... .... VOIUIIHI •• • Numller 10-octoller 2007 s2.so :oE:oE:oE::f:0:"l=E:0::IE:1t;:lli~:ei~:1€:0::tE:0::1t DUSTY TIMES 20761 PLUMMER ST CHATSWORTH CA 91311-5003 SEP 2 5 2007 II, I,.,, ,11,.11,,. ,I I, .. 11, I, 1,11 ... II,., .. 11,. 11,.,, ,1111 .. ,I l■■N87SO•l752 sewing l'lle Off IIOad communl~ ,=or•• rears, covering the world of competition In the dirt: •••
It takes a lot of drive, the right equipment and a bit ot luck to survive the "l.ongest Off-Road Race lo The United States". And KC equipped racers proved they had the right stuff. as they crowded the podilllt\ at the finish line of . Be$!; J!l ~e Dese~s "Vegas-to Reno" race . . •:i::: sa
1 volume 24 - Number 10 October 2007 DUBli G Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors Scott Bottomley J. Preston Bradshaw Jim Culp Mike Del Col Nicole Del Col Steve Hilton Victor Gazca Martin Holmes Rod Koch Byrle Moore Steve Ruddick Maurice elden Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham ~ aliforni.i alh· ,,,cries .• =··~ .. . ~ : ~ -~-\ , I . " ti !""-..-,, Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a elf addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copyright by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, ano send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., snapshot of the Month ... MTEG-1980 Los Angeles Coliseum -as usual it always looked like absolute pandemonium, lots of buggies, most going in opposite directions. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, selfaddressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8x 10 will be considered. 1n· This Issue ••• FEATURES BITD Vegas To Reno by Judy Smith ........................................................................ 8 Rally Of Finland by Martin Holmes ....................................................................... 16 WSORR Bark River by] Preston Bradshaw ................................................................ 20 MOR California 200 by Steve Ruddick ....................................................................... 24 Peking To Paris by Lane Eoons .................................................................................... 29 CODE Tecate ORW by Berle Moore .......................................................................... 32 Rally Of Deutschland by Martin Holmes .............................................................. 36 WSORR At Bark River II by] Preston Bradshaw ...................................................... 40 VORRA Yerington 300 by Dwight Stewart ................................................................ 48 Numbers by ]im Russell ......................................................................................... 59 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ............................................................................................................. 5 Trail Notes ............................................................................................................... 6 Off Road Motorsports Hall Of Fame inductees ................................................ 45 Baja Pits by Mr. Baja .................................................................................................... 50 BFGoodrich News ................................................................................................ 50 CORE News .......................................................................................................... 51 ORBA Report ....................................................................................................... 51 Good Stuff Directory ............................... .' ........................................................... 52 Classified Ads ....................................................................................................... 58 Index To Advertisers ............................................................................................ 59 ON THI! COVl!R Mark and Gary Weyhrich had a great Best In The Desert Vegas To Reno race, they took the Class 1 honors with 15 minutes in hand and the overall win by 54 seconds in their Jimco with Chevy power. Photo by Art Eugenio - Trackside Photo A great race for BJ Baldwin, he literally flew his Chevrolet Trick Truck to Reno, lost time in the dark with no lights but took the Class 1400 win with two hours in hand Photo by Jim Ober - Trackside Photo Visit Our Website at Dustytimes.com cSuh.rcrihe ?oda_y lo DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OPP ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRYII □ 1 year · $25.00 □ 2 years -$40.00 □ 3 years -$55.00 (to subscribe online go to www.dustytimes.com) □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name Address ----------------------City ____________________ _ State ______________ Zip ______ _ Primary Interest Can D Trucks D Motorcycles D Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian - 1 year $30.00 US n Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times October 2007 Page 3
P~e~-se,. nt T· he·' .I..' ~ '. ' . . ' ..... ·. .. CLASS 9 FEATURE RACE'!! 1st Place Pav Back: $1,500 $2,500 $4,500 w/10 cars w /20 cars w/30 cars w/40cars - ·· -··-··----··-··----·-- ··----··-··-··----··- ·· -------··-------··-··-------··-··----··-··-------··-··-··-··-··-··----··-, CLASS 11 -~EATURE RA(:1:! 1JsT ~li11~e ~0a.Y Back&: 1 . 1,00 w/ 5 cars · 1,50 w/10 cars ;__ .. - .. - .. -.. - .. -.. - .. -.. -.. - .. -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. -.. - .. - .. - .. - .. - .. - .. - .. - .. - .. -.. - .. - .. -.. - .. -.. - .. - .. - .. - .. - · ALL PRO CLASSES lsr Place $2,000 w/10 cars!! The FilterMag 250 takes place Nov 9-11 in Nelson Hillsi NV Sign-Up/Tech/Contingency Fri Nov~ 9th@ T-he Railroad Pass Casino, Henderson NV Fri Nov 9th 5:00 - ·9:00 pm • Driver's meeting@ 9:30 pm For more info: www.snoreracing net• (702) 452-4522 SNORE hotline Series Sponsor Seri~s Sponsor ldJ:JxJ1i&H '--,c:>r=r= ~c:>!!!!i>IJ YOKOHAMA March 27 -30 2008 ...
I II 2•7 Happenings ..• 1091 TwP. LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 760-455-8069 USA 011-52-686-553-4087 MEXICO www.codeoffroad.com.mx September 29 - October 1, 2007 Mexicana Logistics Mexicali 300 Laguna Salada, MX November 30-December 1-2, 2007 Race Ready 275 San Diego, CA October 19-20, 2007 Texas Motor Speedway Dallas, TX November 2-3, 2007 Las Vegas Motor Speedway Las Vegas, NV 1 OK FoUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 (All events staged at the club grounds in Cleves. Ohio) 4x4 FoREVER, Lm. 1665 DELAWARE ST. O SHKOSH, WI 54901 .AMERICAN RALLY SPORT GROUP, INc. 3650 Sovrtt POINTE CIRCLE, SuITE 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521-0597 E Mail: roger@rallyusa.com .AMERICAN TRLus AssocIATION AMA Observed Trials Southern California Championship Series BILL MARKUM -PRESIDENT (909) 860-185 7 24 HR l-lOTLINE -(714) 562-7742 E MAIL: BMARK909@AOL.COM <u-ww.atatrails.com> AsocIACION EsTATAL DE AUTOMOVU.ISMO SAM LASELL, TECH INSPECTOR Avro 42 SAN JOSE DEL CABO BAJA C ALIFORNIA DEL SUR. MExlco AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP DARRYL SMITH 19 SoMERS ST. CASHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTRALIA DUSTY TIMES @bigpond.com AUTOCROSS QuEeEC OFF RoAD CLASS 10 CARS ONLY RENALD VAILLANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAVAL QUEBEC, CANADA H7P IT7 (450) 622-4440 BAJA CUP CHALLENGE December 81 2007 B ARONA SAND D RAG AssN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 All Races Are Night Races All Races At Barona Raceway, Lakeside, CA B B M MARKETING PROMOTIONS Off Road Short Course Racing & Special Event Marketing 4344 VALLEY VIEW AVE. NORCO, CA 92860 (909) 340-6474 BEST IN THE l>EsERT 3475 BOULDER HIGHWAY LAs VEGAS, NV 89121 702-457-5775/FAX:702-641-2431 October S-7, 2007 Las Vegas 300 November~, 2007 MC Golden West Cycle Avi 150 November 30 -December 1-2, 2007 Henderson's Terrible 400 BORERAcING 10 ELK MOUNTAIN DRIVE REDSTONE, CO 81623 970-963-4563 623-853-3595 www.Boreracing.com BP MOTORSPORTS P.O. Box 411 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91365 760-578-6258/760-578-6259 FAX: 818-348-4648 E-Mail: bpmotorsports@earthlink.net All Events At California City, CA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGHTON, ONTARIO, CANADA KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR Cum AVTOMOVIUSTA]UABENSE DE CHAMP10NSHIP OFF-ROAD RACING 7210 GATEWAY EAST EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 01 l-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES <www.Californiarallyseries.com> October S-6, 2007 Prescott Rally Coef 2,3 Prescott, AZ November 9-11, 2007 Dusty Times Laughlin International Rally, Coef 1,2,3 Laughlin, NV CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box 400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW CENTRAL Sourn DAKOTA RACING AssoclATION P.O. Box 645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVE ADAMS (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DON ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN V AllEY RACING AssocIATION C.J. RICHARDS P.O. Box332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLAIRTON HI-JACKERS l.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR Short Course off Road Racing At Harrison County Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH CLtJB AUTOMOVU.ISTICA SAN QmNnN CALLE 6TA fRACC Co. DE SAN QUINTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HERACLIO PATINO (011 52 616-5-22-07) CLtJB AUTOMOVU.ISTICO SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road ENSE AQ,\, BC, MEXICO USA JAN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) RAM6N CASTRO & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/ 7 0034) CMC CoNTINENTAL MOTOSPORT CuJB P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 Fax: (714) 367-1608 CODE OmtoAD USA P.O. Box 2328 CALEXICO, CA 92231-2328 IIIIACIINEICI NT•l!0MII HlllMD!IIIITa Mexicali -San Felipe, BC, MX CoLORADO ffn.L Cw.m AssoclATION BARB V AHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box 8286 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O. Box 392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER 01 l-52-65-66-4458 CORR LUCAS On. SERIES 270 NEWPORT CENTER DR., SUITY 100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 866-501-CORR September 29-30, 2007 Chula Vista Raceway CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, SUITE 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA EXT 42 Fax (818) 957-4435 D&.T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (All events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston County ORV Park, Olympia, WA) DAKAR RALLY DARREN SKILTON BAJA AUTOMOTIVE ADVENTURES 455 E. OCEAN BLVD., SUITE 208 loNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 Continued next page IIClUF"MS -C&l., ... Dvcnl GLOBALMAP BAJA 540<: eontingencv Sponsors for: SCORE -Bill -CORR MORE -SNORE - MIR (ijD DISPLAY GLOBALMAP 7200c GLOBALMAP 9200c if -DISPLAY '[[Mf' DISPLAY ---.. ' ·n '" aa1a, o V4\n.,er • • - -to w\nn, g 6 sa>a 1oO ne.d55't,f ... -,nn -100 oa 14c."'' .-,c1's course cl October 2007 Pages
Trall Notes •.. NEW DRIVER -Jeff Lothringer tells us there is a new driver in the family, Seth Parker, born on July 1st, 2007, weighing in at 7 pounds, 15 ounces and he was 20.5 inches long. A beautiful baby boy. Dusty Times congratulates the proud parents. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY -We've just been informed that Terry and Virginia Silbaugh are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary on August 25th and all of us here at Dusty Times want to wish them many, many more in good health and happiness. All our best to the both of you. PRO 1600 SPECIAL EVENT -This is a special event for our Pro 1600 Shoot-Out Series ... It is the last of our 3 race series and is only open to 1-1/1600 cars ... We are expecting at least 50 1600 cars to be entered for the race, with a huge purse and contingency pot up for grabs! I know this isn't a regularly scheduled event for all of you (me too), but I guarantee it is going to be one of the best events to attend all year ... The Herbsts have given us permission to use their property and short-course infield area for our race (think Battle at Primm) ... Tech/Contingency is Fri 12/28/07 and race day is Sat 12/29/07 ... The race is unique; in that it is a 3-heat race with mandatory 3 different drivers per car ... We will give an hour in between each heat for needed repairs, so you may want to stick around on race day -and what better way to spend the weekend before New Years! For more information contact Jamie Fagan at 702-515-1586. WEDDING BELLS -It is with great pleasure that we announce the marriage of Brendan Gaughan and Tatum Hayes. Brendan and Tatum tied the knot in Vail, Colorado on Saturday, August 18th. Brendan stated, ''I'm happy. We had a beautiful wedding and reception in Vail, near my family's house. It was an absolutely gorgeous day -couldn't have asked for anything better. I'm happy to have her and excited to put my name on the list of married drivers. I guess I'm no longer a 'Young Gun' officially. We at Dusty Times wish Brendan and Tatum a long and happy marriage, blessed with everything they might want. OFF ROAD EXPO -It's that time of the year again, the Off Road Expo returns to the Pomona Fairgrounds on October 6 & 7. Fall in the door and see the latest in off road vehicles and engineering marvels. Tons of vehicles for your viewing and hundreds of manufacturers will be present with their wares. Cost is $12 for adults, $5 for kids ages 6-12 and kids under 5 are free. Remember, it's at the Pomona Fairplex. For more information visit their website. www.offroadexpo.co_m CORR -DONATION -CORR has made a donation to the San Diego Sports Medicine Foundation on behalf of Jeremy McGrath. CORR Donated 50 tickets for the Chula Vista International Raceway event next month along with 600 lanyards. Jeremy McGrath is a long time San Diego resident and gives back to the local community. He will be honored at the Taste of Cove, a fundraiser for the San Diego Sport Medicine foundation. The event raises over$ 200,000 annually to provide a medical safety net for injured youth with limited financial means in order to return them back to health, sports and life. In June, Jeremy McGrath raced in a Pro 2 at Chula Vista International Raceway. After finishing fifth in round six of the CORR Lucas Oil Series, McGrath is hungry for the podium and is sure to be a crowd favorite when he returns on Sept. 15 and 16th at the Antelope Valley Fairgrounds. McGrath will be racing in round seven of the CORR Lucas Oil Series and the NBC broadcast Jason Baldwin Memorial Cup Series Qualifier. WSORR NEWS -The inaugural PRO Light Pickup Challenge Cup race will be held at Crandon International Raceway on Labor Day weekend. Named "Decision At Sundown" and sponsored by the Forest County Potawatomi Community, the nine lap, non points race will run on a specially designed short track and features a $20,000 posted purse. The class features mid-size pickups, Ford Ranger, Nissan Frontier and Toyota Tacoma models with 300+ hors·epower and 14" of suspension travel. The winner picks up $4,200, $2,520 for second place, $1,680 for third, $1,000 for fourth place, $800 for fifth place and $7 50 for all the rest of the guys. Also, KC Hilites is giving $1,000 to the race winner, must have KC Hilites mounted. Looks like the start of a new era that should draw a lot of trucks into the fold. SCORE PRIMM -The 12th annual SCORE Primm race is scheduled for September 7-9 and SCORE is looking for another record entry. The Primm resort, now owned by the brothers Herbst is getting back to the old start finish area, directly behind the Buffalo Bill Hotel and Casino. The 12th Annual SCORE Las Vegas Primm 300 will feature 18 Pro and 2 Sportsman classes for cars and trucks at Primm, located 45 miles south of Las Vegas at the California border. This year's starting grid is expected to reach over 17 5 vehicles. The first vehicle to leave the start line in the morning portion of the event will be Class 10 husband and wife racers Adam and Bekki Wik of Las Vegas, in a Honda-powered Jimco open-wheel desert race car. As of this writing there are 26 Trophy Trucks entered, 32 Class 1 cars, 23 Class Yz-1600 cars, 5 Class 3 cars, 5 Class 5 cars, 7 Class 5-1600 cars, 2 Class 7 trucks, 7 Class 7SX trucks, 1 Class 8. truck, 11 Class 10 cars, 15 SCORE Lites, 1 Class 11 car, 3 Stock Full, 1 Stock Mini, 1 Protruck, 3 Sportsman cars and 2 Sportsman trucks. Hopefully, the weather will cooperate, cooler temperature and a nice breeze to keep the course visibi.lity good. BAJA 1000 T EAM -Scott Steinberger and Dave Sykes are teaming up for the SCORE Baja 1000 in November, running under the PC! Racing Banner. They have eight Baja 1000 wins between them and feel they can put the #7 Trophy Truck in the winners circle. Good luck to the team in their efforts. NEED PRAYERS & HELP -Eric Fisher, Class 9 Champion, is hospitalized in Ensenada in critical condition. He is in a private hospital in Intensive Care and could use your prayers and whatever other support you can give. Donations can be taken to any Bank of America Branch into account # 0934518121. Or, you can mail it to any B of A branch at the account# shown, c/ o Eric Fisher and Marisela Davison (his sister). For more info go to http:// Page& Bajaautomotive@Yahoo.com l>EcATUR Fo UR WHEEL DRIVE CuJB DECATUR, TX 76234 TOM ALLEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MoTORSPORTS 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 EAs:rERN OFF-RoAD RACING~-TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 F.NsF.NADA BAJA OFF RoAD RACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX 0l l-52-646-1818989 EL1s10 Ol l-52-646-1715230 AARON Races for bugg:,s & Motorcycles &TERO BEACH INTERNATIONAL Sb.art Course Racing VICTORIA GALINDO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO 0ll-52-646-176-6230 FORDA PLoRIDA ()pp ROAD DluvER's ASSOCIATION JASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Apr, May, New at David.son Raceway FuoPUCKER RACING TEAM 1855 PARKWAY DRIVE s. EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/ 959-579-6151FAX mdrracing@aol.com GORRA GEORGIA OFF ROAD RACING AssocIATION 420 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA GREAT PLANES OFF RoAD RACING AsSOCIATION TIM HODGE (402) 991-6048 ScoTT MORROW (816) 792-2126 (All races are short course, stadium sr:yle Classes -Sportsman, 1/2-1600, 5-1600, Sport Truck, Quads, Tough Truck Nebraska Raceway Park, Exit 420 on 1-80 between Omaha and Lincoln.) For latest info check < www.gporra.net> HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING 2000 W. QUINCY AVENUE #B . ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 303-806-8062/303-781-0974 fax INTERNATIONAL lcE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDDOR (612) 937-3816/Fax 474-2769 INTER-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 JEEPSPEED 1826 N. WINDES Orange, CA 92869 714-538-7434/ fax 714-633-1724 All races for Jeepspeed 1,2 & 3 September 29, 2007 MOR Lucerne 250 Lucerne Valley, CA November JI-December 2, 2007 BlTD Terrible 400 Henderson, NV KAMwoPS BRONCO BUSTERS Wluaperiag Pineti Sports & Recreation Center P.O. Box 465 KAMLOOPS, BC, CANADA VZG5L2 DALE NYESTE (250) 579-8039 TONY (250) 554-97801. Craig Byers (250) 376-8466 LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS & OFFRoAD ExPO (626) 961-3782 <www.prerunners.com> <www.megashow.com> LI.1;'.R.E. )EFF ELROD (408) 926-0522 October 2007 )IM ARUTA (408) 247-4402 MAMARRITA OFF ROAD RACING Luis CARLOS ALVAREZO PANAMERIC'.ANAAVE #5105 Co. JuAREz, CHIH., MX 011-52-1637-1799 Micm GAN BUGGY BUILDERS Du.a.e Buggy Trade Sb.ow (517) 543-7214 <www.buggvbuilders.com> MicmGAN OFF RoAD CliAMPIONSlilPS M. T .B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 )ONES ROAD GRAND LEDGE, ML 48837 (517) 627-6200 Motorcycles, Quads, A TVs and Pilots only MAORA ~AMERICA OFF RoAD AssOCIATION P.O. Box 664 GREENUP, IL 62428 (217) 235-6528 E-MAIL: maora@peako.com <www.maoraracing;com> September 29-30, 2007 Short Course & Enduro TBA MDR PRODUCTIONS 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE SOUTH EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/FAX626-579-6051 Ca1ifomia Cb.ampioasl:up Serieti September 29, 2007 Lucerne 250 Lucerne Valley "B", CA November 10, 2007 Stoddard 250 Double Points Barstow "B", CA Superstition Cb.ampioasl:up Series October 27, 2007 Superstition 250 December J 1, 2007 The Bud Light Dash 200 M.O.R.E. MoJA VE OFF RoAD RACING ENnruSIASTS P.O. Box 1231 BARSTOW, CA 92312 760-253-4453 moreracing@earthlink.net MOREKARTEK Off Road Gold Cup Series October 13-14, 2007 Powder Puff December 1, 2007 Toys For Tots Holiday 200 Barstow, CA MSBA MicmGAN SPORT BUGGY ASSOCIATION DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. FUNT, ML 48506 (810) 730-9221 MoroWEST WINTER TRw.s SERIES BILL MARKHAM (909) 860-1857 <www.lTStrials.com> All events at Perris Raceway (At Reed Valley with a school) NATIONAL Mun RACING AssN. RT. #l - Box 380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN PALATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TuFF TRUCK AssN. ;Butch Chapin lt!otonporta Promo-tions 1404 EAST 3RD STREET HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NOORA NORTHERN Omo OFF RoAD RACING AssN. GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAIL Kaylaaron@aol.com <www.Nooraoffroadracing.com> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Spring Valley Raceway, on route 518, 20 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) (Thunder Valley located 15 minutes from Spring Valley) OFF ROAD ExPO 2007 (626) 599-8622 OFF RoAD RACING AssOCIATION Volunteered Serieti PRESIDENT -GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP. -l/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP. - 9 & UNLm. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OUTLAW REP. DON PONDER (314) 631-8190 (AU Races at Wheeling in the County 900 Acres) O m o OFF RoADERS INc. 1427 GOSHEN HILLS ROAD S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 }IM KENDEL (216) 339-4674 All races held at Harrison County Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS AsSOCIATION RICK T!CHBOURNE, PUBLIC RELATIONS (519)-681-4192(H)/ (519) 457-2913(W) Oun.Aw SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. LOUIS, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/Fax: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS . U.S. OH Road Cb.ampioasl:up 495 N. COMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <www.usoff-road.com> PENNSYLVANIA SHORT CoURSE RACING SMITHTON HOLE RACEWAY 313 SKYLINE DRIVE SMITHTON, PA. 15479 MIKE GEISER 330-683-6263 www.smithtonhole.com Short Course Offroad Racing September 29-30, 2007 Season Championship & Buggy Shootout All Races At Smithton Hole Raceway PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 COLORADO SPRINGS, co 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF ROAD RACING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 875-7591 Pao 1600 SHOOTOUT COREY GOIN 559-647-6132 GOINRACIN@HOTMAlL.COM PimTRucK 14402 BoND COURT EL CAJON, CA 92021 619-390-6252 PuRE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box 50 RICKETTS, 1A 51460 (712) 679-2221 RALLY AMERICA NATIONAL CliAMPIONSlilP SERIES October 26-27, 2007 Lake Superior Rally Houghton, Michigan November 9-10, 2007 TBD Rally Location, TBD RALLYCROSS NATIONAL SERIES EVENTS Eastern States Cb.ampioasl:up October 6-7, 2007 Homestead Motor Speedway, Florida Bos RICKER Frscc@bellsouth.net October 13, 2007 Detroit Fowlerville Fairgrounds, Michigan ROBERT M. MARTIN 8072 BALDWIN ROAD GOODRICH, Ml 48438-9014 Central States Cb.ampioasl:up October 6-7, 2007 Utah {Tentative) KARL SEALANDER 485 S HAzEL DRIVE SALEM, UT 84653 We11tern States Cb.ampioasl:up October 26-28, 2007 Motorsports Park Hastings, NE RocK CRAWLERS AssocIAnoN O F AMfiluCA P.O. Box 1406 RIVERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/ Fax: (801) 253-3176 Dusty Times I '
SAN l>IEGo SHORT COURSE WINTERNATIONALS . A New Series lry Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro Trucks, Desert Trucks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Truck <www.snowbirdracing.com> (858) 571-5088 SAN DmGo OFF RoAD ExPOsmoN (888) 836 7918 SCCA RoADRAilY P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-2055 <www.scca.org> SFX MOTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE, SUITE 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 Fax SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., SUITE A CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAx: (818) 225-8102 <www.score-international.com> November 12-17, 2007 SCORE Baja 1000 Baja California, MX SNORE SoUTIIERN NEV ADA OFF RoAD ENrnusIASTS P.O. Box 270516 LAs VEGAS, NV 89127 702-452-4522 www.Snoreracing.net Sept.ember 28-30, 2007 South Point SNORE 250 Las Vegas, NV November 9-11, 2007 Kartek Western Desert Challenge Nelson Hills, NV SoNS ()p TuuNoER 4WHEELERS RACE DIVISION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SotmIEASTERN OFF RoAD CH.Al.u.NGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 Mike Moore -(224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS Exro MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. HACIEND>\ BLVD. #322 HACIENDA HEIGHTS, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SCTA SoUTIIERN CALIFORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION & BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, INc. P.O. Box 10 OROS!, CA 93647 (559) 528-6279 (559) 528-9749 FAX <www.SCTA-BNl.org> SoUTIIERN SHORT CoURSE OFF RoAD RACING AssN. 4305 WOOTLARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (All Races at Eastba:y Raceway, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) Lm. P.O. Box 706 ToYSFoaTO'l'S (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADUJ.A V AllEY SPORTS . CENTER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <www.unadillamx.com> VORRA V AllEY ()pp ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION (775) 224-1327 · www.vorra.com October 6-7, 2007 Prairie City, CA October 27-28, 2007 Halloween Party Prairie City, CA November 17, 2007 Awards Banquet To Be Announced VICENTE GUERRERO OFF RoAD Cura PROFO. CENOVlO GAMBOA 0ll-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 p.m.) Dusty Times WESTERN ()pp ROAD RACING AssocIATION LARRY HE DERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 Su~\AS WA 98295 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA WHEEL To WHEEL OFF RoAD RACING PATRICK McGu1RE P.O. Box 376 ADAMSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WlilPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2325 E. KINGS AVENUE PHOENIX, AZ 85022 · (602) 971-3730 <www.whiplashracing.com> October 6-7, 2007 TBA November 3-4, 2007 TBA WISCONSIN MOTORSPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FEsnv AL I I • I : 0 • • 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 0sHKOSH, WL54901 (414) 688-5509 WoRID SERIES OF OFF RoAD RACING P.O. Box 99 CRANDON, WISCONSIN 54520 303-880-7221 November 8, 2007 WSOOR Annual Banquet Location To Be Announced FIA WoRID RAilY CllAMPIONSIIlP XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 ZR. PROMOTIONS RENE MONTANO P.O. Box 2122 CALEXlCO, CA 92231 October 14, 2007 ZR Gran Prix #5 November 25, 2007 ZR Gran Prix De Cam iones #6 ATTb.NTION Race & Rally Organizers List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your 2007-2008 schedules as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally sched-ule to: DUlliYliiDIGG 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-5003 www.race-dezert.com/ forum/ showth read. php?t= 3 2 9 26 LINCOLN TRAIL FALL CLASSIC -The 2007 Fall Classic is held on a four mile long clay course in Central Illinois. Saturday, October 20 is the date, many different classes will contend at the Lincoln Trail Motorsports Park in Lincoln, Illinois. It's a great event for racers and fot spectators ·as well. Bring the whole clan for a really fun day! For more info go to www.harrismetals200.info FINAL FLAG -It is with a heavy heart that we announce that T im Deiro, MDR Rover One, passed away on July 18th, the result of a car accident. Tim was laid to rest on July 27th at Desert View Memorial Park in Victor':ille, CA. Many racers did not know Tim by any other name than "Rover One." Others just know him as the guy in the Powder Blue Scout who helped them out when they were in trouble on the race track. Tim was well liked by everyone he met. He will be greatly missed by everyone. In respect, MDR will retire the call sign "Rover One" in Tim's memory. Our deepe·sc sympathies go to Tim's family and frie nds. ' BEST IN THE DESERT -The Weyhrich boys, Mark and Gary took the overall win in the Vegas To Reno 560 mile contest, They completed the course in 9 hours, 30 minutes in their Jimco. BJ Baldwin was right behind them, 54 seconds in arrears in their BFG Chevy, can't get much closer than that. Other class winners were Curt LeDuc, . Ford, Class 8, Gus Vildosola Jr. and Bryan Freeman in their ProTruck, John Swift in his Mini Ford, Chad Hall in his Production Hummer, Josh Hall in his Stock Hummer, Guy Jessop in his Class 10 Raceco, Mark Fusting, Class 1600, Jerry Fisher, Class 7300, Dick McCool and Jerry Lawless, Class 5100, Jason Lafortune, Jeepspeed, Mike Falkosky, Class 3100, Tim Lawrence, Class 7100 and Kevin Heitritter, Class 5. Congrats to all in the race. Read the whole story, with loads of pies starting on page 8 of this issue of Dusty Times. FINAL FLAG - We ;re sorry to report the demise of Brandon Smith, 19 years old, who succumbed injuries suffered in a spill from his motorcycle while competing in the Best In The Desert, Vegas To Reno race. Brandon was riding #327 in the Open, Expert Division. Our deepest sympathies go out to Brandon's family on their tr~gic loss. 2 007 OFF-R OAD WORLD CHAMPIONS CROWNED -Professional off-road racing action at Crandon fnternational Off-Road Raceway this past weekend included competf ion for annual World Championship titles in various off-road classes. Titles were earned in 12 different classes ranging from high performance off-road trucks to grassroots race divisions. Crandon Raceway annually presents rings to World Champions. Listed below are World Champions by off-road class. Off-road races were conducted this past Saturday at the 2007 BorgWarner World Championship Off-Road Races®: John Greaves - 2007 BorgWarner October 2007 Trall Natas ••• Shootout Crandon World Champion Monster/Forest County Potawatomi/BFGoodrich Toyota Tundra 4x4. Curt LeDuc -2007 PRO 4x4 pickup truck Crandon World Champion Skyjacker/ Rock Star/ Toyo Tires Ford 4x4. Scott Taylor - 2007 PRO 2WD pickup truck Crandon World Champion Skyjacker/ BF Goodrich Ford. Jeff Kincaid - 2007 PRO Light Skyjacker/BF Goodrich Ford. Jeff Kincaid - 2007 PRO Light Pickup truck Crandon World Champion Forest County Potawatomi/BF Goodrich Toyota Tacoma. Dave Waldvogel-2007 SRT Super Truck Crandon World Champion Bendix/ Toyo Tires Chevrolet. Eric Ruppel -2007 Sportsman Stock pickup truck Crandon World Champion BF Goodrich/Ford. Ryan Mulder -2007 Nokian Super Buggy Crandon World Champion. Jamie Kleikamp -2007 Goodyear Light Buggy Crandon World Champion. Mark Steinhardt -2007 BF Goodrich Single Buggy Crandon World Champion. Dave DeMaegd - 2-007 Goodyear Jeep F4x4 SUV Crandon World Champion. Rob Weiland -2007 Goodyear Chevrolet Classix Crandon World Champion. Craig Rogaczewski -2007 Goodyear Ford Enduro Crandon World Champion. WSORR A T CRANDON - As usual, there were a bunch of cars and trucks at Crandon. 178 vehicles were on hand to race in front of a crowd of many, many thousands. We'll just list the winners each day here, a full story and loads of pictures will appear in next month's issue of Dusty Times. Pro 4x4 -Curt LeDuc, Carl Renezeder, Pro 2WD -Scott Taylor, Pro Light -Jeff Kincaid, Super Stock Truck -Dave Waldvogel, Dan Baudoux, Stock Truck -Eric Ruppel, Formula 4X4 -David DeMaegd, Bob Sayers, Enduro Truck -Craig Rogaczewski, Larry Manske, Classix - Bob Weiland, 1600 Light Buggy -Jamie Kleikamp, Mike Vanden Heuvel, 1600 Buggy -Mark Steinhardt, John Fitzgerald, Super Buggy -Ryan Mulder. PROBAJA RACING -The PRO BAJA Racing Organization announced today, that $48,000 US Plus Entries Purse is up for grabs at the CABO 500 desert off -raod race, on Saturday, September 29. The events associated with the race are scheduled, Friday, September 28, Contingency in Loreto, the race will run on Saturday September 29, from Loreto to Caho San Lucas, Mexico. The awards ceremony is scheduled for Cabo San Lucas on Sunday, September 30. The Mexican Tourism Board also announced today, its support of the CABO 500. The State of Baja South will host international desert off road racers to the race festivities in Loreto, the old capital of the Baja Mexico frontier. The mega-resort town of Cabo San Lucas will host the racing teams and great fans of Baja racing for the awards ceremony and tourism activities after the race. Schedule: FRIDAY 28th SEPTEMBER 2007 -LORETO, BCS MEXICO -CONTINGENCY & TECHNICAL INSPECTION -REGISTRATION FROM 1PM TO 10 PM . ENTRY FEES: TROPHY TRUCK $1,000 US -CLASS 1 $500-OTHER C LASSES $250-MOTOS $100 SATURDAY 29th SEPTEMBER 2007 -MOTO START 7 AM - 4 WHEEL START AT 9 AM STARTING ORDER: TT/ CLASS 1/8/12/7 OPEN/1600/5-1600/ 8 STOCK/6/9/11. FINISH: CABO SAN LUCAS -SUNDAY 30th SEPTEMBER 2007 -FINISH CLOSES AT 2 AM -AWARDS PRESENTATION - CABO SAN LUCAS -SITE T.B.A. 2 PM. PRIZE MONEY! NEW! $20,000 US PLUS TROPHY TRUCK PURSE! +CLASS ENTRY FEES -$5,000 US PLUS Class 1 PURSE! +CLASS ENTRY FEES -PURSE FOR OTHER CLASSES $20,000. OVERALL WINNER FOUR WHEEL $1,000. MOTO PURSE $2,000 PLUS VARIOUS OTHER PRIZES! Please contact SPEED Mex at speedmex@cox.net for any additional details. SNORE -Things are really lookin' good for the 2008 re-creation of the renowned and fabulous Mint 400 race. SNORE owns the name "Mint 400" and they are planning a recreation of the race on March 27 -30, 2008. If all goes according to plane, Technical Inspection ana Contingency will be back on Fremont Street. Still some details to be worked out.but our money is on SNORE pulling this one off. Stay tuned, it's gonna get better as time goes by. SCORE AT PRIMM -It was a good weekend, hot, but not too hot, lots of cars and lots of action. We'll list the class winners here, a full story and loads of pictures will be in the next issue of Dusty Times. Oh yes. A million thanks to the Herbst Clan for the use of their indoor arena for a lot of us contingency folks. It was my first time in 25 years of contingency that we were under roof in air conditioned comfort. Many, many thanks. Here are the class winners at Primm: Trophy Truck -Garron Cadiente, Ford F-150, Class 1 -Larry Roeseler/Troy Herbst, Smithbuilt Ford, Class ½-1600 -Corey Boyer/Fernie Padilla, Lothringer, Class 3 -Don/Ken Moss, Ford Bronco, Class 5 - Kevin Carr/ Alfie Bueno, Class 5-1600 - Rulo Solano, Class 7 -Victor Herrera, Jr. and Sr., Ford Ranger, Class 7SX - Rich Severson/Pat Neveau, Ford Ranger, Class 8 -Glenn Greer/Shane Pavolka, Dodge Ram, Class 9 -Rob MacDonald/Frank Wagner/Corey Torres, JFK, Class 10 -Chris Harrold, AlumiCraft Honda, SCORE Lite -Jason Batulis/Cameron Brewer, Prep By Jake, Class 11-Eric Solarzano, VW, Stock Full -John Griffin/Jeremy Spirkoff, Ford F-350, Stock M ini -Rod Hall/Chad Hall, Hummer H3, Protruck -Jason/ Richard Voss, Ford F-150. Only 50% of the starting field made it to the checkered flag. INTERNATIONAL RALLY NEW YORK -Reigning U.S. national champion driver Seamus Burke and co-driver Eddie Fries (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9) have taken the overall win in International Rally New York, after two days of competition in the Catskill Mountains. The team took first place on the first special stage, and never gave it up. This was accomplished despite the fact that the car's transmission lacked fourth gear (of five) since the afternoon of the first day. The rally included one day of very fast paved special stages and one day of dusty dirt/ gravel. Total distance was approximately 400 miles, with about 100 miles of special stages. Cyril KearneyDominik Jozwiak (Subaru Impreza) claimed second overall late in the rally, out-racing some of their competitors and out-lasting others. Arkadiusz Gruszka/Michal Chodan (Subaru lmpreza N 11) placed third. In the two-wheel-drive category, Rafa! Listopad/ Amy Feisel (Volkswagen GolO were also commanding winners. Their only concern was a failure of the car's front motor mount, but a strap was substituted by their service crew so that the car could finish. Hampton Bridwell/Josh Katinger (Ford Focus SVT in the Production 2WD class) were second. Page 7
~IGJ~~ V■GAS TO R■NO wevhrlchs Edge Narrow overall Win Bv Juov SMITH PHOTOS: TRACKS/DE PHOTO Gus Vildosola and Bryan Freeman had a really good race, they drove their Toyota Protruck to the class win and they were 11th overall. death of biker Brandon Smith, from Hesperia, who was fatally injured in a single-vehicle accident. Other racers stopped to administer CPR, but noth-ing could be done for him. Curt LeDuc drove the first half, son Todd took over for the rest and they scored a nice win in the Class 8 Division in their Ford. In the car/truck ranks the duel at the front was between Rob MacCachren in Mark Post's Ford Trick Truck and B.J: Baldwin in his dad's Chevy. They had been the first two vehicles off the line, and ran close for the first half of the race. Not far be-hind them Danny Anderson in his Class 15600 J imco and Gary and Mark Weyhrich in a Jimco Class 1500 with no front brakes, were also very fast and close on time. The three quickest vehicles in the Time Trials had been Post's Ford, Baldwin's Chevy and the Scaroni fam-ily in their Ford Trick Truck. But early in the day Steve Scaroni got badly stuck in some super silt hole, and lost a lot of time. Meanwhile, the other two sailed on. ·But they weren't entirdy trouble free. At Mile 245, north of Tonopah about 20 miles, the crew for Post and MacCachren replaced a steer-ing box. And Baldwin was having some "overheating issues". Post had taken over for MacCachren, but Baldwin was going all the way. Dayton, NV: Brothers Mark and Gary Weyhrich fought brake problems for all 565 miles, and at the finish had the overall win by a skinny 54 seconds in their Chevy power~d Jimco Class 1600 car. Although the title says "Reno", the BITD's longest event actually has its finish line in Dayton, south of Reno by a few miles. There's way too much civilization between Dayton and Reno to allow a horde of off road race ve-hicles free rein. It's a bit of a disap-pointment to first time racers, but in actuality, ever since the '80's, when Walt Lott produced the event, it has ended south of Reno in Dayton or some place close to it. The pre-race festivities; contin-gency, tech inspection and drivers' meeting all took place at Michael Gaughan's Southpoint Hotel, on the western edge of Las Vegas. Then the cars and trucks staged in the Herbst's Terrible's Casino parking lot in Pahrump, for the 15 minute jaunt out to the actual start, at Johnnie. Johnnie, a ghost town, is admira-bly suited as a start or finish, because it's right on the highway, has good off-highway parking for tow vehicles or casual spectators, yet is relatively close The brothers Weyhrich, Mark and Gary had brake problems along the way but they squeaked out a big first overall in their good looking Jimco. John Swift and Andy Waters had a trouble free run to Reno, they took the Class 7200 win in their good looking Ford. Page a to civilization. It took the BITD an hour and a half to get all the bikes and quads on the way, and then, after about a three hour wait, they started off the 158 cars, trucks and Rhinos. The first 20 vehicles, those which had competed in the Time Trials the day before, and had been quickest over the five mile run, started one minute apart. Everyone else went off the line at 30 second inter als. For this race Rob MacCachren1, in Mark Post's Ford Trick Truck, was the first truck on the road. The weather was hot, the breezes too calm, and the desert was dry. Gi-ant plumes of dust rose straight up into the air, and hung over the course, mak-ing it a real struggle to pass another race vehicle once it had been caught. The silt beds appeared to be bottom-less in some areas. As always, once it left Johnnie, the course headed mostly northward, briefly passing near such historic spots as Beatty, Scotty's Junc-tion, Cotton Tail, Goldfield, Tonopah, Big Smokey Valley, Redlich, Mina, Luning, Rawhide, Top Gun, Weeks and the finish. 1t crossed Highway 95 a couple of times in the process. Chas-ing the race was an exercise in calcu-lated risk. On many parts of the course the race vehicles could travel as fast as the chase vehicles, and they didn't have the Nevada Highway Patrol to deal with. Sadly, the race was marred by the As Baldwin nursed his overheated truck through the silt, Post had a much worse situation arise. He lost his cool-ing fans, and his motor cooked before he could get help. Post ·and MacCachren were out of the race. Baldwin carried on, but made one error in judgment. Hoping to save a few moments, he decided not to take the time to install his light bar. Now, as the sun was setting, he was still' a fair distance from the finish, and it got to be hard to spot the rocks. Twice he flattened tires, and lost valuable time in replacing them. Still, he remained first on the road. Baldwin finished just after 8 p.m., and had the Trick Truck win by a couple of hours. But he lost the overall victory to the Weyhrichs by just 54 seconds. Second place in the Trick Trucks went to Michael and Chris Robinson, who shared the driv-ing in their Chevy. They'd had electri-~~~~~S"""'"'"""""'.'"'"""'5@ BJ Baldwin drove all the way, had some flat tires to keep him honest but he took the Trick Truck win, less than a minute out of the overall. October 2007 cal problems, and their ignition kept shutting off. They figured their air fil-ters were probably clogged. Their time was two hours, one minute and 45 sec-onds behind the winner. Forty minutes later Wayne Lugo and Steve Olliges fin-ished third in their Ford. They re-ported that they'd had an early flat, then changed a ring and pinion at Pit 11, which cost them an hour. As he pressed on to the finish, Lugo was los-ing his motor, which, he said, would go only 12 miles per hour up the final hills. . In fourth place it was Jesse Jones in a Geiser. He'd had Rick Geiser start and drive to the half way point, and then he got in for the second half. The truck ran fine until Mile 500, and then began over heating. And, they lost an alternator, and threw some belts, but Jones was happy to get a finish, after a long dry spell. Fifth went to Ron Whitton and Garron Cadiente in Whitton's Ford. They'd had some va-por locking early in the day, then Cadiente had been in where the power steering blew, and he drove 20 diffi-cult miles without it. They were an hour and a half down to Jones and Geiser. Sixth place was taken by Brian Sherry, Stephen Beal and Cristina Johnstone in a Chevy. They'd been stuck in the silt twice, once at a point where their helpless crew could see them but couldn't come in to help (per BITD rules). Still, they said they'd had "incredible fun out there". They were the last finisher of the 16 Trick Trucks that started. In the 1500 ranks, the Weyhrichs had a tough day, starting with no front brakes. Even with one flat, Mark kept the car at the front of the pack, but a lot of talent was working hard to catch up from behind. Danny Anderson, Jimco, ran hard enough to be on the same minute or even a little ahead at one point, and Sam Berri, in his Jimco, was also right on the same minute. Tim McDonnell and Pete Oliver were a threat in their Penhall, while Buddy Feldkamp, in another Penhall, was close, but had some overheating trouble in the silt that slowed him a bit. Mark's brother, Gary, took over for the second half of the race, and he, too, had a flat. This time the car fell off the jack, and it cost him a full five minutes to get back on the road again. While he struggled, John Marking, Anderson's co-driver, went past. But to Weyhrich's surprise and delight, Marking pulled into the next pit for repairs to his power steering. He'd been without it for 38 miles. That meant that Weyhrich was still in front, and he went on to finish in front. Not only did they earn the overall victory, but they had 16 minutes on the sec-ond Class 1500 car. That turned out to be Sam Berri, who said he's still "get-ting used to" the car, which was new to him for this season. He had less than Dusty Times 1.
Chad Hall drove all the way in his Hummer, took the Class 8100 win with ease and was 28th overall on the long run. Josh Hall fell to last place with a broken stabilizer link, but he came back for the Class 4100 win. campaign a Class 7200 truck (the one with the de-cambered front end), and found this car to be "faster than the truck". They had lost a wire on their alternator and had one flat. Seven-teenth went to Scott Schovajsa, and Danny and Dale Ebberts. Danny broke a c.v. and had to wait for parts to come in with another competitor. As luck would have it, that car broke on the way in to him, so they lost a lot of time. Brother Dale did the final section, and had a good run. Schovajsa had driven the first pare. Eighteenth went to Ri-chard and Dennis Nuckles, whose car was home built by their family and friends. They have an LS 1 motor in it, and it was new for the Pahrump race, but has been "repaired" since. They lost their alternator ten miles into the race, and their shifter shaft froze up between gears. Their shock valving also went away. But they were happy to get their finish. IN 19th, and last to make it in, were Brad Falin and Patrick Bonse, who didn't stop to talk about it. Their time was 21:49:24, and they finished at 8:54 a.m. on Saturday. optimal lights for the last few dark miles, because, although the light bar had been put on the car, those lights hadn't worked. In third it was Ray and Shawn Croll. Shawn started, and he'd run well, but when Ray got in he'd had a problem with the motor dying, which he thought was due to clogged air fil-ters. He was about a half-hour behind Berri. In fourth it was Buddy and Bud Feldkamp. Bud, the senior Feldkamp, did the second half. He'd had a smooth run, the car not overheating any more, and was less than a minute behind the Croll team. Fifth place went to Anderson and Marking, an-other ten seconds later. In sixth it was John Herder and Steve Melton in their two seatJimco. They'd had two flats, one of which had ripped the limiter strap. They'd had to have some weld-ing done, and then it had come loose again, and they'd had it welded again. They were 16 seconds behind Ander-son and Marking. Seyenth place went Dusty Times to Chuck Hovey, who brought out his old four cylinder Jimco for this event, feeling that it would be "more reliable" for a 565 mile long race. He planned to run the newer car at the SCORE 'Primm event, two weeks later. Hovey had one flat and his motor ran hot all day. He was seven minutes behind Herder and Melton. In eighth it was John Harrah and Andy Grider in their HMS Chevy. They'd had no problems, and no flats. In ninth it was Mike Bilek and Vince Galewick, in a Porter. They said they'd had one flat and one "al-ternator issue". Joe Myers and Darnen Jefferies, in their HMS, were tenth, reporting that it had been "gobbling oil all day". They'd put in 20 quarts. Jefferies described the course as "nasty". In 11th place it was Jason Beam and Larry Brown in a Jimco bor-rowed from the Weyhrichs. Brown, the second driver, had a flat and wore out the rear shocks, he said. The two are ex-bikers, and were happy to get their first finish in this event in a car. Twelfth place went to Mark Levrett and Chuck Dempsey in an HMS. They had an overheating problem from early in the day, and then Dempsey got in to do the second part, rolled the car, and cured the overheating problem. Tom Gilchriese and Tom Jr., who is 16, and Brian Burgess, teamed in an HMS to finish 13th. They had the best finish-line story of the race. It seems that at Mile 97 Tom, Sr. ran into a Trick Truck that was stopped on course. He hadn't seen him in time to getwhoaed down, and hit hard, climb-ing clear up on the back of the TT. The jolt apparently galvanized the Trick Truck, and it took off, never looking back. Gilchriese was now parked, and for some reason, couldn't get his car to go forward. When they got out to investigate, they discovered that they'd adhered to the Trick Truck's spare tire assembly, which con-sisted of the rack, two tires and the 1,200 Rooms jack. The HMS was now parked squarely on top of the mess, with all four of its tires off the ground. To get going again they had to slither in un-der their car and deflate the truck's tires, until theirs touched ground. (VJ.le never heard the other guy's story, so he was apparently among the non-fin-ishers.) The 14th finisher was the team of Kirk Kontilis and Rob Martensen in their Chevy Hawk. They'd had one flat early in the day, and then Kontilis, who drove the second half had problems with a c.v. joint, broke a brake line, and had another flat. He also-had a loose bolt on a battery switch, which for a while was diagnosed as an alter-nator problem. They changed three al-ternators before they discovered the loose bolt. In 15th it was Alex Gonzales in a Porter Chevy. He'd had to add oil at every pit, but still said, "It was fun!" In 16th it was Shawn Wanzek and his father, David. They used to The Class 1000 cars started behind Class 1500, with 16 entries. Five of them were out very early, and went home without handing in a race re-port. We later learned that Larry Job and Doug Fortin, in Job's Jimco, had fuel injection troubles. Allen Gerber, who usually finishes, had a dreary day, as the team's new Class 1500 car had an oddball type of damage cook its trans, and then their Class 10 car died also. They packed up and went back to Utah without stopping to chat. But Alejandro, Eduardo and Ricardo Jimenez and David Bost, in their Metalworx VW were moving along smoothly. Kenny Ott, in a Jimco, ran Continued next page 16 Movie Theaters 4,500 Seat Equestrian & Event Center 50,000 Sq. Ft. Of Meeting Space 80,000 Sq. Ft. Exhibit Hall 52 Table Games Over 2,300 Slot Machines Poker Room 800-Seat Bingo Room Race & Sports Book Child Care Center Kids Arcade 6 Restaurants Spa & Fitness Center Headliner Showroom (May '07) 64-Lane Bowling Center 11ticfut ~;i 1-866-791-76!16 • LAS VEGAS BLVD AT SILVERADO RANCH RD • SOUTHPOINTCAS/NO.COM October 2007 Page 9
Kevin Heitritter and Shannon Weeks had all sorts of problems but Sam Berri drove his new-to-him Jimco to a really nice second place Ryan Staats and dad Steven shared the driving, had a pretty good they carried on and took a dirty/weary win in Class 5000. in the Class 1 conflict, he's seen here reachin' for the sky. race, taking the silver medal in their Ford Protruck. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-r================:'::;===~=,;,==;a:====;;;;.--:-t,h-at:-t'h-e:-ir_ra_d-.:i-o'h-a'd'fa'l'le_n_o_u_t-:-in_t_o'th,--e Guy Jessop and Wes Harbor had a really good run, they took the Class 10 honors in their Raceco, seen here doing some silt diving. Mark Fusting, Dave Stanley and Joe Jeffrey had their problems but they persevered and took the 1600cc win in their Jimco. well behind them, and the team of Guy he'd had problems finding first and driving a little gingerly because he'd procedures for future races. Freeman Jessop and Wes Harbor, in a 1984 reverse. He was 38 minutes out of sec-broken his ankle on his throttle foot "babied" the truck to the finish line, Raceco, were having a good day. ond .. Fourth place went to Clay recently, and it was in an air-cast to pre-intent on making this their third win At the finish, age and determina- Lenard, Brian Fieger and Kenny vent re-injury. Rob Reinertson and in a row at this event. The plan worked, tion had won out. The old Raceco, Thatcher in a Kat chassis, powered by Rick Taylor, Ford, Alan Levinson, and and they finished 14 minutes in front which had lost some belts and had VW. Their air filters had clogged, the team of Joe Bednar and George of the Staats family. Steve had got out some flats, had also run into a tree ten they'd been stuck and they'd had four Peters, Chevy, were running in a close midway, and Ryan, the son, had miles before the finish. But that was flats. And fifth, and last to finish, were group also, as was the Jason and Rich-climbed in to go to the finish. He had ascribed to "driver malfunction", and the Jimenez brothers, who are best ard Voss team, in their Ford. one flat, and some problems with his the car survived to take the win. Jessop known as Bubba and Hondo, and Vildosola handed over to Bryan top lights going out, but still got to the and Harbor, who hail from right down Dave Bost, who also drove. They re--Freeman and during the stop, which finish in good shape. In third it was the road in Sparks, Nevada, finished ported that they'd lost a fuel pump at included a tire.change and refueling; the team of Reinertson and Taylor. the 565 miles in 13 hours, 39 minutes Mile 180. Then they'd had fuel filter some fuel ran over, hit the hot brakes, Reinertson had had two flats, and Tay-and 54 seconds. In second place-it was problems, then lost a c.v., and ran burst into flames and engulfed the lor one, but he'd found it hard to steer Eric Jacobs in a Toyota powered many miles on three cylinders, to the man who was changing the tire. Heim- part of the time, and his neck was sore. Sandwinder (this is a new generation finish. Their time was 19:09: 16. mediately "dropped and rolled", and They were only 16 minutes further ofSandwinders, apparently not related In the Protrucks there were 11 en-as a result was only scorched, rather back. Levinson was fourth, reporting to Don Rountree's old line). He'd had tries, and even this group found it than seriously burnt. The flames were that his truck had been overheating all one flat and a clogged air filter. Third tough to get to the finish line. Gustavo quickly extinguished and the truck day, and they'd stopped at the pits to place went to Ott, who'd had a flat, "Tavo" Vildosola, Jr., got the early lead went on, undamaged. The team was cool it off. He'd also lost reverse gear. but timed it so it could be fixed in his in his Toyota, with Steve Staats not far shaken by the incident, and will prob- Bednar and Peters both drove, re-pit. lt had also popped out of gear, and behind him in his Ford. Staats was ably be seriously rethinking their pit ported "lots of problems", including ,....,==,,...,...,.,,,.,,,,.,,,,,,,,,====""=,,,..,,,..,,.....,,,._,..,,.....,...,.......,...-===..,.,., r====~--'-----~-'----=.,;;;,.., __ ;.,,,,,.""""'.;..,,,...,,...,,,,,,., navigator's lap. They'd driven miles with him holding it, hoping it would maintain its fragile connection to their pit crew. About 100 yards from the fin-. ish line they'd lost all power, but be-cause it was downhill, they were able to coast across the fifth place, 14 min-utes behind Levinson. Dave Creagan and Brian Coats were sixth in their Chevy, and reported simply that they'd had "a greattime". In seventh, and the final finisher in the class, it was Cody Swanty and Rob Clouser. They'd holed a radiator early in the day, and replaced it, and then they'd broken a bolt on their steering ram, and had a couple of flats. They were late -with a time of 17:20:13, and the other four in the class didn't come in. There were seven Class 8000 trucks, all Fords, and Curt LeDuc had put his Ford into the lead by Mile 20, and then, with a near flawless day, had simply stayed there. His son, Todd, took over for the second half, and con-tinued to have a perfect day,-bringing the truck to the finish line in first place. That was not terribly surprising. What was a surprise was that they'd moved up through traffic all day, and had finished as the fourth overall ve-hicle. Their time was 20: 13:24. In sec-ond place it was Mark Beeler who'd driven all the way and reported that he'd had only one flat, which he'd had to change on course. He was an hour and a half out of first. Three hours later it was Richard Maddux and Lowell Arnold who'd had "lots of flats", which they claimed were all self inflicted. Fourth place went to Mike Kellogg and John Woodruff, who Michael and Chris Robinson had some troubles along the way but they Mark Beeler drove all the way, had to change a tire out on the Mike and Jason Ruane took a second place finish in Class 7200, took the silver medal in the Trick Truck division in their CST Chevy. course but still took second place in Class 8 in his Ford. they're seen here pushing some silt in their Ford. Rick Waszkiewicz and Kirk Steenburgen used a lot of oil but they Greg Foutz and PJ Jones suffered a rollover but carried on and took Marc Stein and Travis Walser had a fairly good run, they took the did make it to Dayton, second place in 1600 in their R&E Fab car. second place honors in Class 8100 in their Ford. silver medal in Class 4100, seen here in their Ford. Page 10 October 2007 . Dusty Times
u Eric Jacobs had a decent race he drove his Sandwinder to a second place finish in the Class 10 contest. Carl Fitts had lots of problems on his way north but he carried on It was a long run for Stephen Erdelyi, lots of problems along the and took the silver medal in the Class 7300 battle. way but he got his Toyota into second place in Class 7100. changed a transmission, broke a throttle cable and had a bunch of flats. In fifth place Andy Schifanelli, who drove all the way, said he'd started his day "with only half a carburetor". He'd had a flat, changed drive shafts, had a broken limiter strap, and fixed that car-buretor. About doing all the driving -he said, "I don't know that I'll do that agarn!" He was the final finisher in the class. There were 12 trucks in Class 7200, 11 Fords and one Toyota. Only six of them made it to the finish line. Andy Waters and John Swift piloted their beautiful Ford to the win. They did it without Jonathan, John's son, who is usually part of the team, but on this weekend had gone off to start college. Swift said he'd done a lot of "shock work" since the last race and that now the car is "easy on the body". He'd also used the lower horsepower motor, go-ing for longevity rather than speed, and then neither driver had had any flats or any other problems. They were at the finish line in 12 hours and 20 min-utes, and 20th overall. In second it was Mike and Jason Ruane. Mike, who'd started, had run with no brakes for 115 miles, and each of them had had one flat. They were only 20 minutes behind the Swift/Waters truck. The Ruane's usual driver, Larry Roeseler wasn't there this time, because he was off run-ning the fabled Colorado 500. In third it was Joe Stone, who'd had only one flat tire and no other problems. He was they went out to finish in a time of 17_ That was the team of Gary Stairs and They'd had to cut chunks of plate out two and a half hours in back of sec-hours and 28 minutes. Ken Tapert, in a Moulton. They'd of their trailer in order to build gus-ond place, and it was a good thing he'd In the 2000 class (1600cc VW pow-. driven a long way on a flat, and their sets. They'd also had a couple of flats, had no other trouble, apparently, be-ered cars), there were nine entries. At shifter was "all gummed up". Late in and their motor wasn't running well. cause once he stopped it at the finish, the finish they said that they'd "run in the trip their steering ram broke. They They finished sixth, and last in the the truck wouldn't restart. The fourth a pack" most of the way. Dave Stanley, were only six minutes in front of fourth class, at 7:55 on Saturday morning. place truck was another Ford, entered Joe Jeffrey and Mark Fusting teamed place, which was Ken Cox, Jr., and Class 8100 was next off the line, by Daniel and Bradley Bolton. They in a Jimco to take the win. They said Rick Lance, in a KATFabchassis. They with eight starters, and only four of had a time of 16:06:07, and in fifth it their motor was "missing" most of the reported "some flats - so much them made it all the way. Chad Hall was Jerry Zaiden and Jason Campbell, day, but still, with fewer troubles than trouble". Brent Meyer and James drove all the way in his Hummer, who said they'd had problems all day anyone else, they took the win by a very O'Brien, in a Suspensions Unlimited which, he said, "Bottomed bad in back long. Their fuel had been "hydro-lock- narrow five minutes and 26 seconds: car rolled at Mile 151 and it took a long all day." His time was 13 hours and 13 ing" all day: But they'd had no flats. In second place it was Rick time to get back on their wheels. They minutes, and he was about55 minutes They finished in 18:08:07. In sixth, and Waszkiewicz and Kirk Steenburgen in were grateful that the Cox/Lance team in front of the team of Greg Foutz and the final truck to finish, was the team their R & F Fab chassis. They lost a helped them. Their oil had run out, P.J. Jones, in their Ford. Foutz had of Sandy Cone and Bryce Yarbrough, power steering belt early, stopped at a and they had to stop for more at Pit 5. rolled the truck, and then he handed who'd had to replace a transmission. pit for repairs and found a serious oil Their time was 17 hours and six min- it to Jones, who struggled some, and They were just seven minutes shy of leak. From that point on they added utes. Then, three hours and 15 min- had to be towed up one silt hill. He is 19 hours, finishing at 6:22 a.m. two quarts of oil at every pit, and they utes later it was the team of Amy Perez, the son of the legendary Parnelli Jones, There were four Class 5 cars at this were a quart down at the finish line. Rick Graf and Tom Brown, in a who was one of the pioneers of the race, but only one made it to the fin- They'd also lost their helmet pumper Chenowth. They'd broken a rear trail- sport, but probably never raced this ish. None of the others covered much motor, their intercom and a coil. They ing arm at Mile 100 and used up a particular event, having retired before distance at all. The team of Kevin were 23 minutes in front of third place. couple of hours making repairs. Continued next p_age Heitritter and Shannon Weeks, both from Temecula, had their car out for the first time. It was their first BITD event also. They had two front flats, a fuel pump problem and lots of trouble with silt. Their car had no windshield, and the silt just ran up and over the hood and into the cockpit, so even if they'd been driving on pavement they'd have had their own private dust cloud in the car. Finally, they took off the floor pan, and let all the silt run out, so they could see for the balance of the way. After reinstalling the pan, BPA IIJ BOSSES .IIUNIB CUPS •~KENwaaa !!rt Jerry and Danny Fisher pooled their talents and took the gold medal in the Class 7300 fracas, they're seen here in their Ford. GI Lawless and McCool, brings back memories, they shared their many talents to take the Class 5100 win, seen here nicely airborne. Dusty Times October 2007 Ii .. Page 11
Rod Hall and Mike Winkel had major rear shock problems, carried on Shawn and Ray Croll split the driving chores, had some problems Rob Reinertson and Rick Taylor, Ford, had a few flats to contend and took a second place finish in Class 3100. but held on for a third place finish in Class 1 in their Porter. with but they took the bronze medal in the Protruck fracas. it was first promoted. P.J. said he "had area, but he took the win in 13: 14: 13. record" for finishing late. Their time place it was Carl Fitts and John was just 23 minutes behind second, fun". In third it was the other Foutz In second it was Travis Walser and was 19 hours, 37 minutes and 41 sec-Webster who'd been tipped up on and the final finisher in the class. Ford, which for this race was driven Marc Stein, in a Ford, and in third, onds, and they were the final finish- their side at Mile 240, but recovered Class 3100 started next with five by David Winner, who did the first JohnR.Sunderland,whostarted,and ers.WayneDemonja,whodidn'tmake from that. They'd also lost a radius entries. One of them, the Nissan half with no serious problems, and John A Sunderland, who finished. it, had first broken and repaired a tie- arm, and only one of their five lights Xterra of Dave and Dean Blakely, Marty Fiolka, who's never raced a Their Ford's radiator was damaged rod, and then, in a cloud of dust stirred worked. But the biggest problem was started late because its tow vehicle had truck in the desert before. In fact, his when they hit a rock, and had to be up by a late running Trick Truck, hit that it was idling too fast, and quickly had two blowouts on the way to the entire truck experience was one heat replaced. Once they got the replace- an unseen solid something and broke wearing out their brakes. They were an start. They must have been nearly 20 in a ProLite at Chula Vista. He's been ment installed they realized it was the everything in the left front. That is: hour and 12 minutes down to the win-minutes late going off the start line. a buggy racer in the past. Fiolka got wrong one, so they took it out, repaired spindle, tie rod assembly, brake rotor, ning team. In third, and the final fin-As the race progressed, Mike Falkosky "stuck bad" on a silt hill, and lost an the first one, and reinstalled it. They brake caliper and shocks. The co- isher, was Mike McCarthy, who drove was having a bad day in his Ford. Be-hour before Pit 12, but they had no finished on a right rear flat, running driver, David, walked to Highway 95 all the way. He reported no flats and fore he even got to Scotty's Junction mechanical trouble and finished third. on it for the final 15 miles. Their time to pick up the needed parts, and they no problems, and said the class had (Mile 113), the torsion bar anchor, In fourth it was the team of Kreg was 17:30:37. got going again with no front brakes. raced "in a bunch" all day. He also re-adjuster bolt nut and miscellaneous Donahoe which had a troubled day in In Class 7100 there were nine start-At about Mile 160 they stopped and ported that at Mile 498 to 502 there parts "went away". Luckily they had their diesel Ford. Everything ran hot ers, but only three finishers. Kent Jack-used up two of their fire extinguishers were "people stuck everywhere!" He spares in the tool box, so they could all day, and that made the truck run son and Tim Lawrence got the win af-to help put out a blazing Class 1500 in "limp mode", with a maximum top ter an eventful day. Jackson rolled the car and then at Mile 360 they were tern-speed of 55 mph. Then, at Mile 362, Ford in the first half of the day, and porarily stopped in a traffic jam at a up in the mountains, their cooling sys-later they had a rear leaf spring break. cliff-like downhill. Once past that they tern blew. They lost all coolant, and They also had a couple of flat tires, got to Mile 390, and a traffic jam at a had to bum water from passing race but finished in 18:01:00 in first. Sec-silty uphill, with cars stuck "all over vehicles. They used J.B. Weld to patch ond place went to Stephen Erdelyi who the course." They used up their clutch the hole and got to the Mina pit where drove all the way in his Toyota. He blew trying to get up, and ultimately spent they cannibalized the reservoir can a tire before Pit 1 and ripped off the most of the night there. It wasn't a from their box van and then made it rear calipers. He had to limp to a pit good day for the Demonja car. to the finish last, and fourth, in the for repairs. He also lost a coil wire Class 7300 went off the line next, time of 18: 14. Donahoe drove all the twice, and got stuck in the silt, but was with just five trucks, all Fords. Jerry way. only 42 minutes behind the winning and Denny Fisher shared the driving In the 4100 class there were three truck. In third it was Aaron and Ian in their truck, and timed their prob-starters. Josh Hall drove his Hummer Dixon who had fuel pump problems, !ems just right. They had one flat and to the win, after falling back to last for and that was a big problem, because a broken limiter strap, and managed a while with a broken front stabilizer those pumps are in the fuel tank. They to replace the limiter strap while the link. then his grill fell out and mashed also broke a spindle and had to weld flat was being replaced also. They took the camera he had mounted in that it. They said this was a new "personal the win by nearly an hour. In second TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING, INC. WauldUkaTa cangrat111ata Tom Kach Mike Childress tst Place Pl'Otruck Pike's Peak navev Girdner Timmy Craig tst Place 112-1600 stave Eugenio Dan E:---=nlo tst Place 112-tsoo MORE Night Race b TRANS.AXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 9763V1UUELAVENUE CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818-998-2739 Page 12 October 2007 Phil Tapia and Ron Malek ow had a great race, they took the JeepSpeed honors, they're seen here on their way to glory. Mike Falkosky had nothing but troubles on his run but he held on and, with a lot of help from some other drivers he took the Class 3100 win. Tim Lawrence and Kent Jackson survived a rollover and some other problems but they soldiered on and took the Class 7100 win in their Ford. Dusty Times
- ·I Steve Olliges and Wayne Lugo lost a ring and pinion and were way Gary Stairs and Ken Tapert had some major steering problems along Richard Maddux and Lowell Arnold had many, many flat tires on the down on power near the end, they were third in their Ford Trick Truck. the way but still managed a third place finish in 1600 in their Moulton. way north, they finished third in Class 8 in their Ford. replace it all. They they went on, but to a wider spot, but as he backed, he there was no way he'd clear. So hill. He did that, and Falkosky went a.m. Second, behind him, was Rod after a few minutes the truck hit a rock out-cropping and the truck Sunderland tied on, and towed on, the truck gradually running bet- Hall and Mike Winkel in their Hum-"wouldn't go". Not sure what was went over on to its side. This was dou- Falkosky's truck (which was still lying ter. Then, before they even got to mer. They blew the seals on their rear wrong, they Ii mped to a pit and bly bad because the course was very on its side) back down to the wide Tonopah, the front light bar fell off, shocks, and that made the suspension changed all the filters, hoping to cure narrow here, and he was fairly sure spot. He then helped them flip it up which seemed to fit the mood of the pound and wore out the spring bush-the problem. It helped some. After other cars couldn't get past him. The on its wheels, before going on down day. However, he just kept movin' on, ings. They did what they could to fix Scotty's they got to a place where they next vehicle along, however, was a the course. Sometime later Mike and eventually, got to the finish line things, but basically, finished the race had to go uphill and around a corner, Rhino, and he just squeaked past with- helped unstick the Jeep entry, 1761 in first place. Said Mike, "Everybody with no rear shocks. They were nearly and then the car "won't go - it really out hitting. But then along came John (Guy Alldredge) and then asked if the has worse luck than me!" His time was an hour down to Falkosky. In third won't go." Mike decided to back down Sunderland in his Expedition, and Jeep could tow the little Ford up the 17:55:06, and he hit Dayton at 5:45 Continued next page Joe Stone only had one flat tire to hinder him along the way, Joe Kenny Ott had some shifter problems as he wended his way north, David Winner teamed with Marty Fiolka and they managed a third finished third in Class 7200 in his good looking ford. he finished third in Class 10, seen here at speed. place finish in Class 8100, seen here in the silt. The Suspension Company. Dusty Times October 2007 Page 13
I 1
f John Rand John A Sunderland had to replace a radiator in. their Ford Aaron and Ian Dixon had fuel pump problems bothering them for a Mike McCarthy drove all the way in his Class 7 300 Ford, he grabbed a decent third place finish, he's seen here at speed. · but held on for a third place finish in Class 4100. long time, they finished third in Class 7100. place, it was the Nissan. they'd been do more damage. They were thinking lastgrolJp to start, with 11 teams ready stuck, their rear brake pads fell out, of the SCORE Primm race, coming up to give it a go. Only one, the team of and every now and then their "drive in just two weeks, so decided to trailer Brandon and Justin Schueler (ages 17 by wire" throttle would be turned off the Bronco and head home. None of and 19 respectively) and Blake Van De by the computer. If that happened the other entries made it either. Loo, got to the finish. Their Polaris when they were in a.silt bed, they were The UTVs, or "Rhinos", were the had some shock problems, and they'd stuck. Each time it did happen they lost a few minutes restarting and get-ting going. But they were happy to get a podium finish for the only Nissan that's currently racing in this series. The Jeeps went off the line next, with six entries. Phil Tapia and Ron Malekow drove to the win, with no serious problems. They had no flats, and all they did along the way was to add nitrogen to their shocks. The team was very proud ofTapia's efforts, since this was his first race, and he's not even a desert person, hailing from the neighborhood of Orlando, Florida, where it's nothing like Nevada. In sec-ond place it was Guy Alldredge and Craig Smith wh.o'd had a tough day. They'd lost the pickup hose from in-side their fuel cell and it took two hours to get that sorted out. They re-ported that Falkosky had helped them, but neglected to say they'd re-turned the favor. Donahoe had also helped pull them out of a "stuck", and one of their passengers had got sick and had to get out. Their day was com-plicated by the fact that they blew the transmission in their chase truck, an F350 that was towing a 30 foot race trailer. Not wanting to abandon it, they hitched the F350, trailer and all, to their Avalanche, and towed the whole mess from Tonopah to the fin-ish. Somehow, along the way, they avoided the scrutiny of the local gen-darmes. They said they drove right by one parked police vehicle with offic-ers inside, but apparently their eyes didn't register such an unexpected sight, and they did not give chase. The next vehicle off the line was the lone 1600 Baja Bug driven by Dick McCool and Jerry Lawless. It's too bad they had no competition, because these two old racers really like to race. But they had fun anyway, feeling that it was a pretty big accomplishment just to get the car all the way to Dayton. Using the same tires they ran on in the Parker race, they got to the finish in 17:28:50, beating the winning unlim-ited Class 5000 car by nearly an hour. They had no problems, no flats, tak-ing time only to bleed the brakes at one point. McCool, who started, is 65 years old, and Lawless is 68. They've both been racing for about 35 years. Jo, Break Tower • 100 Gallon Capacity • Single or Double Dry Break • EZSetUp lcemmes • l>u,mpOans ·liose • Reducers Silorf. Conrs~ & !1opkyKartPackages • Race Radio & :Spotter Packages • Handheld Radios w/Holsters • Spotter Head.sets • Helmet Wiring Kits • Aluminum Carry Case Helmets & Blowers • Forced Air Snell SA 2005 Helmets • G-Force • Pyrotec • Arai • Wired for Communication Keol llr Blowers • 105, 135, 150 & 235 GFMRatings • Filters & Hoses also available replaced an axle, but they got all the silt or the rocks or whatever gave them way, arriving at about 9: 15 a.m. Their the most trotible, liked the course for total time was 21: 13:49. its changes and altitude, scenery and The Vegas to Reno event was, as character. It's a real accomplishment always extremely challenging for the to get to the finish line in such a tough entrants, but even those cursing the event. ~ ' CE PlODUCTI Communication Systems • Vertex 5 to 110 Watt Radio Systems • Hi-Fi lntereom Systems • Chase & Race Packages • Base Station Packages The Bus Device • Head & Neck Restraint_. • Li~ht & Easy to Use ·• Required by NASCAR, Formula. l & Many Others • Can Be Used with Any SA Rated Helmet • Race Proven • Free Installation with Purchase llacer XCeJl,. • 411/2 Gallon Capacity • SCORE / BITD / FIA Approved • Tapered Design Provides Increased Ground Clearance & llaximi.zes Usable Fuel The Sportsman vehicles went off the line next, with eight entries, and none of them got to the finish. That was a surprise to some, because Don and Ken Moss, multi-season Class 3 champions in the SCORE series, were here for the first time to try a BITD race, and not finding a class that was a perfect fit for their Class 3 Bronco, they ran in the Sportsman class. Nor-mally, they are finishers. But this time the Bronco hit a really big, unseen rock at about 45 miles per hour. Damage was extensive and the crew decided it was wiser to pull out than to possibly Ylllll SAFBTY & COJIMUNICATIONS SOURCE Dusty Times 10815 Wheatlands Avenue, Suite K • Santee, CA 92071 619-258~RACE·(7223) • Fax 619-258-0883 • www.BacerXms.com October 2007 Page 15
l.1\.12C 57TH NESTE OIL RALLY FINLAND Granholm Wins Again! PHOTOS: MAURfCE SELDEN Marcus Granholm took a big win in Finland, he's seen here in his Ford Focus RS before an admiring crowd. The greatest of the Finns! Marcus Gronholm won the tra-ditional 1000 Lakes Rally for a record seventh time at world championship level, on the de-but of the 2007 version Ford Focus, closely followed by his teammate Mikko Hirvonen. Championship rival Sebastien Loeb was uncharacteristically out of contention and finished third. It was a rally of the chang-ing times, with Finnish drivers, except for the two top drivers and initially by J ari-Matti Latvala, badly outpaced by for-eign drivers. Group R cars scored their most important success to date when a Swede and a Finn, Patrik Sandell and Kalle Pinomaki, bought their Renault Clio R3s in to 1-2 re-sult in the Junior category. It looked like the Finn Anton Alen would win the Group N category, in the Fiat Punto Su-per 2000 before a last morning engine failure. Victory instead went to another Swede Patrik Flodin in a Subaru, his third Group N win and the seventh for Subaru in this category this season. The second half of the sea-son has begun! Finland is the rally of the longest days, all in daylight but in weather that can change fast and radically. One of the characteristics of this year's event was the continua-tion of the policy of single rather than double usage of stage roads. Thus there were no fewer than 17 different stage locations, which meant far fewer stages were repeated than usual. This avoids excessive us-age of stages with softer sur-faces and gives greater variety of viewing opportunities for spec-tators. Forty-six percent of the route had changed from last year. Only four stages were ex-actly the same as in 2006, and there were seven that were not used last year and some stretches completely new to the WRC -not bad for the only rally in the world championship which has been run from the same headquarters town every Page 16 year since the start of the series in 197 3. To counter the com-plaints of excessively long road sections, there was one Remote Service halt, at Jamsa, on the Saturday and the total distance was some 150km shorter than last year. There were only three stages on the Sunday, with an earlier than usual finish. Once again this event was linked com-ponents-wise with Germany but there are two weeks between events, and this time Finland came first. A new Clerk of the Course. After working as Deputy Clerk of the Course last year Risto Laine takes over from Jarmo Mahonen. Risto became well respected in rally life as the General Manager of the Suzuki rally team in Europe, when this was based in Britain. This event is easily the fastest rally cur-rently in the world champion-ship, but would this year's event become the fastest world cham-pionship rally ever? On two stages (Ouninpohja numbers 14/16 and Ehikki, 17/19), how-ever, there were chicanes to re-duce the average speeds and they did their job as intended. Ouninpohja was the longest stage of the event, having re-verted this year back to its full length. 2004 was the fastest Finnish event: Marcus Gron-holm averaging 122.62kph over the stages. The all-time fastest World rally was Argentina 1083 when Hannu Mikkola won at 123.Skph. Running behind the world championship cars, was a national rally for normally-aspi-rated two wheel drive cars us-ing the last five stages on the Saturday. Chief attraction was to be Toni Gardemeister who could not find an available top performing World Rally Car, so instead decided to enter the na-tional event in a six cylinder 1993 BMW M3. The main event continued to be incred-ibly popular especially among foreign visitors, spectators as well as competitors. More for-eign competitors had again en-tered than Finnish crews There were 28 different nationalities among the competitors, 97 starters, the greatest number so far this year, with 25 World Rally Cars and 20 Junior cham-pionship competitors. The main novelty this year was the high percentage of once-only stages and drivers expected this would have quite a marked ef-fect on the running of the event. The first result was im-mediate, as competitors struggled to cover all the stages twice during recce in the times allowed. Then there was the curious effect this might have on Loeb, who traditionally al-ways goes better on the second time through a stage than the first. There was also the hope that the stages would be more enjoyable to drive. There might have been an eight week gap since the Acropolis the preced-ing world championship rally, but teams had not been on holi-. day. At Citroen, both Loeb and Sordo had been testing in Fin-land. Dani Sordo had also con-tested the O.K. Auto-Rally, a round of the Finnish Rally Championship and which serves for foreign drivers as a test event. He led until he crashed; his second off-the-road excursion in a fortnight. Ford had also been in Finland to get as much mileage as possible on the 2007 version Focus WRC, which made its debut here. This car featured certain technical changes, the most visible being the revised bodywork at the front of the car. Never had so many Ford Focus WRCs been entered on the same event - 11. This was the first of four events in which Khalid Al-Qassimi will be the BP-Ford teams' number three driver this year. And what abut Gronholm? Six outright victories on this event in the past seven years. How can any-one keep that up? He had prom-ised to make a career decision after the event, without hinting on what result or how his deci-sion would be based. The OMV Kronos Citroen team ran just the one car, for Manfred Stohl, though a two car team was ex-October 2007 Patrik Flodin and Maria Andersson drove their Subaru lmpreza to the Group N win in Finland, seen here at speed. pected in Germany. Xavier "Xevi" Pons joined the Subaru WRT on this event, with plans to contest all the remaining rounds of the 2007 and then all the 2008 season. To mark the occasion, he had a brand new car, whereas teammates Petter Solberg and Chris Atkinson had old Mexico and Argentina rally cars. The technicians and mechanics were getting in prac-tice as well. At a recent charity open day, in front of invited guests at the team's workshop, SWRT mechanics changed a rally car gearbox in 5m48s! Things were not going well for Per-Gunnar Andersson. He had acquired a good Evo IX from Finland and was all ready to start the event but then on the ·26th July he was penalised by a local court in Sweden a 4000 Swedish Crowns fine and had his driving licence taken away for a month. He had been driv-ing at 137kph in a 90kph limit zone. End of his hopes to drive the NORF, and the start of wor-ries about what he was going to do about his JRC Suzuki entry in Germany in two weeks time. There were few surprises in the results at Shakedown, held over the usual short and not very representative stage around Jyvaskyla 's ski jump. Gronholm was quickest in front of Petter Solberg and Jari-Matti Latvala, but there were worries in SWRT when Solberg's en-gine was found to be running hot. It was a now-or-never deci-sion time for the team, the only chance until the end of Ger-many for a penalty-free engine change, which they carried out on the Thursday afternoon. During the day the FIA Insti-tute gave a presentation of their latest safety measures, concen-trating on the issues of protec-tion for the occupants of rally cars, and against side impact accidents. A Subaru shell was produced in which extra outer cage t_ubes, mounted inside the doors, were able to absorb en-ergy created by side impacts. Other issues concerning more protection from the design of seats and-stronger seat mount-ing rails were explained. Leg 1 11 Stages, gravel, 133.49kms The Thursday evening start was followed immediately by the first of the Superspecials at Killeri, a trotting track on the outskirts of Jyvaskyla, where Chris Atkinson was quickest overall and Martin Prokop the fastest JRC driver. The order for starting was arbitrarily selected for this stage, and apart from Mads Ostberg who hit the bar-rier, little untoward happened. Friday morning, however, was exciting. By the end of the third stage of the day (Stage 4), four different drivers had led the event and each of them had scored a fastest time. Latvala went into the lead on the first orthodox stage, a fantastic achievement for the young Finnish driver, especially con-sidering that his team is forced by regulation to run out.of date version rally cars. On the fol-lowing stage, however, he was distracted when the driver's door seal broke loose and he fumbled with one hand to stop the seal from entangling with the steering wheel. He stalled on a bend and then when driv-ing one-handed went off the road and lost a couple of min-utes. The opening stage of the day (Stage 2) was more slippery than expected. Gronholm speeded up and went into the lead, but then teammate Mikko Hirvonen just got ahead on Stage 4. The conditions on Stage 2 surprised everyone, caused by the surfaces being cut up in recce, then becoming Mikko Hirvonen and Jarmo Lehtinen were the second place finishers in Finland, seen here in the shadows in their Ford Focus RS. Dusty Times
Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena took the bronze medal win in Finland, Urmo Aava and Kuldar Sikk finished in seventh place overall in their Jari-Matti Latvala gets our prize for highest flying car, unfortunately, they're seen here in their Citroen C4. Mitsubishi Lancer, seen here with the hammer down. an accident put their Ford Focus RS on the trailer. moist and hardening until the surface was very hard. Loeb started with a spin on Stage 2, but Manfred Stohl started with great enthusiasm, rising to fifth place before getting stuck mo-mentarily in a ditch on Stage 4. It had been a long time since we had seen Stohl smile. Kristian Sohlberg was the first WRC casualty. On Stage 2 he damaged the suspension, car-ried on and then the suspen-sion collapsed and the car rolled, then Jukka Ketomaki reported turbocharger failure and brake trouble on his Skoda Octavia. Jan Kopecky had two punctures on Stage 2, on a rock pulled into the road by earlier competitors. Mads Ostberg spun and bumped the front of his Subaru, not helping co-driver Ole Unnerud who had already hurt his back on a heavy landing. Guy Wilks stalled. Urmo Aava slowed up after a series of heavy landings on Stage 2. On the second loop of the day a classic 1000 Lakes battle was evident. Between Stages 2 and 8 the gap between the over-all first and second placed driv-ers was less than a second, with two Fords leading the Citroen of Loeb and then two Subarus after that. It was an incredible battle between the two Fords. Team Director, Malcolm Wil-son was comforted by Hirvonen's co-driver, being told the battle was all under control. He hoped that Jarmo Lehtinen had been correct. Loeb was close behind but unable to ac-tually beat the Fords ahead of him. A slightest change in the cuts in a tyre could make the difference in battles like these. A new transmission unit was fitted to Petter's car and imme-diately the difference showed. "The car now feels much more like a four wheel drive, now", he exclaimed. Teammate Chris Atkinson lost his front aerody-namic bib which gave some un-easy aerodynamic moments. Andreas Mikkelsen was strug-gling, "I think we have never been so fast on gravel before but the engine is not giving us proper power." Of Latvala there was now no sign. He reported that a rock hit the sumpguard and this threw the Focus off the road. The car was launched into a bank which tore off a wheel. Ketomaki had a new turbo but now the hydraulic pressure was fluctuating. Throughout the day there had been a tense on-going battle between Urmo Aava in his Mitsubishi and Wilks in the Ford. For a run of six stages they swooped posi-tions just outside the top ten and hardly more than three sec-onds between them. There was excitement at the start of the third and last loop of the day when traffic brought the main road down to Stage 8 to a standstill. Timo Rautiainen, Gronholm's co-driver, painted the scene: "It was an absolutely impossible traffic jam. When a police mo-torcyclist beckoned us on, down the wrong side of the road, never in my life have I seen that done in our country. Marcus was really worried and kept on asking if what we were doing was going to have us thrown out of the rally, and I was just wor-ried the policeman would leave us behind. We were actually fol-lowing the guy at up to 137kph!" Hirvonen was be-mused at his teammate's speed on the stages. "We can be abso-lutely flat out, and still the old man beats us, I just don't know where he gets that extra speed from!" Problems were varied. Henning had power steering failure for some 12km. Petter had been catching teammate Atkinson, ruing their transmis-sion problems on the first loop of stages of the day. Atkinson had a spin on Stage 9. Xavier Pons spun off backwards and smashed the rear bodywork and Patrik Sandell and Emil Axelsson took a nice win in the Group R category, they're seen here in their Renault Clio R3. Dusty Times aileron on his Subaru, and many drivers new to the event were struggling with poorly made pacenotes. In the JRC category, Martin Prokop led all morning ahead of Patrik Sandell in the R3 Renault. Kalle Pinomaki was next in the second Renault R3, but he had a big spin on Stage 4 which dropped him back, so Conrad Rautenbach rose to third. Jan Molder was delayed by intercom problems. Sandell complained he had insufficient cuts in his tyres for the prevail-ing conditions. Michal Kosciusko started slowly having lost confidence in his Clio af-ter a wheel detached itself dur-ing Shakedown for no apparent reason. In a country where ral-lies are traditionally won by mi-croseconds, Prokop's lead (over a half minute after seven stages, after having won all the first six stages) was astronomical, with Sandell still in second place de-spite leaking power steering fluid. The first and second loops were unusual being re-peated stages and it was no sur-prise that drivers spoke of ruts appearing on the roads the sec-ond time through. Rautenbach had some scary moments when the electrics kept cutting out but he held his third place. Alex Bettega was learning the Su-zuki, after the third stage his co-d river joked that maybe they had now done more competitive distance than on all their rallies in the Fiesta together! Kosciusko arrived at service af-ter Stage 7 complaining that he only had fifth and sixth gears left. Also missing were Stefano Benoni (gearbox failure) and the Serbian Milos Komljenovic when he hurt his back on a heavy landing. Of the 20 start-ers, 16 crews reached the end of the day, with Prokop's S1600 Citroen confidently ahead of Sandell and Rautenbach just dropping behind Jozef Beres on the final orthodox stage of the day. In the battle of the "baby cars" Yoann Bonato's C2 was ahead of Raphael Auquier, who first had an engine sensor fail, then the gearbox detach. He was stuck in fourth gear and fell behind Gallagher while of the guest entries, Jarkko Nikara was fourth and Tapio Suominen sixth. Molder retired for the day Continued next page Worldwide benchmark manufacturer of ~!cation wiring ayaterna for all motor-sport appllcatlone Utiljzing tha flnelst; .Raychem Syatem 2!5 eompon~. the Industry stenderd for ell prof98-810-nei:t"ec:ing senot10ne. Engiheering. ~. !!ind compreht!jt"ISive teeting ~ 100% h-houee. ·, ~.~ aeaernbllee end circuit ~-~ cq,n ~ ,ts ere isveileble to suit ,/'. ' ' bud •· . 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Chris Atkinson and Stephane Prevot drove their Subaru lmpreza to a fourth place overall finish in Finland. Henning Solberg and Cato Menkerud drove their Ford Focus RS to a fifth overall finish in Finland, seen here nicely airborne. Daniel Sordo and Marc Marti didn't have a good rally, they lost an engine in their Citroen C4 and were out of the rally. when a hub inexplicably broke and the car lost a wheel. On Stage 10 the old style Honda Civic of guest driver Nikara scored a fastest JRC time, the first time ever a Group N car had scored a best time in the series. In Group N, Anton Alen led the category until he had a disastrous puncture on the last orthodox stage and lost two minutes, so at nightfall the leader was Matti Rantanen in an old Evo VIII. He was the driver who last year drove a Honda to third place in the JWRC on this event, the high-est placed guest driver all sea-son. On the final stage of the day at Killeri, Patrik Flodin got ahead of Aki Teiskonen into second place while Alen was fourth overnight. Rantanen then had a problem at the end-of-day service. He clocked out of service five minutes late in error, a wrong calculation, and this immediately let Flodin take the category lead, by 0.1 second from Teiskonen. Favoured Finn-ish Group N driver Jari Ketomaa rolled and retired for the day but vowed to return for the second leg of the event. Alen had been easily the fastest Group N category driver except for punctures he suffered on Stages 8 and then on 10. What a day this had been, but what a day was to come. 186km of stages between dawn and dusk was a colossal distance by current world championship standards, and all to be covered on the Saturday. Certainly no day had been as long as this since 2003. Leg 2 9 Stages, gravel, 186.lkms. While the weather on Friday had become sultry with some drizzle falling in the afternoon, this was a cloudless Finnish day. Loeb scored the best time on the opening stage, and joked that this stage being used for the first time, worked to his advantage. In fact, the condi-tions were still damp after over-night humidity and the Citroens chose the softer 8 compound tyres, whereas the Ford ran with the 9 minus com-pound tyres. But Loeb's luck did not last, he began to slip back against the streamrolling Fords. Citroen's challenge was evaporating. From lying 20.2 seconds behind the leader at the end of Leg 1, after the first three stages of the second full day Loeb was almost a half minute behind, and two stages later nearly 40 seconds. Subaru and Citroen both had their disasters on Leg 2. The first stage of the day saw the end of Stohl's smiles when he rolled his OMV Citroen Xsara and had to Page 18 retire. Petter Solberg continued to suffer transmission troubles, just the same as the day before. The team worked out that the cause could be new wheel hub bearings and changed those at the late morning service, but the problems only got worse and the car was withdrawn. Dani Sordo in the second Citroen Total team C4 went missing when he stopped on a stage with engine failure. Other problems in the morning centred around Juho Hanninen whose Mitsubishi went on to three cylinders and was also withdrawn. Teammate Urmo Aava hit a stone and had power steering problems but both he and Wilks were into the Drivers' points zone, and the third top Finn was the gentle-man driver Kaj Kuistila, the mentor of Hanninen, in the old-specification Mitsubishi WRC. All this meant that after the first three stages there were only two Finnish drivers in the top ten places, though admittedly both running 1-2. Gronholm and Hir-vonen themselves admitted to having scary moments. Stobart's part time driver Gareth Jones retired when he went off the road. Ricardo Trivino retired when he had a leaking fuel tank on his Peugeot. In the afternoon the Fords pulled further and further in front. Aava had a bad moment going into a ditch and back out again while Wilks jumped far too high after a pacenote misunderstanding and was winded by his landing. It was lucky for him that the start of the next stage was delayed and he could get some medical help. The hydraulics on the car then failed, and he had to drive the last four stages with-out any hydraulic facilities. Wilks fell to ninth behind Ostberg in the process. Kopecky broke his engine manifold after a jump as well. Federico Villagra progressively gained confidence after nearly rolling his car in the morning. As the rally moved towards the end of the longest rallying day for four years (Corsica 2003) only seven of the 11 reg-istered drivers were still active, so both the Munchi's team driv-ers were due for Manufacturers' points assuming they finished. Subaru confirmed that Petter Solberg would not restart on the final day but they would instead save his engine for Ger-many. Gronholm was in line for a historic seventh win on this event so long as he got to the finish three stages later still in the lead. The interest of the sec-ond day, however, swung to-wards the alternative categories. In JRC, staying away for the second leg were Aigar Pars, Michal Komljenovic and Gilles Schammel, but Jan Molder and Stafano Benoni restarted. On the first stage of the day third placed Jozef Beres went off and was stuck off the track. Then on Stage 14 the category leader Martin Prokop went off and damaged the radiator and the lead was now in the hands of reigning Junior World Cham-pion Patrik Sandell, which meant this was the first time a Group R car had lead a Junior category event. And for Renault there was more exc-itement when Conrad Rautenbach punctured on Stage 17 and broke a brake pipe, having to cover the next three stages with no brakes. Kalle Pinomaki rose to second, making this a Clio R3 1-2. Prob-lems came for Aaron Burkhart and Tapio Suominen who both had to stop and change flat wheels during a stage while Burkhart retired with damage after a very heavy landing. Alex Bettega had a major blitz, throw-ing caution to the wind and waiting to see what happened, rose in one stage from eighth to fifth. Yoann Bonato was the best placed C2-R2 driver despite suf-fering intercom problems and then very stiff gearshift mecha-nism. Shaun Gallagher dropped down to third Rookie when Raphael Auquier caught and passed him. On Stage 16 the Nikara brothers, Jarkko and Petri, stopped to change a flat tyre which dropped them from third to sixth, then two stages later had another puncture and a broken driveshaft which caused them to stop for the rest of the day. Molder had a broken rear suspension arm but contin-ued with strapping round the broken pieces. The biggest smiles came from Bettega, who, by the end of the day had got up to third in his old Ignis. In Group N, the overnight leader Patrik Flodin dropped back behind Timo Rantanen. On the first stage of the day the former Honda driver was back in the lead - by 0.1 seconds again! But on the road section after Stage 13 Rantanen retired with engine trouble. Suddenly Anton Alen was in the lead again after a scintillating time through the first Ouninpohja (Stage 14) in which his Fiat was a quarter minute faster than the best true Group N car. This was an interesting scenario, as it was the first time a top line Super 2000 had been matched on a stage against the best Group N cars on a highly com-petitive rally. Teiskonen retired with an unexpected hole in a piston. These were indeed days of change in rallying. October 2007 Leg 3 3 Stages, gravel, 40. 7 Skms. After the very long Saturday, it seemed little could happen on the final three stages, but it did! Per-haps the fiercest battle was for 11th place between the Focus driv-ers Wilson and Mikkelsen. Only one second separated them at the start of the day and only 0.4 sec-ond at the start of the final stage. The battle was resolved when Mikkelsen went straight on into a tree. Before then, Kopecky had rolled on the first stage of the day, and during the morning Mikkelsen's fellow Norwegian Mads Ostberg had transmission trouble, having to disconnect a propshaft in order to reach the finish of the rally, in eighth place. There was no Beres or Prokop at the restart, although Cortinovis was there, he immediately with-drew with engine trouble, while Rozukas stopped when he lost a wheel and Bettega punctured and lost a wheel as well. The Renaults of Sandell and Pinomaki cruised their way to the finish. The absent Andersson retained his champi-onship lead ahead of Aava, while Sandell rose to third in the series, with three events to go. News about Andersson's hopes of driv-ing in Germany were awaited. Shaun Gallagher still heads the Rookies' series comfortably, though he was headed on this event by both Bonato and Auquier. The fost big drama of the day, however, was when the Group N leader Anton Alen re-tired. The team knew there was an engine problem the night before and the car could not be restarted in the overnight pare ferme and at service the Abarth team discov-ered the compression on two pis-tons had disappeared. So Gron-holm won again, the seventh time he had won the event, the great-est number of times anyone has won an event of world champion-ship status. Citroen left Finland very depressed, hoping only that the forthcoming asphalt rallies would not just restore their com-petitiveness but also prove a downfall for Ford. Subaru came home pleased that Atkinson had a good run and maintained his form, Munchi's were thrilled to get both cars into the points while Stobart were disappointed that Latvala's challenge did not last but relieved that Henning Solberg safely reached the finish. OMV were looking forward to a colourful German Rally. Now we head to Germany where it is Se-bastien Loeb who looks to extend his consecutive wins on that event from five to six... lAlc?c:: 57th tJest e Oil Rally Finl and 2007 Jyvaskyla 2/5.08.2007 HCR round 10, JRC round 4 WC points WR JBr. 1 {3 ) Marcus GRONHOLM/Ti:o.o RAutiaine:, F!N Ford Poc\UI RS &IJ01SSX/BV6636 \fll!I) 2h.51r..26.ls. 10 10 2 (4 ) Mikko HIRVONEN'/Jarmo Lehtinen fIH Ford Focus RS E056T3R/BV5637 (FIN) 2h,57m.50.3s. 8 S 3 (l) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena F/HC Cit?:oen c◄ 741DYN?8 (F) 2h.58m.36.0s. 6 6 4 (8 ) Chri s AT!UNSDll/Stephane Prevot AD3/8 Subarn Impre2a JT06SRT (GB) 3h.00m.28.9s. 5 5 5 (10) Henning sotegRG/Cat-o Menkerud ~ Fo'td Focus RS ED55CNF/BV66J9 (fJN) 3h.Olm..55.5s. 4 4 6 (17) Xavier Pons/Xavier Amigo Subaru lrnpreza JT07SRT (GS) 3h.04m.26.6s. 3 7 (201 Urmo Aava/Kuldar Sikk EE KR53YPO/BZ1011 (f"IN) 3h.05m.05.1s. Mitsubishi :..anceI 2 8 (19) Mads Ostberg/Ole Unoerud N Suba r.u Irop:riaza DL51121/BZ7072 IITN) 3h.06m.58.0s. 9 (21) Guy Wilks/Phil Pugh GB Ford Focus WRC 568I<.HH/ BZ7069 (f"IN) Jh. 0711. 05. 5s. 10 (16) Matthew Wilson/Michael Orr GB Foi:d Focus RS lES/BV6640 (FIN) 3h.08m..39.5s. WRC WRC WRC WRC WQC WRC WRC WRC II.RC 11 (111 Luis Perez COIIPANC/Jos e Mada Volta RA Ford Focus RS WRC EA01PXN/8V6641 (FIN) 3h.0Sm.26.4s. 3 12 (231 Andreas Mikl:"elsen/Ola !'loeoe N Ford l'ocus IOIC EGSJCCN/BZ7070 (FIN) 3h.l3m.28.8s. (l ) 13 (27) Kaj l<uistila/Kan Jokinen FIN Mi tsubi.shi Lancer WRC KX53Bl<V /BZ1083 {TIN) 3h. l3lll. 56. 3s. 14 {12) Federico \71LLAGAA/Jorge Perez Companc RA Fox:d Focus RS WRC ED55CNN/ BV664Z (F!N) 3h.l5?11.33,3s. Z 1!> (62) Patrik Flodin/Maria Andersson S Subaru li!iprez:a N MONITOR (S) 3h.18m.Ol.8s. • -16 (25) Khalid Al Qassimi/Nicky lleect. DAJ::/GB r ord 1·ocus WRC EUSSCNV /BV6643 (FIN} 3h. 19"'. 23. 9s. 13 (31) Pattik Sandell/Emil Axelsson s Renault Clio Rl JRC XZYS54/BZ1061 (nN) 3h.25m.14.Ss.+ -10 19 (4.8) hlle Pin..omakl/Tu.oc:lO Nikkola FIN Renault Clio R3 JP/: D8R384/8S415n (FIN) 3h.26a.33.6s. 8 22 (38} Micr'.al l<os ciuszk.o/Maciej Szczepaniak PL Renault Clio S1600 JRC 22.S 7194/BZ7055 (FIN) 3h.29m.28.2s. 6 23 (331 Conrad Rautenbach/David Senior ZII/GB Citroen C2 S1600 JRC 9147N852/BZ7066 (FrN) 3h.29m.46.3s. S 25 {59) Tapio Suominen/Jarno ottmar. JRC BNS006/BZ7085 (FIN) 3h.31'1t.00.9s. f'IN Suzuki swift Sl600 4 30 (43) Vilius Rozukas/Audrius Shoshas LT JRC HR0011/BZ7060 (FIN) 3h.34m.29.0s. Suzuki S'Jif t S1600 3 32 (47) Alessandro Bettega/Si11one Scattolin I Suzuki I9ni:o 81600 JRC 2ZO 0600/BXB975 (FIN) 3h.37m.C3.0s. 2 33 {44) Yoann Bonato/Benjamin Soulloud F 9145NE52/8Z1061 (FlN) Jh.JSJ1.20.3s. 36 (51) Raphael Auquier/Cedric Pirotte 8 XEH426/BX8978 (FIN) 3h.4211.08.4s. Citroen C2-R2 l Ci t:roen C2-R2 38 (60) Jarkko • Petri Nikara FIN Honda Civic R-Type JRC Dusty Times
. , .. Dusty Times ~ -~ • ~ ~~-· $300.00 ,c • , ,c:u.,, "''AU- 0 VERA LL SP T ,............ carros October 2007 3000 DLLS GANADOR BETO 9 .'fto·~•'KVl-. • -P'* •..if·¥' CP,.11 AOOU'OMO'LLBR CONTRBRAS Page 19
p_j AT -RIVI!■_ Greaves,Nard,Renezeder & Welland All Win Twice PHOTOS: J&L PHOTOS It was a good weekend for Johnny Greaves, he Took gold medals in his Pro 4x4 Toyota and he sits third in class points, seen here at speed. What a weekend! At our count on the official result sheets, there were 202 cars and trucks in evidence when the WSORRguys and gals got together for a weekend at Bark River. As was to be expected, the racing was hot and heavy, the fans got much more than their monies worth and the racers? Well, the rac-ers are always in a state of joy when they are on the track and this state grows to absolute elation when they get that race win! Modern day gladi-ators, basking in their element, RACING! In the Pro 4x4 race on Saturday, it was Johnny Greaves, Toyota, tak-ing his second win of the season, ~ Carl Renezeder, Nissan, came across in second place, Adrian Cenni was third in his Chevrolet, Al Drews, the class point leader finished fourth in his ford and Troy Menne, Ford, fin-ished fifth. Scott Douglas, Ford, was unhappy with his sixth place finish, Dave Christoferson finished sev-enth in his Chevy and Kent Brascho started but was unable to finish the race. Sunday's Pro 4x4 race had the same end result, as far as the win-ner was concerned, Johnny Greaves took the win, his third of the '07 season. Scott Douglas fared a bit better this race, he took home the silver medal, Kent Brascho rounded WWW. rAKERPRECISION.COM 2865 Gundry Ave. Signal HI/' CA 90755 11PFans 01/Coolent Driving Suits Rod End Boots Neo Synthetic OIi Performance Plumbing 1~1~,at~~ -s~I•let•J Page 20 562-427-2375 out the podium finishers, Dave Christoferson finished in the fourth spot and Troy Menne was the fifth place finisher, again! Al Drews was the sixth place finisher, Carl Renezeder was back in an unaccus-tomed seventh place and Adrian Cenni was the eighth and final fin-isher. In the Pro 4x4 points race, Al Drews leads with 103, Kent Brascho is second with 97 and Johnny Greaves is in third place with 96 points. The Pro 2WD race fared a bit better for Carl Renezeder, Nissan, as he took his first class win of the season, Kevin Probst was right there in second place in his Chevrolet, Evan Evans took his first podium finish of the season in his Chevy, Rhonda Konitzer, Chevrolet, fin-ished first off the podium and Ross Hoek finished fifth in his Ford. Michael Oberg was the sixth place finisher in his Ford. Michael Oberg was the sixth place finisher in his Chevy, Scott Taylor finished seventh in his Ford and Brian Hinman was the eighth place finisher in his Chevrolet. Surprise! Renezeder is back in form and he's tough to beat, he took the Pro 2WD race win on Sunday, making it a weekend sweep, Kevin Probst was right there again, still in second place, Scott Taylor finished on the podium in third place, Michael Oberg finished fourth and Rhonda Konitzer was the fifth place finisher. Brian Hinman came across in sixth place, Evan Evans finished seventh and Ross Hoek was the eighth and final finisher. In Pro 2WD points it is Kevin Probst leading with 124, Scott Tay-lor and Michael Oberg are tied for second place with 118 points each. The Pro Lite troops, 13 strong were eager to get racin' and when they completed their laps in the Sat-urday race it was Chad Hord record-ing his second win of the season in his Nissan, Art Schmitt, also in a Nissan was second home, Jim Kandel, Toyota mounted, came across the line in third place, Mark Oberg, Ford, was fourth in and October 2007 Carl Renezeder took a pair of wins in his Nissan at Bark River, he's seen here with power on, headin' for the checkers. Randy Eller, also in a Ford was the fifth place finisher. Josh Hintz was sixth in his Nissan, Glenn Grint fin-ished seventh in his Toyota, Steve Federico, also in a Toyota finished eighth, Marty Hart finished ninth in his Ford and Jeff Kincaid, Toyota, rounded out the top 10. Dan Vanden Heuvel Jr., finished 11th in his Nissan, George, Schultz, also in a Nissan was 12th and Don Ponder, Ford, finished in 13th place. Sunday's Pro Lite race saw just as much action, they flew around to the finish and when the smoke cleared it was Chad Hord picking up his third win of the season, Steve Federico was right there in second place, Mark Oberg was up a spot, finishing third, Josh Hintz finished in fourth place and Dan Vanden Heuvel Jr. was the fifth place fin-isher. Jon Probst finished sixth in his Nissan, Art Schmitt was back in seventh place, Glenn Grint finished in eighth spot, Randy Eller was ninth and Marty Hart was 10th in. Jim Kandel was the 11th finisher and Jeff Kincaid made it an even dozen. Chad Hord leads the Pro Lite Points with 122 in hand, Marty Hart is second with 97 points and Randy Eller sits third with 94 points ac-crued. Next to race were the Super Stock Truck group, the coveted win went to Keith Steele in a Chevrolet, Don Williams was right there in second place in his ford, Dan Baudoux, also in a Ford was the third place finisher, Dave Waldvogel finished fourth in his Chevy and Ken Hallgren was fifth, he too in a Chevrolet. Jim Wrobleski, Chevy mounted finished in sixth place and Ben Wandahsega, also in a Chevy finished seventh. Sunday's Super Stock Truck race saw Ben Wandahsega taking his third win of the 2007 season, Don Williams crossed the line with an-other second place finish, Dave Waldvogel took the last spot on the podium, Dan Baudoux came in fourth and Ken Hallgren took an-other fifth place finish. Keith Steele was sixth across the line and Bryce Helms was the seventh place fin-isher. In the Super Stock Truck Points Race, Ben Wandahsega leads the way with 131 earned, Dave Waldvogel is second with 120 and Don Williams is third with 114 points. The Stock Truck class was on tap and they too had a good race. The Chad Hord bested 17 other trucks in Pro Light at Bark River, he won twice in his Nissan and has a big lead in points. Ben Wandahsega finished 7'• on Saturday but he came back for the Super Stock Truck win Sunday, seen here in his Chevy at speed. Dusty Times
., Scott Beauchamp took the win in Stock Truck on Saturday in his Chevy, he has a big lead.in the class points. Saturday event win went to Scott Beauchamp, driving a Chevrolet, Al · Konitzer finished in second place in his Dodge, Don Demeny came in third, he too in a Dodge, Daniel Beauchamp, Ford, was the fourth place finisher and Jim Van Rix.el fin-ished fifth in his Chevy. A sixth place finish went to Jason Bort, Chevy, Eric Ruppel finished seventh in his Ford and Rod Wells was the eighth and final finisher. Sunday's Stock Truck race saw many position changes from Saturday's race. Al Konitzer picked up his first win of the season, Scott Beauchamp added another second place finish to his resume, Don Demeny finished in third place again, Jim Van Rix.el finished first off the podium and Jason Bort man-aged a fifth place finish. Daniel Beauchamp managed a sixth place run, Rod Wells finished seventh and Eric Ruppel was the eighth and fi-Dusty Times nal finisher. In the Stock Truck Points Race Scott Beauchamp has accumulated 140 points, Don Demeny is second with 109 and Al Konitzer sits in third with 105 points. The Formula 4x4 gang had a re-ally fun weekend, the Saturday event saw Tim Moeller take his second win of the season in his Ford, Jerry Conrad was right there in second place in his Ford, David DeMaegd finished third in his Jeep, Jim Ridderbush was the fourth place fin-isher in his Chevy and Dave Miah was the fifth place finisher in his Ford. Crystal Reffke finished sixth in her Ford, Larry Maciosek was a long seventh, he too in a Ford, Bob Sayers finished eighth, also Ford mounted, Curt Zenefski was ninth to finish, he in a Chevy, Shannon Rinehart was 10th in a Ford and Michael Cusack was the 11th fin-isher, he also in a Ford. Mark Steinhardt took the win on Saturday in 1600 Buggy, finished third on Sunday and enjoys a four point lead in the points race. Sunday's Formula 4x4 race was a good one also, but there weren't as many finishers. When the check-ers flew it was Larry Maciosek tak-i ng his third win of the season, David DeMaegd was in second place, Tim Moeller settled for third place, Jerry Conrad was down a few spots into fourth and Jim Ridderbush was the fifth place fin-isher. Bob Sayers was sixth to cross the finish line and Crystal Reffke was the'seventh and final finisher. In the Formula 4x4 Points Race it was Larry Maciosek in the lead with 117 points in hand, Tim Moeller is second with 111 and David DeMaegd and Bob Sayers are tied for third phtce with 108 points each. taking the win in his Dodge, Bob Rinehart, Ford, was right there- in second place, Larry Manske, also in a Ford came in third, Craig Rogaczewski, Ford, was fourth and Matt Ives, Chevy mounted came in fifth. In the sixth finishing spot was Marc Rogaczewski in his Ford, Nick Byng was seventh in his Ford, Dave Clement was in eighth place, Bob Birkholz, Chevy, was ninth and Paul Jensen, Ford, finished in 10th place. Ben Wierzba finished 11th in his Chevy, Jonathan Pepin, ford, fin-ished in 12th place, Matt Dale was 13th in a Ford, Renee Peebles was 14th, Chevy, and Adam Corrigan was 15th in his Chevy. Mike Dupras finished 18th, 19th place went to Eric Morrow and Duane Klassen finished in 20th place. The Sunday Enduro Truck race was a gooder also, they ran their laps and Larry Manske was the big winner, Craig Rogaczewski took second, in third place was Marc Rogaczewski, Don Demeny came in fourth and Matt Ives was fifth. Continued next page The Enduro Truck class had lots of machines waitin' to get on the track and they certainly had a great race. On Saturday, when the check-ered flag flew it was Don Demeny First on Saturday, second on Sunday, a great weekend for Craig Metz in Light Buggy, he sits fiftli in class points. October 2007 Page 21
Third on Saturday, first on Sunday, Tim Lemons is seen here hustling Scott Douglas took a sixth and a second place finish in Pro 4x4 at to the win in the Sup class. Bark River, he's seen here pourin' on the coal. Kevin Probst took a pair of second place finishes in the Pro 2WD fracas, Kevin is seen here hustling to the flag. Gary Nierop took a first and a fourth in Super Buggy at Bark River, he leads the points in class, he's seen here at speed. Tracy Peebles finished in sixth place, Matt Dale came in for a nice seventh, Ben Wierzba was eighth, Duane Klassen finished ninth and Paul Jensen finished 10th, again. Brent Smith finished in 11th place, Bob Birkholz was 12th, Page 22 Mike Dupras finished 13th, Nick Byng was 14th in and Brandon Touse finished in 15th place. Jim Van Rixel was back in 16th place, Eric Morrow was 17th, Bob Rinehart was an unaccustomed 18th place, Mike LeRoy finished Keith Steele took a nice win in Super Stock Truck on Saturday, he's seen here with lots of power on in his Chevy. 19th and Mark Corrigan was the 20th and final finisher. Larry Manske leads the Enduro Truck points with 121, Bob Rinehart is second with 103 and Matt Ives sits third with 95. Last of the truck races was the Classix class. Thirteen of them started the race on Saturday and when their required laps of racing were done it was Robert Weiland taking his fifth win of the season in his Chevrolet. Bill Groboski Sr. also in a Chevy, was the second 1ad&ta•tsd 00L0stranger illiiiai.. __ 7_CJ ___ Lighter ..,, other cast wheels an the market unter Pressure Basted Aluminum • Satin Smooth Machine Finish, ~ 15x eadlor:k g Patt l!,,05mm October. 2007 place truck, Ken Wilson came across the line in third, Galen Gee was fourth in and Ken Platten was the fifth place finisher. Roger Schaden finished sixth, Jeremy Forbes was seventh, Jeff Tomlin came in eighth, Kurt Schuch fin-ished ninth in his Chevy, Aaron Konitzer, also in a Chevy was 10th and Jacob Burkhart finished 11th in yet another Chevrolet. The Classix race on Sunday had a whole different bunch of finish-ing stats. At race end it was Kurt Schuch taking his first win, Jeff Tomlin came in for a nice second place finish, Jeremy Forbes took the last spot on the podium, Jacob Burkhart finished fourth and Bill Groboski Jr. finished in fifth place. Galen Gee came in sixth and Kenneth Platten was the sev-enth and final finisher. In the Classix Points Race it is Robert Weiland with 126 points, Kurt Schuch is second with 104 and Bill Groboski is third with 103. The 1600 buggies had a bunch Beadl~lf•r □blue :j cb/acJ.t ;·_} Creel , ,·t, opal/shed • , · Dusty Times
Art Schmitt took a second place finish in Pro Light on Saturday, he could only muster a seventh place finish on Sunday. Don Williams, seen here in beautiful/eve/flight took a pair of second Scott Schwalbe was 1 a• on Saturday, second on Sunday in the ready to rumble and rumble they did. When the smoke cleared it was Mark Steinhardt taking a very nice win, Terry Fitzgerald came in sec-ond, Bob Blaney finished third, Brad Erikson finished in fourth and John Huben was the fifth place finisher. Jeff Villemure came in sixth, John Fitzgerald finished lucky seventh, Jason Janusz was eighth in, Dan Martin finished in ninth place, Michael Notary was 10th and Bob Blaney was the 11th finisher. On Sunday, the .1600 race had a new winner, it was John Fitzgerald taking a nice win, Michael Notary had a great second place finish, Mark Steinhardt came in third, Michael Seefeldt came in fourth and JeffVillamure was fifth across the line. Bob Blaney was back in sixth place this day, Brad Arndt finished seventh, Terry Fitzgerald was eighth in, Allen Plawman came in ninth, Dan Mar-tin finished 10th and Jason Janusz was the 11th and final finisher. No less than 32 1600 Light Buggies were ready to contend for honors. They had a. fast and crowded race and when it ended it was Craig Metz taking a great win, Chad Dewall came in second, Steve Oman took third place, Greg Stingle finished fourth and Josh Hintz came in fifth. In sixth place was Kurt Metz, Wesley Frehse came in seventh, Kevin Huth came in eighth, Beau Ambox finished ninth and Craig Paid came in 10th. In 11th place was Matt Gerald, John Bauman finished 12th, Jaimie Kleikamp finished 13th Todd Lemke finished 14th and Jim Schmit was 15th. Tom Thomas finished 16th, Brian Glime was 17th, Barry Wahlen took 18th, Tom Virnig was 19th and John McDonald was the 20th finisher. In 21st was Jeff Virnig, Stephanie Paid was in 22nd spot, Charles Scully finished 23rd, Randy Oman came in 24th and Mike Vanden Heuvel was the 25th finisher. Craig Rabe finished 26th, Bill Kortens was 27th, Jacob Burkhart came in 28th, Steven place finishes in Super Stock Truck. Super Buggy contest, he's seen here flyin' towards the flag. Al Konitzer flew his Dodge to a second place and a win in the Stock Truck class, he's seen here in level flight. John Fitzgerald finished seventh in 1600 Buggy on Saturday, he took the win on Sunday and sits second in points. Schuch was 29th and Eric Lear fin-ished 30th. On Sunday Mike Vanden Heuvel took his first win of the season in the 1600 Light Buggy race, Craig Metz was right there in second place, Matt Gerald was the third place fin-isher, in fourth was Wesley Frehse and Todd Lemke was in fifth place. Julie Dewall was sixth, Bryan Holtger finished seventh, Greg Stingle finished eighth, JeffVirnig finished ninth and Scott Laatsch fin-ished 10th. Kurt Metz could only finish 11th this race, Brian Glime made it an even dozen, John McDonald was 13th, Bill Kortens finished 14th and Josh Hintz was 15th in. Tim Christensen was the 16th place finisher, Jim Schmit fin-ished 17th, Tom Virnig was 18th, Randy Oman came in 19th and in 20th was Stephanie Pait!. Barry Wahlen finished 21st, in 22nd place was Tom Thomas, Steven Oman took 23rd, Charles Scully was 24th and Jamie Kleikamp was 25th in. Bryan Norris finished 26th, Eric Lear was 27th and Carol Gunderson finished 28th. In 1600 Light Buggy Points it is Matt Gerald and Greg Stingle tied for first place with 99 points each and Todd Lemke is third with 98. Last, but not least were the Su-per Buggy crowd, always putting on a helluva show. When the checkers flew on Saturday it was Gary N ierop taking his first win of the season. Corry Heynan slipped into second place, Tim Lemons finished third, Ryan Mulder came in fourth and Herman Barnum was fifth. Tom Schwartzburg came in sixth, Luke Zoetmulder finished seventh, Todd Wallace was in eighth place, Aaron Hawley was back in ninth place and Scott Schwalbe was 10th. Lisa Grint was in 11th place, Stephanie Krieman ran 12th, John Frana ran in 13th place, Don Olson was 14th and John Mason finished 15th. Adam Guberud was the 16th fin-isher and Rick Jacobson came in 17th. The Super Buggy race on Sun-day was a keeper, it was Tim Lem-ons taking his first win of the year, Scott Schwalbe was a very nice sec-ond place, Craig Biesik finished third, Gary Nierop was fourth and Todd Wallace finished fifth. Luke Zoetmulder came in sixth, Scott Olson was seventh, Tom Schwartzburg was eighth, Steven IE .· . • Slows forward motion in die event of a aasls ·-• AHows head roovement •NocumlJersome~llo,~wear • Qaiclc1 one-lime ad/ustment • Does not "ook Into lap belt • Redutes 11eci tension by 4S·10% • Great lot all types of motor radag, esp«ially w6ere driver dtonges are common llP DIIVE■S UIIUZII& TIE l•CE Gearge Seeley • Ed, Tun & Troy HetlJst • Larry ,r Roese/er Mari Post • Iii& Baldwin • Jerry Wbsldtel • Alan PRueger Jason & Josh Baldwin • Rkk, Randy & lonny Wilson Mike .hllsen • Bo/, /..aftoll • Mari & Gary Wqhricb • Dove Ashley Dau Smiflt • lyle Toylor • Gus Vildosola • RDb MacCadmm NIIFI ,11,/li (Ill/HI/' Krieman finished ninth and in 10th lace was Lisa Grint. Rick Jacobson came in 11th, Herman Barnum was 12th, Corry Heynan was 13th in, Ryan Mulder was 14th, and Adam Guberud finished 15th and David Mason finished in 16th place. Gary Nierop leads the Super Buggy points with 118 earned, Tim Lemons is second with 113 and Aaron Hawley is third with 109. And so it ended, the next two rounds will again be at Bar\17j see ya all there! · Mike Vanden Heuvel didn't have too bad a weekend, he took the 1600 Light Buggy win on Sunday at Bark River. UJOD.:1'1111.2350 • Fax IIOl.31JOM3B ., ...... 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Lom~ CA 91752 ·"--""-Dust y Times octoR;er 2007 Page 23
!!W CauFO■NIA 200 ■,a111e, Breaks The Bank BY STEVE R UDDICK PHOTOS: TRACKS/DE PHOTO Rick Braber took the Class 1 lead on the third lap and he caffied on from there, taking a nice class win as well as the overall. .. .And the skies were not cloudy all day. I'm here at the Soggy Ory Lake in Lucerne, CA for the MOR McKenzie' s/VisionX California 200 Night Race. Two hundred miles on Course A-clockwise in reverse; in the dark, too. S/F was off Bessemer Mine Road. Each lap was fifty (50) miles around -32 major course changes -BiG dips, the infamous Sand Hill, seven RX, two CHKs, three remote pits. WOOhOO!! It was dry and dusty; very dusty. It was hot, too! And when the winds did gust, it was like being hit full-on in the face with the world's biggest blow dryer. Rooster-tail conditions. Whew! By late afternoon, the winds had settled into a rather constant westerly blow -and right into and through everybody's pits; downright dirty. Most folks were avoiding the heat and dust inside their a/ c trailers and RVs, except for a few desert die-hards out -N-about; like me. But, it did cool down to about 100-F by race time at 6:00 p.m. Sunset was about 7:33 p.m. By race time, the winds were blow-ing due east, and rather briskly, too; double the dirt and thick _N_ zesty. One hundred twenty-seven entries in A. J. Rodriguez flies long and low, he took the Class 7 win with ease, he's seen here heading out before darkness sets in. · 12 different classes. One hundred two racers started, and 68 finished. Four -50 mile laps for Classes 1, 5, 7, 1400, and 1600; three laps for Classes 12, 900, 1300, 1450, 1700 and 3700; two laps for Class 1100. Forty percent of all the DNFs were on Lap 1, 35% on Lap 2, and about 25% on Lap 3. Did I mention all the dust and dirt? Forty-six (36%) of the total entries, and 35 (34%) of the 102 starters, were in Class 1450, and 27 (26%) were in the JeepSpeeders class 1700. CLASS 1: Four laps.Twelve entries, 10 start-ers, five finishers, five DNFs, two DNS. Rick Braber was third off the line at the green-flag start in car# 151, and first to the checkered flag at the finish to win First Place Overall and . first place in class; in 3:43:30 at 53.7 mph. Cory Shafer was next to see the checkered flag in car #160, 00:03:15 later, to win Second Overall and sec-ond in class. Shafer's total time was 3:46:45 at 52.9 mph. David Jensen won third place in class and Fifth Overall in car # 180, completing the required laps in 03:59: 18 at 50.1 mph. Fast Lap honors went to Mike Brunning in the Orange County Pools-sponsored car# 122, at mph in 00:44:36. Brunning won fifth place in class. In their own words: "Mike Brunning was behind the wheel with Bryant Layton navigating. We had pre-ran the track many times starting a AJ Martin had plenty of light to guide him through the darkness, he took the Class 5 win in spite of a very long last lap. week before. Our goal was to get to fresh air and pass the other cars by the first checkpoint (MM 12). We got the second car off the line just past the rock pile. We got the first car off the line just after the first checkpoint. We then went on a mission to set a good pace. We had five manned pits on the track and we wanted a win." "We came around on the first lap with an eight minute lead on the next car. After the first checkpoint on the second lap, we lost power steering. Mike pulled over, thinking we might have lost a serpentine belt. Everything was okay; Bryant checked fluid, and it was fine. We kept moving, but the power steering would go in and out all the way to Pit B. Our guys looked for leaks and found nothing. We made it all the way around, and still had a huge lead. Mike was going to get out at this point because the loss of power steering was a huge workout on his arms. Chris Eilmer was getting in to drive, and Bryant was staying in as navigator." Everyone starting working on the car. We had two flat tires and no power steering (PS). We changed the PS pump - and that didn't work. We bled the system-and thatdidn'twork. Then we pulled the steering servo, took it apart - and couldn't find any-thing wrong with it, either. We still don't know what happened, but we put it back in the car -and we were fixed! Chris Eilmer took off two and a half hours down, with Patrick Gailey navigating. The next two laps went perfect. No problems. Special thanks to our crew and sponsors." That's how to finish and still win a place at the race podium, sports fans. CLASS 5: Four laps. Four starters, one fin-isher, three DNFs. A.J. Martin was the sole finisher in class in car #502. Mar-tin did the dirt in 4:57: 18 at 40.4 mph to win first place. #502 also won the Fast Lap honors on Lap 2 at mph in 00:56:25. CLASS 7: Four laps. Two starters, one fin-isher, one DNF. A.J. Rodriguez was the sole finisher and first place win-ner in class in ttuck #719. #719 got to the checkered flag in 4:20:50 at 40.0 mph for the win. Rodriguez also won the Fast Lap award on Lap 1 at mph, in 00:56:21. CLASS 7S: Four laps.Two starters, two finish-ers. Noe Sierra won first place in class in truck #743. Sierra crossed the fin-ish line in 5:55:58 at 33.7 mph. #743 also took home the Fast Lap award and bragging rights on Lap 1, at mph in 1:25:00. Frank Gilliland won sec-ond place in class in truck #738 in 7:16:09 at 27.5 mph. CLASS 1400: Four laps. Fourteen entries, six starters, five finishers, one DNF, eight DNS. Shawn Giordano drove the fast-est laps in truck# 1406 and got to the finish line the firstest to win first place in class, and Third Place Overall. Giordano got the dirt duties done in 3:47:52 at 52. 7 mph. John Vaughan won second place in class, and Fourth Overall, in truck# 14 28. Vaughan got it done in 3:51:22 at 51.9 mph. The third place in class, and Sixth Overall win went to Adam Householder in ttuck #1424. Householder covered the distance in 4: 12: 19 at 47.6 mph. #1424 also grabbed the Fast Lap brag-ging rights and award on Lap l at mph, in 00:50:33. CLASS 1600: Four laps. Four entries, three start-ers, three finishers, one DNS. Joe Jeffery won first place in class in car #1600, and Eighth Place Overall. Jeffery crossed the finish line for the win in 4: 18: 11 at 46.5 mph. # 1600 won the Fast Lap honors on Lap 1 at mph, in 00:58: 10. Jerold Esterlein got to the checkered flag in 4:39: 17 at 43.0, to win second place in car # 1688. Ray Files won third place in class in car #1605, at 33.5 in 5:58:41. CLASS 12: Three laps. Eight entries, six start-ers, four finishers, two DNFs two DNS. Terry Ingold drove the fastest and most consistent times to win first place in class in car #1203. lngold got 'er done and to the finish line in 3: 13:52 at 46.4 mph, for the win. Terry Wyrembeck got car# 1297 over the hills and through the dark and to the finish line in 3:24:54 at43.9 mph, for the second place in class win. Patrick Oliver won third place in class in car #1275, taking4:29: 13 to do the dirt, at 33.4 mph. CLASS 1300: It was a good night for Noe Sierra, he ran steady and fast and that gave him the class win, he's seen here with all lights ablaze. Joe Pate/Ii had problems on his first lap but he carried on and took the honors in Class 8, he's seen here at takeoff. Three laps. Four entries, four start-ers, two finishers, two DNFs. Erik Jacobus pretty much blasted the com-petition away in car# 1367 to win first place in class by almost 45 minutes. Jacobus did the required roundie-rounds in 3: 10:20 at 47.3 mph, and won Fast Lap on Lap 1 at mph in 00:58:25. John Maston won second place in class in car #1388. Maston completed the required laps in 3:53: 15 at 36.6 mph. Page 24 October 2007 Dusty Times
Terry Wyrembeck was another silver medal finisher, he was 11 John Vaughan was fast and consistent, he was less than four minutes Ryan Lewis gave it all he had, it just wasn't enough, he finished minutes in arrears when the checkers flew. behind the 1400 class leader, he's seen here flying through the night. second in class, he was less than a minute out of the win. CIASS 1450: off the OPS now, and I am looking where it opens up into more than one "my" line ends up turning into some and heads down to the lake bed about Forty-six(!) entries, 31 starters, 20 out the side window for rocks, driv- lane. Metcho takes the line to the left *#@*! huge rollers that are almost too ten car lengths in front of us. I say finishers, 11 DNFs, 10 DNS. the 1450 ing with one hand on the wheel and and we take the line on the right. For big for the truck at the speed we are '*#@* that', and we hit the lake bed 'outlaw' class was out in force for this the other trying to block the sun. the next five miles we are pinned side- going -but I'm not lifting! I look over and haul @** towards S/F. We stop, race; my goodness. They started 2x2 Through all the big double-downs we by-side, looking at each other trying at Metcho and see that he is on a and take off full throttle up main chas-at the green flag; twice the dirt and hold him off till around Mile 40, to get in front. Within site of our pit, much better line and he takes the lead Continued next page fun. Cool. Robert Anderson started somewhere about in the middle of the outlaw pack, in truck #1476, drove some fast and consistent laps, and got to the finish line to see the checkered flag for the first place win in class, in 3:12:41 at 46.7 mph. It was a nip -N-tuck race with Ryan Lewis in truck # 1466, all the way to the finish line, too; Anderson won it by all of 00:00:52 seconds! Clooose!, but still good enough for # 1466 to win sec-ond place in class in 3: 13:33 at 46.5 mph. Lewis said this about his race: "Wow - what an awesome weekend! After years of prepping, chasing and co-driving with other teams, I was stoked to finally be in the driver's seat in my own truck for the most antici-pated race of the year." "Got in the truck on race day with my co-driver Ryan Mathews, and lined up next to Tyler Fain in #1459 at the start, knowing it was going to be a battle to the rock pile. We gave each other the thumbs up, both of us stoked to be starting side by side, and then I had the biggest scare of the race ... my clutch pedal went to the floor and didn't come back up. I tried for a few moments to pick it up with my left foot but to no avail; so I had to take off my helmet and belts, and reach down to the floor and pick it up with my hand. Got everything back on just moments before we left the line. The truck has never done that before ... and never did it during the race ... Holy*#@*! was all I was think-ing -LOL! Anyway, the green flag dropped and we both stomped on it and headed up main." "Tyler pulled me off the start through first and second gear and the bottom of third. But the #1466 Tacoma really starts pulling hard in the top of third, so about one third the way up main we caught and passed him and shifted into fourth on our way to the rock pile. We hit the rock pile pretty wide open in third gear and we were off into the desert. After about mile-post 20, there was no one in our mirrors so we backed it down a little and ran it at around 85%. Here is where the real fun started. After Pit C through the twisty, uphill rock sec-tion, Metcho caught us in #1467. I wasn't really stoked by the constant rear end chatter up through that part of the course, so I decided to just stay on about one-third throttle and let him go. About ten m\nutes later, we see him in front of us coming towards the course ... possibly took a wrong turn? Anyway, from this point it's ON* -and we blow by him, knowing that he will want that lead back." "The sun is now directly in our eyes and my windshield is so covered with dust that I cannot see the hood of the truck when we are even slightly facing the sun. We are going 100% Dusty Times Sales Information: Payment may be made by credit card, money order or cashier's check. PeJSonal or business checks · are not accepted. C.0.D. orders accepted with 50% pre• p~yrirenl S5 Handling charge on all orders. Calilo mia residents include 7.75%salestax. Customers responsible for all freight charges. Minimum order Is $25. The use of Volkswagen by Pacific Customs Unlimite<l. loc. is for descriptive purposes ONLY and in oo way is the name used to infer or intend a direct connection between Pacific Customs Unlimited, ltlc. and VolllsWagen. Volkswagen is a registered trademarlt PRICES EFFECTIVE DURING THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MAGAZINE COVER DATE. October 2007 Page 25
Jerold Esterlein was a bit off the winning pace in Class 1600, he took the silver medal home, seen here at speed. A third place finish in the Class 1 battle went to David Jensen, he's Adam Householder set fast lap, led the 1400 class for two laps but seen here charging through the night. problems shuffled him down to a third place finish. ing after him. We are slowly closing, and we get within about five car lengths of Metcho in #1467 - when all of a sudden his truck dives and cuts to the left; throwing up a huge cloud of dirt and dust. We come out on the other side and the first thing we see is his tire shooting across the track out into the desert - almost hitting us! Holy mackerel, that was crazy." Honestly, I don't remember much about Lap 2 except we turned on the HID's and settled into a good pace, and we were passing cars right and left Before the race I had decided to pit at the end of Lap 2 so my girlfriend Kristen could ride the last lap with me. The co-driver change/pit went flaw-less, and we headed out into the desert for the last lap. Immediately, the ra-dio stopped transmitting. We can re-ceive fine but cannot talk to anyone ... so we are pretty much on our own. And then there was dust ... for the first 30 miles, the dust is bAd! The wind-shield is covered in dust again, so we are going off 100°/4 OPS once again. We come flying through Pit C, our guys and the hundred or so other people there are jumping up and down cheering and waving us on. What a sight that was! We run down the hill, haul across the dry lake bed, almost miss the entrance, and pull into S/F. Wow -we did it! Now we It was a good night for Terry Ingold, he flew around the course, took the class win at a 46.4 mile per hour average. learn that Anderson in # 1476 and us are neck-and-neck on time, and we wait for him to finish. Sure enough, here he comes, and on corrected time, Anderson takes the win over us by under a minute ... talk about close! We congratulate each other and I am happy as hell with a second place fin-ish out of 45 trucks entered. The Tacoma ran like a bada** all race: no issues, no flats and zero body dam-age." Congrats, Ryan. Glad to have a front row seat and enjoy all the action. I turned on my desk fan, threw some dirt at it, and ... You Are There! Thanks for the wild ride. Craig Reynolds got to the check-ers in 3:18:06 at 45.4 mph, to win third place n class in truck #1456; in a very competitive field. Reynolds entered this race as the defending first place finisher from last year. "We had the speed again this year, but not the luck", Reynolds said. After starting eighth on the first lap,# 1456 was sec-ond to Pit C (first on time), but came in with a broken rear brake caliper. The brake was fixed and a tire Beneath the racy fiberglass and plastic of every winning offroad race vehicle lie two things: A race guts and a Fuel Safe racing cell. · We've got your fuel cell. ~ Supply your own guts. Page 26 www.fuelsafe.com 800-433-6524 250 SE Timber Ave.~ Redmond, OR 97756 October 2007 Josh Thompson had a fun race, he ran his two required laps and took the class win, he's seen here in flight. changed. The repairs took about 20 minutes. By the last lap (Lap 3) at Pit C, Reynolds was only down two min-utes to the eventual winner. A couple of miles later, Reynolds had caught up to Anderson, but hit a rock trying to pass and flatted a tire. After a quick tire change, Reynolds was able to hold on to third place, allowing a podium finish. Frank Vernola cranked up the gas in truck# 1470 to win Fast Lap honors on Lap 3 at mph, in 00:57:53; and also to win fourth place in class in 8:26:34 at43.6 mph. "Firstlap, #l470was run-ning great We passed a few trucks, but just about the halfway point -the mo-tor started to stumble; and then it died completely. About a half hour later ("*#@* !") I was able to figure out the problem -a unused plug on the engine wiring harness had fallen onto the header, melted, and shorted out the fuel injection. I pulled the wire off the header, the truck fired right up, and we hauled @** for the next two and a half laps. We set the fast lap for the class on our last lap, even though we were held up for half of that lap by a class 1 car's dust; we could get close, but couldn't get by. We finally got Continued next page It was a good night for Shawn Giordano, he took the 1400 class lead on the third lap, took class win and was only two minutes out of the overall. Robert Anderson beat out more than 40 class competitors to take a great win in Sportsman Truck, he's seen here just at touchdown. Dusty Times
A third place finish in Sportsman Truck for Craig Reynolds, he finished Neal Weaver was first off the podium in the Class 1400 contest, Frank Vernola had a long first lap, got all fixed up and finished a mere six minutes behind the class leader. he's seen here at speed driving into the sunset. fourth in the Sportsman Truck category, seen here airborne. around him, on the last tum before the finish. There was tons of dust out there - it was just hanging in spots. Looking at the lap times, we could have won it - if we didn't have that down time; but, that's racing - would'a, could' a, should' a. We did have a lot of fun out there, and maybe we'll have better luck at the next race. My co-driver for the entire race was my cousin, Steve Brommer." CLASS 1700/ 3700: QeepSpeed series): Three laps. Twenty-nine entries, 28 starters, 23 fin-ishers, five DNFs, one DNS. Another class with many entries, the JeepSpeed class series - Jeepers! And another clooose race, with lots of back -N-forth action. Through all the dust and dirt, Ray Griffith drove fast and steady laps in Jeep #1714 to win first place in Class 1700, in 3:26: 17 at 43.6 mph. Griffith blasted past the competition on Lap 1 at mph, to win the Fast Lap award in 1:06: 12. Eric Helgeson won second place in Jeep #1706, crossing the finish line in 3:31:24 at 42.6 mph. Third place in Page 28 class was won by Jason La Fortune in Fast Lap honors on Lap 1 at mph, in for Joe Patelli in truck #802. Patelli just CLASS 11: Jeep# 1795. La Fortune completed the 1:07:32. Nicole Beal won second place had to complete the course within the Two laps.Two entries, one starter, one required three laps in 3:43:13 at 40.3 in Class 3700 in Jeep #3746, at 33.4 maximum race time limit, and did so finisher, one DNS. Travis McKee was the mph. Mike Barnett won first place in mph in 4:29:45. in 4:45:01 for the first place win; at31.6 sole starter and finisher in class in car the 3700 JeepSpeed class, in Jeep CLASS 8: mph. Patelli cracked the pony whip in #1133, for the first place in 4:42:56 at 21.2 #3701; completing the course in Three laps. One entry, one starter, #802 to also win the Fast Lap honors mph. #1133 also won the Fast Lap award 3:50:03 at 39.1 mph. #3701 also won one finisher. ltwas a solo race and win on Lap 3 at mph, in 1 :07:36. on Lap 2 at mph, in 2:08:33. ~ !"""' _____ .,..,.... _________ ==---------, Joe Jeffrey made it look easy, he romped in for the Class 1600 win with 20 minutes in hand when the checkers flew. October 2007 Corey Schafer gave it his all but he had to settle for the silver medal in Class 1, a few minutes behind the class leader. e,mm ___ as -... Ill Dusty Times
OFF RaAD 11Ac1RS Min THI CNAU.1NG1 DF PIKING TO PARIS 1enn1dy/Stapl1s Finish !rd overall In 7,900 Ille Dn/Dff•Road Epic BY LANE EVANS " You can't tell who's passing who here in eastern China, but it looks like the venerable '59 has the outside move on this formidable one_ horsepower Chinese entry. The Kennedy/Staples '59 Cabriolet overcame this challenge and moved into the top 10 overall. The original "great race" took place in 1907, when five hearty adventurers took up the challenge, rallying from Peking to Paris -12,642km. Amaz-ingly, four of the five starters made it the distance. To com-memorate its 100th Anniver-sary, the Promoter Endurance Rally Association of East Hendred, England, put to-gether this 35 day encore billed "Driving the Impossible." Never hesitant about getting behind the wheel for anything, it was veteran off road racer Jon Kennedy with Garrick Staples who answered the call. Jon has been around and win-ning off road races since its in-ception. Garrick entered off road racing in the 1970s as a car owner and sponsor, focus-ing heavily on the Mickey Th-ompson stadium series. Jon continues to race the "1000s", interspersing these classics with another classic -La Carrera Panamericana -the leg-endary Mexican Road Race. In 2006, Jon won the Original Panamericana class overall in his retro 1954 Lincoln Capri. After 10 months of planning and building, Kennedy and Staples brought a 1959 1500cc VW Cabriolet to the starting line next to the Great Wall of China in Peking. Time and point concessions were awarded to the crews at the finish of each stage. Teams that achieved preset goals by reaching check-points and completing time tri-als within the required times al-lowed the entries to move up the leader board. Even missing a "check-in" time - a clerical er-ror, could cost an entry the race ... which may ultimately have been the burden the Kennedy/Staples entry chased more than 6000 miles. After four stages through eastern China, the off roaders found themselves in their ele-ment. For the next seven stages Dusty Times they charged through pave-ment-less Inner Mongolia, where they battled pushrod problems yet still edged their way through the 134-car field for a top five run in the Clas-sic Class and in the overall standings. The leaders throughout the race were the Classic Class hotshoes. The oldest entries in the race were a pair of 1907 Itala 40s ... the newest entry was a 1969 James Bond Aston Martin DB6 ... power, sex appeal, style ... this team had a lot of fans. The race proceeded through the Gobi Desert, Outer Mongolia and he Steppes of Asia. Oil and fuel pressure problems continued to plague the '59 Cab through the next 22 Russian stages from Siberia to Moscow. An oversized gas tank and numerous holes drilled for fuel filters, water-separators and back-ups for ev-erything weakened the front bulkhead. The road quality -the worst you've ever seen, eroded the bulkhead to the ·breaking point. Rest days al-lowed for bandaids. A small fender-bender involving a .vin-tage La Salle and a Bentley did nothing to improve interna-tional relations or the road worthiness of the '59. In Stages 8 through 17, they continued to battle a 1966 Mercedes 200 Saloon dressed as a taxi and 1961 Jag MK II for Classic Class and Overall su-premacy. Rumors continued that the "Mere" owners had al-most 200-grand in prepping their entry. Day 18 and the halfway point found Kennedy and Staples just four minutes back for the Overall lead which they maintained through Stage 23 into Moscow. Day 24 was the longer stage - 7 30km from Moscow to St. Petersburg. Pot-holes remained the biggest threat. At this point, the '59 settled into a groove, finishing strong and challenging into the Eastern Block -Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and into Poland. Day 25 found 6000 miles of rubbing elbows had not done anything for teammate rela-tions either. Plus, Garrick's health became a concern as to whether the team could con-tinue. Still they trooped on through Poland toward Ger-The Overall and Classic Class win went to the German team of Hans Peter Lindner and Famk Wiest. This 1966 Mercedes 200 sold for about $6,000 new. Rumor was that they had just short of $200,000 in the Nfintail" when they took the green flag. October 2007 Mongolia, hell, this looks like heading out of El Crucero toward the road crossing, engine woes were a paramount concern out here. many and the final days into France and the finish at Place Vendome in Paris. Into Germany the '59 passed the '61 Jag, which took an un-planned off road excursion, planting our "heros" second overall. This would not last, however, and the Kennedy/ Staples Cab settled for third in class and third overall at the finish. The 35 day adventure came to a close on June 30th, with the Hans Peter Lindner/Frank West '66 Mercedes taking the win. Richard Worts and Nicola Shackelton's '61 Jag earning second and the venerable off roaders -Jon Kennedy and Garrick Staples, grabbing sec-ond overall in time and third overall. Next on Promoter Endur-ance Rally Association's calen-dar is London to Sydney, slated for 2008. To· find out more about this rally and future events, log on to pekingparis.com .. 'IJl!lt#. Feeling their Wheaties out of Moscow, it was lock-to-lock into Estonia as the overall win was still with our grasp. Page 29
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~ ORW· TECATE GRAN-PRIX 1■aa Wins Dve,all BY BYRLE MOORE PHOTOS: FOTOBNA-MEX Frank Thing and Tony Cortes were the big winners in the Class 1 contest, they had over 40 minutes on their competition at the flag. The Garcia/Robles/Garcia trio had a wonderful race, they took the Class 1600 win and they were the overall winners as well. same thing in the afternoon/early evening. Starting and finishing times were computed, adjusted, and combined. Then like most races we attend throughout the year the fastest person from there to there was declared the winner. The 2007 version had much of the same course design and modi-fication, which is mostly laid out by Mother Nature, from one year to the next. A lot of the same rocks, ruts, silt, ups and downs, just moved around a little by wa-ter and wind. The manmade jump is still there, an always-popular viewing place, staked out by fans in the early evening on Friday. This writer and crew didn't get to the race until just about an hour before the start and we would like to thank those persons, who let us get up close and personal, near the jumps and landings. The second or third time I went to the Jacume, where CODE now conducts their version of the ORW Grand Prix, I felt some-thing in the area that was almost spiritual and I can attest to the fact that not even the roar of en-gines and the dust on or near the track can blunt those feelings. The 2007 episode of what was shared with the Fudster a few years ago measured up to all ex-pectations of writer, driver, teams and fans alike. And away we go. Frank Thing and Tony Cortes The Salgado/Becerra/Corvera quartet flew to a first place finish in the Class 10 contest, seen here flyin' high. drove the 58 numbered truck, to the Clase One, gold finish. Their combined times of the morning and afternoon runs came out to a 2:46:59 and earned them the gold. Again combined times. All classes were required to run three laps in the morning and do the A great first place in Class 8 went to Juan Carlos Lopez, he's seen here in flight with it all hangin' out. Thank you. The rest of Class 1 came out as follows. Armando and Allen Bravo used up almost two hours in completing their afternoon portion but took the silver, with a combined 3:30:02. Brian Coneen and friends and Zachary and Tim McCreary were DNF'd, but Coneen, who went further, was awarded the bronze. In Class 10 the team made up of Sergio Salgado, Carlos Becerra and Richard Corvera ran a 1:27:38 in the late morning, were able to remember where every-thing was some six hours later and backed that run up with a very quick 1:23: 17 and were at the top of the podium, trophy in hand, later in the evening. Kyle Conlon was in with a very quick, 1: 18:40 on his first heat, but was slowed, for some reason, later in the day, and brought back a 1:31:36 but didn't finish the re-quired six laps and was awarded the second spot in class. Javier Robles broke something before or during the second heat or maybe just had to go home and do the chores. Anyway, he was awarded the bronze. The Class 12 ranks seem to be growing with each ensuing race. This time we had an even half dozen starters and four of them finished both heats for times. Leading things off were the Barragan family made up of Luis Senior, and Junior, and Hector, who went 1:25:41 in the morn-ing came back with a 1 :33:39 in the p.m. for a total of 2:59:20 and Performance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from I I I I I I I I I I I I Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding & Water Tanks ~ulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks Quality Products & Friendly Service RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-0759 • www.ronco-plastics.com 15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX us to Receive a Free Catalog VISA ~-------------------------------------------------------~ Page 32 October 2007 Dusty Times
Quintero with a 3:01: 17 and their speed averaged out to 42. 70. Things were tight at the top of the 7 class. The other two finishers were not that far out of it. Dirrkop (?) Shannon and Poppert (?) Shannon, were only four min-utes out, with their adjusted, combined, two heat time of 3:05: 16 and Isidro Ochoa and Daniel Uriarte were the last of the six lap required seven field with their time of 3:38:26, Chris Taylor and Jeff Zinn were the big winners in the Class 7 battle, they're seen here with it all up in the air. Miguel Rosales and Edmundo Fernandez were the Class 5-1600 winners, they're seen here with all the power on. Three other teams managed to finish five laps, they were Rene Cuevas and Ignacio Pereda and the team of Gelacio Beltran and Ricardo Nolasco and the last to go five laps was the team of Isaac Serecero and Richard Thorp. Class leader Jason McNeil only managed three in the morning and then broke something d ur-garnered the gold. Javier Robles, Jr. completed five laps and took the silver with a corrected time of 2:20:52, and Scot Zimmerman completed five, but took 2:34:34 to do it and was awarded the bronze. Guillermo Quintero could only finish four out of six, Matt Kupiec finished only two morning laps and Pete Morquecho only finished one lap during his morning heat. And that was Class 12. Five starters in Class Ocho and two of the five, completed the re-quired three in the morning and another three in the afternoon. Winning contender was Juan Carlos Lopez in his 800 num-bered Ford with a 2:52:20. Just six minutes and change back, was the team of Chris Wilson, Glen Straigtiff and Mary Westwood, their six lap time was 2:58:33. Noah Ostanik and Doug Stewart and Beny Canela, Denis Milner and Mary Canela, got through five laps, but Elias Canchola and Xavier Reyes broke something be-fore Lap 2 in the morning and only finished one lap. There were no Class 5 entries in this race??? Class 16, however, had 25 starters and all but eight of those came all the way through to both morning and afternoon check-ered flags completing the re-quired six. There were only 63 seconds separating the gold from the bronze at the podium after all the adjusted timing in class. Hec-tor Garcia, Jose Carlos Robles and Alessa Paola Garcia managed to hold off The Navarrete Boys, Leo and Alex, and Joe Laff and Ryan McCrory to take the win with a 2:42:58, for the Navarretes it was a 2:43:09 and the third place finishing time was a 2:43:24. Taking into consider-ation that Garcia and the Navarretes had a six minute lead difference, in starting times in the a.m., you can get a feel for just how close it was at the afternoon checkered flag. Sixty-three sec-onds close. Meanwhile there was a little over 20 minutes separat-ing the other 14 finishers. Listed times Are by driver of record only: Cisco Bio 2:50:24, Alejandro Navarrete 2:50:45, Victor Lugo 2:51: 14, Carlos Montalban 2:51 :54, Ariel Avalos 2:53:37, Julian Machado 2:54 flat, Martin Gonzalez 2:54: 15, Luis Martinez 2:56:29, Matt Sherard 3:01:56, Roman Pereyra 3:03:05, Gustavo Rodriguez 3:06:04, Julian Sanchotena 3: 13:28, and Chris Cortez 3:25:10. Seriously some-one should start writing Mexican Book on this clase. A lot of money to be won and/ or lost??? THE 36% FACTOR: Class 7 had one of its largest turnouts at Dusty Times Jacume. Thirteen starters and al-most 36% finished all six laps. Chris Taylor and Jeff Zinn led the way after the two heats with their corrected time of 2:57:58 and an average speed of 43.49 was posted. Just a little less than two• minutes back was the team of Alex Almaraz and Somon Perez with a 2:59: 10 and an average speed of 43.20. Then it was Jose A. Gonzalez and Jonathan Continued next page A Want to have your lthillO blaze past everyone on the trail? Then set it, up witc, F'ab'tech's ne-;: Long Travel system. That• s right, Fabtech t&kes their race fabrication skills and dell;v-ers a hard hitting ATV Long Travel syste.m with the legend.Ary q,uali'ty you woulli expect. Front and rear chromoly tubular contr-oJ. arms with uniballs and heims controlled by Dirt Logic 2.0 Coilover race shocks ,-dll make your Rhino run like never before. the tech 011 the web---vmr:,i'abtechrhino.com l;i" 01 !"unctional wheel travel 1.25 OD 4130 Chromoly ControL arms 4,340 Heat treat axle shait~ :::irt Logic 2.0 Resi Race Coilovers Increased track r1idth ,~nci \{heelbase !'or e;reater stabil.i.~J October 2007 Page 33
Heriberto Chavez and Luivan Voelker Jr. had a good race, they took the Safari Class win, seen here in flight. Armando and Allen Bravo raced as hard as they could but they had Kyle Conlan gave it everything he had but he was only able to grab ing the fifth, so he was credited with four laps and ninth place. Points are points. Class 5-1600 fielded eight starters and when the dust settled, five of them had com-pleted the six laps in the two heats. In this session Miguel Rosales and Edmundo Fernandez were quickest; barely. Their time of 3:08:01 be.at out Alberto Varela and Sahid Martinez whose 3:09:43 relegated them to the sec-ond spot on the winner's plat-form however, they were just six minutes ahead of third place fin-ishers Justin Lynder and Arturo Cervantes, in with a 3: 15:34. Fourth place finishers was a team of Robagos, Roberto, Jose, and I presume Roberto Jr. finished with a 3:32:43. In fifth place were Alonso Angulo and Federico Montes with their time of 3:45:13. Class 9 had it's own fairly large to settle for a second place finish in Class 1. a second place finish in Class 10, seen here with the power on. 1 Corey Torres and Rich McCarty teamed up to take the Class 9 win, seen here saving some tire wear on their way to the flag. outing. Ten starters, but only two of those finished all six laps. Correy Torres and Rich McCarthy hit the black and white almost 30 minutes (well, 29 min-utes and 50 seconds) ahead of Ulisses and David Morquecho, the only other six lappers in with their 3:28:29. Daniel Reyes, Julian Rivera made it through five laps and were awarded the bronze. Two four lap finishers A nice win in Class 7S went to the Street boys, they're seen here flyin' their truck towards that of' checkered flag. and four three lap finishers and one last team who were only able to get past two laps in the morn-ing. And now Class 7S who started nine of which only one saw both The Mexia/Flores combo really works, they were able fo take the gold medal in the Class 11 contest, seen here at speed. The Perez/Voelker/ Gamboa trio took the Class 14 win, they are seen here hustling towards that sometimes elusive checkered flag. morning and afternoon check-ered flags and that was the Dan Street Junior and Senior 722 truck, in with a 3:22:09 and a 38 mile per hour, average speed. Sil-ver was awarded to Pete Mercado Ill and Pedro Mercado who man-aged five laps, two in the after-noon and Alberto Iriarte and Rosio Bernal who got three in the p.m., but could only finish two in the morning. Back to the pits for lunch and repairs? The Elias Hanna and the Eduardo Rodriguez teams only managed four laps. Andrew Becerra went three laps in the morning, appar-ently broke something or went home early, but Alfonso Bernar-dino only managed two and one of the hard luck stories of the day belonged to Perry McNeil who had entered both the Class 7 and the Class 7S managed only one morning lap in the 7 truck and only one lap in the afternoon in The four Barragan 's pooled their talents and they took a very nice Really flying high, it was a second place Class 8 finish for the Wilson/ Leo and Alex Navarrete were the second place finishers in the Class win in the Class 12 battle, seen here in flight. Straigtiff/Westwood trio, seen here in their flyin' Ford. 1600 battle, they're seen here headin' for the flag. Shy a bit of fiberglass, the Almaraz/Perez group carried on to take a Flying high in his flamed Baja Bug, Alberto Varela was the second They were looking for a win but the Morquecho clan had to settle decent second place in the Class 7 conflict. place finisher in the Class 5-1600 class. for a silver medal in the Class 9 contest. Page 34 October 2007 Dusty Times
I The Mercado/ Celiceo trio ran fairly well, they scored a second place The Rodriguez/GragedaNargas trio fought hard and ended up in the The Rodriguez boys had a decent race, they took the silver medal in the Class 14 contest, seen here at speed. finish in Class 7S, seen here ready for touchdown. second place spot in Class 11 when the checkers flew. Carlos De Los Palos and crew drove their Class 15 Bug to a second Flyin' high, with all suspension hanging out, Manuel Robles flew his Seen here in level flight, the Delgado boys drove their car to a place finish, they're seen here hustling towards the checkers. good looking truck to a second place finish in Class 18. second place finish in the ever popular Safari Class. the 7S ride. Probably saving the ers, headed the 14 Clase. They Hector and Hector Obeth were Class 18 win. Manuel Robles and Hugo Agundes, managed five laps good stuff for Cabo??? were Hector Perez and Luivan non-starters. Ramiro Vasquez did their six in and were awarded third place. Class 11 wasn't fairing much Voelker; they had a co-driver/ And now Class 15, where none 3:33:39 for second and Elias David Sanchez, J. Antonio Marin better. Ten starters and only one rider in the person of Diego of the seven starters completed Canchola Jr. managed only five and Omar Chavez could make it of them had a six lap finishing Gamboa and drove a three hour the required six laps. Errol Villa laps and was awarded third place. through one lap. time. That finisher was the team and 35 second run for the gold. went five with a time of 3: 13:45 Two others went five laps and From the reporting here it can of Miguel Mexia and Mario Flores The Rodriguezes, Arturo and for first place Carlos de Los Palos they were the teams of Gabriel well be assumed that this was a in with a time of 3:40:04. Second Arturo L. went 3:03:29 for silver and friends went five in a time of Lara and Alfredo Saldana. Jesus tough race. Tough on equipment place was awarded to Luis A. and the Quintero's team made 3:24:54 for second and Elias Miranda and Fernando Duron and teams alike. There is always Rodriguez who managed five laps up of Jose, Carolina and Julio Canchola Jr. made it four laps each managed only two laps and next year or the next race at the and the third spot was awarded went 3:04:57 for the bronze. and was awarded the third spot. Ramon Guerrero was a non-end of September. Meanwhile all to another five lap finisher, Juan Adolfo Garcia and Mike Aguilar Pete Williams, Daniel Licon and starter. the persons from the CODE Zamarripa. There was only one took the fourth spot with a Emilio Salcido all managed four The Safari Clase was the final ranks want to send out their four lapper and that was Sergio 3:04:57 and were also the only laps, or in Salcido's case, three. reported class and Heriberto heartfelt condolences to those off Gutierrez. Another driver not other six lap finishers in class. The team of Juan Avila and Chavez and Luivan Voelker Jr. road people who have lost more showing up for the afternoon fes-Three other teams managed four Arnulfo Pena were non-starters. took the win with their very nice than just a race. Our thoughts are tivitieswasGustavoMesa,heonly lapsandtheywerelvanPacheco Jorge Rivas and Gilberto time of 3:15:51. Josue and with all those families and managed the three morning laps. and Pietro Brassea (of Class 5 Arreola finished the required six, Manuel Delgado went 3:43:51 for friends. Roberto Escobedo and Alex Rivas note), Jose Martinez and Fran-with a time of 3:15:14 to take the second, and Javier Silva and "Via Con Dios!" <@> only made two lap runs, and cisco Reynoso, Efrain, Fernando Omar Bravo finished only a single and Jorge Vargas completed two lap in the a.m. Who said 44%??? laps in the morning and two in Perennial winners, aka: finish-the afternoon. The Pimentels, The Villa/DippNalenzuela group raced hard and it paid off, they took the honors in the Class 15 fracas, seen here at speed. It was a Class 18 win for the Ford pickup of the Rivas/Arreola/ Garcia trio, they're seen here in full flight. Dusty Times October 2007 RACE READY PRODUCTS 103 PRESS LANE SUITE 4 CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 (619) 691-9171 (866) 891-9171 TOLL FREE (619) 691-0803 FAX Page 35
--l.l\.J2C:: 28TH ADAC RALLYE DEUTSCHLAND se11astlen ---..-=rll/Clt·----n Win -In Germany BY MARTIN HOLMES Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena drove their Citroen C4 to the overall win in Germany, seen here negotiating a hairpin. Frenchman Sebastien Loeb won the Rallye Deutschland for a record sixth time in a row, beating Finnish driver Tommi Makinen's five succes-sive wins on his home event, and personally defied a plague of engine troubles which has begun to affect the Citroen teams. Citroen had hoped to dominate this event in the same way that their rivals had done in Finland, but engine failure for Sordo, the second in as many events, ended their hopes. The French company's ploy of aiding drivers in their associated OMV Kronos team, to block the points for BP-Ford, however, worked well on account of the efforts of their former driver Francois Duval, who drove an old Xsara on this occasion for the semi-official team into second place ahead of both the BP-Fords, but his ultimate second place was largely thanks to the help of an unexpected supporter, a cow that caused Gronholm delay. This was the tenth round of the 2007 World Rally Cham-pionship, the first of four as-phalt events to be held be-tween now and the end of the season, attracting a record number of 102 starters, more than any other World Rally so far this year and far more than the event has received in the five times it has been held at World level. The Headquar-ters stayed in Trier, but the permanent Service Park moved back from Bostalsee to the outskirts of the town. New this year was a Remote Service Park 83km away at Konken, visited twice on the Saturday. There was greater emphasis on the Vineyard stages (eight in all, visited on two days), and fewer of the Saarland-type public road stages, gone was the Superspecial run on the roads around the outskirts of St. Wendel. Instead there was Page 36 a spectacular Superspecial in the centre of Trier, around the Porta Nigra. This was run in the middle of the Sunday leg called "Circus Maximus Trier", a Superspecial that was developed from the circuit stage held in previous years at St. Wendel, Four cars raced round the 1.5km course at the time, starting at around 15 second intervals. Unfortu-nately the stage was at the cen-tre of a domestic argument within Germany when an offer to televise the action was found to be unacceptable to the organisers because of the disruption it would cause. All the other stages are the same in whole or in part as in previous years. The event was again very popular with fans, being within remarkably easy reach of many different Euro-pean countries. There were again essentially three differ-ent types of special stage. The Vineyard stages, artificial roads built in and around the vineyards planted in the hill-sides beside the Mosel River. The roads in the Military grounds further east, which feature surfaces which can be treacherously dirty, with large very immovable concrete stones beside the roads. Fi-nally the Saarland-type, closed public road stages, where there can be very tricky changes of surfaces in poor weather, especially in wooded regions. There was a long debate be-fore the rally because the eyent doubled as a qualifying round of the national German championship, which brought with it the right of drivers of GT cars to enter -which was against the rules of the world championship. Entries for two Porsche GT3s were accepted, but the FIA decided these cars would run instead in a sepa-rate national status category event behind the other driv-ers, though following the same route. Finally, it was an-nounced that the drivers had decided not to compete under these circumstances. One thing that was ex-pected to remain unchanged was the weather. Traditionally at this time of the year rain-storms can be frequent, sud-den and heavy! Successful meteo work by the teams has usually been one of the most essential ingredients for suc-cess. Former co-driver Phil Short was given meteo respon-sibility for the Ford team, and explained that rallying and Formula 1 were different chal-lenges. "In Formula 1 (for the European Grand Prix) the teams predicted within a couple of minutes when rain would fall at Nurburgring. That is never possible in ral-lying. Firstly we need to know what will happen over a vast area of countryside, in Fl they need to concentrate on a very contained area. In rallying, decisions have to be made about what the weather condi-tions will be hours later. On the final day of this event, up to six hours later." Corsica is traditionally another rally where weather conditions change suddenly. Short "On this event, the changes if any-thing are even more violent and sudden than they are in Corsica." In Finland Marcus Gronholm had been the focal point of attention, this time it was going to be Sebastien Loeb. Citroen Xsara WRCars have won this event for the past six times. Once (when the event was an FIA Candidate Rally, in 2001) in the hands of Philippe Bugalski, then five times with Loeb. No other driver has ever won the same full World Championship Rally five times running. Once again Ford came in huge num-bers, a total of 11 Focuses again on the entry list, al-October 2007 Martin Prokop and Jan Tomanek took the big win in the JRC category, they're seen here in their Citroen C2 nicely airborne. though eventually only ten started after Gareth Jones withdrew following his acci-dent in Finland. Ford used to like Rallye Deutschland. On the 1994 event (then a top co-efficient round of the Euro-pean championship), Escort RS Cosworths took the top six places, but it has been ten years since they last won here. There was, however, more to this event than simply who would win, the results would have serious implications for the championship. Deutschland was going to be a major pointer. Unless Cit-roen dominated the event, like Ford dominated the Neste Oil Rally in Finland, they could wave goodbye to any realistic chance that either they or their driver Sebastien Loeb had to be world champions this year. Ford started 40 points ahead of Citroen, Gronholm 13 in front of Loeb. There were two OMV Kronos entries again, neither looking anything like had been seen before! The car of Manfred Stohl was highly decorated in "every color of the rainbow" design, the work of three children who won prizes in the OMV 'Move and Help' children's educational programme. The winning slo-gan was "Manni (Manfred) Move faster, Ilka Help him". The winning German girl sug-gested her rivals were also good and asked that the car should display the work of all top three competitors. The second car was for Francois Duval, on his return to Cit-roen after his winning drive in Australia at the end of 2005. This car was in traditional OMV colours but also with the yellow of the Belgian fed-eration. Interesting to note that three national federations were supporting competitors on this event. Yoann Bonato, as in Finland, was supported by the FFSA (the French Fed-eration) under a young driver scheme, and there was also a team of Dutch Mitsubishi Group N cars as well. The Sol-berg brothers came with curi-osity. Petter wondered whether this first asphalt event for the 2007 "Type 12B" version Subaru Impreza WRC would bring any joy, while the Stobart team driver Henning was celebrating his 50th World Championship Rally start. The Munchi's team did not compete here. On the same weekend, Federico Villagra competed in his native Argen-tina on the Vuelta de la Manzana. This is a traditional event run at General Roca, in the centre of the nation's apple growing industry, and all the promotion of the event, including the winners' gar-lands, involves apples! On a technical level, the world championship rules required cars to use the same engines, but not also the same chassis, as they had used in Finland, assuming they finished that event. Ford brought the same cars and engines, Subaru had the same engine but different chassis for Chris Atkinson, Citroen did the same for Loeb. Finnish non-finishers such as Dani Sordo, Petter Solberg and Manfred Stohl all had dif-ferent components, in Stohl's case an original Xsara WRC that had not been used on ral-lies since 202. Both Petter Sol-berg and his non-champion-ship teammate Xavier Pons had brand new cars for this rally. After missing Neste Oil Rally Finland, the Suzuki JRC team cars of Per-Gunnar Andersson and Urmo Aava should have been back again, but championship leader Andersson was unable to start after a road driving licence problem in his native Sweden. After recent appearances in a Mitsubishi WRC, Aava was back again in the world of front-wheel drive, normal aspi-ration. "Everything about Su-per 1600 is back to front com-pared with World Rally Car driving", Urmo said. "With the WRC all you think about is accelerating away from cor-ners. With the S 1600, every step of the way needs your complete attention. " Andersson's misfortunes were certainly a heaven-sent bless-ing for teammate Aava. With Andersson just four points ahead of Aava in the champi-onship, and nine in front of Patrik Sandell, his trouble with the police authorities in Sweden could well have very serious consequences in his career, which had already taken a backwards step follow-ing the servicing row last year in Turkey. Bonato had a sec-ond drive in the PH Sport-en-tered Citroen C2 R2. As dis-covered in Finland, the M-Sport Fiesta S 1600 world championship programme had come to a halt. Whereas Alex Bettega drove the TRT team entry in Finland in a Suzuki Ignis S 1600, in Germany the Dusty Times II
/I Second overali in Gennany was the Citroen Xsara of Francois Duval and Patrick Pivato, seen here before an admiring crowd. Second in the JRC Classification was the Citroen C2 of Conrad Rautenbach and David Senior seen here swinging the rear end har.d left. entry was taken up by Luca Griotti in a Renault Clio S 1600, the team's third rally in a different type of car! As the "PG Andersson" situation deteriorated over the preced-ing weekend, the British Su-zuki driver James Wozencroft was told to make his way to Germany on standby, just in case ... On Monday the drive was confirmed, by Thursday early morning he was at the wheel of the Swift number 45 on his way to drive the Shake-down test, "My previous S 1600 experience was with the Ignis, and I haven't yet got the measure of the ·swift. Cer-tainly the rear suspension works much better than on the old lgnis." Tyres dominated pre-~vent talk, focused on the fact that the teams found un-acceptable the planned six hour period on the final day between tyre selection point and the final stage. An extra tyre changing service point was added, but without chang-ing the total number of tyres which could be used during the event. This was a night-mare. BF Goodrich's tyre chief Matthieu Bonardel explained, "This wasn't the complete an-swer. I quite expect that driv-ers will be forced to tackle the final few stages on tyres which are quite unsuitable for the conditions ... " Shakedown, a 5.2km sec-tion at a new location, which was largely under trees and with a lot of mud from recent rains, brought a surprise. The Citroens were immediately, bang, on the pace. Sebastien Loeb was quickest in the C4 but second was the old Xsara of Francois Duval, ahead of Dani Sordo's C4, Petter Sol-berg (Subaru) and then Man-fred Stohl's Xsara. Seeing the old Xsaras now competitive with the new C4 was a surprise for all, and one wondered if this was such welcome news for Citroen sport after their long development programme for the C4. It looked like championship priorities now were now really important. The more Citroens that could block the points scoring op-portunities for Ford, the bet-ter, and if this meant tuning the Xsaras to go faster, so be it. With the latest weather forecasts predicting that the rains would hold off for the rest of the rally, maybe this situation would change. Ford whose drivers were sixth and seventh fastest, also hoped so. Leg 1 6 Stages, asphalt, 128.6kms Right from the flag the Citroens made their attack, Sebastien Loeb ahead o f Francois Duval and Dani Sordo. Loeb made fastest time on the first two stages but then dropped time on Stage 3 when his handbrake stuck on. Duval was remarkable, not only as he was driving an old active suspension Xsara, but also he was running 17th car on the road. The roads were surprisingly clear of gravel thrown up by previous run-ners, but on Stage 3 the con-ditions were much worse for him, and it was here that he scored the fastest time. Marcus Gronholm made a poor start, completely lacking confidence on the firs.t stage, but on Stage 2 he jumped from seventh to HONDA Power .. Equipment UCER & SPECTATOR DISCOUNTS • GENERATORS • Tlu..ERS • OUTBOARD ENGINES • LAWNMOWERS • WATERPUMPS Calilornia's ·Largest Source lor Honda Power Equipment Parts 8 Inventory IF WE /JON T NIIYE IT: NO ONE /JOE9I Check Our Website: www.Kawaguchihonda.com·" Kawaguchi Honda Corp. fourth, passing teammate Mikko Hirvonen who had stalled and Petter Solberg who was struggling o n tyres that were too soft, Chris Atkinson was off the road fo r some eight minutes, "I cut a junction, where a n arrow road joined a wider road, and spun off into a field. The car was undam-aged but got stuck o n a dip b efore we could regain the road." G oing well was To n i G ardemeister's Xsara in sev-enth place , Xavier Po ns' Subaru in eighth and J.a n Kopecky's Skod a in ninth. Out of contention at this point was Jari-Matti Latvala ("I was re-ally lacking confidence this morning"), Manfred Stohl ("there is hydraulic fluid leak-ing all over the driving area"), Henning Solberg ("we are just taking it easily, there is a lot to learn on this sort o f event"). In big trouble were .the Rams port Focuses. Andreas Mikkelsen broke a wheel which then broke a shock absorber and then the suspension, out for the day. His teammate Guy Wilks had the brake master cylinder fail · before the first stage, then 200 metres into the first stage the hydraulics generally failed. Dutch driver Erik Wevers re-tired when his Skoda Fabia failed on the first stage. The first loop had been dry, but always the threat of sudden rain hung in the air, and as cars arrived back in Trier for the midday service halt, there Continued next page 3532 East 3rd St. • Los Angeles, CA 90063 ~~~ (323) 264-3936, 264-5858 • FAX (323) 264-2136 Nothing's easier. For optimum performance and safety, we recommend you read the owner's manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment. Connection of a generator to house power requires a transfer device to avoid possible injury to power company personnel. Consult a qualified electrician. ©2007 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. Dusty Times October 2007 Page 37
Mikko Hirvonen and Jarmo Lehtinen finished third overall in their Jan Kopecky and Filip Schovanek had a good run in their Skoda Trying almost too hafd, Chris Atkinson and Stephane Prevot comer Ford Focus RS, they're seen here at speed. Fabia, they finished fifth overall in Germany, seen here at speed. sharply in their Subaru lmpreza, they were 15th overall. was quite a heavy shower. Af-the mornings stages had given spark plugs before Stage 2. fifth in the class. On Stage 9 Manfred Stohl ter the first three stages, Loeb them reason for hope but the Aigar Pars went off on the first Leg 2 stopped on the stage, out of was 5.8 seconds in front of news arrived, Sordo had stage for a couple of minutes. 8 Stages, asphalt, immediate radio or telephone Duval and after Stage 4 the stopped in Stage 5 with an-Aaron Burkart was hampered 164.86kms contact with the team, eventu-gap was down to 3.0 seconds, other engine failure. Almost by a broken electronic display Overnight shock was the ex-ally discovered t be due to en-after Stage 5 1.7 second. unnoticed in all this was the whichstoppedhimfromseeing clusionofreigningFIAJunior gine overheating troubles, While Gronholm was running news that Duval had pulled in which gear he was driving. World Champion Patrik while fellow Xsara driver two minutes ahead of Loeb, ahead of Loeb and ~as leading Going remarkably well was Sandell. The Stewards took Gardemeister fell back with Duval was exactly 30 minutes the rally by 1.3 seconds. Cit-Yoann Bonato in the C2-R2 in the action following reports hydraulic troubles. On Stage behind the Finn, a life time in roen-Citroen, Ford-Ford. The fifth place, despite brakes go-that Sandell's engine had 10 (the classic "Panzerplatte" the world of German August Xsara ahead of the C4. ing soft and the gearshift get-stopped on the start line of tank testing ground) Hirvonen Meteorology. Loeb selected a Latvala, meanwhile, was gain-ting stiff. The speed of Bonato Stage 3 and needed to be badly damaged the rear of his softer compound than Gron-ing speed but on Stage 6 he and Gilles Schammel was a rev-pushed away. Officials re-car when he hit a straw bale holm, a wrong decision as he broke a piece off a rear wheel. elation. Other C2-R2 drivers ported that they were ready, at a chicane and dropped a was later to admit, but with Pons lost time with hand included Raphael Auquier who according to'rules, to push the half-second behind Duval, for these tyres he still amazed bra_ke failure. Stohl had brake punctured on Stage 1 and had car themselves once the statu-whom the stages today were Gronholm with his speed. trouble. The one happy man to stop to change 'the wheel. tory 20 second period had less familiar. The Belgian was Norwegian champion Thomas was Duval, "We are leading Sean Gallagher fitted tyres elapsed, but that two people now a quarter minute behind Schie ended his day on Stage this rally because of our work which were too soft, "We reek-jumped the barriers without Gronholm, who had started 4 when his Focus had com-last year", he explained. "The oned it would be wet. It was delay, and that only three sec-the day lacking confidence in plete hydraulic failure as well. roads and the conditions were drizzling at the start of Stage onds were lost. It was not the car but who then went bet-Stage 5 brought disappoint-exactly the same as 12 months 3, but then it dried up." Imme-stated who were the people ter. Loeb was by now nearly a ment for Henning Solberg, ago. We took a lot of trouble diate retirements included (the crew assumed they were half minute in front. Petter who pulled the suspension off correcting our pacenotes and Stefano Benoni and Michal marshals) but the report stated Solberg was still unhappy. the car and was forced to stop today they worked perfectly!" Kosciuszko, both off the road, that they had jumped the bar-During Friday evening they for the rest of the day. At al-In JRC, Martin Prokop and in the Polish driver's case, riers, rushed to the stricken changed shock absorbers, then most the same place brother started off fastest in the cat-the impact was heavy enough car, pushed and then started they adjusted their steering Petter hit a rock and damaged egory, just as he had done in to crack the engine block. In it all within three seconds... rod lengths, but still the driver the steering and suspension, Finland, and by the end of the the afternoon punctures played Co-driver Emil Axelsson said reported he had no confidence losing time all the way to ser-first loop (three stages) he was their part. Beres, Burkart and he and Patrik were powerless in the car. Latvala had a poor vice, where he arrived in ninth over a half minute in the lead. Kalle Pinomaki all stopped on in all this, being strapped in-run through Panzerplatte with place. Then came news that Patrik Sandell had a troubled stages to change wheels. side their car. They knew tyres at the wrong pressures, nobody, least of all Citroen, start. The engine cut out for a Schammel punctured and con-nothing about who pushed due to having to swap tyres un-wanted to hear. Sordo was six few seconds on Stage 1, he lost tinued, losing two minutes. them but had assumed they expectedly just before the start minutes late arriving at the his brakes in Stage 2 and over-Biggest story was when Bonato had been officials. What was of the stage. Gardemeister was state of Stage 6 and it was an shot a junction on Stage 3. went off the road on Stage 5. strange was that the marshals delayed by hydraulic failure. anxious time while news of Urmo Aava overshot a very fast "We were flat out in fifth, allowed non-authorised people For a while this let Kopecky what had happened was turning and went off down the when I applied the brakes and to enter the control area and into fifth place in the Fabia. awaited. After the failure of wrong road, having to hand-nothing happened. Absolutely the crew was then excluded for The Dutch privateer Harry the cylinder block on Sordo's brake the car to regain the nothing, no warning. We went the unrequested and unwel-Kleinjan crashed his Fabia car in Finland, coupled with stage. James Wozencroft was straight off the road between come actions of third parties. WRC and blocked the route, Ford's 1-2 result, the champi-happy it was dry on the first two trees and missed both of Four cars were in the over-causing Stage 8 to be stopped onship hopes for the French loop, making it easier to learn them. We are lucky to be alive night Park Ferme waiting to for the cars, including all the manufacturer depended on the Swift. Jozef Beres drove the to tell the story." This cost him restart under Super Rally Group N cars behind him. The Citroen's domination here. first stage on three cylinders, a quarter minute and dropped rules. These were Sordo, central battleground now was The times at Shakedown, then cured when he changed the him from fifth to sixth, still a Henning Solberg, Mikkelsen for third place between· Hir-t:ransman Jack •aunt Iii • Secure mounting platform for racecar, pre-runner or chase vehicle • Self-latching quick-release system locks the jack to the chassis • Spring-loaded quick-release mount secures the jack handle • Flat base increases the jack's footprint and prevents the Jack from sinking in sand or sill Page 38 remarkable position. Citroen and Benoni. In the case of vo.nen and Duval. For a run of customer chief Jean-Francois Sordo's car the Citroen team four stages there was less than Lienere explained, "The roads performed the required cha-a second or so between them, on this rally are absolutely rade of pushing the car into and at least one of Citroen's suited to the specification of the restart control area and ploys looked like it might the C2!" Prokop was in a class then pushing it back into the work. So long as a registered of his own, again. By evening Pare Ferme, ready for the next driver, such as Duval in the he was over a minute in the morning. The car was not second OMV car, finished lead. Aava and Conrad touched, the crew explaining ahead of a BP-Ford car, some-Rautenbach in the top three of that the moment the warning thing useful could be salvaged JRC. Prokop had won every lights had come on during the in their championship quest, stage of the day. Struggling all stage, the engine was stopped but with Gronholm settling day was Raphael Auquier who and would not be touched un-into second place, it was still had steering trouble. The til it was back in the factory. a bad rally whatever the excite-Serbian driver Milos Toni Gardemeister's 47 year ment of the possible sixth-win Komljenovic lost seven min-old co-driver Jakke Honkanen achievement for Leob. The sec-utes when his efforts to change meanwhile looked around at ond loop of four stages a wheel on a stage went badly the scene and thanked people rounded off the day, but wrong. for taking his picture, explain-Khalid Al Qassimi did not get In the lead of the Group N ing that he had decided this further than the start of Stage was Jasper van den Heuvel, a was going to be his final event. 13, when the engine died. member of the Dutch Duval's moment of glory, in Eventually he reached the end Federation's team, and his the lead of a world champion-of the stage too late to carry teammate Hans Weijs was sec-ship rally, did not last long. on. During the afternoon, ond, in front of Raimund On Stage 7 he spun twice and· Sordo's car was unceremoni-Baumschlager who had been was in second place, 15.2 sec-ously removed from Pare delayed with a puncture. Inter-onds down on Loeb. On Stage Ferme, as there was no point loping into the 1600cc Group 8 he stalled at the stage start in continuing the SupeRally A class, among the Junior and that dropped him behind game. A team insider.said that Championship competitors, the two Fords down to fourth there was a very real possibil-were two German entered place. For a couple of stages ity that Sordo's Finland cylin-Opel Corsa S1600s, who over-Hirvonen got himself just der block failure had revisited night were lying third and ahead of teammate Gronholm. him here. The team were also October 2007 Dusty Times
Urmo Aava and Kuldar Sikk were the silver medal winners in JRC, they Jari-Matti Latvala and Miikka Anttlia finished eighth overall in their Henning Solberg and Cato Menkerud finished in 13"' place in Germany, they're seen here in their great looking Ford Focus RS. are seen here in their Suzuki Swift S1600 before an admiring crowd. Ford Focus, seen here saving as bit of tire wear. anxious to get hold of the en-stages of the day. Bonato felt reported he had stopped with gine from Stohl's car, to see the gearbox was failing and engine failure. Then near the whether there were problems had the unit changed at ser-end of Stage 16 fellow Subaru there as well, even though the vice. Beres had two more driver Atkinson, who had Xsara engine is not exactly the punctures. On the way to ser-pulled up from his eight same as the C4. The sooner vice after Stage 10, the C2-R2 minute problem on Stage 2 to they understood the problems of Schammel stopped on the ninth place overall, reported before New Zealand the better. road section out of fuel, while back he had missed a braking The good news for Citroen on the first stage of the after-point and impacted his Im-was that Loeb was still going noon Auquier in another C2-preza WRC into a wall, and was strong, as was Martin Prokop R2 went off the road. Prokop taken straight to Pare Ferme to in the C2 that was leading the was maintaining his lead of be classified as a finisher. JRC . . . Bad news came to just under a minute through Despite the fun of the Henning Solberg on Stage 13. the afternoon ahead of Aava, downtown stage (number 17) For the second day running he while Molder finally got ahead in Trier which seemed to have damaged the suspension and of Bonato into fifth place. been universally enjoyed, ex-had to retire again. During the Benoni got to the end of the cept for ha·ving a _chicane made afternoon it was apparent last stage but stopped on the out of concrete blocks. there was another good fight, way back to service because of Henning Solberg really wasn't this time between Kopecky a broken brake pipe but he was enjoying himself although he and Gardemeister for fifth able to restart (once again!) was in the Makes' points for place. Towards the end of the under SuperRally for the final Stobart. Guy Wilks had a lu-final (long) stage of the after-leg. In Group N, rid slide in the Superspecial at noon, Gardemeister had a Baumschlager got ahead of the same point where he had leaking shock absorber which Weijs into second place, just earlier witnessed a zero slowed him down. The faster Mitsubishis taking the top car spin. He had risen up to roads and sharper corners of eight places in the category. tenth place overall, quite an Sunday were expected to The British driver, Barry improvement from lying 100th favour the Xsara. As the cars Clark, was leading the Feista (and last) at the end of the arrived in service, there was a challenge entries. first stage, two days before. pungent aroma of burned rub-Leg 3 Gronholm had the right tyres, her from the wreckage of the 5 Stages, asphalt, 62.8lkms Gardemeister's co-driver tyres at the end of Stage 14, Restarters included both Honkanen was crossing off the with the cars of Wilson and Henning Solberg (for his sec-stages between him and retire-Latvala carrying destroyed ond time this event) and ment -at the final service only tyres. Khalid Al Qassimi. The fights two stages were left to go in In JRC Komljenovic were on straight away. On the his co-driving career. .. Two stopped in the first stage of first stage of the final day, · more stages for Citroen to try the day with a broken suspen-Duval pulled out 15 seconds to pull something out of the sion. The leader Prokop went from _H irvonen, who chose bag, and Duval did his bit. On very cautiously on the first tyres which were too soft for the penultimate 11 km stage of the day (failing to win the conditions, and in his chal-Dhrontal stage the Belgian a stage for the first time this lenge for second place Duval took 3.8 seconds off Gron-event) and then punctured was now only ten seconds be-holm, bringing the Finn's sec-near the finish of Stage 8 and hind Gronholm. And ond place lead down to 5.6 this let Aava retrieve some of Gardemeister had got back seconds, with the final 18km the deficit. By the midday ser-ahead of Kopecky. It wasn't vineyard stage Moselwein vice Prokop was well over a long before there was more ac-("wine from the Mosel re-minute ahead of Aava, who tion. Shortly into Stage 15 saw gion") still to go. Second place also was unfamiliar with the the end of Xavier Pons when he was under serious discussion. 20761 Plmmer Stree t , Chatsworth, CA 91311 As Above ,_,,,.-...-ec..-...,.-...-or~!Oillf.-......,NlorfDo,,,....,.llill,oli;I ~,-_,_...,.._,,~ Jean M. Calvin 20761 PlUl!lller Street, Chatsworth. CA 91)11 ~i-----~~ John B. Calvin Aa Above 20761 Pluu:mer sc·reet, Chatsworth, CA 91311 100...(0o---.•-~i.-..,.~o,,. .. _____ ,,,_..,__...........,___,,..,,. _______ _...,.,-.,,__.,,._r,1 _____ ,,.,..,..., • ....,..._..,..,. ----•1111,,.,.,.,,,,. __ ,_,,,_.,._.,.., _ _,__ ____ ________ ,,,, --;;:;;;::=1~~::: :::::::: :: :::: 12 T&&5'11Js(F«~a,-_.,,.,,.~__,1D-'•_....,......,fa.d,-.f TMpwrp,u.,__,.-~_,.o1,,_.....,,__ .. ~_.,.lorJtdlr'III__,...._,..,,._ OHMtlOIQia,,pdo..ring~12MaNht □-O-QIIII0°"""4,.._.,.,2Monl'.1~--~o/--------, PSFcm,J5zi.~200llf"-lo/J/,-"-OfJI) PS,oi1S»01.«JO.Nl1MIYACYNOT!Ce:S.ourp,Mqlpal,:y..,.._ _ _.. Dusty Times 4F-• Du.at y Ti me• I ~~Paill~Slalecl.., 1111 PS~Stl/~,-J~---1 __ __..,,,_~_,_.,._, M.-..cli,,..eo,,.,tyPad~AallldmiPS (2) F-l641( ....... pad....,._ _ __,.. -.---.p,oo1cqo,N,_,~...-J PIOd~o.-da'IWU..ln(:lldl'lgSIIN (l ThlowQtho.twll-c-.t.n ...... v..n,c-s-. -ONrl"IW ~ 0ullilleUSP919 October, 2007 7000 510~ 4901 690 655 810 829 79 ll4 32 109 =--(.2) :..-PS•F:=;::w.111.c-.trC.,...lllclullocl ~>--+--------+---1> _______ _ a--Ill =::.i;::;.':":.~.:=~ ~-1'6 137 73 46 • 1-FfM•-"-~(S.,,O,oll5d (T1,f1,,fJl-/4J , n I blllDII ...... /S-o/l!cM415e} ►, 6950 6-800 79 127 7029 6927 96.17 95.57 16~olS.-ol~ □PWoca----Edi t or 9/4/07 ._..,__ ........,,......__ .... ..,,.,. ______ ,..-.--...,,..,.w11o,.__,_,....~~°"' .... lormorwhooonill~--...-_,.,__,_.,.,...,..,._ID~-(.ncul,,g-•MCl.....,_,..,.,.lerdlorc,,,t -~cM,......,. PSF-J52i,~2006~1of .. October 2007 Gardemeister lost a half minute on Stage 18 when he finished the stage with the rear right wheel on the rim, and this gave Kopecky's fifth place a quarter minute buffer. Petter had been suffering a slipping clutch during the fi-nal morning and had this changed at the mid morning service, but at the cost of a ten second penalty that denied him one place in the final re-sults. The fight for second place was ultimately decided by - a cow! This animal had wandered on the stage. Gron-holm was warned there was a hazard, avoided the animal, but being distracted slid wide on the following corner. He arrived at the end of the stage, lost a minute, dropping back to fourth behind Duval and Hirvonen. Duval had done everything that Citroen could have hoped for, winning the last five stages and putting more pressure on Gronholm than the Finn could tolerate. And in an out-of-date car. It was a result of top professional standard. There was little action among the JRC drivers, the battle static for the top three placings unchanged since early afternoon on Friday. Sixteen cars restarted, and both Burkart and Pars punctured on the Superspecial. Prokop eased his pace, and in a run of four stages four different driv-e rs scored fastest times. Auquier had clutch failure in his C2 R2 and the car was de-livered to Pare Ferme so he would qualify as a finisher. As the championship moves south to New Zealand, where Ford's number one driver has al-ready won four times in the past, the chances of Citroen regaining the World Manufacturers' title are slim, even if the engine prob-lems do not persist, as are the hopes of Sebastien Loeb for a fourth time. 1AJc!.C 26th ADAC Rall ye Deutschland (D) Trier 17 /19. 08. 2007 IICR round 10, JRC round 5 WC points JPJ:. 1 11) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena F/MC 133DYbl18 (Fl 3h.27m.27 .Ss. 10 10 2 (6) Francois DUVAL/Patrick Pivato B/ F 100DZF78 ( F) 3h.27m. 47. Bs. 8 8 3 (4) Mikko -HIRVONEN/ Jarmo Lehtinen FIN E056TZR (GB) 3h. 28m.46.6s. 6 6 (3) EU07SSX (GB) Marcus GRONHOLM/Timo Rautiainen FIN 3h.29m.04.0s. 5 5 5 (15) Jan Kopecky/Filip Schovanel< CZ 11R0002 [CZ) 3h .30m.34.6s: 4 liR liD Citroen C4 WRC Citroen Xsara liRC rord Focus RS WRC Ford Focns RS IIRC Skoda Fabia liRC 6 {?) Petter SOLBERG/Philip Mills N/GB Subaru l!lpreza liRC JT56SRT (GB) 3h.30m.42.2s . 4 3 7 (14) Toni Gardemeister / Jakke Honkanen Citroen Xsara liRC 99DZF78 (F) 3h. 31.m.05.0s. 8 (9) Jari-Matti LATVALA/Miikka Anttila FIN 1 Ford Focus RS liRC EJ56FZB (GB) 3h.32m.56.8s. 3 9 (16) Matthew Wilson/Michael Orr GB Ford Focus RS 1IRC lES (GB) 3h.38m.31.1s. 10 (17) Guy liilks/Phil Pugh GB ford Focus RS liRC S568RHH (GB) 3h.47m.15.3s. 11 (35) Martin Prokop/Jan Tomanek CZ Citroen C2 S1600 JRC 2J3 8402 {CZ) 3h.52m.26.9s.+ -10 12 ·(32) urmo Aava/Kuldar Sikk EE Suzuki Swift S1600 JRC KIH354 (H) 3h.53m.16.4s. 8 13 (10) Henning SOLBERG/Cato Menkerud N Ford Focus RS ilRC EU55CNF {GB) 3h.54m.29.Ss. {4) 2 14 (33) Conrad Rautenbach/David Senior ZW/GB Citroen C2 Sl600 JRC 9147NE52 (E') 3h.54m.42.8s. 6 15 {8) Chris ATKINSON/Stephane Prevot AOS/B Subaru Impreza ilRC AT06SRT (GB) 3h.55m.50.4s. (4) 1 16 (21) Khalid Al Qassimi/Nicky Beech UAE/GB Ford focus RS liRC EU55CNV (GB) 3h. 56m. 07. ls. 18 (20) Xavier Pons/Xavier Amigo E Subaru lllpreza llRC KT07SRT (GB) 3h.56m. 50.3s. (5) 19 (66) Jasper van den Heuvel/Martine Kolman NL Mitsubishi Lancer Evo N 674-XP-RK (NL) 3h.56m.50.7s.• -20 (37) Aaron Burkart/Michael Kolbach D Citroen C2 S1600 JRC H-PR2206 (DJ. 3h.56m.51.0s. 5 24 {18) Andreas Mikkelsen/Ola Floene N Ford Focus RS &G53CCH (GB) 4h.Olm.06.ls. (5 ) 25 (34) Jozef Beres/Petr Stary SK/CZ KES067 (SK) 4h.Olm.16.5s. Renault Clio Sl600 4 IIRC JRC: 27 (36) Jaan Molder/Katrin Becker JRC 14R0001 (CZ) 4h.Olm.49.3s. EE/D Suzuki Swift S1600 3 30 (44) Yoann Bonato/Benjamin Boulloud r Citroen C2-R2 9145NE52 ( F) 4h. 05m. 32. Ss. 2 32 (42) Aigar Pars/Ken Jarveoja EE SSE002 (H) 4h.05m.48.3s. Suzuki Swift S1600 l JRC JRC 34 (46) Kalle PinOJ11aki/Tuomo Nikkola FIN Renault Clio RJ JRC CLIO R3 (S) 4h.06m.09.0s. 38 (46) Shaun Gallagher/Clive Jenkins IRL/GB Citroen C2-R2 JRC 3827PB12 '(f) 4h.09m.34.0s. 42 (47) Luca Griotti/Massimiliano Bosi I Renault Clio S1600 Page 39
- -RIVER PART II Another weekend Df Fun And ·F,allck Two big wins for Jeff Kincaid at the second Bark River, he jumped from fourth to second in points in his Toyota. It was another beautiful weekend of racing for the WSORR folks. Back at Bark River for the second time this year with racing on Saturday and Sunday for all the troops and an additional race on Sun-day for the Pro 4x4, Pro 2WD and the Pro Light trucks. It was to be a busy weekend as there were more than 150 cars and trucks ready to race and there was much to be gained in the class points races. The Pro 4x4 round on Sat-urday only had six entrants but they all gave it all they had. when the checkers flew it was a nice win for Scott Dou-glas, driving his Ford to his second win of the season, Carl Renezeder was right there in the second spot in his Nissan, Johnny Greaves took third place honors in his Toyota, Al Drews, driving a Ford came in fourth, Kent Brascho, Chevy mounted was the fifth ·place finisher and Adrian Cenni, Chevy, started the race but was a dnf. Sunday's Pro 4x4 battle had a different winner, Johnny Greaves took his fourth win of the season, Adrian Cenni had no problems this race and took the silver medal, Carl Renezeder took the last spot on the podium, Scott Douglas finished in fourth place, Al Drews came in fifth and Kent Brascho took sixth place. SAT PHONE RENTALS & SALES Rent Iridium Phones from only $49.99 per week Same Day Delivery/Pick Up We Sell New & Used Sat Phones We Buy Used Sat Phones We Repair Sat Phones Open 24 Hours Located in San Diego, CA • • •• IRIDIUM ~ Globalstar )) ,nmarsat bgdn 1-888-884-7623 ·ALLROADSAT.com Page 40 October 2007 A pair of wins at Bark River were very welcome to Dan Baudoux, he's seen here in level flight in his good looking Ford. Johnny Greaves was a big winner, he took two of three go~d medals at Bark River and he leads the Pro 4x4 points in his Toyota. In their second race on Sunday, somehow being called a "make-up" race, Johnny Greaves took another Pro 4x4 win, Scott Douglas was the second place finisher, Al Drews came in third, Kent Brascho was first out of the money, Adrian Cenni came in fifth, Dave Christoferson fin-ished sixth in his Chevy and Carl Renezeder was way back in seventh place. In the Pro 4x4 points race it is Johnny Greaves leading with 165 points earned, Al Drews is second with 155 and ·Kent Brascho is third with 145 points in hand. In the Pro 2WD contest on Saturday, it was Evan Evans fi-nally getting a nice win in his Chevy, Carl Renezeder was close by in second spot, driv-ing his Nissan, Michael Oberg was third in, he too in a Evan Evans took his first win of the year at Barie River, Evan sits fifth in Pro 2wd points, seen here in his Chevy. Al Konitzer took a first and a second at Bark River, that put him in second place in Stock Truck points in his dodge. Dusty Times 7i
Ii Jamie Kleikamp moved from seventh to fourth in 1600 Light Buggy points with his Saturday win, he's seen here at speed. Chevy, Rhonda Konitzer fin-ished fourth in her Chevrolet, Kevin Probst, also in a Chevy came in fifth, Ross Hoek, Ford, came in sixth, Scott Tay-lor was well back in seventh place in his Ford and Brian Inman finished eighth in his Chevy. On Sunday, there were lots of changes in the Pro 2WD finishing order, Scott Taylor took his third win of the sea-son, Evan Evans, got it all to-gether and took the silver medal, Rhonda Konitzer was the third place finisher, Michael Oberg finished fourth and Kevin Probst was the fifth place finisher. Brian Hinman came in sixth, Carl Renezeder finished seventh and Ross Hoek was the eighth place fin-isher. In the Pro 2WD "make-up" Dusty Times race Carl Renezeder took home all the marbles, Michael Oberg was on his tail in sec-ond place, Scott Taylor came in third, Kevin Probst came across in fourth and Ross Hoek was fifth. Rhonda Konitzer was the sixth place finisher and Brian Inman came in seventh. In the Pro 2WD points race, Scott Taylor has 176 points accrued, Michael Oberg has 175 points in hand and Kevin Probst has 173 points. The Pro Light troops were all set for a good racin' week-end and all 15 trucks were rarin' to go. When the check-ers flew on the Saturday race it was Jeff Kincaid, Toyota, taking his third win of the sea-son, following him in was Art Schmitt in his Toyota, Chad Hord, Nissan, took third place Mark Steinhardt took his third win of the season on Saturday at Bark River, an eighth place finish on Sunday dropped him to second in points. honors, Lee O'Donnell, also Nissan mounted was fourth in and Josh Hintz, Nissan, was fifth across the line. Chris Brandt, Toyota, was sixth across the line, Mark Oberg, Ford, came in seventh, Jon Probst was eighth in his Nissan, Garit Wallace, also in· a Nissan was ninth and Don Ponder, Ford, came in 10th. In 11th place was Steve Federico in his Toyota, Dan Vanden Heuvel, Jr. came in 12th in his Nissan, Randy Eller came in 13th in his ford, Glen Grint was 14th in his Toyota and Jim Kandel, Toyota, was the 15th finisher. The Sunday Pro Light race saw Jeff Kincaid doing a repeat and he took his fourth win of the 2007 season, Steve Federico followed in second place, Dan Vanden Heuvel, Jr. October 2007 was the third place finisher, Chris Brandt came across in fourth place and Randy Eller was the fifth truck in. Sixth place went to Lee O'Donnell, Don Ponder came in seventh, Chad Hord was an accustomed eighth place, Art Schmitt was back in ninth place and Glen Grint rounded out the top 10. Mark Oberg finished 11th and George Schultz was 12th and final finisher. The Sunday "make-up" race for Pro Light had Chad Hord back in form, taking his fourth win of the year, Art Schmitt took second place, Jeff Kincaid took third place, Steve Federico came in fourth and Jim Kandel finished in fifth place. Coming in sixth was Mark Oberg, George Schultz finished seventh, Garit Wallace finished eighth, Chris Brandt was ninth and Glen Grint finished 10th, again. In 11th place was Don Ponder, Dan Yanden Heuvel, Jr. made it a dozen, Josh Hintz finished 13th, Randy Eller was way back in 14th and Lee O'Donnell was the 15th and final finisher. Chad Hord is the Pro Light point leader with 176 in hand, Jeff Kincaid is second with 161 and Art Schmitt is third with 137. The Su per Stock trucks were next up and they too had an exciting race. On Saturday, Dan Baudoux took his first win of the season in his Ford, Dave Waldvogel, Chevy, was second across the line, Don Williams finished third in his Ford, Keith Steele came in fourth in his Chevrolet and Ben Wandahsega, Chevy, was the fifth place finisher. Ken Hallgren was sixth in his Chevy, Jace Schubert, also in a Chevy came in seventh And Jim Wrobleski, also in a Chevy, finished eighth. Sunday's race for the Super Stock Trucks saw Dan Baudoux taking another big win, Ben Wandahsega was the second place finisher, Dave Waldvogel took third place honors, Don Williams came across in fourth place and Ken Hallgren finished fifth. Keith Steele was sixth to finish, Rick Hinman came in seventh, Jace Schubert finished eighth and Bryce Helms finished ninth. The Su per Stock Truck Continued next page Page 41 -
third place, Jim Ridderbush was first out of the money and Dave Miah was the fifth place finisher. Finishing sixth was Curt Zenefski, Eric Ruppel was in seventh spot, Crystal Reffke finished in eighth place, Shannon Rinehart fin-ished ninth, Tim Moeller was way back in 10th place and Michael Cu ask was the 11th and final finisher. Bob Sayers holds the For-mula 4x4 point lead with 148 in hand, Tim Moeller is sec-ond with 143 points and David DeMaegd is third with 140 points earned. The John/David Mason duo took their second win of the season and they held their tah place in points, seen here in level flight. Scott Douglas took a 2"", a 1st and a 4th at Bark River II, he's seen here with the power on in his Pro 4x4 Ford. Next up on Saturday were the Enduro Trucks, and, as usual, they put on a hellovashow. Taking his first win was Marc Rogaczewski, driving his Ford, Bob Rinehart was right there in second place, he too in a Ford, Renee Peebles took third place in a Chevy, Matt Ives was fourth in his Chevy and Ben Wierzba came in fifth in his Chevy. Larry Manske finished sixth in his Chevy, Matt Dale finished seventh in his Ford, Duane points race has Ben Wandahsega leading with 168 points in hand, Dave Waldvogel is second with 160 and Don Williams is third with 150 points accrued. The Saturday Stock Truck fracas was next and it was a good one. When the dust and dirt cleared it was Al Konitzer taking a nice win in his Dodge, Mark Kleiman started his season off with a nice sec-ond place, Eric Ruppel, Ford, finished in third place, Jason Bort was fourth in his Chevy and Craig Metz was the fifth place finisher. Scott Beauchamp finished sixth in his Chevy, Dave Schneider, Ford, finished seventh, Jim Van Rixel was eighth in his Chevrolet, Nick Byng was the ninth place finisher and Harvey Lewis was the 10th place finisher. Don Demeny finished 11th in his Dodge, Dan Baudoux was 12th, Daniel Beauchamp, Ford, was the 13th place finisher and Jake Vande Voorte, Chevrolet, was the 14th and final finisher. Sunday's Stock Truck race saw many changes in finishing positions, Mark Kleiman took a very nice win, Al Konitzer took second place, Craig Metz was the third place finisher, Dan Baudoux finished fourth and Scott Beauchamp came in fifth. Jason Bort took sixth place, Daniel Beauchamp was seventh in, Dave Schneider came in eighth, Nick Byng took another ninth place and Jim Van Rixel was 10th to fin-ish. Eric Ruppel was back in 11th place and Harvey Lewis took 12th place. Jake Vande Voorte took the green flag but failed to finish the race. In Stock Truck points Scott Beauchamp leads with 171 points in hand, Al Konitzer is second with 151 points and Jason Bort is third with 132. Formula 4x4 was next to go and the Saturday race saw Jim Ridderbush, Chevy mounted, taking a nice win, Tim Moeller came in second in his Ford, Bob Sayers came in third in his Ford, Michael Cusack, in another Ford was fourth and Crystal Reffke, in yet another Ford, was fifth. Jerry Conrad was sixth in his Ford, Larry Maciosek, he too (!tt, [CNCJ We ear1;y a l'u/1 selet:tiono~ ~ =t:8:=~~ €.N!R£1 tEIMS & ROD ENDS LAS VEGA.s;. .NV-89,oz TEL:' 702-BTl-4911 F.A.X: .7tfAZ.-BT ,-.szz I Ila& SACo Olt-6 ~ SIL P■JG AVAi• ARIE - -Page 42 October 2007 in a Ford finished seventh, David DeMaegd finished eighth in his Jeep, Dave Miah came in ninth in his Ford, Curt Zenefski finished 10th in his Chevy and Shannon Rinehart was the 11th place finisher, she too in a Ford. Sunday's Formula 4x4 race saw Jerry Conrad taking a very nice win, Bob Sayers was second to cross the line, David DeMaegd finished in Mark Kleiman flew his truck to a second place on Saturday and a win on Sunday in the Stock Truck Class, seen here saving tire wear. Mike Vanden Heuvel takes the checkered flag on Sunday, a nice win for Mike in the 1600 Light Buggy race. Scott Taylor took the Pro 2wd win on Sunday, he leads the class by a mere one point going to Crandon, seen here in his Ford. Dusty Times
Art Schmitt (right) had two seconds and a ninth in the Pro Lite Dave Waldvogel took a second and a third place finish in Super Josh Hintz took a pair of silver medals in 1600 Light Buggy, that elevated him to seventh place in the class points. contest, he's seen here dicing with Chad Hord. Stock Truck, he sits second in points in his Chevy. Klassen was eighth, he too in the eighth spot, Jeremy Kurt Schuch is second with a Ford, Brian Tonn finished Forbes finished ninth and 146 points and Bill Groboski ninth and Paul Jensen fin-Bill Groboski, Jr. took a 10th is in third place with 135 ished 10th in a Ford. Mike place finish. points earned. Dupras finished 11th in his In the Classix points race, Now we get into the 1600 Chevy, Jim Yan Rixel finished Robert Weiland holds the Light Buggy class, no less than 12th, Don Demeny was 13th lead with 170 points accrued, 30 of them answered the green in his Dodge, Craig Rogaczewski finished 14th in his Ford and Nick Byng was the 15th place finisher, driv-ing a Ford. Mike Mills, Ford, was the 16th place finisher, Adam Corrigan, Chevy, fin-ished 17th, Terry Kozlowski was 18th, Ford mounted and Jonathan Pepin, also in a Ford finished in 19th place. Sunday's Enduro Truck race saw Craig Rogaczewski taking his second win of the 2007 season, Matt Ives was right be-hind him in second place, Marc Rogaczewski took third spot, Nick Byng took a decent fourth place and Matt Dale had a nice fifth place finish. Ben Wierzba came in sixth, Paul Jense n finished seventh, Brian Tonn was eighth, Larry Manske was back in ninth place and Bob Rinehart was the 10th place finisher. Jim Yan Rixel was 11th in, Don Demeny was 12th, Duan·e Klassen was 13th, Erik Mor-row was 14th in and Jonathan Pepin came in 15th and Terry Kozlowski was the 16th and fi-nal finisher. In the Enduro Truck points race, Larry Manske leads with 148, Marc Rogaczewski is sec-ond with 138 points and Bob Rinehart is third with 135 points. The Classix Truck group had some fun in Bark River: on Saturday we saw Robert Weiland taking a nice win in his Chevy, Bill Groboski, Sr. came along in the second spot, he too Chevy mounted. Adrian Tomlin was third in, fourth place went to Bill Schuch, Chevy and Bill Wil-son rounded out the top five in class. Aaron Konitzer was the sixth place finisher, sev-enth place went to Galen Gee in another Chevy, Jeremy Forbes was in eighth place, Jeff Tomlin was in ninth place in his Chevy, Randy Pennings finished in 10th place and Victor Anderson was 11th in his Ford. Sunday's Classix race saw Kurt Schuch taking his sec-ond win of the season, Adrian Tomlin had a very nice sec-ond place finish, Robert Weiland finished in third place, Ken Wilson took fourth place and Victor Anderson came in fifth. In sixth place was Galen Gee, Shane DeGroot finished sev-enth, Bill Wilson finished in Dusty Times October 2007 flag. Lots of wheel to wheel finisher, Mike Vanden Heuvel contact, lots of banging and finished in third place, Craig scraping and when it all came Metz was fourth and Steven to an end it was Jamie Oman was the fifth finisher. Kleikamp taking a great win, In sixth place was Chad his second of the year, Josh Dewall, Todd Lemke finished Hintz was the second place Continuednextpage Page 43 ... _.
"' ... Steve Federico collected a decent second place finish on Sunday in Chad Hord drove his Nissan to a first, a third and an eighth in Pro A third and a fourth place finish for Michael Notary, he sits sixth in the Pro Light fracas, Steve sits fourth in points in his Toyota. Light, he sits atop the points with a 15 point lead. points in the 1600 Buggy_d_i~v,~s,_·o_n_. __________ _ John Fitzgerald had a second place finish and a win in 1600 Buggy, he took the point lead in his good looking buggy. in seventh place, Kurt Metz took eighth place, Craig Pait! finished ninth and Greg Stingle took 10th place hon-ors. Wesley Frehse finished 11th, Jeff Virnig made it an even dozen, Steven Schuch finished 13th, Craig Rabe was 14th across the line and John McDonald finished in 15th place. Jim Schmit was the 16th finisher, John Bauman came in 17th, Bryan Norris took the 18th spot, Thomas Virnig was 19th and Barry Whalen fin-ished 20th. In the 21st spot was Stephanie Pait!, Charles Scully nabbed 22nd spot, Eric Lear took 23rd place, Matt Gerald was 24th and Brian Glime was the 25th finisher. Mike Tikkanen came in 26th, Kevin Huth was 27th, Bill Kortens came in 28th and Beau Ambos carded the 29th and final spot. Sunday's 1600 Light Buggy race was just as full of excite-ment as the previous day and when they came around to take the checkered flag it was Mike Vanden Heuvel taking his second win of the year, Josh Hintz picked up his sec-ond second place of the week-end, Jamie Kleikamp came in third, Craig Metz was fourth, again and Steven Oman rounded out the top five. In sixth place was Greg Stingle, Todd Lemke finished seventh for the second time, Julie INFO WANTED Potter Productions Off road Car Owners Have you had a car built by Potter Productions? Are you having a car built by Potter Productions ? If Yes, please contact me @ gonna621@yahoo.com or 714-296-0225 Page 44 Aaron Hawley had a second and a win in Super Buggy at Bark River, he now has the point lead, seen here at speed. Dewall came in eighth, Matt Gerald finished in ninth place and Wesley Frehse was the 10th place finisher. In the 11th spot was Kurt Metz, Mike Tikkanen finished in 12th place, Bill Kortens was 13th in, Steven Schuch came in 14th and Brian Norris was 15th to finish. Sixteenth place went to Jim Schmit, Jeff Virnig was back in 17th place, in 18th was Brian Glime, Kevin Huth finished in 19th place and Eric Lear came across in the 20th place. Tom Thomas was the 21st finisher, Stephanie Pait! came in 22nd, Thomas Virnig was 23rd, Carol Gunderson was 24th in and Charles Scully was the 25th finisher. In the 26th fin-ishing p lace was John McDonald, Scott Laatsch fin-ished 27th, Tim Christensen came in 28th, 29th place went to Bryan Holtger and Barry Wahlen was the 30th and final finisher. In the 1600 Light Buggy points race it is Todd Lemke with the lead, he has 126 points, Greg Stingle is right there in second with 125 and Craig Metz is third with 120 points. The 1600 Buggies were ready to put it all on the line and their Saturday race saw Mark Steinhardt take his third win of the year, John Fitzgerald was right behind him in second place, Michael Notary came in third, Jeff Villamure was fourth in and Bob Blaney was the fifth place finisher. Sixth place went to Mark Krueger, Mike Seefeldt took seventh place, in eighth place was Terry Fitzgerald, John Huven finished in ninth and Dan Martin came in 10th. Allen Plawman finished in 11th, Randy Oman came across in 12th place and Christopher Ernster was un-lucky 13th to finish. The Sunday 1600 Buggy race had John Fitzgerald take his fourth win of the season, Mike Seefeldt was up into the second spot, Mark Krueger had a nice third place finish, Michael Notary was fourth across the line and Terry Fitzgerald was the fifth place finisher. Jeff Villamure came in sixth, Bob Blaney was in seventh place, Mark Steinhardt carded his worst finish of the year, eighth place, Dan Martin came in ninth and Randy Oman was the 10th place finisher. Allen Carl Renezeder had a first, a second and a seventh at Bark River, he sits fourth in points in Pro 2wd in his Nissan. October 2007 Plawrnan seems to be stuck in 11th place and Christopher Ernster was the 12th and final finisher. In the 1600 Buggy points we have John Fitzgerald lead-ing the way with 172 in hand, Mark Steinhardt is second with 168 and Mike Seefeldt sits in third place with 140 points. Last, but certainly not least are the Super Buggies, 17 of them would make a stab at col-lecting all the glory. When the checkered flag flew on the Sat-urday race it was John Mason taking a very nice class win, Aaron Hawley came right be-hind in the second spot, Todd Wallace was the third place fin-isher, Gary N ierop finished fourth and Ryan Mulder was the fifth place finisher. In the sixth spot was Craig Biesik, Scott Schwalbe came in sev-enth, Corry Heynan was in eighth place, ninth place went to Stephanie Krieman and Don Olson rounded out the top 10 finishers. In the 11th spot was John Frana, Tom Schwartzburg made it an even dozen, Rick Jacobson was the 13th finisher, Luke Zoetmulder finished in 14th place and Rudy Daniel was the 15th place finisher. Tim Lemons had his worst fin-ish of the year, 16th and Herman Barnum was the 17th and final finisher. Sunday's Super Buggy race saw lots of changes, Aaron Hawley took his fourth win of the '07 season, Scott Schwalbe had a very nice second place finish, Todd Wallace was third to finish, Gary Nierop was fourth again and Todd Wallace finished in fifth place. Luke Zoetmulder claimed the sixth finishing spot, Ryan Mulder came in seventh, John Frana finished in eighth place, Herman Barnum finished ninth and Tom Schwartzburg was the 10th place finisher. Steve Krieman came in 11th, Rick Jacobson was 12th in, Corry Heynan finished in 13th place, Craig Biesik was 14th and David Mason was the 15th place finisher. Scott Olson came across in 16th place and Rudy Daniel was the 27th and final finisher. In Super Buggy points, Aaron Hawley leads the way with 155 points earned, Gary Nierop is in second place with 152 and Tim Lemons is third with 137 points. And so a long weekend ended, next on the agenda is beautiful downtown Crandon. A must for all the racers and a guaranteed good ti me for a 11. See ya there! ~ Dusty Times
Inducts A New crap Of Off Raad ■avers & Shakers The latest inductees into the Off Road Motorsports Hall of Fame (ORMHOF) are listed here. Persons are honored for their contributions to the Off Road Racing World, some dating back to its founding. If you know an exceptional individual who you believe has made a significant contribu-tion to the history of off-roading you can nominate them by completing the nomination packet available on the ORMHOF web page www.ormhof.org. To learn more about other individuals who have shaped the off road world please visit the Off Road Motorsports Hall of Fame, located in Reno, NV at the National Automobile Museum (The Harrah Collection) or our web site www.ormhof.org. If you are interested in getting involved with Off Road Motorsports Hall of Fame or have any questions about the Hall of Fame please contact Bob bower at bbower@ormhof.org. The latest group of inductees are: Mickey Thompaon: Mickey was a rare and special-individual, he was a man of vision, with boundless energy and the courage to pursue his dreams to reality. Nearly all of his 59 years were devoted to motorsports, where he won acclaim as an innova-tor, businessman, car builder and race driver. As an innovator, he was instrumental in the development of Sand & Offroad Wheels and Tires Tabs and More many safety and high performance parts, such as the wide oval tire, a high traction tire for drag racing and the electronic starting system (Xmas tree) for drag racing while operating the famed Lions Associated Drag Strip (1955-65). As a builder, Mickey conceived and built the first "Sling-shot" dragster and was the first to break the 100 and 150 mph barriers Bolt in or weld in one .Piece uni-ball cups, 1', 1 ¼, 1 ½' J "-Billet Spare Tire -~ • Heim Joints. Uniballs & High Misalignment Spacers Lock & Mount in the quarter mile. He also built the first twin-engine dragster and at In-dianapolis in the early 1960' s, he was the first to introduce ground effects when he designed and built the first rear-engine car to qualify for the Indy 500. As a promoter, Mickey formed SCORE International in 1973 which today is among the premier off road racing organizations in the world. He had the foresight to bring Petersen Publishing executive, Sal Fish, in to run SCORe, which allowed him to focus on his passion, the technical side of the sport. This included de-veloping a set of rules that competi-tors, sponsors and officials could live with anq prosper. During the early years, he not only ran a series of desert events, most notably the Baja 1000, but also brought off road rac-ing in from the deserts of Mexico, to a metropolitan setting, when he pre-sented the first closed-course off road races at the Riverside International Raceway. Many in the sport feel it was a time when the sport of off road rac-ing was on the verge of dying under the weight of it's own lack of organi-zation. During the next few, critical years, Mickey Thompson and SCORE provided the organization, energy, capital and media coverage that was needed for off road racing to not only survive, but to grow. Mickey knew that additional im-provement in professionalism, show-manship and vehicle design was needed to take the next steps toward more and better media exposure, the essential ingredient in sponsor and contingency support that would 1610 W. Whispering Wind Dr.• Phoenix, AZ 85085 . (1 blk South of Happy Valley Rd. on 16th Ave.) Dusty Times October 2007 make the sport a major factor in the battle for the motorsports sponsor-ship dollar. Under the banner of the Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group (MTEG) he started the Off Road Championship Grand Prix Series in 1979. The series was staged in major sports stadiums throughout the country and received extensive national television coverage, effec-tively bringing off road racing to as many as 60,000 viewers at many ven-ues. To grow the sport Mickey had sold SCORE to Sal Fish and invested over 3 million dollars of his own money. One can only imagine what other contributions he might have Frank "Scoop" Ve11el1: "Scoop" Vessels made a huge im-pact on off road racing during the_ sports first three decades. He was victorious in more than 30 races, including at least one win in ev-ery major off road event, ulti-mately winning four champion-ships over the course of a career which spanned some 32 years. In 1974, Scoop was named "Rookie of the Year" and in 1978 won SCORE lnternational's presti-gious "Off-Roadsman of the Year" award. Although his many accom-plishments as a driver over the years would merit induction on their own, driving over the years would merit induction on their own, driving was just a part of made to off road motorsports had his life not been cut short when two masked gunmen gunned down Mickey and his wife Trudy in the driveway of their home as they were leaving to go to the office on March 16, 1988. Almost 19 years later, Michael Goodwin was found guilty of two counts of murder when a Pasadena, California jury deter-mined that he had hatched the plot to kill Mickey in an effort to some-how take over the stadium series. Goodwin may never have been brought to justice had it not been for the tenacity of his sister Colleen, who would not allow prosecutors to ignore the case. Scoop's contribution to the sport. His true legacy will live on as a re-sult of the business leadership and innovative ideas that he brought to off road racing. In 1988, he was one of the originators of the Com-petition Review Board (CRB), a panel of racers that are assembled after each race to mediate and re-solve protests, which arise during the event. The Competition Re-view Board is still in effect today and is an integral part of the com-petition. In the mid-90's Scoop joined with off road racers, Dick Landfield, Jimmy Smith and Jim Venable to develop, implement and later, compete in NASCAR's Supertruck Series, now known as Continued next page Page 45
..,._ -the NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series. Scoop has always been a great ambassador for the sport, bringing his business savvy and ex-perience into the off road racing arena. He has continually worked to help the port develop a broader audience and to grow into the pub-lic mainstream. His 1980 'Baja 1000' win, which was featured on ABC's Wide World of Sports was a part of that effort, but there was more that he accomplished in other ways. Scoop was one of the first true "test pilots" of the sport, working with BFGoodrich to de-velop the first generation of the BFGoodrich Radial A/T tire, which he introduced at the 1977 Baja 500, winning the race in his propane powered Ford F-150. This innovative development program improved the durability and safety of the tires that not only became the mainstay of the sport, but also resulted in technology that im-proved the quality of passenger ve-hicle tires, as well. Along the way, he helped BFGoodrich set the standard for sponsor involvement. Scoop represented BFGoodrich not only nationally -but also glo-bally, eventually working with them to partner with other firms to create alliances of racing tech-nology. This effort was critical in the development of new technol-ogy that would benefit those com-panies in their manufacturing pro-cesses. The ultimate result was to launch the sport into a much more desirable marketing posit-ion, soon enticing other companies to be-come involved in off road racing. An example of such leadership was Vessel's involvement in the Page 46 "American Thunder" racing pro-gram in the late 80's, when he brought his long-time relationship with BFGoodrich into an alliance with Chevrolet and Mobil Oil. Not only did the resulting media machine represent his program on and off the track, but it's success motivated other companies and drivers to model their off road rac-ing program in similar fashion. Scoop retired from active partici-pation in Off Road Racing in 1996 to devote all of his efforts to the family business: Horse Rac-ing. In 1951, his grandfather, Frank Vessels, Sr. built Los Alamitos Racetrack, the first Quarter Horse racetrack in Cali-fornia, which became one of the finest facilities for Quarter Horse racing in the county. His father, Frank Vessels, Jr., who intro-duced Scoop to Off Road Racing, bred some of the greatest horses in Quarter Horse Racing history on a relatively small farm near the racetrack in Los Alamitos. In the early 80's, Scoop moved the breeding operation to the Vessels Stallion Farm, a 2000-acre facil-ity in Northern San Diego County, which today is one of the premier horse-breeding farms anywhere in the country for both Quarter Horses and Thorough-breds. Scoop is the past President of the American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) and the cur-rent President of the California Thoroughbred Breeders Associa-ti.on (CTBA). Clearly, Scoop is at home in any form of racing and is inducted into the Off Road Motorsports Hall of Fame in the off road racing category. Walter Lott: Walt's con-tributions to off road racing are varied and numerous, but probably the single, most important, contribution was his dream and successful ef-fort to extend off road rac-ing beyond the regional level and gain "greater national recognition and corporate involvement" through spon-sorships and, ultimately, tele-vision coverage. [Las Vegas Review Journal, July 1998] He was also instrumental in taking off road racing from the recreational level to a professional sport by devel-oping competition rules and different classes. Some of the classes have evolved over the years, but many have re-mained virtually unchanged since off road racing humble beginnings in the late 60's. Walt began his off road ca-reer by offering pit support for friends who were racing in Baja, then did some racing himself, includ-ing as co-pilot with his daughter Londa in the 1969 Mint 400 and eventually became an active organizer of off road racing events. In the spring of 1967 Walt and his family trailered a sand rail to tqe dunes out-side of Beatty, Nevada, with family friend, John Herda. That Saturday was the beginning of his interest and Walt's enthusiasm spread to other men in•his group of acquaintances. As interest in this hobby grew, so did the desire for competition. Twenty-seven "dirt enthusiasts", including Walt, met at Herda' s Sawdust Saloon on July 15, 1969 and founded SNORE (Southern Nevada Off Road • Enthusiasts), which recently cel-ebrated its 35th anniversary. Walt served as President of SNORE in 1973 and 1975. He also served as the Chief Race Steward and event1,1ally or-ganizer, for Del Webb's 'Mint 400 Desert Race' (1971-1988), which grew into the richest, largest and most suc-cessful off road race in the country. He was responsible for enforcing the rules, securing all the permits, laying out and marking the course, staffing volunteers and, of course, cleaning the course afterward. Walt branched out to promote his own events, using dif-ferent venues and different formats to promote the sport - there were lap races of varying distances, night rac-ing and a 24 hour endurance race, (J)BEARD We carry a full line of v." -~ ~ OFFR°'IGHTING FILTERMIG-~ ~ October 2007 all developed to give the racers new challenges in the sport. Af-ter creating the Oasis Racing Association (1972) in parmer-ship with Pete Simon, owner of the Oasis Casino in Jean, Nevada and the Western Rac-ing Association (1972) which would come to be known as Walt's Racing Association, Lott founded the High Desert Racing Association (HORA) in 1976. HDRA promoted a se-ries of 5-6 desert races around the southwest and from 1981-1984 promoted the "Coor's Off Road Series", featuring shortcourse events in South-ern Nevada, Mesquite (Texas), Colorado Springs, Phoenix, El Centro and Glen Helen (Devore, CA). In 1985, Walt and Sal Fish worked out a deal to combine the HDRA series (four events) with the SCORE International Series (four events) to create one major points championship series and one competition rulebook. The HORA/ SCORE Desert Series brought in-creased entries and sponsorships to both organizations and unified the sport of off road racing into one ma-jor sanctioning body. Walt's quest for national recognition of the sport he loved became a reality two years be-fore his death, as regular shows on ESPN, the satellite uplinking of re-sults after each event and the na-tional syndication of off road fea-tures, enabled off road racing to find its way into living rooms in every comer of the country. Walt died on July 2, 1988 at Checkpoint #4 dur-_ing the Fireworks 250 off road race, doing what he loved to do! Dusty Times
KEVIN H EITRITTER SHANNON WEEKS RIGHT SEAT: TIM MORRIS PHIL WRIGHT ~ ffi~ \:.,c,-F.\,£~~~':l~ w~ @ (!:!)Gmifo ~ l?ir, s ~ ~ 0 ~ IMJ@Ifil§'ir ~ §~~ ~ C ~'u™1r @~ ~ C ~~ §~ §@§ @~ ~ ~ d, ~ ~---~ r _,,, L----~~~----~~~~ -===-2: ;"I Ek =--Ji.]" INNOVATIV DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS invent BFGoodric/j flI{J PERFORMANCE ~ - " ........ EIJ:E:JI!jj(f
l~~I YERINGTON 100 The Lallo, Df Love It was a great race for Dale Smith, he took the Class 10 honors and he was the overall winner as well, seen here at speed. Bruce Field had a pretty good run, he was top dog in the Class 8 group, he's seen here with all the power on. The Labor Day weekend provided excellent weather as VORRA drivers would be challenged by 300 miles of desert. There was a mild breeze and the sun was hot. During Sarurday's parade down Main Street, all of the race teams and their cars were looking sharp. Thanks to the great people at Casino West for hosting a wonderful welcoming party, tech inspection, and awards ceremony. Casino West also provided a cash purse which went to the top four overall winners. This being the last desert race of the season for VORRA, and a tight point rake taking place in every class, the tension was high. The point lead-ers would be concentrating on a finish and those who follow close behind will be pushing the envelope. With three short course races on the schedule this fall, the honor of being the season champion is in sight for many of the racers. A newcomer to the sport, Guy Jessop #247, leads in the Semi-Pro by nearly 100 points going into the event. He is followed by Guy Kent #52 and Tony Bond #1007 in that order, only 30 points separate second and third. Guy Jessop will be defending his point lead here with VORRA after he drove his buggy powered by high perfor-mance "Skeeter" built race engine to a first place class win this week at The Best in The Desert, Las Vegas to Reno race. Not bad for a rookie! who was even more closely followed by Jim Paddock#l69. In Class 10,Sam Berri's #1049 car would have Dale Smith #1044 knockin' on his door. With even a shorter point spread in the Quad classes, hot racing action is guaranteed. On the morning of the event, the race was delayed a half an hour for the sun to come over the ridge and light up the Nevada desert. This delay caused even more anxiety to build among the quad race teams and their riders. They would soon be racing into the dawn of a new day and what a day it would rum out to be. First off the line would be the point leader in Pro Quad, Derek Craft #55 of "Craft Motorsports". Much to his surprise, he would race the Pro class alone allowing him to create a cush-ion for himself in the points race. With four entries in the Amateur Quad class, Wade Wilford #4 would prove to be the toughest in class by being the only one to complete the required laps and taking first place in Amateur Quads. Only two and a half minutes would separate first and second in the Ban-tam Quad class. Jason Pomony #5 would come out on top followed by Cody Bennett #77. As the cars and trucks approached the staging area, you could feel the an-ticipation in the air. Race teams huddled around their cars as they ap-proached the start line and chase ve-hicles headed out to checkpoints. By the looks of things, it was going to be one heck of a day in the desert. The pit area which includes start/finish line was filled with race teams and their families. Like at all VORRA events, VORRA racing apparel is available by White Hawk Designs found at www.whitehawkdesigns.com. For all racers, "Trick" fuel is provided by Elliot Lafreniere, an associate of "TMS". Setting the pace for the event in the number one starting position would be# 150 Kevin Breckenridge. He is sec-ond in points for Class 1, so you can assume a fast pace will be set early in the race. "Sam Berri Racing' s" # 149 car would be driven by the soon to be "Wrong Way" Bobby. He would be in the fourth starting position and trying to catch # 150 Kevin Breckenridge to defend the point lead. Other drivers lined up to take on Sam Berri would lead in points in two classes going into the event. In Class 1, Sam Berri #149 is closely fol-lowed by Kevin Breckenridge #150, Obviously, Vince Viola has the power on, he took the Semi-Pro win, but it was close, he had less than two minutes in hand at the flag. Page 48 October 2007 A nice win in the Class 1 fracas went to Kevin Breckenridge, he was second overall as well, seen hustling towards the checkers. the desert in Class 1 included Chris spot on the course. Dennis Kordonowy Sullivan #118 and Rob Parsons #111 ofVORRA had already been notified making his debut after recovering from via radio and was heading that direction back surgery and driving the whole to assess and resolve the situation. Upon race. Bringing up the rear in Class 1 arrival the #15 car had already been would be Jim Paddock #169 who is uprighted.#l5wastheonlycarcontain-third in the points race. Jim Paddock ingfueland it was also the only car with would also be starting with a handi-a mechanical fuel pump. Coming to-cap, he suffers from a broken femur gether like an old fashioned fire line, due to a motorcycle accident just a the men proceeded filling a 10 ounce month prior to the race. Jim is a dedi- jar by removing the fuel line from the cared off road racer and insisted on carburetor. Being that it is a mechani-competing in the event. cal fuel pump and gas is only pumped Class 1 would tum out to be one of while the engine is running, 10 ounces the most eventful classes of the day. isthemostgastheycouldgetatonetime Chris Sullivan # 118 would complete making it difficult to deliver a substan-only two laps before having mechanical rial amount of fuel efficiently to the two failure. Jim Paddock #169 lost a tie-rod race cars which had ran out. This pro-bolt sending his car into a roll-over at a cedure lasted over a half an hour but all very high speed. Uninjured from the ac-the men could continue the race. cident and after 45 minutes of waiting, Kevin Breckenridge had a flawless he was able to make the repair and fin-day as he drove his Dennis Kordonowy ish the required laps to take fourth place built buggy to victory in his own back.-in Class 1. Rob Parsons#lll would run yard. The vehicle ran great, the whoops out of gas to take part in a creatively cha-were kind, and the crew ran pulled the otic event in the middle of the hot Ne-ends together making this his day in vada desert, which we will call "The Gas the desert. Kevin and his team have Dance". "The Gas Dance" was started been fighting for that moment for a when he #15 car of]ason Sacks racing long time. "Sam Berri Racing's" #149 in the Semi-Pro class driven by a gentle- car would come in second place as well man named Kevin, would rollat"Boot's as earning one of Sam's co-drivers a Comer" and end up in tl1e ditch. Rob new nickname, "Wrong Way" Bobby. Parsons # 111 and Tony Bond # 1007 "Wrong Way" Boggy would run a hell would then run out of gas at this very of a race but by missing a tum while """'"""""""'..,.. ........... _..,.. ____ ~-...,,,~--=...,,..."""'! It was a racing debut for Scott Rogers and, for Beginners, it was a real triumph to take the Class 7 win. Derek Craft really flew around the course on his Quad, he was the big winner in the Pro Quad Class. Dusty Times
A nice second place finish in the Class 10 Division went to Tyler Sam Berri set fast lap for the race but tranny problems put him into Not too bad a day for Robert Cramer, he and his Chevy took home Mort, he's seen here at speed on the course. a third place finish-in the Class 10 ranks. the silver medal in the Class 8 contest. =====;:;;_;;:;;;;======~~=; Brad Falin drove his good looking Jeep hard, looking for a win, but Tom Kruse took second place honors in the Semi-Pro Division, he Rob Parsons had to settle for a third place finish in the Class he had to settle for second place in Class 7. was less than two minutes out of the win, seen here at speed. battle, he's seen here at speed in his really good looking car. wide open in fifth gear, he ended up them. Sam Berri # 1049 wou::'liJd11le:::a:-::dr:o::,ffT...,y,vro"1R5"'RAi'i"A~an=-d::f-:c::o-:m:::p::e=t1==· n::g:-r====::::;;:;:==;::;:;;.=~""""=~~~~~""""~~;;;;;;;;~§'J''--:d'ti:-:-um=--:po=::s::iu:::• o='=n=w=o=u-:tl"J"d-=g-=-o miles from the course. After regaining the line and in points followed by Dale last week in the Las Vegas ""'" to Shelton Biggs #81. composure and getting back into posi-Smith# 1044. Third in points for Class to Reno race. Congratula-Radio coverage was pro-tion, he underestimated a tum send-10, #1058 Mike Mibach would end his tions Dale and Jim! vided by Neil and his ing the# 149 off the course. While ma-race day before completing one lap due Class 8 would · be lead friends at the "Sierra Ne-neuvering the vehicle back onto the to car trouble. Sam Berri would call through the desert by Bruce vada Amateur Radio So-race course, he managed to bum out upon his chase team to perform a com-Field #858. Bruce would ciety". Photographs of the clutch. With all that said, he was plete transmission replacement in the hold his lead and leave the all VORRA events may able to hang on to second place. Rob field. In true team spirit they were able rest of the field to follow in be viewed and pur-Parsons #lll also showcased amazing to pull the engine, change the tranny, his dust. With no flats and chased at dedication and driving skill. After and still manage to place third in class the helpful crew at "BFG www~ changing several flats and performing and tum the fastest lap time of 57 min- Prop it" that noticed and With the race course "The Gas Dance" to keep his car fu-utes, 35 seconds. Second place in Class replaced a missing bolt in cleared the sun was set-eled, Rob was still able to walk away 10 belonged to Tyler Mort #1222 of the four-link rear suspen- ting on a memorable with a podium finish. "T wocan Racing" who put on a won-sion while fueling his truck, "' ... race weekend with Thenextclasstoleavethelinewould derful performance. The #1044 car of Bruce took first without VORRA. Casino West be Class 10. The point leaders would Dale Smith would take first in class and looking back. The #8122 Shelton Biggs was the third place finisher in the Semi-Pro ranks, in downtown Yerington leave the line in the one and two posi-first place overall. This is a well deserved truck of Robert Cramer he's seen here driving his "Tiger" to the finish line. made a great setting for tion with only 50 points separating win after many years racing with would manage to come from the back Rogers in his #784 Ford Ranger dur- the awards ceremony that finished off ' .•iii\¥· + of the pack to take second place in Class ing its desert debut. the weekend on Monday morning. To ,.t£,'ffffi¼·c:,&i 8. Thelastclassoffthelinewouldalso round out the race season, VORRA Wade Wilford had a good day on his Quad, he took first place honors in the Amateur Quad Class, seen here at speed. The gold medal in Bantam Quad was awarded to Jason Pomeroy, he's seen here racing through the main pit area. ou·sty Times Class 7 would present a couple of be the largest. The Semi-Pro class would has scheduled three short course races surprises. With point leader #708 Mike have 13 entries, seven of which would this fall, one of which will be a Hallow-Hardesty getting the luck of the draw DNF. Starting the Semi-Pro line up een costume party. So load up your race and getting the number one starting would be # 1499 Tom Kruse and the car, your family and join in on the fun position in class, he chose to let a crew boys from Oregon. On his coat tails at Prairie City to see for yourself what member take the wheel for the first starting second would be pointleader VORRA is made of. The next race will couple laps. Mike took over for the last Guy Jessop #247. Vince Viola # 1516 be at our Prairie City short course near lap and was able to retain third place. would prevail to take the number one Sacramento, Califumia on September Second place would go to #7 58 Brad position only beating out # 1499 Tom 29th and 30th. For more information, Falin in his "Jeep speed" as careful driv-Kruse's second place by a mere one race schedule and more VORRA news ing pays off. To everyone's surprise, first minute, 4 3 seconds. Third place would log on to www.vorra.net. See you at the place would proudly be taken by Scott come in 10 minutes later and the po-ra~es! · ldllf.'-'.-Under new ownersbip .. Over 40 yean of experience 13rmgyour hot rod, :s;and r.Jtil, mo~rcyde, boat, or ATV down to our location and.,. L.et us solve your plumbing problems t from complete system designs ' to minor modifiea1ton1. 1+.;z;. . October 2007 'lit:,); \"•WW.'nf''>istlO~•".{O;'li 5 PM Sltu•dif 9 ''-M - 1 f>M ·'• ,; *•, • • f -~-·~ s .. /' ~ f y ~ ' ' .., .3 . - " ! J ..... t ! I J ,~ ,.,....,_ * / Page 49
---------- - - - --(BAJA)1)~ MR. BAJA PITS Welcome back racers and fans a like! Summer is end-ing, it is back to the desert time and Baja will be filling up with drivers and riders alike with summer drawing down. I have our Baja 500 stats now and will launch into that in a minute. I.ill .Baja Pits Fundraiser is under way as I speak. Tickets are $10.00 each. They are for sale thru Baja Pits members, US Wheels and certain off road businesses and stores. Call Carlos at 619-596-8033 for locations or check on our web site at www.bajapits.com. Each ticket includes three weeks Sat Phone rental for free, 3 drums of Sunoco race fuel, two 14" King shocks with reservoirs, and one -24 full service pit of-fer. The total cash value comes to $3,000.00. All of this for a $10.00 ticket. The drawing is on our October 25th meeting at Casa Nueva. First though, our monthly meetings in San Diego changed locations this summer. We now meet at a restaurant called Casa Nueva. The next two meet-ings are scheduled for Thurs-day, September 20th and Thursday, October 25th at 6 pm. The address there is 10757 Woodside Ave, EL Cajon. The cross street is Magnolia. The phone num-ber there is 619-258-5557. We meet in the banquet room on the right side of the restaurant as you walk in. The September meeting will be a re cap of the Primm 300 and updates on the Baja 1000. The October meeting will be our last meeting on the Baja 1000 before the race. We will also be pulling our winning ticket for our B 1 K raffle. Come join us at our new location. For our first meeting there in Au-gust, we had over 30 guys and gals attend. That was great for a first meeting. Carlos had our Baja 1000 map out showing where ten-tative pits would go. Speaking of Pits, by the time you read this, the Primm 300 will be over (Sep-tember 8th). We are running one pit for this race at Pit C. We expect to be pitting around 15 vehicles. We al-ways offer free pits at the Primm race each year. It is our way of giving back some-thing to our vehicle racers. Our race applications for this years Baja 1000 can be found on line by going to www.Bajapits.com and open-ing up the link for the appli-cation there. Fill it out and mail or fax it back in. We have been receiving sign ups for this race since last May and are slowly filling up. Baja Pits are running 24 pits, one every 50 miles apart. As is usual for Baja Pits, you can purchase one, two, three, or four indi-vidual pits. Or all 24 pits if that is what is needed. You can pay by check or using Pay Pal. Our pay pal address is paypal@bajapits.com. If you need to contact us about ve-hicle service or general Baja H ~~di,_, .,1n11sc11,.c111 JMR 1001 BENDER WITH THREE ROUND DIES 1", 1·1/4" AND 1·1/2" CAPACITY: 2·1 /2" ROUND TUBE 2" SOUARE TUBE 2" SCH 40 PIPE Will BEND .250 WALL 4130 TUBE UP TO 2" OD 177084 SALE $2,995·00 COME IN AND SEE OUR lARGE SELECTION OF METAL TUBINS-tNTARID 1-800/792-9762 IRWINDALE 1 ·800/606-PIPE SAN BERNARDINO 1-800/877-4269 BURBANK 1-800/400-3446 Pits questions, call Carlos at 6 l 9-596-8033. If you have questions about motorcycle or quad service, contact ~ at 619-851-9105. He has been in charge of our Motorcycle and Quad ser-vices since 2004 and knows them inside out. Bikes and Quads pay $895, which includes up to three gallons of 100-octane race fuel per pit when buy-ing all 24 pits. All vehicles pay $795 plus fuel. Emer-gency pit service for all v_e-hicles is $350. Baja Pits only runs 100 and 110 leaded Sunoco race fuel. Our pits are outfitted with tools, lights, generators, radios, food, water, first air supplies and at least 10 pit personal per pit to help you finish and win if it is in the cards. American Honda has been recommending Baja Pits to their racers now since May, when they filled up for this race. Our starting line rep-resentative is John Brady. He walks the start line, an-swering any last minute questions racers might have before startit;1g. You will find him wearing his yellow and black Baja Pits work shirt. Now on to our Baja 500 report. For the Baja 500, we ran 10 full service pit loca-tions, one every 50 miles. Racing with us were thirty-eight vehicles in 13 classes and sixty-six motorcycles and quads in ten classes. That made for one hundred and four ( 104) entries signed up with Baja Pits for the Baja 500. What a crew that was too! . To alh our racers, we thank you for rating the Baja 500 and representing your ... BRING IN THIS AD FOf i: $50·00 OFF THE JMR 1001 BENDER HESPERIA 1-800/7-PATTOH LANCASTER 661 /942-2755 6 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU • FOR All YOUR METAL WORKING NEEDS • •CAll YOUR LOCAL BRANCH FOR STOCKED SIZES Page so October 2007 team in competition! It takes a lot of effort and prepara-tion just to enter this race, let alone finish it. Congratulations to all the racers who finished in the vehicle classes. This was another tough Baja 500 race and you should be proud of yourselves. For the guys that DNFd, we will look forward to seeing some of you in Primm in another week or at the 1000 in November. Baja Pits, along with help from Baja Huskys, will be pulling two Free Pre Runners Pit Stops in October. Look for the locations and dates on our web site under " Baja 1000 information". Baja Huskys will list the dates and locations on their web site as well in their blog section. Each pre run pit will have wa-ter, shade, some tools, lunch each day and small amounts of fuel for motorcycle and quads for sale. This will be out third year running free pre runners pits. We want to thank our sponsors who help us im-mensely with our racing needs. They are Streamline Forms and Graphics, Off Road Warehouse, IMS Prod-ucts, Sunoco Race Fuels San Diego, House of Buggy's and US Wheels. That is it for now. Desert season is starting up this month. Be very careful as you cruise the deserts and take your Baja trips. We want to see all of you down in Baja for the Baja 1000 No-vember 13th• Until next month, be safe and Adios from Baja Pits. BFGaadrk:li fies BFGoodiicli Tires Proves Bger is Better Witli die Release of die New Mud-Terraianr TIA df(M2, Tire The BFGoodrich® Mud-Ter-rain T/AKMi tire can take any-thing and throw it right back. Designed from the mud up, it is built to eclipse any obstacle -and any other tire -on the trail. BFGoodrich Tires' brain trust of engineers and designers improved the per-formance and styling of the previous BFGoodrich Mud-Terrain T/AKM tire to give se-rious off-readers the edge with a stronger, more capable tire than anything seen be-fore. After all, when the pavement ends, there is no such thing as an unfair advan-tage. The BFGoodrich Mud-Terrain T/AKMi will ultimately be available in the largest amount of sizes and fitments over the course of the next two years "and will go on sale beginning with phase one in September 2007, following up with phase two in September 2008. With more off-roaders go-ing big these days in their choice of trucks, lift kits and tire sizes, BFGoodrich Tires has the solution for nearly ev-ery. application. The BFGoodrich Mud-Terrain T/ AKMi tire will ultimately be avaiLable in 34 sizes after each phase is complete, ranging from LT215/75Rl5 to 42xl4.50R20 to satisfy today's core off-road enthusi-asts. Phase one available in September 2007 will include 16 sizes focusing on larger rim and overall tire diam-eters. "One look at its 'Krawler-like' tread and you can tell the BFGoodrich Mud-Terrain T/ AKM2isn't merely an update of a previous tire. It's a com-pletely different animal," said Joe Mazur, light-truck cat-egory manager for BFGoodrich Tires. "How-ever, off the trail, the BFGoodrich Mud-Terrain T / AKMi has surprisingly good manners, which make it one beast that's easy to live with." Inspired by the BFGoodrich Tires Krawler™ T/AKxwhich is the most suc-cessful tire in rock-crawling history, BFGoodrich Tires has incorporated Krawler TEK® into the BFGoodrich Tires Mud-Terrain T/ AKM2TriGard® sidewall. Krawler TEK con-sists of three components that dramatically improve the sidewall strength as compared to the BFGoodrich Mud-Ter-rain T/ AKMtire. These three components consist of: ag-gressive sidewall lugs, cut-& chip-resistant sidewall com-pounds and sidewall cords that are up to 33 percent stronger than the previous Mud-Terrain T/AKM tire. These advancements allow for more bite and sidewall protec-tion along with increased strength and resistance to bruising caused by rocks and rough trails. Sporting the same attrac-tive raised white lettering on the sidewall as its predeces-sor, the Mud-Terrain T/ AKM2 commands respect in all envi-ronments. Additionally, the Mud-Terrain T/ AKM2boasts ex-ceptional even wear character-istics and outstanding grip due to its Krawler-inspired tread design and a more Lin-ear Flex Zone across the face of the tread. The result is a tire with an aggressive look and appeal partnered with un-believable traction either off-road or around town. Using motorsports as a proving ground for more than 30 years, BFGoodrich® Tires is involved in every type of racing, including oval, sports car, drifting, drag, desert, dirt, rally (Dakar and WRC) and extreme rock-crawling. BFGoodrich Tires combines technological expertise with vast motorsports experience, delivering a high-performance tire for every type of vehicle. Visit BFGoodrich Tires online at www. bf good rich ti res. com. Dusty Times
NEWS Hello race fans, hope the dusty days of summer have been good to you. Let me start by apologizing to all the CORE members and our faithful readers for DNF'ing the past few months with the monthly CORE report. There have been some great races for CORE mem-bers this year, and the club's car count has been rising with old members coming out to play, and several new members joining in on the pit support and fun. CORE's treasurer Davey Girdner winning every MORE race this year in 1600, and new member and first time racer Jeremy Lindsay having finished his first three races with respectable finishes are just a few of the notable performances so far this year. Unfortunately, there isn't enough space to get you caught up with all the adion, so we'll have to pick up with the month ofJuly for this report. July 21" saw 7 club cars plan-ning on coming out to Barstow to . play in the summer heat at MORE's Freedom 250 night race. Unfortunately, the race started off on a sad note, as just an hour be-fore the start of the race, owner/ driver of car #909, Adonis Barela, was given the news that his Grand-mother had passed away. Adonis TRUCKHA VEN OFF-ROAD AREA USED BY OFF-ROADERS SINCE 1950'S WILL AGAIN BE OPEN FOR WORLD CLASS EVENTS In January of 2007 the Cen-ter for Biological Diversity (CBD) and the Desert Protective Council (DPC) filed a lawsuit claiming that the California De-partment of Parks and Recre-ation (DPR) purchased the Truclchaven property without completing the environmental reviews required by the Califor-nia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). As a result, the special permits required to use the prop-erty for events were suspended. An agreement has been reached by the parties involved that will allow State Parks to issue event permits in this area as long as the appropriate environmental reviews are completed. This area has been used by off-roaders since the 1950's. It is also the location for Califor-nia Off-Road Vehicle Dusty Times pulled his car from the starting lineup, but in true CORE sports-manship, still sent out a small crew to man CORE pit A. Thank you to Adonis and crew for still help-ing out at the race, and all of CORE sends you their condo-lences. A few days before the race, #1637, Brad Inch lost a brand new motor while tuning up for this race. If it weren't for bad luck, President Brad would have no luck at all. Having drawn the # 1 start-ing position in class, this was a big disappointment, but again, Brad came out to handle CORE pit B along with Gary Hall and Don Johnson. Everyone was excited to finally get racing, but it again it quickly turned ugly, as owner/ driver of #1209,J.D. Ward had a high-speed endo at road crossing #l, just 4 miles into the race. Both J .D. and co-driver were taken to the hospi-tal in Barstow for observation and a brief stay. All the CORE pits were anxiously waiting for any news on their condition, making to very tough to fully enjoy the racing. Thankfully, it was reported that both men were going to be OK, and everybody was able to get back into race mode. It was later learned that JD suffered a back in-jury and was back home moving around slowly but in good spirits and already planning on repairs. Next car off the line was the #1622 car of 3G Racing. Tim Craig started in the car, ran 3 un-believably consistent laps and handed the car over to CORE Treasurer Davey Girdner to bring it home. Davey had a smooth time in the dark except for the usual last lap jitters. Thoroughly convinced every tire was flat, the motor Association's (CORVA) annual "Truckhaven Challenge." This event has been held in the Truckhaven area for twelve years. It provides organized fam-ily off-roading fun while at the same time teaching trail eti-quette, habitat protection and proper safety techniques. Circa 1964, the Tierra Del Sol Four Wheel Drive Club of San Diego began hosting their "Desert Sa-fari" event in this area. It has been a successful gathering of 4 wheel drive enthusiasts for over 40 years. Before this year OHV organi-zations did not need to obtain special event permits because the property was owned by sev-eral individuals that never ob-jected to the events. Once DPR purchased the property, special event permits became a require-ment. The CBD and DPC filed a request for an injunction to keep CORVA from holding their "Truckhaven Challenge" in January of this year. CORVA chose to cancel their request for a permit on advice of counsel. Later, CBD and DPC asked for a court order prohibiting all OHV use in the area. CORVA fought this and the court refused to issue the injunction. CORVA was then dismissed from the liti-gation. In July of this year; Ecologic partners filed a motion to inter-vene in the lawsuit in support of State Parks. While this motion was pending befor·e the court, CBD, DPC and State Parks en-tered into settlement negotia-tions. We are happy to report that the case has now been re-sounded sour, he was lost, shock was blown, but everything was just fine and Davey pulled in for the ½-1600 class win as well as being 4'h overall to boot. Race fans, that's 5 race wins in a row for these guys! Pretty impressive 3G Racing, keep up the great work. Next 1600 car of the line was the #1633 single seater of new racer Kevin Coleman. This was Kevin's . first race, having just purchased the car only a few weeks before this event. And quit the memorable race this was for Kevin and Team. It started on Friday night when the front end came apart while getting acquainted with Barstow and his new car. A late night and the car was ready to go, or so they thought. A few hours before the start of the race, Kevin fired the car up and ex-ploded an oil cooler. Back to town · for more parts and another repair! Kevin's first 2 laps where very good for having very little time in the car. Kevin stopped at main pit after lap 1 just to have the car checked over, which everything looked pretty good. He stopped again at the end · of lap 2 complaining of soft rear shocks, never a good thing in Barstow! Bob Depew and Tom Malloy diagnosed weak torsion bars, and did what they could to help the car, and sent Kevin on his way. But unfortunately, somewhere in the dark Barstow desert out near the camel humps, an oil line fell off. Kevin didn't have any in the car, so his crew took off to find him and get him going. Well, let's just say that it wasn't the quickest res-cue of a racecar and driver. But Kevin's crew was just as new as he was, had never been to Barstow be-fore, and it was pitch black out there. So the fact solved on terms favorable to the OHV commu-nity. CBD and DPC have dropped all of their claims, in-cluding those under CEQA. Therefore, the acquisition of Truckhaven by State -Parks is no longer in dispute. In ex-change, State Parks has agreed to ini-tiate a public planning pro-cess for the Truckhaven area. This pro-cess will begin at the end of the year and is expected to take 12 to 18 months to com-plete. In the interim, how-ever, State Parks will be able to issue special event permits to OHV groups, provided they conduct the en-vironmental analysis re-quired under CEQA. This is a great vi;:tory for OHV users and for the en-vironment. October 2007 that they did eventually find them was a testament to their enthusiasm for the sport. Kevin eventually got going, but it didn't take long for the engine to start complaining loudly. So Kevin pulled in to Pit D, where Johnny Burns, Larry Alstoff and Dave Girdner, Sr. de-cided that Kevin's night was over. Kevin and his Team did a great job for being new to the sport,. and CORE looks forward to providing pit support to this Team in the fu-ture. Next car to start was owner/ driver of 1672, Jeremy Lindsay. Jer-emy has finished both of his first two races as a driver, and with a new dual port motor, was really looking forward to this night. And a long night he had. A few miles from finishing lap 1, Jeremy had everything open but the toolbox, when the car bicycled in a right-hander and he couldn't bring her back. Eyewitnesses said the car bar-rel-rolled at least 5 times, with the car resting dirty side up in the middle of the course. While try-ing to blink away ·the stars and birdies that were flying around his head, some bystanders rolled the car over and got it off the track. A quick inspection had the car in pretty good shape considering the crash. With a broken bell housing, two bent hubs, one bent wheel and a crumpled roof, Jeremy added some oil and drove it back to main. At main, CORE went to work seeing if the car could con-tinue. Robbing an amber light from a nearby 9 car that was out, the crew went to working getting the car out. Jeremy went out on lap 2 with fingers crossed. Com-ing up on the same turn on lap 2, Jeremy slowed down so he wouldn't do the same thing. Well, you guessed it; back up on the bike, two slow rolls, and ended up on his wheels, only 20 feet from where he had wadded it up on the previous lap. Only this time, the HID's and radio antennae had had enough, so he was down to two lights and no radio. Another lengthy stop at main and back out with 4 laps still to go. Luckily, these laps were uneventful, and Jer finished with 45 minutes to spare, which was truly amazing after what he had been through. Jeremy was very thankful, as the CORE pits all stayed out until he had passed them on his last lap, with Dan Martinez and crew from Pit C not getting in until almost 2:00 a.m. He also wanted to put out a big thank you to non-club car #1673, Mike Ward and co-driver. Appar-ently they were in the other lane when Jeremy pulled off his Evil Knievel stunt. They turned around and stayed with him until he got out and on his feet. Then went up course to make sure nobody hit the car in the dust. 167 3 then stopped several times to report the incident before completing his lap. Thanks 167 3 for the sportsman-ship! So there you have, a wild and woolly night of desert racing. Next on the Calendar is the September 15'h MORE race in Lucerne. If you need pit support, and would like to help out in a pit, see us at the races, or contact CORE president Brad Inch at 818-352-9035 for more info. Thanks for reading. SCORE MECHANICS OF THE YEAR Manufacturing and preparing the finest line of off-road Race and Pre-Runner Vehicles Page 51
GDDd Stuff Dlrecta Air Cleaners for Off-Road Racing. From Baja to Dakar. For a list of dealers visit our website at: www.advancedaircieanersystems.com (:,')SER TS" '--"*CELLULAR TIRE INSERTS Preliminary announcement: new technology that flat-proofs / blowout-proofs pneumatic tires. Please go to: www.airserts.com for information and a video demonstration of AIRSERTS™ Cellular Tire Inserts. ? -l re, . • .. _,,,. Custom l.f Sbes Toll Free: 800-526-5330 Fax: 201-825-1962 e-Mall: atl@atUnc.com L_ .. ~ ;.>. ~9:_ www.atl/ue/cells.com 7 Off Road Trucks Off-Road Fiberglass• Off-Road Truck Fabrica1ion Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Rolf Cages Ford Truck Specialist • www.autofab.com 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee. CA 92071 ~RTS 1hebaJasholl@earthtb11uit, (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 RACECARS PRERUNNERS -,.:, .1·_p ... ·CUSTOM.~ .. ~ IEL: 714.Qlt.-r._5 fAl;JM.219.1, ,. ' ),, ~ . .''"h•~,.., _: ... ~. John Baker Race Car Fabrication • Race Prep. Transmissions • Fiberglass 15821 Graham Street • Huntington Beach. CA 92649 Phone: 714-891 -3086 • Fax: 714-892-6360 BakerMotorsports.net MOTORHOMES, ~ - -----, sPoRTOEcKs & ~a.aod-9~ TRAILERS ~ - -.../ _-4 ()an• (480) 598-2600 600 S. 56th St., Bldg. A-7, Chandler, AZ. 85226 www.ballrenegade.com Mobile (623) 326-8470 Fax (480) 598-2800 renata@ballrenegade.com RENATA REHM-MUNRO Renegade Sales For A Few Bucks You can Increase Your Productivity ■1■-■■2-aaa• BRANDWOOD CARS tor mid-engines and other applications Ci.lstorr. V'?hicle Shifter / -,I'~ / -~-,-,,.--- . - · ·• I . --•• .' -~ ✓ / --. l . . . ~•: -• S1'4 inctHHd air flow. • No 011111quinld on filter tlement. • FIIW -,Id Qlpf are machined. . • Slz.n 12• or 15" t.g · ttel' • 81kt mounting dempa .• • No external wtkla. • 8illet Oft flood Porn • Easy c:lffniog Flni$h. /\ir Rters. Spindle$, Hvb$ 9SU l',u,wy St., s..ru ... 0.. 91011 Ph: (619)562,3071 fax: (619)562,0592 www.BTIPerformance.com Offroad to Street. Prerunner to Race ..Chula onagn ~~ Prep -All Generat Febrloatlon ~1 174ffl.t1aost,e HeepertaCA9ZHf ~Of'bOaol,OOIIII RaceaJr Helmets & Accessories Bell• Sboel, Simpson , • . lower .systems & cool boxes 1 ................................ .. CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN 39067 ORCHARD ST. CHERRY V.AU.EY CA. 92223 PJGJ. (9St)411"'8820 produds in stock Rare boyp Fabifo1tion: Boatec Fiberglass . Pre-Runners Dimple Dies Desert Trucks Tubing Benders Short Comse trucks Bypass vahes+t.ubes Paris-Dakar trucks Sway--bar Arms CHAMPION WHEEL CC, INC. I &537 C01..LJl:R (951) 471 •2 l 8::3 I.Al<.£ £LSINORE CA, 9253 I WWW.CHAMPIONWHltEL,COM CHENOWTH aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiFR.4CING PltODf/CTS. INC. 943 Vemon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 Fax {619) 449-7103 www.chenowth.com OCNC;J Manot.,,,,.eBof B,ako ~ _Clotd, Pedal A,~ Mc:sster Cylinders $love Cylinder$ CNC, Inc. 1221 West Moreno llvd. San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 275-1663 ,, .. , _-¾ ~~ e-mail: CoastCoatings@sbcglobal.net www.CoastCoatings.com 227 Calle Pintoresco San Clemente, CA 92672 Cutting and Sto9ing Brakes Hydraulic Throttles ll)rottle Pedals and <1II of o~r accessories . Sertd $3.00 for Catalog
FLOATER REAR ENOS• rRONT HUBS• AXLES BALt JOINTS• TOASION BAAS• t<NOCK OF.F HUSS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 t-fanging Tree Lane • Templeton, CA.93465 II Countrywide-BRAD TURPIN HOME LOANs SR. HOME WAN WN:illLTAr-IT 27805 S.-.NJ'A MARGARITA Ph."\VY ML'iSION VU;JO, CA 92691 (949) 291-3158 Cw. (949) 707-2223 0mCE (866) 379-0298 FA.x WWW.HOME.COUmln-«'IIJE.COM/llRADTI!Rl'IN HRAD_TURPIN@CoUN!l{YWIDE.COM . OFf:ICIAL RACE Fl/ELS FUEL OF NASCAR 1 (800) 54■-COSBY COSBY OIL COMPANY, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA CALLTODAYI PH: 949 .. 567.9000 www.cppistons.com ·• SlW: •RU=•~ rN£S C'lllllln.mm.®9~ JRl<lll<eihmt ,rwmn.~mil~~ft ®llll~ 18273 Grand Ave. #6 fArn::n F.7R-1 RRQ lake Elsinore, CA 92530 (951) 678-1669 a-,:..&.&...,. .. :a1.,&.:.,&-=:L.ia..:.. -s....,,,..,., ...... ........ .......... ......... ...... ......... _.. n ..... ,.. ~A.at••·· ' ~&J~n f'a, '~~-w• .. rti• i\TdlFM 800-Q.74110f MA ~@CUSTOMDlrAL.COM BEST SERVICE IN THE WEST <to'~!!!..!9Y~" w , KYMCO ATVS SCOOTERS MOTORCYCLES ,..,,., •• ...,.,. NEW USED CUSTOM Cory, Sffly, Mike, Chria 91.t & Glaml Av.nut 11808N911tAv Ptoria,AZ 85345 PII ~ FAX 623-334-3730 Toll frH:8$6-745-0434 REPAIR SERVICE FABRJCATIOH SUSPENSIOff PARTS & ACCESSORIES RACE PREP & FUEL CUSTOM RIINO FABRICATION WWW.DESEIITTOY2ATV.COM DESEIITTO'YZATVQNOTMAII •. COM 24 Years of service To The a,, Road lndustr.y 818-882-0004 1543 W. 16th Street long Beach, California 90813 http://www.FandL.com greg@FandL.com llta PBBrfJll1QIQI 1558 No. Case • Orange. CA 92867 {714) 637-2889 • Fax (714) 637-7352 GREG QUINN CELL (562) 843-4355 (562) 432-3946 (714) 540-5535 FAX (562) 432-7969 We u• & racomnwnd RAUM, [',;<,INf.\ TRA\\\11\\IOM AND OfFROAll PART'i· St:nd 11.-rall for our Ul'W catalog S5.0O BRUCE FRALEY 702365.9055 gary@fuelsafe.com www.fuelsafe.com • ~l"ASRICA?J~~ , ' . AND WELDING S~lizing in Race Car Prep. Saod Can • Detert Can• P~Rnnueni • All Genenl Fabrication and Welding 1694(\ Ta.,. Lane Rl"""1d•,CA9LS"4 9SL78<'.79Z7 Ok/Fax pmbhciai:i.::>n'1t1bq\ol,,al.net 714.741.4720 Glen Cetl 714. 74?.472.l Sba-...1> C.ll
HEADFWW MASTERS Adrian JG TRANSWfRKS 'Go with a Proven Winner• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Quality RacJng Transaxles Mendeola Dealer · Off Road -Sand Specialist JOE GIFFIN 306 I E. l..a Jolla St. #I 2466 S. SAN'fi\ FE AVE. #ff VISTA CA. 92081 PHONE (760) 727-1827 An~llcim. California 92S06 (714) 632-1240 Falt (714) 632-1223 Ema,!: jgtraM@pacbell.net www JO'Jtanswcrks.com HONDA. r,.tMil=a · (81'8) 166-6134 (800) 800-6134 FAX (818)'766-9397 $ .SUZUKI ·SE ... AIID BILL ROBERTSON & SONS: INC. 5626 TWUNGA AVE. NORTH HOLL YWOOO, CA. 91601 . HLJSTL-E:~ COl'1CePTS ~ KAJA SHOP , ...... 1967) J:JRE ~t....r'lt'"11ii:A5i r:::11....'--"'1'11"""1l...J1Tl UJCJJ:11-1 SF=lec::a:::u,_..,........ JeueRodrigu.ea PH: 714-887-0701 Fax:714-9&7-0758 .JON KINNE 520 Railroad St., Corona, CA 92882 Tel. 951-278-2233• Fax: 95 l-278-8335•www.jonnylightning.net Lonely Long Advertising Term Space Relationship Looking Call For (818) 882-0004 OUT IOIJID l!ffOINE • GENERATOR SHCIAUSl Kawaguchi Honda Corp. www.Kawaguddhonda.com ART KAWAGUCHI 1 ffl2 £AST 1110 ST. fax 323-264-2131 714 Ni.-SI, Ocwlge.CA. 92867 www.t-.ustlefcoocepts.com LOS AHGW!S. C~toOii,l 323-264-6868 ,/JI~) Mike Julson 9428 Wheatlands Court lantN, CA 92071 819-596--3380 81N96-33Mfllx www.Jlmccwace.com JJ,. ,ez _____ _ George Jimenez Se Hob/a Espanol RACING OIGINB COMPl.m. ENGINES • PAATS & DYNO SOIV1C£ 535 E. Central Park Ave. Anaheim, CA 92802 Tel: (714) 535.5116 Fax: (714) 535·5816 Derek Kreger PII: 114.289.9048 Fl: 114.631.1854 1214 N, Parker Unti # 3 Orange, CA 92867 POWER E STEERIN& THOMAS E. LEE LEE MFG. ~O. 11ee1 9ENOL.ETONln'RfEf SUN WJ.£Y, CA 913152 F~ (818} m.aa1 {8l8)7e&-m11 AfullllneofPowow~g..,., pumpt and ~ fof any type ot raciA9. Ml91'aflu• and ZYVIO taciiltlel available. Engineering •custoaa.... "RacePrep' 'Allllllinum Wortc ~ ~ FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 KENT LOTHRINGER (909) 596-5497 FAX p~ RACING ENGINES Assembly • Machine Work • Parts · Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619} 596~0886 Race Seats• Restraints• Storage Bags Window Nets• Limit Straps• Tie Downs www.mastercraftseats.com 11433 Woodside Avenue• Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455 • Fax: 619/449-9454 YDUR OFF-ROAD Catch us c,i, the Net/ IIPECIAL/$TS/ www.mckenzies.com PIIONE: (714) 441-1212 FAXo (714) 441-1622 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CA 92806 MIKE MENDEOLA 290 Trousdale l'.>lwe, Suite I & J Chula Vista, CA 91910 (619} 691-1000 24 Hour Fax (6 19) 691· 1324 ToddOWJa' 1900 ~Ave.Sure 101; Cmina, CA 92.881 · Phone(951)817-0101 EXt.156 www.miekeythompsontires.com 619-562-5S33
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CraloSt.wart Phone; 6'$--449-972'1 ft'M 61~,,..76TR C..619-726-«m Fabrication & Rate Preparation 9419AbrUhamWay Sant.., CA 9207! ,,.~ .... ~~!..~~~ ~~liu.<om SalN& Service PH: 114.681 .. 6731 • fl: 114..680.3110 Tall free: 800.304..8726 IO 1 S E. Elm Avenue, Fullerton, CA 9 2 8 3 1 Slit lHUt: -SWllt■lla -111112..-1-114 ........ ....... ....... will get vou In gear MliH.P••nu,, 11, ......... llflt JollltU. I 1112 J m-.tla RANCHO DRIVETRAIN ENGINEERING Tony Selva, Jr. 27598 Commerce Confer Drive Temecula, CA 92590 •HON£ 951.676.6569 ••<=>•••«951.676.1 U 1 t se1 vo@ro n ch od rivet ro in. com GIJAIJJ'Y lsN'r EltPENsNE, Ir's PRlt:Euss! VALW TRAIN PRoolJcrs • Cus7oM HEAD WOM 7SO/B4B-4SSB • FAK 7BO/S4B485S IN'MnlV-ROVALUEBPRING.CO~ -~!?;;::;9 ..._.* td¥?d,::r4Q:G;; ?&+~ Barry Beacham 1021 Calle Sombra - Unit A San Clemente, CA 92673 Office 949-361-4388 Fax 949-361-4352 barry@raceprepservices.com www.raceprepservices.com A Tatum Distributor ~!b~-Speelaliiing in Ott-Road Racing & Orl~ng For over 21 Yea!'$ 1':l--o/ ~°'l'!fa. ~.-. q.a 2!)()()...2()()/ • PIM 9 '-'-' o/ fJlr-.pio .. 41up 1,t/"'4. Mlg Weld~ • r111 Welding Upgndn & Repain Bala•Proven Equipment 5294 N. Casa Grande H"Y • Sle 102 Tucson, A7. 85743 520-850•3693 fiiil SANDERS SERVICE, INC. L~ MET~ PROCESSING 5,21 Wll;mingto«1 Ave., Los Ange)es, CA 90001 (323) :583-2404 FAX (323) 583-3965 SANOOLAST-OLASS B£AO.MAGNETIC PARTICLE FLOURl::SCENT INSPECTION MARKSMITH LARRYSMJTH Do You Need TO E X p· A N D 818-882-0004 LAURA S. B. ENG1NEERING "SUPER B00T0 HCR66, BOX 11030 P.AHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV 8904a (77S) 372--5335 TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea¥ CA 92821, (714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 J09 SITE SKUIS • M."ll;EAS • ~INOOW lEmRtttG • CAIi LETTEII.ING • G/WltllCS SGUEAK S. MARGIE COATS 5101 Galw~y Circle • Huotlngto1 Beach CA 92649 (714) 897-0075 • Fa:\ 17141 894-9567 .. Paul Oil Company "WESTERN DIVISION (209} 847-2281 {8001527-6090 FAX 1209) 847-9726 P.O. Be»<. 248 • 524 N. Siem, Ave. Oakdale. California 95381 T & J's Diesel Performanoe /·~ Bctreme Performance Dies I Exhausts & Performance Accessorles Powerstrok.e, Duramaic, Cummins www.TJDIESELPERFORMANCE.com 714 924-.5094 Placentia, CA 92870
2180 Collete Of'lve • Lake Havasu City • AZ. 8&403 Call Toll Free: 877-627-8852 or E-Mail: info@tcsperl'ormance.com \ • HI Performance Converters Custom LengtlrAxles • • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed Hubs • (for Race & Recreation} Input Shafts • American Made Excellence!! s~ /$. • Off-Road and Bolt•On to street Fiberglass for: "Ford, C~evy and Toyota" Trucks "Carbon fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1261 N. Buena Vista St. • a.et Ca. 92543 Pit: 951-4i54-7334 Fu: 951.fJfU-2375 8-,e a Ust of our procfuds#t ow-w4llf lite: http://,.....off~.COfll TifrNSAXLE ENGl"EE"'NG VP Racing Fuels, Inc. West Coast Region P.O. Box 1319 34283 Monte Vista Wildomar. CA 92595 •o,.a,, , .. ,. & '"'"'' ,,, .,.,,,.,,,. Wnslt, • ••w.r-p,w,f•,ts.c• KELLEY HENDEL Regional Manager Otfice:(951) 674-9161 Fax(~Sl~ 674-7367 Email: vppacificOaotcom For A Few Bucks You can Increase Your Productivity JEFF FtELO {818) 998-2739 ¢hats!~~:~t-!t3~~-818·882·DDD• Tlil'AIII~ .__., ~,.,.?.:,-;.,-77 Hl: 114.526.5820 FAX: 114.526.5840 1015 E. Elm Avenue, Fullerton, CA 92B31 NS W■ST PERFORMANCE TRANSAXlES Kevin Pirtle 22545 South Normandie Ave. Torrance, California 90501 (619) 596,-8033 1000 W , Bredl$y, Unit Q El Cajon, CA 92020 Carlos Oro;r:co SCORE ENGINE BUILDER Ofl'H£:.Y£AR 994, 1998~ 1999, . From Parts To complete ervf'.M• 3265 W. Birtcher Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89118 702-837-2522 ~N.2lst0t. Phoenix, AZ 1$021 Jack Woods 601-242..0017 fu 602-242•'783 Race Cars Dune Buggies Baja Bugs Lorenzo Rodriguez w ..,..,,,,,..,e,.-.s · Pans • s-e · W<!!dmg V>N. ·· f'ol-s<.he • N,wa1> • k)yool • Horn:l;a 850 S. Alta Vi~ta Ave . Monrovia, CA 91 016 \626) 305-RACE {7223) • (626} 357-6629 Fax WWW ,wrtrans. <;om ~ ....... ~ .... ~---RRCE PREP SHOP • BUGGIES • S.RRDCRRS •SHOCHS • TRUCllS • PRE·RURHERS • FRBRICRTIOH 818) '126-2260 World Leading Motorsport Transmission Manufacturer 11 Dakar Rally Victories 17 World Rally Victories 6 AMA MX/SX Championships Xtrac Inc 6183 West 80th Street Indianapolis IN 46278 email: andrew_heard@xtrac.com Tel: (317) 472 2454 '383' Baja Class 1/10 sequentialTransaxle www.xtrac.com/inc Trophy Truck solutions available for Lead Customers
Classlfled ••• Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Read-ers are advised to consult appro-priate local or state authorities for information before purchase of any specific item. FOR SALE: 2002 McMullen 4-5 seat Class 1 race or pre-Run, 35 BFG's low hours on V-8 crate motor, 0 hours on new Fortin 5-speed, Parker Pumpers, mid board CV's, power steering, dual battery, dual fuel pumps, 32 gal. fuel cell, King Shocks, license plates, Beard Seats, etc .. all good parts, built tough. $50,000.00. (760) 731-9548 or (760) 695-2341. FOR SALE: Brian Coats built Chevy Trophy Truck. RC Per-formance 720 HP, Culhane Turbo 400, Kings, PCI, Dry brake Fuel system, Ready to race. Call Tony (714) 642-6889. $125,000.00 FOR SALE: Class 10 FOR SALE, King Shocks, Fortin, 934 custom, Major Performance Honda, Fortin rack, very fast, ready to race. $55,000.00 (Single Seat) (619) 654-6423, (619) 770-3699. FOR SALE: One of the best Class 8 trucks you will find cur-rently racing. Front susp: King 3' Triple bypass and 2.5' coil overs. Bump stops. I Beam with Pro-am Trophy Truck Clevis & spindles. Pro-Am 14' rotors. Pro-am brake calipers and hubs. Rear susp: King Triple bypass and 3' coil overs. King Bump stops. Bullet proof Dana 60 rearend. Summers Bros. Hubs and 40 spline axles. Willwood discs. Howe steering box, pump and assist ram, Duel oil filters, Duel oil coolers. Mogie C-6 tranny with duel coolers, Duel MSD ign1t1on. Duel fuel pumps, (one is back up) Duel optima batteries. New Mastercraft 3-G seats. New PCI/Kenwood 1200 radio w. intercom. Low.ranee 7' OPS 17" Walker Evans bead locks with 37' BFG projects. 750hp, 434 c.i. 700 ft lbs torqe @ 55000 RPMS. Will sell with or with-out engine. With plenty of spare parts. With engine: $100,000.00 without engine: $85,000.00. Willing to negoti-ate. (909) 748-0344 Mark. FOR ALE: 2007 Jimco class 1, HP Engine Chev SB 630HP, 620T Torque converter with sequential Fortin 5 spd. Hyd. In car jacks, Lowrance OPS, 1-Kenwood VHF Il0w, 1-Kenwood UHF-1 l0w, PCI in-tercom, fire sys, Mastercraft 3g's. dual engine-brains, front and roof light bars with 8 Hella HID, stainless exhaust and too many details to list. 300 test and pre-run miles only with complete prep and set-up by Jimco. Very reliable and fast with 140 mph top end. $ 220K-(760) 7 87-17 37 or ma rk@tyrmotorsports.com. FOR SALE; Class 10 JIMCO, SCORE tags, recent BITD Championship winner, com-pletely rebuilt Major F.l. V-Tec Honda, Fortin 5 speed., Fortin Hubs, New gun drilled axles, New broached 934 CV's, New body & pan, BTI headlocks, BFG TA's, CNC, UMP, PCI, Mastercraft, Hella HID's, C & R heat exchanger, Fuel Safe 35 gal dual gel batteries, even a 24' Pace American enclosed trailer. Extensive prep ... ready to win!! $95,000.00 Jim (619) 733-7513. FOR SALE: Own the legendary Great Candy Ca.ne! Great Sportsman car. Raceco 2 seater, VW, type 4 Motor, rebuilt trans, Fox Shocks, $18,500.00 OBO. TJ Stanworth (435) 864-4933. Leave message or email tjstanworth@hotmail.com for pictures. FOR SALE: Mastercraft TT #35, Bet of Everything-Complete Mirage prep just before the 500. Kroyer Mo-tor-Mogi Trans-Howe Perfor-mance TT rack-70 gal Fuel Cell-Bilstein Black Hawks-Walker Evans Wheels-2 flame out systems-Score tagged-and some really cool seats. $179,000.00 (619) 449-9455. FOR SALE: Ford-Ranger Pre-Ru nner, 351 V8, Mogi Trans, Street legal, Vintage air A/C, Fox, Race radio, Head sets, 35" & Beadlocks, A-Arm, 4 link, Truck built by Mark Newham, All tig welded, Interior cage all hidden behind interior, Fuel Cell, Rear storage box and rear cooler rack, this truck has been a Proven Prerunner in Mexico, 100% custom, you will not be disappointed. $45,000.00 PJ Chadwick (951) 712-5435. FOR SALE: ProComp Trophy Truck. Formally The Corona Trophy Truck. Best of every-thing. State of the art CAD tech-nology. Complete with 800 horsepower engine., King Shocks, 7 5 gallon fuel cell, bul-letproof 37" BFGoodrich tires w/ KMC headlocks. This truck is fully Race prepped. Just in time for the Baja 1000. $275,000.00 (760) 353-2110 Brandon. FOR SALE: 1991 Nissan 300 ZX Coup, Red 5 speed, T-tops, Chrome Wheels, excellent con-di ti on. Well maintained. 227,000 freeway miles. $4,500.00. (661) 268-1644. FOR SALE: Jimco 2 seat 1600, SCORE Tagged, FAT dual port, DFT Trans and Hubs, Kartek Shifrer, stercraft, Fuel Safe one dry brake, Foddrill Beam, Arms, Sweet Sac How, Lowrance 480c OPS, lcom V-8000 and In-tercom, Parker Pumper, CNC Willwood, Dual MSD $45,000.00 Steve -(928)442-9285. .._ FOR SALE: 2000 Dunrite 2-1600. SCORE Legal, fresh en-gine, new tranny, OPS, Disc brakes, Flame-out, new PCI ra-dio, $28K OBO. Many spare Parts/tires& rims. ALSO 1998 5-1600 SCORE Legal, fresh en-gine, new tranny (MOR 2005 C lass 550 points Champion) $9K OBO. Many spare parts/ tires & rims. Call Jim (619) 507-3288. FOR SALE: New Class 8 by C&D Fabworks. Incredible workmanship, all the good stuff, featured in the issue of Off Road Mag. This truck is fast, strong and nimble. L.R. tested and approved, first race netted a 1" overall. Just 3 races, only prepped by C&D. Perfect condition. See details at www.toweryhomes.com/ offroadhtml. $115,000.00 OBO. incl trailer. Matt (661) 304-5864. FOR SALE: 2006 Potter Pre-Run ner, Redline LS2, 610 HP, UMP Air filters, Fortin 4-speed, Fortin hubs, 934CV's, Fortin Steering Rack, Kings 3inch rear, 2.5 inch front, Walker Evans wheels on 35" BFG Projects, 38" Paddles on Douglas Beadlocks rear, 35" Baja Pro's on Douglas Beadlocks front, Lowrence OPS, PCI Radio and Intercom, Digital Display Dash, HID Lights. Car is fully prepped. Desert or Glamis ready! Asking $95,000.00 Call (714) 785: 3343 . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in ggo1:v=== • Clos,ihed Advmising rnte i, only $25 foe 45 woed~}!m~!::,Elf!..:.~:dem and phone numbec. Add $5.00 foe "" 00'51110 l of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. 2007-08 REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED - YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER. Enclosed is $ ______________ (Send check or money order, no Cash) Name-------------------------------------Address City------------------------------------------------------------------State _______ Zip __________________ Phone ________________________________ _ Please run ad _______ times Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 ISSUE DEADLINE November 07 Oct 5, 07 December 07 Nov 2, 07 January 08 Dec 7, 07 February 08 Jan 4, 08 March08 Feb 8, 08 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page ss October 2007 Dusty Times
FOR SALE: 2006 Herman Motorsports "Avenger" 2 seat Class 1/1500 race car. SCORE legal and tagged complete race prep, new LS7 engine, Mendeola transmission, King Shocks, 55 gal. fuel cell. Comes complete with lights, tool bags, air jack, impact gun etc. $150,000.00. OBO Call Dan (775) 690-4791 or email framing@danmillsconstruction.com. FOR SALE: 02 Ford Pre-Run-ner, 126" w.b., 392 Ford Stroker, Culhane trans, H&M housing, Sway-Bar, 4 link Fox 2 ½ coils, 3 ½ bypass, 2 ½ airbumps , Lee Steering, E & J Wireworks, Vin-tage AC, power windows, Full interior/sealed cab, Mastercraft, GPR, 2-trans OK coolers. XM 60 gal. Fuel Safe. $135,000.00 OBO. (909) 289-5363. f FOR SALE: 1986 GMC 32 foot box truck outfitted by Robby Gordon Motorsports for pit and chase vehicle. Completely self contained, Generato r, lights, belly boxes, Snap-on toolbox. Wo rk bench, cabinets. Multi-drawer hardware chests, nitro-gen racks. Tons of storage for all Easy load ramp. (760) 353-2110 FOR SALE: Foddrill built 2 seat class 10/ 12 Pre-Runner, 2680 FAT motor dry sumped, Mendi. Sequential 5 speed trans, Turning Brake, Kings all the way around done by Webber, Mastercraft, Fuel Safe one dry brake one regu-lar, !com Radio and Inter-com, GPS 7 inch screen. Steve (928) 442-9285. FOR SALE: Porter Class 1 Race LS 2, Fortin w/ Convertor, King, HIDs spares, Best of every-thing. 100% prepped and race ready. $149K. Call Todd (619) 239-4176. Dusty Times FOR SALE: 2006 Herman Motorsports "Avenger" 2 seat Class 1/1500 race car. SCORE legal and tagged complete race prep, new LS7 engine, Mendeola transmission, King Shocks, 55 gal. fuel cell. Comes com-plete with lights, tool bags, air jack, impact gun etc. $150,000.00. OBO Call Dan (775) 690-4791 or email framing@danmillsconstruction.com. (t FOR SALE: Single Seat Seagrove 10/12 Car, Fat 1776 dry sumped. Compu Fire Ignition, Mendi 5 speed sequential, Black BTR's beadlocked rear with Yokohama's, Lowrance GPS, Oirtbags, Mastercraft seat, Dual Fuel Filler on dry brake one regular, State of the Art 100 mph, FAST Steve (928) 442-9285. FOR SALE: AG PreRunner, 4 seat, LSI, Fortin 5 speed, King Shocks, 935 CV, GPS, Intercom, Reliable and fun car. $60K. Call Todd (619) 239-4176. I~ FOR SALE: Trophy Truck FOR SALE, King Shocks, Trans Turbo 400, Crossman rear end, Ex Roger Mears, Aluminum block, Small block Chevy by Jim Horn 650hp (Single Seat) $105,000K (619) 654-6423, (619) 770-3699. NUMBl!RS FOR SALE: Alumicraft PreRunner built by John Cooley only 300 miles of prerunning, great shape. Westwood Motorsports LS 6 383 stroker, Lunati Internals, "Fast" in-take Manifold, Haltech E-11, Double Oise clutch/flywheel. Albins 5 speed. Approx 525 HP. Race Radio, GPS, $94,000.00 OBO (520) 299-5020. FOR SALE: Class 8 Race Ready. BITD & SCORE. Best of Every-thing. ALSO KW Semi & trailer. Nice spare pack. (702) 592-1993 Eric call for price info. FOR SALE: Class IO-Points Cham-pion. 2006-Alumicraft, SCORE Tag to Baja 500 08. Race prepped, very light, two Major 1915cc VW Mo-tors, Fortin drive train, Lots spares. $90,000.00 (760) 788-9831, email darren@tenantspaceinc.com. FOR SALE: 2 Seat Class 12 o r prerunner. 1974cc Type 1 Bunderso n Chassis fresh re-build engine/trans/shocks/ wiring/suspension. 930 cv's. Car brakes. Charlyn p/s, Beard seats, FOX shocks, $15,000.00. Call (208) 884-4622. YOU Betta, Nave Good ones By Jim Russel -Director of Timing and Scoring, SCORE You all race entirely too hard to throw away your race at the finish line by not having your vehicle nLm-bers visible and legible. With two de-cades of off road timing and scor-ing experience encompassing all of the SCORE races we have spent much time trying to decode race numbers on passing vehicles in an effort to see that the right racer gets credited with his correct finishing time. The SCORE rule book is very specific as to size, font, background, and number of identifying plates re-quired on the different types of ve-hicles. If you have any questions, please see Rule CR50 on Page 37. Unfortunately all too many of you find the need to use trick fonts that can be hard to read. I know that we all feel that these numbers are su-perfluous since we must know who you are, but unless you are Dale Emhart Jr., if you don't follow the rules the scorers aren't able to be sure who you are as you pass. Un-derstand fully that it is the responsi-bility of the racer to be sure that the checkpoint personnel and scoring staff can read his number as he passes. Again, this is made clear in the SCORE Rule Book on Page 37. People start to think that because they readily recognize their own ve-hicle and those of their friends and competitors that the race numbers aren't important. Well, they are. Speaking for all race officials in all sanctioning bodies some of us may recognize many of you, but not all of us know all of you and I suggest you not take the chance that the of-ficial you are passing recognizes you, especially after your vehicle and October 2007 -~ 'Ji FOR SALE: Don't Pass Up!!! FOX MOTORSPORTS FOR SALE!!! Everything you need to race Class One!!! RacePrep and Ready. 2006 HMS LS7 Big HP, Fortin w/ con-verter, King, PWR, Proam Hids, Racepak, GPS, all of the best, no expense spared. 2006 Foddrill 3 seat Prerunner, LS6, Fortin w/ converter, Fox Proam, HIDS, pump gas XM ra-dio, intercom w/ headsets, GPS roof rack, street legal, registered. 2004 Ford 350 4x4 Powerstroke crewcab white/ can 52,356 miles. All Chase trucks have race radios, equipment racks and all services has been done in dealerships, all in excellent con-dition. Two bumper pull trailers, single axle, tandem axle w/ storage. Everything goes, over $20,000 in spare parts. Too much to list. Must see. You won't be disappointed. $345,000.00. Will Separate. Call or e-mail for details. Contact Cesar Fuente @ (915) 726-3823. afuentes@fuentes 7 .com. mx Wanted: Off-road mechanic/ fab-ricator. Must have truck and buggy experience. Good salary & benefits. Jo b located in Las Vegas. Fax resume co (702) 365-9666. Wanted: Truck Accessory Sales Manager E. County San Diego. Results o riented self-starter wanted to lead & build a new po-sition with a company expanding into a brand new facility. Excellent Customer Service skills/Experi-ence. Extremely knowledgeable: Specifically in truck lift suspen-sion, tire product lines. Knowl-edge/experience with pre-manu-factured long travel kits a plus. Salary negotiable. Fax (619) 449-9621 or email: jobs@ExpressPerformanceCenter.com. numbers get dire and mud on them, the sun sets, and we all get tired. This is to say nothing about the numbers made with electrical tape. We have just returned from the SCORE Baja 500 and a new pin-nacle of sloppy numbers was reached there. Especially on the ATVs. Now the motorcycles and quads are always the most difficult to identify, due to the smaller size of the vehicles and less space on which to display num-bers even if the rules are followed, but the disregard for the rules at this race was the worst ever. The major-ity of the ATVs did not have the re-quired numbering. Some had no numbers on the sides or back at all, some had completely illegible num-bers on the front due to "special" fonts. For example, a vehicle read clearly as number 18 was actually number 78 when we stopped him to verify. If a diligent SCORE check-point worker hadn't interrogated the rider he wouldn't have been cred-ited for his finish. The actual worst example we had was an ATV that was displaying race numbers which weren't his for that race. The only sELL yo-cm vehicles, equipment and bits and pieces right here! Dusty Times has the reader-ship you're looking for so fill otd the.form on the opposite page! INDLl TO AD\/b.12. Tl6b.12.6 All Road Communications .................... 40 Baker Precision .................................... 20 Best In The Desert• Henderson's Terrible 400 ................. 30 Butch's Speed Shop .............................. 46 BTR Racing Wheels .............................. 22 Competition Air Systems ..................... 29 CODE Mexicana Logistics 300 ............. 19 CORR ....................................... Back Cover Eibach Springs ...................................... 13 Fabtech • Rhino ..................................... 33 Fuel Safe Racing Cells .......................... 26 Info Wanted .......................................... 44 Kar Tek Off Road .................................. 43 Kawaguchi Honda ................................. 37 KC Hilites ............................................... 2 King Shock Technology ........................ 31 McKenzie's Performance Products ...... 11 MOR Productions -Superstition 250/ Stoddard 250 ................................... 27 Mesa Hose ............................................ 49 Nevada Off Road Buggy ........................ 42 Ovrtyme Autosports ............................. 47 Pacific Customs .................................... 25 Parker Pumper D-Cell ........................... 23 Patton's Metal Working Solutions ....... 50 PCI Race Radios ...................................... 5 Race Prep Services ............................... 51 Race Ready Products ............................ 35 Racer Off Road ..................................... 45 Racer X Pro Race Products .................. 15 Robby Gordon Off Road ........................ 41 Ronco Plastics ...................................... 32 Sakata Motorsport Electronics ............ 17 Skyjacker Suspentions ......................... 21 SNORE -FilterMag 250 .......................... 4 Soltek light Systems ............................ 31 South Point Casino ................................. 9 Speed Unlimited Motorsports .............. 45 Stewart's Raceworks ........................... 38 Transaxle Engineering .......................... 12 TSCO ..................................................... 14 Vision X Off Road Lighting ................... 28 place that his correct entry number showed was on the back of his jer-sey. Again, if we hadn't actually stopped and asked him he wouldn't have been a finisher. Trucks aren't immune from this either. At Ensenada a truck passed with the primary number missing the last digit. We still do not know who it was. So get out the Rule Book and check your vehicle to see if it com-plies completely as to numbers. This means black numbers on white, or white numbers n black too, and they are to be on a white or black back-ground plate of field. The multiple numbers serve a real purpose too, we need the numbers on the front, sides and rear of the vehicles all to be legible. Again, especially on the ATVs, and as it states in the Rule Book, numbers on the fenders do not count. And I know the lovely colors and cool fonts are attractive, but unless you don't care if you aren't scored I recommend you fol-low the long establi hed rules. Please be aware that enforcement of these rules will be tightened. Page 59 -
Location September 29-30 Chula Vista International Raceway Chula Vista, California October 19-20 Texas Motor Speedway Dallas, Texas November 3-4 Las Vegas Off Road International Raceway -