VOlullltl 2• • ■umber S • ■av _, . , 12.so ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5-DIGIT 91311 DUSTY TIMES 20761 PLUMMER ST CHATSWORTH CA 91311-5003 IN■US0-1712 sewing l'lle o,, 1100d co,n,nun1er 1=or 211 Fears, covering the world of con1111etltlon In the dirt •••
. 1
Volume 24 - Number s May 2007 D Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Yance Scott Contributors Scott Bottomley J. Preston Bradshaw Jim Culp Mike Del Col Nicole Del Col Steve Hilton Victor Gazca Martin Holmes Rod Koch Byrle Moore Steve Ruddick Maurice Selden Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham 1 ~ a -ally .,~rics ;_·:: ~-Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTI TIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) .is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copyright by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices .. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., · snapshot Of the Month .•• Gary Leupold and Jim Taber nm their Class 5 car in an unidentified SCORE Baja race, circa 1980, seen here at speed in a quite rocky part of the course.· DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or m:ies on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster fur consideration. DUSTYTIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8x10 will be considered. In This Issue •• ~ FEATURES SCORE Baja 250 by Judy Smith ...................................................................... 8 WRC 22"~ Norway Rally by Martin Holmes .................................................. 17 SNORE Battle At Primm by Steve Ruddick .................................................. 22 MDR Don Griffith Memorial 250 by Steve Ruddick .................................. 34 CODE OASA Circle K 250 by Byrle Moore ................................................. 40 MDR Corky McMilllin Superstition Fud 200 by J Preston Bradshaw ...... 44 Doo Wop Rally by Jim Culp ........................................................................... 48 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ............................................................................................... 5 Trail Notes ................................................................................................. 6 Checkers .................................................................................................. 50 CORE ...................................................................................................... 51 Good Stuff Directory .............................................................................. 52 Classified Ads .......................... : ............................................................... 58 Index To Advertisers ............................................................................... 59 ON THE COVER TJ Flores bested all the competition at the SNORE Battle At Primm, he won his class in the short course weekend races and was declared the overall winner as well. Photo by Royd Hawkins -Trackside Photo Mark Post and Rob MacCachren drove their Ford F-150 to yet another win, this time at the SCORE Baja 250, taking the Trophy Truck win as well as the overall. Photo by Mike Wilson - Trackside Photo Visit Our Website at Dustytimes.com cSub scri6 e 7oda_y lo DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRYII □ 1 year -$25.00 □ 2 years -$40.00 □ 3 years -$55.00 (to subscribe online go to www.dustytimes.com) □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name Address ----------------------City __________________ _ State ______________ Zip ______ _ Primary Interest Can D Trucks D Motorcycles D Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian • 1 year $30.00 US n Overseas ~scription rates upon request Dusty Times May 2007 Page 3
Please Join us For casino Night To increase dune rider safefy awareness and to conduct fundraising to enhance the medical services in Glamis Dunes, California. ,, ., •• 1s•11n . • .~ r· Held On Saturdav, June 911 2001 Kris " Chili Dog" Frick A Public Benefit Corporation Presents· 6:30pm -11 :30pm In Memory Of Our Friend KRIS FRICK "Chili Dog" 12/24/1961 -04/09/2006 • WHERE: Glamis Dunes, California • WHAT: Seeking donations to: *Enhance needed medical seivices. *Enhance the "On the Dunes" emergency response. *Extend the Hours of the EMS personnel. *Provide driver training to EMS personnel for dune rescues. •WHY: Did you know that BLM is only available at Glamis between the hours of 7am -6pm Friday, Saturday & Sundays? (After that there are no qualified drivers for rescue buggy available). •Did you know that emergency seivices are typically 45 minutes away at best? •There are over 756 documented injuries by the BLM per riding season= 1 out of every 200 people gets injured. •100% of your donations will be spent on improving the emergency seivices for Glamis Dunes riding area. •Send your TAX DEDUCTABLE donation to K"CD"F. ' IRVINE Casino Night· Cocktails/Dinner· Silent Auction EVENT LOCATION Joe's Garage-Auto Museum 36 Auto Center Drive Tustin, California 92782 Ticket Reservations (714) 784-7184 www.KrisFrick.com please cut or tear on perforated line Jf you would like to make a donation or order tickets to this event, please fill out the donation slip and mail it to KCDF Foundation at 3940 East Miraloma Ave., Anaheim Ca. 92806 with your check or credit card information or visit us on the web at www.KrisFrick.com. Tax ID#: 20-5410662 TOP DOG: 1510,000 OONATION □ -10 TICKETS TO EVENT -10 EVENT T-SHIRTS -VALET SPONSOR· BANNER AT EVENT ENTRANCE -4 GLAMIS i<COF" FLAGS .cNAME ON EVENT SANNER RECOGNITION AT EVENT. NAME ON WEBSITE FOR ONE YEAR ANO ON EVENTT..SHIRT BIG DOG: SS,000 DONATION□ -6 TICKETS TO EVENT .-6 EVENTT-SHIRTS ·.2 GLAMIS ·KcoF· FLAGS •NAME ON EVEl'IT BANNER, RECOGNITION AT EVENT. NAME ON WEBSITE FOR ONE YEAR, AND ON EVENT T-SHIRT LEAD DOG: $2,500 DONATION□ -4 TICKETS TO EVENT -4 EVENT T-SHIRTS -NAME ON EVENT BANNER AND T-SHIRT HOT OOG: $1,000 DONATION □ -2 TICKETS TO EVENT -2 EVENT T-SHIRTS -NAME ON EVENT BANNER SPONSORS FOR CASINO TABLES: $500 DONATION o·. AT ANY TABLE WILL HAVE YOUR NAME PROMINENTLY DISPLAYED AT THAT GAME TABLE SPONSORS FOR FOOD STATIONS AND TABLES: $500 DONATION □ AT ANY FOOB STATION OR TABLE WILL HAVE YOUR NAME PROMINENTLY DISPLAYED D Single Event Per Person Tickets # of Tickets _____ x $150 each= ______ D Donation Only$ _________ _ Please make checks payable to KCDF Corporation or credit card donations can be made at www.KrisFrick.com Name: Date: . . Address: Email: City: State: Zip Code: Home Phone: Work Phone: -
2N7 Happenings ... Laughlin International Rally, Coef 1,2,3 Laughlin, NV CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box 400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW Count)' Fair Grounds. Cadi~. OH CuJB AuroMoVILisncA SAN QuINnN VW Autopartes Night Race Laguna Salada, MX August 2-4, 2007 ORW Gran Prix 10K FoUR WHEELERS P.O. Box36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 (All e11ents staged at the club grounds in Cle11es. Ohio) 4x4 FoREVER, LTD. 1665 DELAWARE ST. O SHKOSH, WI 54901 AMERICAN RALLY SPORT GROUP, INc. 3650 SoLITH POINTE CIRCLE, Sum 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521-0597 E Mail: roger@rallyusa.com A.MERICAN TluAI..s AssOCIATION AMA Obser11ed Trials Southern California Championship Series BILL MARKUM -PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HOTLINE -(714) 562-7742 E MAIL: BMARK909@AOL.COM <www.atatrails.com> AsOCIACION EsrATAL DE AuroMOVILISMO SAM lAsELL, TECH INSPECTOR APTO 42 SAN JOSE DEL CASO B AJA CALIFORNIA DEL SUR. MEx!co AusTRALIAN OFF RoAD CHAMPIONSHIP DARRYL SMITH 19 SOMERS ST. CASHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTRALIA DUSTY TIMES@bigpond.com AUTOCROSS (luEBEC OFF ROAD CLASS 10 CARS ONLY RENALD VAILLANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAVAL QUEBEC, CANADA H 7P I T7 (450) 622-4440 BAJA CuP CHALLENGE December 8, 2007 BARONA SAND DRAG AssN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 All Races Are Night Races All Races At Barona Raceway, Lakeside, CA BBM MARKETING PROMOTIONS Off Road Short Course Racing & Special Event Marketing 4344 VALLEY VIEW AVE. NORCO, CA 92860 (909) 340-6474 BEST IN THE DEsERT 3475 BOULDER HIGHWAY LAs VEGAS, NV 89121 702-457-5775/FAX:702-641-2431 April 27-29, 2007 Terrible's Town 250 May 18-20, 2007 MC Bluewater Gran Prix August 22-25, 2007 Vegas To Reno September 14-16, 2007 MC Nevada Rally Experience Invitation only October 5-7, 2007 Las Vegas 300 November 2-4, 2007 MC Golden West Cycle Avi 150 November 30 - December 1-2, 2007 Henderson's Terrible 400 B.O.R.E. BoNNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING ENTERPRISES 341 w. 2575 N SUNSET, UT 84015 801-773-1651 May 4-5, 2007 Red Garter Wendover, Utah June 29-30, 2007 Jackpot 200 Jackpot, NV August 31-September 1, 2007 Wendover 200 Wendover, NV BP MOTORSPORTS P.O. Box411 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91365 760-578-6258/ 760-578-6259 FAX: 818-348-4648 E-Mail: bpmotorsports@earthlink.net All E11ents At California Cicy, CA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGHTON, ONTARIO, CANADA KOK-lH0 Dusty Times (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR CLUB AVTOMOVILISTA]UARENSE DE CIIAMPIONSIHP OFF-ROAD RACING 7210 GATEWAY EAST EL PASO, 1)( 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 0ll-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES <www.Califomiarallyseries.com> April 27-28, 2007 Subaru Rim OfThe World Rally Coef2,3 Lancaster, CA August 18, 2007 Gorman Ridge Rally Coef 3 Frazier Park, CA Sep~ 15, 2007 Treeline Rally Coef 3 Quartzsite, AZ October ~. 2007 Prescott Rally Coef 2,3 Prescott, AZ November 9-11, 2007 CJ!NTR.AL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING AsSOCIATION P.O. Box 645 PJERRE, SD 57501 DAVE ADAMS (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DON ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. RICHARDS P.O. Box 332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLAIRTON HI-JACKERS l.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TWP. LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 Short Course off Road Racing At Hamson IJIIACIIP'lAXI NT...:cNII .,.. CALLE 6TA FRAcc Co. DE SAN Qu1NTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HERACLIO PATINO (011 52 616-5-22..07) CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICO SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road ENSENADA, BC, MEXICO USA }AN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) RAM6N CASTRO & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/7 0034) CMC CoNTINENTAL MOTOSPORT CLUB P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 Fax: (714) 367-1608 CODE OFFRoAD USA P.O. Box 2328 CALEXICO, CA 92231-2328 760-455-8069 USA 0ll-52-686-553-4087 MEXICO www.codeoffroad.com.mx May 18-20, 2007 Jacume, Tecate, Laguna Salada, MX September 29-October 1, 2007 Mexicana Logistics Mexicali 300 Laguna Salada, MX November 30-Decem.ber 1-2, 2007 Race Ready 275 Mexicali -San Felipe, BC, MX CoWRADO Hw. CuMB AssocIAnoN BARB VAHSHOLTI, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box8286 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O. Box392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER 011-5 2-65-66-44 5 8 CORR LUCAS On SERIES 270 NEWPORT CENTER DR., SuITY 100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 Continued next page GLOBALMAP BAJA 540C Conungencv Sponsors for: SCORE -BITD -CORR MORE -SNORE -MOR ,,(DI' DISPLAY GLOBALMAP 7200C GLOBALMAP 9200c if DISPLAY [MJ1' .. DISPLAY May 2007 Pages • -
CORR Is READY FOR 2007 -Championship Off Road Racing™ (CORR) is back in gear for the 2007 race season and hitting the dirt at an all new track location at the Antelope Valley Fairgrounds on April 21" an 22nd• Tickets are on sale now for the high-flying thrills that bring something for the whole family. "In our continuing efforts to provide our community with top notch family entertainment the Antelope Valley fairgrounds are looking forward to hosting CORR," said Dan Jacobs, Antelope Valley Fairgroun.ds General Manager. "We anticipate an exciting show and are appreciative of the economic impact such a large event will have on Antelope Valley." Gates will open at 9 a.m. Fans can roam the open pits and catch the day's events including races in the Buggy divisions, Trophy Karts, and Rhinos. The main event will begin at 2 p.m. with the Pro classes. Media are encouraged to attend the drivers meeting at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday. Tickets can be purchased now by going to the CORR website store at www.corracing.com or onsite 2 weeks prior to the race event. Tickets prices are: $40 premium ticket, $25 general admission, $5 for kids 4 to 12 years old and free for kids 3 and under. RV parking i available for $50 for one night or $75 for the weekend. Antelope Valley Fairgrounds is host to over 100 events each year. It is located in Lancaster just 50 miles north of "the Valley: in Los Angeles, adjacent to the 14 freeway. The Antelope Valley Fairgrounds most popular event, the annual fair attracts over 250,000 visitors each year. YOTA TRUE GRIT & MILESTONE STANDINGS - Following two of six aces in the 2007 SCORE Desert Series, 57 of SCORE's toughest drivers re still in the hunt to earn 2006 SCORE Toyota Milestone Awards. In addition, four of those racers could split this year's $12,000 SCORE Toyota True Grit Award. Toyota is presenting these prestigious awards to the world's toughest desert racers for the 22nd consecutive year. The Toyota M ilestone awards will go to those drivers who finish every required mile of every race in the six-race 2007 SCORE Desert Series, the World's Foremost Desert Racing Series. "Toyota is proud to honor the world's best desert racing drivers," said Les Unger, national motorsports manager at Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A. "For over two decades, we have had the privilege of presenting the SCORE Toyota True G rit and Milestone Awards to the toughest racers on the planet." The $12,000 SCORE Toyota True Grit bonus purse will be split among the point champions in the non-factory supported classes of Class 1-2/1600, Class 5, Class 10 and SCORE Lite. A total of 26 drivers in those four classes are still eligible to receive an equal share of the $12,000 SCORE Toyota True Grit bonus purse for 2007. After two races over rugged desert terrain in the U.S. and Mexico, 57 racers in 13 classes are still in the hunt for 2007 SCORE Toyota Milestone Awards. Class 1-2/1600 leads the way, so far, with 12 drivers still eligible for SCORE Toyota Milestone awards, followed by Class 1 with 11, SCORE Trophy-Truck with 10 and SCORE Lite with seven. T he 57 racers still in the running are as follows: Trophy-Truck- B.J. Baldwin, Josh Baldwin, Garron Cadiente, Travis Coyne, Tim Herbst, Alan Pflueger, Mark Post, Larry Ragland, Luis Wallace and Ron Whitton. Class 1 - Eric Chase, Bill Gasper, John Herder, Dale Lenk, Dan Myers, B.J. Richardson, Robert Ross, Steve Sourapas, Max Theriot, Randy Wilson and Ronny Wilson. Class 1-2/1600* -Adam Ashcraft, Layton Bowles, Dave Caspino, Hiram Duran, Steven Eugenio, Eliseo Garcia, Mario Gastelum, L.J. Kennedy, Daniel McMillin, Leonardo Navarrete, Arnoldo Ramirez and Arturo Velazco. Class 5* -Chris Bowman and George Seeley. Class 5/1600 -Adolfo Aguilar Jr. and Mario Reynoso. Class 7 -Shannon Dierkop. Class 7S -Mike Horner. Class 7SX -John Holmes, Rich Severson, Noe Sierra and Heidi Steele. Class 8 -Nick Vanderwey. Class 10* -Mark Weger and Lobsam Yee. SCORE Lite* - David Callaway, Brent Gustin, Tim Noe, Stan Potter, Chuck Sacks, Cameron Steele and Scott Wisdom. Stock Mini -Gavin Skilton. Stock Full -John Griffin, Terry Henn and Loren Worthington. IXERT STORM RALLY -Brian Scott/John Dillon had a convincing victory n the second day of the Desert Storm Rally - based in Blythe California. cote, driving his Subaru sponsored by Scott Roofing and Perforce Software, came home one and a half minutes ahead of Bill Holmes/ Kevin Carter in their Ford Fl50. The result had not always been certain as Holmes started the event by caking fastest times on the first three stages. But as Scott settled in on the second day he took command and had a run of fastest times on seven stages. On the final stage his engine was reported to be running rough and Holmes took advantage to gain some time back. Behind the race for the top two places there was a tough fight for third. Tim Moser / Dick Moser in their VW Golf GTi, George Dogan is/ Tom Smith in their Nissan Sentra and Chrissie Beavis/ Terry Stonecipher in their VW Jetta swapped fast times throughout the day. Finally Moser came in ahead of Doganis by just one second with Beavis in fifth place less than a minute behind. Class wins went to Scott/Dillon in Open Class, Holmes/ Carter in Group 5, and Moser/Moser in Group 2. Sarkis Mazmanian / Dika Mazmanian took Production C lass in their Acura lntegra. The event had a mixture of very smooth fast stages with great sweeping jumps - mainly to the north and narrow rough stages crossing water washes to the south. Both types of storage were punishing on the car's suspensions. Shea Burns retired when his Subaru Legacy went off the road and broke his steering, while Kris Marciniak retired when he smashed his suspension on Palomas 3. AL FLAG -We are sorry to report the passing of Dave Pollard, a long me member of the Joe MacPherson racing team. Dave will be sorely missed y all his family and friends. Go With God. RAllYING As A SPORT -Rallying is an intense form of motor sport in which competing teams (a driver and co-driver) 'race' each other on special "stages" (regular roads of five to twenty miles in length that have been closed to the public). The teams start each stage at one-minute intervals and are timed over the stage to an accuracy of 1/100 of a second. The winner is the team with the fastest accumulated time from all stages. The teams compete in production-based cars such as Ford Focus, Dodge Neon, Volkswagen GTi and Subaru lmpreza. The cars can be highly tuned and must be improved for safety by fitting roll cages, and beefed-up suspension and brakes. They are fitted with computerized odometers that the co-driver uses to judge exact distances down to 1/lO0th of a mile. The co-driver uses a 'routebook' to navigate the driver and warn him of upcoming dangers. The cars can be serviced between stages and it is not uncommon for a gearbox to be changed or badly damaged body part to be repaired. Rally America, based in Golden Valley, Minnesota promotes performance rally, including the national championship, in the United States. Visit the event web site at www.desertstormrally.com To offer assistance or enquire about entering, contact Pat or Denise McMahon at 562-860-9861 or e-mail at desertstormrally@gmail.com For your convenience, various e-mail links are set forth here. Desert Storm Rally: www.desertstromrally.com, Rally America: www.rally-america.com, California Rally Series: www.californiarallyseries.com, Southwest RallyCup Page 6 -866-501-CORR Mav 1s.20, 2007 Los Angeles County Fairplex Pomona, CA June 9-10, 2007 Chula Vista Raceway San Diego, CA September lS-16, 2007 Chula Vista Raceway San Diego, CA September 28-29, 2007 Antelope Valley Fairgrounds Lancaster, CA October 19-20, 2007 Texas Motor Speedway Dallas, TX November 2-3, 2007 Las Vegas Motor Speedway Las Vegas, NV CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, Sum 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA Exr 42 Fax (818) 957-4435 D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (All events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston County ORV Park, Olympia, WA) DAKAR RALLY DARREN SKILTON BAJA AlITOMOTIVE ADVENTIJRES 455 E. OcEAN BLVD., Sum 208 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 Bajaautomotive@Yahoo.com Dl!cATIJR Foua WHEEL l>RivE CuJB DECAnJR, TX 76234 TOM ALLEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DEsERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU Cm, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 EAsnllN Ol'F-RoAD RACING~. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 EN'sFNADA BAJA OFF RoAD RACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSA0A, BC, MX 01 l-52-646-1818989 Eus10 01 l-52-646-1715230 AARON Races for bugg:,s & Motor9cles EsTERo BEACH INTERNATIONAL Sbort Course Racing VICTORIA GALINDO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO 011-52-646-176-6230 FORDA FLORIDA OFF ROAD DRIVER'S ASSOCIATION )ASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Apr, May, Nw at Davidson Racewa-, FunPUCKER RACING TEAM 1855 PARKWAY DRIVE S. EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/959-579-6151FAX mdrracing@aol.com GORRA GEORGIA ()pp ROAD RACING AssOCIATION 420 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 '(404) 963-0252 GPORRA GREAT PLANEs OFF RoAD RACING AssoclATioN TIM HODGE (402) 991-6048 ScOTI MORROW (816) 792-2126 (All races are short course, stadium style Classes -Sportsman, 1/2-1600, 5-1600, Spore Truck, Quads, Tough Truck Nebraska Raceway Park, Exit 420 on /-80 between Omaha and Lincoln.) For latest info check < www.gporra.net> HIGH PLAINS ()pp ROAD RACING 2000 W. QUINCY AVENUE #B ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 303-806-8062/ 303-781-0974 fax INTERNATIONAL ICE RACING AssOCIATION May 2007 P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDDOR (612) 937-3816/Fax 474-2769 INTER-SHows MoTORSPORTS PRoMOTIONs, INc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 }EEPSPEED 1826 N. WINDES Orange, CA 92869 714-538-7434/ fax 714-633-1724 All races for J eepspeed 1, 2 & 3 June 1-3, 2007 SCORE Baja 500 (Non Points Race) Baja California, MX August 11, 2007 MOR Californai 200 Night Race Lucerne Valley, CA September 29, 2007 MOR Lucerne 250 Lucerne Valley, CA November 31-Decem.ber 2, 2007 BITD Terrible 400 Henderson, NV K.AMLooPS BRONCO BUSTERS WliiBperiag Pm.es Sparta & Recreation Center P.O. Box 465 KAMLOOPS, BC, CANADA VZG5L2 DALE NYESTE (250) 579-8039 TONY (250) 554-97801. Craig Byers (250) 376-8466 I.As VEGAS SANDSPORTS &. OmtoAD ExPo (626) 961-3782 <www.prerunners.com> <www.megashow.com> LI.T.R.E. )EFF ELROD (408) 926-0522 )IM ARlITA (408) 247-4402 MAMAluuTA ()pp ROAD RACING LUIS CARLOS ALVAREZO PANAMERICANA AVE #5105 Co. JUAREZ, CHIH., MX 011-52-1637-1799 MICHIGAN BUGGY Bun.oERS Dune Buggy Trade Sh.ow (517) 543-7214 <www.buggybuilders.com> MICHIGAN ()pp ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M. T .B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 )ONES ROAD GRAND LEDGE, ML 48837 (517) 627-6200 Motor9cles, Quads, ATVs and Pilots only MAORA ~AMERICA ()pp ROAD AsSOCIATION P.O. Box664 GREENUP, IL 62428 (217) 235-6528 E-MAIL: maora@peako.com <www.maoraracing.com> Mav5, 2007 Short Course Liberty, In Mav 19-20, 2001 Short Course and Enduro Casey, II June 16, 2007 Short Course/Enduro Soggy Bottom, Greenup, II June 30, 2007 Short Course X Roads MX Effingham, II Julv 21-22, 2007 Short Course & Enduro Liberty, In August 25, 2007 Shore Course Soggy Bottom, Greenup, IL September 8-9, 2007 Short Course & Enduro TBA September 29-30, 2007 Short Course & Enduro TBA MDR PRODUCTIONS 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE SOUTH EL Nf'oNTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/FAX626-579-6051 California Ch.ampionsbip Series Mav5, 2007 Ridgecrest 200 Ridgecrest, CA June 23, 2007 McKenzies 400 Double Points Lucerne Valley ''I\', CA • August 11, 2007 California 200 Night Race Lucerne Valley, CA September 29, 2007 Lucerne 250 Lucerne Valley "B", CA November 10, 2007 Stoddard 250 Double Points Barstow "B", CA Supentition Ch.ampionsbip Series June 16, 2007 Coyote Wash 200 Night Race October 27, 2007 Superstition 250 December 31, 2007 The Bud Light Dash 200 M .O .R.E. MoJA VE OFF RoAD RAcING ENTiruSIASTS P.O. Box 1231 BARSTOW, CA 92312 760-253-4453 moreracing@earthlink.net MOREKARTEK Off Road Gold Cup Series Mav26, 2007 Kartek 300 Lucerne Valley,CA Julv 21, 2007 Freedom 250 Barstow,CA September 15, 2007 Lucerne Valley October 13-14, 2007 Powder Puff December 1, 2007 Toys For Tots Holiday 200 Barstow, CA MSBA MICHIGAN SPORT BuGGY AssOCIATION DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE OR. FUNT, ML 48506 (810) 730-9221 MoroWF:ST WINTER TRIALs SERIF.s BILL MARKHAM (909) 860-1857 <www.lTStrials.com> All events at Perris Raceway (At Reed Valley with a school) NATIONAL Muo RACING AssN. RT. #l - Box 380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN PALATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TuFF TRuCK AssN. Butch Chapin Motonporta Promo-tiona 1404 EAST 3RD STREET HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NOORA NORTHERN Omo OFF RoAD RACING AssN. GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAIL Kaylaaron@aol.com <www.Nooraoffroadracing.com> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Spring Valley Raceway, on route 518, 20 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) (Thunder Valley located 15 minutes from Spring Valley) OFF RoAD ExPo 2007 (626) 599-8622 OFF RoAD RACING AssOCIATION Volunteered Series PRESIDENT· GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP. - 1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP. -9 & UNLTD. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OlITLAW REP. DON PONDER (314) 631-8190 (AU Races at Wheeling in the County 900 Acres) Omo OFF RoADERS INc. 1427 GOSHEN HILLS ROAD S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 )IM KfNDEL (216) 339-4674 All races held at Harrison County Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO ()pp ROAD RACERS AssocIATION RICK TICHBOURNE, Pusuc RELATIONS (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) Dusty Times r
Oun.Aw SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. loUIS, MO 63123 (314) 631-814Q/Fax: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. Off Road Cbmpioaablp 495 N. COMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <www.usoff-road.com> PJ!NNSYLV ANIA SHORT CoURSE RACING SMITHTON HOLE RACEWAY 313 SKYLINE DRIVE SMITHTON, PA. 15479 MIKE GEISER 330-683-6263 www.smithtonhole.com Short Course Offroad Racing May 19 2007 June 30-i;;/y 1, 2007 Mudfest Weekend & Buggy Shootout July 28-29, 2007 Buggy Shootout August 18, 2007 September 29-30, 2007 Season Championship & Buggy Shootout A!l Races At Smithton Hole Raceway PIKF.sPEAK P.O. Box 6962 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS {)pp ROAD RACING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 875-7591 PRo 1600 SHOOTOUT COREY GOIN 559-647-6132 GOINRACIN@HOTMAIL.COM PRoTltuCK 14402 BOND COURT EL CAJON, CA 92021 619-390-6252 PuRE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box50 . RICKETTS, IA 51460 (712) 679-2221 RALLY AMERICA NATIONAL CliAMPIONSlllP SERIES May 19-20, 2007 Olympus Rally Olympia, Washington June 2, 2007 Susquehannock Trail Rally Wellsboro, Pennsylvania July 13-14, 2007 New England Forest Rally Bethel, Maine August 2~2S, 2007 Ojibwe Forests Rally Bemidji, Minnesota September 22-23, 2007 Colorado Rally Steamboat Springs, Colorado October 26-27, 2007 Lake Superior Rally Houghton, Michigan November 9-10, 2007 TBD Rally Location, TBD ROCK CRAWLERS AssOCIATION OFAMmucA P.O. Box 1406 RIVERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/Fax: (801) 253-3176 SAN l>D!Go SHORT CoURSE WJNTERNATIONALS A New Series lry Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro Trucks, Desert Trucks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Truck <www.snowbirdracing.com> (858) 571-5088 SAN DIEGo OFF RoAD ExPosmoN (888) 836 7918 SCCA RoADRALLY P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-2055 <www.scca.org> SFX MOTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE, Sum 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/ (630) 556-6180 Fax SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., SuJTE A CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 <www.score-intemational.com> June 1-3, 2007 Dusty Times SCORE Baja 500 Ensenada, BC, MX July 19-21, 2007 SCORE Terrible's Cup III Select Classes-Closed Cour:se Event Las Vegas, NV September 7-9, 2007 SCORE Las Vegas Primm 300 Primm, NV November 12-17, 2007 SCORE Baja 1000 Baja California, MX SNORE SolITHl!RN NEV ADA OFF RoAD ENnrusIASTS P.O. Box 270516 LAs VEGAS, NV 89127 702-452-4522 www.Snoreracing.net May 18-19, 2007 Dusty Times Caliente 250 June 29-July 1, 2007 KC Hilites Midnight Special Eldorado Valley, NV September 28-30, 2007 South Point SNORE 250 Las Vegas, NV November 9-11, 2007 Kartek Western Desert Challenge Nelson Hills, NV SoNS OF 1'HuNDER 4 WHEELERS RACE DIVISION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SoUTHEASTERN {)pp ROAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 Mike Moore - (224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS ExP0 MEGA PllooucnoNS 3129 S. HACIENDA BLVD. #322 HACIENDA HEIGHTS, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SCTA SolITHl!RN CALIFORNIA TIMING AsSOCIATION & BoNNEVILLE N ATIONALS, INc. P.O. Box 10 OROS!, CA 93647 (559) 528-6279 (559) 528-9749 FAX <www.SCTA-BNl.org> SolITHl!RN SHORT CoURSE OFF ROAD RACING AssN. 4305 WOOTLARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (All Races at Eastba1 Raceway, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box 706 ToYSFoRTOTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 U NADILLA VALLEY SPORTS CENTER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <www.unadillamx.com> VORRA VALLEY {)pp ROAD RACING AssOCIATION (775) 224-1327 www.vorra.com April 28-29, 2007 Fallon 200 Fallon, NV May 26-28, 2007 Yerington 300 Yerington, NV June 23-24, 2007 Lovelock 300 Lovelock, NV September 1-3, 2007 Yerington 300 Yerington, NV October 6-7, 2007 Prairie City, CA October 27-28, 2007 Halloween Party Prairie City, CA November 17, 2007 Awards Banquet To Be Announced VICENTE GUERRERO OFF RoAD Cum PRoFO. CENov10 GAMBOA 0ll-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 p.m.) WESTERN {)pp ROAD RACING AssoclATION LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA WHEEL To WHEEL OFF RoAD RACING PATRICK McGUIRE P.O. Box376 ADAMSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2325 E. KINGS AVENUE PHOENIX, AZ 85022 (602) 971-3730 <www.whiplashracing.com> Septemberl-2, 2007 The Race Heber, AZ October 6-7, 2007 TBA November 3-4, 2007 TBA WISCONSIN MOTORSPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN {)pp ROAD FEsnv AL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 · 0sHKOSH, WL54901 (414) 688-5509 WoRI.D SERIES OF OFF RoAD RACING P.O. Box 99 CRANDON, WISCONSIN 54520 303-880-7221 May 12-13, 2007 Rounds I & II Owatonna, MN May 26-27, 2007 Rounds III & IV Lucas Oil Speedway, Wheatland, MO June 9-10, 2007 Rounds V & VI 1-96 Speedway, Lake Odessa, MI June 23-24, 2007 Rounds VII & VIII Forest County Potowotomi Brush Run Races Crandon, WI July 7-8, 2007 Rounds IX&X U.P. 100 Raceway Bark River, Ml July 19-22, 2007 Rounds XI & XII Pro Only Location To Be Announced August l 1-12, 2007 Rounds XIII & XIV U.P. 100 Raceway Bark River, MI August 31-September 2, 2007 Rounds XV & XVI Borg Warner World Championship Off Road Races Crandon, WI November 8, 2007 WSOOR Annual Banquet Location To Be Announced FIA WoRI.D RALLY CliAMPIONSlllP XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU Cm, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/ (520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 ZR. PROMOTIONS RENE MONTANO P.O. Box 2122 CALEXICO, CA 92231 May 6, 2007 Copa Autoproductos #3 June 30, 2007 Alvisa Night Race #4 September 2, 2007 ZR Poker Run October 14, 2007 ZR Gran Prix #5 November 25, 2007 ZR Gran Prix De Campiones #6 List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't caU, but mail your 2007 schedules as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally sched-u le to: Dusty Times, 2076 1 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-5003 May 2007 Trall Nates .•• Championship: www.southwestrallyseries.com, Western States Rally Championship: www.wsrally.com ORR ADDS UTV's To THE SCHEDULE -Championship Off Road acing embarks on the 2007 season with the addition of Utility Terrain ehicles (UTV). UTV racing will be featured along with CORR's already popular divisions: Trophy Karts, Single Buggy, Super Buggy, Pro Lite™, Pro 2™, and Pro 4™. ""UTV racing is a relatively new sport, so this will be our first time racing in such an organized competition; it's gqing to be a blast," said Dustin Pe lack, of xXx Rhino Sports. "UTV Racing has been growing in popularity among off road enthusiasts, so we see this as an exciting new venture for CORR," said Cissy Baldwin, CORR COO. CORR will be offering both the stock and modified classes for the 2007 race season. UTVs are a side by side utility vehicle with 4x4 capabilities. They have large jumping capabilities, and long travel suspension. The vehicles have single cylinder motors and reach speeds about 60 mph. UTV racers will need to contact Adam Garcia at xXx Rhino Sports to pay a one time yearly licensing fee of $350, and to get complete racing details including rules and tech. xXx Rhino Sports: Adam Garcia 951.696.2200 After attaining a licensing fee, UTV drivers can then pre-register with CORR by downloading the Trophy Kart/ UTV registration form found in the Rules & Regulations section of the CORR website at www.corracing.com. There will be a cost of $150 per event for CORR registration. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Deanne Vernengo (949) 467-2341 MEDIA@CORRacing.com ADVERTISING-Fall Advertising has been named the official advertising ncy of Best in the Desert Racing Association, it was announced today by ey Folks, Director of Best in the Desert. Fall's responsibilities include working with professional working press to help Folk's organization take advantage of their position as the leading organizer of Desert Racing in the United States. In addition, Fall will be handling all press credentialing. Fall Advertising is no stranger to off-road desert racing, having helped promote the 1000 for the Baja Sports committee in the 70's. Plus it's a passion, as Fall employees have been active desert racers since the late 1980's. Fall clients include major automotive manufacturers serving off road, high performance and replacement parts categories. Folks was quoted, "We are pleased to welcome Fall Advertising to the list of Official Supporters of our Best in the Desert series. We are looking forward to working with the Fall team to broaden exposure of our events and accomplishments, and generate a close working relationship with the media. We are very proud of the level of competition we offer our racers and fans." Fall was first approached by Donahoe Racing and KC HiLites to help expand Best in the Desert's presence in the media. Kreg Donahoe from Donahoe Racing, and Michael DeHaas of KC HiLites have been supporters of Folks for several years and felt it was time the organization was better recognized for their achievements. All media need to go the Best in the Desert website, click on Media Registration, and sign up for media credentials for upcoming races. These applications will be reviewed and credentials made available for recognized working press. Further information is available at the Best in the Desert website, or by contacting Fall Advertising at 619.258.6225 or by visiting www.fallads.com/bitd and a page will come up for Best in the Desert. Further information is available from: www.bitd.com bit_d@lasvegas.net (702) 457-5775 -ORR -World Series Of Off Road Racing is ready to roll! Tons of Horsepower and National TV Set for WSORR Owatonna Off-Road Opener. Professional off-road racing makes history May 19-20, 2007 when the Lucas Oil World Series of Off-Road Racing (WSORR) brings its national circuit to the Steele County Fairgrounds in Owatonna, MN. It will be the first time the State has hosted a national short-course, off-road racing event. Tons and tons of horsepower will rumble into Southeast Minnesota from across the nation as WSORR showcases racing classes ranging from high-performance, fan favorite PRO pickup truck racing to entry level classes. "There is something exciting on the WSORR menu for every appetite of racing," said Doug Davis, general manager, WSORR. "Our PRO classes are the serious drawing cards and the Owatonna event will feature the top names in off-road racing circles, going fender to fender and trading paint." Fans will undoubtedly notice the SPEED Network TV cameras rolling all weekend. Action at Owatonna will be broadcast in prime time later in the year as part of a comprehensive SPEED TV package covering WSORR. Owatonna promoter Don Williams said the May 19-20 season opener is a "huge event for our area and the entire State. We are finally a part of the national off-road racing tour and national TV puts Minnesota on the off-road racing map." "I am sure I speak for every truck owner, every race. fan in Minnesota, when I say we are proud to host the Lucas Oil World Series of Off-Road Racing." "Based on early indications and interest, we are considering adding additional grandstands to the track," said Williams. Capacity at the Steele County Fairgrounds is 5,500. "They draw more than 40,000 for the annual off-road racing World Championships in Crandon, Wisconsin. With our proximity to large populations we are expecting an enormous turnout for this race," he said. "We have invited local and state dignitaries and the Governor's office has shown interest in attending the event," he said. Davis said WSORR-style racing is one of the greatest values in motor racing. "Fans get II classes of off-road racing, the finest in the country. World Series pits are open so fans get to meet the drivers and watch the pit crews work on these exotic machines. Minnesotans can get more familiar with the "super stars of off-road racing" by visiting www.wsorr.com and select their favorite racers to watch and meet this coming May 19-20. WSORR is the largest off-road racing organization of its type and features one of the country's most explosive and thrilling forms of motorsports for live audiences as well as SPEED TV. SNORE BUFFALO BILLS 400 - A great race, a long race, a tough race and Phillip Finch and Danny Haines were the overall winners in their Chenowth Honda. A fitting tribute to the passing of Mike Thomas. Brian Coneen took Class l honors and was second overall, Corey Goin was the 1600 winner, Corey Torres took Class 9, Raul Salano took the 5-1600 homors, Brian Crew took Unlimited Sportsman honors, DJ Jeffrey won Limited Sportsman, Garren Evans took the win in Class 7, Eric Ludian was the Class 1450 winner and Mark Murrell took the Class 11 win. Get the full story with loads of pictures in the next issue of Dusty Times. AL FLAG -We regretfully report the irassing of Joe MacPherson, long me friend and long time off road racer. Joe fielded truck teams for many y ars, ably driven by Jerry McDonald. Joe left us on March 31, 2007, a good man who always had a good spirit and was wonderful company at a race or at.a sit-down meal. Via con Dios, El Jefe. Continued on page 59 Page 7
EU~II BAJA 250 Post/Maccachren Win Big BY ]UDY SMITH PHOTOS: TRACKS/DE PHOTO Larry Roese/er took the Class 1 honors in the Smithbuilt Ford, Larry finished seventh overall in the Ensenada 250. is not really correct. Unfortu-nately, if a driver didn't finish the race, his times for the early part of the race weren't reported on the lists we use for reference, as has been done in the past. So -while we may say a particular driver was "third", he may really have been fourth or fifth. In ac-tuality he was third among the drivers that made it all the way. Sorry.) Ensenada and up the hills into the back side of Santo Tomas, the cop went north on the high-way to wait for Post. Mark Post and Rob MacCachren were the overall winners at the SCORE Ensenada 250, their Ford F-150 seen here in The Trophy Trucks weren't exactly slowpokes either, and racing was tight at the front of the pack. Tim Herbst, in a Ford, had been the first truck off the line, and was still in front of the When the Trophy Trucks ar-rived at the finish (which was out of sight for those waiting at the ceremonial finish line), the police, momentarily confused, waved their guns at Herbst, which frightened him a good deal. Then, apparently realizing their error (Herbst's truck is red, Post's is black, after all) they let Herbst pass unmolested. But when Post came in the guns came back out. Post was stopped, taken out of his truck and loaded into a police car. As all this was happening, others were finishing and the timing and scoring folks were recording ev-erything, as was the photogra-pher overhead in Post's helicop-ter. action. San Felipe Ensenada, Baja: SCORE's San Felipe 250 be-came the Baja 250 when, just 10 days before race day, the event was called off.by San Felipe offi-cials. With a record entry packed and ready to go racing, Sal Fish, SCORE's President, had to act in a hurry. He called Ensenada's mayor, Cesar Mancillas Amador, but he was in Europe at that mo-ment. Nevertheless, once ap-prised of the situation, he acted quickly and got things rolling so that the switch from one side of the peninsula to the other ran smoothly. A 216 mile course, made up of old favorite sections of many past races, was created and pre-runners moved from the gulf side to the Pacific side. Pit teams changed plans, fuel deliveries were switched, and new hotel reservations were made. Ensenada welcomed the racers with open arms. The finish was located at Santo Tomas, but it was not in back of the trailer park as it had been in the past. Instead it was on the west side of the highway, where the dirt road drops down to the pave-ment, and then about 3/ 4 of a mile south of there, in the mu-nicipal soccer field, there was a "ceremonial" finish area, where the checkered flag, Sal Fish and media awaited the finishers. · The course went from possible to get to talk to them. pack as they neared the finish. Avenida Ruiz on the northeast For the most part the racers In back of him, attrition was corner of Ensenada to Ojos seemed to like the course a lot. fairly high, but Alan Pflueger, Negros, then to Tres Hermanos Many commented that they Chevy, Mark Post and Rob and the Mile 55 silt beds. Then didn't miss all the "whoops and MacCachren, Ford, and B.J. it went southeast to Alamo and rocks" of the San Felipe course. Baldwin, in another Chevy, were from there across the highway to The Ensenada weather wasn't as so close on time that no one was run around on the north side of warm and sunny as would have certain who actually led. Post Highway 3, behind been expected in San Felipe, but and MacCachren were in front Independencia and Leyes de it was clear and warm and per- by a minute; Pflueger was sec-Reforma. At the Goat Trail it fectly acceptable. The con tin-ond, Andy McMillin, in a Chevy, dropped onto the pavement for gency area wasn't on the was third, and Herbst fourth at a while, then into and quickly Malecon, and thus, right on the Mile 102. But things had out of Valle de Trinidad. From beach, as it would have been in changed a bit in the interim. there it meandered downhill to San Felipe, but parking near As they all came down out of meet Highway 1 at Race Mile contingency and tech doesn't get the hills between Valle de 157. After about three miles of so crazy and jammed up in Trinidad and Highway 1, they pavement northward, the course Ensenada as it does in San turned right directly onto the went further west, out to the Felipe. Do there were trade-offs, pavement. The first couple of coast, and then northward to and almost no complaining. The trucks did so with no incident, Erendira, and ultimately the fa-most serious question was how and then along came Post. He miliar road up the hill and into the restaurant owners in San made the hard turn, stomped on Santo Tomas and the finish. Felipe would deal with the extra the throttle and spewed dirt and Timing and Scoring was set up provisions they must have gravel orito a police car that was at the bottom of the hill before brought in for the anticipated parked right at the turn. The po-the cars hit the pavement. They rush of race customers. !iceman was not happy, and de-recorded the racers' time The long line of bikes and cided to take off in pursuit of through there as finished, but quads started about 6 a.m., and .Post. Post saw him, but as his then the racers were to head the cars, beginning with the Tro-OPS told him he was traveling down the road to that "ceremo-• phy Trucks, got the green flag at at about 58 mph at that time, he nial" finish line. Some never got about 10:20 a.m. The winning knew he wasn't doing anything there, spotting their truck and bike team of Kendall Norman wrong, so he paid the cop no trailer parked by the side of the and Bobby Bell came across the mind, and went on with his race. road; they'd simply load up and finish line on their Honda a few That meant that he turned left head north. Others got tangled minutes before 10 a.m. They had into the dirt after about three in traffic and took a long time done it in 3:52:31, with an aver-miles, and left the unhappy po-getting to the "finish" area, then age speed of 55. 7 9 mi !es per !iceman on the pavement. When would all come in in a bunch, hour. the racers traveled west to the look around for the exit and (Note: Our reporting of who beach road, and then north head out. It was sometimes im- was in what position at Mile 102 along the coast, through ,-------------~~=====,,;;,.,'%:! After a couple of tense hours, and many phone calls, SCORE officials got Post released from custody, but his fate was still un-decided. It wasn't until the next day, when they'd all seen the video of the events, that SCORE officials declared that Post had not violated any SCORE regula-tions, nor any traffic rules (his Rally Logger black box deter-mined that). He was exonerated, his time was corrected per the timing team's records, and that made MacCachren and Post the Trophy Truck winner. Alan Pflueger, who'd briefly thought he was the victor, dropped to second, only a minute and 36 seconds behind them. Pflueger had been dealing with no OPS and no brakes for the final miles. Still, he thought the course was "very good". In third it was B.J. Baldwin, only 15 sec-onds behind Pflueger. He'd started mid-pack, and dealt with a lot of traffic on his way to the front. And, he'd been briefly stuck on the beach, but managed to get his truck into reverse and back out of the problem. Tim Herbst, who drove all the way be-A second place finish in Trophy Truck and second overall went to Robert Ross drove his Chevy powered Jimco to a second place It was a silver medal in Class ½-1600 for Blaise Jackson and Mike Alan Pfleuger, he's seen here flying his Chevy Silverado to the finish. finish in the Class 1 competition, he was 11th overall as well. Sandoval, seen here flying their MEGO to the finish line. Page a April 2007 Dusty Times 'f 1
l Daniel McMillin and Caleb Gaddis flew their Jimco to the Class ½-1600 victory, they beat 21 other class racers for the win. A great Class 3 victory went to Dylan Evans in his Toyota FJ Cruiser, he's seen here heading towards the elusive finish line. Repairs were time consuming. Francisco Cervantes, in the El Camino, was the last Trophy Truck to cross the finish line re-porting a broken transmission at Mile 10, only one light, and "bad luck". What he didn't know then was that he also had a "speeding violation" against him, and he was overtime, and didn't actually finish. Some days nothing goes right. There were eight other non-finishers in the Trophy Truck class, including Jesse Joines who dropped his Ford off a 20 foot embankment onto the beach down below. It took heroic efforts to get him up on the road again, including a back-hoe to dig a sort of ramp so he could be dragged up. The truck wasn't able to go on. cause his brother, Ed, is still re-covering from neck surgery done back in November, was fourth. He had no problems, but said he "ran off the road a few times." He was only 25 seconds behind Baldwin. Josh Baldwin was fifth, in a Ford, saying he'd had a "perfect day -our goal was to make top ten." He said there'd been a lot of dust, but he'd had no flats. In sixth it was Gus Vildosola, Sr. and Gus. Jr. Jr. had started the day, and his dad finished. But he nearly didn't. About three miles before the finish he rolled his Ford. It went over twice, and landed on its wheels. Said Gus, "Talk about a lucky day!" He put .it in low and went on. In seventh it was Andy McMillin in his Chevy. He also reported a lot of dust early in the day, and he'd lost a belt at Mile 5. In eighth it was Brian Collins and Larrv Dusty Times Ragland. Collins lost a plug wire early in the day, and Ragland said he'd moved through a lot of traffic, but passed only one car while it was moving. (MacCachren had said essen-tially the same thing -that most of the folks he passed were changing tires or repairing some-thing that broke.) Mike Julson was ninth, mak-ing the top ten in his new Chevy for the first time. He'd had one flat, and had gone off the high-way between the Pepsi Stand and Ojos Negros. He finished with no brakes. In tenth if was Garron Cadiente, who was miss-ing a lot of body pieces on his Ford. It seems he'd gone out the day before the race to pre-run the start section, and a dump truck had t-boned him, doing a lot of damage to his truck. Cameron Steele and Ed Stout 11th in their Ford. Cameron said it had "caught on fire a little bit". It involved the brake calipers. He also said hc/d had problems the final 50 miles or so. Steele had started the day on a Class 22 Honda, which he rode to Ojos. Then he did his share in the Trophy Truck, and after finishing it, went back out on the course, about 100 yards before the finish line, to wait for his SCORE Lite car. In 12th it was Carl Renezeder, in a Chevy. He said "I'd finally get by somebody, then I'd have a flat. I just had an unlucky day!" Jerry Larimore was 13th in his Ford, and in 14th it was Frank Thing and Tony Cortez in their Chevy Silverado. Luis Wallace was 15th in his Ford. He'd lost 35 minutes with a broken steering dampener, and then he'd had no brakes since Erendira and had to back shift to slow down. Travis Covne. in 1,200 Rooms a Ford, was 16th. Originally he'd planned to drive the Robby Gor-don Chevy, but a switch to his dad, Marty's, Ford was made the day before the race. In 17th it was Todd Wyllie in his Chevy, and Mike Vourdouris was 18th in a Ford. Ron Whitton was 19th in his Ford, reporting that he'd lost a third member at Mile 102 and it had taken a long time to make repairs. The 20th fin-isher was Pete Sohren who'd burnrup his Ford's transmis.sion at Mile 135. His pit team came out to tow him in, but when they got there Pete discovered that the truck would move, so he drove until it got hot, and then stopped to let it cool. And in that fashion, ultimately got to the finish line. In 21st it was the team of Bob Shepard and Ryan Arciero in their Chevy. Bob had broken a trailing arm at Mile 80, and that took out the driveline. Class 1 started with 36 cars and when they reached Mile 102 the lead belonged to Larry Roeseler, in Troy Herbst's Ford powered Smithbuilt Truggy. He had just a bit less than two min-utes on Robert Ross in a Jimco (Mike Julson's old car). Ross was two minutes and 25 seconds ahead of Billy and Dave Gasper in a Chevy Porter. In fourth it was Pat Dean in his Chevy Bunderson, followed 23 seconds later by his teammate, B.J. Richardson in another Chevy Bunderson. The lead bunch didn't change much, but 15 of this class failed to get to the finish line. Roeseler, who did all the driv-ing •because Troy's mending Achilles tendon is still giving him some trouble, took the win. He said "a couple of Trophy Continued next page 16 Movie Theaters 4,500 Seat Equestrian & Event Center 50,000 Sq. Ft. Of Meeting Space 80,000 Sq. Ft. Exhibit Hall 52 Table Games Over 2,300 Slot Machines Poker Room 800-Seat Bingo Room Race & Sports Book Child Care Center Kids Arcade 6 Restaurants Spa & Fitness Center Headliner Showroom (May '07) 64-Lane Bowling Center 1-866-791-76Q6 • LAS VEGAS BLV0 AT SILVERA0O RANCH RO • SOUTHPOINTCASINO.COM April 2007 Page9
Luivan Voelker and Carlos Albanez had a great win in Class 5, seen here in their good looking Bug on the coast run. Trucks held me up", and he had a flat. But his biggest worry was that he lost fuel pressure for the final 30 miles or so. He said he cranked it up really high just to keep the truck running. He was just a minute and 50 seconds ahead of Ross at the finish. This was only the third time Ross had raced this car. Apparently he's quite comfortable with it. Pat Dean was third, saying he "never ate more dust in his life!" He had a trouble free race, other than that dust. Right behind him it was Richardson, his tires literally worn to shreds. He re-ported that everything had gone "really well" and he'd also had no problems. The Gaspers had a sticky throttle, and Bill had ·gone off an embankment near Erendira scattering some fo lks who were trying to pull out a Trophy Truck. That had scared him some. Danny and Dale Ebberts finished sixth in their Chevy J imco. Dale had had some brake problems, and Danny lost his OPS, but he's pre-run a lot because it was his first race in Mexico. He also lost his brakes near the end. In seventh it was the team of Glenn Harris and Max Thieriot in their RPS Chevy. They had a trouble-free day. Randy Wilson finished eighth in his Chevy Jimco, and Raymond Potter was ninth in a Chevy Potter, about two and a half minutes behind him. In tenth it was Luis Ramirez and Jim Mihal in a Porter Chevy, and Ronny Wilson was 11th in a Chevy Jimco. Steve Sourapas finished 12th in his RPS Chevy, and Brian Parkhouse and Tom Ridings were 13th in their Mirage. TO BETTER SERVE YOU Mario and Francisco Reynoso had a great run, they took the Class 5-1600 win in their good looking Baja Bug, seen here just airborne. •Ridings said he'd slid i,n a turn Perry, in a Chevy Penhall. Perry and put it on its lid. Both driv-had rolled at Mile 180, a "lot of ers had tossed belts off. John times", and broke the right rear Herder was 14th in his Chevy trailing arm. He'd had it welded Jimco two-seater, but he didn't in a pit, and was pleasantly sur-get to the ceremonial finish area, prised that it held to the finish. and in 15th it was Brendan In 18th it was John Gould and Gaughan in a Chevy Kreger. He Chris Eimert in a Chevy said he'd hit a "stupid" ***hole" Playtech. Gould had rolled it at Mile 55. A Ford Explorer, over on the beach, and lost who'd been on the course for about a half hour. He also lost some reason, didn't get out of his right shoe, which came off the way and Brendan didn't see in the roll-over, and couldn't him in the dust. The collision find it, so he drove in stocking-bent Gaughan's spindle and de-footed. stroyed a wheel and he'd already Eric and Stuart Chase were used his spare thanks to a booby 19th in their Chevy Penhall, and trap. He said it was a "long day". in 20th it was Eddy Gonzalez, in Mark McMillin and Brian a Chevy HMS, who was penal-Ewalt finished 16th, their Chevy ized for two speed zone viola-J imco had suddenly turned side-tions. Daniel Myers was 21st, ways when the power steering and the final finisher in the locked up. They'd also lost their class. His torque converter seal brakes on the last hill. In 17th blew out and filled the gear box it was Dale Lenk and Randy with torque converter fluid. WE'RE MOVING &EXPANDING 1.5 MILES WEST OF CURRENT LOCATION -SAME STREET SAME PH: 714-441-1212 NUMBERS FX: 714-441-1622 Page 10 April 2007 They added fluid every 20 miles for the rest of the day. The Class 10 cars were next off the line. There were 20 en-tries in this class, but nine of them failed to get all the way around, including some very good teams. At Mile 102, the lead was in the hands ofYobsam Yee in his Honda Jimco, but he had only two minutes on Chris Harrold in a VW AlumiCraft. Third was Matt Culle·n in his new AlumiCraft VW, which used to belong to John Cooley, and fourth was the team of Michael Oeardorf and DeNane Fiedler in a VW Sand Car. Mark Weger had his Honda RPS in fifth place. Late in the day Yee had a flat and when he pitted Harrold went past him. Then Yee had to chase him down, which he thought was fun, but which Harrold didn't enjoy much be-cause he'd lost his brakes just as he got down to the coast section. He said, "I had nothing for Yee." Yee went back into the lead and took the win, finishing almost exactly five minutes in front of Harrold. In third it was Cullen and co-driver Greg Blakeman, who did the second half. Blakeman, who almost went off a cliff, said it had been "More fun than I thought it'd be!" In fourth it was Alex Crossthwaite and Pepe Gonzalez in a Honda Jimco, which used to belong to · Lobsam Yee. In fact, Yee • prepped it for this race. They said it was an "easy course, good course." Fifth place went to Deardorf and Fiedler, and in Dusty Times
sixth it was Edgar Avalos in a Toyota RCD. He came in on a right rear flat, having run 20 miles that way. Seventh place belonged to Javier Robles in a Honda Jimco, and ten minutes behind him it was Weger. In ninth it was Rob-ert McBeath in a Honda Jimco, and Mike Lawrence and An-thony Loppicalo, in a VW Lothringer were tenth. This was their first SCORE race, their second race all together, and they said they'd had no prob-lems. In 11th it was Victor Orellana, in a VW AlumiCraft, but it turned out he was 27 min-utes overtime, and goes into the record books as a dnf. The Class 8 trucks started next, with eig.ht starters. The early leader was Rodrigo Ampudia in his Ford, and he had five minutes on Glen and Tom Greer in their Dodge. In third it was Juan Lopez and Fernando de los Cabos, while Nick and Larry Vanderwey had fallen to fourth in their GMC Si-erra when they had a flat. They said "a lot of cars went by." Mike Horner and Chuck Foreman had a good race in their Toyota Tacoma, they took the Class 7S win in their really good looking truck. A nice win in Class 7SX went to Jim Hinesley and David Wilder, seen here nicely airborne in their Ford Ranger. Ampudia broke an upper right heim, and lost his lead. He also had a flat. Larry Vanderwey, who'd started, got out and put his brother Nick in to finish, and they did a lot of catching up. With no serious problems, ulti-mately they regained the lead and stayed in front for the win. They were only five minutes in front of the Greer brothers how-ever. In third place it was Elias Canchola and Javier Reyes, in a Ford, and Lopez and de los Cabos were fourth. They'd rolled their truck about two miles before the finish and lost a lot of time, and they'd had a speed violation, which tacked on more time to their total. The Ampudias finished fifth report-ing "lots of problems", and two and a half hours later it was Dave Raimonde and Danny Sullivan in their Chevy. Sullivan had rolled the truck over three times. He said, "I made a bad de-cision." They were running a bit late anyway, because Raimonde had been stuck at Mile 58 for three hours. They were the last finishers in the class. There was a dearth of Protrucks for this event, and only two entered. Of chose two, Mike Johnson, in a Chevy, failed co finish. Jason Voss, Ford, got to the finish line in four hours, 40 minutes and nine seconds. The SCORE Lite cars were next off the line with an entry of 27. A total of six of them didn't make it all the way. At the Mile 102 marker, Mike Williams was in front of his MECO but he had less than a minute on Kash Vessels in Cameron Steele's Desert Assassin. Third belonged to Tim Noe and Tom Watson in their Jimco, but they broke a c. v. shortly after that point and lost a half hour. In fourth it was Arturo Salas in his Jimco, and Bill Hernquist and Mike Lund were fifth in their Jimco, and they were only five minutes behind the lead car. Williams stayed in front of the pack in spite of the fact that his GPS fell off the dash, his brakes were spongy, and his throttle stuck. He said he had "no serious problems", and took the win by less than two min-utes. Steele drove his car over the finish line to make it legal, but Vessels had driven all but the final 100 yards or so. It would be interesting to know how long the driver change took. In third it was Ricardo Malo, who started the Curry in t\;le morning, and Arturo Honold. He said the motor got hot in the washes and they had to let up on the throttle to be sure they'd finish. Rick Sc. John and Dean Bayerle were fourth in their KIT car, and only six seconds behind third place. In fifth it was Hernquist and Lund, reporting that they'd had no front brakes since before Valle de Trinidad. Sixth went to Dwayne Reinert, and in seventh it was James Marquez and Raul Gutierrez in a Jimco. In eighth it was Ray Santos del Prado in his Mirage, and Arturo Salas was ninth. He was just a bit over a half hour behind the winning car. In 11th it was Noe and Watson, their broken c.v. having cost them dearly. Twelfth went to David Callaway and Scot Mapes in a Dunrite, and Rich-ard Garavito and Bill Worthing were 13th. The 14th car was the Perry McNeil and Sergio Silva drove their Ford Ranger to the coveted Class 7 win, they beat 12 competitors to the checkers. Dusty Times Mirage of Scott Wisdom and Frank Wagner. Wisdom had rolled over and when he did his Rally Tracker fell off. He recov-ered it, but then had to make a stop at a pit to have it rein-stalled. He also had a flat and had to change an ignition. In 15th it was Tom Shaw and Danny Foddrill, and in 16th the Henry of Ty Godde and Jim Greenway. Chuck Sacks and Darren Ebberts finished 17th in their Chenowth. Ebberts, who did the second half of the race, said he was "runnin' real well until about five miles out" when an 8 truck bumped him and smashed the power steering and the alter-nator pulley. From that point they had to drive a little ways, and then stop to let things cool, and so on. Hector Garcia and Ruben Garcia (no relation, just friends), were 18th in a Mirage. They said their motor quit and wouldn't restart for a couple of hours. They also had no front brakes, which they said, was "very difficult for the technical stuff." Chad Cummings and Craig Brabant, in a Dunrite were 19th, and in 20th it was Greg and Brent Gustin in a Penhall. They finished on a left front flat. Greg had rolled onto his side, and Brent went off a 19 foot cliff, and landed on the car's nose. He said he did a "mid-air two and a half and barrel rolled four times." The landing broke a tie-red. The final finishers in this class, Stan Potter and Dan Worley, were a surprise. They are usually near the front in their Jimco. This time they lost their clutch three miles off the start line,. It "exploded" they said. Replacing it took about three hours, and after tl-\at they "just cruised". The 1600 cars went off the line behind the SCORE Lites, and there were 28 of them, six of which didn't finish. At Mile 102 the lead was in the hands of Jeremy James in his Mirage, but Continued next page ew. Products NswPraducts New Pradu1. annMBH4 CVBTAR,B NO MORE Spline Wear! Stronger Core! 50% Stronger! H.I. 6.5" & 8.5" Sizes Built-In Starter & Ballast Die-Cast Aluminum Hous, 35 Watt H.I.D. Bulb Driving/Euro Beam Pattern Knurled Adjustment Knobs April 2007 • I DDT Ip lfllBBIS 5 •&•4 •&.x7 Beadlock Black I Blue Colors Red / Polished Size ao center Mount Hub Kit Ii Sliding Axles Available for Plunging + NonPlung. CV's wl CNC or Brembo Calipers Ultimate Strength 300M Size 30 Center Star ngAxles nPlungin Size 30 4CV' Page 11
Second place in the Class 5 contest went to Chris Bowman and Saul Garcia and Adolfo Arambula drove their Class 5-1600 Bug to a Joey Westhoff, they were a mere five minutes in arrears at the flag. second place finish, they were only three minutes behind the leader. The Chamlee's, Dan and Tom had a pretty good race, they were the second place finishers in Class 7 in their Ford Ranger. .. The Vanderwey Clan, Nick, Larry and Michael were the big winners in the Class 8 contest, seen here in their potent looking GMC Sierra. it was a very slim lead and Daniel McMillin was hot on his heels in his Jimco. Arnoldo Ramirez ran third in his Curry, Hiram Duran and Gerardo Iribe were fourth in an other Curry, and in fifth it was Sammy Ehrenberg in a Chenowth SPF. This class is loaded with talent and good c·ars, so even a small problem could cost many posi-tions. McMillin handed the car over to his co-driver, Caleb Gaddis, and thing went all right for a while, but about 45 miles from the finish he lost first and third gears. Gaddis managed to hang on to the lead and the team got the win. Gaddis dedicated the victory to Manuel Castenada, father of Robert Castenada who used to ride with Gaddis. Mr. Castenada passed .away the day before the race. In second place it was Blaise Jackson, in a MECO. Third place went to David Caspi no, in a Lothringer. Caspino said he went off a 200 foot cliff. He said a lady had s sign that said "Slow Down", and he ignored it. In fourth it was Sammy Ehrenberg and L.J. Kennedy, who said it was a "dusty" day. Fifth went to Arnoldo Ramirez in a Curry, and Leo and Alejandro Navarrete were sixth in their Scagro. Seventh place was taken by Steven Eugenio in his Lothringer, and Duran and Iribe were eighth. Alberto Medina was ninth and Arturo Velazco, in a Porter, .had one flat along the way to tenth place. In 11th place it wa Carlos Montalvan, aged 17, who drove the whole distance. He lost oil pressure and the temperature went up at Ojos, so he'd lost Cransman Jack •aunt Kil • Secure mounting platform for racecar, pre-runner or chase vehicle • Self-latching quick-release system locks the jack to the chassis • Spring-loaded quick-release mount secures the jack handle • Flat base increases the jack's footprint and prevents the jack from sinking in sand or silt Dusty Times headed toward the finish. They took the win with about a f01,1r and a half minute cushion. Westhoff and Bowman, who had trouble with their batteries and their ignition, were second. In third it was Seeley who said he ran a "conservative pace", but had a tire come off. Fourth was Kevin Carr who drove the entire distance. He'd hit a wash out and bent a tie rod. He took it off and hiked to a Baja Pit whire they straightened it for him, en-abling 'him to get underway again and go on to the finish. He was the last one in. The Class 9 win went to Eric Fisher, he drove his Garibay to the win in 6: 24: 14, he's seen here before some admiring spectators. The Class 7 trucks went off the line next, with 13 starters. They had a hard day, and only five of them got to the finish. Perry McNeil was the early leader in his Ford, and Dan and Tom Chamlee ran second, not far back in their Ford, followed by Shannon Dierkop and Tyler Pappert in another Ford. some time stopping to check ev-erything out. Layton Bowles and Walter Moss were 12th in their Bunderson, and Adam Ashcraft was 13th in an ORW. He'd bro-ken a wire, and Pflueger's crew had been nice enough to get him going again. He said he'd had a "fun day". The 14th finisher was Curt Geer, in a Lothringer. His front end was broken and kind of tied up with a hold down to keep it from dragging on the ground. His brakes had gone out and that sent him off a cliff at Mile 205. He drove the final 11 miles on three wheels. In 15th it was Eliseo Garcia and Hector Sarabia in a Garibay. It's a new car and their only problem had been with the left rear brake grabbing. Yuren Soto finished 16th, and in 17th it was Chris Langmayer and Luis Alonso, who finished on a left front flat. James, after leading early in the day, fell to 18th place. And in 19th it was Myan Spaccarelli and Lemming Larson in a Mirage. They said each of them had rolled the car once. It had no roof when it finished. Twentieth place went to Edgar Alvarez, Jr. and Sr., in a Curry, and in 21st it was Ed Bonanni and Allan Hansak. They'd had steering problems, brake prob-lems and a fuel pickup problems starting at Mile 202. Said they, "We had a lot of fun." Mario Gastelum was the last finisher, in 22nd place in his Curry. He'd gone off the road and into an embankment at Mile 2175. Paul Fish, Race Director for SCORE, came along in his helicopter and got him out. Then he got him a car to help get the race car out of its predicament and got him going again so he could finish. The Class 4 Baja Bugs went off the line next, with seven starters. Joe Westhoff got Chris Bowman's car into the lead by Mile 102, and he had 13 minutes on Luivan Voelker in one of the "New Beetle" cars. George Seeley, the other New Beetle, April 2007 was third and less than a minute behind him, while Kevin Carr ran fourth. Bowman, who wasn't in very good shape, got into the car for the second half. He'd been work-ing under a car on Thursday when someone tried to be help-ful and took the jack out, drop-ping the car on his shoulder. It was, he said, "separated" an.cl "hurt like hell." He was not in top form. Voelker had had no prob-lems, and his co-driver, Carlos Albanez had none either, as they Nothing changed. McNeil took the win, although he'd lost second gear about five miles into the race. He'd also lost a spark plug -late in the day and thus, finished on five cylinders. He'd had to stop long enough to let a carsick passenger out also. Still he finished with 21 minutes to spare. Dan and Tom Chamlee Lobsam Yee lets it all hang out as he flies his Honda powered Jimco to the Class 10 victory, he had 5 minutes in hand at the flag. A great victory in SCORE Lite went to Mike Williams and Mike Sandoval, their Meco won the class with less than 2 minutes in hand. Page 12
I' A silver medal in Class 7SX went to Rich Severson and Pat Neveau, Glen and Thomas Greer launch their Dodge Ram heavenward as Chris Harrold drove his Honda powered Alumicraft to a second place seen here in their Ford Ranger headin' for the checkers. they drove to a second place finish in the Class 8 battle. finish in Class 10, seen here just at liftoff. Cameron Steele and Kash Vessels pooled their considerable talents Tim Herbst was only able to grab the bronze medal in the Trophy Pat Dean drove the L VDC Bunderson Chevy to a third place finish in and drove to a second place finish in SCORE LITE in their Desert Assassin. Truck competition, seen here taking off in hid Ford F-150. the Class 1 battle, seen here heading for the checkered flag. were second. They'd had a flat was Steven Looney and Mike Arambula, who was less than a been as high up in the order as however, and got to the finish and had also had starter prob-Ballard, in a Ford. They said minute ahead of Adolfo Aguilar, second place, but then the car's line for a win, even though they !ems. Whenever they stopped they'd "broken the whole rear who was just 13 seconds in front horns broke and after he got to lost second gear at Mile 170. they'd had to bang on it to get end off" and had to have it of Greg Villarino. the beach he'd been unable to Class 7SX had nine starters, it working again. In third it was welded together. Cheri and At the finish they were in the shift. He'd also had to tape up a and four of them bombed out. Dierkop and Pappert who'd Stephen Allen in a Nissan Fron-same order. The Reynoso got the c.v. joint. Albert Castro was fifth Of the five that finished, Jim been stuck in some silt for 15 or tier, were the final finishers, but win, and reported that they'd and Arnulfo Valenzuela was Hinesley ran in front at Mile 20 minutes, and had had to dig didn't make it official because had no problems and only one sixth, followed in by Gerardo 102, with about nine minutes on to get unstuck. After driving the they were overtime by almost 20 flat. They were about three min-Rubio in seventh, only 18 min-John Holmes in a Ford. In third first half, Dierkop moved over to minutes. This was their first race utes ahead of Arambula who utes before his time would have place it was Chris Vano in Heidi the passenger seat and rode to and they'd been stuck in the silt. also had no trouble. In third it run out. He had rolled at Mile Steele's Ford. the finish line. The 5-1600 cars went next, was Aguilar, who said he'd had 80 and broken a torsion bar. Hinesley held onto his lead Barry Karakas brought his with only ten entries. Three of some carburetor trouble, but he There were only two entries and got to the finish still in first Toyota home in fourth place. He them didn't make it back, and was only a minute and 23 sec-in Class 7S, and one of them, place. He said he'd had a "great said that just past Tres the rest pretty much seemed to onds further back. In fourth it Ted Moncure, didn't make it. day", with no flats, and no Hermanos the truck caught fire run in order all day. Brothers was Villarino and his co-driver, Mike Horner and Chuck Fore-break-downs. He also thought it due to oil on the headers. "It Mario and Francisco Reynoso Carlos Iribe. He said they'd man, in a Toyota, had a good day Continued next page scared me to death!" he said. Af- were in front at Mile 102, with ter that he "cruised". In fifth it about three minutes on Adolfo The Class 11 win went to Ramon and Tomas Fernandez, they had almost an hour in hand when they took the checkered flag. The win in the Stock Full competition went to Terry and Eric Henn, they're seen here in their H1 Hummer headin' for the finish. Page 13 TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING, INC. cong -::.1a1 -ns Avl 250 Tim Undsay #171 1st Class I -1st 011erall 6th SNORE 011erall Points av,an Zlglar Randy Janes 3rd 1600 lla)a IGGO Arturo/Abel ve-.■aco -stevacruz 3rd 1600 M.O.R.E P&L Tays 4 Tats 20D JD Ward #1CID9 fdClassfO Johnny 1111,ns /1985 2ndClaSS9 Kan Talbert #578 2nd Class 5-fllOO Id 200II 5-IIIOO Cllllmplonslllp Tammy Craig #1&22 Srd Class fllOO congratulations to all Wide open Baja Challenge Participants TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 9763VARIELAVENUE CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818 8-2739 April 2007 Dusty Times
A third place finish in Class ½-1600 went to Dave Caspino, Dave is seen in his Lothringer at high speed. Adolfo Aguilar and Troy Gibson took the bronze medal in the Class It was a third place finish in Class 7 for Shannon Dierkop and Tyler 5-1600 contest, they're seen here at speed on the course. Pappert, seen here in their Ford Ranger. was a "great course". In second place Rich Severson, Ford, re-ported an "excellent day" with no flats and no mechanical prob-lems. He also said, "Everything went great." He was about 27 minutes behind the winning car. Third went to Steele, who drove the second half, and Vano. Steele said she thought her brakes were "out", but said they'd had no serious trouble. Noe Sierra was fourth in his Ford, only a minute later, and in fifth it was Mark Landersman and John Holmes in their Ford. They'd broken a steering box at Mile 9 and lost a half hour there. The Stock Full class went next, with four starters. One of them didn't make it, but at the front it was Terry and Eric Henn in their big red Hummer. They led at Mile 102 and still led at the finish, coming in about 48 minutes in front of John Grif-fin and Jeremy Spirkoff. That was the surprise of the class, be-cause Griffin was driving a Ford instead of the white Hummer he's raced for years. Spirkoff started, with Griffin riding, so he could learn what the truck was capable of. They ran about six minutes behind the Henns at the midway point, but lost time when they got stuck in Erendira when they had a "little axle prob-lem." In third it was Loren Worthington and Mike Polsky in a Dodge 2500. They finished five minutes and five seconds before they would have timed out. Their truck runs on bio-die-sel fuel, and gets 12 miles to the gallon, which is very good mile-age for an off road truck. It has a 33 gallon fuel tank, and they said it smells like french fries and seafood while they're trav-eling, and it "makes us hungry." Stock Mini had just two en-tries, and only one finisher. Gavin Skilton piloted his Honda Ridgeline all the way, and said he never got out of the truck. He had "not one issue", not even a flat, and he'd started on used tires. It was, he said, a "fun day." Class 9 fielded only two en-tries for some reason, and both of them finished. Eric Fisher and Jose Montoya ran in front all the way in their Garibay, even though they broke a drum in Tres Hermanos. Fisher said there was "no mas" and they took the win by a little over a half hour. Luis Guevara and Federico Montes finished sec-ond in their Tubular Designs car. Class 3 had a different look for this race, with five entries, none of which were the Moss Brothers. Instead of a Bronco up in front, there was a Toyota FJ Cruiser, driven by Dylan Evans. At Mile 102 he was 16 m inutes Page 15 in front of Chris Raffo in h is Evans handed over the FJ, tioning, heater, and windshield rible howl". But he'd finished Blazer, but then Raffo had lost which was running its first race, washers. It "worked perfectly" second, an hour and 40 min-a driveshaft in the first five to Steve Krieger, an old hand at and got them to the finish line utes in front of Cervantes, who miles. Salvatore Cervantes ran truck racing, and he carried on. in first place. Raffo came in was third. His GPS had broken third, another 21 minutes back The truck was "mostly stock" he about 25 minutes later, saying and he'd been lost several times in his Bronco. said, and still had its air condi-the Blazer was "making a ter-Continued next_p_age "We did it! Special thanks to the crew and sponsors for a great 12th place finish at the SCORE Baja 1000!'• - Robbie Pierce, MasterCraft CEO and Driver Driver: Bill Varnes Co-Drivers: Brent Gustin and Kelly Falls Team Coordinator: Madeline Bullman Stateside Ops: Penny Chick Crew: Dan Fogle, Bob Richmond, Lee and Deb Strimpel, Roger and Como, Ed Zimmerman, Greg Gustin and Chris Patterson, Arnie Gustin and Carl Kliewer, Darien Moran and his band, Jaime Medina, R.G. Dickey and Jason "Red" Redfield, Ricardo Lora, Jerry Mathes and Andy Andresen, Dustin Carlsen, Olga Vernon, Bob and Barret Howle, Nicole, Anthony, Quirino, Francisco, Jim and the entire Baja Pits army Sponsors: Goodyear Tire, Walker Evans Wheels, Hypercoil Springs, Mirage Racing, KC Hilites, Edelbrock Watch for Trophy Truck 35 at the next finish line! April 2007 Dusty Times
Heidi Steele and Chris Vano had problems but still managed a third Ricardo Malo And Arturo Honold drove their Curry/DRP to a bronze A first off the podium finish went to B.J. Baldwin, he's seen here place finish in their Ford Ranger in Class 7SX. medal finish in the SCORE LITE competition. letting it all hang out on his Chevy Silverado. "-a7f t-=-e-=-r--:i-t....:g_o_t_dTa-r'k-.~H..-e~h.--adf--nT• t_p_r_e_--;;:,======-="-"============:;;;;;:;=====;::;;--ru n the course. Class 17 had only one entry, and no finisher. The Sportsman Truck group had seven entries, but only two of them made it to the finish. Tim Lawrence had his Ford in front all the way, leading by only 24 minutes on Mile 102 over Mark and Keith Growe in another Ford. They'd run into a traffic jam at Mile 5 that cost them some time, but otherwise had no mechanical problems. Lawrence went on to take the win, finishing about 45 minutes to the good. The Growes, who were both in the truck all the way, reported that their heater worked well to keep them warm. They were second and the final Gavin Skilton and Kevin Jensen had a good race, they drove their Honda Ridgeline to the Stock Mini win, seen here at speed. Jason and Richard Voss launch their Ford F-150 towards the finish IBine, they captured the Pro Truck honors at the SCORE Ensenada 250. finishers in the class. In the Sportsman Car (or Buggy) class, there were six starters and two finishers. One of the non-finishers, the team of Mark Altschul and Jay Sil-ver, had come all the way from Brooklyn, New York to race their first event. It's to be hoped they learned enough that they'll get their Baja Bug to the finish line the next time. At the front of this group George Jackson, who lives in San Felipe, had the lead at Mile 102 in his VW powered Jimco, but he had only five minutes. Behind him Peter Lang and Terry Cotter, in a Homebuilt car, ran second. Sarah Bearden, one of the few non-finishers we heard a report on, lost her transmission just past Ojos, ending her day early. They switched positions be-fore the finish line, and Lang and Cotter took the win, report-ing that their transmission was overheating. Jackson and co-driver, Steve Siler, finished about nine minutes later in sec-ond. Class 11 had four starters and two finishers. Tommy and Ramon Fernandez, who hail from the La Jolla Beach Camp, on the road to La Bufadora, led Terry Lang and Peter Cottar were the big winners in the Sportsman Car classification, seen here in their Homebuilt car. all the way. This was their first SCORE race, but they were ob-viously no strangers to racing. Their car, with a big straw Mexi-can sombrero mounted on the roof, had only one flat and was stuck twice. They said they were "small stucks." They took the win by a little less than an hour. Eric Solorzano and Miguel Haro, in the meantime, were having one of those days. They broke their c.v. joint bolts. So they got out their tools and spare parts and made the re-pairs. Actually, they had just four bolts holding it together when they went on. And then, the box full of spare bolts and nuts got loose and fell under the pedals of the car, scattering nuts and bolts and bringing them to a halt. They had to stop and fish out all the bits and pieces, because they jammed up the pedals. And, they had to stop twice to do that, because they didn't get them all the first time. Other than that, they said the car "ran perfect" and they took second. The Sportsman UTV class had five entries, and they had two finishers. Matt Parks and Eric Anderson, in a Polaris, led at Mile 102 by about 16 minutes and stayed in front to the finish line. They took the win by 50 Chris Raffo and Dennis Caewcharick drove their Chevy Blazer to a nice second place finish in Class 3, seen here at speed. .. minutes reporting "no problems -none". They said it was because they'd put in "many hours of prep". Behind them Rut and Nava Tabcum, in a Rhino, moved along steadily in second place. Sometime after dark, and apparently not too far from the finish, they put it on its side in a gully. Someone came and helped them get it upright again, but they had to roll it downhill to get it out of the gully, and that did their light-bar no good. Tabcum said it was so dark that when the lights were turned off they couldn't see the car. They managed to get to the finish line for a second place finish. What could have been a di-saster was handled efficiently by the SCORE folks and their Ensenada counterparts, and a very nice event was the result. The racers enjoyed the course, the finish line at Santo To mas worked all night (although the truckers on the highway surely hated the traffic), and no one had any major complaints. SCORE has had to move a race three times before. Old timers will remember "Baja in Barstow", "Parker in Mexicali", and once, in the eighties, "Ensenada in San Felipe". So it's not as if they hadn't had some experience. They're to be con-gratulated for pulling it off so neatly once again. SCII I B.J. Richardson and John Gaughan drove their L VDC Bunderson L.J. Kennedy and Sammy Ehrenberg gave it all they had but could It was a fifth place finish for Bill Gasper in Class 1, he's seen here Chevy to a first off the podium finish in Class 1, seen here at speed. only muster a fourth place finish in Class ½-1600 flyin' his Porter Chevy towards the elusive checkers. Dusty Times April 2007 Page 16
l.n.lc:!C: 22ND RALLY NORWAY Nlrvonen/Ford Win In Norway B Y MARTIN H OLMES PHOTOS: MAURICE SELDEN A most wonderful win in Norway went to Mikko Hirvonen in his Ford Focus RS, he's seen here navigating through the snow. Ford has surged ahead in the · world rally championship fol-lowing a 1-2-3 result in Nor-way, one week after their win in Sweden. Mikko Hirvonen won his second world rally hav-ing led on this occasion from start to finish, giving Ford their best world rally result since New Zealand in 1979. The Drives' Series is now led by Marcus Gronholm ahead of his teammate Hirvonen, with Citroen, notwithstanding this being the 65th successive event on which they had scored WCR points, in the unusual position of being six points behind the leader in the Makes' Series. This new event in the series will long be remembered for its heavy snow, stages often being unploughed, normally favouring driving behind the opening crews. Both Sebastien Loeb and Dani Sordo went off the road, Subaru badly under-estimated the number of re-quired tyres, leaving Petter Solberg a despondent fourth• a feeling worsened by again be-ing beaten by his elder brother Henning! Patrik Sandell's Group R Renault Clio finished second in the JRC category on its debut run, behind Per-Gunnar Andersson's category winning Suzuki. The champi-onship has now had its over-ture. One piece of good news for Citroen, Loeb was still the fastest driver on the stages, tak-ing fastest time on eight of the stages against four apiece to Hirvonen and Gronholm. Four Fords finished in the top five, and four Norwegian drivers in the top ten. This was the first time for Norway in the FIA World Rally Championship, it was also the first of the 2006 Candidate ral-lies to be in the series, albeit at present only for 2007. Nor-way is the 28th country to be granted World Rally Champi-onship status. Many detailed changes had been made to the Page 18 route since the Candidate event held in 2006 and no stage was exactly the same. The event was run in the area which was developed for the 1994 Winter Olympics, with the roads now preferred for stages being those at a lower altitude and less exposed to the ele-ments, to reduce the possibil-ity of organisational difficulty in case of sudden heavy snow-falls. Various new stretches of road had been built for this year's event to increase the driving challenge as well as pro-viding more access facilities for spectators. The organisers also paid emphasis to environmen-tal issues. With the help of EnPro, an environmental tech-nology company which sup-pbrts the Henning Solberg programme, the organisers pur-chased Environmental quotas so that the event could be con-sidered a carbon dioxide neu-tral event. The main characteristic of the event was its linking with the Swedish Rally, held one week before, 250km away across the border from Karlstad. "Linking" comprised not only running the two events on back-to-back weekends, but also some top officials worked at both events. Norway was different in various respects from Sweden. In the area to the north of the route, there was much more el-evation change in Norway. The roads were also more twisty and narrow. Norway has been the only country so far to breed a World Drivers' Rally champion without first having a round of the championship itself, but world championship rallying is not new to Norway. Norwegian towns often featured as a start-ing point when the Monte Carlo Rally had "Concentra-tion" runs, the 197 3 world championship Rallye Monte Carlo having a start in Oslo. Orthodox rally sport, however, was banned in Norway from 197 3 to 1987, times known to few of Norway's current top line drivers. Still 21 year old Jari-Matti Latvala and just 20 year old Matthew Wilson were going to have their hands full beating off another generation of youngsters at the wheel of World Rally Cars; the under-age 17 year old Andreas Mikkelsen (given special consent to drive the rally by the country's Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg), 19 year old Mads Ostberg, 21 year old Anders Kjaer and 22 year old Anders Grondal. Another young driver given official en-couragement was 21 year old Fiesta ST driver Trond Svenkerud, whom the organisers nominated as a JRC "Guest" driver. Norway was the first round of the FIA's newly styled Junior championship, as well as the opening round of the Ford Fiesta STi challenge. The JRC struck fresh ground this year by allowing A7 (up to two litre) cars which comply with the spirit of the Future Group R Category 3 cars, of which two Renault Clios were entered. Citroen World Rally Cars had never been seen in Norway before, neither the C4 or Xsara models. The nearest thing to a Citroen WRCar had been Ken-neth Hansen's rallycross cars! There were nine Focus WRCs on the start list. Few top driv-ers had been here before. Daniel Carlsson competed on this event (in a Mitsubishi) last year and this year was only his second event in a Xsara. For Manfred Stohl Norway was completely new. At Subaru, Norway was the 19th, and fi-nal, official entry for the '06 version lmpreza, which made its debut in Monte Carlo that year and which surely has been Prodrive's unluckiest Subaru design to date. The 2007 ver-sion, with specific changes in the design, is scheduled to ap-pear in Mexico. One top driver April 2007 Jan Kopecky and Filip Schovanek finished eighth overall in Norway in their Skoda Fabia, seen here at high speed. with recent experience of the stages was Stobart team mem-ber Henning Solberg (five times Norwegian champion), and who at the wheel of a Peugeot 307WRC won the '06 Norway Rally. The team also nominated Jari-Matti Latvala, and in addition entered Andreas Mikkelsen. To prepare for Andreas' introductfon to winter rallying, he was allowed to driye two national events be-forehand. He had to miss the Mountain Rally because of ill-ness but came fifth overall on the Hadeland Rally. Ostberg won both these events, and has plans for a seven round programme of world rallies this season. The Munchi's team, the sixth and final Manufacturers' quali-fying team, were not present. The Ramsport team had two Ford Focus WRCs prepared for British driver Guy Wilks and for Mikkelsen. The cars were presented in identical colour schemes except for Union Jack images on the wings and a roof scoop for Guy, and Norwegian emblems for Andreas. This was an important entry for Wilks, a former Suzuki JWRC driver as he had never rallied a World Rally Car outside Britain be-fore. For their third event in 2007, three Lancers were run by MMSP, for Toni Gardemeister, Xavier Pons and also Juho Hanninen. This was the third formula of rally car Hanninen had competed in in three months, firstly with Group N in New Zealand and then S 1600 on Wales Rally GB where he finished best two wheel drive car. The Bozian team, whic\l ran the OMV cars in 2006 and who ran the car for Philippe Roux at Monte Carlo, brought a Peugeot 307WRC for Kjaer (pronounced "chair") who fin-ished third in his national se-ries in 2006. The planned en-try for Team Abu Dhabi driver Khaled Al Qassimi fell through so the UAE driver planned to contest the Qatar Rally held the same weekend, the opening round of the FIA's 2007 Middle East series. The team hope to be back on the world rally scene in Portugal. Published by the FIA on Fri-day 2nd February was the pro-visional list of the 21 entries for the Junior championship. There were new regulations for this year: two litre Group A cars (i.e.: cars in Class A 7) which are not specifically Kit Car versions can now be rallied by drivers in the JRC. This rule is intended to encourage the new genera-tion of cars designed to comply with the future FIA Group R due to come in to operation in 2008. Citroen C2-R2 cars were frequently seen in action in 2006 and two Renault Clio R3s were entered in Norway, driven by reigning JWRC champion Patrik Sandell and by Kalle Pinomaki. Last year FIA's JWRC Rookie Champion Barry Clark was again at the wheel of a Fiesta ST championship car while 2006 FSTi champion Alex Bettega moved on to a Prize-drive in the JRC, at the wheel of the ex-Kresta Fiesta S 1600 run by the TRT Rally Team. Gradually news filtered through to Hamar about the signifi-cance of the Hanninen exclu-sion after the Swedish Rally, and it seemed that some Subarus as well as Mitsubishis were affected, out how many cars competing around the world with now-illegal fuel tank systems was a matter of conjec-ture. Drivers returning from their recce reported that this event was surprisingly different from the earlier snow rally, the Swed-ish. Marcus Gronholm reported "Some stages were similar, but many of them are narrower, and now unlike the stages you find on the Arctic Rally in Lapland. Also, the· stages in Sweden are fairly consistent, but here in Norway you can find a lot of va-riety of driving conditions even within the same stage. And es-pecially in the more northerly stages, near Lillehammer, the stages are run in more hilly countryside." Henning Solberg mentioned the unusually high snow banks beside some the stages this year, being up to two metres high. "If you go off the road, notice exactly where you are, because otherwise the team will not find your car until springtime!" Citroen driver Daniel Carlsson reported that the roads were surprisingly dif-ferent from those used on the FIA's Candidate Rally just 12 months earlier. "Generally they seem to be a bit faster, with a marked change in speed in dif-ferent parts of the same stage: And this year there seem to be a lot of bumps which could be very tricky when they are close to a bend." Last year Daniel re-tired when he went off the road at the end of a series of S-bends, but felt confident he would not go off at the same place this year. "I'm quite sure. This year the stage is run in the opposite direction!" Scrutineering was carried out peacefully but six cars were Dusty Times
Nine seconds behind the leader, Marcus Granholm and Timo Rautiainen came in for a beautiful second overall in the snows of Norway. Per-Gunnar Andersson and Jonas Andersson drove their Suzuki Swift to the JRC win in Norway, they finished 18'• overall as well. caught up in the fuel tank cri-sis which had broken out after the Sweden Rally. One had al-ready bypassed the offending secondary fuel pump, five oth-ers were sent away to do the same, which they did. Notwith-standing the close proximity of the Swedish Rally and the fuel pump crisis which had affected many drivers worldwide, only two drivers entered on the Rally Norway failed to make the start line. Although the name of Fi-esta STi competitor Danile Fischer from Hungary was still on the list, he had given notice he would miss this event while Czech driver Martin Prokop had to abandon plans to start on account of dramas experi-enced the weekend before in Sweden. He explained that they suffered a lot of broken wheels which had not been e·xpected, there was also a problem with the central differential on his Group N Mitsubishi Lancer Evo which had caused him to use two gearboxes in Sweden, and which needed immediate over-haul. The Ceremonial Start was held in the centre of Hamar with huge crowds enjoying th·e occasion. It was a special occa-sion for Andreas Mikkelsen. "It is actually the first time I have ever been allowed to drive on the roads in my country. When I entered my earlier rallies I was only allowed to drive the stages." Having only driven be-fore in Britain, sit was the first time he had ever driven on a street on the right side of the road ... Leg 1 8 Stages, gravel, 143.lOkms Loose snow did nothing to please first running Sebastien Loeb who was not at ease. His pacenotes had no style, he was not confident with the car, he made several little errors and Mikko Hirvonen was going a lot faster! While Hirvonen himself was delighted, former World Champion Marcus Gronholm, confirmed the stages were dif-ficult, "When you are doing 160km and you think the next bend is almost flat out it wor-ries you when you are not com-pletely happy! Hirvonen chose longer stud protusion then many others, and it really worked well. The bumps, espe-cially those on Stage 2, were very tricky and threw cars un-expectedly off the road, which meant into snow banks. Chris Atkinson, Daniel Carlsson, Jari-Matti Latvala all felt unsettled, while Norwegian champion J • . · .•. . .• . · . .. ••• .. . . o . • . or -road vehicJe. he perforQ'.lap.ce components•of ftiese .. shocksrespond to t~.e on-and off-:road conditions instantly. Whether you are going over rough or smooth terrain, the true velocity sensitive valving produces better handling. improved stability, and maximum cornf ort If that is not reason enough to buy, Skyjacke~ now offers an extra incentive of $35 cash back on the purchase of 4 Skyjacker® shocks. Buy 4 Hydro or Nitro shocks at any Skyjacker® Authorized Dealer and submit the rebate form to receiv $35 CASH BACK! • To find an Authorized Skyjacke~ Dealer Thomas Schie went off, hit a rock and took 12 minutes to regain the road. Xavier Pons was still feeling stiff from his crash in Sweden. The first long stage was repeated, but the con-ditions were quite different. There was now a lot of gravel coming through the ice, and al-most every top driver com-plained their studs were disap-pearing. There was also a lot of loose snow, often caused when back markers hit snow banks and scattered the remains all over the track. Schie retired af-ter Stage 4 when the gearbox failed. Hirvonen was now more cautious in his tyre choices, and lost some time to Loeb, by hav-ing studs which were shorter. At the end of the day Hirvonen maintained his lead. The leader said: "We gained more in the morning than we lost in the af-) near you call 866.4.A.DEALER ext 5049 or visit us on the web at skyiacker.com/shockrebate to find out more about this exciting shock offer. Dusty Times April 2007 ternoon, so we are happy." Be-hind there were endless tales of missing studs. Dani Sordo spun and his engine stalled. Toni Gardemeister felt he was going faster than his times admitted. Henning had a big spin and then broke a damper which caused a lot of smoke to come into the car. Carlsson still had Ii ttle confidence and decided to revert to his, happier, Swedish Rally set-up. Pons really had no idea where the limit of the Mitsubishi's road holding was. Petter Solberg had alternator belt failure which caused him to struggle on with no power steer-ing ... After the second stage of the second loop Latvala complained that the steering seemed stiff and the Stobart team set about changing the rack. They took six minutes too long incurring a total penalty of 1 m30s, which made the difference between fourth and tenth place, but that was not all -the job still was not done, so the crew had to finish the work themselves which lost them a further four minutes on the ensuring road section. Then came the Subaru rock incident. Both Atkinson and Petter ap-peared to have hit the same rock in the road, at a place a driver could not see, and both escaped without serious damage. Guy Wilks lost his hydraulics and reverted to manual gearshifting and had no differential pres-sure. Mikkelsen, however, felt happy he was going better than he had expected. Continued next page £ATURES 150 PSI PBESSURIZED NITROGEN GAS (NITRO ONLY) • ORIFICE DISK. • VEt.OClTY SENSITIVE VAt.VING • LEAK PROOF SEAL • BOHDED IRON PISTON • CHROMED PISTON ROD • RED 800T INCLUDED • RED POLYURETHANE BUSHINGS • UMITED'UFETIME WARRANTY Page 19
Petter Solberg and Philip Mills drove their Subaru lmpreza to a fourth Andreas Mikkelsen and Ola Floene powerslide past a group of enthusiastic Gigi Galli and Giovanni Bernacchini finished sixth overall in their overall finish in Norway, seen here at work. spectators on their way to a 1<Jh overall in their Ford Focus. Citroen Xsara, seen here below the massive ski jump hill. In J RC, Per-Gunnar drea Cortinovis. Sandell hit the the tree incident for the S 1600s survived. Then I came along and Molder had an afternoon from Andersson was king. He took an "Subaru rock" on Stage 6 and was quite definite. Urmo ex-the impact smashed our front hell, on every stage from three immediate lead ahead of Urmo bent the steering, Aava did the plained: "The first Junior driver subframe and ended· our rally for to eight they had problems. It Aava, Patrik Sandell, Jaan same and retired. It was never to find the tree which had fallen the day. Kalle Pinomaki lost his started with a broken driveshaft Molder (despite suffering bad clear, however, whether this was across the racing line was Patrik, brakes on the first stage and which progressed to differential intercom problems) and to An-the same obstacle as the tree, but who drove straight over it and went slowly on the second. failure. They were relieved when MODEL AND ENGINE SIZE! Sales Information: Payment may be made by credit card, money order or cashier's cbeclc. Personal OT business checks are not accepted. C.O.D. orders accei>ltld with 50% prt-payment. $5 Handling charge on all orders. California residents include 7.75% sales tax. Customer.. responsible for all freight charges. Minimum order is $25. The use of Volks~en by P~ific Customs Unlimited. l~. is for descriptive purposes OtJLY and in no way is the name used to infer or intend a direct connectioo between Pacific Cllstoms Unlimtted, Inc. and Volkswagen Volkswagen is a registered trademark. PRICES EFFECTIVE DURING THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MAGAZINE COVER DATE. EAGLEEYE · OFF ROAD UGHTS H.W. Liotl/s witlt35W XIJ!Olt llalln6"'Ba11ut 4 'H Oval Ii.LO, Driving Light, Sil'ler finish ilnd &1erll31 l!allisl. J)air ................... .$5Z! 6'<>a.lH I.O. OrlvinO Uol!t --------■ Slmr finlsh and tXll!rnal Sup,r 8dfllt &/qgl, U,IIIS, 811laSr, pair ..................... 522 6' Round 100W Oiivillo Lloht 8' Or.ii fl I 0. $11()1 OJht. Sliver With Black hllish, pair ...... .$38 firusl! and l;i1erna1 Babst, If Ro~lld tOOW Slim-Pro OrMno pair ........... , .. ~,-............ .522 t19.11t with Cb11!111tfinlsh, pai, ... 74 fr 8ouoo k.1.0. DtMno LiQhl, 4 I( Oual 100W Odvino llfl!U Opal r-~ and llltenial .,. wltll Silvef finish, l)ilr ........ 82 9allaSl, pair ...................... 522 8" R~und SSW Driving liQNt 6' l!OU!ld H.1.0. Silot Liahl, Opil .. wtth $11'-er finish, Pillf .... ...98 Anlsl\ and Internal Ballast 8' Round Sptll with Sm-er pi11 ....... ... .. ... .... .. ..~ fi~ls!l. pilt ........ ., ......... ., .• 96 COMMUNICATION KITS m1, Kif Ott.n DriWlf ID l'luttl/V« c-11:1111011. AlM/1'.tall ~ llimt ~ ~pabnifr tor Iha D~ lo Cf/¥111lf1Wt• to Pam11,m, Cir to Cir« CHw BMfW#IIRdlltAddMI. Basie 2·PersOR Kit W/l!S ....... $465 Black Afllsh lteid Set ........... $98 Bisic4·PersonKltwllfS ........ 799 l.llatk. !!l!ie.~orVellow Adv1nctid S60 H'moo St!hind the Head ttead St!t 164 . lnterwm Kil-.................. 63~ Ciioon fi~ l;iellilld He3II · Pusll to Talk Butt®""" ·•·., .. ,.,37 Head Sel,,.,. ..... . ......... 118 COILBEAM SUSPEIISION .,Mad• Ill USA• FfOfll E11ds!llf fi'ltllillll'Wl1" 111" TPl#rt to Am/II Coll S//um Wltflolll flloilfitlthlll 1114 111#611nRaa•mlP£11/o11."41n/J. T,a//illgN111$ ar, (),O.M, Mat»ri/11, 2•t,•Ulf6(x 1• Wiar AIIII CM 11n Eilller Stort Kf111 Pill Splmtfas ,r Combo /Jlla. from Beam for Coil Shocl\s .. $26$ Combo Un'!: Spmdli!s ............. $475 Ctlromoly front Beam for Combo link SpifldleS a· raised. ,s10 Coil SltQCl.s ............... .. 310 KlllQ Snoek 2' MJ 800)' o.o.u. Tramno Aims. set at 4 .310 wlllesetv11ir, incl~ 0.0.M. • 4' Trtillll@NJll${4) .. 3$) S(ll'inqs, 9:h .................. ..495 ThroRll<lswNUl$,palr ...... ., ... 50 P'iOO'J8a fl~lrODtion ..... 65 1J1etnant aum !111$llillQ$ ...... :14 Sv1edQoo Tle Roas. Alum. pr . ., 65 H.O. Liok Pins . .,,, ....... .... S2 Swed9ed T-Rods Cl11omoty, pt.65 Page 20 FRONT BRAKES 2-Pltt• IH/Jfl Ht/b wi/11 tr R/IIOt, llnrillfs, C.JJler cap, •M W/lttlllld 2 ~Callpm Will/ Mlmnt/!IJ ttBt:km. WI LlnkPln ffOOI f!rali:es .... $1~5 COlnbO link front Bral<t$. ...765 Fl'IIIIIH/lb.Klf VW Link.Pin ffo,rt Hub KiL$499 Gombo Lin~ frw1 Hub Kit 499 H.D. FRONT BRAKES 1-Pitett II/Utt HtJ• wltfl 8" Ratot, Tilllk,11 BftlilllP, Cmrt;,p$ 111111 WllwolHt 2 Pllhl11 C,Jlpm W/111 fllDllll/ifflJ B,ffkttl.. Combo Un~ Front 8121tes ,$940 SPORTSMAN MICRO STUB KIT 8111.t Burlttg lifll$1111 flith Tlfflm Bdritlgi, 11" R«on, Alml/1 Otnt/ty Alloy SlllbAllu tit/I W'dwl!Oil 4 Pit!OR Cll/patf. SpollSfflin Mll:IO Stub Kit .$1 .:l95 H.B. 380M MICRO STUB BRAKE KIT Bilt,IBuliagllfH/1Ull'1ith limffll 6lada;t, W lllltOtS, £,,-,110Ua!llfrJOIIMSM~ ud Wllwood4 fist!Rt ~I/pt/tr. HO Mti;tO Sl\lb Blal<.e Kit . .$1.1>95 CENTERLINE WHEELS hlt911I At11.mhltlm Whnlt 11/lfl Pollmil F/11ltll. 5 Wi ..................... $2.&4 5VW ..... ,, .............. .268 S VW ............ ,,. ..... 272 swc ................ 115 Swt ... ., ... ,, ............ 279 5Wi ...................... 291 15 X f2 5 VW .................. .293 f5.x3Y, ◄VW .................... 275 15, 5"' 4 vw., .................... 200 t5 X t 4 Wi , ....... ~, ........... 291 ts x 8 '" ◄ vw ....................... 2311 930 CHROMOLY STUBAXLES& DRIVE FLANGES • Slt1~ l'lxle$ ftr ~ C'I, 113'-.SHO SM! Ms fllr Sus CV. p.,,r. S140 D1we Flt"QeS lor 930CV pair • ..70 DfMi llanoes !or l!IIS f:<I. pair ... 70 HEAVY BIJTY AXLES llERMAII CV JOINTS by tATEST RAGE au~us ftaflS to AND BOOTS Beel:111 Tniilet Alms... ....... $120 Bug, f» Joint... .. .. ,,.. .$45 Ot!~usTransto:b3Arms .... 130 Ot!g,C>/Boot ............................ ,.5 Buil8us TrinS to :b3 Arms Bus, I)/ Joi111 ..... ,. .................... SO for 930 CV's ...................... 140 Bus, f;V 8-0ot .............. . ............. 7 2l" or 25• AxlH tor 930 C'l'L 160 930, CV Jo,nt .... . .............. 58 24'·2S"1'13001.of930CV's .. fr440 930.lloolaml Flilnge .. , .......... 34 BENCH SEAT . UL, SPORTSTER s,,,:1,1 (},(/,r·W-Jdtt#~mlabw. OJtly 1tr'Wfd•I Now YUi/ Call 1/w Hass Benell,,_ Sl/$p61Wt111 fldr #1¥ #lrrow,r • """" CMs:,Jr. AnJl,t1' Ill BIid: or q!Jf, 46" 01 4/J' W'l\'.le ............. .$435 Lil' Sponst!:f SM. lol'Hlal:k $170 BEARD SIJPEII SEAT I.WBEARJJTIEIJOWNS MOUNT KIT l~1DutvTfllOown. Pf:~s· Siidelf'il Combif'lltion ......... ..$ t 28 Strap, i,000# ~Uy .. $18 Siid&'Sll!le Coml!!Patioo RJlcitet Tit Dllwn, 2' JC 7' tor lil' Sf)Ort$ttr ................ m Strap, 10,(XYj# tapaclty .,, ... 26 !!<ackt! afld Slide Mount Onl\' .60 Axi. s,ra~ ................. . ... .. .. .... 12 April 2007 they finally reached the Viking Ship at Hamar for service and the night halt. Aaron Burkart spent two minutes in a snow bank, Cortinovis four minutes as well as Estonian driver Aiger Pars off on the first stage as well. Andersson maintained his lead despite a fifth gear 360-degree spin on Stage 5. It was also a Bad Day for Lithuania! 16th Febru-ary is their Independence Day. On the second corner of the first stage of Rally Norway, which of-ficially began on 16th February 2007, Suzuki Swift number 43, driven by Lithuanian Vilius Rozukas crashed and so ended his hopes of winning the Junior Rally championship category on this event. Rozukas was obvi-ously in some degree of national. disgrace, not the least on ac-count of the colour scheme of his yellow rally car, yellow green and red -national colours, but also because it boldly pro-claimed "16 February Indepen-dence Day of Lithuania". At then end of the day, Andersson led Sandell by over two minutes, while lying third was "Guest" driver Trond Svenkerud in a Fi-esta ST Group N car, who thought he was going too slowly! Pinomaki had a rear axle prob-lem and was lucky to reach Hamar as the rear suspension was sagging badly. Patrick Flodin comfortably held the lead in Group N throughout the day af-ter •his rival, and winner of the Group in Sweden, Oscar Svedlund went off the road and retired on Stage 4. There was a problem for Alex Bettega after Stage 7, when his alternator failed and the battery went flat on the run to Stage 8. Leg 2 6 Stages, gravel, 115. 79kms The weather continued to get warmer. There had been a lot of overnight snow in the hills, but back at Hamar it was fractionally over zero. On Stage 9 the snow was uncharacteristically deep and on the mountain stage the conditions were the sort enthu-siasts just dream about. Ford were on a mission, to win . Mikko Hirvonen explained: "Be-fore the rally we marked down two key stages fo r this event, Stage 1 (30km long) and Stage 9 ( 44). Both went well for us so everyth in g is looking good!" Stage 9 in fact turned out to be a nightmare. The conditions were horrendously tricky for all concerned. Deep snow lay on the tracks before the cars ar-rived. The list of drivers who Dusty Times
Xavier Pons and Xavier Amigo get airborne near the Lillehammer Ski Patrik Sandell and Emil Axelsson drove _their Renault Clio to second Jarri-Matti Latvala and Mikka Anttila drove their Ford Focus to a Jump, they finished 16'• overall in their Mitsubishi Lancer. spot in JRC, seen here power sliding around a corner. fifth place finish in Norway, seen here on the snowy route. went off the road was not quite just 12.9 seconds behind him! come of their disastrous day. from the Swedish, our problems Pare Ferme, in the hope of gain-a who's-who in rallying, but it "We stayed on the road all the Matthew Wilson's car was re-would have been even worse." ing· championship points. was still impressive! First off was time, but in the deep snow we paired, ready to restart the final Hanninen went off and filled Pinomaki also parked up, but Sordo in the second Citroen, had absolutely no grip!" com-day while Toni Gardemeister's the front of his car with snow, both of them were out of the running second car on the road mented Petter. When Chris Mitsubishi was withdrawn. Team stopping again to clear this away. points. In Group N Patrick (in reverse seeded order), fol-Atkinson glanced a snow bank Manger, John Easton said: Kopecky stalled at the start of Flodin won the category but lowed by Ostberg who then also his engine filled with wet white "There was little point in con-Stage 17. It looked to be all over was nearly overhauled by fellow spun on the finish line. He got material, which took away most tinuing, and in any case we were bar the shouting -but the final Pirelli user 19 year old Eyvinn a time for the stage but then his of the Subaru's power. worried about the engine, which stage was 44km long and some Brynildsen (Mitsubishi), in car blocked the route for those At the top end the Hirvonen-had been running very hot." surprises could still be in store. spite of having the gap he ran behind. Led by Juho Hanninen Gronholm-Loeb-Petter order was The four Junior cars lost the Pons by now as happily in eighth behind the Junior drivers in-other drivers were only just able unchanged, but that was not to day before Aava, Pars, Rozukas place, but then on the final stage creased to four minutes. to squeeze past. Others off on last for much longer. The rally and Bettega were all back in ac-he beached his Mitsubishi on a Mikko Hirvonen scored his the stage were Toni was on its way to Stage 12, the tion, but then Pinomaki disap-snow bank with nobody any-second world rally win ahead of Gardemeister and Guy Wilks. Mountain, a 24km stage to the peared on the first stage of the where near to help. Taking the teammate Marcus Granholm Wilks' incident also had a bad east of Lillehammer (which day when a wishbone broke. SupeRally rules, he finished who now leads the Drivers' Se-effect on those who followed. ended in the arena of the fa-Aava was worried in case the 16th. Then a similar thing hap-ries. Ford scored their finest P.G. Andersson explained that mous Olympic ski jump). The organisers gave up trying to pened for Stohl, who lost ten world championship result since the Englishman had gone off on stage had deep snow banks and solve the Stage 9 times crisis. minutes but continued. After all their 1-2-3-4 in New Zealand a fast uphill left, impacted a tree more snow was falling. Loeb "W e want every kilometre of his tribulations Galli finished 1977. Henning's third place gave with the front right and blocked went into a snow bank and stage we can find, in order to get tenth after a steady and respon-the Stobart team their first po-the road. Eventually the Swede dropped eight minutes, leaving as many points in the JRC as sible drive. dium finish. It was a miserable was able to continue and made the two Fords over three minutes possible." After having a lot of In JRC Andersson won com-end to the official career of the his way to the end of the stage. ahead of Sol berg's Subaru, and screen misting troubles Molder fortably ahead of Sandell, Aava '06 Subaru Impreza WRC which Behind him Aava was held back four Fords in the top five, and was making up for lost time as and Molder. Bettega had gear- is now the only top Subaru fo r ten minutes by the marshals both Citroens out of the run-from sixth overnight he rose to box failure, reached the service model never to win a world until the track was cleared -only ning. Granholm was running fourth after Stage 9, to third af- park before the final stage and championship rally and had only eventually to catch up to the one car behind Loeb. "Sebastien ter 11 but then fell back behind withdrew. He placed his car in four podiums! LAJ2C Suzuki of Andersson moving went off at the end of a long Aava on 13. Cortonovis stopped, slowly after his delay. This got straight and misjudged his brak- stuck in a snow bank. In the Fi-the Stewards out for an early ing for a sharp comer. He slid esta series five cars started. Ini-meeting, giving times to drivers into the snow bank and the car tial leader Sveinung Bieldvedt affected by these incidents ac- was stuck there in deep snow, had electrical trouble then Barry cording to their perceived gen-unable to move." Eventually Clark went well ahead, leading era! capabilities. Kalle Pinomaki Loeb got going again, and guess Class NJ and lying two minutes then went off the road and what, he went off on Stage 13 as in front of the Russian Evgeniy broke his steering, the car get- well. This time he hit a bank on Vertunov. Only two cars com-ting stuck in the middle of the the outside of a right hander, pieced every stage on the first road. Then came Aaron Burkart then bounced back off the road day. It was notable that Clark who was furiously slowed down on the right. Out came the snow was towards three minutes faster by spectators, he panicked and shovels! The stem, confident than Svenkerud, the JRC crashed his car into a snow face of Citroen Team Director, "Guest" driver, who was lying bank. Burkart got going again Guy Frequelin, had changed. third in that category. In Group but then baulked Jaan Molder, Galli also lost a minute, in his N Flodin was being baulked by whose car had been repaired af- case beached on a snow bank. running even three minutes be-ter his earlier transmission Pons at last was going better hav-hind the Junior cars. trouble, who in turn baulked ing started the day in-17th place. Leg 3 Andrea Cortinovis! After two stages he was 11th, 4 Stages, gravel, 97. l0kms Sebastien Loeb was unhappy. after Stage 12 he was ninth. By Sebastien Loeb was given the "No good rhythm," he said. Stage 12 Hirvonen had eased a honour of restarting first car on Granholm said the conditions bit, with Granholm lying second the road: The first stage was a were really tricky. Henning he took his first stage win of the return to the Mountain where chose studs which were too short event. blizzards had raged the night but kept his place behind Galli On Stage 13 fog and falling before and where the first cars who, in Gardemeister's absence, snow descended, making the on the road had such a torrid was now up to fifth. Petter conditions incredibly difficult. time, and he went and made best Solberg felt comfortably sand-Some drivers wer.e absolutely time! "The conditions were ab-wiched between Loeb and Galli, enthralled. Fifth placed Jari-soluteiy different to those last and felt he was under no pres- Matti Latvala: "It was absolutely night," he explained. "For the sure either way. Gardemeister classic winter rallying, the sort first time it seemed the went off the road at which he de-of thing you would normally organisers had actually ploughed scribed as a '5 flat minus'. "I had only ever dream about. Snow the stages overnight. It made all chosen long studs, which were was falling and going all over the difference! We went a little the right tyres. Everything until your windscreen. Then on _the slower on the second stage, how-then had been going well!" short final publicity stage out-ever, bearing in mind what hap-Anders Grondal got back to side Hamar I stalled the engine!" pened to us yesterday on that Hamar and announced his re-l{irvonen said he had never met stage!" The story of the day was tirement, having broken his sec-conditions to compare. Back in the battle for third place be-ond gearbox on the Subaru. Hamar the Ford Team Chief, tween the Solberg brothers. Then came Stage 10 and Wilson Malcolm Wilson, explained that Petter was lying 9.9 seconds in cut inside a bend too sharply his drivers knew exactly what to front of Henning overnight, but and impacted the wheel on a do. Ford needed those 18 avail-then Henning streaked ahead concrete post. This snapped the able points. Both drivers had to into third place and a podium steering arm and he was out for bring their cars back to the fin-finish. Petter was resigned to the rest of the day. Petter's so- ish. Citroen prepared to restart doom, "We knew last night we called comfortable position was both Loeb and Sordo in the could never expect to beat not all that he thought it was, morning, Loeb was lying eighth Henning today. All we had left losing a minute on Stage 11 put in the Makes' series and Sordo were short studded tyres. If it the Ford of brother Henning tenth. Something good could yet wasn't for withdrawing early Dusty Times April 2007 22nd Rally Norway 2007(N) Hamar 16/18.02.2007 WCR round 3, JRC round 1 WC points WR 'ND JRC 1 (4) Mikko HIRVONEN/Jarmo Lehtinen FIN Ford Focus RS WRC EJ56FZB (GB) 3h.28m.17.0s. 10 10 2 (3) Marcus GRONHOLM/Timo Rautiainen FIN Ford Focus RS WRC EJ56FZV (GB) 3h.28m.26.5s. 8 8 3 (10) Henning SOLBERG/Cato Menkerud N Ford Focus RS WRC EUSSCNX (GB) 3h.32m.01 .6s. 6 6 4 (7) Petter SOLBERG/Philip Mills N/GB Subaru lmpreza WRC HT55SRT (GB) 3h.32m.18.1 s. 5 5 5 (9) Jari-Matti LATVALA/Miikka Anttila FIN Ford Focus RS WRC EU55CNJ (GB) 3h.33m.47.7s. 4 4 6 (19) Gigi Galli/Giovanni Bemacchini I Citroen Xsara WRC 99DZF78 (F) 3h.35m.22.2s. - 3 7 (6) Daniel CARLSSON/Denis Giraudet S/F Citroen Xsara VI/RC 100DZF78 (F) 3h.37m.40.7s. ·3 2 8 (20) Jan Kopecky/Filip Schovanek CZ Skoda Fabia WRC 4S8 9856 (CZ) 3h.40m.06.9s. - 1 9 (26) Rune Dalsjo/Jens Olav Lovhoiden N Subaru lmpreza WRC AX90354 (N) 3h.41 m.48.8s. -10 (17) Andreas Mikkelsen/Ola Floene N Ford Focus RS WRC EG53CCN (GB) 3h.42m.45.7s. -Other important finishers 11 (64) Patrik Flodin/Maria Andersson S Subaru lmpreza N MONITOR (S) 3h.43m.03.6s.* -12 (5) Manfred STOHUllka Minor A Citroen Xsara WRC 596DYS78 (F) 3h.45m.21.6s. 2 14 (1) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena F/MC Citroen C4 WRC 735DYN78 (F) 3h.46m.30.4s. 1 16 (22) Xavier Pons/Xavier Amigo E WRC KN04Vv'MC (GB) 3h.47m.10.1 s.(1) Mitsubishi Lancer 17 (25) Juho Hanninen/Mikko Markkula FIN Mitsubishi Lancer WRC KR53YPP (GB) 3h.47m.36.7s. -18 (45) Per-Gunnar+ Jonas Andersson S Suzuki Swift JRC JXD764 (H) 3h.49m.37.9s.+ -10 19 (8) Chris ATKINSON/Glenn Macneal! AUS Subaru lmpreza WRC FTSSSRT (GB) 3h.52m.18.7s. -21 (31) Patrik Sandell/Emil Axelsson S Renault Clio R3 JRC XZV554 (S) 3h.57m.11.6s. - 8 25 (2) Daniel SORDO/Marc Marti E Citroen C4 WRC 745DYN78 (F) 4h.02m.41.1s.(6) 26 (16) Matthew \Nilson/Michael Orr GB Ford Focus RS WRC 1ES (GB) 4h.03m.19.3s.(5) 28 (32) Urmo Aava/Kuldar Sikk EE KIH354 (H) 4h.04m.50.3s.(3) 32 (36) Jaan Molder/Katrin Becker 14R0001 (CZ) 4h.08m.41.0s. -38 (23) Mads Ostberg/Ole Unnerud DL51121 (N) 4h.10m.54.1s. -Suzuki Swift JRC 6 EE/D Suzuki Swift JRC 5 N Subaru lmpreza WRC 39 (37) Aaron Burkart/Timo Gottschalk D Citroen C2 JRC H-PR2206 (D) 4h.13m.22.6s. - 4 40 (59) Trone! Svenkerud/Kay Odegard N Ford Fiesta STi JRC FT21409 (N) 4h. 1 Bm. 03. 9s. - 3 Page 21
BAffLE AT PRIMM Banner Day Far T J Flares BY STEVE RUDDICK. ID CJ Hutchins had a good weekend, he was the big winner both days in the w Class 10 contest, seen here headin' for the checkers. TJ Flores had it all his way at Primm, he took Class 1 honors both days and he was declared the overall winner as well. other 90-degree'r) and then The Nipple; more twists and tight turns. Next comes The Faucet, a series of more 90's and other obtuse angles -imagine the plumbing under your sink. Onto Duck's Head -three, short straights and some 'daffy' curves thrown in for good measure. Another steer-right loop down daggy's neck and wing, some feather-tips to nego~i-ate, you're still in the race and Almost Home -another straight ·to give it the gas. Watch out, Right Hand Clyde coming up fast; make the turn and back on the GO pedal. Hold your nose, some more turns through the sce-nic on-site 'sewage treatment plant' facility, and presto -you're into the home stretch through the sand drag strip straight-aways, Main Pit row, and back at S/F again. I'm here in beautiful 'downtown' Primm, NV for the S.N.O.R.E. "Battle At Primm" -'two (2) full days of racing on a twisty, turny, ten mile short course out behind Buffalo Bill's. Start/Finish and Main Pit was at the sand-drag track, so there was plenty of action as the rac-ers made their way through the concourse, and down Thunder Alley at speed. 184 pre-entries. Twelve different classes, plus a Powder Puff race with 21 gals giving it a go, the Class 19 Rhino rac-ers, too; and even a trophy truck. What a blast! I think I brought enough paper and ink pens. Contingency and Tech In-spection was Friday night, behind Buffalo Bill's, and it was a packed house. Vendors galore. And all those race cars too, winding their way through Tech Inspection and the watchful eyes of Big Red and Donald and Becky and the A.R.T.S. crew; to make sure it's all good-to-go. Un-til 9:30 Friday night, they checked this and checked that; and finally, it was time to go have some fun and food. The Course: Well, from Everybody had big troubles in Class 8 but Tammie Gubler weathered them better and she took the Class 8 win at Primm. S/F you throttle down· Thun-de r Alley, the longest straight section, to Down-shift Quick - a 90-degree right turn. Then around the wishbone loop (steer left), and into Moose Jaw - a series of another five, 90-degree le ft-right-le ft-r igh t-r igh t turns that takes right into Bullwinkle's antlers -aka 'The Infield'. Stadium-type layout. Extreme zigzag, and wet, muddy, and slippery too. My eyes kept getting googley-moogley watching the back-n-forth here. Out of the maze and onto the back stretch toward Big V (an-For just ten miles, the course was fast and fun, with its share of sand and silt, and soft spots; especially in the curves -and there were plenty of those, too. The Berm was like a mini-Laughlin Leap, and 'The In-field' was wet and muddy and slippery like ice. The Russ Ramsey dnf'd on Saturday but came back strong on Sunday and was able to take the Class 7 overall win. course was technical too. Oh yes! More twists and turns and curves than 'Bullwinkle' has horns thisaway, thataway, everywhich-away. Something like 50 major course changes -tight turns, sweepers, G-outs, gotcha's -who could ask for anything more? All the terrain and ac-tion of open desert and sta-dium-style racing, packed into ten miles of thrills and spills and dust and dirt. It was technical and not much room for error, or trouble of any kind; if you came to win. It was definitely lots of fun and action for everyone. And it was two days of it, too! *WOOhOO* Saturday's day of fun play-ing in the dirt was accom-plished by clear and sunny, bright blue skies, and little wind; at least until about 9 a.m. Keep them breezes blowin'. It was 60F at 7:30 a.m. when the first green flag flew. Round 2 on Sun-day started out breezeless -the dirt and silt hung in the air like fog on a bog. But, the desert wind gawds soon took care of that. Friday night at. Tech/Contingency, Christine and Jamie from Baja Coalition served up burgers and sodas et al for 218 hungry faces. And they did it again-on Saturday night at the BC BBQ. It was a feeding frenzy, I tell ya' -consumed mass quantities. Good people, good food, good times, and great fun,. CLASS 1: Six laps; eight entries, five finishers, three DNFs. T.J. Flores was the first place win-ner of Saturday's race heat in car #177, completing the re-quired six laps in just 1 :07: 10 at 53. 7 mph. Flores also won the Fast Lap Honors for the day on Lap 2 at 54.3 mph in 0: 11 :05. Tim Lindsay was next at the checkered flag in Tim Lindsay was fastest Class 1 on Sunday but he ended up taking Monte Tibbets was a dnf on Saturday but he rallied on Sunday and Scott Smith only got in three laps on Sunday but he still took home the silver medal on total time, less than 2 minutes in arrears. ended up second overall in the Class 8 contest. the second place trophy in Class 7, seen here in flight. Page 22 April 2007 Dusty Times
( Second place in Class 14 went to Jesse Ware, he's seen here in Aaron Hawley was a just a few tics off the winning pace in Class Forest Creasy is seen here at liftoff, Forest came in for a second flight, hustling towards the elusive checkered flag. 1600, he took home the silver medal, seen here nicely in the ait. overall finish in the Class 9 competition. 1:09: 17 in car #171 at 52.1 finish line. Hutchins did it the Round 1 Fast Lap Hon-Randy Jones got to the fin-Dean found the finish line mph,winningsecondplacefor in 1:12:58 at 49.6 mph, a ors on Lap 3, at 49.96 mph ish line in car #1212 about in 1:18:12 in car #1088, at theday.BillWorthingbrought full two minutes ahead of in0:12:01.Thesecondplace :39secondsafterSteele,for 46. 1 mph, for the fourth car #166 to the checkered flag the second place finisher of finish in class for Saturday's the Round 1 third place fin-place spot on Saturday. Clay in 1:10:55 at 51.0 mph, for the the day -Cameron Steele in race was Cameron Steele, ish in class. Jones got there Flippi_n was only four sec-third place finish for the day. car #23. Hutchins also won #23; 48 mph in 1:15:00. in 1:15:39 at 47.8 mph. J.C. Continuednextpage Following in car #129 for the fourth place finish for the day was Jeremy Gubler, doing the dirt in 1:12:35 at 49,8 mph. The final finisher for the day in class was Rick Wilcoxson in car #127, in 1:13:18 ar 49.2 mph. Six of the original eight entries in Class 1 showed up on Sunday for Round 2 of The Battle At Primm; but only three would see the checkered flag at the end of the day. After the two day times were totaled, it was T.J. Flores and co-dawg Brian Flores, from Las Ve-gas, NV, taking the First Place and Overall win in car #177. "It was a little dusty, and the course was sihy and rutted out pretty bad", Flores said. "The car ran good the first day. On Sun-day, we lost the water hose (200 F), locked up the trans in third and fourth, and had a s ma 11 f.i re when the P / S belched." Flores got to the finish line on Sunday 0:00: 12 seconds behind the first place finisher fo r the day, Tim Lindsay in car #171. On the other hand, Flores two day total time was 2:15:34 at 53.2 mph, a good two minutes+ ahead of the second place in class, and Second Place Overall winner -Tim Lindsay in car # 171 ; 2: 17:29 at 52.4 mph. Bill Worthing won third place in class for the day, and for the race, in the Elite Off Road Performance car #166. Worthing's Sunday race stats: 1:22:23 at 43.8 mph; two day total" 2:33: 18 at 47.0 mph. "We had too many springs on the throttle, which stuck, and then broke", said Worth.ing. UNLIMITED CLASS: Cameron Steele brought his Unlimited class truck out, and blistered the track - I love the sound of raw horsepower and just hauling @**! And that was just what # 16 did, too, covering five laps and 50 miles in 0:59:52 at an average speed of 50.4 mph. That's all he did, though' no mo' fun after that. CLASS 10: Six laps; 13 entries, seven finishers, six DNFs. In Round 1 racing on Saturday, it was pretty much C.J. Hutchins in car #1002, from the green flag git-go to the Dusty Times April 2007 Page 23
Present Th.e: CLASS 7_ & 8 BONUS _RACE!!_ $2 00 lstP * . _ · ___ _ . _ .ace -**w/5 trucks ea1ch class Meet and Gree~ Caliente Elementary School Kids 9 --10:30 a.m. Bring your team ,s Hero Cards, Hats, T ... Shirts, Stickers for the kids and lots of sharpies for the autograph session © Fun Run Fri May 18th 11:00 am-3:00 pm Fri May 18th • Tech/Contingency 5:30 ... 9:30 pm Sign Up @ The Shamrock Ba.r & Grill 5:00 - 9:00 pm Race Starts 9:00 am Sat May 19th Awards @ 7 with BBQ & Post Race Party After Hosted By: ~ . www,snoreracing.net • (702) 452-.4522 SNORE hotline Series Sponsor Series Sponsor YOKOHAMA U..A.n A:'.:u:~9 ;z.,~
Boy, it was close, Rina Navera was the second place finisher in the Bryan Adams had a pretty good weekend, he finished second overall Brian Crew drove his really good looking car to a second place overall in the Unlimited Sportsman category. Class 5-1600 battle, he missed the gold by a mere 10 seconds. in the Champ Car contest at Primm. onds behind in 1: 18: 16 in Curtis won sixth place for Class 10; but only two would car #1028, to win fifth place the day, completing the six finish the race. In a repeat in class for the day, at 46:08 laps required in 1:22:02 at of his performance on Satur-mph. Kevin Curtis was the 43.9 mph. day, C.J. and Mark final finisher in class for Round 2 racing on Sunday Hutchins, from Henderson, Saturday, in car #1014: saw another eight.entries in NV ran fast and consistent Who said John can't fly? Mr. Phegley won his race on both days and was the overall Class 14 winner at the SNORE Primm meet. lap times in the Krieger chassis, Hutchins Drywall car # 1002 to win first place in class for the race; cover-ing the six laps in l: 13:00 at 49.3 mph. That. is only :02 seconds difference in time between Saturday and Sunday's race. Wow! Hutchins total two day time was 2:25:58 at 49.5 mph. # 1002 also won the Fast Lap Honors (again) on Sunday, clocking in at 49.9 mph on Lap 2 in just 0: 12:03. The second place finisher on Sunday was Michael Wichmann in car #1069, completing the day's dirt in 1: 18:59 at 45.8 mph. #1069 DNF'd on Saturday on Lap 4. And even though they DNF'd both race days in the LVDC car # 1077, both Dave (Sun DoR) and Mike (Sat DoR) Campbell said, "This is our first S.N.O.R.E. race, and it was awesome! We had a really good time, and it was really fun, too." J.C. Dean and car #1088 had their share of problems, too: "We lost second gear on Satur-day, and third gear on Sun-day. The course was pretty rough, too dips and whoops. It's been a long day." Concluding in third place on Sunday in ar # 1066, was Dave Matsui; getting to the finish line in l: 19:48. How-ever, Matsui's total two day race time was 2:50:48, which also won him second place in class for the race. Matsui, from Japan, drove Sunday's race with co-driver Bradley Cope, and Tatsuo Oki drove on Saturday with co-driver (J) BEARllf~i We carry a full line of \I~ OFFR~HTING FILTERMAGN Rich Panek. Right-hand drive, 17 inches of rear and 13 inches of front, wheel travel; and a VW Mailman motor. I got the distinct im-pression these guys had a blast: "Ver fantastic. Very exciting. Car works awe-some. Many mistakes. Very enjoy." I'll bet they even had fun rolling it on Saturday af-ter getting into a berm a little too hot, too. It sure looked like they had a good time from all the smiles; that ain't too hard to translate. CLASS 8: Six laps. Round 1 -eight entries, eight DNFs, no fin-ishers. Round 2 -five en-tries, three finishers, two DNFs. Monte Tibbets was the first to see the checkered flag on Sunday for the Round 2 first place win, in the Crazy Indians Racing truck #855. Tibbets and co-~~~ Dusty Times April 2007 Page 25
Ruben Rodriguez gave it all he had but he had to settle for second place in the Limited Sportsman, 32 seconds in arrears. Brandon Benson was quickest on Sunday but he still ended up in A decent third place finish in the Class 1 battle went to Bill Worthing, dawg Jason Bettelyoun came all the way from the Pine Ridge Rez in South Dakota, drove the most consistent laps, and completed the course in 1: 17:02. "We just built this ('79 Ford) truck with new everything, except the motor and trans. We lost the rear end on Saturday, but it worked good on Sun-day. The course got chewed up bad", said Tibbets. Tommy Bradley got to the finish line in 1:21:50, for the second place win of the Round 2 day, in truck #8. Bradley also won the Fast Lap Honors on Lap 6 at a blistering 0:11:29. Tamie Gubler also fin-ished the Round 2 roundy-rounds in 1:28:08, in the Pitt Bull Tires truck #800, to win third place in class for Sunday. Tamie Gubler, and .co-driver Johnny Koeth, from Las Vegas, NV, finished five of the six laps on Satur-day, but they also got slammed and rolled it on its lid in Round 1 racing; DNF. "The truck handled better today (Sunday) and we were able to stay up front of the pack", Gubler said. Gubler broke her back in 2005, and enjoys getting back into her VS-powered, I-beam/3-link Ford: "It is sooo much FUN!" You GO Girl* Bill Bailey brought his '70 frame/'92 body, 400hp 350 small block Chevy #840 down from North Las Vegas, NV, but DNF'd after four laps both days. "We broke a shock limit strap mount on Lap 2, a tie-rod on Lap 3, and had a flat on Lap 4", said Bailey. Louis Haden was the co-driver on Saturday's race, and Scott Dowden got the extra-seat duties on Sun-day. Sheldon Paul also brought his 351ci VS-pow-ered, #8019 '73 Ford truck down from Las Vegas to race. the second overall spot in the Class 11 bash. he's seen here in flight on his way to the checkered flag. It was a good day for Bryan Freeman, he took the overall Class 1600 win over 38 other opponents, he's seen here nicely airborne. The new motor is #8019 pumps out 520hp and 550ftlbs to the 4-link/ball-joint I-beam suspension, but Paul only got in two laps of fun on Saturday before he D N F ' d . " We· 1 o st a s p a r k plug wire on Lap 2, and the tranny blew at The Big Dike on Lap 3", Paul said. Ouch. CLASS 7:. Five laps. Round 1: Three entries, one finisher, two DNFs. Round 2: Three en-tries, one finishers, two DNFs. Scott Smith, from Idaho, was the only finisher on Saturday, completing the five laps in 1:24:03, in truck #719; to finish first place in class for the day. Smith also took the Fast Lap Honors on Lap 2 in 0:14:15. On Sun-day, it was Russ Ramey's turn to win in truck #701. Ramsey, from -Las Vegas, NV, did the five laps in 1:17:04, and set the fast lap time of 0:14:40 for Round 2, in class. A busted P/S pump took #701 out of th.e race on Lap 5, in Saturday's Round 1 competition. #701 is a 2000 Ford Ranger, with a stock 4.0L motor and C4 trans in it. #701 also sports 20 inches of 'J' arm wheel travel in front, and 28 inches of 4-link travel setup in the rear, for suspension. Ramsey said, "This is a brand new truck we built from the ground up in just two and a half months. It was a tough race, lots of deep ruts and sand, and good and close competi-tion. The tranny ran at 280-290 F all day. Thanks to all who helped built, and tech, and support, and pit and chase: Ron, Sandy, Cody, C.J., Marshall. .. et al. It was a fun race!" CLASS 1450: Four laps. Round 1: Six entries, three finishers, three DNFs. Round 2: Four entries, three finishers, one DNF. John and Lorna Phegley drove four very con-sistent lap times on Saturday (within 11 seconds differ-ence, total) in truck# 1411 to win first place in class. The Phegleys drove the 40 miles in 0:53:33. #1411 also won the Fast Lap Honors on Sat-urday, on Lap 1, in 0:11:19. Nineteen year old Brittany" Burgos showed her stuff in truck #1403, winning the second place finish for the day in 1:01:06. Jesse Wqre Corey Torres makes it look easy, he took the Class 9 overall win at Primm, he had seven minutes in hand at the end. won the third place finish in Round 1 in class, in truck # 1474. Ware got# 1474 to the finish line in 1:01:58. John Phegley had a seven minute-plus lead in class in truck #1411, going into the Round 2 Sunday race heat. And it only slowed Phegley down a little bit on his way to another first place win for Round 2; completing the day's 40 mile 'Sunday drive' in 0:57:55. Phegley won first place in class in truck #1411 for the two day event, with a total time of 1:51:28. From Las Vegas, NV, John and Lorna Phegley said, "We had two days of fun and a real good time. There was lots of carnage, and lots of dust. It was great!" #1411 is an old Olds' Cutlass Cruiser that has 'been around for nine years', and finally won its first race ever. There's one for the record books, eh. From this Ace Reporter's spectating point, # 1411 was just haulin' bu**sKi.. They blast past a 7S truck at S/F like he was standing still in the dirt! Fun ride, for sure. Jesse Ware found some more throttle in truck #1474 for the Round 2 race day, finishing in second place for the day in 1:04:02. Ware won second place in class in truck-# 14 74, with a two day total time of 2:06:00. Brit-tany Burgos got# 1403 to the checkered flag in 1 :08: 17 on Sunday, to win third place in class for the day. And, third place in class for the race, in 2:09:23. "This was my first time ever racing", said Burgos, from Las Vegas, NY. "We didn't have any prob-lems, and my butterflies are gone now." Nice way to start your dirt fun, eh. Especially when # 1403 still has the stock heater and a/c in it, and they work, too! .On the other hand, Clint Armstrong DNF'd both days in the Dirt Cartel truck #1418, but learned some valuable les-sons on their way to the tow trailer. # 1418 broke the rear-link jam nut on Saturday, rolled it (aka DNF'd), and fixed it for Sunday's fun. On Sunday, Armstrong won the Fast Lap bragging rights on Lap 2 in 0:14:14, munched the back tail-shaft on the trans and blew the seal on Lap 3, and was leaking trans oil all over the mufflers. FIRE in the HOLE! I never seen two guys get out of a truck sooo fast. CLASS 1/2-1600: Raul Solano was the overall winner in the Class 5-1600 contest, but it was close, his competition was a mere 10 seconds behind him on time. The overall winner in the Champ Car contest was Bob Dziurawiec, he's seen here heading for the sometimes elusive checkered flag. Six laps. Round l: a whop-ping 39 entries, 30 finishers, nine DNFs. This class saw· lots of constant action, both days long. It was back and forth, and give and take, and bump and grind, and ... wow! From out of the pack, Bryan Freeman emerged as Saturday's first place fin-isher, in car# 1616. Freeman got it to the finish line in l: 16:20. # 1616 also clocked in on Lap 6 with the Fast Lap Honors, doing it in 0: 12:36. Aaron Hawley was the second place finisher in class for the day, in car Page 26 April 2007 Dusty Times
JC Dean was unable to finish his last lap on Sunday but he still finished third overall in the l VDC Class 10 car. Tommy Bradley was a dnf on Saturday but he made up for it on Sunday, he finished fifth overall in Class 8. Brittany Burgos had a decent weekend, she drove her Class 14 truck to a third overall finish, seen here just at takeoff. Tom Hood drove quickly and consistently on both days and he had 15 minutes on his competition when the checkers flew. # 1624; about 20 seconds be-hind Freeman, in l: 16:40. Matt Gumz took the third place finish in car #16 for the day, completing the six laps in 1:18:27. Byron Ziegler, car #1632, and Ruben Rodriguez in car # 1614, rounded out the top five finishers for Round 1 in class; respectively. Round 2 race action on Sunday saw 37 class entries, and 27 finishers. Matt Gumz was the first place finisher in the Round 2 race on Sun-day in car # 16. Gumz com-pleted the six laps in 1:15:44, to take the win for the day in class. #16 also grabbed the Fast Lap Honors for Round 2 on Lap 2, com-pleting the ten miles in 0:12:27. But after all the dust settled, the first place winner in class for The Barrie At Primm was Bryan and Jessica Freeman in car # 1616, from Las Vegas, NV. Freeman beat his own Round 1 ti me by :09 sec-onds, getting to the check-ered flag for Round 2 in 1: 16: 11. Total two day time for# 1616 was: 2:32:31. "The car ran good on Saturday and we passed everybody the first lap out. The course was really rough. On Sunday, we had a leaky trans on Lap 4, but no other problems all day. The course kept getting wider to avoid all the rough spots fro in Saturday", Free-man said. Freeman races a Fraley chassis. Aaron Hawley, from Las Vegas, NV, won second place in class for the two day race in the Rakeman Plumbing car # 1624, completing the event in 2:34:05. Hawley races· a Sea Grove chassis car. "The car worked good on Satur-day; no problems. The In-field had moving water traps and lots of cars were spin-ning out there. On Sunday, we rolled it on its side on Lap l. We passed # 1616, but got passed again later on", Freeman said. Matt Gumz, from Barstow, CA, won third place in class in the Gumz Construction car # 16, just six seconds be-hind Hawley, in 2:34:11. "Saturday was a pretty good day. We started back in the pack and got the pass on lots of other cars. The course was kinda soft, and The Infield was a watery mess", said Gumz. #16 uses an ORE The big winner in Limited Sportsman was Peter Mortensen, he had only 32 seconds in hand after Sunday's race. Dusty Times chassis. "We had a better front start on Sunday, so we didn't have to pass as many people. It was fun! TY S.N.O.R.E. for a Good II race . Byron Ziegler, from New-port Beach, CA, won fourth place in class in the Ziegler Enterprises car #1632, fin-ishing the required laps in 2:38:52. Josh Thurman was the co-driver. # 1632 uses a Dunrite chassis. "We had a lot of fun", Ziegler said. "The course is pretty 'torn up' out there, and we spun out in The Infield". Sure sounds like fun to me, too. Ruben Rodriguez won fifth place in class in the Freedom Medical Supply car #1614. Rodriguez and co-driver Brad Maurer, both from 'Cawleafornea', did the dirty work in 2:40:58. "We didn't W• ear,;y a l'u/1 s.-l•alon ol': have any problems, and our new Mailman motor ran good", Rodriguez said. "The course was real dusty and silty in spots, and The In-field ;'mud' was *#@*@! (expletive deleted). It was funnn!" Justin Munyon, from San Clemente, Ca, won sixth place in class in the Bonnani Development car #1618. Munyon's two day total time was 2:41:57. This was Munyon's first race in the Chenowth/SPF chassis car, and only his third race ever. "We rolled it on Saturday on Lap 1 in The Infield, so we were down a couple of min-utes and only finished in 16th place. We worked our way through the dust all day Sunday with no· problems and no flats; other than a shift adjuster", said Munyon. Not too bad, I d say; (for a rank rookie) - (j/ k). CLASS 9: Five laps. Round 1: 19 en-tries, 19 starters, eight fin-ishers, 11 DNFs. Corey Torres won the Round 1 competition in car #989, completing the required laps in 1: 10:04; almost two min-utes ahead of the second place finisher. Torres also won the Fast Lap Honors on Lap 3, in 0: 13:46. Forrest Creasy, car #902, won the second place finish for the day in 1: 11 :56. Rick Poole was the third place finisher in class in Round 1, in car #906. Poole completed the course in 1: 12:06. Chris de Sousa Diaz finished the day in fourth place in car #904, about three and a half min-Continued next page E!i!tf[CNCJ ~ ~ .30.54 ~ V ALLEY _,,EHi" BLVD. LAS VEG.As;. .Nv.; 89,o z TEL: 70Z-B7T49TT FAA'.: 70.Z-.B:1" T-SZZ T SIL PIP RI - -April 2007 Page 27
Matt Gumz finished third overall in the Class 1600 battle, he was a Chris De Sousa Diaz was the bronze medal finisher in the Class 9 Brent Shermak was just a bit off the winning pace in Class 5-1600, mere six seconds behind the second place finisher. group, he's seen here just lifting off on his way to the finish line. he came in for a third place overall finish in class. utes later, in 1:15:39. The but it had more 'lines' today; "Other than no power, we class), which landed Mattes #571; 1:22:45. fifth place finish for Round no problems. The short had no problems", Creasy the fourth place in class win Round 2: 11 entries, nine 1 racing went to Kevin course setup was awesome. I said. "It was a fun race!" for the event. Counterclock-finishers, two DNFs. Mattes in car #915; at had a blast!", Torres said. ("I Chris and George de wise, Joe Forte was the sixth Gerardo Iribe, from Rosarito 1:17:59 mph. Joe Forte was think I'm ruining my dad's Sousa Diaz, from Blythe, place finisher in class in the Beach -Baja MX, DNF'd on the sixth place finisher for social life and bank account; CA, crossed the finish line Front Row Lounge car #947 Saturday in car #579, but Saturday, in car #947, doing time, and mom"). '"Thank on Sunday in 1:14:48, in the on Saturday, finished in won the Round 2 class race the required rounds in You', to all who helped." DSD Racing car #904; to fifth place on Sunday, and on Sunday by over two min-1:19:56. Randy Ward, car Hope that helps, Corey. win_ third place in class for won fifth place in class in utes; getting the checkered #916, finished in seventh Rusty Ruby, from the day. de Sousa Diaz also car #947; with a combined flag in 1: 12:35. lribe also place for the day, in 1:24:26. Henderson, NV, finished the won third place in class for total time of 2:42:25. Forte, got the Fast Lap bragging The eighth, and last finished Round 2 race day in second the two day event, with a from Las Vegas, NV and his rights honors on Lap 5 in in class for Saturday's com-place for Sunday's race, in combined time of 2:30:27. 14 year old co-driver daugh-0:14:13. "Our engine went petition was Thomas the Ruby Masonry car #924 "We've been having prob-ter, Christina, said "We had sour on Saturday when we Pittman·, in car #968, in 1:14:17. #924 DNF'd on lems keeping the trans to-a flawless and problem free bent a valve. We got it fixed 1:25:09. Saturday. "We had a flat on gether in it, so we re-did the race, both days." "It's always about a minute before the Round 2: 18 starters nine Saturday and busted the mounts. A finish is good!", fun", Christina added. "I Sunday race started, so we finishers, nine DNFs. Win-spindle, so we were only go-de Sousa Diaz sa'id. "On Sat-like the jumps". Thomas started dead last and fin-ning the Round 2 race, and ing on three wheels. On Sun-urday, we ran out of gas. The Pittman finished both days ished first today. I am sooo firstplaceinClass9forThe day,westartedintenthspot, course was rough, and soft racing in 2:56:23 in car happy to be back!", Iribe Battle At Primm, was Corey and had a flawless race; no in spots. We almost rolled it #900, to win sixth place in said. "S.N.O.R.E. did a great 'Madd Dawg' Torres in the problems. The course was a going into a corner. The class. Pittman finished in job with the course layout. It Mahoney Racing car #989, lot rougher today; BIG course was really rough and eighth place on Saturday, was chewed up, but the out of Las Vegas, NV. Torres whoops in every corner. It rutted today, but we had and in ninth place on Sun-rougher it is, the more fun". completed the Round 2 race was fun!", said Ruby. Forrest more lines to race, too." day. Funny how those other Rino Navera and co-dawg in 1:11:33; to finish in first Creasy, from Sacramento, Nice way to win the day. DNFs add up sometimes. Brad Wilson, from The Big place for the day, and first CA, finished in fourth place Kevin Mattes finished in CLASS 5-1600 OC CA, got the second place place in class for the two day in class on Sunday in the fifth place in car #915 on Five laps. Round 1: 12 en-finish for the day in the event. #989's total two day Mach5 Motorsports car Sunday, completing the five tries, seven finishers, five Lone Kid Racing car #566, time was 2:21:37. Torres also #902; getting the course du-laps required in 1:22:31. DNFs. Raul Solano got to in 1:14:47. That also earned won the bragging rights ties done in 1:16:31. That #915 finished in fifth place the finish line first in car Navera second place in class (again) for the Round 2 Fast was good enough for #902 to in Round 1 racing on Satur-#565 on Saturday, seeing the for the race with a combined Lap Honors in class on Lap win second place in class for day, but his two day com-checkered flag fly in two day total race time of 3, in 0:14:16. "The course the two days of fun, with a bined time total was 2:40:30 1:12:36. Rino Navera was 2:27:55. For the record, was rougher than Saturday, combined time of 2:28:27. (and a few other DNFs in next to finish in Round I in Navera and Wilson are both • /1tMnfJ SU/ls • CrtJw I.JnlkJnns • CnwlShlds • PolaSbltts •TeamJadalls • Hals •Gllllrll"IIS NOW FEATURING: In-Hause Embroidery Drtrer Names • Team l.oglJ$ •~Logos 1.800.700.2350 • Fax 11119.360.0436 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 Page 28 April 2007 car #566, crossing the finish virgin rookies. Neither has lin.e in 1:13:08; only about ever driven in off road rac-30 seconds behind the ing before this event. They leader #565. Mike Simpson got the car the day oefore grabbed the third place fin-the race, and entered with ish in car #559, doing his no practice. OoobOy! "The laps in 1:214:22. Brent car ran good on Saturday; no Shermack, in car #556, was problems", said Navera. "We right on Simpson's rear lostacylinderonLap4,and bumper, getting to the finish ran the last lap on three (cyl-l i ne a mere two seconds inders). The course was just later, in I: 14:24; for the plain nasty and deep today. fourth place finish in class I think there may be a 5/ 16 on Saturday. The fifth place or two still buried out there, finish in Round 1 was Mike somewhere". Boone in car #589, comp let-Raul 'Rulo', and co-driver ing his dirt duties for the Lucy Solano finished in day in 1:19:19. Robert Gross third place on Sunday in car finished out the day in sixth #565, getting his fun done place in car #555 in 1:20:28. for the day in 1:15:09. That The seventh and final Class finish earned Solano the 5-1600 finisher on Saturday first place in class win in car was Shawn George in car #565, with a combined two A great win in Class 11 went to Ed Mahoney, he beat the six other Class 11 contestants by five minutes, seen here at speed. Dusty Times
Seen here just at landing, Kenny Redelsperger went on to take a Garfield Davies was not the fastest car in Unlimited Sportsman but Seen here saving a bit of tire wear is Chris Boyer, he flew to a third third pf/ace finish in the Champ Class. she still manages a decent third place in class. place finish in the Limited Sportsman class. Mark Murrell was a dnf on Saturday but he had a good finish on Randy Jones finished first off the podium in Class 10, thanks to a A fourth place overall finish in Class ½-1600 was the best Byron Sunday and that gave him third overall honors in Class 11. dnf on Sunday, he's seen here in flight. day total time of 2:27:45; fun. It was awesome!". Sunday (1:15:36). "The car just ten seconds ahead of the Enough said. Brent was geared a little too high", #2 winner in class, #566/ Shermack, from Bullhead said Shermack, "but it ran Navera. 'Rulo' said, "The car City, AZ finished in fourth strong and we had no prob-ran good. We had two flats place both days in car #556, !ems or flats. The course was on the co-driver's side, but but his combined two day to-a lot worse on Sunday, and no other problems either ta! time of 2:30:00 earned the infield was wet, but the day." (Sure, blame it on the him the third place win in new lines made for a fun co-driver's side, Rulo.) Lucy class at Primm. Shermack race." Hampton Bluff was Solano, in only her second placed fourth in class on the co-driver in car #556 on race ride ever, said, "It was both Saturday (1:14:24) and Saturday, and John Ziegler could manage this race, he's seen here in beautiful flight. Kueneman got the extra seat class on both Saturday duties on Sunday. (1:19:19) and Sunday Likewise, Mike Boone fin-( 1: 19:38). "This was the first ished in fifth place both time out for our old build/ days in the Wicked Cre-new top car", Boone said. ations car #589, but his "Dang, the sand was deep combined two day total time out there!" Ashley Nuesse, of 2:38:57 earned him the in her first time full out fourth place win in class at race, got the co-driver duty Primm. Boone, from Garden call for Saturday's fun, and Grove, CA placed fifth in Continuednextpage In memoriam of Mike Thomas, the drive ( r) behind Chenowth Racing Some people make a point just to be different. A select few make a big difference. Mike was one of the select few. Dusty Times April 2007 Page 29
Kevin Mattes had a good time, he was the fourth place finisher in Mike Boone drove his really good lookin' bug to a fourth place finish Brian Collins Jr. finished fourth in Limited Sportsman, he was a the Class 9 contest, seen here flyin' towards the checkers. in Class 5-1600, seen here just getting' airborne. mere one minute behind the class winner at the flag. Lucas Kent got to occupy the and 1n eighth place on Sun-#5/1, covering all the dirt in ninth on Sunday (1:27:50). NV, DNF'd on Lap 5 in car ride-along seat on Sunday. It day (1:23:57). Add it up over 2:46:42. Robert Gross also Do the time and DNF math, #599 on Saturday, but made was much the same story for two days of fun, apply the finished all the laps in car and #555 wins sixth place in a nice comeback on Sunday Shawn George in car #571. DNF factor, and *pOOf*. #555; both days of racing. class for the Primm race; in Round 2 to win the sixth George placed seventh in George won fifth place in Gross finished in sixth place 2:48: 18. Art (A.R.T.S.) place finish in 1:21:50. class on Saturday (1:22:45), class for the event in or on Saturday (1:20:28) and Savedra, from Lo$t Wage$, CLASS 18/CHAMP: Page 30 I.nterco • Custom Tuned to YOUR Application • EASY Plug & Play Installation • Noise Canceling Microphone • Hi-Fi Speakers • Extreme Noise Canceling Mio • Sand, Desert & Race Applications • Z to 8 Person Capacities • Carbon Fiber Finish • Foam Mio Muff • Carbon Fiber Finish • Music Input with Auto Mute Technology • Children Sizes Available • Washable Cloth Ear Covers • Audio Output to Camera • Optional ID-Fi Speakers • Extreme Mio Muff • Cell/ Sat. Phone Input • Optional Washable Ear Covers aeoptug 0 • INCREASE Your Range of Communication • Vertex 5, 25, 50 & 110 Watt VHF Radio • Perfect for Desert, Recreation or Race Teams • Velcro or Hole Mount PTT Buttons • HD Fiberglass Telescoping Base • Radio Interface Cable • High Gain Fiberglass Antenna • 1/4, 1/2 and5/8 Wave Antennas Available • 50' Low Loss Coaxial Cable • Shielded Coaxial Antenna Harness • Weatherproof External Speaker • Other Radio Interfaces Available • Vertex 50 or 110 Watt Radio • Compatible with Most Radios Ported Ak' BAellU. llelaet1 • Pyrotect & G-ForceHelmets Wired Pre•11lJlBehaeta • Wired for Communication • Pyrotect & G-Force • Snell SA Rated Open Face Helmets • Patented Air Flow Inter\or • Wired for Communication • "NOT a. Converted Motorcycle Helmet~ • Snell M & SA Rated • Fire Resistant Removable Interior • Removable Interior for Cleaning • Clear, Tinted, Amber & Iridium Shields • Available in Black & White • Available in Black & White YOUR 8UE'lY & COIIJIIIIIICATIONi 8 1IBC.I 10815 Wheatlands Avenue, Suite K • Santee, CA 92071 619-258-RACE (7223) • Fax 619-258~0883 • www.RacerX,1\ls.eo_. ~-··c> April 2007 Five laps. Round l: Seven entries, seven starters, six finishers, one DNF. Tom Malloy got to the finish line first on Saturday in car # 1860, covering the required five laps in 1:09:30. Malloy finished in fourth place on Sunday in 1:21:23, but got DQ'd along the way for shav-ing the course in Bullwinkle's maze some-where. Sometimes you just can't win for trying, l guess; tough way to lose, too. Daniel Maurer was the sec-ond place finisher for Satur-day in car # 1899, getting to the finish line in 1: 10: 15. Lonan Pies was the Round 2 third place finisher in car #1801, finding the finish line in 1:11:38. Car #1811, Bob Dziurawiec, was next in line at the finish line for the fourth place win in class for the day; in 1:15:13. Kenny Redelsperger completed the race day on Saturday in 1:20:49, in car #1898, for the Round 1 fifth place fin-ish. Bryan Adams also fin-ished Saturday's race in car #1808, in 1:22:03, for the sixth place win. Round 2: Seven starters, three finishers, three DNFs, one DQ. Bob Dziurawiec fin-ished in second place in car #1811 on Sunday, but his combined two day time of 2:31:11 earned him the first place in class win for the weekend. Bryan Adams fin-ished Round 2 in 1:15:17 in car #1808 to win second place in class, covering the two days of dirt in 2:37:20. Kenny Redelsperger got third place in class in car # 1898, getting the two days racing done in 2:39: 19. UNLIMITED SPORTS-MAN BUGGY: Four laps, 17 entries, nine finishers, eight DNFs. Two x two and side by side they started, at 30 second intervals. At the end of Saturday's race heat, Jerry Stewart was in the lead by 40 seconds in class in car #27, covering the required four laps in 0:51:25 at 46.6 mph. Tom Hood was in sec-ond spot in car #26 in 0:52:05 at 46.1 mph. Cody Stuart was in third spot in car #23 at 0:52:06, only a second behind Hood in #26. John Poling, from Henderson, NV was in Continued next page Dusty Times
Mark Post & Jtob MacCacb.ren SCORE ' ' I - 1 I i I I I
Michael Wichmann was a dnf on Sat, ran well on Sunday and literally Fifth place in Class ½-1600 went to Ruben Rodriguez, he was just Joe Forte was the fifth place finisher in the Class 9 fracas, he's sprayed his way to a fifth place finish in Class 10. a bit off the winning pace, seen here in flight. seen here ready for landing at Primm. was pretty gooey Garfield Davies won third out there", said place in class on Sunday in Mascarenas; in car #1012, completing the his first race ever course in 1:12:45 at 33.l in a Chenowth mph. That also garnered chassis with 18 #1012 a third place in class inches of front, win for the race with a to-and 16 inches tal two day time of 2:09:16 rear, wheel travel. at 37.2 mph. Fast lap of the day CLASS 11: went to Maree Three laps. Round l: Shawn George gave it his all but the best he could do this weekend In Limited Sportsman, Billy Shapley was'just a wee bit off the winning was to finish in fifth place in the Class 5-1600 battle. pace, he finished in fifth place, one minute behind the class winner. Duncan in car Seven entries, seven start-#103 o n Lap 1, at ers, two finishers, five 52.5 mph in DNFs. A whole herd of 0:11:42. Gregg Herbies started the race on Hempel lost a Saturday, but only two chain-tensioner would get to see the finish and a wheel bear-line. Ed Mahoney got there ing on Lap 1 in first in car #1189, taking fourth position in car #25, about two and a half min-utes behind Stuart, in 0 :54:41 at 44. 1 mph. #25 runs an 'OLD' chassis and a type l VW motor, with 15 inches of front wheel travel and 13 inches in the rear. "The car ran good. The course was awesome fun", said Poling. In fifth posi-tion was Clay Carr in car #48, covering the distance in 0:55:47 at 43.3 mph; trailing about a minute be-hind Poling in #25. Car # 12, Garfield Davies, fin-ished the day in 0:56:31 at 42.6 mph, for the sixth spot. Brian Crew, Greg's son, finished the day in the seventh spot in the Lucas Oil Products car# 1302, get-ting the required laps done in 0:57:03 at 42.1 mph. Crew, from Norco, CA said "That was FUN! The throttle was a bit sticky, but the course was smooth. l just wanted to stay out of the way of the trophy truck!" Brett Zens was in his first race ever as Crew's co-dawg: "Heck Yea it was Fun!" Wesley Stephens got to the finish line in 0:57:37 in car #28 for the eighth place finish. Stephens, from Las Vegas, NV, said: "The course was just awesome. The corners were a little soft, but we managed to plow on through with no problems all day." Stephens had no driver for Sunday, so he took a bye. Rounding out the finishers for the day in car #ll was Wade Mascarenas, getting the dirt duties done in 0 :58:10 at 41.3 mph in car # 1011. "It SAT PHONE RENTALS & SALES Rent Iridium Phones from only $39.99 per week Same Day Delivery/Pick Up We Sell New & Used Sat Phones We Buy Used Sat Phones We Repair Sat Phones Open 24 Hours Located in Santee, CA ✓--IRIDIUM Clobalstar . ) 1nmarsat 1-888-884-7623 ALLROADSA T .com Page 32 April 2007 the Las Vegas Superior Pipe 0:55:33 to do it. Mahoney and Supply car #36, and also won the Fast Lap Hon-proceeded to rip the rear ors on Lap l, getting it done end apart in the process. in 0: 17:43. Brandon Benson Bad hair day, eh. followed in car #1183, cross-Sunday's race heat only ing the finish line in saw eight class entries re-1:00:14. Round 2 action saw turn to battle it out in all six entries in a 'land Primm for the win and rush' style start; and four glory. Of those, only three finishers, with two DNFs made it to the checkered for the day. It was Brandon flag on Sunday. Tom Hood Benson's turn for the win won first place in class in on Sunday, taking the first car #26 for the day, complet-place finish in car #1183 in ing the required four laps in 0 :55: 11. That gave Benson a 0:52:19 at 46 mph. Hood two day total time of also got the Fast Lap Hon-1:55:25, and the second ors on Lap 4 at 48 mph in place in class win for the 0: 12:50. Hood placed sec-event. M a honey got to the ond in class o n Saturday, so finish line in car #1189 in this victory also earned him 0:55:56 o n Sunday, to place first place in class for the second in class for the day. race. Hood completed both Mahoney's two day total days raci n g in 1:44:24 at an time of 1:59:29 however, average speed of 46.05 mph, was his ticket to the first for the win. 'Baja' Butch place in class win for the Worden got the 'Sunday Battle at Primm in Class Driver' duties in the Lucas 1100. Oil Products car #1302, and Whew! Talk about some went on to capture second serious and continuous race place for the day, as well as action ... back and forth, second place in class for the this lap, that lap, neck-N-race. Worden finished neck and toe-2-toe, close Sunday's race in 1:02:25 at and closer, Round l racing, 38.6 mph. That also got the Sunday's showdown out Crew racing crew second back of Buffalo Bill's place in class for the race, 'cantina' ... OLE. After all completing the two days in was said and one ... it 'fas 1:59:28 at 40.2 mph. fun. David Matsui, who hails from Japan took home a nice second place trophy in Class 10, he's seen here at speed. Dusty Times
R..IU: DDN GRIFFITH M■MDRIAL 250 Towery Takes Class a & The overall BY STEVE RUDDICK PHOTOS: TRACKS/DE PHOTO Matt Towery put it together, he took the Class 8 win as well as the overall at the MOR February race, seen here in his great looking pickup. · This was the Season Opener for race. Forty-one started the race, and the MOR 2007 race calendar, pre- 16 finished; 39%. It was Course A sented by Towery Homes • in at Barstow - clockwise. Six 42 mile memory of Don Griffith. Don was laps for Classes 100, 800, 1000, an avid off road race fan, did the 1400 and 1600; five laps for Classes whole Baja off road enchilada, and 1200, 900 and 1300; four laps for even did the "Crew Chief' thing Classes 300, 1100, 1200, 1450 and for three years. So it was befitting 1700. Just the typical 'Barstow': that a bunch of the Griffith clan Twenty-seven major course was on hand to witness this event: changes, 12 road crossings, ten son Steve Griffith from San Luis hills, three pits, three checkpoints ... Obispo,. CA and his wife Jo Nell just your average Saturday off road and their youngest daughter Traci; outing. Or was it? Seems a while their daughter Stefani and her hus-bunch of racers got their navigation band Ryan Curry. From New York bearings or course markers wrong came Nita Griffith and son #2, on Lap 1, when they blew by RX4 Garren and his wife Colleen and proceeded straight up Griffith. Stoddard Wells Road to CK3, and In his memory and honor, 50 missed the whole lower half of the desert off road racers entered the course; only about 25 miles or so. MOR Don Griffith Memorial 250. What was it Jimi said about 'mass This memorial day to Don Griffith confusion'? Well, it was alive and dawned to bright blue and sunny well and working its voodoo magic skies; a little cool at first, and pretty at the DOM 250, for sure. Dang! dusty at the start. A good day to From MM 13 to MM38, in only a minute? Somethin' ain't quite right here, eh? That's off road racing for ya. Lost in the boondocks. I think we missed a turn somewhere, maybe. CLASS 100: Two entries, two starters, one finisher, one DNF. Only two lined up for the green -Craig Diller in car #132, and Eric Jacobus in car # l67. Diller got to the green flag first, then Jacobus about 30 sec-onds later. Jacobus burned up the throttle on Lap 1 in# 167, and won the Fast Lap Honors for his efforts at 0:54:52 at mph; passing Diller in #132 in the process and with a seven minute lead after Lap 1. Diller put the pedal-to-the-metal in # 132 and re-passed Jacobus for the #l position on Lap 2, and was now in the lead by about two and a half minutes ahead of # 167. Unfortu-nately, that was the end of the fun and the race for Diller and # 132; George Rosenbaum drove his truck to a great class win, George finished second overall as well at the Barstow meet. DNF. That left Jacnbus the sole racer in class, and now it was a race be-tween# 167 and the 'dez; with only four more laps to go to get to the finish line and the checkers. Here's the real-deal story from Eric Jacobus: "This last MOR Race• the Don Griffith Memorial• was quite a day for us. We decided to take our JE Racing 5 seat Pre-runner from Class 1300 to Class 100. We had an awesome day. The first two laps were fast and clean with a clear track and clean air. It sure makes a difference starting in front!!! Then on Lap 3 we ripped a c.v. boot and stopped to repair it. On the end of lap 3 we pitted for fuel and co-rider change. On the fourth lap we pit-ted and found a crack in the chas-sis, so we fabbed a brace and con-tinued on. We then pitted on Lap 5 for minor adjustment, and on Lap 6 we were assisted by Ingold Racing and they helped welds the cracked chassis tube." "We pushed this pre-runner to the extreme and we are very happy with the results• first place in Class 2100 and Fast Lap as well; and, third place overall!!! Erik Jacobus drove the entire race, and his brother-in-law, Andrew Ketchum, flew in from Greenbrier, Arkansas to co-ride Laps 1-3; )amen Northrup co-rode Laps 4-6. Over• all a great day and another finish and win for this homebuilt pre-run-ner." Jacobus and # 167 beat the 'dez in 7:23:18 at 34.1 mph to win first place in class. CLASS 300: Five entries, four starters, three finishers, one DNF, one DNS. Class 3 are the old, short wheelbase Broncos; brute power. wOOhOO! They can take a beating, and still keep on ticking; usually. This IS Barstow, remember? For example, Chuck Muncy started in the num-ber three position in class at the green flag, in truck #328. He gave it the gas to take the Fast Lap Hon-ors on Lap 1, completing the 42 mile course in 1:33:18 at mph, and with a 31 second lead over the num-ber dos competitor in class. But, this is "Barstow", you know, and that was all #328 had to give this race day; DNF. When the day was done, the first in class to find the finish" line and the checkered flag, for the first place win, was: Kurt Larmee in the Kai Off Road Racing truck #302. Larmee completed the required four laps in 6:32:36 at 25. 7 mph. Larmee, from ltascadero, CA is a seasoned 15+ year veteran of off road racing, so he pretty much knows the 'do's and don'ts' it takes to finish and win in this sport. "We did some suspension upgrades and tweaks for this race season", said Larmee. (Eleven inches of wheel travel, front and rear.) "It was un-believably rocky before Pit B, and it just kept getting worse after that, but we had no flats all day". Larmee drove the whole thing, with first time 17 year old co-driver Jill Stinson along for her first ride. "Awesome!!!", Stinson said after-wards. Continued next page Performance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from I I I I. I I I I I I Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks ¥arine Holding &Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks Quality Products & Friendly Service RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-0759 • www.ronco-plastics.com 15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX us to Receive a Free Catalog ~-------------------------------------------------------~ Page 34 April 2007 Dusty Times
Salvador Cervantes drove his neat look in' Bronco to a second place A long third lap didn't help Bob Anderson's run for glory, he finished Another guy suffering a long third lap was Tyler Fain but he still finish in Class 3, he's seen here headin' for home. second in class, some 20 minutes in arrears. managed to pull out a podium finish at Barstow. Salvador Cervantes, from driving duties for the entire four restoftheirlapswereclean,pitting 2004, and their longest ever fin-theirl975FordBronco-havingthe Covina, CA, was the second place laps required. The brothers had only for gas. The first and second ished. Sal always drives the entire short wheel base makes for a diffi-winner in truck #301, getting to the only one mechanical problem: the laps, they were hot on the 'tail of time, so they have been limited to cult ride. But, after all was said and checkers after 7:04:05 at 23.8 mph. throttle spring broke on the start first place; separated only by a the distances until they get better done, I think they really enjoyed His. brother Reyes, from Tijuana, of their third lap and the repair set couple of minutes per lap. This and maybe get another driver. The themselves out there: "It was a tech-MX is the· co-driver. Sal had the them back about 30 minutes. The their seventh race since starting in course was rough for the guys in nical course, but we managed to get Page 36 April 2007 thru it as fast as we could; and we did faster than we expected. I think the racers seem to be more patient and courteous when it comes to passing the slower vehicles at the MDR races. We just wanted to fin-ish, that for us is a win. We don't go out trying to beat anyone." Doesn't get much better than that. Nick Pike got to the checkered flag in 7:42:48 at 21.8 mph in truck #339, to win third place in class for the day. "We had a good day, and a bad day; all rolled into one. We are very glad to set fast lap time and have the lead for a short time. But on the second lap we pulled the front pan hard bar mount off the axle and that caused the right front spring to shoot out across the desert. We were able to overcome getting lost on the first lap (like so mani others did), and have our little Jeep keep up with the big horsepower guys; so we were pleased with the outing. My son Chris and I would like to thank ALL the MOR staff for their hard work, as we are very new to the sport." Yep, there is hope in the face of adversity, after all, I guess. My only advice: Be careful, out there. That 'light' you see at the end of the tunnel just MIGHT be an oncoming train. CLASS 700: Five entries, one finish, four DNF's, one DNS. George Rosenbaum was the sole competi-tor left in class in the Anonymous Dirt Werks truck #727 after Lap 4, of the required six. Rosenbaum, from Mission Viejo, CA started in the pole position at the green flag, won the Fast Lap Honors on Lap 1 in 0:59:06 at mph, and got to the finish line in 6:50:20 at 36.8 mph to win first place in class. CLASS 800: One entry, one finisher. That was Matt Towery, in the Towery Homes truck #818. Towery won first place in class, and the Overall win too; going the full six rounds in 5:32:21 at 45.5 mph. #818 also won the Fast Lap Honors in class, and overall, on Lap 2 in just 0:51:59 at mph. A great looking new silver and red Ford F150, 392ci Windsor crate motor, C6 transmission; built by Chris and Danny at C&D FabWorks. I-beam front, 4-link rear, takes one (1) year to build, and it comes to race its first time out with only 30 miles on it, and no spare parts! OooobOy! "This truck handles like a dream", Towery said. "It's like go-ing into the store, buying it and racing it, right out-of-the-box; with No Problems! The handling and steering was !!! and we didn't drive Dusty Times
Sean Keppler didn't have the best of races, he finished ninth in First out of the money in class was Nick Puccio, he was just a bit Ryan Dowe was not destined to be a winner this day, he's seen here flying towards an eighth place finish at Barstow. class, thanks to very long second and third laps. off tf1e pace and had to settle for a fourth place finish. itas hard as it would go; it wasn't 3", said Kirkmeyer; Shawn lngoldwonfirstplaceincar#l203, all the way." Dan Towery, Matt's Rubidoux, co-driver. That'll sure getting to the checkered flag after son, and Barry Hopfe, helped with put the dampers on a fun day; and 7: 15:02 at 29.0 mph. Ingold also CLASS 1300: CLASS 1400 PRO: Ken Dungey was the sole entry Three entries, three starters, in class in car #1358, and won the three DNFs. Shawn Giordano lost Fast Lap Honors on Lap 1 at mph the tranny in his Toyota truck in 1:26:43. Dungey was down with # 1406 on Lap 1; DNF. Jim a 3:10:36, Lap 3, and DNF'd after Bradbury also DNF'd in truck the driving and rider duties, too. get you a DNF, too. Ouch. won fast lap on Lap 2, at mph in As did first-time-off-roader Pierre CLASS 1200: 0:55:09. Ingold was down fo r Louis Maroni, from France; "Un-Three entries, two starters, one 0:2:45 on Lap 3, but managed a believable!!" Actually, #818 did finisher, one DNF, one DNS. Terry nice comeback to take the win. that. Continued next page break a bump stop; but they had "no spare parts", too. Wait. They DID have a couple of bolts along inside the truck as a tribute to Don, that they µsed to fix it. "This is an extremely special win!", Towery said. I think it was that 'old Crew Chief Don' guy in the sky, smiling down, myself. CLASS 900: Three entries, two starters, two DNFs, one DNS. Well, at least Edgar Hernandez and Arcadio Vasquez won the Fast Lap Honors on Lap 3 in car #909, in 1:24:26 at mph. The Fibre Care Products car #986 of Tom Kirkmeyer, from Apple Valley, CA was "Running good and uneventful, until we got hit hard by a*#@*! 1450 truck and lost a valve cover and oil on Lap Dusty Times Third overall and first in Class 1 was Eric Jacobus, he's seen here on his way to the ever popular checkered flag. Kurt Larmee drove his Ford Bronco to a nice win in the Class 3 contest, he's seen here at speed on the course. Wh 'led Ei: t'ested a Stronger _____ Lighter ,tlDJr, other cast wheels an the market unter PPessure Casted Aluminum • Satin Smooth ' Machine Finish· r.Jal:1/e in: 'Sx4. 15x7 ileadlack a an•ileadlack VW 5 Lug Pattern • S an if!,05mm April 2007 Beadla,:k•r~ □blue □black □reel • □polished, Page 37
Nick Tonelli, seen here at speed on the course, was the fifth place Frank Vernola had a terribly long second lap in his Ford pickup, he Steve Fuhring, sans a bit of fiberglass, raced on to a sixth place finish in his truck, seen here ready for flight. finisher in class at Barstow, he's seen here just at takeoff. was the seventh finisher in the large truck class. #1407 on Lap 3. Randy Shields, Sometimes you win, sometimes class. After all the dust settled, from Camarillo, CA rolled it on you don't; or even finish. Nice try. Adam Householder, from Yorba Lap 1, but still won the Fast Lap CLASS 1450 Sportsman: Linda/ Anaheim, CA got to the Honors in truck# 1404 on Lap 2, Twenty-six. entries, 21 starters, checkered flag in 4: 18:48 at 40.8 at mph in 1:01:09; but Shields nine finishers, 12 DNFs, five mph in the Householder. later DNF'd as well, on Lap 6. DNS. Quite the crowd in this Motorsports truck #1478, to win first place for the day; as well as 28 inches of travel from the mas-Fast Lap on Lap 2 in 0:57:22 at sive rear trailing arms. Terry mph. This was Householder's Householder, Adam's dad, got to fourth race in the 2000 Chevy ride along in the spare seat on Silverado, equipped with 16 Lapsland2;afterashort28+year inches of front A-arm travel and 'pit-stop' since he last raced in_ 1981 at the Mint 400. Co-drivers Eric Carson and Danny Kerdus got to ride along on Laps 3 and 4. "An excellent race", House-holder said. "We got lost on Lap 1 -no course markers, but we had no flats and no problems all day. It was typical 'Barstow': fast, rough, lots of dust on Lap 1, and lost of rock crawling!" Householder's most fun for the day? "Doing 90+ mph." At the Fin-ish Line, the power steering rack was cracked and leaking on #1478, the upper shock mount was cracked, and so was the upper A-arm frame mount. Another lap, and it just might have been a whole 'nother story. Good win; nice finish. Robert Anderson, from San Clemente, CA won second place in class in the Giant truck #1476, about 30 minutes later. Anderson completed the required four laps in 4:38:56 at 37.0 mph, but not without a few problems along the way. "It was a good course, butter-ribly marked this time; and there must have been 100+ spectators out on the course, too. We blew out the left-rear hub, and sheered off the Pitman steering-arm bolt," said Anderson. He also won this DT Ace Reporter's 'pucker bush award' for accumulating the most 'native vegetation' at the finish line. HA! Anderson raced his 1993 4.0L V6 OHC Ford Ranger in the 7 Open class last year at MDR. Tyler Fain, from Escondido, CA got to the checkered flag in 4:50:05 at 34.7 mph, to win third place in class, in the Fain Pump Co., Inc. truck #1459. Mike Clark drove the 1995 Toyota on Laps 1 and 2, with Tyler Fain in the pas-senger seat. Fain took over the wheel duties for Laps 3 and 4, with Jessi Clark, taking a turn in the extra seat. Fain built his truck eight years ago, while he was still in high school. A-arm front, 4-link trailing arms out back, a 5.0L Ford V8, and a T56, manual six speed Corvette tranny. OoooobOy! Other than breaking the right-front shock mount going in for Lap 2 > Lap 3, and fiddling with a loose ignition wire, it was a 'piece of pie' for #1459; fun all the way to the winner's circle. Buggy Dept 951.737.7223 Truck Dept 951.73 .2999 WWW.KARTEK.COM Nick Puccio, DoR, and Bryan Blagg, crew chief/ co-driver, on the SickNicksFab team truck #1492, made their required four laps in 5:01 :52 at 33.4 mph; to win fourth place in class. "Our race was re-ally exciting! We started 18th (at the green flag) and finished fourth overall, in class; (if we did not get lost for 14 minutes we would have Page 38 April 2007 Dusty Times
Terry Ingold drove his good looking car to the Class 1200 win at Barstow, he's seen here ready for touchdown. had second or third). We started in 18th position and passed 11 guys within the first ten minutes. THEN WE GOT LOST! Once getting back on the track, Nick knew he had to go fast to beat the clock. By the end of the Lap 3, we were already in the top five again. Starting our final lap, we were in third position and second place was close. #1459 must have had problems. We got by him and were now sitting in third place. Then, with just 20 miles left, we had motor problems; and it was 'cruis-ing' to the end. #1459 was able to slip by us, and we ended the race winning fourth place", said Blagg. P.S. "Just wanted to let you know our story. We had a blast, and you better watch for us in the points race. We Are Ready! Thanks, too, for coming by our pit and saying "Hi". You guys are great. We've been reading Dusty Times for years!!!" Thank you. Nick Tonelli, from Huntington Beach, CA was next over the fin-ish line in truck #1485, winning fifth place in class in 6:02:42 at 30.4 mph. This is Tonelli's second season of racing desert off road. The sixth place winner was Steve Fuhring in truck# 1464, complet-ing the rounds with co-driver Tommy Trego in 6:06:01 at 27.5 mph. From Santa Maria, CA, this was Fuhring's first race, first fin-ish, and first win, ever. "We used to watch, and now we race", said Fuhring. "No flats, no problems but the course was 'torn up'; lots of rock crawling." Fuhring races a 97 Ford, with a 4.0L V6 and a 5R55 auto-trans; _19 inches ofball-joint, I-beam trav~l in front, and 15 inches in the rear. # 1464 even retains the stock dash, heater, and NC, too. Sounds nice and comfy to me. Hey, Tommy; wanna go race? Frank Vernola was next to see the checkers in truck #1470, win-ning seventh place in 6:21:01 at 26.5 mph. "We finished! But not without our fair share of prob-lems", Vernola said. "We had a flat on Lap 1, and couldn't get the spare off because of a 'bald' nut. We broke the steering arm on Lap 2 at Pit B. (Thanks to Jeff at JAY Motorsports for the help). The course was rough; beat up. But I still had fun. It was a blast, and 'no more column shift'ing now with the new C4 tranny! The stall converter is 'perfect-a"'. Steve Browning got the extra seat duties. Adam Householder led the class all the way, he took the win with 20 minutes in hand when the checkers flew. Nick Pike was a bit off the winning pace in Class 3 but he did salvage a third place finish, he's seen here at speed. Dusty Times Under ne ownerthip ... Over 40 yean of ex erienc.e Costa Mesa, CA 949-645-2661 Bring your hot rod, sand rail, motorcycle, boat, or ATV down to our location and," Brake Lines. Fuel lines. Turbo Hoses. Stalnlesss hardllne tor brakes and Let ·us solve your plumbing problems from complete system designs fuel applications. All Aedllne OIi !)l'oduds discounted by the case. to minor modifications. Af!'/ high P«ft>«narn:♦ h~ pordlasecl from MESA HOSE will be a~mbled ~ <>f c:ha~. Crimp fittings from 2" on down. The eighth place win went to Ryan Dowe in truck #1458. Dowe did the required four laps in 6:32:44 at 25. 7 mph. Sean Kepler was the last to finish in class and in the race in truck #1475, get-ting his day of fun done in 7:58: 19 at 21.1 mph, for the ninth place win. # 1456, Craig Reynolds, was on trailer headin' home about 1: 15 p.m.; DNF. #1468, Johnny Nigma, broke a tranny or the rear end just ten minutes into the first lap; DNF. #1471, John Demedio, broke a front spindle on Lap 3 around MM8; DNF. Allen Byma DNF'd on Lap 2 in his #1453 Nissan, with a broken rear end. Brian Metcho had· a long drive home to Ventura, CA after he lost third gear in truck #1467, and broke a main leaf in the pack to boot; DNF. Tyler Scott of Redlands, CA exploded the trans and caught fire in his ODR # 1477 Ford Ranger, on Lap l; DNF ... just your average Saturday off road outing. And that's pretty much a wrap on the MOR Don Griffith Memo-rial 150. I hope Don had a blast, too! Not much else to say, except a BIG "Thank You" to Jim Clements and Ron Matthews from M.O.R.E. for literally putting up the new 'toi-lets' at Barstow, for "your" conve-nience and use; BYOTP. Nice job, guys. OLE: : llllll,,l_ Worldwide benchmark manufacturer of mllh.ary-apaciflcat:lon wiring systems for all motoresport applk:letlone Mo,:ee . nagement anc:1 Deta Ao stems , ' . it'se~uential-'fuei end~ ... ~ v. ems built. to· wi~hlllte.md cin9 --1!.u·,i;i 1;,~e-ryr:mlng ,.;'':; ..... , . ¼ , ey .systems available for ell ' off-road engine packages. oig1tal display and data acqulsition systems for ell levals of competition. Engine and chassis dynamometer services avellable. Sakata Motorsport Electronics, Inc. 1217 N. Patt Street Anaheim, CA 92801 (714) 446-9473 I Fax: (714) 446-9247 www.sakatamotorsport.com April 2007 Utilizing the ffhest .Rayoham System 25 component.~~ the industry stl!lnderd for ell pt'Ofeseione(!"eeing sanctions. ' ~ .. Engineering,~• end compreh~ve testing ~orrned 100% in-house. '.°"w/o/ -~ :t,.; ~~.~ aseembliee,end circuit: ··~ol eqmpohents ere evelleble to suit yciur budget;~ High-Accuracy Air-Fuel Ratio Metel"'S Light.weight, stand-alone system works with all engines end alternate fuels -cerbureted or fuel injected. For the dedicated eng.ine tuner who needs to know exactly whet their engine is doing. No fleshing lights -just the facts ..• Nail it to s number! Page 39 -
, ' , r I , , , ~ , , @DD TECATE 0ASA CIRCULO K 250 Nava,,ata·s Take l&OD Win BY BYRLE MOOR£ PHOTOS: FoTOBNA-MEX Juan Carlos Lopez was the Class 8 winner, he's seen here under full power throwing lots of dirt in his really good looking truck. Well, if you have had time to look up, you will find that it is next year. In fact, as you read this article the year is already one third gone and the CODE people have had two races. The following covers the first of them, held in San Luis the first part of February and Feb-rua·ry is a good ti me of the year to hold a race in this part of the Baja. Not too hot, not too cold, just good racing weather. Now those non-finishers can't blame the weather. And, for whatever the reasons, there were a lot of non-finishers. Ninety cars and trucks and 70 bikes and quads were at the green or somewhere near it at 0630 and again at 0900. When the final checkered flew late in the afternoon only a little over 50 percent of the starters had finished, and the bikes and quads boosted this "I finished figure." It wasn't a par-ticularly difficult course, in fact, maybe it was the flat, straight, high speed areas that took their toll? Anyway. In this outing it was the Class 7 truck of Jason McNeil who outlasted and outran the field. Class 7 trucks can do that de-pending on the race. Ask another, somewhat older guy, with the last name of McNeil, or another guy by the name of Rossler? Most 7 Drivers will tell you that "Sevens RULE." Meanwhile a new team out of Phoenix, Acuna Racing, fielded a Class 1 and a Class 16 car. Mark Acuna in the 1 Car was never in McNeil's dust but the three lap times of both the 1 and the 7 cars Page 40 were within moments of each other. When the dust had cleared and the start-ing/finishing times had been adjusted there was about five and a half min-utes separating the two teams and McNeil had made up not only the eight minute difference in start times, but also gained another five min-utes before the black and white fell. Actual times were 4:43:04 for McNeil and 4:48:36 for Acuna. Yes, there were lots of other races going on du r-ing the day but again l only have stats. Come on team public relations per-sons, contact me with any notes. Class 1 had three en-tries and it seems that Team Acuna was the only finisher. Tyler McNeil in his full body truck made it to Check 1 of one of the laps and was awarded the silver. Last year's Class 1 winner Armando Mario Reyn_oso drove his good looking bug to the Class 5-1600 win, he's seen here doing what he loves best, driving and winning. Throwing lots of dirt, Javier Robles took the Class 10 win with ease, seen here running at very high speed. April 2007 Leonardo and Alejandro Navarette teamed up to take the Class ½-1600 win, they are seen here at speed heading for the checkers. It was a fun race for Jason McNeil, he was able to take the Class 7 win easily, he's seen here flying towards the finish line. Bravo didn't seem to start, or at least never made it to Checkpoint 1. Class l0's Javier Robles got to Check 2, was the only 10 entry and there-fore, won the gold. Class 12 had five start-ers and one of them made it back to the finish line after three laps. Jorge Ruvalcaba ran 7:29:21 for the win. Guillermo Quintero went further than the rest of the class and took second with a 4:39:48 for two laps. Javier Buelna Jr. also went a little over two laps but the time of 6:45:47 gar-nered him only the bronze. Javier Robles Jr. and Gustavo Pinuelas only got to or just past Check-point 1. Juan Carlos Lopez fin-It was a ho-hum win in Class 1 for Mark Acuna, he had a great race and a great win, he's seen here heading for the finish. Class 12 was hotly contested early on but when the checkers flew it was Jorge Ruvalcaba taking the win, seen here at speed. Dusty Times
Guillermo Quintero was the second place finisher in the Class 12 fernando Gazca and Daniel Zepeda, with a bit of glass missing, A nice second place finish in Class 1600 went to Jorge Sanchez, he contest, he's seen here digging for the finish. were the second place finishers in the Class 8 fracas. is seen here in his really good looking car. ished all his laps and took 1:30:30, 1:45:48 and hope the whole class stays Acuna, this one Mark Jr. Martinez were the other the gold with a three lap 1:46:51 and a 5:12:09 for healthy for six races and 6:14:50, Francisco two finishers both with a time of 5:46:3~5. Fernando the second spot and Mar-see what the final out-Escareno was in at little over seven hours Gazca had a first lap time tin Gonzalez ran lap times come is for the year. 6:28: 18 and Roman and and change. The teams of of 1:32:13 and then broke of 1:41:44, 1:49:11 and Carlos Montalvan had a Horacio Pereya finished Javier and Javier Medina, it, and was awarded the 1 :51:21 for a 5:22: 16, 5:30:28, Joe and Jake Laff with a 6:53:52. Juan and Ricardo and Cesar s i 1 v er a n d J o s e Va 1 e n z u e 1 a p r e t t y d a r n c I o s e . L e t ' s w e n t 5 : 3 6 : 5 8 , a n o t h e r S a n c h o t e n a a n d L u i s Continued next page went 1:39:41 for one lap and took the bronze. Chris Wilson only made it to Checkpoint 2 of the first lap. There were 15 Class 16 starters, which again con-stituted the largest num-ber of class entries in the first CODE race of the season. The Navarrete boys, Leonardo and Alejandro, picked up where -they left off with lap runs of 1:36:08, 1:42:02 and 1:42:25 for a 5:00:35 and the win. See th e'i r p ro u d fa th er i n th e other CODE awards story elsewhere in this issue. Jorge Sanchez went • Class 9 had a good fight going but when the checkers flew it was Daniel Reyes taking the checkered flag for the win. Carlos Diaz was the only truck entered in Class 7S, so, he just cruised around and took the win in his own time. CONGRATULATIONS TO #3 MARK POST AND THE RIVIERA TEAM FOR YOUR OVERALL WIN AT THE BAJA 250 2007 RANCHO DRIVETRAIN ENGINEERING Tony Selva 27598 Commerce Center Dr Temecula, CA. 92590 951-676-6569 Dusty Times April 2007 Page 41 --
-Rene Cuevas is seen here in his good looking Class 7 truck, on his way to a decent second place finish. Miguel Rosales was the second place finisher in the always. Seen here just at takeoff, Alonzo Jaquez flew his car to a second competitive Class 5-1600, he's seen here at speed. place finish in the Class 9 competition. Cons, and Miguel and Chris Cortez, and Ramsey Elwardany all had one lap finishes of 1:41:51, 1:49:39 and 1:55:30 re-spectively. Julian Machado was either a non-s tarter or broke some-thing during his first lap. As stated earlier Jason McNeil took Class 7 hon-ors with his 4:43:04 which, as stated, also took the Overall trophy and check for the weekend. Rene Cuevas ran a 5:19:03 for second in class and Gabriel Barragan was 6:40:06 .for third. Jose A. Gonzales, Perry McNeil, Alex Almaraz and Gelacio Beltran were all non-fin-ishers, for one reason or another. The next largest gather-ing in entries was the Class 5-1600 with ten Page _42 Miguel Mexia and Mario Flores shared the car and they took home the gold medal in the Class 11 contest. starters and seven finish-ers. Mario Reynoso took the top time and the gold in class with his three lap finishing time of 5:50:42. Second was Miguel Rosales in at 6:05:25 and Alonso Angulo and Federico Montes taking third with a run of 6:12:22. Alberto Varela went 6:44:12, Jose Gutierrez had a 6:46:04, Enrique Avalos was in at April 2007 It's a big, heavy car but it's also quick, Jose Quintero just motored around and took the gold medal in Class 14. 8:14:27 and Arturo Cervantes and Justin Linder went 8:27:09. Jorge A. Garcia, Jesse Lopez and Roberto Rabago were all non-fin-ishers. The Class 9 win was de-cided with a little over 30 minutes in favor of the first place finisher Daniel Reyes who had runs of f:58:29, 2:09:13, and 2:15:31 for a winning Dusty i'imes
Luis and Jose Rodriguez had a good race, they drove their Class 11 Bu to a second place finish, seen here at s eed. The silver medal in Class 14 went to Edgar Alvarez and Ivan Pacheco, they're seen here heading for the finish line. Elias Canchola Jr. had a decent race he drove his Ford pickup to a second place finish in the highly competitive Class 18. Class 15 started four and Carlos de los Palos managed to finish his two laps for the win with a time of 5:57:25. Errol Villa and Omar Dipp went further than Javier and Angel Gomez or the Will-iams Father and Son team of Pete and Pete Jr. who may not have even started?, Villa and Dipp took the silver and the Gomez'· went bronze. We had eight starters in Class 18 and three of them completed the re-quired two laps. Gabriel Lara went 3:43:34 for Carlos and Rolando De Los Palos were the big winners in Class 15, they're f i rs t , E 1 i a s C a n ch O la J r. seen here flying their bug to the finish line. w a s s e c O n d w i t h h i s time of a little over six 4:08:49 and Julio 4:54:23 and Carlos Bar-hours and 23 minutes. Valenzuela turned in a rios was third with a two The silver went to Alonso 4:56:56 for fifth. Some-lap time of 5:44:11. Jaquez with his 2:03:31°, thing about those Class 14 Manuel Robles, Ramon 2:16:29, and 2:34:35 for a cars·that makes for excit-Guerrero, Arturo Ruiz, 6:54:35 and the bronze ing racing. Don't say that Jesus Bustamante and went to Ramon Nunez to Javier Avalos or Adolfo Cesar N. Tapia made up with a first lap run of and Mike Auguilar, or the rest of the field but 2:27 flat and a second lap Hector Torres, or Jose were all no-goes at the of 2:16:31 and a third of Martinez, or Mario black and white late in 2:12:39 for a 6:56:10. Acosta, or Rodrigo Obeso, the day. Wonder what the results or Arturo Zavala. They Of course, Clase Safari would have been in a six were all non-finishers, but made up the last of the lap race? Two other fin-there is always the run to field and Heriberto ishers Ulisses.Morquecho, San Felipe and back at the Chavez took his number 7:27:00 and Hector end of the month. 30 car in for the gold-with_ 0 r teg a 7: 2 7: 12. Jesus de ~-------------------~------.. la Torre and Juan A. May-oral were non-finishers. Carlos Diaz was the only Class 7S entry and was a non-finisher. Our Class 11 was led h o m ·e b y M i g u e 1 M e x i a and Mario Flores with their two lap times of 2:36:45 and 2:23:37 for a 5:00:22 total. Meanwhile, Luis A. and Jose Rodriguez were turning out a 2:33:05 and a 2:37:21 and after the 30-second adjustment were in at 5:00:26 for second. Not exactly wheel-to-wheel racing but you shoulda been there. Juan E. Zamarripa 2:42 and change and 2:47 and change for a 5:30:29 and third spot. Alex Rivas, Fernando Prado and Luis Verduzco were non-finish-ers. "Bugs Rule?" There was an even dozen starting the Class 14 field and five of them finished the two laps. Jose Quintero was· first past the checkers with a 3:22:10, Edgar Alvarez Jr. and Ivan Pacheco copped second with their 3:45:06 and Carlos and Pablo de Anda went 4:08:28 for third. Efrain and Fernanda Vargas were barely off the podium with a time of Dusty Times Gabriel Lara drove the good looking Ford truck to the gold medal in the Class 18 contest, seen here at speed. Heriberto Chavez had a pretty easy day, he took the Safari Class win with relative ease, he's seen here at speea .. April 2007 a time of 5:05:27. Miguel Gutierrez was second with a 5:26:45 and Javier Silva was third with his 5:27:32. Neither Omar Chavez nor Juan Gutierrez nor Sady Suarez managed to finish. back coming on the last two days of March and closing out on April Fool's Day. So hope you won't be foolish and not make it down here to the B a j a a t s o m e p 1 a ·c e a n d time. As always, CODE ex-tends their thanks and ap-preciation to all. Hope to see you down here on the Baja!!! ~ And so another CODE season is underway. Next up will be the McMillin run to San Felipe and Aircraft Spruce is a worldwide distributor of quality products for the racing industry. Our product line of over 45,000 items is one of the most extensive fi-om one single source. Our service has made us the number one supplier in aviation and is why over 350 race teams have turned to us as a trusted source for racing components! www .aircraftspruce.com Aluminum Tubing/ Sheet, Steel Tubing, 4130 Chromoly, Steel Sheet Fabrics, Paints, Primers, Resins. 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·-llll~.. · CaRn McM1LL1N SuP■RST1T1aN Fua 2N7 Rall Archlllald Takes TIie overall BY ]. PRESTON BRADSHAW PHOTOS: TRACKS/DE PHOTO Travis Bartlett kept threading his way through the pack, taking the lead on the last lap and he had five minutes in hand at the end. peared from the scoring charts. Last lap, checkered flag flew and it was Rob Archibald tak-ing the honors, second place went to Brent Miller and that's all she wrote, just two finishers out of six starters. Sean Backus took the Class 1600 lead on the fifth lap, he took the win with a bit over three minutes in hand at the checkers. There were five Class 5-1600 cars entered, one of them, Roberto Aguilar failed to start the race and two of the remaining entrants failed to finish the race, These guys also had 6 laps to run to make a race and they attacked the course with vigor. At the end of their first lap it was Dave There was a pretty good turnout of race cars and trucks at this MDR challenge way down in the lower desert. 70 vehicles had signed up to run the race and although there were a couple of "Did Not Start" vehicles, reasons un-known and more than a few dnf's, everyone we. spoke to said they had an enjoyable weekend. First off the start line on Saturday was the Class 1 con-tingent. Corey Terry was scheduled to race but he did not start, nor did Shawn McCallum and Paul Cruz went missing on his first lap. The rest of the class had a good run and when they came around Richard Kern was the leader of the pack. Mark moved up a spot into second Dennett in the lead, Jorge Hanchett was second to cross place, Mark Hanchett was still Perez was in second place, Kris the line, a mere 11 seconds be-running in third place and Schulz ran in third place and hind the leader. Mike Bob Archibald and Brent Eric Garcia ran in fourth. Deardorf ran in third place, Miller, who had some serious When they came around at Rob Archibald ran in the problems remained in fourth the end of their second lap it fourth spot and Brent Miller and fifth place respectively. was Dave Dennett still holding was running in fifth place. The fourth lap ended and the lead, Kris Schulz had When the second of their now it was Mike Deardorf moved up into the second six laps ended it was Mike back in the lead, Rob spot, Eric Garcia had moved Deardorf leading the pack, Ri-Archibald had moved up into up a spot into third place and chard Kern had slipped to sec-second place and Brent Miller Jorge Perez had dropped tow ond place, just seconds in ar-was now in third place. Shawn spots and was now running rears., Mark Hanchett re-McCallum, Richard Kern and fourth in class. mained in third place, Rob Mark Hanchett all succumbed Third lap in the books, Archibald still ran in fourth to the devils of the course. Dave Dennett still led the place and Brent Miller re-The fifth lap ended and class, Kris Schulz remained in mained in fifth place. now it was Rob Archibald the second spot, Eric Garcia At the halfway point Rich-showing the way, Brent Miller was still running in third place ard Kern was back in the lead, ran in the second spot, he was and Jorge Perez had d isap-having just set fast lap for the well back of the leader and peared from the race. class, Mike Deardorf had now Mike Deardorf had disap-The fourth lap ended and ~--~~--~~=--~-------==~= now it was Kris Schulz leading the class, Dave Dennett had dropped to the second spot and Eric Garcia remained in third place. When they came around at the end of their fifth lap it was still Kris Schulz in the lead, Dave Dennett was in second place, he was only seconds be-hind the leader,, having just set fast lap for the class and now Jorge Perez was gone from the race. The checkers flew and Kris Schulz was there to take the gold medal, Dave Dennett was the silver medal winner, he finished one minute and 17 seconds behind the leader. There were six trucks in the Class 700 contest, they all took the green flag but only one of them would see the checkered flag. When they came around at the end of their first lap it was Isidro Ochoa with a big lead, Chris Taylor was in second place, almost five minutes in arrears, John Andrew was in third place he was 10 minutes be-hind the leader, Roy Garcia was in fourth place and Bran-don Walsh ran in the fifth spot. Tyler Poppert started but he failed to complete his first lap. On their second lap the ranks had thinned a bit, Roy Ray Valdez finished a nice second in class, he was only six minutes Can't fly any better than that: Cody Robinson flew his way to a fine A long third lap didn't help: Brent Miller was the second place finisher behind the leader at the finish, seen here in his Ford pickup. second place finish in the Class 1600 battle. in Class 1, seen here in his good looking car. Dave Dennett led the first three laps in 5-1600, a longer than usual Steve Keblish finished a decent second place in Class 9, he was Jeff Hartmayer drove his really good looking car to the silver medal fourth lap relegated him to the silver medal position. half an hour in arrears when the checkered flag flew. win in class, he's seen here at speed. Page 44 April 2007 Dusty Times
Bryan Castro drove his pickup through the pack to take a bronze Christian Carr led the first four laps in 1600, a long fifth lap dropped medal finish, he's seen here just after liftoff. him to third place, he's seen here at speed. John Deuth drove his multi colored truck to a fourth place finish in Class 1400, seen here ready to touchdown. Garcia had disappeared from remaining trucks had a pretty Mason took the checkered flag the fray. Isidro Ochoa was still good race for a while. When in the Class 8 contest. leading the class, Chris Taylor their first lap ended it was There were five Class 9 cars was in second place, some four Jody Mason in the lead, Ray waiting to do battle, one of minutes behind the leader and Schooley came along in second them, Mark Culver, did not John Andrew still held on in place, some three minutes in start the race. The remaining third place. The third lap com-arrears. four cars took off and when pleted and there were no At the end of their second they came around at the end changes in position on this lap it was still Mason in the of their first lap it was Alyssa Amanda Hawks remained in Class 9 win, Steve Keblish the lead, Alyssa Looney had re-came across the line for sec-captured the second spot and ond place and Amanda Hawks Steve Keblish had dropped was nowhere to be seen. back into third place. There was only one entry When the checkers flew it in Class 10, Kyle Conlon. Kyle was Alyssa Looney taking the Continued next page lap. lead, Schooley remained in Looney in the lead, Amanda When they finished their second place, he was now Hawks came along in second fourth lap, Isidro Ochoa was about seven minutes down to place and Steve Keblish was nowhere to be seen, Chris Tay-the leader. third across the line. Jack !or was the new class leader Lap three and positions had Hettinger started the race but and John Andrew was a way not changed, Mason still led, didn't complete his first lap. back in the second spot. he set fast lap for the class and There was lots of position As their fifth lap ended it Schooley was now about 15 shuffling on the second lap, was evident that Chris Taylor minutes in arrears. Amanda Hawks led the pack was among the missing. John Lap four was over and still on this lap, setting fast lap for Andrew was the new leader, in the Class 8 battle went on, Ma-the class along the way, Steve fact, John was the only truck son showing the way and Keblish had moved up into still racing in class and he Schooley still running in the second place and Alyssa went on to take the checkered second spot. Looney had dropped two posi-flag. On lap 5 Mason opened up tions into third. There were three Class 8 another few minutes on There were no changes in trucks ready for battle, how-Schooley and that was the last position on the third lap. ever, one of them, Chris Shive lap for Ray Schooley, he re-At the end of the fourth of did not start the race. The two tired from the fray and Jody their five required laps, A nice win in Class 1 went to Ron Archibald, he also took the overall win, he's seen here with the power really on. HONDA Power Equipment UCEI & SPECTATOR DISCOUNTS • GENERATORS • TIJ J F~S • OUTBOARD ENGINES • LAWNMOWERS • ¥/ATERPlJMPS Calilornia's lor Honda Largest Source Power Equipment Parts 8 Inventory IF WE DON T NAVE 17: NO ONE DOE.II Check Our Website: www.Kawaguchihonda.com Kawaguchi Honda Corp. EU1000i 3532 East 3rd St. • Los Angeles, CA 90063 ~C?~~ (323) 264-3936, 264-5858 • FAX (323) 264-2136 Nothing's easier. For optimum performance and safety, we recommend you read the owner's manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment. Connection of a generator to house power requires a transfer device to avoid possible injury to power company personnel. Consult a qualified electrician. ©2007 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. Dusty Times April 2007 Page 4! -.,;.
Robert Figlioli finished first off the podium in Class 1600, he's seen here landing slightly askew in his neat looking car. Jason Cagle was really flying here, Jason went on to take a fifth place finish in the Class 1400 battle. Jimmy Shelton got in three of his four required laps before his trusty steed decided to call it a day. Kris Schulze took the 5-1600 lead on the fourth lap, took the gold medal but his competition was a scant minute behind at the flag. went out and ran his six re-quired laps and he wasn't tak-ing it easy, he finished his six required laps in 3:09:07, that's a 53 mile per hour aver-age speed and it gave him the second overall finish for the entire race. There was only one entry in Class 11, Lacy Perrault. Lacey started the race but was only able to finish two laps and was scored as a dnf. Class 12 is an unlimited PI\TIOII' S 1101 flW.Plna1sc11• .ca• sportsman class and there were four of them on hand for the race. Unfortunately, Chad Anderson did not start the race, so that left three to run. They had to make five laps for their race and when they came around it was Wendy Belk in the lead, Jeff Hartmayer was in second place and Eric Sheetz was in the third spot. At the end of their second lap it was still Wendy Belk leading the class, Jeff Hartmayer was in second place, some 13 minutes be-hind the leader and Eric Sheetz was out of the race. For their remaining three laps there was no change in position, Wendy Belk contin-ued to lead, she set fast lap for the class on her third lap and she took the checkers happily, Jeff Hartmayer finished in the runner-up spot. Nest up was Class 1400, the Pre-runner Truck class and there were 20 of them chompin' at the bit. They had to run four laps for-their race and, unfortunately, five of these entrants did not star t the race. When they came around at the end of their first lap it was Jim Holt in the lead, Jason Cagle ran in second place, Tyler McNeil was run-ning third, Jason Mount was in fourth place and Skip Edwards rounded out the top five. In sixth place it was John Deuth, Mick Madson ran in seventh, Ray Valdez was in eighth place, Travis Bartlett was ninth and Tim Griggs was in 10th place. Bryan Castro was in 11th place, Jerry Steed made it an even dozen, Jeff LIST SIZES · 3/4", I", 1-1/4'', 1-1/z", 1 · 3/4" X .120 AND 1 · 3/4" X .090 IN STOCK NOW AT DISCOUfflD PRICES* 01ffARl8 l-800/79H762 IIWIIIDllf 1·800/&0o-PIPE SAi BER DUii J-800/877-4269 8UIBAIII 1-800/ 480-3446 HESPERIA 1 ·800/7.PAnON LINCASTER 6611942·27SS I LOCATIOIIS TD SOIVE YOU • FIii AU YOUR llfTll nRIDII IHDS • •C111 YOUR UN:AI. IRANCH FDR STOCK£II SIZIS Page 46 April 2007 Shaw was in 13th place, Todd Richards was 14th and Shawn Smail was in 15th place. When they came around at the end of their second of five required laps, Jim Holt was still the leader of the pack, having just set fast lap for the class, Tyler McNeil had moved up a spot into second place, Jason Cagle had dropped to third p lace, Skip Edwards was up a spot into fourth place and Jason Mount had dropped a spot and was now in fifth place. Ray Valdez had moved up two spots into sixth place, John Deuth dropped a spot into seventh place, Travis Bartlett was up one place into eighth, Bryan Castro was up two places into ninth and Tim Griggs held o n in 10th p lace. Mick Madson was a bit off the pace and had dropped to 11th, Jerry Steed was holding on in 12th place, Todd Richards was running 13th and Shawn Smail was in 14th place. Jeff Shaw was out of the race. When the third lap ended it was still Jim Holt showing everybody the way, Jason Cagle was now in second place, Ray Valdez was up three spots into third place, Travis Bartlett was up four places into fourth place and John Deuth was up two spots into fifth place. Bryan Castro was up to sixth place, Mick Madson had moved up to sev-enth place, Tim Griggs came along a minute later in eighth, Jerry Steed was up to ninth place and Jason Mount had dropped five places and was now running 10th. Tyler McNeil dropped from second to 11th place and Todd Richards was in 12th place. Skip Edwards and Shawn Smail were out of the race. Final lap, checkers in the air and Travis Bartlett came in the winner with an average speed of just under 40 miles per hour. Second place went to Ray Valdez, he was six min-utes behind the leader, Bryan Castro had moved up three spots to take the bronze medal, John Deuth finished first off the podium and Jason Cagle finished in fifth place. Mick Madson was the sixth place finisher, Tim Griggs fin-ished lucky seventh, Jerry Steed finished in eighth place, Jason Mount finished ninth and Tyler McNeil was the 10th place finisher. Todd Richards finished in the 11th spot but was dq'd later for a rules in-John Andrew was the only finisher in the Class 7 contest, he's seen here at speed, heading for the elusive checkered flag. Jody Mason led all six required laps, he took the Class 8 win with ease, he's seen here at speed, ready for liftoff. Dusty Times
Andrew Ayala was the seventh place finisher in the Class 1600 A not too bad finish for Arturo Gutierrez, he soldiered on for fifth It was a sixth place finish in Class 1600 for Jeff Calhoun, Jeff is battle, he's seen here at liftoff headin' for the flag. place in the hotly contested Class 1600. seen here nicely in flight on his way to the finish. fraction. Jim Holt failed to moved up a few spots i,_n_t_o_s--:i-x-t'h---:A.'r-t_u_r_o----;G,:;-u-t.,...ie_r_r_e_z_w_a_s-a'ls_o_u_p_--;=====--===============================; finish his last lap. place, Arturo Gutierrez was up a few spots into sixth, Andrew The Class 1600's were next three spots into seventh, Chris Ayala was into seventh place up and there were 15 of them Reaves was also up three and Chris Reaves was eighth. on tap. Jose Reyes, Jeremy p[laces into eighth place, Jeff John Forster was on his James and Sammy Montalvan Calhoun had dropped to ninth trailer. failed to start the race. They place, he had some troubles on Lap five came to an end and had six laps to run and when the course and Andrew Ayala there was a new leader, Sean their first lap was finished it had dropped to 10th place. Backus had taken over the top was Christian Carr in the class Brandon Whitehead was out of spot, Cody Robinson had lead, Christian set fast lap for the race. moved up into the second the class on this lap, Cody At the halfway mark Chris-spot, Christian Carr had Robinson was in second place, tian Carr still led the field, dropped from the lead into David Reyes was running in David Reyes was up another third place, losing 20 minutes third place, Sean Backus ran spot, he was now in second to problems, Robert Figlioli fourth and Jeff Calhoun was place, Sean Backus was now in held on in fourth place and in the fifth spot. Andrew third place, Cody Robinson Arturo Gutierrez was up an-Ayala was in the sixth spot, had dropped a few spots to other spot into fifth place. Jeff Robert Figlioli ran in seventh fourth and Robert Figlioli re-Calhoun was in sixth place, place, John Forster was eighth, mained in fifth place. John Andrew Ayala ran seventh, Brandon Whitehead was in Forster was in sixth place, David Reyes was eighth, after ninth place and Arturo Arturo Gutierrez was in sev- a terribly long lap and Chris Gutierrez was in 10th place. enth place, Chris Reaves was Reaves was in ninth place. Chris Reaves was the 11th in eighth spot", Jeff Calhoun There were no position place finisher. Carlos was in ninth and Andrew changes on the sixth lap, so it Montalvan failed to finish his Ayala was in 10th place. was Sean Backus taking home first, lap. At· the conclusion of the the gold medal, Cody The secon_d lap ended and fourth l·ap it was still Chris-Robinson won the silver and Christian Carr still led the tian Carr holding the lead, Christian Carr was the bronze field, Cody Robinson was still Sean Backus was second, medal winner. Figlio'li fin-right there in second place, about five minutes behind the ished fourth, Gutierrez fin-three minutes in arrears, David leade.r, Cody Robinson was ished fifth, Calhou~ was sixth, Reyes· was still in third place, thi.rd, about four minutes out Ayala was seventh, Reyes fin-Sean Backus still held the of second, David. Reyes had ished eighth and Reaves was fourth spot a.nd Robert Figlioli dropped ·a few· spots into the ninth and final finisher. had moved up a few ·spots into fourth place and Robert fifth place. John Forster had Figlioli was in fifth place.· Kyle Conlon ran alone in Class 10, he took the class win and Kyle was second overall as well, seen here in flight. Alyssa Looney led the first lap and the last lap in the Class 9 contest, Alyssa had half an hour in hand at the checkers. Class 19, UTV's, had two entrants, they needed to com-plete four laps for their race but it was not to be. Jimmy Shelton led the first lap, Lonnie Banks came along some three minutes later in second place. At the end of their second la.p, Lonnie Banks had taken thl_lead, in spite of running a th'f'ee hour laP-and Jimmy Shelton dropped to second af-ter a horrendous four hour long lap. On the third lap Lonnie Banks disappeared, putting Jimmy Shelton in the drivers seat. But, ain't there always a "but?", Jimmy Shelton was un-able to complete his last lap so there were no official finish-ers in the class. Next on the agenda for the Superstition Series is the King Of The Desert Race o n April 21. See ya all there! NIJlU,_ RACE PROVEN . Wendy Belk led her class all the way, she had almost half an hour on lier competition when the checkered flag flew. Dusty Times OFF-ROAD EQ '.IPMENT 103PRESSLANE,STE4, CHULA VISTA, CA91910 TOLLFREE/(866)891-9171 CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE!! WWW.RACEREADYPRODUCTS. COM April 2007 Page 47
Dao WaP RALLY Jardavall/TDWllfldga sweep The series • Carl Jardeval and Amity Trowbridge splashed through the mud on the Washington coast to win both Doo Wop Rallies in their Mitsubishi. Carl Jardevall and Amity Trowbridge brought a brand new Mitsubishi Evo 8 to the 2007 Doo Wop Rally Series and drove home with the champion-ship. The Nordic Motors team captured both rounds of the season opening Doo Wop Se-ries based at the historic Wash-ington seaport of Aberdeen. Doo Wop 1 The first two stages on Doo Wop 1 were cancelled when the roads were blocked by a heavy snowfall in the Olympic Moun-tains. So the 46 starters moved to the Pacific shore near Taholah in the Quinault Indian Page 48 Reservation for a short three stage rally. Jardevall from San Rafael, CA and Trowbridge from Seattle were fast right out of the gate. The red Mitsubishi was fastest on all three of the slippery stages through the coastal rain forest to take the win by 44 seconds. Behind them it was chaos in the rain and mud. The 2006 Doo Wop winners, Dave and Rick Hintz looked great sliding their Subaru WRX through the first turn, then they spun out and stalled on the second corner. The brothers Hintz recovered, challenging Jardevall on Stage 2 on their way to a second place finish in Doo Wop l. Jamie Thomas and Matt Gauger posted the second fast-est time on Stage 1, despite a problem with the rear suspen-sion. Dave Clark's quick re-build on the rear struts at the first service got them back in shape and Thomas turned in more fast times to finish third overall. That's third overall, just 14 seconds behind the Hintzs, in a Production GT class Subaru WRX wagon. Thomas and Gauger not only claimed the PGT title, they finished ahead of 14 open class cars . Paul Eklund and Jeff Price looked smooth breaking in a new twin scroll turbocharger for the Primitive Subaru STI. The twisting, slipper coastal stages offered little chance to test the power output and they finished fourth overall. Then there was that chaos. Gary Cavett and Alan Perry showed up with a new 2.5 liter turbocharged motor in their Subaru lmpreza. The motor was very strong for eight miles on Stage l, then it was blown and they were done for the week-end. Brian Scott and Rebecca Greek dodged Cavett's broken lmpreza and crashed their WRX off the narrow road. The Group 2 favorites Todd Hartmann and Shawn Callahan had an even shorter day in their Volkswagen GTi. Six miles into Stage 1, they slipped off the road on a narrow, downhill, off-camber corner and crashed into the bank. Several other cars slid, spun and banged through the ditches at the same spot. Surviving the chaos were the two 30-something-year-old Group 2 cars that tied for fifth overall. Tom and Don Burress in the rapid Rabbit squared off against Nate Tennis and Janice Damitio in the "black beauty" Saabwurx Saab 99. Burress was 10 seconds faster o n Stage 1, April 2007 Matt Tabor and Kevin Poirier in a power slide in their Acura RSX, they took the Production Class win in the muck. Tennis was 12 seconds faster on Stage 2, Burress made up the two second gap on Stage 3 and took the class trophy with the tie breaker of two stage wins. Seventh were Mike Goodwin and Debbie Wenzara in their first rally with a new PGT class Subaru WRX. Goodwin shook off the rust on Stage 1 and ran faster than the Group 2 leaders on Stages 2 and 3, closing the gap to eight seconds at the finish. Next in the results list were a pair of flying Subaru Legacies. Gabe VonAhlefeld and Jody Olson collected a 30 second penalty for missing three of the gates placed on the stage to en-sure a safe speed. That dropped them into an eighth place fin-ish, four seconds behind Goodwin and Wenzara and one second ahead of Mark Mager and Miller Dumaoal. Tenth overall were Carey Wright and Leanne Junnila in a Subaru USX, followed by Steve and Kelly Greer in an lmpreza and Brian Svedin and William Clark in a PGT class lmpreza RS. The Production class win-ners also topped the four car Tabor Team, Mark Tabor and Kevin Poirier in the Acura RSX were 13th overall, followed by the PGT class lmpreza RS of brother Matt Tabor and Jeff Zurschmeide. After an eight year absence, the world's only open class Mazda Protege reappeared in the hands of Jay Woodard and Kathryn Hansen. A leak be-tween the turbo and the mani-fold robbed them of some needed boost and dropped the AWD Protege down to 15th. The Group 5 winners, Rick Schmeling and Richard Kasten, finished 16th overall in a Mazda RX-7 turbo. A couple of northwest moun-tain bike champions were the top rookies at Doo Wop l. Carl Decker and John Frey finished an impressive third in Group 2 and 18th overall in an under-powered 2WD Subaru lmpreza. Garth Akeny and Russ Kraushaar in the 1969 Saab 96 edged Glenn Wallace and R. Dale Kraushaar in the 1967 Ford Cortina to take the his-toric class win. Doo Wop 2 Day 2 dawned just the way Day 1 had ended, gray and wet. Doo Wop 2 opened with • 40 starters taking two chal-lenging runs down the Blue Slough Road near the saw mill town of Cosmopolis. The Blue Slough pavement twists and turns and climbs and dives as it clings to the hillside above the Chehalis River. The posted speed limit of 35 mph is fast enough for mortals, but rally organizers installed five tight chicanes to help control the peed. Still the speeds generated by rally cars racing through the rain were awesome. Eklund and Price tied the Hintz brothers for fast time on Stage 1 at 3: 16. Then Eklund/Price topped that with a second run at 3:06, that's an average of over 80 mph on wet, slippery pavement. Head-ing into the gravel stages, the Primitive Subaru led over Tho-mas/Gauger in the PGT car, the Hintz brothers, VonAhlefeld/ Olson in the Legacy and the Burress brothers Rabbit. Stage 3 is called Pico. It winds through the Montesano City Forest for nine and a half miles and Doo Wop organizer Ray Damitio calls it his favor-ite road. Rally drivers call this stage "technical", that means its one turn after another and the car is almost always sliding sideways on the gravel. When they lined up for Stage 3, Jardevall and Trowbridge found themselves in sixth place, 21 seconds be-hind the leaders. When they finished Stage 3, Jardevall and Trowbridge had a 25 second lead and everybody else was racing for second place. The Nordic Motors Evo 8 gained 46 seconds on the field on that one stage and kept ex-tending their lead with the fastest times on each of the next five stages. They were fastest both directions on Pico, fastest both directions on Smith Creek and fastest both directions on Brooklyn. That string of stage wins in-cluded the fastest time ever recorded going west on the Brooklyn stage, a 6:38. Jardevall's only regret was not saving the tires for a shot at breaking his own 2004 Brook-lyn-east stage record. At the end of the day, Hintz and Hintz claimed second overall with Eklund/Price third and Thomas/Gauger fourth overall and first in PGT. VonAhlefeld and Olson posted quick times to claim fifth, one spot ahead of Wood-ward and Hansen in the Pro-tege. Goodwin/Wenzara were second in PGT, seventh over-all. Wright/Junnila finished eighth, with Tennis and Damitio ninth overall in the first two wheel drive car. Brian Scott had worked late Dusty Times
Josh and Michael Milos drove their really good looking GMC Sonoma Nate Tennis and Janice Damitio drove their Saab to the Group 2 In a nice drift, Dave and Rick Hintz drove their Subaru WRX to a pickup to the Group 5 win, seen here nice and clean. win at Dao Wop, they're seen here on the Taha/ah Stage. great second place overall at the Dao Wop event. Mike Goodwin and Debbie Wenzara returned to rally in a new Subaru, Garth Ankeny and Russ Kraushaar were the big winners in the Historic Paul Eklund and Jeff Price averaged over 80 miles per hour on the Blue Slough Road in their primitive Subaru STi. they were the second place finishers in Production GT. Class in their 38 year old Saab, still /ookin' great! into the night pounding out ers' Rabbit was 12th overall deal with a Production class feriders, cutting new windows, and second in Group "2. An-record of 7:25 on the Brook-changing suspension bits and other impressive rookie team, lyn stage. Josh and Michael repairing the front end dam-Canadians Gord Ryall and Jen-Milers were the Group 5 class age his WRX suffered on Day nifer Daly grabbed 13th with winners in the Light Perfor-1. The late night paid off with the Rocker Rally Racing mance GMC Sonoma pickup. a tenth place finish for Scott Legacy. Anken/Kraushaar repeated and Greek in Doo Wop 2. Mark Tabor and Kevin in the historic class Saab after Mager and Dumaoal were Poirier again took the Produc-the Wallace/Kraushaar 11th, while the Burress broth-tion class win and sealed the Cortina cooked the engine while turning over 100 mph Ray Damitio's unique on Blue Slough. Doo Wop Series trophies TheDooWopputluckdin-went to Jardevall/ ner at the Oakville Grange was Trowbridge in Open, Tho-the usual high point for the mas/Gauger in POT, Ten-northwest rally gang. Vermont nis/Damitio in Group 2, Sports Car generously donated Tabor/Poirior in Produc-the food for the spread so all of tion, Milos/Milos in Group the proceeds could go to sup-5 and Akeny/Kraushaar in port the Oakville Food Bank. Historic. __ -,Illy . ·; 2.fi 1; 3'; 4"., .. ,rsen Page 49 .. . O,CK . . . ·QJCHNOI.OGY 74.530.8701 • FAX 714.530.B702 12842 JOY STREET, GARDEN GROVE, CA 92840 ,Jdngshodcs.corn April 2007 ·;~2.6" 2.5" Bllmplllp 6'!!!5.b Need coil springs? (all King Shocks! We have custom and produdion coils in stock, and the experience to get you what you need. Call today! Dusty Times
El Prez Sez ... .Ain't No Wah.zoo Well with a few quick logistical changes to our pit locations and the addition of a radio relay the Checkers were bound for Baja once again. The change from San Felipe to Ensenada for the SCORE Baja 250 race didn't seem to falter the never ending spirit of the Checkers Off Road. It did however pose a big dilemma as far as our tire meeting was concerned. Over the past several years we have held our tire meetings in Pete's camp and then followed it up with a Checker sponsored World re-nown clam bake hosted by the equally as famous Tony Tellier at his hacienda. This made it so only the hard core clammers would be in attendance as the drive back to many of our new pit locations af-ter the still alhze bake was held Friday night became too timely. Our tire meeting of coarse was re-located to our usual Baja 500 lo-cation in Ensanada and was held Friday between 1 & 3 pm. We had 6 cars entered and Mike Childress on his 16X Honda. After our tire drop and a cervesa or 2 we all Page so headed off to stake out' our 4 pit locations along the route to Santo Thomas. Running under the Checkers prideful name were; #121 Eric Chase; #1245 Craig Brabrant; #1212 Ty Goode/ Jim Greenway; #500 George Seeley/ Dwight (Col.) Farell; #741 Rich (stretch) Severson; # 1503 Mark Grawe. These Checker drivers ran with the confidence of knowing that if they encountered any prob-lems along the ever scenic run through the Baja peninsula they were never far from help and were guided by the watchful ears of the radio relay from above. Our pit captains and there crews were; Pit # 1 Ojos Negros, Captained by Reverend Roy Moore and crewed by Ken Tappert, Malcolm Bryce and Big John Files. Pit #2 Nuevo JCT Captained by 2007 Checker President George Jirka and crewed by, Todd Starks. Pit #3 Valle De Trinidad Captained by Gary Bates and crewed by Howard Anderson, Fred Nelson, Fred Nelson Jr., Bobby McCall, Marty Seefried, Mark Casillas, Tony Tellier, Billy Robertson, B.J. Bates and Bryan Brim. Pit #4 Erindera Captained by Mark Nacke and crewed by James Connolly, Jorge Espino, Juan Sierra, Mr. Nickle Nackle, Andy Fricke, Kim Pham and Rasta-mon. Checkers Radio Relay was based up atop the mountains at 7,200' near the observatory and was captained by Michael (Crackle Lee) Thompson and myself John (El Prez) Hastings. We monitored the Weatherman and all other fre-quencies as well as the Checkers race and chase frequencies. We shared our spot high above Baja with our long time friend Jerry Gastill who relays for several cars including Chuck Hovey. With all the support of the pits and the ex-cellence of the club racers I am proud to say that all our club cars finished the race and Mike Childress raced his way to a 2nd in elm, znd overall finish. Eric finished 19th in class, Craig finished 19th in class, Ty and Jim cook 16th in class, George finished 3rd in class, Stretch took a 2nd in class and Mark also took a 2nd in class. GREAT JOB by all who once again took advantage of the Baja experi-ence. Well barely home with hardly any time to swap equipment we mushed onward to the Mojave for another-250 experience. This. time it was the M.O.R.E. Balls Out 250 in the sunny Stoddard valley of Barstow. This event brought out 4 Checker cars and 4 Checker pits. Among our cars was the long anticipated debut of Malcolm Bryce's brand new class 12 car, also running a 12 car were Bobby McCall and new state of intent Ken Owens. Mike McGee was running his class 10 car and Todd Starks rounded out the field with his ½ 1600. Malcolm ran a flawless race with Jim Moulton sharing the driving and collecting all the final lap Checker salutes on his way to winning the class. Malcolm did test the cars ability to perform a hand stand during his second lap while ripping through the mile of danger and obviously it had no problem han-dling it. Bobby and Ken took 3rd in class with only a couple rear flats holding them back. Mike April 2007 McGee took 4th in class with a short down time due to a fuel pickup problem. Todd fought the tough battle of the day starting . with a coil wire popping off as he past the Checker main pit but then had a broken torsion bar that put him down 2 laps. After replacing the broken torsion in Checker pit # 2 he drove the car to a 10th in class finish which in a class with 20 entered was a site to see, he was flying. Great driv-ing you guys, you all made the Checkers proud! Our pit coverage consisted of the Checker main captained by Mike Wright and crewed by most of the club, here goes ........ Billy Robertson, Doug Brown, Lin Neal, Andrew Neal, Bob Wright, Lou Peralta, Ken Tappert, Gary Stairs, Milo Brown, Mike Childress, Stuart Chase, Dan Martin, Vic Bussey, Steve Scott, Jimmy Hook, Tom Dittfield. Wow, talk about talent. They handled a couple tire changes and driver changes and all the fueling. Pit #2 was captained by Gary Bates and crewed by Art Velasco Sr. and B.J.Bates. These guys had there hands full with the torsion bar change out on Todd's car and also had to get him shifted out of sec-ond gear on his last lap. They also handle a tire change and watched Bobby'blast over there pit sign as he was trying to get the feel of the new sunglasses they ha°ff'just lent him. Pit # 3 Captained by Rever-end Roy seems to have had most of the rest of the Checker roster that missed the turn off for the Main, here goes ..... Jim Greenway, Lisa Greenway, Claude Archy, >-, \ Ricky Lopez, Roger Byrd, Sheri Byrd, Jay Byrd (starting to sound Hitchcocking with all these Birds) Ricky Crumb(watching out for the birds .... ya know Crumb/ bird ... awe forget it), Dwight Farell, Lee Finke and President George W Jirka (just kidding bout the W). Phew, finally to Pit # 4 Captained by famous Checker pitter Big John Files and crewed by none other than myself, Andy Diaz, Dick McCool, Billy McCool, Josh Gilliam and Jeff Wood. We handled a tire change on the #1219 of McCall/Owen car and provided Checker salutes to Moulton and Starks to boost there morale on the final lap. Great fun had by all and excellent communication between pits thanks to the Checker relay pro-vided by Jim Gregory high atop the Stoddard mountains. Jim not only covered all Checker business but he also provided some needed off frequency help for some none Checker cars. He apparently also dodged a bullet that was ran-domly fired toward the mountain top. You did a great job as always Jim, handling our relay with pro-fessionalism. A big thank belongs to all the members who came out to support our club with pride. As always we welcome racers and pitters to join us in our 38 year quest to be the best at what we do and who we.are .... Checkers. We meet every Wednesday night at 8 P.M. at the Victoria's Ristorante 10901 Victory Blvd. North Hollywood CA 91606 or visit with us in any Checker pit at any race cause ya know ... El Prez Sez ... See Ya In Da Dez ! Dusty Times
BY: TtM LINDSAY Hey race tans, it you missed the sea-son opener for SNORE at Primm this past February, you missed out on one of the best races of the year. The Battle at Primm is always popular with CORE members. While the short course for-mat doesn't require pit help, lots of CORE members attend this race just to root on those who are racing. It is always a great weekend at Primm for this race. The first racer to hit the dirt early Saturday morning was the limited sportsman Barn Burner Racing car owned by Randy Jones. Randy got the 2-1600 running for his sister and Brother-in-law, both being first time rac-ers, to drive. Father Babe Jones was busier than a Vegas bookie, as Holly Gill had a bet going with Husband Kenny on who was going to have the fastest lap time. And the whole Barn Burner gang was getting in on the ac-tion. Holly drove Saturday morning, and had a great first lap before loosing an ignition wire on the second lap. The . crew got her going in again, and Holly turned in 2 more real competitive laps to finish her first ever race. Then on Sunday morning everybody was ready for the smack-down, as Husband Kenny Gill got his tum behind the wheel. In his first race ever, Kenny grabbed the holeshot in the two-at-a-time start. But after completing the first lap, he was off Holly's pace by a .few seconds. It was pretty hilarious to lis-ten to the radio chatter between these two on the radio both days. Kenny ran four very consistent laps to also finish his first race. But when times were added up, Holly had bested Kenny by 50 seconds to claim top honors in the household. Now remember Kenny, the dishes need to be dried properly, the forks go here, the knives here ... Good job to both competitors. It was really neat to see the two of you and the whole team have so much fun! Next up was Johnny Bums in car #985. The past two years Johnny has done real well here, but not this year. Pulling a starting spot at the back, Johnny ran a quick first lap and passed over half the field. But the second lap saw Johnny break a ball joint. Every-body jumped in and.changed it in about 8 minutes, only to have it break again one lap later for a DNF. Johnny drug her out again on Sunday, but this time a front arm decided two laps was enough, and brought Johnny his sec-ond DNF for the weekend. Johnny wanted to thank Babe Jones at Barn Burner Racing for the new kick-ass dual-port motor. The 1600 race was huge with almost 40 cars starting. The 30 Racing # 1699 driven by Tim Craig had a great Satur-day run, finishing in the top 5 and set-ting himself up for a good run for all the marbles on Sunday. However, fol-lowing another car in the dust, Timmy missed a tum and found himself look-ing at a black flag around lap 3, giving the team a DNF for the day. A bit: disap-pointed best describes Tim's reaction to the black flag. I'm sure this team will bounce back at the next race. Also in this race was the# 163 2 2-seater ofByron Ziegler. Byron ran very competitive and consistent laps both days to finish the weekend in the fourth spot. Byron was also the fastest 2-seater for the weekend. Next to race were the l's and lO's. The L&S Motorsports #171 driven by Tim Lindsay ha\f a first time co-pilot riding Saturday, his 63 year old Father, Jack Lindsay. After 20 some odd years of supporting his Son's racing, Tim de-cided this would be a great race to show his Dad what it's like out there. Start-ing 7'\ #171 lead the first lap by a few seconds, only to have the engine heat up and put the computer into "safe mode" on the second lap. With the motor cutting out several times each ~KERPRECISION.COM 2865 Gundry Ave. Signal H/14 CA 90755 562-427-2375 Dusty Times lap, the duo finished the day in sec-ond, 2 minutes out the lead. Jack en-joyed the ride, as his smile could be seen through his face shield from across the track! Sunday, Tim came back with wife Diana riding shotgun. They got in three good laps, picking away at the leader, until again the motor dropped cylinders. Then the last lap saw the shock tower beginning to break, so they backed out of it again. Sunday's win-ning time wasn't enough to catch first place, so the always-impportive team of family and friends settled for second for the weekend. Randy Jones brought out "Mini-Me", his converted 1600 car that he · raced as a 12 car a Laughlin, to race in class 10. Randy ran his car about as hard as anyone can run a car to finish Satur-day in second place, only about 90 sec-onds out of first, and beating some pretty hefty 10 cars in the process. Randy April 2007 Automotive electrical installation experts with over 15 years experience specializing in off-road wiring for your race, pre-runner and sand vehicles. (858) 748-3494 Go to www.enjwireworks.com for all of your electrical components and communication system needs such as sealed switches, waterproof connectors, circuit breakers, fuse boxes and more! grabbed the holeshot on Sunday, and did everything in his power to keep the leader behind him. While staying on the leaders bumper for the first 4 laps, but unable to make up any time, Randy's little giant killer decided it had been whipped enough for one weekend, and stroked a motor on the 5th lap. An-other great race ending before the check-ers. But the DNF didn't deter Randy or his T earn from having a blast out there. The last race Sunday was the Pow-der Puff race, ·where again Holly Gill dawned a helmet and gloves. Loaded with confidence only found by some-one who earlier whipped up on their significant other, Holly was ready to show the girls how it's done. But the track was just a wee bit different then the first race of the weekend, and Holly cooked it into the first tum a little hot and caught the huge berm that had built up. Sitting on her head, she calmly called in that she was in a little pre-dicament. Some spectators rolled her over and got her on her way. A quick pit stop to add some oil, and Holly again finished her race to finish of a great race weekend. The next race on CORE's calendar is the MORE Balls-out 250 in Barstow. And from the looks of things, this will be CORE' s biggest race in several years. And the club would love to have you as a participant. So as always, if you need race support and would like to participate as a crewmember, get a hold of one of us and we'll get you suited up. Either come stop by the camp-out the weekend before a MORE race, have dinner at.our monthly meeting every first Tuesday of the month, or give CORE president Brad Inch a call at 818-352-9035 after 5:00 p. m. Thanks for reading and see you in the DEZ! Page 51 -
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2180 Coll•t• Drive • Lake ff•vasu City • AZ.. 86403 can Toll Free: 877-627-8852 or E-Mail: lnfo@tcsperfarmance.com • Hi Performance converters Custom L«ingth AJcle• • • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed Hubs • . (for Race a. Recreation) Input Shafts • • American Made Excellence! l "' , ., .. . ~.... ~ .;"' "' """' .. , . .,, • Off-Road and Boft•On to Street Fiberglass for: "Ford, Chevy and Toyota" Trucks * Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1261 N. Buena Vista. St. , ,_el Ca. 92543 Pit: 951-fi54*73a.C Fax.: 951~-2375 See a list of oar prwad&;lt oa.-_.. sfte: http://www.off~.m• 11&RMLE ENGINEERING JEFFFtELO (818) 998-2739 9763 VaHel Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 Kevin Pirtle 22545 South Normandie Ave. Torrance, California 9050 l (619) 596-8033 1000 W , Brndley, Unit Q El Cajon, CA 92020 Carlo• Orozco ., ,, "Q<ulltyPwd""''°'~ VP Racing Fuels, Inc. West Coast Region P.O. Box 1319 34283 Monie Vista Wildomar. CA 92595 . -~ 1,C(, > 0~ .. ~1r}:· -~ -¥-~<Miox.ao-499 "'sAN YSIMC\4A 92t43 ",µ ,rPH 61!t-664 ':c54a 'II' .r.r: •Ottllty ,.,1s ' ,,.,s ,., •. ,.,,,.,, .. W,6111, • www.,,r,aa,t,th.r• KELLEY HENOEL Regional Manager Office:(9Sl} 674-9167 Fax(?Sl! 614-7367 EmaH: 11ppaclf~Oaol.com For A Few Bucks You can Increase Your _ Productivity 818-882-0004 Adam Wik SCORE ENGINE BUtlOER OfTHEYEAR 994., 1998, 1999,2000 From Parts To COfnpltte 8'9'nt1 N7S W. Ttieo Aw. Uni 8. tM Veau. NV lt111 7GHS7-2522 KOt N. 21st Dt. ~nix, A.'Z. IS0.21 Jack Woods '82•242.0077 Fu 607-242-7283 Race Cars Dune Buggies Lorenzo Rodriguez Baja Bugs T,a,,sm,ssi0<,s - Patt, • Se<-,,ce , ~!d,ng V,W, • l'ors<he • N15s.tn, To)'<)la , Hoo<h. 850 S. Alu Vista Ave., Monrovia, CA 91016 {626) 305-AACE {7223} • (626} 3S7-6629 fax ww-.v,wrtrans.(om " ., .. ,..... .. -· ~ • .-•. ,.•.•.,·, •.. _::,_-··.. . .. • .• ... •.,.=.•:-..... ---~ -RRCE PREP SHOP • BU&&IES • TRUCHS • SfffiOCRRS • PRE·RUnnERS • SHOCllS • FIIBRICRTIOn 818) lf2li-221iU World Leading Motorsport Transmission Manufacturer 11 Dakar Rally Victories 17 World Rally Victories 6 AMA MX/SX Oiarnpionships Xtrac Inc 6183 West 80tl1 Street Indianapolis IN 46278 email: andrew_heard@xtrac.com Tel: (317) 472 2454 '383' Baja Class 1/10 sequential ,ransaxle www.xtrac.com/inc
ClasslRed ••• Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Read-ers are advised to consult appro-priate local or state authorities for information before purchase ofan ·f ·t • ----~ ------AUT Otv10Tl'Vb_ Class 10 JIMCO ,2 Seat ,Honda B 16A,Motec,S-5 Mendeola by OFT ,S.C.O.R.E. legal tag, digital display on dash,King shocks,jack,18 volt Mil-waukee gun,35 spline,Summers Bros.gun drilled axels,934,Fortin P/ S , L e e , CNC,UMP,Mastercraft,Momo ,On board flame our, Roadmaster radio,Color GPS,Ron Davis Rad.30 gal. Fuel Safe,Dirt Bagzs,HID's,Robby Gordon,BFG,Dual batterys,Dual fuel pumps,car is new,low miles.Top of the line parts.Car comes ~ith spare parts,30' Carson enclosed · trailer, tool boxes, work bench,lights,Winner at the Las Ve-gas Cup,MORE KST 250. Call for details. 949-291-3912 rpaquette4@cox.net $119,000.00 O.B.O. FOR SALE: Brand New RPS Ve-locity-4 PreRunner. Redline LS-6 Motor, Mendeola S4-D Trans-miss ion, Kartek Hubs, 934 CV's, GPS, Radio, Intercom, Boxed Upper, Lower and Rear Arms, All Aluminum Body, Car-bon Fiber Dash, Roof Rack and Light Bar. Fortin PR2 Rack, Fox Coilover Shocks, Fox By-Pass Shocks, BTR Wheels, $141,000.00 + tax/ RPS (949) 361-4388. . Potter Produc-tions dual-sport: Mazda Redline performance 13B turbo, 500 hp, fresh Mendeola, 2.5 King coil-over/bypass in rear, custom axle.s, 5 Hella H ID, inter-com, race radio, headsets, GPS, Douglas rims, paddles, roof rack, $42K (will trade). Call Mark (760) 996-7006. FOR SALE 2 Race Cars: 1-2005 & 1-2004 Class 1-1600 Single Seat Race Car. Fresh Transaxle by Wright, Fresh 1600cc Racing Engine by Lee Leighton, Mickey Thompson Tires with Bead Lock Centerlines, New bypass Shocks by Fox, PCI Radio, Fortin Shifter, Howe Trophy Truck steering box, Kartek disc brakes, and rear hubs, CNC pedals, TWR oil cooler with 12V fan. This car has never been raced. Heat treated chasis. All componets are new. $30,000.00 OBO many spare parts available. (909) 335-3535 Garit. FOR SALE: Class 5-Fat Type 4, 3 liter, 5 sp Fortin, Dry Sump, BFG, Big Beam, Foddrills arms and spindles, 934 micro stubbs, 4130 Chassis, new Kings, clean Fast, reliable, proven win-ner, lots of new parts and spares, 0 iniles on rebuilt motor and trans. $42,000.00 OBO (818) 845-1397 . FOR SALE: 2006 Potter Pre-Runner, Redline LS2, 610 HP, UMP Air filters, Fortin 4-speed, Fortin hubs, 934CV's, Fortin Steering Rack,. Kings 3inch rear, 2.5 inch front, Walker Evans wheels on 35" BFG Projects, 38" Paddles on Dou-glas Beadlocks rear, 35" Baja Pro's on Douglas Beadlocks front, Lowrence GPS, PCI Ra-dio and Intercom, Digital Dis-play Dash, H ID Lights. Car is fully prepped. Desert or Glamis ready! Asking $95,000.00 Call (7!4) 785-3343. FOR SALE: Blazer PreRunner: King Shocks, Culhane Tranny, new Chevy 224 motor, Dana 60 rear end, I-Beam front end, A/C, Lee steering Box, 37" BFG projects, new Alum. Radia-tor & seats, Pioneer C.D., totally prepped & ready to go. Great for Baja $65,000.00 OBO. Call Jeff (602) 541-0088. FOR SALE: Alumicraft 4-seater, turbocharged 2.5 li-ter Subaru, Mendeola Trans, Fox coilovers, Autronics electronic, VDO gauges, CNC, 24 gal fuel cell, Mastercraft, Centerlines, Magnaflow, Roadmaster ra-dio with 4 link PCI intercom system, Alpine XM stereo. Street Legal (registered in Arizona). Lots of spares. Re-movable· racks, etc. $65,000.00. Days (661) 259-4845, nights and weekends (661) 253-9728. Ask for Mrke. FOR SALE: PreRunner 2003 Ford, Built by Buff Herman, Best of Everything, Handles and Runs like Trophy Truck, 430 Chevy motor, Culhane turbo 400, Chrisman Rearend w/10" Gear King/Kong By-passes, Race Radio intercom, Sat Phone, GPS, Stereo, AC/ Heater, P-Window, leather inte-riof', $220,000.00 (760) 519-9539. FOR SALE: Alumicraft 2004 PreRunner. Four Seater, Northstar, Mendeola Sequential 4 speed, Fox Coilovers and bypass, Howe rack, CNC 4 piston calipers, 934 CV joints, 22 gallon Fuel Safe Cell, 5 new Baja TA, 2 Parker Pumpers, Lowrance GPS, PCI race ra-dio with intercom, 4 head sets & I Pod jack, 3 Hella HID lights, 4 PIAA lights. Floor jack and spare tire mounted on roof rack. Street legal, registration paid through Dec 2007. Was maintained with care. Looks like new. $80,000.00. Call (949) 922-3101. FOR SALE: 2006 Custom Chevy PreRunner, chromoly tube chassis, LS2 500hp, FOX coilovers w/bypass, 24" front travel, 30" rear travel, Custom turbo 400 trans, Custom 9" rear end, Vintage A/C-Heater, power windows, 5 Baja designs HID's, GPS, Stereo, too much to list. Brand new only 500 miles-160K. Call John (970) 441-0443. FOR SALE: 2005 Porter Class l. Turnkeyed by Herman Motorsports. 650HP LS2, Fortin Trans w/reliable torque converter, King Shocks, Best of Everything and 100% prepped. Very fast car. Call Todd at (619) 239 4176 Todd@hansenranchracinli:.com $155,000.00. FOR SALE: Rally Ranger-Esslinger built 2.3L Dyno @ 190hp with stock carb, Troy Johnson cage, New ED50D Tans, Griffin radiator, Fuel cell, Cobra Monacco seats, Rally Computer, Autometer gauges, custom wiring, spare body, lots of parts. Truck is 80% complete. Sacrifice $4,000.00 OBO. (805) 291-1589. FOR SALE: 1994 Ford Ranger· Off-Road Race Truck, Steel Rods, Chromoly Cage, Alumi-num 9" Floater, LeDuc Light-ning rod shocks, Esslinger Alu-minum head, C-4 Auto Trans-mission, Beard Seat, Flame-Out system, 12 gallon fuel Tank, Truck set up for Short Course racing. 1 hour of Fat Perfor-mance Motor. Evenings call (608) 845-9354. $18,000.00 OBO. FOR SALE: 2003 Expedition, 4x4, Eddie Bauer, Full cage w/ interior tire mount. 37 BFG Baja Projects, Fox Secondary w/ remote Res., Skid plated Fuel Tank, color GPS, Race Radio, Sat radio, alarm, custom bumpers, Hella lights, $20K in xtra parts included. Call for list. Brent (818) 254-7270 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in DUSTY TIMES. Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED - YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER. Enclosed is $ ______________ (Send check or money order, no Cash) Name ____________________________________ _ Address---------------------------------------------------------------City ---------------------------------------------------------. _______ _ State _______ Zip __________________ Phone ________________________________ _ Please run ad _______ times Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 DU85J.,a J tM& 8 2007-08 ISSUE DEADLINE June 07 May 4, 07 July 07 Jun 8, 07 August 07 July 6, 07 September 07 Aug 3, 07 October 07 Sep 7, 07 November 07 Oct 5, 07 December07 January 08 February 08 March08 Nov 2, 07 Dec 7, 07 Jan 4, 08 Feb 8, 08 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page 58 May 2007 Dusty Times
FOR SALE: Fresh Chevrolet Trophy Truck, 2007 SCORE tagged, zero race miles since complete engine rebuild & ex-tensive race prep. 418ci. Dry sump small block, 800+ hp, dual MSD, Chrisman , 25 ea. 37" project Goodyears on Robby Gordon & U ltra beadlocks, King, Hella, Mastercraft, PCI, Dual GPS, Lee, Fluidyne, RPS, Optima, Flameout, extensive spares, con-tact for a list. Prepped and ready to race and win. $270,000.00 race ready with all spares. Contact Bob Gray (408) 221-0103 or phoenixraceteam@aol.com for full details and photos. AVENGER 4 SEAT PRERUNNER-Brand new roller chassis. Fortin rear hubs and rack, CNC front hubs, sway bar, 38 gal fuel cell. More info at re-venge-racing.com. $35k in-vested, $20,000 takes it. No trades. Call Kory at 702-477-7575 or email realtechrealty@msn.com Dusty Times FOR SALE: Class 10 Jimco Fortin trans, Fortin Rack, Summers Hubs, King 3.0 shocks, Honda powered Ma-jor, Steve Dose injection, very fast car. (619) 395-1519. Ask $70,000.00 SCORE w inner car. FOR SALE: 2006 Ford Ranger Sport 4x4/7300 Class BITD Legal/Race Runners/MasterCraft/ Autometer/Goodyear 4.0 V6/Auto, HIDS, UMP, Ev-erything Chromoly/Fuel Safe. Brand new parts & spares $48,000.00. Rudy (619) 754-5099. FOR SALE: Class 1, 2 seat 500.hp LSl, Albin 5 speed w/Heim shifter, Outboard Hubs, 934cv's, Howe P/S, Geiser Sway Bar. Coilover & bypass, 6 Robby Wheels, CNC Brakes, Fresh Prep, Deal can't be beat. $70,000.00 Queen Creek, AZ (602) 558-3325. I can email photos. CLASS 1 JIMCO-2000 Series mid engine 2 seat chassis, fresh WiksV6 aluminum Chevy, brand new Albins5 Speed trans, new Ki ng shocks, new Fortin hubs, rack, axles, & cv's. Com-pletely prepped and race ready. Currently l center seat setup. Car is like new. $80,000. No trades. Call Ko ry702-477-7575 ext. 111 or email realtechrealty@msn.com FOR SALE: 1987 Cherokee 4x4, 4 door-4.0, Stick-Need left front fender and grill. Perfect for Jeepspeed $1,200.00 OBO. (951) 657-8525. L__J, _j_/_,,?~ :.. ~~=, '?'?e"c,,.c-..,.,,,_p.--..cea. -FOR SALE: Don't Pass Up!!! FOX MOTORSPORTS FOR SALE!!! Everything you need to race Class One!!! RacePrep and Ready. 53' Dorsey trailer w/ liv-ing quarters. 2006 HMS LS7 Big HP, Fortin w/converter, King, PWR, Proam Hids, Racepak, GPS, all of the best, no expense spared. 2006 Foddrill 3 seat Prerunner, LS6, Fortin w/con-verter, Fox Proam, HIDS, pump May 2007 gas XM radio, intercom w/ head-sets, GPS roof rack, street legal, registered. 2004 Ford 350 4x4 Powerstroke crewcab white/tan 52,356 miles. 2002 Chevy 2500HD 4x4 Duramax crew cab white/charcoal 84,697 miles, 1997 Ford F350 4x4 Powerstroke crewcab, white/blue 112,536 miles. All Chase trucks have race radios, equipment racks and all services has been done in dealerships, all in excellent con-dition. Two bumper pull trail-ers, single axle, tandem axle w/ storage. Eve rything goes, over $20,000 in spare parts. Too much to list. Must see. You won't be disappointed. $423,000.00. Contact Cesar Fuente @ (915) 726-3823. afuentes@fuentes7.com.mx Employment Opportunities: Herman Motorsports is looking to fill positions in Fabrication & Race Car Preparation. Must have experience in fabrication. IE MIG & TIG welding, Tube notching, Tube bending Etc. Hi-Desert. Freeway close. Contact Darnen Jefferies @ (760) 948-2898. INDLl TO Y~ AD\/b.R. Tl6b.R.51 ,,. Aircraft Spruce ......................................... 43 All Road Communications ........................ 32 Australian Safari ...................................... 17 Baja Legacy .............................................. 36 Baker Precision ........................................ 51 Bilstein ..................................................... 29 BTR Racing Wheels .................................. 37 Butch's Speed Shop .................................. 25 Competition Air Systems ......................... 48 CORR ........................................... Back Cover Chili Dog -Dog's Night Out ......................... 4 E&J Wireworks ........................................ 51 Eibach Springs .......................................... 59 Fabtech ..................................................... 23 Fuel Safe Racing Cells .............................. 51 Kar Tek Off Road ...................................... 38 Kawaguchi Honda .................................... 45 King Shock Technology ............................ 49 Las Vegas Events SCORE Terrible's Cup .......................... 14 Mastercraft Racing .................................. 15 McKenzie's New Locations ...................... 10 McKenzie's Performance Products .......... 11 Mesa Hose ................................................ 39 MOR Productions McKenzie's 400 ........... 35 Nevada Off Road Buggy ........................... 27 Pacific Customs ........................................ 20 Patton's Metal Working Solutions ........... 46 Parker Pumper .......................................... 28 PCI Race Radios .......................................... 5 Race Ready Products ................................ 47 Racer X Motorsports ................................ 30 Rancho Drivetrain .................................... 41 Riviera Racing .......................................... 31 Ronco Plastics .......................................... 34 Sakata Motorsport Electronics ................ 39 Skyjacker Suspensions ............................ 19 SNORE Dusty Times 250 .......................... 24 So Cal Dirt & Sand Expo ............................. 2 Soltek Light Systems ............................... 42 South Point Casino ..................................... 9 Stewart's RaceWorks .............................. 12 Team Gordon Race Wheels ....................... 50 Transaxle Engineering .............................. 13 Vision X Off Road Lighting ...................... 33 Web Cam Racing Cams ............................. 33 ® The S uspension Company. , Page 59
Luca.OIi 2007 Racing Serles ~i1'1@W ---RWO....si