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2006 Volume 23 Number 5 Dusty Times Magazine

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volume 23 • Number 5 • May 2006 $2.50 ISSN8750·1732 DllSfY ?07<'.,l PU.trtl1ER Sf CIIA fSIJ0R l'H CA 9011-~_:,003 APR 2 5 2006 H, f ..... t t •• If, ..• 11.,, t I, I, 1.11 ... 11.,, .. 11 .. II, ... ,1111,., I serving _The 0## Road cammuni~y Po, 2~ Years covering the world of competition in the dirt ...

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Volume 23 - Number s May 2006 Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors Scott Bottomley J. Preston Bradshaw Jim Culp Mike Del Col Nicole Del Col Steve Hilton Victor Gazca Martin Holmes Rod Koch Byrle Moore Steve Rudel ick Mau rice Selden Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Sub-scription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be reu1rned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTI TIMES: (ISSN 87 50-17 3 2) is published' monthly by Hill-side Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copy-right by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the pub-lisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POS1MASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. · CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. snapshot of the Month ... Class 8 action was hot and heavy at the Los Angeles Coliseum, Mickey Thompson's Off Road Championship was a big hit in the summer of 1980. DUSTY TIMES will feamre picmres of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us • your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picmre used. If you wish the photo remrned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8x10 will be considered. In This Issue ... FEATURES SCORE San Felipe 250 by Judy Smith ...................................................... 8 WRC Catalunya Rally by Martin Holmes ................................................... 16 M.O.R.E. Balls Out 250 by Steve Ruddick .................................................. 20 SCCASan Diego Rallycross by Eli Gilbert ................................................. 28 Seed 9 Rally by ].Preston Bradshaw .............................................................. 30 SCORE San Felipe 250 Circa 1984 by Jean Calvin .................................. 34 CRS Banquet by ]on Rood and Sameer Parekh .......................................... 46 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ................................................................................................ 5 Trail Notes ................................................................................................. 6 Baja Pits Race Team by Mr. Baja .............................................................. 48 BFGoodrich News ................................................................................... 49 Checkers by the Big Wahzoo ...................................................................... 4 9 FAIR News by Lisa Kennedy ......................................................................... 50 ORBA ...................................................................................................... 50 Good Stuff Directory .............................................................................. 52 Classified Ads ........................................................................................... 5 8 Index To Advertisers ................................................................................ 59 ON THE COVER Garron Cadiente was a not too surprised winner at San Felipe, he ran his Trophy Truck to a nice overall win as well as a win in class. Trackside Photo As usual, the 1600 contingent went at it hot and heavy but when the mud cleared it was Adam Pfankuch taking the coveted class win at San Felipe. Trackside Photo Visit Our Website at c'5uhscr.ihe :Joday lo DUSTY TIMES "' THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$25.00 years -$40.00 □2 □3 years -$55.00 (no credit cards please) □ NEWr.: , □ RENEWAL 4,ddress ___ __,...;.:..;;:.-=:..,.;:...._:_::_..:....:.._;.;__ _____ _ , City ---.-:c:~:::;;;::::::-;:~-::;;;;~---;:--,;::--~-----S tat e Zip --------------------Primary Interest Cars D Trucks D Motorcycles D Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian - l year $30.00 US ■ Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times May 2006 Page 3

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2006 Happenings ... To Be Announced Nor Cal Rally School Northern CA September 20, 2006 Treeline Rally (Coef 3) Rally America Regional P.O. Box 645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVE ADAMS (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 CuJB AUToMOVILISTICO SANVICFNTE San Vicente Off Road ENSENADA, BC, MEXICO 10K FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 (AU events staged at the club grounds in Cleves. Ohio) 4x4 FOREVER, Lro. 1665 DEIAWARE ST. OSHKOSH, WI 54901 AMERICANRAilY SPORT GROUP, INc. 3('i50 SoUTH POINTE CIRCLE, SUITE 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521--0597 E MAIL: AMERICAN TRIALS ASSOCIATION Ak<A OBSERVED TRIALS Southern California CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES BILL MARKUM • PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HOTLINE· (714) 562-7742 E MAIL: <www.auu.,> AsOCIACION EsTATAL DE AUTOMOVll.ISMO SAM I.AsELL, TECH INSPECTOR APT042 SAN Jose DEL CABO BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL SUR. MEXICO AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CllAMPIONSIIlP DARRYL SMITH 19 SOMERS ST. CAsHMERE, QUEENSIAND, 4500, AUSTRALIA DUSTY AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFF ROAD CLASS JO CARS ONLY RENALD VAILI.ANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAVAL QUEBEC, CANADA H7P 1T7 (450) 622-4440 BAJA CUP CHALLENGE December 9, 2006 Glen Helen Raceway 909-888-6919 BARONA SAND DRAG AssN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 All Raas Are Night Raas AU Races At Barona Racewa:,, Lakeside, CA BBM MARKETING PROMOTIONS OH Road Short Course Racing & Special Event Marketing 4344 VALLEY VIEW AvE. NORCO, CA 92860 (909) 340-6474 BEST IN THE DESERT 3475 BOULDER HIGHWAY I.As VEGAS, NV 89121 702-457-5775/FAX:702-641-2431 April 28-30, 2006 Terrible's Town 250 Pahrump, NV August 24-26, 2006 TSCO Vegas To Reno September 22-24, 2006 AVI 150 Quad Race Avi,NV October 13-15, 2006 Las Vegas 300 December 1-3, 2006 Henderson's Terrible 400 Henderson, NV B.O.R.E. BONNEVll.LE OFF ROAD RACING ENTERPRISES 341 W. 257S'N SUNSET, UT 84015 801-773-1651 May 5-6, 2006 Red Garter 200 Wendover, NV June 30-July 1, 2006 Jackpot 200 Jackpot, NV September 1-2, 2006 Red Garter 200 Wendover, NV BP MoTORSPORTs P.O. Box 411 WOODIAND HILLS, CA 91365 760-578-6258/760-578-6259 FAX: 818-348-4648 E-Mail: All Euents At California Ciry, CA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 Dusty Times BRIGHTON, ONTARIO, CANADA KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR CLUB AUTOMOVIUSTA]UARENSE DE CHAMPIONSmP OFF-ROAD JlAC{NG 7210 GATEWAY EAsT EL PASO, 1X 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA Oll-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES <> April 28-29, 2006 Subaru Rim OfThe World Rally (Coef 2&3) West Covina, CA October 6-7, 2006 Prescott Rally (Coef 2&3) NASA USRC & Regional Precostt, AZ November 10-12, 2006 Laughlin International Rally (Coed 3,3&1) NASA USRC & Regional Laughlin,NV December 1-2, 2006 Reno Rally (Coef 2&3) Rally America National & Regional Reno,NV DoN ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. RICHARDS P.O. Box 332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 Cl.AmTON HI-JACKERS l.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 Twr. LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 Short Course off Road Racing At Harrison Couni, Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH CuJB AUTOMOVIUSTICA SAN QUINTIN USA ]AN WRIGHT (0ll 52 61746834) RAMON CASTRO & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/7 0034) CMC CONTINENTAL MoTOSPORT Cum P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 FAX: (714) 367-1608 CODEOFFROAD CODE OFFROAD USA P.O. Box 2328 CALEXICO, CA 92231-2328 760-455-8069 USA 0ll-52-686-553-4087 MEXICO June 16-18, 2006 NASA USRC & Regional Lancaster, CA August 19, 2006 Gorman Ridge Rally (Coef 3) NASA Regional Frazier Park, CA CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box 400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION CALLE 6TA FRAcc Co. DE SAN QUINTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO VW Autoparts Night Race Laguna Salada, B.C. August 11-13, 2006 ORW Gran Prix Tecate, B.C. H ERACLIO PATINO (0ll 52 616-5-22--07) Happenings continued on page 6 ':'Ii""' t)f j T :Sflf .. I ::.,•;t;t!... ~~~~~~ ~ ; ,=:,-c::lti:i,=-_s ~l! LOWRANCE • • -~_ ....... '/..,..,."z ...... .,...., eoo.869.5636 -r=ex s62.'126.3589 2888 Gundil,I /JtJe.. Signal ._ CA 90755 • ~ U..Sa:ftSppaf ~ti}IW"OIWI-May 2006 ,: - Plot Trails also availi,ble for MOR and SNORE -Available via e-mail or at conNngency • DifferenNale Trail Colors -Race Course, Chase Roads. Checkpoints, and PU Locations • Danger Markers • Cuslomize Your GPS Notes To 'rour OrMng Style • Display Features Include: -Accurate Speedometer/Trlpometer -Average/Max Speed -Time/Distance Traveled -Clock/Volt Meter • Extremely User Riendly Pfl ~ecommencidtions: llle: most important consideraNon when adding GPS IO any race vehicle: is ease of viewing -PCI recommends our T models for all race vehicle applications - Greater Visibility at High/Sharp Angles for bolh Driver and Co-Rider wilh Color Models -Globalmap 6000C - Large, Color Display -Globalmap LIOOOM -Same Great Features as 6000C. wilh Monochrome: Display PO oilers and strongly recommends our Race ModiftcaNons - Ke:e:ps Your GPS Working In lhe Most Brutal Environment -Won't VOid Manufacturers warranty Pages

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Trail Notes ... MIRAGE RACING PRODUCTS -Got a note from Bill Varnes, Mirage is moving to a new location. Their new address is 10928-B Wheatlands Avenue, Santee, CA 92071. Their phone and fax numbers remain unchanged -phone 619-562-5533, fax 619-562-5633. Good luck in your new location. S CORE SAN FELIPE CLASS WINNERS -The weather could have been a Ii ttle better on race day but there was a record entry for this years San Felipe race. Just for a quickie, here is a recap of the first two in each class. Trophy Truck -1st Garron Cadiente, 2nd BJ Baldwin. Class 1 -1st Troy Herbst, 2nd Gary Weyhrich. Class 1600 -1st Adam Pfankuch, 2nd Brian Burgess. Class 3 -1st Don Moss. Class 5 -1st Pietro Brassea, 2nd Luivan Voelker. Class 5-1600 -1st Ernesto Arambula, 2nd Marcos Nunez. Class 7SX -1st John Holmes, 2nd Doug Siewert. Class 7 -1st Victor Herrera Jr, 2nd Scott Brady. Class 8 -Nick Vanderwey, 2nd Glen Greer. Class 9 -1st Eric Fisher, 2nd Sigal Greenberg. Class 10 -1st Adam Wik, 2nd Billy Gasper. SCORE Lite -1st Stan Potter, 2md Ken Stroud. Class 11 -1st Eric Solorzano. ProTruck -1st Gus Vildosola, 2nd Jason Voss. Stock Full -1st Mark Handley, 2nd John Griffin. Sportsman Truck -1st Steve Looney, 2nd Richard Blunk. Sportsman Buggy -1st Tony McLaren, 2nd Les Martin. There is a nice long story starting on page 8 co11ering the entire race with lots of pictures to feast your eyes on. FINAL FLAG -We are deeply grieved to report on the death of Alex Long, a long time Checker, son of Al Long who was also a long time Ch~ker member. Alex was born on October 21, 1960 and slipped his earthly bonds on March 5, 2006. Al loved the desert and loved off road racing, he raced in Class 5 . Our heartfelt sympathies go out to his family. Rest in Peace, Alex. HONDA RIDGELINE -Gavin Skilton, along with American Honda will race a Honda Ridgeline in three SCORE events in 2006, the San Felipe, Baja 500 and Baja 1000. Honda will prep the truck which will run in the Stock Mini Truck Class. Unfortunately, we learned that Gavin was a dnf at the San Felipe race. We hope his efforts will be better rewarded in the future. FINAL FLAG -With tears in our eyes we report the passing of Irving Moore Feldkamp, known as Chase. Chase was only 10 ½ months old when a tragic event took his life. Chase will be forever loved and remembered by his parents, Irving (Buddy) and Jessica, grandparents Irving (Bud). and Pam and by his grandp-arents, aunts and uncles. Via con Dios, Chase. The family has picked an Adventist Orphanage in Valle De Trinidad, Baja, California, Mexico to build an "Orphanage Family Home" in memory of Chase. Donations may be sent to: Malcolm Smith Motorsports Foundation, Box 20054, Riverside, CA 92516. Mark your donations "Chase Feldkamp" NEW CORR VP -Championship Off Road Racing (CORR) owner Jim Baldwin announced that Ric Miller will be the new Vice President, General Manager of Operations for CORR. Ric will oversee event development, production and promotion of all CORR Series events. Ric comes with many years of experience gained with Mickey Thompson Stadium events and with many years at SCORE. The CORR Series will return to Southern California for the season opener on May 20 and 21. Good luck to Ric in his new venture. S CCA ROADRALL Y CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES -Sports Car Club of America (SCCA) Rally Department has announc~d the formation of a GTA RoadRally National Championship Series. Game, Tour or Adventure (GTA) describe most rallies that do not fit the current TSD (Time, Speed, Distance National Championship Series format and is the third SCCA high-level RoadRally series, joining the current SCCA Course RoadRally Championship Series and SCCA Tour RoadRally Championship Series. OTA rallies can be quite serious and competitive. The first OTA Championship series event is scheduled for May 6, hosted by the SCCA Texas Region, Dallas/Fort Worth Area. For more information visit S CORE POINTS LEADERS -After two rounds of the SCORE Championship race, the overall top guys are: 1. Gary Weyhrich, Jimco-Chevy (CLASS 1), 139. 2. B.J. Baldwin, Las Vegas, Chevy Silverado (SCORE Trophy-Truck), 126 3. Randy Wilson, Lakewood, Calif., Jimco-Chevy (CLASS 1), 121. 4. Brian Burgess, Riverside, Calif./Dan Folts, Chino, Calif., Seagrove-VW (CLASS 1-2/1600) 120 5. Martin Christensen, Escondido, Calif./Dave Mason, Valley Center, Calif., Jimco-BMW (CLASS 1), 117 6. Caleb Gaddis, El Centro, Calif., Curry-VW (CLASS 1-2/1600), 114 6. Richard Boyle, Ridgecrest, Calif./Ron Brant, Oak Hills, Calif., Jimco-Chevy (CLASS 1), 114, Hesperia, Calif., Smithbuilt-Ford (CLASS 1), 111 8. Troy Herbst, Las Vegas/Larry Roeseler 9. Rodrigo Ampudia Jr./Rodrigo Ampudia, Ensenada, Mexico, Fraley-VW (CLASS 1-2/1600), 109 10. Bob Shepard, Phoenix, Chevy Page 6 October 6-8, 2006 Mexicana Logistics Mexicali 300 Laguna Salada, B.C. December 8-10, 2006 Race Ready 275 Ensenada-Mexicali-San Felipe COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION BARB VAHSHOLT/, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box 8286 Col.ORADO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O. Box 392 CALEXIOO, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER 0l l-52-65-66-4458 CORR LUCAS OIL SERIES 192 N. STATE ROAD, SUITE 267 AVON, IN 46123 317-272-2827 317-272-2900 fax May 20-21, 2006 Chula Vista, CA Pro Series June 10-11, 2006 Sportsman Series Pro Cup - No Points Antigo, WI June 24-25, 2006 Crandon, WI Pro & Sportsman July 8-9, 2006 Bark River, Ml Pro & Sportsman July 22-23, 2006 Chula Vista, CA Pro Series · August 12-13, 2006 Bark River, MI Pro & Sportsman September 2-3, 2006 Crandon, WI Pro & Sportsman September 23-24, 2006 Chula Vista, CA Pro Series October 21-22, 2006 Chula Vista, CVA Pro Series CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, StllTE 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA EXT 42 FAX (818) 957-4435 D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (AU events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA ur Thurston Counry ORV Park, 017mpia, WA) DAKAR RALLY DARREN SKILTON BAJA AUTOMOTIVE ADVENTURES 455 E. OCEAN BLVD., SUITE 208 l.oNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 DF.CATIJR FoUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB DECATUR, TX 76234 ToMALLEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MoTORSPORTS 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 EASTERN OFF-ROAD RACING AssN. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 ENSENADA BAJA OFF RoAD RACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX 0ll-52-646-1818989 Eus10 0ll-52-646-1715230 AARON Races fur buggzs & Moturcycles EsrERo BEACH INTERNATIONAL Short Course Racing VICTORIA GALINDO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXIOO 011-52-646-176-6230 FORDA FLORIDA OFF RoAD DRIVER 's ASSOCIATION JASON LEIBIN (72 7) 3 76-4 I 76 May 2006 Mar, Apr, Ma7, Nov at David.son Raceway FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 1855 PARKWAY DRIVE S. EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/959-579-6!51FAX GORRA GEORGIA OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 420 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA GREAT PLANES OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION TIM HODGE (402) 991-6048 Soorr MORROW (816) 792-2126 (AU races are short co11rse, stadi11m sryle Classes -Sportsman, 1/2-1600, 5-1600, Spurt Truck, Qund.s, Tottgh Truck Neln-aska Raceway Park, Exit 420 on l-80 between Omnha and Lincoln.) For latest info check <> HIGH PLAINS OFF RoAD RACING 2000 W. QUINCY AVENUE #8 ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 303-806-8062/303-781-0974 fax INTERNATIONAL lcE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDDOR (612) 937-3816/FAX 474-2769 INTER-SHows MoToRSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-23 71 ]EEPSPEED 1826 N. Windes Orange, CA 92869 714-538-7434/ fax 714-633-1724 All races for Jeepspeed 1,2 & 3 /eepspeed Challenge June 10, 2006 Superstition Series Coyote Night Race August 12, 2006 California Night 200 Lucerne Valley, CA September 30, 2006 MOR Lucerne 250 Lucerne Valley, CA December 2, 2006 BITD Terrible's 400 Henderson, NV /eepUed J Series April 8-30, 2006 BITD Terrible's Town 250 Pahrump, NV August 24-26, 2006 BITD Vegas To Reno Nevada October 13-15, 2006 Las Vegas 300 Las Vegas, NV December 1-3, 2006 Henderson's Terrible 400 Henderson, NV :l<AMLOOPS BRONCO BUSTERS Whispering Pines Sports & Recreation Center P.O. Box 465 KAMI.OOPS, BC, CANADA VZG5L2 DALE NYESTE (250) 579-8039 TONY (250) 554-97801. Craig Byers (250) 3 76-8466 LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS & OFFROAD EXPO (626) 961-3782 <w\\> <> L.I.T.R.E. JEFF ELROD (408) 926-0522 JIM MUTA (408) 247-4402 MAMA!uuTA OFF RoAD RACING LUIS CARLOS ALVAREZO PANAM6RICANA AVE #5105 Co. JUAREZ, CH1H., MX 0ll-52-1637-1799 MicmGAN BUGGY BunnERS DUNE BUGGY TRADE SHOW (517) 543-7214 <""'""·> Mi:cmGAN OFF RoAD CHAMPIONSl:ilPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 JONES ROAD GRAND LEDGE, ML 48837 (517) 627-6200 Moturcycles, Qunds, A TVs and Pilots only MAORA Mm-AMERICA OFF RoAD AssocIATION P.O. Box 664 GREENUP, IL 62428 (217) 235-6528 E-MAIL: <w\\> May20,2006 Lincoln Trail Motorsports Park Casey, IL June 17, 2006 Cross Road MX Mason, IL July 22, 2006 Tell Ciry Fairgrounds Tell Ciry, IN August 12, 2006 Stone Ciry Ranch Bedford, IN August 26, 2006 Soggy Bottom Raceway Greenup, IL September 23, 2006 Stone Ciry Ranch Bedford, IN October 21, 2006 Lincoln Trail Motorsports Park Casey, IL Endurance Points Series May21,2006 Lincoln Trail Motorsports Park Casey, IL August 13, 2006 Stone Ciry Ranch Bedford, IN September 24, 2006 Stone Ciry Ranch Bedford, IN October 22, 2006 Lincoln Trail Motorsports Park Casey, IL MDRRACING 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE SO\JTH EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/FAX626-579-605! 2006 California Cha~onship Series May6,20 Ridgecrest 200 Ridgecrest, CA *June 24, 2006 McKenzie's 400 Lucerne Valley, CA **August 12, 2006 California 200 Lucerne Valley Night Race September 30, 2006 Lucerne 250 Lucerne Valley, CA *November 11, 2006 Stoddard 250 Barstow, CA • D011ble Points • Night Race MDR PRODUCTIONS ..uo6 Superstition Championship Series All Races at Plaster Ciry OHV Area *June 10, 2006 Coyote Wash 200 October 28, 2006 Superstition 250 December 31, 2006 The Bud Lite Dash 200 • Night Race M.O.R.E. MoJA VE OFF RoAD RAcING ENnrusIASTS P.O. Box 1231 BARSTOW, CA 92312 760-253-4453 MOREKARTEK Off Road Gold Cup Series May27,2006 TBA July 22, 2006 Barstow, CA September 16, 2006 TBA December 2, 2006 Barstow, CA MSBA Mi:cmGAN SPORT BuGGY ASSOCIATION DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. FUNT, ML 48506 (810) 7 30-9221 MoTOWEST WINTER TRIALS SERIES BILL MARKHAM (909) 860-1857 <\\> All events at Perris Raceway Dusty Times

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(At Reed Valk, with a school) NATIONAL Mun RACING AssN. RT. #l • Box 380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN PALATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFF TRUCK ASSN. BUTCH CHAPIN MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS 1404 EAsT 3RD STREET HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NOORA GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAIL <> Buggies, Pilor/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Spring Valk, RacewaJ, on route 518, 20 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) (Thunder Valk, located 15 minutes from Spring Valk1) NORTHERN Omo OFF RoAD RACING ASSN. GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 OFF ROAD EXPO 2006 (626) 599-8622 OFF RoAD RACING ASSOCIATION VOLUNTEERED SERIES PRESIDENT. GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP. -1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP .• 9 & UNLTD. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OUTLAW REP. DoNPONDER (314) 631-8190 (All Races at Wheeling in the County 900 Acres) Omo OFF RoADERS I.Ne. 1427 GOSHEN HILLS ROAD S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 )IM KENDEL (216) 339-4674 AU races held at Harrison CountJ Fairgrounds. Codiz, Ohio ONTARIO OFF Rom RACERS ASSOCIATION RICK T!CHBOURNE, PUBLIC RELATIONS (519).681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) Oun.Aw SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. Louis, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/FAX: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS us. OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <> PD<ES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 CoLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF RoAD RACING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 87 5. 7 591 PRO 1600 SHOOTOUT CoREYGOIN 559-647-6132 GOINRACIN@HOTMAIL.COM PRoTRUCK 14402 BoND CoURT EL CAJON, CA 92021 619-390-6252 April 28-30, 2006 Terrible's Town 250 Pahrump, NV June 2-4, 2006 Baja 500 Ensenada Baja California July,2006 Pikes Peak Hillclimb Colorado July 27-29, 2006 Las Vegas Terrible's Cup Las Vegas, NV August 24-26, 2006 TSCO Vegas To Reno Nevada SeptemberS-10, 2006 Las Vegas Primm 300 Primm,NV October 13-15, 2006 Las Vegas 300 Nevada Dusty Times November 16-18, 2006 Baja 1000 Baja, California, Mexico December 1-3, 2006 Henderson's Terrible 400 Hender.on, NV PuRE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box 50 RICKETTS, IA 51460 (712) 679-2221 RALLY AMErucA June 3,2006 Susquehannock Wellsboro, PA July 28-29, 2006 Maine Forest Rally Rumford,ME August 25-26, 2006 Ojibwe Forests Bemidji,MN September 23-24, 2006 Colorado Cog Steamboat Springs, CO October 20-21, 2006 Lake Superior Houghton, Ml TBD Reno Rally Rrno,NV ROCK CRAWLERS ASSOCIATION OF AMEluCA P.O. Box 1406 RIVERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/FAX: (801) 253-3176 SAN DIEGO SHORT COURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New Series lry Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro TnlCks, Desert TnlCks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough TnlCk <> (858) 571-5088 SAN DIEGO OFF ROAD EXPOSITION (888) 836 7918 SCCA PRoRAu.Y P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-2055 <> August 12, 2006 Scenic View NC Oregon August 13, 2006 Beaver Cleaver NC Portland, OR • September 2, 2006 Appalachian NT Steel Cities September 3, 2006 Ohnoodo NT Pittsburgh, PA September 4, 2006 Steel Haul NC September 16, 2006 Oktoberally NC LOL September 17, 2006 Badger Trails NT Trempealeau, W1 October 20, 2006 TBAGTA October 21, 2006 TBA NC Topeka, KS October 22, 2006 TBA NT November 4, 2006 Covered Bridge DT Vermont National Road Rally Events May20,2006 Steel Haul NCR Steel Cities June 10, 2006 Chippewa Falls NC/NT LOL July8,2006 Golden West NTR San Francisco August 12, 2006 Scenic View NC Oregon August 13, 2006 Beaver Cleaver NC Portland, OR September 16, 2006 Oktoberally NC September 1 7, 2006 Badger Trails NT Trempealeau, W1 October 20, 2006 Oz Has Spoken NC National Office Topeka, KS October 21, 2006 Over The Rainbow NT Topeka, KS October 22, 2006 Yellow Brick Road NT/GTA Topeka, KS November 4, 2006 Covered Bridge DT NERVf November 11, 2006 TBANC Old Dominion Ricl1mond, VA November 12, 2006 TBA NC Old Dominion Richmond, VA NC - National Coum NT - National Tour GTA • Game Tour Adventure SFX MOTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE, SUITE 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 FAX SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., SUITE A CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 <> June 2-4, 2006 Tecate SCORE Baja 500 Ensenada, Baja Caliomia, Mexico July 27-29, 2006 *SCORE Las Vegas Terrible's Cup II Las Vegas Motor Speedway Las Vegas, NV September 8-10, 2006 SCORE Las Vegas Primm 300 Primm,NV November 15-18, 2006 Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 Baja California to Baja California Sur, Mexico *Non-points special event SNORE SOUTHERN NEVADA OFF ROAD ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 270516 LAs VEGAS, NV 89127 702-452-4522 www.SNORERACING.NET May 19-20, 2006 Dusty Times Caliente 250 August4-5, 2006 KC Hi lites Midnight Special September 29-October 1, 2006 Soutl1 Coast SNQRE 250 Las Vegas November 10-11, 2006 Western Desert Championship Laughlin, NV (Avi) SONS OF THUNDER 4 WHEELERS RACE DIVISION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SOUTHEASTERN OFF RoAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963.0252 MIKE MOORE• (224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS EXPO MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. Hacienda Blvd. #322 Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SCTA SOUTHERN CAUFORNIA TIMING AssocIATION & BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, I.Ne. P.O. Box 10 OROS!, CA 9364 7 (559) 528-6279 (559) 528-9749 FAX <> SOUTHERN SHORT CoURSE OFF ROAD RACING ASSN. 4305 WOOTLARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (AU Races at Eastba1 Racewa,, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTo. P.O. Box 706 November4-5, 2006 Gila Bend Gila Bend, AZ December 2, 2006 Mexico Whiplash Desert *Bikes/ A TV's and **Mini&PW ** *May 27-28, 2006 Page, AZ more Happenings on page 59 May 2006 Trail Notes ... CKl 500 (SCORE Trophy-Truck), 107 11. Stan Potter, San Marcos, Calif./Dan Worley, Encinitas, Calif., Jimco-VW (SCORE Lite) 10611. Brian Parkhouse, Bell Gardens, Calif., Jimco-Chevy (CLASS 1), 106 13. Carl Renezeder, Laguna Beach, Calif., Chevy Silverado (SCORE Trophy-Truck), 104 13. Daniel McMillin, El Cajon, Calif., Jimco-VW (CLASS 1-2/1600), 104 15. Sammy Ehrenberg, Las Vegas/L.J. Kennedy, Orange, Calif., Jimco-VW (CLASS 1-2/1600), 103 15. Pat Dean, Las Vegas, Bunderson• Chevy (CLASS 1), 103 17. Ed Herbst/Tim Herbst, Las Vegas, Ford F-150 (SCORE Trophy-Truck), 101 17. Dan Myers, Newport Beach, Calif., RaceCo-Olds (CLASS 1), 101 17. Matt Gumz, Barstow, Calif., Homebuilt-VW (CLASS 1-2/1600), 101 17. Brian Kirby, Rowland Heights, Calif., Kirby-Chevy (CLASS 1), 101 21. Jason Batulis/Jeff Lothringer, San Clemente, Calif., Lothringer-VW (SCORE Lite), 100 21. Eric Duran/Hiram Duran, Tecate, Calif., Neth-VW (CLASS 1-2/1600), 100 NEW 0FFROAD RULES -Riverside County, California approved new rules and regulations on off road vehicle use on private property. Limiting off road use has gained lots of political support where new housing developments are encroaching on one time remote desert and mountain areas. The new rules, after nearly two years of debate and hearings will limit riding times and the number of vehicles that owners can ride on their own property. The version approved will allow off roaders to ride between the hours of noon and five pm on private property. It also places a limit of one off road vehicle in use per 10 acres and requires riders to stay 100 feet from property lines and 250 feet from neighbor's homes. They can ride more vehicles on their property with their neighbor's written consent, but you will need a conditional use permit for more than four vehicles, costing as much as $10,000. San Bernardino county is considering following in Riverside county's footsteps in the near future. SAN FELIPE FACTS & FIGURES -There was a total of 362 vehicles entered at the SCORE San Felipe race. They came from 20 states, Canada, Colombia, England and Mexico. The entry was: Pro Truck, 26, Class 1, 38, Class 1600, 43, Class 3, 3, Class 5, 5, Class 5/1600, 11, Class 7, 7, Class 7S, 4, Class 7SX, 9, Class 8, 11, Class 9, 5, Class 10, 19, SCORE Lite, 24, Class 11, 1, Stock Full, 6, Stock Mini, 2, ProTruck, 4, Class 17, 1, Sportsman Car, 4, and Sportsman Truck, 8. There were 76 motorcycles entered, 52 ATVs and 3 Sporrsman Rhinos. 37% of the cars and trucks failed to make it to the finish line. 0 UR BOYS IN NASCAR -Jimmy Johnson has been having a phenomenal year, nothing bur wins and top 5 finishes, Robby Gordon's ream is doing very well also, decent finishes in every race but one and doing well in the points. And, it was good to seen Brendan Gaughan taking a nice sixth place finish this last weekend in his truck. We hope their skills and equipment will take them all to good finishes for the rest of the season. WORLD RALLYING -Martin Holmes has done it again, his latesr'rt>fne on the 2005 WRC is certainly worth the read. As usual, his coverage of the 2005 rally season is exceptional and the photography is excellent. For the best rally recap you can buy, contact: Rally World, P.O. Box 501446, Atlanta, GA 31150. Tel 404-429-4394, Fax 770-642-3774. e• mail It's money well spent. ADDITONAL MORE RACE -Just received word that MORE is adding a race to their schedule. The Beard Seat Shootout 300 will run in Lucerne Valley on Saturday, May 27th. The race will run on Course B, 40 miles, running counter clockwise. Tech and contingency will be at the High School on Rabbit Springs Road, 5 to 9pm on Friday, May 26. Race starts off Camp Rock Road, Saturday, May 27, drivers meeting at 7:30am. For more information contact MORE at 760-253-4453 See ya all there! NEW OFF ROAD FILM - A brand new film, Chasing The Horizon, will be premiering at the Newport Beach Film Festival on Wednesday, April 26 at 2:30pm at the Lido Theatre. Chasing The Horizon is a close up look at a rookie off road racing team attacking the Baja 1000. Jeff Lloyd, Milo Brown and Toby O'Mara discover what it takes, mentally, physically and emotionally to follow the dream of a man trying to bring his family, friends and a team together. This is a film by the Flying Canter Brothers and it is their first showing at the festival. We hope it is a success for all concerned. Look for a review of the film in an upcoming Dusty Times. BRAND NEW DRIVER -John and Lorna Phegley are so pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Mika Gem Phegley who arrived on April 3, 2006. Mika weighed in at 8 pounds, 2.7 ounces and was 19.75 inches long. Congratulations from all of us at Dusty Times, may Mika have a very long and happy and healthy life. more Trail Notes on page 47 Page 7

Page 8

11&"1.9~1.II SAN FELIPE 250 Cadiente Wins overall By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Gaffon Cadiente drove his husky looking Ford to the Trophy Truck win at San Felipe, he also was the overall winner at race end. SAN FELIPE, BAJA: Newcomer Garron Cadiente surprised every-one except himself by winning SCORE's San Felipe 250 overall in his Ford Trophy Truck. Behind him, a huge entry powered their way through the mud and rain that made this a very difficult San Fe-lipe 250. Following the precedent set by the record number of entries at Laughlin, the San Felipe race also enjoyed a huge entry, with a total of 340 starters, 193 of which were cars and trucks. This was the big-gest San Felipe event in the 20 years the race has existed. The first San Felipe 250 was actually in 1982, 24 years ago, but there was a gap from '85 through '89 when it didn't hap-pen. The Friday pre-race activities were much the same as they'd been in the past, except that driver/rider registration was held in the Bare-foot Bar, right on the beach, within walking distance of the contingency line. This was a good thing, because with so many race teams in town, things were at a virtual standstill in the streets adjacent to the beach, and the only way to move around unimpeded by traffic jams was ei-ther to walk or scoot through the narrow spaces in a golf cart. This year's course was the same as last year's, starting and finishing in San Felipe at the familiar arches, and running in a counter-clockwise direction, as far north as Highway 3 on the far end of Diablo Dry Lake, then southward through Morelia Junction and along Morelia Road, then east in The big prize in Class 1/2-1600 went to Adam Pfankuch, he's seen here flying toward that wonderful checkered flag. Huatamote Wash, south on the old Puertecitos Road, west in Chanate Wash, a short stretch south, and each in Matomi Wash, before hit-ting the old road again and head-ing north. Then it skirted the old road, and at Mile 232 crossed it, for the final eight mile dash to the finish. Everyone had ten hours to get to the finish line. The course has been used a lot lately, including in the 2005 Baja 1000, and it was very rough. There hadn't been much rain over the winter to smooth it, and then Mother Na-ture tried to correct that error all on race day. Light showers started right at daybreak, and some racers, coming in from outlying camps, re-ported heavy rain and even hail as they motored in towards the start. Clouds seemed to pile up towards the west, and then a steady light rain settled in at about the time the Trophy Trucks started - 9 a.m. All the cars and trucks started one-at-a-time, 30 seconds apart. This meant that it took an hour and 37 minutes to get all the cars started, and before they were all gone, two of the bike teams had al-ready finished. In fact, SCORE of-ficials held up the start of the 1/2-1600 cars in the middle of their line-up, for roughly eight minutes, to allow the lead bikes to come in untroubled by outgoing traffic. There were 24 Trophy Trucks, but only 20 of them got to the half-way mark. Jesse Jones, Pete Sohren and Gus Vildosola were out, and Nick Baldwin ran into something with his Ford, folded the bumper Troy Herbst had a good race, he took the Class 1 win and he was less than five minutes out of the overall prize. in under the truck and holed the oil pan, putting his truck out also. At just past the halfway point, or Mile 131, the lead belonged to B.J. Baldwin in his new Chevy. Cadiente ran second, about a minute and a half later, and Bob Sheperd was third in his Chevy. Curt LeDuc had Mark Post's Ford in fourth place, and Bobby Bald-win (B.J.'s dad) was fifth in another Chevrolet. Meanwhile, Carl Renezeder, Chevrolet, had lost a transmission at Mile 6, and it had done lots of "collateral damage", costing him an hour and 45 minutes. He was back in a lot of slower traffic by the time things were repaired. Mike Julson was still having "new truck" stuff with his Chevrolet, and at Mile 30 was pouring water on his shocks to cool them down. And Andy Mc-Millin, in the Robby Gordon Chev-rolet, lost his transmission at Mile 20. The pit truck came out with Robby's spare, or so they thought, only to discover when they arrived that the spare had been stolen over-night. So they sent for McMillin's truck, which was at Morelia, and which had Andy's spare trans in it. When it got there a lot of things were different. They had to deal with mismatched plumbing and that sort of thing, so it took four and a half hours to do the replacement. At the front of the pack Cadiente and Baldwin were really close. Cadiente felt the "course was really rough", but he'd pre-run re-ally well, and "knew where to go." Baldwin had "no dust all the way" thanks to the rain, and had only one flat. He reported that the team had done a "lot of shock work" af-ter the Laughlin race (which he won). Baldwin actually finished first, but Cadiente was right behind him, and took the win by a minute and 37 seconds. He said, "I think we've proved we're the real deal, we're running with the big guys." He was referring to the fact that he'd been considered a raw new-comer at this event, and not likely to do particularly well. What some folks hadn't realized was that, first of all, his truck was the tried-and-true Ford that Gary Dircks used to race with a good deal of success, and second, Cadiente had raced it in the BITD series in 2005. So he wasn't as green as they'd assumed. He's also, apparently, a real driver. In third behind Baldwin was Bob Shepard, who soloed also, and re-ported "a few little problems" in his Chevy. He'd gone off the trail to pass a quad and bent his drive shaft, so then he had to drive about 30 miles at only 50 miles per hour, until he could get it changed. He also had a couple of flats, and said he enjoyed a "good race" with the McMillin and Ewalt Class 1 car. In fourth it was Ron Whitton, father-in-law of Cadiente. When Cadiente says "we", he's including Whitton in his statement. This truck, also a Ford, was new at Laughlin. Whitton said he was nervous about this race -"all the best people were here." So he just "took it easy". He reported that the course got really "slimy out there", and then aid, "I had a great time." Mark Post and Curt LeDuc were fifth in _their Ford, noting that they'd done the last 25 miles with nothing but first gear. Sixth went to Kory Scheeler in a Chevy, who said it was "the most miserable day I've ever had." He'd broken a front limiter strap at Mile 18, had it welded, and broken it again. In sev-enth it was Jerry Larimore and Buff Herman in a Ford, ATV racers a long time ago, racing their Trophy Truck for the first time. The truck was brand new, built by Herman, who finished it on Tuesday before the race. They said their race was "a dream". Scott Steinberger, Ford, was eighth, talking about the truck falling off the jack when he had to fix a flat in Matomi Wash. Then an engine warning light came on, indicating a problem with water temps. So he pulled his water pump, but wouldn't have had to, because it was o.k., as he discovered after wasting 45 minutes. Bobby Baldwin was ninth, after an event-ful day in his Chevy. First, his pas-senger, Ray Brown, somehow hurt Eric Solorzano was the only entrant in Class 11 but he hustled BJ Baldwin gave it all he had but he came up a spot short in Trophy Gary Weyhrich made a run at the win in Class 1 but he fell short by• around to take his checkered flag at San Felipe. Truck, he was second, less than 2 minutes in arrears. six minutes and settled for the silver medal. Pages May 2006 Dusty Times

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Brian Burgess had to settle for the silver medal in Class 1600, he Luivan Voelker drove his really good looking Bug to a decent second Marcos Nunez was second across the line in Class 5-1600, he's was only seconds out of first place, seen here in flight. place finish in the Class 5 fracas at San Felipe. his left hip while riding in the truck. let had early suspension trouble, started the morning on a Class 22 No one was quite certain how it then they'd changed a transmission, motorcycle. He rode about 11 happened, but he needed the at-and late in the day a rear shock was miles, then got off and hustled back tention of a doctor, so his son, Ray going away and had to be "babied". to the start area, where he changed Jr. got in to finish the ride. Then, Josh Baldwin was 15th in his Ford, into his driver's suit and got into about 30 miles from the finish the reporting that in the "really wet his Ford Trophy Truck, which was ring and pinion went, and at that stuff" he couldn't get into third first off the line. His plan was to point, Bobby gave up the driver's gear, had a lot of flats, and also drive it to the finish, then go out seat to Billy Goerke, who drove to lost his rear suspension. Julson fin-on the course and wait at some stra-the finish. ished 16th, and after the overheated tegic spot for his SCORE Lite car In tenth place it was Juan Lopez, shocks had lost his power steering to come around, so he could finish who'd originally entered in Class 8, pump, so he changed that and went it. As they say- the best laid plans ... but had been told his truck was ii-on, but from that point he said he The Trophy Truck had had drive-legal for that class because his roof just "tested". This is his first year in shaft problems the day before the line was too low. He'd broken a this class, and he says he's learned race, and the· crew had welded spring on his Ford, and lost a half that "you've got to be able to change pieces of metal to the driveshaft to hour. His time would have earned stuff quick in this class". He also try to balance it. During the race him a second place in Class 8. Elev-broke an input shaft, and had to they broke the flex plate, appar-enth went to Ed and Tim Herbst in rebuild the transmission 20 miles ently having somehow weakened or their Ford. They'd had a flat, and before the finish. But on the whole, damaged it during their attempts apparently hadn't got things hesaysthewayhistruckworks-is togetthingsinbalance.They'dalso rightened up properly, because "unbelievable". Marty Coyne was lost a power steering belt, and then the wheel fell off, ruining the 17th in his Ford, and Mike Voyles Cameron thought he might have hub as it went. That cost them a lot was 18th in his brand new Ford. broken two of his fingers. But they of time. In 12th it was Renezeder, Cameron Steele and Clyde Stout did limp to the finish. He never got and in 13th, Luis Wallace, Ford, were 19th. Steele attempted to be to his SCORE Lite car, but it didn't and 14th went to Alan Pflueger the first person to race (and finish) matter, because it didn't finish. The and John Hoffman. Their Chevro-in three classes at this event. He bike did, in fourth place. An Intimate Gem Adj'acent to Bellagio, Caesars & Baily's Flamingo & The Strip 14J88•227•2279 barbarycOll&icaN10.<:om seen here in his brightly painted Bug heading for the flag. The last Trophy Truck to finish car. Back in the pack Larry Job lost wasAndyMcMillin, who'd pushed the transmission in his Jimco hard after the marathon transmis- Chevy, and was out, along with a sion change effort. Too hard, be-lot of good company. Dan Myers cause he'd flattened some tires, and lost the belts on his Porter Chevy at _ one of them had got tangled up in Mile 20, but got repaired, Danny the caliper. Said Andy, "Omigod, Horta rolled his Porter Chevy at longest day of my life! It sucked. The Mile 62 while blinded by the rain. course is 30 times as bad as it was He got going again. And at mile pre-running, and there was traffic 128, only three miles before the pit, backwards on the course in pour- Michael James ran out of gas and ingrain!" He wasn't exactly a happy had to wait for his crew to bring camper. him some. He was one of many There were 35 starters in Class who reported coming up short of 1. Only 25 of them got as far as fuel supplies during the day. Prob-Mile 131. In this class it was also ably the first in this class to go out close, with the lead at that point in were Ryan Arciero and Mark Miller, the hands of Brian Ewalt in Mark in Cam Thieriot' s RPS. They were McMillin's Jimco Chevy. Pat Dean, testing a new tire (NITTO), but in his Chevy Bunderson, was sec-didn't get much of a test done, since ond, about two minutes later, fol- they broke their input shaft at Mile lowed by Mark Weyhrich in his 4.3. Jimco Chevy, only two seconds At the driver change, Troy back. In fourth it was Mark's Herbst was running in about sixth brother, Gary, in another Jimco place, only seconds back from Chevy, and B.J. Richardson had his Richardson. He'd had a couple of Bunderson in fifth place, only three flats and had been briefly stuck and a half minutes behind the lead Continued on page 10 Ask About Our Special Headliner Show and ,. Room Pa.ck8ges West Tropk:ana & Atville 1 •800•675--3267 ~~nO.QOfll The Place Las Vegans Gall Home~ Ask About Our Room & Golf Pa.ck8ges Las Vegas Dusty Times West Flamingo & Valley View 14J88-402•6278 goldoo.,,t~~ May 2006 Alta & Rampart 1-877-677-7111 ~S-tc;l$1nO~Q<j\ Page 9

Page 10

Doug Siewert had a pretty good day. he finished second in Class A decent second place in the Class 7 contest went to Scott Brady. 7SX, he was about half an hour in a"ears at the checkers. he's seen here sans some body work in San Fi_e_lt~p_e_. __ _ Glen Greer had to overcome some major problems at San Felipe but he still mana ed a second place finish in Class 8. Don Moss had a fairly easy day. all of his competition fell by the wayside and he drove his good looking Ford to the Class 3 win. The Class 5 win went to Pietro Brassea, he took the checkers with 24 minutes in hand, seen here at takeoff. · Steve Me ton, in t eir Jimco C evy, and in tenth it was Todd Cuffaro, who sheared some studs and ended up in a tree about 30 miles before the finish. His Chevy Por-ter had no radio, and he lost some time, but was still happy with his first finish at San Felipe. Michael and Kevin James were 11th in their Jimco Chevy, having one flat after the out-of-gas incident. Luis Ramirez, Sr. and Luis Jr. drove their Porter Chevy to 12th place. Luis, Jr. finished with his brakes smoking, because his throttle was sticking so badly he was having to work the brakes hard. Horta, af-ter the roll-over at Mile 62 got to the finish line in 13th place, and Pat Dean, whp'd been second for a while, said he'd "had a great day going, and broke two axle". He broke them one at a time, had a spare with him each time, but lost a half hour each time to finish 14th. Brian Kirby and Bobby Ouelleto, in their Kirby, had to weld their front beam back on, and finished 15th. Raymond Potter, in his Homebuilt, had two flats and broke a tie rod and got to the fin-ish line 16th, while Buddy Feld-kamp was 17th in his Penhall. In 18th it was Daniel Myers in a Por-ter Chevy. His battery box broke and he lost both batteries, a very time consuming problem. Nine-teenth went to Brian Parkhouse, who was nine hours and eight min-utes on the road in his Jimco during his segment, and his chase crew had unstuck him. Now he handed over to Larry Roeseler, who was determined to make up the defi-cit. At Mile 160 the lead belonged to Mark McMillin, with Mark Wey-hrich only a minute behind him. Roeseler was third. At Mile 228 McMillin still led, and now Roeseler was second by just a minute. From about Mile 200 to the finish line, he really pushed hard. At the finish he said, "If that buggy can go as fast as this Truggy did from the 200 mile marker, I'll eat my shorts! I was more sideways than straightaway". He then declared that he'd been running a "good solid pace - I hit all my marks". At Mile 228 there was a tie for fourth between Mark Weyhrich and his brother, Gary, who'd lost a cylinder going up Cha-nate, and ran on seven the rest of the way. They were only five min-utes behind Roeseler. Meanwhile, B.J. Richardson rolled in Matomi Wash, tearing off a rear comer, and giving his passenger, T.J. Flores, a hard knock on the head. Flores was airlifted out, sent to the hospital, but released two days later with no serious injuries. Herbst and Roeseler took the win, finishing six minutes in front of Gary Weyhrich, and his wounded car. Roeseler said it had been "really exciting". Weyhrich re-ported that it was "raining bad". He said it had been interesting around Diablo Dry Lake, where it was muddy, and "like being on ice". He also reported that his brother, Mark, had rolled his car two miles before the finish. Mark didn't get to the finish line. Mark McMillin had c.v. problems close to the fin-ish, and was towed a short dis-tance, and pushed or pulled across the finish line by his co-driver, Cameron, apparently taking ad-vantage of the rule that only "banded" folks can push or pull a race car over the line. They finished third. Fourth place went to Danny Anderson who hadn't been feel-ing too hopeful in the morning. He said he's running in Class 1 on a 1600 budget. At the finish he said about his Jimco Chevy that he "didn't have the set up right" and hadn't spent enough time test-ing. There are, he said, "some big bumps here". Martin Christensen and Dave Mason were fifth in their BMW Jimco, reporting no prob-lems and no flats, just "really, re-ally wet". In sixth it was Richard and Dennis Boyle in Ron Brant's Jimco Chevy. They were happy to have got to i:he race. On Thurs-day, their race prep guy -Damen Jefferies, had done one last quick run down the road near his shop before loading Richard's car, and something had bound up in the steering and sent the car over and over. Darnen had been spit out, and then the car flew above him Ernesto Arambula had six minutes in hand when he took the Class 5-1600 win at San Felipe, seen here in his good looking bug. (not onto him) and beyond. He was sorely bruised, but nothing was broken, although the car was too damaged to repair in time for the race. So Brant pulled out of the race (a move they'd discussed doing even before they heard about the accident), and let the Boyle brothers use his car, all of them hating the idea that they might have to give up their number one start position. Seventh place went to Ronny Wilson whose Chevy Jimco broke a limiter strap, and in eighth it was Randy, who lost some gears near the end of the day, and finished with only fourth gear. Ninth place belonged to John Herder and John Holmes had more than 26 minutes in hand when he drove around for the checkers, he's seen here in his great looking truck. Sigal Greenberg was more than half an hour behind the Class 9 Billy Gasper chased the winner in Class 10 but he had to settle for Ken Stroud was just eight minutes short of the win in SCORE Lite, winner but still racked up a nice second place at San Felipe. the second spot in his really good looking vehicle. he's seen here heading for the Checkered flag. Page 10 May 2006 Dusty Times

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Jason Voss was the second Pro Truck finisher at San Felipe, he's John Griffin had some problems along the way but he brought his Richard Blunk had his problems in the Sportsman Truck class but he still managed a nice second place finish when the checkers flew. in his RPS, but lost the rear shocks with Ken Owens in his SCORE Lite early in the day and also had a car, and their clutch slipped all throttle linkage problem. Eighth day, and they had no reverse gear, went to Rudy and Carlos Cortez and broke some belts. Edgar (father and son). Rudy ran our of Avalos, in a Toyota RCD, was the gas in the Porsche Kreger at Mile final finisher, in 11th place, at eight 120, and Carlos, who did the sec-hours and nine minutes. seen here churning his way towards the finish line. Hummer home in second place in the Stock Full class. Chevy. He was the final Class 1 fin- going again. In the meantime, Wiles Gasper. C.J. Hutchins took over isher. had no problems and went on to for his dad, and brought the car The Class 10 cars were third off take the win. At the finish he said in fourth, reporting only some al-the line, with 18 entries and Adam he couldn't have done it without tern a tor problems in Matomi Wik put his Honda Jimco into the his pit guys, and he reported that which cost them about 15 minutes. lead early on. He was driving this he'd had an "awesome race with In fifth it was John Cooley who race solo, because his wife, Bekki, Will Higman, my client". But he soloed the trip, and had two flats, was about six weeks from deliver-went on to add that he'd be glad and said his rear suspension was a ing their first baby. His week to have his racing partner back. "little soft, was washin' out · I hadn't gone well, because in test-Over the radio came Bekki's voice should'a had 20 flats." Alejandro ing on Monday he'd blown his en- • "you're the winner• Happy Birth- Mendez, in a Honda Jimco, and gine. After reflecting for a while, day!" In second it was Bill Gasper wearing a trash bag over his fire they decided they could still run in a Honda Porter. His radio had suit so he wouldn't get wet in the the race, so he put together an-dropped out of its mount onto the rain, finished sixth, reporting that other motor, with "not the best floor, and he'd had to drive slowly his car had a very nice motor. Men-parts" and headed for San Felipe. for a while, until his passenger dez was a late entry, and was later Race day was is 37th birthday. At could get it settled somewhere that disqualified for failure to put a Check 1, Mile 61, he was actually it wouldn't damage anything or Rally Logger black box on his car. tied with Will Higman, in a Honda anyone. Then, about 12 miles be-So sixth went to Robert McBeath Kreger, who started right behind fore the finish he started to run and Trevor Scherrer in a Honda him. Will pulled out ahead of him out of gas. He switched fuel pumps Jimco, who reported only two flats at one point and thought, "he and that gave him a few more to mar their day. In seventh it was built a better motor for me than miles, but then he was well and Mark Weger who drove all the way for himself. What a nice guy!" But truly out. Someone from the pit when they got to Mile 131, Wiks for Yee/McNeil gave him a little had 14 seconds on Higman. Mark bit of gas (saving the rest for their Hutchins was third in his Kreger car no doubt) and it was enough Honda, and Ron Dalke had his to get him to the finish line. He Tatum Toyota in fourth, followed said that the red clay at the top of by John Cooley in his VW Matomiwas"likeice".lnthirdit AlumiCraft. Four teams had al- was Dalke, whose "gas guy" hadn't ond half, had two rear flats at the The Class 8 trucks were next off same time as he exited Matomi the line, with ten starters, but they Wash. It cost him a half hour, but apparently found this a tough he finally got a spare from a race. Jamie Galles in a Chevy, Joe SCORE Lite car. In ninth place it Patelli in a Chevy, and Jeff Stowers was Bill Witt, who started, and were out before they got to Check Rick Ellison in their Honda Jimco. 1 at Mile 61. Then Todd Wyllie, in A fuel line fell off at Morelia June- his Chevy and Dean Wayman went tion and all the fuel ran out of the out before Check 2 at Mile 134. car. It took them a couple of hours That left only five trucks running. to find another supply of gas. In At that point Larry Vanderwey tenth it was Richard Evans and had his GMC in first place with 19 Chris Wright, who both drove and minutes on Rodrigo Ampudia in rode, simply switching seats in their his new Ford. In third it was Glenn VW Tatum midway through the Greer in_ his Dodge, another six race. Somehow they'd been stuck Continued on page 12 ready fallen by the wayside: madeittohisappointedspot,and 'ew IJllraducts New IJllraducts Lobsam Yee, Brian Freemal, Dar-he'd had to spend 15 minutes look-ren Hardesty and Mike Williams. ing for someone to borrow fuel New IJllradu1. Higman developed a water leak from. The Geer pit (for car 1629) in Chanate and repairs cost him was nice enough to lend him some. an hour and a half. But he did get He finished 20 minutes behind A nice win in Class 7 went to Victor Herrera Jr., he's seen here hustling to the checkers with 16 minutes in hand at the flag. The Class 8 win went to Nick Vanderwey, he drove his cow looking Chevy to a large victory at San Felipe. Dusty Times NO MORE SpUne Wear! Stronger Core! 50% Stronger! 6.5• & 8.5• Sizes Built-In Starter & Ballast Die-Cast Aluminum Hous, 35 Watt H.I.D. Bulb Driving/Euro Beam Pat May 2006 • Ii aar Ap Wheels Beadlock Black I Blue Colors Red / Polished size an cenrer Mounr Hub KIi a Sliding Axles Available for Plunging + NonPlung. CV's wl CNC or Brembo Calipers Ultimate Strength 300M Size 30 Center Star ngAxles nPlungin Size 30 4CV's.__., ~ Page 11

Page 12

Les Martin lost an hour out on the course, he managed a second lace in the Sportsman Buggy contest at San Felipe. Third pace in the always hotly contested Trophy Truck division went Marl< McMillin was less than three minutes away from the silver to Bob Shepard, he's seen here hustling towards the checkers. medal in Class 1, he had to settle for the bronze this race. Eric Fisher had a good race in Class 9, he had 38 minutes in hand when he took the checkered flag at San Felipe. minutes back. Dave Raimonde, in a Chevy, was fourth, another nine minutes later and Noah Ostanik, in a Ford, about two hours off the pace after losing his driveshaft at Mile 26, was fifth. Larry Vanderwey's brother, Nick, took over for the second half of the race, and he stayed in front. They said they" ran great all day", and used the same tires they'd used in the 1000, again having no flats. It was a "smooth, clean day." Greer, who drove all the way, took Page 12 second; reporting that he'd had tire trouble, and had been break-ing wheels. He was over two hours down to the Vanderweys. Ostanik, who also drove all, said he'd had an "awesome day" after his early problem. His only other trouble was a flat about 3/4 of a mile be-fore the finish line. He was a half hour behind Greer. No one else finished. Ampudia, who'd been second, lost his motor at Mile 196, and Raimonde also fell out late in the day after running fourth. Pressurized Coolin& System This was not an official of the race, and made it in with ing partner, Tom Watson, is let• Pro Truck event, and thus didn't only nine minutes to spare before ting his back rest. Noe had just one draw many entries from that the 10 hour cut-off time. flat. Jake Batulis and Jeff Lo-group. There were only four of The SCORE Lite cars went off thringer finished fourth, another them. Gustavo Vildosola, Jr. led the line next, with 23 starters. All six minutes back. Batulis lost a from the start, with Jason Voss but two of them made it to i:he couple of fan belts, but Lothringer running second in his Chevy and first check, and one of those two had a flawless day. In fifth it was Cody Swanty third in his Dodge. was Cameron Steele's car, with John Martenson and Richard Dave Creagan was out early after Justin Smith at the wheel. Rick St. Cassey, who had no problems ex-a hard roll-over. John was also out early. Stan Pot-cept that Martenson, who did the Vildosola blew a right from coil ter had his Jimco in the lead at Mile second half, got stuck in traffic and over at Mile 50, and just "drove 131, with fuur minutes on Kenny was a little late to their driver carefully" the rest of the way. For Stroud in his Jimco. Then came change. Duane Reinert and Jamie a while the power steering hose was Tim Noe, in another Jimco, less Campbell, in a D & D Fabrica-being damaged because of the than a minute back. In fourth tion, finished seventh, reporting blown shock, so they had to stop place it was Jim Greenway and Ty they had only two flats. This was and fix that, but had no mechani-Godde in their Jimco, followed by just the fourth race for their car. cal problems or flats. Voss stayed Jake Batulis and Jeff Lothringer in Michael Deardorff was eighth in five or ten minutes behind him, their Prep by Jake. his Jimco. He said he "didn't read running a steady pace, until he ran They lost a couple more cars in the map right", and ran out of gas out of gas about a mile before his the later section of the race, but at Mile 120. He also had a flat planned fuel stop. A quad team up front they all hung on. Potter and broke a rear shock bolt. helped him get the truck off the put Dan Worley in to finish. His Ninth place went to Jeff Sherrill course, and his crew came out to section included lots of deep, wet and Paul Eddy, who said they had him with fuel. Swanty apparently sand, so he took it easy to save the no brakes all day. In tenth it was had some problem, and was a half motor. He said there was "lots of Chuck Sacks and Darren Ebberts hour down to Voss midway first gear running." Potter and in a Chenowth. Sacks had two through the race. Worley took the win with eight flats. Ebberts fell victim to a bro-Bryan Freeman took over for minutes on Stroud, who drove all ken rocker arm. He just drove it Vildosola, and drove "frustratingly the way. He said, "That was a fun that way. But then he stopped slowly" to the finish, babying char course." He had one flat out of once to keep from hitting a rock, corner all the way. They took the Huatamote, and reported having and sank. Luckily, some chase win with 24 minutes on Voss. In a good race with Greenway from people were there, and they helped third it was Swanty, but he'd lost 3 Poles to Mile 134. He was six him dig and get unstuck. It cost about three hours in the late stages minutes in front of Tim Noe, who him a half hour. May 2006 said his big problem was having to Eleventh place went to Ken drive all the way. His regular driv- Owens, in a Suspensions Unlim-Adam Wik had to work for his Class 1 O win, he's seen here heading for the finish line at San Felipe, 1 O minutes in hand. Stan Potter was the big winner on the SCORE Lite category, he took the win with eight minutes in hand at the checkers. Dusty Times

Page 13

Rodrigo Ampudia, Jr. was only a few minutes out of second place in Brent Shermak was only able to grab a third place finish in Class 5-Rich Severson was a mere five minutes away from a second place Class 1600, he's seen here Just at takeoff. 1600, he's seen here in his very busy Bug. finish in Class 7SX, seen here in his neat looking truck. ited car. He'd been stuck in McMillin in another Jimco a erwise was happy with his day. Navarrete were ninth five minutes hot. In 14th it was Abel and Ar-Huatamote, along with three oth-minute and 40 seconds further Gaddis took fourth place, saying later reporting a problem with turo Velazco in their Porter. For ers, for an hour and a half. In 12th back. Another nine cars dropped he'd had fuel problems while out their power steering from Chan-the final 80 miles of the trip they'd it was James Marquez in a Jimco, out before the finish, but 25 of in front, and then got a flat trying ate to the finish. They also had the been dealing with a broken trans-and 13th was Dean Watkins in an them got there, although the final to chase Arden Dennington down. BFG folks do some welding on mission support, and couldn't get OR¼ Fourteenth was Hector Gar-one, Brent McKee, was a half hour He was about seven minutes be-their Seagrove. In tenth it was second or fourth gears. cia in a Mirage and he was the last overtime. hind Ampudia. Edgar Alvarez, who said his mo-Art Navarro, in a Hustler, was official finisher. Randy Ross did In front it was Pfankuch, who'd Fifth place went to Ernesto and tor was slow because he hasn't yet 15th; still only 50 minutes back actually get to the finish line, ·but had one flat in the wash and the Misael Arambula, in a Curry. They changed over to the dual port from first place. And in 16th it was he was four minutes overtime and jack sank. At another point he'd said they had problems with the heads that are now legal in this David Caspino, Lothringer, who became a DNF. tried to make a pass, and because left front corner of the car. In sixth class. Josh Tieman and Ray Files started and finished his day with Class 1/2-1600 was the biggest of the rain wasn't seeing well and it was Daniel McMillin and Chris were 11th, reporting no flats, but trouble. He got a flat at Mile 2 one of the race, with 41 starters. got high-centered on a rock. He Cortez, who reported no flats and Files had to drive with his face and drove 50 miles on it before he Seven of them went out in the first was stuck there for ten or 15 min-no other problems. They were just shield up because it got muddy, got it replaced. It rained almost all 60 miles, and another four were utes when Rick Ellison came along 20 minutes back from the winning and then his face became covered the way on him, and then as he gone before Mile 134, but there in his Class 10 car, gave him a hit car. Seventh went to Hector Gar- with mud and he couldn't see. He pulled off the dirt onto the final was a lot of close racing going on and knocked him free. He ex- cia and Jose Robles who tore a c.v. also lost a few minutes when the 100 yards of pavement leading to among the survivors. In front it pressed his heartfelt thanks for the boot and had one flat, only three mud shorted out a plug wire. the checkered flag, there was no was Caleb Gaddis in his Curry, assist when he reached the finish minutes out of sixth. In eighth Kevin Walsh drove all the way traffic control and he was suddenly with 35 seconds on Adam line. Fifty-four seconds behind place it was Brian Logan and Ger-in his Bunderson, to finish 12th, face to face with a car. He swerved Pfankuch in a KIT racing chassis. him, Brian Burgess and Dan Folts ardo Iribe, who had carburetor doing the last 30 miles with a bro- to miss it and barrel rolled the car, Hector Garcia was two minutes were second. They had a clean run, problems with their Lothringer ken rack and pinion. He also had right into the crowd lining the back in another Curry, and in without even any flats. They said and flattened a tire on a rock out trouble with a muddied, fogged up road. He didn't injure anyone, and fourth it was Brian Burgess in his they didn't stop even once, and of Matomi, and then had another visor, and found it hard to see. . landed on his wheels, with another Seagrove Chassis, four seconds pronounced it a "great day." Third flat two miles later. Their car is Eric, Evan and Hiram Duran, in a flat, and crossed the finish line, behind him. Sammy Ehrenberg place went to Rodrigo Ampudia, "brand, spankin' new", and they Neth, were 13th. They'd run out shaken but all right. Matt Gumz, was fifth in his Jimco, 18 seconds Jr., in a Fraley. He'd had three were happy with its performance. of gas, and also had problems with in an ORW chassis, also drove all later, and in sixth it was Daniel flats, two of them at once, but oth-Alejandro and Leonatdo a brake caliper that stuck and got Continued on page 14 Dusty Times May 2006 Page 13

Page 14

David Binns finished third in the Class 7 contest, he's seen here in his Noah Ostanik drove his good looking Ford to a third place finish in Third place in Class 10 went to Ron Dalke, he's seen here heading for the bronze medal at the San Felipe event. good looking Ford pickup. the Class B contest, seen here heading for the finish. the way. He had no flats but broke and Mike Williams in a MECO. throttle. In 19th it was L.J. an alternator pulley, and it took a Williams, who finished, thought Kennedy and Sammy Ehrenberg in long time to get a fix, since he had Sandoval must have rolled since a Jimco. L.J. said "I've been bet-to wait for his crew to bring parts. the roof was missing, along with ter." He'd had a wheel come off, He was 17th. the antenna. They broke a front shearing off the studs and leaving Maurer, Scott Kinman, Alberto behind the winning car. In 18th it was Mike Sandoval shock mount and had a sticky him stuck. Marco Gallo, Bret Medina and Luis Martinez were all Class 5 started next, with four also finishers, but we were unable starters. Michelle Bruckmann, to catch them for their stories. who'd been entered, withdrew on Martinez, with a time of 8:21, was Friday after losing her motor in only two hours and 41 minutes practice. Chris Bowman and-Kevin LIST YOUR PHONE NUMBER, YEAR, MODEL AND ENGINE SIZE! Sales Information: Payment may be made by credit card, money order or cashier s check. Personal or business checks are not accepted. C.0.0. orders accepted with 50% pre-payment. $5 Handling charge on all orders. Galifomia residents include 7.75% sales tax. Customers responsible ror all freight charges. Minimum order is $25. The use of Volkswagen by Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. is for descriptive purposes ONLY and in no way is the name used to inler or intend a direct connection between Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. and Volkswagen. Volkswagen is a registered trademark. PRICES EFFECTIVE DURING THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MAGAZINE COVER DATE. EAGLE EYE OFF ROAD LIGHTS H./.0. Llghls with .JSW x,non Bulbs and Ballast 4 'h' Oval H.1.0. Drivin<J Light, Sliver Ftlllsh and External Ballast, pair ..................... $522 8' Oval H.1.0. Driving Light. Silver Finish and External BallaS1, pair ....................... 522 s· Oval H.1.0. Spot Light, Silver Finish and External Ballast, pair .......•.............•••............ 522 6" Round H.1.0. Driving Light, Opal Finish and Internal ........ . Ballast, pair ....•...............•.• 522 6' Round H.1.0. Spot light, Opal .. Finish and Internal Ballast. pair ................................... 522 Sup,r Bright Halogan Lights. 6' Round 100W Driving Light with Black Finish, pair ...•... $38 6' Round 100W Slim·Pro Driving Light with Chrome Finish, pair ... 74 4 '/,' Dual 100W Driving Light with Silver Finish, pair. .•...... 82 8' Round SSW Driving Light with Sliver Finish, pair ...•..... 98 8' Round Spot with Silver FIOish, pair ······················-··98 COMMUNICATION KITS Barie Xii O"ers Driver ta Pass,111,r Communication. Adranc,d Kill han the Capabi/1/y for th, Drl.,r to Commun/eat, lo Passengers, Car lo Car or Car ta Bas, wilb Radio A4d1d. Basic 2-Person Kit w/HS ........ $465 Black Finish Head Set ...........•.. $98 Basic 4-Person Kit wiHS .......... 799 Black, Blue, Red or Yellow Advanced 560 4-Person Behind the Head Head Set 164 Intercom Kit ...................... 635 Carbon Fiber Behind Head Push to Talk Button ................•.. 37 Head Set ........................... 178 COIL BEAM SUSPENSION •Made In USA" froRt £11116 111 6" Wider wilh 111" Tower, to Acupt Coll Shotts Without Mollification •ml /ncJ11tl11 Rack and Pinion Mount. Tral/lng AnM are 0.0.M. Ma/trial, 2'/," L1rg1r s 7" W/d,r And Call Ur, Eilh1r Stock King Pin Sp/ndl,s or Combo Links. Front Beam for Coil Shocks ... $265 Combo Link Spindles ........•.•.. $475 Chromoty Front Beam for Combo Link Spindles 3' raised .. 510 Coil Shocks ....................... 310 King Shock2' Adj. Body 0.0.M. Trailing Arms, set of 4 .310 w/Reservoir. Includes 0.0.M. + 4' Trailing Arms (4) .. 360 Springs, each .................... 495 Thru Rods w/Nuts, pair .............. 50 Pi!IQY Back Reservoir Option ..... 65 Urethane Beam Bushings ...•...... 24 Swedged Tie Rods. Alum., pr .... 65 H.D. Link Pins .............•.............. 52 Swedged T-Rods, Chromoly, pr.65 Page 14 FRONT BRAKES 2-Pltc• B/111I Nab wllb r Ralor, Baarings, CIR/If Cllpl and Wilwood 2 Piston Calipers with Mounting Brrcll1tr. VW Link Pin Front Brakes ..... $725 Combo Link Front Brakes ....... 745 Fron/Hub Kit VW Link Pin Front Hub Kit....S-439 Combo Link Front Hub Kit ..... .439 H.O. FRONT BRAKES SPORTSMAN MICRO STUB KIT B/1111 B,ar/ng Hau,Jng wilfl Tfm/(1n Blaring,, 11" Rotors, 300M Slab Axln 1/ld WI/wood 4 Pll/011 Ca/ip,rs. Sportsman Micro Stub Kit . .$1,295 H.D. 300M Mlt;/10 STUB BRAKE KIT 930 CHROMOLY STUB AXLES& OR/VE FLANGES Stub Axles for 930 CV. pair .... S140 Stub Axles 101 Bus CV, pair .... $140 Drive Flanges tor 930 CV, pair ... 70 Drive Flanges for Bus CV, pair .. .70 HEAVY DUTY AXLES GERMAN CV JOINTS by LA TEST RAGE Bug/Bus Trans to AND BOOTS Beetle Trailer Arms .......... $120 Bug, CV Joint... ........................ $45 Bug/Bus Trans to 3x3 Arms ..•.. 130 Bug, CV Boot... .......•................... .4 Bug/Bus Trans lo 3x3 Arms Bus, CV Joinl.. .•......................•.. 50 for 930CVs .......•.. ·-·········140 Bus, CVBool .•.......................•..... 6 23' or 25' Axles for 930 CV s ... 160 930, CV Joint .................••......... 56 24'·28' M300 for 930 CV s ... tr 440 930, Boot and Range ............... 34 1·P/1ct1 Bl/JI/ Hub with 8" Rotor, nmt,n Bearings, c,nler Caps and Wilwood 2 PIilon Calipers wi/11 Mounting Brackets. Combo Link Front Brakes .... S895 BIi,./ BlariRf HOlll/fl'J 111)111 T/Rlk,a B11rings, 11· Rotor,, H.O. Micro Stub Brake Kil....$1,595 Large Olam,t,r3DDM StubAzlu _it 1Rd WI/wood, Ph/on Cal/pm. ~ _';;? CROW SAFETY BELTS 3" Lip 8'/ts with Sewn-In r or 3• Shou/d,r HlffllllltS Available In 3, , , or V Pain/ Webbing is Available in Black, Gr,y, Blue, Rid ar Pllrp/e. 3• x 2· 3 Point... .................... $70 KINGAOJUSTABLE / 1,11\.I SHOCKS WI NON-COIL SHOCKS , RESERVOIR K1ng2•~ [][] 3" x 2• 4 Polnt... ............•......... 70 3• X 3" 3 Point ......................... 80 3• x 3" 4 Point •.............. : •........ 80 3• x 2· 3 Pt w.lShoulder·Pad .... 90 3• x 2• .4 Pt w/Shoulder Pad .... 90 3" x 3• 3 Pt w/Shoulder Pad .. 100 3· x 3" 4 Pt w/Shoulder Pad .. 100 2 Crotch Strap ........................... 12 full A4joslmanl Dual Spring 8-~0:12 Stroke ..•.. .from $225 Shoclr with Hos, and R,serrolr. King 2 1• ~k. King 2· Adjustable Shoel<, 12·14·16 Stroke .... .from 295 8·10-12· Stroke ..•.• .from $495 "l'N.G BU'••p SlilJP King 2 '/," Adjustable Shock, ft, m, CROW SHOULDER PADS Arallab/1 tor 2" or 3" Shoulder Harn,ss. Blad, Blue Or Red. 12-14·16"Stroke ..•. Jrom585 2"BumpS/op111/tll'130 · 2· Shoulder Harness Pads. pr .. $24 3• Shoulder Harness Pads, pr .... 28 . Piggy Back Reservoir Option •.... 65 Cbromo/r SJ11ve. Triple By-Pass. 2 ,,.-Body ····-·650 Bump Stop with Sleeve. each $257 CENTERLINE WHEELS 5 \IW •••....•.•........•...• $178 5 \IW ...... -.•....••.•....... 183 5\IW .•......•.•....•........• 183 5\IW ...•....•......•..•.....• 186 15x8 5\IW .....•.•..............••. 189 15x10 5\IW ..•.....•......•.•....•. 197 POWER STEERING COMPONENTS Howe Power Rack, 2' Widespread .•.........................•................. $1,275 Howe Power Rack, 2 W Widespread ..............•........•................... 1,275 Howe-Power Rack, 2 'b' Widespread with Con trot Valve .........•... 1,650 Char-Lynn Torque Generator .............•....................•....................... 295 Char-Lynn Billet Mount Clamps to 1 'It Tublng .............................. 459 Mounting Tab, Weld-On. each ..............•..•......•........•..........•............. to Port Block for Char•Lynn with Filtin<Js ..•..•...............•...••.•........•..... -30 Coupler tor Char-Lynn ..........................•.................•......................... 18 U·Joint for Char-Lynn (Sweet) ....•.............................•.•.•...... .From 56 Power Steering Pumps. 1000 PSI or 1300 PSI •.•..•.........••....•.....••. 160 Pulley for Power Steertng Pump ......................•..•......•......... From 45 Power Sb!ering Reservoir tor 18 and 110 fittin<JS ..•......•...............•. 85 Power Steering Reservoir with filler Adapter .........•....................... 150 Mount for Power Steering Pump iS!>ecify Engine) ...•..•.......... From 65 Bracket. Reservoir ...................•................................................•....... 14 . . Only Ill" Wide! Now You Can Use Speer,/ Ord,r Wtdlhr Anllabll. Sllspens/1111 Su/6 In HlllOWer 2-Pass.Benc~ Seat. Chaw. AnRabl, fn 81,ct or Grey. 46' or 48 WKle ........•..... $435 LIi Sportsler Seat, Low-BackS165 BEARD SUPER SEAT LiBtARO s.,ltoowils0 MOUNT KIT Light Duty Tie Down, 1'1, x 6' Slide/Tin Combinalion .......... $118 Strap. 5.000# Capacity ...... S18 Slide/Slide Combination Ratchet Tie Down, 2' x 7' rorlil Sportsler ................ 134 Strap, 10,000#Capacity .•.... 26 Bracket and Slide Mount Only •. 55 Axle Strap···························-····· 12 May 2006 Carr both dropped out before get-ting halfway into the race, and Pietro Brassea and Jose Lopez had the lead at Mile 131. In second place it was Luivan Voelker and Carlos Albanez, in the New Beetle style car. They were only 11 min-utes back. Lopez rolled the lead car, and landed on his roof, but there was help there in two or three minutes, and he was quickly set back on his wheels. He and Brassea went on to take the win by 25 minutes. This was their first SCORE race, but they've been competing in the CODE series for a while, and were familiar with the territory. Alpanez and Voelker reported just one flat to slow them down on their way to second. The Class 7 trucks were next to start, with six entries. All but one of them got to the halfway point, and the drop out was A.J. Rodri-guez. Victor Herrera Sr., in a Fora, had. the lead there, with 11 min-utes on Scott Brady, in another, Ford. David Binns, still another Ford, was third, two minutes later, and then Dan Chamlee came along, about a half hour down, in yet another Ford. Barry Karakas, with a new paint job, had some big problem, and was nearly three hours off the pace in his Toyota. Victor Jr. got in to drive to the finish and he got stuck for about five minutes before Chanate. He also had a rear flat about ten miles before the finish line, and a friendly Negrete pit crew helped him change it quickly. The Herreras took the win, finishing just 16 minutes in front of second place. That was Brady, who drove all the way. He reported just one flat along the road to the finish line. In third it was Binns, who also drove all the way, and while he'd been close at the half way point, he'd run out of fuel and it was an hour and a half before he got go-ing again. He'd also had a couple of flats. Chamlee was 29 minutes behind him in fourth, and he was the last finisher. Karakas didn't make it. Class 7S started next, with just four entries. Tyler Fox and his Ford were gone before Mile 61, and Bill Rodriguez and Jesus Luna, also in a Ford, dropped out be-fore Mile 134. That left Nick and Ted Moncure in front in their Toyota, leading by almost two hours. Mike Horner, in another Toyota, had broken a ball joint at Mile 50 and used up two hours making repairs. After that he'd had no trouble, and when he went through Matomi he passed the Moncures who were having some Dusty Times

Page 15

II kind of mechanical problems. Horner, and co-driver, Chuck Forman, went on to take the win, saying they'd lost their rear brakes, but merely pinched them off and had no· problems in the latter parts of the race. They were just 12 minutes ahead of the Moncures, who finished second, only four minutes before their cut off time. In Class 7SX, which started next, there were eight trucks. Dan Street was out uncharacteristically early, before Mile 61. Then Heidi Steele rolled her Ford before Mile 134. It reportedly went over three and a half times, and that was the end of her day. Jesse Rodriguez was also out before Check 2. At the front of the pack it was Aaron Dodson, in the old "Little Mac" Chevy, with a nine minute lead on Mark Landersman in John Holmes' Ford. Rich Severson, in another Ford, ran third, about 20 minutes later. Holmes drove the second half, while Landersman rode. They had some fuel delivery problems, which they called "weird", but no flats. Said Holmes, "I haven't had a flat in years." They took the win by 28 minutes. Dodson and driving part-ner, Doug Siewert, were second. Their transmission had been over-heating and they'd had to stop ev-ery ten or 15 miles to let it cool. They'd also had two flats, the first they'd had on that truck. In third it was Severson, who said it was the "best race in the last three years." He'd had a little rain, but no real complaints. He said he'd been beaten by "superior vehicles". Noe and Tony Sierra, in another Ford, were fourth, apparently hav-ing lost an hour early in the day with a problem. And Jeff Lloyd, still another Ford, had been close to the lead group, but lost a lot of time in the second half of the race. He brought his Ford home just 45 minutes before cutoff time. The 5-1600 cars went off the line next. They didn't show .up in the numbers SCORE had ex-pected. There were only nine en-tries. Two of them were gone be-fore Mile 61, and another dropped out before Mile 134, leaving just six players. At the midway point the lead belonged to Ernesto Arambula, while Marcos Nunez ran second, only two minutes be-hind him. In third it was Brent Shermak, another 13 minutes back. James Tedford was fourth. Arambula held his lead all the way to the end, stopping for noth-ing except to "change the co-pilot". He said he'd had "rain and a lot of mud". The course was slippery for him, and he'd had some trouble with mud on his visor, but no mechanical issues cropped up. Behind him, Norberto Rivera, Nunez's partner, brought their car home in second place, still only six minutes back. He didn't stop to talk. In third it was Shermak, about 45 minutes later, saying it had been a "tough day". He'd had something wrong with either the transmission or a c.v. for the final 40 miles, but it held together long enough for the finish. James Tedford and his driving partner,. Greg Ferruzzo, were fourth. Ferruzzo had had to deal with an electrical fire in the front of the car, but luckily his fire extinguisher had been enough to put it out. Tedford hadn't had any problems during his stint. They were 40 min-utes behind Shermak. In fifth place it was Chad and Gen Mayer-Dusty Times Gus Vildosola shows off his suspension travel at San Felipe, he took the Pro Truck win with 20 minutes in hand at the flag. nick, another hour down, and the last in the class to get to the finish. The Stock Full trucks took to the wilds of Baja next, with five en-tries. Chris Kasper and his Hum-mer were out before halfway, but the other four carried on. Mark Handley had his Ford at that point, not having any problems thus far. John Griffin, in another Hummer, had air in a fuel line, and the race car would quit running.; He was about an hour off the pace. Two hours later it was Bob Graham in his Nissan, having some problem or another. And in fourth it was Terry and Eric Henn, in another Hummer. Someone had rear ended them and they'd become locked together, and apparently lost over an hour getting untangled. At the finish it was Handley, who stopped only for fuel, in first place. The most significant part of his trip was seeing a beautiful rain-bow out over the Sea of Cortez as he started down Matomi Wash. He said its end was at the finish line. Griffin finished second, an hour later, and Graham came across the line, but was ten minutes over time, and thus, a DNF. The Stock Mini class consisted of two entries, the Honda Ridgeline of Gavin Skilton and Steve Kovach and Dan Werle in a Ford Ranger. Both got to Check 1, at Mile 61, and at that point Kovach and Werle had a 15 minute lead. But after that they both disappeared, giving the Stock Mini class no finishers. Class 9 had four starters, and they all got through the first half of the race. Renee Valenzuela had Sigal Greenberg's new Safari Chal-lenger in the lead at the midway point, but only by a minute and 25 seconds. In second it was Eric Fisher, whose Garibay had already had its share of problems. He'd had carburetor trouble at Mile 10, which cost him 20 minutes, and then at Check 1 he'd had to change two spark plug wires. But it was running alright at the halfway point. Ramon Castro was third, about 50 minutes later, and in fourth it was Joe and Joshua Castrey, another 50 minutes back. In stayed close between the two lead teams, which have enjoyed a lot of close racing for the past year or so. Fisher held his lead, but Greenberg, who was driving the sec-ond half, had him in her sights. For the last 60 miles Fisher had only second gear because his trans-miss ion case was broken. Greenberg was slowly catching him, enjoying her new car. But then she ran out of gas practically in sight of the finish line. While her crew hustled to take her some, Fisher took the win. Greenberg fi-nally made it in about 40 minutes later, and an hour after that they Castrey team crossed the line, mak-ing it in with just 17 minutes to spare, for third place. Castro was the only non-finisher in the class. Class 3 was next off the line, with three starters . .Chris Raffo, who comes further than most to race here, went the shortest dis-tance, and was out in the first 60 miles, his Blazer succumbing to unknown ills. That left just the Moss brothers, Don and Ken and their Bronco, to do battle with Ken Leavitt, in another Bronco. At Check 1 the Moss team was about 50 minutes in front of Leavitt, and then he didn't make it to the halfway point. Don Moss, who'd started, handed over to Ken at that point and he sailed on home, having "no problems at all." Their string of Class 3 wins at San Felipe started in 2002. Class 17, the J eepSpeed group, had only one entry, Bob Land in his Jeep, and he broke before Check 1. In the Sportsman Buggy Group -or perhaps it's the Sportsman Car class -there were four starters, and George Jackson and his J imco, a local team from Calexico, was ou~ Steve Looney took the Sportsman Truck win, he had more than an hour in hand when his Ford crossed the finish line. May 2006 Mark Handley took the Stock Full win with ease, he had more than an hour in hand when he drove his Ford across the finish line. before he'd gone 61 miles. That left Lloyd Kruse in Tony McLaren's Type IV powered Chenowth pre-runner out in front at the halfway point. McLaren usually races Class 1000 in the BITD series, but had decided to give Baja a try. In sec-ond it was Les Martin, a half hour off the pace. Peter Lange was an-other 45 minutes back in third. McLaren took over at the mid-way point and had a flawless run to the finish. He and Kruse took the win by an hour. Martin was second, and Lange was third, al-most another hour down. The "Sportsman" Buggies had a 7 5% finish ratio. The Sportsman Trucks had eight starters, and lost one before Mile 61. The rest all made it to the half way point, and Michael Ballard was in the lead in a Ford there. He had six minutes on Matt Torian, in a Ford, who was racing in his first Baja race, although he's been com-peting in the Southern California desert for a while. Richard Blunk, in another Ford, was third, another half hour back. And then it was Mark Growe, still another Ford, perennial champion in this class, having some electrical problems. At the finish it was Steven Looney, driving partner of Ballard. They both stayed in the truck all the way, simply switching seats. This was their _first ~~!l f~Hpe race (they've been racing MDR) and they had a little trouble with the water, but no mechanical problems. They said, "It's a long way around!" In second it was Blunk, an hour and 20 minutes behind the winning truck. And Torian dropped to third. He'd had a flat at Mile 210 and cracked the rim. Then his jack broke, and he lost a half hour. He'd also lost a fuel pump and a trans-mission shifter cable, so he did his last 20 miles in second gear. He was only seven minutes behind second place. Growe, whose son Keith, did the second half (they switched seats), continued to have trouble with the electrics. They blew a bunch of fuses, and had to drive in the dark with stock headlights only. They were 40 minutes out of third, and the final finishers in the class. Class 11 was next off the line, and only Eric Solorzano came to test his skills. He drove the entire distance himself, and said his big-gest problem was the rain. He couldn't see. He said the rain was "very obstructive." At one point he was lost for ten minutes, then had to drive ten minutes back to the course. He'd followed the wrong tracks apparently. He'd had no flats, the car ran great and he had no mechanical trouble. But he has no windshield, and it was very cold out there. He finished in nine hours and 53 minutes, just seven minutes shy of the cut off time. A new group of racers came to San Felipe for the first time: the Sportsman Rhinos. They were to run the entire course, in the same time as everyone else. None of them made it within the time limit, but Cory Sappington did get all the way around. He said, "It's as rough as everybody says. It's the roughest, nastiest course I've ever been on." He had one flat tire and no other problems. But, of course, his jack didn't work. They simply lifted the Rhino to make the tire change. The report was that Joe Moore and Chris Olman, in another Yamaha, had nailed a boulder and torn up their front end. And Jeff.Sann and Travis Brookshire (who has raced here before) lost a rear trailing arm. The San Felipe 250 followed in the footsteps of the Laughlin event, with a huge entry, seem-ingly indicating a big year ahead for SCORE racing. Their next event will be the Baja 500, the first weekend in June, and then they'll go to Las Vegas for their non-points short course event. After that it's Primm, and then, in November, a jaunt down the length of the peninsula, with the Baja 1000 to La Paz. SCIIE The winner in Sportsman Buggy was Tony McLaren, he took the win easily at San Felipe, he's seen here in his neat looking car. Page 15

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I.I\J2C 42ND RALLY CATAWNYA•COSTA DAURADA RALLY DE ESPANA By Martin Holmes Loeb/Citroen Does It Again Photos: Maurice Selden Sebastien Loeb racked up his 22"' WRC victory in Spain, he's seen here in his Citroen Xsara heading for the finish line. Sebastien Loeb scored his second the Subaru team scored more points a JWRC co-driver, in sad and very bi-victory in Rally Catalunya within five here than the winning Kronos Total :zarre circumstances, when he was help-months! The quirk of this year's world Citroen team. Hopes for a Citroen 1-ing to change a flat tyre at a place off championship calendar brought him 2-3, on the fifth anniversary of the the rally route. his 22nd World rally win on familiar Xsara WRC in championship rally-The world rally championship was territory. This time Loeb was backed ing, were dashed when Loeb's official back in Spain again, only five months up in a Citroen 1-2 by Daniel Sordo teammate Xavier Pons went off the since the rally last year. The route was who, on the previous occasion, had road. Loeb meanwhile is already nine much the same, however, based on been proclaimed the Junior world points ahead of nearest rival Marcus the hills to the west ofTarragona, and champion on these very stages. This Gronholm in the Driver's series. again this asJ?halt event counted for year Sordo gained his career best re-Citroen scored a second major tri- the Junior rather than the Produc-sult in second place overall. Marcus umph, when the privately run CZ of tion Car championship. This year Gronholm proved to be the fastest the Czech driver Martin Prokop won there was a new location for Shake-driver in the event, but a strange tur- the JWRC category, beating strong down and one new stage venue, and bocharger fault delayed both him and opposition from the semi-official PG there were again two stage locations his teammate Mikko Hirvonen, not- Sport team of C2s, and also a variety where stages were run in each direc-withstandingwhich both finished, and of Renault Clios. The event was tion. The event was linked to Corsica, indeed both the Ford-BP team and marred by the death of Jorg Bas tuck, run two weeks later. On this occasion the engines and chassis used in Spain had also to be used in Corsica, but transmissions could be changed be-tween events. Loeb came to Spain with a special honour behind him. His 21st World Championship victory, gained in Mexico, had made him France's win-ning-most rally driver! He also had chassis 31, one of his favourite cars in The JWRC win went to Martin Prokop and Jan Tomanek, they're seen here in their Citroen C2 heading towards victory. which he had already won four world the second world championship championship rallies. Ford tested an Stobart VK's team, the Fiesta ST en-uprated engine before event and this try registered in the Junior WRC, was fitted to Gronholm' s car for the which is usually expected to be driven event. This was a busy weekend for by 23 year old Barry Clark. It was the Ford, as Catalunya also witnessed the first time for Latvala as an officially start of the Fiesta International Tro- registered world championship driver phy one-make series. There was a busy and he was really happy with his car. weekend for Steve Perez, sponsor of "Since I last drove a Focus, two years both the Ford M2 team and the ago, this car can go so much faster, it's JWRC team, who was also competing like it's from another planet!. For as a Gentleman entry on his own ac-Skoda, two times Catalunya Rallywin-count! Subaru were back to a three ner Gilles Panizzi was back. Both the car team. Like in Monte Carlo Chris Red Bull cars had five-speed gearboxes, Atkinson drove a 2005 version car Andreas Aigner with active transmis-with all-active differentials. No sooner sion and Panizzi with passive. Shake-were the drivers back from Mexico down saw Francois Duval quickest in than a four day asphalt test was held the privately run First Motorsport in Sardinia. Stephane Sarrazin came Fabia. Neither Red Bull team boss straight to Spain from racing at Armin Schwarz or Skoda Motorsport Sebring, from a quite different form chief Martin Muhlmeier could recall of high speed asphalt competition! "It a fastest Shakedown rime by a Skoda takes some readjustment to change before. The road used was new to the from a circuit to a rally car, especially event and was perhaps bumpier than things like judging braking distances." the average stage, but the usual trio OMV-Peugeot Norway were not was up with the best rimes again. Loeb registered for Manufacturers' points was 0.2 second behind the Belgian, forthisevent,althoughManfredStohl and while Hirvonen was third, competed here as a non-champion- Gronholm and Petter Solberg were ship entry, but nearly never made it. fourth and fifth. Jan Kopecky was He had a crash in his rally car during ninth quickest, both independent pre-event testing, which meant the Fabia drivers being faster than the Red team had to refettle the car being pre-Bull cars. Red Bull driver Panizzi was pared for Henning Solberg for Ar-publiclyaskedwhathelikedbestabout gentina for asphalt use. At the rime of the Fabia, and replied ... "the colour the accident (Monday morning} it was of the car!" Missing from the start line an unpainted body shell! The car only were Toni Gardemeister's Peugeot and arrived in Salou in the early hours of Dani Sola' s Citroen. Thursday morning. The crew arrived This was Round 2 of the Junior physically stiff but announced they felt series. With nine rounds counting for • strong enough to face the rally. Now, the 2006 series and a limit of six events meet the "Baby Team"! Catalunya saw to enter, it was noticeable that Citroen the debut in the Stobart M2 team for drivers were preferring the asphalt 20 year old Jari-Matti Latvala as team- events, such as this event, and the Su-mate to the 19 year old Matthew Wil-zuki drivers the gravel ones. No fewer son. The event also saw the debut for than five drivers new to the JWRC Wired to Win! Wiring Going To Make It Another Season? Pa_ge 16 Auto electrical experts Specializing in custom off-road wiring Race vehicles & dune buggies Corrimunications and custom lighting May 2006 When it's gotta be Wired Right! e&j Wireworks 2865 Progress Place Ste 2B Escondido CA 92029 760-738-WIRE (9473) Dusty Times I

Page 17

Daniel Sardo with Marc Marti on board drove to his best WRC finish ever in Spain, he was second overall, 48 seconds out of the win. Marcus Granholm and Timo Rautiainen took third place honors in Spain in their Ford Focus, seen here with an ancient backdrop. gling with his pacenotes. Panizzi was troubled by soft suspension on his Skoda and then he had to stop and help clear the road when Jari-Matti Latvala hit a bridge. Just when it seemed that Gronholm was enjoying his lead (9 .3 seconds) both he and his teammate Hirvonen had turbo troubles, at virtually the same place on Stage 5 and with identical symp-toms. Gronholm explained that the problem started with poor response on acceleration at low revs, then sud-denly all boost was lost: exactly the same for Hirvonen. At service it was found• that both cars suffered wastegate failure. The once proud Gronholm was now 10th, over 2m30s behind Loeb: Hirvonen was 14th over five minutes behind the leader. Sud-denly Citroen were running 1-2-3. Sordo (who was complaining about understeering) was lying second, nearly a half minute behind the leader, while Loeb's official teammate Pons (who had a strange problem with the dy-namic balance of the car on the first stage), was just over a further half minute behind. None of them had been.running perfectly, but that didn't seem to matter! Best non-Citroen sud-denly was Petter Solberg, lm25.6 be-hind the leader with the privateer Bengue fifth and Kopecky, the highest Skoda, sixth. Francois Duval rose to ninth despite having a rear anti roll bar break on a road section. Atkinson went through Stage 6 with an awk-ward front wheel lock-up. started their challenge on this event, all the events coinciding with rounds and of the 22 registered drivers, only of the JWRC. One competitor (Barry five of those drivers present in Swe-Clark from the Stobart VK team) was den were also here in Spain! Sordo registered in both series. had again been given special dispensa- The main pre-event drama, how-tion by the FIA's outgoing WRCC ever,concernedtherecceandtheover President not to contest this event as active attention by the police even to he had another opportunity instead checking that rally drivers did not cross to drive an Xsara WRC with the white lines in the road on the stages Kronos team. PH Sport, who had themselves. Gronholm said the activity expected to run Sordo in this series, was quite distracting. "We only have had made a recent entry in the JWRC two passes over each stage and we need in order to run 2003 JWRC cham- to concentrate as hard as we can on pion Brice Tirabassi. Conrad the job. What the police did was not Rautenbach had chosen a Renault making the rally safe." During Thurs-rather than a Citroen for this season, day afternoon the Stewards issued and had gained experience on the swingeing penalties on three competi-Yilla Joiosa in Spain two weeks be- tors for speeding during recce. Both fore Catalunya. Kris Meeke (Citroen) Wilson and Pons were caught seven was fastest S 1600 driver in Shake- · times by the organizers' tracking system down, one second in front of the and fined respectively Euros 11,400 Renaults of Luca Betti and newcomer and 12,300, based on the amount by Bernd Casi er. This was also the first which the speed limit was exceeded, and round of the six-event Ford Fiesta in Wilson's case the fact this was the Sporting Trophy International series, second rally on which this had hap-pened. Also caught was Gareth MacHale, on five occasions, penalty Euros 4,950. The Stobart team ex-plained how it happened for Wilson. It seems that the recce cars are fitted with a buzzer which alerts the driver when the speed limit on the stages is exceeded, but there is a time lag before the driver has a chance to respond. Leg 1 6 Stages, asphalt, 137.25kms. At the start 66 drivers crossed the start ramp including 14 JWRC com-petitors. Brakes were the story of the first part of the rally. "The pedal went down to the floor," said Sebastien Loeb, whose problems began after only three kilometres of the first stage. The stage was drier and warmer than most had expected. Francois Duval had brake trouble and tyres which were too soft! Manfred Stohl was struggling with a car for which there had been no time for a proper set-up test. A good start was made by the LEAVES OTHERS IN THE DUST. For more information, contact Fords of Marcus Gronholm and Mikko Hirvonen while Subaru driv-ers Petter Solberg and Stephane Sarrazin tried a new type of tyre, but Solberg punctured on Stage 1 as well as having brake problems. Daniel Sordo had understeering difficulties and Xavier Pons stalled at the start of Stage 2. MacHale went off the road and rolled on Stage 1. Gronholm proceeded to make best times on each of the first three stages before a small driving error on 4 let Loeb, whose brakes were now repaired after a change of discs and pads, go faster. Huvonen had been going well in third place but had a broken mousse on Stage 4 which let Sordo in front of him. Solberg was struggling in sixth place in front ofJ an Kopecky' s Skoda and Alex Bengue's Peugeot. A lot of well known names were well down. Chris Atkinson was 11th after dam-aging the rear suspension, Stohl con-tinued to struggle. Wilson was strug-Kris Meeke immediately took the lead in JWRC, but again many driv-ers had brake problems. Fatih Kara punctured on Stage 2, stopped to change the wheel and then baulked the next car of Brice Tirabassi. Bernd Continued on page 18 Finally, a Comprehensive Liability Insurance Package designed especially for Off-Road Racers, by insurance professionals who are actual Off-Road Racers. You can't get any better than that! Liability Protection • $1,000,000 General Liability-No Deductible • $1,000,000 Tune & Test • $250,000 ParticipanMo--Participant Coverage • Even provides coverage in Mexico provided a lawsuit is filed in the US • Insurance for your Pre-Runner/Chase Trucks • Mexican Auto Insurance Covers you, your business and your sponsors. General Liability and Physical Damage insurance available for your prerunner. Mike James - Phone: (619) 445-5797, Ext. 115 • Fax: (619) 445-0772 • Kevin James - Phone: (619) 445-5797, Ext. 142 • Fax: (619) 445-0772 • Karen Iverson - Phone: {619) 445-5797, Ext. 103 • Fax: (619) 445-0772 • JamMicesh@~E~ AGENCY Cal. Lie.# 0875146 PROTECT YOUR FAMILY • PROTECT YOUR ASSETS • PROTECT YOUR BUSINESS Dusty Times May 2006 Page 17

Page 18

Third place in JWRC went to Kris Meeke and Glenn Patterson, seen Xavier Pons and Carlos Del Ba"io were the victims of an accident on Francois Duval and Patrick Privato drove their Skoda Fabia to a sixth place finish in Spain, seen here in a right hander. here in their Citroen C2 before an admiring crowd. Stage B, their Citroen Xsara was a dnf. Casier and Julien Pressac were equal abandoned beside the road, lost the evening. Panizzi asked to have his second on Stage 1 despite Casier go-nearly three minutes and was delayed time in Stage 4 (when he stopped ing momentarily off the road (when by the police on his way back to ser- because Latvala had blocked the they saw Gareth MacHale' s inverted vice. He arrived back at Salou on his road) examined, and that was taken Focus which was out of sight from 15th (and final) minute oflateness, seriously. Then Meeke asked for his the road!), then Aaron Burkart slid then lost another eight minutes hav- difficulties to be sorted out, "I was off the road and came to a stop. He ing repairs carried out. This let Mar- stopped for 40 minutes arguing with found a tyre was flat, and with his tin Prokop (in another Citroen) into the police. If we had been held up co-drivertheysetaboutchangingthis theleadinfrontofCasier'sRenault, one more minute, we would have in order to carry on. They were al-Pressac's Citroen and Luca Betti's been excluded from the rally". That most finished when the British Group Renault. Tirabassi, already lying sev-plea fell on dear ears. JWRC rookie N champion Barry Clark (Groµp N enth after being badly baulked by the championship leader Pinomaki Fiesta sn went off at the same place. Turkish driver Kara, then fell further broke the gearshift selector, stopped His car rolled down the hill and back when he drove eight kilometres in Stage 5 and got two "Five Minute" trapped Burkart's co-driver Jorg on a flat tyre, Kalle Pinomaki (Group penalties, so the rookie leader on this Bastuck between the two cars, seri- N Clio) lost nearly a quarter hour event was Italian Filippo Bordignon ously injuring him. He required ur- when a water hose failed. Pressac and in his Opel Astra OPC. In the one-gent helicopter evacuation which took Casier fought for second place: Casier make Ford Fiesta ST there were sev-a long time coming, after which sadly ending the day in second despite go-eral different leaders on the first day, he died. Kris Meeke made best time ing off on Stage 6. Tirabassi did not starting with the Italian Alex Bettega on the first three stages then he feel well and found it difficult to con-who then went off the road, the knocked off a wheel against what re- centrate or driving. French driver Mathieu Biasion, and mained of Latvala's car which was Some claims were lodged during the Greek driver Lambros Worldwide benchmark menufecturer of military-specification wiring systems for ell motorsport applications MoTeC Engine Management and Data Acquisition ~ystems Robu:3t 32-bit sequential fuel and spark control systerns built t;o w ithst'and extrerne racing ar·,d pre·-runnirig > ' punishrner;1t. ,, · Turn-key systems available for _all popular off-road engine packages. Digital display and date acquisition systerns for all levels of competition. Engin_e and chassis dynamometer services available. Sakata Motorsport Electronics, inc. 689 s. State College Blvd. Unit K Fullerton, CA Tel: 714-446·9473 Fax: 714-446-9247 www.sa1< Page 18 Utilizing the finest. Raychem System 25 components, the industry standard for all professional racing sanctions. Engineering, assembly, and comprehensive testing performed 1 00°A, in-house. QefflJ.ll&te -harness-assemblies and circuit control components are available to suit your budget. High-Accuracy Air-Fuel Ratio Meters Lightweight, stand-alone system works with all engines and alternate fuels -carbureted or fuel injected. For the dedicated engine tuner who needs to know exact;/y what their engine is doing. No flashing lights -just the facts ... Nail it; t;o a number! « ='----------~ _.,,,.;;;=~~<~-=~, I\./ICJTCJRSPCJRT ELECTRONICS vve're making connections ... May 2006 Athanassoulas (before he lost time running Citroens. Pons' transmis-at service with a hydraulic problem sion problem was cured but now he with the clutch) then Biasion again. suffered brake problems. On Stage Biasion (no relation to Miki) was 7 Gronholm and Hirvonen shared running competition number 79. lt fastest time with Duval who moved was strange to see the next car was up from ninth to eighth but then driven by Alex Bettega, son of the lost his brakes on Stage 8, and then late Attilio. Swedish drivers Oscar on Stage 9 Duval had three punc-. Svedlund and Hans-Erik Weng led tures. The mousses seemed to work the non-championship Group N but when one broke up, bad vibra-category in front of Slovakian driver tions were experienced. Gronholm Tibor Cserhalmi. Starting slowly was up from tenth to ninth bur Sol-was British driver Stuart Jones who berg, who had been the best non-had brake problems. Citroen, dropped back behind Leg 2] Bengue. By Stage 9, halfway through 6 Stages, asphalt, 111.36kms. the day, Gronholm was up to sixth Latvala'sFocusrestartedbuthad and Hirvonen 12th. All three required a lot of overnight work, not Subarus were in trouble having grip only to the front of the car, which problems. By Stage 9 Solberg was had impacted the bridge, but also back to seventh. The vying for posi-to the rear where Meeke had left the tions behind the Xsaras was endless. mark of his Citroen C2. "Both the Bengue settled into fourth place, impacts were hard, so the mechan- nearly a half minute behind Pons ics did a good job to get me able to with Kopecky fifth, both waiting to restart today." Solberg had a rou- be gobbled up by Gronholm. The tine transmission change at the ser- top cars were as usual running in vice the night before but the new unit reverse order which for the leaders did not work, so they had to change was quite a disadvantage. Loeb, run-it all back again. There was to be a ning 15th on the road, found stones big catch-up operation for the thrown up by corner-cutting cars Fords. Again there were three stage ahead of him, scattered all over the venues,,each to be done twice, one road. Latvala said he had lost some of them (Stages 9/12) a section not confidence after the incident the day used before. Drivers were critical, before, and he forgot to turn on saying it was more like a gravel than the ALS at the start of Stage 7, but an asphalt rally, in which the front then he started to recover lost runners cleared the surface rather ground, going from 37th overnight than scattered rocks all over it. It to 26th after Stage 9. was pressure off time for the front Stage 10 was the first of the stages tom ,ocfc114 1Package JounceShocks are factory set at 150 psi and are fully adjustable Mounting Sleeves · contain custom ', gussets designed for strong, quick installation -nding Plates .250" steel ing for targeting eShocks c, Call today for more info ... 800-525-6505 Targeting high mobility suspension, chassis protection and fabrication solutions Dusty Times

Page 19

Fourth overall in Spain was the team of Alexandre Bengue and Petter Solberg and Philip Mills are ready to run the gauntlet in their Mikko Hirvonen and Jarmo Lehtinen took a ninth place finish in Spain Caroline Escudero seen here in their good looking Peugeot 307. Subaru lmpreza, they finished seventh overall in Spain. in their Ford Focus RS, seen here at speed. being re-run on Leg 2. Citroen's 1-10, and had to drive both Stages 11 despite being stuck in fourth gear driver on his home event. Although odd happened to Panizzi. On the 2-3 hopes were dashed, notwith-and 12 with one tyre with no air in on Stage 8, when a gear selector retirement meant that he could last stage he dropped from eighth standing instructions to drivers to it, trusting to the reliability of the failed while Beres, behind him in have a car and engine for Corsica, to tenth, for no apparent reason. go carefully when Pons, the second EMI mousse. fifth, was going slowly when his lg-apparently that was not an option So, Loeb did it again winning a re-official driver and lying 35 seconds Gronholm's progress continued, nis' exhaust fell off and being un-open tot he team, so with nearly markable fifth rally in the same car, behind the semi-official Xsara driver and he improved his position by ab le to hear his co-driver's 100km of stages still to run and no but would he hold on to his win-Dani Sordo, went off the road and six places over five stages until after pacenotes he had to drive by sight: guarantee of championship points ning streak in two weeks' time on retired. By regulations, Sordo was Stage 12 he was fourth, 4.1 seconds Sixth man Michal Kosciuszko lost at the end of it{he was lying ninth Citroen's home territory in allowed to run active transmission, behind Bengue. The potential his brakes. Meeke was still eighth best manufacturer entry), it was de- Corsica, and make it number six which on the poor surfaces on sev-Makes' points position was looking for the moment, making three fast-cided not to carry on. In the end in the chassis 31? Not if eral of the Saturday stages gave him odd. As things stood, both Ford est times in the morning despite the decision turned out to be un- Gronholm's pace on this event had the chance to drive a cleaner line and and Subaru looked to gain 11 having a bent steering. All remain-fortunate, because Matthew Wil- its apparent meaning. In JWRC was therefore an advantage, so the points against only 10 for Kronos, ing 12 cars were still going strong, son lost a wheel near the end of Casier still had visions of catching speed of the semi-official Xsara was but that might depend on whether but on the final stage of the day Stage 13 and was forbidden by the Prokop but on Stage 14 he had a understandably better than that of Pons restarted the final day. Quite both Pressac (third) and Betti police from driving back to service. little off and was lucky not to punc-Pons' passive car. Pons was in any curious considering how Subaru's (fourth) retired, respectively for en- It had been a depressing rally for ture. Meeke was also charging on-case worried about Gronholm's fast drivers had slid down the places gine and accident causes. Prokop Pons, not the least having given the wards, in the first two stages of the recovery rate and did not want to during the day! The calculations had a puncture near the end of confusing impression that Sordo final morning reducing third go slowly. He had also been strug-had to be done all over again, when Stage 10. Tirabassi was in more was a faster' driver. .. Gronholm's placed Beres' advantage by about gling with a damaged brake disc at. the Stewards altered the time for problems, this time a shock ab- charge however was paying off. On 45 seconds. Kara went off the road the time. So up to third place now Panizzi on Stage 4 (Leg 1) elevating sorber leaked fluid on to a brake Stage 14 he finally got ahead of for a while. In Group N Svedlund was Bengue in a 307WRC run by him from 12th to ninth overall. caliper. Casier vowed to challenge Bengue in to third place with survived driving on a puncture but the private BSA team. The condi-In JWRC Prokop maintained Prokop for victory on the final Kopecky a splendid fifth and Duval Cserhalmi lost his battle for sec-tions were strangely unpredictable his lead although Meeke was back morning, while rookie drivers eventually going well and finishing ond place with Weng with Jones for an asphalt rally. On Stage 10 in business, and proving to be the Bordignon and Pinomaki were still sixth. Hirvonen on the other hand still fourth. Mathieu Biasion won the passage of smaller cars the first fastest driver in the category, the going strong although Pinomaki was hovering around die tenth the Fiesta challenge competition, time through, with their varied and work the previous evening being had a puncture and power steering mark and not making such good while third was now the British different times, meant there was no considered routine by PH Sport. difficulties. Meeke made best time progress, but he was still ahead of driver Simon Hughes despite suf-clean passage for the top cars to fol-Pinomaki restarted, but had to stop on every stage of the day, ending Stohl, Atkinson, Aigner and fering engine mounting troubles. low, but then on Stage 9 there had and change a flat tyre on Stage 7. the leg in fourth place. Vojtech and scoring valuable Of the nine who started, seven Fi-been. Both Wilson and Atkinson The battle between Pressac and Leg 3 points for the BP-Ford team. With estas were eventually classified. The spun on the gravel, and on Stage 10 Casier for second place continued 4 Stages, asphalt, 97.82kms. one stage to run, Solberg after a fastest driver was Alex Bettega who Sordo scored his first scratch time but Prokop, despite a gearshift sen-The Kronos team eventually de-terrible event with his lack of grip finished fourth despite missing on a world championship rally. Sol- sor failure, was out in front on his cided not to restart the Pons car, a was lying seventh, Panizzi eighth, three stages on the Friday when he berg had two punctures on Stage own. Betti kept his fourth place disappointment for the Spanish Sarrazin ninth, but then something went off the road. lJ\J'2C: ly a a aurada-Rally de Espana 24/26.03.2006 Salw (E) ~round◄ Nt'RC roood 2 ~ points 'ltR v.o JC 1 (1) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena FIMC Citroen Xsanl VI.RC 829DPT7B (F} 3h.22m.01.7a. 10 10 2 (15) Daniel SordolMart: Marti E Citnlen Xaara VI.RC 832DPT78 (F) 3h.22m.49.9s. - 8 3 (3) MaroJS GRONHOI.MITmo Rautiainen FIN FOl'd Focus RS WRC EU55BMV (GB) 3h.23m.◄7.5s. 8 6 4 (19) Alexandre Bengue,'Caroline Eecudero F Peugeat '3tJ7 "WRC 3052YQ7-4 (F} 31\.2'4m.03.6s. - 5 5 (21) Jan Kcpec:ky/Filip SchoYanek CZ Skoda Fabia "WRC 4S8 9856 (CZ) 3h.24m.58.9s. -<t 6 (16) Francois Owal/Patrick Privato B/F Skoda Fabla 'ltRC S37 88E (CZ) 3h.25m.39.5s. - 3 7 (5) Petter SOLBERG/Philip Mills N/GB Subaru lmpc'eza "WRC FT55SRT (GB) 3h.25m.◄9.9s. 6 2 8 (6) Stephane SARRAZIN/Stepha,e Prevot F Subaru lmpreza WRC GT55SRT (GB) 3h.26m.38.1s. 5 1 9 (4) Mikko HIRVONEN/Janno Lehtinen FIN Ford FQCUS RS WRC EU55BNA (GB) 3h.27m.03.3s. 4 10 (11} Gilles PANIZZI/Herve PaniZZI F SkDda Fabla 'ltRC 4$5 3382 (CZ) 3h.27m.06.1s. 3 Other impoi1art finisheR 11 (16) Chris AlkinlonlGlem Macneal! AUS Subaru lmpreza WRC JC54WRC (GB) 3h.27m.35.6s. -12 (7) Manfr8d Stohl/Ilka Minor A Peugeot '3tJ7 'ltRC 471PWl..75 (F) 3h.27m.50.1s. -13 (12) Andreas AIGNER/Tmo Gottschak AID Skoda Fabla WRC 4$5 3381 (CZ} 3h.31m.39.0S. 2 14 (22) Stepan Vojtech/Michal Ernst CZ Peugeot 206 YIRC 1L3 TTt:13 (CZ} 3h.39m.18.6s. -15 (9) Matthew YJILSON/Michael Orr GB Ford Focus RS YIRC 1 ES (GB) 3h.39m.59.1 s:(2} 1 16 (10) Jari-Matti LA1VALA/Mlikka Anttila FIN Ford Focus RS WRC EG53AVD (GB) 3h.~.14.0s.(2) 17 (49) Martin Prokop/Jan Tomanek CZ Citroen C2 JWRC 2J3 8402 (CZ) 3h.◄6m.04.0s.• -10 16 (52) Bernd Casier/Frederic Miclotte B Renault Clio JWRC CS316BC (F) 3h.46m.46.3s. - 8 19 (32) Kris Meeke/Glenn Patterson GB Citroen C2 JWRC 7214NE52 (F) 3h.47m.09.◄.s - 6 21 (-45) Jozef Beres/Petr Stary SK/CZ Suzuki lgnis JWRC KES047 (SU<) 3h.48m.02.1s. - 5 22 (71) Oscar SvedUlCI/Bjom Niluon S Subaru lmpraza N LECAB (S) 3h.50n.00.3a. + -23 (23) Steve Perez/Steve Harris GB Ford Focus 'ltRC Vl<:3 (GB) 3h.50m.09.56. -24 (◄◄) Michal Kosciu!lzkolJaroslaw Baran PL lgnis JWRC 224 0700 (CZ} 3h.50m.34.6s. -25 (39) Conrad Rautenbach/Oavid Senior ZW/GB Nt'RC S051GWf (GB) 3h.50m.53.1s. - 3 SUZU<i 4 Renault Clio 26 (51) Fatih Kare/Cem Bakancocudari TR Renault Clio JWRC 415AJR34 F 3h.52m.00.3s. - 2 Dusty Times A . Die-Cast Aluminum Integrated Starter/Ballast Quick Change Bracket 35 Watt D2 Bulb Limited Lifetime Warranty We pay Contingency 8" HID $425.00 Black 6" HID $400.00 Black Available in CHROME Cover Included May 2006 Page 19

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M.O.K.E. BALLS OuT 250 ,to;a-ou -All.fd 11,u.,nu enonu:tn«.iJ Torres Is The Big Winner B:, Steve Ruddick Photos: Trackside Photo Corey Torres had a great race, he literally flew to the Class 9 win in the 46 car class and he took home a sizeable amount of cash as well. (NOTE to self: Bu:, new wiper blades.) On the road Friday night to the race it was either wet or wetter, depending on your direc-tion of travel. But somehow in the mist between Hodge Road and Barstow, the rains fell fewer amidst the hydroplaning tor-rents or traffic. Nonetheless, in-termittent drizzling rain and the Barstow BreeZe still made for some blustery conditions at Con-tingency. M.O.R.E. received 170 entries and wound up having 139 race cars start this race. That's a lot of Dusty Times to cover. Race day on Saturday, March 18, 2006, dawned to cloudy skies with a chance of rain in the forecast and temperatures in the 30's, with enough of a breeze to keep the course clear of dust; but that would change as the day wore on. And what a race it would be, too, with over 60 en-tries in Class 9 alone! The fast ( 1, 10, 5 and 16] raced five laps; Classes 13, 5/16 and 9 went for four laps; Classes 7 and 14 dueled it out for two laps. By the afternoon, it started cloud-ing up bad to the east and it wasn't too long before the Bar-stow BreeZe once again had the flags at S/F standing at atten-tion, and the blowing sands of time took on a whole new mean-ing! The course for the M.O.R.E. Camburg/Balls Out 250 was a 50 mile loop of dirt and dust and rocks and sand and holes and road crossings that would test and challenge the endurance of both man and machine. It is 'Barstow', you know. Up and over the hills by the radio tow-ers and down the razor back ridge from h*LL (MM 6-9), through the sand wash and fast stretches by SlashX Cafe (MM 12-18), loop back alongside Stoddard Wells Road to the dry lake (MM 18-22); around the base of the mountains to Inner Hodge (MM 39), then back to the dry lade and Pit D again (MM 45) and skirt the lower el-evations of yet another moun-tain (MM 48) on your way back to MM Start/Finish ... and that is just one lap. Whew! CLASS 1: Twelve Class 1 cars signed up to start, 11 did, and seven fin-ished. Ron Brant started last off The big winner in Class 1 was Ron Brant, he took the lead on the second lap and finished with nine minutes in hand. the line at the green flag in car #101, but blew by the competi-tion by race end to take first place in class in 04:49:26 at 51.8 mph; the Overall winner, too. Brant drove all the laps with co-driver Ben Ryog. Ryog reported "a rough course and a great race riding with a legend. Ron was smooth and it was a lot of fun passing five cars on the first lap". # 101 had no problems all day and only stopped on Lap 3 for some more go-juice. By race end, the trans did have a bit of a fluid leak from a fitting, but it was good enough and strong enough to take Ron Brant and his Chevy LSI-powered Jimco chassis #101 to the winner's circle, again! Larry Roeseler in truck #7202 was next to see the check-ered flag a tad under ten min-utes later, driving his "Class 7 legal" 4.0L V6 powered ORBIT truck to second place in Class 1 in 04:58:57 at 50.2 mph. Roe-seler started in ninth position and flew past all the other rac-ers who had started in front of him on his first lap, taking the fast lap for the class at 53.5 mph in 00:56:07. This is Roeseler's fourth season in the ORBIT rac-ing truck, and he drove Laps 1-3 before handing the driving du-ties over to Jason Ruane. Jason is the son of #7202 owner Mike Ruane, and this was his first time driving the race truck. After get-ting a BIG hug from 'Dad', Ja-son stated he was able to hold his own on "a pretty harsh course" with the help of a "Good truck"; although he also con-fided he had a few close encoun-ters with some big pucker-'trees' on more than one occasion. #7202 was slowed on Lap 2 when they broke a wheel about half way thru the course, but that didn't stop them from hav-ing "a good race" on their way to the checkered flag and second place in Class 1. Rick Wilcoxson brought home the third place win and fin-ish in car # 12 7, completing the required laps in just 5:09:00 flat at 48.5 mph in his L2 Cadillac-powered Jimco chassis ride. Fol-lowing in fourth place in Class 1 six and a half minutes later was Jake Batulis in car #118; finish-ing the race in 05:16:28 at 47.4 mph. Mike Pacewiczh started to-ward the rear of the Class 1 pack at the green flag in car # 13 5, and "ran a good race" in the stock LSI-powered, DunnTech chassis car to finish in fifth place in 5:31:41 at 45.2 mph. A flat tire on Lap 2 cost them 20 minutes to fix, and getting barrel-rolled by a 9 car on Lap 4 didn't help matters much either. And while Pacewizch reported the course was "rough in spots", he was able to "stay on the power in the heavy sand" to bring home a fin-ish and a win. "Getting spun 180 degrees at 70 mph" only added to the fun. Curt Geer worked his way to the front of the Class 1600 pack and happily took the checkered flag for the class win. The winner in Class 11 was Anne Naso, she's seen here getting her tidy looking Jennifer Clemison had a couple of slow laps in the begin-ning but ran some consistent times later to take car #132 to a sixth place finish at 34.5 mph in 07: 15:06. Bill Markel in car # 143 had some good lap times the whole race, except for Lap 3. A bad something-or-other brought Markel into the F.A.LR. Bug over the trail to the coveted checkered fla!J. . . AJ Martin took the Class 5 lead on the second lap and there he Johnny Burns was just a wee bit off the winning pace, he took Larry Roese/er led the first lap, dropped to second place on lap 2 and remained to take the win, he's seen here at speed. second place honors in Class 9 at the checkered flag. that's where he finished, second place in Class 1. Page 20 May 2006 Dusty Times

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Lorenzo Rodriguez makes a rather uncomfortable landing on his A second place finish in Class BB went to Dave Fisher, he's seen way to a second place finish in Class 1/2-1600. here testing his front suspension at MORE. Nick Tonelli is ready for his pilots license, he flew to a second place finish in the Class BC fracas. on Lap 3, and lo' and behind, 10 leaders but was slowed by CLASS 5: guess who is all suited up and problems on Lap 2. Car # 1214 · Seven Class 5 cars would see 'hiding in the wings' but Bill's old · still finished the race in 6:44:3 2 the green flag start, and four partner, John Daly. So in jumps at 37.1 mph. The other ten Class went on to see the checkers at John with Markel for "a GREAT 10 entries didn't fair so well, re-race end. A.J. Martin and co-ride" on Laps 4 and 5 in car cording a DNF for the day. driver, Ralph Salazar, started #143. Markel was cutting it close to complete the race in 07:54:22 at 31.6 mph, but it was still good enough and fun enough to bring home a finish and a seventh place win for car #143. CLASS 10: A whole bunch of Class 10 cars rolled up for the green flag: 17 starters and six would finish the race. Shane Brown started next to last out of the gate at the green flag, but drove the Brown's Motor sports # 1003 car to vic-tory and a first place finish in just 5:00:07 at 50.0 mph. Brown has been racing for nine years and put the Toyota 1600 DOHC powered #1003 to the test on Lap 2 to also win the fast lap award at 51.2 mph. Brown described the course as "a little rough", but even that and a bro-ken card didn't deter him on his way to a spot in the winner's circle. Warren Messick drove Laps 4 and 5 in car# 1003, and said his most fun of the day was "passing a lot of cars on a fun and rough course". Fun, indeed! Lee Perfect was second to start in car #1010, and he finished in second place for the day com-pleting the required laps in 5:15:28 at 47.5 mph. Ron Har-bottle used to race a Class 7 truck but switched to Class 10 to take third place in only his second race in his new car # 1060, a Toyota 1650 SOHC powered finish. Harbottle drove the entire race and reported a tangle with a Class 5 car and "a rough course" on his way to the third place win in 5:29:02 at 45.6 mph. His most fun of the day was "just finishing". Sounds good enough to me, too; and a win to boot. Brian Walsh Junior and Senior "got hit hard in the rear by a Class 9 car" on their way to a fourth place finish in car #1002; and just a minute and a half behind the third place win-ner, too. Walsh Jr. drove Laps 1-3 and Sr. took the wheel for Laps 4 and 5. Walsh Sr. said the car "handled like *#@*!", and was "all over the place" after get-ting whacked, but they still "had a lot of fun" on their way to the checkered flag in 5:30:27 at 45.4 mph. Both Walsh Jr. and Sr. said the course "was fun and typical Barstow: fast in spots and rough in others." Sean Dunn took fifth place in Class 10 in car #1035, finish-ing the race in 5:39:25 at 44.2 mph. The sixth place winner was Jeff Lothringer in car # 1214. Lo-thringer was running some com-petitive lap times with the Class Dusty Times May 2006 next to last in the-Class 5 pack #502 was in second place at the and went on to take first place end of Lap 1, but suffered two in car #502 in 5:54:58 at 42.3 flats and an upside-down roll-_mph. This was the first time in oyer at Hodge Road on Lap 3, the car for the second generation when the first place car broke a Martin Brothers (M&M). Car Continued on pa ge 22 Page 21

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Lee Perfect flew to a nice second place finish in the Class 1 D contest, A second place finish in Class 5-1600 was all Scott Pellerin could A longer than usuallast lap didn't help, Steve Jacketti finished second he's seen here hustling towards the finish. muster, he's seen here ready for landing. in the Class 7 contest, up we go. Dan Akin took the fast lap in checkers to take third place in Coa ta 0=1-:----. a-.la_m_a_s-.d7"""id.-n.--' t---,fa---,-i~r -t~ra_n_n_y_m_o_u_n-ts-. ~S-to~l~l,-"~t~h_e_c_a r shock. Car #502 went on to take a two-hour-plus win over the other Class 5 racers, flying the flapping fiberglass flag of fame on their way to victory. Martin said the course "was rough, but fun". Car #502 sure looked that way to me, too; makes for nice wall-deco, eh! "Slightly used" body parts and pieces, anyone? car #505 on Lap 1 at 46.6 mph 7:56:37 at 31.5 mph. That's still too well either, but still had "an ran well", Gialamas said. in 1:04:26, but broke a shock cutting it pretty close. Jeff Nutter excellent race" in his "first race CLASS 1-2/1600: on Lap 3 that cost him the rest completed all the required laps ever" in his car #504. Gialamas Another bit bunch of 13 of the race. Akin still managed in car #529, but was 11 minutes built the car in his garage over Class 16 racers rolled up for the to get it fixed to take second plus over the eight hour max time the last 6-8 months, so this was green flag at the Balls Out 250, place in class in 7:50:27 at 31.9 limit for the race at the end. Not the car's first real test on a but only four would see the mph. Chris Bowman had a slow quite close enough for a 'finish', "rougher than anticipated" checkered flag at race end. Curt first lap in car #500 but not but close enough to getting it course. The course won on Lap Geer started fifth off the line in enough to slow his way to the done, nonetheless. 3 when Gialamas broke the car #1629, had the lead by the A. decent second place finish in Trophy Challenge went to Matt Frick, Dan Akin had major problems on his third lap and he never fully A third place finish in Class 1 went to Rick Wilcoxen, Rick is seen he's seen here at speed on the course. recovered, he was second in the Class 5 battle. here just at takeoff at the MORE race. Rebate Runs March 1st • May 31s12006 Skyjacker® has the performance shocks you need for your on or off.;road vehicle. The performance components of these shocks respond to the on-and off-road conditions instantly. Whether you are going over rough or smooth terrain, the true velocity sensitive valving produces better handling, improved stability, and maximum comfort. If that is not reason enough to buy, Skyjacker® now offers an extra incentive ·ot $30 cash back on the purchase of 4 Skyjacker® shocks. Buy 4 Hydro or Nitro shocks at any Skyjacker® Authorized Dealer and submit the rebate form to receive Page 22 s30 CASH BACK! • I To find an Authorized Skyjackere Dealer near you call 866.4.A.DEALER ext. 5037 or visit us on the web at to find out more about this exciting shock offer. May 2006 'EATURES • 150 PSI PRESSURIZED NITROGEN GAS (NITRO ONLY) • ORIFICE DISK • VELOCITY SENSITIVE VALVING • LEAK PROOF SEAL • BONDED IRON PISTON • CHROMED PISTON ROD • RED BOOT INCLUDED • RED POLYURETHANE BUSHINGS • LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY Dusty Times

Page 23

Doug Si/cock had a decent race, he finished third in Class 9, he Matt Gumz drove his really neat looking car to a nice third place in Eric Fiorino had a horribly long third lap but he soldiered on and came bested 44 other Class 9 drivers for the podium finish. Class 1600, seen here heading for that checkered flag. in for a third place finish in his truck. end of Lap 1, and went on to Gumz said car #1606 "had carb clutch and went whooping after but one kick-in-the-@ss ride" to Class 5-1600 racers also saw the take first place in 5:21:06 at 46. 7 problems all day ... it kept load-that", Tolbert said. Besides "a the finish line. Bird reported "no agony of defeat this day of rac-mph. Geer also took the fast lap ing up and 'crapping' out; a well marked, but rougher than flats and no problems all day", ing in the dirt. on Lap 1 at 48.5 mph, in *#@*race!"Mattstillmanageda normalBarstow"course,KST and"alotoffun"alongtheway. CLASS9: 1 :01:54. Even though Curt had smile or two at the Awards Cer-also "hit a huge rock and nerfed #556 was previously owned and I just might get writer's cramp an operation on his hand re-emony later that evening. A hard a 1 car", on their way to victory raced by 'Mad' Mark Dee, and covering this one folks, so please cently, he drove Laps 1-5 before fought victory, to be sure. lane ... "having great fun and looks to continue its successful bear with me, eh. There were handing the wheel over to Frank Brian Potts drove a steady laughing all the way:". Happy way tot he checkers under the over 50 entries, 46 starters and Wagner for Lap 6. Geer stated pace and also came away a win-Kamplers all! new ownership and driving of 21 fin is hers in Class 9. Ku rt "the car ran really, really good. ner on race day in car #1648, Scott Pellerin took second Tom Bird. Davidson took the fast lap hon-We didn't have any problems all completing the required laps in place in 5:36:24 in car #577 at Richard Garravito was run-ors in car #979 on Lap 1 at a dayotherthanchangingawheel 7:13:47 at 34.6 mph. John 35.7mph.Asthenewownerof ning some winning lap times blistering 48.1 mph, but that at Pit A on Lap 6". Geer added Grossini was battling it out for car #556, virgin rookie Tom through Lap 3 in car #555, but wasn't enough to hold back Co-that "the course was rough, but lead through Lap 3 before the Bird was "a little sore and had a long last lap on his way to rey Torres in car #989 from ta k-not too dusty". Good day, I'd steering box broke and he rolled bruised" after his "first race ever" fourth place in class in 6:39:26 ing first place in a very large field say! it on Lap 3 in car # 1635. The when he drove it all to take third at 30 mph. David Sanchez also of cars. Torres finished the race It was not-so-good a day, and remaining Class 1/2-1600 racers place in 6: 10:48 at 32.4 mph. saw the checkered flag in car to take the checkered flag in still a good day, for Lorenzo Ro-all DNF'd at various points Veteran racer John [will co-drive #557, taking home fifth place in 5:16:24 at 37.9 mph, a good five-driguez in car # 1617, who had along the way, sorry to say. But for beer) Daly was along for the 6:54:06 at 29 mph. Tim Sanchez plus minutes lead. To sweeten the ignition and power problems all they'll be back to race another ride and to give the rookie Bird took the fast lap honors in car win just a bit more, car #989 got day; and a flat, too. That wasn't day, eh. some driving tips and tricks on #552 at 40.4 mph on Lap 1, and the "thumbs up" and a clean enough to stop or slow Rodri-CLASS 5-1600: Laps 1 and 2, when Bud Grady got in another couple of laps of post-tech inspection report from guez from a second place win in Ten Class 5-1600 cars got the jumped in for "a little rough, fun before he dnf'd. The other Art "The TECH Dude" Savedra, 5:29:35 at 45.5 mph. Rodriguez green flag on race day; five fin-drove the IDAL Corp. car #1617 ished and five DNF'd. Ken Toi-solo all day, and reported "a bert got green flag #2 for the pretty rough course". Lorenzo class in car #578 and drove faster said his most fun for the day was and faster to take first place in "justfinishing!" ... andthat"cold class in 5:11:20 at 38.5 mph. beer and a taco waiting for him Ken and son, Jonathan Tolbert back at the pits". Relish your win, drove the KST Racing ride Laps too, amigo; well deserved. l and 2, when Billy Worthing Matt Gumz started at the rear took over the wheel duties along in class at the green flag in car with Brandy Aspel along as navi-# 1606, and worked his way gator. KST #578 "wouldn't shift through the pack to take third at first, but we adjusted the place in 5:48:51 at 43 mph. Continued on page 24 Ryan Dowe took the Class BC win but it was close, he only had 44 seconds in hand when he took the checkered flag. Dusty Times May 2006 Page 23

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A bronze medal was waiting for Bryan Harbottle when he finished his Tom Bird drove his good looking Bug to a third place finish in Class 5- Karl Stokes had a fun day. he drove his Ford pickup to a nice third run in Class 10, seen here at touchdown. 1600, he's seen here in level flight in the desert. place finish in the Class 7A battle. Not too bad a day for Bob Jordan, he drove to a decent third place Chris Bowman had a horribly long first lap, got fixed and went on to Jake Batu/is had a shot at the podium but a longer than usual fourth lap dropped him to a fourth place finish. finish in the Trophy Challenge at the MORE race. take third place in the Class 5 contest. too! day. He even passed A.R.T.S. 1450 trucks don't look". Corey Johnny Bums was the second post-tech check-plus inspection. Goin's only problem all day was place winner in car #985, cover-Jim Richardson and co-driver a broken left rear brake drum, ing the distance in 5:23:51 at Brent Jones had a couple of slow but that didn't stop or slow car 37.1 mph. Bums was still able to laps in car #905, but changed #915 from taking the fifth place cross the finish line and record the main jet in their carbon Lap win in 05:41: 18 at 35.2 mph. a win on just three wheels ... the 2 and flew to the checkers to take Goin drove Laps 1 and 2, and whole right front was -gone! fourth place in 5:35:49 at 35. 7 Mike Stebles drove Laps 3 and Doug Silcock drove car #969 the mph. Richardson said "it was a 4. Goin only races one event a entire race solo to take third rough course", but still managed year, so his most fun for the day place in 5:26:04 at 36.8 mph. to pass five ·other cars the last was "just finishing". And fun it Other than a steering adjust-lap on his way to the winner's was, too. ment, Silcock had a clean race circle. Richardson's only other Coming in just 52 seconds and no problems or issues all problem during the day was "the later and hot on Goin's heels ·« ,,.,: . ~ . '41 ~ -CROW IS.lrutSRiFLRDBBI\ ' ' _' • I 1 1 1 j 1 • • • A i l ~-~ -,=, -= . """ .. =-SOI n •. • .. HFRF o:p, T.1 I iM.A = =-~+...-NE:VA06. OFFROAD BUGGY T-SHIRT SM-MED-LRG-XXLRG ONLY $10.00 WE CARRY AWIDE ASSORTMENT OF WELD ON TRICK RArTER/f-!:, 1ll£ JIOWE~ SOU.Ce• ZTREME TIRE co. TABS Page 24 ~1Kci1Kci~ ..... CALL TOLL FREE 1-888-755-5900 3054 S. VALLEY VIEW #130 * LAS VEGAS, NV" 89102 HOURS: MON-FRI 9AM-6PM " SAT 9AM-5PM (702) 871-5221 fax May 2006 was car #948 of Darin Nixon in car #944, completing McGuffin, taking sixth place in the race in 6: 12 :39 at 31.3 mph. class in 5:42:10 at 35.1 mph. Harry Dunne came in ninth McGuffin drove Laps 1 and 2, place in car #914 in 6: 16:42 at "got hit hard by a Class 1 car", 31.9 mph. and broke a torsion bar by Trey Sommers took the tenth Hodge Road on Lap 2, too. Not place finish in Class 9 in car to worry though, because with a #919. Sommers said his "shocks lot of help from CORE and the went away after Lap l" and he Checkers pit, they got it fixed, "couldn't run at speed after and finished. This was #948's that". That made for "a brutal, first time out in about three rough and rocky ride" to the years, so it wa s "a sweet finish" checkered flag in 6:23 :05 at 31. 3 for McGuffin and co-driver Tom mph. Sommers drove Laps l and Dittfeld'who drove Laps 3 and 4 2 before giving the wheel over to to take the checkers. Chris Wally Palmer for Laps 3 and 4. Hancock took seventh place in A finish and a win, too, for #919. car #901 in 06:00:07 at 33.3 And a good thing too, because mph. Eighth place went to Mike the right front ball joint was to-It was a good race for Shane Brown, he took the Class 1 O win by 15 minutes, he's seen here heading for the checkers. Ken Tolbert took the Class 5-1600 lead early on and he was the big winner, he's seen here on the course heading for the flag. Dusty Times

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. Jim Richardson had a first off the podium finish in the crowded Class Fourth place in the 1/2-1600. Class went to Brian Potts, he's seen Brian Walsh was a bit off his pace the last two laps, he ended up in 9 contest, he's seen here at speed. here at takeoff, heading for the checkers. fourth place in Class 10, seen here at speed. It looked like Richard Garavito was on his way to victory in Class 5- Ken Keegal was well off the winning pace in Class 7 A, he ended up in Jeff Nutter, seen here coming in for a kinda hard landing was first out 1600 but troubles on his last lap dropped him to fourth place. fourth place, Ken is seen here heading for the finish line. of the money in the Class 5 contest. tally disintegrated at S/F and the the checkered flag at race end. Karl Stokes finished in third times, but other than getting bU,-one wou Id finish. Bob checkered flag! The. remaining Noe Sierra was first to see the place in truck #747, his "first fin-"nailed hard by a Class 5 car" Shreiner took a rear start in the Class 9 finishers included, in or- green in truck #7 58, and he took ish, in time, ever", after a year and "coming very close to run-FLU I DYNE truck # 1438, but der: Rick Poole-#906; Kurt first place in class in 4:20: 12 at and a half of racing. Stokes' ning over a 9 car", Stokes raced had a two minute lead on the Davidson-#979; Ron Rash-34.6 mph for his second win of truck is an '84 Ford Ranger with on through "a lot of traffic" and next closest competitor by the #973; Cameron Blackley-#936; the year. Noe reported he had a 4.0L motor and stock five-"a rough and bouncy course" to end of Lap 1 and a 45 minute Eric Ruble-#917; Cory Bantilan-some "tired shocks" that made speed tranny, with 180,000 miles capture third place in 4:48:39 lead when he crossed the finish #931; Brian Church-#959; Tim for a rough ride on a leaf spring on it, which goes to show you can at 31.2 mph. The other finishers line to win first place; doing so Gardner-#982; Allen Byma-rear and "a really bad course". race and win in a 20+ year old in Class 7S included, in order: in just 3:40:01 at 40.9 mph. This #986; Thomas Pittman-#968; But from all the smiling faces, it truck and still have fun doing it, Fourth Place: Ken Keegal-#797; was Team UBRT Racing's ninth and last to finish in class was Ed sure looked to this writer like he too. Susan Stokes, wife and #l Fifth Place: Javier Avila-#760; straight win! Schreiner also cap-Depina in car #980 in 7:55:54 had some fun doing it, too. Steve supporter, got to ride along for Sixth Place: Ted Quiroz-#725; tured the fast lap honors on Lap at 25.2 mph, but close enough Jacketti was second off the line some thrills and fun on Lap 1, Eighth Place: Perry Fleming-2 at 42.6 mph [1:10:22). to win him a cigar. Depina broke and brought truck #749 in for a when Randy Murphy jumped in #738. Dave Fisher in truck # 1407 a ball joint on Lap 1 that sent second place win exactly ten min-the co-driver's seat for Laps 2 CLASS 1400: finished in second place in him for a couple of endo's and utes after Sierra, covering the re-and 3. #747 had a heating prob-There were five trucks in the 4:33:28 at 34.5 m ph. Third also managed to tweak the rear quired miles in 4:30: 12 at 33.3 !em that made things a bit hot at Class 1400 competition, and all Continued on page 26 axle shaft. Depina fixed the front mph. Jacketti and co-driver Tom on the #980 EDCO car and Vladovich reported "the course 'MAD' Marc Dee grabbed some was a little rough and 'interest-seat time to finish the race, and ing' in spots", and they had some just in time, for a win. fun racing against Sierra. Other CLASS 7S: than stopping for gas and getting Nine trucks showed up for the tangled up with a Class 10 car, green flag in Class 7S, and seven Jacketti reported a clean and would take it all the way to see trouble free race. PIKES service center Baker, California Celeb,a~ing 60 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ••• THANKS! RESTAURANT Open 24 Hours Mobil® SERVICE Every Day Year Round THE BEST IN THE DESERT! Dusty Times TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING INC. SNORE 1999 Transaxle Builder Of the Year congratulations 2DD& Battle At Primm Short course Tim Lindsey 1st In Class -1st overall Jim Temple 3rd In Class 1 Johnny Burns 3rd in Class 9 TRANS.AXLE ENGINEERING JEFF nELD 9763VARIEL AVENUE CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818-998-2739 May 2006 Page 25

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A fifth place finish in the 46 car Class 9 contingent went to Corey Goin, Corey is seen here at speed. Sean Dunn was the fifth place finisher in the Class 10 contest, he's A sixth place finish in Class 9 went to Darin McGuffin, he's seen here seen here just at liftoff, heading for the finish. launching his car towards the checkered flag. place in Class 1400 went to Chris Russell in truck #1405, finish-ing the required laps in 4:51:56 at 30.8 mph. Fourth place went to Jerry Zaiden in the Camburg Edge truck #1425, but not with-out some major problems along the way to the checkers. The camburg Edge had their 'day' with one steering box replaced, and also a third member gear change on Lap 2 at MM45. Ja-son Campbell was at the wheel for Laps 1 and 2 when the steer-ing box gave out on Lap 1. Lap ishers. Ryan Dowe started next the pack at the green flag and race pace, averaging 40.0 mph 2 saw the rear end go, and then to last in line at the green flag drove the Lucas Oil car #1302 over the roughest terrain in the the power steering pump gave up in truck# 1458 and blew by his to victory lane and first place in Mojave Desert; bringing the car the ghost on Lap 3. Now many competition to take a five 4:39:00 at 43.0 mph. Crew also in, trouble free and in perfect would have probably just shot minute lead at the end of Lap recorded fast lap honors on Lap shape. Matt Frick took the helm the thing right then and there to 1, and fast lap honors too at 1 at 44.9 mph [1:06:50). Greg's for the third and fourth laps end the misery, butthe Camburg 3 2. 7 mph [ 1 :31 :40). This was daughter Melissa got her 20th with Kenzie navigating and trav-crew got it all fixed and able to Dowe's first win, and finish too, birthday wish when she went eled the course passing two cars finish, too. That's called 'True having DNF'd all last year. Co-along for a ride on Laps 1 and to place themselves a strong sec-Grit' racing folks, and Zaiden rey Coquette was co-driver on 2. Melissa said she was "a little ond. Then, a slight "incident" [as did it in 6:35:35 at 22.8 mph. Laps 1 and 2, and Kyle Scott got saddle sore" from a "pretty Matt called it) -they rolled one CLASS 2450: the xtra seat duties for Lap 3. rough course", but that didn't and a half times going into the Class 1450 drew seven en-Dowe had some driveshaft prob-seem to diminish her fun factor sand wash about Mile 42 on Lap tries, six starters and three fin-lems and had to push start the in the least. Her most fun was 3. Some spectators helped roll beast, but still "had a BLAST" "riding along with my Dad, 'Blackie' over and she fired right on a course that "was bad the ... and nerfing a 5 car that up.Kenzie,beinginthefirstever last half of the race". Dowe cov-wouldn't move too." Brother off road race, got right back on ered the course in 5:35:00 at Bryan Crew also got co-driver the proverbial horse and was 26.9 mph, to take first place. seat time on Laps 3 and 4. Fam-quoted as saying "As long as we And how sweet a win it was. ily fun? You bet! are not on fire I am good". Good A ircrart Spruce i) a world\ ide di$tributor of quality pr<,duct for the rac-ing industry. Our product line of owr 30,000 items is one of the most ext.cnsive from OtJe single source. Oor service h:\S made u the number one Nick Tonelli took the second Matt Frick rolled car #1324 enough, indeed, because after place trophy in truck #1498, just around MM42 on Lap 3 but got the "incident", #1324 passed 44 seconds behind Dowe; that's it back on all fours again to take two more cars in their class to pretty darn close ... only one second place in Class 1300, in finish and regain a strong second tenth of a mph less over 150 5:09:30 at 38.8 mph. FLASH! place in class overall. upplier in aviation and is why over 350 r-.scc teams have tumecJ 10 us as a'd source for racing components! _ www 0 () O,,,..wEJ!ff Fabtl.c:allttf lbteds Cat.tlof ! i &lwrsa/Joflla ...... BEST SELECTION! LOWEST PRICES! SAME DAY SHIPMENT! Visit Our Corona, CA store! AIRCRAfl SPRUCE WEST W.Airpqrt Ci«k Corqna, CA 918110-2527 ph. 951-312-955.f fax 951-312-0555 lnfo@alrcrattspruce.eom 1-877-4-SPRUCE ._ .,. ♦ t; l Page 26 miles and three and a half hours. Fresh from the racer's seat: The father and son team of Tonelli reported "a good race "What a rush! After a long day Bob and Curtis Jordan gave and no flats; ran great all day". in the desert, even a roll over". Frick a run to the checkers, com-He also added: "It was ALL fun!" Despite having a broken front ing in just 17 seconds later in car Eric Forrino grabbed the third shock and no clutch halfway # 1311 to take third place in place_ trophy in truck #1488, throughthelastlap,theMotion 5 :09:47 at 38. 7 mph. The covering the course in 7:02:56 TireentryofMattFrickandGlen Jordans each drove two "hard, at 21.3 mph. Allen managed to beat a field of fast and FUN" laps, and had "no CLASS 1300: nine other cars to place second. problems all day" on the "rough" Class 1300 included nine Glen Allen and Dave Anderson Barstow course, except to stop starters and five finishers. Greg started the race traveling their for a couple of roll-overs along Crew started toward the rear of two SO-mile laps at a perfect the way to check and make sure @ " 4, every buddy was okay. Putting A nice win in Class 7 A went to Noe Sierra, he took the win with exactly 10 minutes in hand at the checkered flag. Greg Crew led all the way in the Trophy Challenge, Greg had half an hour in hand when the checkers flew. May 2006 another racer's safety before your own 'win' is the mark of a true Champion. Thank you, guys! Fourth place went to Kevin Shannon in car # 1307, in 5:54:58 at 33.8 mph. In his "first time out and first race ever", virgin rookie Mike Meyer had a "rough but FUN" and "clean race" to take the fifth place trophy in the Meyer Rac-ing car# 1385 in 5:57:51 at 33.5 mph. CLASS 11: The sole Class 11 entry, Anne Naso in car # 1169, recorded a DNF. EXTRA NOTES: A racer's safety just doesn't stop with their on-board first aid kit or once they get their ride past Tech Inspec-tion. It also includes having Carrera RESCATE [Race Rescue) people present during the race too. You may not notice them there, but you can bet you will be happy to see them if need be. Jim Clements at M.O.R.E. has teamed up with Bob Hufnagle and Steve Prior to handle the first-re-sponder race rescue duties at his events. These 'hombres' have seen a lot of off road racing rescue duty down Baja way as part of the former S.T.A.R. rescue team [Special Terrain and Rescue]. Please welcome them to the (un-seen) M.O.R.E. team that helps it all possible for you to go out and have fun. ~.Q~~ Dusty Times

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t j SCCA RALLY CROSS By Eli Gilbert A Different Kind Of Horsepower Photos:]. Farina a y crusm from New Zealand. Looks like a winner. grid area and prepared for the drop organizer J. Farina, who won second of the green flag. Thanks to the so-and third, respectively. Unassuming phisticated timing and PA systems in nature and showing that in low supplied by the San Diego Region traction conditions the driver is the SCCA (Sports Car Club of penultimate modification, the Modi-America) group, the competitors fied 2 Wheel Drive class posted times were quickly put on course and the that competed with their 4WD coun-spectators kept in the loop thanks terparts. The two second lead John to play-by-play action from the an- Black put down in his 'passion purple' nouncers. The Fairgrounds'vendors Dodge Neon was the beginning of provided concessions, and an .im- the end for other competitors in class, pressive booth from Dave Turn er as he set the fastest time each lap for Motorsports made sure anyone who his class. Jayson Woodruff ended up caught the rallycross fever at the in second and Mike Malsed finished event would be outfitted with the third in Modified 2WD. proper racing and safety equipment. • Though the stock and modified The day's action kept the spec ta-racers will never admit it, some of the James Jordan was the SS4WD winner at the Del Mar event seen here 111 his Mazda 323 GTX diggin' for the finish line. tors on the edge of their seat, as many best action all day was seen during Known primarily as one of the ing 400-horsepower Subarus to gave the final go-ahead for the event "ooh's" and "ah's" were heard from the Open class sessions. Varying from nation's most popular horse racing grocery getting Toyota Corollas. a mere two weeks before the event the crowd. In 2WD Street Stock, Subaru STi's to Mitsubishi Evolu-tracks and betting arenas, San After cars are inspected for safety, and all subsequent organizing was the bone stock VW Jetta piloted by tions to an ex-factory Ford Escort Diego's Del Mar Fairgrounds, home they are classed by modifications, done at the breakneck pace. Says J ., Eric Neubauer-as well as three other rally car from the 1970's (piloted by of the D~l Mar Thoroughbred Club, put into pre-grid, and sent out on who also competed in the event: friends and family -dominated his SCCA Pro Rally 2004 National opened its gates January 29th, 2006 course, one at a time. Competitors "The people at the Del Mar Fair- class with top time of day for stick Champion Leon Styles), these.bark-to the inaugural San Diego Rally- are timed and scored by aggregate grounds were very accommodating" cars, as well as the trophy for first ing beasts tore up the track and of-cross. Organized by J. Farina and times. The number of laps varies, and after a few key event sponsors place. Other trophy winners were fered the crowd some spectacular Bret Norgaard, and sanctioned by though 3-5 laps is typical. The were lined up, like Dave Turner Ryan Kaslo and Richard Jung. 4WD rooster tails and pendulum turns -a the SCCA RallyCross department, courses, delineated with cones, are Mo tors ports and Bi ls te in of Street Stock saw heated action as difficult maneuver familiar to those well over 80 competitors and doz-under a mile in length and vary in America, "the rest just fell into James Jordan took the win for the who watch the WRC (World Rally ens of spectators came out on a condition from sandy to muddy to place". Thankfully for the racers sali-class, but the battle for second came Championship) on television. sunny Saturday morning to com- hard-packed, sometimes even like vating at the prospect of tearing up down to under two tenths of a sec-To those that follow grassroots pete, the first such rallycross in San tarmac. The one thing all courses the dirt in beautiful San Diego in- ond, with Matthew Meyer eventually motorsports, the most important Diego's history. It proved an ex- have in common is a lot of dirt and stead of traveling to distant events beating out Joe Jordan. battle of the day was between Leon's tremely exciting and fun event for extremely low traction! in California and Nevada, J. Farina The Modified class, so called be-ex-works Escort and a Nissan Sentra allinvolved,spectatorandcompeti-Which is exactly the way J. Fa- "works best under pressure" and causeoftheallowanceforengineand SE-R piloted by many-time SCCA tor alike, as an all-star cast of past rina likes it. J., along with long-time handled the myriad of duties with suspension modifications but a pro- Solo2 Autocross National Cham-champions, both national and re-SCCA • competitor and regional enthusiasm. hibition on full-blown rally tires, also pion George Doganis. It was the dirt gional, raced shoulder to shoulder champion Bret Norgaard, f,._ced a Gorgeous weather greeted those had some excellent performances, · expert against the tarmac master, and with rookies on the packed dirt daunting task in getting the first ever who traveled to San Diego to attend none more so than Isamu Kakitani, in the end, George ended up routing course. San Diego Rallycross off the the event. The spectators sidled up who, in his bright yellow Mitsubishi Leon for the 2WD Open class win. What is rallycross racing? !mag-ground. Long sought after as an around the course perimeter to wit- Evolution -on stock tires no less - Kirs Marciniak, who's Dodge Neon ine an autocross on steroids and in event venue, and after many years ness the sideways action, and the cars, dominated his class, winning by over was down on power compared to the dirt. Cars used are production of false starts and frustration, the divided into Street Stock, Modified, three seconds overall. He shared the Leon's Escort, still overcame seven vehicles that range from fire-breath- Del Mar Fairgrounds management and Open class, assembled in the podium with Keith Jackson and event others in the class to secure a third r-------------------------------------------------------~ Performance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding &Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks Quality Products & Friendly Service RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-759 • 15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX us to Receive a Fre~ Catalog VISA I I I I •· I I I I I I ~-------------------------------------------------------~ Page 28 May 2006 Dusty Times

Page 29

Bret Norgaard, the event organizer, is at hard left rudder in his Mitsubishi Ga/ant VR-4 at Del Mar. Curtis Himme/burger applies a lot of opposite lock in his in his drive-to-work WRX at the Del Mar Rallycross. It was a bit dark when the 4WD winners were awarded their plaques, but their smiles certainly brightened up the evening. place finish. The 4WD Open class was an op-portunity to test the 'rally-bred' na-ture of their cars, and the drivers didn't disappoint, as the many Subarus squared off against their long-time rival, the Mitsubishis. Though Jack Maranto and Bret Norgaard, the top drivers in the class, swapped the lead and thought their one-two podium finish was assured, Gravel Crew member George Scott, in a last minute entry, pulled onto huge mud rooster tails, saw regional course and set the top time of the SCCA Solo2 champion driver Larry day on his first lap out. The jaws of Chan barely take the class win over the 4WD Open competitors could David Pease and Shane Pasad. be heard dropping as he then ran Everyone left the inaugural event two more laps, each faster than the grinning from ear to ear, as podium first. With everyone's tongues firmly winners were given cash prizes and wagging at the upset, George proudly goody bags filled with sponsors' wares. took the podium -as well as the top The overwhelming opinion of the time of the day-on each of his runs. event was that it was a great success, The Truck class, noted for the two and, as told by CRS Rallycross Liai-wheel action of the 2006 Chevy and son Mark Anton, "the organization level was impressive, the venue fantas- Fair a mere wisp of cotton candy in tic, the course challenging and the everyone's minds, the Del Mar Fair-turnout was beyond expectations. It grounds proved to be a perfect venue is already in the upper echelon of all for both the competitors and spec-the Rallycross events that I have at- tators, and according to J. Farina, tended around the country, and this will host more vents later this year; was only the first event. It will be a these will be 'points' events for the welcome addition to the California California Rally Series annual Ral-Rally Series Rallycross Champion-lycross Championship. Please see ship calendar." and With the horses stowed safely in for upcoming their corrals and the annual Del Mar events. · Story writer Eli Gilbert shows that he can do more than write, he's Drifting nicely, J. Farina throws a lot of dirt as he wrestles his all- Terry Miller was driving hard, as seen here, 111 s good looking Subaru seen here cultivating the earth in the Subaru 2.5 RS. wheel drive BMW at the Del Mar Rallycross. STi looking real good at the Del Mar event. • GENERATORS • OUTBOARD ENGINES • GENERAL PURPOSE ENGINES • WELDERS • WATERPUMPS • LAWN MOWERS • LAWN TRACTORS • RIDING MOWERS • TILLERS Calilornia's Largest Source lor Bonda Power Equipment Parts 8 Inventory IF WE DON T HAYE IT: NO ONE DOES/ Check Our Website: Kawaguchi Honda Corp. :lil:ON'D.A 3532 East 3rd St. • Los Angeles, CA 90063 . , . aeNERAToRa & PUMPs (323) 264-3936, 264-5858 • FAX (323) 264-2136 Nothing s easier. For optimum performance and safety, we recommend you read the owner's manual before operating your Honda Power Equiprnent. Connection of a generator to house power requires a transfer device to avoid possible injury to power company personnel. Consult a qualified electrician. ©2006 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. Dusty Times May 2006 Page 29

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CRS SEED 9 RALLY Hoeck ls Fastest OfAII By]. Preston Bradshaw A great big thanks to the per-son who wrote the rally notes, which we relied on very heavily. The funny name, Seed 9, is used to designate Rookies who have not run an event, so have not demonstrated a speed factor, requiring them to be placed at the back of the field. It is the first event of the California Rally Se-as Seat shown Photos: Motorsports Memories ries (CRS) season, so the name is appropriate. A little background, actually Seed 9 started as Seed 7 because back then the SCCA seeded driv-ers to Seed 6. The SCCA updated the classifications a year or two before they left rally and Rally America has continued on with the seeding through Seed 8. Seed Top Competitors in every Major on Road Event Choose MasterCraH Seats and Restraints _, Including: Scott Douglas Evan Evans Mike Julson Curt and Kyle Le Due Rob Maccachren John Marking Carl Renezeder Man Scaroni ·Dan Smith and Dave Ashley Scott Steinberger Shannon Campbell Aaron Dusenbery Walker Evans Johnny G. Mitch Guthrie Joachim Schweisow Tracy Jordan Jason Paule 1 800 565 4042 w. as er s a .. c Page 30 May 2006 Wolfgang Hoeck and Piers O'Hanlon drove their Mitsubishi Lancer Evo to the Open Class 4WD win and the overall as well, seen here on an early Stage, 9 also implies to the organizers that we do not take ourselves seri-ously; that really we're lower than low and will probably never change. Hence, Seed 9 Rally. The rally was based at the Ne-vada Landing Hotel and Casino in Jean, Nevada. The first two stages featured pavement, east of the 115 free-way. The rest of the stages were gravel in the mountains behind Goodsprings, near Sandy Valley. Because it was our first year as a coefficient 2 Rally, we had to add stages. Every year we've added mileage or stages and this year was no exception, our new-est stages, Cherokee I and II were run in Sandy Valley, very close to the California border. So close to the border in fact that we le-gally could not have rally cars cross into California and then turn around and come back into Nevada. Here is a recap of some of the smiles and frowns that ensued on March 4 as the Seed 9 Rally pro-Jeff Rados and Guido Hamacher drove their high horsepower horsepower Ford Ranger to a 1st in RA and the CRS Group 5 win. Randy Dowell and Eric Schiller took the RA Open Class win and second place in CRS Open 4WD, seen here in their Mitsubishi Mirage. Dusty Times

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The father/son team of Tim and Trevore Meyer drove their VW Golf to the gold medal in the RA Production Class. Doug Chemis and Craig McNair were 3rd overall, 3rd CRS Open., 2nd RA Group Nin their Subaru lmpreza WRX, seen here at speed. Jen Ima, with Pete Morris in the right seat crowned her driving debut with a nice win in CRS Group 2 in her Suzuki Swift GT. gressed. Wolf Hoeck was fastest on every stage except Stage 1. Randy Dowell beat Wolf on Stage 1 and equaled his time on the second stage. Travis and Gary Rea ran their Mazda 323 GTX up a bank on the second stage, damaging the sus-pension, they continued on but were forced to retire on Stage 4. Michel Hoch·e-Mong, with Don Shreyer aboard rolled the VW GTi on SS4, Wilson Pass 1 and retired from the rally. Robert Brinkhurst and Matt Stokes had steering troubles on their Subaru Legacy and they re-tired from the rally on Stage 5. In her first ever event as a driver, Jen Imai, with Pete Morris aboard won the CRS Production Stock class in her Suzuki Swift GT. Chuck Wilson, another rookie driver put his Nissan pickup up on a berm for a while but eventu-ally got unstuck and was able to finish the rally. Special Stage 7 was thrown from the rally. Many of the com-petitors had inadequate lighting on their cars for night running and the organizers, fearing some problems at dusk decided to toss the stage. The Seed 9 rally was orga-nized and produced by Scott t Marvin Ronquiiio and John Burke drove their Subaru WRX to a very nice 1st RA and the CRS Production GT win. Tony Chavez and Bret Robinson had a great run, they captured 1st RA Group 2 and the CRS Production Stock win in their VW Golf. Dusty Times Bottomley and Tom Grossman. The rally was conceived some years ago in C";alifomia and ran at Tombstone Paintball Park in Corona, California and the rallyists are indebted to Leon like to thank Bill Rogers for trav-Styles for letting the rally run eling up to Las Vegas with his there. The organizers would also photographic skills. . .-.. SW Manufa~turl!r / Qi~tribq~qr qf an expanding amt unique produ~~ line of mo;orsport~ P,rq(u;\s. -; (G-FORCl{I -··•--J Pro Force Air • Significantly outflows other •blower type' helmets ..., • NOT a converted motorcycle helmet! \ ...-, e lightweight Composite Shell '--. $-2'9 !J • 9 9 • Snell SA-2000 Automotive Rated • Fire Resistant Interior Sp• cial wl FREE .,_ _________ _, H•lm•t Bag I! LOWRANCE liP!i !!iyfllf:enJ• • 8/W & Color Displays • 2" to 10.4" Screen Sizes • Portable & Panel Mount • Unlimited Mapping Vertex High Performance Radio !iy■tem• • 128 to 250 Channels • 50 to 110 Watts ofTransmitting Power! • Alphanumeric Digital Display • 3 Year Warranty • Exceeds Mil-Spec Standards May 2006 ,, 19.~V Cardle!!i!!i Impact Kit • ½" Drive • 216 ft-lbs. Torque • Carrymg Case & Charger • Only 6.6 lbs.! • Vehicle Holster Available mMMUNICATION !!iOLUTION!!i FOR RACINli& RECREATION • Intercoms & Radios • Satellite Phones • Base Station Antennas • NEW! Carbon Fiber Headsets . • Scanners • 105, 135, 150, & 235 CFM Models Available • Lightweight & Reduced Amperage • 3M Hepa & CO Filter Options • BAJA PROVEN ~-1::z:Tool ... SatMm&~, • Page 31 ◄

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=· · iiriEK: L;:... I c;; 1-1-r ~ ~ ~ -.-1:::: IVI ~ Formerly Carrera light Syslems \o :::-;::-~ a • Quick Adjust BIiiet Knobs -For tool.:fffS rapid .adjU$UMntS • Tig Welde4 Chrotn01y frame.-for strer:,gth and durability u ber Mounted• Vib ghtWelght - Single weig rs are 213 th' weight of ts alooe (4 8dr weigh Page32

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~i'19el,ll 5AN FELIPE • 22 YEARS Aco MCMillin And Sons Uber Alles By Jean Calvin Photos: Trackside Photo Scott and Gorky McMillin fought a seesaw battle all day with Mark. The pace of the two Chenowths was such that they won Class 2 and even beat the bikes on time for an absolute first overall. Second in the Score desert series of races, the San Felipe 250 results had a familiar sound. Just like last year, Corey and Scott McMillan won overall car honors in their Porsche powered Chenowth and John Baker beat the Class 8 time while winning Class 7 in his Mitsubishi. But, there were many differences down through the classes; most notable before the fact was the addition of a real mini four wheel class for Odyssey type vehicles, with eight on the starting line - a bigger class in size than ten of the 16 regular car classes. Sad to say none of the minis fin-ished in the 11 hour time al-lowance, although some did cover the entire course. It is always a pleasure to go to San Felipe for the race, even though it seems a long ride to get there.-The e como_li source far ra dCre • Driving Suits • Crew Unifonns • Crew Shirts • Polo Shirts • Team Jackets • Hats • GearBags NOW FEATURING: In-House Embroidery Driver Names • Team Logos • Sponsor Logos town still has a real ambi-ance, and the folks are po-lite as they crowd around the start/finish and seem genuinely friendly to the "crazy gringos" who annu-ally invade their turf late in March. This year the San Fe-lipe event may well have set a record for Mexican entries among the car classes. Of the 129 vehicles that started, 28 had one or more drivers listing their home 1.B00.700.2350 • Fax 909.360.0436 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 Page 34 May 2006 Despite a rash of woes, Larry Ragland kept his Chaparral in contention, took the lead on the last leg and won Class 1 honors at the flag. south of the border. This year the race activity was strung around town. Registration, scoring and the awards presentation all took place at the race head-quarters, the Motel Riviera, a place that curiously has no food service. A block down the hill the El Cortz Motel hosted tech inspection and the pre and post race im-pound. In between, on a side street, the contingency line was set up on Friday. All functions were within a city block, except the start/fin-ish line, again under the arches on the highway just north of town. The total starting entry was up by five over last year, but the mix was different. There were nine more cars in '84, but 12 fewer bikes. There were six more Odysseys, and the ATCs were up two starters. A s always the bikes we r e first away, and at 8 :25 in the morning Tom Koch in his Raceco was the first car away, followed by 11 other Class ls. It was a long haul across Diablo Dry Lake to the first checkpoint at Mike's Sky Ranch, and Koch t&DE maintained his lead, but only by a minute over Larry Ragland, Chaparral, who was half a minute ahead of Dan Cornwell, Chenowth, who was a minute ahead of Bob Shepard, Raceco, who had a minute on Mike Julson, Jimco. Whew! On they charged to Nuevo Junc-tion, the second check, where Koch still led on the road, but Ragland now tied him on total elapsed time, and Cornwell was close in their dust. Failing to make the first check were bo,th Mike Lund, Chenowth, and Glenn Evans, Chaparral. The next time report came from El Chinero, a long and tough 35 miles from the fin-ish line. By now reports of various classes of cars run-ning out of gas in the deep sand in between were con-stant. Koch's Raceco, with Mark Bro neau a t the h elm, still led the pack by a b out three minutes. Julson was holding second, and Rag-land was just seconds behind him. Dan Cornwell lost time looking for gas. Jack Johnson had a problem plagued first leg, and was CERAMIQ & POWDER COAII Since 1999, Ram Proline has provided ceramic and powder coaling for all vour needs with an oven 25 ft in depth. • WE CAN COAT CHASSIS, DUNE BUGGY FRAMES, TRAILERS, GATES, IRON FENCING, AND MORE IN A VARIETY OF COLORS. • RAM PROLINE ALSO OFFERS SAND BLASTING. • WE CAN COAT ALL INTERNAL ENGINE PARTS, EXHAUSt SYSTEMS, BRAKE CALIPERS, INTAKE MANIFOLDS, AND MANY OTHER APPLICATIONS. RAM PROLINE DOES IT ALL Dusty Times

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II Pamelli Jones, with Jon Nelson riding along, led Class 8 from time to time, but the GMC faltered on the beach and they finished second. The early leader in Class 211600 was the Chenowth of Doug fortin Roger Mortenson and Russ Welch had quick times in the Funco, but and Curtis Turner, it wasn't their day, they were out before Check #3. they ran out of gas twice and had to settle for second in class 1 o. playing catch up in his Che-nowth Magnum. Jack was tied on time with Julson at El Chinero. The infamous beach run did in more than one con-tender. With overall victory literally in sight, the Koch/ Broneau Raceco lost its clutch. Ragland and both McMillin Class 2s passed as the Raceco limped on the pavement to the finish line, second in Class 1 by two and a half minutes. Mike Julson/ Tom Ebberts lost more than half an hour on the beach and ended up fifth in Class 1, Cornwell cranked out a 48 minute run on the leg and moved into fourth with Don Robertson co-driving; and Jack Johnson climbed a tree with his Magnum, but salvaged third in class. His minor woes over, Larry Rag-1 and claim secor1d overall in cars. Class 2 had a disappoint-ing field of seven, and the only finishers were the two six cylinder Porsche powered McMillin Chenowths. In fact, Ed Herbst and Larry Wyatt were both out very early. At Mike's, Mark Mc-Millin was a few seconds . rJ ~ --J:>: • '-------~,..~'.:..__. -,7., Running great until the last miles, Tom Koch and Mari<'Broneau lost the clutch Class 8 was a battle of flat tires, anfi the Steve Kelley/Mike Nesmith GMC won and the race in sight of victory, second in class 1. the war on the final leg on the beach for the victory. ahead of his brother Scott However, Scott and Corky beach and Jim Sumners lost Michael Nesmith plus Parker and father Corky, who were had no trouble at all, his engine in the same area. winner Dave Shoppe, Ford, tied on time with Jerry Pen-whipped off a 46.53 on the So, second in Class 2 and and Frank Vessels and Stan hall/Ron Gardner, Che-last leg to not only win over-fourth overall honors went Gilbert also in Fords. Three nowth. Jim Sumners, in his all car honors, along with to Mark McMillin with Gary disappeared en route to and the qua-rtet stayed in b-ikes by ·ten ininutes. The behind his relatives. two niinutes.on Parnelli and formation with similar time last time a car beat the bikes Third off the line were a couple more on Evans, span into Nuevo. Here on total time in a Score race the ten Class 8s, and it was Gilbert and Shoppe, while Ricardo Barbosa retired was at the 1983 Parker 400 a "heavy hitter" field with Vessels was another three and Penhall/Gardner lost when Marty Letn-er drove his Walker Evans, Dodge, facing minutes down. Walker had half an hour in the rough Class 1 Raceco to absolute Parnelli Jones in Larry the quick time down the hill desert east of the mountains. overall quick time. Penhall/ Minor's GMC, backed by the to Nuevo, but on total time Mark McMillin had some Gardner vanished on the GMC of Steve Kelley and Continued on page 36 prob 1 em that cost sever a 1 li'?f:'t:'-;:::;;;:;;;::::::::::=:;;;;:::;,:::;:::::====== minutes and Jim Sumners. ~ closed the gap at El Chinero. WWW. rAKERPRECISION.COM HPFans . Of/Coolers Driving Suits Rod End Boots 2865 Gundry Ave .. Signal Hi/4 CA 90755 562-427-2375 Neo Synthetic Oil Performance Plumbing 1--~1 ;»> F~::;!_ {f) rre1 fl(j-RORA -sl~X•li:'1"•:J --· @ Dusty Times May 2006 Page 35

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Hayward Mendenhall and Gary Gilbert had a good day in their home-brew 21 1600. Despite a four flip roll they won the class. th e re, Kelly/Nesmith led by ground. two minutes, P.J. had Word came that Evans' d ropped another minute, Dodge was stuck on the sum-and the others were losing mit with various ills includ-John Baker not only won class 7 in his Mitsubishi, he repeated his 1983 act, beating the time of the Class B winner as well. Jim Dyer planned his solo drive in Class 1 0 carefully, he stopped often for gas and his Funco won the big class in Baja. ing a pair of flat tires. Kelly Parnelli Jones left the last had a couple of flats and check with fifteen minutes in slowed en route to Chinero hand over Kelley. Shoppe with no spare on board. was patching and welding all Bobby and Tom Neth had a near visual race in 1-1600, and they took the win in their Chenowth with just over a minute margin. across the desert and Vessels was doing a similar act, as was Gilbert. Heading for home P.J .'s GMC stopped on the beach with a steering arm problem, Kelley swept past and then ran out of gas crossing the pavement at the zoo. A spectator came to the rescue with five gallons of juice, and Steve Kelley got the checkered flag first, re-gaining the lead the truck had when Nesmith handed it over to him. Parnelli ar-rived just three minutes in arrears in a jovial mood. Shoppe with a balky trans, struggled home third, and all three trucks were bat-tered and bashed. Looking even more like a survivor of a destruction derby, Walker Evans and Dodge arrived in fourth with Frank Vessels along seven minutes later on the charts, followed by Stan Gilbert. The trucks sure did a lot of paint swapping on the course, but maybe it helps the body shop busi-ness. Next to start, Class 2-1600 had a miniscule entry of seven on the line, and the results show they definitely should start behind Class 10 in the future. There had been some talk of this, but it didn'·t happen at San Fe-lipe. Doug Fortin/Curtis Conner led the fi rst leg and through to Check 2, holding six minutes lead before van-ish i n g somewhere over the summit. Taking over at that r--------------------------------------------------------------------Just a request a reminder or possiblv a suggestion. When vou and the gang are in the Reno area, we strongly suggest that vou blow a couple 11 hours and visit the National Automobile museum. The cars on displav are a treat tor the eves and thev are arranged in a manner that partravs the era thev lived in. The museum Is located at 10 Lake Street In Reno and well worth same 01 vour time, along with the tamilv. Also, the on Road Motarspans Hall 01 Fame Is located In one 01 the galleries an1 honors some 11 our heroes and heroines. Take our ward tor it vou'll eniov vour visit ~-------------------------------------------------------------------J Page 36 May 2006 Dusty Times 1 I I I I I I I I I

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"" ~;J~ ... ~)Y ""' . ,. Larry Smith and Jon Kennedy were the bridesmaids in 1-1600, Torsten and Ken Corum led Class 10 all the way to Chinero in their Bearing the scars of an unfriendly tree, Manny Esquerra's Ford chasing dust all day, their Funco arrived at the finish close behind the Chenowth, but the quick team vanished on the beach, a dnf. Ranger was second in Class 7, less than a minute out of victory. _~_in_ne_r._---::-:,-------,------=-------------,,-----c--p o int was Hayward In post race tech the Mendenhall/Gary Gilbert, Estrada Hi Jumper, which who were about 16 minutes was borrowed for the race, ahead of Rick and John was disqualified for having Hagle midway, and Max an AMSA, and larger than Estrada and Victor Zeigler legal restrictor plate on the were holding third. The carburetor. The drivers said Hagles lost an hour in the later that the tech guys had deep stuff getting to Check been waiting for them to fin-5, and here Mendenhall/ ish, and greeted them at the Gilbert had about 14 min-impound with the news that utes in hand. But, heading they were disqualified, say-down the beach the ing they saw the illegal plate Mendenhall buggy rolled in pre-race tech. The drivers four times. It was battered couldn't understand why to the finish line, but it was the tech folks didn't tell the 2-1600 winner. Second them they had the wrong on time was the Estrada/Zie-plate before the race. They gler Hi Jumper, just four did not know, having bor-minutes later. The Hagles rowed the car, and they arrived in another 18 min-would have been happy to utes and two hours later buy and install the right Steve Ferrato and Dave plate before the race Fessenden were the final fin-started. is hers. Continued on page 38 In Class 5 Norm and Steve Schmidt won one of the closest fights at San Felipe, taking the win after a swift flight down the beach, £If' overall. Come down to Rocky Point for Pro Desert Racing's First race of 2006! 2006 Racing Schedule: May 6 - 250 mile loop race in Puerto Penasco (Rocky Point), Mexico. October 14 - 300 mile race from San Luis, Mexico to Puerto Penasco, Mexico December 9 - 200 mile Point to Point Race from Sonoyta to Rocky Point Pro Desert Racing is a new racing series for off-road car and truck classes with events to be held in beautiful Sonora Mexico with an emphasis on fairness, family and fun. Check out The Desert Rat 250 is brought to you by Pro Desert - • Racing in cooperation with the State of Sonora RockV Point, Mx. Department of Tourism and Grupo Producciones for more information de Sonora. Dusty Times May 2006 Page 37 . _-,,.

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[[3[3~7IlmJ'iil.M I =I [[)C3~C3[filV RACING ASSOCIATION 1-ltf¼H(•I -PRlll&f19~V•11• Presents ''The Richest Off-Road Race In Nevada'' $40,000 Guaranteed Total ~urse $10,000 Guaranteed Purse To 1st Overall Car or Truck ---~,-· ~~~:::;;:::::;;-.--... M19 Trucks cars ; \:. ~-~-. ~ Official Truck r;;;-)1-<~ OF THE~~ ~ UOrnl'ii'C313~LI RACING ASSOCIATION ~,, 1 . ,I! Official Racing Fuel ~rm'~~ RACING ASSOCIATION Time Trial Event for Car/Truck Starting Positions Friday, April 28 Drawing for Starting ~ositions for MC/Quads April 13, 2006 Race Is On Saturday auads $5. 000 Guaranteed Purse To 1st April28,29,30,2006 · Overall Pro Quad GOoo;lrEA .. Official Tire [ff§07]~ren~ RACING ASSOCIATION -dr. Oot.rAHOE RACING Official Suspe'!!!!_~~ ~ml'tmi~ RACING ASSOCIATION a :HONDA RidcrsOr.dJq Anzmaz ~ □00 'i]C{)I] D ....__,.__ [llif RA.c;ll'+IG ASSC,CIATIC,l+I 3475C Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 • (702) 457-5775 • Fax (702) 641-2431 --. Page 38 May 2006 Dusty Times

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With 16 starting cars, Class 10 was a tight race all the way, with a good seven cars all a minute or two apart at Mike's. Going the quickest of all at Mike's, and all the way through Chin-ero, was Torsten Corum/ Ken Corum in a Chenowth. Each leg the Corums gained a few seconds, and heading south down the beach they held a scant two minute Dusty Times margin over Roger Mortenson/Russ Welch, Funco. Several of the early contenders had either dropped out or dropped back, many running out of gas. In a tight third at Check 5, just one more minute back, was Jim Dyer going · solo in his newly painted Funco. Dyer turned ·a 55 minute leg and was the first Class 10 into San Felipe, in Rod Hall and Jim Fricker had an easy cruise to the Class 4 victory in the dodge pickup, they finished on a flat with body dings. Jim Dizney had to work hard for his solo drive in the Chenowth, but at the checkers Jim took another Class 9 win. fact he was the tenth car of any kind under the check-ered flag, and his time was good for ninth overall. Dyer said he stopped for gas, did not run out, and won, but he finished with a loudly clanking trans that had no reverse gear. The Corums did not fin-ish, Russ Welch ran out of gas in the Funco, but got it handled to finish second, about eight minutes in ar-rears. It was more than one and a nalf hours before the next Class 10 claimed third. It was J. Duncan Brown and Gary Johnson in a Chapar-ral, and only five finished the course. Class 7 continues to draw puny numbers. This round only five, all factory backed, appeared to race. San Felipe marked the debut of the wild looking and wild per-forming Cal Wells built Toyota desert racer. As ex-pected, Ivan Stewart flat Continued on page 40 ENGINE CONTROL rr, DATASiSTEMS POWERING 71-IE OVERALL WINNERS OF THE BAJA 1000 THE eH0JeE OF? CHAMPIONS ENGINE CONTROL Stand alone Engine Managementfor4-12 cyl enfines Sequential Injection and Distributor./ess ignition lntemaJ Logging with close6loop lambda mapping Custom harnesses made for your application Complete systems from $5000 DATA SYSTEMS Data Loggers with up to 1281',//B of memo,y Po'Nelful software to collect and analyze data Steering wheel and dashboard cfspla-ys Suppo,tavailable for SCORE and BfTD Made in the USA. May 2006 / EFI Technology Inc. 4025 Spencer St #102 Torrance, CA 90503 Tel. (310) 793-2505 Fax (310) 7$JJ.2514 Page39

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Malcolm Vinje and Marl< Hansen settled for second in Class 5, both Hartmut and Wolfram Klawitter led the 13 Bug field in Class 5 all the Al and Jeff Jordan were close all day with the leaders in Class 5, and, vowing to go just a little faster at the next meeting of the bugs. way to Tres Pozos, then they vanished in the deep sand. at the finish, the San Diego team nailed down third place. flew in the Toyota, for a Check 1, Manny Esquerra and Sherman Balch was leak-a flat front tire and a bare Goldbaum/Pancho Bio time. Ivan had a slim one was three minutes back, ing oil at the start and only rim on the left rear. He said stayed close until the final minute lead over Jerry Baker was another one and went a few miles in his Nis-he hit a tree on the beach 35 miles. Out early was McDonald, Chevy S-10 at a half minutes to the rear, san. and lost the tire late in the Chuck Sugar, but the other Coming Next .. Month ... Best In The ~sert TerriJ:>ie·s Town 250 SNORE Buffalo Bill's 400 ... And Much, Much More! Page 40 Coming down from game; he knew he couldn't six all finished the race. Mike's, the Toyota coughed stop for a tire or Esquerra Smith/Kennedy led by two a rear end, John Baker wouldwin.Mannygaveithis minutesintotheSkyRanch, turned up ·the wick in the all, running the last leg but the lead was down to 30 Mitsubishi and took over the nearly four minutes faster seconds at Nuevo. By Check lead, a minute ahead of than Baker. But, what 5 the pair were still nose to McDonald who was only 30 worked at Laughlin did not tail, now with Neth in the seconds ahead of Esquerra's work at San Felipe. Esquerra lead. They turned identical Ford Ranger. Ivan got finished second, only 52 sec-times of 58.3 on the beach, mended, only to break an onds out of the victory. The and Tom Neth crossed the axle, but he carried on into pair finished tenth and 11th finish line with the Funco El Chinero, and then broke overall, and both Class 7s glued to his rear bumper. another axle and ran out of beat the elapsed time of the The Neth brothers won the time. Meanwhile; McDonald winning Class 8 GMC. Jerry battle by just one and a half broke the frame and McDonald suffered an igni-minutes. Goldbaum/Bio stopped for a quick fix, tion fire, but he came home were a respectable third in while Baker and Esquerra in third place. the Friskowth. swapped the lead often as There were seven starters Class 5 fielded a remark-each had a flat tire or two. in 1-1600 class, but it was able collection of 13 Baj-a Leaving El Chinero Baker primarily a two horse race Bugs and eight of them fin-had over five minutes in between Bobby and Tom ished the course. This was a hand, but his shocks were Neth, Chenowth and Larry wild, five way fight for the gone, the body battered, and Smith/Jon Kennedy, Funco, win as three teams, Vinje/ he charged on, finishing on although Richard Hansen, Diehl/Pierson, and e e I s ertified Ei tested %Stranger ~~~----=Lighter than other cast wheels an the market •Counter Pressure Casted Aluminum • Satin Smooth Machine Finish Beadlac/4 an an-Bead/eek VW 5 Lug Pattern - 5 on ~D5mm · ~ --.. 714.578.8258 May 2006 □blue □black □red . □polished• Dusty Times

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Jim Shennan and Bob Prather had the early lead in Class 9, they had R.C. Jones and Tracy Chapman stayed very close on time, finished Dave Hendrickson and Richard Johnson were in the five way struggle trouble in the deep desert, finished second, seven minutes out. just four minutes behind for second place in class 5-1600. in 5-1600 the entire race, they finished in third place. theKlawittersweretiedon frontflat,butsaidtheylost fair among three Jeep go much farther. Hall cerned.JimNemlowill/Bob time at Mike's, and two more the race because they just Honchos, a GMC and of cruised on with a secure lead, Enders got their GMC were only a couple minutes didn't go fast enough. Al course, Rod Hall and Jim finishing over two hours around the course for third back. At Nuevo the and Jeff Jordan nailed down Fricker in the Dodge. Hall ahead of Lowell Arnold/ place. Klawitters led by two min-third about 12 minutes led Mike Giurbiano's TomKeplerinaJeepHonco. With only three starters, utes over Vinje/Hansen, and later. Honcho by six minutes at Hall arrived with a near flat Class 9 wasn't much of a three minutes back, and tied Class 4 was a ho hum af-Mike's, and Giurbino didn't tire, but he wasn't con-Continuedonpage42 on time, were the Schmidts and the Jordans, while Diehl was behind by five minutes, closely tagged by Bill Kerr. The Klawitters vanished after Tres Pozos while lead-ing, and at Check 5, eight of the remaining ten had dropped wads of time. Here Norm and Steve Schmidt had the lead by ten minutes over Malcolm Vinje/Mark Hansen, and the Schmidt Bug increased the lead by six minutes on the final leg. In victory Schmidt said he had no real trouble other than lots of silt, and he explained the body damage by saying "I hit a little Chevy". Vinje and Hansen arrived with a left Eric and Henry Arras were the team to beat in the huge 5-1600 class, but nobody did. Father and son led most of the way to the gold and the glory. Jorge Souto was all alone in Class 3 most of the race, and with son Daniel riding shotgun, he took an easy win in the new Class 3. . . . . . •. . .. ~. • .. . . . ft!) fiiIB~ -cc.w~ BIL9,EIN® a!l)IJD.. ~~ fI11J1J1?l (JljJ!lff131JlJ!J SCORE San Felipe 250 Class Winners Dusty Times May 2006 Racer Victor Herrera Jr. Adam Pfankuch Eric Solorzano Mark Handley Gus Vildosola Jr. Class 7 1/2-1600 11 Stock Full Pro Truck Bilstein Shocks Black Hawl(4t 9100 Series 7100 Series 9100 Series 9100 Series Page 41

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Present The: . . CLASS 7 & 8 BONUS RACE!! $2000 1st Place** **w/5 trucks in class Fun Run Fri May 19th 11:00 am - 3:00 pm Fri May 19th • Tech/Contingency 5:30 - 9:00 pm Sign Up @ The Knotty Pine Casino 5:00 - 9:30 pm Race Starts 9:00 am Sat May 20th · Awards @ 7 with BBQ & Post Race Party After Hosted By: --~::·, • (702) 452-4522 SNORE hotline Series Sponsor Official Tire Series Sponsor 1Nia1%1~ '9;=;= ilOl4fS r Page 42 ,~~~ ~~ ~~::Y' ---· -~--~ . . ',• .-•-GE!\IU!NEWE3 May 2006 Dusty Times

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Mike and Pat Falkosky led the early legs in Class 7S in their new Howard and Oley Henderson fought the good fight in Class 11, they Max Estrada and Victor Ziegler were second on time in 2-1600 Class, Toyota, a tip over didn't help: they finished second in class. ran out of time at Check 5, but were awarded third place. but their borrowed Hi-Jumper suffered a technical disqualification. -choice, and Andy Blue at Nuevo, but they dropped dandy battle. No complete Tiznado. Thirteen of the 22 Andy Felix got their aging dropped out early on. Jim time in the deep stuff, and times were listed to Check 1, finished in good time, and AMC Hornet through Tres Dizney did the solo act in his finished just seven minutes but at Nuevo Henry and all who made it to El Chin-Pozos before running out of Chenowth to win the class behind Dizney. Eric Arras emerged in the ero survived the tricky time. A tragic accident at aiid take 23rd overall. Still, Class 5-1600 was the big-lead holding six minutes beach road. the start of Diablo Dry lake Jim Sherman/Bob Prather gest group in the race with over R.C. Jones/Tracy Score's new look Class 3 marred the event. The Class had their Funco in the lead 22 starters, and they had a Chapman who were a scant is barely worth a mention 6B Ford Ranchero of-minute· ahead of Ernesto with two starters. Joe Darold MacDannald, with and Alfredo Arambula. MacPherson's Chevy S-10 starting driver Jack McCoy Next was David was out in a few miles, so at the helm, hit the berms Hendrickson/Richard Jorge and Daniel Souto instead of the trail on the Johnson, another four min-cruised the route in their dry lake, rolled a number of utes back. Nissan to finish a lonely times, and the co-driver, At Check 5, the winner. Stan McCusky was killed al-Arambulas had had a disas-Class 6A was even less in-most instantly. Jack McCoy ter which dropped them well s p Ir Ing. 0 n l y Arne was taken by air to the hos-back, coming in tenth at the Gunnarsson and his Saab pital in San Diego, where he flag. Eric Arras had taken showed up, and Arne, with is recovering from serious over from his dad Henry and Bob Lanz co-driving fin-injuries. he continued to lead the ished the course with a half Class 7S started seven pack all the way home, fin-hour left on the time allow-mini trucks, but the race'de-ishing almost five minutes ance. veloped into a three way ahead of R.C. Jones/Tracy Class 6B held three start-struggle quickly. At the first Chapmanwhowereaminute ers, but only Larry checkMikeandPatFalkosky quicker on the beach run. Schwacofer ' and Sid led in the Toyota, Sergio Despite sundry problems along the course, Larry Schwacofer and Sid Spradling did the job again in Class 6, winning in the Chevy. Hendrickson held on in Spradling went the distance Duron was seven minutes third just two minutes ahead for the victory in the '55 back in his Nissan, and of Mike Leon/Arturo Chevy. Dale Draves and Continuedonpage45 · Dusty Times Pamela (Pam) Haliburda · Feb 28, 1945-December 30, 2005 Pam was the ultimate off road racer. She rode in more than 40 races over the years, competed in the 1975 Baja 1000 and was a great supporter of her Husband Tom's racing efforts. She was heavily into NASCAR racing and Indy type racing. Pam is survived by her husband Tom, her mother, Jane Bayer, Daughters Kelly and Stephanie, sons Jeffery James Thomas 111, Steve, Roland, John and David and by nine grandchildren. Pam will be sorely missed by all who knew her. Vaya Con Dios. May 2006 Page 43 ...._

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Willie Valdez and Jose Alvarado had troubles all day, but they came back to finish first in Class 7S in their Ford Ranger. Winning Class 11 is a habit with Sergio and Porfirio Gutie"ez, they led every leg and won their class by nearly two hours. Willie Valdez, having engine misfiring trouble, was an-other two minutes back. It got tighter at Nuevo. The Falkoskys were two minutes ahead of Duron, after hav-ing tipped over coming down from Mike's. Valdez was an-other three minutes behind. Over the summit and into the silt Valdez got his Ford running better and took the lead while Duron dropped well back of the Toyota. It was a drag race down the beach, but Willie Valdez picked up another couple of minutes here to win Class 7S in the Ford Ra.nger by about three minutes over Mike and Pat Falkosky. Sergio Duron still had problems but he finished well on time in third spot. Class 11 just won't go away south of the border! Of the nine Beetles that started, only two hailed from the USA. And it was many time winners Sergio and Porfirio Gutierrez who led each leg by increasing margins and easily won Class 11, finishing a fine 48th overall. The only other Beetle that finished was driven by Ramon Castro and Santiago Vega, close to two hours b ehind. Others were quick in certain areas, but only three made it through the deep stuff to Check 5. There Howard and Oley Henderson did not have enough time left to get an official finish. The hallmark of the 1984 San Felipe 250 was a combi-nation of bent sheet metal/ fiberglass, an epidemic of flat tires no matter what the brand, and cars in every cat-egory running out of gas in the low altitude and deep DON.,T FORGET .TO SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO KEEP REPORTING THE OFF ROAD NEWS! Dusty Times May 2006 sand. Many drivers rem arked that the route was over-raced an_d really used up. However, ever since the first Mexicali 300 race, cars have been running out of gas on this course, but many teams just do not remember that from year to year. One driver who did remember, and won Class 10, was Jim Dyer. Dyer was-surprised to find he was first to the fin-ish line, because he stopped often for gas and figured it cost him too much time. But his competition ran out of gas on the final leg. What else is there to say about the San Felipe 250. SCOIE SCORE SAN FELIPE 250 March 23-25, 1984 Results Pos. Pos. Car# Driwer(s) Vehicle Time 0/ A Class 1 - Unlimited Single Seat - 12 start - 9 finish 1. 104 Urry Ragland (solo) Chaparral 5:09.25 2 2. 100 Tom Koch/Mark Broneau Raceco 5:11.53 3 3. 108 Jack Johnson (solo) Chenowth Magnum 5:26.35 5 4. 111 Dan Cnrnwell/Oon Robertson Chenowth 5:27.31 6 5. 101 Mike Julson/Tom Ebberts Jimco 5:50.29 7 Class 1-1600 -Single Seat 1600 cc VW - 7 start - 6 finish 1. 198 Bobby Neth/Tom Neth Chenowth 6:18.05 17 2. 197 Urry Smith/ Jon Kennedy Funco 6:19.38 18 3. 161 Richard Goldbaum/Pancho Bio Friskowth 6:47.58 26 4. 163 Ruben Garcia/ Jose Santana Chenowth 7:53.44 41 5. 164 Raul Diaz/ J. Manuel Luque Chenowth 8:16.02 47 Class 2 -Unlimited Two Seat - 7 start - 2 finish 1. 200 Scott McMillin/Cnrky McMillin Chenowth-P 5:04.53 2. 201 Mark McMillin/Gary Arnold Chenowth-P 5:15.00 4 3. 204 Jim Sumners/Craig Renfro Raceco 4:34.00 (Ck.5) Class 2-1600 -Two Seat 1600 cc VW - 7 start - l finish 1. 263 Hayward Mendenhall/Gary Gilbert Homemade 7:42.41 39 2. 299 Rick Hagle/ John Hagle Raceco 8:04.38 43 3. 262 Steve Ferrato/Dave Fessenden Panzer 10:19.52 62 4. 264 Max Sanchez/Moises Ontiveros Chenowth 7:21.00 (Clc.4) Class l - Production 4 1 4 - limited 2850cc - 2 start - 1 finish 1. 339 Jorge Souto/Daniel Souto Nissan 8:58.49 53 2. 301 Joe MacPherson/Ben Metcalf Chevy S-10 N/T Class 4 :-Unlimited 4 1 4 - 5 start - 3 finish 1. 400 Rodney Hall/ Jim Fricker Dodge 6:02.52 13 2. 403 Lowell Arnold/Tom Kepler Jeep Honcho 8:12.34 45 3. 405 Jim Nemlowill/Bob Enders GMC 8:58.16 52 4. 401 Rod Everett/George Barnett Jeep Honcho 3·35.00 (Ck.2) Class 5 -Unlimited Baja Bug -13 start - 8 finish 1. 501 Norm Schmidt/Steve Schmidt Baja Bug 5.52.56 8 2. 549 Malcolm Vinje/Mark Hansen Baja &g 6:09.15 16 3. 502 Al Jordan/ Jeff Jordan Baja Bug 6:21.59 20 4 506 Bill Kerr (solo) Baja Bug 6 47.39 25 5 505 Jim Cncores/Ooug White Baja Bug 9:57.02 60 Class 5 -1600 cc Baja Bug -22 start -13 finish 1. 550 Eric Arras/Henry Arras Baja Bug 6:41.45 22 2. 556 R.C. Jones/Tracy Chapman Baja Bug 6:46.39 24 3. 553 Dave Hendrickson/ 0. V. Barajas Baja Bug 7:24.29 33 4. 552 Mike Leon/Arturo Tiznado Baja Bug 7:28.08 35 5. 566 Carlos lribe/Fernando u,on Baja Bug 7:48.12 40 Class 6A - Production cars under 2850 cc - 1 start - 1 finish 1. 619 Arne Gunnarsson/Bob Lanz Saab 96 10:32.54 64 Class 68 - Unlimited Sedan - 3 start - 1 finish 1. 620 Urry Schwacoler /Sod Spradling ·55 Chevrolet 9:39.06 5B 2. 601 Dale Draves/ Andy Felix AMC Hornet 9:54.00 (Clc.4) Class 7 -Unlimited mini Pickup - 5 start - 3 finish 1. 702 John Baker/ Jeff Wilson Mitsubishi 5:56.57 10 2. 703 Manny Esquerra/Tody Esquerra Ford Ranger 5:57.49 11 3. 706 Jerry McDonald/Don Anderson Chevy S-10 7:04.47 29 4. 700 Ivan Stewart/Bryant Hibbs Toyota 9:02.30 (Clc.5) Class 7S -Stock mini Truck - 7 start - 3 finish 1. 742 Willie Valdez/ Jose Alvarado Ford Ranger 7:21.56 32 2. 740 Mike Falkosky /Pat Falkosky Toyota 7:24.35 34 3. 745 Sergio Duron/ Antonio Nissan 8:01.49 42 4. 744 Noe A. Gutieres/Victor Piccido ford 4:04.00 (CU) Class 8 - Pickup -10 start - 6 finish 1. 803 Steve Kelley/Michael Nesmith-GMC 6:01.25 12 2. 802 Parnelli Jones/ Jon Nelson GMC 6:04.25 15 3. 806 Dave Shoppe/Jeff Yocum Ford 6:26.49 21 4. 801 Walker Evans/Rich Hedrick Dodge 7:09.12 30 5. 808 Frank Vessels/ Art Carr Ford 7:16.10 31 Class 9 -1200 cc Single Seat - l start - 2 finish 1. 940 Jim Oizney (solo I Chenowth 6:44.01 23 2. 901 Jim Sherman/Bob Prather Funco 6:51.10 27 3. 900 Andy Blue Funco N/ T Class 10 - Unlimited 1650 cc - 16 start - 5 finish 1. 4 Jim Oyer (solo) Funco 5:55.14 9 2. 34 Roger Mortenson/Russ Welch Funco 6:03.26 14 3. 12 J. Duncan Brown/Gary Johnson Chaparral-Toyota 7:41.46 38 4. 6 Terry OuTemple/Roy Stinson Sandhawk 8:13.57 46 5. 1 Calvin Wei!!, Jr./Oavid Wells Funco 9:15.23 56 Class 11 - Stock VW Sedan - 9 start - 2 finish 1. 46 Sergio Gu_tierrez/Porfirio Gutierrez vw 8:28.27 48 2. 42 Ramon Castro/Santiago Vega vw 10:10.12 61 3. 59 • Howard Henderson/Oley Henderson ~ 10.35.30 (Ck.5) Total Starters - 129 cars - 42 bikes - 20 ATC (3Wh) • 8 ATV (4Wh) = 199 Total Finishers - 68 cars• 32 bikes - 12 ATC (3Wh) · 0 ATV (4Wh) = 112 Finish Ratio - 52. 7% cars • 76.1% bikes - 60% (3Wh) -0% (4Wh) • Total 56.3% Race Distance - 245 miles -Time Allowance • 11 hours Fast Time of the Day • Scott & Corky McMillin • Chenowth 5:04.53 Fast Time Bikes-. Scott & Kurt Pfeiffer - 250 Husqvama - 5:14.37 Fast Time ATC (3Wh) - Brett Driscoll/Craig Corda -Honda - 6:18.22 Page 45

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California Rally series Banquet By Jon Rood & SameerParekh Photos: Motorsports Memories CRS GT Class Awards went to: (I tor) Dennis Chizma,-Jeff Debrule, Mike Moyer, Chris Wilson, Martin Olumeri, Nick Hudson and Eric Olsen. Another great California Rally Series banquet has come and gone, a gathering of great friends to look back on the past year's excitement. The weather, drizzly and rainy, didn't seem to hinder anyone's spirits. _ _ The location for this year's banquet was Maggie's Pub in Santa Fe Springs, California, a great place to get a large group of friends together for drinks and a great tasting buf-fet. The buffet seemed to have something for everyone, pas-tas, salads, fish, shrimp, tur-key, roast beef, etc., then end-ing with a selection of des-serts, thanks for the wonder-ful food. The only thing I was disappointed about was the lack of post-partying. The CRS is famous for post-rally parties, why would this be any different? It's because most people live fairly close by, I guess. I live in Phoenix, so I was in no hurry to go any-where that night. Paula Gibeault got the night going with a history les-son. What a great story of "The Meeting", 31 years ago, at her wedding reception. This is where the CRS was con-ceived of and later put into the works. A common inter-est, to drive road cars on dirt and gravel roads as fast as you can or want; what could be more fun? While the guys were setting up for a game of rally trivia, Dick Moser entertained every-one with a story of meeting the CRS Director, Tony Chavez, some ten years ago in Peru. Everyone had stopped to listen to this great story about going hunting for a rac-coon type animal with Tony and his best dog "Old Blue·". To make a long story short, it ends with 'Tony hanging from a tree branch with him yelling down to shoot the dog, "SHOOT Old Blue!!!" Some of you may have heard a similar tale; I know I've seen it in emails once or twice. The awards are what we were really· there for, to award the hard work, time, money, sweat, and maybe even a few tears that we all put into this sport. Jon Rood, 2004 Rookie of the Year, passed on his torch to Blake Yoon, the 2005 Rookie of the Year. In order to reward newcomers to the sport, the California Rally Se-ries presents a Rookie of the Year award, to the driver who started the year as a Seed 8 driver (having never com-pleted a rally) and finishing with the best standing among all other rookies. The Rookie co-driver award goes to the first co-driver who earned the Performance Stock Class Award winners were: (I to r) Mike Taylor, most points with the winning rookie driver. In 2005 the awards went to Blake Yoon, who also placed first in the Open 4WD driver champion-ship, and Vartan Davtyan. Yoon commented on his first year rallying, "It took me a year to rea1ize l10w equally important the co-driver, equipment ;i.nd driver com-mitment and skill are to each other. All three need to be in total harmony with each other for a rally vehicle to reach its peak potential. I'm going to keep working hard to see if I can accomplish this. I'm espe-cially excited that I now have seasoned co-drivers like Chris-sie (Beavis) and Nathalie (Ri-chard) who want to go for a ride with me." The Kenneth Zimmerman award recognizes the individu-als who have made outstand-ing contributions to the sport of rallying and the California Rally Series. This year Chad DiMarco of Sube Sports pre-sented the award, which hon-ors the sportsmanship and support of Dr. Kenneth Zim-merman, to Michael Taylor, the organizer of the Prescott Forest Rally, who also won the drivers' championship in the Performance Stock class. Upon receiving the award, Taylor said that winning it was "the pinnacle of [his) rally ca-A very happy guy, Blake Yoon was awarded Rookie Of The Year by California Rally Series. reer." He continued, "This is the highest award given by the California Rally Series and it was very humbling to receive it. Having Chad DiMarco, son-in-law of the late Kenneth Zimmerman, present the award also added to the mo-ment." Within the California Rally Series, the stock classes, both Performance Stock and CRS GT, are both known for a spe-cial spirit of helpfulness. The Galal Souki award is pre-sented to the competitor within that class who provides a great example of that spirit. This year the award went to Michael Moyer, who also placed third in the CRS GI drivers' championship. Moyer commented on re-ceiving the award, "Receiving the 2005 Gala! Souki award was a total surprise, as well as a great honor to accept. I love the great competition that the CRS attracts, but the cama-raderie is even better. Some-times you lend a hand to help others out, and other times you're the one in need of as-sistance• it all comes around in the end. It not only makes for a great weekend playing in the dirt, it's good rally karma!" . .., ,, The California Rally ~eries and the rallies that comprise the championship would be nothing without the hard work of the many volunteer workers who manage commu-nications, road closures, con-trol areas, and all the other details of every event. In or-der to demonstrate the community's appreciation of that support, every year an award goes to the most Out-standing, Tenacious, Persever-ing Worker of the Year. This year that worker was Carolyn Reed. The CRS is full of people with many talents, and to rec-ognize the well-rounded among us, the Bill Moure Me-morial Award goes to a co-driver who, like Bill did, con-tributes to rally in many ar-eas, from volunteering, to or-ganizing, to serving on the Board. This year the series chose to honor Tony Chavez with the Bill Moore Memorial Award. Tony Chavez was so sur-prised to win the award that he was speechless at the ban-quet. However, in a later in-terview, he commented on the honor, "I didn't get a chance to meet Bill Moore, but I know many things about him from Ray Hocker and Mike and Paula Gibeault. He was a great [Board) member, and did many things for the CRS; he was also Ray's best friend and co-driver. And while I have never co-driven before, I have been involved [on the Board) for many years, first as Membership Chairman, then as Treasurer, after that both positions together and the last two years as the Director. I have also organized rallies and rally sprints. So I have an idea of what Bill was about, and I couldn't have been more hon-ored than to receive an award for doing things for the orga-nization that represents the sport I love the most." The competition for the championship was solid all year long. In the Open 4WD driver's championship, Doug Chernis managed an early lead, winning both the Seed 9 and Desert Storm rallies, but a DNF at Rim on Saturday put him out of the running for the next two rallies, at which rookie driver Blake Yoon demonstrated his abil-ity to win, taking first place at Treeline, and winning the championship, leaving Doug Chernis in the dust. Chad Davies managed to make a strong showing while Chernis missed those two events, pull-Larry Gross, George Doganis, Tom Smith, Michael Hoche-Mong The Kenneth Zimmerman award was presented to Michael Taylor (r) and Tony Chavez. Michael Taylor was the winner of the Performance Stock Class award. by Chad DiMarco. -<-----------------------Page 46 May 2006 Dusty Times

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The Open 2WD Class Awards went(/ to r) Jennifer Imai, Cable Rhodes, Jeff Rados, Guido Hamacher, Lisa Klassen, Pamela Wyatt and Marco Pasten. The Bill Moore Memorial Award was presented to a slightly Mike Moyer, the recipient of the Gala/ Souki Award was eloquent in ing slightly ahead in the points, but once Chernis was back in it, he managed to maintain second place, leaving Davies to take third place for the year. Victor Kuhns only managed a finish on Friday at Rim and at Prescott, but still managed to score himself a fourth place trophy. On winning the champion-ship, Yoon said, "I am work-ing towards and striving for that Zen balance between nearly complete car control and maximum speed poten-tial. I don't know if I will ever achieve this, but this is my goal. I think I'm less interested in a winning 'strategy' than with pushing my limits in how fast I can run each and every stage. n In the Open 4WD co-driver championship, Alan Perry maintained the first place po-sition through the year, con-sistently co-driving for Doug Chernis, while John Dillon pulled up behind ~im in sec-ond place. Chrissie Beavis managed an excellent perfor-mance, coming in first place at every rally she finished, but unfortunately her start later in the year at Prescott left her in a third place finish for the championship. Jeff Dubrule and Piers O'Hanlon managed to perform well enough at the few rallies they entered to give them the fourth and fifth place trophies respectively. The winners of the Open 2WD championship started their battle at Rim. After Rim both Cable Rhodes had a very slim lead over Jeff Rados, but Cable's strong first place fin-ishes at Prescott gave him a significant lead. Rados' wins at Ramada was not enough to win him the championship, and he won the second place trophy while Rhodes stayed in first place. Lisa Klassen proved that solid consistent driving pays off. She missed only one rally and landed herself a third place trophy. Roger Hull and Marco Pasten fin-ished the season off with fourth and fifth place tro-phies, respectively. Among co-drivers in Open 2WD there was less drama. Jennifer Imai opened up the season strong and maintained a lead throughout the season, only being threatened at Rim, when Kala Rounds began to threaten her pos1t1on. Rounds, however, took the summer off and only came back for Ramada, leaving her in position three overall, leav-ing the championship to Imai and second place to Guido Hamacher, who didn't have Dusty Times overwhelmed Tony Chavez. his acceptance speech. much luck when he started the awards, passing the torch to season at Treeline and Gor-this year's Performance Stock man, but his solid showing at champion, Michael Taylor. Prescott and Ramada earned Michael Taylor drove consis-him his trophy. Pamela Wyatt tently all year and maintained and Robin Lockhart won first place throughout, win-fourth and fifth place for the ning the season champion-year. Imai was impressed with the California Rally Series com-munity, saying, "It's no sur-prise that I like rallying since it combines my two greatest loves: cars and outdooring. The surprise was the wonder-ful people I've met; I never ex-pected to receive so much sup-port in a competitive motors port." In the CRS GT class, Chris Wilson took the lead from Mike Moyer at Rim of the World and held it through the rest of the season, winning the driver's championship. Moyer then lost second place as he didn't finish at either the sec-ond day of Rim or the next event at Gorman, while Nick Hudson pulled into second place with a strong finish at both events, maintaining the position for the rest of the year. Moyer finished the sea-son in third place while Den-nis Chizma won the fourth place trophy. Among CRS GT co-drivers, Eric Olson stayed in the right seat with Mike Moyer through the season and won the cham-pionship. Martin Plumeri al-most lost his second place po-sition when Jeff Dubrule fin-ished very well at Gorman and Prescott, but he held on, win-ning second place for the year, while Dubrule received a third place trophy to hang up next to the trophy he won in the Open 4WD class. Maria Boyd finished off the season in fourth place. • Finally in the Performance Stock category, Terry Stonecipher filled in for Mike Masano to hand out the ship. Larry Gross kept the pressure on, however, and fin-ished the year in second place just behind Taylor. George Doganis and Doug Robinson won third and fourth place respectively. -And finally, although he rolled spectacularly the sec-ond day at Ramada, Michel Hoche-Mong ended the season with the fifth place trophy. Taylor was proud to win what he called "the most com-petitive class in the cRS." He said, "winning the champion-ship with my son Steven co-driving was great. Knowing that we weren't the fastest car in the field, we tried to be smart and steady and finish every event. Competing against the likes of Tony Chavez, Doug Robinson, George Doga•ni~, Tom Smith; Tim and Dick Moser, Larry Gross, and all the others in P-Stock really made last year memorable." Among co-drivers, Steven Taylor, co-driving for his fa-ther, won the co-driver cham-pionship in Performance Stock handily. Again mirror-ing the results among drivers, Tom Smith kept up the pres-sure and finished the season in second place. Bret Robinson and Sameer Parekh won the third and fourth place awards. Post-banquet news was re-ceived that a great friend to us all, Pat Brown, wife and co-driver of Bruce Brown passed away that weekend. Our best wishes and love go out to Bruce and the entire Brown family, we all will miss her. Godspeed, Pat. ..-,l'ilFb Open 4WD Class Award winners: (I to r) Chrissy Beavis, Blake Yoon & family, Piers O'Hanlon, Chad Davies, John Dillon and Jeff Debrule. May 2006 Trail Notes ... RALLY NEW YORK -The Rally New York took place on April 7-8. Classified as a U.S. Rally Championship Event the big winner was Tom Lawless, taking the Open 4WD honors as well as the overall win, Seamus Burke was second overall, second in Open 4WD, Dave Anton was first in Group N, Otis Dimiters was second in Group N, Mark Lawrence was first in 2WD Group 2 and Brian Street was first in Street Stock. Hopefully, we'll have a full report for you in next month's issue of Dusty Times. SNORE BUFFALO BILL'S 400 -SNORE was blessed with a nice turnout and great weather. 86 c;ars and trucks competed, only 37 of them would see the finish line. Tim Lindsay was the Class 1 winner, Shane Brown won big in Class 10, Aaron Hawley and Kyle LeDuc beat 26 other entrants in the 1600 class, Regen Gubler took the Class 8 honors, Rusty Ruby took Class 9, John Huson ran away inS-1600, Bryan Adams was the Champ Car winner, Robyn Gordon took the Unlimited Sportsman win, Mathew Dustin took Limited Sportsman and Giti Gowland was the Class 1450 winner. Look for the full story and lots of pictures in the next issue of Dusty Times. FINAL FLAG -We are distressed to announce the passing of Harold Soens, President of the San Diego Off Road Coalition. Harold was passionate about off road recreation and often worked with children, educating them on the sport and teaching them responsible use. He volunteered thousands of hours at the Ocotillo Wells State Vehicular Recreation Area and he served as a representative for the National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council. He served as president of the California League of Off-Road Voters and the San Diego Off-Road Coalition. Harold succumbed to a heart attack in his home on March 30th. Harold was known by many and will be sorely missed by all who knew him. Rest in peace Harold. • PORTABLE • POWERFUL • PRECl!!iE 2" Capacity, 1BlP Bends Steel, 413(), Stainless, Aluminum Square, Roufld, Bar, Pipe Perteet for the: • Race Car Builder • Small Fabricallon Shop • Home Shop Call for a FREE BROCHURE (541)382-1573 Mr.rnutactured B 15CO Page 47

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-rt>~ l\JA] USA By Mr. Baja Hello racers and fans alike! March has been a busy month arid there is a lot to talk about. Settle back and put your feet up. Starting out is the pre run for the San Felipe 250. Baja Pits President Carlos Orozco and Bike/Quad Director Stephen "Steny" Stenberg came up with the idea to run a "Pre Run Support Pit'" for all rac-ers alike prior to the running of the San Felipe 250. We adver-tised 2 weekends prior to the race at Race Mile 130. That was the location of Pit # 3 for us. Baja Huskys agreed to come out and help us. As it turned out, just Satur-days worked out better. Carlos ran both Saturdays himself, set-ting up around 9 am both Sat-urdays with some helpers. He set up the pit, broke out the cool-ers filled with water and soda and set up his grill. He pro-ceeded to grill up food and talk to racers alike for both days. Guys could leave there trucks and trailers with him for safe keeping or just drop off fuel for pre running the lower section. Many racers stopped by and chatted. Some even donated money to Baja Pits. Since Baja Pits is a registered non-profit in Mexico, all donations go to help-ing the team provide better ser-Page 48 vice to its members. Baja Pit' was there from 9 am to 6 pm on the first Saturday waiting for Jessica McCleary's quad to come back in. The sec-ond Saturday he was there from 9 am to 5 pm. It was such a huge success, that we will he down Again for the Baja 500, doing the same thing on that race course. For that race, Baja Pits and Baja Huskys will be teamed up together to provide free pre run support. You don't have to be a member of Baja Pits or Baja Huskys to get this. We both just like supporting racers. Baja Pits, US Wheels and Baja Huskys all shared a tent for the San Felipe 2.50 contingency row. The day was great. There were a lot of racers and fans a like. We met most of you and handed out contingency stickers for US Wheels and Baja Huskys. • And we made sure all Baja Fits vehicles had stickers on them showing there teams colors. We sold special, one off maps of the race course, They were a big hit among everyone, Ken and John were great at selling them out quickly. Steny of Baja Hushys, introduced us to his newest members, Alfredo Contreras,# 3X on a new Husky 510TE out of GP Husqvarna in San Diego That Husky sure looked nice. Glad to see Husqvarnas back in Baja again racing! Another first for Baja Pits was positioning two of our guys at the start/finish line. We hear quit often that racers at the start lice sometimes forget where they are going or what they are looking for on a pit level. So, we put out our Motorcycle and Quad Director, Stephen Stenberg, along with photogra-pher John Davidson to walk the line and speak to every Baja Pits racer, before they left the start-ing line. We took their pictures for our web site and answered any last minute questions about the pit locutions or the race course in general. It was a good gesture and received well by all our racers. Since no racer had ever seen a pit rep in line before, Stephen was mistaken for a Score official, Look for up-to-date start-info at all future Score events. All but one each of the Baja Pits Race Team, in the bike and vehicle starts, got off the line successfully. The Race was on, complete with rain showers dust and desert heat! Another epic race day in Baja Now for the finishing stars on the race. Starting with the bikes and quads I will list the finishers name, race number and placing in class Overall. In the Pro Bike classes, Al-fredo Contreras on bike # 3X finished 3rd in Class 22 Pro and 64th OA .Rick Williams on bike # l0X finished 6th in class 2 2 Pro and 9e OA Octavio Ascolani on bike# 108X finished 5th in class 21 Pro and W OA. Kevin Smith on bike # 302X finished 3rd in Class 30 Pro and 34th OA. Larry Gross finished 3rd in Class 40 Pro and 85th OA. Al-berto Gonzales finished I" in Class Sportsman under 25OCC May 2006 and 100th OA. Way to go with first place Alberto! Chris Guzman finished 5th in Class Sportsman over 250CC and 108th OA. Brant Anderson finished 10th in Class Sportsman over 250CC and 132nd OA. In the Pro Quad classes, Adolfo Arellano# 13A finished 8th in Class 25 Pro and 97th OA* Rodrigo Rubio # 2A fin-ished 14' in class and 174th OA. In the Sportsman Quad clam, we had Levi Rangel # 64A fin-ish 5th in class and 124th OA. Jose Marquez# 77A finished 9th in class and 156 OA. J.C. Covas # 69th finished 15th in class and 192nd OA. Craig Christy# 54A finished 17th in class and 195th OA. And rounding it out was Ken Pritten # 57 A, who fin-ished 20th in class and 206th OA. Congratulations to all our finishers in the bike and quad classes._See you for the Baja 500 in June. Now for the Pro Vehicle classes. In Class 1, Michael lames # 111 was 11th in class and 37th OA. In Class 10, Carlos Cortez # 1005 was 8th in class and 88th OA. In Score Lites Dwayne Reinert# 1210 was 7th in class and 52nd OA. In Class 1/2 1600 Adam Pfankuch # 1649 took 1st place and 38th OA. Way to go Adam! Dave Caspino # 1627 took 16th in class and 129th OA. Mike Sandoval # 16 23 took 18th in class and 121st OA. Finishing this clam was Brent Maurer# 1617 taking 21" in class and 172nd OA. In Class 9, Ramon Castro # 949 took 3rd in class and 214th OA. In Class T, Sportsman Truck, Steven Looney# 1504 took I' place and 6 1' OA. Way to go Steve!'_And rounding it out in Class B, Sportsman Buggy, was Tony McLaren# 1403 who took 2nd place and 112th OA. Way to go Tony! This San Felipe race had over 370 competitors from several countries and all over the USA. Baja Fits had four class winners among them. It was a tough course and those that finished should be proud of yourselves for doing just that. There were a lot of DNFs for various rea-sons and you out lasted all of them. We hope to see all of you back for the Baja 500 in June. Baja Pits will be running 8 pits for the 500. Pit applications can be found on line by going to Next up for us was the Curt LeDuc Off Road Swap Meet, March 26th, up on the Morengo Indian Casino grounds on 1-10 East, about 20 miles west of Palm Springs. This was Cures 7th Swap Meet and it was a huge success from what we could see. Carlos Orozco, John Davidson, his adult son Chris and Stephen Stenberg went up there. US Wheel's went about there busi-ness and Baja Pits sold maps and handed out pit apps for the Baja 500. Curt says he wants to go to having two auctions a year. One in June at night and one in Sep-tember by day. I know we will be back to the next one he holds! While there, we got to Ibach® ~ 7/4 !1#1---1 The Suspension Company. Dusty Times

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meet Conrad Diaz Sr. and Jr. Conrad Diaz Sr. is a long time Baja Pits racer who used to race Class 5 unlimited several years back. It was great to see him and his son at the Swap Meet along with other Baja Pits racers too. Our next race is the CODE McMillin 500 from Mexicali to San Felipe and back to Mexicali. It is a 500 mile point to point race for all classes. The dates am April 21-23rd and it promises to be a great event. Baja Pits is running 6-7 pit stops for this race. We will be pitting for Baja Huskys as well. They are a San Diego based, Private Husqvarna Race Team. Racers can contact Carlos at 1-619-596-8033 or by email at <> for .race info. You must be a Baja Pits member or join at time of application. Membership cost $50.00 per person or team rep-resentative. Baja Pits is also supporting the McMillin Superstition series thru MDR racing for 2006. We have our pit information on the MDR web site and will be run-ning a pit for the remainder of the season if racers want us there. Currently we are sup-porting the class 10 team of Varnado Racing. We hope to support more racers as the sea-son continues. Baja Pits has there own welders, race radios, generators, lights, dump cans, jacks, tools, water and food and a complete pit team that wants to see you finish and win. Contact us at <> or by calling U .S. Wheels at 1-619-596-8033 for racer info. Carlos straightens aluminum wheels of all sizes, shapes and manufacturers. He posts contin-gency in the Scam series too. That's it for now. We will be racing the Baja 500 with $ pit locations in June. We will also be pulling two Saturday pre run pits for the Baja 500 as well. Those will be on the two Satur-days prior to the race. Location to be decided after the map comes out. Look for the Husq-varna EZ-UP and Baja Pits signs for the pre run pit stop loca-tion. That and the smell of good food cooking. Baja Pits wishes to thank its supporters for all they do. Please support them a.-' well. They are IMS Products, US Wheels, AutoSports Baja, Off Road Warehouse (ORW), House of Buggy's and Stream-line. Come out and enjoy racing with Baja Pits. We are a family based race team and believe in supporting each other, racers and pit personnel alike. We are always interested in hearing from potential sponsors and supporters as well. Our web site is Until next month, take care and be safe. Adios from Mr. Baja. BFGaadricti ----------•TIT!S Report BFGoodrich @ Tires Launches Outstanding Trails Program LOS ANGELES -April 5, 2006 -Maker of the "World's Toughest Off-Road Tires," BF-Dusty Times Goodrich® Tires, in conjunc-tion with Tread Lightly and United Four Wheel Drive Asso-ciations (UFWDA), announced today the launch of its Out-standing Trails program. The Outstanding Trails program highlights some of the best off-road trails in the country and is dedicated to the responsible use and preservation of these off-road trails and will aid in the conservation efforts, "Last year, more than 50 mil-lion people sought adventure through recreational off-road driving; the sport is exploding in popularity," said Kaz Holtey, brand director for BFGoodrich Tires, "Each one of the trails highlighted in this program is amazing, and embodies the very best in off-roading. BFGoodrich Tires and these Outstanding Trails are very similar in nature -both are tough and both are fun to drive on. The program identifies five of North America's best trails. From desolate desert stretches to towering peaks and rolling hillsides, these trails are unique in toughness and beauty, After a careful selection pro-cess, five of North America's "outstanding" off-road trails were nominated for uniqueness, terrain type and enthusiast fol-lowing. Black Bear Pass, near Ouray, Colorado, is a pictur-esque trail nestled in the San Juan Mountains. Pyeatt Draw, a scenic and exciting trail situ-ated in Payson, Arizona. Hell's Revenge, with its slick sandstone slopes brings adventure to thrill seekers in Moab, Utah. Historic Macjes Pass, also known the Longmire Wagon Train, takes off road drivers over the Cascade Mountains in Naches, Washington. Last, but not least, Upper Tellico OHV Area, Trail #4, located in the Natahala Nacional Forest, is lo-cated in North Carolina where Tennessee, South Carolina and Georgia meet. Both Tread Lig_hV,y and UFWDA are non-profit organizations dedicated to responsible and ethical out-door recreation BFGoodrich Tires collaborated with these two groups to select the finest North American trails, and will continue to work with these or-ganizations on restoration and education initiatives. As a part of the program, which runs from May through October, BFGoodrich Tires will host several events at designated trails to highlight the unique-ness of each location as well as to educate off roaders on the responsible use of each trail, BF-Goodrich Tires will also give a grant to a selected offroad club to help with the costs associated with the trait's conservation. Tread Lightly!-is a national nonprofit organization whose mission is to empower genera-tions to enjoy the outdoors re-sponsibly. Tread Lightly! 's stra-tegic educational message, along with its training and restoration initiatives are designed to instill an ethic of responsibility in out-door enthusiasts and the indus-tries that serve them. The pro-gram is long-term in scope with a mal to balance the needs of the people who enjoy outdoor recreation with the needs of the environment. The federal gov-ernment recognizes this by ac-knowledging Tread Lightly! as a sole-source service provider of education and training on how to be environmentally and so-cially responsible while using motorized and mechanized ve-hicles in offhighway settings. United Four Wheel Drive As-sociations (UFWDA) is the world's leading representative of all brand four wheel-drive en-thusiasts. UFWDA benefits, de-veloped -and tested true over the past 30 years, include four wheel drive safety and awareness edu-cation; user ethics programs such as adopt-a-road, conser-vation volunteer, and volunteer trail patrol; assistance with new club formation; education semi-nars to aid four wheelers through complex state and fed-eral programs affecting trail ac-cess; internet forums designed to connect members globally and instantaneously; and unre-strained member access to its full-time legislative advocate and nationally recognized attorney working exclusively for four wheel drive enthusiasts to pro-tect access and prevent road and trait closures. For more infor-mation on the UFWDA log on to or call toll free 1-800-44-UFWDA (800-448-3932). BFGoodrich® Tires com-bines technological expertise with vast motorsports experi-ence, delivering a high-perfor-mance tire far every type of ve-hicle from ultra-high perfor-mance tuner vehicles, sports cars and SUVs to the hottest sport trucks, pickups and rock-crawl-ing rigs in the world. For more than 34 years, BFGoodrich Tires has used motorsports as a proving ground. Success on the street begins with winning on the track and BFGoodrich Tires is involved in every type of rac-ing, including oval, sports car, drag, desert, rally (Dakar and WRC) and extreme rock-crawling. With 20 consecutive Baja 1004 wins, the most wins in rockcrawling history, and an unmatched record on pave-ment, BFGoodrich Tires has proven the only records it breaks are its own. Visit BF-Goodrich Tires online at This column may, from time to time, contain adult language. We hereby request anyone under the age of 18 to stop reading this immediately and get some adult supervision before continueing. ed The Straight Poop from the BIGWAHZOO SAN FELIPE 250 -This popular SCORE race ran on basically the same course as last year, with ten Checker sup-ported race vehicles leaving the starting line on a cool and windy day. Our guys produced May 2006 six finishers at this race, but no winners. Rich 'Stretch' Severson, last year's 'Driver of the Year', had our best finish with a third in Class 7SX. Pro-spective Mark Growe was next with a fourth in his Sportsman truck, followed by Milo Brown's 7SX truck in fifth. Then came Prospective Vic Bruckmann with a sixth in Class 12, and both Bobby McCall and Prospective Ray Files with 11th places in Classes 12 and 1/2-1600 respec-tively. Our DNFs included Billy Robertson, who was running strong until he blew a ring and pinion. Jimmy Tucker and Tom Koch, in Tucker's Class 1 buggy, went out early with power steer-ing problems. Strange, because they had the same problem the day before the race and changed out the whole unit. Tucker was equipped with the IriTrack sat-ellite tracking system. It auto-matically sent a "stop" alert when he stopped. It then auto-matically sent an "inclination" alert when the car went over the 45 degree level. Probably when it was being put on the trailer. He got a call on the IriTrack box from operations checking to see if he was okay. He an-swered the call and confirmed that all was fine, except the car was done for the day. Prospec-tive member Craig Brabant and Jim Greenway both went out in their 12 cars with unknown problems. Our Checker pits were handled by the following Pit Captains: Pit # 1 -George Jirka, #2 -Marke Nacke, #3 -Ed Jahn, #4 - Big John Files, #5 -Rev. Roy Moore and our Checker radio relay by Jorge Espino. CLAM BAKE -A number of Checkers have places at Pete's Camp, a little north of San Fe-lipe and started putting on an annual Clam Bake before every SCORE San Felipe race. It started out small, with just a relatively small number of Checkers down for the race get-ting together to pig out and party ... but it quickly grew! Lo-cos Mocos got involved to help put it on a while back, and the word spread that the party was also open to non-Checkers. This year about 200 race related folks stopped by to enjoy all the various foods and the fun, and reportedly a good time was had by all. MORE.250 -Seven Checker buggies ran this Barstow race, and not one of them had any luck at all. This is surprising, as the Club generally does very well at our favorite local promoter's races. A typically rough 49 mile Barstow course took a toll on everybody at this event. With Brian Potts finishing way back with his 1/2-1600 car, surpris-ingly Tom Dittfield's DNF ef-fort was our highlight of this race. With over 45 Class 9 cars showing up, Tom had his Class 9 ride running a solid sixth ten miles from the checkered flag ... when he broke a torsion bar. Our other DN Fs were as fol-lows: Mike McGee broke the front end in his 10 car; Randy Spar had the motor go tits up shortly after he got into Craig Dillon's 10 car; Dan Martin had the front end go south in his Class 10 ride; Victor Bussey also went out with front end dam-age in his Class 1/2-1600 car; and Mike Wright DNFed when another car his his Class 5 car in a rear corner tearing up the axle, c.v., hub, etc., etc. The Pit Captains at this cold weathered race were Ed Jahn at Main, B.J. Bates at Pit# 1, John Files at Pit #2, The Velascos at Pit #3, and Dwight Forell at Pit #4. WANT TO BE A CHECKER? -The car Check-ers meet EVERY Wednesday night at 8:00 p.m. in North Hollywood at a nice Italian res-taurant. Victorio's Pizza is lo-cated at 10901 Victory Blvd., between the 5 and 170 freeways, and if ya get lost their phone # is 1-818-762-9000. We are made up of a group of men who race desert vehicles and/ or provide support for our Club Brothers, with more than half of them doing both depending on their schedule and condition of their race car. Membership is easy if you're a decent guy who loves the sport of off road racing and good fellowship. But it will take you over six months to become a full member because we just don't vote everyone in who ap-plies. There is a six month 'Pro-spective Member' period where you'll be judged by the other members on your actions and activity on whether or not you are actually 'Checker mate-rial' ... and then you 'II have to face the dreaded black and white marble vote. If you're in-terested and would like some more info, plus a copy of our Checker By-Laws, just stop by any Wednesday night and intro-duce yourself when the Prez asks "Are there any guests?". Between the bike Checkers and the car Checkers, we have over 85 years of desert racin' experience, and that's why this Big Wahzoo can clearly state without any hesita-tion: "The Checkers are the win-ningest name in the history of desert racing!" Speaking of new Checker members, both Chad and Josh Hall, factory HUM-MER drivers, were recently voted into our Club as full mem-bers. Congratulations, guys! ALEX LONG DIES -Alex was diagnosed with an inoperable tumor deep inside his chest and died in mid March. The Check-ers participated in a blood drive and his doctors did all they could to try to save him, but we failed. 'Alex Joseph Long', a robust and good natured man, unexpectedly was struck down in his prime without any unforeseeable rea-son. I first met Alex years ago when he became a Prospective member, although I missed that meeting when he was voted in as a full member. But I 'really' got to know him at the next Club race where I stepped on my 'johnson' big time. Out at a pit, where I had to park a broken race car, I Continued on page 50 Page 49 -

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foolishly challenged his righr ro wear our official Checker mem-ber T-shirr ... MISTAKE! This genrle gianr slowly rdse up from his sear in rhe bed of a pick-up scowling down ar me, and pro-ceeded ro explain whar an idior I was ... Whoa, Dude! Afrer some serious backsrroking and apolo-gizing ro keep my ass from getting ground into the desert floor, Alex tossed me a cold beer and we proceeded to sit down and truly become Brother Checkers. Alex had been in the car Check-ers for almost 15 years, and be-fore that he raced desert motor-cycle events with the Viking's MC. Alex Long is survived by his fa-ther Al, a long time Checker, and his mother Barbara. Other close family members mourning his passing are his two sisters, Alisa and Allison, along with three nephews and three nieces. All of the Checkers sincerely feel their loss. Alex was a good friend to most every member in the Check-ers, and a respected Club Brother to us all! We'll miss ya, Alex! r4etlt; By Lisa Kennedy SCORE San Felipe 250 SCORE's Tecate San Felipe 250, on March 11, 2006, saw seven FAIR racers and crews at the start line. Chris Bowman's 500 car had a good test the day before the race, but come race day their luck had changed. While warming up the car for the race Chris noticed a very pronounced miss in the engine. They tried to quickly trouble shoot, but had to start the race on the hopes that maybe the engine would clear it-self. Jerry Longo, driving, and Johnny Brockway, co-driving, set out on the course hoping to make it around. After five hours of rac-ing, Jerry brought the car into FAIR Pit B for a driver's change, and Jerry let Chris know that the car was running on only three cylinders. To their advantage, Leonard of Mailman Motors was also at this pit, and he offered to help them figure out the prob-lem. After several attempts at rec-tifying the problem, they re,alized that the number four cylinder was dead, and they decided to throw in the towel for this race. Even with the DNF, they did manage a third place finish for the race. Other FAIR racers finished as follows: Chuck Sacks, in 1202 finished 10th; Brian Parkhouse, in 116, finished 19th; Myan Spaccarelli, in 1637, finished 27th; Rick Boyer, in 1622, fin-ished 32nd; Brent Parkhouse, in 1603, and Curt Geer, in 1629, both were unable to complete the first lap and finished 35th. MORE Balls Out 250 March 18th was a cold and blustery day, but that didn't keep any of the racers away. Whar a turn out Jim had at the MORE Balls Out 250! 136 racers in all, with 21 of those racers belonging Page so to FAIR, and rhree of those mem-bers finishing the race in first place. Curt Geer driving in 1/2-1600, Ken and Shelby Tolbert in 5-1600, and Greg Crew in 1300 all finished the race victorious. The 9 class cars were the talk of this race, with 46 cars running in this class alone. This made for an interesting first few laps as the cars jockeyed for position. Harry and Christopher Dunne were able to pull out a ninth place fin-ish even afrer they had a roll-over just past Slash X. Harry started out the race with co-driver Jody Ouisen and had some excitement with cars three wide at some parts of the course. Christopher and his brnther Bill, got in the car for the second half of the race, and it was just shorrly afrer Christo-pher took over that they were hit by another car and the 914 rolled. The car that hit them stopped to make sure they were okay, helped them get rolled back over, and then they were back out on the course to finish the race. The re-mainder of the race went smoothly for them, with no flats or other problems, and they en-joyed the rest of the ride. Also driving in 9 class were Ron Rash and Cody Rash, who finished 13th and 28th respectively. Marcus Gonzales, new to FAIR and MORE, had some problems as well, rolling the car and having transmission problems before calling it a day, but still managed to finish 26th. Rob MacDonald and Frank Wagner once again had their day slowed way down with ball joint problems, and they ended the day in 35th place. Also newcomers to the 9 class, Matt Summers and Erick Clark, pur-chased their car jusr eight weeks prior to the race and completely reworked the car. Unfortunately, their troubles began the day be-fore the race, while pre-running the transmission broke. Thanks to a lot of help from friends and fellow racers they were able to get a new tranny in place just in time to start the race. They were doing well until they came up on an-other vehicle and not realizing how slowly it was moving, they hit the skids and ended up off the track. They suffered a right rear flat, a broken mid mount, and a hole in the push rod tube. After limping back to start/finish they decided they had enough and called it a day, but not before earning the spot at 43rd. Curt Geer, as previously men-tioned, was able to pull out an-other exciting victory in the 1/2-1600 class in the MORE series, taking his second consecutive win for the year. He stopped at Pit A once for fuel and later for a tire change, and other than manag-ing to injure his hand during the race, had a relatively uneventful day before taking the checkered flag. Myan Spaccarelli, driving 1637, finished his first MORE race in fifth place. Just behind him, racing 1679, was Mike Ka-nuch in sixth place, and Ron Weddle, in 1603, finished the race in 13th. Ken and Shelby Tolbert cel-ebrated their second triumph of the year in the KST 568 "Bling Mobile". Ken drove the first half of the race and stated , "It was the most intense race l 've had so far. I can honestly say I've never been so ready to get out of the car". With that, he handed the car over to Billy Worthing to drive the last half and bring the car in for the win. They had some difficulties with the car before the race began and wish to thank all the FAIR members for their as-sistance in getting the car race ready. Angel Vinaja, driving 585, finished the race in eighth place. Greg Crew in the Lucas Oil 1302 had a good day and came away with a first place finish. Greg's daughter, Melissa, rode in the car for the first two laps to celebrate her 20th birthday. They came into FAIR Main for fuel and a co-driver change after the second lap. They were in and out of the pit in less than one minute. Way to go FAIR!! Greg was back out in the race with his son Brian, along for the ride. They were go-ing along well until about 3/4 of a mile from FAIR Pit B when they hit a rock with the right front tire and got a flat. They pulled into FAIR Pit Band had another great pit stop. Tom Reynolds and crew changed the tire quickly and they were back out on the road to their victory. Greg thanks their crew, FAIR, and MORE for a great event. Chris Bowman had just re-turned from the San Felipe 250, but was ready to. race car 500 with co-driver Jerry Longo. Their day got off to a slow start when Jerry lost a c.v. at mile 3.5. Afrer searching for the car for over an hour, Chris and Johnny Brockway were able to fix the car and get Jerry back on his way. Jerry came into the pits after the second lap and Chris and Johnny took their place in the car to fin-ish out the race. They raced at a quick pace until they suffered two rear flats, one which they were able to change themselves with their spare, and the other was changed by FAIR members Kevin Martin and Tom Moxley. This enabled them to get back into the race, but unfortunately these flats kept them just out of sec-ond place, seeing them to a finish third on the podium. Racing in Class 10 Unlimited, Ryan Harbottle drove 1060 in for a third place finish, and Matt Cullen driving the F&L Fuel 1205, ended the race in eighth. Jennifer Clemison had some difficulties during the day in her Pink Damzl 132, but was able to bring it around for a sixth place finish. Tony started the race and was approximately half way through the first lap when the power steering pump let go and power steering oil shot all over him and his co-driver. They also suffered two flat tires before com-ing in to pit after the first lap. At the pit they changed the power steering pump, and welded the lower front arm which had sheered in half. Tony finished the second lap and then handed the car over to Jennifer, but not be-fore telling her that "the car is falling apart." Jennifer then drove the rest of the race, stopping for fuel afrer the fourth lap and then was able to bring the car in for the finish. Class 1450 has two FAIR members in the hunt for the top of the podium. Though not reaching the top, Eric Fiorino did find a place on the podium fin-ishing third in 1488. Giti Gow-land finished behind Eric in fourth, afrer having a bit of a struggle behind the wheel. Giti wasn't feeling well before the start of the race, and was hoping to be May 2006 able to hang in to finish out the race, but this wasn'r robe his day. He made ir as far as mile marker 42 when he decided he could go no further. He pulled into the FAIR Pit and Dan Larson rook the wheel. They were able to do the driver's change, fuel the car, and get back out on the road in a litrle over one minute. Dan was able to make it as far as mile marker 23 during the second lap when the transmission decided they would be done for the day. Giti would like to thank Trail Ready Beadlocks, Mickey Th-ompson Tires, Sign-Pros, Dan Larson, Stretch, and FAIR for the outstanding pit support. MOR Mojave 250 It was another cold and rainy day in the desert for the Mojave 250 on April Fool's Day. FAIR members braved the weather as three FAIR racers competed for victory. Giti Gowland, racing his Jeep Speed in Class 300, came away with a first place finish,. Dan Larson drove the first half of the race with no major prob-lems. At the end of Lap 2 they did a driver's change, fueled the truck, and Giti was out on the course to complete the race. Part of the way through the third lap his Jeep stalled and didn't want to restart. He was finally able to get it going again, but it contin-ued to miss, back fire and stall. They were able to limp it around for the last one and a half laps to gain the win. Art Savedra and his crew man-aged a second place finish in Class 500, and Craig Reynolds, driv-ing in 1450 class, finished 10th. Craig had a great start to the race and was first on the course after rwo laps. Unfortunately, at Mile 18 on the third lap, several large cracks on the bed cage caused the fuel cell to come loose. FAIR members Keith and Kevin Mar-tin, along with the Giant Motorsports Crew, and Greg Gagnon came to the rescue weld-ing the truck and using ratchet straps to hold everything to-gether. They made it ano.tb,i:.r 11 miles to Inner Hodge where Uncle Bob and Matt Frick added more ratchet straps so Craig was able to finish the race. FAIR HIGHLIGHT: Dave Massingham (2006 FAIR President) Dave started out racing in 1965 at Orange Speedway Short Track, racing motorcycles every Wednesday nighr. At that time he was riding a Yamaha 80cc, spon-sored by Buena Park Yamaha. Dave continued racing motor-cycles from 1965 through 1977. He raced at Orange Ascott TT, Elsinore GP, OCMC Great Bear GP, and District 37 desert Hare and hound Scrambles. He is a member of Gripsters, who origi-nated the Elsinore GP, and a member of the Desert Rats Mo-torcycle Club. Dave began racing cars in 1978 with Jack Jory and Danny Wiseman. He rode with Jack in a Class 2 Funco that Jack pur-chased from Gene Hatz. Their first race was the HORA Sham-rock 350 in Henderson, NV. In October of 1979, Jack bought a new Chenowth Class 2 which Dave rode in for that year, and then began driving for Jack in half the races after thar. They raced all the HORA and SCORE races. In 1983, Jack quit racing and then Dave began racing 5-1600 with Larry Rickman in rhe AMSA series out of Fresno. Later Larry Rickman and Bryan Rodgers bought a Class 1/2-1600 two sear car, and they began racing in the SCORE races, the Parker 400, the Mint 400, and the Barstow Fireworks 250. In 1990, Dave began driving with Brian Park-house in his two seat 1/2-1600 class car in the HORA and SCORE races. In 1991, Brian bought a one seat 1/2-1600 car and he and Dave finished every race that year and earned third in class for the year. Dave then drove with Wayne Morgan in his Class 2 Unlimited Mirage buggy. They ran SCORE, LaRana and then MOR races. They were once clocked out in Barstow running 107 mph. They raced MOR through 2001, and have had en-gine problems ever since. Dave has been a member of FAIR since 1978, has served as Race Director for many years, and now is taking the time to per-form the duties of FAIR Presi-dent. All the FAIR members would like to extend their grati-tude for all the time and hard work Dave contributes to mak-ing FAIR a successful pitting club. FAIR SCHEDULE: Upcoming FAIR supported races include MDR Ridgecrest 200 on May 6th, MORE Beard Seat Shoot Out 300 in Lucerne Valley on May 27th, and SCORE Baja 500 in Ensenada on June 3rd. For more information about FAIR, the races they support, or the FAIR members, log onto the website at ORBA Convenes "Turn Down the Volume II" Summit. Aftermarket Exhaust Industry Leaders, US Forest Service, and AMA Pro Racing Discuss Sound Rules and Compliance Testing Procedures. BAKERSFIELD, CA (March 15, 2006.) The Off-Road Busi-ness Association (ORBA) con-vened the second "Turn Down the Volume" meeting with the af-termarket exhaust industry to discuss how to best deal with re-ducing excessive off-highway mo-torcycle and ATV sound. Key-note speakers included American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) Pro Racing SX/MX Manager Steve Whitelock and Ralph Gonzales, US Fore-st Service spark arrestor certification lead. The meeting was attended by rep-resentatives of almost all of the aftermarket exhaust companies, as well as the Motorcycle Indus-try Council, Kawasaki, Califor-nia State Parks OHV Division, and AMA District 36. Steve Whitelock discussed new AMA Pro Racing sound rules for rhe '07 racing season ar rheir compliance testing pro-gram. Currenr rules allow 102db for Pro MX/SX racing, but thar Dusty Times

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number will be reduced to 99db in '07, which will make the Pro rule consistent with the AMA Amateur MX sound rule. Addi-tionally, Whitlock discussed the sound rule compliance testing program that has been stepped up this year. The old consensus of the group W&q that fair and con-sistent enforcement of AMA sound rules for both profes-sional and amateur racing would be one of the most productive measures available to reduce ex-cessive sound. The aftermarket exhaust companies also agreed they would like to see an inde-pendent testing process for Pro SX and MX to ensure fair and consistent compliance enforce-ment as well as more transpar-ent test procedure to eliminate any perception of inconsistency. Besides new AMA sound rules, the Chief of the US Forest Service recently announced that they will be promulgating a na-tional off-highway vehicle (OHV) sound rule in the near future. Ralph Conzalez of the US For-est Service San Dimas Technol-ogy and Development Center talked about the current spark arrestor certification program that all exhaust systems designed for public land use must be sub-jected to. He also talked about the potential for sound level cer-tification once the Forest Service implements a national OHV sound rule. From the forest service per-_spective, excessive sound is one of the most critical issues faced when doing OHV planning and management. The Chief of the Forest Service recognizes these-riousness of the issue, due to the large number of times excessive OHV sound is cited by the pub-lic. Currently, all spark arrestors must be certified by the US For-est Service, and it would be logi-cal for the same agency ro also certify muftlers for sound com-pliance once the sound rule is fi-nalized. The ORBA Board of Direc-tors recognizes that reducing ex-cessive OHV sound is a critical component of preserving and enhancing OHV recreation for everyone as well as ensuring the OHV industry remains strong. Accordingly, the Board has di-rected ORBA staff to look at various ways to reduce exce-gsive OHV sound. ORBA Director of Land Use, Bill Dart stated "We are exploring a variety of ways to reduce excessive OHV sound, and we feel that engaging the af-termarket exhaust industry as well as the competition organi-zations and governtment agen-cies that regulate OHV's is a criti-cal component in that effort". Dart continued "fair and con-sistent sound compliance pro-grams are one of the most im-portant ways to reduce excessive sound, but ORBA is also work-ing with enthusiasts and trade media to change the perception that loud pipes mean more power" Dart concluded. ORBA RELOCATES TO BAKERSFIELD,CA BAKERSFIELD, CA. (MARCH 16, 2006) -ORBA'4 Executive Director, Fred Wiley, is pleased to announce the ORBA office has moved from it's original location in Santee, CA to Bakersfield, CA. The new ad-dress is: 1701 Westwind Drive, #216 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone (661) 323-1464 Fax (662) 323-1487 We will continue to operate satellite offices in San Diego, CA, Temecula, CA and Pocatello, ID. ORBA was formed five years ago in April of 2001. Roy Den-ner, our current President and CEO, founded ORBA along with seven Southern California off-road business owners. Those business owners realized if the land closures didn't stop the next closure would be the doors of their businesses. Since that time ORBA has grown to almost 400 members. Because of our members support we are able to work to protect and enhance riding areas and stop closures by working with land managers, lobbying local, state and na-tional politicians, and using le-gal and scientific resources when needed. ORBA currently has the largest off-road vehicle recre-ation land use staff in the coun-try. RIVERSIDE COUNTY RELEASES LATEST DRAFT OF 0HV ORDINANCE. IT REQUIRES RESIDENTS TO OBTAIN A PERMIT, MINIMUM ACREAGES, ' 1111'111&.•lflllll!!!!!! SHOCK ..... W/1.,,_,ffiCHNOI.OGY 714.530.8701 • FAX714.53o.B702 12842 JOY STREET, GARDEN GROVE, CA 92840 :,_ W'tNIIV.Jci-con, Dusty Times May 2006 LARGE SETBACKS AND A SEVERLY URrEv RII)ING PERIOD. BAKERSFIELD, CA (March 16, 2006) -After the last Board of Supervisors meeting on January 20', it comes as no sur-prise that Ri-verside County pro-poses an extremely restrictive ordinance that, when coupled with their sound ordinance, ef-fectively bans OHV use on all private property in Riverside County. Some of the highlights of the county's latest offering to their residents are: any property owner wanting to ride on their own property must obtain a permit from the county and pay the fee associated with that per-mit which is not specified in the draft ordinance, a riding period that restricts OHV use from 12pm to 5pm, and no riding on parcels less than 10 acres unless notarized permission is ob-tained from all contiguous property owners. Along with permit and acreage rules you must have a 100 foot setback from your property line and a 250 foot setback from any resi-dence located on an adjacent parcel. The Off-Road Business Asso-ciation (ORBA), the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA), Ecologic, the McGrath family, and many Riverside County property owners have spent a considerable amount of time as-sisting the county in crafting an ordinance that is fair to both oft" -rcraders in the county and 2.5" -•P €''!!!£~ residents who have valid com-plaints. "It is becoming obvious to the off-Road community that the County of Riverside has de-cided to create an ordinance that discriminates against people who choose to recreate on QHV's in responsible manner on their own property", said Meg Grossglasa of ORBA. Jack McGrath stated "I just can't believe the Supervisors would waste our time and our attorney's time telling us they want an ordinance fair to all resi-dents and then come out with both an OHV and noise ordi-nance which so obviously dis-criminates against OHV use. There are so many exemptions in the noise ordinance it is hard m believe this ordinance was not specifically written to restrict OHV use. We are taking a seri-ous took at litigating on both of these issues". McGrath also said "the time has come for the off-road community to stand up and let their voices be heard. Attend the Supervisors meeting on March 28th and show them how many families they are going to adversely affect. If they choose not to listen then, we as resident can choose differently when it is time to vote". ORBA the AMA, Ecologic and the McGrath family will con-tinue to work with the County Board of Supervisors to dev.elop a fair and reasonable OHV ordi-nance. Our hope is that the Su-pervisors will respond to our le-gitimate concerns and rectify the situation so as to be fair to all residents in the county. Need coil springs? Cati King Shocks! We have custom and produdion coils in stock, and the experience to get you what you need. Call today! Page 51

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MOTORSPORTS Trucks, Buggies, Parts, Service & Fabrication Todd Arthur (760) 788-0019 PO Box3944 Ramona, CA 92065 · HLJSTLE~ I concePTS g_,gAJA SHOP (since 1967) Al=ICE: c1::::::11=~s PAE: Aunne:AS l=ILUmnum WCJAH I SPE:CALI,..... VE:HC:LE:S Jesse Rodriguez I PH: 714-997-0701 KAL OFFROAD RACING Metal Fabrication ~-::;;:-,~~~....,_~ Custom Suspensions KurtLarmee (805) 466-4101 ---8408 K El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 HONDA Power Equipment OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. www . ..ART KAWAGUCHI I Fax:714-997-0758 I 71 ◄ N Lemon SI, Orange.CA. 92867 3532 EAST 3RD ST. Fax 323-264-2136 I LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 323 264 5858 I - -JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner' ~--~--~~~~--~ L~ IL~ LI•~~~• Quality Racing Transaxles Mendeola Dealer Off Road - Sand Specialist JOE GIFFIN J06 I E. La Jolla St. #I Anaheim. California 92806 (714) 632-1240 Fax (714) 632-1223 Email: www Mike Julson 9426 Wheatlands Court Santee, CA 92071 619-596-3360 619-596-3364fax J__l.n~e 1te z George Jimenez Se Hob/a Espanol RACING ENGINES COMPLETE ENGINES • PARTS & ~YNO SERVICE 535 E. Central Park Ave. Anaheim, CA 92802 Tel: (714) 535.5116 Fax: (714) 535-5816 JON KINNE AUTO ELECTRIC 809-F N. Lakeview Ave., Placentia, CA 92870 Tel. 714- 779-2316 • Fax 714- 779-5012 TROY J OHNSON , (951) 779-9395 ·2061 Third Street, Unit A Riverside, CA 92507 Specializing in custom offroad race trucks, • Prerunn€rs • Sand car$ • Raily ca1s • Cu5tc,m Fabricaticn • /\dvanccd Susrfnsion Ti;cr,nc-;ogy • Rf,fa1 ch & [1f',flc,pn;;;n1 Derek Kreger PH: 114.289.9048 FX: 114.631.1854 1214 N. Parker Unli #3 Orange. CA 92861 For Very Few Dollars A Month Your Ad Here Can Increase Your Sales By A Bunch Call Dusty Times· 818-882-0004 POWER E STEERING THOMAS E. LEE LeE MFG. CO. 11661 PENDLETOK&TREET SUN VAL.LEY, CA.913152 FAX(818)7118-2687 ce18) 1ea-o:rn A full line of Power St~ gears, pumps and accetllOries for any type of racing. Magnaftux and Zyglo facilities available. •custom Chassis •Race Prep •Aluminum Wortt •Welding Engineering •Magnaflux FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 (909) 596-5497 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER · p~ RACING ENGINES Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major · 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 Race Seats • Restraints • Storage Bags Window Nets • Limit Straps• Tie Downs 11433 Woodside Avenue• Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455 • Fax: 619/449-9454 YOUR OFF-ROAD Catch us on the Net! SPECIALISTS/ . PHONE: (714) 441-1212 FAX: (714) 441-1622 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CA 92806 MIKE MENDEOLA 290 Trousdale Drive, Suite I & J Chula Vista, CA 91910 (619) 691-1000 24 Hour Fax (619) 691-1324 Todd Dwyer· 1900 Compton Ave. Suite 101, Corona, CA 92881 Phone (951)817-0101 Ext.156 619-562-5533 Off Road Fabrication and Design • Sand Cars • Trucks • Race Cars • Prerunners • Rally Cars • Custom Function/Strength/Safety/Pride Made by Hand in the USA 8966 Benson Ave., Suite D Montclair, CA 91763 JOHN MOSELEY 909-949-8161 Owner/Fabricator Fax 909-949-8162 I

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NOUtTON FABR/CA110N,tom 661-974-7961 MSD" ar.J ,,, Jr .. ,:'* ■1,-:,4 t••1,•J! • YOUR COMPLETE IGNITION SOURCE • . -TRIBUTORS • VVIRES • RE ... AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION 1 490 HENRY BRENNAN DR., EL PASO, TX 79936 19151 857-5200 • TFr.H LINE 19151 855-7123 • VISIT OUR WEB SITE: TUBE BENDERS ¼" TO 3" O.D. Capacity Models Starting at $279.00!!!! M-TECH SUPPLY TUBE BENDERS • PIPE BENDERS • TUBE NOTCHERS RING ROLLERS • COLD SAWS • ABRASIVES 4B0-726-2B76 NORB offroad superstore HEIM JOINTS-WELD IN BUNGS-TABS BUSHINGS - JOHNNY JOINTS HIGH MISALIGNMENT SPACERS IN STOCK - READY TO SHIP WORLDWIDE,~~ 1-888-755-5900 ~ We can· Bettdlock(go.iii/,-_" YOUR RIMS!! ... ~ 'J S-f-ATV NIWllll#,4,IU fWIIIII.IUS./ 1zes to 1t most . .. _____ _ & AUTOMOTIVE applications POLISHED & COLORED FINISHES SCALLOPED OR CONVENTIONAL Reinforcing Rings Also Available Phone - (951} 354-8272 WWW .OMf PERfQRMANCE. com Dune Buggy Parts Race Car Parts Foreign Car Parts New Truck Acc. Dept. Custom Machine Work & Fabrication 1 (800) 231-8156 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, AZ 85365 (520) 783-6265 • FAX (520) 783-1253 ~R (909) 360-5906 FAX (909) 360-0436 PARKER PUMPER HELMET COMPANY 3834 Wacker Drive Mira Loma , CA 91752 ~ HAROLD NICKS ,~~@v@3@7r'I SAFETY EQUIPMENT MAXON, MOTOROLA, HOAOMASTEH, VERTEX RADIOS BELL, 'sH.OEI, SIMPSON HELMETS 1·N STOCK WIRiNG FOR RADIO &/OR 11\'TERCOM STILL ONLY S12';. -2888 GUNDRY AVE. * SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 • 562-427-8177 I 800-869-5636 ~ ■ .A R For A Few Bucks You Can Increase Your Productivity 818-882-0004 nusliJli1mos Y:JENHRTD ABRICATION, INC 1660 Babcock. Building B Costa Mesa. CA 92627 TEL 19491 650-3035 FAX 1949} 650-4721 Jeny Penhall * All Types of Steel fJ Aluminum Fabrieation * Tube Benclinc * Aluminum fJ St.el W.ldini * Custom Machine Work * All Types of Race Cars 4851 W. Hacienda #4 Las Vegas, mi 89118 Bruce Fraley 702-365-9055 II lcs :;:::;: II oc,rllc ~-3055 Westhaven St Ph 714-283-3537 Orange, CA 92865 E-MAIL Fax 714-283-4757 PlAYTECH-FABRICATION 3031 E. Coronado St. Suite E, Anaheim, CA 92806 Phone: (714) 238-1179 Fax: (714) 238-1183 Pre,1s1on Todd Francis Phone: 360.887.2000 • Fax: 360.887.7279 John Gould A High Performance Spec VS Race Truck Series "The True Driver's Class" Protruck Sales and Promotion Website: Email: /el: 619-39'Hi252 Fax:619-390-6470 14402 Bond Court El CaJon, CA 92021 Joe Dau111an

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Hi-Performance Equipment Suspension • Safety • Drive/ine • Accessories (619) 691-9171 (619) 691 -9174 (619) 691-0803 (FAX) I I I 103 Press Lane, Suite #4 Chula Vista, CA 91910 e-mail: rprod1 ---~".542.02SS ONLY.CO~ ....... w-e 'RRCING ENGINES Building SCORE winning engines 619.420.2233 45 Broadwa~ Chula Vista. CA 91910 ,1'.£/IFOIIIIKC.£• TIIIKSIIL .£S southern Calllomla's largest DlsUlbutor of Mendeola Transaxles PH: 114.680.6131 • FX: 114.680.3110 ~ Toll Free: 800.304.8126 1631 Placentia Ave_ Unit G Anaheim. CA 92806 ~C_TRINS ~ WIii get JOI II gear swi1g axle, •1s, lewlaad, MD4S 3455 S. POLARIS #5 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89102 JOHN 0.0. lllllfflN (702) 221-43&3 (702) 887·9724 QuAUTY lsNT ExPENSIVE, Ir's PRICELESS! VALIIE TRAIN PRaaucrs • CusroM HEAD WoRK 760/94B-469B • FAX 760/94B-4B56 MnNIA/".RDVALVESPRING. COIVI ----Barry Beacham 27231 Burbank Ave. Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 Office 949-837-4388 Cell 949-466-4781 A Tatum Distributor Specializing in Off-Road Racing & Driving For Over 21 Years Mig Welding • Tig Welding Upgrades & Repairs Baja-Proven Equipment 5294 N. Casa Grande Hwy • Ste 102 520_850_3693 Tucson, Az 85743 flii/ SANDERS SERVICE, INC. l~ METAL PROCESSING 5921 Wilmington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 (323) 583-2404 FAX (323) 583-3965 SANDBLAST -GLASS BEAD-MAGNETIC PARTICLE FLOURESCENT INSPECTION MARK SMITH LARRY SMITH LAURA RICHARD S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOT11 HCR66, BOX 11030 PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV.89048 (775) 372-5335 . TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821 (714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 JOB SITE SIGNS • BANNERS • I\IIWOIV LmERlt,G • C,\A LETTERING• GRAPHICS SQUEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101 Galway Circle • Hunt.ngtcn Beach CA 92B49 (714) 897-0075 • Fe\ 17141 694-9567 = PERFORMANCE SPECIALIS1"5 ==-" UKJVlff£GI!) SMART Pfl,IIRMIICf I 1-800-MY MUFFLER CLBRYANT.COM MITCHHART@CLBRYANT.COM • RACEFUELS Paul Oil Company (209) 847-2281 (800) 527-6090 FAX (209) 847-9726 P.O. Box 24B • 524 N. Sierra Ave. WESTERN DIVISION Oakdale. California 95361 2180 College Drive • Lake Havasu City • AZ. 86403 Call Toll Free: 877-627-8852 o·r E-Mail: • Hi Performance Converters Custom Length Axles• • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed Hubs • (for Race & Recreation) Input Shafts • American Made Excellence!!

Page 57

ASA Racing Products P.O. Box 711088 Santee, Ca 92072 "Ill lclulllclnCNIIII" Andrew Kelly We.;r..:111 Rc~1t,n,1I D1su 1buh~ Office: 1-866-70-TORCO Fax: (619) 582-5386 E-Mail: TO -PoW. ......... • _ RACING BATTERIES K.Etn p.,.ri.z:.,. Military Grade Batteries • Battery Boxes • Battery Chargers Custom Battery Cables • Misc. Electrical Accessories 2046 Fairhope Loop, Vista, CA 92081 Business (760) 734-1678 Fax (760) 734-1323 * and Bolt-On to Street Fiberglass for: "Ford, C~evy and Toyota" Trucks • Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1261 N. Buena \lls1a St. , Hemet ca. 92543 Ph: 951-654-7334 Fax: 951-654-2375 See a list of our products at our web site:• I MNSAXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 9763 Varlel Ave. · (818) 998-2739 Chatsworth, CA 91311 TIIAlll;!!lil:'11:l/l'L!E --~~ TEL: 114.526.5820 NS WEST PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES Kevin Pirtle 22545 South Normandie Ave. Torrance, California 90501 310.782.2413 fax 310.782.3772 /;;'&/ ransworks ~~ PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES "& AUTHORIZED MENDEOLA DEALER ERIC"LAUNDRIE STOCK & CUSTOM 24752 VIEJAS BLVD. SAND* STREET * RACE DESCANSO, CA 91916 (619) 445-3135 (uMP) UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10729 WHEATLANDS AVENUE, -SUITE #A SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 92071 TEL. • 619 / 449-9690 FAX • 619 / 449-8424 (619) 596-8033 1 000 W . Bradley, Unit O E l Cajon, C A 92020 Carlos Orozc-"Quality Fuels & Products for Motorsports"' Website· VP Racing Fuels, Inc. West Coast Region P.O. Box 1319 34283 Monte Vista Wildomar,_CA 92595 VP RACING FUELS INC AUTHORIZE u, , TRIBUTOR RR AUTOSPECIAL PARTS, S. OE R.L DE C.V. CALLE PRIVADA l'AAY MMORGA 17026 ZONA INDUSTRIAL GARITA DE OTAY TIJUANA, 0 C TEL.: (GG~) GH 9222 FAX: (664) G07 1«0 E-MAIL: KELLEY HENDEL Regional Manager Office: (909) 674-9167 Fax: (909) 674-7367 Email: Advancing the Science of Motor Sports Ray Gastelum GfRENTF Df l'cNiAS Mobil · 664 648 288,2 Nextel Radio: 152 * 1:l.1577 *1 Call USA to Mexico dial 0115'2 Taxes _ Group & Individual Health Real Estate Loans John 0 . White, CPA, MBA 866 887 5556 3190 Calle de Marejada Camarillo, CA 93010 Cell 805 844 4665 It's about what you keep! ...-Fax 805 830 1590 CPA 36032E, DRE 760373, .Doi bD48458 Adam Wik SCORE ENGINE BUILDER OFTHEYEA.R 994, 1998, 1999,2000 From Parts To complete Engines 3675W. TecoAv..Unlt8, Las Vea•&. NV 89118 702-8374.5~ f ront & Re,r Trailing Arms • Spindle, Susf)fflsion SpeciAlisl • Cu$lom Rai:t & Play .Buggy Chassis A•Arm f ront Ends • B<-.lm Fron! 9608 N. l h t Or. PhMnix, AZ 85021 Jack Woods 602-242--0077 Fu 602·242·7283 .Xf-"qt~J§ lilpl{DaJ ~--@ RIICE PREP SHOP •BUlililES • snnDCllRS •SHOCHS • TR!JCllS • PRE·1WIH1ER5 • riiBiUCRTIOn 818) lf26·22GU rRAC World Leading Motorsport Transmission Manufacturer 11 Dakar Rally V-ictories 17 World Rally Victories 6 AMA MX/SX Championships Xtrac Inc 6183 West 80th Street Indianapolis IN 46278 email: Tel: (317) 472 2454 sequential Transaxle Trophy Truck solutions available for Lead Customers ...

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Classified ... Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Read-ers are advised to consult appro-priate local or state authorities for information before purchase of any specific item. FOR SALE: Race Ready BITD Class 8 legal Dodge 4x4 100 % tig welded chromoly b;y Velocity Fab. King shocks w/hydraulic bumps, Deaver Xover Howe steering, Summers Bros., Mastercraft, MSD Ignition, radio, intercom, Parker Pumper, Borla, Wilwood, Autometer, Fuel Safe, Fluidyne, Edelbrock Heads & Intake. $25,000.00. Call Mike (530) 269-0965 or email mike@di rtracerphoto. com. FOR SALE: 1990 Ford Ranger, V6, auto, Stewarts Raceworks suspension. 9" spool 4:56, Fox shocks, Mastercrafts, Roll Bar, Bumpers, Bedcage, skid plates, lights, 33" BFG's, Bent Beams, F150 Coils and brakes, 4.0 radiator, JBA Headers, Ford Crate engine, smog legal, A/C, very clean, Fully prepped $6,400.00. · (619)722-6929. FOR SALE: Scat V4, com-plete. Fresh, fuel injection, dry sump with hoses, com-puter, spares, $15,000.00 OBO (209) 728-1381. FOR SALE: Class 12 single seat. Fresh 1776 Fat Per-formance engine, CNC disc brakes, Baja T/A, 930, PCI, Bilstein with bypass, Ultra Wheels, UMP air cleaner. Ready to race. Also have very nice car trailer. $16,000.00 for the race car of $18,000.00 for both. For more info and pies, please call (559) 707-1107 or email n uckles 1 @co meas t. net. FOR SALE: 2 seat Class 1 Jimco, Patton Fuel injected Chevrolet smallblock, 5 speed Fortin sequential shift with converter, Fox 3.5" shocks, top of the line. $160,000.00. Call Brian (858) 243-2107. FOR SALE: 2001 Ford-F150 PreRunner. Camburg 4-linked rear, front Billet A-Arms, RaceRunner shocks, bypass, coilovei, reservoirs. Currie rear-end. Fuel cell, BFG and headlocks, push bars. HID lights, Bullysteps, flared fenders, OPS, Siren, P.A., tool box, power. $74,000.00 Awesome show truck, ran Baja 500. (562) 756-9231. FOR SALE: 2003 Ford Ex-pedition Eddie Bauer Plea-sure-Runner. Just finish a month long 3000 mile trip in Baja with 4 people and lug-gage. Full roll cage, 6-37 inch BFG's, Fox secondary shocks with remote reservoirs, Lowrance OPS, icom race ra-dio, alarm, custom bumpers and 4 Hella's. Many new spares included-trans, trans-fer case, alternator, starter, radiator, rack & pinion, drive shafts, axles, differen-tials and suspension parts. $28,000.00 OBO. Marv Schmidt (702) 807-4777. FOR SALE: Trophy Truck for sale, New motor by Jim Horne, trans. Turbo 400, Crisman header, King shocks, single seat, Roger Mears old truck, very nice truck. $85,000.00. Please call (619) 628-7389. FOR ·sALE: 2005 Porter Class One. Porter Race cars built, Nils Castillo LSI, King Kong shocks, OPS 140 w radio, inter-com, HIDs, Best of Every-thing! Like New-10 hours. $145,000.00. Why wait 6 months. Finished 6th AT 2006 Laughlin. (562) 756-9231. . d bits and pieces h. l quipment an Sell your ve ic es, e . h the readership , D t Tunes as d right here. us y . h form below an k. for so fill out t e you're loo mg d . our next issue. get your a in FOR SALE: Dual purpose PreRunner Buggy. Street legal. Chevy V8 500 hp, Jeff Fields trans, King Coilover/bypass, heat ex-changer, trans cooler, 26 gal Fuel Safe, Fortin power steering, XM satellite ra-dio, Sand/dirt tires w/ headlocks, great for prerunning or Glamis. Over $110,000.00 invested, ask-ing $68,000.00 OBO. (951) 634-5546. FOR SALE: Coyne Motorsports Trophy Truck-Porter/Coyne Motorsports. Ex-Corona Trophy Truck, completely re-designed Chassis, very similar to our Robby Gordon Truck, 800 HP Leon Patton motor. Best of everything, com-pletely prepped and race ready. $300,000.00 (760) 353-2110. FOR SALE: 2001 Alumicraft DR4 4-seater. Acura 3.2 H car, Mendeola MD5, Fortin Hubs, Fox Shox, Howe p/ s rack, HID lights, fuel safe cell, PCI radio/inter-com, side tool bags, Robby Gordon wheels, BFG Baja TA's. $59,000.00 (760) 352-23.64 (356)/(619) 454-9780 or www. smd motorsports .com for more info. FOR SALE: Class 10 Jimco 2000 Honda, Fortin, Fox. $70,000.00 Call Justin (949) 280-6722. FOR SALE: 78 Ford PreRunner, 400 Midland with Isky cam, beefed au-tomatic trans, floating rear with Detroit locking 4:11 gears in a Nodular case, 4 wheel disc brakes, Saginaw power steering by Lee Mfg, Mastercraft seats & a console, roll cage, 3 shocks per wheel, Flame Out system, air & etc. Spare driveshaft, hi-lift jack, 2 spare tires, cooler & storage boxes mounted in bed. Spare frame, cab, doors and front fenders included. $,9,500.00 OBO. Marv Schmidt. (702) 807-4777. FOR SALE: Class 5 Un-limited with WIKS 2.7 type 4, Mendeola 4 spd 930 cv's, 33" tires, spare tires, dump cans and new Wally World paint job. Rarely raced! Must see to appreciate. $30,000.00. Contact Guy Petersen at (626) 523-1538 for more details. FOR SALE: Porter Class 1 car. Aluminum Chevy, small block 427 cubic inch 600+ hp, M-1 automatic transaxle series 30 cv's. 26" in. travel front, 24" in rear King, 4" Fr King 3" 37" BFG and Trophy Truck brakes, PCI Radio and intercom. Howe big rack, some spares. $120,000.00. Call Brian (619) 336-3771. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in • • • • • • • • • DUSTY TIMES . Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5 .00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum si:te 5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED - YOUR AD MAY BE PVT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER. Enclosed is$ _____________ (Send check or money order, no Cash) Name ___________________________________ _ Address-----------------------------------------------------------City --------------------------------------------------------------State _____ Zip __________________ Phone ______________________________ _ Please run ad times Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 DUG~J~lfflBG 2006-07 ISSUE DEADLINE June 06 May 10, 06 July 06 Jun 14, 06 August 06 Jul 12, 06 September 06 Aug 9, 06 Octobere 06 Sep 13, 06 November06 Oct 11, 06 December06 Nov 15, 06 January 07 Dec 13, 06 February 07 Jan 10, 07 March 07 Feb 7, 07 • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • Page 58 May 2006 · Dusty Times

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FOR SALE: 2006 Alumicraft pre-runner, 50 hp redline, s$ sequential, SS custom ex-haust, OPS, 2 Kenwood 110 watt radios, PCI intercom, satellite radio, Mastercraft 3G's, set up for 3 or 4 seats, w/luggage rack in 3 seat con-figuration, chromed Kartek forged race wheels with BFG projects, only 200 test miles. Mark @ (760) 787-1737 or email for details FOR SALE: Chenowth two seat A Arm car. 3.5 twin plug electronic fuel injected Porsche with Jeff Fields au-tomatic. Fox bypass front and rear, rears are new. New Goodyear tires, RO wheels. Clean, race ready, excellent PreRunner MORE/MOR racer. PCI ra-dio & intercom OPS. Email for pies. $44,500.00. (818) 841-2316 or Email ChaseZ7 FOR SALE: 2000 Raceworks Truggy. 377ci Chevy 450, HP Turbo 400 Transmission, 20' front/30' rear travel, Fox Shox, Coilover/Bypass, and Howe Steering. 44 gallon Fuel Cell, Lowrance OPS, and a PCI In-tercom. Paddles and wheels included. $59,000.00 (760) 352-2364, (356)/619 454-9780 or www. smd motor spar ts. com for more info. When you want to read about off road racing in depth, there is only one place to go, Dusty Times. Dusty Times has been covering the off road and rallying scene for more than 20 years, we've been there, done that and we've covered every off road event in depth. always been to gi '\7e the stories you want to read and, we feel we've done a real good job for a long time and we have no intention of slacking off in the future. So, help us to keep bringing in the off road racing world, buy your p.::i_rts and pieces from our advertisers and tell them you read all about them in Dusty Times. See ya at the races. Dusty Times May 2006 FOR SALE: 1995 Freightliner Chassis/22' Box Van, Registered as a RV w/ Bathroom/shower/sink. Lots of storage and belly boxes. Equipped with Lista tool boxes, air brakes, diesel gen-erator, air compressor, aw-nings and much more. $29,000.00 (760) 352-2364, (356)/(619) 454-9780 or for more info. more Happenings FOR SALE: BIG MAC TROPHY TRUCK. Chevy Trophy Truck known in the racing world as "Big Mac". Truck comes with two mo-tors and tons of spares. Call (949) 472-4461 for price and details. WANTED: Full or part time mechanic for Class 1 team. Experience necessary, Fab skills a plus. Good work envi-ronment w/flexible hours. ** July 22, 2006 Flagstaff, AZ San Diego. Con tact Todd *July23,2006 Cuffaro@ (619) 807-7372 or Flagstaff, AZ 619-2 3 9-417 6. ** September 2, 2006 W I D E O P EN A D V E N -Snowflake, Heber, AZ TU R ES . S o u th e r n Ca I i -*September3,2006 fornia leader in Off-Road Snowflake, Heber.AZ industry is seeking a F/T ** October 7, 2006 P a r t s D e p a r t m e n t e m · TBA *October 8, 2006 P I o Y e e w i t h M e c h a n i c a 1 TBA background. Bi-lingual, ***November4-5,2006 organized and self moti-Gila Bend v a t e d a m u s t . Ab i I i t y t o Gila Bend, AZ work i n a fas t paced en vi-*** December 2, 2006 ronment is essential. (949) Mexico WISCONSIN MOTORSPORTS SHOW 6 3 5 -2 2 9 2 ext. 1 2 2, ( 9 4 9) (414)747-1711 635-3179 fax. ____ _:_;_;..;.:....;...;..;_.;_ ____ _ WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTIVAL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 OSHKOSH, WL 54901 (414) 688-5509 INDb.X TO ADVb.12. Tl6b.R.6 FIA WoRID RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP Aircraft Spruce .................................... 26 AZ Expo .................................................. 2 Baker Precision .................................... 35 XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE Best In The Desert ............................... 38 LAKE HAVASU C1TY, AZ 86403 Bilstein ................................................ 41 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BTR Racing Wheels .............................. 40 ___ B_A_JA_O_F_Ac_E_, _o_u_-5_2_6-6_2_25 ___ C&R Racing .......................................... 12 ZR. PROMOTIONS RENE MONTANO P.O. Box 2122 Calexico, CA 92231 May7,2006 Laguna Salada Gran Prix Motorcycles and Quads July 1; 2006 ZR Night Race Motorcycles & Quads September 9, 2006 ZR Team Race Motorcycles & Quads September 10, 2006 ZR Poker Run Family Ride November 26, 2006 ZR Gran Prix Campeones Motorcycles & Quads Attention Race & Rally Organizers List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, bur mail your 2006 schedules as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: UlllliYliilDOI 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-5003 Coast Resorts ......................................... 9 Competition Air Systems ..................... 16 CORR ....................................... Back Cover E&J Wireworks .................................... 16 EFI Technology ..................................... 39 Eibach Springs ..................................... 48 Fabtech ................................................ 44 Fuel Safe Racing Cells ......................... 35 Fusion Designs .................................... 39 ISCO ..................................................... 47 Kar Tek Off Road .................................. 21 Kawaguchi Honda ................................ 29 King Shock Tech .................................. 51 Light Racing ......................................... 1 B Mastercraft Seats ................................ 30 McKenzie's Performance Products ...... 11 Michael James Insurance .................... 17 Mickey Thompson Tires ....................... 32 Mojave Desert Racing .......................... 33 Nevada Off Road Buggy ........................ 24 Pacific Customs ................................... 14 Parker Pumper ..................................... 34 PCI Race Radios ...................................... 5 Pikes Service Center ............................ 25 Pro Desert Racing ................................ 37 Race Ready ........................................... 3 9 Racer X ................................................ 31 Radflo Suspension Technology ............ 23 Ram Praline .......................................... 34 Ronco Plastics ..................................... 28 Sakata Motorsport Electronics ............ 18 Skyjacker Suspensions ........................ 22 SNORE .................................................. 42 Soltek Light Systems ........................... 32 Stuff Transaxles .................................. 44 Team Gordon Race Wheels ................... 13 Tony Barazza Design Works ................... 4 Transaxle Engineering ......................... 25 Valley Performance .............................. 27 Vision X Lighting Systems ................... 19 Web Cam Racing Cams ......................... 27 Page 59

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