Repair Sat Phones Open 24 Hours Located in Santee, CA • ¾# @ • • •• IRIDIUM /\ Globalstar V!d '))'. inmarsat • bgan ~ . J 1-888-884-7623 ALLROADSAT .com Page 22 June 2007 ond Place in class. Adam Diaz in front of Greg Pierson in car . got the co-driver duties on Laps # 1613. Kevin Denault -car 1 and 2, and then it was Noah #1619, and Jeremy Lindsay-car Jordan's turn for Laps 3-6. "The # 1672, were in a tie for the fifth course was a little rough and ex-position, and Curt Geer was pensive", said Monroy. "We had running in sixth spot in car five flats". 'Tis but a small price #1624, about two minutes later. to pay for fun, eh. Ken Owens, John Grossini DNF'd on Lap 1 car #1219, won Third Place in in car #1649, as did Brian Lo-06:48:27 at 35.9 mph. Guy gan-car#l648.MattGumzwas Carden cut it mighty close to out of the race, too, in car the wire to win Fourth Place in # 1616, after being involved in class in car #1295, and to even the Lap 1 pile-up atMM16. The finish the race in the eight hour carnage starts to take_ its toll , time limit, in 07:59:08 at 30.6 and the field of competitors mph. A finish is still a win, no gets thinned out early. matter how close it is. At the end of Lap 3, the half-CLASS 1/2-1600: way point of the race, nine of Six laps. Twenty entries, 20 the 20 starters had already starters, nine finishers, 11 DNF'd; including the race DNFs. Mike Denault got the leader up to that point -hole shot in car #1618 at the Lorenzo Rodriguez in car starting line, followed at 15-sec- # 1600. That put David Girdner ond intervals by John Grossini in the lead in car #1622, by one -car # 1649, Curt Geer -car minute ahead of Greg Pierson #1624, Brian Logan -car #1648, in car #1613. Pierson has a two Greg Pierson -car #1613, Joey minute lead on the number Westhoff -car #1691; and the three spot car, Curt Geer in car rest of the C lass l/2-1600pack. #1624. Running a distant By the end of Lap 1, Lorenzo fourth position is Mark Fusting Rodriguez was in the lead in car in car #1624. Running a distant # 1600 by almost two minutes fourth position is Mark Fusting ahead of David Girdner in car in car #1629, 15 minutes be-#1622. Joey Westhoff was run-• hind Geer. The shifting sands ning in the third spot in car and time at Barstow continue to #1691, another 00:01:37 behind extract their toll -Mike Denault Girdner, but still three seconds DNFs at the end of Lap 4 in car Corey Torres did it again, he took the Class 9 contest with ease, he's seen here headin' to the finish line with a 30 minute lead. The Class 10 winner was Sean Dunn, he's seen here on his way to the finish line with a bit over 20 minutes in hand at the flag. Dusty Times

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Terribly long second and fourth laps cost Kim Powell a bunch, Kim Art Savedra had troubles on his first lap, he recovered but was Trouble on his second lap was expensive for Ron Rash, it dropped him to a third place finish in Class 9. ended up taking home the bronze medal in Trophy Challenge. relegated to a third place finish in Class 5-1600. # 1618, and Todd Starks follows flag, Mark Fusting won Fourth ran out of talent and race track on the next lap in car #1610. Place in class in car #1629, at the same time and rolled the The checkers fly, the dust 00:01:20 behind Pierson. car. Luckily, there were some clears, and David Girdner wins Fusting completed the six re-spectators there who helped me First Place in class in the 3Guys quired laps in 05:59: 10 at 40.8 right the car -and I was back Race Team car# 1622, with a to-mph. Kevin Denault started in on the road. I stopped in Main tal time of 05:28:37 at 44.6 13th position at the green flag to check the car and get fuel. mph. Girdner, from Barstow, in car #1619, and got to the fin-The next four laps were fairly CAR turned up the throttle on ish line in 06: 17:03 at 38.9 mph uneventful and I finished sixth, Lap 5 to also win Fast Lap Hon-to win Fifth Place in class for two seconds out of fifth. All in ors at 47.5 mph, in 00:51:26. the day. all, a good day! I'd like to thank Girdner drove Laps 1-3, and Jeremy Lindsay got to the fin- my family, especially my wife, Craig ??? drove Laps 4-6. The ish line a mere two seconds Joanna, for all of their support, screwdriver stuck into the steer-later in car #1672, at 06: 17:05, said Lindsay. "It was a good race ing wheel to keep it on was a to win Sixth Place, at 38.9 mph. and a good finish. It was just ... nice finishing touch, too, guys. Lindsay, from Apple Valley, Ca Barstow." Yah, sure. Saturday, Wh *teVer wOrks. Congratz! drove the whole thing. "This at the (OHV) park, I thought it Curt Geer won Second Place in was my first race in the driver's was the 4th ofJuly ... (apologies, car #1624 about three minutes seat after riding right seat for and credit, to 3 Dog Night). later at 44.2 mph in 05:31:29. the last seven years for my John Morgan, car #1627, won Greg and Wayne Pierson, from brother; first in a 5-1600, then Seventh Place in class, in Barstow, CA got to the check-the last few in a Class 1. I 06:38:39 at 36.8 mph. Joey ered flag in 05:57:49 at 40.9 started toward the back and had Westhoff finished in Eighth mph to win Third Place in the a good first lap,. The dust was M&T Race Cars #1613. Greg bad, but I was in the clear after Pierson drove Laps 1-3, Wayne~ outer Hodge and came into Pierson drove Laps 4 and 5, and Main in fifth on the roa_d. Sec-Warren Messick got the steering ond lap started well, but just wheel for Lap 6. "The course before the ridge I flatted the was brutal, we were in the pile-left rear tire on a large rock. It up at the start, but it was a great was changed by CORE, at the race. Our shifter came apart, Stoddard crossing. Just before but we didn't have any other inner Hodge, I noticed the air problems; flawless." Aahhh. cleaner had come· loose. I Just another fun day at the stopped at the CORE pit at in-races. After starting way back in ner Hodge and they duct taped the number 15 spot at the green it on. Then, at about MM37, I Old friend Malcolm Bryce was the big winner in Class 78, he's seen here heading towards a 22 minute victory. ew Praduct:s NO MORE Spline Wear! Stronger Core! 50% Stronger! 6.5" & 8.5" Sizes Place in car #1691, in 06:57:24 at 35.1 mph. Steven Cossey won Ninth Place in car #1657, in 08:05:27 at 30.2 mph. CLASS 5: Six laps. Two starters, one · finisher, one DNF. Paul Gerhardt got the starting pole position in class at the green flag in car #508, but struggled to even complete one lap before he DNF'd. That left Jeff Nutter in car #529 as the sole competi-tor in class against -the dez'.at Barstow. Nutter won; First Place in class in 07:26:50 at 32.8 mph. CLASS 1300: Five laps. Nine entries, nine starters, five finishers, four DNFs. Not many open desert races are won on the first lap, and this one was no exception. The top three starters at the green flag all DNF'd after the first lap. Tom Burke was the first racer out of the the wavin' uv' the gr'en, and the first out of the running in car #563, before he even got in one lap of fun. Aaron Aspel was number two in the chute in car #573, he finished Lap 1 in the lead, and -DNF; trailer time. Ed Allred, car #591, started in the number three position and also DNF'd after Lap 1. Mark Lundberg got in two laps in car #569, before his day of fun was done, too. DNF. Quick carnage. What was left of the Class 5-1600 pack would all go on to fin-ish the race. After all the carnage got sorted out, and after start-ing in the number six spot in Continued next page New Praduct:s NewPradui JI &DDTA WIIBBIS Beadlock Black I Blue Colors Red / Polished Size ao_cenler Mount Hub Kil l.i Gliding Axles Available for Plunging + NonPlung. CV's w/ CNC or Brembo Calipers Ultimate Strength 300M Size 30 Center Star Built-In Starter & Ballast Die-Cast Aluminum Haus, 35 Watt H.I.D. Bulb Driving/Euro Beam Pat ngAxle nPlungi Size 30 4CV The big winner in the Class 1/2-1600 battle was David Girdner, but it was close, his competition was a mere three minutes in arrears. Dusty Times ~ June 2007 Page 23

Page 24

Lee Perfect was right there in the battle all race long, a longer than Ken Owens lost almost an hour on his fourth lap but he held on and usual fifth lap relegated him to a third place finish. took a decent third place finish in the Class 78 conflict. Cameron Sinohui led the first lap, had big problems on his second lap but hun on to take a third place finish in class. Jason LaFortune drove his good looking Jeep to a nice win in the Class 1400 fracas, he's seen here just at takeoff. A really great win went to Steve Rose, he drove his Class 7A truck to the win, seen here ready for a long flight. class, Mike Boone was in the lead in car #589, at the end of Lap 3; with a 15 minute lead over the second position car in class. Ken Tolbert had moved the KSt Racing car #578 up to second position in class after three laps; after starting in sev-enth spot. Art Savedra hit a hole wrong on Lap 1 in car #599, and pinched a nerve in his back pretty bad. And then hit another hole that put a hurt on his co-driver Lorenzo Lorenzana, #599. Is the car still OK? ErrrR ... I mean, I hope you guys are OK. That left the driving duties for Laps 2-5 to Donald 'XYZ' Harper, from Lancaster, CA to bring home the bacon; along with co-driver Louis Ruiz. Savedra/Harper was in third spot in car #599 after Lap 3, but he was almost 30 minutes be-hind the number two spot car #578; of Ken Tolbert. Tom Volk had moved car #553 up from an eighth place start, to fourth spot after three laps. Richard Garravito was now running in fifth spot in car #555, after be-ing in second position after the first lap. Two more laps to go. Mike Boone, from Orange County, CA found the fastest line to the winner's circle in the Wicked Creations car #589, get-ting to the checkered flag in 05:48:59 at 35.8 mph, to win First Place in class for the day. "We ran it at 70% all day, and ran our first race this weekend. done. Lap 3 -ooops, there goes everything worked well", said As we are rookies with little driv-another one. L ap 4 -another Boone. "It was a good day, and ing experience, our goal was to one bites the dust. Who's left? no flats." And, with a 20 minute finish. After the third lap (and Who is in first? cushion ahead of the Second three flat tires), our times First Place? That would be Place winner, Ken Tolbert in the showed us in third spot, as two Correy Torres in the Mahoney KST Racing car #578; too. of the fast guys were broken. On Racing car #989. Torres, out of Tolbert got to the finish line in Lap 4, my 17 year old son took Las Vegas, NV finished the race 05:58:39 at 34.0 mph. Art over the driving and at about in 05:34:56 at 36.5 mph; with Savedra and Donald 'The Come Mile 10 they had an electrical 40 minutes of breathing room to Back Kid' Harper, brought car problem -which was fixed after spare ahead of the second place #599 to the checkered flag in about 45 minutes; though this finisher. "It was hot! It was very 06:25: 18 at 31. 7 mph, for the allowed the two fastest guys to dusty. Second gear broke on Lap Third Place in class win. DT: do their fixes and they passed us 4; *#@*!", Torres said after the 'How was your race?' "We hit a late on Lap 4. Nonetheless, race. Aahhh* The sweet smell of pot hole at a 45-degree angle at Team Network Performance was victory. Adonis Barela won Sec-MM 16, and Art hurt his back. very pleased to finish fifth out ond Place in class in the Barn Then we had two flat tires", said of five cars that did finish and Burners -Deere car #909, com-Lorenzo. "E-ticket Ride!", said the car was in great shape. We pleting the five required laps in co-driver Ruiz. Nice bit of driv-set our goal and met it. My goal 06:12:37 at 32.8 mph. Barela, ing there, Kid. Richard right now is to get my iS year from Barstow, CA drove Laps 1-Garravito found the fast line of old daughter tuned up on co-3, and J.D. Ward got in the the day in class and won the Fast driving and get my wife in the pilot's seat for Laps 4 and 5. Lap Honors on Lap 5 in car car in whatever capacity she feels "Awesome!", said Barela. "It was #555, blistering the track in most comfortable. Time to start perfect all day long; no flats ei-1:01:08 at 39.9 mph. That honing our skills and pick up ther." Don't cha' just love it helped to get Garravito the the pace." The right ingredients when that happens?! Ron Rash Fourth Place win, in 07:18:42 at of off road racing, I think; fam-completed the five laps in 27.8 mph. ily, fun, friends. 06:21:23 at 32.0 mph to win Tom Volk really fell off the CLASS 900: Third Place in car #973. Chris pace on Lap 4 in car #553, but Five lap . Eighteen entries, Dunne got it done in 07:24:47 still got it to the finish line in eighteen starters, seven finish-at 27.5 mph in car #914, to win 07:41:31 at 26.6 mph, to win ers, 11 DNFs. M.O.R.E. carnage. Fourth Place in class. Fifth Place. "Our 5-1600 (#553) Four Class 900 racers were out It was a very eventful day, of is an old one that was run in all of the race, right out of the box; a different kind, for Mike Ward the .big races with SCORE and before the first lap was even in car #975, too. "We started Best In The Desert. Over the last done, and another one followed, near the back of the pack and four months Rulo (Raul Solano) after the first lap was done. And were making some good time at ORAF completely rebuilt the another four cars followed after and making up positions at the car with a few upgrades and we .that, after the second lap was same time; until we sprung an ....,,,.,...-_....,,,,.,.,....,,.,,,,,,,,,,..,,..,,,""'"',,,,,"""'"""""""""""'"'"""""'"""""" oil leak in a line. Good thing my co-driver, and uncle, John Ward, saw the oil pressure light come on. Well, we 'McGivered' that problem, and then s_topped by our outer Hodge Road pit -who had scrounged up some oil from an awesome guy in a Nissan X-Terra. After that, we were pain-fully behind and had to come from dead last. At the beginning of Lap 4, we made a pit stop, where Robert Allen climbed in for a ride in the co-driver's seat. Lap 4 was fast even with the 10 minute pit stop. Lap 5, however, was not-so-fast because at ap-proximately MM17, our trans-mission started making some 'bad' noises. We limped the car in to the finish. After a day like that, Fifth Place isn't that bad. I would like to thank the whole Get-R-Done Motorsports team." Ward got it done -in 07:48:29, ~at 26.1 mph to win Fifth Place in class in car #97 5 for the day. Nice job. CLASS 1450: Four laps. Eight entries, four finishers, four DNFs. Two Sportsman's class trucks made it through the first lap before they DNF'd, and two more made it through the end of Lap 3 before they saw the trailer too. That left four racers still in the running on the last and final lap. Jason La Fortune, from Alta Loma, CA got to the checkered flag in 05:57:44 in the Temperamental Racking truck #3797, at 27.3 mph, to win First Place in class. "We had a pinhole leak in the ra-diator. It was rough. lt was awe-some!", said Lafortune. Mitch Pederson, out of Victorville, CA motored the Hensel Phelps Con-struction Co. truck #1477 to the Second Place in class win, in 06:17:11 at 25.9 mph. Ruben Camas got to ride 'shotgun' the whole way. Pederson's Toyota race truck still has the heater, A/ C, and stock 22R motor, but it also comes equipped with 19 inches of travel at each corner. "The course was jacked up, and there was sooo much dust on Lap 1. We're having a ball!", said Pederson . A third place finish in Class 7A went to Steve Jacketti, he's seen Lenny Holder lost a couple of minutes a lap to the leader, he finished Richard Garavito suffered through a terribly long third lap but hung here just at liftoff heading for the flag. in fourth place in the competitive Class 1 race. in for a fourth place finish in the 5-1600 fracas. Page 24 June 2007 Dusty Times

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Chris Dunne was a bit off the winning pace, had a long third lap but hung in for a not too bad fourth place finish in Class 9. Mike McGee had a bad first lap, then he got it going and when the A fifth place finish in Class ½-1600 went to Kevin Denault, seen checkers flew he was in the fourth spot in Class 10. here at high speed on his way to the checkers. The battle for third and fourth place in Class 1450 was a back and forth race in itself, too. In truck # 1470 is Cameron Sinohui. In truck # 1469 is Shawn Walters. Lap 1 -truck #1470, Cameron Sinohui "Our first lap worked out well, and at the end of Lap 1 we were in the lead in our class. Our first lap was also our fastest at 2: 14:29, setting the fastest lap of the day for the class. No pit stop. Around MM26 on Lap 2 the truck began to handle badly; the bracket holding the steering rack to the truck had broken. I ratchet-strapped it back onto the truck and set a slow pace to the next pit location. We were greeted by our remote pit crew with the part we needed, and no more than 10 minutes later we were on our way again. During our down time we lost two positions, dropping us back to third place." "At the ~nd of Lap 2, we mad_e the decision to pit and have the crew take a look at the truck and verify the ratchet straps were still holding up be-fore we set out on our last lap. The straps were good, but a dif-ferent problem was found; one of the bolts that hold the rear suspension together had unthreaded and was nearly ready to collapse. The URBT pit crew had it fixed in about five minutes. Meanwhile, we were three minutes behind the third place truck. We caught them around MM 15 and stayed be-hind them in the dust for the next 15 miles. By MM30 we passed them and were able to put 56 seconds time between us at the finish line. We finished the required 160 miles in 06:38:38 at an average speed of 24.5' mph, to win Third Place." Truck# 1469, Shawn Walte~s -"Our truck has always had plenty of power, but we lack the suspension travel that our com-petition seem to have lots of. We started off with troubles on our first lap when we lost the castle nut on the upper ball joint. We were able to secure it with a spare lug nut, that held long enough so we could limp to our It was an easy win for Paul Vidal in Class 11, he led all the way and when the checkers flew he had a 40 minute cushion at the flag. closest chase team. They didn't waste any time correcting the problem, and we were off and running again with about 45 minutes of down time. Through-out the race, we got progressively faster. The last lap is where things got interesting. By the time we went by MM 10, our chase team told us we were do-ing well and good job on just passing #1470. But we never passed him. He caught up to us. The race was on." #1470 stayed right in our dust until he finally made a pass on us around MM32. A call came over the radio from Main Pit. It was crew chief and owner Carl Walters "Hammer down. Pour it all on and do not let up", was the command. I fol-lowed directions and laid all 400 horses to the floor. We blew up two rear shocks, bent a rear end, collapsed the front skid plate, and cracked a frame, but somehow we made a bit of time up. However, the starting order got mixed up and on cor-rected time we were around two minutes behind #1470 at the checkered flag. It was a good race, and everyone had a blast. The Main Pit crew and chase crews enjoyed every bit of it.-and we at El Gato Racing appre-ciate their time and dedica-tion." Doesn't get much better than that. Walters finished in 06:40:05 at 24.4 mph to win Fourth Place. CLASS 7: Four laps. Nine entries, nine starters, four finishers, five DNFs. It was a busy race day for the chase and pit crews. Five of the nine starters in class had DNF'd after Lap 2. Steve Rose, from Barstow CA was in the lead by 00:02: 19 in truck #729, at the end of Lap 1. Tyler Fox was in the lead by 00:00:51 in truck #723, at the end of Lap 2; after turning in the Fast Lap of the day in class at 37.8 mph in 1:04:41. #723 DNF'd after that. Steve Rose was still run-ning in second spot at th.e end of Lap 2 in the Rose Racing truck #729, and drove it to the finish line in 04:46:00 at 34.2 mph to win First Place in class. Robbie Cockrell drove Laps 1-3+, and Rose drove the last lap to the winner's circle. #729 is the old '93 Ford Ranger of Perry McNeil: stock 4.0L; C4 trans; 12-inch travel, I-beam front, 16-inch rear travel. "lt got hot out there. The track was rough and rocky. We had two flats", Cockrell reported. Eduardo and Eric Gonzalez, from Lucerne Valley, CA fin-ished in Second Place in truck #739; and '83 Ford Ranger with 12 inches of travel up front, and 18 inches of rear wheel travel. -"The truck ran good, but we ===========; Richard Woods was the second place finisher in the Trophy Challenge, he's seen here with everything up in the air. were only running 20 psi through the filters and pickups on Lap 3. The front end didn't work well all day", said Gonzalez. The smile at the Awards Presentation told a slightly different story. Steve Jacketti, from Riverside, CA won Third Place in class in truck #749, getting to the check-ered flag in 05:21:58 at 30.3 mph. Tom Bladavich was co-driver. "We lost the spare tire on Lap 1, but we finished one; for a change", said Jacketti. "The course was tight and tech-nical, and rough -even for Barstow". Javier Avila finished the race in 07:26:34 at 21.9 mph in truck #721, to win Fourth Place in class. CLASS 1100: Three laps. Eight entries, eight starters, four finishers, four DNFs. Ann Naso -car #1169, Robert Henderson -car #1119, and Steve Landis -car #1171, all DNF'd before their fi.rst lap of fun was done. Gena Ptasinski followed in car #1188, after two laps. Through all the dust and dirt and carnage, Paul Vidal from Bloomington, CA got to the checkered flag the fastest to win First Place in class in the TNT Racing car # 1106. Vidal finished the required three laps in 04:51:57 at 25.1 mph. #1106 also won the Fast Lap Honors and bragging rights o n Lap 3 at 27.1 mph, in 1:30:01. "We had one flat. The course was rough, even for Barstow. We lost our brakes, and the throttle stuck", Vidal said. Sounds about like par fo r the course for Barstow. Travis McGee, out of Garden Grove, CA won Second Place in class in the Wicked Creations car # 1133. "We broke the ex-haust at MM7, we tucked the front bumper at MM20, and we lost the rear bumper at - I don't know where. But we had no flats, and we did have fun!", said McGee. That's the spirit! BTW: # 1133 is also missing some body parts, and your front headlight is hanging out, too. Gavin Drake won Third Place in class in car # 1199, crossing the finish line in 06:06:54 at 20.0 mph. Chip Rodriguez got the Fourth Place win in car #1191, finishing the three laps in 06: 15:41 at 19.5 mph. That's a wrap for this 'dusty' reporter. Course B at Barstow beat quite a few this round. Open desert, off road racing isn't afways a pretty picture, but it sure is fun playing in the dust and dirt with your favorite toys. The next M.O.R.E. race is scheduled for May 26 at Johnson Valley in Lucerne, CA (off Bessemer Mine Road). It's Course B -40.4 miles. Very fast, and very little rough. !!!&:.!--.£: ,...,.,-=-----===-""""'--_______ ,,,,,,,,_,,,,, A more than two hour first lap wasn't in the plan but Shawn Walters Kevin Shain had a pretty good race, he took the Ultra Truck gold Eduardo Gonzalez was just a wee bit off the winning pace in the came bfJck strong and finished a very decent fourth place. medal in spite of a terribly long first lap. Class 7A race, he was a decent second place at the finish. Dusty Times June 2007 Page 25

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RALLY Nl!W YORK Donnelly/Gallagher Go 2•FOf•2 TFXT & PHOTOS: THOMAS BARKER Celsus Donnelly and Noel Gallagher were first overall, first in Open A WD in their Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 8. Celsus Donnelly/Noel Gallagher (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 8) followed up their season-opening victory in the U.S. Rally Championship's Sandblast Rally (South Carolina) by winning Rally New York USA. Despite mechanical problems early in the rally, and electrical problems late, the Irish-American duo were a minute and a half ahead of Enda McCormack/Bernard Farrell (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 6) at the final checkpoint. The U.S. Rally Champion-ship organizers have elected to split their series into Atlantic and Pacific divisions this season. Drivers and co-drivers will com-pete within their own half of the country, and both divisions will be included in the final and de-ciding round, the Laughlin In-ternational Rally (this November in Laughlin, Nevada). Thus Donnelly/Gallagher have a big lead among the Easterners, but how their scores will compare with those from Out West will not be known until after that half of the series opens with the Rim of the World Rally at the end of April. Ivan Orisek and his Rally New York Ltd. team designed an all paved route for Rally New York USA last year. But this time the local authorities did not make sufficient asphalt avail-able, so the rally officials elected to run two paved legs of 43 spe-cial stage miles on Saturday morning, and three legs of dirt and gravel totaling 50 stage miles Saturday afternoon and evening. (For the of the local New York Rally Champion-ship, the paved and loose por-tions were each scored as one round of the series.) Only the ceremonial start was held on Friday evening, in the host town of Narrowsburg. Although the Northeastern U.S. has generally suffered a cold Spring, the Catskill Moun-tains in New York State were blessed with mild, sunny condi-tions at the end of March. The snow and ice had melted off the roads and most of the shoulders, although Spring run-off left spots of sand and rocks on oth-erwise clear roads. 2006 U.S. Rally Champion Seamus Burke (who won this event in '06 and was runner-up last year), started at number one with co-driver Eddie Fries (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9). Donnelly/Gallagher started at number two. McCormack/ Farrell, fresh from third in the Sandblast, had the third starting position. 2006 winners Tom First Open 2WD went to Joshua and Jeremy Wimpey, they're seen here in their VW Golf GT rushing through the forest. Lawless/Graham Quinn were WRX). Enda McCormack/Ber-absent this time. Also missing nard Farrell (McCormack Con-were many of the stars of the ri- tractor, Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 6) val Rally America series. were third, a further 12 seconds The health of the two-wheel-back. Celsus Donnelly/Noel drive contingent was a pleasant Gallagher (Donnelly General surprise. After only three cars Contractor Mitsubishi Lancer last year, 20 front-or rear-drive Evo 8) held fourth from Patrick cars showed up this time. And Lilly/Thomas Taggart (NC Rally while the all-wheel-drive cars Subaru Impreza WRX). were almost entirely Subarus O'Brien's Subaru was brand and Mitsubishis, the 2WD divi- new, and he admitted that it was sion included BMW (2 cars), suffering from teething prob-Ford (6), Honda (1), Mazda (2), !ems. The pedal was too soft and Mitsubishi (1), Nissan (2), Saab the stopping less than adequate. (1), Subaru (1), Toyota (1) and The service crew bled the brakes Voi.kswagen (3). The Ford Focus during stops, which didn't solve contingent was the biggest with the problem. Donnelly's car was five cars. also having car problems -in his On Friday evening, the caseitwasalackofpower,which Burke/Fries Mitsubishi led the the mechanics solved on the first field away from the ceremonial service stop by rebuilding the start in the center of the town waste gate. of Narrowsburg. Everyone then Donnelly and Brennan had a night's· rest before check-picked up the pace relative to ing out of the official control the others, and were tied for the starting at 7 a.m. on Saturday lead after eight stages (the end morning. Burke, coming off en-of the paved section). Donnelly gine failures in his first two admitted that this was despite events this year was disap-losing ten seconds to a spin on pointed almost as soon as he Stage 8. O'Brien was 12 seconds started the first special stage. down in third, having had two The electrics of the Shamrock spins (worth an estimated half a Building Systems Mitsubishi minute) which he blamed on the failed, thought by the crew to be lack of braking. McCormack was a faulty ignition sensor. holding down fourth from At the end of the first leg of Gerard Coffey/Dave Dooley four stages, Daniel O'Brien/ (Jose O'Reilly-sponsored Dominik Jozwiak (NC Rally Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 8). Subaru Impreza WRX) took first Shortly before 2 p.m. the by seven seconds from Patrick competitors stopped for the mid-Brenna n/Sha ne McCann rally lunch and service break. (Automaster Subaru Impreza For some this was an opportu-Performance Proven for D.esert & Off-Road Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding & Water Tanks Bulk Storage &_ Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks Quality Products & Friendly Service RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-0759 • 15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX us to Receive a Free Catalog ~---------------~---------------------------------------~ Page 26 June 2007 Dusty Times

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Emilio Arce and SarahGardeseu took the win in Production A WD The 2nd Open A WD award went to Enda McCormick and Bernard Larry Duane and Eamon Sweeney drove their Toyota Celica to a in their Subaru 2. 5 RS, seen here settin up for a shar: left hander. Farrell, seen here in their Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 6. second place in Open 2WD and they were 10th overall as well. Hampton Bridwell and Josh Katinger were the first Ford across Justin Chiodo and Adam Wangerin had some fun, they finished fifth Mike Hall and Dave Stockdill finished 11th overall, 3rd in Open the finish line, 2nd Production 2WD in their Focus. in Production 2WD and were 18th overall in their Honda Civic Si. 2WD in their Mitsubishi Mighty Max. nity to change from tarmac to was running as well as it was first on the way out. Celsus turned cations Audi S2 Quattro) admit-from 33rd starting position. loose surface suspension. time out of the box -he was up off some of the auxiliary lights, ted that they were driving for a Garrido was pleased with the Brennan's Automaster crew also to second after three legs. but his luck and the electrics finish, since they were coming event, and very happy with the changed a cracked brake rotor. McCormack was three seconds held up long enough for him to off dnfs in their last two out-pavement suspension set-up that Unfortunately, the in back of him in third. Coffey reach the final control back in ings. Gardner had also suffered they had chosen. Automaster team's quick disc was holding down fourth from Narrowsburg. from a 24 hour stomach bug on Our unofficial press-on award change came to naught. On the O'Brien's teammates Patrick Brothers Joshua and Jeremy Friday night (Mantopoulos goes to Larry Duane/Eamonn first gravel stage, Brennan hit a Lilly/Thomas Taggart. Wimpey (Volkswagen Golf GT) drove the car through the cer- Sweeney, who suffered a broken rock with the Subaru's right The NC Rally crew changed climbed into the top five during emonial start without him), but transmission on the way to rear, putting him out immedi-the brake bias adjuster on the gravel legs, finally placing looked much more fit on rally Saturday's start. The service ately with suspension damage. O'Brien's Subaru at the service fourth overall and first in the day. They placed seventh overall crew fixed it, they started the Donnelly also clipped a rock, break after Stage 12. Daniel re-Open 2WD class. Despite the and sixth in the Open AWD rally, and drove to tenth overall, possibly the same one, but he ported to us that this cleared up lack of all-wheel-drive, they fin- class. second in Open 2WD. As with was more fortunate -the car the problem. McCormack ished ahead of Coffey (Mitsu) Emilo Arce/Sarah Gardescu the overall winners, the lesson emerged undamaged. slipped past him for second soon and Lilly (Subaru). (Subaru 2.5 RS) placed ninth was that one can't be too quick Donnelly was obviously after, and O'Brien elected to Scott Gardner/Constantine overall and second among Open to give up when the machinery happy with his car and pulled pace himself and drive for a po-Mantopoulos (D&S Comm uni-2WD, having worked their way isn't working properly. __ . .,,. out to a 28-second lead on the dium finish. third leg (Stages 9-12). O'Brien On Stage 18 the volunteer on was still dissatisfied with the Donnelly's Mitsu began to drop, brakes but pleased that the car warning that the alternator was Dusty Times June 2007 Page 27

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~ BUFFALO ■ILL•s 400 Finch Takes Class ID And The overall BY ]OHN CALVIN Phillip Finch and Danny Hanes took the Class 10 win with ease, they were also the overall winners in their Chenowth Honda. It was a great weekend for off road racing in the Southern Ne-vada desert, the temperatures were into the 80's during the day, there were a few clouds but nothing serious, the nights dropped down into the high S0's and there was a decent breeze on race day to help the racers find their way through the dust and silt. The course was a really tough one, a lap was just a bit under 90 miles and it was a rough 90 miles. There was a lot of car breaking and the finishing rate wasn't too high. The course skirted the Sheep Mountains as you headed toward Primm, you got close to Roach Dry Lake, then wound your way back north through Hidden Valley and then a 15 mile sprint back to the Start/Finish. As usual; they started by class, two abreast, every minute so there was lots of drag racing go-ing on. A total of 121 cars and trucks took the green flag, 41 of them got in all their required laps, a finishing rate of 34%. Seven cars started in the Class 1 conflict, Brian Coneen was the leader on the first lap, Chuck Rodrick was next to cross the line, he was three minutes behind the leader, Rick Wilcoxon came along in third place, Jeff Perkins was fourth, 'ol buddy Jim Temple was in fifth place, T.J. Flores ran in the sixth spot, having broken two axles on his tour and Pat Allen was the seventh place finisher after a five and a half hour lap. At the end of the second of their five required laps it was Tim Everts, in for Brian Coneen, still in the lead, Rick Wilcoxon had moved up a spot into second place, he was about half an hour in arrears, T.J. Flores had moved up into third place and Jeff Perkins held on in fourth place. Chuck Rodrick, Jim Temple and Pat Allen were nowhere to be found. The Coneen/Keller/Everts were the big Class 1 winners, they led the class all the way and had two hours in hand at the flag. Lap 3 ended and Tim Everts place and David Norris ran in still led the class, Rick Wilcoxon the fifth spot. Ken Flippin Jr. remained in the second spot, he was in sixth place, Keith Hughes was 13 minutes in arrears and was seventh, Dave Matsui was in Jeff Perkins was running in third eighth place, Michael Deardorff place. T.J. Flores was off the ran in ninth and J.C. Dean was scoring chart having broken yet in 10th place. In the 11th spot another axle on the car. was C.J. Hutchins, Tyler Crouse Another lap came to an end ran in 12th and Garfield Davies and Tim Everts still led, Rick was 13th, having to replace an Wilcoxon was still in second alternator along the way. Brice place, he was now only six min-Crawford, Rod Colbert, Kevin utes behind the leader and Jeff Curtis and Corey Cook failed to Perkins had also disappeared complete their first lap. from the fray. At the end of their second The checkers flew and Paul lap, it was still Kelly Boyle lead-Keller, who was in for Tim ing the pack, Phillip Finch had Everts took home all the moved up a spot into second marbles. They had collected place, he was 14 minutes behind three flat tires along the way. the leader, David Norris had Rick Wilcoxon had a four hour moved up two spots into third lap with big problems but he did place, Ken Flippin Jr. was also get his car home for a second up two spots, he was now in place finish in the Class 1 battle. fourth place and Michael There were 17 starters in Deardorff was in fifth place. C.J. Class 10 but only three of them Hutchins was up five places into would see the checkered flag. sixth place, Dave Matsui was up When the first of their five re- a spot into seventh place, Will quired laps ended it was Kelly Higman had problems with a c.v. Boyle showing the way, Will boot and dropped six places into Higman was in second place, he eighth place and Garfield Davies was three minutes in arrears, was up four places into ninth, having lost a power steering belt even though she was stuck in the along the way, Phillip Finch was silt for a while. Bill Woodward, in third place, he was four min-Keith Hughes, J.C. Dean and utes behind the leader, Bill Tyler Crouse had all retired Woodward came along in fourth from the race. The third lap came to an end and it was still Kelly Boyle in the lead, Danny Hanes was in for Phillip Finch and held on in the second spot, he was seven min-utes in· arrears, Ken Flippin Jr. had picked up a spot, he was now in third place, Michael Deardorff was up a spot into fourth and Will Higman was up three places into fifth. C.J. Hutchins held on in sixth place, Dave Matsui was still running seventh and Garfield Davies was in eighth place, with no front brakes, a broken shock and ready to call it a day. David Norris was out of the race. Corey Goin and Warren Messick beat 34 other competitors in Class 1600 in their brand new car, seen here ready for a rough landing. Andy Schiffanelli drove his really good looking truck to an easy victory in Class 8, seen here headin' for the checkers. At the end of the fourth lap there were only six Class 10 cars Continued next page Erik Earnest only got in one lap, he was not alone, the whole Rick Wilcoxon had major problems on his last lap but he carried Will Higman had major problems on his second lap but he poured Class 5 group only got in one lap, he's seen here under power. on and took the silver medal in the Class 1 contest. the coal on and was the second Class 10 across the finish line. Page 28 June 2007 Dusty Times

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. . . . . • . . • • •• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . ·• . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ... -.. ..... ·• . . . . ... ·• . .. . : .. ~.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . " . . . . . . . " . . ·:.••~: ····~~~·~-·•~::.~::•::-Present The: . . . . . . . . .. • • . .. . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . · .. -~. • • ♦ . Series wou r sponsor . • •• . . . . . .. . . . . . . " . . .. RA ... ~~p~ Series Sponsor Official Tire Series Sponsor * $5,000 1st place with 10 cars in class ** All 1st place finishers in every class eligible for the Bonus Drawing Dusty Times June 2007 Page 29

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Gary Messer and Gerado tribe had a pretty good run, they were Matt Towery drove 3 laps, Barry Hopfe drove the last lap, and, in Rick Poole started, gave the car to Chris Faulkner on the first lap the second place finishers in the Class 1600 fracas. spite of a rollover, they took second place in Class 8. and Chris drove the car to a second place finish in Class 9. running and the new leader was fourth, Ken Flippin Jr. dropped their last lap for the checkers, it hamper them on the rough !ems on the last lap finished in Danny Haines, Will Higman had two places, he was now in fifth was Phillip Finch, back in the course. Will Higman came third place. Michael Deardorff, moved up into second place, he place and Dave Matsui was up a car, taking a big win in their across the line in second place, C.J. Hutchins and Dave Matsui was 23 minutes behind the spot into sixth place. Kelly Boyle Honda powered Chenowth, a he was some 20 minutes behind were unable to complete their fi-leader, Michael Deardorff was and Garfield Davies were on fitting tribute to Mike Thomas, the leader, he too had a few flat nal lap. up a spot into third place, C.J. their trailers. who recently passed away. The tires to contend with and Ken The Class 5 cars were next to Hutchins was up two spots into When they came around on boys only had two flat tires to Flippin Jr., who had some prob-go, there were three of them, Corey Torres was the Class 9 victor, he drove solo, had no real problems, got stuck in the silt for a bit on his last lap. Dusty Times Raul Solano and Billy Worthing shared the driving, had a few flats but came on to take the Class 5-1600 win. June 2007 they all had high hopes but none of them made it through the sec-ond of their five required laps. At the end of their first lap it was Erik Earnest in the lead, Mike Grabowski came along a minute later and Jim Yarshay was blessed with an almost 11 hour lap. That was all she wrote, none of these guys were seen again, a very sad day for Class 5. Class 1/2-1600 had no less than 35 entries, all spoiling for a fight but here too..\ the attrition was high and the tinishing rate was 40%. When the cars started to come around after their first of five required laps it was Jay Shain with the lead, Sammy Continued next page Page 31 ---

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--Rina Navera, 1st 3 laps and Derrick Speerstra, last lap took second A couple of flats, running out of gas, that didn't keep Wesley Stephens Jillian Rootring drove the first lap, Paul Bailey drove the rest, place in Class 5-1600, in spite of a rollover on the 1st lap. from taking a nice second place finish in Unlimited Sportsman. · they finished a decent second place in Limited Sportsman. Ehrenberg was in second place, few seconds later. Don Wall was · the end of their second of five Messer was in 14th place, Eddie in ninth place, Eddie Frehner he was two minutes in arrears, 21st in, Bob Matthews was the required laps it was Bryan Free-Frehner was in for Orio Cox Ill, was running 10th, Frank Puglia -Greg Boyer was third in, he was 22nd car to cross the line, man leading the pack, Mike he had taken over at the halfway ran in the 11th spot and Brian just some 40 minutes back, Mike Monte Wadsworth came along Sandoval was in the second spot, point and ran in the 15th spot Collins Jr. ran 12th. These last Sandoval was running in fourth in 23rd place, Nie Lyon was 24th he was less than a minute in ar-and Bob Matthews was up eight three were so close on elapsed place and Bryan Freeman was in in and Scott Smith was 25th. rears, Greg Boyer remained in places, running in 16th. Brian time to each other, that their ac-fifth place. Jeff Carr was in sixth Brent McKee was in 26th place, third place, Jay Shain had Collins Jr. ran in 17th place, tual positions were one and the place, Rick Boyer was running Ed Bonanni came across in 27th dropped to fourth place and Don Wall was in 18th place, Josh same. Brad Wilson was running seventh, Jeff Farshler ran in place, David Schweigart was in Rick Boyer was in the fifth spot. Urioste was 19th, Nie Lyon ran in 13th place, Nie Lyon ran in eighth place, Kenny Freeman 28th place, Rick Gutierrez ran In sixth place it was Jeff Carr, in 20th place and Monte 14th place, Don Wall was in was in ninth place and Corey in the 29th spot, Ken Cox Jr. was Kenny Freeman was in the sev-Wadsworth was in 21st place. 15th place, Bob Matthews was Goin ran in the 10th spot. In running 30th and Tom Burns enth spot, Corey Goin moved up Jeff Farshler was 22nd, Sammy 16th and Curt Geer was in 17th 11th place was Curt Geer, Byron was the 31st and final car to fin- a few spots into eighth place in Ehrenberg was 23rd, Curt Geer place. Josh Urioste was in 18th Ziegler made it an even dozen, ish the lap. Ruben Rodriguez, spite of a flat along the way, was running in 24th place, Ed place, Jeff Farshler was 19th, Brad Inch ran in the unlucky Jasper Dyer, Reuben Wilson and Travis Fletcher, who was in for Bonanni was 25th, Ken Cox Jr. Sammy Ehrenberg ran in 20th 13th position, Brian Collins Jr. Brian Benson failed to complete Brad Inch was running ninth was 26th and David Schweigart place and Monte Wadsworth was was 14th in and Josh Urioste ran their first lap. Brian, we might and was having some brake prob-ran 27th. On their respective in 21st place. Kenny Freeman in the 15th position. Brad Wil-note, lost control of his car a few !ems and Byron Ziegler was up trailers were Scott Smith, Brent was in 22nd place, Jay Shain was son was 16th across the line, miles into the race, rolled it, into 10th place and Brad Wilson McKee and Rick Gutierrez. 23rd, Ed Bonanni was running Orio Cox Ill was in 17th place, ended up straddling the course was up six places into 11th place. Third lap ended and Bryan 24th, Ken Cox Jr. was 25th, and Frank Puglia ran in 18th, Grant and was T-boned by another car, Frank Puglia was up into 12th Freeman continued· to lead the David Schweigart was in 26th Fluegge was 19th across the line fortunately, just bruised a bit. place, Grant Fluegge was up pack, Greg Boyer was keeping place and Travis Fletcher was in and Gary Messer came along a When they came around at seven places into 13th, Gary Bryan in sight, he was less than 27th place after a rather hard Worlc::twide benchmark manufacturer of military-epecificetlon wiring eyeterna for all motOl"t!!lport; epplicatione MoTeC Engine Management and Date AcquisitJon Systems Robuet 32-bit sequenti~J fuel and spark oontrol systems built to withstsnd xtreme r-ecing er-,d pre-running ~ri~r~hr,,,eht. Turn-key systems available for all AQPUler-off-road engine peckag s. Digital display end date acquisition systems for ell levels of competition. Engine end chassis dynamometel"! services available. Sakata Motorsport Electronics, Inc. 1217 N. Patt Street Anaheim, CA 92801 (714) 446-9473 I Fax: (714) 446-9247 www Page 32 Utilizing tha finest; .Raychem System 25 components, the Industry stender"d for ell professlonel reoing sanctions. Engineering, eesembly, end comprehetnsive teeting performed 100% in-house. Col'T"lplete herness assemblies end circuit oontr'OI components ere aveileble to suit your budget. High-Accuracy Air-Fual Ratio Matera Lightweight, stend-alone system works with ell engines end elternete fuels -cerbureted or fuel Injected. For the dedicated engine tuner who needs to know exsctlywhst their engine le c;loing. No fleshing lights -just the fecte ... Ns17 it to t!t number! #::>~<~-=~ IVICJTC>ASPDAT ELECTRONICS IN"e~ rn.t!IIKI. conneotFc,ns ... June 2007 five minutes behind the leader, flip in the outback. Jeff Carr had moved up into Next to last lap in the 1600 third place, Rick Boyer was battle and now it was Greg Boyer fourth, Corey Goin had moved in the lead, Jeff Carr was second, up from eighth place into fifth he was less than a minute be-place and was handing the car hind the leader, Warren Messick over to Warren at the was now in third place, Gerardo halfway point, and Mike lribe was in fourth place and Sandoval was in sixth place. Rick Boyer was in fifth place. Gerardo lribe was in for Gary Grant Fluegge was running in Messer ·and was now in seventh sixth place, Frank Puglia was in place, Grant Fluegge was up an-seventh place, Eddie Frehner other five places, he was now in was in eighth place, Don Wall eighth place, Byron Ziegler was was in ninth "place and Bryan Bryan Adams gave it his all, he completed three of the four required laps and was shown as the Champ Car class winner. Brian Crew drove his three required laps, had a bunch of flats but took the Unlimited Sportsman win, seen here at speed. Dusty Times

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Jesse Ware had fuel supply problems all race long but he kept it Brandon Benson drove lap 1, Johnathan Allison the last two laps, Ken Flippin Jr. didn't have the best of days, he was able to grab going and finished in second place in Class 1450. some minor problems and a nice second place finish in Class 11. a bronze medal finish in the Class 10 contest. Freeman was 10th. Bryan broke Urioste was running 14th and sition. Mike Sandoval, Scott Looks like the right combina-pan kept falling off. Bryan Free-a rocker arm out in the middle Jeff Farshler was in 15th place. Smith, Brent McKee, Rick tion. Gerardo lribe, in Gary man was the sixth place finisher. of nowhere, Bryan Adams, driv-Kenny Freeman was in 16th Gutierrez and Brad Inch were Messick's car was the second A seventh place finish went to ing a Champ Car, stopped and place, Monte Wadsworth ran out of the race. place finisher, just a minute and Jeff Carr, Greg Boyer came in offered Bryan parts out of his en-17th, Nie Lyon was in 18th Final lap, checkered flag and 32 seconds behind the winner, eighth, Bob Matthews was ninth gine, certainly a more than gen-place, Jay Shain ran in 19th and Warren Messick was right there third place went to Rick Boyer, across the line, Brad Wilson was erous act. Brad Wilson was in Byron Ziegler was in 20th place. to take the flag and the dollars. Grant Fluegge finished fourth, the 20th place finisher and 11th place, Sammy Ehrenberg Ed Bonanni was in 21st place, Goin and Messick were in a fifth was taken by Eddie Kenny Freeman, who was having was in 12th, Bob Matthews was Ken Cox Jr. ran 22nd and David brand new car, built by Warren Frehner, a very nice finish in a ball, was the 11th place fin-13th across the line, Josh Schweigart was in the 23rd po-Messick and his son Jimmy. spite of the fact that their floor Continuednextpage "I!""'--Grant Fluegge was a couple of minutes a lap off the winning A decent third place finish in the Class 9 contest went to Joe Bob Gross ran in the third spot for the entire race, a long third lap pace, but he took the third finishing position in Class 1600. Forte, he's seen here heading for the finish line. didn't help but he still took the bronze medal. ,!('IC:QI THE BEAR DF !!il.JfiPENSIDN!!i Dusty Times To find an Authorized Skyjacker4!> Dealer call 866.4.A.DEALER ext. 5052 or visit June 2007 Page 33 -

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-Tom Hood and Steve Gurney had a good race, led the second lap but Pete Mortenson and Bruce Fraley split the driving, they had a fun Garey Leavitt led the first lap in Class 11 but a terribly long a long third lap dropped them to a third place in Unlimited Sportsman. day, finishing third in limited Sportsman. second lap dropped him to a third place finish. Michael Deardoff worked his way up to third in the Class 10 Orio Cox and Eddy Frehner split the driving, had a frisky floor pan Brandon Hughes had third place nailed down in the Class 9 battle battle but he wasn't able to complete his final lap. with a mind of it's own but they still captured 4th in 1600. but a very long last lap dropped him to fourth place. isher. Jeff Farshler finished There were five trucks in the Schiffanelli, Matt Towery had out on their last lap but neither in fourth place and Joe Forte was 12th, Josh Urioste made it 13th, Class 8 battle and they gave it moved up into second place and one was able to complete their in fifth. Chris De Sousa Dias Sammy Ehrenberg was 214th, their all but, alas, none of them Mike Bailey was up into the final lap. was in sixth place, Michael Ward and Nie Lyon was the 15th and would see the checkered flag. third spot. Monte Tibbets and There were 17 cars entered in ran seventh, Rick Moran was in final finisher. Frank Puglia, Don They had five laps to run and at John Reber were on their respec-Class 9, they had four laps to eighth place, Jeff Bowland was Wall, Monte Wadsworth, Jay the end of the first lap it was tive trailers. complete their race and only in ninth place and Todd Lythgoe Shain, Byron Ziegler, Ed Monte Tibbets showing the way Lap 3, there were no changes 23% of them would see the elu- was running in 10th place. Kathy Bonanni, Ken Cox, Jr. and in his truck. In the second spot in position, all three remaining sive checkered flag. When they Kirkmeyerwas in 11th place and David Schweigart all retired it was Andy Schiffanelli, he was contestants were grinding their came around at the end of their Jared Benson was in 12th place. from the race on their fifth lap. half a minute in arrears, next way through the lap. first lap it was Corey Torres Rett Thomas, Kevin Mattes, Hot flash! The Rick Boyer/ Dave across the line was Matt Towery, When the fourth lap ended, showing the way, Rick Poole John Scharf, Thomas Pittman Caspi no car was disqualified by he had laid the truck on its side Schiffanelli held the lead with a drove most of the lap but turned and Geoff Archer failed to com-the BLM for passing in a no pass-but was able to keep going, then good margin over Barry Hopfe the car over to Chris Faulkner plete their first lap. ing zone, moving all the finish-came John Reber and running in who was in for Matt Towery and for the rest of the race and he The second lap went into the ers from fourth place on up a fifth place was Mike Bailey. Mike Bailey was now among the was second across the line, he record books and Corey Torres spot. Sorry this came so late in Second of five laps and the missing. was nine minutes in arrears, still led the way, Chris Faulkner the story. new leader was Andy Schiffanelli and Towery set Brandon Hughes came along held on in second place, he was ,1no11·s 11011. c1aa1ts UST SIZES· 3/4". 1 ", 1 · 1/4", l · 1/2", 1 · 3/4" X .120 IND 1 · 3/4" X .090 IN STOCK NOW AT DISCOUNTED PRICES• ONTARIO 1-800/792-9762 IRWINDAI.£ 1·800/600-PIPE SAN BERNARDINO 1-8111877~6& BURBANK 1-8110/400-3446 HESPERIA 1-800/7-PAlTON lANCASTER SIU /942·2755 6 lOCATIDNS TO SERVE YIU • FOR All YOUR MOAL WORKING NEEDS • •CAU YOUR lOCAL BRANCH mR STOCKED SIZfS Page 34 June 2007 less then a minute later in third now 11 minutes behind the place, Rusty Ruby was running leader, Brandon Hughes still ran DJ Jeffrey and Joe Jeffrey split the driving chores, had no major problems and they took the limited Sportsman win. Garrett Evans was the Class 7 winner, he was the only finisher in class, but it was a very long 11 hour day. Dusty Times

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II Tommy Bradley Jr. and daughter Briana each drove a lap, another driver, whose name we didn't get drove the car in for 4th in limited Sportsman. Bryan Freeman led the first two laps, broke a rocker arm and had to settle for a fifth place finish in Class 1600. Jeff Carr worked his way up to second place in 1600 but major problems dropped him to a sixth place finish. in third place, he was 12 min-where to be seen. utes behi_nd the leader, Chris De At the three quarter mark Sousa. Dias had moved up a few Raul Solano, who was now in for spots mto fo~rth plac_e an~ Joe Billy Worthing still led the pack, F~rte was std! runnmg ft_fth. Rino Navera was still giving Michael Ward was up a spot mto chase but he was now 14 minutes sixth place, Rick Moran was also up a spot into seventh, Jeff Bowland was in eighth place and Kathy Kirkmeyer was in ninth place. Rusty Ruby, Todd Lythgoe and Jared Benson were no longer on the scoring chart. Corey Torres was still the leader of the pack when they fin-ished their third lap, Chris Faulkner was still in the second spot, he was just under 13 min-utes behind Torres, Brandon Hughes still ran in third place, Joe Forte was up another spot into fourth place, Rick Moran was fifth and Chuck Eichelberger, who was in for Jeff Bowland was in sixth place. Out of the running on this lap were Chris De Sousa Dias, Michael Ward and Kathy Kirkmeyer. Fourth lap, last lap, headin' for the barn and it was no sur-prise to see Corey Torres taking the checkered flag, he led the class the entire race. Corey said he got stuck in the silt for a short while on the last lap but it was no big thing. Chris Faulkner had troubles on his last lap, a sticky throttle cable and a bro-ken front spindle but still held on for the silver medal. Joe Forte took the last spot on the podium and Brandon Hughes was the fourth and final finisher. Also lost on this last lap were Rick Moran and Jeff Bowland. Jeff said they had rented the car from Sigal Greenberg, they ran out of gas once but still had a ball. Next to take off for a four lap tour were the Class 5-1600s, there were eight of them but only three would see the checkered flag. When the first lap ended it was Billy Worthing, who was in for Raul Solano in the lead, Rino Navero was run-ning in second place, he was 11 minutes in arrears, having rolled his car out on the course, Rob-ert Gross was in the third spot, he was some 16 minutes behind the leader, Shawn George was in fourth place and Greg Pope was in fifth place. Michael Zivik was the sixth place runner, Glen Mayernick ran in the seventh spot and Richard Diaz was in eighth place. When they fin-ished their second lap it was Raul Solano still showing the way, Billy Worthing held on in the second spot, Robert Gross still ran in third place, Shawn George was first off the podium, Glen Mayernick ran in fifth place and Jake Kelly, who was in for Michael Zivik was sixth. Greg Pope and Richard Diaz were no-Dusty Times behind the leader, Robert Gross was still running in the third spot, Michael Zivik ran in fourth and Glen Mayernick was bring-ing up the rear. Shawn George was on his trailer. June 2007 Last lap, here they come and run. In the second spot it was it is Raul Solano taking a very Derick Speerstra, in for Rino nice win, leading all the way. Navera, he was 10 some minutes Raul and Billy only had to con-behind the leader. They had tend with two flat tires and a been fighting a sticky throttle power steering belt during their Continued next page Page 35

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-Bob Matthews gave it a good run, he finished in eighth place in All set for a rough landing, Greg Boyer led Class 1600 at the end Brad Wilson worked his way through the pack all day long, he the huge 1600 class, seen here at speed. of lap 4, problems dropped him to a seventh place finish. was in 9th place in Class 1600 when the checkers flew. cable all day long and Robert lost a shock and had two flats, Limited Sportsman had six in_ quit, he had a flat and had to came around right on schedule Gross was the third and final fin-Adam Delmonte was across the class and four of them would replace a c.v. Briana Bradley to take the checkered flag, Jesse isher. Failing to complete their line in third place, Tim complete all of their three re-came in fourth, reporting a flat Ware took home the silver final lap were Michael Zivik and Piscitello was fourth in, Wesley quired laps. When they finished and getting stuck for a while. medal he had been fighting a Glen Mayernick. Stephens was running in fifth their first lap it was Tommy Bra-Class 7 was up next, there fuel pump problem all race long. There were four Champ Cars place and John Poling was in the dley Jr. leading the class, D.J. Jef-were only two of them, they had Last, but certainly not least ready for battle but none of sixth spot. Failing to finish their frey followed her across the lin'e, four laps to go and only one were tA.e Class 11 cars. There them would see the checkered first lap were Gr.egg Hempel and he had front end problems that would see the checkered flag. At were five of them and three of flag. At the end of their first lap Jerry Stewart. required some welding, Pete the end of the first lap it was them would compete their two it was Bryan Adams leading the When they came around at Mortensen was running in third Garrett Evans in the lead, Russ required laps. When their first class, Lonan Pies was in second the end of their second lap it was p lace, Billy Shapley ran in Ramsey had major, major prob-lap was finished it was Garey place, having big troubles along Steve Gurney, who was in for fourth and Jillian Rootring was !ems and was over seven hours Leavitt in the class lead, Mark the way, Eric Anglemyer was run-Tom Hood, in the class lead, in the fifth spot. Matthew completing his first and only lap. Murrell came along in second ning third and Bob Dziurawiec Brian Crew was in the second Dustin failed to complete his Just cruising around for the place, he was having problems failed to complete his first lap. spot, he was some two minutes first lap. rest of his required laps, Garrett but after finding a bad lead on At the end qf the second lap in arrears, Wesley Stephens was At the end of their second lap Evans got his first place finish, the coil, he was okay and Bran-Bryan Adams still held the lead, third across the line, John Pol, it was D.J. Jeffrey ,leading the but it was an 11 hour day and don Benson, after replacing an and it was a big lead, Lonan Pies ing ran in fourth place and way, Briana Bradley, who was in he was glad it was finally over. alternator belt, was the third was second across the line and Adam Delmonte held down the for Tommy was in the second There were four cars entered place fi_nisher. Robert Johnson Eric Anglemyer was nowhere to fifth spot. Failing to finish his spot, Paul Bailey, who was in for i n Class 1450 and two them and Ed Mahoney were out of the be seen. second lap was Tim Piscitello. Jill Rootring was up to third would get in their three required race. When the third lap ended The third, final lap ended, the place and Bruce Fraley, who had laps. At the end of their first lap Second, and last lap, saw only Bryan Adams was there to checkers flew and Brian Crew taken over from Pete Mortensen it was Eric Ludian in the lead, Mark Murrell taking the class cross the line, Lonan Pies was took the win, Brian drove all the at the halfway point was in he was a bit concerned as none win, Jonathan Allison, who was nowhere to be seen and there way, he said he had five flats, no fourth. Billy Shapley had of his panel gauges were work-in for Brandon Benson was the were no finishers of the fourth other problems. The second troubles and was out of the race. ing. Clint Armstrong came along second plac_e finisher and Garey lap. place spot went to Wesley When the checkers flew at in second place, Jesse Ware ran Leavitt, who had a flat and was There were eight contenders Stephens, he drove all the way the end of the third lap it was in third place after a terribly stuck for a while came across in in the Unlimited Sportsman also, he said he had three flats Joe Jeffrey, he was in for D.J. long lap.and Brittany Burgos was third place. group and only three of them and ran out of gas twice. The Jeffrey, taking the class win, Paul fourth. And so, a very long race and a would-see the finish line. At the third and final finisher was Steve Bailey, reporting no problems When the second lap ended very long day came to an end. The end of the first of their three Gurney, he said he had two flats along the way, took the silver Eric Ludian still led the class, course was a tough one and it was required laps it was Brian_Crew during the last 18 miles. John medal, Bruce Fraley was a long Jesse Ware was in the second a long one as well and those who leading the group, Tom Hood Poling and Adam Delmonte were third place finisher, reporting spot, while Clint Armstrong and did finish overcame a lot of men-was in the second spot, he had among the missing. their mechanical fuel pump had Brittany Burgos were on their re-ta! and physical exertion. TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING, INC. cangrat111at1ans Avl25D Tim Undsay 1171 1st Class I -1st overall 6th SIIORE overall Points avron z1g1ar Randy Jones Srd 1600 lla)a 1DDD Al'tUro/Abel vem«CD -SteveCIUZ Srd 1600 M.O.R.E F&L Toys 4 Tol:s 2GD JD ward 11aaa IRClassfO Johnny Burns 1985 2nd Class• Ken TOibert #578 2nd Class 5-fflOO In 200li 5-IIIOO Cllamplonslllp Tommy Craig #1822 Srd Class fflOO · congratulations to all Wide open BaJa Challenge Participants TRANS.AXLE ENGINEERING JEFF nELD 9763 VARIEL AVENUE CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818 898-2739 Page 36 June 2007 spective trailers. Congrats to all who entered~ see Last lap and Eric Ludian you at the next one! 6 ···¥• Eric Ludian had a good race, he took the Class 1450 win with ease, lost all his cockpit gauges on the first lap. Mark Murrell had some coil problems on his first lap but he soldiered on and took the Class 11 win with 25 minutes in hand. · Dusty Times

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Ninteenth Annual Jackpot 2007 Offroad Race June 30, 2007 8_:30a111 Sharp! Jackpot, Nevada, Friday, June 29 PRERUNNING 25MPH SPEED LIMIT REGISTRATION, TECH, INSPECTION AND CAR DISPIAY 4-SPM at . . Trackside __ Saturday,June 30 DR1VERS MEETING at 8:30am Special Thanks to our 2007 : sponsors JACKPOT State Line Liquor Barton's Club 93 Cactus Pete's The Horeshu Spanish Gardens RV Park The Four Jacks Pony Express Casino -ENTREE FEES: HOSPITALI'IY and ENTERTAINMENT from the COMMUNI'IY of JACKPOT AWARDS SATURDAY EVENING ATTHE HORSESHU PRO Racers. $245 • Class 9 & 5/1600 • $165 • Sportsman -$165 Insurance all Classes $125 • use Fee -$100 • ...---------.---------1. Have your early registration into BORE by 22"' June for the race on June 30 and save $50.00 off , ......... y~ur entry fee. Again, the deadline isJW1e 22"' for the $50.00 savings. We will do this for each race ._ this year. Pf!leS 2. If any of you racers bring a new competitor for the first time, you will get half off your entry fee. The RrsotrrC,\SNtl-l\CllPOT,NlY\llA racer does not have to be in your class for you to receive the half off entry fee. Again, the new racer ,___ ____ --"--------can be in any class and you receive half off your entry fee. Dusty Times Cactus Pete's Spanish Gardens Barton's The West Star and Horseshu RV Park Club 93 Four Jacks Resort 1-800-821-1103 (775) 755-2333 (775) 755-2341 (775) 755-2493 1-800-665-0643 · BONNEVILLE OFF-ROAD RACING ENTERPRISES Ph (801) 773-1651 • Fax (801) 728-4610 E-mail 341 West 2575 North June 2007 Page 37

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DESERT STORM •07 alifornia all_y "'cncs Tenacity BY BRIAN DRIGGS Bill Holmes and Kevin Carter took 2nd overall, 1st RA Group 5, 1st CRS Group 5, seen here leaning hard in their Ford FT 50. Finally calming down Flyin' low and fast, Bryan Scott and John Dillon drove their Subaru WRX STi to 1st overall, 4wd, seen here at speed. 1st RA Open, 1st CRS Open enough to complete Palomas Ill and IV without any more off road adventures, Shea and Zach were on their way to the service park for a short breather and a chance to inspect the damage to the Legacy. The rough hits in the washes had taken their toll on the 17 year old sedan. De-spite their reinforcement efforts during construction, the top hats on both front struts were starting to blow out. They had also broken their battery tie-down. Since there was nqthing they could do about the struts at that-point, they fixed their battery tie-down and decided to take it easy the rest of the rally. said Shea. "I took a look and sure enough we'd completely blown through the top hat on that side. There was absolutely nothing securing the top of the strut to the body at this point. This became even more appar-ent when Zach and I weren't on the same page about the dam-age done (we couldn't hear well because we still had our helmets on) and he jacked the car up to dig out a boulder. The front right strut fell out and jammed itself into the wheel well." "Thankfully, the puddles dried out", said competitor Shea Burns of the Saturday run-ning of Stage Palomas I at the 2007 Desert Storm Rally in Blythe, California. "On Friday, the holes in the bottom of our car gave muddy water an unwel-come entrance into the car and all over the inside of the wind-shield in the middle of the stage!" Shea Burns and Zach Heidepriem are known in the California Rally Series commu-nity for sharing the responsi-bilities of driver and co-driver. In the interest of equality, Zach and Shea will split the day's stages between them, each tak-ing a turn at the wheel and as navigator. ~: A day earlier, it had been Zach's turn at the wheel, and in the navie seat, Shea was doing more than reading off the notes -he was taking them. "The crest into the Rd_ [third gear right turn, or "right-three" for the readers] was somewhat decep-tive and we carried too much speed into it so Zach hauled on the reins and pitched the car sideways. I guess we slowed more than expected or he pitched it more than necessary because instead of sliding nicely through the turn we shot for-ward and over the inside berm." Their 1990 Subaru Legacy ended up on two wheels for a moment and they hope that, if there was a ph9tographer in WWW. rAKERPRECISION.COM 2865 Gundry Ave. Signal Hill, CA 90755 'HPFans 'Oil Cool11n, Driving BuHs Rod End Boots Neo Synthetic OIi Pedormance Plumbing l~I~ Flt~ -~··· Page 38 562-427-2375 that corner, they didn't scare him too badly. Fast forward ·to Saturday morning: Shea was hoping to use what he knew of the Palomas stages from the day before to really fly. Said Shea, "Palomas I felt good and, going into Palomas II, I remembered the rough washes and a tricky turn where Zach briefly left the road the day before. Unfortu-nately, I didn't remember either of these well enough." Shea and Zach were doing really well un-til their first off road excursion, exactly where Zach had gone two-wheelin' the day before. With adrenalin pumping through his veins like mad, Shea put the hammer down. Carrying too much speed through the numerous rough washes on these stages lead to their pruning the sagebrush along the road with the Subie at least four or five more times. They reached the turnaround area at the end of Palomas II with a punctured tire and some mysterious dents in the hood. These dents would make more sense later in the day. At the beginning of Harquahalla I, the guys failed to check their tire pressures and ended up running 40 and 43 pounds of pressure in the rear tires! No wonder the car was feeling floaty! The top hats weren't looking any worse, so Zach and Shea were optimistic that they would finish yet an-other rally. It was not to be. About a mile into the stage, their bald rear tires gave up on them. Totally blowing a R4 [right-four], the Legacy ca-reened through the scrub brush for 30 yards before coming back across the road to get high cen-tered on the opposite berm. The two rallyists climbed out of their car, set up their caution triangles to alert other teams of their being parked along the road, and began to dig the Subaru out so they might con-tinue the stage. "While I was digging, I leaned on the front right wheel and it wobbled", Sweep eventually came by to tow them off the stage, and Zach and Shea got their first ever DNF (did not finish) at an event. This is surprising, as this team is usually smooth enough on stage that the bulk of their service stops involve making sure all four tires are still on the car and having sandwiches in the shade. A DNF like this could mean Heidepriem and Burns are getting comfortable enough with their Subaru to push the limits a bit more ag-gressively, or it could just be that even taking it easy on stage isn't enough to perpetually stave off component failures like their strut hats. While the teams of Brian Scott/John Dillon (Subaru WRX) and Bill Holmes/Kevin Carter (Ford F150) raced to relatively uneventful first and second place overall finishes, Desert Storm 2007 was a cruel mistress for some this year. Most of the stage roads were smooth and exciting, with _a number of teams claiming spe-cific stages to be their absolute favorites of the entire season! Under new ownerthip .. Over 40 yean of ex erience C_ostaMesa, CA 949-645-2661 Brln9 yoor hot rod, sand rail, motorcycle, boat, o, ATV down to ou< location and.-Let ut 1ohie your plumbing problems from complete tyttem designs 10 minor moclif ication1. June 2007 Brake Lines, Fuel Lines. Turbo Stalnlesss hardline for brakes and 1uel applications. All Redline OJI products discounted by the case. Dusty Times

Page 39

George Doganis and Tom Smith drove their Nisan Sentra S to 2nd Tim and Dick Moser flew their VW Golf GTi to 3rd overall, 1st RA RA Group 2 and 1st CRS Performance Stock, here churning through Group 2, 1st CRS Group 2, seen here ready for touchdown. _th_e...,.s.,..o_f...,.t_s_tu_ff_. ______ -,--,--,-----,---,---,----:-------:-First RA PGT, 1st CRS GT went to Shea Burns and Zach Heidepriem in their Subaru Legacy, seen here at speed. Combine several smooth sec-Laengworks. Tom actually be-maneuvers safely, but the local ored stylized rabbits down the tions with sweeping turns which gan calling out the corners two police weren't as concerned side. Perhaps the hatch served allow for a higher average speed ahead! Rather than simply de-about the longevity of the trans-to swat those rabbits to running with a handful of rocky washes tailing the next corner to mission as he was. He managed faster? that refuse to be tamed, how-George, Tom was calling out the to get about four figure-eights By the time the Mosers got ever, and you have an event corner after next. Knowing this in before Starsky and Hutch onto Palomas II (the second which is not to be taken lightly. is no easy thing to do, George headed him off at the pass, put stage, mind you), they began to Burns and Heidepriem were not exclaimed, "I can proudly say him in the spotlight, and took hear what Dick called "ominous the only rallyists to get caught that I can form a plan for the his li"cense and registration for clunks" from the rear left cor-up in wash-related drama this second corner at least half of a walk. ner of the car. It turned out one weekend. the time!" This writer doesn't know of their struts joined the same USRC 2006 Production Among the rally cars seen at when or where Tim and Dick club as Zach's and Shea's earlier Champions, Kris Marciniak and Desert Storm 07 was the sharp managed to complete the break-in this article! They kept their Christine Wittish, banking on blue and silver Volvo - a real in of that LSD that night, but focus and limped the car the smooth road reports prior rally "brick" if you will -piloted they got it done and managed to this event, left their super by Bill Malik and Christofer to escape Desert Storm 07 de-Bilstein suspenders back at the Edstrom. They were just getting spite a series of almost comical fort in favor of getting some settled in on the second stage issues. Someone stole two cans more miles out of an older sus-of the event when they thought of race gas off their trailer be-pension set up. Unfortunately, they were losing oil pressure in fore the sun came up Saturday one of the "rocky bumpy boul-the car. Fifteen minutes of morning, and then, "About 30 der filled washes", s Marciniak troubleshooting on the side of seconds into Saturday's first called them, handed a beating a hot stage (meaning cars were stage, our hatch flew open. to "Ze'Neon", leaving them still racing on it), revealed that Apart from the car's filling with dragging the rear bumper as they had a fuel pump failure. dust so thick we could hardly both rear struts were literally They switched over to the other breathe," said Dick. "Tim had folded in half! fuel pump (rally cars often have to back off over all crests and through the stage into the turn-around area before Palomas Ill and IV, which are the first two stages run in the opposite direc-tion. Since they had to wait for all the cars to complete the first stages before cars would begin' to run back down the same roads, they got right to work trying to fix this strut problem. They had no shortage of help in their time of need ei-ther. Numerous rallyists -Brian Continued next page Ironically, at nearly the same numerous redundancies built dips for fear of its breaking or time as Kris and Christine were into them for reliability) and off bending so badly that it limping off the stage, three out they went. Later in the day, they wouldn't close again. Think of four of-their regularly volun-began to hear some noises from we'll add a hold-down during teering service crew were less the Volvo's driveline. Consider-the summer break, just as a pre-than five miles away, helping to ing they had just rebuilt and in-caution." One can only imagine set up a spectator stage for later stalled the very expensive rally the sight! Their Golf is white in the day, and didn't hear the transmission prior to Desert with a grouping of multi-col-Dr. Scott Clark and Marie Boyd drove their Subaru RX to 3rd RA Open, 3rd CRS GT on Friday, 1st CRS GT in the Saturday competition. radio transmission that their Storm, Bill didn't want to risk car had broken down! It took scattering said very expensive their crew nearly an hour to rally transmission all over· the drive the 60 miles back to desert and so hung it up after Blythe from the middle of the taking things on the easy. side. Arizona desert to load up the We'll chalk this one up to a trailer before they could then shake down event and look for-turn around and go back to pick ward to hearing the beautifully up "Ze'Neon". By that time, the eerie sounds of the Volvo later first of the remaining cars were in the season when all the bugs approaching the spectator area are worked out. previously set up, so the entire With Douganis/Smith and team let the Neon sit while they Malik/Edstrom enduring the enjoyed watching the continued finer points of Murphy's Law at efforts of the remaining com-this event, the door was left petitors. open to the father/son team'of Going back to day one of this Dick and Tim Moser to make story of tenacity, George some tracks. Their rally seemed Douganis and Tom Smith to get off to a clandestine start didn't get too far in their Sentra with Tim getting pulled over in SE-R. Upon completing SS 1, the paddock (Sears) parking lot they managed to hook a wheel in Blythe less than 30 minutes over a berm on SS2, Palomas II, after unloading the Volkswagen en mg t e ng t st e steering o t. ue to 1m1te par ie rod. Said Tom, "With the ing space at the official Deser teering damaged, George was Storm Headquarters in Blythe till going well but about a 100 many of the teams, the Moser ards from the finish of the included, parked their rigs i tage, the tie rod end separated the strip mall parking lot nex rom the ball. We veered right, door under the friendly, watch I most hitting a tree, then ful eyes of Blythe's finest. eered left, high-centering on a Tim and Dick had installe oft berm." In the end, they a new limited slip differentia nly damaged the inner and (LSD) in the rally Golf but ra uter tie rod ends, but the car out of time to properly break i as sufficiently disabled that in before they had to load u hey had to be towed off the and head to the race. In orde tage. By the time they got back to ensure the LSD wouldn't fai o service to make the repairs, on them, the instructions man he rally was over for Friday. dated Tim driving the car i George and Tom were back large figure-eights for a solid 3 ' though, with a freshly repaired rally car courtesy of Dusty Times . . a professional driver and more than capable of doing such slow HEAi Ii IECI IESTIIIIT S. • Slows forward molion in tl,e event ol a aasl, • AHows l,eocf movement • No cumbersome collar to wear • Quick., one-time adjustment • Does not lrook lato lap belt • Reduces neck tension by 45-10% • Great for all types of motor radag, npedally MJS!e driver cbanges are common:· TIP IIRIVEBS IITlllZIN& TIE l•C GeGfie Seeley • Ed, Jim & Troy HeriJst • Larry flLR" Roese/er Matk Post • Nidc Baldwin • Jerry Whelchel • Alan Pllueger lawn & Josi, Bsldwin • Rick, Randy & Ronny Wdson Mike Julson • Bob Lofton • Mari & Gary Wqbrkh • lhwe Ashley·· Oaa Smith • Kyle Taylor • Gus Y,ldosola • Rob Macfadmm · ··•· NIIH,IIH~-·-~J'IIUJ'F 1.B00..7fl0..2'350 • Fax 909.360.0431f··~::. 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 9175? .. ,. June 2007 Page 39

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Tim Hayosh and Angela Dyer drove their Ford Focus to 1st RA Getting it dirty, the Mazmanian duo drove their Acura lntegra to 3rd Lisa Klassen and Matt Gauger took 2nd RA Open, 1st CRS Open4WD Production and 1st CRS Perf,ormance Stock on Friday. RD Prod, 3rd CRS Perf Stock on Friday, 1st RA Prod on Saturday. on Saturday in their Mitsubishi Ga/ant VR-4. Scott, Kevin Carter, Michel stages in time. As fate would until they got back to service threads atop the strut were be-enough makeshift threads to Hoche-Mong, Pat McMahon, have it, 300 yards into Palomas where volunteer crew chief yond mangled, but John took allow two nuts to be tightened Jen Imai and many others -Ill, the repair failed (hey, rally John Rood was waiting for a hacksaw to the strut and, down on things to keep in joined in to lend their help to is tough) and the Mosers were them. This service stop was a with the precision of a prehis-place until the end of the get this Golf back out on the once again in rally limp mode particularly short one and the toric surgeon, fabricated event. In fact, they were able to Page 40 June 2007 enjoy the last seven jumps on Harquahalla at nearly 120 mph! How's that for tenacity! What makes the story of the Mosers so exciting is that this was their fourth time running Desert Storm. In 2004, they came, they saw, they did not fin-ish. In 2005, they returned, ready to prove the previous year a fluke, and they didn't even start! 2006 rolled around and that was the year Tim and Dick were out to set the record straight. In 2006, they were at-tacked by guerrilla freedom fighters (i.e., embedded rocks) living in the Arizona desert and once again, did not finish. Af-ter three solid years of broken rally cars at Desert Storm, Tim and Dick came back and gave this event their all despite that little voice in the back of the mind reminding them of what's happened every year they've come out. They took home top honors in Group 2 and an over-all third place in both days' events this year. Such is the beauty of our rally community. From the guys who actually get paid to rally in the World Rally Championship to the father and son team who build an old car in their garage with their bare hands and save their nickels and dimes to cover the entry fees, there is a sense of family in rally not seen too many other places. The compe-tition is fierce, often to within fractions of a second, but when someone needs help, everyone does all that they can to keep a team in the race. It is a sport of rip-snorting cars and trucks of all types flying down the rough-est of roads in the country of-ten with only the faintest hope of traction; it is a sport of high performance machines sliding around corners at break-neck speed, throwing rooster tails of dirt and rock high enough into the air behind them to take out a helicopter that might be flying too close to get a glimpse of the action. It is a sport which dem-onstrates the finest aspects of motorsport. The tenacity of the participants and volunteers who make rally possible in North America only serves to showcase the fire which burns inside ev-ery rally competitor and fan around the world. When the dust settles at the end of a rally like Desert Storm 2007, every-one who had a part in the event -those who ran, those who worked, those who organized -stands as a king or queen of motorsport. Tenacity. 11:;,-Dusty Times

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.--■DR MDJave 250 Brandon Moss set fast lap for the 1600 Class and went on for the class win, seen here hustling towards the finish line. Barstow, CA: It's Saturday, March 31, 2007, and I'm back in the dust and dirt again in beautiful Barstow, CA for the 2007 MDR Mojave 250 -open desert off road racing. Over half the starting field would DNF before the day was done. Eleven different classes, 97 entries, 85 starters, and 41 finishers. But, then again, it is Course B at Barstow.- 37.5 miles of rough, rocky and brutal terrain (and those are the 'good' parts), 16 major course changes on the GPS, eight road crossings (RX), three remote pits (A, B & C), three checkpoints (Ck #l, 2, & 3), blind uphills, sand washes, roller bumps, rock crawl in', fast straights, G-outs and got'chas -Barstow has it all; and then some more. And course condi-tions can, and usually do, change every lap, too. e.g. -'yOiKes! -That *#@*! boulder was not there last lap! J eepsters, speedsters where'd you get those rides!? This was also the annual MDR race for the Jeep Speed Chal-lenge series -Class 1700, and 33 of 'em showed up to battle it out in Barstow. So many Jeep thrills, I got the heebie-jeebies. But whatever open desert class you race or follow, Barstow is not very forgiving of either man or machine. Just look ar the stats for this race, eh: Dez 44:41 finishers. Not a pretty pi~ture, unless you were inside the magic 'Winner's Circle' at the end. It was certainly not a pretty picture for the guy in the blue truck that rolled it four (4) times, at speed, at Hodge Road; before the real race even got started. Race delay, due to driver error. But only the first DNF of the day, for many. It IS dangerous out there, race fans: Please, be carefuf. Classes 1, 10, 14, Pro, 1600, and 7 raced the full six laps; five laps for Classes 12 (trucks) and 900; Classes 300, 1100, 1200, 1450, 1700, 19000 and 3700 raced for four laps. CLASS 1: Six laps. Three entries, three starters, one finisher, two DNFs. Steve Raskett got the numero uno pole position at the green flag in car #123, and blistered the course on Lap 1 at Chris Raffo had a good race, he took the Class 300 win with 50 minutes in hand when the checkered flag flew. 55.4 mph in 00:41:08, to win the Fast Lap honors in class and overall fastest for the day. # 123 DNF'd after that. That was one complete lap of fast and fun more than Reno Denati had in car #103, when he DNF'd, too; before Lap 1 was even done. That left Craig Diller, from Hermosa Beach, CA in car# 124 · as ·the sole competitor in class to battle it out with the desert. Diller won. # 124 got to the checkered flag in 6:59: 13 at 32.6 mph, to win First Place in class for the day. "It was fast!", said Diller. 'Tm excited! This is the most fun I've had in my life! We had a c.v. boot come apart, but we were 'cooking'! 100+ mph. Sand Cars Unlimited built the chassis, with a lot of ' advice from the guys at McKenzie's. I'm so impressed with all the support we've got-ten." You just can'-t beat dirt and adrenalin -the race junk-ies' drugs of choice. CLASS 10: Six laps. Three entries, three starters, no finishers, three DNFs. Ouch. Hector Garcia -car # 1005, Ryan Harbottle -car # 1060, and Dave Wood -car #1091, all DNF'd. Dave Wood did win the Fast Lap bragging rights on Lap 1 in car# 1091, at 41.1 mph in 00:45: 11, before he DNF'd after Lap 2. Harbottle broke his radiator out by Hodge Road. Barstow is not·very for-giving of either man or ma-chine. CLASS 1400 Pro: Six laps. Five entries, five starters, two finishers, 1:hree DNFs. Matt Torrian, out of Escondido, CA, also finished the race in the Giant Motor Sports truck #1441, in 07:49:05 at 29.2 mph, to win Second Place in class; and Sixth Place Overall. Torrian also won Fast Lap Honors in class on Lap 2 at 50.8 mph, in 00:44:32. Derek Deese was co-driver for the day. "What a crazy day!", Torrian said. "We were doing good up through Lap 5, when the pitman arm sheared off of the steering box at MM 12. We had a spare, got it fixed, and we're back on the track again. Not 10 miles later, we lost the left front wheel bearings, and dug a 50 foot trench. We were planting corn, out there. Got that fixed, too, and cruised Lap 6 with brakes on three wheels only." I can just hear Matt's Dad, who came in from Texas: "And you do this for fun, son?" Yep. And one for the record books too. #1441 also recorded the second fastest lap, as well as the slowest lap of anybody that finished, too. Go figure. Randy Shields -truck #1404, Jay Arnold -truck # 1409, and Adam Householder -truck #1424, all DNE'd throughout the course of the day. House-holder made it all the way to MM6 on Lap 1 in truck #1424, when he sheared off a spindle bolt that ended his race day. CLASS 1600: Richard Sletten drove his really good looking Bug to the Class 11 win, he's seen here at speed out on the course. Terry Ingold was a happy guy, he set fast lap and went on to take the class win with less than five minutes in hand at the flag. Six laps. Three entries, three starters, three finishers, no DNFs. Brandon Moss, from Huntington Beach, CA com-pleted the required six laps in 06:00: 15 at 38.0 mph in the Moss Racing car #1604, to win Kurt Larmee was a wee bit off the winning pace and a long second Robert Anderson was the second place finisher in class 1450, he's Terry Wyrembeck had a pretty good day, he flew his buggy to a lap didn't help, he finished in Class 300. seen here really flying at a high rate of speed. second place finish, less than five minutes out of the class win.· Page 42 June 2007 Dusty Times 7T

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Matt Torian set fast lap for the class in his Ford, led the class early Lisa Balster had a pretty good run, a really nice second place finish A great second place finish in the JeepSpeed contest went to Ray on but major problems on lap 5 dropped him to second place. in Class 1600, seen here hustling towards the checkers. Griffith, a shade off the pace, he was 10 minutes in arrears at the flag. First Place in class; and Second Tonelli. "We blew the clutch at but didn't have any flats. And miles, on the horn, and he to change the starter on Lap 2", Place Overall. Moss also won MM4 on Lap 4." And George we had to stop at the end of Lap wouldn't move." Mike Rauls Jr., Raffo said. "The course was a the Fast Lap Honors on Lap 1 Rosenbaum got truck #727 1 when the exhaust fell off. We and Sr., got the iI)-cab duties for good mix of real rough or fast. at 39.4 mph; in 00:53: 17. "It through five laps before he had some fuel issues and lost Laps 4 and 5. Clare Ross won Our most fun was, we kept pass-was a good race; outstanding", DNF'd, too; but not before win-top-end power in the sand wash. Third Place in car # 1209, fin-ing cars. It was a wonderful, said Moss. "Our most fun was ning the Fast Lap Honors on But I love this course. It's fun ishing the race in 06:04:00 at and fun day." Chris Raffo rolling it in the wash when we Lap 1 at 40.8 mph -in 00:55: 17. and we had six miles of dueling 31.3 mph. (owner/driver), drove Laps 1-3, caught a rut. Rookie driver er-CLASS 1200: it out with Terry Wyrembek in CLASS 900: and Jeff Dolan drove Lap 4. ror." Keep up the good fun, eh. Five laps. Six entries, five car #1297. We were both Five laps. One entry, one Pete Raffo was co-driver for the Lisa Balster drove car #1627 to starters, three finishers, two amped, and fought hard for po-starter, no finishers, one DNF. day, all the way. Kurt Larmee the Second Place win in class, DNFs, one DNS. Terry Ingold sition!" Arcadio Vasquez was the sole won Second Place in class in and Third Place Overall, in got car #1203 to the finish line Terry Wyrembek, from entry in class, in car #909. truck #302, in 07:38:43 at 19.9 06: 20: 15 at 36.0 mph. Jerold in the shortest amount of time Chino Hills, CA made it a race Vasquez DNF'd after the end of mph. Chad Ulwelling was in the Esterlein won Third Place in to win First Place in class, in in the Dukes Weld & Fab car Lap 2, but not before winning lead in class after Lap 3 in truck class and Fourth Place Overall 04:42:37 at 40.3 mph. Ingold # 1297, and won Second Place Fast Lap bragging rights on Lap #316, before he DNF'd if for the in car #1688, completing the also won the Fast Lap Honors in class in 04:47:04 at 39. 7 1 at 27.6 mph, in 01:21:39. day. That was three more laps course in 6:31:33 at 34.9 mph. on Lap 3 at 43.7 mph. Ingold mph. "It was a good race", said CLASS 300: of fun than Chuck Muncy did CLASS 7 Open: also won the Fast Lap Honors Wyrembek. "I had a lot of fun Four laps. Four entries, four in truck #328, a DNF before Six laps. Two entries, two on Lap 3 at 43. 7 mph, in racing alongside Ingold in car starters, two finishers, two Lap 1 was even done. starters, no finishers, two 00:51:52. Terry Ingold drove #1203 on Lap 2, but he just out-DNFs. Chris Raffo found the CLASS 12 Trucks: DNFs. More attrition. Nick Laps 1-3 with his wife Cathy powered us. We had ignition fastest lines to the finish line in Four laps. Three entries, Tonelli got in three complete along as co-driver. Bill Cullen problems and kept pulling over the California Tomato's Racing one starter, no finishers, one laps of fun in the Bee Hive and Justin Montoya took over to diddle with it, and the sus-truck #303, winning First Place DNF, two DNS. Josh Thomp-truck #703, before he DNF'd the in-cab duties after that. "We pension. But it was self-healing, in class in 05:45:08 at 26.4 son was the sole starter in class for the day. "Another great day had a good day", said Ingold. I guess, because the car ran mph. #303 also won the Fast in truck #1286, and won the of racing. Not one flat all day. "There was just enough of a good on Laps 3-5. And the dust Lap Honors on Lap 1 at 36.8 Fast Lap bragging rights hon-Lap 3 was perfect and fast", said breeze and rough sections to was thick. We got stuck behind mph, in 01:01:07. "We had lots ors on Lap 1 at 27.3 mph, in make it fun. We bent two rims, a red Jeep Speed for a couple of of fuel pressure issues, and had Continued next page Dusty Times June 2007 Page 43

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Craig Diller drove his neat looking car to the win in Class 1, he's seen here headin' for that elusive checkered flag. 01:22:33; before he DNF'd at the end of Lap 2. Fast ride; short day. CLASS 1450 Sportsman: Four laps. Thirty entries, 24 starters, 10 finishers, 14 DNFs, six DNS. A big turnout. A lot of DNFs. The checkered flag flew, the dust settled, and Frank Vernola was the fastest inside the Winner's Circle in Page 44 truck# 1470 to win First Place in class, in 03:14:30 at 46.9 mph. And, with a + 00:27:08 margin of time, to boot. "We won! (BIG smile) And trouble free", Vernola said. "There was a lot of dust the first few laps, and then we put the hammer down for Laps 3 and 4. The new bypass shocks up front made a BIG difference! I'd like RACE READY PRODUCTS 103 PRESS LANE SUITE 4 CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 to dedicate this race to my 19 year old nephew Blake, from Florida." I wonder if that comes with a cold beer, and a 7 ' taco, too. Robert Anderson was next to see the checkered flag in truck# 1476, and winning Sec-ond Place in class in 03:41:48 at 41.1 mph for the effort. Nick Puccio won Third Place in class in truck# 1492, completing the course in 03:51:30 at 39.4 mph. The Fourth Place win in class went to Jim Borden in truck #1494. Borden got #1494 to the checkered flag in 04:09:59 at 36.5 mph. Beldin 'Dog Eater' Alivio won the Fifth Place trophy in truck #2457 about four minutes later. Alivio completed the re-(619)691-9171 (866) 891-9171 TOLL FREE (619) 691-0803 FAX June 2007 Automotive electrical installation experts with over 15 years experience specializing in off-road wiring for your race, pre-runner and sand vehicles. (858) 748-3494 Go to for all of your electrical components and communication system needs such as sealed switches, waterproof connectors, circuit breakers, fuse boxes and morel quired four laps in 04: 13:56 at 35.9 mph. Brian Groves won Sixth Place in truck #1490, finding the finish line in 04:27:00 at 34.2 mph. Mike Belcher finished in Seventh Place in truck #1483; 05:25:12 at 28.0 mph. Allen Byma, Eighth Place -truck # 1453; 06:39:55 at 22.8 mph. Tyler Fain, Ninth Place -truck #2459; 06:44:41 at 22.5 mph. Tenth Place, Alan Ryan -truck #1481; 06:56:51 at 21.9 mph. CLASS 1700 Jeep Speed Challenge: Thirty-three entries, 30 starters, 18 finishers, 12 DNFs, three DNS. Another BIG turn-out. More carnage. There was a lot of Jeeps in this class, and too much good competition to tell you lap-by-lap action of who was in the lead, when and by how much. I'm just thank-ful to the Official MDR time-keeper for sorting it all out. The checkered flag first started waving around lunch time for the class, and for the First Place winner -Jason Lafortune, in Jeep #1795. Lafortune got to the checkered flag the fastest in 03:58:30 at an average speed of 38.2 mph. That was about 11 minutes ahead of the next Jeep Speed finisher. Lafortune also won the Fast Lap Honors in Jeep #1795, on Lap 3 at 39.2 mph; in 00:57:47. Ray Griffith brought Jeep #1714 to the checkered flag in 04:08:51 at 36.6 mph, to win Second Place in class for the day. James Williams, from Murrieta, CA was next across the finish line in the Barnett Performance Products Jeep Frank Vernola drove his Ford truck to the class win, he had some 25 minutes in hand when he crossed the finish line. Bob Mamer had a good day in his Jeep, he took the class win with more than two hours in hand when he took the checkered flag. Dusty Times

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No grass growin' under his Jeep, Mike Barnett finished a loooong Clare Ross was the third place finisher in Class 1200, seen here in Third place in the Class 1450 battle went to Nick Puccio, he's seen here at speed heading for that sometimes elusive finish line. second after big troubles on his last two laps. the plain wrap car at speed out on the course. #1774, winning Third Place in were pogo-sticking it in spots, Place winner in Jeep #1769, class in 04:12:37 at 36.1 mph. but it didn't deteriorate too getting the four laps done in "We broke a sensor at MMl on bad." This was the team's sec-04: 16:07 at 35.6 mph. Kevin Lap 1, and was down about 30 ond race in 20 years, and many Davis won Fifth Place in Jeep minutes with that fix. We ran helped contribute to the win: #1718, completing the course hard on Laps 2 and 3, and Jeff Jordan, Russell Page, and in 04:23:10 at 34.7 mph. ' cruised Lap 4. We passed many first-time 'virgin' rookies Al The o_ther Jeep Speed Chal-that were broken down, on the Gossett and wife, Linda. "Our lenge finishers included: Sixth last lap", said Williams. "The most fun? Movin' out on Lap Place: Jim Cope - # 1745; course was very rough, and we 2! Rex Lair was the Fourth 04:26:29 - 3.4.2 mph. Seventh Place: Eric Heiden -#1717; Place: Jeff Jordan -#1744; 04:29:46 -33.8 mph. Eighth 04:55:28 -30.9 mph. 13th Place: Guy Alldredge - #1710; Place: Mike Vernak -#1760; 04:29:46 -33.8 mph. Ninth 05:00:56 -30.3 mph. 14th Place: Ricky Lee -#1719; Place: John Coleman - #1739; 04:45:01 -32.0 mph. Tenth 05:36:29 -27.1 mph. 15th Place: Jeff Knoll -#1706; Place: Mike Shaffer -$1705; 04:49:07 -31.5 mph. 11th 05 :44:45 -26.5 mph. 16th Place: Shane Connolly-#1724; Place: Steve Ghamari - #1737; 0 4: 5 l: 5 2 - 3 1. 2 mph. 1 2th Continued next page Jerold Esterlein was a bit off the winning pace in Class 1600, he Jim Williams was right in the fight all the way, he took home the Jim Borden drove his Toyota pickup to a decent fourth place finish finished third in class, seen here at speed. bronze medal in the large Jeep class·. in Class 1450, seen here in his well painted truck. (J)BEAR ,, lied by 'P11t'D1,,. C\ass' \\atet KING We carry a full line of v~ ~~ OF~ ---------0 FF -RO ft 0 RACING SHOCKS FILTERNIAG-~$41 V/£k r a c i a I W II a a I S(!J Beadlock -Non Beadlock " ,, tf " Dusty Times June 2007 Page 45

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Flyin' high, wide and handsome, Rex Lair drove his good looking Belden Alivio flew his good looking Chevy to a fifth place finish in A fifth place finish in the Jeep contest went to Kevin Davis, he's Jeep to a first off the podium finish. class, he's seen here flyin' to the finish line. seen ere saving a bit of tire wear during the race. 06:01:07 -25.3 mph. 17th completing the required five CLASS 1100: ging rights on Lap 2 at 27.0 forthaction.Therewascarnage Place: Bill Nissley -#1719; laps in 04:17:31 at 35.4 mph. Four laps. One entry, one mph, in just 01:23:35. My car to the left of me, mayhem on 06:50:59 -22.2 mph. 18th #3704 also won the Fast Lap starter, one finisher ... in a is faster than 'my' car! Wait; my right; in mass quantities. Place: Sigal Greenberg-#1768; Honors on Lap 4 at 39.5 mph, stock YW bug?! Oie vay* Yep. that's #1101, isn't it? Open desert off road racing is 07: 13: 19 -21.0 mph. in 00:57:01. Mike Barnett had That distinction befell Richard That's another wrap for this not very forgiving of either CLASS 3700: some major down times, but Sletten in car #1101; the only 'dusty' reporter. The 2007 man or machine. But, I'm sure Four laps. Two entries, two still pulled off the Second one. Sletten finished in MOR Mojave 250 is done. The having fun bringing it to you starters, two finishers, no Place in class win in #3701. 06:09:15 at 24.7 mph, to win course at Barstow was rough in Dusty Times! Hope you are DNFs. Bob Mamer won First Barnett finished the race in First Place in class. # 1101 also and tough, and technical, too. too. Place in class in car #3704; 06:24:59 at 23. 7 mph. took home the Fast Lap brag-There was some great back-and-WOOhOO! 111,llU, Brian Groves tries out really level flightoperations, seen here flyin' A sixth place finish in the Jeep contest went to Jim Cope, he's seen A bit off the winning pace, Eric Heiden flew to a seventh place towards a sixth place finish in the highly competitive class. here at takeoff, heading for the finish line. finish, there were 26 other Jeeps behind him! Dusty Times PRO-COVER (DUST/WATER GASKET) ,. BUILT-IN HEIM STABILIZER NON-SLIP FG PAD EURO & SPOT LENS June 2007 H.J.D. 111V CONVERSION HITS RHINO -PROWLER -RANGER Page 47 ;..

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BFGaadricti ------------:res ...... BFGoodrich Tires-Shod CORR Series Drivers Come Up Big Winners at Season Opener GREENVILLE, S.C. -April 24, 2007-BFGoodrich Tires continued its off-road su-premacy this past weekend as the 2007 Championship Off-Road Racing (CORR) series kicked-off in Lancaster, Calif. While several entrants left the season opener with their hopes dashed, drivers on BFGoodrich Tires were clearly the excep-tion. BFGoodrich Tires-shod drivers won every race in the Pro-4 and Pro-2 classes, captur-ing six victories overall and scoring two runner-up finishes in the Pro-Lite class. In the first Pro-4 race on Saturday, Johnny Greaves (Toyota/BFGoodrich Tires) started from the pole position and powered through an ex-ceptionally tough field of driv-ers to dominate the season opener race. Troy Herbst (Ford/BFGoodrich Tires) fin-ished runner-up and Adrian Cenni (Chevy/BFGoodrich Tires) earned third. Greaves continued his momentum into the Pro-4 Jason Baldwin Me-morial Cup qualifier, where he started again from the pole-posi tion. Greaves unfortu-nately stalled his truck shortly after the green flag but fought his way up front to pass Carl Renezeder (Nissan/ BFGoodrich Tires) for the win. On Sunday, Renezeder sliced through the traffic dur-ing the final Pro-4 race to cap-ture the podium while Herbst finished third. The first round of the Pro-2 class o n Saturday proved to be a na il-biter as Rob MacCachren (Ford/BFGoodrich Tires) battled it out with defending Pro-2 class champion Renezeder for the first half o f the race until Renezeder broke a drive line and had to retire early. Jerry Whelchel (Ford/ BFGoodrich Tires) marched his way up to the front after a few bobbles early in the race to earn second. On Sunday, Whelchel proved to be the man to beat by winning the Pro-2 class race over MacCachren and the Pro-2 Jason Baldwin Memorial Cup qualifier. Whelchel battled with Renezeder for most of the sec-ond race until Renezder was edged out by Ricky Johnson with two laps remaining and was forced to accept third in the special event. Casey Currie (Nissan/ BFGoodrich Tires) had his work cut out for him in the opening Pro Lite class race on Saturday after spinning side-ways on the first lap. Despite the setback, Currie utilized the serious off-road traction of his BFGoodrich Mud-Terrain T / A®KM tires to eat-up the deeply rutted track before entering into a thrilling battle with Kyle LeDuc o n the final lap to earn second. Currie continued his momentum into the final Pro Lite class race o n Sunday and battled intently with LeDuc to capture a second runner-up fin-ish for the weekend while Rodrigo Ampudia (Ford/ BFGoodrich Tires) finished third. "The CORR series is tailor-m ade for BFGoodrich Tires and the perfect proving ground to showcase our performance," said Todd Steen, motorsports marketing manager for BFGoodrich Tires. "We're very pleased about the results from the first event and we congratu-late all the drivers for their tre-mendous efforts." The CORR series continues next month from the Los An-geles County Fairplex in Pomona, Calif., May 19-20. Using motorsports as a prov-ing ground for more than 30 years, BFGoodrich.® Tires is in-volved in every type of racing, including oval, sports car, drifting, drag, desert, dirt, rally (Dakar and WRC) and extreme rock-crawling. B FGood rich Tires combines technological expertise with vast motorsports experience, delivering a high-performance tire for every type of vehicle. Visit BFGoodrich Tires online at . The 2007 Boxer California Wild Heritage Bill S-493 pro-poses 38 new wilderness addi-tions totaling over 1.1 MILLION ACRES. It includes 3 inappro-priate wilderness additions in the Sequoia National Forest, which would close 48 existing trails to multiple use. Motorized groups have adopted at least 7 trails within the area proposed to be closed to them. None of these volunteer groups were con-tacted to ask if they thought these Wilderness proposals were appropriate. None of these areas were recommended for Wilder-ness Designation by the Sequoia National Forest. Here is a simple on-line petition opposing any more wilderness areas in Califor-nia. If you haven't already signed this, please take a moment to go online and do so. This affects all of us in California. http:// www. peti tio non 1 i ne. com/ boxer/petition.html. This bill probably will be scheduled for a vote about six months from now. Contact your congressman and let them know how you feel. Here is a link to find your ·; 2.5'; 3'; 4" [rmg congressman's phone number and address. http://www.congress org/ congressorg/ officials/ congress/ Contact your Congressman TO-DAY to oppose this bill. Send letters! You can also find all this info o n the CORVA website. This column may, from time to time, contain adult language. We hereby re-quest anyone under the age of 18 to stop reading this immediately and get some adult superoision before continueing. ed El Pre:z: Se:z: ... Ain't no Wah:z:oo Well it was a great day for the Checkers to coverage on the An-te lope Valley Fair ground to cheer on 3 of our club cars dur-ing the CORR race being held there. It was a beautiful sunny day for racing and a large con-tingent of club members were on hand to cheer on Billy McCool, Mike Duenas and Johnny McCall. Johnny is the son of Bobby and most likely one of our future members to be. Johnny ran in the Trophy Cart -Bunner Beria Page 48 ';'2.6" 2.5" ~ ............ Bump stap 1111'1/11&•~ SHOCK 119J/1.Wl.,_,,7ECHNOI.OGY 714.530.B701 • FAX 714-530.B702 12842 JOY STREET, GARDEN GROVE, CA 92840 VVMNV.Jcingshodcs.oorn June 2007 €''li!£Q Need coil springs? (all King Shocks! We have custom and produdion coils in stock, and the experience to get you what you need. Call today! Dusty Times 4

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class and started 22nd rallying his way to a 3rd place finish. Great racing by this young fu-ture Checker was ~ blast to watch as this was the largest en-try class running, Congratula-tions Johnny. Billy McCool ran an amazing race on Saturday also starting 22nd and fighting his way to a fourth place finish. Sun-day proved to be a tougher day on Billy as the car developed fuel filter problems due to a disinte-grating bladder. Still managing an impressive 18th start to a 8th place finish. Mike Duenas ran into trouble on Saturday with his power steering pump blow-ing apart into flames and caus-ing a DNF. Sunday proved to be a better run for Mike with him taking a 4th place finish. It was a great day watching our great drivers. Well done guys. Next we were truckin to the Terrible Town 250 to cheer on our 7 en-tries running under the pride of Checkers that comes with 38 years of excellence. Running under the #I logo were Billy Robertson and Mike. Duenas in Billy's awesome new class 1 car. They started in a class with 48 entries and ran a flawless race with the exception of 3 flats. The tire size on this car is larger than the co driver and out weighs him so changing them in the silt beds ain't quit NASCAR speed, regardless they still fin-ished with an impressive 12' in class. Mike started the race with Billy and Tony taking the second half of the course to the finish. They had only the highest of compliments regard-ing our club radio operations during the race. Jimmy Tucker ran his class 1 car to a 45th over-all running into some fuel prob-lems causing the car to begin missing at 100mph +. Gary Stairs and Ken Tappert split the driving on the Class 2000 (1/ 2 1600). I think they split the task of giving our club treasurer Ed Jahn the copilot thrill of a life-time as well having started 3' and finishing 2nd despite losing the power steering at mile 200. The Halls all ran in the depend-able Hummers each taking a 2"" place finish. Rod ran in the HI, Chad in the H2 and brother josh in the H3. Lee Finke ran a strong race in class 1 $00 to take a 1" in class finish. Dennis Crowley ran to a 2nd class fin-ish in the class 4100 and still holds on to the lead in the points for that class. Great job by all the Checker drivers in rep-resenting tl:ie legacy of our club as# 1 in the desert. The pit sup-port at the TT 250 was provided by an equally outstanding group of members. Reverend Roy Moore captained one of our pits and Ricky Lopez and Chad Cummings were on hand to help with the numerous repairs that were handled on non Checker cars. It seems that these guys were called on by several racers for help and were fixed and sent on there ways with the infamous "I broke it but the Checkers fixed it" stickers proudly dis-played on there race cars. Gary Bates Captained the Lone Butte pit at race mile 124.4 and had an outstanding crew with Fred Nelson, Bryan Brimecombe, Billy McCool, Dick McCool, Joe Cota Gregg Hawks and John Quigley. Big John Files handled the captain duties with Howard Dusty Times Anderson as his qualified crew. The Hummer team provided support at the Omni Station @race mile 135.4. It is always a great comfort to all our drivers to kn·ow that so many talented members are on hand if a problem arises. Thanks to all, you make us proud to be Checkers. It seems we now have a celeb-rity among us in Stuart Chase. Stuart's car has been starring in a new Bilstien commercial that has been airing on Speed and Spike channels. It is footage from San Felipe. Pretty cool Stuart. We have 3 new prospective members to welcome. Ken Owens who is sponsored by Bobby McCall, Mike Lawerence who is sponsored by Lou Peralta and Chad Cummings who is sponsored by Reverend Roy. Welcome to you all. As usual I offer to anyone interested in be-coming a member of the Check-ers the invitation to come see us any Wednesday night or at any Checker pit in the dez. We meet every Wednesday night @ 8:00pm@ Victorio's Ristorante 10901 Victory Blvd. North Hol-lywood CA 91606. Remember. .. El Prez Sez ... See Ya in Da Dez. OFF-ROAD BUSINESS OWNERS FROM ALL OVER CALIFORNIA VISIT LEGISLATORS IN SACRAMENTO DURING ORBA'S SECOND ANNUAL LOBBY DAY BAKERSFIELD, CA (April 24, 2007) On April 22 and 23 the OffRoad Business Associa-tion (ORBA) held its second annual lobby day. This year is very important to the OHV industry because legis-lators are rewriting the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Rec-reation (OHMVR) program that funds many of the areas where OHV recreation oc-curs in California. It is im-portant that the legislators involved in this process un-derstand that the OHV com-munity wants a program that provides a quality rec-reational experience while at the same time protecting the environment. On Sunday evening there was a dinner and open board meeting where attend-ees were given a short up-date on the myriad of issues our staff has been working on. We would like to thank Kawasaki Motors Corp. U.S.A. for sponsoring the evening's event. In the morning everyone gathered in the Capitol for breakfast, which was spon-sored by Yamaha Motor Cor-poration. During breakfast 11No, really, your driveway isn't that bad. 11 we. received an update on Senate Bill ?42, the legisla-tion being used to rewrite the OHMVR program. Busi-ness owners walking the halls that day were eager to talk to legislators about the estimated 13 billion dollar economic impact our recre-ation has on this state. Other messages relayed to legislators were that the OHV community supports a strong law en-forcement presence in their recreation areas and that it is important the areas where we recreate be managed in a way that will sustain long-term use while at the same time protecting the environ-ment Off-roaders are envi-ronmentalists and we care about the land we recreate on. "This year both Yamaha and Kawasaki helped spon-sor our event. We appreci-ate their support and look forward to future partner-ships that will promote the health of the OHV indus-try," stated Fred Wiley, ORBA's Executive Director. June 2007 t:ransman Jack •aunt Kit • Secure mounting platform for racecar, pre-runner or chase vehicle • Self-latching quick-release system locks the jack to the chassis • Spring-loaded quick-release mount secures the jack handle • Flat base increases the jack's footprint and prevents the jack from sinking in sand or silt Page 49

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od'-'c~ary ,,...1:..--aeadlack .. tJ"" aeacllat::k -' h e e Is •rtlriecl El tested 0%Strangsr ______ ___.Lighter titan other cast wheels an the market ounter Pressure Casted Aluminum • Satin Smooth Machine Finish /able in: 5x4. 15x7 Beadlack an an~Beadlack VW 5 Lug Pattern w 5 an ~05mm Beadlacks:-: . ob/ue .:1 □black · f ored • ·,.!r o polished t • · •

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OFF Raaa MOTORSPORTS NALL OF IIAME Vic Nickey 1978 Inductee BY SUSAN MEDVILLE ORMHOF PROJECT MANAGER Vic Hickey is recognized for his achievements as an off-road vehicle designer. He helped de-sign vehicles which are cultural icons today such as the Chevrolet Blazer, the Humvee, the Lunar Rover and the legendary off road race vehicle the Baja Boot. In 1919 Vic Hickey was born in Akron, Ohio. · His family moved to South Gate, California soon after his birth. As a boy Hickey spilt his time between South Gate and his grandfather's ranch in Tenachapi, California. As a young man he found flying, sports (including roller derby), hunting and hot rods interesting. By age 12 he had purchased his first car a Model T Ford and by 16 he had soloed his first air-plane. In his teens he raced cars across Southern California's dry lake beds. He earned his pilots license at age 19. He self taught himself to work on 'sprint cars, dry lake racers, and Novi Indy Cars. At age 24 in 1943 he attended the Navy's pre-flight training pro-gram at Cal Poly, San Louis Obispo Campus. He served the Navy during World War II. While in the military he invented a device which converted air-to-ground missiles into ship-to-ship missiles. After the War he re-turned to Southern California and his young wife Leona. Hickey met his wife Leona at a California roller rink. As a roller derby racer he had been speeding around the rink, when he accidentally knocked her over. Dusty Times He asked her out. The couple were married for 63 years and had two children Jim and Gail. Because of his family Hickey choose to design, build and re-pair race cars for others rather than take the risks of driving himself. He once stated, "I fig-ured anybody can drive a car, not everyone c_an build one." Building and designing inno-vative vehicles, many well before their time, is what Hickey is most recognized for. He worked on numerous projects many provid-ing long lasting contributions that would help from space explo-ration to traversing earth's varied terrain. When he returned from WWII he briefly attended Cal Poly again on the GI Bill and studied Physical Education. He then opened his auto shop in Los Angeles where he specialized in Indy Dragsters. During the Ko-rean War he developed flotation devices and extra wheel kits for Military Jeeps to keep them from getting stuck in rice patties. Roll-ing with the success from these inventions he felt ·that a better off-road vehicle could be devel-oped the general public too. Between 1957 and 1959 Hickey developed an off-road ve-hicle he called the Trailblazer. His father helped to come up with the name. The vehicle had a prototype General Motors en-gine which his friend Bill Yeager helped him secure. Ed Cole the General Manager of GM came to California to see the capabilities of Hickey's new vehicle. Hickey took Cole for a test drive in a dry river bed. Cole ended up driv-ing and pushing the vehicle as hard as he could eventually break-ing a tie-rod, suitably impressed with its performance he offered to buy the rights to the vehicle, its name and offered Hickey a job as a research and development engineer. The Trailblazer would not go inro GM production as the Blazer until 2001; forty-two years after Hickey conceptualized the vehicle. While at GM Hickey special-ized in designing off-road mili-tary vehicles. There he helped develop amphibious vehicles, improved independent suspen-sion which would be used on ve-hicles designed to explore the lunar landscape. He led the group which built the mobile Geological Trainer for the Apollo Space program as -well as the Lu-nar Rover which went to the moon. GM gave Hickey a semi-bless-ing to also work on off-road race vehicles in his shop. In 1967 with the help of friends he built the Baja Boot in 30 days. The Boot was a racing version of the Trailblazer and could hit a top speed of 140 mi !-6 per hour. Its first drivers Al Knapp and Drino Miller tested it at the 1967 Baja 1000 where its speed capability proved to be a liability and a rear suspension strut broke. Bud June 2007 Ekins raced the vehicle at the in-augural 1969, Baja 500 to vic-tory. The Boot had two other famous drivers, Steve McQueen and James Garner. The Baja Boot was the first purpose-built racer for the Baja event. Hickey left GM in 1968 and · set up Hickey Enterprises. He continued to work with GM as a main client for another 13 years. Now having his own shop he had the opportunity to~experiment more with the types of off-road vehicles he chose to develop. He designed aod built the Banshee for James Garner to race. This vehicle had an Olds Cutlass frame, an aluminum 455-inch Oldsmobile engine and toped out at a speed of 150 miles per hour. Garner won the Riverside Grand Prix in it. While Hickey enjoyed fabricating one-off race cars it was not very profitable. Hickey Enterprises grew beyond just developing race vehicles quickly and included the devel-opment and fabrication of after- · market parts for off-road vehicles including the Blazer, Ford Bronco and Dodge Ram Trucks. By 1979 th company grew to 140 employees and a catalogue which listed over 1,400 items. Hickey chose to sell the company once it became more focused on manu-facturing rather than design. In semi-retirement he contin-ued designing for GM, U-haul and others. In 1979 Hickey took a contract with the Food Machin-ery Corporation (FCM) to design a High-Mobility Multi-Purpose Wheel Vehicle (HMMWV). The vehicle would become known as the Humvee and eventually the Hummer. This vehicle was basi-cally a very heavy duty version of the Baja Boot. The U.S. Army viewed the vehicles at a demon-stration and had ten more built for testing. AM Genera·! began building the vehicles for the Army. By 1995 over 150,000 Humvees had been built for the U.S. Military and its allies. In 1999 General Motors purchased the name Hummer from AM General and began producing ci-vilian versions of the vehicle. Hickey and his wife moved to the ranch of their dreams a 900 acre property near Paso Robles. In 2000 they sold the ranch and moved to Arroyo Grande. Hickey passed away of natural causes on June 13, 2003 at the age of 84. To learn more about other in-dividuals who like Vic Hickey have shaped the off-road world please visit the Off-Road Motorsports Hall of Fame, lo-cated in Reno, NV at the Na-tional Automobile Museum (The Harrah Collection) or our web site If you know an exceptional in-dividual who you believe has made a significant contribution to the history of off-roading you can nominate them by complet-ing the nomination packet avail-able on the ORMHOF web page If you are interested in getting involved with Off-Road Motorsports Hall of Fame or have any questions about the Hall of Fame please contact Bob Bower at Sources: Rafferty, Tod. The Achievers. Central California"s Engineering Pioneers. Central Coast History Foundation, San Luis Obispo, CA. 2004. Obituary, Victor Francis Hickey, The San Luis Obispo Tri-bune, 10 July 2003. p.B2. Auto Maker. Vic Hickey Loves Cars and it Shows ... ,English. Jen-nifer. The San Luis Obispo Tri-bune. 24 March 2000. p.Hl. P~ge 51

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Good stuff Dlrectorv Air Cleaners for Off-Road Racing. From Baja to Dakar. Be>ttE?f by De&)Qn For a list of dealers visit our website at: 19076 Hawthorne Blvd. 'l'orrance, CA 90503 • Custom fabrication • Prerunners • Su$pensions • Custom exhaust (310) 542-2977 (:,).SER Ts· '----1'. CELLULAR TIRE INSERTS Preliminary announcement: new technology that flat-proofs I blowout-proofs pneumatic tires. Please go to: for information and a video demonstration of AIRSERTS™ Cellular Tire Inserts. OFF.;_ROAD FUEL CELLS SCORE• CORR • SODA • MAORA PRERUNNERS • RALLY~ ETC SM"4 • ,. Custom 1,1 Sizes Toll Free: 800-526-5330 Fax: 201-825-1962 e-Mall: < ..A:1-Z-www.atlfue/ Oft-Road Fiberglass• Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages Ford Truck Specialist • 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 MOTORSPORTS (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 nu.cnren lrute.UUISI RACECARS PRERUNNERS Ill! 714.218.e945 flX:JK.218.0118 ,_· ,t., , Ji-'A~· CUSTOM Ft7'it--;,.'7j J .. ,~~ BRANDWOOD CARS for mld-:englnes and other applications 602-437-3107 Ci.Jstorr. V~hicle Shifter QSH l'.uhwn!.t • ~...-.c:... 920?1 Ph: (619)562-3071 fax, (619)562,0591 Offroad to Street, Prerunner to Race ..Cha• t>eslgn --Rec• Prep -An General Fabrication 180149$907 11"801.J'1ae'stte KffPeria CA 92Mf ~ortlt0"4,00ffl CA $ RACING Raceajr Helmets & Accessories Bell, Shoel, Simpson Jlower systems & cool boxes tit-412 .. 700 1N ................. cwaVlnl. ca•1•1• CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN 39067 ORCHARD ST. CHERRYVALLEYCA.92223 PH#. (951)-Nl-8820 p__roducts in stock Race l'rovtn F1bric1tion: Boalec Fiberglass . Pre-Runners Dimple Dies Desert Trucks Benders Short COUJ'Se trucb Bypass valves+tubes Paris-Dakar trucks Sway-bar Arms ■INCi: 1 0■a eEL! ----- ~ QUALITY ISl!:A~LCCK WHl!:~LS --•-•EAIN.ICII ;;.~ 1s" .. 16"-•17" ALL ALUMINUM BEAOLOCK WHEELS ANO CONVERSIONS CHAMPION WHEEL CC, INC, 1 &537 CO\..LIICR (9S 1 J 471-21 as L.AKl'Z f.!:LSINCRE CA, 92531 WWW.CHAMPIONWHEEL,COM CHENOWTH r YCIN(; ,1toDVC'TS. lNC, [CNC] CNC, Inc. 1221 West Morena llvd. San Diego, CA 92110 (619} 275-166~ d,1{;1~ e-mail: 227 Calle Pintoresco San Clemente, CA 92672 943 Vemon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449•7100 Fax (619) 449-7T03 Monufactuter5 of Brak• and Clutch Pedal A$$) Moster Cylinders S,ove Cylinders Cutting and Staging Brakes Hydraulic ThrottkH Throttl. Pedols ~ all of oyr o«essori t. Send $3,00 for Catalog FLOATER REAR ENOS• t'RONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS • t<NOCK OFF HU8S (805) 239·2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Han9m9 Tree Lane • Templeton. CA,93465 ~ Countryvvide• BRAD TURPIN HOME LOANS SR. H01'1E LoAN CoN,l LTANT 27805 SANTA MAIIGARITA PKWY MIS.~ION VIPJO, CA 92691 (949) 291-3158 Cw. (949) 707-2223 0FF1CE (866) 379-0298 FAX WWV..HOME.COUNTRYWlDF..COM/ BIWJTURPlN BRAD_ T URPIN@Cclll1"1l<Y"lDE.0»1

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• . SUZUKI sa..-..aa I I ' I I BILLY ROBERTSON (81'8) 166-6134 (800) 800-6134 FAX (818)766.-9397 Lonely Advertising Space Looking For . .. BILL ROBERTSON & SONS, INC. 5626 TUJUNGA AVE. NORTHHOLLVWOQD, CA. 91601 _ Long Term Relationship Call (818) 882-0004 HLJSTL....E:~ ccncePTS &, "f:AJA SHOP (ain(e 1$67} 1::::u:::c:e c:::rir:,e ·s:;:,~ FU ... 1""'11"'1~ i:=u....urnrtL.VTI UJCJAH Eil=IE:C::~ Jeue Rodrigues Pit 714fl7-0701 Fax:714-007 •0759 714 N ~St. 0!9nge.CA. 92867 Mike Julson 9428 Wheatland• Court S.ntff, CA 920'11 81N9&-3380 www.Jlmcomc&.C0111 61NM-336'fax RACING ENGINB George Jimenez Se Hob/a Espanol . COMPl.£TE ENGINES • PARTS It DVNO S£1MCE S3S E .. Central Parle Ave. Anaheim, CA 92802 Tel: (714) 535.5116 Fax: (714) 53S-58t6 JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Quality Racing Transaxles Mendeola Dealer · Off Rda.d - Santi Specialist JOE GIFFIN 3061 E. 1.:1 Jolla St. #I An3hcim.. California 92806 (714) 632-1240 Plx(714)632-t2l.1 Email: jJU&n$< wwwJGTtanswcrb.tom JON KINNE 520 Railroad St., Corona, CA 92882 Tel. 951-278-2233• Fax: 95 l-27&-8335• KAL OFFROAD RACING Metal Fabrication Custom Suspensio-. KurtLannee 1(805) 466-4101 8408 K El Camino Real, Atascadero. CA-93422 OVT 80MID EHGIHE • GENERATOR SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. www.Kawaguchihonda.c:om ART KAWAGUCHI . m2 WJT JRD $T. fax 323-28'-2136 LOS ANGEL!$. CA 90053 32.3-284-5868 ........... , PH: 114.289 .. 9048 Fl: 114.831.1854 1214 N. Parker Unti # 3 Oranoe. CA 92867 POWER E STEERINS THOMAS E. LEE LEE MFG. CO. 11661 PEN0LETON.8-TAEEJ' SUN ""'-LEY. CA ttSU FAX (818> ,-.2117 (818) 7ea,.o:m A full l~ot Poww~ S1MB, pumc,9 and ~ t)f any tyPtoftac:fflO. M,igNflwl and Zp. fklitles availal!NI. •Cusfomeblhll 'RacePnp ~Aluminum Work "w.ldlng Engineering *Magnlffux FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 (909) 596-5497 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER Assembly • Machine Work • Parts · Ken Major 10122 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596--0886 Race Seats• Restraints• Storage Bags Window Nets• Limit Straps• Tie Downs www 11433 Woodside Avenue• Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455 • Fax: 619/449-9454 YOUR OFF-11.0A.D Catch us pn the Net/ Sl'Et:IAUSTSI MION£:{714) 441•1212 FAX:{714) 441-1622 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CA 92806 MIKE MENDEOLA 290 Trousdale Drive. Suit& l & J Chula Vista. CA 91910 (619} 691-1000 24 Hou!Fax(619)691-1324 ToddOW,.-1900 ~Ave.Suite 101, C<rooa, CA 92881 Phooe (951)817-0101 tXl 156 619-562-5533 Off RO<Jd Fabrkafi<m and Duign @mosl!Billt"i Functit1n/Strv,gth/Safety/Pride • Sond Cars MOtk by Hond i11 fM VS.A • Truc:ks •Rocet:or1 · ~ • RGIJyCar-$ • CldtMI JOHN MOSEi.EV Owncr/Fobricot«-_ _ ffi0.$ebilt.c0ffi 236 Jasoo Court C~no. CA 92879 951-27-?-3026 Fax 951-272-0n6

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II/I.TON FAIJCA1IOI■ IIAOI t:AIIS l'lll!1IIIJIIII DUAi. SPOll.'IS OM~ IU(NMW ~ IIACIJIWIP, _,Alli$ 661-974-7961 Mf.3~l1LJY.1:l• •4,-;(! , ...... ,! -YOUR CDMPL.IITE IGNITION SOURCE AUTOTRONIC CONTROi..& CORPORATION 1490 H-e'NRY Bl-'IENNAN OR. , EL PASO. T>< 7993G {9151857-S."Oll • rfr.>l llNf m,~l 8SS-1t23 • VISIT OUA W£6 Slit: ... -~ tom 15222 Connector Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92649 www OfF-ftOAO RA(lllli TUBE BENDERS Y•" TO 3" 0.0. Capacity Models Starting at $279.00!m M-TECH SUPPLY TUBE BENDERS • PIPE SENDERS • TUBE NOTCtiERS RING ROLLERS • COUl SAWS • ABRASIVES WMtw.mtEchsupp/ 4S0-72S-2S76 ~()~ 8ru7:~~f 4.,,-.r) S,_ Co Iii -ATV vi--•"!:-_/ l AUTOMOTJVE applicatiom: POLISHED & COLORED FINISHES Sr.ALLOPEO OR CONVENTIONAL ReinfoJcing Ringi Aho Available Phone -(951} 364-8272 WWW .OMfPfRfQRMANCE. com Dune Buggy Parts Race Car Parts Foreign Car Parts New Truck Acc.. Dept Custom Machine Work & Fabrication 1 (SOO) 231.-8156 2525 E. 16th St • Yuma, AZ 85365 (520) 7&3-{)265 • FAX (520) 783-1253 3834 Wicktr Drivt Pre,lsion A/lo~ Jltl Todd frauds 2510511.E. 46-tAYI. l~WA98'42 95JJ60.S906 9SIJ60.0436 fax 800.700llSO Hirt lo111, CA 911SZ Phon.e: !otJll.tOOO • fmc !61.111.7!79 · www.,.rt, wn.~ .:!!I! ,~~c§"'itl . SAFETY EQUIPMENT MUON.-MOTOROLA, RO.ADMASTER. VEBTEX RADIOS BEU. SHOD, SIMPSON HELMUS IN STOCK WIRING FOR RADIO &/OR 11\'IERCOM snu. ONLY S 12';. -2888GUBDllY AV&. -81GIIAL Kn.I., CA 90806 -· _ MM2"1-817'f . IJ00.869-M36 w • A • . lU 194916S0-303S FAX 1949165o-4721 www • .,.....lfa ... cOffl ~ -aim Mr,,... For The Price Of A Phone Call And A Few Bucks A Month Your Ad could Be Here 818-882-0004 PLAYTECI FABRICATION 3031 e. CCf<lll♦do St. Suite E. AMh41/m, CA 92.8Q6 PhQM: (714) 238-1179 Fax: 0'1<4) 23&· 118$ John Gould • Radios • GPS • Intercoms • Headsets • • _Wired helmets • GPS Protectorz .• 1-877-WEE-RACE 12221 Poplar St. Unit 8., Hesperia, CA 92345 Motorsports; Electrical Design & Manufacturing Since 1988 Ph: (949) 735--9039 Fax:: (949) 459-0085 ProFORMANC£ A High Performance Spec V8 Race Truck Selie$ "The True Driver's Class" P«>truck Stl•• and Promotion Webslte: Email: /el: 81$-390G52 Fu:81~ 14402Ekw.1Cowr ·Et C.,O,.. CA 82021 ' Hi•Perforrnanc9 Equipmenr ~ • 5afety • OrivMirHJ • Accessories (619) 691-9171 (619) 691~9174 (619) 691...()8()3 (FAX) 103 Press Lane, Suite 14 Chula V',sta. CA 9t910 e-mail: rprodt

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Cralo~ Phone; 619-44~ F-, <\t9-440-?11111J Cell; 6111·726-Clfft Fabrication & Race Preparation MW Abraham WOii Sant••• CA 9:lO'n t.•t-.•>JL.ft..~a-Y,¥-crhL!:~~ cra~om I I I SalM& Service ; RRCING ENGINES Building SCORE winning engines 619.420.2233 4S Broadwaq Chula Yista. CR 91910 PH: 714.&8 .&131 • fl: 114.680..3110 1811 Free: 800.304..8126 s,em11r•,11: -••···· -lllltHl1-IH ·••·· ........ wlll get vou In gear sAOs Miis.Pelttl##l ll 1 * Ill. IIIIR* 11111 1111u.•11111 (11U22MID RANCHO DRIVETRAIN ENGINEERING Tony Selva, Jr. 27598 Commerce Center Drive Tomccula, CA 92590 "'°"' 951.676.6569 "cs"'",951.676.1141 ts o lvo@ro n chod r ivo tro i n . com VALW 1ilNN PRooutrs • Cusn:JM HEAD Womc '7BO/S4B-4SSB • FAX 7SO,/S4B-4B56 ININ'Mr. ROVALILEEIPRING. COIIII --.,.,.3': ;:;;;,. .. . riS#i ol#Ui ~ Barry Beacham 1021 Calle Sombra - Unit A San Clemente, CA 92673 Office 949-361-4388 Fax 949-361-4352 A Tatum Distributor Ra,,,,~-Speclalilin9 In Ott-Road Racing & DrMng for Over tt Yem 1<;1...-4 '"!~ "f,_q,,;1. 2()(J().:1DOI • PIM. 9 ~ o/ (!/,a.;-,:t io•4/up. 'klbu Mig Weklin9 • Tig Welding Upgradfls & Rel)all'$ BaJa•Prttven Equipment 5294 H. Casa Grande ttwy • Ste 102 Tucson, Az. 85743 520-850-3693 fiii/ SANDERS SERVICE, INC. L«Y METAL PROCESSING 59?1 W~Ave.,Lot~.CA,0001 (3.23) 583-2404 FAX (323) 583-3965 SANDBLAST-OLA S B£AD.MAONETIC PARTICLE Fl.ouR£ 'ENT INSPEC110N MARK MITH LARRY SMITH For A Few Bucks You can Increase Your Productivity 818-882-0004 LAURA RICHARD S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BQQTU HCR66, BOX 11090 P.AHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV 89048 (775) 372-5335 TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821-(714) 441-3581 Fax (714) 612-9246 JOB SIT£ SIGIIS • SANliERS • ~ltlOOW LfITTRM • O\l! lfTT£JII,~ • GAAPtflCS SOUEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101 Galway C1rc!e • Huntingtu1 Beach CA 92649 (714) 897-0075 • Fa, 17141 894-9567 Z. 2/1,,_Jl!' -rl lll!'I Ill!> EXCU/SIVEIY FKOM: ,_,.....,.._ ,-.,,a;;...,, BRYANT PETROLEUM 800-399-4176 SUNOCO-RACEGAS@HOTMAIL.COM • RACEFUELS Paul _Qil Company {209) 847-228'1 (8001 527-6090 FAX (2091 847-9726 P.O. Box 248 • 524 N. Siem, Ave. WESTERN DIVISION Oakdale. California 95361 T & J's .Diesel Performance \ · .~ Extreme Performanc.e Diesel Exhausts & Performance Accessories Powerstroke, Dura.max, Cummins 714-924-5094 Placentia, CA 92870

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2180 College Drive • Uko ttava•u City • AZ. 8-6403 Call Toll Free: 877-627-8852 or E-Mail; • HI Performanc:.e Converters Custom Length Axles•. • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed tt'Ubs • (for Race a Recreation) Input Shafts • American Made Excellencell , . ' ~,., "'~ ,.,,. ~ , . ,. -, -~ · ~ . "Off~Road and Bolt•On to Street Fit>erglass for: "Ford, C~evy and Toyota" Trucks • Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1261 N. Buena \lista St. , ffe,Mel ca. 92543 Ph: 951-ti54~733.C fax: 951..fflU-2375 See a list or otar pr'Qlltld$,jd o.r web site: http://' .... ENGINEERING VP Aacing Fuels, Inc. West Coasl Region P.O. Box 1319 54283 Monte Vista Wildomar. CA 92595 ,,a..,,, l•tl• , ,,ohc.u l,r M,t«spms' W,6111, • www.rpr•m1fffls.c• KELLEY HENOEL Regional Manager Office~9Sl} 674-9167 Fax{~Sl~ 67--7367 Email: Do You Need To E X p A N D Your Business Horisons? For Lots More Exposure Call JEFFFfELO (816) 998-2739 9763VarlelAve. 818 882 0004 Chatsworth, CA 91311 • • Kevin Pirtle 22545 South Normandie Ave. Torrance, California 90501 (619) 596-8033 1000 W . Bradh;y, Unft 0 El Cajon. CA 92020 Car1os Orozco Adam Wik SCORE ENGINE BUILDER OflliEYEAR 994, 1998, 1999.2000 From Parts To CO,npltte Englnta tl7S W. Ave. Uni I. Lu NY 11911& 7GHS7-2522 Kat N, 21st Dr. Pbo«nix, AZ Race Cars Dune Bug,ies Lorenzo Rodriguez Jack Woods 602-242-0077 fax 602-1•2-1213 Baja Bugs l, .,,.m,wc<l!I -Pm, • S.-rYKe • Weid,ng V,W, P=che • N•s~n. · To·r<>ta • Mo»<4 850 S. Alta Vista Ave., MMrovia, CA 91016 \626) 305-RACE {7223) • (626} 357-6629 fax ~, ■p1D•-...... --RRCE PREP SHOP • BU&&IBS •SRDDCRRS •SHOCHS • TRUCHS • PRE·RUnnERS • FRBRICRTIOD 818) '12G-22Ei0 ~RAC World Leading Motorsport Transmission Manufacturer 11 Dakar Rally Victories 17 World Rally Victories 6 AMA MX/SX Championships Xtrac Inc 6183 West 80th Street Indianapolis IN 46278 email: andrew __ Tel: (317) 472 2454 '383' Baja Class 1/10 sequential Transaxle

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ClasslRed ••• Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Read-ers are advised to consult appro-priate local or state authorities for information before purchase of any specific item. FOR SALE: Brand New RPS Ve-locity-4 PreRunner. Redline LS-6 Motor, Mendeola S4-D Trans-miss ion, Kartek Hubs, 934 CY's, GPS, Radio, Intercom, Boxed Upper, Lower and Rear Arms, All Aluminum Body, Car-bon Fiber Dash, Roof Rack and Light Bar. Fortin PR2 Rack, Fox Coilover Shocks, Fox By-Pass Shocks, BTR Wheels, $141,000.00 + tax/RPS (949) 361-4388. FOR SALE: Dave Clarke de-signed/built Trophy Truck. Leon Patton 442Ci Small Block Ford 725 HP. Stoney Turbo 400 Trans. Cone Converter. Fox Shox. 85 gallon Fuel Cell. Mastercraft Seats/Seatbelts. Trailreeady wheels. Generous Spare Parts list. Willing to Ne-gotiate Selling without Motor/ trans. $230,000.00. Call David (760) 4 27-5000. FOR SALE: 2003 Expedition, 4x4, Eddie Bauer, Full cage w/ interior tire mount. 37 BFG Baja Projects, Fox Secondary w/ remote Res., Skid plated Fuel Tank, color GPS, Race Radio, Sat radio, alarm, custom bumpers, Hella lights, $20K in xtra parts included. Call for list. Brent (818) 254-7270 FOR SALE: Alumicraft 4-seater, turbocharged 2.5 li-ter Subaru, Mendeola Trans, Fox coilovers, Autronics electronic, YOO gauges, CNC, 24 gal fuel cell, Mastercraft, Centerlines, Magnaflow, Roadmaster ra-dio with 4 link PCI intercom system, Alpine XM stereo. Street Legal (registered in Arizona). Lots of spares. Re-movable racks, etc. $65,000.00. Days (661) 259-4845, nights and weekends (661) 253-9728. Ask for Mike. FOR SALE: Ford Bronco, King Shocks, 4 link rear, Chromoly bumper to bumper. Four seater, Mastercraft, C6 tranny, 351 w motor, bal-anced/blueprinted, Beadlocks, BFG, Alpine, PCI Race Radio, SwayBar, Hella, AC-Heater, Street Legal, 45 gal Fuel Cell, $55,000.00 OBO. Call (760) 455-6388. FOR SALE: 2006 Custom Chevy PreRunner, chromoly tube chassis, LS2 500hp, FOX coilovers w/bypass, 24" front travel, 30" rear travel, Custom turbo 400 trans, Custom 9" rear end, Vintage A/C-Heater, power windows, 5 Baja designs HID's, GPS, Stereo, too much to list. Brand new only 500 miles-160K. Call John (970) 441-0443 . FOR SALE: Alumicraft 2004 PreRunner. Four Seater, Northstar, Mendeola Sequential 4 speed, Fox Coilovers and bypass, Howe rack, CNC 4 piston calipers, 934 CV joints, 22 gallon Fuel Safe Cell, 5 new Baja TA, 2 Parker Pumpers, Lowrance GPS, PCI race ra-dio with intercom, 4 head sets & I Pod jack, 3 Hella HID lights, 4 PIAA lights. Floor jack and spare tire mounted on roof rack. Street legal, registration paid through Dec 2007. Was maintained with care. Looks like new. $80,000.00. Call (949) 922-3101. FOR SALE: 05-F 150 Crew cab, Prerunner Y-8. All power 13,000 miles, JD Fab kit upfront, 17" travel rear 4-linked 18" travel. All Chromoly Kings all four corners & bump stops., cus-tom bumpers & skid plates, K&N filter, custom grill, custom gas tank, American Racing Wheels with 37" Toyos. $49,000.00. (702) 768-2395. FOR SALE: 2005 Porter Class 1. Turnkeyed by Herman Motorsports. 650HP LS2, Fortin Trans w/reliable torque con-verter, King Shocks, Best of Everything and 100% prepped. Very fast car. Call Todd at (619) 239-4176. $155,000.00. FOR SALE: 1994 Ford Bronco PreRunner. Cone Rear End with 44 spline axels and spool. Solo Motorsports TTB 8" wider then stock fully reinforced. Mastercraft, jba, Borla, warn front hubs, King Shocks and Bumps, Deaver Springs, custom front shock hoops and engine cage, cus-tom console with radio and intercom by Taylor Motorsports. Very Clean. $20,000.00 Firm. Call Vince (530) 269-0965 o r email: M ike@d i rtracerphoto. com. FOR SALE: Class 10 Jimco Fortin trans, Fortin Rack, Sum-mers Hubs, King 3.0 shocks, Honda powered Major, Steve Dose injection, very fast car. (619) 395-1519. Ask $70,000.00 SCORE winner car. A Note On Photos for use in Classified ads: For best reproduction of your ad's photograph it is best to allow Dusty Times to size and crop the photo. The ob-ject you are advertising should occupy no more than 75% of the space in the photo. Xerox copies, photo prints in leBB tlian 600dpi, or pho-tographs already printed as halftones do not reproduce well. Digital imagery on compact disc in jpg, tif, and pdf formats are also accepted. Your photograph, regard-less of the media, should never be folded as it is im-possible to remove the line created by the fold. We can not make your photo repro-duce better than what you send us. FOR SALE: 2006 Potter Pre-Runner, Redline LS2, 610 HP, UMP Air filters, Fortin 4-speed, Fortin hubs, 934CY's, Fortin Steering Rack, Kings 3inch rear, 2.5 inch front, Walker Evans wheels on 35" BFG Projects, 38" Paddles on Dou-glas Beadlocks rear, 35" Baja Pro's on Douglas Beadlocks front, Lawrence GPS, PCI Ra-dio and Intercom, Digital Dis-play Dash, HID Lights. Car is fully prepped. Desert or Glamis ready! Asking $95,000.00 Call (714) 785-3343. FOR SALE: 2006 Ford Ranger Sport 4x4/7300 Class BITD Le-gal/Race Runners/ Master Craft/ Auto meter/ Goodyear 4.0 Y6/ Auto, HIDS, UMP, Everything Chromoly/ Fuel Safe. Brand new parts & spares $48,000.00. Rudy (619) 754-5099. FOR SALE: 1973 Ford Stepside, California license plate "Class 8", C6 Gear Vendor, 438 ci/ 351w Block, External wet sump pump system, built by To-tal performance, J.E. Pistons, all forged bottom end, Custom But-ler Headers, 3" stainless exhaust, Fluidyne & Earl's oil coolers, Fluidyne trans cooler, Wilwood, Cone Front & rear hubs, Cone axles, & housing, 40 spline spool, 65 gallon Fuel safe, Autometer, Baja 480c, Kenwood with intercom, 8 Hella's, 16 Bilsteins, $90,000.00 invested (have receipts) in last 2 years everything new. Best offers, se-rious inquires, (619) 222-0301. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in DUSTY TIMES. Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED - YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER. Enclosed is $ ______________ (Send check or money order, no Cash) Please run ad times -------Name -------------------------------------Address---------------------------------------------------------------Mail to: DUSTY TIMES City------------------------------------------------------------------20761 Plummer Street State _______ Zip __________________ Phone ________________________________ _ Chatsworth, CA 91311 DUH5Y5IIIH 2007-08 ISSUE DEADLINE July 07 Jun 8, 07 August07 July 6, 07 September 07 Aug 3, 07 October07 Sep 7, 07 November 07 Oct 5, 07 December 07 Nov 2, 07 January 08 Dec 7, 07 February 08 Jan 4, 08 March08 Feb 8, 08 • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page ss June 2007 Dusty Times

Page 59

5-Fat Type liter, 5 sp Fortin, Dry Sump, BFG, Big Beam, Foddrills arms and spindles, 934 micro Stubbs, 4130 Chassis, new Kings, clean Fast, reli-able, proven winner, lots of new parts and spares, 0 miles on rebuilt motor and trans. $42,000.00 OBO (818) 845-1397. FOR SALE: Rally Ranger-Esslinger built 2.3L Dyno@ 190hp with stock carb, Troy Johnson cage, New ED50D Tans, Griffin radiator, Fuel cell, Cobra Monacco seats, Rally Computer, Autometer gauges, cus-tom wiring, spare body, lots of parts. Truck is 80% complete. Sacrifice $4,000.00 OBO. (805) 291-1589. FOR SALE: Pat Dean's 2 seat class 1/1500 Bunderson 2003 SCORE legal and tagged race car. Top of the line parts, King shocks, Albins 5 speed trans with Tilton clutch, all aluminum 406 Chevy small block. Call Butch for more details @ (702) 873-1962. $125,000.00. FOR SALE: Desert Dynamics "Class One" Chassis-Front and Rear Arms-"TieRods" and spindles-1"3/4" Chromoly-All Tig welded $15,800.00 OBO. Call (909) 731-9648. =~-~: __ J_j~ :_ - ~d'.L"__,,..,._..,....,...,..-. -FOR SALE: Don't Pass Up!!! FOX MOTORSPORTS FOR SALE!!! Everything you need to race Class One!!! RacePrep and Ready. 53' Dorsey trailer w/liv-ing quarters. 2006 HMS LS7 Big HP, Fortin w/converter, King, PWR, Proam Hids, Racepak, GPS, all of the best, no expense spared. 2006 Foddrill 3 seat Prerunner, LS6, Fortin w/con-verter, Fox Proam, HIDS, pump gas XM radio, intercom w/head-sets, GPS roof rack, street legal, registered. 2004 Ford 350 4x4 Powerstroke crewcab white/tan 52,356 miles. 2002 Chevy 2500HD 4x4 Duramax crew cab white/charcoal 84,697 miles, 1997 Ford F350 4x4 Powerstroke crewcab, white/blue 112,536 miles. All Chase trucks have race radios, equipment racks and all services has been done in dealerships, all in excellent con-dition. Two bumper pull trail-ers, single axle, tandem axle w/ storage. Everything goes, over $20,000 in spare parts. Too much to list. Must see. You won't be disappointed. $399,000.00. Will Separate. Call or e-mail for details. Con-tact Cesar Fuente @ (915) 726-3 8 2 3 for 38 years and have never seen a number this large in any form of off-road racing," said Cliff Flannery, vice president, WSORR. "This huge commitment by sponsors says a lot about our style of off-road racing, WSORR racers and our Series," said Flannery. WSORR 2007 contingency hovered near the$ 1.5 million mark until postings by Lucas Oil, Goodyear, Doetsch Enterprises and Parker Pumper pushed off-road racing's number one contingency program to a whole new level. "We are grateful for the generous support of so many fine contingency companies and donors," said Jim Conner, Director of Contingency for WSORR. "I serve and have served as contingency director in off-road racing circles for many years but have never seen the show of interest and support by sponsors as that for WSORR," he said. "We will work hard to live up to our contingency sponsor commitments and I know all WSORR racers will benefit from this record-breaking program," he said. The $1.6 million+ figure tops the previous record by nearly $200,000. "Jim Conner and his contingency staff have done yeoman's work for WSORR in 2007," said Flannery. "WSORR looks forward to a high level of racing in all WSORR classes this year beginning with the opening event this coming May 19-20 at Steele County Fairgrounds in Owatonna, Minnesota," he said. WSORR events this coming season feature the $1.6 million contingency program as well as annual racer purses of in excess of $800,000. Both are record amounts. Complete information on the 2007 WSORR Contingency Program, including recent significant postings by Goodyear and Lucas Oil, is available at The Public Instead Of FROM The Publi 4555 Burley Dr. Suite A • Pocatello, ID • 83202 1-800-BLUERIB • INDLl TO ADVb.12.. Tl.:>b.12...:> All Road Communications .................... 22 Baker Precision .................................... 38 BORE Jackpot ....................................... 37 DON'T FORGET TO BTR Racing Wheels .............................. 50 Butch's Speed Shop .............................. 45 Chili Dog "Dog's Night Out" ................. 19 SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO KEEP REPORTING THE OFF ROAD NEWS! Dusty Times June 2007 Competition Air Systems ..................... 27 CORR Chula Vista ................... Back Cover E&J Wireworks .................................... 44 Eibach Springs ...................................... 12 Fabtech Dirt Logic Shocks .................... 35 Fox Racing Shocks CORR Season Opener ....................... 46 Terrible Town .................................. 30 Fuel Safe Racing Cells .......................... 27 Goin Racin' ............................................ 31 Kar Tek Off Road .................................. 40 Kawaguchi Honda ................................. 17 KC Hilites ............................................... 2 King Shock Technology ........................ 48 McKenzie's Performance Products 11, 23 MOR Racer X Coyote Wash 200/ McKenzie's 400 ................................ 41 Mesa Hose ............................................ 38 Nevada Off Road Buggy ........................ 13 Pacific Customs .................................... 21 Parker Pumper D-Cell Harness ............. 39 Patton's Metal Working Solutions ....... 34 PCI Race Radios··-··································· 5 Race Ready Products ............................ 44 Racer X Motorsports ............................ 14 Robby Gordon Off Road ........................ 43 Ronco Plastics -Tanks ......................... 26 Sakata Motorsport Electronics ............ 32 SCORE Las Vegas Terrible's Cup Ill ..... 15 Skyjacker Suspensions ........................ 33 SNORE KC Hilites Midnight Special .... 29 SoCal Dirt & Sand .................................. 4 Soltek Light Systems ........................... 50 South Point Casino ................................. 9 Stewart Race Works ............................ 49 Transaxle Engineering .......................... 36 Vision X Off Road Lighting ................... 47 Page 59

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