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2006 Volume 23 Number 7 Dusty Times Magazine

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I: Volume 23 • Number 7 • July 200& Dusty Ti1'1es 20761 PluMMer St Chatsworth CA 91311-5003 ISSN8750·1732 JUN 2 8 2006 II, I,.,, ,II, ,l I,,., 11,,, 11, I, I, I I,,, 11,,,,. I I .. I I, .. ,, 1111 .. , I •Serving The OFF Road community Por 2~ Years covering the world of competition in the dirt ...

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Volume 23 -Number 7 Julye 2006 Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors Scott Bottomley J. Preston Bradshaw Jim Clllp Mike Del Col Nicole Del Col Steve Hilton Victor Gazca Martin Holmes Rod Koch Byrle Moore Ste,·e Ruddick Maurice Selden Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Tracksicle Photo Art Director Larry Worsham Subscription Raus: $ 25 .00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Sub-scription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be renirned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTI TIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hill-side Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer Sc., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copy-right by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the pub-lisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. snapshot of the Month ... Golly, I hope this isn't going to screw up my car, I hope I don't land in this other guys engine. A race long ago at Indian Dunes, circa 1980. DUSTY TIMES will feamre picn1res of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picn1re used. If you wish the photo renirned, enclose a scamped, s~lf..addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8xl0 will be considered. In This Issue ... FEATURES BITD Terrible's Town 250 by Judy Smith ..................................................... 8 WRC Rally Sardinia by Martin Holmes ...................................................... 16 Australia Hyden 400 by Steve Hilton .......................................................... 20 MOR Ridgecrest 200 by Steve Ruddick ................ ! ..................................... 22 Rim Of The World Rally by Eli Gilbert ....................................................... 28 Chasing The Horizon by John Calvin ........................................................ 31 SNORE Caliente 250 by John Calvin ....................................................... 34 CORR At Chula Vista by Judy Smith .......................................................... 4 2 B.O.R.E. Red Garter 200 by Mike Chamberlain ........................................ 48 CODE McMillin Mexicali 500 by Beryl Moore/Victor Gasca .................... 51 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ................................................................................................ 5 Trail Notes ................................................................................................. 6 Checkers by The Big Wazoo .......................................................................... 27 Good Stuff Directory .............................................................................. 56 Classified Ads ........................................................................................... 6 2 Index To Advertisers ................................................................................ 62 ON THE COVER It was a good weekend at the CORR race in Chula Vista for Carl Renezeder, he took the Pro-4 win both days and has an 8 point lead in the points race. Photo by Art Eugenio - Trackside Photo John Herder and Steve Melton had a great race at the BITD Terrible's 250, they drove their J imco to the Class 1500 win and they took the overall as well. Photo by Floyd Hawkins- Trackside Photo Visit Our Website at Dustytimes.corn dubscribe :Joda_y lo DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$25.00 years -$40.00 □2 □3 years -$55.00 (no credit cards please) □ NEW. □ RENEWAL Name ---------------------Address --------------------City --=::;;;:::==:;=::::::::;::::;:::-;;:-:-,-------..-----State Zip --------------------Primary Interest Cars D Trucks D Motorcycles D Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian - 1 year $30.00 VS ■ Overseas subscription rates upon request Qusty Times July 2006 Page 3

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For more information, contact Mike James - Phone: (619) 445-5797, Ext 115 • Fax: (619) 445-0772 • Kevin James - Phone: (619) 445-5797, Ext. 142 • Fax: (619) 445-0772 • Karen Iverson - Phone: {619) 445-5797, Ext. 103 • Fax: (619) 445-0772 • Finally, a Comprehensive Liability Insurance Package designed especially for Off-Road Racers, by insurance professionals who are actual Off-Road Racers. You can't get any better than that! Liability Protection • $1,000,000 General Liability-No Deductible • $1,000,000 Tune & Test • $250,090 Participant-to-Participant Coverage • Even provides coverage in Mexico provided a lawsuit is filed in the US • Insurance for your Pre-Runner/Chase Trucks • Mexican Auto Insurance Covers you, your business and your sponsors. General Liability and Physical Damage insurance available for your prerunner: JamMicesh@~\Ei AGENCY Cal. Lie. # 0B75146 PROTECT YOUR FAMILY • PROTECT YOUR ASSETS • PROTECT YOUR BUSINESS 'I

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I' 2006 Happenings ... November 10-12, 2006 Laughlin International Rally (Coed 3,3&1) FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLAIRTON HI-JACKERS l.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TwP. LINE ROAo WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 FAX: (714) 367-1608 l OK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 (All etl<!nt.s staged at t~ club grounds in Ckves. Ohio) 4x4 FOREVER, Lm. 1665 DEIAWARE ST. 0sHKOSH, WI 54901 AMERICAN RALLY SPORT GROUP, INc. 3650 SoVlli Po1NTE CIRCLE, Sum 205 U.UGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521--0597 E MAIL: AMERICAN TRIALS ASSOCIATION AA« OBSERVED TR/A.LS Southern California CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES BILL MARKUM • PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HomNE -(714) 562-7742 E MAIL: <> ASOCIACION Es'fATAL DE AurOMOVJLJSMO SAM l..AsELL, TECH INSPECTOR AP-ro42 SAN JOSE DEL CAao BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL SUR. MEXICO AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP DARRYL SMITH 19 SoMERS ST. CAsHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTRALIA DUSTY TIMES AuroCRoss QUEBEC OFF RoAD Cuss JO CARS ONLY RENALD VAILLANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST U.VAL QUEBEC, CANADA H7P 1T7 (450) 622-4440 BAJA CuP CHALLENGE December 9, 2006 Glen Helen Raceway 909-888-6919 BARONA SAND DRAG AssN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 AU Raas Are Night Raas AU Races At &rona Racewa:z, l...akiide, CA BBMMARKETING PROMOTIONS OH Road Short Course Racing & Special Event Marketing 4344 VALLEY VIEW AVE. NORCO, CA 92860 (909) 340-6474 BEST IN THE DESERT 3475 BouLOER HIGHWAY LAs VEGAS, NV 89121 702-457-577 5/FAX: 702-641-2431 August 24-26, 2006 TSCO Vegas To Reno September 22-24, 2006 AVI 150 Quad Race Avi,NV October 13-15, 2006 Las Vegas 300 December 1-3, 2006 Henderson's Terrible 400 Henderson, NV B.O.R.E. BONNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING ENTERPRISES 341 W. 2575 N SUNSET, UT 84015 801-77 3-1651 June 30-July 1, 2006 Jackpot 200 Jackpot,NV September 1-2, 2006 Red Garter 200 Wendover, NV BP MOTORSPORTS P.O. Box 411 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91365 760-578-6258/760-578-6259 FAX: 818-348-4648 E-Mail: All Et1ent.s At California Cii,, CA BRIGIITON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGHTON, ONTARIO, CANADA KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR CLUB AcnoMOVIUSTAJUARENSE Dusty Times DE CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD JlA.aNG 7210 GATEWAY EAsT EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 011-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES <> August 19, 2006 Gorman Ridge Rally (Coef 3) NASA Regional Frazier Park, CA To Be Announced Nor Cal Rally School Northern CA September 20, 2006 Treeline Rally (Cocf 3) Rally America Regional West Covina, CA October6-7, 2006 Prescott Rally (Coef 2&3) NASA USRC & Regional Precostt, AZ NASA USRC & Regional Laughlin, NV December 1-2, 2006 Reno Rally (Coef 2&3) Rally America National & Regional Reno,NV CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box 400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVE Af:ll.MS (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DoN ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. RICHARDS P.O. Box 332 Short Course off Road Racing At Harrison Counry Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH CLUB AuroMovrusncA SANQmNTIN CALLE 6TA FRAcc Co. DE SAN Qu1NTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HERACLIO PATINO (011 52 616-5-22-07) CLUB AuroMoVILISTico SANVICENTE San Vicente Off Road ENSENADA, BC, MEXICO USA JAN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) RAMON CAsTRo & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/7 0034) CMC CoNTINENTAL MoTOSPORT CLUB CODE OFPROAD CODE OFPRoAD USA P.O. Box 2328 CALEXICO, CA 92231-2328 760-455-8069 USA 01 l-52-686-553-4087 MEXICO August 11-13, 2006 ORW Gran Prix Tecate, B.C. October 6-8, 2006 Mexicana Logistics Mexicali 300 Laguna Salada, B.C. December 8-10, 2006 Race Ready 275 Ensenada-Mexicali-San Felipe CoLORADOlhLL CuMB ASSOCIATION BARB VAHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box 8286 CoLORAOO SPRINGS, CO 80933 Happenings continued on page 6 INTRODUCING_ YKENWOOD~~~lM 110 watts of Power 1160 Channel Alphanumertc I Water Resistant I Mil Spec I Baja 1000 Proven ~--'-'-........... ~ ~~~ ...... ~..,,.. ...... 7...a ~~ N _1 was ln Ensenada. and my crew in San OulnHn could hear me ISO miles awayl I need these in ALL of my hucksl" -~L~....., ,-1=w...~~ PROTRUCK WINNER. 2002 TECATE/SC0RE BAJA 1000 _The best communicatton we've In over IS years of off road raclngi-~L11JE11E1~ ~ G#i:T T##E' ,.Cl'WE'#lr ~I Remele Head opHon i,velleble. eau for details. 800.869.5636 562.427.8177 • Fax 562~26.3589 WWW.PCIRACERADIOS.COM 2888 Gundry Ave.. • Signal Hill, CA 90755 July 2006 Pages

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Trail Notes ... SCCA 2006 RALLYCROSS SCHEDULE -On the heels of the highly successful SCCA RallyCross National Challenge last October at Motorsports Park Hastings (MPH) in Hastings, Neb., SCCA's Rally Department has announced an expansion of the National Challenge schedule, with five summer and fall events planned beginning in June. Designed to expose the country to high-caliber RallyCross competition while providing an entertaining experience for all participants, the pilot series, which features eight classes total within the Rally Stock, Rally Prepared and Rally Modified categories, will attack a variety of off-road surfaces in s·tates on both coasts and in between. "The five SCCA RallyCross National Challenge events we have planned in 2006 are the next big step for this program," SCCA Vice President of Program Development and Operations Howard Duncan said. "We began with a prototype event at Mororsports Park Hastings in 2005, and it was met very warmly from competitors as well as the city of Hastings and surrounding communities. "All of the positive feedback we received told us the right decision was to move the National Challenge forward, and we feel that this schedule has the potential to open the door for even better things in the future." The 2006 schedule is slated to start June 2-4 at the Fowlerville Fairgrounds,in Fowlerville,Mich., where competitors will get their first crack at a clay track and dirt infield. Taking a giant step left, the National Challenge will make its way west as Thunderhill Motorsports Park, in Willow, Calif., hosts the second stop June 24-25. From there, competitors will have a couple of weeks to make a cross-country skip to Orange, Va., where the clay of Oakland Acres will serve as the home for the third event, scheduled for July 7-9. After two lengthy hauls across the United States, competitors will get a bit of a travel reprieve as the next-to-last round is just a stone's throw away in Lebanon, Tenn., at Nashville Superspeedway, Aug. 18-20. The fifth and final event of 2006 will be in familiar territory as the dark, rich dirt of Motorsports Park Hastings will cap off the National Challenge Oct. 27-29. A complete set of SCCA RallyCross rules and car classifications can be obtained by going to and clicking the "Rally" button on the left side of the page. Once there, click the gray "Cars and Rules" button. For other information, visit SCORE BAJA 500 • Reaching an incredible new standard, SCORE International announced today that it officially has 400 entries for the first time in the history of the upcoming 38th Annual SCORE Baja 500, the world's second oldest desert race. Entries have come from every state in the Western U .S., Hawaii, and Texas, from across the Midwest including South Dakota, Illinois, Minnesota, Kansas, Missouri, Indiana and Wisconsin, as well as New York, Ohio and Massachusetts in the East and Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, Mississippi, Florida and Alabama in the South. "This is a remarkable milestone to achieve for a race that will be celebrating its 38th anniversary next month," said Sal Fish, SCORE President/CEO, who has been pa0rt of Los Angeles-based SCORE International since 1974. "It is a tribute to the dream M ickey Thompson had for SCORE in 1973 and to the vision we have expanded for over three decades. We will be making some spectacular history and having a major fiesta in Mexico next month." A race-record total of 400 official entries have been received to date, an increase of 7 3 entries since the April 22 drawing for start positions. As of today, the Pro classes with the most entries are: Class 1 (44), SCORE Trophy-Truck, with a class-record 40, SCORE Lite, with a class-record 32, Class 1-2/ 1600 (27) and Class 22 (15). Leading the Sportsman classes is SPT Motorcycles over 250cc with a class-record 49 for the relatively new class and SPT ATV with a class-record 23 all-terrain vehicles entered. NEW RACE TEAM -Two folks we know very well are getting together to form a new race team. Day Gang and Mike Malloy are joining together in wedlock, a joining that had to be made in heaven. They are marrying on the ninth of June, 2006 in Las Vegas. The staff at Dusty Times and especially the editor wish them many, many years of happiness and health, may you love each other forever. CORR WEST COAST -The first of the two CORR west coast races was run last weekend, May 20-21 and a good time was had by all. 109 buggies and trucks took the green flag and racing on Saturday and Sunday it was hot and heavy racing. The weather was great on Saturday but on Sunday it felt like November. Anyway, here are the top 3 positions each day in the 5 classes that were racing. Pro-2 -Saturday -Todd LeDuc, Steve Barlow, Scott Douglas. Sunday -Evan Evans, Carl Renezeder, Todd LeDuc. Points • LeDuc, Evans, Barlow. Pro-4 -Saturday -Carl Renezeder, Troy Herbst, Josh Baldwin. Sunday -Carl Renezeder, Troy Herbst, Josh Baldwin. Points -Renezeder, Herbst, Baldwin. Pro-Lite -Saturday -Jeff Kincaid, Chad Hord, Robert Naughton. Sunday -Jeff Kincaid, Chad Hord, Kyle LeDuc. Points -Kincaid, Hord, Naughton. Single Buggy -Saturday -John Grossini, Jeff Knupp, Kevin Walsh. Sunday -Gary Nierop, Corry Heynan, Steve Krieman. Points -Krieman, Heynan, N ierop. A full story with loads of pictures will be forthcoming. SCORE BAJA 500 - A big race, lots of entries and lots of finishers too. Acntally there were 438 starters and 222 of them made it to the checkered flag.Here are the top two or three finishers in each class. The full story and loads of pictures will be in the next issue of Dusty Times. SCORE-TROPHY TRUCK -37 started, 20 finished 1st -Brian Collins/ Larry Ragland, 2nd• Alan Pflueger, 3rd• Josh Baldwin 4th -BJ Baldwin. Class 1 36 started, 17 finished-1st Troy Herbst, /Larry Roeseler 2nd -Dale Ebberts/Ernie Castro Jr. 3rd • . Mark McMillin -4th Buddy Feldkamp/Bud Feldkamp. Classl/2-1600 -29 started, 18 finished 1st Gerardo Iribe, 2nd Caleb Gaddis, 3rd . Max Hanberg/Bernie Carr, 4th . Sammy Ehrenberg/L.J. Kennedy. Class 3 - 3 started, 1 finished 1st -Donald Moss/Kenneth Moss. Class 5 - 5 started, 2 finished 1st David Bonner./Rob Roy, 2nd· G eorge Seeley/ Dwight Fourell, CLASS 5/1600 16 started , 4 finished 1st• Marcos N unez/Norberto Rivera, 2nd, -Ernesto Arambula/Octavio Zamora, 3rd Ja mes Tedford/ Steve Landis, 4th D anny Ledezma, El Centro, Calif./Mario Ledezma Jr. Class 7 9 started, 2 finished - 1st Dan C hamlee/Tom Chamlee, 2nd -David Binns/Jared Teague. CLASS 7SX - 9 st arted , four fi n ished 1st Joh n H olmes,./Mark Landersman, 2nd Dan Street Jr/ D anny Street, 3rd . Noe Sierra,/To ny Sierra. CLASS 8 - 8 started , 3 finished 1st . Nick Vanderwey/Michael Vanderwey,/Larry Vanderwey 2nd -Juan Carlos Lopez/ Fernando d e los Page 6 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O. Box 392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER 0l 1-52-65-66-4458 CORR LUCAS OIL SERIES 192 N. STATE ROAD, SUITE 267 A\oON, IN 46123 317-272-2827 317-272-2900 fax July 8-9, 2006 Bark River, MI Pro & Sportsman July 22-23, 2006 Chula Vista, CA Pro Series August 12-13, 2006 Bark River, MI Pro & Sportsman September 2-3, 2006 Crandon, WI Pro & Sportsman September 23-24, 2006 Chula Vista, CA Pro Series October 21-22, 2006 Chula Vista, CVA Pro Series CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, SUITE 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA EXT 42 FAX (818) 957-4435 D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079· (AU events at Hannigan raa track, Bellingham, WA or Tiumton Count, ORV Park, Ol:,mpia, WA) DAKARRALLY DARREN SKILlON BAJA AuroMOTIVE ADVENTURES 455 E. OCEAN BLVD., SUITE 208 i.oNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 DECATUR FoUR WHEEL DruvE Cum DECATUR, TX 76234 ToMAu.EN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 EASTERN OFF-ROAD RACING ASSN. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WELI.SVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 ENSENADA BAJA OFF ROAD RACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX Oll-52-646-1818989 ELISIO 0ll-52-646-1715230 AARON Races for bugg:,s & Motorcycles EsrER.o BEACH INTERNATIONAL Short Course Racing VICTORIA GALINDO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO 011-52-646-176-6230 FORDA FLORIDA OPP ROAD DRIVER1S ASSOC1A170N ]ASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Apr, Maz, Noo at Davidson Racewaz FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 1855 PARKWAY DRIVE s. EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/959-579-6151FAX GORRA GEORGIA OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 4 20 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA GREAT PLANES OFF RoAD RACING ASSOCIATION TIM HODGE (402) 991-6048 Scorr MORROW (816) 792-2126 (AU racts art short course, stadium si,le Classes July 2006 · Sportsman, 1/ 2-1600, 5-1600, Sport Truck, Quads, Tough Truck Nebraska Raceway Park, Exit 420 on I-80 between Omaha and Lincoln.) For latest info check <> HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING 2000 W. QUINCY AVENUE #8 ENGLE\VOOD, CO 80110 303-806-8062/303-781-0974 fax INTERNATIONAL lcE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDDOR (612) 937-3816/FAX 474-2769 INTER-SHows MoTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 ]EEPSPEED 1826 N. Windes Orange, CA 92869 714-538-7434/ fax 714-633-1724 All races for Jeepspeed 1,2 & 3 Jeepspeed Challenge August 12, 2006 California Night 200 Lucerne Valley, CA September30,2006 MOR Lucerne 250 Lucerne Valley, CA December 2, 2006 BITD Terrible's 400 Henderson, NV l_eeps'!{{d J Series ugust 4-26, 2006 BlTD Vegas To Reno Nevada October 13-15, 2006 Las Vegas 300 Las Vegas, NV December 1-3, 2006 Henderson's Terrible 400 Henderson, NV KAMLooPs BRONCO BUSTERS Whispering Pines Sports & Recreation Center P.O. Box 465 l<AMLOOPS, BC, CANADA VZG5L2 DALE NYESTE (250) 579-8039 TONY (250) 554-97801. Craig Byers (250) 376-8466 LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS & OFFROAD EXPO (626) 961-3782 <> <> L.I.T.R.E. ]EFFELROD (408) 926-0522 ]IMARUTA (408) 247-4402 MAMA!tRITA OFF ROAD RACING WIS CARLOS ALVAREZO PANAMERICANA AVE #5105 Co. JuAREZ, Ctt1H., MX 011-52-1637-1799 MicmGAN BUGGY BUIIDERS DUNE BUGGY TRADE SHOW (517) 543-7214 <> MicmGAN OFF RoAD CliAMPIONSlilPS M. T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 ]ONES ROAD GRAND LEDGE, ML 48837 (517) 627-6200 Moto,cyoo, Quads, A1Vs and Pilots on!:, MAORA Mil>AMERICA OFF RoAD ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 664 GREENUP, IL 62428 (217) 235-6528 E-MA11.: <> July 22, 2006 Tell City Fairgrounds Tell City, IN August 12, 2006 Stone City Ranch Bedford, IN August 26, 2006 Soggy Bottom Raceway Greenup, IL September 23, 2006 Stone City Ranch Bedford, IN October 21, 2006 Lincoln Trail Motorsports Park Casey, IL Endurance Points Series August 13, 2006 Stone City Ranch Bedford, IN September 24, 2006 Stone City Ranch Bedford, IN October 22, 2006 Lincoln Trail Motorsports Park Casey, IL MDRRACING 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE Sourn ELMoNTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/FAX626-579-6051 2006 Cal$omia Cha~ionship Series * August 1~2006 California 200 Lucerne Valley Night Race September 30, 2006 Lucerne 250 Lucerne Valley, CA *November 11, 2006 Stoddard 250 Barstow, CA • Double Points • Night Raa MDR PRODUCTIONS .2006 Superstition Championship Series AU Races at Plaster Cit, OHV Area October 28, 2006 Superstition 250 December 31, 2006 The Bud Lite Dash 200 • Night Race M.O.R.E. MOJAVE OFF ROAD RACING ENnrusIASTs P.O. Box 1231 BARSTOW, CA 92312 760-253-4453 MOREKARTEK Off Road Gold Cup Series July 22, 2006 Barstow, CA September 16, 2006 TBA December 2, 2006 Barstow, CA MSBA MicmGAN SPORT BUGGY ASSOCIATION DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. FLINT, ML 48506 (810) 7 30-9221 MoToWEST WINTER TRIALS SERIES BILL MARKHAM (909) 860-1857 <> All events at Perris Raceway (At Reed Valley with a school) NATIONAL Mun RACING AssN. RT. #l - Box 380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN PALATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFF TRUCK AssN. BUTCH CHAPIN MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS 1404 EAST 3RD STREET HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NOORA GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAIL <> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Spring Valley Raceway, on route 518, 20 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) (Thunder Valley located 15 minutes from Spring Valley) NORTHERN Omo OFF RoAD RACING ASSN. GARYWULFF (724) 283-2678 OFF ROAD EXPO 2006 (626) 599-8622 OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION VOUJNTEERED SERIES PRESIDENT. GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP.-1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP. -9 & UNLTD. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OUTI.AWREP. DON PONDER (314) 631-8190 (AU Races at Wheeling in the Count) 900 Acres) Dusty Times

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II Omo OFF RoADERS INc. 1427 GOSHEN HILLS ROAD S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 )IM KENDEL (216) 339-4674 AU races ~ld at Harrison Councy Fairgrounds. Cadit. Ohio ONTARIO OFF RoAD RACERS ASSOCIATION RICK TICHBOURNE, PUBLIC RELATIONS (519).681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) 0UTI.A w SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. Louis, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/FAX: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <> PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 CoLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF RoAD RACING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 875-7591 PRo 1600 SHOOTOUT CoREYGOIN 559-647-6132 GOINRACIN@HOTMAIL.COM PRoTRUCK 14402 BoND CoURT EL CAJON, CA 92021 619-390-6252 July,2006 Pikes Peak Hillclimb Colorado July 27-29, 2006 Las Vegas Terrible's Cup Las Vegas, NV August 24-26, 2006 TSCO Vegas To Reno Nevada September 8-10, 2006 Las Vegas Primm 300 Primm,NV October 13-15, 2006 Las Vegas 300 Nevada November 16-18, 2006 Baja 1000 Baja, California, Mexico December 1-3, 2006 Henderson's Terrible 400 Hmdmon,NV PuRE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box 50 RICKETTS, IA 51460 (712) 679-2221 RAu.Y AMERICA July 28-29, 2006 Maine Forest Rally Rumford,ME August 25-26, 2006 Ojibwe Forests Bemidji,MN September 23-24, 2006 Colorado Cog Steamboat Springs, CO October 20-21, 2006 Lake Superior Houghton, Ml TBD Reno Rally Rmo,NV ROCK. CRAWLERS ASSOCIATION OP AMnuCA P.O. Box 1406 RIVERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/FAX: (801) 253-3176 SAN DIEGO SHORT CoURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New Srnes lry Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro Trucks, Desert Trucks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Truck <> (858) 571-5088 SAN DIEGO OFF ROAD EXPOsmoN (888) 836 7918 SCCA RoADRAu.Y P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-2055 <> August 12, 2006 Scenic View NC Oregon Dusty Times August 13, 2006 Beaver Cleaver NC Portland, OR September2,2006 Appalachian NT Steel Cities September 3, 2006 Ohnoodo NT Pittsburgh, PA September 4, 2006 Steel Haul NC Septemberl6,2006 Oktoberally NC LOL Septemberl7,2006 Badger Trails NT Trempealeau, WI October 20, 2006 TBA GTA October 21, 2006 TBA NC Topeka, KS October 22, 2006 TBA NT November 4, 2006 Covered Bridge OT Vermont National Road Rally Events JulyS,2006 Golden West NTR San Francisco August 12, 2006 Scenic View NC Oregon August 13, 2006 Beaver Cleaver NC Portland, OR September 16, 2006 Oktoberally NC September 1 7, 2006 Badger Trails NT Trempealeau, WI October 20, 2006 Oz Has Spoken NC National Office Topeka, KS October 21, 2006 Over TI1e Rainbow NT Topeka, KS October 22, 2006 Yellow Brick Road NT/GTA Topeka, KS November 4, 2006 Covered Bridge OT NERVT November 11, 2006 TBANC Old Dominion Richmond, VA November 12, 2006 TBA NC Old Dominion Richmond, VA NC -National Course NT -National Tour GTA • Ga= Tour Adventure SFX MoTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE, SUITE 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 FAX SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., SurrE A CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 <www> July 27-29, 2006 *SCORE Las Vegas Terrible's Cup II Las Vegas Motor Speedway Las Vegas, NV September 8-10, 2006 SCORE Las Vegas Primm 300 Primm,NV November 15-18, 2006 Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 Baja California to Baja California Sur, Mexico *Non-points s~cial event SNORE SourHERN NEV ADA OFF ROAD ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 270516 I.As VEGAS, NV 89127 702-452-4522 www.SNORERACING.NET August 4-5, 2006 KC Hilites Midnight Special September 29-October 1, 2006 Soutl1 Coast SNORE 250 Las Vegas November 10-11, 2006 Western Desert Championship Laughlin, NV (Avi) SONS OF THUNDER 4 WHEELERS RACE DIVISION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 MIKE MOORE· (224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS EXPO MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. Hacienda Blvd. #322 Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SCTA SourHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION & BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, INc. P.O. Box 10 OROS!, CA 9364 7 (559) 528-6279 (559) 528-9749 FAX <> SOUTHERN SHORT COURSE OFF RoAD RAcING AssN. 4305 WOOTLARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (AU Races at Ea.nbaz Racewa-,, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box 706 November 4-5, 2006 Gila Bend Gila Bend, AZ December 2, 2006 Mexico Toys FoR ToTs (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADILLA VALLEY SPORTS CENTER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <> VORRA VALLEY OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 920 HILLCREST STREET PLACERVILLE, CA 95667 530-622-03 70 July 1-3, 2006 Desert Race Yerington, NV September 1-4, 2006 Desert Race Hawthorne, NV September JO-October 1, 2006 Short Course Prairie City, CA October 14-15, 2006 Short Course Prairie City, CA October 28-29, 2006 Short Course Prairie City, CA November 11, 2006 Drivers Meeting & Awards Banquet VICENTE GUERRERO OwRoADCLUB PROFO. CENOV10 GAMBOA 011-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 P.M.) WESTERN 01'1' ROAD RACING AssoclATION LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WESTERN PENNsnv ANIA WHEEL To WHEEL OFF RoAD RACING PATRICK McGUIRE P.O. Box 376 Ao\MSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2325 E. KINGS AVENUE PHOENIX, AZ 85022 (602) 971-3730 <> Whiplash Desert Tour Trucks & ~/ Septe ,2006 Snowflake Heber,AZ November4-5,2006 Gila Bend Gila Bend, AZ December 2, 2006 Mexico Whiplash Desert *Bikes/ A 1V sand **Mini&PW Continued on page 63 July 2006 Trail Notes ... Cobos , 3rd Dave Raimonde/Bob Clark. Class 9 - 8 started, 1 finished 1st Eric Fisher/ Garibay. Class 10 -30 started, 7 finished 1st Darren Hardesty/Mark Randazzo, 2nd Lobsam Yee/ Angel Barajas, 3rd . Will Higman, 4th Billy Gasper/ Eric Stewart, 5th John Cooley,/Dave Richardson. SCORE Lite -32 started, 13 finished 1st Tim Noe/Tom Watson/Travis Clarke, 2nd Rick St. John, Carlsbad./Dean Bayerle, 3rd Vic Bruckmann./RodneySmith, 4th Craig Brabant/ Reggie Dunlap 5th Stan Potter/Dan Worley. Stock Full - 6 started, 1 finished 1st Terry Henn/ Eric Henn. STOCK MINI 3 started, 1 finished 1st . Rod Hall/Larry Webster PROTRUCK - 15 started, 10 finished 1st Rob Reintertson/ Rick D. Johnson, 2nd . Robbie Pierce/Joey Westhoff, 3rd Joe Bednar/ George Peters 4th Jason Voss/Rich Voss, 5th Gus Vildosola Jr/ Bryan Freeman. Sportsman Truck - 1st Steven Looney/Mike Ballard. Be sure to see the next issue of Dusty Times for the full story. RIDE IN A TROPHY TRUCK - If you'd like to win a ride in a Trophy Truck at the SCORE Las Vegas short course race in late July, here's your chance. Buy a raffle ticket for $25, with all the proceeds going to the Childhelp Foundation and you could be the lucky winner. You get to ride "Shotgun" in the 750 horsepower McMullen and Bell Chevy Silverado Trophy Truck. The raffle win includes round trip airfare from anywhere in the continental Unites States, 3 nights hotel accommodations in Las Vegas and a race helmet and fire suit. A worthy cause and a real chance for a thrill ride. Go to for more information and to get an entry form. DO IT TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BIG NEWS FROM CRANDON - Call it plump, mammoth, stout, gigantic, or just a plain wad. The longest running race of its type in the nation -the 13th annual FCP Chairman's Cup "Heavy Metal" Challenge race from Crandon Raceway, features a record purse this year. Overall winner of the event is guaranteed $25,000 in cash. In addition, the winner will receive a Miller Electric welder valued at $1,400. And to commemorate the win, the champion also receives the custom 30-inch silver Potawatomi Chairman's Cup trophy. The monster first place cash award is up 70% from last year. The event, scheduled Sunday, June 25, 2006 at 4 p.m., is once again the highlight of the annual FCP Brush Run Races at Crandon Raceway. The always anticipated race features Lucas Oil CORR Series high performance Pro 4 (4x4 pickups), Pro 2 (2-wheel drive) and Sportsman 2 race machines in a 10-lap romp over the fast but rough and tumble 1. 75-mile Crandon track. The overall purse for the celebrated FCP Chairman's Cup race has ballooned to $48,800. Sponsor contingency has also increased this year. The record total available purse is $64,000. Ford Truck has posted $3,500 as a Racer Performance Award if a Ford driver wins the event. Toyota has offered $2,000 if a Toyota Truck wins this event. Defending champion of the Potawatomi Chairman's Cup race is Josh Baldwin, Laguna Beach, CA. He won the 2005 race in a Ford 4x4 on BF Goodrich tires. "If Josh repeats this year, he would win a cash grand total of $29,500 plus a $1,400 Miller Electric welder," said Davis. "Not bad for a 10-lap, 15 minute sprint race in any form of professional motor sports," he said. SKYJACKER LATEST CRANDON SPONSOR· One of the most popular and successful names in off-road performance circles is one of the newest names at Crandon International Off-Road Raceway. Skyjacker Suspensions, a leading manufacturer of high-performance suspension systems and shock absorbers for on• and off-road use, will display its 32-year-old name in bright red, white and blue colors at Crandon International Off-Road Raceway for the 2006 season.Skyjacker Suspensions is the "Official Shock and Suspension" during Crandon's 37th Anniversary season this year. "We welcome Skyjacker Suspensions to our growing list of national sponsors," said Cliff Flannery, president of Crandon International Off-Road Raceway. "Skyjacker Suspensions is one of the greatest names in off-road circles and a world leader in suspension and shock absorber technology and manufacturing," said Flannery. "We look forward to a successful partnership with Skyjacker Suspensions in 2006 and beyond." The Crandon season opens June 24-25, 2006 with the Forest County Potawatomi Brush Run Races. Lucas Oil Series Championship Off-Road Racing (CORR) teams rumble into Crandon and fans will be treated to 11 classes of off-road racing. The premier event is the heavy metal truck challenge race for the sterling silver Potawatomi Chairman's Cup. That race pits drivers of 4x4 and 2-wheel drive high performance trucks in a showdown for one of the largest purses of the season. MO.R.E RACING - Presents the worlds largest all female off road event ever, the Damzl Powder Puff Race, October 14, 2006 at Barstow, CA. RACE FOR THE CURE!!!!! Cedar Sinai Medical Center Womens Research For Breast Cancer. $200.00 entry fee, $100.00 To Be Pd to Moreracing.Net. Race Info: Sign Up On The Online Entry Form Event: Powder Puff Race • Name, Car # If Known, Research For Breast Cancer. Entry Fee Class, Etc. $100.00 To Be Paid At Registration. Check Payable To: Cedar Sinai Womens Research For Breast Cancer.Raffle: $20.00 Tickets Available Next Week. Grand Prize For Raffle Ticket• 2006 Honda Trx250ex. Various Other Items• Participation Plaque With Car Picture For Every Entry. Trophy's, Food, Fun & More. Come Race For The Cure With Us. SCORE RACES TELEVISED -The 2006 Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 and Tecate SCORE Baja 500 To be telecast on NBC in the U.S. on ESPN International worldwide. Aura360 and SCORE International announced jointly today the upcoming broadcast program for the 39th Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 and 38th Tecate SCORE Baja 500. For the third consecutive year, NBC will broadcast a one-hour special of the Tecate SCORE Baja 1000. This year, NBC plans to expand its coverage to include another one-hour program focusing on the Tecate SCORE Baja 500. Both programs are scheduled to air in December 2006. In addition to coverage on a major national network, the 2006 Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 and the 2006 Tecate SCORE Baja 500 will also be telecast worldwide on ESPN International and be shot in high-definition for distribution on an HD cable network. In addition to the premiere broadcast of the Tecate SCORE Baja 500 on NBC, the SCORE desert racing series will continue to reach out to mainstream audiences through the new agreement with ESPN International. The programs featuring the Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 and the Tecate SCORE Baja 500 will be distributed throughout the world through ESPN International's networks in Latin America, the Caribbean Islands, Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands, Africa, Middle East, and Israel, reaching a total of 22 million households. Page 7

Page 8

~im~~~ TERRIBLE'S 250 Herder overalls It By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Garron Cadiente had a good race, he drove his Ford to the Class 1400 win, he's seen here saving a bit of tire wear during the race. John Herder and Steve Melton drove their Wiks powered Jimco to the Class 1500 win at Pahrump, seen here at speed. His lead at the first checkpoint was six minutes, and Kevin James, in his brother Michael's Jimco, ran second at that point. Then there was a tie for fourth, a minute behind James, between Ronny and Randy Wilson, an-other Chevy Jimco, and Rick Wilson and Jeff Quinn in yet another Chevy Jimco. A minute behind them was a three-way tie, with Damen Jefferies in his Heman Motorsports chassis, Kory Scheeler and Larry Job in their Jimco, and Chuck Hovey in Pahrump, NV: John Herder put his Chevy Jimco into the winner's circle at the April BITD Terrible's Town 250. But it was a close one. Some 153 cars and trucks trav-eled to Pahrump to try their luck at winning a share of the $40,000 guaranteed added purse donated by the Herbst folks. That fund, added to the regular paycheck, made a nice purse at the end of the 242 mile event. Of the 40 thou, a fat $10,000 was for the overall winning car or truck, $5,000 was for the first overall pro motorcycle and $5,000 went to the first pro quad. The remaining $20,000 would be distributed among the other classes. The year's course was the same as last year's. It ran basically north and south, starting at Johnnie, and finishing just out-side of the Herbst's parking lot pit crews were not allowed on his four cylinder Jimco. The only in Pahrump proper. It was 242 course. All fueling and scheduled team that knew where they stood miles long. At its northernmost work was to be done in the eight was Herder and his co-driver, point it went close to Beatty, and designated pit areas. • Steve Melton. They knew they it crossed Highway 95 twice. The BITD had their popular had the lead, but they also knew Those crossings are a subject of Time Trials before this event, to that everyone else was coming some concern to the Nevada De-determine the quickest 20 ve-mighty fast. Feeling that it was partment of Transportation hides of the race. Those 20 John's day, and because he (NDOT) who are highly intoler-would start, in order of qualify-seemed to be at the top of his ant of racers who spew rocks out ing time, at the front of the form, the team decided to leave onto their pavement. Compli-pack, a minute apart. Then the him in the car, and Melton sat cated rules about where to stop, racers who'd also run the time out the race. and how soon to get back up to trials and finished 21st and on Herder continued to lead, race speed, are supposed to help back, were started in front of but all the others kept coming, solve this problem, but it's al-their own class, faster to slower. and at Mile 167, the second ways cause for anxiety for the Herder had the best qualifying check, he had 12 minutes. It was racers and the race promoter. time, and was the first to take a good thing. Jefferies and Hovey The course was characterized by the green light. were on the same minute behind the racers as rocky, rough and There were 27 of the 1500 him, and Ronny and Randy Wil-dusty. And in the morning there cars, and 12 of them started in son were fourth, with Scheeler was no wind to move the dust the front group of 20 fastest ve-and Job up to fifth. These four off course. hides. Herder, with no dust (the were within two minutes of one There were eight pit stops last quad started a couple of another. Kevin James, who'd along the way, and, as always at hours before he went off the been second, and his brother, a BITD event, chase crews and line), had the best of a good deal. scheduled to do the second half, ,-------------------------, had also decided not to make a change, because things were go-ing so well. But then Kevin stalled the motor and the starter had gone south. It took him 20 minutes to get the car going again, and he lost about 10 po-sitions. Herder got to within ten miles of the finish with no problems at all and then he had a flat. He radioed his crew what happened as he climbed out to make the change and they waited anxiously at the finish line, because John is notorious for being "not very good" at changing tires. Sure enough, it took 11 minutes by their count. He tossed his jack and his flat into the shrubs and climbed back in once done, and really poured on the steam for the final ten miles. Herder was first to cross the line, but so many were still coming, so close together, that no one was sure who'd have the win. Ronny and Randy Wilson finished next, re-porting some "little throttle cable problems". They solved that by having the passenger use his foot to lift the throttle pedal. They had no flats. A minute later Jefferies finished, saying his car was "great" and he'd had no trouble, except for hitting one rock in the silt. Then it was Scheeler and Job, who also had a sticky throttle, and said they'd had no brakes for the final 25 Darnen Jefferies took the silver medal in the Class 1500 fracas, he Ray Mckinzie had a decent day. he took second place honors in the Jeremy Spirkoff drove the new Ford to a second place finish in class was less than a minute out of the class win as well as 2"' overall. Pro Truck Class, he's seen here in his Chevy at speed. 8100, less than seven minutes out of the class win. David Bryan, with son Kyle aboard finished a decent second place in Allen and Scott Gerber had a decent day they finished second in Mike Ruane and Larry Roese/er had a decent race, they took home Class 8000, seen here in his neat looking Ford. Class 1000 in their good looking Lothringer. the silver medal in the Class 7200 race, seen here sans .fiberglass. Pages July 2006 Dusty Times

Page 9

Rick Waszkiewicz ran first, Kirl<SteenbergenhadsomePumperproblems Mike Falkosky had one flat to bother him, he took a nice second Noe and Tony Sierra had a good race, but they also had a ton of flats, they finished second in Class 7100 in their Ford Truck. late in the race, they finished 2"' in aass 2000 in their R&E Fab car. place in Class 3100, he's seen here in his Ford. miles. "We blew almost every big flat, and then had to stop for a had to drive about six miles to a corner!" They'd also lost all the spare. They were only 14 minutes pit on just a rim. He said, "Ev-grease and the boot from one behind the winning car. erybody went on by!" In 12th it axle. When timing and scoring In eighth it was Todd Cuffaro was Scott Kincaid, in a Porter, had them all sorted out, Herder in a Porter. He'd lost his brakes who had a total of about 20 and Melton were the winners, and had them fixed, but he'd set minutes down time for various with 52 seconds on Jefferies. If up his suspension too soft for reasons. And lucky 13th went to Herder hadn't had that huge this course, and was bottoming. Kevin James, who'd been doing lead early in the day, the flat tire Ninth place went to Steve Croll, so well until his starter went bad. would have destroyed his race. in a Porter, who had one flat and All told, 21 of the 27 Class Ronny and Randy were third, then seized up his right rear hub. 1500 cars finished. less than two minutes later, and He said he did "a 50 miles per There were 18 Trick Trucks at Scheeler and Job were less than hour 180!" In tenth it was Gary Pahrump, and the Ford of Dave a minute behind them in fourth. and Mark Weyhrich in another Ashley and Dan Smith was the In fifth place it was Hovey, Jimco, which had been new for first of them to take the green who said he'd "had a good run the San Felipe race. Mark was light. But they got no distance at going" and had got close to caught in a booby trap there and all before breaking terminally, Jefferies, but then either his trans rolled over, but basically the car and went home without stopping or clutch had "started to go" came through the roll-over in to report. They weren't the only and he'd just "cruised it in". In good shape. In this race Mark ones out early. Mike Julson and sixth it was B.J. Richardson, in lost his brakes 30 miles into the his Jimco, Steve Hengeveld and his Bunderson, who'd had only day, and then they had to pump Jesse Jones in their Ford, Mike one flat along the way. He says them all the way. He also had two Voyles and Dwaine Walters in he solved his recent broken axle flats. Gary drove the second half. their Ford and Bucky Struck in problem by going to bigger ax-Finishing 11th it was Shawn his Chevrolet were all out before !es. Seventh place went to Rick Croll, Porter, who had two flats they'd got to the Check at Mile Wilson and Jeff Quinn, in their within a short distance of one 90. Ruben Arzate, Chet Jimco. Quinn had to change one another (and just one spare) and Huffman and Steve Olliges also An Intimate Gem Adjacent to Bel/agio, Caesars & Baily's ~ Flamingo & The Strip 1-888-227•2279 biirbarycoMICa~.corn Charlie McDowell was the ProTruck winner, he drove his Ford to the win and Charlie was a ve,y decent 18'1' overall. fell by the wayside, before reach-ing Check B, at Mile 167. But at the front of the pack Garron Cadiente moved along at a steady pace in his Ford. He was sixth to start, so didn't have a lot of traffic, and even had some clean air. He said his "game plan was to be patient." At Mile 90 he had the lead, with two min-utes on Ed and Tim Herbst in their Ford. Curt LeDuc, Ford, was tied with Pete Sohren, in Continued on page 10 Ask About Our Special Headliner S/Jow and Room Packages West Tropieana & Arville 1 •800•675-3267 ~nO.CQITl The Place Las Vegans Gall Home™ Ask About Our Room & Golf Packages Dusty Times West Flamingo & Valley View 1-888-402•6278 ~ ~fflQ.(Qrl\ July 2006 Page 9

Page 10

A second place finish in Class 4100 went to Marc Stein in spite of a Second place in the JeepSpeed contest went to Jim Hunt, he had A second place finish in Class 3 went to Lance Magin, he had big massive rollover that did major damage to his Ford. massive fuel pump problems and finished a long second. suspension problems all through the race. another Ford, a minute behind minutes, but other than that he with his daughter, Emily riding flat and lost a fuel pump. Ron other Ford. Then it was broth-the Herbs ts, and in fifth it was had no trouble. The Herbsts along in their Ford. Whitton was sixth in his Ford, ers Ryan and Alex Staats, in their Rob MacCachren, in Gus went into the lead, with two min-The Herbsts had all their reporting "fuel issues". Maybe it Ford, tied with Gus Vildosola, Vildosola's Ford. utes on Sohren at Check B (Mile trouble about ten miles before was the regulator, or maybe the Jr. in his Toyota. Cadiente bent a driveshaft. 167). Cadiente was another the finish, and all at once. They fuel pump, in any case, it cost This was a fairly untroubled He had to pull into Pit 6 for a minute back in third, LeDuc was had a "dust issue" and went off him some time. Seventh place group, and they all went on new one, and that cost him a few fourth and Will Staats ran fifth, course, flattening a couple of was David Scaroni, Ford, who through Mile 167. At that point tires at once. While they changed had "a mess of flats" and lost an McDowell, who was having a very them, Cadiente went back into alternator and an air hose fit- clean day, still had only a minute the lead, and went on to take the ting. In eighth it was Todd Wyllie on second place. That was Ray The Class 7200 win went to Shawn Wanzek, he's seen here heading for the checkered flag in his slightly disheveled Ford. Page 10 win. By the time the Herbsts were in his Class 8 Chevrolet. He'd Mc Kinzie, in a Chevrolet. In running again they were second, had two flats and lost his power third it was Voss, a minute fur-six minutes out. LeDuc had put steering belts. Ninth place went ther back, and fourth belonged his son, Todd, in to drive the sec-to MacCachren, who'd actually to the Staats brothers, another ond half, and he'd had one flat. finished about sixth, but was four minutes back. Joe Bednar This was their first race on 39 given a 15 minute penalty for ran fifth. inch tires, and they said their cor-spraying rocks on the road as he At the finish it was McDowell, nering speed was better on the crossed the highway. Gary Dircks who'd had only one flat along bigger size. Their truck is still was tenth, and last in the class the way. By then he had ten min-Class 8 legal (a new Trick Truck to get to the finish line, in his utes on McKinzie, who finished is being built). The LeDucs said Ford. second. He'd also had one flat, the race was "phenomenal!" They The Protrucks were next to about ten miles before the finish. were third, about six minutes be-go, with 15 starters. Rick L. In third it was the Staats broth-hind the Herbsts. In fourth it was Johnson and his Toyota were out ers, reporting no flats and noth-Staats, reporting his truck a early, but the rest raced on, and ing else. Fourth went to Voss, "little down on power", but he Charley McDowell had the lead whose carburetor had been bob-said, "we just made do." In fifth in his Ford, at Mile 90, with just bling. His brakes caught fire at it was Sohren, who'd had a front a minute on Jason Voss in an-Continued on page 12 July 2006 Dusty Times II

Page 11

,, 1 ; 3 -f-31 l.h ~.:. J DJ -f3 3 : <i r RACING ASSOCIATION t.•.rHE LONGEST OFF-ROAD RACE IN THE lJN1TED 8TA'l'E8" Pre-Fun Run August 12, 13, 2006 The 10th Anniversary of the "Vegas to Reno" Special UTV Class _.... Event It's Cotning ...... . -Official Truck ~immii~ SPECIAL NEWS!! August 24, 25, 26, 2006 TV COVERAGE RACING ASSOCIATION Race will be televised on The Outdoor Channel (KQ)KC HiLiTES GOOO)lrEA• Official Lights Official Tire ~im"~~ ~lmfflm~ RAC6NG ASSOC6AT60N RACING ASSOCIATION t~9 "Vegas To Reno" Over 600 Miles of Pure Raw Adventure! SP~flti HONDA Call today to make your reservationsf ~~~~!oA OFF-ROAD HEADQUARTERS Las Vegas - Suncoast Hotel (877) 636-7111 Reno - Circus Circus (866) 447-7728 For More Information Contact: Best In The Desert ., dr. OoNAffoE RACtllG 3475 Boulder Hwy, Las Vegas NV 89121 (702} 457-5775 fax: (702) 641-2431 Official Suspe~ ~~ D • RACING ASSOCIATION Dusty Times July 2006 Page 11

Page 12

Ronny and Randy Wilson had a throttle cable problem but still managed Curt LeDuc and son Todd had a great race, they finished third in their The Staats brothers, Ryan and Alex had a couple of flats to slow them but they still managed a :Jd place in Class 1200. to grab a third place finish in Class 1500 in their Wiks powered Jimco. Ford in the ever competitive Class 1400. the finish. In fifth it was Bednar, Ford in the lead at Mile 90, with new truck for Ramsey who'd just still new to Protruck racing, who four minutes on Mark Beeler in bought it two weeks previously, reported a clean day. Sixth place another Ford. In third it was and managed to get it prepped was Vildosola, and co-driver Tom Giordano, in a Chevrolet, for the race. He said that "it sure Bryan Freeman, who'd lost 45 and fourth was David Bryan, an- goes a lot faster" than his old 7S minutes with a broken upper other Ford. truck did. Jeff Bracale was fifth balljoint at Mile 90. They'd also Shoaff fell on hard times dur-in his Ford. He'd broken his dis-had three flats between them. In ing the second half of the race, tributor and lost his spare, but seventh it was Tom Koch who'd and Beeler moved up to lead. He he didn't have any flats. Randy had two flats and had changed a blew a wheel up and had an al-Maddux was next, in a Ford. He driveshaft. Eighth place went to ternator problem. He kept turn-said he'd had all sorts of prob-Bill Driggs, in a Ford, who made ing off things that needed juice, lems. An alternator belt came off, a well received speech from and ultimately drove the final 60 the truck overheated and he'd "Mesa" as he was interviewed by miles with no cooler. He took the had flats. He'd also been pressed the BITD announcer. He win by 43 minutes. Bryan re-into service to deliver a transmis-thanked his crew and his son-in-ported just one flat about six sion to another truck. He was the law, saying "Without them I miles before the finish. He said final finisher. couldn't so s-t!" The audience he "didn't go fast enough." In Class 1000 went off the line loved it. All told, 12 of the 14 third it was Giordano, who re-next. There were eight entries, Protrucks got to the finish. ported a lot of flats. He said he'd but three of them disappeared Class 8000 was next to start, had "a hard day in the dust." very early in the day. At the front with nine entries, the most in a Fourth went to Russ Ramsey who it was Loren Brown, with 13 min-long time. Mark Shoaff had his had "zero problems." This was a utes on second place Steve Brown FOR SALE Riviera Racing Pre Runner Ford Ranger Extra Cab Leon Patton Ford 422 ci V-8 550 HP, 550 lb. Torque (9.5:1) Rancho Trophy Truck C-6 3 Speed Automatic Transmission Trophy Truck Brakes/Hubs/Spindles/Rear End Rear Sway Bar, 10 ¾" Chrisman Rear End King Shocks, 20" of Travel Front, 30" Travel Rear 35"Xl7" BFGoodrich Project Tires Custom Interior Auto Meter Instruments High End Stereo System, Hands Free Satellite Phone Setup PCI Race Radio with Intercom, OPS NC, Heater Lots of Storage Boxes/Coolers Nitrogen System for air tools Two Spare Tires, HID lights California Registration Very Well BuilL The Best ofBvervthin2: $150,000. Call Tim Carroll For More Detalls @ 949-374-2010 Page 12 July 2006 and Randy Knutson in their two hours and 20 minutes be-ASC Motorsports chassis with a hind the winning car, and the Type IV motor. Third was Scott last in Class 1000 to finish. and Allen Gerber in a Lo-Class 7200 took the green flag thringer powered by a 2000cc next, with eight starters. Shawn Type IV motor. Wanzek, Ford, was in front at Loren Brown still led at the Mile 90, even though he was 167 mile mark, and the Brown/ stuck in third gear. He had 23 Knutson team and the Gerbers minutes on Gary Dixon, in an-were still trying to chase him other Ford. In the meantime, down. But before they got to the Mike Ruane was repairing his end the lead car fell out of con-Ford. It seems that right after the tention, and the Brown/ start he slowed a bit to allow Knutson team went on to take another truck with a flat to pull the win. They said they had "one off the course. Wanzek, coming flat and a lot of dust." And when behind him, didn't get slowed asked if they liked the course, down enough, and bumped him. they said "It's always good when That pushed Ruane up onto the you win!" In second it was the back end of the other car. It did Gerbers. They reported that no serious damage to the Allen, who drove the first sec-bumpee, but Ruane's truck had tion, had broken two wheels, serious damage to the radiator, which flattened the tires. Scott fan, and power steering. He had no trouble. Third place limped to the first pit, where the wenttoTerryandJeremyStevens crew made lengthy repairs. in a Honda powered Tatum. Ruane's co-driver, Larry Roe-They'd been stuck in the silt while seler, meanwhile, was hustling on trying to get around someone, down the course in the Troy and had lost their power steer-Herbst Truggy. He was scheduled ing, and their first gear. In to get out of it midway through fourth it was brothers Hondo the race, and then hop into the and Bubba Jimenez and Dave little truck. Bost, who all drove their Type Wanzek stayed in front, still IV powered Metalworks chassis. in third gear, but having no real They'd broken an A-arm, and trouble. He had a 50 minute lead had it welded at Pit 3, which by Mile 167. Roeseler had done cost them two hours. They were his bit in the Truggy and handed The Beefers, Marl< and Brendan had a great race, they took the Class 8000 win with 40 minutes in hand, seen here making dust. Steve Brown and Randy Knutson were the big winners in Class 1000, they had 10 minutes in hand at the checkered flag in their ASC. Dusty Times

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Tom Giordano said he had a lot of flats but he still managed to grab the Gary Dixon said he had a trouble free day, he raced on in to take a A third place finish in Class 1000 went to Terry and Jeremy.Stevens, bronze medal in Class 8000, seen here in his good looking Chevy. third place finish in Class 7200 in Pahrump. over to Herbst. Then he hustled At the half way point, Jeffrey another Ford, at Mile 90. Dave back to Pit 3, met Ruane there, put his brother, Joe, in to finish Morrison, also in a Ford, ran and took over driving the the ride, and he had no prob-fourth, but then didn't get to the mended, but still slightly lems. They went on to take the next check. wounded, 7200 truck. win by about 40 minutes. Foutz still led at Mile 167, but Wanzek went on to take the Waszkiewicz's co-driver, Kirk had only a minute on Spirkoff, win, finishing about an hour and Steenburgen, lost his pumper who was finding the new truck seven minutes in front of Roe-helmet motor, and also had "big "a handful to drive." Merritt ran seler and Ruane. Dixon, who steering problems" for the final third, and Mike Alden and was just five minutes further 50 miles. Still, they finished sec-Robby Woolworth were fourth back, said his truck had been ond, about 45 minutes back. In at that point. Morrison had perfect all day. In fourth it was third itwasWilliamJanss, Lenny dropped out, and Hall had Andy Waters and Jonathan Loftin and Peter Janss, in what dropped back with "new truck" Swift, another half hour back, they called an "ancient" Jimco. troubles. and also in a Ford. Motorcycle It was built in '92. They had no Foutz and Spirkoff ran at the ace, Andy Grider, was driving in power steering for the final few front all the way, and, though this class, but he was dnf at Pit 6 miles, after a belt broke. Peter Foutz lost his rear brakes, had a when his truck wouldn't restart. Janss had rolled the car, but couple of flats, had a bad The 1600 buggies, Class since it landed on its wheels he balljoint and drove the final 70 2000, were next to go, with five just "put it in low, and went on." miles with no rear shocks, he entries. One of them failed to get None of the others managed to took the win. Spirkoff, whose to Mile 90, but in the remaining finish. job is to get the new truck fine group, the lead was in the hands The big stock full size trucks tuned and ready to compete, was of Brian Jeffrey, who had his 13 were next (Class 8100), with 11 only a few minutes back, in sec-year old son, D.J. riding along starters. Greg Foutz went into ond. In third it was Alden and for the first time. They had one the lead in his Ford while some Woolworth, who'd had some flat and a clogged air filter. Their of his competitors struggled. flats, broken a driveline and had car is a new Porter, and this was Chad Hall, in his new H 1 Hum-their u-bolts come loose. Fourth its first race. ln second place it mer, had a "little shock prob-went to Merritt, another 40 min-was David Sexon and Andrew !em", Michael Brinkerhoff rolled utes back, and in fifth it was the McSorley in their Bunderson; his Ford at mlle 65 while run-lone Chevy of Larry Tunnell, only about four minutes back. ning at high speed, and Kreg who'd hit a big rock and bent a Rick Waszkiewicz ran third in his Donahoe and his Ford disap-front A-arm. That had to be F & E Fabrication chassis. He peared all together. Jeremy welded. Then he had an "oil is-was about 20 minutes off the Spirkoff, in the new Ford Foutz sue", and had to stop to add oil, pace after losing a clutch cable will campaign next year, was tied and, finally, at Mile 229, he at Mile 40. for third with Randy Merritt, rolled the truck. It seemed like Greg Foutz had some problems near the end of the race but it didn't stop him from winning Class 8100, seen here in his Ford pickup. Brian and Joe Jeffrey co-drove at Pahrump, their brand new Porter behaving wonderfully, they took the Class 2000 win with ease. Dusty Times the end of the day, but a BITD official helped him get back on his wheels, so he could finish. After his early roll-over, Brinkerhoff replaced the fluids in the truck and fixed his brake line and went on, only to break a balljoint out past Pit 8. His pit person, John Helton, had to walk a jack in to him, because the other one had broken. Once the balljoint was repaired, he went on to finish, in sixth place. Dave Turner and Bill Bunch, in an-other Ford, had a "clunk" early in the day. Then they broke four A-arms, one at a time. They were seventh. In eighth it was Hall, who says the new Hummer mo-tor is "unbelievable." In addition to their shock troubles, they had a lower control arm problem. They were the final finisher, in eighth place. Class 4100 was next off the line wit-h five starters. The Sunderland family Ford disap-peared from the records early, but all the others kept moving. Josh Hall put his H2 Hummer into the lead, with Marc Stein running close, in a Ford. Hall said, "We had a duke out with Stein all the way to Pit 4 (Mile 105)." In third it was Dale Chest-nut, in another Ford. C hestnut came out from Wisconsin to race here. This was his fifth attempt, and he'd managed to finish only once before. In fourth it was Keith Moore, in another Ford. July 2006 seen here in their really good looking Tatum. At Mile 167 Hall was still lead-and Alvarado, who reportedly ing, but he'd been having flats. lost his motor, were out in the He said, "I never have flats [but] next section. it was incredibly silty and there Malabanan handed his truck were a lot of rocks in the silt." over to Jose Carillo, and he held Stein was still only eight minutes onto the lead, now with 27 min-back in second place. Chestnut utes on Noe and Tony Sierra who ran third, another hour down were having a lot of flats. Erin and about two hours later it was Wahl and Greg Gilbert ran Moore. third, another two and a half Hall kept motoring along, hours back. and got to the finish in first place. Malabanan and Carillo were He said, "All in all, it was a very having a clean run until challenging day." Stein got to to Mile 228. Then their alterna-Mile 205 and had a big roll-over, tor went out. They were a mile which destroyed the back end of from a pit, so the passenger, Jeff his truck, and tore out the steer- New, gathered up the two dead ing box, but didn't injure Stein batteries and hiked out to get or his passenger. They had a lot two new ones. He then hiked of work to do to make it back. in with the replacements, driveable again, but got it done while Malabanan waited ner-and finished second, over two vously at the finish line. Once hours down to Hall. Chestnut, running again they finished with who'd used up about five min-no more problems, taking rhe utes helping a needy Protruck, win. But it was pretty close, be-was third, only a minute behind cause Noe and Tony Sierra were Stein. He was happy to add an-only 11 minutes behind them, in other Nevada finish to his second place, and finishing on a record. Moore didn't make it in. shredded right rear tire. Said Class 7100 went off the line Noe, "So many flats - I can't be-next, with nine trucks, all but lieve it!" None of the other teams one of them were Fords, the finished. other a Jeep. They didn't have a Class 7 300 went off next, with particularly successful day. five starters. Austin Robison put Three teams fell out before they Steve LaRoza's Ford into the lead, got to Mile 90, including Wayne with about a six minute cushion DeMonja, Tyler and Blake Henn, on Carl Fitts. Fitts ran low on and Ben and Seth Williams. trans fluid, and the transmission Sean Malabanan had the lead at began to slip, so he stopped to that point, in his Ford. He had add fluid, which solved the prob-only one minute on Mark lemfortheremainderoftherace. Landersman, and he was 13 min-Steve Kovach had his Ford m utes in front of Miguel Alvarado third place at Mile 90. in the lone Jeep. But Landersman Continued on page 14 PIKES service center Baker, California Celebra~ing. GO YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ••• THANKS! RESTAURANT Open 24 Hours Mobil® SERVICE Every Day Year Round THE BEST IN THE DESERT! Page 13

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;A==---~· .. ' ·< Steve LaRoza, who also rode a motorcycle in this race and Austin Bill Janss, Lenny Loftin and Peter Janss had a ball in the 14 year old Mike Alden and Robby Woolworth had some problems, including a Robison finished in third place in the Class 7300 group. Jimco, they had problems but carcJed a thircJ place finish in Class 2000. broken driveline but they soldiered on and finished thircJ in Class 8100. r========;a;;=====-=as===;;""'"'=""'"'""'"',,,.,:;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;,:-~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;pi;,;;;;;;;;;;;ji;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~,;m;;p,mrn~~-iip back. Hall later said, "I made some pretty big mistakes - I hear some funny noises." But his Hummer kept moving while at about Mile 204, Douglas broke his front end, and that was the end of his day. The win in Class 4100 went to Josh Hall, he took the win with ease in the big Hummer, he's seen here heading towards the checkers. The Class 3100 win at Pahrump went to Rod Hall in his baby Hummer, Bob Bower rode along and they took the Class win with ease. Hall went on to take the win, finishing about 50 minutes in front of Falkosky who had just one flat, and said he'd "pretty much had a great day." In third it was Matt Pike, whose day wasn't great. He'd flattened tires at once, and carried one spare. So he changed one, and limped on down the road 'til he came across a motorhome. The mo-torhome owner had a cigarette lighter and a plug kit. So Pike plugged the three flat tires, aired them up and went on to finish-·third. He was the final finisher in the class. Fitts had the lead by Mile 167. hood, which blew up in front of Robison had got out and him when the hood pins broke. La"Roza climbed in at Pit 5 (Mile Kovach was now fourth, another 125). He'd been busy riding a ten minutes back. Mike bike in the Pro Over 30 class (the McCarthy, also Ford, had ap-team finished second) for the parently had early problems and first part of the race. Now in the didn't make Mile 167. truck i1e iost bis four whee"i cl rive Fitts never got out of his truck and discovered t_hat it "pushes again, and it ran fine all the way like a pig without it." He was to the win. LaRoza and Robison about four minutes behind Fitts were second, about eight minutes at Mile 167. Ron Isaacson ran behind him. Isaacson who drove third there, an hour down after about 30 miles with no brakes, a flat, and a problem with his took third, an hour later, and he was followed in by Kovach, who was the final finisher. Class 3100 went off the line next, with six starters. All but one of them made it through Mile 90, and at that point Scott Douglas had his Ford in the lead. He had ahout t.hree minutes on Rod Hall in his H3 Hummer. Matt Pike had his Ford running third, about six minutes further back, and then it was Mike Falkosky in another Ford, in fourth. Dave Blakely, in a brand new Nissan Xterra, ran TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING INC. SNORE 1999 Transaxle Builder Of The Year congratulations 200& Battle At Primm Short course Tim Lindsey 1st In Class -1st overall Jim Temple 3rd in Class 1 Johnny Burns 3rd in Class 9 TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING JEFF nELD 9763VARIELAVENUE CHATSWOllTH, CA 91311 818-998-2739 Page 14 July 2006 fifth, having new truck problems. Mostly it took them a long time to solve an overheating mystery, but then once that was solved and they could run at speed they found that they needed more sus-pension work. They were happy ;,,ith the power of their motor·, and are _confident they cai1 solve the problems before the next race. This time they ran out of time. At Mile 167 Douglas still led, and Hall was still chasing him, driving, he said "as fast as we could." He was still six minutes Class 3000 had just two en-tries, both of which have had some problems getting to the fin-ish line in recent races. This time Noah Pike led in his Chevy through Mile 90, with about 40 · minutes on Lance Magin in his Ford. Magin had changed his truck from four wheel drive to two wheel drive, and had come up short on time, so hadn't quite got the suspension dialed in. He was having shock problems. The win in Class 7300 went to Carl Fitts, he drove his ForcJ well and took the win with eight minutes in hand. Sean Malabanan and Jose Carrillo had some last minute alternator problems but motored on in for the Class 7100 win. Dusty Times

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-I' Ron Isaacson had his share of troubles this race but he hung on and Dale Chestnut comes out from Wisconsin and he was happy to take Matt Pike flattened four tires, at the same time, but he got fixed and came in for a third place finish in the 3100 Class. drove his Ford to third place in Class 7300. a third place in Class 4100 at the 8/TD Terrible's Town 250. Pike was having no problems Bracamontes and Aldo Araiza, that they made the whole distance at all, and got out at Mile 125 to who live in Pahrump, didn't even with six inches of travel. put his dad, Gale, who was the get to the first check at Mile 90. The Rhino they bounded off oldest driver at this event, at 75, At least they didn't have far to of was just one of a pack of 26 in to run to the finish. This team go to get back home. Yamaha Rhinos that made up the favors open faced helmets, and Class 9000 had only one en-final class to start the race. What no windshield. They both ate a try. The team of Allen Rudd and began with one entry a year ago lot of dust in the course of the Bryah Folks started out looking had grown to be the third largest day. But it didn't slow them eager to go, but didn't even make class of this event. These vehicles, down, and they had a clean run, it to the first checkpoint. which look like golf carts on ste-and took the win. Magin also fin-In the Sportsman class cous-roids, run 660cc motors adapted ished, adding a lack of front ins Bradley and Daniel Bolton from a utility quad. They have a brakes to his front suspension led all the way in their Ford belt drive, thus, no clutch. They troubles. Ranger. This was the first time are all two seaters, and boast In the JeepSpeed class Guy out for the truck, and something about an inch more travel than Alldredge led all the way, even was "leaking really bad under the stock VW. But the Rhinos are though he had his rear brakes the hood." Nonetheless, they four wheel drives, and can switch pinched off from Mile 80. Then took the class win. In second from four to two wheel drive he lost his power steering at Mile place it was Jeff Perkins and while moving. They ran the full 120, and he had a lot of flats. James Tyler, who didn't have any course. Ten of them made it Jim Hunt, behind him about an lights. They were delayed by through Mile 90, and at that hour, had fuel pump problems. problems with their steering, and point J.D. Marsh had the lead, It quit four times. He had to finished the race, four hours be-with four minutes on Brent bleed the lines, and finally hind the winning team, with the Knapek. But only four of them changed the fuel pump. light from a flashlight. got through Mile 167. Marsh still Alldredge took the win, fin-In Class 4000 Stock VW se-led at that point, with almost an ishing an hour and a half in clans, the only entry was the team hour on Ryan Combs and Chris front of Hunt, who, after nine of Robert Henderson, age 44, Dunsire. In third it was Justin and and a half hours in the Nevada and Robert Henderson, age 18, Brandon Shueler, and Renzo desert, said, "We had a wonder-teamed with Greg Dahn and Ricco, Troy Cunningham and ful day!" And he meant it. Steve Patton. The VW is named Jerry Sievers were fourth. Garth and Tyson Sweetland, Molly. They had some spindle Marsh took the win, not a bad from Pheonix, started the day in trouble, adjusted the clutch, ad- way to end his first race. Practi-another class of JeepSpeeds, but justed the brakes and "bounced cally his first words were "The they didn't get to the first check. off" a Rhino. Henderson, Patton, exhaust is way too loud -I'm There was one limited Baja Dahn and Kyle Rounds all drove. Bug racing. Anatolio They were really proud of the fact Guy Alldredge was the big winner in the JeepSpeed Class, he took the win with more than an hour in hand at the checkers. ,, , -~ ...... _ ... ~·-'-. -+-The Herbst brothers, Ed and Tim had the Class 1400 lead, flattened 2 tires 10 miles from the flag and settled for second place. Dusty Times July 2006 Gale Pike drove the first half, dad Gale Pike, 75 years young, took over at the halfway mark and brought their Ford in for the Class 3000 win. deaf!" He'd had one flat tire, a fuel problem and a broken c.v., and he'd been hit by a Class 8100 (stock full size) truck and booted off course. The broken c.v. made the Rhino want to "turn right a lot", but Marsh kept in on course long enough for the win. In sec-ond it was Combs and Dunsire who'd broken a tie rod within two miles of the start. Then they broke the other one about ten miles before the finish. They were an hour and 40 minutes behind the winning team. In third it was the Schueler team, who said "It· was rough, but it was a lot of fun!" They lost a fuel filter, lost their brakes close to the finish and said that air filters were a "huge issue." They were the final Rhino finisher. The next event for the BITD folks is the TSCO Vegas to Reno event, August 24, 25, 26. This will be a point-to-point event, challenging for promoter and racers alike. ~ Page 15

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lJ\J2C:: RALLY SARDINIA Loeb/Citroen conquer sardiia By Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden Sebastien Loeb won his 25th WRC event at Sardinia, he won by 3 minutes, his Citroen Xsara seen here at high speed. · Sebastien Loeb sailed to an easy eventual win in Sardinia, but only after Marcus Gronholm re-tired on the second day when leading in the Ford Focus. This may have been Loeb's 25 World Rally win, but what mattered this time was that this was also the record number of victories for a co-driver, Daniel Elena, which makes him the greatest world championship winning co-driver in history! With points from vic-tory and fourth place by Xavier Pons, Kronos Total Citroen are ~~~-20·1;~-i~;s ;11~-;d ~Tir:i:~-rci whose Mikko J;--lirvonen gained his best world championship result with second place. Peter Solberg had another bad event, seriously delayed by tyre troubles, while his Subaru.teammate Chris Atkinson was also badly delayed by dam-age after a heavy landing. Tyres were the topic of the event, not the least for the JWRC drivers, some of whom suffered endless tyre disasters, made more serious than ever by the strict limit on the number of tyres they could use during the event. Strange to say, but Loeb has gained a virtu-ally unbeatable lead in the Driver's championship, even be-fore halfway in the series, unfore-seen crises excepted. Patrik Sandell gained his maiden JWRC victory, after Guy Wilks' car failed on the final morning. There was a subtle change in the name of the event and a change in the organiser. The event was now run exclusively by ACI, the national motoring association though the top organisation per-sonnel for this seventh round of the WRC however, were un-changed. It was strange, but a far greater sense of calm pervaded the organisation than previously. The Service Park reverted to the quayside at Cala Saccaia, just north of Olbia, while the Cer-emonial Start and the Finish went back to Porto Cervo, as they were in 2004. There were three stages which were completely new for this event (3/6. 14/16 and 15/ Page 16 17) and, following a new accord with the organisers of the Costa Smeralda Rally, all the stages on the third leg were traditional stages from those events. A lot of the route was new, calculated by crews to be 50%. This was the first world championship rally in which all three elements (chassis, engines and transmissions) were by regulation to be sealed from one event to another, a feature due to be repeated only on one further occasion this year. So far as the chassis and transmission systems were concerned, this ap-plied to both the M 1 and M2 teams. The M2 teams continued their alternative engine sealing system based on successive events, as in Formula L · This was the first time since the Swedish, in Febrish, when all six registered manufacturers' teams had been present on the same· event. The Kronos teams' third third driver, Dani Sordo,. re-ceived two dispensations from the FIA for this event, firstly to opt out of his commitment to drive in a JWRC car (like in Catalunya and Corsica, as he had nomi-nated this as one of his six quali-fying events) and secondly to change class from A6 to A8. It must be some form of world record to have now received four dispensations in as many events ... In the BP-Ford team, Mikko Hirvonen had entered Rally Italia four times before and not yet fin-ished and Ford themselves had never finished Sardinia higher than fifth. Hirvonen's engine fail-ure in Argentina was.the first time a serious engine problem had oc-curred for the new car. The team made a pre-event test in Sardinia for the first time. Subaru's non-stop season was in full swing. Straight from Argentina, the driv-ers went to Greece for a four day test session before heading to Sardinia. Three Peugeot 307WRCs were on the event. The two OMV cars and for the third a yellow Pirelli-liveried car for Gigi Galli, carrying as usual Galli's favourite number 25. The rush at the end of Rally Argen-tina meant that insufficient prominence could be given to 19 year old Matthew Wilson's best time on the final stage of that event, the youngest driver ever to win a world rally special stage! Companc was again a member of the Stobart team, though this time not a registered driver. All the Skoda teams were invited to a durability test in France during the Argentina Rally, and Red Bull held a three day test in Sardinia before the start. This was Rovanpera's first event in a Fabia on gravel. The Rugby-based MMSP team were back again for their first World rally since Swe-den running the reigning Asia-Pacific champion Jussa Valimaki in a Lancer WRC05, which he would also use at the following event in Greece. Only three of the 22 registered JWRC drivers were missing (Meeke, Beres and Clio Team/ Pinomaki) from this event. Inter-estingly, although this is halfway through the JWRC season, this was the first head-to-head con-frontation this season between the Suzuki Sport drivers (Wilks and Andersson) and their great rivals at the PH Sport Citroen team (Meeke, Pressac and Tirabassi). There was also the absence of such leading national champion-ship drivers as Franco Cunico, Luca Cantamessa, Sandro Sottile, Andrea Aghini, Piero Longhi and Renato Travaglia, plus the absence of the Fiat driv-ers Andreucci and Navarra for reasons of insufficient testing on gravel roads for the Fiat Punto Abarth S2000. All this meant that Gigi Galli expected to have a virtual sinecure of hero worship from the Italian fans! Galli: "It wasn't their wish to be absent nor any fear I might beat them. It was due to two specific things. The very high cost of competing in a World rally and the fact that they would get virtually no TV cover-age in our country of the event." July 2006 Patrik Sandell and Emil Axelsson drove their Renault Clio to the JWRC win at Sardinia, seen here entering a left hander. Anton Alen, son of Markku, Gronholm's previous specifica-and Alex Bettega, son of the late tion. A team engineer explained Attilio, met each other in compe-why Hirvonen had his valve fail-tition for the first time at Inter-ure in Argentina: "It was to do national level, 21 years after their with both shipping practicalities fathers last competed against and event pairing rules! The valve each other. Rivalry between their weakness was identified last Janu-families was friendly but strong ary, but by that time the engines during the seven years when were on their way to Mexico, and Markku and Attilio were team-the engines had to be used also in mates in the Fiat/Lancia world Argentina with no chance for us championship team. Alex drove to rectify the trouble. It was a a Group N front-drive normally problem waiting to happen." The aspirated Ford Fiesta ST while reason why Gronholm had trans-Anton was at the wheel of a mission troubles in Argentina Group N four wheel drive tur-was surprisingly found to have bocharged Subaru Impreza, both been due·to - a water splash. Wa-competing in their own one-make ter was ingested into the electri-championships. The event was the cal systems which, in turn, led to third round in the Fiesta Sport-damage in the transmissions. In ing Trophy and the first on gravel the Junior category there was a stages. Eight drivers took part, change when Estonian driver, though missing was the British Jaan Molder, entered an Ignis driver Simon Hughes and Mark (the car driven in Sweden by Tapper from New Zealand. Kosciusko) in place of the Fiesta Of the world championship he had Sweden and Ar-competitors, only Subaru ap-gentina. The two official Suzuki peared with new cars for this cars of Andersson and Wilks and event but two of the private that of the JM Engineering pre-WRCar teams had cars which pared car for Kosciuszko were all were new for them. The Kazaz new Swifts, otherwise it was "busi-team had an S11 (2005 spec) ness as usual." Impreza for the first time In the days before the start of (Soiberg's Rally GB winning car) the event we.learned of the death for Kristian Sohlberg to drive, of 86 year old Luigi Tabaton, and First Motorsport acquired founder of HF Grifone, for de-another Skoda Fabia for Duval cades one of the strengths of Ital-to drive, the car which Hirvonen ian rally sport. Pre-rally atten-had crashed in Japan last year. tion was focused on Rovanpera The main pre-event difficulty who crashed his Red Bull Skoda faced by teams in Sardinia con-in testing, the fact that Dani cerned the curious 2006 engine Sordo had now received four spe-pairing rules, not so much for the cial FIA rule dispensations in four three Ml teams (Kronos Citroen, events (two on this event!), Petter BP Ford and Subaru) as the M2 Solberg was fined E3400 for teams (Stobart-VK Ford, Red speeding during recce and Duval Bull Skoda and OMV-Peugeot E1700 for the same offence, that Norway), whose cars are subject Chris Atkinson scored second to different rules. For Ml teams fastest Shakedown time (behind the events on which engines are Gronholm, ahead of Loeb and to be paired are declared in ad-Petter Solberg), while sixth fast-vance. For the M2 teams engines est was the Mitsubishi of have to be used on consecutive Valimaki. With 79 crews on the events, while the chassis follow the Official Start List this was the best same rules as Ml teams. This situ-supported event in the FIA ation meant for the Stobart VK World Rally Championship this team had to make a hasty return year so far! The numbers had of cars from Argentina. This was been boosted because this event safely accomplished but then is a qualifying round for both the there was panic because Wilson's Ford Fiesta Sporting Trophy In-engine sprang a water leak the day ternational challenge and the na-before the start and an engine tional Italian Subaru Cup. change was deemed wise (against Leg 1 a mandatory one minute pen-6 Stages, gravel, 129.64kms. alty). This was the first time in Friday was strange. The still-the championship where not only ness of the air on the island on chassis and engine had to be the first leg had persuaded the paired, bui: also transmission organisers to give one extra units as well. Except for the spe-minute between every car. The cial rules regarding the M2 team distant hills were covered by dark engines, all these items are to be grey clouds which suggested it was used next month on the Acropo-raining in faraway parts, but in !is. On technical specifics, fact, it stayed dry. Confidently Gronholm's Ford had the latest crews predicted that the front version uprated engine while runners were about to suffer on Hirvonen had an engine built to the loose gravel surfaces but one Dusty Times

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Mikko Hirvonen and Janno Lehtinen won the silver medal at Sardinia, splashing along in their Ford Focus RS. Conrad Rautenbach and David Senior get ready for a very hard landing, they finished second in JWRC in their Renault Clio. car on the road, were equal? The answer was -almost! In the sec, ond group of three stages Loeb only caught back exactly 5 .0 sec-onds, moving up to second place in the process. Things were going from bad t worse for the Pirelli drivers. Petter Solberg had two punctures on Stage 4, and a third on Stage 5. He tried to start Stage 6 but after 14km gave up and withdrew for the day. Bald tyres and punctures were the story of the afternoon. Dani Sordo had two punctures, Manfred Stohl had one while Henning Solberg stalled at a hairpin, Xavier Pons broke his handbrake when chang-ing tyres and had a total of three punctures. Gareth MacHale had the electrical master switch on his Focus fail which cost him time. Wilson stopped on every stage factor got overlooked. Marcus Gronholm was on form. In the way he had single-handedly dis-pelled the Australian myth about unfair seeding orders, he attacked this event without fear of favour. Running second car on the road over the first 64km of stages, the Finn pulled out a 40 seconds lead over Sebastien Loeb. "I have been very confident with out car after our latest test, but remember my chances in the championship are going to depend on Loeb making mistakes and on other drivers beating him, not on my beating him. Statistically he has only to finish second behind me on every event to win the tide again!" Whatever the mathematics, Gronholm certainly had an effect on his rivals. None of them liked to mention the gravelly roads at all. First casualty of th e rally was Jan Kopecky with rev sensor fail-ure closely followed by Matthew Wilson, who started the day with his one minute penalty in place. Wilson's rear left suspensio n failed early on in the stage and he struggled to keep going and reach the Service Park, in last but one place! "It could have been an im-pact with a stone, but whatever it was, it was in the road." Not only was the suspension damaged but the exhaust as well. Chris Atkinson made second best time on Stage 1 but then Gronholm's teammate Mikko Hirvonen got ahead, but after a really slow start Loeb ("I think he was sleeping", opined Loeb's co-driver) was only 0.3 seconds behind in third after three stages. Petter Solberg had a spin on a narrow stretch of road on Stage 1, dropping about 10-15 seconds, which created dismay among the Pirelli brethren who had hoped for the best on their home ground, especially as the Peugeot of Gianluigi Galli (who also spun on a narrow road, and whose car showed some badly worn tyres), who was behind the similar car of Henning Solberg (with BFGoodrich tyres), was ly-ing an unconvincing seventh place. Francois Duval was toler-ating low boost pressure and was ahead of Kosti Katajamaki, who had throttle failure, having to do two stages in override mode, it either worked flat out or zero, causing him to hit a stone and bend the suspension in Stage 2. Both Katajamaki and privateer Companc were upset to have been delayed by dust from the stricken car of their Ford teammate Wil-son. Rovanpera started cau-tiously after his embarrassing er-ror before the rally, Andreas Aigner had two front punctures on Stage 2, happily one wheel Dusty Times staying inflated thanks to the ATS insert. Kristian Sohlberg went off the road momentarily on Stage 1 and stalled the engine. The second time round was go-ing to be the real test. Would IG-FORCEl -···--' Pro Farce Air 1 • Significantly outflows other ' blower .. type' helmets JI!' • NOT a converted motorcycle helmet! " __,,-• Lightweight Composite Shell "--. $,,-29 "9 • 9 9 • Snell SA-2000 Automotive Rated • Fire Resistant Interior Special wl FREE ._ _________ llllll!!lllf Helmet Bag I! LOWRANCE liPS§y.-ten1• • B/W & Color Displays • 2" to 10.4" Screen Sizes • Portable & Panel Mount • Unlimited Mapping Vertex High Perforrnance Radio !iy■tern■ • 128 to 250 Channels • 50 to 11 0 Watts of Transmitting Power! • Alphanumeric Digital Display • 3 Year Warranty • Exceeds Mil-Spec Standards July 2006 Gronholm hold his lead when the conditions, even the difference between running first and second Continued on page 18 19.i!V Cordless lmpactKit • ½" Drive • 216 ft.-lbs. Torque • Carrying Case & Charger • Only 6.6 lbs.! • Vehicle Holster Available WMMlJNICATIDN §DUJTIDN!i FUR RACINli& RECREATION • Intercoms & Radios • Satellite Phones • Base Stat.ion Antennas • NEW! Carbon Fiber Headsets • Scanners • 105, 135, 150, & 235 CFM Models Available • Lightweight & Reduced Amperage • 3M Hepa & CO Filter Options • BAJA PROVEN iii!/ Satellite>Pl10tl85 www~ttoc-ev~ Page 17

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Daniel Sardo and Marc Marti finished third overall in Sardinia, creating lots of dust in their Citroen Xsara. Dusty? Nonsense. Here we see Xavier Pons and Carlos Del Barrio Gianluigi Galli and Giovanni Bemacchini made it through 12 stages heading for a fourth place finish in their Citroen Xsara. before they suffered engine failure in their Peugeot 307. firstly changing an ECU when the engine stopped (at the same place he stopped in the morning!), and then baulked Companc again. Wilson finished the day in abso-lutely last position overall! Harri Rovanpera stopped on the road section after Stage 5 with what was originally thought to be driveshaft failure but in fact, turned out to be front differen-tial trouble. Sahlberg arrived with a front wheel without a tyre, Aigner had more punctures than he could remember! Most World Rally Cars were able to carry on with an inflated tyre thanks to the use of mousses. The big gainer ·-· ...... "l" in the afternoon was Sordo who going carefully and consistently, was going cautiously, also on his another 5 .1 seconds -then rose from eighth to fifth, but ahead of Guy Wilks who was also first gravel event. The Super 1600 Granholm found a rock in the Atkinson was slowed by incred-pacing himself. Patrik Sandell was cars did not have the luxury of road with his name on it. The im-ible quantities of dust entering in third place, even though his mousse inserts and even the com-pact with the oil cooler caused a the cockpit, and he dropped back throttle pedal snapped off and pensation of being allowed to pipe to be damaged, the oil to es-behind Galli. the stalk had attached itself to carry two spare wheels, this was cape and the engine pressure to Citroen started badly in the the driver's right foot! Per-an even greater story of punc-fail. End of his engine and his JWRC category. With dispensa-Gunnar Andersson was recover-tu res. Aava took the lead on rally. Loeb was concerned for his tion once again, Sordo missed ing fast after losing time with a Stage 5 but he had three punc-rival because he had hit the same the event. Julien Pressac was go-puncture on Stage 1. Early prob-tures and then had another on rock two minutes earlier, "I was ing cautiously on his first-ever lems included Pavel Valousek off the 22km Stage 6 and was lucky the lucky one, I got away with it, rally on gravel. Brice Tirabassi the road for ten minutes on Stage to drive back to service 70km Marcus did not." Loeb was un-damaged his suspension when he 1, Jaan Molder with damaged sus- away on two rear wheels with no challenged in the lead, at lunch suffered a puncture on the first pension and chassis after going tyres attached. New leader now time he was nearly two minutes stage. He, in turn, baulked fellow off the road on the same stage. was Guy Wilks despite being in front of Mikko Hirvonen who Citroen driver Martin Prokop, The Renaults of Luca Betti and baulked for 9km by fellow Suzuki had lost time having hit a bank who also had a puncture. Leader Conrad Rautenbach both suf-driver Aava, ahead of Sandell and damaged the rear suspen-after three stages was Urmo Aava fered overheating, Bernd Casier who successfully drove very cau-sion. Granholm had proved the "Shotgun" in a tiously all afternoon. competitivity of the Focus but Rautenbach survived all this and lost any realistic hope of the title. -""'· ._,:-.---·~ Trophy Truck -~~ -· rose to third despite having two The focus of attention was now flat front tyres on Stage 6 and turned round to Loeb's co-driver arrived back at Olbia with a flat Daniel Elena. If he won this tyre on the rear -and a broken event, he would become the jack! Drivers who disappeared world's most successful world during the afternoon included championship co-driver, ever. Barry Clark with a broken drive-The talk of the morning was shaft while Andersson had two the different tracks, a different flat front tyres and lost control scenario than the day before. on a downhill approach to a bend Many drivers complained they and went off the road. Slowly the had made wrong tyre choices. stories about the luckless Super Stohl continued to feel ill at ease 1600 drivers came to hand: Betti with his Peugeot. Duval fitted very had suspension failure, Pavel hard tyres and said he had no grip Valousek had four punctures and at all. Atkinson said his Subaru Michal Kosciuszko hit a rock and suffered a lot of understeer and went off the road. Wilks, Sandell was poor turning into corners and Pressac were all happy to re-then he landed heavily on the fa-port they had a puncture-free mous big jump on Stage 9, dam-day. Of the three JWRC "rook-aged the front of the car which ies" category only Andrea thencausedoverheatingtroubles. Cortinovis (Clio) did all six stages. "Very annoying. This year I even During the day the wind had stepped down a gear deliberately picked up and helped to clear the to be careful -and it only made town of the lingering smell of the impact worse!" Richard Tay-burned rubber, created by driv- lor, Team Director ofSWRT, was ers making their way back to the bemused. "He said he had been service park on rims with punc-going over the jump slowly? I have tured tyres. Some of the later driv- seen the in-car footage ... ! Anyway ers reported the smell on the the steering universal joint main road back from the end of needed replacing. "Being a safety Stage 6 had been never-ending. issue we had to be careful and the Guy Wilks commented that the job was only finished one minute smell lingered in the tunnels and before he would have been ex-Ride in the SCORE Las Vegas Terrible's Cup II and help fight child abuse. Don't miss this OPPortunity of a lifetime and a chance to help support the Childhelp organization (} for the prevention and treatment of child abuse. WHAT YOU WIN The lucky winner's weekend will start off signing autographs and hangin' with the race team Thursday night under th& Freemont Street Experience in downtown Las Vegas at the SCORE party end •Meet the Drivers• autograph session. Then on Friday it's off to the Las Vegas Motor Speedway Dirt Track where you will ride as the co-driver/rider in every race we run Friday on the 1.5 mile •chunk of Baja• race course. Ttekets fOr this incredible raffle are only $25 each with proceeds going to the Childhelp Foundation. Go to for more information and to get your entry forms. ,.,.:~a.,t:-e,~ 'i:VA".J hr ~•• O~vt,.sc\ ~ :';1; "riwu Page 18 AU entriH muit ti. nt01ived by July 22th. The drawing will bo held at noon on Saturday, July 22 at MCM Motorsports in Phoenix. Az.,. You bit teyears or older to enter end win, you can enter as many times as you want and need not be present to Off-Road racing by nature in very dangerous. You could be seriously Injured 0< even kJlled. All participants dO so at their own risk July 2006 was almost unbearable. eluded from the rally." Dani Leg 2 Sordo had tyres which were too 6 Stages, gravel, 137.36kms. hard and fell back behind Galli Saturday saw the skies clearer who was now up to third. In days and the wind was more promi-when the Pirelli hierarchy feel the nent so it was back to the usual rally work is not going well, Galli's two minute gap between cars. performance was important! There were 28 crews who were Petter Solberg started the day clas-only running thanks to the Five sified in 14th place, ninth best Minute Rule including Petter Sol-manufacturer entry, but then his berg and Harri Rovanpera and brother Henning stopped within Barry Clark and Filippo sightoftheendofStage9witha Bordignon from the JWRC com-broken radiator after hitting a petitors. Bordignon, however, tree, and this let Petter into the needed more service time to re- points zone. Matthew Wilson had place his gearbox and put his car covered three stages without stop-back into pare ferme so the job ping, but Jan Kopecky continued could be completed in time for a troubled event. "On Stage 8 I the final day. The day had prom- also hit Gronholm's stone, this ised so much interest but at the broke the hydraulic systems and top of the field it was not to be. progressively the systems all failed, On the first stage of the day starting with the handbrake then Granholm beat Loeb by 1.1 sec- the gearshift and then the differ-onds, then on the second the split entials went wrong. But I was times showed he had pulled out lucky, I had a huge spin on Stage Dusty Times

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Manfred Stohl and Ilka Minor finished seventh overall in their Peugeot 307, seen here saving some tire wear. · Jussi Valimaki and Jarko Kalliolepo drove to a very nice fifth overall in their Mitsubishi Lancer. A 10th overall finish went to Chris Atkinson and Glen Macneal/ in their Subaru lmpreza, seen here getting rid of some of the dust. 9 and got away with it." tures. Since restarting Petter was re-Guy Wilks continued living gaining lost places at the average cautiously in JWRC, ahead of rate of a place per stage. Sordo Sandell, while Aava got past and Galli fought a close battle all Rautenbach into third place day. After compromising his ideal when the Zimbabwean had a ryres in the morning, Sordo went puncture, despite the Estonian well in the afternoon and got having to start using used tyres. ahead of Galli on the final stage Betti reported bad overheating of the day, then came a disaster, with his Renault. Kosciuszko Galli's car overheated badly and stopped to change flat tyre (this was unable to be driven back to was his first gravel rally in the Olbia for the final service of the Swift, getting used to it!). day. A very sad occasion for his Molder had the chance to set fans and for Pirelli, indeed for up the Ignis as he wanted it, ex-the hopes for new faces near the plaining that this was a nicer car top of the results tables. This mis-than the Fiesta. Clark had all four fortune brought Petter Solberg wheels off the road on Stage 9 up to eighth, then seventh by the but got back on the track again. end of the day. "Difficult days al-Missing in the morning was together, overheating engine, Valousek (again!) and Prokop, dust always in the car, bothvictimsofhavingtorecycle oversteering, nothing going their. tyre supply, hitting rocks right." Atkinson was also catch-and suffering steering and sus-ing up after the servicing ·delay pension troubles, and Casier who and got ahead of both Sohlberg had engine failure between Stages and Valimaki, and finally up to 8 and 9. Wilks finished the day fifth despite the steering having a still with no punctures, Sandell lot of free play. Xavier Pons was had his first puncture one struggling, suspecting a failed kilometre from the end of Stage shock absorber. Stohl was also 12, Burkart went off for two struggling with no rear brakes, minutes while Tirabassi had an Aigner found his car always electrical failure which took late oversteering, Com pane lost his was solved by changing a sensor. brakes, Kopecky had two punc-Aava's ryre crisis continued, again 1 (1) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena FIMC Citroen X:sara VI/RC 831OPT78 (F) 3h.54m.18.9s. 10 10 2 (4) Mikko HIRVONEN/Janno Lehtinen FIN Ford Focus RS WRC EU55BNA (GB) 3h.57m.00.3s. 8 8 3 (21 ) Daniel Sardo/Marc Marti E Citroen Xsara VI/RC 8340PT78 (F) 3h.57m.46.6s. - 6 4 (2) Xavier PONS/Carlos Del Barrio E Citroen Xsara VIIRC 8230PT78 (F} 3h.59m.47.2s. 6 5 5 (26) J1J$Sj Valimaki/Jarko KaUiolepo FIN MitSubi&hi Lancer WRC KROSZKL (GB) 4h.01m.27.7s. - 4 6 (27) Kristian Sohlberg/Tomi Tuominen FIN Subaru lmpreza VI/RC LC54VIIRC (GB) 4h.01m.55.8s. - 3 7 (7) Manfred STOHUllka Minor 99AKF69 (F) -4h.02m.37.3s. 5 2 A Peugeot307 \NRC 8 (22) Francois Duval/Patock Plvato B/F Skoda Fabla VI/RC 455 5749 (CZ) 4h.04m.04.7s. - 1 9 (5) Petter SOLBERG/Philip Mills N/GB Subaru lmpreza VIIRC STSSSRT (GB) 4h.04m.38.8s. 4 10 (6) Chris ATKINSON/Glenn Macneal! AUS Subaru lmpreza VIIRC ATSSSRT (GB) 4h.05m.22.8s. 3 Other important finishers 11 (2) Gatalh MacHale/Paul Nagle IRL Ford Foet.18 RS WRC ET53UNY (GB) 4h.09m.18.4s. -12 (23) Luis Perez Companc/Jose Maria Volta RA Ford Focus RS WRC EF04WBW(GB) 4h.10m.24.4s. -13 (12) Andreas AIGNER/T"imo Gottschalk. AID Skoda Fabia VIIRC 4553381 (CZ) 4h.15m.19.7s. 2 14 (75) Juho Hanninen/Marko Sallinen FIN Mitsubishi Lancer Evo N J964 (FIN) 4h.22m.23.0S. • -15 (41) Petrik Sandell/Emil Axelsson S Renault Clio S1600 J\NRC XNM403 (S) 4h.26m.25.2s. - 10 16 (39) Conrad Rautenbach/David Senior Z:tN/GB Renault Clio .NVRC S051G\IVY (GB) 4h.31m.33.6s. - 8 17 (28) Jan Kopecky/Filip Schovanek CZ Skoda Febia WRC 4S8 9856 (CZ) 4h.31m.35.7s.(6) 18 (33) Urmo Aava/Kuldar Sikk EE JVIIRC JXD624 (H) 4h.32m.02.0s. -Suzuki Swift S 1600 6 20 (11) Harri ROVANPERA/Risto Pietilainen WRC 4S5 3382 (CZ) 4h.33m.16.0s.(5) 1 21 (35) Per-Gunnar + Jonas Andersson S JWRC JVR684 ($) 4h.34m.09.2a.(2) 23 (54) Aaron Bur1<ar1/Tanja Geilhausen D JWRC H-PR1106 (0) 4h.36m.12.2s. -24 (36) Luca Betti/Piercarlo Capolongo I JWRC CT170NH (I) 4h.36m.39.0S.(1) FIN Skoda Fabia Suzuki Swift S1600 5 Citroen C2 4 Renault Clio 25 (42) Julien Pressac/Gilles De Turd<heim F 3 CitroenC2 JWRC 9147NE52 (F) 4h.37m.40.3s. - 2 .26 (48) Guy Wilks/Phil Pugh GB Suzuki Swift S1600 JWRC JVR683(H) 4h.42m.36.6s.(2) 1 27 (55) Brice Tirabassi/Jacques-Julien Renucci F Citroen C2 JWRC 2386NJ52 (F) 4h.44m.OB.2s.(2) Dusty Times he arrived at service with one tyre-less rim. At the end of the day the rally's judiciary system continued work-ing hard as Aigner was reported to have missed a junction on a stage, which led to a fine of ES000 and a Five Minute Pen-alty, which actually dropped him only one place overall. He told the Stewards he had overshot a downhill turn, and the in-car camera confirmed this. Leg 3 6 Stages, gravel, 77.94km. Missing at the restart were Gronholm, Henning Solberg, Katajamaki and Galli, but with only one exception (Casier, whose engine had failed), all the JWRC drivers took the restart. There were two loops of three stages, totalling 77km, with no midway service, so once the crews had left the early morning ten minute ser-vice, the drivers were on their own for the rest of the rally. Loeb had a cruise ahead of him for the rest of the rally but behind him there were still vari-ous objectives to achieve. Petter Solberg started the day in eighth place and had higher ambition. On the first stage of the day he had got ahead of Sohlberg, but July 2006 then on the final stage of the rally Alessandro Bettega, Bettega won he fell right back.out of the Driv-the Fiesta category while Alen re-ers' points, when he had steering tired (having lost a lot of time troubles. Rovanpera however with a br'oken sump guard) after had differential trouble, leading the Group N category at reached the end of Stage 14 and the start of the second day. gave up. The car was promptly Wilks planned on a cruise to the brought back to Olbia, placed finish at the head of the JWRC in the end-of-rally Pare Ferme contingent, but it all went wrong. and the team felt sure that they An oil pipe was damaged and the could gain at least one extra car lost its lubricants, so Sandell championship point for that took the lead and went on to win. reason. The depressing stories Rautenbach chanced his arm in still went out for Subaru. Also Stage 16 when he had a spin and on the final stage Atkinson was a puncture. Pressac went off the distracted by in-car dust, missed road and had to wait until spec-his braking point and went off tators could push him back and the road in his Impreza and he dropped from third to sev-dropped back to finish tenth. So enth. Interesting days. The an-the highest placed Subaru, and ticipated head-to-head between indeed Pirelli runner, was the Citroen and Suzuki never hap-private Turkish Kazaz team Im-pened. Renaults were lying first preza of Kristian Sohlberg. One and second! All the JWRC com-moment of fun, however: fastest petitors with the exception of time on the final stage went to Casier were able to take the re-Jan Kopecky, only the second start, though Bordignon imme-scratch time for a Skoda in over diately parked-up his car, wait-a year. Hirvonen and Valimaki ing for the formality of being gained their best results so far in qualified as an event finisher. the series with second and fifth Kara retired on the penultimate places respectively while Pons' stage with camshaft belt failure, fourth place was his best result_ and Rautenbach finally reached on gravel, equalling his best the end of the final stage with world championship result so the engine furiously overheating far. Of Anton Alen and to take second place. lAJc!C: Page 19

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HYDEN 400 Australian Championship Text & Photo's: Ste11e Hilton Danny Auricht relied on Toyota power at the Hyden 400 and he took the Unlimited win as well as the overall win, seen here at speed. Danny Auricht takes victory at the first round of the 2006 Aus-tralian Off Road Championship. The Easter weekend saw the start of the 2006 off road cham-pionship, with the running of the ARB Statewide Group Hyden 400 in the west of the country, in direct opposition to this event was the Donald 650 held in the north west of Victoria. Hyden drew 67 entries mostly from the western state hosting the event, for the rest it meant a three day drive to get to the town of Hyden, four hours east of the capital Perth in Western Austra-lia. The town of Donald hosted the other race, it attracted 41 competitors. Some big names in the Australian racing scene chose not to travel to Hyden, instead travelling the somewhat shorter distance to Donald, even though the Donald race was not part of the championship, it did however offer competitors some reason-able prize money in return for their entry. Burrows, Anderson, Rose and Svenson were some in the Open class buggies to race for the money and not the points to-wards the Australian champion-ship. Travelling across some of the most barren parts of Australia from the east was the current Aus-tralian champion Shannon Rentsch to try and retain his championship, from the centre of Australia was the Peter Kittle team of Danny Auricht and David Fellows, two of the fastest competitors in the country, from the north east state of Queensland was Joe Bulmer in an Open class buggy and Colin Hunter in a Class 8 Unlimited 4WD Jeep, also the current Class 7 Stock 4WD Mitsubishi Pajero of Geoff Pickering. In the off season there have been some big changes, David Fel-lows changed from J imco chassis to a Chenowth, still using a proven 3.5 litre V6 twin turbo Toyota engine. After selling their Rivmasta chassis car the Crowe family now have a brand new Jimco Chevy V8 powered buggy to campaign, and Brad Prout in another Jimco single seat buggy has changed over to a Chevy V8. A prologue was scheduled to start at 7:30 a.m. with a one minute break between cars. At the completion of the pro-logue a top ten shoot out, and the start of the race was sched-uled for 12:30 p.m., a race from Smithy's Place to the town of Hyden and after a break, the re-turn run to the start/finish at Smithy's. Time to clear the course and Section 2 of the race, a copy of Section 1. On Sunday two three lap races. The prologue and the times were quick, no surprise to see Sh-annon Rentsch on top, followed by Fellows and Auricht. Class 1 -Unlimited Buggy Shannon Rentsch, 07:09.52 David Fellows, 07:12.65 Danny Auricht, 07:21.22 Hyden Bentley, 07:22.15 Bruce Chapman, 07:32.69 Class 2 - 1650cc Buggy Cameron McClelland, 08:02.24 Matt Hanson, 08:20.43 Darren Agrela, 08:26.08 Class 3 -1300cc Buggy Michael Bennett, 08:29.99 Class 4 -Unlimited 2WD Trucks & Baja Bugs Jeremy Beck, 08:34.44 Class 5 -Limited 4WD Darian Smith, 08:33.12 Class 7 -Stock 4WD Geoff Pickering, 08:40.25 Class 8 -Unlimited 4WD Colin Hunter, 08:19.93 · Class 9 -Unlimited Single Seat Buggy Brad Prout, 07:41.43 A top ten shoot out was run after the completion of the pro-logue. These ten cars were in a position to improve their start-ing places in the race. The ten consisted of eight two seat and two single seat Open class buggies. After the run, the results were: 10th: Class 1, Eric Phillips, 07:47.69, Aceco Chevy; 9th: Class 1, Kevin Hood, 07:40.88, Jimco Chevy; 8th: Class 9, Trevor Copeland, 07:39.67, Jimco; 7th: Class 1, Brian Robinson, 07:32:21, Porter Chevy; 6th: Reint~ c ... Gas Pressure Shock Absorbers 'l'hyssenKrupp lilstem of America Streefl , ' --~-. .,:;;, .+......~-~/--,..,.-"--"'-'-----~.....:..,,,,_....-=,......._..,.., -· . flff-rowl . <4 ~-.l:EA ECHNOLO. 1NGilJERfi , - w - --·~ Soles: 1-800-377-7521 • Tech: l-800-537-1085 • Page 20 July 2006 Dusty Times

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Trevor Copeland had a great race in his Jimco, he took the Class 9 Jeff Pickering drove his Fa/ken shod Mitsubishi to the Class 7 Stock Unlimited Single Seat win, seen here heading for the checkers. 4WD win, he's seen here at speed on his way to glory. Bruce Chapman drove his Subaru powered Jimco to the silver medal in the Class 1 Unlimited fracas, he's seen here well on his way. cancelled. Burrows had taken Gartner. Class 9, Brad Prout, 07:27.20, sure and took the Class 9 win and Leatherbarrow won Class 4 and Jimco Chevy; 5th: Class 1, Bruce seventh outright. The Class 5 was 18th outright. Chapman, 07:21.66, Jimco champion DarianSmith finished The news had filtered back Subaru; 4th: Class 1, Hyden first in class and was 12th out-about the death on the course of Bentley, 07: 16.99, Jimco Chevy; right. Class 8 was won by Barry a competitor at the Donald event 3rd: Class 1, Danny Auricht, Cochrane, he finished 14th. Neil causing the race on Sunday to be command of the race on Satur-All that was left to do was the day and looked like taking out the long drive home and the prepa-overall win, he was followed in ration for the next round in June, second place by the very quick the Finke Desert race in Alice Class 4 Ford F150 truck of Greg Springs. 07: 10:67, Jimco Toyota; 2nd; Class 1, David Fellows, 07:06:23, Chenowth Toyota; 1st: Class 1, Shannon Rentsch, 06:59.68, Chenowth Nissan. The start of the event and the battle between Rentsch, Fellows and Auricht began, covering 50 kilometres. Quickest was Auricht, followed by Rentsch a mere 23 one-hundredth slower, third was Fellows in the new Chenowth, Brian Robinson in the Chevy powered Porter arrived fourth, followed by Bruce Chapman in the Subaru turbo powered Jimco fifth, Bulmer was next, followed closely by the Crowe buggy in sev-enth. Trevor Copeland placed his Jimco in eighth place and showed no signs of giving away a position in the race back to Smithy's later in the day. McClelland led the Class 2 buggies and held 10th place, a good result. The return to Smithy's and the big news came through that Rentsch was out after hitting a tree and damaging the front of the car. Fellows was quicker than Auricht moving him into first place and Auricht to second. Chapman was third followed by Bulmer, Phillips, Copeland, McClelland, Crowe and Kevin Hood in the 10th place. Hunter still led in the Jeep holding 13th place, Pickering in the new diesel powered Mitsubishi was 17th. Section 2 of the event had to be cancelled due to the lack of daylight. Sunday morning, the start of the three laps around Smithy's. Fellows was determined to keep the small lead he had over his teammate. Auricht came out on top followed by Fellows, Chapman and Bulmer who was having a good race in his Jimco with his wife co-driving. Hunter could not finish this part of the race and withdrew, the cause of his problems were wheel bearing related. The last part of the race an-other three laps, Fellows was out of the event with clutch problems on the Chenowth, this left Auricht to take the win, he was followed by Chapman second and Phillips moved his way up with some very fast times to take third outright. Buddy Crowe and his wife celebrated with the new car finishing fourth. Bulmer had some small problems and had to settle for sixth place. Class 2 was won by Mat Hanson, Geoff Pickering also fin-ished on top of Class 7, finishing a credible ninth outright. Trevor Copeland maintained the pres-Dusty Times LIST YOUR PHONE NUMBER, YEAR, MODEL AND ENGINE SIZE! Sales Information: Payment may be made by credit card, money order or cashier s check. Personal or business checks are not accepted. C.0.0. orders accepted with 50% pre-payment. $5 Handling charge on all orders. California residents include 7.75% sales tax. Customers responsible for all freight charges. Minimum order is $25. The use of Volkswagen by Pacific Customs Unlimited. Inc. is for descriptive purposes ONLY and in no way is the name used to infer or intend a direct connection between Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. and Volkswagen. Volkswagen is a registered trademark. PRICES EFFECTIVE DURING THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MAGAZINE COVER DATE. EAGLE EYE OFF ROAD LIGHTS H.I.D. Light, with 35W Xenon Bulbs and Ballast 4 '/," Oval H.1.0. Driving Light. Sliver Rnish and External Ballast. pair ..................... $522 s· Oval H.1.0. Driving Light. Silver Rnish and External Ballast. pair ...•................... 522 a· Oval H.1.D. Spot Light. Silver Finish and External Ballast. pair ............•....................... 522 5• Round H.I.D. Driving Light, Opal Finish and Internal ........ . Ballast. pair ....................... 522 5· Round H.I.D. Spot LighL Opal .. Finish and Internal Ballast. pair ................................... 522 Super Bright H1/og1n L/ghlr. 6" Round 100W Driving Light with Black Finish. pair .•..... $38 6° Round 100W Slim·Pro Driving Light with Chrome Rnlsh. pair .•. 74 4 •1,• Dual 100W Driving Light with Silver Finish, pair .•..••... 82 a· Round 55W Driving Light with Silver Rnish, pair ..•...... 98 a· Round Spot with Silver Finish, pair ...•......••.......•••••.. 98 COMMUNICATION KITS Bail, Kit Offer, Drfv,r to P•n1n11er Commun/cal/on. Advanced Klis have the Capabllit, tor th, Drlv•r to Commun/r:at, to Pass1ng1r1, Car to Car or Car to Bau with Radio A4dld. Basic 2·Person Kit w/HS .....•.. $465 Black Finish Head Set ••.•.•......•. $98 Basie 4·Person Kit w/HS •.......•. 799 Black. Blue. 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Link Pins ..•......................... 52 Swedged T·Rods, Chromoly, pr.65 FRONT BRAKES 2·P/1c, BIi/it Hub with S-Rotor, Bearings. c,nt,r Caps and Wilwood 2 Piston Clllp,rs with Mounting Brackets. W-1 Link Pin Front Brakes ..... $725 Combo Link Front Brakes ..•.... 745 Front Hub Kil WI Link Pin Front Hub Kit .... $439 Combo Link Front Hub Kil •..... 439 H.D. FRONT BRAKES 1·P/1c, Billet Hub wilh S-Rotor, Timken B11ring1. c,nt,r Cl/JI and WI/wood 2 Piston Caliper, with Mounllng Bracket,. Combo Link Front Brakes .... $895 Billet B11rln9 Housing with Timken Bearings, 11• Rotors, 300M Stub Ax/,s and WI/wood 4 Pis/on Cal/per,. Sportsman Micro Stub Kit .. $1,295 H.O. 300M MICRO STUB BRAKE KIT Billet B11rfn11 Housing with nmten Bl1rln111, tt• Ro/ors, L,,,,, Dlam,ter 300M Stub Ax/II and Wllwool 4 Piston C1/ip1rs. H.D. Micro Stub Brake KL.$1.595 l~I KING ADJUSTABLE L,..IP ____ __, SHOCKS WI RESERVOIR Full A4/ustm,nt Dual Spring Shari: with Hose 1nd Ru,wolr. King 2• Adjustable Shock, NON-COIL SHOCKS King 2" Shock. 8-10-12" Stroke ••.•. .lrom $225 King 2 •1,• Shock, 12·14·16° Stroke •.... .lrom 295 s-10-12· Strolce ..... .lrom $495 ui111a B"••n sTnp King 2 'h" Adjustable Shock, ft, ,., Ulrlr 1 "· 12·14·16" Stroke ...... from 585 Z-Bump Slop with 4130 Piggy Back Reservoir Option ..... 65 Chromo/y Sl11ve. Triple 8Y·Pass. 2 •1.-Body ··-···650 Bump Stop with Sleeve. each $257 CENTERLINE WHEELS For,1d Aluminum Wh11/1 wl/11 Poli1h1d Finish. 15x4 5W/ .•.•.............•..... $178 15 X 5 5 VW ......•....•............. 183 15x6 5VW ......................... 183 15x7 5VW ......................... 186 15x8 5W/ ......................... 189 15 X 10 5 W/ ......................... 197 POWER STEERING COMPONENTS Howe Power Rack, 2' Wldespread ..........•..........................•....... $1.275 Howe Power Rael<, 2 '/,· Widespread ........................................... 1,275 Howe Power Racic, 2 ¼0 Widespread with Control Valve ............. 1,650 Char•Lynn Torque Generator ...........••....................•........................ 295 Char-Lynn Billet Mount Clamps to 1 'I,' Tubing ............................. .459 Mounting Tab. Weld-On, each ..••...•....••..•....•.......•....•.............•........• 10 Port Block for Char•Lynn with Fittings ...........•...............•.................. 30 Coupler for Char•Lynn ...•......................................•................•.......... 18 U·Jolnt for Char•Lynn (Sweet) ............................................. .From 56 Power Steering Pumps. 1000 PSI or 1300 PSI .............................. 160 Pulley for Power Steering Pump •..............••.......................•. From 45 Power Steering Reservoir for #8 and #10 Fittings ••.....••.•....•......••..• 85 Power Steering Reservoir with Flltsr Adapter ................................. 150 Mount for Power Sleering Pump (Specify Englne) ................. From 65 Braclce, Reservoir ............................................................................ 14 July 2006 930 CHROMOLY STUB AXLES& DRIVE FLANGES Stub Axles for 930 CV, pair .... $140 Stub Axles lor Bus CV. pair .... $140 Drive Flanges for 930 CV. pair ... 70 Drive Flanges for Bus CV, pair .. .70 HEAVY DUTY AXLES GERMAN CV JOINTS Bug/B!frf~[~ST RAGE AND BOOTS Beetie Trailer Arms .......... $120 Bug. r:v Joint... ........................ $45 Bug/Bus Trans to 3x3 Arms ..... 130 Bug. rN Boot ............................. 4 Bug/Bus Trans to 3x3 Arms Bus. CV Joint ............................. 50 for 930 CV s ......•............... 140 Bus. CV Boot ............................... 6 23· or 25• Axles for 930 r:v s ... 160 930, CV Joint. ........................... 56 24•.2s· M300 for 930 rN s .. .lr 440 930. Boot and Flange ............... 34 CROW SAFETY BELTS 3" Lap Bells with Sewn•ln 2" or 3" Shoulder Ham,s1es Available in 3, 4, or V Point Webbing is Available In Black. Grey, Blue, Red or Purple. 3" x 2· 3 PoinL. .................... $70 3• x 2" 4 Point... ...................... 70 3· x 3" 3 Point ......................... 80 3" x 3• 4 Point ......................... 80 3· x 2· 3 Pt w/Shoulder Pad .... 90 3• x 2" 4 Pl w/Shoulder Pad ... 90 3" x 3" 3 Pt w/Shoulder Pad .. t 00 3· x 3· 4 Pt w/Shoulder Pad .. 100 2 Crotch Strap ........................... 12 CROW SHOULDER PADS Avallab/1 /or 2" or 3" Shoulder Hameu, Bla.k, Blue Or Red. 2' Shoulder Harness Pads. pr .. $24 3' Shoulder Harness Pads. pr .... 28 • Only tr Wide! Now You Can Use Spec/al Order Width$ Av11lable, Suspension Sa,/s In Narrower 2•Pass.Benc~ Seat. Clla:u/1. Aval/able In Blad or Grer. 4o or 48 Wide ..•........... $435 LQ Sportster Sea, Low-Back S165 BEARD SUPER SEAT LBEARD Ser,i'i,owiis0 MOUNT KIT Light Duty Tie Down. 1'1o' x 5· Slide/TIit Combination ..•....... $118 Strap. 5.000# capacity ...... $18 Slide/Slide Combination Ratchet Tia Down. 2' x 7' for Lil Sportster. .•............. 134 Strap. 10.000I Capacily ...... 26 Bracket and Slide Mount Only .. 55 Axle Strap ...•...............•.............. 12 Page 21

Page 22! RIDGECREST 200 Tucker Takes It! By Steve Rudick Photos: Trackside Photo .. Jim Tucker ran fast and consistent at Ridgecrest, he took the Class 1 honors and the overall as well in his good looking car. I'm sunburned, bone@** MM25 to 30 ... if you think Bar-just 53 entries, but that didn't tired, covered in diRt ... It was stow is rough and tough, race dampen the spirits or the enthu-GREAT FUN! Ridgecrest some time. I mean, siasm of those that did race in the condition of the vehicles and the 57,000 acre Spangler Hills It was a bright, Bright, racers that reached the check-Off Highway Vehicle Area on BRIG HT, sun shiny day; no ered flag were a sight to behold, Saturday, May 6, 2006. Start/ clouds. Temps were in the clear and those were the ones that Did Finish was located at Teagle and bright and "sunny" range, finish The remaining carnage of Wash offTrona Road. Forty-two and enough of a breeze to keep those that didn't was ... broken, racers would start, but only 21 the course clear. The 'course' for to say the least. It was brutal, got to the checkered flag at the the 2006 MOR Ridgecrest 200 plain and simple. There were finish. was 33.5 miles in length with 33 rocks, lots of rocks, lots of dust CLASS 1: major course changes on the gps, and dirt, a bad silt hole, lots of Four Class 1 cars started and two RR and five road crossings, twists and turns with 13 major two finished. Car# 121 driven by two checkpoints, and two re-course changes in a four mile Jim Tucker from Ridgecrest, CA mote pits. Mostly around the stretch alone ... did I mention all took first place in class in Spangler Hills they went, the rocks? 4:05:36 at 48.4 mph, as well as through the Randsburg Wash, The MOR Ridgecrest 200 the Overall winner too. It was a and the drop off stretch from drew a rather light turnout at close race all day between Tucker ~----~----------------=------~ in car #121 and Tom Koch in Ken Donaldson led all six laps in the class 5 contest, he set fast lap in class and finished fourth overall as well. car #108, until Koch DNF'd on Lap 5. Tucker, a flight test engi-neer for Navy Fl6's at China Lake Naval Air Weapons Sta-tion, drove all six laps with son Aaron Tucker along in the co-driver's seat on Laps 1-5, and co-owner Mike McGee on Lap 6. # 121 is a two seat J imco chassis powered by an LS 1 motor. Tucker reported "a clean race overall with no flats or problems except a leaky power steering unit and a visor that broke the first lap. The course was dusty and rough, but fun!" Tucker's most fun for the day was "doing 128 mph on the straight, and ... the Finish line." Alex Staats took second place .,,,, Lee Orr set fast lap for Class 300 and had 23 minutes on his competition when the checkered flag flew. in Class 1 in his # 122 blue and orange '96 Ford Protruck, com-pleting the course in 4:24:25 at 44.9 mph. Steve and Ryan Staats drove Laps 1-3 and had a flat on Lap 1 at MM7. Alex Staats took the wheel for Laps 4-6 for an otherwise clean race and a clean finish. Staats said it was "a fun course, with a little of every-thing in between." Asked about his race day, Staats would only say "I love this truck!" Tom Koch only recorded four laps for the day in car # 108, but not before taking the Fast Lap award on Lap 1 at 51.4 mph. CLASS 12: Five entrants, two DNS and two DNF's, and the only finisher and first place winner was Terry Ingold in car #1230. Ingold used his spare motor for the win, cov-ering the course in 4:38:40 at 35.5 mph. #1203 also took home the Fast Lap award at 36. l mph in 0:54:09 on Lap 4. The Ingolds reported "a couple of rough sections and some BIG holes" on the course but they still "finished and did not break" their modified 1977 Funco chas-sis car for the win. CLASS 300: Three starters, two finished and one DNF. Lee Orr started last in his class at the green flag in his Meritage Homes #300 Ford Bronco, but smoked his competition all the way to the checkers by almost 23 minutes. Orr and co-driver Brian Porter completed the race in 4:49:30 at 27.4 mph, and also took the Fast Lap award for the class on Lap 1 at 30. 7 mph in 1 :05:46. Orr said he "had a clean race", only adding some brake fluid on his way to the win. Orr also reported he was "glad to have won again", but quickly added "I don't like this place. It's rocky and dirty and has a nasty silt bed, too." Welcome to Ridgecrest, Lee; heehee. Second place in Class 3 went to Kurt Larmee in car #302. Larmee, Vince Pauschek and Steve Engleking drove the KGL Off Road Racing 1970 Ford Bronco to take the checkered flag in 5: 12:23 at 25.4 mph. Besides "tapping a 1 car at the sand wash", Larmee reported their most fun for the day was ... "We finished!" And I'll bet they had some fun along the way, too. CLASS 5: Only two starters, but two fin-ishers, too! Ken Donaldson of Burbank, CA drove car #503 to a first place finish in 5: 11 :44 at 38.1 mph. That was also good enough to take the Fast Lap award for the class on Lap 1 at 41.8 mph in just 0:48: 11, as well as the fourth Overall winner for the day. The win didn't come easily for #503: Donaldson said he "lost the power steering im-mediately, but it came back°later, and lost the clutch on Lap 3 due to some loose bolts." Otherwise, it was a clean race to the check-ers for Donaldson and co-driv-ers Eric Bolha and Roberto Tiejera. Donaldson described the course as "rough, technical, and lots of dust, dirt and rocks." Second place in class went to Art "The Tech Dude" Savedra in the AGS Racing car #509. Savedra recorded some "real" wheel time, driving all of Lap 1 in his newly repainted 'sparkle yellow' 'super' 5/16 car, before handing the wheel duties over to Rulo Solano. Solano re-did the rear suspension on #509 from the cab back for this race, and reported "The car worked beau-tiful; it loves the rough." Other than one flat front tire, it was a clean race for the AGS Racing Team and co-driver for the day, Don Harper, as they wheeled their way over a "rough and technical course" to take the sec-ond place win in 5:42:47 at 34. 7 mph. Most fun for the day was "doing 73 mph!" CLASS 7: Eric Tadeja was noticeably slower on his last two laps but he won Class 750 and had almost an hour on his competition at the checkers. Terry Ingold ran every lap under an hour, he finished his five required laps in less than five hours to take the Class 1200 win. Four starters at the green flag, one finisher at the checkers. Shawn St. George drove his '93 Ford Ranger truck #707 to take first place in class, and sixth place overall, in 5:26:48 at 36.4 mph. The SGM #707 uses a rear-link and balljoint I-beam front suspension, powered by a 4.0L motor and C4 trans; making for their third finish in a row. St. George and co-driver T.J . Baker reported the course "was rough and long and brutal, with lots of rocks and dust and dirt every-where." A finish at RockyRidge is always one for the record books. Raul Flores had some major Page 22 July 2006 Dusty Times

Page 23

Alex Staats had a pretty good run, he finished second in the Class 1 battle, second overall in the race. Kurt Larmee was a bit off the winning pace in the Class 300 contest, Art Savadra was about five minutes in arrears each lap, he finished he finished second in class, some 20 minutes in arrears. · second in Class 5-1600, half an hour out of the class win. problems in truck #711 on Lap 1 (2:39:29), recorded the fast lap for the day in Class 8 0:46:06 and 43.6 mph on Lap 2, and ended his race day with a DNF on Lap 3. Barry Karakas had his problems too, in truck #700. Karakas had a fast Lap 1, but slowed after that and just plain ran out of time before he could finish in the eight hour time limit for this race. CLASS 7S: Another class with two start-ers and two finishers. Eric Tadeja drove the '93 GMC, ET Motors ports truck #7 53 to first place in class in 6:56:22 at 28.5 mph. Tadeja also took home the class Fast Lap award at 37 mph in 0:54:28 on Lap 2. Along with co-drivers Dan Dixon, David Bosley, Brent Marvin and Kyle Eagan, Tadeja said the 4.3L Y-6 "lacked power all day", but still managed ro have "a lot of fun and a great time skipping over whoops and even flying at times; awesome!" #753 "blew an alter-nator belt and lost all electrical around MM5 on Lap 5", and also "got stuck and died ten times the last few miles of Lap 6", but still managed to finish nearly an hour ahead of their only com-petitor. Second place in Class 7S went to Robert Klaus in truck #743, who ran the whole 200 mile course in 7:54:24 at 25 mph, and was the last racer to see the checkers for the day. Still, Klaus also took home the prize for ninth overall, too. CLASS 13: Four entries, three starters and two finishers rounded out the Class 13 racers for the Ridgecrest 200. Rich Volpe II started second in class at the green flag in car# 1310 and beat his closest competitor by over two hours at the finish; 4: 14:49 at 38.9 mph. Volpe drove Laps 1-3 and handed the wheel seat over to Jim Becker for Laps 4-5; Mark Sorenson 'iron-manned' the co-drivers seat all the way. # 1310 also took the class Fast Lap award on Lap 1 at 42.6 mph in 0:47: 19. Of the race, Volpe said "What a Blast! It was nice and smooth -an easy run; even though the course was rough and lots of dust." Most fun of the day for Volpe: "Do-ing 97 mph down the straight!" CLASS 14 PRO: Three starters, one finished. Dan Vance took the first place honors in Class 14 Pro in truck #1429, completing the race in just 4:48:56 at 41.1 mph. That finish was also good enough to grab Yance the third overall win-ner award too. I'm still trying to figure that one out, especially after Yance sold his race motor and was running a stone stock Dusty Times TlO0 3.4L motor that he picked than "a lot of 'gotchas', and pit-the others with co-drivers Corey CLASS 1450 SPORTSMAN: up for $500 from the junkyard, ting on Laps 2 and 5", DNF Rae-Schaffer and Chris Ramey. WOW! Twenty-one entri,·s, 16 with 130,000 miles on it! The ing ran a clean race all day. Dan Steven Herrera took the Class 14 starters and seven finish.:rs. rest of the truck has been totally Vance drove Laps 1-2 with co-Pro Fast Lap award on Lap 2 in Shawn Giordano started #5 off redone, so I guess it all worked driver Nate Batdrelder, and truck #1408 at 47.4 mph in the line in class at the green flag out just fine for #1429. Other Austin "The Fish" Farmer drove 0:42:43. Continued on page 24 36 Seat shown 1 800 565 4042 July 2006 Top Competitors in every Major Off Road Event Choose Mastercran Seats and Restraints _, Including: Scott Douglas Evan Evans Mike Julson Curt and Kyle Le Due Rob Maccachren John Marking Carl Renezeder Matt Scaroni Dan Smith and Dave Ashley Scott Steinberger Shannon Campbell Aaron Dusenbery Walker Evans Johnny G. Mitch Guthrie Joachim Schweisow Tracy Jordan Jason Paule w w .. master _ ra ts a Page 23

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Page 25

Second place in Class went to Robert Klaus, he was a bit off the Jerome Cutler was never up to speed this race, he finished second Matt Helton had a pretty good race, he finished second in Class winning pace and ended up an hour down at the checkers. in Class 1300, he was over 2 hours in arrears at the end. 1450, he's seen here in his good looking truck. in truck# 1478, was 25 seconds mph on Lap 1 in 0:53:23. Gior-arm front suspension. Co-driver besting the second place truck by hind the leader. Third place in in the lead over the front starter dano did the entire race on just this race was Dusty Phillips. The some 18 minutes. Nice way to class went to Mike Belcher and at the end of Lap 1, and never one tank of gas and no stops. first place duo said they had finish the day, eh. co-driver J. Hermosillo, in DTB looked back on his way to taking Giordano races a '93 Toyota "fun! through the sand wash and Second place in Class 1400 Racing truck # 1483. The 2. 7L first place in class in just 3:36: 19 2WD with a stock four cylinder rocks, got tapped by a 1 car, and went to Matt Helton in truck powered, 4WD '95 Toyota en-at 36.6 mph. #1478 also took 22RE motor and five-speed passed a whole lot of others" on #1486, finishing in 3:54:04 at countered "some BiG rocks", but home the Fast Lap award at 37.7 tranny; with rear leafs and an A-their way to the checkers, and 33.8 mph; about 18 minutes be-"didn't stop, even for gas" on ~ ~ their way to the finish line in Rich Volpe set fast lap in class, led all the way and had a full two hours on his competition when the checkers flew. Dusty Times Dan Vance was really consistent, high 40's and low 50's all day long, he easily took the Class 1400 win at Ridgecrest. July 2006 4:19:50 at 30.5 mph. The fourth place finish in Class 1400 went to Mike Salter and co-driver Roy Tomking in ODR Racing truck #1477, a '94 Ford Fl50; com-pleting the race in 5:01:16 at 2 6.3 mph, despite a "pretty rough course and breaking a serpentine belt." Chris Greely, Nick Tonelli and Marilyn Reich won fifth place in class in the Giant Motorsports truck #1494, but not until "every-thing that could go wrong -did. The course was rough and long, the electrical and the fan went out, and the motor overheated two times within two miles." Not ex-actly a fun day I'd say, but still Continued on page 26 Page 25

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Mike Belcher ran trouble free in Class 1450 but he was well off the Shawn St. George had a great race, he took the gold medal in Class Mike Salter had big troubles on his second lap but he still managed to keep going and finished fourth in Class 1450. winning pace, he picked up the bronze medal. 700, he's seen here showing off his suspension. good enough for the yellow and one finisher. First place in class and for the Jeffries clan: Joe drove Laps black I-beamed Toyota to finish fifth place overall went to Joe 1-2 with his son Brian along for and take a win, too_; completing Jeffries in car# 1600, cruising the co-driver. Then Brian Jeffries took the required laps in 5:01:53 at course in just 5: 18:48 at 37.3 mph. the wheel for Laps 3-4 with his sis-26.2 mph, just 37 seconds behind Jeffries also took home the Fast ter Raquel along for some fun time the fifth place winner. Sixth place Lap award at 42. 7 mph on Lap 3 in the co-driver's seat, and Aaron in class went to Craig Reynolds in 0:47:04. This was a family event Pierce drove Lap 5. The Jeffries from Dana Point, CA, in truck #1456; a '91 Ford F2150 running a 2002 Chevy 6L motor. The first lap was "brutal", and then #1456 "lost third gear on Lap 3 and ran the rest of the race in second gear at 5000 rpm." Despite these trou-bling mechanical traumas, being low on oil, and getting a flat tire the last lap, Reynolds and com-pany motored on to take a finish in 5: 12:03 at 25.4 mph. Reynolds also noted, "I hate Ridgecrest, but a finish here is still a first in my book." Indeed. The seventh place winner, and last finisher in class, was Dustyn Lappnow in truck #1473;' completing the course in 7: 16: 13 at 18.2 mph. CLASS 16: Three entries, one starter and Page 26 Shawn Giordano led all the way, set fast lap and had an eighteen minute lead on his competition in Class 1450 at the flag. July 2006 Bros. reported one flat and some Ridgecrest. The next MOR race of steering problems, but also drove the California Championship Se-some pretty consistent lap times the ries is the McKenzie 400 on June entire race to take the finish and 24, 2006, in Lucerne Valley at the win. Bessimere Mine Road. Hope to see That's a wrap for this writer you there, somewhere, having fUn from the wide open spaces at in the diRt! ~ Joe Jeffrey flies high, wide and handsome as he heads for the win in the Class 1600 contest at the MOR Ridgecrest meet. Dusty Times

Page 27

This column may, from time to time, contain adult language. We hereby request anyone under the age of 18 to stop reading this immediately and get some adult supervision before continueing. ed The Straight Poop from the BIG WAHZOO MORE RACE -It was windy, dusty, cold and only two Checker cars showed up ... and some hardy pitters. The Neals blew up their 1/2-1600 motor in the driveway just prior to the race and had to borrow another one. They put one shock on backwards, and broke the fitting off it shortly into the race. Then the borrowed motor started going away ... so they parked it. Mike McGee, in Tucker's 10 car, had his co-driver rolling it early and bend-ing one tie rod ends and built him a new one out of square tub-ing. They finished third. An 'A' for effort all around! BAJA 500 -This 424 mile race had 438 entries and saw the Checkers send down 11 vehicles Dusty Times with eight pits to support them. Chad Hall won his class with his dad as 'Driver of Record'. They stopped a number of times to put 'some factory guys and the press' in for a ride, but still put their Hummer H3 into the winner's circle. Seeley was a vic-tim of luck. Seems the leader of Class 5 just got through an area before a blockage occurred which snagged George for quite a while ... and that's how it stayed all race with George coming home second. Vic Bruckmann had a few problems including getting his 12 car stuck on some rocks for a bit. But he was able to round up some horses to pull him free. He finished with a third in his class. Prospective member Craig Brabrant had two rear flats and other assorted problems and finished #5. Good show, guys! This was a well raced upon course with our Club DNFs con-firming it. Billy Robertson got his Class 1 buggy stuck in two separate blockages. Then he had fuel pick up problems the rest of the race and 'timed out' by 11 minutes for a DNF. Koch & Tucker had a motor let go at the six mile mark with Tom driving his Pro Truck. Josh Hall had his 'electric throttle' malfunction, which sidelined his H2 Hummer. Jim Greenway saw his 12 car motor go tits up at about 45 miles out for his DNF. Prospec-tive member Files got a little far-ther. Ray got 375 miles into the race, and was running about sec-ond, when valve train problems put his 1/2-1600 out. Mark Grove timed out after being stuck in lengthy log jams on the course. Thad Mayer, in his Rhino, and on the 'one time' teaser support program, went out at the first Checker pit with electrical problems and other breakage ... hey, the course was rough! REPORT ON MIKEY: Talk about 'breakage', out bike hero came nose to nose with a car load of locals going backwards on the course at the top of a rise at speed. He dodged to the right and endoed through a pile of big rocks, luckily missing the car, which continued on. But, he did break his collarbone and sepa-rated his sternum in the process. He had rear-started in class and was running second at the time. But there was little quit in this dog, as he got back on his fac-tory mount and raced another 100 miles before handing it off to his teammate, who continued on, holding onto the second place spot ... but beaten by the Honda Factory 'B' Team. Our Pit Captains at this race were as follows: Our Club Secre-tary Mark Nacke took El Rayo, George Thompson and the Hummer guys had Nuevo Junc-tion, Big John Files San Matias Pass, Dennis Crowley was up at El Coyote, Master Bates at Valle de Trinidad, Jorge Espino sta-tioned in his front yard near Erindira, Malcolm Bryce handled Ojos Negro, and Hastings & Crackle Lee were up on the mountain workin' our ra-dio relay. Where unlike the 1000, this course stayed off the July 2006 San Felipe side and radio con-tact was good most everywhere. Espino and crew scored a Checker first when they pitted a dog. Seems an exhausted bike rider, who had missed his relief rider, pulled in with a dog riding on the gas tank. The guys gave them water and cleaned the goggles for both the guy and his dog before sending them on their way. NEW MEMBER -Vic Bruck-mann came up from San Diego for his marble vote, and was voted in as a full fledged Checker member at the post race meet-ing. Congratulations, Vic! IT'S BEEN FUN ••. BUT I'M DONE - A bit of history: The Big Wahzoo has been an ac-tive Checker member for 27 years, and writing our Checker Column for almost 12 of those. During that time I've blown smoke up the asses of our mem-bers in print who have given it all and came up a little short, and glorified our racers who have come home with well de-served finishes. Our Pit Captains and the pitters were not forgot-ten, as they've always been the backbone of our organization. It was always easy to write about winners and overachievers. The 'CHECKERS', as a whole (car racers and our brother bike guys), together have unquestion-ably achieved more victories in desert racing during our total 85+ years than any other racing team in the history of dirt racin', period! Your Big Wahzoo also made a point of chewin' ass and namin' names of any non-Checker racer, pitting organiza-tion, or promoter who were fool-ish enough to f**k with us over the years. The late Jean Calvin deserves a lot of credit for the long run-ning popularity of our Checkers Column, as she agreed to pub-lish whatever I wrote in the Dusty Times ... without EDITING of any kind. And thanks also to John Calvin for carrying on with that sometimes difficult tradi-tion. Hundreds of readers regu-larly enjoyed reading every month about the sometimes crazy racing exploits of the leg-endary Checkers in the Dusty Times ... and for all of you non-Checkers out there who I pissed off, and are still mad ... well, you can kiss my ass. The identity of the Big Wah-zoo was one of the best kept se-crets in the history of off road racin' for years for good reason. Most of the time I was busy enough racin' and pittin' out at events to be wasting my time jab-bering about or defending the facts in my columns. I had about 10 loyal spies who would feed me stories, and then I could check those stories I was told with the others. All of them could be counted on to keep their mouths shut, with most not knowing who the hell my other Checker infor-mants were. It was a great system which worked tits, and allowed me to rightfully title our Check-ers' column 'The Straight Poop'. In my long running off road career, the Big Wahzoo started out racin' a stripped down Triumph Continued on page 31 Page 27

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Rim Of The world Rally By Eli Gilbert Photos: Trackside Photo Leon Styles and Mark McAllister were 2nd Open on Friday and 1st Open on Saturday. see here in their fast and good looking Evolution. The rally drivers stab their go pedals, readying for the green flag to drop. The stac-cato exhaust of the highly tuned race motors wail. The co-driver's calls start: "3, 2, l. .. go! Straight over jump into right 6 tightens!" In a whirlwind of dust, the cars speed side-by-side along the grandstands to the first ob-stacle - a table-top jump one might see at a supercross arena. Some land hard. Real hard. Sheet metal is bent and egos bruised. Other dr,ivers are luckier; they keep their foot planted and car per-fectly airborne. They are well rewarded with excellent land-ings and the roar of the hun-dreds of spectators. This is the 2006 Rim of the World Rally. Hosted by the City of Lancaster, California and presented by Subaru of America and Autosport En-gineering, the annual stage rally brought over 50 teams and more than 1,500 rally fans -from stage-hardened veteran spectators to curious local families -to the high desert town and its neighbor-ing fire roads high in the An-geles National Forest on April 28-29th. Rallying in America, thought by some to be in its death throes after profes-sional sanctioning was can-celled by SCCA in 2004, is alive and blazing through the 2006 season thanks to the USAC (United States Auto Club) and NASA (National Auto Sport Association), who have re-established a national championship series. The Rim of the World Rally, Round 3 of the USRC (United States Rally Champi-onship) has historically been one of the roughest and most grueling stage rallies in America: think Pike's Peak Hillclimb only 10 times twistier and 10 times longer. RIM, as rally familiars call it, provides competitors with some of the longest stages, tech n ica 1 s-tage roads, steep-est cliff exposures, and most extreme weather in North America. This year, however, the weather gods shone down upon the teams and gave them beautifully sunny, tem-perate days followed by gor-geous breezy nights. The roads, usually deeply rutted and mired with 'waterbars', or erosion-control undula-tions, were in pristine condi-tion after a successful part-nership with the U.S. Forest Dan Brink and Vern Anderson took the Production GT win on Friday. seen here laying smoke in their Eagle Talon. Service. Ray Hocker, Chief Event Organizer, stated that work-ing with the Forest Service before the event is advanta-geous because "we're allowed to do road grading to repair winter damage on the [stage) roads." Apparently the part-nership and days of hard work paid off, as RIM 2006 had very smooth roads and "one of the best percentages of finishers ever." Roads pre-viously inaccessible groomed and extremely fast for the production-based, street-legal rally cars. The rough stage roads, commonly the source of re-tirements in this historically attrition-heavy event, were supplanted by mechanical failures and fast off stage ex-cursions as the most common cause of DNF's this year. From blown transmissions, clutches, and motors to rolls, high centering, and Close En-counters of the Boulder Kind, the newly graded stages proved very fast for competi-tors. Crowd-Pleasing Venue For the last three years, the Subaru Rim of the World Rally has officially kicked off at the Lancaster Fairgrounds Super Special Stage: a one mile, side-by-side course, complete with a water cross-ing and large table top jump set before the fairgrounds' 7,500 seat arena. Crowds were amazed at some of the more aggressive drivers' jumps and technical handling through the tight course. In addition to the Subaru fac-tory team, whose quarter mil-lion dollar cars were made to soak up these huge jumps, some drivers took no prison-ers and took the jump at full speed, much to their mechan-ics' chagrin. Rally standout Marvin Ronquillo in his Subaru WRX, captured an insane amount of air that would have sent lesser cars' struts through their hoods. Said Marvin after the event, "My co-driver calculated the cor-rect speed to make it over the backside of the jump and I have complete trust in him, so I just went for it!" Others were not as lucky as some blown suspension bits, cracked radiators, event some post-jump panic steering caught drivers out. After the Super Special, teams transit on normal sur-face roads to the nearby for-est stages, where the majority of the flat-out off road rac-ing takes place. Meet Me Between the Trees Saturday's Regional PGT win went to Dennis Chizma and Andrew '--------------------------' Cushman, seen here in the great looking Porsche 964-C4, they were George Doganis and Tom Smith took the Group 2 honors on Friday. Jeff Rados and Guido Hamacher took the Group 5 win on Friday. 2nd on Friday. seen here in flight in their Nissan Sentra SE-R. 2nd on Saturday in their powerful looking Ford Ranger. Kris Marciniak and C. Wittish drove their Dodge Neon to 1st place on Larry Gross and Doug Young were 3rd in Group 2 on Friday. took the Patrick Rodi and Brett Robinson took 2nd Production on Friday. took Friday in Production, 2nd in Production on Saturday. Group 2 win on Saturday in their Toyota Corolla. the win on Saturday in their Mazda RX-7. Page 28 July 2006 Dusty Times

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1st place in Open on Friday went to Brian Scott and John Dillon, A 2nd place in Group 2 on Friday went to Tony Chavez and Doug Randy Dowell and Jonathan drove their Mitsubishi Mirage to 3rd in they're seen here in their good looking Subaru WRX STi. Robinson, their VW Golf failed them on Saturday. Open on Friday and a 2nd place o~n_S_a_t_ufi_d_a~y. _______ _ A nice 3rd place in Group 5 went to Lisa Klassen and Marie Chizma Wolfgang Hoeck and Piers O'Hanlon took 3rd in Open on Saturday Sarkis Mazmanian took a nice 2nd place in Group 2 on Saturday on Friday, they're seen here in their Toyota Corolla. after a disappointing 9th place on Friday in their Mitsu Lancer Evo. after a 4th place finish of Friday in his lntegra. RIM is a relentless assault and acrid dust envelope the Rally Superstar as one of Subaru's star driv-Subaru WRX STI. Travis on the senses for driver, co-cheering spectators and ham-Fresh from podium finishes ers, Travis has been the man credited his new co-driver driver, and spectator alike. per the drivers' vision. The at recent rallies around the to watch on the stages. He with being the key element in Nowhere is that more appar-exhaust pop-pop-pop from country, Subaru factory has, in just over two years of his win, after he garnered a ent than on the sidelines of the turbo cars' anti-lag sys-team driver Travis Pastrana competing, come to rival some one minute, 18 second win the gravel stages high in the tern assaults the ears. Highly was determined from the off-of the top rally drivers in over teammate, D.C. Shoes Angeles Forest. Fans wait pa-seeded drivers punch through set to take home the win. stage times, and consistency, founder Ken Block along with tiently-from behind the cor-the forests at unnerving Travis has crossed over to and driving technique. co-driver Alex Gelsomino, cloned off spectator area for paces. rally racing from an extremely Travis, along with co-driver also in a VSC-prepped 2006 their favorite cars, whether it A 'who's who' of rallying successful motocross career Jakke Honkanen, a Finnish Subaru STI. Rounding out be a certain marque, driv-blows by: Pastrana. Pisek. where he won multiple ESPN WRC veteran, attacked unre-the Open class podium in the etrain configuration, or even Block. Styles. Yoon. Chavez. X-Games championships and lentingly from the first Super national ranking were long-color. After the 'zero car' The forest stages provide al-became the idol of millions of Special tot he final 13th stage time RIM competitors George passes signaling the 'all clear', most 100 miles of flat-out young fans due to his indefati--winning nine special stages Plsek and co-driver Jeff Bur-the cars hurtle by at seem-racing -taken at full speed, gable spirit and cheery per-outright in his Vermont meister in their Mitsubishi ingly impossible speeds and day and night, from Friday sona. In his newest endeavor Sportscar-prepared 2006 drift through corners with afternoon until Saturday Continuedonpage30 the utmost of precision. Both evening. the sweet scent of race gas From Motocross Star to Gem Akdinez and Mustafa Samii were the big winners in Group N both days, seen here in their Subaru lmpreza STi. Jimmy Keeny and Brian Moody were 2nd in Group 5 on Friday, took the win on Saturday, seen here throwing mud in their Honda Civic. Dusty Times source far ra dCre • Driving Suits • Crew Uniforms • Crew Shirls • Polo Shirls • Team Jackets • Hats • GearBags NOW FEATURING: In-House Embroidery Driver Names • Team Logos • Sponsor Logos 1.B00.700.2350 • Fax 909.360.0436 3834 Wacker Drive ! Mira Loma, CA 91752 July 2006 Page 29

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Paul Willemsen and Travis Bos took 5th in PGT on Friday. a 3rd place Jeremy Fry drove his Toyota Corolla to 5th in Group 2 on Friday. a on Saturday in their good looking Eclipse GSX. nice 3rd on Saturday. he's seen here at speed. Dean Schlingmann and Chip Doeden were 4th in group 5 on Friday. took 3rd on Saturday. seen here in their Suzuki Reno. Evolution. Talon with Dennis Chizma/ Not all action was in the Regional Competition Andrew Cushman less than 4-wheel drive arena. The two In addition to the Na-two minutes back in their modified 2-wheel drive tional USRC competition, Porsche 911. Third was classes, Group 2 and Group the Rim of the World Rally Ronquillo/Burke (Subaru). 5 -the latter of which allows also includes a regional com-Chizma was on top again Sat-for turbo/supercharging -set petition, with winners on urday, winning over podium blistering times comparable each day of racing. In Open finishers Ronquillo/Burke to their AWD brethren. mountable odds and ex-majority of entrants, it is sim-tremely long and punishing ply the most challenging event stage miles, to simply finish of the year, mentally, physi-RIM is a monumental accom-cally, and mechanically. Rim plishment. For the local and has again proven that to fin-regional competitors on a ish first, one must first fin-budget, who make up the vast ish. · 4WD on Friday, Brian Scott/ and Willemsen/Box In Group 5, Friday saw John Dillon won in their (Eclipse). Rados/Hamacher in their Subaru, followed by former In Production (or P-Ford truck take the win, with national champion Leon Stock), Friday's event was Keeney/Moody (Civic) sec-Styles/Mark McAllister and narrowly won by George ond, and Klassen/Chizma Randy Dowell/}. Schiller, Doganis/Tom Smith (Sentra) (Corolla) third. Saturday both in Mitsubishis. Saturday with Tony Chavez/Doug saw the top two spots flipped, did not go well for Brian Robinson back 40 seconds. with Schlingmann/Doesden Scott/John Dillon as they got Third went to Mazmanian/ in their Suzuki coming in stuck on a berm. Despite val-Mazmanian (Integra). third. · iant attempts by competitor On Saturday, Sarkis and In Group 2 action, Larry Amy BeberVanzo, they could Mike Mazmanian continued Gross and Doug Young (Co-not be freed. Leon Styles cap-their push on a hastily con-rolla) won both days, and tured the win with Randy structed two day old engine DelaCuesta/Recto (Trueno) Dowell finishing second, and and came through with the got second Friday and third Wolfgang Hoeck in third. class win on Saturday night. Saturday, while Loza·cla/ Production Class Winners Rodi/Robinson (RX-7) and Stonecipher (Corolla) got Production GT was won Fry/Cullen (Corolla) third Friday and second Sat-Friday night by Dan Brink/ rounded out the podium. urday. Vern Anderson in their Eagle Two Wheel Drive Stars With seemingly insur-Marvin Ronquillo and John Burke took 3rd in PGT on Friday and took a silver medal on Saturday in their WRX. .HONDA Power Equipment POWEil UCER & SPECTATOR DISCOUNTS • GENERATORS • OUTBOARD ENGINES • GENERAL PURPOSE ENGINES • WELDERS • WATERPUMPS • LAWN MOWERS • LAWN TRACTORS • RIDING MOWERS • TILLERS California's Largest Source lor Honda Power Equipment Parts 8 Inventory IF WE DON T NAVE 17: NO ONE DOE.fl Check Our Website: Kawaguchi Honda Corp. ·_.~IID 3532 East 3rd St. • Los Angeles, CA 90063 ~2~~~ (323) 264-3936, 264-5858 • FAX (323) 264-2136 Nothing' s easier. For optimum performance and safety, we recommend you read the owner's manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment. Connection of a generator to house power requires a transfer device to avoid possible injury to power company personnel. Consult a qualified electrician. ©2006 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. Page 30 July 2006 Dusty Times

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Chasing The Morison - A Film Reviewed by John Calvin Chasing The Horizon -In the May issue we mentioned a film, Chasing The Horizon, all about a team attacking the Baja 1000 with high hopes of a possible class win or a decent finish. The film, produced by Flying Canters Brothers Productions was the winner of the Myspace Award for the best documentary at the Newport Beach Film Festival. The story takes you through all the ex-pectations and heartache that make up a race team. Our hero, Jeff Lloyd, orphaned at an early age, overcomes all obstacles and when we meet him he is a successful busi-nessman, plenty of money and a dream of winning the fabled Baja 1000. He hooks up with Milo Brown and Toby O'Mara and the dream of racing and winning the Baja 1000 takes shape. Milo, the appointed Team Captain, will build the truck, Toby, a plumber by trade and a mechanic in fact will assist Milo and Toby will be the co-driver for the great adventure. The film takes you through all the fun, the expense, especially the expense, the anticipation and the actual run-ning of the Baja 1000 and the com-plete physical and mental break-down encountered as many things go awry and the race is the master and the truck is the slave. Many hours into the Baja 1000, but not many miles under their belts, our heroes run out of time and call a halt to their racing activities. Re-covering from their depression and taking on a new lease on life, our heroes nonetheless head for La Paz and enjoy some fishing and some drinking to cap their expedition. Will they be ready for next year?????? Dusty Times : _,,..._.~SHOCK ...... ,_._.,WICHNO&OGY 714.530.8701 • FAX714530.B702 12842 JOY STREET, GARDEN GROVE, CA 92840 WW'tlV.lci-co,11 July 2006 Stay tuned. We watched the film twice on a weekend and we really enjoyed it. Wonderfully realistic, you can almost feel their emo-tions as the race deadline ap-proaches. The film deals mainly with all the preparation, the ela-tion, the verbal fisticuffs and the Checkers ... 500 in hare & hounds desert races ... then I switched over to off road buggies, and won almost all the major races (some two and three times). I picked up two SCORE points championships in Class 5 and 10 in the process. I also served as President of the Checkers on three different occa-sions, wrote the popular "Baja Bugs & Buggies" book, and par-ticipated in lotsa other off road related activities. But, when off road racing finally started to take its toll physically, I teamed up with another Checker to go circle track racin'. And for five years we fought the good fight dirt track racin' on banked clay oval tracks around Southern California. But, after turning 60, I've finally hung up my helmet for good. And I'm sure this will create the opportu-nity for some other Checker to step up with his own unique iden-tity and take over writing our col-umn. But that doesn't mean I'm about to hang up my testicles and just kick back and maybe take up some weak-suck hobby like garden-ing. No way! Although obviously, since I'm retired from off road racin' I now have no business writ-ing our Checkers off road racin' 2.5" --€{'Ji!£~ realization that everything has its price. The racing scenes are lime ited but you get enough to feel the exhilaration of it all. Soon to be released to the public, it is worth seeing. For more informa-tion, go to from page 27 column any longer. .. but I think I may have found another outlet for my love of travellin' off road. I now live above 6000 feet up in the mountains with a zillion acres of National Forest in my backyard, which is just chocked full of trails. So I'm just gonna change my off roadin' direction again! ... and buy a fast 'moun-tain horse'. It may not be off road racin' as most of us know it, but it's gonna be a fun compromise for this long time desert rat, be-tween true racin' and the couch. So, in this my last column, the ol' Wahzoo wants to thank all my brother Checkers, friends and supporters over all those many years, who have given me the op-portunity to provide them with a smile and maybe even a giggle or two. And, also want to thank all those yahoos out there who pro-vided me with some great mate-rial for stories when we caught them screwin' with us. I've bled black and white almost all of my racing career, and you guys can be assured that there'll always be a Checker sticker slapped on that horse every time I start it up. ... Signed 'The Big Wahzoo' (aka Jeff Hibbard). Need coil springs? (all King Shocks! We have custom and produdion coils in stock, and the experience to get you what you need. Call today! Page 31

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-~:--DUSTY TIMES CALIENTE 250 Hawley Hauls Freight B:Y John Calvin Photos: Martees Race Photos Aaron Hawley led the 1600 class all the way at Caliente, he broke a shock but had no other problems on his run to the overall win. Every year we look forward to the long trek to Caliente, Ne-vada. It takes us about eight hours door to door in the mo-torhome·but, when you arrive in Caliente, the whole world bright-ens. Sitting about 4500 feet above sea level, nestled in a val-ley in the Delamar Mountain Range, Caliente is on the main line of the Union Pacific Rail-road heading towards Las Vegas and Los Angeles, and is home to the Annual SNORE Caliente 250 race. really good off road racing. On Friday morning many of the drivers took their cars over to Caliente Elementary School. The kids were let out to look at the cars close up, talk to the driv-ers and crew and it was a great experience for both the children and the race contestants. Com-munity action at work. Many thanks for all the guys and gals who took the time to go to the school for the show. This year there was a goodly contingent of racers on hand, and a whopping 55% ot the en-trants actually finished the race, unusually high as the narrow trails through the trees and some water crossings usually take a higher toll than they did this Most drivers and crews look forward to the Caliente visit, a complete change of scenery, a real down home atmosphere and a chance to kick back under some real trees, smell the clean, fresh air and get in a few laps of -"-----'----~-First class to take off on their four required laps was Class 1, and when they came down the hill into town it was Ronn Bailey in the lead, Tim Lindsay came along less than a minute later, Chuck Rodrick was third, less than 30 seconds out of second, Dale Lenk came along in fourth place, Brad Falin ran in fifth spot and Bartt Yocheim was sixth across the line. Unfortunately, Jim Temple never got to com-plete his first lap. Down the very steep hill into town for the second time and Ronn Bailey was still the leader of the pack, Dale Lenk had moved up a few spots into sec-ond place, Chuck Rodrick still held on in third place, Brad Falin was up a spot into fourth Dale Lenk and Randy Perez had a great day, they took the Class 1 win with ease, they're seen here at speed. place, Bartt Yocheim was also up a spot into fifth place and Tim Lindsay had dropped way down to sixth place. The third lap ended and Randy Perez, who was in for Lenk now had the Class 1 lead, Chuck Rodrick was now in sec-ond place, less than two minutes out of the lead, Brad Falin was up a spot into third place, Tim Lindsay was up two spots, now running fourth and Bartt Yocheim still held on in fifth place. Ronn Bailey was out of the race, cause unknown. Into town for the last time and when the checkers flew it was Perez taking the win, only one flat tire to delay he and Lenk. Chuck Rodrick was second across the line, in spite of a terribly long last lap. Brad Falin was third to finish and Tim Lindsay was the fourth and final finisher. Bartt Yocheim was among the missing. There were six Class 10 cars entered but it was a terrible day for them, only one car saw the checkered flag, a really miserable showing. At the end of their first lap it was Chris Wright in the lead, T.J. Flores came across the line a mere 21 seconds in arrears, Bill Woodward came along in the third spot and Rick Lance was in fourth place after a horren-dously long lap. J.C. Dean and Brian Freemal never completed their first lap. When Lap 2 ended Chris Wright still led what was left of the field, even though he was a bit slow this lap after a bout with a water crossing. Bill Woodward was a very loooong second lace after major problems with the car. T.J. Flores and Rick Lance were off the scoring charts. Lap 3 ended and Richard Evans, who was in for Chris Wright was now the only Class 10 car running. Bill Woodward decided to call it a day. The checkers flew and the Wright/Evans car came in the winner, elapsed time of just over six hours for their race in spite of a broken tie rod collected along the way. Next off was the Class 1600 contingent, there were 17 of them in the battle and 11 of the cars would see the checkered flag. When the first lap came to an end it was Aaron Hawley in the lead, Dan Folts was in second place, less than two minutes behind the leader, Don Wall was in third place, a minute and change out of second Fernie Padilla was in fourth place and Dan Bradley was running in fifth. In sixth place it was Ken Tapert, Tom Burns was running in seventh place, Rick Fernandez was in the eighth spot, Rick Gutierrez came along in ninth place and Josh Urioste was Bill Woodward had a terribly long second lap, never completed his Richard Blunk lands hard in his Class 8 pickup truck, he failed to John Poling led the first two laps in Unlimited Sportsman, slipped a bit third lap in Class 10, he's seen here on the course. complete his fourth and final lap at Caliente. on his third lap and finished second, 22 seconds behind. ====== Gary Messer, looking really good here finished in second place in Joe forte finished in the second spot in Class 9, a long last lap didn't Russ Ramsey sets down fairly hard, Russ had a decent second Class 5-1600, just a bit off the winning pace. help, he's seen here at speed on the course. place finish in Class 7 at the May Caliente meeting. Page 34 July 2006 Dusty Times

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~~~---~~ ,;:z:::,~~~~ I Present The: .........,........,_......_Sp~ CLASS 1 BONUS RACE!! $5000 1st Place* $500 Bonus to 2nd **w/10 cars in class Curt LeDuc returns to defend his Overall Title!! Factory support from KC HiLiTES @ Contingency! Come Party in the streets of Downtown Boulder City!! Fri Aug 4th • Sign Up/Tech/Contingency 5~30 - 9:00 pm Sign up at the Boulder Dam Hotel ~un Run Sat Aug 5th 8 am - Noon/Race Starts 7:00 pm Sat Aug 5th \t\1,v\ • (702) 452-4522 SNORE hotline Series Sponsor Official Tire Series Sponsor 'Ui,'[i;]rJ&H ~FF JtC,A.TJ GENUiNEWE3

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Matthew Dustin ran a solid second place all day in Limited Sportsman Brad Falin took the last position on the podium for his Class 1 finish, T J Flores isn't having a really great year, he was a rare dnf in the at Caliente, he's seen here at speed on the course. he's seen here at high speed on the course. Class 10 race at Caliente, seen here early on. Dan Folts was just a wee bit off the winning pace at Caliente, he Jeff Perkins finished third in Unlimited Sportsman, a terribly long third finished third in Class 1600, nine minutes out of the class win. lap didn't help him a lot. · Richard Christian had a three hour lap for openers, got it together for the rest of the race and finished third in Class 5-1600. in tenth place. Jeff Car was run-six minutes ahead of Dan Folts. problems on the course Jay Shain ning in the 11th spot after a quick Fernie Padilla was up a spot into was in 14th and Jeff Farshler re-driver change to let Jeremy Har-third place, Jeff Carr moved up mained in the 15th spot. Don mon out and then Jeff lost two from 11th to fourth place with a Wall was off the scoring charts. belts in rapid succession but had very quick lap and Dan Bradley The third lap ended and it was no further troubles. Cody Free-held on in fifth place. Tom Burns still Aaron Hawley in the lead but man was way back in 12th place, was up a spot into sixth place, Jeff Carr was coming on fast, now he was having power steering Rick Fernandez was in seventh in second place. Jeremy Harinon problems. Steve Fuller was run- place, Ken Tapert dro ed two was in for Dan Folts, they had ning in 13th place, Jeremy Evans spots and was now running dropped a spot and were running was in the 14th spot, Jay Shain eighth, Cody Freeman was up third, Cody Freeman was coming was 15th and Jeff Farshler was in three spots into ninth place and on like gangbusters, he set fast lap the 16th spot. Orio Cox III sue-Josh Urioste was running in the for· the class and was now in cum bed to fatal problems. 10th spot. In 11th place it was fourth place and Fernie Padilla Lap 2 saw a lot of sorting out Steve Fuller, Jeremy Evans was in was down a few spots into fifth for position but Aaron Hawley the 12th spot, Rick Gutierrez place. Tom Burns was still hold-remained in the lead, now some had dropped to 13th place after ing down sixth place, Ken Tapert " -►.' Stock And High Performance n, !,Rlctory-rraloe,I Mendeota Builder andAathotlzed Dlstnbutor • 60 Yea,s Combined Ezperlence • UMUIPIISsed llellablllty • Hlllh OUOllty / &ow Price SRJFF~~'=! Shipping from our TWO callfomla locatJonsl f.866.VW.STUFF • f.866.897.BB~~ Page 36 July 2006 was still running in seventh and Carr had been making up tiU:e Rick Fernandez was running like crazy but he was relegated to eighth. Ruben Rodriguez, who a second place finish this day, less was now in the car for Dan Brad-than four minutes behind the ley had moved up to ninth place, leader. Third place went to Jer-Jeremy Evans was running 10th emy Harmon, he was five minutes and Jay Shain was 11th. Josh behind second place. Both Har-Urioste was in 12th place and mon and Folts had one flat tire Rick Gutierrez remained in 13th each during the race. Cody Free-place. Steve Fuller and Jeff man had pulled up from 12th to Farshler were nowhere to be seen. fourth place after a great drive, The fourth and final lap saw in spite of laying the car on its few changes in position. Aaron side on this lap and Tom Burns Hawley had led the 1600 class for was the fifth place finisher. Tom the entire race and he took the said he was really down on power class win and he took the overall all race long and he lost time in win as well! He had a broken the sand washes. Sixth place went shock to deal with but it certainly to Fernie Padilla, he only had one didn't do him any harm. Jeff flat tire to slow him this day. Ken Chris Wright is a bit heavy on the landing, Chris took the gold medal in the Class 10 contest at Caliente. Regen Gubler has the power on, Regen drove Tammie's Ford to the Class B win at Caliente, seen here at takeoff. Dusty Times 'I

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Mike Shimp worked his way up to third place in Class 9, he too Bob Bantum and Devin Freemal gave it their all but the best they Tim Lindsay was in second spot on the first lap but slower lap times dropped him to a fourth place finish in Class 1. ~uttered from a terribly long last lap at Galiente. could manage this race was a third pla!=_e in Limited Sportsman. Jeremy Gubler took the lead in Unlimited Sportsman on the last lap and took home the gold medal, he won with only 22 seconds in hand. Tapert 'finished in the seventh spot, he had Debi and Chantal for riders during the race and fought a faulty pumper hose all race long. Rick Fernandez came across in eighth place. In ninth place it was Ruben Rodriguez, they had a severe shifter problem, tied it off with baling wire and the co-driver held it in gear. Jer-emy Evans finished 10th and Jay Shain was in the 11th and final finisher in Class 1600. Josh Urioste and Rick Gutierrez did not finish their final lap. The Class 8 trucks were next off the line, there were five of them but, only one of them would see the checkered flag. At the end of the first of their four required laps it was Regen Gubler in the lead, Sheldon Paul came along some five minutes later in second place, Michael Licari was running in third place and Richard Blunk came across the line in fourth place after a very long lap. Jaimie Galles was never seen. When Lap 2 came to a close Regen Gubler still held the lead, now he had 50 minutes on Richard Blunk. Michael Brandon Hughes had some shifter problems but it didn't keep him from taking the Class 9 win, he's seen here in his element. Lonan Pies had an easy day, he took the Champ Car win, running two fast consistent laps and sorta slow third lap. Dusty Times John Huson and Raul Solano took the Class 5-1600 win, their very patriotic Bug is seen here on its way to the checkers. Licari was third after a two Paul was out of the race. and a half hour lap. Sheldon Lap 3, Regen Gubler still led July 2006 the class, now he had more than an hour on second place running Richard Blunk. Michael Licari had big troubles this lap and was out of the race. Lap 4, final lap and only one Class 8 came to the finish line, Regen Gubler, who said he had a great race but was ready to get out of the truck. Richard Blunk had problems on the last lap and was a dnf. The Unlimited Sportsman class was next, there were five of them, they had three laps to run and, believe it or not, all five of them finished. When the first lap ended it was John Poling leading the group, Tom Hood was sec-ond, he was some seven minutes behind the leader, Jeremy Gubler came along in third place, Jeff Continued on page 38 Page 37

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Cody Freeman had power steering problems, rolled the car on the A very long first lap was a big factor in the 11th place finish in Class Kids and teachers turned out for the huge race car display at Caliente Elementary School, the racers made sure each kid was attended to. was a mere 22 seconds out of the to make it through all three laps. win, Jeff Perkins finished in third Mike Simpson had the class lead place, Tom Hood finished first off as they came around on their first the podium and Clay Carr was lap, in second place it was Raul the fifth and final finisher. Solano, he was a minute and last lap and still managed to card a fourth place finish in 1600. 1600 for Jay Shain, seen here at speed. Perkins was 215 minutes behind Hood held on in the second spot, in fifth place, he was running the leader in fourth place and he was now some 10 minutes be-good lap times now but he had Clay Carr was in fifth place after hind the leader and Jeremy lost an hour on his first lap. a terribly long lap, thanks to fuel Gubler was in third place, 12 Last lap, as they came to the line problems. minutes behind the class leader, checkers it was Jeremy Gubler John Poling continued to lead Jeff Perkins came along give min-taking the class win, John Poling at the end of the second lap, Tom utes later and Clay Carr was still had dropped to second place, he There were seven Class 5-1600 change behind, in third place it cars and three of them managed was Mark Clifton, Gary Messer was running in fourth place and Steve Alexander was in fifth place. Richard Christian was in sixth place and Anatolia Bracamontes was seventh, thanks to a three hour lap. Mark Balocco had a good day in his Hummer, he ran his two required laps in Stock.Full and took home all the marbles. In the Class 7 contest, Ben Williams led all the way, he had more than an hour on his competition at the checkered flag. On the second lap Raul Solano took the lead, he had to change a c.v. and axle and his clutch was acting up but he had six minutes on Gary Messer who was running in second place and Mike Simpson had dropped to third place with some problem. Steve Alexander was running in fourth place and Richard Chris-tian was in fifth place. Mark Clif-ton and Anatolio Bracamontes were out of the race. At the end of their third and final lap it was John Huson, he another Ibach® ::t: 7/4 'fii---1 The Suspension Company. Page 38 July 2006 Dusty Times ,,

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Tom Burns was a bit off the winning pace in 1600, he finished in fifth All the kids lined up for their packet of decals, it was great top see Femi Padilla had a decent race, he ran well and finished sixth in the place in Class 1600, 17 minutes behind the leader. them all enjoying the prelims to a race. big 1600 class, seen here headin towards that checkered f/a . had taken over from Raul Solano taking the class win, Gary Messer was second across the line, Gary had a flat tire, got hit by some-one and had only second gear the last 15 miles. Richard Christian was the third place finisher. Mike Simpson and Steven Alexander failed to complete their final lap. There were nine Class 9 cars competing at Caliente and three of them would see the checkered flag. Rick Moran was the class leader at the end of the first lap, Tim Dixon came along in second place, less than two minutes be-hind the leader, Brandon Hughes came along in third place and Joe Forte ran in fourth place. Mike Shimp was in fifth place, Mark Bass ran in sixth spot, Nathan Tommy Bradley Jr. had a great time, he led the Limited Sportsman battle all the way, he's seen here heading for the flag. Ed Mahoney and Corey Torres had a ball, they were the Class 11 winners, seen here with lots of dust coming up over the hood. Kruger was running seventh on a Kruger were finished with this very long lap and Rusty Ruby was bringing up the rear after a very troublesome first lap. Brian Church didn't complete his first lap. The second lap ended and Brandon Hughes had taken the lead, Joe Forte had moved into second place, he was 15 minutes in arrears and Mike Shimp was running in the third spot. In fourth place it was Mark Bass Tim Dixon had dropped to fifth place and Rusty Ruby was running sixth. Rick Moran and Nathan race. Lap 3 ended, the checkers flew and were taken by Brandon Hughes, a very happy winner. Brandon drove all the way with Hope Benedict at his side, fight-ing a balky shifter. Joe Forte came in for the silver medal, he was some 50 minutes in arrears and Mike Shimp came in for third place, some 28 minutes out of second place. Mark Bass, Tim Dixon and Rusty Ruby were un-able to complete their final lap. There were only two Champ Chuck Rodrick had a really long last lap but he still held on for a second place finish in the Class 1 action at Caliente. Jeremy Harmon started, but Jeff Carr did all but 1 mile of the race, Jeff finished less than four minutes in arrears in Class 1600. Dusty Times cars at Caliente, Lonan Pies and Bryan •Adams. Unfortunately, Bryan Adams was unable to com-pete his first lap and Lonan Pies went on for three good consecu-tive laps to take the class win. Only one Stock Fuii contestant was on hand, Marc Balocco and Marc drove his two required laps for the Class win, he did have problems on his second lap but he soldiered on and took the flag. iams was still running quickly and There were three entrants in held the class lead, Russ Ramsey Class 7 but it really wasn't much ran a lot better this lap and was of a race. Ben Williams led the still holding onto second place first lap, Russ Ramsey was second and Randle Gardner was glad to but he ran a lap well over two call it a day and get on the trailer. and a half hours, while Randle The class win went to Williams. Gardner was out on his first lap There were six entered in for more than three hours with Limited Sportsman and four of all sorts of problems. them made it to the checkered On the second lap, Ben Will-Continued on page 41 .. . . . . a_Wl t7Li ~~ ......... ~. w • RA.fTERIFS THE llLt1N.US POWra SOlt11Cf!• ZTREME DRE co. Nl:VAD'. OFFROAO BUGGY T-SHIRT SM-MEO-LRG-XXLRG ONLY $10.00 CROW ~ WE CARRY AWIDE ASSORTMENT OF WELD ON TRICK TABS ,/1141lt«d 1lt«d ~-.... CALL TOLL FREE 1-888-755-5900 3054 S. VALLEY VIEW #130 • LAS VEGAS, NV* 89102 HOURS: MON-FRI 9AM-6PM • SAT 9AM-5PM (702) 871-5221 fax July 2006 Page 39

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Present The 3 7th Annual dUTU(OAU 1. '· ,.· ·. · .. _.' ~ .... . :....~~. ·'.' . • <. ·. ' ~ . . •• ,,. . • ·. • • '-1 • . '. .· ..... . IMlUlll · . WPW CLASS 5-1600 BONUS RACE!! $2500 1st Place* & $500 Bonus to 2nd Place* *w/10 cars in class CLASS 7 BONUS RACE - $1000 1st Place!! TI.E:RRACO The SouthCoast SNORE 250 is the longest consecutive running race in the United States!!! Come be a part of history!! Toyo Tires is sponsoring this race for television coverage on SPEED Channel's Lucas Oil On the Edge!! Fri Sept 29th • Tech/Contingency@ the SouthCoast Resort & Casino \ • (702) 452-4522 SNORE hotline Series Sponsor Official Tire Series Sponsor es~~ . . . . ":: :·:. . . ~~'~' .. "El·· .. ·•.· GENUINEWE3 ~ Page 40 July 2006 Dusty Times

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Jeremy Evans had a long first lap, was off the winning pace thereafter and he ended up taking 10th place in 1600. Ken Tapert drove his good looking car to a seventh place finish in Class 1600, he's seen here at speed on the course. A fourth place finish in Limited Sportsman went to Brad Wilson, Brad had two long laps to hinder his progress. flag. When the first lap ended it was Tommy Bradley, Jr. in the class lead, Brad Maurer was about four minutes behind in second place, Joe Bourland came along a few minutes later in third place, Devon Freemal ran in fourth and Brad Wilson was fifth. Wesley Stephens failed to complete the first lap. Lap 2 ended and Tommy Last lap, Tommy Bradley Jr. Bradley Jr. led the class by 12 took the class win, he had no minutes. Matthew Dustin, who problems stopped only for gas was in for Maurer still held on and was happy with his win. in second place and Joe MatthewDustincameinsecond, Bourland still ran in third. Bob he was 219 minutes out of the Bantum, he was in for Devon lead, he only had one flat tire Freemal, still held on in fourth to hamper him this day. Bob place and Brad Wilson held Bantum came in for a third fifth place. r=,.....,_ place finish, reporting they had no problems and Brad Wilson less to say, they were the class was the fourth and final fin-winners. ishet. Joe Bourland was waiting So it ended, another Caliente for his pit crew. 250 in the record books. Every-Class 11 only had one entry, one we spoke to had a good Ed Mahoney and Ed really had time, as usual in Caliente and a good looking Bug. Corey were already talking about how Torres drove the first lap, Ed much better they were going to ran the second lap and they did do next year. See ya all at the both laps in decent time. Need-next one. 6 Rick Fernandez ran consistent laps, but he was well off the winning All the kids collected a nice looking cap as they toured the race cars John Pellissier holds a sign made by the kids to welcome SNORE to pace; he finished eighth in Class 1600. and trucks at Caliente Elementary School. _th_e_ir_s_c_hoo_l_a_n_d_to_th_e_ir_to_w_n_. ____________ _ -· ~--. . . ......... . : . ··. I= lM . . ... --··· ..... --.. 7F .·· -.-1::1V1 . . ~ ~ July 2006

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CORR AT CHULA VISTA season Opener By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Troy Herbst had a pretty good weekend at the CORR bash, he took a great second place each day in the Pro-4 contest. Chula Vista, CA: When Championship Off Road Rac-ing (CORR) tried a couple of weekends in Chula Vista, Cali-fornia back in September and October 2005, everyone liked the results well enough to sign Chula Vista on to the calen-dar permanently. CORR has reorganized their schedule so that the west coast racers can now partake of the fun without an oppressive amount of travel. In fact, there are three more weekends of CORR racing in Chula Vista still to come in 2006. The May weekend included only the Pro 4, Pro 2 and Pro Lite trucks, and two buggy classes: Single Buggies ( 1600cc motors) and Super Buggies (similar to Class 10). Each class would get practice and quali-fying on Friday, and two races of about 17 laps (one on Sat-urday and one on Sunday). Entry fees are not as high as for desert racing, so it made for an attractive weekend of competition. For the specta-tors, there were ten hard charging races, practice if they arrived on Friday, and the chance to stroll through the pits and get a close up look at the race vehicles. In addition, CORR racers are usually inti-mately involved in getting their cars and trucks ready to race, so the fans get to watch them at work, and often get a chance to chat with the drivers. Lots of fun. In the Friday qualifying, Carl Renezeder had the fastest time in his Pro 2 Nissan, but his brother-in-law, Josh Bald-win was close behind him in his Ford. In the Pro 4 class it was Rick Huseman, in a Toyota, while Renezeder, Nissan was second. Surprisingly, to him-self and his team, Troy Herbst qualified third in this class in his 12 year old Chevy. Herbst hadn't done any driving in the truck since last October, when he raced in his first CORR event. In fact, he'd planned to pass up this race, but his brother, Tim, who'd been plan-ning to race, had a date con-flict in his boat racing series, so Troy decided to have a got at the CORR series again. The fast qualifier in the Pro Lite trucks was Steven Federico in a Nissan. Second fastest in this 26 truck group was Kyle LeDuc, in a Ford. LeDuc, who does a lot of desert racing, had the company of a bunch of other folks who generally race desert, but decided this looked Todd LeDuc leads Pro-2, he took a first place on Saturday, third on Sunday and that gives him a six point lead in the class. like fun, and built or brought Pro Lite trucks in the past sev-eral months. They include Ro-drigo Ampudia, Jr., Matt Barney, John Marking, Casey Currie, Javier Sacio, Bobby Altamirano, Joel Tarquin, Mike Voyles, Jeff Yoder and Rob Naughton. The class would have a lot of rookies, but there were also some wily old veterans. CORR used the same course they'd created for their initial Chula Vista show in September, but this time, since they had no desert classes run-ning, they simply omitted the extra long section that dropped over a hill and wound through the weeds to simulate actual desert racing. This season's track begins with a broad flat start area, which allows the racers to line up 15 or 16 across for the land-rush starts, and then goes into a long straight that narrows down into the first turn. The breathtaking starts that audi-ences love were visible to every-one in the grandstands. Turn 1 is a big, wide left hand sweeper that leads in to a series of bumps in front of the grand-stands, then the track heads into another left sweeper, steeply banked, where the tires shoot dirt clods up towards one ot the grandstands (care-fully protected by multiple lay-ers of screening). A slight up-hill with three choppy bumps leads to a right sweeper with a big soft berm on the outside, which occasionally trapped a racer. Or, if the driver kept his head, he'd just drop off and skirt the track, to come back on just before Turn 4, a left handed hairpin. That led into a bumpy uphill which went into a right/left dogleg which was a bit off-camber just to make life difficult. It was pos-sible to fall off the edge of that one. A short straight then led back into the first turn, and they were on their next lap. The track was wide, and well groomed, and some thought too fast. One or two folks (with experience at building tracks) thought that some changes should be made to slow it down some. Long time CORR racers declared that this track was "as much fun as Crandon." Every event started with the land-rush start. And every event was scheduled to run 17 laps. Additionally, every class was given a full course yellow on or about the ninth lap, which was supposed to "bunch up" the racers, to make the race more exciting for the spec-tators. The yellow would be in effect for two laps, during Chad Hord was just a bit late each day, he took a pair of silver medals Jeff Elrod looked really good on Saturday, he finished second in A pair of third place finishes was all Josh Baldwin could muster, he's in Pro-Lite, he's second in points in the division. Super Buggy but he was out early on Sunday, cause unknown. third in points in the Pro-4 Divis,=·o=n=. ===========-Steve Bartow had a decent second place on Saturday and fifth place Bob Naughton flew his Ford to a third place finish on Saturday, a Corry Heynan took a very nice third in Super Buggy on Saturday, on Sunday, he's third in points in the Pro-2 Division. fourth on Sunday, we see him here flying towards the flag. second place on Sunday for a not too bad weekend. Page 42 July 2006 Dusty Times

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In Single Buggy on Saturday, Jeff Knupp took a great second place and he followed it up with another second place on Saturday. Josh Baldwin ran in Pro-2 also, he scored a pair of sixth place John Marking had a pretty good weekend, he scored a fifth place on finishes on the weekend to put him fourth in Pro-2 points. Saturday, a sixth on Sunday, he's fourth in the Pro-Lite Division. which time the leaders would putt around at 30 miles per hour, and, they would bunch up, while the back markers would hustle to try to catch up. When the green flag flew again, the front runners would charge, unimpeded by traffic, while those in the midst of the pack would get going a bit more slowly, trying to avoid hitting one another and incurring the dreaded black flag. Essentially they were quickly back to where they'd been before the yellow: stretched out. It did give a racer with a flat a chance to change it with less loss of track position. The two yellow flat laps were boring to watch. There was a brief morning practice each day, and then opening ceremonies started at about 1 p.n. This time, appro-priately, the Baldwin family in-cluded a brief memorial cer-emony to honor Jason Baldwin who died in a plane crash last November. They also "retired" his racing number (66), and decreed that no CORR race ve-hicle will ever carry that num.-ber. In the small infield of the track there were two huge TV screens, one facing the south-facing seats, and one aimed at those who sat looking toward the east. During the intermis-sions these were used for all sorts of stuff, including show-ing the weekend's schedule, the season schedule, commercials for sponsors' products, flash backs of previous races and the like. And during each event, thanks to a very trick cable-mounted camera which could move back and forth at will be-Jeff Kincaid took a brace of first place finishes at Chula Vista, he leads the Pro-Lite division by eight points. tween Turns 1 and 4, hovering over the infield, they could also depict the current action from a slightly different viewpoint, to entertain and inform the spectators. Each day at this event was a separate entity. That is, the to-tal times of the two days were not added together as SCORE does at Laughlin. Each was a separate, discrete event, for which the racer earned points, which ultimately determine the season championships. Saturday's first group to race was the Single Buggies, with 23 cars. John Grossini, from Pismo Beach, got the hole shot and stayed in front all the way. Grossini used his SCORE legal 1600 motor with a CORR restrictor plate (which is a bit smaller than SCORE's). He had shorter tires on the car than he would run in the desert, as did everyone else. This group did some pass-ing, but they're so evenly matched it was clearly not an easy ·thing to do. Vic Bruck-mann ran in the top half of the pack until his transmission stuck in first gear. Kevin Graves had a brief off-course excursion, and Luke Zoetmulder developed a left front flat after spinning out and being hit. James Golden rolled over, and 15 cars fin-ished on the lead lap. Grossini got the win, Jeff Knupp was second, Kevin Walsh third and Graves finished fourth. On Sunday there were only 22 of them, and they lost one more when Grossini lost a tire in the first turn. Troy Morgan went into the lead this time. Kevin Graves was hoping he'd finish, not entirely trusting his motor. It seems his new power plant didn't get done in time for the race, so he used some parts he had lying around, reground the main shaft, in-a.irewuras ~D 1 , 1 • • • • • ~ Ji Wired to Win! Wiring Going To Make It Another Season? Auto electrical experts Specializing in custom off-road wiring Race vehicles & dune buggies Communications and custom lighting Dusty Times When it's gotta be Wired Right! e&j Wireworks 2865 Progress Place Ste 28 Escondido CA 92029 760-738-WIRE (9473) July 2006 -Steve Krieman did quite well in Super Buggy, he won on Saturday and took a nice third place in the Sunday race. stalled stock pistons, and in-vested a total of about $60 to get himself to the race. Once again, he ran in the front half of the pack. Morgan developed a huge lead, but when someone parked his car on its side in Turn 3 the resultant yellow flag cost him his big cushion. But once going again he shot out in front and stayed there. Cory Boyer spent some time in the hot pit, Golden tangled with another car and rolled over, landing on his side. But for the most part they kept moving right along. Morgan took the Sunday win, with Knupp sec-ond. Walsh third and Graves fourth. Knupp heads into the season with the points lead, Morgan is second, Walsh third and Graves is fourth. In the Super Buggies, the Saturday race went off the· line with 15 cars. Steve Krieman got the hole shot, in his 1715cc New Beetle powered car. A.J. Schmitt (son of Pro Lite racer Art Schmitt), seemed to be having clutch problems, Cory Heynen had a brief off-course episode, Lisa Grint developed a left rear flat and hustled into Continued on page 44 . Custom dU.11ceShock1"' • Increase M-1load Control & Agility • Eliminate Suspension "Bottoming" • Enhance Bock Crawling Capac~ty Package JounceShocks are factory set at 150 psi and are fully adjustable Mounting Sleeves contain custom gussets designed . for strong, quick installation Landing Plates Full .250" steel plating for targeting JounceShocks Page 43

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Ken Schertzer grabbed a fourth in Super Buggy on Saturday but was Kevin Walsh grabbed a pair of bronze medals at Chula Vista, a very only able to grab a 13th place finish in the Sunday race. decent third place finish both days in Single Buggy. Andy Wehe had a pretty decent day in his Chevy, he carded a fifth and an eighth place finish in the Pro-2 Division. the hot pit for a new tire. Most On Sunday there were 16 with Elrod chasing hard for of this group stayed on all four cars, but not for long. Lisa about four laps. Elrod went up wheels, there was a lot of pass-Grint made a hard right turn in smoke, and left Nierop with ing, as the leaders lapped the while she was in the middle of a healthy lead. Heynen was back markers, making it fun to the first turn, and drilled the now second, but had a hard watch. Krieman took the win, wall. Fortunately, all the rest job ahead of him to catch with Jeff Elrod in second place of the cars seemed to avoid Nierop. Jesse Rodriguez's car and Heynen third. Only five running into her, but it was the started smoking heavily on cars were on the lead lap at the end of her day. Gary Nierop about the 12th lap, but he finish. got the hole shot and took off kept moving for a while. Nierop, who'd run out of fuel third event on Saturday, with on Saturday, went on uninter-the biggest group they'd ever rupted this time, to take the had, at 20 starters. Kevin win. Once again, there were Probst got the hole shot in his only five cars on the lead lap. Chevy, with Scott Taylor chas-Heynen was second, and ing hard in his Ford, and Todd Krieman was third. Krieman LeDuc close in another Ford. has the points lead, Heynen is Andrew Wehe spun his Chevy second and Nierop third. in Turn 1, and Jerry Whelchel The Pro trucks were the got his Ford up on two wheels. Not his greatest weekend, Mark Oberg finished eighth and fifth over Krissy Sullivan drove her neat looking buggy to a fifth place on A fourth place finish in Single Buggy on Saturday for Kevin Graves the weekend in the Pro-Lite Division. Saturda and a disa intin 12th I n n in u r . and he repeated the feat in Sunday's race, seen here nicely airborne. Page 44 ession,Sk ance sus r uspensions I er, Skyjacker® offers a new full line hese Performance truts fit the '07 ·FJ C Pre-Runner 2WD, '95.5-'04 Toyota Taco,na 4WD Tundra Pickup 4WD with many other applications Performance Struts S8000 line will include a vast e performance struts deliver a noticeable advantage d performance aod by retaining the factory coils the ntained. yjacker® Dealer near you call 866.4.A.DEALER ext.5041 or ky _ July 2006 filfJJfl~~~ ~~ ~ ~ Dusty Times

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T, Curt LeDuc was only able to nab a fourth and a 10th place finish in the Pro-4 action, he's seen here flyin' high. Travis Coyne had a decent weekend, he took a fourth and a ninth Kyle LeDuc was a way back 25th place on Saturday. got a keen third place finish in the Pro-2 Division, he's tied for 5th place in points. place finish on Sunday. he sits 6th in Pro-Ute points. Pro st an Tay or were ing a good battle, Whelchel spun and lost ground when someone bumped him. By the sixth lap Taylor was in front, and now LeDuc was pushing Probst hard. Ed Herbst disappeared when his truck broke a spindle. On the ninth lap they took the man-datory yellow flag and closed up, and then when the green_ came out again Probst pulled off the track. Rhonda Konitzer spun her Ford, and Whelchel got turned around in the dogleg, and then pulled off course. On the 14th lap Konitzer was still stuck on the berm in the dogleg, and the yellow flag was out. As Taylor went past her his left front wheel came off, pitching his truck into a cartwheel. LeDuc took over the lead, with Steve Barlow second in his Ford. Evan Evans was moving up at this point, closing in on Barlow, who had only two gears left in his transmission and no rear brakes, but the Evan Evans' truck went up in smoke, a blown transmission seal the culprit. LeDuc went on to take Renezeder, seen here in the lead and in the air. Evan Evans, ever the competitor, took a bad finish on Saturday. he was eighth, but he came back with a win on Sunday in Pro-2. . the win, with Barlow second and Scott Douglas, Ford, in third place. Douglas was glad to finish, saying he'd "lost half our motor on the start." On Sunday when the Pro 2 trucks came back there were only 19 of them. This time the duel for the lead was between Scott Taylor and Evan Evans. Taylor took a hit and then hit the wall in Turn 2 and a bit later spun in Turn 4, finding himself in last place when he was back on course again. In the meantime, Evans was building a big lead. Todd LeDuc fell off the ledge at the dogleg and lost a position, while Evans went on smoothly. Well, it looked smooth, but he later said his ERPRECISION.COM 2865 Gundry Ave. . 'Ila/ Hill,, CA 90755 ff!.P'Fan ~LCoole 0Rvlng~$plts Rod End Boots Neo Synthetic OIi Performance Plumbing l~l~F~~ fl~ Dusty Times 562-427-2375 motor was "poppin' and fartin'" and had him wor-ried, because the alternator putting on a good show, work-wasn't working. Taylor was Continued on page 46 Wiring Harnesses Worldwide benchmark manufacturer of military-specification wiring systems for all motorsport applications MoTeC Engine Managernent and Data Acquisition Systems Robust 32-bit sequential fuel and spark control systerns built to w ithstand extreme racing ar·,d pre-running punishment. Turn-key systen,s available for all popular off-road. engine packages. Digital display and data acq·uisition systerns for all ievels of competition. Engine and chassis dynamorneter services available. Sakata Motorsport Electronics, inc. 689 s. State College Blvd. Unit K Fullerton, CA Tel: 714-446-9473 Fax: 714-446-9247 July 2006 Utilizing the finest. Raychem System 25 components, the industry standard for all professional racing sanctions. Engineering, assembly, and comprehensive testing performed 100% in-house. Complete harness assemblies and circuit control components are available to suit your budget. High-Accuracy Air-Fuel Ratio Meters Lightweight, stand-alone system works with all engines and alternate fuels -carbureted or fuel injected. For the dedicated engine tuner who needs to know exact;/y what their engine is doing. No flashing lights -just the facts ... Nail it; t;o a number! Page 45

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21st on Saturday. a decent fifth place on Sunday in Single Buggy was Carl Renezeder was a disappointing 17th in Pro-2 on Saturday. Rodrigo Ampudia drove his Ford to a nice fourth place on Saturday, the lot of Vic Bruckman, seen here ready to land. came back with a vengeance on Sunday, finishing second. fell way back to 14th on Sunday in the Pro-Lite Division. ing his way back up through wasn't having a good day. He lead, with Evans second and the lead, and no one was front of the pack. Federico traffic, while Evans, LeDuc was said to have "raced when Barlow third, giving the Cali-close enough to really worry didn't make Sunday's race, and Jerry Whelchel held the offtrack", so he was given the fornians a heads up on the him. Chad Hord, in a Nissan, because he'd hit a barrier first three positions. black flag, and then when he Pro 2 .points series. and one of his toughest com-hard on Saturday and badly About the time the manda-visited the penalty box he was The Pro Lite group started petitors, ran second, with Lee bruised his sternum. He put tory yellow flag flew they had declared to have "left early", on Saturday with 25 lined up O'Donnell, Nissan, another Mark Krueger in for Sunday's started to lap the back mark-so they gave him another in two rows for the start. At long time racer, in third. race. ers, and Dan VandenHeuvel black flag. And on the penul-least ten of this bunch were They ran along serenely for Back in the traffic Kyle had moved into third in his timate lap Ed Herbst came rookies at CORR racing, but about five laps, and then LeDuc and Rob Naughton Chevy, after passing into the first turn full bore all were veterans of some O'Donnell disappeared. Art were pushing hard, trying to Whelchel. Probst turned up and discovered he had no form of competition. Jeff Schmitt took over third place get up to the front. By the missing, and the announcer brakes. He rolled over three Kincaid, who's a veteran of in his Nissan. But six laps _time they threw the manda-declared that Douglas had hit times, but came out of it all the Pro Lite class, charged to later he rolled over and was tory yellow, LeDuc was up to him and was going to get a right, but missing a lot of fi-the front in his Toyota. Fast done for the afternoon. Rob fourth, but Naughton still black flag. On the next lap berglass. Evans took the win, qualifier Steve Federico Naughton, Ford, moved into had a way to go. Douglas lost his left front tire and later said it had been a stalled his Toyota, and third, chased by Rodrigo Kincaid, who later said that and wheel, and a lap later real treat to do it here in his dropped clear to' the back, Ampudia, Ford, who was rac-"this race is the hardest to get VandenHeuvel parked in the own back yard with his whole and Todd LeDuc wandered ing his dad's truck. When to -but I was ready", had cer-infield, smoking. Evans was family and many friends there off course in his Ford while asked why, he said it was be-tainly put together a healthy motoring steadily on, build-to cheer him on. Renezeder Randy Eller rolled his Ford. cause his dad was "a very nice truck. It never bobbled, nor ing a substantial lead. And was second and LeDuc was It was like watching a three-person." Ampudia had no did he. No one came close. He Renezeder had passed LeDuc third. ring circus. truck or short-course racing led all the way, with Hord, for second place. Whelchel LeDuc went into the points Kincaid had a firm grip on experience, but he was learn-also looking strong, holding ie111r Products Ne111r Products Ne111r Produ1. 3DDMH34 &VSTAR:,S NO MORE Spline Wear! Stronger Core! 50% Stronger! 6.5• & 8.5• Sizes Built-In Starter & Ballast Die-Cast Aluminum Hous, 35 Watt H.I.D. Bulb Driving/Euro Beam Pattern Knurled Adjustment Knobs Page 46 JI & aar Ap Wheels 5on2 •5x4 Beadlock Black I Blue Colors Red/ Polished size an &enrer Mounr Hub KIi a Sliding Axles Available for Plunging + NonP/ung. CV's w/ CNC or Brembo Calipers Ultimate Strength 300M Size 30 Center Star gAxles nP/ungin Size 30 4CV'--"' July 2006 ing fast. second place. LeDuc moved Kincaid, Hord and up to take third by about the Naughton stayed in front to 13th lap, and Naughton came the end, and finished that up to fourth. Ampudia, after way. Naughton was fighting his good showing on Satur-the loss of power steering in day, was obviously dealing his truck, which is an old with a mechanical problem, LeDuc racer. On the last lap and was very slow, ultimately Glenn Grint's right front losing a lap. wheel came off as he powered When the points were cal-through Turn 1, and his lied it was Kincaid, Hord and truck barrel rolled hard, sev-Naughton, and John Marking, eral times. Course workers with a fifth and a sixth place packed him off in the ambu-in his Ford, is now fourth in lance, and he was later re-the points series, after his first ported to have no serious in-Pro Lite event. juries. The Pro 4 trucks make up When they came back on the final event of the day, Sunday there were only 23 and the fans don't go home trucks lined up, but things early. Even though it's the looked the same at the front, smallest group, with only 13 as Kincaid got another ter-starters, it makes up for the rific start, and went straight lack of numbers with really into the lead: Dan exciting close racing and VandenHeuvel, Jr., was sec-plenty of drama. This time ond in his Nissan, but Hord John Greaves, Toyota, and was right there and soon Troy Herbst, Chevy, were du-moved into second place. Art eling for the hole shot. Schmitt ran hard into the Herbst was surprised to find Turn 2 wall after losing his himself so far up front, but power steering, and on the was feeling more confident fourth lap another truck than he had last October. He parked on its side off of Turn also said he'd "figured out" 3. Kincaid, Hord and Mark that he had to slow down a Oberg motored on at the bit to get the best result. Carl Troy Morgan had a fifth place finish on Saturday, took the Single Buggy win on Sunday, he's seen here flying past the competition. Dusty Times

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Todd Stemmerman finished 15 in Super Buggy on Saturday, came Javier Sacio drove his Nissan to a 13th place finish and an 8th place Marty Coyne didn't do as well as he had hoped in the Pro-4 contest back with a fifth place finish on Sunday. Renezeder managed to sneak past him to slide into second place in his Nissan, and Greaves had a firm hold on first place. They ran in that order for nine laps, the spaces between them gradu-ally lengthening, and then the mandatory yellow flag waved. Almost immediately, Greaves pulled off the track, with "is-sues", which amounted to a blown motor. When the green flag came out again Ren-ezeder had the lead and Herbst was second, with Josh Baldwin third in his Ford. He did a little hammering on Herbst, but they held their relative positions as the crowd hollered and cheered them on. At the end of their 17 laps Renezeder had the win and Herbst was second, say-ing it was "pretty outstand-ing" to get such a good fin-ish. Baldwin was third. Only six trucks finished on the lead lap. On Sunday, the weather turned cold and spectators, sunburned from Saturday, wrapped up in jackets and blankets, but stayed 'til the end. No one wanted to leave before the final event. This time there were only ten finish in the Pro-Ute conflict at Chula Vista. but he did card a pair of fifth place finishes. trucks. Herbst sat out the trucks began taking the little a left rear tire on about the Baldwin was third and Noel pre-race parade lap because side trip into the penalty tenth lap. was fourth. Only those four his alternator gave up while box, one at a time. It seems By Lap 11 it was Greaves, finished all 17 laps. he was sitting in staging, and they had all (except Noel) Renezeder and Herbst. Some Renezeder went into the he didn't want to take a "roosted" the flag men who of the others were hard to points lead, with Herbst in chance on the truck quitting. were helping to upright Dou-identify because they'd lost second and Baldwin third. Adrian Cenni got the hole glas, as they accelerated af-so many body panels. On the The Herbst brothers started shot in his orange truck, and ter passing the incident. 14th lap Cenni rolled over in wondering if they should go Baldwin spun out in Turn 4, Nothing much changed. the dogleg, and then LeDuc back and try the Crandon falling back to the end of the Greaves still led, Renezeder pulled out, and on the next race. pack. Trucks were already was second and Herbst was lap, Greaves, who'd lost sev-The next Chula Vista event bar.ging, and body panels working to get around Marty eral positions, went into the will be on July 22 and 23, then started coming off early in Coyne's Ford to take third hot pit to get the tire again on September 23 and 24, this event. On the second lap place. Baldwin, Huseman changed. Renezeder took and finally October 21 and 22. Scott Douglas rolled in the and Curt LeDuc were having over the lead and stayed there Mark your calendar. There's middle of Turn 3, and ended a tight three-way battle for to the end, while Herbst sure to be plenty of exciting rac-up parked on his left side fifth place. Greaves flattened moved into second place. ing to watch. ..-.IC\t right smack in the center of the turn. The yellow flag came out, but it took a while to get a vehicle to the area to pull him upright. Mean-while, Greaves was leading, Cenni had dropped way back but was still second, and Rick Huseman was third in his Toyota. It took several laps to get Douglas out of the way, and Cenni spun out and fell back to last. On about the seventh lap it was an-nou.nced by official Kenny Kincaid that everyone except Larry Noel was to get the black flag. It took a while to get his point across, but when they understood, the In Super Buggy, Gary Nierop was a 10th place finisher on Saturday, came back for a beautiful win on Sunday, good show. For Sale-John Grossini was the Single Buggy winner on Saturday, lookin' good, but he was an unfortunate dnf in Sunday's race. Dusty Times Class 8 truck and Semi-trailer Truck - Full Prep - Race Ready - Leon Patton 432 Dry Sump Motor -Steve Lohen C6 Trans -All The Best Parts~ ADM Knockofis -CNC Big Brakes And Hydraulic Power - Chrisman Gears, Axles -Strange 3rd Member (Currie Custom Housing) -King 4" & Bypass Shocks - Custom Air Bumps - 80 Gal Fuel Cell (ATL) Semi -K.W. 400 Big Cam 13 Speed (MQ Whisper Gen & Welder 40' Van - DID (Sleeper) All Tools & Spares You Need Call Eric 702-592-1993 Fax 702-655-6321 July 2006 Page 47

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BORE RED GARTER 200 Hunter/Toyota Show The Way Text & Photos: Mike Chamberlain Joe Scott was first off the line Saturday morning but he had to settle for the silver medal in the combined class. to sound like a pretty easy park side jaunt. Last year an unsuspecting Class 8 truck hit a manhole entry made of ce-ment and steel sitting almost two feet in the air which took off the entire right side wheel and various needed parts and there are some pretty decent dips to make sure getting to the track was exciting. Jason Hutter made it look easy. he drove his great looking truck to the combined class win, took the overall win as well. Friday brought out the track set up crew to make sure the track was still good to go. The night before brought some rain and some pretty strong winds. By mid-morning the track was completed and given the Roger "Doc" Bowers race ready. Pre-running and Tech Inspections were all that was left to getting the BORE 2006 season going. I arrived back at the Red Garter just in time to catch the registration folks mainly Jeri and Jen Cain getting things ready. Peggy Bowers also was setting up the T-shirts, hoodies, and jackets area. Ever since the untimely passing of Snortin Norton, Peggy has made sure the shirts of the races past have been available to all. While the reg-istration area was getting set up the Tech Inspectors, Les Wolfe, Jay Hamilton and Gregg "Kwazi" Kimoto were standing ready to perform the safety and compliance inspec-tions. By the end of the tech period only 13 vehicles had been inspected. This was the poorest showing of a BORE race to date. After doing some Jason Hutter of "Fire Guys Racing" captures the first race of the BORE 2006 racing season. Jason piloted his Toyota Class 7 truck spon-sored by L.C. Engineering for a total elapsed time of 6:23:31. The Red Garter 200 is the third such race sponsored by the Red Garter Hotel & Ca-sino in Wendover, Nevada. The accommodations pro-vided by the Red Garter staff has been truly friendly and helpful in the ever tightening times off road racing faces without major sponsors like the round-de-round track folks get. The Red Garter opens their arms, hotel, casino and convention areas to BORE which was truly appre-ciated by all racers and BORE workers. Well done to all the staff at the Red Garter. The pre-race gathering of Page 48 track workers and BORE of-ficials began arriving at Wendover Wednesday after-noon. We left Salt Lake City, Utah with a slight sprinkling of rain but by the time we hit the highway headed west the sun was out giving us a smooth ride to Wendover. We arrived two hours later at the Red Garter Hotel & Casino to a beautiful video sign wel-coming BORE and showing their newly sponsored Class 7 truck to be debuted and pi-loted by Kenny and Terry McKnight. They have given up their Class 1/2-1600 for the competition of the trucks. Thursday was a great day for finish marking the 71 mile track. Roger, Boog, and BD had come out to the track a couple of weeks back and completed a lot of the mark-ing making Thursday pretty much a smooth day. The track this year was lengthened to 71 miles by adding around 13 new miles. This was by far the best layout since we started racing here. Roger Bowers is the architect for the BORE races and this one was truly inspirational. He added an unused wash which was imme-diately named "Roger's Re-venge". It was a nice challenge to the flat, all out throttle portions of the track. Drivers definitely had to have their head and butt wired together less an unsuspecting rock out cropping would surely end the fun of competition. Again as in past Red Garter races, the start was in the back parking lot of the casino. From there a short couple of miles along-side the railroad track, through a tunnel (great pic-ture taking area), and head-ing sou th to the actual race course. I don't want the start Specializing in LS1-LS2-LS6-LSJ complete crate engines VB Packages starling at $5,300 Call •or details 7&0-94""1-274""1 Home of the 5 wire install . . _TurnKevEng■ne_c ~ July 2006 checking around the vehicles we found out that several of our regulars had succumbed to breakage from a previous Best In The Desert race, some have changed from past class vehicles and not ready with their new vehicles, and a few just plain broke during test-ing and couldn't get ready for the race. All in all, looks like some pretty exciting future racing for BORE but it sure was an initial shock for this one. After tech inspection was completed, BORE had 13, yes 13, race ready vehicles and crews for Saturday's 8:30 a.m. start. The Red Garter put on a pre-race food spread that filled the bellies of all comers. Again, enough can't be said for the service of the Red Garter staff. All that was left to get the race going was choosing the vehicle line-up. It was jointly decided by the rac• ers that Class 8, 7, and 1/2-1600 would be combined to make a competitive race. There were only two Class B's, four Class 7's, and a single Class 1/ 2-1600, making a total of seven Pros. There were four Class 9 Challengers, and two Sports mans. Saturday morning brought clear skies and a slight breeze to welcome the racers, fami-lies, and spectators to the opening of the BORE season. First to hit the course would be the combined big guys of the Class 8, 7, and single 1/ 2-1600 buggy. Joe Scott in the Dusty Times

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Brett North had a pretty good day. he took the silver medal in the -David Sams ran well for almost all of the race but a faulty alternator Challenger Class, he's seen here in his really good looking car. bearing wrote an end to his fun, seen here at speed. Premier Au to Body spon-Air-Rite Manufacturing spon-trucks and was exciting to sored Class 8 (813), took the sored Class 7 (702) truck of watch from my vantage point. first green flag of 2006, fol-John Sessions was next off the Joe Scott completed Lap 1 · lowed by Jason Hutter's, line followed by the final ve-right at eight minutes behind Silvertree Hotel sponsored hide of the combined big guys Dave in fourth in his Class 8 Class 7 (7115) truck. Taking was the Class 7 (724) truck truck. Six and a half minutes the third green flag· was of Robby Seal sponsored by behind Joe's Class 8 was the Kenny and Terry McKnight in the Twin Falls Truck & Class 7 truck of John Ses-their fresh just bought Class Equipment Co. The first lap sions and the final truck was 7 (7 288) truck sponsored by for these vehicles proved to Kenny McKnight shaking out The Red Garter Hotel & Ca-be challenging with Robby the bugs of having a new sino followed by the Legacy Seal not being able to com-truck. Kenny would be ford sponsored Class 1/2-plete the first lap. Robby lost plagued throughout the race 1600 of Dave Sams. It would third gear in his tranny end-chasing bugs but that is a part appear that it might be un-ing his day early. Jason of getting a new vehicle to the fair to pit a single seat buggy Hutter was firmly in first top and with Kenny's history powered by a four cylinder place at the end of the first of Class 1/2-1600 his future bug motor against the big lap setting the pace with a should be good. The second trucks but Dave wasn't about time of 2: 11 :32. Mike Sims of three laps ended with to be picked on by the big was only 42 seconds behind Jason's Class 7 truck still guys. Fifth position was taken now allowing Jason to run firmly in the lead by nine and by Mike Sims who I've seen away with the race. David a half minutes over Dave racing for about 10 years and Sams completed the 71 mile sams' 1/2-1600 buggy. Dave it sure is exciting to watch him lap, two and a half minutes had maneuvered his buggy take his Warehouse Furniture behind Mike in third. Dave from the third spot in the & Bedding Co. sponsored was pretty much making a first lap to second by the end Class 8 (838) Chevy to the statement that his buggy was of the second. Joe Scott took edge. The Midnight 4x4 and prepared to compete with the the third spot almost almost John Sessions was having a pretty good run this day but late in the race some major problem put him on the tra_iler, an unfortunate dnf. Dusty Times Kenny & Terry McKnight drove their new truck to the third spot in combined class, seen here at speed in the outback. seven minutes behind Dave's buggy and John Sessions Class 7 coming in fourth. Kenny McKnight was the last truck in the combined class in fifth. Mike Sims had been holding his own with issues ied Ei tested Stranger Lighter ther cast wheels emarket • ounter Pressure Casted Aluminum ~ • Satin Smooth Machine Finish ilable in: 15x4. 15x7 Beadlock an on-Beadlock VW 5 Lug Pattern - 5 on ftD5mm .. --.,. 714.578.B25B July 2006 surrounding his carburetor and spark plug wires but the final show stopper ending his day was losing the rear end. The final lap was to prove fa-tal for Dave Sams and his Continued on page 50 □blue □black □red . □polished• Page 49·

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Mike Sims was right up there, keeping everybody hones in the Allen Biggs only made two laps in the Sportsman Class, his demise sponsored Class 9 buggy. The 969 pi-loted by the young Daryl Sams (son of 1/2-1600 Dave Sams), was third off the line in his Legacy Ford spon-sored Challenger and the final Class 9 Challenger to test his skills was the 913 piloted by Brett North and sponsored by the Hotel Nevada out of Ely. After the completion of the first lap only two Combines Class but late in the race his rear end went south, fini. unknown to us, he's seen here when all was running well. buggy. Dave lost an alterna-Class 8 truck with a total finish to boot accounts for a tor bearing bringing his day elapsed time of 6:47:21, al-pretty good day. Congratula-to an end and John Sessions' most 24 minutes behind the tions to all finishers. Class 7 truck went down for blistering time of Jason The Class 9 Challengers unknown reasons. This left Hutter and in third place was were the next group off the line just three of the original seven the first time runners of with only two of the four en-starters to get the checkered Kenny and Terry McKnight in tries being able to complete the flag. In first with the class their Class 7 truck. They were total 220 miles. First off the and overall win was the Class chasing new truck bugs line was the Purple 996 piloted 7 truck of Jason Hutter. He throughout the day but pi-by Dave Morse with major comp.leted the total 220 loted their truck to a total sponsors of Guaranteed Auto miles in 6:23:31 hours. In elapsed time of 8:08:12, one and Morse Insurance. Dave's second place in the combined hour and 21 minutes behind driving skills were to prove too class was Joe Scott in his Joe Scott. First race and a much for the rest of the Chal-A irerart Sp nice is a worldwide distributor of quality products for the rac--ing industry. Our product line of over 30.000 items is one of tl1e most extensive from ooe single source. Our set\icc has made us the number one supplier in aviation and .is why <wcr 3S0 race teams have turned to us as a trusted soun:c for racing con1poncn1s! www g,~ ~Z! lenger field with a· win by the end of the race. Second to jump off the line was Cam Blackley in the Andrus Custom of the four Challengers re-mained. Dave Morse in the 996 finished the first lap in the lead position with Brett North in the 913 a mere 1:42 minutes behind. Daryl Sams was introduced to a large rock in a wash which tore out a tranny drive axle. Rumor has it that he hit so hard it split the rock. The other downed Class 9 was the 936 of Cam Blackley. Cam lost the ring and pinion sometime during the first lap ending his short run at the season opener. By the end of the second lap Dave still • David Morse took the big win in the Challenger class, he had 10 minutes in hand at the checkers, he's seen here at speed . I ,,.,,,.,_,,,.. ........ BEST SELECTION! LOWEST PRICES! SAME DAY SIIIPMENTJ Visit Our Corona, CA store! AIRCRAfl SPRUCE WEST 1.25 AU'p(H'f Cin:k Corona, CA 91880-1521 ph. 9SJ-.• t12-9555 fax 9SJ-.l72-05S$ l1rnrtHIIE!!H Flbrlcat1n1 lbterls Catalog! lnfo@aln:raft$llr& 1-877-4-SPRUCE .. • ~ l Page so July 2006 commanded the lead over Brett and had increased his lead to nine and a half min-utes. Both Challengers would remain in the race making for a pretty good race. At the drop of the checkered flag it was Dave Morse taking first place with a total elapsed time of 7:04:25 which was almost 10 minutes over Brett. Brett fin-ished in second place in his ad-ditional sponsors of Sahara Motors of Ely and Gary's Ma-chine with a total elapsed time of 7:25:08. All in all, this was a pretty good race for the two finishers. Only one Sportsman was able to make the green flag which was the very impressive Number 81 buggy of Allen Biggs. Allen completed two laps with a total time of 6 :45:13. The only other Sportsman entered was the 7 3 buggy of John Uibel which, unfortunately, lost a front spindle while pre-running and couldn't make it to the start-ing line Saturday. After the completion of the racing for the day all partici-pants gathered at the Red Gar-ter for dinner and awards. Again the Red Garter staff was great with the setup and the food was exceptional. BORE hats go off for all the work that all the employees of the Red Garter for their open armed welcome and service. Addi-tional kudos go to all the course workers who race after race volunteer their time to make sure BORE has a great and safe time racing in the desert. Finally, I would like to per-. sonally apologize for·not get-ting the Dusty Times articles completed and sent in. Plain and simple I just didn't get it done. I hope this first of many articles will get me back to be-ing in the BORE family. I als o would like to personaliy thank Curt Goff for helping with taking pictures. Together we have, so far, 250 that were turned over to Kwazi to be laced on the BORE website with additional seven rolls of 35mm that need to be devel-oped and then they will be placed on the website. The next race will be in Jackpot, Nevada, June 30-July 1, Jackpot 200. It's a great race and we hope that all who couldn't make out for the first race can make it. One final thing, please provide any feed-back to me at MChamberlain 77 · The always gracious host of the race is the Red Garter Hotel and Casino in beautiful downtown Wendover, Nevada. Dusty Times

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~MEx1cau500 Mexicali to San Felipe And Return By Byrle Moore & Victor Gasca Photos: Foto-Baja-Mex Leonardo and Alejandro Navarette took the big Class 1600 win, after 9 hours of racing they only had 49 seconds in hand at the flag. If you are going to conduct a memorial, 500 mile ~ace, you might as well have a good one. And we did. The CODE persons were doing some of their best work this late April weekend. The course tore the hell out of the cars, trucks, bikes and quads but it made believers, out of about 160 entrants. Some of the beliefs and resolves that were formed included, "Why am I here?" to "Never give up", to "How far is the finish line from here? to "I resolve to never try this again", to "Wait until next year." These, and some words of praise, that can't be discussed in a public fo-rum. But, the race did go on, and the resolve is to report it here. Andy McMillin done his Granpa proud, he took the Class 1 win with ease and was first overall when the checkers flew. Corky would have been proud to see the McMillin name attached to this inaugural. The weather was typical Northern Baja California weather. Pretty warm for the end of April but just enough of a breeze to move the dust and hold the major heat down to a com-fortable level. Bikes and quads got underway at 0:5:45 and were pretty much all out of the way by the time the parade of cars, trucks and bug-gies got started at 10 a.m. And yes, there was a parade. At least the parade went from the contingency area in downtown Mexicali, out to the start of the 500 mile course at Laguna Salada. One hundred and thirty-seven of the four wheel types were led through the green flag area by several of Mexicali's finest. The David Scaroni Trophy Truck team used this race as a sort of shakedown for their new TT for the other 500 race, coming up in June. The SMD crew planned on about 40 or 50 miles and pulled' the truck at Race Mile 40 appar-ently satisfied with the testing. The Class 1 and the Overall winners were part of the race's namesake. Scott and Andy Mc-Millin shared the driving chores with some possible g.p.s. help from Corky? Anyway, they had a really good weekend. Scott ran a clean race to Race Mile 162, at the Borrego Pit area, where he turned the McMillin/Jimco/Chev-rolet LS I/Fortin over to Andy, who commenced to chase the Yee brothers all the way through San Felipe and part way back. A little over seven hours and 20 minutes, Andy was declared the Overall winner of the Inaugural 500 Continued on page 52 Leonardo Garcia was having a good day but big problems put his Digging deep into the sand, Manuel Delgado took the win in the Sportsman Armando Bravo didn't have the best of days, he finished second in Ford pickup out of action, he was a dnf in Class 18. Safari Class his com tition was less than too minutes behind. Class 1 but he was out on the course for 18 hours. r--------------------------------------------~ I I I I I I I I I I Performance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use · 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding &Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks Quality Products & Friendly Service VISA RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-759 • 15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX us to Receive a Free Catalog ~-------------------------------------------------------J Dusty Times July 2006 Page 51

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Jorge Ruvalcaba led Class 12 for quite a while but ended up with a A decent second place finish in Class 8 went to Jose Soto, he's seen Jorge Sanchez led Class ½-1600 for quite a while but ended up taking the silver medal, he was a mere 49 seconds out of the lead. second place finish, he's seen here at speed. here in his heavily lighted Ford pick~up_. ________ _ three and a half finishers in Class 12. Javier Robles was the only Class 10 survivor, he took the class win and ended up second overall for this race. race. Lobsam and Eli Yee had a re-ally good race going, at least down • to San Felipe. They were leading everyone by a fairly good margin. Lobsam took the green and headed south in their Jimco/Scat Y-4, only to have some problems with the headers. The team fixed that problem and turned the car over to Eli who headed back • south only to occur some unfixable electrical problems, and the team from Tijuana was a dnf. This class seemed to be a defi-nite family affair. Mark Acuna Se-nior and Junior came down from R-IJERiQ Arizona, for their first CODE race, in their Chenowth Millen-nium/Chevrolet, Jeff Fields Auto Tranny, managed a few flat tires and a roll-over in the Coabuzo area at about Race Mile 85. The team was forced into the pits at San Felipe with electrical prob-lems compounded by the loss of oil in the earlier roll caused the ECU to shut down. For all in-tents and purposes the car was doomed. During Mark Jr.'s early roll they suffered lots of car body damage. They lost the LH cam cover breather and fitting. The quick weld didn't hold, plus a loose pipe fitting at the trick oil CERA lG I IQWQEI COltl Since 1999, Ram Proline has provided ceramic and poWder coating for all vour needs with an oven 25 ft in depth. • WE CAN COAT CHASSIS, DUNE BUGGY FRAMES, TRAILERS, GATES, IRON FENCING, AND MORE IN A VARIETY OF COLORS. • RAM PROLINE ALSO OFFERS SAND BLASTING. • WE CAN COAT ALL INTERNAL ENGINE PARTS, EXHAUST SYSTEMS, BRAKE CALIPERS, INTAKE MANIFOLDS, AND MANY OTHER APPLICATIONS. RAM PROLINE DOES IT ALL Page 52 The Honold/Delgado/Medina trio swept the Class 12 category, they swept to victory with half an hour in hand at the finish. Three and a half? Well, the winning car was co-driven by the owner Arturo Honoldo, who drove the 1248 car to San Felipe and then gave the return trip to teammate Ricardo Malo, whose own 1208 car decided to take the day off, after 45 miles on the course. Guess the black top, to San Felipe, is a little quicker than the course. Didn't see any heli-copters at this race. Second spot went to Jorge Ruvalcaba who re-ported some flat tires as his only problem. There was no data on the other finisher other than the driver's name and the name was Scott Zimmerman. Bob Hummel blew a clutch in the silt beds at Saldana. Dean Watkins reported a small fire, which put his car out of the race. Hector Salazar was the new guy in Class 12, coming over from Class 7. Trouble was he didn't get a whole lot of buggy time as he broke a front spindle at RM 60. Five miles later Miguel Mexia had a confrontation with a very large rock, which cost him a broken tie rod, and a bent front end, and dnf. filter equaled more oil loss. Car would run with spits and stops, caused by the low oil pressure. Fittings were tightened engine topped of with Slick 50 oil, they installed a K&N fuel cell into the cam cover, and limped on home for the Bronze. Josh Waddell had problems even before the green. The parade out from Mexicali caused some over heating. The radiator fans were not working properly and when they tried to repair them before the start they were unsuc-cessful. Josh started the race but the overheating took its toll and the team was dnf. Matt Scaroni and Roberto Romo shared the ride in Matt's SMD Truggywhile brother Dave was piloting the Trophy Truck. Matt wasn't any luckier than his brother. The car blew a transmis-sion line at about Mile 50 and they were forced out of the race. Yes, there was a second place finisher. Armando Bravo started the race in his Ford built Truggy and discovered some rear suspen-sion problems. The team had spent a lot of time before the race day, working on the front end suspension, only to find that some of that time should have been spent on the rear end too. Between now and the next race Armando says, he should have things all worked out. As it was, Bravo had fewer problems than some others and managed to get back to Mexicali for the silver. Class 5 Open started three and had only one finisher, that was Pietro Brassea who broke a rear hub at about RM 110, where he had to wait almost two hours for his chase crew to get to him with replacement parts and for the re-pairs to be done. However, he did get underway and did take home the gold for the class. Eduardo Reyes blew a tranny in the Morella Junction area and David Andrade blew his engine at RM 50. Race Mile 50 was tough on several persons. Both Reyes and Andrade were dnfs. July 2006 There were only two starters in Class 10 and only Javier Rob-les made it from green to the black and white. Robles made his maiden voyage in his venerable Jimco car with some new weap-onry. The car is now running a Honda Y-Tech engine and Javier was making a test run. Nice run!!! He went to second place overall, in the Pro ranks. The other Class 10 entrant, Jose Lopez, didn't make it to RM 50, he broke an upper a-arm at RM 40 and was Class 8 had five starters and three of them finished. Not with-out problems of their own. Juan had eight starters and Carlos Lopez had to change out dnf. We Juan Carlos Lopez and crew had a good run, they drove their Ford to the Class 8 win and had more than three hours in hand at the finish. Pietro Brasea, eta/ were the only finishers in Class 5, they were out there for 13 hours, finished 29th overall. Dusty Times

Page 53

Alex Almaraz lost a lot of fiberglass but he raced on to take a decent Enrique Avalos had a pretty decent run this day. he took the silver A nice second place in Class 9 went to Daniel Reyes, he's seen here second place in the Class 7 contest. a transmission at Mile 115. Good thing there was a 'transmissions-r-us' n Saldana. Anyway, after the change over, Lopez diced with Jose E Soto all the way back to Mexicali, finally winning the class and garnering eighth overall. Soto was plagued by some loose stuff which required a stop and some wrench work then there were the flat tires and a bad steer-ing box to contend with, but they did manage the silver. No data on the bronze winner Miguel Jime-nez. Beny Canela, who was cel-ebrating his 70th birthday, was hoping for a win as a present, however, some electrical gremlins, which were along for the ride, forced Beny out at Race Mile 360, on the return through Saldana. What, there's a trans-mission shop there, but no elec-trical repair? Meanwhile, right af-ter the start, Ramon Hurtado shifted a little too hard, at Race Mile 5 and blew his tranny and was dnf. Dusty Times medal in the 5-1600 class, seen here at speed on the course. running in front of an admiring crowd of spectators. Rene Cuevas had to fight for his win most of the race but on the last few legs he opened up a big lead, took Class 7 by a bunch. The best showing numberwise, for the weekend, was the 1600 class. Numbers meaning; number of entrants, 28 and number of finishers, 19. Brothers Alex and Leo Navarette came out on top. These guys have been running fast all year and came up with a back-to-back win in class. Alex had a slight mishap at RM 330 when he managed to put the car onto its side, but it was righted and he came on in for the win. Jorge "yiro" Sanchez and Hector July 2006 Eduardo Pena had a good race, he took the Class 5-1600 win, beating out 15 other entries in the always competitive class. "Pacho" Garcia made up a team to San Felipe where Hector took for this 500 mile race. Jorge over and ran a good race back to started the race and admitted to Mexicali, doing a little dicing of being a little worried because, "it his own, the last 50 miles with the was a new car and they had only Navarettes. The Laff brothers put about 50 miles of testing on finished third in class and were it." The car worked fine, was clean Continued on page 54 Page 53

Page 54

Juan Eduardo Zamarippa carcled a nice second place finish in the A nice second place in Sportsman Class 14 went to Luis Fimbres, Eduarclo Hernandez drove his sanitary little bug to a decent second place finish in Class 15"", _s_ee_n.--.he_r;_e_a_t_spr e_e_d_. ""TT""--.--,----;,.----a,~-Class 11 battle, he's seen here hustling down the course. his trick looking car seen here negotiating a short rise. M orq uec o ro e it at Race Mi e 175 and was a dnf. And thus the two page 1600 Saga. If your name, or car num-ber wasn't mentioned, it's be-cause you didn't talk to either one of the writers. If you can't find Victor, you can always e-mail Byrle, at ssgmoore 13 with race notes, sad tales, or screams of victory. This goes for all the class entries. The Class 9 win went to Eliseo Garcia and crew, they bested four other cars to take the win, seen here at speed. Before an admiring crowd, Pedro Mercado ran his good looking truck to a really nice first place finish in Class 7S. Class 5-1600 started 16 and nine of them made it back to the checkered flag. The team of Eduardo Pena and Ricardo "Taka" Corvera managed a well-deserved win after several years of trying. Eduardo drove to RM 162 and passed all contenders in class while doing so. Ricardo did the San Felipe area and Eduardo took over again at Race Mile 325 and drove the little white bug to a non-problematic finish. Great job guys! Some flats and other minor problems slowed Jose Montoya, the last 5-1600 race winner. J .A. Covas had two flat tires. Jose Gutierrez broke a bat-tery mount at Coabuzo and was forced to wait two hours for a replacement part. Ernie Negrete suffered a broken tranny and some flat. Justin Lynder had bro-ken suspension parts and flat tires. fifth overall, just five minutes and change off the class winning pace. Jake drove the first 160 miles and brother Joe drove 300 plus. The Laffs also wanted to thank co-drivers Travis Embleton and Nick Tiedemann for the great run. Not too bad a day, for a 20 year old chassis. The rest of the 1600 class and their stories follow. Juan Guevara and Caleb Gaddis shared the ride. Juan was doing fine until he laid the car on its side at RM 130. Spectators helped get things right side up and he was able to deliver the car to Gaddis at RM 220, where the trade was made. Caleb was running with broken head-ers but managed to finish. Julian Machado and Martin Garaby shared and re-shared the driving for the 1611 team. Julian was at the green drivers traded Martin got lost in the Ohanate Wash and later Julian took the wheel back and drove the car home. Daniel Lopez reported some flats as his only problem. Fernando Flores also reported three flat tires and some minor engine trouble. Melchor Acosta is still getting used to the car and will be back. Car owner Bill Hanson, the co-writer Victor Gasca and Jose M. Lopez shared the driving chores for the 1642 car. Victor started the race, fought off some steering problems on the way to Borrego and RM 162. Lopez took over but developed a broken shock and a steering bolt prob-RACEPROVEII OFF-ROAD EQ fl'MEIIT 103PRESSLANE,STE4,CHULA VISTA, CA91910 TOLLFREE/(866)691-9171 CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE!! WWW.RACEREADYPRODUCTS.COM Page 54 July 2006 !em while getting to San Felipe. Repairs were made and Bill Hanson took over for the drive back to Mexicali. Car was still be-ing plagued with a bad starter and Hanson had to finish the race without the rear brakes. Such, as they say, "is what off road racing is all about." Luis Lugo reported minor problems with flats and other stuff. Juan Gallo lost two gears on the transmission at San Felipe. Jose Luis Robles broke a brake drum at RM 175 and had to wait two hours for parts. Francisco Escareno had the rear suspension set too soft and also suffered a couple of flat tires. Luis Martinez had distributor problems early on and had to wait for over an hour for r repairs. They lost an-other distributor at the bottom of Chanate Wash and then lost the rocker arm assembly at Race Mile 385. Javier Buelna broke a trailing arm at RM 160. Sabas Munoz blew the engine in the San Felipe area. Martin Gonzalez and Tavo Vildosola Jr. broke a bat-tery mount at Saladin and devel-oped head problems in the Cha-nate Wash, dnf. Jaime Boquiren blew the engine going down Zoo Road. Arturo Zavala suffered two broken torsion bars between RM 162 and 170 and Pete Alberto Castro and Victor Fabian had a good race going un-til, "we handed our third spot over to Covas. We knocked down a bunch of fence heading into Chanate. As soon as we got clear of that we hit a fairly large whoop and put her on the top. Nothing on the car was broken but the bushing that holds the steering rod shifted. We managed to get to San Felipe and a ways down Zoo Road before we finally gave it up and drove the black top all the way back to Mexicali. Of course, we were dnfs." Larry Negrete tells an even bet-ter story. "We had a good run through Borrego and Race Mile 240. Then the tranny started making those, all to familiar, He may have dug the bumper in a bit but Mario Flores had it all together, he took the Class 11 win with two hours in hand at the finish. Dusty Times

Page 55

A good look at the suspension of Manuel Robles truck, unfortunately. Manuel was a dnf at this race. Arturo Rosette gave it aff he had but he was only able to take second Joe and Jake Laff were right in there, they took third place in Class place in the Safari Class, fess than two minutes out of the win. 1600, fess than six minutes behind the class leader. funny noises. Luckily there were some locals near by and when I say locals, I mean retired guys from the states, who had enough beer to go around. After a few beers and some good stories they towed us out to the Rock-a-dile sign, near El Dorado 4, that was something the next morning. I guess we finally made it home?" There were six starters and two finishers in Class 7. Rene Cuevas became another back-to-back winner with his run. They took the lead at Race Mile 162, and never looked back. "No flats, no driving errors, no problems. Mario Salcido Jr. blew the engine after losing his water pump at Mile 80. Perry McNeil blew his engine at Mile 55 and Gelacio Beltran ripped up the rear end differential problems and a bro-ken axle at RM 40." Class 9 had five starters and two finishers. Eliseo Garcia and Federico Montes teamed up in the 900 car, and last year's champi-ons, had a clean race from start to finish. Eliseo took the green and drove to the Borrego gravel pits where he turned the car over to Federico. Montes drove a clean race for most of the way and then turned the car back over to Gar-cia who brought it home for the win. Daniel Reyes and Julian Rivera shared the driving chores too, and pulled off the second spot. Daniel started, drove to Borrego, turned the car over to Julian who did the San Felipe loop and was only slowed by a couple of flat tires around Chin-ero, but turned the car back to Reyes who brought it back to Mexicali. Daniel did report a small sand storm in the Saldana area. The other three cars all blew transmissions. David Morquecho lost his in the famous Saldana area, this time the car was com-ing back through the area at Race Mile 380. Juan Mayoral and Ivan Gomez blew Hector Perez had an easy win in the Sportsman Class 14 contest, he had almost two hours in hand when the checkers flew. to accomplish this. They were all named Pete Mercado? Anyway, Pete Senior, Pete Junior and then there was Pete Ill. The report said, "We had some timing issues during the first 162 miles which they worked out and suffered no more down time, no flats, no problems, until RM 430 where they broke their tranny too, but managed to nurse it back to the checkered. Eduardo Rodriguez lost the motor mounts at Mile 290 and Eduardo Diaz broke the rear differential at RM 200. No report from the other three cars. Class 11 started an even dozen but had only three finishers. Mario Flores and Miguel Mexia came up with back-to-back wins with their first place finish. Mario took the wheel to start and turned it over to Miguel in the Chinero area. Mexia had one flat tire, re-paired same, and never looked back. Clean run and win. Juan Zamarripa had a couple of flats some suspension problems, missed some pits and drove most of the race with a bad radio. Maybe that explains the pit prob-lems. Second place finish. The other finisher nursed a bad trans-mission all day, went through a couple of tires but managed to hold it together for the bronze. The Sportsman classes started 37 cars and only 13 finished, a little over 33%, which further de-scribes the difficulties with a little trip to San Felipe and back. Hector Perez and Luivan Volker teamed for this little jaunt. This race, won almost a year to the day, after Hector de-buted in the 14 class. He moved over from Class 9. Perez drove the first 120 miles, turned the car over to Luivan, who did the San Felipe loop and back to Three Poles, where Carlos Albanez brought the 14 car on home. All three drivers reported a clean run with little or no problems. An-other rookie Luis Fimbres lost an oil cap early on and had to make continuous stops to add oil, regu-lar pit stops, driver changes and other adventures not for the ears of the uninitiated off roaders. Hector Pimentel put up with tranny issues all day, suffered through some long pit stops and one flat tire, but did finish for the bronze. Arturo Rodriguez broke a front shock, dealt with a bad shifter and reported, "a very long day on a very difficult course." Cristobal Mercado blew his Under new ownenhrp -Over .fO v-an of experience 71l'MW:111hlo<n,,1.Unlt • Bring your hot rod, sand rail, motorcycle, boat. or ATV down to our location and.. theirs at RM 155 just before Bor-rego and Alonso Jaquez lost his tranny at Mile 80, therefore he got to see less scenery than ev-eryone else. These guys will probably all be back? Trannys-R-Us? Six trucks at the green flag for Class 7s, but only one of them managed the en-ti re trip south and back. It took three drivers, co-drivers assistants Let us solve your plumbing problem, from complete system designs " Brake Unes. Fuel Llrtff, Turbo Hoses, Stalnlesu hardlln• for brakes and fuel applications. All Redline Oil products discounted by the case. to minor modffloations. Any high penonnance hose purcha~ from MESA HOSE will be assembled free of charge. Crimp fittings rrom i-on doWn. .·,v::"'----.. · • . • 1) PRO-TEC-TO WRAP * R..,, ..... ....,......, Dusty Times July 2006 The Sportsman Class 15 win went to Carlos De Los Palos, he's seen here with lots of determination in his heart. engine at Race Mile 330; Jose Luis Sanchez broke a rear hub, lost a c.v. joint and some other stuff at the Chanate Wash and Jose Quintero lost his transmission at RM 120. There were very few reports or notes for the 15 and 18 classes. Carlos Vazquez drove the entire race with a bad second gear in the transmission but nursed it home. Omar Dipp and Errol Villa suffered two flat tires, had some electrical problems and broke a trailing arm in the infa-mous Chanate Wash area and Javier broke the rear suspension at Race Mile 150. There were six starters and no • PORTABLE • POWERFUL • PRECISE 2" Capacity, 180" Bends Steel, 4130, Stainless, Aluminum Square, Round, Bar, Pipe Perfect for the: • Race Car Builder • Small Fabrication Shop • Home Shop Call for a FREE BROCHURE finishers in Class 18. Also no one seemed to want to talk to the re-porters about their weekend? The Safari class had seven starters and three finished the race. Manuel Delgado was having a good day until the Chanate Wash where he broke his tranny. They got the car to San Felipe, made the repairs after which he gave chase to the class leaders and was able to catch them about five miles from the finish. Arturo Rosette had two flats, and broke his front suspension, which slowed him somewhat. Miguel Dario broke a tie rod, was racing without lights, got lost for a while Continued on page 63 (541)382-1573 Monuf'actured B l!iCO Page 55

Page 56

GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY PACKAGING INDUSTRIAL PACKAGING SUPPLIES "KEEP IT TOGETHER" 1739 N. Case St. Orange, CA 92865 FAX (714) 283-3548 BRYAN L. ROGERS (714) 282-9311 CELL (714) 514-4308 I . -,;> ... fl. -ROAD FUEL CELLS. SCORE • CORR • SODA • MAORA PRERUNNERS • RALL y. ETC I Toll Free: 800-526-5330 Fax: 201-825-1962 e-Mall: 19076 Hawthorne Blvd. 10.rrance, CA 90503 • Custom fabrication • Prerunners • Suspensions • Custom exhaust (310) 542-2977 ~UTOFJ-\6 ~:., Off Road Trucks Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages Ford Truck Specialist • 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 Tll: 114.219.8945 FAX:114.219.0118 (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 2&41. cv,ress Dra■ac. CA 92868 RACECARS BRANDWOOD CARS for mid-engines and other applications 602-437-3:l 07 Custom V~hicle Shifter ''Innovative BIiiet Products for the Off-Road Enthusiast" 1 FREI;! Catalog ' nc·~~Cdl~ 9525 Pathway St.• Santee, Ca. 92071 I "MFR. OF PRF01lMAltCE PAllTt FOil llttlUTTJlY LEAOIN@ RACE "11l BUILDEIU - Spindles, Floating Huhs - 5 spd. Shifters (fits Mcndeola trans & others) -Northstar Ajrbox Adapters S, more !! url: e-mail: (619)562-3071 Lonely Long Advertising Term Space Relationship Looking Call For 818-882-0004 nus1iJli1mos CACTUS RACING Racea_ir Helmets & Accessories Bell, Shoei, Simpson Blower systems & cool boxes 619-482-6700 701 Rocking Horse Dr. Chula Vista, CA 91914· CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN 39067 ORCHARD ST. CHERRY VALLEY CA. 92223 PH#. (951)-845-8820 products in stock · Race Proven Fabrication. Boatec Fiber~ Pre-Runners Dimple Dies Desert Trucks Tubing Benders Short Course trucks Bypass valves-+tubes Paris-Dakar trucks · Sway-bar Arms Offroad to Street, Prerunner to Race -Chaais Design -Race Prep -All General Fabrication 11~7 17 4S9 lilac St #E Hnperla CA 92345 C ~ l;IUALITY 1!11!:ACLOCIC WMl!:l!:LS IAMl'lllll■EAIIIJICK ■INCi!: , ,.ea eOUTHIUIM CALl,.O,tMIA l s" l 6" 11 ~ ----17 ALL ALUMINUM BEAOLOCK WHEELS AND CONVERSIONS CHAMPION WHl!:EL CO, INC. 1 B!!137 COLLll!:R (95 1) 471 •21 83 LAKE ELl!IINORE CA, 92!531 WWW,CHAMPIONWHEEL,COM CHENOWTH aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•IACING PRODVCTS, INC. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 Fax (619) 449-7J03 OCNC:J' Mao,fo<1,,..~o1 . ~ B,ake aad _Clot,h Podal Au) . Master Cylinders , . Slave Cylinders CNC, Inc. 1221 West Morenatlvd. San Diego, CA'.921'10 (6J9) 275-166~ Cuttihg and Staijing Brakes· Hydraulic Thro~s Throttle Pedals and all of our accessories. Send $3.00 for Catalog FLOATER REAR ENDS'• t'RONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BAAS• KNOCK OF~ HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree, Lane • Templeton, CA 93465 Continental Lan & Investment Corp. -: 11., '\!l,rth H\\) 1.)5. Lsle Ha, asu Cny. AZ So404 , ... ._._._ CELL: (928) ~86-9145 OFFICE: (92ft) 764-5263 lance(n ha, asu~ I LANCE CRAMER Associate Broker•

Page 57

OFFICIAL IIACE FUELS FUEL OF NASCAR 1 (800) 54-COSBY COSBY OIL COMPANY, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA Sl>e1 and Cuslor!l Piston• Avatlable. CALL TODAY! PH: 949.567.9000 CRITICAL n:v:~i_x:xrn::s: . .... ,, .. ---. 3043 0111< Street Sanla Ana, CA 92707 Plwt (714) ts'7•U15 Fu (714) 957•1567 ' ·" □ · ULTRASONIC CLEANING Oif CooMtrt, Heat Exchange,s, Oif Tanks, Radiators, Lines, Fittings □ CRACK INSPECTION All Components ... Suspension, Engine, Gear Box, etc. □ NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING Magnetic Particle, liquid Pene1rant, Ultrnonic, i!.,y Current, X-Ray □ CNC MACHINE SHOP USACSTATICIII ff J.t. FM STATIClll .w9TR211J -"9 BEST SERVICE IN THE WESf (K)~!~~" LU KYMCO MOTD•..-O•T• ATVS SCOOT£RS IIOTORCYCLES NEW USED CUSTOII ---------Coty, SIiiy, lllke, Chin REPAIR SERVICE 11at&Gruc1Avenu1 FABRICATION SUSPENSION 11-Nt11tAY l'eoltl,AZ 15345 PARTS & ACCESSOAIES PII m-JM,.3341 FAX~ RACE PREP & FUEL Toi FIN: -.145-0434 CUSTOII RHINO FABRICA110N WWW.DEaEllTTDVZATV.COII DEaEllTTDVZATVOHDTIIAIL.C:D■ ,, ~~ ,,,,,~_//DEREK NYE )_,,,,h / ' _.,; , . 755 West 11"' St. Uni E Co.ta Mesa Ca 9U>X1 ~ -- , 1e1:.9,9.sqa.as33 1ax: gqg.sqa.as3q www.OIRTBAljZ,com e-m11II: dereknue lllllolcom Tum B11gz Prlv11t"' Lllb"'I Custom B11g Oulgns 1941 IE Friendship Drive El Cajon, CA 92020 Fuel Safe's Custom & Standard Fuel Cells are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the safety standards set by all racing associatio11s. 619-149-3633 619-Mt-3665 fax Doug Fortin For your local dealer ~ Call or write for call (BllDl 433-6524 ~ our FREE Catalog Aircraft Ribber Manulact•rinQ. Inc. 5fax i---------------------i--------------------_J._,!_2~50:'..:SE~n.!!.!1mber~~Ave!!:.!.,,, R~edmond, OR 97702 .800-433-o524 541-923-o01 _ •• STOCK • FULL RACE • TI1ANSfEA CASES (CuillThHfil.IID.. ® 9 § Jffi.lfil.<e:lilll~ TJPlfiUill§Jlllllli.§§:li CID ml§ 18273 Grand Ave. #6 Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 (909) 678-1669 STEVE MatthewSct.ntolce 9446BandAvenue El Cajon. CA 9ll0lil Phone 619-4M>-56 I 1 Fax 619-4Mi-57 u Toll Free 800-6:!7-!iSO'l MA TTHEW@CUSTOMDECAL.COM Specializing in. .. Bua■-•• Swlas..tea Bewlaacl Fortin •-cteolaND4S Jlapum44 KNlaler Automatle Get The Wo~ Out About Your Business, Big Or Small. Put Your Business Card Ad In The Gooct_Stuff Directory. 1835 John Towers Ave. #A El Cajof GA 92020 Ota PIRl'OIIMIICB 1558 No. Case• Orange, CA 92867 (714) 637-2889 • Fax (714) 637-7352 (61~) 448-3932 Fax (619) 448-3662 We use & recommend TAlc~· n,cJng ,,..oHno RAUN<, EN<ilNfS, TRAM~IISSIONS ANIJ OFFROAO PAR1' Scud or-call for our new catalog SS.00 _ 1543 W,. 16th Street Long Beach, California 90813 RAY BAYLY (562) 432-3946 (714) 540-5535 CELL (562) 833-2804 FAX (562) 432-7969 Fusion Designs Racing inc. Racecars Pre-runners Dualsport Fabrication & Race Preparation 8843 Wintergardens Blvd. • Lakeside, CA 92040 Office: 619.390.9055 RACIN HEADS 106-1 SO. SANTA fl AVE. • VIit TOLL FREE (888) 3 PH/FAX (760) 7l7-112 HONDA flABED TUBES S99,00 A sn $SUZUKI seDi..•.aaa I I ~ I I I I BILLY ROBERTSON (818) 766-6134 (800) 800-6134 FAX (818) 766-9397 BILL ROBERTSON & SONS, INC. 5626 TUJUNGA AVE. NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA. 91601

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MOTORSPORTS Trucks, Buggies, Parts, Service & Fabrication Todd Arthur (760) 788-0019 PO Box3944 Ramona, CA 92065 · HLJ ST LE=~ I concePTS ~ EAJA SHOP I (since 1967) 1=u=::ice: ci::::u=~= PRE RLJnnERS IALLJmnum LU□RH I SPEC:::~LITY VEHC::LE5;=i 1...La-ti Jesse Rodriguez I PH: 714-997-0701 Fax:714-997-0758 I 7_~4 ~ Lemon St, Orange.CA. 92867 JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner' ~■■■Tll-■111~ L-■-■-■ LLI LL-■TI Quality Racing Transaxles Mendeola Dealer Off Road - Sand Specialist JOE GIFFIN 3061 E. La Jolla St. #I Anaheim, California 92806 (714) 632-1240 Fax (714) 632-1223 Email: ' Mike Julson 9426 Wheatland• Court Santee, CA 92071 619-596-3360 619-596-3364fax www . .J!J,.~e..-z George Jimenez Se Hob/a Espanol RACING ENGIN~ COMPLETE ENGINES • PARTS & DYNO SERVICE 535 E. Central Park Ave. Anaheim, CA 92802 Tel: (714) 535.5116 Fax: (714) 535-5816 JON KINNE AUTO ELECTRIC 809-F N. Lakeview Ave., Placentia, CA 92870 Tel. 714- 779-2316 • Fax 714- 779-5012 TROY JOHNSON ,(951) 779-9395 ·2061 Third Street. Unit A Riverside, CA 92507 Specializing in custom offroad race trucks, • P1 erunners • Sand car5 • Rally cars • Custom Fabncation • Advanced Susp~nsion T&chnoiogy • Research & [1evelc,pnient KAL OFFROAD RACING Metal Fabrication ~~~.......,.;:=o-~~ Custom Suspensions KurtLannee (805) 466-4101 ----8408 K El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 HONDA Power Equipment OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. -ART KAWAGUCHI 3532 EAST 3RD ST. Fax 323-284-2138 LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 323-284-5858 Daralk Krager PH: 114.289.9048 Fil: 114.631.1854 1214 N. Parker Unti #3 Orange, CA 92861 For Very Few Dollars A Month Your Ad Here Can Increase Your Sales By A Bunch Call Dusty Times 818-882-0004 POWER E STEERING THOMAS E. LEE LEE MFG. CO. 11681 PENDLETOK&TAEET-SUN VAU.EY, CA.01352 FAX(818)7118-2687 (818) 798-0371 A full line of Power Steering gears. pumps and ac:ce.oriea for any type of racing. Magnaflux and ZYVIG fllcllltiel available. •custom Chassis •Race Prep 'Aluminum Work 'Welding Engineering •Magnlflux FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 (909) 596-5497 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER , Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 Race Seats• Restraints • Storage Bags Window Nets• Limit Straps• Tie Downs 11433 Woodside Avenue• Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455 • Fax: 619/449-9454 YOUR' OFF-ROAD Catch, us o,n the Net! SPECIALISTS/ PHONE: (714) 441-1212 FAX: (714) 441-1622· 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CA 92806 MIKE MENDEOLA 290 Trousdale Drive, Suite I & J Chula Vista, CA 91910 . (619) 691-1000 24 Hour Fax (619) 691-1324 ToddDwya' 1900 Compton Ave. Suite 101, Corona, CA 92881 Phone (951)817-0101 Ext.156 619-562-5533 Off Road Fabrication and Design @mosl!Billti • Sand Cars • Trucks •RaceCars •Pren.inners • Rally Cars • Custom Function/Strength/Safety/Pride Mode by Hand in the USA JOHN MOSELEY Owner/Fabricator 236 Jason Court Corona, CA 92879 951-272-3026 fQX 95t-272-0n6

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MOUtTON FAl/tA1IOltom IIAOCAIIS l'IIBI......S OUAI.S!l'OIITS 661-974-7961 MSD Mt.3 tJL Jr.1 l■ ■1,-:,4 t••1,•,1 • YOUR COMPLETE IGNITION SOURCE l,Nllt[JN~, • I 11!,TH'HLJTCJH', • WHH ', • IH V C-:llNTH(ll !, AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION 1 4!30 HENRY BRENNA N D R . . EL PASO, TX 7!3!33E 19151 857-S~nn • TFr.H LINE 19151 855-7123 • VISIT OUR WEB SITE: TUBE BENDERS ¼" TO 3" 0.0. Capacity Models Starting at $279.00!!!! M-TECH SUPPLY . TUBE BENDERS • PIPE BENDERS • TUBE NOTCHERS RING ROLLERS • COLD SAWS • ABRASIVES 480-726-2876 NORB offroad superstore HEIM JOINTS-WELD IN BUNGS-TABS BUSHINGS - JOHNNY JOINTS HIGH MISALIGNMENT SPACERS ,, IN STOCK. RUDY TO SHIP WORLDWIDE -~.J 1-888-755-5900 ~ We cari Headlock 4.,..:.,,.------YOU R RIMS!! '-..._~_ ... _~ ~ ) Sizes to fit most ATV ~~~s~ & AUTOMOTIVE applications POLISHED & COLORED FINISHES SCALLOPED OR CONVENTIONAL Reinforcing Rings Also Available Phone - (951) 354-8272 WWW .OMf PERfQRMANCE. com Dune Buggy Parts Race Car Parts Foreign Car Parts New Truck Acc. Dept. Custom Machine Work & Fabrication 1 (800) 231-8156 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, AZ 85365 (520) 783-6265 • FAX (520) 783-1253 P£R (909) 360-5906 FAX (909) 360-0436 PARKER PUMPER HELMET COMPANY 3834 Wacker Drive Mira Loma, CA 91752 HAROLD NICKS · : Fralcv s Pt-rf ormancc Engineering ' • All Types of Steel Cl Aluminum Fabrication • Tube Beaclinc • Ahaainum Cl Stael W.ldinc • CW'tolll Machine W.ork • All Types of Race Cars 4851 W. Hacienda f4 La■ Vegu, mi 89118 Bruce Jl'raley 702-365-9055 . ,__,-e.,, :;:::; :J:'. "::c -'rlf;.-..;,. 3055 Westhaven St Orange, CA 92865 E-MAIL Ph 714-283-3537 Fax 714-283-4757 ~ 1~~(Q)V[~@"itl PlAYTECH SAFETY EQUIPMENT FABRICATION John Gould MAXON, MOTOROlA, ROAOMASTER, VERTEX RADIOS BELL, 'sti°OEI, SIMPSON HELMETS IN STOCK WIRiNG FOR RADIO &/OR ll\'l£RCOM snu. ONLY s12,;. -2888 GUNDRY AVE. -SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 • I . S62-427-8177 I 800-869-Sf,36 W a A R For A Few Bucks You Can Increase Your Productivity 818-882-0004 OU81il~IIDB8 TEL 19491 650-3035 FAX 19491650-4721 Jeny Penhall 3031 E. Coronado St Suite E, Anaheim, CA 92806 Phone: (714) 238-1179 Fax: (71◄) 238-1183 Pre11s1on Todd Francis Phone: 360.887.2000 • Fax: 360.887.7279 '110 ROTRUCK RACING ORGANIZATION A High Performance Spec V8 Race Truck Series "The True Driver's Class" Protruck Sales and Promotion Website: Email: /el: 619-390-e252 Fax:61W9CMS470 14402 Bond Court El Cajon, CA 92021 Jae Davlllan Par:·ata--a-Nn

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Hi-Performance Equipment Suspension • Safety • Driveline • Accessories (619) 691-9171 (619) 691-9174 (619) 691-0803 (FAX) I I I 103 Press Lane, Suite #4 Chula Vista, CA 91910 e-mail: 'RRCING ENGINES .... Building SCORE winning engines 619.420.2233 45 Broadwau Chula Vista. CR 91910 ,EIFIJrlrl#CE• Tlrl#SIII ES leuthem ca1nem1a·s ta111est llstltlHltU •• Mendeola Transules PH: 114.680.6131 • Fil: 114.680.3110 Toll Free: 800.304.8126 1631 Placentia Ave. Unit G Anaheim. CA 92806 RANCHO DRIVETRAIN ENGINEERING Tony Selva, Jr. 27598 Commerce Center Drive Temecula, CA 92590 l'HONE951.676.6569 FACSIMllf951.676,] ]4] tse lvo@ra nchod rivetra in. com swilg Hie, -•s, ■wla1d, Ml4S 3455 S. PIIURI #5 llSBAl,IHllll 88102 .IIIND.D .• UDN (1D2) 221-4313 (702) 117-9724 QUJWTY lsNT &PENSIVE, Ir's PR1cELEss! VALIIE TRAIN PRoaucrs • CUSTOM HEAD WORK 760/94B-469B • FAX 760/94B-4B56 MnAn;V.RDVALVESPRIIVG.COIM Barry Beacham 27231 Burbank Ave. Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 Office 949-837 -4388 Cell 949-466-4781 A Tatum Distributor Specializing in Off-Road Racing & Driving For Over 21 Years Mig Welding • Tig Welding Upgrades & Repairs Baja-Proven Equipment 5294 N. Casa Grande Hwy • Ste 102 Tucson, Az 85743 520-850-3693 flii/ SANDERS SERVICE, INC. •·L~ METAL PROCESSING 5921 Wll;mington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 (323) 583-2404 FAX (323) 583-3965 SANDBLAST-GLASS BEAD-MAGNETIC PARTICLE FLOURESCENT INSPECTION MARKSMlm LARRYSMJm Just A Small Ad Here Can Increase Your Business By A Bunch. LAURA • I .. RICHARD S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOCJTU HCR66, BOX 1103Cl P.AHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV,89048 . . ms> 312-s33s TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821-(714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672~9246 s ,r /l"J, /IT .a;• &i~,-: ~ ~ ~... ,,,:: •~If.,~ ~ACE LETTE~-'./VG JOB SITE SIGNS • BANNERS• \\mOOW LffiEAll,G • C.\R LETT~Rlr!G. ,'GRAPHICS SGUEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101 Galway Circle • Huntingto1 Beach CA 92649 (714) 897-0075 • F2, (714l 694-9567 SJIIIT P£8,IIJIIIC£ I 1-800-MY MUFFLER I ~ CraigStewart I ~ .. _..~ Phone: 619-449-9'T.III ~ f(JlU 619-449-?1!,711 I .;/ 1/ Cd: 619-~ I 1 · Fabrication & Race Preparation i I I 19419 Abraham Wt,/ ~,: r/ Sales •· I sant .. , CA 92071 , '" -',#' ... ~.~~~~.,, Service , l'-cra_ig(l-=-· _st_~ ___ ""-_c_om ______________ l Aluminum Wheel Straightening 31510 223rd st E. Tim Baker 1 Llano, CA 93544 661.261.3202 ------------. . t f,.J 05 SCORE Otr610. CORR _::a,,._ MOR EXCWSIVEIY FKOM: .·h •· CLBRYANT.COM MITCHHART@CLBRYANICOM ■ "RACE "FUELS 12091 s41.22s1 [800] 527-6090 Paul Oil Company FAX r2091 847-9726 P.O. Box 248 • 524 N. Sierra Ave. WESTERN DIVISION Oakdale, California 95361 2180 College Drive • Lake Havasu City • AZ. 86403 Call Toll Free: 877-627-8852 or E-Mail: • Hi Performance Converters Custom Length Axles • • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed Hubs• (for Race & Recreation) Input Shafts • American Made Excellence!!

Page 61

TO ·. Pollln,• __ ___, RACING BAT"T'EAIE& 1<.-n ..-.. r1.z .. Military Grade Batteries • Battery Boxes • Battery Chargers Custom Battery Cables • Misc. ~jgll Accessories 2046 Fairhope Loo Vista CA 92081 Business (780) 734·1 www.totalpo ..... -s,q /S. * Off-Ro.act and Bolt-On to Street Fiberglass for: "Ford, C~evy and Toyota". Trucks * Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1261 N. Buena Wlsta St. , Heael CL 92543 PIii: 951-654-7334 Fa: 951-654-2375 See a list of our pnNI~ oar well site: http:/ /www.o~.coa I RANiAXLE ENG I NEE.RING JEFF FIELD 9763 Varlel Ave. · (818) 998-2739 Chatsworth, CA 91311 T"IIAlflj!!li::lf;llrl!E · .__, ~ TEl: 114.528.5820 RJl: JU.1128.5840 NS Wl!ST PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES Kevin Pirtle 22545 South Normandie Ave. Torrance, California 90501 310.782.2413 fax 310.782.3772 ~/ ransworks ~Q PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES . ~ AUTHORIZED MENUEOLA DEALER ERIC LAUNDRlE STOCK & CUSTOM 24752 VIEJAS BLVD. SAND • STREET * RACE DESCANSO, CA 91916 (619) 445-3135 (619) 596- 8033 1 0 0 0 W . Bradley, Unit Q El Caj_on, CA 92020 Carlos Orozc o •Q,olity F11els & ,rod11cts lor Motorsports• Website · www. fprociagl111ls.c011 KELLEY HENDEL Regional Manager VP Racing Fuels, Inc. West Coast Region P.O. Box 1319 Off~ei9511 674-9167 Fax (951) 674-7367 Email: 34283 Monte Vista Wildomar, CA 92595 Do You Need To E X p A N D Your business Horizons?. For Lots More Exposure Call 818-882-0004 For The Price Of A Phone Call And A Few Bucks A Month Your Ad Could Be Here 818-882-0004 .r"'....l!!ii~..!...PN.KT •CQ4TINIIS«(;J/Alflef,'1t ~ • •BKJ 1lJ ~ MAINT$_~•51ld/JIAtJ...,.J/J11RIN&1t ~·~ --760-949~1220, SCORE ENGINE ·BUILDER OfTHEYEAR 994, 1998, 1999,2000 From Parts To ~te EngJ-,,.1 1875 w. Taco Ave. Uni a. LMVaau. NV 80118 702-8S7-2522 ~ ---/81 . ~~~ · Front & Rear lraili~,:::::;;,,;ts Su~ion Speciali51 • Custom bee & Play Buggy Chasm A./um Front Ends • 8Hm Front Endt: · 9608 N. lls1 Or. -f'hocnhc, AZ IS0lt Jade Woods 602-242.0017 fax 602-241•7183 Race Cars Dune Buggies Lorenzo Rodriguez Baja Bugs Transmissions - Parts - Service -Welding V.W. -Porsche - N issan - Toyota - Honda 850 S. Alta Vista Ave. , Monrovia, CA 9 1016 (626) 305-RACE (7223) • (626) 357-6629 Fax RRCE PREP SHOP •BU££IES •SRROCRRS •SHOCKS • TRUCKS • PRE·BUIIDERS • f.RBiUCRTIOn 818) lf2G-2280 ' .. l"'a--u_: ,., .~ ~i ~ ( -..,... , .. ,, ,. . -World Leading Motorsport Transmission Manufacturer 11 Dakar Rally Victories 17 Wor1d Rally Victories 6 AMA MX/SX Olampionships Xtrac Inc 6183 West. 80th Street Indianapolis IN 46278 email: • II ,,.:--; ,. • Tel: (317) 472 2454 '383' Baja aass 1/10 sequential Transaxle Trophy Truck solutions available for Lead Customers

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Classified ... Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Read-ers are advised to consult appro-priate local or state authorities for information before purchase of any specific item. FOR SALE: Core legal Super Buggy. Toyota, Mendeola, Fresh Fox shocks, 4 extra tires, new Centerlines w/lg headlock, other spare parts. 19,500.00 OBO. (586) 201-3820. FOR SALE: 1969 FORD PRERUNNER; Fox coilover; bypass shocks; 383 Windsor; A/C; radio; GPS; 80's style hood and fenders. $60,000.00. Contact Brian @ (619) 336-3771. FOR SALE: Coyne Motorsports Trophy Truck-Porter/Coyne Motorsports. Ex-Corona Trophy Truck, completely re-designed Chassis, very similar to our Robby Gordon Truck, 800 HP Leon Patton motor. Best of everything, com-pletely prepped and race ready. $300,000.00 (760) 353-2110. FOR SALE: 2000 Jimco Class 10 Single Seat Buggy. Toyota Celica Engine w/ motec fuel in-jection & dash unit. Fortin 5-speed trans (spare trans in-cluded). 934 CV's, Fortin Rear hubs, CNC brakes, Best of Every-thing: 2004 Class 10 Champion. Fully Race Prepped. $80,000.00 OBO Contact: Andrew Myers@ (949) 294-9034. FOR SALE: 06 Alumicraft, Redline 550hp LS2, S4 Mendeola, Fox shocks, 7" color GPS, intercom, custom dash & full body by Jeff Davis, best of everything. $125K. Call (951) 288-0147 Frank Rusich. FOR SALE: 2002 Chenowth, 4 seat A-Arm, PreRunner, King Coilovers, Type 4 FAT motor, Pre-run ready. Great Condition. Email for pictures hdu ran@du ran freight. com $33,000.00. (619) 478-5166. Eric FOR SALE: 2004 Chevy Silverado LT 1500 4WD Ext cab, Quadrasteer w/Whipple Super-charger, 1 owner Low Miles $24,900.00 CALL HOWARD (818) 349-5861. FOR S_ALE: Fully Re-stored-1973 Thing-2180-Superdiff 388 Ring-n-pin. If it's Not It's rebuilt-PreRunner style-Set Up-1/2 case-rear rack-lazer lights-studded drums-polished rims-600 watt stereo w/sub amps-new top & windows (carmel color)-Off white car-custom upholstery & carpet-Show winner $ 25 K or trade for 2 seat 1600. FOR SALE: JIMCO Class 10, Fresh Major Honda mid engine, all Fortin, Howe, Gordon Beadlocks, King Shocks, custom paint, BFG's, best in class. Car is · like new, prepped by Jimco, spare parts, car is ready to race. $85 000.00. (209) 368-2744. FOR SALE: 2001 Custom Built 18' Pre-Runner/Sand Buggy Hauler, Storage Boxes with Tire Rack above, adjustable rear ramps, Tandem 60001b Torrion Axles w/6 lug wheels, 2 5/16 Ball Hitch $8,900.00 Call HOWARD (818) 349-5861. FOR SALE 4 Seat PreRunner, 4130 Chassis, Disk Brakes, Super Charged 3.0 Nisson, V6 Less 200 miles. $40,000.00 invested, Asking $27,000.00 OBO. Jack Woods. (602) 242-0077. FOR SALE: Race Ready BITD Class 8 legal Dodge 4x4 100 % tig welded chromoly by Velocity Fab. King ·shocks w/hydraulic bumps, Deaver Xover Howe steer-ing, Summers Bros., Mastercraft, MSD Ignition, radio, intercom, Parker Pumper, Borla, Wilwood, Autometer, Fuel Safe, Fluidyne, Edelbrock Heads & Intake. $25,000.00. Call Mike (530) 269-0965 or email FOR SALE: Class 10 Bundersen Single-seat, Toyota Fat Mendeola 5 speed, King Shocks bypass/ coilover, numerous other quality components & spare parts. Sev-eral new & used BFG Tires & Centerline Wheels. or call (308) 548-2264. Race Ready: $48,000.00/OBO. FOR SALE: Pre-Runner, 2004 Chevy 4 door x-cab. Profession-ally built by Mazzula Off Road. Runs and handles very well. Color GPS, Dual Batteries, rockin' stereo, very clean in and out. California legal. Trick ex-haust system, fuel cell, King Shocks, light bar. This thing hauls. $75,000.00 OBO. Tony (760) 947-8880. FOR SALE: Chevy SCAT V-4, Fresh prep, 48 IDF carbs, Run air cleaners or ump filters, 275 HP, Turned Fast lap in Sept MORE race by almost 5 min-utes. Dual clutch, 2 sets of ex-haust, 2 alt, boxes of air clean-ers & parts, very fast and reli-able. Call Tim $6,000.00 OBO (626) 893-1976. FOR SALE: Class 10 Jimco 2000 Honda, Fortin, Fox. $70,000.00 Call Justin (949) 280-6722. FO,R SALE: 1983 Ford E-250 V-8 A/T, locker, Bilstein coil-overs, Mastercraft, new stereo, BFG's, American Wheels, pushbar, excellent for pre-run or chase. Lots more. $3,800.00 OBO (805) 709-7202, (805) 481-9231. FOR SALE: 4 Seat Prerunner, 4130 Chassis, 6V91 Super Charged Built. Northstar en-gine. Mendeola. Best of Every-thing. $89,000.00 invested. Asking $55,000.00 OBO. Street legal. Jack Woods (602) 242-0077. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in DUSTY TIMES. Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum site 5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED - YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER. Enclosed is$ _____________ (Send check or money order, no Cash) Name _________________________________ _ Address-----------------------------------------------------------City --------------------------------------------------------------State _____ Zip __________________ Phone _______________ ~ _____________ _ Please run ad times Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 DUG5Y5IIDBG 2006-07 ISSUE DEADLINE August 06 Jul 7, 06 September 06 Aug 4, 06 Octobere 06 Sep 8, 06 N01Jember06 Oct 6, 06 December06 Nov 10, 06 January07 Dec 8, 06 February 07 Jan 5, 07 March07 Feb 2, 07 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■••········ Page 62 July 2006 Dusty Times

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b.tv1PLOYtv1b.NT Help Wanted-Race Car Fabri-cator/Prep Person: Must have experience in race car fabri-cation, set-ups and mainte• nance. Ideal candidate would know tig welding, tube bend-ing & sheet metal. Would also be designing and fabricating new ATV products for PRO ARMOR. Contact Alex at (9 51) 2 70-05 59x 11. FOR SALE: 42' Pace 5th Wheel-Diamond plate floor, 2 stainless steel awnings, 2-rear, 2 side quartz lights. Compressor, work-bench, AC, interior smooth walls etc. $10,500.00. Call Don (619) 571-1504 credit card okay. FOR SALE: 2000 Trailers Un-limited display trailer, 20 feet, belly boxes, glass display cabinets, overhead cabinets, six bottom cabinets, slide out drawers, dis-play grid, front box, new: tires, leaf springs, shackles, U-bolts, brakes, chrome fenders, tongue, with NC, generator, built in gas tank, hitch bars. McKenzies (714) 441-1212. $15,000.00 FOR SALE: 2001 Custom Built 18' Pre-Runner/Sand Buggy Hauler, Storage Boxes with Tire Rack above, adjustable rear ramps, Tandem 600016 Torrion Axles w/6 lug wheels, 2 5/16 Ball Hitch $8,900.00 Call HOWARD (818) 349-5861. FOR SALE: Toyota Camry V6 3 .2L engine:330 horse-power, motec fuel injec-tion, dry sump, 2 intake manifold system, 0 miles since re-fresh. Includes: a plethora of spare pars. Used as a Class 1 Buggy En-gine. $5,000.00 OBO Con-tact: Andrew Myers @ (949) 294-9034. FOR SALE: Great Phoenix, AZ investment 3 bd 2 bath 1200 sq ft, 2 carport, RV gate. Corner lot new air con-ditioner, dual pane windows, 6 panel doors, new kitchen cabs, great rental property or starter home. $219,900.00 Mike Crawford (602) 488-4900 or see at FOR SALE: Amazing Custom Home-Cave Creek, AZ 4 bd 3.5 baths 3340 livable sq ft, 54'x30' 6 car garage, spar-kling pool w/waterfall, spa, slab granite counter tops, stone flooring, 4 fireplaces, exposed beamed ceilings, ma-sonry construction, unbeliev-able craftsmanship, call Mike Crawford. (602) 488-4900 or see • at PLEASE! DON'T FORGET TO SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO KEEP DUGliYlilfflRG REPORTING THE OFF ROAD NEWS! Dusty Times I \ more ... Mexicali SOD from page 55 but made it back in time for the bronze. Heriberto Chavez blew an engine at RM 70 so didn't get to see a lot of the spring flowers. As can be deduced, this was a very tough course for the in-augural 500. Cars and trans-missions were dropping like flies. Are you listening, Trannys-R-Us? Anyway the CODE people want to thank all the partici-pants, the sponsors, the driv-ers and friends and families and the fans. For now racing is always great down here on the Baja, so come on down! Till next time. Oh yes, as stated earlier, if you didn't see your name or your car or your sponsors mentioned herein, then you need to contact one of the writers, Victor or By-rle. "Via con Dios." For you statistic types, here are the top three finishers and their times by class: PRO CLASS: Class 1: Andy/Scott McMillin, 7:20:37. Class 10: Javier Robles, 8:03:58. Class 12: Arturo Honoldo/Bernardo Delgado, 10:08: 17. Class 8: Juan Carlos Lopez, 9:46:34; Jose E. Soto, 13:12:10; Miguel Angel Jiminez, 16:21:45. Class 5: Pietro Brassea, 13: 19:59. Class 1/2-1600: Leonardo y Alejandro Navarette, 9:05 :06; Jorge Sanchez, 9:05:55; Joe and Jake Laff, 9: 10:55. Class 7: Rene Cuevas, 9:37:59; Alex Almarez, 11:18:21. Class 5-1600: Eduardo Pena, 11:22:33; En-rique Avalos, 11:41:10; Jose Montoya, 11:47:40. Class 9: Elesio Garcia, 12:29:53; Daniel Reyes, 13:40: 14. Class 7S: Pedro Mercado, 17:38:36. Class 11: Marlo Flores, 16:09:09; Juan Eduardo Zamarripa, 18:44:33; Jose Ramon Rodri-guez, 21:05:51. SPORTSMAN CLASS: (2 Laps) Class 14: Hector Perez, 10:44:23; Luis Elmbres, 12:34:19; Hector Pimentel, 12:42:29. Class 15: Carlos de los Palos, 12:47:36; Eduardo Hernandez, 14:22:25; Ricardo Morales, 15:39:43. Class 18: No finishers. SAFARI CLASS: Manuel Delgado, 18:43:47; Ar-turo Rosette, 18:45:38; Miguel Darlo Sanchez, 20: 17:36. (@) Happenings ... from page 7 ** July 22, 2006 Flagstaff, AZ * July 23, 2006 Flagstaff, AZ ** September 2, 2006 Snowflake, Heber, AZ *September 3, 2006 Snowflake, Heber, AZ ** October 7, 2006 TBA *October 8, 2006 TBA ** * November 4-5, 2006 Gila Bend Gila Bend, AZ ** * December 2, 2006 MexicoWISOONSIN MOTORSl'ORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTIVAL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 0sHKOSH, WL54901 (414) 688-5509 FIA WoRID RAllY CHAMPIONSHIP XTREME OOERNATIONAL 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CtTY, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFF1CE: 011-526-6225 ZR. PROMOTIONS RENE MONTANO P.O. Box 2122 Calexico, CA 92231 July 1,2006 ZR Night Race Motorcycles & Quads September 9, 2006 ZR Team Race Motorcycles & Quads Septemberl0,2006 ZR Poker Run Family Ride November 26, 2006 ZR Gran Prix Campeones Motorcycles & Quads Attention Race & Rally Organizers List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your 2006 schedule as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: DUllliJ~lfflB 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-5003 July 2006 "Preslnll Our Natural Resources FOR na Public 1Ul8M fRI I PUbBc" INDb.X TO AD\lb.Q. Tl.:>b.Q..:> Aircraft Spruce ........................ 50 Arizona Expo ............................... 2 Baker Precision ........................ 45 Best In The Desert .................... 11 Bilstein ..................................... 20 BTR Racing Wheels ................. 49 C&R Racing ............................... 19 Coast Casinos ............................. 9 Competition Air ....................... 50 CORR ......................... Back Cover E&J Wireworks ........................ 43 Eibach Springs ......................... 38 Fabtech ..................................... 53 Fuel Safe .................................. 15 ISCO ........................................... 55 Kartek Off Road .................. 32-33 Kawaguchi Honda .................... 30 King Shock Tech ....................... 31 light Racing .............................. 43 Master Craft ............................. 23 McKenzie Performance Products ........ 46 Mesa Hose ................................. 55 Michael E. James Insurance ....... 4 Mickey Thompson Tires ............. 4 Mojave Desert Racing .............. 24 NEC ........................................... 47 Nevada Off Road ..................... 39 Pacific Customs ....................... 21 Parker Pumper ......................... 29 PCI Race Radios .......................... 5 Pike's Service Center ............... 13 Race Ready ............................... 54 Racer X ..................................... 17 Radflo ........................................ 37 Ram Praline ............................. 52 Riviera Racing ......................... 12 Ronco Plastics ......................... 51 Sakata ...................................... 45 Shotgun Raffle ........................ 18 Skyjacker Suspensions ........... 44 SNORE 250 ............................... 35 SNORE Midnight..................... 40 Soltek light Systems ............... 41 Stuff Transaxles ..................... 36 Team Gordon ............................ 25 Transaxle Engineering ............. 14 Turnkey Products ..................... 48 Valley Performance ................. 27 Vision X .................................... 26 Web Cam .................................. 10 Page 63 .. I

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