...... •••••••S•llal'CIIW, ILN DUSTY TIMES 20761 PLUMMER ST CHATSWORTH CA 91311-5003 F'EB 2 1 2007 II ••..... u ........ 11 ••• II. 1.1.11 ... 11 ..... 11 .. 11 ..... 1111 ... , covering the world of competition In the dirt ...
, I Volume 24 - Number 3 March 2007 DUGliYlilffll Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor • Judy S.mith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Yance Scott Contributors Scott Bottomley J. Preston Bradshaw Jim Culp Mike Del Col Nicole Del Col Steve Hilton Victor Gazca Martin Holmes Rod Koch Byrle Moore Steve Ruddick Maurice Selden Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham ~ Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, bot is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750.1732) is published monthly by Hill ide Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copyright by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA.91311 and at additional mailing offices. POS'IMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., snapshot of the Month ... Let's see: to install engine fold flap A over seed.on c; w.rendi dglitly. At tb.e Imperial JOO in 1979. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us yQUr snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If yQU wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, selfoddressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8x10 will be considered. · In ftlls Issue ... FEATURES SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge by Judy Smith ...................................... 8 WRC Rally New Zealand by Martin Holmes ............................................ 18 Whiplash Snowflake by Mike Del Col .......................................................... 21 MDR Bud Light Dash by Judy Smith ............................................................ 25 SNORE 2006 Awards by Alan Madden ........................................................ 34 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ................................................................................................ 5 Trail Notes ................................................................................................. 6 ORMHOF News ................ _. .................................................................... 39 Baja Pits ................................................................................................... 43 CORE ...................................................................................................... 43 Checkers .................................................................................................. 44 CORVA ................................................................................................... 46 ORBA Report .......................... ........................... _. .................................... 47 Good Stuff Directory .............................................................................. 48 Classified Ads .......................................................................................... 54 Index To Advertisers ........................................... .' ................................... 55 ON THE COVER BJ Baldwin drove his Chevy Silverado to the Trophy Truck win at Laughlin, a~ well as the overall win, he's seen under under a full head of steam. Photo by Art Eugenio • Trackside Photo John Herder drove his great looking Chevy powered Jimco to the Class 1 gold medal at Laughlin, he was eighth overall when the checkers flew. Photo by Royd Hawkins -Trackside Photo Visit Our Website at Du.stytimes.com • cSdJ.rori6e ~ day lo DUSTYTIM■S THE PASTEST GROWING DPP ROAD MONTHLY IN THE CDUNTRYII □ 1 year -$25.00 □ 2 years -$40.00 □ 3 years -$55.00 (to subscribe online go to www.dustytimes.com) □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name Address ----------------------City _____________________ _ _ State ______________ Zip ______ _ Primary Interest Cars D Trucks D Motorcycles D Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian - 1 year $30.00 VS n Overseas subscription rates upon request . Dusty Times March 2007 Page 3
f 2•7 Happenings ... Desert Storm Rally Coef 2,3 Blythe, CA April 27-28, 2007 (605) 224-9481 DoN ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 San Vicente Off Road ENSENADA, BC, MEXICO USA JAN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) RAM6N CASTRO & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/7 0034) lOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 (All events staged at the club grounds in Cleves. Ohio) 4x4 FOREVER, Lm. 1665 DELAWARE ST. O SHKOSH, WI 54901 AMERICAN RALLY SPORT GRoUP, INc. 3650 SoLJTH POINTE CIRCLE, SuITE 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521-0597 E Mail: roger@rallyusa.com AMERICAN 'fRIALs AssoclATION AMA Observed Trials Southern California Championship Series BILL MARKUM · PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HOnINE • (714) 562-7742 E MAIL: BMARK909@AOL.COM <www.atatmils.com> ASOCIACION EsTATAL DE AUTOMOVIl.ISMO SAM LAsELL, TECH INSPECTOR Arro 42 SAN JosE DEL CABO B AJA CALIFORNIA DEL SUR. MExlco AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP DARRYL SMITH 19 SOMERS ST. CASHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTRALIA DUSTY TIMES @bigpond.com AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFF ROAD CLASS 10 CARS ONLY RENALD VAILLANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAVAL QUEBEC, CANADA H7P IT7 (450) 622-4440 BAJA CUP CHALLENGE December 81 2007 BARONA SAND DRAG AssN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 All Races Are Night Races All Races At Barona Racewa7, Lakeside, CA BBM MAluamNG PROMOTIONS Off Road Short Course Racing & Special Event Marketing 4344 VALLEYVIEW AVE. NORCO, CA 92860 (909) 340-6474 BEST IN THE DEsERT 3475 BOULDER HIGHWAY LAs VEGAS, NV 89121 702-457-577 5/FAX: 702-641-2431 March 2-4, 2007 U.S. Hare Scrambles MC Laughlin, NV March 30-April 1, 2007 MC Pro Circuit Nevada 200 Trail Ride Invitation only April 27-29, 2007 Terrible's Town 250 May 18-20, 2007 MC Bluewater Gran Prix August 22-2S, 2007 Vegas To Reno September 14-16, 2007 MC Nevada Rally Experience Invitation only October S-7, 2007 Las Vegas 300 November 2-4, 2007 MC Golden West Cycle Avi 150 November 30 - December 1-2, 2007 Henderson's Terrible 400 B.O.R.E. BoNNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING ENTERPRISES 341 w. 2575 N SUNSET, UT 84015 801-773-1651 May 4-S, 2007 Red Garter Wendover, Utah June 29-30, 2007 Jackpot 200 Jackpot, NV August 31-September 1, 2007 Wendover 200 Wendover, NV BP MOTORSPORTS P.O. Box 411 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91365 760-578-6258/760-578-6259 FAX: 818-348-4648 E-Mail: bpmotorsporrs@earthlink.net Dusty Times All Events At California City, CA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGHTON, ONTARIO, CANADA KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR Cum AuroMOVH..J.STA]UARI!.NSE DE CHAMP10NSJHP OFF-RoAD RACING 7210 GATEWAY EAST EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 011-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES <www.Californiarallyseries.com> February 24, 2007 Seed 9 Rally Goodsprings, NV March 3, 2007 Ridgecrest Rally School, Ridgecrest, CA March 23-24, 2007 Subaru Rim OfThe World Rally Coef2,3 Lancaster, CA August 18, 2007 Gorman Ridge Rally Coef 3 Frazier Park, CA September 15, 2007 Treeline Rally Coef 3 Quarruite, AZ October S-6, 2007 Prescott Rally Coef 2,3 Prescott, AZ November 9-11, 2007 Laughlin International Rally, Coef 1,2,3 Laughlin, NV CANNING AITRACTIONS P.O. Box400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW CENTRAL SoUTH DAKOTA RACING AssOCIATION P.O. Box645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVE ADAMS (PILars AND BAJAS) CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. RICHARDS P.O. Box 332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CI.AmTON HI-JACKERS l.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TWP. LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 Short Course off Road Racing At Harrison County Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH Cum AUToMOVIl.ISTICA SAN QunmN CALLE 6TA FRAcc Co. DE SAN QunmN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HERACLIO PATINO (011 52 616-5-22-07) Cum AUToMOVIl.ISTICO SAN VICENTE CMC CoNTINENTAL MOTosPORT Cum P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 Fax: (714) 367-1608 CODE OFFRoAD USA P.O. Box 2328 CALEXICO, CA 92231-2328 760-455-8069 USA 0l 1-52-686-553-4087 MEXICO www.codeoffroad.com.mx March 30-31, April 1,2007 McMillin Mexicali 500 Mexicali-San Felipe-Mexicali, MX May 18-20, 2007 VW Autopartes Night Race Laguna Salada, MX August 2-4, 2007 ORW Gran Prix Jacume, Tecate, Laguna Salada, MX Continued next page INTRODUCING_ 110 w.tts of Power I •so Chennel Alphanumeric I water Restslent I Mn Spec I Ba~ 1000 Proven lffl~ll!!!Jl!«S' ~c....#'il"E'~..:JP~ ~ ... ~ ™"= .r:-w>~ "J was In Ensenada, end my ae.w In San QuinHn co.utd he~r me ISO f{lllE:S OMYI l need these fn ALL of mw tnJC:ksl. w"""'-#L~ ~#L,4SIIU4!!SI· PROTRUCK WINNER. 2002 TECATe/SCORE BAJA 1000 e best communication we've tn ove.r IS years of off road radngt" -1«'°'1lt!ll'l!!II..,,.. ~~ wa,,~ ..-~, RemoleHeiidopian~C:alfoJ~ 800.869.5636 562.Ll27.8177 • Fax 562~26.3589 WWW.PCIRACERADIOS.COM 2SBB Gundry Ave. • Signal Hilt. CA 90755 March 2007 Pages
Trall Notes ... CORR PERSONNEL CHANGES -Championship Off Road Racing has appointed Tony Vanillo as Director of Competition, and Gary Lane as Technical Director, effective immediately. Tony & Gary bring a combined experience of over 50 years involvement with all aspects of motorsports, including vehicle design and production, track operations, race direction, technical compliance, safety, and rules/ regulation development and administration. They replace Ken Kincaid and Terry Severson, respectively, who worked cooperatively on this transition during the 2006 race season. In their new roles with CORR, Tony will oversee all aspects of competition, operations and activity on the race track, and driver/team relations. Gary's responsibilities include race vehicle dynamics, safety and technical compliance. Championship Off Road Racing's 2007 Rule Book is scheduled to be released on January 31. In the interim, competition and technical questions may be directed to Tech@CORRacine.com, or by phone: Competition: Tony Vanillo - 760-617-1450. Technical: Gary Lane - 760-954-1106. T:YOTA NASCAR - Toyota is proceeding with plans to purchase n 89 acre parcel in Rowan County, North Carolina on which it will build it's new NASCAR support facility. The land, situated about 35 miles north of Charlotte and easily accessible from Interstate 95 is pre-certified for development. Toyota plans to build a 30-35,000 square foot facility that will house TRD (Toyota Racing Development) NASCAR Competition Group in addition to a chassis engineering operation. Construction is expected to begin this year with completion targeted for 2008. The new facility will employ between 40 and 50 people when completed. Toyota is fielding three teams for the 2007 NEXTEL Cup Series: Bill Davis Racing (Dave Blaney and Jeremy Mayfield), Michael Waltrip Racing (Dale Jarrett, David Reutiman, Michael Waltrip) and Team Red Bull (AJ Allmendinger, Brian Vickers). SCORE LAUGHLIN LEAP - G & R Raci ng teammates Ron Whitton and Garron Cadiente, captured the top two spots in the Big Trucks division and Terrible Herbst Motors ports' Larry Roeseler and Baldwin Racing's Josh Baldwin took the podium in Thursday's SCORE Laughlin Leap competition, which was a prelude to the weekend season-opening 13th Annual SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge in Laughlin, Nev. Withbone-chilling winds pounding more than nearly 7,000 spectators, Whitton, Maricopa, Ariz., won the SCORE Trophy-Truck division, sending his Geiser Bros-built Ford F-150 118 feet over the man-made six-foot high dirt jump in the middle of the infield portion of the race course. Cadiente, Mesa, Ariz., flew his identical Gieser Bros-built Ford F-150 a total 116' feet to nearly beat his father-in-law. A total of 18 of the 31 SCORE Trophy-Trucks entered in this weekend's race competed in the optional SCORE Laughlin Leap. Roeseler, who is driver of record this year while team owner Troy Herbst continues to recover from Achilles tendon surgery, actually had the farthest leap of the neat, sending the Terrible Herbst Ford powered Smith built open-wheel Class 1 desert race car airborne for 127 feet.Baldwin finished second overall and in the large C.C. Open Wheel class with a leap of 123' in his new Jimco-Chevy.Chris Taylor, El Centro, Calif., won the small truck division with a leap of 116' in his Class 7 Ford Ranger while Las Vegas' Sammy Ehrenberg won the small C.C. Open-Wheel class by sending his Jimco-VW 90'. Leap results:Big Trucks -1. 39 Ron Whitton, Maricopa, Ariz., Ford F-150, 118 feet ($3,000). 2. 38 Garron Cadiente, Mesa, Ariz., Ford F-150, 116' ($1,000) Small Trucks -1. 702 Chris Taylor, El Centro, Calif., Ford Ranger, 112' ($3,000). 2. 712 Randy Sorenson, Las Vegas, Ford Ranger, 106' ($1,000)Large c.c. Open Wheel -1. 100 Larry Roeseler, Las Vegas, 127' ($3,000). 2. 144 Josh Baldwin, Newport Beach, Calif., Jimco-Chevy, 123' ($1,000). Small c.c. Open Wheel -1. 1625 Sammy Ehrenberg, Las Vegas, Jimco-VW, 90' ($3,000). 2. 1632 Arden Dennington, Tracy, Calif., Fraley-VW, 88'($1,000). STILL A FRIENDLY SPORT - We received a phone call the other day from Brian Parkhouse. He related to us that at Laughlin, he blew the motor in his car. He figured he was through for the weekend but the brothers Weyhrich offered him the use of one of their engines. Brian was ready to accept the offer but there would be too many changes to be made to make their engine fit so Brian declined their offer. The Weyhrich's then offered Brian their spare car to use for the weekend. Brian accepted but because of clutch troubles he never got to race the car. Say what you will about our sport of off roading but there still exists a spirit of camaraderie not found in many professional venues. Thanks to the brothers W for their more than generous offer. Calico Cleanup -On the 17th of February, a group of four-wheelers have planned a desert cleanup in the Calico area. The BLM is on board and is very excited to have some 600 people on hand to help out. Please feel free to come and join us and donate a helping hand. Contact Alan Draper at: ALnDNESE. JULSON/PETERSON MERGE FOR SCORE SERIES -It was announced today by Mike Julson and Mark Peterson that their respective racing enterprises, Jimco Racing and TYR Motorsports, have formed a partnership to campaign in the SCORE 2007 desert series in Trophy Truck, Class 1 and Class 10 venues with sponsorship from Fox Shock and BFG Tires. The new TYR Motorsports class 1 Jimco will be competing for the first time at the 2007 Laughlin Desert Challenge January 18-21. Mike Julson and Jimco hardly need an introduction having competed in countless races over the past 30 years and being Page 6 September 29-October 1, 2007 Mexicana Logistics Mexicali 300 Laguna Salada, MX November 30-December 1-2, 2007 Race Ready 275 Mexicali -San Felipe, BC, MX CoWRADO ffn.L CLIMB ASSOCIATION BARB V AHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box 8286 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 65 3-8449 CORP P.O. Box 392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER 011-52-65-66-4458 CORR LUCAS On. SERIF.S 270 NEWPORT CENTER DR., Sum JOO NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 866-501-CORR April 21-22, 2007 Antelope Valley Fairgrounds Lancaster, CA Mav 1s.20, 2007 Los Angeles County Fairplex Pomona, CA June 9-10, 2007 Chula Vista Raceway San Diego, CA September lS-16, 2007 Chula Vista Raceway San Diego, CA September 28-29, 2007 Antelope Valley Fairgrounds Lancaster, CA October 19-20, 2007 Texas Motor Speedway Dallas, TX November 2-3, 2007 Las Vegas Motor Speedway Las Vegas, NV CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, SUITE 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA EXT 42 Fax (818) 957-4435 D&.T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (All et1ents at Hanniga'} race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston County ORV Park, Olympia, WA) DAKAR RALLY DARREN SKILTON BAJA AUTOMOTIVE ADVENTURES 455 E. OCEAN BLVD., Sum 208 loNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 Bajaautomoti1Je@Yahoo.com Dl!cATUR FoUR WHEEL DRivE CuJB DECATUR, TX 76234 ToMALLEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DEsERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU Cm, A2 86403 (928) 855-2208 '£Asn'JlN OFF-RoAD RACING AssN. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 F.Nsi!NADA BAJA OFF RoAD RACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX OJ 1-52-646-1818989 Eus10 Ol 1-52-646-1715230 AARON Races for buggys & Motorcycles EsrERo BEACH INTERNATIONAL Sb.art Course Racing VICTORIA GALINDO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO Oll-52-646-176-6230 FORDA PLoRJDA ()pp RoAD DluvER's ASSOCIATION JASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Apr, May, Noo at Da.,idson Raceway FuoPUCKER RACING TEAM 1855 PARKWAY DRIVE s. EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/959-579-6151 FAX mdrracing@aol.com GORRA GEORGIA ()pp RoAD March 2007 RACING AssOCIATION 420 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA GREAT PLANEs ()pp ROAD RACING AssOCIATION TIM HODGE (402) 991-6048 ScoTTMORROW (816) 792-2126 (All races are short course, stadium style Classes -Sportsman, 1/2-1600, 5-1600, Sport Truck, Quads, Tough Truck Nebraska Raceway Park, Exit 420 on 1-80 between Omaha and Lincoln.) For latest info check < www.gporra.net> HIGH PLAINs OFF RoAD RACING 2000 W. QUINCY AVENUE #B ENGLEWOOD, co 80ll0 303-806-8062/303-781-0974 fax INTERNATIONAL lcE RACING AsSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDDOR (612) 937-3816/Fax 474-2769 INTER-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS PRoMOTIONs, INc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 ]EEPSPEED 1826 N. WINDES Orange, CA 92869 714-538-7434/ fax 714-633-1724 All races for Jeepspeed 1,2 & 3 March 31, 2007 MDR Mojave 250 Barstow. CA June 1-3, 2007 SCORE Baja 500 (Non Points Race) Baja California, MX August 11, 2007 MDR Californai 200 Night Race Lucerne Valley, CA September 29, 2007 MDR Lucerne 250 Lucerne Valley, CA November 31-December 2, 2007 BITD Terrible 400 Henderson, NV KAMwoPS BRONCO BUSTERS Wbispermg Pia.e11 Spam & Recreation Cenrer P.O. Box 465 KAMLOOPS, BC, CANADA VZG5L2 DALE NYESTE (250) 579-8039 TONY (250) 554-97801. Craig Byers (250) 376-8466 LAs VEGAS SANDSPORTS &. OFFRoADExPO (626) 961-3782 <www.prerunners.com> <www.megashow.com> LI.T.R.E. JEFF ELROD (408) 926-0522 )IM ARUTA (408) 247-4402 MAMAluuTA ()pp ROAD RACING Luis CARLOS ALVAREZO PANAMERICANA AVE #5105 Co. JUAREZ, CH1H., MX 011-52-1637-1799 MlcmGAN BuGGY Bun.oERs Dune Buggy Trade Sb.ow (517) 543-7214 <www.buggybuilders.com> MlcmGAN ()pp RoAD CIIAMPIONSIUPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 )ONES ROAD GRAND LEDGE, ML 48837 (517) 627-6200 Motorcycles, Quads, ATVs and Pilots only MAORA Mm-AMERICA ()pp RoAD AssocIATION P.O. Box664 GREENUP, IL 62428 (217) 235-6528 E-MAIL: maora@peako.com <www.maoraracing.com> Mays, 2007 Short Course Liberty, In Mav 19-20, 2001 Short Course and Enduro Casey, II June 16, 2007 Short Course/Enduro Soggy Bottom, Greenup, II June 30, 2007 Short Course X Roads MX Effingham, II Julv 21-22, 2007 ' Short Course & Enduro Liberty, In August 2S, 2007 Short Course Soggy Bottom, Greenup, IL SeptemberS-9,2007 Short Course & Enduro TBA September 29-30, 2007 Short Course & Enduro TBA MOR PRODUCTIONS 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE SOUTH EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/FAX626-579-605J Califomia Cb.ampiombip Serie11 March 31, 2007 Mojave 250 Barstow "B", CA Mav s, 2007 Ridgecrest 200 Ridgecrest, CA June 23, 2007 McKenzies 400 Double Points Lucerne Valley"/\', CA August 11, 2007 California 200 Night Race Lucerne Valley, CA September29,2007 Lucerne 250 Lucerne Valley "B", CA November 10, 2007 Stoddard 250 Double Points Barstow "B", CA Superstition Cb.ampiombip Series April 21, 2007 King Of The Desert June 16, 2007 Coyote Wash 200 Night Race October 27, 2007 Superstition 250 December 31, 2007 The Bud Light Dash 200 M.O.R.E. MOJAVE ()pp ROAD RACING ENnruSIASTS P.O. Box 1231 BARSTOW, CA 92312 760-253-4453 moreracing@earthlink.net MOREKARTEK Off Road Gold Cup Series March 17, 2007 Balls Out 250 Barstow, CA Mav26, 2007 Kartek 300 Lucerne Valley,CA Julv 21, 2007 Freedom 250 Barstow,CA September IS, 2007 Lucerne Valley October 13-14, 2007 Powder Puff December 1, 2007 Toys For Tots Holiday 200 Barstow, CA MSBA MlcmGAN SPORT BUGGY AssocIATION DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. FUNT, ML 48506 (810) 730-9221 MoroWFBT WINI'ER TRIALs Sl!IUFS BILL MARKHAM (909) 860-1857 <www.ITStrials.com> All e1Jents at Perris Raceway (At Reed Valley with a school) NATIONAL Muo RACING AssN. RT. #l -Box 380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN PALATKA, FL ,32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TuFF TRUCK ASSN. Butch Chapin Motonportll Prom~ tiom 1404 EAST 3RD STREET HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NOORA NORTHERN Omo ()pp RoAD RACING AssN. GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAIL Kaylaaron@aol.com <www.Nooraoffroadracing.com> Dusty Times
Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Spring Valley Raceway, on route 518, 20 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) (Thunder Valley located 15 minutes from Spring Valley) OPP RoAD ExPo 2007 (626) 599-8622 OFF RoAD RACING AssOCIATION VolWlt:eered Series PRESIDENT -GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP. - 1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP. -9 & UNi.TD. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OUTLAW REP. DON PONDER (314) 631-8190 (AU Races at Wheeling in the County 900 Acres) Omo OFF RoADERS INc. 1427 GOSHEN HILLS ROAD S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 )IM KENDEL (216) 339-4674 All races held at Harrison County Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO OFF ROAD RAcERS AssOCIATION RICK T!CHBOURNE, PUBLIC RELATIONS (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) Oun.Aw SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. LOUIS, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/Fax: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. OH Road Cbampionabip 495 N. COMMONS ORNE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <www.usoff-road.com> PENNSYLVANIA SHORT COURSE RACING SMITHTON HOLE RACEWAY 313 SKYLINE ORNE SMITHTON, PA. 15479 MIKE GEISER 330-683-6263 www.smithtonhole.com Short Course Offroad Racing May 19 2007 June 30-J~y 1, 2007 Mudfest Weekend & Buggy Shootout July 2S-29, 2007 Buggy Shootout August 18, 2007 September 29-30, 2007 Season Championship & Buggy Shootout All Races At Smithton Hole Raceway Pools PEAK P.O. Box 6962 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF ROAD RACING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 875-7591 PRo 1600 SHOOTOUT COREY GOIN 559-647-6132 GOlNRACIN@HOTMAIL.COM PRoTRuCK 14402 BOND COURT EL CAJON, CA 92021 619-390-6252 PuRE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box50 RICKETTS, IA 51460 (712) 679-2221 RA.u.Y AMERICA NATIONAL CliAMPJONSIIlP SERIF.S February 23-24, 2007 Rally in the 100 Acre Wood Salem, Missouri April 20-22, 2007 Oregon Trail Rally Hillsboro, Oregon May 19-20, 2007 Olympus Rally Olympia, Washington JWle 2, 2007 Susquehannock Trail Rally Wellsboro, Pennsylvania July 13-14, 2007 New England Forest Rally Bethel, Maine August 24-25, 2007 Ojibwe Forests Rally Bemidji, Minnesota Dusty Times September 22-23, 2007 Colorado Rally Steamboat Springs, Colorado October 26-27, 2007 Lake Superior Rally Houghton, Michigan November 9-10, 2007 TBD Rally Location, TBD ROCK CRAWLERS ASSOCIATION OF AMElucA P.O. Box 1406 RIVERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/Fax: (801) 253-3176 SAN DmGo SHORT COURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New Series by Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro Trncks, Desert Trncks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Trnck <www.snowbirdracing.com> (858) 571-5088 SAN Dmoo OFF RoAD ExPosmoN (888) 836 7918 SCCA RoADRA.uY P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-2055 <www.scca.org> SFX MoTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. COMMONS DRIVE, Sum 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 Fax SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., Sum A CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 <www.score-international.com> March 9-11, 2007 SCORE San Felipe 250 San Felipe, BC, MX June 1-3, 2007 SCORE Baja 500 Ensenada, BC, MX July 19-21, 2007 SCORE Terrible's Cup llI Select Classes-Closed Course Event Las Vegas, NV September 7-9, 2007 SCORE Las Vegas Primm 300 Primm, NV November 12-17, 2007 SCORE Baja 1000 Baja California, MX SNORE SOUTHERN NEV ADA OFF ROAD ENnruSIASTS P.O. Box 270516 LAs VEGAS, NV 89127 702-452-4522 www.Snoreracing.net March 30-April 1, 2007 Buffalo Bill's 400 Stateline, NV May lS-19, 2007 Dusty Times Caliente 250 June 29-July 1, 2007 KC Hilites Midnight Special Eldorado Valley, NV September 2S-30, 2007 South Point SNORE 250 Las Vegas, NV November 9-11, 2007 Kartek Western Desert Challenge Nelson Hills, NV SONS OF TlluNDER 4 WHEELERS RACE DIVISION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SOUTHEASTERN OFF RoAD CliAu.ENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 Mike Moore -(224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS ExPo MEGA PRODUCilONS 3129 S. HACIENDA BLVD. #322 HACIENDA HEIGHTS, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SCTA SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING AssOCIATION &. BoNNEVILLE NATIONALS, INc. P.O. Box 10 OROS!, CA 93647 (559) 528-6279 (559) 528-9749 FAX <www.SCTA-BNl.org> SoUTHERN SHORT CoURSE OFF RoAD RACING AssN. 4305 WOOTIARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (All Races at Eastbay Raceway, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIF.S (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box 706 Toys FoR TOTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADILLA VALLEY SPORTS CENTER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <www.unadillamx.com> VORRA VALLEY OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION (775) 224-1327 www.vorra.com March 31 -April 1, 2007 Prairie City, CA April 2S-29, 2007 Fallon 200 Fallon, NV May 26-28, 2007 Yerington 300 Yerington, NV June 23-24, 2007 Lovelock 300 Lovelock, NV September 1-3, 2007 Yerington 300 Yerington, NV October 6-7, 2007 Prairie City, CA October 27-28, 2007 Halloween Party Prairie City, CA November 17, 2007 Awards Banquet To Be Announced VICENTE GUERRERO OFF RoAD CLUB PROFO. CENOVIO GAMBOA 011-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 p.m.) WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA WHEEL To WHEEL OFF RoAD RACING PATRICK McGUIRE P.O. Box 376 ADAMSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WIIlPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2325 E. KINGS AVENUE PHOENIX, AZ 85022 (602) 971-3730 <www.whiplashracing.com> February 24-25, 2007 CIT! Vulture Mine Wickenburg, AZ March 24-25, 2007 TBA April 21-22, 2007 Gila Monster Gila Bend, AZ September 1-2, 2007 The Race Heber, AZ October 6-7, 2007 TBA November 3-4, 2007 TBA WISCONSIN MOTORSPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FEsnv AL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 OSHKOSH, WL54901 (414) 688-5509 WoRI.D SERIF.S OF OFF RoAD RACING P.O. Box 99 CRANDON, WISCONSIN 54520 303-880-7221 May 12-13, 2007 Rounds I & II Owatonna, MN May 26-27, 2007 Rounds Ill & IV Lucas Oil Speedway, Wheatland, MO June 9-10, 2007 Rounds V & VI 1-96 Speedway, Lake Odessa, MI June 23-24, 2007 Rounds VII & VIII Forest County Potowotomi Brush Run Races March 2007 Trall Notes ... the most prolific and well known chassis builder of all time. Mike says about this historic partnership: "This is a huge step for both of us. Number one to showcase Jimco's products by racing them and number to two to have some good clean family fun in introducing the next generation of our families into off-road racing" Mark Peterson has been active in the off-road racing for the last three years. Mark brings his considerable driving skills learned first on Motorcycles starting at age 12 in the local deserts of San Diego and Imperial Counties. "I am extremely excited about teaming with Mike Julson and being able to compete in the longer races with a racer of his caliber. I think that teamed together we will bring an element of excitement never before seen in the world of SCORE racing! I am even more excited about introducing our children to the world of off-road racing and watching them develop there skills." MR DON GRIFFITH MEMORIAL 250 -The 2007 MDR opener ook place at Barstow on February 3a nd, to open the new season, nd the weather cooperated, balmy during the day. Eric Jacobus took the Class 1 honors, Kurt Larmee was the C lass 3 winner, George Rosenbaum was the C lass 7 winner, Matt Towery took the Class 8 win, Terry Ingold took Class 1200 honors, Adam Householder was the Class 1450 winner, Bob Anderson was second in Class and Tyler Fain finished third in the huge C lass 1450 Class. A complete story with lots of pictures will appear in the April issue of Dusty Times. RMERA RACING® AND ROB MA.CCACHREN JOIN FORCES -Mark Post, team owner and driver of the # 3 Riviera Racing. Monarch Grand Vacations BFGoodrich Tires Ford F150 Trophy Truck, announced today that world-class off road racing champion, Rob MacCachren, has joined his team for the entire 2007 desert racing season. "Rob and I have been in d ialogue for quite some time and it's time for Riviera Racing to take our program to a new level. We're excited to have him on our team. Rob has long been considered one of the most talented drivers in the desert. We will share driving duties throughout the entire season and his partnership with the team brings a likelihood of success. Racing trophy trucks is 30 -40% driver and 30 -40% race truck prep, while the rest is luck. Riviera Racing is a team effort. Crew Chief Jim Blackmore does a great job. Rob and I are part of the players in this team and we're all about winning," said a smiling Mark Post. For 25 years, Rob MacCachrenhas been a fierce competitor in any class he's raced. Always a race favorite, the three-time AARWBA All-American Rob MacCachren, has compiled four career SCORE Trophy-Truck race wins and was crowned the 1994 SCORE Trophy-Truck point's champion. MacCachren has compiled a total of seven SCORE championship seasons in his career beginning in-1989, 1990, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 and through to 2001. Rob MacCachren's move to Riviera Racing represents a new era for a team that has excelled in the desert for nearly 15 years. Riviera Racing is scheduled to race the # 3 Ford F150 Trophy Truck at both of the nation's premier desert racing series, SCORE Desert Series and the Best in the Desert Silver State Series. BITD PARKER 425 -Glorious weather greeted the contestants at the Parker race. Here is a list of the class winners, a full story and loads of pictures will appear in the next issue of Dusty Times. Mark Post took the Trick Truck win in his Ford, Kory Halopoff, Tatum, was the Class 1 winner, Larry Job, Jimco, took the Class 10 honors, Rick Johnson, Toyota, was the Pro Truck winner, Curt LeDuc took the C lass 8 win in his Ford, Steve Gresham, Foddrill, took the C lass 1100 win, Rick Waszkiewicz, R&E Fab was the Class 1600 winner, Dan Bolton was the Unlimited Mini winner in his Ford, Shad Kennedy took Class 5 honors in his Jimco, Josh Hall, Hummer, took the Class 4100 win and Chad Hall, Hummer, was the C lass 8100 winner. Mike Falkosky took the win in Class 3100 in his Ford, Tyler Henn, also in a Ford, was the Class 7100 winner and Carl Fitts, in another Ford, took the Class 7300 gold medal. Class 1700 went to Ray Griffith in a Jeep, Mike Barnett, also in a Jeep took Class 3700, Richard Blunk took C lass 1800 in his Ford, Josh Gilliam was the Class 5100 winner in his McCool Motorsports VW. See the next issue of Dusty Times for all the action at Parker. Crandon, W1 July 7-8, 2007 Rounds IX &X U.P. 100 Raceway Bark River, MI July 19-22, 2007 Rounds XI & XII Pro Only Location To Be Announced August 11-12, 2007 Rounds Xlll & XIV U.P. 100 Raceway Bark River, Ml August 31-September 2, 2007 Rounds XV & XVI Borg Warner World Championship Off Road Races Crandon, W1 November 8, 2007 WSOOR Annual Banquet Location To Be Announced FIA WoRI.D RA.u.Y CliAMPIONSIIlP XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 ZR. PROMOTIONS RENE MomANo P.O. Box 2122 CALEXICO, CA 92231 April 21, 2007 ZR Team Race April 22, 2007 ZR Poker Run May 6, 2007 Copa Autoproductos #3 June 30, 2007 Alvisa Night Race #4 September 2, 2007 ZR Poker Run October 14, 2007 ZR Gran Prix #5 November 25, 2007 ZR Gran Prix De Campiones #6 Page 7
llfi.J~II LAUGHLIN DESERT CHALLENGE Another win Far ■ . .I. ■alwln B;x Jud;x Smith Photos: Track.side Photo BJ Baldwin drove his Great looking Chevy to the Trophy Truck Class win as well as taking overall honors at Laughlin. Laughlin, NV: Local racer, B.J. Baldwin made it two-in-a-row by once again piloting his Chevrolet Trophy Truck to the overall victory at the Laughlin Desert Challenge. Baldwin was on his way to making history when he went into the lead on the second lap of Sunday's heat. He stayed in front, and won by a margin that, combined with Saturday's fourth place, gave him the win. He was the first SCORE racer to record successive overall wins at the demanding event. While the schedule was about the same as in previous years, the course itself had lost another mile or so. Rather than last year's seven mile length, it was now six miles. It wound, as always, through the infield, giving the specta-tors a chance to see the car/ driver com-bination at work. Smack in the middle of the infield there was also a huge TY screen which showed the cars at vari-ous points on the course, so that in the unlikely event that there wasn't some-thing happening right in front of them, the spectators could see what was go-ing on in the distant reaches of the course. SCORE had created a new course this year, and they decided they wanted it "beaten in", so they allowed the pre-The big winner in the Class 1600 battle was Rob MacCachren, he drove his Fraley to the win, seen here ready for flight. runners to go around as many times as they liked during the four hour pre-run period. This was nice, because it gave the fans who'd come for the carnival-like atmosphere, something to watch on Friday also. Some of the pre-runners also obviously enjoyed the extra time, because they could tune their vehicles for the course. They did discover that the course was wide enough to allow easy passing along its entire length, and they figured out that as usual, except for the first group of racers, the course would be very different by the time they took their green flag. The entertainment had actually started on Thursday with the Laughlin Leap, a contest to see who could make his race vehicle jump the longest dis-tance off the infield ;ramp. There was a purse, put up by Laughlin, of$3,000 for first place in several classes. While it was fun to watch, the spectators didn't show up in huge crowds as they had in the past, thanks to very cold, windy weather. Those who'd remembered to bring their arctic wardrobe stayed to watch, but others hustled off to warmer places. Ultimately, Larry Roeseler, in Troy Herbst's Truggy, was the overall winner with a leap of 127 feet. The Pit Crew Challenge, which has also been held on Thursday night for several years, wasn't included in the festivities this year. This year's schedule called for eight races each day, the first one beginning John Herder took the Class 1 honors in his Jimco-Chevy, he was eighth overall on time in his great looking car. at 7 a.m. each morning. Every racer had an hour to complete his or her required laps, and that varied from three to six laps, depending on the expected speeds of the class. At the end of each event, if the racer didn't have enough time left to complete another lap before his hour was up, he'd be flagged in. Starts would be two-at-a-time, every 15 seconds. At that rate they could start eight cars a minute or 40 cars in five minutes. Dire predictions were floating around about six-minute laps for the Class 1 cars and the Trophy Trucks. Some of the pit denizens had it figured out that in the Class 1 race, where there were 4 3 cars, they'd still be starting some when the lead cars came around. But their math was bad; the whole group of 43 cars went off the line in five minutes and 45 seconds. And in any event, it didn't matter, because no one did a six minute lap. SCORE had this event figured out. Everything runs like clockwork. If the schedule called for a class to start at a particular time, that's when it started. It makes a hellishly busy day for the flag-men, scorekeepers, officials, comer workers and others of that ilk, but it's a good show for the spectators. There's barely time for a visit to the concession stands between races. There were no long, dreary waits for things to happen. Even course maintenance was managed within the time limits. And, speaking of course mainte-nance, much of it was done at night. They had a whole corps of water trucks working on the outer reaches of the track during the night, but had a prob-lem with them getting stuck. So they decided that each water truck had to have a "chase" bulldozer, just in case it got buried. At first the course was wide and smooth -but it quickly degraded into a track that reminded some of the rough stuff outside of San Felipe. By late Sunday the holes were three and four feet deep, and they continued to deepen through Sunday. Racers in the Unlimited classes talked about chasing cars and watching them go completely out of sight in the holes. They said the line changed every lap, and they needed to be attentive to stay out of trouble. These races were really hard to score. Maybe that's why they start with what are perceived to be their slower classes. It gives the scoring folks a chance to get warmed up. This year the rules required numbers on the sides of the cars that were either black on white, or white on black, and they were required to be of a uniform size. Some, notably the Tro-phy Truck folk, ignored the ruling. Some were caught out, but the tech guys apparently didn't notice all the oddball numbers. It's hard to understand why a racer would put his numbers on a plate that's half covered by his shocks. Or why would they put grey numbers on a light blue car. It's aesthetically pleas-ing perhaps, but one quick coat of mud and they're also invisible. Many had done a good job with the numbers, which made it much easier on the scor-ing team and their back,.up people. The Class 5 cars were first to get the green flag, and they had to go five laps. They all got through the first lap, and Joey Westhoff had the lead, with Michelle Bruckmann second and George Seeley third. On the second lap they held their positions, but Bruckmann, who'd been third on the road, was now past Seeley and chasing hard after Westhoff. They ran that way for another two laps, and the Bruckmann's car rolled over four times when a tie rod bolt broke. She didn't have enough time to get back on her wheels and finish. Westhoff took the win and Seeley was second. On Sunday Victor Cesena, who'd broken on Saturday, led for two laps, but then he broke again, and Bruckmann, who'd been only 13 sec-onds behind him, went into the lead. She was a few seconds faster each lap. Nick Tiedemann was riding with her, and she said she was "a good coach". Seeley, whose car had overheated a bit on Saturday, thanks to some strategic pieces of cardboard he'd used to warm it up a bit, ran second, no cardboard heating things up. Bruckmann took Sunday's win, with Seeley second, but because of her DNF on Saturday, Seeley was the weekend winner. Chris Bow-man, who was recovering from pneu-monia, drove the car Westhoff drove on Saturday. The car sounded ragged on Sunday, and they didn't know what was wrong with it, but they still finished in second place. Pietro Brassea was third, and the only other driver to fin-ish all ten laps. Ken Leavitt Had a good weekend, he took the Class 3 win with ease in his still good looking Ford Bronco. George Seeley was the big winner in the Class 5 contest, George is seen here throwin' a bit of dirt on his way to the finish. Class 5-1600 had nine entries, and they were also required to run five laps. In what may be some kind of record, all nine of them fini hed all five laps on Saturday. As they headed out into the cold morning, they would probably have liked some wind to blow away tl1e dust. But it stayed dead calm. Raul Solano, with the only sub-ten minute lap, went into the lead. Scott Pellerin ran second, and Brent Shermak was tl1ird a second behind him. But Pellerin lost about three minutes on the second Page 8 March 2007 Dusty Times
11 The silver medal in Trophy-Truck was awarded to Garron B.J. Richardson and John Gaughan drove their Chevy powered Matt Gumz flew his Lothringer to a second place finish in the Cadiente, he's seen here flying his Ford F-150. Bunderson to a close second place finish in the Class 1 conflict. Class ½-1600 battle, he was only 30 seconds behind the leader. lap. And Mike Simpson moved up in though lribe won on Sunday, Solano's Brian Church who'd rolled his Suspen- Carl, finished second, happy even to When they came back on Sunday position. Saturday win and his fierce drive on sions Unlimited car on the last lap Sun- have got to the race on time, after over-there were only six of them. This time Ultimately Solano, with all five laps Sunday, gave him the weekend win by d_ay. He'd landed on his wheels and sleeping. In first place it was Carr, whose San Angelo took the win, by eight sec-below ten minutes, took the win. No two seconds. Iribe and Simpson took gone on to finish. last lap time, at 7:29, would have been onds, with Carr in second place. Carr one else went under the ten minute second place and Shermak was third Only one Class 11 car showed up the fastlap for Class 1 for the weekend. was the weekend winner, and San mark, but Simpson had the three quick-for the weekend. for this event. Eric Solorzano was prob- Renezeder was second and San Angelo Angelo was second. est laps behind him, and took second Also running in the firstgroupwere ably glad about that, as it turned out. finished third. · Continued next page place. It was close, with only a two the Class 9 cars, with just four entries. On Saturday he blew his transmission minute and 34 second spread from first They needed to do only four laps. For-on the second lap. He was supposed to to fourth. est Creasy was in good form, and ran do three. He went to a wrecking yard On Sunday they all came back, and every lap under ten minutes. He led and bought a transmission to transplant . all of them made at least two laps. from the first lap, and recorded the fast into the car overnight. Sunday's race Gerardo Iribe had taken over for time for the class, at 9:36, on the third went well, with no difficulties at all. In Simpson, and he went into the lead on lap. He took the Saturday win with a fact, Solorzano liked Sunday's course the firstlapwith the only sub-11 minute two minute and 26 second cushion. better than Saturday's, because ''it was lap. The course was so much rougher On Sunday when they came back, rougher." that it had slowed them down by nearly they were all there, but this time Rob TI1e Sportsman buggies also ran in a minute. Iribe was 1ooking fast, but so McDonald managed to get only one lap this combined group. There were seven was Solano. Then he rolled his car over done. Creasy's car was in front again, of them and they had to do only four on the second lap, and lost nearly three with Donny Ames doing the driving, laps. Sarah Bearden got only one lap minutes. Luckily, some SCORE people although the chewed up course had done, and Kory Scheeler finished only were close by and they helped him get added about two minutes to each lap's three. But the other five went all the uprighted again. He pushed hard, try-time. He stayed in front all the way, hav-way, with Bryan Carr, in his Carr One ing to recover, and on the fifth lap re-ing no problems except that near the chassis, leading all the way. Darren San corded the best time for this class for end the clutch started to go away. Creasy Angelo had three really good laps in his Sunday, at 10:24. In the meantime, and Ames took the weekend win with bright orange car, but he'd lost about Iribe had a flat, ran most of a lap on it, the healthy margin offive minutes plus. six minutes on the first lap. Kelly and then stopped for a change. Al-In second place for the weekend it was Renezeder, wifeofTrophyTruckdriver, The win in Class 5-1600 went to Raul Solano but it was really close, Raul only had 2 seconds in hand at the checkers. '; 2.5';· :,•; 4" JIIJ I _ sen Dusty Times -m••td!-..-l<IIVGl.':::f~~Y 714.530.B701 • FAX714.530.B7<D 12842 JOY STREET, GARDEN GROVE, CA 92840 INtltNV./cingshodcs.co,n March 2007 ';'2.5" 2.5" --€''li!5-I. Need coil springs? (all King Shocks! We have custom and prodvdion coils in $tock, and the experience lo get you what you need. Coll today! Page9
Mike Simpson and Gerado tribe finished second in Class 5-1600, Larry Roese/er and Mike Ruane drove their Ford Ranger to a Talk about close, Tim Lawrence drove his Ford Ranger to a second they were a mere 2 seconds behind the leader at the flag. second place finish in Class 7, seen here just at liftoff. place finish in Class 7SX, ONE SECOND OUT OF THE WIN. As the finishers from one event in a Jimco. Ty Godde in a Henry and he had no reverse. She was down a full fourth and Scott Mapes ran fifth in a third, Noe was fourth and Callaway pulled off the track for their interviews, Cameron Steele in his Desert Assassin lap. Dunrite. fifth. Steele pushed his car off to the the starters for the nexteventwerelined car were all running hard. If Potter had Potter kept ticking off steady laps, Potter led the second lap, with side, spray painted a Class 10 number up in staging, rewing up their motors any trouble they'd have run right over and Jones, Noe, Wisdom and Steele ran Steele, who now had things whipped on it, stuffed in one of his team driv-and anxious to get going. The SCORE him. Steele had been having some prob- steadily behind him. But on the fifth into shape, in second. They held their ers, and lined up for the Sunday Class Lite cars were second on the program, !ems with his car and had just barely lap Steele's motor started to sound un- positions through the third lap, but 10 event. When something seemed odd scheduled to run six laps, and by now made it to the start line in time, but well. Potter had no problems at all, and then Potter lost second and third gears, at the rear of the car they discovered a the grandstands were pretty much full, appeared to be moving well. As is his ran like clockwork to the finish to take and that took the edge off his perfor- broken hub. Another lap and he prob-as was SCORE Hill across the way. wont, he'd entered himself in five the Saturday win. Jones finished sec-mance. Steele ran a steady race, having ably wouldn't have had that Sunday There were 21 of the SCORE Lites, and events, this being the first. He was also ond, Noe was third, and Steele was no visible problems. Noe lost seven sec-win, and maybe not even a finish. one of the most competitive, Brian Bur-planning to run this car in Class 10, a fourth. In fifth it was Wisdom. onds when he charged the finish line Group 3 was the Class 10 cars, gess, was out on Lap 1 with a blown Class 1 car, hisTrophyTruckandsome-When they came back on Sunday at the end oflap5,Jones had plugwire which got the course all to themselves motor. But Stan Potter was looking thing in Class 1/2, 1600. He would be there were still 21 of them, but Godde trouble, and Richard Garavito couldn't also. There 17 of them, and they were good in his Jimco. He'd started in the a busy man ifhe pulled it off. wasn'tpartofthegroup. Hector Garcia, find his low gear. expected to do six laps. The entry list third row, but when he finished his first Potter, meanwhile, was having no Jr. who diqn't race Saturday, was rac-Steele had recorded the fast time for was star studded, and it would have lap he was the second car on the road trouble at all. But Godde stalled at the ing this time, apparently having had this heat on Lap 5, at 8:46, and then been difficult to predict the winner. and had recorded the fast lap for this mandatory stop in front of the scoring some serious problem before race time he ran another sub-nine minute lap to Rob-MacCacl1ren in Will Higman's heat at 8:28. At the end of the next lap trailer, and had to be pushed off course, on Saturday. Both Hernquist and Rob take the win. He~ only 12 seconds Kreger Honda had the first lap lead, he was the first car on the road, and it ending his morning early. Bill Martensen went out on the first lap, upon Potter, who was second. In third with Adam Wik second in his Jimco was clear sailing from them on. Not that Hernquist, who'd been looking pretty whileBurgessdidn'tfadeawayuntil Lap it was Mapes, who'd lost second gear, Honda. In third it was Chris Harrold it wasn't a tight race, because behind good, finished his third lap very slowly, 2. He'd been in the lead until then, with but still thought the course was a "lot in an AiumiCraft Honda and fourth him Scott Wisdom in his JFR chassis, and pulled off track. Evie Baldwin got Steele, his motor now running well, in of fun." Fourth went toJ.D. Ward, who was Darren Hardesry in an AlumiCraft Randy Jones in a Bunderson, Tim Noe herself stuck on the first lap, and found third. Potter was second, Watson was drove both days. He and his partner, VW. Mark Hutchins ran fifth in a 'ew IP'raducts annMBa4 CVBTAR1B NO MORE Spline Wear! Stronger Core! 50% Stronger! 6.5 " & 8. 5• Sizes Built-In Starter & Ballast Die-Cast Aluminum Hous, 35 Watt H.I.D. Bulb Driving/Euro Beam Pat Page 10 ,,_~_ .. , ~ •••e~ • IDDTI WhBBIS Beadlock Black I Blue Colors Red I Polished Size an Cenler Mounl Hub Kil Ii-Sliding Axles Available for Plunging + NonPlung. CV's w/ CNC or Brembo Calipers Ultimate Strength 300M Size 30 Center Star ngAxle nPlungi Size 30 4CV March 2007 Gary Johnson, have returned after a hia-Kreger Honda. There were no surprises rus of 27 years. Saturday they spun the there, all top talent and great cars. center of a hub, but had a good race On the second lap MacCachren re-Sunday. In fifth it was Scott Wisdom's corded the fast time for this group, at car, with Frank Wagner driving, because 7:47, and held onto the lead. Wik was Wisdom had come down ill on Satur- still up there, and so were the others . . day night. Noe was sixth, having lost But the third lap was the surprise. third_gear on the fifth lap. Brent Gustin MacCachren was the first car around, switched to smaller tires for Sunday and way in front of the rei.t, and all t:yes improved his finish to seventh. watched as he flew the big jump, landed When the times were added up the on a slight uphill, and coasted·to a stop weekend winner was Potter, and he had in the hairpin turn. His passenger aminuteand24secondsonSteele,who jumped out to try to see what was was second. Wisdom and Wagner were wrong, but it wasn't until the tow truck Jason Jernigan gets our vote for high flyer, he took the Class 7 win in his Ford Ranger, seen here in high flight. The win in Class 7S went to Mike Horner, he's seen here at speed in his Toyota, heading for the always elusive checkered flag. Dusty Times
.,, I < • -~ ;, ,..~ ~ "" <I ~ ;: ,· .,. John Cooley throws a lot of dirt as he heads to a second place Terry and Eric Henn drove their Hummer HT to a silver medal Gavin Skilton gave his Honda Ridgeline a good run, he finished finish in Class 10, seen here in his Alumicraft VW. finish in Stock Full, seen here at speed on the course. second in Stock Mini, just a bit over a minute in arrears. had pulled him into the infield that they and take the Saturday win. On Sunday, 11: 16 on Saturday. pack Nick Vanderwey put his GMC Kupiec's truck and Rodrigo Ampudia, discovered the problem. It was termi-Homer was all by himself for the four Class 8 had six starters, but the Sierra into the lead, with Greg Adler in a Ford, lost two laps. nal. When he'd landed off the jump, laps, and recorded another win, giving Greer family Dodge went out on the just five seconds behind him in his On Lap 2 Greg Adler recorded fast he'd comedownonasortofbumpthat him a good start on his 2007 season first lap with a broken front end and Ford. Todd Wyllie was third, Ramsey lap for the class at 7:54, and went into had been dug out by all the traffic, and points. His fast lap for the weekend was never reappeared. At the front of the El Wardani was fourth in Kurtis Continued next page that meant he landed at an odd angle, bottomed out and "broke the motor out" of the car. Harrold also went out on that lap, with a broken transmission. Wik now had a good lead, and was having no problems, but Hardesty and Hutchins were chasing him hard. So were Lobsam Yee and John Cooley. Mark Weger was also running well in his RPS chassis. Wik was having no trouble, nor was Yee. Hardesty lost a motor on the fifth lap and Hutchins disappeared also. Only ten of the starters managed to fin-ish the 36 miles. Wik had the win for Saturday with Yee and Cooley behind him in second and third. When Sunday's race rolled around there were only 14 starters. MacCachren, Hutchins and Robert MacBeath, who'd dropped out on Lap 6 Saturday, were all no shows. But there was still plenty of talent left to make it a close and exciting race. Adam Wik, who'd driven the family car on Satur-day, was driving again on Sunday. He said his wife, Bekki Freeman Wik, had told him that if he won Saturday he'd get to drive Sunday also. Lobsam Yee put himself into the lead on the first lap, with Wik three seconds behind him. In third it was Harrold, Cooley was fourth and Hardesty ran fifth. Matt Loiodice, in a Jimco, and back racing after a hiatus, was gone 0(1 the first lap. And it seemed that someone dropped out every lap. At the front it was Yee, Harrold, Hardesty, Wik and Cooley, so close on time that it was impossible to figure. At end of their sixth laps, both Harrold and Yee, who were running at the front of the pack, were sent out on a seventh lap, having caught the scor-ers or the flagman unaware. Both knew they were done, but neither wanted to take a chance. So while they did their extra laps, the five remaining cars came to a halt. It took a while to figure the winner, and it turned out to be Harrold, by three seconds over Yee (who, inci-dentally, had flattened a tire on that extra, seventh lap). Hardesty was third and Cooley fourth. And when the to-tals were compiled, Yee had the week-end win, with two minutes and 22 sec-onds on Cooley. Weger, who'd had a fifth and a seventh, was third for the weekend, and Victor Orellana, Jr. took fourth. With the fourth event of the day, it was back to a conglomeration of classes. This group consisted of Class 8, Class 7 and Protrucks, who would do five laps each, and Class 7S, which would run only four laps. There was a total of 26 vehicles on the track. This group started at 11:30, and if there was any dust on course, there was now some wind to blow it away. Class 7S had only two entries, and on Saturday Aaron Gomez broke his Ford Ranger on the first lap leaving Mike Homer alone to run all four laps Dusty Times OasiHo MoroH(IO, eaOazo11 OA 3Htor9tato 10 e .. AptteAe 1ttti8 oxit o, 3Hto19tttto 10 Wt Ott6tt201t 11xit Swap meet is arranged to include the following sectioris Q,c,14p USED PARTS & ACCESSORIES Oot1t $35.00 $20.00 ~--$20.00 '"'7it>.oo ·----Si;e 10x15 10x15 10x15 ___ 3x8 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 :!t~~TI\UCKS RACE BUGGVs-MOTORCYCLES SAND TOYS $20.00 $20.00 $45.00 $20.00 $45.00 $20.00 10 x~~-QUADS & 3-WHEELERS TRAILERS & TOW VEHICLES PRE-RUNNERS MFG. & RETAIL DISPLAYS 4x4S&JEEPS s xs 10 x.20 10x15 10x20 10x20 Be sure to clean-out those garages and bring your off-road collectables to the eighth Annual Off-Road Swap Meet. The only one of its kind in Southern California s history! $10.00 ADULTS & KIDS UNDER 12 ARE FREE! To reserve a space fill out this entry form and mail with a check to California Pre-Fun, 39067 Orchard St., Cherry Valley, CA 92223 before March 11, 2007. Name ____________ Street. _________________ _ City ___________ State ____ Zip _______ Section _____ _ Move In Saturday 12 p.m. March 17, until show opens at 6 a.m. on Sunday March 18, add $5.00 late fee after 6 a.m. on March 18. Booth space available day of show. Reservations recommended but not required. PRESENTED BY CURT LeOUC S CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN For more information call Curt LeDuc (951) 845-8820 March 2007 Page 11
John Holmes won the Class 7SX battle in his trusty Ford Ranger, but it was close, he only had 1 second in hand at the finish. the lead. Vanderwey tipped his truck onto its side and lost about seven min-utes. El Wardani inherited second, and Vanderwey dropped to third. On the third lap Ampudia spent some time in the infield and had another long time, while Adler had another strong lap and held his lead. El Wardani also had a good lap, his best, at a flat eight min-utes, and held second place. Vanderwey was still third, and he'd had a tire come apart on him. Adler led through the fourth lap, just 11 seconds in front of El Wardani, with Vanderwey hanging in at third. Then Adler fell out on the last lap, El Wardani moved up to take the win and Vanderwey finished second. Said he, "We really prefer the desert." On Sunday, when the course was much rougher, only four trucks started in Class 8. This time Ampudia went into the lead on Lap 1, with Vanderwey second and Adler third. Kurtis Kupiec was now driving his truck, and ran fourth. Less than a minute separated the four. On the second lap Ampudia continued to lead, but on the third lap he lost about four minutes. Adler dropped out on Lap 3 also. Vanderwey now led, with Kupiec in second place, and Ampudia was about three minutes back in third. He was gone cin the next lap and Kupiec rolled over, landed on his lid and lost about eight minutes. Vanderwey went on to take the win, with a chastened-Kupiec finishing ten minutes later in second. The weekend results gave the win to Vanderwey, with Kupiec and El Wardani, the only other finisher, earning second place. The Protrucks ran with this group also, and started with six entries. This was a close, exciting heat, with nothing much going on but hard racing. Jason Voss had his Ford in the lead, with Alan Levinson, also Ford, second, and Rich-ard Yoss, Jason's dad in third, in an-other Ford. They ran that way for four KING Page 12 OFF-ROAD RfiCING SHOCl<S The Vanderweys, Nick, Larry and Mike drove their extra good looking GMC Sierra to the Class 8 win, seen here at liftoff. laps. On Laps 2 and 3 Jason ran the two quickest laps for this class, identi-cal 7:55 times, and built his lead to 31 seconds. He stayed in front for still an-other lap, then had "engine problems", and retired. Levinson moved to the top and took the Saturday win, with Rich-ard Voss, who'd had the best last lap time, in second, only ten seconds be-hind him. On Sunday when they came back there were only four of them. Neither Richard Voss nor Dave Creagan was there. Levinson went into the lead with five seconds on Jason Yoss, while Jim Wasson, the lone Chevrolet, ran third, with Kelson fourth. On the second lap Voss had the quick time for the group at 8:31, and went into the lead, with 26 seconds on Levinson. But on Lap 3 he lost two minutes somehow and Levinson went back to the fore. On the fourth lap Voss poured on the steam and tied his quick time, which closed the gap, but Levinson was still a minute ahead as he went into the final lap. It was a good thing, because Voss was still running just a bit faster, although not quite enough to make up for that long lap. Levinson won with 39 seconds on Voss and Wasson was third, while Kelson dropped out on Lap 4. Levinson took the weekend win, with·over five minutes on Wasson, the only other truck to finish all ten laps. Class 7 had the biggest group in this heat, with 12 trucks, all Fords except for Barry Karakas' Toyota. They were required to do only five laps. They all made it through the first lap, and Randy Sorenson went into the lead with 34 seconds onJasonJemigan who ran sec-ond. Karakas was third in that Toyota, Geoff Milke ran fourth and A.J. Rodriguez was fifth. On the second lap they lost Rodriguez, and also Jason McNeil and Steve Looney, who usually drives in the Sportsman class, where he does very RAC/!_ -.,,PVEL (J)BEAR We carry a full line of v~ ~~ OF~ FILTERMAG~ well. This wasn't his day. Larry Roeseler, who'd been expected up at the front of the pack, showed up nearly a lap down, after breaking a wheel on Lap 1. Sorenson still led through the second lap with Jernigan in second place. On the third lap Jernigan moved into the lead as Sorenson's time dropped a little over a minute. Then, on the fourth lap Jernigan recorded the fast time for the class, at 8:47, while Sorenson had another ten minute plus lap. Karakas was still running third, tick-ing off very evenly paced laps, all within ten seconds of one another. Jernigan took the win, and Karakas moved up to second place as Sorenson dropped out on the final lap. Shannon Dierkop moved up to take third, A.J. DeNunzio, in Raul Flores' truck, Willi fourth and Roeseler salvaged a fifth place. He was the final finisher on Sat-urday. On Sunday when they came back there were only ten of them. This time both Jason McNeil and Randy Sorenson fell out on the first lap, and Larry Roeseler went into the lead. Jernigan was second, Milke third, and Flores fourth. By now the course was very rough, and the lap times had dropped accordingly. Roeseler said that some of the comers had heavy dust. There was a lot of wind, but it didn't always blow in the appropriate direc-tion. Roeseler, Jernigan and Milke held their one-to-three positions clear to the end. Dan Chamlee dropped out on Lap 4 and Karakas was gone on Lap 5. Roeseler took the Sunday win, with Jernigan second. And when the week-end winner was computed it was Jernigan, who had Roeseler by a full seven minutes. Dierkop was third and Flores was fourth, the last to finish all ~~~ (!) raci•t wll•••• Headlock ~ Non Beadlock " " " ft March 2007 Dusty Times 11
Jim Wasson drove his Chevy Silverado to a nice second place The Superior Chevy of Darren San Angelo took home the silver Bob Anderson, sans a bit of fiberglass, was the second place finisher in Sportsman Truck, seen here in his Ford Ranger. finish in the Pro Truck Class, seen here just going airborne. medal in the Sportsman Car Class, seen here ready to fly. ten laps. lead, with about 39 seconds on Robert Kovach in a Ford Ranger who was only The fifth raceofthedaywasanother Anderson, Ford. In third it was Mike 15 seconds up on Gavin Skilton in his compilation of classes. There were five Jenkins, and then Jim McBroom, both Honda Ridgeline. truck classes: Class 3, 7SX, Stock Mini, in Fords, and running very close. They ran in the same order through Stock Full and Sportsman. They were Shive fell out on the third lap and the second lap, and the third. All three all to do only four laps. Anderson went into the lead, followed ran 11 minute plus laps every time. But In Class 3 there were two entries. by Jenkins and McBroom. They stayed on the fourth lap Skilton recorded the Chris Raffo had his Blazer here and Ken that way to the end of the fourth lap, fast time, at 11:05, and moved up to Leavitt ran his Bronco. Raffo got the with Anderson taking the win by 50 second place. Hall took the win, Skilton hole shot and had a good head of steam seconds over Jenkins. was a minute and ten seconds behind going, when, still on the first lap, he When they came back on Sunday him and Kovach was 43 seconds fur-broke his driveshaft. New to the there were only eight of them. Pulido ther back. Laughlin Desert Challenge, Raffo had and Shive didn't make it back. At the On Sunday Kovach didn't return. decided that he should lighten the race end of the first lap Matt Torian was in Skilton went into the lead on Lap 1 and car by taking out his collection of spares front with the quick lap for this day, at stayed there. Chad Hall had taken over and the tools he usually carried for a 10:04. Vance ran second, Mike Jenkins the driving in the Hummer, and ran long desert event. Thus, he was power-was third and Nick Tonelli was fourth 11 seconds back. Once again, they both less to make repairs and sat out the rest in his Ford. They'd all made it through ran 11 minute laps plus some seconds. of the race. Leavitt went on with four the first lap, and they all finished Lap 2 Oddly, their times didn't change dras-steady laps to take the Saturday win. also. Now Jenkins was in front, Tonelli tically from Saturday to Sunday as they OnSundaytheywere both back and was second, Mark Growe up to third did with most classes. Maybe it was be-Forest Creasy drove his Class 9 Chenowth to a nice win, he's seen here hustling to that wonderful checkered flag. this time Raffo had his act together, ran and Torian had had a problem that cost cause this was a fierce race. Hall didn't Also in this group were the 7SX team. Understandably. four nice laps, and took the win. But of him about five minutes and dropped like having that Honda in front of him trucks. On Saturday there were nine of On the second lap McNeil dropped course, Leavitt, who also ran four steady to fourth. Vance had also lost a lot of and he was pushing hard, but Skilton them, and John Holmes went into the out, Holmes continued to lead, with laps on Sunday, was the weekend win-time and fell out of the lead pack. was determined to stay in front. He held lead on the first lap, with Tim Lawrence chasing him hard. McNeildis-ner, because he was the only eight lap On the third lap Vance was gone all his ground, and both recorded their Lawrence, Ford, in second. Gerardo appeared. Novelo was still third, but finisher. together and it was Jenkins, Torian, own best times on the last lap, with Novelo ran third in a Nissan, and Perry now Rich Severson was fourth in his There were ten Sportsman trucks Tonelli and Anderson, and that's the Hall's at 11:10 the quick one for the McNeil, Jr. was fourth in a Ford. Ford. Everybody else stayed together entered, and they all made it through order in which they finished the day. heat. Still Skilton got the Sunday win, Holmes had as part of his team for this through the finish, and it was Holmes, the first lap Saturday. Dan Vance had But when the totals were combined, with seven seconds on Hall. But when event, Dave Landersman, brotherofhis Lawrence, Novelo and Severson. the first lap lead with the fast lap for Jenkins was the winner and Anderson they added the times, the Halls took regular co-driver, Mark Landersman. Holmes recorded the fast time, at 9:21, the class at nine minutes flat. Matt was second, followed by Torian and the weekend win by a minute and three Dave is a Marine Colonel, a Silver Star on his last lap. Torian had his Ford in second place, Tonelli. seconds. ltwas a small class, but one of recipient, and would be leaving for a They all came back on Sunday, and chased by Marquis Pulido, who pulled The Stock Mini Trucks ran a re-the most entertaining races of the week-second tour in Iraq on Sunday. Holmes things had a different look. For one out before getting into the second lap, markably close race with Rod Hall lead-end. was proud to have him as part of his Continued next a e and then Chris Shive, in another Ford. ing on the first lap in his H3 Hummer. .-----------------------------------••iiiiiilllioiioiiliiMI---. On the second lap Shive had the But he had only 18 seconds on Steve The Lobsam Yee/Eduardo Gonzalez duo were the big Class 10 winners, seen here in the Jimco-Honda on their way to victory. Stan Potter and Dan Worley were the big winners in the SCORE LITE fracas, seen here in their Jimco on the way home. Dusty Times camo_li source far ra • Ddvlllfl Suits • CrtJw llnifonns • Crew Shirts • PalDSbltts •TamJadllJIB • Hats • GBarBl/flS dCre NOW FEATIIRIN6: In-House Embroidery Driver Names • Team l.lJ(ll)S • Spoo$Dt' LDgO$ 1.B00.700 .. 2350 • Fax 909.360.0436 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 March 2007 Page 13
Alan Pfleuger flew his Chevy Silverado to a very close third A third place finish in the Class 1 contest went to Ronny Wilson, Aaron Hawley drove to a third place finish in the Class 1600 battle, he's seen here taking off in his Sea Grove car. place finish in the Trophy Truck Class, seen here in flight. Jimco-Chevy, seen here at hard left rudder. times, the winning team was Holmes and Landersman, with Lawrence sec-o nd, one second later, and Rich Severson in third, 11 minutes back. Josh Hall took the Stock Full win with six minutes in hand, he's seen here in his H2 Hummer headin' for the finish. The Stock Full trucks were the final group in the fifth race each day, and they started the weekend with four en-tries. There were three Hummers and one Dodge. Josh Hall was in one of the Hummers, and he went into the lead on the first lap. (This was the first time at Laughlin for Hall, his brother, Chad and dad, Rod. Last year they' cl been on their way home from somewhere on Laughlin weekend and had decided to stop by for a look. Once they saw what it was they couldn't understand why they hadn't been racing here. So they added it to their 2007 calendar.) Terry Henn was second in his Hummer, and John Griffin was third in his. thing, as Tim Lawrence described it, "the course is beyond junk." For an-other, Mark Landersman was in Holmes' truck, and they'd replaced a spring, but the new one wasn't really quite right for the truck. Lawrence went into the lead on Lap 1, with two sec-onds on Jesse Rodriguez in a Ford. Landersman was third and Novelo was fourth. On the second lap Novelo disap-peared as did the Ford ofJeffLloyd and Milo Brown. Lawrence continued to lead, with Rodriguez second, Landersman third and now McNeil Jr. was fourth. He'd broken some U-bolts on Saturday. The order held through another lap, but on the fourth lap Rodriguez fell by the wayside. Lawrence took the win saying, "I never drove a truck as hard in my life!" Landersman and Holmes were second, less than a minute back and with Rodriguez gone, Heidi Steele's Ford moved into third place. McNeil had a long third lap, due to more broken U-bolts, and dropped to last. When they computed the weekend On the second lap it was still Hall and Henn, but now Loren Worthington had moved up to third in his Dodge. On the third lap Hall re-corded the fast time for this group, at 9:48, to solidify his lead, and the rest followed in order. Hall then ran another identical lap, and took the Saturday win by a bit over two minutes. Henn, feel-ing "down on horsepower", was second, then Worthington and Griffin. On Sunday they all came back. Hall went into the lead again, followed by Henn again, and then Griffin and TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING, INC. cang · 1 .... ns Avl250 ffm Undsav 1171 1st Class I -1st 011erall 6th SNORE 011erall Points av,on Zlglar Randy Jones ~rd 1600 Ba.la IGDD Arturo/Abel v.-11,co -stave cna ~rd 1600 M.O.R.E P&L Toys. Tots 211D JD Ward l1DD9 fstClass 10 Johnny aurns 1985 2ndClass9 Ken Tolbert #578 2nd Class 5-fllOO 1st 200II 5-IIIOO c11am,,,,,,,s11111 Tommy Craig 11822 Srd Class fllOO congratulations to all Wide open Baja Challenge Participants TRANS.AXLE ENGINEERING JEFF nELD 9763VARIEL AVENUE CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 81 ........ ,8-2739 Page 14 March 2007 Worthington. The order stayed the get the win. At the end of the first lap same, but Worthington had an extra-the lead belonged to Aaron Hawley in long second lap, and lost any chance to his Seagroves, with Rob MacCachren, pick up a position. On the fourth lap in a Fraley borrowed from Joe Sheble, Hall ticked off a 10:53, the fast lap for two seconds behind him. Third be-this day, and took the win by a bit over longed to Adam Pfankuch, in an Am-three minutes. Henn was second. For plified, and Leonardo Navarrete, in a the weekend, it was Hall, Henn, Grif- Curry, ran fourth. Matt Gumz was fifth fin and Worthington. All of them man- in his Lothringer, and Curt Geer was aged to finish all the required laps. sixth in his Lothringer. There were ten Group 6, which went off the line at more within seconds, and only one car 1:15 p.m., was for the 1/2-1600 cars. had dropped out. There were 33 of them. They had 'em On the second lapMacCachrenhad all started in eight minutes and 15 sec-taken over the lead, with one second onds, and four minutes and 4 3 seconds on Pfankuch and Hawley who were after the last one left the line, the first tied. In fourth it was Geer, Gumz was one came around again. From then on fifth and Navarrete had dropped to it was a busy hour for the timing and sixth. One other car had dropped out, scoring team, who often had four or and after that they lost no more. five cars coming in to the mandatory On the third lap it was still stop bumper to bumper. With numbers MacCachren and he' cl recorded the fast covered in mud, or artistically twisted, lap for this class, at 8:40. The rest of or hidden behind shocks, it's a wonder the lead pack ran sub-nine minute laps they could score this group at all. When also, so it was close all the way. It was they stopped at the "finish" line it was Pfankuch, Hawley, Gumz, LJ. Kennedy only for a fraction of a second, or how-and Navarrete. And on the fourth lap ever long it took to jam the gear box MacCachren ran another 8:40, and the into low and let out the clutch. A few order stayed the same. He now had five drivers never did catch on that they were seconds on Pfankuch. Then, on the losing crucial seconds every lap by re-fifth lap, which was their last, ducing speed 'way before the line, coast-MacCachren ran another 8:40, and ing up politely, and then gently acceler-sailed across the finish line in first place. ating away. The technique that works Pfankuch was second just 11 seconds best in the desert events was not the back, followed by Hawley, Gumz, way to do it at Laughlin. Kennedy and Navarrete. All the top 1600 drivers were run-All 33 came back on Sunday. The ning, so it was anybody's guess who'd start order was determined by taking ....,.,.,_.......,..--.......,-----,-~-c-:~....,..,,.......,., Rod and Chad Hall had a great day, they drove their H3 Hummer to the Stock Mini win, seen here at takeoff. The Pro Truck win went to Alan Levinson, he's seen here piloting his Ford F-150 with our American flag as a backdrop. Dusty Times
.... Brent Shermak gets a new look at racing as he drove to a third Mark Weger, RPS-Honda, throws a lot of dirt on his way to a Scott Wisdom flies high, wide and handsome on his way to a place finish in his Class 5-1600 Bug. the top ten finishers from Saturday, tossing their names in a hat, and the order in which they were drawn out de-termined their start position. All the rest started in the order in which they finished on Saturday. This was the pro-cedure for all the big classes. This time Hawley and Gumz were in the front row, with Sammy Ehrenberg and MacCachren right behind them. Pfankuch started in the fifth row. The weather was cold and verywindy. Some thought it might blow the cars around as they flew off the big jump. There weren't many spectators brave enough to sit up on SCORE Hill, or even the tops of the grandstands. The wind was truly miserable. It did mean that any dust on course would move away quickly. . MacCachren went into the lead on Lap 1, with Gumz second, Hawley third, and Sammy Ehrenberg, in a Jimco in fifth. Tied for sixth were Steven Eugenio in a Lothringer and Arden Dennington in a Fraley. No one had dropped out. On the second lap it was still third place finish in Class 10 at the Laughlin sprints. third place finish in SCORE LITE in his great looking Mirage. MacCachrenand he'd moved up to sec-same order: MacCachren, Gumz, penultimate event this year, with30en-sixth. Butthereweresixorseven trucks ond on the road. Behind him it was Hawley and then Eugenio moved up a tries. The whole east end of the infield running very well behind them, and a Gumz, Hawley, Ehrenberg, Eugenio notch as Ehrenberg lost about ten sec-started rumbling as they lined up in stag-hiccup could cost a driver five places. and Dennington. They'd lost two cars onds. Pfankuch finished sixth, and LJ. ing. This would be a six lap event. Traf.. Of interest was Jesse James, in his new now. The first 15 or so racers were all Kennedy, who said he'd changed to a fie didn't thin much on the first lap, as Chevy. He hadn't got far in the 1000 running laps under ten minutes. Any bigger tire for today, and they were bet- only one truck disappeared. Andy in November, bu twas running steadily small disaster would cost many posi- ter, was seventh. McMillin recorded the class fast time, here. It seemed as if the truck still tions because they were so close to-At the finish line it was impossible at 7: 14, to go into the lead in his Chevy. needed some fine tuning, bu! the spec-gether. to figure beyond the fact that Behind him it was Rob MacCachren tators loved having him out on the On the third lap it was still MacCachren had taken the win. It in Mark Post's Ford in second, Kory course. MacCachrenandhe'drecordedthefast turned out that Gumz was second, Scheeler in a Chevy in third, Carl MacCachrenledthroughthefourth lap for this group, ·at 9:04. He hadn't Hawley third, Pfankuch fourth, Renezeder, Chevy, fourth, and then lap, with Pflueger and McMillinon the made up any time however, because Kennedy fifth, Ehrenberg sixth and Josh Baldwin in his Ford and Alan same second, for third, Renezeder was Gumz had run the same time and held Eugenio seventh. Only six of the 33 Pflueger, Chevy, were tied for sixth, but fourth, B.J. Baldwin fifth and Scheeler second, only one second off startershadfailedtofinish. onlyllsecondsbehindMcMillin. sixth.JesseJamespulledoutashistrans-MacCachren'space.Gumzwasfirston Theweathergotcolderandwindier. Another couple of trucks disap- mission blew. This was still a remark-the road, and MacCachren was on his Spectators huddled in laye of clothes, peared on the second lap, and McMillin ably close race, with only a minute and tail. It was great fun to watch. beneath blankets. The two big horse- held his lead, as MacCachren moved eight seconds between the leader and Lap 4 saw another two entries fade power events were still to come. Every-up to within one second of him. sixth place. away, including Dennington. Now it one likes the noise and drama of Class Renezeder had come up to third and The pressure never let up. was MacCachren, Gumz, who thought 1 and the Trophy Trucks, but it would Pflueger and Scheeler were tied in fifth MacCachren kept charging, and the his clutch was going away, Hawley, be hard to beat the close racing in the position, with B.J. Baldwin, last year's rest came right along behind him. He Ehrenberg, Eugenio and Pfankuch. 1600 class or Class 10 and SCORE Lite. winner, in sixth now. had 31 seconds on Pflueger at the end Pfankuch had been trying to make up Even the small trucks had offered up On Lap3 MacCachren moved into of Lap 5, and Renezeder and time since the first lap when he'd hit a some serious competition this year. The the lead, and he now had 18 seconds McMillin were tied for fourth, with hole, stalled his motor, and couldn't get spectators might be chilly, but they on McMillin. Pflueger was third, B.J. Baldwin fifth, and Scheeler sixth. it to restart for about 30 seconds. surely weren't being bored. Renezeder had dropped to fourth, B.J. But things changed a bit on the final On the final lap it was almost the The Trophy Trucks were the Baldwin ran fifth, and Scheeler was Continued next page . · · y 3112IJIJ1 ttorman noorUoryo ... road vehiete. mponea cks respond ·· ndoff-road " % ~ conditions ms . • ether you are oomg; over rough or sroodtfl t~rrain, the true velocity sensitive valving produces better handUng, improved stabUityl and maximum comfort. If jhat is not reason enough to buy, Skyjacker® now offers an extra incentive of $35 cash back on the purchase of 4 Slfyjacker® shocks. Buy 4 Hydro or Nitro ., shocks at any Skyjacker® Authorized Dealer and submit the rebat~ 1orm to receiv Dusty Times $35 CASH BACK! . ' To find an Authorized Skyjacke Oealer near you call 866.4.A.OEALER ext. 5049 or visit us on the web at skyiacker.com/shockrebate to find out more about this exciting shock offer. March 2007 &'ATURES 150PSI PRESSURIZED NITROGEN GAS (NITRO ONLY) • ORIFICE OISK • VELOCITY SENSITlVE VALVING • LEAK PROOF SEAL • BONDED IRON PtSTON • CHROMED PISTON ROD • RED BOOT INCLUDED • RED POLYURETHANE flUSHtMGS • LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY Page 15
Matt Torian is seen just atliftoff in his Ford Ranger, Matt finished A fourth place finish in Class 1 went to Josh Baldwin, he's A first off the podium finish went to Adam Pfankuch, seen third in Sportsman Truck at the Laughlin adventure. seen here flying his Jimco-Chevy to the finish line. here flying his Amplified towards the elusive checkered flag. lap. MacCachren followed through second and third. Scheeler, who said Jimco. Dean, Gaughan, Byron Ashley right on time and smoothly. The only a minute and 20 seconds in the pro-with another smooth lap and took the it was "the roughest thing I've ever and Brian Ewalt in Mark McMillin 's glitch was that Josh Baldwin stalled cess. Then it was Wits-on, Gasper and win. Pfluegertooksecond, McMillin been on", was sixth. Larry Ragland, carwereallout. TheMcMillincarhad when the green flag waved, giving Ickier, disappointed to drop to sixth was third, Baldwin fourth and Pete who finished seventh in Brian lost a motor. The attrition was heavy: Ickier an easy start on this race. after his good beginning. He'd had Sohren moved up to fifth in his Ford Collins' Chevrolet, had lost first gear Larry Roeseler, in Troy Herbst's Ford Baldwin was quickly going again, but fuel pump trouble most of the way. as Scheeler lost a few seconds, and and second was going. He said, of powered Truggy had DNF'd on Lap Ickier had taken advantage of While they waited for timing and Renezeder dropped out. course, "It turned into a San Felipe 1, and Cesar Fuentes, Jamie Baldwin's bad fortune, and he was scoring to combine the two days' to-The Trophy Trucks used the same course. More of a desert race than Campbell, Brian Parkhouse, Shawn first on the road for a while. tals to figure out who was the week-"first ten finishers in a hat" system to they had last year. If you could catch Croll and James Scott were also all At the end of the first lap they were end winner, Herder's car hemor-determine the start order for Sunday, another driver, you could go around." out on the first lap. already missing Pat Dean and Gary rhaged a huge puddle of oil. As it and that put Pete Sohren in the front Herbst said he' cl had "a little of this Only one more disappeared on Weyhrich, two of the top competitors. turned out, Herder was the two-day row next to Mark Post, who drove his and a little of that" on Saturday, and Lap 3, and that was Hovey and his There was a tie at the front between winner in Class 1, by a margin of 22 truck on Sunday. Only 25 trucks had fixed it all for Sunday. He was new car. At the front of the pack it Ickier and B.J. Richardson, Herder seconds. He had to be towed away started on Sunday. Jesse James made fourth. B.J. Baldwin, who not only was Herder, Richardson, Wilson, ran third, Ebberts was fourth, and from the finish area. Richardson was it back, and so did Renezeder. won Sunday, but was the weekend Pfankuch, Ebberts and Harley Lerner then James Scott, Pfankuch and Josh second, Ronny Wilson was third, very It wasn't Renezeder's weekend. He winner, for the second year in a row, now ran sixth. The race ran smoothly Baldwin were all on tl1e same second, pleased to have been able to run in was out on the first lap and spent the said "It has absolutely nothing to do at the fron of the pack, a wonderful running seventh. such good company all weekend. He next 50 minutes or so watchil)g the with me. It had to do with my team - exhibit of just what these cars can do. The course was much rougher, said "Running close with Herder race out on the course. Cameron Collins Motorsports." His combined Things were pretty much the same arid everyone talked about how diffi- means the day's going good!" Josh Steele was also out ·on Lap 1, leaving time for the two days was 1:31:31, on the fourth lap, with Herder still cult it was, but the lap times slowed Baldwin was fourth, and Gasper fin-onl')(, 23 trucks running. Long time which was the overall fast time for the in front, Wilson now up to second, only by 10 or 20 seconds as a whole. ished a nice fifth for this first attempt Laughlin watchers will remember weekend. Cadiente was second, Richardson, Pfankuch, doing a ter-On Lap 2 Richardson had the lead, at Class 1, and he was also the first when they thought there was a good Pflueger was third, Post and rific job in this class, Letner in fifth with Ickier in second, Herder third, non-Chevy. lckler and Sourapas were field if they had four or five of them. MacCachren were fourth and and Ebberts sixth. On the fifth lap it Pfankuch fourth, Josh Baldwin fifth, sixth. All told, only 17 teams in this Once again, McMillin. had the first Scheeler was fifth. was more of the same, and Herder Ronny Wilson sixth, Ebberts seventh class managed to finish all 72 miles. lap lead. He had four seconds on B.J. The final event of the weekend now had just 11 seconds on Wilson. and Bill Gasper in eighth place. It was too bad that the weather Baldwin, who was one second in was the Class 1 race, with 43 starters. Richardson was third, Pfankuch It was the same cast, essentially, turned foul on Sunday, because the front of Pflueger, and then Garron This group well deserved its "main fourth -and Ebberts fifth, and as just playing in different positions. On racing was great, as usual. Apparently Cadiente ran fourth in his Ford. In event" status, and the crowd was thick Letner fell out, Josh13aldwin moved Lap 3 it was still Richardson in front, tl1e new, shorter format, wreaks less fifth it was Bob Shepard's Chevy, in the grandstands and on the hill up to sixth in his new Chevy Jimco. but Baldwin had recorded the fast lap havoc than the old 12 mile course driven either by Shepard or Ryan across the way. In spite of all the dire This was its first race, and the first for this day, at 8:04, and moved into used to. There are more cars still run-Arciero, who will be his teammate in predictions, everyone got started be-time Baldwin had raced in this class second. Herder was third and Ickier ning at the finish than there were a 2007. fore the first car came back to the in-in several years. fourth, but his motor sounded a bit few years ago. On the second lap McMillin broke field. That was Ronny Wilson in his The order stayed the same through odd. In fifth it was Wilson and For the most part the racers had a a heim end rod, and was done. B.J. Chevy Jimco, and the wait between the finish, so it was Herder, Wilson, Pfankuch had dropped to sixth, good time. They liked this course, Baldwin recorded his fast time for the final starter and his arrival had Richardson, Pfankuch, Ebberts and clearly having clutch or transmission even though it was short and espe-Sunday, at 7:34, and moved into the been two minutes and 46 seconds. Baldwin. Another 18 cars finished be-problems. Gasper was seventh. cially liked that SCORE watered the lead. Pflueger ran second, Cadiente Wilson was first on the road, but hind them, and three more ran out Ebberts had a long lap this time, the full length of it. Of the various racers was third, Josh Baldwin was fourth B.J. Richardson, in a Chevy of time to get the sixth lap done. result oflosing his clutch. who ran in more than one class, Josh in his Ford, Shepard/ Arciero ran fifth Bunderson ran first on time, with On Sunday afternoon when they Herder climbed to first place on Baldwin had a good weekend with his and Ron Whitton's Ford, with Jeff John Herder, another Chevy Jimco, came back it was a very different the fourth lap, with one second on sixth in the Trophy Truck race and Geiser at the wheel, was sixth. his new two seater, second. Then it scene. The weather was cold and the Richardson. Baldwin was third, Wit- fourth in Class 21. Rob MacCachren On the third lap another four was Pat Dean, Chevy Bunderson, and wind had been howling all day. There son fourth, Ickier fifth and Gasper also did well with his fourth place in trucks pulled out, including Sohren, Adam Pfankuch, in his first race in was almost no one on SCORE Hill, sixth as Pfankuch's day came to an the Trophy Trucks (shared with Mark Albert McMullen, Marty Coyne and Class 1. He had a Chevy Jimco un- although the racing to this point had end. Something wasn't quite right Post), and a win in the 1600 class. Arciero/Shepard. It seemed that even der him. Wilson was fifth, and Dale been terrific, they just didn't want to with Herder's steering, but otherwise Other multiple entry racers didn't though the times were slower, they Ebberts was sixth in a Chevy powered deal with the wind apparently. Even the car ran and handled well. fare as well. . were pushing harder because this was Dejong. Jeff Quinn, in a Chevy the grandstands were nearly empty, a Richardson was back up to first, and Everyone heads out to San Felipe their last day of racing. The course J imco, was tied with Brendan sad note, since this was working up Herder was tied with Baldwin for next, for the San Felipe 250, but was much rougher now than it had Gaughan in a Chevy Kreger, for to be an exciting race. third on the fifth lap. Wilson was they're all looking way into the future, been on Saturday, and racers talked eighth. It was all Chevrolets so far. Forty of the Class 1 cars came firmly fourth, Gasper fifth and Ickier to November's Baja 1000, which is about holes that were four and five. On the second lap Herder re- back, missing were Brian Parkhouse, sixth. scheduled to "start" in Tijuana and feet deep. There was also deep sand corded the fast time for this class, at Jamie Campbell and Brian Kirby. When they took the checkered end in Cabo. Between events one thrown up in some comers. Baldwin 7:44, and moved into the lead. Now Steve Sourapas had drawn the front flag it was the same order, with could overhear Sal Fish's conversa-still led, with 14 seconds on Cadiente. Richardson was second, Pfankuch row start, next to Josh Baldwin. Brian Richardson in front. Herder was a tions with various others and all he Josh Baldwin was third, Geiser/ was third, Wilson fourth, Ebberts, a Ickier was driving for Sourapas. Mark solid second, however, because seemed to be talking about was the Whitton was fourth, and Tim Herbst past winner here, was fifth and Chuck McMillin had a pre-runner motor in Baldwin had flattened his right rear course for that race. The planning is was now fifth in his Ford. In sixth it Hovey was sixth in his new Chevy his car. Once again, the start went off tire and finished on just a rim, losing already seriously underway. SCIIE was Scheeler. On the fourth lap they ran in the same order, Baldwin, Cadiente, Josh Baldwin, Whitton, Herbst and Scheeler. Jesse James turned up miss-ing on that lap, and later reported that he' cl "rolled a little bit". Eventu-ally he got it upright~d, in time to drive it back to the finish area but he'd completed only four laps. Scott Steinberger dropped out on the fifth lap, but at the front of the pack they ran in a tight clump, with B.J. Baldwin still in front, then Cadiente, and now Geiser/Whitton had moved to third, followed by Herbst, and Josh Baldwin and Scheeler were tied for sixth. They went on to finish in the same order, giving B.J. Baldwin the win, then Cadiente and Whitton/ Geiser Page 16 The Sportsman Car Class win went to Bryan Carr, he took the win with 8 minutes in hand in his CarrOne-Chevy. March 2007 Mike Jenkins was the big winner in the Sportsman Truck Class, he had 4 minutes in hand, seen here in his Ford F-250. Dusty Times
Crandon l11temat Thetltlla Bark #Iver II ,
., t.n.Jc!C: 38TH PROPECIA RALLY NEW ZEALAND Subaru would continue with Pirelli in 2007 instead. Granholm/Ford Another team under pres-sure was OMV Peugeot Nor-way, with another 307WRC chassis being hurriedly pre-pared in France after Henning Solberg's accident in Australia. Five of the six registered tams were present, only Red Bull Skoda missing. Although Loeb Triumph Down Under By Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden had become Drivers champion in Australia, the race for the Manufacturers' ti tie was still very much alive, between BP-Ford and Kronos Citroen To-tal, with BP-Ford having doubled their lead to 16 points after Australia. Marcus Granholm heads down Ruapuke Road on his way to the overall win in New Zealand in his Ford Focus AS. This was the final round in the PCWRC, with only two drivers Nasser Al-Attiyah and Fumio Nutahara able to win the title. Al-Attiyah started six points ahead of Nutahara, but if a tie ensued Nutahara al-ready had three wins against . Al-Attiyah's two. PCWRC was due to have attracted a joint best event entry for 15 drivers, but, following an official deci-sion made after the end of the previous event in Australia, the three cars prepared in Argen-tina due to have competed here were excluded from the series. Although Sergey Uspenskiy competed in Australia he still had not fully recovered from BP-Ford came to New Zealand and swept to another one-two victory, clinching the World Manufacturers' title for the first time in 27 years. M-Sport team chief Malcolm Wil-son, who runs the BP-Ford ream expressed his delight, "Ford has often come close to winning the WCR title before, I am proud to deliver it now. It is the culmination of many ye_ars of building a world class team capable of beating the best." Qatari driver Nasser Al-Attiyah won the FIA Produc-tion Car Championship, de-spite stopping on the final day with a blown engine. It was a remarkable event run on a much more compact basis, in weather that changed fre-quently and at short notice, and where there was a hero's appearance by seven times world motorcycle champion Valentino Rossi. Marcus Gronholm and Mikko Hirvonen held the first two places from start to finish while third place was disputed between Manfred Stohl and Dani Sordo. Although the Kronos team drivers Xavier Pons and Dani Sordo eventu-ally finished fourth and fifth, this result was far away from any chance of preventing BP-Ford's championship win. All that remains of the champion-ship now is the Junior World cially protected enclosure. The his accident earlier in the sea-Rally Championship, due to be total number of starters at 44 son so the team had to find decided at the Wales Rally GB was poor and curiously every another driver to take his seat. or maybe a few days before, de-car was turbocharged and had After various names were con-pending on the outcome of Per-four-wheel drive. sidered Alexander Dorosinskiy Gunnar Andersson's Appeal Would he, wouldn't he? The was nominated as the replace-against exclusion in Turkey. uncertainty as to whether ment. Two entries were made There were big changes this Sebastien Loeb would be fit under the "Guest" rules, for year. The event was now based enough to compete on the rally local drivers both in Subarus, around Hamilton and in sur-lingered until finally it was de-Richard Mason, the reigning rounding areas with the focal cided by Kronos to run just two national champion, and his point of the rally being the cars, for Pons and Sordo, while closest rival Chris West. To en-Mystery Creek Events Centre, Sebastien did only the recce. courage their participation, the where for the first time the The technical rule was that the organisers had made Scholar-rally had a single central Ser-engines, chassis and transmis-ship awards to help them finan-vice Park. In meant goodbye to sions had to be sealed between cially. The organisers ex-stages in the Northlands areas, Australian and New Zealand, plained: "The chance to com-north of Auckland. The new but the cars did not necessar-pete against the world's finest compactness was further evi- ily go straight from one event drivers in these categories denced by the layout of the Ser-to the other. Ford had to send comes at a cost. Championship vice Park, with the courses for Gronholm's car back to Britain competitors on World Rallies the Shakedown and a publicity to be smartened up after the agree to certain extra specific stage (Stages 5/ 11) routed right crash in Australia in addition rules, for example the use of alongside. There was also the to bringing the drivers back to FIA control fuel and advanced promise of new climatic condi-Europe for a week-long test ses-nomination of tyres through tions. Never before had the sion in Cumbria and Scotland. the use of barcodes inserted event been held in November And another teaser. For weeks into the tyres at the factory." although it had previously there had been rumours, which In the case of New Zealand, top been held in every month from manifested into an entry, for competitors would normally April through to October. The Valentino Rossi. This came to use Avgas which costs about weather situation however was fruition with a car painted mys-2NZD per litre, the FIA fuel in fact going to be normal. teriously black. It was officially costs at least three times this Sunshine and showers alter-a private rather than ·a SWRT price. And as for bad coded nated in fast succession! And entry for Rossi, on his second tyres, it would cost consider-there was a special treat for the world championship rally ap-ably more to buy ready-fans. Officially approved post-pearance. It had been assumed barcoded rally tyres than tyres event celebratory "donuts" this would be a test run with a normally used by New Zealand were permitted at the finish at Subaru WRC on Michelin/BF drivers, greatly adding to the Mystery Creek, under strict se-Goodrich tyres ready for 2007, budgets for teams. A third curity arrangements in a spe-but then it was decided that scholarship award was made to r-----------------~-----~ 16 year old Kirsty Nelson who became the youngest driver ever to compete in a World championship rally. Nigel Heath had to change his "per-manent" competition number for this event from 46 to 44. Guess why? Valentino Rossi would carry number 46 in-stead! The hype created by Rossi's presence was something seldom seen in a country like New Zealand, but the effect of him driving a black car with darkened windows was dra-matic. There were soon the jokes about the Knightrider rally car, experimental remote control rally cars being driven by robots, and so on, but when we were allowed to catch a glimpse of the motorcycle ace, it was worth the wait. He gave a press conference before the rally, in which he said that the Subaru was harder to drive than a Formula 1 Ferrari. "Yes, it is far easier to drive at the limit in Ferrari than an Impreza!" Wow. Glad yo u came, Valentino, you made our day. At the other end of the spectrum there was the sto ry about white cars. Aki Teiskonen borrowed a white recce Impreza from Uspenskiy in order to drive to the start and qualify for the PCWRC, before retiring, "You will no-tice it is white. That means the driver is either incredibly rich, or like me cannot afford to drive on the rally!" Leg 1 5 Stages, gravel, 131.66kms Life in New Zealand never changes, intermittent showers were forecast for the rally, but sunny spells might intervene. Conditions on the first two stages were generally as pre-dicted -wet, a little muddy but with surprisingly good grip. Certainly grip which favoured the first cars through the stages. Marcus Gronholm was in his element, though near the end of the first stage he hit a fence post, punctured a tyre and bent the steering, yet still led the rally. Mikko Hirvonen was only fractionally slower, honouring his team's orders to concentrate on keeping the car on the road, to take no risks. There were to be no excuses for not finishing the event. Subaru started badly, for reasons that were admitted to be about the set-up, though the team never talked about the fun when Solberg reached the end of Stage 2 on fire. A tyre mousse had exploded on the inside of the wheel, catching fire from the red hot brake caliper and spreading around the fuel tank. This was a moment of great excitement for the fire Jari-Matti Latvala and Miikka Anttila were the PCWRC winners in Mikko Hirvonen and Jarmo Lentinen were the silver medal winners Manfred Stohl and Ilka Minor get the rear end of their Peugeot New Zealand, seen here in their Subaru lmpreza WRX. in New Zealand, they're seen here in their Ford Focus RS. 307 up in the air as they head for a third place overall. Page 18 March 2007 Dusty Times
Getting a bit wet, Daniel Sordo and Marc Marti swam away with a Everybody's Gone Surfin' says Mirco Baldacci from his Mitsubishi fifth place overall in New Zealand in their Citroen Asara. Lancer Evo IX, Mirco finished 18th overall. Petter Solberg cruises by an admiring crowd on his way to a sixth place overall finish in his Subaru lmpreza. crews at the end of the stage the crew noticed there was a year in the OMV CEE team, who speedily brought the con-water leak and that the engine stopped for nearly five minutes flagration under control. Chris temperature was rising. The with an undetected problem Atkinson had a spin to add to team arranged for the car to be and then also had a puncture. his miseries. The other driver brought back to base to dis-Hanninen continued to hold in early difficulty was Henning cover whether any damage had · the overall Group N lead in his Solberg, once again having his been done to the engine, but Neil Allport prepared feet washed by leaking water. that was the only World Rally Mitsubishi running on Rossi was having fun, but was Car drama. Yokohama tyres. Fellow taking no risks and learning In PCWRC Jari-Matti Yokohama-user Nutahara was the art of rallying as he went, Latvala won the first stage not so happy and said he hoped including a spin on Stage 2 ahead of his rival Toshi Arai the next day would be wetter. which dropped him back from but then spun and stalled and Leszek Kuzaj went off the road 11th to 30th position. The dropped behind non-champi-and ended up in a precarious Ford steamroller continued as onship driver Juho Hanninen position, above a steep slope. Gronholm won every stage of which let Arai briefly into the He gave up any hope of getting the day with Sordo the best category lead before Latvala re-the car back to stage level for non-Ford lying 76.2 seconds gained it. Nasser AI-Attiyah fear he would tumble down rhe behind Gronholm. The second started cautiously, even being slope, and prepared to restart loop of stages were·much drier given a three minute gap on the next day. Al-Attiyah was than expected, even stretches the road between himself and trying to balance his driving in areas of heavy foliage which Rossi in case it helped. Fumio effort -not too fast and not too were assumed would be forever Nutahara pushed hard but to slow -and found this very dif-damp were dry. Petter Solberg little avail, which left his cham-ficult. Takuma Kamada was studying the speed of the pionship chances very much stopped to change a wheel af-fords "Whenever it is muddy dependent on a problem hap-ter a puncture. By the end of the Fords are in a class of their pening for AI-Attiyah. Of the the day Latvala led the PCWRC own." Sordo managed to climb two guest drivers Richard Ma-competitors by 11.2 seconds ahead of Stohl and held third son had a problem with a dif-ahead of Mirco Baldacci. place at the end of the day. ferential switch, while Chris Leg 2 Matthew Wilson stopped on West had a puncture. Natalie 6 Stages, gravel, 131.34kms Stage 3 after an impact when Barratt, the fifth driver this Overnight the rain fell to a far greater extent than most teams had predicted and when the reached the second day stages most of the crews had fitted tyres that were far too hard. These were stages which had seldom been used by the New Zealand Rally for 20 years or more and as the rain contin-ued to fall the tracks became treacherously slippery. The day started with Gronholm 31.2 seconds ahead of his teammate Hirvonen, and only when the going became really hazardous did he ease his pace. On Stage 7 Atkinson made fastest time. "Running third car on the road behind Wilson (whose engine had been found to be un-harmed by the previous day's problem), and Rossi certainly made things easier for us", ex-plained the Subaru driver. Then on the 31 km Stage 8 he was quickest again. Wilson hit a bank near the finish of Stage 8, slightly damaging the rear of the car. As he crossed the fin-ish line the spare wheel popped out from the rear of the car, and the co-driver had to run Our Super Flow Air Cleaners are ... Better by De5:aign back to retrieve it. Petter Solberg broke a .front driveshaft and finished Stage 8 in rear-wheel drive mode. Gronholm, meanwhile, had a stroke of luck. When the driver's side wiper blade fell off his car, it was luckily on the road section after the end of Stage 8, on the way to service. Hirvonen was slowed by the windscreen misting instead. Ford were in line to score 18 points, Kronos lying third and fifth to score ten, it would be enough for Ford to clinch the title. Henning Solberg was driv-ing with enthusiasm. After Stage 9 he was 31.1 seconds behind brother Petter, and he envisaged reducing the gap, but then he entered a bend too wide and crashed. The car slowly rolled on its roof. Henning, "It was a stupid thing. We were struggling with the shock absorbers which were losing their effectiveness at the end of stages. When this hap-pened I tried to alter the trans-Continued next page We simply took the current design and made it flow better. All of our Super Flow Air Filters are designed for maximum CFM! Page 19 -Clean Air To Motor ~---=-4" Intake Opening and Air Fins cause too much air restriction for the air filter to work properly for V8 motors. The 1" Discharge Valve / was never large enough to allow dirt to escape. Check out our Website for more info. www.advancedaircleanersystems.com By eliminating the Air Fins and the 4' Opening we've allowed this filter to breathe better. ----Clean Air To Motor Dirty Air Plumbed from Firewall. - Our large 3• Discharge Valve allows the dirt to be removed completely. Available in a· and 10· Diameters. ---CleanAir To Motor Available in 8" Diameter only. By adding a pre-filter we completely eliminate the need for a discharge valve. ~ DirtyAir March 2007 Dusty Times
Hennina Solberg and Cato Menkaurd drove their Peugeot 307 to Fumio Natahara and Daniel Barritt drove their mitsubishi Lancer Creating a nice dust storm is Xavier Pons and Carlos Del Barrio, they finished first off the podium in their Citroen Asara. a 12th place finish in New Zealand, seen here at speed. Evo IX to a fourth place finish in PCWRC. missio n control setting and crashed out of sight off the N lead while in Henning's case turned it off by mistake. l had road, which looked like hand-it had been his mechanic who been trying to catch Petter, but ing the championship title to had been driving the car. Later where we went off there was ab- Nasser Al-Attiya h . West rolled still came the biggest drama of solutely nobody able to help us his car and almost blocked the all. When the Stewards found right the car!" He was not the stage while Kuza j went off the Matthew Wilson was caught only driver in trouble, road trying to squeeze past speeding on a road section, it Atkinson hit a rock o n the in-him, Kuzaj's second retirement was calculated to be the tenth side o f a left hander which in as many days. Nigel Heath time this year he had commit-wrecked the wheel and tyre and stopped shortly after the start ted this infringement o n a the car slid off the road. The of Stage 8 when he hit a bank. world c h ampionship r ally. crew tried in vain to jack up Mason was up to third, learn-They fined him m o ney, as the car and change the wheel ing all the time the art of keep- usu al, but also issued a one but to no avail. Co-driver ing his Pirelli tyres working at minute time control penalty Glenn MacNeall explained, proper temperature, "On Stage effective at the Wales Rally GB. "Judging by the way that other 8 I let them get too cold and it The total revenue benefit to drivers swerved to avoid the was just like they had lost their the FIA fro m this event be-rock l think nobody knew it treads," Alexander Dorosinskiy cause of misdemeanours came was there. Stohl came within was struggling along, the to Euros 24,840. an ace of doing the same as us." starter motor did not work, the Leg 3 Petter Solberg continued with gearbox needed changing and 6 Stages, gravel, 95.48kms an overheating engine ready to he had a drastic shortage of After waiting outside the ar-stop for the day if the problem tyres. On the second loop, rival control be fore the first was too great, but in the end Baldacci started to catch stage of the day Petter Solberg he reached service, and indeed Latvala with a vengeance. By could not immediately restart at the final, publicity, stage of the end of the leg he had re-his engine and six minutes the day made third fastest time, duced Latvala's lead in the cat-went by before he could check-best non-Ford, and with no egory from 1 6.8 seconds to in and continue. Brother windscreen on the car. 2.8, so the battle was truly Henning who had rejoined the Onthesecondloopofstages joined for the final day. fray was outside the top ten, the team that got their tyre Hanninen ended a day which suffering overheating brake choice wrong was Citroen (tak-had been full of tyre miseries trouble, "Yo u work the brakes ing tyres too hard) after getting with a turbocharger failure on much harder when you are their choice impressively right Stage 10. As the retired cars continuously trying to go earlier in the day. This let found their way back to base so slowly, than when you are go-Stohl pu II a quarter minute in the definitive stories emerged. i ng fast." l n teresti ng philoso-fron t of Sordo in the race for Nutahara: "W e slid backwards phy. Henning was eighth best third place. Rossi had a spin off the road on a left hander manufacturers' entry, 32.6 but expressed his continued over a crest, and the car went seconds ahead of Wilson who e nj oyment of the event. The two metres backwards down was the only manufacturers' Fords were steaming onwards the hill and out of sight of the non-points scorer. The final with apparently nothing to road." The crews planned to day consisted of two loops of stop their progress. Wilson, restart in the morning, e sen-three stages, including the however, was halfway through tially to try to score enough ex-spectator Whaanga Coast the long Stage 10 when the tra points to prevent Baldacci Road which overlooks the heavens opened and he lost his taking second place in the se- Tasman Sea. Coming towards windscreen wipers, which ries. Heath: "It was the first the end of the rally, Pons made caused Gronholm to worry time anyone had told me l was fastest time on Stage 16 which when he heard about it. The driving too fast! We stopped by put him up to fourth place battle in PCWRC was intensi-spectators who invited us to ahead of teammate Sordo, but fying. Hanninen was unable to join their party, but by then there was nothing to stop the stay ahead in Group N, h is Emma Gilmour had crashed Ford steamroller from taking tyres not working well in the there as well, so the party was the Manufacturers' champion-wet. Latvala now held the lead getting a bit too crowded!" ship. And of the "Doctor"? in both PCWRC and Group N, This rally was not going to Rossi made it to the fini h in though he confessed to two die quietly! Back at the service 11th place, showing self con-near moments. "Firstly l hit a park the stories had not yet trol in working his way back bank. Second time l very nearly come to an end. Atkinson's car up the field after his first day understeered right of the was brought back to service on spin. road." Mirco Baldacci was a trailer, the team asked the The b iggest dramas of the hounding Latvala but then he FIA Delegates to check it and final day, however, were in the found his car was running out they found the roll cage was PCWRC. Mirco Baldacci in-of fuel, "A kilometre from the damaged close to where the herited the lead when Latvala finish of Stage 8 the engine al-suspension was impacted and incurred his penalty but then most stopped. Fortunately Subaru were told the event was o n the third stage the gearbox there was a refuelling zone over for the Australian. Over-broke and h e was stranded. shortly after the end." The day night the Stewards poured over Latvala took the lead again started badly for Arai. The reports from both the officials and this time held it to win gearbox had been changed and from the police. Officials back-to-back rounds of the overnight but then it was dis-reported a spate of drivers who PCWRC for the first time, this covered to have been fitted had exceeded the 30kph speed time finishing eighth overall. wrongly. Arai finally clocked limit in the Service Park. In to-Mason lost time when he was out of service one minute too cal there were 19 ca es of speed-forced to stop on Stage 14 to late to be allowed to carry on ing which commanded a pen-change a wheel after hitting a and had to restart under alty, among them Jari-Matti rock but went on to finish sec-SupeRally o n the final day. Latvala and Henning Solberg. ond in the category (tenth Stage 8 was Waterloo fo r many Both were given one minute overall). But there was still of the PCWRC drivers, essen-penalties, in Latvala's case it bigger news about to break. tially for Nuta hara who dropped him from the Group Al-Attiyah stopped on Stage Page 20 March 2007 14, reportedly with a hole in the side of his engine block. Suddenly the progress of Nutahara was the focus of at-tention. He needed to finish third PCWRC to clinch the title if Al-Attiyah did not score, but Nutahara was still far away. He started the day, with SupeRally penalties, in eighth place in PCWRC Tak-ing into account the problems for Baldacci and Al-Attiyah, he expected to finish fifth. Natalie Barratt, who had been lying sixth retired on Stage 14 after hitting a rock in the road and smashing the transmis-sion. Kamada reached the end of Stage 15 with oil pouring out from his central differen-tial, but finished fourth. Kuzaj decided to retire for the third time on the event, there being no advantage in carrying on. After the end of the final stage Arai's gearbox broke but h e opted to take a SupeRally pen-alty and get to the finish pare ferme, to use the service pro-vided by the organisers, but then his vehicle got a punc-ture and it was discovered no spare was carried! H e just made it but the delay meant he dropped out of the points to finish ninth and last in the category. In the end Nutahara finished sixth, still too many points behind with Al-Attiyah finally being classified seventh and taking the title by five points, the first time an Arab driver had won an FIA title outside the regio n al Middle East. Altho ugh H anninen fin-ished second in Group N, Subarus swept the PCWRC board winning the title fo r the fourth successive year. For Ford the satisfaction of a job well done and for Mikko Hirvonen the chance to look forward to the Wales Rally GB with no "orders" to adhere to, and the opportunity for both him and Gronholm to show what they and their cars are ca-pable of without championship constraints. I.J\Ji!t:= 36th Propecia Rally New Zealand (NZ) ~ystery Creek, Hamilton 17/19.11.2006 I/I.CR round 15, PCVVRC round 8 WC points VVR WO PC 1 (3) Marcus GRONHOLM/Timo Rautiainen FIN Ford Focus RS WR.C EU5eiCNN (GB) 4h.02m.30.7s. 10 10 2 (4) Mikko HIRVONEN/Jarmo Lehtinen FIN Ford Focus RS VVRC EU55CNX (GB) 4h.03m.26.7s. 8 8 3 (7) Manfred STOHL/llka Minor A Peugeot307 VVRC 102AKF69 (F) 4h.05m.10.0s. 6 6 4 (1) Xavier PONS/Carlos Del Barrio E Citroen Xsara VVRC 831 DPT78 (F) 4h.05m.26.8s. 5 5 5 (2) Daniel SORDO/Marc Marti E 823DPT78 (F) 4h.05m.51.4s. 4 4 Citroen Xsara VVRC 6 (5) Petter SOLBERG/Philip Mills N/GB Subaru lmpreza WR.C FT55SRT (GB) 4h.07m.27.8s. 3 3 7 (10) Luis Perez COMPANC/Jose Maria Votta RA Ford Focus RS VVRC EU55CNV (GB) 4h.13m.22.3s. 2 2 8 (37) Jari-Matti Latvala/Miikka Anttila FIN Subaru lmpreza VVRX PCVVRC 049AXC (EE) 4h.18m53.1s. -10 9 (61) Juho Hanninen/Marko Sallinen FIN Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX N DPZ73 (NZ) 4h.20m.00.9s. -10 (59) Richard Mason/Sara Randall NZ Subaru lmpreza WR.X PCWR.C BYACAR (NZ) 4h.22m.50.7s. - 8 Other important finishers 11 (46) Valentino Rossi/Carlo Cassina I Subaru lmpreza VVRC JC54VVRC (GB) 4h.23m.09.5s. -12 (8) Henning SOLBERG/Cato Menkerud N Peugeot307 WR.C 471 P'vVl...75 (F) 4h.23m.48.6s. 1 13 (9) Matthew'MLSON/Michael Orr GB Ford Focus RS WR.C EU55CNK (GB) 4h.24m.31.7s.(3) 16 (42) Alexander Dorosinskiy/Dmitry Eremee RUS Subaru . lmpreza '06 PCVVRC X239MA (177, RUS) 4h.34m.39.9s. -6 17 (41) Takuma Kamada/Denis Giraudet J/F Subaru lmpreza WR.C PCVVRC TKT301T05887 (J) 4h.35m.39.2s. - 5 18 (36) Mirco Baldacci/Giovanni Agnese RSM/I Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX PCVVRC TKT301NU2644 (J) 4h.37m.45.1s.(4) 4 21 (33) Fumio Nutahara/Daniel Barritt J/GB Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX PCVVRC KNY301TO7952 (J) 4h.41m.37.1s.(4) 3 26 (39) Nasser AI-Attiyah/Chris Patterson QNGB Subaru lmpreza 06 PCWR.C GU55HRW (GB) 4h.47m41 .9s.(5) 2 29 (44+) . Nigel Heath/Steve Lancaster GB Subaru lmpreza VVRX PCWR.C BYY643 (NZ) 4h.54m.58.3s.(4) 1 30 (31) Toshihiro Arai/Tony Sircombe J/NZ Subaru lmpreza VVRX STI PCVVRC GMG300YU9887 (J) 4h.55m.16.9s.(7) 44 (13 PCWR.C) starters. 37 (9 PCWR.C) finishers. •PCWR.C/GROUP N winner. MANUFACTURERS REGISTERED DRIVER. (Missed stages or road sections) 'Mnner's average speed over stages 88.69kph. +change of competition number specially agreed for this occasion. Dusty Times
SNOWFLAKE ■aa,e Wins The Race By Mike De/Col Photos: Nicole DelCol Keith Moore had a great day, he took the Class 1 honors and was the overall winner as well, seen here headin' for the flag. The Class ½-1600 win went to Chrissy Sullivan, she's seen here nicely airborne on her way to the class win. Loren was fast. John Martensen was the bronze med-alist in the class. John was solid and consistent in the daylight hours, but slowed just a little after dark. Craig Deck finished fourth in the class, getting only nine laps done of the required ten. Craig had big problems in the first race, with a very long fourth lap, and no fifth. How-ever, he came out blazing after dark, winning the second race handily ... Some other notables in the class were the Wood Brothers, with both Robert and Tom pilo°ting Class 1 cars. Tom had a very short day, af-ter a screw came loose in his distributor and ended his day. Robert ran very well and was just a couple minutes out of the lead after four laps. Just a couple miles from the finish he broke a c.v. and did not finish. Robert and Whipmaster Jay also teamed up to provide some entertainment after the first lap. Jay built some berms next to the infield jumps after watching several of the com-petitors run around the jumps ... Robert was unaware of the mid race course modifica-tion and when he attempted to run that same line in the dust after Lap 1, impacted the berm like a missile. It was impres-sive ... Whether you are a racer, a spectator, a wanna-be, or a whatever, Whiplash Racing has one big race of the season that everyone looks forward to. Known simply as "The Race" Whiplash's big Snowflake event is THE event on the cal-endar. it has the biggest draw year after year, and never seems to disappoint. This year was no exception. The weather was perfect, with some sprinkles here and there to keep the dust down, and keep the racers on their toes. Snowflake always throws quite a mix at the rac-ers, with a typically dusty front half, and a typically muddy back half through the trees. There is one corner of the course that possibly NEVER dries out ... Turnout was very good as usual, and 2006 brought some new racers out on the course. Whiplash had their first UTV race, with a healthy turnout of the little turtles. Whiplash had a race format this year with two heats for the Pro cars, one in the day-light, and one after dark. The races did go on this year, after a similar schedule was planned for last year that was wiped out by the great deluge of 2005. Taking the overall honors and the Pro C lass 1 honors was Keith Moore. Keith and part-ners Rick and Dina Thomas Page 21 have a screamer in their LS2 powered Tatum car. Keith had a perfect race, and never got out of the car. Keith smoked the competition in the day-light, by almost 10 minutes. He finished all five laps in 2:37:04, and did another five laps after dark, in 2:51:08. The race was scored with combined results from both races, and that put Keith solidly on top of the pile. Loren Brown was the runner up in Class 1, with solid fin-ishes in both heats of the race. Loren had a slow fourth lap during the daylight hours that made the competition seem a lot closer than they were. Brian Nelson was the winner John McNeil took the Class 7 honors, he had almost half an hour in hand when the checkered flag flew. March 2007 Scott Martenson was the big winner in the Class 10 ranks, he's seen here at speed heading for the class win. Brian Nelson was really flyin', he took the Class 8 honors with ease and he was only five minutes out of the overall win. in the Class 8 contest, and earned second overall as well. Brian finished first in the day-light hours, and then finished second in the dark. Mike Kellogg came out of retirement from rac-ing in a big way. Mike debuted his team's new Class 8 truck at Snowflake, running very well. In fact, Mike posted the fastest lap of the day on his first lap, with a scorching 29:05. Mike also had some luck come his way ... bad luck was that he had a front brake caliper come ripping off, good luck was that it happened right in front of his pit stall. The crew removed it, pinched the brake line, and then the team soldiered on. They also over-came a bad alternator. Their high amp unit went south dur-ing the day, and their only op-tion for a replacement was a lower performance unit. That limited them during the evening hours since they could only power one or two lights at a time without the truck's ignition suf-fering. Mike has teamed up with long time friends John Woo-druff and family to campaign his truck ... look for these guys to do well. Lake Havasu City's Jeff Bracale was just a minute be-hind. He finished third in the class. Jeff was leading during the daylight after two laps, but a very long third lap added about 20 Continued next page service center •ker, callfarnla Wffltl~II/ tilLYEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ••• THANKS! RESTAURANT Open 24 Hours Mobil® SERVICE Every Day Year Round TH6 S66T Ill TH6 0666/ITI Dusty Times
Shawn George ran his first race n his new, to him Class 5-1600 racer, he took the class win at the Snowflake event. minutes to his time on the clock ... a very costly lap. Brad Rohlfs finished fourth about three minutes behind Jeff. Brad raced very well in both races. Brad's teammate John Clark got all ten laps completed for a fifth place finish in the class. John blew out the bushings in the front end of his truck during the first race on the fourth lap, and ended up limping the rest of the way to the finish. John was happy to race the night race, since the drive from Austin is about 14 hours ... Always nice to feel like you got your money's worth ... Mike Szlauko was run-ning very well in the #801 truck. Mike was leading after four laps in the daylight race, but had his alternator go south right off the start. The truck kept moving for four laps before quitting. The team was lucky enough to be stranded next to a 10 car out on the course, and they borrowed a battery to be able to finish the race. They replaced the battery and came back to dominate the evening race, winning by more than five minutes. Class 10 put up a good show-ing at "The Race" with 13 en-tries. Scott Martenson was the fastest guy, and was also third overall in his Honda powered Honda racer. Scott's co-driver Todd Talmo deserves some of the credit for all of his help with the car. Michael Kennedy with co-driver Nick Lyon had a solid day in both races. Michael just purchased this 10 car re-cently ... and it obviously works well. Michael also raced double duty by campaigning another car in the Sportsman race. Charles Warene got eight laps done total, four in the daylight, Scott Cebu/ski was the big winner in the Sportsman 1 0 category, he ran his five required laps with ease. the balance at night. Todd Elam had a horrendous day-light race, completing only three laps with some extended ·times.Todd redeemed himself at night by winning the race, and doing it by about three minutes. After some very quick success in the class, the Jones racing team disappeared from the race without even complet-ing a lap. Ed Beard was run-ning very well early, possibly even in the hunt.for an overall win ... but his luck changed and the little Toyota stuck a rod out thru the engine case ... ouch. Darren Riley, owner of Sandwinder race cars had a rough day as well. There were three Sandwinder cars at the race, and all three of them broke front a-arms. Triple ouch. Word on the street is that they have already re-de-signed this failure and will be ready for the next one ... Chrissy Sullivan was the lone competitor in the 1600 class. Chrissy was very solid all race long, turning fast, consistent times. In the Pro Class 7 ranks, John McNeil was the winner at the end of the day. John is a long time Class 7 racer, and got all five laps done in the sun-shine, and four more done in the moonlight. John was chased by young'n Kory Thomas who may have been racing his first time in Class 7. Kory had a pretty savvy co-driver in Jesse Jones who was along for the ride to provide some support and instruction ... Kid ran real well. Mark Wright had some challenges during the race, but still was credited for a third place finish. Shawn George was the win-ner in the Class 5-1600 ranks. Shawn recently purchased a bug that was a long time Whiplash regular. This car was built by Flagstaff's own John Woodruff, and was a regular runner at the Whip events, following the #577 bug around the course in days of old ... Shawn ran very well for his first race in the car, and it was great to see the sil-ver and red machine back where it belongs. A bunch of work has been done on the car since the old days ... and Shawn will be a strong runner in the car. Scott Cebulski was the over-all winner in the Sportsman race. The Sportsman classes ran five laps in the afternoon, and were not required to race at night. Scott competes his Honda powered car in the Sport 10 cla s and is always a front runner. Scott had a great race, despite narrowly missing a pileup on the powerline dropoff, only to get plowed into by the #1281 car of John Gardner at the pileup. With only minimal damage, Scott soldiered on. He had sev-eral pit stops for fuel and other various reasons, but had a great race. He wanted to send a spe-cial thanks to TLD. Bruce Johnston had a good race, and was leading on time for the opening three laps of the race. Bruce was running very well, and finished second to Scott by a scant six seconds. Bruce had only one on course incident, running into good friend and pit mate Cory Bott during braking. The impact slowed Bruce a little, Bllstefn was tile first to Introduce the superior performance advantage of monotube gas pressure shock t1chnology lo the world of off-road racing and continues to lead the way today. II it's for professional racing, p,,_,,,,,,,,. lilted or stock truck appllt:atlDIIS, there's a Bi/stein shock designed tor n to bring out its full performance potential. Call or visit our web site far more Into on the winning 1/ne up of Bl/stein shock absorbers. 5100Sllries Superior on and oH•road performance lor lifted pickups and SOVs 515/JSerles Fixed Crossflow retervoir shock at an affordable price 7100Series Schrader valve & remote reservoir models for custom applications Rock Crawler 910fJSBties Exclusive digressive valving for extreme control and artlculalion 9100Serles Coilover, external adjustable bypast & smooth body models Black Hawtr' 93IJO Serl11S Tile ultimate professional oH·road racing shock Page 22 March 2007 Dusty Times
I I Loren Brown was the runner-up in the Class 1 contest, his second Mike Kellogg did very well in his new Class 8 truck, he's seen A very close finish in Sport 1 O went to Bruce Johnston, he was a mere six seconds behind the leader when the checkers flew. place finish was a wee bit off the winning pace. here flyin' towards a nice close second place. and caused some bumper dam-plete all five laps. Garfield ran wore on. Well done Amy. Wren age to both cars ... Bob Myers of hard, and his lap times im-Martin, Cory Bott, and Gator the Myers/Mask racing team had proved lap by lap and in big Stapley were all in the mix, but a very good race. Bob had a non-bunches. Paul Meyer had his didn't get the job done. Gator Cincinnati Bengals receiver electric green machine working was racing for the first time Chad Johnson along for the well, and was on pace to cha!-without his wife next to him ... ride. The duo was very pleased lenge for the overall Sportsman and instead took her son along with their effort, after the last victory. Not to be, as Paul broke for the ride. Hope you are feel-Mexico race had left their car in a c.v. just two miles from the ing better sweetie. a world of hurt. The team had checkered flag. Bummer. Dwayne Anderson had a fabu-six frame cracks and a bad trans-Michael Kennedy had his lous weekend at Snowflake. It mission after Mexico, and Sportsman entry working well, was a family affair for the Ander-needed a complete overhaul of but broke a shifter and then son, who had two kids racing in the car before Snowflake. They tore a wheel off without com-the bike classes, including a 12 did have to make one stop for piecing the race. year old and a five year old. He oil during the race as we ll, and In the Sport Truck category, could n't have been a prouder finished in third place just about Jayme Martens ran very well to daddy. Dwayne partnered up for three minutes behind Bruce. victory Fast and consistent was the truck race with Danny Mark Fisk was another 30 sec-the winning recipe. Grant Wil-Sullivan who drove the wheels onds back in fifth place, and Bill son was back in action after a off of the little truck, winning Stoner another minute back. long hiatus away from the sport. first place. Dwayne was just You could almost throw a blan-Grant's old Bronco is a popular happy to see the truck finish, let ket over the first five finishers fixture at the Whiplash races, alone win. Terry Stevens of in the class. John L. Gardner and it was good to see him back. Stevens Off Road (SOR) had a and Stan Calvelage were the Grant finished second in class. really good race in his pre-run-other finishers in the big class Tim Rhodda and Brandon ner Explorer. The yellow ma-that got all five laps done. Nelson were also running, and chine worked very well, and Pat Allen got the job done in Brandon i)Ushed out a competi-hauled the mail. Terry was very the Sportsman Unlimited race. tive lap before succumbing to pleased, since he just bought the Pat had one long lap that was the desert. truck from Perry McNeil, used extended by a couple minutes, Amy Perez was the big win-it to pre-run Vegas to Reno, and but otherwise ran very well and ner in the Sportsman Limited then decided to race the thing consistently. Robert Scarla fin-class. Amy's all girl team did at Snowflake. Durable too ... ished second just over nine min-very well, and was the only gotta love that. Terry wowed the utes in arrears. Garfield Davies competitor in the class to fin-crowd getting up on the bicycle finished third in the class, and ish all five laps. She also im-was the final car in class to com-proved lap by lap as the race Jayme Martens was the big winner in the Sport Truck category. he ran fast and well, he's seen here at speed. in the infield and lifting the in-side wheel around the turns ... Cool. Neil Weaver was the only other five lap finisher in the class. Craig Dillard, Don Weiser, and Larry McGowan all finished four of the five required loops. This was the biggest class of the race, with 14 entries taking to the desert. Last but not least ... Whiplash extended an invitation to the UTV racers. These are Rhinos, Rangers, and Tom Cars specially modified for racing. Cory Sappington was the fastest guy all day long, finishing three laps in 1:29:47. Dan Kelly was hot on heels, finishing just a minute back with 2:00:46. Gili Hacohen earned a third place finish with three laps done in 2:03:45. Kyle Knight and Tim Burke had good races. Kyle had a long first lap, but made up for it finishing in fourth place, just ahead of Burke who finished fifth. In the ladies battle, Kelli Riley finished her three laps in 2: 16:54 with Brigitta Leakey finishing in 2:17:30. Nice racing ladies! Both of them were on their maiden voyages (no pun intended). Kelli had co-rider Sheri Fischer along for the ride. The girls had a blast, got wet in the rain, and had to "pee" from before the start. She enjoyed the racing, even getting passed, and doing a little passing of her own. Brigitta is the captain of an all girl team, and they had a blast. Brigitta is a desert racing veteran in the right seat, but had a lot of fun in her own car in the left seat. She had a blast, even in the rain. Beckie Gobber chased the ladies, hard, and was the final official finisher to complete all three laps. Look for the UT V racing class to grow like crazy. It's affordable, fun, and low maintenance ... but don't be fooled ... these are serious race cars, and serious racers! The Whiplash Snowflake event -known as "The Race" didn't disappoint ... with 71 cars taking the green flag, this is the best Whiplash turnout in a long time. Congratulations to the winners, finishers, and competi-tors who had fun. Look for Whiplash to continue to look for new racing venues. With a Page, Arizona race track on the calendar, and a return to Gila Bend, Whiplash regulars will continue to enjoy racing in Ari-zona. See you there! a, RACEPROIIEII OFF-ROAD EQ JPMEIIT 103 PRESS LANE, STE 4, CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 TOI.I. FREE I (866) 891-9171 CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE/I WWW.RACEREADYPRODUCTS.COM Cory Sappington, seen here flyin' high was the big winner in the UTV Class, he ran his three laps in 1 :59:47. Page 23 March 2007 Dusty Times
ll,/Nl,J., Bua LIGHT ■c■lllln Celebrates TIie Win By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Andy McMil/in was the big winner in the Class 1 contest as well as the overall winner, seen here saving a bit of tire wear. he finished that first lap, but the not a legal move. Then his dad flagmen directed him to the right, and some pit help tried to fix and it caused no problem. whatever was wrong. It took a full On the second lap McMillin nine minutes, but they were fi-sti 11 led, and now Shawn nally running again. Shawn McCallum, who'd taken over for backed up to where he'd been his dad, Larry, was second. He pushed from by the spectators, was not quite two minutes be-and drove legally over the finish hind. In third it was Mark line. He and his dad were sorely McMillin, who had his daughter, disappointed, but were at least Macey, riding with him. still second. On the third lap McCallum re-Ewalt and Mark McMillin took Dan Eugenio bested more than 50 contenders to take the Class 1600 crown, he's seen here flyin' to that checkered flag. corded his personal best time for third place, and Jack Whirlow, in this event, at 36:29, and moved an Aceco, was fourth. He'd had a into the lead. He had less than long day that included losing a two minutes on McMillin who'd wheel and having to borrow one had to make a stop to change pas-from his buddy, Hovey. sengers. Now his sister, Jessica, Whirlow's car is, in fact, an old Plaster City West, CA: Andy McMillin piloted his two seat Jimco Chevy to the overall victory at the MDR Dash on New Year's Eve. This event, at the OHV area called Plaster City West, just off old Highway 8, near the giant plaster board facility, is not only the final event in the MDR Su-perstition Series point chase, but it's also a lot of fun. What is normally an expanse of open desert criss-crossed with trails became a small city on the weekend of the New Year's holi-day. Driving up to it at night was disorienting because where there should have been open desert, there was an expanse of lights. Hundreds and hundreds of motorhomes, trailers, campers, vans and even tents had blos-somed in the area around the 42 mile long race course. Not only was there an entry of 131 racers, but they'd brought along all their families and friends to join in the fun. Typically, for this race, every-one associated with the racers comes out a day or two (depend-ing on which day New Year's Eve falls on) ahead to set up the pits, pre-run the course, fine tune the race car and do some pre-New Year's celebrating. Some teams have big barbecues, some give rides to employees, others just en-joy. The weather at that time of year is usually sunny and mild, but it can get windy. The plan is generally to do a lot of pre-run-n ing, a lot of eating, get the race out of the way and then bring in the New Year in style with a party right there in pit row. It's a great way to celebrate, and for those who don't overdo it, New Year's Day is a holiday, so there's an-other day for playing in the desert. It's all terrific fun. And so was the race. The course included a lot of old famil-iar stuff, but had been reworked. One area was left out in order to keep the "locals" happy, and some "zig zags and chicanes" had been added within the pit area, to make it more "spectator friendly". There were three regular checks, one hidden check, and a "lot of visuals". The visuals were parked in areas where short-coursing might be a problem and were au-thorized to DQ a racer who drove in forbidden areas. The consen-sus was that dust could be a prob-lem, Some racers reported being very lost during their pre-runs, because dust made it nearly im-possible to see the markings. The course was 42 miles long, and the faster classes would do five laps. Others would do only four, three Chris Andrus took the Class 5-1600 honors, he had six minutes in hand when the checkered flag waved, seen here at speed. Page 24 or two. was riding with him. His crew was one with which Hovey won many The night before race day telling him that McCallum was an event at the old FUD races. turned very windy, and there was close, and his sister was helpfully The Class 10 cars went off the still a fairly strong breeze to move watching the rear view mirror and line next, with 14 starters. When the dust off course on race day. letting him know whenever they came around at the end of The faster cars were started 30 McCallum hove into view. Mark the lap they were missing one, seconds apart, but when they got McMillin had got out of his car and Steve Mamer had the lead to the 1600 cars they started send-and now Brian Ewalt was driving, with about 15 seconds on Scott ing them out only 15 seconds and in third place. Beal in his Honda Chenowth. In apart. Even so, there were still 28 Andy's crew kept him apprised third it was Jose Lopez, another cars waiting to start when the first of McCallum's whereabouts. He 35 seconds back. Mamer's time racer finished his first lap. The pushed harder and harder, but had been the fast lap for the class, MDR handles this sort of thing McCallum kept coming. On the for the day at 41:08. well, and simply moved the yet-fourth lap Andy was back in front He had problems on the sec-to-start cars off to one•side of the with 20 seconds on McCallum. ond lap, lost 20 minutes or so and track, and hustled the lead cars They were both running as hard then didn't come around again. through on the other side. as they could. Ewalt held on to Beal moved into the lead, being In Class 1, which had nine third. chased by Philip Finch in his starters, they were down to seven Andy didn't know it, but on Honda Chenowth. Javier Robles before that first lap was over. Both the final lap McCall um lost his in a VW powered Chenowth ran David Scaroni, in his Ford Tro-power steering,. He said the third, and Jose Lopez was fourth. phy Truck, and Frank Thing in "servo exploded". He still pushed On the third lap Beal continued another big truck, failed to get the hard, but couldn't maintain his to lead, but Finch uncharacteris-first lap done. Chuck Hovey was earlier pace. McMillin went on to tically faded away. Lopez moved also out, probably due to some finish first, saying "That was into second, and now Robles was "new car" problem with his new harder than the 1000. I don't third, and Dwayne Reinert was Jimco. But Andy McMillin, who think I've ever driven that hard!" fourth in his VW powered D & had his girlfriend, Tara Wyllkie, His sister liked her ride. D Fab chassis. He'd had a coil riding with him, made it around McCallum got to the end of his wire come off on the first lap, but in 36:26, first on the road, and last lap· and came into the finish was having no more problems. leading the whole thing. In sec- line chicane a bit hot. He slid to Beal continued to lead ond place it was Larry McCallum, a stop, knocking over a course through Lap 4, with Robles mov-a minute and 12 seconds back. marker barrel, and stalled the ing up to second, about nine min-Dennis Boyle ran third, about motor. The car wouldn't restart. utes back. Now Lopez was third, three minutes later. Andy was sur-Some "helpful" folks rushed out and Reinert was fourth. Basically, prised to see that there were still to give him a push, but his dad things stayed the same through cars waiting to be started when showed up and told them it was the last lap. So at the finish it was ..,,.,,,,,,,,,~~""""'...,,,..,..,,,.,..,,,..,..... __ ~-------~---~-==...,,....., Beal in first place. He'd had to Jason McNeil was the Class 7 honoree, he's seen here heading for the flag with almost an hour in hand at the checkers. March 2007 add oil, but aside from some oil drippings, was in good shape. In second it was Robles, who had no problems with his car, and third went to Reinert, who also had no problems after the first lap. The fourth place finisher was Victor Orellana, who had about 16 min-utes worth of problems on his last lap. Lopez had looked like a third place finisher, but was DQ'd for short coursing. There was only one Class 8 en-try. Noah Ostanik did five good laps in his Ford, his first, at 50:42 being the fastest. He apparently had no serious trouble, and got to the finish in 4:32:49. Too bad he had no one to play with. In Class 7, modified small Dusty Times
Just six minutes out of the Class 5-1600 win, Arturo Cervantes Rick McCarty had it all together, he took the Class 9 win with Almost lost in his own dust, Javier Zavala motored on for a nice took home the silver medal, seen here ready to land. ease, he's seen here heading for the elusive checkered flag. second place finish in the Class 10 conflict. trucks, there were five entries. )a-many of them, and mostly very the third lap, but there were still having a flattened cardboard box Boyer moved up to second, as son McNeil had a new Ford out competitive entries. Steele was co-31 running. Laff still led, with taped to the top. Some bystand-Steel tipped Hawley's car up on for its first run, and he ticked off driving with Aaron Hawley in his Boyer 14 seconds behind him. ers helped him get it done its side and got some "help" from the fast lap for the class at 42:30 Seagroves chassis. This was be-Third belonged to Eugenio, and quickly. But of course, that meant spectators getting back upright on his first lap, to go into the cause· it was the car with which Hawley was fourth ten seconds that a driver change would take again. In the doing of it one of lead. Running second behind Steele won here last year. Hawley later. In fifth it was Martin, sixth forever. It would surely be impos-them took off his air cleaner, and him was Isidro Ochoa in a Toyota, had bought it in the meantime. was Scaroni, and Garcia was sev- sible for someone as big as Mar-proudly announced that to Steele. and he was already 17 minutes They made a good team, with the enth. Any number of cars were tin to get out through the side of Wondering why the fellow had re-back. -potential to repeat that win, but right there behind them, it was a single seat 1600 car, and stuff-moved it, Steele asked him to At the end of the second lap they'd have to stay in front of a impossible to tell who'd get the ing Hendrickson in that way was please put it back. When the guy McNeil had a lead of 35 minutes, lot of talent, including Cory win. unthinkable. Martin was in for said it was back on the motor and it was still Ochoa in second. Boyer, David Hendrickson, David Eugenio picked it up a bit on good. Steele headed out for the finish. Brandon Walsh had dropped out, Scaroni, Adam Ashcraft, Adam the fourth lap and went back into On the final lap Eugenio's flu But when he_got there, there was and Tyler Poppert had recorded Pfankuch, Brian Ickier, Daniel the lead. He now had.33 seconds was the furthest thing from his no air cleaner. No sure whether a good second lap, but his first McMillin, Caleb Gaddis, Mike on Hawley's car, with Steele now mind·-and he recorded the fast it had ever been put back, Steele had been over two and a half Sandoval, Scott Webster, Paul driving. In third it was Boyer, lap for the class for the day, at was worried about Hawley's mo-hott-Ts long, and in any event, he Keller, Joe Laff and the Duran then Laff, Garcia, Scaroni and 43:34, to secure his win. His day tor. In the meantime, he'd fallen didn't manage to complete Lap 3. brothers. Martin. Hendrickson was sup-· hadn't been trouble free. In ad-to 13th place. Boyer hadn't had a Daniel White was also running The MDRstarted them 15 sec-posed to get into h is car, but· dition to the flu he'd had one clean run either, for that matter. better in his Ford on Lap 2, but onds apart, and at the end of Martin had lost the roof when he rear flat, and had done about ten He'd finished with the front of had a big deficit to make up after their first loop it looked as if they rolled the car on Lap 2 and the miles with a spark plug wire fallen the skid pan peeled off and folded his longish first lap. were stuck together. They ran in MDR officials made him stop and off. An alert pit person had dis-back under the back of the car. It McNeil blew the third member a pack, so close that it was impos-get a new one. He did that by covered it and reattached it. Continued next page on his third lap, and it took him sible to tell who was actually the about 50 minutes to get it fixed. leader. At the end of Lap 1 Steven Ochoa also lost some time on that Eugenio, in a Lothringer, was in lap, and so McNeil stayed in the lead, and feeling awful. He front, with Ochoa now 31 min-had the flu. In second it was utes down. Both of them ran Hawley, just 59 seconds back. steadily through their last two Next there was a tie between Joe laps, and McNeil held on to his Laffin his Ch(mowth and David first place, to take the win the Scaroni in a Curry that was out first time out with the new truck. for its first run. Cory Boyer ran Ochoa was second, and although fifth, another 18 seconds back, White got four laps done, he and Hector "Pacho" Garcia was never got through the fifth. So sixth in his Curry. He'd already there were only two finishers. rolled it. It had landed on its side, The 1600 cars were next to and some nearby spectators had start, with 35 entries. This is usu-run over to set him back on its ally a good event for 1600s, but wheels. the field had been fattened up a By the end of the second lap bit by several things. There was a seven cars had fallen out. But at special purse for any class with the front the racing was still very more than ten entries, and there close. Now Laff had the lead, with was a special $3000 bonus put up 13 seconds on Boyer, who was 34 by Cameron Steele's sponsor, the seconds up on Hawley. Five sec-Lake Elsinore Casino. That bo-onds behind him was a tie be-nus went thusly: if one car beat tween Dave Hendrickson's car, Steele, he'd win the whole purse, with Dan Martin at the wheel, but if tw9 or more beat him, the and Scaroni. Eugenio had run purse got divv1ed up. It also in-how slowest lap, and dropped to volved some side-bets, and there sixth, but was only a minute· and were some challenges made on six seconds behind the first car. the internet that apparently re-Garcia, in seventh, was 25 sec-suited in side-bets also. All in all, onds furthei: back. The question there was potentially a lot of on everyone's lips was "Who's money riding on the 1600 finish, leading??" so it was no surprise to see so One more car dropped out on Steve Hostetler had no problems taking the class win, all his competition dropped out and he was running alone at the end. Dusty Times Sakata Motorsport Electronics, Inc. 1217 N. Patt Street Anaheim, CA 92801 (714) 446-9473 / Fax: (714) 446-9247 www.sakatamotorsport.com March 2007 ~orldwlde benohm!!lrk ~•nufa~~"' '.e:,f r,,ll~loatiOh Wirll:lg aystJ!!liN'\9,for: all ~ eppl~~,: . .:-.,,cc~~Ei~~ nt:S ,,.... •v~• to suit. ·:.~ -?\-:-·/·/' , ,,~,r❖,, :._,._-: High-Aoouraoy Air-Fuel Ratio Metf.tr'e Lightweight, stand-alone system works with all engines end alternate fuels -cerbureted or fuel injected. For the dedicated engine tuner who needs to know sxsctly what their engine is doing. No flashing lights -just the facts ... Nell le co s number! ~ #-:!a~<~-=~' l'V'l□T□ASPOF,IT ELECTF=IONICS were rnsk,n connections ... Page 25
A second place finish in the Class 11 fight went to Allen Bucher, Wendy Belk gave it her all, set fast class lap on lap 1 but two slow The Sanchez entry, seen here at speed was only able to grab a he's seen here at speed on his way to the flag. last laps were expensive in time, second place was hers. silver medal in Class 1300, 11 minutes off the winning pace. was like that for the final 15 miles -of any ·size. The cars don't have behind him, and in third it was how on his third lap, and Sanchez man pre-runner trucks, there of the race. He said his motor was to be buggies - they can also be Bob Bingham, whose day had got went into the lead, but he wa~ were 19 entries, and almost half sputtering, and he'd had to "back Baja Bugs. They did only four off to a slow start. Fourth went only 20 seconds to the good, with of them made all three required shift a lot." He also said that the laps. to Michael Proctor, whose day Mata second. On the last lap laps. Most of those that dnf'd CORR short course racing had Ac the end of the first lap the ended with a long lap of over two Mata poured on the gas, and broke on the first lap, o only 13 helped him, especially in the new lead was in the hands of Drew hours. ticked off the fast lap time for this got all the way around the first chicanesthatMDRhadaddedin BelkinhisPorter.Hehadrunthe In the 1300 class, another group,at46:18toregainhislead. time. Michael Ballard had front of the pit area. fast lap for this class, at 47:32, and group for Sportsmen, anything Sanchez maintained his steady Stephen Looney's Ford in the Laff was third, reporting no was about a minute and a half goes. This is for buggies, and pace and took second place, nine lead, and-he'd recorded the fast problems, just one fuel stop and ahead of Todd Stemmerman in some of them are very sophisti-minutes back. In third it was time for the class, at 46:36. In he said he'd "made a few mis- · his Baja Bug. And in third it was cated pre-runners with lots of sus- Mike Aguilar, and no one else got second it was Jason Mount, with takes." In fourth it was Martin in Terry Ingold in a 1975 Funco. pension and horsepower. Origi- all four laps done. Jason Cagle in third, 13 seconds Hendrickson's car, and fifth went Three cars had already dropped nally the 12 Unlimited class was In Class 725 (stock production later. Travis Bartlett ran fourth, to David Scaroni and Cody out. included in this group; buf it's mini trucks), there were four en-about four and a half minutes Robinson. They'd had no serious On the second lap Belk con-more equitable as the classes are tries, but three of them fell out later. problems, but had a scary "al-tinued to lead, Stemmerman was set up nowadays. There were six on the first lap. Steve Hostetler, Ballard carried on in front and most" crash with a spectator on still second, and Ingold held of these cars, but one fell out on 1n a Ford, did all of his required Bartlett moved into second pla.ce, . the last lap. In sixth if was Garcia, third. But Stemmerman dropped the first lap. Al Mata, who ·had_ five laps, recording a fast lap of 20 minutes behind the lead. who was only eight mi_nutes off out on the third lap, and Belk the biggest and baddest car of the 59 minutes flat, and after five Mount fell to third, another three the time of the winning car. made a driver change. He put his bunch, with all kinds of suspen-hours, 30 minutes and 12 sec-minutes back, while Ray Valdez Twenty-five cars finished all five daughter, Wendy, in to finish the sion, went into the lead with al-onds he went home with the vie-ran fourth, and Todd Richards laps. race, and to get some racing ex-most exactly two minutes on Dale tory. was fi fch another 16 minutes The Class 12 Unlimited cars perience. Ingold moved into the Hines, in a two seater. On the Class 1400, the Pro Pre-runner back. were next to take off. This is a lead and stayed there through the second lap Mata held the lead, truck class, had only one entry. Looney got in for the last lap Sportsman class, for cars with end of the race, his antique car and Hines dropped out. Now Pin Ray Schodey got a lap of 53:38 and, with no problems, brought VW beam front ends and rear running steadily and causing him Sanchez was second, nearly ten done, and. then never came it in for the win. Looney and trailing arms. They must also be no problems. He took the win, minutes back. around again. Ballard are cousins and have been propelled by a Type I VW motor with the Belks finishing second Mata lost 20 minutes some- But, in Class 1450, for Sports-campaigning this truck in the Page 26 tlfled &-tested . 0% Stranger · ________ Lighter t:tran ather cast wheels an the market •Counter Pressure Casted Aluminum • Satin Smooth Machine Finish ble in: x4. 15x7 eadlodf ~Beadlock Lug Patte n ~D5mm - -714.578.B258 1831 N. P/acel'ftla Ave Anaheim.µ 9{!885 .. March 2007 Beadla,:ks:·· . oblue -~i □black · I □red . •,; □polished t Dusty Times
Travis Bartlett literally flew his good looking truck to a second place finish, he's seen here letting it all han down. Just three minutes behind the Class 1600 leader, Cory Boyer took A third place finish in the Class 1 battle went to Mark McMillin, CORR short course series, as well as some SCORE Baja races. They've been doing well, and Looney says it's all Ballard's prep and driving that should get the credit. In second it was Bartlett, who finished about 19 minutes later, and Valdez was third, fol-lowed in by Brandon Whitehead. Mount didn't get that important third lap completed. The limited Baja Bugs were next to get the green flag, but just after the first one, Tim Sanchez took off, Andy McMillin zoomed past, finishing his first lap. All to-gether there were seven 5-1600s and all of them made it through the first lap. Danny Ledezma had the lead at that point, with the fast time for this class for the day, at 57:43. He was driving a new car, out for its first race. Ismael Sanchez, owner of the car, was riding along, and, with Ledezma, was getting a good lesson in driv-ing in this class. In second place it was Jerry Fisher, and then Scott Plunkett was third. On the second lap Brian Dimmock, who'd had a long first lap, fell by the wayside. Fisher moved into the lead as Ledezma started to have a mystery problem. Plunkett was now second, Arturo Cervantes was third and Ledezma had dropped to fourth losing about an hour and 25 minutes with one of the most frustrating problems a racer can have. He the silver medal, seen here just slightly in the dark. he's seen here hustling towards that checkered flag. The gold medal in Class 8 went to Noah Ostarik, the missing fiberglass evidently had no effect on his speed. had something clogging his fuel lines. It was apparently bits of the new fuel cell, and periodically they had to stop and clean out the fuel pickup from the bottom of the tank. To do this, they'd taken off the antenna, because it could reach all the way to the bottom of the tank and clear out the goo. On the third lap Fisher con-tinued to lead, with Plunkett sec-ond and Cervantes third. Ledezma had picked up some time, but was still fourth, about five minutes further back. On the fourth lap Chris Andrus took over for Fisher and he was still leading. Cervantes moved into second, seven min-utes back, and Plunkett was only 17 seconds behind him. Pete Mor.quecho had taken over for Ledezma, but continued to have trouble with the fuel lines. Fisher and Andrus had an ab-solutely trouble-free day, and went on to take the win by six minutes. Cervantes finished sec-ond, only six minutes back. In third it was Ledezma and Morquecho, who'd had the shifter come apart on him. Plunkett had a long last lap and fell to fourth place. Tim Sanchez and Todd Tenbroeck had clutch trouble in their car and had some long laps, but ultimately finished fifth, the last in the class to make A really great win in the Class 1 O competition went to Scott Beal, he flew to the finish with nine minutes in hand. all five laps. The C lass 9 cars took off next, with ten entries. They were re-quired to do only four laps. Two cars fell out on the first lap, and Rick McCarty, last season's points champ in this class, went into the lead in his T-Mag. Kent Graves was second in his Jimco, and in third, in an old Funco, it was David Chase. Ben Ledsam ran fourth. Graves disappeared on the next lap, and McCarty recorded the fast lap for this class, at 57: 17, to put himself a full 30 minutes ahead of second place. That was Chase. In third it was now Steve Keblish and Adam Sarver, who were just switching seats in their Raceco when they needed to change drivers. Robert Riddle and Ruben Castillo ran fourth in their Chenowth. McCarty maintained his swift pace, and held his lead through Lap 3. Now Jack Hettinger, who used to own Chase's car, and raced it here for years, was at the wheel and holding second place. Riddle and Castillo were up to third and Keblish and Sarver had dropped to fourth. Mark Culver had dropped out on that lap, re-turning to the pits on a trailer. Class 11 only had to run three laps, Dennis Sletten took the checkered flag with 25 minutes in hand. Terry Ingold kicks up the dust on his way to the Class 1200 win, Terry had 17 minutes in hand when the elusive checkers flew. McCarty stayed in front all the way, and at the end of his re-quired four laps, was still leading. He took the win by an hour and six minutes. Chase and Hettinger were second, and talking about campaigning the old car for the full season next year. In third it was Riddle and Castillo, another 21 minutes back, saying their only problem had been dust. Fourth went to Keblish and Sarver. They said they had a "blast", even though they ran on "two or three" cylinders on the last lap. In fifth it was Chris Hancock and Soren Megling, in a Chenowth. Hancock had rolled it Saturday in testing, so he said he was "ultra careful" during the race. He'd bent a drum in the roll-over, and it wobbled throughout the race, but held on. Ledsam was sixth, Continued next page Jack Hettinger gave it his all in the Class 9 contest but he was In the Class 10 contest, it was Dwaine Reinert taking home the Alan Perrault was the third place finisher in the Class 11 conflict, destined to finish second in class, five minutes in arrears. bronze medal, seen here at speed in his good looking car. he's seen here headin' for that 'of finishing line. Dusty Times March 2007 Page 27
Mike Aguilar had a long second lap and it cost him, he finished third in the Class 1300 race, seen here at speed. Ray Valdez was a bit off the winning pace in his Ford pickup, he Joe Laff had a frustrating day, he was 3 seconds out of 2"" place went home with the bronze medal for his efforts. and 3 minutes away from the Class 1600 win, color him 3ro_ the final finisher, apparently hav-ing had a troubled day. There was one Jeepspeed. John Coleman was the driver, and he did his three laps in four hours 44 minutes and 41 sec-onds, to go on the record books with a win. His fast lap was 1:24:38. It's a good class -maybe next time he'll have some competition. For what was essentially a very choppy course, there was a surprisingly large entry from Class 11 - with. nine of them on hand. They had to run three laps. Two of them disappeared on the first lap, but of those left the lead belonged to Dennis Sletten, who was having no problems and liking the course. It was roomy enough to pass, or to let a faster car go by with no danger of a hit. He'd recorded the fast lap for the class, at 1:17:21, and he had two minutes and 25 seconds on Allen Bucher, who was a minute and 36 sec-onds ahead of Amanda Hawks. Hawks dropped out on the second lap, and so did Jeremy Altman. Sletten held his lead, with Bucher still second and now Alan Perrault had moved up to third place, about ten minutes down. There were still five cars running all told. Sletten ran another good lap to take the win, finishing 16 minutes in front of Bucher. At one point Bucher' d had a flat, but didn't know it until he stopped for fuel. That was a lucky pit stop for him. Perrault was third, six minutes later, and in fourth it was Richard Sletten, Robert Henderson, Jr., and Timmy Sletten. They're all part of the same family. They call their team, "11 Brothers", and have more fun than anyone. The fourth place car was all teenagers, and it was Henderson, Jr's first race. Prob-ably no one at the event had more fun than this group. But the teens were a little disap-pointed that they "got whupped by the old people", to quote Richard. There were two UTVs run-Seen here churning up the landscape, Al Mata went on to take the class win with apparent ease in his good looking buggy ning, and they had to finish ently unaware of the potential three laps. One of them, driven disaster hanging over the popu-by James Shelton, actually did lar series. Some environmental-get the laps all done, with his ists have suddenly surfaced, say-fast time 1:15:44. Unfortu-ing that the proper studies nately, he also had a two hour haven't been done on the ter-and 26 minute lap for some rea-rain used by the Superstition son. Nonetheless, he finished Series, and therefore the local his required laps, and finished BLM office isn't in compliance. the old year with a win. In sec-In order for the BLM to be in ond it was Lorrie Banks, who compliance, the promoters who did just one lap at 2:06: 10 and use the area (the MDR, some never came around again. bike promoters and one tour As always, the New Year's company) will have to have an Eve event was a lot of fun, as ar!=haeologist who is certified by well as a lot of good racing. But the state, do a survey of the vari-the old year went out with a ous courses they use. The kicker thud for the MOR people. is that the archaeologists who Many of the racers are appar-do this must make the survey on John Coleman drove his Jeep to an easy class win, he's seen here at speed on the course, headin' for the checkers. Steve Looney Jed his class all the way, he had almost half an hour in hand when he took the checkered flag. foot, and they're allowed to do only so many meters at a time (they might become weary oth-erwise, apparently). It's a lengthy process, and the MD R's 2007 race schedule us supposed to start on February 17th. Even without the complica-tion of the short time period looming over their heads, the MDR faces the bigger problem of the cost of the survey, which will run to somewhere between $40,000 and $50,000. They are scrabbling around trying to find a way to raise enough money to pay for this burden. There are some people who've been asso-ciated with the racing for some time, who say it has already been done. But if that's the case, and it seems probable, then the maps that have been okayed by the ar-chaeologists have been lost. These maps are in the care of the BLM apparently. Much is up in the air, but there are people working, trying to pre-vent the loss of this fine entry level series. It's to be hoped that the environmentalists have mis-stated the case, and it will all be settled quickly. The BLM is not a villain in this situation, merely an involved entity. They want to keep the events going as much as the MDR does -and as do the lo-cal offroaders. 11)',}JU, Shawn McCallum was just a wee bit off the winning pace, he had to settle for 2"" in Class 1, seen here in his really great looking car. Robert Riddle was the third place finisher in the Class 9 contest, Davis Hendrickson finished first off the podium in the Class 1600 A fifth place finish in the Class 1600 fracas went to David Scaroni, he's seen here heading for the finish line. battle, he's seen here creating his own dust cloud. he's seen here at speed in his good looking car. Page 28 March 2007 Dusty Times
~~.9:.~!.~~~ Tays Fa• TOTS NaLIDAY 250 Rodrl11uez Takes 1aao And TIie overall By Steve Ruddick Photos: Trac/side Photo Lorenzo Rodriguez had a great day, he ran his nine required laps in 4:09:03 to take the Class 1600 win as well as the overall. I can see for miles, four miles, 4-miles, and m i l e s ... a long white line appears on the horizon in the middle of no where, clouds of dust reaching up into the sky. I'm outback of the SlaSh X Cafe in Barstow CA on December 2 2006, for the M . O .R.E. Toys For Tots Holiday 250: the racer's are staged, tuned, tweaked, a full tank of adrenaline and testosterone .. I love the smell of race gas in the morning. One hundred twenty en-tries in eleven different classes! A great turnout for a great cause -collecting toys for Christmas for kids who otherwise might not. And turnout they did, too. The folks at Mojave Off-Road Racing Enthusiasts plotted two separate courses for this last event of the 2006 M.O.R.E off-road racing sea-son: a 32-mile long course (IA), and a 13-mile short course (2A). Both courses shared the same patch of dirt for the first 2.2 miles, but split to go their separate ways at Pit A at Stoddard Wells Road. While the short course had is share of rough spots, long areas of whoops and sand washes, it was no match for the long course with its steep up hill climbs (can you say rock crawling), rocky sections and deep whoops. Course lA zigged and zagged its way for 7+ miles over to Pit B at outer Hodge Road, twisted and turned an-other eleven miles in a loop back over to Pit C at inner Hodge Road, and wrapped its way around the base of Stoddard Mountain for an-other six plus miles to Pit D at Stoddard Wells Road near PowerLine. From there it was about 4 .5 miles of fast to the Finish Line. The short course, 2A, left Pit A at Stoddard Wells Road and worked its way up and a long a jeep trail towards Outlet Center Drive and Pit E, and then headed east and south through the sand wash back to Stoddard again and Pit F. At Stoddard, the course p icked up another jeep trail heading back east toward SH247 and then onto a 4WD road that paralleled the highway. Across Power Line Road they leapt, back on the gas and heading south to the Start/Finish Line about a mile later. course offered its unique challenges gotchas', and a whole dust and diRt and fun tween. Each own and lot of in be-The faster classes started out doing four laps on Course lA, and then switched over to Course 2A for another five laps. The not-as-fast classes started on Course 2A for five laps and swapped onto Course lA for two more laps. The race got off to a late start because somebody was out fooling around on the course and rolled it. I worked carrera rescate in baja for many years, and most of ours calls were for injured spectators. Not the best way to start your day, so be careful out there, eh. CLASS l: Thi rte en C lass 1 racers lined up for the green flag, and seven found their way to the checkers at the Finish Line. Alex Danze, from Corona CA, was second off the line in the Pro Armor car #117, and had a four minute lead on Shelby Reid in car # 168 by the end of the first lap on Course lA. Corey White was the co-Alex Danze was the big winner in the Class 1 contest, he took the class by five minutes and he missed the overall by 23 seconds. driver/navigator. It seemed aled in. No flats or other no other Class 1 cars could problems, either. I enjoyed break the 40-minute lap bar-the dual course format, but rier on Course lA, except the short course was rough." Danze, who did it consis-Apparently not rough tently. Not bad for Danze's enough to keep Wilson from only second race ever. 650hp the record book for the fast-helps. But even the best of est lap on Course 2a on lap man and machine eventually 9, in just 0:15:16@ XYZ finds their weak spot, and for mph. car #117 that proved to be Jennifer Clemson won the fuel pumps. "We lost Fourth Place in Class in the both pumps and had to keep Damzel car #132, covering switching back and forth to the distance in 4:38: 13 @ even get 30-40mph top end 64.1 mph. Fifth Place in on the last 5 laps", said Class went to Alex Gonzalez Danze. "I liked the dual in car #155, crossing the Fin-course. We didn't see a lot ish Line in 4 :42:39 @ 63.0 of dust, and no close calls." mph. Bill Markel finished in Danze won First Overall, and Sixth Place in Car # 143 at First Place in Class, finding 58.5 mph in 5:04:48. Shelby the Finish Line in just Reid drove some consistent 4:09:26 at 71.4 mph. Danze lap times, except for a also went into the record 1:31:22 lap 5, to win Seventh books for the fastest lap on Place in Class in car# 168, in Course lA at 53. 7 mph on 5:36:41 @ 52.9 mph. Good lap 2 in 0:36:54. comeback, I' d say. Rick Wilcoxson from Up-CLASS 10: Class 10 was land CA won Second Place in next off the line, with ten en-Class in the Fab School car tries, six finishers, two DNFs # 127, about five minutes be-and two DNS. JD Ward was hind Danze; in 4: 14:22 at second in line at the green 70.1 mph. Troy Johnson and flag in the new M&T-built Joey Westhoff piloted the car #1009, and had a seven long course lA, and Wilcox minute lead on Ryan and Ed Campbell did the Harbottle in car #1060 by the short course 2A. "It was end of lap 1 on the long rough. We had two flats and course, lA. Ward and his co-alternator problems." Rough driver son, James Ward, led and tough enough for a nice the class fo r all nine laps to win, nonetheless. the Finish Line, to win First Randy Wilson from Long Place in C lass 10 in 4: 10: 17 Beach CA won Third Place in @ 71.1 mph; about three min-Class, covering the dual utes ahead of car #1060 at course in 4:30:22 at 65.9 the checkered flag. "We had mph, in car # 111. # 111 is a a clean race and lots of fun. brand new car and this was The roof fell off about 7 min-i ts first taste of real diRt utes in and we needed 2 ever. Driver-of-Record Randy quarts of o il, but the car ran Wilson and co-drivers Larry great for its first ever outing. Strohm and Randy Beck," .. The dual course was good made adjustments and played and marked well." Nice win with the shocks every lap, ex-for a new ride. cept lap 2. This was our test Ryan Harbottle of race to get it set up and di-Temecula CA won Second Place in the Harbottle Con-struction car # 1060, only three minutes plus a few sec-onds behind Ward. Harbottle drove it all. "It was a good race, but waaay dusty! I lost my helmet visor on the first lap, and that cost me the race." Aahhh, for want of a spare pair of g(O)A(O)ggles! Alas. But still respectable, and a win, too. Harbottle covered the nine laps and 200 miles in 4: 13:53 @ 70.2 mph. Shawn Dunn drove the DunnTech Motors ports car # 1035 to a Third Place win in class, do-The Class 1300 win went to Rick Volpe, he's seen here flying low on his way to that often elusive checkered flag. Chris Bowman took the Class 5 honors at the Holiday 200, he's seen here in his brutal looking car at speed. ing the roundy-rounds and ups-and-downs in 4:26:32 @ Continued next page Page 29 March 2007 Dusty Times
Bob Schreiner was all alone in Class 1400 but he hustled non- A nice second place finish in Class 1450 went to Shawn Walters, Ed Mahoney gave it his all in the Class 11 contest but he had to the-less, his time of 4:46:18 was pretty quick for nine laps. he's seen here at speed headin' for the checkered flag. =-se_t=tle---,.fo=r_a,,...s_il_ve_r ... m_e_d_al..,...t_in_is.,...h.,.... --,-----,---,--,-----.---,---, 66.4 mph. "It was a good adjustment, so we couldn't sounds pretty fast and fun to in 4:47:22 @ 62.0 mph. A 11-minute+ finish ahead of course. A little rough here drive fast, and our motor laid me, eh. 1:01:33 lap 3 pretty much Jim Gledhill in car #1012. and there, but pretty fun", down on the last lap." A Chuck Sacks grabbed the took Sacks out of the tcip-3 Gledhill finished his re-said Dunn from Highland third place finish in a class Fourth Place win in car competition, but it was still quired laps in 4:58:06@ 59.8 CA. "Our shifter was out of 10 car averaging over 66 mph #1203, completing all 9 laps good enough for a win and an mph, to win Fifth Place in SAFETY EQUIPMENT • SA.2005 Helmets • Racing Sui.ts, Gloves & Shoes • Seatbelts • Jlell;d & Nook Restraints YOUR SAFETY& COJttMlJNICAIIONS SOURCE It t.oWRANCE GPS • f,-0!.or l}~phtys •5"to10.4~~ • Handl:klld & Pan&Utiouttt Optiolill • M'apCr t& Software & .Aooessorles XCELV'1 • 1 l Va Ga.Uona • f:if(}REf P!A Legat • F.xdu:sively Ma.tl'Mi.ctu:redby Fuel Safe • Mndtng Units & Aooessorios Available • Ftttl.Hne of:Fn(ll Sati? Pr~n<,-ts A vall&b!e 619-258-RAffl\! (7223) www.RacerXms.oom INTERCOMS FOR RACING & RECREATION • Sand Car. Desert &Race Kits • RI-Fi Headsets • Headsets & Wired Helmets • A,uto Mut.e :Fea.tu.te • ?lusio lnterf,a.ce Available ""'"vwuw-.Nlilinl HIGH PERFORMANCE RADIO SYSTEMS • Sand Cat, De.lfflrt & .Raee Radios . • Bai Stauon Kita (tor Camping t1:r &oe Pits} • Short tkntme Spotter Kits and Fan &rum~ • Itace Ch3Si ~ • 5 ~ 110 Wati$ otP0cwer • AlpM•ntnnerio Display KOK AIRrn BLOWERS & HOSES · 105.1315.160and285ftllattngs • Ltghtwatght & Reduced Ampe~ • Fllters and Hoses also avaflllb)Q INC.AR 0 • XI & ~Satelliw,Bd.o~tems • No Tinier Reqnh1d. •ht~Sp$11,l~~ iPod , GODIUNICATION SYSTEMS • SAfffi EQUIPKENT • ELICTllIOAI, con,wms • PUBLCBLLS & ACCIS'StBlll Page 30 March 2007 class for the day. Mike McGee struggled to keep car #1011 together for his diRt war on Course lA, but recov-ered for the Course 2A battle to finish in Sixth Place in class for the day, in 5:58:05 @ 49.8 mph. CLASS 5: Class 5 had six entries, three finishers, two DNFs and one DNS. Car #502 was first off the line at the starting gun and ran a flawless and fast race to Fin-ish First Place in class, in 4:37:09 @ 64.3 mph. Terry Longo and co-driver John Simms drove the long course laps, and Driver-of-Record Chris Bowman and co-driver John Brockway did the five-lap short course. "It was pretty dusty at the start, but the course was 'lickity-split' fast. We had a Lot of Fun to-day!" said Bowman, from Up-land CA. Shad Kennedy got to the Finish Line about 24 minutes later in car #505, to win Second Place in class for the day, after completing the required laps in 5:03:45 at 58. 7 mph. Third Place in class was John Criswell in car #501, getting the checkered flag in 5:17:35@ 56.1 mph. CLASS 7S: Ten entries, seven finishers, three DNFs. Steve Rose from Barstow CA drove truck #729 to a First Place finish and win in Class 7S, completing the required seven laps in just 3:31: 11 @ 65.6 mph. Rose drove through MM18 on lap 2, when Robbie Cockrell took over the wheel duties with Amin Torfi in the second seat. This was Rose's first race ever in the old 93 Ford Ranger of Perry McNeil, and being from Barstow was like a Sunday drive for Rose. Still, "This was a rough and bad @** course", said Rose. "The big loop was just un-real, with many cars broke down or just plain busted. We only had one flat the last five miles." That's part of the thrill and fun of off-road racing in Barstow ... man and machine versus the open desert; sometimes you win, sometimes diRt does. Ted Quiroz found the Fin-ish Line in truck #725 to win Second Place in class for the day, taking the checkered flag in 3:49:06 @ ??? mph. Karl Stokes of Hesperia CA drove the whole thing in truck #747 to win Third Place in class. Randy Murphy was the co-Dusty Times
Rick Wilcoxon drove his really good looking car to a second place Gene Wilson, seen here just at landing, drove his great looking Shad Kennedy finished second in the Class 5 battle, he was a bit finish in Class 1, he's seen here at touchdown. car to a second place finish in the Class 1300 battle. off the winning pace, seen here in level flight driver on the long course, with care due to the steering the number five pole posi-car #1617 and was now 2 sec-laps. . and Russell Lons got in the being off. Even after the tion at the green flag in car onds ahead of Geer in car Lap 3 starts out with Steve second seat for the short rough and ill handling lap, #1629, and was in the lead #1629, who had slipped. to Dodd in the lead in car course. Stokes said, "Both the Blue Coyote Racing #797 on Course lA at the end of third spot from first after 2 #1669, with a 18 second lead courses were fast and fun. Toyota took the checkered lap 1 by 25 seconds over laps. Meanwhile, Lorenzo over Brett Maurer in car The truck Jan solid and we flag -finishing in sixth place Brett Maurer in car #1617, Rodriquez put some more gas #1617. Geer is in third, stayed in one piece all day". out of 10 starters. And, af-who started in the number in the pedal of car #lt,.14 and Rodriquez is in 4'h spot, and That's a good way to win. ter the final points for 2006 six slot. Steve Dodd, who also passed Tom Craig in car Craig follows in fifth. So Javier Avila found his way had been posted -the Blue started eleventh in line at the #1622, moving up a notch we've got the top five posi-to the Finish Line in 4:33:36 Coyote Racing #797 Toyota green flag in car #1669, was from 5'h to fourth place at tions all within sixty seconds in truck #721, to win Fourth has captured the 2nd place close behind Maurer at the the start of lap 3. Craig had of each other. WoW! Lap 3 Place in class@ 50.7 mph. 2006 Points Championship, end of the first lap, only 17 now slipped from the #l is another round of shuffle-Tyler Fox was the Fifth Place too. But even more impor-seconds later. Tom Craig got starting pole position in class the-deck and Lorenzo winner in truck #723, exactly tant, the truck finished every the prime start position at to fifth place after only two Continued next page three minutes later; in required lap of every race in the green flag in car #1622, 4:36:36 @ ??? mph. · Ken 2006 -earning the much cov-but wa1> in fourth spot 16 sec-Keegal and co-driver Dan eted True Grit/Milestone onds behind Dodd at the end Clark had some major prob-Award! WOOh00! of lap 1. Lorenzo Rodriquez !ems on laps 6 and 7 in the And talk about cutting it was in fifth spot at the end Blue Coyote Racing truck close ... after being down of lap 1 in car #1614, another #797. The fist lap for Keegal · for almost four hours on lap 28 seconds behind Craig and crew was a warm up lap 6, John Addison still man-#1622, after starting in the -getting everything working aged to find the Finish Line number three pole position. and up to speed. But halfway and the checkered flag in On the second lap, Steve through the first lap, Ken truck #755 with less than two Dodd found some more ac-heard a loud grinding noise m(nutes to spare on the race celerator in car #1669, from the front end. This clock! An extra sweet victory passed the leader Curt Geer prompted taking the last part too, considering it was also in car #1629, and had a 18 of the lap a bit slower. A fast Addison's first Finish ever. second lead over Brett pit stop at the end of the first Give that man a Cigar! Maurer in car #1617 at the lap to check for loose front CLASS 1 /2 1600: A big end of lap 2. So Dodd went wheel bearings yielded no class turnout with twenty en-from starting 11 'h in line at problems. The second and tries, 19 starters, 13 finish-the green flag to third spot third laps went well, however ers, six DNFs and one DNS. at the end of lap 1, and to the the noise continued, prompt-Some exciting racing in th.is lead on the start of lap 3. ing more pit stops to look for class, so let's follow the ac-Baurer maintained the num-the problem -all moving tion: Curt Geer started in ber two spot through lap 2 in parts were checked -rear end, front end (again) drive line, u-joi.nts, headers, ex-haust, engine, transmission -and still the source of the annoying noise could not be loca_ted. After the fifth lap the truck stopped for fuel and more underbody inspec-tion. Since there was plenty of time on the clock, and there were many difficult sec-tions ahead, the decision was made not to push the truck too hard. And there were plenty of difficult sections -steep uphill, and loose and rock filled, climbs, and in one section a very rough rocky faced hill to navigate (can you say rock crawling). Toward the end of the lap 6, the Blue Coyote truck flew over a rough section and landed hard on its right side -and the steering wheel was no longer centered; not a comforting feeling as the truck was now hard to handle. At this point in the race last year, the truck hit same nasty off camber whoops breaking the steering box and rolling the truck -costing the team the race and championship. Would this be a repeat of last year? A fast pit stop check showed no steering damage, however it did appear the front springs were racked to the lefthand side. The final la_p was taken Dusty Times JD Ward was the gold medal winner in the Class 10 contest but he had to work for it, second place was only three minutes behind him. Class 5-1600 had to go 8 laps for a finish and Richard Garavito was first to cross the line and take a hard fought win. March 2007 ' Aircraft Spruce is a worldwide distributor of quality products for Jhe racing industry. Our product line of over 45,000 items is one of the most extensive from one single source. Our service has made us the number one supplier in aviation and is why over 350 race teams have turned to us as a trusted source for racing components! www .aircraftspruce.com Sold In any length Aluminum Tubing/ Sheet. Steel Tubing, 4130 Chromoly. Steel Sheet Fabrics, Paints, Primera, Resins, Dremel Tools, Kevlar, Graphite, Honeycomb. West System --Cleco Tools, Rivet Sets, Drill Bits. Tube Cutters. Pliers Onl,r our FREE t:atallJfl lfltll a wide nleetlon Ill labttcallon Malerlalsl AN Fittings & Bolts. Filling Seals, Tubing, Hardware Kits, Rod Ends Polishes and Cleaners. Windshield Repair Switches, Dash Lights, Push Buttons, Batteries, LCDs, Switch Covers Aeroqulp Hose, Frttings. 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Ken Tolbert was the silver medal winner in 5-1600, he was only a minute and a half behind the leader at the flag. A second place finish in Class 7S went to Ted Quiroz, he's seen Johnny Burns finished second in the Class 9 fracas, he was seven here hustling his way towards the finish line. minutes behind the class leader at the checkers. It was 8 hard laps for Class 9 but the gold medal went to Ron Rash, he had seven minutes in hand when the checkers flew. Rodriquez plays a winning hand that catapults him into a 00:01 :39 lead for the begin-ning ·of Lap 4. Rodriquez romped on the gas in # 1614 to pass Dodd, Mauer, and Geer and go from fourth to first po-sition. With that, Rodriquez earned the fast lap honors in class on lap 3 on Course lA @ 49.2 mph in just 00:40:17. But wait there's M.O.R.E.! Tom Craig also turns it up another notch in car #1622 on lap 3, and moves from fifth to second position with a one (1) second lead over Brett Maurer in car #1617 for the start of lap 4. That's close ... but Maurer slips from second to third,· Dodd falls back to fourth po-sition after leading lap 3, and Curt Geer goes from third to fifth position for the start of Lap 4. The gap between the top five racers has widened from 60 seconds to four and a half minutes. Lap 4 was more reshuffling and the gaps between racers started to grow even more. Rodriquez held the lead in car #1614 through the end of lap 4, and opened his lead on the second position car by two · . · . . ERPRECISION.COM 2865 Gundry ~ve .. · rna/Hl/4 CA 90755 ;-►,ans ·~ WCoola Orlvlhg$ilts Rod End Boots Neo Synthetic OIi Pedormance Plumbing l~~I~ Flt Page 32 562-427-2375 minutes and 22 seconds. Sec-Tom Craig in car # 1622 checkered flag for Sixth Place ond position also changed on made it a very close race with in class in 4:45.:54 @ 62.3 lap 4 as Mauer in car #1617 Geer for Second Place at the mph. Meehan is from passed Craig in car #1622, for end of nine laps, and was only Hesperia CA. "It was a good a 01:24 lead on third posi-thirty-s·even seconds off of car race; no problems", said tion. Geer moved up a posi-# 1629's rear bumper at the Meehan. "The d.ual course tion too in car #1629, from checkered flag@ 4:15:18. format was a little confusing; fifth to fourth, and Dodd fell Craig drove some very consis-different races almost. I blew back into fifth position in car tent lap times on the short a turn at Hodge one lap. But #1669 almost fifteen minutes course, and it paid off with a the car ran and worked great!" behind Geer. The Gap be-Third Place in Class win. The remaining cars in tween first and fifth had now #1622 clocked an average Class 1/ 2 1600 finished in grown to nineteen minutes. speed of 69.8 mph for the day, the following order: Seventh Lap 5 was the switch from only two-tenths of a mph Place -Brad Wilson, car the 32-mile long Cours~ lA, slower than the second place #1653: 4:48:25 @ 61.6 mph. to the 13-mile short Course victor, Geer. That's darn Eighth Place -Steve Haver -2A for Class 1/2 1600. An-closeafter200milesofdesert car #1691: 4:58:16@ 59.7 other five laps they.went at it, dust and diRt, and in Barstow mph. Ninth Place -Todd with more changes in position too. Nice bit of driving. Starks; car #1610: 5:00:03 @ throughout the day for the Steve Dodd saw a lot of up 59.4 mph. Tenth Place -next sixty-five miles. After close and personal race action Lance Johnson -car #1666: nine laps and 200 miles, the in car #1669 during his race 5:00:30 @ 59.3 mph. Elev-winner was: Lorenzo day. Dodd started in the 11 enth Place -Michael Kanuch Rodriquez in car# 1614, both th slot at the green flag, and -car # 1679: 5: 10:03 @ 57.5 First Place in Class and Over-had moved his way up mph. Twelfth Place -Mike all Winner of the M.O.R.E. through the Class 1/ 2 1600 Ward -car #1673: 5:10:31@ 2006 Toys For Tots Holiday pack to third spot at the end 57.4 mph. Thirteenth Place 200. Rodriquez took the hon-of lap 1, and to the lead on -Brent Pelham -car #1676: ors in just 4:09:03@ 71.6 thestartoflap3. By the time 6:32:36'@45.4 mph. mph. That was 23 seconds lap 5 started on the short CLASS 9: Another good-and two-tenths (.2) mph faster course, #1669 had slipped to sized group with eighteen en-than Alex Danze in his #117 fifth position. By the time tries, seven finishers, ten Class 1 racecar. WOOh00! Dodd got the checkered flag DNFs and one DNS. Cl·ass 9 Rodriquez, from Monrovia after nine laps, it was for raced for eight laps; five on CA, said; "It was a perfect Fourth Place in Class for the the short course 2A, and day! We had a flat on lap 1, day. #1669 covered the 200 three on Course lA -the but no troubles or problems miles in 4:37:54 at an average long way. Mike Hinson got after that. The course was speed of 64.1 mph. the pole pos.ition start at the. dusty at the start, but it was Remember Brett Maurer in green flag in car #938, but it fun and fast. Thanks to all car #1617? He started on the was Jared Benson in the lead the pit guys !! First, and short course .on lap 5 in sec-in car #999 after lap 1, after Championes, too!" Ole ! ond position with a 00:01 :24 starting in the number six Second Place in class went lead on Craig in third in car position. Cody Rash in car to Curt Geer from San Dimas #1622. And Maurer contin-#990 was in second plac6 af-CA, in the Geer Racing car ued to make it a competitive ter lap 1, about a minute+ # 1629. Geer was in fourth race up through lap 7, when later, after he started number place when the class switched #1617 just did not answer the eleven in line. Steve Johnson over to the short course on bell for round 8; the dreaded had started in the number six-lap 5, and car #1629 just DNF. That left a window of teen slot at the green flag in burned up Course 2A with opportunity for Dave Stanley car #905, but had moved up three straight laps of more to move car #1618 into a Fifth to third position after lap 1. than fifty mph to take the #2 Place win at the Finish Line, Ron Rash in car #97 3 was place win in 4:14:41 @ 70.0 covering the distance in only one second behind mph. Geer drove the whole 4:43:24 @ 62.9 mph. Mike Johnson for the fourth posi-thing and had some great lap Meehan in car# 1699 was only tion, and Michael Ward in car times on the short course, but another two and a half min-#975 was only another second still came across the Finish utes behind Stanley at the behind Rash, after lap 1. Line 5 1/ 2 minutes shy of Finish Line when he.got the What great race action and Rodriquez. "It was rough -typical Barstow, and dusty as h*ll! We had three flats -the first on lap 2, and then on laps 5 and 6. We had some brake master cylinder prob-lems on lap 4, and .. (exple-tive * deleted) !" Note: It was about this time in the inter-view that Geer noticed a whole herd of bailing wire wrapped around the car's right rear brake assembly and axle, and .. well, this is a fam-ily magazine and some things we just can't print, but you get the idea, eh. It was still a nice come-from-behind win and, you never know when some bailing wire just might come in handy. March 2007 Class 1450 had to manage 7 laps for a finish and the class win went to Eric Fiorino, seen here at speed in his truck. Dusty Times
Ryan Harbottle finished second in the Class 1 0 race, he was just Curt Geer gave chase in Class ½-1600 but he had to settle for a Third place in Class 1 went to Randy Wilson, always a top finisher, a bit over three minutes in arrears at the finish. Ase:--c:....:o'-n'-"d-\pi'-l"'-ac::...:e:.....:..:.fin--'1.::..·s-:'h,'-~-:'-iv--=e_m-'-:-in...::.u-'-'te:....:s'-b"-e'-h-;;-in-;:d';:;-';,th,:e_l.c.e::...:a.:.,de::...:r_. ---,=====-.:;;:h:::;e;::'s:::;s:::;e:::;e;::n:::;h:::;e:::;re=a:::;t ;:::sp:::;e;::e:::;d:::;h:::;e:::;a:::;d:::;in:::;':::;fo:::;r:::;t:::;h;::e;::b:::;a:::;rn;:;;.::;;;;::;;::::;;::====;;;;; excitement! his dad in car #973) at the position in car #578, only After five laps were com-end of lap 5 and the. thirty-seven seconds behind pleted on the 13-mile short switchover to course lA. Car Pellerin. Aaron Aspel in car course 2A, it was Cody Rash #990 crossed the Finish Line #57 3 was in fourth position, in car #990 in the lead by two in 4:43:29 @ 38.3 mph, to right behind Tolbert. Onto and a half minutes ahead of win Third Place in class for the lA long course now, for Ron Rash in car #973. Only the day. another three, 32-mile laps. nine seconds separated Rash Harry Dunne won Fourth . for who the bumps toll. in car #973 from the third Place in class in car #914, Round and round, and position car, #985 of Johnny completing eight laps in round, they go. Thisa Way, Burns. Michael Ward was in 5:18:46 @ 49.7 mph. Kurt that-a-way, sideways fourth position in car #97 5 Davidson got the checkered wOOh00! Car #555, Richard about two minutes+ later. At flag in 5:30:50 to win Fifth Garavito, got to the checkered this point, the class switched Place in class for the day, @ flag in 3:59:28 to win First over to the 32-mile long 47.9 mph. Michael Ward won Place in Class for the day. "It course, lA, for three laps. Sixth Place in class in car was a good race, -but very, very Ron Rash turned up the #975, covering the course in rough. We changed co-driv-Go in car #973 for the long 5:52:43 @ 44.9 mph. Cory ers three times. Everything distance marathon part of the Torres was the last car in class was running good and no course, and found himself at to finish, using up 6:25:27 to problems, but we did get the checkered flag in 4:22:30 finish and win Seventh Place tagged pretty good in the rear for the First Place in Class in car #989,@ 41.4 mph. bumper by a 10 car", said win@ 41.4 mph. Rash, from Class 5/1600: Eleven en-Garavito and co-pilot Rulo! Chino CA, drove the first tries, eleven starters, seven Ken Tolbert crossed the Fin-heat, when son Justin took finishers, and four DNFs. ish Line just a minute and over the driving duties to fin-This class raced for eight laps; thirty-six seconds later in the ish the race. This was only five laps on Course 2A, and KST car #578 to win Second Rash's second time out in his three laps on lA. Brent Place in class for the day, in "brand new car", and his first Shermack got the hole shot at 4:01:04. Ken Tolbert drove win in four years. "We pre-Start/Finish in car ·#552. the five, short course laps ran the course and found But, after starting in the num-with his daughter Britney as some good lines, and only ber seven slot, it was Richard co-driver. Billy Worthy got stopped once to adjust the Garavito in car #555 that was the wheel duties for laps 6-8 back shocks," said Rash. He in the lead by a minute and on the long course, along makes it sound way too easy, fourteen seconds at the end with co-driver John Tolbert. eh. Congratulations! of lap 1. Shermack in car For the KST family, from Steve Rose lets it all hang out as he flies toward the Class 7S win, he finished his 7 required laps in 3:31: 11. The Second Place win went #552 finished the first lap in Castaic CA, i"t also meant to Johnny Burns in car #985. second position, almost thirty winning the 2006 Class After starting way back in line seconds ahead of Angel Points Championship. "We in the number fourteen slot Vinaja in car #585, but that were on a mission, and we fin-at the green flag, Burns was the last fun·for Shermack ished. Points Champ! It was worked his way through the when he DNF'd for the day. a great course; no flats", said pack and up to third position Shermack's DNF propelled Tolbert. by the end of lap 5 when the Scott Pellerin into third posi-Aaron Aspel won Third class switched over to the tion in car #577 after one lap. Place in class in car #573, get-long course. Burns, from Aaron Aspel in car #573 was ting the checkered flag in Simi Valley CA, crossed the in fourth position twenty-four 4: 19:54. Aspel started racing Finish Line in 4:29:23@ 40.3 seconds later, and Ken in mid-season, and DNF'd ev-mph. "The two course format Tolbert was in fifth position ery race except one, so he was wasalotoffun,buttherewas in car #578 only three sec-"on a mission" to finish. lots of dust everywhere. We onds behind Aspel. Aspel, from Hesperia CA, drove the long course laps 6-8, and Steve Tolbert did the wheel duties on the 5-lap short-course. Aspel got the prep and pre-run on car #573 about 3am Thursday morning before the race, so he had "No problems and no issues". Mission accomplished, I'd say. Tom Bolha brought car #565 to the Finish Line and a Fourth Place win, in 4:40:01. Ed Allred won Fifth Place for the day in car #591, getting the checkers in 4:46:50. Scott Pellerin got car #577 to the Finish Line in 5:07:26 for the Sixth Place win. The Seventh Place win-ner was Art Savedra, from L0$t Wages NV, in car #599, covering the distance in 5:29: 10. CLASS 1300 -Trophy Challenge:Twelve entries, twelve starters, seven finishers, five DNFs. Class 1300 raced for nine laps; four laps on lA -the long 32-mile course, and five laps on the short 13-mile course 2A. Kim Powell got the # 1 start spot at the green flag in car # 1366, but slipped to third position by the end of the first lap. Matt Frick was in the #2 pole position in car #1324 at the green flag and was in the lead by a minute and fourteen seconds on lap 1 ahead of Rich Volpe in car #1310; who had moved up from starting sev-enth to second position after just one lap. Greg Crew was in fourth position in car #1302 at the end of lap 1, after start• ing in eighth spot at the green blinKy-wavy thingy. Kristina Dauge was in fifth position af-ter lap 1 in car #1322, after starting at the back of the pack at the green flag. At the end of lap 4 on Course lA, four cars had al-ready DNF'd: Matt Frick, #1324; Brian Weddle, #1362; Vic Martin, #1315; and, Fred Mooney, #1373. On lap 5, they switched over to Course 2A. Volpe was in the lead Continued next page had no issues all day .. we At the end of lap 5 on the just stopped for gas and Go", short course 2A, Richard Burns said. Cody Rash was in Garavito was in the lead in the number eleven position at car #555 by four-and-a-half the start in car #990, and had minutes ahead of Scott a two-and-a-half minute lead Pellerin in car #577. Ken over the rest of the class (and Tolbert was in third Under new nwnen,1p .. Over 49 ye-ars of ex,e,1enoe Costa Mesa, CA 949-645-2661 Class 11 had 5 laps for a race and Anne Naso drove right to the class win, she had six minutes in hand at the finish. Dusty Times Bring your hot rod, sand rail, motorcycle, boat, or ATV down to our location and~, Let us solve your plumbing problems from complete system detigns to minor modifications. Brake Lines, Fuel Lines, Turbo Hoses. Stalnl&Sss hardHn• for brakes and fuel appllca11ons. All Redline on products discounted by the case. Any high periofmance hose purchased from MESA HOSE will be assembled free of char9e. Crimp fittings from r on down. March 2007 Page 33
I A decent third place finish in Class 5-1600 went to Aaron Aspel, Karl Stokes was drivin' hard, he took home the bronze medal for he's seen here at speed in his good looking bug. his efforts in Class 7S, seen here at speed. A third place finish in Class 9 went to Cody Rash, Cody is seen here racing towards that finish line. now in car #1310 after Frick mat was interesting, and it drove the first three 33 mile lap, after Hoffman started DNF'd, and had an eleven was a little dusty, but we had laps and then came in for a .. near the rear of the pack. minute lead on Kim Powell in fun; a good time". Their pit stop and driver change. Hoffman held the lead up car# 1366, now in second po-most fun for the day? "Doing Team URBT had to do a mi-through lap 3, when # 1450 s1t10n. Gene Wilson was 97 mph!" nor repair on the left front DNFd. running in third position in Gene Wilson won Second wheel bearing and refueled By the end of the fifth lap the Hammer Down Racing Place in class for the day in the truck while the driver on the short course 2A, Eric car #1316, after starting in car #1316, completing the change went on and off they Fiorino was in the lead in the number six slot at the long and dusty race to get the went for the 4th and last lap truck #1488 by forty minutes green; about fifteen minutes checkered flag in 5:01:01 @ on the big course. "We had ahead of second position behind car #1366 running in 39.9 mph. Bob Jordan aver-five 13.5 mile laps to do on Shawn Walters in truck second position. Greg Crew aged 37.55 mph in car# 1311 "the small course and had an #1469. Walters had a three was still in the fourth posi-to win Third Place, taking absolute ball running them. minute lead ahead of third tion and running strong in 5:19:55 to find the Finish Sheila laughed the whole position Cameron Sinohui in car #1302, about two min-Line. The Fourth Place win time. Lloyd set fast lap with truck #1470. Karl Wong was utes behind Wilson in car went to Greg Crew in the a 49.04 minute lap on the big running in fourth position in #1316, in third. Kristina Lucas Oil Products car course and I set fast lap with truck #1499, but would later Dauge was now in the fifth #1302, completing his race a 17.30 minute lap on the DNF on lap 6. On to the position in car #1322 and day in 5:29:14 at 36.5 mph. small course", Schreiner long course lA. was only about three minutes Kim Powell won Fifth Place said. "This win gives us 16 Eric Fiorino won First behind Crew in # 1302, but in car # 1366, averaging 35.6 wins in 20 races along with Place in class in truck# 1488 DNF'd on lap 6. mph over 5:37:27. Kevin Sh-3 consecutive champion-by a wide margin. Shawn When all the dust settled annon took 6:09:03 to win ships." On that note, Team Walters in truck #1469 was at the Finish Line after rac-Sixth Place in car #1307, @ URBT has decided to com-Second Place in class in ing five laps on the 13-mile 32.5 mph. John Aguilar was pete in Class 1 for the 2007 5:55:39. Cameron Sinohui Course 2A, the First Place the Seventh Place winner and M.O.R.E. Series. Quite a finished in Third Place in winner was Rich Volpe in car last finisher in class in car challenge, to be sure, but it truck #1470, covering the dis-#1310. Volpe completed the #1369, completing the course should make for some inter-tance in 6:15:55. Sinohui is 200 miles in 4:43:17 @ 41.8 in 6:32:59@ 30.5 mph. esting and exciting racing. with Team URBT and races a mph, over eighteen minutes CLASS 1400 -Ultra Stay tuned. new Toyota Tundra that he ahead of the second place Trucks: Four entries, four CLASS 1450 -Pro Modi-has been working on since finisher. Volpe, from Can-starters, one finisher, 3 fied: Six entries, six starters, January 06. Chris White was yon Lake CA, drove laps 1-3, DNFs. Team UBRT Racing three finishers, 3 DNFs. The co-driver. On their second and Jim Becker from won 1st in Class in the Pro Pro Modified class raced for lap of the small course, Glendora CA did the driving Extreme 1400 Truck Series five laps on Course 2A and # 1470 had minor issues with duties for laps 4-9. Garrett with the #1438 truck, driven two laps on Course lA. the steering rack. They McNutt from Fontana CA by Lloyd Snyder and co-Cameron Sinohui got the pulled into the URBT pit for was the co-driver for it all. driver Nick Cerulle in the pole position start at the a replacement and off they "We had a loose tie-rod bolt first half, and 'Uncle' Bob green flag in truck # 1470, went. On lap 1 of the big 33 at the driver change on lap 4, Schreiner and co-driver but Holly Hoffman in truck mile course they broke the but no flats or other rea l Sheila Nelson in the second #1450 was in the lead by al-welds on the left rear shackle problems all day"' said Volpe half of the scheduled 200 most two minutes ahead of mount and back in to the pit and Becker. "The course for-mile race. Lloyd Snyder #1470 at the end of the first for a quick weld job, and --~-,-..,...,.,,,.-..,.......,,..-, back off to the races for a Third Place finish and the thrill of victory. CLASS 11: Five entries, five starters, four finishers, one DN F. The stock VW class ran five laps this race, four on the short course 2A and one on Course lA -the long way. Anne Naso got the pole position start in car #1169 at the green flag and had a one minute lead ahead of Gavin Drake in car #1199 at the end of lap l. By the end of the last lap on the short course, Naso had a comfortable thirteen minute lead over Ed Mahoney in sec-ond position in car #1189, after Drake DNF'd on lap 3. Gema Ptasinski was in third position in car # 1188, only forty seconds behind Mahoney in # 1189. Dave Cote was in fourth position in car #1191. When the checkered flag flew 3:21:59 later, it was for First Place winner Anne Naso in car # 1169, along with her daughter c0-driver. Ed Mahoney narrowed the gap to six minutes on the last lap on the long course to win Sec-ond Place in car # 1189 in 3:27:43. Gema Ptasinski was the Third Place finisher in car #1188 about ten minutes later, covering the courses in 3:37:30. Dave Cote in car # 1191 won Fourth Place for th e d a y i n 4 : 2 l: 2 7. ~&~.& Sean Dunn had a pretty decent day, he finished in third place in Tom Craig finished third in Class ½-1600, he's seen here raisin' a Jennifer Clemison finished first off the podium in the Class the Class 10 battle, here going towards the checkered flag. · bit of the course as he heads for the finish. contest, she's seen here heading for the finish line. Bob Jordan drove his good looking Class 1300 car to a third place Harry Dunne didn't have the best of days, he finished in a long A first off the podium finish went to Steve Dodd, his fourth place finish in class, seen here just at takeoff. fourth place in the Class 9 battle. finish of 19 starters wasn't too bad. Page 34 March 2007 Dusty Times II
II SNORE 2DD& Awards Banquet Text & Photos: Alan P. Madden Rulo Sa/don and John Huson were the Class 5-1600 Class Champion, Rookie Of The Year and First Overall in points. The 2006 SNORE Awards one hour pre-dinner open bar Before the awards, members Banquet took place January 6, lifted everyone's spirits. The viewed video on the SNORE 2007 at Michael Gaughan's new South Point Hotel served an el-"Make a Wish Ride". This year's South Point Hotel and Casino in egant buffet with a variety of Wish Ride drew about 500 par-Las Vegas, NV. tasty salads, a number of fine ticipants with 40 cars giving Approximately 400 guests at-entrees, and a large collection of rides to over 70 children, 22 be-tended the awards ceremony. A excellent desserts. ing children with serious ill-Second overall in points and first in Class 1600 was the dynamic duo of Jeff Carr and Jeremy Harmon. A great Third Overall in points and the Class 9 Champion as well, Brandon Hughes and clan accept their awards. nesses. All racers participating agreed that it was a very emo-tional event and the drivers got almost as much out of it as the kids did. This year's awards emcee was SNORE President John Continued next page Finishing the year at sixth overall in points as well as being the John Gaughan, always a strong contender in the SNORE Series Marc Balocco was awarded the Stock Full Champion award, John Class 1 Champion was Tim Lindsay, a happy guy. was awarded the Jimmy Schaefer/Al Perino Award. Pellissier (r) doing the honors. r--------------------------~=-=-~-~-~-~-~=-=-~-~-~-~=-=-~-~-~-~=-~, Performance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding &Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks Quality Products & Friendly Service RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-759 • www.ronco-plastics.com 15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX us to Receive a Free Catalog L-------------------------------------------------------~ Page 35 March 2007 Dusty Times
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Recipient of the SNORE 250 Jean Calvin award was Ricky Lance, The Class 11 Champion Award went to Ed Mahoney, accepting Certainly well deserved, Brandon Hughes was named The seen here with the trophy and the plaque. for Ed was Corey Torres, he was 19th overall in points as well. Sportsman Of The Year by SNORE. Another award certainly well earned, Adam Wik accepts The Engine Builder Of The Year Award. The Class B Champion and 9'h overall in points, Regen Gubler Richard Evans and Chris Wright earned the Class 10 Champion drove Tammi's truck, obviously happy with their awards. award and they finished 11th overall in points. Pellissier who did a great job of keeping the awards alive and interesting with a nice mixture of wit and personality. Inter-mixed with the awards and rec-ognitions were dozens of great door prizes. The highlight of the event was John Huson and his team's "trifecta". His team won first overall in points, the 5-1600 class championship and Rookie of the Year. He won the overall championship with 3,835 points, just 67 points ahead of Jeremy Harmon. John gave credit to his star driver Rulo Salano. Although John was the Driver of Record, Rulo Salano was given credit for and CODE races. pairs were completed less than ond in class was Ronn Bailey winning the championship. In an exclusive interview an hour before the race started. who placed 31 with Brad Falin, Rulo will be given the honor of with the Dusty Times, Rulo Rulo credits the team's willing-a close third who placed 40th being Driver of Record for the Salano said there were two criti-ness to go all the way and never overall. 2007 racing season. cal races. The Dusty Times 250 give up for their win. Chris Wright won the honors In addition to the prize at Caliente, NV, was the hard-The Class 1/2-1600 award for the Class 10 championship money awarded by SNORE, est and most technically diffi-and second place overall fin-and finished 11th overall with Wilford Deen, the Director of cult race of the season. The ter-isher with 3,768 points was Jer-3,332 points for the season. See-the Baja Coalition and his rain is such that there are fewer emy Harmon. Runner-up in 1/ ond in Class 10 was Brian daughter Kristen Flaherty, Con-places to pass slower cars and it 2-1600 class was Aaron Hawley, Freemal at 20th place with Bill tingency Coordinator awarded is a very challenging course. The fourth overall with 3,689 Woodward close behind with John Huson a check in the other critical race was at points, followed closely by Cody third in class and 25th overall. amount of$2,325.00 for his par-Henderson, NV. They had a pis-Freeman, fifth overall with Ruban Gubler won the Class ticipation in the Baja Coalition ton seize in practice the day be-3,531 points. 8 "Heavy Metal" class and ninth series. The Baja Coalition is a fore the race. The crew literally The Class 1 champion was place overall with 3,489 points. group of independent racers had to work through the night Tim Lindsay who came in sixth He was also voted Driver of the who promote the 5-1600 class. to rebuild the engine. The re-overall with 3,523 points. Sec-Continuednextpage Last year they raced in three SNORE races along with MORE Aaron Hawley had a rough year in SNORE but he managed to finish second overall in Class 1600 and fourth overall in points. Finishing fifth overall in points and third in Class 1600 points, Cody Freeman deservedly took home some hardware. Dusty Times March 2007 Page 37
- - - ---------------- - -Daniel Folts was the happy recipient of the Class 1600 Champion award as well as finishing eighth overall in points. The highly coveted Denny Selleck/Don Dayton Award went to Don Wall, he's seen here with almost a smile on his face. John Huson and Rulo Sa/don gathered their entire team on stage to celebrate their 1st Overall status in SNORE. Year by the members. Hot on his overall. ished 36th overall followed closely by Lonan Pies, who fin-ished 39th overall. Tom Hood won the Unlim-pion is Marc Balocco. trail in second place in Heavy Champ class winner was Metal was Richard Blunk, who Bryan Adams who also came in also took 12th place overall with tenth overall with 3,401 points. 3,204 points. Mike Bailey was a Second place winner in class distant third in class and 48th was Daniel Maurer, who fin-Ed Habon took first place in Class 11 and finished 19th over-all with a total of 2,795 points. ited Sportsman Buggy award. The SNORE 250 Jean Calvin Tommy Bradley won the Sports-Award was won by Rick Lance. man Buggy award. Giti Gowland The Freeman Motorsports/ took the Sportsman Truck/ 1450 Sportsman Rookie of the Year class win. The full Stock cham-was awarded to Brad Wilson. • "We did it/ Special thanks to the crew and sponsors for a great 12th place finish at the SCORE Baja 1000/n - Robbie Pierce, MasterCraft CEO and Driver Driver: Bill Varnes Co-Drivers: Brent Gustin and Kelly Falls Team Coordinator: Madeline Bullman Stateside Ops: Penny Chick Crew: Dan Fogle, Bob Richmond, Lee and Deb Strimpel, Roger and Como, Ed Zimmerman, Greg Gustin and Chris Patterson, Arnie Gustin and Carl Kliewer, Darien Moran and his band, Jaime Medina, R.G. Dickey and Jason "Red" Redfield, Ricardo Lora, Jerry Mathes and Andy Andresen, Dustin Carlsen, Olga Vernon, Bob and Barret Howle, Nicole, Anthony, Quirino, Page 38 Francisco, Jim and the entire Baja Pits army Sponsors: Goodyear Tire, Walker Evans Wheels, Hypercoil Springs, Mirage Racing, KC Hilites, Edelbrock Watch for Trophy Truck 35 at the next finish line/ March 2007 Sportsman of the Year was awarded to Brandon Hughes. Mark Bass won the True Grit Award and John Gaughan won the Jimmy Schaefer/ Al Perino Award. The Class 9 championship went to the third place overall champion Brandon Hughes who racked up 3,702 points. Second in Class 9 and 13th overall was Joe Forte with 3,170 points, fo l-lowed by Rusty Ruby, 17th over-all with 2,941 points. The most coveted award in SNORE is the President's Award. These awards go to those people who have given above and beyond during the year. The following ladies were given this prestigious award : Claudia Alexander, Amanda Gubler, Debi Tapert, Jamie Fagan, Chantal Kirchefer, Jessica Free-man, Maryetta Bowman and Tammie Gubler. The gentlemen who received this award were: Steve Alexander, Regan Gubler, Spooner, Brandon Hughes, Ken Tapert, Jim Kirchefer, Kenny Freeman, Cameron Hughes, F&F Trenching, Dust Busters, Art Savedra, and Joe Jackson. The SNORE general member-ship also nominates and votes on a number of awards that are given at the banquet. The follow-ing are their selections: Engine Builder of the Year -Adam Wik. Transmission Builder of the Year - Dave Folts. Hotel Sponsor of the Year -South Point Hotel and Casino. Pit Crew of the Year -Las Vegas Dissemination. Me-chanic of the Year -Butch Dean. Race Sponsor of the Year -Kartek. This year a Special Award of Appreciation was given to Bob Bruno of the BLM for his help to SNORE. Bob Bruno retired from the BLM in January of this year with over 27 years of service with the BLM. The final event of the evening was the drawing for the 2005 Honda TRX450R quad. The ticket picked was blank and John Pellissier was about to disqualify the winner when a scream of joy went up from the winner, Claudia Alexander, as she shot up from her seat and floated to-ward the podium to accept the key to the quad. After the quad raffle the meet-ing adjourned and the members were free to dance the night away. All the attendees were already looking forward to a racing full 2007. 6 Dusty Times
Pony Express ... VORRA Vs. B.L.M. VORRA has been putting on Off Road Races for over 30 years in Northern California and Ne-vada. VORRA and BLM in all those years have always been able to work to-gether and achieve what was appli-cable for both par-ties. We have gone out at the end of every race and re-stored the pre-scribed areas tha t BLM has desig -nated. In short, we have always done what was asked of us by BLM. ___ Un-til now. It seems the powers that may be, BLM in Washing-ton D.C. and our legislators have decided, because BLM' s budget was cut back that they would implement what is called "Cost Recovery". In other words, charge the people that want to use the desert, { our public lands, paid for by us) to pay for the cost of ar-cheological stud-ies, be it Hydro Studies, Wild Life Studies, etc. The list goes on and on. In the past, BLM would perform these were for studies, or supposed to, special events. studies These should have been don e al-ready with OUR tax dollars. Now they wish to collect and spend OUR tax dol-lar s , plus, use this "Cost Recov-ery.,, VORRA' s es-timated cost for this is $20,000.00 plus. Through sev-Page 39 eral meetings in the last few weeks, VORRA and BLM have tried to work this out, and · failed, due to BLM' s stead-fast need for the $20,000.00 plus. I have decided that VORRA will take the position, we are not going to be extorted for the $20,000.00 plus dollars. VORRA will put on desert races this year without BLM's required permits. The end result will be citations issued to VORRA, and the start of a lgal battle to preserve our rights to use our public lands for us and our chil-dren for genera-tions to come. For more details March 2007 on VORRA' s "Cost Recovery" call Dennis Kordonowy at 775-224-1327 or BLM's Carson City location at 885-6000 and ask for Bryant Smith {As-sociate Field Man-ager) or 885-6141, Arthur Callen {Recreation Plan-ner) or 885-6173 Terry Knight {Rec-reation Program Lead) God bless BLM' s almighty preserved tin can in Hawthorne, Nevada, discovered by BLM' s {hired or employed) arche-ologist. Thank you, Dennis Kordonowy VORRA Ed note:. Dennis is a long time off road racer and is the CEO of VORRA Dusty Times
OFF ROAD MOTORSPORTS HALL OF FAME Ivan Stewart Biography By: Les Unger, National Motorsports Manger, Toyota Motor Sales, USA Ivan Stewart, a leg-end in off road racing, has made the nickname "lronman" a reality. He has successfully accom-plished the toughest obstacles in off road racing, winning again and again. Stewart's racing ca-reer began in 1973 at the 'Ensenad"a 300'. He was scheduled to race in a Class 2 buggy with co-driver Bill Hrynko, but Hrynko suffered a broken leg prior to the event. Mechanic Earl Stah filled the seat next to him, and Stewart continued on to drive the entire race to vic-tory. During the next ten years his winning streak continued to in-clude 30 major race victories, four times 'Driver of the Year' and 'Man of the Year' in 1976, until he joined PPI Motorsports, Inc., Toyota's factory-sponsored team, in 1983. The combination of Stewart with Toyota was a perfect match, which resulted in instan-taneous success in the desert and stadium racing. During his Page 40 first two years behind the wheel of his Precision Preparation Inc, Motorsports (PPIM) - de-signed and built race truck, he earned six class victories, in-cluding two SCORE 'World Championships'. For the next two years, he drove one of two Toyota truck entries in the mini and mid-size pickup class in both the SCORE and HDRA desert series. Stewart then became the only single entry driver when Toyota moved to Class 1 in 1985. Stewart claimed Toyota's first 'Baja 1000'. That victory clinched his second SCORE Overall and Unlimited Class series championships, matching his 21990 record as the only driver in the series' history to win both titles in the same year. The 1993 season was also significant as Team Toyota became the only manufacturer in history to sweep the "Crown Jewels" of desert racing, the 'Ne-vada 500', the 'Baja 500' and the 'Baja 1000', in the same season. Stewart and several other tal-ented Toyota teammates played an importaJH role in Toyota's dominance during the 12 year history of the Mickey Thomp-son Entertainment Group (MTEG) stadium series. Along March 2007 with Stewart's three driver's championships, Toyota earned 11 manufacturer's champion-ships and 42 main event victo-ries -nearly three times more than any other truck team. Stewart holds the record for all time MTEG wins with 17. The 1998 season proved suc-cessful as Stewart won both the 'Baja 500' and 'Baja 100'. He earned his 17th 'Baja 500' win in 1999. Stewart has now accu-mulated 84 career victorjes and ten driver's championships. The wins include 17 Baja 500s, eight Mint 400s, four Parker 400s, three Baja 1000s and four SCORE World Championships. Stewart's driving talent is im-peccable, but he will be the first to mention that it is the sup-port of his friends and family that helps him get to the winner's circle. In addition to his on-track career, Stewart has taken to the role of series "founder" with his Protruck Racing Organization (PRP). A "spec" racing series with identical chassis, the popu-lar Protrucks race as a special class at various events including Best in the Desert's 'Vegas to Reno' race. To date Protruck has built 45 trucks during its ten year history. Stewart is active in the com-munity and serves as a role model for many children. He works with organizations in-cluding the Special Olympics and the Make-A-Wish Founda-tion. The "lronman" adopted a school for the deaf in Ensenada, Mexico where he visits and as-sists in fund raising efforts. Stewart's popularity with younger racing fans has created a market for his "Super Off Road" video games. Starting out as an arcade game, "Super Off Road" has been developed for the Nintendo and Sega plat-forms. In 1997, Midway Home Entertainment, Inc. released "Off Road Challenge", a sequel to the arcade game based on Stewart's participation in the SCORE desert series, which set sales records at the time. Ultimately, Stewart's heart is in the dirt and sand of the desert. "I've always had a love for desert racing. It keeps my competitive nature as strong as ever". To learn more about other individuals like Ivan Stewart who have shaped the off road world, please visit the Off Road Motorsports Hall of Fame, located in Reno, NV at the National Automobile Mu-seum (The Harrah Collec-tion), or our website www.ormhof.com. If you know an individual who you believe has made a significant contribution to the history of off roading you can nominate them by completing the nomination packet avail-able on the ORMHOF website by March 15, 2007. If you are interested in getting involved with Off Road Motorsports Hall of Fame or have any questions about the Hall of Fame please contact Bob Bower at b bower@ormhof.org. Dusty Times
II Pastrana ·Signs With Subaru By Bill Rogers first-ever American World Rally Champion. Photos: Motorsports Memories Subaru of America chose the Los Angeles Interna-tional Auto Show to an-nounce a new three year con-tract for the 2006 Rally America Champion and X-Games Rally winner, Travis Pastrana. Pastrana is the youngest driver to win the Rally America National Championship. In only his second season rallying on four wheels, Pastrana won four events and four second place podiums from nine rounds. In a ceremony on the Subaru stand J.B. Niday, Managing Director of Rally America, presented the John Wolfe trophy to Pastrana and Pastrana's WRC efforts will be managed by Subaruy Rally Team USA through Ver-mont SportsCar, the same outfit that manages his Rally America Championship cam-paign. The team will prepare the Group N Subaru Impreza rally cars for Pastrana's WRC efforts and is looking for-ward to becoming the first American based team with an American driver competing in the WRC. The Colchester, Vermont based team hired former WRC Team Manager, Derek Dauncey in late 2005 to help spearhead its WRC efforts. Lance Smith, Vermont SportsCar President and CEO, told me that they will have a direct relationship with Subaru/Fuji Heavy In-dustries rather than via Prodrive as in the past. The Subaru Rally Team for 2007: Christian Edstrom, Travis Pastrana and Ken Block. Missing is Blocks co-driver Alex Gelsomino. •the Grant Whittaker Trophy to co-driver Christian Edstrom. Subaru of America Inc. Se-nior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer, Tim Mahoney confirmed Subaru's continued support of the Subaru Rally Team USA (SRT-USA) over the next three years, and announced that a two car team will be entered in the 2007 Rally America Series Open class and the X-Games. Pastrana and Edstrom will pilot the #199 Subaru, while Ken Block, "2005 Rookie of the Year" and second overall in 2006, together with co-driver Alex Gelsomino, will drive the #43. Subaru Rally Team USA campaigns two Open class 1006 Subaru Impreza WRX STI rally cars; both team cars are prepared and main-tained by Subaru technical partner Vermont SportsCar and are based on stock S1.1baru Impreza WRX STI vehicles. Subsequent to the Auto Show, Subaru Rally Team· USA announced that it would enter its 23 year old s·tar rally driver, Travis Pastrana, in select World Rally Championship events in 2007, 2008 and 2009. In addition to defending his Rally America title in 2007, Pastrana will drive a Subaru Iinpreza WRX STI-based rally car in three World Rally Championship (WRC) events in the Group N class (Mexico, Argentina and GB). Then in 2008 and 2009 SRT-USA will officially enter Pastrana in the Production World Rally Championship (P-WRC), a support series th a t r u n s· c o n c u r re n t w i th the top tier World Rally Championship. The P-WRC is the next logical step in Pastrana's rally career. Pastrana will run on the same roads in the same events as World Rallying's top stars such as Petter Solberg and Sebastien Loeb. The P-WRC will serve as a stepping-stone to the top tier WRC where Pastrana aims tu become the Page 41 Sales Information: Payment may b& made by credit card, money order or cashier's checl(. Personal or busioess clJecks are not accepted. C.0.0. orders accepted with 50o/. pre-payment. S5 Handling charge on all orders. California residents include 7. 75% sales lax. Customers responsible for all freight charges. Minimum order is S25. The use of Volkswagen by Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. is for descriptive purposes ONLY and in no way is the name used to infer or intend a direct connection between PacHic Customs Unlimtted. Inc. and Volkswagen. Volkswagen is a registered trademark. PRICES EFFECTIVE DURING THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MAGAZINE COVER DATE. EAIILEEYE OFF ROAD UGHTS H./.0. Ug/lls with 35W XMtmr · B«fbSamtBIUW 4 '/, Oval H. l.O. Oriv1119 liQht. SiMll Fln!Sll and E)(!emal llafl3st. pair ..................... $522 8' OWi IU.O. DrivillO LiQht, Sl~ flnlSh and Externa I Ballast pair ................. ., .. 522 8' Ov.il IUO. Spot light, Si;,e, finiSh ,md External B.lllast, l)air ... .., ....... , .............. ~.~22 6' Round H.1..0. Driving Light. (Wal flnlslt ilAfl lnter~al ,. ....... Ballast, pair ...................... ~22 ff Roun<I H.I.O. Spot liUhL Ojlill .• fln!Sll illd lflte,-nal Ballast. pair ...................... ,. ...... .522 &lpM Brlfb/ Jla/ugeB Lifhls. 6' Round 100W DrMng Light wnh l!lack Hnisll. piir ...... .$38 6' Round 10WI Slim-Pro DllvlnQ l!Qhtwilh Chrame Finisll. Pilir ... 74 4 'N Dual 100W Oirllilg Light with Sllvet' flnisl!. jlilir ....... M 8' Rqurnt 55W Drivillg Liglit with Sillier rllllsh, pair ........ 98 ir Round $J)Qt y,ith $l!vtr flo!sh,i>iir ..................... 98 COMMUNICATION KITS Bufc Kit 0/frm Drf,ar to Pnullf8t' Co,nmunicatiol1. Advlln"d Kl# haw tht C'1!aOflilY for Illa OlP/lfl lO Cammu111Utt (4 Passs/rfl/ts, ca, ta Car ore.rm Ban tt'llh Raf/fa All/let. Basic 2•PerSOII Kil \WHS ....... S465 SI~ finish !'lead Set .... "'·•••·"m 831,ic 4-f'I/ISOtl 1(4 w/HS .......... 799 Siad.. Billo, Red or Yellow AdW.IICed 560 4•Persoo 6imind the Heau Head Set 164 lll1.ercooi 1<1t .................. ,. .• 635 Ca<!ion floo, llehillll Heao f>uth to la!k Button ................. 37 ttead Set ... M ..................... 1 ta COILBEAM SUSPENSION •Made la USA• ffllllt Entlr an 6" Wldttr wlllt ur Tawars to kflpt Coil Sllact! W1JiuuJI llloddJu.tioll I.ltd lnfhldes Bad/ aml Pi11ian Mount. rr,flln,Almoflf(t.Q.M. MatsrlBI, 2•1,• Larger a 1• WlflH ARI Caa Im fitfltr Sllldi /(/Ilg 1'111 Spilllfles or CDmbtl UJlkS. front Beam lor Coil Shocks .. $265 Comtxi Lin\ Splnoles .......... $475 ClltOm-01)' ftOlll Beam for Combo til1k Spllldles 3'raised .. 610 Cod Shoci<s ............... _ ...... 3t0 Klllj,J Sllook 2' Ml B!l<J<J 0.0.111. Tr;illal} Alms. sei el◄ 310 vi/Rtl$1lrvol!, includes 0.0.M. • 4• Jra~ingArms (4t .. 300 Sprmgs, earn ............... .495 Thru Rods w/Nuts, pair... • ....... 50 .PIW)' Bact Re$1lrvair Option ..... 65 vretllane 8eam 8u$lling, ....... 24 Swetl{fed Tre Rods. Alum .. ~r .... 65 H.O. Utt!( Pins... ... ... .. ... .. 52 Swedgod T•l!ods, Chn)lllf)!y. pr.65 FRONT BRAKES Z·Pin• B/Uet HI/fl ttflh r Rotor, 8tvingt, C"111tr Caps ,mJ Wilwood 2 Piafwt c,tfpm with /11/JutdilJ# Brlckfl$. 1/W liok Pin froot Brakes 7 45 eon,no tiilk front Brakes... 755 ftOIIIH!lbllit 1/W I ,o Pin ffont Hub I(~ . $499 Combo linH ront Hub M . .499 H.D. FROJIT BRAKES t-l'lm Billet HIib -,111 r Rolot, Til11kJln Btaruip, c,.nr., Cap and Wllwot:112 P/111111 Calip,n rrilh MoPntt"' Brim~. Combo Un~ FrnM 81akes .... S940 KING ADJUSTABLE SPORTSMAN MICRO STUB KIT 81/ltl /kam,g Hotnlllf with 1/mll11Burihft .• ft"Rot/Jit, Mtcrttlt Olt,lify Alloy SJ11i Adu all4 Wi/rtolJ4, Plrtal &al/pdrs. Sportsmafl Micro Stub !(It .$1.396 H.D, 3IJIJM MICRO STUB BRAKE KIT BiJ/rl ~,ring Honi"I wt'"/b TlmaltBt,rlngs, 11• Rotorr, L,rgt Dil~/,r 3QDl4 Stvb Al/rs It/Id Wifwaotl 4 /YJ#H Cltlt,m. H.D Micro Stub Braie l(l! $1,695 SHOCKS WI NON-COIL SHOCKS RESERVOIR KillQ2"Sl!o~. Fllll Ad/llsfmettl D/11I Spt1n1 . 8· Hl·_12' Strolte ..... .from $22h Shot:kwitllHouand~s/lfVOir. KWOl t, S~CI(. Kino 2• Alljustable Sllocl(, 12·1◄· 16 Stroke ..... .lram 295 s-10-1rs1roke .... trom$495 ,,,.m_ B"u'PS1i.,.., Klno 2 '/," AdJIIStable Sllodc. ftlffU '"'" ur 12-14-16"Stml\e .. from585 2"8HmpStopwillt,139 PigOy Batie llCSl!fllCit OptJOn. . 65 Cbromoty Slnre. Triple 8)'-Pas-s, 2 'ft Body ..... 650 Bump Stop wrth Sleeve,~ S257 CENTERLINE WHEELS 1'tlrgtd Al11mlR11tr1 Wf!Ult willl Po/Jrluu/ Flnrs/r. 15 X 4 51/W ..................... $264 15x5 5VW .................. , ... .268 15 x6 5 VW ..................... .272 15x7 svw ................... 275 t5 x 8 51/W ..................... 279 15Jt10 51/W ............... ,. ... .291 15i12 5\IW ..................... 296 15 X 3 '/, 4 VW .................... ;275 15 x5 •t, 4 VW .................... 283 15 x t 4 11W ..................... 291 15 ~ s •1, i vw ..... ., ................ !!98 POWER STEERING COMPONENTS Howe ?ewer Rat.I<. 2· Widespr!1litl.... ..... • ... ... . .•••.. $1,275 Howa Po-,,1ir Rael< 2 •t, • Widespi eall. .... ... .. .. ...... .. .. .. .1.21!, Ho,ve Po,'lll{ Rael.. 2 '/!Widespread 1"lill> Control Valve... . .. 1650 CMr•L\ill~ To1tJ11e Geoorator .. ..... • ..... ....• .... ...... . ........ 295 Cllar•Lynn Billet Mount Claml)S to l .,,. fab1119...... .... . ......... 459 MOUOMO fall. W kl 00 i!adl . ... .. .. • . . •• .. • • 10 Port Black forCllar•Lynn w~h fitlll!gs... .... 30 Coupler tor Cllar•Lynn . . .. ... ..... . 18 u-Joiru tor cnat·l'll!n (Sweet) . . .. ... ... .. .flom 56 ·row~r S1eenng Pumps. 1000 PS! or 1300 PSl . ... 160 Pulley for l'Ov,>ftl Sleeiwo rump.. .................. .... .. . .. Hom 45 Power Stllilflng Jleseivoir for ;a alld 110 fittings ..• .. "•"··• ..... &, row~r Steering Reservol, wnh filll!I Ao.pier ................................ 150 Mount for Power Stecrino Pump \Specify tnome)....... • . .•. .from 65 6i.cket. Resetvon ... • . • .. .. . .... .. .. .. . . .. . .. 14 March 2007 930 CHROMOLY STUBAXLES& DRIVE FLANGES BlJSCHROMOLY STIJBAXLES& DRIVE FLANBES Stub A: hls fltt 930 CV. pair ... Sl◄O Stub Axles for Bus Ci/, patr .. $140 Dnva Fllnges 1-0, 930 0-/. pak ... 70 Dir,e flallg~ tar Bus <:v. 1>3i1 ... 70 HEAVY DUTY AXLES BERMAN CV JOINTS by LATEST RAGE 8~11S Tfltns to AND BOOTS Reetle l,:ailer l\fms .. $120 811a. CV Jomt .. ,. ..$45 BU(Yllus Trans to3Jc:l Arms.. 130 8tJg. CN Boot ..................... ~ 8uo.'8us Tfltns to 3Jc3 Arms &ls. CV Join!..... .•.. ..... . 50 for9..'lOCV·s.. . .... t-40 ~IS. CV Boot . • .. ·•· ••. 7 23'or2S'Ax!esfor930CV'.s .160 930,CVJa111t .. . ............ 58 24"·28' M3001or930CVs. Ir ◄40 930 Boot and flanoe .......... 34 ~!lf!~.~!!f!..iEf-1! 3" S/11111/tf,r l/anluur A¥1lllbl1 ia3. 4, OT V ~ial Wallbiag is AARlllle ill Bfack, Grq, 81111, Rid or Pur,14. 3· t 2· 3 f>oolt ••.•. • . ., ... ·•· ... $70 3" x 2" 4 f'Qml.......... ...... .70 3• x 3• 3 Pllfflt ..................... 80 3' X 3' 4 Point..... . ...... , ....... 80 3" x 2" 3 Pl wlSllOukfer Pad .... 90 3" x ?" 4 pt w/ShoukJer Pad 90 3• x 3• 3 Pl w/Slloukler Pad •. 100 3' x 3" 4 Pt wlSl!oukler Pad .. 100 2 Crotch Strap .12 CROW SHOULDER PAIJS Avaifabt, tor l" 11r r $//o11fdtr Hamm, Blad:, B111•-0t Rtd. 2" Shouliler Harness Pads, pr .. $24 3' Sboukltr Harness Palls. pr ... .28 BENCH SEAT LIL' SPORTSTER S,Uei,I o,w Wldlhf Avaf/n/J Onlf 19" IVtdtl Now Ymt Cu Liu • Sli$/li111io11 Stan fn IWrowtr 2-Pass/lench Seat Cblr.m. A'lallaMe ill Bfacur Gny. 46 or 48'W,oe ........ $435 lir Sportstcr Se.rt. LOW·Back $170 BEARD SUPER SE~T UBEARt/r,toowNS5 MOUNT KIT lij)hl Duty Tie Down. 1'it ~ s· S:n:tetrilt Comllmauon .......... $128 Strill' 5.000# ~p;1;,iy. Sta SUde,'Siioo Combmatlon fl~h I rm Oo• .. n. 'l' x 7 !Qt Lil' SPQrtSl!Jf ................ 14~ Slrap 10000I Cap~ily Bracket am! Slide Mount Only . 60 Al® Sllap Dusty Times
Congratulations to all our racers who have seen the light - . including 2006 SCORE Season Points Champion and Class 1 Winner -Troy Herbst/Larry Roeseler also Alan Pflueger -3rd Overall Trophy Truck; Darren Hardesty and John Cooley -1st and 2nd overall Class 10; Brian Burgess and Dan McMillin -1st and 3rd overall 1/2-1600; Campbell/ Norman/Bell 1st c1ass 22; Wayne Matlock -2nd Class 25, and all the many other winners that support our products.
Hello racers and race fans alike. Its now February and we are preparing for the up-coming San Felipe 250 race. Baja Pit's is once again host-ing two free pre run pit stops for all racers to use. These will be held on the two week-ends before the race, Feb 24-25th and March 3-4th. The course map hasn't come out as of today (2/6/07), but if the same course as last year is run, we will be located around Race Mile 130 as we were last year. These free pre run pit stops are for all racers, not just Baja Pits members. They are a place to stage your trucks and trailers, get under some shade, drink some wa-ter and if they're at lunch-time, have some carna asada with us as well. We keep a few tools and some emer-gency fuel on hand. Wher-ever our pre run pit is lo-cated, that will also be a spot for an actual pit stop during the race. Dusty Times Again for this year, all our pits will be pre marked using Husqvarna blue and white banner tape while pre run-ning, care of Baja Husky's LLC and Husqvarna USA. On race day, the Husky ban-ner tape comes down and our traditional Orange, tri-a n gle shaped, black lettered, BAJA PITS signs come out to mark our pits. Please make a men-tal note of this change from pre running to race day. For this years race, Baja Pit's will again be running five pit locations, all 50 miles or less apart. Baja Pit's dues are $50.00 per year. Each DOR or ROR joins Baja Pit's for their team. For this race, we are running five pit stops. For motorcycles and quads, the fee is $50.00 and includes up to 3 gallons at each pit of 100 unleaded Sunoco race fuel for each race bike/quad. If you re-quire Dry brake service, you need to either provide two dry brakes for us to use. Dry brake rentals are available if you don't own any. Dry brakes are useful since they let you get in and back out of a pit stop in under 15 sec-onds with 3 gallons of fuel. Many a race is lost in less than 60 seconds with 2n d place. Don't let this be you. For all vehicle classes, the pit fee is $100.00 per entry for full service pits This in-cludes hauling your tires and spare parts to each pit, refu-eling you with the fuel you paid for and doing every-thing needed to keep you running and winning if its possible. A complete pit ser-vice with tools, welders, jacks and everything needed to keep you running and in the race. If you are refueling with Baja Pits, you will need to lend us some good condi-tion 11-gallon dump cans for this race. We have some of our own, but may not have enough depending on how many vehicles we sign up. The free 3 gallons of fuel per pit doesn't apply to vehicles. We also have Emergency Vehicle pit service, which is $50.00 per vehicle. This en-titles you to emergency re-pairs in the pits (changing race vehicle spares, welding, working on your vehicle for minor repairs and adjust-ments). With the Full Service pits, you can also buy just one, two, three or all 5 at $20.00 per pit. Pay for just the pits you need to win! Go to our web site at www.Bajapits.com and pull up a pit application. Fill it out and mail it if you need service. Drop your fuel off with us at the Arches in San Felipe the day before the race. You can pick up the neces-sary US Wheel's contingency stickers and Baja Pit's stick-ers needed for your vehicle there OR on contingency row at the Baja Husky's contin-gency booth. March 2007 You need to run at least two Baja Pit's stickers on your vehicles and bikes/ quads to insure quick service in the pits. If you are run-ning for US Wheel's contin-gency in the select classes they cover, you will need two of those stickers too. Any questions about the race, you can call Carlos Orozco at 619-596-8033 or email him at Carlos@Bajapits.com. Our mailing address is 1000 West Bradley, Suite Q, EL Cajon, Ca, 92020. Pit Drop Off on March 9th from 10 AM to 5:00 PM at the Arches in San Felipe. · Our monthly Baja Pit's meeting's in San Diego have started up again starting this month in February.2007. They are scheduled for the third Thursday of the month, except this month (Feb) where it will be the 22nd, The loca-tions are always the same. Grandstand Pizza, 9159 Mission Gorge Rd, Santee, Ca., 92071. Cross Street is Hwy 125 N. The phone num-ber there is 619-562-1111 and the manager's name is Nick. They have a great sports bar there and the pizza is to die for. Our meeting's start at between 6:30 and 7:00 pm. Come on out, enjoy some pizza and soda and talk racing with us. Everyone is welcome and racers are encouraged to attend. King Shock's has signed up as a sponsor for Baja Pit's for all our San Felipe 250 pit locations. They are also. pro-viding us with free water to hand out to our racers and pit works alike at each pit lo-cation. Great job King Shocks! Baja Pit's encour-ages you to visit and pur-chase products form our team's sponsors. In no cer-tain order they are King Shock's, House of Buggies, IMS Product's, Autofuel Baja, Off Road Warehouse, USWheel's, Streamline Forms and Graphic's and Baja Husky's LLC and Davidson Digital Decora-tions (Tripledg.com). A big thank you to all our spon-sors alike! That is it from Baja Pit's. Stay safe out there, enjoy the desert, cleanup after your-selves when camping or just day riding and see you in Baja in March for the run-ning of the Tecate Score San Felipe 250. Until then, adios from Mr. Baja. By Tim Lindsay Hello Dusty Times readers, hope everyone had a great holiday season. Continued next page Page 43 --..
Baja Rentals Includes Iridium 9505a Only $69.99 per week Free travel charger, cigarette lighter adapter, Free leather case, voice mail and extra battery Call and reserve yours today!!! We also rent Mobile Internet Access Units We are located 15 miles east of San Diego Open 7 days 24 hours convenient for pick up Vice President and also picked up the Secretary position. Dave Girdner was again voted Treasurer for the club and Bob DePew is once more Sergeant At Arms. This year, Randy Jones and Johnny Burns are our Driver Reps. Larry Althoff received the CORE Person of the Year award, and a nice jacket to go with it. Larry owns and drives a Class 10 car and is just an all around great guy. Way to go Larry! Bob DePew added to his jacket collection with the CORE Pit Person of the Year. For several years now Bob has brought out the CORE trailer to all the races and the Club greatly ap-preciates the effort. Thanks Bob! Having a great '06 season with three wins, two overalls, a Class I Championship and finishing sixth in the SNORE overall points, Tim Lind-say was voted Driver of the Year by the CORE members. Tim was very honored to be chosen for this award, and this was his second jacket, also picking up the award in 2000. Everyone brought something for the CORE trailer to help replenish pit boxes and tools. Thanks to all the members for your donations. As talked about in last month's letter the club had a campout at the Start/Finish line the weekend before · the January MORE race. There were several cars out testing and pre-run-ning for this race and Laughlin. Lots of people stopped by to say hello, and to check out the cars. Everyone is look-ing forward to the '07 season. Next month we'll have a full race report from the MORE KST and SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge as we have cars entered in both races. Remember, if you're racing the The first week of January had the an- bring their entire family for a night of lies away from the race track. MORE or SNORE events this year, nual Christmas club dinner. This is awards, officer nomination results For 2007 CORE's President is COREwillbesupportingbothseries. always a great night, as club members and just a great chance to see the fami-again Brad Inch. Tim Lindsay is again If you want to become a part of Off ,._.....;;..__;;_,_;_ ____ __;_.....;;.._ _____ _,_;, __________ ~ www.allroadcommunications.com 9828 North Magnolia Ave Santee, CA 92071 Road Racing as a Crew Member, con-tact Brad Inch at 818-352-9035 after 5pm or stop by the Start/Finish area the weekend before a MO RE race and learn more about our great club. Here's to '07 being a great year for everyone. See you in the dez .......... Ain't No Wahzoo It's back, and it's overdue. It's the new version of the old El Prez Sez and it ain't no Wahzoo Checker column. Well, once again the Checkers celebrated another successful year of racing and honored those members who were instrumental (or is that just mental) in the continu-ing success of this # I desert racing club. Our applause, thanks and appreciation go to out outgoing officers: Robert Harmon, President, Mike Duenas, VP, Jake Smith, Treasurer and now wealthiest Checker and Mark Nacke, club Secretary, for serving the Checkers with devotion and ride The Suspension Company. Page 44 March 2007 Dusty Times
throughout the year. Once again we invaded Victorio's Ristorante and tried to fool them by dressing ourselves up and calling it a banquet .instead of a meeting, al-though bewildered by our lack of racing t shirts, they were as accommodating as ever with a bounty of Italian food and sp1r1ts. The evening started out with drinks, hors d'oeuvres and lots of call tales being cold by all and believed only by perhaps the newest and freshest of ears, belonging to our prospective members and the restaurant staff. A fine dinner fare was served and promptly consumed as we· moved into our main ob-jective of the evening, hon-oring those who excelled throughout 2006. And the award goes to .... Pitter of the year: F.red Nelson. Pit Cap-tain of the year: Ed Jahn. Rookie of the year went to Josh Hall. Driver of the year: George Seeley. Man of the year: Ed Jahn. Special appre-ciation awards went to Lou Peralta for his devotion to making our Baja 1000 pit support efforts # 1, George Thompson for ma~ing all our Checker maps and his work heading our Off Road Expo committer along with myself, John Hastings, also honored for my work involv-ing the Expo. George Seeley and Steve Laport were hon-ored for their ongoing and seemingly never ending ef-forts to assure all of our pits that we will always_ have the finest working pit equip-ment at every race. We hon-ored our outgoing ·officers with a presentation of plaques and introduced our 2007 leaders. President George Jirka, VP John Hastings, Club Secretary Gary Stairs and out Trea-surer, Ed Jahn. We then awardfed our cluds time honored and most presti-gious award, the Vic VanElla Trophy co one of the most devoted men in our sport, Art Sevedra. This award has been received by the most impressive movers and mold-ers of the sport of off road racing in the world, and car-ries with it the knowledge that to join it's ranks of win-ners, you have in some tre-mendous way impacted our sport forever. Congratula-tions Art. For many of our members, the banquet was was the end-ing for an already full day of racing. Many began early morning in the very cold Lucerne Valley as part of the M .O .R.E. KST 250. We had four cars entered and three out pits and a main. Tom Koch (#108 Ridgecrest Rocket) raced his 1 car with Mike Childress to a 4th place finish with Mike turning the fastest lap of anyone; are we surprised? Nope! I also hear that when the jack failed the mighty Mike jumped out and just gave the car a quick lift so they could change a tire. Two wheels, four wheels or lTIOll'S 11011 tll\11£5 tlSfSIZES-3/4". l", 1·1/4", 1·1/z", 1·3/4"1.120111111·3/4''XJJ90 IN STOCK NOW AT DISCOUNTED PRICES• IIJARII 1-8001792-9762 IRWINIII.E 1-800/600-PIPE SIN IEINIIIIII 1-800/877-4269 IURIAIII( 1-888/ 400-3448 IIUPEIIA l-800/7-PAffON lANCASlDI SIU /942-2755 S LOCATIONS TD SERVl YOU • FIB All YOUR METIL WIBIINC NEEDS • •call YOUR LOCAL BRANCH RHI STOCKED SIZES flat wheels, Mike Excels. Bobby McCall, (#1219) nailed a third place, Todd Starks, (#1610) hammered a ._ while Dan Martin (#1607) 2nd. Craig Dillon (#1005) .was fighting trans problems, r a n i n to s h i ft e r p rob I e ms · Continued next page HONDA Power -----------Equipment POWER :HONDA. Ol!!NEftATOJUI & P.i,iMPa UCEI & IPECTATII IIICIUNTI • GENERATORS • TILLERS • OUTBOARD ENGINES • LAWN MOWERS • 'WATER PUMPS California's lor Honda Largest Source Power Equipment Parts 8 Inventory IF WE DON T NIIVE 11: NO ONE OOE9/ Check Our Website: www.Kawaguchihonda.com Kawaguchi Honda Corp. 3532 East 3rd St. • Los Angeles, CA 90063 (323) 264-3936, 264-5858 • FAX (323) 264-2136 Nothing's easier. For optimum performance and safety, we recommend you read the owner's manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment. Connection of a generator to house power requires a transfer device to avoid possible injury to power company personnel. Consult a qualified electrician. ©2007 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. Dusty Times March 2007 Page 45
> Pre-Runner Cars & Trucks > Race Cars & Trucks > Rhino's > Custom Sand Cars > Trophy Karts > Trans Service > Custom Fabrication > Repairs & Race Prep > Parts & Accessories > And Much More! RACER OFFROAD 1610 W. Whispering Wind Dr. • Phoenix, AZ. 85085 (1 blk South of Happy Valley Rd. on 16th Ave.) 623.582.8600 WWW.RACEROFFROAD.COM both ended with dnf's. Our Main Pit was captained by Reverend Roy Moore and crewed by Mike Wright, Paul Smith, Ed Groce, Thumper McDowell, Greg Brabant Page 46 and Doug Brown. They handled driver changes and fueling of a ll Checker cars and three tire changes. Pit #l was captained by Gary Bates and crewed by B .J . . :. .. ,· Bates, Lin Neal and Andrew Neal. Pit #2 was captained by Ed Jahn and crewed by Big Air Bob Wright~ Pit #3 was captained by Joe Cota and crewed by his brother, Tony Cota. Apparently our cars were all working well enough through the three outlying pits that all day was just spent enjoying the race and the weather. Laughlin was our season opener with eight Checker cars entered and a #l well manned pit. Josh Hall was first in class both days in the H2, Rod Hall raced the H3 to a 1st in class on Saturday with Chad Hall taking the H3 to a 2nd on Sunday, giv-ing them a combined 1st in class finish. George Seeley won 1st in Class 5, Rich Severson took a 3'd in Class 7SX. Also racing were Stuart and Eric Chase (11th in Class 1), Jeff Lloyd with Milo Brown and Gary Stairs in 7SX. Andrew Neal in l/z-1600 (15th) , with Jim Greenway and Ty Goodee rounding out our Checker entries. On hand to supprt _them in our Main Pit were Ken Tappert, A cting Pit Captain , with George Thompson, Ed Jahn, Bobby and Johnny McCall, Lin Neal, Joe Cota and Big Dan Martin. Unfortunately, copy dead-line will prevent a Parker 425 race report in this issue, but I can tell you it should be a good one for us. We have seven Checker cars en-March 2007 tered with four outlying pits and a main. At this time, it is Robertson/Duenas, Tucker/McGee, Stairs/ Tappert, Gilliam/McCool, Chad Hall, Josh Hall and Lee Finke. Look for race re-sults in your April issue of the Dusty Times. Well, that's it! Mark your race calendar for a Checker summer party Father's Day weekend and until then, we hope to see you at our regu-lar weekly meetings , Wednesdays, 8pm at Victoria's Ristorante, 10901 Victory Blvd., North Holly-wood. Remember, El Prez sez ... see ya in the Dez ! SACRAMENTO -On Fri-day, January 26, 2007, Judge Gail Ohanesian of the Sacra-men to County Superior Court denied a request by the Center for Biological Diver-sity (CBD) fo r a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) that would have shut-down the popular "Truckhaven" area to off-highway vehicle use for the indefinite future. CBD had sought the TRO claiming t'hat,the California Department of Parks and Recreation had failed t o comply with the California Environmental Quality Act prior to allowing OHV ac-tivities at the Truckhaven property, which State Parks acquired last summer. CBD also alleged that State Parks had allowed the California Off-Road Vehicle Associa-tion (CORVA) to hold a n il-legal OHV event last week-end (January 20-21) a t Truckhaven. Both State Parks and CORVA submitted detailed briefs and other evidence to the Court demonstrating that no legal violations took place and requesting that CBD's request for a TRO be denied. The Court was per-suaded tha t no restraining order was necessary to pro-tect the resources at Truckhaven. CORVA's legal counsel, David Hubbard of Ecologic, said, "This is a great victory for families who enjoy recre-ation in the southern Cali-fornia desert. Fo r the mo-ment at least, we have pre-served a Truckhaven trad i-t ion that has been unbroken for more than 50 years." The fight over Truckhaven is not over yet. Although its TRO request was rejected, CBD still intends to pursue its overall CEQA lawsuit Get all t w,vw. f a Dusty Times
against State Parks over Truckhaven. CORVA and other interested parties will likely participate in the liti-gation. For more information contact David Hubbard at dph@ecobalance.biz or (619) 992-3600. (Ecologic is a non-profit corporation committed to responsible family recre-ation in the great American outdoors.) -OFF-ROADERS CHAL-LENGE OFF-HIGHWAY MOTOR VEHICLE REC-. REA TION COMMISSION OVER A1{BITRARY & CAPRICIOUS ABUSE OF AUTHORITY Grants were approved or denied /lt the t-oss of a coin. BAKERSFIELD, CA (January 29, 2007) On Janu-ary 26, 2007, Ecologic Part-necs, Inc., the Off-Road Busi-ness Association (ORBA), the San Diego Off-Road Coa-lition (SDORC), the Califor-nia Off-Road Vehicle Asso-ciation (CORVA), the Ameri-can Motorcyclists Associa-tion District 37 (AMA 037), and the American Sand Asso-c ia ti on (ASA) filed suit against the Off-Highway Mo-tor Vehicle Recreation (OHMVR) Commission alleg-ing the commission acted in an arbitrary and capricious Dusty Times manner d·uring its December 8-9, 2006 meeting when it rescored law enforcement grants without any eviden-tiary support for the new. scores. Those actions re-sulted in decreased law en-forc.ement funding for areas where many California fami-lies recreate. The lawsuit specifically challenges the OHMVR Commission's action to dra-matically reduce the score of the law enforcement grant application submitted by Bu-reau of Land Management's (BLM) El Centro field office. Despite receiving a score of 82 from Division staff, the BLM El Centro grant appli-cation was downgraded to a 69 by the Commission. Although more than $10 million in law enforcement grant requests were submit-ted to the OHMVR Division, the Division was able to al-locate only $4 million in law enforcement grants. Once The OHMVR Commission rescored the BLM El Centro law enforcement grant, the $4 million allocation was al-most gone. BLM El Centro · and another grant applicant with a score of 69 were vying for the remaining dollars. Rather than analyze the two applications on the merits, the OHMVR Commission simply tossed a coin! El Centro BLM won the coin toss and was awarded the re-maining $387,349. Still, even this award was more than $1 million less than that recommended by OHMVR Division staff. Recently the OHMVR divi-sion staff implemented a competitive grants process to ensure that the limite.d funds available are disbursed in a fair and equitable manner. By subverting that new pro-cess, the OHMVR Commis-sioners not only flouted the law, they placed in jeopardy the safety of the hundreds of t h.o us a n d s o f p e o p I e who v1s1t the Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area (ISDRA) each year. The ISDRA, the area for which the El Centro BLM was requesting funds for, re-ceives ap12roximately 1.4 mil-lion visitors each year, the majority of which are fami-Automotive electrical installation experts with over 15 years experience specializing in off-road wiring for your race, pre~runner and sand vehicles. (858) 748-3494 Go to www.enjwireworks.com for all of your electrical components and communication system needs such as sealed switches, waterproof connectors, circuit breakers, fuse boxes and more! lies. OHV grants are a cen-tral component in providing law enforcement for this area which is one of the most heavily visited OHV areas in the entire nation. It is diffi-cult to understand why the OHV Commission would substitute a game of chance for sound analysis and scor-ing of OHV grants for such a popular area, rather than the scoring criteria established in r-egulation they are legally mandated to use. ORBA Off-Road Business Association 1701 Westwind Drive #216 Bakersfield, CA 93301 direct to Meg 951-926-1953 951-415-1869 cell Corporate Office 661~323-1464 Corporate Fax 661-323-1487 ez, [CNCJ W4!' car,y a fuD S4!'/4!'Ctlon ol': ~ =ts:8:1:~ tFlli!!51 11-&: 5ACo ottRoH fEIMS .. & ROD ENDS .310.54 ~ VALLEY' lnEH' .BLVD-.LAS VEGAS, .NV-: 89,oz 'TEL: TOZ-871-49,1 FA.X: 70.Z-B7' ,-szz I March 2007 Page 47
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MOTORSPORTS Trucks, Buggies, Parts, Service & Fabrication Todd Arthur hrtmotorsport@yllhoo.com www.hrtmotorsports.net {760) 78&0019 P0Box3944 Ramona, CA 92065 JG TRANSWERKS "Go with a Proven Winner· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Quality RecJng Transaxles Mendeola Dealer · Off Road -Sand Specialist JOE GIFFIN 3061 B. La Jolla St. Ill Anaheim. California 92806 (714) 632-1240 Ju (114) 632-122.' Email: jg1rans@pac:bel1.net www .JGnans wcrks.(Offl HUSTLE::~ CDnCEPTS ~'CAJA SHOP s:::u:::c:e o • ts ~ F=n .. Jr-r,IEJ=E!i =i....wmnum ~H &s=tac::s::::u...rr.... JeueRocl~ PH' 71,4.W7.0701 Fait:71+1lG7-0158 71♦ N Lemon SI. Oo,t,ge.CA. 92.W tmce1967) www,hus11e!coocepls,com Mike Julson 9428 Wheatlana Court Sant-, CA 92071 819-598-33e0 819-59&-3364fax www.J~ George Jimenez Se Hob/a Espanol· 535 E., Central Park Ave. Anaheim, CA 92802 Tel: (714) 535.5116 Fax: (714} 535-5816 JON KINNE 520 Railroad St., Corona, CA 92882 Tel. 951-278-2233• Fax: 95l-278-8335•www.jonnylightning.net KAL OFFROAD RACING Metal Fabrication Custom Suspensio~ www.KALoffroad.com Kurt Lannee i(SOS) 466-4101 8408 K EJ Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 HONDA Pow e r I f OUT 904RD U•GINE • GENfi~ATOA $1>£CIWST0 Kawaguchi Honda Corp. www.Kawaguchibooda.com )532 UST 3RD ST. ART KAWAGUCHI faK $2$-264-2136 323-264-5858 lO& ANGl!i.£$. CA tOOli3 For The Price Of A Phone Call And A Few Bucks A Month Your Ad could Be Here 818-882-0004 Derail Kreger PH: 114.289.9048 Fl: 714.631.1854 1214 N. Parker Unti # 3 orange. CA 92861 POWER E STEERIH8 THOMAS£ LEE LEE MFG. ~O. 11661 PENDlETOtll&l'RHT SUN WJ.EY, CA 9131152 FAA($18) 7M-aet1 (818) tet-o:m Afl.Clll!neof~St~ ....... J)UmPt and ~ tor My fype of ,acing. Magnaftwl and Z,ok> 1-:ilities avaitat.e. · •c11taQmellauis •Rac:ePnip •AtQmmumWOltl -w.ldlng Engineering ·~ FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596--4076 (909) 596-5497 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER 4 RACING ENGINES Assembly• Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 @fu ¼ estraints • Storage Bags Window Nets • Limit Straps• Tie Downs www .mastercraftseats.com 11433 Woodside Avenue• Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455 • Fax: 619/449-9454 YOUR 0.ff-llDJUJ Catch_ us ~n the Net! SPECIALlil1'1JI www.mckenzies.com PHONE: (714) 441•1212 FAX: (114) 441-1622 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CA 92806 MIKE MENDEOLA 290 Trousdale Drive. Suite I & J Chuta Vista, CA919to (619) 691-1000 2'4 Houf Fax {61i) 691-1324 ToddOW,.-1900 Olrnpton Ave. St.rite 101, Corooa. fA 92881 Phone (951)817--0101 fxt. 156 www.mickeythompsontires.com 619-562-5533 Off ROtld Fobriaition and Design @_..moseBif lti Function/Strength/Safety/Pride • Sand Car$ Mode by Hand 111 flue V5A • Truck$ •Ra(,et:ors • n............--JOHN MOSELEY .-~ Owncr/f«>r'icotor •Ro.tlyCcrs •CustOffl 2~6 J(l$0n ColJl"t Corolla. CA 92879 951-272-3026 FQ)( 951~272-0776
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Hi-Pe,formance Equipment &,sp6nsion • Sllfety• DrlveHne • Accessoliss (619) 691•9171 (619) 691·9174 (619) 691-0803{FAX} 100 Pre$$ Lane, Suite 14 Chuta V,sta, CA 91910 e-mail: fP(Od10aoJ.com RRCING ENGINES Building SCORE winning engines 619.420.2233 4S Broadwaq Chula Vista. Cll 91910 rnderrncing.com PH: 714..688.6131 • FIi: 714.88 .3118 'I II free: 800.304.8728 1631 Placentia Ave. Unit G Anaheim. CA 92806 SIIHilltllt II: 4s••••• -111112-tt'HH ........ ....... -Alils -d~::;s ..,,,,,, .. ,: .. tdM it#£EiB ea 2t?fl4~ Barry Beacham 102~ Calle Sombra - Unit A San Clemente, CA 92673 Office 949-361-4388 Fax 949-361-4352 barry@raceprepservices.com www.raceprepservices.com A Tatum Distributor R-,:/>,oll,,,, . Speetalltlng in Off-Bold Racing & Driving for Over 21 Years '/(/WIIH, o/ ~~ ~--(/4ii 21)()().:ll)()f • /J""4. 9 ~ o/ e~ .. .1up 'k11;u, Mig Welding • Tig Welding UPOralles '1 Repairs Baja~Proven Equipment 5294 H. Casa Grande Hwy • S1e 102 Tucson, Az 85743 520-850-3693 fiii/ SANDERS SERVICE, INC. L?l!I MET AL PROCESSING 5921 WIJ_m.ingtM Ave., Los~ CA 90001 (323) 583-2404 FAX (323) 583-3965 SANDBLAST -GLASS BEAD·MAGNETIC PARTICLE flOURHSCENT INSPECTION MARKSMITH LARRY SMITH LAURA RICHARO S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOTH HCR66, BOX '11030 P.AHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV 89048 (775) 372-5335 TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821~ MHUt.fiSl#I ta, .......... 1111! J,111u.•111t• -(714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 872-9246 '7121 ttMIU RANCHO DRIVETRAIN ENGINEERING Tony Selva, Jr. 27598 Commerce Ceotor Drive Temecula, CA 92590 ...,..,951.676.6569 fACSIMlt<951.676. l l41 I selvo@ro r1chod rive tro in. com QIJAUl'Y lsttr EKPENsn!E, Ir's PRlcELEss! VALW TRAIN PRoouc1s • CusroM HEAD Womc 780/948 4SSB • FAX 7BO/B,4&4B56 · MIIN'liV.RDVALVESPRIIVG. COIVI ,.108 SITE SIGHS • 8ANKERS • ~INOOW lfTTERIM, • CAA LETTEIIING • GAAPfflCS SGUEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101 Galway Circle• Huntingt::>1 Be.ach CA 92649 (714) 897-0075 • Fa~ 17141 694·9567 SPECIALTY nACie 1:'rep RACE CARS -TRUCKS •~ •~•" UJHlfllffl{~ •4M,t ~at'$ ·~ 'l:ttmtt9'~61tiUs -~ fa6""tia11 • e~rusmissielt u,...u 16743 Parksl~ Ave.. Cenftos, CA 90703 Ttavi.s Aetcher (562) 802-t404 OaigS~ Phone: 019-<149-9721 Fm, ~t1t-441p71\1R {;cl: 6~726-«89t fabri.cation & Race Preparation M19 Ab,aham Way Sant♦♦, CA 9;tem ,•.•.t.!W.!t~t>-•-~<'2."n crai1Jf,t_.,,__(lu.com · · , · ,::} -.-1. ,.ine F:fiJ'!? SalN& -~ Service a.--.i Ahtminnm Wh«t Strajght.ening 31510 223rd St E. Tim Baker Llano, CA 93544 661.261.3202 www.straightfineoffroad.com TimsRims'1juno.com IIACEFUEI.S BR~~UM 800-399-4176 SUNOCO-RACEGAS@HOTMAIL.COM IIACEFUELS Paul _Oil Company 'WESTERN DIVISION (209] 847-2281 {8001527-6090 FAX(209}847..S726 P.O. Box 248 • 524 N. Sien-a Ave. Oakdale, Celifomia 95361
T & J's Diesel Performance \ ~ ~ Extreme Perfonnance Diesel Exhausts & Performance Accessories J:'owerstroke, Duramax, Cummins www.TJOIESELPERFORMANCE.com 714-924-5094 Placentia, CA 92870 · 2180 College Drive • Lake tta,;asu City • A%. 85403 can Toll Free: 877-627-8852 or E-Mail: infoOtcsperformanee.ccm •Hi.Performance Converters Custom L•ngth Axl•.s • • Automatic Trans: Ax.les TCS Oe$lgned Hubs • (for Race & Recreation) :tnput Shafts• American Made Excellence!! . :a:;.. ..s::.o. ~ . . . 'Off-Road and Bolt•On to Street Fiberglass for: "Ford, CQevy and Toyota" Trucks " Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1261 N. Buen Vl8.ta 8t. • ~ ca. 92543 Pit: 951-654-7334 Fax: 951-654-2375 ~ a list of oar prod~._. weat sjte: hffJt://www.off~.a,m 9763 Varlel Ave. JEFF FJELD (818) 99&-2739 Chatsworth,. CA 91311 NS WEST P£RFORMANCETRANSAXLES Kevin Pirtle 22545 South Normandie Ave. Torrance, C~lifomia 90501 310.782.2413 fax 310.782.3772 ;;:,.J ransworks ~ PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES AUTHORIZED MENDEOLA DEALER ERIC LAUNDRtE STOCK & CUSTOM 24752 VIEJAS BLVD. SANO ., STREET• RACE DESCANSO, CA 919l6 www .transworks.biz (619) 445~3135 (619) 596·8033 1 000 W. Bradley. Unit 0 El Cajon, CA 92020 Carlos Orozco "Ql.lality Products for Motorsports" OISTRIBUIDOREN MEXICO RRAUTOSPECIAL PARTS. S. OE R.l. OE C.V. CALLE PRIVADA FRAY MAYORGA 17025 ZONA lNDUSTRIAl GARITA DE OTAY TIJUANA. 8.C. C.P. 22430 • ; ,i'.~ TEL.: (664) 647 9~22 !:AX: (664) 607 1440 ~ E·MAIL: vpmell;@.!'~.mail.com " -~ Q Ray Gastelum GERENTE . P.O. t¼OX 430-499 SAN YSIDRO CA !J214l • l>H 619~4 4548 •0.,11,, ,.,,. ' ,,.1,c1, ,., .. ,.,.,.,, ... W,A,11, · www.rpr,dt1h•lu• VP Aacing Fuels, Inc. West Coast Region P.O. Boit 1319 34283 Monie Vista Wildomar. CA 92595 KELLEY HENOEL Regional Manager Office:(951) 674-916'1 Fax.(!51~ E>74-7l67 Email: vppaciflc@aol.com Adam Wik SCORE ENGINE BUlLOER OfTHEYUR 994.1$98, 1999.2000 From Parts To complet~ Engt,-.s M75 W, Ttieo AVL Unit. f.M Veou. NV ffl1t NHl7-2522 9'0IN,2ht0t. Photnix, AZ '5021 Race Cars Dunc Buggies Lorenzo Rodriguez Jade Woods '82-242-0077 fu 6<n•142·1283 Baja Bugs 'Ii ,insm.s.,oo< • Parts • Scrv,ce • W>eld,ng V.W .• i'orsch<! •Noss.in • 'lo)lt)lll • Hood.I 8SOS. Alta Vista Ave .. Monrovia. CA 91016 (626} 30>-RACE (7123) • {626} 357-6619 Fax www,wrtrans,com ■p--G!a......_111 a-RRCE PREP SHOP • BUGGIES • SRRDCRRS •SHOCHS •TRUCHS • PRE·RUURERS • FRBRICRTIOR 818) '126-2260 . World Leading Motorsport Transmission Manufacturer 11 Dakar Rally Victories 17 World Rally Victories 6 AMA MX/SX Championships Xtrac Inc 6183 West 80th Street Indianapolis IN 46278 email:· andrew_heard@xtrac.com Tel: (317) 472 2454 '383' Baja Class 1/10 sequential Transaxle www.xtrac.com/inc
Classlfled ••• Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Read-ers are advised to consult appro-priate local or state authorities for information before purchase f ·f· . I --------------AUT Otv10TIVb. F6R SALE: Pat Dean's 2 seat class 1/1500 Bunderson 2003 SCORE legal and tagged race car. Top of the line parts, King shocks, Albins 5 speed trans with Tilton clutch, all aluminum 406 Chevy small ·block. Call Butch for more details @ (702) 873-1962. $125,000.00. FOR SALE: Blazer PreRunner: King Shocks, Culhane Tranny, new Chevy 224 motor, Dana 60 rear end, I-Beam front end, A/ C, Lee steering Box, 37" BFG projects, new Alum. Radiator & seats, Pioneer C.D., totally. prepped & ready to go. Great for Baja$ 75,000.00 OBO. Call Jeff (602) 541-0088. Excellent Pre-Runner or Fun car. Porsch en-gine-street legal-Ump accesso~ ries, spare rear wheels/tires, Simpson seats and belts, $10,900.00 OBO. Trailer avail-able. Call Ann (916) 791-4245. FOR SALE: Ultimate Recov-ery Vehicle. 5 ton military troop carrier. 20,000 lb winch, hard· top with hole for Mach. Gun, large pintle hitch. Very little rust. $4,600.00 Good truck (661) 270-1280. Ron Jones FOR SALE: Class 10 JIMCO, 2 seat, Honda B 16A Motec, S-5 Mendeola by DFT, SCORE legal tag, digital display on dash, King shocks, jack, 18 volt Milwaukee gun, 35 spline, Summers Bros. gun drilled axels, 934, Fortin p/s, Lee, CNC, UMP, Mastercraft, MOMO, On Board Flame out, Roadmaster radio, Color GPS, Ron Davis Rad. 30 gal. Fuel Safe, Dirt Bagzs, HID's, Robby Gordon, BFG, Dual batterys, Dual fuel pumps, car is new, low miles. Top of the line parts. Car comes with spare parts, 30' Carson enclosed trailer, tool boxes, work bench, lights, winner at the Las Vegas Cup, More KS.T 250. Call for details (949) 291-3912 rpaquette4@cox.net. $125,000.00 . FOR SALE: Outlaw Racing's 1992 Ford F700 16' Box Van, In-dustrial 460 Belly Boxes, Work Benches, Tire Racks, Shelving, Tool Racks, Only 60,000 miles. Excellent Condition, Set up for off-road racing. $6,500.00 OBO. Call Mike at (619) 445-1245 or Kevin at (619) 992-9164. FOR SALE: Race Trans-porter. 1996 Peterbuilt and trailer, custom lounge, full bathroom, flat screen, custom cabinets, complete awning sec up with optional side panels, Previous Chad Hord/factory Nissan CORR set up.· $75,000.00 OBO. Contact John (760) ·445-5464. FOR SALE: Alpha AC.06 Class One Race Car. Redline LS- 7, Fortin Wide 4-speed with torque converter. Fea-tured in · December Dirtsports. No expense spared. Call ALPHA CARS FOR SALE: CORR Single Buggy (1600). One of these cars has to go. We planned on racing two cars is 2007 and now plans have changed. Both cars are Hester chassis (more podiums than any other chas-sis). Red car is a turn key, top 3 contender with the latest updates, and everything new or overhauled in 2006. White car needs disc brakes, stub ax-les, and bypass shocks to be updated. Spa-re trans and nu-merous other stuff. Will sell without motor and trans if de-sired. No reasonable offer re-fused. Call or email for info or pies. Asking 23K for red car and 13K for white car. Also have 20' Pace American enclosed trailer for 5K. (714) 470-5552. Sea no kennedy@hotmai 1. com. FOR SALE: Alumicraft 4-seater, turbocharged 2.5 li-ter Subaru, Mendeola Trans, . Fox coilovers, Autronics electronic, VDO gauges, CNC, 24 gal fuel cell, Mastercraft, Centerlines, Magnaflow, Roadmaster ra-dio with 4 link PCI intercom system, Alpine XM ster"eo. Street Legal (registered in Arizona). Lots of spares. Re-movable racks, etc. $65,000.00. Days (661) 259-4845, nights and weekends (661) 253-9728. Ask for Mike. FOR SALE: Penhall Diablo 4 seat PreRunner, plated arms, front and rear, Howe rack and high volume pump, chrome Fox bypass shocks and coilovers, 36 gal fuel cell, alum. radiator, fans, coolers, heat exchanger, Beard leather seats, 4 and 6 piston caliper brakes, Kartek hubs, 6-37" BFG projects on Chrome 17" Walker Wheels, Jeff Fields automatic, too much more to list. $77,500.00. (714) 330-4080. FOR SALE: 2002 Ford Explorer Sport Stock Mini SUV. Best in the Desert 3100 Class Cham-pion. Very reliable, easy to prep, fun to drive. V6, auto, BFG's Fox Shox, Mastercraft. $22K (760) 788-9229 . FOR SALE: Potter Produc-tions dual-sport: Mazda Redline perfor,mance 13B turbo, 500 hp, fresh Mendeola, 2.5 King coil-over/bypass in rear, custom axles, 5 Hella HID, inter-• com, race radio, headsets, • GPS, Douglas rims, paddles, roof rack, $42K (will trade). Call Mark (760) 996-7006. SELL YOUR vehicles, equipment and bits and pieces right here! Dusty Times has the read-ership you 're looki;,g for so fill out the form below -?.IV~:~---·= ~~-~ FOR SALE: Don't Pass Up!!! FOX MOTORSPORTS FOR SALE!!! Everything you need to race Class One!!! RacePrep and Ready. 53' Dorsey trailer w/liv-ing quarters. 2006 HMS LS7 Big HP, Fortin w/ converter, King, PWR, Proam Hids, Racepak, GPS, all of the best, no expense spared. 2006 Foddrill 3 seat Prerunner, LS6, Fortin w/con-verter, Fox Proam, HIDS, pump gas XM radio, intercom w/head-sets, GPS roof rack, street legal, registered. 2004 Ford 350 4x4 Powerstroke crewcab white/tan 52,356 miles. 2002 Chevy 2500HD 4x4 Duramax crew cab white/charcoal 84,697 miles, 1997 Ford F350 4x4 Powerstroke crewcab, white/blue 112,536 miles. All Chase trucks have race radios, equipment racks and all services has been done in dealerships, all in excellent con-dition. Two bumper pull trail-ers, single axle, tandem axle w/ storage. Everything goes, over $20,000 in spare parts. Too much to list. Must see. You won't be disappointed. $423,000.00. Contact Cesar Fuentes@ (915) 726-3823. ............................................................ , .............................. . : Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in IHGliJ-: ~ Clas,if;ed Admtising rnte is only $25 fo, 45 wo,d1!.~~::,n::~~:dms ,nd phone numbet. Add $5.00 lo, use :::::51 ~ • of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. 2007-08 • • REMEMBER -CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED -YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A • : TIMELY MANNER. . ISSUE DEADLINE • April 07 Mar 2, 07 • Enclosed is $ ______________ (Send check or money order, no Cash) Name ____________________________________ _ Address City------------------------------------------------------------------State _______ Zip __________________ Phone ________________________________ _ Please run ad _______ times Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91"311 May 07 Apr 6, 07 June 07 May 4, 07 July 07 Jun 8, 07 August 07 July 6, 07 September 07 Aug 3, 07 October 07 Sep 7, 07 November 07 Oct 5, 07 December 07 January 08 February 08 March08 Nov 2, 07 Dec 7, 07 Jan 4, 08 Feb 8, 08 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page 54 March 2007 Dusty Times
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