~~~~N~~-~-NNM~~~~~ 5-DIGIT 91111 DUSTY TIMES --20761 PLUMMER ST ~1. CHATSWORTH CA 91311-5003 '1,i ~ 1.~ ~~ 11.1 II I I ,II. ,II Ill J f , ••• "·' ,l,lf"' u ... fl 11 .. II, 111 t 111 I ... , •ervlng The o,, IIOlld eommunlty 110, 611 YIIII/IJ
' •• c-;._ • :_ .······ .' , ... ... . , . . . ill .•.. . • ..•. .. NIE-Super~rig_htaptiC$,lDUY,II housings, reinforced an:IJ speqialized t;hoc&.redu~ing .light mountf. , 1 WIIIN/116 SELECTION-A .treme1111ois range of llousmg sizes and beam patterns in both halogen and HID, including our ne:w HID Racer Units specially packaged ir, a choice of a single 5n¥ 6" ur 8'' light with ballast and jumper wire. · 'IIINS SUPPORT -When was the last lime you saw the owner of any other lighJing .? fo1om the privateers to pros ... we're there for you. v,ie, wi Official Lights .:~;DESERT ~ ASSOCIATION '#JlficiaJ Light of 'International dJqceway The Official tight ail Bark.River Off•Raad Raceway
Volume 24 - Number 2 February 2007 Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Ediror John Calvin Associate Ediror Judy Smith Edirorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contriburors Scott Bottomley J. Preston Bradshaw Jim Culp Mike Del Col Nicole Del Col Steve Hilton Victor Oazca Martin Holmes Rod Koch Byrle Moore Steve Ruddick Maurice Selden Darryl Smith Tony Tellier T rackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contnbutions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be ren1med only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 87~0-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 913ll, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copyright by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written pennission from the publisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please fumish both old and new· address, and send to D STY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., snapshot of the Month ... The California ~ circa 1980 and here is a shot of the best looking Class 5 on the course, Glenn and Frank Evans child, absolutely goi:geous. DUSTY TL\.tES will fearure pictures of similar "fi.nmies" or woes on this page ead1 month. Send us your snapshot of oomething comic or oome disaster for consideration. DUSTY 11MES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo retumed, enclose a stamped, self.addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8xl0 will be considered. In This Issue ... FEATURES Best In The Desert Terrible 400 by Judy Smith ......................................... 8 WRC Rally Turkey Rally by Martin Holmes ............................................. 14 MDR Stoddard 250 by Steve Ruddick ............................................................ 18 PDR San Luis Sonoran 500 by Mike Del Col ...................................... 24 3,d Annual Baja Cup Challenge by J Preston Bradshaw ............................ 27 Wild West Rally by Jim Culp .................................................................... 32 CODE Tecate Race Ready 275 by Byrle Moore ........................................ 36 19th Telstra Rally Australia by Martin Holmes ......................................... 42 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ................................................................................................ 5 Trail Notes ................................................................................................. 6 ORM HOF News ...................................................................................... 45 MAO RA News by Brian P01.uell ................................................................. 46 ORBA Report ...................................... .................................................... 46 Goodies Galore ....................................................................................... 47 Good Sniff Directory .............................................................................. 48 Classified Ads .......................................................................................... 54 Index To AdYertisers ............................................................................... 55 ON THE COVER Garron Cadiente was the big winner at the BITD Terrible 400, he took a first oYerall finish to finish his rookie year, he's seen here in his really great looking Ford. Photo by Trackside Photo Stewn Herrera was the oYerall winner at the MDR Stoddard 250, the win also gaYe him the Class 14 Points Championship as well, he's seen here flyin' high in his Ford. Photo by Track.side Photo Visit Our Website at Dustytimes.com c:St.£scribe ::kday lo DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRYII □ 1 year -$25.00 □ 2 years -$40.00 □ 3 years -$55.00 (to subscribe online go to www.dustytimes.com) □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name Address ----------------------City ------------------------State _______________ Zip _______ _ Primary Interest Cars D Trucks D Motorcycles D Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian - 1 year $30.00 US n Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times February 2007 Page 3
Present The: . 2 DAY SHORT COURSE EVENT!!! It's Back!! The ultimate short course race hosted by SNORE. Come on out and enjoy two full days of racing on an 8-10 mile desert course, with different class heats both days and Rhino Racing during Intermission!! And back by popular demand is the POWDER PUFF RACE!! This 2-day event is the most spectator friendly event in the desert, so bring the family, friends and neighbors - This is one event you don't wanna miss!! CLdS~ l 60Q BONrl,S RA CE! I . 1~' Pla,e Pay Back: f$4ooo1 ffs"ood '1,,/1.411/1'/I/M/#!;:l.:l#:#.#411'/l,,,l,_ 'f,,,;,:w,,1,>:i/W-W:WJlflW:'I~ w/ l O cars w/20 cars . w/30 cars ** $500 Bonus to 2nd Place on Top of Regular Pay Back** The SNORE Battle at Primm takes place Feb 16-18 in Primm, NV Fun Run Fri Feb 16th See website for time schedules Sign-Up/f ech/Contingency @ Buffalo Bill's Resort & Casino, Primm NV Fri Feb 16th 5:00 - 9:00 pm • Driver's meeting@ 9:00 pm For more info: www.snoreracing.net • (702) 452-4522 SNORE hotline Series Sponsor Series Sponsor RA-. ;e~~ Page 4 February 2007 Dusty Times
2007 Happenings ... Seed 9 Rally Goodsprings, NV March 3, 2007 Ridgecrest Rally School, Ridgecrest, CA March 23-24, 2007 Desert Storm Rally Coef 2,3 Blythe, CA CENTRAL SouTH DAKOTA RACING AssOCIATION P.O. Box 645 SAN Qu!NllN, BC, MEXJco HERACUO PATINO (011 52 616-5-22-07) lOK FoUR WHEELERS P.O. Box36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 (AU events staged at the club grounds in Cleves. Ohio) 4x4 FOREVER, Lm. 1665 DEIAWARE ST. OSHKOSH WI 54901 AMERICAN RALLY SPORT GRoUP, INc. 3650 SolJTH PolNll: CIRCLE, Sum 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521-0597 E Mail: roger@rallyusa.com AMERICAN TRlALs AssOCIATION AMA Obser.,ed Trials Southern California Championship Series Btu MARKUM -PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HOTLINE -(714) 562-7742 E MAIL: BMARK909@AOL.COM <,,.,,,,.atatrail.s.com> AsOCIACION EsTATAL DE AUTOMOVILISMO SAM LAsELL, TECH iNSPECfOR APTO 42 SAN ]OS!': DEL CABO BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL SUR. ME,XJCO AusTRALIAN ()pp RoAD CHAMPIONSHIP DARRYL SMITH 19 SoMERS ST. CASHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTRALIA DUSTY TlMES @bigpond.com AUTOCROSS QuEBEC ()pp RoAD CLASS IO CARS ONLY RENALD V AIUANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAVAL QUEBEC, CANADA H7P 1T7 (450) 622-4440 BAJA CuP CHALLENGE December 8 2007 BARONA SAND l>RAG AssN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 AU Races A,-e Night Races AU Races At Barona Raceu•ay, Lakeside, CA BBM MARKETING PROMOTIONS Off Road Short Course Racmg & Special Event Marketing 4344 V AUEY VIEW AVE. NORCO, CA 92860 (909) 340-6474 BEST IN THE l>EsERT 3475 BoULDER HIGHWAY I.As VEGAS, NV 89121 702-45 7-5 7 7 5/FAX: 702-641-2431 February 2-4, 2007 Bluewater Resort & Casino Parker 425 Parker, AZ March 2-4, 2007 U.S. Hare Scrambles MC Laughlin, NV March 30-April 1, 2007 MC Pro Circuit Nevada 200 Trail Ride lnvitation only April 27-29, 2007 Terrible's Tmn1 250 May 18-20, 2007 MC Bluewater Gran Prix Auauat 22-25, 2007 Vegas To Reno September 14-16, 2007 MC Nevada Rally Experience Invitation only October S-7, 2007 Las Vegas 300 November 2-4, 2007 MC Golden West Cycle Avi 150 November 30 • December 1-2, 2007 Henderson's Terrible 400 B.O.R.E. BoNNEVILLE ()pp RoAD RACING ENTERPRISES 341 W. 2575 N SUNSET, UT 84015 801-773-1651 May 4-S, 2007 Red Garter Wendover, Utah June 29-30, 2007 Jackpot 200 Jackpot, NV Auau■t 31-September 1, 2007 Wendover 200 Wendover, NV BP MoTORSPORTS P.O. Box 411 Dusty Times WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91365 760-578-6258/760-578-6259 FAX: 818-348-4648 E-Mail: bpmotorsports@earthlink.net All Events At California City, CA BRIGHTON SPEEDWA y R.R.3 BRIGHlDN, ONTARIO, CANADA KOK-l HO (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CA,JOR 0.UB AUTOMOVILISTAJUARENSE DE OiAMPIONSHIP OFP-RoAD JlACINO 7210 GATEWAY EAST EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 011-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALll'ORNIA RALL y SERIES <v.•ww.Califomiarallyseries.com> January 27, 2007 CRS Awards Banquet February 24, 2007 April 27-28, 2007 Subaru Rim Ofl11e World Rally Coef2,3 Lancaster, CA Aupat 18, 2007 Gorman Ridge Rally Coef 3 Frazier Park, CA September 15, 2007 Treeline Rally Coef 3 Quartzsite, AZ October 5-6, 2007 Prescott Rally Coef 2,3 Prescott, AZ November 9-11, 2007 / Laughlin h1temational Rally, Coef 1,2,3 Lauahlin, NV CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box 400 MAY\RlOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVE ADAMS (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DoN ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING AssOCIATION C.J. RICHARDS P.O. Box332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLAIRTON HI-JACKERS l.C.0. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TWP. LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 Short Course off Road Racing At Hanison County Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICA SAN QtmmN CALLE 6TA FRACC Co. DE SAN Qu!NllN CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICO SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road ENSENADA, BC, MEXICO USA JAN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) RAMON CASTRO & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/7 0034) CMC CoNTINENTAL MOTOSPORT CLUB P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 Fax: (714) 367-1608 CODE OFPRoAD USA P.O. Box 2328 CALEXICO, CA 92231-2328 760-455-8069 USA 011-52-686-553-4087 MEXICO v.'\\w.codeotfroad.com.mx February 9-11, 2007 OASA Circle K 250 San Luis R.C. Sonora, MX Continued next page I IT. INTRODUCING_ 110 Wefts of Power 1160 Channel Alphanumeric I water Resistant I Mil Spec I Baja 1000 Proven l«~tl:!5fffr.S ""'-L.R'.asr~~,.,,.. ~,.,,........ 71'7-IE' ~ ".J was in Ensenada, and my crew in San Quinlin could hear me 150 miles awayl I need these in ALL of my trucksr tDi4E'T Tl-IE! 1 -~L.~"'1 ,..,,,..._LAIE!!IDI~ PROTRUCK WINNER. '2002 TECATE/SCORE BAJA 1000 • .. The best communication we've in over 15 years of off road redngl" ~~ ...-Ott:1/11Rt.LJM:1111'11W Tc:»~¥# Remole Head opnon evelleble. Call for ~ 800.869.5636 562.427.8177 • Fax 562;ll26.3589 WWW.PCIRACERADIOS.COM 2888 Gundry Ave. • Signal Hill. CA 90755 February 2007 Pages
Trail Notes ... OMPETITION CALENDAR - The 2007 Competition Calendar, ocated on pages 33 and 36 of the January 2007 issue of Dusty imes should help you plan your racing and support acti\'ities for this year. A lot of effort goes into compiling the information you see there and the sponsor names around the border certainly help us to produce the document. We only ask that you utilize the sponsors products whene\'er you can and we thank you for your support. MR SUPERSTITION SERIES - PLASTER CITY -Due to recent quirements hwol\'ing the race courses in Plaster City, it is now ecessary to ha\'e all race courses sun·eyed and appro\'ed by an archeologist for historical artifacts. Due to lack of funds and personnel, the BLM cannot conduct the required sun-eys at this time. If racing or any other permitted acti\'ity is to continue in Plaster City, the sur\'eys must be completed. The estimated cost is $1,000 per mile to ha\'e an archeologist and team walk the entire route of each race course. The cost of a 40 mile race course would be approximately $40,000. MOR has opened a trust account for the purpose of securing race courses in Plaster City. 100% of all funds collected will be used to secure courses in Plaster City. At the Bud Lite Dash, BBR Racing helad a raffle and donated all the proceeds to the Plaster City Trust Fund. Clare and Bob Ross donated to the fund and MOR donated all the proceeds from the Saturday Bash B4 The Dash to the trust fund. The fo·e race Superstition Series is in jeopardy and the help of the off road racing community is needed. Anyone wishing to donate to this Trust Fund or to help in any other way, please call MOR at 626-442-9320 or 1853 Parkway Dri\'e, South El Monte, CA 91733. NW DRAWING FORMAT FOR SCORE -SCORE International, roducers of the six-race SCORE Desert Series in the Southwe~t U.S. and Mexico announced two major changes that will start during the 2007 series. New will be a re\'ised drawing format for SCORE Trophy-Truck and Class 1, and the SCORE Las Vegas Terrible's Cup III will be a point race for the fi\'e competing classes. "These changes will help SCORE continue producing the world's best desert racing series," said Sal Fish, SCORE CEO and President. "Change is ine\'itable, but it isn't always easy and a we work through the transition with our racers the results will keep SCORE on the cutting edge in the world of desert racing." For the three SCORE races held annually in Mexico, whether a drawing by computer or li\'e, the top 10 finishers in SCORE's top two racing diYisions from the immediately preYious race in Mexico will be placed into their own drawing for starting positions and then all other entries in those two classes will ha\'e their own drawing for starting spots 11th and higher. If all 10 qualified dri\'ers aren't entered in time for the official start draw, only those that are entered in time will be included in the first draw for each of these classes. The new format will begin with next year's 39th Annual Tecate SCORE Baja 500, June 1-3 in Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico. Already announced as a point race for the competing classes, SCORE has announced that the 2007 SCORE Las Vegas Terrible's Cup III will include the following six classes: SCORE Trophy-Truck, the unlimited Class 1, and Class 1-2/1600, Class 10, SCORE Lite and Class 7. SCORE points include starting and finishing points as well as placing points. While starting and finishing points are the same for each class but different for each race, the placing or position points are determined by the number of starters. The classes with more official starters recei\'e more placing points than those with fewer starters The SCORE Las Vegas Terrible's Cup III, because it is the shortest race in the series, will recei\'e the least amount of starting and finishing points of any of the six races that are part of the 2007 SCORE Desert Series. While the classes racing on the Dirt Track at Las Vegas Motor Speedway in July will be part of a six-race series, the other four-wheel \'ehicle classes will be part of the normal fh·e-race series. Motorcycles and ATVs, which compete only in SCORE races in Mexico, will again ha\'e a three-race series determine its class point champions. "Tweaking the drawing format for our top two classes will help the quality of our starting grids," said Fish, who has been leading SCORE International since shortly after it was founded in 1973. "Both of these classes a\'erage O\'er 30 starters per race and thi- will also reward the top finishers from the pre\'ious race in Mexico." For more information regarding the SCORE Las Vegas Terrible's Cup III, \'isit the official website of the eYent at www seorelasvega, com. For more information regarding SCORE International, contact 818.225.8402 or \'isit the official website of the SCORE Desert Series at \:\:ww seore-international cam. SCORE ExPECTS 250 ENTRIES FOR LAUGHLIN - Computerized start orderdrawing to be held Thursday for four-day e\'ent, which includes 16,000 SCORE Laughlin Leap on Jan. 18. For the 13th straight year, motorsports fans and racers from across the United States, Mexico, Canada and Japan will flock to Laughlin, Ne,·., the desert resort town near the shores of the Colorado Ri\'er for the \'astly popular SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge. The first major motorsports e\'ent of the year will be held Jan. 18-21, launching the six-race 2007 SCORE Desert Series, the World's Foremost Desert Racing Series. Nearly 250 entries will compete for nearly $400,000 in prize money and contingency postings during the four day SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge. The computerized drawing for starting positions within each class will be held for all pre-registered entries this Thursday at the Los Angeles headquarters of SCORE International. "The SCORE Laughlin De 'ert Challenge is a wonderful e\'ent on the SCORE calendar and it is especially a great way to start the year," said Sal Fish, SCORE President/CEO. "In our sport, it is about as fan-friendly as you can get and nothing surpasses the hospitality the Laughlin resorts show our racers and fans. And the racing is awesome." 111e stadium seating area will include the immensely popular SCORE \'ision large-screen LED display, showing li\'e footage from \'arious locations Page & Muell 10-31, April 1,2007 McMillin Mexicali 500 Mexicali-San Felipe-Mexicali, MX May 18-20, 2007 VW Autopartes ight Race Laguna Salada, MX Aupat 2-4, 2007 ORW Oran Prix Jacume, Tecate, Laguna Salada, MX September 29-October 1, 2007 Mexicana Logistics Mexicali 300 Laguna Salada, MX November 10-Dcccmher 1-2, 2007 Race Ready 275 Mexicali - San Felipe, BC, MX CoLORADO HILL CLIMB AssOCIATION BARB V AHSHOLTl, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719')687-9827 H P.0 Box8286 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O. Box392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 H ECIDR CERECER 011-52-65-66-4458 CORR LucAS On. SERIES 270 EWPORT CENTER OR., Surrr 100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 866-501-CORR April 21-22, 2007 Antelope Valley Fairgrounds Lancaster, CA May 18-20, 2007 Los Angeles County Fairplex Pomona, CA June 9-10, 2007 Chula Vista Raceway San Diego, GA September 15-16, 2007 Chula Vista Raceway San Diego, CA September 28-29, 2007 Antelope Valley Fairgrounds Lancaster, CA October 19-20, 2007 Texas Motor Speedway Dallas, TX November 2-1, 2007 Las Vegas Motor Speedway Las Vegas, NV CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, SUITE 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA ExT 42 Fax (818) 957-4435 D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (A!! e11ents at Hannigan mce track, Be!!ingham, WA ar Thurston eo..ncy ORV Park, Olympia, WA) DAKAR RALL y DARREN SKIUON BAJA AUlOMOTIVE AovwruRES 455 E. OcEAN BLVD., Sum 208 LoNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 Bajaautomoti11e@Yahao.com D'EcATUR FoUR WHEEL DRIVE CuJB DECATIJR, TX 76234 TOMAilEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 Ol!sERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU Crrr, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 EAsn!.RN OfJ..RoAD RAaNG ~-TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 ENs'ENADA BAJA ()pp RoAD RAaNG Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX Oll-52-646-1818989 Eusio Oll-52-646-1715230 AARON Races far buoos & Moron:yc!es EsTERO BEACH INTERNATIONAL Short Course Racing VIC!DRIA GALINDO ENSENADA, BAJA CAUFORNIA, MEXICO Oll-52-646-176-6230 FORDA FLORIDA ()pp RoAD DRIVBR1s AssoaATlON JASON l.EIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Ap,r, May, NOii at Da11idson Raceway February 2007 PunPUCKER RACING TEAM 1855 PARKWAY DRIVE s. EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/959-579-6151 FAX mdrracing@aol.com GORRA GEORGIA ()pp RoAD RACING AssOCIATION 4 20 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA GREAT PLANES ()pp ROAD RACING AssOCIATION TIM HODGE (402) 991-6048 Scorr MORROW (816) 792-2126 (All races are short c0ttrse, stadium style Classes• Sportsman, 1/2-1600, 5-1600, Sport T,uck, Quads, Tough Tmck Nebraska Raceway Pa,·k, &it 420 on 1-80 between Omaha and Lincoln.) For latest info check < www.gporra.net> HIGH PLAINS ()pp RoAD RACING 2000 W. QUINCY AVENUE #B ENGLFMlOD, CO 80110 303-806-8062/303-781-0974 fax INTERNATIONAL ICE RACING AssOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 Sr. PAUL, MN 55108 SJwE BEDDOR (612) 937-3816/Fax 474-2769 INTER-SHows MoTORSPORTS PRoMoTioNs, INc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 }EEPSPEED 1826 N. WINDES Orange, CA 92869 714-538-7434/ fax 714-633-1724 All races for Jeepspeed 1,2 & 3 February 2-4, 2007 BITD Blue Water Resort Parker 425 Parker, AZ March 31, 2007 MOR Mojave 250 Barstow. CA June 1-1, 2007 SCORE Baja 500 ( on Points Race) Baja Califomia, MX Aupat 11, 2007 MOR Califomai 200 Night Race Luceme Valley, CA Septcmber29,2007 MOR Luceme 250 Luceme Valley, CA November 31-December 2, 2007 BITD Terrible 400 Henderson, NV KAMLooPS BRONCO BUSTERS W1l&fpeda.f-Pinn Sparta & Rt:ere•t:Joa. Ccatu P.O. Box465 KAMI.OOPS, BC, CANADA VZ05L2 DALE NYESTE (250) 579-8039 TONY (250) 554-97801. Craig Byers (250) 376-8466 LAs VEGAS SANDSPORTS & OFFRoAD ExPO (626) 961-3782 <www.prerunners.com> <www.megashow.com> LI.T.R.E. JEFF ELROD (408) 926-0522 JIM ARlITA (408) 247-4402 MAMARRlTA ()pp RoAD RACING LUIS CARLOS AI.VAREZO PANAMERICANA AVE #5[05 Co. JUAREZ, CHIH., MX Oll-52-1637-1799 MICHIGAN BUGGY BUILDERS Du.ae Buur Tnde Sb.ow (517) 543-7214 <wv.iw.buggybuilders.com> MICHIGAN ()pp RoAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M. T .B. Enterpriaa Inc. 15529 JONES ROAD GRAND LEDGE, ML 48837 (517) 627-6200 Moton:ycles, Quads, ATVs and Pilots only MAORA Mm-AMERICA ()pp RoAD AssOCIATION P.O. Box664 GREENUP, IL 62428 (217) 235-6528 E-MAIL: maora@peako.com < '-""W. maoraracing.co m> MayS, 2007 Short Course Liberty, In May 19-20, 2007 Short Course and Enduro Casey, Il June 16, 2007 Short Course/Enduro Soggy Bottom, Greenup, 11 June JO, 2007 Short Course X Roads MX Effingham, 11 July 21-22, 2007 Short Course & Enduro Liberty, In Au1uat ZS, 2007 Short Course Soggy Bottom, Greenup, IL September 8-9, 2007 Short Course & Enduro TBA September 29-30, 2007 Short Course & Enduro TBA MDR PRODUCTIONS 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE SoVTH EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/FAX626-579-6051 CJJfornill Cluuz,pJoa.ab.ip Sedea February J, 2007 Don Griffith Memorial 250 Barstow "A", CA March 11, 2007 Mojave 250 Barstow "B", CA MayS, 2007 Ridgecrest 200 Ridgecrest, CA June 21, 2007 McKenzie 400 Double Points Luceme Valley "A", CA Au1uat 11, 2007 Califomia 200 Night Race Luceme Valley, CA September 29, 2007 Luceme 250 Luceme Valley "B", CA November 10, 2007 Stoddard 250 Double Points Barstow "B", CA SupentiJ:ion CluD,pion.abip Sedea February 17, 2007 FUD 200 April 21, 2007 King Of 111e Desert June 16, 2007 Coyote Wash 200 ight Race October 27, 2007 Superstition 250 December 31, 2007 111e Bud Light Dash 200 M.O.R.E. MoJA VE ()pp RoAD RACING ENTirusIASTS P.O. Box 1231 BARSrow, CA 92312 760-253-4453 moreracing@earthlink.11et MOREKARTEK Off Road Gold Cup Series March 17, 2007 Balls Out 250 Barstow, CA May 26, 2007 Kartek 300 Luceme Valley,CA July 21, 2007 Freedom 250 Barstow,CA September lS, 2007 Luceme Valley October 13-14, 2007 Pm,·der Puff December 1, 2007 Toys For Tots Holiday 200 Barstow, CA MSBA MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY AssoCIATION DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGlffiNGALE OR. FUNT, ML 48506 (810) 730-9221 MOTOWFST WINTER TluAIS SERIF.5 BILL MARKHAM (909) 860-1857 < '-"",..,.-. ITStrials.com> All events at Perris Racw•ay (At Reed Valley l!'ith a school) NATIONAL Mun RACING AssN. RT. #l-Box380 Dusty Times
DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN P AIATI<A, FL 3 2177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TuFF TuuCK AssN. Butch Chapin Motonpor111 Promotiona 1404 EAsT 3RD STREET HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NOORA NORTHERN Omo ()pp RoAD RACING AssN. GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAIL Kaylaaron@aol.com <\\"\\w.Nooraotfroadracing.com> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Sp-ring Valley Raw1•ay, on route 518, 20 mimttes SW of Lisbon, OH) (Thunder Valley located 15 minates from Sp,ing Valle'!) ()pp RoAD EXPo 2007 (626) 599-8622 ()pp RoAD RACINo AssOClATION Voluakered &de• PRESIDENT -GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP. -1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP. -9 & UNLm. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OUTLAW REP. Do, PONDER (314) 631-8190 (AU Races at W'heelinl( in rhe Coant\ 900 Acres) OHio ()pp RoADERS INc. 1427 GOSHEN HILLS ROAD S.E. NEW PHIIADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 )IM KENDEL C16) 339-4674 Alt races held at Hanison County Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONT ARIO ()pp RoAD RACERS AssoCIATION R.JCK TICHBOURNE, PUBLIC RELATIONS (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) Oun.Aw SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. Louis, MO 63123 (314) 631--8140/Fax: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. OH Road Cluunpioa6/,Jp 495 N. COMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566--6100 <w\\w.usoffroad.com> PENNsYL v ANIA SHORT CoURSE RACING SMITHTON HOLE RACEWAY 313 KYLINE DRNE SMITHTON, PA. 15479 MIKE GEISER 330-683-6263 "'"w.smithtonhole .com Short Course Otfroad Racing May 19, 2007 June 30-July 1, 2007 Mudtest Weekend & Bug,,ay hootout July 28-29, 2007 Bug,,ay Shootout Au1ust 18, 2007 September 29-30, 2007 Season Championship & Bug,,ay Shootout All Races At Smithwn Hole Race<l'lT>I PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS RouGH RIDERS ()pp RoAD RACING CHATS=RTI-1, NJ (856) 875-7591 PRo 1600 SHOOTOUT COREY OoIN 5 59-64 7-613 2 001 RAC! @HOTMAIL.COM PRoTuuCK 14402 BoND COURT EL CAJON, CA 92021 619-390-6252 PuRE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box 50 R.JCKETIS, 1A 51460 (712) 679-2221 RALLY AMERICA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES January 26-27, 2007 Dusty Times Sno*Drifr Rally Atlanta, Mich igan February 23-24, 2007 Rally in the 100 Acre Wood Salem, Missouri April 20-22, 2007 Oregon Trail Rally Hillsboro, Oregon May 19-20, 2007 Olympus Rally Olympia, Washington June 2, 2007 Susquehrumock Trail Rally Wellsboro, Pennsylvania July 13-14, 2007 New England Forest Rally Bethel, Maine Aupst 24-25, 2007 Ojibwe Forests Rally Bemidji, Minnesota September 22-23, 2007 Colorado Rally Steamboat Springs, Colorado October 26-27, 2007 Lake Superior Rally Houghton, Michigan November 9-10, 2007 TBD Rally Location, TBD ROCK CRAWLERS AssOCIA TION ()p .AMERICA P.O. Box 1406 RlvERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/Fax, (801) 253-3176 SAN DIBGo SHORT CoURSE WINTERNATIONALS A Ne11• Seiies by· Sno11•bi,d Off Road Racing Pro Tmcks, Desert Tmcks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Tmck , v.v.v,.snowbird racing.co 01> (858) 571-5088 SAN Dmoo ()pp RoAD ExrosmoN (888) 836 7918 SCCA RoADRALLY P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-2055 ,v.v.v.•.scca.oro> SFX MoTORSPORTS GROUP 495 1. COMMO s DRIVE, SUITE 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566--6100/(630) 556-6180 Fax SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., SUITE A CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 , v.v."\\·.score~inten-1ational.con1> March 9-11, 2007 SCORE Sru1 Felipe 250 San Felipe, BC, MX June 1-3, 2007 SCORE Baja 500 Ensenada, BC, MX July 19-21, 2007 SCORE Terrible's Cup Ill Selecr Classes-Closed Course E11enr Las Vegas, September 7-9, 2007 CORE Las Vegas Primm 300 Primm, NV November 12-17, 2007 SCORE Baja 1000 Baja Califomia, MX SNORE SOUTHERN NEV ADA ()pp RoAD ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 270516 LAS VEGAS, 89127 702-452-4522 v.v.v.·.Snoreracing.net February 16-18, 2007 Battle At Primm Primm, NV March 30-April 2, 2007 Gold Strike 400 Jeru1, NV May lS-19, 2007 Dusty Times Caliente 250 June 29-July 1, 2007 KC Hilites Midnight Special Eldorado Valley, NV October 4-6, 2007 South Point S ORE 250 Las Vegas, November 9-11, 2007 Kartek Westem Desert Challenge elson Hills, NV SoNs OF TuuNoER 4WHEELERS RACE DNISION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SoUTHEASTERN ()pp RoAD CHALLENGE STEVER LE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 Mike Moore - (224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS EXPo MroA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. HACIENDA BLVD. #322 HACIENDA HEIGHTS, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SCTA SouTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING AssOClA TION & BoNNEVILLE NATIONALS, INc. P.O. Box 10 OROS!, CA 93647 (559) 528-6279 (559) 528--9749 FAX <"'"w.SCTA-BNl.org> SOUTHERN SHORT CoURSE ()pp RoAD RACING AssN. 4305 WOOTu\RK DRNE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (All Races at Eastbay RaceH'/T>/, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box 706 Toys FoR ToTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADILLA VALLEY SPORTS CENTER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 '"'"w.unadillamx.com> VORRA V ALLEY ()pp RoAD RACING AssoCIATION (775) 224-1327 v.v."\\·.vorra.con1 March 31 . April 1, 2007 Prairie City, CA April 28-29, 2007 Fallon 200 Fallon, NV May 26-28, 2007 Yerington 300 Yerington, l\1\/ June 23-24, 2007 Lovelock 300 Lovelock, NV September 1-3, 2007 Yerington 300 Yerington, NV October 6-7, 2007 Prairie City, CA October 27-28, 2007 Halloween Party Prairie City, CA November 17, 2007 Awards Banquet To Be Announced VICENTE GuERRERO ()pp RoAD Cum PROFO. CENOVlO GAMBOA 011-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 p.m.) WESTERN ()pp RoAD RACING AssOCIATION LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WESTERN PENNsYLv ANIA WHEEL To WHEEL ()pp RoAD RACING PATRICK McGUIRE P.O. Box376 ADAMSB RG, PA (412) 527-6556 WHIPLASH MoTORSPORTS 2325 E. KINGS AVENUE PHOENIX, Iv. 85022 (602) 971-3730 <\\"\\w.whiplashracing.com> February 24-25, 2007 CIT! Vulture Mine Wickenburg, Iv. March 24-25, 2007 TBA April 21-22, 2007 Gila Monster Gila Bend, Iv. September 1-2, 2007 TI,e Race Heber, Iv. October6-7, 2007 TBA November 3-4, 2007 TBA WiscoNsIN MoTORSPORTS SHow (414) 747-1711 February 2007 Trail Notes ... around the race course. One of the eYent's most popular feanires, the SCORE Laughlin Leap, reYs up the fun and gets the weekend off to a roaring start at 6 p.m. on Thursday Qan. 18). DriYers and pit crews will share the spotlight at the Laughlin fa·ents Park, competing for a $16,000 purse and the honor of being the 2007 champions. The SCORE Laughlin Leap, a dirt ramp built into the middle of the stadium, challenges the most daring of driYers. This year's competitors will be looking to break the eYent record in the SCORE Laughlin Leap set in 2004 by Mark Post in the No. 3 RiYiera Racing Ford F-150 (160' 6"). Since its debut in 1995, the SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge has helped establish Laughlin as a Yiable host for special eYents. Thousands of spectators join oYer 200 racers and their crews in c01werging on the city each year to watch the best of the best desert racers compete in a unique-format, two-day race that includes a temporary stadium surrounding the start/finish line area and the main pits. A total of 17 different classes for cars and trucks are split into eight groups in Laughlin, each running as part of one of seYen multiple-lap races oYer the much-abbreYiated 7-mile loop each day. Racing action runs from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day Qan. 20-21). The marquee racing diYision is SCORE Trophy-Truck, featuring high-tech, 750-horsepower, unlimited production trucks along with the unlimited Class 1 for open-wheel desert race cars. The other classe with the largest entry fields will be Class 10, Class 1-2/1600 and SCORE Lite. Las Vegas' B. J. Baldwin (SCORE Trophy-Truck) and Gary Weyhrich, Troutdale, Ore. (Class 1) are the defe nding SCORE Laughlin Desert hallenge race winners. The 2006 eYent included a race-record 233 starters.With an eYent-record 30,000 spectators on hand, a near race-record 113 whicles officially finished the two-day race. The 13th annual SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge is sponsored by the Laughlin Tourism Committee, the Laughlin Visitors Bureau, the Las Vegas Conwntion and Visitors Authority in association with Las Vegas fa·ents. The race is sanctioned and produced by SCORE International of Los Angeles. Located 90 miles south of Las Vegas, Laughlin offers Yisitors a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. This city by the riwr has grown to include nine resorts with affordable first-class accommodations, 24-hour casino gaming, gourmet dining and outlet shopping. Laughlin, a unique resort destination that welcomes nearly 5 million Yisitors annually, has also become one of the leading special ewnt destinations in the Southwest. From world-class bull riding action to daring desert racing to professional rodeo on the Colorado RiYer, Laughlin has plenty to offer the adwnturous spectator. 2006 SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge Champions are: SCORE TROPHY-TRUCK-B.J. Baldwin, Las Vegas, Clmy Silwrado ClASS 1-Gary Weyhrich, Troutdale, Ore., Jimco-Che,y CIASS 1-2/1600- Rob MacCachren, Las Vegas, Bunderson-VW CIASS 3-Donald Moss, Sacramento, Calif., Ford Bronco CIASS 5- Michelle Bruckmann, Lemon GroYe, Calif., VW Baja Bug Cl.ASS 5/1600- Danny Ledezma, El Centro, Calif., VW Baja Bug CIASS 7-Victor Herrera Jr., Tijuana, Mexico, Ford Ranger Cl.ASS 7S-Tyler Fox, Ramona, Calif., Ford Ranger CIASS 7SX- Noe Sierra, San Bernardino, Calif., Ford Ranger CIAS 8- Glen Greer, Green Valley, Ariz., Dodge Ram 1500 CIASS 9- Brian Church, Hesperia, Calif., Suspensions Unltd-VW CIASS 10-Darren Hardesty, Ramona, Calif., AlumiCraft-VW SCORE UTE- Cameron Steele, San Clemente, Calif., Desert Assassin-VW CIASS 11- Eric Solorzano, Tijuana, Mexico, VW Sedan STOCK Fl1LL-Greg Foutz, Mesa, Ariz., Ford F-250 PROTRUCK- Gus Vildosola Jr., Mexicali, Mexico, Toyota Tundra Cl.ASS 17- No Finishers WISCONSIN ()pp RoAD FE.sTiv AL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 OSHKOSH, WL 54901 (414) 688--5509 W oRLo SERIES OF ()pp RoAD RACING P.O. Box 99 CRA! DON, WISCONSIN 54520 303--880-7221 May 12-13, 2007 Rounds I & II Owatonna, MN May 26-27, 2007 Rounds Ill & IV Lucas Oil Speedway, Wheatland, MO June 9-10, 2007 Rounds V & VI 1-96 Speedway, Lake Odessa, Ml June 23-24, 2007 Rounds VII & VIII Forest County Potowotomi Brush Run Races Crandon, Wl July 7-8, 2007 Rounds IX & X U.P. 100 Raceway Bark River, MI July 19-22, 2007 Rounds XI & XII Pro Only Location To Be Announced Auauat 11-12, 2007 Rounds Xlll & XIV U.P. 100 Raceway Bark River, MI Au1ust 31-September 2, 2007 Rounds XI/ & XI/I Borg Wamer World Championship Off Road Races Crandon, WI November 8, 2007 WSOOR Annual Banquet Location To Be Announced FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU Cm', Iv. 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 0ll-526--6225 ZR. PROMOTIONS RENE MONTANO P.O. Box 2122 CALEXICO, CA 92231 February 18, 2007 Orru1de OP #2 April 21, 2007 ZR Team R:fce April 22, 2007 ZR Poker Run May 6, 2007 Copa Autoproductos #3 June 30, 2007 Alvisa Night Race #4 September 2, 2007 ZR Poker Run October 14, 2007 ZR Oran Prix #5 November 25, 2007 ZR Orru1 Prix De Campiones #6 Page 7
Cadiente Ends season With Win Photos: Tmckside Photo ne Fbrd Trick Tn.r:x of G3rrcn Gdiente tcdc t:re Class 1400 win as \Ell as t:re overall, seen I-Ere at liftoff . H enderson , NV: Garro n Cadiente finished his rookie sea-son in fine style, with first place O\'erall at the Best in the Desert Terrible 400, which headquar-tered in Henderson. The season finale played on a cold, blustery, windy day, typical of the area and the season, and uncomfortable for the pit crews. DriYers liked the wind becau e it kept the course clear of the dust, while it crews and spectators hid in their trucks and cars, motor-idling, heaters on to keep them thawed out. The BITD had bikes, quads and UTVs all racing on the same day as the cars and trucks, but their courses were mostly se pa-rate, although there was some owrlap. At any rate -they weren't on the same track at the same time. T here was also a difference in the number of laps run; so the requirements ranged from one lap to four laps. The officials had a big job keeping track of all the Yariations. Each car/truck lap was 81 miles long, with two stop-checks along the way. As they'ye done for seYeral years now, the BITD had a Time Trials for those who wanted to try for an improYed start position, and when it was 0\'er, Sam Berri had the point. Berri had ju t bought John Herder' "old" single seat Jimco, and in hi s first attempt with it had whupped all the hot shoes to get the first off the line start position. Herd er's new car is a two seat Jimco. He claims he needs a "riding me-chanic" for when trouble strikes. Also in a new Jimco at this race was Chuck HoYey, last year's points champion. HoYey started fourth, and Herder was se,·enth off the start. In the Trick Truck class, the first lap lead belonged to Todd Wyllie in his Geiser Built Trick Truck, but he had only a minute or two on Cadiente in his Ford and Mike Voyles, in another Ford, who were tied for a while. In BJ RidJardscn tcok Class 1 h::=rs in t:re B..!rrlerscn, he was third overall, = rere nicely in f1.ig:Jt:. fourth, about a minute behind them, was Rob MacCachren in Gus Vildosola's Ford . On the second lap they started to pick up traffic, and this course was Yery narrow and difficult for passing in so me a reas. Now Cadiente and Wyllie were on the same minute as they neared the end of the lap, and MacCachren ran about a minute bac k. Curt LeDuc, in his old Class 8 Ford upgraded into a Trick Truck, was fourth. All 11 entries were still running, but some had lost a half hour or so already. As they finished the third lap, Cadiente went into the lead, and with Wyllie gone, he had sole pos-session of the lead. Now LeDuc was about 15 minutes back in sec-ond place, and Pete Sohren was third. His co-driYer, Chad Bunch, had drh·en the fir st two laps, and he'd had a fl at and some fuel pump trouble. DaYid Scaroni and his Ford fell out at Mile 66 on the third lap, and -uddenly, at about l: 10 p.m., the Vildosola crew was folding up their pit, obdously fin-ished for the day. Cadiente, who'd deliberately started the day at an "easy" pace, was now pushing hard. His truck wasn't missing a beat, and he co\'-ered the 334 miles in 5:54:2. He said it was an "awesome end to an awesome season." He'd taken the win by a margin of 12 min-utes. Sohren and Bunch were sec-ond, reporting that they'd had to stop when a passe nger had be-come ill, but had no serious me-chanical trouble. In third it was Curt LeDuc and his son, Todd, who'd drh·e n the second two laps. He'd lost a power steering belt on the last lap, which had dropped him fro m second to third. In general, howeYer, the LeDucs were happy to finish so well in their old truck, saying they'd "brought a knife to a gun fight." Todd said he'd "made a lot of crazy passes at the end" try-ing to regain that lost position, but to no aYail. In fourth it was SteYe O lliges and Wayne Lugo, who'd had three flats during the day, and found the course «'wry challenging and fun." Fifth went to Mike Voyles, in his Ford. He'd lost his powe r steering belts twice, and had two flats. He's en-couraged to be getting his truck sorted out. Ron Whitton, who'd finished the Baja 1000 in his truck only a couple of weeks be-fore this race, was sixth. He said he hadn't prepped his truck for this race. He'd just "changed the fluids." This trip he'd had a couple of flats. Michael Vou-douris was seYenth in his Ford, reporting three flats and a bro-ken driYeshaft. And in eighth it was Chet Huffman and Rhys Millen, who'd finished with no lights. Millen said he was a stunt drh·er and was accustomed to hitting things, but "it's good to be able to see them." They'd also lost their power steering, and had three flats. They were the fin al team to finish in this class. Larry Rca3el.er drove his Fbrd to a great first place finish in Class 7200 arrl a :rarm:kable sD<th overall as \Ell. Mme Beeler had a gxd rare, he drove his Fbrd. pickup to t:re Class 8 win, he finislm U "' o.e:all in tre i::a:e. In C la ss 1500 John Herder had his new two seater moYing faster than anything else on the course for at least 25 miles -but then he was out. At the end of the lap Michael and Ke,·in James, in a Jimco, were on the same minute as Ste\'e Croll in his Ford-powered Porter. In third, two minutes back, it was Scott Soott SdDvajsa drove his Ebrter to a sea:n:i place finish in t:re A nice finish in t:re Class 8 tattle v.ent: to J\rxly Sdri£arelli re o.n:t r.en.x: arrl sen 'Itrl:l. drove t:reir Fbrd to a third place finish, CJ.ass 1 Cllll:e3t, he fin:ism fifth OJE!tall as \\ell finislm sea:n:i in class, 12"' o.e:all in his Rm.. _fcurth __ OJE!tall ___ at_tre_'Ierrible __ · __ 400_. ___________ _ Pages February 2007 Dusty Times
_J Mike Bilek drove his g:x:x:l. lcx:kiJl3 Rlrter to a thud pl.are finish m A sea:n:i plaoe finish m Cl.as.s 7200 v.elt to tre Waters/9'1:i.ft grcq>, Joon Melsheirrer, seen here m his ClY=V)' pickup en his way to a Cl.as.s l, eighth overall, seen h:re savin3 ocrre tire wear. tlEy're seen J:ere m treir Fbtd pioo.p. thud pl.are finish m tre Cl.ass 8 aritest. Schonjsa, who comes up from changed it, and had another, and utes on Schifanelli. In third it was isher in the class. SteYe Patton, in a Homebuilt Texas to race these eYents. HoYey then had to wait for someone to John Melsheimer, in a CheYy, and In Class 1000 there were 11 chassis for fifth. Tapert and was fourth in his new Jimco, and bring him a spare. Sam Berri, Giordano had dropped to fourth. cars, but Andy Grider and KeYin Hughes had both dropped out, in fifth it was Shawn Croll in who'd been so quick in the time Szlauko deYeloped electrical prob-Curtis dropped out early on the as had the Jimenez team, who'd another Ford-powered Porter, like trials, looked good for a while, lems and lost about four hours, first lap. Scott Martenson, in a had major steering box problems. his brother's. and thought his new car was "awe-and newr made it to the finish. Tatum, and Keith Hughes, in an-On the third lap Martenson The James car broke at Mile 11 some." But he'd had a problem Beeler went on to take the win, other Tatum, were tied for the handed owr to Andy Kisner, and on the second lap and called for with an idler pulley. He didn't which gaYe him the season points early lead, and they had just one he held on to the lead. An oil fil-a tow, while another should-be haYe the right belts for it. He also championship also. His son, 17 minute on Terry SteYens in an-ter bracket broke, and he had a contender, Pat Dean, sat by the broke a rim on a rock, but had year old Brendan, rode all the other Tatum. In fourth, about flat, but he was still about 40 Jean dry lake with a broken C.\'. no tire problems. About haYing way. Beeler said he'd had just one sewn minutes back, was Ken Tap- minutes in front. SteYens was sec-flange. Stew Croll went into the bought Herder's car, Sam said "It flat, and told us this was "four ert, in, you guessed it, another ond still, and Patton's co-driYer, lead, and Howy was second, but was the best thing I eYer did." wins in a row for this old Ford." Tatum. KeYin Kelly, was now third, about he was only a minute up on Then, after a moment of thought, Schifanelli finished second, re-On the second lap Martenson nine minutes back. He'd been Schonjsa. In fourth it was B.J. "It doesn't quite get the fuel mile-porting that he'd had only the moYed ahead, and had a 13 stuck in second gear for most of Richardson in his Bunderson. age my old one did!" He was the one early flat. It was a good thing, minute lead on second place this lap. Michael Campbell had He'd had a flat on a big rock, and final finisher. because someone had hit him SteYens. Now Scott Gerber ran now taken oYer for daYid and he he was cold, although his motor The Protrucks were the next hard later on and knocked off his third in his Lothringer, and he'd was fourth. was running hot, so he couldn't group off the line, but this being spare. In third it was Melsheimer, lost some time in the pits tryina Kisner "cooled it" on the last push too hard. sort of a "lame duck" race as far who reported "more problems to re-attach the skid pan which lap, because he knew he had a big HoYey dropped out on the as their Protruck points season than you can imagine." He was was loose at the front. Dadd lead. He and Martenson took the third lap when he deYeloped went, they had only two entries. nearly an hour behind second Campbell, in a Tubular Concepts win by about 55 minutes, report-clutch problems. Now Croll led, They were a four lap class. Bill place. And he was the final fin-SCORE Lite car, was tied with Continued next page Richardson was second and Driggs, Ford, went into the lead SchoYajsa was third, with Mike before the first lap was owr, and Bilek, in a Porter, in fourth place. then just kept rnodng steadily, as Croll led through the first half Ryan and Stew Staats, Robbie of the final lap, and then disap-Kennedy and Regie Dunlap pea red, Yictim of two broken bombed out of their Ford, sorne-c.Y.s. Richardson, who "kinda time on Lap 2. Driggs had only laid back" the final'laps, took the one flat, and took the win, say-win, and the season points cham- ing, "I haYe fun any time I go to pionship. SchoYajsa moYed up to the races!" finish second, about fiw minutes The Class 8000 trucks, an-behind him. In third it was Bilek, other four lap class, went off the who said he'd lost 20 minutes line next, with nine starters. Torn with a couple of flats. SteYe Giordano had his CheYy in front Jangaard finished fourth in his at the end of the first lap, and he HMS, and in fifth it was Rick had about three minutes on Mike Thomas and Keith Moore in a Szlauko, in a C heYy and Mark Tatum. Beeler, Ford, who were tied. In Jim Tucker and Mike McGee another tie, it was DaYid Bryan finished sixth in their Jimco. inhis Ford,andAndySchifanelli, They lost time early with a bro-another Ford, about six minute ken water line, then had a couple further back. Schifanelli had put of flats, and late in the day found his truck on its side in the first the sun in their eyes. It was turnoftheday.Sincethat'sinthe "tough", they said. In seYenth it short-course style infield, he had was Todd Cuffaro and Greg alotofhelperstogethimsetback Hansen in a Porter. Hansen had o in his wheels right away. flattened a couple of tires, and At the end of the second lap Cuffaro had flattened one also, Giordano was still leading, with and then found that the car Beeler now second, Szlaudo in wouldn't restart. The starter had third and Schifanelli, who'd had seized, and he'd had to wait for a flat, in fourth. Bryan had it to cool. Eighth place went to dropped out. Shawn Croll, who'd been in the Beeler went to the front on the top fiYe early, but then had a flat, third lap, but had only two min-Fastest of tre Class 10 cars was Scott M:lrtenscn, he am. his Tatun fmished 17"' overall, seen h:re at spee:i. Dusty Times Worldwide benchmark manufacturer-of mlllt.ery-apeclficatlon wir-lng systems fOf" all rnotOl"t!SpOl"t; applications MoTaC ~ ,Menagement and Oat.a Ac"'9ittao Syet~rns ~ ~ it 's.equentiel fuel and Sf>al"k ' · rot styete~ s built 1,,0· w1thatend me racing er-id i:,r-e -1"'1:Jnning ~ent. ~•' T~r~•key system s ava ilable for all ~ off-road engine peckeges. Digital disp la y and data acquisition systems f o r ell levels of cornpet:ition. Engine and chassis dynamo m e t.e r services available. Sakata Motorsport Electronics, Inc. 1217 N. Patt Street Anaheim, CA 92801 (714) 446-9473 / Fax: (714) 446-9247 www.sakatamotorsport.com Fe.bruary 2007 Utilizing the finest. Raychem System 25 components. the Industry etendel"d for-ell profeesionel rec!ng sanctions. Engineering, assembly. and compreh~neive testing performed 100% in-house. ~ete her<nese essembllee end c ircuit ¢on1;:t"9I components are available to suit , your budget. High-Accuracy A ir--Fuaf Ratio Mater a Lightweight, stand-alon e system works with ell engines and alternate fuels -cerbureted or fuel injected. For the dedicated engine tuner who needs to know exsctly whet their engine is doing. No flashing lights -just the facts ... Nsil it: t:o s number! #:>~<~-=~ IV'IClTClASPD~T ELECT~DNICS ...vere rnak1n connect;fons ... Page 9
Terry Stevens drove his g::x:x:i lookinJ Tatun to· a seo:n:i place A third place finish in the Class 10 a:ntest lrB"lt to Steve Bro.-.n, Garrett Evans was the third place finisher in the Class 7200 a:ntest, seen l:Ere at speed in his Fam 01 the =. finish in Class 10, !:E's seen l:Ere at t:arlrl:,,,n. !:E's seen !:Ere in his AOC l:Ead:irg f= the finish liIE. 'Ire CDVete:i PrdI'ndc class win lrB"lt to Bill Dri9.:JS, Bill is seen l:Ere 01 his way to that glaria.is da:kera:l f1a;_:J. ing only one flat each and that broken bracket. In second it was Ste,·ens, who'd had one flat, but also said his motor was "making noise" and his tranny was "growl-ing." He was 10 minutes in front of SteYe Brown and Randy Page 10 Knutson, in an ASC Motorsports chassis, powered by a Type IV VW. They'd rolled the car at Mile 14 and that had messed up their shifting, costing them an hour and 10 minutes. Their motor "ran good all day", and they'd had Pete Sdlren ?JShed his Fbrd hard J::ut was Olly able to gamer the seo:n:i place sp:,t in the Trick Tn.dc Class. just one flat. In fourth it was Scott Gerber and his brother, Allen, who droYe the last two laps. They'd broken a spindle bolt out on the course on Lap 3, and that cost them about 20 minutes, but they were proud to say they'd now February 2007 finished 13 races in a row. The Campbell team was fifth, report-ing no flats for Michael, but he'd had problems with the motor dy-ing when he was in low gears. Then it would be hard to get it going again. Fifth went to Patton and Kelly, who'd broken their batteries and lost some time. Their car is a "sister" car to Molly the Class 11 car. They were the last finishers in the class. Class 7200 went off the line next, and they were also to run four laps. There were fiye of them, all Fords. Larry Roeseler was in the Mike Ruane truck, and he went into the lead on the first lap, with about six minutes on second place John Swift, who has finally got his "new" truck fin-ished, it seems. In third it was Garrett EYans and £\·an Vaughn. On the second lap Roeseler had built his lead to 14 minutes, eYen with a sticking throttle. Now it was Jonathan Swift Oohn's son) in the second place truck, and he had 0Yer an hour on third place EYans and Vaughn. Roeseler continued to lead, al-though a plug wire popped off at one point. He had 36 minutes at the end of Lap 3, and it was still Swift in second. The EYans/ Dusty Times Ti I
II Ran:iy ~tt drove his KC Hilited Fb:rd to a sea:rrl plare finish in Class 8100, he v.as just three minutes a.rt: of the class win. Greg Feutz was ooly five m:irrutes t.ehind the Class 8100 winner Se=rl place in the 1600cc category went to M:nte Wadm-.crth h.tl: he v.as in the third finishkg sp::t, seen here in his Ford. arrl fanily, seen here i= their gxd lcx:kinJ Mi.rage. aug 111 true :,01111 e as it it 1a a broken exhaust, and \\·as now oYer two hours further back, but still running. Gary, Derek and Stewart Dixon and Chris Thaxton haYin g lost about fiYe hours on the first lap, neYer got into their third lap. Roeseler went on to take the \\·in, reporting no flats. He said it had been "an incredible season for us." Andy Waters took oYer for Swift on the last lap, and they finished second. They said they're "ready for next year!" EYans and Vaughn were third, but by then were about three and a half hours further back. They were the last to finish in the class. That was it for the four lap classes. There were seYen three lap classes, starting with the 1600cc VW powered buggies, Class 2000. There were seYen of the, but three of them fell out on the first lap. Rick Waszkiewicz led at the end of that first lap, in his self-built R & E Fab chassis. He had just four minutes on Ken Cox, Jr., in a KAT. (Cox bears a name that conjures up off road history. He's the cousin of Orio Cox, one of the sport's Yery ear-liest pioneers in the Vegas area.) He'd put the car on its side. The big winner in Class 8100 was rave M:>rris=, he is seen here in his Fbrd tndc hecdin' far the dmlers. Rick Waszkiewwicz is seen here chJmin3 up the dust as he heads to a first pla-:E finim in the 1600cx::: l::attle. On the second lap Wasz k-iewicz continued to lead , and now had nearly a half hour on Lonnie Wadsworth in his Mirage, who'd moYed up from third. In third now it was William Janss, whose son, Peter, had driYen the first lap. He'd rolled the car in the first turn, which didn't cost a lot of time, because there were a lot of people to help set him upright quickly. But he'd also had two flats out 011 the course. Cox's co-driYer, Kenny Thatcher, was no\\· in the car, and only 10 min-utes back. Kirk Steenburgen took oYer for Waszkiewicz and held onto l'Brc Stein had a great win, he drove his Fbrd to the Class 4100 win, he cruise:l. in with TIDre than b,,o lu.Irs in harrl. The Class 7300 win went to John Webster, he's seen here rushing his Ford ta,,aros that elusive creckered flag. Dusty Times the lead. In fact, they had no flats and no problems at all, "for the first time e,·er." And they took the win, finishing 28 minutes in front of Wadsworth, who was second. This was his first time driYing in a race, and he said, "I'd always wanted to." His team will surely let him do it again, since he brought the car in to the finish undamaged and in second place. In third it was Cox and Thatcher, who'd reported two flats and no mechanical trouble. Peter Janss, William Janss (Peter's father), and Lenny Loftin droYe a lap each in their 1992 Jimco and finished on a right rear flat. They were the last finishers. Class 3000 was another three lap class, and there were two en-tries. Lee Orr, Bryan Porter and Scott Murphey, in a Ford, led for two and a half laps, and then dropped out. Behind them, Lance Magin:also in a Ford, ran second after a long pit stop at the end of Lap 1. But he couldn't get to the Finally, a Comprehensive Liability Insurance Package designed especially for Off-Road Racers, by insurance professionals who are actual Off-Road Racers. You can't get any better than that! For more information, contact Mike James - Phone: (619) 445-5797, Ext. 115 Fax: (619) 445-9297 • mejames@michaelejames.com Kevin James - Phone: (619) 445-5797, Ext.142 Fax: (619) 445-9297 • kjames@michaelejames.com Laura Bramer - Phone: (619) 445-5797, Ext. 140 Fax: (619) 445-9297 • llbramer@michaelejames.com finish either, leaYing the class with no finisher. In C lass 3100, by contrast, there were two starters, and they both made it in. Scott Douglas had his Ford in front by a fei· minutes all the way. He had no flats and neYer got out of the car. He said he "kept an eye on where Mike was", and took the win by 18 minutes. The "Mike" he referred to was Mike Falko-sky, who ran second in another Continued next page Liability Protection • $1,000,000 General Liability-No Deductible • $1,000,000 Tune & Test • $250,000 Participant-to-Participant Coverage • Even provides coverage in Mexico provided a lawsuit is filed in the US • Insurance for your Pre-Runner/Chase Trucks • Mexican Auto Insurance Covers you, yol.l' business and your sponsors. General Liability and Physical Damage insurance available for your prerunner. JamMices~\I AGENCY Cal. Uc .. # 0875146 PROTECT YOUR FAMILY • PROTECT YOUR ASSETS • PROTECT YOUR BUSINESS February 2007 Page 11
Toe b=e rredal in the 1600cc Class went to Kenny Thatcher, Carl Fitts tcdc lure the silver rredal f:ran the Class 7300 grcup, 01' frien:i Mike Falkooky was a v.ee bit off the wiminJ JBCE! this :rare, re f:inisrn:l sea:n:i in the Class 3100 tattle in his ford. re's seen here at spea:i in his Kat. re's seen here just at ta..drl::,,.n in his Fbrd. Wayne Dem::nja was the gold rredal winner in the Class 7100 battle, lEre slig:tly airlx:n:rE in his Ftm. seen Ford, trying hard to catch Dou-glas. Falkosky also had no me-chanical trouble, and no flats, although he said, "I deserYed flat ~, but didn't get any." His second place earned him the sea-son championship. Class 4100 was another class with only two entries. Marc Stein droYe his Ford all the way, deal-ing with only one flat, and took the win by oYer two hours. In sec-ond it was John R. Sunderland (the senior family member) and John A. Sunderland, who droYe the second half. John A. stuck the car on its nose and broke the front differential, and thus had only two wheel driYe for the bal-ance of the trip. It was a distinct d isadYantage, but the team did finish, as they almost always do. Class 7100 had four entries, Pl all Fords. Tyler Henn was the first to go out, on the first lap, but comfortably situated in a pit, and not in some remote ection of the d esert. That le ft only three, and Ben Williams had the· lead, with fiYe minutes on Wayne DeMonja, who was deter-mined to finish, and wa· taking it "slow and easy." Erin Wahl ran third nearly another hour down. O n the second lap Williams came to an end sometime after Mile 31. That le ft DeMo nj a, who'd had a flat, in the lead. He was oYer an hour up on Wahl, who'd obYiously had some prob-lem. DeMonja continued his slow and easy pace, and brought his truck home for the win. Wahl dropped out somewhere after the first check on the last lap, service ce11ter Baker, ca111arn1a Wrotlng fiD YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING PRIENDS. •• THANKSI RESTAURANT Open 24 Hours Mobil® SERVICE Every Day Year Round THI: BE6T Ill THI: 01161:RTI Page 12 A nice win far Soott D:ui:Jlas in the Class 3100 f:racas, re's seen here in his Fbrd ffirlin' far th3.t al' dm<ere:i fla3. and thus, there was only one fin-isher. DeMonja earned the sea-son points champion-hip with his ,·ictory. Class 7300 had six entries, and they were another three lap oroup. They were all Fords. Ron Isaacson and E ri c Palmer dropped out on the first lap with a broken transmiss io n, while Carl Fitts put his truck into the lead , with three minutes o n Aaron Dixon in John Webster's truck. Austin Robison ran third in SteYe LaRoza's truck, while LaRoza worked o n fini shing his part in the O,·er 30 Pro class on a bike. On the second lap Dixon took oYer the lead , while Fitts h ad electrical problems and dropped to second, about 45 minutes back. Robison was third, and handed oYer to LaRoza midway through the lap. Dixon ga,·e Webster the wheel for the last lap, and they had no trouble, not eYen a flat. They said their truck "ran great", and took the win by oYer an hour. Fitts' electrical problem had shorted his ignition, but he got things to-gether enough to get to the fin-ish line in second place. LaRoza and Robison sa id their front shocks had gone away and the steering got loose. They "took it easy to be sure we got to the fin-ish." Robi·on, who does the prep, says they "learned a lot this year." They were third. Class 8100 had seYen entries, and they did only three laps here. These were all Fords except for Larry Tunnell's C heYrolet. They third, and had lost about 10 min-utes. He was losing power steer-ing fluid due to a blown seal. Michael Brinkerhoff had dropped out at Mile 31 of this lap. Now Morrison moYed up into the lead, with only rear brakes, which, he said, "Made us pretty nerYous." H e also had some "steering issues", but no flats. He kept eYerything together long eno ugh to get his first win, which, he said, was "pretty excit-ing." In second was Randy Merritt, who said he was "worn out -that's a rough track. " He'd had a minor electrical problem which he'd been able to fix . Third went to Greg Foutz, who'd spit out a dri\·eline at Mile 4 of the fir st lap, and thus started his day 15 minutes in arrears. In fourth it was Tunnell, who kept adding power ~teering fluid, and found that his truck blubbered in the whoops, but other than that, had a "good day." Mike Al-den and Robby Woolworth were fifth and the last to make it in. There was just one Class 9000 car, and it ran two laps. Sigal Greenberg and Lee Creiglow did a lap each, in their C henowth and got a finish for their record . Greenberg has said that she will be driYing a JeepSpeed in the coming season. all made it throu,gh the first lap, and DaYe Morrison had the lead, with just one minute on Jeremy Spirkoff, who was one minute in front of Tunnell. It was a good close race, and another three ' trucks were about 10 minutes back and still Yery much in the hunt. The JeepSpeeds also did only two laps. There were 18 of them, the biggest group at the race. At the end of the first lap the lead belonged to Eric Heiden, but he had only a minute on Jason La Fortune. Keith Marion ran third just two more minutes back. Three of th is class had not made it to the first check, and one got there, but no t to the second chec k. O n the second lap H eiden rolled his Jeep, and reported some chest pain. BITD sent in an air-eYac unit, but Heid e n, once extricated from his Jeep, refused to be taken to a hospi-tal, and, indeed, was feeling well enough a couple of hours later to be up and walking around at the finish line. In the meantime, Lafortune h ad gone on and taken the win, with his motor either going away, or haying a problem with fuel deliYery. He wasn't sure which. He was only a little oYer a minute in front of Keith Marion, who'd broken a shock and then lost his brakes because the shock fluid had got on them. This was only his sec-ond race. In third it was Jim Cope whose tailgate was up in the air in back for most of the day, but apparently didn't hurt the runnin' of it any. Fourth went to Michael Shaffer, who finished with a sore neck. He'd driYen the final 40 miles with the temperature gauge pegged and coolant had sprayed onto his ,·isor. This was the same Jeep with which he'd won the Baja 1000 a couple of weeks before. All he'd done was to wash it and change the oil. It still had the same tires on it . He hadn't eYen taken it o ff the trailer before coming to Henderson. Jeff Proct o r and Patrick Smith were fifth, and they'd rolled their steed some time dur-ing the d ay. In sixth it was Michael Vernak, who said it was "rough , real rough ." SeYenth went to Jim and James Hunt, a father/son team, who'd had one O n the second lap Spirkoff moYed into the lead, with 10 min-utes on Morrison, who deYeloped brake trouble. Now Tunnel was The big winner in Class 1700 was Jas'.n Iafortune, re' s seen here flyin;, his Jeep to.arcls the finish line. February 2007 Dusty Times
A third place finish in Class 7300 went to Steve IaRoza, 1-E' s 1he Suooerland crew drove their Fbrd to a decent secarl place Keith Mariai 1'0S the sea:n:i place finisher in Class 1700, 1-E 1'0S seen here chnnin::J up the o::urse ai his wey to the flag. finish in the Class 4100 J:attle, sea. IEre just at takB:Jff. just = a min.ite in = at the fin:im. at an one at uoom stop. n eighth it was Bill Zoig and Bran-do n and Cameron Piorek and Jo,h Johnson, \\·ho'd had four flats and changed a fuel pump a,,embly. Ninth \\·ent to Bryan Dodge, \1 ho'd used the Jee p a, hi, d aily drh·er all through col-lege. He ~aid it h as 192,000 mile, o n it . Tenth place be-longed to Heid en, and Joshua Rieter, \\ ho took owr after the roll-0\ er. KeYin D a\·is, SteYe Kramer and Skyler Gambrel, a group with experience in other areas of off road racing, were the final finishers, coYering their two laps in eight hours and t\\"0 minutes. T he Sportsman classes went two laps also, but didn't exactly cowr themseh-es in glory. The Da\·e, Daryl and Don Blakely, and Robert Pinion entry got only half way or so through the fir st lap and went out, while Kory Thomas, Wesley Adkins, Ricky Baldwin and Brandon Cristwell were out on the second lap, as were Emily and Will Staats and Craig Fullerton. The Staats group is, of course, used as a backup Ye-hicle for their Protruck, and when it was permanently done on the second lap, so were they. But at the front of the group Jerry, Lance, Leslie and KeYin Fisher had a great day. Jerry did all the driYing, and he said he'd run the transmission completely dry of oil at some point. He let it cool, added fluid and went on to make it to the finish line. Said Jerry, "I was surprised we finished!" Sigal Greenberg gets set for a hard larrlir.g in rer Class 9000 Qau..;th, Sigal captured the g:)ld rredal in rer class. 1he Class 1800 win went to Jerry Fisl"Er, Jerry is seen here at spee::l. in his R:mi, hB:fu:g for the fin:im lire. The stock Volkswagen sedans, Class 4000 here, did only one lap. Eric Palacios couldn't get that much done, although he did get through the first stop check at least. But Robert Henderson, with Tim Black and Dick Dahn riding, got his VW, named "Molly", to the finish line once again. This time Molly looked a bit rumpled. It seems they'd been on a narrow part o f the course when the three o\·erall leaders needed to get by. They finished the race with a crumpled driYers' side, which had big smeary tire marks down the side. Henderson insisted it was "not their fault" - it was just that the course was so narrow at that point that he couldn't moYe 0Yer, nor could they. They were the last car to start the race, and the first to finish . Also doing only one lap, were the l TVs, or "side-by-sid es", or golf carts, or Rhinos -no one is quite rnre what to call them yet. There were 10 of them this time, and they had a one lap course that coYered 85 miles. Justin Wells and Donald Woodruff led through their first check, but at the end of the ride, the win went to Justin Schueler, who droYe while his brothe r, Brandon, rode. T hey had a flawless day, and said there'd been "lots of rock and big whoops" on their section. In second it was Dustin Heath, Mike Boeddeker and Kati Acebo, who "took it real slow and steady." They'd had one flat and finished about 23 minutes behind the winning team. In third it was J.D. Marsh and Jonathan Nelson . At one point they'd had a right front flat and didn't know it for a "·hile. They lost sewral positions with that, and then they lost a rear wheel Boo and Margie Henderscn had a ball, they drove their VW Bug to the Class 4000 win, tlEy' re seen here ai tl"Eir wey to glory. Dusty Times and had to cannibalize studs and/or nuts from the other wheels to put their spare on. They were six minutes out of sec-ond. 1 n fourth it was Tim and SteYen Burke and Jud Fisher, and in fifth Justin Wells and Donald Woodruff who'd run out of gas at Mile 25 on their second lap. Sixth place was Ryan Combs, Chris Dunsire and Jamie Norman, about two and a half hours down to the winning time, and the last in the class to get to the fini sh. So the BITD season ended. with hot dogs and hot coffee, as well as a nriety of other stuff, to ward off the chill.With the m11n-ber of laps adjusted according to the speed of the classes, it means that no one had to be out in the cold waiting around for strag-glers until the wee hours of the morning. That's an especially nice feature of the race. It was fun. The Best In The Desert is al-ready immersed in their 2007 schedule, which starts at Parker, Arizona in mid January and then moYes back to NeYada. It should be another entertaining and com-petitiYe year. ~~-&~..£ The race rs like this eYent, e\·en with cold and \\·indy weather. It's easy for most to get to, and plenty of hotels and restaurants make it com·enient. For those with camp-ers and motorhomes, the roomy start/finish area has adequate parking, and spectators can also get a good spot to watch the fun as the racers thump through the turns and jumps in the start area infield. This time there was at least one enterprising food stand, Justin Sclrueler drove his Yarraha Rhim to the Class 1900 win, re's seen here h:>ldiJl3 a 20 minute o..ishiai = his anpetitiai. Under new ownerthJP .. Over 40 yean of experienee Costa Mesa, CA 949-645-266 l 8rlng your hot rod, sand ran. rnotorc:yde, boat, or ATV down to our location and,.. Let ut solve your plumbing problems from complete system designs to minor modifications. Brake Lines. Fuel lines, Turbo Hoses. Stalnlesss hardllne tor brakes and fuel applications. All Redline OIi products discounted by the case. Arly high ~tformance hose purchased from MES.A HOSE will be assembled ft-~ of charge, Crimp fit ,ngs ftOm ,• on down. OAY .·.-. ·,• ~ Cc.> .. l~fi _, February 2007 Page 13
lJ\..12C 7TH RALLY TURKEY Granholm/Ford Win #5 Maro.ls Grcnmlm took his fifth win of tlE seascn in Turkey, his Ford Focus RS seen here fl)lll9 ta,.ercJs a ~ win. BP-Ford came to New Ze aland and swept to another one-two Yictory, clinching the World Manufacturers' title for the first time in 27 years. M-Sport team chief Malcolm Wil-son, who runs the BP-Ford ream expressed his delight, "Ford has often come close to winning the W C R title before, I am proud to deliYer it now. It is the cul-mi natio n of many years o f building a world class team ca-p ab le o f beating the best." Qatari driYer Nasser Al-Attiyah won the FIA Production Car C hampio nship, despite sto p-ping on the final d ay with a blown engine. It was a remark-able eYent run on a much more compact basis, in weather that ch anged frequently and at short notice, and where there was a he ro's appear ance by seYe n times world motorcycle cham-pion Valentino Rossi. Marcus Cronholm and Mikko HirYo ne n h eld the first two places from start to finish while third place was disputed be-tween Manfred Stohl and Dani Sordo. Although the Kronos team driYers Xad er Pons and Dani Sordo eYentually finished fourth and fifth, this result was far away from any chance of pre-Yen ting BP-Ford's ch ampion-ship win. All that re mains o f the ch ampionship now is the Junior World Rally Champion-ship, due to be decided at the Wales Rally GB or maybe a few days before, depending on the outcome o f Per-Gunnar Andersson's Appeal against ex-clusion in Turkey. There were big changes this year. T he eYent was now based around H amilton and in sur-rounding areas with the focal point of the rally being the Mys-te r y C reek EYents Cen t re, where for the first time the rally h ad a single central SerYice Park. In meant goodbye to stages in the Northlands areas, north o f Auckland. T he new compactness was fu rther eYi-denced by the layout of the Ser-d ee Park, with the courses for the Shakedown and a publicity stage (Stages 5/11) routed right alongside. T here was also the promise of new climatic cond i-tio ns. NeYer before had the eYent been held in NoYember although it had pred ously been held in eYery month from April throug h to Octo be r. T h e weather situation howeYer was in fact go ing to be normal. Sun-shine and showers alternated in fast succession ! And there was a special treat for the fans. Of-fi cially apprond post-ennt celebratory "donuts" were per-mitted at the finish at Mystery C reek, under strict security ar-rangements in a specially pro-tected enclosure. T he to t al number of starters at 44 was poor and curiously eYery car was turbocharged and had four-wheel driYe. Would he, wouldn't he? The uncertainty as to whether Sebastien Loeb would be fit enough to compete on the rally lingered until finally it was de-cided by Kronos to run just two cars, for Po ns and Sordo, while Sebastie n did only the recce. T he technical rule was that the engines, chassis and transmis-sions had to be sealed between Australi an and New Zealand, but the cars did not necessarily go straight fro m one eYent to the other. Ford had to send Gronholm's car back to Britain to be smartened up after the crash in Australia in addition to bringing the d rh·ers back to Eu-rope for a week-long test sessio n in Cumbria and Scotland. And another teaser. For weeks there had been rumours, which mani-fested into a n entry, fo r Valentino Rossi. This came to fruition with a car painted mys-teriously black. It was offi cially a priYate rather than a SWRT entry for Rossi, on his second world championship rally ap-pearance. It had been assumed this would be a test run with a Subaru WRC on Michelin/BF Goodrich tyres ready for 2007, but then it was decided that Subaru would continue with Umo Aava and Kuldar Sikk took tcp hctlors in the JWRC category, seen rere g:)irg f= a swim in treir &!zuk:i. Swift. Pirelli in 2007 instead. extra specific rules, for example Another team under pressure the use of FIA control fue l and was OMV Peugeot Norway, with adYanced nomination of tyres another 307WRC chassis being through the use of barcodes hurriedly prepared in France af-inserted into the tyres at the ter Henning Solberg's accident fac tory." In the case of New in Australia. FiYe of the six reg- Zealand, top competitors would istered tams were present, only normally use AYgas which costs Red Bull Skod a missing. Al- about 2NZD per litre, the FIA though Loeb had become Drh·- fuel costs at least three times ers champion in Australia, the this price. And as for bad coded race for the Manufacturers' title tyres, it would cost consider-was still Yery much aliYe, be- ably mo r e to buy ready-tween BP-Ford and Kronos barcoded rally tyres than tyres Citroen Total, with BP-Ford normally used by New Zealand haYing doubled their lead to 16 driYers, greatly adding to the points after Australia. budget s for teams. A third This was the final round in scholarship award was made to the PCWRC, with only two 16 year old Kirsty Nelson who driYers Nasser Al-Attiyah and became the youngest driYe r Fumio Nutahara able to win the eYer to compete in a World title. Al-Attiyah started six championship r ally. Nigel points ahead of Nutahara, but Heath had to change his "per-if a tie ensued Nutahara already manent" competition number had three wins against Al-for this eYent from 46 to 44. Attiyah's two. PCWRC was due Guess why? Valentino Rossi to haYe attracted a joint best would carry number 46 instead! eYent entry for 15 drh·ers, but, The hype created by Rossi's following an o fficial decisio n presence was something seldom made after the end of the pre-seen in a country like N ew d ous eYent in Australi a, the Zealand, but the effect of him three cars prepared in Argen- driYing a black car with dark-tina due to haYe competed here e ned windows was dramatic. were excluded from the se ries. There we re soon the jokes Altho ug h Sergey Uspe n skiy about the Knightrider rally car, competed in Australia he still experimental remote control had not fully recovered from his rally cars being driYen by ro-accident earlier in the season so bots, and so on, but when we the team had to find another were allowed to catch a glimpse d riYer to take his seat . After of the motorcycle ace, it was Yarious names were considered worth the wait. He gave a press Alexande r Dorosinskiy was conference before the rally, in nominated as the replacement. which he sa id that the Subaru Two entries were made under was harder to driYe than a For-the "Guest" rules, for local driv-mula 1 Ferrari. "Yes, it is far ers both in Subarus, Richard easier to driYe at the limit in Mason, the reigning natio nal Ferrari than an lmpreza!" Wow. champion, and his closest riyal G lad you came, Valentino, you Chris West. To encourage their made our day. At the other end par ticipatio n , the organise rs of the spectrum there was the had made Scholarship awards to stor y about white cars. Aki help the m financ ially. T he Teiskonen bo rrowed a white o rganiser s explained : "Th e recce lmpreza from Uspenskiy chance to compete against the in order to driYe to the start world's finest drivers in these and qualify for the PCWRC, categories comes at a cost . before retiring, "You will no-C hampionship competitors on tice it is white. That means the World Rallies agree to certain driYer is either incredibly rich, Henning Solberg drove his really gcx:x:l. lc:x:ikin;i-Peugeot 307 cn,pe .:k:lzef Beres arxl. Petr Stary move t:reir Suzuki Ignis to a very nire First off tlE p::diun in WRC was tlE Citroen Xsara of xavier R:os to a bralz.e rredal finish in Turkey, seen here at speed. third plaCE finish in Jl'R:, seen rere fran tlE rear. arxl. carlos Del Bario, seen here at speed. Page 14 February 2007 Dusty Times
Mikko Hirvcnen flies to a very nice seo:n::i overall finish in Tul::key, sea'.l lEre in his Ford Focus RS. or like me cannot afford to driYe on the rally!" Lea 1 5 Stages, grawl, 131.66kms Life in New Zealand neYer changes, intermittent showers were forecast for the rally, but sunny spells might interYene. Conditions on the first two stages were generally as pre-dicted - wet, a little muddy but with surprisingly good grip. Certainly grip which farnured the first cars through the stages. Marcus Granholm was in his el-ement, though near the end of the first stage he hit a fence post, punctured a tyre and bent the steering, yet still led the rally. Mikko Hin·onen was only fractionally slower, honouring his team's orders to concentrate on keeping the car on the road, to take no risks. There were to be no excuses for not finishing the eYent. Subaru started badly, for reasons that were admitted to be about the se t-up, though the tea1n neYer talked about the fun when Solberg reached the end of Stage 2 on fire. A tyre mousse had exploded on the inside of the wheel, catching fire from the red hot brake cali-per and spreading around the fuel tank. This was a moment of great excitement for the fire crews at the end of the stage who speedily brought the con-flagration under control. Chris Atkinson had a spin to add to his miseries. The other dri,·er in early difficulty was Henning Solberg, once again haYing his feet washed by leaking water. Rossi was haYing fun, but was taking no risks and learning the art of rallying as he went, in-cluding a spin on Stage 2 which dropped him back from 11th to 30th position. The Ford steam-roller continued as Granholm won eYery stage of the day with Sardo the best non-Ford lying 76.2 seconds behind Granholm. The second loop of stages were much drier than ex-pected, eYen stretches in areas of heaYy foliage which were as-sumed would be foreYer damp were dry. Petter Solberg was studying the speed of the Fords "WheneYer it is muddy the Fords are in a class of their own." Sardo managed to climb ahead of Stohl and held third place at the end of the day. Mat-thew W ihon stopped on Stage 3 after an impact when the crew noticed there was a water leak and that the engine tempera-ture was rising. The team ar-ranged for the car to be brou,ght back to base to discoYer whether any damage had been done to the engine, but that Dusty Times was the only World Rally Car drama. In PCWRC Jari-Matti LatYala won the first stage ahead of his riYal Toshi Arai but then spun and stalled and dropped behind non-champion-sh i p driYe r Juho Hanninen which let Arai briefly into the category lead before LatYala re-gained it. Nasser Al-Attiyah started cautiously, eYen being giYen a three minute gap on the road between himself and Rossi in case it helped. Fumio Nutahara pushed hard but to little aYail, which left his cham-pionship chances Yery much de-pendent on a problem happen-ing for Al-Attiyah. Of the two guest driYers Richard Mason had a problem with a differen-tial switch, while Chris West had a puncture. Natalie Barratt, the fifth driYer this year in the OMV CEE team, stopped for nearly fiye minutes with an un-detected problem and then also had a puncture. H anninen con-tinued to hold the oYerall Group N lead in his Neil Allport prepared Mitsubishi running o n Yokohama tyres. Fellow Yokohama- u ser Nutahara was not so happy and sa id he hoped the next day would be wetter. Leszek Kuzaj went off the road and ended up in a precarious position, aboYe a steep slope. He gaYe up any hope of getting the car back to stage leYel for fear he would tumble down the slope, and prepared to restart the next day. Al-Attiyah was trying to balance his dri\"ing effort -not too fast and not t'oo slow -and found this Yery difficult. Takuma Kamada stopped to change a wheel after a puncture. By the end of the day LatYa la led the PCWRC competitors by 11.2 seconds ahead of Mirco Baldacci. Lea 2 6 Stages, grawl, 131.34kms OYernight the rain fell to a far greater extent than most teams had predicted and when the reached the second day stages most of the crews had fit-ted tyres that were far too hard. These were stages which had sel-dom been used by the New Zealand Rally for 20 years or more and as the rain continued to fall the tracks became treach-erously slippery. The day started with Granholm 31.2 sec-onds ahead of his teammate HirYonen, and only when the going became really hazardous did he ease his pace. On Stage 7 Atkinson made fastest time. "Running third car on the road behind Wilson (whose engine Conrad Rautenbach drove his very m.rl:li.ed Renault Clio to a nice sea:nd place in the JWRC categ:,ry, seen here at speed. had been found to be unharmed by the preYious day's problem), and Rossi certainly made things easier fo r us", explained the Subaru driYer. Then on the 31km Stage 8 he was quickest again. Wilson hit a bank near the finish of Stage 8, slightly damaging the rear of the car. As he crossed the finish line the spare wheel popped out from the rear of the car, and the co-d riYer had to run back to re-trieYe it. Petter Solberg broke a front driYeshaft and finished Stage 8 in rear-wheel driYe mode. Granholm, meanwhile, had a stroke of luck. When the driYer's side wiper blade fell off his car, it was luckily on the road section after the end of Stage 8, on the way to sen·ice. HirYonen was slowed by the windscreen misting instead. Ford were in line to score 18 points, Kronos lying third and fifth to score ten, it would be enough for Ford to clinch the title. Henning Solberg was driYing with enthusiasm. After Stage 9 he was 31.1 seconds behind February 2007 brother Petter, and he e1wisaged reducing the gap, but then he entered a bend too wide and crashed. The car slowly rolled on its roof. Henning, "It was a stupid thing. We were strug-gling with the shock absorbers which were losing their effec-ti,·eness at the end of stages. When this happened I tried to alter the transmission control setting and turned it off by mis-take. I h ad been trying to catch Petter, but where we went off there was absolutely nobody able to help us right the car!" He was not the only driYer in trouble, Atkinson hit a rock on the inside of a left hander which wrecked the wheel and tyre and the car slid off the road. The crew tried in Yain to jack up the car and change the wheel but to no anil. Co-driYer Glenn MacNeall explained, "Judging by the way that other driYers swerYed to aYoid the rock I think nobody knew it was there. Stohl came within an ace of doing the same as us." Petter Solberg continued with an owr-heating engine ready to stop for the day if the problem was too great, but in the end he reached serYice, and indeed at the final, publicity, stage of the day made third fastest time, best non-Ford, and with no windscreen on the car. On the second loop of stages the team that got their tyre choice wrong was Citroen (tak-ing tyres too hard) after getting their choice impressiYely right earlier in the day. This let Stohl pull a quarter minute in front of Sardo in the race for third place. Rossi had a spin but ex-pressed his continued enjoy-ment of the eYent. The Fords were steaming onwards with ap-parently nothing to stop their progress.Wilson, howeYer, was halfway through the long Stage 10 when the heaYens opened and he lost his windscreen wip-ers, which caused Granholm to worry when he heard about it. The battle in PCWRC was in-tensifying. Hanninen was un-able to stay ahead in Group N, his tyres not working well in the wet. LatYala now held the lead in both PCWRC and Group N, though he confessed to two near moments. "Firstly I hit a bank. Second time I ,·ery nearly understeered right of the road." Mirco Baldacci was hounding LatYala but then he found his car was running out of fuel, "A kilometre from the finish of Stage 8 the engine almost stopped. Fortunately there was a refuelling zone shortly after the end." The day started badly for Arai. The gearbox had been changed oYernight but then it was discoYered to haYe been fit-ted wrongly. Arai finally clocked out of se n ·ice one minute too late to be allowed to carry on and had to restart un-der SupeRally on the final day. Continued next page Page 15
• Orr awmi far rrcst "8.ter tm:a.,n tre greatest di.st:arxE g::es to Oris 'Ire t:hiid Ford Rxus RS to finish, in fifth place, ;,as driven bf Cblin ~ an:i Nicky Grist 1'.eI'e an llllfortunate dnf in treir Atkins::n am his s.t:aru Ircpreza, re f:inisl:ai G"' =1.1 in~-Ja;t:i Katajaraki., re's seen !:ere in flig:11:. Stage 8 was Waterloo for many off the road on a left hander Both were giYen one minute of the PCWRC driYers, essen- oYer a crest, and the ca r went penalties, in LatYala's case it ti ally for Nutahara who era ·hed two metres backwards down the dropped him from the Group N out of sight off the road, which hill and out of sight of the lead while in Henning's case it looked like handing the cham-road." T he crews planned to had been his mechanic who had pionship title to Nasser Al- restart in the morning, es·en-been drh·ing the car. Later still Attiyah. West rolled his car and tially to try to score enough ex-came the biggest drama of all. almost blocked the stage while tra points to preYent Baldacci When the Stewards found Mat-Kuzaj went off the road trying taking second place in the se-thew Wilson was caught speed-to squeeze past him, Ku zaj's sec-ries. Heath: "It was the first ing on a road section, it was cal-ond retirement in as many days. time anyone had told me I was culated to be the tenth time this Nigel Heath stopped shortly af- driYing too fast! We stopped by year he had committed this in-ter the start of Stage 8 when he spectators who inYited us to fringement on a world champi-hit a bank. Mason was up to join their party, but by then on ship rally. T hey fin ed him third, learning all the time the Emma Gilmour had crashed money, as usual, but also issued art of keeping his Pirelli tyres there as well, so the party was a one minute time control pen-working at proper temperature, getting a bit too crowded!" alty effectiYe at the Wales Rally "On Stage 8 I let them get too This rally was not going to GB. The total reYenue benefit cold and it was just like they die quietly! Back at the serYice to the FIA from this eYent be-h ad lost their treads," park the stories had not yet cause of misdemeanours came Alexande r Dorosinskiy was come to an end. Atkinson's car to Euros 24,840. struggling along, the starter was brought back to serYice on Leg 3 motor did not work, the gear- a trailer, the team asked the FIA 6 Stages, graYel, 95.48kms box needed changing and he Delegates to check it and they After waiting outside the ar-had a drastic shortage of tyres. found the roll cage was dam-rinl control be fore the first On the second loop, Baldacci aged close to where the suspen-stage of the day Petter Solberg started to catch LatYala with a sio n was impacted and Subaru could not immediately restart Yengeance. By the end of the leg were told the eYent was oYer for his engine and six minutes went he had reduced LatYala's lead in the Australian. OYernight the by before he could check-in and the category from 1 6.8 seconds Stewards poured oYer reports continue. Brother Henning who to 2.8, so the battle was truly from both the offic ials and had rejoined the fray was out-joined for the final d ay. from the police. Officials re- side the top ten , suffering oYer-Hanninen ended a day which ported a spate of driYers who heating brake trouble, "You had been full of tyre miseries had exceeded the 30kph speed work the brakes much harder with a turbocharger failure on limit in the SerYice Park. In when you are continuou·ly try-Stage 10. As the retired cars total there were 19 cases of ing to go slowly, than when you found their way back to base so speeding which commanded a are going fast." Interesting phi-the definitiYe stories emerged . penalty, among them Jari-Matti losophy. Henning was eighth Nutahara: "We slid backwards Latnla and Henning Solberg. best manufacturers' entry, 32.6 ERPRECISION.COM ~ !/I Coo. Driving $,,Ii/IS Rod End Boots 2865 Gundry Ave. nal Hill, CA 90755 562-427-2375 Neo Synthetic OIi Performance Plumbing c==i~ Fltd/t~. c::::l ~--.... ~ Page 16 seconds ahead of Wilson who was the only manufacturers' non-points scorer. The final day consisted of t~·o loops of three stages, including the spectator Whaanga Coast Road which owrlooks the Tasman Sea. Com-ing towards the end of the rally, Pons made fastest time on Stage 16 which put him up to fourth place ahead of teammate Sordo, but there was nothing to stop the Ford steamroller from tak-ing the Manufacturers' champi-onship. And of the "Doctor"? Rossi made it to the finish in 11th place, showing self control in working his way back up the field after his first day spin. T he biggest dramas of the fi-nal day, howeYer, ~·ere in the PCWRC. Mirco Baldacci inher-ited the lead when LatYala in-curred his penalty but then on the third stage the gearbox broke and he was stranded. LatYala took the lead again and this time held it to win back-to-back rounds of the PCWRC for the first time, this time finish-ing eighth oYerall. Mason lost time when he was forced to stop on Stage 14 to change a wheel after hitting a rock but went on to fini sh second in the category (tenth oYerall). But there was still bigger news about to break. Al-Attiyah stopped on Stage 14, reportedly \\'ith a hole in the side of his engine block. Sud-February 2007 Citrcen Xsara, electrical rralfur:r:.tiaJ did tlan in. denly the progress of Nutahara coYered no spare was carried! was the focm of attention. He He just made it but the delay needed to fin ish third PCWRC meant he dropped out of the to clinch the title if Al-Attiyah points to finish ninth and last did not score , but Nutahara was in the category. In the end still far away. He started the day, Nutahara finished sixth, still with SupeRally penalties, in too many points behind with eighth place in PCWRC Taking Al-Attiyah finally being classi-into account the problems for fied seYenth and taking the Baldacci and Al-Attiyah, he ex-title by fiYe points, the first peered to finish fifth. Natalie time an Arab drh·er had won an Barratt, who had been lying FIA title outside the regional sixth retired on Stage 14 after Middle East. Although hitting a rock in the road and Hanninen finished second in smashing the tran smissio n . Group N, Subarus swept the Kamada reached the end o f PCWRC board winning the Stage 15 with oil pouring out title for the fourth successiYe from his central differential, year. but finished fourth. Kuzaj de-For Ford the satisfaction cided to retire for the third time of a job well done and for on the eYent, there being no ad-Mikko HirYonen the chance Yantage in carrying on. After to look forward to the W ales the end of the final stage Arai's Rally GB with no "order s" to gearbox broke but he opted to adhere to, and the opportu-take a SupeRally penalty and get nity for both him and to the finish pare ferme, to use Gronholm to show what they the serYice prodded by the and their cars are capable of organisers, but then his Yehicle without ch ampio nship con-got a puncture and it was dis-straints. ~ 7th Rally Turkey (TR) Kamer 13/15.10.2006 WCR round 13, JWRC round 8 WC points WR WO PC 1 (3) Marcus GRONHOLM/Timo Rautiainen FIN Ford Focus RS WRC EU55BMV (GB) 3h.28m.16.3s. 10 10 2 (4) Mikko HIRVONEN/Jarmo Lehtinen FIN Ford Focus RS WRC EUSSBNA (GB) 3h.30m.39.7s. 8 8 3 (8) Henning SOLBERG/Cato Menkerud N Peugeot 307 WRC 423AMM69 (F) 3h.31 m.22.3s. 6 6 4 (14) Xavier Pons/Carlos Del Barrio E Citroen Xsara WRC 834DPT78 (F) 3h.31m.43.7s. - 5 5 (10) Kosti KATAJAMAKI/Timo Alanne FIN Ford Focus RS WRC EF04WBW(GB) 3h.31m.44.8s. 5 4 6 (6) Chris ATKINSON/Glenn Macneal! AUS Subaru lmpreza WRC AT55SRT (GB) 3h.31m.52.8s. 4 3 7 (2) Daniel SORDO/Marc Marti E Citroen Xsara WRC 363DQE78 (F) 3h.32m.41.1s. 3 2 8 (7) Manfred STOHUllka Minor A Peugeot 307 WRC 471PWL75 (F) 3h.32m.46.6s. 2 1 9 (16) Francois Duval/Patrick Pivato B/F Skoda Fabia WRC 4S5 57 49 (CZ) 3h.33m.51.9s. -10 (12) Andreas AIGNER/Klaus Wiehe ND Skoda Fabia WRC 4S5 3381 (CZ) 3h.35m.13.7s. 1 Other important finishers 11 (11) Harri ROVANPERA/Risto Pietilainen FIN Skoda Fabia WRC 5S8 3686 (CZ) 3h.36m.40.7s. -12 (9) Matthew WILSON/Michael Orr GB Ford Focus RS WRC 1ES (GB) 3h.38m.08.2s. -13 (5) Petter SOLBERG/Philip Mills N/GB Subaru lmpreza WRC STSSSRT (GB) 3h.38m.18.5s. -14 (20) Ercan Kazaz/Serdar Kurbanzade TR Subaru lmpreza WRC LC54WRC (GB) 3h.46m.42.2s. -16 (33) Urmo Aava/Kuldar Sikk. EE Suzuki Swift JWRC JXD624 (H) 4h.02m.06.5s. • 10 17 (39) Conrad Rautenbach/David Senior 'ZY-//GB Renault Clio JWRC SO51GWY (GB) 4h.02m.37.2s. - 8 18 (45) Jozef Beres/Petr Stary SK/CZ Suzuki lgnis JWRC KES047 (SLK) 4h.02m.46.0s. - 6 19 (48) Guy Wilks/Phil Pugh GB Suzuki Swift JWRC JVR683 (H) 4h.04m.16.6s. - 5 20 (32) Kris Meeke/Glenn Patterson GB Citroen C2 JWRC 7214NE52 (F) 4h.05m.20.9s.(2) 4 21 (49) Martin Prokop/Jan Tomanek CZ Citroen C2 JWRC 2J3 8401 (CZ) 4h.07m.55.0s. - 3 22 (42) Julien Pressac/Jack Boyere F Citroen C2 JWRC 9147NE52 (F) 4h.12m.23.0s. - 2 23 (82) Yury Shapovalov/Ciubomir Shumakov UA Mitsubishi Lancer Evo N Bl6384AC (UA) 4h.13m.30.9S.T • 24 (52) Bernd easier/Frederic Miclotte B Renault Clio JWRC CS316BC (F) 4h.15m.10.9s. - 1 25 (51) Fatih Kara/Cem Bakancocuklari TR Renault Clio JWRC 415ARJ34 (F) 4h.16m.24.4s. -27 (44) Michal Kosciuszko/Jaroslaw Baran PL Suzuki lgnis JWRC BNS006 (SK) 4h.20m.10.2s.(3) Dusty Times
The SNORE Racing Series would like to thank our sponsors: GENUINEW&9 Authentic Web Solutions
Mll....G STODDARD 250 Herrera Takes The overall fu Steve Ruddick Photos: Trackside Photo Steve,. H:rrera tad<: tre Cl.ass 1400 lnors as will. as tre =all win, re's seen rere fl.yin' high, lettin' it all lEr:g all:. Mike Rd>:insal tad<: tre Cl.ass 1 h:n:n:s in spite of a very lcrg thil'.d lap, re W3S farrth =all at tre en:l.. Barstow, CA -The Stoddard Race day started out with a high 5, 8, 7 and 16 raced the full six 250 was the final race of the cloud OYercast and nary a breeze laps; Classes 9, 13 and 12 Un-2006 MOR California Champi-was blowincr -lingering clouds of limited went fiYe laps; Classes 3, Lee Orr drove his really great lcx:kin;J Fbrd to tre Cl.ass 300 win, re overcarre prcblerrs en his seo::rxl. lap. onship off road series, so it was kling-on dust if you weren't run-11, 12, 1450 and 17 went four who saw the green in car# 101 -only fitting to giYe both the rac-ning 'clean air'. The wind laps. and then the trailer -before ers and spectators an awesome picked up in the afternoon to CLASS l: DNF'ing on the first lap at finale to a fantastic season at make for almost perfect race Four entries two DNFs, one MMlO with a broken right front where else -but, Barstow! Six 38 weather -warm temps, partly DNS. Reno Donati was first off ·pindle. Frank Thing was so far mile laps on Course B: 16 ma-sunny, and eYen a little rain the line in class in car #103 and ahead in the Class 1 points that jor course changes, eight road drizzle about 2:30 p.m. won the Fast Lap Award on Lap car #158 recorded a DNS for this crossings (RX), roller bumps, the Sixty-two racers signed up to 1 at 52.2 mph in just 0:41:21. e,·ent, and Thing still won the sand wash, blind uphills a 120 giYe it a go, but a rather slim But that was the end ofDonati's 2006 Class l Championship degree off-camber down hill field of 53 entries lined up for race day after all the transmis-without eYen haYing to get dirty right turn, a b-1-g 180 degree the green flag at Outlet Center sion bolts got sheared off along again. Congrats! 'sweeper' at the end, and plenty Drh·e on race day, NoYember 11 the way. No my bueno. But still That left Michael Robinson of extremely rough and rocky 2006. Twenty-seYen of those way better than Mark Weger, to bring home the First Place terrain in between. Start/Finish found their way to the finish and ~-------------=!"?".'~~~=~====~'!""'!'~ was at Outlet Center Dri\·e. the checkered flag. lasses 1, 10, *GE J DfRl.lisPIJT'...,...sM YOUR FINGi IN I IP" WRENCHING DRIVING/RIDING "love g/oV; TEAM PACKAGES 07 CONTIN GENCY PROGRAM • Stretch Nylon Top for Ccmfo y • Synthetic Leather Palm for Aggressive Use • Medium Density Padded Palm for Motorsports and/or Power-tool use • Terry Cloth "Sweat Wipe" • Easy-Flex Neoprene Wrist Closure • Available in Black SSE OUR ~ TO ·"'J'Ry & E3UV!'' DEALER INQUIRES WELCOMED BII-GLOVE-30 WWWSHOCKERGLOVECO.COM Page 18 A very lcrg fa.u:th lap dich' t h3q:er Art Save:lra f=n takir.g tre Cl.ass 5-1600 win, re's seen rere nicely a:irl:orrE. 1he Cl.ass 700 win went to Barry Karakas, re drove his g:xxi lcck:iIB truck to an easy win, seen rere at take:)ff. February 2007 win in the ;1126 CST Trophy Truck, completing the race in 5:01:38 at 43.0 mph. That also translated into a Second Place O,·erall finish in class for the year for Robinson, too. Robinson, from RiYerside, CA built most of the car himself. With Yirgin rookie Paul Dickerson ;;1 the co-drh·er seat, # 126 started the race with "a little end-o" but made up time on Lap 1 doing 85 mph thru MM35-40. Robinson lost time on Lap 3 when the power steer-ing pump gaYe out at MM20. After that, it was on to the checkered flag finish and a trip to the winner's circle for #126. "Awesome!", said Robinson, who usually co-driYes. "We race BlTD, but this was fast and fun." CLASS 10: FiYe entries, one DNF, one DQ. Ryan Harbottle from Temecula, CA droYe fast and consistent lap times and ran a "flawless" race in the Harbottle Construction Co. car# 1060, to win First Place in Class 10 and Second Place OYerall for the race; taking the checkered flag in 4:40:25 at 4 6.2 mph. Har-bottle drow the whole thing: "It's Barstow ... and I'm tired. A couple of gauges didn't work but we had no real problems all day. It was worth ewry bit of fun." It was also worth Third Place O,·erall in class in 2006 for # 1060, too. Arthur Basile droYe car # 1049 to a Second Place finish in class for the race, coYering the required six laps in 5:42: 17 at 37.9 mph. Basile came in Fourth OYerall in class for the year. DaYe Wood won Third Place in car Jtl091, com-pleting his race day in 5:54:36 at 36.5 mph; as well as winning the Fast Lap Award on Lap 5 at 52.5 mph in 0:43:41. Wood's efforts also resulted in a Second Place O,·erall finish in class for Dusty Times
C£cn:ge Rooenbaun had a really lcn_; fa.irt.h lap tut re still tax tre class win in his :really cl.en Rm tn.dc. 2006 for :t 1091. Car # 1055, DoR Richard GaraYito, finished the race in 6:29:34 at 33.3 mph, but was DQ'd because GaraYito did not actually dri,·e any of the race. A sad finish for the day for # 1055, but nonetheless, GaraYi-to still won the Class 10 OYerall Championship for 2006 by 70 points. CLASS 5: Two starters, one finisher. Art (Yes, that A.R.T.S.) Savedra from Lo$t Wage$, NV drove car #509 to the finish line and a First Place win in class and tro-phy, completing the course in 7:43:39 at 28.0 mph. SaYedra also won the Fast Lap Award on Lap 3 in 1:03:06 at 36.2 mph. SaYedra was trailing Mark Lundberg in car #506 most of the day, when Lundberg didn't answer the bell for the final lap and DNF'd. Lundberg still won Fourth Place in class for the year. SaYedra already had the 2006 Class 5 Championship in hand with a commanding points lead going into the race, but a finish, and a win to boot, was a wry nice way to cap off the sea-son for #509. #509 also came in 10th Place OYerall for the MDR California Series Champion-ship; with 268 season-total points. CLASS 8: Four starters, two finishers, two DNFs. h-an Penchansky was third off the line in class at the green flag in truck :t803, drove fast and consistent laps, and won the First Place trophy in 4:44:04 at 45.6 mph. han Penchansky, Cuh·er City, CA droYe Laps 1 through 3, and his brother O llie Penchansky, San Diego, CA took oYer the wheel duties for Laps 3-6. it803 is the old Nelson & Nelson racing ride: an A-armed 88 CheYy, 434CI small block, trailing arms, and some BiG @** coil-oYer shocks in the back to smooth things out. The Penchansky brothers said, "There was dirt and rocks eYery-where, and the square-edged whoops made for some rough going. We only had one flat, and found a soft spot." Not too bad for a day at the races, I'd say. #803 also won Third Place OYer-all for the day, as well as winning Fourth Place in class for the year. Penchansky put the icing on the cake on Lap 3, winning the Fast Lap Award at 52.4 mph in 0:43:49. Matthew Langen saw the green flag first off the line in class in truck :t846, but had some tough laps after that. Langen was tough enough to motor on to the finish line in Dusty Times 7: 15:51 at 29.7 mph, to win Sec-ond Place in class for the day; and Third Place in Class 8 for Ivan J?en:mn.sky tax tre class a win with ease, re's seen rere tryinJ rut far his pilct:s liame in his a:ui::at:rE -e1i.cle. 2006. Joe Patelli logged a DNF in truck #802 after Lap 4, but still won Second Place in class February 2007 for the year. Likewise, Dean Schlingmann made it a race for the checkers in truck #832, but also recorded a DNF on the last lap for this race. cf1lingmann may ha\"e lost this race, but still took home the numero uno grand prize and bragging rights for 2006 -The First Place OYer-all winner in Class 8. CLASS 7: Four starters, one finisher, three DNFs. Barry Karakas was the sole finisher in class in the FabTech =700 truck, crossing the finish line in 5:48:32 at 37.2 mph to win First Place in class and Se\"enth OYerall for the day. Karakas also won the Fast Lap Award on Lap 4 at 47.9 mph in 0:47:57. Karakas and co-drh·er Tra\"is Whitmore said, "It was fun today. It was dusty on Lap 1 and we had a bit of a fuel pump problem, a flat tire on Lap 2, and we broke the radiator at Continued next page Page 19
MidJael Vemak v.es tre cnly Jeep entry rut he ran fast arrl tmlble Ki.lrt IaJ:rree led tre secxn:i lap in Class 300 rut he drq:,ped back free, he's seen here reaclirg to.ams tre elusive dleckered flag. a bit arrl v.es relegated to a seo:rrl place finish. MM22 on the last lap." In the with a total of 280 points. OYerall for the year. Raul Flores process, Karakas also won the Shawn St. George was on a also logged a DNF for this race (}.-erall Class 7 Championship winning pace in truck #707 in truck #711, but took home the for the second year in a row, by when he DNF'd after Lap 4, Third Place O,·erall win in class 47 points. Karakas came in Se\'-about 2: 15 p.m. St. George still for the 2006 season. Jeff Rigel enth Place OYerall for the 2006 finished out the 2006 season by got in two laps in truck #702 MDR California race series, winning Second Place in Class before the DNF'd for the day, Matt l.an_3an v.es a bit off tre winninJ µice in Class 8 arrl first lap pn:blars didn't help, he finisred seo:rrl in Class 8. Ryan Harl:ottle ha:i a t:mJbl.e free run, he easily flew to tre Class 10 victmy, seen here hxrlin' for tre flag. KING ---------0 FF" RO AD RACING SHOCl<S Page 20 too. CLASS 1600: The sole entry was Adam Ashcr aft in car #1649, who logged a DNS for the day. CLASS 12: Four starters, two finishers, two DNFs. Terry Ingold chalked up another First Place win in class in car # 1203, completing the required fiYe laps in 4:34:33 at 39 .3 mph. Terry and wife Cathy Ingolds dro\'e Laps 1-2, and Bill Cowan and Melissa Goodman took O\'er the in-cab duties for Laps 3-5. lngolds re-ported, "We had no problems and smooth sailing all day, ex-cept for a radio failure at the end. Otherwise, it was fun and we won!" lngolds also won the Fast Lap Award on Lap 4, clock-ing in at 44.7 mph in 0:51:04. That was also good enough for Ingolds to win Second Place OYerall in class for the year, too. Terry Wyrembek from Chino, CA droYe the Duke's Welding & Fab car # 1297 to a Second Place in class win for the day, co\'er-ing the dirt in 5:05:39 at 35.3 mph. Wyrembek and co-dri\'er Clase Simmons droYe Laps 1-3, and Mike Rauls Sr. and Jr. took O\'er the seats fo r Laps 4-5. Wyrembek said, "We didn't haYe any problems all day, except for no power steering. The car ran beautiful. It was fun, but the course got kinda rough o\"er some of the ridges. T he last lap was all nerYes, but we sun·iYed another one!" # 1297 sur\'iYed to also take home the First Place O ,·erall trophy for the 2006 C lass Season Championship. Way to go! Richard Wood got in three laps in car # 1233 before h e (J)BEAR We carry a full line of v--~ OFF~ FILTERMAGN ~ii&f~ February 2007 DNF'd with a broken transmis-sion at MM4 on Lap 4, but still won Third Place OYerall in class for the year. Kedn McCann DNF'd the first lap in car # 1202, but also won Fifth Place OYerall in class for the year. CLASS 1300: Two starters, one finisher, one DNF. Eric Jacobus put the pedal-to-the-metal in the JE Rac-ing car # 1367 to win First Place in class for the race, in 5:03:46 at 35.6 mph . Jacobus also won the Fast Lap Award on Lap 2 at 50.6 mph in 0:45:02. "The first three laps were fast and uneYent-ful. We switched co-riders on Lap 4, and after getting some great air just past the ant hill, we broke a limiter strap clevis and mount and bent the shock shaft on the rear driYer's side. We had our pit crew come out with a cleYis to get us around the track and running. On Lap 5 we pitted and the pit crew welded up the 1~10unt and got us Dusty Times
In the Class 10 a:nflict, Art:h.zr Basile \\0S a bi t off the IECE arrl Terry Wyrerrbek never found the short way around the oourse, he Rarrly Shields prd:ably set a :re:nrd for altit:tre this :rare, he's he took h:::rre the silver rredal, seen here at speed. finished seo:n:i in class, he's seen here at sp:e::i. seen here headiIB for the silver rredal in Class 1400. back on the track in record DNS. George Rosenbaum was Stoddard 250, in the C& D Fab-time", Jacobus said . first at the green flag in truck ricatio n/ 5-St ar Motorsports Jacobus droYe the entire race #727 and the sole finisher in truck #1408. Herrera was the with co-driw r Jamien Northrup Class 7S, to win First Place in Owrall Race Winner and took along for La ps 1-3, and Chris 6: 4 9 :3 8 at 31. 6 mph. First Place in class, coYering the Zuniga for La ps 4 and 5. "We Rosenbaum also won the Fast required distance in just 4:31:53 at the green flag, and had shawd had almost a two m inute lead on fo·e seconds off of #l408's lead Herrera at th at point. #1408 by the end of the first lap ... 21 turned up the throttle and second s behind and reeling. turned the tables on Lap 3, nar-Shields blistered the course on rowing Shields lead to only 15 Lap 2 at 53.8 mph, the fastest seconds. Lap 4 ... and # 1404 had a fabulous rookie season in Lap Award in class on Lap 2 at at 47.7 mph. Herrera only had fast lap of all for the day, and our JE Racing car. I built this 42. 7 mph in 0:53:43. T he win one flat all day in his 400ci Mid-rail in my garage as a pre-runner also got Rosenbaum the OYerall land-powered 1969 Ford F lO0 . and had the bug to race. We got Class 7S Points Championship "EYerything went great; awe, afewfriendstogetherandcame forthe2006MDRseason. some!", H errer a said. "The out to haYe the most fun we haYe Eric Tadeja logged a DNS for course was typical Barstow. We eYer had in our liYes racing in this race in truck #753, but still hit a couple of rocks in the back the desert. I can't wait until next walked away the Second Place sections of the course, and it was year for the new season of rac- OYerall points champ I in class fast in others." Race day was also ing with MDR." Jacobus' efforts for his efforts for the year. Allen Bradley Herrera's (SteYen's son) won him the Class 13 Points Byma gaw it a go in truck #758, 11th birthday, so Yictory was a Championship, as well as Sev-but DNF'd on Lap 1. Nonethe-triple-sweet prize. The icing on enth Place OYerall for the 2006 less, Byma won Fourth Place the cake for Herrera was also the MDR California Championship °'·erall in class for the year. Erin C lass 14 Pro OYer all Points Series; with 286 points in the Wall DNF'd after two laps in Ch ampion for the year, as well bag . Not too bad fo r a rookie. truck #762, but still won Sixth as Sixth Place OYerall for the Congrats! Place OYerall in class. 2006 MDR California Race Se-Cesar Alfaro logged a DNF in CLASS 1400 Pro: ries; with 294 points. Th at's a car # 1349 after Lap 2. Six entries, fo·e starters, two lot of goodies. CLASS 725: finishers, three DNFs. SteYen Randy Shields wa s going for FiYe entries, three starters, Herrera from Hesperia, CA won the win, too, in truck #1404 . one finisher, two DNFs, two it BIG and won it all at the MDR Shields started behind Herrera Richard Sletten had a gxx:i race, he teak the Class 11 h::o:)rs arrl ran tra.Jble free for his frur re:pmrl lap3. HONDA Power Equipment . l'!llU\TOftBi $ . Pl;JiM#lil# UCER & IPECTATIR IIICIUNTI • GENERATORS. • TIU ERS • OUTBOARD ENGINES • LAWNMOWERS • WATERPuMPS California's Largest Source lor Honda Power Equipment Parts fl Inventory IF WE DON T HAYE IT: NO ONE DOE$/ Check Our Website: www.Kawaguchihonda.com Kawaguchi Honda Corp. 3532 East 3rd St. • Los Angeles, CA 90063 (323)264-3936, 264-5858 • FAX(323)264-2136 Nothing's easier. For optimum performance and safety, we recommend you read the owner's manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment. Connection of a generator to house power requires a transfer device to avoid possible injury to power company personnel. Consult a qualified electrician. ©2007 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. Dusty Times February 2007 Page 21
Qiris Greeley literally fle,, to a sea:rrl p1acE finish in Cl.ass 1450, Lave Wocd had a terribly lcr.g sea:rn. lap arrl it was expensive, M:lissa 'Il=ntcn glVe it J:er all this race, e-E cruised in far a re was less than 10 m:irrut:es J:ehin:i tre leader at tre flag. re t=k hare tre brcnze rredal in tre Class 10. battle. third place finish in Cl.ass 1450, seen rere in J:er Fbrd. runs into trouble, is down for Funny how the points add up Mesa, CA droYe the '88 Toyota, points. Nice finish! Sixth Place win in class. the 30 minute count, and still sometimes. Giant Motor Sports truck# 1494 Melissa 'Mo' Thornton from Dustin Lapp now was a bit fur-finishes the race in 5:20:23 at CLASS 1450 Sportsman: to a Second Place win in class San Clemente, CA started near ther behind in truck # 147 3, 40.5 mph, to win Second Place A large turnout with 19 en- for the race. Along with co-driv-the back of the 1450 pack at the crossing the finish line in in class, and Fifth Overall for tries, 17 starters, eight finishers, ers Kedn SYeinson (Laps 1 & 2) green flag in the '91 Ford 5:28: 17 at 26.3 mph; but still the day. Nice saYe. Shields gets nine DNFs and two DNS. Matt and Vincent Morales (Laps 3 & Ranger Giant Motor Sports good enough for the SeYenth the 'true diRt' award for trying Helton started in the number 4), Greely covered the required Truck # 1484, but motored her Place win in class for the day. in my book. Shields also won six spot in class at the green flag amount of dirt in 3:55:43 at way through the bunch to a It was also good enough for Third Place in Class 14 Pro in in truck #1486, and droYe fast 36.7 mph. Greely was tired and Third Place win in class; finish-Lappnow to win Fifth Place 2006, for his efforts. and consistently to finish the dehydrated at the finish. "The ing the race in 4:02:41 at 35.6 Overall in class for the year, Adam Householder gaYe it a required four laps in just truck ran good. Our first flaw-mph. Co-drivers included Mike and 11th Place OYerall for the go in truck # 1424, and did 3:45:49 at 38.3 mph. Helton less race this season. No flats; Guillen, Licolette Dunn, and season with 267 total points. 'perty good too, until he broke won First Place in class for the no problems. The course was a John McClintock. # 1484 got Belcher had some long and it in the canyon and DNF'd on race, and First Place Overall in real mix of fast and slow. It was slowed a bit on Lap 2 when a tough laps in #1483, but man-Lap 3. Householder still won Class 1450 for the season, AND, bumpy at Check 1 and we carrier bearing broke, but the aged to find the checkered flag Fifth Place OYerall in class for First Place OYerall Points Cham-plowed some nasty boulders in FAIR pit got it welded and in 7:26:40 to finish in Eighth the year. Frank Vernola entered pion for the 2006 MDR Califor-the back section; sooo rocky. Thornton was back on the track Place in class for the day at in truck #1428 but logged a nia Series, too ... "The" Grand But we're done and we won. It in quick order. Thornton 19.3 mph. Belcher also fin-DNS when he lost third gear Champ for 2006! Full bragging was fun." So much fun that summed up her race day this ished Fifth Place in class for before the race started, and rights included. Helton finished Greely also won the Second way: "Big rocks. The course was the year, and Ninth Place went on to win Second Place in the 2006 race season with 393 OYerall Points Championship rutted and rough and beat up. Overall for the 2006 MDR C lass 14 Pro OYerall for the points in the winner's column. for the 2006 MDR California We finished. My most fun was California season with 279 to-2006 MDR California Series. Chris Greely from Costa Series, too; with a total of 340 getting nerfed by a Trophy tal points. Not too bad, I'd say. ewPraducts Haw Products NawPradu• NO MORE Spline Wear! Stronger Core! 50% Stronger! H.I. 6.5 " & 8.5" Sizes Built-In Starter & Ballast Die-Cast Aluminum Housi 35 Watt H.I.D. Bulb Driving/Euro Beam Pattern Knurled Adjustment Knobs Page 22 • & DOT II WIIBBIS Beadlock Black I Blue Colors Red / Polished Size ao Cenler Mounl Hub Kil Ii Sliding Axles Available for Plunging + NonPlung. CV's w/ CNC or Brembo Calipers Ultimate Strength 300M Size 30 Center Star ngAxle nPlungi Size 30 4CV February 2007 Truck. Cool!" Yea, huh. Craig Reynolds won the Jesse Ware won Fourth Place Fast Lap Award in Class 1450 in class for the day in truck in truck# 1456 on Lap 1, cov-# 1474, coYering four laps in ering 38 miles in 0:50:24 at 4:06:01 at 35.1 mph. The Fifth 45.4 mph. Reynolds came Place win in Class 1450 went close to a repeat on Lap 2, to Nick Puccio in truck #1492, clocking in at 0:54:54 but clocking in at the finish line in DNF'd on Lap 3. However, 4:31:35 at 31.8 mph. Aldo Reynolds' efforts o,·er the race 'Mad Dog" Belden was next to season won him Third Place see the checkered flag in truck Overall in class for the year, as #1457, covering the distance in well as Fourth Place OYerall 4:43:54 at 30.4 mph for the for the 2006 MDR California ne Class 1200 win WE!"lt to Ten:y I:rg:>ld, re's seen rere in his 1™ slUtJ3 rarer at speed en tre cx:urse. Erik Jao::i:u3 had ro troJble tak:ir.g tre class win, re's seen rere flyin_:; straight arrl level en his wey to tre drorered flag. Dusty Times
Jesse 'l'ere d=ve his really clean tndc a first off tlE p::x:liun finish Nick Pt.o::::i.o d=ve ~ in his !Bit lcddnJ tndc arrl lE t:a:k a fifth A decent sixth place in Class 1450 1le1t to BelCBJ. Alivio, !:E's seen here l.aJ..n:ni1l3 his tndc ta.an:ls tlE finish l.iIE. in tlE Class 1450 o::atest, seen here just at takroff. pl.are finish in Class 1450, seen here at spee::l.. Championship Series, with 312 a rear leaf spring shackle, and on Lap 4, in l: 16:05 at 29.98 total points. the gas filler tube too, on Lap mph. Shawn Giordano started in 2. Throw in a sticky thermostat, CLASS 1100: truck #1478, but DNF'd in short some "BIG boulders, and a lot Richard Sletten was the sole order on Lap lwhenheblewthe more beat up course" and ... entry in car #1101. Sletten got u-joints and transmission. Some-well, you get the idea. to the finish line in 5:57:41 and times you lose a race, but G ior-WOO hOO! aYeraged 24.2 mph to win First dano still won Fourth Place Kurt Larmee came to race for Place in class for the race and O,·erall in class for the year, as the glory too, in truck #302, and First Place Owrall in Class 1100 well as Fifth Place 0Yerall for finished Second Place in class for the 2006 MDR California the 2006 MDR California Series for the day, coYering the re- race season, too. Sletten won the with 300 points. quired four laps in 5:32:06 at Fast Lap Award in class on Lap CLASS 300: 26.0 mph. Not bad for blowing 2 at 27.3 mph, clocking in at Lee Orr from Oak Hills, CA a passenger side shock in the 1:23:59. dro,·e the Meritage Homes Ford hunt for the finish line. Larmee What a fantastic end to a fun Bronco #300 to another First won Second Place 0Yerall in season of racing in the desert, Place win in Class in 5:09:44 at class as well, for the year. SoCal style ... half of the top ten 27.9 mph. Orr also won the Fast CLASS 1700: 0Yerall winners in the MDR Lap Award in class on Lap I at Michael Vemack was the rnle California Championship Race 33.9 mph, cowring the course entry in class in Jeep :c:J760, but Series were in the Class 21450 in 1:07:23. This was Orr's sec-he still beat the desert to win Sportsman diYision, and another ond year as 0Yerall Class 3 First Place in class for the race, was from Class 1400 Pro. Way to Champion as well, and also and First Place Owrall in Cla;:;: go! E,·eryone had fun ... the rac-earned him Third Place 0Yerall 1700 for the 2006 MDR Cali-ers, the spectators, the wiYe;: and Champion for the 2006 MDR fornia Series season, too. families and friends, the chasers California Series, too; with 320 Vernack completed the race in and pit crews ... too many good year end points. Orr worked 5:09:15 at 27.9 mph. #1760 also stories to share around the camp-hard for this win wen he broke won the Fast Lap Award in class fire. Thank you, MDR. This reporter admits to a lot story. I think I may just come of fun meeting a lot of great back and join the racing rank people and haYing a lot of fun and file again in 2007, and doing it in the dirt together. I double my fun factor with you. appreciate your enthusiast'n and Dusty Times to you, until we cooperation in getting our read-meet again. ~ ers the inside scoop on your bajaracr@verizon.net r--att Helt= arrl Tim Krl.Jeg:r had a great day, they ran fast arrl tra.Jble free arrl t=lc cl.ass h::n:Jrs, seen here at takeoff. Just think ol 8i/$1eln as: ans oflhe founding fathers of the dirt nation. We were first to Introduce the incredible performance advanlage of monolube gas pressure shacks over 50 years ago and still lead the way today. Oar oll·roatJ racing pertormaoce is legendary. And every shock we bu/Id is ffl/ed with the knowledge we've gained from decades of trOffing the finish line first. For professional racing, pre-runner, lilted or stock truck applications, there's a Bi/stein shock made for it. Bllmlln 9100 Series {teftJ Call or visit our web site for more Info on the winning line up of Bi/stein shock absorbers. 8/LSTE/N! .. LEAOING TECHNOLOGY, WINNING PERFORMANCE, SUPERIOR SELECTION. Bitstein Go• PNJ.ssure Shock Absorber$ " Thyssenl<rupt Bjlstein of America .. . . . .... Sales: J .. t~81"1·7521411 Techt 1--SR;.!31tl015' • getbilsfein"com Dusty Times February 2007 Page 23
~ SaNDRAN 500 Rann Bailey captures overall By Michael DeL Col Photos: Nicole DeL CoL "" lc1ll Bailey Flies acrcss the desert en his way to the Cl.ass 1 victory as \Ell as the overall victory at the RR Scn:lran 300. After a Yery successful debut in April, Pro Desert Racing re-cently put on their ·econd eYent of 2006 of the three race series -the Sonora 500. The race course started in San Luis, Sonora Mexico and was a chal-lenging mix of high speed desert roads, some mini Baja type sec-tions and a beautiful eight mile beach run just south of El Gulfo. Racers and crews loYed the Steve Gresham had a really good clay, he t=k. the ~ Lite class with ease, he's seen here at speed en the beach. course, especially the driYe along encounter during the Paris-the beach. Nearly 40 cars took Dakar run. Apparently the the green flag representing all dunes of Sonora are as close as desert classes, with the addition you can get to the African dunes of the Rhino/Golf Cart class. in North Africa. Race day weather was outstand-Pro Desert Racing put Shiloh ing with a good ocean breeze Strunk in his Unlimited truck blowing the du t away. Blowing into Class 1, and Shiloh also the competition away was Paris-had a good run, but ended up Dakar Yeteran Ronn Bailey earn-in second place. Shiloh had the ing an overall Yictory in his Class cable come off of the alternator, 1 Porter built race car. Ronn and after a quick change was completed two 175 mile laps in back in the throttle to chase the 4:27:25. Ronn was a surprise en-leaders. Shiloh finished second try into the race, as he was at one with a time of 4:49: 13 for his of the local watering holes on assignment. Steve Kuker had his Friday night, heard about the SCAT V4 powered Millennium race, and showed up to compete racer in Mexico and ran into and take away the oYerall Yictory chase and support issues. It on Saturday! Ronn frequents the seems that his chase crew got sand dunes in the area as prac-the truck stuck, and was unable tice for the sand dunes he will to meet Ste\'e at the refueling stop. SteYe pressed on, only to run out of fuel before making the next scheduled stop. The team finally caught up, fueled the car, and SteYe finished third with ;in ET of 5:02:52. P;iul Meyer and Tom Wood were both looking Yery strong in the class, but were not able to com-plete both laps and did not fin-ish. Rene OJrvas Zcl.e t:c:dc h:xre the g:>ld rredal in the Class 8 cx:ntest, he's seen here at speed mooinJ f= that dJedrered flag-. First place in the Ullirni.ted Sp'.JrtsTBn fracas "611: to Stan Calvelage, seen here ru.sh:ir:g thro..gl the desert. JaYier Robles Zauala of Victoria, Mexico was the winner in Class 10. JaYier was on a real mission early in the race, and looked unstoppable. JaYier cap-tured the win in Class 10, and was the second oYerall fin is her in the race with a quick run of 4:34:08. Todd Elam had his Honda powered Jimco in the Performance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding &Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks Quality Products & Friendly Service VISA RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-759 • www.ronco-plastics.com 15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX us to Receive a Free Catalog ~-------------------------------------------------------J Page 24 February 2007 Dusty Times
&lcky Strunk ran d.s g:xxi lcddl-B truck in Class 1 arrl re tc:dc Ryan McCoskey drove his good looking Jeep to a nice sea:ind D::n Werle drove his g:xxi lcddl-B Ford truck to a nice sea:n:i tore tre silver rredal, 1-E' s seen l:Ere at speed. place finish in Class 6, seen !"Ere racir.g t:o,,ards tre m:ckers. place finish in SpJrtsrran Truck, seen l:Ere at speed. nrnt ear y, ut i not inis 1. SteYe Gresham was the man to beat in the SCORE Lights Class 12. Stew churned out two laps in 5:21:10 and was the lone surYiYor in the class. Ray New-ton in his Clas~ 16 turned 12 car did not finish, and Eric Ruiz also came up short. Rene Cun-as Zule is one of the local racers from San Luis, Mexico. Rene must ha,·e known the local secrets to surYiYal in the area. Rene hauled the mail in Class 8, winning in the class of sewn trucks. Rene d id it in grand style, finishing in 4:58:20. Ryan McCoskey OYercame en-gine worries finishing in second place in t he class. Rya n's re-worked Jeep Cherokee has a new powerplant in it, that gaYe Ryan fits with oYerheating, and knock-ing and pinging along the way. He also got stuck at his first gas stop, which cost him some time in digg ing out. Benny Finn had a tough race in Mexico, haYing Dusty Times M:i.g.iel Iara drme his really great lcx::kin.3 t:n.x:k to a nice win in Sp::n:tsran Truck in Scn::rra, seen l:Ere at speed. an O\'erheating tran smissio n right off the green flag, followed by e lectrical issues. Benny stopped for repairs in El Gulfo, and with eYerything mechani-cally ready in the truck, the starter would not turn the mo-tor. He was able to locate an auto parts store in El Gulfo, buy a starter, and repair the truck to get going again . Hard to belieYe - as this is a "one ALTO" town ... Benny m ad e it seYer al mo re miles before electrical demons February 2007 Arturo Cervantes care art: with his brightly painte::l RhiID, ran aro.ni fro five h::urs arrl tc:dc tre Class RhiID win. ended his day. Don Kolt was run-ning strong early in the Ameri-can Thunder truck, but dropped a \'ah-e in the truck and called it quits near Check 6. The teams in C lass 1600 all fell apart. Brent McKee had T im Huber driYing the first lap, with Brent trying to complete the sec-ond. T im got the car around in good shape, and handed o\'er the reins in Brent as planned. Brent went another 21 miles or Continued next page Page 25
Javier Zauala rmlly flew ala13 the l::eadl, re's seen !Ere flyinJ Tim Rodda rustles t:hrcu3h the desert en his way to a decent Jcel Parra ha'.:l. a CBBJt: day in his tndc, re fini.sred frurth in ta..arcls a nire first pl.are finish in the Class 10 cat:aJ:Jry. third plare finish in Sp:lrtsTan Tndc in the Sanran 500. SpJrtsTan Tnrlc, re's seen !Ere reooir.g far the finish lirE. so, and blew up the motor in the was only required to hammer ning with Ron Dalke behind the so. Stan was also \'ery pleased completed his lap in 3: 19:35 racer. Bill Hanson of Yuma was out one lap, and did so in a wheel. Stan was ,·ery pleased to to ha\'e a 5-speed, and power and enjoyed the race from San a DNF in the class. blazing 2:40:21. Stan recently ha\'e d aughter Aubrey riding steering, neither of which he is Luis to El Gulfo. In the Sportsman Unlimited purchased this car from Bill shotgun, but sa id that he had to accustomed to. Bruce Johnston Miguel Angel Lara was the class a \'ery happy Stan Cah·e-Stoner and Paul Meyers. The keep nudging her to keep her had a good run in his racer fin-class in the Sportsman truck lage was the class Yictor. Stan car has a rich history of win-awake for the last 20 miles or ishing in second place. Bruce race. Miguel bested nine other LIST YOUR PHONE NUMBER, YEAR, MODEL AND ENGINE SIZE! Sales lof-Ormallon: Payment may be made b-/ credit caHI. money order or cashier's check. Personal or business checks are not accepted. C.0.0. orders accepted with 50% pre· payment. S5 Handling charge on all orders. California residents include 7. 75% sales tax. Customers responsible 1or all 1reight charges. Minimum order is $25. The use of Volkswagen by Pacific Customs Unlimited. Inc. is for descriptive purposes ONLY and in no way is the name used to infer or intend a direct connection between Pacific Customs Uulimtled. Joe. and Volkswagen. Volkswagen Is a registered trademark PRICES EFFECTIVE DURING THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MAGAZINE COVER DATE. EASI.EEYE OFFROADLIBHTS H.t.O. u,tb wi/1135W x-Jlllflllllf S./11,11 4 'It Oval l·U.D. Drivinll Ligllt Si!W fifllsll aM erterna1 8allm. patr .................... $522 8' Oval H,I.O. Driving LiOtn. Sl!Verflnlsll ind external SaJW Bn,bt ~ Ug/lt$. Ballast, paif ............ ""*"'."522 8' Round 100W DrMng light a' O\~ H.1.(1. Spot 1,.ight. Sitver Wllh ll!acl( Fmish, pair ....... $38 Fin!sti and E:ctemal Ballast. o' Rou!ld 100W Sllm·l'ro Drivlno pair . .,,,.,., ......... ,,, .... ,,.,.,522 lioht wltti Cllrll!lle Finish. ~il'N.74 6' R~und H.W. Drivlflg Lioht. 4 W Dual 100W DrMog light Oj)il Amsh alld Internal ......... with Silver finish, vair .... , .. 112 ~IJast, !)1111' ....................... 522 8" Rwlllf ~SW 0ri111119 light 6' Round H.1.0. Sl)l11 Uoht, Opal ,. wfth Si!Yer fllllsl!. pair ......... 96 flni$b arut lll11!rn;IJ Ba!~. II" Roulld $Jilll with Silver oalr ........... ,. ................. 522 flnlsll. pair ......................... 98 ~COMMIIIIIC,;;:;:;;;:;:;;;;::~;:_;T/i;:_:'ON:;::KJTS;:;:;;:· :.==::==5 ltnk Kit Oftm Drlwr to l'nwltflH Cotrrmllfliutilff, AmllCff Kia aww 11w Ca,,,Oiln, for tfM DrlWt to c,-1a,e te ~. CB 1111 f:arNCMlo lase willt lta4le I.titled. 6.!Slc 2--Peison Kit w/HS ........ $465 Black floish tie.Id Set ............ $98 Bisic4--Persoo l(il w/HS..... ..799 8~d(. 8!vt. Re\! or Yellow Advanced 560 4--Pmoo Behind the Head Hila-ii Set 164 llllllrcom l(lt ..... ,. ............. 635 Carboij fiber Behioo Heffll Push to Talk But!orL ............... 37 Head Set .......................... 178 COILBEAfl SIJSPENSIOII "IIMlel•USA• Frr,n/ Ellds m f" Widfr r,iflt 1(1" Tllftrt to Auflll Cail 5/lom Wi1""'1t Mtllfiliutiot1 a1111 llltllllles Rid lflll Pillion Mflllnl. TnilfqAr111ur1D.O.M. M1tllf1I, l 't,•!llp/11' z 1• Wiihr And c,n Un Ellfllr Sll1Ck KJn, Pin Spindlas or "'mbo !i~. Front 8t!am fur C<>il St«~ ... $265 Combo link Spuu:Hes..... .$475 Cllfomnlyfrtllll Beam tor Combolilll<Spilldles:Yraised .. !HO Coil $hocks ................. 310 King Snock 2' AdJ. Body 0.0.M. Trailing Amis. ~t ol 4 .310 w/Res rvo,r. rrt<:todes o.o M , 4°Trailing Amis (4) .360 Sp11nos. each ................... .495 Thru Roos wlN~ts. pair ............. 50 PiOW Bact !leservoirOpmm ..... 65 Uretllane Beam llusllmos ...... 24 Swooooo Ti& Rods Alum., p( .... 65 H.O Unk P1!1$ ........ . ............ .5? Swedged Htods. Chromof;. pr.65 Page 26 FRONT BRAKES Z•Pillt:lt 81/T,t Hilb Witll II" ROW, BIIMhg'S. &1111/er taps 1ml WIIWODII 2 PilltJII Cal/pm Wfl/1 Molllf.tillg Brat:kalS. WI Link Pill From 81akes .... $745 Combo link Froot Brakes _ •. 755 Fro11tH1bKit WI Link Pw1 from Hub KL.$499 Combolillkfrom Huhl<lt ..... 499 H.B. FRONT BRAKES 1·~ BJ/Ill Hu• wilfl r llmt. Timktn Bulf1191. CSll/ff Caf)t. 11111 WI/wood 2 Plrto.11 cat(p,n With llfo1111tfnq Bllcktts. Combo lmk front S!'ikes ... S940 KING ADJUSTABLE SPORTSMAN MICRO STUB KIT Biilet B#r/of ~ with T1m< S.lllap, 1f" Rotrn. Airmtt Qiiall/Y Allgy $/#l bl~ ,mt Wlll/lood 4 P/$11111 t:a/ipm. Sportsma~ Mlcto Stub Kit .$ I .395 H.B. 3IJOM MICRO STUB BRAKE KIT Blll,t Beatlllg HUU$htf with Tlll'IU/I karlltfl. W Rolors, u,p0i1~JQQM$bibAltn 11111 Wilwucd 4 Piston Callptl'L H.P. Micro Slullar;tke Kit . .Sl.~ SHOCKS WI NON-COIL SHOCKS RESERVOIR King 2" Sh~. foJl.411/llllmnfDilil s,ro,, . 8--1,0:12 Strot,:e .... .from $225 Sllock •/II litJs• 111111 tf#ww,/r. Xlno 2 /, Sh~ i<illg 2• Adjustable Shaci<. 12-14-16 Stroke .. ~.from 295 &-10-12.StrOke ..... fn)m$495 ,,,_ ,,,,uD$Ji•ft1t King 2 'I, Adj11St11ble Shock, n,_ -r ur 12-14·16" SU'ol<e from 585 t"811f11P Sh,p witll41'4 Piogy Back Reseworr OpliOn ..... 65 Clllomtlly Slftn. Triple By-Pass, 2 'f>'Sody ..... 650 8µmp Stop witti $~. ~h $257 CENTERLINE WHEELS FtliJtd AJumlllum Wballr wi/11 P•lisllltl Fhl/n, svw .................... .$264 5 VW ••. .,,. .... ,,..,m ... 26/l SWl ....................... tl'l svw ,. .................. 275 5VW ..................... .279 5YW .................. 291 15•12 svw .. ··•··· •«-0796 15x3'/, 4WL ................ .2:15 15x5'1t 4VW ...... ... 263 1517 ◄VW .................. 291 15t6'/, 4WI. . ......... 296 POWER STEERIIIS COMPONENTS Howe Power Raclc. 2' Widespread ............................................. $1,275 HOweP0~I Ract, 2'1,WideSp,ealf... .......................... .. ..... 1.V5 Howe Po\1/i!r Ract .• 2 'ii W~ead \'rim Control VaNe ............. 1.650 Char•Lynn TOl!IUe Genar<l!or ,.. . ................................................. 295 Char•lynn BIiiet Mount C!ampS to 1 ·.r,ru!),mJ .............................. 459 Mounting Tab. Welil·On. each ...... -.............. ............. .. .. . .. JO Port !!lock for Char..\.ynn \tilt~ Fittings ............................................ 30 Couplet 101 Cha1-Ltnn ................................. ,. .......................... ,. 18 th.Joint for Char•Lynn {Sweet} .. ..... •. .. .. .. ..... • ... .. .......... From 56 l'owar Steeriog Pumps,. 1000PS!ur 1300PSL. ..... -, .................. 160 f'lllley for Power Steering Pump ...... ...... ,... .. .. . .......... from 45 PQWi!r St~ing R~,voir for IS tnd #1() F;ttingi ...................... 85 Power Sleeting Reseivoir with fiker Adapter..... .. ... . ... ......... ..150 l,'lou11t fOI Power $1(\ij{ing Pump (Specify l:ngille) ............... from 65 Bracket. Rase,volr. .. ... ...... ..... .. .................................. 14 930 CHROMOLY STUBAXLES& DRIVE RANGES BUS CHROMOLY STUB.AXLE$& DRIVE FLANGES Stub Aides !or 930 CV. pa!r ... $140 Stub Axles for Sus CV. l)air .. $140 Orwe flanges tor 930 CV, pair .. .70 Dnve fl.inges for Bus CV. pair .. .10 HEAVY DUTY AXLES GERMAN CV JOINT$ bf lATEST RAGE Bug/Bus Tra!lS lo AND BOOTS fllletle Tralhu Arms .......... $120 !lug. CV JwnL ......................... $45 But)laus TtallS 10 31(3 Arms ..... 130 Buo, CV Boot .. . ........ ,, ......... 5 8ug/llu$ Trans to 3"3 An1l$ Sus. (;v Joint ......................... 50 lor 930 cv•s ... .... ... 140 1!us. CV6oot ........................... 1 23' or 25• A:xleS fur 9:30 cv•;; 160 930. Cl/ Joinl ...... . .. 58 24'·26° M300 !or 930 Cl/'s Jr ~40 930, Boot and Hing& ........... 34 3Pc!n! ~ .Jt. . CROW SAFETY BELT$ 3• 1.1, s,rrs 111111 s,wn.f11 r,, 3• Shllll/dllt Hafllllmll Anltalllt hi 3, 4, 11T V Point Wdlbing is Ar,/llblt In Bl,u, firer, BIB#, RIii t1r Pu,pi,. 3' ~ 2' 3, Poilll ...... ..... .. .. ... .$70 ;l' X 2' 4 Pollll ................... __ ]() a•x3• 3Poil!L .................... JID 3' x 3· 4 Poilll .................. ,. ..... l!O 3' t 2' l Pt w!Shoulder Pa!LllO 3· i 2· 4 Pl w.lShou!oer Pad . .00 3• x 3' 3 Pt w/Shouldef Pad .. 100 3· x 3· 4 pt w/Shoulder PmUOO 2 Croli;lf Slrjji .. .. .............. 12 CROW SHOULDER PADS Ar,/1,tto tor rur J" $11tJtJtw Hinle#, Bllltk. 8fll1 Dr Ill/I. 2· Sltootler HatlltlSB Pads. l!I' • .$24 3' $f1Qulder llarrlf)$$ Pads, pi ... 28 LIL I SPORTSTER "··,Jal Order W4flhl Avail1bl, Daty 19" Willtl Nfltlf You C,,, (Is, --r · Susptntloa Seatr in 11a1-,-, 2•Pass, Seliell ~t et,aan, m11u1, ,~ /Jl,f# fll" Grq. 46 or 43' Wide... . ...... .$435 ur Spooster Se.rt, tow-Batk$170 BEARD sUPER sEAr us;;,;,,s:;;;,;;w,;; MOUIIT KIT uon1 ouiy ne Down. p1.-x 5· Sli(tll/TlltCombin~nQn ...... $123 Strap,5.000#CaPai.:ity ...... $13 SM~Slldc Cillllbinatio1' Ratchet Tie Do\'111, 2' X 7' tor LU' Spor1Ster...... . .. 144 Strap. 10.000ICill)aclty ..... 26 eractc! aoo swe Mounl 0nlv .. 60 Axle Strap ....... ,. ......................... 12 February 2007 racers in the class, completing his lap in 2:55:08. Dan Werle and T im Rodda filled the other two spots on the podium finish-ing second and third respec-th·ely, with 3:07:37 and 3:37:50 elapsed times. Joel Parra of Sonoyta, Mexico finished in the fourth position, and Ste\'e Konch and Hector ChaYez were also fin ishers in the class. DaYid Santacruz was among the racers who did not make the checkers. DaY id had transmission troubles that ended his day. It was his first DNF since he started racing some three years ago. Georgia Casillas was the only finisher in the Sportsman Lim-ited class, getting the job done in 2:58:48. In what is becoming a Yery popular class with the racers and organizations, PDR offered a Rhino/Golf Cart class. Only one guy was up to the challenge howeYer, and Arturo Cen·antes had a highly motiYated golf cart that finished all 175 miles. Ar-turo had a brief detour on the beach after oYerheating prob-lem· and he was towed back to El Gulfo for repairs. After fix-ing the machine, Arturo had a couple of tacos, knocked back a "40", jumped back in and fin-ished the race. His machine was no slouch either, being a 250R quad driYetrain in a golf cart body. He was clocked at 51 mph on the beach! The Pro Desert Racing Sonora 500 went oYer ,·ery well with race rs, chasers, and also the local people who turned out in droYes to watch the race. T he race went off without a hitch, e\'en with the main dude, Dan Winter s, in the hospital in Yuma too ill to traYel. GiYe great kudos to the bal-ance of the PDR organization and Yolunteers who came to-gether as "the show must go on". Get well soon, Dan. Pro Desert Racing's last eYent of the year will be the La Carrera Sonora 200 on the last weekend in December. Pro De·ert Racing is planning a huge weekend of fun, festiYities and racing in both Rocky Point and Caborca. There is a New Year's £ye party planned, and this should be the biggest and best race for PDR to date. This race will be a point to point race, with all of the best that Sonora has to offer the race rs. For more information on Pro Desert Racing eYents check www.prodesertracing.com e!!llP Dusty Times
3RD ANNUAL BA.IA CUP Vildosola/ Jergensen Take Big Wins Photos: Track.side Photo A fe.-J pieces of missirB fiberglass dic:ln' t keep G.ls Vilcbsola fran takin:_, tre g:,ld rredal in PrdI'ruck at tre Glen ~en meet. The 3rd Baja Cup C h al-lenge, produced and directed by Bud Feldkamp took place o n Decembe r 9 at the G le n H ele n Raceway, close by to beautiful d owntown San Be r-n ardino. As usu al, the weather was decent, the track was as wonderful as it alw ays is and there were 52 racers on hand t o d o b attle in 11 classes. From what we heard, a really good time w as had by all at-tending and they are ready to come b ack and d o it all again this year. Originally st arted as a come o n out h e re with your crew and let them d o a bit o f driY-ing a fte r the lo ng h aul Baja race is oYer. It's supposed to V --~.: .. ... . . . . .· . --TiHE BE~R, DE §1!.l§eEN§ ION§_· -,;;. ~ , .. ~. ~----% ·'m'~·«III§· ~<# '~~-,~-# ~-1-. <m?<•-~#-~~ ~,J Dusty Times Jeeps have evolved over the years, and so has Skyjacker®. Skyjacker's product line for the Jeep enthusiast has become legendary. Skyjacker® products are Built By Enthusiasts, For Enthusiasts. You will gain the Performance, Strength, Integrity, Durability, and Know How that goes with our complete line of Jeep lift kits and systems. The newest addition to the Jeep line is the Jeep Wrangler JK and Skyjacker® has what you need to take this JK to a new level of · performance with a 2.5" or 4" or 6" lift kit. For an Authorized Skyjacker® Dealer near you call 866.4 . .A.OEALER ext.5046 or visit us on the web at skyjacker.tom February 2007 1be winners cup in tre Class 1450 cx:ntest went t o JJ Hansen, he's seen here at speed en his W<ry to tre checkers. !:'avid zetterlun::l W'l.S tre cnly entry in tre CJ.ass 12 ocntest tut he notorerl aro.irrl at speed an:i teak his win be a reward and a fun thing and it h as certainly proYed to be all o f the aboYe. At a course like G len H elen , your desert car o r your sh ort course car can pe r form well and the at-mosphe r e is conduci,·e t o Continued next page Page 27
Tim 0::nµa1 \105 literally walk.in' en air, he ta:K the class win in 'Ire JdJnscn's, Mike am MidEel g?IVe it their all bJt v.ere cnly Ttxti Jespersen arrl Joe ~ier p.it up a g:x:xi fight rut they had the H::n:ia Pilot gra;p, he's seen here at speed. able to grab secx:nJ. place in the Prc:1I'rud<: tattle. to settle for secx:nJ. ~ in the Class 1450 antest rnmr great racing as \\·ell as a to get that checkered flag. But for two hours with two manda-a fairly good race. When the low key adYenture. (isn't there always a bur!), it tory pit stops. including a tire smoke had cleared it was Naturally, anything in off still is a fairly low key fun type change. The ProTrucks only GustaYo Vildosola, in his road racing can't be too laid eYent and there is lots of timr had to make 011t· mandatory "Toyota and with somr hrlp back, we all know that eYery-for brnch racing and the spin-pit stop. from Christopher Mallet tak-onr behind the whrrl wants to ning of tales back when. There \\'t'H' 11 ProTrucb en-ing thr checkered flag. A nice win and will do anything lrgal All the classes ran their race terrd and they almost all had win and a couple of happy .--------'----------------~---~--=-, 'Ire Slettens, 'I':iJm¥ arrl Ridlard had a really fun day, they took the h:.n:>rs in the Class 11 a:ntest, seen here at lan::lin:3". 'I\'.rli Jel:g:!rlsen \105 rd: to te ooni.ed., he literally flew to the Class 1 win, re's seen here savID3 a bit of tire .ear. guys. Chasing the winnrr was Mike Johnson, C hevrolet mounted and he had Michael Johnson helping them get a nice second place. Getting the last spot on the podium was Jason and Rich Voss, a decent third placr in their Ford. Al Hooan alon<> with Darren Do;ne; drO\.; his Ford to a fourth pbce finish and an-other Ford, driYen by Alan Levinson and Pete Mortasen was the fifth place finisher. ln the sixth place finishing spot was th('> 1:ord of Rob Reinertson and Eric Place. in seYcnth place it was Cody Swanty and Gordon MeadYille, driYing the only Dodge in the class. Well back in eighth place \\·as the Toyota of Rick L. Johnson and Derek Marley, Dave Cr('agan and James Wasson "·ere the ninth pL:ice finishers. ·rom Koch and the Holders took 10th place Continued next page coNGAALA:rt1Jtf:8f#fTS ctfAIIIIPIONS aoosc Page 28 February 2007 Dusty Times
... r-L Chad CUnmings and Travis Howard were the silver tredal winners A secxn:i place finish in Class ½-1600 =it t o Al=xler Smith, in Clas.s 1 , seen here h.Etl:ir.g to.ards tre finish lire. re's seen here lo:kin' far tre elusive fin:is"l lire. Dana Creech came down fran northern California to ccnpete and he took secx:ind place h:rlors in his Yamaha Rhim. h o n ors in their Ford and Joe ing and they we re n ' t disap- t aking a nice win in his heY-Jo ie G uerrero took third place honors and the C h enolet o f Danny Giannini and Robbie O,tle r cam e across the line first off the podium. Shawn W alte r s and R o b ert Early Bednar and G eorge Pe t e r s p ointe d . The r e w e r e fiY e rolet . Second tr.u ck to cross were enter ed in the class but trucks ente red but only four the line was the T o yo t a of did n o t start. o f the m actually starte d . Todd J e;; p e rsen and Joe T he C lass 1450 gu ys were Whe n they finish ed their re- Me rc ie r, a n othe r Toyota, pi-all ready fo r a good d ay o f rac-quired laps it was J . H a n ;;o n lo ted by Ja;;o n Robinson and SAFETY EQUIPMENT • SA2005 Helm<JLH • Racing Sml.s. Gloves & Shoes • Seatbelts • Head & Nock Restraints YOUR SAFETY & COJIJIUNICATIONS SOURCE -~ ,;ps • r-01or Displays · r. to to.4"'8(}roons • Ifandh11ld & Panel Mollllt Optl:.ons • "\fR.pCreate Software & Aoooosolies XCELL·v • <ti Vi <la.Hons • KfORfJFIA tf2,al · Rxd1.1s1voly Ma.nnfa-cturod by Fuel Safe · Muding Units & .Ae-0essories Availahl" 619·258*BACE {7228} www.RacerXms.com INTERCOMS FOR RACING & RECREATION • Sand Car, Dooon&Ra.oeKits • Hi.Fi Headsets • Headoots & Wired Helmets • Auto MuteF~tm·e • Mu.sic lnte:tfa.ce Availahlo • Fn TI hno of Fuel &re Produets A vailahlo · COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS • SAFETY EQUIPMENT HIGH PERFORMANCE RADIO SYSTEMS • &uid Car, l};;S{lrt.& Race Radios • BasP ,.'tatlt1n Kits (for Gamping or fuw-0 Pits} • Short Com·w• Spotter Kits and fan Scanners • Ra1'11 Cha.c;t• Pack~-s • f> to I HJ Watts of Power-• Alpb. mruwrif; Display KOOL AIR1)( BLOWERS & HOSES • 105.136. 150 and 235 CFMR.atin.gs • 11.ghtwelght & Redooed Amperage • Filters and Hoses also available SIRIUSil .utuuri 140-10 .. ,n· 1-ut •,r,.•n1: ~-'\'"~~ INCARAUDIO ~ ~,. SUHLIT't ~ROIO ~ • XM & SlriU$ Batollite Radio System • No Tuner lleq111.r0d . • External Speakfil' Kits iPod • ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS • KOOL Am BLOWERS • AUDIO .... XM & SIRIUS • FUEL CELLS & ACGESSORIES • GPS • TOYS / DVD'S 10815 Wheatlands Avenue. Suite K · Santee, CA 92071 : 619-258-RACE (7223) · Fax 619-258-0883 • www.RacerXms.com ' Page 30 February 2007 Ren Carter gives it hard left nrl:ler as re drives to a fcurth p1a:::E fin:is"l in tre hard fa.ght Class 1 tattle. fa iled to start t he race. T here was only o ne entry in the C la,s 12 race, DaYid Zetterlund who was teame d with the McAlliste r/ McBride duo and they cruised around for an easy win. Class 11 also con sisted o f only one car but that didn't d ampe n the spirits o f Timmy and Ric h ard Slette n , they droYe their bug for their re-quired laps and took an e ffort-less win. The re we re 11 entrants in the C lass 1 contest , one of them fa iled to st art the race and the other 10 cars hacl a !mod race and a good time. W hen the c heckers fie\\· it was Todd Je rgensen taking a Ye r y nice win. I le 1,1·as fo l-lowed across t he line by C had Cummings and TraYis H ow ard a~1d Mike Bi lek and Vince Gatewick w e r e t h e third place finishers in t he ir C henowt h . First car to finish off the podium was Ron Carter and Ray Suzow and Bill Markel and Sean Calla han came in fo r a fifth p lace finish. T he sixth place finisher in C lass 1 was Skip Kawell wh ile Eric Jacobs and Jam in Northrop ".er e the lucky1 SeYenth place finishers in their Chenowth. Rhys Millen, kn0\n1 quite 1,1·ell in the rally world, a long with Scott Dodge took an e ighth p lace finish i n their Che-nowth , Jimmy Nichols \\·as a wry unhappy ninth p lace fin-isher in his Chenowth and Alan Levinson and Pete Mortasen en:a:l. up in fifth place in PrdI'ruck when the checkers flew, seen here nicely a:irl:cn::re in treir Ftlrd. Dusty Times T
A sea:::n:i plaoe finish in the H::ma Pilot Class ;alt to r:arin Jas:n and Ridl Vess \\ere the third plaoe f:inisl-ErS in the highly Jasen Rcbinscn and Joe QJerrero \\ere the third plaoe finishers Saun:lers, he's seen here dum:in' up a bit of dist. anpetitive ProI'ndc Class, seen here in their Ford. in Class 1450 in their plain wrap 'I'oytta. A fifth plaoe finish in the Class 1 anpetiticn ;alt to Bill Markel and Sean callahan, seen here ..in level fl.zjt:. Bryan and Leonard Carr were the 10th and final finishers. Phil Carter and Randy Rhinehart, also in a Che-nowth failed to start the race. There was only one entrant in Class 10, Ken Schertzer and Ken motored around to take the class win. In the 1600 class there were four cars ready to go and when the dust had settled it was Garrett Wallace taking a nice class win. Second across the finish line was Alexander Smith, third to finish was Rick Waszkiewicz and Kirk Steenburgen and they were followed in by Jimmy Fish-back. C lass 7 also was an uncom-plicated race, there was only one entrant but Larry Gross and Dustin Larson had a good time in their Toyota. The Class 5-1600 entry was three strong and when the re-quired laps were completed it was Chris and Jonathan Moreno taking home the cov-eted gold medal. Collecting the sih-er for a second place finish was the team of Ruben and Ray Adams while the bronze medal went to Kedn and Dadd Stevenson, a good time being had by all. There were nine Rhino class cars there for some fun and frolic but much of the race failed to develop as four of them failed to start the race. The rest of the class had a good time and when the 'The Class 10 win went to Ken Schertzer, he drove a gxxi raoe and was quite rawy with his g:,ld rredal finish. Iany Gross and D..lstin I.arscn drove their Toyota to the Class 7 g:,ld rreclal, trey're seen here reirlin' far the fu:g. It was a fun day for Travis Petersen, he beat all O::Irer' s in the Yarraha Rhin::> Class, he's seen here flCXJ3lll3 his stee:i to the finish. Garrett Wallace was ready for a win and he g::,t \\tlat he wanted at Glen Helei., a nioe win in the 1600 fracas. A very nioe win in Class 5-1600 went to Chris and Jena.than M::lrero, they're seen here in their great lcx:ldn:3 tu.,. checkers flew it was Travis Peterson taking the class win in his Yamaha, he was fol-lowed in by Dana Creech in the second place spot and Jay Austin was the third place fin-isher. First out of the money was Kevin Siepker and he was followed in by the team of Jerett Palmer and Justin Hafkenscheid. Not making an appearance on the track ~·ere Lenny Llamas, Chad Mi9ttag, Bryan Carr and Garrett Wal-lace. Look for this class to ex-plode in 2007 as the Yamaha Rhino gains more and more in popularity and sales. Last, but certainly not least was the Pilot contest. There were five of them entered in the race but two of them failed to make the start. As usual, after many laps of fun and frolic it was Tim Compton taking the big win in his Honda, he was followed in by Darin Saunders and the third place finisher was Dan Barnett. The two cars that failed to start were piloted by Shawn Reed and Jesse Pogue. The 4th Annual Baja Cup Challenge will, take place on December 8, 2007 at the Glen Helen Raceway. Put it on your calendar now and plan to be there for the ac-tion and the fun. See_J<!_,all there! .. ¼IS Mike Bilek and Vince Gatew:i.ck \\ere cnly able to grab a third plaoe Jay Austin had a gxxi ride in his Yarraha Rhin::>, he's seen here A first off the p.:xliun finish went to Al H:gan and I:arren Iames finish in Class l, seen here in their great lo::kirg car. rea:lin::J far a third plaoe finish at the Glei. Helen Cl.p. in the ProI':ru:x Cl.ass, seen here in their Ford tnrlc Dusty Times February 2007 Page 31
--WILD WEST RALLY Pastrana Takes The Win Travis Pastrana arrl Clrristian El::lstran blaste:i the hay bales en :rcute to the overall win in their SUbaru Rally Teem lEA fft:J:y. • 2006 Rally American champi-ons TraYis Pastrana and Christian Edstrom won an abbre,·iated Wild West Rally to wrap up the north-west rally season on a crisp Decem-ber weekend. The Wild West was a last minute addition to the Rally for the eYent. So the abbreYiated America championship calendar rally route consisted of fiYe short and a slim nine car entry contested stages through the picnic grounds the eYent OYer a makeshift course. and motocross stadium at the Grays Record setting NoYember rain and Harbor Straddle line Off Road Ve-snowfall washed out any use of the hide Park combined with three traditional northwest forest roads stages at Pacific Raceway's road race . 11111"'1/11&• ~ SHOCK .._.'fl/I._., 'IEeHNOI.OGY Page 32 714.530.B701 . FAX 714530.B702 12842 JOY STREET, GARDEN GROVE, CA 92840 1NMNV.lcingshodcs.corn February 2007 Garth Ankeny and Russ Kraushaar raced through the mud and won the Sa.l'...ester Rally Gra.Jp 2 Class in their historic 1%9 vintage Saab %. facility that consisted of a nine lap d rh·en by Ken Block and Alex "track day" around the aging paYed Gelsomino finished third. Block road course. battled back from a Day 1 deficit The 23 yea r old Pastrana, a and came close to catching Rich-popular freestyle motocross star, ard before fin ishing one second drm·e a 2006 Subaru lmpreza to back. Yictory for Subaru Rally Team The 2005 Wild West winners, USA, the sole surnnng northwest fayorites Daw Hintz manufacturer's team in US rally- and Rick Hintz finished fourth in ing. Pastrana and Edstrom posted their 2002 lmpreza. The fastest two thefastesttimeonthefirststageat wheel driYe car, the powerful the ORV Park and ne,·er gaYe up 300hp Dodge Neon SRT-4 driYen the lead, turning the fastest time by Bruce DaYis and Jimmy Brandt, on fiYe of the eight stages. finished fifth OYerall and claimed Pat Richard and co-driYer Mark the Group 5 Rally America cham-W illiams finished second. Richard, pionship. a fo·e time North American Rally Jamie Thomas and Kim Champion, finished 217 seconds DeMotte finished sixth oYerall in behind Pastrana in his printely en- the Subie Gal's WRX Wagon, the tered Rocket Rally Racing 2002 only Production GT entry. The Subaru lmpreza. Based in Whistler, Jagged Edge Motorsports Dodge British Columbia, "Rocket" Rich-Neon topped the three car Group ard first appeared on the rally scene 2 class with driYer Sans Thom p-at the 1999 Wild West eYent. son and substitute co-driYer, DaYid The second Subaru Team car Stone. The Grass Valley, CA team 2.5" --6lft!5.~ Need coil springs? Coll King Shocks! We have custom and produdion coils in stock, and the experience to get you what you need. Call today! Dusty Times
Pat Richard and Mark William, clii;:ped a ccoe en tie Pacific Bruce I:avis and Jirrmy Brandt were the fastest b.o \otleel drive Sans Thatpscn and David Stone wrestled their way tln:o..gi the Race,ay stages rut still finisoo:i sea:rrl in their &ll:Bru Inpre7.a. car throogh the carrp gmmd in their D'.:d3e Necn SRI'-4. nud in the Jagged Edge M:Jtorsports D:x:lge Neon. broke a power steering belt on Sat- ting stuck in the swamp at the ORV Primitive Racing 2004 Subaru took the regional win by almost 30 preza variants filled the next three urday and struggled through the Park with a broken half shaft. WRX Sti was faster than the na- seconds. spots with the Hintz brothers fin-mud. Thompson used his road rac- Sou'wester Regional Rally tional cars on the first stage and A flock of various Subaru Im-Continued next page ing experience to gain back the lost The short stages at the ORV time and take a come from behind Park that provided the course for class win. first day of the Wild West were also Matt Christensen and Eric the setting for the Sou'wester Re-Christensen were eighth overall in gional Rally, a round in the north-an Acura RSX, while "cowboy" west rally championship. Kenny Bartram and Dennis Oregon's Paul Eklund teamed Hotson were the final finishers in with Jeff Price teamed to top the a 1999 VW New Beetle after get-Sou'wester's 20 car field. The Automotive electrical installation experts with over 15 years experience specializing in off-road wiring for your race, pre-runner and sand vehicles. (858) 7 48-3494 Go to www.enjwlreworks.com for all of your electrical components and communication system needs such as sealed switches. waterproof connectors, circuit breakers, fuse boxes and more! Our Super Flow Air Cleaners are ... ---CleanAir To Motor Dusty Times Be:attear by □e:as,ic;an We simply took the current design and made it flow better. -----:=-4" Intake Opening and Air Fins cause too much air restriction for the air filter to work properly for V8 motors. The 1" Discharge Valve / was never large enough to allow dirt to escape. Check out our Website for more info. www.advancedaircleanersystems.com All of our Super Flow Air Filters are designed for maximum CFM! By eliminating the Air Fins and the 4" Opening we've allowed this filter to breathe better. ----Clean Air To Motor ,..._ __ Dirty Air Plumbed from Firewall. -Our large 3• Discharge Valve allows the dirt to be removed completely. Available in a· and 10• Diameters. -Clean Air To Motor Available in a• Diameter only. Dirty Air By adding a pre-filter we completely eliminate the need for a discharge valve. """'OirtyAir February 2007 Page 33 -
Paul Ekl.urrl arrl Jeff Prire clifped a ~ ai t:reir vey to t:re Viet= Bartosek arrl D::n Flagg ign:,red the speerl :Limi.t atrl finiBm ClJr:is Baldini arrl Kallee va,e!er finishrl fa.xrth CM:rall m t:re Sal'wester Regirnal Win in their Subaru WRX Sti. fifth in t:re Sru'\o.e:Ster Rally in t:reir 1983 A.rlio ur Q.attJ:o. Sirrpscn Stages in their Mazda 323 GI'X, seen here at speed. ishing second in their 2002 WRX, Rally. DaYe and Rick Hintz took Subaru sweep of the podium. finished fifth, while theAcura RSX dley eighth. Lou Beck and Barrett Dash and Tracy Manspeaker the Simpson Stages win in the Chris Baldini looked like a road of Mark Tabor and Doug Heredos Randee H ahn finished ninth third in 21996 Brighton, with Terry first all tarmac eYent in the racer finishing fourth oYerall at the claimed the Production class win oYerall, second in the Group 2 Christensen and Ben Bradley fourth northwest. Eklund and Price track day with co-driYer Kallee with a sixth place finish. with a Ford Focus, while Milner in a 2000 2.5 RS. were second, while Da·sh and Wheeler in a 1988 Mazda 323 GTX. Bartosek and Flagg in the and Taylor grabbed the PGT class Fifth O\'erall were Victor Manspeaker gr abbed another The Group 2 Nissan Sentra driYen Quattro were seYenth on paYe-win with a tenth place. finish in Bartosek and Don Flagg in the clas-third place finish in another by Peter Barnes and Ron Crawford ment, with Christensen and Bra-the Legacy. c:M, sic 1983 Sunset Auto Sales Audi ur Quattro. PGT class winners Matt Tabor and Jeff Zurschmeide were sixth in yet another lmpreza 2.5 RS. Two Subaru Legacies finished sew11th and eighth, with the Open class car of Mark Maoer and Miller Dumaoal finishing ahead of the PGT car of Matt Milner and John Taylor. The Acura lntegra of Kris and Ed Dahl was the first two wheel driYe finisher, ninth oYerall and the Production winner, the historic 1969 Saab 96 driYen by Garth Ankeny and Russ Kraushaar. Simpson Stages Regional Rally Pacific Raceway was the set-ting for Day 2 of the Wild West and the Simpson Stages Regional Page 34 Toe Productiai GI' Class win at the Sal'wester went to l>Btt Tatar arrl Jeff 2l.lrschreide, tley' re seen !-ere in their Subaru. February 2007 Mark Tabor and DJug Heredos took the Production Class win at the Sirrpsan Stages in their g:xx:i lcx:kin] Acura RSX. Dusty Times
Don't Forget Now Is The Time To Order That Dusty Times Subscription For A Family Member or crew Member. use The Subscription Form on Page 3 Of This Issue or co on Line To www .dustytimes.com And Order Via PayPal. As Dusty Times Enters It's 24th Year Of Publication we Wish To Thank All Of You For Your support over The Years. p.'C, ~ Editor Dusty Times February 2007 Page 35
TECATE RACE READY 275 Robles IS The Big Winner fu furle Moore Photos: Foto-Baia-Mex TalcinJ tre Class 8 victmy as -11 as tre overall win ..as tre verrrrzy rrean lcx::kirg tnrlc of Juan carloo Iqlez, seen !Ere dig:Jirg to t:re fin:im. If you are finally getting the seYen down as the last number of your date, on checks and stuff, you probably know it's next year and the CODE 2006 racing season is for all intents and purposes, on the books? The last go round, actually last go down, and was the De-cember race down to San Felipe. The "TECATE/CODE Race Ready 275" took place on the first week of December and for most, it was a successful outing; not all, but some. There were 150 plus cars, trucks, bikes and quads that headed south beoin-n i ng at 0-dark-thirty, for the bikes and quads, and a leisurely 9 a.m. start, for the cars and trucks. Hey, if you get up at 0500, nine a.m. is midmorning. They grouped the 10 and 1 class together to start and the Class 10 car of Jader Robles was the first one to hit the green some three hours and 57 min-utes later. Hey, that's an a,·erage speed of nearly 52 miles an hour. Try that on the blacktop, with a two-way traffic? Todd Jergensen entered his C lass 1 car with a "for sa le" sign on the side along with his other stickers. HaYen't heard yet as to whether he had any offers, but a 4: 15:25 and a 48:09 speed aYerage and second place couldn't help, but help, the sales prospects. Armando BR.AN>ONHUGIES SNORE Class 9 Champion 3rd in overall points JOEVFORIE SNORE Ctass 9 Runner-Up •• • EM GERBER Best In The Oesert Ctass 1000 Champion These racers and many others have discovered the RC TRANS advantage. Page 36 If you are looking for a reliable transaxle, then give us a call. We are here to help "Get you in Gear". We specialize in Medeola, Bus, Bug, Albin and Megasand GIVE US A CAI • 702•221•4388 las vegas, navac:ta February 2007 ~ a gre..t race day, takir:g tre Cl.ass 1 win with relative ease, Javier Rroles arrl Alberto Medina are seen h:re in th:ir gre..t lcx::kirg car. BraYo, the Class 1 leader took and Ignacio Terriquez ran see-the bronze with a time of ond with their 4:53:49 and Jose 4:33: 13 and pretty much Soto and Xa,·ier Reyes took just wrapped up the season points oYer fiYe hours to garner the total for C lass 1. bronze. Actually three minutes C lass 12 fielded six starters and 56 seconds OYer, but who's and two of them managed to fin-counting. Beny Canela was reg-ish the whole trip. Guillermo istered but aga in he either was Quintero and Francisco Ortiz a non-starter or couldn't find posted a 5:29:51 for the class Check 1? win and the 1200 Pinuelas car Fifteen starters in Class 1/2-driYen by GustaYo Senior and 1600 and 11 of them made it all Junior ran second with a time of the way to San Felipe, and if you 6:26:29. Jorge RuYalcaba and use the Spanish pronunciation Sandra Cota made it down to it does rhyme with San Jose. somewhere between C heck-Anyway, Hector Garcia and points 2 and 3 and were awarded Alessa Paola had an adjusted the third spot. Miguel Mexia and time of four hours and fh·e sec-Jorge Vargas made about the onds to take the win. Just 10 same distance. The other two minutes back was the team of teams made up of JaYier Buelna Jorge Sanchez and Joaquin Ro-Jr. and Chri~tian Buelna and driguez in at 4:10:54 for second Scott Zimmerman and Harry and the third team on the po-NeYel were either non-starters or <limn was that of Sabas Munoz neYer got to Checkpoint 1. It's and Hector Jimenez, who were a little difficult to tell exactly Yery close with their 4: 11:01. because of lack of notes. The Na,·arrete boys Leo and The 8 clas-had four entries Alex ran a nice 4: 14: 19 and and three of them made it to the Arnoldo Ramirez and Vic green . Juan Carlos Lopez and Bruckmann were in with a Fernando de los Cobos were 4:21: 13. Sometimes you miss a quickest with their 3:52: 10, shift or go a little wide on a cor-which wa- also fast enough for ner, and seconds can become the oYerall win. Ramon Hurtado minutes and 21 minutes was the G.ri.llemo Q.rintero arrl Franciso::> Ortiz had an easy race, trey tcx::k tre Class 12 h:n::lrs with alm::st an lnrr in ham. Elliot Ruiz arrl Rani.re Barajas tcdc tre Cl.ass 5 win with ease, all treir anpetitirn. failed to =rplete tre a::urse. Dusty Times r
A great secxn::i place finish in Class 1600 went to Jo:rge Sandlez 'Itd:i Jei:gensen likes the g?ld rredals J::ut this :race re had to A decent sean:l. place in Class 12 went to the G.Jstavo Pinuelas', and Jcaquin Rodriguez Jr. , seen here at speed en the =se. SEttle far silver, !E's S:En rere flyin' ro-md3 t:lE finim. Jr. and Sr., seen here at speed en the ro.rrse. separation between first and In the 5-1600 group there Justin Lynder and Arturo Cer-5:06 and 5:07. All these times and Jorge Batista netted the fifth. The team of JaYier were 10 starters and all except \"antes in with a 4:57:52 and an-with a little "change added on. 5:07. The other two finishing Tiznado/JaYier Medina went two finished up in San Felipe. other two minutes back were Fourth with the 5:05 were teams were Enrique and Erick 4:26:36, Renato Villalpando/ First at the checkered were Jose Miguel Rosales and Edmundo Eduardo Pena and Edgar AlYa-Avalos with their 5:14:56 and Sergio Romo 4:49:42, Mark Gutierrez and Miguel Rabago Fernandez scoring third with rez, fifth with the 5:06 were Alberto Castro and Juan Acuna/Brad Smith 5:59:38, with a time of 4:47:04. A little their time of 4:59:45. The next Ruben Gutierrez Jr. and Sean Delgado in with a 5:35:40. J.A. Martin Gonzalez/GustaYo Vil-more than 10 minutes back were three finishers were in at 5:05, Malahan and Alonso Angulo Continued next page dosola Jr. 6: 10:02, Juan Sancho-tena/Leopoldo Betancer 6:42:54 and Francisco Escareno/Julio Marin 7:07: 19 and some times problems can become hours. Or problems suf-fered like Julian and Jose Machado Miguel and Chris Cortez and Victor Lugo Rahull Ramirez who were all non-finish-ers. Class 7 had three starters and two finishers. Gabriel Barragan and Daniel Katsurayama had a 6: 19:45 for the gold and Oscar Rabeles and Rafael Gonzalez went 7:41:25 for the sih-er. Alex Almaraz and Simon Perez got down to the area of Checks 2 and 3 and were awarded the bronze. Dusty Times Hect= Garcia and Alessa Paola led the Class 1600 gra.,p all the wey, they had 12 mirrutes in hand when the checkers flew. February 2007 The 5-1600 g?ld rredal went to Jose G.itierrez and Miguel Rabag:) in their very clean h.g, they had 9 minites in ham at the finish. Page 37
Ram::n H.rrtacb an:i Ignacio Terriquez drove their truck to a secxn:i Oscar Rebeles and Rafael Gonzalez took a decent second place A secxn:i place finish in the Class 5-1600 race ...ent to Justin pla-:E finim in Cl.as.s 8, larir.g a bit of fiterglass ala:g the wey-. finish in the Cl.ass 7 categ:::n:y, seen rere at Bp=Erl. Lymer arrl Art= Cervantes, seen here in their gxx:l. look:in;, h.g. an ex iYas an o rigo er a were fifth with a time of 8:47: 14. And the Sportsman classes. TokinJ an always hard fatj-lt win, the Cl.ass 9 victory ...ent to Juan Ma}=al and sen Juan, seen here ~ up the dust. r:amy Street Jr. arrl Vanessa Torres took the Cl.ass 7S gold rredal, they' re seen rere in their rffiily great kddr.g tru:k. The team of Jose Quintero and Felipe Tamayo in their four place race car that has done really well this year, headed Class 14. Today's winning time was a 4:57:42. About 30 minutes back was the father/son team of Arturo and Arturo Junior Rodriguez in with a 5: 23:07 and another father/son team that of Hector Senior and Junior Pimentel took the bronze with their time of 5:43:40. There were an additional 11 starters in the 14 class and four of them fin-ished with times. Juan Carlos Paramo and Carlos Bojorquez were just three minutes from be-ing on the podium with a time of 5:46:05 (one missed shift?); Rick Sanchez and Alex Hernandez were fifth with a time of 6:01:48. The next three finishers were all in at Yarious seYen hour times. Pete and Anay Morquecho went 7:27:47, Jose Luis Sanchez and Carlos Dadla went 7:39:37 and the eighth spot went to Edgar Ah-a-rez Jr. and Ernesto Rodriguez with their time of 7:57:38. Luis Floriano and Carlos Martinez and Mike and Adolfo Aguilar got down to that mysterious Check 3. Jose Martinez and Francisco Reynoso go to Checkpoint 2. lYan and J.C. CoYas and Jose Mon-tor Ortega and Oswaldo Gonza-toya and Eric Fisher made it lez finishing with a 7:28:33. down to about the third check-Fourth spot went to Jesus de la point or just beyond. Torre and James Moreno in at Class 9 fielded sewn and fiye 7:50:42 and just a tad oYer eight of them finished. The Mayoral hours was the team ofDaYid and father and son team of Juan and Ulisses Morquecho; 8:00:08 to Juan Junior headed the class be exact. Daniel Reyes and with a time of 5:08:01. Sih-er Julian Rinra and Tom went to Alonso Jaquez and Vic-McAdams and Mike Stroh made tor Arce with their time of up the driYer teams of two non-5:49:27. It got a little slower and finishers. a little tougher for the next three Danny Street Jr. and Vanessa spots. The bronze went to Hee- N. Torres led the way for the Class 7S contingent, making the run down the peninsula in 6:25:35 sec-onds. Next into town were Carlos Diaz and Manuel Lopez in with a 6:58: 27 and the third spot was awarded to the team of Pedro and Denise de la Vega. Their time was 7:04:51. Just out of the winner's circle was the team of Sergio and Sergio Duron Jr. in with a time of 7: 12:22. Another father and son team made up of Eduardo Rodri-guez Senior and Eduardo Junior made it in just under the wire with RAC•PROV•N OFF-ROAD •o rPMSNT 103 PRESS LANE, STE 4, CHULA VISTA,, CA 91910 TOLL FREE I (866} 891-9171 CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE/! WWW.RACEREADYPRODUCTS.COM Page 38 February 2007 a 9:57:04, and yet another team with the same last name, Roy and Roco Fantelli, were non-finishers making it just past Check w. The 11 class had seYen starters of which fh·e made it to the finish line with times. Mario Flores and Francisco Balderrama led the way with their time of 6: 17: 10. Jose Ra-mon and Luis A. Rodriguez were second with a time of 6:31:23 and the third place finisher was the team of Juan Zamarripa and Abundio Pichardo in with a 6:44:51. Roberto and Victor Montero went 8: 10: 10 for fourth It \\08 a gxx:l. race for Mario Torres arrl Francis= Balcen:arra, they took the Class 11 = with 15 min.ites in harrl at the flag. 1he Cl.ass 14 gold rredal went to Jose Q.rintero and Felipe Tarrayo, seen here at ~ in their rffiily great kddr.g car. Dusty Times
Pickin::J up tie silver rredal in Cl.ass 9 v.es tie team of Alcnso Carlos Diaz and Marruel Iq:,ez had a pretty g::xxl. day, they were 'Ire RcdrigLEZ fanily, Arturo Jr. and Sr. rollect:e:l. tie sea::n:l place Jaquez and Victor Arce, seen 1-El:-e h2adin;:; f= tie finish lirE. sea::n:l in Cl.ass 7S, seen 1-El:-e m tleir way to tie flag. trq::hy in Cl.ass 14, seen 1-El:-e at S{EE'rl. and Dania Pacheco, Hector Perez time of 5:218:08. Siker went to wire with a time of 9:51:09. The were both owr the nine hour Safari is-a fairly large class in and LuiYan Voelker and the team Damian Sanchez and Arnulfo Valenzuelas, Raul and Raul Jr. and mark. Ricardo Larios and Andres the CODE world, but seYeral of of Jesus Velez and Jose Montano Pena with a time of 6:08:46 and the Eduardos, Hernandez and Sanchez went 9:01:36 and Victor those guys haYe moYed up into the came out as non-starters on my the Williams race team of Pete NaYarro got to Checkpoints 3 and Islas and Francisco Veloz were in larger classes. Well, we all haw to stat page. Junio and Senior took the bronze 2 respecth-dy. at 9:09:21 for third. Gabriel Lara start somewhere and the CODE Class 15 had eight starters and with a 6: 18:06. Alberto Varela and There were fiye starters and and Carlos Barrios and the team Safari class is as good as anywhere six of them made~the entire run h·an Gutierrez had a 6:42:01, three finishers in Class 18. Man-of Jesus Miranda and Luis Leon to get into the off road racing south. Carlos de Los Palos and Carlos Vasquez and Raul Barrera uel Robles and Ramiro ran away made it into the Yicinity of our game. Fiw in class and three of Angel Zuniga were at the top of went 7:28:03 and Omar Dipp and with it with their time of 6: 10:40 famous, or is that infamous, them finished. Heriberto ChaYez the podium for the gold with their Errol Villa were just under the for gold . The next two finishers Checkpoint 3. Continued next page 'Ire I€te William, Jr. and Sr. drove tleir really great lo:::king h.g Ricarcb Larios and .Amres Sanchez were tie silver rredal winners A se:rrrl p1a:E finim in tlE Srrari. Cl.ass "811: to Javier Silva arrl to a third plare finish at tie C!DE Rare Ready 275. in tlE Cl.ass 18 cmflict, 928'.l !Ere in tlEir ahtil.utely g::u:g;u.s b:u::k. Alejarrlro ltllle::b, 928'.l l:Ere h.istlirg a1m:J in tlEir g:xxi l.cdcinJ h.g. Dusty Times Wh · t,isd Ei tested %Stranger _______ Lighter February 2007 man. other cast wheels an the market ounter Pressure Casted Aluminum • Satin Smooth Machine Finish Beadlt:JCl4s:-: <:i □blue ·~ □black :·J □red . · · opal/shed• Page 39 ... --,.,
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l.n..lc:!C: 19rN TELSTRA RALLY AUSTRALIA Nirvanen/Fard Win Big By Martin Holmes Plwtos: Maurice Selden Mikko HirvcrEn muie his Ferd Rx:lls to his first ~ victmy, I-E's seen I-Ere at speed in the J\ustralian a.itback. For the second year running, and rolled his car. Gronholm FIA Manufacturers' series, with Telstra Rally Australia pro,·ided fought back to finish fifth, but two eYents still to run. Young a debut World rally winner, this this was not enough to pre,·ent Finnish fans had another thrill time the \"ictor was 26 year old Sebastien Loeb from winning as 21 year old Jari-Matti Latnla Mikko Hin·onen,-Ford's tradi-the 2006 World DriYers' Cham-won the PCWRC category, one tional bridesmaid and finally pionship. Loeb is the first driYer of four driYers to lead the cat-now the 'bride'. He became the in 25 years to win the title at the egory, after Marcos Ligato with-13th Finnish driYer to win a wheel of a car run by a printe drew on the final day. world rally. Hin·onen took the team, a quarter century since Ari All good things must come to lead after a seriously dusty stage Vatanen achie,·ed this. Kronos an end. This was the 19th Rally had hampered Subaru driYer Citroen suffered a first day trans-Australia to be held in Perth, but Petter Solberg, and after missionproblemforDaniSordo bythewishesofthestategoYern-HirYonen's teammate Marcus enabling BP-Ford to pull another ment of Western Australia, it was Gronholm had earlier hit a rock eight points further ahead in the the final occasion before it is re-SI Page 42 1BI.B4B.4BBB nw.rdvalvesprin11.cam February 2007 '!he Latvala/Anttila Subaru Irrpreza WRX tcok the PCWRC win in Australia, arrl trey v.ere an arraz:irg sixth overall as \\ell! placed as Perth's biggest motorsport eYent by Australian Safari and the world champion-ship prepares to moYe in 2008 up to Queensland ... The rally was Yery much the same as before, just one new stage and others a little modified. There were a lot of modifications in that many of the forests, through which stages are run, had been cut down in the past year, to such an extent that driYers hardly recognised where they were driYing. PCWRC driYer Toshi Arai said it made another difference, be-cause those sections which had traditionally been slippery be-cause they were under the trees were now much drier. For the M 1 teams the engine, chassis and transmissions must also be used in New Zealand. Although the winning driYers on the last two years were absent, fiYe of the six registered teams were here. The curiosity of the eYent was the mo-ment when Kronos Citroen ar-riYed with their cars. How many, and in which colour? The team had in fact issued a press release saying that there would only be two cars, in other words, no re-placement for Loeb, but said nothing about who would spon-sor the team in place of Gauloises. Gauloises' 13-eYent agreement to sponsor the num-ber one car had expired at the end of Turkey and ofKizz-Me the anticipated replacement sponsor there was no sign. Sordo's car was in the usual red of his Span-ish supporters, but what would the colour scheme be for Pons? In the end the car was in the tra-ditional Citroen Sport red, just like the 2005 cars had been. There was little change for Ford. BP-Ford brought their ex-Finland cars while the Stobart team ran the two 06 Focus which they had preYiously used in Japan. OMV-Peugeot Norway had a celebra-tion of their own - it was their team Bozian's 100th appearance in the world championship. Skoda opted to miss Australia and there was little new at Subaru.With the withdrawal of the third Kronos car, there were now a total of ten World Rally Cars on this eYent. There were Yarious changes in the PCWRC entry. Missing was Nigel Heath who had been scheduled to dri,·e a car rented from Neil Allport Motorsport, but who had to withdraw on ac-count of business commitments, and sitting forlornly in the pad-dock with nowhere to go was a '06 Yersion Subaru of Leszek Kuzaj, who was stuck in Poland recoYering from an operation to remoYe kidney stones. The Rus-sian driYer Sergei Uspensky was back again after his pre-Japan testing accident, with a new 2006 lmpreza. There were some team driYer changes as well. Subaru Team Quasys had trans-ferred their entry for this eYent to Australian driyer Dean Herridge, while OMV CEE in-Yited Bulgarian driYer Jasen PopoY back to the team, with a new EYo IX. Two teams arriYed tired after between-rally work: the Argen-tine Tango Mitsubishi of Sebastien Beltran, which had needed a lot of structural repairs after its accident in Japan, while no fewer than ten solid days were spent repairing the Japa-nese Syms Rally Subaru crashed by Aki Teiskonen, also on Rally Japan. Of the 16 registered d riYers only one, series leader Nasser Al-Attiyah, had planned to be ab-sent and for a quite special rea-son. Rallying is not his only skill, being an Olympian at clay shooting. Rally Australia clashed with the Asian games where he was representing his country, Qatar. J ari-Matti LatYala had ear-lier elected to miss this ewnt but fetter Sol.rerg arrl Ihilip Mills d=ve tlEir Subaru Irrpreza to a nice secxn:i overall in klstralia, seen rere at the car v.asl'l.. Dusty Times
The Baldacci/Agnese Mitsubishi lancer Evo IX swam to a sea:n:l. plare in KWRC arrl a fantastic seventh overall in Australia. when he was unable to contest the A rgentina round due to a hand injury suffered in G reece, he was, wi th the permission of the other series contenders, al-lowed to substitute his conse-quent no n-st art in Argentina with an entry here in Australia. A to tal o f 12 PCWRC entries therefore took the start line at G loucester Park. T here are also hidden factors in this se ries. Al-though Al-Attiyah led the series by eight points, he could only score o nce more, on the final round in New Zealand. Nutahara howeyer, was to contest both re-maining eYents, as would Aki Teiskonen, Mirco Baldacci and Toshi Arai, all of whom could end up champion. There was a remarkable absence of top non-championship driYers here, with only one Priority 2 entry (Pons) which was then conwrted into a full M 1 works entry. The only leading local driYers were Dean Herridge and Darren Windus, both in Subaru Imprezas. The two top natio nal ch ampionship driYe rs Simo n EYan s and his Toyota teammate Neal Bates could not compete as their cars are not internationally ho molo-gated . Stranger still, there were no current or preYious national rally champions on the entry list at all. The nearest the rally came to n ational heritage was the ap-pearance of former champions Ross Dunke rton and Geoff Portman (seYen outright titles between them!), who competed in a "legends" category at the su-perspec i a l in replica D a tsun Stan zas of the type they rallied in their youth! T he only man who could deny Sebastien Loeb the chance, in absentia, o f win-ning t he 2006 DriYers' World title was Marcu s Cronholm, and thanks to Loeb's abse nce the Finn had to driYe first car on the road on the first full d ay of com-petition. "Probably I am alone, but I actually want it to rain on Friday! T h at would at least re-duce the difficulty of driYing the stages first car. " The champion-ship was a game of sh adow box-ing for Cronholm, fighting for the title against someone who was many t h o u sands of kilometres away, monitori ng t he situation through the in ternet. Shakedown was held unusually on the Wednesday eYeni ng at the Gloucester Road superspecial stage whe re cars tackled t he rotrte twice, therefore the Shake-down was 4m long, not 2km . Cronholm was fastest, impres-sh·ely 1. 7 seconds faster than anyo n e e lse, o Ye r t h e tw o kilometre course, ahead of Dani Sordo and then Petter Solberg. Dusty Times Leo l t i°Stages, graYel, 124.83kms. At the Superspecial on Thurs-d ay night Marcu s Cronholm st amped his au t h ority o n the competition with two winning runs, with teammate Mikko Hin-onen lying second oYernight and Petter So lberg third. Mat-thew Wilson had launch control failure and made two bad starts as did Chris Atkinson . Any thought of another run away win for BP-Ford were d ashed on the first stage on the Friday when Cronholm hit a sto ne on the side of the track and rolled off the track. Suddenly the champi-onship race was effectiYely oYer. EleYen minutes were lost in the incident, in which the Finn and two helpers had to roll the car back on to its roof and then on to its wheels in order to get it out o f the hole on the side of the road. And then the car ended up astride a tree stump, and more time was lost getting off that ob-stacle. At that moment, had he been awake in his Euro pean home, Loeb could haYe known there was no hurry for him to get back behind the steering wheel again this year, Cronholm had blown his chances. St arting the day running eighth car on the stages was a heaYen-sent oppor-tunity for Atkinson and he went into the lead following Gronholm's accident, and held this for the first three stages of the d ay be fore sliding off the road and then the ground be-neath his car caught fire. Mean-while, back o n Stage 3, Dani Sordo came to a halt with gear-box problems and then Matthew Wilson hit the same rock as Cronholm, breaking the steering and bending the suspensio n . A little further on Wilson's team-mate Luis Perez Companc rolled off the track and ended up against a tree. Through all this Petter Solberg droYe cautiously, a policy which was unusu al for him but which was paying dh·i-dends. His brother Henning was finding conditions exceedingly difficult, as a first timer here. It was on a day when all that really mattered was staying on the road that things were going berserk. Henn ing got off line on a faster stretch of road and slid, at high speed , sideways into a li ne o f trees. This was truly frightening and rem iniscent ofMarkko Mar-tin and Michael Park's tragic ac-cident at the Wales Rally GB last year, happily this time without injury. Cronholm continued but fou nd he had an incon sistent gearshift mechanism and a car that was progressh·ely letting dust into the cockpit. Petter, howeYer, was gradually getting happier, "Stages 3 and 4 were di-sastrous, but we haYe made Yari-ous adjustments which are mak-ing the car better." It was o n the two late after-noon stages, numbers 8 and 9, where m~st of the emotion was waiting to be expressed. These were some o f the dustiest stages in recent memory to be he ld o n a ~-orld championshi p rally, and this was where HirYo nen se ized his chance o f stardo m and made a grad e attack. "I really took som e risks, and it worked ", Mikko confirmed. From being 1.3 seconds behind So lberg at the end of Stage 8, in one stage he zoomed ahead to take a lead of 25.8 seconds. Co-driYer Janno Le htinen said: "We recko ned (correctly as it transpired) that the dust was going to get worse and wo rse. If it was bad enough for us, it was going to be worse for Petter who was traYelling two cars behind us." HirYone n was 27.1 seconds faster than Solberg. First car o n the road was Cronholm, fastest on the stage by 14.6 seconds, despite the many unusual contours on the car. His co-drh·er, Timo Rautiainen ex-plained the problem happened here eYery year, "At that time of the eYening the wind dies down, the sun sinks in the sky and you cannot see anything in the dust." Nobody else was bold enough to go fast. Manfred Stohl: "It was impossible to haYe a go. The dust was unbelieYable ." Fumio Nutahara said "£yen when we knew there was a straight, of say 200 metres, you had to ease off. You could not see eYen the edges of the road." Aki Teiskonen said it was a miracle they did not hit anything solid on the edge of the track. Petter was angry at the ap-parent unfairness, "We eYen had to stop at a junction because we couldn't see which way to go." The dust problems had in fac t al-ready begun o n S tage 8 , but nothing like to the same extent. Companc and Wilson ab o droYe the Friday superspecials as a ges-ture of goodwill to the public, though not for times. It -was difficult to follow the sto ry in PCWRC as there was a re m arkable proble m . Dean Herridge had gone into the lead on Stage 3 an-d led all the day, but then on Stage 6 he and also Marcos Ligato -and Jari-Matti Latn la all stopped when they saw Atkinson's car on fire. T hey each emptied their fire extin-guishers and when they arriYed at the start of Stage 7 they were told by Stewards not to continue but to go straight to se n-ice. T hey were giYen notional times for the two stages, which meant that H erridge kept the lead but LatYala jumped ahead of Mirco Baldacci and Toshi Arai, both of who m comple ted the stage1 Herridge was curiously credited with making fastest time on both stages, despite stopping on 6 and neYer doing 7. It was Yery odd but in fact it was probably com-pletely fair. By Stage 8 normality had been restored, Herridge was just three seconds in front o f Arai with LatYala and Baldacci behind. Gabriel Pozzo stopped, after hitting the same rock as Cronholm and Wilson, and then with a broken tie rod shortly af-terwards. Baldacci dropped from second to fourth when his en-gine lost some power on Stage 7. PopoY had a lot of trouble when the fuel seemed to surge, the engine went on to three cylin-ders, there was a turbocharger problem and finally he stopped when the rear differential failed after Stage 18. The dust peril was partially alleYiated when each PCWRC driYer was giwn a three minute gap fro m the car ahead. Lap 2 9 Stages, grawl, 120.36kms All the l;ading retirements from t he first leg reappeared, ex-cept for Henning Solberg "·ho was refused pen11i55ion on ac-count of a d amaged roll cage. Companc, Wibon and Atkinson all restarted with little outward sign of their misfortunes. I he Subaru mech anics had spe n t well oYer the 2h45m serYice al-lm\·ance getting the fire damaged Impreza-of Atkinson bac k to running order, and it \\·as like n othing untoward had hap-pened. Teams were, howeYer, be-mused at the restart o rder. One team manager commented, "There are clearly written rules about the order in which cars should restart on a Saturday and Sunday, and the Stewards seem to pay no attention to all. Look at what they haYe do ne today! Manfred Stohl was moYed u p from the regulatory sixth place to fourth, Xad er Pons mow d up fro m e ighth t o fifth while Atkinson, who should by regu-latio n h aYe been running fourth, had been moYed back to se\"enth! How can we work like this?" To continue to alleYiate the dust proble m , all the PCWRC runners were run at three minute interYals from the outset today. The first fh·e stages of the day were h eld at the traditional "Bunnings complex and the race for the lead was stable. The dif-ference between first and second changed by 0 .2 second. Mikko HirYonen, who was running be-hind Petter Solberg, was able to haYe Solberg's speed monitored so he could react accordingly. After the dusty hiatus of the pre-Continued next a e Baja Rentals Includes Iridium 9505a Only $69.99 per week Free travel charger, cigarette lighter adapter, Free leather case, voice mail and extra battery Call and reserve yours today!!! We also rent Mobile Internet Access Units We are located 15 miles cast of San Diego Open 7 days 24 hours convenient for pick up II www.allroadcommunications.com 9828 North Magnolia Ave Santee, CA 92071 February 2007 Page 43
- - - -- - --,,- -------· . ' F\rnio NJ.tahara arrl Ianiel Bnritt leave the! d.lst behin:l., trey M3I1fre:i Stchl m.15t J::elieve in d.lst, re' s really rrakir.g it rere: finished fifth in :EOlRC arrl a lCXB 26" pla:E in treir Mi..t:s..bimi Chris Atkinson and Glen MacNeall powerslide their Subaru Stchl fi.ni.shrl third =11 in his ~ 307. lancer Evo IX. Irrpreza, reooirg f= a ninth pl.are =all in Alstralia. Marcus Grarolm fle,, his Ford Focus RS to a fifth pla:E =all Ianiel Sorcb arrl Mrrc Marti take ·a quick dip en treir .ay to a lall1in3" Soll:erg = a.it of the! cx:ntest after anplet:ir:g tre fifth 5t:a:Je, an ao::::icaJt did him in at the! Australian Rally. in Au.stralia, see1 rere =rpetin3 f= w high flyer av.erct. 23" CM!tall firrim in Alstralia in treir Ci.trr.en Xsaia. Yious day, rain happily fell on the PopoY retired with a loose turbo by HirYo nen , so there was no last two forest stages and laid the pipe. In the title hunt, Fumio point in heroics. Wilson had a dust. There was no change in the Nutahara was going better, but problem with the clutch not en-top positions. The big questio n was still well off the pace, Arai gaging properly and reYerted to was h ow fa r cou ld Marcu s was losing time to Ligato when manual shifting. Sordo made a Cronholm rise up the classifica-a suspension ball joint fai led . rare sighting of kangaroos - right tion before the end of the rally( This caused him to slide off the in front of him on a stage. Pons H is recoYery from 56th, and last road into a tree stump. As a re-had a spin and stalled the engine. place, after Stage 3, to 18th owr-suit of the impact there was a Atkinson found a t ree lying n ight h ad been spectacular, but small fire in the car. When the across the road, presumably dis-now the job would be harder. Af-team brought the car back to se r- lodged earlier by Com pane, and ter the fiYe "Bunnings" stages he d ee, it was discm·ered that the swerwd to miss it only to hit an-had rise n to 12th with still some impact had caused an electrical other tree. Wilson continued to 150km of stages left to run. Co-problem which could not be re-ha,·e transmission trouble when driYer Rautianinen calculated so h-ed so he could not restart the his launch control failed again that at this rate, if all the driYers final day. Gabriel Pozzo and and he stalled at the start of a ahead of him stayed on course, Sebastien Beltran both punc-stage. There were no other prob-they could end up fifth, no t tured , the latte r stopping to !ems among the top runners so enough to come third and still change the fl at tyre. as the cars arriw d for a fin al time retain a chance of the DriYers' Lea 3 back in Perth there was the an-title. By the end of the day they 6 Stages, graYel, 103.32kms nouncement of a new hat-trick were up to seYenth, nearly 40 sec-Stefano Marrini arrh·ed at the World champion, e,·en though onds behind fifth placed Marcos restart with a smile stretching he was nowhere to be seen, be-ligato. XaYier Pons chose tyres from ear to ear, he had scored ing thousand s of kilo metres too soft for St ages 17 and 18 fas test Group N time on Stage aw'ay, theother sideofthe\\"orld , which caused him to lose time. 19 the preYiou s day, "I h a,·e in Europe! In PCWRC, Dean Herridge ne,·er had any success like that It was, howewr, in PCWRC fellbackintheearlystages,"The before, it was a splendid thattheexcitementlay.Asleader conditions just didn't suite us, memory!" Marcos Ligato started up his en-but we do not know why," he Gradually the Telstra Rally gine to leaw for the final loop of said. As Toshi Arai pulled ahead Australia traditions were wind-three stages it was reported that in his 2006 car, Herridge's '05 ing down. Goodbyes had been there was a failure. We were told car was left far behind and the said to Bunnings, or whateYer is that inspection o f a spark plug Perth driYer dropped from sec-the latest name for this incred- confirmed that there was destruc-ond to fifth. Mirco Bald acci fit- ible forest complex. The final tion below. T he car was pushed ted tyres which were far too hard runs round the Superspecial at away. So now the leader was Jari-and arriYed at serYice after fiYe Gloucester Park had been held , Matti LatYala. Earlier in the day stages with the treads ,·irtually world championship traditions he had been lying second, nearly unmarked -consequently he which Rally Australia themseh-es a h alf minute in front of dropped from fourth to sixth. founded and which for many Teiskonen, but then Lat,·ala hit a T he racer o n Bunnings was years had been held at the down- bank and broke the rear right ligato, who rose from sixth to town Langley Park. Now it was wishbone. Teiskonen sportingly second behind Arai, his pace the final early morning start, the stopped to help gh·e adYice on hardly reduced when he dam- only place in the championship how to change the offending piece aged the left rear suspension on where it is a pleasure to be up so as to get to the next control on Stage 15. Behind them there was and about at six in the morning. time, b~t the gap was now 11.4 a fasc inating battle between the Apart from the frustrati on in the seconds. Whe n Ligato disap-two young Finns Jari-Matti eyes of Cronholm, who knew peared fromthescenethe racefor Lat\·ala and Aki Teiskonen, in that he could ne,·er expect to fin- second became the race for the what was the first head-to-head ish higher than fift h, the most lead, and the driwr to crack was on leYel terms they had experi- interesting battle ~·as that for Teiskonen, when he rolled his car enced. T hese cars continued to third plac; between Xa,·ier Po ns giYing Latnla a lead of o,·er a half run incredibly reliably. On Stage and Manfred S tohl wh o had mim~te in front of Baldacci. 18 leader Arai slid off the road been lying equal and who were Nutahara had restarted and was into a tree stump where he re-now separated by just 20 sec- go ing fine, but the new fiYe times mained so Ligato, who had onds. Japanese champion had more tur-started the day in sixth place, was The pace at the fro nt was eas- bocharger trouble, and was forced now leading. O n the same stage ing, "Runn ing off t h e spli t to stop. Top Run engineers exam-Teiskonen momentarily went off times," sa id Petter Solberg's co- ined Ligato's en gine and reek-the road which allowed LatYala driw r, Phil Milk T he race for o ned that the proble m s had to pull further ahead while Jasen the lead was under tight control started with trouble with the fuel Page 44 February 2007 tank system, this was a replica of of Baldacci, whose tyre choice er-the problems that PopoY had ear- ror on the Saturday morning cost lier. And then of course came the him dear. As the eYening dark-question as to whether the same ness descended o n Perth, we problem had caused the demise learned there were other more of Nutahara's Mitsubishi as well sinister stories behind the Ligato and whether this problem had ef-affair. All the Argentine fect in ly e nded t h e PC W RC Mitsubishis were in deep trouble! championsh ip chances for the Ligato and his two teammates Japanese d riYer. Anyway, this was were banned from the champion-an exciting first win for LatYala ship for haYing illegal turbo-who finished 3. 7 seconds ahead charger modifications. 1..ft.Ji:!c= 19111 Telstra Rally Australia {AUS) Perth 26/'Z9.10.2006 WCR round 14, PCVVRC round 7 WC points WR PC 1 (4) Mikko HIRVONEN/Jarmo Lehtinen FIN Ford Focus RS \NRC EU55CNX {GB) 3h.15m.11.8$. 10 10 2 (5) Pett.er SOLBERG/Philip Mills N/GB Subaru lmpreza WRC FT55SRT (GB) 3h.15m.48.9s. 8 8 3 (7) Manfred STOHUllka Minor A Peugeot307 WRC 102AKF69 (F) 3h.19m.10.4s. 6 6 4 (1) Xavier PONS/Carlos Del Barrio E Citroen Xsara \oVRC 831DPT78 (F) 3h.19m.57.2s. 5 5 5 (3) Marcus GRONHOLM/Timo Rautiainen FIN Ford Focus RS WRC EU55CNN (GB) 3h.27m.35.6s. 4 4 6 (37) Jari-Matti Latvala/Miillka Anttila FIN Subaru lmpreza WRX PCVVRC 049AXC (EE) 3h.32m.21.0s." - 3 10 7 (36) Mirco Baldacci/Giovanni Agne,e RSM/I Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX PC~C TKT301NU2644 (J) 3h.32m.54. 7s. - 2 8 8 (41) Dean Herridge/Bill Hayes AUS Subaru lmpreza 'Spec C' PCWRC 1CEPOOO (WA,AUS) 3h.33m.33.S.. - 1 6 9 (6) Chris ATKINSON/Glenn Macneal! AUS Subaru lmpreza VVRC CT55SRT (GS) 3h.42m.17.3s.(6) 3 10 (45) Aki + Mlika TelskOnen FIN Subaru lmpreza "Spec C" PCVVRC GMG300RU7601 (J} 3hA2m.31.1s.(2) 5 Other important finishenl 12 (42) Sergey Uspenskly/Omltly Eremeev RUS Subaru lmpreza '06 PCVVRC X239MA (177, RUS) 3h.47m.00.5s. • 4 18 (40) Stefano MeninilTIZianll Sandroni I Mitsubishi Lancer Eve IX PCWRC CZ066YH (I) 3h.51m.18.5s. - 3 22 (10) Luis P8(1)% COMPANC/Jose Maria Volta RA Ford Fcx:us RS VVRC EU55CNV(GB) 3h.58m.12.1s.(9) 2 23 (2) Denlel SOROO/Marc Mani E CJtroen X38tll VVRC 823OPT78 (F) 3h.58m.48.8s.(9) 1 26 (33) Fumio Nutehara/Danlel Barritt J/GB Miteubi1hi Lancer Evo IX PCV\oRC KNY301TO7952 (J) 4h.00m.12.6S.(5) 2 Z'l (9) Matthew WILSON/Michael Orr GB Ford Focus RS WR.C EU55CNK (GB) 4ti.03m.48.1s.(9) 56 (12 PCWRC) starters. 45 (7 PCWRC)finishers. "PCWRC/GROUP N winner. MANUFACTURERS' REGISTERED DRIVER. {Misse<I stages or road sectioos) VWlner's average speed over stages 107.13kph. LEADING RETIREMENT COMPLETED LAST STAGE (8) Henning SOLBERG/Cato Menkerud N Peugeot 307 WRC 962PRV75 (F) accident 5 (31) Toshihiro AlaifTony Slrcombe J/NZ PCWRC GMG300YU9887 (J) electrlcs (32) Marcos tigato/Ruben Garcia RA PCWRC NM990R (D) withdrawn 23 Subaru lmpreza WR.X. STI 17 Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX {34) Sebastian Beftran/Ricardo Rojas AA/RCH Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX PCWRC NM5S (0) exeluded 26 (35) Gabriel Pozzo/Daniel Stillo RA Miteubishl l.8ncer Evo IX Dusty Times
OFF RaAD McnaRSPGRTS NALL OF FAME Inductee -Sal Fish The long path that took Sal Fish to the top of desert racing began on May 2, 1939, when he was born in Los Angeles. He was educated in parocllial schools; Transfiguration Grammar School and Loyola High, where he was class president three years and earned an industrial rela-tions degree at the UniYersity of San Francisco. After graduation he began working in his father's auto repair business. Fish attended Rochester carburetor school, General Mo-tors transmission school and Bendix brake school and was man-aging the family business. In 1966, he decided to take a job selling ad-Yertising for Petersen Publishing Company, a job which led him up the ladder to the publisher's office. In 1970, Fish was traYeling the coun-try attending races for Hot Rod maga-zine when he met VW aftermarket parts manufacturer Joe Vittone, who eYentually talked him into driYing in a desert race in Baja California, Mexico. Fish and fellow Petersen em-ployee Bob Weggeland started the race with no experience and no pre-run. In fact, Fish had neYer e,·en been to Mexico. "I didn't know what to expect," Fish said. "I thought there would be a white line down the middle of the course. We had massacred our Yehicle to put in creature comforts; we stockpiled food, spare tires and tools to work on the car. It was more an odyssey than a race, as far as we were concerned." He recalled that most of the se-rious racers reached Lake Chapala in eight hours. Fish and Weggeland had driYen 16 hours before they broke their transmission and they still hadn't reached the Chapala checkpoint. Fortunately, one of Jim Garner's mechanics stopped to help and towed them to Chapala. "We went faster on a tow rope behind the mechanic than we had been going in the race," Fish said, "and when we got there I wondered why we bothered. I had pictured this hacienda with senoritas serYing cold drinks, but all we found were ~some families lh-ing in shacks and two cars to lean on. The checkpoint was closed."Fish was recruited by the late Mickey Thompson, founder of SCORE International, soon after Mickey started it in 1973 and imme-diately began to make the organiza-tion and the sport more Yisible. He broadened exposure of the legendary SCORE Baja 1000 until it became the premiere desert race in the world, now COYered by national and inter-national teleYision as well as journal-ists from around the world.Fish de-Yeloped TV cm·erage of the SCORE Off-Road World Championships at the old RiYerside International Race-way and created a number of high-lights that made it a unique specta-tor eYent. He deYeloped the concept of "hea,y metal" and "mini metal" /PROLINS1.c. HIGH-PERfQRMANCE CERAMIC & POWDER COATING$ . Since 1999, Ram Proline has provided ceramic and powder coaling tor all your needs with an oven 25 ft in depth. • WE CAN COAT CHASSIS, DUNE BUGGY FRAMES, TRAILERS, GATES, IRON FENCING, AND MORE IN A VARIETY OF COLORS. • RAM PROLINE ALSO OFFERS SAND BLASTING. • WE CAN COAT ALL INTERNAL ENGINE PARTS, EXHAUST SYSTEMS, BRAKE CALIPERS, INTAKE MANIFOLDS, AND MANY OTHER APPLICATIONS. RAM PROLINE DOES IT All Dusty Times diYisions, pioneered a system of emergency medical response in the desert and created an inde-pendent reYiew board to hear ap-peals by racers who haw been pe-nalized for rule infractions dur-ing the heat of competition. The SCORE Trophy-Truck class, for unlimited production trucks with upwards of 800 horsepower, was another innoYation when he christened the didsion in 1994.In late 1986 the team of Sal Fish, president and chief finan-cial officer Ted Johnson, acquired full ownership of SCORE Inter-national. Long associated with Mickey Thompson, in reality, SCORE had been managed solely by Fish for many years lead-ing up to the acquisition. Not long after that, SCORE joined with the late Walt Lott and Lott's High Desert Racing Association (HDRA) to produce a combined championship series unparalleled in the world of off-road racing. To-gether, Fish and Lott organized the major manufacturers into an adYi-sory committee, which serYed to rec-ommend technical and safety rules to the organizers, assist with public relations and communicate to partici-pants. The combined HDRA/ SCORE series ran from 1985-1991. SCORE purchased HDRAoutright, forming one organization in 1993. A feature-length documentary, directed by Dana Brown, called 'Dust To Glory', was produced in association with SCORE Interna-tional. Released in April, 2005, it is a tribute to the legendary Tecate/ SCORE Baja 1000. The DVD sales of this unique moYie continue to-day at a record pace. Sal Fish is a man oh-ision. °'·er the years he has earned the respect of the off-road racing community and set a standard ofleadership for future generations to follow. To learn more about other indi-Yiduals like Sal Fish who haYe shaped the off-road world please ,·isit the Off-Road Motorsports Hall of Fame, located in Reno, NV at the National Automobile Museum (The Harrah Collection) or our web site www.ormhof.com. If you know an indiYidual who you belie,·e has made a significant contribution to the history of off-roading you can nominate them by completing the nomination packet aYailable on the ORt\AHOF web site by March 15, 2007. If you are interested in getting inrnh-ed with Off-Road Motorsports Hall of Fame or haYe any questions about the Hall of Fame please contact Bo b Bower at bbower@ormhof.org. ---LIST SIZES· 3/4", 1", 1-1/4", l ·1/211, 1-3/4" X .120 AND 1-3/4" X .090 IN STOCK NOW AT DISCOUNTED PRICES* ONTARIO IRWINDAlE SAN BERNARDINO BURBANK HESPERIA lANCASTER 1-800/792-9762 1·880/600-PIPE 1-800/877-4269 1-800/400-3446 1-80017-PATTDH 661 /942-2755 6 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU • FOR All YOUR METAL WORKING NEEDS • *CALL YOUR LOCAL BRANCH FOR STOCKED SIZES February 2007 Page 45
Hello Members, At the fall meeting a motion was made and passed by near unanimous Yote to start a new web page. This new web page is up and running with O\"er 300 page requests per day. With owr 20 pages of new material and more options please take adYantage of this serYice to promote your team and sponsors. This page is constantly be-ing updated and added to with many many more things to com e . W e ask t hat you p lease change any and all links to MAORA to this new site as we no longer haYe control of the content of the old site. We a lso ask that if you haYe a problem that you contact and officer of the club and not take what you may see on the old page as the truth. The new web page is w w u· . ma or a r a c i 11 g. us a 11 d is the only official web page (per member YOte) to get the official news from. We will striYe to make this page more user friendl y and will post results within 72 hrs of any eYent. Our goal is to promote MAORA and help the club members promote their team and sponsors. Any questions or comments can be directed to any officer or email the webmaster@maora racing. us Thanks for your time, MAORA Secretary Brian Powell Aircraft Spruce 1s a worldwide <li1<tril>1ttor of quality products for the rac• ing industry. Our product line of over 45,000 items is one of the most extensive from one siugle source. Our service has made us the number one supplier in aviation and is why over 350 race reams have tumcd ro us as a trusted source for racing components! www.aircraftspruce.com Fa ncs. Paints, Primers, Resins. Dremel Tools, Kevlar, Graphite, Honeycomb, West System "~ "2! A ' g Seals, Tubing, Hardware Kits, Rod Ends ~ LIii ftt tJrnversal Joints and Beanngs BEST SELECTION! LOWEST PRICES! SAME DAY SHIPMENT! Visit Our Corona, CA store! 11.lrcrall SJJIIICfJ CANADA t:~:!!~.:~!l.!~., 01 ~~• www.aircraftspruce.ca AIRCRAFT SPRUCE WEST 225 Airport Circle Cornna, CA 92880-2527 n-, rattt,.,,. IA ..., ,,. ulhll• ph, 951-372•9555 un,'Bf aa, mu .,.1a,,,, .,tu 8 ffllHi fa.x 951-372-0555 setecttan Bf lallflealltlll MatotlalS! Jnto@alrcraftspn,c,u:om 1-877-4-SPRUCE 7 7 7 ·"' J J Page 46 OFF-HIGHWAY VEHICLE (OHV) GAS TAX STUDY RELEASED, IT SUGGESTS REDUCED FUNDING FOR OHV RECREATION AND IGNORES GROWTH THAT HAS TAKEN PLACE IN THIS POPULAR FORM OF'FAMILY RECREATION. BAKERSFIELD, CA December 22, 2006) W ednesday California State Parks r e leased a new Fuel Tax Study to up-d a t e the amount of fuel consum e d by OHVs to de-t ermine h o w muc h fuel tax should be c redit e d to the OHV Fund. The study suggests cutting funding to the state' s OHV pro-gram by OYer 50 p ercent, in ·pite of the fact OHV recreation has increased significantly. Off-road recreation i s enjoyed by a l a rge number of families throughout California and has grown by more than 112 percent since 2001. Daphne Greene, Deputy Director of the State Parks' Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recre-ation (OHMVR) DiYision said,"The data suggests we cut the program fund-ing by more than half at a time when off-highway Yehicle recreation is growing significantly. We think a c loser examina-tion of this report and how we fund the program i s needed before we take any action." A similar study was done 1990 to determine to the amount of funding that would be transferred to the OHMVR DiYision. There haYe always been questions as to the Yalid-ity of the data in that surYey, particularly the large amount of Yehicles it c laimed were unregis-tered. Field studies haYe neYer supported the con-clus ions in the 1990 study about the hig h number of unregistered Yehic les, as it deter -mine d that OYer two thirds of all OHVs are unregi stered. This i s a Yery important aspect of the study because tax funds from fuel con-sum e d by unregistered Yehicles a r e set aside in a speci a l account to be used for onl y conserYa-tion, restoration and en-forcem ent. The study re-leased Wednesday Yeri-f ied what the OHV com-munity always suspected, which was the number of unregistered Yehicles is quite small. Interest-ingly, the study deter-mined that the amount of fuel consumed by reg-istered OHVs declined by about 40% eYen though the number of registered OH V s doubled. The conclu-s ion of the study was that fuel tax reYenue be-ing transferred to the OHV Fund today is about double what is warranted. While the fuel tax study sounds pretty grim on its face, the situation may be the catalyst for long term improYements to the program and OHV recreation opportunities in California. There haYe been many discus-sions among the OHV community and the Cali-fornia OHMVR Di\"ision about reYamping the pro-g ram to get back to the origina l intent of the en-abling legis lation, which i s t o enhance and in-c rease OHV Recreati o n opportunities in a way that will s ustain long t erm use. ORBA Execu-tiYe Director Fred Wiley state d , "W e look forward to turning what appears to b e a l emon into lem-onade, as this stud y means we must make som e s ignificant changes in how OHV recreation is funded. We know that there are other potential TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING, INC. cang ---latlons Avl 250 Tim Lindsay 1171 1st Class 1 -1st overall 6th SNORE Ove,a/1 Points avron Zlglar Randy Janes ~rd1600 lla)a IDGD Arturo/AHi Velazco • Steve Cruz ~rd1600 M.O.R.E F&L Tays 4 Tats 2aa JD ward 11aaa fstC/oss ,o Johnny &urns 1985 andC/osslJ Ken Talbtart 1578 and Closs S·fliOO fst altlll S•fliOO Championship Tammy Craig 11&22 8rd Closs fliOO congratulaaons to all Wide Open Baja Challenge Participants TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 9763VARIEL AVENUE CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818-998-2739 February 2007 Dusty Times
-- -alternatiYe stra tegies tha t may actually b e Ye r y b e nefi c i a l o Ye r all." W i ley w ent o n t o say, " W e a re cautio u s ly opti-mistic t h a t this study w ill b e the firs t s t e p t o -w ards a m o r e positiYe fu-ture." SAN BERNARDINO COUNTYOFF-HIGHWAY VEHICLE (OHV) ORDINANCE SUCCESSFUL OVER BUSY THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY, OFFICIALS ARE OPTIMISTIC ABOUT THE UPCOMING HOLIDAY. BAKERSFIELD, CA (Decembe r 29, 2006) -On April 11 , 2006 T h e San Bernardino County Board of SuperYisors unanimously passed an OHV ordinanc e that i s fair to both off-roaders in the county and resi-dents who haYe Yalid complaints . EYeryone in-'" o h · e d i n t he p r o c e s s o f drafting the new ordi-n a nce agreed it w orke d w ell during the recent T h anksgiYing H oliday. Mike R o mage, SuperYis-ing Cod e Enfo rcem ent officer in the south desert fo r S a n B erna r -dino County, s t a t e d "Judging f r o m the s uc-cess we'Ye seen during the firs t six m onths of e nforcem ent, I a m confi-d ent the ordinance will continue t o r educe OHV-r e l a t e d proble m-s." T w o s taging p ermits w e r e i s-s u e d as a result of the n e w ordina nce. T h e p e r-mit h olde r s w e r e m oni-t o r e d closel y b y b oth cod e enfo rcem ent and S a n B ernardino County Sheriffs . All conditions s t a t e d in those permits we r e m et. Since its July 2006 imple m entation law e n -fo rcem ent and cod e en-fo rcem ent officer s m a d e a n effort t o educat e the riding public a b out the n e w ordina nce. O Ye r 5000 flyer s w e r e distrib-ute d informing people o f the n e w r equire m ents. Citatio n s were only i--s u e d afte r the 45 day grace p eriod. M e g Grossglass, Off-Road Business Ass o ciation (ORBA) r epresentative invoh·ed in crafting the ordinance, stated, "I am pleased that this ordi-nanc e has reduced the amount of illegal acti\"ity while still allowing fami-lies to enjoy riding to-gether." The process used to draft this particular or-dina nce was unique . T h e county agreed t o the for-m atio n o f a g r oup of stake h olde r s composed o f environmentalis ts, OHV o rganizatio n s and com-munity g r oups f r o m around the county. T h e goal o f this g r oup was t o find a compromise o n this som etimes v e r y con-t entio u s issu e and the n go befor e the Supe rYisor s unite d in their support for the agreem ent reach e d . A f t e r two v e r y lo n g meetings the s t a ke-h olde r s agreed o n the l a n g u a g e used in this or-dinance. " W e h o p e tha t othe r counties around the country look t o the process used by San Be r-nardino whe n attempting to solve OHV-re l a t e d problems," commente d Fre d Wile y, E xecutiYe Di-rector of ORBA. ORBA i s a n ationa l tra d e associ atio n com-posed o f off-roa d r e l a t e d businesses unite d to pro -m o t e commo n goal s tha t support the prosp erity and growth o f the off-road industry. Meg Grossglass M edia Relations ORBA Off-Road Business Association 1701 Westwind DriYe #216 Bakersfield, C A 93301 direc t to Meg: 951-926-1953 951-415-1869 cell Corporate Offic e : 661-323-1464 Corpo r a t e Fax : 661-323-1487 lets get starlec:11 7'14..306. 9429 ,nfo@:payd,r--/rvied,a.col'Yl Goodies Galore ... Ball Style Hone, An Edge Cutting Automotive Tool Ball Style Hone, An Edge Cutting Automotive Tool that your shop should have. For optimum remanufacturing and rebuilding of automotive engines this product is a must. For the surfacing of metal finishes, especially where honing is concerned, the ball style hone is best for cleaning, surfacing, deburring and edge blending of critical metal surfaces. The ball style hone creates a clean, partial plateau surface that allows the piston rings to mate more effi-ciently to the surface of the cylinder wall. Contact J. Blattler (310) 787-1940 or press@powerpr.com. Vision-X OH Road Introduces Jesse Jones «Old School" Lunch. Box Vision-X Off Road introduces the Jesse Jones "Old School" Trophy Truck lunch box. The Jesse Jones lunch box is built to last with a complete steel construction and is also equipped with a full color printed, flip flop, no spill juice cup. The juice cup retainer keeps the beverage in place while you child is skipping and hopping to school. The Jesse Jones lunch box retails for $15.95 and marks the first of many lunch boxes to come. If you would like your own private labeled team or company lunch box, it's as simple as submitting 10 high resolution images and a minimum pur-chase requirement. For more information contact Vision Motor Sports at (800) 994-4460 or log onto www.visionxoffroad.com. Dusty Times February 2007 Page 47
19076 Hawthorne SIVd. Torrence, CA 90503 • Custom fabrication '\ • Prerunners • Suspensions • Custom exhaust (310) 542-2977 www.advanceoffroad.com B&1tt&1r by D&15,lgn Air Cleaners for Off-Road Racing. From Baja to Dakar. For a list of dealers visit our website at: www.advancedaircleanersystems,com OFF-ROAD FUEL CELLS . -•I: SCORE • CORR• SODA • MAORA PRERUNNERS • RALLY.• ETC _ t;~f-~~ ;·. 4 Custom "1.f Slz~ Toll free: 800-526-5330 Fa.x: 201-825-1962 e-Mall: atl@iltllnc.com ~,.Z••-. www.atlfuetcells.com s thebaJasholf@eanhlink.riet TE~ J14.ZJ8.8945 fAl.:114.218.u171 2141lClllms lru11,CA 92151-RACECARS Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages Ford Truck Specialist • www.autofab.com 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 BRANDWOOD CARS Custom V~hicle Shifter for mld..englnes and other appllcations 602,43;.3,01 Lonely Long Advertising Term Space Relationship Looking Call For (818) 882-0004 "Cyc..,_llb,..,-NWIIOUl,O••: -~~ • 51,Y. il'lctenecUir flow. ti. ..-~ • No oil requi,eo on filter tlement. ""'l!llli,,.,_ • Flltet end caps aa maehlnad. ~ · - SizM 12' or 1S' Lg~7 • 8illet mountlflg clamp$ .. • No Htemal welds. • Si/Set Off l?ood Pat11 • Easy clea~ finis!\, Air Fillets. Spindles, HVl:>s 9Sl5 l'uiu,•y~t.,S......-, ('.-, 91011 J>h: (619)562,3071 fa~: {61?)56Ul592 www.BTIPerformance.com Offroad to Street, Pntrunner to Race .Chubs O.Sign ..ftace Prep -Aff Ge,..rat Fabrication ~1 17<4$9 lilac St 1'E HflperiaCAttNI e~t@aol,OOM RaceaJr Helmets & Accessories Bell, Shoei, Simpson -fllower systems & cool boxes ........ 2 ... 700 7H aoc-. Hone .... ·Chala ..... CA t"ttf"" CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN 39067 ORCHARD ST. CHERRY VAL.LEY CA. 92223 PH#. (9St)-U~-a820 products in stock Race Proven F.abrication·. Boatec F~ - Pre-Runners Dimple Dies Desert Trucks Tubing Benders Short Course trucks Bypass valves+tubes Paris-Dakar trucks Sway-bar Arms e &L -~-.....::-~ QU"Ll'T'Y ISl!AOL0CK WHt:l!:LS ■INCi: 1 91!19' ---■E.UI.ICI( ;;;~~ 1511 •• , e "--17• ALL ALUMINUM BEADLOCK WHEE:1..S ANO CONVE~SICNB CHAMPION WHEEL CO, INC, l S53? COU.IER (9 S 1) 47 1 •21 83 LAKC f:':LSINORE CA, 9253 l WWW.CHAMPIONWHEEL.COM CHENOWTH HACING PltOOIJCTS, INC. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 {619) 449-7100 Fax {619) 449-7103 www.chenowth.com r cNc., "'";:~~.edo.,.,,, ~ · ij Most•r Cylinders ______ ,_,,,_-Slave Cylinders · CNC, Inc. 1221 West Moreno llvd. San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 275-166~ e-mail: CoastCoatings@sbcglobal.net www.CoastCoatings.com 227 Calle Pintoresco San aemente, CA 92672 Cvtting· and Sta~ing 8roke5 Hydrovlic Throttles Tl-Jrottle Pedal$ and oll of oyr occeisorie,. Send $3.00 for Catolog FLOATER REAA ENDS"• fAONT HUBS • AXLES BALL JOINTS • TORSION BARS • i<NOCI< OFF HUSS ;805) 239·2663 Sancty Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane • T~mp!eton, CA,93465 1,._ __________________ 1,._ __________________ 1,._ _________________ __. ___ _
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MOTORSPORTS Trucks, Buggies, Parts, Service & Fabrication Todd Arthur {760) 7880019 POBox3944 · - - - r ;::-,:1 • ( -JON KINNE 520 Railroad St., Corona CA 92882 Tel.951-278-2233• Fax: 951-278-8335• www.jonnylightning.net KAL OFFROAD RACING Metal Fabrication Custom Suspensio~ www.KALoffroad.com KurtLannee 1(805) 466-4101 hrtmotorsport@yMoo.com www.hrtmotorsports.net Ramona, CA 92065 --JG TRANSWERKS "Go with a Proven Winner· ~WRNNa•li Quality Racing Tranuxles Mendeola Dealer Off Road -Sand Specialist JOE GIFFIN :t06 I B. La Jolla St. #I Anaheim. California 92S06 (714) 632-1240 fax (714) 632-122.1 Email: j11rans@pacbell.net wwwJG'JtJnswcrks.rom HUSTLE:::~ concePTS g,_ F.AJA SHOP , ....... 1961) ~ ~~ AL.urnr'll..Jm ~1-1 &F=2EC:::~ J ea,e Rod,ip~ Pk: 71+897-0701 Fax:714•907•0758 714 ff l<lfflOtl St, Olwige.CA. 112867 www.t-.usllerconcepls.com Mike Julson M28 Wheatland• Court .. nt .. , CA 92071 619-SN-33e0 619-S9&-33Mfax www.Jlmcolac-.com George Jimenez Se Hob/a Espanol-53S E .. Central Park Ave. Anaheim, CA 92i02 Tel: (714) S35.S1l6 Fax: (714) S~S-5816 8408 K El Camino Real, Atascadero. CA 93422 OUT904RDENG1Jj£ • GENERATOR $P£CIAI..IST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. www.Kawaguchibonda.com ART KAWAGUCHI 3532 u.sT 3RD sT. Fax 32$-264-2136 LOS .\NG£1.U, CA toOl3 323-2$4--5858 For The Price Of A Phone Call And A Few Bucks A Month Your Ad could Be Here 818-882-0004 BPIZR~W[g'llf ,l!IE: Derail Kreger PH: 114..289.9048 FX: 714.631.7854 1214 N. Parker Unli # 3 Oranue. CA 92861 POWER E STEERIHG THOMASE..LEE LEE MFG .. CO. 11661 PENOLETa-l&l"AIEET· SUN WLEY, CA 11362 FAX (818) 1U-2911 (&18) 7et-o.,7t A full line of Power Steerif!cJ 9NfS, pumps aoo ~ . w •nv type of flldng. ~l\llflux and Z,okl fa:ilities available. · •CtmetnChfflit •RaceP~ •Atuminum WO!tt -w.tdlng Engineering ·~ FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 (909) 596-5497 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER Assembly • Machine Work • Parts , Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596..0886 ':•Restraints • Stora rags Window Nets • Limit Straps • Tie Downs www.mastercraftseats.com 11433 Woodside Avenue• Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455 • Fax: 619/449-9454 Catch us o_n the Nett www.mckenzies.com PHOtlE: (714) 441•1212 FAX: (714) 441-1622 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CA 92806 MIKE MENDEOLA 290 Trousdale Dove, Sl1ite I & J Chuta Vista, CA91910 (619) 691-1000 24 Hour Fax {619) 691-1324 ToddOW,., 1900 Compton Ave. SUite 101, Coooa, CA 92881 Phone(951)817•0101 Fxt.156 www.mickeythompsontires.com 619-562-5533 Off Rood Fa.brkatitm and DesiglJ • SondCcrs • Truck$ • RouCcrs -~ • R4tlyCcrs • CustOft\ Function/Strength/Sc:fety/Pri<k Modll by H(md i11 the V5A JOHN MOSELEY Owncrn:obricator - .~ft.COIi\ 2l6 JC1$on Court CONIM. CA 92879 951-272-3026 FM 951-272-0776
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ffl.Pe,formanc9 Equipment &tsplmsion • SIJfsty • Driv&line • Acce.ssclt6$ (619) 691·9171 (619) 69t•9174 (619) 691.c803 (FAX] I I I 103 Pre$$ Lane, Suite f/4 Chula V,sta, CA 91910 e-mail: ,prod1 Oll()lcom RACING ENGINES~ Building SCORE winning engines 619.420.2233 45 Broadwaq Chula Yista. ca 91910 rnderrncing.com PH: 714..680.6131 • fX: 1i4.680 .. 3110 Toll free: 800 .. 384.872& 1631 Placentia Ave. Unit G Anaheim. CA 92806 ◄44 RANCHO DRIVETRAIN ENGINEERING Tony Selva, Jr. 27598 Commereo Center o,;ve Temeculo. CA 92590 ""'"' 951 .676.6569 '"'""'""951 .676,1141 ts e lva@ra n c hod ti Ye tr o in. c.o m s,,m11z111 •: -tw11,a1t -IISIH411-114 wlll get you In gear ........ ....... ,. ... , .. Mii Ulflrll Iii tuv.,11.fllln• 11112 J,1111u.1111a• ti12J 22MIA VALW TRAIN Pm:loucn1 • Cusnw HEAD Womc 7SD/948-4SSB • FAX 1BO/S4B-4B5S MnNIIV.RDVALVESPRING. COIi/i . ·--....,,,.,,,.., . ' ' , .. ,;>.>/.· ?i'.£ .... Barry Beacham 1021 Calle Sombra - Unit A San Clemente, CA 92673 Office 949-361-4388 Fax 949-361-4352 barry@raceprepservices.com www.raceprepservices.com A Tatum Distributor ~:IJ.J/,,,,. . 1<1~41~1,u,u,f/'Ui ;J;()()()..1,()(Jf • /JIM. 9 ~ q/ ~"/1./""4, SpeeialWng in Oft-Road Racing & Driving For OVer 21 Years Mig Welding • T19 Welding Upgrades i Reoalrs Baja-Proven E4tuipment 5294 ff. Casa Grande Hwy • Sle 102 T11cson, Az 115743 520-850-3693 fili1 SANDERS SERVICE, INC. ·L?l!J METAL PROCESSING 5!>21 W~ington Ave., LM Aft«eks, CA 90001 (323) 583-2404 FAX {323) 583,396S SANDBLAST-OLASS BEAD·MAGNETlC PARTICLE FLOURESCENT INSPECTION MARKSMITH LARRVSMITH LAURA RICHARO S. B. ENGINEERING ISSUPER SOOT" HCR66, BOX 11030 P.AHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV 89048 (775) 372-5335 TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821, -(114}'447--3581 Fax (714) 672-9248 .1()8 SITE SIGtfS • BAAliEAS • YlltIDOW lfml!lhG • CAI! lETTEtUflG • GAAPfflCS SGUEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101 Galway C1rc!e • Huntingt01 Beach CA 92649 [714) 897-0075 • Fax 17141 694-9567 SFECIALTY ~"" ,:lrep RACE CARS -TIWCKS -~.... -~ .. ~,,...,,~ .. • ~ ~Mi • 66oct. ~•9f~hiUs •~ 'f•61Hlifm •e~fllMmissifM ~,.,..., 16743 Parf<slde Ave. Cen1t0$, CA 90703 Travis Fletcher (562) 802-t404 CraioSt.wart Phone; 61?-449-9728 Fm:,titt>-.w<>-,f.711 <;el; 6'9-72lHl89l Fabrication & Race Preparation : 94f9 Abf'ahcrm Way Same, CA 92071 \hl'.JJ.,t.rJ~•t~'!llffl.t"-'n . cra~~1.com SalM& Servtce Aluminum Wheel Straightening 31s10223rdStE Tim Baker Llano, CA 93544 661.261.3202 www.straightltneoffroad.com TimsR1ms(ci.1uno.com RACER/ELS BR~~UM 800-399-4176 SUNOCO-RACEGAS@HOTMAIL.COM • RACEFIIELS Paul _Oil Company t209] 847-2281 {8C()J 527-8090 FAX {209) 841-9726 P.O. Box 248 • 524 N. Sierra Ave. WESTERN DIVISION Oalcdale, Celifomia 95361 2180 College Drive • Uke HaVHU City • AL 86403 Call Toll Free: 877-627-8852 or E-Mail: info@tcsperformance.com • Hi Performance Conveners Custom Length Axles • • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed Hubs • (for Race & flecreatlon} Input Shafts • American Made ExceJlenceU . -••..••.......... ---------------------~---------------------------------
• Off-Ro.ad and Bolt-On to Street Fiberglass for: ''Ford, C~evy and Toyota" Trucks • Cart>on Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1261 N. Buena Vista St. , ~ Ca. 92543 Ph: 951-654-733.t fax: 951-654•2375 See a list of our pn,cJuas~ our well sfte: http:/ /www.off-roadffbergla.ss.com Tf&Rfix'ii ENGINE:ERING 9763 Variel Ave. JEFFFIELO (818) 998-2739 Chatsworth, CA 91311 TEL: 114.526.5820 FAX: 114.526.5840 NS Wl!ST PERFORMANCETRANSAXLES Kevin Pirtle 22545 South Normandie Ave. Torrance, California 90501 310.782.2413 fax 310.782.3772 1/i:l/ ransworks \!I.Q PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES ~ AUTHORIZED MENDEOLA DEALER ERlC LAUNDRIE STOCK & CUSTOM 24752 VIEJAS BLVD. SAND* STREET * RACE OESCANSO, CA 91916 www.transworks.biz (619) 596·8033 1000 W . Bradley. Unit O El Cajon, CA 92020 Carlos Orozco dl9> "Q(iality Products for Motorspotts" OISTRIBUIOOREN MEXICO RR AUTOSPECIAl PARTS, S. OE R.L. OE C.V. CALLE PRIVAOA FRAY t,Wt'O~GA 17026 ZONA INDUSTRIAL GARlTA OE OTAY TlJUANA. 8.C. C.P. 22430 Ray Gastelum GERENTE 4 ii TEL.: (664) 647 9222 FAX: (664) 607 1440 E-MAIL: vpmex@hotmail.com P.O. aox 430-499 SAN YSIDRO CA 92143 PH 619-664 4548 VP Racing Fuels, Inc. West Coast Region P.O. Box 1319 34283 Monte Vista Wildomar. CA 92595 --0m1,, 1,,1. ' '"'"'' ,., llttmp,,11• w,M,, . www. ,,,.d.,f,th.c• KELLEY HENDEL Regional Manager Office:( 9Sl) 674-9167 Fax{ ~Sl~ 674-7167 Email: vppacific@aol.com Do You Need To E X p A N D Your Business Horisons? For Lots More Exposure Call 818-882-0004 Adam Wik SCORE ENGINE BUILDER OFTH.EYEAR 994.1998, 1999.2000 From Parts To Cotnplat~ Engtn.a :Ml7S w. T.CO AW. Uni 1. LM Veou. NV m1e 702-N7-2522 9'08 N. 21st 0,. Phoenix, AZ ISOlt Jack Woods ft02-242-0077 fu 61n·242·7283 .. M!VB 81CINIJ Race Car s Dune Buggies Baja Bugs Lorenzo Rodriguez ii """"'''"o,,; -Par:s . S.,-V.:e • ~du,g V.W. Porsche • N,ss:an - loyou, • l~od, 850 S. Alta Vista Ave .. Monrovia. CA 9 10 16 (626) 30~-RACE (7123) • (626} 357-6629 rax www,wrtrans.com •• ~ al • llli!P«cr R.Rt:E PREP SHOP • BUGGIES •SRRDCRRS •SHOCKS • TRUCKS • PRE-RURRERS • FRBRICRTIOR 818) 1126-2260 ~~RAC World Leading Motorsport Transmission Manufacturer 11 Dakar Rally Victories 17 World Rally Victories 6 AMA MX/SX Championships Xtrac Inc 6183 W,s. 80th Street Indianapolis IN 462 78 email: andrewJieard@xtrac.com Tel: (317) 472 2454 '383' Baja Oass 1/10 sequentlal Transaxle www.xtrac.com/inc
Classified ... Some of the items adYertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Read-ers are adYised to consult appro-priate local or state authorities for information before purchase of an s ecific item. FOR SALE: 1-2 1600 CAR. Single Seat, FAT Motor, JK spare motor, fresh Roberts trans, King Shocks, Former Whiplash Class Champ, 9th at 06 Terrible's Cup. Fast, Reliable car. 25K OBO. w/spares & trailer. (602) 881-1729. FOR SALE: 2007 4 Seater, LS 1, 400HP, Jeff Field Automatic tranny, BFG Baja TA-Walker EYans GPS Intercom, MP3, Howe Rack, King Shocks loaded, much more to list. $138,000.00 Call. Eric (619) 933-5922, (619) 216-0614. FOR SALE: Blazer PreRunner: King Shocks, Culhane Tranny, new Che,-y 224 motor, Dana 60 rear end, I-Beam front end, A/ C, Lee steering Box, 37" BFG projects, new Alum. Radiator & seats, Pioneer C.D., totally prepped & ready to go. Great for Baja $85,000.00 OBO. Call Jeff (602) 541-0088. FOR SALE: Class 1 Jimco-2000 Series mid engine 2 seat chassis, fresh Wiks V6 alumi-num CheYy, brand new Albins 5 speed trans, new King shocks, new Fortin hubs, rack, axles, & CV's completely prepped and race ready. Cur-rently 1 center seat setup. Car is like new. $99,000.00. No trades. Call Kory (702) 477-7575 ext 111 or email realtechrealry@m,n com. FOR SALE: 2002 Ford Ex-p lore r Sport Stock Mini S V. Best in the Desert 3100 Class Champion. Very reli-able, easy to prep, fun to driYe. V6, auto, BFG's Fox Shox, Mastercraft. $22K (760) 788-9229. FOR SALE: Porte,lass 1 Car. Aluminum Che small block 427 cub~2 i 600 + hp M-1 autom ic saxle series 30~'s 6 111 traYel fri 2 1 re r King 4" fr K· ", ' FG and Trophy Tr bra es, PCI Radio and In com. Howe big rack, some spares. 80,000.00. Call Brian (619) 336-3771. FOR SALE: 2003 F-150 Supercrew, Pre-Runner, Glass-works Bedsides and front fend-ers, King CoiloYer shocks front, King shocks, and National Springs in rear, rear bed cage, 35" BFG tires, PCI radio, $25,000.00 OBO. (402) 426-5275. FOR SALE: New All Fresh NeYer Thrashed Clas-12/10 2 Seater. All Powdercoated frame & body, 118" wheelbase, Chromoly, King, CNC, MP, Beard, Mastercraft, GP , Radio, Intercom, Drinkers, Pumper, Gear One, Wilwood. All checked and turn key for Parker, Laughlin, etc. Call H (623) 846-0888 or C (623) 866-3222. More pictures at Race-Dezert Add l.D. 3802 (55K with motor, SOK without). =,========;;:=; FOR SALE: 2006 Potter Pre-Runner, Redline LS2, 610 HP, UMP Air filters, Fortin 4-speed, Fortin hubs, 934CV's, Fortin Steering Rack, Kings 3inch rear, 2.5 inch front, Walker Enns wheels on 35" BFG Projects, 38" Paddles on Douglas Beadlocks rear, 35" Baja Pro's on Douglas Beadlocks front, Lowrence GPS, PCT Radio and Intercom, Digi-tal Display Dash, HID Lights. Car is fully prepped. Desert or Glamis ready! Asking $110,000.00 Call (714) 785-3343. FOR SALE: Tatum Class 1 '06* L5Z 427 600 & hp. Mendeola HD 4-S, King Coil & bypass 4" on rear, Type 35 CVs, 6 lug hub, 1 ¾ axles, Walker Wheels, BFG tires, Howe steering, color GPS, Kenwood radio in car camera, adjust lite bar, 6 Yision 8" & 2 Yision 6", 65 gal cell, 1000 miles on car, 300 miles on mo-tor, top of the line equip. Prepped and ready to race. $120,000.00. Rick (602) 762-7616 . Toyota Pro-Lite, FAT motor, G-Force, Bilstein shocks, comes with spares, ready for '07 CORR and WSORR Se-ries. $48K. (602) 881-1729. FOR SALE: Jimco, 4 seater type 4 turbo (0 miles), coiloYer front and rear, windshield. HID lights. Call (760) 996-4180. $29,000.00. FOR SALE: Foddrill 4 seat, PreRunner-UMI-LSl, Race Pack digital dash, Fortin 5 speed, King Shocks, 5 Way intercom, Aluminum by Larry Stork, Geiser Sway Bar, Color GPS. SP $110,000.00. Craig Deck (602) 499-7212. FOR SALE: 1998 JIMCO Single Seat Class 10 or 1, less motor. Fresh Bilstein Triple Bypass CoiloYers, Fresh Prep Mendeola MD5 Speed, Soltek H.l.D. Elec-tric Actuator Lights, BTR Wheels, New BFG Baja TA's, PCI radio, 8 spare wheels and tires, radiator and mo-tor mounts for Toyota 10 motor. Ex Jolsen/D.Jeffries car. Past SCORE class 10 champ. Very ProYen and well taken care of. $38,000.00 OBO. Call Larry Brown @ (661) 332-5540. FOR SALE: 1994 Ford Bronco PreRunner. Cone Rear End with 44 spline axels and spool. Solo Motorsports TTB 8" wider then stock fully reinforced. Mastercraft, jba, Borla, warn front hubs, King Shocks and Bumps, DeaYer Springs, custom front shock hoops and engine cage, cus-tom con ole with radio and intercom by Taylor Motorsports. Very Clean. $28K/OBO. Call Vince (530) 401-5646 or email: Mike@dirtracerphoto com. s.itP rau I . /es equiP,ne11t ve ,,c ' and bifS a11d pieces ,;ghf 1iere ! p11stY . I the read-rones ,as ershiP yo" 're /ook· i11g Jor so Jill ot1f the Jorlll beloW FOR SALE: FORD SVO V-6, Bryant Crank, Carrillo Rods, W iseco pistons, Tita-nium ,·ah·es, roller cam, Isky springs, Complete with big radiator and oil lines. Fresh $8,500.00. Broe @ (503) 366-9567. FOR SALE: 2-1600 2002 Race Ready. FAT Motor, King Shocks, CNC Brakes, BFG Centerline, GPS, all the components. Call Eric (619) 933-5922, (619) 216-0614. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • Sell or su;ap your extra parts and pieces in DUSTY TIMES. Classified AdYertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a Yery sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD sPACE IS LIMITED -YOUR AD MAYBE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED INA TIMELY MANNER. Enclosed is $ _____________ _ (Send check or money order, no Cash) Name --------------------------------------Address---------------------------------------------------------------City ------------------------------------------------------------------State _______ Zip __________________ Phone ________________________________ _ Please run ad _______ times Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 • uuog~IIIIBI ~ 2007-08 • lSSl1E DEADLINE March 07 Feb 2, 07 April 07 Mar 2, 07 May 07 Apr 6, 07 June 07 May 4, 07 July 07 Jun 8, 07 August 07 July 6, 07 September 07 Aug 3, 07 October 07 Sep 7, 07 Navember 07 Oct 5, 07 December 07 Nav 2, 07 January 08 Dec 7, 07 February 08 Jan 4, 08 March 08 Feb 8, 08 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page 54 February 2007 Dusty Times
~ \ ' ... "Have you, by any chance, modified it to fly?" A T T b. N T I _o N Race & Rally Organizers List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your 2007 schedules as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: UllliJliHIIII 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-5003 For Better Classified Photos: For the best reproduction of your ad's photograph it is best if you allow Dusty Times to size and crop the photo. To allow sufficient space for us to display your vehicle in the most effective manner it is suggested that the object you are advertising occupy no more than 7 5% of the space in the photograph. To achieve the highest quality in your photograph you should not provide Xerox copies, photo prints in less than 600dpi if computer generated, or photo-graphs already printed as halftones. It is always best to provide an actual photograph or a digital photo-graph printed on photo quality paper with a photo printer, not smaller than 4x3" in size. We also accept digital imagery on compact disc in jpg, tif, and pdf formats. Your photograph, regardless of the media, should never he folded as it is impossible to remove the line created by the fold. Adding a piece of stiff cardboard or heavy cover quality paper with your photograph will help to protect it on it's journey to our offices. The higher quality the original photograph, the better it will appear in your ad. Dusty Times PLEASE! DO/V~T FORGET TO SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS VVHO KEEP REPORT/IVG THE OFF ROAD /VEVVS! INDLl TO ADVb..12. Tl6b..R.6 Advanced Air Cleaner Systems ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 33 Aircraft Spruce ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 46 All Road Communications ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 43 Baker Precision ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 16 Bilstein ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ......... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 23 BTR Racing Wheels ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 39 Butch's Speed Shop,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20 Competition Air Systems,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 45 E&J Wireworks ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 33 Eibach Springs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 41 Fabtech ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 41 Fat Performance ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. 28 Fuel Safe,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 15 James, Michael E., Insurance,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11 Kar Tek Off Road ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19 Kawaguchi Honda,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 21 KC Hilites ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 King Shock Technology ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 32 McKenzie's Performance Products ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 22 Mesa Hose,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 13 Nevada Off Road Buggy ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 Nissan Motors ports ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Back Cover Pacific Customs ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 26 Parker Pumper,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 40 Patton's Metal Working ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 45 Paydirt Media ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 47 PCI Race Radios,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 Pike's Service Center ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12 R/0 Valve Springs ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 42 Racer Off Road ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 37 Race Ready Products,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 38 Racer X ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 30 Ram Praline Coatings ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 45 RC Trans ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. 36 Ronco Plastics ........ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 24 Sakata ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 9 Shocker Glove ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 18 Skyjacker Suspensions ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 27 SNORE Battle at Primm ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 SNORE, Gold Strike, Dune Buggy -Dash For Cash ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 17 Soltek Light Systems,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10 Sway-A-Way Suspension Components ,,,,,,,, 29 Team Gordon Race Wheels,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 25 Transaxle Engineering,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 46 Vision X Off Road Lighting ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 34 A Note To Advertisers With this issue of Dusty Times we have entered the digital age and it is the first issue completely generated without the need for negatives. A new rate card will soon be in the works with the new requirements for advertising artwork but in the interim, please note. We will be accepting digital media in the form of jpg, tiff and pdf files. Although there are other mediums that we can work with we cannot guarantee that your file will reproduce as you wish it to unless it is received in one of these three formats. Additional care should be taken with pdf files to insure that any fonts required are imbedded within the publication. Several of the older ads that were provided in negative form or as artwork have been converted to digital media but with this process there is the possibility of a slight loss of quality. We are requesting new media from all of these advertisors in the new format to insure the high quality of the publication. This applies to any business card advertisers but we will still be accepting the actual business card for reproduction We have added an e-mail account for the express purpose of receiving ads and we are requesting that you send any advertising material to this address: DustyTimes@gmail.com We thank all of our advertisers, as we do our readers, for their 24 years of support and with the enhancements of the new printing process plan to provide an even better product in the future. February 2007 Page 55