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2007 Volume 24 Number 1 Dusty Times Magazine

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:-~~~·::.. . . rt·., .... <,,. '''.i.: - . .,-:: .. ;.·• ~ r;..:! , ... , ~~-/~-.. v_ 2.SO DuST'Y Tit'IES 20761 PLUMMER ST CHATSWORTH CA 91311-500i C►-1752 ·.{t£.f: ... ...... ~--!f: •.. ~· .. ~-~ .. , .. , ... f.'.\~1-. ~\':,.11 : • 'L • {-! .. :.ii:.~ .... •. ( If, I ..... 11 .. 11 .... 1 I,, ,II, 1,1,ll .. ,II,,, .. I~~ ti I, 1111 .. ,I serving The OFF Road community Po, 34 Years covering the world of competition in the dirt ...

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,-------------------------------------· . Other Bi/stein podium finishers: Driver Class Daren Hardesty 10 Eric Solorzano 11 Marcos Nunez 5/1600 Ric.k L. Johnson Pro Truck Steve Appleton Baja Challenge Chris Raffo 3 Mike Penland Sportsman ATV Josh Fredrick 25ATV " Carton Beat 7SX Congratulations to all from Bi/stein! l&ein ... Pre5$Ur& 6«k Ab$OINJ'$ Thyuenr<Npp lilstein of America Bi/stein would also like to congratulate Martin Christensen on his 2006 Toyota Milestone Award, . Martin completed every required , mile of every SCORE race on Bi/stein Black Haw~ Shocks Call or visit our web site tor more Info on the winning line up of Bi/stein off-road racing shocks Soles:. l"tl00-371•7521 • Tech: J·aoo-;53iw 1081 • gefblstein .. com ,. Place 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd

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-I • Volume 24 -Number 1 January 2007 Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors Scott Bottomley J. Preston Bradshaw Jim Culp Mike Del Col Nicole Del Col Steve Hilton Victor Gazca Martin Holmes Rod Koch Byrle Moore Steve Ruddick Maurice Selden Darryl Smith Tony Tellier T rackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may he subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 87 50-17 3 2) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copyright by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POS1MASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., In This Issue ... Features SCORE Baja 1000 lry Judy Smith .................................................................... 8 34th Cyprus Rally lry Martin Holmes .......................................................... 14 M.O.R.E. Powderpuff 250 lry Ste11e Ruddick ................................................ : 26 CORR Chula Vista lry Judy Smith ............................................................... 37 SNORE Avi 250 lry John Calvin .................................................................. 44 CODE Mexicana Logistics 300 lry Byrle Moore .......................................... 52 Lake Superior Performance Rally lry Jerry Winker ...................................... 56 Departments Happenings ................................................................................................... 5 Trail Notes ..................................................................................................... 6 CORE Report ............................................................................................. 58 Good Stuff Directory .................................................................................. 60 Classified Ads .............................................................................................. 66 Index To Advertisers ................................................................................... 67 ON THE COVER Cody Freeman made it look easy, he literally flew around the course at the SNORE Avi 250, ran trouble free and was a startling second overall as well. Photo by Martees Race Photos Shirley Jergensen had a most wonderful race, a hard fought battle for the win in the Class 1 competition at the M.O .R.E. Powderpuff race. Photo by Alan Madden -Trackside Photo Visit Our Website at dubscr.ibe 7oday lo DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$25.00 □ 2 years -$40.00 □ 3 years -$55.00 (no credit cards please) □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name ----------------------Address ____________________ _ City ______________________ _ State Zip ---------------------Primary Interest Cars D Trucks D Motorcycles 0 Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 913 11 Canadian - 1 year $30.00 US n Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times January 2007 Page 3

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WE WOUW LIKE TO THANK OUR SPONSORS AND SUPPORTERS FOR A SUCCESSFUL 2006 RACING SEASON. WE LOOK FORWARD AT 4 GREAT 2007 SEASON. te.'iill . . DON'T FORGET ·· · . -·· ··_. ·. · ZfJtJ6SNORE AwanfB Banque~~ When,:-January fl 2007 Where: At the new .South Point Hotel and Casino. lli¼:2§'.fillalfd @Kc ff.iliTES Call Debi Tapert at (702)370-0773 to make table reservations.. · 2007 SNORE Rgce Schedule: , . ~".<·-. Febrttary' 16-18 Battle at Primm- Primm. Nevada ' March 30- April 2 Gold Strike 400~ Jean, Ne.v-0da .. ·'EiiiiD May 18-19 Dusty Times 250- Caliente, Nevada June 29- July 1 KC Hifites Midnight Special- Boulder City, Nevada October 4-6 South Point SNORE 250-Las Veges, Nevada November 2-4 Kartek Western Desert Champfonship- TBD IJltii iMiJ--.Dl7<m. ~ ENGTRflNSflXLE i , IN NG j • . . ii ~----.v•--~ - , ji ..... 211!.:Y u ~ @tech. A rn...e--rk-a...n ~ ·- ·_'" . . .. , . . . . .-. .· .. ,. j . ,· . . .·. . . . , • • •• -• ••••n• • . ......... -~-.: ;..-=~LOCT~:~:~e~~~ '!t.!.2K Page4 ·---. W'6Mffi -- - , 1:f --~ -\-~> -=brt )--1L1E . -tt January 2007 Dusty Times ' I

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i I 2007 Happenings ... CRS Awards Banquet February 24, 2007 Seed 9 Rally Goodsprings, NV March 3, 2007 Ridgecrest Rally School, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW SAN QUINTIN CALLE 6TA FRAcc Co. DE SAN Qu1NTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HERACLIO PATINO 1 OK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 (All events staged at the club wounds in Cleves. Ohio) 4x4 FOREVER, LTD. 1665 DELAWARE ST. OSHKOSH WI 54901 AMERICAN RALLY SPORT GROUP, INc. 3650 SOUTH POINTE CIRCLE, SUITE 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521-0597 E Mail: AMERICAN TRIALS ASSOCIATION AMA Observed Trials Southern California Championship Series BILL MARKUM • PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HOTLINE• (714) 562-7742 E MAIL: BMARK909@AOL.COM <> AsocIACION EsTATAL DE AUTOMOVILISMO SAM lAsELL, TECH lNSPECTOR APTo42 SAN JOSE DEL CASO BAJA CALIFORNlA DEL SUR. MEXICO AusTRALIAN OFF RoAD CHAMPIONSHIP DARRYL SMITH 19 SOMERS ST. CASHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTRALIA DUSTY TIMES AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFF ROAD Cl.ASS l O CARS ONLY RENALD VAILLANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAVAL QUEBEC, CANADA H7P 1 T7 (450) 622-4440 BAJA CUP CHALLENGE BARONA SAND DRAG AssN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 All Races Are Night Races All Races At Barona Racewa-y, Lakeside, CA BBM MARKETING PROMOTIONS OH Road Short Course Racing & Special Event Marketing 4344 VALLEY VIEW AVE. NORCO, CA 92860 (909) 340-6474 BEST IN THE DESERT 3475 BOULDER HIGHWAY LAs VEGAS, NV 89121 702-457-577 5/FAX: 702-641-24 31 January 5-6, 2007 Epic Racing Parker 250 MC Parker, AZ February 2-4, 2007 Bluewater Resort & Casino Parker 425 Parker, AZ March 2-4, 2007 U.S. Hare Scrambles MC Laughlin, NV March 30-April 1, 2007 MC Pro Circuit Nevada 200 Trail Ride Invitation only April 27-29, 2007 Terrible's Town 250 May 18-20, 2007 MC Bluewater Gran Prix August 22-25, 2007 Vegas To Reno September 14-16, 2007 MC Nevada Rally Experience Invitation only October 5-7, 2007 Las Vegas 300 November 2-4, 2007 MC Golden West Cycle Avi 150 November 30 • December 1-2, 2008 Henderson's Terrible 400 B.O.R.E. BONNEVILLE OFF RoAD RACING ENTERPRISES 341 W. 2575 N SUNSET, UT 84015 801-773-1651 May 4-5, 2007 Red Garter Wendover, Utah June 29-30, 2007 Jackpot 200 Jackpot, NV August 31-September 1, 2007 Wendover 200 Wendover, NV Dusty Times BP MoToRsPORTS P.O. Box 411 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91365 760-578-6258/760-578-6259 FAX: 818-348-4648 E-Mail: All Events At California Ciry, CA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGHroN, ONTARIO, CANADA KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR Cum AUToMOVILISTA juARENSE DE CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD RACING 7210 GATEWAY EAST EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 011-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES <> January 27, 2007 Ridgecrest, CA March 23-24, 2007 Desert Storm Rally Coef 2,3 Blythe, CA April 27-28, 2007 Subaru Rim OfThe World Rally Coef 2,3 Lancaster, CA August 18, 2007 Gorman Ridge Rally Coef 3 Frazier Park, CA September 15, 2007 Treeline Rally Coef 3, AZ October 5-6, 2007 Prescott Rally Coef 2,3 Prescott, AZ November 9-11, 2007 · Laughlin International Rally, Coef 1,2,3 Laughlin, NV CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box400 CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVE ADAMS (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DON ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. RICHARDS P.O. Box332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLAIRTON lb-JACKERS I.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TWP. LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 Shore Course off Road Racing At Harrison County Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICA (011 52 616-5-22-07) CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICO SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road ENSENADA, BC, MEXICO USA JAN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) RAMON CASTRO & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/ 7 0034) CMC CONTINENT AL MOTOSPORT CLUB P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 Fax: (714) 367-1608 CODE OFFROAD USA P.O. Box 2328 CALEXICO, CA 92231-2328 760-455-8069 USA Oll-52-686-553-4087 MEXICO February 9-11, 2007 Continued next page INTRODUCING_ 110 Watts of Power 1160 Channel Alphanumertc I Water Resistant I Mil Spec I Baja 1000 Proven ~~1. -""~~y E~..,,-~ ~ .P'C:lt~ ,.,, s:::::::ta "_1 was in Ensenada, and my crew In San QuinHn could hear me ISO miles awayl I need these in ALL of my hucksl" ~ ........ --"«--".,,..,, ~JT=LL/E:Lii~ PROTRUCK WINNER. 2002 TECATE/SC0RE BAJA 1000 _The best communicatton we've In over IS years of off road racingr ~~~.....-,o;~ &C-T TIIC-.=-,c.t,~# ~ T~ Remele Head opHon available. Call ror deli!!lls. 800.869.5636 562.427.8177 • Fax 562~26.3589 WWW.PCIRACERADIOS.COM 2888 Gundry Ave. • Signal Hill, CA 90755 January 2007 Pages

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Trail Notes ... Opening Shot -As we are into the holiday season, let me wish all of our subscribers, advertisers and dealers a most joyous holiday season filled with family, friends, health and happiness and the wonderful pursuit of our off road racing activities. From John, Pat, Bekki and all the staff of Dusty Times, we wish you all the best for the coming year. Thank you all for helping us celebrate our 24th year of service to the off road community. Dakar Rally News - Today, the organizers of the 2007 Dakar Rally unveiled the route of the 29th edition of the Euromilhoes Lisboa-Dakar 2007 rally that will take place from the 6th to the 21st of January 2007. American car drivers, which include NASCAR ace Robby Gordon and the first pair of CEO's, three time participants Ronn Bailey and co-pilot Kevin Heath, sponsored by Vanguard Integrity Professionals, a datacenter security firm, are in the final stages of testing and practicing for the worlds most rigorous and dangerous racing ordeal. The competitors will once again take off from Lisbon, for a long 8696 km. (5,400 miles) course including 5010km.of timed specials during the fourteen stages to be covered. The drivers and bikers will first battle it out during two specials in Portugal, will then cross the Mediterranean sea by boat and visit Morocco, Mauritania, Mali and Senegal where the final overall standing will be established after the stage going from Tambacounda to Dakar, on Saturday the 20th of January. The following day, the remaining competitors will take part in the first Grand Prix du Lac Rose, a show race organized on a closed circuit on the beach where the traditional podium ceremony will be organized. The USA competitors are as follows: Ronn Bailey/Kevin Heath - Buggy, Robby Gordon/ Andy Grider -Hummer, Mark Miller/ Ralph Pitchford Volkswagen, Michael Petersen/Matthew Stevensen - Buggy. Motorcycles -Chris Blais - Red Bull/KTM (KTM), Steve LaRoza, JJE/SS Team Racing (KTM), James Embro, JJE/SSC Team Racing (KTM) Timothy Hall, Heartland Dakar 2007 (KTM), Christoper Jones (KTM), Michael Kay, Rally Socal (Husquarna) Brian Schmuckle, Rally Socal (Husquarna), Kasey McCoy, Pai- Rally Pan America(KTM) Jonah Street, Pai-Rally Pan America (KTM) Trucks -Thomas Geviss/Paul Mitchell, Team Gordon. Dusty Times wishes all the competitors a safe and successful race. Awards Night in Crandon -Douglas, Stenhardt are the big winners. A packed house of 371 off-road racers, their teams, sponsors, promoter's and officials converged for a huge celebration and the 2006 "Night of Champions" awards banquet at the Indian Springs Lodge and Convention Center near Crandon, WI. Year-end prize money was distributed to Lucas Oil CORR racers, World Championship rings were presented to 11 class winners and the two biggest prizes in the sport were also awarded. Headlining the event was Scott Douglas, the 2006 winner of the BorgWarner Shootout. Douglas was awarded the coveted BorgWarner Cup and accepted the prize on behalf of Ford Trucks. He was also presented the $7,500 sterling silver and gold BorgWarner Championship Driver's Award. Douglas, El Cajon, CA, also won closed course off-road racing's most prestigious event in 1997. He is the only active driver to have won the award twice. The veteran off-road racer and a sentimental favorite received a standing ovation from the enthusiastic crowd when he received the BorgWarner awards. Mark Steinhardt, Rhinelander, WI, took home the bulk of the hardware and big checks during the Sportsman portion of the program for his outstanding season in the Single Buggy division. Steinhardt was named Sportsman Driver of the Year, won the CORR Sportsman Single Buggy Series Crown, won the World Championship title for the class and received year-end prizes from both KC Hilites and MasterCraft Race Products. On hand to award the KC Hilites Year-End Award was Michael DeHaas, president of KC Hilites. DeHaas awarded Steinhardt $1,500. Another $1,500 in KC Hilites year-end contingency was paid to Dan Baudoux, Hemlock, MI, ($1,000) and Ross Hoek, Holland, MI ($500) for their accumulated points totals for the season. Off-road World Champions were recognized in 11 classes. Making the special World Championship ring presentations was Cliff Flannery, president, Crandon Raceway. Reigning 2006 World Champions included: Scott Douglas, El Cajon, CA, 2006 Pro 4 4x4 pickup truck Crandon World Champion, Amsoil, Kumho, Rancho Ford 4x4. Mike Oberg, Eagle River, WI, 2006 Pro 2 2-wheel drive pickup truck Crandon World Champion, Amsoil Kumho, Rancho Chevrolet. Rodrigo Ampudia, Jr., Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico, 2006 Pro Lite compact pickup truck Crandon World Champion, Papas & Beer, Goodyear, Ford. Dan Baudoux, Hemlock, Ml, 2006 Sportsman 2 pickup truck Crandon World Champion, CST, BFGoodrich, Ford. Dave Waldvogel, Fond du Lac, WI, 2006 Sportsman Stock pickup truck Crandon World Champion, Toyo. Craig Metz, Rhinelander, WI, 2006 Light Buggy Crandon World Champion. Mark Steinhardt, Rhinelander, WI, 2005 Single Buggy Crandon World Champion (Repeat) John Mason, Plymouth, WI, 2006 Super Buggy Crandon World Champion. Chris Kaiko, Neenah, WI. 2006 Johnsonville Formula 4x4 truck Crandon World Champion, Ford, Yasakawa, Maxxis, SUV Brent Anderson, Park City, MT, 2006 Schaefer's Food Mart American Sedan Classix Crandon World Champion Mike Mills, Escanaba, Ml, 2005 Enduro Trucks Crandon World Champion, Ford ("Three"-peat). Lucas Oil CORR Series champions and top 10 finishers in five classes were recognized by Terry Severson, technical director, CORR Sportsman. The list of drivers recognized at the banquet includes: Sportsman 2 Dan Baudoux, Hemlock, MI Ford/BF Goodrich. Stock Truck Keith Steele, Madison, WI Chevrolet/Kumho. Super Buggy Scott Schwalbe, Rhinelander, WI Toyota/BF Goodrich. Single Buggy Mark Steinhardt, Rhinelander, WI BF Goodrich. Light Buggy Craig Metz, Rhinelander, WI Kumho. Pro drivers winning titles in 2006 include: Pro 4 Johnny Greaves, Abrams, WI FCP Toyota/BF Goodrich. Pro 2 "Crandon Carl" Renezeder, Laguna Beach, CA Lucas Oil Nissan/BF Goodrich. Pro Lite Chad Hord, Felch, MI Lucas Oil Nissan/Kumho. The 2006 Lucas Oil CORR Sportsman Rookie of the Year was Dan Beauchamp, Escanaba, MI, Stock Truck Class. Scott Schwalbe, 2006 Super Buggy Series Champion, was awarded $2,500 in contingency from Toyota for winning his class. Another Toyota racer, Johnny Greaves, Abrams, WI, 2006 Lucas Oil CORR Series Pro 4 champion, was recognized for winning the 2006 FCP Chairman's Cup race, another key prize in closed course racing circles. In addition to comments from DeHaas, special remarks were made by Dennis Weaver, BF Goodrich Tires, and Ed Cercek, representing Kumho Tires. Weaver presented Steinhardt and Schwalbe special customized BF Goodrich racing suits for the 2007 season. "We are very pleased by the turnout," said Flannery. "We couldn't have jammed in one more table and we appreciate the fine support of both the Forest County Potawatomi and Lucas Oil in hosting this important event," he said. "It was a pleasure to have so many Pro drivers trek to the banquet in support of the Sportsman," he commented. Flannery noted that two Lucas Oil CORR Pro Series champions - Greaves -and Chad Hord, Felch, MI, 2006 Pro Lite compact pickup class winner, attended and were recognized at Page& OASA Circle K 250 San Luis R.C. Sonora, MX March 30-31, April 1,2007 McMillin Mexicali 500 Mexicali-San Felipe-Mexicali, MX May 18-20, 2007 VW Autopartes Night Race Laguna Salada, MX August 2-4, 2007 ORW Gran Prix Jacume, Tecate, Laguna Salada, MX September 29 -October 1, 2007 Mexicana Logistics Mexicali 300 Laguna Salada, MX November 30-December 1-2, 2007 Race Ready 275 Mexicali - San Felipe, BC, MX COLORADO HILL CLIMB AssocIATION BARB V AHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box 8286 CoLORAOO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O. Box 392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER 011-52-65-66-4458 CORR LUCAS OIL SERIES 270 NEWPORT CENTER OR., Su1TY 100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 866-501-CORR April 21-22, 2007 Antelope Valley Fairgrounds Lancaster, CA May 18-20, 2007 Los Angeles County Fairplex Pomona,CA · June 9-10, 2007 Chula Vista Raceway San Diego, CA September 15-16, 2007 Chula Vista Raceway San Diego, CA September 28-29, 2007 Antelope Valley Fairgrounds Lancaster, CA October 19-20, 2007 Texas Motor Speedway Dallas, TX November 2-3, 2007 Las Vegas Motor Speedway Las Vegas, NV CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, SUITE 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA EXT 42 Fax (818) 957-4435 D&T PROMOTIONS DAYE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AYE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (All events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston Councy ORV Park, Olympia, WA) DAKAR RALLY DARREN SKILTON BAJA AUTOMOTIVE ADVENTURES 455 E. OCEAN BLVD., SUITE 208 LoNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 DECATUR FoUR WHEEL DRIVE Cum DECATUR, TX 76234 ToMALLEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 EAsn:aN OfF..RoAD RACING As.sN. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 53 2-4589 E.NSENADA BAJA OFF ROAD RACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX 0ll-52-646-1818989 ELis10 Oll-52-646-1715230 AARON Races for buggys & Motorcycles EsTERO BEACH INTERNATIONAL Short Course Racing VICTORIA GALINOO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO 0ll-52-646-176-6230 FORDA FLORIDA OFF ROAD DRIVER'S AssocIA TION JASON LEIBIN January 2007 (727) 376-4176 Mar, Apr, Ma1, Nov at Davidson Raceway FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 1855 PARKWAY DRIVE S. EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/959-579-6151FAX GORRA GEORGIA OFF RoAD RACING ASSOCIATION 4 20 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA GREAT PLANES OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION TIM HODGE (402) 991-6048 SCOTT MORROW (816) 792-2126 (All races are short course, stadium scyle Classes· Sportsman, 1/ 2-1600, 5-1600, Sport Truck, Quads, Tough Truck Nebraska Racewa1 Park, Exit 420 on l-80 between Omaha and Lincoln.) For latest info check <> HIGH PLAINS OFF RoAD RACING 2000 W. QUINCY AVENUE #B ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 303-806-8062/303-781-0974 fax INTERNATIONAL ICE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDOOR (612) 937-3816/Fax 474-2769 INTER-SHows MoTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 ]EEPSPEED 1826 N. WINDES Orange, CA 92869 714-538-7434/ fax 714-633-1724 All races for Jeepspeed 1,2 & 3 February 2-4, 2007 BITD Blue Water Resort Parker 425 Parker, AZ March 31, 2007 MOR Mojave 250 Barstow. CA June 1-3, 2007 SCORE Baja 500 (Non Points Race) Baja California, MX August 11, 2007 MOR Californai 200 Night Race Lucerne Valley, CA September 29, 2007 MOR Lucerne 250 Lucerne Valley, CA November 31-December 2, 2007 BITD Terrible 400 Henderson, NV KAMI.oops BRoNco BusTERS Whispering Pines Sports & Recreation Center P.O. Box465 KAMLOOPS, BC, CANADA VZG5L2 DALE NYESTE (250) 579-8039 TONY (250) 554-97801. Craig Byers (250) 376-8466 LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS & 0FFROAD EXPO (626) 961-3782 <> <> L.I.T.R.E. JEFF ELROD (408) 926-0522 JIM ARUTA (408) 247-4402 MAMAluuTA OFF RoAD RACING Luis CARLOS ALvAREZO PANAMERICANA AYE #5105 Co. JUAREZ, CHIH., MX 011-52-1637-1799 MxcmGAN BUGGY BUILDERS Dune Buggy Trade Show (517) 543-7214 <> MxcmGAN OFF RoAD CHAMPIONSIIlPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 ]ONES ROAD GRAND LEDGE, ML 48837 (517) 627-0200 Motorcycles, Quads, ATVs and Pilots only MAORA Mm-AMERICA OFF ROAD ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 664 GREENUP, IL 62428 (217) 235-0528 E-MAIL: <> MDR PRODUCTIONS 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE SOUTH EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-44 2-93 20/FAX626-579-005 l California Championship Series February 3, 2007 Don Griffith Memorial 250 Barstow "/'(_', CA March 31, 2007 Mojave 250 Barstow "B", CA May 5, 2007 Ridgecrest 200 Ridgecrest, CA June 23, 2007 McKenzies 400 Double Points Lucerne Valley 'W.', CA August 11, 2007 California 200 Night Race Lucerne Valley, CA September 29, 2007 Lucerne 250 Lucerne Valley "B", CA November 10, 2007 Stoddard 250 Double Points Barstow "B", CA Superstition Championship Series February 17, 2007 FUD 200 April 21, 2007 King Of The Desert June 16, 2007 Coyote Wash 200 Night Race October 27, 2007 Superstition 250 December 31, 2007 The Bud Light Dash 200 M.O.R.E. MOJAVE OFF ROAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 1231 BARSTOW, CA 92312 760-253-4453 -MDRE-KARTEK Off Road Gold Cup Series January 13, 2007 Lucerne Valley March 1 7, 2007 Balls Out 250 Barstow, CA May 26, 2007 Kartek 300 Lucerne Valley,CA July 21, 2007 Freedom 250 Barstow,CA September 15, 2007 Lucerne Valley October 13-14, 2007 Powder Puff December 1, 2007 Toys For Tots Holiday 200 Barstow, CA MSBA MxcmGAN SPORT BUGGY ASSOCIATION DAYE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. FLINT, ML 48506 (810) 730-9221 MoToWEST WINTER TRIALS SERIES BILL MARKHAM (909) 860-1857 <> All events at Perris Racewa1 (At Reed Valle) with a school) NATIONAL Mun RACING AssN. RT. #l - Box 380 DAYE OR MARLENE RYAN PALATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFF TRUCK AssN. Butch Chapin Motorsports Promotions 1404 EAST 3RD STREET HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NOORA NORTHERN Omo OFF RoAD RAcING AssN. GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAIL <> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Spring Valle1 Racewa1, on route 518, 20 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) Dusty Times I 1

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(Thunder ValleJ located 15 minutes from Spring Valle7) OFF ROAD EXPO 2007 (626) 599-8622 OFF RoAD RACING AssocIATION Volunteered Series PRESIDENT· GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP.· 1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP. - 9 & UNLTD. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OuTIAwREP. DON PONDER (314) 631-8190 (All Races at Wheeling in the Councy 900 Acres) Omo OFF RoADERS INc. 1427 GOSHEN H1u.s ROAD S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 ]IM KENDEL (216) 339-4674 AU races held at Harrison County Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO OFF ROAD RAcERs AssocIATION RICK TICHBOURNE, PUBLIC RELATIONS (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) Oun.Aw SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. Louis, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/Fax: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. OH Road Chan1pionship 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-<ilO0 <> PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 CoLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF ROAD RACING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 875-7591 PRO 1600 SHOOTOUT COREY GOIN 559-647-6132 GOINRACIN@HOTMAIL.COM PROTRUCK 14402 BOND COURT EL CAJON, CA 92021 619-390-6252 PuRE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box 50 RICKETTS, 1A 51460 (712) 679-2221 RALLY AMERICA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSIIlP SERIES January 26-27, 2007 Sno*Drift Rally Atlanta, Michigan February 23-24, 2007 Rally in the 100 Acre Wood Salem, Missouri April 20-22, 2007 Oregon Trail Rally Hillsboro, Oregon May 19-20, 2007 Olympus Rally Olympia, Washington June 2, 2007 Susquehannock Trail Rally Wellsboro, Pennsylvania July 13-14, 2007 New England Forest Rally Bethel, Maine August 24-25, 2007 Ojibwe Forests Rally Bemidji, Minnesota September 22-23, 2007 Colorado Rally Steamboat Springs, Colorado October 26-27, 2007 Lake Superior Rally Houghton, Michigan November 9-10, 2007 TBDRally Location, TBD RocK CRAWLERS AssocIATION OF AMERICA P.O. Box 1406 RIVERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/Fax: (801) 253-3176 SAN DIEGO SHORT COURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New Series lry Snowbird Off Road Racing Dusty Times Pro Trucks, Desert Trucks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Truck <> (858) 571-5088 SAN DIEGO OFF RoAD EXPosmoN (888) 836 7918 SCCA RoADRALLY P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-2055 <> SFX MoTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE, SUITE 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-<il00/(630) 556-<i180 Fax SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., SuITE A CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 <> January 18-21, 2007 SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge Laughlin, NV March 9-11, 2007 SCORE San Felipe 250 San Felipe, BC, MX June 1-3, 2007 SCORE Baja 500 Ensenada, BC, MX July 19-21, 2007 SCORE Terrible's Cup lll Select Classes-Closed Course E11ent Las Vegas, NV September 7-9, 2007 SCORE Las Vegas Primm 300 Primm,NV November 12-17, 2007 SCORE Baja 1000 Baja California, MX SNORE SOUTHERN NEVADA OFF ROAD ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 270516 LAs VEGAS, NV 89127 702-452-4522 February 16-18, 2007 Battle At Primm Primm, NV March 30-April 2, 2007 Gold Strike 400 Jean, NV May 18-19, 2007 Dusty Times Caliente 250 June 29-July 1, 2007 KC Hilites Midnight Special Eldorado Valley, NV October 4-6, 2007 South Point SNORE 250 Las Vegas, NV November 9-11, 2007 Kartek Western Desert Challenge Nelson Hills, NV SONS OF THUNDER 4 WHEELERS RACE DIVISION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 Mike Moore• (224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS EXPO MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. HACIENDA BLVD. #322 HACIENDA HEIGHTS, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SCTA SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION & BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, INc. P.O. Box 10 OROSI, CA 93647 (559) 528-6279 (559) 528-9749 FAX <> SOUTHERN SHORT COURSE OFF RoAD RAcING AssN. 4305 WOOTLARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (All Races at Eastba7 Racewa7, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box 706 Tovs FoR ToTs (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADILLA VALLEY SPORTS CENTER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <> VORRA VALLEY OFF ROAD RACING AssocIATION (775) 224-1327 March 31 - April 1, 2007 Prairie City, CA April 28-29, 2007 Fallon 200 Fallon, NV May 26-28, 2007 Yerington 300 Yerington, NV June 23-24, 2007 Lovelock 300 Lovelock, NV September 1-3, 2007 Yerington 300 Yerington, NV October 6-7, 2007 Prairie City, CA October 27-28, 2007 Halloween Party Prairie City, CA November 17, 2007 Awards Banquet To Be Announced VICENTE GUERRERO OFFRoADCuJB PROFO. CENOVIO GAMBOA 011-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 p.m.) WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WESTERN PENNsYL v ANIA WHEEL To WHEEL OFF RoAD RACING PATRICK McGUIRE P.O. Box 376 ADAMSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WmPLASH MoTORSPORTS 2325 E. KINGS AVENUE PHOENIX, AZ 85022 (602) 971-3730 <> Whiplash Desert Tour Trucks & Buggies Whiplash Desert *Bikes/A TV's and **Mini&PW WISCONSIN MoTORSPORTS SHow (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OFF RoAD FESTIVAL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 OSHKOSH, WL 54901 (414) 688-5509 WoRI..D SERIES OF OFF RoAD RACING P.O. Box99 CRANDON, WISCONSIN 54520 303-880-7221 May 12-13, 2007 Rounds 1 & 11 Owatonna, MN May 26-27, 2007 Rounds Ill& IV Lucas Oil Speedway, Wheatland, MO June 9-10, 2007 RoundsV& VI 1-96 Speedway, Lake Odessa, Ml June 23-24, 2007 Rounds VII & VIll Forest County Potowotomi Brush Run Races Crandon, WI July 7-8, 2007 Rounds lX&X U.P. 100 Raceway Bark River, Ml July 19-22, 2007 Rounds XI & Xll Pro Only Location To Be Announced August 11-12, 2007 Rounds Xlll & XIV U.P. 100 Raceway Bark River, Ml August 31-September 2, 2007 Rounds XV & XVI Borg Warner World Championship Off Road Races Crandon, WI November 8, '2007 WSOOR Annual Bapquet Location To Be Annoupced January 2007 · Trail Notes ... the banquet. Hord's Nissan Frontier is sponsored by Lucas Oil. The banquet was the last event in the Midwest for racers under the CORR banner. Introduced later in the evening was the Lucas Oil World Series of Off-Road Racing (WSORR). Doug Davis, general manager, WSORR, took the opportunity to comment on the state of off-road racing and made several key announcements, including the 2007 WSORR schedule, payback, contingency, three-year prime time TV contract, Series goals and the objectives of the sanctioning body. "It was a state-of-the-union address by Davis about closed course off-road racing in the USA," said Flannery. "Doug set the table for the successful launch of the WSORR as the premier closed course sanctioning body in the country," he said. Also speaking was Jamie Devney, Motorsports Marketing Manager, Lucas Oil Products. Lucas Oil is the title sponsor of WSORR. Gus Frank, chairman, Forest County Potawatomi Community told the audience, "We want to be part of something like WSORR that is grassroots, a turnkey Series with true, experienced professionals behind it. We want to be part of this project, and we hope to see you at the races this summer." The FCP is the presenting sponsor for WSORR. Others commenting about the upcoming World Series Tour 2007 were Weaver and DeHaas. In attendance were various promoter's including Flannery, representatives from the U.P. 100 Raceway in Bark River, Ml; Owotonna, MN; and 1-96 Speedway in Lake Odessa, Ml. Both the FCP and Lucas Oil are founding sponsors of the WSORR and both entities have signed long-term three year deals with WSORR. The deal includes a three year prime time TV contract on SPEED Network TV. Joining Lucas Oil and the FCP as founding sponsors is BorgWarner Corporation. The 2007 WSORR schedule includes eight races -eight for Pro racers and seven for Sportsman. The World Series opens the 2007 season May 12-13 at the Steele County Fairgrounds in Owotonna, MN, less than an hour south of the Minneapolis/St. Paul market and near Rochester. BITD Terrible 400 - A great weekend for weather and a great weekend for a race. Here are the top finishers in their individual classes. Trick Truck· 1. Garron Cadiente, 2. Pete Sohren, 3. Curt LeDuc. Class 1 -1. BJ Richardson, 2. Scott Schovajsa, 3. Mike Bilek. Class 7200 -1. Larry Roeseler, 2. Andy Waters, 3. Garrett Evans. Class 8 -1. Mark Beeler, 2. Andy Schifanelli, 3. John Melsheimer. Class 10 -1. Scott Martenson, 2. Terry Stevens, 3. Steve Brown. ProTruck -1. Bill Driggs. Class 8100 -1. Dave Morrison, 2. Randy Merritt, 3. Greg Foutz. Class 1600 - 1. Rick Waszkiewicz, 2. Monte Wadsworth, 3. Kenny Thatcher. Class 4100 -1. Marc Stein, 2. John Sunderland, 3. Class 7300 -1. John Webster, 2. Carl Fitts, 3. Steve LaRoza. Class 7100 -1. Wayne Demonja, 2. Erin Wahl, 3. Class 3100 -1. Scott Douglas, 2. Mike Falkosky. Class 1700 -1. Jason La Fortune, 2. Keith Marion, 3. Jim Cope. Class 9000 -1. Sigal Greenberg, Class 1800S -1. Jerry Fisher. Class 1900 • 1. Justin Schueler, 2. Dustin Heath, 3. JD Marsh. Class 4000 -1. Robert Henderson. A full story and loads of pictures will grace the next issue of Dusty Times. SCORE Awards -BFGoodrich Tires, a staple of desert racers world-wide, captured two major honors Saturday as SCORE International officially concluded the six-race 2006 SCORE Desert Series with the annual SCORE Awards Night at the Primm Valley Resort in Primm, Nev. BFG Tires, the official tire of SCORE for over 30 years was honored as both rhe 2006 SCORE Contingency Company and the 2006 SCORE Pit Support Team of the year. It was the 19th time BFG Tires has been voted the top Contingency Company and 20th time it has been honored as the premier pit support team. BFG Tires celebrated its 31st year of SCORE racing in 2006. Cameron Steele, an action sports and motorsports Television announcer was honored as the 2006 SCORE Person of the Year. Competing in two, three or four classes in SCORE races, he also lent his announcing skills to SCORE throughout the year and was the emcee of the SCORE Awards Night. Las Vegas' Troy Herbst was honored both as the 2006 SCORE Overall point champion and unlimited Class 1 title winner. After a discouraging did-not-finish in the season opener in Laughlin, he and teammates Larry Roeseler and Tim Herbst battled back by winning the final four races of the year, including the Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 for the third straight year. Herbst, who now has a SCORE record four Overall point crowns, a record seven Class 1 season point titles and an amazing 21 Class 1 race wins since 1997.Receiving Kartek Off-Road contingency bonus awards were: Brian Burgess, Riverside, Calif., Class 1-2/1600 ($5,000), George Seeley, Glendale, Calif., Class 5 ($5,000), Tim Noe, El Centro, Calif., SCORE Lite ($5,000), Eric Fisher, Ensenada, Mexico, Class 9 ($2,500) and Eric Solorzano, Tijuana, Mexico, Class 11 ($2,500). A rugged group of 17 SCORE racers were also honored as 2006 SCORE Toyota Milestone Award winners after finishing all 2,104.4 race miles during the season. Three of them were also honored as winners of this year's $12,000 SCORE Toyota True Grit Awards presented to the Toyota Milestone receipts who won their respective non-factory supported 2004 SCORE Class point championships. The SCORE Toyota True Grit Award winners this year who will split the $12,000 bonus purse are Brian Burgess, Riverside, Calif. (Class 1-2/1600, SPF-VW), John Cooley, Santee, Calif. (Class 10, AlumiCraft-VW) and Tim Noe, El Centro, Calif. (SCORE Lite, Jimco-VW). Almost starting to sound kind of like a broken record, Las Vegas' Troy Herbst has solidified his position as the most prolific racer in SCORE desert racing history, claiming a record seventh unlimited Class 1 and a record fourth SCORE Overall point championship after winning Class 1 for a record third straight year in the recent Tecate SCORE Baja 1000. The only four-wheel vehicle team to finish the year undefeated with five consecutive class wins was brothers Donald Moss, Sacramento, Calif/Kenneth Moss, Marysville, Calif., who won the Class 3 point championship in their sturdy Ford Bronco for the See uMore Trail Notes" on page 67 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-<i225 ZR. PROMOTIONS RENE MONTANO P.O. Box 2122 CALEXICO, CA 92231 January 21, 2007 Mexicali GP #l February 18, 2007 Grande GP #2 April 21, 2007 ZR Team Race April 22, 2007 ZR Poker Run May 6, 2007 Copa Autoproductos #3 June 30, 2007 Alvisa Night Race #4 September 2, 2007 ZR Poker Run October 14, 2007 ZR Gran Prix #5 November 25, 2007 ZR Gran Prix De Campiones #6 Page 7

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=AQ...B.a,Q·--.....,· · Tecate Baja 1000 Gardan/M.cMillin Take The overall By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Troy Herbst and Larry Roese/er show off their suspension on their Smith-Built Ford as they literally fly to the Class 1 victory in Mexico. out of town early, to get to their chosen waiting spot in time to have some sleep so they could be rested when the race vehicle ar-rived. Pit crews had also headed out early, hoping to avoid mixing it up with the excitable and sleep-deprived chase crews that would come later. Andy McMillin and Robby Gordon drove their Chevy Trophy Truck to the Overall win in Baja, Seen here at speed. SCORE had eight checkpoints strung along the course and five or six "speed-controlled" sections of pavement where the top speed allowed would be 60 miles per hour. All the vehicles were re-quired to run with the "Rally Log-ger" equipment on board, and this kept track of the vehicle's rate of speed as well as the course it trav-eled. Anyone found to have "short coursed" would be subject to pen-alties, or disqualification. The equipment also lets SCORE know whether or not anyone ran at more than the legal speed limit on the highway sections. La Paz, Baja Cfa. Sur: SCORE's giant event, the Baja 1000, was the biggest ever in terms of entry, and according to s□ome of the finish-ers, the toughest they remember. Robby Gordon and Andy Mc-Millin, in a Chevrolet Trophy Truck, almost made it look easy, taking the four wheel overall win in a time o( 19: 15 :27. Only the team of Honda riders Steve Hengeveld, Mike Childress and Quinn Cody was faster, with a time of 18:17:50. With a course that criss-crossed the peninsula five times, it wasn't hard to see how SCORE put to-gether 1047 miles. But some of the mileage was new to the racers, and it made the race challenging. Mother Nature also got into the act by pounding the area around Mulege with a hurricane in Sep-tember, and then sitting a 24-hour rain storm on the midsection of the peninsula just a couple of weeks before the race. Rivers and streams that might not have run in years gouged big chunks out of the rocky road that led from the La Purisima area to Highway 1 on the Gulf side. SCORE had time to remark it but it was still a challenge to drive. Af-ter the October rainstorm huge puddles, generally referred to as "lakes" by sunken racers, obliter-ated the course that led from south of San Ignacio to Cadaje. SCORE did what it could, and changed the course to the outer road which wanders along the shoreline until it reaches the fish-ing village of El Datil, and then goes south to San Juanico. They remarked it there also, but it's a confusing area even without "lakes". Some racers got to pre-run that section, others couldn't. Some had an earlier version of the OPS map of the area, which ap-parently led right into some of the worst puddles. On the east coast, from Mile 724, where the very rocky road turned south again, to Mile 776, nearly in Loreto, another treach-erous section of washouts awaited the unwary driver. Then the trail headed down a river bed, and up into the mountains, to the town of Javier. Now the narrow trail in-cluded rocky cliffs, sheer drop-offs, and very tight turns, as well as a seemingly endless succession of rocky water crossings. When they finally dropped down out of the hills, the racers ran through a brushy section that included a very bad silt hole at about Mile 844. But once it had reached Mile 855, where it crossed Highway 1 east of Insurgences, there were access roads so pit crews could go in and Sammy Ehrenberg and LJ Kennedy, Jimco, were the big winners in the Class 1600 battle, they had almost half an hour in hand at the checkers. Page 8 help fairly expeditiously. And they were needed, because as always, silt beds blossomed where none had been during the pre-runs, and cars got stuck. Old, familiar sections of the course played havoc with the rac-ers also. At Mile 55 there was a silt bed that trapped everything from Trophy Trucks on down. It was so dusty on course, with no wind to c;lear it, that drivers couldn't see the best route, and if not buried, they could easily be-come high-centered. Imagine how disheartening it must be to be fac-ing a race of that length and al-ready be stuck at Mile 55! Below Coco's, at about Mile 304, Calamajue Wash (a.k.a. Frog Canyon) was under three feet of water. This came as a surprise to many, and wreaked havoc with electrical systems and motors of all types. Lots of hours were lost in there, and it spelled the end for a number of teams. As with all the La Paz events, the race started on Thursday of race week. Contingency, held on Wednesday, had proved to be noisy and crowded as usual, and got rowdy, as usual, when the school kids showed up. Ensenada was crowded and busy, but not as full as might be expected, because second and third drivers headed Off road racing has been a fa-vodte sport in Baja since the late '60s, but its development down there was more apparent than ever when we checked the entry list for this race and noted how many of the entrants made their homes in places like Ensenada, Guerrero Negro, Cabo San Lucas and La Paz. In the cars and trucks alone a quick run down the list of entries netted 45 listings with home ad-dresses in Mexico. It must be rather nice to start the Baja 1000 in Ensenada and finish in your home town. The weather was comfortable for the chase crews and spectators, but the racers would have liked more wind. All along the length of the course the dust hung in big clouds, making it very difficult to see. Down at the end of the trip a few of the front runners encoun-tered fog, but it wasn't an issue for everyone. The bikes and quads started sometime between 6:00 a.m. and 6:30, and then there was a gap of ~-~----..,~--------,,,-Don and Ken Moss had a great race, they took the Class 3 honors in their Ford with many hours in hand at the flag. January 2007 three hours between the last quad to leave and the first Trophy Truck was pushed back to 10:42 a.m. Ev-eryone went off the line at 30 sec-ond intervals, the final starter, one of the UTV entries, took the green flag at 1:03 p.m. Thirty-one Trophy Trucks started for La Paz, and only two of them failed to make it the first 122 miles, which was at Matias Pass. In the next 114 miles they lost three or four more, including TV personality Jesse James who de-buted his new truck at this event. Word had filtered down to Ensenada that the motor in his truck had a terrible "rod knock", and his builder was going to try to replace it and get the truck to the start on time. Apparently they got that much accomplished, but his race was a short one. In the meantime, a very close battle was going on up at the front of the pack. B.J. Baldwin, who'd been first to start, had the lead through the early miles, with Robby Gordon a minute or two back in his Chevy. Gordon had a two-pronged race going on, because he not only wanted to catch Baldwin, but also had to get to the Loreto airport in time to fly out before dark, so he could get back to the Homestead NASCAR race. By the time he got to Mile 517, at Sou th Tabion, on the highway between the El Arco road and San Ignacio, he was in front. He had four min-utes on Jeff Lewis in Mark Post's Ford. Baldwin had dropped to third, and Ron Whitton was fourth in his Ford. He'd been slowed at the beginning of the day when a truck in front of him couldn't make the tight turns going out of Ensenada. He'd been astonished to see the guy doing two and three point turns as he headed through the Ensenada backyards. Todd Wyllie, in his new Chevrolet, was fifth, about 39 minutes behind Gordon. Most of the rest of the pack was still running, but Garron Cadiente had lost a rocker arm, then repaired it, only to lose his Ford's motor, and Bobby Baldwin had lost a water pump on his Chevy, and then lost his motor at Coco's Corner. Jeff Stowers was also out, as were Mike Voyles and Cameron Steele in his Ford. Steele was actually a story all by himself. He got to Calamajue Wash, just south of Coco's, in good time, but somehow ended up stopped, in deep water. Then he discovered that his starter wouldn't work. So he radioed for his chase crew to come rescue him, and while he waited for them he became a sort of Johnny-On-The-Spot, helping anyone who had problems. He pointed out the right trail, he pushed and pulled, Dusty Times

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1 The Micron Technology Baja Challenge Class win went to Steve BJ Baldwin and Tommy Bradley Jr. won the silver medal in Trophy Gary and Mark Weyhrich and BJ Richardson drove the Chevy powered and Chris Appleton, they had some 40 minutes in hand at the flag. Truck, seen here lettin' it all hang out before an admiring crowd. Jimco to a second place finish-in Class 1, tJi' overall in Baja. and he gave helpful advice and in of third place Ron Whitton and in Calamajue Wash and his air tery. They also lost a belt and pulley and threw the belts, and general endeared himself to the Todd LeDuc. LeDuc had narrowly jack had broken, which must have drained another battery, four resulted in four hours down time. other flooded-out racers. Many averted trouble when he saw "a been a bit of a challenge. Ander- miles before Bay of Los Angeles. But once going again everything hours later, at the finish, a lot of bunch of stuck trucks" and took son had power steering and brake Everything electrical quit. Gus worked all right. Jones got in at racers had stories about their time evasive action. He "went left, and problems, and had to carry steer- navigated the final few miles with Bay of L.A., and at Mile 906 he with Cameron Steele in then right and over the cactus and ing fluid in the cab for the final no lights, barely made it out onto lost the ring and pinion, which Calamajue Wash. shrubs" avoiding the fate that cost section. This truck is the famed the pavement and the motor quit. cost another two hours. By then At the front of the pack, Gor-Tim Herbst a finish, and Josh Bald- "Arnold" that Chad's dad, Larry, A friendly Protruck crew radioed he was so far back that as he don kept moving on steadily, hav-win and Curt LeDuc, in Post's drove to many victories. Anderson for his crew to come and tow him headed toward the finish he took ing no problems at all. He got out truck, a lot of time. In fourth it was was teary-eyed at the finish, over- to his pit, which was another two the time to tow stuck racers out at Mile 724, where the course made Brian Collins and Larry and Chad come by the emotional hit that miles down the road. Once they of their various mud holes and silt a sharp right turn to parallel High- Ragland in the Chevrolet. Collins gets most drivers finishing in La got him there they went to work beds. He finally finished in 10th way 1 north of Loreto about 40 had done some damage to his trans- Paz, when they see the thousands on the truck, got it all sorted out, place, after 26 hours and 49 min-miles, and put Andy McMillin into mission on that booby trap on the of spectators lining the roadway which took over an hour, fired up utes. Jones was happy -it was his the truck. While Gordon headed Goat Trail, but had moved back up into town and cheering them on. the truck, put it in gear, and the first finish for the 2006 season,. for the airport, McMillin threaded into the lead group. He'd put his He called it "One of the best times transmission was gone, apparently Eleventh went to Francisco Cer-his way through the rocky, jungly regular co-driver, Larry Ragland in in my life - memorable, awesome!" as a result of the long tow. Back to vantes, in his Chevy, who got out road. It was dark, about 11 p.m., to do the bottom half of the race, Gus Vildosola and Rob Mac- work. of his truck and went in search of and he wouldn't have any daylight but Larry had become ill, and got Cachren were next to finish, in In 10th place it was Jesse James a medic as soon as he got there. It foranothersixhoursorso.When outatMile855,wherethecourse theirFord,closingoutaseasonof and Jeff Quinn. Quinn had seems he'd hit a bump, which he went through Loreto, McMillin crosses Highway 1 just east of disappointments. This time it was started, and he'd run into a der- snapped his head back, and flipped was a half hour in front of Bald- Insurgentes. Chad, his son, had a threaded spacer on the alterna- elict car on Diablo Dry Lake. The his face shield up, so that a cloud win, who was orchestrating a "con- driven his own truck to the driv-tor that broke. Thus they lost a bat- collision bent the power steering servative" race, and trying to en- ers' change point and then headed sure a finish. He'd had an early flat south when he got the call to help on a booby-trap rock on the Goat his dad out. He hadn't planned on Trail, and also had some light-bar driving at the bottom of the course, problems, as well as "intercom is-and hadn't pre-run it. He had Billy sues". He hadn't done as many pre- Goerke riding with him, and later runs on the southern end of the said that Billy was the reason he'd course as he'd have liked, but he'd made it to La Paz. The throttle got a lot of help from Larry Rag-stuck some, but nothing maior land. In third at this point was Josh went wrong. Baldwin, in his Ford, and he was In fifth it was Wyllie and Mark-about another half hour down. In ing, who wanted to talk about how fourth it was Todd Wyllie's Chevy. much fun the truck had been to He'd also got out at Loreto, and drive. They were 21 minutes in John Marking was now in the back of the Raglands and Collins. driver's seat. Marking was finding Just seven minutes behind them it the truck "so easy to drive". Ron was Josh Baldwin, who'd been Whitton's truck was now fifth, an- stuck for quite a while at that silt other three minutes back, and bed up near Mile 844 that LeDuc Todd LeDuc was at the wheel, dis-had narrowly avoided. Apparently covering· that this truck "works a Baldwin had come to a hurried stop lot better than my Dad's truck!" to avoid hitting a down biker or He'd lost a few minutes at San quad racer, and he was instantly Juanico when he had trouble find- stuck. LeDuc arrived not long af-ing his pit. ter, and then Tim Herbst came McMillin kept moving steadily along, saw the problem, stopped south, and as the sun came up, the and backed up, straight into Gary fog crept in. He had heavy fog for Weyhrich in his Class 1 car. When a while, and "couldn't see any-he hit the buggy he braked, and thing", but managed to avoid di-that sank him. Weyhrich avoided saster. He had absolutely no prob- the trap and went on, but now the lems, never got out of the truck, three Trophy Trucks were left to and brought it to the finish line their own devices. They made a for the win, with a time of pactthatnonewouldleave'tilthey 19: 15: 2 7. Overcome with emo-were all free. Herbst managed to get tion, all he could say was, "Wow - unstuck, and then got Baldwin out, that was amazing!" Once he'd and then pulled LeDuc out of his caught his breath, he told the spot, but ruined his clutch in do-crowd that he'd "rather win this ing it. Word is that he'd been overall than all the others put to- warned to avoid "pushing and pull-gether". And then, after a second' s ing" other vehicles with that clutch. pause, went on to say, "I wish my His good sportsmanship put an grandpa was here." (His grandpa, end to his race. Baldwin and LeDuc Corky McMillin, passed away in went on, and LeDuc sent his September of 2005. He'd been an daughter, Val, out to Mile 844 to active off road racer right up to the get Herbst and pull him out to the end of his life.) Gordon, because highway where his crew waited. of his NASCAR commitments, Post and LeDuc and Lewis fin-missed the fun of seeing his truck ished seventh. LeDuc said, "Ed get to the finish line first. Pearlman would have been proud In second place about 45 min-of this race course", referring to utes later, it was B.J. Baldwin and its miles of narrow, technical and Tom Bradley, Jr. They too, had run ungraded roads. Behind them an-into the heavy fog, but the late part other 40 minutes was the team of of their trip was generally trouble Chad Ragland and Danny Ander-free. They were 38 minutes in front son. Ragland had flattened a tire Dusty Times NO MORE SpUne Wear! Stronger Core! 50% Stronger! 6. 5" & 8. 5" Sizes Built-In Starter & Ballast Die-Cast Aluminum Hous1 35 Watt H.I.D. Bulb Driving/Euro Beam Pattern Knurled Adjustment Knobs January 2007 'JI & oar A Wheels New Pradu1. Beadlock Black I Blue Colors Red I Polished S.ize ao cenler Mounl Hub Ii S Axles Available for Plunging + NonPlung. CV's wl CNC or Brembo Calipers Ultimate Strength 300M Size 30 Center Star ngAxles nPlungin Size 30 4CV' •._~ Page9

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Brian Burgess and Dan Folts took home the silver medal in the Chris Raffo and Jeff Dolan drove their Chevy Blazer to a second Second place in Class 5 went to Luivan Volker and Carlos Albanez Class 1600 battle in Baja, seen here in flight. place finish in Class 3, but it was a verrrrry long race. seen here, practicing their gliding methods. ' of dirt and little pieces of cactus Cam Thieriot, Glenn 'i:Hf.a:;-;r::r-;-;is;-;:o:-;:r:---;:t:i:;h~e:--;::ca:;--;r-;:,-:p;::-r;::e::;s::e:n:';:t~a;:"-;g:i'l:-ea~n~1ii~n~g--'d'.t:ia:-:,'-'-r====_,-:~~~~;;,;;;;;;~~~~~~~~P~=======;;;; spines had gone into his suddenly Malcolm Smith in their RPS mond ring to Ms. Bearden and get unprotected eyes. He'd driven the Chevy. They'd reportedly already down on his knee to propose. Fin-last 100 miles in that condition, broken a front lower A-arm. ishing a good day in a great style, and was very uncomfortable by the When they got to Loreto, about the lady accepted while friends time he'd finished. Other than that 2:30 in the morning, Roeseler was and family, all apparently in on the his day had been fairly uneventful, leading in Herbst's car. Now surprise, cheered them on. with no mechanical problems, just Weyhrich's brother, Gary, was In seventh place it was Brian some flats and two "stucks". The driving, and he held second place, Kirby and Bobby Oulette, in a medics got his eyes cleaned out and about 17 minutes back. He was Chevy powered Kirby. They'd both he was feeling much better a couple doing very well considering that been in the car all the way, switch-of hours later. their torque converter wasn't ingseatswhenitwastimetoswitch In 12th it was Robbie Pierce and working properly, and they'd lost drivers. They'd changed their air Bill Varnes, in their Ford. They'd both bottom end and top end per- filters and had some wiring trouble, had steering box problems all the formance. Boyle's co-driver, Ron but otherwise it had been a good way. And somewhere around San Brant, ran third and Mark trip. Not perfect, because they were Juanico Varnes rolled the truck. McMillin's co-driver, Brian Ewalt, one of two teams in this class which Late in the trip the box locked up was fourth. McMillin had awak- were pegged for speeding, which completely, and the crew finally re-ened on race day with a terrible cost them a ten minute penalty. placed it, letting Pierce drive com- cold. It was so awful that he con-The other team penalized for speed-fortably to the finish line. Todd sidered not driving at all, but de-ing was the highly experienced Clement and Jerry Whelchel fin- cided to give it a go. He'd had a team ofThieriot, Harris, Smith and ished 13th in their Ford, but didn't "lot" of flats early in the day. At Jason Markham, all of whom drove stop to talk about their day. In 14th one point, as he skimmed the little at one time or another. They'd had it was it was Alan Pflueger who'd hills above Gonzaga Bay, he a lot of problems, and then had clean running in the early part landed on a rear tire; it lost pres-SCORE penalized them 20 min-of the day in his Chevy. Then he sure instantly and put the car into utes for two speeding violations. had electrical problems. John a roll-over at about 80 miles per Perhaps it's hard for these old time Hoffman did a section in the hour. The car came through it un- racers to remember that there are middle, and the Pflueger got back scathed, and once the tire was occasionally speed limits during the in. He said, "People cheering us on changed they went on. At Crucero Baja 1000. That's a fairly new con-air day kept us moving!" echoing they changed to a different genera- cept. the sentiment expressed by many tion of tire, and had no more flats. Ninth place went to Brian Park-finishers in many classes. Kash Vessels, in his Alpha Chevy, house and Tom Ridings, in a Jimco The 13th finisher was the team was running fifth at this point, Chevy. Parkhouse was stuck once of Bob Shepard and Rick Geiser, another hour and a half later. His in silt and once in mud, and who lost their Chevy's transmission dad, Frank, had driven the section Ridings had to replace a c.v. and north of Puertecitos. It was diffi- from Bay of L.A., to San Ignacio. also was stuck once. The Arciero/ cult for their crew to get in to them Thieriot, Harris and Smith were Miller crew had pulled him out, for to make the repairs. Then, they had now sixth, still having some prob-which he expressed heartfelt "lots of small problems". In 14th, lems. Word came back that Smith thanks. Their time was 29 hours and last in the class to finish, it was had hurt his back, and so had and 57 minutes. In 10th it was Eric Ikuo Hanawa, from Japan, who flown home rather than continue Chase and his dad, Stuart, in their drove his single seat four wheel to La Paz. Penhall Chevy. This was Eric's first drive Toyota the full distance, earn- Ultimately, Herbst and Roeseler race at the wheel of the Class 1 car, ing his first finish in Baja in that took the win, finishing 48 minutes and his first peninsula run. Stuart truck. He had no mechanical prob- in front of the Weyhrichs. Roeseler rolled over down near San !ems, nor did he get stuck. But he said he "could do without dust" for Francisquito, and they had light, had problems with his pits, and a while. He and Herbst hadn't had brake and alternator problems, but somehow things got crossed up any significant problems along the for the first time out in a new car, with his fuel supply and his spare way. The second place Weyhrichs it was a good day. Eleventh place tires. His time was 36: 10:49. had 43 minutes on Boyle and went to Martin Christensen, Dave Class 1 had 27 starters. Three Brant, who nursed a barely running Mason and Boris Said, in a BMW of them didn't make it to Mile car across the finish line. They Jimco. Said did the start of the Bay 122, including Bud Feldkamp, thought it was a "loose fuse". In of L.A. Road, then Christensen who told us before the race that fourth it was McMillin and Ewalt, drove to Loreto and Dave Mason for once he was going to do the who'd split their driving into four did a section and Christensen got "easy" part of the race. John sections, leap-frogging down the back in to go to the finish. Mason Harrah and Alberto Coppola were peninsula. McMillin was clearly ill, had to replace a clutch. Said, who both also sidelined early. but a finish at La Paz has definite most recently has been racing in But up in front it was a familiar curative powers. They'd had no NASCAR, also had to work on the sight with the Herbst Ford powered trouble at all in the second half of car. He said, "I got greasy, wet, Smithbuilt Truggy doing battle the trip. In fifth it was Steve muddy, cold. I had a blast!" He de-with Mark Weyhrich in his Jimco Sourapas, who started, and Brian dared that during the NASCAR Chevy. There was a stranger in the Ickler, in their RPS Chevy. races he doesn't have to work on mix; rally driver Armin Schwarz, Sourapas had "lots of trouble", and the car. "Look at my hands·- grease from Austria in another Jimco Ickier had c.v. boot trouble, a sticky everywhere!" he said, waving his Chevy, and at Bay of Los Angeles, throttle cable, and he'd hit a cow perfectly clean hands. And then he 377 miles along the road, he ran coming into Loreto. They were five explained that "In NASCAR and second behind Weyhrich by about hours behind fourth place. road racing, [it's) always the same three minutes. Herbst had driven Daniel Myers drove all the way line - this feels three dimensional -the first 300 miles (his first long in his Porter Chevy to finish sixth, there's so much to it. Then when stint at the wheel since he injured with a time of 24:30: 19. Sarah it breaks you have to be a McGyver his Achilles tendon in the spring) Bearden rode all the way with him. - so nu.ich fun! I hope they ask me and now Roeseler was at the wheel, Their light bar broke off and had back next year!" and about 11 minutes further back. to be repaired, and they'd been Manuel and Pablo Cota and Richard Boyle had his HMS Chevy stuck ·n a mud hole. But Myers Miguel Carballo, who hailed from in fourth place, another eight min- still had the energy to pull a small La Paz, drove their Toyota Jimco to ures back, and he was followed by box out of some hiding place on a 12th place finish. As they hustled Page 10 January 2007 The Bowman/Longo/Sacks trio made it look easy as they took the Class 5 win with ease, looking kinda top heavy with lights. past the finish area, bystanders could see a major piece of equip-ment, a big high-lift jack, mounted on their rear bumper. In 13th place it was Luis Ramirez and his dad, Luis, Sr., and his brother, Salvador Cassas, in a Porter Chevy. They are from Caho. They reported that Cassas was stuck at one point and one of the BC cars hit him hard, siightiy injuring .his passenger ana doing the rear of the car no good. The motor was barely running at the finish, and oil was pouring out. William Akwari, Victor Cachia and Jeremy Kegher, in a Chevy Lo-thringer, were the final Class 1 fin-ishers, in 13th place. Aklwari made an early mistake, when he cleaned his visor with baby-wipes and the alcohol in the cleaning solution, apparently not damaging to babies' bottoms, fogged his visor perma-nently so he couldn't see. His pas-senger, a man with a kind heart, gave him his visor to use, and did the rest of the race exposed to the elements. He said, at the finish line, that he needed "new eyes". They'd been stuck in the mud out of San Ignacio for four hours, and Continued page 12 The winner in the Class 5-1600 contest was the Bug of Nunez/Rivera/ Fernandez, they're seen here flyin' in their neat looking Bug. The Chamlee's, Dan, Tom and Dan Jr. flew their Ford Ranger to the Class 7 win in Baja, they're seen here in beautiful flight. Dusty Times

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Watson/Noe Motorsports would like to thank the following people for all their support :in helping 111ake 2006 another successful year: Drivers: Tim Noe Tom Watson And a big thanks to David Scaroni Gary Arnold For their talents Co-Drivers: Travis Clarke SamFakih Dave Folts Transmissions Blue C Communications Junco Fox Shocks 'The Desert Assassins Waddell Motorsports Rick Fenley (:Noody Watson) The Watson Electric Crew Major Perfonnance Watson/Noe Motorsports - 2004, 200S and 2006 Score Lite Champions / 2006 Primm 300, Baja S00 and Baja l 000 Winners

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Daniel, Eric and Stephen Deen were the second place finishers Shannon Dierkop and Tyler Poppert drove their Ford Ranger to a In Class 7S it was Aaron Dodson and Doug Siewert taking home all the marbles, seen here headin' home in their Ford Ranger. in Class 5-1600 in the Baja 1000, seen here in flight. second place finish in the Class 7 contest. had also lost four hours when they over several times, and when it Hutchins in a Kreger Honda, about broke a rear hub bearing. Their landed it instantly burst into flames. another half hour back. time was 38 hours and 20 minutes. Pastrana got out quickly, but Casey Gasper got through the next sec-Armin Schwarz, who'd done so had-a little trouble, since he was tion, and out onto the mud flats well, early on, finished his day hanging in the straps, getting them and his transmission "exploded". parked in a mud hole. And Kash to release. Still, he was out in plenty At Loreto, over the other side of Vessels, running fifth at one point, of time to avoid injury. Neither was the peninsula, the lead belonged to was last seen about 50 miles before seriously hurt, 'though Casey'd Hardesty, who'd got in at San the finish, sitting under a cactus. banged his face on the inside of his Ignacio. He was having a problem Travis Pastrana, X games star and helmet. Neither was burned. There with valve cover studs. Yee was sec-newly crowned rally champion, was was nothing to do about the fire. ond, only two minutes back, his co-driving with Darnen Jefferies, in The car was fully engulfed right motor not really healthy. In third, a new Chevy powered HMS. away, and with over 40 gallons of 40 minutes later, it was Dave Darnen had started and got him- fuel on board, it burned until there Richardson, in Cooley's car, and he self high-centered at Mile 55 when was nothing left. handed it over to Chris Harrold he couldn't see in the dust. It took The Class 10 cars were the third who would go to the finish. Will a while to get unstuck. When Travis group to start the race, with 13 start-and Jerry Higman ilnd Rick got in he began recovering ground. ers. All but two got to the Bay of Munyon had fourth place, another He stopped at Bay of L.A. to take L.A., Mile 377, where Dave Gasper, hour down, in their Kreger Honda, on fuel, and then headed out with in his Honda Porter and Eli Yee in and Jay Culbertson, Kent Grove Damen's brother, Casey, riding a Honda Jimco, were tied for the and William Cochran, in a Che-along. About 10 miles out of the lead. Max Randazzo, in Darren nowth Toyota, with fifth, but a long pit they came to a washout. Actu- Hardesty's VW AlumiCraft was in way back after losing time before ally, it was a triple washout, but third place, about 25 minutes back Bay of L.A. In sixth it was Hutch-their OPS showed it as one. They'd after having a flat in Calamajue ins, who'd lost even more time, and talked about it, and Darnen had re- Wash. John Cooley was fourth in was another three and a half hours minded them of it, but they "Just his VW AlumiCraft about 11 min- back. All the rest had dropped out. blew it", said Darnen. The car went utes later, and in fifth it was Mark When he got to Mile 855, . i , . • ,, < .......... ,_._,J,, .,<t". Hardesty's crew did a rear tire most got off to a good start. But change, and somehow, one wheel's the day started badly for Francisco lug nuts didn't get properly tight-and Tony Monroy, a team from La ened up. As he charged down the Paz, whose truck got out of shape road, Hardesty could feel the wheel just as it dropped into the wash in wobbling, so he found a pit and Ensenada. It went into the crowd. stopped to get it tightened up. Be-There were some injuries, but none yond that, his run went smoothly. were life-threatening, and help was He and Randazzo took the win, in there very quickly. Monroy was un-21 :34:25. Eli Yee and co-driver Perry derstandably upset, and immedi-McNeil, were second, one cylinder ately withdrew from the race. down and minus their Rally Logger, Of the rest, most of them got which had apparently fallen off. to the Bay of L.A. check. At that They were only 22 minutes back. In point Larry Vanderwey had his third it was Cooley, Richardson and GMC Sierra in the lead, after only Harrold, who'd lost some of their one flat tire. He had over two lights, and said their biggest prob-hours on Tom Bradley, Sr. and lem had been seeing. They'd also Lupito Abaroa who were second. run into some fog near the end of In third it was Lowell Arnold, the race. They were about 37 min- Randy Maddux and Gene Bried in utes behind the second car. And their Ford. They'd rolled the truck they were the last finishers. Mark in the early part of the day and lost and C.J. Hutchins, Will and Jerry an hour and 45 minutes. They'd Higman and Rick Munyon, and the also lost their brakes. Culbertson, Grove, Cochran team After navigating the entertain-had all made it through Loreto, but ing section between Bay of L.A. and couldn't get to the finish. El Arco, the boring section ofhigh-Class 8 had 11 starters, and way that followed, the water holes ........ .,., i I' ~.,,·~: S ... . _/ a~-f ~~~':t C) --... Page 12 January 2007 Du,sty Times T

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Flyin' high, the Hinesley/Solaiza/Jimenez drove their truck to a The Greer crew, Glen and Bruce Jr. along with Mike Kerr drove Eli Yee and Perry McNeil flew their Honda powered Jimco to a second place finish in the Class lSX contest. their Dodge Ram to a second place finish in Class 8. second place finish in the hotly contested Class 10 race. and mud traps beyond San Ignacio of Best in the Desert racing doing ging up their air filters. In fourth and lost a bunch of time. Back in way from start to finish in a pen-and then the rocky, precipitous and navigator duty, had their Chevy in it was Rick L. Johnson, Dane Puertecitos a record-making effort insula run, had unsolvable electri-washed-out road that went towards second, only 12 minutes in front Cardone and Jimmy Nuckles in had come to an end, when Kathy cal woes with her Ford. Loreto, the Yanderwey truck ar-of Creagan, Wasson and Coates, their Toyota. Johnson had got Jarvis, who'd hoped to become the Johnson, Cardone and Nuckles rived in Loretok in first place, with who'd had trouble with silt plug- stuck early, behind a stuck biker, first woman to drive a truck all the Continued next page a three and a half hour lead on Bradley and Abaroa. Arnold and his crew were third, another hour and 20 minutes down, and Glenn Greer, J.R. Greer and Don Kolt, in a Dodge, had moved up to fourth. They'd spent an hour and a half in Calamajue wash with Cameron Steele, but otherwise things were good. At the finish it was the Yanderwey brothers, Nick and Larry, who said they were feeling "exhaustion, exhilaration and ex-citement" while celebrating their first La Paz win. They said, "The race was all Mexico -she let us slip through her fingers this time!" Their only problem had been that early flat. In second it was the Greers and Kolt, who also had no mechanical problems, "only Mother Nature problems", they said, and they were five hours and 43 minutes behind first place. In third it was Bradley and Abaroa, who'd been stuck in the silt three miles out of Insurgentes for an hour and a half. Fourth place went . to Dave Sykes, Mark Stein and Randy Salmont in a Chevy. Salmont, who drove from north of San Ignacio to the finish hit a cow, but had no mechanical problems. Arnold, Maddux and Bried were fifth, and last in the class to make it. They'd been stuck three times, and pulled out twice by a local with a tractor. They were happy with their race, saying, "You can't have a bad day in Baja!" The Protrudes went off the line next, with 19 starters. The day was over early for Rob Reinertson and Rick D. Johnson, whose Ford lost its transmission at Mile 14. The team of Chris Lucas, Eric Place and Roberto Guerrero was also out early, after rolling their Ford at about Mile 200. Two more teams, Wally Hrdlicka and Rob Kittleson, and Chris Miller and Mike Ryan, both Fords, also dis-appeared early. At the front of the pack it was Al Hogan's co-driver, Darren Donnes, in the lead in their Ford at Bay of L.A. He had about 17 minutes on Dave Westhem, Paul Perrizo and Lee Patten in a Ford. In third it was Jim Wasson, Dave Creagan and Brian Coates, another seven minutes back, and then Jeff Dickerson, in Tom Koch's Ford was fourth about 21 minutes further back. Koch had lost a bolt from a float bowl and his fuel ran out. They'd had to tape it up. When they reached Loreto things had changed. Jason and Rich Voss had their Ford in the lead, by about seven minutes. Kevin McGillivray, Nils Castillo and Joe Custer, with Casey Folks Dusty Tim~s January 2007 Page 13

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Morley and Mike Williams, Mike Sandoval and Blaise Jackson drove their Meco to the silver medal in the SCORE LITE contest. The Henn's, Terry, Eric, Blake along with John Herman drove their Hummer to a second place finish at the Baja 1000. The Millen folk, Rod and Ryan drove their Toyota FJ Cruiser to a verrrry close ~ place in Stock Mini, 53 seconds down after 34 hours. Rich Severson and George Jirka took a nice win in Class 7SX, they're seen here in their good looking Ford Ranger. took the win. Nuckles had been stuck in the mud with the Creagan truck, and Johnson took a chase ve-hicle in and pulled them both out. Beyond that point, Nuckles had no more ·problems, except a couple of flats, and went on to win by 17 min-utes. Creagan, Wasson and Coates, top speed reduced by the silt in their air filters, were second. In third it was McGillivray, Custer and Castillo only seven minutes further back. They'd hit a tree and flattened some tires, and gone into a ditch and later had been stuck in a big puddle. Rich and Jason Voss were fourth, but hustled off to post ~ t race tech without stopping. In fifth it was Hogan and Donnes. Hogan was still mad at himself for blow-ing the lead by missing a turn and going "off into s-t!" He'd been hung up on a big boulder and couldn't move. He was only an hour behind the winner. This is a really competitive class. Sixth went to Westhem, Perrizo and Patten, who'd been stuck in mud and silt, and were eight minutes behind Hogan. Koch, Rick Taylor and Dickerson were seventh reporting that the motor had quit four times when the distributor got wet, and Koch had been stuck in the silt. WWW. rAKERPRECISION.COM 2865 Gundry Ave. Signal Hill, CA 90T55 'HPFans DI/Coolers Driving Suits Rod End Boots v ,, , ' ..,.i;,.•, " r,_. Neo Synthetic OJI Performance Plumbing 1~1 ~~~~ FK~ o:1!,_ Page 14 562427-23TS He'd had company in the silt, in the person of Mouse McCoy. McCoy's co-driver, Mike Johnson, had lost three hours early on, and then Mouse got stuck along with Koch. They pulled each other out of that fix, and McCoy and Johnson finished three minutes be-hind Koch et al. Ninth place went to Gus Vil-dosola, Jr. (Tavo) and Bryan Free-man in their Toyota. They started their day ready for trouble with a full size shovel hose-clamped to one down-bar, and a hoe on the other. Tavo says the hoe did the best job. Tavo got stuc;k early, and presumably used the tools. He lost two and a half hours. While he was stuck another Protruck drove up on him and tore off his sheet metal, but didn't do serious dam-age. When Freeman got in the truck the alternator started dying, so they changed it. Then they stopped at a Baja Fools pit and changed another alternator, and were given a dish of scrambled eggs while they waited. They had to slow down so they could drive without the fans on, in order to get to the finish. Their ninth place helped them win the champion-ship, which had Freeman grin-ning, because it's his first champi-onship in all his years of racing. Eric and Jared Hardin brought ... their GMC truck to the finish in 10th place, with no body panels except the hood. In 11th it was Gary Magness, Sam Chambers and Steve Knudsen in a Ford. They were stuck five times, had silt in the carburetor, five or six flats and trouble with a hub. They were the final finishers in the class. The SCORE Lite cars were next to take off, with 18 starters. They seemed to be having a good day as a class, and 14 of them got to the Bay of L.A. stop. At that point the lead belonged to Tim Noe in his two seat Jimco. He'd had a clean run, and was 26 minutes ahead of second place. That was Rob Martensen, Rich Roberts, Tommy Brown and Kirk Kontilis in their Chenowth. In third it was Stan Potter in his Jimco. He'd gone through contingency with an oar mounted on his roll cage. Fourth place belonged to Mike Belk and Greg Foster in their Porter. And in fifth it was Mike Sandoval, Blaise Jackson and Morley and Mike Williams in their Meco. They'd lost a coil and had a'flat. At about 3:30 a.m. they started arriving in Loreto. Noe's partner, Tomrpy Watson, was at the wheel now, and still in front. Back at home, his brother-in-law, Steve Scaroni, was using all his commu-nications savvy to keep track of the Nick, Michael and Larry Vanderway piloted their GMC Sierra to the Class 8 win, they had many hours in hand at the end. \ Eric Fisher and Jose Montoya took the Class 9 victory in Baja, they're seen here in their Garibay headin' for the checkers. January 2007 car and pit crews. He'd been plan-ning to race, but recent quadruple bypass surgery made it seem pru-dent to demote himself to chase and race coordinator, a big job in itself. In second at Loreto it was Mat Cullen, Dave Wiley, Bruce Conrad, Matias Arjona and Greg Blakeman, in a Neth, about an hour back. Third was in the hands of Belk and Foster, and Jim Ander-son and his wife, Ann, who'd done ·a section in the middle. They'd rolled over and been stuck upside down, but the ever present local fans had helped set them back on their wheels. The Williams/ Morley/Jackson team was fourth, and had been stalled in the water somehow. In fifth it was Martensen/Roberts/Brown/ Kontilis, who'd had a flat and thrown some belts. Most of the class was still running, but most were dealing with problems of one kind or another. Watson, Noe and Gary Arnold took the win. Arnold, who used to share the driving with the late Corky McMillin, said he was "hon-ored;, a;ked to drive with this team. He'd been stuck in the silt bed that had swallowed the early Trophy Trucks. He'd had to brake for a truck, and when he did, he sank. They were 23 minutes ahead of the second place car at the fin-ish. That was the Williams, Ja~k-son, Sandoval team. The late part of their race hadn't been too troubled. They were 27 minutes ahead of third place, which was Cullen, Wiley, Conrad, Arjona and Blakeman, who'd been down to three cylinders for a while, thanks to the water. In fourth it was Belk, Foster and Anderson. They'd hit a cactus and taken off their lights, and they'd also had a problem with the car popping out of gear in the silt. They'd been stuck as a conse-quence. They were only four min-utes behind the third place car. In fifth it was Martensen, Roberts, Brown and Kontilis. They'd been stuck once at Mile 945, but other-wise had a pretty good day. Matt Drever, Jim Vick and Dave Wert, in a Penhall, finished in sixth place, another 19 minutes back. In sev-enth it was Mike Halliday, Kevin Davis and Travis Fletcher in a Por-ter. Kevin's father had rolled his chase truck, but the team reported that everyone was okay in that in-cident. The race car had electrical trouble all night long, a broken plug and plug wire, and at the fin-ish line, their motor seized. They said it had been "a long day". In eighth place it was David Callaway and Scott Mapes in a Dunrite. They'd broken the front end and a couple of tie rods and finished on a left rear flat. Ninth went to Stan Potter and Dan Worley, in a Jimco, who'd been very close to the front of the pack at San Ignacio, but then had rear Dusty Times ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------··---------------~-~....------~

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i Second place in Pro Truck went to Dave Creagan, Jim Wasson and The Escandon/Hilbert/Zunzunegui/Wadehouse/Brady were the .A third place finish in the Trophy Truck Division went to Ron Whitton, Mike Nicholson seen here early on etting' ready for a long run. second place finishers in the Micron Technology fracas. seen here nicely airborne in his Ford. u trou e. or ey re ui t t e a a ternator an a joint prob-having been stuck in Caiamajue things off before the car would bracket at Loreto, and he'd broken hub at El Datil, a small village lems, and were stuck. They were the Wash with Cameron Steele. But run. The Bios were pushing hard a valve cover stud. He said the car south of San Ignacio, on the beach. final finishers in SCORE Lite, in they had only five minutes on an- to try to move up a notch, but then overheated from Loreto to the fin-Once going again their brakes kept 13th place. other top notch team; Brian Bur-Cisco had two flats within five ish, and described the race as locking, but they got their finish. The 1/2-1600 cars went off the gess, Dan Folts and Brian Jeffrey miles of each other. He had no "tough". The La Paz finish was a Tenth went to Hector Verdugo, Sr., line next, with a field of 31 en-in their Desert Assassin car. In spare left, but some friendly spec-25th birthday present for Cisco, who started, Julio Verdugo, who trants. There was a tight battle for third it was Arturo Velazco, who tators lifted his car so he could put one day early. Escobedo and did the middle, and Hector season points in this class, with drove the entire first half, and had a good front tire on the rear, and Navarrete finished fifth, 26 min-Verdugo, Jr., who finished the race Caleb Gaddis leading Brian Bur-some problems with water cross-that let him limp into his next pit utes later. In sixth it was Alex Smith in a Jimco. They had "too many gess by just one point going into ings, all of the way to San Ignacio, to get new tires. Escobedo and and Max Thieriot, in their Porter. problems" with their suspension, the race. They started the race at in his Porter. His brother, Abel, Navarrete were only 18 minutes They'd been stuck "a little" in a and were also stuck. In 11th it was about 20 minutes before noon, who usually co-drives with him, behind him. Another 19 cars were water hole, but had no flats or me-Larry Nash and Mark Kyle, who which meant that when they got was sidelined this year, after break- still on the road behind them. chanical trouble. Seventh place "broke a bunch of stuff", ran out to Puertecitos, only 236 miles into ing his collar bone while pre-run-Ehrenberg, Kennedy, Lacher went to Daniel McMillin, Brian of gas, and had only three brakes the race, the sun was about to set. ning. In fourth it was Pancho Bio and Reed took the win, reporting Coneen and Chris Cortez in their and no power steering and also They got to navigate the water in and his son, Cisco, in their Tubu-no mechanical problems and no Jimco. They had clutch problems starter troubles. Twelfth was Evie Calamajue Wash after dark, and lar Design chassis, three minutes flat tires. Their time was 22:44:33. in Tres Hermanos, ran off the road Baldwin in a Jimco, who'd lost her didn't get to Tabion, on the high-behind third place. Pancho had Twenty-nine minutes later, it was in the dust near Coco's, and found alternator about 30 miles into the way, north of San Ignacio, until been stuck in the silt at Tres Her- Burgess, Folts and Jeffrey, also re- Calamajue Wash (Frog Canyon), to race. She'd also been stuck for a about 11 p.m. By that time Gaddis manos (Mile 55). And fifth be-porting no flats, no mechanical be a "bottleneck". Late in the day while at Mile 55. John Yeiser, who had fallen out of the race with a longed to Carlos Escobedo and problems and no "stucks". The they got two flats at once when drove the middle section, lost a coil reported broken micro stub, and Alex Navarrete in their Fraley. Velasco car, which did the whole Cortez hit a biker going backwards wire. Evie, widow of Jason Baldwin, lost his hopes for another season At Loreto the order was still the thing with only two drivers, was on the course. The biker was a spec-got back in to the car to drive the points championship. Sammy same, and Ehrenberg and his aboutahalfhourlater,andthewet tator,andhewasunhurt.Theyalso final 30 miles or so and experience Ehrenberg, L.J. Kennedy, Wayne group now had nine minutes on plug wires had been their only crossed the finish line on a flat rear. that unique emotional high. Juan Lacher and Shane Reed, a team of Burgess et al. The Velazco car was problem. In fourth it was the Bios, They were about 35 minutes be-and Miguel Dominguez, a team top performers in this class, were 19 minutes back, dealing with wet 26 minutes back. Cisco had needed hind sixth. In eighth it was Eric and from Caho· san Lucas, in a Jimco, leading in their Jimco in spite of plug wires, and having to dry repairs on a broken power steering Continued page 18 coNGRJlTULAr:g::,~ cHJlMPIONS 2006 cLASS ·Dusty Times January 2007 Page 15

Page 16

'Bebo, your hard work has paid off for a well deserved win. Mark, C'Ann, Daniel, Macy & Luke McMillin Rae in g ____ __ The McMillin Family_ thanks everyone involved with McMillin Racing in 2006, helping make our year a great success. To our friends and comrades in competition -thanks for a ·memorable year and lots of fµn. We hope for many more to come. e an wrat,.lli,;, :.,a,..:aT<&T Year! ti

Page 17

Page 18

Richard Boyle, Ron Brant and Travis Howard drove their HMS Arturo and Abel Velazco, along with Steve Cruz took third place A third place finish in Class 5 went to the Wavra/McClintick trio, Chevy to a third place finish in the Class 1 race. honors in Class in their Porter, seen here in flight. they're seen here early on in the race. Hiram and Evan Duran, in a Neth. 57:30 minutes. Fourteenth place be-these were first-timers. They isher in this class was the team of road in to S. L. Gonzaga. Once they From Mile 300 on they had no longed to Ruben Rodriguez, Brad changed a doghouse oil cooler, got Rick and Jeff Battey, in a Jimco. got together they replaced the arm, starter. They got stuck twice, their Maurer and Dan Bradley in a stuck below San Ignacio, and They came from Oregon to get but the shock was bent and it didn't throttle cable came off twice, and Bunderson. The early part of their welded a steering shaft. In 19th it their finish, in 38:21:48. This class work well for the rest of the trip. It they had two flats. Ninth place day went well, but then they were was Martin Gaxiola, in a Che-had a 76% finish rate. was slow going, but they finished went to Edgar Avalos, Oscar read-ended and that tore up their nowth, who had a really bad oil Class 5 was next to start, with in 33 hours and 48 minutes. Daranco and Porfirio Gutierrez, alternator. Then, much later, they leak, The 20th finisher was Tony eight entries. They all made it to The Class 7 trucks went off the who was the starting driver, in their had to wait for their crew to bring Modica and Tommy Martinez, who the Bay of L.A. area, and at that line next, and three of them didn't Kreger. Their only problem was them their spare c.v., and they also had a time of 35:53:49. Martinez point the lead was in the hands of even get to San Matias. When they plugged air filters. But they had a had two flats. In 15th it was Carlos had been stuck in Calamajue Wash Bruce Anderson, in George arrived at the Bay of L.A. road, the close call when, up in the hills af-Bernaldes, Albert Cruz, Alfredo with Cameron Steele for two and Seeley's car. He had only six min- lead was in the hands of Daniel ter Loreto, a big rock came bound-Bernaldes and Marco Delaluz, all a half hours. "He was a big help", utes on Chris Bowman, Chuck Chamlee in his Ford. He'd started ing down off a cliff above them, racing for the first time. Cruz hadn't said Martinez, "Quite the gentle- Sacks and Jerry Longo, who'd los·t his race off well, when his starter landed on the roof, and then even driven the buggy before the man". Twenty-first belonged to their OPS and were "guessing", broke in contingency the day be-bounced off the hood. It left a huge race, and didn't know how to tum Grant Fluegge, Robert Alatorre rather than navigating. Vince fore. The had some trouble with dent in the roof, indicating that it on. But they had no serious prob-and Chris Toole in a Porter. Toole Wavra, Terry McClintick and Rick their fuel filter plugging up. In sec-they were very lucky it hadn't come lems with the Jimco and got to La started the race and at some point McClintick ran third almost an ond it was David Binns, also in a in through the front. They missed Paz. Sixteenth place went to Alberto the car had shut down for an hour. hour later, and had replaced their Ford, and only 35 minutes behind. , serious injury by only a few inches. Medina and Jesus Trujillo in a Toole said it was his first race, and transmission. In fourth it was And Shannon Dierkop, Tyler David Caspino, Don Johnson Curry. They had problems with he didn't know anything about Luivan Volker, Carlos Albanez Poppert and Frank Thing were and Bernie Carr drove their Lo- their ignition system, and the en- VWs and had no idea what was and Jon Lopez. third in their Ford, two hours thringer to 10th place. They were gine just stopped at Mile 350. They wrong. Some locals helped him fix At Loreto the Bowman/ down after making repairs to a stuck before San Juanico, and had also had air filter trouble. In 17th it it. It turned out to be a combina- Longo/Sacks team had the lead, broken transmission cooler. to be pulled out, and they finished was Ray Files, Shad Kirbin and Josh tion of water in the distributor and with 44 minutes on Seeley and At Loreto the Chamlee truck eight minutes behind ninth. In 11th Tieman in a Metal Works chassis. a bad starter switch. The locals Anderson, who'd lost some time was still in front, and they had an it was Rolando Holmos and Abra- They threw a fan belt, blew a tire, made him a little piece of wire with with a flat up in the hills. They hour and 40 minutes on Binns, ham Espinoza, in a Diaz Fabrica- rolled the car, ran out of fuel and two bare ends, which he called his had nearly an hour on Volker, who was still second. Dierkop, tions car. In 12th it was Victor Lugo, lost four hours, but considering that own "little hot wire", to use to start Lopez and Albanez. Their radiator Poppert and Thing had lost their about seven minutes later. And in the motor was a replacement, in- the car whenever it needed it from fans had quit at Mile 760, and they second gear by now, and they were 13th it -was Antonio Gallo, Edgar stalled in an all-nighter just before then on. They also broke a rear hub were using water from the river to wondering if their welded-together Alvarez and Juan Gallo, all from San race day, they had a good race. assembly and that cost about six cool the ings down. Wavra and the fan would continue to hold. Felipe, in a Curry. They broke a Eighteenth place belonged to hours, and they lost an alternator. McClinticks were fourth, about 40 Chamlee let his son, Dan, Jr., steering box early, and had to have Myan Spaccarelli, Mark Dyer, The 22nd team to finish was Rafael minutes later and Dave Bonner drive the final 100 miles, his first it welded, and they also had two Brady Wisdom and Fleming Larcen Aguilera and Enrique Orozco, and Drew Belk ran fifth, another time driving the truck, and he got flats. Their time was 28 hours and in a Mirage. Except for Wisdom, from Ensenada, and the final fin- two and a half hours down. stuck a couple of times in the silt. TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING, INC. congratulations Avi250 Tim Lindsay #171 1st Class 1 -1st overall 6th SNORE overall Points Byron Ziglar Randy Jones 81'd1600 Baja 1000 Arturo/Abel Velazco -Steve Cruz 81'd 1600 M.O.R.E F&L Toys 4 Tots 200 JD ward #1009 1st Class 10 Johnny Burns #985 andClasss Ken Tolbert #578 and Class s-1600 1st 2006 S-1600 Championship Tommy Craig #1622 81'd Class 1600 congratulations to all Wide open Baja Challenge Participants TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 9763VARIEL AVENUE CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818-998-2739 Page 18 January 2007 At the finish it was Bowman, But it didn't make any difference, Longo and Sacks. Their only prob-and they finished first, nearly five lem had been a retainer clip on a and a half hours to the good. spindle, and they said, "It was awe-Dierkop, Poppert and Thing some". Volker, Lopez and Albanez moved up to second place, sur-finished second, by now, six hours prised that their fan had held to-down. They'd lost a clutch slave cyl-gether. And about seven hours inder and that took a while to fix, later it was Binns, the final fin-and their overheated motor wasn't isher, in third place. running well at all. But they had The Micron Technology Baja no flats. In third it was Wavra and Challenge class was next to go, the McClinticks, another two with 23 starters. This is basically hours plus back, but pleased and a "rent-a-racer" class, and the cars happy to get their finish. Bonner are all alike. They're two seaters and Belk were 15 minutes behind with Subaru motors. The had, lit-them in fourth, and Seeley and erally, about 1000 people at the Anderson were fifth. Seeley had race when all the pit support and broken a lower front arm between chase crews were tallied up, and San Luis Gonzaga and the point they had their work cut out for where the course crossed the road them, because many of these driv-at K127. He tied it up and limped ers were brand new to the sport. to K127, but his crew, trying to get Many of them were with Micron to him, had taken the bad access Technology, the sponsors of this Darren Hardesty and Mark Randazzo had a good day, they took the Class 1 O honors in their AlumiCraft, seen here at speed. Dusty Times

Page 19

The Arambula clan drove their great looking Class 5-1600 Bug to A third place finish in Class B went to Tom Bradley and Lupito The Cullen/Blakeman/Rucker group picked up a third place finish a third place finish in Baja, seen here early on. Abaroa, they're seen here getting' the power on. in SCORE LITE, seen here flying before the crowd. class, and some were experienced year and "try a Trophy Truck or Marcos Nunez, Edmundo Fernan-Cortez. Jimenez, the finishing almost no one left to see them ar-off road racers enlisted to help fill Class l ". They were about 40 min- dez and Norberto Rivera, who'd driver, reported that he'd been the rive. None of the others made it in. the gaps and get the cars to the fin- utes in front of the second place changed their clutch at Mile 77. one to roll it over. Eleventh went In Class 7SX there were 10 start-ish. They came from all over the car, which had been rear-ended by Fifth was the team of Adolfo, to Raul Plasencia, Larry Atuna and ers including well, known rock country, and while they were all a Protruck, but hadn't been darn-Ernesto and Misael Arambula. Arturo Lopez. They'd rolled near crawler, Shannon Campbell. Sadly, looking forward to the race with aged. This was Wodehouse, Hilbert They'd had an early flat. El Crucero. Armando Macias, Juan he managed to get very little of the great anticipation, at the same and Escandon. Their transmission When they got to Loreto the Pinales and Benito Aguirre were course under his belt before becom-time, it was apparent that some of wasn't shifting properly and their Deens were still in front, but by 12th, with a time of 39: 18, and the ing a dnf. At the Bay of LA. the lead them would need a lot of help motor was "going away". In third now they'd changed a c.v. boot, last to finish, in 13th place, was the truck was RichSeverson's Ford, and, should anything go wrong. it was the Friedkin, Brock, fixed a broken clutch cable and team of Fernando, Gerardo and while he'd started the day, George Most of them got through the Whiteside, Hobby group, who said been stuck in the mud. The Hector Montijo, from Ensenada. Jirka had taken over at Coco's. In early miles and into Bay of L.A., it was "great, wonderful", although Nunez, Rivera, Fernandez team They were a total of 41 hours and second it was Jim Henesley, Oscar and at that point Steve and Chris they'd been stuck in the silt a few was now second, and only two 42 minutes underway. Solaiza and Igor Galvan, in a Ford. Appleton, brothers who are dirt times. Fourth place was the team minutes behind them. They'd had In Class 7S, next to start, there They'd already changed an alterna-bikers, had the lead. They were only that included Dempsey, Cooke, a couple of flats. In third it was were six trucks. At Bay of L.A. the tor. Carlton, Alyssa, Spence, 13 minutes in front of Kirk Hollis, Jones, Herron and Minga. Their the Arambula family, and Adolfo lead vehicle was the Ford of Tyler Rebecca, Carty, Carl, Stephen and Andy Finch, Kyle Chislock, Chris OPS had quit functioning (they do had rolled the car. Fourth be- Fox and Steve Martz, and they had Kelly Beal, Brian Sherry, and David MacCluggage, Rick Huseman and that if they get wet), and they'd longed to Landis, Tedford and 27 minutes on second place Jesus Pedregon were running third in a Rodrigo Ampudia, Jr. In third it missed a turn marker and gone Ferruzzo, and Sarabia, Rosales and Luna in a Ford. In third it was Ja-new Chevy S-10. was the team of Patrick Dempsey blithely past and onto a road that Santana were now fifth, two hours son Hutter and Paul Blangsted, in At Loreto Severson and Jirka, (yes, that Patrick Dempsey), Chris-sent them back northward. How-behind the lead car. a Toyota, about three hours fur-who leapfrogged in and out of the topher Cook, Sam Jones, Link ever, that driver had participated At the finish it was Nunez, ther back. driver's seat, were still leading. Herron, Doug Coleman and Rich in the 2005 Baja 1000, and he Rivera and Fernandez, who said When they got to San Juanico, They weren't having any problems, Minga. Fourth belonged to Jeff and knew he'd missed seeing markers that the race "is very tough". They Bill Rodriguez had taken over for not even flats. They had a lead of David Stone, Robert Viqu, Hanna for a long while, so he turned also said they were happy to have Luna, and he was now in the lead, an hour and a half at that point. Mitias and Darren Law. around and got located again, and won another championship. Even with a half hour on second place Rich Doetsch, Bruce Carroll and The all girl team of Robyn and back on the right track. All told, with their clutch replacement, their Hutter and Blangsted. Fox and Joel Tarquin were second in their Beccy Gordon, Heather Bonanni 12 of them finished. One that time was only an hour slower than Martz were third, about two hours Ford, and Henesley, Galvan and and Kate Sutton ran into trouble didn't was the team of Bud that of the winning Class 5 car. The and 20 minutes later. But Rodri- Solaiza were third. They'd changed in Calamajue Wash when Robyn Brutsman, Kenny Bartram, Tracy Deens and Bignell, who'd had guez and Luna dropped out in the a leaf spring and were having igni-couldn't find solid ground under Jordan and Mike Metzger. Jordan "pretty much a good day", finished next section. tion problems. The Beal group the water. And there was Cameron and Metzger had gone off a 150 second, almost an hour later. The Ultimately, the team of David had dropped back after Pedregon Steele, to show her the best way foot cliff south of Loreto. Jordan is Arambulas, who said they'd had a Dinsmore, Aaron Dodson and drove into the water, submerged out of the muck and weeds. quoted as saying that that was his total of three or four hours down Doug Siewert, in a Ford, took the the motor and they lost a couple When they got to Loreto, most "first off road race and that was my time, were third about 50 minutes win. They'd been running fourth, of hours pulling the plugs and get-of them were still running. The last off road race". Eric Filar, in a later. In fourth it was Sarabia, whether out of prudence or due to ting things dried out. team of Richard Wodehouse, JeepSpeed, and his teammate, saw Rosales and Santana, another hour problems, is unknown. But they got Severson andJirka (who hadn't Eustaquoi Escandon and Steve them go over, and stopped to help, down. And Tedford, Landis and across the finish line at about 5:45 raced for years), kept things mov-Hilbert was now in the lead, with withdrawing from the race to stay Ferruzzo were fifth, reporting a.m. on Saturday, when there was Continued next page the Dempsey group in second, and with the pair until they were en- they'd lost their clutch about 50 Dan Friedkin, Todd Brock, Rex sured of their good health and miles out and finished in second Whiteside and Paul Hobby in safety. It took a while to get people gear. They'd had to be pushed ev-third. The Appletons had dropped and vehicles and long enough ropes ery time they stopped for some-to fifth place. and cables to rescue the car, but the thing. In sixth place it was Richard But then the Appletons, who two managed to clamber back up Garavito and Rudolfo Martinez, felt their dirt bike experience had the cliff on their own. who'd finished on a right front flat been helpful, rose to the top again, The 5-1600 cars went off the with the tire about to fall off the and took the win. They were both line next, with 19 starters. They all rim. The passenger was standing on in the car the entire time, switch- made it through Matias, and most the nerfbar on the driver's side to ing seats occasionally. They'd had of them got through Puertecitos. At keep the car more upright. no mechanical problems, no flats, the Bay of L.A. the lead belonged Seventh place was the team of never got stuck, and didn't hit any to Daniel and Eric Deen and Danny and Mario Ledezma and fog. They felt that the Subaru mo- Charlie Bignell, and they'd already Alan Gregory. They'd had an tors weren't really fast enough, es-changed a boot. Hector Sarabia, eventful day. Danny had been peciallywhen contrasted to the oc-Miguel Rosales and Juventino stuck at Mile 55, to get the day off casional late Trophy Truck or Class Santana were second, and Steve on the wrong foot, and then they'd · 1 car that went past them. They said Landis, Greg Ferruzzo, and James had to replace their transmission that maybe they'd come back next Telford were third. In fourth it was because of a bad seal. As the day Tim Noe, Tom Watson and Travis Clarke were the big winners in SCORE LITE, they're seen here flying their Jimco towards the finish. Dusty Times progressed, they'd replaced that transmission with another, and then, late in the trip, had gone back to the first transmission, but by now had put a good seal on it. Lots of lost time. They were seven hours behind first place. In eighth it was Alonso Angulo and Jorge Bautista who said there'd been a lot of "silt and mud", and they de-clared the race "very fun". Gary Messer and Mike Simpson shared the driving half and half and fin-ished in ninth place. They'd rolled at Mile 3 and the spectators h ad uprighted them and helped with repairs. After that they said they were "stuck in every silt bed, and lost an hour in the water". In 10th place it was Juan Jime-nez, Jorge Mendoza and Ruben January 2007 CERAMIC & POWDER COATINGS Since 1999, Ram Proline has proVided ceramic and powder coating for all vour needs with an oven 25 ft in depth. • WE CAN COAT CHASSIS, DUNE BUGGY FRAMES, TRAILERS, GATES, IRON FENCING, AND MORE IN A VARIETY OF COLORS. • RAM PROLINE ALSO OFFERS SAND BLASTING. • WE CAN COAT ALL INTERNAL ENGINE PARTS, EXHAUST SYSTEMS, BRAKE CALIPERS, INTAKE MANIFOLDS, AND MANY OTHER APPLICATIONS. RAM PROLINE DOES IT ALL 4685 Co11er S11e Street I Las Ve1as, NV 89115 Call 102.396.4500 I -I Page 19

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Rod Hall, Emily Miller and Mike Winkel drove their H3 Hummer to a third place finish, seen here at takeoff. Kevin McGillivray, Joe Custer and Casey Folks drove the Chevy Brian Collins and Larry Ragland let it all hang down .as they head Pro Truck to a third place finish, seen here ready to land. for a fourth place finish in their Chevy Trophy Truck. ing steadily, and took the win, fin-ishing nearly three hours ahead of second place. And second went to Henesley, Galvan and Solaiza, who'd had ignition troubles to-ward the end of their journey. In third it was Beals, who'd lost two rear leaf springs after they'd dried things out, but hadn't had any flats. Dan Street and Danny Street were fourth in their Ranger, and Heidi Steele, Chris Vano and Jus-tin Smith finished fifth in their Ford. Their time was 40:24:34. The Stock Full class went off the line next, nine strong. They all seemed to get through the first couple of hundred miles, but at the Bay of L.A. there were two missing. Josh Hall had the lead there in his H2 Hummer, and he had an hour and a half on Eric and Terry Henn in their H 1 Hummer. They'd already replaced a spring. In third it was Chad Hall, in an-other H 1, and only 11 minutes fur-ther back. Josh Hall continued to lead through San Junaico, where he had just about an hour on the Henns, and his brother was third, about an hour and 15 minutes behind him. But his Hl developed a major overheating problem, and was sidelined at about Mile 950. Then Josh began to lose fuel hours down after getting a bad ing problems. He d got silt in the tween Loretok and San Luis pressure. They fooled with it for start on his day. He'd tipped the throttle body and the throttle stuck Gonzaga, were fourth, and the last over an hour, and finally deter-H3 Hummer up on its side at Mile wide open for about an hour. Then finishers in the race, with a time mined that there was some fibrous 12. The locals got him back on his he'd burned out a battery switch, of 42:51 :27. They were only nine matter in the fuel tank, and the wheels, but his starter wasn't work-and he'd broken his front limiter minutes from timing out. fibers were getting into the fuel ing, and he was two hours getting straps. He made ome replacements Class 9, with five starters, took pumps and strainers. They solved fixed. Then he found he had no from ratchet straps, but they didn't the green flag next. Eric Fisher the problem by cleaning the power steering, but he went on work very well. In third it was Skil- rolled his Garibay at Mile 7 and pumps and strainers, then run-anyway, until he came to a Mag 7 ton, and his dad, Clive, and Kevin broke an arm. He lost a lot of time ning one 'til it clogged, and switch-pit at Mile 61. He said they put on Jensen, now an hour and a half while they changed it. In the ing to the other. In that way they his spare rack and pinion in an down to Fresh. Hall was still run-meantime Sigal Greenberg was in ran to the finish to take the win, hour and 15 minutes. Gavin Skil-ning and his co-driver, Emily the lead in her Safari Challenger, reporting no flat tires. They finally ton ran fourth at this point, in his Miller, had driven from San with less than a minute on Gary decided that it was probably the Honda Ridgeline, about four min- Ignacio to La Purisima, apparently Dixon in his Jimco. In third, 25 remnants of a shop rag in their utes behind Hall. Kevin and Darin avoiding all the watery pitfalls. The minutes later it was Tim Hanna fuel cell that caused the problem. Necessary and Russell Stessard ran Necessary team faded away in here, in a Suspensions Unlimited car. The Henns were second, but fifth, another hour down. Steve and didn't make it to the finish. Joe and Joshua Castrey, in an ANJ they'd driven the final 150 miles Kovach, in a Ford', had not made At San Luis Gonzaga, about chassis, didn't get that far. with no turbo and only two wheel it to Puertecitos. Mile 906, the Toyota was about 28 Things didn't go well for Fisher, drive. They said, "We couldn't When they got to Loreto the minutes up on the Mitsubishi. and at Mile 80 he broke a balljoint help anybody in the silt beds - we lead was still in the hands of Millen Ryan Millen drove the final sec-on the side where the arm had been could hardly help ourselves". and crew. But Adam Du pres, tion of the race. Fresh drove the broken. So he fixed it. And when Loren and Langdon Worthington, who'd driven the midsection, had whole thing himself. They went they got to Bay of L.A., he was lead-in a Dodge, finished third, in the done a swan dive off the end of the across the finish line virtually neck ing, with less than a minute on time of 40 hours and 17 minutes. road into the big "lake". (He said and neck, with the Millen team in Dixon. By then they were the only It's either feast or famine with he did it on his pre-run also.) Some- front. But they weren't far enough cars in the class still moving. the Stock Mini class it seems. For how, he extricated himself, losing in front, and Fresh took the win Fisher and his co-driver, Jose this race they had six entries, three about 45 minutes in the process. by 34 seconds. Said he, "That was Montoya, switched off a couple of of them factory sponsored. At He was apparently very lucky that the greatest race I ever had!" The times, ending with Montoya at the Mile 377, the Bay of L.A. stop, the it was a short dive, because there's Millens and Du pres were not quite wheel at the finish. They changed lead belonged to Rod Millen in his a big hole out there, which had so jubilant, but still were pleased that arm three or four times, had Toyota FJ Cruiser. He had an hour been measured at 16 to 18 feet to get their new truck to the fin- two flat tires, and "a lot of prob-and 20 minutes on Daniel Fresh deep. He didn't get that far in. ish. Hall and Miller finished two !ems all the way". Fifty miles before in his new Mitsubishi Raider, Millen and his group had about hours later, having been without the finish they started having elec-who'd already had a flat. In third two hours and 20 minutes on Fresh brakes for the final couple of trical trouble, but they still man-it was Rod Hall, three and a half at this point. And Fresh was hav-miles. And the Skiltons and aged to get the win, and another Liability PR>tectlon . • $1,000,000 General Liability-No Deductible • $1,000,000 Tune & Test • $250,000 Participant-to-Participant Coverage • Even provides coverage in Mexioo provided a lawsuit is filed in the US • Insurance for your Pre-Runner/Chase Trucks • Mexican Auto Insurance Covers you, your business and ycxx sponsors. General Liability and Physical Damage inswnce available for your prerunner. Jensen, who lost a lot of time be- championship. Dixon, who went Eric Solorzano and Miguel Hovo were the gold medal winners in Class 11, it took 40 hours but they got there! Fmlly, a Comprehensive Liability Insurance Package designed especialy for Off-Road Racers, by insurance professionals who are actual Off-Road Racers. You can't get any better than that! For more information, contact Mike James - Phone: (619) 445-5797, Ext. 115 Fax: (619) 445-9297 • Kevin James - Phone: (619) 445-5797, Ext. 142 Fax: (619) 445-9297 • lala"a Bramer - Phone: (619) 445-5797, Ext. 140 Fax: (619) 445-9297 • Cal. Lie.# 0875146 PROTECT YOUR FAMILY • PROTECT YOUR ASSETS • PROTECT YOUR BUSINESS Page 20 January 2007 The Ha/1/Stump/Gothrun H2 Hummer took the Stock Full gold medal in Mexico, they're seen here just at touchdown. Dusty Times

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Mark and Scott McMillin, Brian Ewalt and Cameron Parrish drove Pancho and Cisco Bio, along with Jorge Martinez piloted their Mike Belk and Greg Foster drove their Porter to a fourth place their Chevy powered Jimco to fourth place in Class 1. Tubular Design car to a fourth place finish in the Class 1600 battle. finish in the SCORE LITE contest, seen here at speed. 906, didn't make it to the finish. Guy Ruse, Gary Jon-;;e-;-s-, 1J-;;e:;r-;ry;;-'~h:;-av;-;;;in::--:g0b;:e;-:;e:-;:n;--'-;;s-;::tu;-;--;:"ckr"':i-;:;n:-:-;v:;-a;:;ri;;:o:-;-u;-;;s:--r====...:;;;:::;;:::=;::::;;;=;;;;;;=;;;:;;;;;:;;~=~~~~=;;;;;;:=£:;;:::::;;=:;;:;;;;;:;:; Class 3 had five starters and Smitter, Marty Beal, Steve Grijalva places", and they finished first just they went next, wondering why and Reid Ehlenburg. Every one of 54 minutes in front of the Beckers, there were started behind the them either rode or drove during who'd also had to crimp off a front Class 9 cars. The Don and Ken the race. brake. They said this was "one of Moss Bronco went into the lead Hukari and his group broke be-the more challenging races - very early, but had only 13 minutes at fore they got off the pavement out satisfying!" Nobody else in the the Bay of L.A. They'd discovered of Ensenada and had a two hour class finished. that their transmission overheated repair. Then they had to repair the In Class 11, which went next, if they used first gear, so they clutch at the Bay of L.A., where there were nine entries, and some didn't use it. Ed Griffin and Jim they were only about 40 minutes good competition. At the Bay of Pritchard had their 1974 Bronco up on the Becker team. Glenn L.A. Brian Calliari and David in second place there. Chris Raffo Smith, in a VW powered Raceco Hendrickson had their car about and Jeff Dolan were third in their ran third, over an hour back. 16 minutes up on Eric Solorzano Blazer, another hour down, and Chuck Schneider and his daugh-and Miguel Haro. Jesus none of the others were running. ter, Kristin McBride, in a VW Hernandez, Jake Mueller and The Moss Bronco behaved well, powered Baja Bug, had done well Christine Thomas ran third, the drivers leap-frogged and they to that point, but when they got about three and a half hours held their lead. At Loreto they had to Calamajue Kristin had been down. This team was pushing nearly five hours on the next ve-driving, and couldn't keep it mov- hard, hoping to catch up with the hide, which was Raffo. He'd bro- ing up and out of the water. It slid front runner, and on the road be-ken and replaced a spindle. backwards into deep water and tween Purisima and Loreto they Griffin's Bronco had rolled over, quit. Although their crew came in rolled their car. When asked what and some parts needed to be re-and pulled them out, and they was broken they said, "Everything placed, and then after San Ignacio dried and cleaned it all up, the - the motor, the suspension, the he'dunwittinglyusedtheoldGPS next team to get in, Kevin transmission-nowl'mlookingfor (before the rain storm and remark- McBride and Karl French, got only the junk yard in La Paz". ing of the course), and had driven 50 miles before the motor expired. When they got to Loreto, So-right into a giant mud hole and Hukari and crew were still lead- lorzano was the only one left run-got stuck. ing at San Juanico, where they had ning, and he made it all the way Don Moss drove through the two hours, in spite of having to to the finish to take the first place cold part of the trip, enjoying an make clutch repairs a couple more with a time of 40:25:27. The Dusty electric vest which helped him stay times. The Beckers had so far only Times apologizes for not being comfortable. At Mile 830 he slid had to mess with their transmis- there when he arrived, having cho-into a four foot deep mud puddle sion linkage, which required two sen that period for a nap. and µeeded the help of a local with bolts and a hose clamp. The There were UTVs at this event, a 4x4 to get out again. It cost $20, Hukari team did some digging, although it's hard to believe that but was deemed well worth it. Late & in the race, they broke a track bar, and that took some time, and at the very end their alternator went, so they turned off everything that needed juice and went on, finish-ing first, and earning another championship. Raffo and Dolan finished second, after a bit over 38 hours and in third it was Griffin and his co-drivers, Bill Viering and Doug Gradick, with a time of 41:01. JeepSpeed had only a couple of entries, and only one got any dis-tance. William Frey was out before the Bay of L.A. Eric Filar had man-aged to get all the way past Loreto, and then he pulled out to stay and help with the BC car that went off the cliff. So there were no finish-ers in the class. In Stock Mini it was Dan Fresh, Sean Douglass and Dale Godges taking a big win in their Mitsubishi Raider, seen here at speed. The Sportsman Truck class had eight entries, and Miguel and Mauricio Jimenez and Sergio Torres, in a Ford, covered the most distance. It took them over 25 hours to get to Loreto, and then they didn't get to the next point. No one in the class finished. The Sportsman Car class had 10 starters. At the Bay of L.A. the lead belonged to Greg Hukari, Chris Thompson, Todd Welling, and Steve Garhardt in a Lo-thringer with a 2800cc VW mo-tor. They were about 40 minutes ahead of the Becker family and ! their friends in a Mirage with a 1600cc VW motor in it. The team consists of J oho, Carl, another John, George, and Joshua Becker, The Johnson/Cardone/Nuckles Toyota Tundra took home all the marbles in the Pro Truck battle, they're seen here at liftoff. Dusty Times January 2007 The Shaffer/Halaruk/Clifford Jeep Cherokee was the gold medal winner in the Class 17 fracas, seen here under power. anyone would seriously consider Barry Mancha in a Yamaha Rhino. driving a Rhino-type vehicle all the They may have been in front of the way to La Paz. Five of them actu- Kimmerle team, but at any rate, ally started, and two or three of they didn't finish either. Perhaps them got to San Matias, which was this class will be able to get fairly astounding. At that point SCORE to set their finish line at Matthew Kimmerle, John an alternate, and shorter, distance. McClure, Gili Hacohen. and With the 2006 Baja 1000, the Jamie Hedgson had their Tomcar SCORE season came to a rip-roar-in the lead by four hours over ing end. The race had a 50% fin-Terry Marcum, Greg Melby, John ish rate, which is terrific in light Kahi and Scott Johnson, all from of the difficult nature of much of Florida. The Kimmerle team went the course. Now the racing com-through the Bay of L.A. after munity is waiting to hear what about 18 hours, but he came to SCORE will do next year for the grief in a mud hole down near San 40th anniversary of the Baja 1000. Juanico. There are also some times It should be exciting. SCIIE for Eric and Steve Anderson, and lets get startec:J! 774.305. 9429 info@r7ayd,r-fMed.,a.coM Page 21

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l.n..fc:?C: 34th Cyprus Rally 2006 Loeb Wins His 28th In The xsara By Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden Sebastien Loeb did it again! This was his 28th World Rally win, he's seen here in his Citroen Xsara heading to victory. Fumio Nutahara drove his Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX to the PCWRC win, he's seen here churning up a bit of the grey stuff on the way. to deal with the heat inside the usual 307 WRCs, in identical cars -whether to modify the cars specification, except that or simply try to make the driv-Stohl's car featured air condi-ers physically fitter! Gronholm tioning. The team also fitted a said that the fitness problem was supplemental water radiator, not so critical when driving on like they had in Greece. At the stages -but between stages, Skoda, the usual active trans-when the crew had to jump out mission car for Aigner, and (by and physically change the wheels. re gu la tio n s) passive for round the car. Rovanpera, but with a lot of While Loeb and Pons had feedback from recent tests in their usual cars (Loeb's being Austria aimed at improving gen-his Mexico and Argentina win-era! driveability. Duval had to ning machine), Sordo had a car withdraw his entry for lack of not seen before this year -sufficient funding after the Duval's Australia winning car. mid-season support withdrawal This car was still painted red, of Kizz-me sponsors. While they as required by Sordo's sponsors, were confident they knew the Sebastien Loeb scored his tow. The door is wide open world champion (for the third but in fact it had spent all the reasons for the various brake 28th World rally win in Cyprus there. time running) on this event, and year in the workshops as a spare problems, Subaru were still in and finished the rally six points Although in other respects it after the post-rally Sordo inci-car -unpainted! Gronholm and the dark about their handling short of his third successive was much the same as in previ-dent in Japan Marcus Gronholm Hirvonen had their Finland troubles. World Drivers' title. With four ous years, the special feature of was now the only driver able to cars, while in the Stobart M2 They had various alternative events to run he is now 35 the 2006 event was the stages deny him the title. If Loeb won team they were back to 04/05 parts they wanted to test, but points ahead of Marcus held in the streets of downtown this event, he would also gain a spec cars for this event and for preferred not to run them in Gronholm, who finished the Lemesos -on asphalt! This stage Cyprus hattrick. This has been Turkey. Juan Pablo Raies was in Cyprus unproven. Regarding event once again in second was planned to be the grand fi-an incredible season so far, a third non-championship cooling, there were cooling place, having led for the first nale to the rally but in a last never before have just two driv-Stobart team car, the car used ducts from the front bumper di-half of the rally. The race for the minute rescheduling the stage ers dominated a championship. by Sola in 2005. Ford were be-reedy to the cockpit, because Manufacturers' title, predict-was moved to the middle of the The pre-rally score was 7-4 in ing secretive about their anti-the team were unhappy with the ably, boiled down to the battle final day (causing the finish to Loeb's favour. All six manufac-heat work, generalising by say- way that roof scoops tended to of the second drivers, Kronos be some three hours later than turers' teams were present, but ing that it included special ingest dust. A bigger water ra-Citroen's Dani Sordo and BP-scheduled),andeventuallytobe behindthemtheentrywasthin. ducting and heat shielding diator,mountedvertically,and Ford's Mikko Hirvonen. cancelled for safety reasons as a There were only three other work. Since Japan, when fans were fitted. Subaru's diffi-Mikko's third place helped BP-competitive stage, though run World Rally Cars (Toni Garde-Wilson's 2006 version M2 team cul ties were increased when Ford reduce their deficit to just through as a "show". The rest meister, Xavier Pons and Juan car had a turbo problem, they they went to Sardinia for hot seven points. Held probably for of the event was the usual up Pablo Raies), and in the Produc-have identified a flaw that weather testing -and it was wet the last time as a world champi-and down from the seaside base tion CAr category there were could affect all the '06 cars and cold ... Tyre wear is another onship qualifier until 2008, at Limassol (Lemesos) to the only eight regular competitors, which has now been rectified. traditional challenge on this Cyprus Rally went out with a Troodos mountain range, using the least popular event after the The big technical talk was event, and the team deliberately bang, literally, when Dani Sordo gravel stages renowned as the season opener at Monte Carlo. Ford's engine crisis. Three days reduced the torque of the en-crashed spectacularly on the fi-slowest in the world champion-This event was a little unusual before the start faulty valves gines to make the rate of tyre nal day's stage in downtown ship. Coupled with high ambi-regulation-wise, because the were discovered in the engines wear more constant. Limassol in front of countless ent temperatures these stages chassis were not paired with any being prepared for Australia The organisers invited two thousands of spectators, despite make the event very demanding other events while the engines and New Zealand, with the fear Cypriot drivers to compete as the stage not being run competi-on both the cars and the crews. and transmissions were. Heat that the same problems could guest drivers with the PCWRC tively! It was Sordo's third sue-Cyprus this year was also one and roughness were the main strike the engines already in entries. These were Andreas cessive no-points result. There of three events due to be technical discussions before-Cyprus. This discovery was Tsouloftas (carrying number 59 were no titles won in Cyprus, dropped from the 2007 calen-hand. made in France, at the work-on his Mitsubishi) and Spyros because Nasser Al-Attiyah was dar, albeit tentatively expected Regarding roughness, teams shops of Pipo Moteurs in Va-Pavlides (60, Subaru). Follow-delayed off the road on the sec-to be back again in 2008, which reported that conditions were lence. There was nothing to be ing the efforts of Takuma ond day, letting the PCWRC put them on the same anxious not so bad as the previous year done other than recall the Kamada in qualifying as a fin-winner Fumio Nutahara reduce footing as their neighbours, Tur-but they still needed to pay at-Cyprus engines and swap them isher in Rally Japan, all 16 Nasser's lead by six points. Al- key. With a 33 point champion-tention to how the conditions for the ones in France, which teams entered in this year's Attiyah heads Nutahara by eight ship win in Japan, there was an deteriorated after the first run in the meantime were being fit-PCWRC had now scored cham-points in the series, but he has outside chance that the newly through stages, and would alter ted with valves which were pionship points, while champi-only one more event to run in crowned "greatest ever" driver the cars' ride heights accord-checked for faulty material. onship leader Nasser Al-Attiyah the season, while Nutahara has Sebastien Loeb could become ingly. There was debate on how OMV Peugeot had two of their arrived as an unexpectedly re-~------------------------,_....,.,.,,.,,,.-----,-.,.,...----------------. ~ -------------"T"'------.,,... Aki Teiskonen and Miikka Anttila drove their Subaru lmpreza to a Eighth overall at the Cypress Rally was Petter Solberg, seen here Toshihiro Arai and Tony Sircombe finished 22nd overall in PCWRC, second place finish in PCWRC, seen here at speed. in a great overhead shot in the Subaru lmpreza. seen here in their Subaru lmpreza WRX ST/. Page 22 January 2007 Dusty Times

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Yet another second place for Marcus Granholm, he was 21 seconds in arrears in his Ford Focus RS at the Cyprus rally. cently claimed champion. The cancellations of the Syria Rally (because of recent Middle East conflicts), meant that Nasser had now won the MERC three times in four years. On this oc-casion two teams had different drivers. The 2005 Middle East champion Khalid al Qassimi drove for Kamada's team Subaru Team Quasys while the entry for Errani Team Group, normally represented by Stefano Marrini, was driven by 20 year old Simone Campedelli. Leg 1 8 Stages, gravel, 11 l.48kms. Not so many competitors ar-rived in Cyprus, and of the 41 expected to start the lady driver Edith Weiss had her old Skoda Octavia Kit Car rejected by the Scrutineers on the grounds of an illegal roll cage mounting, start-ers down to 40. There was a heavy thunderstorm on the Th u rs d a y a f°t er n o on , w h i ch freshened up the atmosphere, so wh en the rally proper began on t_he Friday there was clear warm air, with temperatures going up to 30 or so during the middle of the day. According to their champio~ship standings, Sebastien Loeb ran first car on the road with Marcus Gronholm-second. Even the first serious rains to have struck the area for three months did little to change the character of the stages, and dust was the story with the WRCars that were sent out ev-ery three minutes and the oth-ers every two. Gronholm started to edge ahead in to the lead, taking fastest times on the first three stages with Loeb second. For three stages Toni Gardemeis-ter was lying third despite a big gear shifting problem. "We went into two corners out of control in neutral, and for much of Stage 4 we were struck in top gear". Mikko Hirvonen then rose to third place, despite be-ing unhappy with his driving on the twistier sections. Xavier Pons started well, ahead of Dani Sordo, the driver who had de-posed him from the official Kronos Number 2 seat, but then Pons' luck failed him. "I spun and got stuck with the front wheels off the road on the inside of a bend". Co-driver Carlos del Barrio had to jump out and push the car back on to the road, re-membering crucially to reattach the seat belts ... Sordo was hav-ing pacenote problems this be-ing, like the remaining last six rallies of the season, an event he had never tackled before. Manfred Stohl kept fifth place despite a spin and quick reverse, but the first morning story con-Dusty Times cerned the Subarus. The good news, this time there were no brake problems. Bad news, the two cars overheated badly. Petter Solberg's car went into overheat-ing safe-mode on each of the first three stages, but on the (ad-mittedly faster) Stage 4 he scored fastest stage time! Chris Atkinson's car went into safe mode on each of the first four stages. As for the Rally Japan handling trouble, Atkinson re-ported it was here all the time, though Solberg said the over-heating problem masked the other problem. The three Stobart cars had their moments. Matthew Wilson and Luis Perez Companc had tyres which were too hard for the conditions, Juan Pablo Raies suffered for his troubled recce by borrowing his co-driver brother's notes, which he found very difficult to under-stand. Missing completely were b oth the Skocfas, Harri Rovanpera and Andreas Aigner had run very badly through the first stage and then their engines stopped on the road section up to Stage 2, with what seemed to be an electrical problem. Loeb expected an easier time second time through the stages, but the roads did not clean in the way he expected. Co-driver Daniel Elena: "When you realise that the back markers on this event drive cars like a Toyota Yaris, you can understand that they aren't going to drive quite the same lines as we are, so the clean lines left after the first passage weren't quite like we expected". After Gronholm slightly ex-tended his lead on the first stage of the afternoon, Loeb won the remaining three, and by the end of the day Gronholm was only 6.4 seconds ahead. Gronholm explained: "We also found the road a little different. In our case we thought the roads would be cleaner generally, and for that reason we chose the wrong tyres, the H2 type instead the Z which Sebastien used". Not such a ma-jor mistake but it helped Loeb take 11 seconds off the Finn in four stages. Gronholm lost six seconds alone on the longer Stage 7 where he noticed the engine temperature was getting very high. Hirvonen held third place through the afternoon but behind there were changes. Go-ing through Stage 7 Petter Sol-berg had his car jam in second gear, he lost five minutes, and was another two seconds down after Stage 8, from fourth to 12th. Up to fourth was Stohl de-spite overheating troubles, ahead of Atkinson who had the engine detuned to avert the over-Mikko Hirvonen took home the bronze medal at Cyprus, he's seen here running at speed in his Ford Focus RS. heating but the handling, as he said, it was still not special. And into sixth place came -Pons, de-spite losing a minute on Stage 8 with broken suspension. Sordo stopped. Kronos chief Marc Van Dalen said "They began losing power and then the warnin g light came on, so they pulled off the road". The problem was eventually proved not to be ter-minal. Then two of the Stobart cars were out, with seemingly identical electrical troubles. Raies' car just suddenly stopped with no warning on Stage 6 while Wilson, who stopped at the end of Stage 8 to speak with journalists, could not get the car to restart! The same symptoms. And of Henning Solberg there was also no sign. Off the road on Stage 8 when lying fifth, ap-parently blinded by low sunlight. Overnight a lot of teams had to check whether they would re-start on the Saturday. The Red Bull team confirmed there was no reason to carry on. Baumschlager: "It seems defi-nite that both cars had ECU troubles, but this manifested it-e como..J source tar df: • Drilling Suits • Crew Unifonns • Crew Shirts • Polo Shirts • Team JackBts • Hals • GearBags self in different ways. Aigner (allowed to have water injec-tion) had water mixed with the oil, probably due to over-injec-tion of water. Rovanpera had excessive high engine tempera-tures. T here was no sense to carry on because it seemed sure the problems would happen again". Fo r Skoda there was a major dilemma however, the cars were already booked to be transported to Turkey immedi-ately after the event, a country whe re pre-event testing was banned . Baumschlager's part-ner Armin Schwarz: "It's a ma-jor dilemma, for logistics as well as budget. We must find out why the ECUs went wrong, oth-erwise it would be mad to start in Turkey, but the question is how and where to test the cars." The race in the PCWRC cat-egory· turned out to be a close fight between Nasser Al-Attiyah and Fumio ·Nutahara. Eac·h ta-k-ing turns to be fastest, with the Japanese driver 0 .5 seconds ahead at the midday service. Behind the leaders, Aaron Burkart was lying third on only IIOW FEATUR/116: In-House Embroidery Driver Names • Team Logos • Sponsor Logos his third ever rally in a four wheel drive car, ahead of Aki Teiskonen and Khalid Al Qassimi. Of the eight regular drivers and the two guests, the rally soon lost Toshi Arai who went off the road precisely 1.4km into the first stage. "The ALS system in the car seemed to be a little lazy and at the mo-ment I wanted the engine to be the most responsive it wasn't and we slid off the road". The car was driven back to base and became the first car to be placed into pare ferme ready for the re-start on the second day. Nigel Heath withdrew on the road section up to the first stage stat-ing fuel problems as the cause, while guest driver Tsouloftas had a turbo problem which caused him a lot of trouble even to reach the midday service park. In the afternoon Al-Attiyah decided he had to make his mark on the opposition. He pulled out nearly a half minute on Nutahara with neither expe-riencing any troubles. Teiskonen climbed up past Burkart despite having to drive seven kilometres on a puncture and losing two minutes. Al Qassimi found his suspension loosened up on the long Stage 7, and then on Stage 8 the front right strut failed, pulling itself out of the top mount, but very luckily the suspension did not collapse. Campedelli had the engine air filter block itself while Pavlides had a major problem when the suspension, which had failed in the morn-ing, could not be repaired by the mechanics in service. On ev-ery stage and every road section during the afternoo n he had to stop and realign the suspension and was lucky to reach service that evening. Tsouloftas' turbo Continued next page 1.BIJ0.700.2350 • Fax 909.360.0436 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 January 2007 Page 23

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Harri Rovanpera, Skoda Fabia, had severe electronic problems Manfred Stohl drove his Peugeot 307 to a fourth place finish at Nasser AI-Attiyah and Chris Patterson were 19th overall in Cypress, they're seen here in their Subaru lmpreza. very earl on so they were out of the rail quite soon. Cyprus, he's seen here early on in the rally. pro ems continue , having to sprayed boiling fluid on to 4ml4.7s. Pavlides was forced push his car up the hill to the Henning's legs. Co-driver Cato to stop when both front shock control, before service, and was Menkerud said "It must have absorbers failed, leaving just seen to have physical help from been painful. Henning was do- five cars. Arai continued to be spectators. Illegal! "I didn't ing a dance on the pedals, try-last, actually in seventh, on ac-know they were there. I thought ing not to touch them with his count of the accumulated times that marshals were pushing feet unless absolutely neces-of Pavlides and Al-Attiyah still me". He was excluded. sary!" better than his total. Leg 2 On the second loop of stages, Leg 3 8 Stages, gravel, 122.28kms. Loeb and Hirvonen went out 5 Stages, gravel, 81.95kms. Eventually the dramas of the on wider tyres while Granholm Another bright warm sunny previous day got sorted out. took narrower ones. That tight day for the final day, a day in Sordo's "engine failure" was in fight for the lead, where three which show biz took over. The fact a disconnected connection of the four stages were won by visual highlight was the asphalt to the ALS unit and the engine less than a second, was over. downtown stage, originally to was completely undamaged, so Whether this made the differ-be run as the finale of the rally he started the second day with ence one cannot say but Loeb after two loops .of three ortho-two maximum scores, in 14th started to haul Granholm in dox stages. Then to accommo-place. Henning's Peugeot was with a vengeance. Granholm date the wish of TV companies undamaged and restarted again, had a quick spin on Stage 14 who wanted to show the event "When I was blinded by the which let Loeb into a lead of 1.0 live in several countries, this sunlight I went for the seconds, but on the long Stage stage was shifted to the middle handbrake but by then the car 15 there was no holding the of the day, with the second loop was already sliding down, off Frenchman, 16.7 seconds faster. to follow afterwards. Then the road". One missed stage At the end of the day Loeb led again to accommodate the wish penalty, ninth overall. The by 21.8 seconds, with five stages of the TV people who also problems of Wilson and Raies (85km) still to run. Hirvonen wanted to show the podium were identical, batteries flat-reported the tracks were now live, it became necessary to can-tened to nothing, presumably beginning to deteriorate. Else- eel the final stage, and run only by the heat. Wilson missed one where the opposition were hav-the first two stages on the sec-road section (penalised like he in_g their own troubles. Wilso_n ond loop. _For_all this, the rally had· missed· a stage, still 10th found a gearbox full of neutrals came to a finish some two hours overall), Raies three missed and slid off the road for the rest after the original schedule. stage penalties {23rd). Thirty-of the day, then Atkinson had Thirty-one cars were due to six cars were on the restart list, his engine stall while braking start the final day, only 29 35 actually taking the restart. and this caused him also to turned up. The day started qui-The closeness of the battle be-slide off the road. Henning Sol- etly, the only misfortune befall-tween Granholm and Loeb berg still had his waterworks ing Jorge Perez Companc, co-promised this to be an abso-problems, the driver had to get driver of Juan Pablo Raies, who lutely classic day of rallying. out to effect a temporary repair became ill and had to withdraw. Once again there were two on every road section only for Driver Luis Perez Company was groups of four stages including it to fail in the middle of the unsympathetic, accusing his Stages 11 and 15 which were the next stage. The world champi-brother of not taking personal longest individual stages of the onship for Makes, which cur-training seriously, and exclaim-rally, at 30km. First drama was rently Citroen were leading by ing his own lack of sympathy the retirement of Companc 11 points, was beginning to be would be nothing compared to with power steering failure on interesting. As things stood, BP-what he could expect from the Stage 11. That is not normally Ford were standing to take an-family when they returned to Ar-a reason for retirement, but to other three points off Kronos gentina! Henning Solberg had have this problem early on what Citroen. his co-driver's door fly open all is surely the toughest stage in In the PCWRC Arai was the time. Pons had his brakes the championship, the vision to back again with a 100% stage sticking on. Petter Solberg had try manually to steer a World failure rate -40 minutes' worth two punctures, while Subaru Rally Car was too much to con-of extra penalty in one day! He still did not know what had template. That brought Wilson started the day seeded at the caused the earlier gearbox prob-back into the top ten and Sordo back of the PCWRC field but lem. Prodrive team boss Richard up to 13th; then Sordo made a was easily the fastest driver of Taylor said it was in any case very little error. There was a bump the day. "Actually we were sur-unusual, and probably a me-on the apex of a bend which he prised how relatively slowly the chanical failure. Then came the hit. The car went up on two others were going". The action, fun. The downtown stage (for wheels for a while before slowly however, started with Al-which the competitors had to but surely making a roll, finish-Attiyah going off the road and make their recce in the dark and, ing up on all four wheels again. allowing Nutahara to inherit of course, were driving on gravel There was no technical damage the lead, over four minutes tyres), was thronged with spec-but the windscreen was broken ahead of Teiskonen who him-tators, to the extend that the which cost him more time. self was suffering from central driverswerewarnedbyFIAoffi-Subarus were now happier. To-differential trouble. Then dais before the start that it was day there were fewer of the dips Burkart went off and rolled his better to regard this as a show which had caused much damage car, this meant that Al Qassimi rather than a stage. But the cau-and consequent overheating climbed up to third with tion did not stop Sordo going and Petter Solberg, despite run-Campedelli fourth. The after-headlong into the seafront ning third on the road, was be-noon started with six PCWRC roundabout wall, on the first ginning to make reasonable drivers still active, with corner of the stage, the car hav-stage times. Petter started the Nutahara hovering around five ing to be taken away by trailer. day 63.6 seconds behind minutes ahead of Teiskonen, The car then headed off for brother Henning but was able before Nutahara stalled and their final trip into the hills be-to pass him when there were drove on a flat tyre for six fore the finish back on the sea-problems in the Peugeot with a kilometres, his lead had front. Meanwhile, for the second broken hot water hose, which dropped by the end of the day rally running, Sordo became a Page 24 January 2007 . topic of last day debate. Assum-ing the car could be carried to the post-rally pare ferme in one piece, would Sordo get two Five Minute penalties -or three? All the Kronos team could do was to put the damaged car into pare ferme and wait. First conse-quence was that the Stewards confirmed the crews had been told that Stage 20 would be non-competitive, so Sordo would not have a penalty there. Two penalties, then. By now there was a long gap in the rally column. Two cars passed through Stage 21 before the gap, and it was not safe to run any more cars through. The rest were given an "interruption" time, so would Sordo receive a penalty for Stage 21? Stage 22 and the finish was then delayed by a quarter hour. Another penalty there? On Sordo's final placing hung a lot of Kronos-Citroen hopes and a major issue, the race for the Manufacturers' title. Meanwhile, on the final stage Petter Solberg hit a rock which caused him to lose over a minute. Consequently he dropped back to eighth place while brother Henning rose to seventh. Wilson held on to tenth place, eighth Makes' fin-isher, so there was nothing for Citroen to gain after all, after all Sordo's misfortune. The car was withdrawn so the engine trans-mission could be legally changed before Turkey. Just when the placing seemed settled, Pons' non-championship car stopped on the run from the final stage to the finish, with the transmis-sion jammed, apparently a prob-lem with the input shaft. This meant he incurred a Five Minute penalty which dropped him from sixth to seventh behind Henning. Was Stage 20 to be a 'show', or what? Henning Sol-berg took things literally and did a doughnut off the line which infuriated the Stewards who gave him (and Campedelli) a sus-pended exclusion notice. Poor Campedelli, he admitted using his handbrake, but that was just because he had overshot one of the turnings! In PCWRC one of the miss-ing drivers at the restart was Spyros Pavlides who found at service the sump of his Subaru's engine had been badly damaged, so he withdrew. Six cars were still running. Arai (who had been fastest Group N on every stage on Saturday -on every stage he completed on the rally), was gain fastest all day, even on Stage 19 when he lost fifth gear, but he still finished last in the category. Nutahara suffered from spectator stone throwing and ·had a broken screen. Teiskonen's car was also hit but without damage. Ford had taken another four points off Citroen, so with four events to run the gap between these two teams was now just seven points. Rotated out of the calendar in 2007, the world championship circus left Cyprus, presumably for a couple of years, but the event had cer-tainly left quite an indelible memory on all who were there (and also in the town's famous control roundabout)! IAl2C: 34th Cyprus Rally (CY) Lemesos 22/24.09.2006 WCR round 10, PCWRC round 6 WC pools WR WO PC 1 (1) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena F/MC Citroen Xsara WRC 363DQE78 (F) 4h.40m.50.4s. 10 10 2 (3) Marcus GRONHOLM/Tmo Rautiainen FIN Ford Focus RS WRC EU55BMV(GB) 4h.41m.11.6a. 8 8 · -3 (4) Mikko HIRVONEN/Janno Lehtinen FIN Ford Focus RS WRC EU55BNA (GB) 4h.46m.06.5s. 6 6 4 (7) Manfred STOHUllka Minor A Peugeot307 'hRC 471 PWl..75 (F) 4h.47m.30.1 s. 5 5 5 (14) Toni Gardemeisler/Jakke Hon<anen Xsara WRC 833DPT78 (F) 4h.49m.30.8s. -6 (8) Henning SOLBERG/Cato Menkerud N 423AMM69 (F) 4h.55m.30.4a.(1) 4 3 FIN Citroen 4 Peugeot307 7 (15) Xavier Pons/Carlos Del Barrio E Citroen Xsara WRC 834DPT78 (F) 4h.55m.37.1s.(1) 2 WRC 8 (5) Petter SOLBERG/Philip MIiis N/GB Subaru lmpreza WRC ST55SRT (GB) 4h.56m.11.9s. 3 1 9 (6) Chris ATKINSON/Glenn Macneal! AUS Subaru lmpreza WRC AR55SRT (GB) 4h.58m.05.4s.(2) 2 10 (9) Matthew WILSON/Michael Orr GB Ford Focus RS WRC 1ES (GB) 5h.06m.11.4s.(3) 1 OtheC' important finishers 11 (33) Fumio Nutahara/Daniel Barritt J/GB Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX PCWRC KNY301TO8590 (J) 5h.10m.43.3s. - 10 12 (45) Aki Teiskonen/Miikka Anttila FIN Subaru lmpreza ''Spec C" PCWRC GMG300RU1604 (J) 5h.15m.00.8s. -8 13 (41) Khalid Al Qassimi/Nick Beech UAE/GB Subaru lmpreza "Spec c· PCWRC 75364 (Abu Dhabi) 5h.16m.42.5s. -6 14 (10) Luis Perez COMPANC/Joae Maria Volta RA Ford Focus RS WRC EF04WBW (GB) 5h.20m.51.3s.(6) 15 (40) Simone Campedelli/Danilo Fappani I Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VIII PCWRC CN286AN (I) 5h.22m.14.4s. - 5 Dusty Times

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~:Q:.~~.~-~ Powderpuff Jergensen Is The Big Winner Bz Steve Ruddick ,. It was a battle all the way but when the checkers flew it was Shirley Jergensen taking the hotly contested Class 1 win. The M.O.R.E. Powder Puff Race for the Cure was a special all women's race to raise money for women's breast cancer research at Cedar Sinai Medical Center, and was held on September 14, 2006 at Barstow, CA in the BLM's Stoddard Valley OHV area. Start/Finish was at Outlet Center Drive. This first ever all female off road race was put on by M.O.R.E. (Mo-jave Off-road Racing Enthusiasts), and was co-sponsored by Damzl, to benefit women's breast cancer re-search. M.O.R.E. andA.R.T.S. both volunteered their services at no co$t, with all proceeds from the race go-ing to help fund women's breast can-cer research at Cedar Sinai Medical Center, and in the process raised over $51,000 dollars for Cedar Sinai Women's Breast Cancer Research. Over 85 all female race teams com-peted in various classes ranging from Stock VW bugs to Mini trucks to Unlimited open wheel cars. There was a huge turnout of both racers and spectators, even though the weather was mostly overcast, breezy and rainy. It was still fantastic fun for all, even for the Mil choppers that kept practicing low altitude flying maneuvers and buzzing the Start/ Finish line and Pit Row! The turn-out and overall support was over-whelmingly positive -so much so that a three day event is being planned for next year. Jim Clements at M.O.R.E. always comes up with a different and unique theme for each race, and the race format for the Powder Puff Race for the Cure was no exception: a 21 mile course with eight checkpoints and four road crossings. There was a morning and an afternoon heat for each group of racers, and the check-ered flag went to whoever finished the most miles/laps for each heat. Group 1 included Classes: 1450, 725, 15, 5/16, 9 and 11, starting the morning heat at 9:00am. Group 2 included Classes: 1, 10, 5, 14Pro, 7, 1300 and 1600, doing the green flag thAng for the afternoon heat at 12:00 pm. Eighty-four (84) entries there was; 49 in Group 1, and 34 in Kim Powell had a great race, she was in contention all the way and was first in Trophy Challenge to the checkers. Group 2. And after 'all those Yearz' of standin' by their man, through both sweet victory and the agony of defeat, it was time now for "the women" to test their best in the quest for fame and glory, and maybe strut their stuff into the Winner's Circle, too. WooHOO! How many laps can you do in three hours? Well, the rain proved · to be a factor when mixed with the usual air-born dirt and dust, as many a helmet, visor and windshield can attest; it was a muddy mess. None-theless, the gals were LooKing gOOd in their race suits, a sight to behold; and they showed they 'can race just as good as the guys', too. WooHOO! I don't remember a race with fewer mechanical problems than this one. Did I say Fun-Factor? Team Manly-Men-in-Dresses were there too, to en-tertain the various states of 'UNdress' ... (!) (!) Let's just say M.O.R.E. than one female racer re-ported to this reporter: "I Got fLaShed! WooHOO!" And the short, 21 mile course sure made for some closer and exciting racing, too -at one point, at least six cars, all from different classes, flew through S/F, all within a couple of minutes of each other. The race was followed up with a spectacular award cer-emony, a raffle for many fabulous prizes and a large barbeque for the racers and their teams. GROUP 1: Classes: 8, 9, 5/16, 7A, 1450, 1100 CIASS8: Petra Faranova was the sole en-try in Class 8 in truck #1502, and motored to a first place win in 3:00:16 at 34.9 mph. Faranova also took home the Fast Lap honors at 35.6 mph on Lap 1. CLASS 9: Fourteen entries. After starting in the back of the pack, Sigal Greenberg from Desert Hills, AZ won the first place trophy in car #901, finishing five laps in 2:52:40 at 36.5 mph, as well as Fast Lap hon-ors on Lap 1 at 38.6 mph. First-timer Shanda Creiglow was co-driver. Greenberg said, "It was great! It was fast! It was fun! We had a flat on Lap 2 and FAI.R. fixed it fast. There was lots of cheering, and lots of flashing (Team Manly Men in Dresses). A fabulous race! Thanks to M.O.R.E. We enjoyed being a part of it, and we'll donate all our winnings today to this worth cause." That's the spirit! Jennifer Layton drove her truck to the Class 1450 win, she's seen here on her way to the glorious checkered flag. It was a great day for Danyelle Thayer, she drove her pickup to the Ultra Truck class win, seen here at speed on the course. Rhonda Gonzalez motored car #977 to a second place trophy, com-pleting five laps in 2:58: 18 at 35.3 mph. Shaunah Forrest found the checkered flag in 3:02:27 to win third place in car #914, completing five laps in 34.5 mph. Car #915, driven by Kally Goin, also completed five laps to win the fourth place tro-phy at 33.9 mph in 3:05:47. Connie Dovey and co-driver Jessica Ward came all the way from Hanford and LaMore, CA to race in car #916, completing four laps in 2:37:29 at 32.0 mph to finish in fifth place. "It was a heck of a race", Dovey said. "We didn't have any problems. We just kept it down, all the way. We got a little squirrelly at one point, but it was all exciting! I loved every minute!" Lisa Kincaid made the long journey from Fresno, CA to drive car #999 to a sixth place finish, along with co-driver Vicki Barefield, com-pleting four laps in 2:38:41 at 31.8 mph, and only a minute-plus behind Doveyincar#916. "We had a blast!", Kincaid stated. "No dust, no prob-lems, but we were a little underpow-Jennifer Clemison led Class 1 early on but when the checkers Terra Jacobus led the Trophy Challenge for a while but ended up Becci Craig was just a wee bit off the winning pace, she took flew she had to settle for the silver, three minutes out of the win. taking the second spot, six minutes behind the leader. home the silver medal in Class 1600, seen here at speed. Page 26 January 2007 Dusty Times

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A second place finish in Class 11 went to Gema Ptasinski, she's Laurie Chamlee had a good run going in the Class 78 contingent Rhonda Gonzalez gave it her all but it wasn't enough this day, she finished second in the Class 11 contest seen here heading for a great podium finish. but problems forced her to retire a lap short of the finish. ered and had no bottom end in third in class. Ehrhardt had so-m~e_r_a_,d;:-io---;::;:T:'""'ab'a-:th,----a'R'o_s_e_g_o-:-t-:-in-:--=tw"'":--::-o'la:-:p:-:s:--o::.f"fuo:--=n-,====~======================"' gear. Being with friends, seeing what problems, but nothing else stopped in truck #729 for the fourth place the guys do ... it was a great event!" her from getting the checkered flag win, in 3:09: 11 at 26.6 mph. Justina Bantilan, 'virgin' rookie, on her way to the winner's circle. "It CIASS 1450: and co-driver Stephanie Santana saw was definitely FuN!", Ehrhardt said. Jennifer Layton completed two the checkered flag and finished in "We came close to rolling it. I'll be laps in truck #21496 to win first seventh place in the Santa Barbara back next year, too." Ehrhardt's most place in class, taking 2:49:49 at 22.3 Plumbing Supplies car #931, cover- fun: "The sand wash in fourth gear." mph. Layton also won the Fast Lap ing four laps in 2:44:54 at 30.6 mph. Kristen Flaherty and co-driver honors on Laps 1 and 2 at 27.6 mph. Bantilan and Santana were all smiles Dianne Laurvick from San Diego, Chris Hepler only completed one lap at the winner's circle. "We didn't CA won the fifth place finish in car of fun in truck #1455, in 1:18:10 at have any problems. We went as fast #569, completing four laps in 16.1 mph. as we could, passed three or four 2:41:39 at 31.2 mph. "The car ran CIASS 1100: cars, and got some nice air, too", the good; no pits. It was a hard course. Genevive McCarthy from pair said. Car #905, driven by ThecoilwirecameoffonLap3.We Bloomington, CA drove the TNT Michelle Silcock, finished four laps got kicked around a lot, but we Racing car #1106 to a first place fin-in 2:47:51 at 30.0 mph, to finish in kicked butt in the silt beds. We had ish and win, completing four laps in eighth place. Carissa Stephens a blast!", Flaherty said. Estella 3:01: 16 at 27.8 mph. McCarthy clocked in four laps at 2:51:42 in car Sanchez won the sixth place finish drove Laps 1 and 2, and Cherie #999 at 29.4 mph, to finish in ninth in car #558, completing four laps in Rockwell from Rancho Cucamonga, place. Marlene Nixon got in four 2:50: 15 at 29.6 mph. Kim Weddle CA drove Laps 3 and 4; co-driver was laps too, in car #944, at 28.9 mph, got in three laps at 25.3 mph in car Shannon Thompson, also from to finish in 10th place. Elizabeth #562 for the seventh place finish, Bloomington. TNT dedicated the Robertson saw the checkered flag in taking 2:29:20. race to Jenny Thompson, another car #965 after 3:02:44 of dirt fun to Catheryn Cervantes from breast cancer sufferer. Team TNT finish in 11th place at 2 7 .6 mph. Covina, CA and co-driver Dianna had no problems all day. "The whole Nicole Placentia took four laps and Barragan had some issues finding thing was fun!", McCarthy said. 3:20:28 to find the finish line in car their way to the finish line in car "And we got flashed, too!" Gema #975 for 12th place. Karen Owen #573 - the coil fell off on Lap 1 and Ptasincki finished in second place in got in 2:44:05 and three laps of fun they lost a front shock on Lap 3. But car# 1188, also completing four laps at 23.0 in car #973 for the 13th spot finish they did, completing three laps in 3:06:40 at 27.0 mph. Anne Naso in class. Christy McGuffin took in 3: 15: 18 at 19.4 mph for the eighth from Hesperia, CA and her co-driver 1:16:21 to complete two laps of fun place win. "It was all good, fast and daughter Kelly, took home the third at 33.Q mph in car #902 for the 14th fun", Cervantes said. "And we got place trophy in car# 1169, after com-place finish. mOOned, too!" Brittany Sanchez pleting three laps in 2:42:51 at 23.2 CI.ASS 5/16: got in two laps of fun in car #557, Nicole Garavito took the first finding the checkered flag in 1: 14:02 place win in car #555, completing at 34.0 mph, for the ninth place fin-five laps in 2:54:31 at 36.1 mph, as ish. Lori Sullivan only got in one lap well as the fast lap honors on Lap 5 of fun in car #595, doing the single at 37.0 mph. Terri Tavis completed round in 59:13 at 21.3 mph, to take five laps in 2:56: 15 at 35. 7 mph in home the 10th place finish. car #599, for the second place win. CIASS 7A: First-timer Shelby Tolbert from Teresa Quiroz drove truck #725 Tustin, CA motored her way to a to a first place win in class, complet-third place finish in car #578, com- ing five laps in 2:46:31 at 37.8 mph. pleting five laps in 3:04:04 at 34.2 Quiroz also won the fast lap honors mph. Tolbert said, "It was fun! No for Laps 1-3,clockinginat39.7 mph problems. It was a great race for a on each lap. Amazing -three laps in great cause. We had a good time." a row at exactly the same time and Her most fun: "Doing 53 mph in speed; that is a first in any record the dirt!" Give credit to Shelby for book. Alethia Keegal came in second getting the whole 'Race for the Cure' place in class in the Blue Coyote started with M.O.R.E. Racing truck #797, taking 3:00:15 Windy Ehrhardt from Kingman, to complete four laps at 28.8 mph. AZ and co-drivei: Becky Lewis com- Susan Stokes grabbed a third place pleted four laps in car #559 in finish in truck #797, completing 2:39:07 at 31.7 mph to finish fourth four laps in 3:09: 11 at 26.6 mph. Genevive McCarthy led the Class 11 contingent all the way but it was close, she only had five minutes in hand when the checkers flew. Dusty Times January 2007 Laurie Meritt led the 1600.class race all the way, she's seen here on her way to that always allusive checkered flag. mph. Naso also won the Fast Lap honors on Lap 1 at 29.6 mph. GROUP 2: Classes: 1, 10, 5, 14 Pro, 1300, 7B, 1600 ClASS 1: Class 1 included nine entries. Shirley 'iron-woman' Jergenson drove to a first place victory in class and the Overall win, in the Jergensen Brewing Company car #156, driving the whole race and completing seven laps in 3:08:07 at 46.9 mph. Jer-gensen said "It was a great course! We caught a huge G-out in the dust, and hauled @** down Power Line Road; (GPS:82mph). What a blast!". I bet it was. Jennifer Clemison was second in class across the Finish Line in the Damzl car #132, only 66 sec-onds off Jergensen's rear bumper. Clemison completed seven laps in 3:09:13 at 46.6 mph, and also won the Fast Lap honors on Lap 7 at 49.5 mph. Erma Myers from Apple Val-iey, CA and daughter Shayne Hud-son, drove the Full Throttle car# 130 Continued next page Page 27

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Second place in Class 5-1600 went to Terrie Tavis, Terrie was a In the Class 5 fracas, Melissa Davis took home the second place Erma Myers took home the bronze medal in the Class 1 conflict, _m_e7re;-;--m,in_u1t_e_a_n:-d_a7h,a_lf_b:-e_h.,,in.d;-,,;th;:;-;e,l_ea_d_e_r=w=h=e=n=t=h=e=c=h=ec=k=e=rs=fle=w=.c.......:t1<=o=p=hy,=,=s=e=e=n=h=e=re=w=it=h=a=ll=t=h=e=s=u=sp=e=n=s=io=n=1=·n=p=la=1=·n=v,ie_w,.= Erma finished only five minutes behind the class winner. to third place in class in 3: 13:07 at 45.7 mph. Not too bad for a 'virgin' rookie driving in he first race ever. Myers reported no flats and no prob-lems for the day. "It was a fun course - fast and technical, and more than one BiG rock. The spectators were great. The most fun I had was slid-ing and drifting through the turns". Jennifer Kawell was the fourth place winner in class to complete seven laps, taking the win in car #101 in 3:21:37 at43.7 mph. Lori Robinson from Riverside, CA was the fifth place finisher in class in the CST Racing car #26, completing six laps in 3:01:23 at 41.7 mph. Robinson and daughter Austin had no prob-lems all day on their way to the check-ered flag. "It was great fun! We had an awesome crew. It was waaay fun getting sideways in the sandy whoops!" Laura Dunn was only 20 seconds behind Robinson at the fin-ish line, taking the sixth place win in 3:01:43 at 41.6 mph, in car #35. Renae Brunning also completed six laps in car #131, in 3: 15:46 at 38.6 mph, to. finish in seventh place in d~ss. Gabrieffa Gobbe compieted six laps too, in car #121, doing the rounds in 3:41:20 at 34.2 mph. Cortney Pirtle got in five laps in car # 136, covering the distance in 2:41:52 at 38.9 mph, for the eighth place win in class. Brenda Wilcox-son had some major problems on lap 1 in car #127, but still did four laps in 3:06:50 at 27.0 for the XXX place finish. Kacie St.George led her class all the way, she took the class win with ease, she's seen here churning dust on the course. CIASS 10: Six entries: Marylou Garavito got a late start in car # 1255, but drove faster than everybody else in her class to take the first place fin-ish in 3:00:23 at 41.9 mph, as well as fast lap honors at 42.6 mph on lap 6. Robin McMullin won the sec-ond place trophy in class in car # 1022, finding the checkered flag in 3:12:14 at 39.3 mph. Cheri Daven-port also completed six laps in car #1011 to win the third place trophy, in 3: 16:21 at 38.5 mph. Debbie Sacks completed six laps in 3:33:41 at 35.4 mph, to win fourth place in car # 1203. The fifth place finisher in ciass was Denise Bise in car #210, doing five laps in 3: 17:37 at 31.9 mph. Garfield Davies drove car # 1012 to a sixth place finish at # 31.5 mph, after completing five laps in 3:19:52. CIASS5: Nine entries; 1 DNS. Cheri Nutter went the farthest and the fast-est in car #529, completing six laps in 3:12:52 at 39.2 mph, to win the first place trophy for Class 5. Mel-issa Davis won second place in car #502, clocking in at the finish line in 3: 18:07 at 38.2 mph, after duel-ing the diRt for six laps, too. Carolyn Hines from Ventura, CA and co-driver Bille Jo Garcia drove the Mo-tion Tire Motorsports car #507 to a third place finish in class, complet-Go to for great deals on parts & accessories! ing five laps in 3:01: 12 at 34.8 mph. Hines said "We stopped for five gal-lons of gas, and had no problems all day. It was mostly fast and fun. I liked going fast over the whoops the best." *WooHOO-wHoops* Irene Owens won fourth place in car #503, com-pleting four laps in 2:39:23 at 31.6 mph. It was Michelle 'hot foot' Bruckman from San Diego, CA in car #508 that burned up the course on Lap 2 at 46.1 mph to win the Fast Lap honors; and take the fifth place in class, too, in 2:47:28 at 30.1 mph. Bruckman and co-driver Kathy Hook were in the fast lane until Lap 4 when they broke the steering rack on their ride. Some help and a couple of welds from the Bruckman Motorsports crew got #508 going again, but Bruckman still had to woman-handle it to the finish line with no power steering. Bruckman said, "The car was awesome. The course was fast and easy. It was hard to pass all the cars on the course, but we tried our best. It was fun! Let's do it again next year." Automotive electrical experts with over 15 years experience specializing in off-road wiring for your race, pre-runner and sand vehicles. E&J Wireworks LLC 2865 Progress Place Suite 2B Escondido CA 92029 Page 28 760-738-WIRE (9473) January 2001 Marylou Garavito had a great race, she led the Class 10 contingent all the way and she had 12 minutes in hand at the flag. Tami Lyneis completed three laps in car #500 in 1:28: 14 at 42.8 mph, for the sixth place finish. Kristina Dague, and her co-driver sister Lisa, from Fountain Valley, CA convinced dear old dad to resurrect the BDR Racing car #511; which has been in moth balls with a blown tranny since it was ·last raced in 1998. With a lot of help from Uncle Dana, and Jerry Moffit, .and of course, deal olde Mom and the Fir$t Bank of Dad, the car had a new trans and was race-ready for the main event. I guess the dust and dirt doesn't settle far from the BDR-pits, because Kristina and Lisa were up for the challenge. Lisa had a broken finger and a bad wrist from soccer, and Kristina had aced her driver's license tests only four weeks earlier. The dynamic Dague duo completed three laps in car #5ll in 1 :57: 19 at 3 2.2 mph to finish sev-enth place. The Dague sisters said, "This was Fun! We enjoyed it. There were some rough parts where we bucked and did a 360-degree; WHEEe! But we stayed cool and calm, and on course. I can't wait to do it again." So much for Dad$ bank account, I guess. CLASS 14 PRO: Sigal Greenberg led the first lap in the Class 9 contest, continued to lead the 14 car class and took the win with five minutes in hand. The Class 5-1600 win went to Nicole Gara vi to, but it was close, her competition was just two minutes behind her. Dusty Times

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... A third place finish in Class 1600 went to Michelle Johnson, less than a minute out of second place, seen here at speed. Cheri Davenport scoots along towards the checkered flag for a third place finish in the Class 10 battle. Shaunah Forrest gave it her all, she took home the bronze medal in Class 9, she's seen here saving a bit of tire wear. Teresa Quiroz drove her really good looking truck to the Class 7A win, she's seen here speeding towards the checkered flag. Four entries. Danyelle Thayer and Rochelle Nelson from Santa Clarita, CA shared the driving du-ties in truck # 1438 to win the first place trophy in class, completing six laps and taking the checkered flag in 3:16:50 at 38.4 mph. #1438 also won the fast lap honors on Lap 5 at 43.9 mph. Thayer and Nelson dedi-cated the race to Emily Delvillar, a 24 year old who recently had a double mastectomy, along with both chemo and radiation therapy. Co-drivers included: Tess Snyder, Sheila Nelson, and Autumn Martinez. The team reported, "The course was great; awesome. We got the pass on several cars in the straights, caught some nice air and a few frequent flyer miles, bicycled on two wheels more than once, and had no flats or other problems all day. And, we got b-a'ed, too!" A great win, for a wor-thy cause. Our hearts and prayers are with you, Emily. Melissa "Mo" Thornton and co-driver Nicolette Dunn from San Clemente, CA grabbed the second place trophy in the Giant Motorsports truck #1414, complet-ing five laps in 2:37:14 at 37.7 mph; Xtreme Motorsports paid their en-Petra Faranova easily drove her Ford pickup to the Class 8 win, she's seen here at speed on the course. The Class 5 battle was a good one, when the checkered flag flew it was Cheri Nutter taking a big win, seen here at liftoff. Dusty Times try fee. Thornton said, "The course was fast and fun. We cracked an alignment cam, but didn't slow down. We had to stop and clean our helmet shields when it rained and we got splattered; and we stopped once to pee." Sounds like fun, to me. Demoree Deocales also completed five laps in truck #1405 to finish third in class, in 3:04:55 at 34.1 mph. Lauren Bragger got in three laps in truck #1415 to finish in fourth place, completing the course in 2:58:03 at 21.2 mph. CLASS 1300: Seven entries. Kim Powell won the first place trophy in class in car #1369, completing six laps in 3:05:06 at 40.8 mph. Powell also won the Fast Lap honors on Lap 6 at 42.5 mph. Second place went to Terra Jacobus and co-driver Jillian Koch in the JE car #1367, who also completed six laps in 3: 11:28 at 39.5 mph. Jacobus and Koch dedicated the race to Pedina Martinez, a 33 year old woman in third stage hos-pice car. Jacobus said, "The race was fast and fun. We did good ... no flats or problems all day. My most fun was going fast and averaging 40 mph. 11 Third place in class went to Terry Mauler, a breast cancer survivor from Las Vegas, NV in car #1324. Mauler and co-drivers MacKenzie Faust from Redondo Beach, CA and Amanda Elsinore, completed five laps in 2:53:30 at 36.3 mph. The team said, "It was a lot of fun. It was all fun!" Carol Wilson also com-pleted five laps in car #1316, cover-ing the distance in 3:13:32 at 33.6 mph, for the fourth place finish. Julie Ellis drove car #1366 to a fifth place finish, completing five laps in 3:22:57 at 31.0 mph. Clara Ross completed two laps in car #1309 in 1:14:26 at 33.9 mph for the sixth place finish. Seventh place in class was Diana Mooney in car #1373, completing two laps in 1:51:44 at 22.6 mph. CLASS 1600: Eight entries. First-timer Laurie Meritt from Carlsbad, CA drove the KI.T. Racing car# 1610 to victory lane and a first place win in class, com-pleting six laps in 3:04:26 at 41.0 mph. Meritt also won the fast lap honors on Lap 2 at 43.5 mph. "We did really good; no flats and no prob-lems", Meritt said. "The course was good, and so were the spectators. It was dusty at first, and then the rains came ... some 'gotchas', that was fun. We got passed by #1614, and then passed them back when they rolled it. 11 Sounds like fun to me, rain or Continued next page Worldwide benchmark manufacturer of military-specification wiring systems for all motoreport applications Utilizing the finest. Raychem System 25 components, the industry standard for ell professional racing sanctions. Engineering, assembly, and comprehensive testing performed 100% in-house. · G_o1"T-1plete harness assemblies end circuit control components ere available to suit your budge_t, ,~f MoTeC Eqsine : _ . . ement and· pet;;J3· Acquieiti Systerri~ · · · ·~, . ~·-, :-:.t • ' R i 32-bit'sequential fuel -I ,·. • • ; . , • • < co I systems·· bu1l~., -po,,w, ;_e . e·•~~~ing ."·ar~r;r _:p~e-ipu . ent.;~ •.' .P '' • • _~. ~ ~ , ·"' .. ~t: , Tur~ ey '.a ·stems available for alf poptilar off-road engine packages. ;,-Digits I display and data acquisition systems for all levels of competition. 7 Engine arid chassis dynamometer. ',, . ·:;·. ,...: services available. ··•• Sakata Motorsport Electronics, Inc. 1217 N. Patt Street Anaheim, CA 92801 (714) 446-9473 / Fax: (714) 446-9247 January 2007 High-Accuracy Air-Fuel Ratio Meters Lightweight, stand-alone system works with all engines and alternate fuels -carbureted or fuel injected. For the dedicated engine tuner who needs to know exact:;ly what their engine is doing. No flashing lights -just the facts ... Neil it; t:o a number! ~ ="----~-------... ~~ .,., <~ --~~ IV1ClTOASPClRT ELECT,FIONICS \N's'rs making c:onnec:t1ons ... Page 29

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Shelby Tolbert was just a few minutes a lap off the winning pace in Carolyn Hines had a good time in her Class 5 racer, unfortunately, First off the podium, Jennifer Kawell cruised to a fourth place finish Class 5-1600, she finished in third place in her good looking Bug. she was unable to complete her final lap. in the Class 1 competition, she's f/yin' here. Julie Meehan didn't finish her last required lap but was scored as Debbie Sachs finished first out of the money in the highly Lori Robinson had a ball in her truck, unfortunately she was unable the fourth place finisher in the Class 1600 conflict. competitive Class 10, she's seen here flyin' towards the finish. to complete her seventh and final lap. whine. Beed Craig completed six laps 37.6 mph; only 52 seconds behind Christy Sizelove drove Laps 1-3, and flashed." Their most fun for the day? Kacie St. George from Valencia, CA in 3:20:21 at 37. 7 mph in car# 1622, Craig in# 1622. Fourth place in class Meehan drove Laps 4 and 5. "I had "Rolling it, and Finishing!" Shelby drove the Team I Love bOObies to win second place in class. Michelle was first-timer Julie Meehan from an awesome time. It was an easy Reid got to the checkered flag in truck #707 to a first place win in Johnson also went six laps inar#l666 Hesperia, CA in car #1699, complet- course, the perfect course. I got 2:50:28 at 37.0 mph in car #1617, class, completing six laps in 3:08:40 for the third place win, in 3:21:02 at ing five laps in 2:49:56 at 37.1 mph. mOOned three times, too. I can't completing five laps for the sixth at 40.l mph. St. George also won wait until next year!" And, by the way, place finish. Holly Gill from Saugus, the Fast Lap honors on Lap 3 at 4 3 .8 "Thank You, husbands!:" CA drove five laps in car#l618 along mph. St. George was second off the Robyn McMul/in gave it all she had but this time it was only good enough for a second place finish in the hotly contested Class 10. Pl service ce11ter Baker, callfarnla eelebrot:1~111 fiG YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ••• THANKS! RESTAURANT Open 24 Hours Mobil® SERVICE Every Day Year Round THI! Bl!ST Ill THI! Ol!SEIITI Page 30 Next to see the checkered flag for with co-driver Heidi Tiehen, for the line at the green flag, but caught the the fifth place finish was Sherry Bus- seventh place finish. Gill and Tiehen lead by the end of Lap 1 and never sey from Irwindale, CA in the VBS covered the distance in 3:01:20 at looked back on her way to the Race car #1614, and only 55 seconds 34.7 mph. "This was a wonderful winner's circle. Veronica Bowman behind Meehan in #1699. Bussey race", Gill said. "The course was was co-driver on Laps 1 and 2, and drove Laps 1-3, and Rene Perez drove rough, we broke a belt, but we had Cassie St. George got the duties for Laps 4 and 5, with co-driver fun. It was awesome. Thank you Laps 3-5. "It was awesome and re-Adreanne Perez, covering five laps CORE, family and friends. Next ally fun", said St. George. "Passing in 2:50:51 at 37 mph. Bussey said, year, too!" Jane Jeffrey rounded out people, pedal-to-the-metal, the rain, "I had a blast! The fast course made the pack in car #1600, completing the uphills ... yes!" it fun. I blew a turn on Lap 2, hit five laps in 3:0457 at 34.1 mph, for Completing five laps in 2:49:31 the berm, and rolled it; got it rolled the eighth place finish. in truck #701, Laurie Chamlee fin-back over again, and Go! That was CLASS 7B: ished second place in class at 37.2 cool. And yea, I got mOOned and Five entries. First-time driver mph. Amanda McComb got in four ~'GETDf~PIJT'-sM 'll'OUR Fl~ IN I IP~ WRENCH/NG ORIVING~IOING TEAM PACKAGES 07 CONTINGENCY PROGRAM • Stretch Nylon Top for Comfort and Style • Synthetic Leather Palm for Aggressive Use • Medium Density Padded Palm for Motorsports and/or Power-tool use • Terry Cloth "Sweat Wipe" • Easy-Flex Neoprene Wrist Closure • Available in Black SEE 01.R CE.AL.ER$ TO~v&auvr DEALER INQUIRES WELCOMED 877-GUNE-30 WWW.SHOCKERGLOVECO.COM January 2007 laps in truck #708 in 2:49:14 at 29.8 mph to win third place in class. Karlinda Hores from Lake Elsinor, CA and co-driver Winter Simonson, broke an axle on Lap 3 in the MAXXIS truck #711, but still man-aged to get in four laps in 3:02:58 to win the fourth place finish at 27.5 mph. Jennifer Denunzio finished in fifth place in truck #705, complet-ing two laps in 1 :08: 16 at 36. 9 mph. What a memorable and emo-tional weekend this was. It was the inaugural Race for the Cure with pro-ceeds going to the Cedar Sinai Women's Breast Cancer Research. The posted proceeds raised so far on the MORE Racing website are $51,175.00 and rising. This race was put on my Damzl ( through the M.O.R.E. Racing Orga-nization ( along with extreme help from various people like Jennifer Clemison, Shelby Tolbert, Heather from Damzl, Ron Mathews, and of course, Jim Clem-ents, President of the M.O.R.E. Se-ries, and all the race teams; along with the entire M.O.R.E. family for mak-ing this the place to race. Also, a reminder to all racers: I can't write your story unless I get it from you at the race or via e-mail. I'm usually at the Tech area at S/F doing interviews after the race, so please stop and share your story or all I have to write about is your name, number and time. Thanks! You can always e-mail it to me at !!~Q~E. Dusty Times

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Dusty Times January 2007 Page 31

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---B&RBUGGIES VW AND OFF ROAD PARTS & ACCESSORIES 1523 S. Coast Highway Oceanside, CA 92054 760-722-1266 WIKS Racing Engines 3675 W. Teco Avenue Unit 8 Las Vegas, NV 89118 702-837-2522 Web-Cam Performance Camshafts Automotive-ATV-Motorcycle 1815 Massachusetts Avenue Riverside, CA 92507 951-369-5144 95 l-369-7266fax WWW.webcamshafts.COM Turnkey Engine Supply LS1-LS2-LS6-LS7 Complete Hip Performance Crate Moton for Off Road Racing 760-941-2741 www TRACKSIDE PHOTO OFF ROAD PHOTOGRAPHY SINCE 1970 WHEN ONLY THE BEST WILL DO 805-578-3470 The Fab School "Get Your Experience From The Experienced." 951-782-0567 8'17-411-WELD .... Sway-A-Way The Finest Suspension Components 9555 Owenamouth Ave. #9 . Chatsworth, CA 91311 818-700-9712 818-700-0947fax .... Sunoco Race Fuels BRYANT PETROLEUM Sunoco Race Fuels Serving w-tern stat-& Mexico Mitch Hart 800-399-4176 C&D Fabworks Race Cars Race Prep 760-949-3907 www.CANDDFABWORKS. California Pre-Fun 39067 Orchard Street Cherry Valley, CA 92223 951-845-8820 Product.a ID Stock Dimple Die• -Tubing Benden Bypaaa Valves & Tubes Sway-Bar Arma CONE INDlJ HEAVYDll DRIVETRAIN C 2055 Hangin1 Templeton,< 805-239-~ Dusty Tin Dusty Times Your Window To The Off Road Racing World 2007 Off Road Competi Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1213 14 1! BITD/JEEF - January i-6 -MC P1 rk■r, AZ -pie Racing Parker 25( MORE - , anuary 13 Lucern BITO - February 2-4 Parker, A - Bluewatar Resort c! Casino Pa ker 425 MOR -F1 bruary 3 - Barstow •,• -Don Gril~ith Memo1 ial 250 BITO • I arch 2-4 • ~C Laughli~. NV - U.S Hare Scra1hbles CRS - llarch 3 • R dgecrest I ally Schoo • Ridgecre t, CA BITO - Uarch 30-A ril 1 • MC Pro Circuit Nevada 20~ Trail Rid1 - Invitation only CODE · , pril 1 • Sa~ Felipe•M; xicali SNORE· March 30-1 pril 2 • Jea~. NV· Goll Strike 401 VORRA -March 31 April ! · P airie City, California ZR • Ap ii 2 · ZR P ker Run BORE· I ay 4-5 -Rt d Garter 21 0 -Wendo er, Utah MDR · lhy 5 -Rid1 1cr■ st - R ~g1cr11t 2 0 CODE - February 9 11 -OASA Circle K 2f[O · San Luis R.C. Sono a SCORE March 9-1 • San Felil!e · SCORE San Felip1 25D WSORR -May 12-13 Rounds I k II - Ow ZR - M 1y 6 -Copa ~utoprodu tos 13 SCORE· •une 1-3 - I '1senada - : CORE Baja 500 RACS -JIJne 2 -Sui quehannoc Trail Ral r, -Wellsbc ro, Pennsy vania CORR -J11n1 9-10 -~hula Vist1 Raceway, $an Diego, California WSORR -~une 9-10 Rounds V ~ VI -1 • 91 Speedwa1, Lake Ode sa, Ml SNORE/JI lcp - June : 9-July 1 - ldorado V: ll1y, NV K Hilitn Midnight Spe ial RACS · July 13-14 -New I WSORR July 7-8 -Rounds IX i X -U.P. 00 Racew11Y • Bark Ri• er, Ml CODE -, ugust 2-4 ORW Gran Prix - Jac~me, Tecat • Laguna : alada BORE - •ugust 31-D1pt1mb1r ~ • Wendo,)lr 200BOR -Wendov r, NV MOR/JEEF • August 1 • Lucerne ~alley · Cal fornia l WSORR -!August 11- 2 · Round XIII & XIV -U.P. , VORRA - September 1-3 -Yerin~ton 300, 1 1rington, I evada, SCORE - September 7-9 -Prim1 , NV -SCO~E Las Veg s Primm 3~0 ZR -St ptember 2 ZR Poker ~un WSORR August 31 Septembe1 2 -Roundc XV & XVI Borg War er World I hampionst 'p Off Roa1 Races - C andon, WI BITD • ! 1ptemb CORI MOR CRS BITD -01 tober 5-7 - as Vegas OD CODE - )ctober 1 - aguna Salada VORRA • October 6-' - Prairie ,ity, Califo nia SNORE October 4 ~·Las Veg s, NV -So~th Point SNORE 250 CRS -De ober 5-6-1 rncott Ral y Coif 2,3 Prescott, J 7 MORE - I ctober 13- 4 -Po111 ZR· De nber 14 MDR • I ovember 1 , • Barsto, "B" Sto ~dard 25D · Double CORR - I ovember 2 3 -Las v, as Motor: peedway, as Vegas, Nevada RACS -ovember ! 10 • TBD I ally· Loca ion, TBD ASA Racing Products Nov Trackside Service Available At SCORE-SNORE-BITD-MDR SCORE· lovember 2-17 · Baja -SCOR SNORE -November -11 - Nelu'1 Hills, NV Kartek ~ estern Desi rt Chai WSDRR -November I • WSOOR I nnual Banq,iet • Locati n To Be Announced BITD. ovember 2 4, 2D07. l"C Golden l~est Cycle ~vi 150 CRS - I ovember 911 · Laugh in lnternat onal Rally Coef 1,2,3 -Laugl More-CORR I Andrew Kelly 619-582-6416 619-993-6415 cell On Line Order Form www.ASARACINGPRODUCTS.COM SUPERSTITION CHAMPIONSIDP OFF-ROAD RACING SERIES MDRPRODUCTION !RACES IN PLASTER CITY OHV AREA 626-442-9320 BITD/JEEI -Novemb r 30 -Dec mber 1-2 Henderson s Terrible 100 Dec CODE· ~ovember: 0, Decemb r1-2 • Rac1 Ready 27! -Mexical -San Felipe MORE - becember 1 - Barstow Toys For ots Holida 200 S.N.O.R.E. Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts If You Really Love Racing 702-452-4522 www Racer X Motorsports "Yom Safety & Communication• Source" Radio & Intercom Systems Safety Equipment -Helmets, Suits, etc. OPS & ·Sat Phones 41 Gallon X Cell by Fuel Safe 619-258-RACE RACE READY PRODUCTS Competition Proven High Performance VW Equipment S~altdng ru The Off' Road llarket 103 Pr-. Lane -suite 4 Chula Vista, CA 92010 866-891-9171 e-mail Rprod R/D SPRIJ Hi PerfValve Trai Specializing Automotive 8 Racing Engine Cy 760-948-4698 Ft www.RDVAJ,Vl

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rSTRIES r'l'Y PMPONENTS ,Tree Lane !A 93465 !663 ,es Jim Conner Racing 2169 Daytona Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 928-855-0912 928-453-9641 fax FAT PERFORMANCE Off Road Racing Engines, Parts and Dyno Services Centerline Wheels & acceuories SCORE Engine Builder Of The Year For Many Years 714-637~2889 Legend: NOTE: See current Happenings for changes and spo1cific information on each race as some infor-mation changes as the year goes by. DAVE FOLTS TRANS Geared To Serve You 562-694-5591 CODE -CODE 811 Ruf USA, P.O. Bor 2328. Calerico. CA 92231-2328 • USA 760-455-8069/Merico 011-52-686·553-4087 < > CORR -CORR 2187 l•c11 Oil S111110 270 Newport Center Drive, Suite 100. Newport Beach. CA -866· 501-CORR CRS -California Reily Sorin, We!Jsit1 · < www.Cafifomiaraflys« > tion Calendar SITO -8111 la The 011111 Racial A1oclati1n, 3475 Boulde, Highway, Las Vegas, NV 89121 • 702-457-5775 I Fax: 702-641-2431 BORE - hnn1vi111 Olfruf Racin1 En111,ri1n, 341 W. 2575 N. Sunset. UT 84015 • 801-773-1651 JEEP • J11,s,11f c-.11 .. ,. 1826 N. Windes, Orange. CA 92869 · 714-538-74341Far: 714-633-1724 MOR -MOR Racln1/MDRS -su,111titl1n Sorin). rl , 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 alley SCORE - January 1 -21 -Laug tin, NV - S ORE Laug tin Desert hallenge ZR - J uary 21 - exicali G #1 RACS - anuary 26 27 -Sno • ift Rally - tlanta, M chigan CRS - J nuary 27 MDRS - ebruary 1 -FUD 200 SNORE - ebruary 1 -18 -Prim , NV· Bat le At Prim RACS - ehruary 2 -24 -Rally in the 100 ere Woo - Salem, M ssouri CRS - F ruary 24 Seed 9 R lly -Goods rings, NV val nna, MN ZR -Fe ruary 18 -Grande GP 2 March 30-April 1 MC Pro rcuit Nev da 200 Tra I Ride· In tation onl -BITD MORE - arch 17 - arstow • alls Out 25 CRS • arch 23-2 _ Desert torm M rch 30-31 -McMillin exicali 5 -Mexical -CODE Marc 31 - Barst w "B" - M jave 250 -MOR/JEEP ally Coe! •3 -Blylhe CA arch 30-pril 2 - Jea , NV -Got Strike 40 -SNORE BITD • CODE-CORR -SNORE-ZR - A ril 21 -ZR Team Rae CORR -pril 21-22 Antelope pril 20-22 Oregon T ail Rally -C Bluewa er Gran P ix W Autopa tes Night ace -Lagu a Salada ay 18-20 • os Angele County F irplex, Po ona, Calif rnia March 31 -April ! - rairie Cit , Californi -VORRA BITD - A ril 27-29 - Terrible's own 250 8-29 -Fat n 200, F Ion Nevad -VORRA ounds, La caster, C ifornia CRS • regon MORE -ay 26, - L cerne Vall y -Kartek 00 ay 18-19-Dusty Tim Caliente 50 VORRA -ay 26-28 Yerington 300, Yerin ton, Neva a RACS • ay 19-20 • Olympus R lly -Olym ia, Washin ton May 26-2 -Rounds 11 & IV -Lu as Oil Spe dway, Wh atland, M -WSORR Ju e 29-30 - ackpot 200 Jackpot, V -BORE MOR-une 23-Lu erne Valle "A" -Mc enzies 400 Double Po nts MDRS -une 16 - C yote Was 200 Night Race une 29-J ly 1 -Eldo ado Valley NV KC Hi ites Midnig t Special SNORE/JE P VORRA June 23-2 -Loveloc 300, Lov ock, Nevad WSORR -une 23-24 -Rounds V I & VIII - rest Count Potowot mi Brush Run Races -Crandon WI Jun, 0 -Alvisa ight Race 4 • ZR FORTIN RACING, INC. -lllUVlt T.R.&llJ .lllllOllAXIOlf-TRARSAXLBS, REAR HUBS, CV CAGES a. CV BOOT J'LARGES, POWER RACKS a. SBA.LED SHIFTERS 9422 Bond Avenue EL CAJON, CA 92021 619-449-3633 P'AX 449-3665 www.P'ORTINRACING.COII 1853 Parkway Drive. South El Monte, CA 91733 • 626-442-9320/Far: 626-579-6051 MORE • M1jan Off Ruf Racl11 E ■th1i11t1, P.O. Box 1231. Bmtow. CA 92312 · 760-253·4453 mor• RACS • 2007 Rally America Chnr,l111hl, Sorin SCORE • SCORE f1t11aati11al, 23961 Craft1man Road Suill A. Calabm1. CA 91302 • 818-225-8402 /Fu 818-225-8102.< www.1CO< > SIORE • S1uth11a Inda Off Ruf E1tbul11t1, P.O. SOI 270516, Las Vegas, NV 89127 · 702-452-4522 < > VORRA • Valley Off Ruf Raci11 A1nci1ti1n · 775-224-1327 < www.vorra.e11m > WSORR • Worlf Sorin 11 Off Rod Racin1. P.O. Box 99, Crandon, Wisconsin 54520 · 303-880-7221 ZR • ZR P11m1tl1u. P.O. Sor 2122. Calerico, CA 92231 Howe Power Steering 619-561-7764 Michael E. James Insurance Agency Insurance specialists To The Off Road lndu_stry 619-445-5797 619-445-9297fax LEE POWER STEERING Go With The Best ,, Gean, Pumps, Pulle:,a, T1111ka, Servos, Cylinders Everything You !feed · For rour Steering System 818-768-0371 818-768-2687fax :i"D nd forest Rally • Bet el, Maine McKenzies Performance Products Off Road Is Our Business --1-----+----+-----1---+---+---+-----i,----+---+---t----t-----t---r--r--1--12366 E. Orangethorpe Avenue MORE -uly 21 - B rstow -Fr dom 25D BITD - A gust 22-2 , -Vegas T Reno !PD Night Rae CRS • orman Ri e Rally C ef 3 -Fraz er Park, C Augu t 31-Sept mber 1 - W ndover 20 BORE• W ndover, N -BORE August 31 Septembe 2 -Round XV & XVI Borg War er World hampionsh p Off Roa Races - C andon, WI -WSORR I 00 Raceway -Bark River Ml uly 19-21 Las Vega -SCORE errible's C p Ill -Sele t Classes-Closed Co rse Event RACS - ugust 24-2 -Ojibwe orests Ral y -Bemidji Minnuot uly 19-22 Rounds X & XII - P Only -Lo ation To B Announc d evada Rat y Experie Septe her 29, 3 -Mexican Logistics exicali 30 -CODE Se tember 28 29 -Antel pe Valley airground , Lancast r, Californ a • CORR Valley Septe ber 29 - L cerne Val ey "B" -Lu erne 250 MOR/JEEP - Treelin Rally Coe 3 • Quartz ite, AZ RACS - eptember 2-23 -Col rado Rall -Superstit on 250 ,~e Puff - Z Gran Prix #5 CORR - ctober 19-0 -Texas otor Spe dway, ball s, Texas Oct her 27-28 - Prairie C ty, Califor ia, Hallow en Party 7oi ts No ember 30 Decemb F B ja 1000 1~n • VORRA - ovember 7 -Award Banquet, o Be Anno need N vember 30 December -2 -Race 1jin, NV jGCORP tp Components In Imports 5 Motorcycle 1mder Headwork al' 760-948-4856 ~SPRING.COM Pro Wire Quality Race Car Wiring 818-943-9473 ZR - N ember 25 -ZR Gran ix De Cam iones #6 Parker Oil Sunoco Racing Gasoline And Lucas Oil Products 928-669-2617 Serving The Colorado River "Service Is Our Tradition" Dece her 31 • T e Bud Lig t Dash 20 -MDRS PCI RACE RADIOS The Leader In Off Road Communication 562-427-8177 800-869-5636 Anaheim, CA 92806 714-441-1212 714-441-1622 fax MDRRACING CALIFORNIA CHAMPIONSHIP OFF ROAD RACING SERIES IN BARSTOW LUCERNE & Ridgecrest 26-442-9320 MDRRACDIG.COII M.O.R.E. Mojave Of!' Road Racmg Enthualaat P.O. Box 1231 Barstow, CA 92311 760-253-4453 e-mail: MOTORSPORT MACHINE (Affiliate Of Critical Operationa) UT ClellDhlg -Coolen/Radiaton Crack Inspection - Mag a. Pen CNC IUlllD.g a. Turning 1900 £. Occidental -street Santa Ana, CA 92705 714-258-8544 ◄

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I rl d~/:1iiij\l season Ender Greeves,Hord,Dberg And Renezeder Win Johnny Greaves picked up his seventh win of the season on Sunday at, he was 5th in Pro 4 on Saturday in his Toyota with a big point lead. Chula Vista, CA: CORR's final weekend of the 2006 sea-son brought some exciting rac-ing to the Southern California fans, and a surprising grand finale event that sent them home still buzzing. The weather was really nice for this event, with fairly mild temperatures, and no storms looming or 100 year hot spells to make it uncomfortable for the spectators. The course lay-out was the same, ironically, fi-nally satisfying everyone now that the season was ending and the course would have to be moved to a new location. This was not only the final event of the 2006 season, but it was the last for this unique track. Every time they came to see the racing, CORR fans could see civilization encroach-ing. More and more buildings grew up around the perimeters of the track, and it was appar-ent that the area was way too developed to permit the noisy, dusty activity that is short-course racing to go on much longer. The schedule called for two days of racing to determine the points championships for the season, and one added block-buster event; the Jason Bald-win Memorial Race. This would be a ten lap winner-take-all event, putting the Pro 2s and Pro 4s against each other. The $66,000 purse was sym-bolic of Jason's number (66) when he raced in CORR, and the special race seemed a fit-ting memorial falling as it did almost a year after Jason's death in a plane crash. Practice was entertaining, and an indication of what the racing would be like, with cars going up in smoke and rolling over even during their brief change to try out the course. Tim Herbst was back, with a new Pro 4 truck, and he was taking advantage of the prac-In Pro 2, Carl Renezeder won on Saturday, was 7th on Sunday, he leads the Pro 2 points, seen here ready to land his Nissan. tice sessions because he had no time in the truck at all before race weekend. Bruce Fraley, normally a desert racer, was also there, driving the Ampudia Single Buggy (a desert 1600 car) with the in-tent of learning how to build them. He's predicting that some Las Vegas folks will go for this form of racing. Also back was Mike Metzger, the famed motorcycle acrobat, who raced his Pro Lite truck for the first time in September. He's still learning the ins and outs of the sport, and in Saturday's prac-tice he rolled his truck off of Turn 5. He said he'd had a rough week because at a recent outing he'd gone to move a friend's truck, and somehow it spun and flipped, dumping him on his unhelmeted head. He'd had no belts on, not ex-pecting any problem with the truck. he said t·hat was t·he "first time I ever rolled any-thing and - I did it twice in a week." He was unscathed in the practice roll-over. Racing started at about 12:20 on Saturday afternoon, with a mixture of trucks, mostly desert Sportsman classes, but some ?S trucks were mixed in. This group isn't running in the CORR series, but has its own identity and its own tech and points systems. They race together, but start in two separate groups, about 15 seconds apart. Their events are only eight laps in length, but that's plenty of time to put on a show. They had their share of roll-overs, starting the day on Lap 2 with a big one, and fol-lowing through on Lap 3 with another. Meanwhile, in Class Desert 7, Oscar Lara went into the lead on the first lap and stayed there to take the win, while Javier Sacio chased him up into second place. But then he went up in smoke. Biker Sherlock, meanwhile, had picked off about one truck each lap, and gradually rose to finish second. In the Desert ?S class, rac-ing intermingled with the "Class 7" trucks, Tim Lawrence ·had to do a lost of passing, and sometimes moved up three po-sitions on a lap, to take the win, followed across the line by Michael Ballard, who went right with him all the way in the Steven Looney truck. On Sunday when they came back they were missing six of their members. In the Desert 7 class, Oscar Lara got the lead by the third lap, and then fought off Sherlock until the seventh lap, when he finally got by. Sherlock took the win, with Lara in second place. In the 7S class Holly Hoffman got the hole-shot and went into the Kyle LeDuc took a fourth and a first in Pro Lite in his Ford at Chula Vista, he's seen here in nice level flight. Aaron Hawley took a first and a fifth in Super Buggy, Aaron not too happy with his performance this year. . lead on the first lap, and stayed there for four laps while Michael Ballard put on the pressure. On the fourth lap Ballard got right up next to Hoffman, and they dueled into Turn 6, where Hoffman spun and tipped over, leaving Ballard up front to take the win. Tim Lawrence moved up to second on the fourth lap, and stayed there through the finish. In Pro 4, Josh Baldwin took home a second and a ninth place Mike Oberg took home a third and a second place at Chula Vista, In Pro Lite, a pair of third place finishes gave Chad Hord an finish in his Ford pickup, seen here ready for touchdown. he's seen here in his Pro 2 Chevy pickup. insurmountable lead in the Pro Lite contest, seen here in his Nissan. Dusty Times January 2007 Page 37

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Kevin Walsh garnered a second and an eighth place finish in Single Curt LeDuc took a pair of third place finishes in Pro4 at Chula Steve Barlow finished fourth and third in the two Pro 2 races at Chula Vista, Steve is seen here in his good looking Ford pickup. Buggy, he's seen here in his great looking car at speed. Vista, seen here hustling to the finish line in his Ford. audience enjoyed them, the kids apparently had a wonder-ful time, but the dads and moms standing along the course looked a little stressed. No names of winners were avail-able, due to the fact that these were only "demonstrations". A first and a 10th place finish in Single Buggy went to Vic Bruckmann, he's seen here heading for the checkers. Scott Douglas took a first and a fifth place finish in Pro 4 at. Chula Vista; seen here in his good looking Ford. The next event on the Satur-day schedule was the Single Buggies, which are 1600cc single seat buggies (some are slightly modified desert cars) all meeting certain weight and wheelbase criteria. This is CORR's biggest class, with over 30 entrants at these events. This was their West Coast se-ries. A mostly different bunch runs in this class in the Midwest Series. This class, like all the others, starts all at once in a "land rush" start that's astound-ing to watch. It's hard to believe that so many open-wheeled ve-hicles can get through the first turn without anyone turning over. Sometimes they can't. This weekend, as they had in September, CORR created a very short course in front of the grandstands, so that the kids in the Trophy Karts could put on a "demonstration" race. .They've refined things a bit since a month earlier. Now the kids are divided into two age groups: ages 6 through 11 run in one event, and ages 12 through 15 are in another. As far as these being "demonstra-tion" races -well -maybe the kids didn't fully understand the meaning of "demonstration". They were started from up on the straight near where the big trucks start, in order to thin them out a bit before the first turn. But their instincts are the . ~1&•11!!!!!! SHOCK .... ...,..,n«:HNO&OGY Page 38 714.s:KJ.8701 • FAX714.530.B702 12842 JOY STREET, GARDEN GROVE, CA 92840 W'W'W'Jcingshoclcs.corn January 2007 same as those of the adults who raced later, and these didn't look like demonstration events, they looked like races. They fought to pass, they rolled over, they flew through the air and they battled for the lead. The ';-'2.6" 2.5" --€''!!!£1 Need coil springs? Call King Shocks! We have custom and produdion coils in stock, and the experience to get you what you need. Call today! Dusty Times

Page 39

In Pro Lite, Art Schmitt took home a second and a 16th place finish, Art is seen here flying his Nissan towards the flag. Matt Kross got himself a fourth and a seventh place finish at Chula A pair of fifth place finishes for Sean Kennedy in the Single Buggy Vista, seen here in his Super Buggy. contest has him sitting in third place in points. This time they almost did, but Billy McCool, driving here for the first time, was left sitting on his side, and someone else was parked with no right rear wheel. McCool was quickly righted, but then had a lot of ground to make up and he'd lost his oil. Some-body else rolled in Turn 5 and was left on his side and Ryan Schank was chasing Bruckmann. John Fitzgerald and Michael No-tary, both serious contenders in the class, dropped out on the first lap. Bruckmann, sporting a new dual port head motor, moved into the lead on the third lap. Now he was starting to worry about his fuel. He tries to run just what he'll need for the 11 lap event, and has misjudged on the short side a time or two. He was hoping he had it right this time. Boyer held onto sec-ond for a bit, then, not used to this car, which is the one his dad, Greg, usually drives, he lost ground and fell back to fifth or sixth. By the fourth lap a couple of cars had started to smoke, one was towed off after a hard roll-over, and Bruck-Ninth on Saturday, a win on Sunday, not too bad a weekend for Todd LeDuc, he's seen here in his Pro 2 Ford at Chula Vista. Bob Naughton won the Pro Lite battle on Saturday, finished second on Sunday, a really good weekend in Southern California. mann built his lead gradually until he was running all by himself. Kevin Graves thought he had a flat, and even though his spotter said he didn't, he went into the hot pit. He didn't. Then on the eighth lap he rolled over, landin!! on his wheels, and went on apparently unaffected. Carefully skirting the dam-aged and limping cars, Bruck-mann gradually built a long lead. He was still worrying about his fuel, but everything was working just fine. At the end of the 11th lap he was still running, and had finished first. Kevin Walsh was second and Trov Morgan finished third. This group was a bit disap-pointed that CORR didn't in-vite them into the "podium" area for post race interviews and give them a chance to thank ceeding the 30 mph speed limit their sponsors and supporters on a yellow flag. They were all on camera as they do with ev-to report to "teardown teach". eryone else. Bruckmann figured On Sunday only 31 cars came out that his dual port motor back, and this time they all gets better mileage than the old made it through the first turn. one, a plus for him, since it also Cory Boyer was once again in had more power. front, with John Grossini chas-Ken ny Kincaid, chief of ing him, and John Fitzgerald in CORR's officials, announced third place. By the second lap that all the cars in this class Fitzgerald had moved up into were being penalized for ex-Continued next page Our Super Flow Air Cleaners are ... Be:atte:ar by De:aS:tiQn We simply took the current design and made it flow better. Competitors Current Design All of our Super Flow Air Filters are designed for maximum CFM! Dirty Air ~----==--4• Intake Opening -------and Air Fins cause r ~-,, too much air restriction \-~·::::;;:;;;~~·r1 for the air filter to work --By eliminating the Air Fins and the 4 • Opening we"ve allowed this filter to breathe better. ~ ~-·--,--., _· ..... r:::-~:!:!~ -----Clean Air To Motor Dusty Times .• . •• •_. .• •. properly for VS motors. ..,,~,..,.. .. Check out our Website for more info. ---CleanAir To Motor " • from Firewall. -s·opening -Our large 3" Discharge Valve allows the dirt to be removed completely. Available in 8" and 10• Diameters. --Clean Air To Motor Available in a· Diameter only. January 2007 By adding a pre-filter we completely eliminate the need for a discharge valve. ""Dirty Air Page 39

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A 10th place finish and a second place finistr in the Pro 4 category In Pro 2, Dan Van DenHeuvel Sr. suffered through an 18th and a Mark Oberg finished fifth and fourth in his two races at Chula for Rick Huseman, he's seen here in his Toyota. 4th place finish in his Chevy, seen here locked in battle. Vista, he's seen here in flight in his Ford. second spot, and by the fifth lap moving steadily through their Greg Boyer, in the first three ner, Troy Morgan, a rookie, won On Saturday the third event he was first, and Boyer was sec- laps. slots. They went on to finish the 2006 single Buggy Champi-on the schedule was the Pro 2 ond. Graves had lost his right By about the eight lap they that way. onship. He was also awarded trucks, and they started the rear wheel on Lap 5, possibly as started to move through lapped When they'd totaled up the Rookie of the Year honors, hav-race with 20 entries. The a result of Saturday's roll-over, traffic, and now it was points from this weekend and ing recorded one win and six top trucks differ from the buggies but otherwise they were all, just Fitzgerald, Cory Boyer and computed the season points win- five finishes this season. in that they get to race 16 laps, LIST YOUR PHONE NUMBER, YEAR, MODEL AND ENGINE SIZE/ Sales Information: Payment may be made by credit card, money order or cashier's check Personal or business checks are not accepted. C.0.0. orders accepted with 50% pre-payment. S5 Harnllino charge oo an orders. California residents include 7.75% sales tax. Customers responsible for all freight charges. Minimum order 1s S25. The use o1 Volkswagen by Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. 1s for descriptive purposes ONLY ~nd in no way is the name used 10 inter or intend a direct conneClion belween Pacific Customs Unlimited. Inc. and Volkswagen. Volkswagen 1s a registered trademark. PRICES EFFECTIVE DURING THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MAGAZINE COVER DATE. EAGLE EYE OFF ROAD LIGHTS H.I.D. L/fblswitbMWX-B#lbs 1114 b/Jnt 4 ·1,· Oval H.I.D Dm,ng light Silver f°dliSh and Elaenial ~llii$1. pair ..... ........... $522 s· 0v,1 ~Lt D. Dumo llOht _______ __, Silver f111ish ano El<lemal Sq,r lrifld HalllfH L/fbJI. Ball.rsl. pH .................... 522 6" Round 100W Dri'llng light 8' ()val H.1.0. Spot light. w11h Blacle fin,sh, pair ..•.•• .$38 frniSh and EJCttroal Oi12SI. 6" Round 100W Slim-Pro Drivlno pan ................................ 522 light with Chrome Anish. pair •. 7◄ s• Round H.I 0. Driving l19ht. 4 ·I( Dual 100W Driving Light O~I Finish and lnt1!'nal ...... .. wilh Sliver Finish. palr ......... 82 B.lllast paw ...................... 522 If Round 55W DrMno Light 6 · Round H.I O Spol Lil)hl. Opal •• with S~ver FuliSh, pall ....... ,.98 F11ish and lnrernal ~ . s· Round Spot with SIMr P•ir ................................. 522 AniSh. pair ........... -.......... 98 COMMIJIIICAT/011 KITS ln/c Kit Orint,. ,.__,., CMRmltlliA/ltNI. All'IIKH Kils b"' ,._ C.,/lbfllty 1M tJJ• Drtwr 19 Corllmnlclll II Passe111m. Cir to c,, tN Cir ,o ln•witJIRIIIJoAddH. Bas,c 2·1'efson Kt WlllS ........ $-465 Blaclt Finish Heads« ............. 598 Basic Herson Kl wlHS ...... 799 Black. Bkle. Red or Yellow 1\(Jv'dnced 560 Herson Behind the Head Head 5el 16◄ Intercom Ktt ................... 635 Carbon Fiber Behind Head Push 10 Ta• Button ................... 37 HNd Set ........................ 178 COIL BEAM SUSPENSION "11at/alrlUSA• Front Etth.,, r WIRr witJI tr Twm ltlktlJI Coils~ Wilbolll llH/f/ul#/6 alld hldw#RMtltlllP/aJNlltllllll. Tt1/lhtf Amil m D. O.M. lhlttW, 2•;.•u,prr1•WM,r AM CIII /Ju Eil//ll S1«:t Kitti l'i1I S,mll# ort:MH U... front Beam lor Cod Snacks ..• $265 Comllo linl< Spindles ........... $475 cnromoJy Froot Beam lor Combo lb Sclindles :r ~ .. 510 Co• Shooks ....................... 310 l(JOQ Sboek T Ad~ BOdy O.O.M Tramno Arms. set of 4 .310 w/Reservoir, Includes D.O.M. • 4· TraiUno Arms (4) .• 360 Springs. eaci1.,. ................. ◄95 Thiu Rods w/NulS, pair ............. 50 Piggy Back Reservoir Option ..... 65 Urerhane Beam Bushings .....•.. .24 SV/edoed Tie Rods. Alum .. pr .... 65 H.O l.Jnk Pins .......................... 52 SWl!CIQell T•Rods, ChlllfllOly. pr.65 Page 40 FRONTBRAXES 2-1'1«$ Bit,.,,,.. wit// r Rotor, a,lff,.,s. C.llltlr ea,,,,.,, WilwoH 1 PistOII C,//lftS wittl IIIHIIIJitlg lrun/J. VW Link Pin Fron1 Brakes •.•.. S7◄ 5 Combo Link Front Bnkes ...... 755 FrGOtHrbK/1 Wi Link P11 front Hub Kit .• $499 Coolbo link fronl Hub J<it •••••• ◄99 H.D. FRONT BRAKES 1·Pltu Ill/fl HIit Jti//1 r /14/,r, TiOIUJf le,,;,,,., Cuwr C,p lltll WllwHd 2 Pal# C,/ipm 11/tt/..,,,,,,, amt,t,. Combo link Fronl Brakes .. _S$40 KING ADJUSTABLE SHOCKS WI RESERVOIR F1IIM/lllllllfflD•II Sprl-, Sllockrill Holl Ufl llflffmJir. KinO 2• AdjUSlable Shade, SPORTSMAN MICRO STUB KIT B/lll/ llf1lillf HINltitlg w,t• 1/mtn hlfillp, ti" lbllltf, Alrm/t Oflllily AJl,r SIii# Al/fr 11111 w;,-,, P/IIQJJ c,11pm. Sl)oflSIMl IAiclo Stub Kil . .$1.395 H.D. 300M MICRO STUB BRAKE KIT IHII/ k1lillf HolnilJg wil/1 TiRltlrr Bu,illp, ,,. Ro/#$, Ulf' Diffllttr 31111M $IQ bf# Hi/ Witrlofl 4 PIii# C,1/pm. H.D. Mero SIUb Brake l(il._.$1.695 NON-COIL SHOCKS Klno 2" Sllock. 8· 10• 12" Stroke .••• lrom $225 King 2 y, Slloclt. 12•14·16"Slrolte.. .•. .lrom295 8-10-12"Slroke ••.. lrom5495 .,,_811.,.8 -np ICinO 2 •t,• Adjustable ShOQ<. n1nv Ulffr QI u t2•t4-16"Slroke •.•• lrom585 r"""'Slopflit"4tJ# PiooY Back Reser;oir O!ltion .•. .65 airo,,,,,, Jiff,-. Triple lly·Pass. 2 '/,• Body ....... 650 Bump Stop Ynlh Sleeve, uch $257 CENTERLINE WHEELS ~ Ahmlillflm Wllttlt lltllll "'1111/H FHlitll. svw ................... 5264 svw ..................... .268 5 VW .................... Z72 svw ..................... .275 svw ..........•..•...... .279 s vw ..................... .291 15 X 12 5 VW ..................... 298 15 x3 '/, 4 VW ...................... 275 15 •5 ·1, 4 vw ................. .283 15x7 ◄VW ..................... 291 15 x 8 'h 4 VW .................... .298 POWER STEERll/6 COMPONENTS Howe Power Raci, 2" Wclesprsd... ••.•.. -··········-···-···.S1.275 Howe Power Rael 2 •1.-w~ead .................. ·-····•-· ...... 1.275 Howe Power Rack. 2 'H Wldespre,c! ,dh Control Valve •.•.•••.•... 1,650 Char·lyM Torque Gellefalor ..................................................... 295 Char-Lynn Billet Mount Clamps 10 1 ·1, Tul>in0 ................... - •.• 459 Mounting Tab. Weld-OR, eac:h ................................................... 10 Port Block f01 Char•Lynn wi111 Fittil'IQ$ ..... _ ... __ .... _ ................ ,30 Coupler for Char•Lynn .................................................................. 18 U-JOOII for Char•Lynn (Swee!) ........................ ···~···"•·•····From 56 Power Steering Pumps, lOOOPSI or 1300P$l ............................. 160 Pulley lor Power Sleeriog Pump ................... , ..................... from 45 Power Steering Reservoir IDf 18 and #10 Fittings ......................... 85 Power Steenno Reservoir with FIiter Adaptei ................................ 150 Mount for Power Steenno Pu!lll (Specify Enolne) ................ From 65 Bracllel, Res«Volr ....................................................................... 14 930 CHROMOLY STUBAXLES& DRIVE FLANGES Stub Axlos for 930 r::-1, pail ... .$140 Stub Aides fur Bus CV. pair ... $140 Drive Flanges for 930 Cl/. pair ... 70 0(1'/e Aanoes lor Bus CV. pair . 70 HEAVY DUTY AXLES GERMAN CV JOINTS by LATEST RASE Buo/Bus Trans to AND BOOTS 8ee1le fr1ier Atl11$. ••...•. .S120 Bu~. CV Jomt... ..................... S-15 Bug/Bus Trans to 3x3 Arms .••• 130 Buo. r::-, Boo1 .................... .... 5 Bu(l/8us Trans lo 3x3 Arms Bus. CV Joint .................... 50 for930CV's ..................... 1◄0 Bus.CV8001 ........................... 7 23·or25· Axles for930CV's ... 160 930, r::-, Joinr... .......•... . .58 24•.2a-M300 for 930 CV's • .fr 440 930. 8001 and Flange .......... 34 CE ~ ]L CROW SAFETY BELTS 3• u, l•llr 111111 r or 3" S//olddlt HlnllU# AVllhbll /113, 4, or t' PoUI/ W1bb/1Jf is Ar,/11//11 /11 BIMt. Grey, BIH, RH or 1'111,11. 3" x2· 3Polnt ........... $70 3"x2" ◄Point .................... 70 3• X 3" 3 Poll!...... ..... .... ...80 3• t 3· 4 Point ................... 80 3· x 2· 3 Pl w/Shuul~ Pad .90 3" x 2· 4 Pt w/Shoulder Pad . 90 3 .. x 3" 3 Pt w/ShouhJer Pad 100 3· x 3.. 4 Pl w/Shoulder Pad 100 2 Crotch Strap............... ..12 CROW SHOULDER PADS Aralllblt torr tN r SIHHlidlr H,-, I/Mk. BIH Or RH. 2" Shoulder H1rness Pads. pr • .$24 :r Shoutdef Harness Pads. pr ... .28 B.t/l!M,.USEAT UL' SPORTSTER 11,m,11 Olllf tr WIit/ II# Y1111 Cu /Ju S#lffll/ 0rw WidlJISAmuble. Srn,,aioll SuJs ill Nlnl#ltlr 2•Pass.Otnch Seat, CUllis.Anlllltlflllllllt,rG,ry. 46" or 48' ~ ·••·····-S435 1.,r Sf)Or1Ster Sea~ Lovi-Back s 110 BEARD SUPER SEAT LiBEARD T/EIJOWNS5 MOUNT KIT Lioht Duty Tie Down. 1•1.·xs· Slide/fin Combination .......... $128 Strap, 5.000# Capacity ...... St8 Slide/Slide Combination Ratchet Tie Down, 2' x 7' for ur Sp011Ster .............. t44 Strap. 10.000, capacity •..•. 26 Brackel arid Slide Mount Only •. 60 AXie St111> .............................. 12 January 2007 and sometime during the event, on the eighth or ninth lap, the officials throw a man-datory full course yellow, aimed at closing them up and making the heat more interest-ing for the spectators. The rac-ers are not crazy about that mandatory yellow. There were 20 trucks for the first heat, and Mike Oberg got the hole shot, maybe the first sign that this would be a good weekend for him. Everyone cleared the difficult first lap, but on the second lap Scott Douglas, Travis Coyne and Dan VandenHeuvel all dropped out. Oberg continued to lead, with Kevin Probst chasing after him, and Steve Barlow running in third and Scott Taylor giving him a tough fight. On the fifth ·lap J erry \Vhelchel started to smoke, and pulled out, then they lost Dan Baudoux on the seventh lap, and Scott Taylor went out also, when a left rear wheel came off, after the studs broke. Baudoux's truck is a new one, and he's not yet happy with the way it's working. It's of interest however, in part be-cause it runs on a mix of part ethanol and part gasoline, and in part because GM is hoping it will remind potential car buy-ers that there are many models of GM vehicles QUt there that run on that mix, which they told us will eventually be the fuel of choice all across the United States. Oberg continued to lead, and Probst continued to chase through the 10th lap. In the meantime, Ricky Johnson, who was driving Josh Baldwin's truck and Rhonda Konitzer, in another Baldwin truck, were having the best duel on the track. They rubbed sheet metal through many turns, and nei-ther gave an inch. It was the first time Johnson had raced in about eight or nine years, and he was having a wonderful time, and looked as if he'd for-gotten nothing. On about the 10th lap Evan Evans rolled off Turn 5 and dropped to last place, and when he got back onto the track he had a left front flat tire and lost more time with a visit to the hot pit. Andrew Wehe rolled onto his side in Turn 2 but was rescued quickly. Ricky Johnson bent a shock, and every now and then it stuck down when he landed, and made him have to adjust his line a bit. Then Renezeder Dusty Times

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A pair of third place finishes for Jeff Elrod in the Super Buggy Greg Boyer managed and eighth place finish and a third place Ricky Johnson was second in his Pro 2 Saturday race, an Division, Jeff is seen here in nice level flight. over the weekend, Greg is seen here in his Single Buggy steed. unfortunate dnf on Sunday, he's seen here with fiberglass a'flappin. ran into Probst and pushed eryone still on their wheels. Jeff traffic so tight, lost about six left behind in the Turn 3 hole, some water on it and it was him off course, causing him to Kincaid had got the hole shot, positions. A couple of laps sending up clouds of smoke. slippery!" drop about six positions. with Robert Naughton second later Schmitt went over the On the 14th lap LeDuc went When the Pro 4 trucks Oberg went uneventfully on in and Rodrigo Ampudia in third berm on Turn 5 also, stayed on by Naughton in Turn 4, and started on Sunday there were the lead in the meantime, and place. In Turn 2, Ampudia his wheels, drove around the went on to take the win. only ten of them. Noel didn't now Renezeder was second and rolled his truck, and as he was outside and lost only two posi-Ampudia pulled into the in-come back. Cenni got the hole Barlow third. They were deal-upside down and backwards, an-tions before regaining the field on the last lap with a bro-shot, but Renezeder got past ing with lapped traffic now. other truck hit him and booted course. Meanwhile, Naughton ken spindle. Naughton fin-him in Turn 5 to go into the On the back straight, Ren-him up onto his wheels. In the was having a trouble free race, ished second and Hord was lead. They proceeded to have a ezeder pulled even with Oberg, meantime, Josh Hintz was and sailed on serenely in the third. Kincaid, a bit disheart-great battle, until Cenni got and Oberg held his position, not parked on his lid in front of the lead as Hord, Kincaid and ened by his string of failures sideways, slid on the berm and letting him by. But ultimately, grandstands, waiting to be Schmitt fought it out behind this season, had elected not to out of Turn 5, sliding right down in the Turn 3 hole, Ren-towed away. Jeff Yoder, who'd him. On about the eighth lap run this heat, saying there into the K-rail. Josh Baldwin, ezeder got by, and took the lead. also gone aground somewhere it became apparent that wasn't any point to it until they simultaneously, pulled off Renezeder went on to win, and on that lap, was towed into the Kincaid was having a problem. figured out what was going course in the dogleg turn, Ricky Johnson somehow slid up infield and parked for the du-His truck would slow, then wrong. when something broke and into second place, while Oberg ration. Ampudia gave his truck pick up speed, then slow again. The last truck race on Sun-went into his motor. The offi-finished third. a try or two, and to everyone's Apparently the gremlins day was for the Pro 4s, with 11 cials red flagged the race, so When the Pro 2s came back surprise, it fired up. He put it that had bothered him for the entries. They got cleanly they could clear Cenni's truck on Sunday there were only 16 in gear rather tentatively, and past several races had not been through the first couple of off course. They took Baldwin of them. A four-truck crash put then drove off, to get back into disposed of. He pulled out af-turns, with Scott Douglas in away also. Evan Evans out with a dam-the fray. He looked more like a ter nine laps. the lead, and Curt LeDuc chas-On the restart, Renezeder aged front end, and Ricky big desert buggy than a CORR Ampudia's battered truck ing him. John Greaves was had the hole shot, with Johnson was suddenly parked truck, all his body panels now didn't quite make it to the fin-working hard to get around Huseman running second and in the infield. Jerry Whelchel lying in pieces on the track, ish, and he pulled off on the LeDuc, and for some reason, Greaves in third. Now, instead hit the Turn 2 wall hard, and waiting to be collected by the far side of the dogleg turn. But after just one lap Carl Ren-of being wet, it was dusty. then pulled out on the next souvenir hunters. The race had Naughton went on to win, fol-ezeder pulled out. On the third Great clouds of dust billowed lap, climbing out of the cab as first been yellow flagged, but lowed across the line by lap Adrian Cenni and Rick up out of the turn 3 hole, and steam or smoke issued forth. when the officials realized how Schmitt and Hord. That third Huseman crashed into the wall occasionally it was hard for There was a lot of dust on many disasters there were, they place was just enough to cinch and got stuck together. Cenni spectators to see exactly what course for this heat. Scott Tay-red flagged it. Everyone headed the season points champion-pulled loose and went on, but was happening. Greaves took lor had gone to the front, with back to the staging area. One ship for Hord, who garnered a when Huseman was freed up it over second place on the fifth Todd LeDuc chasing him. They more bit of bad luck awaited total of one win and 13 top was apparent that his front end lap, and now he and Renezeder were having a really good Ampudia. When he got back three finishes during the sea-had broken in the crash, so he put on a great show, with a lot battle, running side by side and into the start line, his dad was son. It was his first champion-was out. Meanwhile, Douglas of side-by-side racing, until back and forth for many laps. there to have a look at the ship season. was building a huge lead, and Renezeder developed a left Kevin Probst ran third for a truck. He saw a piece of sheet Pro Lite came back with 26 Greaves, who'd passed LeDuc front flat. He drove with it that long way, but on the sixth lap metal hanging, and thinking it cars on Sunday, and they made on the second lap, was pulling way for a while and after a his truck started to smoke, and would be a hazard to other it through the first and second away from what was left of the while the tire began smoking he pulled out. Taylor then trucks/drivers on the course, he turns cleanly, following pack also. Then, on Lap 5 and flipping off pieces of started puffing smoke, and sud-pulled it off the vehicle. An of-Naughton who got the hole Greaves slowed with a rear sus-tread. On the eighth lap denly there was a huge billow-ficial promptly sent Rodrigo to shot. Schmitt ran second, Kyle pension problem, and both Greaves went into the lead, and ing flame under his truck. He the back of the line-up. It seems LeDuc third and Hord was Josh Baldwin and Curt LeDuc the ninth lap was the manda-parked in Turn 6, and as the it's a no-no to "touch a truck" fourth. LeDuc and Hord were went by him. The next few laps tory yellow flap lap, so Ren-flame enveloped the cab and that's waiting for a restart after having an entertaining battle, weren't terribly exciting as they ezeder went into the hot pit for the air cleaner caught fire, he a red flag. Ampudia knew he but for the most part, everyone all just motored around in or- a new tire. Marty Coyne, whose made a hurried exit. couldn't work on the truck, but just hustled around the track der, too widely separated to be truck had been smoking, was LeDuc took over the lead just he thought he was dealing with with no complications for doing any passing. suddenly on fire, so he parked as they applied the mandatory a safety issue, and never gave it about six laps. Then Mike At the finish, only Douglas, at the end of Turn 2 and full course yellow -it was Lap a thought otherwise. Metzger rolled his truck in the Baldwin and LeDuc had com-climbed out of the truck, then 8. He stayed there to the end. On the restart, Naughton dogleg, and had to be towed pleted all 16 laps. Larry Noel set off his extinguisher. That Travis Coyne ran second for a got the hole shot, with Art away. Then came the officially was fourth with 14 laps done, brought out another yellow few laps, but then Steve Barlow Schmitt in hot pursuit. Kincaid mandated full course yellow, and Greaves, who ensured his flag. Tim Herbst, driving in moved up. Meanwhile, Rhonda was third and Chad Hord ran and when they restarted Pro 4 championship with the this class for the first time, was Konitzer, who'd been running fourth. On about the third lap Schmitt went up high on the finish, in fifth also with 14 not setting the world on fire, sixth, moved up to fourth, and Dan VandenHeuvel, Jr., who'd Turn 2 bank, slowed, and then laps, and a barely working rear having had no more than four then third. But she took a hit been sixth or seventh, fell over stopped. He was done after suspension. He said, "It was a laps in the car before the first after Turn 5 that sent her side-the edge of Turn 5, and with nine laps. Someone else got hairy first lap -the track had Continued next page ways and she rolled over many times, skimming the top of the K-rail and putting an end to her race. Todd LeDuc went on to take the win, with Mike Oberg, who passed Barlow on the 14th lap, in second place, and Barlow third. Carl Renezeder was seventh. But that finish on top of a very strong season, gave him the sea-son Pro 2 Points Champion-ship. Oberg, who 's new to the Pro 2 class, was ho n ored as the Rookie of the Year. He'd man-aged a win and six top five fin-ishes for the season. On Saturday the Pro Lite trucks were next on the grid, with 23 trucks. They got through the first turn with ev-Dusty Times Fourteenth on Saturday, first place on Sunday, that was Corry Heynan at Chula Vista, he 's seen here in his Super Buggy racer. January 2007 John Fitzgerald dnf'd on Saturday, came back for a great win in Single Buggy on Sunday, not too bad for a short season. Page 41

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A seventh place finish and a fourth place finish for Scott Peterson, In Single Buggy, Cory Boyer took home a sixth and a second place Also in Single Buggy, John Grossini managed a seventh and a he's seen here throwing lots of dirt in his Super Buggy. finish at Chula Vista, seen here in his great lookin' Single Buggy. fourth place finish, he's seen here headin' for the checkers. heat. He was using the races laps, and in fact, no one devel-at a time, and had the effect of division. Heynen, like Nierop, way back up the front straight. for practice, essentially, and it oped any problems until about stringing the cars out along the comes down from Canada to That's no easy thing to do in a was clear that he was finding the fourth lap. Aaron Hawley length of the course early in race the series. helmet, with head restraints. it very different from desert was fourth, then third, and by the heat. The Jason Baldwin Memo-Maybe they just decided to let racing. His times improved the fifth lap had himself up to Heynen stayed in front, with rial Race was the final event for their spotters tell them when from Saturday to Sunday and second place. He was clearly on Nierop in second and Elrod the weekend, but they'd quali-to go. That would probably he looked more at home on the a mission. third. Hawley, who wanted to fied for it on Friday before the have been the easiest thing to track by the end of Sunday's On the sixth lap Hawley be up there with them was run-weekend began. Both the Pro do. race. He'll be fun to watch next took over the lead as Heynen's ning hard, but he'd been in the 2 and Pro 4 trucks were going At any rate, when the flags season. shifter broke and he had to early tangle and had a long way to race, and there were 24 en-flew, chaos erupted. Going Greaves continued to lead, give up the game. Hawley con-to go .. It turned into a single tries, all vying for that big win-through the first turn Josh with Huseman second and tinued to build his lead, with file parade, and the only ones ner-take-all purse in a ten lap Baldwin tipped over on his Douglas in third place, fol-Gary Nierop, who'd moved up changing position much were race. There would be no man-·side, but got back on his wheels lowed by LeDuc. On the 13th to second following and build-Scott Peterson and Hawley. datory yellow flag for this one. quickly. Cenni crashed into lap Douglas developed a left ing his own cushion. Elrod was Gradually they moved up, to The difficult thing to do would Huseman in front of the grand-rear flat, and he went to the pit third. On the eighth lap Todd catch, but not close enough to be to start them in some way stands, and clouds of dust bil-for a new tire the next time Stemmerman's car was sound-pass, the lead group. They that would erase the edge the lowed. Ricky Johnson, in a Pro around. Now it was Greaves, ing unwell, and by Lap 9 they'd would have been tough on any Pro 4 trucks have because of 2, went into the lead, with Huseman and LeDuc, and become strung out, so there event, but given that sort of their four wheel drive. There Todd LeDuc in second place that's the order they held to was no passing going on. half-lap head start they got, were eight Pro 4s and 16 Pro and Steve Barlow third. It was the finish flag. Hawley continued to lead to Hawley and Peterson would 2s. CORR decided to put the obvious to the spectators that The final event on the end, with Nierop behind have needed another ten laps. Pro 2 trucks on the front this was the final race of the Saturday's program was the him in second, and that's the In the end it was Heynen, straight, lined up Le Mans season. They were letting it all Super Buggies, which brought way they finished. Elrod was Nierop and Elrod, with style, and start the Pro 4s in hang out. 17 cars out onto the track. This third, and there were another Peterson and Hawley in fourth the usual place, which looks to The Pro 4s were not catch-group doesn't have the manda-six cars still on the lead lap. and fifth. Nierop took the Su-be about a quarter mile back. ing the Pro 2s as fast as had tory yellow flag lap midway On Sunday there were only per Buggy championship, with The Pro 2s were on the track been predicted -anything but. through their race, but they 14 cars when they came back. three wins and seven top three after Turn 1, so one hazard was Johnson and LeDuc held first also don't get to race 16 laps. Cory Heynen got the hole shot, finishes for the season. Heynen automatically behind them. and second, but Oberg moved Tlieir race end~ at 13 laps. and· everyone got through the was voted the Sportsman Stiii, many of them seemed to up to third phce on the Cory Heynen got the hole first three turns, but in Turn 4 Driver of the Year, in a vote by feel that the Pro 4s would get third lap. They ran like that for shot, and with Jeff Elrod in there was a six car tangle that his peers. His record was four them, because they'd be charg-about three laps, LeDuc and pursuit took off. They all got was slow to untangle. They top three finishes and two wins ing hard, and the Pro 2s would Johnson banging on one an-through the first couple of came apart from the mess one in this West Coast Super Buggy start from a dead standstill and other some. Baja Rentals Includes Iridium 9505a Only $69.99 per week Free travel charger, cigarette lighter adapter, Free leather case, voice mail and extra battery Call and reserve yours today!!! We also rent Mobile Internet Access Units We are located 15 miles east of San Diego Open, 7 days 24 hours convenient for pick up 9828 North Magnolia Ave Santee, CA 92071 Page 42 January 2007 go straight into Turn 2. The de-It was very tight and close, bate raged. but looked like a win for To do the start they had two Johnson, who had many fans flagman. One was in the regu-cheering him on enthusiasti-lar starter's box out by the cally. But everything changed. usual land rush start area, and LeDuc's transmission started the other was in the flagman's to smoke, and he dropped out box midway on the front after eight laps. Oberg was sud-straight, where they usually denly in second place. wave the black flag, the white Then, after the white flag flag and the checkered flags. flew, it became apparent that The guy out in the back would Johnson had a flat tire. It made make the decision, and the guy him spin in Turn 6, and Oberg on the front straight, who kept got his chance to go by. He his eye on him, would wave his charged on to the finish, to green flag when he saw the take the win and the biggest other one go. How the racers purse in CORR racing. Prob-at the end nearest Turn 2 could ably the biggest purse ever see him was a puzzle. Their handed to one winner in any trucks were slanted forward, off road race. Oberg did a toward the second turn, so bunch of donuts in front of the they'd have had to turn their grandstands, and the season heads and look over their concluded in a cloud of dust shoulders to see the flag half-and euphoria. -!nl'II In Super Buggy, Gary Nierop took a pair of second place finishes, Gary has a huge lead in points, he's sitting pretty. Dusty Times

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~t AVI 250 -~ Lindsay Takes Class 1 And The overall By John Calvin Photos: Mertees Race Photos Tim Lindsay captured the Class 1 honors as well as the overall win at the SNORE Avi 250, seen here really pourin' it on. What a weekend!!! The tempera-ture was perfect, mid 70's, an ice overcast top keep the temperature just right and, well, this was a prob-lem, not a breath of air, not a breeze, absolutely horrible for the drivers for the dust hung over the course all day long and it did cause some damage for some of the guys as they ran out of things to see. But, when all was said and done, it was a really great day for the SNORE finale for 2006. There were 7 5 cars entered in 14 classes and 42 of them would see the checkered flag, a nice finish-ing ratio of 56%. Class 1 was first off the line, there were six of them going at it and five of them would get to the finish. They had six laps to run and when the first lap ended it was Tim Lind-say in the lead, T.J. Flores was next, two minutes behind the leader, Mike James ran in the third spot, Jeff Perkins ran in fourth place, John Gould was fifth and Eric Hamann was in sixth place. Second lap ended and Lindsay still led the class, Mike James had moved up a spot into second place, T.J. Flores dropped a spot into third place, Eric Hamann was up a couple of places into fourth, John Gould remained in fifth place and Jeff Perkins was down two places into sixth. The third lap was fairly unevent-ful, there were no position changes. Lap 4 ended and still Tim Lind-say led the pack, T. J. Flores had moved up into second place, Mike James dropped a spot, he was now running in third, Eric Hamann was out of the car and Kirn was now in the driver's seat, still in fourth place, Chris Elmer was in for John Gould, they remained in fifth place and Jeff Perkins still ran in the sixth spot. Lap 5 came to an end and Tim Lindsay still led the group, Mike James had moved back into the sec-ond spot, Kirn Hamann had moved into third place, Chris Elmer was up into fourth place and Jeff Perkins was now fifth. T.J. Flores had troubles and was on the trailer. Sixth lap, last lap and Tim Lind-Clay and Ken Flippin had a trouble free run and took the Class 10 honors, seen here with the right foot buried. say was first in for the checkered flag. Tim drove all six laps, his pumper motor quit, making life dif-ficult, he had a flat tire and dropped a cylinder halfway through the fifth lap. Mike James was second, some 12 minutes behind the leader, Chris Elmer took the final podium finish, having had no problems along the way, Kirn Hamann was the fourth finisher, reporting no problems along the way and Jeff Perkins was the fifth and final finisher. Class 10 was next up, there were eight of them entered and half of them would get all six laps com-pleted. When they came around at the end of the first lap it was Bill Dickton in the lead, Jeff Moore, sec-ond place, was a mere 19 seconds in arrears, Ken Flippin was less than a minute later in third place and Chris Wright was just a few more seconds back in fourth place. In fifth place it was Tyler Crouse, Dar-ren Riley ran in sixth place and J.C. Dean, having major, major troubles was hours in arrears. We believe Bill Woodward started but failed to complete his first lap. Second lap of six ended and Jeff Moore was now leading the class, Ken Flippin had moved up into sec-ond place, Chris Wright was up a spot into third place and Bill Dick-ton had dropped to fourth place. Darren Riley was up a spot into fifth place and Tyler Crouse had dropped a spot into sixth. J.C. Dean was off the scoring charts. At the end of the third lap Jeff Moore still led the pack, Chris Wright had moved up into second place, he was three minutes behind the leader, Ken Flippin had dropped to third place, Darren Riley was up a spot into fourth place, Bill Dick-ton dropped a spot into fifth and Tyler Crouse was still running in sixth place. Lap 4 and now they were getting really serious. Jeff Moore still held the lead but Clay Flippin, who was now in for brother Ken, was back into second place, he was only two minutes behind the leader. Richard Evans, who was now driving for Chris Wright dropped to third place and Tyler Crouse was up into fourth place. Darren Riley and Bill Dick-ton were out of the contest. Clay Flippin set fast lap for the class on the fifth lap and went into the Class 10 lead, Jeff Moore ran in second place, less than two minutes behind the leader, Richard Evans held onto the third place spot and Tyler Crouse ran in fourth place. When they came around for the checkers it was Clay Flippin taking the gold medal, reporting that they had a trouble free run. Jeff Moore, who had made it a solo run, came along 11 seconds later to take the silver medal, reporting that he too had had a trouble free run. Richard Evans was the bronze medal winner, less than two minutes behind the class leader, he too reporting no problems along the way and Tyler Crouse was first off the podium in fourth place. Cody Freeman literally flew to the Class 1600 win, he ran trouble free and was only three minutes out of the overall. Mike Bailey had a good race, he took the Class B honors with a bit more than 20 minutes in hand at the checkers. There were 14 Class 1600 cars ready for battle and, surprisingly, 11 of them would see the checkered flag. As they came around at the end of their first lap it was Cody Free-man in the lead, Byron Ziegler was in second place, a bit over a minute in arrears, Aaron Hawley ran in the third spot, Dan Folts came along in fourth place and Jeremy Harmon was running in the fifth spot. Actu-ally, it was Jeff Carr in the car, Jer-Continued next page Marc Balocco drove his well lighted Stock Full vehicle all it had Michael James was just a bit off the winning pace in Class 1, he Jeff Moore led three laps in the Class 10 contest but he ended up but he only got in two of his three required laps. took second place honors, he's seen here under full power. taking home second place honors from the Avi race. Dusty Times January 2007 Page 43

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Jeff Carr drove almost all of the race, Jeremy Harmon got the Richard Blunk had some troubles on his first lap, time he could Bob Dziurawiec was the second place finisher in the Champ Car race, he's seen here heading for the checkers. points and a second place finish in Class 1600. never make up, he finished second in Class 8 at Avi. emy had just driven the first 100 ning in the 11th spot, Steve Cossey ing the way, Aaron Hawley had yards. In sixth place it was Ryan was 12th and Nie Lyon was unlucky moved up a spot into second place, Chamberlain, Eddie Aguiar was in 13th. Jay Shain failed to complete less than two minutes behind the the seventh spot, Dave Bracken was his first lap. leader, Byron Ziegler had dropped eighth and Jeff Farshler and Rick When they came around at the a spot into third place, Jeff Carr was Gutierrez were in a dead heat for end of their second of six required up a spot into fourth and Dan Folts ninth place. Tom Burns was run- laps it was Cody Freeman still show- was down a spot in fifth place. Dave Bryan Adams and Robbie Surprenant had a trouble free run in Champ Car, they took the gold medal with 10 minutes in hand at the end. Bracken was up a couple of places into sixth place, Eddie Aguiar held on in seventh place, he was having a brake problem, Jeff Farshler was eighth and Tom Burns was in ninth place. In 10th place was Ryan Cham-berlain, Steve Cossey was 11th and Nie Lyon was in 12th place. Rick Gutierrez was on the trailer. At the halfway point it was still Cody Freeman showing the way, Aaron Hawley was still holding on in second place, Byron Ziegler still ran in second place, Dan Folts was up a spot into fourth place and Jeff Carr was down a spot, running fifth. Dave Bracken remained in sixth place, even after laying the car on its side, Jeff Farshler was up a spot into seventh, Eddie Aguiar dropped a place,_ he was now in eighth place and Ryan Chamberlain was up a in third but only seconds out of sec-spot into ninth. Steve Cossey had ond place and Dan Folts was still in moved into 10th place and Nie Lyon fourth place. Aaron Hawley was run-ran in the 11th spot. Tom Burns was ning in a not too happy fifth place, amongst the missing. Ryan Chamberlain had moved up a At the end of the fourth lap it spot into sixth, Eddie Aguiar was was still Cody Freeman leading the running seventh and Frank Puglia class, Jeff Carr was now running in remained in the eighth spot. Jeff second place, he was some eight Farshler, Steve Cossey and Nie Lyon minutes behind the leader, Randy remained in ninth, 10th and 11th Jones, who was in for Byron Ziegler place. was in third place, Dan Folts held . And so it ended, the checkers on in fourth place and Aaron Haw- flew and Cody Freeman was there ley had dropped into fifth place. to take the gold medal, having led Eddie Aguiar was up a few spots into the class all the way. Cody had a sixth place, Ryan Chamberlain had great trouble free run. Jeff Carr fol-gained a few spots and was now in lowed in second place, some nine seventh place and Frank Puglia, who minutes in arrears, declaring a nice was now in the car for Dave Bracken trouble tree run this day and Randy dropped a few places into eighth. Jones took the bronze medal, he was Jeff Farshler was now in ninth place just six seconds out of second place while Steve Cossey and Nie Lyon and he too reported a trouble free remained in 10th and 11th place run and Dan Folts was first off the respectively. podium in fourth place. Aaron Haw-Lap 5 ended, Cody Freeman still ley was an unhappy fifth place, he was the guy to catch, Jeff Carr re-said he was running on three and a mained in second place, still eight half cylinders all race long. Ryan minutes in arrears, Randy Jones was Continued next page 3X CHAMPION & . 8 DIRT LOGIC 4.0 SHOCKSz AN UNSTOPPABLE COMBINAT.l~N ,r.,. When it comes to domination in the desert race circuit nobody does it better than Greg f outz. That's why he depends on the latest shock technology to take him to the winners circle. Dirt Logic 4.0 shocks from Fabtech. With eight Bypass Dirt Logic 4.0 shocks, watch for Foutz to rack up another championship this year. Check out Fabtech' s line of Dirt Logic shocks on the· web at: Page 44 January 2007 Dusty Times

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- I ·••Te■ ----·· ••c••• Regen Gubler S.N-.O.R.E. CLASS 8 ~~~ -.. POINTS CHAMPION Thanks to our SPONSORS · Pit Bull Tires · ___.._... Pyrotech Kroyer Racing Engines Mogie Transmissions Dans Driveline Martees Race Photos Irish Flame & Events A Special Thank You to. the Team, this is Our CHANPIOISHIP! Co-Driver John Koeth Crew Chief Jim Kirchefer ~ ~ ~ C,11":. ~ , '

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--Mike Simpson led a few laps but had to settle for second place in A nice second place finish in Class 9 went to Rhonda Gonzalez, Tom Hood and Steve Gurney finished second in Unlimited Class 5-1600, he was less than four minutes in arrears at the end. she's seen here digging hard for the finish line. Sportsman, they were about five minutes in arrears at the checkers. Chamberlain came in sixth, Eddie 11th and final Class 160i'i0'f~in::is::th::e::r.-'S31h::e:fld':f:o'::":n:nP:::au:ili"-:c::a=m::e:-;a:Tlo;:::n;:::g::-s:::o::m:-e:-T:fi:::ve=-r=====~=========~=========~ ~~,;,;,;~;;,;;~~ Aguiar was seventh to finish, he de-There were five rarin' to go in minutes later in second place, Mike dared he had almost no brakes since Class 8 although only two of them Bailey was back another five min-the second lap. Eighth place went would get in their six required laps. utes in third place and Richard to Frank Puglia, Jeff Farshler came When they came around at the end Blunk was way back in fourth place, in ninth, Steve Cossey finished in of the first lap it was Regen Gubler experiencing major problems on his 10th place and Nie Lyon was the (in Tammy's truck), in the lead, first lap. John Reber failed to com-plete his first lap. When the second lap ended it was Sheldon Paul leading the class, Mike Bailey was in the second spot, some 25 minutes behind the leader and Richard Blunk was running in the third spot, another half an hour in arrears. Regen Gubler had joined the dnf ranks with a broken part in the front suspension. The third lap with no change in the running order, it re-mained Paul, Bailey and Blunk. Lap 4 ended and now it was Mike Bailey in the lead, Sheldon Paul dropped into the second spot and Richard Blunk was still running third. A nice win for Brandon Hughes and Rich Poole in Class 9, they had more than half an hour in hand at the checkers. Gary Messer drove his Class 5-1600 car to a nice win at the Avi race, he lost the throwout bearing but had no other problems. At the end of their fifth lap it was still Mike Bailey in the lead, Rich-ard Blunk moved up into the sec-ond spot, he was about half an hour behind the leader and Sheldon Paul dropped to third place with me-chanical troubles out on the course. Sixth lap, the checkers flew and it was Mike Bailey taking a very nice Class 8 win. Richard Blunk followed · WEil UCEI & SPECTATOR DISCOUNTS • GENERATORS • Tn.LERs • OUTBOARD ENGINES • LAWN MOWERS • WATERPI.JMPS California's Largest Source lor Honda Power Equipment Parts 8 Inventory IF WE DON T NAVE 11: NO ONE DOE$/ Check Our Website: Kawaguchi Honda Corp. him home for the silver medal and Sheldon Paul was unable to com-plete his final lap, obviously the re-sult of his problems on the prior lap. The Champ Car contingent only had to get five laps under their belt for a finish and there were four of :1-1:0ND.A 3532 East 3rd St. • Los Angeles, CA 90063 a Ne A o s G PUMPtl (323) 264-3936, 264-5858 • FAX (323) 264-2136 Nothing's easier. For optimum performance and safety, we recommend you read the owner's manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment. Connection of a generator to house power requires a transfer device to avoid possible injury to power company personnel. Consult a qualified electrician. ©2007 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. Page 46 January 2007 Dusty Times • j

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Matt Dustin ran trouble free and he took second place honors in the Limited Sportsman Class, less than three minutes behind the leader. John Gould and Chris Elmer were a bit off the winning pace, they Chris Wright and Richard Evans had no particular problems, they took third place honors in Class 1 seen here flyin' low. finished in third place in the Class 10 battle. Garrett Evans had a really good run, no problems and a nice win in the Class 7 contest at the SNORE Avi race. them all rarin' to go. When they came around at the end of their first lap it was Robbie Surprenant lead-ing the pack, Leman Pies came along next, he was 13 seconds in arrears, We carry a l'u/1 sel«:Honol': Bob Dziurawiec was in third place and Chester Williams was running in the fourth spot. Robbie Surprenant still led the class when their second lap ended, WELD-ON•TABS WELD-ON•BUNOS tEINIS & ROD ENl>S Bob Dziurawiec had moved up into second place, he was less than a second place. About half a minute the second spot, he was less than two minute behind the leader, Steven behind the leader, Steven Alexander minutes in arrears and Chester Wil- Alexander was the third place run- was running third, he was a bit more liams was running in the third spot. ner, Mark Clifton was in fourth than four minutes behind the leader Lap 3 ended and Bryan Adams, place, Jeff Bowland ran in fifth and and Shawn George was running in who was in for Robbie Surprenant Shawn George was in the sixth spot fourth place. Mark Clifton and Jeff continued to lead the class, Bob a long way back due to problems on Bowland had disappeared from the Dziurawiec still ran in second place, the course. Jasper Dyer, John scoring charts. he was less than four minutes be- Schneider, Brent Shermak and John The third lap of the 5-1600 group hind the leader and Chester Will-Huson failed to complete their first saw no changes in position, status iams remained in the third spot. lap. quo. There were no changes in posi-The second lap ended and now When they came around at the tion on the last two laps, Bryan Ad- it was Mike Simpson showing the end of their fourth lap it was Gary ams took the win, Bob Dziurawiec way, Gary Messer was running in Continued next page took home the silver medal, he only had one flat tire to contend with during the race and Chester Will-iams was the bronze medal winner. No less than ten 5-1600 cars were there to race and, for the most part, they had a good race but their attri-tion rate was astounding, ten started but only three of them made their five required laps. When their first lap ended it was Gary Messer lead-ing the way, Mike Simpson was in SACo Oltftolld --~. ~-(SHOEI) IP.Jllllfl Aircraft pruce is a worldwide distributor of quality produc1s for the rac-ing industry. Our product line of over 45.000 item~ i~ one of the most ex1ensi\e from one inglc ~ourcc. Our service has made us 1hc number one supplier in a,·iation and is why o,er 350 r:icc teams ha,·c 1umed 10 us as a trus1ed source for racing components! www Fabrics, f>.i,nts, Pr.mers, R8$ins, Oremet Tools, Kevlar, Gtaph,te, Honeycomb. Wes!. Sysiem . s ;gts, Push Buttons. Batteries. LCC>s, Switch Covers BEST SELECTION! LOWEST PRICES! SAME DAY SHIPMENT! MA.S"TERCNAFT ~ -11 Visit Our Corona, CA store! 3054 .s;. VALLEY M'EJV .BLIVD. LAS VEGA~~ 8910.Z 7'E~ :,OZ-871--9 I I FAX: 70Z....S71--:52.Z I Dusty Times . ~ ·-h¥1Mi#&iiC1 nlfUn-«1Jril:N;PiOl.l•l'"' , A·,./ , .... -January 2007 Orn, 1111 Fiil t:alalll ""11 • ""'11 nllCtltlll ot Fa/JtlctlU.a llatertalsl AIRCRAET BPRVCE WEST 225 Airport Circle Corona, CA 92880-2527 ph. 951-372-9555 fax 951-372-0555 1-877-4-SPRUCE 7 :" 7 ., : ·' Page ~7 I

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Byron Ziegler and Randy Jones were the third place finishers in Class 1600, seen here just at takeoff. Steven Alexander had a good race, he took third place honors in Crystal Kennedy was off the winning pace in Class 9 but hung in Class 5-1600, he's seen here in his really good lookin' Bug. there and took third place honors, seen here at speed. Jeremy Harmon drove 99% of the race, Clay Carr took the checkers, a great win in the Unlimited Sportsman Class. Messer in the lead, Mike Simpson had dropped to second place, he was less than two minutes behind the leader, Steven Alexander remained in third, he was about nine minutes behind the leader and Shawn George remained in fourth place. Page 48 The fifth and final lap ended, Gary Messer, who had driven all the way, reported the loss of his throwout bearing on the second lap, always a lot of fun, but he took home the coveted gold medal, Mike Simpson, who also drove all the way reported no problems and he was second place, he was less than three Lap 3 came to an end and it was the second place finisher, less than minutes out of the lead, Rhonda still Brandon Hughes leading the four minutes out of the class win Gonzalez had moved up a few spots pack, Joe Forte remained in the sec-and Steven Alexander, who also into third place, Rick Moran ond spot, he was five minutes be-drove all the way was the third and dropped a spot into fourth place and hind the leader, Rhonda Gonzalez final finisher reporting no problems Crystal Kennedy was in fifth place. remained in the third spot, Crystal along the way. Shawn George sue- Tony Green was among the missing. Kennedy was up a spot into fourth cumbed to fatal problems and failed to complete the last lap. The Class 9 troops were all fired up, there were eight of them and fully 50% of them would see the checkered flag. They too had to com-plete five laps for an official finish. When their first lap ended it was Tony Green in the class lead, Bran-don Hughes was runn'ing in second place, he was a minute and a half in arrears, Rick Moran was in third place, Joe Forte was in fourth place, just two minutes behind the leader, Rhonda Gonzalez was running fifth and Crystal Kennedy was the sixth place finisher. Mark Bass and Rusty Ruby had disappeared from the fray. When they ended their second lap Brandon Hughes was in the lead, Joe Forte had moved up into January 2007 Brad Wilson and Colin Morris had a trouble free race, they captured the Limited Sportsman Class, but it was close! Dusty Times

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Tommy Bradley Jr. with Briana and Derek helping with the driving Eric and Kim Hamann had a trouble free run in Class 1, they drove Dan Folts made a solo run and he finished fourth in the Class finished third in Limited Sportsman at Avi. their Del Taco car to a first off the podium fourth place finish. 1600 fracas, he's seen here low flying across the desert. place and Rick Moran was down a Moran moved up into fo:::-u-:::r::thr-:::-an=-:id--=s=-ec=-o:::-n=-dy:p:,1:::-ac:::-e:r:fi=n=-isJ:h:-':e::r-, i:"h::is:--d:ra:::u-:-:g::ih::t:'.:e:::-r-r=====__,,~~~~~~,,,;;,;~~~=="=~~~;;;,~,;,,;~~,:;;~===a spot into fifth place. Crystal Kennedy dropped a spot Christina in the right seat, they had Lap 4 ended and Rick Poole, who into fifth place. no troubles during the race. Chris-was in for Brandon Hughes still led Final lap, Rick Poole came across tina has been in the right seat all the pack, Joe Forte still ran in the the line for a nice win, declaring he season long. Rhonda Gonzalez came second spot, Rhonda Gonzalez re-had only one flat tire to deal with across the finish line in third place mained in the third spot, Rick during the race. Joe Forte was the and Crystal Kennedy was the fourth John Phegley had a great race, he took the Class 1450 win and had only one flat tire to hinder him, seen here headin' for home. Dusty Times place finisher. Rick Moran had dis-appeared from the scoring charts. The Class 7 troops had to make four laps for their race, three of them started and two made it to the checkered flag. At the end of their first lap it was Garrett Evans in the lead, Broe Hersam followed in the second spot and Russ Ramsey came across the line in third place. When Lap 2 ended it was still Garrett Evans holding the lead, Russ Ramsey had moved up into second place and Broe Hersam had dropped a spot into fourth place. End Lap 3, Garrett Evans still led the pack, Broe Hersam was now back in second place and Russ Ram-sey had become one of the missing. The Class 7 race ended, Garrett Evans took the win with ease, driv-January 2007 Ed Mahoney had a good day, he was the Class 11 winner, running well with nothing to hinder his progress on the course. ing all the way and reporting no race and they too had a pretty good problems along the way. Broe time. Jeremy Harmon came Hersam was the second place fin-around as the class leader, Tom isher. Hood was right there in the sec-There were seven Unlimited ond spot, he was 39 seconds be-Sportsman cars waiting to go. hind the leader, Jerry Stewart was They had four laps to run for their Continued next page Page 49 -

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-• Aaron Hawley is seen here flying to a fifth place finish in 1600, Ryan Chamberlain gave it his all but the best he could do this Eddie Aguiar said he lost most of his brakes on the second lap, Aaron said he was down on power all race long. race was to take a sixth place finishing position Eddie still finished in a not all bad seventh place in 1600. holding the third place position, Jeremy Harmon still held the Jerry Stewart had slipped to fourth. Hood and still ran second, he was ered flat, Clay had driven the last Garfield Davies was running class lead at the end of the second Hope Hughes was on the trailer. now some five minutes in arrears. five miles in the Jeremy Harmon fourth and Hope Hughes was in lap, Tom Hood still ran in second When the third lap ended it was Garfield Davies and Jerry Stewart car and they reported no problems fifth place. John Poling and Jeremy place, he was 40 seconds behind still Jeremy Harmon showing the had joined tbe ranks of the missing. during the race. Steve Gurney came Gubler had disappeared and were the leader, Garfield Davies had way, Steve Gurney was in for Tom Lap 4, last lap and Clay Carr in for second place honors, he re-out of the race. moved up into the third spot and motored on in to take the check- ported no problems and he was a bit over five minutes behind the leader. SAFETY EQUIPMENT • SA2005 Helmets • Racing Suits, Gloves & Shoes • Seatbelts CE • Head & Neck Restraints TORSPORTS VUBSA r SOil CB 619-258-RACE (7223) I!' LOWRANCE GP • Color Displays • 5" to 10.4" Screens • Handheld & Panel Mount Options • MapCreate Software & Accessories • 41 ½ Gallons • SCORFJFIA Legal • Exclusively Manufactured by Fuel Safe • Sending Units & Accessories Available INTERCOMS FOR RACING RECREATION • Sand Car, Desert & Race Kits • Hi-Fi Headsets • Headsets & Wired Helmets • Auto Mute Feature • Music Interface Available • Full line of Fuel Safe Products Available • 105, 135, 150 and 235 CFMRa.tings • Lightweight & Reduced Amperage • Filters and Hoses also available • Sand Car, Desert & Race Radios SIRIUSiJ SAT!lllH RADIO fMC u:n ltAOIO 011, Jf4C>10 ~ ~ SATELLITE -RADIO ~ iPod • Base Station Kits (for Camping or Race Pits} • Short Course Spotter Kits and Fan Scanners AU • Race Chase Packages • XM & Sirius Satellite Radio Systems • 5 to 110 Watts of Power • No Tuner Required. • Alpha-numeric Display • External Speaker Kits • COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS • ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS • KOOL AIR BLOWERS • AUDIO -DI & SIRIUS • SAFETY EQUIPMENT • FUEL CELLS & ACCESSORIES • GPS • TOYS / DVD'S Page so January 2007 The Limited Sportsman were next to go and they too had four laps to run for their race. There were five of them entered and four made it to the checkered flag. When their first lap ended it was Matt Dustin in the lead, Brad Wilson was sec-ond, less than two minutes behind the leader, Tommy Bradley, Jr. ran in third place and Wesley Stephens was in fourth place. Billy Shapley was on his trailer. The second lap ended and there were no changes in position, it was still Dustin, Wilson, Derek Brad-ley, who was in for dad Tommy and Stephens. Third lap, new leader, now it was Brad Wilson leading the way, Matt Dustin ran in second, four minutes behind the leader, Briana Bradley, who was now in for brother Derek was running third and Wesley Stephens was in fourth place. Fourth lap, last lap and there were no position changes, Colin Morris was in for Brad Wilson and they took the class win, reporting no problems along the way. Matt Dustin drove all the way, took the silver medal and he too reported no problems during the race. Briana Bradley held on in third place, she too reporting no prob-lems and Wesley Stephens was the fourth and final finisher, he said he lost a couple of shocks along with reverse gear. There was only one Stock Full entrant, Marc Balocco. Marc got in two of his three required laps but was unable to complete the race. There were two entries in Class 1450, but it was really no contest. When they came around at the end of their first lap it was John Phegley in the class lead, Eric Ludian had all sorts of troubles and suffered through a three hour lap for sec-ond place. At the end of the second lap John Phegley still led with ease, Eric Ludian was running fairly well now, still a long second place. Lap 3, last lap and John Phegley crossed the finish line with a great big smile. With nothing to report but some sway bar troubles and a flat tire, John was a happy guy! Eric Ludian failed to complete his final lap. Last, but certainly not least was the Class 11 entry of Ed Mahoney. Ed was all alone in class and he motored around in good time to take the Class 11 win. So the SNORE 2006 racing sea-son ended. lt has been a good year and no doubt 2007 will be even,hf't-ter. See ya all next year. Dusty Times

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t <!oat) Mexicana Logistics 300 OFF-RDMD Vildosola Takes The overall By Byrle Moore Photos: (oto-ba;a,.mex The Vildosola Team, Father and son, had an easy time of it, they took the Class 1 gold medal and they took the overall win as well. The first off the line and the first truck back. Gustavo Vildosola and team showed the way for the weekend. They passed the green flag as the first four wheeler away at 9:00 a.m., and led everyone back to the checkered· with a Cl~ss 1 win and the fastest overall time for the race day. The race in question was the fifth of the season for CODE ET, al., with one more to come in December. In some cases that last race could well decide the class champion for the 06 season. More on this later. Laguna Salada, can seem like the same thing over and over again. One race you run clockwise the next counter-clockwise. But, hold on there are always surprises to be found out here in the never-ending desert. "I don't remem-ber this jump last time we went this way, and who moved all these rocks again?" Even ;:us:w,mua -tof 0wnemlif>, Man_,,..,.i, and Clrculalion ·--·--the weather can't be said to always stay the same. Just two entries short of 100 cars, trucks and buggies, their drivers and teams found much to be the same, but lots of other to be completely dif-ferent. Again the cars and trucks fought it out on Satur-day with the quads and bikes following suit on Sunday. As stated above, the Num-ber 4 truck of Vildosola Rac-ing had a first run of 1:56:38 and backed that up with a 2:06:54, which translated to a blazing 63 plus miles per hour and two golds. Armando Bravo could only pull out a 5:29:19 for the second spot in class, but still maintains a 30 point lead for the class champion-ship. The lead in the Class IO championship has only a two point spread with the one race left for the year. Jose Lopez was here in October and gar-nered 18 points for his win. lJ'n!'l"""~ll~a• -·-:. -· --. .._ Class leader Javier Robles was a non-starter, but still has a 70 to 68 point lead for the sea-son. Guess we will all have to wait till the final race to see who wants the championship the most? The Pinellas, Gus Senior and Junior ran a 4:54: 19 for the Class 11 win. They teamed with Israel Hong, ran a clean race and were fifth overall in the Pro classes. Arturo Honold and Ricardo Malo joined forces to run a 5:19:48 for the second spot and Scott Zimmerman, Harry Navel, John Baca and Greg Jenkins went 5:56:35 for third. No re-ports of any major problems from the podium standers, just the usual dust and traffic. Guillermo Quintero and Fran-cisco took fourth with a time of 7:57:36 and the Barragan bunch, Luis Senior and Junior and Hector were DNF'd. Meantime, Honold holds an 11 point lead going into the M.-0..-~~ ...... -c.....----------------~~-=----lehbhl-hl,bl1 ........ ,, JQQJ A ..._... ___ ,__ ... Duet'lt TiaH .... ,.... .. c.,..,,.,...., ·--r-----~~ ...... ,........._. . -"'H 7000 ~-... ... ~ ,_-. ____ .,,,__.._,,.,....., ................. ~ --. ~-·~-20761 Pl--.r Stnet, Oiauvorth. c:A 9llU -... .... ..,......,.. __ ......,__~ ..... a.-,.._,-,,..., --61 ~~ ...... __ °""'P!'....,_.,~..._-...,.,rne---r ........ ,.,. ......... _......., Jean M. Calvi.D 20761 Pl~r Street 0..t•uortb, CA tllll .... ,...,,_ ...... ..,......., Job • . C•lvin 20761 Pluamr O,•tavortb. CA tllll .......... ,...._ .... _., All Abo'H ... =~:-.=..-,:.,===:,,-=-...:.;=~~=--=-.=:,=~.,. 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January 2007 Gustavo Pinuelas Jr. was the Class 12 winner, he took the gold medal with a bit more than 20 minutes in hand at the finish. final in December. Three contenders have a somewhat chance at the Class 8 championship if there are enough entries to make the top sport worth 30 points and depending on who crosses the green first during the last race. This month Juan Carlos Lopez took the gold and added 19 points to his total with a first place finish of 4:31:52. Even though Jose Soto was a non-finisher, he garnered a second and Beny Canela, who was a non-starter this race, is some 20 plus points back. Time will tell. Meanwhile Ramon Hurtado and tied for third in this version of the 300, even though both were DNFs. Hurtado is also tied with Miguel Jimenez with 36 points for seasonal third.Jimenez was also a non-starter/finisher at this last race. The Class 5 championship has pretty much been decided since Pietro Brasea has a com-manding lead going into the last race. Brasea will most likely show up, because he not only likes to win he likes to race. Second and third posi-tions for the five points fin-ish will come down to the last race too. Michelle Bruckmann has a three point lead over Eduardo Reyes and neither of these two were anywhere near the podium nor the course it seems? Meanwhile Luivan Voelker Senior and Junior, along with Carlos Albanez and Diego Gamboa ran a 5:09: 10 to take the gold larg-est trophy in their Class 5 win. Brasea and Rogelio Ruiz were second and third in that order in this next to last race of the season. There are bunches of Class 1/2-1600 cars beating the bushes here in the Laguna this year. In fact, 18 starters made for the largest contingent of entries in this race. The Navarrete boys went to a very quick 4:44:58 for the win and Leo and Alex and friends were third overall in the Pro class too. Leo also owns a hefty lead for the season point's champi-onship. Jorge Sanchez, Al-berto Garcia, Rolando Gutier-rez and Jorge Rodriguez ran a 4:49:03t:toQk the second place ontmueifiiext page The Lopez boys were the Class 8 winners, they averaged more than 56 miles per hour on their run for the gold . Luivan Voelker had it all his way in the Class 5 contest, he's seen here on his way to that glorious checkered flag. Page 51

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The Sportsman Class 15 win went to Alberto Varela, he had more Arturo Honold had to settle for second place this time, he finished Jorge Sanchez was a mere two minutes out of the Class ½-1600 than 30 minutes in hand when the checkers flew. 26 minutes in arrears in the Class 12 fracas. win, he's seen here landing his car on the way to the finish. win and fourth overall spot over 12 minutes. When you ishing times at the flag. Fran-and just 38 seconds back was other. Side note, there have home with them. Juan Gue-spread 12 minutes over 300 cisco Escareno was fourth with Javier Tiznado past the check-been 42 1600 cars entered in vara and Jose Fregoso went miles that's not much of a a time of 5:15:09. Jose Julian ered with a 5:27:47 and the CODE races over the year. 5 :02:06 for third. The next spread. In a couple of in-Machado was fifth with his eighth spot. The other ten en-Some wise sponsor should cast five spots, fo·urth through stances it was seconds and 5 : 18:54. Daniel Lopez fin-tries were much slower or were a few pesos on the stream for eighth were separated by just minutes that separated the fin-ished seventh with a 5:27:09 DNF'd for one reason or an-added money and get their 0 "We did it! Special thanks to the crew and sponsors for a great 12th place finish at the SCORE Baja 1000!" - Robbie Pierce, MasterCraft CEO and Driver Driver: Bill Varnes Co-Drivers: Brent Gustin and Kelly Falls Team Coordinator: Madeline Bullman Stateside Ops: Penny Chick Crew: Dan Fogle, Bob Richmond, Lee and Deb Strimpel, Roger and Como, Ed Zimmerman, Greg Gustin and Chris Patterson, Arnie Gustin and Carl Kliewer, Darien Moran and his band, Jaime Medina, R.G. Dickey and Jason "Red" Redfield, Ricardo Lora, Jerry Mathes and Andy Andresen, Dustin Carlsen, Olga Vernon, Bob and Barret Howle, Nicole, Anthony, Quirino, Page 52 Francisco, Jim and the entire Baja Pits army Sponsors: Goodyear Tire, Walker Evans Wheels, Hypercoil Springs, Mirage Racing, KC Hilites, Edelbrock Watch for Trophy Truck 35 at the next finish line! January 2007 name on a 1600 division. Just a notion? Class 7 had only four start-ers out of a possible 18 regis-tered in the CODE ranks, this race. Rene Cuevas was here to · protect h is points lead and did so by taking the win and the po ints with h is time o f 5 :06:50 which was also the fifth overall time in the Pros. Martin Rosales in only h is first race took the silver with a time of 7:08:04 and Alex Al-maraz went further than Gelacio Beltran and these guys took the third and fourth spots respectively. Class 5-1600 didn't fare a whole lot better, five entries and again only two of them completed the whole race. Jose Gutierrez ran a 6:30:29 for the go.ld, Enrique Avalos went 6:55:06 for the silver and Ger-ardo Rubio took the bronze because he lasted longer than Frank Sanchez and Jose Mon-toya. This is another class that the point's championship might go down to the wire. Avalos leads with 121 points, Montoya has 115 and Gutier-rez moved to into third place and 82 points with h is first place win. Did we say anything about this being a tough race? Only two out of six starters in Class 9 made it all the way to the · clocks and flags. Juan Mayoral was one of those finishers and his gold helped tighten up the championship points too. Mayoral ran a 5:56:25, which garnered him 21 points and put him in third place for the season. Jesus de la Torre was the other finisher and he cur-rently sits in fourth place just three points off. Daniel Reyes, who currently holds the points lead was a DNF, but took the bronze and points to h old onto his slim first place lead. Guillermo Valle was fourth, Alonzo Jaquez was fifth and Ricardo Fierro was sixth. There are only 22 points sepa-rating first and fifth in this tough class and the last race will more than likely tell the tale. There were only two fi n ish-ers in Class 7S also. Pedro de la Vega and team held out for the win with a time of 7:44:56 and Sergio Duran was two minutes back with a 7:49: 13 for second. Augustin Fonseca, Jr. and family we re awarded Continued page 54 Dusty Times ,.

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KING ~ ~fi<:ING SttO<:l<S WEDDLE & ALBIN TRANS S~lkwib lo-: GOODJfiEJIR ~ A special thanks to Butch Dean and T.J. Flores for a great motor and prep at Valley Performance John Shippert Shane Robinson Bick Lance Ed Frenner Jay Shain Julie Robinson Peter Alverez Lisa Frenner Steve Shimp Ron.Romero Patrick Maddock Wendy Cox Nick Spano Byan.Ross Lalo Avelar Missy Cox Kenny Thatcher Lizzard Griffith Peter Avelar John Go11ughan James Wilfing Drew Growcock Orlo Cox Sr. Mike Gaughan Jr. Ann.a Wi1fing Tracy Lopez Orlo Cox Jr. Pat Dean Steve Wi1fing Tony Lopez Kenny Cox J.C. Dean Larry Pancld.a Tim.Jacobs Tom Delong Butch Dean Lisa Pope Richard Keener Mike Fitz B.J. Richardson John Provost Mike Kline Brian Flores T.J. Flores Mary Provost Tracy Kline T.J. Otis Brandon Stephens Kayla Provost A special thanks to Joe and Edna .Aguirre Kevin Sauter

Page 54

Enrique Avalos gave it all he had but he could only muster a second Jesus De La Torre was the silver medal winner in the Class 9 place finish in the Class 5-1600 battle. competition, he's seen here heading for the checkered flag. The Duron clan drove their Nissan to second place in Class 7S, they were less than five minutes behind the class leader. Leonardo Navarrete took the gold medal in the 1600 battle but it was close, his competition was less than 3 minutes behind him. the third spot. Did we men-quickest to the checkered. His tion it was a tough course? two lap time was 3:32:51. Just Class 11 fared somewhat two minutes back was Juan better with regards to finish Zamarripa with his 3:34:20 rate. Eleven starters and five and Jose R. Rodriguez went finishers, hey that's almost 3:53:06 for the bronze. 50%. Mario Flores was the Alejandro Rivas was fourth In Class 7 it was Rene Cuevas taking a nice win, he's seen here heading for the finish line in his great looking truck. with a time of 3:58:27 and Villa, Fernando Prado, Jorge Gustavo Villasenor ran to C. Sierra, Jesus Mendivil nor fifth with a time of 4:20:30. If Luis Verduzco was able to be your car stayed together every-there at the finish, for any-one had a chance at the po-thing but the beer. Mario dium. None of the following, Flores has a fairly good hold Federico Ramirez, Carlos on the points lead, followed by Juan E. Zamora and Jose R. Rodriguez. Class 11 is another of those classes sponsors may want to look at for the added money list. There have been 24 starters in Class 11 over the past year. Maybe a Class 11 and 1600 shoot out? The Carros Sportsman was well represented also. Thir-teen Class 14 drivers hit the green and ten of them finished the day with complete races and times. Arturo Rodriguez outlasted the 11 car field with his time of 5 :18:36, Jose Quintero was second with a 5:41:10 and Luis Diaz ran a 5:48:23 for the third spot. Jesus Velez 6:25:42, Edgar Al-varez, Jr. 6:50:30, Ricardo Sanchez 6:51:52 and Hector Perez at 7:47:01 made up the rest of the finishers. There is · still a battle for the points win for the year in Class 14, since there are only about 30 points separating the top three. Ar-, , , , . . , Page 54 Jeeps have evolved over the years, and so has Skyjackere. Skyjacker's product line for the Jeep enthusiast has become legendary. Skyjacker® products are Built By Enthusiasts, For Enthusiasts. You will gain the Performance, Strength, Integrity, Durability, and Know How that goes with our complete line of Jeep lift kits and systems. The newest addition to the Jeep line is the Jeep Wrangler JK and · Skyjacker® has what you need to take this JK to a new level of performance with a 2.5" or 4" or 6" lift kit. For an Authorized Skyjacker9 Dealer near you call 866A,A.OEALER ext.5046 or visit us on the web at • January 2007 .. · _· . I ... : , . ii ·-~•1 , •✓• 4H JK Lift Dusty Times

Page 55

Second place in Sportsman Class 14 went to Jose Quintero, part of him is seen here headin for the checkered flag. Carlos De Los Palos took home the silver medal in the Sportsman Victor Islas finished second in Sportsman Class 18 in his Ford, Class 15, seen here at speed on the course. he's seen here churning towards the finish line. turo Ro riguez is t e current leader with 132 points, Hector Perez has 125 points going into the season final and Jose Quintero is a distant third with 97 points. 1500 class had eight start-ers and all but two made it back to the finish line. First across were Albertoi Varella and teammates with a 6:30:09. Silver went to Carlos de los Palos 7:04:26 and bronze went to Omar Dipp and company with a 6:56:51. Javier Gomez took fourth, Carlos Vasquez was fifth and Luis Galindo was sixth. Eduardo Hernandez and Pete Williams were both DNFs for the day. Eight starters in Class 18 and three of them made it all the way back to the checkered flag. Ricardo Larios went 3: 14:53 for first. Victor Islas was 20 minutes back with a 3:37:26 for second and Al-fredo Saldana ran a 5:49:40 for third. Jesus Miranda, Le-onardo Garcia, Luis Piasencia, Manuel Robles and Ramon Guerrero were all non-finish-ers. The top five points lead-ers all have a shot at the cham-pionship. It's that close and the last race in December will probably decide the win. Jose Gutierrez had a great race, he took home all the marbles in the Class 5-1600 battle, seen here at speed. Juan A. Mayoral had a great race, he took the Class 9 honors with ease, he's seen here headin' for home. Last but never least the Sa-fari class. Omar Chavez won the gold with a corrected time of 3:23:13. Just 57 seconds back was Heriberto Chavez with a corrected time of 3:24: 10 for second. These guys went off the line 30 sec-onds apart, so it may have been even closer than that? Miguel Dario was timed at 3:56: 16 for third. David Sanchez went to a 5 :31 :19 and Jose Aguiniga ran a 5:32:27; sometimes you blink and you miss the podium. Miguel Pedro De La Vega took the Class 7S honors, he beat out his competition by less than five minutes, seen here at speed. The Sportsman Class 14 win went to Arturo Rodriguez, he took the gold medal with 23 minutes in hand at the checkers. Dusty Times Gutierrez only made it to Check 1 and Manuel Delgado was a non-starter. Finally I would like to say I'm sorry for the statistical fla-vor of this particular story. Don't know where the notes went. Maybe guys don't like reading about broken engines and roll-overs. If you guys want more than your finishing times, feel free to give me a call or e-mail me with anything you would like to say about your experiences at the vari-ous races. It's difficult to shoot the race with a camera and be at the finish/awards with a tape recorder. Of course, you can always take five or ten minutes out of one of your laps and stop and talk to me. ('m usuaily some,,.;here close to the Orange Jeep Cherokee, with the 4-foto van-ity plates. Otherwise: 001 526 646 868517 in Tijuana 619-675-5655-cell phone, U.S. or sssgmoore If you call, do so later in the evening to make sure my wife is here to help me with your notes. All the people at CODE want to again thank all the participants' drivers teams and fans alike. One race left on what has been a great season down here on the Baja. Via con Dios. ~ RACE PROVEN OFF-ROAD EQ 'IPIIENT 10.JPRESSLANE,STE4,CHULAVISTA, CA91910 TOLLFREE/(866)891-9171 CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE/I WWW.RACEREADYPRODUCTS.COM January 2007 Page 55

Page 56

Lake superior Performance Rally Block overalls -Pastrana Takes Chan,pianship Ken Block and Alessandro Gelsomino were the overall winners at Lake Superior, they're seen here in their Subaru. Subaru Team USA showed their dominance at this year's Lake Superior Performance Rally held in the upper penin-sula of Michigan on October 20-21. The eighth round out of nine of the Rally America Nationai Championship again proved to be a tight battle be-tween the top three cars, how-ever several teams that could have posed a threat had a rough weekend. LSPR, the shortened version of the name, is known as the "oldest, toughest, and meanest" event in the series. Travis Pastrana, along with his navigator Page 56 Christian Edstrom, secured the championship by securing third place overall after lead-ing most of the event in their Red Bull sponsored WRX STi. His teammate Ken Block and navigator Alex Gelsomino, running in third after the first day, reeled in the other two cars and maintained the lead with two stages to go in their similar Monster Sports Drink/ DC Shoes car. The entry list was strong for this event boasting over 50 cars after a small field that ran four weeks earlier at Colorado Cog. Not only were there the two Vermont Sports car prepared Subaru USA team cars of Pastrana and Block, but also Matt Iorio back in his 2001 Subaru lm-preza that sustained heavy damage after nosing the car into the ground after a jump at the X-games. The older car that Matt ran at Colorado Cog, a 1995 lmpreza, was be-ing rented by Dave Anton for this weekend. Dave had se-cured a Championship in Group N at Cog and was try-ing to raise more points in the overall season points battle. Famed rally driving in-structor Tim O'Neil came out of retirement as a one-off renting Doug Havir's 2003 Subaru WRX. Canadian An-drew Comrie-Picard and his fast Mitsubishi Evo headed south of the border to see if he could get a second win this season after winning the first event of the season, Sno-Drift, held back in January. Other privateer Evos from Dennis Martin and Chris Gilligan were entered and both drivers are fast on the Michigan roads. The Evo of Italian driver Alfredo deDominicus was a last minute scratch as the engine was not ready again for this event. As well Otis Dimiters in his new WRX could have been a threat had his· tow rig not had problems towing from New York just prior to the event. At the start, trouble started early for Andrew Comrie-Picard as his Evo destroyed its engine just prior to the finish of the first stage. Matt Iorio, pushing hard to keep up with the pace of Pastrana, O'Neil and Block, rolled his lmpreza and temporarily blocked Stage 2. Matt's car was lightly damaged, however after being uprighted he decided to with-draw. The battle up front was January 2007 Pie #2 Cary Kendall and Scott Friberg took the Group 5 honors at Lake Superior, seen here flying their Dodge SRT-4 towards a stage finish. separated by 18.5 seconds at the mid-point of the afternoon with Block leading O'Neil and Pastrana. Fourth place was the Production GR entry of Mat-thew Johnson, who, by having a good finish this weekend would secure the champion-ship in that class that eluded him last year. Dave Anton, Chris Gilligan and Dennis Martin held the next three po-sitions and were the only com-petitors to keep within a minute of the leaders. This event was Martin's first event back in the Evo after having his huge crash at this event two years ago. As the night wore on he backed off just to make sure he would make it to the second day of the event. By the end of the night af-ter seven stages the margin grew slightly to 43 seconds be-tween first and third with Pastrana still maintaining his lead. Block moved up to second after a bobble on Stage 4 by O'Neil. Anton moved up to fourth and Gilligan moved to fifth after Johnson backed off in the later evening stages to finish sixth overall. Seventh was Martin and eighth was Doug Shepherd running strong as always in his old Mitsubishi Eclipse. In ninth was the Group N leader Jon Bottoms in his newer Subaru WRX with Henry Krolikowski holding down the final spot in the top ten with his older WRX. The fastest two wheel drive car, in 11th, was driven frantically by veteran ice racer Cary Kendall in his Dodge SRT-4. Day 2 of the event again saw close action up front, however, on the second stage of the day Dave Anton lost control of his WRX while running flat out on the fast Delaware Mine stage. Chris Gilligan now moved into fourth and was driving hard to catch the leaders now over three minutes ahead of him. Matthew Johnson held onto fifth and was leading the GT class by over five minutes with four stages to go. Jon Bottoms moved to sixth in standings and held a 15 minute lead over the only other Group N competitor. Dennis Martin dropped back to seventh after tagging a tree with the rear bumper on the day's third stage. Veteran Doug Shepherd and Henry Krolikowski held the next two spots with Cary Kendall hold-ing the final spot in the top ten. With four stages to go Pastrana held the lead, but af-ter nosing the car into the ground hard after a big jump on the first running of the Brockway Mountain stage he seemed to be taking things much easier the second time through not achieving lift-off at all. Block did likewise and O'Neil got minor air. On the day's sixth stage of the day Pastrana backed way off the pace to save his car achieving only sixth fastest stage time on that stage. Block now had the lead with Pastrana nine seconds back and O'Neil an-other 38 seconds back. Two years ago O'Neil lost the event on the final stage. This year he was 20 seconds faster than Block and 41 seconds faster than Pastrana. He eeked out a second place again as he was 24. 7 seconds hac·k from B·loc·k, Pastrana trailed by another six seconds for third. Gilligan, over four minutes back, took fourth away_ from Johnson who was only four seconds away from getting the higher finish. Bot-toms, Shepherd, Krolikowski and Bryan Pepp rounded out the top ten. Cary Kendall took the fastest two wheel drive honors home with a Group 5 win and 11th over-all. James Robinson took the Group 2 win and 15th over-all after the pristine new Mazda RX-8 of Bob Olson snapped a carbon-fiber drive-sha ft on Day 1. Motocross star Kenny "Cowboy" Bartram took the Production class win and secured the class champi-ons hip in his Volkswagen New Beetle. This is the third championship this car has taken since its debut in 1999. With one event to go in the series at Wild West in Wash-ington during the first week-end of December, the cham-pionship points chase behind Pastrana is still open between Matt Iorio and Ken Block. One point separates the two. The Group 5 battle will come down to the wire between the Dodge SRT-4's of Bruce Davis, who ran strong the first half of the season and DNF'd at LSPR, and Cary Kendall who has been strong during the last half of the sea-son. Even though he was not present at LSPR, the lack of Group 2 competition locked up the championship for Eric Duncan in his Honda Civic. Although the 2007 Rally-America schedule has not been finalized as this article is written, there are several Dusty Times

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Matthew Johnson and Kim DeMotte get ready for a fairly heavy In the Group N conflict it was Jon Bottoms and Carolyn Bosley Third overall, but taking the Series Championship was the Subaru WRX STi of Travis Pastrana and Christian Edstrom. landing, they went on to take the gold medal in Production GT. taking a very nice win in their Subaru WRX. teams that are upping their next year making the jump and Chris Gilligan is looking participation. Pastrana and from Production GT. Otis to secure sponsorship to do Block will be back in their Dimiters debuted h is 2006 more events. Next year marks Subaru USA cars as will the Open class WRX at Ojibwe the return of Ramana independently-run Subaru of and the car was fast but had Lagemann to full time compe-Matt Iorio. Andrew Comrie-"new car problems" all week-tition as he has secured spon-Picard is building a new Evo end. Look for him near the sorship from Right Guard on 8 to run in Canada and the top in 2007. Matthew his ex-Carl Merrill Ford Es-U.S. and Tanner Foust will be Johnson is trying to secure an cort Cosworth. Lauchlin in an Open class Subaru WRX Open class ride for next year O'Sullivan is trying to secure sponsorship to again do the has been run by former cham-X-Games and selected events. pion Paul Choinere or fast At present it isn't known Canadian Antoine L'Estage. whether Italian Alfredo With the X-Games popularity deDominicus or Australian and media-swarm surround-Andrew Pinker will return. ing rally in the past months, One of the ex-factory Libra it's great to see the sport gain Racing Hyundai Elantras is the popularity back that has up for sale and it isn't known been missing for the past few at present if it is the car that years. C-. James Robinson and Andrew Jessup were the big winners in the Kenny Bartram and Dennis Hotson drove their KC Hilited VW to a Tim O'Neil unretired himself to drive a borrowed Subaru WRX to a Group 2 contest, they're seen here at speed. great win in the Production Class at Lake Superior. fantastic second overall at the Lake Superior Fest. Dusty Times An Intimate Gem Adjacent to Bellagio, Gaesars & Baily's Flamingo & The Strip 1-888-227-2279 The Place Las Vegans Gall Home™ West Flamingo & Valley View 1-888-402-6278 January 2007 AskAboutOurSpecial Headliner Show and Room Packages West Tropicana & Arville 1-800-675-3267 Ask About Our Room & Golf Packages Alta & Rampart 1-877-677-7111 Page 57

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Now for a quick race report. #1032, went the other extreme. II••••••••••••••••••••• Usually these are much more de- Larry rolled the car on lap 1, and I I qtaUill_ecdk.' but this time we'll make it unfortunately caused enough dam- : Ba1· a 1 aaa : age to the rear trailing arm that Mid November had two he was out. Hopefully Santa can CORE cars headed to Nevada for weld! I I SNORE's AV! 250. Car #171, Twocarsshoweduptodukeit I s1·de Bar owned and driven by Tim Lind-out in the class 9 battle. Johnny I say, was first on the road on a Burns, #985, took his car off the I I beautiful Saturday morning, and market long enough to give it an- I I t never looked back. Except for a other podium finish. Starting at I Bz Judy Smith I ,Al' front flat on the final lap, L&S the tail end of a very large field, ,;~ oan.,, 4 Motorsports took the overall win. and reporting no issues whatso- I This year SCORE introduced a new class for the bikers: I •• #I I r· Special thanks to Transaxle Engi-ever, Johnny brought the car I Class 60. It was for bikers over 60, and it brought out quite I neering, C&D Fabworks and home for a very respectable sec- I a few riders, many of them from the east coast, with no I BFG. 2/1600 racecar #1616, ond place finish. Sure you want Baja savvy, and few support people. One of them, Paul Hello fellow off-road racers and owned and driven by Byron Zie-to sell that car Johnny? Car #917 I Lussier, from Rhode Island, went home with good feelings I enthusiasts. The membership has gler, with CORE member Randy with driver Adonis Barela and co- I about off roaders thanks to one of the Protruck crews. I decided that with the recent Jones also had a great day in this driver Eric Robles, had fuel pick- I When he was getting ready to leave La Paz, Lussier went growth in CORE, that it was time ultra competitive class. Byron up problems on the first lap. to gas up, and there in the gas station was the crew for the I to resurrect the monthly CORE started, and except for some ra-Main pit fixed the problem, and I #203 Creagan, Wasson and Nicholson truck. They called I report to keep everyone up to date dio problems and a course block-they were off again, only to tangle I themselves the Bi Polar Team and they hail from Washing- I with what's happening within the age on lap 2, handed the car over with another swinger out on the I ton and Oregon. He asked them if he could drive along I club. to Randy at the half way point in course and snapping the end of with them on the way home, since he was literally, by him-With current members finish-great shape. Randy drove the sec-the right rear axle off. Looking I self. His co-riders, who should have been with him in his I ing new cars, the car counts have ond half, reported no issues, and forward to seeing this team run I van, hadn't made it to La Paz and had hitched rides home I been up at the races this year. So, brought the car home for a great in '07. I with other teams. The BiPolar guys said "Sure". And they I we have decided to add some-third place finish. Great job guys. Class 1600 had three cars show were on their way. They even phoned ahead to get him a thing new for the 2007 racing sea-With a shortage of people to help up, but only two made the call. I room at the same motel where they were staying on Satur-I son. Starting with the January with pitting, Larry Althoff Unfortunately, after drawing the I day night. So far so good. I MORE race in Barstow, CORE handled both of the remote pits #l starting position a week ear- I The second day went well also, and they stopped in I will be having a camping trip set for these races. Luckily, both cars lier, CORE President Brad Inch's I Ensenada to get a night's rest before heading out on Mon-I up the week before each race at stayed close together, so Larry car thought it was too cold to day morning for the border crossing. But on Monday morn-the Start/Finish area of each could cruise between the two pits. come out and play, and didn't I ing Lussier was ill. He didn't know what was wrong. The I MORE race. This is an opportu-Neither car gave him anything to want to run on race morning. I BiPolar Team refused to leave him and instead, checked I nity for anyone to come out and do, but Larry still had a great With the year Brad's had, all of him into an Ensenada hospital, where he stayed for a few meet the drivers and see the cars time. Both racers wanted to give CORE is hoping for a whole I hours until the doctors declared it was safe for him to leave. I that are part of the CORE pit a special thanks to Larry for his sleigh of good luck from Santa be I They then had their driver chauffeur Lussier across the I support club. So, whether you efforts. brought to Brad this Christmas. I border and into San Diego to be sure he'd gotten some- I have a car now, or are just inter-Then the first weekend in De-The 30 Racing Team #1622 I where safe. At that point he had a friend in San Diego I ested in off-road racing, come on cember, no less than 6 CORE cars ended up leaving first in class. who took over. out and be a part of the testing gave it a shot at the MORE Holi-Tommy Craig ended up soloing I Lussier felt this was above and beyond what would nor- I and pre-running, or just come day 200. Christmas came early for the race, had two flats, and fin- I mally be expected of strangers, and wanted to tell every- I and introduce yourself. But be a couple of members, and for a few ished a very close third place, just I one just how great he thinks the BiPolar Team was to help I prepared to lend a helping hand, others, a chance to add to their missing out on second. Good job him in that way. To quote him, "You don't meet nicer as CORE is a great way to get in-Christmas list! to the whole Craig/Girdner I people than that!" I vol~ed :.Vith. racing, as all you need Class 10 racer J. D. Ward, group. Car # 1666, driven by I But then, we;ve aiways known that off roaders were nice I is a truck and an ice chest for the # 1009, brought out a brand new Lance Johnson and owned by his I people, Paul. I day, as-we supply radios, supplies, car and showed the rest of the class Grandfather, had a longer day. In jacks and everything else to set up how it's done. If it hadn't been for only his third race ever, Lance II•••••••• • • • • • • • •••••II a pit and help a competitor reach the roof coming off, requiring a kept the car rolling in his solo run to help. Pit D was manned by the of official business, followed by the finish line. If you are cur- quick stop at Tom Craig Sr.'s pit to the finish. Two separate stops Barstow Boyz from the James and race and pit reports, then followed rently competing in the MORE or to make a temporary fix and stop-in main pit to fix a loose steering J.D. Wards team and main pit was by bench racing, stories of how fast SNORE series, you know how ping in main pit for 10 minutes rack and a failing rear suspension handled by Brad Inch and Randy we used to be and other harmless hard it is to man your remote pits. for repairs, he would have had the slowed him down a bit, but like Jones. lies. If you are interested in attend-But with CORE pit support, you overall too. J.D. wanted to thank every true off-road racer, never So that's a wrap of our late sea- ing any of our functions, feel free supply 2 crewmembers to help in everyone who helped with the new gave up and wound up with a son races. to contact President Brad Inch at a pit and contribute $50.00, and car, mainly Gary Johnson, M&T tenth place finish. So keep CORE in mind if you 818-352-9035 after 5:00 in the you have pit support around the Racecars in Barstow, Barn Burner CORE had four remote pits, are looking for pit support or are evening. entire course. So, come on out Racing Engines, Transaxle Engi- along with main. Pit A fell on Don looking for a way to get into the Hope to see you at any of the and talk to us, and see how much neering, Johnson and Matt, Pit B went to sport. We have a monthly meeting '07 MORE races, or the SNORE easier race day is knowing that MT Tires and Jimmy Messick Ben Roman and Brandon Neth of on the first Tuesday of each BAP, BB 400 of Avi 250. your pits are manned and ready Race Prep. Great job J.D. Fellow the #917 team and Pit C saw Dave month. Meetings start at 8:00 p.m. Thanks for reading and;u for just about anything. class one race Larry Althoff, Girdner Sr. and Gary Hall ready There is usually about 10 minutes Holidays! .. r-------------------------------------------------------~ Performance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding & Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks Quality Products & Friendly Service VISA RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-759 • 15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX us to Receive a Free Catalog I I I I I I I I I I ~-------------------------------------------------------~ Page 58 January 2007 Dusty Times

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MOTORSPORTS Trucks, Buggies, Parts, Service & Fabrication Todd Arthur (760) 788-0019 PO Box3944 Ramona, CA 92065 · HUSTLE~ concePTS ~ 'KAJA 5HOP . (since 1967) p~ ALJnnEAS IALLJmr,um LU□AH I SPECl=ILIT'-r' VEHCLE~ ,1-:t-a_.illl Jesse Rodriguez I PH: 714-997-0701 Fax:714-997-0758 __ 7_:~ ~ Lemon St, Orange.CA, 92867 JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner' ~ I I I I I~ •~ I I I ~ I LLL~D~I I I I Quality Racing Transaxles Mendeola Dealer Off Road - Sand Specialist JOE GIFFIN 3061 E. La Jolla St. #I Anaheim. California 92806 (714)632-1240 Fax (714) 632-1223 Email: www Mike Julson 9426 Wheatland• Court Sant-, CA 92071 619-596-3360 619-596-3364fax J_l-,u-•ez George Jimenez Se Hob/a Espanol RACING ENGINm COMPLETE ENGINES • PARTS & DYNO SERVICE 535 E. Central Park Ave. Anaheim, CA 92802 Tel: (714) 535.5116 Fax: (714) 535-5816 JON KINNE 520 Railroad St., Corona, CA 92882 Tel. 951-278-2233• Fax: 95 l-278-8335• KAL OFFROAD RACING Metal Fabrication ~ Custom Suspensions KurtLarmee (805) 466-4101 --8408 K El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 HONDA Power Equipment OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. 3532 EAST 3RD ST. .ART KAWAGUCHI 1 Fax 323-264-2136 323-264-5858 LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 ~~~ Darell Krager PH: 114.289.9048 FX: 114.631.1854 1214 N. Parker Unti #3 Orange. CA 92867 For Very Few Dollars A Month Your Ad Here Can Increase Your Sales By A Bunch Call Dusty Times 818-882-0004 POWER E STEERING THOMAS E. LEE Engineering LEE MFG. CO. 11661 PENDLETOK&TAEET· SUN VALLEY, CA. 913152 FAX (818) 7'18-2687 (818) 7e&-0371 A full line of Power St~ gears, pumps and acceuoriea for any type of racing. Magnaflux and Zyglo facilities available. •custom Chassis *Race Prep *Aluminum Wort *Welding *Magnaflux FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 (909) 596-5497 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 Race Seats • Restraints • Storage Bags Window Nets• Limit Straps• Tie Downs 11433 Woodside Avenue• Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455 • Fax: 619/449-9454 YOUR, OFF-ROAD Catch, us on the Net! SPECIALISTS/' PHONE: (714) 441-1212 FAX: (714) 441-1622· 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CA 92806 MIKE MENDEOLA 290 Trousdale Drive, Suite I & J Chula Vista, CA 91910 . (619) 691-1000 24 Hour Fax (619) 691-1324 Toddl>wya' 1900 Compton Ave. Suite 101, Corona, CA 92881 Phone (951)817-0101 Ext.156 619-562-5533 Off Road Fabrication and Design • Sand Cars • Trucks •RaceCors -~nnus • Ralty Cars • Custom Function/Strength/Safety/Pride Made by Hand in the USA JOHN MOSELEY Owncr/Fabricatot" - 236 Jason Court · Corona, CA 92879 951-272-3026 FG,)( 951.212-0n6

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■TON FABIATION,t0m IIAa t:IUI$ ,.,,.,,...,,s OUM. .. 'IS 661-974-7961 MSD a t.3 ~l 1 L J f. 1 ~l ■ ■4W:f ! , •• ..,.,! • YOUR COMPLETE IGNITION SOURCE GNlllUNS • {JISTR'BUTORS • WIFH ~; • HEV CONTROLS AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION 1 490 HENRY BRENNAN DR . . EL PASO. TX 7993E 19151 857-5200 • TFC:H LINE 19151 855-7123 • VISIT OUR WEB SITE: TUBE BENDERS Yi' TO 3" 0.0. Capacity Models Starting at $279.00!!!! M-TECH SUPPLY TUBE BENDERS • PIPE BENDERS • TUBE NOTCHERS RING ROLLERS • COLD SAWS • ABRASIVES 4B0-725-ZB75 Race Preparation~ Custom Fabrication~ Mig & Tig Welding ~ Aluminum Body Work M ~f~ Off-Road Race Services Shop: 714-893-8106 15222 Connector Lane Fax: 714-893-8123 Huntington Beach, CA 92649 www OFF-ROAD RACING NORB offroad superstore HEIM JOINTS-WELD IN BUNGS-.TABS BUSHINGS - JOHNNY JOINTS HIGH MISALIGNMENT SPACERS , ,, IN STOCK-RaADYTO SHIP WORLDWID■ -~..)' 1-888-75S-5900 ~--Dune Buggy Parts Race Car Parts · Foreign Car Parts New Truck Acc. Dept . . Custom Machine Work&: Fabrication 1 (800) 231-8156 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, AZ 85365 (520) 783-6265 • FAX (520) 783-1253 For A Few Bucks You Can Increase Your Productivity 818-882-0004 Call Dusty Times For Details DDBliJlillBS 1951.360.5906 951.360.0436 fax W/1/IIJIU J'J'J' JUJ'L.~I«. . ' 800.700.2350 3834 Wacker Drive Mira Loma, CA 91752 We can Beadlock~a .... ---,._, YOUR RIMS!! '-.._~---~ ~ ) Sizes to fit most ATV ~~s~. & AUTOMOTIVE applications POLISHED & COLORED FINISHES SCALLOPED OR CONVENTIONAL Reinforcing Rings Also Available Phone - (951) 354-8272 WWW .QMfPERfQRMANCE. com ,~~@lr'[~©"if) SAFEn' EQUIPMENl MAXON, MOTOROLA, ROAOMASTER, VERTEX RADIOS BELL, SHOEI, SIMPSON HELMETS IN STOCK WIRiNG FOR RADIO &/OR INTERCOM STIU. ONLY S 12';. -2888 GUNDRY AVE. * SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 • . 562-427-8177 I _ 800-869-5636 W ■ A R , '.IENHRiD ABRICATION, INC . 1660 Babcock. Building B Coslo Mesa, CA 92627 TEL 19491 650-3035 FAX 19491650-4721 .,..,.,Penhal • A.I1 Type• ol Steel CJ Aluminum Fabrication * Tube Beaclinc , : Fra cv s • Aluminum CJ Steel W.ldinc . Pl'rfomanc~ I _j Engineering •custom Machin• Work ~ All Type1 ol !\ace Cars ·4ss1 w. HacJenda t4 Laa Vegas, NV lt911s Bruce Jl'raley , 702-365-9055 PlAYTECH FABRICATION 3031 E. Coronado St. Suite E, Anaheim, CA 92806 Phone: (714) 238-1179 Fax: (71◄) 238-1183 : Pre,1s1on Todd Francis : 25805 N.E. 46th Ave. Ridgefield, WA 98642 Phone: 360.887.2000 • Fox: 360.887.7279 John Gould '110 ROTRUCK RACING ORGANIZATION A High Performance Spec VS Race Truck Series "The True Driver's Class" Protruck Sales and Promotion Website: Email: /el: 61949CJ.-e252 Fax:619-390-4470 14402 Bond Coui1 El Cajon, CA 92021

Page 64

Hi-Performance Equipment Suspension • Safety • Driveline • Accessories (619) 691-9171 (619) 691-9174 (619) 691-0803 (FAX) 103 Press Lane, Suite #4 Chula Vista, CA 91910 e-mail: I I I 6g.6306 -~-.5.ft.0283 ONLY.CO!!_....,,.. II' RRCING ENGINES Building SCORE winning engines 619.420.2233 45 Broadwa~ Chula Vista. CR 91910 PEIIFOIIMINC.£• TIIINSIIL ES Southam cainomla's Largest Distributor or Mandaola Tnnsaxlas PH: 114.680.6131 • Fil: 114.680.3110 ..._ Toll Free: 800.304.8126 1631 Placentia Ave. Unit G Anaheim. CA 92806 RANCHO DRIVETRAIN ENGINEERING Tony Selva, Jr. 27598 Commerce Center Drive Temecula, CA 92590 PH0NE951.676.6569 fACSIMJLE951,6]6.1141 tselv o @ro n ch od rivetra in. com SJHilllllll 11: -S■llgall -Ill H2-a1-IH -111111111 -Mlldelll -Alllill will get you in gear 3455 s.PI •rll # 5 t11•111,Nllnll 11112 Jlllnl.l.llal■I ('1121~313 QuAUTY lsNT ExPENSIVE, Ir's PRICELESS! VALVE TRAIN PRoauc,s • CusroM HEAD WoRK 760/94B-469B • FAX 760/94B-4B56 MnAniV.RDVALVESPRIIVG. CDIIA Barry Beacham 1021 Calle Sombra - Unit A San Clemente, CA 92673 Office 949-361-4388 Fax 949-361-4352 f.;_~-'-R.o«.~alke-'klw,e/1, °' '1~ '11U4 q-ut 2000-:1.001 • Pl.a 9 ~ oi e~'kluu A Tatum Distributor Specializing in Off-Road Racing & Driving for Over 21 Years ,.,, Mig Welding • Tig Welding Upgrades & Repairs Baja-Proven Equipment 5294 N. Casa Grande Hwy • Ste 102 Tucson, Az 85743 520-850-3693 /iii1 SANDERS SERVICE, INC. L«Y METAL PROCESSING 5921 Wlhnington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 (323) 583-2404 FAX (323) 583-3%5 SANDBLAST-GLASS BEAD-MAGNETIC PARTICLE FLOURESCENT INSPECTION MARKSMITH L~YSMITH LAURA RICHARD S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOQTU HCR66, BOX 11030 P.AHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV.89048 , (775) 372-5335 TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821-(714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 s Jr J"l"J, /IF ~4; .• ,~,-: ~ ~ ~... .,: •~!,;,4J -RACE LETTE,Rf./VG JOB SITE SIGNS• BANNERS• WINDOW LffiERll,G • CAA LETT~RlllG ... GRAPHICS SGUEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101 Galway Circle • Hunt1ngto,1 Beach. CA 92t349 (714) 897-0075 • Fax [714) 894-9567 SPECIALTY ~RGe ~rep RACE CARS -TRUCKS , • f'te-~lfttlfffl •9111ul tRrs • 91tspettsiott u,,,r...&es/~esitJtt • 91tod, Z:1tttituJ/ ~e61tilds • t11stom f 1Jlnic;1diott 16743 Parkside Ave. Cerritos, CA 90703 • ett1Jitte/Z:r1Jttsmissiott Up,rues Travis Fletcher (562} 802-1404 I~ Iv 1· Craig St...,art J Phone: 619-449-9728 F<ro 1119-449-?6711 I Celk 619-726-8891 I Fabrication & Race Preparation I 19419 Abraham WOJ Santee, CA 920n I '.!,.!1.'..•~et~-911.'..-C.rh!..~~'n J~ ; ' .. -· ~ Salee& Service 315 Lian WW --Aluminum Wheel Straighteltjng OMioio.f f,,,l off Sl:IIE INTERNATIONAi: O■"F-ROAD RACING llACEFUELS EXCWSIVEIY FKOM: BRYANT PETROLEUM 800-399-4176 SUNOCO-RACEGAS@HOTMAIL.COM ■ RACEFUEI.S Paul Oil Company (20 9) 847-2281 (800) 527-6090 FAX (209) 847-9726 . PO. Box 248 • 524 N. Sierra Ave. . 'WESTERN DIVISION Oakdale, California 95361 2180 College Drive • Lake Havasu City • AZ. 86403 Call Toll Free: 877-627-8852 or E-Mail: ·• Hi Performance Converters Custom Length Axles • • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed Hubs • (for Race & Recreation) Input Shafts • American Made Excellence!!

Page 65

i;ci-~-•~.o~ RACING &A'T"T"EAIES ................... Batteries• Alternators • Brackets • Pulley's • Battery Boxes Chargers• Cable • Misc. Electrical Accessories 2048 FairhOpe Loop, Vista, CA 9208 Business (760) 734-1678 Fax (760) 4-1323 E-Mail: ken@tCQlpowerballerl s =--= * Off-Road-and Bott-On to Street Fiberglass for: "Ford, C~evy and Toyota" Trucks * Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1261 N. Buena Vista St., lk\lllel ca. 92543 ... : 951-654-7334 Fa: 951-es.t-2375 See a list of our llftNlacts,..a oar well site: http://...,• 1Rf1NstfxLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 9763 Varlel Ave. · (818) 998-2739 Chatsworth, CA 91311 TIIDlll~O:K6!E - . ___, ~ nl: 714.526.5820 FAX: lM.528.5840 NS WEST PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES Kevin Pirtle 22545 South Normandie Ave. Torrance, California 90501 310.782.2413 fax 310.782.3772 !i:11 ransworks ~~ PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES . ~ AUTHORIZED MENDEOLA DEAU:R ERIC LAUNDRIE STOCK & CUSTOM 24752 VIEJAS BLVD. SAND* STREET * RACE DESCANSO, CA 91916 (619) 445-3135 (619) 596-8033 1 000 w . Bradley, Unit a El Cajon, CA 92020 Carlos Orozco VP Racing Fuels, Inc. West Coast Region P.O. Box 1319 34283 Monte Vista Wildomar, CA 92595 •Quality F,e/s & Prod,cts lor Motorsports• W,bsit, · www.,proci1gl,~ls.cot1· Do You Need To E X p A N D Your business Horizons? For Lots More Exposure Call 81 8-882-0004 Adam Wik 1175 W. T~ Aw. Unlll, LasVeau. NV 89111 702-8S7-2522 ~ ---!II ·~~~ ~ front & Rear Trailing~es Sutf*.lSion Speciaml • Cus1om ~te & Phay Buggy Chass& A-Ann Frvnt lnds • Bt-am Ftont &Mil -~08 N. 2lS1 Of, Phocnhc, AZ 8S021 Jack Wood$ 602-242.0011 fa,c 6.02•242•7283 Race Car s Dune Buggies Lorenzo Rodriguez Transmissions - Parts - Service - Welding i/.W. - Porsche - Nissan - Toyota - Honda Baja Bugs 850 S. Alta Vista Ave., Monrovia, CA 9 10 16 (626) 305-RACE (7223) • (626) 357-6629 Fax • BU&&IES •SRROCRRS • SHDCHS wwvy, RRCE PREP SHOP • TRUCKS • PRE·RUIIDERS • fflBJUCRTIOR 818) 1126-2280 World Leading Motorsport Transmission Manufacturer 11 Dakar Rally Victories 17 World Rally Victories 6 AMA MX/SX Championships Xtrac Inc 6183 West 80th Street Indianapolis IN 46278 email: andrew_heard@xtrac.con, Tel: (317} 472 2454 '383' Baja Oass 1/10 sequential Transaxle[inc Trophy Truck solutions available for Lead Customers

Page 66

Classified ... Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Read-ers are advised to consult appro-priate local or state authorities for information before purchase f ecific item • ------~-----------AUT Otv10Tl\lb-FOR SALE: Brian Coats built Trophy Truck, SCORE Teched, Fresh 720hp R.C. Performance engine, Culhane Turbo 400, King Shocks, fully prepped and Race Ready. $125,000.00 Call for details. Tony Murray (714) 642-6889. FOR SALE: Pat Dean's 2 seat class 1/1500 Bunderson 2003 SCORE legal and tagged race car. Top of the line parts, King shocks, Albins 5 speed trans with Tilton clutch, all aluminum 406 Chevy small block. Call Butch for more details @ (702) 873-1962. $125,000.00. FOR SALE: New Just finished VW Rabbit Motor, Profession-ally built 1700cc 1.8 block, stroke 80, bore 82, Ross pistons, 122 WEB CAM, Eagle Rods, Modified stock head, ported and polish, Stainless Steel Valves, Down draft intake, Weber 44, K&N Filter, Exhaust Header and tip with spark arrester, Dis-tributor with wires and alterna-tor. Motor was built for super buggy I just sold. Over 5k in-vested. $3,000.00. Call (209) 772-0215 . FOR SALE: CORR PRO-2 FOR SALE: Probst Chassis. Won CORR Race in 2005. One Race weekend on Race Prep Services, RPS Prep. Complete Truck. Ready to go test or Race. $135,000.00. Call RPS (949) 361-4388. email FOR SALE: 05 Bunderson 2/1600 car, 6-bypass Kings rear 3-bypass Kings front, Folts Tranny, Wiks dual port motor, micro stubs, Disk brakes, Parker Pumper, MSD ignition, Big oil cooler, Mastercraft Seats, Wright rack & pinion, Momo steer-ing wheel, Centerline Wheels, Fresh prep $35,500.00 (702) 768-2395. FOR SALE: 5-1600 King Shocks, new motor, new tranny, new BTR wheels, new Mickey Th-ompson tires, new 300m axels and torsions, new pro am rear disc brakes with micro stubs, new seats, Parker Pumper, PCI, car is fresh and immaculate, show car at SEMA, with trailer $25,000.00 OBO. Billy (928) 486-7773 or Bill (928) 486-1543. FOR SALE: 2003 F-150 Supercrew, Pre-Runner, Glass-works Bedsides and front fend-ers, King Coilover shocks front, King shocks, and National Springs in rear, rear bed cage, 35" BFG tires, PCI radio, $25,000.00 OBO. (402) 426-5275. FOR SALE: 2006 Potter Pre-Runner, Redline LS2, 610 HP, UMP Air filters, Fortin 4-speed, Fortin hubs, 934CV's, Fortin Steering Rack, Kings 3inch rear, 2.5 inch front, Walker Evans wheels on 35" BFG Projects, 38" Paddles on Douglas Beadlocks rear, 35" Baja Pro's on Douglas Beadlocks front, Lawrence OPS, PCI Radio and Intercom, Digi-tal Display Dash, HID Lights. Car is fully prepped. Desert or Glamis ready! Asking $110,000.00 Call (714) 785-3343. FOR SALE: Penhall Diablo 4 seat PreRunner; plated arms, front and rear, Howe rack and high volume pump, chrome Fox bypass shocks and coilovers, 36 gal fuel cell, alum. radiator, fans, coolers, heat exchanger, Beard leather seats, 4 and 6 piston cali-per brakes, Kartek hubs, 6-37" BFG projects on Chrome 17" Walker Wheels, Jeff Fields auto-matic, too much more to list. $77,500.00. (714) 330-4080. FOR SALE: Tatum Class 1 '06* L5Z 427 600 & hp. Mendeola HD 4-S, King Coil & bypass 4" on rear, Type 35 CVs, 6 lug hub, 1 3/+ axles, Walker Wheels, BFG tires, Howe steering, color OPS, Kenwood radio in car camera, adjust lite bar, 6 vision 8" & 2 vision 6", 65 gal cell, 1000 miles on car, 300 miles on mo-tor, top of the line equip. Prepped and ready to race. $120,000.00. Rick (602) 762-7616. 1994 Ford Bronco PreRunner. Cone Rear End with 44 spline axels and spool. Solo Motorsports TTB 8" wider then stock fully reinforced. Mastercraft, jba, Borla, warn front hubs, King Shocks and Bumps, Deaver Springs, custom front shock hoops and engine cage, cus-tom console with radio and intercom by Taylor Motorsports. Very Clean. $3 5 K/OBO. Ca 11 Vi nee (530) 401-5646 or email: M ike@d ir tracerphoto .com. FOR SALE: 1-2 1600 CAR. Single Seat, FAT Motor, JK spare motor, fresh Roberts trans, King Shocks, Former Whiplash Class Champ, 9th at 06 Terrible's Cup. Fast, Reliable car. 25K OBO. w/spares & trailer. (602) 881-1729. FOR SALE: Baja Bug Race Car/ PreRunner Street licensed in Ca. Saco Rack, 10 " wider front beam, bus tranny. Brand new 2 ½" King Coilovers in rear 3x3's, 930 CV's, Ultras, VDO gauges, Parker Pumper. l0K or OBO. Call Art (951) 764-5850. FOR SALE: Porter Class 1 Car. Aluminum Chevy small block 427 cubic 2 inch 600 + hp M-1 automatic transaxle series 30 CV's. 26 in travel front, 24 in rear King 4" fr King 3", 37" BFG and Trophy Truck brakes, PCI Radio and Intercom. Howe big rack, some spares. $80,000.00. Call Brian (619) 336-3771. FOR SALE: CJ-7, 550hp AMC 401, Holley 750, MSD, Auto Meter gauges, Holman headers, Hughes reverse pattern Turbo 400 tranny, Art Carr shifter, Cone Dana 60 rearend and Willwood brakes, Dana 44 front, National Spring, Sway-A-Way bypass shocks, BFG Bajas, Lee steering ram, Beard, Parker Pumper, $16,500.00. Call (623) 566-4828 or (602) 909-1735. FOR SALE: Alumicraft PreRunner, LS 1, Mendeola MD4, Jimco Spindles, 2 ½ front & 3" rear Kings, Kenwood, ra-dio w/sat phone enable com sys-tem, Hella Hid's, 930 CV's, w/ 300m axles, windshield w/ wiper, proven & reliable, 200 miles on completely prepped car, Warn Winch, Gordon wheels, · complete set of spare alternator, axle, H20 pump, master cylinder etc. $59,500.00 ready to go. Call (805) 988-0777. FOR SALE: Toyota Pro-Lite, FAT motor, G-Force, Bilstein shocks, comes with spares, ready for '07 CORR and WSORR Se-ries. $48K. (602) 881-1729. FOR SALE: CORR Single Buggy, 2003 Brue's Metal Works chassis, Fox Shocks, Real Wheels, CNC, Kartek Hubs, Howe Steering, Mastercraft. Car is race ready. $ 2 5 , 0 0 0 . 00 Ca 11 2 6 2 -966-9800 or e-mail questions to Jaso n@ro llingth •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in ff UDl:V== • ~ Classified Advectising "" is only $25 fo, 45 wmd~~~T.: i'!:.~~a:dm, and phone numb«. Add $5.00 fo, use :::0:0:':~51101 ~ • of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum siz;e 5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. 2007-08 • • REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED - YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A • : TIMELY MANNER. • • • • • • • • • • Enclosed is $ ______________ (Send check or money order, no Cash) • ■ Name ---------------------------------- ---• •Address----------------------------- ----------- -----------------------• •City---------------------------------------------------------- - -------• • State _______ Zip __________________ Phone ________________________________ _ Please run ad _______ times Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 ISSUE DEADLINE • February 07 Jan 5, 07 March 07 Feb 2, 07 April 07 Mar 2, 07 May07 Apr 6, 07 June 07 May 4, 07 July 07 Jun 8, 07 August 07 July 6, 07 September 07 Aug 3, 07 October 07 Sep 7, 07 November 07 Oct 5, 07 • December 07 Nov 2, 07 • January 08 Dec 7, 07 • February 08 Jan 4, 08 • March08 Feb 8, 08 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page 66 January 2007 Dusty Times

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FOR SALE: FORD SVO V-6, Bryant Crank, Carrillo Rods, Wiseco pistons, Tita-nium valves, roller cam, Isky springs, Complete with big radiator and oil lines. Fresh $8,500.00. Broe @ (503) 366-9567. FOR SALE: New Chenowth Millenium Class 10, Honda B-16A Power, Fortin 5spd, Fortin shifter, CNC Brakes, BFG, Centerline, Autometer, 934 CV's, Electromotive F.I. Flame-out system, PCI, All the Best Components, Haulmark Edge 24Ft Trailer, Complete Spares Package, Will separate. Call Mike (801) 484-3084, or (801) 485-0147. b.tv1R....0Ytv1b.NT Help Wanted-Race Car Fab-ricator/Prep Person: Must have experience in race car fabrication, set-ups and maintenance. Ideal candi-date would know tig weld-ing, tube bending & sheet metal. Would also be de-signing and fabricating new ATV products for PRO ARMOR. Contact Alex at (951) 270-0559xll. Dusty Times more Trail Notes ... fifth consecutive year. The other 4-wheel vehicle class points champions with four wins in five races were: Darren Hardesty, Ramona, Calif. (Class 10, AlumiCraft-VW), brothers Nick Vanderwey/Michael Vanderwey, Phoenix/Larry Vanderwey, Litchfield Park, Ariz., (Class 8, GMC Sierra), Eric Fisher, Ensenada, Mexico (Class 9, Garibay-VW) and Eric Solorzano, Tijuana, Mexico (Class 11, VW Sedan). 2006 class champions with three class race wins this season were: John Holmes, Olivenhain, Calif. (Class 7SX, Ford Ranger) and Gus Vildosola Jr., Mexicali, Mexico/Bryan Freeman, Henderson, Nev. (Protruck, Ford F-150 With one class win and five top six finishes, Las Vegas' B.J. Baldwin, 27, who has been desert racing since he graduated from Durango High School in Las Vegas in 1997, captured the season point championship in the featured SCORE Trophy-Truck division for high-tech, 800 horsepower unlimited production trucks in the Baldwin Motorsports No. 97 Chevy Silverado and finished third in the SCORE Overall standings. It was his first SCORE season championship.Second in both the SCORE Overall points and in the unlimited Class 1 in 2006, 11 points behind Troy Herbst/Larry Roeseler, are brothers Gary and Mark Weyhrich, Troutdale, Ore. In a Chevy-powered Jimco, while fourth Overall and third in the final Class l standings is the team of Richard Boyle, Ridgecrest, Calif/Ron Brant, Oak Hills, Calif., in another Jimco-Chevy. Fifth overall and winning the Class 1-2/1600 point title is the team of Brian Burgess, Riverside, Calif/Dan Foulcz, Chino Hills, Calif., in a SPF-VW. Among the other 4-wheel vehicle class point winners were: Dan Chamlee, Summerland, Calif. (Class 7, Ford Ranger, second class championship), Mike Horner, Mission Viejo, Calif. (Class 7S, Toyota Tacoma, first), Terry Henn., Walnut, Calif. (Stock Full, Hummer H2, first) and. Three Mexican drivers earned season championships as well: Eric Fisher, Ensenada, Mexico (Class 9, Garibay-VW, sixrh); Eric Solorzano, Tijuana, Mexico (Class 11, VW Sedan, eighth) and Gus Vildosola Jr., Mexicali, Mexico/Bryan Freeman, Henderson, Nev. (Protruck, Ford F-150, first for Vildosola, second for Freeman). The Top 10 in points are: l. Troy Herbst, Las Vegas/Larry Roeseler, Hesperia, Calif., Smithbuilt-Ford (CLASS 1), 423 2. Gary Weyhrich, Troutdale, Ore., Jimco-Chevy (CLASS 1), 412 3. B.J. Baldwin, Las Vegas, Chevy Silverado (SCORE Trophy-Truck), 395 4. Richard Boyle, Ridgecrest, Calif/Ron Brant, Oak Hills, Calif., Jimco-Chevy(CLASS 1), 490 5. Brian Burgess, Riverside, Calif/Dan Folts, Chino, Calif., SPF-VW (CLASS 1-2/1600), 386., Jimco-VW (SCORE Lite), 376 6. Tim Noe/Tom Watson, El Centro, Calif 7. Bob Shepard, Phoenix, Chevy CK1500 (SCORE Trophy-Truck), 370 8. Sammy Ehrenberg, Las Vegas, Jimco-VW (CLASS 1-2/1600), 367 9. Martin Christensen, Escondido, Calif/Dave Mason, Valley Center, Calif., Jimco-BMW (CLASS 1), 366 10. Brian Parkhouse, Bell Gardens, Calif., Jimco-Chevy (CLASS 1), 364 2006 SCORE Off-Roadsman of the Year Award Winners are: Contingency Company-BFGoodrich Tires, Motorcycle Manufacturer-American Honda. Mechanic-Rick Geiser, Geiser Bros. Design and Development. Entry Sponsor-Board Ford. Pit Support Team-BFGoodrich Tires. Journalist-Marty Fiolka, DIRTSports Magazine. Photographer-High Rev Photo. Rookie of the Year-Garron Cadiente, G&R Racing. Person of The Year-Cameron Steele, Desert Assassins Racing. *Original Buggy Chassis Manufacrurer-Jimco. *Engine Builder-Major Performance. · INDb..X TO AD\/b.R. Tl6b..R.6 Advanced Air Cleaner Systems .................... 39 Aircraft Spruce ............................................. 47 All Road Communications ............................ 42 Alumi Craft ................................................... 17 Baker Precision ............................................ 14 Best In The Desert Parker 425 ..................... 31 Bilstein ............................................................ 2 BTR Racing Wheels ...................................... 59 Butch's Spead Shop ..................................... 59 Coast Casinos ............................................... 57 Competition Air Systems .............................. 56 E&J Wireworks ............................................ 28 Eibach Springs .............................................. 67 Fabtech ......................................................... 44 Fat Performance ........................................... 15 Fuel Safe ....................................................... 27 G&G Motorsports ......................................... 45 Herbst ..................................................... 34, 35 Kar Tek Off Road .......................................... 13 Kawaguchi Honda ......................................... 46 King Shock Tech ........................................... 38 Laughlin .......................................... Back Cover LVDC Motorsports ........................................ 53 MasterCralt Racing ...................................... 52 McKen~ie's Performance Products ................ 9 McMillin ........................................................ 16 Michael E. James Insurance ......................... 20 MDR Productions Fud 250 ........................... 32 Nevada Off Road Buggy ............................... 47 Pacific Customs ............................................ 40 Parker Pumper .............................................. 23 Paydirt Media ............................................... 21 PCI Race Radios .............................................. 5 Pike's Service Center ................................... 30 Race Ready Products .................................... 55 Racer Off Road ............................................. 48 Racer X ......................................................... 50 Ram Proline .................................................. 19 Ronco Plastics .............................................. 58 Sakata ..................................................•....... 29 Shocker Glove .............................................. 30 Skyjacker Suspensions ................................ 54 SNORE ............................................................ 4 Team Gordon Race Wheels ........................... 12 Transaxle Engineering .................................. 18 Vision X ........................................................ 49 Web Cam ....................................................... 25 Watson/Noe Motorsports ............................. 11 ® The Suspension Company. 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