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2006 Volume 23 Number 8 Dusty Times Magazine

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-· Volume 2S • Number a • Au ust 2008 $2.50 ISSN8750•17S2 Dusty 1 i.i'lt-:·;; 20761 P1 ui•w1er St Chatswurth CA 91311-SOOZ JUL 2 2 2006 11, 1 .. , •• 11 .. 11 .... 11 ... 11.1,1.11 ... 11 ..... 11 .. 11 ..... 1111 ... 1 Servin The OFF Road communi~y 1=or·2~ Years ..... 1 covering the world of competition in the dirt ...

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DFF-HDaD rr~,-. CERVEZA OFICIAL DE CODE OFF-ROAD Evita el exceso San Diego Escondido _El Cajon J.-1v1-P-Ae:: Aui-1.1tM 4v/t,wA -rn~ August 11,12 y 13, 2006: JACUME, TECATE, B.C . . FOURTH RACE OF THE "CODE TECATE 2006 OFFROAD SERIES" Javier Robles foto-baja-mex i>RAw-t fJ 4 Suu-vAAj f th, 01ZW e;[C~1r1N ci:v. 3: 00 r1M, F'/Zti>Atj llf;~. 12E.cucli?DA IL CONTINGENCY, TECH & REGISTRATION '-'Eax.<'/<?~, . 'Bl FROM 2:00 TO 8:00 PM BA,;.iAA ~ ~ _ START/FINISH AREA (JACUME) . F· fATvlRi>Ag 11--tli-. -& ... ~ 7 Gustavo Pinuelas foto-baja-mex IN MEMORY OF A GREAT FRIEND AND RACE PROMOTER WHO BEGAN THIS UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENCE "FUD" CAR & TRUCK HEAT RACES 1 ST. HEAT: 6:30 AM ~ Z . ,.,,.•.a 4ffpA. AJl'!C\1:A'"!. CAR& TRUCK AWARDS 9:00PM Sv1fJPAg 13tli-. MIC & QUAD HEAT RACES 1ST HEAT AT 8:00 AM AWARDS MIC & QUAD AT3:00PM autopartes * 1~ COIVCO Mexicali cl;;_oab TELyF/0/(M/,,dcoJ FromUSA -----(686) 553-4087 (760) 203-2471 IIFF-HIIAII MADERO 621-A, ZONA CENTRO, MEXICALI 2006 CODE TE CATE OFFROAD SERIES SCHEDULE P.O: BOX 2328, CALEXICO, CA 92232-2328 USA ( ~arreras en la que participan Autos, Motos y Quad ,.., e AUTOPARTES DE OESCUENTO Porfirio Gutierrez (646) 174-3124 (646) 117-0306 Ray Gastelum (664) 647-9222 'I

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volume 23 -Number 8 August 2006 Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors Scott Bottomley J. Preston Bradshaw Jim Culp Mike Del Col Nicole Del Col Steve Hilton Victor Gazca Martin Holmes Rod Koch Byrle Moore Steve Ruddick Maurice Selden Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Sub-scription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes conrributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTI TIMES: (ISSN 87 50-17 32) is published monthly by Hill-side Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copy-right by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the pub-lisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. snapshot of the Month ... First lesson: Whe~ engaged in an off road race you should make every effort to keep the silt and the dust BEHIND YOU! Unknown, to us, racer, circa 1980. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of simUar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES wUI pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8xl0 will be considered. In This Issue ... FEATURES SCORE Baja 500 by Jtuly Smith ................................................................... 8 Acropolis Rally by Martin Holmes ............................................................ 16 Whiplash in Mexico by Mike Del Col .......................................................... 22 CORR At Antigo by] Preston Bradshaw ..................................................... 26 MORE Beard Se~ Shootout by Steve Ruddick ..................................... 30 PDR Desert Rat by Mike Del Col ............................................................. 38 CORR At Crandon by J Preston Bradshaw ................•....•........................ 4 2 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ................................................................................................ 5 Trail Notes ................................................................................................. 6 F.A.I.R. News by Lisa Kennedy ..................................................................... 48 Oregon Rally Group by John Elkin .............................................................. 49 Good Stuff Directory .............................................................................. 5 2 Classified Ads ........................................................................................... 5 8 Index To Advertisers ................................................................................ 59 ON THE COVER Brian Collins and Larry Ragland really conquered the SCORE Baja 500, they took the overall win in their good looking Chevy, seen here flying with ease during the largest entrant 500 ever. Photo by Art Eugenio -Track.side Photo • Troy Herbst and Larry Roeseler drove their Smithbuilt Truggy to the Class 1 win at the Baja 500, seen here at one of the more picturesque spots on the course. Photo by P J Springman - Track.side Photo Visit Our Website at c5ubscr1"he :Jod~ lo DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$25.00 □2 □3 years years -$40.00 -$55.00 (ft9 credit{itthls please) ¥F".n:' .@we . ~14 Q''*N,~W~ RENEWAL Primary Interest Cars D Trucks D Motorcycles 0 Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 913II Canadian - 1 year $30.00 VS ■ Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times August 2006 Page 3 ..

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... I : 3 -f""~jl lh~•:14 oJ -f3 3 ~<i r RACING ASSOCIATION "1rHE LONGEST OFF-ROAD RACE IN THE UNl'l'ED 8TATE8" tsco '1llbe Speclaltlea Com Pre-Fun Run August 12, 13, 2006 Special UTV Class The 10th Anniversary of the "Vegas to Reno" •-1111 Event It's ...... . SPECIAL NEWS!! TVCOVERAGE Race will be televised on The Outdoor Channel August 24, 25, 26, 2006 ~KCHiUTES Official Lights ~~~ RAC6NG ABSOC6ATION ~ Official Truck ~aiwii~ RACING ASSOCIATION GOOO,FEAR Official Tire ~Im-~ RAC6NG ASSOC6ATION t~.Q "Vegas To Reno" Over 600 Miles of Pure Raw Adventure! SP~flN HONDA. Call today to make your reservations! ~~~!oA OFF-ROAD HEADQUARTERS Las Vegas - Suncoast Hotel (877) 636-7111 Reno - Circus Circus (866) 447-7728 For Mo_re Information Contact: Best In The Desert · Offlcla . acing Fuel 3475 Boulder Hwy, Las Vegas NV 89121 ~tm'wn~ f d RACING ASSOCIATION (702} 457-5775 ax:(702) 641-2431 WWW.bit .com Official Suspe~.·~-nj. ~® ~i&f~ D • RACING ASSOCIATION Page 4 August 2006 Dusty Times

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200& Happenings ... NASA USRC & Regional Laughlin, NV December 1-2, 2006 Reno Rally (Coef 2&3) CI..AmTON lb-JACKERS l.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TWP. LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 FAX: (714) 367-1608 CODE OFFROAD CODE OFFRoAD USA P.O. Box 2328 CALEXICO, CA 92231-2328 760-455-8069 USA 10K FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 (AU etients staged at the club grounds in Cbes. Ohio) 4x4 FOREVER, Lrn. 1665 DELAWARE ST. 0sHKOSH, W1 54901 A.MERICAN RAu,y SPORT GROUP, INc. 3650 SoUTH POINTE CIRCLE, SUITE 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521--0597 E MAIL: AMnuCAN TRIALS ASSOCIATION Ak<A OBSERVED TRIALS Southern California CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES BILL MARKUM -PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HOTLINE· (714) 562-7742 E MAIL: <> ASOCIACION EsTATAL DE AuroMOVILISMO SAM l.AsELL, TECH INSPECTOR APTo42 SAN Jose. DEL CAeo BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL SUR. MEXICO AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP DARRYL SMITH 19 SoMERS ST. CASHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTRALIA DUSTY TIMES AurocRoss QUEBEC OFF RoAD CLASS JO CARS ONLY RENALD VAILLANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAVAL QUEBEC, CANADA. H7P 1T7 (450) 622-4440 BAJA CUP CHALLENGE December 9, 2006 Glen Helen Raceway 909-888-69 l 9 BARONA SAND DRAG AssN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 AU Races Are Night Races AU Races At Barona Racewa7, Lakeside, CA BBM MARKETI:NG PROMOTIONS OH Road Short Course Racing & Special Event Marketing 4344 VALLEY VIEW AvE. NORCO, CA 92860 (909) 340-6474 BEST IN THE DESERT 3475 BoULDER HIGHWAY LAs VEGAS, NV 89121 702-457-577 5/FAX: 702-641-2431 August 24-26, 2006 TSCO Vegas To Reno September 22-24, 2006 AVl 150 Quad Race Avi,NV October 13-15, 2006 Las Vegas 300 December 1-3, 2006 Henderson's Terrible 400 Henderson NV B.O.R.E. BONNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING ENnlu>RISES 341 W. 2575 N SUNSET, UT 84015 801-773-1651 September 1-2, 2006 Red Garter 200 Wendover, NV BP MOTORSPORTS P.O. Box 411 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91365 760-578-6258/760-578-6259 FAX: 818-348-4648 E-Mail: AU E~nts At California Cicy, CA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGHTON, ONTARIO, CANADA. KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR CLUB ACJTOMOVIIJSTA/UARENSE DE CHAMPIONSHIP On:-RoAD JlAaNG 7210 GATEWAY EAST Dusty Times EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 011-52-16-17-45-42 CFSAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES <www> August 19, 2006 Gorman Ridge Rally (Coef 3) NASA Regional Frazier Park, CA To Be Announced Nor Cal Rally School Northern CA September 20, 2006 Treeline Rally (Coef 3) Rally America Regional West Covina, CA October 6-7, 2006 Prescott Rally (Coef 2&3) NASA USRC & Regional Precostt, AZ November 10-12, 2006 Laughlin International Rally (Coed 3,3&1) Rally America National & Regional Reno,NV CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box 400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVE ADA.MS (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DoN ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. RICHARD.5 P.O. Box 332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 Short Course off Road Racing At Harrison Count) Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH CWB AUTOMOVIUSTICA SANQu!NTIN CALLE 6TA FRAcc Co. DE SAN QUINTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HERACLIO PATINO (011 52 616-5-22--07) CuJB AUTOMOVIUSTICO SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road ENSENADA, BC, MEXICO USA )AN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) RAMON CAsTRo & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637 /7 0034) CMC CoNTINENTAL MoTOSPORT Cum P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 0l l-52-686-553-4087 MEXICO August 11-13, 2006 ORW Gran Prix Tecate, B.C. October 6-8, 2006 Mexicana Logistics Mexicali 300 Laguna Salada, B.C. DecemberS-10, 2006 Race Ready 275 Ensenada-Mexicali-San Felipe CoLORADOlhLL Cm.m AssoclATioN BARB VAHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box 8286 CoLORAOO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 Happenings continued on page 6 INTRODUCING_ 110 Watts of Power 1160 Channel Alphanumeric I Water Resistant I Mil Spec I Baja 1000 Proven ~s """c..,.r~...,.... ~..,'14./Cii ~ #"'Wllt~ H_I was in Ensenada, and my crew In San Quintin could hear me 150 miles awayl I need these in ALL of my lruckslu ---" ~,_, IP"'JF="LL/E:11~ PROTRUCK WINNER. 2002 TECATE/SCORE BAJA 1000 _The best communication we've In over 15 years of off road racing!" ~~.,...,..~ fiE"T Tl-#IE!: r"~~E>ct T~~........,I Remele Head opHon avalleble. Cell for dekllls. 800.869.5636 562.427.8177 • Fax 562~26.3589 WWW.PCIRACERADIOS.COM 2888 Gundry Ave. • Signal Hill, CA 90755 August 2006 Pages

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Trail Notes ... 00:A -You remember DARPA, don't yoummm Well, those robots oming back again, but this time, instead of being out in the Mojave rt, where there are no obstacles (hah) this year the contest will not be in the open desert, it will be in some yet to be identified city or town. This time the winner will collect a $2 million purse for wending their way up and down streets and alleys and perhaps even into buildings. So, if you want in on the fun, better get to buildin' your entry. The next event will take place on November 3, 2007. We'll feed you more info as it becomes available. CRANDON OPENER -Crandon Raceway has announced the official entry list for the 2006 Potawatomi Chairman's Cup Race, Sunday, June 25 at 4 p.m. With a total race purse of more than $60,000 for the 15-minute "heavy metal challenge dash" between 4x4 and 2-wheel drive pickups, the 13th annual race promises to be explosive. A bevy of veteran CORR drivers and past Chairman's Cup champs will face off against some well-known desert racers driving in high performance, high horsepower, short course race trucks for the first time at Crandon. Past champions Josh Baldwin, Johnny Greaves, Carl Renezeder, Scott Taylor and Curt LeDuc are entered. New hotshots Troy Herbst, Larry Noel and Jerry Whelchel, will have a go. Adrian Cenni returns seeking a Chairman's Cup win. The winner is guaranteed a minimum of $25,000. Noteworthy is the first female driver in the race since 1998. Rhonda Konitzer, Oconto Falls, WI, will be the first woman in the event since Nicole Schuleter took the green eight years ago in the famous red, white and blue Rampage Racing 4x4 rocket. The 2006 Potawatomi Chairman's Cup race will be televised on SPEED Channel later this year. The program is annually one of the highest rated off-road programs, attracting thousands of TV vi=rs. The action will be fast and furious, stay tuned to Dusty Times for a complete rundown on all the classes. POLOOIES - We want to apologize to F.A.l.R and to the Oregon Rally Club as we were unable to print their news in the Dusty Times Club ages. Space is always a consideration and we flat ran out of space, running only the Checkers Wahzoo column. You should know that supposedly this was the last of the Wahzoo columns as Jeff Hibbard is finally hanging up his quill pen. Will there be yet another Wahzoo???? If there is, you'll read about it here in Dusty Times. Again, apologies to the club news we didn't run. BI'ID VEGAS To RENO -Tube Specialties Company returns as Title Sponsor for Vegas to Reno, the Longest Off-Road Race in the United States. Not only is tl1is going to be a big event but it's also the 10th Anniversary for the event. It is over 500 miles from Vegas to Reno and it seems that anyone who runs the race is anxiously awaiting tl1e event in the following year. The race runs on August 24 - 26, 2006 and, if you haven't run it yet, this is the time to get with it! The course this year will cover approximately 600 miles and you 'II see some of the most beautiful country you've ever seen. Registration and Tech at the Sun Coast Hotel & Casino starts at 10am on Thursday, August 24. The race is on Friday, August 25. For more info contact Diane DeLauer at BITD, 702-457-5775 or MORE OFF ROAD CWSURES - Cathedral City, located in tl1e Coachella Valley has a new ordnance. Their city council voted 4-1 to make riding of off road vehicles within the city limits illegal, even on private property. Before the new law it was legal co ride off road vehicles on private property but that is no more. Fines for violating the new law start at $250, $500 for a second offense, $ 7 50 for a third offense and $1,000 for all subsequent offenses. And, did we mention the new law also allows the confiscation of the off road vehicle by the local gendarmes. We're sure the local cops will be anxiously awaiting phone calls from the local Sierra Club members so they can act on their new law. SCORE BAJA I 000 - November 15-18 2006 are the daces and it will be a run down the peninsula from Ensenada to La Paz for the 17m time. SCORE announced that for the first time in its history, the race will run through Loreto for the first time ever. SCORE also announced that the race will again be televised in the U.S. as a one-hour sports special on NBC TV for the third consecutive year. Logistically, the race route has never been able to go through Loreto because there were no existing trails or dirt roads from the original course in Baja California Sur. Through the efforts of the Loreto race organization, whose desire is co make Loreto a major desert-racing destination, a ttail to town and back out again has been developed from Canipole through the Wash and back to San Javier's Mission. The new section of approximately 60 miles, will re-join the previously-used course near the San Javier Mission. Now, racers during pre-running, along with support crews and spectators during the race, will be able co stop and stay in Loreto with easy access to the race course. The Awards Celebration will be held for the first time on the Malecon boardwalk in the heart of La Paz. For more information, contact SCORE at its Los Angeles headquarters (818) 225-8402 or visit the official website of the 2006 SCORE Desert Series at SCORE POINTS -With one class win and three top five finishes, Las Vegas' self-proclaimed 'Ballistic' B.J. Baldwin has launched himself to the top of both the Overall and SCORE Trophy-Truck points after three rounds in the 2006 SCORE Desert Series. His Chevy ttuck is prepped and prepared by Collins Racing, Brian Collins at the helm. Brian and Larry Ragland were the Trophy Truck winner at this year's Baja 500 and was the overall winner as well. Second in Overall points, just one point behind Baldwin are the unlimited Class 1 point leaders: brothers Gary and Mark Weyhrich, Troutdale, Ore. in their Chevy-powered Jimco, while third Overall and second in Class 1 after his second straight class win this season is Las Vegas' Troy Herbst and co-driver Larry Roeseler, Hesperia, Calif., in a Smithbuilt-Ford. Fourtl1 in overall four-wheel vehicle points with 202 is defending SCORE overall and Class 1-2/1600 season point champion Caleb Gaddis, El Centro, Calif., who is leading his class again this year in a Curry-VW. Fifth overall and third in Class l is the team of Richard Boyle, Ridgecrest, Calif/Ron Brant, Oak Hills, Calif., with 198 points in a Jimco-Chevy. Brian Burgess, Riverside, Calif./Dan Folts, Chino, Calif., are sixth overall and second in Class 1-2/1600 with 197 points in a Bunderson-VW while seventh overall with 196 are defending season and current SCORE Lite point leaders Tim Noe/Tom Watson, El Centro, Calif., in a Jimco-VW and just one more point back in eighth overall and fourth in Class l is Randy Wilson, Lakewood, Calif., in another Jimco-Chevy. Fifth in Class l and ninth overall with 193 points is the team of Martin Christensen, Escondido, Calif/Dave Mason, Valley Center, Calif., in a Jimco-BMW. Tied for 10th overall with 191 points each are defending SCORE Trophy-Tmckseason point champ Bob Shepard, Phoenix, who is second so far this year in a Chevy CK1500 and Brian Parkhouse, Page 6 CORP P.O. Box 392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER 0ll-52-65-66-4458 CORR LUCAS OIL SERIFS 270 NEWPORT CENTER DR., SuITY 100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 866-501-CORR August 12-13, 2006 Bark River, Ml Pro & Sportsman September 2-3, 2006 Crandon, WI Pro & Sportsman September 23-24, 2006 Chula Vista, CA Pro Series October 21-22, 2006 Chula Vista, CVA Pro Series CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, SUITE 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA Exr 42 FAX (818) 957-4435 D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE V Nol DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (All evt:nts at Hannigan raa track, Bellingham, WA or Tiwnton Councy ORV Park, Olympia, WA) DAKAR RALLY DARREN SKILTON BAJA AUTOMOTIVE ADVENTURES 455 E. OcEAN BLvo., Sum 208 LoNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590.7925 DF.CATUR FoUR WHEEL DRIVE Cum DECATUR, TI( 76234 ToMA.u.EN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MoTORSPORTS 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CtTY, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 EASTERN OFF-ROAD RACING AssN. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 ENsENADA BAJA OFF RoAD RACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX 0ll-52-646-1818989 Eus10 0ll-52-646-1715230 AARON Races for buggzs & Motorczcks Esn:Ro BEACH INTERNATIONAL Short Course Racing VICTORIA GALINDO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO 0ll-52-646-176-6230 FORDA FLORIDA OFF ROAD DRIVER'S ASSOCTA170N JASON LEIBIN (72 7) 3 76-4176 Mar, Ap,-. Maz, Noo at David.son Raceway FUDPUCKER. RACING TEAM 1855 PARKWAY DRNE S. EL MoNTE, CA 91733 626-44 2-93 20/959-579-6151 FAX GORRA GEORGIA OFF RoAD RACING ASSVCL(170N 420 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA GREAT PLANES OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION TIM HODGE (402) 991-6048 SCOTT MORROW (816) 792-2126 (AU raas au short cour~, stadium scyk Cla.ues . Sportsman, 1/2-1600, 5-1600, Sport Truck, Quads, Tough Truck Nebraska Racewa, Park, Exit 420 on 1-80 between Omaha and Lincoln.) For latest info check <> HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING 2000 w. QUINCY AVENUE #B August 2006 ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 303-806-8062/303-781-0974 fax INTERNATIONAL lcE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDDOR (612) 937-3816/FAX 474-2769 INTER-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 ]EEPSPEED 1826 N. Windes Orange, CA 92869 714-538-7434/ fax 714-633-1724 All races for Jeepspeed 1,2 & 3 Jef_tpeed Challenge ugust 12, 2006 California Night 200 Lucerne Valley, CA September 30, 2006 MDR Lucerne 250 Lucerne Valley, CA December 2, 2006 BITD Terrible's 400 Henderson, NV ieeps';[i: J Series ugust4-26, 2006 BITD Vegas To Reno Nevada October 13-lS, 2006 Las Vegas 300 Las Vegas, NV December 1-3, 2006 Henderson's Terrible 400 Henderson, NV °KAMLooPS BRONCO BUSTERS Whispering Pines Sports & Recreation Center P.O. Box 465 KAMI.OOPS, BC, CANADA VZG5L2 DALE NYESTE (250) 579-8039 TONY (250) 554-97801. Craig Byers (250) 376-8466 LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS & 0FFROAD EXPO (626) 961-3782 <> <> L.I.T.R.E. JEFF ELROD (408) 926-0522 JtMARUTA (408) 247-4402 MAMARRITA OFF ROAD RACING UJIS CARLos AfVAREZO PN-lAMERICANA AVE #5105 Co. JUAREZ, CHtH., MX 011-52-1637-1799 MICHIGAN BUGGY BUUDERS DUNE BUGGY TRADE SHOW (517) 543-7214 <> MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M. T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 JONES ROAD GRAND LEDGE, ML 4883 7 (517) 627-6200 Moron:,ck.s, Quads, ATVs and Pilots onlz MAORA MID-AMERICA OFF ROAD ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 664 GREENUP, IL 624 28 (217) 235-6528 E-MAIL: <> August 12, 2006 Stone City Ranch Bedford, lN August 26, 2006 Soggy Bottom Raceway Greenup, IL September 23, 2006 Stone City Ranch Bedford, IN October 21, 2006 Lincoln Trail Motorsports Park Casey, IL Endurance Points Series August 13, 2006 Stone City Ranch Bedford, lN September 24, 2006 Stone City Ranch Bedford, lN October 22, 2006 Lincoln Trail Motorsports Park Casey, lL MDRRACING 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE SoUTH EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/FAX626-579-6051 2006 CaliJomia Cha?.:ionship Series *August 1~2006 California 200 Lucerne Valley Night Race September 30, 2006 Lucerne 250 Lucerne Valley, CA *Novemberll,2006 Stoddard 250 Barstow, CA • Double Points • Night Raa MOR PRODUCTIONS .ax>6 Superstition Championship Series All Races at Pia.sec Cicy OHV Area October 28, 2006 Superstition 250 December 31, 2006 The Bud Lite Dash 200 • Night Raa M.O.R.E. MOJAVE OFF RoAD RACING F.NrnuSIASTS P.O. Box 1231 BARSTOW, CA 92312 760-253-4453 MOREKARTEK Off Road Gold Cup Series September16,2006 TBA December 2, 2006 Barstow, CA MSBA MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY Assoc:IATION DAVE BARRJIT 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. FUNT, ML 48506 (810) 730.9221 MoTOWF.ST WINTER TRIA1S SERIES Btu. MARl<HAM (909) 860-1857 <> All events at Perris Racewa, (At Reed Valley with a school) NATIONAL MUD RACING ASSN. RT. #l -Box 380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN PALATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFP TRUCK ASSN. BUTCH CHAPIN MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS 1404 EAST 3RD STREET HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NOORA GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAtL <> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Spring Valley Raawa,, on route 518, 20 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) (Thunder Valley located 15 minutes from Spring VaUe,) NoRTIIERN Omo OFF RoAD RACINGASSN. GARYWULFF (724) 283-2678 OFF ROAD EXPO 2006 (626) 599-8622 OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION VOLIJNTEER.fl) SEJUES PRESIDENT • GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP. -1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP. -9 & UNLTD. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OUTI.AWREP. DoNPONDER (314) 631-8190 (All Races at Wheeling in the Countz 900 A=) Omo OFF RoADERS INc. 1427 GOSHEN H1us ROAo S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 JtM KENDEL (216) 339-4674 AU races hdd at Hamson Count, Fairgrounds. Cadit Ohio ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION RICK TtCHBOURNE, Pusuc RELATIONS (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) Oun.Aw SEVEN P1cKUP Dusty Times r

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-, 9269 UMMELMAN October 20, 2006 ST. Louts, MO 63123 TBA GTA (314) 631-8140/FAX: ((314) 631-1921 October 21, 2006 TBA NC PACE MOTOR SPORTS Topeka, KS U.S. OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP October 22, 2006 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE TBA NT AURORA, IL 60504 November 4, 2006 (630) 566-6100 Covered Bridge DT <www> Vermont National Road Rally Events PncEs PEAK August 12, 2006 P.O. Box 6962 Scenic View NC CoLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 Oregon (719) 685-4400 August 13, 2006 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS Beaver Cleaver NC Portland, OR OFF RoAD RACING September 16, 2006 CHATSWORTH, NJ Oktoberally (856) 875-7591 NC PRo 1600 SHOOTOUT September 17, 2006 Badger Trails NT CoREYGolN Trempealeau, WI 559-647-6132 October 20, 2006 GOINRACIN@HOTMAlL.COM Oz Has Spoken NC PRoTRuCK National Office 14402 BoND CoURT Topeka, KS October 21, 2006 EL CAJON, CA 92021 Over The Rainbow NT 619-390-6252 Topeka, KS July 27-29, 2006 October 22, 2006 Las Vegas Terrible's Cup Yellow Brick Road NT /GTA Las Vegas, NV Topeka, KS August 24-26, 2006 November 4, 2006 TSCO Vegas To Reno Covered Bridge DT Nevada NERVT SeptemberS-10, 2006 November 11, 2006 Las Vegas Primm 300 TBANC Primm,NV Old Dominion October 13-1S, 2006 Richmond, VA Las Vegas 300 November 12, 2006 Nevada TBA NC November16-18,2006 Old Dominion Baja 1000 Richmond, VA Baja, California, Mexico NC -National Course December 1-3, 2006 NT -NatiOMI Tour Henderson's Terrible 400 GTA • Game Tour Ad<!<!nture Hendemm,NV PURE ENERGY PROMOTIONS SFX MoToRSPORTS GROUP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE, SUITE 200 P.O. Box 50 AURORA, IL 60504 RICKETTS, IA 51460 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 FAX (712) 679-2221 RALLY AMERICA SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL July 2S-29, 2006 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., SutTE A Maine Forest Rally Rumford,ME CALABASAS, CA 91302 August 2S-26, 2006 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 <www> Ojibwe Forests July 27-29, 2006 Bemidji,MN September 23-24, 2006 *SCORE Las Vegas Terrible's Cup 11 Colorado Cog Las Vegas Motor Speedway Steamboat Springs, CO Las Vegas, NV October 20-21, 2006 September S-10, 2006 Lake Superior SCORE Las Vegas Primm 300 Houghton, MI Primm,NV TBD November 1S-18, 2006 Reno Rally Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 Rrno,NV Baja California to Baja California Sur, Mexico ROCK CRAWLERS AssoclATION OF *Non-f!!!ints J~cial Wa\t AMeuCA SNORE P.O. Box 1406 SOUTHERN NEV ADA OFF RIVERTON, UT 84065 ROAD ENTHuSIASTS (801) 446-5337/FAX: (801) 253-3176 P.O. Box 270516 SAN DIEGO SHORT CoURSE LAs VEG/IS, NV 89127 WINTERNATIONAI.S 702-452-4522 A New Smu fry Snowbird Off Road Racing www.SNORERACING.NET Pro Tnu:ks, Desert Tn«:ks, Buggies, August 4-S, 2006 Pilots, Tough Tnd KC Hilites Midnight Special <www> September 29-0ctober 1, 2006 (858) 571-5088 South Coast SNORE 250 Las Vegas SAN DIEGO OFF RoAD November 10-11, 2006 Exrosm0N Western Desert Championship (888) 836 7918 Laus:hlin, NV (Avi) SCCA RoADR.ALLY SONS OF THUNDER P.O. Box 19400 4WHEELERS TOPEKA, KS 66619 RACE DIVISION 800-770-2055 KEITH STEWART <www> (714) 522-1899 August 12, 2006 SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD Scenic View NC Oregon CHALLENGE August 13, 2006 STEVE RULE Beaver Cleaver NC (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 Portland, OR MIKE MOORE• (224) 272-5400 September 2, 2006 SPEED SPORTS EXPO Appalachian NT Steel Cities MEGA PRODUCTIONS September 3, 2006 3129 S. Hacienda Blvd. #322 Ohnoodo NT Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 Pittsburgh, PA (626) 961-6522 September 4, 2006 Steel Haul NC SCTA September 16, 2006 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING Oktoberally NC ASSOCIATION & BONNEVILLE LOL NATIONALS, INc. September 17, 2006 P.O. Box 10 Badger Trails NT OROS!, CA 9364 7 Trempealeau, WI (559) 528-6279 Dusty Times (559) 528-9749 FAX <www.SCTA-BNI.ors:> SOUTHERN SHORT CoURSE OFF ROAD RACING ASSN. 4305 WooTIARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (AURawat E'a.stbaz Racewaz, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) Lm. P.O. Box 706 November 4-S, 2006 Gila Bend Gila Bend, AZ December 2, 2006 Mexico TOYS FOR TOTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADILLA VALLEY SPORTS CENTER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <www> VORRA VALLEY OFF ROAD RACING AssocIAnoN 920 HtLLCREST STREET PLACERVILLE, CA 95667 530-622-0370 www September 1-4, 2006 Desert Race Hawthorne, NV September JO-October 1, 2006 Short Course Prairie City, CA October 14-1S, 2006 Short Course Prairie City, CA October 2S-29, 2006 Short Course Prairie City, CA November 11, 2006 Drivers Meetins: & Awards Banguet VICENTE GUERRERO OFFRoADCum PROFO. CENOvtO GAMBOA 0ll-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 P.M.) WESTERN OFF RoAD RACING ASSOCIATION LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIAWHEEL To WHEEL OFF RoAD RACING PATRICK McGUIRE P.O. Box 376 Ao.>.MSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WHIPLASH MoTORSPORTS 2325 E. KINGS AVENUE PHOENIX, AZ 85022 (602) 971-3730 <> Wbie_luh Desert Tour Trucks & ~2~ Septe ,2006 Snowflake Heber,AZ November 4-S, 2006 Gila Bend GUaBend,AZ December 2, 2006 Mexico Wh~lash Desert *Bikes/A1V's and ••Mini&PW ** September 2, 2006 Snowflake, Heber, AZ *September 3, 2006 Snowflake, Heber, AZ ** October 7, 2006 TBA *October 8, 2006 TBA ** * November4-S, 2006 Gila Bend Gila Bend, AZ ** * December 2, 2006 Mexico WISCONSIN MOTORSPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTIVAL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 0sHKOSH, WL54901 (414) 688-5509 FIA WoRID RALLY August 2006 Trail Notes ... Bell Gardens, Calif., who is sixth in Class 1 in yet another of the very popular Jimco-Chevy open-wheelers. The only four-wheel vehicle team to start the year with three straight wins are brothers Donald Moss, Sacramento, Calif/Kenneth Moss, Marysville, Calif., who lead Class 3 in their srurdy Ford Bronco. The other 4-wheel vehicle class points leaders with two wins in three races are: brothers Nick Vanderwey/Michael Vanderwey, Phoenix/Larry Vanderwey, Litchfield Park, Ariz., (Class 8, GMCSierra), Gus Vildosola Jr., Mexicali, Mexico/Bryan Freeman, Henderson, Nev. (Protruck, Ford F-150), Eric Fisher, Ensenada, Mexico (Class 9, Garibay-VW) and Eric Solorzano, Tijuana, Mexico (Class 11, VW Sedan). In a rare development, two 4-wheel vehicle classes have ties for first in the standings. In Class 5/1600, co-leaders are Ernesto Arambula, Ensenada, Mexico and Marcos Nunez, Ensenada, Mexico, both in VW Baja Bugs and in Class 7SX, tied on top of the class leaderboard are Noe Sierra, San Bernardino, Calif. and John Holmes, Olivenhain, Calif., with both drivers racing in Ford Rangers. Among the other 4· wheel vehicle class point leaders after three rounds are: Dan Chamlee, Summerland, Calif. (Class 7, Ford Ranger), Mike Homer, Mission Viejo, Calif. (Class 7S, Toyota Tacoma), Bill Gasper, Chino Hills, Calif. (Class 10, Porter-Honda), Terry Henn, Walnut, Calif. (Stock Full, Hummer H2) and George Seeley, Glendale, Calif. (Class 5, VW Baja Bug). HAL FLAG - We -were shocked to hear of the sudden passing of Gene riepentrog, a great race car driver and a dear friend. Gene passed away on J ne 22, 2006, victim of a heart attack. Gene was the 1996 SNORE Class 10 Champion as well as SNORE Driver Of The Year. Gene raced with the Lothringer crew. One of the true "Gentlemen" of the sport, we would spend happy hours sitting around the pits and spinning tales. Gene moved to the "Country" in 2003, a wide spot in the road known as Sandy Valley, about 12 miles west of Goodsprings, a place that was always part of the course on the old SNORE and Walt Lott race venues. Gene will be sorely missed by all who knew him. Via con Dios my friend. OKOHAMA EXPANDS PERFORMANCE TIRE LINE-UP· Yokohama Tire Corporation continues its uncompromising performance with the ntroduction of new tire sizes in the ADVAN Sport, ADVAN S.4., ADVAN S.T., Parada Spec-X and ESlOO lines. According to Jim Mayfield, director of ADVAN Products, "Our commitment to provide the right tire for each of our customers means adding sizes to fit their vehicles. We're providing tires in high-performance and ultra-high- performance grades to fit cars and light trucks with 'uncompromising performance' technology." So far in 2006, Yokohama has added 27 sizes to theADVAN Sport line, 7 sizes to theADVAN S.4. line, and three sizes to the ADVAN S.T. line. For the Parada Spec-X line, 17 new sizes have been introduced while the ES 100 line saw the addition of two more sizes. Check your local Yokohama dealer and see whicl1 of their new tires suits you best. MCMIUIN APPOINTMENT - California Governor Schwarzenegger has appointed Mark McMillin to the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Commission. Mark, a long time off road racer has served as Co-Chairman and CEO of the Corky McMillin Companies, a home building and real estate development company. We wish Mark lots of success in this new venture and hope he continues to pla:, with the rest of us in the dirt. CRANDON CHAIRMAN'S CUP HEAVY METAL CHALLENGE - Sunday, June 2511\ 2006 was the 1311, Annual Chairman's Cup Heavy Metal Challenge. Lots of fast and furious action and quite a few dollars to be earned. Listed here are tl1e final finishing positions and dollars earned as supplied by Crandon International Off-Road Raceway. I.Johnny Greaves, #22, Abrams, WI, PotawatomV BFG Toyota 4x4, Pro 4, 14:59.374, $28,000 plus Miller Electric Welder valued at $1,500* 2. Scott Taylor, #8, Belvidere, IL, Skyjacker/BFG Ford, Pro 2, $9,100* 3. Curt LeDuc, #43, Cherry Valley, CA, Skyjacker /BFG Ford 4x4, Pro 4, $1,200* 4. Jerry WI1elchel, #41, Irvine, CA, Monster Energy/BFG Ford, Pro 2, $2,200** 5. Dan Vanden Heuvel, #77, Appleton, WI, Amsoil/Kumho Chevrolet, Pro 2, $500 6. Troy Herbst, #19, Las Vegas, NV, Terrible Herbst/BFG Chevrolet 4x4, Pro 4, $500** 7. Rick Huseman, #36, Riverside, CA, Fabtech/Toyo Toyota 4x4, Pro 4, $500 8. Todd LeDuc, #3, Cherry Valley, CA, Monarch/Skyjaclcer/foyo Ford, Pro 2, $500 9. Marty Coyne, #5, San Diego, CA, Pro Comp Chevrolet 4x4, Pro 4, $500** 10. Rhonda Konitzer, # 18, Oconto Falls, WI, Baldwin Ford, Pro 2, $500** 11. Ben Wandahscga, #297, Bark River, MI, PotawatomVf oyo Chevrolet, Sportsman 2, $3,000 12. Carl Renezeder, #17, Newport Beach, CA, Lucas Oil/BFG Chevrolet 4x4, Pro 4, $500* 13. Mike Savage, #267, Williamsburg, MI, Kumho Ford, Sportsman 2, $1,800 14. Larry Noel, #88, Glendale, AZ, Nuco Plastering Dodge 4x4, Pro 4, $500** 15. Dave Christoferson, #9, Billings, Mr, Goodyear Chevrolet 4x4 Pro 4, $500 16. Michael Oberg, #80, Eagle River, WI, Amsoil Kumho Chevrolet, Pro 2, $500 17. Dan Baudoux, #217, Hemlock, MI, Cff Ford, Sportsman 2, $500 18. Ross Hoek, #210, Holland, MI, Skyjacker Toyo Ford, Sportsman 2, $500 19. Josh Baldwin, #86, Laguna Beach, CA, Baldwin/BFG Ford 4x4, Pro 4, $500* 20. Kevin Probst, #99, New Lenox, IL, Toyo Chevrolet, Pro 2, $500 21. Chad Hord, # 1, Felch, MI, Lucas Oil/BFG Nissan, Pro 2, $500** 22. Scott Douglas, #7, El Cajon, CA, Amsoil/Kumho Ford 4x4, Pro 4, $500 23. Travis Coyne, #6, San Diego, CA, Pro Comp Chevrolet, Pro 2, $300** (SCRATCHED OR DID NOT ENTER) Adrian Cenn~ # 11, New York, NY, Chevrolet 4x4 Pro 4, $400 Steve McCrossan, #33, Gormley, Ontario, Canada, Chevrolet 4x4 Pro 4, $400 Josh Baldwin, #86, Laguna Beach, CA, Ford Pro 2, $300 Greg Adler, # 10, Manhattan Beach, CA, Ford, Pro 2, $300 Evan Evans, #5, Riverside, CA, Chevrolet, Pro 2, $300 Gordon Zima, #228, Terrysville, CT, Ford, Sportsman 2, $200. Nou: Greaves received overall winner purse, plus Toyota contingency, plus BFGoodrich contingency, plus Miller Electric welder, Taylor received second overall purse, fLISt 2WD purse and BFGoodrich contingency; Whelchel received fourth overall and runner-up 2WD purse. N:ASCAR - It was good to see Brendan Gaughan back on the Podium in his Orleans Dodge truck. A win should be in the very near furure. Hang in therelllllllllllllllll CHAMPIONSlllP XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAvASu Cm, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 ZR. PROMOTIONS RENE MONTANO P.O. Box 2122 Calexico, CA 92231 September 9, 2006 ZR Team Race Motorcycles & Quads September 10, 2006 ZR Poker Run Family Ride November 26, 2006 ZR Gran Prix Carnpeones Motorcycles & Quads Page 7

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By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Brian Collins and Larry Ragland flew their Chevy Trophy Truck to the overall win at the Baja 500, seen here in flight before an appreciative audience. · Ensenada, Mex: I.any Ragland and the long line-up for cars waiting to go Coyote, San Vicente, Erendira, Santo Brian Collins charged to the front of through contingency. The weather was Tomas, Uruapan, T res Hermanos, Ojos the pack in their Chevrolet Trophy warm, the atmosphere festive, and again, and into the fmish. Between El Truck to take the overall win at the big-Ensenada was januned to the ~brows. Rayo and Catarina there was a section gest Baja 500 ever. SCORE'S President, Sal Fish, was ofnewtrail which had never before been The huge entry put 4 38 racers out excited and pleased to have a brief meet-used. The SCORE course layout team on the course, and the Mexican Tour- ing with Mexico's President, and the had hacked and sawed a trail through ism folks estimated that another head of their Federal Tourism Depart- the forest, leaving tree stumps and cut 200,000 lined up to cheer them on. ment,. He presented Mr. Fox with a off branches that looked like nasty traps Ensenada had a couple of busy SCORE jacket, and was delighted to to the pre-runners. There were dire pre-weeks, starring with a visit from their have them tell him that they were very race predictions about traffic jams in President, Vicente Fox, the week before aware of the SCORE races, and what a the area, based on the narrowness of the race. Because of that, there was a big good effect they'd had on tourism in the trail, and the difficulty of climbing display of Mexico's military might in the the area. That effect was certainly ap- over the combination of boulders and lot that usually houses the contingency parent on race week. tree stumps. As it turned out, there were festivities, so the officials found a new The race course was a 424 mile loop lots of traffic jams, but the Pine Forest home for the off roaders. An empty lot starring and ending in Ensenada, and was no harder to get through than any (unpaved) that sometin1es serves as the doing a quick tour through some old other section. site for the cirrus, was pressed into play, familiar place names starting with Ojos The start was at the traditional place: and the divided street heading toward Negros. Then it went on to El Rayo, in front of the beautiful Convention the southbound highway was used for Santa Catarina, Nuevo Junction, the Center, with a quick left tum and a the t~hirt booths, food vendors and Goat Trail, Mike's Sky Ranch, Rancho coupleofblocksleadingtoanotherleft ~ ... ~~ I The Class 1 victory went to Troy Herbst and Larry Roese/er in their Smithbuilt Ford, here showing off all their suspension. and then dropping into the "wash", And Ricky and Mac Randall, who'd which once again, had grandstands for just bought Dale Dondel' s Ford and the spectators, and an entertaining jump the race entry as well, were also out early. to get the juices flowing. The finish line At El Rayo, which was Mile 100, was moved a bit from the baseball dia-Alan Pflueger had the lead in his Chevy, mood that's been its site for the past few with two seconds on Josh Baldwin in a years. It was right next door, at another Ford In third itwas MattScaroni, whose baseball field, a little harder to get to Fordhadbeensmokingrightofthestart, and a bit less roomy, but satisfactory and Brian Collins had his Chevy fourth, nevertheless. Its main drawback seemed and he was driving "slowly". In fifth it to be that once the Ensenada Policia was Rob MacCachren in Gus had cordoned off the roads to prevent Vildosola's Ford, and he was only 40 spectators and traffic from getting in seconds behind the lead truck. thewayofapproachingracers, itwasn't Another 72 miles down the track possible for anyone to get into the ac-and they'd lost Chet Huffman and Rhys tual finish line area. Thus, returning co- Millen and their Chevy, as well as Fran-drivers and chase crews, volunteer finish cisco Cervantes. Now Collins was lead-line workers and even representatives of ing, but he had only five seconds on race sponsoring companies had a diffi- Pflueger, who was three minutes up on cult time getting into the area. Bob Shepard and his Chevy, which was The biggest entry at this event be- having fuel delivery problems. Robby longed to the Trophy Trucks, which Gordon ran fourth in his Chevy, an-made a dazzling pre-race display as 37 of other half minute back, and in fifth it themsatidlingandwaitingforthegreen was Josh Baldwin. B.J. Baldwin, who flag. Mike Voyles was first off the line in was driving with a broken left ankle his Ford, and he was nervous about all (which happened while he was wrestling, those trucks behind him. He was out of which he does to "keep in shape") hit a his misery quickly, because he was the booby trap boulder at Mile 68 and flat-first one out of the race, not even into tened a tire. Ed Herbst got his Ford the second block by the time his truck stuck in an early traffic jam, and Matt quitrunningperrnanendy. Scaroni was having brake problems. Fiveotherswentoutearly, including Kory Scheeler, who'd taken the hood Mike Julson who got his Chevy just to off his Chevy before he'd gone two Mile 100 before radioing that he was blocks, was overheating, and Ed Stout, out of the race. Carl Renezeder and his in Cameron Steele's Ford, hit a rock at Chevy were amongst the early DNFs, as Mile 6 and folded the rim around the were Juan Ibarra and Jeny l.a.rimore. brake caliper. At Mile 40 Mark Miller suddenly found himself in a giant mud puddle that hadn't been there during the pre-run and his Chevy hydroplaned and then slowly rolled over, costing him sev-eral positions. Pete Sohren's Ford had some kind of valve train problem and was running on seven cylinders, and Marty Coyne's Ford had power steer-ing trouble. Darren Hardesty and Mark Randazzo drove their VW powered Alumicraft to the Class 1 o win, seen here in their great looking buggy. Gerardo tribe beat out 28 competitors in ½-1600, he completed the course at a bit more than a 33 mile per hour average. When the parade reached Mile 172, on the highway where the road headed up to Mike's Sky Ranch, the lead be-longed to Collins, with Pflueger still only five seconds behind him. Collins had started 22nd on the road, and later said he'd driven slowly and passed a lot of cars whose drivers had done something dumb. Hesaid, "l'veneverdrivensoslow - maybe this is the pace!" Shepard had moved up to third, packing his fuel ,......--....,-...---.------......--Second place finisher in his Chevy Trophy Truck was Alan Pfleuger. Dale Ebberts and Ernie Castro Jr. were the silver medal winners in Less than 14 minutes in arrears, Caleb Gaddis drove his Curry to he was fess than eight minutes behind the leader at the flag. Class 1, their Jimco Toyota seen here in flight. the second spot in ½-1600, seen here in beautiful flight. Pages August 2006 Dusty Times r

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Don Moss took all the honors in Class 3, he's seen here in his ever good looking Ford Bronco getting airborne. David Bonner and Rob Roy had a great race, they took the Class 5 honors with almost two hours in hand at the checkers. only that, but the flames were quickly spreading into the brush where he'd parked, and since he'd just fueled, there was fuel running out of the overflow. He said, "It scared the -out of me!" With good reason. Form the team heli-copter Gordon saw the fire start, and saw McMillin pull over. They landed and helped put out the flan1es, tied the air cleaner back on and sent him on to a pit where proper repairs could be made. Meanwhile, Ragland had taken over for Collins, and at Cerro Colorado, Mile 285, he had the lead, with a bit over a minute on Pflueger, who was driving solo. Cadiente had come up to third, 13 minutes back, with Josh Baldwin fourth and B.J. Baldwin (no relation) in fifth. Ragland was now the first truck on the road, having finally got past Pflue-ger, no mean feat. The truck was in per-fect shape, and they hadn't even had any flats. Nor did they have any me-manical problems. pumps with ice and keeping his fuel cell as full as p.'.)SSible to avoid that fuel pickup problem. Gordon was fourth, a half minute further back, and Josh Baldwin was fifth. Garron Cadiente, whose Ford had no radio, had a flat and discovered he's lost his jack. Bobby Baldwin was catching up after spending 20 minutes had no pressure. He was running with was a surprise, however, was when his stuck in a traffic jam at Mile 26 and no brakes, and a "steering issue", and air cleaner fell off, landed on the head-Scott McMillin was replacing his Oievy' s was hitting things. ers and caught fire. He looked into his radiator after a seam split Curt LeDuc Coming down out of Mike's Andy rear view mirror and saw flames. had crashed Mark Post's Ford at Mile McMillin, who'd taken over for Gor- Quickly, Andy pulled over to see what 100 and tore up the steering. Then he'd don, was first on the road They'd started could be done. And he discovered that had a flat and discovered his air bottle eighth, sothatwasn'ta big surprise. What the fire extinguisher wouldn't work. Not .,......,......,~~~~=---,-..,------==~==-~~...., Ragland' s drive along the beach was fairly clear, but he said there was just enough fog to slow hinl a little, and he Continued on page 10 George Seeley, who has won five of the last seven Baja 500 races, A second place finish in Class 5-1600 went to Ernesto Arambula and With many lights to help them, David Binns and Jared Teague drove had to settle for a second place in this years race. Octavio Zamora, seen here shortly after the start of the race. their Ford Ranger to second place in Class 7. Dusty Times /~~ o. at Silverado Ranch Blvd. 6-791-7626 An Intimate Gem Adjacent to Bel/aglo, Caesars & Baily's ~ Flamingo & The Strip 1-888-227-2279 ~N'O.COlll The Place Las Vegans call Home"' West Flamingo & Valley View 1-888-402-6278 ~-iatc"-5ino.Q)NI August 2006 Ask About Our Special Headliner Show and Room Packages west Tropk:ana & Arville 1-800•675-3267 ~k.Ulno.oom Ask About Our Room & Golf Packages Alta & Rampart 1-877-677-7111 ~~,l;Qm Page 9

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Nicely airborne, Marco Nunez and Norberto Rivera took the Class 5-1600 win in Baja, seen here digging out of the silt. thought it might be more of a problem for racers coming behind him. He en-joyed the course, calling it "wonderful", and particularly liking that there was room to pass. Ragland and Collins took the victory with about four and a half minutes of Pflueger. Pflueger had also had a clean run. He said he'd had trouble getting around slower traffic. In third itwas Josh Baldwin, about 22 min-utes later. He'd broken a driveshaft near Ojos on the way in and had to make repairs. Then came B.J. Baldwin, who said he'd barely made it in because his Dan and Tom Chamlee let all their suspension hang out as they drive to a very nice Class 7 win at the SCORE Baja 500. transmission was slipping badly. enth, reporting only two flats. David Cadiente was fifth, reporting that his and Matt Scaroni were eighth, saying truck "didn't want to run" after he they'd been too fat on the jetting, and passed through Ojos. David, who finished, said his brake prob. In sixth place it was Shepard, still lems came down to no brakes for the dealing with the fuel pickup problem, final 15 miles or so. Bobby Baldwin was and Ed and Tim Herbst finished sev-ninth,andhe'dspentsometimegetting Chad Ragland, who'd rolled coming down outofMike's, back on his wheels. Gordon and McMillin earned tenth. They were given a ten minute penalty for a "speed violation" early in the day. They were the only team in this class to get that particular penalty, but not the only ones caught speeding bya long shot. It changed their finish position from the original tenth, to 11th, but then the origi-nal ninth place team, Scheeler and Job, were penalized for removing their hood, and bumped to last, so Gordon and McMillin moved back to tenth place. Paul Fish, SCORE's Race Director, said that the speeding violations were for speeds in the range of 60 to 80 miles per hour. No racers were found to have mashed the throttle and bombed down the highway at speeds in the 100 mph range. He thought it seemed more as if they simply misjudged their speed, or got a little carried away for a few mo-ments. ltwas what Fish called, "the first level of speeding". Scheeler, however, broke a technical rule when he removed his hood. That carries a stiffer penalty than going a few miles over the limit, The Streets, Danny and Dan Jr. had a decent race, they took a nice Second spot in Class B went to Juan Carlos Lopez and Fernando de Rick St. John and Dean Bayerle drove their Kit Car to second place second place in the Class 7SX category. las Cabos, they were only six minutes out of the win in their Ford. in SCORE LITE, they were 18 minutes away from the win. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ O _S;_.. • ~t!!!~~ 0 A 0 As the newToyotas come out and make an impression, Skyjacker® is out to impress with the new line of performance suspensions. In ac{dition to the popular 2.5-3" coil-over suspensions for the Toyota Tacoma and ·now the FJ Cruiser, Skyjacker® offers a new full line of fill @ S8000 Performance Struts. These Performance Struts fit the '07 FJ CRUISER, '05;Q6 Toyota Tacoma 4WD & Pre-Runner 2WD, '95.5-'04 Toyota Tacoma 4WD & Pre-Runner 2WD, and '00-'04 Tundra Pickup 4WD with many other applications coming soon. he Skyjacker® Performance Struts S8000 line will include a vast arra of 2.5-3" inch lifts. These performance struts deliver a noticeable advantage in s rerrgth, durability, and performance and by retaining the factory coils the ¾ omfort & cost is well maintained. or an Authorized Skyjacker"tl> Dealer near you call 866.4.A.OEALER ext.5041 or 1sit u·s on-the web at skyjacker.,. Jm Page 10 August 2006 ~~l?c{J~ ~~ ~ ~ Dusty Times

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The silver medal in Pro Truck went to Robbie Pierce and Joey Josh Baldwin was a bit off the winning pace in Baja, he took the third Mark McMillin drove his Jimco Chevy to third place in Class 1, Mark Westhoff, they're seen here digging ditches in their Chevy. spot in the Trophy Truck competition in his Ford. and thus he went from ninth place to years, somehow tipped over on the way got a new alternator. About two miles 20th. down out of Mike's and landed cross-later (before the batteries had charged Ron Whitton, in a Ford, started his wise on the course, blocking things up. up) he hit that mud puddle, which was day byrolling the truck while he was still He became a traffic jam. Once he was by then full of trucks, and he needed to in the wash in Ensenada. He said, at upright again he went on, but after a back up to get out of trouble. But his first he didn't know it was back on its while he felt ill. The team needed a re-car hastobeshutoffbeforehecanshift wheels, but once he figured out that it placement driver, but Chad hadn't into reverse, and once he shut it off it was he kept going. His visor got all dirt- planned to get out of the truck. Billy never would start again. By the time he ied up, so he couldn't see well after that, Goerke, their main chase person, remem-got a jump start, the Class 9 cars were but he got to Valle de Trinidad and bered that he'd seen Danny Anderson coming along, and Jefferies decided it handed the truck over to Jeff Geiser, (another Las Vegas resident) heading was time to pack it in. who brought it to the finish. They had north in a chase truck, so he gave him a Meanwhile, Danny Anderson had almost no body panels left. They'd had call on his cell phone and asked him to his Jimco Chevy in front of the pack at a flat, and found that their jack had fill in for the sick Chad. Danny, know-Mile 99, with a minute on John Herder been smashed in the roll-over, and their ing the history of "Arnold" couldn't pass in his Jimco Chevy. Glenn Harris, in spare tires kept falling off because the it up. He got in at about Mile 256 and Cam Thieriot's RPS Chevy ran third, rack had been damaged also. Theywere drove to the finish. He had to have a and in fourth it was Dale Ebberts in his 11th. In 12th it was Mark Post, with a rear end gear replaced along the way, Jimco T<Y)\'.)ta. Ebbertswasgoingtohave battery sitting between his seat and the but said that the drive "was great." Scott to drive all the way, 'though he hadn't navigator's seat. After their brake and Steinberger was 29th, and finished with pre-run the second half of the course, steering problems, they'd also developed only seven minutes to spare. He'd bro- because his driving partner, Ernie "electrical issues."The 13th truck to fin-ken a rear trailing arm heim at a jump Castro, Jr. had been called home for a ish was Cameron Steele and Ed Stout, at Ojos. He said the truck went side- family emergency. Ronny Wilson ran who'd had a fuel delivery problem and ways. Then he went another mile and fifth in his J imco Chevy. Martin had a hard time keeping it running. Said had to change the trans1nission tail hous- Christensen got his Jimco BMW to Mile Steele, "Some dum dum in the shop ing. Then at Mile 120 he broke another 40 and lost his clutch. Tom Ridings had put dumdum on the carburetor and it side, anct had to use two old tail housing his Jimco Chevy stuck in several traffic got into a jet." In 14th it was Marty and to make one. It lasted to the finish line. jams, Ron Brant got Richard Boyle's Travis Coyne, Ford, who'd lost about He reported being caught in three traf-new HMS Chevy stuck in the silt, Gary 45 minutes with that power steering ficjams,oneofwhich,atMile60,cost WeyhrichhadhisJimcoChevyt-boned trouble. Then Travis had run into so him an hour. Scott McMillin finished near Ojos, and that broke his steering much fog (Ragland' s prediction had also, after replacing his radiator, but he rack, and the spare was out on the beach come to be) along the beach that he'd wasovertin1ebyabout 15 minutes.And section. Weyhrich used up five hours flipped up his shield and then had got Jerry Zaiden, in a Ford, also finished getting moving again. dust in his eyes, and was having a terrible late, about an hour and a half over the Once they struggled through the early time seeing. time limit. silt, mud and booby traps, the lead at Miller and Ryan Arciero were 15th. Frank Thing, Enrique Legaspy and Mile 172 belonged to Larry Roeseler in After his slow roll in the mud, Miller Chris Robinson had all fallen out be-the Herbst Smithbuilt Ford powered had gone on in catch-up mode, and fore Mile 285. So did Mike Jakobson, Truggy. It was possibly the only Ford then he started to lose his brakes. At who'd rolled his truck in testing on the running in the class. Herderwassecond, Mile 240, coming down out of the Estero Beach short course the day be-only two seconds behind him, and mountains, he barrel-rolled five times. fore the race. And the Hummer Tro- Anderson was third, another 11 seconds Arciero took it to the finish, and it was phy Truck driven by Bob and Robby back. In fuurth it was Kash Vessels in his stuck in gear for a while. Luis Wallace Gordon (Bob had started in it, while Alpha Chevy, and fifth belonged to Pat was 16th in his Ford. He had Enrique Robby started in the number 83 Chevy) Dean and B.J. Richardson, in a Bunder-Bujanda drive the beach section, while was out in that section. Also out was the son Chevy. They'd decided to can1paign he rested. They reported some "stucks" new team of Roger Nonnan and Jerry only one car and share the driving. Only that cost them a couple of hours. TI1is Whelchel, who started, in a truck that one more car, Todd Romano's Chevy team got a penalty for speeding that used to be Rob MacCachren's. Vildo- Tatum, had dropped out. bumped them to 17th place. In 16th it solaandMacCachrenbrokesomewhere Arriving at Cerro Colorado, with was Pete Sohren and his three seater betweenMile285andthefinishline. TroyHerbstatthewheelnow,theTruggy Ford.JackBunchhelpedwiththedriv- Classlhadnearlyasmanyentriesas led by 12 minutes. Brian Ewalt and ing, and he got off the road at about the Trophy Trucks did, with 36 starters. Mark McMillin had moved their Jimco Mile 245, and somehow ended up in a Five of them bombed out in the early Chevy up to second place and Ebberts storm drain. He couldn't find a way to part of the day, including Jarrett Lem-was now third, running in territory he get back up on the road, until finally, a ley, John Harrah, Erick Murillo, Josh hadn't pre-run. Buddy Feldkamp had Herbst pit crew moved a big boulder Rigsby and Darnen Jefferies. Jefferies had handed over to his dad, Bud, who had and got him access. alternator trouble before he got out of his orthopedist riding with him, and ChadRagland,drivingthevenerable Ensenada, but kept moving toward they had their Penhall Chevy in fifth Chevrolet nan1ed "Arnold", with which Ojos. He had some trouble with the traf-place. Five more cars dropped out in his dad picked up some wins in past fie jam, but got to his crew at Ojos and this section, including Dean and .(' was less than two minutes out of the second spot. Richardson, who'd been fifth. ninth in their Penhall Chevy after losing When they headed up the beach analternator,beingstuckintrafficjarns theydiscoveredheavyfogandheavydust and being stuck in a tree for an hour The combination was deadly, and many and a half. Lee Patten was tenth in his opened their visors, which they couldn't Penhall Chevy, about an hour and 20 get clean, only to end up with eyes swol-minutes later. Jen nearly shut from the dust. Herbst When Glenn Harris finished his sec-stayed in front, even though he "lost" tion he handed off to Malcolm Smith, his shifting near Erendira. He said he the driver on the team most familiar "limped it in from there, if you can be-with the roads around Mike's. <That's lieve that!" It was hard getting the right because he leads bike tours through gear. He went on tosaythattheywere there on a regular basis.) Unhappily, "lucky to be here -really lucky." They they gave him the car with a broken were 14 minutes in front of Ebberts who starter. When he got to the area where finished second Ebberts said he found Ragland was still lying on his side and it very challenging and a lot of fun. His traffic was backed up, he tried a differ-computer igniter had gone bad and had ent way around, stalled the car, and of to be changed, and he'd had a flat and course, had no starter. He was there a his headlock bolts broke. He'd started long time, and eventually, started hiking to get carsick coming out ofMike's when uphill, back towards Mike's. Whilewalk-his anti-carsick medication had worn ing he can1e upon a chase crew for a off, and then down near Santo Tomas defunct car, coming down out of the he'd gone off an embankment, and had hills, and when he told them what he to back down and spin around to get needed, they had a starter to give him. back on the road. He was only two min- Once repaired he went on, handing the utes in front of Ewalt and McMillin who car off to Thieriot, who brought it home reported that their ignition had been in 11th place. In 12th it was Eric cutting out. The Feldkamps finished Hamman in his Baja Shop Chevy. fourth, 20 minutes later. Bud said he Vincent DeJongwas 13th and recipient loved the course, and that it had been of a ten minute speed violation penalty, dusty all day. He also reported that a while Christensen and Mason managed chorus line of about six women had a 14th place finish once they'd replaced flashed them as they went by on the their dutch. In 15thitwasJosephMyers beach, and, according to his passenger/ in his new HMS, and Ronnyand Randy doctor, he'd nearly run off the course Wilson were 16th. Ronny had hit a rock at the sight. In fifth place it was Ridings at Mile 113, one of the few to come to and Brian Parkhouse who'd lost one griefbetweenRayoandSantaCatarina. alternator belt and had one flat. They He tore up his front end and needed were another 40 minutes back. replacement parts. Somehow ($$$) he In sixth place it was Brant and Boyle, made friends with a local rancher, who and Richard got lost for a long time showed him a way to cut through his coming to the finish from Ojos. He was property to the point where the car was the first of a long line of racers to report broken, so when the crew finally got to being lost in there. But they were happy the area they were able to get to the car with a good finish for a brand new car. without too much trouble. It was still a Seventh went to Harley Letner and Cory major project. Ultimatelytheywent on, Halopoffin their Tatum Chevy. l.etner'd then Ronny's brother, Randy, took over been among a dozen cars stuck in a silt for the drive to the finish. The Weyhrich bed after Ojos. He said they had to pull brothers, Gary and Mark, were 17th each other out. After that, he said, the after the long repair job near Ojos, and Pine Forest section was a "cake walk." then a slight misadventure when Mark Halopoff reported being lost for a half got stuck in the Simpson's river cross-hour in the section after Ojos. They were ing. They were the final finishers in the about 45 minutes ahead ofeighth place. class, 23 minutes before the cutoff time. Tiiatwas Kash Vessels, who'd dropped Bill Robertson, Stuart Chase and Glen from fourth when he lost the pulley bear-Rolfe, in a Penhall Chevy, actually got ing for the tensioner for the belt AMexi- to the finish line, but were overtime by can pickup towed him 20 miles to a pit about 35 minutes. They'd been stuck in to get a new part. He finished about a bottlenecks, had the engine quit, and half hour in front of Jamie Canipbell sparks coming out from under their and George Rosenbaum, who were Continued on a 1 12 Only 28 seconds out of second place, Max Hanberg and Bernie Carr James Tedford and Steve Landis were the third place finishers in the Will Higman lands hard in his Kreger-Honda, Will finished third in the drove their Lothringer to the bronze medal in ½-1600 in Baja. Class 5-1600 class. Class 1 O contest, 11 minutes away from the silver medal. Dusty Times August 2006 Page 11

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Vic Bruckmann and Rod Smith had a decent race, they finished third Joe Bednar and George Peters picked up the bronze medat..Jn BJ Baldwin did pretty well, he finished fourth in Trophy Truck, he in SCORE UTE, seen here in nice level flight. Pro Truck, they are seen here flying their Chevrolet on the course. raced with a broken ankle and suffered a booby trap hit in his Chevy. dash. It was 4:35 a.m. Sunday when back, followed by Dave Gasper in his rock. He'd tried to go around a Class win. They'd had to add oil for the last have been expected to make a good they got back to Ensenada. Porter Honda, just 11 seconds back, 1 car, and there it was. He lost at least 100 miles, but that didn't take the glow showing on a good day. Kupiec got only The Class 10 cars went off the line and then Mark and C.J. Hutchuins 20 minutes. While he stood there sadly off of Hardesty' s first Baja win. He'd to about Mile 24 before losing all oil next, with 30 starters. The race was a were fifth, in another Kreger Honda. studying his problem, Hardesty came pre-run with his dad, Earl Hardesty pressure. Short day. At Mile 99 the hard one for them, and only seven got Yee held onto his lead through Mile along, and Yee politely waved him and Howard Hughes. Long time race lead belonged to Juan Lopez in a low-back to Ensenada within the time limit 172, where he had eight minutes on around the rock so he wouldn't get fans will recognize that Hardesty and slung, wildly de-cambered Ford. Larry Six of them disappeared in the first Randazzo and Hardesty. They'd had a stuck also. Higman moved up to sec-Hugheswereoneofthe best teams run- Vanderwey had his GMC in second, lOOmiles, including Mark Weger in his looseplugwireanddidabout20miles ond, and he was now 45 minutes off ningin the limited classes back in the 31 seconds behind him, and Dave Honda RPS. He tried to pass another on three cylinders before they got it the pace after being stuck in Ragland's early eighties. Darren said he and Raimonde was third another ten min-racer, hit a big rock and tore up a tie fixed. lnthirditwasstillHigman, who's traffic jam. The Gasper car was third, Randazzo benefited hugely from their ures back in a Chevy. Noah Ostanik rod, then was stuck for a while. Then discovered a new energy drink, full of with Bill, who's recovering from a ma-advice and know-how. In second it was was fourth, about an hour and a half at Mile 60 he was in one of those traffic vitamins and minerals, and he was con- jor accident that smashed a bunch of Yee, who said , "I made one mistake off the pace. jams on a hill and burned up his clutch suming that to keep his energy level up. his fingers, at the wheel He' cl also been and it killed me!" Third went to At Mile 172, the beginning of the trying to get over it. That was the end The Hutchins car was up to fourth, stuck, and he'd lost his power steering Higman, still feeling pleased about his road up to Mike's, Lopez still led, with of his day. and Gasper was fifth. A couple more belt and did 40 miles with no power energy drink. He ran through the fog only 37 seconds on the Vanderwey But at the front of the group, had dropped out, including Andy steering, and that not-completely- andgatheringdarlcnessfromthebeach truck. Vanderweyhadbeenstuckina Lobsam Yee was looking very good in Grider, one of our best bike racers, healed hand. Yee had dropped to to Ojos with no lights, and then got a couple of jams by then. Raimonde was his Jimco Honda, running way up in who's recently recovered from bones fourth, and John Cooley and Dave new alternator at his pit. He was 11 third, an hour down by that point, the overall standings. At Mile 99 he broken in Dakar. He'd been driving a Richardson were fifth now in their VW minutes behind Yee and six minutes in and Ostanik was still coming, but still had five minutes on Mark Randazzo in Honda Tatum, but hadn't had much powered AlumiCraft. The Hutchins front of the Gaspers who finished late. Darren Hardesty's VW powered testorpracticetime. car had lost about three hours, and fourth.BillGasperhadnotgottopre- Going through the water before Alu mi Craft. Will Higman, in a Kreger When they got to Mile 285, Hard- then didn't get to the finish. run, so he wasn't happy that his G PS Mike's Lopez got his ignition wet, the Honda, was third, about four minutes estywas leading and Yee was stuck on a Hardesty and Randazzo took the had failed him. In fifth it was Cooley truck stalled and he lost about ten min-and Richardson, another 23 minutes utes. Vanderwey, brother Nick now back, and followed in by Javier Robles, driving, went into the lead. At Colo-who drove all the way and had only rado he had about three minutes on two flat tires, and no other trouble. Lopez. Raimonde was still third, and His trouble came after the finish, when now about two hours down, while he was given a 15 minute penalty for a Ostanik had disappeared. speed violation. Alex Crostwaithe, in a The Vanderweys went on to take Honda Jimco, was the final finisher, in the win, their fifth Baja 500 victory. 'ew IP'raducts New IP'raducts NBW' IP'radul. seventh place. They said they loved the course and 111e Class 8 trucks went off the line tl1at except for a couple of traffic jams 3DDMH34 CVSTAH1S NO MORE Spline Wear! Stronger Core! 50% Stronger! 6. 5• & 8. 5" Sizes Built-In Starter & Ballast -----Die-Cast Aluminum Hous, 35 Watt H.I.D. Bulb Driving/Euro Beam Pattern Knurled Adjustment Knobs Page 12 K Ii DDT II WIIBBIS Beadlock Black I Blue Colors Red/ Polished Size ao Cenrer Mounr Hub Klr II Sliding Axles Available for Plunging + NonPlung. CV's wl CNC or Brembo Calipers Ultimate Strength 300M Size 30 Center Star gAxles nPlungin Size 30 4CV' August 2006 next, with eight starters. Four of them nothing had gone wrong. Lopez was went out before Mile 99 including only five and a half minutes behind Todd Wyllie, Curt Geer, Lowell Arnold them in second place. Raimonde fin-and Kurtis Kupiec, all of whom would ished third, still two hours down, in John Holmes and Marl< Landersman, aka the siltmakers went on to take the Class 7X win, seen here in the deep stuff. The Vanderweys, Nick, Mike and Larry took the Class 8 win in Baja, seen here in their GMC Sierra coming out of a hole. Dusty Times

Page 13

Buddy Feldkamp and his dad shared the driving chores, they finished fourth in Class 1 in their Penhall Chevy. Sammy Ehrenberg and LJ Kennedy had some problems, they finished Billy Gasper and Eric Stewart finished fourth in Class 10, in spite of a fourth in 1600 in their good looking Jimco. GPS failure, seen here in their fantastic looking Porter Honda. third place, and he was the last finisher. The Protrudes went off the line next, with 15 starters. All but one of them got the first 99 miles done. That one was Tom Koch, who lost his Ford's motor at Mile 6. He was or happy. At the front of the pack the lead belonged to Tavo Vildosola, in his Toyota, with about three minutes on Charlie McDowell in a Ford. McDowell hadn't pre-run, but said he seems to do better when he doesn't. In third it was Rich Voss in a Ford, having some carbure-tor problems, but only seconds behind second place. Al Hogan was fourth in another Ford, another 30 seconds fur-ther back, and Joe Bednar, in a Chevy, was fifth, another minute and a half or so further back. This class is typi-cally close like that, making for some very exciting racing. When they gotto Mile 172 it was still Vildosola, and he had four min-utes on McDowell. Voss was third, Bednar had moved up to fourth after having a flat on the highway. He was astounded to discover just how quickly the Mexican spectators would rush to the aid of an incapacitated racer. He said there were four locals under the m1ck working to change that tire be-fore he knew what had happened. Chris Lucas ran fifth now in his ford as Hogan lost about six hours with some catastrophe. Rob Kittleson, in a Ford, had OPS problems and lost his skidpan. Gary Magness, another Ford, was leaking oil from the rear end, but man were fifth. Bryan got into a rut followed by Ken Stroud, Jimco, an- Brabant's car, and Rick St. John, who everyoneelsewasprettymuchmotor-outside of Uruapan and broke a other minute and 28 seconds later. tookoverforBayerle,wasfourrh.Ken ing along. balljoint, and after that was repaired Behind him it was Cameron Steele's Stroud, who was soloing, ran fifth. He'd McDowell had taken over the lead they "didn't push the issue" and just Desert Assassin, withAaron Hawley at come upon Noe hanging off the edge by Mile 285, and Rob Reinertson and concentrated on getting to the finish. the wheel, about 30 seconds further at Mile 266, and another stuck car RickJohnsonweresecondintheir Ford, Jaines Wasson, in a Chevy, was sixth, back. Cameron was attempting his nearby. In trying to go around he'd after being stuck in the Ragland traffic Lucas was seventh, and Magness was three-way wonder again this race. He got stuck. He'd had to wait a while for jam at Mile 206. Bednar, and his co-eighth but was bumped to ninth with a had started the morning on a Class 22 some locals to pull Noe and the other driver, George Peters, were now third, big penalty for "multiple speed viola- bike. He got off the bike at Ojos and car out of the way, and then unstick and Robby Pierce and Bill Varnes were tions". That put J .R. Stanley up into rode another bike back to the start/ him, so he could get going again. When fourth in their Chevy. Lucas was fifth. eighth, and Rick Johnson and Tony finish area (a death defying move if they did, he took off and promptly got Voss was having air filter problems in Vanillo were tenth in their Tc,-,ota, only there ever was one), where he got into stuck in the next rut. addition to his carb troubles, and the 12 minutes ahead of the cutoff time. his Trophy Truck, which was the 25th Watson got stuck in a rut after truck didn't run fora while. Vildosola Kittleson got to the finish, butwas42 to start. He planned to stick with the Uruapan, in a place where a lot of rolled his truck at Mile 240, into some minutes overtime,. Trophy Truck to the finish, then go trucks, including a bunch of Protrucks, rocks. He said there was a lotof"bro- The SCORE Utecarsseemedtogo back out to Ojos and wait for the were stuck. RickJohnson, the ultimate ken stuff". Once he got back on his on forever. There were 32 of them, SCORE Lite car to come along, and Protruckclasswinner,pulledhimout. wheels he headed to a pit for some weld-and lots of potential winners in the line-drive it to the finish. He'd attempted And he went on to the finish, but got ing, losing two hours all told. Kittleson up. Seven of them fell out before Mile the same trick at San Felipe, but the very lost in the final section, which had lost his lights, had brake problem.5 and 99, and one of those, Matt Cullen's Trophy Truck had problems and the him agitated. Still, he was 18 minutes spent a couple of hours digging out of Neth, crashed hard. Matias Arjona was SCORE Lite dnf' din that try. to the good, and it was St. John and at the wheel at the tin1e, and the car hit They lost another five cars in the Bayerle in second place, reporting no a rock and stopped. His passenger, Ray next 72 miles, including Batulis. Bayerle mechanical problems, just traffic jams. Bayley, had an extremely painful in-had the lead now, with three minutes In third it was Vic Brockmann and jury to his back, and at first it was onBrabant,whowasjustaboutthree RodneySmithwho'dhadanepicday. thought it was broken. He was airlifted minutes in front of Rich Roberts in his At Mile 135 (in the neighborhood of to Scripps, where they checked him over Chenowth. Red Burgin was fourth, Santa Catarina) he'd been knocked off and said it was soft tissue damage, and and Hawley ran fifth. an embankment, and had become some.mess. The McDowell curse held. He dis-appeared in the next section and Reinertscm and Johnson went into the lead. Johnson said he lost time waiting for people in front of him to get unstuck. He even unstuck some him-self. And then went on to take the win. Pierce and Varnes somehow missed all the fun, reporting a clean race and no problems, and took second, about 25 minutes later. In third it was Bednar and Peters, another hour back, and just under a minute in front of Jason and Rich Voss who were fourth. Vil-dosola and his co-driver, Bryan Free-released him after a few hours. He's Another five cars bombed out in stuck on a rock. To his amazement, a recovering slowly at this writing. the next section, including the fourth couple of cowboys showed up on horse-At the front of the pack it was Jake place Burgin. Tom Watson got into his back and pulled him off the rock (for Batulis leading in his Prep by Jake, with Jimco, taking over for Tim Noe, and a small remuneration) and got him go-three minutes on Dean Bayerle in a he went into the lead with two minutes ing again. KIT car. In third it was Craig Brabant on Steele's car, in the hands of Cody Fourth place went to Brabant and in a Dunrite, only nine seconds back, Stuart. In third it was Regie Dunlap in Continued on page 14 TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING INC. SNORE 1999 Transaxle Builder Of 1'he Year congratulations 2DD&. Battle At Primm Short course Eric Fisher was the only survivor in the Class 9 contest in Baja, he's seen here nicely in flight during the grueling race. The Noe/Watson/Clarke trio had a great race, they took the SCORE LITE class win, they're seen here saving some tire wear. Dusty Times Tim Lindsey 1st In Class -1st overall Jim Temple 3rd In Class 1 Johnny Burns 3rd In Class 9 TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING JEFF nELD 9763VARIEL AVENUE CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818-998-2739 August 2006 Page 13

Page 14

Terry and Eric Henn had a long day, almost 17 hours, but they took the Stock Full honors, seen here before takeoff. In the Stock Mini Class it was Rod Hall and Larry Webster taking the gold medal, seen here in their we/I lighted Hummer. Burgess was second in his Bunderson, fifth, about five minutes later. In sixth with Mario Gastelum in third Craig it was Sammy Ehrenberg in his Jimco, Forrest, Mirage, in fourth place, and and Brian Burgess and Daniel Folts Bernie Carr, in a Lothringer, in fifth were seventh, reportingthatahubhad place. come loose, they'd had no brakes, and Pfankuch stayed out in front, and the fog and dust were a big problem. was having no problems. At Mile 17 2 In eighth place it was David Caspino he had 35 minutes on second place and Rick Boyer, who'd been stuck in Gerardo Iribe in a Curry. Iribe had an early traffic jam, broken a throttle been stuck at that Mile 55 traffic jam. cable, and couldn't see on the beach. In third it was Forrest, who'd run out Ninth went to Carlos Escobedo in a of gas at Mile 140. He'd put the new Fraley. In tenth it was Rogerio dual port heads on his car, and was Ampudia and Arnold Ramirez. "way off' in his estimate of fuel mile-Ramirez is an ATV racer who was driv-age. Arturo Velazco was 'fourth in his ing a car for the first time, and he de-Porter, and Eric Duran had his Neth clared himself"hooked". They lost their in fifth place. Gastelum had dropped power steering twice, went into a ditch out, and so had Alberto Medina. But and had a Protruck pull them out. In there were still 26 cars running. 11th it was Max Thieriot (son of Cam) The Pro Truck win went to Rob Reinertson and Rick Johnson, they took the win Upto Mike's and back down again, andAlexSmith(sonofMalcohn), ina in their Fofd by half an hour at the checkers. Pfankuch held onto his lead, and when Porter. Alex had got into a mess com-Dunlap, who was upset because the had "light issues". Stroud, who finished he reached Colorado, on the Pacific ing down out of Mike's when he went car' d been hit from the rear, the ex-11th, said it was "a good race". Ruben side of the course, he was still leading, to pass a stuck buggy and fell off the haust smashed shut, and it would Gutierrez was 12th and David and by then he was ahead of all but embankment, turning upside down in hardly run. In fifth it was Stan Potter Callaway finished 13th. Mitch and three of the SCORE Lite cars, and on the process. His dad happened by in and ·oan Worl~y. in a J imco. They' cf Brent Mitchell, Ernie Castro, Sr., and the same minute with a couple of those. time to see him in thefix. A chase truck lost a tie rod end belt, and had to do Jon Kennedy (who drove with a cast His car was giving him no problems, or pit person was nearby and helped some welding, and they'd also had two on his broken ankle), were the 14th and he stopped to put his light baron. him get right side up and back on the flats. Worley, who finished, said he was finishers, but they were overtime by · The Velazco car had moved up to sec-trail. In 12th it was Daniel McMillin slowed down to first gear in the fog about a half hour. ondandSteveCruzwasgoingtogetin and Chris Cortez in their Jimco. along the coast. Sixth went to Matt The 1/2-1600 cars went off the line to drive the beach. Iribe was third, They'd been caught in a couple ofbottle Drever and Jim Vick who'd had flats next, with 29 starters. All but one of Daniel Lopez's co-driver, MisaelAram- necks, had two flats and had dropped and broken front suspension parts, them made it through the 99 mile mark, hula, ran fourth in his Curry, and Max into a couple of holes in the pine for-and had been stuck once. They'd spent with Adam Pfankuch, ina KIT car, in Handberg had taken over for Carr. est. Craig Forrest, who'd been up to an hour waiting for a stuck Protruck the lead by 20 minutes. He had started Pfankuch got out onto the beach, third, fell off a cliff at Mile 246 and to get unstuck. They said the fog along seventh in the class and was not only and decided to heed the advice of his had to be rescued. He finished 13th. the coast was "scary". the first 1600 on the road by Mile 99, crew, who'd told him he could cool it. Bill Lawrence, who reportedly rolled In seventh place itwasSteele, Haw-b.utitwasa 20 minutewaitforthenext And then he lost his clutch. He was his car, was 14th, and in 15thitwas Ed ley and Stuart Steele had driven the 1600 to come along. He was in the done. Iribe went smoothly ori. down Bonanni, Alan Hansoch, and Jim final lOOyards,justenough to make it midst of the SCORE Lites when he the road, his only problem a tossed Coates. They'd been stuck at Mile 55, legal, so he got his three-class-finish ac-went through Check 1. He'd been power steering belt, and went on to and somewhere along the way their complished. They'd been second, but stopped for a while at a traffic jan1 on take the win. He was 14 minutes in front light bar started to fall apart, so it was had lost four or five alternator belts a hill at about Mile 55, but found his of Caleb Gaddis, who'd been taking it duct taped in place. They said they'd on the beach. Steele's original plan, to way up, only to be stopped near the easy because he was running with his been lost coming in to the finish. Broth-go back to Ojos to wait for the 12 car top by a careless and not very bright backup transmission instead of his race ers Carlos and Alfredo Bernaldez were had been scrapped because traffic was spectator who walked out in front of tranny which had gone belly up on racing for the first time. Even their pit so bad he was afraid that he'd miss it. him. Some friendlier folk gave him a Friday. He may not have been taking it crew were first timers. Coming down As it happened, it was so late he helpful push, and he cleared the top, quite easy enough, since he rolled his outofMike's one of the brothers came wouldn't have, but he didn't want to only to get a bit heavy footed a little car over early in the day and had to upon a traffic jam, and he pulled off tempt fate. Mike Halliday was eighth in further down the road, and roll the flip it back onto its wheels. Handberg to the right, up on an embankment, so his Porter and Rich Roberts and Rob car over. Lee Patten's co-driver came and Carr, who'd had just one flat, were his right side was considerably higher Martenson finished ninth in their Che- by about then, and took the rime to lost for a while about 12 miles before than his left. As he waited for things to nowth. They'd lost some brakes and pull him back up on his wheels. the finish, but got there in rime to take clear a belated TrophyTruckcame up had to pinch off a line. Greg and Brent Pfankuch had to replace oil, and also third place. In fourth it was Lopez and behind him and decided to go by. The Gustin, who finished tenth, in a Pen-stopped to borrow fuel from the Rivi-Arambula, who'd also rolled over. brothers said there wasn't enough hall, also lost brakes, the fronts. They era crew, because he thought he's lost They'd been stuck in a deep hole also, room. The Trophy Truck made room pinched off a line at Mile 208. They some, and was still 20 minutes to the andhadflattenedonetire.Arturoand by running over the Bernaldez's car. also lost their GPS at Mile 220, and good when he got to Mile 99. Brian Abel Velazco and Steve Cruz finished Literally-rightupontotheroof, crum--=-----,----------~---------.,,,-~-----~=~-, piing it badly in the process. They were 16th. Brent Parkhouse, Jeff Altes and Scott Burch co-drove Parkhouse's Mi-rage, and all three were stuck at one time or another. When Burch got stuck, he was rescued by a couple of cowboys on horses, who pulled him out. TI1ey were 17th. Last was Rick Battey, in a Jimco, who used up 17 hours and 19 minutes to get the 424 miles completed. The Class 7 cars took off next with five entries. Four of them got to Mile 99, but Scott Hewitt was out early. David Bonner led at that point, with Luivan Volker in second place, only 30 seconds behind him. In third place it was George Seeley, about five minutes back. Seeley was driving solo for the first time in Baja, because his long-time co-driver, Bruce Anderson was still re-covering from a badly broken ann. Kevin Carr was already having prob-lems, and had lost about two and a half hours before getting to Mile 99. As they went through Mile 172 the lead still belonged to Bonner, and Volker had lost about three hours. Seeley was now second, about 40 min-utes back and had been stuck in a couple of traffic jams. Bonner handed the car over to Drew Belk, who contin-ued the trouble-free run, dealing only with traffic jams, and no mechanical troubles at all. At Mile 285 they had a lead of over an hour. Seeley was still second, and Carr was still moving, but now about four hours off the pace. Bonner and Belk went on trouble free, to take the win. Seeley, who said he was in dust all day, finished second, just two hours down. The others didn't make it to the finish. Class 7 went off the line next with nine starters. At Mile 99 the lead be-longed to Alex Almaraza, who had about eight minutes on Victor Her-rera, Sr., in a Ford. In third place it was Scott Brady, in another Ford, an-other six minutes back. Two teams failed to make it that far. Almaraza continued to lead through Mile 173, where he had a 20 minute lead over Dan Chamlee who was driving the whole distance in his Ford. He'd been stuck three times in the first 40 miles, including once in the giant mud puddle at Ojos Negros. Now Ryan McCoskey and David Binns ran third, also in a Ford, but they were an hour back after tie rod and steering ram problems. Chad McNeil had dropped out Chamlee moved along steadily, and led by two hours when he got to Mile 285. Now Binns and McCoskey had come up to second, as Herrera, Sr. got stuck in the river near Santa Catarina and lost some time, and then Victor, Jr. had heim joint problems that cost three hours. Almaraza disappeared after Mile 172, and Brady lost about five hours with some disaster. Joshua Lynn, Ford, the only other one run-ning, was also having time consuming difficulties. Chamlee went on to take the win, getting lost between Ojos and the fin-ish, but taking first place by a margin The Brabant/Dunlap Dunrite crew had a decent race, they finished Jason and Rich Voss drove their great looking Ford to a fourth place Fifth finisher in Trophy Truck was Garron Cadiente, he's seen here fourth in SCORE LITE, seen here early on. finish in Pro Truck, they were 35 seconds out of third place. flying his good looking Ford. Page 14 August 2006 Dusty Times

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1 The absolutely great looking Jimco Chevy of Brian Parkhouse and The ·really neat looking car of Brian Burgess and Dan Folts, a John Cooley and Dave Richardson had a decent race, they took fifth Bunderson FatvW finished fifth in the large 1600 class race. place in Class 1 0 in their VW powered Alumicraft. Tom Ridings finished fifth in Class 1. of two and a half hours. Binns and McCoskeywere second, followed in by the Herreras, who turned out to be four minutes overtime, and thus, a dnf. At this point the 5-1600 cars were scheduled to start, but for some rea-son the staging crew hadn't got them up in line. Standing nearly ready were the 7S and 7SX starters, so Sal Fish had them flagged into position to take off next, saving them 15 cars' worth of dust, or, looking at it another way, seven and a half minutes less dust, since they were started one every 30 seconds. The 5-1600s should have gone in front of them-they were quicker. Class 7S, which had four starters, had no finishers. Javier J\vila and Ruben Garcia, in a Chevy, went through Check 3, and they were about an hour and a half in front of Tyler Fox and Steve Martz, in a Ford, at that time. But then neither of them got as far as Check 4, coming to grief somewhere between Rancho Coyote and San Vicente. In Class 7SX, which is much like 7S except for the size of the motor, had eight entries. Jolm Holmes put his Ford into the lead, with about 12 minutes on Dan Street, Jr., Noe Sierra and his brother, Tony, ran third in another Ford, and Jeff Lloyd, in Edward and Pepe Gonzales' Ford, was fourth. Lloyd had borrowed their truck so he could start the event and get starter's points, while his own truck was being prepped for another event. Behind them it was Ricardo Castanon and Doug Siewert in his Chevrolet. Eli Yee in a McNeil Ford, was in a truck because his Class 1 car lost its transmission on Friday, and Heidi Steele and her co-driver, Chris Yano, had their Ford running, already about two hours and 45 minutes off the pace. At Mile 172 it was still Holmes in front, but he had only five minutes on Street. Yee dropped out, but the oth-ers were all still running. Then when they got to Colorado, at Mile 285, they'd lost Steele, Castanon and Siewert. Holmes and his co-driver, Mark Landersman, were still in front, and now Street and his dad, Dan, Sr., who ran the Mike's loop, were a half hour behind them. The Sierras, who'd been stuck early in the day for over an hour, had dropped to fourth, and the Gonzalez team, which included Blas Corona and Jose Gonzales, was third. At the finish line it was Hohnes and Landersman, who'd been lost coming in from Ojos, and almost exactly an hour behind them, afth a ten minute speed violation penalty, the Streets were second. The Sierras were another hour and 20 minutes back in third, and the Gonzales family, Corona and Lloyd finished fourth, about ten minutes be-fore their time would have run out. They said they'd been lost at the end about ten times. Class 5-1600 finally got to start, with 16 cars and a lot of highly experienced drivers. Marcus Nunez got to Mile 99 in front of the group, followed by Danny Ledezma, then Ruben Garcia and John Hsu, who'd started the morn-ing with a fouled plug, and then the Dusty Times team of Miguel Rosales and Hector and Mike's Road, they lost four com- Aaron Lopez and Chris Andrus. now second, and Greg Ferruzo, Steve Sarabia, who helps SCORE officials petitors. Ledezma led at Mile 172, with At Mile 285, the lead belonged to Landis and James Telford, who'd been in their dealing with local landowners Nunez about 15 minutes back, after a Nunez' co<lriver, Norberto Rivera, who caught in one of the early jams, had as they lay out the race course. couple of 25 minute "stucks". Then it was having a dean run. Ernesto and moved into third. Mario Ledezma had As theywounddown through the was Sarabia and Rosales, Greg AdolfoArambula, who'dhadsomeen- takenoverfor Danny,andhewasfourth pineforestontheirwaytothehighway Villarino and Enrique Zazueta, and gineproblems,butgotthingsfuced,were Continued on page 16 G-FORCt: IIACIN88E.IIII Pro Farce Air • Significantly outflows other ' blower type' helmets .. • NOT a converted motorcycle helmet' \ ,..,, e Lightweight Composite Shell '-. $-2'9 9 • 9 9 • Snell SA-2000 Automotive Rated • Fire Resistant Interior Special wl FREE .._ _________ IIIJ!l!li H•!m•t Bag I! LOWRANCE • BN-.J & Color Displays • 2" to 10.4" Screen Sizes • Portable & Panel Mount • Unlimited Mapping Vertex High Performance Radio !iyatem• • 128 to 250 Channels • 50 to 110 Watts ofT ransm1tting Power! • Alphanumeric Digital Display • 3 Year Warranty • E.xceeds Mil-Spec Standards August 2006 19.i!I/ Cordless lmpactKit • ½" Drive • 216 ft-lbs. 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had only six minutes on Creasy and Fuhs. John Scarf and Brian Hadley, in a Chenowth, were now third, another 40 minutes back. Fisher had been stuck in traffic jams a couple more times. Lobsam Yee and Angel Barajas led Class 10 for a while but a good Noe and Tony Sierra finished a decent third place in Class 7SX after sized rock dropped them to a second place finish in their Jimco Honda. being stuck for a veeeery long time in their Ford Ranger. after a long delay due to a broken stub their tow strap to pull them loose, they the road the crew settled in for a new At Mile 185 itwasstill Fisher, and his co-driver, Isaac Chapluk. TI1ey had an hour and 13 minutes on Scharf and Hadley, and now David Boss and Tim Gardner ran third, three hours fur-ther back, and all the oth-ers had dropped out. axle. Danny it seems, had broken the were ready to move on, but the race transmission installation. stub axle, and had no spare with him. fan, all enthused by his success appar-At Mile 285 the lead was still in the Then another car can1e along and got ently, decided to go off into the mud Henns' hands, and Graham and stuck and needed help. Danny struck and free up several other stuck racers. Quinn were two and a halfhours down up a deal to help unstick them if they'd The Henns didn't want to go without in second. Handley had got caught up hand over their spare stub axle. The their tow strap, so they waited, impa- in the traffic jams, and ran out of time other driver went for the deal, and was-tiently, for several more minutes. to make his next checkpoint, so he was soon on his way, while Danny was mak-When they arrived at Mile 172 they out, and so was Kasper. ing repairs. Still he lost hours and were missing Hall and also John Griffin The Henns went on with only mi-dropped to fourth. And Andrus and in his white H 1 Hummer, an unusual nor problems, like loose half shafts, a Lopez held their fifth. situation, since both are usually finish- bad steering arm and some overheat-Nunez and Rivera went on to take ers. Hall had been doing fine until he ing. They made it to the finish with an the win, their eighth Baja 500 victory, came upon a big traffic jam behind the hour and some minutes to spare, to reporting no mechanical problems at stuck Class 7 car of the Herreras. He get the win. None of the others made it all The Arambulas finished a little less persuaded the waiting cars to all move in. Hall and his crew never were able to than two hours later, in second place, to the right so he could get up close to foe the throttle pedal, which does not saying they'd had broken front leaf the stuck.vehicle, then, using a tow strap, have a cable. Nor had they solved the springs all the way from Valle de he yanked the pickup out of the muck. problem several weeks after the race. Trinidad to the finish. In third it was Hurriedly then, he cut the tow strap, They were dnfs at the 500. Tedford, Ferruzo and Landis, who said left the Ford high and dry, and took off The Stock Mini class had three start-they had "too many stories to tell", but across the river and on down the road, ers, and they made a better show of it added that the fog had really slowed therebyhavingpassedabout20vehides, than some. Rod Hall and a cadre of them down, and they'd been lost a half painlessly. He's a chip off the old block. journalists, including Larry Webster hour finding their way from Ojos. The But not far along the road his throttle and Alan Taylor, got to Mile 99 in first Ledezmas were fourth. Alonso Angulo pedal suddenly fell to the floor, useless, place in the H3 Hummer. They had also finished, but he was nine minutes leaving the Hwmneridling, butnotmOY- only nine minutes on Steve Kovach in overtime and a dnf. Andrus and Lopez ing it forward wnen Josh stepped on it. his ford, who was an hour up on Gavin didn't make it All those cars went back past him and Skilton in his Honda Ridgline. • The Stock Full trucks were next off down the road. The Henns had moved At Mile 172 Hall and the journal-the line, with six starters. Josh Hall put into first place, with an hour on second ists were 25 minutes in front of Kovach, his H2 Hummer into the lead, with 17 place Bob Gralmn and TI10m Quinn and Skilton, though still running, was minutes on Mark Handley in his Ford. in their Nissan. Chris Kasper, in another now an hour and a half off the pace. He had 20 minutes on Eric and Terry H 1 Hummer, ran third, two and a half At Mile 285 it was still Hall, now an Henn in their Hl Hummer. TI1e Henns hours later. Handley had lost three hour in front of Kovach, and Skilton, had been stuck in the mud puddle by hours or so when he got stuck up against apparently repaired, ran steadily an Ojos, a seemingly impossible feat for a a big boulder and had no reverse gear. hour and a half further back. Hall got Hummer-butitwasDEEPmud.Once He'dalreadyloscsecondgear.1heHenns back in to run the final section, and they'd let a Mexican with a 4x4 use pulled him out of his fix. Then on down with no problems, and no flat tires, he ·,stom I . oclcTM i.• Package .. JounceShocks are factory set at 150 psi and are fully adjustable Mounting Sleeves · contain custom ·, gussets designed for strong, quick installation nding Plates .250" steel ing for targeting eShocks ,.,,.~ . ··15! Call today for more info ... B00-525-6505 took the win, adding another statistic to his long run of victories at the Baja 500. He now has 16 of them (as does Larry Roeseler). His time was just 14 minutes short of the cut-off time. Skil-ton and Kovach both ran out of time. The Class 9 cars were next to go. There were eight of them, and all of them got to the Mile 99 checkpoint. Eric Fisher, already having been stuck in traffic jams, was first in his Garibay chassis, with 18 minutes on Sigal Greenberg's Tatum, with Juan Gallo at the wheel. In third it was Forest Creasy and James Fuhs, about 11 min-utes further back. When they went through Mile 172 they'd lost Qreenberg's car, and also Joe Castrey. Fisher was still first, but he Along the beach Fisher had terrible fog, and then after Uruapan, he got stuck in one of the ditches and lost some time, but he had no mechanical prob-lems at all. He did get lost at the end (and remember, he lives in Ensenada), but the still finished in 17 hours and 33 minutes. None of the others made it to the finish line. Class 3 went off the line next, with three starters. They all made it to Mile 99, and at that point the Moss broth-ers, Ken and Don, had the lead in their Bronco, even though they'd been stuck in a traffic jam at Mile 60. Alejandro Cancino ran second, only nine min-utes behind him, and Ken Leavitt, in another Bronco, was two hours back. When theywentthroughMile 172, Cancino was gone. The Moss team, who'd spent more time in a traffic jam, and had also spent some time pulling stuck trucks out of their predicaments, was still first, now three and a half hours ahead of Leavitt. Theywenton to clear Mile 285, but Leavitt didn't get that far. And then the Moss brothers went on to finish, and get another win, their fourth at the 500. Leavitt didn't make it to the finish. Class 17, a Jeep Chevrolet class, had two starters. Bob Land and Matt Kearney were out before the first check-point. Bill Zolg and Brandon Piorek lasted all the way through Check 3, which was at Rancho Coyote, or Race Mile 211. However, they didn't make it to Check 4. The Sportsman Trucks took off next, with ten starters: seven Fords and three Toyotas. All the Toyotas and one Ford faded away before the first check-point. Luke Gibson had the lead at that point, with a couple of minutes on Steven Looney and Michael Ballard. Matt Torian and Luke Van Gelder ran third about a half hour later. When they made it through Mile 172 they'd lost one more competitor, and Gibson held the lead, now eight minutes on Looney. Torian and Van Gelder were fim1 in third, another 20 minutes back. In the next section Gib-son tipped his truck up on its side, and lost some ,time. Looney and Ballard went into the lead, and stayed there until the end. They reported no flat tires, and no mechanical troubles, just Targeting high mobility suspension, chassis protection and fabrication solutions Steve Looney and Mike Ballard drove their nice looking Ford Ranger to the win in the Sportsman Truck Category. Page 16 August 2006 having to wait for cars tha·t couldn't get up hills. Gibson, who had Jeremy Spirko££ riding with him, and offering advice and wisdom, finished second. It was a good finish for his first SCORE race, and Spirkoff was surely a con-tributor to the success, Torian and Van Gelder were just ten minutes behind them in third place, and none of the others made it all the way. The Sportsman Buggies had six starters, and none or them made it all the way, Adolfo and Miguel Aguilar had their VW powered Raceco in the lead at Mile 99, with 45 minutes on Jesus Jimenez, who was a half hour in front of William Akwari. Peter Lang and Terry Cotter, in a Homebuilt Chevy powered car were still running there, and so was the·AllAmerican Girl team, featuring two of Bob Gordon's daughters, Robyn and Beccy, as well as Kate Sutton, and Cari Penhall and l.ori Lynch. Unfortunately, Sutton their most experienced driver, wasn't to be in the car. She'd had her foot run over by their car while in line for tech in-spection, and it had torn off her toe-nail and badly bruised her foot. It was decided that one of the Gordons would fill in for her, rather than try to find a new driver at such a late hour. When they got to Mile 172 the Aguilars led, Akrawi was second, and the All Girl team was about three hours back, but still running. All of them made it through Rancho Coyote. But by Mile 285 a couple more were done. At that point the Aguilars had the lead and Akrawi was second, only 40 min-utes back. No one else was running. And then none of them made it to the finish line. Class 11 was next off the line, with seven starters, Only three of the111 made it to the first checkpoint, and those were Raul Ortiz Solaria, Eric Solorzano, and Jake Mueller. Solario led at that point, with Solorzano sec-ond by four or five minutes, and Mueller was an hour and 15 minutes further back. At Mile 172 Solario had seven min-utes on Solorzano, and Mueller was another hour and 20 minutes back in third. By the time they got to Mile 285, Solorzano was leading, and Solario was 22 minutes back in,second. Mueller didn't get that far. And then none of them made it to the finish line, disappearing from the records somewhere along the Pacific side of the peninsula. This year the final group to start was four brave, and probably slightly nuts, Sportsman lJ1V teams. Jeffrey Som\ and Travis Brookshire, in a Po-laris Ranger, didn'tget to Check 1, nor did Francisco Quiroz, nor Lonnie Banks. But Cory Sappington, who's been racing his toy for nearly a year now, got that far, in the time of 5:44:32. He went on to make it all the way out to Mile 172, through some of the nas-tiest race.course Baja has to offer, and arrived there after eight hours and 28 minutes. (Remember, the Trophy Truck winner was at the finish in nine hours and 36 minutes.) We don't know if he just i-an out of time, and was faced with checkpoint closures, or if he had mechanical trouble. Either way, he didn't getto the finish line. But it's fairly certain that they'll keep show-ing up and working at it until they get it right. So the 2006 Baja 500 went into the record books as bigger and better than ever. The sport seems to be on an up-ward curve, NBC will televise this race as well as the 1000, Celebrities are find-ing their way to the start lines in Baja. All seems good in the off road Baja rac-[ng world, Stay tuned for the Vegas short course event, then Primm, and in November, the Baja 1000, this year a peninsula run, SCOIE ·ousty Times

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I.J\J2C:: ACROPOLIS RALLY Granholm scores For Ford By Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden Marcus Granholm and Timo Rautiainen were at the top of the heap in Greece, Ford Focus RS in the dirt. Marcus Gronholm was at the top of the results in Greece, the position to which he aspires, but his close rival Sebastien Loeb was second and further strengthened his lead in the World Drivers' champi-onship. The victory for the Ford over the Citroen, each using the same choice of tyres, on an event which was most demanding in that respect, was convincing, but the misfortunes earlier in the season for Gronholm still stand strongly against the Finn in the title race. Once again, Subaru had a torrid time. Both Petter Solberg and Chris Atkinson missed a stage, and Atkinson had transmission troubles as well. And just when Ford were congratulating themselves on hav-ing an uneventful run with their Page 18 cars, Mikko Hirvonen escaped with a broken gearbox on the final stage to his third place! In the PCWRC Nasser AlAttiyah's second category win in a row saw him extend his lead to 17 points over Mirco Baldacci, although Nasser has scored on all four rounds held so far while Baldacci only on three. A new style to the Acropolis was noted for the change of scenery, rough roads (stages being used· up to four times each), and the con-stant attention of the Stewards who penalised any perceived indiscre-tions heavily and even constructed some new interpretations of the rules. For the mid way point of both the World and the Production Car championships there were a lot of changes in evidence in Greece. The event was held entirely in the Anika region around Athens, and no longer based at Lamia. This change had largely been made possible by the recent opening of the east-west Attika Motorway. The furthest the event travelled from Athens was 80km. Considerable efforts were taken by the organisers to prepare the roads for the rally, to overcome th.e ravages o( a hard '>Vinter, though stages were not being run at such high altitude this year. None of the stages, except the Superspe-cial, had been run in its entirety exactly the same as before, while several were completely new. There was a new location for the Shake-down test and a spectacular stage venue in the hills beside Athens. Some gravel stages were used in both directions, twice in each di-rection. This year the Headquar-ters throughout the event was at the Olympic Stadium in north Athens, and in addition to the Thursday evening Superstage at the Olympic Stadium, another stage was run there on the Sunday afternoon at the end of the event. There was also a stage venue right on the outskirts of Athens with a backdrop of the city itself, though for security rea-sons all spectators were banned with only TV and media personnel al-lowed on to the stage to see the rally. This was the second of an offi-cially designated pair of rallies, and the FlA' s policy of expanding their components pairing went one step further. Not only were the chassis and engines paired but also the transmission, but there were excep-tions! There was a new chassis for Chris Atkinson, because his Sardinia chassis had suffered not only when the driver landed heavily after a big jump, but even more so when he went off the road on the final day. In Subaru's case the big debate centred on the fact that he qualified as a finisher on that event and because ifhe changed the chas-sis he was due for a one minute pen-alty, but could he without further penalty also change the engine and the transmission? Not knowing what the FIA would decide, Prodrive decided to install their Sardinia engine and transmission August 2006 The PCWRC win went to Nasser AI-Attiyah and Chris Patterson, seen here in their Subaru lmpreza "Spec C", 1 "l"' overall. into the car which Atkinson was now to use, just in case. In the case of the Skoda for Harri Rovanpera, who was also classified as a finisher in Sardinia but who could not complete the route because of transmission failure, the team de-cided to change the engine and transmission, using a special 'joker' rule which allowed teams to do this once a season without penalty. Three registered team drivers did not finish the Sardinia rally, Marcus Gronholm. Henning Sol-berg and Kosti Katajamaki. Ford decided to change Gronholm's en-gine (after oil loss) but kept the same chassis and transmission. OMV-Peugeot Norway changed all three components in Henning's car, while the Stobart-VK team had to change the chassis of Katajamaki's Focus, which had been damaged in an ac-cident, but fitted the engine and transmission units into the car he now used, which was Companc's Sardinia car. Because they run to different engine pairing rules, com-pared to the Ml teams, Stobart-VK M2 team decided not to avail themselves of the chance to change Katajamaki's engine because if they had, the regulation would schedule them later in the season (in August) to change engines between Germany and Finland. Though paired together, the characters of Sardinia and Acropo-lis differed. The roads in Greece tending to be wider and faster, and wherea~ in Sardinia only one tread pattern was allowed, two were al-lowed here on account of the tra• ditional amount of hard based gravel roads, for which both BF Goodrich and Pirelli brought out new tyres. Also, the Acropolis is the only event in the season when two spare wheels are allowed to be car-ried in the cars. Unfortunately this was to be the only rally held this year in Greece in the summer months. The Greek motorsport authorities had banned rallying until the end of August following a recent fatal accident to a young driver. Subaru had something pre-rally to celebrate, this was 31 year old Petter Solberg' s 100th World Championship Rally. He was the 17th driver to gain this achievement and the youngest so far, beating Colin McRae and the late Richard Burns to the honour. "Don't keep saying I am young" Petter pleaded. "You foriet that my brother and I have been in motorsport nonstop for the last 23 years!" Bozian were back to running two cars as the Galli/Pirelli project had come to an end, and the Sordo/Citroen project had no know future, even though their vans were painted list• ing all the rounds of the champi-onship! There should have been five Skodas, something of a record, but in the end Skoda ordered the entry placed for Kopecky's colleague Mar-tin Prokop be cancelled. Francois Duval entered First Motorsport's older car. Toni Gardemeister was back, this time in a Citroen not a Peugeot, Andreas Aigner had a new co-driver (Klaus Wicha) because, as their PR release lucidly put it, there had been in--car tensions with the previous co-driver. Mitsubishi folk were back again, with Jussi Valimaki having put together another deal to run a Lancer WRC. The only other private WRC in the event was a Subaru for Greek driver "Volvos", the same car as driven in Sardinia by Kristian Sahlberg. For the first time the Produc-tion Car World Rally Champion-ship had come to Greece. The big-gest anxiety surrounded the arrival of the five PCWRC teams who con-tested both the Argentina and the Acropolis rallies with the same cars. the cars eventually arrived in Ath-ens on the Monday before the event. Half of the PCWRC competitors had new cars including the cham-pionship leader Toshi Arai, the SYMS team driver Aki Teiskonen, all the three Argentine Mitsubishis of Marcos Ligato, Sebastian Beltran and Gabriel Pozzo, the Errani team Mitsubishi driven by Stefano Marrini, the OMV CEE driver Andrej Jereb from Slovenia, who with only ten days notice took over the entry for Romanian Bogdan Marisca (who was forbid-den to start on account of a com-petition licence problem). The en-tries were well and truly closed the organisers took pity and allowed both crew members names to be changed. This was the OMV CEE team's third driver in as many PCWRC events. However, when Jereb and his co-driver Marin Kacin arrived with bright yellow Dunlop overalls they discovered the OMV car ran on Michelins! It was also the first appearance in the se-ries for the Quasys team whose driver Takuma Kamada who had borrowed a local car to qualify as a starter in Argentina. Interestingly the Quasys team were running Yokohama tyres: the only other Yokohama user in the series in Fumio Nutahara, who had chosen Greece as one of his two missing events. Apart from Nutahara, all the other 15 regular drivers had agreed to compete here, but one car was missing. David Higgins had withdrawn from the series after originally appearing unsponsored in Monte Carlo, for financial rea-sons which was dealt with diligently and severely by the Stewards. There were due to be two "Guest" entries for Greek drivers but at the last minute the entry for reigning Greek Champion Panaytiotis Dusty Times

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Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena gave it their all but they settled for second place in Greece, their Citroen Xsara kicking up dust. Hatzitsopanis was changed instead to that of privateer because his Mit-subishi runs with Silverstone tyres, and Silverstone do not produce rally tyres with barcodes etched into them, which are an essential part of controlling the total number of tyres being used during an event. So the one remaining "Guest" en-try was for Dimitris Nassoulas. It was a dry and sunny morning, com-ing warm when the cars headed to Shakedown run on the southern slopes of Mount Parnitha, north of Athens, where Petter Solberg was 1.6 seconds quicker over a 4.2km course than Sebastien Loeb, with Henning Solberg' s Peugeot only 0.1 second further back. Leg 1 6 Stages, gravel, 118kms. Eighry-four crews made the start of the rally, the largest so far this sea-son. At the opening Superstage in the Stadium Henning had his revenge being 2.2 seconds faster than brother Petter but it was busi-ness as usual with Sebastien-Loeb fastest, holding a rwo second lead overnight in front of Marcus Granholm. But this is an extraor-dinary sport! Before the rally the Stewards worked to allow drivers who suffered unexpected problems at the opening stage and who scored a SupeRally maximum time to have rwo hours to repair their cars, to enable them to restart the rally in the morning, in the middle of Leg 1. The PCWRC driver Nigel Heath was extremely grateful for their thoughtfulness! Allowing SupeRally restarts in the middle of a leg was never originally envisaged. Then came the Atkinson affair. This was an expected new rwist to the chas-sis-change saga in that the Stewards decided they could allow without penalry a breach of the chassis-pair-ing rule if the replacement chassis The bronze medal went to Mikko HiNonen and Jarmo Lehtinen in their Ford Focus RS, seen here before an appreciative audience. had in fact been used on a world There were punctures galore, mostly championship rally before. withthemousseinsertsworkingbut Prodrive had been fully engaged Henning Solberg finished Stage 3 with the FIA before the rally trying on a rim. Petter and Andreas to get permission, within the ambit Aigner each had three punctures of the one-minute penalty, to while Xavier Pons had rwo. Sixth change both the engine and the place Toni Gardemeister was learn-transmissions as well. In the end ing Citroen driving, "I think I am there was to be no penalry for driving too aggressively and losing Atkinson at all, and at the end it time. The traction of this car is not meant that Rovanpera was denied so good as other cars, so you have world championship points for to adapt your sryle so as not to rely Skoda. so much on traction." Francois It was the usual question: to Duval was going well in fifth place, what effect would the uncleaned best non-registered driver, not push-surfaces slow down the early run- ing his car to the extreme in respect ners? Running second car on the of its considerable age. Kosti road, Marcus Granholm seemed Katajamaki drove half of Stage 4 impervious, winning the first three with no power steering. Both stages of the Friday while first car Andreas Aigner and Matthew Wil-Sebastien Loeb was struggling. At son were feeling ill, Harri the midday Service Park, the Finn Rovanpera found his Skoda was was 13.9 seconds in front of fifth not easy to drive. The Gods of runner Petter Solberg, while Loeb Greece were evidently unhappy was another 7. 9 further back. with overnight events and Atkinson : 0 · iinliK E=-~-.-.S» .,.,..~-.-11:::: IVI .s; the weight of compe (4 Bar weighs 21 lbs Dusty Times ... --August 2006 was struck down with front differ-ential failure halfway through Stage 3, losing a lot of time in rear-wheel drive until reaching service and the end of Stage 4. With a re-run over the morning's stages Loeb had expected clean roads and no problem run-ning first car, but it was not so simple. "We have been driving hard but so many rwo wheel drive cars have passed in the first passage that stones were scattered in quite un-usual and unpredictable ways," co-driver Daniel Elena explained. Granholm was undeterred and proceeded to make fastest time on every stage of the day. By evening he was near!y a half minute in front of Petter with Loeb 9.2 seconds fur-ther back. Cars were allowed, uniquely in the championship, to carry rwo spare wheels and some drivers did this, Vovos did not and withdrew his Subaru when he had a second puncture. Granholm had trouble when he bent a rim which created a vibration which shook the car. Some drivers tried the H2 tyres without great success except for Granholm. Atkinson finally got going well but Gardemeister had a nasry jerk from the steering wheel and needed help after the final stage to remove his helmet. There con-tinued to be punctures galore in-cluding Katajamaki who had three and a bad vibration as well. There were four different stage winners in PCWRC in the first four stages of the rally, initially with Mirco Baldacci fastest in the Sta-dium, then Nasser AIAttiyah, Gab-riel Pozzo and Aki Teiskonen. With all the car running at one minute Continued on page 20 Page 19

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Gabriel Pozzo and Oahiel Stillo were second in PCWRC their Sixth overall went to Daniel Sardo and Marc Marti, seen here in their Petter Solberg and Phillip Mills drove their Subaru lmpreza to seventh overall at the Acropolis Rally. Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX, they were just 12 seconds out of the win. leaping Citroen Xsara at the Acropolis Rally. intervals, drivers were soon being had three punctures on one stage this was another day, another com-slowed by the dust of the car in (PCWRC not being allowed to use petition. "There is nothing I can do front. Pozzo and Takuma Kamada tyres with mousses). The Scrutineers about Marcus", admitted Sebastien voluntarily took a ten second pen-took one look at the wreckage of Loeb. This was a tide change, a alty for dropping one minute be- Kuzaj's car (which arrived in Greece major shift in sporting emphasis. hind schedule in order to get clearer still showing the damage from its The Citroen Xsara WRC was fi-conditions. Baldacci was baulked Mexico crash) and banned it from nally, after over five years, showing by the slow moving Leszek Kuzaj but the rest of the rally. Baldacci was its age. Gronholm's superior pace then suddenly the way was clear as happy to get back to Athens after in Sardinia had been no flash-in-he passed into clear air. He spotted suffering two slow punctures on a the-pan. Among those coming back the sight of Kuzaj rolling his car off road section, and tackling two stages to the event was Guest PCWRC the road. Sebastian Beltran had to with no inflated spare. "I had to be driver Nassoulas who had with-stop twice on Stage 3 with a discon- so careful, but with ten kilometres drawn with rear suspension dam-nected turbocharger pipe, Toshi to go on Stage 7 I decided to throw age. This was the day the route Arai had the gear level break off, caution to the wind and have a go• headed west toward Corinth, using Jereb was enjoying not only his first and made fastest Group N time!" some of the stages run in earlier ever rally on gravel but also his first Leg 2 years, once again three stages were in a Mitsubishi. The race for the 6 stages, gravel, 134.68kms. run twice, this time including the lead was close, Teiskonen suddenly Anger about the Atkinson deci- longest stage of the event (Kineta, edging in front of Al Attiyah on sion was still smouldering. Marc Stages 9 and 12). The day started Stage 4. In the afternoon Arai with- Van Dalen, proprietor of Kronos dramatically. When 800m into the drew with steering arm failure while Total Citroen said it was 'unaccept- first stage Jussi Valimaki went off Sergey Uspensky withdrew as well able' to change the championship the road and flattened his exhaust. with a broken driveshaft. Baldacci rules at all, let alone between events There was a big debate about which had a terrible baulking problem which are paired. Armin Schwarz tyres the BF Goodrich users should when Vovos pulled out in front of of Red Bull was shocked that ulti-select for this group of stages. him after changing a flat tyre. mately the Steward's decision had Gronholm chose the H2 and did Kamada had to withdraw when he denied their team a point. Anyway badly on the long stage, Loeb chose HONDA Po-wer traditional tyres but fell back on checking split times on the stages to Stages 8 and 10. In the end there ensure their rivals were not suddenly was hardly a second in it, but Loeb catching them up. climbed up to second place when Things livened up considerably Solberg stalled at a-hairpin. Duval in the afternoon. Katajamaki came went off the road and dropped to a halt with no gears operating at from fifth to eighth. On Stage 10 all; Pons had four punctures; Stohl Solberg also went off the road for had an electrical fire in the cockpit; a quarter minute or so. On the fi-Aigner drove to service on a rim, nal stage of the first loop, thencamethenewsthatPetterSol-Katajamaki {lying just outside the berg was out for the rest of the day. top ten) went off the road and dam- Driving on the road section between aged the gearbox casing, Henning Stages 12 and 13 Petter had Solberg broke a brake pipe and lost swerved to avoid a car being driven time on a road section blanking off in the opposite direction, went into the hydraulic connections (but still a roadside rock and wrecked the held seventh). Toni Gardemeister suspension and steering. No sooner went straight on at a junction and had this news come through but twice stalled (dropping from sixth Loeb had two punctures on Stage to eighth). The beneficiaries in all 13. It seemed that the tyre had a this drama were Manfred Stohl, severe cut and the mousse exploded. who was up to fifth, and Dani Following him back to service were Sordo; up from ninth to sixth. Scrutineers, they were alarmed that Punctures came to seemingly every-pieces of Loeb's wheel and suspen-one, three for Atkinson, two for sion flew away into the following Jan Kopecky. Hirvonen was run- traffic. Gronholm found himself ning to team orders, to take no risks 1 m47.2s in the lead, and had also and hold position, his co-driver punctured and broken some rims, Equipment POWEii UCER & SPECTATOR DISCOUNTS • GENERATORS • OUTBOARD ENGINES • GENERAL PURPOSE ENGINES • WELDERS • WATERPUMPS • LAWN MOWERS • LAWN TRACTORS • RIDING MOWERS • TILLERS Calilornia's Largest Source lor Honda Power Equipment Parts 8 Inventory IF WE DON T NIIVE 17: NO ONE DOE$/ Check Our Website: . 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Fourth overall went to Toni Gardemeister and Jakke Honkanen, Chris Atkinson and Glenn Macneal/ drove their Subaru lmpreza to Matthew Wilson and Michael Orr drove their Ford Focus RS to a 1 (Jh seen here in their Citroen Xsara at speed. an 11"' overall finish in Greece, seen here at speed. while Hirvonen was over another It was an amazing effort!" When all there was big trouble for the leader minute behind. The Skodas were the SupeRally calculations were Pozzo when his engine overheated struggling. Rovanpera had a bro- made, Petter Solberg was in fact due to a broken radiator and he ken front shock absorber, while ninthoveralldespitehismisfortune, struggled through Stage 13 letting both Kopecky and Duval withdrew seventh in the Manufacturers' lists, Al Attiyah into the lead. But Al on the same stage with evidence of less than a half minute behind Attiyah had a cloud over him as impacts with damage to the suspen- Xavier Pons. he was called to the Stewards to sions. Gardemeisterwasstruggling There was excitement in explain why he had overshot a with bald tyres and dropped be-PCWRC on Stage 8 when Pozzo, junction on Stage 6, the day be-hind Henning Solberg. Subaru's Ligato and Arai all recorded the fore, to make a short cut. hopes fell to rock bottom on the same time, to the tenth of a sec-Leg 3 final stage of the day when Atkinson and! Pozzo was delighted that his 4 Stages, gravel, 94.44kms. was forced to withdraw with a bro-ten second penalty ploy had been There were four normal stages ken steering arm. At the end of the so successful and held a lead in before the return to the Stadium leg Stohl overspent his time in ser-PCWRC of over 40 seconds. for the final Superstage and com-vice by nine minutes (lm30s pen- Kamada had more dramas. This petitors were worried about how alty) changing the exhaust which time he bent a tie bar and hoped rough the roads would become on was touching the bodywork of the to drive the next stage before mak-the third, and especially the car, this dropped him back two ing repairs, but unfortunately it fourth, passages through the same places. This was nothing compared broke first. Jari-Matti Latvala had stages, even if they were in the op-to the frantic work by the Kronos a ball joint collapse on Stage 10. posite direction to before. The day mechanics on Loeb's car. Marc Van Ligato drove seven kilometres on a again started dramatically. Dalen explained: "They changed flat tyre. In the afternoon Jereb Andreas Aigner spun and covered the gearbox, clutch, rear axle as-stopped twice to change flat tyres the inside of his Skoda with dust, sembly, suspension, brakes, shock on the same stage, Ligato broke his then on the next corner, when he absorbers, exhaust, sumpguard, suspension and withdrew and could not properly see out of the inner wing protection -and they did Sergey Uspensky withdrew with car, he went off the road and spec-it all within the 45 minutes allowed. suspension failure. On Stage 12 ta tors had to push him back to get 53rd BP Ultimate Aetopolis Rally of Greece 2006 (GR) Athens 1/4.06.2006 ~R round 8, PCWRC round 4 WC points WR WD PC 1 (3) Marcus GRONHOLM/Timo Rautiainen FIN Ford Focus RS WRC EU55BMV (GB) 3h.56m.26.8s. 10 10 2 (1) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena F/MC Citroen Xsara VI/RC 831DPT78 (F) 3h.58m.53.6s. 8 8 3 (4) Mikko HIRVONEN/Jarmo Lehtinen AN Ford Focus RS VlrRC EU55BNA (GB) 4h.00m.10.& . 6 6 4 (16) Toni GardemeisterlJakke Honkanen Xsara VI.RC 8330PT78 (F) 4h.00m.47.6s. -5 (8) Henning SOLBERG/Cato Menkerud N 468PWL.75 (F) 4h.01m.22.4a. 5 4 FIN Citroen 5 PeugeoC307 6 (14) Daniel Sordo/Marc Marti E Citroen Xsara VVRC 834DPT78 (F) 4h.01m.23.2s. - 3 7 (5) Petter SOLBERG/Philip Mills N/GB SUbaru lmpreza VI.RC ST55SRT (GS) 41h.02m.01.2s.(1) 4 3 8 (2) )(avier PONSICarlos Del Ban1o E CitrOen xsara WRC 8230PT78 (F) '4h.CMm.45.8s. 3 2 9 (20) Jussi Valimaki/Jarko Katliolepo FIN Mitaubillhi Lancer WRC KR05ZKL (GB) 4h.07m.55.5e. - 1 10 (9) Matthew WILSON/Michael Orr GB Ford FOaJS RS WRC 1ES (GB) 4h.09m.57.6s. 2 Other important finishers 11 (6) Ctvis ATKINSON/Glenn Macneal! AUS Subaru lmp,wa WRC GT55SRT (GB) '4h.10m.28.6s.(1) 1 12 (11) Harri ROVANPERA/Riato Pietilainen FN Skoda Fabia WRC 4S53382(CZ) 4h.11m.02.4a. -13 (18) Francois Duval/Patrick Pivato B/F Skoda Fabia WRC S37 88E (CZ) 4h.14m.31.2s.(2) 14 (12) Andreas AIGNER/Klaus VIAcha AID Skoda Fabia ~ 4553381 (CZ) 4h.17m.17.7s. -15 (19) Aris Vovosl"E~m• GR Subaru lmpreza WRC LC54WRC (GB) 4h.23m.17.1s.(1) 16 (17) Jan Kopecky/Filip Schovanek CZ Skoda Fabia WRC 458 9856 (CZ) 4h.24m.45.6s.(2) 17 (39) Nan« Al-Attiyah/Ctwis Patterson QA/GB $\beru lmpraza "Spec c· PC~C OU55HRW (GB) 4h.28m.43.3s. * -10 18 (35) Gabriel Pozzo/Daniel Stillo RA Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX PC\t\RC NM991R (D) 4h.28m.55.3s.(1) 8 19 (45) Aki+ Miika Teiskonen FIN Subaru lmpreza NSpec CN PCWRC GMG300RU7601 (J) 4h.29m.13.7s. - 6 20 (36) Miroo Baldacci/Giovanni Agnese RSM/I Mitsubishi Lanoer Evo IX PCVI.RC TKT301T03263 (J) 4h.32m.37.4S. - 5 21 (31) Toahihiro Arai/Tony Sircxmbe JINZ Subaru hnpreza VlrRX STI PCWRC GMG300YU9888 (J) 4h.33m.37.7s.(2) 4 22 (37) Jeri-Matti Latvala/Miikka Anttila FIN Subaru hnpreza WRX STI PCWRC 049AXC (EE) 4h.36m.11.2s. -24 (32} Marcos Ligeta/Rut>en Garcia RA Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX PCWRC NM990R (0) 4h.41m.48.2s.(3) 2 3 26 (10) Koati KATAJAMAKVT'mo Alanne FIN Ford Focus RS WRC EF04WBW (GB) 4h.44m.03.2s.(5) Dusty Times going again. His Red Bull team-mate Harri Rovanpera also spun and then later went off, but he was able to reverse back on to the road again. Manfred Stohl went off the road and rolled, the car remain-ing there. Kosti Katajamaki stopped to repair his steering in the middle of the stage. Petter Sol-berg was on a charge, winning all four gravel stages of the day, pass-ing Pons but had two punctures and something bent in the suspen-sion. Loeb had calmed down after his troubles the day before, but was now over two minutes behind Granholm. Granholm com-mented that the roads in Kenya are smoother than those on this event. "We would be quite happy if they stopped the rally and went straight to the final Superspecial." Chris-tian Loriaux, Focus WRX de-signer, was on edge. "The slightest thing can be disaster. Remember Petter in Japan in 2005? One single rock can wreck everything." Dani Sardo dropped from fourth to sixth when a spark plug failed on Stage 14, which let Toni Garde-meister in the other private Citroen, ahead of him, while Henning Solberg confessed he had obviously been driving too slowly. There were no problems for the top drivers in the second part of the final leg until third place Hirvonen arrived at the Stadium ready for the final stage and found he was stuck in second gear! Fifth placed Henning had a puncture and this let Daniel Sardo up to within 3.9 seconds of fifth place. On the final stage he whittled this down to 0.3! Granholm was hear-ing every sound, sensing every vi-bration, nursing his car over every rock but eventually he made it safely home to win his first Acropolis Rally and Ford's third event this season and the 21st in August 2006 place finish in Greece, seen here exiting a right hander. his World rally career. And the third. Al Attiyah made best time Finn wasn't the only happy per-onthefirsttwostagesbuttherewas son at the finish. There was a Nor-no change in positions, fourth wegian, the other Norwegian! It placed Gabriel Pozzo reported his was the first time that Henning engine, to his relief, had not been had ever beaten brother Petter in terminally damaged the day before, a world championship rally. but seemed to have lost some Overnight the Stewards had power, fifth placed Latvala had a been busy again. In relation to puncture on Stage 15 which ripped David Higgins' withdrawal from away the fuel tank protection and the PCWRC, there was a fine of caused a leak from the tank. He Euro 5,000 and payment for all was able to set off for the rest of the four remaining events to be the rally after incurring 13 minutes paid. In relation to Nasser Al lateness (2ml0s penalty) leaving ser-Attiyah's overshoot on Stage 6, vice. Teiskonen suffered suspension there was another penalty of Euro damage in the penultimate stage 5,000 plus a five minute time pen- which badly delayed Baldacci. This alty. The Qatari was depressed and let Al Attiyah back into the lead, angry, "Our error cost us time, not but just when the leader thought gained us time. If I had wanted to nothing else could go wrong he cheat, I would have been driving found his car would not restart at through there in fifth gear. I was in the service just before the final first gear. I only proceeded like that stage, the battery was flat! Fortu-because it would have been more nately the team were able to replace dangerous to reverse back onto the the battery and for Al Attiyah to track in the dust. They used the win. After the fracas at the end of penalty inflicted on Aigner in the penultimate stage before, Sardinia as a precedent. In his case Baldacci tried hard and made best he missed out one whole ·box in- rime on the Superspeci~J°(as-he.had struction on the road book. We done on Stage 1) but just failed to did not. If, as they said, 'what we beat Pozzo by two seconds, but the did could have led to very serious Stewards in these instances have the consequences', it is strange the final say. It was noted that Baldacci organisers had not taped off the had left the mid-morning service area. It is very dispiriting to be point without his rear bumper, so treated like this." This penalty he was given a five minute penalty, meant Aki Teiskonen was leading so behind Al Attiyah it was Pozzo the category in front of Mirco ahead ofTeiskonen, Baldacci and Baldacci with the Qatari driver now Arai. ~ • M 2865 ,Gundry Ave. . nal Hill, CA 90755 loJJCoo/e Dr/vlng;;,Solts ,i Rod End Boof.s' Neo Synthetic OIi Perf'ormance Plumhlng-562-427-2375 1~1 ~fl\:'-_ 11&-~~I•l«•J .... ~ Page 21

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~ RANCHO LA ESPERANZA Two In A Row For The Jones Brothers By Mike Del Col Photos: Nicole Del Col David Wier had a pretty good run, he took the gold medal in the Class 8 conflict by 40 minutes, seen here hustling to the flag. accomplishments in racing off under the truck. Brian Nelson road are quite note worthy, with was the only other Pro racer to Don being part of the sport back finish all four laps. Brian had a in the day when course markings good time, but found the track were merely suggestions, and to be a little too narrow for his Parnelli Jones (no relation) was extra wide Trophy Truck. Brian making history in Baja in his did put on a good show, got stuck Bronco, Big Oly. Don's son is a time or two, and had a flat to also a well known off road racer, slow his day as well. Brian did Steve Barlow. This family had complete his his assignment in had a lot of success in desert rac-6:56:07 and earned the second ing, and its apparent that the rac- place spot in the truck class. John ing spirit and competitiveness has Clark made the start, but didn't been passed down to this genera-complete a lap after breaking his tion as well. At this race, oldest rear axle completely in two pieces. . ~ brother Tim Jones piloted the The team had to chain the parts Tim Jones, seen here at speed was the big winner at Whiplash, he took the Class 1 honors and was the overall winner as car, and had no problems to show back together, and make it six well. his pace. Ed Beard gave the miles on the course to find a Whiplash got it rightthis time, burg track, meaning full of cac-Brothers have a long history of brothers a good run for the trailer to get them out of the putting on a race and a course tus, open, and had a nice layout racing, for a bunch of young guys. money .over the first two years, desert. that most of the racers absolutely for teams needing to pit their ve-Brothers Tim, Aaron, and Jake but put the car on the trailer af-While this new course seemed loved! The course was long, cha!-hides lap after lap. The first four all have racing in their blood, and ter it got stuck in second gear, to keep the Pro racers away, the lenging, technical and as Mr. miles of the race course were vir-are competitive to the hilt. The and refused to get out. Sportsman entries were not shy Whiplash, Jay McKinley would gin desert, and turned to silt quite brothers have successfully cam-There were three trucks com-about coming to Mexico. In fact, say-"There isn't a whoop on it!" quickly once the cars started put-paigned dwarf cars, and race peting at Rancho la Esperanza, Sportsman cars outnumbered The Rancho la Esperanza is a 43 ting some horsepower to the regularly at Manzanita and Can-with David Weir earning the win the Pro cars by more than three mile race course, located some 30 ground. The final four miles were yon. They have frequent wins, and a nice second overall. David's to one. Sam Myers of the Myers/ miles south of the border, along much like the first, silty, some some track records, and love to Ford Ranger has a pumped up Mask Racing Organization was the Highway 2. For those of you un-nasty cross grain ditches, but fun. race. In addition to the dwarf car Mustang motor in it, and he com- overall winner in the Sportsman familiar with Rocky Point, this is Whiplash definitely hit the mark racing, the brothers now share in pleted his four laps in 6: 12: 12. class and took top honors on the the highway that is the straight this time with the race course... a Class 10 racer. With two David is one of the three Zorba Sport 210 class. Sam is an ex-dirt path thru Sonoyta, not the now ifwe could just get it a little straight overall Whiplash victo-sponsored trucks that came all bike racer, and this was his first sweeping right hander that takes closer to the beach and to ries, they are making Whip veter-the way from Austin Texas to time to compete in the car. Sam you to Rocky Point. Highway 2 is Manny's! ans take note. The brothers were compete. David's stable mates, loved the new race course, ac-narrow, rough and full of trucks, The Jones Brothers racing solid at Rancho la Esperanza Mike Vodouris and John Clark, knowledging that the course was but for the racing crowd, the team got it right again this time putting together four solid laps both made the trip to Sonoyta as really set up well for buggy guys, highway and the trip were well as well, and for the second with a winning time of 5:21:52 well. David has a pretty good size but may have been a little too worth the journey. This race straight race earned an overall to cover their four lap assign-ranch in Austin, and all three tight and technical for the trucks course had never been raced on win. With Tim, Aaron and Jake ment. The brothers stopped racers have developed a test track that made the race. Sam avoided before, and required some four earning an overall win at Wick-briefly only for a splash of gas, on the land, used for tune ups, the cactus as much as possible but miles of new road to access the en burg, and an overall at the and so Aaron could take a quick and just plain having fun. David still ended up with a flat tire at existing roads. The pit areas were Rancho la Esperanza, the broth-break, much to the ribbing of his had no problems and no flat tires the start of Lap 2. Sam's effort similar to Whiplash's Wicken-ers are on a roll. The racing Jones grandfather, Don Barlow. Don's on the day with his BFG Bajas of 2:46:27 on his two lap assign-r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -~ I I I I I I I I I I Performance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding &Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks Quality Products & Friendly Service VISA RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 •-FAX 714-259-759 • I L-------------------------------------------------------J Page 22 August 2006 Dusty Times

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He even got out of the desert be-fore it started getting too warm. The Myers/Mask Racing Team were the big winners in Sportsman 10, they took the gold medal with just eight minutes in hand. Pat Allen had a great first lap in the Unlimited Sportsman Division, lost time on the second lapbut still took the gold medal. Pat Allen, Daniel's brother, fared a little better in his Sports-man Unlimited car. Pat put to-gether a pretty good lap, and then handed over the wheel to son Will, who finished it up in an ET of 3:13:50. The team had several challenges on the day, including an overheating motor, that kept blowing all of the oil out of the motor, and flat tires, of which they had a total of six, including two on the trailer. Will is only 17 years old, and very much enjoyed the drive in the racer. Mike Herrick was the runner-up in the class. Mike had the misfortune of a flat tire early in the race, and then had his lug wrench break on him while ment was good enough for the win, and also included the second fastest lap of the day, by just a few seconds. Not too bad for a rookie. Scott Cebulski was the runner-up in the class. Scott had a pretty good day, but did men-tion accidentally trimming some race earning the last spot on the much luck at the Rancho, unless attempting the tire change. Mike of the "flora and fauna" along podium in the class. John you call breaking your car close was using a socket and a breaker the way. Scott put together a Gardner was the last official fin-to Camp Lucky. Daniel usually bar, and the socket split in two 2:54:30 race that was good isher in the class, after a mara-gets four races out of his trans-places rendering it useless for enough for second place. Mark thon effort that got him across mission, and this was number changing tires. Mike's crack pit. Fisk had along second lap in the the line in just over six and a half four. He broke just about half a crew was on top of it however, # 12 99 car, but completed the hours. Daniel Allen didn't have mile from the start of the race. Continued on page 24 ~---------------------~ ---.,,. rnlill""."'r""---,,........,-------, Ed Beard didn't have a lot of fun, he only got in two of the four required Brian Nelson led the first lap in the Class 8 battle but problems cost Mike Herrick had a very long first lap and it cost him, he ended up in taps in Class 1, seen here in his good looking car. him time and he ended up taking the silver medal. the second spot in the Unlimited Sportsman Class. another The Suspension Company. Dusty Times August 2006 Page 23

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Scott Cebulski ran hard and fast but he was only able to grab a Brandon Nelson had problems on his first lap, couldn't get his second Michael Kennedy went as fast as he could but this day he had to second place finish in Sportsman 10, B minutes out of the win. lap in and shows up in second place in Sportsman Truck. settle for a third place finish in Unlimited Sportsman. Leaving explosions of silt behind him, Marl< Fisk took home the John Gardner wasn't a happy camper. he spent six hours on the Jayme Martens was looking for a fun race but he was an unfortunate bronze medal in the Sportsman 10 competition. course but he did manage to finish fourth in Sportsman 10. dnf in his good looking truck in Sportsman Truck Class. delivering fresh tires and making lap, with electrical problems and effort that he finished in just un-day, getting three flat tires and run-Overall feedback on this race the change for him. Mike's extra a faulty fuel pump. Michael's son der eight hours. ning out of gas. The gas stop re- was very good, with most drivers long first lap was followed by a Dylan rode shotgun with dad for There were no lack of Sport quired a four mile hike, followed liking the course very much. Some real scorcher and he finished the the first time. Dylan is 15 years Trucks atthis race, with four in the by another hike with a 12 gallon liked the technical aspect of the race in 4: 15:41. Mike has a new old and is looking forward to get• class, and four more in the Sport gas can, Craig Dillard got in one course, while others were just motor in the car, this one was a ting his driver's permit this week. Mini class. Tim Rodda has his very long lap, and Jayme Martens happy not to see whoop de doos completely rebuilt 4.3 litre Chevy Look for Dylan to be asking dad Toyota truck working good, sound-didn't get one done after his mo-for as far as the eye can see. It V-6 which came with a three year to switch seats in the upcoming ing good, and moving fast. Tim's tor died at about the 40 mile mark, takes some getting used to, since warranty. Mike did explain to the events! The team also managed to winning effort was completed in and refused to re-fire. this course is about two hours builder that this motor would be collect plenty of cholla cactus dur- 2:55:00. Tim's race was trouble Hector Chavez was the winner from the familiar places in Rocky used specifically for racing, and the ing the run. Look for Michael to free, but he did finish the race on in the Sport Mini class, completing Point that we have all grown to builder assured him that the war-pull the current Toyota motor for some very soft tires at opposite cor- two laps in 3:57:55. Hector had a love, but for a brand new race ranty was valid. Sounds like Mike an improved 3. 7 litre Toyota Tun- ners of the truck. Brandon Nelson big fan club, and had a nice eel-course, Whiplash did get it right made a smart buy ... Michael dra motor with in-cabin com- got one lap done, and almost a sec-ebration after the finish. Neil this time. Kennedy was the third place fin-puter controls. In the Sportsman ond, but blew up a transmission Weaver wasn't so lucky, and com-Next race on the Whiplash is her in the class, with a 4:31 :58. Limited class, Jerome Cutler got line just three short miles from the pleted only one lap, breaking a calendar is likely to be Snowflake, Michael had a very long second his money's worth with a two lap checkered flag. He had an eventful spindle at about the 35 mile mark happening over Labor Day week-Page 24 August 2006 on Lap 2. Bret Smith had a similar end as a yearly tradition. Hope fate, breaking an axle on Lap l. to see you there! -, In Sportsman Truck, the day belonged to Tim Rodda, he breezed in for an easy win, he's seen here at speed. Don't ask! Craig Dillard had a horrible day, almost six hours on his first lap in Sportsman Truck and happy to get on the trailer. Dusty Times

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p R E S - E N T S TH RED GARTER CASINO . CFFRCAD RACE r515l.■'5t.•~-.y,r-t66{5156y,r.,-~~~-.vy-~~~ IN WENDOVER, NEVADA September 1: & 2 <'ol'Ui b? tk ... Registration and Tech Inspection In the Red Garter Casino Parking Lot HOTEL & CASINO WENDOVER, NV 800-982-2111 . Friday, Sept 1 3: 00 - 6:00 pm •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Driver's Meeting Jin the Convention Room, Red Garter Casino Frid~y, Sept 1 7:00 pm • M■■•-■■a■•■••■■■■•■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■-■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • : Race Will Start • : In The Red Garter Casino Parking Lot • : Saturday, Sept 2 • : 8:30 am • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ENTRY & FEES PRCJ CLASS I • 1 /2 UNLIMITED, 1 □, 1/2-1600, HEAVY/MINI 'METAL $245 PRO CLASS II -CHALLENGER ANO 5/1 600 $1 6S -SPORTSMAN $1 □□ ALL CLASSES -INSURANCE $1 □□ -LA.NO USE FEE $1 00 * For the ½ 1600 class • Dnam or disc brakes are allowed! C□ME JOIN US F9□R SOME F9UN IN THE DIRT! ························································, Need to know MORE about B.O.R.E. Contact: Glenn or George Cain (801) 773-1651 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • Call For Special Room Rate Reservations 800-982-2111 Ext.# 712 Kathryn Byrd Ask For Red Garter Marketing Mention B.O.R.E. Racing

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Photos: J&L Photography '+ Greg Stingle was the big winner on Sunday at Antigo, he beat the other guys to the checkered flag in Light Buggy. "'· ~ 'r' ' "' Steve Oman beat out 30 other drivers in Light Buggy to take the Round 1 win at Antigo, he'sseen here a bit muddy but heading for the Rag. not so good and some wished they had stayed home. Another CORR season of fun and frolic has begun and it really doesn't take too long to see some sort of pecking order established. Three buggy classes and two truck classes raced at Antigo, the CORR Midwest sea-son opener and there were 94 contenders on site. Some of them had a great weekend, some In the Sportsman 2 class on Saturday it was Dan Baudoux taking the win in his Ford and leaping to the top of the points heap. Second place, in another Ford was Mike Savage, Ross Hoek came in third in yet an-other Ford, Don Williams was the fourth place finisher, also in a Ford and Ken Hallgren was the fifth place finisher and he was piloting a Chevy. Jace Shubert was sixth in his Chevy and Ben Wandahsega was the seventh and final finisher in his Chevy. Bob Gersmehl and Chris Kaiko started the race but were listed as dnf's and Gordon Zima and Bob Pauwels failed to start. In Single Buggy it was Steve Socha taking the Single Buggy win at Antigo, Steve finished seventh on Sunday. Saturday and finished in sec-ond place, Mike Savage dropped a spot and came in third, Jace Shubert came in fourth and Bob Gersmehl was the fifth place finisher. In sixth place it was Ken Hallgren, Don Williams slid into seventh place, Ben Wandahsega fin-ished in eighth place and Kris Kaiko took ninth place in his Chevy, Again, Zima and Pauwels failed to start. First in Single Buggy on Sunday, Mike Seefeldt came back from a seventh place finish on Saturday to take the coveted win. On Sunday ut was a ho-hum repeat win for Baudoux, he's now way up in points, Ross Hoek moved up a spot from Sportsman Stock had some really good racing at Antigo. When the first round came to an end it was Dave Waldvogel taking the win in his Ford, Scott Beauchamp came along in the second spot in his Chevy, Rod Page 26 Specializing in LS1-LS2-LS6-LS1 complete crate engines VB Packages starting at $5,300 Call l'or details Home of the 5 wire Install 7&0-94""1-274""1 .TurnKevEngine_c August 2006 Wells, in another Chevy came in for third place and Keith Steele was the fourth place fin-isher in his Chevy. In fifth place, in his Dodge, it was Don Demeny, Dan Beauchamp, Ford, and a rookie, ran in sixth place, Mike Boyd was lucky sev-enth in his Chevy truck, Al Konitzer, in another Dodge was the eighth finisher and David Schneider, another rookie came in ninth in his Ford. Ford driver Eric Ruppel was the 10th finisher and Jason Bort was the 11th and final finisher in his Chevy. In the second round of Sportsman Stock, Eric Ruppel came in the winner, Keith Steele Dusty Times

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Seen here nicely airborne, Gary Nierop flew to the SuperBuggy win at Antigo a good start for the points race in CORR. Making it look easy, Dan Baudoux took the Sportsman win both days, seen here in his good looking Ford. took the silver medal, Don Demeny got the bronze medal, Rod Wells took fourth place and Mike Boyd came across the Dusty Times line in fifth place. In sixth place it was Dan Beauchamp, Al Konitzer ran in seventh place, Dave Waldvogel was way down Churning up lots of dirt, Scott Schwalbe raced to the Super Buggy win on Sunday, no grass growing under his feet. The first Sportsman Stock win of the year went to Dave Waldvogel, he's seen here in his nice looking Ford pickup. in eighth place, Scott Beauchamp was also way down in ninth place and Jason Bort was in 10th place. David August 2006 Schneider was the 11th and fi-nal finisher. There were 31 Light Buggies roaring to go and they had a hell of a race. On Saturday it was Steve Oman taking the big win, Mike Vandenheuvel came across in the second spot, Jana Bloom came in third, Steve Schuch was fourth in and Mike Tikkanen was fifth. In the sixth spot it was Jaimie Kleikamp, Jeff Virnig was seventh, Craig Metz came across in eighth, Chad Dewall was ninth and Beau Ambos came in 10th. In 11th place it was Barry Wahlen, Kevin Huth came in 12th, Randy Oman was 13th in, Eric Lear, a rookie, came in 14th and Craig Rabe was the 15th finisher. Greg Stingle was way back in 16th place, Tom Tho-mas came in 17th, Tom Virnig was in 18th place, Mike Arndt was 19th and Stephanie Paid was in the 20th finishing spot. Bryan Holtger came across the line in 21st spot, Carol Gunderson came in 22nd, Jim Miller was 23rd, John McDonald was in the 24th spot and Tra-c Fleischman was way back in 25th place. Brian Glime finished 26th, Brian Bloomquist followed in 27th place and Matt Gerald finished 28th, he was the final finisher. Todd Lemke started the race but failed to finish. The Sunday race for the Light Buggy troops saw Greg Stingle taking the big win. Craig Rabe had a really nice second place finish, Steve Oman fin-ished in third place, Mike Tikkanen ended up in fourth place and Randy Oman came in fifth. Tra-c Fleischman fin-Continued on page 28 Page 27

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Eric Ruppel finished 1(1h in Sportsman Stock on Saturday but he Second on Saturday in Light Buggy, Mike VanDenHeuvel was way Taking the silver medal on Sunday in Light Buggy, Craig Rabe came back for a reat win on Sunda in his Ford. back in 15"' place in the Sunday contest. _______ recovered nicely from a 15"' place finish on Saturday. ===== Mark Steinhardt drove his good looking buggy to a second and a Brad Erickson finished fifth in Single Buggy on Saturday and took a John Mason had a really great weekend, he took a pair of second sixth place on Saturday and Sunday in Single Buggy. very nice second place in the Sunday festivities. place finishes in Super Buggy, he's seen here in his great looking car. ished a very nice sixth, Craig Vandenheuvel was way back in place finish, Tom Thomas was class had a bunch pawing at the place finisher. In sixth it was Metz came across in seventh, 15th place. Beau Ambos fin-24th and Chad Dewall came in ground and they had a really Bob Blaney, Mike Seefeldt was Matt Gerald came in eighth, ished in 16th spot, Barry 25th. In 26th place it was John good race on Saturday. When back in seventh place, Cissy Jaimie Kleikamp was ninth and Wahlen came in 17th, Craig McDonald and Todd Lemke the checkers flew it was Steve Baldwin came in eighth, Mark Eric Lear was the 20th finisher. Paid was the 18th finisher, was the 27th and final finisher. Socha taking the win, Mark Morton was in ninth place and Steve Schuch was back in 11th Mike Arndt was 29th in and Carol Gunderson and Steinhardt was right there in John Huven was the 20th place place, Brian Glime made it an Josh Hintz came in 20th. In 21st Stephanie Paid started the second place, John Fitzgerald finisher. Jason Janusz came even dozen, JeffVirnig was un-spot it was Brian Bloomquist, Sunday race but failed to fin-was the bronze medal winner, across in 11th place, Heather lucky 13th, Kevin Huth was in Tom Virnig came in 22nd, Jim ish. Michael Notary came in fourth Sullivan came in 12th, Dan 14th place and Mike Miller duplicated his 23rd The Midwest Single Buggy andBradEricksonwasthefifth Martin was 213th, Luke Page 28 August 2006 Dusty Times .,.

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Mike Savage flew his good looking Ford to a second and a third place A third on Saturday in Sportsman 2 and a great second place on Keith Steele garnered a fourth place and a second place finish at finish in the Sportsman 2 action at Antigo. Sunday for Ross Hoek, he's seen here in his Ford. Antigo in the Sportsman Stock class, seen here in his Chevy. Rod Wells drove his Chevrolet to a third and a fourth place finish at A pair of third place finishes went to John Fitzgerald in the Single Ryan Mulder took a third place finish and a seventh place finish in Antigo in Sportsman Stock, seen here at speed. Buggy class, he's seen here ready for landing. Super Buggy at Antigo, seen here in level flight. Zoetmuldert was 24th in and place finisher. Mark Steinhardt go and they had a good one. an unaccustomed 12th place, lace, Don Olson finished in Allen Plawman finished in 15th was the sixth place finisher, When the checkers flew it was Scott Schwalbe was way back in eighth place, Corry Heynan place. In 16th place it was Eve Steve Socha finished in seventh Gary Nierop taking the gold 13th place, Corry Heynan fin-took the ninth spot and Lisa Baldwin, Brett Ellenson came place, Terry Fitzgerald finished medal, John Mason was the sec-ished 14th and Tom Grint took the 10th place fin-in 17th and Leonard Lindquist in eighth place, Jason Janusz ond finisher and Ryan Mulder Schwartzburg finished in 15th ish. In 11th place it was came in 18th. Terry Fitzgerald finished ninth and Luke came in for third place. Todd place. Gerald Kleikamp was the Stephanie Kleiman, Jaimie failed to finish the race, Troy Zoetmulder finished in the 10th Wallace had a nice fourth place 16th and final finisher. Kleikamp came across in 12th Morgan and John Svanda failed spot. In the 11th finishing spot finish and Lisa Grint was the Round 2 of the Midwest Su-place, rookie A.J. Schmitt was to start. it was Mark Martin, John fifth place finisher. In sixth per Buggy contest had Mark 13th and John Frana was the Su ndav' s Midwest Sin~ le Huven finished 12th. Heather place it was Stephanie Krieman, Stein taking the coveted win, 14th and final finisher. Aaron Buggy race saw many major Sullivan finished unlucky 13th, Herman Barnum was seventh, John Mason took another sec-Hawley took the green but was changes in finishing positions Cissy Baldwin was 14th in and Scott Olson came in eighth, ond place and Adam Guberud a dnf. from Saturday's race. Mike Allen Plawman was the 15th rookie A.J. Schmitt was the came in third. In fourth place So it ended, first race of Seefeldt got back to his winning finisher. Eve Baldwin finished ninth place finisher and Adam it was Gary Nierop, Herman the season in the Midwest ways and took the gold medal, 16th, again, Dan Martin fin-Guberud was the 10th place Barnum came in fifth, Todd and everyone just anxious Brad Erickson was right there ished 17th and Leonard finisher. In 11th place it was Wallace came in sixth, Ryan to get to Crandon. See va in the second spot, John Lindquist was the 18th and fi-John Frana, Aaron Hawley was Mulder was down in seventh there. ~ Fitzgerald took another third nal finisher. place finish, Bob Blaney was The Midwest Super Buggy first off the podium, and contest was a good one, there Michael Notary was the fifth were 18 competitors ready to • POWERFUL • PRECl!iE JHM 2" Capacity, 180" Bends Steel, 4 t 30, Stainless, Aluminum Square, Round, Bar, Pipe Perteet for the: • Race Car Builder • Small Fabrication Shop • Home Shop Call for a FREE BROCHURE (541)382-1573 M«muf'artured B l!!iCD Dusty Times IE • Slows forward motion in tire event al a crash • Allows head movement • No cumbersome collar to wear • Quick, one-time adjustment • Does not hook into lap belt • Reduces neck tension by 45-70% • Great for all types of motor racing, especially where driver changes are common TDP DRIVERS UTILIZING THE D•CEl George Seeley • f d, Tim & Troy Herbst • Larry "LR" Roesefer Mark Post • Nick Baldwin • Jerry Whelchel • Alan Pllueger Jason & Josh Baldwin • Rick, Randy & Ronny Wifson Mike Jufson • Bob Lofton • Marie & Gary Weyhrich • Dave Ashley Dan Smith • Kyle Taylor • Gus Vildosola • Rob MacCachren I ~"Ul!l-!'7,11 ~.rrl 1.B00.700.2350• Fax 909.360.0436 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 August 2006 Page 29

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M.O.R.E. BEARD SEAT SHOOTOUT 'I~ 00~:td K.tdttt1 t'•IIMHl:....-4 Croll conquers B:, Steve Ruddick Photos: Trackside Photo Shawn Croll never put a wheel wrong, he literally flew around the course and took the Class 1 win and the overall with ease. The trailers and toy-haulers Quite a change from Friday time, I forgot where I was going. were all a rockin' Friday night afternoon• a pleasant spring day Anyway, I wanted to post a big along the entire length of a for the end of May in the Mo-"Thank You!" to my TECH mile+ long Pit row, as the desert jave Desert of southern Califor-TEAM for covering the last big winds in Lucerne Valley played nia-eye-a. The registration and MORE event. I got the call that their song and howled more than tech-line at contingency was everything went just fine and that a few bars of 'dust gets in your pretty much packed most of the there were no problems. Thank eyes'; and everywhere else too, I time for the M.O.R.E./Beard you, Lorenzo Lorenzana, Don might add. The winds whipped Seat Shootout in Lucerne Valley Bowler, Sawyer Clark and and whistled their way through on May 27, 2006. But what Donald Harper. .. without these the night ... it was like sleeping would change as the day went on, guyz ... A.R.T.S. would be just a aboard a land-yacht, but still list-and by evening ... did I mention name." ing to and fro'; where DID I put the wind already? A busy day for See ya next race. that Dramamine? The hoWlerZ the 'tech-dudes' and the 134 en-Art "The TECH DUDE" also reduced the usual pre-race tries that signed up that day. And Savedra. night 'activities' to almost nada... even kind words from the Boss The M.O.R.E./Beard Seat nary a creature was stirring all Tech-Dude, too: Shootout was held Saturday, through the night, due to down-<"He everyone, just got in May 27, 2006, on Course "B" at right inhospitable wind condi-from a non-stop week after week the Johnson Valley OHV area in tions. I mean, if you happen to events ... from the mountains of Lucerne Valley, CA off Camp be looking for wind energy, this Caliente, NV to the shores of Rock Road near Anderson Dry was/is "the place" to be, for sure! Hawaii to BAJA! Some of the Lake. BLM's Johnson Valley Eric Earnest took no prisoners at MORE, he ran a fast race and captured the Class 5 honors with more than an hour in hand. OHV area includes some 1,735 miles of trails and 'roads' to play on, and Course "B" consisted of about 40 dusty and dirty miles of these, run counter clockwise: three checkpoints and remote pits, four Road X (two each at Power Line and Transmission Line Roads), and more than a few bumps and whoops and holes and hills and twists and turns in between. Classes 1, 10, 5, and 1600 ran seven laps; Classes 5/16, 9, and 1300 did six laps; Class 8 covered four laps; Classes 7S, 1400, and 1450 raced for three laps; and Class 11 got to do two laps. For any-body listening, the main M.O.R.E. race radio frequency is located at Channel 151. 715 on your dial... all you need to know. The M.O.R.E./Beard Seat (and 'dust bowl') Shootout in-cluded 134 entries, 117 starters, XYX finishers, and XYZ DNF's. Mother Nature made it a little harsh for both the racers and the spectators on race day, but it was still quite a day of fun and dusty times, I'd say ... did I men-tion all the wind and the dust storms and wind cyclones? And with that as your background and no further delays, here are their stories: CLASS 1: Thirteen entries -nine start• ers, four finishers and five DNF's. Shawn Croll was Num-ber 5 to see the green flag at the Start in the Grove Raving car # 157, set the fast lap at 60.3 mph (0:39:50) on Lap 1, and never looked back as he led the Class 1 pack to the checkered flag in 4:48:32 at 58.2 mph to take: Overall Winner, First Place in Class 1, and the Class 1 Fast Lap honors. Sure sounds like a fun day of racing, eh. Croll said "The course was fast and fun through Lap 3, and then got rough and tough after that. We felt the wind at speed." Croll pit• ted the Ford 427 powered Por-ter chassis # 157 on Lap 4 for some gas and a co-driver change, and was back on the course again in short order. Croll also said "The course was slow through MM 12 ~ 17, and again in spots between Check A and B. Other-wise, we had a nice, dean race all day; a good event". Ray Croll broke a c.v. joint in Grove Rac-ing car #159 and DNF'd on Lap 6. Steve Croll didn't fair so well either in Grove Racing car #158 when he broke an axle on Lap 3. John Huson led all the way in Class 5-1600, but it was close, he had less than three minutes on his competition at the checkers. Ted Quiroz led Class 7A all the way. he drove his truck to the win with almost half an hour in hand when the checkers flew. Second place in Class 1 went to Rick Wilcoxson in car # 127, completing the required laps in 5:09:50 ar S.4.2 mph. Bill Markel from Lancaster, CA won third place in the SweepClean car #143 in 6:29:24 at 43.1 mph. Markel lost a clevis pin off his rear limiter strap, got into a bit of a side jostle with a Class 1400 truck, had a front flat on his last lap, but had no other problems throughout the day. Even his sponsor got a thrill ride out of it, too. Jennifer Clemson from Cypress, CA caught two flat tires on Lap 1 in car #132, rolled it pretty good on Lap 2, and "af-ter lots of welding" found her way to the checkered flag and the finish line to take fourth place in 8:08:41 at 34.4 mph. The most fun for the day for Clem-son was "the last lap and the fin-Continued on page 32 Rick Wilcoxen was a few minutes a lap off the winning pace, he took Jim Varshay was right in the fight for half the race but was a lot slower Ken Tolbert could almost taste the Class 5-1600 win, he took the the silver medal in Class 1, seen here at speed. the last three laps and finished second in Class 5. silver medal, a mere minute and change out of the win. Page 30 August 2006 · Dusty Times

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"'t Present The 3 7th Annual JUtu.<~L,, .. .. , · . ·._· ~ .. -·: . . .--:· ~~ ..:,__.· '.·.\: . ·=-·· ; ·.: . ~ . . . - ,-;_ . '. •. . . .. ·. /UJL1Itl . . 'lliPW CLASS 5-1600 BONUS RACE!! $2500 1st Place* & $500 Bonus to 2nd Place* *w/10 cars in class CLASS 7 BONUS RACE - $1000 1st Place!! Ti-CR.RACO The SouthCoast SNORE 250 is the longest consecutive running race in the United States!!! Come be a part ofhistocy!! Toyo Tires is sponsoring this race for television coverage on SPEED Channel's Lucas Oil On the-Edge!! Fri Sept 29th • Tech/Contingency @ the SouthCoast Resort & Casino \V\ • (702) 452-4522 SNORE hotline Series Sponsor eg Dusty Times ---···---~ ~ • RACli.,~ ~11£,FVE(. :•y ................ Official Tire Series Sponsor .. :,-.:~----: ... ·: ...., .... GENUtNEWE3 ~ August 2006 Page 31

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Tyler Fox was quick but a long second lap was his undoing, he A second place finish in Class BA was the best Kreg Donahoe could finished second in Class 7A in his really good looking truck. do, he's seen here in his well lighted Ford pickup. Corey Torres had the Class 9 battle well in hand but a very slow fourth lap was expensive, he was second on the podium at race end. day. There were staggered bumps class about 30 minutes later in all through the canyons". Wife the DunnTech car #1035. Dunn Riana Carter and Ron Suzo also was third off the start line at the get credit for the win. green flag and motored his way ish line!" checkered flag at the finish line, still managed to come out of re-CLASS 10: to win first place in Class 10 in tirement in Palmdale, CA to take Seven entries -six starters, 6:27: 13 at 43.4 mph. Carter the win in his VW-powered, three finishers, three DNF'd. "broke a front brake line on Lap Tatum chassis race car. Carter Ron Carter in car # 1019 was 1 and had some brakes after said "The course was a lot rough, first to see the green flag and the that", caught two flat tires, but and got rougher throughout the Page 32 August 2006 Sean Dunn took the check-to the lead at the end of Lap 1, ered flag and second place in taking the fast lap honors in class at 54.1 mph (0:44:22). All that speed turned to s 1 ow, ands 1 o we r on Laps 2 and 5, for Dunn, but that still didn't keep car # 1035 from crossing the finish line to win second place in Class 10 in 7:10:20 at 30.9 mph. Keep on Truckin'! Mike McGee in car # 1011 was less than three min-utes off the lead pace at the end of Lap 1, and was in the lead at the end of Lap 2, when ... Lap 3 turned into a three hour+ smagglefarfug-what ... EvEr! Mc-Gee and company got whAt EvEr "it" was fixed and ran some respectable lap times the rest of the way to the checkered flag for a third place win; taking 8:21:29 to get there at 33.5 mph. McGee didn't hear any lady singing, did you? Must have been that 'dusty' wind singing its song of woe through the blooming creosote bushes. CLASS 5: Eight entries -eight starters, two finishers, five DNF'd and one DNS. There was some darn close racing in Class 5 from the git-up-N-GO at the green. Shawn Kennedy started second off the line in car #505 and had a one minute lead over Eric Earnest, the sixth starter to see the green flag in car #500, at the end of the first lap. Just eight seconds later off #500's rear bumper was JR Varshay in car #511. Kennedy stretched his lead to almost six minutes ahead of Earnest by the end of Lap 2, and Varshay had fallen back to ten minutes be-hind the leader's pace. Not much changed through the end of Lap 3: Kennedy still had a six and a half minute lead over Earnest, who held a 13 minute+ lead over Varshay. Earnest narrowed his time to only three and a half min-utes off Kennedy's rear bumper by the end of Lap 4, and also put Varshay further behind by 15 minutes. Things changed a bit after that, however. Both Kennedy in car #505 and Dave Parson in car #529 DNF'd after four laps, and Varshay in car #511 rapidly fell further off the pace on Laps 5 - 7 as a result of" electrical problem and four cooked c.v. 's due to a bent rear suspension arm". Ear-nest slowed his race pace in car #500 after that and motored on to take the win and first place in class in 6: 19:05 at 44.3 mph. Earnest, from Apple Valley, CA, drove car # 500 on Laps 4 - 6, and said "The only problem all day was the slower cars in my way". Joey Gladish from Tor-rance, CA drove car #500 for Dusty Times '

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Rick Volpe had problems on his second lap and it cost him, he played Shawn Walter was a bit off the winning pace and a ve,y long third lap catchup but was only able to grab 2nd place, two minutes in arrears. didn't help, he finished a long second place in Lucerne. Laps 1 3. Varshay didn't hear 1600 powered Lothringer chas-49.5 mph. Rodriguez hails from anybody singing either, and took sis # 1629 to find its way to the Monrovia, CA, drove it all, and what it takes to still finish a race, finish line for a nice win. Lorenzo still managed "a clean race and taking home a second place win Rodriguez drove his Lothringer day" despite "havin~ only 3/ 4 in 8:02: 10 at 34.8 mph, in car chassis car #1617 to a second throttle on Laps l 3 and no #5 l l. Shawn Kennedy won the place win and finish, covering the power steering for Laps 4 ~ 6". fast lap honors in Class 10 in car required distance in 5:39:09 at What a way to win a race. Second place in Ultra Truck went to Robert Anderson, he was11indered by his last three laps, noticeably slower. #500, doing so at 51.0 mph in 0:47:01. What a day, eh!! CLASS 1-2/1600: Twenty-one entries, 17 start-ers. Curt Geer drove some very consistent laps in car #1629 to take the first place win in 5:30:21 ar 50.9 mph. Geer also won the fast lap honors on Lap 2 at 51.9 mph, covering the 40 mile long course in 0:46.12. Geer, from San Dimas, CA broke a front torsion bar adjuster on ar #1629 on Lap 3, and had some . steering problems in the wind after that. "The wind was brutal at Pit A!" Geer also had a flat tire at MM28 on his last lap. Other than that, it was smooth 'sailing' for Geer's dual-port John McComb took the Class BA lead on his third lap and he mot,;,red on easily for the class win, seen here at speed. ?. IIUl"IIII&.~ SHOeK ....... ...,,nJCHNOI.OGY 714.s:KJ.8701 • FAX714530.B702 12842 JOY STREET, GARDEN GROVE, CA 92840 WtNIN'.Jcingshodcs.corn Dusty Times August 2006 CLASS 5/ 16: pack all day to the checkered flag Sixteen entries - 13 starters, in 5:32:03 at 43.4 mph. Car eight finishers, one DNS and #566 also took the fast lap in four DNF's. Car #566 started class honors on Lap l at 44.7 sixth in line in class at the green mph in 0:53:42. The Lone Kid flag. He was in the lead at the Racing ride with Rulo at the end of Lap 1 and led the 5/ 16 Continued on page 34 Doug Si/cock took the Class 9 lead on the fourth lap and he went on from there to take the win, seen here hustling to the flag. 2.5" •• , €''!!!£, ' Need coil springs? Call King Shocks! We hove custom and produdion coils in stock, and fhe experience to get you what you need. Call today! Page 33

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Paul Vidal was quite a bit off the winning pace in Class 11 but he did Second spot in the hotly contested 1600 race was Lorenzo Rodriguez, take the silver medal at the MORE Beard Seat contest. seen here flying his Lothringer towards the finish line. wheel said he "was staring at the and a fast and fun course; a little car #584 to a fourth place fin-orange buggy of KST Racing in rough in spots", Tolbert said. ish, and doing so pretty consis-my rear view m irror the entire "The course was a little rocky, tently lap-by-lap for the required last lap". And sure enough, just but we had no flats, and the wind six laps, to take the checkered a minute and 44 seconds later it helped blow the course clear." flag in 6:218:27 at 38.0 mph. was Ken Tolbert in the orange Jay McCoy drove the River-Even though Dyer said car #584 KST Racing car #578 from side, CA based Schlaman's Rae-"ran well", it was still "a rough Castaic, CA that crossed the fin-ing car #567 to a third place ride for five laps after busting a ish line to take second place in win, in 5:57: 13 at 40.3 mph. torsion bar. It was all good, 0th-Class 5/16; in 5:33:47 at 43.1 McCoy is a long-time racer, so erwise." James Sigman did the mph. Tolbert drove Laps 1 ~ 3 chalk up another finish in the co-driver duties thing for car and then handed the driving du-"Win" column for him. Jasper #584, adding "There was zero ties over to Billy Worthing for Dye made the long trek all the visibility at the (Anderson) dry Laps 4 - 6. "It was a flawless race way from Parker, AZ to race his lake bed." No kidding, huh. Ray Bill Markel was well off the winning pace in the Class 1 contest, he finished in third place, seen here at speed. A lreraft Spruce is a worldwide distributor of quality produ.cts for the fOC-ing indu$U)'. Our product line of o~r 30.000 items is one of tile mo 1 ex.tensive from one single.source. Our SctVicc has made u the tn1tnber one supplier in aviation and is why over 3SO race <cams have wmcd to us as a trusted source for racing compom:nis! www Page 34 -r~ .zz ,.....aa.n. "1lllMIM..,. • w u, Air Fllt,n BEST SELECTION! LOWEST PRICES! SAME DAY SHIPMENT! Visit Our Corona, CA store! AIRCRAFT SPRUCE WEST lli Airport Circle Corona, Cl 91881).1527 ph.. 9SJ.J1VJ55..f fax 95J-31J.05$5 Bokelman won fifth place in car #569 just six minutes later, cov-ering the course in 6:24:29 at 37.5 mph. Tom Bolha was the sixth place winner in car #565, and ran the distance in 6:35:14 at 35.4 mph. Julian Patron Jr. had "lots of problems" in ar #595 on his way to the check-ered flag and a seventh place fin-ish. Patron, from Chula Vista, CA "lost the brakes, almost rolled it at· MM5 on Lap 3, had flooding problems and had to strap on the air filter and baby it all the way" , but finish he did in 7:32:42 at 32.5 mph. Rich-ard Garavito was the last in Class 5/ 16 to see the checkered flag in ar #555 and still take home a win, finishing in eighth place in 7:29: 15 at 32.1 mph. CLASS 9: A whopping 24 entries - 22 in class at the start in the red and starters, six finishers, one DNS white car #915. At the end of and 15 DNFs. WOW! Doug Sil-the day at the checkered flag at cock started at the very rear of the finish line, Goin was only the Class 9 pack in car #969, about four minutes+ behind the blew his tranny and swapped it pace of second place Torres in out in pretty short order, and car #989. And that was good still managed to drive both con-enough for the third place win sistent and clean laps through the in Class 9 for Goin in car #915, rest of the Class 9 pack the en-covering the whole thing in tire day on his way to the first 6:51:08 at 35.0 mph. Goin's place winner's circle in Class 9 only comment was "It needs sta-at the checkered flag; in 6:30:08 bilizers on the front!" I guess that at 36.9 mph. Silcock had a bit means 'no mo' herky-jerky'? Or, of a 'fit' problem because "The what if the 'hokey-pokey' really seat was adjusted for a different is what its all about? I'll leave driver" in his Lothringer chassis that one to the mystics for an-ride. That didn't seem to make other time. Harry Dunn was next too much of a difference for Sil-to see the checkered flag to take cock, who reported "a fairly the fourth place finish in Class good day, and a fairly rough 9 in car #914, in 7:17:53 at 32.9 course". Corey Torres started mph. Fifth place went to Mike eighth in line in the Mahoney Nixon in car #944 about a half Racing car #989 at the green hour later at 30. 9 m ph and flag, set the fast lap race pace for 7:45:29 time. Geoff Archer was the class on Lap 1 at 41. 9 mph the last Class 9 racer over the in 0:57: 14, and brought home finish line, finishing in sixth place the second place win in 6:47:48 in car #913 in 7:57:41 at 30.1 at 35.3 mph. In between, Torres mph. "lost second gear, and broke and CLASS 13: changed the tranny on Lap 3. Fifteen entries -14 starters, Otherwise, it was a clean race and nine finishers, one DNS and a long day. There was a lot of four DNFs. Tom Gilchriese great back-and-forth action be-started nine in line in car# 1377 tween the racers the first couple at the green flag, had the lead by of laps. "It was fun." the end of the first lap, and was Corey Goin was second in line setting a hot race pace on Lap 2 A nice win at Lucerne went to Gene Wilson, he beat 13 competitors to the flag, he's seen here in flight. at 50. 7 mph when his car died for the rest of the day. Gene Wilson was the tenth car on the track at the start in the Hammer Down Inc. Racing ride car #1316. Son Nick Wilson started his first-time-ever driving, but still "had fun beat'n 'Dad'." 'Dad' Wilson drove a steady and consistent race pace on Laps 4 - 6 with Heather Wilson sitting in the co-driver's seat, to take first place in class in 5:32:56 at 43.3 mph. The Wilsons reported hav-ing "No trouble all day -the car ran great; perfect". Rick Volpe from Canyon Lakes, CA also set a fast _pace on his first lap at 49 mph in car #1310, but slowed way down on Lap 2 after he rolled it at MM 1. "I hate it when that happens", Volpe remarked; noting "driver error" as the prob-able cause. Volpe made a nice recovery and went on to take the second place finish in 5:25:33 at 42.9 mph, just a little over five minutes off of the rear bumper of the first place winner. Volpe drove Laps 1 - 3 with Danna Benett sitting in the co-driver's seat. Jim Becker took the wheel for Laps 4 - 6, with Mark Soren-son at his side. Volpe had fun and reported a good race with car # 1377: "He passed us at MM 14, and we caught back up and passed him in the rough at MM20." Volpe said the LS I-pow-ered # 1310 ran fine. "The course was fast, but way rougher and chewed up." Must have been Bryan Castro had a pretty easy day, he took the class lead on the first lap and took the win with well over an hour in hand. August 2006 Dusty Times

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Darrell Clifton drove his really good looking bug to the bronze medal Just a bit off the winning pace, Jay McCoy flies his Bug towards that The bronze medal in Class 7A went to Ken Keegal, he's seen here in the Class 5 competition, seen here rushing to the fla . ever elusive checkered flag at the MORE Lucerne race. hurrying his truck towards the checkered flag. Corey Goin had a pretty good day. he took the third place honors in Tom Craig had a bit of a floor problem, he's seen here on his way to Long third and fourth laps didn't help, Jennifer Clemison powered her a decent third place finish in the 1600 fracas. way to a fourth place finish in Class 1. Class 9, he's seen here at full tilt. from all those racers doing bar-rel rolls and other fun stuff in the dust and dirt. Bob Jordan brought his car #1311 out from Phelan, CA to have "No problems all day", and motored his way to the third place win and finish in 5:56:54 at 40.3 mph. This was Jordan's third finish in three races. David Norris helped with the co-driver duties, and claimed 'no respon-sibility' when the muffler fell off of the Bob Jordan Machine car #1311 on the last lap; yah, sure• uh-huh, right. Jordan said "The course was great, but got a bit rough at the end." Not a bad day at all, eh. Fourth place in Class 13 went to Matt Frick in the black Motion Tire car # 1324. Frick said "The course was real rough and windy", on his way to take the win in 6:31 :06 at 36.8 mph. "We had a tough day. De-spite two flats and a couple of spark plug wires falling off, old Blackie finished her third race in a row! Pretty good for a car built in 1983!" Not too bad, for an 'older' gal. Glen Helen drove #1324 on Laps 1-3 with Bill Bryant along for the ride in the co-driver's seat. Frick took the wheel for Laps 4 -6, where he was joined by Allen Close who made the trek all the way out from Michigan for some fun in the warm Califor-knee-a diRt. Frick said his most fun for the day was "chasing and racing car trophy on # 1302. Be Safe out bEEfy, and turbo'd, and still thing all day, and reported "no #1322 in the rough stuff be-there,ok,becausethe'price'you evenhasNC.Anditshowedthat problems" on their way to the tween Pit A and B." Sounds like might pay for fun just may not it had what it takes to finish and winner's circle. It was "a clear fun in the wind and dust and be worth it, after all. Crew fin-win a race too. Even though he course with some rough sections: diRt to me, too. ished the race in eighth place in was just a bit off the race pace, for the second time out old-Nadal Habash made a fun 7:39:50 at 31.3 mph in ar Donahoestillwonsecondplace, schoolJeepster;andalotoffun race day of it too in car# 1322, # 1302, or at least what there covering the necessary dust and too, I'll bet. wOOhOO! Tyler and was just 0: 1:03 behind Frick was left of it. I call that racer diRt in 6: 10:09 at 32.4 mph. Fox drove truck #723 to a sec-at the checkered flag to take the safety and a mighty fine job of Not too bad for such a big turbo ond place win in 6:21:37 at 31.4 win and fifth place finish in driving skills, too. As for the bike diesel powered ThAng! I wonder mph. Third place went to Ken 6:32:09 at 36.7 mph; after start-rider: YOU are certainly "one just how much pure brute grunt-Keegal in truck #797 w·ho cov-ing number eight in line at the Lucky Dude" to still be aliVe power sits under that hood. John ered the course in 6:35:43 at green flag earlier in the day. Mike and all in one piece too! Please McComb drove some very con-30.3 mph. Meyers was the next to cross the learn to "ride", eh; your Life de-sistent and pretty flawless laps to CLASS 1400 Ultra: finish line for the checkered flag pends on it, especially if you take the first place win and fin- Seven entries. six starters, two and the sixth place victory in car don't have a great driver like ish in truck #708, covering the finishers, three DNFs and one # 1385, covering the miles needed Crew to 'save' your sorry @** course in a respectable 3:49:35 DNS. Uncle Bob Schreiner took in 6:47:53 at 35.5 mph. Craig from your own stupidity. at 41.8 mph. home another victory and an-Clark was the seventh place win-CLASS 8: CLASS 7S: other first place win in truck ner in car # 13 7 5. Clark drove Three entries· three starters, Nine entries• six starters four # 14 38, as he powered his way # 137 5 to the finish line in two finishers and one DNF. Joe finishers, one DNS and one around the course in 4:22:50 at 8:08:30 at 34.4 mph. Greg Crew Patelli was first off the line at the DNF. Ted Quiroz from Barstow 45. 7 mph. Schreiner also won was having a pretty nice race day green flag in truck #802 and was CA drove the red Mirage the fast lap honors at 49.8 mph in the #1302 Lucas Oil ar and in the lead through Lap 2, but Motorsports Jeep truck #725 to on Lap 2 (0:48:09). Schreiner kept up with the leaders through he was through after that; a a first place win and victory in took a rear start in class at the Lap 4, when he had to lock the DNF. But, not before winning class, covering the required four green flag and had a five minute brakes up HARD and "drive" to the Class 8 Fast Lap honors at laps in 5:53:29 at 33.9 mph, and lead by the end of the first lap. keep from hitting a bike rider 43.7 mph on Lap 1, in 0:54:56. beating his competition to the He racked up an hour and 20 who was cutting across the Kreg Donahoe was next to see the checkered flag by over 30 min-minutes+ lead by the end of the course on the north wise of the green in truck #803, and what a utes. Ted, and son Zach Quiroz day at the checkered flag. dry lake. Crew rolled it, the car 'truck' he has. It is Big and drove the red re-done Mike Leslie Continued on page 36 got a lot of damage, the biker never stopped, but Crew and crew were still able to limp her around for the last three laps. If Crew h ad been just a little faster or a less experienced race car "driver", that bike rider would not be alive today, but instead would be a dead hood ornament \lrrewarRs ~.D 11 l ' • • . · ~ Ji. Wired to Win! Wiring Going To Make It Another Season? Auto electrical experts Specializing in custom off-road wiring Race vehicles & dune buggies Communications and custom lighting When it's gotta be Wired Right! e&j Wireworks Bob Schreiner was the Ultra Truck winner at Lucerne, he led all the way in his good looking GMC, seen here at speed. 2865 Progress Place Ste 28 Escondido CA 92029 760-738-WIRE (9473) Dusty Times August 2006 Page 35 ,,,

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... A first out of the money finish (fourth place) went to Jasper Dyer, he's Matt Frick had some slow laps in the middle of the race but still Ryan Chamberlain wasn't too far off the pace, he carded a nice seen here in his husky looking 5-1600. managed a fourth place finish, he's seen here saving tire wear. fourth place in the 1600 contest, seen here in his neat looking car. Congrats on yet another fine win, Team Uribe! Robert Ander-son from San Clemente, CA and his brother Charles, broke the steering shaft knuckle on truck # 1401 on Lap 3 at the race; their third season of competition in the diRt. The Anderson broth-ers said "The course was rough and brutal, but fast"; and re-ported "No other problems ex-cept running into a lot of Class 16, 9, and 5 car traffic all day". The Anderson brothers com-pleted the race in truck # 1401 in 5:44:28 at 34.8 mph. CLASS 1450: Twelve entries -eight starters, three finishers, three DNFs and two DNS. Bryan Castro took the In Class 11, Anne Naso led all the way in here really great looking Bug, she's seen here heading for that checkered flag. first place win in truck# 1468 in the Sportsman pre-runner class, move again, so we went ahead two laps in 2:46:28 at 28.8 mph. taking the checkered flag at the and did our driver change at Anne, from Hesperia, and finish in 5: 14:52 at 30.5 mph. S/F. I went out on Lap 3 stop-daughter Kelly Naso, said "The Shawn Walters made it to the ping at every FAIR pit for fluid course was rough at times, but finish line and the checkers too and at FAIR Bravo for fluid still pretty fast for us. After about an hour and 20 minutes and a new spare, as I had flat-#1183 (Benson) 'died' on Lap 1, later in truck # 1469, covering ted moving over for the flying we caught and passed # 1106 the distance required in 6:56:19 blue cars #157 and #158 which (Vidal) at MM5." Notwithstand-at 23.1 mph.-Truck # 1488, passed me in the same dust ing, Mom and daughter still took driven by Eric Fiorino, took the cloud. We stopped at the end home the fast lap honors on Lap fourth place win in Class 1450 of Lap 3 to tighten the rear 2, in 1:19:25 at 30.2 mph, and doing so in 7:20:44 at 21.8 mph. limit straps hoping that it managed to have a good time Giti Gowland was racing #1499 would keep the driveline from together in their 'built-in-the-this day, and it didn't exactly coming out, filled the fluid up backyard fun-mobile'. I'd say turn out the way he hoped for: and continued. By MM24 we they had GrEat fun too, eh what! After finally getting tech'd and were back to second place and Crossing the finish line to win our to S/F and set up, it was moving pretty well when the second place about an hour and 1:30 a.m . and we didn't have Tach jumped to seven grand a half later was Paul Vidal in car timetoevendrivetheJeeptotest and the Jeep rolled to a stop. #1106; 4:23:27 at 22.6 mph. it. A complete rear clip rebuild, We were done. It was over an Gena Ptasinki from Glendora, including rear springs, shocks hour later when# 1469 came by CA won third place in Class 11 and shock mounts, driveline, to put us to third, and when in car #1188. JeffCepik was the and a brand new floater, were # 1488 went by us too, we called co-driver in # 1188 for Lap 1, all new and untested. I was up at for the trailer." End of race for and Vicky Silcock caught her 4: 15 and finishing bleeding the Gowland. first race ride ever on Lap 2. brakes and prepping the last few CLASS 11: Ptasinki had some electrical and items on the race car. First lap Five entries -four starters, battery problems that cost about was good, Dan stayed close, and four finishers, no DNS, no DNF. a half hour to re-wire, as well as was in third about eight minutes Anne Naso started third off the an oil leak at race end. Ptasinki back, but four minutes ahead of line at the green flag in car said "The course had a lot of our projected pace. Second lap # 1169, "broke the entire steer-sand and just about everything he tagged a rock at MM8 and ing column about MM 13 on Lap else, too." "It was fun passing a tore up a tire. That got fixed and 1, strapped it up with a tie-down, purple Class 7 truck!", she with a new tire picked up at FAIR and got it into the FAIR pits at added. Last in class to see the Alpha, he carried on til MM34 Check Point A." Despite her 3-D checkers was Brandon Benson in when the trans quit working. steering problems, Naso had the car # 1183, crossing the finish Problem was a driveline that was lead by the end of the first lap, line in 4:43:24 at 16.9 mph. a little short and had torn the and motored on from there to NOTES and Observations: rear seal up. We replaced seven take the first place win and vie- Yes. Desert off road racing is quarts of gluid and it started to tory after covering the required mucho fun, and very dangerous, ...=-----=---------------''--'--------;;.,-., It was a great race for Curt Geer, he took the coveted and always hotly contested Class 1600 win at the MORE Lucerne meet. too. Over the years of competi-that none of you (the racers, the tion, many racers have died, oth-spectators, the photographers, ers have sustained major or life our families and friends) want altering damage to their bodies, to find out the hard way, either. people have gotten burned re-That is just TOO high a price to ally bad ... seem we never appre-pay, whatever it might 'co$t'. ciate being healthy until we Something is going to happen, aren't any more; and then it's sooner or later, that will dra-usually too late. Spectators and maticaily and forever change the photographers are not immune face of racing in the desert. I from these very real dangers; nor think we need to take steps now. are 'bike riders either. Life is I don't know how or what, but special and pretty fragile, and something needs to happen; and you can't put a 'price tag' on it, sooner, rather than later. And other than what "you" are will-if "we" don't do it together, and ing to "pay". But, how much soon ... well, who knows what the would it 'cost' if somebody out-"price" may be then? So, please side the racing community gets Be SAFE out thErE ... it is a "killed"? I do not, and I am sure Dangerous place! :-------=---....:....------=====. Bob Jordan had a pretty good race, he finished in the third spot in class, he's seen here at a fairly hard landing. Ray Croll had some problems on his first lap, then kicked it into high Mike Nixon drove his patriotic car to a reasonable fifth place finish in Nadal Habash had a fairly long fifth lap but he hung in there and gear but he was unable to complete his last lap. Class 9, seen here at speed. finished fifth in class, seen here at a hard touchdown. Page 36 August 2006 Dusty Times

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DESERT RAT 250 Whitton Wins At Rocky Point Photos: Nicole Del Col Ron Whitton led all the way in his Trophy Truck, he averaged over 60 miles per hour, won with half an hour in hand in his good looking truck. The Pro Desert Racing Or-ganization put on their inaugu-ral event in Rocky Point, Mexico on May 6. Admittedly, it was a humble beginning, but the interest was there, the sup-port from the community was there, and the event went very well. Ron Whitton had a great day in his Ford Trophy Truck earning a very nice overall win with an elapsed time of 3:58:05 averaging a blistering fast 61 miles per hour over the course. Ron's Geiser Brothers, Whitton Companies spon-sored vehicle had just a couple of flats en route to the check-ered flag. One was changed in Ron's G&G Racing pit, and co-driver "Smitty" Kini? changed the other out on the course. The team charged to the finish besting a number of other quality Trophy Trucks. Tim Gendreau finished in the second place position with an ET or 4:31:30. This was Tim's first ever race in the Trophy Truck class, and he's still get-ting the hang of all of the power and suspension travel afforded by his big Chevy. Mike Bell and Albert Mc-Mullen debuted their brand spanking new Trophy Truck at this event. The truck was fin-ished all in black, with a Maxxis Tire sponsor promi-nently displayed on the side. The truck was running giant 40" Maxxis tires that gave the truck a very aggressive stance. The truck also has a monster OFF-ROAD & JEEP SWAP MEETS 1Ox10 ft. Spaces available for a nominal charge For info Call BrYan Rogers (714) 282-9311 or (714) 514-4308 Mark Your Calendar Now .. . 2 BIG DAYS! JUNE· 10 & SEPT.2,2006 7:00 AM-3:00 PM Prerunners & JeepSpeeds B11U /TPFT 22FllEEWAV 1739 CASE ST. • ORANGE, CA EAST OF 57 FREEWAY BALL RD./TAFT BETWEEN BATAVIA & GLASSELL Page 38 August 2006 Terry Yoakum had a pretty good day, he led Class 1 on the second lap. Took the gold medal and was a nice second overall as well. 427 small block that makes lots of noise, and pushes it right along. Albert and Mike had a good day, with the ex-ception of a couple of flat tires. Albert McMullen ex-plained that he loved the tires, as they hooked up great, handled well, and were tough enough to handle the rocks and cactus that would nor-mally flatten other race tires. Albert admitted that the two flats they had were both caused by hitting concrete parking blocks, that were out in the middle of nowhere in the desert ... The truck also had some minor "new truck blues" as the front wheel bearing re-tainers came loose. This is a very unusual situation, and the cause may have been that the bearing races were not fully seated in the front hubs prior to the start of the race. Once these guys get some eat time, look for this team to do well in this truck. This machine looks and sounds like a run-ner, and Albert is always fast. Bucky Strunk had overheat-ing problems for most of the race, but did finish the race in J!j the fourth position. Mike Vodouris had his Geiser Built Zorba Racing Trophy Truck at The 'Rat 250. Mike had one heck of a day with a broken driveline, and a transmission that literally went up in smoke as it crossed the finish line. Pete Sohren and the Speedway Rac-ing Team were in excellent po-sition very early in the race, starting second on the road, and getting to the front of the pack very quickly. Pete pre-ran the course several times, but still couldn't avoid a ditch somewhere between Check 1 and 2. Pete explained that he was having a discussion with his two co-drivers, and forgot about a ditch on the outside of a sweeping high speed turn. He tried stopping the truck before impact, but just couldn't do it, stuffing the truck into the ditch with full brakes applied, and the wheel turned. This combination blew an o-ring out of the steering rack, ending his day. The Pro Desert Racing Or-ganization is made up of a group of Arizona racing en-thusiasts who are looking to Ed Beard led Class 10 from the git-go, ran fast and clean, took Class honors and finished a nice third overall. Brent McKee led Class 1600 off and on throughout the race but he was there when it counted and took the class win with ease. Dusty Times

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Tim Gendreau lost time to the leader each lap but he certainly wasn't Kevin McMullen lost a lot of time to the leader on the second lap, he's slow, he took the silver medal in the Trophy Truck event. flying here towards a :?><I place finish in Class 1. Rich Serverson ran quite well except for his last leg but he still managed the Class win at the PDR Desert Rat outing. provide fun, safe racing in the most visited part of Rocky mountain" giving a nice mix of Sonora, Mexico. Rocky Point Point. Additionally, they were sand and rocky terrain to chal-is an ideal racing venue, with a able to pull it off on Cinco de lenge the racers. San Felipe type atmosphere on Mayo ... with a celebration in Terry Yoakum was the top a smaller scale. PDR was able full swing during the weekend. dog in the Class 1 ranks with a to hold the contingency and The race course was a very nice 4 :22:46 ET and the second technical inspection before the mix of previously used race overall position. Terry's A-arm race on the Malecon, right on track, and some new sections Chenowth ran well all day. the waterfront and in front of that were great for racing. The Kevin McMullen earned the see-the fish market. This is likely course did go around "the ond place spot in Class 1, com-pleting his assignment in Tom Wood had his single seat 4:56:00. Kevin ran a big four Jimco in the mix, but Tom seater with three occupants. broke on his second lap and Nathan Melton was running did not finish the race. very well in his Jimco two Class 10 veteran Ed Beard seater, and was leading overall had an excellent day in his on time after Lap 1. Unfortu-Toyota powered racer, getting nately he put the car on the his assignment completed in trailer after Lap 1 with termi-4:32:15. Ed was tired after nal transmission problems. Continued on page 40 Jason Saunders had a good first lap, was running a bit slower later in Cart Rohrer was losing lots of time from the second checkpoint on, Joel Parra didn't have a good day, he had big problems ·between the race and he failed to make that final check, a dnf, too bad. but he did manage a decent second place finish in class. check 1 and 3 and was unable to complete the race. Dusty Times August 2006 Page 39

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Mike Bell lost a lot of time on his second lap, but he finished third in Bucky Strunk lost most of his time on the second lap, but he held on Mike Voudouis, seen here at speed on the course, had a reasonable Trophy Truck, about an hour behind the class leader. _'::a:--nd-::-:too'-:ikc-a:--fo_u:-rt:-:h::-p:-:la::c:ie-:fi:-:m::--:is::--:h:-::i_nl'Tii:ro:'::p:t:hy:-=Tr:-::uc-:.k.c::-:T--;;;~==;:_;-:d:a!"Jy.~,:h~e,,,;wa;;;;;;s;,;fi;;;ift;;h;,;t;;;;o~fi~m:;;;is~h~in~th,;;e;...Ti;,,;,r,;;;/op;;;h;t,Y=Ti;;ru;;c;;;;k~b;;;n~·g~a;,;de. Lap 1, but soldiered on to 1600 to earn victory at the several gears, Rich was forced ,,,, take the checkers. He had no Rat. Brent drove the first lap to get the Ranger off the problems during the race, and with Tim riding shotgun, and course, and back on the trailer was very happy to earn the then Tim took the wheel to fin-to end his day. win. Keith Hughes had son ish the final lap. The team cov-In the Sportsman classes, Will riding shotgun, and this ered the miles in 6:01:23. Tim Bruce Johnston got the gold team really had to work to get finished the last 20 miles on a medal finishing his only re-to the finish line. The team flat front tire, that was kind quired lap 2:33:24. Bruce's lost the crank position sensor enough to stay on the rim un-new Sportsman motor moves early in the race, and without til just before the checkered him along very quickly, and the proper equipment to cali-flag. Jason Saunders was giv-seems very well suited for brate a new one, the car ran ing McKee and Huber a really Bruce's driving style, and han-poorly for the remainder of good race, but came up just dling of his car. Bruce had very the race. The team encoun-short, with terminal problems few problems on this day. Carl tered obstacle after obstacle, in the waning moments of his Rohrer also finished i the class, including flat tires, and get-final lap. but was about an hour be-ting stuck, but worked hard Rich Severson had a lot of hind. Mike Sulgei; and a four and finished in 7:09:39. Both fun in his mostly Stock Ford seater full of his buddies only men were very happy to finally Ranger in Class 7. Rich was made one checkpoint before reach the finish line, and en-running very well, but some of "checking out". joy a cold Tecate. the deep sand was driving Don Weiser had a good day Brent McKee and Tim transmission temperatures in his Sportsman 1600 car fin-Huber teamed up in Class through the roof. After losing ishing the race in 2:42:32. Worldwide benchmerk menufacturer of military-specification wiring systems for all motorsport applications MoTaC Engine Management and Data Acquisition Systems Robust 32-bit sequential fuel and spark control systems built co withstand extreme racing ar·,c:J pre-running punishment. Turn-key systems available for all popular off-road engine packages. Digital display ar,d data acquisition systems for all levels of competition. Engine and chassis dynamorneter services available. Sakata Motorsport Electronics, inc. 689 s. State College Blvd. Unit K Fullerton, CA Tel: 714·446·9475 Fax: 714-446·9247 Page 40 Utilizing the finest . Raychem System 25 components, the industry standard for all professional racing sanctions. Engineering, assembly, and comprehensive testing performed 100% in-house. Complete harness assemblies end circuit control components are available to suit your budget. High-Accuracy Air-Fuel Ratio Meters Lightweight, stand-alone system works with ell engines and alternate fuels -cerbureted or fuel injected. For the dedicated engine tuner who needs to know exact;/y whet their engine is doing. No flashing lights -just the facts ... Nail it; t;o a number! « ="---~----~ ~~~<~-=~, IVIDTDRSPDRT ELECTRONICS vva'ra making cannact1ans ... August 2006 Bruce Johnson ran his race trouble free, he took the class win with almost an hour in hand when the checkers flew. Hector Ruiz did the same in his Sport Truck earning a win. Overall this race went off very smoothly for the first at-tempt "out of the box". The racers seemed to really like the contingency and tech inspec-tion down on t·he waterfront in Rocky Point. The course was well marked, and PDR even provided G PS files to the rac-ers ... a first for a Rocky Point race. Most everyone liked the course, with a great mix of rocky stuff, high speed sections, and some sand thrown in as is typical for a Rocky Point race. Next race on the Pro Desert Racing calendar is the Sonora 500 on October 14th. This race will be a first in this area, start-ing racers in San Luis near Yuma, Arizona and finishing in Rocky Point. Logistics and chas-ing should be a challenge in this undeveloped area, but the rac-ing should be outstanding. Look for this organization to continue to grow, and to pro-vide a solid racing offer to us "Desert Rats". Hope to see you there! 1!1111. Don Weiser was the only car in his class but he didn't dawdle, he ran good times and was happy with his car at race end. ·. Hector Ruiz took command of the Class 1500 race early on, he's seen here at speed in his good looking truck heading for the finish. Dusty Times 'I

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1 ~qg,:~~-!!!K@ U!!!iP-.E:!D!!ilDD!!i QUALITY PARTS AND ACCESSORIES FOR 2 & 4 WHEEL DRIVE VEHICLES! FRONT / BEAR FENDERS IND HOODS IT S10.00 EACH , ' (Limited to stock on luaall) Tel: 714.632.900 I Fax: 714.632.9004 Store Hours: M-F: 9a-6p Sat-Sun: Closed 2991 E. Whitestar Anaheim, CA 92806 ..... ·, . WITH WHEELS AND TIRES UIUUlUSUUIIUUlUlUUIUIIUUHUUCJIOUU1fUlUIUtUIUh-n11u1u1u tunu1 ununtiiuususu1u1usu:auauu:1uu;11:u:1u1uu1uun1 BUY ENTIRE PALLETS OF ASSORT~D PARTS AT PENNIES ON THE DOLLAR! MAKE US AN OFFER WE CAN'!' REFUSE

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t. .i:1%1~1 AT CRANDON Greaves/Taylor score Big By ]. Preston Bradshaw Photos: J&L Photography What a weekend for Johnny greaves, he took the gold medal in Pro 4 both days at the CORR Crandon shootout, seen here in his Chevy. ' Their first two rounds of wheel Crandon International Raceway to Johnny Greaves in his Toyota, to wheel racing was at Chula Vista where the racin' is always good. Curt LeDuc was right there in his in California and now the Pro-4, There were 15 Pro-4 trucks on Ford, Josh Baldwin took the third Pro-2 and Pro Lite trucks were meet• hand and they had themselves a place finishing position in his Ford, ing for the next two rounds at great battle. Saturday's round went Troy Herbst was a respectable Page 42 August 2006 Scotty Taylor had a great weekend at Crandon, he took the Pro 2 gold medal both days in his great looking Ford. fourth, also in a Ford and Larry Noel was fifth in his Chevy. Chevy mounted, Carl Renezeder was the sixth place finisher, Adrian Cenni was seventh in his Chevy, Scott Douglas came in eighth in his Ford and Marty Coyne was ninth, he too in a Ford truck. Tenth place went to Rick Huseman, Toyota mounted, Dave Christoferson, in his Chevy was 11th and Al Drews was the 12th and final finisher. The second Crandon round on Saturday saw Johnny Greaves, in his Toyota, once again taking the big win. Carl Renezeder was up a few spots from Saturday, finishing in second place, Josh Baldwin took another third place here, Curt LeDuc ended up in fourth place this day and Troy Herbst came across in fifth place. Sixth place went to Rick Huseman, seventh place went to Marty Coyne and Dave Christoferson finished eighth. Leon Noel finished ninth in his Chevy, Al Drews came in 10th, Adrian Cenni came in 11th and Scott Dou-glas was the 12th and fin~l finisher. In the Pro-4 points race, Carl Renezeder leads with 66 points, Troy Herbst is second with 55, Josh Baldwin is third with 54 points, Johnny Greaves is fourth with 53 points and Curt LeDuc is fifth with 43 points. The Pro-2 troops were all ready to go for their two rounds at Crandon, and it was really no sur-prise to see Scotty Taylor first to take the checkered flag in his Ford. Evan Evans, always a threat came along in the second spot in his Chevy. Dan VandenHeuvel, Sr. took the bronze medal in his Chevy, Josh Baldwin ~as fourth in his Ford and Jerry Whelchel was fifth, also in a Ford. Kevin Probst was the sixth place finisher in his Chevro-let, Travis Coyne was seventh in his Chevy, Rhonda Konitzer was the eighth place finisher, Paul Seidler came in ninth in his Chevy and Scott Douglas was 10th in his Ford. The 11th finishing spot went to Brian Hinman, Chevrolet, Steve Barlow was 12th in his Ford, Mike Oberg, in a Chevy was 13th and Todd LeDuc was 14th in his Ford. Carl Renezeder was out of charac-ter as the 15th and final finisher. The Season Round 4 on Sun-day saw Scotty Taylor taking the Pro-2 win again. Travis Coyne had a great run, he finished second this day and Jerry Whelchel rounded out the top three. Steve Barlow had a good race, finishing fourth, Todd Kyle LeDuc took the Pro Lite win on Saturday at Crandon, on Sunday, well, we don't want to talk about it. Jeff Kincaid took the Pro Lite win on Sunday at Crandon, he's seen here in his Toyota heading for the checkered flag. Dusty Times

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Evan Evans flies high in his Chevy, Evan was second on Saturday in Curt LeDuc took a second and a fourth place finish in Pro 4, Curt sits Garf Renezeder took a sixth and a second in Pro 4 at Crandon. He Pro 2, he fell to 11111 place in the Sunday race. fifth in points after four rounds of racing. leads the points race, seen here diggin' with Chevy power. LeDuc was the fifth place finisher Kandel finished 21st and Randy Kincaid is second with 61, Robert The Sportsman 2 event got un- Chevy, Ross Hoek came in third in and Mike Oberg came in sixth. Sev-Eller was the 22nd and final fin- Naughton and Kyle LeDuc are tied der way and there was very little his Ford, Mike Savage finished first enth spot went to Rhonda Konitzer, isher. Kyle LeDuc took the green but for third with 35 points each and surprise when Dan Baudoux re-off the podium, he too in a Ford Dan VandenHeuvelcame in eighth, failed to finish the race. John Marking and Rodrigo corded his third win of the season and Ken Hallgren, Chevrolet was Scott Douglas finished ninth and In Pro-Lite points it is Chad Ampudia are tied for fifth place in his Ford. In second place it was the fifth place finisher. J ace Carl Renezeder was the 10th place Hord in the lead with 64, Jeff with 34 points each. Ben Wandahsega, driving his finisher. Evan Evans was way back in 11th place this round, Greg Adlerfinished in 12th the final fin-isher. Josh Baldwin, Brian Hinman, Paul Seidler and Kevin Probst started the race but were classified as dnf's. In Pro-2 Scotty Taylor holds the points lead with 56, Evan Evans is second with 49, Todd LeDuc is third with 47 points, Travis Coyne is fourth with 44 points and Steve Barlow is fifth with 38 points. The Pro-Lite troops were out in force and the racing was really good. When the smoke cleared it was Kyle LeDuc taking the win in his Ford, Chad Hord took his third second place of the season in his Nissan, Randy Eller came in third in his Ford and Art Schmitt was fourth in his Nissan. Liam O'Donnell, Nissan was the fifth place finisher, Mark Oberg was sixth in his Ford, seventh place went to Rodrigo Ampudia, also in a Ford and Bob Naughton was eighth in his Ford. Ninth place went to Casey Currie in a Nissan, Josh Hintz was 20th, also in a Nissan, Javier Sacio was 11th, also in a Nissan, Don Ponder made it an even dozen in his Ford, Stacey Pike was the 13th finisher in his Toyota, Joel Tarquin was the 14th finisher in his Toyota, Joel Tarquin was the 14th finisher, Nissan driven and Matt Barney was 15th in his Toyota. Sixteenth place went to John Marking in his Ford, Dan VandenHeuvel, Jr. came along next in 17th place, driving a Nis-san, Jeff Huseman was 18th in his Ford and Steve Federico was 29th in his Toyota. In 20th place was Elaina Seidler, Jeff Kincaid was way back in 21st in his Toyota after a pair of wins in the first two rounds and Glenn Grint, Toyota, was the 22nd and final finisher. Jim Kandel failed to finish the round. In the second Pro-Lite round, Jeff Kincaid made it his third win of the 2006 season, Chad Hord took his fourth second place win of the season and Art Schmitt took a nice third place finish. John Mark-ing was happy with his fourth place finish, Rodrigo Ampudia was fifth to the finish, Liam O'Donnell was sixth in, Steve Federico was the sev-enth finisher, VandenHeuvel Jr. came in eighth, Josh Hintz was up a spot into ninth place and Don Pon-der rounded out the top 10. Stacey Pike finished in 11th place, Joel Tarquin was 12th, in 13th was Jeff Huseman and Javier Sacio was the 14th finisher. The 15th spot went to Mark Oberg, Bob Naughton was 16th in, Elaina Seidler was the 17th finisher and Glenn Grint was 18th. Casey Currie· came in 19th, 20th place went to Matt Barney, Jim Dusty Times LIST YOUR PHONE NUMBER, YEAR, MODEL AND ENGINE SIZE! Sales Information: Payment may be made by credit card, money order or cashiers check. Personal or business checks are not accepted. C.O.D. orders accepted with 50% pre-payment. $5 Handling charge on all orders. California residents include 7. 75% sales tax. Customers responsible for all freight charges. Minimum order is $25. The use of Volkswagen by Pacific Customs Unlimited. Inc. is for descriptive purposes ONLY and in no way is the name used to infer or intend a direct connection between Pacific Customs Unlimited. Inc. and Volkswagen. Volkswagen is a registered trademark. PRICES EFFECTIVE DURING THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MAGAZINE COVER DATE. EAGLE EYE OFF ROAD LIGHTS H.I.D. Lights with 35W x,non Bulbs IRd B,11,11 4 ½. Oval H.1.0. Driving Light, Silver Anish and External Ballast. pair ..................... $522 8' Oval H.1.0. Driving Light, .._ ______ __, Silver Finish and External SJ,p,r Br/gbt H1/ogeo Lights. Ballast. pair ....................... 522 6' Round 100W Driving Ugh! 8. Oval H.1.0. Spot Light. Silver with Black Anish, pair ....... $38 Finish and E><ternal Bal1ast, 5• Round 100W Stirn-Pro Driving pair .................................... 522 Light with Chrome Finish. palr ••• 7◄ 6' Round H.1.0. Driving Light, 4 'h' Dual 100W Driving Light Opal Finish and Internal ......... with Silver Finish, pair ......... 82 Ballast. pair ....................... 522 8' Round 55W Driving Light 6' Round H.1.0. Spot Light. Opal .. with Silver Anlsh. palr ......... 98 Anish and Internal 8al1ast. 8' Round Spot with Silver ~=;pa::;:i:::::r ·;::····::::: ... ::::: .••. ::::: ... ::::: •.. ::::: .... ::::: ... ;:: ..• ::;: •... ::::: ... :;::522;::::::::::::;;;=Anlsh, pair ............. -........... 98 COMMUNICATION KITS Bult Kit Otters ort .. r to Peu,ng,r Commun/telloa. Ad•anud Kit& h••• lhl Cepebllit, for th, or1,,, to Communt"I• lo P1u1n,,rs, C,r to C,r or C.r to Bu, with R1dlo Add1d. Basic 2-Person Kit w/HS ........ $465 Black Anish Head Set .• -.......... $98 Basic 4-Person Kil w/HS .......... 799 Black. Blue. Red or Yellow Advanced 560 4-Person Behind the Head Head Set 164 Intercom Kit ...................... 635 carbon Aber Behind Head Push to Talk Button ................... 37 Head Set ................ _ ....... _ 178 COIL BEAM SUSPENSION *Mad11 la USA* Front Ent/I,,. r Wld,r rr/111 1r Tonrs to A"'pl Coll Shada Wllllool Malllllt1II011 and /n,:/odn Rack Ind PlaloR Mo11nl. Tr,/1/ng Arm,,,. 0.0.11. M•l1ri1t, t•t,• Ll,r,r it t" W/1,r Anl Can lh• El/Hr Stoa Klnr Pin Splntlu or Camba Una. Front Beam for Coil ShockS ... $265 Combo Link Spindles ........... -$◄75 Chromoi'/ Front Beam for Combo i... Spindles 3" ralsed .. 510 Coil Shocks ...................... .310 King Shock 2" Adj. Body 0.0.M. TraRing Arms. set of 4 :310 w/Reservolr, Includes 0.0.M. • 4' Trailing Arms(◄} .. 360 Springs, each ................... ◄ 95 Thru Rods wlNuts. pair .............. 50 Piggy Back Reservoir Option ..•.• 65 Urethane Beam Bushings ........ .24 Swedged Tie Rods, Alum •• pr .... 65 H.O. Link Pins ............................ 52 Swedged T·Rods. Chromoi'f, pr.65 FRONT BRAKES 2-Pl,ce B/1/1I HMb wllh r Rotor, B,,rtag,, c,nt,r Cepund WI/Wood 2 Pis/on C.l/p1rr w/111 Mo1,n//ng Blffk,ts. 1/W Link Pin Front Brakes ..... $725 mbo Link Front Brakes ....... 7 45 Front Hub Kil 1/W Link Pin Front Hub Kit .... $439 Combo link Front Hub Kit ...... 439 H.D. FRONT BRAKES 1 ·Pl,u Bl/Ill HMb with r Rotor, Tlmu11 Baring,, c,n111 C.p end WI/wood 2 Pinon C11/p1rr wltb MOIIR/1111 Bmhts. Combo link Froot Brakes .... $895 KING ADJUSTABLE SHOCKS WI RESERVOIR FM/I Adltn/JMlfl DH/ Spring Shod with Hou end Rtumlr. King 2' AdjUSlable Shock, SPORTSMAN MICRO STUB KIT 1111,1 Buri/If HIHlslag w/111 T/mhn Bl1rl11g1, 11" Rotors, 3JIOM Slllb Az/u and WI/woad 4 Pinon C.1/~rr. Sportsman Mlcro Stub Kll .. $1,295 H.D. 3OOM MICRO STUB BRAKE KIT Bl/Ill Bult/If Honlog wllll TlmbR Bllrlllfl, 11" Rolan, u,r, Dl,m,IM 31/0M Stai Axlu and WI/nod 4 P/$loR C.1/pm. H.O. Micro Stub Biake KL$1.595 NON-COIL SHOCKS King 2" Shock. 11-10-12• Stroke ...... from $225 King 2 'I• Shock. 12· 1◄·16" Stroke ..... .lrom 295 8·10-12" StrOl<e .•••• .lrom $495 .,,.,I! BU.'M'n S,,.'O,n King 2 ,, .. Adjustable Shock, ftfllU r 1, r 12· 1 ◄-16" Stroke ...... from 585 r BMn,p Slo, wl/64130 Piggy Back Reservoir Opti011 ..... 65 Chromot, Sin ... Triple By•Pass, 2 '/,' Body ....... 650 Bump Stop with Sleeve, each $257 CENTERLINE WHEELS ,,,,,,, A/11mlllllm WM•I• wit/I Poflllwd Rlliu. 15x4 S\IW ...................... .$178 15x5 5\IW ........................ 183 15x6 51/W ........................ 183 1Sx7 S\IW ......................... 186 15 X 8 5 I/W ......................... 189 15x 10 S\IW ................... -... .197 POWER STEERING COMPONENTS Howe Power Rack. 2" Widespread ............................................. $1,275 Howe Power Rack. 2 •1,·Wldespread ......................................... 1.275 Howe Power Rack, 2 '/," Widespread with Control ValVt ............. 1,650 Char-Lynn Torque Generator ........................................................ 295 Char-Lynn Billet Mount Clamps to 1 'h' Tubing_ ........................... .459 Mounting Tab. Weld-On, 8acil .......................... : ............. -............... 10 Port Block tor Char-Lynn with Fittings .. __ ............... -···--.. ·-·· ........ 30 CouplerforChar·LYM••········------··· .................. 18 U.,Joint for Char-Lynn (Sweet} ·····-· ..................................... From 56 Power Steering Pumps, 1000 PSI or 1300 PSI .............................. 160 Pulle'/ for Power Steering Pump .......................................... From 45 Power Steer1ng Reservoir for #8 and #1 0 Attlngs ........................... 85 Power Steering Reservoir with Filter Adapter ................................. 150 Mount for Power Steering Pump (Specify Englne) ................ .From 65 Bracket Reservoir ............................................................................ 14 August 2006 930 CHROMOLY STUB AXLES& DRIVE FLANGES Continued on page 44 Stub Axles for 930 CV, pair .... $1 ◄0 Slub Axles for Bus CV, pair .... $140 Drive Flanges for 930 CV, pair ... 70 Drive Flanges for Bus CV, pair ... 70 HEAVY DUTY AXLES GERMAN CV JOINTS Buo/Bf fr't!i~ST RAGE AND BOOTS Beetle Trailer Arms .......... $120 Bug. CV Joint... ........................ $45 Bug/Bus Trans to 3x3 Arms ..... 130 Bug, CV Boot ............................. 4 Bug/Bus Trans to 3x3 Arms Bus. CV Joln1 ............................. 50 lor930CVs ...................... 1◄0 Bus,CVBoof ............................... 6 23• or 25" Axles 1or 930 CV s ... 160 930. CV Joint.. ......................... 56 24•.23• M300 lor 930 CV s .. .fr 440 930, Boot and Range ................ 34 _k ~ _fL CROW SAFETY BELTS 3• Lap Bens with Sswn•ln z• or 3" Shtu1ld,r ~n,s Av1/11ble In J. , , or If Paint Webbing Is A.,l/eb/1 In Blad, Gr,y. Blu1, Rid or Purple. 3" X 2" 3 Point... .................... $70 3· x 2· 4 Polnt... ...................... 70 3' X 3" 3 Point... ...................... 80 3" x3' 4 Poim ......................... 80 3· x 2· 3 Pt w/Shoulder Pad .... 90 3· x 2· 4 Pt w/Shoulder Pad .... 90 3• x 3· 3 Pt w/Shoulder Pad .. 100 .3• x3' 4 Ptw/Shoulder Pad .. 100 2 Crotch Strap ........................... 12 CROW SHOULDER PADS A,al/ab/1 for r or 3" Shoulder Ham,u, Black, Blue Dr Rad. Z-Shoulder Harness Pads. pr .. $24 3" Shoulder Harness Pads, pr .... 28 Only 1r Wide/ Now You c,11 us, Sp,c/1/ Ord,r Wldllls Av1ll1bl1. Stnp,n&lon $u16 /a Nirrow,r 2·Pass.Bench Seat aturir. A"1l"'11 hi Blldt or Grey. 46" or 48" Wlde ......... -.•. $435 LIi Sportster Seat. Low-Back $165 BEARD SUPER SEAT Lil BTARor,;oowils0 MOUNT KIT Light Duty Tie Dow"· 1'/." x 5· Stlde/Tllt Combinatlon .......... $118 Strap. 5,000# Capacity ...... $18 Slide/Slide Combination Ratchet Tie Down, 2" X 7' for Lil Sportster ................ 13◄ Strap. 10,000# Capacity ...... 26 Bracket and Slide Mount Only .. 55 Axle strap .................................. 12 Page 43

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It's easy to see how Ryan Mulder won both Rounds of Super Buggy competition, Craig Metz is a bit muddy, Craig took the win in Light Buggy on Saturday, finished he was never on the ground at Crandon. third on Sunday and is second in points. Shubert, Chevrolet, finished sixth, Ben Wandahsega, he took the win finishing fifth and Mike Savage fin-Dan Baudoux leads the Sports-Bob Gersmehl, Chevrolet was sev-and was one happy fella, Jace ished in sixth place. Bob Gersmehl man 2 points race with 71, Ross enth in, Don Williams, Ford, was Shubert had a very nice second grabbed another seventh place fin-Hoek is second with 56, Ben eighth, Chris Kalko, Chevy, finished place finish and Ken Hallgren was ish, Don Williams arrived in eighth Wandahsega is third with 53, Mike ninth and Gordon Zima, Ford, was third to take the checkers. Fourth place and that's all there was! Chris Savage is fourth with 52 points and the 10th and final finisher. place went to Ross Hoek, Dan Kalko started the race but was a Jace Shubert is fifth with 48 points. The second round was great for Baudoux broke his winning streak, dnf. Sportsman Stock had a great .........:'--------------------=---~ weekend. When the checkers flew on Saturday it was Scott Beauchamp taking the win in his Chevy truck. Dodge driver Al Konitzer came across the finish line in second place, Keith Steele was right there in third place in his Chevy and Dave Waldvogel was first out of the money in his Ford. Don Demeny' s Dodge truck came across in fifth place, Jason Bort was the sixth finisher in his Chevy, Eric Ruppel came in seventh in his Ford and rookie Dan Beauchamp fin-ished in eighth place in his Ford. David Schneider, another rookie finished in ninth place in his Ford, Tim Konitzer came in 10th, Mike Boyd drove his Chevy to 11th place and Rod Wells was the 12th and final finisher in his Chevrolet. The win in the second round of Sportsman Stock saw Keith Steele taking the win, Al Konitzer took second place honors again, clave Waldvogel took home a third place finish and Scott Beauchamp was first off the podium. Don Demeny Chad Hord flew his Nissan truck to another pair of second place Aaron Hawley flew to a second and a fourth place finish at Crandon, Matt Gerald drove to a nice second place finish on Saturday in Light finishes in Pro Lite, he is the points leader after Crandon. he's sixth in points in the Super Buggy contest. Buggy, he was a disappointing 23"' on Sunday. Page 44 ified Ei tested a Stranger ~,;,,;;,;.,;;;. ____ __.Lighter tffan other cast wheels n the market • Counter Pressure Casted Aluminum , • Satin Smooth Machine Finish -i!leadlack g Patte n 205mm - - -714.578.8258 1831 N. Placerttia Ave Anaheln-,. ~A. Sj!BfJ5 . . -August 2006 Beadlocks:·· ~ · □blue · :J □ black . : r □red . ·.i'. □polished• · Dusty Times

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Jeff Virnig finished fifth on Saturday, second on Sunday in Light Buggy, he's seen here in nice level flight at Crandon. Mike Seefeldt took a pair of second place finishes in Single Buggy at Al Konitzer took a pair of second place finishes in Sportsman Stock Crandon, he's tied for the points lead. class, seen here cornering in his Dodge truck. was the fifth place finisher, again, Rod Wells was much better with a sixth place finish and Tim Konitzer came across in the seventh spot. Ja-son Bort was eighth to cross the line, Mike Boyd followed in ninth place and Dan Beauchamp placed 10th. David Schneider finished in 11th place and Eric Ruppel was the 12th and final finisher: It's fairly close in Sportsman Stock points: Keith Steele leads the pack with 59, Scott Beauchamp is second with 55, Dave Waldvogel sits third with 54 points, Al Konitzer has 49 and Don Demeny is fifth with 47 points. •"'-Light Buggy always has a zillion entrants and at Crandon it was no different, almost 30 cars took to the track. When the festivities were ended on Saturday it was Craig Metz taking the big win, Matt Gerald had his best finish of the season with a nice second place, Jana Bloom came across in third place, Todd Lemke was in fourth and JeffVirnig was the fifth place A first place finish on Sunday in the Light Buggy contest has Jaime Kleikamp sitting third in Light Buggy points. A win and a third place finish in the Single Buggy contest has Brad Erickson tied for first place in points. finisher, Randy Oman finished in the sixth spot, Greg Stingle fin-ished lucky seventh, Steve Oman was back in the eight spot, in ninth it was Kevin Huth and Brian Bloomquist finished in the 210th spot. Jaime Kleikamp picked up the 11th spot,'Bryan Holtger finished in 12th place, Mike Tikkanen was unlucky 13th, John McDonald came in 14th and Craig Rabe was the 15th finisher. Brian Glime came in 16th, Beau Ambos was 17th to finish, in 18th place it was Tom Virnig, Steve Schuch came in 19th and Barry Wahlen was the 20th finisher. Mike Arndt was back there in 21st place, Tom Tho-mas was 22nd, Carol Gunderson came in 23rd and Chad Dewall was the 24th finisher. In 25th place it was Eric Lear, Mike VandenHeuvel finished 26th and Stephanie Paid was the 27th and final finisher. In Sunday's Light Buggy race it was Jaime Kleikamp taking the big win, JeffVimig was right there in the second spot ~nd Craig Metz • ·• . c · . . '. .• , r QEJlllll I 9ClWQEII GQllHll Since 1999, Ram Proline has proVided ceramic and poWder coating for all vour needs with an oven 25 ft in depth. · • WE CAN COAT CHASSIS, DUNE BUGGY FRAMES, TRAILERS, GATES, IRON FENCING, AND MORE IN A VARIETY OF COLORS. • RAM PROLINE ALSO OFFERS SAND BLASTING. • WE CAN COAT ALL INTERNAL ENGINE PARTS, EXHAUST SYSTEMS, BRAKE CALIPERS, INTAKE MANIFOLDS, AND MANY OTHER APPLICATIONS. RAM PROLINE DOES IT ALL Dusty Times clo~e behind in third. Fourth spot went to Greg Stingle, Steve Schuch finished in a nice fifth place, Steve Oman finished sixth, Chad Dewall was way up into seventh place, in eighth place it was Mike Tikkanen and Mark Steinhardt taking ninth place, his first points of the sea-son. Kevin Huth came in 10th, Randy Oman was 11th to finish, Brian Glime came in 12th, Mike VandenHeuvel was unlucky 13th to finish, rookie Eric Lear finished 14th and Brian Holtger finished 15th. The 16th car to finish was Barry Wahlen, Tom Thomas fin-ished 17th, Todd Lemke was the 18th finisher and Carol Gunderson was the 19th car to finish. Stephanie Paid came in 20th, Josh Hintz was 21st, in the 22nd spot it was Mike Arndt, Matt Gerald had big problems and finished 23rd, Tom Vimig was 24th and John McDonald finished 25th. Beau Ambos fin-ished 26th and Craig Rabe was the 27th and final finisher. Brian Bloomquist started the race but failed to finish. Steve Oman leads the Light Buggy points with 52, Craig Metz is second with 51 points, Jaime Kleikamp and Greg Stingle are tied for third with 42 points each and JeffVirnig is in fifth place with 39 points. There were 20 entrants ready for a good show in the Midwest Single Buggy show and most of them had a really good time. The Continued on -page 46 KAC/N6 7/NCOKPOKATED . ~~ · The 88-1 TRANSMISSION rs--llAC/N/J ~NCOllPOllATEO 169 Gasoline Alley Suite 5 • Mooresville, NC 28117 704.799.0955 • 704.799.1191 fax August 2006 • Center Support -Stabilizes the input and counter shafts keeping them from flexing and moving out of alignment, allowing gears to mesh at optimal levels. • Splined Connection -The splined lever allows the shift cam to connect directly to the shift lever allowing for smoother and continuous shifting. The direct connection insures optimum efficiency thereby reducing stripping and breakage. The entire transmission spins easier and requires less horsepower. • Flexible -The innovative design allows for installation of the car's shifter on either the left or right side of the transmission. • Safer-The option to locate the shifter on either the left or right side of the transmission allows for installation of the driver's seat further from the left door. Increasing the distance between the driver and point of impact reduces the risk ofinjury in a driver's side collision. • Lighter -The streamlined construction reduces the weight of the unit by 7 pounds (as compared to similar models). • Deaner - 0-rings located on the shift cover, midplate, bellhousing, and front bearing retainer eliminate the need for sealer. 0-rings are not only better protection against potential leaks they allow for quicker and easier adjustments and cleanup. • longer Wear -The design of the gear teeth and the stability of the center shaft support both reduce the wear on gears thereby extending the life of the transmission. rnomas<PBetts Visteon Ca__,llAC/N/J ~NCOllPOllATEO 6950 Guion Road• Indianapolis, Indiana 46268 317.293.4100 • Page 45

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Marie Steinhardt, a third and a first place finish n Single Buggy has him just 1 point out of the lead after four rounds. race was fast and furious and when the smoke cleared it was Brad Erickson taking the win, Mike Seefeldt was right there in the second spot and Mark Steinhardt was the third place fin-isher. Steve Socha came in fourth, John Fitzgerald came in fifth, Terry Fitzgerald came in sixth, Mike Notary came in seventh, Luke Zoetmulder came in eighth, Brett Ellenson was ninth to finish and the 10th spot went to Cissy Baldwin. John Huven finished in Dan Baudoux scored his third win of the season in Sportsman 2 at Crandon, a fifth in Round 4, but he leads the points. 11th place, Mark Morton finished 12th, 13th place went to Heather Sullivan, Dan Martin came in 14th and Eve Baldwin was the 15th finisher. Len Lindquist fin-ished in the 16th spot, Allen Plawman came in 17th, Bob Blaney came in 18th and Jason Janusz was the 19th and final fin-isher. Troy Morgan failed to fin-ish the race. The second Midwest Single Buggy round ended with Mark Steinhardt taking the win, Mike Seefeldt took another second place finish for the weekend, Brad Erick-son was right there in the third spot and Mike Notary was first off the podium. In fifth place it was Steve Socha, John Fitzgerald came in sixth, Bob Blaney had a decent seventh place finish, Luke Zoetmulder finished eighth, again, Troy Morgan came in ninth and Heather Sullivan was the 10th fin-isher. In 11th place it was Brett Ellenson, John Huven finished 12th, Terry Fitzgerald was 13th, Dan Martin came in 14th and Ja-son Janusz was 15th to finish. Mark Morton finished in 16th place, Allen Plawman finished 17th, again, and Eve Baldwin finished 18th. Cissy Baldwin finished in 19th place, Len Lindquist came in 20th and Scott Miller was the 21st and final finisher. The leaders in Midwest Single points are Mike Seefeldt and Brad Erickson, tied with 61 points each, Mark Steinhardt is third with 60 points, Steve Socha is fourth with Josh Baldwin is surely consistent, he has finished third in all four Jerry Whelchel took a fifth and a third place finish in Pro 2 at Crandon, Art Schmitt took a fourth and a third place finish in ProLite at Crandon, rounds in the Pro 4 bompetition this season. he's seen here in his Ford pickup. seen here in his good looking Nissan. Page 46 August 2006 •• & 6 •. orioowatt -LO se~M Dusty Times

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52 points and John Fitzgerald is fifth with 49 points. The opening round for the Mid-west Super Buggy class at Crandon had Ryan Mulder taking the big win, Aaron Hawley was right there in the second spot, John Mason took third place honors, Scott Schwalbe came in fourth and rookie A.J. Schmitt was fifth. ln sixth place it was Scott Olson, Tom Schwartzburg was the seventh fin-isher, Corry Heynan came in eighth and Gary Nierop came in ninth. In 10th place it was Herman Barnum, Adam Guberud was the 11th fin-isher, in 12th place it was Lisa Grint and Brandon Cavne was the 13th finisher. Craig Biesik finished in the 14th spot and Gerald Kleikamp fin-ished 15th and Stephanie Krieman was the 16th and final finisher. Todd Wallace started the race but failed to finish. The second round of Midwest Super Buggy was a repeat for the winner, Ryan Mulder made it two in a row. Scott Schwalbe was right Ben Wandahsega ran really well at Crandon, a second and a first place finish in Sportsman 2 in his Chevrolet. behind in second place, Corry Heynan had a nice third place fin-ish and Aaron Hawley was first off the podium. Gary Nierop finished in fifth place place, Adam Guberud was sixth in, Craig Biesik was lucky seventh, Tom Schwartzburg came in eighth, rookie A.J. Schmitt was ninth and Stephanie Krieman was the 10th finisher. In 11th place it was Bran-don Coyne, Herman Barnum was in 12th place and John Mason had dropped to 13th place. In 14th Keith Steele flies high in his Chevy. Keith took a third and a first in Sportsman Stock at CORR Crandon, seen here in flight. place it was Lisa Grint, John Frana Schwalbe is second with 51 points, came in 15th and Gerald Gary Nierop is third with 50 Kleikamp was the 16th and final points, John Mason is one point finisher. behind in fourth place and Adam The points standings for Mid-Guberud is fifth with 39 points. west Super Buggy are: Ryan Mulder Next race on the schedule is Bark first with 63 points, Scott River, see ya all there! <*-' Corry Heynan took an eighth and a third place finish in Super Buggy. A third and a fourth place finish in Sportsman 2 has Ross Hoek Troy Herbst took a fourth place and a fifth place at Crandon. Troy sits he's seen here just getting airborne. second in points, he's seen here with power on in his Ford. in second place in points in the Pro 4 contest. 3X CHAMPION & 8 DIRT LOGIC 4.0 SHOCKSz AN UNSTOPPABLE COMBINATl8N . ... When it comes to domination in the desert race circuit nobody does it better than Greg Fou , That's why he depends on the latest shock technology to take him to the winners Dirt Logic 4.0 shocks from Fabtech. With eight Bypass Dirt Logic 4.0 shocks, watch for Foutz to rack up another championship this year. Check out Fabtech's line of Dirt Logic shocks on the web at: .. Dusty Times August 2006 Page 47

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-~ finished in fifth. Giti had a few problems during the race and thanks the FAIR pits for all their help. Oil and FAIR for your sup-port. II FAIR Highlights" Harry and Christopher Dunne (FAIR Racers -914) • stock And Hlghllerlonnance vw Greg Crew, driving in Class 13, may have had the most exciting, yet scary day at the race. He started the race second off the line, and by the third lap he was in first place. They had a slight mishap at Race Mile 4 when the car "got out of shape" and they rolled over, but landed on their tires. They were both okay and got back in the race, stopping off at Pit A for some minor body repairs. Still in first place they were out on Lap 4 when at Race Mile 6 a motorcycle came out of the dust to their right, and was cutting across the course. Greg locked up the brakes and it put the car into a sideways slide which made the car do a flip and roll. Amazingly, they avoided the rider, who kept going as if nothing had happened. (All of this was caught on_ video.) They climbed out of the car and spectators helped them roll the car back over. They had a broken front brake line, and a rear tire was going to lose its bead, so they limped the car back to Main Pit for repairs. They had some other problems with the car as well, and had to finish the last 2.5 laps without rear brakes, but were able to bring the car around for an eighth place finish,. Greg say, "We still had a good time and would like to thank Lucas Harry Dunne began rac-ing in 1989 with Rich Firsch from McKenzie Rac-ing in the SNORE series. Harry rode with Rich in his 5-1600 at that time and they won the SNORE Championship that year. In 1990 they raced in the SCORE series, and then won the La Larana Cham-p i o n s h i p i n. 1 9 9 1. Aft e r that Harry got together with Greg Davis and Max Villalobos in 21995, racing in Class 9. Max later moved to Sacramento and left Harry his car to race. When Dan Folts began rac-ing in 9 class, l-Iarry helped him for a while and then built a 9 car for himself. Harry finished his car and began racing it, with Chris-topher as his co-driver, in 2003. That year he won the Class 9 Championship in the MORE series. Christo-pher drove in his first race in 2004, and since that time he and Harry have each driven half of each race with Jody Duisen and Bill Dunne as co-drivers. -.i:at:to,y•'l'l'Olned lfemleola Builder and Autlltil'lzed aistllbutor • 60 Yea,s ~omblned Experlenee • unsurpassed Rellablltt, • High OUllllty I &ow Price SRJFF ~~'=! --.,Shlpplng~from ......... ourTWOcallfom/alocatlonsl f.B66.VW.STUl=I= • f.B66.B97.BB~~ Greg Crew (FAIR Racer 130 2) Greg Crew started his racing career in 1975, while in high school. He first raced in the desert on Enduros in CRC and D-37 and also some Hare and Hounds. He quit racing motorcycles after a knee in-' It was a colder day than most had expected or planned for, but May 27th was still a great day for racing. MORE was host to the Beard Shoot Out 250 which 125 racers entered, including 16 FAIR racing teams. Curt Geer came away victorious in Class 1/ 2-1600. Curt drove the en-tire race with no problems and, once again, finished at the top of the podium. Michael Kanuch finished in 13th place, followed by Richard Waszkieniz in 14th. Driving in Class 5-1600, Ken and Shelby Tolbert finished the race in second place. They had a great day, and a "fun, flawless race". Ken drove the first half of the race with Shelby in the passenger seat. They did a driver's change and Billy Worthing took over driving, with John Tolbert taking his mom's position as co-driver. They wish to thank Billy for the great driving, FAIR for the great Pit Sup-port, Brad for running Pit A, along with Sawyer, Jackie and Jason for help-Page 48 an additional story regard-ing Chris Bowman in "Hot VW" this month. In Class 1400, Dennis Beckwith fin-ished in sixth place, and in Class 1450 Giti Gowland ing him. Thanks also "to JFK for the shock set up. What a difference, almost felt like I was on pillows all day, almost!! Thank you Leonard Mailman Motors for the awesome motor, not one problem all week-end and, wow, what can we say about the power, lap times speak for themselves. Pit Stop Fabrication, thank you again for all your efforts and assis-tance. Thank you to every-one who supported us this season. Ken & 57 8." Also driving in Class 5-1600 Aaron Aspel fin-ished the race in 10th place. Class 9 had a large turn out with 22 cars starting, six belonging to FAIR members. Harry Dunne finished the area in fourth place, having had a "flaw-less day with no flats." Harry drove the first half and then they did a driver's change at FAIR main, and had an electri-cal wire reattached while there. Christopher drove until he began having cramps in his arms, and .,. brother, Bill, jumped in at an unscheduled driver's change about half a lap from the finish line. Be-hind them, Ron Rash fin-ished the race in eighth, followed by Rob MacDonald and Frank Wagner in 976 finishing ninth. Matt Summer ended the race in 17th place, Cody Rash took 19th, and Marcus Gonzales came away with 20th. Driving in Class 5, Chris Bowman finished the race in seventh place. Look for nArTl:1-:lf-, 1)C~JIOWEII Souaa• ZTREME TIRE co. NEVA°' OFFROAD BUGGY T-SHRT SM-MEO.LRG-XXLRG ONLY $10.00 CROW ' .' I I 1' • . J t • ~ SOI I) . • .· HFRf WE CARRY AWIDE ASSORTMENT OF WELD ON TRICK TABS Ac~~~ ..... CALL TOLL FREE 1-888-755-5900 3054 S. VALLEY VIEW #130 * LAS VEGAS, NV* 89102 HOURS: MON-FRI 9AM-6PM * SAT 9AM-5PM (702) 871-5221 fax August 2006 Dusty Times

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has only had seven that he did not finish. Greg is sponsored by Lucas Oil Products, Toy Hauler Magazine, Machine Works, Saddle Sore Saloon, Kartek, K.C., McKenzie's Off Road, Mickey Thomp-son Tires and all the con-tingency companies. FAIR Meetings -FAIR is now conducting meetings at the Score Board Sports Bar on the first and third Wednesday of every month at 8pm. The address is 3220 Temple Avenue, Pomona, CA. The phone number is 909-468-0444 Bring your hot rod, sand rail, motorcycle, boat, or ATV down to our location and.-Let ut solve your plumbing problems from complete ays,tem designs minor modiflcalkms. Brake Lines, Fuel Lines, Turbo Hoses, Stalnlesss hardllne for bnlkes and fuel applleatlon1. All Redlin• Oil products discounted by the case. jury in 1982 and then be-gan co-driving with Steve Ruddick in the "Got Dirt" truck in Class 1400. He then modified an old Hi-Jumper buggy and started racing Class 1300 with MOR in 1999. He contin-ued with MOR through 2004, and that year took the Class 1300 champion-ship. He also took 1" place in 2003 at the ROR Dirt Wars Weekend Warrior Class and began the Lucas Oil contingency program in 2003 as well. In 2004, he was the Donohoe Rac-ing True Grit Award win-ner and also began pitting with FAIR. His decision to join FAIR came from a combination of his desire to race the Baja 1000 in More FAIR information can be obtained on the Any high penormancehose putCNsedftom MESA HOSE Will be assembled frffof cha~ Crimp fittings fron) 2*ondown. 2005, team members Kevin and Keith Martin relaying that their dad, Jack Mar-her "back in the day" and Rally, Round 3 of the tin had been a FAIR mem-0 that Mickey Thompson Rally America National Tires was helping the teams I)' Championship. This year's that used their tires. Re-I event was a culmination of garding joining FAIR, Greg di a lot of small projects states , "It has been fun p we've been trying to pursue meeting all the new people B'J]ohn Elkin in order to bring the event and getting great pit sup-more to the public eye. The port at the races. It makes Since we last met here in Wednesday before the the races easier to manage the pages of Dusty Times event we reserved the Pio-and it is fun going to the the Oregon Rally Group neer Courthouse Square in meetings." Overall, Greg organized its signature downtown Portland for the has raced in 52 races and event, the Oregon Trail busy lunch time crowd be-,,,..-.................... ~----........... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioii-;;;a;a===~--~-.,-. :.A./.J, FORSALE Riviera Racing Pre Runner Ford Ranger Extra Cab Leon Patton Ford 422 ci V-8 550 HP, 550 lb. Torque (9.5:1) Rancho Trophy Truck C-6 3 Speed Automatic Transmission Trophy Truck Brakes/Hubs/Spindles/Rear End Rear Sway Bar, 10 ¾" Chrisman Rear End King Shocks, 20" of Travel Front, 30" Travel Rear 35°Xl 7" BFGoodrich Project Tires Custom Interior Auto Meter Instruments High End Stereo System, Hands Free Satellite Phone Setup PCI Race Radio with Intercom, OPS NC, Heater Lots of Storage Boxes/Coolers Nitrogen System for air tools Two Spare Tires, HID lights California Registration Very Well BuilL The Best of Evcrvthinsz: SIS0.000. Call Tim Carroll For More Detalls @ 949-374-2010 Dusty Times August 2006 tween 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m .. The square is known affectionately as Portland's Living Room, and the 13 cars that showed plus an impressive set up by the Subaru Rally Team USA made for a great public showing. Friday we shifted into a more normal mode and in-vaded the local Baxter Auto Parts store and held tech and registration there, a mere stone's throw from the evening's stages and festivities at Portland International Raceway. The raceway, with its gravel service roads out-side the track, motocross facilities and, of course, the track itself, made for a spectator friendly show-case for the excitement rally brings. Between the stages themselves and more public displays of the cars it was an overwhelming success capped off by local news coverage. Saturday and Sunday we got back to what rallying is all about, heading off into the deep forests, closing the roads and sending cars off one at a time to scare the trees. Sixty-three of the finest drivers and navi-gators from the U .S., Canada and several other countries took to what some call the finest rally roads in the country (not just one). Visiting histori-cal and signature Oregon towns such as Hillsboro, Vernonia and Tillamook the route took competi-tors through the mountain range between Portland and the scenic coast. In the end the event was another great success as teams finished Sunday af, ternoon and arrived at the awards sponsored by Subaru at the moderately famous McManiman's Cornelius Pass Roadhouse, largely considered one of the best awards banquets in the series. Our event helped produce a first time overall winner in Andrew Pinker and Robbie Durant who bested the factory boys Travis Pastrana/ Christian Edstrom and Ken Block/Alex Gelsomino. Full results are available ar ra ll ya merica. com. This event taxes the re-sources of every corner of the ORO, and the core group of people who make this event happen, Matt Ta-bor, Mike Nagel, Gloria Hale, Rich Olmstead and Doug Heredos, plus a host of others are to be com-mended on the amount of their own personal time they inject into the months leading up to the event. Wit.h two rallycross events down already this season we have seen our entry average climb dra-matically over last year. April Smith has done a great job plastering the town with flyers about this fastest growing sport in SCCA. You have to love a motorsport where you can race about anything with a roof and four wheels for $30.00 or less without ma-jor investment. As we go to press Event #3 looms large in our windshield as we head into the July events on the 2nd and 16th. Our charity road rally benefiting Parkinson's Dis-ease is fast approaching on July 1st. The Gran Prix Im-ports Rally Against Parkinson's is once again linking up with the Oregon Region road races to pro-vide regularity runs around the Portland Inter-national Raceway, plus the Solo2 people are staying set up so we can do a smaller regularity run around their course as well. Being our first at-tempt at a charity type event we believe we have a fun and scenic event planned with just enough challenge to keep the expe-rienced teams intrigued and not totally bewilder the new teams. More infor, mation is available on oregon Hopefully soon we can announce new stage rally events here in these pages as well as a return to rallysprints. Keep your fin-gers crossed until next month. ..-.lfW Page 49 -

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A RIDE DowN THE PENINSULA The Man Who Started A Whole New Kind Of Racing B:, Dave Elkins, via Bill:, Robertson Nearly 100 years after the acquisition of California North by the United States the Auto Club of Southern California surveyed Mexico's 1000 mile long Baja Peninsula in an effort to make a legible road map. While in the pro-cess they planted small blue and white baked enamel signs along the way directing green-horn travelers south. (An ex-perienced driver would never even attempt the ordeal.) Left untouched by native Mexicans over the years, these road signs began to find their way into living rooms and dens where stateside adventurers trekked south during the heyday of 'Jeeping'. Adventuresome four wheelers would cross the Mexi-can border to experience this sparsely populated desert; now picked clean of those nifty little Auto Club markers; and promptly lose their way. Partly because of these per-verse pleasure seekers Baja's economy began to grow; Ensenada had become the sec-ond busiest seaport in all of Mexico and an observatory site found on Baja Norte's 9286 foot Sierra De San Pedro Martir mountains boast as being one of the largest gathering of telescopes in the north western continent. Not an accident, the air is so pure one can see both the Pacific coast and, looking east, view the Mexican mainland sea-coast on the other side of the Sea of Cortez; about a dis-tance of 100 miles. It's not often the right people get together at the right time to make history. This whole idea of riding a motorcycle the length of the Baja Peninsula against a clock belongs to motorcycle racer turned Hollywood stunt man, Bud Ekins. And it was Ameri-can Honda Motor Company who supplied the vehicle to make it work. Actually, it was AHM Sales Manager Jack McCormack and Western States Sales Manager Walt Fulton whom Bud convinced a "Baja Trail Ride" with Honda's brand new CL72 Scrambler would be a great way to kick off sales for Honda's first dirt bike. Jack and Walt then had to con-vince AHM management to set the wheels in motion. To the Japanese a failure of this magnitude made the idea "difficult sell" for the U.S. team. Remember, there was no record to break, just a record to make. And the pri-mary job would be to get it done. The plan was Bud and Dave Ekins would ride the new bikes and Walt Fulton would fly cover, not a bad idea. Then something hap-pened to the basic plan. Tri-umph Motorcycle Distribu-tor, Johnson Motors, would not allow their key and most famous dealer, Bud, to par-ticipate. So, younger brother Dave (who had been racing prototype 250cc Honda Scramblers), set out to find another partner. Then McCormack suggested asking Bill Robertson and Bill Jr., owners of Honda of Holly-wood, a major retail opera-tion in the heart of movie town. Bill Robertson Senior had spent many hours flying Baja on fishing trips and seemed a fit aboard Fulton's chase plane as a guide/navi-gator, co-pilot. Bill Jr., an ac-complished desert racer at age 24, would ride the other Honda. Honda management de-cided they needed editorial proof of accomplishment so they invited Cycle World Magazine publisher Joe Parkhurst. Then Joe asked WW2 aviator and friend John McLaughlin to do the flying. John said, "Great, you pay for the gas." The year was 1962, groundwork for the Auto Club maps had begun in 1933. The team used 30 year old maps of mostly dirt roads that would detour anytime a vehicle got stuck or disabled. As it turned out, the whole event was a lot of guesswork and luck, both good and bad. There would be two motor-cycles on the ground and one airplane flying cover with a second bearing witness; and Dircks and Porter Trophy Truck prepped and ready to race. New 442 Ford Dougan racing engine. Dry sumped. 3 transmissions & convertors (20)17" Beadlock Walker wheels. 37" Goodyears, King Kong shocks and By passes. New King 3.0 Bumps. Recent Geiser Bra's updates and body. New Sparcos, PCI Kenwood radio and intercom system. New large color G.P.S. momo, new gear works 3rd member , new tube works rear end. Full floater. New coolers, wing, wiring and plumbing. This truck is ready to race. All shocks & Bypasses just redone with King & tested at Barstow. All Spares included. Please call Mark Porter 602-708-7090 $195,000.00 O.B.O Page so August 2006 an additional free-lance pho-tojournalist. Then to add to the adventure no private air-plane is allowed to fly after dark in Mexico. And all this would be done without ra-dios, GPS, or any other mod-ern navigational aid for the bike riders. The actual ride started at midnight then fin-ished a day and a night and another day later, 39 hours 56 minutes. Dave and Bill would go without sleep for nearly 60 hours. Proof of these types of cross-country adventures be-gan with Cannonball Baker's famous pre-WWl ride across the U.S. following railroad tracks and using available tele-graph stations to confirm progress. Baker's ride was done with an Indian motor-cycle. For the '62 Baja at-tempt telegrams would be sent at the start and finish. Those 1962 telegrams do exist as does the story and photo-graphs published by Joe Parkhurst in the June '62 is-sue of Cycle World Magazine. This is not a fairy tale. Logistics for this attempt were a nightmare. Going south, the last gas station is a Pemex all-nighter in Ensenada, 65 miles into the ride. The next real gas station is on the outskirts of La Paz nearly a 1,000 miles away. Range of the motorcycles, as in all internal combustion contraptions, depends upon per mile consumption and fuel tank size. These CL72s could empty their 2.4 gallon gas tanks in less than 50 miles if held wide open, but could cover 80 or 90 miles when running under half throttle. An additional one gallon plas-tic gas can was placed inside a cargo bag mounted on the fuel tank if needed. In Febru-ary '62 Fulton flew the team down the Baja Peninsula in order to see where they had to go. Unlike modern Baja Race pre-runs, this one was done in an airplane. Walt also needed to land on sections of the course at about 80 mile increments to facilitate fuel stops. As it turned out, there always seemed to be a rancho with a suitable dirt strip and a few 55 gallon fuel drums near these important sites. Fuel would be siphoned from these drums with an old gar-den hose filling what seemed to be one gallon glass wine bottles. Splashing a couple of gallons into a waiting bike wasn't a problem. But climb-ing the wing of a Cessna and filtering 40 gallons through a chamois, one gallon at a time, did take a while. Air-planes need gas too. Another reason for the pre-run flight was to determine which route would be better; the Gulf side with its more traveled road, or the Pacific side that seemed to be shorter and offered fewer rocks. Mistake # 1; they chose the less traveled Pacific route. The decision was made to start this attempt at midnight (mistake #2 because both rid-ers had worked a full day be-fore driving three hours to San Diego), the third Satur• day of March, 1962. Getting lost in the dark shouldn't be a problem riding that twist• ing highway from Tijuana to Ensenada. From there to the A.M. meeting in San Quintin is also well traveled. Both bikes had been refueled a sec-ond time at the end of the pavement in Santo Thomas. A raised corrugated dirt road from there to Fulton's wait-ing plane was very straight and fast. The CLs were just skimming high spots as day-light broke to the left of the riders. Gas, a bite to eat, and they were on their way. The road becomes two deep ruts as it turns inland towards a tiny village called El Rosario. A sharp left turn directly into the sun blinded both riders at the same instant a wire stretched across a driveway snatched Bill and Dave off their bikes. Luckily it was a slow speed crash and only the PIKES service center Baker, California Ce/ebra~ing &a YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ... THANKS! RESTAURANT Open 24 Hours Mobil® SERVICE Every Day Year Round THE BEST IN THE DESERT! Dusty Times

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bikes suffered damage (Lucky incident# 1. There could have been broken bones), with Bill's CL72 getting the worst of it. Then the two rode another 40 miles towards the Santa Ines airstrip. The team was on target for the predetermined 32 hour schedule as they slid up next to the Cessna. At this juncture Bill Sr. noticed Bill Jr's. rear fender support had broken. Both bikes had lost their taillight tenses. The de-cision was made to remove the entire rear fender and run without (even though they had enough spare parts in the plane to put a new fender on). Bill Jr. then had to look forward to riding over 700 miles without a fender and the protection it offered. (Mistake #3). They had an unscheduled meeting of bikes and plane at Chapala Dry Lake when John McLaughlin and his Cessna 195 met up with the Honda team. The press was aboard and it became 'picture tak-ing' time. Needless to say, the schedule was out the window, from now on it was 'please the photographer'. A couple of hours later Dave and Bill were chasing chickens around a small adobe house in the five casa village of Rosarito. Everybody had fun except the chickens; as precious daylight began slipping away. (Mistake #4) The next stop was El.Arco near the 28th parallel, it also marks the separation between Pacific time and Mountain time. El Arco is absolutely the worst place to spend any time in Baja. Even the water well is planted downstream from the villages only out-ho use. Walt and Bill Sr. waited as long as they could with no sign of the two Hondas. They were scheduled to meet the bikes in the middle of night at La Purisima, another two stops down the road; and they had to be there. Meanwhile Bill and Dave broke the crest of a hill on the road leading into El Arco just in time to see the Cessna 180 lift off the run-way as the sun hurried to-wards the evening horizon. Incredibly, a Federal Soldier was there to check the rider's papers, then led them to a five gallon gas container and cheese sandwiches left by Fulton and Robertson. El Arco to San Ignacio is about the most miserable 70 miles there is to wrestle a bike. Long ago volcanos spewed a bunch of nasty square rocks down there, then the rocks got covered with sand blown in from the coast. The message here is rocks aren't too bad as long as you can see them, invisible rocks are a different story. It took Bill and Dave the better part of four hours and many get-offs before they made it to the San Ignacio airport, where another care package was waiting. From there the road is just two tracks on the Pacific side mostly of sand with a few rounded stones. They headed southwest then picked up the Dusty Times coast and turned due south. After dark the warm desert air pulls a blanket of fog in from the ocean and obliter-ates the moon and stars. Ce-lestial navigation? Forget it. A little later Dave noticed tire tracks in his headlight beam. He stopped, took a look and decided the tracks were their own. (Not even a good guess, who else would be down there on a motorcycle?) Lucky inci-dent #2. The two adventur-ers had been riding in a circle. So without a compass or any other guidance the wiser move was to stop and wait for the sun to appear. The other choice would be to run out of gas. They were lost. Meanwhile Walt and Bill Sr. had spent the night tend-ing a campfire and waiting for the two boys to make a showing. It didn't happen; the two lost and exhausted riders had built a campfire then waited for daylight to appear. Then it would just be a matter of riding with one's left shoulder being warmed by that welcome ball o' fire, the morning sun. When daylight broke Bill Sr. encouraged Walt to take the plane and fly north to find Bill Jr. and Dave. Fog was still hanging around so visibility was ques-tionable, they over flew the two Honda riders in the morning mist. About a half hour into the search and witl~out any positive sighting,· Walt decided to set the Cessna down and have a look at the road for motorcycle tracks. The chosen landing spot was far too soft for the Cessna and Fulton immedi-ately reacted to mud trying to pull his plane into a quag-mire. (Lucky incident #3, the plane should have crashed.) The 180 broke loose and, rel-ishing their good fortune, the two flew directly back to the La Purisima meeting place. Meanwhile the pair of CL riders found San Juanico, a three casa fishing village com-plete with barking dogs and curious children. They pur-chased two gallon bottles of green/grey gas and two warm Cokes. Then, after a few min-utes, were on their way south running on stale fuel that didn' t agree with the high performance OHC twins. Purisima' s dirt air strip, the easy part lay ahead. It would be another 80 miles of solid road to Constitution; gas, food, then the last 130 miles of Mexican pavement. Which offers no guarantee because that thin Baja Sur tarmac has a reputation for nasty hard to see potholes. Bill and Dave spotted the airfield and Cessna as the dirt road abruptly ended. Re-lieved that the worst part was over, and with the plane in sight, they opened the Hondas up for the first time. As they reached about 70 mph one exhaust pipe started spewing black smoke when Bill's CL lost a cylinder. Dave, without hesitation, planted a boot over the dead pipe and pushed Bill into the airstrip. Dave wanted to push Continued on page 59 I Finally, a Comprehensive Liability Insurance Package designed especially for Off-Road Racers, by insurance professionals who are actual Off-Road Racers. You can't get any better than that! For more information, contact Mike James - Phone: (619) 445-5797, Ext. 115 Fax: (619) 445-9297 • Kevin James - Phone: (619) 445-5797, Ext. 142 Fax: (619) 445-9297 • Laura Bramer - Phone: (619) 445-5797, Ext. 140 Fax: (619) 445-9297 • Liability Protection • $1,000,000 General Liability -No Deductible • $1,000,000 Tune & Test • $250,000 Participant-to-Participant Coverage • Even provides coverage in Mexico provided a lawsuit is filed in the US • Insurance for your Pre-Runner/Chase Trucks • Mexican Auto Insurance Covers you, your business and your sponsors. General Liability and Physical Damage insurance available for your prerunner. JamMicesh@~l~t AGENCY Cal. Lie.# 0875146 PROTECT YOUR FAMILY • PROTECT YOUR ASSETS • PROTECT YOUR BUSINESS DU RACE PROVEN· OFF-ROAD EQ fPMENT 103PRESSLANE,STE4,CHULA VISTA, CA91910 TOLLFREE/(866)691-9171 CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE/I WWW.RACEREADYPRODUCTS.COM August 2006 Page 51

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GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY PACKAGING INDUSTRIAL PACKAGING SUPPLIES "KEEP IT TOGETHER" 1739 N. Case St. Orange, CA 92865 FAX (714) 283-3548 BRYAN L. ROGERS (714) 282-9311 CELL (714) 514-4308 OFF-ROAD FUEL CELLS SCORE • CORR • SODA • MAORA PRERUNNERS • RALLY• ETC Toll Free: 800-526-5330 Fax: 201-825-1962 e-Mall: a, .A.-.L':L. www.atlfue/ 19076 Hawthorne Blvd. 1orrance, CA 90503 • Custom fabrication • Prerunners • Suspensions • Custom exhaust (310) 542-2977 TOFJ.\6 Off Road Trucks Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages Ford Truck Specialist • 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 s thebaJashon~ eanhll11t.11eI (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 264 N. Cv,ress tr11ge, CA 921611 RACECARS TEL: 114.719.0945 fAX:714.219.0iJB PRE RUNNERS . ; f. CUSTOMFAB.Rl~ I --~~~I BRANDWOOD CARS for mid-engines and other applications 602-437-3::I !)7 Ci.lstom V~hicle Shifter r~n~·-. 1•~··"~ .,,,., •~•··•· I ,v.-·• .,, 7 for the Off-Road Enthusiast" -"' ·· FREE Cat a Io g 11 . ..· . ; ,:~(-;-~no~ P~od~~ 9525 Pathway St.-Santee, Ca. 92071 .MFR. OF PFRFOiMANCE PAJTS FOR INDUSTRY L~OIHC: JtACE CAlt BU/LOW - Spindles, Floating Huhs - 5 spd. Shifters (tits i\lcndcola trans & others) -'lorthstar ,\irbox Adapter~ & more!! url: e-mail: (619)562-3071 Lonely Long Advertising Term Space Relationship Looking Call For 818-882-0004 DUSliY~IIBS CACTUS RACING Racea_ir Helmets & Accessories Bell, Shoei, Simpson · Blower systems & cool boxes 619-482-6700 708 Rocking Horse Dr. Chula Vista, CA 91914• CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN 39067 ORCHARD ST. CHERRY VALLEY CA. 92223 PH#. (911)-841-8820 products in stock Race Prov~n Fabricationt Boa.tee Fiberglass Pre-Runners Dimple Dies Desert Trucks Tubing Benders Bypass valves+tubes Sway-bar Arms Short Course trucb Paris-Dakar trucb Offroad to Street. Prerunner to Race -Chaaia Design -Race Prep -All General Fabrication 18G-M9-S,07 17 459 lilac St #E Hesperia CA 92345 C ~ QUALITY l!EAOLOCK WHEELS IIAMPllll■f.AIIUCK SINCE '"'"" ~ 1511--1611--1711 ALL ALUMINUM BEAOLOCK WHEELS AND CONVERSIONS CHAMPION WHEEL CC. INC. 1 B537 COLLIER (95 1 l 471·21 B3 LAKE ELSINORE CA, 92531 WWW.CHAMPIONWHEEL.COM CHENOWTH f#A.CING PRODlJCTS, INC. [CNC] CNC, Inc. 1221 West Morena fllvd. San Diego, CA-~21'10 (6J9) 275-1663 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 Fax (619) 449-7103 Manufacturers of Broke and Clutch Pedal Ass) Moster Cylinders Slave Cylinders Cuttihg and StoQing Brakes Hydraulic Throttlhs T~rottle Pedals and oil of our accessories. Send $3.00 for Catalog FLOATER REAR ENDS·• r-RONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFi;: HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tr~e. Lane • Templeton, CA 93465 Continental Lan & Investment Corp. .:n17 ,unh H\\) 95, LJke IIJ\J'iU C11y.AZ R640-t , •• ._..,_ CELL: (928) ~86-9145 OFFICE: (928) 764-5263 lan,·eltt ha\ asus I st com LANCE CRAMER Associate Broker•

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MOTORSPORTS Trucks, Buggies, Parts, Service & Fabrication Todd Arthur AACE CA~ PAE AL.JnnEAS ALL.Jmnum UJ□AH SPECALIT'-r' Jesse Rodriguez PH: 714-997-0701 Fax:714-997-0758 71◄ N Lemon SI. Orange.CA. 92867 (760) 788--0019 PO Box3944 Ramona, CA 92065 JG TRANSWERKS "Go with a Proven Winner· ~ I 11 ■ I~ 11 I I ~~ I LLL~I I I LID Quality Racing Transaxles Mendeola Dealer Off Road - Sand Specialist JOE GIFFIN 306 I E. La Jolla St. #I Anaheim. California 92806 (7 14) 632- 1240 Fax (714) 632- 1223 Email: www ,J,.....)~---l~V~,....L---B---_IIV,.,,,...!---l Mike Julson 9426 Wheatland• Court Sant-, CA 92071 619-596-3360 619-596-3364fax J_l,.~ .. , George Jimenez Se Hob/a Espanol RACING ENGIN~ COMPLETE ENGINES • PARTS & DYNO SERVICE 535 E. Central Park Ave. Anaheim, CA 92802 Tel: (714) 535.5116 Fax: (714) 535-5816 JON KINNE AUTO ELECTRIC 809-F N. Lakeview Ave., Placentia, CA 92870 Tel. 714- 779-2316 • Fax 714- 779-5012 Specializing in custom offroad race trucks TROY J OHNSON ,(951) 779-9395 ·2061 Third Street, Unit A Riverside, CA 92507 , • Prerunners • Sand car~ • Rally cars • Custom Fabncation • Advanced Susp5nsion Technoiogy • Research & Developnient KAL OFFROAD RACING Metal Fabrication ~-=--~-,.;=--~...,;.1 Custom Suspensions KurtLarmee (805) 466-4101 --8408 K El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 HONDA Power Equipment OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. _ .ART KAWAGUCHI 3532 EAST 3RD ST. Fax 323-264-2136 LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 323-264-5858 BLACK~~ Derek Kreuer PH: 114.289.9048 Fil: 114.631.1854 1214 N. Parker Unti #3 Orange, CA 92867 For Very Few Dollars A Month Your Ad Here Can Increase Your Sales By A Bunch Call Dusty Times 818-882-0004 POWER E STEERING THOMAS-£ LEE LEE MFG. CO. 11661 PENDLETOK&TREET· SUN VALLEY, CA-913152 FAX(818)788-2887 (818) 7U-mrt A full line of~ St-ing gears. pumps and acceaeories for any type of racing. Magnafll,ix and Zyglo facilities available. •custom Chnsls *Race Prep 'Aluminum Wolil "Welding Engineering *Magnllflux FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 (909) 596-5497 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER p~ RACING ENGINES Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 Race Seats • Restraints • Storage Bags Window Nets• Limit Straps• Tie Downs 11433 Woodside Avenue• Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455 • Fax: 619/449-9454 YOUR! OFF-ROAD Catch_ us on the Net! SPECIALISTS/ PHONE:(714) 441-1212. FAX: (714) 441-1622· 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CA 92806 MIKE MENDEOLA 290 Trousdale Drive, Su~e I & J Chula Vista, CA 91910 . (619) 691-1000 24 Hour Fax (619) 691-1324 ToddOW,. 1900 Compton Ave. Suite 101, Corona, C'A 92881 Phone (951)817-0101 Ext.156 619-562-5533 Off Road Fabrication and Design • Sand Cars • Trucks • RaceCors •Prerunnus • Rally Cars • Custom Function/Strength/Safety/Pride Made by Hand in the VSA JOHN MOSELEY Owner/Fabricator -.mosebilt .com 236 Jason Court Corona, CA 92879 951-272-3026 Fax 951-272-0TT6

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#Ol/tTON FAIICA110lttom IIAa CAIi$ l'IIBIUMW!ill$ OUM. S'l'OIIJS 661-974-7961 MSD" •t.3 ,,, Jr.,'* ■1,-:,4 t••1,•,, • YOUR COMPLETE IGNITION SOURCE ( , NI I I ( IN' , • I 11' , I f ~' I ~ I J 1 ( J f l' , • VV If l I ' • I l I V I ( ) f'-J I I l { JI ' AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION 1 490 HENRY BRENNAN DR., EL PASO, TX 7SE33E 19151 857-5200 • TFr.H LINE 19151 855-7123 • VISIT OUR WEB SITE: TUBE BENDERS ¼" TO 3" 0.0. Capacity Models Starting at $279.00!!!! M-TECH SUPPLY TUBE BENDERS • PIPE BENDERS • TUBE NOTCHERS RING ROLLERS • COLD SAWS • ABRASIVES 4B0-726-2B76 NORB offroad superstore HEIM JOINTS-WELD IN BUNGS-TABS BUSHINGS - JOHNNY JOINTS HIGH MISALIGNMENT SPACERS IN STOCK• RIIADYTO SHIP WORLDWID■ -~J 1-888-755-5900 ~ We can Beadlock~--r YOUR RIMS!! '-.._~ ~ ) SizestofitmostATV ~~~~~ & AUTOMOTIVE applications POLISHED & COLORED FINISHES SCALLOPED OR CONVENTIONAL Reinforcing Rings Also Available Phone - (951) 354-8272 WWW .OMf PERfQRMANCE. com Dune Buggy Parts Race Car Parts Foreign Car Parts New Truck Acc. Dept. Custom Machine Work & Fabrication 1 (800) 231-8156 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, AZ 85365 (520) 783-6265 • FAX (520) 783-1253 R"R (909) 360-5906 FAX (909) 360-0436 PARKER PUMPER HELMET COMPANY 38~ Wacker Drive Mira Loma, CA 91752 For A Few Bucks You Can Increase Your Productivity 818-882-0004 HAROLD NICKS Call Dusty Times For Details IIUlliJlilffllHI ti!: ,~~CQN§©"lfl SAFETY EQUIPMENT MAXON, MOTOROLA, ROADMASTER, VERTEX RM>IOS BELL, SHOEI, SIMPSON HELME-TS IN STOCK WIRiNG FOR RADIO &/OR 11\'TERCOM STIU. ONLY S 125. -2888 GUNDRY AVE. -SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 • 562-4:17-8177 I 800-869-5636 W a A R , (,i .-\ .-1-;-ralcv s Pl'rf onnance Engineermg ' * All Type• ol Stael CJ Aluminum Fabrication * Tube Bndinc • Aluminum CJ St.NI W.lclinc • Custom Machine Work ~ All Types ol Race Cars 4851 W. Hacienda #4 Laa Vega■, NV 89118 Bruce P'raley 702-365-9055 PLATIECH FABRICATION 3031 E. Coronado St Suite E, Anaheim, CA 92806 Phone: (714) 238-1179 Fax: (714) 238-1183 John Gould Pre,ision Alloy, lltl Todd Francis Phone: 360.887.2000 • Fax: 360.887.7279 ,PRO PROTRUCK RACING ORGANIZATION A High Performance Spec VB Race Truck Series "The True Driver's Class" Protruck Sales and Promotion Website: Email: /el: 61"490-'S252 Fu:61~70 14402 Bond Court El Cajon, CA 92021 JeeDalllllan Par:'818....,...n 'ENHRLD ABRICATION, INC 1660 8obcock. Building 8 Costa Mesa. CA 92627 TEL 19491 650-3035 FAX 19491650-4721 JenyPenhal

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Hi-Performance Equipment Suspension • Safety • Driveline • Accessories (619) 691-9171 (619) 691-9174 103 Press Lane, Suite #4 Chula Vista, CA 91910 e-mail: (619) 691-0803 (FAX) 619.420.2233 I I I - ~--~.0%SS ONLY.COM._....-,, RRCING ENGINES ., Building SCORE winning engines 45 eroadwaij Chula Vista. CA 91910 Barry Beacham 1021 Calle Sombra - Unit A San Clemente, CA 92673 Office 949-361-4388 Fax 949-361-4352 A Tatum Distributor Specializing in Off-Road Racing & Driving For Over 21 Years ,.. .. Mig Welding • Tig Welding Upgrades & Repairs Baja-Proven Equipment 5294 N. Casa Grande Hwy • Ste 102 520_850_3693 Tucson, Az 85743 fili/ SANDERS SERVICE, INC. ; L?l!J METAL PROCESSING ' 5921 Wilmington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 (323) 583-2404 FAX (323) 583-3% 5 SANDBLAST-GLASS BEAD-MAGNETIC PARTICLE FLOURESCENT INSPECTION MARKSMITH LARRY SMITH = 'PERFORMANCE SPECIAL/Sn,~ == f£Dl~Vlf f£&M Sl/181 P£8,88JIIIC£ I 1-800-MY MUFFLER I~ Craig Stewart I Phone: 619-449-9728 fn)<: 619-449-76711 Cel~ 619-726-8891 I Fabrication & Race Preparation I I I I I :::,r~~Cl!>I £il1!!J'/? Salee & j I !.'.•.•-~eo.--tw.r-~-'-"'-~"'--n /J.lil ~ Service 1 ,_craigEI___::... _st_ewamnx ___ ewo_ ril,._c_om ______________ l -+-------------------l---,EIFIIAUIICE•TIIISI.ILES Solllbern CalHornla's largest DIS111butor of Mendeola Tnnsules PH: 114.680.6131 • FX: 114.680.3110 ..._ Toll Free: 800.304.8126 1631 Placentia Ave. Unit G Anaheim. CA 92806 RANCHO DRIVETRAIN ENGINEERING Tony Selva, Jr. 27598 Commerce Center Drive Temecula, CA 92590 ,ttONE951.676.6569 FACSlMJlf951.676.l 141 t s elva@ra nchod rivetro i n . com s11eci111r•1 •: -5■11!■11 -Ill 112-81-114 -1111111111 .... 111111 -A•111 will get vou in gear SI li5 5.PI •rll ## Ii Ln • 911, Nffll 111 11112 Jllll 1.1. 111191 11121 HMH3 QuAUTY ISNT ExPENSIVE1 Ir's PR1cELEss! VALIIE TRAIN PRoaucrs • CUSTOM HEAD WORK 760/94B-469B • FAX 760/94B-4B56 MnA/'IIV.RDVALVESPRIIVG. CDIVI Just A Small Ad Here Can Increase Your Business By A Bunch. S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOT" HCR66, BOX 11030 PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV,89048 (ns) 372-5335 TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821 (714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 JOB SITE SIGNS. -BANNERS. \\lllOOW LmERtr,G. CAR LETTERING. GRAPHICS SGUEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101 Galway Circle • Hunt1ngto1 Beach CA 92649 (714) 897-0075 • F2\ [7141 694-9567 Aluminum Wheel Straightening 31510 223rd st E. Tim Baker Llano, CA 93544 661.261.3202 , ----------~-MOR EKCWSIVEIY FKOM: IUICEFUEI.S lli ~ ::C"IPU~11 CLBRYANT.COM MITCHHART@CLBRYANICOM ■ IIACE F'UELS r2091 s47-22s1 [800) 527-6090 Paul Oil Company FAX [2091847-9726 P.O. Box 248 • 524 N. Sierra Ave. W E STERN DIVISION Oakdale, California 9536 1 2180 College Drive • Lake Havasu City • AZ. 86403 Call Toll Free: 877-~27-8852 or E-Mail: • Hi Performance Converters Custom Length Axles • • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed Hubs • (for Race & Recreation) Input Shafts • American Made Excellence!!

Page 57

TO - -PoW.• . RACING BATTERIES K-=-1"11 Parlz:£9 Military Grade Batteries • Battery Boxes • Battery Chargers Custom Battery Cables • Misc. Electrical Accessories 2046 Fairhope Loop, Vista, C Business (760) 734-1 www.totalpo »cc * Off-Road-and Bolt-On to Street Fiberglass for: "Ford, C~evy and Toyota" Trucks * Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1261 N. Buena Wlsta St. , He.-ei Ca. 92543 PII: 951-654-7334 fa: 9S1.fl54-2375 See a 11st of •r pnNI~ Olir welt site: http:// .... ~.coa 1RdlUXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD (818) 998-2739 9763 Varlel Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 T"ll~lll~D:KL.'E - -__,~ TEL: 114.526.5820 FAX: 714.528.5840 NS Wl!ST PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES Kevin Pirtle 22545 South Normandie Ave. Torrance, California 90501 310.782.2413 fax 310.782.3772 /4i\/ ransworks ~Q PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES -~ AUTHORIZED MENDEOLA DEALER ERIC LAUNDRIE STOCK & CUSTOM 24752 VIEJAS BLVD. SAND* STREET* RACE ~ESCANSO, CA 91916 (619) 445-3135 (619) 596-8033 1 000 W. Bradley. Unit a El Cajon, CA 92020 Carlos Oro.zco • "Q11Glity Fuels & Products for Motorsports"' Website· KELLEY HENDEL Regional Manager VP Racing Fuels, Inc. West Coast Region P.O. Box 1319 Office:(951) 614-9161 Fax.( ?Sl) 674-1361 Email: 34283 Monte Vista Wildomar,.9A 92595 Do You Need To E X p A N D Your business Horizons? for Lots More Exposure Call 818-882-0004 For The Price Of A Phone Call And A Few Bucks A Month Your Ad Could Be Here . 818-882--0004 SCORE ENGINE BUILDER OFTHEYEAR 1994, 19.98, 1999,2000 From Pafts To COffll)leta ~nglna• 1175 W. T-.,0 AW. Uni I, Veau. NV 19111 702-IS74522 . ~08 N, 21st o,. ,Phoenbc, A.Z 8S0:21 Race Cars Jack Woods (.02-242.0077 fa,c 602-241•'283 Dune Buggies Lorenzo Rodriguez Baja Bugs Transmissions - Parts • Service - Welding V.W . . Porsche - Nissan - Toyota · Honda 850 S. Alta Vista Ave., Monrovia, CA 91016 (626) 305-RACE (7223) • (626) 357-6629 Fax ~ ··----·-----·R11CE PREP SHOP •BU££1ES • SIIDIJCRRS •SHOCHS •TRUCKS • PRE·RUIIDERS • FRBIUCIITIOn 818) lf2Ei·228U World Leading Motorsport Transmission Manufacturer 11 Dakar Rally Victories 17 World Rally Victories 6 AMA MX/SX Championships Xtrac Inc 6183 West 80th Street Indianapolis IN 46278 email: Tel: (317) 472 2454 '383' Baja lll'ti'inffansaxle Trophy Truck solutions available for Lead Customers

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Classified ... Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Read-ers are advised to consult appro-priate local or state authorities for information before purchase t , I t . . II AUT OMOTIVb. FOR SALE: Core legal Super Buggy. Toyota, Mendeola, Fresh Fox shocks, 4 extra tires, new Centerlines w/lg headlock, other spare parts. 19,500.00 OBO. (586) 201-3820. FOR SALE: Class 10 Bundersen Single-seat, Toyota Fat Mendeola 5 speed, King Shocks bypass/ coilover, numerous other quality components & spare parts. Sev-eral new & used BFG Tires & Centerline Wheels. or call (308) 548-2264. Race Ready: $48,000.00/OBO. FOR SALE: 2003 Ford F350 4x4, crew cab, 6.0 diesel, auto, leather seats, utility bed, 80 gal saddle tank w/electric pump, tire rack, over cab rack, electric steps, OPS, SAT phone, 35" Toyo tires, rear air bag system, 50,000 mi. Great chase truck. $29,900.00. Call Nick (619) 336-3771 M-F 8am-5pm. FOR SALE: JIMCO Class 10, Fresh Major Honda mid engine, all Fortin, Howe, Gordon Beadlocks, King Shocks, custom paint, BFG's, best in class. Car is like new, prepped by Jimco, spare parts, car is ready to race. $85,000.00. (209) 368-2744. FOR SALE: Brand New 2004 Silverado Extra Cab Four Seater, CA Lie. plates, Pre-Runner, TurnKey 500hp, Rob Butler headers, Hugues Performance turbo 400 trans, Gear Vendors torque converter, Eclipse CD, DVD, MP3 sound system, 6500 Lowrance OPS, A-arms(front) 4 link (rear) suspension with King shocks, coilover and bump stops. 22" front travel, 33" rear travel, Tubeworks rear end and hubs w/ 456 gear, Walker Evans bead locks wheels/37" BFG projects 2 spares, all tube chassis 4130 chromolly all TIO weld, 4 disc/ 14" wilwood 3 piston calipers, 145" length, 90" wide, Ron Davis aluminum radiator, a/c & heater, power windows/locks and alarm, Vertex radio/intercom 4 head-phones, fresh paint w/ghost flames, 86.5 gallon Fuel Safe, 5 Hella HIDS, Dynomat Extreme top, sides & bottom $205,000.00 (760) 768-3291. FOR SALE: 2002 Featherlite 53' triple axle car hauler, goose neck set up, enclosed storage area, newer tires, diamond plate floor, "D" ring hooks, xlnt cond. $21,000.00. Call Nick (619) 336-3771 M-F 8am-5pm. FOR SALE: Big Mac Trophy Truck: Chevy Trophy Truck known in the racing world as "Big Mac". Truck comes with two motors and tons of spares. Call (949) 472-4461 for price and details. FOR SALE: Super Buggy/Class 10 Strong FAT Rabbit 091 box, bead locks, Fox Shox, Willwood disk, PCI radio, 300M axles, Beard seat, all the good stuff. A lot of extra parts and tires. Trailer 4 new tires, with tool boxes and tire rack. Car is ready to race. $12,500.00. Call (209) 772-0215. FOR SALE: 06 Alumicraft, Redline 550hp LS2, S4 Mendeola, Fox shocks, 7" color OPS, intercom, custom dash & full body by Jeff Davis, best of everything. $125K. Call (951) 288-0147 Frank Rusich. FOR SALE: 2000 Series Jimco Class 1 single seat, SCORE legal. Redline racing LS1-V8 Stainless 8 into 1 exhaust. Fortin 4-speed w/torque conv, Fortin engine plate, Fortin hubs & steering. King Shocks, Car comes with 6 Hella-HID lights, 12 spare BF-Goodrich 35" tires on Beadlock wheels, plus misc spares. $135,000.00 OBO. Contact Shawn@ (760) 427-4737. FOR SALE: Single Seat Che-nowth 4130, 4.3L injected Chevy V-6, 100 miles on 091 trans & engine. Coilovers & by-pass shocks, disc brakes front & rear. Parker Pumper, on-board fire suppression, four radios, base antenna. $18,000.00 OBO call Mike Herrick (928) 646-6745 or (928) 301-6084 cell FOR SALE 2 Race Cars: 1-2005 & 1-2004 Class 1-1600 Single Seat Race Car. Fresh Transaxle by Wright, Fresh 1600cc Racing Engine by Lee Leighton, Mickey Thompson Tires with Bead Lock Centerlines, New bypass Shocks by Fox, PCI Radio, Fortin Shifter, Howe Trophy Truck steering box, Kartek disc brakes, and rear hubs, CNC pedals, TWR oil cooler with 12V fan. This car has never been raced. Heat treated chasis. All componets are new. $30,000.00 OBO many spare parts avail-able. (909) 335-3535 Garit. FOR SALE: RACE JEEP Class 3 or Jeepspeed PRO, 300+ hp, JE drysump, EV8 Race head, Mogi trans, Fuel Safe, 3" Kings, Currie, Strange, Lee/ ram assist, Fluidyne, Fram, Wilwood, OMF, BFG's, MSD, Autometer liquid, Momo, Sweet, Beard, Flowmaster, heims, CNC, Chromoly, air-craft 9 hardware, much more. $40K invested, sac $20K oho. (brand new). Will separate en-gine and chassis. P.S. Pilot li-cense not required! (760) 554-3664. FOR SALE: Pre-Runner, 1998 Ford, built by Newline. Best of Everything! Runs and handles like a trophy truck! Patton 442CI engine, Culhane Turbo 400, Chrisman Rear End w/10" gear, Robby Gordon shocks/wheels, 70 gal fuel safe cell, wired by Pro Wire, Kenwood Race Radio, In-tercom, Sat Phone, OPS, Stereo, AC/Heater, Power windows/mir-rors, Leather and tweed interior. Includes Competitive tandem axle trailer. $240,000.00 (702) 596-2825. FOR SALE: 2004 Chevy Silverado LT 1500 4WD Ext cab, Quadrasteer w/Whipple Super-charger, 1 owner Low Miles $24,900.00 CALL HOWARD (818) 349-5861. FOR SALE: 1983 Ford E-250 V-8 A/T, locker, Bilstein coil-overs, Mastercraft, new stereo, BFG's, American Wheels, pushbar, excellent for pre-run or chase. Lots more. $3,800.00 OBO (805) 709-7202, (805) 481-9231. FOR SALE: Chevy SCAT V-4, Fresh prep, 48 IDF carbs, Run air cleaners or ump filters, 27 5 HP, Turned Fast lap in Sept MORE race by almost 5 min-utes. Dual clutch, 2 sets of ex-haust, 2 alt, boxes of air clean-ers & parts, very fast and reli-able. Call Tim $6,000.00 OBO (626) 893-1976. FOR SALE: CORR Super Buggy. Toyota Powered Bus trans, Fox Coilovers A-Arms with trailer and spare parts. $15,000.00. Will deliver. (715) 449-3518. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~-SeUorswjjJs''fYtJMgpiecesin ·.· . . . . . DUG~J.~lfflOG ~ Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of ::::: • • black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum site 5"x7".All Classified Ads ml'st be PAID.IN ADVANCE. 2006-07 • : REMEMBER. CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED. YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE rss.u~ IE'NOT RECEIVED : • IN'A TIMELY MANNER. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Enclosed is$ _____________ (Send check or money order, no Cash) Name __________________________________ _ Address------------------------------------------~----------------City --------------------------------------------------------------State _____ Zip __________________ Phone ______________________________ _ Please run ad times Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 ISSUE DEADLINE • • September 06 Aug 4, 06 • • October06 Sep 8, 06 • • • N01Jember06 Oct 6, 06 • • December06 Nov 10, 06 • • • January07 Dec 8, 06 • • February07 Jan 5, 07 • • • March07 Feb 2, 07 • • . . -----------~· ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a■•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page ss August 2006 Dusty Times

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FOR SALE: Class 10 Jimco 2000-Honda, Fortin, Fox. $70,000.00 Call Justin (949) 280-6722. FOR SALE: 2001 Custom Built 18' Pre-Runner/Sand Buggy Hauler, Storage Boxes with Tire Rack above, adjustable rear ramps, Tandem 60001b Torrion Axles w/6 lug wheels, 2 5/16 Ball Hitch $8,900.00 Call HOWARD (818) 349-5861. FOR SALE: 2000 Trail-ers Unlimited display trailer, 20 feet, belly boxes, glass display cabi-nets, overhead cabinets, six bottom cabinets, slide out drawers, dis-play grid, front box, new: tires, leaf springs, shackles, U-bolts, brakes, chrome fenders, tongue, with A/C, gen-erator, built in gas tank, hitch bars. McKenzies (714) 441-1212. $15 000.00 Ride Down Peninsula frompages1 Bill the last 130 miles; after all, they had ridden together for nearly two days solid. Bill Sr. was for it but Walt nixed the idea. His reasoning was he didn't want to destroy the other CL and blow the whole attempt. Walt was right be-cause no one there knew at that time the removal of the rear fender led to a perfo-rated paper air filter which caused the holed piston 700 miles later. Running out of gas in Baja is not an option, and getting lost is easy. The last 130 mile leg is a little beyond the range of those CLs even when cruis-ing at half throttle. Dave did switch to reserve near the outskirts of La Paz then saved the day by using that last gal-lon stored inside the tank bag.· There was additional panic when Dave lost a few more minutes finding the tele-graph office. Still, he made it to the La Paz telegraph office in four minutes less than 40 hours. Bill Jr. finished on one cylinder an hour and a half later closely followed by his Dad giving chase in a La Paz based taxi. Did the ride play off for American Honda Company? You bet. From '62 thru '68 AHM sold more than 89,000 CL type motorcycles. Two ma-jor races have been held in Baja each year since 1967, thanks to an ex-marine named Eddie Pearlman and automotive journ-alist Don Francisco. These two put the first half dozen races on un-der the guise of National Off Road Racing Association. Then the Mexican Govern-ment disallowed NORRA fu-ture race sanctions and tried pulling the race off them-selves. That did not work. Mickey Thompson and Sal Fish came in with SCORE and two well organized races have been run in Baja each year thereafter ... Subse-quently, Baja's economy and development has been grow-ing by leaps and bounds; much of it because of the Mexican 1000 race which be-gan in 1967, 38 years ago. We would like to thank Dave Ekins for these words, some of us remember those "good old days" but most of today's racers only have heard embellished stories from older friends or relatives. Ed. FOR SALE: Great Phoenix, AZ investment 3bd 2 bath 1200 sq ft, 2 carport, RV gate. Corner lot new air con-ditioner, dual pane windows, 6 panel doors, new kitchen cabs, great rental property or starter home. $219,900.00 Mike Crawford (602) 488-4900 or see -at List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your 2006 schedule as soon as possible for listing in the Happenings column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: DUBliJ~IIDBB DO/V1T FORGET TO SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO KEEP REPORTING THE OFF ROAD /VEVVS! Dusty Times August 2006 FOR SALE: Amazing Custom Home-Cave Creek, AZ 4 bd 3.5 baths 3340 livable sq ft, 54'x30' 6 car garage, spar-kling pool w/waterfall, spa, slab granite counter tops, stone flooring, 4 fireplaces, exposed beamed ceilings, ma-sonry construction, unbeliev-able craftsmanship, call Mike. Crawford. (602) 488-4900 or see at INDb.X TO AD\/b.12. Tl.:>b.12..:> A Fab Swap Meet ............................ 38 Aggressive Suspensions ................. 41 Aircraft Spruce ................................ 34 Baker Precision ............................... 21 Best In The Desert ............................. 4 BORE ................................................ 25 BTR Racing Wheels ......................... 44 C&R Racing ...................................... 45 Coast Casinos ..................................... 9 CODE .................................................. 2 Competition Air ............................. 18 CORR ................................. Back Cover Dircks & Porter Trophy Truck ......... 50 E&JWire ........................................ 35 Eibach Springs ............................... 23 Fabtech ............................................ 47 Fuel Safe ....................................... 24 ISCO ............. "" ............................... 29 Kar Tek Off Road ............................. 32 Kawaguchi Honda ......................... 20 KC Hilites ...................................... 17 King Shock Tech .............................. 33 Light Racing ................................... 16 McKenzie Performance Products •••. 12 Mesa Hose ....................................... 49 Michael James Insurance ............... 51 Mojave Desert Racing ..................... 37 Nevada Off Road Buggy .................. 48 Pacific Customs ............................... 43 Parker Pumper ................................ 29 PCI Race Radios ................................ 5 Pike's Service Center ................... _ 50 Pro Desert Sonora 500 ···-····· ........ 41 Race ReadJ----· .. --51 Racer X _____ , ..... __ 15 Raffle--------42 Ram Prolin1 ___ , ___ 45 Riviera Racin1 Pre Runner ___ 49 Ronca Plastics ---.. ···-22 Sakata ..... _ ........... -.-............ ._. 40 Skyjacker Suspensions ................... 10 SNORE .............................................. 31 Soltek Light Systems ...................... 19 Stuff T ran~axles .............................. 48 Team Gordon Race Wheels ............. 28 Transaxle Engineering .................. 13 Turnkey Products ............................ 26 Valley Performance ......................... 39 VisionX ........................................... 46 Web Cam ......................................... 21· Page 59

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