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Volume 23 -Number 6 June 2006 ouo1iJli1moo Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associak Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors Scott Bottomley J. Preston Bradshaw Jim Culp Mike Del Col Nicole Del Col Steve Hilton Victor Gazca Martin Holmes Rod Koch Byrle Moore Steve Ruddick Maurice Selden Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham fl Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Sub-scription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUS'IYTIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hill-side Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chats-worth, CA 91311, (818) 882.0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copy-right by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the pub-lisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chats-worth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chats-worth, CA 91311. snapshot of the Month ... ... ; .':* ti-~ 1': \A Come in Daggett Approach Control. Request clearance to Barstow Tower. Mike Randall and Bob Bower had almost enough altitude to need air traffic clearance at the 1983 Score Barstow Classic. Their Jeep Honcho led Class 4 for 2 laps, then succumbed to the rough desert course. Or maybe it was this landing. Trackside Photo DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8x10 will be considered. In This Issue ... FEATURES SNORE Buffalo Bill's 400 by John Calvin .................................................. 8 WRC Tour De Corse by Martin Holmes ........................................ : ........ 16 MDR Mojave 250 by Steve Ruddick ........................................................... 20 Desert Storm Rally by Sameer Parekh ......................................................... 28 Whiplash At Wickenburg by Mike Del Col ............................................. 30 WRC Rally Argentina lry Martin Holmes ................................................ 34 Rally New York lry Thomru Barker .............................................................. 38 1984 Mint 400 lry Jean Calvin .................................................................... 40 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ............................................................................................... 5 Trail Notes ................................................................................................ 6 BFGoodrich News .................................................................................. 47 FAIR News lry Lisa Kennedy ........................................................................ 4 7 ORBA ..................................................................................................... 49 Oregon Rally Group by John Elkin ............................................................. 49 SCCANews ............................................................................................ 50 Good Stuff Directory ............................................................................. 52 ClassifiedAds .......................................................................................... 58 Index To Advertisers ............................................................................... 59 ON THE COVER Aaron Hawley and Kyle LeDuc had a great race, they had a trouble free run and conquered the 1600 Class at the SNORE Buffalo Bill's 400, besting 26 opponents. Photo by Martees Race Photos It was a good day for Matt Helton, he ran four fast and consistent laps at the MDR Mojave 250 and took the Class 1450 win, leading 27 other trucks to the finish. Photo by Trackside Photo Visit Our Website at Dustytimes.com c5uhscr1"he :Joda_y lo DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$25.00 $40.00 □ 2 years -□ 3 years -$55.00 (no credit cards please) □ NEW □ RENEWAL r City --,,..-------------------St ate -------------Primary Interest Cars D Trucks D Motorcycles D Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian - 1 year $30.00 US ■ Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times June 2006 Page 3
2086 Happenings ••. Precostt, AZ November 10-12, 2006 Laughlin International Rally {Coed 3,3&1) P.O. Box 332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 {802) 265-8618 CoNTINENTAL MoTOSPO.RT Cum P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 FAX: {714) 367-1608 10K FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 (All ~nts staged at tlu club grounds in Ckves. Ohio) 4x4 FoREVER, Lm. 1665 DELAWARE ST. 0sHKOSH, WI 54901 A.MERICAN RALLY SPORT GROUP, INc. 3650 SoUlli POINTE CIRCLE, SUITE 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAx: (702) 52U)597 E MAIL: roger@rallyusa.com A.MERICAN 1'RIALs ASSOCIATION AMA OBSERVED TRIALS Southern CaJili,raia CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES BILL MARKUM • PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HOTLINE· (714) 562-7742 E MAIL: bmark909@aol.com <www.atatmils.com> ASOCIACION EsTATAL DE AurOMOVIl..ISMO SAM l..AsEU.., TECH lNSPECTOR APTo42 SAN Jose. DEL CABO BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL SUR. MEXICO AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CliAMPIONSIIlP DARRYL SMITH 19 SoMERS ST. CAsHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTRALIA DUSTY TIMES @bigPond.com AurocRoss QUEBEC OFF RoAD CLASS JO CARS ONLY RENALD VAILLANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAVAL QUEBEC, CANAD-. H7P 1T7 {450) 622-4440 BAJA CuP CHALLENGE December 9, 2006 Glen Helen Raceway 909-888-6919 BARONA SAND DRAG AssN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 All Races Are Night Races All Races At &rona RacewaJ, Lakeside, CA BBMMARKETING PROMOTIONS OH Road Short Course Racing & Special Event Marketing 4344 VALLEY VIEW AvE. NORCO, CA 92860 {909) 340-6474 BEST IN THE DESERT 3475 BoULDER HIGHWAY LAs VEGAS, NV 89121 702-457-577 5/FAX: 702-641-2431 August 24-26, 2006 TSCO Vegas To Reno September 22-24, 2006 AVI 150 Quad Race Avi,NV October 13-15, 2006 Las Vegas 300 December 1-3, 2006 Henderson's Terrible 400 Henderson, NV B.O.R.E. BONNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING ENTERPRISES 341 W. 2575 N SUNSET, UT 84015 801-773-1651 June 30-July 1, 2006 Jackpot200 Jaclcpot,NV September 1-2, 2006 Red Garter 200 Wendover, NV BP MOTORSPORTS P.O. Box 411 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91365 760-578-6258/760-578-6259 FAX: 818-348-4648 E-Mail: bpmotorsports@earthlink.net All Events At California Cir::,, CA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGHTON, ONTARIO, CANAD-. KOK-lH0 {613) 475-1102/FAX {613) 475-3250 CAJOR Cum AVTOMOVILISTA/UARENSE Dusty Times DE CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD RA.ONG 7210 GATEWAY EAsT EL PASO, TI< 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 011-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RAu,y SERIES <www.Califomiarallyseries.com> August 19, 2006 Gorman Ridge Rally (Coef 3) NASA Regional Frazier Park, CA To Be Announced Nor Cal Rally School Northern CA September 20, 2006 Treeline Rally (Coef 3) Rally America Regional West Covina, CA October6-7, 2006 Prescott Rally (Coef 2&3) NASA USRC & Regional NASA USRC & Regional Laughlin, NV December 1-2, 2006 Reno Rally (Coef 2&3) Rally America National & Regional Reno,NV CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box 400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 {323) 560-SHOW CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVE AD4.Ms (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DoN ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. RICHARDS CLAIRTON HI-JACKERS I.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TWP. LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 {330) 532-4589 Short Cour~ off Road Racing At Harrison CountJ Fair Grounds. Ciufo:. OH Cum AUTOMOVWSTICA SANQUINTIN CALLE 6TA FRAcc Co. DE SAN Qu1NTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HERACUO PATINO (011 52 616-5-22-07) CuJB AUToMoVWSTico SANVICENTE San Vicente Off Road ENSENADA, BC, MEXICO USA JAN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) RAMON CAsTRo & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/7 0034) CMC CODEOFPROAD CODE OFPRoAD USA P.O. Box 2328 CALEXICO, CA 92231-2328 760-455-8069 USA 011-52-686-553-4087 MEXICO www.codeoffroad.com.mx -June 16-18, 2006 VW Autoparts Night Race Laguna Salada, B.C. August 11-13, 2006 ORW Gran Prix Tecate, B.C. October 6-8, 2006 Mexicana Logistics Mexicali 300 Laguna Salada, B.C. December 8-10, 2006 Race Ready 275 Ensenada-Mexicali-San Felipe CoLORADO lin.L CuMB AssoCIATION Happenings continued on page 6 ~ INTRODUCING_ by KENWOOD~~~~ 110 Watts of Power 1160 Channel Alphanumeric I Water Resistant I Mil Spec I Baja 1000 Proven "_1 was in Ensenada, and my crew in San Quinlin could hear me 150 miles away! I need these in ALL of my trucks!" ---".C..--".,_, 12'.tt=C..«JE:Di~ PROTRUCK WINNER, 2002 TECATE/SC0RE BAJA 1000 _The best communicaHon we've in over IS years of off road racing!" ~~~......-~ &E'T Tl#« , .r-CJ,"¥~ TC-,~I Remele Head opHon avalleble. Call ror details. 800.869.5636 562.427.8177 • Fax 562~26.3589 WWW.PCIRACERADIOS.COM 2888 Gundry Ave. • Signal Hill, CA 90755 June 2006 Pages
Trail Notes ... NEW DRIVER - Adam and Bekki Wik are thrilled to announce the arrival of Ava Jewel, Ava arrived on the 201h of April, 2006, weighing in at 6 pounds, 4 ounces and 18¼" long. We are all immensely happy for Adam and Bekki. May Ava Jewel have a very long, happy and healthy life. ·c ORR CHULA VISTA SPORTSMAN CLASSES. Two Sportsman classes will be offered at the 2006 CORR Chula Vista events. Rules and regulations will be similar to the 2005 events. Each combined class will race once each day of the event weekend, for the posted CORR Sportsman purse. The entry fee for each event will be $200. A $100 late fee will be added to your entry fee if it is not received two weeks prior to the event. A CORR drivers license will be required for all classes. These forms will be available shortly at www.corracing.com. A CORR West Coast points Champion will be awarded for the two classes below. All rules in section 17 of the CORR rule book will apply. CORR SINGLE BUGGY/ SCORE Cuss 1-2 1600 -l. CORR Single Buggy must be single occupant and use a 21.0 mm restrictor plate. 2.SCORE class 1-1600 will use a 21.5 mm restrictor plate. 3. SCORE class 2-1600 will use a 24.0 mm restrictor plate and _must have a co-d river. 4, Single seat vehicles must weigh a minimum of 1580 pounds. Two seat vehicles must weigh a minimum of 1700 pounds. 5. All weight will be at race end as the vehicle comes off the track, including driver, passenger and all equipment. Cleaning of vehicle may be required. 6. All CORR or SCORE class rules apply and will be enforced. CORR SUPER BUGGY / SCORE CLASS 10 AND 12 - 1. All CORR or SCORE class rules apply and will be enforced. 2. Minimum weight will be 1580 pounds at race end, including driver, passenger and all equipment. All CORR or SCORE minimum safety standards will apply as printed in the latest rule books. All CORR procedural, flag and competition rules will apply as printed in the 2006 CORR Rule Book. This book is available atwww.corracing.com. All vehicles must have numbers assigned by CORR administration prior to the event. All numbers used in the 2006 Chula Vista events must be the proper size, color and location as described in the 2006 CORR Rule Book. Racers will keep the same number for all 2006 Chula Vista events. All teams will also be required to rent or purchase an electronic scoring transponder at each event. There will absolu.tely be no exceptions to this rule. Technical inspections and attendance at all drivers meetings are mandatory. Significant penalties or disqualifications will be imposed. CORR reserves the right to adjust the race format depending on the number of entrees. Class splitting or heat races may be required. RALLY NEW YORK• The Rally New York USA took place on April 7-8. There were lots of entries, 15 in the U.S. Rally Championship Division, 31 in the Eastern States Rally Championship. In the U.S. division, Tom Lawless was 1" overall in 04, Seamus Burke was 2nd in 04, David Anton took Group N, Mark Lawrence took the win in 02 and Brian Street was the SS winner. In the Eastern States Division Tom Lawless was the overall winner, Jeremy Drisdane was second, Martin O'Flynn took 1" SS, Mark Lawrence was 1" M2 and Alex Kuhner took the win in P2. There is a full story and pictures in this issue. RED FACE DEPARTMENT - We goofed -the picture caption on page 8 of the May, 2006 issue of Dusty Times was correct, Adam Pfankuch was the big winner in Class ½-1600 but somehow the Troy Herbst machine snuck onto the page for a second time. Our sincere apologies to all concerned. MID AMERICA OPP ROAD AssoCIATION - MAO RA has a "Young Writers Contest" which is open to all High School age students. The contest runs through the entire 2006 racing season. This is an opportunity for the students to show their talents to the world. Students will compete against each other for recognition as writer of the race and the winner will receive a $100.00 U.S. Savings Bond, a hat, a t-shirt and a plaque recognizing their accomplishment and their story will be printed in Dusty Times. Participation in this contest will give the local students a rung up at college entrance time. MAO RA is a non-profit race sanctioning organization, founded in 1972 to organize off road enthusiasts and generally promote the sport of off road racing. MAO RA offers two Drivers Point Series, both short course and endurance and also establishes rules and regulations to be followed by racers, track owners and promoters. MAORA Club Officers are elected annually by the membership. MAORA will make a number of paid admissions available to students who would like to compete but may not be able to due to financial restrictions. If you have an interest in this program and would like to help MAO RA in this undertaking please contact them at 630-898-9778 of fax at 630-898-9567. B ITO TERRIBLE's TOWN 250 -It all took place in beautiful, downtown Parumph on the last weekend in April and a good time was had by all. There were 131 entrants and 84 of them made it to the checkered flag, a 64% finishing rate. John Herder and Steve Melton were the overall winners in their Jimco, Darnen and Casey Jefferies came along 52 seconds later in their HMS, second in class and second overall. Garron Cadiente took the Trick Truck honors in his Ford, less than two minutes out of the overall. Charley McDowell, Ford, was the Pro Truck winner, Shawn Wanzek, Ford, took the honors in Unlimited Mini Truck Class, Mark Beeler, also in a Ford was the big winner in Class 8. The Class 10 win went to Steve Brown in his ASC Motorsports car, Greg Foutz took the win in the Stock Full Size Truck Class in his Ford and Brian Jeffrey rook the !§99 CJ~§§ wJn Jn hJ§ !'grm, Th~ !'~r~ §rnds foH §J;~ ~VY \VJ~ Page 6 BARB VAHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box 8286 CoLORAOO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O. Box 392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER Oll-52-65-66-4458 CORR LUCAS On. SERIES 192 N. STATE ROAD, SUITE 267 A\ON, IN 46123 317-272-2827 317-272-2900 fax June 10-11, 2006 Sportsman Series Pro Cup - No Points Antigo, WI June 24-2S, 2006 Crandon, WI Pro & Sportsman JulyS-9,2006 Bark River, MI Pro & Sportsman July 22-23, 2006 Chula Vista, CA Pro Series August 12-13, 2006 Bark River, MI Pro & Sportsman September 2-3, 2006 Crandon, WI Pro & Sportsman September 23-24, 2006 Chula Vista, CA Pro Series October 21-22, 2006 Chula Vista, CVA Pro Series . CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, SUITE 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-4 2 CORVA Elrr 4 2 FAX (818) 957-4435 D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (AU ,vents at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston Coun[J ORV Park, Olympia, WA) DAKARRALLY DARREN SKILlON BAJA AUTOMOTIVE AoVENnJRES 455 E. OCEAN BLVD., SUITE 208 loNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 Bajaautomotive@Yahoo.com DF.c.A.nJR FoUR WHEEL DRIVE Cum DECAnJR, TI( 76234 ToMAlLEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU Cm, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 EASTERN OFF-ROAD RACING AssN. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WELLSV1UE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 WSENADA BAJA OFP ROAD RAaNG Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX Oll-52-646-1818989 Eus10 Oll-52-646-1715230 AARON Raas for bugpJ & Motorc,clu Esl'ERo BEACH INTERNATIONAL Short Course Racing VIClORIA GALINOO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO Oll-52-646-176-6230 FORDA FLORIDA OFP ROAD DRIVER'S ASSOCL4170N JASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Apr, May, Noo at Davidson Racewaz FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 1855 PARKWAY DRIVE S. EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-44 2-93 20/959-579-615 l FAX mdrracing@aol.com GORRA GEORGIA Qpp ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 4 20 HOSEA ROAD June 2006 lAWRENCEVIUE, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA GREAT PLANEs Qpp ROAD RACING Assoc:IATION TIM HODGE (402) 991-6048 ScoTT MORROW (816) 792-2126 (All races are Jhort course, Jtadium J[Jk Classes -Sportsman, 1/2-1600, 5-1600, Sport Truck, Quad,, Tough Truck Nebra.Jka Raawa, Park, Exit 420 on 1-80 between Omaha and Uncoln.) For latest info check < www.gporra.net> HIGH PLAINS OFP ROAD RACING 2000 W. QUINCY AVENUE #B ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 303-806-8062/303-78U'974 fax INTERNATIONAL ICE RACING Assoc:IATION P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDOOR (612) 937-3816/FAX 474-2769 INTER-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 ]EEPSPEED 1826 N. Windes Orange, CA 92869 714-538-7434/ fax 714-633-1724 All races for Jeepspeed 1,2 & 3 Jeefspeed Challenge une 10,2006 Superstition Series Coyote Night Race August 12, 2006 California Night 200 Lucerne Valley, CA September 30, 2006 MDR Lucerne 250 Lucerne Valley, CA December 2, 2006 BITD Terrible's 400 Henderson, NV {eeps'(ff-/ 3 Series ugust 4-26, 2006 BITD Vegas To Reno Nevada October 13-1S, 2006 Las Vegas 300 Las Vegas, NV December 1-3, 2006 Henderson's Terrible 400 Henderson, NV KAMl.ooPS BRONCO BUSTERS Whispering Pines Sports & Recreation Center P.O. Box 465 l<AMLOOPS, BC, CANADA VZG5L2 DALE NYESTE (250) 579-8039 TONY (250) 554-97801. Craig Byers (250) 376-8466 LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS & 0FPROAD EXPO (626) 961-3782 <www.prerunners.com> <www.megashow.com> L.I.T.R.E. JEFF ELROD (408) 926-0522 J1MARUTA (408) 247-4402 MAMAluuTA ()pp ROAD RACING WIS C.W.OSALVARE:/.0 PANAMERICANA AVE #5105 Co. JUAREZ, CHIH., MX 011-52-1637-1799 MicmGAN BuooY BUIIDERS DuNE BuGGY TR.we Snow (517) 543-7214 <www.buggybuilders.com> MicmGAN OFP RoAD CHAMPIONSIUPS M. T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 }ONES ROAD GRAND LEDGE, ML 4883 7 (517) 627-6200 Mocorcycla, Quads, ATVJ and Pilots onlz MAORA Mm-AMERICA OFP ROAD ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 664 GREENUP, IL 62428 (217) 235-6528 E-MAIL: maora@peako.com <www.maoraracing.com> June 17, 2006 Cross Road MX Mason, IL July 22, 2006 Tell City Fairgrounds Tell City, IN August 12, 2006 Stone City Ranch Bedford, IN August 26, 2006 Soggy Bottom Raceway Greenup, IL September 23, 2006 Stone City Ranch Bedford, IN October 21, 2006 Lincoln Trail Motorsports Park Casey, IL Endurance Points Series August 13, 2006 Stone City Ranch Bedford, lN September 24, 2006 Stone City Ranch Bedford, lN October 22, 2006 Lincoln Trail Motorsports Park Casey, lL MDRRACING 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE SoUTH EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/FAX626-579-6Q51 2006 Cali~omia Cha~ Series June 24, McKenzie's 400 Lucerne Valley, CA **August 12, 2006 California 200 Lucerne Valley Night Race September 30, 2006 Lucerne 250 Lucerne Valley, CA *November 11, 2006 Stoddard 250 Barstow, CA • Doubk Points • Night Race MDR PRODUCTIONS .aJ06 Superstition Championship Series AU Raas at Pkuter Cicy OHV Area *June 10, 2006 Coyote Wash 200 October 28, 2006 Superstition 250 December 31, 2006 The Bud Lite Dash 200 • Night Race M.O.R.E. MoJA VE OFP RoAD RACING ENnroSIASTS P.O. Box 1231 BARSlOW, CA 92312 760-253-4453 moreracing@earthlink.net MOREKARTEK Off Road Gold Cup Series May27,2006 TBA July 22, 2006 Barstow,CA September 16, 2006 TBA December 2, 2006 Barstow, CA MSBA MicmGAN SPORT BuGGY AssoclATioN DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. FUNT, ML 48506 (810) 730-9221 MoTOWEST WINTER TRIALs SERIES BILL MARKHAM (909) 860-1857 <www.lTStrials.com> All ~nts at Perris Racewa1 (At Reed Valley with a Jchoo!) NATIONAL Muti RACING AssN. RT. #l • Box 380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN PALATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFF TRUCK AssN. BUTCH CHAPIN MoroRSPORTS PROMOTIONS 1404 EAsT 3RD STREET HAsnNcs, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 · NOORA GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAIL Kaylaaron@aol.com <www.Nooraoffroadracing.com> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Spring Valley Racewa1, on route 518, 20 minutes SW of Li.sbon, OH) (Thundc-Valley located 15 minutes from Spring VaUez) Dusty Times
'l NORTHERN Omo OFF RoAD RACING AssN. GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 OFF ROAD EXPO 2006 (626) 599-8622 OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION VOUJN'lcEREI) SERIES PRESIDENT • GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, 1N 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP.· 1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP. • 9 & UNLID. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OUTI.AWREP. DoNPONDER (314) 631-8190 (All Races at Wheeling in the Cmmt, 900 Aero) Omo OFF RoADERS INc. 1427 GOSHEN Hlus Ro.-.o S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 }IM KENDEL (216) 339-4674 AU raas hdd at Harruon O>ullt] Fanpounds. Cadil. Oluo ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION RICK TICHBOURNE, Pusuc RELATIONS (519).681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) Oun.Aw SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. Louis, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/FAX: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. Ow Ro,w CIIAMProNSHIP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <www.usoff-road.com> PIKEsPEAK P.O. Box 6962 CoLORAOO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF ROAD RACING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 875-7591 PRo 1600 SHooTour CoREYGOIN 559-647-6132 GOINRACIN@HOTMAILCOM PRoTRuCK 14402 BoND CoURT EL CAJON, CA 92021 619-390-6252 June 2-4, 2006 Baja 500 Ensenada Baja California July,2006 Pikes Peak. Hillclirnb Colorado July 27-29, 2006 Las Vegas Terrible's Cup Las Vegas, NV Augwt 24-26, 2006 TSCO Vegas To Reno Nevada September 8-10, 2006 Las Vegas Primm 300 Prirnrn,NV October13-1S,2006 Las Vegas 300 Nevada November 16-18, 2006 Baja 1000 Baja, California, Mexico December 1-3, 2006 Henderson's Terrible 400 H~NV PuRE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box 50 RICKETTS, IA 51460 (712) 679-2221 RALLY AMERICA June3,2006 Susquehannock. Wellsboro, PA July 28-29, 2006 Maine Forest Rally Rumford, ME August 25-26, 2006 Ojibwe Forests Bemidji, MN September 23-24, 2006 Colorado Cog Steamboat Springs, CO October 20-21, 2006 Lake Superior Dusty Times Houghton, MI TBD Reno Rally Rrno,NV ROCK CRAWLERS ASSOCIATION OF A.MmlCA P.O. Box 1406 RIVERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/FAX: (801) 253-3176 SAN DIEGO SHORT CoURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New Series by Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro Trucks, Desert Trucks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Truck <www .snowbirdracing.corn> (858) 571-5088 SAN DIEGO OFF ROAD ExrosmON (888) 836 7918 SCCA PRoRAu.y P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-2055 <www .sccaprorally.org> August 12, 2006 Scenic View NC Oregon Augwt 13, 2006 Beaver Cleaver NC Portland, OR September 2, 2006 Appalachian NT Steel Cities September 3, 2006 Ohnoodo NT Pittsburgh, PA September 4, 2006 Steel Haul NC September 16, 2006 Ok.toberally NC LOL September 17, 2006 Badger Trails NT Trempealeau, WI October 20, 2006 TBA GTA October 21, 2006 TBA NC Topeka, KS October 22, 2006 TBA NT November 4, 2006 Covered Bridge DT Vermont National Road Rally Events June 10, 2006 Chippewa Falls NC/NT LOL July 8, 2006 . Golden West NTR San Francisco August 12, 2006 Scenic View NC Oregon August 13, 2006 Beaver Cleaver NC Portland, OR September 16, 2006 Ok.toberally NC September 17, 2006 Badger Trails NT Trempealeau, WI October 20, 2006 Oz Has Spoken NC National Office . Topeka, KS October 21, 2006 Over The Rainbow NT Topeka, KS October 22, 2006 Yellow Brick. Road NT/GTA Topeka, KS November 4, 2006 Covered Bridge DT NERVT Novemberll,2006 TBANC Old Dominion Richmond, VA November12,2006 TBA NC Old Dominion Richmond, VA NC - NatioMl O>une NT -National Tour GTA -Game Tour Adtienture SFX MOTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE, SUITE 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 FAX SCORE SCORE OOERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., Su1TE A CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 <www .score-international.corn> June 2-4, 2006 Tecate SCORE Baja 500 Ensenada, Baja Caliomia, Mexico July 27-29, 2006 *SCORE Las Vegas Tcrrible's Cup II Las Vegas Motor Speedway Las Vegas, NV Septembe,, 8-10, 2006 SCORE Las Vegas Primm 300 Prirnrn,NV November lS-18, 2006 Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 Baja California to Baja California Sur, Mexico *Non-l>Oints special event SNORE SOUTHERN NEVADA OFF ROAD ENTffuSIASTS P.O. Box 270516 LAs VEGAS, NV 89127 702-452-4522 www.SNORERACING.NET August4-S, 2006 KC Hilites Midnight Special September 29-October 1, 2006 South Coast SNORE 250 Las Vegas November 10-11, 2006 Western Desert Championship Laughlin, NV (Avi) SONS OF THUNDER 4 WHEELERS RACE DIVISION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SOUTHEASTERN OFP ROAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963--0252 MIKE MOORE - (224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS EXPO MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. Hacienda Blvd. #322 Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SCTA SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION & BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, INc. P.O. Box 10 OROSI, CA 9364 7 (559) 528-6279 (559) 528-9749 FAX <www.SCTA-BNI.org> SOUTHERN SHORT CoURSE OFP RoAD RACING ASSN. 4305 Woo11.ARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (AU Races at Eastba:Y Racewa,, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) Lm. P.O. Box 706 November4-S,2006 Gila Bend Gila Bend, AZ December 2, 2006 Mexico Whiplash Desert *Bilces/ATV's and **Minic/PW ** *May 27-28, 2006 Page, AZ ** July 22, 2006 Flagstaff, AZ * July 23, 2006 Flagstaff, AZ . ** September 2, 2006 Snowflake, Heber, AZ *September3,2006 Snowflake, Heber, AZ ** October 7, 2006 TBA *October 8, 2006 TBA ***November 4-S, 2006 Gila Bend -Gila Bend, AZ ** * December 2, 2006 Mexico WISCONSIN MOTORSPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OFP RoAD FESTIVAL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 0sHKOSH, WL 54901 (414) 688-5509 FIA WoRID RALLY CHAMPIONSIIlP XTREME INTERNATIONAL more Happenings on page 59 June 2006 Trail Notes ... went to Josh Hall in his Hummer, Rod Hall added yet another win in his Mid Sized SUV Hummer, Carl Fitz, Ford, was the Pure Stock Production Mini Truck Class winner, Sean Malabanan, also in a Ford, took the Stock Production Mini/Mid Size Class, Gale Pike, who is in his 75th year, took Class 3 honors in his Sleepy Hollow Racing Chevy and Guy Alldredge took the JeepSpeed honors. All in all, a great weekend, good weather, good racing and you get to spend a weekend in beautiful downtown Parumph. SCORE BAJA 500 - 365 alread'.'I entered for June 2-4 race in Ensenada, Mexico; Round 3 of the six-race 2006 SCORE Desert Series. Led by a multitude of grizzled former Overall and class champions, motorsports adventurers from across the globe are preparing to compete in what is projected to be a record-setting and extremely memorable 38th Annual Tecate SCORE Baja 500, the second-oldest desert race in the world. Round 3 of the six-race 2006 SCORE Desert Series, the World's Foremost Desert Racing Series, featuring a race-record of over 400 entries competing in 25 Pro and 5 Sportsman classes for cars, trucks, motorcycles and A TVs, will be held June 2-4 in Ensenada, Mexico. Traditionally one of the most popular events on the SCORE schedule, over 150,000 spectators are expected to enjoy the world's best desert racers in action around the picturesque deserts, beaches and forests of Baja California at this year's Tecate SCORE Baja 500 With late entries accepted up to race morning. Over 400 entries are expected from 25 U.S. States, Mexico, Canada, Colombia, France, Japan and New Zealand, the green flag will drop for the race at 6 a.m. on Saturday Qune 3) for the motorcycle and ATV classes in the Tecate SCORE Baja 500, followed by the car and truck classes two hours later at approximately 9 a.m. Entries have come from every state in the Western U.S., Hawaii, and Texas, from across the Midwest including South Dakota, Minnesota, Kansas, Missouri, Indiana and Wisconsin, as well as New York, Ohio and Massachusetts in the East and Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, Florida and Alabama in the South. A total of 365 official entries have been received to date, an increase of 38 more entries since the April 22 drawing for start positions. As of this writing, the Pro classes with the most entries are: Class 1 (42), SCORE Trophy-Truck, with a class-record 40, SCORE Lite, with a class record 32, Class 1-2/1600 (27) and Class 30 (16). Leading the Sportsman classes is SPT Motorcycles over 250cc with a class record 46. NASCAR team owner/driver Robby Gordon, Charlotte, N.C., will defend his overall 4, wheel vehicle and SCORE Trophy-Truck crown. Gordon, who will pull double duty by racing in the NASCAR Nextel Cup race the same weekend in Dover, Del., has entered two trucks in the class. Gordon, who won the 1996 SCORE Trophy-Truck season point championship, will drive the No. 31 SCORE Trophy-Truck and Andy McMillin, a third-generation SCORE desert racer, is running the entire 2006 SCORE Desert Series schedule in the No. 83 Team Gordon Chevy CK1500. A total of 15 of the 18 defending Pro class winners (six classes had no finishers) from last year are entered so far, although four of them have switched classes. Besides Gordon, Childress and Frederick, other racers who will be back to defend their class titles are George Seeley, Glendale, Calif. (Class 5, unlimited VW Baja Bug), Danny Ledezma, Chula Vista, Calif. (Class 5/1600, 1600cc VW Baja Bug), Todd Wyllie, New River, Ariz. (Class 8, Chevy C1500), Eric Fisher, Ensenada, Mexico (Class 9, Garibay-VW} Lobsam Yee, Tijuana, Mexico (Class 10, Jimco-Honda), Ricardo Malo, Mexicali, Mexico/ Arturo Honold, Calexico, Calif. (SCORE Lite, Curry-VW). The four class winners from last year who have switched classes are: Andy McMillin, Poway, Calif. (from Class 1 to SCORE Trophy-Truck), Rob MacCachren/Bryan Freeman (MacCachren from Class 1-2/1600 to SCORE Trophy-Truck and Freeman to Protruck), John Holmes, Olivenhain, Calif.(from Class 7S to Class 7SX) Two former IndyCar drivers among the entries so far this year are Danny Sullivan and Roberto Guerrero. Sullivan, the 1985 Indy 500 champion who competed in that race 15 times, will co."drive with Las Vegas' Bobby Baldwin, President of MGM/Mirage Resorts, in the No. 96 Chevy Silverado SCORE Trophy-Truck. Guerrero, the 1984 Indy 500 Rookie of the Year who had 15 career Indy 500 starts, will be a co-driver with Chris Lucas and ·Eric Place in the No. 245 Ford F-150 in the Protruck class.Another cross-over driver entered is Jamie Galles, Albuquerque, N.M., in Class 8. With limited previous SCORE racing experience, Galles, whose family was a long-time Indy Car team owner, has . driven in both the Trans Am and old Toyota Atlantic racing series. Most recently, Galles was a DNF in March's Tecate SCORE San Felipe 250. Among the other early entries is venerable veteran Rod Hall, Reno, Nev., who has entered the Stock Mini class in a Hummer H3. Hall, 67, has 15 class wins in the Tecate SCORE Baja 500 and this will be his first appearance since he won his class in 1994. Hall's oldest son Josh, 44, will drive a Hummer HZ in the Stock Full class. Veteran desert racers Mike Voyles and Darnen Jefferies along with newcomer Johnny Jensen all drew pole positions in their respective classes during the live drawing for starting positions on April 22 at the Pechanga Resort & Casino in Temecula, Calif. Voyles lined up all the proverbial '7s' as he nervously drew the names during the special live drawing his race team hosted at the Pechanga Resort Casino in Temecula, Calif. Ironically, Pechanga is the title sponsor of the No. 62 Mike Voyles Racing Ford F-150 SCORE Trophy-Truck and Voyles lives in Temecula. Jefferies, Oak Hills, Calif., was the 1997 SCORE Overall point champion and will lead the unlimited Class 1 in his Chevy-powered HMS open-wheel desert race car while Pre-race festivities for the 38th Tecate SCORE Baja 500 will be held in Ensenada on Friday (June 2). Traditionally drawing approximately 50,000 spectators, the pre-race Manufacturer's Midway and display of every race vehicle will be held adjacent to the San Nicolas Hotel, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday (June 2). The post-race awards celebration will be held at the San Nicolas Hotel on Sunday (June 4) at 10 a.m. Racer and media registration will be held on Thursday Oune 1) from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. and on Friday Qune 2) from 9-a.m. to 5 p.m. at the San Nicolas Hotel. The 2006 SCORE Desert Series includes the chase for the $50,000 Kartek more Trail Notes an page 59 Page 7
·:?!.~:-,--BUFFALO BILL'S 400 Brown Beats ·em All By John Calvin Photos: Mdrtees Race Photos Aaron Hawley and Kyle LeDuc had a trouble free run, they bested all the competition in Class 1600 and took home the gold medal. · Finally able to drive his wife's truck, Regen Gubler went all the way and took the Class 8 honors, seen here at speed. · Well,theweathercouldn'thavebeen day dawned bright and clear and the better Technical and Contingency lnspec-temperature was a wonderful high sev-tion were at Whiskey Pete's, and the Fri-enty degrees with about a five mile per daynighteventweatherwas balmy. Race hour breeze to help sweep the dust off the course. It was a great race weekend indeed There were 86 entrants ready to com-. bat the 70 some odd mile course the fast classes running five laps for their race, the slower classes had three laps to make a race and some of the even slower classes only ran two laps. We should mention here that only 37 vehicles made it to the finish line, a 43% finishing rate. It was a rough and tough course. Class 1 had six cars breathing hard at the start line and they left with a powerful lot of noise. When they came around at the end of the first lap it was Tun Llndsay in the lead, Ronn Bailey can1e along 20 minutes later. We might note that Ronn has run in two Dakar Rallies and plans on returning for another shot at the world's longest off road race. Jason Beam was running third, Brad Falin was in fourth place, Chris Robinson was in fifth place and Charles Roderick was in sixth place. When they came around at the end Shane Brown took the Class 1 0 lead on the third lap, went on for the class win as well as the overall, well done! Tim Undsay made it look easy, he led the Class 1 contingent all the way, taking the checkers with 40 minutes to spare. of the serond lap it was still Llndsayin the lead, but his competition was lots closer now as Tun had to replace a tranny cooler line and he also had a flat to deal with. Ron Bailey was now only 13 minutes away from the leader, having a ball in his Porter Chevy and enjoying his Fortin built torque converter, really enjoying his clutchlesscar.ChrisRobinsonhadmoved up a spot into third place, Jason Beam was now running in fourth place, Roderick was up to fifth place and Brad Falin had dropped two spots into sixth place. Lap 3 ended and there weren't a lot of changes, Tun Lindsay still led the pack, now nursing a broken limit strap, Ronn Bailey still ran in second place, about 11 minutes in arrears, Chris Robinson was still running in third place, Charles Roderick was up a spot into fourth place and Jason Beam was down a spot into fifth place. Brad Falin was out of the race. In spite of a flat tire, Tun Llndsay still held the lead at the end of the fourth lap, Ronn Bailey still ran in serond place, now eight minutes behind the leader, Chris Robinson still held onto third place, Ja-son Beam was up a spot into fourth place and Charles Roderick was in fifth place. So the Class 1 race ended, Tun Llnd-say took the win, in spite of a. dropped cylinder near the end, having led all the way and Ronn Bailey came across for the silver medal, he was about half an hour bel1ind the winner and Jason Beam came in for the bronze medal Chris Ronn Bailey was a bit off the winning pace in Class 1, he took the Chris Wright had a pretty good race, he was a bit off the winning Dan Folts was up near the front all race long, he ended up taking silver medal in his neat looking buggy. pace, had a long last lap but still took a second place in Class 10. second place in Class 1600, less than four minutes out of the win. Richard Blunk had a horrendously long first lap, never gave up, he Joe Forte took a very nice second place in the Class 9 contest, he Jasper Dyer had a pretty good day, he drove his really good looking ended up in second place in Class 8 when day was done. was less than a minute and a half out of the win at the flag.. Bug to second place in the Class 5-1600 contest. Pages June 2006 Dusty Times T
What a day, Jessica Freeman got stuck, broke a torsion bar and Brad Wilson really tried, but it just wasn't his day, he ran second all Trevor Scherrer started out way back in the pack but he was able to finally to run out of gas a few miles from the finish in Champ Class. race long, finishing 3 minutes too late in Limited Sportsman. take third place in the Class 10 race, seen here at speed. Robinson and Charles Roderick failed fifth place. In sixth place itwas T.J. Hores, up three spots into third place, Chris of the third lap Matt Gumz was now in Brownell and Bill Woodward was eighth. to complete their fifth lap. Brian Freemal ran in seventh place, Mark Wrightwasdown a spot into fourth place the lead, Jason Batulis was now in second lap 4 ended and Shane Brown, who There were 13 Class 10 cars waiting Brownell was in eighth place, Rob and Brian Freemal was up a few spots place, eight minutes behind, Richard was in for Matt Gumz still held the lead, to get it on and they had a good race McBeath was ninth, J.C. Dean was in into fifth. ~k Brownell was in sixth Evans was now in for Chris Wright, he Richard Evans was up a spot into sec-although only four of them would get all 10th place and Bill Woodward was 11th. place, Rob McBeath was running sev-changed a broken alternator belt and he ond place, Brian Freemal was running in of their five required laps. First car actoss Corey Cook and Paul Sullivan never enth and Bill Woodward was in eighth was running in third place, Brian Free-.third place and Trevor Scherrer was the line on lap 1 was Jason Batulis, Steve completed their first lap. place. Steve Strobe~ Rick lance and J.C. mal was in fourth place and Trevor fourth. Jason Batulis, T.J. Hores was out Strobel wasserond,justa bitovera minute Jason Batulis continued to lead on Dean all disappeared from the scoring Scherrer, who was in for McBeath, was with a broken harmonic balancer, Mark behind, Chris Wrightwas third, in fourth lap 2 but Matt Gumz was less than a charts. in fifth place. T. J. Hores dropped three Brownell and Bill Woodward all suc-itwas Matt Gumz and Rick l.ancewas in minutebehindtheleader.T.J.Horeswas Whentheycamearoundattheend spotstosixmplace,inseventhiswasMark Continued on page 10 Curt Geer gets ready for a hard landing, Curt led Class 1600 for two Rett Thomas took a nice third place in Class 9, he finished a mere six Mike Simpson led the first lap in 5-1600, dropped to third place and laps but a long third lap dropped him to third place. minutes out of the win at the SNORE Buffalo Bill's race. there he remained for the rest of the race. Dusty Times An Intimate Gem Adjacent to Bel/aglo, Caesars & Baily's Flamingo & The Strip 1-888•227•2279 bllr~eh).com The Place Las Vegans Ca}/ Home"' West Flamingo & Valley View 1-888-402·6278 ~-~~ June 2006 Ask About Our Special Headliner Show and Boom Packages \'Vest Tropicana & Arvllle 1 •800-875-3267 QOINl!li(;QOO.oom Ask About Our Room & Goff Packages Page 9
Fourth place in Class 1 0 went to Bryan Freemal, a very long last lap Grant Fluegge was off the winning pace in Class ½-1600, he finished didn't help his cause at all, he's seen here in action. first off the podium in his good looking car. Gary Messer finished in fourth place in Class 5-1600, a very long third lap cost him quite a bit in position. curnhed to various fatal problems on long, the tranny in their Jimco T~ta finished third and Brian Freemal was first \ their fourth lap. acting up near the end Richard Evans off the podium. . The checkers flew and Shane Brown won the silver. medal, suffering yet an-No 1~ than 2·; Class 1600 cars were was the happy Class 10 winner, he was other broken alte,;nator belt, he was readytorommenceiheirfiverequiredlap;. also first overall, completing the course in three quarters of an hour in arrears, Rob T welveof them would see the finish line, a 7:44:56. They ran trouble free all race McBeath, back in for Trevor Scherrer, 44%finishingrate. Whenthefustlapwas completed it was Curt Geer in the lead, was running seventh, Grant Auegge ran Dan Folts was right on his tail, three min-in the eighth spot, Matt Gumz ran ninth utes in arrears, Jeremy Hannon was in and Don Wall was in the 10th position. third place, Aaron Hawleywas running BrianCollins,Jr.wasrunningin llthplace, fourth and Brad lnch was in fifth place. ln in 12th place it was Jeremy Evens, Billy· sixthplaceitwasOrloCoxIIl,Rick~ Skinnerwas 13th,NickGutierrezwas 14th 1 800 565 4042 Page 10 Top Competitors In every Major 011 Road Event Choose MasterCrart Seats and Restraints . ,., Including: Scott Douglas Evan Evans Mike Julson Curt and Kyle Le Due Rob Maccachren John Marking Carl Renezeder Matt Scaroni Dan Smith and Dave Ashley Scott Steinberger Shannon Campbell Aaron Dusenbery Walker Evans Johnny G. Mitch Guthrie Joachim Schweisow Tracy Jordan Jason Paule www.mas1ercra11seats .. com June 2006 and Kevin Powers was in 15th place. Shane Reed was in the 16th spot. Adam Pfankuch was running in the 17th posi-tion, in 18th it was Nie L)Un, Tom Burns ran in 19th and Jeff Farshler was 20th. Ray Files ran in the 21st spot and Steve _ Fuller was running 22nd Failing to com-plete their first lap was Rick Fernandez, Greg~. FrankPuglia, Cody Freeman and Jay Shain. The second lap got under way and there were lots of position changes throughout the lap. When the lap ended it was Curt Geer still in the lead, he had laid the car on its side out there some-where. Jeremy Hannon moved up a spot into second place, Dan Folts was only seconds away in third place, fighting a power steering belt. Aaron Hawley still ran in fourth place and Brad Inch still ran in fifth place. Don Wall was up four spots into sixth place, Shane Reed was up seven spots into seventh place, Matt Gwmwas running in eighth place, Grant Ruegge dropped a spot into ninth place and Rick Boyer had dropped three spots into 10th place. Jeremy Evans was run-ning in 11th place, in 12th it was Kevin Powers, Ste-.eShimp, who was in for Tom Bums was up three spots into 13th, Orlo Cox had dropped a bunch of spots, thanks to a faulty distributor and was 14th and Rick Gutierrez was running 15th. Ray Files was 16th, Jeff Farshler was 17th,NicL)Unranin 18thandBrian Collins Jr. had dropped way back to 19th place. Billy Skinner, Adam Pfunkuchand Steve Fuller were out of the fray . The third lap saw some major changes in the running order. The new leader was Jeremy Harmon, Aaron Hawley was in second place, only a minute out of the lead, Dan Folts was in third, now having lost the power steering reservoir and was only a few seconds behind Hawley, Om Geer and dropped to fourth place, los-ing 20 minutes to a right rear flat and Don Wall had moved up a spot into fifth place. Grant Ruegge moved up a spot into sixth place, Shane Reed was still running seventh, Orlo Cox was up six places into eighth, Rick Boyer was up a spot into ninth place and Steve Shimp was in 210th place. ln 11th place itv.,as Kevin Powers, Jeff Farshler was up five places into 12th, Jeremy Evans dropped a few spots and was now 13th, Brian Collins was up five spots into 14th place, Matt Gumz was way back in the 15th spot and Nie L)Un was in 16th place. Brad Inch and Ray Files were nowhere to be seen. The fourth lap came to an end and the new leader was Kyle LeDuc, who was in for Aaron Hawley. Jeremy Harmon had slipped to second place, he was about two minutes behind the leader, Bryan Burg~ was now driving for Dan Folts and was still holding on in third place. Frank Wayne, who was now in for Curt Geer was still in fourth and Grant Ruegge had moved up a spot into fifth place. Continued on page 12 Dusty Times -
II Present The: !/)(Ill /l)Rf!IM ~ Special CLASS 1 BONUS RACE!! -••-, --•--••.,~•• •• ·-• • •· • •r·, -••·• .... ~ • '•• •~•-. • $5---o· o- o,.-1st p--·l ..... _-_ ----..: __ : : · -----ace'r $500 Bonus to 2nd ••w/10 cars in class Co11je Pa'l" in the streets of.Downtown Boulder Cltr..l I_ Fri Aug 4t • Sign Up/Tech/Contingency 5:30 - 9:00 pm Sign up at the Boulder Dam Hotel Fun Run Sat Aug 5th 8 am -Noon/Race Starts 7:00 pm Sat Aug 5th www.snoreracing.net • (702) 452-4522 SNORE hotline Official Tire Series Sponsor • ~ ~ GENUINEWII Autl1entic Web Solutions
A longer than usual second lap was expensive for Orio Cox Ill, he finished fifth in the hotly contested Class 1600 race. Tom Burns started slow, moved up through the pack and ended up in Don Wall ran pretty well, but not well enough, he ended up in the seventh spot in the Class ½-1600 fracas. sixth place in Class ½-1600, seen here at takeoff. Andy Grider, who was in for Shimp movoo up two spots, he was now in eighth, Rick~was holding on in ninth place and Shane Reed had dropped three spots and was now in 10th place. Still in 11th µace was Kevin Po.vets.Jeremy Evans wasupaspotinto 12th, Brian Collins Jr. was 13th, Jeff Farshler was down two spots into 14thandNicl)".>nwasin 15th place. MattGwnzwas on the trailer.And RickGutierrezwasdq'd Rickgotlootin the dust, went off course and fell into the waiting arms of the BLM who had him disqualified for treading on sacred ground. Sorry Rick. The Class 9 gold medal went to Rusty Ruby, he was never lower than fourth place and he took the win by a minute and a half. The checkers flew and Kyle LeDuc came in for the Class 1600 win in the Aaron Hawley car. Kyle ~dAaron had a fabulous run, no problems at all. Dan Folts was second acro;.5 the line, les., than four minutes in arrears after an eight hour run. CurtGeer gained another spot and took home the bronze medal, Grant Orlo Cox was out and Eddie Frehner into sixth place, Don Wall dropped a was in and they were up two more spots few spots, he was now in seventh place, &W' Products New Products New Produ1. 300MD34 CVSTAR,,,S NO MORE Spline Wear! Stronger Core! 50% Stronger! 6.5" & 8.5" Sizes Built-In Starter & Ballast Die-Cast Aluminum Hous, 35 Watt H.I.D. Bulb Driving/Euro Beam Pattern Knurled Adjustment Knobs Page 12 JI &BOTA Wheels 5 "15x4 "15x7 Beadlock Black I Blue Colors Red/ Polished Size an cenrer Mounr Hub Kil a Sliding Axles Available for Plunging + NonPlung. CV's w/ CNC or Brembo Calipers Ultimate Strength 300M Size 30 Center Star gAxle nPlungin Size 30 4CV' June 2006 John Huson was the Class 5-1600 winner, he led the last three laps and took the checkers with half an hour in hand. Ruegge had a nice fourth place finish after having to contend with two flat tires during the race and Orlo Cox III came in fifth. Sixth place went to Andy Grider, Don Wall ended up in seventh place, Rick Boyer was the eighth place finisher and Shane Reed finished ninth. Kevin Powers rounded out the top 10, Brian Collins Jr. was 11th and JeffFarshlerwas the 12th and final finisher. The Class 8 contingent had five laps to run for their race and ~~ know for sure that Regen Gubler had a great day, heledeveiylapandtookanirewin. When lap 1 ended it was Regen in the lead, AndySchifanelli was second, 11 minutes behind the leader and Richard Blunk was a very long third place after encoun-tering major problems on his first lap. • PORTABLE • POWERFUL • PRECISE 2" Capacity, t(J(P Bends Steel, 4130, Stainless, Aluminum Square, Round, Bar, Pipe Perfect for the: • Race Car Builder • Small Fabrication Shop •Home Shop Call for a FREE BROCHURE Michael Ucari and Steve Ogle were never serond The second lap saw no changes in position although Regen Gubler opened up his lead to 21 minutes over Schifanelli and Richard Blunk was back up to speed but almost two h ours in arrears. lap 3 ran with no changes in posi-tion. Gubler increased his lead over Schifanelli to half an hour and Blunk still ran a long third place. On the fourth lap gubler still led the class, Schifanelli ~ppeared from the scoring charts and Blunk moved into the second spot.) Fifth and final lap for Class 8, Blunk succumbed to major troubles and Re-gen Gubler motored on in for a nice win, tired after his solo drive but happy with a (541)382-1573 www.tubeshark.com Manuf'aetured B /!iCO Dusty Times T
-, The Champ Car Class win went to Bryan Adams, he led the last two laps and was an easy winner at the Buffalo Bill's race. Robyn Gordon had major problems on lap 1, but she was the big winner in the Unlimited Sportsman class. nice long run. There were nine Chw 9 cars at the Buffalo Bill's 400 and they had a pretty good. race. At the end of their first of four required laps it was Rusty Ruby in the lead, Brandon Hughes was two min-utes behind the leader, Chad Evans was in third place, Joe Forte ran in fourth place, Rett Thomas was in fifth place and Tun Dixon was running in sixth place. Mark ~James Miller and Rick Moran never made the scoring chart. lap 2 saw lots of changes, Brandon Hughes had moved into the lead, Chad Evans had moved into the second spot, Joe Forte moved into third, Ren Tho-mas moved into fourth place and Rusty Ruby dropped to fifth place with me-chanical problems and Tun Dixon was running sixth. Brandon Hughes continued to lead on the third lap, Rusty Ruby literally flew HEAD Ii NECK RESTRAINT SI ilEM • Slows forward motion in llre event al a crash • Allows head movement • No cumbersome collar to wear • Quick, on~time adjustment • Does not hook into lap belt • Reduces neclc tension by 45-70% • Great for all types of motor racing, especially where driver changes are common TOP DRIVERS UTILIZING THE D-CEl George Seeley • Ed, Tim & Troy Herbst • Larry "LR" Roese/er Mark Post • Nick Baldwin • Jerry Whelchel • Alan PRueger Jason & Josh Baldwin • Ride, Rondy & Ronny Wilson Mike Julson • Bob Lofton • Marie & Gary Weyhric:h • Dave Ashley Dan Smith • Kyle Taylor • Gus Vildosola • Rob MacCachren NIIH PIIIPH/ I 1 ,---·;•-· 741.,., iiF.rr 1..BOIJ.7'00.2.350 • Fax 909.360.0436 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 around the course and moved back into the second spot, about half an hour be-hind the leader, Joe Forte dropped a spot into third place, Rett Thomas was fourth and Tim Dixon held down fifth place. Chad Evans retired from the race. On the fourth and final lap Rusty Ruby came in first to the checkered flag, Joe Forte CT06.5ed the finish line a minute and a half in arrears, Rett Thomas came along five minutes later and Tim Dixon was the fourth and final finisher. Bran-don Hughes failed to finish his final lap. TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING INC. SNORE 1999 Transaxle Builder Of The Year There were 10 Clas.5 5-1600 cars ready for their four lap race and only seven of them would see the checkered flag. Mike Simpson led the class on their first lap, John Huson was second, less than two minutes in arrears, Gary Messer was in third, another two minutes back, Jasper congratulations 2006 Battle At Primm Short course Oyer came along 20 seconds later in fourth place and Julian Petron came across the line in fifth place. Anatolio Bracamontes was in sixth place, Greg Pope came across in seventh place, Billy Gereghtywas eighth, Mark Clifton came inninthandStevenAlexanderwas 10th. The second lap came to an end and John Huson was the new leader, Gary Messer moved up a spot into second Continued on page 14 Matthew Dustin had to drive hard, he led the Limited Sportsman Class all the way. but had less than three minutes in hand at the finish. Tim Lindsey 1st In Class -1st overall Jim Temple 3rd In Class 1 TRANS.AXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD Johnny Burns 3rd In Class 9 9763VARIEL AVENUE CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818-998-2739 Dusty Times June 2006 Giti Gow/and was the winner in Class 1450, he's seen here churning up the desert on his way to the checkered flag. Page 13
place, Mike Simpson dropped to third place, Jasper Oyer remained in fourth and Julian Patron remained in the fifth spot. Anatolio Bracamontes was still in sixth place, Billy Gereghtywas up a spot into seventh, Greg Pope dropped a spot into eighth place and Steven Alexander was ninth. Mark Clifton was on the trailer. . Rusty Ruby rontinued in the lead on the third lap, Jasper Dyer was now in second place, about 19 minutes behind the leader, Mike Simµ;cm was less than a minute out of second place, Anatolio Bracamontes was now in fourth place and Gary Messer had dropped to fifth place. Julian Patron dropped a spot into sixth, Greg Pope was up a spot into sev-enth and Billy Gereghty wa sin eighth place. Steven Alexander was nowhere to beseen. Jason Beam had a ve,y long third lap, he got under weigh again and was able to salvage a podium finish in Class 1. Tommy Bradley Jr. had a decent finish in Limited Sportsman, he took third, with some help from a good looking blonde. The checkers flew and John Huson took the win with ease, Jasper Dyer was second some 34 minutes behind the leader, Mike Simµ;<>n finished third, just 62 seconds out of the silver medal and Gary Messer finished in the fourth spot. In fifth place it was Anatolio Bracamontes, Julian Patron finished in sixth place and Greg Pope was the sev-enth and final finisher. Billy Gereghty failed to finish his final lap. There were three Champ cars ready Manuf a~turer, /: Distribu~qr of an expanding and unique prQdu;~ line of m4torsP,or;~ P.rqduct~. /"' ~ .,, / tllJ!1l1v Pro Force Air • Significantly outffows other "blower ,e type' helmets -~ • NOT a converted motorcycle helmet! ..,,,,, e Lightweight Composrte Shell \..... ~ 9 ~9 • 9 9 • Snell SA-2000 Automotive Rated ~~ • Fire Resistant Interior Special wl FREE ..._ ____ .,.._. ... ,...-...-Helmet Bag I! LOWRANCE liPS!i!Pflteni• • BNv & Color Displays • 2· to 10.4" Screen Sizes • Portable & Panel Mount • Unlimited Mapping Vertex High Performance Radio !iylltem• • 128 to 250 Channels •50 to 110 Watts of Transmitting Power! • Alphanumeric Digital Display • 3 Year Warranty • Exceeds Mil-Spec Standards Page 14 19.i!!V Cordless lmpactKit • ½" Drive • 216 ft.-lbs. Torque • Canying Case & Charger • Only 6.6 lbs.! • Vehicle Holster Available COMMUNICATION §OLIJTION!i FOR RACINli& RECREATION • Intercoms & Radios • Satellite Phones • Base Station Antennas • NEW! Carbon Fiber Headsets • Scanners e 105, 135, 150, & 235 CFM Models Available • Lightweight & Reduced Amperage • 3M Hepa & CO Filter Options • BAJA PROVEN ~-1:z:Taol •!/ S&teltll& Phones June 2006 for their four lap race, alas, only one of them would actually finish the required lap;;. Daniel Maurer ~red his first lap witheaseandledtheµickbysixminutes at the end of the lap, Bryan Adams was in the second spot and Jessica Freeman was a long third after getting stuck and breaking a torsion bar. Daniel Maurer rontinued to lead on the second lap, Bryan Adams remained in second place, now some 25 minutes behind the leader and Audry Tschanz was running third, with Cody Freeman in the right seat giving advice. The third lap ended and Bryan Ad-ams now had the class lead, I.onan Pies, was in for Jessica Freeman and he ran out of gas a few miles from the end of the lap and they retired from the race. Bryan Adams rompleted his fourth lap, he was the only finisher in class and he took home all the marbles. The Unlimited Sportsman class only had four entries and only one of them would see the checkered flag. John Poling was the first lap leader, Robyn Gordon was second across the line after two hours of problems and Tom Hood and Jeff Perkins never completed their first lap. The second lap saw some major changes, John Poling was on his trailer and Robyn Gordon turned a nice lap to take the class lead. The third and last lap saw Robyn just cruising around, she took the checkers, quite pleased with the win. The Limited Sportsman class had five entries and three of them made it all the way. When they oompleted the first of their three required lap;; it was Matthew Dunstin in the lead, Brad Wilson was in the second spot, some three minutes be-hind the leader, Tommy Bradley Jr. was in third place and Sheldon Paul ran in fourth spot. Joe Bourland was not scored. The second lap ended and Matthew Dunstin still led the class, Brad Wilson was second, now five minutes behind the leader and Tommy Bradley Jr. was still in third place. Sheldon Paul called it a day. There were no position changes in the last lap, Matt Dunstin took the class win, Brad Wilson finished second, just three minutes in arrears and Tommy Bradley Jr. finished third. The 14 50 class didn'tl:llM much ofa race, it was cut short all the way around. Joshua Hammon led the first lap, Giti Gowland was second, some 15 minutes later and Robby Woolworth was third across the line. On the second lap, Giti was a bit slower than his usual selfbut, no matter, his competition, Hammon and Wool-worth never rompleted their second lap, so the win went to Giti. There was only one entrant in Class 11, Ed Mahoney. Ed had a three hour and 4 5 minute first lap and never com-pleted his second lap. So it ended, the SNORE Buffalo Bill's 400 was a success. Next on the calendar for SNORE is the Dusty Times Caliente 250 on May 19-20 in beautiful down-town Linooln County, Nevada. Se-<>~l there! · Dusty Times
· Pilot: Curt LeDuc Vehiour. Skyjacker .f-100 Ught6: KC HiliiES I ~KCHlliUS Official Lights ' "' • '' j' ,, At KC, we keep some pretty fast company •.. These guys know wbatit takes to ·win. Excellent preparation, ~ii~ steadfast determination, loyal team support and equipment that kicks butt And PJhlle 1lhey don't ~II 't.: :-:-; :'•·= agree on everything, they do on a couple ... keep the hammer down atlf KC HIIJTES. i t: For KC Lighting products, accessories and faformalion aboqt our 2006 contingency program, see Jim Conner Racing at racing events or call Jim at 928-865~0912, e-mail: fcrace@ctaz.com. Partiolpating KC Race lights dealers are listed at: www.kchilites .. com/offroad.aspx I& Co11tiqe1ey Awards are available in the Jollowtnt 20IJ6 fflier. .S,st In The Desert, M08E* SCORE, SNORE & VORRA ~' ' ~~--~ Class win with KC HID Lights: $1(JIJ(J In PROIIUCTor $4DII CASH Class win with KC Halogen Lights: pOb in l'IIODIJCT,9J-$JlitJ CASH -~-i~,~,~ .. .-. ' ', J. . '. ''''t . . %. e lh~lult(tne al KC lighting systems,,and accet$Dries an 0/J{·W,i,.fiJe,';\,-+ . ... or ull for free brochure. ·. · "" "\. ~->t1.; ~t; ~ ~xw KC HlliTES, Inc. • .928-635·260' -~~-.o:<.o. ~ ""'
IJ\J2C:: 50nt RALLYE DE FRANCE• TOUR DE CORSE 2006 Loeb/Citroen Wins His 23rd Photos: Maurice Selden Sebastien Loeb, Citroen Xsara, won his 23"' World Rally at the Tour de Corse, he's seen here navigating through a picturesque village. "I had a perfect car and per-fect tyres, that is why I won. But I did not have everything my own way like last year, I had to keep fighting to stay ahead of Marcus Gronholm." It was Sebastien Loeb's 23rd World Rally win, equalling the·re.cotd of Juba Kankkunen, his sixth in his favourite chassis number 31, and the company's 29th win. Loeb has now gained a lead -in the Drivers' championship of 11 points, more than one rally's worth. While Loeb is already racing into the sunset in the Drivers' championship, the challenge, however, for his Kronos team in the Manufac-turers' series is more of a struggle. With both the works Ford cars finishing ahead of the second official Citroen driver (Pons), Kronos only gained one_ point more from this event, and, are leading BP-Ford by just three points. Private Peugeots were the only cars to threaten the Citroens and Fords, while Subaru were well off the pace, Petter Solberg not finishing any stage in the top six places and Stephane Sarrazin achieving this on only two occasions. Corsica saw the debut with Red Bull Skoda for Harri Rovanpera and both he and Andreas Aigner scored Makes' points, but the non-champion-ship driver Jan Kopecky was for the second rally running, the highest placed Skoda finisher Wl:I B BIIBIMEBB OB BJ/ICE TEJIIM Dri,iog suns • Crew UoHllrms • Crew Shirts Po/8 Shirts • Team Jackets •Hats• Gear Bags IWWW NElnlST MOTllllffllPIIRTS • •rrlElnl •Al:IIIIII • BflllllRII •Al:IIII& wrr, I.IRWIIBI • t:llill MIIIWIIIIIIS • RA&.E IUIIIIY l"llllllll&TS • Tll,TIIN ll'IIUIMII BWPIII.E lllll1'EUI/IIJE • lll'IIIIIA l:AIIS II# l:llllll#A Page 16 June 2006 while Francois Duval had a rally full of problems. Four of the six registered teams scored points, with Peugeot unregis-tered here and the Stobart VK team finishing out of the points after both drivers went off the road. Citroen scored an impor-tant second win when Brice Tirabassi won the JWRC cat-egory, after a last stage electri-cal problem for Urmo Aava and a second day engine fail-ure for the early leader Kris Meeke. This was the 50th anniver-sary of the Tour de Corse, the legendary "Rally of 10,000 Corners", the event which has long been considered.the defini-tive all asphalt rally. Times have changed over the years, however, from when a Belgian lady driver won the first event in 1956, through the years of the French Alpine teams and the days when Bernard Darniche won six times (at the official presentation for the event Darniche assigned his success to superior personal fit-ness), through to these days when the equipment which needs the most care is not the human body, but the tyres be-neath the car. These days, with 12 stages from start to finish, it is a classic event with the long-est average stage distance of all the championship. There were minor changes this year to the route, but basically it enjoyed the same format as the last time it was run, less than six months ago. Again there was 2airing with Catalunya, like last year it was the engines and the chassis, but this time there were two weeks not one week between the events • and the island rally fol-lowed the mainland rally as well. There had been plenty of action backstage since Catalunya, the most dramatic being the walkout by the Panizzi brothers from the Red Bull Skoda team, following the end of the 15 year career-long part-nership together. It was far too short a time frame for Gilles to find another co-driver so he stayed at home and Harri Rovanpera, whom the team had succeeded in persuading to drive the gravel events for them, was lured into doing this event as well. It took the team some time to discover exactly what went wrong between Gilles and Herve, but when the in-car videos arrived the tension in-side the car was plain to see. At Citroen, Loeb arrived full of confidence after his fifth win in the same chassis • he had to use the same chassis once again on this event -and full of the confidence he gained in Mexico of already being now the most successful French rally driver. Dani Sordo was again in a third Kronos-run Xsara, having had dispensation to miss another round in the Junior champion-ship in order to enter this event at the wheel of a World Rally car. Ford quickly itemised the reason for the wastegate failure as to bolts working their way loose, and wired them together to prevent this recurring. Al-though the OMV-Peugeot Nor-way team had not registered for this event for Makes' champi-onship points, they had origi-nally entered both Manfred Stohl and Nicolas Bernardi but for financial reasons Bernardi did not start. The team instead prepared a 307WRC for Gianluigi Galli, sponsored by Pirelli, and entered Philippe Roux in a 206WRC. Following the resignation of Jacques Regis from the Presi-dency of the World Rally Cham-pionship Commission, the FIA World Council asked Shekhar Mehta to resume the temporary position of this work, which he had held before Regis' appoint-ment, until a permanent incum-bent is appointed. Unfortu-nately Shekhar was ill and out of action. This situation hinted that an impasse in planning the future of the sport was inevi-table, but then as crews as-sembled in Ajaccio came news that the FIA had acceded to Monte Carlo's request to seek escape from the single Service Park rule in order to return to Ardeche. This was loaded. So, is there somebody making deci-sions? So, has Monte Carlo been guaranteed a place in one of the world championships to be run in 2007? Very strange. Even though the date had changed the main characteris-tics of the Tour de Corse re-mained the same. The unpredictability of the weather, the long stages, the way the cars were forever chang-ing direction with hardly any respite were all there. Despite the physical proximity of the two events, a surprising num-ber of JWRC competitors con-tested one but not the other of these two Mediterranean as-phalt events. Of the 22 drivers registered for the series, only 12 opted to contest both. There had been no "Guest" entry in Spain but the Corsica organisers nominated Yoann Bonato, a 23 year old driver supported by the French fed-eration, in the JWRC category. He drove a Clio Super 1600. It was welcome news that the two drivers involved in the tragedy in Catalunya were back again, indeed Barry Clark had done a single-venue rally in his native Scotland the weekend before, to make sure his nerve was still strong. A quarter of the season has now passed, as this was the fifth round of the series. Already Loeb was nine points in front of Gronholm in the Drivers' Series, though Kronos were only two points ahead of Ford. As Loeb said, "Nine points is both a lot and also very little. In one event. Marcus could re-verse the positions." When the times came through from Shakedown, Citroen and Ford were the best and took the top places while Solberg was unable to do better than sixth. The Norwegian was pessimistic. "Rain is the only way we can hope for victory. We just have to take what comes." An inter-esting performance was Jari-Matti Latvala's fifth place in the Ford M2 team car. Francois Duval did not make any runs, having complete brake failure on the way to the start of his first attempt down the stage. Leg 1 4 Stages, asphalt, 121.34kms. Nothing is quite straight for-ward on this event. The Cer-emonial Start was scheduled for Dusty Times It
Brice Tirabassi had a great rally. he drove his Citroen C2 to the Marcus Granholm, Ford Focus RS was only out of the rally win by 29 Kris Meeke and Glenn Patterson only got six stages completed, they JWRC win, seen here at speed in the outback country. seconds, he's seen here hustling towards the final flag. had major engine troubles and had to retire. 2000 hours, at a location of-seconds, with the Catalunya and that in turn affected the weights of the cars. Duval's car tion was possible. He then lost ten used in earlier years where revelation Alexandre Bengue in braking. Francois Duval had a was exactly on the limit - a fine about six minutes plus a fur-a statue of Napoleon com-third place. The day started re-good start, "My car had suf-example, joked Skoda ther minute on Stage 4, to fin-mands the scenery, but when ally badly for Petter Solberg. He fered brake pad knock-on prob-Motorsport Director, with a ish the day in 29th place. Sol-the Start Lists were issued the slid off the road and unwit-lems before the Shakedown, but glint in his eye, of Skoda's qual-berg meanwhile also had gear first car was due to be dis-tingly damaged the exhaust, now it is good. On Stage 2, ity control... selection troubles and contin-patched at 1820! A total of 7 5 causing a loss of power and af-however, the pads were too cold After lunch Loeb got into ued to lose time. He was only cars were there, and at 0845 ter Stage 2 he was down in 17th at the start of the stage, so I his stride and increased his lead 14th at nightfall. Stephane the next morning back to the place. Despite continuing prob-had to go carefully for a to almost 20 seconds over Sarrazin spun in a village. originally published schedule lems with the launch control, while." His fellow Skoda driver Gronholm. Hirvonen got Kopecky again had power steer-they lined up, in beautiful sun-which caused him two difficult Jan Kopecky was unhappy, ahead of Bengue on Stage 3 but ing problems, the car getting so shine, on the quayside in stage starts, Mikko Hirvonen "Power steering problems" he ex-had more launch control bad he almost went off the Ajaccio for the serious action. was close behind Bengue. Both plained, "the steering gets stiff. trouble on Stage 4 and fell back road at a roundabout coming As is now traditional in Corsica Fords had some brake troubles Sometimes it is easy to turn the again. Xavier Pons wore out his into service. Galli was getting each day comprises only two (Stage 2/ 4 being virtually all steering wheel, sometimes not ... " front tyres too soon and suf-happier with the Peugeot, each stage locations, tackled firstly downhill), and found the sus-Manfred Stohl had a broken fered a lot of understeering on stage getting quicker. Matthew in the morning then again af-pension was too stiff (which mousse as did Xavier Pons. Stage 3. The crew swopped Wilson spun and damaging his ter lunch. Straightaway it was caused Gronholm to lose con-Andreas Aigner spun on Stage them round so he had a lot of rear differential cooler. At the to be the same scene again, fidence). The surprise was Jari-1. Gianluigi Galli gradually be-oversteering on Stage 4, all of end of Leg 1, running order was Citroen versus Ford with Matti Latvala in sixth place. came acquainted with the which cost time. Duval was hav-Loeb (Citroen), Gronholm Peugeot as an interloper. Dani Sordo was in trouble with Peugeot. After the midday halt ing a bad time, the set-up mys-(Ford), Bengue (Peugeot), Sebastien Loeb was quickest on a problem the team could not came interesting news. After the teriously completely wrong and Hi rvone n (Ford), Sordo the first stage, Marcus immediately identify, the Stewards before the rally had he dropped to 11th. Chris (Citroen) and Pons (Citroen). Gronholm on the second, the trouble could have been either waived the maximum financial Atkinson did much the same as Citroen drivers also went into first time Loeb had been beaten electronic or hydraulic, because penalty of (Euros 250) for a first Solberg had done earlier, dam-the lead in the JWRC, firstly on a stage on this event since the hydraulic boost pressure traffic offence, Solberg was fined aging his exhaust, but this time Brice Tirabassi then Kris Meeke 2004. Halfway through the suffered, the operation of the Euros 1,500 for not stopping at he overheated the transmission who had a slow puncture on day, Loeb led Gronholm by 4.9 differentials were unreliable a stop sign. Then they issued the unit to the extent no gear selec-Continued on page 18 HONDA Power Equipment POW£/! RACER & SPECTATOR DISCOUNTS • GENERATORS • OUTBOARD ENGINES • GENERAL PURPOSE ENGINES • WELDERS • WATERPUMPS • LAWN MOWERS • LAWN TRACTORS • RIDING MOWERS • TILLERS Calilornia's Largest Source lor Bonda Power Equipment Parts 8 Inventory IF WE /JON T HAVE IT: NO ONE IJOE9/ Check Our Website: www.Kawaguchihonda.com Kawaguchi Honda Corp. 0 3532 East 3rd St. • Los Angeles, CA 90063 :H: ND.A. N h. ' · oeNERAToRa & PUMPs (323) 264-3936, 264-5858 • FAX (323) 264-2136 ot ing s easier. For optimum performance and safety, we recommend you read the owner's manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment. Connection of a generator to house power requires a transfer device to avoid possible injut'y to power company personnel. Consult a qualified electrician. ©2006 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. Dusty Times June 2006 Page 17
Xavier Pons and Carlos Del Barrio finished sixth at the Tour de Andreas Aigner and Timo Gottschalk were 15"' overall in their Skoda Harri Rovanpera and Risto Pietilasinen finished 12°' in their Skoda Fabia, seen here climbing a fast, twisty road. Corse, their Citroen Xsara seen here in a hard right hander. Fabia, they're seen here at speed on the course. Stage 2, Luca Betti was running the lead, hovering around the but noticed that he was losing fourth despite finishing Stage half minute mark in front of much more rubber from his 2 with no brakes. Kalle Gronholm, while there was a tyres than planned. Sebastien Pinomaki stopped on Stage 1 mighty fight for third place be-Loeb confirmed he felt he had after losing his alternator belt. tween Hirvonen, Sordo and selected tyres which were too In the afternoon Fatih Kara, Bengue. Hirvonen got up top soft while Gronholm found his who was feeling unwell in any third when Bengue had a lot of car was skating around as the case, had to stop to change a understeering and found it was road was getting hotter. Duval flat tyre. Conrad Rautenbach difficult to pace himself to pre-continued his bad run with the slid into a bank and had a bad serve his tyres, while Sordo had Skoda Belgium car, when the vibration. Julien Pressac slid a soft brake pedal and also hydraulic pipe seal to the left into a bank and deranged the trouble with his tyres. The front caliper failed, and he had rear suspension. competition on Stage 5 was in-to drive Stage 6 with brakes on Leg 2 terrupted when the JWRC only three wheels. "This is my 4 Stages, asphalt, driver Luca Betti crashed and third rally with this car. I think 120. 74kms. blocked the road, and this af- I have only had one stage all After a first day when very fected the top runners when season where n·othing went little happened among the top held back for nearly a half hour wrong with the car." Galli runners, the first two stages on when they arrived at the start found his team had done a lot the second morning were quite of Stage 6. All the time the of changes overnight and it took a reverse, with off road excur-ambient temperature was rising him time to get accustomed to sions for many drivers includ-and many crews had excessive the new set-up, but by Stage 6 ing both the Stobart Ford tyre wear. The worst affected he was going well and in fact "Baby Team" drivers Wilson was Solberg: after Stage 6 the rose up to tenth place. Chris and Latvala, Aigner and construction was showing Atkinson suffered cracks on the Nicolas Vouilloz, and a series through the tread on one of the windscreen in front of his eyes, of mishaps for the JWRC driv-front tyres, teammate Sarrazin for no apparent reason. ers as well. Loeb continued in had a puncture but carried on, Loeb continued along his . ..----..... .--------- . . : •. . ·. · .. E ·• TM -. l ·C:ii~• ~~~■E::.IVI~· ~meny carrera Light Systems \ · . ;" ~ . Barsara lights alone -'4~ s 21 lbs Page 18 June 2006 lonely way through the after-braking point, having gone off noon, again running the same on the exit of a long left stages as in the morning, his hander. Galli was getting hap-lead still around the half minute pier all the time, making fifth mark over Gronholm. best time on Stage 8 and get-Gronholm had tried a differ-ting up to ninth overall. On the ent central differential setting final stage of the day Sordo was and found the car turned-in up to third, despite wearing out better. Sarrazin was the only his front tyres on the long Subaru driver to hold his own Stage 7. Hirvonen was cautious, (sixth overall) while Solberg especially over the rough and was desperately trying way-out gravelly Stage 8, while Bengue set-ups hoping to make the car was still down at fifth having competitive, without any appar-spun near the end of Stage 8. ent success. Team manager Paul Rovanpera had a spin on Stage Howarth was despondent, "it is 7 to celebrate this special day so difficult to put your finger (his 40th birthday) while on a problem during an actual Atkinson dented a side door on event, but the problems experi-a rock. The race for third place enced in Catalunya are still was intriguing. For Ford the with us. All I can say is that we current situation did not really really did not have enough time matter, since neither Sordo or testing and what time we had Bengue were registered for was largely spent developing the Makes' points, so long as passive differentials". Big news Hirvonen stayed in front of was the exit of Duval, when ly-Pons who was nearly a minute ing 13th overall. Later crews behind. said he appeared to miss his Stag_e 5 was also dramatic Dusty Times
.-Stephane Samuin and Stephane Prevot drove their Subaru lmpreza Jari-Matti Latvala had an accident in his Ford Focus RS, the car was Barry Clark and Scott Martin finished in 3!Jh place, they are seen here in their Ford Fiesta heading for the final check. to an eighth place finish, they're seen here at speed. repairable but his broken thumb sidelined the team. for the JWRC. While Meeke hope one of them would be fit finish in the points. Jari-Matti went as carefully as he could in to run on the final day! Yoann Latvala did not restart as doc-his Citroen, to avoid the risk Beres had brake problems. On tors determined he had broken of punctures, his PH Sport Stage 7 the hopes of Meeke his thumb, even though his car teammates were less lucky. The came to an end when the car was repairable, "It has given Suzuki of Aava rose to second stopped with engine failure let-them more chance to straighten place in front of Tirabassi who ting Aava ahead. This was a it out!", while Pavel Valousek lost more time on Stage 6 when shock for the second rally run-(although nominated to re-he had a slow puncture and was ning for the PH Sport Citroen start) stayed behind, as the car third, well over two minutes be-team, who had been strongly was not immediately reusable. hind Meeke. Third PH Sport fancied for their chances on Sixty-three cars therefore member Pressac was in worse asphalt rallies, were being headed off for the final four trouble, having to stop to beaten, this time by a second stages. First car on the road was change a flat tyre and dropped level Suzuki driver ... Brice Matthew Wilson with his re-to sixth and then hit a rock. Tirabassi was second, over paired Stobart Focus, who ad-Fourth in class was the non-three minutes behind the Esto-mitted being nervous as he tack-championship driver (on this nian, after struggling with set-led Staged 9, while both Red occasion) Martin Prokop. up which had poor turning Bull Skodas spun on that stage, Times for many JWRC drivers characteristics, which forced leaving Andreas Aigner with a were confused when Betti him to use his brakes to aid broken mousse. Petter Solberg crashed and blocked the route, cornering, with the inevitable found his car a little better, but causing "interruption" times to consequences! Things were not still he had not achieved even a be given to those affected, un-perfect for Aava meanwhile, top six stage position. Jan fortunately irrespective of with a broken anti roll bar Kopecky had a broken rear anti whether or not they had al-which affected the handling for roll bar, which destroyed the ready had to stop on the stage nearly two stages. Prokop was balance of the car and caused to change a wheel because of a lying second in the class despite his front tyres to be stressed, flat tyre. Another driver to suf-brake troubles. while eighth placed Stephane fer was Bernd Casier, the Leg 3 Sarrazin kept Galli at bay. Aurore! teammate of Betti: 4 Stages, asphalt, Mikko Hirvonen slipped a bit Betti's car lost the rear left 112.lOkms. behind Dani Sordo, which he wheel, Casier the rear right. A The battles promised for the attributed to having pushed his team member told the day were the still open chance tyres too hard. Sebastien Loeb organisers they were going to to win third and fifth places was at his ease for the last two join the two cars together and and Gianluigi Galli's hopes to stages and Marcus Gronholm Dusty Times June 2006 again made best times and minutes on the stage, the extra clinched second place in front penalty was not so severe and of Sordo. This Tour de Corse he kept his second place. Julien was the second rally running Pressac, Conrad Rautenbach where Loeb, Gronholm and and Joszef Beres all reported Sordo had been on the po-brake troubles, Bernd Casier dium. tried hard to regain his self In the JWRC, when the en-confidence while Kalle gineers found a broken spark Pinomaki had an engine plug on Kris Meeke's engine mounting failure. In Group N they knew there was no chance there was a surprise when Marc for the Irish driver to restart, Valliccioni won the Group, be-so Urmo Aava started the fi. cause this was the first success nal day with a comfortable at this level for the tyre com-lead, knowing he had to drive pany Hankook .in World really slowly to be sure of fin-Championship rallying. For ishing. "Actually it was not so· the first half of the event the easy. I kept on using my brakes leader had been Guy Fiori but to slow me down• and that in he went off the road at half turn overheated the brakes and distance. The strangest thing made things worse!" Then it all came even after Aava's prob-went wrong: Aava lost four lem. The driver who would minutes with an electrical then have won the A6 class and problem and suddenly it was beaten all the JWRC competi-Brice Tirabassi in the lead! tors was Martin Prokop, who Aava could not drive back to this time was running as a non-Aj accio so he took a Five championship competitor. He Minute Penalty instead, but overheated his tyres and having already lost over three crashed. I.JU'i:!C: 50th Rallye de France Tour De Corse 2006 Ajaccio (F) 7/9.04.2006 ~R round 5 JWRC round 3 ~ points WR .WO JC 1 (1) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena FIMC Citroen Xsara 't\RC 8290PT78 (F) 3h.43m.05.4s. 10 10 2 (3) Marcus GRONHOL.fNTlmo Rautlalnen FIN Ford Focus RS WRC EU558MV (GB) 3h.43rn.34.4a. 8 8 3 (15) Daniel Sordot'Mate Marti E Citroen Xsara 't\RC 8320PT78 (F) 3h.44m.64.1e. - 6 4 (4) Mikko HIRVONEN/Jarmo Lehtinen FIN Ford Focus RS WRC EU55BNA (GB) 3h.45m.04.6s. 6 5 5 (19) Alexandre Bengue/Caroline Escudero F Peugect 307 WRC 3052YQ74 (F) 3h.45m.5S.1s. - 4 6 (2) Xavier PONS/Carios Del BalTio E Citroen Xsara WRC 823DPT78 (F) 3h.46m.15.6s. 5 3 7 (7) Manfred Stchl/llka Minor A Peugeot 307 WRC 471PWL75 (F) 3h.48m.06.7s. - 2 8 (6) Stephane SARRAZIN/Stephane Prevot lmprez.a 't\RC GT55SRT (GB) 3h.48m.27.3s. 4 9 (25) Gianluigi Galli/Giovami Bemac:c:hini I WRC 102AKF69 (F) 3h.48m.47.9s. -F Subaru 1 Peugeot307 10 (17) Jen Kopecky/FHip Schovenek CZ Skode Fable WRC 4S8 9656 (CZ) 3h.49m.16.8s. -Other important finishers 11 (5) Petter SOLBERG/Philip Mills NIGB Subaru lmpru.a WRC FT55SRT (GB) 3h.49m.45.9s. 3 12 (11) Han1 ROVANPERA/Rlsto PleUlainen FIN Skoda Fabla WRC 4S53382(CZ) 3h.56m.17.7s. 2 13 (16) Ctvis Atklnson/Glem Macneall AUS Subaru lmpreza WRC JC54WRC (GB) 3h.58m.02.5s. • 14 (55) Brice Tirabassil~ian Ranucci F Citroen C2 JWRC 2386NJ52 (F) 4h.09m.21..2s.. • -10 15 (12) Andreas AIGNERIT'mo Gottschalk A/0 Skoda Fabla WRC 455 3381 (CZ) 4h.09m.47.3s.(4) 1 16 (9) Matthew VVILSON/MichaelOrr GB Ford Focus RS WRC 1ES (GB) 4h.10m.09.6s.(4) 17 (33) Urmo Aava/Kuldar Sikk EE Suzuki Swift J\NRC JXD624 (H) 4h.11m.13.6s.(1) 8 18 (39) Corvad Rautenbach/Oavid Senior ZW/GB Renault Clio JWRC S051GWY (GB) 4h.12m.14.6s. - 6 19 (42) Julien Presaac/Gilles De Turckheim F Citroen C2 J\NRC 9147NE52 (F) 4h.12m.17.6a. - 5 20 (45) Jozsef Beres/Petr Stary SLK/CZ Suzuki lgnis JWRC KES047 (SLK) 4h.15m.38.7s.(1) 4 21 (64) Mare Valllcciorli/Mar Chanza F Mitsubishi LancerEvo N HD-NX1555(0) 4h.16m.21.1s.+ -24 (51) Fatih Kara/Cam Bakancocuklari TR Renault Clio JWRC 415AJR34 (F) 4h.21m.06.6s.(1) 3 27 (54) Aaron Bllkart/Tanja Geilhausen D Citroen C2 JWRC H.PR1106 (D) 4h.23m.47.5s. • 2 31 (59) Yoann Bonato/Benjamin Boufloud F RenauH Clio JWRC 343YH27 (F) 4h.26m.20.5s.(4) 1 39 (53) Barry Cla1</Scott Martin GB Ford Fiesta J'h'RCN PX06AUJ (GB) 4h.31m.13.9s. -Page 19 ,
Mll....il.!l MOJAVE 250~ BARSTOW, CA • COURSE B • CLOCKWISE Helton Has A Great Day By Steve Ruddick Photos: Trackside Photo Matt Helton had a great race, he bested 27 competitors and took home the coveted gold medal for a great win. Just another leisurely late. Classes 1, 10, 5, 7, 8, 14Pro Winter jaunt in the southern and 16 went six laps. Classes California desert dirt -the race lZC and 13 raced five laps, and was six, 36.52 mile laps, over Classes 3, 9, 12, 1450 and 17 32 course changes, eight road raced for four laps. Race day crossings, and a couple of 120 dawned cool and partly cloudy and 140 degree turns too, just but sunny in between, with ro make it fun! Friday night was enough Barstow -BreeZe-blow-the usual Barstow -BreeZe-, ing to keep the course visibility making for a rather cold and mostly clear. At least, that's blustery Contingency row. But how it started out. By noon, the place was still packed with the skies were all dark clouds, 109 entries waiting in line for it was raining on parts of the their turn at 'The Tech Dude' course, and the Barstow • at A.R.T.S. Even "Mr." D.T. BreeZe-had picked up to a swift himself showed up and shivered and steady wind. Are we having and mingled with the many; fun yet? You Bet! And what red-pretty good job, he did, too. blooded racer can resist getting The MOR Mojave 250 in outside and playing in the dirt Barstow, CA on Saturday, with their 'toys'? This is 'Bar-April l, 2006, saw 109 entries, stow', you know. 92 starters, and 50 finishers. CLASS 1: Six Class 1 cars entered the MOR Mojave 250 • four re-corded a OidNotStart, one DNF'd, and Jack Whirlow in car # 140 took home the first place trophy in 4:29:51 at 48 mph, in his four cylinder Type IV VW-powered Off Road In-surance Class 1 racer. Whirlow and first time co-driver Phillips said the course " ... was rough with rocks everywhere, but it was still fast. We only got side-ways once". Sounds fun to me, eh. Whirlow said "the car per-formed excellent; flawless". And a good thing too, because the loose lug nuts on the driver's side rear tire weren't going too much further past the checkered flag! Brett Harman started first off the Jack Whirlow had a great day. he took the Class 1 honors with ease and he was the overall winner as well, almost 50 mph average. line in car #155 and took the time. Ron Carter took the sec-fast lap award at 51.4 mph in ond place trophy in car #1019, 0:42:39 on Lap 1, but DNF'd finishing the race in 6:16:08 at hard after that at the first road 34.5 mph. Carter also won the crossing when he endo'd his fast lap award on Lap 2 at 48.3 first-time-out new race car two mph in 0:45:20. Carter was or three times; bits and pieces, running faster lap times than and some major tweaks and Brown most of the day, but a twists ... OUCH! two hour Lap 1 and a slow Lap CLASS 10: 5 cost 'time' that #1019 just The Class 10 racers didn't could not make up. fair much better at this race, CLASS 5: with five entries, two finishers, Four entries -two finishers, and three DNF's. Dave Wood one DNS and one DNF. After was first off the line at S/F in a slow Lap 1, Ken Donaldson ar #1091 and DNF'd on Lap put the pedal to the metal in 1; followed by cars # 1004 -car #503 to win first place in Mike Sandoval, and #1077 • Jeff class in 5:59:44 at 36 mph. Zimber, who were out of the Donaldson also won the fast race· later in the day. First place lap award for Class 5 on Lap 5 in class went to Steve Brown in at 43.7 mph and a 0:50:07 lap car # 1021, completing the time. Car #503 sheared a shift course in 5:43:08 at 37.8 mph. linkage on Lap 1 and Donald-Brown's ASC Motorsports car son applied the 'vice grip' tech-is brand new with a total sus-nique to make it back to the pit pension re-do, but the trailing for a weld job. After that, it was arm pivot point peeled away "play catch up all day" for from the frame on Lap 4 and Donaldson and co-drivers Eric required some time in the pits Bolka and Roberto Tijera. _fora reweld to finish the race Team Donaldson reported "a and take the checkered flag for fast track, a good race, and a a first place win. Two flat tires good time" on their way to the on Lap 2 at MM8 also slowed checkered flag. Their most fun #1021 down a bit, but Brown for the day was "going straight and co-driver Randy Knutson up and straight down a hill at reported "an extremely fast MM2 and almost flipping it". car" made u for any 'down' Sounds like an E-ticket ride! ~------------------------~ Art 'The Tech Dude' Ken Donaldson had a long first lap, got it all together and went on to take the Class 5 honors, seen here in flight. John McComb took the class lead when he needed to, on the last lap and he took the Class 700 win in his neat looking truck. Savedra brought his Class 5/ 16 car #509 down for some fun, and took home the second place in class trophy for his ef-forts, in 6: 18:29 at 34.2 mph. Savedra started behind the wheel before turning the duties over to 'Rocket' Rulo Solano, who promptly lost a tie rod bolt five minutes later at road crossing # 1. That cost #509 some time to repair, but it didn't slow him down from tak-ing home a nice win. Other than the tie rod falling out, Solano reported "no flats, no cracks, no breaks" for a great day of racing in the dusty southern California dirt. Lee Orr had a very long first lap, but, he soldiered on and was able to Art Savedra ran hard in the Class 5 race, he took home the silver Barry Karakas led the class most of the race, had problems on the grab second place in the 300 Class. medal, he's seen here in beautiful level flight. last lap and that dropped him and his Toyota to second place. Page 20 June 2006 Dusty Times
Ron Carter had troubles on the first lap, set fast lap for the class on Langdon Claypoole was a wee bit off the winning pace, he ended up Shawn Giordano got a bit faster each lap but was still relegated to a lap 2 but had to settle for second place in Class 10. second in class, he's seen here heading for the checkers. second place finish in his good looking Toyota. CLASS 8: out at Barstow for the Mojave power plant that makes huge challenges: #804 lost a left another flat on the last lap. Mark Shoaff was the sole 250 to test a new motor and HP and torque". The front sus-front tire and rim in the sand Mark Shoaff, along with co-Class 8 entry in the PACWEST do some more 'dialing'. #804 pension is a Ford equal length wash on Lap 1, but managed drivers and son Garret and truck #804. Shoaff was having wears a 2003 body, but I-beam setup, with a three link to find two lug nuts to keep on brother Randy Shoaff, com-some terrible engine problems marches on an old Class 8 'trailer in the rear. Finding the trucking; broke a brake line pleted the race in 5:23:39 at 40 inhislastBITDrace,sohewas frame with "a 428ci '351' FinishLinewasnotwithoutits andfixeditonLap2,andhad mphtowinthefirstplacetro-POMONAAVE. fi,' LIST YOUR PHONE NUMBER, YEAR, MODEL AND ENGINE SIZE! Sales Information: Payment may be made by credit card, money order or cashiers check. Personal or business checks are not accepted. C.O.D. orders accepted wnh 50% pre-payment. $5 Handling charge on all orders. California residents include 7.75% sales tax. Customers responsible for all freight charges. Minimum order is $25. The use of Volkswagen by Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. is for descriptive purposes ONL V and in no way is the name used to infer or intend a direcT connection between Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. and Volkswagen. Volkswagen is a registered trademark. PRICES EFFECTIVE DURING THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MAGAZINE COVER DATE. EAGLE EYE OFF ROAD LIGHTS H.I.O. UghU with 35W x,non Bulbs and B11/ul 4 '/, Oval H.I.D. Driving Light, Silver Rnish and External Ballast, pair ..................... $522 Ir Oval H.I.D. Driving Light, Silver Rnish and External Ballasl pair ....................... 522 8" Oval H.I.D. Spot Ughl Silver Finish and External Ballast, pair .................................... 522 6' Round H.I.D. Driving Light, Opal Finish and Internal ........ . Ballast, pair ....................... 522 6' Round H.I.D. Spot Ughl Opal .. Finish and Internal Ballast. pair ................................... 522 Super BrigM Halogen Ugh/a. 6' Round 100W DrMng Light with Black Rnlsh, pair ....... $38 6' Round 100W Slim-Pro DrMng Light with Chrome Anish, pair ... 74 4 '/," Dual 100W Driving Light with Silver Finish. pair ......... 82 8' Round SSW Driving Light with Sliver Rnlsh, pair. ........ 98 8" Round Spot with Silver Rnlsh, pair .......................... 98 COMMUNICATION KITS Basic Kil OIiers 0,1.,., lo Panen,,r Commun/ca/Jon. Advanced Kit, h•n Iha Capability for the Driver lo Commun/call lo Pauengerr, C.r to C.r or car lo Base with Radio Allded. Basic 2·Person Kit wMS .•...... $465 Black Rnish Head Set ............. .$98 Basic ◄·Person Kit wMS .......... 799 Black. Blue, Red or Yellow Advanced 560 4-Person Behind the Head Head Se1164 Intercom Kit... ................... 635 Carbon Rber Behind Head Push to Talk Button ................... 37 Head Set ........................... 178 COIL BEAM SUSPENSION ,.Made In USA,. Front Ends •re 6" W/d,r with 10-Tow,rs to Al:cept Coll $/tom Without Modilit1//on and lnclud,s Ra&k and Pinion Moua/. Trailing Arms are 0.0.M. Mal,r/8I, 2'/•• Larg,r x 1• W/d,r And Can U,e E/th,r Slack King Pin Splnd/11 or Combo Links. Front Beam for Coil Shocks ... $265 Combo Link Spindles ............. $475 Chromoly Front Beam for Combo Link Spindles 3• raised .. 510 Coil Shocks ....................... 310 King Shock 2" Adj. Body 0.0.M. Trailing Arms, set of 4 .310 w/Reservoir, Includes 0.0.M. + ◄•Trailing Arms (4) .. 360 Springs, each .................... 495 Thru Rods w/Nuls. pair. ............. 50 Piggy Back Reservoir Option •.•••. 65 Urethane Beam Bushings .......... 24 Swedged ne Rods. Alum .. pr •••. 65 H.D. Link Pins ............................ 52 $wedged T-Rods, Chromoty. pr.GS Page 22 2-Pl•c• B/111/ Hub with a• Rotor, B11rln11s, c,ater Capund WI/wood 2 Piston f:a/ip,rr with Mounting Brackets. VW Link Pin Front Brakes ..... $725 Combo Link front Brakes ....... 745 Front Hub Kit VW Link Pin Front Hub Kil....$439 Combo Link Front Hub Kit ...... 439 H.D. FRONT BRAKES 1-Plece Bl/11/ Hub with r Rotor, Timken B,artng,, Cent,r f:aps ,and Wilwood 2 Piston C.liperr with Mounlln11 Bracket$. Combo Link Front Brakes .... $895 KING ADJUSTABLE SHOCKS WI RESERVOIR Fall Ad/u1tm1nl Dual Spring Shock wllh Hos, Ind Rrsef'/O/r. King 2• Adjustable Shock, SPORTSMAN MICRO STUB KIT l//111 B11rtn11 Housing with Timken B11rlngs, 11• Rotor,, 300M $tub Ax/,s •nd WI/wood , PIiion C•llperr. Sportsman Micro Stub Kit .. $1,295 B11/1/ Suring Housing with Timi1n S.1rtng1, 11• Rotor,, urge 01,met,r 3DDM Stub Axles •nd WI/wood 4 Piston f:allp1rr. H.O. Micro Stub Brake Klt .... $1,595 NON-COIL SHOCKS King 2• Shock. 8-10-12" Stroke ..... .lrom $225 King 2 'It Shock, 12-14·16" Stroke ...... from 295 8-10-12" Stroke ..... .lrom $495 uliu~ B"••n S"OP King 2 .,,. Adjustable Shock, Ill RU Ulflr , , 12-14-16• Stroke ..... .from 585 rsump Slop w/lh'130 Piggy Back Reservoir Option ..... 65 Chromo/y Sl11re. Triple By·Pass, 2 'It" Body ....... 650 Bump Stop with Sleeve, each $257 CENTERLINE WHEELS 15x4 SVW ....................... $178 15 X 5 5 VW ......................... 183 15x6 5VW ......................... 183 15 X 7 5 VW ......................... 186 15x8 svw ......................... 189 1sx10 svw ......................... 197 15 X 3 'I, 4 VW ...... ............... 172 15x5¼ 4VW ..................... 220 15x7 4VW ..................... 223 15x8 'h 4 vw· ••.•...••.•.•....•.• 230 POWER STEERING COMPONENTS Howe Power Rack, 2" Wldespread ............................................. $1,275 Howe Power Rack, 2 ,,.. Widespread ........................................... 1,275 Howe Power Rack, 2 'It Widespread with Control Valve ...•......... 1,650 Char-Lynn Torque Generator .......................................................... 295 Char-Lynn BIiiet Mount Clamps to 1 'h" Tublng .............................. 459 Mounting Tab, Weld-On, each .......................................................... 10 Port Block for Char·Lynn with Rttings .............................................. 30 Coupler tor Char-Lynn ...................................................................... 18 U-Joint lor Char-Lynn (Sweet) ............................................. .From 56 Power Steering Pumps, 1000 PSI or 1300 PSI .............................. 160 Pulley for Power Steering Pump .......................................... From 45 Power Steering Reservoir for 18 and #10 Fittings ........................... 85 Power Steering Reservoir with Riter Adapter ................................. 150 Mount for Power Steering Pump (Specify Engine) ................ .From 65 Bracket. Reservoir ............................................................................ 14 930 CHROMOLY STUB AXLES& DRIVE FLANGES Stub Axles for 930 CV, palr .... $140 Stub Axles lor Bus CV, pair .... $140 Drive Flanges for 930 CV. pair ... 70 Drive Flanges for Bus CV, pair .. .70 HEAVY DUTY AXLES GERMAN CV JOINTS by LA TEST RAGE Bug/Bus Trans to AND BOOTS Beetle Trailer Arms .......... $120 Bug. CV Jolnl ........................... $45 Bug/Bus Trans to 3x3 Arms ..... 130 Bug, CV Boot .............................. 4 Bug/Dus Trans to 3x3 Arms Bus. CV Jolnt... .......................... 50 for 930 CV s ...................... 140 Bus, CV Boot ............................... 6 23• or 25" Axles for 930 CV s ... 160 930, CV Joint ............................ 56 24·-2s· M300 for 930 CV s .. .fr 440 930. Boot and Range ................ 34 CROW SAFETY BELTS 3" Lap Belts with Sewn·ln 2" or 3" Should,r Harnesses Available In 3, 4, or V Point Webbing Is Available in Black, Gr1y, Blue, Red or Purpl1. 3" x 2" 3 Point ....................... $70 3• x 2" 4 Polnt... ..................... .70 3" x 3" 3 Point... ...................... 80 3" X 3• 4 Point... ...................... 80 3" x 2" 3 pt w/Shoulder Pad .... 90 3• x 2" 4 Pt w/Shoulder Pad .... 90 3" x 3" 3 pt w/Shoulder Pad .. 100 3" x3• 4 ptw/Shoulder Pad .. 100 2 Crotch Strap ........................... 12 CROW SHOULDER PADS Avallabl• for r or 3• Shoulder Harness, Black, Blue Or Red. 2· Shoulder Harness Pads, pr .. $24 3" Shoulder Harness Pads, pr .... 28 LIL SPORTSTER Only 1!1'" Wide/ Now You Can Use Sp1cl•I Order Wldlhl Aval/able. Suspension S,a/s /n Na"°wer 2·Pass. Bench Seat, Chauir. Available in Blad: or Gref. 45· or 48" Wide •.•..•.•....•. $435 Lil Spor1ster Sea~ Low-Back$165 BEARD SUPER SEAT UBEARD Ser,toowNs0 MOUNT KIT Light Duty Tie Down, 1'/t x s· Slide/TIit Combination .......... $118 Strap, 5,000I Capacity ...... $18 Slide/Slide Combination Ratchet Tie Down, 2· x 7' for Lil Sportster. ............... 134 Strap, 10,000# Capactty ...... 26 Bracket and Slide Mount Only .. 55 Axle Strap .................................. 12 June 2006 f phy; as well as fast lap at 50.6 mph on Lap 5 in 0:43:20. CLASS 7: Six entries -three finishers, two DNS and one DNF. Shawn St. George was first in line in class at the green flag, but re-corded a late start when #707 lost all the coolant from the ra-diator. Barry Karakas was next in line to see the starting gun in truck #700 and was leading the race by a good ten minutes per lap until Lap 6 when he broke · a spool and lost a tie rod. That cost over two hours to fix, but not enough to keep Karakas from winning second place in class in 6:05:26 at 35.5 mph. Karakas also won the fast lap award on Lap 1 at 49.3 mph in 0:44:29. Karakas said he had a "good, clean race ... until the last lap. This was a fast and fun course; I liked it!" John McComb and co-driver Neil Nibbler drove the #708 truck to a first place win and trophy in Class 7, beating the desert dirt and his competitors to the checkered flag at the fin-ish line in 5:54: 10 at 36.6 mph. McComb said it was "a great day of fun and a flawless race", in spite of it getting "a little windy while doing 115 mph around Hwy 247 and SlashX". McComb lost his rear brakes on Lap 3, and the cooling fans went out around MM6 on Lap 6, but he got it all fixed with the help of "a wonderful crew" to take the first place prize home to the winner's circle. CLASS 1600: There were only four entries in Class 2600 and two cars would see the checkered flag at race end. With his brother Brian in the co-driver's seat, Joe Jeffrey was first in class to get the green flag in car # 1600, and drove some consistent times and fast laps to lead the class all day and win first place in 5:06:40 at 42. mph. Jeffrey also found sollle more throttle to win the fast lap award in class on Ln'> 3, too, at 44.4 mph, in 0A9:20. That also gar-nered a second place overall at the MOR Mojave 250 for Jef-frey and car #1600, as well. It's fulli time in Barstow for the Jef-frey clan! Dave Stanley won second place in class in car # 1610 at the Mojave 250, completing the course and six laps in 5:42:52 at 37.8 mph; and that was also good enough for # 1610 to take fifth place overall, too. Dave Stanley drove Laps 1-4 with co-Dusty Times
Dave Stanley was consistent and fairly fast but he was only able to Eric Heiden was a few minutes shy each lap and he ended up in Chris Greeley tried to fly to a good finish, he ended up third in class, grab second place in Class 1600 at the Mojave 250. second place, eight minutes away from the gold medal. less than two minutes out of the second spot. driver Matt Lesmeister. Mark had no flats", but ran "a rough Langdon Claypoole and co-But Claypoole and Kerrt still day was "just crossing the fin-Fusting took the wheel for Laps line ... We even gave rocks driver Tim Kerrt were holding "limped it all the way" around ish line!" Terry Ingold took the 5-6 with his son Doug Fusting 'names' we know them so well". their own in car #1225, until for the full five laps required fast lap award for Class 12 in along as co-driver. Stanley re-Just goes to show you can still "a hit-and-run rock broke the to take second place in class in car # 1203 on Lap 4 at 42.5 . ported "one flat tire, and a lack have fun and win too, even in a left front spring perch on Lap 6:05:33 at 29.5 mph. It don't mph in 0:51 :30, but still ofhorsepower",butthatwasn't VW front-beamed and pow-. 2",andprettymuchtookthem take no PhD to figure DNF'd for the day on Lap 5. nearly enough to keep # 1610 ered race ride. out of the running for the day. Claypoole's most fun for the Continued on page 24 from finishing and a pretty nice win, too, at that. CLASS 12: Class 12 saw its share of ca-sualties with five starters, but only two finishers. Terry Wyrembek started third in line in class at the green flag in car #1297, but pretty much smoked h is closest competitor by 30 minutes at race end; fin-ishing the course in 5:25:20 at 33.2 mph. This was Wyrembek's 23rd race in four years of racing, and his first win ever in Class 12; that's a sweet victory in anybody's book. Wyrembek drove Laps 1-3, and Mike Rauls took over the wheel d°uties for Laps 4-6. Wyrembek said car #1297 "ran good and Noe Sferra led every lap, set fast lap halfway through the race and went home a happy camper, he's seen here at speed. Marl< Shoaff was slow first lap, then he really got it going and he took the Class 8 honors with ease, showing here how it's done. For more information, contact Mike James - Phone: (619) 445-5797, Ext. 115 • Fax: (619) 445-0772 • mejames@michaelejames.com Kevin James - Phone: (619) 445-5797, Ext. 142 • Fax: (619} 445-0772 • kjames@michaelejames.com Karen Iverson - Phone: (619) 445-5797, Ext. 103 • Fax: (619) 445-0772 • kmiverson@michaelejames.com Finally, a Comprehensive Liability Insurance Package designed especially for Off-Road Racers, by insurance professionals who are actual Off-Road Racers. You can't get any better than that! Liability Protection • $1,000,000 General Liability-No Deductible • $1,000,000 Tune & Test • $250,000 Participant.to-Participant Coverage • Even provides coverage in Mexico provided a lawsuit is filed in the US • Insurance for your Pre-Runner/Chase Trucks • Mexican Auto Insurance Covers you, your business and your sponsors. General Liability and Physical Damage insurance available for your prerunner. JMichaeIE. am~ INSURANCE '4'] AGENCY Cal. Lie.# 0875146 PROTECT YOUR FAMILY • PROTECT YOUR ASSETS • PROTECT YOUR BUSINESS Dusty Times June 2006 Page 23
Jason La Fortune ran well, dropped eight or nine minutes on his last lap and ended up third in his good looking Jeep. Chad Dohnnan ran in second spot for two laps, had some troubles Fourth place went to Keith Marion, he was fast, just not fast enough on the third lap and ended up taking fourth place in class. this day, he's seen here just airborne at speed. Ingold's "race day from h*LL bueno, eh. started with changing two fuel CLASS 725: pumps on Lap l, breaking a Five entries• two DNS, two shock tower 'bad' on Lap 2, DNF, one finisher. In their sec-ending Lap 4 with a 'ticky' ond year of racing, Noe and sounding motor, and getting Tony Sierra from Fontana, CA nerfed hard by# 1077". No muy drove their #7 58 '94 Ford Steve Brown was fast and consistent, he took the Class 10 win in spite of landings like the one shown here, congrats. Page 24 Ranger to a "flawless, fourth me! #758 also won the fast lap smiles, I'm betting it won't be race finish in a row in four award at 35.2 mph on Lap 4, her last. "It was exciting and weekends" (San Felipe, MORE, covering the course in 1:02:16. sooo fun", she exclaimed! I'd Ensenada, MDR) to win first Tony's wife Veronica co-drove say so, too. place in class; doing so in with him for the first time ever CLASS 1400: 6:32:51 at 33 mph. Now that in the second half of the race, The Pro Sportsman class in-sounds like a lot of dirt fun to and from her expression and eluded six entries, but only one First place honors in Class 1300 went to Rich Volpe, he led all the way and had two hours in hand at the checkers. June 2006 racer would see the checkers . • Steven Herrera in truck# 1408. Herrera drove his '69 Ford F 100 to a first place victory in class at 39.9 mph in 5:24:51, and even took fourth overall for the day, too. Herrera runs I-beams in the front and a fully linked rear suspension, all pow-ered by a 400 Midland motor., Not too bad for a 37 year old piece of get up and GO! Connor Gilmer took the class fast lap award in truck # 1406 on Lap l at a b!aZing 50.8 mph in just 0:43:47, but that was the last of this race for #1406. CLASS 1450: A whopping 28 entries showed up for the MOR Mo-Continued on page 26 Dusty Times
another ... ~ .. :--·· ~ ® The Suspension Company.
Brian Metcho looked pretty good out there, he ran well and finished fifth in the crowded and very competitive class. Mike Barnett shows off his suspension at the Mojave 250, he ended up taking a decent fifth place in class. Ray Griffith had a long first lap and it cost him, he finished sixth in his class losing two or three places on the long lap. drivers Ben Wright and Cory Caluette reported "the course was not that bad actually, lots of rocks everywhere though". From the tire mark left on their rear cage, it looked like Greeley got a little extra 'boost' from getting nerfed by the PACWEST truck, too. Forward motion always helps, sometimes. Steve Herrera had a good race, he ran fast and consistent and took the Class 1400 honors with ease, seen here at speed. Chad Dohrman won the fourth place trophy in the Zyntel Racing/Giant Motors ports truck# 1484, fin-ishing the course in 4:31:01 at 31.9 mph. Dohrman was run-ning some pretty fast lap times until he blew the front brakes and barrel-rolled # 1484 on Lap 3. That slowed # 1484 down a bit, but it didn't stop Dohrman from completing the race ... wrinkled roof and all. It took Dohrman five years to build his four link 4.3L Chevy V6 powered '88 Toyota. This was his second race in the truck, so a finish and a win ain't too bad for any rookie. [You might want to sign up for your pilot's license there, too, if you keep up the low altitude aerial acrobatics, eh.) Keep on trucking! jave 250. In the end, 15 would finish, 11 DNF'd and two DNS. Matt Helton won first place in class in truck # 1486. Helton drove consistent lap times to cover the required four laps in 3:48:38 at 37.8 mph, and beat his closest com-petitor by over 30 minutes. Second place went to Shawn Giordano in truck# 1478, who completed the course in 4:20:45 at 33.1 mph. Chris Greeley took the checkered flag and won third place in class in truck# 1494 just about 90 seconds behind Giordano, covering the course in 4:22:01 at 33 mph. Greeley drove it all in his I-beam front end equipped '88 'Fordota', with a stock 22RE motor too. # 1494 broke a spring perch and struggled with a leaky mas-ter brake cylinder all day, but still "passed all the JeepSpeedsters" to bring home a nice win. Greeley and co-HAC/N6 rtNCOHPOHATEO r~KAC/N5 ~NCOllPOllATED 169 Gasoline Alley Suite S • Mooresville, NC 28! l 704.799.09S5 • 704.799.1191 fax Page 26 • Center Support -Stabilizes the input and counter shafts keeping them from flexing and moving out of alignment, allowing gears to mesh at optimal levels. • Splined Connection -The splined lever allows the shift cam to connect dirt!ctly to the shift lever allowing for smoother and continuous shifting. The direct connection insures optimum efficiency thereby reducing stripping and breakage. The entire transmission spins easier and requires less horsepower. •Flexible-The innovative design allows for installation of the car's shifter on either the left or right side of the transmission. • Safer-The option to locate the shifter on either the left or right side of the transmission allows for installation of the driver's seat further from the left door. Increasing the distance between the driver and point of impact reduces the risk of injury in a driver's side collision. • Lighter-The streamlined construction reduces the weight of the unit by 7 pounds (as compared to similar models). • Oeaner-0-rings located on the shift cover, midplate, bellhousing, and front bearing retainer eliminate the need for sealer. 0-rings are not only better protection against potential leaks they allow for quicker and easier adjustments and cleanup. • Longer Wear-The design of the gear teeth and the stability of the center shaft support both rt!duce the wear on gears thereby extending the life of the transmission. Tho11111S&lletts -•\. Visteon ... ;. .. ::.: r n--,KACIN5 ~HCOllPOKATED 69S0 Guion Road• Indianapolis, Indiana 46268 317.293.4100 • www.crracing.com June 2006 Fifth place went to Brian managed to rack up some fun Metcho and co-driver Michael time and a few frequent flyer Allen in truck# 1467, who cov-miles on the last lap. Gilbert ered the course· in 4:34:14 at said "the course was just bad 31.5 mph. Metcho said "the after two laps and the ride got course was rough but very fun, rougher as we went". Judging too". # 1467 was running a from their sore arms, I'd say prototype of the new Total so, too. Chaos III front suspension in Craig Wilk won the eighth his 3.0L V6 powered '92 place trophy in truck #1472 at Toyota,andMetchosaiditwas 27.5 mph in 5:14:09. Kent "too soft; needs better Benjamin won ninth place in valving". Time to get out the truck # 1491 at 5: 15 :46 and shims and start dialing. Sixth 27.4 mph. Craig Reynolds won place honors went to Jerry the fast lap award in class in Allen of Ontario, CA in the truck# 1456 on Lap 2 at 42.8 Engaged Off Road truck mph and 0 :51:10. Reynolds #1482. The A-arm, leaf sprung was another racer that got hit Toyota ran consistent laps ex-hard by the #804 PACWEST cept for Lap 4, but still com-truck, which broke the whole pleted the course in 4:45:33 at rear half of# 1456. Reynolds 30.3 mph to take a win at the and co-driver Nick Lee were checkers. Along with co-driv-able to strap and ratchet the ers Shawn Walters and Jeff rear suspension in place good Polich, Karl Gilbert of Covina, enough to finish in tenth place CA won the seventh place tro-in class at 5:30:23 at 26.2 phy in the BanksPower truck mph. "l could have and should #1463, running the required have rolled it", Reynolds said laps•in 4:51:35 at 29.6 mph. of the hit. Nice save and a nice This was Gilbert's first race finish and win too; consider-ever in the 4.0L powered '97 ing. The remaining finishers in Ford, which has a balljoint 1-Class 1450 included, in order: beam, front suspension and Mike Salter -#1477 (5 :37:50 rearleafsprings.Gilbertmade at 25.6 mph);-Dustyn a few rookie mistakes, like run-Lappnow -#1473 (6: 16:37 at ning r_he entire race with "just 22.9 mph); Kevin Knight -one spare, one flat and no #1480 (6:34:05 at 21.9 mph); jack", and he "almost endo'd Pat Kapko - # 1499 (6:54: 10 at it on Lap 1 at RXl", but still 20.9 mph). Custom . . eShoclcrM • Increase OH-Road Control & Agility • Eliminate Suspension ~Bottoming" Package . . "'-• Enhance Rock Crawling Capaci,V JounceShocks are factory set at 150 psi and are fully adjustable Mounting Sleeves contain custom gussets designed for strong, quick installation Landing Plates Full .250" steel plating for targeting JounceShocks 7" ~CJ 7" www.lightracing.com Cell today for more info ... 800-525-6505 Targeting high mobility suspension, chassis protection and fabrication solutions Dusty Times
Jeff Zember didn't have a great day, he had a long first lap, a long fifth Shawn St. George started late this race and it looks like it cost him the class win, he ended up third in class, 1 (Jh overall. Eric Helgeson gets a bit of air under his Jeep, Eric finished a decent seventh place in the highly competitive class. lap and failed to complete his last lap. CLASS 300: Four entries -one DNS, one DNF, and two finishers. Giti Gowland took the first place trophy in car #333 in 5:20:47 at 26.9 mph. Lee Orr recorded a late start in his #300 Ford Bronco and broke a steering box on Lap 1 and a drag link on Lap 2 before getting sick, when Scott and Tim Javorik took over the cab duties to fin-ish in second place in 7: 11 :57 at 20 mph. Orr also won the fast lap award in class on Lap 2 at 33.2 mph and 1 :06:02. CLASS 1300: A respectable 12 entries, but only five started and two fin-ished. Rich Volpe started first in line in class at the green flag and led the race all the way to the checkers in car # 1310 to win first place in class in 4: 19: 10 at 41. 7 mph. Volpe also reported he "got tapped BIG time" by the #804 PACWEST truck too, and "chewed up a fan belt" on Lap 4. Otherwise, Volpe said the course ang the race was "pretty bitchin'. I had a blast. It was great!" Second place went to Erik Jacobus in car #1367, completing the course in 6:19:10 at 28.5 mph. Jacobus also took the fast lap award in class on Lap 3 at 47.6 mph in 0:46:02. CLASS 17: The J eepSpeed class in-cluded another big bunch of 24 entries, of which 16 fin-ished. Charlie Peltzer was first off the line at the green flag in Class 17 in car #1716 and set the pace for the day, leading all the way to the finish line and first place in 4:03:22 at 35.5 mph. Peltzer also won the fast lap award in class at 36.9 mph in 0:59: 18 on Lap 1, as well as the second overall win-ner in the four lap Sportsman series. Second place went to Eric Heiden in car #1717 about eight minutes later; 4: 11 :31 at 34.4 mph. This was Heiden's second race with his new 4WheeIParts JeepSpeed (4:51:48 at 29.6 mph); #1717, and his first MOR race. Michael Vernak -#1760 #1717 had a flat at MM26 on (4:54:08 at 29.4 mph); Chris Lap 3, and started losing Anrein -#1743 (5:17:00 at power steering fluid at the 27.3 mph); Jim Hynt -#1777 start of Lap 4; by MM 16, (5: 17:55 at 27.2 mph); John J-leiden had no power steering Coleman Jr. -#1739 (5:27:02 at all. Heiden's most fun was at 26.4 mph); Eric Sotille -"threading the needle between #1766 (5:40:45 at 25.4 mph); two other JeepSpeeders on Arnold/Mike Shaffer -#1705 Lap 2. The course was a lot (5:41:38 at 25.3 mph); Eric rougher than I remember from Filar -#1790 (6:10:51 at 23.3 before". Heiden's second place mph); Greg Szymanski-#1722 win was also good enough to (6:26:22 at 22.4 mph). garner third overall in the four CLASS 9: lap Sportsman series.Jason La The sole entry in Class 9 was Fortune won the third place Tim Gardner in car #982. trophy in class in # 1795 in Gardner recorded a DNF for 4:20:06 at 33.2 mph, as well the day but not without first as fourth overall in the four winning the fast lap award on lap Sportsman series. La For-Lap 1 at 23 mph in 1 :35: 16. tune reported a "good race and CLASS 1100: mucho dust", despite ripping Paul Vidal in car# 1_106 was the upper arm mount from the the sole entry in Class 11. Vidal subframe. A clean and fast re-recorded a DNF for the day on weld got him back on the track. Lap 3, but # 1106 did win the Not too bad for the second class fast lap award on Lap l race in a vehicle that "was built at 18.9 mph in 1:56:10. in ten days". NOTES & OBSERVA-Fourth place in the TIONS: JeepSpeed class went to virgin You know, a certain amount rookie Keith Marion in #1750, ofnerfin.g is to be expected in Joe Jeffrey took the Class 1600 lead late in the race and went on to take the gold medal, he's seen here heading for the flag. any desert off road race. But when one vehicle ends up nerfing several others hard in the same race and causes ex-treme damage to some, it's time to start adding up the tab for having fun at someone else's ex-pense. Maybe that's the way the Big Boys play, but it ain't the way to play with other racer's rides that aren't even in your class. And so many in the same day by the same vehicle kinda makes me wonder. .. what's go-ing on? And if the Promoter al-lows it ... what's up with that, anyway? Casey Jones, you'd bet-ter Watch your speed, or maybe learn how to drive. Some angle iron on my rear bumper, per-haps? Excuse me while I get out of my way, eh. Mfl..ftJ._ his first race and win ever! Marion and co-driver Toby Brooks started in 17th posi-tion in class at the green flag and got the pass on five other racers the first lap. # 17 50 drove consistent lap times to finish the race in fourth place in 4: 2 6: 5 6 a·t 3 2. 4 mph. Marion has been a long-time neighbor of 'Mr. Jeep Speed' Clive Skilton, so it was only natural that he picked up the racing bug at an early age. Marion's most exciting mo-ment was "getting up on two· wheels in a close encoun.ter", and of course "finishing my first race ever!" The remaining finishers in JeepSpeed in-cluded, in order: Mark Barnett www.nevadaoffroadbuggy.com -#1700 (4:31:02 at 31.9 mph); Ray Griffith -#1714 (4:39:26 at 30. 9 mph); Eric Helgeson -#1708 (4:45:41 at 30.2 mph); Guy Alldredge # 1761 RATTERlf~ ~I.ILTIIMJI l'OOwEASOulCe-ZTREME TIRE co. NEVA06. OFFROAD BUGGY T-SHIRT SM-MEO.LRG-XXLRG ONLY $10.00 CROW lBlhfiElRiJO~ I .' 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CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES By Sameer Parekh Photos: Motorsports Memories four teams entered, only 14 came out and finished by the end, to receive the "Desert Storm Finisher" dog tag. The roads were very sandy and soft, a problem which created diffi-culty for the competitors even on the transits! Blake Yoon with co-driver Jonathan Schiller took an early lead in the first two stages, but only barely managed to stay ahead of Leon Styles and Don Shreyer until Stage 3, when Yoon lost a full minute on Styles. Styles and Shreyer kept their lead until Stage 6, when Jason Waples and Rebecca Greek, who'd been nipping at their heels all day, took the lead. Waples and Greek had pulled a solid lead on Styles and Shreyer, but in the final stage, disaster struck. As hap-pens in rally, a solid lead can evaporate quickly when your car, which has been pushed to its limits, exceeds one and falls apart. Their STi lost oil pres-sure, which led them to finish 13th overall, letting Styles and Don Shreyer take the overall win. with Brian Scott and John Dil-lon, who were competing in Chernis' old road car. But on the last stage, Chernis pushed hard, and hit the last crest at 120 miles per hour. The car launched three feet in the air, and they managed to finish with only a one second lead on Scott and Dillon, and with both Yoon and Waples falling out of the running, Chernis and McNair finished in second place, leaving Scott and Dillon just a second behind in third place overall. Leon Styles and Don Shreyer won big, 1" overall as well as 1" in Rally America Open and CRS Open 4WD in their Mitsubishi EvoVI. Doug Chernis and John McNair almost lost it on the first stage, hitting a sharp dip at 90 miles per hour. Chernis "figured [his] rally was over" but The competition in the Per-formance Stock class was also fierce. George Doganis and Tom Smith started their day slowly, finishing the first stage near the back of the pack. They picked up the pace over the day, however, and gained time, finally coming within three sec-onds of leaders Tony Chavez and Doug Robinson. Finally, in the last stage, Doganis and Smith pulled out all the stops -they came into a rough wash way too fast and couldn't slow down fast enough -thankfully Doganis was "relieved to make it through the wash with every-thing still attached to the car" to be able to make it to the fin-ish line and beat Chavez and Robinson by a mere three sec-onds, giving Doganis' team the win in the Performance Stock class. Entering its third year, the Desert Storm Rally, held on March 25th, presented a strong event, warming the field up for the competition that would fol-low through the year. The Rally's founder, Chris Powell, conceived of this rally three years ago while traveling back and forth between his home in Arizona and the ral-lies he would attend in Califor-nia. He noticed the roads along the freeway near Quartzsite, and "a couple of exploratory trips and half a dozen maps later", he and John Sundelin discovered a great road for the ~ . . rally in the Yuma Proving Ground, Cibola Lake Road. One of the key benefits of this road for the event was that it is controlled solely by La Paz County,.which meant that the permitting for this rally was easier than for other rallies. While other rallies generally re-quire permits from a number of authorities including the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management, Desert Storm only requires permits from the local county. Al-though the road goes through the Army's Yuma Proving Ground, this is the only road v-«'-• )(• · <,· .•. · ... · · ; . "-' • UMMlQl9ClWQEI QOAttllG Since 1999, Ram Proline has provided ceramic and powder coating for all vour needs .with an oven 25 ft in dePth. • WE CAN COAT CHASSIS, DUNE BUGGY FRAMES, TRAILERS, GATES, IRON FENCING, AND MORE IN A VARIETY OF COLORS. • RAM PROLINE ALSO OFFERS SAND BLASTING. • WE CAN COAT ALL INTERNAL ENGINE PARTS, EXHAUST SYSTEMS, BRAKE CALIPERS, INTAKE MANIFOLDS, AND MANY OTHER APPLICATIONS. RAM PROLINE DOES IT ALL Page 28 in the Yuma Proving Ground kept it together and continued that the Army doesn't control, to run a very consistent rally,. so the rally didn't even need to staying just behind the top fin-get permits from the Army. ishers all day, battling it out Doganis felt honored to have been able to defeat the sea-This year Chris ---~ Powell transferred the responsibility for organizing the rally to Pat and Denise McMahon. They were very pleased with how the rally went this year, as Chris Powell had done an excellent job with record-keeping, making the hard task of keeping the rally running smoothly that much easier. They couldn't have done it without the help of the "terrific people working with [them)", the volunteers, of course. Key volun-teers included Pete Morris, who man-aged all of the per-mitting, Carolyn Reed, who man-aged registration, and Mike Nitz and Dave Belcher, who set up the course. Without them and all the other rally volunteers, it would not have been such a success-ful event. Although the rally is still young and has yet to grow very much, a strong field of competi-Doug Chemis and Craig Menair were~ overall, 1" in Rally America Group N, ~ in CRS Open 4WD in their Subaru lmpreza WRX STi. First place in Rally America Group 2 and CRS Performance Stock class went to George Doganis and Tom Smith in their Nissan Sentra. tors arrived to mix , it up, driving down dirt roads flat out. While in previ-ous years the attri-tion rate was not quite as high, this year the rally was brutal. Twenty--. First place in Rally America PGT class and CRS GT class went to Bob Brinkhurst and Mat Stokes, seen here in their Subaru Legacy. June 2006 soned team of Chavez and Robinson, who will be running the sea-son together with-out notes. He con-tinued, "I am thrilled to be in such a competitive class with 7-8 cars always fighting it out. I can-not even imagine how much tougher it is going to get when the Mosers and Hoche-Mong/ Parekh debut their new GTis!" As usual, Michael Taylor ran a consis-tent rally with his wife Jennifer co-driv-ing, using notes for the first time at her second event. They finished third place in Performance Stock, just behind Chavez and Robinson. It was a close finish, as after Stage 6 they only· had a four second lead on the team of Sarkis Mazni.anian and Danay Yoon. Although the other classes only had a limited num-ber of finishers, the high attrition rate at this rally showed that it isn't necessar-ily about how fast you drive; it's about keeping things to-gether through the entire rally to make it to the finish. Larry Gross and Doug Young switched, classes from Production Stock to CRS-2 for Dusty Times
Michael and Jennifer Taylor drove their Ford Ranger to the win in Rally America Production class. Lisa Klassen and Shea Burns drove their Toyota Corolla to a t•t place finish in Group 5 in both Rally America and CRS. Brian Scott and John Dillon drove their Subaru lmpreza STi to :Jd overall, ?I in Rally America Open and :Jd in CRS Open 4WD. this rally, which led them to win the CRS-2 class, finishing just behind Chavez and in front of Michael Taylor. Rookie driver Jen Imai and co-driver, Sameer Parekh, kept their car on the road for a second place finish in the CRS-2 class. Robert Brinkhurt and Matt Stokes won the CRS GT class handily, as unfortunately the their class by the second stage. competition, Scott Clark and On the third stage, however, a Marie Boyd, was unable to get slow roll almost spelt disaster, their Subaru to the finish line. but they managed to get the In the CRS-5 class, Jeff sticky side down again and fin-Rados and Guido Hamacher ished the stage. Unfortunately had a difficult first stage, while they ran through a dip on a the pair of Eries, Schleicher transit too quickly, damaging and Olson, started the rally their suspension and ending strong, taking first place in their day. This opened the field ,..... ___ ...,..- ---------~'-----"---, for Lisa Klassen and Shea only has two road sections; a Burns to take the win for CRS-fact which he hopes will change 5, leaving Rados and Hamacher in the future. "Many people with second place. that would come if there were With a successful rally com-more roads seem to have pleted, people are excited stayed home. That, I think, about the potential for future will change with the awesome growth and fun times in the new management that now desert. Rally founder Chris controls the Desert Storm Powell noted how the rally Rally." · First in CRS Group 2 went to La"y Gross and Doug Young in their Leon Styles and Don Shreyer congratulate each other on their ve,y Jason Waples and Rebecca Greek lost it all on the last stage, their Toyota Corolla, seen here at speed on a stage. impressive performance on the Desert Storm Rally. Subaru lmpreza WRX STi lost the engine, a dnf was their reward. Dusty Times June 2006 Page 29
L l L I.. l .._ ~-AT WICKENBURG Tim Jones scoots To overall By Mike Del Col ABOVE: The Sullivan/Anderson Team had a good run, they were a bit off the pace on lap 3 but cruised on in for the ½-1600 win. Whiplash Racing in Arizona has a few race tracks that are yearly rituals. Gila Bend, Snow-flake and Wickenburg are three of the staples in the Whiplash racer's diet. Wickenburg is fun year after year, mostly because it's the toughest track on the Whiplash schedule, and surviv-ing this race really means some-thing. In 2006 Tim Jones put it all together at Wickenburg in the first race of the Whiplash 2006 racing season. Tim's red Class 10 racer was fast and con-sistent all day long, churning out Photos: Nicole Del Col Bruce Johnston ran second in Sportsman 10, took the lead on the final lap and went home with the gold medal in hand. Tom Wood was the Pro 1-2 winner, he was hindered a bit on laps 3 and 5 but he still beat his competition with ease. ABOVE: The Ottersberg truck had an easy day, they just motored around in good time and were the easy winners of Pro B. LEFT: Pat Allen led all the way in the Unlimited Sportsman Class, he took the checkered flag with more than seven minutes in hand. six laps in 3:55:41. Tim's day was nearly flawless, and the re-sult at the end of the day was evident of that. Billy Tsakaris was in hot pursuit all day long, after a flat on Lap 1 put him down on the clock and playing catch-up all day long. Billy ran very well, finishing with his fast-est lap on his final lap around Tim Rodda was the winner in Sportsman Truck, he was declared the winner in spite of a tenibly long fourth lap. Bill Tsakiris finished a ve,y close second in the Class 1 O battle, he Jason Saunders was running in second place in the 1600 fracas, Michael Kennedy was just a wee bit off the winning pace in Unlimited was less than a minute in arrears at the end. alas, he disappeared on the final lap, an undeserved dnf. Sportsman, he finished in second place, seven minutes in arrears. Page 30 June 2006 Dusty Times
l Todd Elam finished third in Class 10 at Wickenburg, he was kinda Gari Rohrer had a very long first lap, picked up the pace on lap 2, Scott Cebu/ski was only minutes off the pace in Sportsman Class 1 O but he never completed his third lap. slow on his fourth and fifth lap but it didn't cost him a position. Carl finished third in Unlimited Sportsman. the track. Billy's 3:56:35 was less Michael Kennedy wasn't too far man winner in the Sport 10 than a minute off the winning behind in his Unlimited racer, class. Bruce is really liking the pace, but was good enough for completing four laps, and get-bigger horsepower of this class, second in Class 10, and second ting second place in the class. after competing in 1600 for the overall on the day. Todd Elam Bruce Johnston was the class last several years. Bruce had was third in Class 10, with two winner, and the overall Sports-Cory Bott riding shotgun and long laps that cost him the race. Todd finished about 14 minutes behind Tsakaris. Loren Brown got in two laps in Class 10, and class veteran Ed Beard finished only one and called it a day af-ter breaking a shock. Class l had two competitors in the class, with Tom Wood fin-ishing all six laps to earn the class win. Tom had troubles on seemingly every lap, with several sets of broken motor mounts, and other woes. Rick Thomas and Keith Moore debuted their new Tatum Class l car at the race. The car ran exceptionally well, but blew the motor on the final lap, just two miles from the finish. The team was breaking in the car, changing drivers on ev-ery lap, and making shock ad-justments after each lap as well. The team had a great time, and is looking forward to more good runs this season. The Otters berg Racing Team was the class of the class in the big truck division. The black truck with no bedsides ran very well all day long on the tight track. The team ran very consis-tently and earned the fourth overall position to boot. Krissy Sullivan is coming into her own in the Class 1600 ranks. Krissy ran the entire race at Wickenburg, stopping only to 'pee'. She had a great race, and was able to get in some good I dicing with her competitor Ja-son Saunders in the class. Krissy put a pass on Jason right away in the race, and Jason paid back the favor later in the race with an exceptionally hard tap. Krissy was able to pursue and pay the favor back. No worries here though, Jason was a gentle-man, explaining that the tap was an accident, and no hard feel-ings were had between the com-b a tan ts. Jason was running his first race, after racing quads for some time. Krissy's time was good enough for the class win, and sixth overall. Pat Allen was the big winner in the Sportsman Unlimited class, besting two other racers to the finish. Pat is a desert vet-eran, having raced in the ADRA years ago. This was the first race in this car. Pat's race was not without some issues, after sec-ond gear went away during Lap 2. He raced the remainder of the day in first and third only. He did split the drive time with son Will, who is only 17 years old. The family had a great time in their 2276 Raceco, and are look-ing forward to the next race. Dusty Times June 2006 both had a great time. These thru with some much needed guys were probably so fast cause parts the day before the race. they only weight about 200 Stan Calvelage and son Cody pounds between them. The team were in the hunt in the class, would like to extend a big thanks breaking a shock on the last lap, to Dave Cookman for coming Continued on page 32 Page 31
It couldn't have been closer in Sportsman Mini Truck, James Cante/me The Ed Beard Team ran second on their first lap but they had big Loren Brown started well in Class 10, lost some time on the second lap and then disappeared from the scoring charts. finished fifth in class, a mere 15 seconds out of fourth. problems and were never seen again. allowing the race to slip away. McCarthy and his shiny red Smith and James Cantelme Stan finished on the broken Ranger truck. Mike is still get-were all finishers in the big of, and not too much drama course in Mexico, this time as in years past. Get those cars around in an area not yet prepped and ready to go• the raced on, and not even near next race in the Whip series any of the other tracks that will be in April, in Rocky Whip has served up in years Point, Mexico. Whiplash is past. Should be interesting ... shock, with the car looking in-ting a handle on the new truck, class. jured. Bob Myers had an inter-and ran well, even stopping for Wickenburg seemed a little esting day in the Myers/Mask new passengers occasionally. It tame this time around. No racing machine. Bob was strug-was the first Whiplash event for sick co-riders to be found, no gling with a broken link pin, a the team. Neil Weaver, Bret pin cushioned drivers to speak promising another new See you in the desert! spin and getting stuck, and centerpunching a tree. Bob credited the pit crew for the fin-ish after they helped him get into limp mode to make it back to the checkers. Scott Cybulski was running very strong in the class, but could only muster two laps. Tim Rodda had a good race in this Sport Truck. Tim knocked out his four lap assign-ment to earn the class win. Jamie Martens was running well, but as with the other competitors in the class, failed to make the fin-ish. Sport Mini Trucks were out in big numbers at Wickenburg, wit!~ Dan Werle leading the way. D an had over an hour on Mike Dan Werle took the Sportsman Mini Truck lead on the second lap, cruised on in for the big win, seen here at speed. Mike McCarthy took the silver medal in the Sportsman Mini Division, he's seen here just at takeoff at Wickenburg. ~-:] .. ~:1 . ,, ~! ~-· 001..1ctary 0 .. ~-_:s(ltr' _a,eadlack -t. tJa:::11'1 ;3eadlack • ·l. ·'"' :. ~ .. Page 32 e e I iried Et tested OStranger ~-------Lighter than other cast wheels n the market •Counter Pressure Casted Aluminum • Satin Smooth Machine Finish ble in: x4. 15x7 ad/oc -Beadlack ug Patte on IgD5mm ~ --,.._ 714.578.B25B 31 N. P/acel'ttia Ave June 2006 □blue □black □red . □polished • Dusty Times
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l/\.J'2C 26TH RALLY ARGENTINA· 2006 Loeb/Citroen Win Their Fourth In 200& By Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden Sebastien Loeb won his 24th rally, it was Citroen's 3(Jh WCR win, a great coup for all, seen here at touchdown in the Citroen Xsara. Citroen gained their 30th WCR victory in Argentina in the hands of reigning World Cham-pion Sebastien Loeb, and Loeb's 24th such victory as a driver now puts him equal with Juha Kankkunnen's record of world rally wins and second in all time rankings, behind Colin McRae and Carlos Sainz. This was also Loeb's and co-driver Elena's fourth successive win in 2006, and Elena now equals Luis Moya in being the all time best co-driver. Hopes of a strong result by Ford were lost when there was a double mechanical problem for Marcus Granholm and Mikko Hirvonen's cars on the first leg. Gronholm eventually proved himself the fastest driver on the event and scored seven fastest times, eventually gaining one Manufacturers' point from his tenth place finish. Petter Solberg and Subaru were back to form after disappointing recent perfor-mances on asphalt though the team achieved their best points total of the season so far. Curi-ously both Ford M2 team cars beat the official M 1 car of Marcus Gronholm and the rally was marked by debut stage scratch times for Dani Sardo, Henning Solberg and Matthew Wilson. In the Group N category there was an amazing variety of perfor-mances with many different driv-ers scoring best times on this unique PCWRC and JWRC back to back event. In PCWRC Nasser Al Attiyah cruised to victory af-ter the Argentine driver Sebastien Beltran was forced to stop on Leg 2 wirh broken suspension while in JWRC Guy Wilks led his cat-egory throughout. Since Corsica the rally world was shocked by the news that Shekhar Mehta, the President of both the World Rally Champi-onship Commission and the Ral-lies Commission, and in former times an outstanding rally driver who won the Safari Rally five times had died. Whilst the world of rallying offered their condo-lences to his wife Yvonne and their son Vijay, they were also extremely alarmed that nobody was now in charge of the sport at all. This latest development had meant that the sudden exit of Jacque Regis from the WRCC job had thrown the sport into a nightmare scenario, but even if the future was more clouded than ever at least the championship was happening. And here in Argen-tina there were quite a lot of nov-elties. The headquarters, start, service part and finish had all moved from Villa Carlos Paz to the Feriar complex area near the Cordoba Stadium while the Shakedown stage had been moved to La Calera in an area called "La Laguna Azul". This was fine until three days before the event when local ecologists thought other-wise, and the site was moved to an unbuilt housing estate nearby. For the organisers the most ex-citing thing was a new superspe-cial location inside the Cordoba Stadium which was run on two occasions, two stages run imme-diately after the Start and again twice immediately before the Fin-ish. The service park was laid out within the grounds of the Feriar showground in an unusual for-mat, with the world champion-ship teams given their own indi-vidual pavilion, the Production Car and Junior cars within a large hangar and privateers outside but nearby. So far as the route was concerned, there was an unusu-ally short competitive distance on the final day, and two stage routes were run in reverse direc-tion to before (6/14 and 7/11). Due to the changes in the order of events this season and despite this being Round 6 in the series, this event was only the second or-thodox gravel event of the season! Like Mexico it was another high altitude rally, with some stages Petter Solberg and Philip Mills were the second place finishers in Argentina, seen here at a water crossing at speed. going about 2000 metres high. So far as the sporting aspect was concerned, this was the first ever rally to qualify for three world championship categories. It was another single-tread event. Engines used here also had to have been used in Mexico. No pairing of chassis or transmissions involved, though curiously all the registered teams opted also to run the same chassis as in Mexico as well except that Stohl and his OMV Peugeot Norway teammate Henning Solberg exchanged chas-sis. There were celebrations at the OMV Peugeot Norway team as this was officially Manfred Stahl's 100th start in a world champi-onship event. His first event was in Ivory Coast in 1991, when he was 19. He is the 16th driver to reach this achievement, the first Austrian and only the second such driver w·ho ·has now won a world championship rally. In-terestingly only two other current drivers have reached this goal, Marcus Gronholm and Harri Rovanpera. In the Stobart-VK M-Sport Ford Rally Team the sec-ond driver this time was Luis Perez Companc, the first Argentine to have a full works championship drive on his home event since Jorge Recalde in 1992. There were no Skodas here. This was the second appearance for Gigi Galli in the Pirelli Peugeot 307WRC this sea-son. Whereas all the other World Rally Cars were the same cars as had been used in Mexico, Galli's was a 307 we had not seen in or-ange colours before, indeed the car in which Granholm had won the 2005 Neste Rally Finland. With the double Junior and Production Car World Champi-onship activity, there was a lot going on in Argentina. Current PCWRC leader Nasser Al Attiyah arrived after winning the FIA Middle East championship Oman Rally, and after third and second place in his two earlier PCWRC appearances this year. Al Attiyah also lead the MERC series. There were three crews new to the cham-pionship on this event -the final chance to be able to enter the necessary six rounds, the same situation for JWRC as well. In addition to the British Gentle-man driver Nigel Heath, the other PCWRC newcomers for the 2006 series were the Quasys team (Takuma Kamada), and the Syms Rallye team (Aki Teiskonen) in Subarus. The Quasys team ran a car from the local Barratero team, on account of the length of time for shipping a car back from Argentina and the risk of missing the next event in Greece. In addition to Companc, the top Argentine drivers on this event were the three Mitsubishi Tango Team PCWRC drivers Marcos Ligato, Sebastian Beltran and Gabriel Pozzo in evo IXs. Although this was the fourth event in the JWRC series, all four competitors entered in Argentina had only competed once before this year. So far 18 of the 22 com-petitors had already scored cham-pionship points. The late inclu-sion of Rally Argentina as a quali-fying round of the JWRC fol-lowed a strange story within the FIA, in which there was a debate whether the series should con-tinue to carry the status "world" due to lack of a third continent in which the series was run. (This primarily European-based series also runs an event in the Asian region of Turkey.) Eventually a compromise was reached: the word "world" reappeared when Argentina was added as a round! FIA officials admitted that they did not actually think any JWRC crews would bother to make the journey south! As a result the process of using the same num-bers for competitors in both the JWRC and the PCWRC series was compromised. Each of the four JWRC competitors ran on this event with a three figure number, their regular number plus a "1" in front. This prevented both Pozzo and Andersson carrying the number 35 .and Kamada and Sandell the number 41! Leszek Kuzaj and Maciek Szczepaniak drove their Subaru lmpreza STi to second place in PCWRC in Argentina. Guy Wilks and Phil Pugh had a great rally, they took the JWRC win in their Suzuki Swift S1600, seen here at speed. After fracturing his right thumb, when he went off the road in Corsica, PCWRC con-tender Jari-Matti Latvala was anx-ious to learn if he would be fit to drive in Argentina. He had been warned that his injury might take a month to heal. "I don't care if I have to drive one handed, I don't want to miss Argentina ... " In fact it was not so simple, the doctors discovered the break was more serious than expected and Latvala was told not to rally again until Acropolis. There were no "Guest" Page 34 June 2006 Dusty Times
r Gianluigi Galli and Giovanni Bernacchini drove their Peugeot 307 to a third place finish in Argentina. Manfred Stohl and Ilka Minor kick up the dirt with their Peugeot 307, they finished fourth overall in Argentina. Mirco Baldacci drove his Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX to a third place finish in PCWRC, 21" overall at the Argentine Rally. entries in either category on this occasion. Any qualifying JWRC finisher was guaranteed to score championship points. 2005 PCWRC contender Federico Villagra led his YRS team of Evo Vllls while the OMV team was also represented by Czech driver Stephan Vojtech. Leg 1 The weather was curious, much warmer than traditionally experienced for this event (up to 27 degrees during recce) and hu-mid with it. This being a "long haul" event, world championship teams were banned from pre-event testing, indeed only the two offi-cial works teams in the champi-onship (Ford and Subaru) made any test work for this event, each of them in Sardinia. Test facili-ties were laid on in Argentina for PCWRC and JWRC cars, and was well attended by both. The lack of set-up facilities was bad enough for the WRC competi-tors, but more demanding still was the layout of the route. The first four stages on the Friday to-talled exactly 80.00km, all to be covered on the same set of tyres, and with extra complications. Kronos team director Marc Vandalen explained: "It was the fact of being four separate stages. One single puncture in the first three stages was going to com-pletely confuse the plans for con-serving the tyres." At Shakedown there were some different names in charge, Petter Solberg made best time in front of Gigi Galli, Pirellis first and second, ahead of Granholm, Stohl and Atkinson. The big ex-citement of the day was the four hour stadium activity, where there were two runs over a course run entirely within the Stadium, in sight of the 50,000 spectators. Action started at 1900 and went on until after 2300. Solberg was quickest on the first run, Granholm on the second. It was almost oppressively hu-mid at the pre-dawn restart on the Friday morning, it was like water droplets were hanging in the air. The visibility on the higher ground was bad, rain seemed in-evitable. Sebastien Loeb stalled when he spun on the first stage of the day and dropped to seventh, "We spun and stalled the engine, but the problem was that we could not select reverse gear." The second stage had the loosest sand of the event, the third was cov-ered by powdery dust rather than gravel, which did not clear with passing cars. Granholm had a morning full of minor troubles, but he had a lead of 12. 7 seconds by midday. Granholm: "On Stage 3 we lost the wipers, happily just after the heavy rain stopped." It poured with rain on the road sec-tion, and he was only able to rec-Dusty Times tify the problem just before start-lead for Stages 3 and 4, despite ing the stage. "On Stage 5 hitting a post and damaging a Rautiainen's window was stuck window, but on Stage 5 he punc-down so dust came into the car, tured and a tyre collapsed, drop-and on Stage 6 I hit a bank." ping him to second behind Petter Solberg had been iti the Granholm and then on Stage 6 June 2006 Loeb got past him as well. Mikko most of the stage on a flat tyre Hirvonen was going cautiously, (then having the replacement tyre Galli was fifth and gradually gain-completely break up on the ensu-ing speed as he increased in con- ing road section), dropping from fidence while Manfred Stohl fourth to seventh. Henning Sol-punctured on Stage 6 and drove Continued on page 36 Page 35
Another Subaru lmpreza, driven by Chris Atkinson and Glenn Mikko Hirvonen had a pretty good rally going but his Ford Focus RS Henning Solberg and Cato Menkerud finished seventh overall in Argentina, seen here in their Peugeot 307. Macneal/ finished sixth overall in Argentina, seen here in the outback. succumbed to engine failure on the eighth stage. berg took advantage of his team, At the start of the afternoon car's jack broke and he arrived at mate Stohl's misfortune and rose Granholm still held the lead at the the next stage one minute late, so to sixth. One driver arrived with end of Stage 7, reporting no prob-now Loeb was 20 seconds ahead. eyes wide open with fear, Chris !ems other than that he had a Galli was pushing hard and was Atkinson. "Suddenly on Stage 5 slight impact during the stage. now third overall in front of the car spun while we were flat Shock came however with the sud, Stohl, Henning, Solberg and Dani out in top gear. We slowed up, den exit firstly of Granholm then Sordo. Stage 10 (final stage of the then it happened again. We then of his Ford teammate Hirvonen. day) saw Loeb struggling with no really slowed down and on Stage After 8km of Stage 8 Gronholm's grip while Stohl was in his element 6 it all happened one more time. car stalled at a corner, resisted all making the best time. "Every time It was very frightening." Matthew attempts to restart the engine, the I think I am going badly, I do well!" Wilson had three punctures as crew discovering that the transmis-Atkinson was still carrying on, his well, two on Stage 4, then a third sion was completely immobile. handling problems apparently due on the road section back to mid-Suddenly Loeb was ahead, having to a ti~ rod having come loose, day service. Xavier Pons stopped risen six places in five stages. No while Sordo was going better and on Stage 6 while in seventh place. sooner had the disappointment of got ahead of the Australian. Wil-He impacted a bank early in the Gronholm's departure become son, Compancand MacHale made stage, carried on and then had· real than Hirvonen announced his up the top ten places. the car stop without warning fur- engine was running on only three In the Priority 3 category, the ther down the stage. He was driv- cylinders, and nothing the crew unenviable decision of whether ing with a broken wishbone, as a could do would solve the prob, the PCWRC or the JWRC cars result of which a driveshaft be- !em, so the car was withdrawn be-should start before the other was came disconnected and broke a fore being damaged beyond any weighted in favour of the Group fuel line. This led to two conse-hope of diagnosis. The rally now N cars, with eight Group N cars quences. First there was a fire had a new face to it, Loeb was starting in front of three JWRC which demanded the crew's atten-about ten seconds in front of cars, and the rest being mixed tion, then the engine stopped for Petter Solberg, and then the Nor, between each other. Takuma lack of fuel. wegian had a disaster when the Kamada made a fleeting appear--IOIVGII:cA.oar 714.530.B701 • FAX714.530.B70JI 12842 JOY STREET, GARDEN GROVE, CA 92840 'tNW'W"Jci-corn Page 36 June 2006 ance at the holding area before badly damaged to carry on. Al-the superspecial stages and went most a reprint of the Mexico story no further, the task of qualifying for him. Beltran led at the mid-for championship purposes as a day service in front to Al Attiyah, starter being fulfilled. The two Baldacci (despite losing traction), Tango team cars of Ligato and and Teiskonen (despite impacting Pozzo went badly in the stadium, a rock and damaging a shock ab-the former with a fuel problem, sorber). Group N itself was be-the latter an electrical fault, and ing headed by Federico Villagra. fastest PCWRC car on both runs Al Attiyah received a two minute was the Mitsubishi of Mirco early penalty, after a confusion Baldacci. The Tango Mitsubishi going into the midday service cars were running fine by the time park, though at the end of the they reached Stage 3 and imme- day he was still some way behind diately Pozzo took the lead in Beltran, who had the same fuel front of teammates Beltran and starvation problems as his two Ligato. Ligato then bent a steer-teammates had suffered. "We are ing arm but continued, only for having to drive with a full fuel the piece to fail and he stopped tank which is slowing us down, for the day. Toshi Arai had a but it avoids the starvation puncture on Stage 3 and had a trouble." Baldacci lost time with carbon copy scenario of Ligato, a puncture on Stage 9, letting Al stopping in Stage 6. Pozzo con-Attiyah and Leszek Kuzaj ahead, tinued in the lead until his engine the latter despite driving in pain temperature rose too high on with a back injury. Aki Teiskonen Stage 6, he managed to reach ser-damaged the suspension but vice after constantly filling up with struggled on, only to go off the water, but the engine was too road two stages·from the end of 2.6" --€'ht!£~ Need coil springs? (all King Shocks! We have custom and produdion coils in stock, and the experience to get you what you need. Call today! Dusty Times
Matthew Wilson and Michael Orr were the first of the Ford Focus RS Twelfth overall was the Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VIII of Federico Villagra Marcus Granholm gets nicely airborne in Argentina, he finished 1 CJh to finish, they took home the eighth overall honors. and Diego Curietto, seen here leaping out of a water crossing. overall in his Ford Focus RS. the leg and wreck the suspension. and Heath were in action again to the south of Cordoba. Out-stop there.-...B'a'l'd-a-cc--:i-p-u,..llre'dr--u-p--w-a_s_g_r_a_d'u-a'l-rly-re-d'u-c1c--.n-g--.-h..,.is----.d-e.,.,-fi-Stefano Marrini had a frustrat-but Pozzo was not. The overheat-wardly it seemed that the steam with an engine problem and cit against Sordo and with only ing electrical problem while ing had inflicted mortal damage had gone out of the event, but a Marrini lost a wheel. Only two, the two superspecials to go the Heath went off the road. Talking on the early leader of the category. lot of things were still going on. It now! Heath calculated if only he Australian was just 1.1 seconds about the incident, Heath, "The· It seemed the problem had been was, for example, turning out to could stay in the middle of the behind the Spaniard in the race car ended up a long way off the caused by a piece breaking off a be quite a day for records. Firstly road he could be third! In JWRC for sixth place. In the end Sordo road, down in a river. I was wor-radiator fan piercing the water came the news that Xavier Pons Sandell had more engine over-finished 3.6 seconds in front. ried that I have always painted radiator. The result was the same had won Stage 13, then from .heating and changed a flat tyre More records continued to be my rally cars with my zebra colour but the cause was quite different Stage 16 came news that the on a stage. achieved as Matthew Wilson scheme. Happily there were no to what had happened to Pozzo in brothers Petter and Henning Sol- Leg 3 scored his first ever fastest t11ne big game hunters in the region ... " Mexico. Championship newcomer berg had shared fastest stage time. After two days of miserably on the final stage of the event Heath's co-driver, Steve Teiskonen was unable to restart. It has been towards eight years dark nd dull conditions it was and also gain ing his first porn t Lancaster, had thoughts in an- It seemed that when he was trying since Colin McRae and his dry and sunny for the final day. in the Drivers' championship. other direction, at the stress there to drive through the stages to brother Alistair shared the fast-Baldacci changed the turbo-How they arrived at the correct must have been in the car of Al reach service, a part of the roll est time on the very first stage of charger overnight which made time to give to Henning was very Attiyah when the driver discov- cage was damaged and the car was the 1998 Network Q RAC Rally the car fine to drive all four complicated: they too le ered the time control error (two banned from carrying on. The in Cheltenham, England, which stages of the day without prob-Gronholm's time on Stage 21 minute early arrival) by his co-JWRC Suzuki team made on that occasion also meant that lem so was able to gain a podium plus Wilson's time on 22, sub-driver, "I used to be Nasser's co-Andersson's Swift mobile again they jointly led the rally overall! place in the PCWRC results tracted the tune Henning was driver until the same thing hap-while the Kazaz team repaired The records continued to flow, ahead of Heath. Companc given for 21 then gave a Five pened to me ... " Sergey Uspensky Molder's steering and he was ready as it transpired that Henning Sol-stalled his engine, and the delay Minute penalty on top! It made had no troubles, but spent half for another day. berg had never won a world cham-let teammate Wilson up one no difference, however, the Nor-the day driving behind slower The teams urgently sought in-pionship special stage before ei- place while Stohl got ahead of wegian still finished in seventh cars. Despite a series of fastest formation about the weather. ther. .. On Stage 15 Atkinson fi-his teammate Henning Solberg place. Wilks and Sandell were Group N times through the af-There had been heavy rain dur-nally got ahead of Sordo, up to on the first stage of the day. Then th~ only JWRC drivers to com-ternoon Villagra ended the first ingthenightandtherewasfore-sixth,despiteaseriesoftyreprob-on the first of the two plete the whole route. P.G. day only second in Group N af-boding at the water levels in the lems culminating in having to superspecials Henning had Andersson and Sandell found 'ter he was given a one minute various water crossings. In fact drive 50km back to service on a clutch problems and had to be themselves leading the series and penalty for early arrival at the the weather cleared up. All ten flat tyre, only to find he was towed out of the stage. Atkinson Wilks was lying third. 1..fU2C: start of Stage 9. Guy Wilks con-WRC registered entries were theo- penalised one minute for speed-tinued "driving in the middle of retically classified at the end of ing in the midday service area, the road" and added that the Leg 1 but with Hirvonen gone which then dropped him back team had studied the in-car im-only Pons was outside the teams one place behind Sordo. ages of his teammate Andersson points zone. With Ford's M2 driv-Companc was now in front of and found the rock he hit had ers lying sixth and seventh and Wilson, and Gronholm was up been right in the middle of the Gronholm lying eighth in the to tenth, one place behind Wil-road and was unavoidable... manufacturers' lists, if the situa-son, albeit nearly five minutes Marrini reckoned he lost about tion continued through to the behind. What would Ford do eight minutes when he had an un-end it looked like it could be an about this in the morning? der bonnet fire. Sandell was interesting finish, and to see Companc smiled, and his friends happy to reach the end of the whether Ford would "pull rank" said we shouldn't forget that day, having had the engine cut out and order a tactical rearrange-Companc was a private individual for no reason for a couple of ment of the finishing positions in customer car, so the company minutes on the final stage, then Gronholm's favour. could hardly expect him to com-for the clutch to fa il as they Fog and rain was the order of ply with team orders ... Mac Hale started off again. In JWRC Wilks the morning. Within a couple of had a flashing oil warning light was quickest on the two stadium stages, Loeb's lead of 19.8 sec-distracting him for three stages, stages, then on the first stage af-onds had more than·doubled as Atkinson had a series of tyre ter the restart but his teammate Petter Solberg had trouble with problems on the fast stages, and P.G. Andersson hit a rock on the semi-automatic gear change. finally had to drive 50km back Stage 3 and retired with a dam-He had to attach a wrench to the to service on a flat tyre. aged subframe. Sandell had en-remains of the broken lever. He Beltran headed into the sec-gine overheating on Stage 3 but retained second place but had ond day in the PCWRC lead, made best JWRC time (of the lost a lot of time. "The problem ahead of Al Attiyah by more than three cars still running) on Stage was it broke when we were slow- two and a half minutes. On Stage 4, but then it was Wilks all the ing down for a water crossing and 13 he stopped to change a flat way. Jan Molder stopped on Stage we had ro attack the water too tyre, still staying 1.5 minutes in 6 after breaking his steering in a fast." Galli kept his third place at front, but on Stage 14 he stopped water crossing, at half distance on the head of the three-car Peugeot with broken front suspension and the Friday only two JWRC cars challenge, in which Stohl lost time Qatari driver was ahead. Of the were still going, and only one go-through spinning twice and drivers running under SupeRally ing without troubles. dropped behind his teammate Heath was the top runner ahead Leg 2 Henning Solberg. A big battle de-of Arai who stopped to change a Ford and Kronos checked the veloped for sixth place, as wheel after a puncture, while viability of restarting their cars. Atkinson caught Sordo who had Ligato was going well. By Stage For Ford, Gronholm's car was two punctures, but on Stage 12 12 Villagra had recovered the straightforward. A change of Atkinson touched a rock which overall Group N lead by passing transmission unit made the car damaged the suspension. At ser-Beltran. On Stage 13 Beltran's perfect again. It seemed something vice, after Stage 14, the gap was PCWRC lead over Al Ai:tiyah was inside the transmission had seized 1. 9 seconds in Sordo's favour. halved when he stopped to change and caused the car to stop. For Xavier Pons made his first world a flat tyre. Uspensky went off the Hirvonen things were less easy. championship career scratch time road when lying fifth leaving only The engine was in an internal mess in the fog of Stage 13, an experi- five of the 12 PCWRC drivers and at first sight it was difficult to ence which his co-driver Carlos (Beltran, Al Attiyah, Baldacci, know what failed first, but engi-Del Barrio described as "scary". Kuzaj and Marrini) having cov-neers assumed it was a valve. At There was now a long gap while ered all the stages -and the event Kronos Pons' car needed a lot of the rally headed down south for was only just over half way cleaning up but was ready to run the Santa Rosa de Calamuchita through. When Beltran stopped, again. ln PCWRC Ligato, Arai stages, well over a 100 kilometres there were only four! It didn't Dusty Times June 2006 26th Rally Argentina (RA) 27/30.04.2006 WCR round 6, JWRC round 4, PCWRC round 3 WC points Vl,R WO JC PC 1 (1) Seoaatien LOEB/Daniel Elena F/MC Citroen Xsara VI.RC 3630QE76 (F) 4h.06m.51.3s. 10 10 2 (5) Petter SOLBERG/Philip Mille N/GB Subsu lmpreza "-RC HT55SRT (GB) 4h.07m.35.9s. B B 3 (25) Glanlulgl Galli/Giovanni Bemacchlnl I Peugeot 307 "-RC 468P'M..75 (F) 4h.10m.15.6&. - 6 4 (7) Manfred STOHUllka Mioor A Peugeot 307 ~c 471PWl..75(F) 4h.10m.31.3s. 6 5 5 ~ (11) Daniel SordolMatc Matti E Citroen Xsara WRC 832DPT78(F) 4h.12m.31.5s. - 4 6 (6) Chris ATKINSON/Glenn Macneal! AUS Subaru lmpreza WRC JT55SRT (GB) 4h.12m.35.1 a. 5 3 7 (6) Henning SOLBERG/Cato Menkerud · N Peugeot 307 "-RC 962PRV75 (F) 4h.1&n.20.0s.(2) 4 2 8 (9) Matthew WILSON/Michael Orr GB Ford Focus RS "-RC EF04WB {GB) 4h.17m.25.9s. 3 1 9 (10) Luis COMPANC/Jose Volta RA Ford Focus RS "-RC EF04'vWW(GB) 4h.17m.43.6s. 2 10 (3) Marcus GRONHOLM/r,mo Reutiainen FIN Ford Focus RS ~c EU55CNF (GB) 4h.21m.OO.Os.(3) 1 Other imporiant finishers 11 {12) Gareth MacHale/Paul Nagle IRL Fon:! Focus WRC ET53UNY (GB) 4h.23m.11. 7s. -12 (61) Federico Vlllagra/Olago Curletto RA Mltsoolshl Lancer Evo VIII N EXF143 {RA) 4h.29m.41.1s.+ -15 {39) Nauer AI-Attiyah(Chril Patterson QA/GB s~ lmpreza "Spec C" PC'M\C OU55HRW (GB) 4h.32m.44.0s.# -10 16 (38) Leszek Kumj/Maciek Sz.czapaniak PL PCVI.RC OU05Av-R (GB) 4h.34m.14.4s. -17 (2) Xavier PONS/carlos Del Barrio E 8210PT78 (F) 4h.34m.22.5s.(5) Subaru lmpreza STI 8 Citroen Xsara WRC 19 (148) Guy WIiks/Phii Pugh GB Suzuki Swift S1600 J~C JXD623 (H) 4h.44m.46.9s. • - 10 21 (36) Mirco Baldacci/Giovami Agnese RSM/I Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX PCWRC TKT301TO3263 (J) 4h.46m.52.2s. -6 22 (141) Petrik Sandell/Emil Axelsson S Renault Clio S1600 JWRC XNM403 (S) '4h.S4m.06.4s. - 8 23 (46) Nigel Heath/Steve Lancaster GB Sublnr lmpreza ''Spec C" PCWRC OU06AEO (GB) 4h.55m.10.2s.(1) 5 24 (34) Sebastian Beltran/Ricardo Rojas RA/RCH Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX PC'M\C 399TSU1380 (J) 4h.55m.12.2s.(3) 4 28 (32) Marcos Ugato/Ruben Garcia RA Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX PCWRC NM641P (0) 5h.03m.36.7s.(6) 3 29 (47) Stefano Marrini/Tiziana Sandronl I Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VIII PCII\RC BX 168VW (I) 5h.06m.32 .. 4s. -Page 37
RALLY NEW YORK Lawless/Quinn Win av Three seconds Text & Photos: Thomas Barker First Overall, Tom Lawless and Graham Quinn drove their Mitsubishi Lancer well, seen here almost overshooting a turn. 2005 U.S. Rally Champion Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 8 to first defending winner) and Chrissie Tom Lawless opened the '06 overall in Rally New York USA. Beavis, in a Mitsubishi Lancer USAC/NASA season where he But it was hardly a walkover. At Evo, after two days of hard com-had left off -he and co-driver the finish they were only three sec-petition through the Catskill Graham Quinn guided Tom's onds ahead of Seamus Burke (the Mountains of New York State. Remember-Dusty Times brings you the latest and greatest race and rally coverage each month. We welcome your suggestions and really lool< forward to hearing from you. Tell your family and friends to subscribe to Dusty Times for all the race and rally action. Page 38 June 2006 After several year of running mixed surface events, Ivan Orisek and his Rally New York group decided to run only paved special stages in their (April) Rally New York USA, and only loose surfaced stages in the (September) Interna-tional Rally New York. They were aided in this by the local governments, which made enough of each surface avail-able. The big advantage to an all blacktop contest in April was that they didn't have to worry about muddy, rutted roads during the Spring thaw, but it also provided the novelty of one of the few all tarmac spe-cial stage rallies in North America. Certainly the pave-ment would suit Irish ex-patri-ots such as Lawless and Burke, · since many rallies in the Emer-ald Isle are on tarmac. According to competitors, some of the roads were twisty and had a nice rhythm. Others were very open, putting a premium on horsepower and maximum speed. The surfaces ranged from good to very bumpy. In places there was dirt where locals had driven onto the main road from unpaved side roads or driveways, or from run-off on rainy days. All of the stages were used more than once. To control the speeds on ·the fastest sections, the organizers opted for chicanes made of plas-tic barrels and cones. ("No one wants chicanes, but everyone un-derstands that they're necessary", event chairman Orisek noted dur-ing the rally.) Each displaced marker was worth a ten second penalty, monitored by a marshal who was stationed nearby. The cones and barrels were NOT in place for Thursday's reconnais-sance, -although their locations were marked in the route instruc-tions. As a result, the first time that competitors would see the chicanes would be as they ap-proached them on the first run through the stage. This would have an effect on the result of the rally. The beginning of April had been mild in the northeast, but the weather went back into the deep freeze before rally weekend. Partly cloudy skies greeted us on Friday as the teams went through last minute preparations, but overcast and light to moderate rains began before the cars were flagged off in Monticello at mid-day. When the rains started, sev-eral teams began to rethink the setups of their cars, changing from dry to wet tires or cutting additional grooves in the treads, in a few cases while the cars waited at the starting line in pare expose. Tom Lawless, however, elected to stick with his dry weather setup, expecting that the car would still have enough trac-tion. When the teams reached the first special stage, in the town of Liberty, it quickly became obvi-ous that Lawless had bet on the wrong tires. Burke was 25 sec-onds quicker over 16.6 miles, and then ·added another four seconds to his lead on the 4. 9 mile Stage 2. When Lawless reached the first service, the crew changed the Evo to wet weather tires. On a more equal footing tire-wise, Lawless/Quinn went to work, taking back four seconds on the third stage and three more on in the fog on the fourth. When they reached the overnight pare ferme, in a hangar at the (abandoned) Monticello Air-port, they were in second place, 22 seconds behind, and Quinn seemed confident that they could make up the remaining seconds before the finish. At the end of the first day, David Anton/Robbie Durant (Subaru Impreza WRX STi) were third overall and first in Group N. This was Anton's first all paved rally, and he admitted that he was "holding back" a little on that rainy first day, as well as running the car on street tires rather than full competition rubber. Matt· Iorio/Jeremy Wimpey (Subaru Impreza, Open 4 class) were holding fourth, also running conservatively. We had expected to see Otis Dimiters/ Alan Ockwell (Group N Subaru Impreza WRX STi) among the front runners after Otis' excellent performance in the last International Rally New York, but a broken shift on Stage 4 cost them a lot of time. Regional competitors Jeremy Drislane/Carl Williamson (Mit-subishi Lancer Evo 4) and Maciej Przybysz/Dominik Jozwiak (Subaru Impreza) were very im-pressive, with performances good enough for third and fifth in the national. (A run-down on the regional is given at the end of this report.) Eric Burmeister/Dave Shindle (Mazda 3 turbo wagon, Open 2 class) were leading the two wheel drive category by 51 seconds: Mark Lawrence/Robert Maciejski (Volkswagen Golf with-out turbo, 02) were second, but complaining of clutch slip. Bruce Davis/Jimmy Brandt (Dodge Neon SRT-4, 02) held third in the category. These teams were 14th, 16th and 17th overall. It was cloudy when the teams reached the restart point on Main Street, in the town of Narrowsburg, along the Dela-ware River. The weather fore-casters said that there was a pos-sibility of more precipitation early in the day, but clearing was likely later on: Many of the top teams opted for rally slicks. Lawless looked nervous at the restart. The ignition system had developed a "miss" that morning, but the service crew changed the plugs and Tom was hoping that the problem was solved. By the time he reached the first stage, he · found that the ignition was bet-ter ("80%" he said). With that, Lawless and Burke began trading fastest stage times, with Lawless taking a few more than Burke. The competitors saw snow flurries at high altitudes on the second stage of the morning, but aside from this the precipitation was over, and the clouds began to thin. However, the cold and wind continued. It was NOT a good day to be a checkpoint worker. When the rallyists reached the early afternoon service at the Monticello Airport, Burke was still in the lead, with Lawless clos-ing, Anton third, and Iorio fourth. In the early afternoon, com-petitors ran the superspecial stage, on the runways of the air-port (which is likely to be devel-oped as a race circuit during the coming years). In the service just Dusty Times
Matt Iorio and Jeremy Wimpey drove their Subaru lmpreza to 4111 !st Front Wheel Drive, EJII' overall, mighty impressive for Mark Second in Group N, "1"' overall was the team of Otis Dimiters and overall in New York, setting up here for a left hander. Lawrence and Robert Maciejski and their Volkswagen Golf. Alan Ockwell, cornering here in their Subaru lmpreza. A looooong service stop· was very expensive for Eric Burmeister Finishing second in both Eastern Events, Jeremy Drislane and Carl First in Group N, :Id overall was the team of David Anton and Robbie Durant, seen here braking their Subaru lmpreza. and Dave Shindle, it cost them a first in class position. Williamson drove their Mitsubishi Lancer pretty well. before the stage, the Mazdaspeed Maciej ski (Volkswagen Golf, WRX STi), and Gerard Coffey/ service crew discovered a broken Open 2 class) claimed two-wheel David Dooley (Mitsubishi Lancer constant velocity joint boot on drive honors from Eric Burmeis- Evo 8). For Coffey, fifth on Sat-the axle of Burmeister's Mazda 3. ter/Dave Shindle (Mazda 3, 02), urday must have been sweet, as The halfshaft change took several by a mere 16 seconds. The differ-the car had suffered an ignition problem on the first transit zone A good performance by Maciej Friday, forcing him to withdraw Przybysz/Dominik Jozwiak on Sat-from the day's run, and drive to urday was spoiled when the center service so that the mechanics differential and pinion shaft failed, could make repairs. putting them out. ..-.,, minutes too long, costing minutes ence was of course Burmeister's of penalty time (and the class service penalty. But Eric told us lead), and putting them at the afterward that he was pleased back of the running order. with the car's performance, par-Special Stage 11 had to be ticularly as this was its first finish scrubbed when the Mitsubishi after three starts. Bruce Davis/ Lancer Evo 6 of Enda Jimmy Brandt (Dodge Neon SRT-McCormack/Mark McAllister 4, 02) took third in 2WD and went into a pond. Reports from the class. the scene said the car was in the Brian Street/David Weiman water up to the base of the win- (Toyota Celica) must have expe-dows, but that the crew was un-rienced the greatest range of emo-hurt. tions during the weekend. At the Going into the final special start on Friday, the service crew stage, Burke led Lawless by eight were forced to disassemble the seconds. Lawless and Quinn cooling and turbo systems, trying smoked through the stage, aside -without success -to find the from almost overshooting one source of an oil leak. They finally acute left near the end. At the found the problem, a broken stage finish they were one second piece in the turbocharger, and faster than Burke/Beavis. How- fixed it at a service break later in ever ... on that stage the marshals the day. From there they motored noted that Lawless moved a to finish 13th overall (dead last marker in one of the chicanes, but finished), taking the Super and Burke moved two, so that Stock trophy by outlasting their Seamus had ten seconds more competition. penalty than Tom. In addition to the national, Burke and Beavis were hailed each day's run served as a round as the winners as the cars reached of the NASA Eastern States Rally the ceremonial finish on Main Championship. Burke/Beavis Street in the town of Liberty. But were NOT entered in these when everyone reached the post-regionals, but Lawless/Quinn event dinner and party back in were, and took victory in both. Monticello, the scoring team Second place in both went to Jer-tabulated the penalties and de-emy Drislane/Carl Williamson dared Lawless/Quinn to be the (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 4), who winners by three seconds. Those would have been fast enough to two teams placed first and sec-take two stage wins and third ond in the Open 4 class. overall on the national if they had Group N winners David entered it. Anton/Robbie Durant (Subaru On Friday, the top five was WRX STi) placed third, 4:24 be-completed by Maciej Przybysz/ hind Burke. A consistent perfor-Dominik Jozwiak (Subaru Im-mance earned fourth for Matt preza), Martin O'Flynn/Bernie Iorio/Jeremy Wimpey (Subaru, Obry (Mitsubishi Eclipse) and Impreza, Open class), ahead of Enda McCormack/Mark Daniel O'Brien/Stephen Duffy/ McAllister (Mitsubishi Lancer (Subaru Impreza WRX STi, 04) Evo 6)-in McCormack's case this and Brian Scott/John Dillon was the success before the disas-(Subaru Impreza WRX STi, 04). ter of putting the car into the Despite the shift problems on water the next day. the first day, Otis Dimiters/ Alan On Saturday, third through Ockwell (Subaru Impreza WRX fifth consisted of Otis Dimiters/ STi) came back to place seventh Alan Ockwell (Subaru Impreza overall and second i11 Group N. WRX STi), Patrick Brennan/ Mark Lawrence/Robert Sean Moriarty (Subaru Impreza Dusty Times Wiring Harnesses MoTeC Engine Management and Data Acquisition Systems Robust 32-bit sequential fuel and spark control systems built to withstand extreme racing and pre-running punishment. Turn-key systems available for all popular off-road engine packages. Worldwide benchmark manufacturer of military-specification wiring systems for all motorsport applications Utilizing the finest Raychem System 25 components, the industry standard for all professional racing sanctions. Engineering, assembly, and comprehensive testing performed 1 00% in-house. Complete harness assemblies and circuit control components are available to suit your budget. Digital display ar,d data acquisition · systems for all levels of competition. Engine and chassis dynamometer services available. Sakata Motorsport Electronics, inc 689 s. 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~nt 4Cl ..... --usty, Dirty & Difficult, Only one Quarter survived By Jean Ca!11in Photos: Trackside Photo Congratulations to the big winners, 1'' overall for the second year in a row, Jim and Billy Wright in the sleek bodied Class 2 Raceco took the lead midway and never put a wheel wrong during the race. Over the 17 year history of the of the traditional Mint 400 roads were gone, due to the logis-big and bad Mint 400, the event course is on Indian Land. Al- tics of connecting one legal trail The hard luck twins, Tom Koch and Mark Broneau changed an engine in the has faced many challenges, over-though the Mint Hotel has paid to the next to make the course. Raceco and came back to win 5"' place money in Class 1. come many problems, and, with generously for the use of the In- Bur, the route was truly off road people in the street. The Mint of-on Friday, saw the massed assem-the exception of the gas crisis year dia n Land each year, in this with all the trimmings with a far ficials tentatively rescheduled the bly of cars and hefty sized off in 1974, the Mint 400 had rolled Orwellian 1984 the Indians de-too generous percentage of the inspection at the Speedrome road racers, plus reams of uni-every spring since 1968. The prob-cided to triple their fee for the miles really filthy running. start/finish Casinos in area, but formed police, and thought pru-lems this year were many, affect-30 odd miles of race course, ask-With the course sorted out in reaction was swift. The racers dence might be the better part of ing the organizers more than the ing for, so the rumors say, a cool early spring, the next axe that fell wanted the glamour of the color-. valor. They obviously took the actual competitors, at least until 15 grand. Even in Las Vegas that was the hotel workers strike ful parade in downtown Las Ve-union action to another part of the racers sampled the course. sum is too husky for the service against most of the Las Vegas gas, and, of course, the neighbor- town, if at all. Along with the lack But, Andrew M. Zorne, Vice provided, so the course was re- early April. While it doesn't seem ing casinos wanted the action of trouble from the unions dur-President and General Manager done, staying more southerly, to be a big blockage for an off from the masses of people. Tech ing the race, a bright notion is of the Mint Hotel and his Direc-and actually making two trips road race, the unions could have day is always a big day for the that the Mint 400 race will roll tor of Public Relations K. J. north and two trips south on made a problem out of the situa- gambling halls on Fremont Street. on, no matter what difficulties Howe, got it all handled nicely. each lap. It was a bit over 100 tion. The strike dragged on, some The Mint 400 leaders took the beset the host city of Las Vegas or The traditions of the Mint 400 miles, :md it seemed even longer hotels settled before race date, bull by the horns, hired regiments its individual establishments. were carried on this year. than that. but all the downtown casinos of extra security people, and put Race day was bright and The first glitch in the usually The good news was the course were still struck by race date. This the inspection on Friday back on sunny, with only a breeze instead smooth running pre-race activity was mostly on public land, and raised a concern about the tradi-Fremont Street. Police warned of the hoped for wind to blow was a problem with the Moapa the bad news is that the course tional festival on Fremont Street Thursday of a possible "sit-in" ac-the hanging dust away. When the Band of the Paiute Indians. If crossed the dreaded dry lake, not that racers call the contingency tion on the street from the unions last armband had been snapped folks didn't know before, they used for several years, and plowed and tech inspection. Some folks on strike, but it did not happen. on a racing wrist, there were 399 now know that most of the fun through one silt bed after an-thought the strikers might make Perhaps the union organizers entries of which 384 actually running on the northern section other. Sadly, most of the fun trouble with the crowds of made a scouting trip to the area started the event. While it has r-------------------------------------------------------~ Performance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding &Water Tanks Bulk Storage &Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks Quality Products & Friendly Service VISA RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-759 • www.ronco-plastics.com 15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX us to Receive a Free Catalog I I I ~-------------------------------------------------------~ Page 40 June 2006 Dusty Times
n Las Vegas racers Brian Collins and Kenny Cox plow up a little dust Early leaders in Class 9, Tom Scahill and Dale Stocking had some Peter Alesi, Jr. and Vince Tjelemland kept their Raceco running in in their Raceco en route to a fine ?'I place in Class 2, third overall. woes with the Chenowth, but they held on, finishing second at the flag. good shape, they finished with a nice ?'I place in Class 2-1600. been some years since the Mint laps of the tough course. At this the leaders on time. Thieriot and Greg Lewin had a Class 2 finished the rugged run, 400 has fallen below 400 start-point Las Vegas drivers Brian Sumners lost the trans on the trouble free race to third in class, and the last three were six or ers, the nasty course scared some Collins and Kenny Cox had their final lap, ending his hopes for a fourth overall in the Funco. 6-more hours behind the winner. away. And, believe it or not, we Raceco in a slim lead, closely good Class 2 finish. Jim Wright 54 Club Champion in 1982, Class 1, all 41 of them, were heard that a couple dozen would tagged by the new Class 2 Raceco turned a remarkable 2: 21.54 fi-Clark Gillies, with Steve Ooley co- the second group off the line, two be racers would not cross the of Jim Sumners, with his in Class nal lap to roar into the driving, hustled home fourth in every 30 seconds in formation. picket lines in front of the Mint 2. The nephew Craig Renfro Speedrome first in Class 2 and class in a Raceco. Only 13 in Hotel to register for the race. Be-riding shotgun, as usual Sumners first overall for the second year tween the strike, and the bad was a mere 1 ½ minutes behind. in a row. It was the first time since press out of Vegas on the strike, Just another two minutes back the glory days of Malcolm Smith and the news of the course were the defending champs, and and Bud Feldkamp and the Blue change, the entry was more than the Wrights had about eight min-Bullet that a team had won back gratifying, and the traffic on utes in hand over the next bunch, to back overall at the Mint 400. course was plenty heavy for any-led by Cameron Thieriot and The Wrights said later that they one in the ranks. Greg Lewin in a Funco. cooled it on the first half, sized Class 2 was first away, and for The Class 2 ranks shrank again up the competition at the pit sure they have proven to be the as only 17 finished three rounds. stop, and then went after the vie-fastest of all classes in the desert. Now it was Jim Sumners with the tory. Wright's 2: 10 first lap In fact, defending overall champs slim lead, 2 1/2 minutes over Col-. hardly seems like a cool one, how-Jim and Bill Wright, were one lins/Cox, but ahead of both, ever. The father and son both team touted to win overall again with a strong dash through the said the course was really tough, this year, despite starting 53rd off pack, was Jim Wright, with seven but they had no down time on the line in the 56 car field racing minutes margin in class and he the race track. was tight and busy on the first was the overall leader as well. Brian Collins and Kenny Cox round with four cars all under a Thieriot and Lewin were in hung tough for second in Class minute blanket. It began to sort fourth, two minutes back of Col- 2, third overall about 17 minutes out after two laps, in fact only !ins/Cox, and at this point no-behind the winners. Only another 22 two seaters managed to go two bod_y in Class 2 could challenge 2 1/2 minutes back, Cam Dusty Times June 2006 It was a long time coming for Larry Watson, the Class 9 victor had help driving from his son Jeff and they won by a cool 20 minutes. Page 41 .....
Rodney Goodsell and Dave Marini had no trouble at all with their 2-1600, and the boys took a strong win and they were 'J'h overall. Bobby and Tom Neth have a new Chenowth Magnum and it worked perfectly. The brothers won 1-1600 honors for the :J'd time, they were 11th overall. The first lap was a barn burner, and 12 failed to come around, including most of the· Arizona heavy hitters, Larry Ragland, Bob Shepard and Glenn Evans. Out front by inches after the first go was the team of Tom Ebberts and Mike Julson in a Jimco, just half a minute ahead of Jack Johnson, Chenowth Magnum. Tom Koch/ Mark Broneau. had then came a --few minutes gap to the next group led by Kenny Krumme in a Funco. Midway the field was down to 17, and Ebberts/Julson still led Jack Johnson, now by about three minutes. Krumme was jl,lst four minutes off Johnson's stern, and Mike Lund, Chenowth Magnum, was seven more minutes back. Koch/Broneau lost the engine, but got to the Checker pit and Iron Man is a new title for Larry Bolin who went solo in his Raceco to score a 24 second victory over the 64 car Class 10 field. Jim Cocores and Doug White had a flawless run in their brand new ORC Baja Bug, they took the Class 5 win by 26 minutes. installed an 1835 engine from the pre-runner. The entire second lap was five hours and change with some really swift pit work. Other contenders slowed with sundry problems, often flat tires, and af-ter three laps the class was down to ten, with both Vegas stormers, Johnson and Krumme, among the missing. Heading into the final round ral. Amazingly, Tom Koch and Mark Broneau climbed back into fifth after the engine swap. The Docs, Ingram and Sauers, Chap-arral, filled out the last money spot, and only eight in Class 1 finished. Disputing those who figure Class 9 is a dead issue, 22 of the 1200cc single seaters left the Mint 400 start. Six failed early, includ-ing the Las Vegas favorite, Alex Decuir in a Hi Jumper. The northern California team of Tom Scahill and Dale Stocking drove their Cheno\\'.th 1000 right into the lead on lap l, a very slender lead, only four seconds over Mike McCrory and Steve Wolcott who soon had big trouble and retired on lap 3. A pack of several were in the next bunch, a few minutes back in a good dice. Midway Scahill and Stocking had a healthy lead of 8 1/2 minutes. Locked in the fight for second then were Larry and Jeff Watson, Hi Jumper, about 56 seconds ahead of Tom and bob Denault, Chenowth 1000, and Jim Sherman and Bob Prather, Funco, were only another minute back among the 13 still in mo-tion. - ENGINE CONTROL ~· DATAS~STEMS POWERING THE OVERALL WINNERS OF THE BAJA 1000 the fight for the lead was a near tie on total time. Mike Lund headed off with a mere 22 sec-ond lead over Ebberts/Julson, and nobody else was within an hour of the two leaders. Sadly, the Jimco vanished into the dust on the final round, and Mike Lund zoomed home to win Class 1 by over three hours and take second overall honors. After many pit stops, the team of Frank Snook and Dave Regalia got their Raceco home second in class, about five minutes ahead of Todd Davis and Kevin Derby, driving a Funco from Arizona. Also from Arizona, Jerry Finney and Dan Foodrill were fourth, another eight minutes back in a Chapar-On lap 3 Scahill/Stocking dropped a good half hour, and the Watsons did a quick lap, moving smartly into the lead, and with another quick round on the final lap, they won Class 9. For Larry Watson and sponsors Mal and Connie Wessel, it was a dream come true ... winning the Mint 400 after a decade of trying hard. On lap 3 the Denaults also slowed, and failed to finish lap 4, as only six did finish. Jim Sherman and Blb Prather moved into second ahead of Scahill/ Stocking on lap 3, and Mark Johnson/Kent Richardson had their Hi Jumper in fourth. How-ever Scahill and Stocking got it together on the final lap with a 3:05 run, to finish second in class, just three minutes ahead of Sherman/Prather. Johnson and Richardson held onto fourth eas-ily. Oddly enough, the 2-1600s left in front qf Class 10, but that re-ally shouldn't happen again. Tl:IE eMeJeB Ot Cl:l~li'/0NS ENGINE CONTROL Stand alone Engine Management for 4-12 cyl engines SeqJermal /njedion and Distributor-less ignition lntemaJ Logging with cJosed.loop lambda mapping Custom harnesses made for your application Complete systems 'from $5000 DATA SYSTEMS Data Loggers with up to 128MB of memory Powerful software to collect and analyze data Steering wheel and dashboard cisplays Support available for SCORE and BITD Made in the USA. Page 42 EFI Technology Inc. 4025 Spencer St #102 Tonance, CA 90503 Tel. (310) 793-2505 Fax (310) 793-2514 www.efitechnology.com June 2006 PIKES service center Baker, California Celebra~ing GO YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ••• THANKS! RESTAURANT Open 24 Hours M -b•I® 0 I. SERVICE Every Day Year Round THE BEST IN THE DESERT! Dusty Times
Steve Sourapas and Dave Richardson hooked up the Raceco on a Jack Irvine and Kit Trenholm got~ on the road, lost it in Tech, but by John Slagor and Phil Bowers had a fine run in the new Raceco, were pole line road: they narrowly missed the big · · a the were official/ ~ in lass 10 in their Raceco. close all day and finished a strong~ in the 1-1600 ranks. Neva a aces Terry an Tim Be put their big Bunderson in a solid lead from the green, with fast class lap of 2:22.16. But the Bells had down time on the next round, and Rodney Goodsell and David Marini grabbed the lead, by about eight minutes over the Bells at the half way point. Only another half minute back in third then were Peter Alesi, Jr., and Vince Tjelmeland in a Raceco, about ten minutes ahead of the next bunch all in a tight bunch. Here 17 of the 38 starters among the missing. The deep silt ruts and difficult silt hills were hard on the res-tricted classes, but Goodsell and Marino had no real trouble. They led the class all the way to the checkered flag for the big win, and they scored a fine seventh overall. The Bells held on in sec-ond through three laps, but they then were only a couple minutes ahead of Alesi and Tjelmeland, who did a quick final loop to take second place money by two minutes over the brothers Bell. Just nine more minutes back Fred Ronn and John Love came home a solid fourth, ten minutes ahead of Doug Fortin and Doug Hollaway. In all 15 two seat Although he had some troubles, Walker Evans, with Dick Maxwell riding in the Dodge, easily won top spot in Class 8, his 7"1' win at the Mint. 1600s finished four laps. only 43 seconds ahead of James Class 10 was huge, 64 at the Krumme/Todd Hunter, who had start, but only 18 would see the a scant eight seconds over Ray checkered flag in the heavy traf-Aragon. It was close through the fie of this highly competitive class. next dozen as well. Failing on the first lap were 17 Wholesale position cl1anges starters, and only 33 completed were a feature of the Class 10 dash two laps. The competition was for cash. Ray Aragon's Toyota fierce from flag fall though. Rob powered Raceco had numerous MacCachren, Bunderson, got fast woes on the second lap, most of first lap, a 2:23.10, but not by them due to a day-before-the-race much. The Raceco team of Den-rollover, so he retired after two nis Sellers and Bob Rodine were rounds. Steve Sourapas and merely half a minute back, and David Richardson moved their OFF-ROAD & JEEP SWAP MEETS 0x10 ft ... S available f nominate· For info Call BrYan Rogers (714) 282-9311 or (714) 514-4308 Mark Your Calendar Now ... 2 BIG DAYS! JUNE· 10 & SEPT.2,2006 7:00 AM-3:00 PM Prerunners & JeepSpeeds 1739 CASE ST.• ORANGE,.CA EAST OF57 FREEWAY BALL RD./TAFT BETWEEN BATAVIA & GLASSELL Dusty Times June 2006 Raceco into the lead at mid dis-ish lap 3, and Rob MacCachren tance, 17 seconds ahead ofJames did an incredible 2:17.27, fast lap Krumme/Todd Hunter Funco, for the class, to take the lead, but who held two minutes over Rob Rob did not finish the fourth MacCachren, all three teams un- lap. Almost tied for second here, der five hours time. Going solo Bolin held 33 seconds over in his new Raceco, Larry Bolin Sourapas and Richardson, both was another nine minutes back, about 20 minutes ahead of the but only 20 seconds ahead of Jim herd. The two Racecos battled all Dyer and Jim Dizney, Funco, who the way to the checkered flag, with had two minutes on Jerry Sourapas/Richardson arriving Leighton, and so it went for a first, but losing the race by just good dozen spots. 22 seconds to solo driver Larry The Krumme racer did not fin-Continued on page 44 Aircraft Spruce is a woddwide distributor of qualic,y products for the rac-ing industry. Our product line of over 30.000 items is one of tile mos1 extensive from one single source. Our service bas m.ade: us the number one suppli.cr in aviation and is why over 350 race teams have turned to-us as a tm11h:d soun.-e for m~ing components! www .aircraftspruce.com Al.tlild'ila ~ $1#1,..,.,, 41/lf ~.St#ISWI i!ii Ml fflJJl,-lt lliillt, ~$#11,~, ~Klft,fll#fhNlt ........ , "'1U:r/#$-&taMn. ~ ltlp:llr· U : IUft ~ ~ .. .. • •• •• ti ~ Joiltfl ........ BEST SELECTION! LOWEST PRICES! SAME DAY SHIPMENT! Visit Our Corona, CA store! AIRCRAFT SPRUCE WEST 225 Airpqrt Cin:k Con,na, CA 91$80,.2S21 ph. r)SJ,312-955.'i fax 951-372-0555 Dtd,r nt f1Jff l to-• ft F,IJllcaflngMMfN/scataJog! n · va,.rcra · 'SIJl'Ut:e .. oom 1-877-4-SPRUCE .. o/ ,., _,, ,. Page 43
• • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ~ recate SCORE Baja 500 PiUerrice Let the HAG 7 Brotherhood help you in Baja! HAG 7 Is the leading private pit organization in Baja, and we're ready to support your success in the upcoming Tecate SCORE Baja 500. Full Service: MAG 7 crews w,11 transport your spares to the pits and bade and fill you during the race with your desired fuel (high-octane or pre-mix) rrom dly-breal<s, dump cans, or jazz cans. Emergency Service: Already using BFG or Honda pits? Sign up with MAG 7 emergency support also to ensure you have help 'NHEN and 'NHERE you need tt. We have more pits located around the race course than anyone else. It's inexpensive insurance for a fast flllish. We support all: ►Bug<Jies ► Trocks ► Hotorcydes ►Quads We Cover the Course: MAG 7 pits seem to be everywhere! Located at 50-60 mile intervals up and down the racecourse. We'll be there when and where you need us. Mag 7 Pit Equipment: Al Mag 7 pits are equwe<f with ► DryBreaks ► DumpCiJns ► Wefu' ► Shop Tools ► Expert Staff and Mechanics · ► Multiple~ Riidios ► Lubrtants and Fluids ► ~ Snacks, and Water ► First Aid Supplies Applications and prices are available at www.mag7race.com Email: racedirector@mag7race.com Phone: 619·518-5207, 3352 Juanita St. San Diego, CA 92105-3809 • • -.■.• •...11 • • • 11-• ■.• •~ 11111 • •~••••••Ill---••~,•_. Ill II.JI •JI••••••••• 11111 •Ill••• It.• 11111 Jjolin. I he pair tinished tifth and saga in Judy ~mith s ~ide I racks more minutes back were Jjooby sixth overall. column. It was announced on the and Tom Neth, Chenowth Mag-Putting together a good sec- P.A. system at the Speedrome that num, and John Slagor/Phil Bow-ond half, Jack Irvine and Kit Rob MacCachren had been dis-ers, Raceco. Midway things Trenholm slid into third by only qualified for being off course, changed. Myerly/Jones faded with a minute and change ahead of the but the announcement was not electrical trouble, Slagor/Bower Greg Aronson/Craig Making it official, nothing came of it, and, had the lead by nearly four min-an all Raceco show, Dennis Sell-of course, MacCachren did not utes over the Neths, who had only ers and Bob Rodine were just finish either. 1 1/2 minutes on the Daniel another minute back in fifth, and A goodly pack of 36 1-1600 Raceco. No one else was even 12th overall. cars started, and they had quite a close. The post race tech business ini-battle. Only six collapsed on the On the third lap Myerly/Jones tially disqualified the Irvine/ first lap, and Rob Myerly and lost a couple of hours, eventually Trenholm entry for being over-Randy Jones got the quick time finishing tenth. Slagor and Bow-size in the engine. Next morning and the lead, about 2 1/2 min-ers dropped about ten minutes saner heads prevailed, the car was utes to the good over Richard and the race here, as the Neths torn down and measured and Daniel and Tim McDonnell, zoomed into a four minute lead. found legal. Get the details of the Raceco. Nearly tied, about two Daniel/McDonnell dropped Ivan Stewart got it all together in the Super Toyota SR5, Ivan not only won Class 7 going away, he also beat the Class 8 time. back about seven minutes, still in third, but they vanished on course in the final lap. Up front with another good time, it was Bobby and Tom Neth in for the victory, their third class win at the Mint 400 in a 1600 cc racer.. Just eight minutes out, John Slagor and Phil Bowers nabbed second place, af-ter a thrilling race. Twenty min-utes back in third came Michael Spina and Bill Newman in a Bunderson, who had a similar margin on Tom Ferguson/Doug Mello in a Funco. A husky 13 fin-ished in Class 1-1600 on the nasty route. There were 20 Class 5 Baja Bugs, a hefty group, but more than half fell out by the midway mark. Rick Munyon scored fast lap on the first go, about two minutes faster than Brad Person/ Greg Diehl, who aced Jim Cocores/Doug White by a mere 23 seconds, less than a minute ahead of Malcolm Vinje/Mark Hansen who were ten seconds ahead of Norm and Steve Schmidt, who unfortunately did not come around again. After two laps the Bugs sorted out with Cocores and White taking a firm lead of nearly 27 minutes Person/ Diehl, who had a minute on Munyon, and Vinje/Hansen lost a good half hour on the leg. Of the nine that started the last lap, only five made it. Then Cocores/ White still held a strong lead, Per-Class 5-1600 was a cliff hanger, but Mark Steele and John Johnson brought the spiffy white Bug home winners by a skimpy 22 seconds. Complete race information on www-prodesertracing-com Page 44 June 2006 Next Race Sonora 500 San Luis Mexico To Rocky Point Oct. 14th 2006 l lf--lii Dusty Times
Paul Garland and Norm Shaw had the lead heading into the final loop, Gale Pike and Steve Hummel had a trouble free run in the antique Judy Smith hops down the road in the Jean Calvin Funco and with aid from John Howard, the old buggy finished "1'" in Class 1-1600 . . ~ but the silt was deep and they ended up second in Class 5-1600. Ford Bronco and Pike was happy to nail 214 place in Class 3. The CJl looks great here, got badly wrinkled later but Don Adams And Jason Myers got the job done and took the win in Class 3. son/Diehl came to grief, losing a couple of hours, and Vinje/ Hansen were four minutes ahead of Rick Munyon, now second. Nothing much changed on the fi-nal lap, and Jim Cocores and Doug White were happy in vic-tory, winning by a huge margin of 16 minutes over Malcolm Vinje and Mark Hansen. Munyon hung tight in third, followed in over an hour by Bruce Wittig/ John Ronnerud, and the Person/ Diehl Bug survived in fifth. Class 8 was down to a dozen starters, of which five, including Dusty Times Frank Vessels did not do a lap: Up front after one lap, and up front all the way to the checkered flag was Walker Evans, with Chrysler Maxwell riding in the Dodge. Walker's major race was with Ivan Stewart in the Class 7 Toyota, and at the flag Walker finished first physically, but Ivan beat his total time by about 2 1/ 2 minutes. Dave Shoppe and Jeff Yocom, Ford, kept Walker hon-est all day, staying about 20 odd minutes to the rear, and they fin-ished second. Nearly another hour back, Steve Kelley and It was a popular victory. Tim and Chris Casey led Class 4 from ffag to ffag, had no real trouble en route to the top spot in Class 10. June 2006 Mic ae Nesmit put t e GMC home third. Stan Gilbert, who had a quick first lap, had trouble the rest of the day, but finished the Ford fourth, followed by Bill Howard and Richard Nelson in the snazzy Chevrolet. Herb Reno and Daniel Brown did a lot of pit work on their Ford, did only two laps in over 12 hours, but they placed sixth in Class 8. Class 7 was tiny with only eight starters, seven of them factory cars, including the long awaited Toyotas. Ivan Stewart proved the wait worth while as he put his trick Toyota in an instant lead, although for one lap Manny Esquerra kept him honest, only five minutes back in the Ford, then Manny retired. Roger Mears barely got his Nissan dirty before Continued on page 46 Page 45
' :.;1~-~-... ~'':..:~-The Mint course was too much for the 1200cc Baja Bugs but Dave Girdner and Lee Perfect got in a good 3 laps for the Class 11 win. Class 6 sedans had a rough time in the terrain but Larry Schwacofer and Sid Spradling got the job done, winning with the fast 3 lap time. rolling it grandly out of the was more than half way round battle. Tom Morris/Frank on the second lap when he Arciero, Jr. struggled through a stopped on course for good, re-pair of long laps in their Toyota portedly with a broken trans. before calling it quits. Only four minutes back on the Up front Stewart led John first lap was Mark Steele, fol-Baker, Mitsubishi, by a mere· lowed in eight minutes by Paul seven minutes midway, and G~rland/Norm Shaw, who lost Sherman Balch had his Nissan some time on the second go, but just 12 more minutes behind. held second behind Steele, and But Balch, and Jerry McDonald, by now, no one else was really in had big trouble on the third lap. the ball park. McDonald did not finish, but Seven of the 1600 Bugs made Balch carried on to place third three laps, and the Steel entry was with four laps done. Ivan picked now driven by John Johnson, who up a 29 minute lead on Baker built the car and won the Mint starting the last lap, then Baker with it in 1979. But, Johnson had lost a couple of hours in the a problem, and after three laps dark. Ivan Stewart sailed home Garland and Shaw had a two the big winner over John Baker, minutes lead. The final lap in the and the media hype was all about deep silt and the dark night was Ivan beating the Class 8 times, nearly a visual race between the just as Baker had done at San two teams, and Mark Steele and Felipe. These are some mini Linda Johnson nibbled their fin-trucks folks! gernails at the finish line. John Class 5-1600 put on a brave Johnson did not let the team show at the start with 26 Bugs down, and he picked up exactly ready to tackle the nasty terrain. two minutes, four the dash to the Alas, it was too tough for most checkered flag, winninghe race by of them, and nine failed to go a mere 22 seconds. Over two around once, and eight more hours back, Max Razo, Jr. and vanished on the second lap. Fast Dan Naylor nabbed third, and lap honors went to Henry Arras 13 minutes behind, Roy and Mike with a swift 2:44.37, and Arras Taylor were the fourth and final Mike and Pat Falkosky took almost all of the 18 hours to finish, but finish they did, their Toyota took the Class 7S title. Page 46 5-1600 finisher. Of the 19 starters in Class 3 (Short WB 4 x 4), only three cov-ered four laps. It was nearly a no contest run for the Jeep CJ 7 of Don Adams and Jason Myers, even though Myers rolled the rig on the second round. Adams had hot time on the first lap, but mid-way the CJ 7 of John Deetz and Jason Waters led by 11 minutes. Gale Pike, with Steve Hummel riding in perhaps the oldest car in the race, a Ford Bronco, was another 11 minutes back in third. Adams/Myers resumed the lead on the third go, as Deetz was down an hour, then retired on the final loop. The Adams/Myers combine and Pike had almost identical final lap times, but the Jeep won the class by 34 minutes over the Bronco. A name out of the past, J.M. Bragg returned to CJ 7 racing with his boys, Mike and Greg Bragg, and they kept moving to finish third. There were 18 in Class 4, but only two finished, in fact only ten made it around the first lap. Con-tender John Randall lost the torque converter in his Jeep Honcho right off the start, and Rod Hall lost the transfer case in his Dodge, but did complete one lap. Meanwhile, the Casey kids, Tim and Chris had the first lap lead, and they led all four laps in the Jeep Honcho to win the Mint 400, ending a streak of second places in recent months. Dad Larry Casey broke his Jeep in the second lap, but he was thrilled with the boys' triumph. Second after two iaps, an hour back was Mark Vest, Bronco, but he went no farther. Another four minutes down then was the Lowell Arnold/Tom Kepler Jeep J-10, but a 'six hour third lap put them out of the race. At the flag Vern Rob-erts and Bill Donahoe came around all four laps to take sec-ond place in a Jeep Honcho. Only five showed in Class 11, and as expected, none finished, with : two out on lap 1 and an-other on the second round. Up front all the way, and doing three laps in 162 hours, were David Girdner and Lee Perfect. Tom Walker and Barry McDermott struggled with a destroyed clutch for seven hours on the second lap, finally nursing the car across the finish line in second place, worth a little money at that. Of the seven starters in Class 6, three gave up early, and none finished. Jim Madison and Russ Mortenson had their Chevy Nova in the lead on lap l, and usual winner Larry Schwacofer and Sid Spradling had trouble with the old Chevy, digging out of the silt for an hour, and later losing an axle. However, the Madison Nova was in serious trouble on the sec-ond lap, and Schwacofer took the lead, which he held through the three laps they both com-pleted before running out of time. At the flag Larry Schwacofer was over an hour ahead of Madison. An even dozen left the line in Class 7S, but four laps later only one was still moving. Eight man-aged a lap, and Willie Valdez, Ford, got the fast lap and the lead. Valdez was well ahead of Jim Travis and Dave White, Toyota, midway, but the Toyota went no farther and neither did Valdez. meanwhile, Mike and Pat Falko-sky were running steady in third, could have retired after three laps June 2006 a winner, but they took off on the final 4:56.14 lap. They actu-ally finished four laps in their Toyota, with only 56 seconds left on the 18 hour time allowanc€ for the victory. Valdez got second place money and Travis earned third. Class 2, driven by the genial PR man at the Mint himself on the first lap, finished all four laps with a multitude of drivers, in-cluding more Howes and a few Zornes, as well as some visiting drivers from "down under". Also, it was the first Mint 400 since 1979 in which not one lo-cal Vegas driver won a class. In fact all winners were Califor-nians, except Don Adams, whose Jeep is built and maintained in California. The traditional pic-nic lunch for everyone, and the awards ceremony at the Mint Gun Club wound up the nearly week long festival that is th_e Mint 400 Rite of Spring. ;, .. The final class at the Mint 400 was 1 12; 12 as in HORA and 3 as in Score. One entry, the MacPherson Chevy 5-10, struggled through two laps in nearly 15 hours. It doesn't look as if this class is going to fly in off road racing, at least not in the rough desert. An interesting note on the Mint 400 is that K.J. Howe's 1984 MINT 400 May 3 - 6, 1984 - Official Results Pos. 1 2. 3. 4. 5 Car# 113 114 126 109 130 Driver(s) Vehicle Time Class 1 - Unlimited Single Seat -41 start - 8 finish - 19.5% Mike Lund (solo) Chenowth Magnum 9.26.42 Frank Snook/Dave Rogalia Raceco 11.35.00 Todd Davis/Kevin Derby Funco 11 :40.14 Jerry Finney/Dan Foodnll Chaparral 11 ·48.05 Tom Koch/Mark Broneau Raceco 13: 19.39 Pos. 0/ A 2 31 33 37 59 Class 1-1600(14) limited 1600 cc Single Seat -36 start -13 finish 36.1 % 1. 1417 Bobby Neth/Tom Neth Chenowth-Magnum 10 35 54 11 2. 1401 John Slagor/Ph1I Bowers Raceco 10:43.59 13 3. 1414 Mike Spina/Bill Newman Bunderson 11.06.33 18 4. 1431 Tom Ferguson/Doug Mello Funco 11 :40.06 32 5. 1426 Alan Rohrer/Paul McCain Varnes SS 12:25.22 45 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Class 2 - Unlimited Two Seat - 56 start - 13 finish - 23.2% 253 Jim Wright/Billy C. Wright Raceco 9:20.31 227 Brian Collins/Kenny Cox Raceco 9:38.01 225 Cameron Thieriot/Greg Lewin Funco Warrior 9:41.23 215 Clark Gillies/Steve Ooley Raceco 10:28.10 252 John F. Say. Jr./AI Martino Funco 11:11.54 Class 2-1600(15) Limited 1600 cc Two Seat--:_ 38 start -15 finish -39.5% 1 3 4 8 21 1. 1524 Rodney Goodsell/ Oavi~arini 10:21.48 7 2. 1515 Peter Alesi. Jr./Vince Tjelmeland Raceco 10:57.21 16 3. 1509 Terry Bell/Tim Bell Bunderson 10:59.10 17 4. 1508 Fred Ronn/ John love Hi Jumper 11 :08.02 19 5. 1597 Doug Fortin/Doug Hollaway Chenowth 2000 11:19.39 25 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 1 2. 3. 4. 5 1. 2. Class 3 - Short WB 4 x 4 - 19 start - 3 finish -15.8% 398 Don Adams/ Jason Myers Jeep CJ 7 13:35.07 312 Gale Pike/Steve Hummel Ford Bronco 14.09.33 302 J.M. Bragg/Mike & Greg lhgg Jeep CJ 7 15:50.26 317 John Deetz/ Jason Waters Jeep CJ 7 10:27.31 Class 4-Long WB 4 x 4-18 start - 2 finish -11.1% 415 Tim Casey/Chris Casey Jeep Honcho 13:41.44 400 Vern Roberts/Bill Donahoe Jeep Honcho 15:32.53 418 Lowell Arnold/Tom Kepler Jeep Honcho 12:56.16 Class 5 -Unlimited Baja Bug -20 start - 5 finish -25% 501 Jim Cocores/Ooug While Baja Bug 11.19.15 505 Malcolm Vinje/Marl< Hansen Baja Bug 11:45.08 518 Rick Munyon Baja Bug 12:06.57 510 Bruce Wittig/ John Ronnerud Baja Bug 13:22.43 507 Brad Person/Greg Diehl Baja Bug 14:49.00 Class 5-1600 -1600 cc Baja Bug -26 start - 4 finish - 15.4% 557 MarkSteele/JohnJohnson BajaBug 12:50.19 563 Paul Garland/Norm Shaw Baja Bug 12:50.41 574 Max Razo. Jr./Oan Naylor Baja Bug 15:09.28 573 Roy Taylor/Mike Taylor Baja Bug 15:22.46 556 Rich Fersch/Oarryl Gibson Baja Bug 9:58.37 Class 6 - Production Sedan - 7 start - 0 finish -0% 602 Larry Schwacoter/Sid Spradling' ·55 Chevrolet 14:27.56 600 Jim Madison/Russ Mortensen Chevy Nova 15:48.46 Class 7 -Unlimited Mini Pickup - 8 start - 3 finish -37.5% 705 Ivan Stewart/Bryant Hibbs Toyota SR 5 Mitsubishi Nissan King Cab Chevy S-10 11:26.06 13:56.44 15:43.55 12·14.29 706 John Baker /Russ Honsaker 701 Sherman Balch/Marc Turner 704 Jerry McDonald/Ben Metcalf Class 7 S -Stock Mini Truck -11 start - 1 finish -9.1 % 761 Mike Falkosky/Pat Falkosky Toyota 17:59.04 754 Willie Valdez/ Jose Armenta Ford Ranger 7:42.13 Class 8 -Pickup -12 start - 5 finish -41. 7% 807 Walker Evans/Dick Maxwell Dodge 11:28.58 804 Dave Shoppe/ Jett Yocom Ford 12:09.24 805 Steve Kelley /Michael Nesmith GMC 13:05.10 801 Stan Gilbert/Coco Corral Ford 14:27.25 808 Bill Howard/Richard Nelson Chevrolet 16:01.44 Class 9 -1200 cc Single Seat -22 start - 6 finish -27.3% 919 Larry Watson/ Jeff Watson Hi Jumper 11:40 46 999 Tom Scahill/Dale Stocking Chenowth 1000 12·00.41 909 Jim Sherman/Bob Prather Funco 12:03.39 913 Mark Johnson/Kent Richardson Hi Jumper RS 3 12:30 40 901 Bob Wize /B,ian Wize H1 Jumper 16.10.50 Class 10 - Unlimited 1650 cc - 64 start - 19 finish - 29.7% 1099 Larry Bolin (solo) Raceco 10:09.22 1008 Steve Sourapas/Oav1d Richardson Raceco 10·09.46 1007 Jack Irvine/Kit Trenholm, Jr Raceco 10:34.32 1029 Greg Aronson/Craig Watkins Raceco 1035.50 1023 Dennis Sellers/Bob Rodine Raceco 10:36.46 Class 11 -Stock VW Sedan - 5 start - 0 finish -0% 1199 David Gudner/lee Perfect VW Baja 16:36.16 1100 Tom Walker /Barry McDermctl VW Baja 12:3957 Class 12 - Limited 2850 cc 4 x 4 - 1 start - 0 finish -0% 64 70 89 (3 laps) 65 85 (3 laps) 24 36 43 62 79 49 50 82 84 (3 laps) i3 laps) (3 lapsj 26 67 87 (3 laps) 97 (2 laps) 28 44 54 77 90 34 39 41 47 91 5 6 9 10 12 (3 laps) (2 laps) 1. 1200 Joe Mac Pherson/ Jeff Mac Pherson Chevy S-10 14:55.32 12 laps) Total starters - 384 -Total finishers -97 -25.2% Race Distance - 420 miles -Time allowance -18 hours Dusty Times
BFGaadrich· Report ----------r,ves-----------------The dates for the "Out-standing Trails" events are finally decided (See below). We will continue to send you all updates and event information as we get closer to each event. Please let us know if you are interested in attending any specific dates. We are happy to work out any needs you might have onsite. Thanks-Moab/Check Presenta-tion -June 5 Naches/Trail Jamboree -July 6-7 Black Bear/Trail Ride and Clean-Up -August 19 Tellico/Dixie Run -Sep-tember 30 Pyeatt/Trail Ride and Clean-Up -October 14 Michael Haas For BFGoodrich Tires p: +l (949) 223-2302 c: +l (949) 838 4116 f: +l (949) 752-2130 ~.com BFGoodrich • Tires Taps the Martin Agency for Brand Advertising GREENVILLE, S.C. -April 21, 2006 -BFGood-rich Tires' Brand Director Kaz Holley and his marketing team made a surprise visit Dusty Times today to the Richmond-based Martin Agency to an-nounce their decision to re-tain Martin as their advertis-ing agency of record. "We are excited about the partnership with The Martin Agency, an organization with world class credentials," said Holley. "From our first phone call to the final pre-sentation, the Martin team demonstrated a passion and enthusiasm for our brand that reflects an intimate un-derstanding of our products' technology and rich 1notorsports history." The Martin Agency will be-gin working immediately on BFGoodrich's short-term ad-vertising needs, with an em-phasis on media planning and print creative. "We are looking forward to getting the team immersed in the world of BFGoodrich Tires," Holley said. The 90-day agency search was led by Hasan and Com-p any. The decision, an-nounced today, was the re-sult of formal presentations by three agencies earlier this week. "BFGoodrich Tires ended up with three very strong fi-nalists. It was impossible to make a bad decision," said Hasan Ramusevic, president of Hasan and Company. "All three final presentations were powerful. In the end, the decision was based on the total experience that the BFGoodrich team had with the agencies from start to finish." "BFGoodrich Tires is a dream client for any agency. They are a strong brand with great products and a distinct opportunity for growth," said Ramusevic. "BFGoodrich Tires is a brand that knows exactly what it's all about," says Cliff Sarah, creative director at The Martin Agency. "From the very beginning of this re-view, we could see what a fan-tastic product, brand and company they have and be-lieved we could bring it to life in a way that will help them get the credit they de-serve. "Their entire team flew up here this morning and sur-prised us with the news on our front patio. They pulled up two BFGoodrich Tires sponsored racing cars, revved the engines, popped champagne corks and held up BFGoodrich banners to start a celebration with our entire company. I've been at The Martin Agency almost 20 years and it was one of the most special moments of my " career. BFGoodrich® Tires com-bines technological expertise with vast motorsports expe-rience, delivering a high-per-formance tire for every type of vehicle from ultra-high June 2006 performance tuner vehicles, sports cars and SUVs to the hottest sport trucks, pickups and rock-crawling rigs in the world. For more than 30 years, BFGoodrich Tires has used motorsports as a prov-ing ground. Success on the street be-gins with winning on the track and BFGoodrich Tires is in-volved in every type of rac-ing, including oval, sports car, drag, desert, rally (Dakar and WRC) and extreme rock-crawling. With 20 consecu-tive overall Baja 1000 wins, the most wins in rock-crawl-i ng history, and an un-matched record on pave-ment, BFGoodrich Tires has proven the only records it breaks are its own. Visit BF-Goodrich Tires online at www.bfgoodrichtires.com. ,,,--By Lisa Kennedy The sun has just finished rising over the horizon as you are driving down the road in Lucerne Valley. The pave-ment ends and dust invades your vision, a slight breeze picks up and blows off the dust. You pull into your campsite where the trailers and RV's are set up in a U-shape fashion with easy-ups in the center, There is a mist-ing system hooked around the edges of the tarps ready for the ineyitable heat that will settle in. There is a drip from the misters from one corner of the shading where the kids are digging in the mud, mak-ing a track for their toy cars. You begin to unload and no-tice the yellow and purple wild flowers blooming on the hill just behind you. The ice chests are filled with water and beverages, and the BBQ is ready for the chicken and carne asada to be piled on after the race. There are sev-eral crock pots of chili sim-mering in hopes that one of these may be picked as the winner of the chili cook-off. The radian crackles and word comes over that the rac-ers have just left the start line. The people at the pit are checking the equipment, spare parts and tires one more time. The FAIR trailer, FAIR members, and other volunteers are at the ready, and are anticipating a fun filled day. This will be the scene on May 27'h at the MORE Beard Shootout, the next race on the schedule for the FAIR pitting club. SNORE Buffalo Bills 400 Continued on page 48 PageA7
Have You Ever Dreamed of ... RONN BAILEY MCTCA5FICJRT5 www.ronnbaileymotorsports.com -Primm, Nevada was host to 5 FAIR racing teams and sev-eral other members on April 8, 2006. Giti Gowland came away with a victory in his 363 J eepspeed. The Gow land team had some problems during their pre-run and spent the better portion of the night before the race making repairs. Race day brought them better luck as Giti drove the first lap with no problems. Dan Larson drove the second lap and en-countered a sheared right front shock bolt at mm 26. Cameron, the co-driver, held the shock in his lap until they reached FAIR Pit Band the necessary repairs were made. Dan then brought the Jeep around for the first Page 48 place finish. Driving in ½-1600 class Daniel Folts and Curt Geer both finished on the podium with 2"'1 and 3,d places respectively. Rick Boyer had an 8th place finish, followed by Greg Boyer in 23'". FAIR Highlight -Scott Wisdom, Wes Wisdom and Brady Wisdom (Wisdom Racing) Back in 1992, Wes Wisdom asked his sons Brady and Scott, "If I bought a race car, would you race it with me?" Hence, Wisdom and sons racing was born. The first car Wisdom & Sons Racing drove was a MECO 2-1600, and the first race they enterted was in Ridgecrest in 1992. They were doing well, running in third place, when the transmission gave out just a few miles before cross-ing the finish line. The Wis-dom family has been hooked on racing ever since. The name of the race team has evolved over the years as the "sons" had children of their own, adding daughters to the mix, they are now known sim-ply as Wisdom Racing. Wis-dom Racing has been in-volved with FAIR since the early days, and all three have served on the FAIR Board many years. Scott was out of commission for a couple of years due to a back injury, so he used this time to run Pro 1600 for it's first two seasons. He then returned to the drivers seat of the 1600 car for a few more years. ey c ange rom t e MECO to a Mirage 2-1600 over that time as well, driv-ing in the 2-1600 class for 14 years. Scott recently pur-chased a Mirage SCORE Lite 12 car and won his first race in it in January, with thanks going out to anchor man Frank Wagner. Scott is en-joying the extra power and the "plush ride" is easy on his back. Scott states that his fa-vorite race is the Baja 1000, but his favorite single race was the BITD Nevada 2000. "A six day epic adventure across Nevada. Incredible ex-perience, plus we got the win!! We couldn't have done it without the teamwork of our friends that joined us for the entire wee, including Blakeman Racing (Greg and Jana), BYT Racing (Don Bowler and crew) and Bizyrk Racing {John and Randy Specializing in LS1-LS2-LS6-LS1 complete crate engines VB Packages starling at $5,300 Call •or details Home of the 5 wire install 760-94"'1-274"'1 .TurnKevEngine.c .. June 2006 i er . ey irst met i e Long at a pit in the middle of Nevada, and since then, Mike joined FAIR and has been a great friend to many racers. Scott's favorite things about racing: *Family -"Racing brings the Wisdom family together. Bench rac-ing at family gatherings is great. I'll never forget the memories of running Ironman in the 2005 SCORE series with my dad, Wes, riding shotgun. Great bond-ing time!" *Friends -I've met many great friends over the years. I'd list all the names but there wouldn't be enough room on the page. We're all a bunch of nuts and we'd go to the ends of the earth for each other. .. via La Paz, of course." Scott would also like to thank the very loyal vendors Dusty Times
Wired to Win! Wiring Going To Make It Another Season? Auto electrical experts Specializing in custom off-road wiring Race vehicles & dune buggies Communications and custom lighting When it's gotta be Wired Right! e&j Wireworks 2865 Progress Place Ste 2B Escondido CA 92029 760-738-WIRE (9473) www.enjwireworks.com that support Wisdom Rac-ing. "Gotta give a shout out to the best providers in the business." Thanks to JFK Race Cars, F&L Fuel, Jime-nez Racing Engines, Dave Folts and FAIR Pit Support. FAIR is now conducting meetings at the Score Boars Sports Bar on the 1" and 3,d Wednesday of every month at 8pm. The address is 3220 Temple Avenue in Pomona, CA. The phone # is 909-468-0444. RIVERSIDE COUNTY SUED OVER RECENT OFF-HIGW A Y VEHICLE (OHV) AND NOISE ORDINANCES THAT EFFECTIVELY BAN RECREATION AL RIDING ON PRI-VATE PROPERTY. which is a violation of state planning and zoning laws. The section of the OHV or-dinance that requires riders to carry written permission when on private property is in direct conflict with Cali-fornia State Penal Code §602.2. The OHV ordinance also fails to include a "grand-father" clause to protect the vested rights of landowners who have used OHV's on their properties for many years. Finally, the county's environmental review of the two ordinances were wholly inadequate as they have failed to account for the many impacts expected once OHV use on private land be-comes subjected to the severe restrictions imposed by these ordinances. Meg Grossglass Membership Representa-tive & Media Relations ORBA Off-Road Business Association 1701 Westwind Drive #216 Bakersfield, CA 93301 direct to Meg 9 51-926-1953 951-415-1869 cell Co po rate Office 661-3 23-1464 Corporate Fax 661-3 23-1487 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY PASSES OFF-HIGHWAY VE-HICLE (OHV) ORDI-NANCE WITH OVERWHELMING SUPPORT FROM OHV ORGANIZA-TIONS, ENVIRON-MENTALISTS AND COMMUNITY GROUPS. BAKERSFIELD, CA (April 11, 2006) -On April 11, 2006 The San Bernar-dino County Board of Super-visors unanimously passed an OHV ordinance that is fair to both off-roaders in the county and residents who have valid complaints. Early on in this process David Hubbard, attorney for EcoLogic, suggested the for-mation of a group of stake-holders composed of envi-ronmentalists, OHV organi-zations and community groups from around the county. The goal of this group was to find a compro-mise on this sometimes very contentious issue and then go before the Supervisors united in their support for the agreement reached. After two very long meetings the stakeholders agreed on the language used in this ordi-nance. _ The compromise includes no property line setbacks, no maximum number of bikes per acre, no restrictive riding period, and no permit pro-cess for the person wanting to ride on their own prop-erty and not use that prop-erty as a staging area. A per-mit is only required if the property owner p0lans on staging more than 10 OHV's on a property. It does include a process by which residents can seek judicial relief from nuisance and harassment. The ordinance includes a noise element requiring BAKERSFIELD, CA (April 11, 2006) -On April 10, 2006, EcoLogic Part-ners, Inc., the Off-Road Business Association (ORBA), the San Diego Off-Road Coalition (SDORC), the California Off-Road Vehicle Association (CORVA), the American Motorcyclists Association District 37 (AMA 037), and the American Sand Associa-tion (ASA) filed suit against the County of Riverside al-leging that the County's re-cently adopted Noise and OHV ordinances violate state law. EcoLogic, the American Motorcyclist As-sociation (AMA), ORBA, The McGrath family and residents of Riverside County have worked for al-most two years to help the county craft an ordinance fair to all parties involved. It is unfortunate the Super-visors in Riverside chose to ignore the rights of families in the county to ride OHV's on their own property. . , • $t0Clf Anti High Pel'loffllance 11W • Fadory•f'ralned l/lendeola BUIider and AutlrOllnd Distributor • 60 Years eomblned Experience • UnSUlflllSRd llellablllty • High oualtt, / &ow Price OHV's ridden on private property to measure 96dba at the pipe, the same stan-dard required on California public lands. Also, the lan-guage in this ordinance gives enforcement powers to both County Code Enforcement and the Sheriff's depart-1nent. David Hubbard, attorney for EcoLogic stated "l would like to thank all parties in-volved in this process." Meg Grossglass of ORBA com-mented "I hope the process by which this ordinance was crafted is repeated in coun-ties looking at similar ordi-nances. Other counties have not taken into consideration the needs of all members of their constituency, San Ber-nardino County wanted to address those concerns and followed through with an or-dinance that is fair and rea-sonable to all citizens." On March 26 we finally saw our season get started with a rallycross event-held at Washington County Fairplex in Hillsboro, Or-egon. We were two entries short of a new record at 133 en tries over the two run groups. Our new rallycross Continued on page 50 The lawsuit filed in River-side County Superior court alleges the noise and OHV ordinances violate various state regulations on four separate issues. The noise or-dinance is inconsistent with the County's General Plan EcoLogic Attorney David Hubbard stated "We tried to have the deficiencies in this ordinance corrected prior to its approval, the Supervisors chose to ignore our com-ments and this lawsuit is our only recourse." Meg Grossglass of ORBA com-mented "These ordinances violate state regulations and it is the intent of the OHV organizations involved to protect the rights of recre-ational riders in Riverside County which has tradition-ally been the home of many families that recreate to-gether on their own prop-erty." ORBA is a national trade association composed of off-road related businesses united to promote common goals that support the pros-perity and growth of the off-road industry. SRJFF ~~'-!! ........:Shlpplng~from"--"-",,lourrwocaRfomla1ocat1ot1s1 f.B66.1/W.STUl=I= • f.B66.B97.BB33 Dusty Times June 2006 Page 49
.. director, April Smith, proved she was the right per-son for the job as the event ran flawlessly and on time. The next rallycross, sched-uled for May 7, is being heavily advertised in the area in hopes of breaking that en-try record. Rallycross has served the ORO well over the years as both a consistent profitable event and a feeder system into stage rallying, as well as an educational tool introducing people to all forms of rally including road rally. For those of you visiting the column today from the off road racing world, rally-cross is basically a solo type event around cones on a pri-marily grass or dirt field. Any vehicle can enter within rea-son, no convertibles without a roll bar, no raised trucks too far beyond stock. Most times you get three or four tries on a minute and a half or a two minute course. Each cone hit gains you a small time penalty. This is an ex-cellent introduction to rally driving, and some people even use it to teach their young drivers so1ne car con-trol at a cheaper price than out on the streets. In the Stage Rally World, the Oregon Trail Rally is weighing heavily on our minds these days, by the time this issue hits your mailbox it will be history. We have 61 tea1ns entered at press ti1ne, highlighted by Subaru's fac-tory drivers, Travis Pastrana and Ken Block. The Rally A1nerica event has consis-tently been named a driver favorite for the quality of our roads. Technical as they are, they are equally as fun. Page so Next month we will bring you full coverage of the festivities from the Fan Day at Pioneer Courthouse Square in down-town Portland, to the spec-tator stages at Portland In-ternational Raceway, to the forest stages around Tillamook and Veronia. Truly, this event has some-thing for everyone.-A personal opinion fol-lows: The separation of sanc-tioning bodies in stage rally has finally started to show some signs of fatiguing the sport of rally in America. Like CART and the IRL, who cannot field adequate fields for their own races, we're starting to see the same thing happening to us. Recently I read that the two men head-ing these organizations have started talking about a merger, they realize that America isn't big enough for the two of them. Hopefully, our own sanctioning bodies will come to the same conclu-sion before many fine events start disappearing. I liken it to two thirsty men coming to an almost dry well with large buckets and the well barely has enough water to fill one. The division of rallyists, sometimes in the same region is not acceptable any longer. Now that we are out of our long winter hiatus, we will be bringing you more information about our slate of Stage, Rallycross and Road Rally events. Of course , all the information you could possibly want is at www.oregonrally.com but don't stop reading abut us here, we always like to give our friends at Dusty Times exclusive informa-tion. SCCA Rally Depart-ment Unveils 2006 RallyCross National Challenge On the heels of the highly successful SCCA RallyCross National Challenge last Oc-tober at Motorsports Park Hastings (MPH) in Hastings, Neb., SCCA's Rally Depart-ment has announced an ex-pansion of the National Challenge schedule, with five summer and fall events planned beginning in June. Designed to expose the country to high-caliber RallyCross competition while providing an entertaining ex-perience for all participants, the pilot series, which fea-tures eight classes total within the Rally Stock, Rally Prepared and Rally Modified categories, will attack a vari-ety of off-road surfaces in states on both coasts and in between. "The five SCCA RallyCross National Chal-lenge events we have planned in 2006 are the next big step for this program," SCCA Vice President of Program Development and Opera-tions Howard Duncan said. June 2006 "We began with a prototype event at Motorsports Park Hastings in 2005, and it was met very warmly from com-petitors as well as the city of Hastings and surrounding communities. "All of the positive feed-back we received told us the right decision was to move the National Challenge for-ward, and we feel that this schedule has the potential to open the door for even bet-ter things in the future." SCCA RallyCross Na-tional Challenge cars will be adorned with "SCCA RallyCross" windshield ban-ners in 2006, thanks to Solo Performance Specialties, which, as the initial associate sponsor, will also provide stickers at technical inspec-tions and timing pads t o r each run. The 2006 schedule is slated to start June 2-4 at the Fowlerville Fairgrounds, in Fowlerville, Mich., where competitors will get their first crack at a clay track and dirt infield. Taking a giant step left, the National Challenge will make its way west as Thunderhill Motorsports Park, in Willow, Calif., hosts the second stop June 24-25. From there, competitors will have a couple of weeks to make a cross-country skip to Orange, Va., where the clay of Oakland Acres will serve as the home for the third event, scheduled for July 7-9. After two lengthy hauls across the United States, competitors will get a bit of a travel reprieve as the next-to-last round is just a stone's throw away in Lebanon, Tenn., at Nashville Superspeedway, Aug. 18-20. The fifth and final event of 2006 will be in familiar territory as the dark, rich dirt of Motorsports Park Hastings will cap off the Na-tion al Chailenge Oct. 27-29. A complete set of SCCA RallyCross rules and car clas-sifications can be obtained by going to www.scca.com and clicking the "Rally" but-ton on the left side of the page. Once there, click the gray "Cars and Rules" but-ton. For other information, visit www.scca.com. - l:RPRECISION.COM Rod Neo Synthetli Performance P. 2865 Gundry Ave • . 'Ila/ Hill., CA 90755 562-427-2375 ~~f'lt::J!_ er!•IK•l ---~ -Dusty Times
GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY PACKAGING INDUSTRIAL PACKAGING SUPPLIES "KEEP IT TOGETHER" 1739 N. Case St. Orange, CA 92865 FAX (714) 283-3548 BRYAN L. ROGERS (714) 282-9311 CELL (714) 514-4308 www.afabpackaging.com OFF-ROAD FUEL CELLS. SCORE • CORR • SODA • MAORA PRERUNNERS • RALLY• ETC Toll Free: 800-526-5330 Fax: 201-825-1962 ----· · e-Mall: a~l@atllnc.com ..A:.L':.L. www.atlfuelcells.com . •, -_ .... --"£&IV ~.:, ' ' . 19076 Hawthorne Blvd. 1orra·nce, CA 90503 • Custom fabrication • Prerunners • Suspensions . • Custom exhaust (310) 542-2977 www.advanceoffroad.com J\ ' Road Trucks ~ Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages Ford Truck Specialist • www.autofab.com 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 \ .... J I \, , -. Th_e Ultimate_ jn Off Road ' 3:i. · ',. , v ;r ~ .. ,. ., , ,tii, i,J., ,. ...~)itr~i79.094 if''\. \ ~41_ 264 N'. c_jpress St. • Orang www.~~ASHOPMOTOR 800.564.1510 (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 702.257.2300 www.Bakercylinderheads.com cu; 1111■1■ ■ CYLINDER HEADS. • CUSTOM PORTING FOR ANY APPLICATION • · ... SUPERFLOW 1020 FLOW BENCH • • PERFORMANCE• MARINE• OFFROAD • MOTORCVCLE • 145 GIBSON RD, SUITE B •HENDERSON• NEVADA• 89014 BRANDWOOD CARS for mid-engines and other applications 602-437-3j fJ7 Lonely Advertising Space Looking For Custom V~hicle Shif~er Long Term Relationship Call 818-882-0004 "Innovative Billet Products · for the Off-Road Enthusiast" ~ FREI;: Catalog .I nca~,O'd~, 9525 Pathway St .• Santee, Ca. 92071 'MFR. OF PEJlFORMANCE PARTS FOR INOUrTRY LEAOIHG RACE CAR BUILDERS - Spindles, Floating Huhs - 5 spd. Shiftc.-s (fits Mcncleola trans & others) 'orthstar Ajrbox Adapters S, more!! url: www.btl-tool.com e-mall: sales@btl-tool.com (619)562-3071 CACTUS RACING Raceajr Helmets & Accessories Bell, Shoei, Simpson · Blower systems & cool boxes 619-482-6700 708 Rocking Horse Dr. Chula Vista, CA 9191~ CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN -I 39067 ORCHARD ST. I CHERRY VALLEY CA. 92223 PH#. (951)-845-8820 products in stock .. Race Proven Fabrication[ Boatec Fiberglass . Pre-Runners Dimple Dies Desert Trucks Tubing Benders Bypass· valves+tubes Sway-bar Arms Short Course trucks Paris-Dakar trucks Offroad to Street, Prerunner to Race -Cha.sis Design -Race Prep -All General Fabrication 16~7 174!59 lilac SUE Hnperfa CA 92345 canc:tdfabworkSOaol.com C ~ c;IUALITY 1!11!:AOLOCK WHl!:l!:LS ~•uauc• .. ,Nee: , ,.l!l!I ~ 1511--1611--17" ALL ALUMINUM BEADLOCK WHEELS AND CONVERSIONS CHAMPION WHEEL CC. INC. 1 B5:37 COLLIER (951 l 471 ·21 B3 LAKE ELSINORE CA, 925:31 WWW.CHAMPICNWHEEL.CCM CHENOWTH [CNC] CNC, Inc. 1221 West MorenatJvd. San Diego, CA.'921'10 (6J 9) 275-1663 U.CING PRODlJCTS, INC. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 Fax (619) 449-7103 www.chenowth.com Manufacturers of Brake and Clutch Pedal Ass) Master Cylinders Slave Cylinders Cuttihg and Stawng Brakes· Hydraulic Throttlbs T~rottle Pedals and all of our accessories. Send $3.00 for Catalog FLOATER REAR ENDS •• i-'RONT HUBS• AXLES _BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS• KNOCK OF.I, HUBS Sandy Cone 2055 Hangifig Tr!;le, Lane • . (805) 239-2663 Templeton, CA 93465 Continental Lan & Investment Corp. 3317 North Hwy. 95. Lake Havasu City, AZ 86404 /----~-CELL: (928) 486-9145 OFFICE: (928) 764-5263 lance(lv.havasus I st.com LANCE CRAMER Associate Broker•
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NOUtTON FABRICA111com IIACE t:Al&I l'IIBIIIMWJII$ DUAi. Sfl'Oll1S 661-974-7961 MSD a t.3 f I L J f. 1 ~' ■ •1,-;,4 , •• ,,.,.,!. YOUR COMPLETE IGNITION SOURCE AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION 1490 HENRY BRENNAN DR., EL PASO, TX 7!3!33E 19151 857-5200 • TFr.H LINE 19151 855-7123 • VISIT OUR WEB SITE: www.msd1gn1~on.com TUBE BENDERS ¼" TO 3" 0.0. Capacity Models Starting at $279.00!!!! M-TECH SUPPLY TUBE BENDERS • PIPE BENDERS • TUBE NOTCHERS RING ROLLERS • COLD SAWS • ABRASIVES www.mtEchsupply.com 4B0-726-2B75 NORB offroad superstore HEIM JOINTS - WELD IN BUNGS - TABS BUSHINGS - JOHNNY JOINTS HIGH MISALIGNMENT SPACERS ',, IN STOCK-RaADYTO SHIP WORLDWID• -~.J 1-888-755-5900 ~ We can· Beadlock 4j,..--.---------YOU R RIMS!! '-.._~-----...,~ ~ ) Sizes to fit most ATV ~•~~~ ,,,,.._.....,, & AUTOMOTIVE applications POLISHED & COLORED FINISHES SCALLOPED OR CONVENTIONAL Reinforcing Rings Also Available Phone - (951) 354-8272 WWW .QMf PERfQRMANCE. com Dune Buggy Parts Race Car Parts Foreign Car Parts New Truck Acc. Dept. Custom Machine Work & Fabrication 1 (800) 231-8156 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, AZ 85365 (520) 783-6265 • FAX (520) 783-1253 MPER (909) 360-5906 FAX (909) 360-0436 HElMETS PARKER PUMPER HELMET COMPANY 3834 Wacker Drive Mira Loma, CA 91752 ;!I! HAROLD NICKS ,~~(g)u"'[~©lf'I SAFElY EQUIPMENT MAXON, MOTOROlA, ROADMASTER, VERTEX Ri\DIOS BELL, 'sHOEI, SIMPSON HELMETS IN STOCK WIRiNG FOR RADIO &/OR 11'1.'TERCOM STILL 0!'1/LY S 125. -2888 GUNDRY AVE. -SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 • S62-4:l7-8177 I 800-869-5636 W a A R For A Few Bucks You Can Increase Your Productivity 818-882-0004 DUSliJ~lfflBS ,,. --'ff .-, r , .-Fralcv s Pl'rf ormance Engineering ' r.JENHRlD ABRICATION, INC 1660 Babcock Building B Costa Mesa. CA 92627 TEL 19491 650-3035 FAX (9491650-4721 www.penhallfab.com penhallfab@ool.com Jerry Penhall • All Type, of Steel CJ Aluminum Fabrication *Tube lleadinc • Aluminum CJ St.I W.ldinc • Custom Machine Work • All Types of l\ace Cars ·4851 w. Hacienda t4 La, Vega,, NV lt911s Bruce Fraley 702-365-9055 ~ . 3055 Westhaven St Orange, CA 92865 E-MAIL PSWONE@SBCGLOBAL.net PlAYTECH FABRICATION 3031 E. Coronado Sl Suite E, Anaheim, CA 92806 Phone: (714) 238-1179 Fax: (714) 238-1183 www.playtechfabricatton.com Pre,,s,on Todd Francis 25805 N.E. 46,h Ave. Phone: 360.887.2000 • Fax: 360.887.7279 www.precisionalloy.com Ph 714-283-3537 Fax 714-283-4757 John Gould A High Performance Spec VS Race Truck Series "The True Driver's Class" Protruck Sales and Promotion Website: www.protruck.com Email: protruck@prodlgy.net iel: 819-390-6252 Fax:81~70 14402 Bond Court El Cajon, CA 92021 Joeoauntan Par:'818.,..._..D
Hi-Performance Equipment Suspension • Safety • Driveline • Accessories (619) 691-9171 (619) 691-9174 (619) 691-0803 (FAX) 103 Press Lane, Suite #4 Chula Vista, CA 91910 e-mail: rprod1@aol.com I I I 6g.6306 --~ll'!IIIP.5'".0.tSS ONLY.CO~ ........... -'RRCING ENGINES Building SCORE winning engines 619.420.2233 45 Broadwau Chula Vista. CR 91910 raderracing.com .l'EIFQJIMIKCE• TIIKSIII ES Soutttern CalHornla's largest Distributor of Mendeola Transules PH: 714.680.6737 • Fil: 114.680.3110 .,__ Toll Free: 800.304.8726 1631 Placentia Ave. Unit G Anaheim, CA 92806 RANCHO DRIVETRAIN ENGINEERING Tony Selva, Jr. 27598 Commerce Center Drive Temecula, CA 92590 l'HONE95J .676.6569 FACSIMILE951 .676.] 141 tselva@ra nchod rivet rain. com CTRINS will get you ii gear SWilg axle, ••s, •ewlud, MD4S 3455 S. POURIS #5 lAS IIGIS, IOIDA 89102 .1111 o.o.11111m1 (702) 221-4313 (702) &17·9724 QuAUTY lsNi" &PENSIVE, Ir's PRICELESS! VALIIE TRAIN PRoaucrs • CusmM HEAD WoRK 760/94B-469B • FAX 760/94B-4B56 ~.RDVALVESPRIIVG.CDIVI Barry Beacham 27231 Burbank Ave. Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 Office 949-837-4388 Cell 949-466-4781 barry@raceprepservices.com www.raceprepservices.com A Tatum Distributor Specializing in Off-Road Racing & Driving For Over 21 Years Mig Welding • Tig Welding Upgrades & Repairs Baja-Proven Equipment 5294 N. Casa Grande Hwy • Ste 102 Tucson, Az 85743 520-850-3693 flii/ SANDERS SERVICE, INC. L?.l.Y METAL PROCESSING 5921 W~ington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 (323) 583-2404 FAX (323) 583-3965 SANDBLAST-GLASS BEAD-MAGNETIC PARTICLE FLOURESCENT INSPECTION MARKSMITH LARRY SMITH 'S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOT11 HCR66, BOX 11030 P.AHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV 89048 _ (TTS) 372-5335 TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821 (714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672~9246 s JI" /l"J, II: ~4; .• ,~,-: ~ ~~ ... ~•~!.:-~ .RACE L..ETTE.R/JVG JOB SITE SIGNS• BANNERS • v.11mow LITTERll,G • LlR lETT~RIIIG. • ·~RAPHICS SGUEAK & MA~GIE COATS 5101 Galway Circle • Huntingto1 Beach CA 92"649 (714) 897-0075 • Fax (714) 694-9567 = 'PERFORMAN E SPECIALIS1"5 L...C....--'DIIJVII rr&M SJIIRT P£8,ll8JIIIC£ I -t-800-MY MUFFLER Aluminum Wheel Straightening 31510 223rd St E. Tim Baker Llano, CA 93544 661.261.3202 www.straightlineoffroad.com TimsRims@juno.com - - -CLBRVANT.COM MITCHHART@CLBRYANT.COM ■ "RACE F'UELS [2091 847-2281 [800) 527-6090 Paul Oil Company FAX [2091 847-9726 P.O. Box 248 • 524 N. Sierra Ave. WESTERN DIVISION Oakdale, California 95361 2180 College Drive • Lake Havasu City • AZ. 86403 Call Toll Free: 877-627-8852 or E-Mail: info@tcsperformance.com • Hi Performance Converters Custom Length Axles • • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed Hubs • (for Race & Recreation) Input Shafts • American Made Excellence!!
ASA Racing Products P.O. Box 711088 Santee, Ca 92072 www.asaracingprod.com "llllclaellCn ....... Andrew Kelly Western Rc;;1onal D1stnbm\lf Office: 1-866-7CHORCO Fax: (619) 582-5386 E-Mail: ..-..-Cas.acinQprod.com ~" ... -----. RACING BA'T'TEFHES I<-..-Pa:arlz:a:a MIiitary Grade Batteries • Battery Boxes • Battery Chargers Custom Battery Cables • Misc. Electrical Accessories 2046 Fairhope Loop, Vista, CA 92081 Business (760) 734-1678 Fax (760) 734-1323 www.totalpowerbatteries.com * Off-Road and Bolt-On to Street Fiberglass for: "Ford, C~evy and Toyota" Trucks * Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1281 N. Buena \/Isla St. , Helllet Ca. 92543 PII: 951-654-7334 Fa: 951-854-2375 See a list of our pnNlllds at our welt site: http://www.off-roadftbergla.ma JEFF FIELD (818) 998-2739 9763 Variel Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 7711,lllll~DXL!E . ~ ~ TEL: 114.526.5820 FAX: 114..528.5840 NS WEST PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES Kevin Pirtle 22545 South Normandie Ave. Torrance, California 90501 310.782.2413 fax 310.782.3772 ti:&/ ransworks ~-"" PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES . ~ AUTHORIZED MENDEOLA DEALER ERIC LAUNDRIE STOCK & CUSTOM 24752 VIEJAS BLVD. SAND• STREET• RACE DESCANSO, CA 91916 www.transworks.biz (619) 445-3135 (ujP) UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10729 WHEATLANDS AVENUE, SUITE #A SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 92071 TEL. • 619 / 449-9690 FAX • 619 / 449-8424 (619) 596-8033 1 ooo w . Bradley, Unit a El Cajon, CA 92020 Carlos Orozc-*Quality F11,ls & Prod11cts lor Motorsports• Website· www.,proci11gl111ls.com VP Racing Fuels, inc. West Coast Region P.O. Box 1319 34283 Monte Vista Wildomar,_CA 92595 KELLEY HENDEL Regional Manager Office: (909) 674-9167 Fax: (909) 674-7367 Email: vppacific@aol.com For The Price Of A Phone Call And A Few Bucks A Month Your Ad Could Be Here 818-882-0004 "Quality Products for Motorsports" DISTRIBUIDOR EN MEXICO RR AUTOSPECIAL PARTS, S. DE R.L DE C.V. CALLE PR NADA FRAY MAYORGA 17026 ZONA INDUSTRIAL GARITA DE OTAY TIJUANA, B.C. C.P. 22430 TEL.: (664) 647 9222 FAX: (664) 607 1440 E-MAIL: vpmex@hotmail.com Ray Gastelum GERENTE P.O. BOX 430-499 SAN YSIDRO CA 92143 PH 619-664 4548 ..-~=Ji"=·..::..PNKFe@71N61Stt{M~«~• •B,ICI J{) hllY MAJ_Nf£¥J.Nei-tl@INMJ..,,.J/l{liRI.Nt:-• ~ -.. 7o.0-949--1220t SCORE ENGINE BUILDER OFTHEYEAR 94, 19.98, 1999,2000 From Parts To comptel& Engll)al JS75W. Teco Ave.Unlll,LasVeau. NV 19111 702-8S7-2522 Front & Rear Trailing Arms • Spinella Suspension Specialist • Cu51om ~c,e & Play Buggy Chasm A•Ann front Ends • 8Hm Ftont Enck 9608 N. 2tS1 Or. Photnlx, AZ 85011 Jack Woods 602-242.0017 fax 602-242·'283 Du'!e Buggiu lorenzo Rodriguez ~·hu. s... ~ ~-~~N.-.ro-,.a-Hancl& ·sso $; Alta Vr$U Avt!., Mon~ CA 9UH6{626) 914..,SI 47 ~. www.wrtran~.c:om ( '-),i.1 "?;)OSAA<:e ---------RRCE PREP SHOP • BU66IES •SllnDCllRS •SHOCflS • TRUCKS • PRE·1lUIIIlERS • f.RBiUCIITIOn 818) '126-2280 World Leading Motorsport Transmission Manufacturer 11 Dakar Rally Victories 17 World Rally Victories 6 AMA MX/SX Championships Xtrac Inc 6183 Wis. 80th Street Indianapolis IN 46278 emaU: andrew_heard@xtrac.com Tel: (317) 472 2454 nsaxle www.xtrac.com/inc Trophy Truck solutions available for Lead Customers
Classified ... Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Read-ers are advised to consult appro-priate local or state authorities for information before purchase of any specific item. FOR SALE: 2 seat Class 10/ 12 buggy. Fresh water cooled VW Rabbit motor, built 092 trans, 930 C.V's. Beard Seats, Crow belts, Fox shocks, coil over rear. Beam front end. Fuel Cell, Ron Davis radiator w/fan. Race Ready. $12,000.00 (928) 710-3545 Keith. FOR SALE: Race Ready BITD Class 8 legal Dodge 4x4 100 % tig welded chromoly by Velocity Fab. King shocks w/hydraulit bumps, Deaver Xover Howe steering, Sum-mers Bros., Mastercraft, MSD Ignition, radio, inter-com, Parker Pumper, Borla, Wilwood, Autometer, Fuel Safe, Fluidyne, Edelbrock Heads & Intake. $25,000.00. Call Mike (530) 269-0965 or email mike@dirtracerphoto.com. FOR SALE: Jeep 7S V6 700R4 Art Carr Shifter, Auto Meter gauges, Mastercraft Seats, 4 Wheel disc brakes, 35 spline 9" BFG tires, Weld Racing Wheels. Fun, Dependable, Afford-able. Class Legal. $6,000.00 (530) 391-5980. FOR SALE: Coyne Motorsports Trophy Truck-Porter/Coyne Motorsports. Ex-Corona Trophy Truck, completely re-designed Chassis, very similar to our Robby Gordon Truck, 800 HP Leon Patton motor. Best of everything, com-pletely prepped and race ready. $300,000.00 (760) 353-2110. FOR SALE: Porter Class 1 car. Aluminum Chevy, small block 427 cubic inch 600+ hp, M-1 automatic transaxle series 30 cv's. 26" in. travel front, 24" in rear King, 4" Fr King 3" 37" BFG and Trophy Truck brakes, PCI Radio and intercom. Howe big rack, some spares. $120,000.00. Call Brian (619) 336-3771. FOR SALE: Class 10 JIMCO. Winning Package, 2004 Champ, Top Shape, Jim co prep, Fortin Throughout, King Shocks, Toyota 198 HP, Best of the Best. Light Bars, HID, Ra-dios, Huge parts list! $85k Complete team package. Baja Brokers Ref #931 (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: Class 10 Jimco 2000 Honda, Fortin, Fox. $70,000.00 Call Justin (949) 280-6722 . FOR SALE: 1969 FORD PRERUNNER; Fox coilover; bypass shocks; 383 Windsor; A/C; radio; OPS; 80's style hood and fenders. $60,000.00. Contact Brian @ (619) 336-3771. FOR SALE 4 Seat PreRunner, 4130 Chassis, Disk Brakes, Super Charged 3.0 Nisson, V6 Less 200 miles. $40,000.00 invested, Asking $27,000.00 OBO. Jack Woods. (602) 242-0077. FOR SALE: 4 Seat Prerunner, 4130 Chassis, 6V91 Super Charged Built. Northstar en-gine. Mendeola. Best of Every-thing. $89,000.00 invested. Asking $55,000.00 OBO. Street legal. Jack Woods (602) 242-0077. FOR SALE: Dual purpose PreRunner Buggy. Street legal. Chevy V8 500 hp, Jeff Fields trans, King Coilover/bypass, heat ex-changer, trans cooler, 26 gal Fuel Safe, Fortin power steering, XM satellite ra-dio, Sand/dirt tires w/ bead locks, great for prerunning or Glamis. Over $110,000.00 invested, ask-ing $68,000.00 OBO. (951) 634-5546. ~ FOR SALE: Class 8, 35" tires, 44 gal cell, King coilover shocks, 04 Chev body, 4 link Floater rear end with trailer. $18,000.00 (661) 713-5348. FOR SALE: Fully Re-stored-197 3 Thing-2180-Superdiff 388 Ring-n-pin. If it's Not It's rebuilt-PreRunner style-Set Up-1/2 case-rear rack-lazer lights-studded drums-polished rims-600 watt stereo w/sub amps-new top & windows (carmel color)-Off white car-custom upholstery & carpet-Show winner $25K or trade for 2 seat 1600. (714) 588-1631 cell. FOR SALE: Chevy SCAT V-4, Fresh prep, 48 IDF carbs, Run air cleaners or ump filters, 27 5 HP, Turned Fast lap in Sept MORE race by almost 5 min-utes. Dual clutch, 2 sets of ex-haust, 2 alt, boxes of air clean-ers & parts, very fast and reli-able. Call Tim $6,000.00 OBO (626) 893-1976. FOR SALE: Class 8 Super nice Ford 600 HP Leon Pat-ton Motor, 17" Wheels and Tires, C6 Trans, SAW, CNC, Mastercraft, Art Carr, De-pendable Fast and Strong. Must Sell! $80k O .B.O. Baja Brokers Ref #906 (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: Two 5-1600 Race Cars. Both with Fox Shocks. Full Cage, Beard Seats, Centerline Wheels, 1-$ 7,000.00, $1-$5,000.00 Must Sell (626) 960-3705. FOR SALE: Scat V4, com-plete. Fresh, fuel injection, dry sump with hoses, com-puter, spares, $15,000.00 OBO (209) 728-1381. b..tv1PL0Ytv1b.NT WANTED: Full or part time mechanic for Class 1 team. Experience necessary, Fab skills a plus. Good work envi-ronment w/flexible hours. San Diego. Contact Todd Cuffaro@ (619) 807-7372 or 619-239-4176. Help Wanted-Race Car Fabri-cator/Prep Person: Must have experience in race car fabri-cation, set-ups and mainte-nance. Ideal candidate would know tig welding, tube bend-ing & sheet metal. Would also be designing and fabricating new ATV products for PRO ARMOR. Contact Alex at (951) 270-0559xl 1. FOR SALE: Alumicraft 4-Seater PreRunner, 2.5 liter turbo Subaru, Mendeola, Fox Coilovers, Autoronics, VDO gauges, CNC, 24 gal-lon fuel cell, Mastercraft, Powdercoated, Centerlines, Roadmaster radio with 4 link PCI intercom, 4 head-sets, XM stereo, Street Legal, Lots of spares, removable racks, tires, wheels ... etc. $59,500.00 .... Contact Mike (661) 259-4845. Sell your vehicles, equipment and bits and pieces right here! Dusty Times has the readership you're looking for so fill out the form below and get your ad in our next issue. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in DUSTY TIMES . Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum site 5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED - YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER. Enclosed is$ _____________ (Send check or money order, no Cash) Name __________________________________ _ Address Please run ad times Mail to: DUSTY TIMES City ________________ · ____________________________________________ _ 20761 Plummer Street • State _____ Zip __________________ Phone ______________________________ _ Chatsworth, CA 91311 • DUG5Y5IIBG 2006-07 ISSUE DEADLINE July 06 Jun 9, 06 August 06 Jul 7, 06 September 06 Aug 4, 06 Octobere06 Sep 8, 06 November06 Oct 6, 06 December06 Nov 10, 06 January07 Dec 8, 06 February 07 Jan 5, 07 March07 Feb 2, 07 • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Page sa June 2006 Dusty Times
more Trail Notes ... announced today by Mike Pulte, Goodyear Marketing. Goodyear has posted $6,000 per showdown race to eligible racers on Goodyear tires. Overall winners on Goodyear tires for either event will take home $5,000. Further, the company announced the posting of $1,000 to the first 2-wheel drive pickup in either race to take the checkers sporting Goodyear tires. The $6,000 combined posting by Goodyear per race event is the largest contingency since the inception of the wildly popular races. The Potawatomi Chairman's Cup race, scheduled for Sunday, June 25, 2006 at Crandon's annual Forest County Potawatomi Brush Run Races (June 24-25) is the longest running Challenge race of its type in the country. The 2006 running will be the "lucky 13th" annual. The 2006 BorgWarner Shootout - a similar race with a Manufacturers' Challenge Cup valued at $125,000 at stake, began in 1995. That race is held annually as the feature showdown at the BorgWarner World Championship Off-Road Races. Goodyear has been involved as a contingency sponsor in the Crandon Cup races since their inception. Both events feature the country's top professional off-road racers competing in high performance, high horsepower 4x4 and 2-wheel drive pickup trucks over Crandon's rough and tumble 1. 7 5-mile track. The top 2-wheel drive trucks receive a handicap start. Crandon officials will announce complete contingency and more details of the races in the near future. Pickup truck manufacturers such as Ford Truck Division of Ford Motor Company ($3 ,500) and Toyota ($2,000) have posted large contingency amounts as well. The Potawatomi Chairman's Cup cash purse will be a record $48,800. With contingency by all companies, the purse swells in excess of$60,000-a record for the 10-lap, IS-minute "heavy metal" romp. Off-Road contingency bonus to be awarded to several qualified 2006 SCORE Class point champions. The 2006 SCORE Desert Series also includes the hunt for the annual Toyota Milestone and $12,000 Toyota True Grit Awards. The prestigious Toyota Milestone Awards are presented to every racer who completes every required mile of every race in the 2006 SCORE Desert Series. For more information, contact SCORE at its Los Angeles headquarters 818.225.8402 or visit the official website of the 2006 SCORE Desert Series at www.score-international.com So CAL BRONCOS -The fifth annual Big Bear Bronco Bash will be held on June 9-11, 2006. Hopefully, 7 5-80 early Broncos will attend this years Bash. This year's Bash coincides with the 40th anniversary of the Ford Bronco. If you are a Bronco owner or would just like to attend to look and touch the real McCoy, contact them at www.socalbroncos.net/bbbb or call Stephanie at 951-769-6434 GOODYEAR POSTS LARGE CONTINGENCY AT CRANDON -The two most celebrated short course, high performance off-road races in the country - the Potawatomi Chairman's Cup Heavy Metal Challenge and the BorgWarner Shootout from Crandon International Off. Road Raceway will feature record contingency totaling $12,000 from Goodyear Racing in 2006. The monster contingency for both events was -The United States In Iraq Here is a list of things that have happened In Iraq recently, thanks to United States Armed Forces. • *Over 4.5 million people have clean drinking water for the first time ever • *Over 400,000 children have up to date immunizations • *Over 1500 schools have been renovated and ridded ofthe weapons that were stored there so education can occur • *The port of Uhm Qasar has been renovated so grain can be off loaded from ships faster • *School attendance is up 80% from levels before the war • •The country had it's first 2 billion barrel export of oil • *The country now receives two times the electrical power than it did before the war • *100% of the hospitals are open and fully staffed compared to 35% before the war • •e1ections are taking place in every major city and city councils are in place • * Sewer and water lines are installed in every major city • *Over 60,000 police are patrolling the streets • *Over 100,000 Iraqi civil defense police are securing the country • *Over 80,000 Iraqi soldiers are patrolling the streets, side by side with US soldiers • •over 400,000 people have telephones for the first time ever • •Glrls are allowed to attend school for the first time ever In Iraq istics provided by Ray Reynolds, SFC Iowa Army National rd, 234t11 Signal Battalion Dusty Times June 2006 more Happenings 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855•2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 ZR. PROMOTIONS RENE MONTANO P.O. Box 2122 Calexico, CA 92231 July 1,2006 ZR Night Race Motorcycles & Quads September 9, 2006 ZR Team Race Motorcycles & Quads Septemberl0,2006 ZR Poker Run Family Ride November 26, 2006 ZR Gran Prix Campeones Motorcycles & Quads Attention Race & Rally Organizers List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your 2006 schedules as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-5003 INDb.X TO AD\lb_R Tl.:>b_R.:> 2006 Baja Legacy Party ............................ 31 Aircraft Spruce ......................................... 43 AZ Expo ...................................................... 4 Baker Precision ........................................ 50 BTR Raci.ng Wheels .................................. 32 C&R Racing .............................................. 26 Coast Casinos .................................. , •.....•••• 9 Competition Air Systems ........................... 45 CORR .......................................... Back Cover E&J Wireworks ........................................ 49 EFI Technology ......................................... 42 Eibach Springs .......................................... 25 Fabtech ..................................................... 41 Fuel Safe .................................................. 19 Fusion Designs .......................................... 48 ISCO ......................................................... 12 KarTek .................................................... 35 Kawaguchi Honda ..................................... 17 KCHilites ................................................. 15 Killg Shock Tech ....................................... 36 Light Racing ............................................. 26 Ma1t7 ........................................................ 44 Mastercratt Seats ..................................... 10 McKenzie Performance Products ............... 12 Michael James Insurance .......................... 23 Mojave Desert Racing ............................... 21 Nevada Off Road Buggy ............................. 27 Off Road Jeep Swap Meet ......................... 43 Pacific Customs ......................................... 22 Papas & Beer ........................................... 33 Parker Embroidery ................................... 16 Parker Pumper ......................................... 13 PCI Race Radios .......................................... 5 Pike's Service Center ............................... 42 Pro Desert ................................................ 44 Race Ready Products ................................ 50 RacerX ..................................................... 14 Radflo ......... · ............................................ 45 Ram Pro Line ____ ....................... 28 Ronn Bailey Motorsports .......................... 48 Ronco Plastics ........................................... 40 Sakata ...................................................... 39 Score International ____ , ............... 2 SkyJacker Suspensions ............................ 29 SNORE ...................................................... 11 Soltek Light Systems ................................ 18 Stuff T ransaxles ....................................... 49 Team Gordon Race Wheels ·----24 Transaxle Engineering ............................. 13 Turnkey Products ..................................... 48 Valley Performance _____ ........ 25 Vision X lighting Systems ......................... 47 Page 59 -