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2006 Volume 23 Number 9 Dusty Times Magazine

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r· ·t :r 'I t , I volume 23 • Number 9 • September 200& •• "'!• ::..::~~>f;, k;i}{Ii .. t·: .. ·. :· . f !';~~-;··.. ;.-~ ~ --· :,r:[{-!,.;,,:._. ·=--·'·.,~ ~ .:.>-:--. . .I': ... - • • $2.50 5-DIGIT 91311 ST 91311-5003 ISSN8750·1732 serving The OFF Road communi~y Por 2~ Years covering the world of competition in the dirt •..

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-----------------------·-· ·- -------·---- , I ~ ~ ?.& ~ ........ l□oo ~rni[3 I O) ~~ ?!ll hl RAClltlG ASSOCIATIOlttl Separate courses for Cars/Trucks & Motorcycles/ Quads Five 54-niile loops for the Motorcycle/Quad course. Three 85-,nile loops for the Carl Truck course. Twenty minutes to Start/Finish from the SENTS I Ille Bat ,rn, Bat !ATE Race Is On Saturday 10/14/2006 Both races run at the sanie ti111e Hotel Reservations :::J: ::Y-::3 call the I : 3 =f. Jl n : l\il : , 4 ° J.__----J:_..__,..:-AJ 3 ; <I r e ·,A RA.Cl..,.G AS.SOCIA.TIO..,. ·_·_ ( ; ;:,ti~ a• IIJt f'HOWDOWN IN THE DESEl)TII at 866-791-7626 ft ,Jffi I\ Official Truck ~~ 0. THI!~ ~ Uml'ulm~U RACING ASSOCIATION .. DO{f!i, Official Racing Suspension Systems !o')~~OFTHE~~ ~ U DOO'ul:ID~U RACING ASSOCIATION Octolaer 13, •.tOFFICIAL 14 15 200, RA.CING. FUEL , ~ ~1~000:~~~Aill! C)KC HiliTES Official Lights ('""i;")r::1~ OF THE ~~ID'h? ~LJlmWD~U RACING ASSOCIATION Please call for more inf or,nation GOOD}l"l'EA• Official Tire ('""i;")r■;;:;1~ OF THE ~o~R~ 0 ~ U DOO'iilm~U RACING ASSOCIATION BEST IN THE DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION 3475C Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 • (702) 457-5775 • Fax (702) 641-2431 • Page 2 September 2006 Dusty Times

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Volume 23 -Number 9 September 2006 Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors Scott Bottomley J. Preston Bradshaw Jim Culp Mike Del Col Nicole Del Col Steve Hilton Victor Gazca Martin Holmes Rod Koch Byrle Moore Steve Ruddick Maurice Selden Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Sub-scription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUS1YTIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hill-side Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copy-right by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the pub-lisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., ~hatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. snapshot of the Month ... Bob Gordon Ivan Stewart • 1 ~ud Feldkamp Jim Jacobus ...... \ 'i 'l' . , . <ii. Rod Hall Frank Vessels -Malcolm Smith This was the BFGoodrich High Performance Team, circa 1980. Thought you'd like to see them back when. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo renimed, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8xl0 will be considered. In This Issue ... FEATURES CORR At Bark River by]. Preston Bradshaw ............................................... 8 MDR McKenzies 400 by Steve Ruddick .................................................... 14 BORE Jackpot 200 by Mike Chamberlain ................................................... 22 CORR At Chula Vista by Judy Smith ....................................................... 28 CODE VW Autopartes by Byrle Moore and Victor Gasca ......................... 36 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ................................................................................................ 5 Trail Notes ................................................................................................. 6 Baja Pits by Mr. Baja Pits ............................................................................. 4 2 BFGoodrich News ................................................................................... 43 BlueRibbon Coalition ............................................................................. 4 3 F.A.l.R. News by Lisa Kennedy ..................................................................... 44 ORBA Report ......................................................................................... 45 Good Stuff Directory .............................................................................. 48 Classified Ads ........................................................................................... 5 4 Index To Advertisers ................................................................................ 55 ON THE COVER Jeff Kincaid was a double winner at the CORR Chula Vista event. Jeff has seven wins in Pro Lite this season in his Toyota, his dance partner, Chad Hord was obviously in there fighting all the way Photo by Art Eugenio - Trackside Photo Craig Reynolds had a great race, he led all the way, set fast lap and covered his four laps in less than four hours at the MDR McKenzie's 400. Trackside Photo Visit Our Website at cSubscrr"he :Joday lo DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!!. □ 1 year -$25.00 years -$40.00 □2 □3 years -$55.00 (no credit cards please) □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name ---------,--...:..---,----------Address _______ ;..;;;__-,-----"_'---------City ------,,,.--::--,:-':-------------St ate ___________ Zip _____ _ Primary Interest Cars D Trucks D Motorcycles D Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian - I year $30.00 US ■ Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times September 2006 Page 3

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2006 Happenings ... Rally America National & Regional Reno,NV CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box 400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW (330) 532-4589 Short Course off Road Racing Ai Harrison Counry Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH CALEXICO, CA 92231-2328 760-455-8069 USA 01 l-52-686-553-4087 MEXICO October 6-8, 2006 Mexicana Logistics Mexicali 300 Laguna Salada, B.C. 1 OK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 (Al! events staged at the club grounds in Cleves. Ohio) 4x4 FOREVER, Lro. 1665 DELAWARE ST. OSHKOSH, WI 54901 .AMERICAN RALLY SPORT GROUP, INc. 3650 SoUTH POINTE CIRCLE, SUITE 205 U.UGHUN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521.0597 E MAIL: AMERICAN TRIALS ASSOCIATION AAfA OBSERVED TRIALS Southern California CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES B1u MARKUM • PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HOTLINE· (714) 562-7742 E MAIL: <> AsocIACION EsTATAL DE AurOMOVILISMO SAM LI.SELL, TECH INSPECTOR APTo 42 SAN Jose. DEL CABO BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL SUR. MEXICO AUSTRALIAN OFF RoAD CliAMPIONSlilP DARRYL SMITH 19 SOMERS ST. CASHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTRALIA DUSTY TIMES AuTocRoss QUEBEC OFF RoAD Cuss JO CARS ONLY RENALD VAIUANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAVAL QUEBEC, CANADA H 7 P 1 T7 (450) 622-4440 BAJA CuP CHALLENGE December 9, 2006 Glen Helen Raceway 909-888-6919 BARONA SAND DRAG AssN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 AU Races Are Night Races A!! Races At Barona Racewa1, Lakeside, CA BBM MARKETING PROMOTIONS OH Road Short Course Racing & Special Event Marketing 4344 VALLEY VIEW AVE. NORCO, CA 92860 (909) 340-6474 BEST IN THE DESERT 3475 BoULDER HIGHWAY u.s VEGAS, NV 89121 702-457-577 5/FAX: 702-641-24 31 August 24-26, 2006 TSCO Vegas To Reno September 22-24, 2006 AVl 150 Quad Race Avi,NV October 13-15, 2006 Las Vegas 300 December 1-3, 2006 Henderson's Terrible 400 Henderson, NV B.O.R.E. BONNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING ENTERPRISES 341 W. 2575 N SUNSET, UT 84015 801-773-1651 September 1-2, 2006 Red Garter 200 Wendover, NV BP MoTORSPORTS P.O. Box 411 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91365 760-578-6258/760-578-6259 FAX: 818-348-4648 E-Mail: Al! Events At California Ciry, CA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGHTON, ONTARIO, CANADA KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR CLUB AUTOMOVILISTAjUARENSE DE CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD RACING 7210 GATEWAY EAST Dusty Times EL PASO, TI< 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 0ll-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FtJENTES CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES <> To Be Announced Nor Cal Rally School Northern CA September 20, 2006 Treeline Rally (Coef 3) Rally America Regional West Covina, CA October6-7, 2006 Prescott Rally (Coef 2&3) NASA USRC & Regional Precostt, AZ November 10-12, 2006 Laughlin International Rally (Coed 3,3&1) NASA USRC & Regional Laughlin,NV December 1-2, 2006 Reno Rally (Coef 2&3) C~RAL SourH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVE ADAMs (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DoN ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. RICHARDS P.O. Box 332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CI.AmTON lb-JACKERS I.C.0. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TWP. LINE ROAD WEUSVIUE, OHIO 43968 CLUB AuroMOVILISTICA SAN QUINTIN CALLE 6TA FRAcc Co. DE SAN Qu1NTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HERACLIO PATINO (011 52 616-5-22.07) CLUB AuroMoVILISTico SAN VICENTE San Vicente OffRoad ENSENADA, BC, MEXICO USA JAN WRIGHT (0ll 52 61746834) RAMON CASTRO & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/7 0034) CMC CoNTINENTAL MoTOSPORT CLUB P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 FAX: (714) 367-1608 CODEOFFROAD CODEOFFROAD USA P.O. Box 2328 December 8-10, 2006 Race Ready 275 Ensenada-Mexicali-San Felipe CoLORADO HILL CuMB ASSOCIATION BARB VAHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box 8286 CoLORAOO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O. Box 392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER 011-52-65-66-4458 CORR LUCAS On. SERIES 270 NEWPORT CENTER DR., SUITY 100 Happenings continued on page 6 INTRODUCING_ By KEN\ y ~oooPREMIUM W~ PRODUCTS 110 Watts of Power 1160 Channel Alphanumeric I water Resistant I Mil Spec I Baja 1000 Proven ~IE:l«.S' """~~ ..... ~.......,..., .. ~ 19\0~ .,..-c::::::::ta: ".J was in Ensenada, and my crew in San OulnHn could hear me 0 0 150 miles awayl I need these in ALL of my lrucksl" ----=-'-L.---=-'-....., ,.l="L.L/E::11~ PROTRUCK WINNER. 2002 TECATE/SC0RE BAJA 1000 ... lhe best communicaHon we've in over 15 years of off road racingln -~~~.....-~~ #'.iiE'T Tl#E!F #'ta#~~ T~I Remote Head opHon evalleble. Call for demlls. 800.869.5636 562.427.8177 • Fax 562~26.3589 WWW.PCIRACERADIOS.COM 2888 Gundry Ave. • Signal Hill, CA 90755 September 2006 Pages

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Trail Notes ... NEW MIDWEST SERIES -This is a joint statement of Jim Baldwin/ CORR, and Doug Davis, managing general parmer of A Midwest group. "There is going to be a New Series in the midwest. The New Series will not use the CORR name. The New Series has only ra-mped up in the past six days. Rules between CORR and the New Series are expected to be similar. There will be no unified points racing. Each Series will be stand alone entities under the 'broad umbrella of closed course off-road racing in the U.S.A.' CORR and the Midwest are talking about potential joint racing dates. How, or if, this would work is to be determined. CORR has interest in running one Bark River and one Crandon points race in 2007. CORR would like to televise those races. The New Series is exploring its own television options. CORR and the New Series are working together to avoid scheduling conflicts. Although nothing yet is final, all of our discussions have been cordial. We plan to continue working together on joint announcements. The Midwest Group feels the announcement of a New Series will be made no later than the latter part of August and as soon as possible. CORR will be announcing its '07 schedule by the end of August. You have our word that closed course off-road racing is going to be taken to new levels by all parties. RACER X - Racer X Motorsports announces that they are moving. They will be relocating to Santee, California. Their new facility is ocated at 10815 Wheatlands Avenue, Suite K, Santee, CA 92071-2872. New phone and fax numbers are: 619-258-RACE (7223) and fax 619-238-0883. Founded in 2002 Racer X Motorsports will continue to service the global off road racing and recreational markets from their new location. We wish them well in their new locale. CRANDON NEWS -As previously announced, there will be two professional off-road race dates for Pro and Sportsman points racing at Crandon International Off-Road Raceway in 2007. These dates are: Forest County Potawatomi Brush Run Races, June 23-24, 2007. BorgWarner World Championship Off-Road Racesa, August 31-September 2, 2007. Further, professional off-road race dates at Crandon for 2008 are: Forest County Potawatomi Brush Run Races, June 21-22, 2008. BorgWarner World Championship Off-Road Racesa, August 29-August 31, 2008. Crandon Raceway officials are focused on preparations for the 37th annual BorgWarner World Championship Off-Road Racesa this coming Labor Day weekend, September 1-3, 2006 and its final event with Championship Off-Road Racing this season. A record crowd is expected for the three-day off-road World Championships weekend at the "World Capital of Professional Off-Road Racing". GORDON/DEAN/FREEMAN ALL WIN IN VEGAS -NASCAR team owner/ driver Robby Gordon made an open weekend on the Nextel Cup schedule a profitable one for himself by running away with the final race in the featured SCORE Trophy-Truck division of the SCORE Las Vegas Terrible's Cup II Saturday night. Noted second-generation Las Vegas desert racer Pat Dean completed a slow climb up the finishing ladder in Class 1 with a wire-to-wire win in the 6-lap main event in a Bunderson-Chevy. Bryan Freeman, 26, of nearby Henderson, Nev., added two wins on Saturday to his heat race win of Friday and captured the Class 1-2 1600 championship in a Fraley-VW. Robby Gordon took the main event on Saturday night in his Chevrolet Trophy Truck, Alan Pflueger was second in his Chevy and Pete Sohren was third in his Ford. Pat Dean took the marbles in C lass 1 in his Bunderson/Chevy, Rich Ronco was second in his Tatum/Chevy and Jeff Quinn was third in his Jimco/Chevy. Bryan Freeman captured the ½-1600 prize in his Fraley, Kevin Graves was second in a Jimco and Cody Freeman was third in his Winkler. The Class 7 win went to Broe Ross, Ford Ranger, Larry Roeseler was second in another Ford Ranger and Shawn Wanzek was third in yet another Ford Ranger. The 7S crown went to Tyler Fox, Aaron Gomez was second, both in Ford Rangers. Perry McNeil Jr. took Class 7SX in his Ford Ranger. The Class 10 crown went to Ron Dalke in his Tatum/Honda, Darren Hardesty was second in his AlumicraftVW and Bob McBeath was third in his Jimco/ Honda. The SCORE Lite crown went to Cameron Steele in his Desert Assassin, Chad Cummings was second in a Cummings and Rob Martensen in his Chenowth. A full story and lots of pictures in next months issue of Dusty Times. INTERNATIONAL RALLY NEW YORK 2006 -On September 22-2323, 2006, Sullivan County, New York will once again host the competitors of the U.S. Rally Championship, in International Rally New York. The event will begin in Narrowsburg and end in Monticello, and will feature 20 "special stages" (speed tests against the clock). The most important of these will be the "Mighty M Gaming Super Specials at Monticello Raceway" on Saturday afternoon and evening. Sullivan County is approximately 90 mile from New York City. A round of the U.S. Rally Championship (USRC), sanctioned by the United States Auto Club (USAC). All events in this series are listed as international rallies by the Federation International of the Automobile (FIA), the world governing body of motorsports. Each of the two days is also a round of the New York Rally Championship, organized by Rally New York, Ltd. Media Contact: Thomas Barker, 4 Sherwood St., Norwalk, CT. 06851 Phone: 203-229-0718. More information can be found at the event web site, TERRIBLE'S CUP PIT CREW CHALLENGE -The Terrible Herbst Motorsports pit crew won its second straight SCORE Terrible's Pit Crew Challenge Thursday night at the Fremont Street Experience and trimmed more than four seconds off its record in the process. The Page 6 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 866-501-CORR September 2-3, 2006 Crandon, WI Pro & Sportsman September 23-24, 2006 Chula Vista, CA Pro Series October 21-22, 2006 Chula Vista, CVA Pro Series CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, SUITE 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA EXT 42 FAx (818) 957-4435 D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (All events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston Councy ORV Park, Olympia, WA) DAKAR RALLY DARREN SKILTON BAJA AUTOMOTIVE ADVENTURES 455 E. 0cEAN BLVD., SUITE 208 LoNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 DECATIJR FOUR WHEEL DRIVE Cum DECATUR, TX 76234 ToMALLEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MOT0RSPORTS 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, Al 86403 (928) 855-2208 EASTERN OFF-ROAD RACING AssN. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 ENSENADA BAJA OFF RoAD RACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX 0ll-52-646-1818989 Eus10 0ll-52-646-1715230 AARON Races fur bugg;,s & Motor9ck.s Esn:Ro BEACH INTERNATIONAL Short Course Racing VICTORIA GALINDO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO 011-52-646-176-6230 FORDA FWRIDA OFF ROAD DRIVER'S ASSOCL4170N JASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Apr, May, Noo at Davidson Raceway FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 1855 PARKWAY DRIVE S. EL MoNTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/959-579-6151FAX GORRA GEORGIA OFF ROAD RACING ASS'Oa4TION 4 20 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA GREAT PLANES OFF ROAD RACING AssoclATION TIM HODGE (402) 991-6048 Scarr MORROW (816) 792-2126 (AU races are short coum, stadium sryk Classes • Sportsman, 1/2-1600, 5-1600, Sport Truck, Quads, Tough Truck Nebnuka Racewa1 Park, Exit 420 on I-80 between Omaha and Lincoln.) For latest info check <> HIGH PLAINS OFF RoAD RAcING 2000 W. QUINCY AVENUE #B ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 303-806-8062/303-781-0974 fax INTERNATIONAL lcE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDDOR (612) 937-3816/FAX 474-2769 INn:R-SHOWS MoTORSPORTS September 2006 PROMOTIONS, INc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 ]EEPSPEED 1826 N. Windes Orange, CA 92869 714-538-7434/ fax 714-633-1724 All races for Jeepspeed 1,2 & 3 ';eps~ Challenfr,e epte er 30, 200 MOR Lucerne 250 Lucerne Valley, CA December 2, 2006 BITD Terrible's 400 Henderson, NV Jeeps~d J Series August 4-26, 2006 BlTD Vegas To Reno Nevada October 13-15, 2006 Las Vegas 300 Las Vegas, NV December 1-3, 2006 Henderson's Terrible 400 Henderson, NV l<AMLooPS BRONCO BUSTERS Whispering Pines Sports & Recreation Center P.O. Box 465 KAMI.OOPS, BC, CANADA VZG5L2 DALE NYESTE (250) 579-8039 TONY (250) 554-97801. Craig Byers (250) 376-8466 LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS & OFFROAD EXPO (626) 961-3782 <> <> L.I.T.R.E. JEFF ELROD (408) 926-0522 JIM ARUTA (408) 24 7-4402 - MAMARRITA OFFRoADRAcING LUIS CARLOS ALVAREZO PANAMERICANA AVE #5105 Co. JUAREZ, CHIH., MX 011-52-1637-1799 MicmGAN BuGGY BUIIDERS DUNE BUGGY TRADE SHOW (517) 543.7214 <> MicmGAN OFF RoAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M. T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 JONES ROAD GRANO LEDGE, ML 48837 (517) 627-6200 Motorcyck.s, Quads, ATVs and Pilots only MAORA MID-AMERICA OFF ROAD ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 664 GREENUP, IL 62428 (217) 235-6528 E-MAIL: <> August 26, 2006 Soggy Bottom Raceway Greenup, IL September 23, 2006 Stone City Ranch Bedford, IN October 21, 2006 Lincoln Trail Motorsport:s Park Casey, IL Endurance Points Series September 24, 2006 Stone City Ranch Bedford, IN October 22, 2006 Lincoh1 Trail Motorsports Park Casey, IL MDR RACING 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE SoUTH EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/FAX626-579-6051 2006 California Char'if ionship Series September 3~2006 Lucerne 250 Lucerne Valley, CA *Novemberll,2006 Stoddard 250 Barstow, CA • Doubk Points • Night Race MDR PRODUCTIONS ~ Superstition Championship Series AU Races at Plaster City OHV Area October 28, 2006 Superstition 250 December 31, 2006 The Bud Lite Dash 200 • Night Race M.O.R.E. MOJAVE OFF RoAD RACING ENnn:JSIASTS P.O. Box 1231 BARSTOW, CA 92312 760-253-4453 MOREKARTEK Off Road Gold Cup Series September 16, 2006 TBA December 2, 2006 Barstow, CA MSBA MicmGAN SPORT BuGGY AssoclATION DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. FUNT, ML 48506 (810) 7 30-9221 MoTOWEST WINTER TRIALS SERIES B1LLMARKHAM (909) 860-1857 <> AU events at Perris Raceway (At Reed Valky with a school) NATIONAL Mun RACING AssN. RT. #l • Box 380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN PALATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFF TRUCK ASSN. BUTCH CHAPIN MOTORSl'ORTS PROMOTIONS 1404 EAST 3RD STREET liAsTINGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NOORA GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAIL <> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Spring Valk1 Raceway, on route 518, 20 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) (Thunder Valley located 15 minutes from Spring Vallez) NORTHERN Omo OFF RoAD RACING AssN. GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 OFF ROAD EXPO 2006 (626) 599-8622 OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION VOLUNTEERED SERIES PRESIDENT• GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP. -1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP .• 9 & UNLTD. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OUTI.AWREP. DON PONDER (314) 631-8190 (AH Races at WnuUng in the Councy 900 Acres) Omo OFF RoADERS INc. 1427 GOSHEN HILLS ROAD S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 JIM KENDEL (216) 339-4674 AU races held at Harrison Councy Fairgrounds. Cadiz. Ohio ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION RICK TICHBOURNE, PUBLIC RELATIONS (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) OUTI..AW SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMEL.MAN ST. Louis, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/FAX: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS US. OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <> PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 CoWRADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF RoAD RACING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 875-7591 Pao 1600 SHOOTOUT COREY GOIN 559-647-6132 GOlNRACIN@HOTMAIL.COM Dusty Times

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-r PRoTRuCK 14402 BoND CoURT EL CAJON, CA 92021 619-390-6252 August 24-26, 2006 TSCO Vegas To Reno Nevada September S-10, 2006 Las Vegas Primm 300 Primm,NV October 13-15, 2006 Las Vegas 300 Nevada November 16-18, 2006 Baja 1000 Baja, California, Mexico December 1-3, 2006 Henderson's Terrible 400 HeMe'llon, NV Pmu: ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box 50 RICKETTS, IA 51460 (712) 679-2221 RALLY AMERICA August 25-26, 2006 Ojibwe Forests Bemidji,MN September 23-24, 2006 Colorado Cog Steamboat Springs, CO October 20-21, 2006 Lake Superior Houghton, Ml TBD Reno Rally Reno,NV ROCK CRAWLERS ASSOCIATION OF AMFluCA P.O. Box 1406 RIVERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/FAX: (801) 253-3176 SAN DIEGO SHORT CoURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New Series lry Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro Trucks, Desert Tnu:ks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Truck <"·ww .snowbird> (858) 571-5088 SAN DIEGO OFF ROAD EXPOSITION (888) 836 7918 SCCA RoADRALLY P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-2055 <www> September 2, 2006 Appalachian NT Steel Cities September 3, 2006 Ohnoodo NT Pittsburgh, PA September 4, 2006 Steel Haul NC Septemberl6,2006 Oktoberally NC LOL September 17, 2006 Badger Trails NT Trempealeau, WI October 20, 2006 TBA GTA October 21, 2006 TBA NC Topeka, KS October 22, 2006 TBA NT November4,2006 Covered Bridge OT Vennont National Road Rally Events September 16, 2006 Oktoberally NC September 17, 2006 Badger Trails NT Trempealeau, WI October 20, 2006 Oz Has Spoken NC National Office Topeka, KS October 21, 2006 Over The Rainbow NT Topeka, KS October 22, 2006 Yellow Brick Road NT /GTA Topeka, KS November 4, 2006 Covered Bridge OT NERVT November 11, 2006 TBANC Old Dominion Richmond, VA November 12, 2006 TBA NC Old Dominion Dusty Times Richmond, VA NC • National Course NT - National Tour GTA • Ga= Tour Ad~nture SFX MoTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE, SUITE 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 FAX SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL. 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., Su1TE A CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 <www> September S-10, 2006 SCORE Las Vegas Primm 300 Primm,NV November 15-18, 2006 Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 Baja California to Baja California Sur, Mexico *Non-points special went SNORE SOUTHERN NEVADA OPP RoAD ENnrusIASTS P.O. Box 270516 LAs VEGAS, NV 89127 702-452-4522 W\\w.SNORERACING.NET September 29-October 1, 2006 South Coast SNORE 250 Las Vegas November 10-11, 2006 Western Desert Championship Laughlin, NV (Avi) SONS OF THUNDER 4 WHEELERS RACE DIVISION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SOUTHEASTERN OPP ROAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 MIKE MOORE· (224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS EXPO MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. Hacienda Blvd. #322 Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SCTA SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION & BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, INc. P.O. Box 10 OROS!, CA 93647 (559) 528-6279 (559) 528-9749 FAX <> SOUTHERN SHORT CoURSE OFF ROAD RACING ASSN. 4305 WooTLARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (AU Rawat Eastbaz Raawa;z, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box 706 November 4-5, 2006 Gila Bend Gila Bend, AZ December 2, 2006 Mexico TovsFoRToTs (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADILLA VALLEY SPORTS CmrER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <"'"> V ORRA VALLEY OFF ROAD RACING .AssoclATION 920 HILLCREST STREET PLACERVIUE, CA 95667 530-622--03 70 W\\'\\' .vorra.cotn September 1-4, 2006 Desert Race Hawthorne, NV September JO-October 1, 2006 Short Course Prairie City, CA October 14-15, 2006 Short Course Prairie City, CA October 2S-29, 2006 Short Course Prairie City, CA November 11, 2006 Drivers Meeting & Awards Banquet VICENTE GUERRERO OPPROADCLlJB PROFO. CENOVIO GAMBOA 011-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 P.M.) WESTERN OPP RoAD RACING ASSOCIATION LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA WHEEL To WHEEL OPP RoAD RAcING PATRICK McGUIRE P.O. Box 376 ADAMSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WHIPLASH MoTORSPORTS 2325 E. KINGS AVENUE PHOENIX, AZ 85022 (602) 971-3730 <> Whiplash Desert Tour Trucks & ~~s Septe ,2006 Snowflake Heber,AZ November 4-5, 2006 Gila Bend Gila Bend, AZ December 2, 2006 Mexico Whit>lash Desert *Bikes/ A 1V' sand ••Mini&PW ** September 2, 2006 Snowflake, Heber, AZ *SeptemberJ,2006 Snowflake, Heber, AZ ** October 7, 2006 TBA *October 8, 2006 TBA ***November 4-5, 2006 Gila Bend Gila Bend,AZ ** * December 2, 2006 Mexico WISCONSIN MoTORSPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OPP ROAD FESTIVAL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 OSHKOSH, WL 54901 (414) 688-5509 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 ZR. PROMOTIONS RENE MONTANO P.O. Box 2122 Calexico, CA 92231 September 9, 2006 ZR Team Race Motorcycles & Quads September 10, 2006 ZR Poker Run Family Ride November 26, 2006 ZR Gran Prix Campeones Motorcycles & Quads Attention Race & Rally Organizers List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your 2006 schedules as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: DIGliJlillDBG 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-5003 September 2006 Trail Notes ... Herbst crew, a group that driver Ed Herbst said "has been with us forever," changed four tires and restarted the engine in 48.50 seconds to take the $5,000 winner's purse and lead a Las Vegas sweep of the top three places. The SCORE Trophy-Trucks of Bobby Baldwin and son B.J. Baldwin and crewed by a team from Collins Racing finished second and third, respectively. Bobby Baldwin's stop took 50.97 seconds and B.J. Baldwin's took 58. 75 seconds. Bobby got $3,000 and B.J. $2,000. It was B.J.'s second straight third-place finish. The Challenge, was open to the crews of all the SCORE Trophy Trucks entered in the SCORE Las Vegas Terrible's Cup II. SNORE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL -Over 80 cars attacked the desert on August 5 for the annual SNORE Midnight Special. Sponsored for many years by KC Hilites, the turnout was good, the weather was perfect and, except for a lack of breeze later in the evening it was a perfect night. First vehicle was off at 7 pm, a 50 mile course, most vehicles doing five laps, the slower classes, four laps. Curt LeDuc and son Todd shared the drive in their Skyjacker Ford and took the Unlimited Truck win as well as the overall. Randy Perry and Dale Lenk took the Class 1 honors, Ronn Bailey came along less than a minute later for second spot, Brian Freemal beat out Chris Wright in the Class 10 contest and Matt Gumz soloed his way to the Class ½-1600 win. Cody Freeman had brother Bryan drive the last lap, they took the silver medal. The Class 8 honors went to Regen Gubler, Tom Giordano was right on his butt in second spot. Brandon Hughes took the Class 9 honors, George De Sousa Dias took second place. In Class 5-1600 it was John Huson taking the win, Gary Messer was second and in Champ Car it was Dan Maurer taking the win, Bryan Adams came in second. Garrett Evans was the Class 7 winner, Ben Williams came along four minutes later for second place. The Unlimited Sportsman Class win went to Jerry Stewart, Tom Hood collecting second place. Brad Wilson was the Limited Sportsman winner, Tommy Bradley Jr. came in second with driving help from son Derek and Daughter Briana drove for her first time. The Class 1450 win went to Evan Vaughan. It was a great night and a great race. The full story and loads of pictures will appear in the next issue of Dusty Times. SCORE PRIMM Is COMING - Following another highly successful stadium-style, short-course event in Las Vegas, the world's best desert racers return to their normal competition format with a race-record field of over 240 vehicles expected for next month's 11th Annual SCORE Las Vegas Primm 300. Round 5 of the six-race 2006 SCORE Desert Series will be held Sept. 8-10 in Primm, Nev. The computerized drawing for starting positions, by classes, will be held on Wednesday August 16 at the SCORE Int'! headquarters in Los Angeles. The 11th Annual SCORE Las Vegas PrimM 300 will feature 17 Pro and 2 Sportsman classes for cars and trucks in Primm, located 35 miles south of Las Vegas at the California border. This year's starting list is expected to eclipse last year's record field of 233 starters. For the fifth consecutive year, the race will be split into two groups with the open wheel and VW baja bug classes starting at 6 a.m. The truck classes, including the featured SCORE Trophy-Truck division along with the unlimited Class 1 open-wheel class, will start at 1 p.m. One vehicle will start every 30 seconds in the elapsed-time race, with an eight-hour time limit. The start/finish line area will be located 2.5 miles northeast of the rear of Buffalo Bill's Resort in Primm. UPDATE - MICKEY & TRUDY THOMPSON MURDER CASE -After the defense made a motion at the last court hearing in June, accusing the .L.A. County Sheriffs Office, operators of the County Jail, with failure to provide sufficient medical support, Goodwin's defense did not wish to discuss that medical motion today. Another motion made by the defense to obtain a personnel file caused John Bowers, Legal Council for L.A. County Sheriff's Office, to file a protective order on the personnel file of Michael Griggs, first investigating officer on the Thompson murder case, who retired about 17 years ago. The judge ruled that if there is not a relevant issue relating to the case in the file, it can not be made public. It was ruled that the file can only be used in the interest of justice. Judge Schwartz repeated her concerns about delays and it seemed the Judge did everything in her power to avoid the defense filing more motions or a writ. Yes, it is all very confusing. Another hearing date was scheduled for August 16, to try to resolve all discovery and motions issues. September 11 is scheduled for a status report and that date was reconfirmed .... SO, THE TRIAL CAN BEGIN ON SEPTEMBER 21. (We give you that date with our "tongue in cheek", as we know it could change, but right now, it's looking like a REAL date.) A Little General Information of Note: Murders Occurred March 16, 1988. Michael F. Goodwin is charged with two counts of murder, along with special circumstances of lying in wait and multiple murders. Today was our 62nd appearance in court. Waiting for a trial date. Information supplied by Colleen and Gary. 0 DESERT RACING has announced some exciting changes to the onora 500 planned for October 13 - 15. The Desert Rat UPRacing ponsored event will now be a two lap race starting in San Luis, just south of Yuma, Arizona. The course will take racers south near the town of El Gulfo, and will run even further south of El Gulfo for several miles right along the Sea of Cortez. Each loop will be 17 5 miles with diverse terrain, through the beautiful Sonoran desert. The Sonora 500 will be Pro Desert Racing's second event of 2005, and they looking to build on a successful inaugural event held in May in Rocky Point. This would be a great tune-up for the' 1000. Page 7

Page 8

Ni:iimi AT BARK RIVER Hoek, Kincaid, Steinhardt Are Double Winners By]. Preston Bradshaw Photos: J&L Photography Jeff Kincaid had a great weekend, he took the win both days in Pro Ute, he's won four races this season and leads the points in his Toyota. Anybody who was anybody showed up for the CORR Bark River festival, lots of good racing before many thou-sands of fans and they weren't disap-pointed, they saw a great off road rac-ing show and went home feeling their ticket cost was well spent. One of the big winners of the week-end was Ross Hoek, he drove his Ford entry in Sportsman 2 to a great win in the Sarurday fracas. Mike Savage did his best but had to settle for the second spot in his Ford and the third finishing s t went to Don Williams in et an-Page a other Ford truck. In fourth place it was Ben Wandahsega, the first of the Chevrolets, fifth spot went to Ken Hallgren, also in a Chevy and in the sixth spot it was Chris Kaiko also in a bowtie entry. Jace Shubert was seventh across the finish line, he too in a Chevy, Bob Gersmehl came in eighth in his Chevy and Dan Baudoux was an un-accustomed ninth place finisher. Sunday's Sportsman 2 race was a ho-hum affair as far as Ross Hoek was concerned as he breezed to his second win of the weekend. Ken Hallgren was in much better shape this day as he took the silver medal and Jace Shubert was in reasonable shape, taking the bronze medal. Ben Wandahsega took his second fourth place finish of the weekend, Bob Gersmehl finished in fifth place and Don Williams was the sixth place finisher. Mike Savage was not happy back in seventh place, Kris Kaiko finished in eighth place and Dan Baudoux was a very unusual dnf. Dan Baudoux leads the Sportsman 2 points with 71, Ross Hoek is right here in second place with 70, Ben September 2006 Ross Hoek was the big winner both days in Sportsman 2, it was fairly close on Saturday but Sunday he made it look easy in his Ford. Wandahsega is third with 60 points, Mike Savage is fourth with 5 5 and Ken Hallgren is fifth with 52 points. In the Pro Lite class it was a battle all the way. It was raining on Saturday for this race and the track was nice and slippery. Jeff Kincaid took the lead when it mattered most and he took his third win of the season in his Toyota. Kyle LeDuc, always a charger, had led for a while but lost it near the end and settled for the second spot in his Ford and Chad Hord, Nissan, came in for the final podium position. Mark Oberg had his best fmish of the season, a fourth place finish in his Ford, John Marking was the fifth place finisher, also in a Ford and Bob Naughton was the sixth finisher in his Ford truck. In seventh place it was the Toyota of Steve Federico, Randy Eller was the eighth place finisher, he in a Ford and Stacey Pike took the ninth spot in his Toyota. Casey Currie was 20th in his Nissan, Javier Sacio was 11th in his Nissan, Matt Barney's Toyota came across in 12th place and Jim Kandel was 13th in, he too in a Toyota. A 14th place finish went to Jeff Huseman, Ford mounted, Joel Tarquin was 25th in his Nissan, Josh Hintz, Nissan, was back in 16th place, 17th place went to Rod-rigo An1pudia in his Ford and Glenn Grint was 18th in his Toyota. Elaina Seidler, Chevrolet, was the 19th place finisher, Dan Yanden Heuvel finished 20th in his Nissan and Art Schmitt was way back in an unaccustomed 21st place in his Nissan. Chris Brandt fin-ished in the 22nd spot, Don Ponder was a long 23rd in his Ford and Liam O'Donnell was the 24th and final fin-isher in his Nissan truck. Ho hum, it was really no surprise to see Jeff Kincaid take the Sunday win in Pro Lite. Jeff has raced four times this season and has taken the gold medal each time. Right behind him, in sec-ond place was Chad Hord and Kyle LeDuc finished in the third spot. Mark Oberg carded his second fourth place finish of the weekend, Rodrigo An1pudia was right up there in fifth place and Randy Eller can1e across the line in sixth place. In the lucky seventh place it was Casey Currie, Jim Kandel was the eighth finisher, Dan Yanden HeuvelJr. came across in ninth place and Glenn Grint was the 10th place finisher. Elaina Seidler was the 11th finisher, Bob Naughton made it an even dozen, John Marking was unlucky 13th and Steve Federico was an un-happy 14th place finisher. The 15th finishing spot went to Matt Barney, Stacey Pike was down in 16th, Joel Tarquin held down the 17th finishing spot and the 18th finishing place be-Marte Steinhardt had an exceptional weekend, he took the win both days in Single Buggy and enjoys a 10 point lead in the points. Carl Renezeder was sixth on Saturday in Pro 4 but he took the win on Sunday, he also took a win in Pro 2 on Sunday. Dusty Times

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-, Jaime Kleikamp took the Light Buggy win on Saturday but Sunday Adrian Genni was the second place finisher in Pro 4 on Saturday, he Kyle LeDuc took a second and a third place finish in Pro Lite at Barie was a disaster, finishing way back in the group. finished sixth on Sunday in his wild looking Chevy. River, seen here throwing dirt in his Ford. longed to Art Schmitt. Don Ponder rolet, led the pack for a bit but had to Coyne was the fifth place finisher in his ninth and final finisher. Rick Huseman had to fight his way into was the 19th place finisher, Jeff settle for the second spot this day, the Ford, Carl Renezeder took the sixth In the Sunday Pro 4 conflict it was the second spot and ·even though he Huseman was the 20th finisher, Josh third spot went to Scott Douglas, in place in his Chevrolet and Al Drews Carl Renezeder all the way. He took lost a tire late in the race he still took Hintz came across in 21st, Javier Sacio his new Pro 4 Ford truck and Rick was seventh in his Ford truck. Curt the lead on the first lap and let the the silver medal while Josh Baldwin was 22nd in and Chris Brandt was the Huseman, Toyota, was right on his tail LeDucwas back in eighth place in his others fight for place and show while ' motored in for a third place finish. 23rd and final finisher. for the fourth finishing spot. Marty Ford truck and Josh Baldwin was the he motored on for a resounding win. Continued on page 10 Jeff Kincaid leads the Pro Ute poinn; with 80 in hand, Chad Hord is second with 62 poinn;, Kyle LeDuc is third with 51, Mark Oberg lies fourth with 43 and Robert Naughton is fifth with 40 points earned. Right now the Single Buggy Divi-sion belongs to Mark Steinhardt as he continues his winning ways in this 2006 season. John Fitzgerald attempted to keep Mark hones, finishing with a nice second place and Brad Erickson was right there in the third spot. Mike Seefeldt finished first off the podium and Jason Janusz rounded out the top five. Terry Fitzgerald was the sixth place finisher, Bob Blaney had his second seventh place finish of the season, Steve Socha was the eighth place finisher, Cissy Baldwin came across the line in ninth place and Mark Morton was 10th. 11th place went to John Svanda, Eve Baldwin made it an even dozen, Dan Martin was the 13th place fin-isher, Allen Plawman came in 14th and Leonard Lindquist was 15th in.John Huven finished 16th, Michael Notary was the 17th finisher, Heather Sulli-van came in 18th and Brett Ellinson was the 19th and final finisher. Luke Zoennulder started the race but was an unfortunate dnf. The Sunday Single Buggy race was a repeat as far as the winning was con-cerned. Mark Steinhardt took the win and is solidly in the points lead. Brad Erickson is doing everything he can to win and he landed the silver medal this race and Mike Seefeldt took home the bronze medal. Steve Socha took fourth and kept his hand in the points race and Terry Fitzgerald took a nice fifth place. In the sixth spot it was Bob Blaney, Luke Zoetmulder came in sev-enth and Allen Plawman was the eighth finisher. Heather Sullivan was ninth across the finish line, Leonard Lindquist finished 10th, Eve Baldwin came in 11th and John Svanda was the 12th finisher. Cissy Baldwin came in 13th this race, John Huven was the 14th fin-isher, Mark Morton came in 15th and Michael Notary carded a 16th place finish. In 17th place itwasJasonJanusz and John Fitzgerald was the 18th and final finisher. Dan Martin started the race but failed to finish. Mark Steinhardt leads the Single Buggy po inn; race with 74 in hand, Brad Erickson is second with 64 poinn;, Mike Seefeldt is a close third with 61, Steve Socha is fourth with 52 and John Fitzgerald is fifth in points with 49 earned. As usual, the Pro 4 race was a show stopper as all the drivers were only there to win. The big horsepower honkers fly around the course bumping and banging like there's no tomorrow and the fracas at Bark River was no excep-tion. The big win on Saturdaywent to Johnny Greaves, driving his Toyota to the coveted win. Adrian Cenni, Chev-Dusty Times as Seat shown · Top Competitors in every Major Off Road Event Choose Mastercraft Seats and Restraints .,, Including: Scott Douglas Evan Evans Mike Julson Curt and Kyle Le Due Rob Maccachren John Marking Carl Renezeder Matt Scaroni Dan Smith and Dave Ashley Scott Steinberger Shannon Campbell Aaron Dusenbery Walker Evans Johnny G. Mitch Guthrie Joachim Schweisow Tracy Jordan Jason Paule 1 800 565 4042 www .. ma stercr I September 2006 Page 9

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Marty Coyne finished first off the po-dium and Scott Douglas was the fifth place finisher. Adrian Cenni came across the line in sixth place and Al Drews had his second seventh place fin-ish of the weekend Johnny Greaves had a bit of a coolant problem and was credited with an eighth place finish. Carl Renezeder is the Pro 4 points leader with 70 in hand,JohnnyGreaves is second, he has 68 points earned, Troy Herbst is third with 55 points, Josh Baldwin sits in fourth with 54 points and Marty Coyne is fifth with 50 points. There were 16 entrants in Pro 2, all looking for a win and the racing was really great. Jerty Whelche~ who had no practice on Friday due to engine Scott Douglas was fourth on Saturday in Pro 2 and he took a great win on failure, received an engine from Scott Sunday, he's seen here in his good looking Ford. Taylor for the weekend and showed his gratitude by leaping into the lead in the young lad came in for a nice sec-Chevrolet, was the seventh finisher and Saturday's race. Jerry led for a while ond place, Jerry Whelchel was the Kevin Probst, Chevy, finished in eighth but Carl Renezeder worked his way bronze medal winner in his Ford and place. Brian Hinman, also in a Chevy, ~ through the pack and into the lead. Scott Douglas, Ford, was first out of finished in ninth place and Scott Tay-Carl continued on and took the Pro 2 the money. Michael Oberg was the fifrh lor was way back in 10th place in his win in his Nissan truck. Todd LeDuc place finisher in his Chevy, in sixth place Ford. Rhonda Konitzer was the 11th was not too far behind in his Ford as itwas Steve Barlow, Ford, Travis Coyne, truck to take the checkered flag, __ ....,,._,...------------------, Scott Beauchamp took the Sportsman Stock win on Saturday, second on Sunday and he leads the class points in his Chevy. Seidler was the 12th finisher in his The track was dry and very fast for Chevy, Evan Evans, Chevrolet. was way the Sunday Pro 2 contest. Evan Evans back in 13th place, Dan Vanden Heuvel took the early lead and was really look-Sr. was the 14th finisher in his Chevy, ing good for a while but a low tire forced 15th finisher was Josh Baldwin and him to pit. Scott Douglas was the fast-Greg Adler was the 16th and final fin-est truck this race and he was happy isher in his Ford. with the win. Steve Barlow was right Ken Hallgren was fifth on Saturday in Sportsman 2 and he finished a Brad Erickso took a very nice third and second place finish in Single Greg Stingle took a third and a second place finish in Light Buggy, great second place on Sunday in his green Chevy. Buggy at Bark River. he's second in Class points. he's seen here at speed at Bark River. ~~~ • 0 -~ As the newToyotas come out and make an impression, Skyjacker® is o t to impress with the new line of performance suspensions. In addiUon to the popular 2.5-3" coil-over suspensions for the Toyota Tacoma and now the FJ Cruiser, Skyjacker® offers a new full line of fili@ S8000 Performance Struts. These Performance Struts fit the '07 FJ CRUISER, '05-06 Toyota Tacoma 4WD & Pre-Runner 2WD, '95.5-'04 Toyota Tacoma 4WD & Pre-Runner 2WD, and '00-'04 Tundra Pickup 4WD with many other applications coming soon. The Skyjacker® Performance Struts SS000 line will include a vast arra of 2.5-3" inch lifts. These performance struts deliver a noticeable advantage in s rength, durability, and performance and by retaining the factory coils the omfort & cQst is well maintained. or an Authorized Skyjacker® Dealer near you call 866.4.A.DEALER ext.5041 or 11 sit us on,the web at '"' I Page 10 September 2006 fIDJJz? ~ [?dJ ~ ~~~~ Dusty Times

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, Dave Waldvogel was off the podium on Saturday but he took the Sportsman Stock win on Sunday, seen here nicely airborne in his Ford. there in the second spot and Jerry and Brian Hinman came across the Whelchel garnered another third place finish line in eighth place. Greg Adler finish. Dan Vanden Heuvel Sr. was first was the ninth place finisher, Rhonda finisher off the podium, Kevin Probst Konitzer finished in 10th place and was the fifth place finisher, Michael Todd LeDuc was way back in 11th Oberg made it an even half dozen, Josh place. Evan Evans, still having troubles, Baldwin was the seventh place finisher finished in 12th place, Travis Coyne trucks ready to battle and, as usual, a good battle was had by all. They were quick, it was a fast race on Saturday and when the smoke cleared it was Scott Beauchamp.taking the checkered flag in his Chevrolet, Keith Steele, also in a Chevy came in for the second spot and Don Demeny, Dodge was the third guy on the podium. Jason Bort, he too in a Chevy, had a nice run, fin-ishing fourth, Eric Ruppel, Ford mounted, was the fifth place fmisher and Dave Schneider, a rookie, finished sixth in his Ford. Dan Beauchamp, also a rookie, was the seventh place finisher, Dave Waldvogel, Ford, was way back in the eighth spot and Al Konitzer, "" Dodge mounted was the ninth and fi-t • nal finisher. Rod Wells started the race Slightly off center, Corry Heynan flew to the Super Buggy win on Saturday, but was a dnf. Sunday wasn't too kind and he finished out of the money. In the Sunday Sportsman Stock was the unlucky 13 place finisher and leader with 56 earned, Todd LeDuc is race Dave Waldvogel captured his sec-Paul Seidler came across in 14th place. second with 55 points in hand, Jerry ond win of the season, Scott Way back in 15th place was Scott Tay-Whelchel is third with 51 points, Evan Beauchamp ran well and took the sil-lor, he had rolled his truck battling for Evans sits in fourth place with 49 and ver medal this day and Don Demeny the lead and Carl Renezeder was the Steve Barlow is fifth with 48 points in took his second third place finish of 16th and final finisher. hand. the weekend. In the fourth spot it was In Pro 2 points, Scott Taylor is the There were 10 Sportsman Stock Continued on page 12 rr---;;;,,,---~ ........ ------.......--..,...,.,.,,,,.,;,...;. ___ --, Rick Huseman drove his Toyota to a sixth and a fourth place finish in Don Williams finished third and sixth in his good looking Ford, he's A pair of fourth place finishes in Pro Lite have Mark Oberg sitting Pro 4, he's seen here heading for the checkers. seventh in points in the Sportsman 2 category. fourth in points, he's seen here in beautiful level flight. Dusty Times September 2006 Page 11

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Don Demeny flew to a pair of third place finishes in Sportsman Stock, Jerry Whelchel took a pair of thirds in Pro 2, with a bo"owed engine, he's seen here flying his Dodge to the checkers. Jerry sits third in points with his neat looking Ford. A third and a fourth place finish in Super Buggy at Bari< River for Gary Nierop, he's seen here headin for the checkers. Keith Steele, Dan Beauchamp came in sixth place finisher and Todd Wallace the eighth place finisher. Stephanie fifth, Eric Ruppel came in sixth and was seventh across the line. Tom Krieman took ninth place honors for David Schneider was the seventh place Schwartzburg came across in eighth the second time this weekend, Todd finisher. Eighth place went to Jason place, Stephanie Krieman followed in Wallace was the 10th place finisher and Bort, Rod Wells came in ninth and Al ninth, Scott Olson came in 10th and Llsa Grint came in for 11th place, her Konitzer had his worst finish of the Llsa Grint fmished in 11th place. Adam second of the weekend. Aaron Hawley year, 10th place. Guberud made itan even do:zen, John was the 12th place finisher, Herman Scott Beauchamp leads the Sports-Frana was unlucky 13th, Herman Barnum came in unlucky 13th and man Stock points chase with 68 in Barnum was way back in 14th place, Corry Heynan was the 14th and final hand, Keith Steele is second with 59, Aaron Hawley took his worst finish of finisher. AJ. Schmitt failed to oomplete Dave Waldvogel is third with 56 points, the season, 15th, Gerald Kleikamp fin-the race. Don Demeny is fourth with 53 points ished in 16th and rookieAJ. Schmitt The Super Buggy points race is re-and Al Konitzer is fifth with 49 points came in for the 17th spot. ally tight. Scott Schwalbe has the lead earned. In Sunday's Super Buggy contest it with 64 points in hand, Ryan Mulder There were 17 Super Buggy en- was Scott Schwalbe taking the gold is right there in second with 63 points, trants,alllookingforthatcovetedwin, medal, his second of the year, John John Mason is third with 60 points, that moment of glory. The Saturday Mason was right there in the second Gary Nierop is fourth v.:ith 58 points race went to Corry Heynan, his first spotandAdamGuberudroundedout and Corry Heynan sits in fifth place win of the season, in second it was Soott the podium positions. In fourth place with 4 3 points. Schwalbe and Gary Nierop was the it was Gary Nierop, Craig Biesik was last, butnot least in our story is the third place finisher. First fmisher out fifth in, Ryan Mulder was the sixth fin- Light Buggy contingent. Twenty-nine of the money was John Mason, Ryan isher, Tom Schwartzburg came across brave souls were out there to race and Mulder was fifth, Craig Biesik was the in seventh place and John Frana was there was racin' aplenty for all. FOR SALE Riviera Racing Pre Runner Ford Ranger Extra Cab Leon Patton Ford 422 ci V-8 550 HP, 550 lb. Torque (9.5:1) Rancho Trophy Truck C-6 3 Speed Automatic Transmission Trophy Truck Brakes/Hubs/Spindles/Rear End Rear Sway Bar, 10 ¾" Chrisman Rear End King Shocks, 20" of Travel Front, 30" Travel Rear 35"Xl 7" BFGoodrich Project Tires Custom Interior Auto Meter Instruments High End Stereo System, Hands Free Satellite Phone Setup PCI Race Radio with Intercom, GPS A/C, Heater Lots of Storage Boxes/Coolers Nitrogen System for air tools Two Spare Tires, HID lights California Registration Very Well Built. The Best of Evervthine:: $125,000. Call Tim Carroll For More Details@ 949-374-2010 Page 12 September 2006 Scott Schwalbe took silver on Saturday, took the gold on Sunday and he has a one point lead in the Super Buggy class. Saturday's race saw Chad Dewall tak-ing the cherished win, Steve Schuch was right there in the second spot and Greg Stingle took the third place on the po-dium. Craig Metz nailed down fourth place, Todd Lemke had a decent fifth place finish, Mark Steinhardt was the sixth place finisher and Steve Oman was the lucky seventh finisher. Mike Tikkanen came across in eighth place, rookie Jana Bloom finished ninth, Kevin Huth was the 10th place finisher and Beau Ambos took 11th place honors. Eric Lear, a rookie finished in 12th place, Craig Rabe came across in 13th place, Bryan Holtgerwas 14th and Tom Vimig finished in the 15th position. In 16th place it was Mike Arndt, Brian Bloomquist was 17th in, John McDonald finished 18th and Vanden Hem-cl fmished in the 19th spot. Randy Oman was way back in the 20th place, Carol Gunderson came in 21st, Stephanie Paid was 22nd to finish, Barty Wahlen came in 23rd, T ra-c Fleischman was the 24th finisher and JeffVirnig was the 25th finisher. Brian Glime was the 26th finisher and Jaime Kleikamp finished in an unaccustomed 27th place. Matt Gerald and Tom Thomas started the race but failed to finish. Sunday's Light Buggy race was full of surprises. Jaime Kleikamp, 27th on Saturday, really rallied and took the win in the Sunday affair. Greg Stingle backed up his third place on Saturday with a second place this day and Todd Lemke rounded out the podium. Fourth place went to Chad Dewall, Craig Metz, the class point leader came in fifth, Mike Vanden Heuvel was sixth, Steve Schuch ran seventh, Mark Steinhardt was in eighth place, Mike Tikkanen was ninth andTra-cReishmantookthe 10thspot. In 11th place it was Bryan Holtger, Craig Rabe made it an even do:zen, Kevin Hutl1 was unlucky 13th and Brian Glime was the 14th finisher. Tom Vimig finished 15th, again, John McDonald finished 16th, MikeAmdtwas the 17th finisher, Tom Thomas finished 18th, but he fin-ished, Randy Oman was 19th in and Eric Lear was the 20th finisher. Stephanie Paid finished 21st, Beau Ambos finished in 22nd place, Steve Oman wondered what he was doing in 23rd place, Barry Wahlen placed 24th and Jana Bloom was the 25th finisher. Matt Gerald oould only manage a 26th place finish, JeffVimig was well off the pace in 27th and Brian Bloomquistwas the 28th and final finisher. Carol Gunderson started the race but failed to finish. In Light Buggy, Craig Metz leads the points with 57, Steve Oman is second with 52 points, Greg Stingle is third with 51 points, Jaime Kleikamp sits fourth with 46 and Steve Schuch and Chad Dewall are tied for fifth place with 4 2 points. So it ended, next upon the CORR calendar is a return to Bark River, then on to Crandon. Stay tuned! !IPll In Light Buggy, Chad Dewall took a great win on Saturday, he garnered a fourth on Sunday, seen here in flight. Dusty Times

Page 13

•• Present The 3 7th Annual -~ ~-:,:.... . -~-· , . •• • = ••• tmfm , . '&IPW CLASS 5-1600 BONUS RACE!! $2500 1st Place* & $500 Bonus to 2nd Place* *w/10 cars-in class-CLASS 7 BONUS RACE - $ I 000 l st Place!! The SouthCoast SNORE 250 is the longest consecutive running race in the United States!!! Come be a part ofhistoiy!! Toyo Tires is sponsoring this race for television coverage on SPEED Channel's Lucas Oil On the Edge!! Fri Sept 29th • Tech/Contingency @ the SouthCoast Resort & Casino \ • (702) 452-4522 SNORE hotline Series Sponsor Official Trre Series Sponsor @Si ·.. . ,·: ': .. ' e GENUINEWE3 B&: Dusty Times September 2006 Page 13

Page 14

M._ll....«.l.. McKENZIE'S 400 Reynolds Takes The Big Win By Steve Ruddick Photos: Trackside Photo Besting 27 contenders, Craig Reynolds took the Class 1450 crown at the McKenzies 400, he's seem here on his way to victory. _ The MOR/McKenzie's 400 drew 83 entries to test their best against the dust and dirt on Course A in Lucerne Valley, Cali-fornia on 24 June 2006. Fifty mile laps they did, or tried to, starting at Bessemer Mine Road off Highway 247: eight full laps tor ' lasses l , 10, 800, 850. 700, 1400 and 1600; six laps for Classes 12 and l 300; four laps for"e., 100, 7S, 1450 ;incl 1700. The Johnson Valley nI.M OHV area it was, some 1735 miles offun roads, and a few billy goat trails too. Course A consisted of one road xing, two check points, three remote pits, 35 major course changes, some BiG dips and a drop off around MM JO, and ... The Sand Hill; see map. And 1ust for good me,,sure, there was e,t'n a strange guy cruising around in hi:-4x4 'pink puupon' Roll;; Ruyn·. too. It was HOT ( 1(18 dt-grees), it was humid (19% "high altitude monsoonal moisture" and clouds at 10,000 ft.), it was dusty and dirty with a bit of a light breeze -you bet it was FUN! Well, maybe not much fun for the racer or the bonehead on the course with a trailer that got hit ... but 83 racers signed up in 17 dif-ferent classes for the M DR/ McKenzie's 400; 71 started, and 37 finished, meaning about 52% of the pack made it from the TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING INC. SNORE 1999 Transaxle Builder Of The Year congratulations 2DD& Battle At Primm Short course Tim Lindsey 1st in Class -1st overall Jim Temple 3rd in Class 1 Johnny Burns 3rd in Class 9 TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 9763VARIEL AVENUE CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818-998-2739 Page 14 September 2006 Scott Kincaid made it look easy, he took the Class 1 win with almost an hour in hand, he's seen here in his great looking Porter. green to the checkered flag. and 5 & 6. Bur it was Josh Rigsby CLASS I: in car# 103 from Santa Fe, NM Nine entries, nine starters, two who took the early lead and the finishes (22%). Fast Lap Award on Lap 3 at 64.9 Scott Kincaid was the Overall mph. Car# 103 sheared the outer race and Class I winner in car tie-rod bolt about 200 miles into #155, motoring his LS2-powered the race on Lap 4, and fashioned ride around the course in 6:43:56 a vice grip link that got him back at 59.4 mph. Kincaid had just to the pits for repairs. Rigsby got sold # 155 two days before this it fixed, only to shear the other race, so new owner Mario side too about 15 minutes later Gonzales from Rancho Mirage, at MM 17. Parts is parts and toys CA and co-driver John Lewis will be toys, I guess. from Palm Desert, C A got the CLASS 10: thrill of a life time on Laps 1-4: Six entries, five starters, two "Ya HOO! Thar was good!" finishers and three DNF's (40%). Kincaid and co-driver R o n Richard Garavito drove car Markegard [Lucerne, CA] fin-#1055 to the Class JO first place ished the race on Laps 5-6. ''The win, and sixth overall, in 8:36:30 course was fast, but technical. at 46.5 mph. Garavito drove The car worked really well! We some consistent lap times, except had a good day, and a nice and for an extra hour on Lap 5, and clean race except when we crushed kept his car together for the win a rim on Lap 2." Sounds like fun at the end. Keith Hughes set the to me. Second place in class and fast lap time for the class on Lap second Overall was Frank Thing I at 51.42 mph, but broke on in ar 1: 158. Thing reported "A Lap 3 10 put a dusty times end to great ra,e! Uood course mark- h1, dav of tun in rhe dirt. Brad ingsandnoproblemsallday",ro Etter 111 rar ~1032, and Boh bring tar# 158 anoss the finish f-alkr/ Tsakiris in car# 1048, Wl'rl' linl' 111 7:38:27 ;it 52.4 mph. also Sl'tting some hot lap times Thing drove Laps 3 &4 and 7 & and had the early race lend in 8, while crew chief and mechanic class, when problems took them Tony Cortes drove Laps 1 & 2 Continued on a e 16 It was a nice win for Lee Orr. he set fast lap on the first lap and was never threatened, he took Class 300 with 40 minutes in hand. The Class 5 win went to Art Savedra, Art is seen here at speed in the good looking bug at the McKenzie 400 race. Dusty Times

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Sean Malabanan had a fun race, he ran a bit slower on laps 4 and 5, took the Class 5-1600 win with ease. to finish the race in 12: 13:20 at 32. 7 mph to win second place in Class 10, and 15th overall, too. A win by DNF default is still a finish. I'll take the points, thank you. Robert Anderson was Mister Consistency in the Class 700 race, he took the win with more than an hour and a half in hand. One entry, one starter, one mph, as well as the Fast Lap finisher (100%). Award on Lap 8 at 43.3 mph. Art Savedra was the sole Class I'm thinking it's got to be that new 5 entry in car #509. Savedra had paint job he got? the lead from the git-go, never CLASS 7: looked back, and took the first Four entries, four starters, rwo out of contention around Laps 3 and 4. Broke ain't no fun at all. Dave Wood was also up there in the lead pack in car # 1091 when some major problemos stopped his speed on Lap 4. Wood ot it fixed ood enou h CLASS 5: lace win in 12:36:09 at 31. 7 finishers, two DNF's (50%). r====,,,,,.i;;,....--'---------'----'-----'==-=-, Class points leader Barry Kara-kas set the fast lap and ea1 ly race lead in class in his Toyota truck #700 on Lap l at 57.1 mph, but it was slower on Lap 3 and stop on Lap 4 for #700; and no more go after that. With Karakas out of the race, it was Shawn St. George's turn at the lead in truck #707 thru Lap 6, when he DNF'd as well. Robert Anderson from San Clemente, CA was first in line in class at the green flag in his Giant 93 Ford Ranger truck #701, and drove it all consistently with no real major problems to take the first place trophy in 8:59:24 at 44.5 mph. Anderson also won seventh overall. This was the Anderson brothers' first win and their "Most Fun Moment" of the day too, despite breaking a motor mount along their way to the checkered flag. The 'Deliri-ous Pit Crew' was able to handle the fix-it-quick job in short or-der, and get the rear linked Ran er back on course for a Frank Thing had a decent run in the Class 1 battle, he came in for the Kurt Larmee ran second all the way in the Class 3 contest, he's seen Raul Flores had two very Jong laps, very expensive, he finished second spot, seen here at speed. here heading for the checkers in his Bronco. second in Class 700, two hours out of the ~n_._ _ __ .... ___ _ Page 16 An Intimate Gem Adjacent to Bel/agio, Caesars & Bally s The Place Las Vegans Gall Home"" West Flamingo & Valley View 1-888-402-6278 ~'lllt<:;isino.oom September 2006 Ask About Our Special Headliner Show and Room Packages west Trc,picana & Arville 1-800--675-3267 ,;;,loon~ino OOfT1 Ask About Our Room & Golf Packages ~ ~~TI - ". Alta & Rampart 1-877-677•7111 ~,~c11.~ com Dusty Times

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Joe Pate/Ii had Class 8 won, then a disastrous four hour last lap It was all going so well, then Dave Wood suffered an almost four hour dropped him into the second place slot, seen here at speed. lap and that dropped him into the silver medal. Richard Wood had a couple of very long laps to contend with, he finished second in class, he's seen here on the course. "clean race" the rest of the way to over the wheel duties for Laps but FUN!" Jeffries took home the the winner's circle for #701. 4 - 8, along with daughter Raquel C lass 16 first place trophy, the Rookie Pat O'Donahue was at the and son-in-law Aaron Pierre, to Fast Lap Award on Lap 5 at 56.0 wheel for Laps 1 ~2, Charlie complete'! the win in 7:54:53 at mph and third overall winner Anderson drove Laps 3 ~ 4, and 50.5 mph. The Jeffries reported honors, too. A pretty good day Robert Anderson finished off the "A long, hot, dry and dusty day, for the Jeffries family, I'd say. Second place and fourth overall checkered flag and won the third winner for the day, went to Trevor place trophy and fifth overa ll Screech in car #1621, who com-winner in car #1618 about six pleted the required laps in minutes later; in 8:09:55 at 49.0 8:03:58 at 49.6 mph. Dave mph.JeremyJameswasintherace driving duties for Laps 4 ~ 8. Sec-ond place, and# 12 overall, went to Raul Flores in truck #711. Flores had trouble on and off all day it seemed; a real mixed bag of lap times. Whatever it was, Flores and company persisted and took whatever it takes to finish the race in 11:40: 18 at 34.3 mph. A win is still a win, no matter what or how long it takes to finish; by gosh, by golly. CLASS 800: Five entries, five starters, three finishers, two DNF's (40%). Joe Patelli took the fast lap on Lap 1 in truck #802 at 54.2 mph, held the lead throughout the day, and had the race in hand ... until a four-plus hour Lap 8 cost him the win. It was a 1-o-n-g day for #802 at 11:48:11 and 33.9 mph, but still good enough for second place in class and 13th overall too. Kreg Donahue lost his big rime on Lap 1 in truck #802, but made it up over the rest of the day to take the first place win in 11:32:24 at 34.7 mph; and 11th overall too, on the way to the winner's circle. Yep, that's True Grit award type stuff in my book; even if it is a diesel, with a/ c too? Dean Schlingmann won third place in class and 14th overall in truck #832, completing the whole enchilada in 12:04:38 at 33.1 mph. CLASS 1400: Six entries, five starters, one DNS, three DNF's, two finishers (40%). Steven Herrera in truck #1408 was first in line in class for the green flag, won the Fast Lap Award on Lap 2 at 57.4 mph and was leading through Lap 2 when a two-plus hour Lap 3 put Frank Vernola in the lead by 30 min-utes in truck #1328. Herrera got it fixed and had shaved Vernola's lead to about 14 minutes by the end of Lap 4. Herrera was com-fortably back in the lead at the start of Lap 6, and cruised on to take the first place trophy and eighth overall win in 9: 14:01 at 43.3 mph. Vernola was second place in #1428, and 10th over-all, at 10:25:11 ~nd 38.4 mph. CLASS 1600: Six entries, six starters, four finishers, two DNF's (66%). Joe Jeffries was first off the line at the green flag in class in car # 1600, had a slow first lap with a plugged fuel filter at MM38, and was in a real race with Mike Harvey in car# 1622 up through Lap 4, when Harvey DNF'd. The Jeffri es are another family fun ream ·of racers, so 'pa Joe drove Laps 1 - 3 and son Brian rook · Dusty Times LIST YOUR PHONE NUMBER, YEAR, MODEL ANO ENGINE SIZE! Sales Information: Payment may be made by credit card, money order or cashiers check. Personal or business checks are not accepted. C.0.0. orders accepted with 50% pre-payment. S5 Handling charge on all orders. California residents include 7.75% sales tax. Customers responsible for all freight charges. Minimum order is $25. The use of Volkswagen by Pacific Customs Unlimited. Inc. is for descriptive purposes ONLY and in no way is the name used to infer or intend a direct connection between Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. and Volkswagen. Volkswagen is a registered trademark. PRICES EFFECTIVE DURING THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MAGAZINE COVER DATE. EAGLE EYE OFF ROAD LIGHTS H.I.O. Lights with 35W Xenon Bulbs and Ballast 4 •i, Oval H.1.0. Driving Light. Silver Finish and External Ballast. pair .................... $522 8" Oval H.1.0. Driving Ughl. Sil1,er Finish and External Ballast, pair ..................... 522 8. Oval H.1.D. Spot Lighl. Sil var Fmish and External Ballast. pair .................................. 522 5· Round H.1.0. Driving Light Opal Finish and Internal ........ . Ballast. pair ..................... 522 G• Round H.1.D. Spot Light, Opal . Finish and Internal Ballast. pair.... . ....................... 522 Super Bright Halogen Lights. 5· Round 100W Driving Light with Black Finish. pair ....... $38 6" Round 100W Slim-Pro Driving Light with Chrome Finish, pair ... 74 4 H Dual 100W Driving Light with Silver Finish, pair. ........ 82 8" Round 55W Driving light with Silver Finish, pair ......... 98 B" Round Spot with Silver Finish. pair ................•......... 98 f.~~f:'o'!l!!f~!~~!s~!!! ~ Communication. Adv;wced Kits have th• Capability for the Driver to Communicate lo • Passengers, Car to Car or Car lo Base with Radio Added. Basic 2·Person Kit w/HS ....... $465 Basic 4-Person Kil w/HS ......... 799 Advanced 560 4-Person Intercom Kil ...................... 635 Push to Talk Bullon ................... 37 Black Finish Head Set ............. $98 Black, Blue. Red or Yellow Behind the Head Head Sei 164 Carbon Fiber Behind Head Head Set ........................... t 78 COIL BEAM SUSPENSION •Made in USA* Front Ends are 6" Wider wilh 1/l" Towers to Accepl Call Shacks Without Modification and "•-_, Includes Rack and Pinion Mount. Trailing Arms are 0.0.M. Material, 2'/," Larger x 1• Wider And Can Use Either Stock King Pin Spindles or Combo Links. Front Bean, for Coil Shocks .. $265 Combo Link Spindles ............. $475 Chromoly Front Beam for Combo Link Spindles 3' raised .. 510 Cuil Shocks ...............•....... 310 King Shock 2" Adj. Body D.O.M. Trailing Arms, sat ol 4 .310 w/Reservoir, includes D.O.M. + ,r Trailing Arms (4) .. 360 Springs, each ................... .495 Thnr Rods w/Nuts. pair ............ 50 Piggy Back Rcser,oir Option ..... 65 Urethane Beam Bushings ......... .24 Swedged Tie Rods, Alum., pr .... 65 ........................ 52 Swedged T ·Rods. Chromoly, pr.65 Stanley found his way to the Continued on page 18 2-Piece Billet Hub with 8" Rotor. Bearings, Center Caps and Wilwood 2 Piston Calipsrs with Mounting Brackets. WI Link Pin Front Brakes ..... S725 Combo Link Front Brakes ...... .745 Front Hub Kit VW Link Pin Front Hub Kit .... $439 Combo Link Front Hub Kit ..... .439 H.O. FRONT BRAKES /·Piece Billet Hub with 8" Rotor, nmken Bearings, Center Caps and Wilwaad 2 Piston Calipers with Mounting Brackets. Combo Link Front Brakes .... $895 l~I KING ADJUSTABLE SHOCKS WI RESERVOIR Full Adjustment Dual Spring Shock with Hoss and Rsser,air. King t • Adjustable Shock. 8-10· 12" Slroke ..... .from $495 King 2 '/." Adjustable Shock. 12·14·16-Slroke ..... .lrom 585 Piggy Back Reservoir Option ..... 65 Triple By-Pass, 2 'I, Body ....... 650 SPORTSMAN MICRO STUB KIT BIiiet Bearing Housing with Timken Bearings, 11· Rotors, 300M Stub Ailes and WI/woad 4 Piston Calipers. Sportsman Micro Stub K~ .. $1.295 H.D. 300M MICRO STUB BRAKE KIT Billet Bearing Housing with Timken Bearings, 11• Rotors, Large Diameler 300M Stub Axles and Wilwaad 4 Piston Calipers. 11.D. Micro Stub Brake Kit....$1.595 NON-COIL SHOCKS King 2· Shock, 8·10-12" Stroke ..... .from $225 King 2 '/," Shock. 12-14·16" Stroke ... .from 295 KING BUMP STOP 2· Bump Stop with 413D Chramoly Sleeve. Bump Stop with Sleeve, each $257 CENTERLINE WHEELS 15x4 5VW ....................... S178 15 X 5 5 VW ......................... 183 t5x6 svw ......................... 183 15 x 7 5 VW ......................... 186 15 X 8 5 VW......... . ........... 189 1sx10 svw ........................ 197 15 X 3 '/, 4 VW .................... 172 15 x 5 '/, 4 WI .................... 220 15 x 7 4 WI ................... 223 15 x 8 'I, 4 WI ........... 230 POWER STEERING COMPONENTS Howe Power Rack, 2' Widespread ............................................. $1,275 Howe Power Rack, 2 W Widespread ........................................... 1,275 Howe Power Rai;k. 2 '/," Widespread with Control Valve ............ 1.650 Char-Lynn Torque Generalor .......................................................... 295 Char•Lynn Billet Mount Clamps lo 1 'l,.Tubing .............................. 459 Mounting Tab. Weld-On. each .......................................................... to Port Block for Char-Lynn with Fillings .............................................. 30 Coupler for Char-Lynn ...................................................................... 18 LI-Joint for Char-Lynn (Sweet) ........ , .................................... .From 56 Power Steering Pumps. 1000 PSI or 1300 PSI .............................. 160 Pulley for Power Steering Pump .......................................... From 45 Power Steering Resorvoir for 18 and #10 Fittings ........................... 85 Power Steering Reservoir with Filler Adapter ................................. 150 Mount for Power Steering Pump (Specify Engine) ................ .From 65 Bracke~ Reservoir ............................................................................ t 4 930 CHROMOL Y STUB AXLES& DRIVE FLANGES Stub Axles for 930 CV. pair. ... $140 Stub Axles for Bus CV. pair .... $140 Drive Flanges for 930 CV, pair .. .70 Drive Flanges for Bus CV. pair . .70 HEAVY DUTY AXLES GERMAN CV JOINTS by LATEST RAGE BugiBus Trans to ANO BOOTS BeeUe Trailer Arms .......... $120 Bug. CV Joint.. Bug/Bus Trans to 3x3 Arms .... 130 Bug. CV Boot Bug/Bus Trans to 3x3 Arms Bus. CV Joint.. for 930 CV s ..................... 140 Bus. CV Boot ... . 23· or 25· Axles ror 930 CV s ... 160 930. CV Joint... ...... . 24"-28" M300 for 930 CV s ... lr 440 930. Boot and Flange ....... . [E ~ [[] CROW SAFETY BELTS 3" Lap Bells with Sewn'ln 2" or 3" Shoulder Harnesses Available in 3. 4. or V Paint Webbing is Available in Black. Grey. Blue. Red or Purple. 3" x 2" 3 Point.. 3" x 2" 4 Point ... 3" x 3" 3 Point.. 3" x 3" 4 Point .......... . 3" x 2" 3 Pl w/Shoulder Pad 3· • 2" 4 Pt wiShoulder Pad .... 90 3" x 3" 3 Pt wt'Shoulder Pad .. 100 3" x 3" 4 Pt w/Shoulder Pad .. 100 2 Crotch Strap.. . ... 12 CROW SHOULDER PADS Available far 2" or 3" Shoulder Harness, Black. Blus Dr Red. 2· Shoulder Harness Pads. pr .. $24 3" Shoulder Harness Pads. pr ... 28 • . . Only 19" Wide/ Now You Can Use Special Order Widths Available. Suspension seats in Narrower 2-Pass.Bench Seal, $435 Chassis. Available in Black or Grey. 46' or 49• Wide ........... • Lil Sportsler Seat, Low-Back $165 Lil Sportsler Seat, Hi-Back ...... 170 BEARD SUPER SEAT BEARD TIE DOWNS MOUNT KIT Li9ht Duty Tie Down, 1 •1: x s· Slide/Till Combination ......... $118 Strap. 5,000# Capacity ...... $18 Slicle/Slide Combination Ratchet Tie Down. 2· x 7' for Lil Sportsler ................ 134 Strap. I0.000# Capacily ...... 26 Biacket and Slide Mount Only .. 55 Axle Strap......... . ............ 12 September 2006 Page 17

Page 18

Kreg Donohoe had a Jong first lap but he recovered and took the Class 8 win in his extra good looking Ford. 42.7 mph. Alexander Smith was also giving it a go-go in car # 1608 up through Lap 4, when the dreaded DNF gremlin came to call and ended his race day. CLASS 12: Richard Garavito took the Class 10 lead on the second lap and went on to take the win, seen here at speed. --------~-----·----·- ------·-- ---- -----DNS, two DNF's and two finish-phy in 7:01:20 at 42.7 _mph, and ers. won the Fast Lap Award, too, on Brady Helm DNF'd in car Lap 4 at 46.1 mph. Wyrembrek # 1214 on Lap 1, as did Levi drove Laps 1 ~3 with Clace Will-Federwisch in car# 1288 on Lap 4. iams along as co-driver. Mike Rauk Terry Wyrembrek drove car# 1297 Sr. took over the steering duries for for his first time ride at his side. The team from Duke's Roll Cages in Riverside, CA said it best, "The car ran beautiful, great, all day. We pitted on Lap 5 with a flat front tire and a broken rear limiter strap, and a 30 minute lead. It was hot and dusty, bur that's the way I like 'em." I think they had some fun doing it too. Richard Wood would also see the checkered flag in car # 123 3, but not without having some difficulties getting there in the process. A two and a half+ hour Lap 1 and a three+ hour Lap 3 al-most made #1233 DNF history. But finish all of the required laps Wood would do, to finish second place in 11:35:20 at 25.9 mph. Another case of True Grit? l think maybe so. C LASS 1300: Two entries, one DNS, one starter, one finisher ( 100%). the whole day in car # 1610 with sorne fairly consistent lap times, ex-cept for Lap 2. And there just wasn't enough time after that for #1610 to make it up before getting the checkered flag for fourth place and ninth overall winner in 9:22:38 at Five entries, four srta_r_t_e_rs_,_l __ t_o_v_i_c_to_r_y_a_n_d_t_h_e_fi_r_st_p_la_c_e_tr_o_-~ps ~ ~ 6 with his son Mike Jr. along Erik Jacobus in car # 1367 was the solo racer in class, but still drove hard and fast to take the first place win in just 6: 13:46 at 48.2 mph, as Frank Vernola was a bit off the winning pace this race, he finished Matt Helton was quick, just not quick enough, he finished second in Trevor Streech led Class 1600 for the first few laps, fell to second second in class in his Ford pickup. Class 1450, 17 minutes out of first place. _ ____ place and there he finished, _ 9 minutes out of the win. another ® The Suspension Company. Page 18 September 2006 Dusty Times

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Dean Schlingmann drove his neat looking Ford to a third place finish, a long fifth lap didn't help, seen here at liftoff. A third place in class went to Shawn Giordano, he's seen here at Chris Greeley drove his Toyota well but this race he had to settle for speed heading for that elusive checkered flag. a fourth place finish, he's seen here at speed. well as the fast lap honors on L-lp 1 at 53.4 mph. Jacobus had rolled # 1367 pretty hard at Ridgecrest, so this was a test of the recently re-conditioned race car edition. All that metal and fab work paid off for Jacobus, who ran his first 'no issues' race ever; except for that loose battery, maybe. But 'no stink-ing loose battery' would deter # 1367 from seeing the checkered flag at race end. Jacobus reported "The car ran awesome! lt was a good, clean run; no problems. bps 1 and 2 were fast, but the course got pretty choppy after that, and the last lap was just hard." Chris Zuniga got the co-driver's seat for Laps 1 - 3, and switched out with jammin' Jamin Northrop for his thrill ride on Laps 4 - 6. The 'Most Fun Moment7' for Jacobus: "Do-ing 110 mph on the back stretches!" Terry Wyrembeck led all the way, set fast lap and took the class win with more than four hours in hand a_t_th_e_fla~g~----------------Erik Jacobus was quick, he motored around the course for six laps, finished in 6:13:46, he's seen here at speed. CLASS 300: Five entries, four starters, one DNS, two DNF's, two finishers (50%). Lee Orr drove rhe Vermirage Homes truck #300 ro another first place win in 5:09:40 at 38.8 mph, as well as taking the Fast L-lp Award on Lap 1 at 43.4 mph. Kurt Larmee came in second place in class in truck #302, but not without a four-count barrel roll and lots of upside and sideways downs from a broken trailing arm. Still, #302 re-)~·--·~---:-_·----... '« ·~ 'I. ported it was "Incredible! Good temps; no flats. The course was smooth but technical, and a bit choppy at MM30." The Most Fun? -"Doing 100+ mph1" Vince Pauschek drove Laps 1 & 2, and Steve Engleking drove Laps 1 & 4, to take #302 to "second place again" in 5:52: 10 at 34.1 mph; and without any pilot's license, too. Try to keep it under ten feet altitude next time, ok guys? The FAA might be calling you, otherwise. CLASS 725: Two entries, oue DNS, one starter, one DNF. Steven Herrera took the Class 1400 win, he set fast lap and took the Class 1400 win with more than an hour in hand. The Class 1600 win went to Joe Jeffrey, he ran fast, set fast lap, he's seen here at touchdown on his way to the _ch_e_c_k_e_rs_. ______ _ Dusty Times Jeff Polich from San Dimas, CA was the sole starter in #777 and won the Fast Lap Award on Lap 1 at 42.2 mph. Polich reported the Ford Ranger "was running good when it just died with fuel manage-ment 'issues"' and DNF'd on Lap 2. I hate it when that happens, too, eh! CLASS 1450: A whopping 28 entries, four DNS, 24 starters, nine DNF's and l 5 finishers (62.5%). Craig Reynolds was all gas from the green flag to the checkers in truck #1456, taking the first place trophy in just 3:48:54 at 52.4 mph. Continued on page 21 B~~ We car.ry a wH selection or:: WELD•ON•TABS WELD•ON•BUNCS I-EIMS & ROD ENDS We also ,f10ck a large quantlt;y pr: -CHROMOLV& DOM1VBING· ~~ SACo Off ~ @!) Ei)® m~Q wtl tel JJI 1• tc• -~ o • •'(SHOEI) .30.54 S. VALLEYlll'~BLIV.D. LAS VEGAS, .Nv. B9roz TEL: TOZ-BTT-49 TT FAX: 70.Z-BT T-SZZ T ,-e Cf•. W II a a f • ·Douglas Whe!C!I FK: -c~~ {i]f1f10!l!B /;El#i#:Jl14i 1'kr l}t,tlfrMtt '°"'Cot~~.._, -i!•,qt lY,.t_e) baja• ;......_, ! ... MAS'TERCRA/C"T. "' .4.• ~ , .. ,.,. ~. SUSPENSIONS UNI.JMITEO SI ... PING AV Al• ABI E - -September 2006 CROW'"'!f ENT£-RIZES Page 19

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!ip~cinl Thanks toou..-,:,.~u, 8.. Fnmili~s iii!!! • • . itt>.R\l~\

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Mike James was looking for a good day, but, ain't there always a but, Mike Harvesty took a fifth place finish this race, he was just 2 minutes Just a bit off the winning pace, Dave Stanley took a third place finish he only was able to get one lap in, then on the trailer. out of fourth place, seen here taking off. in Class 1600, here he's heading for home plate. Reynolds also won the Fast Lap That's another wrap for this for another dirt story, somewhere, Award on Lap 2 at YYY mph. Matt writer for the day from the Dusty another day. The next MDR Cali-Helton brought the SYT Times raceway at Lucerne Valley fornia Series event is the Camburg Motorsports truck # 1486 across Caleaforn-eye-a. I'm on my way to a 200 night race scheduled for Au-the finish line about 15 minutes much-needed shower and some real gust 12, 2006 at Lucerne Valley; S/ later for second place in 4:05:47 at food before hitting the trails again Fis at Bessemer Mine Road again. 48.8 mph. Shawn Giordano was I'll be there to write about all the always contact me via: good dirt and even your story, but Win, finish, only if you take the time to tell me. DNF. .. our readers want to know Otherwise, all you see is your name all the dirty details! Happy trails and and # and time, because that's all tales are only as far away as the next I've got for the narrative. You can DustyTimes. l!IJJ....l(,J, third place in truck #1478, another 15 minutes behind Helton; complet-ing the required four laps in 4:20:23 at 46.1 mph. Fourth place in class went to Chris Greeley in truck# 1494, who did the dirt and dust in 4:44:02 at 42.2 mph. Mike Harvesty in truck #1452 was only a couple of minutes behind Greely at the checkers, finding his way across the finish line in 4:46: 10 at 41. 9 mph to take fifth place in class. Truck #1458, driven by Ryan Dowe, was the sixth place winner at 38.1 mph and 5:15:02. Seventh place was Craig Wilk in truck # 1472, about three minutes behind Dowe; ringing up the required laps in 5:18:21 at 37.7 mph. Checking in at the checkered flag just a little over a minute later was Brian Metcho in truck # 1467, who grabbed eighth place in 5: 19:31 at 37.6 mph. Jesse Ware was also in the hunt for the checkers in truck # 1474 just another minute or so behind Metcho, at 5:20:48 at 37.4 mph; to take a ninth place win. Other finishers in Class 1450 included, in finishing order: 10th Place: Jay Arnold, truck # 1476, 7:07:15 at 328.l mph; 11th Place: Nick Puccio, truck #1492, 7:16:18 at 27.5 mph; 12th Place: A.J. Steeber, truck #1495, 7:27:52 at 26.8 mph; 13th Place: Dustin Lapnow, truck #1473, 7:45:45 at 25 .8 mph. 14th Place: Josh Pfohlman, truck #1455, 7:50:11 at 25.5 mph; 15th Place: Mike Belcher, truck #1483, 8:02:43 at 24.9 mph. Rookie virgin driver Josh Pfohlman from Wildomar, CA drove the whole thing in his 2000 Toyota Tacoma #1455, equipped with a stock motor and front A-arms and a linked rear sus-pension. Pfohlman reported "It was a long race and I'm tired, but I had a great time; an awesome race! The course was really rough. Laps 3 and 4 were bad, and the rest were worse. The truck kept cutting out bad at the end, too." Pfohlman's "Most Fun Moment?" -"Coming down main on the last lap to the check-ered flag." Not bad for a rookie, Josh. Mike Belcher and Joe Hermosillo from Rialto, CA also fought the mechanical gremlin in their '95 Toyota 4x4 #1483, ward-ing off a cracked rim and a broken motor mount. Not bad for their rookie year and fourth race this sea-son, and driving the truck in four wheel drive all the time; considering. CLASS 17: The sole entry in class was Scott Biehl in Jeep #1729. Biehl DNF'd at the end of Lap 1, but not before winning the Fast Lap Award at ABC mph. Dusty Times SAFETY EQUIPMENT • SA2005 Helmets • Racing Suits, Gloves & Shoes • Seatbelts • Head & Neck Restraints YOUB SAJ'Bff & COJIJIUNICATIONB SOUBCB 619-258-RACE (7223) Lf LOWRANCE GPS • Color Dmplays • 5~ to 10.4" Screens • Hand.held & Panel Mount Options • MapCreate Software &Accessories XCELLTII • 41 ½. Gallons ·SCORE/FIA~ • Exclusively Manuf.actuted by Fuel Safe • Sending Units & Accessories Available • Full line of.Fuel Safe Products Available INTERCOMS FOR RACING & RECREATION • Sa.nd Ca.r, Desert & Race Kits • Hi-Fi Headsets • Headsets & Wired Helmets • .Auto Mute Feature • Music Interface Available HIGH PERFOBMANCE WIOSYSTEMS • Sand Car, Desert & Race Radios • Base Station Kits (for Camping or Race Pits) • Short Course Spotter Kits and Fan Scanners • Race Chase Packages • 5 to 110 Watts of Power • .Alpha-numeric Displa.y KOOLAIRflt BLOWERS & HOSES • 105, 135.150 and 235 CFM Ratings • Lightweight & Reduced Amperage · Filters and Hoses also available SIRIUSil $.t.tfLLUl RADIO 1'ML .. ul •••to acN •,-:oto· INGAB.AUDIO ~ .:;:,,. SATELLITE ~ RADIO ~ • XM & Sil'ius Satellite"Radlo Systems • No Tuner ReqUired. • External Speaker Kits iPod • COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS • ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS • KOOL AIR BLOWERS • AUDIO -DI & SIRIUS • SAFETY EQUIPMENT • FUEL CELLS & ACCESSORIES • GPS • TOYS/ DVD'S 10815 Wheatlands Avenue, Suite K · Santee, CA 92071 619-258-RACE (7223) · Fax 619-258-0883 · September 2006 Page 21

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B.O.R.E. JACKPOT 200 Mike Sims Shows The way Text & Photos: Mike Chamberlain Dave Sams took the ½-1600 class lead on the third lap and there was no catching him, he finished second overall, seen here at speed. The overall win and Class 8 win at the B.O.R.E. Jackpot 200 went to Mike Sims, he covered the 224 miles in a bit over six hours in his Chevy pickup. Mike Sims of "SIMCO Racing" dominated the second race of the BO RE season. Mike piloted his Class 8 Chevy truck sponsored by ware-house furniture to capture the win-ning checkered flag by a staggering 23:43 minutes. · TI1e venue for the race was a blis-tering seven trips around the 32 mile course setup. The jackpot race pits drivers, co-drivers, pit crews and ma-chines against some ofBORE's most challenging course pitted with the in-famous "Easy Street", fast flat ar-eas, and steep drops. Easy Street is a rock garden that is about a mile and a half long that can shake the teeth and vehicle parts right out of each team. I speak from experience, I have found parts of my body I didn't know I had until the pain set in and the beer wore off at the end of the race. My BORE hat goes off for each team that participated in this chal-lenging race. The setup crew arrived on Wednesday to set the markers for Page 22 the race with headquarters being the Horseshoe hotel and casino. Our major sponsors at Jackpot were the Horseshoe and Cactus Pete's hotel and casino. The setup crew of Roger Bowers, Brian Dick, Glen "Boog" Cain, Dave & Mike Morse, and fi-nallyyours truly met Thursday morn-ing for a good breakfast and was able to set up the course with time to spare for a round of golf and yes, I have the picrures to prove our abil-ity to farm a golf course. Friday be-gan with thinking about tech inspec-tions and registrations but not be-fore again plowing the fields of the local golf course and yes, more pic-tures. Registration and tech inspec-tion was conducted at the main pit. Registration officials of Jeri Cain and Gen Cain ensured all documents were in order and announced that we had 18 registered vehicles for this race, a far cry above our opener of 13 at Wendover in May. Peggy Bow-ers was staffing the T-shirt sales de-partment. This Year's Jackpot T-shirt is a pretty awesome one. Thanks Peggy. Tech inspectors of Jay Hamilton and Greg "Kwazi" Kimoto were getting 'err done until Jay was called away to take care of his sons who had a motorcycle accident. Ev-eryone was okay with one receiving a broken collar bone and the other getting a partial ear piercing. Things could have been worse but the boys all had their safety gear on. Photo guy Mike filled in with Kwazi to com-plete the inspections. The day fin-ished with all pre-running, inspec-tions completed, and the choosing of race order. The only oddity was the combining of a single Class 10, two Class l/2-1600's and two Sportsman buggies to make for some good competition and brag-ging rights. OK, enough of the non-racing stuff and on to the racin'. Oops, forgot the checkpoint team-mates of Brian Dick at Checkpoint 1 and Mike Sullivan at Checkpoint 2. Thanks guys, without you it wouldn't happen. Scott Smith took the Mini Metal win with ease, he had almost an hour in hand when he took the checkers in his Ford pickup. Sarurday started at 5:00 a.m. for Boog and me. We had to make sure all the cattle gates were open and ready for racing. Drivers' meeting went well and to set things over the top Niki Magill sang the NA-TIONAL ANTHEM. Her crisp voice was heard loud and clear as all rac-ers, team members and spectators faced the flag being flown by the McKnight Racing Team. I have to admit after 22-1/2 years of active duty military service hearing our nation's song still makes the eye wa-ter. Thank you very much Niki for your sweet voice. First off the line to get the Jack-pot 200 under way was Gordon Scott in his Jeep CJ-7 sponsored by "Gordon Scott Automotive". Gordon's Jeep is co-driven by Eric Kosec, Jim Kalleck and Dave Kosec Specializing in LS1-LS2-LS6-LS1 complete crate engines VB Packages starling at $5,300 Call •or details 7&0-94 ... -274"1 Home of the 5 wire install . TurnKevEng■ne_c September 2006 and supported by a host of workers in the pits and field. Gordon would be one of only two· finishers of the five vehicles that made up the Ch1ss 8s this weekend. By the end of Lap I Gordon had slipped to third and by the end of the second lap had gotten him to second. The remain-ing five laps Gordon tried to get his sights on Mike Sims but would end up capturing the Silver which was a great feat. Mike Sims of "SIMCO RACING" was next off the line and began a blistering pace to match the northeast Nevada July heat. Mike and Carrey have been racing with BORE for as long as I can remem-ber which is about 10 years. SIMCO Racing is all about bringing family, friends and racing in the desert to a complete new level. They work hard, play hard and everyone is always Dusty Times

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I I JI I • I• I I, 'II, I I I I, I, I I•, I I,,, Gordon Scott had a pretty good day, he drove his Jeep to a nice A long fifth lap was very expensive for Allen Biggs, he drove his Cam Blackley almost had a gISStpaOli~/B£brv,lfa ~t~hcil~hrtoolast lap but was still credited withfltle;6/ae$18i · xace. The third start-off road racing. Bi C arey in 1is ing spot was the Mi o Chassis two seat Class 1/2-1600 was next to Sportsman Buggy of Steve Millward. pit his skills in his "had to finish Steve had top Sportsman honors building at the course" new buggy. last year for BORE and was ready My hat goes off to the Clarey team. to dominate the Jackpot course. Thi> second spot in the Heavy Metal Division, seen here in the outback. 'Tiger" to a second place finish in ½-1600. there to help fellow competitors in any way they can to get teams back in the excitement and that's what BORE is all about. Mike had slipped into the top position by the end of Lap 1 with Mike Hickey less than one minute behind. Mike would in-crease his lead at the end of Lap 3 to two minutes. The top three Class 8s had quite an exciting racing group. Mike stayed as the leader of the pack throughout the rest of the seven laps and increased his lead at the drop of each lap flag for the rest of the race. As Mike took the checkered flag his Class 8 Chevy blistered the field and finished with a 23:43 minute lead to capture first for Class 8 and overall honors. Jeff Judge was the third Class 8 to pit his skills on the 32 mile course. Jeff races a 76 Jeep Scrambler sponsored by "BIG -0-TIRES" of Centerville/Kaysville, Utah. Jeff and his co-drivers Garth Hanson and Mike Oxborrow raced hard for four laps and had a firm grip on fourth place. Unfortunately the Scrambler would drop from the race only co~pleting three laps for a fifrh place at the end. Better luck next time Jeff. Mike Hickey and co-pilot Bo Brunyer took the green flag in to start the race in the fourth position. Mike and Bo ended the first lap in their '66 Ford F-100 firmly in second place and was look-ing to be a strong contender. The Mat. Comm. sponsored Ford would drop to third only two minutes back from second place by the end of the second lap. Mike started the third lap but wouldn't see the end, drop-ping out for unknown reasons. The final Class 8 to test his skills was Glen Wise in the 852 truck. Glen ran hard all day but couldn't gain any ground on the top four co-Class 8s. Glen was able to maintain his truck until dropping out after the end of Lap 6. Sometimes being able to stay in the race the longest of the DNFs isn't too bad. In this case Glen raced long enough to get the Bronze third place honors. Well done Glen. After the Class 8s took to the course it was time for the combina-tion class of a Class 10, two 1/2-1600s and two Sportsman. Our 1600 buggy class has dropped in numbers this year and sure could use some new blood so all of you 1600s out there that want to have some serious fun and competition come check out BORE. Well time for the racin'. Larry Schmuesor Jr. and co-pilot Roger Bowers in their just built "Tatumn Safari Off Road" Class 10 two searer was first off the line. Larry is a new driver/ owner to the off road racing scene and brought the Class 10 out to get some serious seat rime and work out the bugs that every racer knows can be quire perplexing. Larry and Roger ran a good race for three solid laps and had to deal with header bracket breakage, a couple of flats, and fi-nally tie rod steering rod bolts. The Dusty Times tie rod bolt issue was the final prob- as they did. Good job boys. The !em ending their day at the end of way Larry was looking in the Lap 3. Larry's pit crew of Jake "Schmuesor Associates" sponsored Maness, Roger Ball, and Larry Sr. Class 10 it won't be long until this did all that could be done to keep new race team will be catching the Larry Jr. and Roger going as much checkered flags for the top spots in September 2006 They worked hard all day Friday at Continued on page 24 Page 23

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John Sessions took a second place finish in the Mini Metal Class, Bill Clarey didn't have the best of days, Unfortunately, he ended up Glen Wise was running pretty good in the Heavy Metal Class but he he's seen here at speed heading for the checkers. as a dnf in ½-1600, seen here out on the course. disappeared on the last lap, still credited with a third place finish. S&M Racing Team however Trophies" sponsored buggy. Dave came to an end Dave had cut the minutes at the end of Lap 4. The eral90degreeswitchbacksfilledwith wouldn't have a good day. Un for-and his pit crew of Mike Lawrence, lead to a minute and a half and by "Rock & Sons Tire & Auto" spon- fine sand and gravel and steep banks. tunately the "Raw Bow Welding" Christine Sams (check writer), and the third lap had a firm grip on first sored buggy continued to dominate If you get stuck in there you pretty sponsored team wouldn't see the Jim Wright had the 1677 in pristine by 13 minutes. Dave has been rac-the class and ended the race firmly much bring the race to a halt until end of the first lap for problems with condition for the second race of the ing the buggy classes now for three in front to capture the Gold. Dave's your vehicle is cleared. Dave said he the front end. Hopefully Steve will season. At the end of the first lap years and bettering his overall posi- challenges throughout the race to owes a big thanks to the guy with a be ready for the September race. Dave had a solid hold on second tions each year. His skills are a true get to the checkered flag were many. dog and cowboy hat for his assis-Number 4 to take the green starter's place, only two and a half minutes challenge to all comers. Dave con-On the first lap Dave rolled his 1600 tance keeping him racing. The final flag was the single seat 1/2-1600 of behind first place position of Allen tinued to pour on the race fuel and in the famous "Wash". The wash is challenge for Dave was a fouled Dave Sams in his "Winner's Circle Bi s. B the time the second la had increased his lead to almost 27 onl about 100 ards Ion with sev- s ark lu that had to be chan ed Randy Gardner only got in four of the required six laps, he succumbed A water crossing cools things off, just ask Dave Morse, he's seen Larry Schmuesor was another dnf in Class 1 O, he's seen here in his to mechanical troubles, an unfortunate dnf in Mini Metal. here on his way to a non-deserved dnf in Class 9. very good looking car, here happily at speed_. __ _ Page 24 September 2006 Dusty Times

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on the sixth lap. It proves that hard racing, hard fixing, and no quit atti-tude of an entire team can be re-warded. The last buggy to pit their skill was the Sportsman buggy of Allen Biggs. Allen shot straight to the top of the class list at the end of Lap 1 by two and a half minutes, but by the end of the second his lead had been cut in half by the charging Dave Sams. Dave had taken over the top spot on Lap 3 dropping Allen to the second spot. Allen slipped to th ird after five laps but recaptured the second place by the end of the sixth lap. Allen was unable to com-plete the seventh lap to see the check-ered flag however his efforts were good enough to be awarded the Sil-ver for his and teammates staying power. Congrats Team Biggs. Next to the line for the adrenalin rush of the off road experience were the Class 7 trucks. They had a field of five Mini-Metals that were ready for the challenge. Robby Seal in his ti:,. i.t.c. HIGH-PERiORMANCE _,.-·~ CERAMIC l PQWDER COATINGS 1 Since 1999. Ram Proline has provided ceramic and powder coating for all voor needs with an oven 25 ft in depth. • WE CAN COAT CHASSIS, DUNE BUGGY FRAMES, TRAILERS. GATES, IRON FENCING, AND MORE IN A VARIETY OF COLORS. • RAM PROLINE ALSO OFFERS SAND BLASTING. • WE CAN COAT ALL INTERNAL ENGINE PARTS, EXHAUST SYSTEMS, BRAKE CALIPERS, INTAKE MANIFOLDS, AND MANY OTHER APPLICATIONS. RAM PROLINE DOES IT ALL Dusty Times 724 Ford powered truck took the first class green flag. Robby rode the course hard for three laps and main-tained the third place until the fourth. He was slowly cutting his time from the second place runner when he dropped from the race with un-known mechanical problems. Num-ber 2 off the line for the Mini-Met-als was the "Red Garter" sponsored e Ford of Kenny and Terry McKnight. Kenny and Terry would face front frame problems throughout the race but not before a great begin-ning showing. After Lap 1 Kenny had piloted their Ford into the sec-ond position only 36 seconds out of first place. By the end of the sec-ond lap they had slipped to fourth having to contend with a cracked front frame. After repairs, Terry had taken the controls and was making up some serious ground when the front frame again rose its ugly head. and re-cracked. Terry was having his hands full with handling problems so they decided to take the Ford out of the race before serious safery problems occurred. The Jackpot course has some pretty serious drop-offs and with handling problems makes for a bad combination. Smart call guys! Next off the line was the 722 Class 7 "Black Hawk Con-struction Service" sponsored Toyota piloted by Randle Gardner. Randle's co-pilots for this race were the talents of Chuck Peterson and Rhea Shannon. Even though Randy started in the third slot he dropped to the last position for the first two laps but started regaining his status by getting into the fourth spot at the end of Lap 3 and into the third position by the end of Lap 4. Usu-ally when you're making ground and things are starting to go your way is when things can go wrong. Sadly for Randy that's what happened. He was unable to complete the rest of the race due to problems with their tranny. Next off the line was the premier showing of Scott Smith and his new Ford powered Class 7. Scott is well known for his dominance with his single seat Class 1/2-1600. While he says he is still in the Buggy racing game he has wanted to compete in a truck. Well as tnJe to his history Scott immediately became the truck to chase down. At the close of Lap 1 Scott was in the lead by 38 seconds along with h is co-pilot of Gary Brennan. This isn't to say that Scott camR_j source far ra dCre • Driving SUits • Crew Unifonns • Crew Shirts • Polo Shirts • Team Jackets • Hats • GearBags NOW FEATURING: In-House Embroidery Driver Names • Team Logos • Sponsor Logos didn't have to contend with the new truck bugs. On Lap 2 he lost his hood. Who needs a hood anyway, more cooling air right and increased his overall lead to just over six min-utes. On Lap 3 Scott and Gary had to contend with a broken exhaust but still maintained the lead now by 20-1/2 minutes. At the start of Lap 4 Gary gave up the co-pilot to Niki Magill (singer of the opening NA-TIONAL ANTHEM). This was the first time for Niki and after the race she said it was an amazing experi-ence. She also added that it won't be her last and hopefully she will be able to pilot a vehicle of her own. Come on Niki, the boys could sure use an %*$-kicking from the female side of off road racing. Scott con-tinued to dominate the Class 7s and took the checkered flag with 50 min-utes to spare. Great racing Scott! The last Class 7 to take a stab at the course was the 702 of John and Brady Sessions in their "Marquee Body & Paint" sponsored Toyota. The co-driving tasking was per-formed by Candice Sessions, Chris Matson and Tyler Whitehead. John and Brady had the fourth position at the end of Lap 1 which wasn't bad since the time line from first po-sition through fourth was only two minutes. Now that's pretty tight rac-ing! These teams were great to watch the whole race. By the end of Lap 2 John had taken the second place and didn't let go from that point on. Ses-sions Racing would take the second checkered flag. Thanks for the ex-citing racing John. The last racers to challenge the course were the Class 9s. They only had three challengers but they had some great talent. First take to the course was Cam Blackley in the 936 "Bolt Cen-te1" sponsored Brat Racing Team buggy. Cams' co-drivers were Curtis and Pat Blackley. Cam ran a good race all day long and played first place swap almost ev-Continued on page 26 1.800.700.2350 • Fax 909.360.0436 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 September 2006 Page 25

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-···---·--- - - . A great head on shot of Mike Hickey, he too was an unfortunate dnf Robby Seal wasn't a happy camper, he only got in three of the in the Heavy Metal class at the 8.0.R.E. Jackpot 200. required seven laps in the Mini Metal contest. Joe Horst was looking for a fun day but a three hour plus third lap ery lap with veteran Dave Morse. Dave Morse in his self built chal-green flag at the 2006 Jackpot The challengers were beset with lenger. Dave ran a good race and 200 was Joe Horst in the 969. difficulties throughout the race. giving Cam all he could handle This was the first time Joe had None of the Class 9s were able through the fifth lap. Dave had stepped into a Class 9 and did to complete the scheduled seven problems during the fifth due to pretty good considering. Gary laps but Cam went all the way to a broken "Hockey Puck" sending took the controls during Lap 4 the seventh lap finally succumb-his tranny south and having to and after a roll-over brought ing to a broken spindle and cap-drop from the race with second their day to an end. tured the checkered flag for his place. Better luck next time This year's race proved to be efforts. Next off the line was Dave. The last vehicle to take the a fantastic time for some and knocked him out of the running in Class 9, a dnf. not so good for others but it make this race happen. I would sure made for some great racing. like to thank Dave Palmerk, Deb The time spent in Jackpot each Safree, and Gen Kimoto for tak-race season during the July 4th ing pictures. We have over 300 time is always special. The photos to go through and get to weather as usual brings hot sun, the website. Out next and final afternoon showers and overall race of the season will be held at good partying with friends and Wendover, Nevada the first families. Enough thanks can not weekend of September. See you go out to all the volunteers that all there. -Steve Millward (right) was flyin' here but he was not able to complete Jeff Judge was another unfortunate, he failed to complete the race, Kenny McKnight was only able to get in two laps in his hoodless Ford, his first lap, retired to the trailer early. _ _______ only getting in two of the required seven laps. __ ____ he had troubl~ his second lap and fc}iled_ tCJ £~!71plete the race. ,. I 0t ei.11 our11t&t lfing 111111 vp oflfJ ,.. ~-•---_,.,.,_,...;. _,,,, 'STEIN~ •• l:EADING TECHM ,;Ill;" ,.ft a· .· .·•····.·.•. .. . Shock • • of Amerku. • R So · •7521 • 8()0-537-1085 • Page 26 September 2006 Dusty Times

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Page 28

Ni:i!liii AT CHULA VISTA • ROUNDS 7 & 8 Hot Times In Chula Vista By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Carl Renezeder had a great weekend in Pro 2, he took the gold medal in both rounds in his Chevy and is one point out of the class lead. · The CORR entourage came back out to the west coast in July, to find the weather had turned record-breaking hot. Chula Vista recorded the hottest day they'd ever had on Saturday of the week-end. While the announcer re-minded everyone to stay hy-drated, and spectators took ref-uge in the thoughtfully provided "pubfic seating" tents, the racers performed as usual. It wa shot and heavy on the course. And rumors were flying hot 'n heavy also. Some founded on fact, some pure fantasy. What was fact was that CORR, in the per-son of Jim Baldwin, had an-nounced at Bark River, that the 2007 season would not include an event at Crandon, Wisconsin on Labor Day weekend. Racers and functionaries from Crandon were stunned. The Crandon races have been a fixture on Labor Day for 37 years. To not have them was unthinkable. So unthink-able, in fact, that some Midwest-en1ers, headed by Doug Davis who runs the Crandon races, practically instantly formed a new short course racing organization, and released a brief announce-ment, under his name and CORR's name. They pledged to have a series in the Midwest in 2007, which will include an event at Crandon on Labor Day. To-gether, the CORR group and the Midwest group promise to work together to avoid scheduling con-flicts. CORR has stated that there will be six west coast events, and plan only two Midwestern ones in their schedule, one of them at Crandon and one at Bark River. The Midwest Group expects to make a formal an-nouncement of their series by the end of August, and, coinciden-71:I B •IIBIMESIJI OB B•l.:E TE._ DririHg SuHs • Crew UnHorms • Crew Shirts Polo Shirts • Team Jackels • Hats • Gear 811gs TERl#IR,E RBnnlT IIIOTlllllffllll/lTS • IUlrlEall alll!:IIRI • BfllllllUI IYll:IIIIII WlrE l.,_,,,ER • &IHI ,11 • .,_s • allt:E /IIEIIIIY 1'111111111/:TS • 171,TIII# IIU.A.1111 BIIIPIRE 11111,w • 1111111111 l:IIIIS a, l:Ollll#II Page 28 September 2006 Jeff Kincaid took two more Pro Lite wins in his Toyota, that's seven this year. Jeff leads the class with a healthy 28 point lead. tally, there should be a CORR dieted it would be difficult in traf-schedule for 2007 out at about fie. the same time. Two west coast racers were Midst all the rumor and con-missing in action this weekend: jecture, the racing went on at Troy Herbst, who'd injured his Chula Vista as planned. Achilles tendon in an informal The course had been reworked game of basketball, would not be a bit, to make it a little slower driving. His entire group stayed and a little more technical. The away. And Andrew Wehe, who'd major change was to rework what run into time constraints and had been a nice, banked sweeper had trouble fitting so much travel left turn in front of the and race prep into his schedule, westernmost grandstands, and decided to take a break and a make it into a two-turn banked breather. straight. Curt LeDuc called it a Taking a break isn't as costly "short Thompson's Ridge" (refer- as it might seem, because each ring to the long off-camber racer gets to throw out his worst straight that used to terrify driv-weekend, when it comes to add-ers at Riverside). Now the racers ing up the points at the end of have to make a sharp left up onto the season. This works o.k. when the ridge, run straight for a while, it's really a bad weekend, but if a and then make an even sharper racer got a win on Saturday and left, a hairpin, in a downhill, off a dnf on Sunday, that could turn camber configuration, avoiding out to be his "worst" weekend the K-rail that looms to the left because oft he dnf, and he'd lose and right. Not only was it tricky, his win also. it was narrow, and caused prob-Scoring is very high tech in this !ems many times during the week-series, and accomplished by end. means of transponders which They also smoothed out some spew information all over the bumps, changed another couple place. A wire directly in front of of turns, and made the dogleg a the flagman creates a beam ol little less treacherous. Racers said some sort that reads each tran-it was more fun to drive, but pre-spender as it goes by, and reports Gary Nierop leads the Super Buggy Class in points, he took a second place on Saturday and won his race on Sunday. Johnny Greaves finished third and seventh at Chula Vista in his Toyota, but still holds a five point lead in!!!!!., Pro 4 contest. . _ _ _ __ _ Dusty Times

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., . Chad Hord drove his Nissan to a second and a fourth place finish in In Pro 2, Jerry Whelchel is teaming fast, he finished second and 12" A way back 21st place finish, followed by a silver medal has Kyle Pro Lite, he's seen here making a nice landing. in Pro 2, seen here in his Ford truck. LeDuc third in Pro Lite points, seen here in his Ford pickup. co the announcer, the timing and began a gradual climb back up to fourth. Bruckmann, who was with a very heavily watered course, ing him. Evie Baldwin lost a wheel scoring team, and the big TV fourth. Knupp went on to win, running out of gas the final few and they got the chore of mud-and tire in Turn 5, the big right screen which also shows the cur-followed in by Greg Boyer, who laps, was 20th. packing for those who came later. hand sweeper with the soft berms, rent action on the course. The moved to second on about the When they came back on Sun-This time Greg Boyer had the lead but that didn't slow progress announcer always knows what's 13th lap. In third it was Ryan day, for the 8th Round, there by the second lap, with Sean much. going on, who's leading, who's Schank, and Graves was back to were 31 cars again. They started Kennedy and Jeffrey Knupp chas-Continued on page 30 faster and who's slowing down because the information comes right to him. A couple of CORR officials also keep track by hand, just in case a transponder falls off or quits working, but that's a rar-ity. Each event starts with a "pa-rade lap" of the full field, which is actually a transponder check in disguise. lf a car is discovered not to be sending a signal, the scorers know to keep track of it by hand. It's a seemingly fool-proof system. There had already been three weekends (or six "rounds") of racing on CORR's schedule. This would be numbers 7 and 8. It must be remembered that each day of racing constitutes a whole entity. The two days don't get added together as they do at SCORE's Laughlin event. The Single Buggies were first to race, with 31 starters. This is the biggest class, and is made up almost completely of locals, or at least geographically speaking, folks who live closer to Chula Vista than say, Antigo. Of the 31 there were only four who also race in the Midwest. They all managed to get their first lap done, but as they started Lap 2, Juan Sancho-tena rolled over exiting Turn 1 and Cissy Baldwin broke a tie rod in front of the main grand-stands, and ended up parked on the berm. That was enough con-fusion to bring out the red flag for a moment, but they didn't actually do a restart, rather, just waved the green flag after they'd clumped together a bit. Now it was Troy Morgan in the lead, with Jeffrey Knupp in sec-ond place. On the fifth lap Vic Bruckmann moved into second place in Turn 3, worked hard on Morgan, and got by him for the lead in the dogleg. But he didn't pull out a big lead and they were chasing him hard. When he went into Turn 3 (the off camber downhill) the next time he didn't get it right, and rolled over twice. Both the others went by. Bruck-mann knew he'd dumped some fuel, so he headed for the hot pit so his crew could refuel him. But as luck would have it, his crew hadn't known the dress code for the pits, had shown up in shorts, and were denied access. So they weren't there for Bruckmann. He went on, but worried about his fuel level. Meanwhile, Knupp and Mor-gan went on leading a long pa-rade of cars. Kevin Graves worked his way up to third place, but then got up on two wheels in Turn 3 and lost four or five places. He Dusty Times September 2006 Page 29

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Eric Robinson had a fifth and an eighth place finish at Chula Vista, he Rick Huseman had a second and a fourth place finish in his Toyota, A 13"' and a fourth place finish went to Evan Evans at Chula Vista, sits third in points in Super Buggy. he's seen here at speed heading for the checkered flag. he's seen here in his good looking Chevy. Boyer held his lead, and the front stayed the same, with lappers by the 10th lap, with Knupp now leads the points, beginning of the front straight. Kennedy was still second, but now long spaces between each car. Kennedy still second, Grossini and Kevin Graves, with two Taylor led, Renezeder was sec-Bruckmann was in third. On the John Grossini passed Bruck-third and Bruckmann fourth. fourth place finishes, has moved ond and Whelchel ran third. sixth lap Cissy Baldwin rolled mann for third and Odie Munez But Grossini dropped away and up to second. Whelchel is experienced at short over in Turn 3, breaking the car was black flagged off the course Bruckmann was back in third by The Pro 2 Trucks were second course, but according to Tommy and badly injuring a leg. She was because he'd lost his roof. Boyer Lap 12, as Daniel Fox went up in on the schedule, and they had 14 Morris who manages the Wide done for the day. The parade at sailed on uneventfully, passing smoke. starters. Before they even got to Open Baja team, he's not accus-~----~,,...;..,....,,,...,..,.,..,;..,.,...,.,.,,....,~===.,,....,.,,,,...,...,.,,==,,....,,,,,,,.......:.;_.;.~~.,;;, Spectators were surprised the second turn, someone had tomed to a truck with 800 horse-Todd LeDuc could only muster a third and a sixth place finish in his Ford in Pro 2 but he still leads the class point battle. Dusty Times when no mandatory yellow flag run into Todd LeDuc and bro- power. He was having some prob-came out during this event, and ken one of his wheels. He kept lems learning throttle control, it turned out that CORR offi- moving, but bits and pieces of the and Morris conceded that he'd cials had decided not to use that wheel littered the track, and offi-probably put the wrong kind of device with the buggies on the sec-!-'.ials threw the red flag for a re-carburetor on the motor, mak-ond day. No one missed it. Cory start. Under the rules, LeDuc ing it even more difficult for Jerry. Boyer, brother of leader Greg, was could head for the pit for a new Nevertheless, he was, as always, trying hard to pass Bruckmann wheel and tire, and he did. Jerry fun to watch. for third and they had a terrific Whelchel briefly visited the pits Taylor developed a right battle, the best on the track for a also. It took about ten minutes front flat on the fifth lap, but couple of laps. He got in close, to get them lined up and ready to held his lead into Lap 7, when too close, tearing out go again, and when they did, he exited with a blown ring and Bruckmann's power steering at Kevin Probst sat it out, having pinion. That put Renezeder into one point. But then, on the white holed his radiator in the first the lead, with Whelchel second flag lap, his eagerness to pass got start attempt. This time Scott and LeDuc in third. Greg Adler the best of him and he rolled Taylor took the lead off the line, tipped over on his side, and Dan over, leaving Bruckmann in with LeDuc chasing him and Carl YanenHeuvel pulled out with a peace, and in third place. Greg Renezeder running third. Evan s~redded timing belt. He Boyer took the win and Sean Evans spun out and a lap later thought maybe a stone got into Kennedy was second. was parked on the berm at the Continued on page 32 September 2006 Page 31

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Mark Oberg, Ford, had a ninth and a fifth place finish at Chula Vista, Mark is fourth in points in Pro Lite. The Moore/Dalke duo scored an 11"' and a second place finish, An eighth and a second place finish went to Adrian Genni, he and his currently tied for fourth place in Super Buggy points. Chevy are fifth in points in Pro 4. it. Steve Barlow was limping around. From the mandatory yellow flag lap on, there was little change. Renezeder stayed in front and Whelchel stayed behind him. LeDuc held on to third place, 'though Travis Coyne did seem to get within range for a while. They were in that order at the finish: Renezeder, Whelchel and LeDuc. On Sunday, which was much cooler, they were all back. Scott Taylor got the hole shot, but Whelchel had passed him by the time they got to Turn 3. Then there was a big jam in that turn, and when the dust cleared Steve Barlow and Travis Coyne were locked in deadly combat. The red flag came out. Renezeder, Evan Evans, Josh Baldwin, Travis Coyne and Kevin 'B111r IJllraducts 300MH34 CVSTAR!l'S NO MORE Spline Wear! Stronger Core! 50% Stronger! 6.5'" & 8.5'" Sizes Probst all made visits to the hot alternator belt and it took the oil ally helped someone. He was last, to watch in a car powered by a pits, as allowed, before lining up pump belt with it. but he'd been stuck. Suzuki street bike motor. He'd again. It took 13 minutes to get There was another jam in Turn On the restart from that yel-improved his handling a great them readied up and restarted, 3 and Evans went into the lead, low it got very tight in Turn 3 and deal since practice, but didn't h and Scott Taylor had the hole but then spun and Renezeder there was also a lot of banging in ave it quite right yet. Brandon shot again. There was some passed him for first place. Taylor Turn S. Taylor developed a right Coyne ran on three cylinders bunching up in Turn 3, but ev-took a hit. Now it was Renezeder, front flat, and LeDuc wasn't run-from about the tenth lap, and eryone got through this time, with LeDuc and Scott Douglas at the ning well, missing a plug wire or then developed a right front flat. LeDuc in second place, Evans front of the pack. Baldwin spun. something. Taylor spun in Turn After the mandatory yellow thi.rd and Renezeder fourth. The Taylor pulled out, and Sand fell to last, as Probst moved flag, with Elrod still in front, course was really dusty for this VandenHeuvel was creeping up up to second place, having moved Heynen moved up to second and event, and it must have been dif-on Douglas. But on the manda-up through traffic as if on a rail. Nierop was back to third. Cars ficult to see at some points. tory yellow flag lap The radiator he'd holed the day were starting to give up and park Taylor pulled out a pretty YandenHeuvel developed a flat before gave him no problem at at the side of the track. Elrod good lead by about the fourth right rear. Probst got stuck on the all. The patches all held. took the win, I Ieynen was second lap, but then LeDuc started to berm in Turn 5, his front brakes Renezeder had a long lead and and Nierop third. But CORR has catch him and they had a great locked up. A tow truck came up went on to win, but Probst held a mandatory P & G for winning "duel. Barlow went to the pits. to pull him off, which freed up his second place to the end, with cars in this class, and Elrod failed. Evans passed LeDuc in Turn 5, the brakes, and he had about Michael Oberg finishing third be-His motor measured 90ccs too to take over second place, and three-quarters of a lap to make hind him. big, apparently a surprise to him. Whelchel pulled out, his gauges up to catch the rest of the racers, The officials weren't entirely He was dq'd, and Heynen got the showing he'd lost oil pressure. but they were on the yellow. For pleased with the performance of win, with Nierop second, and Morris said he'd probably lost an once that mandatory yellow re-the Pro 2 drivers, and thought Jesse Rodriguez in third place. there was too much pushing and When they came back to race shoving. They put all of them on on Sunday there were 16 again, probation after the race. Todd having picked up one who didn't LeDuc is the points leader, with race Saturday, but Elrod had Renezeder serond and Whelchel gone home. Their race was sched-in third. uled for right after the intermis-Ne111r IJllraducts NBIM IJllradui & aar A WhBBIS V So •&•4 Bead/ock Black I Blue Colors Red/ Polished size an cenrer Mounr Hub KIi II Sl1d1ng Axles Available for Plunging + NonPlung. CV's wl CNC or Brembo Calipers Ultimate Strength 300M Size 30 Center Star "' The Su per Buggies were next sion, so the c.ou rse had been re-to race. On Saturday there were \VOrked and watered heavily. 16 of them, and the announcer Nierop got the hole shot, with introduced them as "the Formula Corry Heynen in second place, 1 of Off Road". In this group, as and they all made it clean through in the Single Buggies, there are Turn 3, but then Jesse Rodriguez two "series", a West and a Mid-ran into someone in Turn S. And west; Of the 20 listed for the Compton and his Suzuki pow-Western group, only five run in ered car pulled out early. bothseries.GaryNierop,oneof On the second lap, with those who races in both, and driv-Nierop, Heynen and Kross in the ing a car owned by Danny first three positions, Heynen Foddrill, went into the lead off rolled, landed on his wheels, and the flag, and immediately pulled lost only one place. But Nierop out a long lead. Jeff Elrod ran was moving way out ahead of the second, and Matt Kross was rest. Then Kross rolled and third. They weren't having any landed on his roof, bringing out trouble with Turn 3, until the a yellow to close things up a bit. third lap, when someone got When they got going again turned around backwards. Still -Nierop was still in front, Sam it didn't jam up. Berri was second, and Heynen was Nierop stayed firm in front, third, but had a right rear flat. and they began to pass lapped Berri was so far behind Nierop cars as early as the sixth lap. On that he couldn't see him, and the seventh lap, Nierop went into there would be no mandatory the Hot Pit, and Elrod moved yellow flag for this class this time, into the lead. Kross was then sec-to close things up artificially. This ond, and Corry Heynen ran wasBerri'sfirsttryatCORRrac-third. Timothy Compton was fun ing, and he was driving a car he'd Built-In Starter & Ballast Die-Cast Aluminum Hous, 35 Watt H. I. D. Bulb Driving/Euro Beam Pat ng Axles nPlungin Size 30 34CV' A win and a 1(}" place finish made the weekend for Corry Heynan in Super Buggy, he's seen here heading for the checkers. _________ _ Page 32 September 2006 Dusty Times

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Travis Coyne is a bit off center as he races to a fifth and a ninth place A disappointing 1 ?"h, followed by a nice third place and Robert Finishing eighth and third in his two rounds, Todd Stemmerman is tied finish in Pro 2, he's seen here in his Chevy. Naughton sits fifth in Pro Lite points in his Ford. for fourth place in Super Buggy points. bought from Pat Dean so he Rena ult and the Skip BU::-a r::ib~e::r=-s::-::e:----::-w;-;i::n---:w;-;-:;--as;:--;::n~o:::w::---r:1e::a:--;di;i;:n:--;g-;-,----::w:::i::t1::h:---r;;:;;;c;~~'""'"''F"'"""''"'""'"""'-RE'~~~iF¼~~'="=======~ could have the motor. It was a ries, wasn't quite sure what he was Huseman second and LeDuc third. leftover from when Dean raced going to do next, until he hap-Noel got all sideways in Turn 2, CORR some years ago, and Berri pened to get a chance to test-drive and then parked his truck. was enjoying the experience. one of Walker Evans' off road When the mandatory yellow They kept coming around in trucks. He said that made up his flag appeared on about Lap 10, the same order, with Nierop's mind, and he built a CORR it was still Baldwin, Huseman and lead growing a bit each lap. After truck. It's still very new and it's LeDuc. But LeDuc went into his about ten laps Brandon Coyne "taking some time to dial every-pit. On the restart John Greaves parked, and Ken Schertzer's car thing in". He was having "issues" challenged Huseman and they went up in smoke. Nierop still led, with his suspension. But he con-had a good fight for a while, but followed by Berri and then a con-tinued to drive in his characteris-Huseman bumped Greaves and fusing group of lapped and ticflatoutstyle,veryentertain-flattenedhisrightfronttire.Now unlapped vehicles. Heynen's flat ing for the spectators. it was Baldwin, Huseman and was beginning to smoke. On the Curt LeDuc rolled in Turn 3, Greaves with the flat. LeDuc was 13th lap they black flagged Berri, but landed on his wheels, with no back out, but down a lap. They for unknown and unimaginable apparent damage. Baldwin and went on that way to the finish, reasons, and he went to the pen-Renezeder charged off in pursuit "Baldwin earning his first win in alty box as required, losing a of Cenni, Renezeder's motor the Pro 4 class. It was an emo-couple of positions in the doing making its characteristic howl, tionally charged win for him, be-of it. Nierop went on to take the unlike any other. His Nissan mo-cause he did it while driving his win, Ron Dalke, driving with a tor is said to be especially devel-late brother's truck. Huseman braced, broken wrist, had moved oped by Menard's for this truck. was second, and Greaves, flat and into second, and Todd Stemmer-It certainly didn't sound like a all, was third. man, more usually a Class 5 MDR stock Nissan. On Sunday, when the lined up, racer, was third. No one seemed Cenni was building a good Greaves was back in spite of his to know why Berri, who'd been lead, and Baldwin kept chasing, good finish Saturday, because driving in a sort of vacuum, with with Renezeder behind him. he'd come to Sunday morning no one in front of him, or close Somehow Renezeder and Marty practice with a non-functioning behind-, was penalized with that Coyne tangled in Turn 5, and transponder. But there were only black flag. then Renezeder parked his truck 10 trucks to deal with, so it Nierop is now the points leader with a broken distributor cap. wasn't as horrible a penalty as it in the class, with Heynen second Leon Noel was given a black flag would be for a Pro-Lite truck, for and Robinson third. for hitting LeDuc and causing the example. The Pro 4 trucks were next on roll-over. A little later he rolled the agenda, with only 10 trucks. his own truck. But they still make enough noise Cenni went on in the lead, Bald-and excitement to en ergize the win chased, and now Rick crowd. Adrian Cenni, who now Huseman was very strong in third lives in New York, but actually place. They went like that for about hails from South Africa, got the three laps, and then Cenni headed hole shot. Cenni, who has an as- for the hot pit. His truck stalled phalt racing background, includ-before he made it in to his crew, ing shifter Karts, Formula andhenevercamebackout. Bald-PIKES service center Baker, California Celebra~ing In the Pro 4 round, Carl Renezeder scored a t(Jh place finish and a win in his Chevy, Carl is second in points in the class. Cenni got the hole shot again, and Douglas and Huseman with Scott Douglas second and chased. Renezeder ran fourth, Huseman third. A couple of Greaves was fifth and Marty trucks were stuck in Turn 3, but Coyne was sixth. The Noel truck no yellow flag came out. Cenni was parked over by the dogleg, and developed quite a lead, and the Greaves was closing the gap be-others followed in order, except tween himself and the lead pack. Curt LeDuc who coasted off Cenni's rear suspension was course when-his truck quit. A.lap bottoming, and now Douglas later Baldwin pulled off in the moved to the fronr, while Greaves same area, and also became a spec-threaded past Huseman, Ren-ta tor. ezeder and Cenni, to take over sec-Meanwhile, Cenni's lead grew, Continued on page 34 Liability Protection • $1,000,000 General Liability -No Deductible • $1,000,000 Tune & Test • $250,000 Participant-to-Participant Coverage • Even provides coverage in Mexico provided a lawsuit is filed in the US • Insurance for your Pre-Runner/Chase Trucks • Mexican Auto Insurance Covers you, your business and your sponsors. General Liability and Physical Damage insurance available for your prerunner. GO YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS •.• THANKS! Finally, a Comprehensive Liability Insurance Package designed especially for Off-Road Racers, by insurance professionals who are actual Off-Road Racers. Mobil® SERVICE RESTAURANT Every Day Open 24 Hours Year Round THE BEST IN THE DESERT! Dusty Times You can't get any better than that! For more information, contact Mike James - Phone: (619} 445-5797, Ext. 115 Fax: (619) 445-9297 • Kevin James - Phone: (619) 445-5797, Ext. 142 Fax: (619) 445-9297 • Laura Bramer - Phone: (619) 445-5797, Ext. 140 Fax: (619) 445-9297 • JamMices~~\Ec~ AGENCY Cal. Lie. # 0B75146 PROTECT YOUR FAMILY • PROTECT YOUR ASSETS • PROTECT YOUR BUSINESS September 200& Page 33

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Marty Coyne bagged a fourth and a fifth place finish at Chula Vista, Two decent finishes for Michael Oberg, a fourth and a third have him A fifth and a sixth place finish in Pro Lite at Chula Vista has Liam Marty is tied for fifth place in Pro 4 points. sitting in eighth place in Pro 2 points in his Chevy. O'Donnell sitting sixth in points in his Nissan. ond place. On the next lap Greaves and Huseman third. After an-third place. Then in Turn 6, he was Monday before they decided knee. He was done for the day. went past Douglas in Turn 3, but other couple oflaps Cenni was up hit Cenni when he (Renezeder) to let Renezeder have the win, with In the meantime, Casey Currie then his car broke and he ended past Douglas again, but then Dou-got his truck up on two wheels. Cenni second and Douglas third. rolled in Turn 3, and Jeff Kincaid up parked. The black flag waved glas re-passed him to regain the Now it was Douglas, Renezeder They assessed Renezeder 10 penalty went into the lead. But the red flag at Renezeder this lap, and he lead. The audience was lovin' it. and Cenni, and Cenni wasn't tak-points, however. Greaves is the came out so they could clear headed for the penalty box. Now On the next lap Renezeder was ing third place gracefully. He ei-points leader, Renezeder is second Geiser's wreckage off the course. Dou las was first Cenni second ast Huseman and back in to ther couldn't make the truck and Baldwin third. Le Due and another truck made vis-· work at the top of the Turn 1 The Pro Lite group was the fi-its to the pits and rejoined the fray. incline, or he's still learning about nal event of the day and on Sat- After 15 minutes, they got their re-which lines work best. He lost urday there were 26 of them. It start, and this time Randy Eller got momentum every lap by taking looked like an accident about to the hole shot, but Rob Naughton the bottom line through Turn 1. happen as they all took off for went into the lead. All but one of Douglas led into the white flag the first turn, and then, just as it them cleared the treacherous Turn lap, and then Renezeder got him seemed they'_d all cleared that first 3, with Eller second, and Jeff in the dog leg. Cenni went by also. obstacle, Kyle LeDuc, stuck in sec- Kincaid in third place. They ran a Renezeder took the checkered flag ond gear, decided to head into couple of uneventful laps, stretch-first, Cenni was second and Dou, the pits, and, thinking he was the ing out the spaces between trucks, glas third. But the an'nouncer put last truck on the road, turned until Lap 5, when one truck went the kibosh on any premature eel-sharply right for the pit ramp, off the berm on Turn 5, then came ebration by saying, "nothing is of-directly into the path of Jeff back on, and Eller, trying to get ficial - it'sstillbeingreviewed."They Geiser who was actually the last Naughton, rolled his truck in played the video of a Douglas/Ren- truck. Geiser never even had time Turn 3. It was a first and a UJ' place finish for Josh Baldwin at Chula Vista, Josh is currently third in Pro 4 points. ezeder bumping match over and to apply his brakes. He hit the Naughton went on serenely in over, trying to determine whether rear of Le Due's truck, crumpling the lead, Kincaid was second, Ro-penalties should be applied, but the front corner like tissue paper. drigo Ampudia ran third, and came to no official decision on Sun-The hit broke the top A-arm, Eller was now fourth. But on the day. One official was heard to say, shock tower, shock shaft and seventh lap Naughton pulled out, "ldonotlikewhatl'mseeing!"lt steeringshaftandbangeduphis with a broken crank trigger ICIIVG==-~y 714.530.8701 • FAX714.530.B702 12842 JOY STREET, GARDEN GROVE, CA 92840 WMNV.Jcingshoc:lcs.con, Page 34 September 2006 2.5" --. €!'!!!£9 Need coil springs? Coll King Shocks! We have custom and production coils in stock, and the experience to get you what you need. Call today! Dusty Times

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' . Jesse Rodriguez took a third and a fifth at Chula Vista, Jesse sits Scott Douglas took a fifth and a third in his two Pro 4 rounds at Chula Kevin Probst drove his Pro 2 Chevy to a 14m and a nice 2'" place seventh in points in Super Buggy, seen here in level flight. Vista, he's seen here flying·beautiful/y in his Ford. finish at Chula Vista, he's seen here in level flight. Rodrigo Ampudia raced to a fourth and a 13"' place finish at Chula "OlfriendSamBerrihadagoodtime, heracedtoapairoffourthplace A seventh and a fifth place finish for Rhonda Konitzer in Pro 2, Vista, his Ford is currently seventh in points in Pro Lite. finishes in Super Buggy, seen here in level flight. Rhonda is currently tied for 1 (Jh place in Class points. mount, and Kincai_d moved into someone else turned turtle. great this_time, and it felt "great is Kincaid, Hord is second and ber 23 and 224, and the other first place. Ampudia was second, Now, Hord_ had the lead and to be up there with the three best Kyle LeDuc is third. on October 21 and 22. They'll and Art Schmitt ran third. Some- Kincaid was chasing him with Kyle guys in the class", meaning There will be two more week-be the final two events of the one shoved John Marking and he LeDuc in third place and Rob Kincaid, LeDuc and Hord. In the ends of CORR racing in Chula 2006 season, so the racing should went off the berm at the start of Naughton fourth. They ran that Pro Lite ranks the points leader Vista one the weekend of Septt"m- be exciting. ~ Turn 5, but was able to get back way a couple more laps and then up on the track again. That sort the red flag came out. But it was of thing can cost time twice, once quickly put away, and turned into when the racer flounders off and a full course yellow as the corner again on the berm, and a second workers towed someone safely time when the officials send him away from where they'd been ro the penalty box for coming stuck in Turn 3. Upon the re-back on to the track "too fast" start, Hord led and Kincaid and blasting flagmen and corner chased, with LeDuc third. But a workers with gravel. That's about lap later, Kincaid was in the lead, a 15 second time loss in itself. and they ran that way for several On the ninth lap Dan laps with no complications. VandenHeuvel Jr. rolled in Turn When the mandatory yellow 3, the first time he'd ever gone flew it was still Kincaid, Hord and over. He broke a front spindle LeDuc, and Naughton was still and was out of the race. Kincaid fourth. Then Matt Barney rolled now had a long lead, Ampudia in Turn 1, shedding red body was second and Schmitt third, panels like autumn leaves. That and it was time for the manda-brought out another yellow, as tory yellow flag. On the restart they uprighted him and he got they had closed up a lot, and John going again. Marking, who'd been running When they restarted Hord about eighth, rolled over in Turn took a hard bounce off the wall 3, then pulled out for a bit, be-in Turn 3, and someone went off fore getting back on course. the berm in Turn 5. Ampudia Ampudia lot a couple of places had slowed, stuck in second gear. in that turn also. He'd been dealing with transmis-Kincaid was now trying to fend sion problems all weekend. On off Chad Hord, always a close the 14th lap Kincaid continued competitor of his, and they were to lead, but LeDuc had moved great fun to watch for the bal-up to second, with Hord third ance of the race. There was a brief and Naughton fourth. On the yellow for a parked truck at Turn next lap John Marking got up on 4, but it was quickly towed off his nose and did a somersault off and the green came back out. the berm on Turn 5, as Ampudia Hord got right up on Kincaid's pulled onto the berm at the left bumper, but on the white flag lap and stopped. He had no reverse. he bicycled through Turn 3 and The course workers tried to pull lost some ground. Kincaid went him off straight, but that buried on to win, Hord was second and his front end in the loose dirt, so Schmitt was third. it took a while to get him out of On Sunday, when the Pro Lite there. In the meantime, they'd trucks came back there were 24 apparently overlooked Marking, of them, including Geiser, who'd who sat upended at the outside spent a lot of Saturday evening of Turn 5, worried that someone with an ice pack on his left knee. else would make a mistake like his Randy Eller got the hole shot and land on him. Meanwhile, again, and there was some rub-Barney gave up, apparently hav-bing in Turn 3, where Stacey Pike ing damaged something in his roll-and Mike Voyles/Dwain Walters over. Once Marking was back on failed to get through the hairpin. all fours, he went on racing, but The second lap seemed orderly, he'd lost a couple laps. except for Pike driving with his Ultimately, Kincaid took the hood up in front of his wind-win, LeDuc was second and shield. But then as they got to Naughton, a rookie, was third. Turn 5, Eller endoed off and He said everything had worked Dusty Times Worldwide benchmark manufacturer of MoTeC Engine Management and □eta· Acquisition Systems Robust 32-bit sequential ftJel and spark control systems built t;o withstand extreme racing ar·,d pre-running punishment. Turn-key systems available for all popular off-road engine packages. Digital display ar.d data acquisition systems for all ievels of competition. Engine and chassis dynamometer services available. Sakata MotOl'SPort Electronics, inc. 689 s. State College Blvd. Unit K Fullerton, CA Tel: 714-446-9473 Fax: 714·446-9247 September 2006 military-specification wiring systems for all motorspor:-t applications · Utilizing the finest. Raychem System, 25 components, the industry standard for all professional racing sanctions. Engineering, assembly, end comprehensive testing performed 100% in-house. Complete harness assemblies and circuit control components ere available to suit your budget. High-Accuracy Air-Fuel Ratio Meters Lightweight, stand-alone system works with all engines and alternate fuels -carbureted or fuel injected. For the dedicated engine tuner who needs to know exact;/y what their engine is doing. No flashing lights -just the facts ... Nlj3!'l it; co a number! _ ...... ~-----="'---.-.r----~ _,,,,,.;;:=~~<~-=~, lv'ICJTCJRSPCJRT ELECTRONICS vve'r-e making cannec-Ctans ... Page 35

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... <!oat) VW AuTOPARTES N1GHT RAcE Km38-Hwy3 Laguna Salada DFF-RD,iJD Photos: Foto-Baja-Mex First in the 1600 Class was the neat looking car of Hector Garcia, Hector finished fourth overall as well in the night race. the finish with times. Hey, that's a Honoldo and Ricardo Malo, these little over a 50% finish rate, not guys were slowed with two flat tires bad for a CODE race and this one but still managed a very nice in the dark. 4:30: 18 for the silvers. The bronze There were only two starters in in class went to Jorge Ruvalcaba Class 1 and neither of them got to and Guillermo de la Herran, who the checkered flag. Raul Montiel suffered through bad engine belts and Bobby Ruiz made it a little and a little lower than planned further than Armando and Allen bridge crossing, which ripped off Bravo. Engine problems for Mon-the light bar. Maybe this was one tie! and Ruiz, limited them to a of those flashlights to the finish single lap, and a bad suspension cases and as stated, 'that will slow situation took the Bravos out af-one down.' The fourth place and ter two laps. only other team with a time, was In Class 10 there were two start-Guillermo Quintero and Fran-The Gustavo Pinuelas clan, father and son took home all the marbles, they won Class 12 and they were the overall Pro winners as well. ers and two finishers. Javier Rob- cisco Ortiz who made it in with a les had a problem free clean race time of 6:56: 19, but had nothing and finished with a time of to report about their overnight Go out in the rocks and dirt. Mark off a 75 mile race course, wait until it's almost dark, and then have a race. Sounds like something the CODE people might do to beat the July heat. And they did and 124 daring souls hit the green flag, part of them going three laps and the rest going two. When the 4:37:56, which was also quick experiences. Neither Luis Barragan clocks stopped about nine hours enough for second overall in the nor Rick St. John had anything to later a few of them had managed Pro ranks. Jose Lopez had an en- say to the reponers either. These to make it to the checkered type counter with a very large rock, guys made it to Check 2 and I, of flag. Now we will talk about same. which fractured a c.v. hub cover, the third lap, respectively. Arthur The weather cooperated with a bent a rim and flattened a tire. The Trujillo had one flat and also lost slight breeze to help move the dust tire was replaced but the team had his light bar, which caused him to and moderate evening tempera- to replace/replenish the c.v. grease get lost, and he was a dnf. No tures, which kept it tolerable heat about every 20 miles but rheydid flashlight I guess? Miguel Mexia wise. The sun was scheduled to nurse ir home for a second place suffered bad fan belts, wrong size drop below the horizon at about finish, with a time of 5:34: 19 which fan belt replacements and a flat 8 p.m. so rhe first lap, or so, was was also good enough for 13th tire, dnf. Scott Zimmerman broke run in the dusk. Dusk changes very overall. Damn Rocks; not to be his front suspension at Race Mile quickly to dark down here on the confused wirh dam rocks!!! 40, and was a dnf. Baja and those whose lights were First and second place, overall, Seven starters in the Class 8 found inoperable found them-in the Pros, went to Class 12. Here ranks and two of them made it selves in that dark. Handheld we had nine entries and four of back for times. Ramon Hurtado flashlights don't really make it them finished with times. 50%71? assisted by Ignacio Terriquez and when you are trying to negotiate Gustavo Pinuelas Jr. with major the rest of the team had a bad start, around the rocks and trees at 50+ support from senior, ran solo and but sorted things out in the first miles an hour. Oh well? reported no major problems in his few miles, and brought it home for Flashlights or not, a 124 cars, clean race to the class and overall the gold. Their time at the finish truck and buggies made their way wins. His time of 4:26:41 brought was 5:50:21, the other team with The HurtadotTerriquez truck took the gold medal in Class 8, they we 18"' overall out onto the course, and some him two golds. Just over three min- a time was that of Jose Soto and in the race and had almost two hours on their competition. nine hours later 67 of them crossed utes back was the team of Arturo Xavier Reyes arrived some two r-------------------------------------------------------~ I I I I I I I I I I I Performance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding & Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks Quality Products & Friendly Service VISA RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • ·FAX 714-259-759 • 15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX us to Receive a Free Catalog ~-------------------------------------------------------~ Page 36 September 2006 Dusty Times

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Pietro Brassea and co-driver Ivan Pacheco were dealing with fuel problems all night. They could never figure out whether it was the carburetor or the fuel lines, or the fuel pump, and they lost a bunch of time trying to diagnose the prob-lem and still managed to come away with the silver with the time of 5:42:28. First time CODE rac-ers Rogelio Ruiz and Alberto A. Vita had a very late start meaning clear back with the Sportsman classes and then blew the transmis-sion at about Race Mile 20. That's off roading, on the Baja, but come back down guys: .. First in Class 10, third overall went to the neat looking car of Javier Robles, seen here at one of many landings. Again the Class 1/2-1600. fielded the largest number of en-Michelle and Vic Bruckmann really flew in their Class 5 car, they took the class tries. There were 22 cars scheduled win and they were 1(1h overall as well. to start and 21 of them did just hours later, with a time of 7:59:48. These guys overcame a bad alter-nator and a couple of flat tires to get the silver. Juan Carlos Lopez and Ernesto A. Velez fought elec-trical problems and also had to deal with a bad alternator all night and were dnf. Beny Canela and co- Fidencio, had nothing to say about green and had Vic bring the new . that and when the dust cleared 15 driver Dennis Milner had nothing their nightly adventures only the engined car home to the checkers.· of them had made it through the to report about their dnf. The clock told the tale, "no time". They reported neither flat tires nor night with finishing times. Hector J imenezes, Miguel, Angelo and Michele Bruckmann and co- any other problems. They stopped Garcia debuted his single seater Mauricio, broke the front end and driver husband, Vic, led the two for fuel and the driver change_mid- 1600 car, drove a very intelligent lost a steering box and were forced finishers of a three starter field in way through the course and ran a race, only requiring some quick out. The Ledzemas, Ruben and Class 5 Open. Michele took the 5:20:56 for first place. Meanwhile, Continued on page 38 ~-~~~----------~---~--~ .. ~-. . .,.J:· ' . The Class 7 win went to the Almaraz/Sanchotena duo, they're seen Second place in Class 8 went to the Soto/Reyes truck, troubles The Sanchez/Garcia team took the silver medal, they were just here in their really great looking truck at speed. slowed them a bunch, they were two hours behind the class winner. three minutes out of the class 1600 win, see'?_hlj!r!! landing nicely Dusty Times whee I certified Ei tested [,.;) 0% Str~nger "_C_· ______ L,ghter than other cast wheels an the market •Counter Pressure Casted Aluminum · • Satin Smooth Machine Finish Bead/ack an an-Beadlack VW 5 Lug Pattern - 5 an ~D5mm - - . 714.578.B25B September 2006 i!leadlccks:·: , □blue □black □red . □polished • . ; Page 37

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Danny Ledezma and Mike Kohler had a great race, they took the Class 5- 1600 win and they were 16'h overall in the race. fuel stops and quick car/engine enough to give him a fourth over-checks and adjustments. T he only all in the Pro ranks. Jorge Sanchez slowing factor, if there was one, and Alberto Garcia had another was Garcia's getting used to the feel clean race in the new 1600 car. of a single seat car over the double. They actually finished first on the His finishing time was a very quick course, but came up a little over 4:40:20 , which was a lso fast three minutes shot, to Garcia, on and Mike Chapa foug ht the tranny all night, suffered a couple of flats and got stuck, but still managed fourth place, with a 5: 13 :09; if it's not seconds, in time, it's minutes. Carlos Montalvan and Carlos Ve lez were fifth but only the CODE timers had anything to say about their evening's run, which was 5:24:54. Francisco Escareno and Julio Marin reported a flat tire and that they got lost in the dry lakes area, sometimes you also need a GPS, along with a flashlight. Their time 5:44:39. The Navarette boys, Le-onardo and Alejandro, broke a c.v. joint at Race Mile 38; it took the chase crew 30 minutes to find The Garcia/Fisher entry took the win in the Class 9 category, they had a mere them, and after the replacement 10 minutes on their competition at the end. Leo reported a clean race and the their corrected time of 5: I 1:05, the pits, swapped the front end clocks gave them a sixth place fin-which was q uick enough for third withtheir chasevehicleandcame ishing time of 5:58:49. Julian place. Lu is Martinez and Jose An- only up seconds short of the po- Machado and Martin Garibay gel Soto were running good all d ium, with a time of 5: 11:53. spentthenightdealingwithand night bur broke two front torsion Sometimes it is only a matter of trying to diagnose a fuel problem. adjuster bolts near the end of the seconds between the medals and They stopped five or six times, try-second lap. They nursed the car to "we shall be back." Victor Lugo ing to figure it out, but it took till r----------~.;..__,..;;...~~,.,..,.,.,,.,,....,,,.,.,,,...,.,.,,,,,,,,,.,._...., Rene Cuevas and Carlos Heraldez took the silver medal in the class The Montoya/Beltran duo finished in a ve,y nice second place, they Second place in the ever grueling Class 11 went to the Villasenor/ 7 contest, they're seen here in their ultra good looking truck. were less than 10 minutes out of the class 5-1600 win. T_orres C'!_!. seen here at speed in the dusk. __ :-~ iin&K LIG.HT S\STE"!'S Formerly Carrera Light Systems 5¥ G:3~, -• lntegrat•d IS oz. Gen. 15 B:all:ast • Smaller size. lower weight. more reliable, greater safety • Quick Adjust Billet Knobs -For tool-less r<!!pid adjustments • Tlg Welded Chromoly Frame -ror strength and durability • Rubber Mount•d - Vibration lsolat.d Lamps - Eliminates tendency for the lamp to vibrate out of adjustment • Race Proven Optic& - Focal point& optimized for HID or Halogen applications • Llgh1weJght • Single weighs 4 lbs. 4 oz. Bars are 2/3 the weight of competitors lights alone (4 Bar weighs 21 lbs 3 oz.) Page 38 September 2006 Dusty Times

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Monday morning to discover that all it was, was a bad fuel filter. Fin-ishing time Sunday morning 6:02:31. Javier Robles, Jr. son of our Class 10 winner, took a pre-runner out for some overnight fun. The used to be quad rider shared the ride with Alex Sosaya and had a pretty good race. He'd borrowed his dad's car and was just getting the feel of being sur-rounded by all that metal, the dust and the difference of sitting down for an entire race. Robles Jr.'s time was 6: 11:52. Gustavo Rodriguez had nothing to say about the evening. Martin Gonzalez and Gustavo Vildosola Jr. spent a lot of time stopping to deal with a valve train. They stopped a couple of times to make valve adjustments and to tighten valve covers. Bill Hanson and Victor Gasca had a few problems to deal with. They had set up the wrong suspension and gearing to begin with, then Bill started the race only to hit a small ditch but he hit it very hard and further messed the suspension up. Victor Gasca took over in an early driver change and while he was doing two laps had to stop and work on the front suspension, re-wire the lights (no flashlight), re-pair a broken GPS mount. They switched drivers again and finally made it back for a time of 6:40:09. More fun and games. Juan Guevara had to replace two alternators, had two flat tires, one roll-over, lost his illumination (lights to you uninformed), called it the "ride of his life" but did finish. The Buelna's Javier, senior and junior got stuck at Race Mile 59 had some suspension trouble but was still able to bring it home as the only other 1600 car with ;i finish-ing time and that was a 7:58:12. Edgar Alvarez broke a limiting strap bolt and blew a c.v. joint. Hiram Duran and Ernesto Valen-zuela suffered blown engines, Edmundo Fernandez broke his tranny, and Melchor Acosta broke destroyed two torsion bars, Jaime Boquiren and Alfredo Lugo had nothing to say to the reporters. These last seven, 1600 guys, were all dnfs. Class 7 started seven and four of them had finishing times. Leader of the pack was Alex Almaraz who didn't want to share his life story but took the gold with a time of 5:01: 11. Rene Cuevas was about a half hour back for second after suffering a couple of flat tires, get-ting stuck/slowed in traffic at the bridges and lost second gear dur-ing the second lap, their time was 5:32:08. Nick Jordan and Geoff Milke shared the driving and managed the bronze even after having to stop to remove the sway bar. "We also started to lose the oil pressure with about 50 miles of racing left. We checked the dipstick and the • level was good but the oil was bad ... can you say, bearings? Well, we nursed it on to the finish line, even managing to pass a few 1600 cars that had blown past us while we were down.'' "The course was a little rough when we started and just got rougher as the night wore on. We saw cars and trucks bro-ken down all over the place." The team will be back in Au-gust. Love that jump at Jacume. Gelacio Beltran had nothing to report, Perry McNeil blew his en-gine during the second lap, Luis Renaldo Gutierrez, who moved up from Class 18 forays, broke his front suspension at Race Mile 50 Dusty Times The Flores/Balderrama took the Class 11 win, they had more than 25 minutes in hand at the flag, seen here landing a jump. of the first lap. And Ernesto Valen-other two entries, Justin Linder and zuela also reported a blown engine. Luis Diaz, had nothing to say about Danny Ledzema repeated as last their evening. year's night race winner in "the 5-Class 9 fielded seven entries and 1600 class. Danny reported no real three of them made it all the way to problems, no flats, just a lot of dust, finish. Last year's 9 champion Eliseo and traffic during the last lap. This Garcia, borrowed a ride from Eric year's winning time was a 5:47:55. Fisher, since Garcia has sold his 9 Mike Kohler was the co-driver. Jose car to a consortium in Baja Sur Montoya took some time to replace and has committed to building a a flat and just couldn't catch the 1600 car for the 2007 season. leaders. Montoya was ten minutes Eliseo started the race and Fisher back with a 5:57:27 and he shared drove the second half. Something the driving with Cesar Ricardo about points? The guys reported a Beltran. Frank and Danny Sanchez clean race with no flat tires or any shared driving chores and took the other problems finishing up with a third spot with a 6:06:08. They also time of 6: 19:05. Silver went to suffered some flat tires and lost the Alonso Jaquez and Victor Arce in hood at some point along the way. at 6:22:55 and the bronze went to Enrique and Erick Avalos and J .A. Daniel Reyes and Julian Rivera and J.C. Covas didn't have any-who's only reported problem was, thing to share, no data, just times "we just weren't fast enough, one 6:22:27 and 6:47: 17 consecutively. thing we had the suspension set way Albert Castro had to use a lot of too stiff." Juan Mayoral and Fran-will power just to hold the rack and cisco spent a lot of time waiting for pinion assembly together and was their chase team to find them and ;i hlP to n11rsp thP ,~r to thP ,h,.,1,-_ th .. ;r hrnL-Pn ,h;ftpr 1,nv "WI .. mPrP ered with a 6:59:44. Six other cars in a dead zone as far as the radio were dnf's. The group included was concerned and they just Eduardo Pena who blew a clutch couldn't get to us for the repairs." and had no replacement parts, Jose When they finally got back onto Garcia, who was running in the the road they spent an inordinate fourth spot before breaking the al-amount of track time trying to get ternator strap and fan shroud, Jose the repairs job adjusted correctly, Gutierrez blew a tranny and Julian ultimately dnf's. Jesus de la Torre Patron broke a torsion housing and struggled with a bad tranny and had transmission problems. The broke the front suspension, dnf. • POWERFUL • PRECl!!iE 2" Capacity, 180" Bends Steel, 4130, St;1inlcss, Aluminum Square. Round, Bar, Pipe Perteet for the: • Race Car Builder • Sm.1/1 Fabrication Shop • Home Shop Call for a FREE BROCHURE (541 )382-1573 September 2006 The Rodriguez father and son team took the honors in Sportsman Class 14, they won by less than two minutes at the checkers. David Morquecho blew his trans-were awarded first place. Sergio mission at Mile 29 of the first lap, Duran and Gabriel Buelna finished and Ramon Nunez had nothing to two laps and got second and say about his dnf. Augustin and Romulo FQI1.seca got That's all right, none of the Class to Check 1 of Lap 2 and were 7S persons had anything to say awarded the third spot. The De La about the weekend. Probably be- Vegas' Pedro, senior and junior, cause none of the five entries made and Eduardo and Manuel Rodri-it past Check 1 of the third lap. guez were dnf's. Alberto Iriarte and Oscar Ten starters in Class 11 and six Monteverde went the furthest and A lrcraft Spruce is a worldwide di tribtll.or of quality product· for the rac-ing industry. Our product line of over 45,000 items is one of the most c.xtcn~ive from one ·inglc ource. Our service has made us tbc number one supplier in aviation and i why over 350 race team have turned to tis as a trusted source for racing components! www Resins, Oremel Toots, Kevlar, Graphite, Hooeycomb, West System o , 0 i BEST SELECTION! LOWEST PRICES! SAME DAY SHIPMENT! Visit Our Corona, CA store! SllrtlCB CANADA 1-877-795-2278 -••· ~---~-W~IIN:'t'S.,.01, ~ ' AIRCRAFT SPRUCE WEST 225 Airport Circle Corona, CA 92880-2527 tlnlt1ftJUTIBEICStalogwtlb1wtA1 ra~ :~t?~t~:l selletlon Of lalJIICal/on •a11t1alSI 1 1-877-4-SPRUCE 7 7 7 ,\ : ·' Page 39

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of them made it to the black and white. Mario Flores and Andres Estrada had a battle going through the first lap, in fact, Estrada was leading when he broke a front spindle. Flores and co-driver, Fran-cisco Balderrama, went on to have a great race and were at the top of the podium with a two lap time of 4:56:34. Second place went to Gustavo Villasenor and Rene A. Torres who fought back from a couple of flat tires and managed a 5:20:52. Third spot went to Jose Ramon Rodriguez with a 5:21_:08. There were rumors about flat tires with this team too. Manuel Azcona, Rene Valle, Jesus Medivil, Samuel de la Torre and Hector Cazarez had nothing to report. Juan Zamarripa and Abundio Pichardo reported a broken front suspension and as mentioned above, Andres Estrada broke a front spindle. All were dnfs. The Varela boys had a good race, they took the Sportsman Class 15 win by 40 minutes, they're seen here at speed. In Class 18 it was the Lara/Plascencia team taking the win, but it was close, the competition was less than four minutes behind. Thirteen starters in the Sports-man Class 14 and eight of them fin-ished with times. The father and son team of Arturo and Arturo Jr. took silver. The second spot went to Hee-and he thought the engine was go-the win. They were going to switch tor Perez and Lui van Voelker who ing to follow suit so he just took it drivers but the class was running so were in seventh spot when the driver easy io the flag and got the silver close together in times, that dad change was made. Luivan threaded with a time of 3:38:22. Luis E. opted to stay behind the wheel. It his way up to the second spot and Floriano and Benjamin Granados was a good decision since there was was thinking about the lead when took third but had nothing to say, a two minute split between gold and the power steering pump gave it up about their time of 3:54:36. Nei-~-------------,-..--==~=,,.,,;~===-1 ,.......:;'------____: _____ .c....c _ _;;,,...,;;.. __ -"--~-~-ther Jose Pimentel nor Mike Auguilar had anything to say to the reporters. Jose Luis Sanchez and the Aquinomas Team were leading the class until a non-injury roll-over during the first lap. They righted things with a little help from their Second place in Sportsman Class 15 went to the Hernandez/Navarro The Larios/Sanchez pair took the silver medal in Sportsman Class A second place finish in the Safari Class went to the Roset1e/Dojaquez pair, seen here getting ready for a landing. 18, they're seen here in their ultra good looking truck. team, they're seen here rushing through the darkness. Page 40 KING OFF-ROAD RfiCIN<i SttOCKS September 2006 Dusty Times

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The Safari Class win went to the Delgado team, their mascot helped them to the win no doubt, seen here at speed. Honold and Malo were second in Class 12, they were second overall in the race as well, seen here with lights ablaze. CODE'S annual, nighttime, expe-rience. We spoke of flashlights and rocks, and cars and trucks, and drivers and fans, and flashlights and rocks, and dust and low bridges. Thank you for coming and the folks at CODE also want to thank all of the participants. We have used the word attrition while discussing what happens during the last couple of years of CODE racing. Looks like if you make sure that all the bolts are tight and maybe a couple of other things and if you can stay in that 50% finish range, you just might find yourself on the podium. The next race will have been the CODE I Off Road Warehouse Jacume blast, on the 11th, 12th and 13th of August; Fud will be there; and we hope to see you all there too, meanwhile, tighten every-thing up and come on down, the Baja awaits. ~ friends and managed a fifth place finish. Rodrigo Obeso dealt with a bad alternator all day and ulti-mately dead batteries forced them out. Ricardo Cons. Jr. suffered a blown engine. Nothing else re-ported from the Class 14 ranks. Alberto Varela and co-driver Gerardo Varela had another clean race and counted up his second win in Class 15. Alberto, who brings a new car into Class 15, moved up from the Safari class this year, and now has two wins under his belt, as a newbie Varela is looking forward to a championship win. Another new car, driven by Eduardo Hernandez in his second time out, lost the radio, no com for over a lap, broken horn, difficult to yell "get out of the way", lost a front and rear shock, and had to limp in on the rim after suffering a flat about ten miles from the finish. With all this they were still fast enough for the silver. Eduardo Navarro was the co-driver. The bronze went to the father and son team of Raul Sr. and Raul Jr. Valenzuela, these guys had a couple of flat tires and called their time of 5:00:58, "a long race." Especially with a very slow driver change??? Javier Gomez got lost in the dry lake beds, fought a bad steering rack and malfunctioning lights. No sure which foul-up caused them to get lost? Omar Dipp and Jose Palermo reported a blown tranny and Carlos Vasquez and another Carlos, this one with the Surname of Miranda, reported a string of problems, including a broken shock mount, a bad transmission, and finally a very large crack in the back of the engine cage which nearly caused the engine to fall off, this cage problem, with only 200 to two miles to go. Hey, they finished. And finally we come to Class 18 and the Safari class. For some rea-son, Vic didn't get me the date/ notes on these two classes, so I will just report the finishing places and the times. Actually, only two of seven made it all the way to the end in Class 18. Gold went to Gabriel Lara and Luis Plascenia with a time of 4:38:56 and the silver to Ricardo Larios and Andres Sanchez with a 4:42: 19 and Leonardo Gar.cia and Enrique Ramos made it to the Check 2 and were awarded the bronze. Victor Islas/Francisco, Jose Manuel Robles/Ramiro Vasquez, Ramon Guerrero/Rodolfo Tovar and Jorge Rivas/Gilberto Arreola were all dnfs. The Safari class fielded nine en-tries and five of them had times. First with a 4:28:22 were Manuel and Josue Delgado, second place to Arturo Rosette and Lorenzo Dojaquez with a 5:35: 10 and Omar Chavez and Jesus Angulo were third with a 5:45:05. Fourth place went Dusty Times to Miguel Dario and Marcos Leon, 6:44:24 and Victor Guerrero and Yanina Corral went 6:53:17 for fifth. Jose Carlos Castillo/Luis Sanchez, Javier A. Silva/Joses Felix Garcia, Miguel and Jose Luis Aguiniga and Raul and Francisco Maya were all dnfs. Thus ends the current saga of Toys For Tots oFF-RoAU0#P01<eR RUH ---------October 28th & 29th - A Two Day Event ALL PROCEEDS GO TO HELP BARSTOW CHARITIES VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT: Co-Sponsored By: BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT * POKER FUN* Two loops approximately 25 miles each, one for 4-wheel vehicles and one for motorcycles and ATV's. Families and groups may ride and drive motorcycles, ATVs and 4-wheel vehicles together on the same track after notification and approval of event officials. Twelve (12) Best poker hands from each day win prizes. You can enter Saturday, Sunday or both days as many times as you wish. Sign-up and go from 8:00 a.m. to Noon. MUST COMPLETE COURSE BY 1:JO p.m. Any type Off-Road Vehicle can enter; however, all California Off-Road Vehicles must have a "Green or Red Sticker". All off-road vehicles must have an approved spark arrester (exempt if equipped with a muffier). THIS LAW WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED!!! Helmets required for ATV & motorcycle riders. No riding double onATV's. $25.00 entry fee. Each rider/driver goes twice for single entry fee. New motorcycles must present registration at Tech Inspection if Green or Red Sticker is not available. FREE hats to the first 250 entries Saturday - 150 on Sunday. T-shirts, hats & sweatshirts available for purchase at the start/finish area. * SATURDAY NIGHT DINNER 5:00 p.m. - Slash X Ca/ e · All-you-can-:-eat BBQ/Dinner Chicken, Ribs, Beans, Vegetable and Bread $13.00 + tax per plate * FACILITIES AND CAMPING Portable Johns, Trash Dumpster & Lots of Open Desert for Camping Bring you own water and firewood. No Pallets, or wood with nails allowed in the desert per B.L.M. NO FIREWORKS RAFFLE Lots of PRIZES to be given away each day - 2:00 p.m. AWARDS Twelve (12) Best Hands from the Poker Run will win Prizes each day-2:00 p.m. BBQ Hamburgers, Hot Dogs and Refreshments available at the event site 10:00 a.m. -??? Rolls & Coffee • Ham, Bacon or Sausage & Eggs Breakfast Sandwich • Saturday morning - 7 a.m. - 9 a.m. Ham, Bacon or Sausage & Eggs Breakfast Sandwich • Sunday moring - 7 a.m. TO GET TO THIS EVENT Go 12 miles south of Barstow on Hwy 247 (Barstow to Slash X Cafe) For more information call the Slash X Cafe at (760) 252-1197 or Mal & Connie Wessel at (760) 252-3093 PLEASE DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE September 2006 Page 41 :,,

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By Mr. Baja Pits Hello everyone. At last, our Baja 500 story line. Along with this, I have much needed new news involv-ing racing and Baja Pits. But first, lets talk Baja, as in the Baja 500. Baja Pits ran 10 pit stops for the race. One pit stop every 50 miles, give or take a mile here and there. Locos Mocos teamed up with us again for this great race and were invaluable as always. All pits dur-ing the pre run were marked with loads of blue and white Husqvarna motorcycles banner tape, care of Baja Huskys and Husqvarna USA. Our pits were easy to find using this tape. The Baja 1000 pits will be marked the same way in October. During the race, the only sign is a Baja Pits orange sign with black let-tering that says BAJA PITS. The race was run over a tough course. Baja Pits had 30 bikes and quads and 39 vehicles of all classes. Our pictures from the start line and a few from the finish are on our web site to be seen. Baja Pits is all one big family. That's racers and pit personnel a like. We all have one thing in common. We all love rac-ing! At Baja Pits, unlike some other teams, we are an "all for one and one for all" race team. There isn't any distinction between racers and pit guys. We are all one family and like it that way. Starting with the bikes, here are the stats. In Class 22, Open Pro, we had #5X, Silva finish 14'" in class, 95th OA. In Class 21, 250 Pro, we had # l l 2X, Contreras fin-ish 5th in class, 43t1, OA, # 104X, Verdugo finish 6tl• in class, 54t1, OA. In Class 30 Pro, we had #304X, Smith finish 6th in class, 3ot1, OA. In Class 40 Pro, we had # 404X, Gross finish yi. in class, 78th OA. In Sportsman under 250cc we had #207X,_Gurule finish 1" in clas~, 82nd OA. Way to go guys, 1" in Class! In Sportsman over 250cc we had # 252X, Kunz finish 13th in class, 94th OA, #261, Lajoie finish 24th in class, 145t1, OA, #268X, Kabisch finish 33,J in class, 223 OA, #281X, Donaldson finish 4th in class, 59th OA, # 601X, Napoles finish 5'" in class, 61" OA and #608X, Schelin finish 32nd in class, 221 OA. We had 8 more Sportsmen in both under and over 250cc that were DNS or DNF. Better luck with fo;1ishing and placing next race guys. In the Pro Quad classes we had #52A, Shaw finish 3,d in class, 88th OA, # 96A, Leyva finish 10th in class, 173,d OA and# 99A, Wade finish 13t1, in class and 201 OA. We had 5 more quads that DNF'd. Better luck to you guys and gals at your next race with us. In the vehicle classes we start with Class 1 with# 117, Delong finish-ing 13th in class, 191 OA and# 141, Hanson finishing 12th in class, 185 OA. In Class l O we have # 1007, Higman finish 3'd in class, 58th OA, # 1008, Hardesty finished l " in class, 19th OA. Way to go guys! In Pro Truck, our lone entry was #235, Voss finishing 4,h in class and 158th OA. In Class 12 we had # 1212, St. John finished 2nd in class, 99th OA. Way to go guys!# 1247, Gutierrez finished 12th in class, 216th OA. In Class½ 1600we have #1605, Eherenberg finished 6tl, in class, 141 OA, # 1617 , Parkhouse finished 17th in class, 199th OA, # 1619, Caspino finished 8th in class, 152nd OA and # 1645, Iribe fin-ished_l" in class, 98 OA. Way to go Carios! Rounding this out in Sportsman Full Size Trucks, it was # 1504, Looney in the there sharp looking Ford Pickup finishing 1" in class, 147th OA. Way to go guys! John Brady says hello BTW. John took all the pictures at the start line that will be on our web site within 30 days. Barry Buckelew, our web master is working on this now. In the vehicle classes we had 24 DNF's out of 39 starters out on the race-course. Better luck guys and gals at our next race with you. Baja is funny this way. Some races you finish, some races you place high and some races you DNF. Its all a card game with the best prepared usually doing the best in results. That includes vehicle prep, pitting, pre running and the race itself. Baja Pits wants all our racers to finish and place high in their respective classes every race. We will do all we can to see this happen, but ultimately, this is up to the individual racer. Our next Score race is the Primm 300 in September. We will be at contingency the day before under the Husqvarna motorcycle awning and will operate one pit out on the course just past Stateline. Carlos and Stephen will be there along with our complete pit crew from Las Vegas. You can contact us by calling 619-596-8033 and asking for Carlos for info on this race and the Baja 1000 as well. Speaking of the Baja 1000. Baja Pits is running 20 pits, one every 50 miles give or take a mile. By that, I mean depending on course con-dition, every 50 miles. Our friends from Locos Mocos are helping us at this race as well in a location where everyone could use help. Call Carlos for details and prices. Our race applications can be found on line at our web site at They are listed under 2006 Baja 1000. Baja Pits is running a free pre run pit along with Baja Huskys for the Baja 1000 pre running. The location is El Crucero and the dates are November 3,d to the 7th• 2006 RACE PROVEN OFF-ROAD EQ 'IPMENT 103 PRESS LANE, STE 4, CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 TOLL FREE I (866) 891-9171 CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE!! WWW.RACEREADYPRODUCTS.COM Page 42 September 2006 (Friday to Tuesday). It will be marked with a Baja Pits sign and the Husqvarna motorcycles, blue and white awning and banner tape. This will be a location for a Baja Pits pit stop during the race as well. They will have a free pit stop for all classes of racers and will have on hand pre paid Sunoco Race Fuel, courtesy of Auto Sports Baja Sunoco, Bill Rodriguez. For rac-ers needing fuel at that point on the race course, contact Bill and pre pay your fuel order for those dates. El Crucero is half way be-tween Cocos Corner and Bay of IA, along side Hwy 1. Keep this date in your planner for pre running. Sunoco will be transporting all fuel needed. Baja Pits has arranged a service for our members to have their race vehicles and bikes/quads to be re-turned to the Otay border cross-ing after the race. We currently have 18 openings for vehicles and an equal amount for bikes and quads after the race. The price is $250.00 for vehicles and $125 for bikes/ quads, one way. For Baja Pits members only, this is the same price as it was in 2004. This is from La Paz to Otay Bor-der Crossing in Mexico, again one way. You can also pay for this ser-vice if you need to get your pre run-ner or bike back home after reach-ing La Paz before the race. Contact Carlos at US Wheels at 619-596-8033 for info on this. First paid, first served, on this limited offer for Baja Pits members only. Our limited Baja Race Maps are coming out soon. You have seen them for sale at this years San Fe-lipe 250 and the Baja 500. We will have them for the Baja 1000 as well. These are picture qualiry post-ers that look really good framed. The money collected on these helps out Baja Pits run its operations. Baja Pits is a non-profit organiza-tion. We are offering up to 20 com-panies a chance to sponsor our poster and get your business cards on the poster itself. This is a collector's item and they sell out quickly at each contingency. Con-tact Carlos at US Wheels for pric-ing at 619-596-8033. The price is very small for the amount of expo-sure this poster gives you and your company. Along these same lines, Baja Pits is offering its pit locations for sponsorship. How this works is a company sponsors one of our pits for a small, set fee. Aside from the Baja Pits signs, this pit belongs to you, your company. We will plas-ter that pit with your supplied signage, banners, and pit tape, whatever you supply us to have at that pit. It is in essence, your advertisement of your company. We will supply you with a picture of it after the race and will list it in our web site as a sponsor of Baja Pits for the Baja 1000 off road race. Baja Huskys ( a private Husq-varna race team) has already taken one pit and will have their Baja Husky's banners posred at that lo-cation. Get on board and sponsor a pit stop for your company or race team. Only 19 pits left to sponsor. Our pit effort at the Supersti-tion Series MDR races is still in force. If you need help pitting, we offer a quality pit for a mere $50.00 a race. This covers our fuel down there to pit you, the racer. You need to contact us 2 weeks or more be-fore each race so we can get our gear together. We have all our own gear, dump cans, radios, and people to provide you with a good pit. Again, Baja Pits is a family. We want our family to finish and win if pos-sible. We will do our part to see this happen. We also support the CODE series as well and will help out when called upon at the same small price per race team. That's it. We are taking sign ups already for the Baja 1000 and will probably have to set a limit on entries this year. To date in July, we have signed up 9 motorcycles and 1 TT from Japan. We will prob-ably stop at 30 bikes & quads together and 30 vehicles as well in all classes combined, so don't delay Dusty Times

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if you want to pit with us. Get your deposits in now. Planning is every-thing here. See you at Primm, MDR Superstition, CODE or the drawing for the Baja 1000 over the next 45 days. Our new meetings in San Di-ego County take place at Grandstand Pizza, 9159 Mission Gorge Rd, Santee, Ca. Cross street is State Hwy. 125. Phone number there is 619-258-6888. They have really good pizza and our meetings are taking off with a bang! We meet on the 3,J Thursday of each month. Starting time is 6:30 pm. Pizza and soda provided by Baja Pits. We will look for all members and potential members to attend. Until then, take care and keep cool during this heat wave we are suffering thru here in the south-west. Adios from Mr. Baja. • ~(\Gi tfGoo;,J~ pe Are you getting geared up for this summer's X Games? You should be because X Games 12 will feature rally racing for the first time and BFGoodrich Tires is outfitting seven of the 12 competitors (press release below), including: Collin McRae - 1995 WRC Champion and worldwide motorsports personality Travis s Pastrana-Nine-time freestyle motocross X Games Medalist Ken Block- 2005 Rally America Rookie-of-the-Yea r and founder of DC Shoes Rhys Millen-2005 Formula D drifting Champion and stunt car driver Tanner Foust-2005 Rally America PGT class Champion Patrick Richard -2004 & 2005 North American Rally Champion Paul Choiniere - Eight-time Sport Car Club of America (SCCA) Na-tional Rally Champion BFGoodrich Tires will be onsite at the Home Depot Center August 3-5 to answer questions and set up driver interviews. If you are plan-ning on coming out, please give me a call on my cell phone (949) 848-4116. If you won't be able to make it, email me at Michae!, and I will be happy to send you more information about the races as well as images. Thanks-BFGoodrichqp Tires Sponsors Top Drivers in the First-Ever X Games Rally LOS ANGELES (August 2, 2006) - BFGoodrich®Tires, unde-feated thus far in 2006 World Rally Championship (WRC) com-petition, is outfitting seven of the 12 competitors at the debut of rally at the X Games, August 3-6, 2006. As the dominating force in off-road racing, BFGoodrich Tires will combine winning technology with I ~ • ©DCIDITDm ...... · ............. -FULL' RACTION ~ Dusty Times the skill of championship drivers from several motorsports venues to demonstrate the excitement of rally for a new generation of extreme sports enthusiasts. Top drivers in-clude: Collin McRae -1995 WRC Champion and worldwide motorsports personality Travis Pastrana -Nine-time freestyle motocross X Games Medalist Ken Block-2005 Rally America Rookie-of-the - Year and founder of DC Shoes Rhys Millen-2005 Formula D drifting Cham-pion and stunt car driver Tanner Foust-2005 Rally America Cham-pion and professional drifter Patrick Richard -2004 & 2005 North American Rally Champion Paul Choiniere - Eight-time Sport Car Club of America (SCCA) Na-tional Rally Champion "BFGoodrich Tires has strong tradition in extreme motorsports and has amassed championships from the deserts of Baja and Dakar to the asphalt of Japan and the U.S.," said Todd Steen, Motorsports Marketing Manager for BFGoodrich Tires. "We em-brace the opportunity to bring that level of success and experience to X Games." BFGoodrich® Tires combines technological expertise with vast motorsports experience, delivering a high-performance tire for every type of vehicle from ultra-high per-formance nmer vehicles, sports cars and SUVs to the hottest sport trucks, pickups and rock-crawling rigs in the world. For more than 30 years, BFGoodrich Tires has used motorsports as a proving ground. September 2006 Success Oil the street begins with winning on the track and BFGood-rich Tires is involved in every type of racing, including oval, sports car, drag, desert, rally (Dakar and WRC) and extreme rock-crawling. With 20 consecutive Baja 1000 wins, the most wins in rock-crawl-ing history, and an unmatched record on pavement, BFGoodrich Tires has proven the only records it breaks are its own. Visit BFGood-rich Tires on line at 1Pp0'1 I.,,,, 10'11 fJ ,.11« t,O 1t1'' VALUE OF PUBLIC LAND RECREATION AND ACCESS ADVANCED IN WILDERNESS BILLS POCATELLO, ID (July 24)-An important new trend has estab-lished itself in Wilderness bills voted off the floor this week in Congress. The BlueRibbon Coalition, a na-tional trail based advocacy group, notes that the significance of pub-lic land recreation and access was specifically recognized in Wilder-ness bills from Oregon, California and Idaho. The value of public lands in meeting the America's rec-reational needs was a focus in all these bills. Congressman Greg Walden, Chairman of the House subcom-mittee Oil Forests and Forest Health, clearly articulated a theme that existing motorized recreation should be considered and codified in new land designations such as the Mount Hood Stewardship Act (HR5025), the Central Idaho Eco-nomic Development Act (HR3603) and the Northern California Coastal Wild Heritage Wilderness Act (HR233). Walden stated on the floor that HR3603 " ... meets the needs of today's users ... and locks in existing motorized uses ... " Similar statements were made about the other bills. Brian Hawthorne, Public Lands Director for the BlueRibbon Coa-lition, said; "I think it shows that the recreation community is find-ing its voice. Legislators specifically addressed and provided for recre-ation in each of these bills. It shows trail users are no longer relegated to the back of the bus when Wil-derness bills are proposed." Hawthorne stressed the point that his group does not support the Idaho and Oregon bills and will be working hard in the Senate to de-feat the Idaho bill. However, in each case legislators recognized that Americans' ability to access the lands will be substan-tially reduced. Each bill provides specifically for recreational uses, in some cases codifying that use in law. "I think this current Wilderness debate shows that the 'Recreation Movement' is maturing and has rightfully earned a seat at the table," Continued on page 44 I MINI MARMET • co d Page 43

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Progro,nn-table E:ngine A,,fanag.c,n~n-r SDS user programmable engine management systems allow complete control of fuel and ignition parameters on most popular 4 and 6 cylinder engines used in off road racing applica-tions. Supplied hand-held programmer eliminates the need for a laptop. Programming and installation ease make these stand alone units ideal to replace complicated OE units or trouble-some carbs. Suitable for those new to EFI and experienced racers/ tuners alike. Proven reliable in the harsh off road environment by SCORE Class 10 racer Ron Dalke, 2006 Baja 500 Class 7 winner Dan Chamlee and UROC/ WE--ROC competitor Jeffrey Downs/ Spidertrax. Prices range from $883 (fuel only, 4 cylinder) to $1485 (fuel and dkect fire ignition control, 6 cylinder). SDS, affordable, reliable, user friendly, fuel injection since 1993. Racetech Inc. Bay G, 1007 -55 Ave. NE, Calgary; Alberta, Canada T2E 6Wl Phone: 403-274-0154 • Fax: 403-274-0556 E-mail: l S.tMl't/ ~~· r DrGrrA1.. Website: Hawthorne said. But he also made the point that much more involve-ment is needed from recreationists. He noted air o(the legislation re-duces public access while providing little in the way of true resource protection. Hawthorne said, "There is simply no credible threat to these lands. Anti-access groups ~ --... ,.. ' vilify uses of public lands they don't like in the media as an attempt to secure public support for broad restrictions. However, stud.ies show the public opposes reducing public access on local National Forests. Recreationists will need to work harder to make the point that rec-reation and protection are not And High Perlom,annt vw \Fat:torY•TraliHld MendeOIJ, Builder' · andAutftOllztid oisttibutor - wl""' • fO Yea,s combined Eiperlenee • unsu,r,assed llellalilllt, • High Ouollt, I &ow flllce SY$TEMS mutually exclusive." RECREATION GROUP SUPPORTS ACCESS PROTECTIONS IN NOR CAL WILDERNESS BILL WASHINGTON, DC (July 19) The BlueRibbon Coalition Sh/pplng from our TWO ta//fomla locations! f.B66.VW.STUl=I= • f.B66.B97.BB33 I Page 44 September 2006 (BRC), a national trail-based rec-reation group, today expressed sup-port for new access and recreation provisions incorporated in to a Northwestern California Wilder-ness Bill (HR233). The new ver-sion of the legislation will recognize off-highway vehicle (OHV) and mountain-bike (MTB) use as legiti-mate recreational activities on fed-eral lands by codifying said use in statute on a majority of routes af-fected by the proposal. Don Amador, Western Repre-sentative for the BlueRibbon Coa-lition, said, "I believe protecting fish-ing access in the Park, keeping OHV and MTB trails open and deleting non-wilderness areas such as the Mad River Buttes proposal has im-proved this piece of legislation." The legislation that will desig-nate over 200,000 acres in North-ern California will also protect the rights of beach fishermen to access the coastline in Redwood National P a r k In addition, the bill will codify ex-isting equestrian, OHV, and MTB recreation in the Cow Mountain are near Ukiah, California. "This bill is not perfect and many recreation groups are disap-pointed that the reopening of Black Sands Beach in the King Range was not part of the legisla-tion. Also, we are disappointed that the popular Backcountry des-ignation did not get formally adopted. However, the fact that many of our OHV and MTB routes are being codified in statute is a clear acknowledgement that a Backcountry alternative to Wilder-nes6 is a valid and popular con-cept," Amador concluded. ~--By Lisa Kennedy MORE Freedom 250 The day was sweltry hot and humid, as race teams prepared their cars for the Freedom 250. As race time closed in, the skies began to darken with rain clouds. Those clouds broke loose in the afternoon and the course was completely saturated with the rains. There was flash flooding through the wash areas, and mud puddles remained along the course after the clouds moved on. Luckily this made tbe air tem-perature drop, but made for very muddy cars and trucks which caused difficulties in identifying the racers as they came through the checkpoints. The Freedom 250 race boasted 116 entries, 18 of those being FAIR members. The race certainly took its toll on many of the vehicles, but FAIR members Frank Wagner and Rob MacDo·nald were able to come away with a victory in Class 9 after a nearly flawless race. Frank suffered one flat tire just before coming into Pit A on the second lap, but was back out on the track in under one minute. Frank had the fastest lap time in this class, coming around the course on Lap 3 in 53 minutes, 52 seconds. Rob took the driver's seat in Lap 4 with a sizeable lead, and brought the car around for the final laps to secure the win for this team. Also racing in Class 9, Ron Rash finished the race in fourth place, followed by Cody Rash in fifth, Matt Summers in eighth, Harry Dunne in 10th, and Marcus Gonzalez in 12th. Matt Summers had a rough start to his race when they discovered their drivers' suits were missing just 30 minutes be-fore the race was to begin. When the suits were finally located and on the drivers, they began the race late. The race didn't get any smoother for them as they broke the left lower shock mount just 11 miles into the race (repaired at FAIR Main), then broke the right lower mount after one and a halflaps into the race (repaired at FAIR B), and then hit a lake in the middle of the course and their engine caught on fire due to a bad spark plug wire. They had a great time anyway, and wish to thank FAIR for all the help keeping them going. Matt and his wife are expecting a new little racer in Sep-tember, and another racer will join the crew in October as his partner, Eric, and his wife, are also expecting. Congratulations to both families! Class 1/2-1600 had a big turn out with 26 entries. FAIR mem• her Curt Geer had the fastest lap time in the class finishing his first lap in just 43 minutes and 31 sec-onds, and he also caught some huge air over the "Ant Hill". A broken axle in Lap 4 kept him from completing the race, but he was able to place 16th in the class. Faring better, Terry Tolbert and Kevin Reid kept car 1697 (The Blue Buzzard), going around the course and finished the race in seventh place. Scott Boyd was under rwo minutes behind them finishing the race in eighth. Scott started the race with his wife, Ellisse, riding with him for the first time in many years. Scott had a trouble-free run with just a quick stop at FAIR Main at the end of Lap 2 to have his pumper hose and radio reconnected. He then stopped after his third lap at FAIR Main for fuel and a driver change. Pete Seaney then took over driving the car and re-ceived a warning from Scott about the car "kicking". Pete came across Harry Dunne stuck at about Mile 24 of this lap and tried to push him over the top of the hill they were on, but he ended up stalled on the hill as well. Once he was able to get re-started, he had to leave Harry in order to finish the race .. Pete's co-driver was not feeling well, and on Lap 5 they had to come into FAIR Main to switch out co-driv• ers. He then went on to the last lap just trying to get a strong fin-ish, and they had no more prob-lems. Gerardo Iribe placed 15th in this class, followed by Michael Kanuck in 21st. Driving in Class 5-1600, Aaron Aspel had some problems with his car when a rocker ad-juster bolt backed off, and then later he lost second gear, but he was able to end the race in sixth place. Ken and Shelby Tolbert renamed their 578 to "Orange Crush" after rolling the car dur-ing their second lap, flattening the roof and collapsing the cage at the right front A-pillar. Luck-ily both Ken and his son, John, walked away from the incident Dusty Times

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uninjured. KST Racing placed eighth in the class. Class 5 driver, Chris Bowman had been battling a steering com-ponent issue for the two previous races, and they believed that this situation had been remedied be-fore th~ start of the Freedom 250. Jerry Longo drove the first part of the race and had a five minute lead after the first lap. He came into the pit for a quick inspec-tion of the steering component and all seemed fine. He contin-ued his lead, and when he came into Main for the driver change at the end of the third lap, Chris was dismayed to hear him say, "Sorry Bro, the steering just broke again." Sadly, they had to surrender their 12 minute lead and bow out of the race. They ended the race in fifth place. Class 1 driver Bill Markel fin-ished this race in eighth. Greg Crew and his team, in Class 1300, had a very busy week-end, racing in both the MORE and the CORR races Dave started out the MORE race driv-ing the 1302, and had problems with power in the second lap. He brought the car into Main where the car underwent some repairs. He was back out on the course an hour, later to finish Lap 2. Dave brought the car into Main for a driver change and Kevin Martin took the car out for the third lap. This was to be the final lap for 1302, as the power prob-lems were never resolved. The team ended the race in 11th place. The Crew team finished the CORR race in eighth. Greg would like to thank everyone who made the weekend possible for them, including his wife, Kathy, FAIR, Parr Racing, Kevin, Keith, and Jack Martin, Brent Parkhouse, Tim at Maxxis, Tim at Pro Signs, and Lucas Oil. Class 10 Unlimited racer Scott Wisdom was flying around the course before he began to have tire problems. During his second lap he clocked a 41 minute, 46 second lap time which was the fastest lap time in this class. Scott stopped at Pit A for fuel at the beginning of his fourth lap, and then suffered a flat tire just before coming into Start/ Finish. He limped the car to FAIR Main for a tire change and was then back out on the course, though he was having some brake and radio problems. He was mo-toring along until he sustained another flat between FAIR B and C. This time the tire came off its rim and wrapped itself around the axle and trailing arms, and he was stuck until someone could make it out to him and cut· the tire off. After being down for a couple of hours, he was back on the road. He decided to just fin-ish the lap and call it quits on the race since he was so far down. As he was making his way back he came upon a lost black Labra-dor, and radioed in that he needed a truck to come meet him and get the dog. He waited with the dog until the truck arrived, and then he was finally on his way to complete his fifth lap of the race. Matt Frick was very grateful when he found his dog, Shadow, safe and sound with Jim and the Clements family after the race. Thank you Scott for being so car-ing! FAIR Meetings: FAIR is now conducting meet-ings at the Score Board Sports Dusty Times Bar on the first and third Wednesday of every month at 8:00 p.m. The address is 3220 Temple Avenue in Pomona, CA. The phone number is (909) 468-0444. More FAIR information can be obtained on the website PUBLIC HEARING HELD ON MCKEON WIL-DERNESS BILL H.R. 5149. OFF-ROAD BUSINESS AS-SOCIATION TESTIFIES IN WASHINGTON, DC STAT-ING THE BILL CREATES UNNECCESARY WILDER-NESS DESIGNATIONS AND KEEPS PREVIOUSLY DESIGNATED WILDER-NESS STUDY AREAS LOCKED A WAY FROM PUBLIC USE. BAKERSFIELD, CA (July 31, 2006) -On July 27, 2006 Fred Wiley, Executive Director of the Off-Road Business As-sociation (ORBA) testified in front of the Forests and For-est Health committee on be-half of tl1e California Off-Road Vehicle Association, the San Diego Off-Road Coali-tion, the American Motorcy-clist Association -District 37, California Four Wheel Drive Association, the American Sand Association, the Califor-nia Nevada Snowmobile Asso-ciation, Ecologic Partners, Inc. and the Off-Road Business Association. H.R. 5149 the Eastern Si-erra Rural Heritage and Eco-nomic Enhancement Act spon-sored by Congressman Buck McKeon (R) has been the sub-ject of much speculation within the OHV advocates in Califor-nia. The OHV leadership in California feels that there has not been sufficient input from their community. Three basic flaws keep the OHY commu-nity in California from sup-porting the bill. The first prob-lem is that it fails to release Wilderness Study Areas (WSA) even though those ar-eas will never qualify as "Wil-derness," and at the same time it restricts public access to 39,000 more acres by designat-ing those as Wilderness. Secondly, it designates seg-ments of the Amargosa River as "Wild and Scenic" when in reality the current uses in place today do not qualify it as such. This designation also does not protect the historic use of this area as a recreation area. Thirdly, the bill does not in-clude statutory language that protects existing OHV routes and previously opened routes. Such language protected OHV routes and was included in the recently passed Thompson Wired to Win! Wiring Going To Make It Another Season? Auto electrical experts Specializing in custom off-road wiring Race vehicles & dune buggies Communications and custom lighting When it's gotta be Wired Right! e&j Wireworks 2865 Progress Place Ste 2B Escondido CA 92029 760-738-WIRE (9473) Wilderness Bill. As of this date there has been no action taken on this bill. California Air Resources Board (CARB) adopts new standards for dune buggy emissions. This move has averted possible disaster for an ever-changing and growing dune buggy and en-September 2006 gine manufacturing industry. BAKERSFIELD, CA (July 31, 2006.) The California Air Resources Board (CARB) voted on July 20 to create a special cat-egory to regulate the emissions of dune buggies. Previously dune buggies were regulated under the "Off-Road Large Spark Ignition" standard, a standard focused on things like forklifts and industrial engines. This standard was prob-lematic for engine and dune buggy manufacturers because of the expensive testing equipment and an overly aggressive durabil-ity requirement. Had the CARB Board of Directors not adopted this new standard the dune buggy and engine manufacturers faced Continued on page 46 Page 45

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r ~ ~~----~ ,,, _____,---"I thought that meant you're supposed to speed up." the possibility of severe fines and even the closing of their busi-nesses as a result of being out of compliance. This situation was averted by the hard work of a few key individuals in the dune buggy industry, including John Begin of Suspensions Unlimited and Grant George of Funco Motorsports, and by Bill Dart, Land Use Director for the Off-Road Business Association (ORBA). These individuals worked with the board and their staff members to ensure that the sandcar and engine manufactur-ers have a separate emission stan-dard and test procedure appro-priate for the industry. The ex-isting procedures are prohibi-tively expensive for an industry of this scale. Grant George stated "I am pleased with the willingness of the CARB Board to work with the dune buggy industry to en-sure the environment is protected and the manufacturers have a reasonable time to come into compliance with any new stan-dards". The new sandcar category re-quires manufacturers to comply only with current Federal EPA standards. For a buggy to fit into the CARB "Sandcar" category it must have an engine greater than one liter. If a buggy has an engine equal to or less than one liter it will be considered an "Off-Road Sport Vehicle" by CARB. In the future CARB would like to look at enacting regulations for "Sandcars" that are more strin-gent than the current Federal EPA requirements. The CARB Board stated that they would continue to 1neet with people in the industry to discuss any pos-sible changes. "Bob Cross, Michael Carter, and Scott Rowland of CARB were very un-derstanding and pleasant to work with. It is important that the in-dustry not see them as the enemy, they are doing their jobs and what they feel is right. I look forward to working with the CARB staff on future emission requirements" stated John Begin of Suspensions Unlimited. ORBA's Director of Land Use, Bill Dart, has exten-sive experience working with CARB in the past and will be working closely with the industry and CARB to develop an effec-tive yet affordable solution. "CARB normally regulates huge multi-billion dollar industries so it was essential that they under-stand the sandcar industry has extremely limited resources" Dart stated. "With our input we are optimistic that CARB will de-velop a reasonable program" Dart concluded. Under new owner hrp -Over 40 years of experience t,/OWt:it lit!\ Str,:-t:' 1 G· (os• 9'1'}~H661 Qpen M.irnhy • r, ; /, ..,.,:;;' ' .,. .. -· . - I Bring your hot rod, sand rail, mororcyde, boat, or ATV down to our location and ... Let U8 solve your plumbing problems from complete syttem designs to minor modifications. Brake Lines, Fuel Lines, Turbo HOSGS, Stalnlesss hardllne tor brakes and fuel applications. All Redline OIi products discounted by the case. Any high pedonnanci-hose purcha~ from MfSA HOSE w111 be as~mbted fr~ of charg~ Crimp fittings from 2•on down. Page 46 ~ ~coo September 2006 Coming Next Month ... SCORE SHORT COURSE AT VEGAS M.O.R.E. FREEDOM 250 SNORE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL IN THE D ·· :AS TO RENo .--..--Plus ALL THE REGUL~ FEATURES ••• ... And Much, Much More! ~ WWW. rAKERPRECISION.COM · 2865 Gundry Ave. Signal Hill, CA 90755 HPFans OJ/Coolers Driving Suits Rod End Boots Neo Synthetic Oil Performance Plumbing C=:l~flt~~;. c:::::11imlf' pl'/?;__ 562-427-2375 Dusty Times

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GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY PACKAGING INDUSTRIAL PACKAGING SUPPLIES "KEEP IT TOGETHER" 1739 N. Case St. Orange, CA 92865 FAX (714) 283-3548 BRYAN L. ROGERS (714) 282-9311 CELL (714) 514-4308 OFF-ROAD FUEL CELLS SCORE • CORR • SODA • MAORA PRERUNNERS • RALLY• ETC ,:-SAr44 Toll Free: 800-526-5330 Fax: 201-825-1962 e-Mall: """1&:.L':£. -----"~•u 19076 Hawthorne Blvd. l'orra·nce, CA 90503 • Custom fabrication • Prerunners • Suspensions • Custom exhaust (310) 542-2977 JlUTOFJ\6 Off Road Trucks Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages _Ford Truck Specialist • 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 s thebaiastmp~earthllaLnet Tll: 714.219.0945 fAX:714.219.0iJB (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 264 N. cv11ress Draage. CA 92868 RACECA.RS BRANDWOOD CARS for mid-engines and other applications 602-437-3::1 rJ7 Custom V~hicle Shifter ,.,.. 1/1,,· ~ "Innovative Billet Products \ ~ ,,. for the Off-Road Enthusiast" · FREE Catalog I . ,·, ) ~no~ Proa~, 9525 Pathway St.-Santee, Ca. 92071 0MFR. OF PEJlFORMANCE PARTS FOR INOUMY L~OIH@ RACE CAR BUILDERS - Spindles, Floating Huhs - 5 spd. Shifters (fits i\lcndeola trans & others) -'<orthstar /\irbox Adapters S, more!! url: e-mail: (619)562-3071 Lonely Long Advertising Term Space Relationship Looking Call For 818-882-0004 IIUBliYlillG8 CACTUS RACING Racea_ir Helmets & Accessories Bell, Shoei, Simpson Blower systems & cool boxes 619-482-6700 708 Rocking Horse Dr. Chula Vista, CA 91914 CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN 39067 ORCHARD ST. CHERRY VALLEY CA. 92223 PH#. (951)•845•8820 products in stock Race Proven Fabrication Boatec Fiberglass Pre-Runners Dimple Dies Desert Trucks Tubing Benders Bypass valves+tu.bes Sway-bar Arms Short Course trucks Paris-Dakar trucks Offroad to Street, Prerunner to Race -Chasls Design -Race Prep -All General Fabrication 71~7 17 459 Lt lac St #E Hesperia CA 92345 C ~ QUALITY 1!11!:ADLDCK WHl!:1!:LS IAMPllll■EAaUCK SINCI!: 191!1!1 ~ 1s"--1s"--1?11 ALL ALUMINUM BEAOLOCK WHEELS AND CONVERSIONS CHAMPION WHEEL CC. INC. 1 B537 COLLIER (951) 471-2183 LAKE ELSINORE CA, 92531 WWW.CHAMPIONWHEEL.COM CHENOWTH f>ACING PRODVCTS. INC. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 Fax (619) 449-7103 [CNC] Manufacturers of Brake and Clutch Pedal Ass) Master Cylinders Slave Cylinders Cuttihg and Staging Brakes· Hydraulic ThrottU!s CNC, Inc. T~rottle Pedals and all of our accessories. 1221 West Morena .. vd. San Diego, CA.'921'10 (619) 275-1663 Send $3.00 for Catalog FLOATER REAR ENDS• t'RONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane • Templeton. CA 93465 ntinenta & Investment Cor ,,ti .l, I , ,,'h ( 11~ •./ < H .I <42XI 4X6-qt4, (ll H< ~ r42KI -h~ <2t,1 ,·,._,,_ I •;.,"'I l" I \'\CECR,\,tFR i\, ... l Ut,ll' lhP~L·f

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MOTORSPORTS Trucks, Buggies, Parts, Service & Fabrication Todd Arthur (760) 788--0019 PO Box3944 Ramona, CA 92065 HLJSTLEE::~ concePTS ~ gAJA 5HOP (since 1967) 1:::::11::::ice c1=11=~ PRE RL.JnnERS ~Lumr,um w□RH SPECll=ILIT'-T-' Jesse Rodriguez PH: 714-997-0701 Fax:714-997-0758 714 N Lemon St, Orange.CA. 92867 JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner· ~-~~II l~T■,a ~~ LLI LI•~ I I•~• Quality Racing Transaxles Mendeola Dealer Off Road - Sand Specialist JOE GIFFIN 3061 E. La Jolla St. #I Anaheim. California 92806 (714) 632-1240 Fax (714) 632-1223 Email: Mike Julson 9426 Wheatland& Court Santee, CA 92071 619-596-3360 619-596-3364fax J_l.,.~e•ez_ George Jimenez Se Hob/a Espanol RACING ENGINE!: COMPLETE ENGINES • PARTS & DYNO SERVICE 535 E. Central Park Ave. Anaheim, CA 92802 Tel: (714) 535.5116 Fax: (714) 535-5816 JON KINNE AUTO ELECTRIC 809-F N. Lakeview Ave., Placentia, CA 92870 Tel. 714- 779-2316 • Fax 714- 779-5012 TROY J OHNSON (951) 779-9395 2061 Third Street, Unit A Riverside, CA 92507 Specializing in custom off road race trucks, • P1 erunners • Sand cars • Raily ca,s • Custom Fabncation • Advanced Susr5nsion Techno,ogy • Research &. [1e•1el0pn;ent KAL OFFROAD RACING Metal Fabrication ~ Custom Suspensions ~~~::=:.e,::;;:: KurtLarmee (805) 466-4101 ----8408 K El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 HONDA Power Equipment OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. .ART KAWAGUCHI 3532 EAST 3RD ST. Fax 323-264-2136 LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 323-264-5858 Derek Kreger PH: 114.289.9048 Fil: 114.631.1854 1214 N. Parker Unti #3 Orange, CA 92867 For Very Few Dollars A Month Your Ad Here Can Increase Your Sales By A Bunch Call Dusty Times 818-882-0004 POWER E STEERING THOMAS E. LEE Engineering LEE MFG. CO. 11661 PENDLETON STREET SUN VALLEY, CA-913152 FAX(818)788-2887 (818) 788-0371 A full line of Power StNring gears, pumps and acceeaories for any type of racing. Magnaflux and Zyglo fllc:llities available. •custom Chassis *Race Prep *Aluminum Work -Welding *Magnllflux FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 (909) 596-5497 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER p~ RACING ENGINES Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 Race Seats • Restraints • Storage Bags Window Nets• Limit Straps• Tie Downs www 11433 Woodside Avenue• Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455 • Fax: 619/449-9454 YOUR OFF-ROAD Catch us on the Net! SPECIALISTS/ PHONE: (714) 441-1212 FAX: (714) 441-1622 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CA 92806 MIKE MENDEOLA 290 Trousdale Drive, Suite I & J Chula Vista, CA91910 (619) 691-1000 24 Hour Fax (619) 691-1324 Todd Dwyer 1900 Compton Ave. Suite 101, Corona, rA 92881 Phone (951)817-0101 Ext.156 619-562-5533 Off Road Fabrication and Design • Sand Cars • Trucks • Race Cars • Prerunners • Rally Cars • Custom Function/Strength/Safety/Pride Made by Hand in the USA JOHN MOSELEY Owner/Fabricator - 236 Jason Court Corona, CA 92879 951-272-3026 Fax 951-272-0TT6 I

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MOUtTON FABBltAflOMtOIII IIACE CAIi$ l'IIBIUNNBIS OUM. SPOll7S CHArmt tU&WA"f ~ /IAa MIP, ,_,.All&S 661-974-7961 MSD • r.3 l IL J f • 1 ~' ■ •1,-;11 t••4,•J'! • YOUR COMPLETE IGNITION SOURCE - = • -AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION 1490 HENRY BRENNAN DR .• EL PASO. TX 7SS3E 19151 857-5200 • TH:H LINE 19151 855-7123 • VISIT OUR WEB SITE: TUBE BENDERS ¼'' TO 3" 0.0. Capacity Models Starting at $279.00!!!! M-TECH SUPPLY TUBE BENDERS • PIPE BENDERS • TUBE NOTCHERS RING ROLLERS • COLD SAWS • ABRASIVES 4B0-726-2B76 NORB offroad superstore HEIM JOINTS-WELD IN BUNGS-TABS BUSHINGS - JOHNNY JOINTS HIGH MISALIGNMENT SPACERS IN STOCK -READY TO SHIP WORLDWIDE -~J 1-888-755-5900 ~ We can Beadlock ~ ..... ~ YOUR RIMS!! '-.._a,!---~ 'i S-f-ATV ~l'l#IIM/Us__,/ 1zes to it most . .. ..... ~ & AUTOMOTIVE applications POLISHED & COLORED FINISHES SCALLOPED OR CONVENTIONAL Reinforcing Rings Also Available Phone - (951) 354-8272 WWW .QMfPERfQRMANCE. com Dune Buggy Parts Race Car Parts Foreign Car Parts New Truck Acc. Dept. Custom Machine Work & Fabrication 1 (800) 231-8156 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, AZ 85365 (520) 783-6265 • FAX (520) 783-1253 R"R (909) 360-5906 FAX (909) 360-0436 PARKER PUMPER HELMET COMPANY 3834 Wacker Drive Mira Loma, CA 91752 For A Few Bucks You Can Increase Your Productivity 818-882-0004 HAROLD NICKS Call Dusty Times For Details DUlliJlilfflGS ,~~(g}if[~©tfl SAFETY EQUIPMENT MAXON, MOTOROlA, ROAOMASTER, VERTEX RADIOS BELL, SHOEI, SIMPSON HELMETS IN STOCK WIRiNG FOR RADIO &/OR 111,'TERCOM STIU. ONLY S 12'5. -2888 GUNDRY AVE. ~ SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 • 562-427-8177 I 800-869-5636 ~ ■ .A • .-Fralcv s Pl'rf orniance Engineering · 0ENHRLD ABRICATION, INC 1660 Babcock. Building B Costa Mesa. CA 92627 TEL 19491 650-3035 FAX 19491650-4721 J«ryPenhal * All Type• of Steel CJ Aluminum Fabrication *Tube Beadiac • Aluminum CJ St.el Weldin& • Custom Machine Work • All Types of Race Cars 4851 W. Hacienda #4 Las Vegas, NV 89118 Bruce Fraley 702-365-9055 PlAYTECH FABRICATION 3031 E. Coronado St. Suite E, Anaheim, CA 92806 Phone: (714) 238-1179 Fax: (714) 238-1183 John Gould Pre,ision Alloy, lltl Todd Francis 25805 N.E. 46th Ave. Ridgefield, WA 98642 Phone: 360.887.2000 • Fax: 360.887.7279 A High Performance Spec VS Race Truck Series "The True Driver's Class" Protruck Sales and Promotion Website: Email: /el: 619-390-6252 Fax:619-3~70 14402 Bond Court El Cajon, CA 92021 oertormance w,re llarnesses Joe Dav.111an Par:· .. •••a-••'•

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Hi-Performance Equipment Suspension • Safety • Drive/ine • Accessories (619) 691-9171 (619) 691-9174 (619) 691-0803 (FAX) 103 Press Lane, Suite #4 Chula Vista, CA 91910 e-mail: I I I ·tl/Jr/M,!iliii~rlr6g_6306 - -~'IP. ONLY.CO~._..,;.,-,, 'RRCING ENGINES. Building SCORE winning engines 619.420.2233 45 Broadwa~ Chula Vista. CR 91910 PEIFIIMAKCE-TIAKSAIL ES Southern Ca1Uorn1a·s largest Distributor of Mendeala Transallles PH: 114.680.6131 • D: 114.680.3110 Toll Free: 800.304.8126 1631 Placentia Ave. Unit G Anaheim. CA 92806 RANCHO DRIVETRAIN E N G INEERING Tony Selva, Jr. 27598 Commerce Center Drive Temecula, CA 92590 P'HONE951.676.6569 FACSIMRI951 .676.l ]4] t s e lvo@ro n chod rivet r o i n . com S111Clal1Zlilg Iii: -sw111■• -Ill ID2-IB1-D94 -lewllnd -IRlndelll -Alllinl will get you in gear 3455S.P■-ri1##5 lu-.111,Nllnlll 11112 JIIIII D.8. HD■l■a 17121 221-4313 R/D VALVE SPRINGS QuJU.RY lsNT &PENSIVE, Ir's PRICELESS! VALVE TRAIN PRoaucrs • CusroM HEAD WoRK 760/94B-469B • FAX 760/94B-4B56 ll'VIIVl;'V.RDVALVESPRlftlG-conn Barry Beacham 1021 Calle Sombra - Unit A San Clemente, CA 92673 Office 949-361-4388 Fax 949-361-4352 A Tatum Distributor Specializing in Off-Road Racing & Driving For Over 21 Years ,,. .. Mig Welding • Tig Welding Upgrades & Repairs Baja-Proven Equipment 5294 N. Casa Grande Hwy • Ste 102 Tucson, Az 85743 520-850-3693 fiii/ SANDERS SERVICE, INC. L~ METAL PROCESSING 5921 Wilmington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 (323) 583-2404 FAX (323) 583-3%5 SANDBLAST-GLASS BEAD-MAGNETIC PARTICLE FLOURESCENT INSPECTION MARKSMJTH LARRYSMJTH Just A Small Ad Here Can Increase Your Business By A Bunch. S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOT" HCR66, BOX 11030 PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV 89048 (775) 372-5335 TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821 (714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 JOB SITE SIGNS• BMINERS • \WIDOW LITTEP.11,G • C,\R LETTERIIIG • GRAPHICS SGUEAK & MAAGIE COATS 5101 Ga:way Circle • Hunt;ng,01 Beach CA 92B49 (714) 897-0075 • Fa, [714) 694-9567 = PERFORMANCE SPECIALISTSS '-""--;,.,,_., 'DI/JVlll£GM SAIIIT //£1,88AIIIC£ I 1-800-MY MUFFLER ~ Craig Stewart I ,..._ --~ Phone: 619-449-9728 RfZW .. -,;.-1'~ ~ -· Fm, 619-449-?67R -~ti-, Celh 619-726-8891 I I II Fabrication & Race Preparation I i 19419 Abraham WOJ ~ Sal-•· I Santee, CA 92071 vv ..., IL.. ;_:...:.~ _ .. st_eo.-:._ =_rac_~_e:O_· .... _.,i;,._·;_;, ___________ s_e_rv_i_ce_ l I' Straight . l,,. ~ ,1.ile Aluminum Wheel Straightening 31510 223rd st E. • Tim Baker I Llano, CA 93544 661.261.3202 : ------------.. t fg.J 05 SCORE tf,,o. CORR ___;:::a,,,.._ CLBRYANT.COM MITCHHART@CLBRYANT.COM • IIACE FUELS r2091 s47.22s1 [800) 527-6090 Paul Oil Company FAX r2091 B47-9726 P.O. Box 248 • 524 N. Sierra Ave. WESTERN D IV ISION Oakdale, California 95361 2180 College Drive • Lake Havasu City • AZ. 86403 Call Toll Free: 877-627-8852 or E-Mail: • Hi Performance Converters Custom Length Axles• • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed Hubs • (for Race & Recreation) Input Shafts • American Made Excellence!!

Page 53

. RACING BATTERIES K.~n Pa:ari:z:a:a Military Grade Batteries • Battery Boxes • Battery Chargers Custom Battery Cables • Misc. Electrical Accessories 2046 Fairhope Loop, Vista, CA 92081 Business (760) 734-1678 Fax (760) 734-1323 • Off-Road and Bolt-On to Street Fiberglass for: "Ford, C~evy and Toyota" Trucks • Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1261 N. Buena \/Isla St., Hemet Ca. 92543 Ph: 951-854-7334 Fax: 951-654-2375 See a list of our prod~ our web site: 1 BsiixLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD · (818) 998-2739 TEL: 114.526.5820 NS WEST 9763 Varlel Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 FAX: 114.526.5840 PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES Kevin Pirtle 22545 South Normandie Ave. Torrance, California 90501 310.782.2413 fax 310.782.3772 !fro\/ ransworks · ~~ PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES . ~ AUTHORIZED MENDE.OLA DEALER ERIC LAUNDRIE STOCK & CUSTOM 24752 VIEJAS BLVD. SAND* STREET* RACE www . . (619) 596-8033 1 000 W . Bradley, Unit Q El Cajon, CA 92020 DESCANSO, CA 91916 (619) 445-3135 Carlos Orozco *Quality Fuels & Products for Motorsports" Website · · KELLEY HENDEL Regional Manager VP Racing Fuels, Inc. West Coast Region P.O. Box 1319 Office:(951) 674-9167 Fax1?51! 674-7367 Email: 34283 Monte Vista Wildomar,_ ~1'. 92595 "Quality Products for Motorsports" DISTRIBUIDOR EN MEXICO RR AUTOSPECIAL PARTS, S. DE R.l. DE C.V. Ray Gastelum GERENTE . CALLE PRIVADA FRAY MAYORGA 17026 ZONA INDUSTRIAL GARITA DE OTAY TIJUANA, B.C. C.P. 22430 TEL.: (664) 647 9222 FAX: (664) 607 1440 E-MAIL: P.O. BOX 430-499 SAN YSIDRO CA 92143 PH 619-664 4548 Do You Need To E X p A N D Your business Horizons? For Lots More Exposure Call 818-882-0004 For The Price Of A Phone Call And A Few Bucks A Month Your Ad Could Be Here 818-882".'0004 SCOAE ENGINE BUILDER OFTHEYEA.R 994.1998, 1999,2000 From Parts To . ~te, EngJtl6~ 3S75 w. Teo Av.. Unit I, l&S Veau. NV 89118 702-837-2522 . . • . .. . < Front & Trailing 4mu • Spindle, Suiptnsion Specialisl • Cu51om l4ce & Pl;ay Bi>ggy Chassis A•Ann front lnd$ • B~lm Front Enck · 9608 N. llst Dr. Photnl,c, AZ 8S0:2t Race Cars Jack Woods 602-242.0071 fax 602-242•7283 Dune Buggies Lorenzo Rodriguez Baj a Bugs Transmissions - Parts - Service -Welding V.W. -Porsche - Nissan - Toyota -Honda 850 S. Alta Vista Ave., Monrovia. CA 91016 (626) 305-RACE (7223) • (626) 357-6629 Fax ii .~ --~ --RRCE PREP SHOP • BU66IES • SllRIJCllRS •SHOCHS • TRUCllS • PRE·R!IIIDERS • FiiBiUCRTIOn 818) lf2G·Z21iU World Leading Motorsport Transmission Manufacturer 11 Dakar Rally Victories 17 World Rally Victories 6 AMA MX/SX Championships Xtrac Inc 6183 West 80th Street Indianapolis IN 46278 email: Tel: (317) 472 2454 nsaxle Trophy Truck solutions available for Lead Customers

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.. Classified ... Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Read-ers are advised to consult appro-priate local or state authorities for information before purchase of any specific item. FOR SALE: · Big Mac Trophy Truck: Chevy Trophy Truck known in the racing world as "Big Mac". Truck comes with two motors and tons of spares. Call (949) 472-4461 for price and details. FOR SALE: Pre-Runner, 2~04 . FOR SALE 2 Race Cars: 1-Chevy 4 door x-cab. Profession-2005 & 1-2004 Class 1-1600 ally built by Mazzula Off Road. Single Seat Race Car. Fresh Runs and handles very well. Color T l b W · ht F h Ops D I B . k' , ransax e y rig , res , ua att_enes, roe 111 st~-1600cc Racing Engine by Lee reo, _very clean_m and out. Cali-Leighton, Mickey Thompson for111a legal. Tnck exhaust system, T • · th B d L k . . ires w1 ea oc Tfuhe_l celll: Kmhg Shi ock$s,715,g0h0t0ba0r0. Centerlines, New bypass Shocks 1st11ng aus. , . b F PCIRd· F · OBO. Ton (760) 947-8880. Y. ox, a 10, ort,n Y ..,,_.......,..,...,..... Shifter, Howe Trophy Truck steering box, Kartek disc brakes, and rear hubs, CNC pedals, TWR oil cooler with 12V fan. This car has never been raced. Heat treated chasis. All componets are new. $30,000.00 OBO many spare parts avail-able. (909) 335-3535 Garit. FOR SALE: Core legal Super Buggy. Toyota, Mendeola, Fresh Fox shocks, 4 extra tires, new Centerlines w/lg beadlock, other spare parts. 19,500.00 OBO. (586) 201-3820. FOR SALE: Class 10 Bundersen Single-seat, Toyota Fat Mendeola 5 speed, King Shocks bypass/ coilover, numerous other quality components & spare parts. Sev-eral new & used BFG Tires & Centerline Wheels. or call (308) 548-2264. Race Ready: $48,000.00/OBO. FOR SALE: CORR Super Buggy. Toyota Powered Bus trans, Fox Coilovers A-Arms with trailer and spare parts. $15,000.00. Will deliver. (715) 449-3518. FOR SALE: 59 Baja Lothringer Chassis chromoly suspension coilover Fox shocks, 16 in front 17 rear Micro stubs 4 wheel disc brakes. Robby Gordon Beadlocks, Wik's 2700 type 4 Power Steering, WR Trans Super Diff. GEM mainshaft. Show condition. CAL plates. In Hot VW Dec 02. $36,000.00 OBO (951) 316-3486. FOR SALE: Pre-Runner, 1998 Ford, built by Newline. Best of Everything! Runs and handles like a trophy truck! Patton 442CI engine, Culhane Turbo 400, Chrisman Rear End w/10" gear, Robby Gordon shocks/wheels, 70 gal fuel safe cell, wired by Pro Wire, Kenwood Race Radio, In-tercom, Sat Phone, OPS, Stereo, AC/Heater, Power windows/mir-rors, Leather and tweed interior. Includes Competitive tandem axle trailer. $240,000.00 (702) 596-2825. FOR SALE: Class 1 built by Mike Smith and Regie Dunlop. Best of everything, Single seat, V8, Fortin 4 speed (new). Brand (new) axles, CY's arms, $70,000.00 OBO. Make me an offer. Call Todd @ (760) 947-4545. FOR SALE: ANOTHER RPS SPORTS VELOCITY 4 ROLL-ING CHASSIS FOR SALE: Own the Same Chassis That Won the 2006 Laughlin Desert Challenge. The Rolling Chassis Includes the following: 4130 Chromoly Tub-ing and Plate, 3.5" Fox bypass shocks in the rear, 3" Fox bypass shocks in the front, 27.5" Front Wheel travel, 23" Rear Wheel travel, Mid-Board/Full floater, Pro-Am PS Hubs, Race Ready 934 CV's, 6-piston Calipers in Rear, 4 Beard Ultra Pro Seats, Fortin PR2 Race & Pinion, 35 gallon Fuel Cell and Bladder, Large Radiator with lntegraded Heat exchangers, 4 BFG Tires, 4 BTR Wheels, Steering Wheel. Selling for $49,900.00. We can finish the car if you want. Please call Barry, Cory or Randy at RPS Sports. (949) 361-4350. Stewart Raceworks 4 seatTruggy, 130" wheel base, 83" wide, weight 3200lbs, 44 gal Fuel Cell, A-Arm and 4-link suspension, 40 spline axles, Fox Coilover and bypass, 400 Turbo Tranny, BFG 3.5" w spares, 406 Chevy Engine, MSD ignition 6al, CNC MasterCylinder, Mastercraft Seats, Howe Power Steering, Roof Rack, PreRunner or Fun Car. $65,000.00 (760) 455-2812. FOR SALE: 1985 Jeep Comanche 4WD, Y-6, Mogi Auto Trans, 4.10 Dana 44 Posi, Dana 30, All Power, Art Carr Shifter, Beard Buckets & Console, Rancho 3" lift, lots of spare parts, 45K Miles! Current CA plates. Would make a great Jeepspeed Chase Truck. $4000.00. Call Denny. (909) 882-77 50. FOR SALE: Class 1 Jimco-2000 Series mid engine 2 seat chassis, fresh Wiks V6 aluminum Chevy, new Albins 5 speed trans, new King shocks, new Fortin hubs, rack, axles, & CY's. Completely prepped and race ready. Cur-rently 1 center seat setup. $90,000.00 No trades. Call Kory (702) 477-7575 or email FOR SALE: 2004 Jimco Class 10 two seat, fresh Major/Dose Honda, Mendeola S5S, 935 CY's gun drilled axles, FOX shocks, PCI Radio-Intercom, 6500 7" Color OPS, Howe, CNC, BFG, SCORE Tech approved, best of everything, raced one season. 2005 Toyota True Grit Winner, tons of spares. $95,000.00 OBO Contact Ron@ (619) 279-4258. FOR SALE: Class 12 rebuilt. Not raced. New 12" 2.5 c/o front, pos/s rears. Power Steer-ing. Best of everything on mtr and equipment. Approx 200-300 miles. Helmets, PCI radio, inter-com, OPS. Trailer, all misc stuff. 3 spares, I rim. Pump gas. $22,500.00 Robert (623) 536-5835. Phoenix area. FOR SALE: Jimco Single Seat, Class 1 updated 2000 series. Over-all winner of 2004 & 2006 BITD Terribles Town 250, 2006 BITD Parker 4 25 and winner of Sept 2005 CORR desert Short Course. Wiks LS motor, Fortin 4 speed, steering & hubs. King shocks, nu-merous spare parts. This car is the quickest thing out there, it is completely race prepped and ready to win. No bugs to work out. $142,000.00. Contact John Herder@ (520) 429-7223. FOR SALE: Chevy SCAT Y-4, Fresh prep, 48 IDF carbs, Run air cleaners or ump filters, 275 HP, Turned Fast lap in Sept MORE race by almost 5 min-utes. Dual clutch, 2 sets of ex-haust, 2 alt, boxes of air clean-ers & parts, very fast and reli-able. Call Tim $6,000.00 OBO (626) 893-1976. FOR SALE: Porter Chevy Tro-phy Truck-Mid engine, Kroyer, Kings, Gearworks Y-Drive & rear end, 39" BFG's. Consistent front runner with the best of every-thing. Completely prepped & race ready. Huge spare package. $275,000.00. No trades. Call Kory Scheeler (702) 477-7575 or email . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in DUSTY TIMES . Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED - YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER. Enclosed is $ Name Address (Send check or money order, no Cash) -----------------------City--------------------------------------------------------------State _____ Zip _________________ Phone ______________________________ _ Please run ad times Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 DUG~Y5ilHG 2006-07 ISSUE DEADLINE October06 Sep 8, 06 November06 Oct 6, 06 December06 Nov 10, 06 January 07 Dec 8, 06 February 07 Jan 5, 07 March 07 Feb 2, 07 • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page 54 September 2006 Dusty Times

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FOR SALE: 7 5 Dodge SWB, Class 8 Sportsman, highly modified, low gears, off road only, 440,Hemi grind cam, headers, 4 core radiator, 12" travel, posi traction, 4W disc brakes, hydraulic bump stops, totally caged, 3000 RPM stall converter w/7 2 7 H.D., 35 gal fuel cell, 5 pt. Harness, race craft seats, light bar, BFG, quick remove steer-ing wheel, NASCAR type steering doubler, many extra parts, xtra wheels, tires, runs excellent w/ double axle trailer. Not a show truck, se-rious OFF ROAD ONLY. Stored for 10 years. A genu-ine steal and lots of fun for $6,500.00 complete. Port-land Oregon area. Smitty (503) 654-3207. FOR SALE: 2004 Foddrill 4 seater, UMl, LS-6 motor, runs on pump gas, Albins 4-speed Trans. Big Fuel Cell, Fox Shocks, PCl radio & intercom, HOWE rack, HID lights, Baja TA's, GPS, Street legal, Proven & Reliable. Low miles. $110,000.00. Contact john Herder@ (520) 429-7223. FOR SALE: Toyota 3.2 engine, all the good parts, 342 HP on dyno, need to sell-$6,500.00 OBO. Call Nick (619) 336-3771 M-F 8:00am- 5:00pm. !I ; ''!' . , · >,;, ;. FOR SALE: Ford F 150 PreRunner. Geiser Bros built, Patton b ig block Ford 600+, Mogi C-6 trans, 3 seat, Kings, GPS, Sat Phone, Intercom, XM Radio, A/C, Gordon wheels, 37" BFG Projects, HlD's. $170,000.00. No Trades. Call Kory (702) 477-7575 or email FO R SALE: 4x4 Motorho m e h as large winch on fr o nt, rear motorcycle hydraulic carrier , gen erator , microwave, shower toilet, full kitchen sleeps four h as table for 4. Gear vendor, C hevy motor & trans. Pe rfect for Baja or surfing trips. $6,500.00 OBO or trade for ? Van. (949) 201-8 139 eve. Or (714) 441-1212 ext 10 4 da . FOR SALE: 2002 Renegade Toterhome with 2003 Ren-egade 48' Trailer, 430 HP CAT, Auto Shift trans, slideout. Railer has aluminum cabinets, liftgate, lighting, gen-era tor. $160,000.00. No trades. Call Kory (702) 477-7575 or email realtechrea m. FOR SALE: 2001 Custom Built 18' Pre-Runner/Sand Buggy Hauler, Storage Boxes with Tire Rack above, adjust-ab le rear ramps, Tandem 600016 Torrion Axles w/6 lug wheels, 2 5/16 Ball Hitch $7,900.0 0 Call HOWARD (818) 349-5861. DON,T FORGET TO SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO KEEP REPORTING THE OFF ROAD NEWS! Dusty Times September 2006 FOR SALE: 2000 Trail-ers Unlimited display trailer, 20 feet, belly boxes, glass display cabi-nets, overhead cabinets, six bottom cabinets, slide out drawers, dis-play grid, front box, new: tires, leaf springs, shackles, U-bolts, brakes, chrome fenders, tongue, with A/C, gen-erator, built in gas tank, hitch bars. McKenzies (714) 441-1212. $15,000.00 WANTED Super 1600 Short course car. Must be 5 point link-age rear set up. Coils and bypass shocks. Without engine or with-out engine and gearbox. What have you got sitting in the garage? Email pie's and asking price to INDb.X TO AD\/b.R. Tl6b.R.6 Aircraft Spruce .................................... 39 Baker Precision .................................... 46 Best In The Desert ................................. 2 Bilstein ................................................ 26 BTR Race Wheels ................................. 37 C&R Racing ............................................ 8 Coast Casinos....................................... 16 Competition Air.................................... 42 CORR ........................................ Back Cover E&J Wireworks .................................... 45 Eibach Springs ..................................... 18 Fabtech ................................................ 27 Fuel Safe .............................................. 25 ISCO ..................................................... 39 Kar Tek ................................................. 29 Kawaguchi Honda ................................ 27 Kincaid Racing ..................................... 20 King Shock Tech .... .............................. 34 Mastercraft Seats .................................. 9 McKenzie Performance Products ......... 32 Mesa Hose ........................................... 46 Michael James Insurance .................... 33 Mickey Thompson Tires ....................... 11 Mojave Desert Racing .......................... 15 Nevada Off Road Buggy ........................ 19 Pacific Customs ................................... 17 Parker Embroidery ................................ 28 Parker Pumper ..................................... 25 PCI Race Radios ...................................... 5 Pike's Service Center ........................... 33 Pro Desert Racing ................................ 43 Race Ready Products ............................ 42 Race Tech ............................................ 44 Racer X ................................................. 21 Radflo ................................................... 45 RAM Praline .......................................... 25 Riviera Racing ...................................... 12 Ronco Plastics ...................................... 36 Sakata .................................................. 35 Skyjacker Suspensions ........................ 10 SNORE .................................................. 13 Soltek Light Systems ........................... 38 Stuff T ransaxles .................................. 44 Team Ford ............................................ 30 Team Gordon Race Wheels ................... 24 Toys For Tots ....................................... 41 Transaxle Engineering .......................... 14 Turn key Products ................................ 22 Valley Performance .............................. 40 Vision X ............................................... 31 Wizard Fabrication ................................. 2 3 Page 55

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