Volume 23 • Number 3 • March 2006 ~, . .... ".;:-.·r• ~'S;. .. ~ ~"'•:·:~} ... .,, i $2.50 DUSTY TIMES 20761 PLUl'll'IER CHATSWORTH CA ISSN8750•1732 ST 91311-5003 MAR 1 2006 11.1 .... ·"· .11 ... , ll, I, II, I, I, 11 .. ,11, .... ,, .. I, ... I ,II 11 ... , se,ving The OFF Road communi~y 1=0, 28 Yea,s covering the world of competition in the dirt ...
r Off Road Gold Cup Series Presents the Balls Out / Camburg 250 March 18th Barstow, Ca Bo·nuses· OJ) top of the reg payback Class 1 $500.00 to first no limit Class 7s $100.00 per truck pay back . FromKarTek&M.O.R.E. Class 9 $150.00 per car pay back From Kar Tek and M.O.R.E. Class 10 $1000.00 to first with 10 cars From CJD Builders Inc and The Deardorff Family Class 1300 $500.00 split between the class 10 cars needed for payback Class 1400/1450 $1500.00 No limit from Camburg Engineering Class 1400/1450 $1000.00 with 10 cars From C T Sales with 10 cars Schedule Of Events Wh } Friday March 17 ere YOU a Ways get Tech and Contingency 4:30 till 9:00 Course A & B 48 mile course Page 2 Tanget Mall Parking lot. M • o • R. E • Saturday March 18 7:30 Drivers Meeting 8:00 Line up 8:30 Race Starts Sunday March 19 Awards 10 AM Holiday Inn Express www.moreracing@earthlink.net 760-253-4453 March 2006 Cfass 1, 10,-s, 1/2 1600 5 laps Class 5/16, 9, 1300s 4 laps Class 7, 1400/1450 3 laps 11s 2 laps · Dusty Times ,1f
Volume 23 -Number 3 March 2006 DUGliJlilmBB Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors Scott Bottomley J. Preston Bradshaw Jim Culp Mike Del Col Nicole Del Col Steve Hilton Victor Gazca Martin Holmes Rod Koch Byrle Moore Steve Ruddick Maurice Selden Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham fl Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Sub-scription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUS'IYTIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hill-side Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copy-right by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the pub-lisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address d1ange to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. snapshot of the Month ... Gene and Kirby Hightower were the Class 3, Short Wheelbase 4x4 winners at the 1985 SCORE Parker 400. The picture isn't grainy, those dots you see were the beginning of a pretty heavy snowfall that wreaked a lot of havoc on a lot of cars and trucks. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self.addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8xl0 will be considered. In This Issue ... FEATURES SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge~ Judy Smith ...................................... 8 74th Rally Monte Carlo by Martin Holmes ....... : .... : ..................................... 16 MDR Bud Light Dash by Judy Smith ....................................................... 20 1990 SCORE Baja 1000 by Judy Smith ..................................... : ............ 3 2 55th Swedish Rally by Martin Holmes .......................................................... 44 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ............................................................................................... 5 Trail Notes ................................................................................................ 6 Checkers by 11ie Big Wahzoo .................................................................... 48 FAIR News by Lisa Kennedy ........................................................................ 49 Oregon Rally Group by John Elkin ............................................................. 50 Good Stuff Directory ............................................................................. 5 2 Classified Ads .......................................................................................... 5 8 Index To Advertisers ............................................................................... 59 ON THE COVER B.J. Baldwin was third on Saturday, took the win on Sunday and therefore he was the overall Trophy Truck winner at the SCORE Laughlin event. Photo by Jim Ober - Track.sick Photo There was a bunch of guys chasing him but Rob MacCachren never looked back, he took the Class 1600 win on both days and was the overall 1600 winner. Photo by Art Eugenio - Track.sick Photo Visit Our Website at Dustytimes.com c5uhscr£he·:Jodaj lo DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$25.00 years -$40.00 □2 □3 □ NEW years -$55.00 (no credit cards please) □ RENEWAL City _________________ _ State ___________ Zip _____ _ Primary Interest Cars O Trucks D Motorcycles D Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian - 1 year $30.00 US ■ Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times March 2006 Page3
IIUJl"lll&•III/III!!!!!:, SIIOCK ..... .,._,,nECHNOI.OGY 714.530.8701 • i:AX:,145:K).a:,m 12842 JOY STREET, GARDEN GROVE, CA 92840 W'tNW'.Jcing.shodcs.con, 2.5" --6'!41 Need coil springs? Call King Shocks! We have custom and produdion coils in stock, and the experience to get you what you need. Call today! l
200& Happenings ... Goodsprings, NV March 25, 2006 Desert Storm Rally (Coef 3) Rally America Regional Ehrenburg, AZ 3,3&1) NASA USRC & Regional Laughlin, NV December 1-2, 2006 Reno Rally (Coef 2&3) CLAIRTON Hr-JACKERS l.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TWP. LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 1 OK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 (All a,ena staged at the club grounds in Cleties. Ohio) 4x4 FoREVER, Lm. 1665 DELAWARE ST. OsHKOSH, WI 54901 A.MERICAN RALLY SPORT GROUP, INc. 3650 SolITH POINTE CIRCLE, SUITE 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521-0597 E MA11.: roger@rallyusa.com A.MERICAN TRIALS ASSOCIATION AAfA OBSERVED TRIALS Southern California CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES BILL MARKUM • PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HOTLINE• (714) 562-7742 E MAIL: bmatk909@aol.com <www.atati-ails.com> AsOCIACION EsTATAL DE AUTOMOVll.lSMO SAM WELL, TECH INSPECTOR AYro42 SAN JOSE DEL CABO BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL SUR. MEXICO AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CliAMPIONSJUP DARRYL SMITH 19 SoMERS ST. CAsHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTRALIA DUSTY TIMES @bigpond.com AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFF ROAD CLASS JO CARS ONLY RENALD VAILLANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST I.AVAL QUEBEC, CANADA H7P 1T7 (450) 622-4440 BAJA CuP CHALLENGE December 9, 2006 Glen Helen Raceway 909-888-69 l 9 BARONA SAND DRAG AssN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 AU Races Are Night Races AU Raw At Barona Raceway, Lakeside, CA BBM MARKETING PROMOTIONS OH Road Short Course Racing & Special Event Marketing 4344 VALLEY VIEW AvE. NORCO, CA 92860 (909) 340-6474 BEST IN THE DESERT 3475 BoULDER HIGHWAY I.As VEGAS, NV 89121 702-457-577 5/FAX: 702-641-24 31 March 3-5, 2006 Kawasaki Laughlin U.S. Hare Scrambles Laughlin,NV March 31 - April 1-2, 2006 Pro Circuit Nevada 200 Trail Ride Motorcycles - Invitation Only April 28-30, 2006 Terrible's Town 250 Pahrump,NV August 24-26, 2006 TSCO Vegas To Reno September 22-24, 2006 AVI 150 Quad Race Avi,NV October 13-15, 2006 Las Vegas 300 December 1-3, 2006 Henderson's Terrible 400 Henderson, NV B.O.R.E. BONNEVILLE OFF RoAD RACING ENTERPRISES 341 W. 2575 N SUNSET, UT 84015 801-773-1651 May 5-6, 2006 Red Garter 200 Wendover, NV June 30-July 1, 2006 Jackpot200 Jackpot,NV September 1-2, 2006 Red Garter 200 Wendover, NV BP MOTORSPORTS P.O. Box 411 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91365 760-578-6258/760-578-6259 Dusty Times FAX: 818-348-4648 E-Mail: bpmotorspons@earthlink.net AU Evena At Ca!ifamia CitJ, CA BRIGIITON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGH"TON, ONTARIO, CANADA KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR CumAVToMOVILlSTAjuARENsE DE CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD RACING 7210 GATEWAY EAST EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 0ll-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES <www.Califomiarallyseries.com> March 4, 2006 Seed 9 Rally (Coef 2) Rally America REgional April 28-29, 2006 Subaru Rim Of The World Rally (Coef 2&3) NASA USRC & Regional Lancaster, CA August 19, 2006 Gorman Ridge Rally (Coef 3) NASA Regional Frazier Park, CA To Be Announced Nor Cal Rally School Northern CA September 20, 2006 Treeline Rally (Coef 3) Rally America Regional West Covina, CA October 6-7, 2006 Prescott Rally (Coef 2&3) NASA USRC & Regional Precostt, AZ November 10-12, 2006 Laughlin International Rally (Coed Rally America National & Regional Rcno,NV CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box 400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW CENntAL SoUTH DAKOTA RACING AssoCIATION P.O. Box 645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVEADAMs (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DoN ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 CIIAMPLAIN VALLEY RAaNG AssoCIATION C.j. RIOiARDS P.O. Box 332 FAill HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 Short Caurse off Road Racing At Harri.son CauntJ Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH Cum AUTOMOVIlJSTICA .SANQUINTIN CALLE 6TA FRAcc Co. DE SAN QUINTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HERACLIO PATINO (0ll 52 616-5-22-07) Cum AUTOMOVIlJSTICO SAN VICE'ITE San Vicente Off Road ENSENADA, BC, MEXICO USA JAN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) RAMON CAsTRo & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/7 0034) CMC CoNTINENTAL MoTOSPORT Cum P.O. Box 3187 Happenings continued on page 6 . \ Dfl T E;P. . = ,-.c:-11Cii,..i..s ~I! LOWRANCE www.pciraceradios.com • • .-.--z.---z----. 800.869.5636 -F1!lx 562.4263589 2888 Gundrl,I JJa,e. Signal t-a CA 90755 •PailllliUlWno~bGPScanafNtN'III.U.Scon~~•..,,..m.\..._ March 2006 r. • 5tDl's Special Oownlaadable {jrit•·i'id,.;ti~~e.. - For ell SCORE and BITD races -Platliails also available ror MOR and SNORE -Available via e-mail or at contingency • Oilferenliale T@il Colors -Race Course. Chase Roads. 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Trail Notes ... a ROAD MOTORSPORTS HALL OF FAME -The Off Road otorsports Hall of Fame (ORMHOF), located at the National utomobile Museum (The Harrah Collection) in Reno, Nevada, has announced that it is calling for 2006 nominations from a variety of off road groups , associations, sanctioning bodies, key industry contacts and event promoters who have outstanding individuals within their organizations. Deadline for this years nominations in March 15, 2006. Categories for nomination are: Recreational 4-Wheeling, Motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles, Competition of motorcycles/ ATV's, Off Road Racing, Rally, Rock Crawling and sand sports and pioneers who are advocates, industry leaders and journalists. Since 1974, the OffRoadMotorsports Hall Of Fame has inducted 33 legends including: 2005 inductees Rod Hall, Scott McKenzie, Akton (Ak) Miller, Larry Minor, Roy Spuhler and Ed Waldheim. 2004 Inductees Herman Booy, Carla Boucher, John Buffum, Jean Calvin, Edward Dunkley and Walker Evans. 1980 Inductees: Harry Bushert, Bud Ekins, John Lawlor, Ray Moon and Mark Smith. 1976 Inductees: Dick Cepek, Brian Chuchua, Pete Condos, Charlie Erickson, Don Francisco, James Garner, Vic Hickey, Parnelli Jones, Steve McQueen, Bruce Meyers, Drino Miller, Ed Pearlman, Malcolm Smith Bill Stroppe, Thurston Warn and Vic Wilson. The nominator must submit as complete a biography as possible on each nominee. The more information provided on the nominee that fits the criteria, the better the possibility of selection for induction into the Hall of Fame. OFF-ROAD BUSINESS ASSOCIATION, INC -SUPERVISOR IN RIVERSIDE COUNTY SUGGESTS THAT OHV USE IS "INHERENTLY INCONSIDERATE OF OTHER PEOPLE. THE COUNTY IS LOOKING AT SEVERE RESTRICTIONS OR AN OUTRIGHT BAN OF OHV USE IN RESIDENTIAL AREAS. In an unexpected turn of events the Riverside County Board of Supervisors sent the draft off-highway vehicle (OHV) ordinance back to the planning department requesting that they either ban OHV use in residential areas totally or require anyone who wishes to recreate on OHV's on their own property to get a permit. It was even suggested that there should be heavy fees associated with these permits as a kind of penalty on an activity some Supervisors think is inappropriate. The Off-Road Business Association (ORBA), the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA), Ecologic, the McGrath family, and many Riverside County property owners have spent a considerable amount of time assisting the county in crafting an ordinance that is fair to both off-roaders in the county and residents who have valid complaints. "I was genuinely shocked by the comments of the Supervisors", said Meg Grossglass of ORBA. "We have been working with the Planning Department of Riverside County for the past sixteen months. I don't understand what would have prompted the Supervisors to reject the Planning Departments recommendations and to instead take such a discriminatory stance against people who choose to use OHV's on their own property". Jack McGrath stated "I pay property tax in this county on several properties and I am outraged that some Supervisors want to tell me that I can't use my property for what it was purchased for, even though I comply with the current sound limits in the county and have complied with all existing county ordinances". Fred Wiley, Executive Director of ORBA, suggested that the county should enforce the current dust and trespass ordinances instead of punishing law abiding citizens who wish to use their own property in a responsible manner. The Riverside County Board of Supervisors is scheduled to revisit the OHV ordinance on March 28th, 2006. In the interim, ORBA will continue to work with"Riverside County officials to develop a fair and reasonable OHV ordinance that addresses the legitimate noise and dust concerns of county residents while allowing OHV enthusiasts to responsibly operate OHV's on their private properties. You may contact ORBA at:ORBA Off-Road Business Association, 11487 Woodside Ave., Ste.110, Santee,CA 92071 619-449-0778 phone. direct to Meg 951-926-1953 951-415-1869 cell. Du.sty Times suggests that those of you who live in Riverside County contact your Supervisor and let him or her know how unhappy you are with this action. · BAJA Prrs RACE TEAM - BAJA PITS RACE TEAM is operating a San Felipe 250 Pre Run Pit Stop, in conjunction with the new Baja Huskvs Race Club (Husqvarna Race Team) for all SF 250 racers at around RM 100 for the two weekends prior to tli.e 2006 San Felipe 250 Race. This pit stop is open to both members and non members alike to support pre runners and is in the location of our # 2 pit (out of 4 locations) for the actual race. You can drop your fuel off with us to dump and we will have a small crew Saturday and again Sunday set up with welders, tools and jacks to support you should you break down out there. We will have radio support set up as well so you can contact your chase crew if need be. We will be there both Saturday and Sunday of both weekends in the day light hours from 9 am to 5 pm, returning to San Diego each Sunday night. Contact Carlos Orozco if interested in using this free service at Carlos@Bajapits.com or by calling him at US Wheels in El Cajon, Ca. at 619-596-8033, Monday thru Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. For those that want to join Baja Pits, membership forms can be found atwww.Bajapits,com and clicking on race applications. You can use any of the Race Applications to join the team. Membership in the Baja Pits Race Team is $50.00 a year from the date you join. In addition to this, all currently paid members of the Baja Pits Race Team that race in the Bike or Quad classes only, will receive free pit support and 4 gallons of 91 + octane fuel at each pit for the San Felipe 250. This is for current members and new members that join us prior to March 1st, 2006. This offer is only good for this race and is our way of saying thank you for those bike and quad racers that raced with us in 2005. MRE LUCERNE VALLEY - Finally, the honors in Class 1 went to on Brant as well as the overall win. Todd Jergensen was second in Class 1, 4 minutes behind, Tom Gilhreise was the Trophy Challenge Page& MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 FAX: (714) 367-1608 CODEOFFROAD CODE OFFRoAD USA P.O. Box 2328 CALEXIOO, CA 92231-2328 760-455-8069 USA 0ll-52-686-553-4087 MEXICO www .codeoffroad.com.mx April21-23, 2006 McMillin Companies Mexicali 500 · Mexicali.San Felipe-Mexicali B.C. June 16-18, 2006 VW Autoparts Night Race Laguna Salada, B.C. August 11-13, 2006 ORW Gran Prix Tecate, B.C. October 6-8, 2006 Mexicana Logistics Mexicali 300 Laguna Salada, B.C. DecemberS-10, 2006 Race Ready 275 Ensenada-Mexicali.San Felipe CoLORADO Hru, CLIMB AssoclAnoN BARB VAHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box 8286 Col.ORADO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O. Box 392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER 0ll-52-65-66-4458 CORR LUCAS OIL SERIES 192 N. STATE ROAD, Sum 267 A\ON, IN 46123 317-272-2827 317-272-2900 fax May 20-21, 2006 Chula Vista, CA Pro Series June 10-11, 2006 Sportsman Series Pro Cup - No Points Antigo, Wl June 24-25, 2006 Crandon, Wl Pro & Sportsman July S-9, 2006 Bark River, MI Pro & Sportsman July 22-23, 2006 Chula Vista, CA Pro Series August 12-13, 2006 Bark River, MI Pro & Sportsman September 2-3, 2006 Crandon, Wl Pro & Sportsman September 23-24, 2006 Chula Vista., CA Pro Series October 21-22, 2006 Chula Vista, CVA Pro Series CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, SUITE 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA ExT 42 FAX (818) 957-4435 D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE V ~ DEREN 2405 BAICER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (AU ~nts at Hannigan raa track, Bellingham, WA ur Tiumton Count) ORV Park, Olympia, WA) DAKARRALLY DARREN SKILTON BAJA AUTOMOTIVE AoVENTIJRES 455 E. OCEAN BLVD., Sum 208 LoNG BFACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 Bajaautomotive@Yahoo.com DEc.AnJR FoUR WHEEL DRIVE Cum DECAruR, TX 76234 ToMAu.EN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU Cm, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 EASTERN OPP-ROAD RACING ASSN. TOM DEU.UDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WELLSVtLLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 March 2006 ENSENADA BAJA OFF ROAD RACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX 0ll-52-646-1818989 ELis10 0ll-52-646-1715230 AARON Races for bugg:ys & Motur9cks Esrmo BFACH INTERNATIONAL Short Course Racing VICTORIA GALINDO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO 0l l-52-646-176-6230 FORDA FwRIDA OFF RoAD DRIVER'S ~710N JASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Apr, May, Noo at David.son Raceway FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 1855 PARKWAY DRIVE s. EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/959-579-6151FAX mdrracing@aol.com GORRA GEORGIA OFF ROAD JlACINGA~710N 420 HosFA RoAo U.WRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA GREAT PLANES OPP ROAD RACING AssoclATION TIM HODGE (402) 991-6048 Scorr MORROW (816) 792-2126 (AU raas are short course, stadium scyle Cla.sses -Sportsman, 1/2-1600, 5-1600, Sport Truck, Quads, Tough Truck Nebraska RacewaJ Park, Exit 420 on l-80 between Omaha and l.inroln.) For latest info check < www.gPorra.net> HIGH PLAINS OPP ROAD RACING 2000 W. QUINCY AVENUE #B ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 303-806-8062/303-781-0974 fax INTERNATIONAL lcE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDDOR (612) 937-3816/FAX 474-2769 INn:R-SHOWS MoTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INc. P.O. Box 2910 Mt5.5l0N VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 ]EEPSPEED 1826 N. Windes Orange, CA 92869 714-538-7434/ fax 714-633-1724 All races for Jeepspeed 1,2 & 3 JeepKpred Challenge ril 1, 2006 MDR Mojave 250 Barstow, CA June 10, 2006 Superstition Series Coyote Night Race August 12, 2006 California Night 200 Lucerne Valley, CA September 30, 2006 MDR Lucerne 250 Lucerne Valley, CA December 2, 2006 BITD Terrible's 400 Henderson, NV Jeefil{£d J Series Ap~ 30,2006 BITD Terrible's Town 250 Pahrump, NV August 24-26, 2006 BlTD Vegas To Reno Nevada October 13-15, 2006 Las Vegas 300 Las Vegas, NV December 1-3, 2006 Henderson's Terrible 400 Henderson, NV KAMI.oops BRONCO BUSTERS Whis~ring Pines Sports & Recreation Center P.O. Box 465 l<AMLOOPS, BC, C~ADA VZG5L2 DALE NYESTE (250) 579-8039 TONY (250) 554-97801. Craig Byers (250) 376-8466 LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS & 0FFROAD EXPO (626) 961-3782 <www.prerunners.com> <www. me gas how .com> L.I.T.R.E. }EFFELROD (408) 926-0522 }IM M UTA (408) 247-4402 MAMARRrrA OPP ROAD RACING LUIS CARI.Os Ai.VAREZO PANAMERICANA AVE #5105 Co. JUAREZ, CHIH., MX 0ll-52-1637-1799 MIClilGAN BUGGY BUilDERS DUNE BUGGY TRADE SHOW (517) 543-7214 <www.buggybuilders.com> MICHIGAN OPP RoAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M. T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 }ONES ROAD GRAND LEDGE, ML 4883 7 (517) 627-6200 Motorcycks, Quads, A1Vs and Pilots onlJ MAORA Mm-AMmUCA Qpp ROAD ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 664 GREENUP, IL 62428 (217) 235-6528 E-MAIL: maora@peako.com <www.maoraracing.com> May20,2006 Lincoln Trail Motorsports Park Casey, IL June 17, 2006 Cross Road MX Mason, IL July 22, 2006 Tell City Fairgrounds Tell City, IN August 12, 2006 Stone City Ranch Bedford, IN August 26, 2006 Soggy Bottom Raceway Greenup, IL September 23, 2006 Stone City Ranch Bedford, IN October 21, 2006 Lincoln Trail Motorsports Park Casey, IL Endurance Points Series May21,2006 Lincoln Trail Motorsports Park Casey, IL August 13, 2006 Stone City Ranch Bedford, IN September 24, 2006 Stone City Ranch Bedford, IN October 22, 2006 Lincoln Trail Motorsports Park Casey, IL MDRRACING 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE SoUTH EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/FAX626-579-6051 2006 California Cha~ionship Series April 1, Mojave 250 Barstow,CA May6,2006 Ridgecrest 200 Ridgecrest, CA *June 24, 2006 McKenzie's 400 Lucerne Valley, CA **August12,2006 California 200 Lucerne Valley Night Race September 30, 2006 Lucerne 250 Lucerne Valley, CA *November 11, 2006 Stoddard 250 Barstow, CA • Double Points * Night Race MDR PRODUCTIONS .a>o6 Superstition Championship Series AU Races at Plaster Cicy OHV Area April 15, 2006 King Of The Desert *June 10, 2006 Coyote Wash 200 October 28, 2006 Superstition 250 December 31, 2006 The Bud Lite Dash 200 • Night Race M.O.R.E. MoJA VE OPP RoAD RACING ENnrusIASTS P.O. Box 1231 Dusty Times
BARSTOW, CA 92312 760-253-4453 moreracing@earrhlink.net MOREKARTEK Off Road Gold Cup Series March 18, 2006 Barstow, CA May27,2006 TBA July 22, 2006 Barstow, CA September 16, 2006 TBA December 2, 2006 Barstow, CA MSBA Mi:cmGAN SPORT BUGGY ASSOCIATION DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE OR. FLINT, ML 48506 (810) 7 30-9221 MoToWEST WINTER TRIALS SERIFS Btu. MARKHAM (909) 860-1857 <www.lTStrials.com> AU aients at P"1TiJ Raaway (At Rud Valley with a school) NATIONAL Mun RACING AssN. RT. #l -Box 380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN PALATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFF TRUCK AssN. BUTCH CHAPIN MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS 1404 EAsT 3RD STREET HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NOORA GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAIL Kaylaaron@aol.com <www.Nooraoffroadracing.com> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Spring Valley Raceway, on route 518, 20 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) (Thunder Valley located 15 minutes from Spring Valley) NORTHERN Omo OFF RoAD RACING ASSN. GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 OFF RoAD EXPO 2006 (626) 599-8622 OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION VOWNTEERED SERIES PRESIDENT -GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP. -1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP. -9 & UNLTD. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OUTLAW REP. DoNPONDER (314) 631-8190 (All Races at Whaling in the C-ounry 900 Acres) Omo OFF RoADERS I.Ne. 1427 GOSHEN H1u.s ROAD S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 )IM KENDEL (216) 339-4674 AU races held at Harrison C.O..nry FairgTOunds. Cadiz. Ohio ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION RICK TtCHBOURNE, PUBLIC RELATIONS (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) OUTI.AW SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. Louts, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/FAX: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <www.usoff-road.com> PIKEs PEAK P.O. Box 6962 CoLORAOO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF ROAD RACING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 875-7591 PRo 1600 SHOOTOUT CoREY GOIN Dusty Times 559-647-6132 GOINRACIN@HOTMAIL.COM PRoTRuCK 14402 BoND CoURT EL CAJON, CA 92021 619-390-625 2 March 10-12, 2006 San Felipe 250 San Felipe, Baja California April 28-30, 2006 Terrible's Town 250 Pahrump, NV June 2-4, 2006 Baja 500 Ensenada Baja California July,2006 Pikes Peak Hillclimb Colorado July 27-29, 2006 Las Vegas Terrible's Cup Las Vegas, NV August 24-26, 2006 TSCO Vegas To Reno Nevada SeptemberS-10, 2006 Las Vegas Primm 300 Primm,NV October 13-15, 2006 Las Vegas 300 Nevada November 1~18, 2006 Baja 1000 Baja, California, Mexico December 1-3, 2006 Henderson's Terrible 400 Henderson,NV PuRE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box 50 RICKETTS, IA 51460 (712) 679-2221 RALLY AMERICA April 21-23, 2006 Oregon Trail Hillsboro, OR June 3, 2006 Susquehannock Wellsboro, PA July 28-29, 2006 Maine Forest Rally Rumford,ME August 25-26, 2006 Ojibwe Forests Bemidji,MN September 23-24, 2006 Colorado Cog Steamboat Springs, CO October 20-21, 2006 Lake Superior Houghton, MI TBD Reno Rally Reno,NV ROCK CRAWLERS ASSOCIATION OFAMER1CA P.O. Box 1406 RIVERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/FAX: (801) 253-3176 SAN DIEGO SHORT COURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New Series by Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro Tnu:ks, Desert Tnu:ks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Tnu:k <www .snowbirdracing.com> (858) 571-5088 SAN DIEGO OFF ROAD ExP0smON (888) 836 7918March 4, 2006 SCCA PRoRALLY P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-2055 <www.sccaprorally.org> March 4, 2006 Desert Sands NT March 5, 2006 Great Canyon NT Arizona Border August 12, 2006 Scenic View NC Oregon August 13, 2006 Beaver Cleaver NC Portland, OR September 2, 2006 Appalachian NT Steel Cities September 3, 2006 Ohnoodo NT Pittsburgh, PA September 4, 2006 Steel Haul NC September 16, 2006 Oktoberally NC LOL September 1 7, 2006 Badger Trails NT Trempealeau, WI October 20, 2006 TBA GTA October 21, 2006 TBA NC Topeka, KS October 22, 2006 TBA NT November 4, 2006 Covered Bridge OT Vermont National Road Rally Events March 4, 2006 Desert Sands NC/NT Arizona Border March 5, 2006 Great Canyon Arizona Border NT May20,2006 Steel Haul NCR Steel Cities June 10, 2006 Chippewa Falls NC/NT LOL July8,2006 Golden West NTR San Francisco August 12, 2006 Scenic View NC Oregon August 13, 2006 Beaver Cleaver NC Portland, OR September 16, 2006 Oktoberally NC September 17, 2006 Badger Trails NT Trempealeau, WI October 20, 2006 Oz Has Spoken NC National Office Topeka, KS October 21, 2006 Over The Rainbow NT Topeka, KS October 22, 2006 Yellow Brick Road NT/GTA Topeka, KS November 4, 2006 Covered Bridge OT NERVf November 11, 2006 TBANC Old Dominion Richmond, VA November 12, 2006 TBA NC Old Dominion Richmond, VA NC • National Course NT -National Tour GTA • Game Tour Adventure SFX MoTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE, SUITE 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 FAX SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., SUITE A CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 <www.score-intemational.com> March 10-12, 2006 Tecate SCORE San Felipe 250 San Felipe, Baja California, Mexico June 2-4, 2006 Tecate SCORE Baja 500 Ensenada, Baja Caliomia, Mexico July 27-29, 2006 *SCORE Las Vegas Terrible's Cup II Las Vegas Motor Speedway Las Vegas, NV September 8-1 O, 2006 SCORE Las Vegas Primm 300 Primm,NV November 15-18, 2006 Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 Baja California to Baja California Sur, Mexico *Non-points special went SNORE SOUTHERN NEVADA OFF RoAD ENTHusIASTS P.O. Box 270516 I.As VEGAS, NV 89127 702-452-4522 www.SNORERAClNG.NET April 7-9, 2006 Buffalo Bills 400 May 19-20, 2006 Dusty Times Caliente 250 August 4-5, 2006 KC Hilites Midnight Special September 29-October 1, 2006 Las Vegas November 10-11, 2006 South Coast SNORE 250 November 10-11, 2006 Western Desert Championship Laughlin, NV (Avi) Happenings continued om page 58 March 2006 Trail Notes ... winner, Alex Danze followed him in, less than a minute in arrears, Bob Schreiner was the Ultra Truck Class winner, the Class 5 win went to John Criswell, Chris Bowman was the second place car, Ken Tolbert beat out a bunch of folks for the Class 5-1600 win, Tom Bolha followed him in for second place, Tyler Fox took the Class 7 A honors, Noe Sierra took home the silver medal, Corey Torres took the Class 9 honors for the umpteenth time, Jared Benson was half an hour behind in second spot, Scott Wisdom took the Class 10 honors, Mike Deardoff followed him in for second place, Andrea Gowland won the Class 8B race, Curt Geer was the Class 1600 winner and Lorenzo Rodriguez was five minutes behind in second place. MORE had a good entry and all involved had a good race. Stay tuned to Dusty Times for complete coverage of the race with lots of pictures. WDDING BELLS - Parker, Arizona, February 3, 2006, Best In The Desert Contingency Row, weather clear, track is fast, we have winner, no we have two winners. Mark Heiden and Beverly Taylor, a couple ofJeepSpeeders (#'s 1714 and 1717) decided to tie the knot and, mid afternoon, right there in Contingency Row, they were joined in marriage by a minister who was disguised until he instigated the ceremony. Mark and Beverly had planned the whole thing, none of their friends were aware the wedding was going to happen and they certainly surprised all those who were with them for the race. The couple met at a Barstow 250 race 14 years ago, have been together ever since and decided to make it all legal. Congratulations to :you both, may :your union be long and happy. SCORE POINTS LEADERS - The new racing season has begun and the SCORE troops are headed for San Felipe. Going into that race the point leaders are: Trophy Truck, BJ Baldwin, Class 1, Gary Weyhrich, Class 1/2-1600, Rob MacCachren, Class 3, Don Moss, Class 5, Michelle Breuckmann, Class 5-1600, Danny Ledezma, Class 7, Victor Herrera, Jr., Class 7X, Tyler Fox, Class 7SX, Noe Sierra, Class 8, Glen Greer, Class 9, Brian Church, Class 10, Darren Hardesty, SCORE Lite, Cameron Steele, Class 11, Eric Solorzano, Stock Full, Greg Foutz, Pro Truck, Gus Vildosola, Jr. Rob MacCachi:en and Gary Weyhrich are tied as point leaders, both have 60 points to their credit. The top 10 in SCORE points are: Rob MacCachren, Class 1/2-1600, 60 points, Gary Weyhrich, Class 1, 60 points, B.J. Baldwin, Trophy Truck, 58 points, Randy Wilson, Class 1, 54 points, Arden Dennington, Class 1/2-1600, 54 points, Carl Renezeder, Trophy Truck, 52 points, Brian Parkhouse, Class 1, 50 points, Aaron Hawley, Class 1/2-1600, 50 points, Darren Hardesty, Class 10, 49 points and Ed/fim Herbst, Trophy Truck, 48 points. It's going to be a long, long season! BITD PARKER 425 - Casey had his usual ton of trucks at the Parker race and he had a lot of buggies this race too! There were 183 vehicles contending and everyone we talked to related that they had a good race. We will cover the race in depth in the April issue of Dusty Times but we'll give you the first and second places in each class here and now. John Herder was the Class 1500 winner and the overall winner as well in his Jimco. Gary Weyhrich was second in Class 1500, second overall in his Jimco.Robby Gordon took the gold in Class 1400 in his Hummer. Pete Sohren was second in class 1400 in his Ford. Gustavo Vildosola Jr and Bryan Freeman Jr. took the Class 1200 win in their Toyota, Ryan Staats took second in that class in his Ford. Larry Roesseler was the Class 7200 winner in a Ford, Kelly McNeil was second in another Ford. Randy Miller won Class 1000 in his Jimco, Scott Martenson was second in a Tatum. Drew Belk took the win in Class 5000 in his Jimco, Scott Hewitt was second in his VW. The Class 2000 win went to Grant Fluegge in his Porter, Jeff Knupp was second in his Volkspower. The Class 8100 class win went to Greg Foutz, driving his Ford, Randy Merritt was second in his Ford. The Class 8000 win went to David Bryan in a Ford, Mark Beeler was second in another Ford. Rod Hall took the Class 3100 win in his Hummer, Mike Falkosky was second in a Ford. Class 7100 went to Manny Esquerra in his Ford, Miguel Alvarado was second in a Jeep. The Class 7300 win went to Steve LaRoza in his Ford, Ron Isaacson was second, also in a Ford. Marc Stein took the win in Class 4100 in his Ford, John Sunderland was second, also in a Ford. Justim Mamer won Class 3700 in his Jeep, Ray Griffith was the Class 1700 winner, Jeep, Eric Heiden was second in class, also in a Jeep. Oscar McClure was the Class 1800 winner in his VW. Dick Dahn won Class 4000. 11CATE SCORE SAN FELIPE - the 20th annual SCORE San Felipe ace is only weeks away and the competition is going to be hot and heavy. The racers are all pursuing the $50,000 Kartek Off-Road contingency bonus to be awarded to several high point leaders at season's end as well as the Toyota True Grit and Milestone awards. As of this writing there are 29 Trophy Trucks entered in the race, no less than 32 Class 1 cars, 34 Class 1/2-1600 cars, 2each Class 3 cars, 3 Class 5 cars, 9 Class 5-1600 cars, 2 trucks in Class 7, 1 in Class 7S, 5 in Class 7SX, 6 trucks in class 8, 4 cars in Class 9, 14 in class 10, 20 SCORE Lite cars, 3 Stock Full, 1 Stock Mini, 1 Pro Truck and 1 Class 17. In addition there are 72 motorcycles and quads in various classes. As usual, Dusty Times will cover the race in depth and there will be lots of pictures. BRONCO BROTHERHOOD -The Early Bronco Brotherhood of Southern California is having their annual bash in the Big Bear area on June 9-11, 2006. All early Bronco enthusiasts are invited to attend and participate in some great trail runs and other activities. Last years participants numbered over 60 and they are expecting 75-80 Broncos this year. The weekend will include vendor displays and a raffle. If you would like to participate as a contestant or as a vendor, contact Stephanie Sharp at 951-769-6434. Continued on page 58 Page_7
IH"alel,I LAUGHLIN DESERT CHALLENGE B.J. Baldwin overall Winner By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Rob MacCachren won both Class 1600 races and was the big class winner at Laughlin, seen here ready for touchdown. B.J. Baldwin displayed uncom-mon smarts and talent and did a splendid job of driving his Chevro-let Trophy Truck on Sunday after-noon, and put himself into the over-all winning slot. The program for the opening weekend o(the SCORE 2006 sea-son was the same as in past years, but the race course had been short-ened once more. SCORE's litera-ture called itan "eight mile" course, but once the racers had pre-run and mapped it on their GPSs, it was seen to be only 7.4 miles in length, in-cluding the infield. With the biggest entry ever, at 233 starters, racers knew the traffic would be thick on this shortest course ever. The schedule called for the Laughlin Leap long-jump contest on Thursday night, contingency and tech inspection on Friday, with the Pit Crew Showdown on Friday af-ternoon, after the pre-running. Then Saturday and Sunday would each have seven races, commencing at seven a.m. Various classes ran dif-ferent numbers of laps, the quick classes doing six, while some did only four, or three. All groups had a time limit, varying from 65 to 80 min-A very nice first place in Class 1 went to Gary Weyhrich, he worked his way through the pack and took the gold medal. utes, and the officials would flag in any racer who was clearly unable to get another lap completed before that time limit ran out. In this way they could keep the show running on time, which they have almost al-ways been able to do very well in-deed at Laughlin. There were four categories for the Leap, and each winner went home with a $3000 prize, thanks to the Laughlin Chamber of Commerce. In the Big Truck category, the win-ner was Carl Renezeder, in his Chevy. He flew 159 feet. The Small Truck category went to Larry Roe-seler, in his Ford Ranger, who went 122 feet, and in the Large cc. Open Wheel class, it was Roeseler again, in Troy Herbst's Truggy, with a dis-tance of 146 feet. The Small c.c. Open Wheel category was won by Vic Bruckmann, in his wife, Michelle's, Baja Bug. The Bug flew 106 feet. Second place winners in all these categories took home $1000. The Friday afternoon Pit Crew Showdown had just two divisions. In the Open Wheel bunch the win-ning team was Nick Tiedemann's, and they were timed at 48.93 sec-onds to do the required tire change. In the trucks, it was Todd Wyllie's crew, which was timed at 59.66. Each of these winners won $3000 also, while second place got $1500, The Trophy Truck winner at Laughlin was B.J. Baldwin, he took the win with only 30 seconds in hand at the flag. and third place took home $500. As it has for years, the infield course started with a long straight that headed into a right turn. But this year there was a short section of moguls, and then the course headed up onto a "mesa", a natural lump of soil, and then dropped off be-fore making the right turn. It made for some extra entertainment for those spectators who could see it, because two cars couldn't make it across the top side-by-side, someone had to back off. After that there were the usual: the "Laughlin Leap", a sharp left turn, some moguls, a couple of hairpins, and then a nar-row straight headed out toward the desert. Coming in the racers had to navigate a section of chicanes, cre-ated by bulldozing big piles of dirt, which made them slow down so they'd remember to stop at the start/ finish line. It had that effect all right, but also caused some troublesome traffic jams during the multiple class truck race when a limited truck would get stuck in the soft stuff, so for Sunday they were modified a bit, and some of the buggies and high-horsepower cars were then able to just fly right over them. There was no way, apparently, to make them effective for all classes. In any case, they all remembered to stop, and no one ran into anyone at the start/ finish line hard enough to do dam-age. Once again, SCORE provided a huge television screen in the infield, to show the spectators in the grand-stands what was going on out on the course. The weather was typical for Laughlin on Friday, with wind and sunshine. It got cold at night, and rain was expected on the weekend. Saturday dawned cold, but still, with thin clouds keeping the sun from warming the world. The flotilla of heavy equipment had been at work since three a.m., repairing the rav-ages of the pre-run the day before, and the water trucks had soaked the infield and some of the outlying sec-tions of the course as well, in an ef-fort to reduce dust as much as pos-sible. The cars in the first event were mud-soaked after just one lap, be-cause one area had to be watered until it became a pond, since the water trucks couldn't return to the area once racing had started. As always, the first group con-tained Class 5-1600, Class 9 and Class 11, as well as the Sportsman Buggies. It was full light by the time they started, an improvement over previous years when they had to use their lights to find their way. In Class 5-1600 there were 12 entries, but by the second lap they'd lost four of them. Mario Ledezma and Brent Shermak were having a close battle, with Billy Gereghty a tight third place. Shermak was having some problems with water on his ignition. They went on neck and neck to the end of their required six laps, and Ledezma had the fast time at 10:45 on the sixth lap. He too·k the win, with Shermak only 13 seconds be-hind him in second, and Gereghty in third. For the Sunday restarts the offi-cials shuffled around the first ten finishers of Saturday's race. They used the simple expedient of put-ting the first ten finishers' numbers into a hat and drawing them to de-termine the next day's start order. In this class Gereghty got the luck of the draw anq,started in the first row. He got the hole shot, and became the first car on the road in Sunday's race. He led the first lap, but on Lap 2 Danny Ledezma, who'd taken over for Mario, had moved to the front on corrected time. Gereghty re-mained first on the road, but the competition was crowding him. He did his third lap a second faster than his first and second, and was hold-ing second place, while Ledezma, who'd started in the fifth row, was moving up through traffic. Shermak had the same problems with the water on Sunday that he'd had on Saturday, and didn't get to running well until the third lap. Irritated about it, he pushed hard and re-corded Sunday's fast lap on Lap 5, at 11:07. On the fourth lap Gereghty's steering wheel broke off. He dug out his channel locks, clamped onto the shaft and steered with that, while his passenger hung onto the wheel. They got to the pit and had it welded back on, losing about eight minutes in the process. Once repaired he hustled to regain some of the lost time, and put his car on its side, ending the day with a dnf. Don and Ken Moss had a really good weekend, they took the Class 3 win in their Ford and went home happy guys. Michelle Bruckmann had a great weekend, she won the Class 5 race both days and was the big class winner, seen here at takeoff. Ledezma, with no problems, went on to take the win, and the Ledezma's two day total was good enough to give them the weekend win, with a 54 second lead on Shermak who finished second. In third it was Scott Pellerin, who'd Page a March 2006 Dusty Times
Carl Renezeder took a first and a third place in the two Trophy Truck Randy Wilson finished fourth and third over the weekend and that A pair of third place finishes on Saturday and Sunday put Arden races and ended up second overall, 30 seconds behind the leader. gave him a second overall finish in Class 1 in his Jimco-Chevy. Dennington into second place overall in 1/2-1600 in his Fraley. been fifth the first day and fourth lost five minutes on the last lap. His carefully and decided that Class 9 some excitement and worry as the a sticky throttle, in second. Modica on Sunday. Pellerin is a graduate ring and pinion had gone, and he'd would never get six laps completed flagmen pulled all the other Class 9 was third and Church took fourth. from Class 11. · had to push the car over the start/ within their 80 minute time limit. folks off the track, and no one knew Once the two day times were added In Class 9, which had four en- finish line to get the fifth lap done. So, during the race, they'd decided why. Finally, Ric Miller, Race Direc- together Church had the weekend tries, Brian Church led all the way, He was sure he was a dnf. But the to reduce the Class 9 Sunday race tor, explained it to them and things win by four minutes and Modica was recording the fast lap for this group officials had a surprise for him. They to one of five laps. Creasy and Fuhs calmed down. Fuhs had the win for second. on his fifth trip around, at 11: 14. had watched the Class 9 lap times were suddenly finishers. There was the day with Greenberg, who'd had Continued on page 10 Behind him Forest Creasy broke his r---,............,.,..,.......,.._,..,..,..,,. ........ ...,...,.-........ .,.,,.,.,.,,.....,.,,,,,......,,.,,....,.,~===="="===,,....,,.,,.,,,, transmission on the first lap, Sigal Greenberg fell out on Lap 4 with carburetor problems on her Safari Challenger, and Tony Modica fin-ished second. Church discovered his ring gear was broken when he went to drive away from the finish area and the car wouldn't move. He took off for Hesperia for a spare tranny, which proved to have a bad ring gear also, so he hustled to Needles for another trans, which turned out to be good. Then it was time to do the work. The Class 9 cars started in the order in which they'd finished, and Creasy's driving partner, James Fuhs, went into the lead. He did four really good laps, his fourth the fast one for the day, at 12:28, and then Dusty Times Danny and Mario Ledezma kept it all together and took the overall Class 5-1600 win, they're seen here making lots of dust. An Intimate Gem Adjacent to Bel/agio, Caesars & Baily's ~ Flamingo & The Strip 1-888-227-2279 bilrborycoaMCB~ .com Tyler Fox and Steve Martz were f/yin' high, as seen in this picture, they took the Class 7S win in their Ford. Ask About Our Special Headliner Show and Room Packages West Tror,lcana & Mlille 1-800-675-3267 ~~l'IO-The Place Las Vegans CS/I Home"" Ask About Our Room & Golf Packages West Flamingo & Valley View 1-888-402•6278 ~-1<:U~ March 2006 Alta & Rampart 1-877-677-7111 ~\'IM1Cl.«lm Page9
George Seeley and Bruce Anderson finished first and second in the Brent Shermak finished second both races at Laughlin, that gave Dan Chamlee finished sixth and fourth in the two Class 7 races, that got him a second overall finish. Dan is seen here flyin ' high. two Class 5 races, they ended up second overall at the end. him second overall for the weekend in Class 5-1600. Class 11 also ran with this group, On Sunday six of them came utes later, and seven minutes later but there were only two of them. back. This time Barry Beacham was the first car came around to the in-Saturday, Eric Solorzano com-driving Mark Weger's RPS car, and field again. There wasn't a lot of pleted his three required laps, with his dad, Bill, was riding in his first down time, and if there was a quiet the fast time of 13: 13. Gary Helm- race. They recorded the fast lap, at moment in the infield, the spectator ing broke a c.v. and got only one lap 210: 10, on Lap 2, and went on could watch the cars' progress out done, taking 45 minutes including smoothly to take the win. When the on the course on the TV screen. the repair. On Sunday things went two day totals were added, Weger Cameron Steele, starting in the third differently. Roman Peyreyra was and Beacham had the weekend vie-row in his newly painted bright pink driving for Solorzano, and had the tory. Ward was second on Sunday, Desert Assassin, was second on the car in neutral when the green flag and for the weekend, describing the road by the end of the first lap, and waved. Still, he managed to regain course as "horrible" on Sunday. first on the road the next time the lead, and Helming's partner, Brad Wilson, son of Class 1 racer, around. He was the fastest car on Mark Murrell, was running well this Randy Wilson, was third on Sun-the track every lap. There was no time, so he needed to push. Murrell day in his 1600 car; he'd been fourth stopping him. But Vic Bruckmann was within two seconds of him at on Saturday and went home third gave it a try, when, after he'd lost a the end of the second lap. Peyreyra's for the weekend, a good showing minute on the first lap, Steele passed firstgearwasn'tworkingright,sohe against the high-horsepower pre-him and a rock tossed up by wasavoidingusingitwheneverpos-runners he was racing with. Cissy Bruckmann's tires, clobbered his sible. He said the "last lap was a very Baldwin and Kelly Renezeder, wives unprotected nose. Steele wears a tight race." And at the Sunday fin-of Josh Baldwin and Carl Renezeder, biker helmet, rather than one with ish, Peyreyra had the win by just four drove Josh's pre-runner, which is a full shield. His nose was bruised seconds. But of course, Solorzano VW powered and "a bit bigger than and painful, but not hurt badly and Peyreyra were the weekend win- a Class 12 motor." Each drove one enough to stop him, or even slow ners, because Helming and Murrell day. They decided they liked it well him down. On his fifth lap he ticked had finished only one day. enough that they're thinking about off the fast time for the class, at 8:56, The last class to race in this group racing in the 500. Kelly fits the car and just kept on moving along. was the Sportsman Buggies, a mixed just fine, but Cissy is short and had Steele, always quick in a limited car, batch of vehicles. On Saturday there trouble reaching the pedals. and at his best in a short race, took were seven of them, and they had to The second race of the day was a the Sunday win by three minutes. do only four laps. Kory Scheeler led combination of SCORE Lite and Stan Potter was second in his Jimco, all the way, recording the fast lap at Class 5. There were 21 of the bug- Jake Batulis and Jeff Lothringer had 10 minutes flat. He had a minute gies and three Class 5 cars, and the third in their Prep by Jake, having and three seconds on Rory Ward in first pair went off the line at 8:30. forgetfully run with 30 gallons of his Pete Corwin chassis. The last pair left the start three min- fuel in their tank, and regretting it. TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING INC. SNORE 1999 Tra:nsaxle Builder Of The Year congratulations Arden Dennington 1st in Class 1/2-1600 SCORE Terrible's Short course -Las Vegas TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD i;, ~ 9763VARIELAVENUE CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818-998-2739 Page 10 March 2006 Fourth was Bruckmann, who'd steering wheel whipped, and clob-planned to have his wife, Michelle, bered his elbow. He was in pain ride with him in this event. Inconve- from then on. And in addition, that niently, SCORE scheduled the Class bruised nose from Saturday, was 5 cars to run at the same time as being rubbed raw by the motion of Class 12, so Michelle was otherwise his goggles, because he hadn't occupied. thought to protect it with a Band-In fact, she was playing catch-up. Aid. He wasn't feeling very comfort-On her first lap she'd had the fast able this day. Stan Potter and Dan lap for the class, at 9:55, but on her Worley had a new front end on their second lap she'd been involved in a Jimco, and it was "not quite right", pileup of cars, first running into but it wasn't noticeable. In fact, they them, and then being hit by another. recorded the fast lap for Sunday on When she got free, her starter had Lap 4, with a time of 9:23 on the quit and she needed a tow to restart. chewed up course. Batulis reset his She lost six minutes on that lap, and shocks and put seven gallons in his spent the rest of the race chasing fuel tank, and his car worked "so George Seeley. It was futile. It's not much better today." Enough better possible to make up six minutes in that he got the win, finishing 32 sec-30 miles, which is what she had left, onds in front of Noe. Steele was but she gave it a try. Seeley drove on third, looking for an ice pack for steadily, and Kevin Carr ran consis- the elbow and a Band-Aid to cover tently in third. up the nose. And Potter and Worley At end of the six laps Seeley had were fourth. the win and Bruckmann was four When the weekend times were minutes and 56 seconds behind him. collated, Steele had the victory by Each of her final three laps was the almost two minutes. He said he's quick one for the group, but she ran "decided to go for the SCORE Lite out of time. points" this season. Batulis took sec-On Sunday they all came back. ond, and Noe was third. They all The SCORE Lite start positions had put on a good show both days with been shuffled by the drawing, and really close, tight racing. Steele found himself in the third In Class 5, again combined with row, where he'd started on Sunday. this group, Michelle Bruckmann Tim Noe, who'd finished fifth on managed to avoid running into any-Saturday, got the pole position, and one this time, and led all the way. made good use of it, to put his Jimco Bruce Anderson drove Seeley's car first on the road. Jim Greenway on Sunday. Bruckmann, who'd de-and/or Ty Godde entertained the cided to stiffen up her suspension crowd by rolling over in those mo- for Sunday, decided during the race guls at the end of the first straight. that she "shouldn't have done that." He got going again quickly, however. Nevertheless, she won by six minutes Noe led the first lap, but then Steele and 25 seconds, recouping her defi-moved into the lead, about one cit from Saturday, and took the minute up. As opposed to Satur- weekend win. Seeley and Anderson day, when four cars dropped out were second, and Kevin Carr was early, this time they were all there third. almost until the end, and then only The third race each day was the two fell away. Bruckmann wasn't firstwithjustoneclassonthetrack: having as good a day, later saying his Class 10. There were 24 of them and "suspension died", and Noe, who they all made it through the first lap particularly "wanted to beat Vic", on Saturday. Dennis Hunter had was disappointed when his car his unconventional Honda powered started "nose diving". Steele lost a Millen in front at the end of that steering servo at the end of the sec-lap; but unfortunately, he didn't ond lap, and that made it hard to complete the second lap. Carlos steer. Then, on a nasty bump, he Cortez flattened a front tire on Lap somehow got his arm caught as the 2, and C.J. Hutchins lost a whole Noe Sierra took a third and a second at Laughlin but his times gave him the overall win for the weekend in Class 7SX. Dusty Times
Mike Homer finished fourth and second in his two Class 7S races, Cody Swanty recorded a firth place finish on Saturday, a win on Brian Church won the first Class 9 race, finished fourth in the Sunday this put him second overall in his good lookin' Toyota. Sunday and that added up to second overall in Class 7SX. race and that added up to a first overall for the weekend. lap somehow, but everyone else came and a half minutes. Cooley was sec- earned second place. Levinson is new steady pace to take the win, the only At the finish it was Herrera, Siewert around in good shape, or came to a ond, making it a one-two finish for to Protrucks, but had raced quads finisher in the class. Patelli dropped and Jernigan. Only six of these trucks halt out on the course. It evolved VW power, and Dalke was third, for some time. Bednar and Driggs out on the last lap, and Raimonde managed to finish on Saturday. into a tight four-way race, with Dar- just six seconds behind him. Ellison both broke again, but the others all got only four laps done. On Sunday 11 of them started, ren Hardesty in a VW AlumiCraft, and Witt were fourth and Higman finished. The two day times had On Sunday they were all back and the competition was tougher. Eli Yee in a Honda J imco, Ron was fifth. Vildosola as the winner of course, and Wyllie had a new transmission Maybe some of them had redone Dalke in a Toyota Tatum, and John The fourth race, starting at 11:22 and Jason Voss, with a second on installed. This time he started out in their suspensions. This time Siewert Cooley in another VW AlumiCraft. a.m., encompassed ten classes, some Saturday and a third on Sunday was front and stayed there. His fifth lap had the first lap lead, with Scott Cooley had the fast lap for the class doing six laps, some doing four. second for the weekend, about 12 was the fast time for Sunday, at Brady, in a Ford, in second place. on Lap 4 with a 9:01. Spectators They were all trucks. SCORE started minutes behind Vildosola. 9:06, faster than Saturday's fast lap. Siewert led through the second lap couldn't tell who the leader was, it them two at a time, every 15 sec- Class 8 had five starters, one of Raimonde had apparently fixed and then disappeared. needed a stopwatch. onds, so, even with 52 starters, they them Rodrigo Ampudia in his new whatever bothered his truck also, On the third lap Jernigan re-The first six cars all ran sub-ten still managed to get them all off the Geiser Ford. It hadn't passed tech because he gave chase in a big way, corded the fast lap for the class, at minute laps all the way. And in the line in six minutes and 45 seconds. on Friday, because "the body was but just couldn't reach Wyllie. He 10: 17, and moved into the lead. end it was Hardesty, but he won by And it was less than three minutes mounted too low." Geiser's team finished second withAmpudia, also Brady was second and Herrera ran only 31 seconds. Yee was second, and after the last car left that the first worked all Friday evening to re- recording consistent times, getting all third. Jernigan led through the Dalke was one second behind him, one came around again. Good tim-mount the body about eight inches six laps in Sunday, for third place in fourth lap, with only nine seconds followed by Cooley, nine seconds ing. At the front of the parade were higher, but they didn't raise the roll his first try in this class. on Herrera, but then he fell out of later, and then Phillip Finch, in his the Protrucks, with six entries. One cage of course. This meant that Ro-The weekend winner for Class 8 Lap 5. Herrera went into the lead Honda Chenowth, another 22 sec-of them, Bill Driggs, started his day drigo was lucky to be able to see over was Greer, the only racer to finish then as Brady lost eight minutes onds back. with an easy roll in the infield, but the cowling. But, he got to race. For all 12 laps in this class. Everyone else somehow. Herrera went on to win Sunday's race was rougher, of they still all finished the crucial first a very brief while: he broke on the goes into the rest of the season with again, with Barry Karakas, Toyota, course, and only 22 of them came lap. Tavo Vildosola had his Toyota first lap. a dnf on the record. the only other finisher, in second back. Yee was out almost immedi-in the lead, with the last lap for the Todd Wyllie had his Chevrolet Class 7 was the big group in this place, about five minutes behind ately with what was reported as a day at 9: 16. Alan Levinson was sec- in the lead on the first lap, and Glen mix, with 12 starters. They had to him, due to a long first lap. broken front end. And at the end ond, and only 24 seconds behind Greer was second in a Dodge and do six laps. Victor Herrera, Jr. had The Class 7 weekend win was of the first lap it was apparent that him. Joe Bednar ran third, another Joe Patelli was third, while Dave his Ford out in front all the way. Herrera's thanks to two days of first Finch had rolled his car. Surpris- 12 seconds back, and the rest all had Raimonde lost about 25 minutes. David Binns, Geoff Milke and Larry place, and Dan Chamlee, who'd fin-ingly, Hunter's Millen was back, and some kind of early problem. Wyllie ticked off the fast lap for this Roeselerwere all out on the first lap. ished sixth and fourth, was second, in tl~e lead, with a lap of 8:59. He'd Vildosola ran a steady pace for all dass at 9: 10 on the seconcf iap, and Jason Jernigan had his Ford in se-c-and none of the others got ~ii 'f2 gone faster on the rougher course, six laps, had no problems and took his lead grew although Greer wasn't on.cP on the first lap, with Doug laps done. the only car to do that. And he main-the Saturday win by seven minutes. far behind. But on his third lap Siewert third in his Chevy. Siewert The 7S trucks were next to take rained the lead through the second Jason Voss was second. Levinson Wyllie developed trouble with his picked up the pace on the second off, with five starters, required to lap, when he had the fast time for bombed out on the fifth lap and transmission, and he dropped out lap and moved into second place, run only four laps. Tyler Fox put the class, for the weekend, at 8:32. Bednar broke his front end on the on Lap 4. Greer went on at a very staying there through the six laps. Continued on page 12 None of the other Class 10 cars had third lap. lap times less than nine minutes ei-On Sunday they all came back. ther day. But, the Millen broke a Watching the starts in this class was ring gear on the third lap, and didn't like watching the circus, with two finish. trucks leaving every 15 seconds, there Adam Wik entertained the crowd were always trucks strung out all by getting up on two wheels and bi- along the infield. It was hard to know cycling through one of the infield where to look to see the best action. turns in his Honda Jimco, and more And the last starters would still be cars fell out this time. But Hardesty, making their way out of the infield who said he'd done a lot of work on when the first Pro truck came his shocks in preparation for the around. It was a good ~ace for spec-new season, ran flawlessly, and took tators, but confusing as all get out the win. He's "going afterthe points" for anyone trying to keep track of for 2006. Bill Witt, in Rick Ellison's leaders. car, finished second, reporting no Vildosola started in the front row problems, except that his shield got and was the first vehicle around, get-muddy and he had to run with it ting that one important lap with no open. In third it was Wik and Will dust under his belt-and it was the Higman was fourth, saying "that was fast lap for this day at 9:30. He and intense-glad that one's over with!" Levinson had a tight race this time, Once they totaled the two day and Levinson finished only three sec-times, Hardesty had the win by two onds behind Vildosola, for a well-Glenn Greer didn't win either heat but his accumulated times were enough to give him the Class 8 win in his Dodge Ram. Dusty Times 1ecafe SCOIE Sal Fife 250 Pit Senice Let the NAG 7 Brotherhood help you In Baja/ HAG 7 Is the leading private pit organization In Baja, and we're ready to support your success In the upcoming Tecate SCORE san Fellf'I' 250. Full Se,ylce; MAG 7 ~ wift transport your spares to the pita and back and fill you during the race with your desired fuel (high-octane or pre-mix) from dry-breaks, dump cans, or jazz cans. Emergency Service: Already using BFG or Honda pits? Sign up with MAG 7 emergency support also to ensure you have help WHEN and WHERE you need it. We have more piis located around the race course than anyone else. Ifs inexpensive insurance for a fast f,nish. we support au; ►Buggies ►Trucks ► Motorcycles ►Quads We Cover the Course: MAG 7 pits seem to be everywhere! Located at 50-60 mile intervals up and down the racecourse. We'll be there when and where you need us.. Mag 1 Pit Equipment: All Mag 7 pi!$ are equipped 'rill ► D,y/JrtMks ► DumpDJns ► We&-► Shop Tools ► Expert Staff and Mechanics ► Hultlp/e R8Ce R4dlos ► Lubrlalnts and Flulds ► Soda, Snad:s; and Water ► Rrst Aid Supplies Applications and prices are available at www.maq7race.com Email: racedlrector@mag7race.com Phone: 619-518-5207, 3352 Juanita St. San Diego, CA 92105-3809 March 2006 Page 11
John Cooley drove his great looking Alumicraft to a second overall Jake Batu/is and Jeff Lothringer had a third place finish and a win in John Griffin finished fourth and third for the weekend in Stock Full, position in the Class 1 O battle, seen here nicely airborne. SCORE LITE, that gave them a nice second overall for the weekend. that garnered him a second overall finish at Laughlin. his Ford into the lead on the first race again, starting in the order in fourth, and none of the others fin-at 10:59 on Lap 3, and then went lap by being faster than everyone lap, with Mike Horner second in his which they'd finished on Saturday. ished all eight laps. on, still the fastest truck every lap, every lap. His second lap was the Toyota. Fox led through the second Fox's driving partner, Steve Martz The 7SX class was next in line, to take the victory. He was three quickest, at 11:53. Henn and Grif-lap, with Horner hanging in there put the Ford into the lead, with 32 with five trucks out to play. There minutes and 16 seconds up on fin had a good battle in their Hum-in second place. Aaron Gomez had seconds on Ted Moncure who was were four Fords and a Jeep. Jesse Holmes. Sierra was third, Lloyd mers, but ultimately, Henn tooksec-some problem with his Ford and replacing Nick for the day. Horner Rodriguez put this three seat Ford fourth and Cody Swanty fifth in the ond place and Griffin was third, then dropped out. ran third. Martz had the fast time into the lead, his dad, Pepe, riding Jeep. with Graham in fourth in the Nis-On the third lap Roger Byrd re-on Lap 2, at 12:32, and held the majestically in the back seat. They On Sunday they were all back, san. Stein and Handley were run-corded the fast time for the class, at lead, while the others came along had seven seconds on John Holmes, and this time Rodriguez broke on ning second when they had a repeat 12: 14, but Fox was still in front. The behind him. Moncure said his steer-and then it was a minute and 21 the first lap. Holmes had the early of Saturday's problem, and this time last lap was terribly dusty for this ing was "evil", but the truck ran seconds back to Noe Sierra's Ford. lead, with Lloyd second, getting the lost 13 minutes or more, or the bunch, and they all slowed by a great, he got off course in the dust Rodriguez was the quickest on hang of it apparently. They dueled equivalent of a full lap. Eventually, minute or so, Fox actually losing and got stuck. The five of them du- the second lap also, holding his lead, through another lap, and then they got it running again, and also about two and a half minutes for eled all the way to the end, but Martz while the others dueled behind him. Holmes lost ten minutes and didn't made their driver/rider switch, so some reason. Nick Moncure moved managed to stay out in front and Jeff Lloyd was pushing extra hard, come around again. Lloyd recorded Handley would be legal. They were his Toyota up into the lead and took took the Sunday win by a minute and at the end of the third lap he Sunday's fast lap, at 12: 17, and held fourth for the day. When the week-the win, with Fox second and Byrd and 20 seconds. Horner was second, got stuck on one of the dirt chicanes the lead, but rolled the truck in the end times were figured Foutz had third. Horner dropped to fourth Moncure third and Byrd fourth. just before the start/finish line. Be-infield at the start of his last lap, the win, Griffin was second and and Gomez didn't finish. The win-When the times were combined, the fore the two truck could get him off and after being tugged upright, Henn was third, followed by Gra-ning time was 53:03, and all the fin- weekend winner was the Fox/Martz his embarrassing position, he had didn't go on. Swanty, with a steady ham and Handley. ishers were within 20 seconds of one team, with a minute and 31 seconds seven trucks parked behind him and foot on the throttle, took Sunday's Class 3 had five entries, and they another. That's close racing! on second place Horner. The waiting for him to be cleared off. win, followed in by Sierra, about a did four laps also. Don Moss drove On Sunday all five came back to Moncures were third and Byrd was Rodriguez recorded the class fast lap minute later. The 7SX weekend win his Bronco to the lead on the first BW' Products NeW' Products New Produ1. 3DDMH34 CVSTAH,S NO MORE Spline Wear! Stronger Core! 50% Stronger! 6.5· & 8.5· Sizes Built-In Starter & Ballast,__.._ Die-Cast Aluminum Hous, 35 Watt H.I.D. Bulb Driving/Euro Beam Pattern Knurled Adjustment Knobs Page 12 JI & DDT II Wheels Beadlock Black I Blue Colors Red I Polished size an &enler Mounr Hub KIi Ii Sl1d1ng Axles Available for Plunging + NonPlung. CV's w/ CNC or Brembo Calipers Ultimate Strength 300M Size 30 Center Star ngAx/es nPlungi Size 30 4CV March 2006 went to Sierra, with Swanty second. lap, finding his spring setup not None of the others made it all the quite right yet. In second, was Chris way through eight laps. Raffo, in a Blazer, and then Ken The Stock Full trucks lined up Leavitt in another Bronco was third. next. There were five of them and On the second lap Moss recorded they had to do only four laps. Marc the fast lap for the group at 11 :31, Stein, driving Mark Handley's Ford, and held onto his lead. Raffo was had the lead on Lap 1, with Greg still second and Leavitt third. But Foutz, another Ford, in second on the third lap both Leavitt and place. Foutz had hoped to have his Troy Haywood dropped out. Moss new truck for this event, but it stayed in front for the remaining wasn't ready, so he was in the old two laps and took the win with over tried and true racer. Terry Henn three minutes on Raffo. Salvador had his Hummer in third. On the Cervantes was third, another five second lap Foutz recorded the fast minutes back. lap, at 10:54, and moved into the Leavitt didn't make it back on lead. Henn held third. Foutz stayed Sunday, but all the others did. Once in front, with Stein second, through again, Moss went into the lead, with Lap 3. And Foutz took the win, Raffo in second place. But then while Bob Graham moved his Nis- Raffo broke on Lap 2, and left just san up to second, and Stein three of them running. Moss held dropped to third in Handley's truck his lead, recording the fast lap for when it stalled due to a fuel pickup Sunday on the third lap at 12:24, problem. John Griffin was fourth and he went on to take the win. Cer-in his Hummer and Henn, with a vantes finished second, and couple of long laps, was fifth. Foutz Haywood was third, recovering well would have over three minutes of from a problem on the first lap that cushion when he started on Sunday. cost him about nine minutes. When They all came back on Sunday, they totaled up the two days, the Stein once again driving for Handley, Moss team had the weekend win, and who, due to recent surgery, was plan- Cervantes was second. None of the ning to drive just enough to make others completed all their laps. his driver-of-record status legal. But The Sportsman Truck class had he was able to ride. Foutz had his eight entries, and was required to foot in it on Sunday, and led every run only four laps. Dan Vance put Darren Hardesty took the Class 1 a win on both days and thus the overall class win, he's seen here in his Alumicraft. Dusty Times r I
,. Jason Voss scored a second and a third place finish in his two races Ed and Tim Herbst took a second and a third place in the two Trophy A ninth place and a seventh place in the Class 1 races relegated and he took second overall honors in Pro Truck. Truck races, that made them third overall For the weekend. Brian Parkhouse to a third place finish overall. his Toyota into the lead on the first offs, and we know of at least one ond off his lap time, and held onto Cachren still led, with a time of an ing statistics, it might be interesting lap, with about 15 seconds on Matt that the racer omitted to list. The his lead through Lap 4, followed by even 30 minutes. Pfankuch was sec-to note that Vessels, Weyhrich, Torian in a Ford. In third it was manufacturer showing up most of-the same cadre of racers, eight of ond, and remember, he was work- Letner, Croll, Boyle and Ickier are Steven Looney, and then Mark ten is Lothringer, but there were five them within a minute and a half. ing his way through traffic after his all second-generation racers. Growe in his Ford. Chris Solis broke of them listed, arid four Bundersons, On the fifth lap MacCachren had near-rear start, Freeman was third, Vessels and Lerner both disap-an axle as he ended his first lap, and a·nd four Jimcos, so it's not a land- the fast lap for this event, at 9:32, another seven seconds back, and peared on the next lap. That put was sidelined for the rest of the day. slide in favor of any one manufac-and held onto his lead, and on Lap then it was Dennington, Hawley, Mark Weyhrich into the lead, with Vance continued to lead through curer. What it says is that the lim- 6 he was only another four seconds Geer, Ehrenberg and Gumz still in Dennis Boyle now second, Ickier the second lap, Torian held second iced chassis building business is ap- slower. He was the only one to do ~ tight pack. third, Croll fourth, and Jeff Quinn, and Looney was steady in third. But parentlyverycompetitive these days. six laps under ten minutes. He won But the fourth lap was the end in another Jimco Chevy, fifth. Sixth things changed on the third lap as This was a six lap event, and a by a minute and six seconds, and for Freeman, who broke a throttle belonged to Josh Rigsby in his Pen-Torian took over the lead, Vance terrific race for the spectators to Freeman was second, 24 seconds cable. No one let up; at one point hall Chevy. The third lap was the dropped to second and Looney held watch. Cars were on two wheels, ahead of Denntngton, who was 10 or another Pfankuch, Dennington, end for both Croll and Quinn how-on to third. Then Torian capped rolled over, flying through the air, seconds up on Rodriguez, who was Gerr and Ehrenberg all ran laps ever, and the field was already re-his afternoon by recording the fast banging off each other and staying nine seconds up on Matt Gumz in a below ten minutes, but they did very duced by ten cars. lap of the day at 10:46, and took close together all the way. At the end Lothringer. little passing. Except for Pfankuch Mark Weyhrich held the lead the win by almost three minutes. of the first lap Rob MacCachren Lisa Herbst, who broke on the who was doing a lot of it. He was another lap, with 13 seconds on Looney was second, and Robert had the lead in his Bunderson, with last lap, and Adam Ashcraft were clearly on a mission and fun to Ickier. Mark's brother, Gary, was Anderson, Ford, moved into third Lorenzo Rodriguez, in a Lothringer, the only two who failed to return watch, especially when it came to the now third, another two seconds as Vance lost about seven minutes. 11 seconds back. Then Sammy on Sunday. The luck of the draw chicane (which had been made a bit back, and Boyle had dropped to On Sunday they all came back. Ehrenberg, Jimco, and Curt Geer, for restart positions gave MacCach-less severe for Sunday). He made no fourth. Rigsby was fifth, and tied for And they all made it through the Lothringer, were on the same sec-ren and Freeman the front row. effort to go around the lumps, sim- seventh were Steve Sourapas in an first lap, with Torian in the lead and ond, in fourth place, another ten MacCachren got the first-on-the-ply flying over them as if they didn't RPS Chevy, a,nd Dale Ebberts in Vance in second lace. They were only seconds back, followed by John road position, but Freeman hung exist. At the end of the sixth lap that lone Toyota powered Jimco. 26 seconds apart. Vance ticked off Grossini in his Kreger, two seconds right with him. But Adam Pfankuch, MacCachren still led, and took the Sourapas was driving Cam Thieriot's the fast lap for Sunday on Lap 2, at behind them. That's five places sepa-who'd dnfd the day before, and win with 17 seconds on second place car because his new Jimco didn't 11 :05, and moved into the lead. He rated by 23 seconds. It was reported started in the 16th row on Sunday, Pfankuch, who was actually 13th on quite get finished for this race. did two more laps at less than 12 that one car rolled early. Nick Tiede-was driving an inspired race. He had the road after starting 30th. In third On the fourth lap Weyhrich held minutes, to get himself the win. mann was the only racer to fail to the lead on the first lap. MacCach- it was Dennington, then Hawley, on to his lead, but things changed Torian tried hard, but had to settle complete the first lap. On the sec-ren and Freeman were tied for Geer, Ehrenberg, Gumz and some behind him. Ickier was stillsec-for second place, finding it difficult ond lap Brent Parkhouse broke an third, 13 seconds behind him. Rodriguez. ond, but Ebberts, recording a fast to see in the severe dust. Robert axle on his Mirage and fell out, and Dennington and Hawleywere on the When they totaled the two day lap that tied Vessels' Lap 1, at 8:24, Anderson was third. When they to-Adam Pfankuch and his KIT car same second, six seconds behind times MacCachren had first place moved into third. Gary Weyhrich ta led up the two day finishes, the went belly-up also. them, and then Ehrenberg and and Dennington was second less was fourth, B.J. Richardson in a winner was Torian, with Vance sec- MacCachren continued to lead Gaddis were another four seconds than three minutes later. Hawley fin- Bunderson Chevy was fifth, Ronny ond and Robert Anderson in third and Rodriguez held on to second back, tied for seventh, and just 23 ished third, Ehrenberg fourth, then Wilson, in a Jimco Chevy, was sixth, place. place. Bryan Freeman was now third seconds behind the lead car. Geer, Rodriguez and Gumz. Gaddis and Sourapas was seventh. Another Bob Land came to Laughlin with in his Fraley, Sammy Ehrenberg had On the second lap MacCachren was eighth. couple of cars had dropped out, a new, beautifully painted, his Jimco in fourth, Caleb Gaddis recorded the fast lap for the class at The Class 1 race, with 37 start- and both Sourapas and Rigsby JeepSpeed vehicle, but there were no hit his stride in his Curry and moved 9:48, and recaptured the lead. But ers, was the next group to run. There would disappear on the next lap. others at this event. He needed to up to tie for sixth with Arden he had only three seconds on were some interesting statistics here Sourapas .. was put out by shifter complete three laps each day, to get Dennington in a Fraley. Gaddis was Pfankuch, who was second. Freeman also: 29 of them were powered by problems. Troy Herbst was obvi-a finish on his record, and he did the only one besides MacCachren was third, 15 seconds later, and then Chevy motors, three were unknown, ously having problems with his that on Saturday, although his third to do a lap in less then ten minutes Dennington, Hawley, Curt Geer, two were Fords, and there was one Smithbuilt Ford, and would also go lap was a very long one. Unfortu-so far. But things changed as traffic Ehrenberg and Gumz all followed four cylinder, one Toyota and one out on the fifth lap. nately, he didn't make it on Sun-thinned and the drivers gained fa. along separated only by seconds. BMW. This class didn't have the stay-On Lap 5 Ebberts went into the day, completing only two laps, so he miliaritywith the course. For the first two laps no one in ing power of the 1600s. lead, with 18 seconds on Ickier. Gary started his year with a dnf. · On Lap 3 MacCachren was a few the front ten cars on the road did Three of this group fell out on Weyhrich was now third, Wilson The fifth race each day was for seconds faster, and held his lead, but any passing, they came around in the first lap, and Kash Vessels put was fourth, Randy Wilson, in an-the Class 1/2-1600 cars, and there he had Rodriguez, Freeman, the same order each time. Cory his Alpha Chevy into the lead, with other Jimco Chevy, ran fifth, and were 36 of them. They went off the Dennington, Aaron Hawley in a Boyerlost his left front tire, and a the fast lap for the day, at 8:24. Mark Weyhrich was sixth. Sowe had line twoevery20 seconds, and it took Bunderson, and Ehrenberg all lot of time, on his firstlap, but ev-Mark Weyhrich, withaJimco Chevy, two pairs of brothers in the top six a little over six minutes to start them within a minute and a half of him. eryone else just motored along. Billy was second, Harley Lerner, in a places. Richardson dropped out on all. Interestingly, the brand of cars Adam Ashcraft was gone now, hav-Skinner fell out on the second lap, Tatum Chevy ran third, Brian Ickier this lap. they're racing these days is varied, ing rolled his Ashcraft at the end of and MacCachrencollecteda big ding was fourth in a Jimco Chevy, Den-With one more good lap, with 18 different manufacturers his second lap. Everybody else was in his left rear wheel which looked nis Boyle was fifth in his Lothringer Ebberts held his position and took listed. Some are no longer in the still out there, racing. like a potential flat. Chevy, and Shawn Croll was sixth the win, setting himself up for a try business, some are apparently one- MacCachren took another sec-At the end of the third lap Mac- in his Porter Ford. When consider-at winning the "overall" at Laughlin Cameron Steele finished first on Saturday, third on Sunday and that gave him the SCORE LITE overall win in his Desert Assassin car. Dusty Times Eric Solorzano drove on Saturday, Roman Peyreyra drove on Sunday and they easily took the Class 11 overall win at Laughlin. March 2006 for a third year. Thus far he's the only person who's won it twice. Gary Weyhrich finished second, Ickier was third, Randy Wilson, fourth, Mark Weyhrich fifth, and Ronny Wilson sixth. • On Sunday only 33 of them came back. Both Ickier and Chuck Hovey in his four cylinder J imco were out on the first lap. Ickier with unknown problems and Hovey with mechani-cal woes of some kind. B.J. Richardson had a 15 minute lap and then was out also, muttering about axles. But at the front of the pack it was Mark Weyhrich, with five sec-onds on Rich Ronco in his Chevy Tatum. Pat Dean was third in a Bunderson Chevy, and tied for fifth were Troy Herbst, whose crew must Continued on page 14 Page 13
Aaron Hawley had a decent weekend at Laughlin, he drove his A fifth place and a fourth place finish were enough to give Scott Bunderson to a third overall position in the Class 1/2-1600 clash. Pellerin an overall third place finish in Class 5-1600. Ron Dalke, seen here flying his Tatum nicely, was the third overall finisher in the Class 10 contest at Laughlin. have sorted out his problems over- tech Chevy, and B.J. Richardson his lead. Ronco was still second be-night and Ronny Wilson. Herbst both went out on Lap 2. hindhim,andDeanheldontothird had his wife, Laura, riding with him Richardson later reported breaking place. Herbst moved up to fourth for the first time ever. He said she two axles on the weekend. and now Randy Wolson was fifth was "the first co-driver I've been Mark Weyhrich had fast lap for and Shawn Croll, in the Porter happy to kiss." John Gould, in a Play-this heat on Lap 2, at 8:30, and held Ford, was tied with Gary Weyhrich for seventh place. had his HMS Chevy in sixth. Jeff On Lap 3 Ronco moved into the Quinn had a left rear flat at the be-lead, with Herbst now second, and ginning of this lap and lost time with Martin Christensen, in the Jimco the tire change, Ebberts had had a BMW, third, Randy Wilson fourth, right rear flat at the end of the sec-Croll was fifth and Darnen Jefferies ond lap, and Herbst seemed to be - . / MDTDRSPDRTS ~ .. ~ '_,,,. Manufacturer, /2 Distributf!r of ~n expanding and unique product line o~ motorseorti P,rqducts. G·FORCE IUICIN88EJIII Pro Farce Air • Significantly outflows other 'blower type· helmets 'jt • NOT a converted motorcycle helmet! • JIJII" · • Lightweight Composite Shell ~ $-2'9 "9 • 9 9 • Snell SA-2000 Automotive Rated • Fire Resistant Interior Special wl FREE -----------• H•lmet Bag I! 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On the fourth lap Herbst took over the lead, with Christensen sec-ond, Ronco dropped to third, Jefferies came up to fourth, Randy Wilson was fifth, and Croll fell to sixth. Two more cars fell out and Mark Weyhrich had a 29 minute fifth lap and then pulled in with a splayed out front end, obviously the . end of his hopes for a good race. Herbst led through the fifth lap, giving his wife a terrific ride, with Christensen still second, and Jefferies third now. Randy Wilson was fourth, Croll back up to fifth, and Gary Weyhrich had moved into sixth. Herbst then went on to take the win. His wife, Laura, who'd raced her own 1600 car in the CORR series, said "This was very different!" Speaking about the car's backfiring and missing earlier in this hear, Troy said, "We've got some gremlins." Whatever they were, they didn't have much effect on the per-formance of the big T ruggy. Jefferies finished second in his brand new HMS Avenger, which he reported he built in seven and a half weeks. He said today's race was "perfect", but he'd had alternator problems on Sunday. Randy Wilson was third and reported no problems, except that he'd been stuck momentarily. Martin Christensen, in fourth, said today's race had been "really good", but that on Saturday he'd made "a big mistake" and got hung up on a big· pile of dirt on his second lap, and used up six minutes getting unstuck. In fifth it was Shawn Croll, who reported that he'd lost his dis-tributor on Saturday, but had a good run today. And sixth place went to Gary Weyhrich, who said there'd been no breeze. He'd had a better day of it Saturday, pure luck giving him some dustless gaps to run in. The combined totals gave Gary Weyhrich the two day win, and Randy Wilson took second place. Brian Parkhouse, with a ninth and a seventh, ended the weekend in third, while Christensen was fourth. The Trophy Truck race was the seventh and final event each day. They had to do six laps, and had a time limit of 65 minutes. There was no wind. Thirty-three trucks took the green flag, going off the line two at a time, 20 seconds apart. There were new trucks and old vehicles re-skinned, and new owners, and one Class 8 truck having to substitute for a Trophy Truck that didn't get finished. That was Todd Wyllie, who had barely recovered from his Class 8 race, and had to get ready for this one, in the Class 8 truck with no first gear. Travis and Marty Dusty Times II
Terry Henn drove his Hummer to a fifth and a second place in Stock Victor Herrera Jr. had a great weekend, he drove his Ford to a pair of Tony Modica took a very decent second place and third place over Full, that gave him a third overall for the weekend. first place finishes and was the overall winner in Class 7. the weekend, that gave him second overall in Class 9. Coyne had built themselves a new Whitton's truck. In third it was The Herbst truck was second, fol-was so severe it blew down SCORE's diator hose trouble), and Mark mid-engined truck and Travis was Steinberger, then MacCachren, and lowed in by B.J. Baldwin, Scheeler start/finish line towers, and some of Post. But B.J. Baldwin kept a cool driving it, under the old number 5, on the same second the Herbsts and and Job, LeDuc and Steinberger, the diehard spectators were seen head, maintained his pace and while Marty was in the old truck with the Scheeler/Job truck. Most of who said his horsepower is great, but moving into their cars on the hill, took the win. Renezeder, who said number 6 on it. Ron Whitton had these trucks were running at around "too much for the transmissi_on." and even leaving. It must have been he'd wanted to win it "for Jason -a new truck, since he and his son-in-nine minutes plus a lap, but Travis Only 31 of them came back on uncomfortably dusty up there. The this was all about Jason," (his late law, Garron Cadiente decided they'd Coyne and Geiser were steadily run- Sunday. The missing two were Gary racers liked the wind, because it blew brother-in-law, who died in an air-rather not share one truck, and ning at about eight and a half min- Dircks and Evan Evans. This time the dust away. B.J. stayed in front, plane crash after the Baja 1000) Gary Dircks was back in the class in utes plus or minus a few seconds. there were three out on the first lap: with 40 seconds on the Herbsts. was second. In third it was the a Ford that was new to him. Dale Good racing. Except that Geiser Mike Julson and Ron Whitton, for Scheeler and Job were up to third Herbsts, Steele finished fourth and Dondel had relocated the motor of didn't make it through the third lap. unknown reasons. And Marty now, Steinberger had taken over Vildosola was fifth, with an odd his Chevy to the rear and added a Coyne led again, and Scheeler/ Coyne, who took a bad bump on fourth, and Renezeder dropped to looking tire that had been peeled Mendeola four speed sequential Job had themselves up to second the far side of the infield and came fifth, with a long lap after driving a clean of tread all around the manual gearbox. He said it was faster place, with the Herbs ts in third, down sideways. The car went over couple of miles on a flat. Collins was middle but still held air. Said Vil-than last year's truck. Scott Stein-Steinberger fourth, B.J. Baldwin and over, flinging body parts as it still sixth. dosola, always a gentleman, "Holy berger had a new Leon Patten mo- fifth in his Chevy, and MacCachren went. It was a scary crash, particu-The w_ind decreased a bit, -, no wonder it felt funny!" Bob tor producing over 800 horse-dropping back to sixth. He was still larly to Travis, his son, who was sit-SCORE officials tidied up the Shepard said, of his roll-over, "I power. "It's fast!" he said. Wayne less than a minute behind the leader. ting in staging and watching the downed start/finish line banner don't want to do that anymore - I 1.ugo skinned his Craig Stewart The attrition wasn't as heavy as it whole thing. Word came that Marty and flags, and spectators snuggled think I'm more of a desert racer. I Truggy to make it into a Ford Tro- sometimes is in this class, so there was o.k., and he was later seen walk-into their jackets and hats. Bald- like the desert." phy Truck, and Kory Scheeler and was still a lot of traffic on course, ing around and looking perfectly win held onto the lead, and the B.J. Baldwin reported that the Larry Job did the same with their and almost always something excit-sound, but the odds were he'd be Herbsts stayed firm in second, with course kept getting rougher. He said Truggy, making it a Chevy. Andy ingtowatch in the infield. Cameron sore on Monday. Scheeler and Job in third. Ren-he'd had to slow the last couple of McMillin would be driving the Steele had to deal with a flat on his The Sunday restart positions ezeder recorded the fast lap for this laps. "Everything is huge!" He did Robby Gordon Ford Trophy Truck, Ford this lap. Bobby Baldwin got turned outlucky for B.J. Baldwin, day also, at 8:23, and bumped slow, about 15 seconds a lap. But hisfirstraceinit.Gordonhaddnfd hisChevystucksomewhereouton who drew the post position. The himself back up to fourth place, that could have been crucial, be-Dakar, and was at Laughlin and the course this lap, on a giant berm, race started, as it had Saturday, with Collins now in fifth, and cause he won on Sunday by just a Andy wanted him to ride along, but and that was the end of his day. with a flotilla of nine helicopters Cameron Steele up to sixth. Josh minute and 15 seconds, and when didn't think he would go for it. Allen Marking's truck lost a transmission, hovering, and every seat in the Baldwin rolled his Ford in the in- they added up the totals for the Cluck had built himself a Trophy and he said he didn't think he liked grandstands, and spot on the op- field and that was the end of his weekend, he' cl taken the Trophy Truck and was racing it for the first automatic transmissions anyway - posing hill filled with spectators. race. Luis Wallace was also out. Jesse Truck weekend win, and indeed the time. "they're weird." B.J. took off into a lap with no dust Jones also rolled at the end of pit overall weekend win, by only 30 sec-Mike Julson had his new Jimco On the fourth lap the field nar-and he made the best of it, by put- road, but got going again after los- onds. Renezeder was second, the Chevy Trophy Truck, which sports rowed a bit more as Tony Murray, ting himself into the lead with a lap ing about six minutes. Herbsts were third, Vildosola and an Xtrac gear box from England (a Evan Evans and Jesse James all fell even faster than Renezeder's fast lap Lap 5 was eventful. Baldwin MacCachren were fourth and manual six speed sequential), a car- out. James had Cam Thieriot riding of Saturday. Renezeder himself was continued to lead, running all his "desert racer" Shepard was fifth. hon clutch, a big Chrisman rear end, with him, and Cam had not been second, from a starting position in laps in. less than nine minutes. The Only 11 of them managed to do all andanewHowehydraulicjacksys-entirelycomfortableaboutfinding Row 2, and the Herbsts, who Herbstsheldsecond,Renezederwas 12laps. tern. Josh Baldwin had a new paint himself in the passenger seat for the started in Row 3, were third. Dale now third, Steele fourth and Gus So the excitement and frustra-job, highlighting the CORR series, first time. Coyne was still leading, Dondel ran fourth, Pete Sohren Vildosola was fifth, as Scheeler and tions of Laughlin were over for an-but nothing was new otherwise, and and now the Herbsts were second, fifth, and Scheeler and Job were Job rolled over out on the course other year. Rumors flew that by John Marking would be driving Scheeler and Job ran third, B.J. sixth, just 30 seconds behind Bald-and put an end to their day. Andy next year there'd be a golf course Chris Robinson's #26 Chevrolet, Baldwin was fourth, and Curt win. McMillin, who'd been picking up or a housing development on the with his barely healed smashed left LeDuc had moved Mark Post's Ford Clouds were building on the hills steam (one of his laps only a sec-land being used by Laughlin for hand (a left over from the CORR into fifth place. MacCachren was to the east, but the threatened rain-ond slower than Renezeder's fast-their Special Events, but SCORE weekend). Evan Evans had brought sixth. storm had not materialized. On the est lap) in Gordon's truck, went out CEO, Sal Fish, is planning to go his CORR Chevy out to race here, On the fifth lap Carl Renezeder second lap B.J. held his lead, and with a broken rear end, Collins dis- racing there in 2007. The land is because he wanted to be eligible to vaulted himself into third place by Renezeder and the Herbsts stayed appeared, an-d so did Jesse James, now owned by another agency (the race the SCORE Las Vegas event in recording the fast lap for this heat firm in second and third. Dondel who'd had a better race today than Bureau of Reclamation), but that July. He figured that with 18 inches at 8:26. Coyne still led, with the and Sohren both dropped out, as yesterday. Bob Shepard also rolled doesn't necessarily mean that it of wheel travel he'd be at a real dis- Herbsts second, and then Renezeder, did Tony Murray. Now Scheeler near where Scheeler and Job did, won't be available for Laughlin's advantage, but also thought he'd be followed by Scheeler and Job, B.J. and Job were fourth, Steinberger but he got back on his wheels and Special Events. faster than some in the smooth stuff. Baldwin and LeDuc. ran fifth, and Brian Collins had his running again, 'though he lost a lot In the meantime, SCORE has He said he hadn't been ·"out in the Renezeder backed up his fast lap Chevy into sixth. of time. another five events, counting the desert in 12 years." Chet Huffman with another good one, and moved Suddenly, the weather turned. The sixth lap was one too many July Las Vegas short-course event, had bought John Marking's Class 1 into the lead as Coyne broke some- Clouds moved in from every direc- for another four trucks, including and is looking forward to a big en-car and skinned it as a Chevy, and thing crucial and dropped out. Ren- tion, the wind kicked up and dust Steinberger, Jones, Wyllie (who had try in San Felipe in the very near rally driver and "drifter" Rhys Millen ezeder took the win by 17 seconds. started blowing around. The wind all his gears this time, but had ra- future. SCIIE would be sharing the driving here. Lots of interesting changes happened over the year end. Dale Dondel, Jesse Jones and Allen Cluck never made it through the first lap. But Marty Coyne did and he had the lead. The Whitton truck was second, ~ith Jeff Geiser at the wheel, and then it was a tie for fourth between Ed and Tim Herbst in their Ford, and Rob MacCach-ren in Gus Vildosola's Ford. B.J. Baldwin ran fifth in his Chevy, and Gar.ron Cadiente was sixth in his Ford, less than a minute behind the leader. Pete Sohren went out in a cloud of steam and Gary Dircks pulled into his pit and stayed there on the sec-ond lap, and Coyne held on to his lead, now 16 seconds in front of Dusty Times Greg Foutz had a great weekend, racing his "old" Ford, he took the Stock Full Class win on both days and thus the overall. March 2006 Tavo Vildosola literally flew to the Pro Truck win, he won the class both days and had 12 minutes on second place. Page 15
lAJ2C:: 74TH RALLYE AUTOMOBILE MONTE CARLO 2006 By Martin Holmes Granholm/Ford Win The Opener Photos: Maurice Selden Fumio Nutahara and Daniel Barritt took the PCWRC win at Monte Carlo, seen here in their Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX. winner of the final round of the tence that this was a championship 2005 WRC in Australia, Francois for "Manufacturers" wore a little Duval was missing, demoted to a thin! The Stobart cars were last yew's truly independently run Skoda cars. Another complete change of team. The cars looked, under their scene came with the Austrian Red new colours, the same as last years Bull Skoda Team, one of two main Xsaras WRCs. What was not visible off-shoots from the farmer Skoda externally, was that the front and world championship operation. rear differentials had passive Their lead driver was Andreas mechanicals. Big question for the Aigner, who won the Find-A-Driver rally: could Loeb achieve his fourth championship from Red Bull itself. successive win and thereby equal For them the cars were fitted with Makinen's record? Xavier Pons was either active or passive front and rear now Loeb's permanent second differentials depending on which driver, Daniel Sordo was running drivers were at the wheel. Only the as a non-championship third car. Subaru drivers and Manfred Stohl Marcus Gronholm drove his BFGoodrich shod Ford Focus RS to the Monte Carlo win, his first ever asphalt win, seen here BP-Ford World Rally Team reap- seemed to be in the saw overalls as at speed. peared with their 06 focus, largely last year. The OMV Peugeot team He never dazzled with his speed place was all he could manage. A team-led activity were real. A raft of in the same specification as appeared had a fetching choice between the but he avoided the mistakes which fourth successive Monte win for now rules had again descended on in Australia but with a few minor predominantly blue of Manfred wen waiting for drivers at every part Loeb had been so near, but just too the sport, with the consequential changes including two new drivers: Stohl' s car and the orange of of the way on the slippery rally, and far away to achieve! Happy New mid winter need for analysis and ad-Marcus Gronholm and Mikka Henning Solberg's. Only the novelty he won! Twice world champion year! justments, but by the time the teams Hirvonen. The team with the high-of new con however was missing: the Marcus Gronholm scored his first Welcome to the tenth season of arrived in Cote d'Azur Pretty much est deja-vue factor was the Subaru only new design was for the two team asphalt rally win, his first for Ford, the current World Rally Car rally everything was ready and agreed. Of World Rally Team, with the same Subarus. the first on the appearance of the formula. Monte Carlo once again the six manufacturer team entries, three driven but a face-lifted version Co-drivers as much as drivers BFGoodrich tyres in the world rally opened the 16 round championship, two had familiar colours while four of the lmpreza. One of the most con- were on the move this year. Matthew championship, and was' almost de-and there were certain changes, prin- had fresh colour schemes, Nearly ev-fusing changes own* with OMV Wilson's co-driver Scott Martin was lighted, but not fully. The journal- cipally this was the first time the eryone, with the sad exception of Peugeot Norway. Here we had a replaced by Michael Orr, Sven ists at the post-rally press conference event had qualified for the Pro-Colin McRae, Markko Martin and now Austrian team with a Scandi- Smeets had retired from co-driving thought he was joking when he ex-duction Car World Rally Champi- Harri Rovanpara who had fallen navian name run out of France in in order to work at Citroen Sport, plained that he could not go flat onship and the first time since 2001 foul of the now "Banned driven" list the colours of a sponsor whose leaving Pancois Duval searching for our in the new Focus, "I just thatGroupNcarshadbeenadmit-(intendedintheinterestoffairness colours had adorned various hisfifth:co-driverinthreeyears,he couldn't! I could not open the throt- ted. For the health of the sport, un- following new and theoretically Citroens last year and the cars were was partnered here by Patrick tie fully, the position of the Pedal der critical debate following the exit detuning regulations for the season), - Peugeots! This, and the two other Pivato Denis Giraudet parted com-would not allow it." So he won in of three top teams at the end of was back again. The arrival of the teams, had entered the champion- pany with Stephane Sarrazin and real style, beating the rest of the 2005, it was Interesting that there works supported but independently ship on a part time basis, in their was replaced by Stephane Privot. world and only driving on three was a 50% increase in entries com-run Kronos Total Citroen world cases competing for Points on only RoMan Krcsta's former co-driver quarters throttle! Fastest driver on pared with last year. With only two Rally Team running reigning world 12 of the 16 rounds. Then there was Jan Tomanek moved to JWRC the route was Sebastien Loeb, as identifiably works teams now in the champion Sebastien Loeb lent a new more confusion as the Stobart VK driver Martin Prokop, while expected, but one tiny error led to series (Ford and Subaru), earlier definition to what was expected M-Sport Ford Rally Team was PCWRC driver Fumio Nutahara in-delay off the road, and despite mak- suggestions that the sport was chang- from a private team, though last Ford's second team in the champi- vited British co-driver Daniel Barritt ing the most fastest times, second ing from a manufacturer-led to a years second Citroen driver, and onship! At this point the FIA's insis-to replace non-English speaker r-------------------------------------------------------~ Performance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding & Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks Quality.Products & Friendly Service RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-759 • www.ronco-plastics.com 15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX us to Receive a Free Catalog VISA ~-------------------------------------------------------~ Page 16 March 2006 Dusty Times
Toni Gardemeister and Jakke Honkanen took the bronze medal at Fourth overall at Monte Garia went to Manfred Stohl and Ilka Minor, Francois Duval and Patrick Pivato had a terrible rally, they were out Monte Garia, seen here in their Peugeot 307. they're seen here in their Peugeot 307. fairly early on in their Skoda Fabia in an accident. Satoshi Hayashi. Finally, Andreas all privateers. Quickest was non-works driver drivers" problem was only finally Corsica), in the can of Francois Algner0s planned co-driver Timo The Shakedown test was not Sordo at 6m25.2s in front of Chris solved after the cars arrived in Duval the FIA paged dispensation Gottschalk was forced to miss Monte meaningful. Wintry conditions Atkinson a 6m30.4s. The usually tri- Monte Carlo. The FIA patted Gilles for him to run with a deliberately Carlo because of gall stone trouble strongly favoured those running umphant trio of Loeb, Granholm Panizzi dispensation to run with a blocked differentials for one event and was replaced for this event by later, and single driver was quicker and (Pew) Solberg were at least a passive-version Fable for the three only (hem). Finally everything was Klaus Wicha. on his fin'iftime through the stage. quarter minute slower, The "banned events (here, Catalunya and Continued on page 18 One of the most important changes this year was the decision by Michelin to use the; brand name BFGoodrich for its world champi-onship team partners, even though Michelin tyres were still the name of the equipment for the Group N cars. There was inevitable difficulty knowing how to handle the change. A new tyre developed in Clermont-Ferrand for use on this event was heralded as being a "BFGoodrich" tyre under its own right, but it hardly seemed a satisfactory explanation. After all, it emanated from the same factory and the same technicians! After the 50/50 split in tyre sup-port, between Michelin and Pirelli, among the teams in 2005, the deci-sion by the OMV team that their Peugeots should revert to Michelin helped swing the balance strongly back into the hands of the French company. A lot of time was taken trying to understand what was happening this year in the subsidiary world cham-pionships, on account that not only must drivers as usual select which events to enter, but also entries for both the PCWRG and JWRC do not close officially until 24th March! For this room the FIA was unable to issue comprehensive lists of who enters which event lists at this time. In the PCWRC only six (of the reg-istered teams) started in Monte Car-lo, using four Mitsubishis and two Subarus. Mitsubishi driver David Higgins had a new co-driver Ross Butler, who had been a co-driver for British Federation's Elite training scheme driver Sum Jones. Nasser Al Attiyah, the reigning FIA middle East champion, came to Monte Carlo straight from the deserts of Dakar. Fumio Nutahara made the debut in PCWRC for a Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX Of the new different entry systems, three drivers of the six in Monte Carlo were entered indi-vidually, two by their team and one (Al Attiyah) under the name of his federation from Qatar. There were many non-championship World Rally Cars on the lists. Under a late arrangement, Mitsubishi am to be represented by e World Rally Car presence in the hands of Gianluigi Galli at Monte Carlo and then in Sweden. The car was run by MMSP in Britain but supported by Ralliart Italia and Pirelli. The latest and newest winner of a world rally, Francois Duval, was one Of two driven to arrange a late, ten round, programme in a Fabia, the other being Jan Kopecky. Them were just over SO entries accepted, including, 12 manufacturers' cham-pionship crews, seven Priority 2 en-tries all in World Rally Cars, six PCWRC crews while the others were Dusty Times Hi Desert Charities OFF-RoA1>0#POKeR RUK April 29th & 30th - A Two Day Event ALL PROCEEDS GO TO HELP BARSTOW CHARITIES VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT: www.barstowpokerrun.com Co-Sponsored By: BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT * POKERFUN* Two loops approximately 25 miles each, one for 4-wheel vehicles and one for motorcycles and ATV's. Families and groups may ride and drive motorcycles, ATV's and 4-wheel vehicles together on the same track after notification and -approval of event~cials. Twelve (12) Best poker hands from each day win prizes. You can enter Saturday, Sunday or both days as many times as you wish. Sign-up and go from 8:00 am. to Noon. · · · MUST COMPLETE COURSE BY 1:30 p.m. Any type Off-Road Vehicle can enter; however, all California Off-Road Vehicles must have a "Green or Red Sticker". All off-road vehicles must have an approved spark arrester (exempt if equipped with a mufjler). THIS LAW WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED!! J Helmets required for ATV & motorcycle riders. No riding double onATV's. $25.00 entry fee or $20.00. Each rider/driver goes twice for single entry fee. New motorcycles must present registration at Tech Inspection if Green or Red Sticker is not available. FREE hats to the first 250 entries Saturday-150 on Sunday. T-shirts, hats & sweatshirts available for purchase at the start/finish area. * SATURDAY NIGHT DINNER 5:00 p.m. -Sla&h X Cafe All-you-can-eat BBQ/Dinner ChickeO:~ Ribs, Beans, Vegetable and Bread $13.00 + tax per plate * FACILITIES AND CAMPING Portable Johns, Trash Dumpster & Lots of Open Desert for Camping 13ring your own water and firewood . . No Pallets or wood ~th nails allowed in the desert per B.L.M. NO FIREWORKS RAFFLE Lots of PRIZES to be given away each day -2:00 p.m. AWARDS Twelve (12) Best Hands from the Poker Run will win Prizes each day - 2:00 p.m BBQ Hamburgers, Hot Dogs and Refreshments available at the event site 10:00 a.m. - ??? Rolls & Coffee • Ham, Bacon or Sausage & Eggs Breakfast Sandwicli • Saturday morning • 7 a.m. - 9 a.m. Ham; Bacon or Sausage & Eggs Breakfast Sandwich • Sunday morning - 7 a.m. TO GETTO THIS EVENT Go 12 miles south of Barstow on Hwy 247 (Barstow to Slash X Cafe) For more information call the Slash X Cafe at (760) 252-1197 or Mal & Connie Weasel 11t (760) 252-3093 PLEASE DON1T DAINK·AND DRIVE March 2006 Page 17
Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena drove their Citroen Xsara to the second place spot at Monte Carlo, just 1 minute in arrears. ready, Fifty-one drivers stood by for the off. Leg 1 5 Stages, asphalt, 94.88kms. The season started with a Monte Carlo "casino" but unfortunately of the wrong type. A major road traf-fic blockage on the way to Stage 1 meant only 11 cars contested the first two stages, so not all the manu-facturers' cars would compete over these stages, The Stewards had a major problem to decide a fair in-terruption time, Added to this was a matter of how to reroute the crews who were stranded. The combina-tion of there problems led to the decision to run Stage 3 as a neutral-ised section. So by lunch time on the first day 40 competitors had missed all the action. The decision to cancel Stage 3 came as a com-plete surprise to competitors, who saw no danger in poor behavior there at all. After the lint two stages Page 18 Loeb held a lead of half a minute and by mid morning Loeb had gained a major advantage. The first three stages all had a variety of con-ditions, the choice of tyres having to be a balanced compromise. Them were a lot of wintry conditions on Stage I through to much clearer con-ditions an Stage 3. Many of the lead-ing crews selected slicks as the best overall compromise, but Loeb chose lightly studded intermediate tyres, which with the cancellation of Stage 3 turned out to be exactly right. One of the worst to Suffer was Petter, who finished the first two stages -in last place of the 11. Others who se-lected slicks included Toni Garde-meister, Francois Duval, Mikko Hirvonen and Stephane Sarrazin, it was interesting to see the results of Stage l . Part-time driven (Panizzi and Galli) were lying second and third overall! Gronholm had spun and stalled his engine restarting on Stage Third place in PCWRC went to Nasser Al Attiyah and Chris Patterson and their Subaru lnpreza, seen here before an admiring crowd. 1 but by the end of Stage 2 be was off the road, unhurt but immobile, up to third, Galii's run was to go no for the second world rally running. further on Lee 1. He hit a rock on The Champion's car, which was Stage 4 which stopped him. Panizzi, adorned with the famous Cauloises who had done well at Monte Carlo stickers, was not going anywhere! It the previous year, was almost happy. was a place where it was irretriev-"A few extra studs would have been able without outside help. Atkinson good and the engine is a little too and Gardemeisterwere climbing up aggressive for these conditions, but the field as others had misfortunes, otherwise everything is fine." The even though the Australian spun on Stewards made their decisions, The Stage 5. Panizzi was slower, report-"interruption" time for the first two ing the car was just too nervous while stages was that taken by Fetter, whose Hirvonen lost a couple of minutes times were influenced by a bad tyre with a transmission problem which chose and were the ·worst on both caused the engine to stall very time of these. the handbrake was used. Co-driver There were hopes for a happier Jarmo Lehtinen: "Just our luck, it afternoon. It proved happier for was the stage with the most hairpins some, but a disaster for Loeb! After all rally ... " Stohl was fifth, despite a the first stage i» the afternoon (four) spin while Potter Solberg lost his he was over one minute in front of engine oil and retired, after Stage 6 Gronholm, who had passed Panizzi. on the road back to Monte Carlo. Then on Stage 6 it happened. A Gronholm was going carefully. "1 patch of ice which even rallying's Mr. lost !some confidence on Stage 4, it Perfect' couldn't tame and Loeb was was so unexpectedly slippery, them I March 2006 went off slightly on Stage 5." His passive ford came back to Monte Carlo with an 83. 7 second lead over the active Subaru of Atkinson. It was interesting to see how the transmis-sions were doing. By the end of the day Atkinson.was lying second with a fully active ear, Stohl fifth and Duval sixth, despite going straight on at a hairpin and a stall. Loeb's team were delighted that the "Five Minute Rule" meant he was officially lying eighth at the end of the first leg. Some of the hottest competition of the day came on the 99km road section back to Monte Carlo as driv-ers forced their way through the traf-fic, Gronholm arriving with just one minute in hand ... The Stobart team drivers were struggling a bit. Matthew Wilson had spun on Step 4, felt uncomfortable on the ice of Stage 5, then near the end of Stage 6 hit a rock and dam-aged die steering, He tried to change the steering arm but could not and arrived back at Monte Carlo, happy that penalties because of traffic con-gestion were eventually cancelled. Tsjcen meanwhile was also unhap-pily when, on Stage 4, he had a spin and got stuck on a snow bank. They finished the leg in 24th and 30th positions respectively, Private Focus driver Gareth MacHale dropped over throe minutes when his handbrake broke on Stage 4, but he was still ahead of his father, Aus-tin, in an identical car. As a result of the traffic problems in the early part of the day, the PCWRC drivers had no competition at all until after lunch, then came a big surprise. Jason Popov, the once-only driver of the OMV team car was leading the category ahead of David Dusty Times
Xavier Pons and Carlos Del Barrio were ninth overall at Monte Carlo, Mikko Hirvonen and Janno Lehtinen earned a seventh overall finish Stephane Sarrazin and Stephane Prevot drove their Subaru lmpreza they're seen here in their Citroen Xsara. at Monte Carlo in their Ford Focus RS. Higgins. He won Stages a and 5 (de- 9, he dropped one place every stage, lenge far victory was fading. So with spite losing his brakes), but on 6 he Stage 9 was a devil for the drivers, two stages left in the day Gronholm had a multitude of problem includ-who reported it was mote gravel then was guarding his position carefully ing a spin and gearbox trouble. He asphalt! Certainly with every pass-but on the final stage he had a heart finished the day second behind ing car, corner cutting threw extra stopping moment downhill on the Nutahata and in front of Nasser Al debris into the centre of the road. Turini, when snow from spectators Attiyah and Higgins (who fell back Mikko Hirvonen had more troubles was on the road. He slid off the road with a broken driveshaft which also on Stage 7 when the semi-automatic at the same place he had crashed resulted in total loss of brakes on gearshift stopped working, Andreas the year before. "Two differences", Stage 6), and then Marrini. Of]ari-Aigner stalled twice, Naming Solberg explained co-driver Timo Matti Latvala there was no sign. He fitted studs ("which was completely Rautiainen; "This year we wen trav-stopped on the road section to Stage wrong. __ "), Jan Kopecky punctured elling much slower. Second differ-4 with fuel pressure trouble. (although sponsored by· Matador, ence; we bounced the car off both Leg 2 he was in fact running BFGoodrich sides of the track, this year only 5 stages, asphalt, 112.96kms. tyres). Duval went off the road Im- once." Loeb continued on his speedy Fifty crews restarted, the one miss- mediately after he had risen up to way, winning every stage on the day ing driver being Pew Solberg. sixth place. Heeventuallygotthecar and ending up 3m16.6s behind Prodrive engineers discovered that back on the rood, with little dam-Gronholm. This was the first time the Ion of engine oil had damaged age and announced he would restart far many driven over the Turini in the engine. By retiring they avoided the next day. Loeb was back and competition, Was it a driver's dream the risk of a penalty in Sweden for fighting. Making bast time on each come true? Hirvonen; '"I had always changing an engine. The Kronos of the first three stages of the day. been intrigued and we did it at last, team were delighted that Loeb's car By Stage 9 he was up to sixth place but 1 did have a spin!" Atkinson, "A was virtually undamaged in his off overall, 3m 16.6s behind dream? A bloody bad dream, a road excursions. Lying eighth, in the Gronholm. Gardemeister had a hid nightmare: experience!' Matthew Drivers' points zone, and fifth Makes time on Stage 9, newly going off three Wilson: "I only smiled at the end, car, Loeb was only 3m43.6s behind times and dropped around a half probably because I had survived the Gronholm, With 250km of stages minute, falling to third and allowing experience!" The drivers faced two still to.run a classic catch-up scenario Manfred Stohl up to second, Chris more trips over the Turini, on the presented itself. Another retired Atkinson was nervous all morning, final day, Gardemeister overtook driver who presented himself at the dropping from second to fourth on Stahl on the final stage of the day, restart was Gianluigi Galli, down in the icy Slap 7. and Sordo had risen from tenth at _ 40th place overall nearly a quarter--At the halfway came news that the start of the day to seventh, hour behind Gronholm. Stage 11 was to be cancelled. This helped by second fastest time on The day started with Gronholm was a rerun of the nasty Stage 9, but Stage 10 achieved despite stalling on newly 90 seconds ahead; after three the cancellation came not from the start line! stages he had increased his lead to sporting issues but in order from the In PCWRC Jari-Matti Latvala re-newly two minutes. Galii suffered a Prefecture authorities, presumably started but on the way to the first gearbox failure and stopped. Panizzi as a result of the increasing chaos stage suffered exactly the same prob-found the handling of the Fabia de-on the main road up to the stages in lems he had on r' 2, Nasser AlAttiyah teriorating again and slid back down that region. This was bad news for stated his attack and took the load the field, from Stage 5 through to Loeb, his dream of a dramatic chal- straight away from Fumio Nutahara, ----------------------------. but on Stage 9 the Qatari driver had 74th Monte Cano Rally 20/22.01.2006 Monte Carlo (MC) WC round 1 PCWRC suspension damage and lost his front round 1 WC points WR VVD PC right wheel. He arrived back at ser-1 (3) Marws GRONHOLM/Timo Rautiainen FIN Ford Focus RS WRC EU55BMV(GB) 4h.11m.43.9s.* 10 10 2 (1) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena F/MC Citroen Xsara WRC 832DPT78 (F) 4h.12m.45.7s.(1) 8 8 3 (16) Toni Gardemeister/Jakke Honkanen FIN Peugeot '307 WRC 268PWX75 (F) 4h.13m.O7.0s. - 6 4 (7) Manfred STOHL/Ilka Minor A Peugeot '307 WRC 274PWX75 (F) 4h.13m.26.2s. 6 5 5 (6) Stephane SARRAZIN/Stephane Prevot FIB Subaru lmprezaWRC TS55SRT(GB) 4h.15m.04.1s. 5 4 6 (18) Ctvis Atkinson/Glenn Mameall AUS Subaru lmpreza WRC JC54WRC (GB) 4h.16m.46.3s. • 3 7 (4) Mikko HIRVONEN/Janno Lehtinen FIN Ford Focus RS WRC EU55BNA (GB) 4h.18m.03.4s. 4 2 8 (26) Daniel Sordo/Marc Marti E Citroen Xsara WRC 834DPT78 (F) 4h.18m.59.1s. - 1 9 (2) ~vier PONS/Carlos Del Barrio E Citroen Xsara WRC 823OPT78 (F) 4h.19m.26.8s. 3 10 (11) Gilles PANIZZL1-larve Panizzi F Skoda Fabia WRC 4S5 3382 (CZ) 4h.21m.13.7s. 2 Other important finishers 13 (12) Andreas AIGNER/Klaus Wlcha AID ~a Fabia WRC 455 3381 (CZ) 4h.24m.03.0s. 1 14 (10) Pieter TSJOEN/Eddy Chevalier B Ford Focus RS WRC EG53AVD (GB) 4h.32m.01.9s. - _ 15 (9) Matthew WILSON/Michael Orr GB Ford Focus RS WRC 1ES (GB) 4h.32m.45.2s. -17 (33) Fumio Nutahara/Oaiiel Barritt J/GB Mitsttlishl Lancer Evo IX PCWRC KNY'J01H08590 (J) 4h.37m.59.1s.* • 10 21 (44) David Higgins/Ross Butler GB Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VII PCWRC YT53BWO (GB) 4h.44m.'J0.9s. - 8 29 (39) Nasser Al Attiyah/Chris Patterson Q/GB Subaru lmpreza PCWRC GU55HRW(GB) 4h.55m.13.2s.(2) 6 39 (40) Stefano Marrini/T"iziana Sandroni I Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VIII PCWRC BX168VW (I) 5h.08m.59.1s. - 5 40 (37) Jeri-Matti Latvala/Miikka Anttila FIN Subaru lmpreza STI PCWRC 049AXC (EE) 5h.12m.08.5s.(10) 4 ' 51 (6 PCWRC) starters. 43 (5 PCWRC) finishers. *PCWRC/GROUP N winner. MANUFACTURERS' REGISTERED DRIVER. Dusty Times vice exactly on his appointed minute but had fallen behind Nutahara. Ja-son Popov wrongly chose tyres for wet rather than dry conditions, end had air in the broke fluid. 'Men on the final stage he crashed and the crew were taken to hospital to be checked but were released unharmed. The car took somewhat longer to recover. from its excursion over the edge of a drop Leg3 6 Stages, asphalt, 116.Bklms. The results at the end of the sec-ond leg told a few tales: Gronholm was heading far victory on an as-phalt tally, a form of event where he had never excelled Wore, a com-pletely privately nun Peugeot was ly-ing second, the third Citroen driver Dani Sordo was ahead of the nomi-nated second driver, Pons, and the only team not in the points zone was the Sobart team, Duval, Galli and Popov failed to restart. Latvala, who had not tackled a single stage so for was, thanks to the Five Minute Rule, in line for four PCWRC points. The opening days of the event had al-ready shown some interesting point-ers, like the huge crowds blocking the major roads in the area indi-cated that the championship had not lost its allure despite its major Mar(:h 2006 to a fifth overall finish at Monte Carlo, seen here with a snowy backdrop. change in style. At lent, not for the the start of the final stage. He strug-French enthusiasts. gled to get to the end of the stage The day started off with an 18 but for the team them was no point year old driver. Matthew Wilson, in carrying on and on the way with-first car on the road. What a re- draw the car there and then. Over sponsibility! There was the continu- the, first three stages of the day he ing prospect of an exciting three-way had only reduced the gap between race for second place but Sordo himselfand Gardemeister from 24.0 dropped back to ninth. Conditions to 14.3 seconds. With three more were especially tricky on the first Of stages to go, second place was tanta-the three stages, but it was at the end lizingly within Loeb's sight. After of the second that Wilson spun and Stage 16 the gap was down to 12.2s, banged the back of his Focus an a after Stage 17 it was 6,2. 31km of wall. This damaged the exhaust and the final Turini stage was left to run. gave him a bad time on the final stage, On the final stage Loeb was through Turini. Hirvonen had a spin on to second place. Gronholm finally Turini. won the event by a margin of just On the final stage of the first loop over a minute. Loeb got up to third place in front In PCWRC Latvala effectively of Stohl, who reckoned he had cho- started his rally, his first of the rally, sen tyres with too many studs. and made a curiously good time on Aigner had some gearbox worries the first stage, but undeniably best on Stop 15 but Red Bull's main con-Group N times an the remaining five cern was when Panizzi reported he stages. The pressure on category had touched a wail on Turini and leader Fumio Nutahara was eased expected his wheel to fall off. Hap- when Nasser Al Attiyah damaged his pily he reached Monte Carlo on four radiator on Turini and had to aban-wheels but had lost over two min-don the final stages, so the Japanese utes on the stage (and dropped 20s driver was now about five minutes in time control penalties) and was ahead of his nearest rival, David now down to 12th plac:e. Still the Higgins. Higgins was having a only team outside the points was fraught event, the problem now be-Stobart. Atkinson in the top placed ing that he had driven over rocks car fitted with active differentails was left In the road after someone else's going impressively well an his first accident, punctured, but the road Monte Carlo Rally and learning the was too icy to stop and change the tricks fast, "I realized that as soon as flat tyre! Then new the top ofTurini, you have covered the last patch of his rear differential broke so he was snow before service, &e most impor- in front-wheel drive mode from then rant thing is to drive so that you ger on. Nutahara gained his first victory rid of all the studs you can!" in the PCWRC category ahead of The only team retirement on the Higgins while Al Attiyah took third final day cam far Henning Solberg place by getting his car into the fin-when he damaged his Peugeot near ish pare ferme. IA.lac:: PIKES service center Baker, California Celebrating GO YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ••• THANKS! RESTAURANT Open 24 Hours Mo,bil(t SERVICE Every Day Year Round THE BEST IN THE DESERT! Page 19 _
Mil...~ SUPERSTITION SERIES DASH McMillin Ends Year With overall Win By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Brian Burgess and Cameron Steele had a good New Years Eve, they took the Class 1600 win and they picked up a few extra bucks as well. Plaster City West, CA: Andy Mc-Millin fell back on his old reliable pre-runner Class 1 car at Plaster City West, and drove it to the overall win, ending his 2005 on a high note. The traditional New Year's Eve event, always popular with the San Diego folks, drew 103 racers this year, and a big crowd of spectators to watch the fun. The weather was mild and warm until about half way through the race when the windy fore-front of the threatening rain stonns arrived. It was wind on a grand scale, but nothing unusual for the area. The course was a wandering 42 miles long, encompassing much of the worst and the best of the area, and drivers in the fast classes were required to do four laps. At the Drivers' Meet-ing competitors were told that the course markers hadn't used too many down arrows, "because it's all bad!" And, depending on the race vehicle, it could fit that description. They were also warned about the trestle they needed to drive under, because there was a chance a tall vehicle might not fit, 'though they'd done their best to dig it out. Racers were also reminded that they needed to stop at every check-point and not go on until told to do so (a big departure from the way Fud used to run these races). The MOR folks would be taking numbers and times at all checkpoints. With such a short course and rela-tively big entry, the MOR officials de-cided to start only the Trophy Trucks and Class 1 cars at 30 second intervals, and evel)Qne else 15 seconds apart. But then, at the last minute they changed their minds, and started only the three Trophy Trucks at 30 second intervals and all the others with the 15 second timing. They had only 13 minutes to wait after the final vehicle started, be-fore the first one came around. At the end of the first lap McMil-lin already had the lead in his Jimco, and had recorded the fast time of the day at 38:59, to give himself a lead of almost three minutes on Roger Rolfe in Billy Robertson's Penhall. Eddie Zeller ran third. On the second lap McMillin, who had Brian Ickier riding along, ran ~': David Scaroni and brother Matt took the Trophy Truck win in the low desert, they're seen here at speed heading for the flag. nearly the same time (only four sec-ond place. In third it was Peterson and onds slower, now in some traffic), and Cooley, who were followed in by Brent led by five minutes. It was still Rolfe in Miller in his new-to-him Chevy V6 second and Zeller third. McMillin powered ex-McMillin single seater. slowed by a minute, but was still the He's taken a step up from his previ-fastest thing on the track on Lap 3, ous old and tired car, which had been and held his lead. Robertson, who'd hard to keep going. been prepared to get into his car, de-Alongwayback, in fifth place, were cided not to lose that nice, comfort- Larry and Shawn McCallum. Their able second place, so let Rolfe stay in race had got off to a terrible start. another lap. Zeller had now disap- There was a long, fast straight about peared and the team of Mark Peterson three miles from the start and Larry and John Cooley, in a Jimco with an McCallum was pushing hard along LS 1 motor, took over third. Peterson there when all of a sudden he saw "a was racing for the first time and Cooley big ole dust cloud and a red and white would drive to the finish. Ford truck coming at me head on." McMillin carried on steadily, with Larry hit the truck and tore up the another evenly paced lap, and finished front end of his racer. It was later de-with the win. He averaged 68.4 miles termined that what happened was per hour. He'd broken his left, front that the man in the truck was a racer limiter strap on the third lap and that in the 1400 truck class (a Sportsman made the steering slow. They reported class) who was late for staging. He'd that they'd had no traffic at all on heard that the Class 1 cars would be their final lap. McMillin said that at started 30 seconds apart, and figured one point he hit a bump and it jarred that he could squirt between two of his head, and "all the sweat came off them and get to the other side of the my head and onto my visor!" Made it track and on to staging. Of course, hard to see for a while. The only other that was illogical thinking at best, and untoward incident was the sight of since they'd actually been started only another racer, one not running in this 15 seconds apart, it was a deadly mis-event, mooning the car as it went by. take. The truck had darted out in Nothing ever changes. front of Tom DeNault in Alberto Billy Robertson remembered that Coppola's car. They'd collicted and as driver-of-record he'd nee·d to actu- spun around and the truck had spit ally drive the car at least part of the out of that accident and head-on into way·, so he finished off the final lap, McCallum. Luckily, no one was seri-and he and Rolfe earned a nice sec-ously hurt, although at first that was Andy McMillin led the Class 1 group all the way. he took home the gold medal at the checkers with 16 minutes in hand. The Class 3 win went to Giti Gow/and, he drove his Jeep quickly. had no problems and took the checkers with ease. uncertain. DeNault's navigator, Den-nis Holladay, had a badly bruised shoulder, and he went off to the hos-pital for x-rays, and the truck driver was also taken to the hospital for a check up. It turned out that Holladay was heavily bruised, but nothing was broken. DeNaultwas okay, as was Mc-Callum, who went to work to repair his car, using some parts from Coppola's car, which was tom up too much to go on, even if DeNault had wanted to. He went off to check up on Holladay. After a delay of over two hours, McCall um got going again, did his two laps, and then put his son, Shawn, in to finish. They said the car was squirrelly to drive because the front end was bent, and they also had broken their front calipers in the acci-dent, so had no front brakes. Still, ,-----------Billy Robertson and Roger Rolfe had a pretty good race, they took Mac Randall, seen here tearing up the desert in his Jeep was a Castillo, Steingraber and Collier took the second place position in home the silver medal in the Class 1 contest. decent second place in the Class 3 contest on New Years Eve. Class 5-1600, a bit off the winning pace but a nice finish. Page 20 March 2006 Dusty Times
Dennis Heffernan had a nice second place finish in Class 7, in spite Scott Beale was just a few ticks off the winning pace in Class 10, he of a very long last lap on New Years Eve. took home the silver medal in class for his efforts. Allen Eucher had a pretty good race, he ended up in the second place spot in Class 11 when all the dust had cleared. they got a finish, and fifth place. Jim utes by the time he got out and put Shadduck and McNeil took the win, Mihal and Josh Waddell, also both Justin McNeil in for the last two laps. finishing over an hour to the good as driving in this class, both failed to fm-McNeil ticked off the fast lap for the Heffernan lost over a half hour on ish, completing only two laps each. class, at 53:32, and solidified their his final lap, but did finish second. In the Trophy Truck group they lead, while Heffernan was going a little The 1600 class was the big one nuses. The MDR people offered a sassins (Caleb Gaddis and Cameron bonus of $1,000 to first place and Steele) offered another $1,000 bo-$500 to second if the class had 10 nus for the win. And, as always, in entries. AlumiCraft had $1,000 up this very competitive class, bragging if the winner was in one of their cars, rights were up for grabs. There's a lot were down to three starters, because slower, as if having some problems. for this event, thanks, to some bo-and TWGRacing and the Desert As-Continued on page 22 McMillin, who'd been entered in that class, broke a rocker arm in practice the day before, and sent the truck home. He'd run the "backup race car", or pre-runner in Class 1 instead. David Scaroni started and had the fast lap for the class at 40:14 on Lap 1, putting his Ford into the lead. Be-hind him Clyde Stout had Cameron Steele's Ford in second, and Todd Arthur ran third, but he'd had some problem. Scaroni held his lead, with Stout and Arthur followed along on the sec-ond lap, but on Lap 3 Scaroni lost his transmission. While his crew made repairs, Stout went into the lead and Arthur disappeared completely. Stout had only a 16 minute lead at the end of the third lap, because he'd finished the lap with the bottom front trailing arm uniball pulled apart. He pulled off course and parked. Matt Scaroni took over for his brother on the last lap and brought the family truck home as the winner. Class 10 had ten starters, but Steve Mamer didn't finish the first lap. Phillip Finch went into the lead in his Honda Chenowth, with over two min-utes on Scott Beale in another Honda Chenowth. In third it was Jeffrey Moore, and Drew Belk ran fourth in his VW powered car. On the second lap Moore dropped out and so did Michael Webb, leaving only seven cars on course. Finch's car had only 30 seconds on Beale at the end of Lap 2. Thatwas because Finch had made a driver change and Tom Bryant was now in the car. Belk ran third and in fourth it was Kent Conlon. Mike Belk had taken over for Drew. Rodney Smith fell away on the third lap, and Bryant kept Finch's car in the lead. He had four minutes on Beale at the end of the lap, and Conlon was now third, as Belk had to replace a bolt and lost a few minutes, dropping him to fourth. Bryant was not only trying to win Class 10, but also wanted to beat his friend John Cooley in the Class 1 car. He pushed extra hard and recorded the fast lap for Class 10 on his last lap, at 43:35. Finch and Bryant got the win, with eight minutes on Beale, who said his only problem had been "Finch and Bryant." Finch and Bryant aver-aged 60.4 miles per hour and finished third overall. They beat Cooley (in Peterson's car) by 23 seconds. Mission accomplished. The Class 7 trucks went off the line next, with three entries. One of them, John Swift, never got even a lap done, but the other two carried on to the end. At the end of the first lap Gus Shadduck had his Ford in front by 14 minutes, while Dennis Heffernan was second. The second lap went the same way, and Shadduck had 18 min-Dusty Times LIST YOUR PHONE NUMBER, YEAR, MODEL AND ENGINE SIZE! Sales Information: Payment may be made by credit card, money order or cashier's check. Personal or business checks are not accepted. C.0.0. orders accepted with 50% pre-payment. $5 Handling charge on all orders. California residents include 7.75% sales tax. Customers responsible for all freight charges. Minimum order is $25. The use of Volkswagen by Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. is for descriptive purposes ONLY and in no way is the name used to infer or intend a direct connection between Pacific Customs Unlimited. Inc. and Volkswagen. Volkswagen 1s a registered trademark. PRICES EFFECTIVE DURING THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MAGAZINE COVER DATE. JA-MARREAR BILLET DISC BRAKES .,.. Long or Short Axle. 5-Lug Billet Disc Brakes ........ $590 5-Lug Billet Disc Brakes With four Piston Caliper ... 740 JA-MAR FRONT BILLET DISC BRAKES King Pin Spindles or Combo Link Spindles. ..... ___ _..,. __ .____, Billet Oise Brakes JA·MAR MICRO STUB BRAKES for Desert Rails ............... 820 BIUET 5VW HUBS 5-Lug Micro Stub Disc Brakes KP or Combo Link Spindles. W/Four Piston Caliper.... King Pin Spindle Hub Kit.. .... $345 Chromoly Micro Stub Kit .... $1,050 Combo Link Spindle Hub Klt..365 M300 Micro Stub Kit ............ 1.200 HD M300 Micro Stub Klt... .... 1,350 HOWE POWER STEERING 2.5 Power Rack ................. $1,275 2.5 Power Rack with Conlrol Valve .................. 1,650 Control Valve • lnline ............... 345 Charlynn Torque Generator. ..... 295 Port Block, Charlynn .................. 25 Coupler. Charlynn ...................... 18 Sweet LI-Joints, from ................. 56 Reservoir, Power Steering ......... 94 Reservoir w11h Filter. Power Steering ................. 148 Reserboir Bracket ...................... 14 Power Steering Pump... . .. 160 Power Steering Pulley. from ...... 60 Pulley for Subaru... .. ........ 60 Pump Brackets. from ................ 65 MICKEY THOMPSON PERFORMANCE TIRES Baja-Pro Performance Tires E78 Mini Mag .................. $92 30 X 7.00, 4-ply ........ . .. 114 33 X 9.00, 4-ply ....................... 156 35 X 10.00, 4-ply ....... 160 MICKEY THOMSON BAJA BELTED HP 30 X 9 5-15... . ........ $120 31 l( 10.50·15.. .. ... 152 33 X 10.50·15 ......................... 146 COIL BEAM SUSPENSION *Made In USA* Front Ends are 6" Wider with 1 tr Towers to Accept Coll Shocks Without Modification and fnctudes Rack and Pinion Mount. Trailing Arms are 0.0.M. Mat,r/al, 2•;.• Larg,r x 1· Wider And Can Use Either Stock King Pin Spindles or Combo Links. front Beam for Coll Shocks ... $265 Combo Link Spindles ............ $460 Chromoly Front Beam for Combo Link Spindles, 3", from.495 Coil Shocks ....................... 310 King Shock 2" Adj. Body D.D.M. Trailing Arms, set of 4 .310 w/Reservoir . Includes D.O.M. + 4' Trailing Arms (4) .. 360 Springs, each ................... 495 Thru Rods w/Nuts, pair .............. 50 Piggy Back Reservoir Option ..... 65 Urethane Beam Bushings .......... 24 Swedged ne Rods, Alum., pr .... 65 H.D. Link Pins ............................ 48 Swedged T-Rods, Chromoly, pr65 1..,..1 ••. SACO HD RACK & PINION . Billet Housing. Made In U.S.A. Saco Rack & Pinion ............... $295 Sweet U·Joinls, from ................. 56 ~CONTROL ~ CABLES Flexible, Heavy Duty Shielded Throttle Cables. Specify Clip End Or Bulk Head End Aval/able 6'-13' Long In 6" Increments. 5· or 6'/i Cable.......... ...S28 7' or 7'/i Cable .......................... 29 5· or 8'/i Cable .......................... 30 9· or 9'/, Cable.... .. ......... 31 1 o· or 10'/i Cable ........... 32 11' or 11 •1,· Cable ..................... 33 12· or 12•1,· Cable ...................... 34 13· or 13½. Cable ...................... 35 • Add $5 tor Threaded Housing • 3x3 TRAILING ARMS by LATEST RAGE Will Use 930 CV Joint. Trailing Arms. Steel. pair ....... $285 Trailing Arms. Stock. pair ..... 260 Trailing Arm Bushings ............... 15 KING ADJUSTABLE SHOCKS WI RESERVOIR Full Adjustment Dual Spring Shock with Hose and Reservoir. King 2" Adjustable Shock. 8-10-12" Stroke ...... from $495 King 2 '/," Adjustable Shock, 12-14-16" Stroke ...... from 585 Billet Aluminum Clamp-On Reservoir Mount, each ........ 35 Urethane Mount Pad. pair ............ 8 RACE PREP 930 CV'S From German 930s to Raceprep 930. German 930 CV ..................... $55 Chromoly 930 Cage ................. .45 Race Prep 930 CV ................... 140 HD 'I, 930CV Bolt, 12 Point ........ 1 Boot And Flange For 930 .......... 28 930 CHROMOLY CV CAGE Allows Additional Pivoting In 930 CV Joint. Stronger Cage Reduces Chance of Breaking. 930 Chromoly CV Cage, each .. $45 HEIM JOINTS Chromoly Heim Joints Specify Left or Right Hand Thread W x W Heim Joint .................. $31 ¼" x 'I<" Heim Joint .................... 38 'I," x 'I." High Angle Heim Joint..49 ¼" Jam Nut... ............................... 2 •1: Jam Nut.. ................................ 3 'N x 1/J x 1/," Misalignment Spacer ............. . '/•" x 1/t x 1h" Misalignment Spacer .................. .. 3/: x 1n x '/1 Misalignment Spacer ... 3// x '1,· x 1/t Misalignment .. ... 7 .. .... 7 ...8 Spacer ................................ 8 ¼' Thread Chromoly Tube Boss .8 'I." Thread Chromoly Tube Boss .8 CENTERLINE WHEELS Forged Aluminum Wheels with Polished Finish. 15x4 5VW ....................... $178 15 X 5 5 VW ......................... 183 15 X 6 5 VW ......................... 183 15 x7 5VW ......................... 186 15x8 svw ......................... 189 15 X 10 5 VW ......................... 197 15 X 3 '/, 4 VW ..................... 172 15 X 5 '/, 4 VW ..................... 220 15 X 7 4 VW ..................... 223 15 X 8 '/, 4 VW ..................... 230 March 2006 930 CHROMOLY STUB AXLES& DRIVE FLANGES Stub Axles for 930 CV, pair .... $140 Stub Axles for Bus CV, pair .... $140 Drive Ranges for 930 CV. pair .. .70 Drive Flanges for Bus CV, pair .. .70 HEAVY DUTY AXLES GERMAN CV JOINTS by LATEST RAGE AlllJ BOOT.S Bug/Bus Trans to n, Beetle Trailer Arms .......... $120 Bug, CV Joint.. ......................... $45 Bug/Bus Trans to 3x3 Arms .... 130 Bug, CV Boot ............................. .4 Bug/Bus Trans 10 3x3 Arms Bus, CV Joint.. ........................... 50 for 930 cv·s ...................... 140 Bus, CV Boot ............................. 6 23' or 24" Axles for 930 cv·s ... 260 930. CV Joint ............................ 55 24•-25· M300 for 930 cv·s .. .fr 440 930. Boot and Range ................ 28 CROW SAFETY BELTS 3" Lap Bells with Sewn-In 2·· or 3" Shoulder Harnesses Available in 3, 4, or V Point Black or Grey. 3" x 2" 3 Point... .. ........... S68 3" X 2" 4 Point... . ......... 68 3" x 3" 3 Po,n1 .......... 80 3" x 3" 4 Poin1 ......................... 80 3" x 2" 3 Pt w/Shoulder Pad .... 88 3" x 2" 4 Pt w/Shoulder Pad .... 88 3" x 3" 3 Pt w/Shoulder Pad .. 100 3" x 3" 4 Pt w/Shoulder Pad . .100 2 Crotch Strap ........... 12 Su Ti Low High CROW SHOULDER PADS Available tor 2'" or 3" Shoulder Harness, Black, Blue Or Red. 2' Shoulder Harness Pads. pr .. S24 3' Shoulder Harness Pads. pr .... 28 ~><;I LIMITING STRAPS Available in Doubles or Ouads. Made from 1'/•" Nylon Webbing with a 5.0001 Rating and 4130 Steel Brackets. Available in 12" -24" Lengths. Double Limiting Strap .............. $18 Quad Limiting Strap ................... 24 Adjustable Clevis. Single ............ 28 Only 19" Wide/ Now You Can Use Special Order Widths Available. suspension seats in Narrower 2-Pass;Benc~ Seat. Chassis. Avallab/s tn BtackorGr,y. 46 or 48 Wlde .............. $400 u1· Sportster Seat. Low-Back $165 BEARD SUPER SEAT Li~E~iiti,i~o~i/s0 MOUNT KIT Light Duty ne Down, 1•1: x 5· Slide/TIit Combination .......... $110 Strap, 5.000# Capacity ...... $16 Slide/Slide Combination Ratchet Tie Down. 2' x 7' for Lil' Sportster .............. 125 Strap. 10.000I Capacity ...... 24 Bracket and Slide Mount Only .. 52 Axle Strap .................................. 10 Page 21
Marl< McMillin and Brian Ewalt rann their Ford in the Class 1450 battle, they ended up in the second spot at the checkers. A hotly contested battle in Class 1600 saw Daniel McMillin taking the Marl< Peterson and John Cooley were just a bit off the pace in Class silver medal, a mere 57 seconds behind the winner. Carlos Albanez was the big winner in the Class 5 contest, he finished his required laps in just over four hours. of huffin' and puffin' that goes on via the internet and phone, before this race, and that brings in some entries also. There were 26 of them. That meant that from the regular payback alone, the winner would get a check for $2,000. It would be a Happy New Year for someone. Only three of them failed on the first lap, another two had lengthy problems and all the rest came around in a tight clump. Gaddis had the lead in his Curry, with Nick Tiedemann second in aJimco, Brian Burgess third In Class 7, it was Gus Shadduck and Justin McNeil taking the gold medal, they had more than an hour in hand at the finish. in Steele's car, Paul Keller fourth, and Daniel McMillin fifth in a J imco. Be-tween first and fifth there were just two minutes and 19 seconds. One more car fell out on the sec-ond lap, and Keller recorded the fast lap for the group, at 45:22, as he went into the lead. Gaddis rolled over, but kept going in spite of a hard knock to his head. Tiedemann was still second, Gaddis had dropped to third, McMil-lin was up to fourth and Burgess was fifth, but it was still anyone's race. By now the wind, which had been a polite little breeze during the start, was a howl-ing presence. It blew dust off the course in some sections, but also blew up great clouds of dust where nothing moved. On the third lap six more cars dropped out, including Tiedemann. Keller still led, now with five and a half minutes on Cameron Steele, who'd got into his car and had a battery cable problem. McMillin was up to third, and Gaddis had dropped to fourth. His passenger was worried about him, because he didn't know where he was and, actually, thought he was racing the San Felipe race. He kept asking which was the course went, and hadn't they got "to Borrego (in Baja)" yet? He was persuaded to stop and get out, and put Mark Green into the car to drive the last lap, while Caleb's crew took him off to the hospital for a checkup, as he worried that a DNF in the San Felipe race would mess up his points. Things changed again. Keller lost 20 minutes when a wheel came off, and Steele and Burgess went into the lead and took the win. McMillin, with an incredibly steady day, moved up to take second, and Gaddis and Green were third. In fourth it was Joe Laff, whose front end wasn't working right, while Dan Martin, who'd taken over for Dave Hendrickson, recorded the best lap time, at 48:32, and moved into fifth place. Hendrickson had had a Wired to Win! Wiring Going To Make It Another Season? Auto electrical experts Specializing in custom off-road wiring Race vehicles & dune buggies Communications and custom lighting www.enjwireworks.com Page 22 When it's gotta be Wired Right! e&j Wireworks 2865 Progress Place Ste 28 Escondido CA 92029 760-738-WIRE (9473) March 2006 1, they took home the bronze medal for their efforts. Arturo Cervantes took the win in the always hotly contested 5-1600 race, he won by 19 minutes, seen here at speed. shifter problem on the first lap. Keller recovered to finish sixth, and Cisco Bio, in his Tubular Designs car, was seventh. There was only one Class 5 car in the race; the New Beetle bodied Bug of Carlos Ibanez, who did all four of his laps with no problems. His fast time was a flat 58 minutes on the fourth lap. There were 17 of the Sportsman Class 1450 trucks, and they had to do only three laps.Two of them were un-able to complete the first lap, but Steven Looney and Michael Ballard had their Ford in the lead, with about two and a half minutes on Mark McMillin in an-other Ford. McMillin's daughter, Macy, was riding with him. In third it was James Ederer, in a Toyota, and then Steven Artim, in another Ford, was fourth, followed by Chris Shive. Three more trucks fell away on the second lap, but the lead pack all came around again, and they were all still in the same order. Looney and Ballard had recorded the fast lap for this class, at 51:53, and they now had a seven minute lead over McMillin. McMillin put Brian Ewalt into his truck to fin-ish the run. On the third lap Looney and Ballard noticed that their left front had Mike West drove his Ford pickup to the win in the 750 Class, he's seen here heading for that coveted checkered flag. Phillip Finch was the big Class 1 O winner, he averaged over 60 mph on his run for the gold at the MORE Lucerne race. Dusty Times
Robert Buchanan had a terribly Jong first lap but kept on driving and A nice third place finish in Class 5-1600 went to Jesse Lopez, Jesse Rick McCarty set fast lap for Class 9 on his second lap, he finished finished in third place in the Class 3 contest. is seen here heading for his bronze medal. in second place in class when the checkers flew. ,,t_;;;;. __ ..;a,...,.~-=. "", .. ==~=ss~==-================z=,,...-,~i;;==~,""il::ap=-,-=a~n"JdirG~o=w:::r:1a::n-::idi:h::e:r:1d:ro::-n::-t;:::o:7h[;is::-f:le::a-::id-, ---:tr3ib::-u::to::-r=-ca=p. They limped off course stayed in front through Lap 3, and he " '!), ~ while Randall moved into second, a to a pit where they had to remount it. was now 24 minutes ahead of Jesse Jeremy Altman took the Class 11 win, he took the checkers with more than half an hour in hand at the end. gone flat while they were still miles from the finish. They didn't want to stop and lose time changing it as they took a chance and ran on it. The tire stayed together through the finish line, and they got their win. McMillin and Ewalt were second, about 11 minutes later, having lost some time with driver changes. In third it was Ederer in his Toyota, and he had some electrical problems at the be-ginning of the last lap. He finished the race with only 70% power he said. Ederer also said the course was "really nice." Fourth place went to Tim Artim and Bruce Taylor, who'd lost a brake line along the way. Shive was fifth, and only 24 minutes behind the winning truck. All told, ten of them fmished, the most dramatic being Pat Suralo, who rolled his truck hard on the last bump before the finish line, got it together again and crossed the line, one side of the cab nearly flat from the impact. Class 3 had five starters and they all managed to get the first lap com-pleted. Giti Gowland, Jeep, had the lead, at the end of the lap, but was only 15 seconds in front of William Warren. Mac Randall ran third, an-other 17 minutes back. Paul Cruz, whose first lap had been way long, faded away on the second The Sportsman Buggy Class win went to Terry Ingold, he's seen here on his way to the win in his neat looking buggy. Steve Looney and Mike Ballard took the Class 1450 win, they had ten minutes in hand when the checkers flew at Lucerne. Dusty Times half hour behind. Warren was now They figured it cost them 45 minutes, Lopez, Zenicero's co-driver. Tony Ste-third, having lost a half hour on his but from then on it worked. ingraber moved up to third with the second lap, and then he was unable There were eight5-1600s, and one car's best lap time so far.John Castillo to complete Lap 3. Robert Buchanan, of them, Leroy Lorenzo, was the last and Dave Collier had each already who'd had a long-ish first lap, was starter of the day, actually going done a lap in this car, meaning they'd moving better now. through tech as he inched forward in had a driver change each lap.Tune con-This class was required to do only staging, furiously trying to keep his suming stuff. three laps, and Gow land did his fastest motor from stalling. Only one, Ron Allen Malone dropped out on Lap time on Lap 3, and at l: 18:31, it was Plunkett, failed to get the first lap 4, leaving just four cars to battle to the the fast time for the class. He took the done. Arturo Cervantes had the fast finish. Cervantes had split the driving win with a half hour to spare. Gow- time for the class, at 1:01:43, and put with Justin Under, and they took the land reported that he'd driven all the himself into the lead, about five and a win, reporting they'd had no problems. way because his wife, Andrea, who was half minutes ahead of Jim McGinley. This was the team's first time racing at also supposed to drive, had been ill It Hugo Zenicero was third, another two an MDR event, although they'd just fin. was, he said, an "uneventful" race. In minutes back. ished the CODE season in second place second place it was Randall, and in Onthesecondlaptheylostanother intheClass5-1600standings.Theysaid third, another hour-plus back, was the player when Ish Sanchez fell out, but their oil light had "flickered" a bit, and team of Robert Buchanan, Danny Cervantes held onto the lead, now 18 as they sat in tech they discovered why. Buchanan and Deroy Wiest, who each minutes in front ofZenicero. McGinley A valve cover bolt was missing and they'd drove one lap. They said their d11,y was third, three minutes later. But he been steadily losing oil. Steingraber, started out "bad", with a cracked dis-disappeared on the third lap. Cervantes Continued on page 24 MoTeC Engine MenagerT1ent and □eta Acquisition Systerns Robust 32-bit sequential fuel and spark control systen-,s built .:.o w ithstand extrerne racing ar·,d pre-running punishrnent. Turn-key systerns available for all popular off-road engine packages. Digital display ar,d data acquisition systerns for all levels of cornpetition. Engine and chassis dynarnorneter services available. Sakata Motorsport Electronics, inc. 689 s. State College Blvd. Unit K Fullerton, CA Tel: 714-446-9473 Fax: 714-446-9247 www.sakatamotorsport.com March 2006 Worldwide benchrnark rnanufacturer of rnilitary-specification wiring systerns for all rnotorsport applications Utilizing the finest Raychern Systern 25 cornponents, the industry standard for all professional racing sanctions. Engineering, assernbly, and cornprehensive testing perforrned 1 00% in-house. Cornplete harness assernblies and circuit control cornponents are available to suit your budget. High-Accuracy Air-Fuel Ratio Meters Lightweight, stand-alone systern works w ith all engines and alternate fuels -carbureted or fuel injected. For the dedicated engine tuner who needs to know exact;/y what their engine is doing. No flashing lights -just the facts ... Nail it; t;o a nurnber! Page 23
Kent Conlon ran fast, but not quite fast enough, he was only able to Brian Thompson had a long second lap but he held on and managed James Ederer drove his Toyota to a third place finish in Class 1450, manage a third place finish in the Class 10 conflict. a third place finish in the Class 11 race on New Years Eve. he's seen here hightailin' it for the checkered flag. Collier and Castillo were second, after Six Class 9 cars took the green flag, corded the fast time for this group, having mechanical woes. Miller, who folks will not let a buggy continue its Steingraber drove his best time on the and surprisingly, Kent Graves was the the only under-one-hour lap, at had run out of gas on the second lap, race without a functioning roof. last lap, at 1:01:57. And in third it was firstto go out, his tidy Jimco not fin- 59:45, and he moved into the lead. 100 feet before pit row, was back up McCarty finished second, four min-Zenicero and Lopez, only 19 seconds ishing the first lap. This was another Now he had six minutes on Miller, to speed, after his crew had jogged out utes behind the winning car. In third behind the Steingraber car. Lozano and three lap class. James Miller had his and Jose Victoria and Matt Arnold with a gallon jug of fuel to get him it was Victoria and Arnold, reporting his co<lriver, Kris Schulz, kept the car Cat Metalworks Chassis in front on were third in their Jimco. moving and into the pit for a full re-an oil leak, and "lots of dust." And running and fmished fourth, about 45 the first lap, and he was two minutes Mark Culver was the second, and fuel. His last lap went fine, and he five minutes behind them came Donny minutes later; reporting that they'd had ahead of Rick McCarty in his T-Mag. last, dnf in the class, and he disap- took the win. McCarty had lost time Ames, the final finisher, in fourth fuel regulator troubles and had tom a In third it was Donny Ames. peared on the third lap, after a long when the rivets holding his roof told place. Class 9 is usually a good, com-c.v. boot. On the second lap McCarty re-lap that seemed to indicate he'd been him it had to be repaired. The MDR petitive class at these events, and this Caleb Gaddis was in the thick of it all the way, he ended up third in Drew Belk, seen here driving through the dust, was the fourth place Finishing in fourth place in Class 1450 was Steven Artim, seen here Class 1600, less than four minutes out of the class win. finisher in the Class 10 contest. working his suspension on his way to the flag. Page 24 March 2006 Dusty Times
Joe Laff was a tick or two off the winning pace in Class 1600, he David Hendrickson was a wee bit off the winning pace, he finished in Paul Keller set fast lap for Class 1600 but big problems on his last lap had him finishing in sixth place. finished fourth, he was only eight minutes out of the class win. the fifth place in Class 1600, seen here at speed. group was no exception. place. And seven minutes later it was had no problems at all. I twas the first In Class 750 (like SCORE's 7S) RichardSlettenandForestAgnew,who raceforthisteam. hustled to find jackets and hats and The race ended the MDR 2005 many were wearing goggles to protect Superstition Series in a grand way, their eyes from blowing dust. All those with lots of good competition, and traditional big New Year's Eve bonfires a weekend just made for fun and were going to feel good as the sun set celebration. What a way to celebrate and darkness fell. the end of the year! lllJlU there was only one competitor and shared the driving in their car. They'd By the time theracewasatthe half Mike West drove his Ford the two laps just finished building it at 3 a.m. on way point the wind had blown up, and required (by special dispensation) to race day, and aside from one tire that by the time it neared the end the clouds wrap up the season championship in went low and had to be changed, they were crowding the sky. Spectators had the class. Class 1300, Sportsman Buggies, had six entries and they didn't have a good day. They were required to finish only three laps. Kirk Kontilis, a ringer, out to test his Class 1500 (unlimited open wheel) car before the new BITD season, had the first lap lead, with a time of 52:23. He said it's a perfect place to test and have some fun, and feel safe, rather than just running around in the open desert. Jose Luis Sanchez was second, only 50 seconds later, and Art Velasco, Jr. ran third, another 44 seconds back. On the second lap both Polo Ramirez and B.J. Bates fell by the way-side, leaving only four cars running. Kontilis had the lead, with Sanchez second, only two minutes behind him. Kontilis and Sanchez both disap-peared on the third lap, leaving only Terry Ingold, who'd had a second lap that lasted over two hours, still run-ning. He went out to do a thircffap at 3:38 p.m., and the records show he finished it after nearly another two hours, to get the class win. .· . ' . ., . . ' . . .. (la, It's always a pleasant surprise to see more than one or two Class 11 (Volkswagen sedans) cars at a race, and this time there were five. It takes a special kind of skilled and tough driver to race in the desert in a nearly-stock Volkswagen, and this must have been an especially tough and skilled group, because all but one of them finished. On the first lap the lead belonged to Jason Gutierrez, who had recorded the class fast lap at 1:27:36. He was f1Vemin-utes in front of Brian Thompson, who'd had a blown shock for part of the way, and was not quite five minutes in front of Allen Bucher, who was eight minutes in front of Richard Sletten. Only Robby Hendrickson, son of Dave Hendrickson, and driving in his first race (but no be-ginner, this kid, he's been helping with his dad's car, and riding in it for a long time) failed to get that lap done. 311te,stata 10 e.. A,paefto 7taUJ exit o, :J11ta,,tata 10 U! 6a6azoH exit Gutzmer's hood had come un-latched and popped up, so his passen-ger, Jeremy Altman had unbuckled and hung out the window to hold it down until they got a couple miles further down the road to a pit where they got it solidly tied down. On the second lap, with no hood trouble, Gutzmer stayed in front, and built their lead to 26 min-utes. It was Bucher in second place, and he'd had an oil light coming on, so he'd stopped to see if he could find a prob-lem. He never did figure out what, if anything, was happening. Thompson, who'd been second, was now third, mi,. nus his left front fender. Altman took over the driving for Gutzmer, and they stayed in front to take the win. They were a half-hour in front of the Bucher car, now driven by Allen's son, Cameron. They said the course was "rough." In third it was Th-ompson, who drove all the way, and was just six minutes behind second Dusty Times SWap,!l'eet is arranged to Include the following sections . · S,u:tlo• IJifllJJt. &sJ $iu 1 USED PARTS & ACCESSORIES $35.00 10'x151 2 RACE TRUCKS $20.00 10'x15' 3 RACEBUGGYS $20.00 10'x15' 4 MOTORCYCLES $15.00 3'x8' 5 SAND TOYS $20.00 10'x15' 6 QUADS & 3-WHEELERS $20.00 5'x8' 7 TRAILERS & TOW VEHICLES $45.00 10'x20' · 8 PflE!RUNNERS $20.00 10'x15' 9 MFG. & RETAIL DISPLAYS $45.00 10'x20' 10 · 4x4s .& JEEPS $20.00 10'x20' Ji, Be sure to clean-out those garages and bring your off-road collectables to the seventh Annual Off ·Road Swap Meet. The only one of it's kind in Southern California's history! $10.00 ADULTS & KIDS UNDER 12 ARE FREE! To reserve a space fill out this entry form and mail with a check to California Pre-Fun, 39067 Orchard St., Cherry Valley, CA 92223 before March 20, 2006. Name _ __________ Street ________________ _ City __________ State ____ Zip ______ Section, _____ _ _, Move In Saturday 12 p.m. March 25, until show opens at 6 a.m. on Sunday March 26, add $5.00 late fee after 6 a.m. on March 26. Booth space available day of show. Reservations recommended but not required. .!!;~Jlli;J)f PRESENTED BY CURT leDUC'S CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN For more infonnation can Curt LeOuc (951) 845-8820 March 2006 Page 25
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. . . ., .. . . . .... -' : •
Spon$ors - ORW, Bilstein~ Fortin, Yokohama, Major Performance, Atumicraft, BTR
.. .... 1990 &~91.11 PRESIDENTE 1000 Bob Gordon Takes It All By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Bob Gordon led on the road most of the way, took the lead on time at Borrego in the VW powered Chenowth and kept his lead all the way home, finishing 1st overall and in Class ½ with his teenage daughter Robyn in the right seat. SCORE's Baja 1000. The final event in the eight race HDRA/ SCORE desert series, proved to be too tough for the favorites, and dark horse Bob Gordon ran in front all day in his VW powered two seat Chenowth to take the overall win. The course, which started in Ensenada with a ceremonial green flag and restarted officially in Ojos Negros, got to the east side of the peninsula by way of El Rayo and the Summit, and then wandered north across Laguna Salada to Highway 2, and then south, zig-zag-ging our to hit Highway 5 twice, and running on it for three miles and then continued southward through the "mini summit", and over to Borrego and the big double pit area near Highway 3. Then the trail continued south, across Di-ab lo Dry Lake, down the Zoo Road, way south to Matomi Wash. From the lower end of the wash the course turned back up the southern edge of San Felipe,. Then it headed north, paralleling High-way 5 again, and turning westward at Three Poles, to slide through Borrego and the double pits again. It continued westward on the pole line road, to Matias then crossed Highway 3 and ran the length of Matias wash, to the village and up to Mike's Road and on to Mike's Sky Ranch. Then it turned down past Simpson's Ranch, into Valle Trinidad and a 15 mile stretch of pavement to the neighborhood of Independencia, where it turned south off the pavement and then snaked its way to Tres Hermanos, and out toward Ojos Negros. The finish line, at about Mile 660, was actually about a half mile before the pavement intersection of High-way 3 and the Ojos Negros Road at the windmill. It was one of the roughest Baja 1000s in memory, and included a lot of very soft sand, some mud and a couple of long dry lakes to rest the engines of the race cars to the max. The rime limit was 25 hours and it was the same for all classes. The race enjoyed a hefty entry of 310, of which some 122 were bikers and ATV pilots. And, of the big crowd of bikers, approxi-mately 40 came from Japan, hav-ing signed up for a fantastic vaca-tion deal which included a race prepped bike and an entry in the Gorky McMillin and Brian Ewalt had the Porsche Chenowth in the hunt all day, had a few flats on the trail, but still took second in class and overall. Brian Stewart lost a tranny in the Class B Dodge right off the start, but like his dad Ivan, he pressed on regardless and amazed folks at the finish line by winning Class B and grabbing sixth overall. Baja 1000. This year's race didn't suffer any pre-race complications from unhappy farmers, and things looked rosy as SCORE made their early arrangements. Bur, after the course was marked someone with a nasty sense of humor wen r along the trail and occasionally either unmarked it or remarked it so rac-ers would be directed off course or into someone's yard. Most of the changed markings were discov-ered early enough that they could be corrected, but on race day there were still a few stretches with no markings and some mis-marked spots. SCORE had no way of knowing who the miscreants were. The starting order, as usual, be-gan with the fastest class and worked back to the slowest group and the unlimited one and two seat vehicles, or Class 1/2, was first to go, followed by 8, 5, 10, 4, 1/2-1600, 7, 7 4x4, 7S, 3, 5-1600, Mini Mag, 9, 6, and 11. The unlimited cars had a big group of hot shoes, any of whom could be expected to battle for the lead, including Corky McMillin and Brian Ewalt in their Porsche Chenowth, Troy Herbst in another Porsche Chenowth, Bill and Mike Church in another Chenowth and Jerry Penhall teamed with Bud Feldkamp, in a Raceco. Larry Rag-land also ran at the front of the pack, in his one off Chevy truck, and Danny Letner and his Porsche Raceco near the top of the heap, too. Also near the front were Stu-art Chase and Steve Barlow, in their Porsche Raceco, with the fuel injection that could be fine tuned only by the use of a lap top com-puter and an umbilical cord. Does that require a mechanic or a data entry person? Hartmut and Wolfram Klawitter missed most of the season, but they came back strong for the Baja 1000, and the brothers showed familiar domination and won Class 5 by over an hour. Most of Class 10 was delayed in the traffic jam, but Gregg Hibbs and Mike Falkosky made up time fast, passed the leaders on the second half of the course and won Class 10 in Hibb's Jimco. Most of this group made it through the first 80 miles or so, and over the Summit, which was extremely rough this year, after .. Troy Herbst and broithers Tim and Ed came back from a rollover to Bob Richey and co-driver Bernard Jourdain had some suspension Chris Robinson was one of several leaders in Class 8, but the Chevy take third overall and Troy and Jim Smith said they had some trouble, lost reverse gear, but still got the Porsche/Raceco in fourth in had overheating problems most of the way, and he and Steve Borden mechanical woes but a fairly good run. class and fifth overall. were second. ------------------------Page 32 March 2006 Dusty Times ll
Few of the favorites did well in Baja, Robby Gordon had trouble early, Greg Vaughan and Val Dodd had a great race and were second in Scott McMil/in had abig lead in the Ford midway, but later, co-driver then rolled, had to leave for Del Mar, but his truck finished fourth in Class 5 at the first Borrego stop and stayed a strong second at the Roon Stacy lost the trans, but got rolling to finish third in Class 8. _C_,la_s_s..,..B_.=-----------c---=------::---=----_ch_e_c_k...,.e_re_d_fi_1a_,,g'-. ---,-------=---:---:-,-----,--=---some heavy rain, which left the after an electrical fire had de-and two minutes before another having changed a starter and sitions to the finish line, with Gor-rocks unpadded by any dirt. That stroyed the wiring. car came behind him. It was Mc-worked on the brakes, and Richey don, who drove all the way, taking made the two difficult uphills be-Gordon made 200 mile loop Millin and Ewalt, who'd found and Jourdain ran fourth, being the overall victory in just 12 hours fore the Summit really tough, and back to Borrego in three and a half themselves having more flats than careful to make the turns, since and 30 minutes. McMillin and the downhill side featured rolling hours, still in the lead and running they expected due to the heavy dust. they'd lost reverse gear. Ewalt closed up a little, and fin-boulders and washouts that could strong, and now it was an hour The Herbsts were running third, They stayed in their relative po-Continued on page 34 swallow a truck. At the base of the Summit the course dropped into "The Wash", which was very soft, and miles long and led to more long, soft trails. By the time the race cars got to Mile 125, a small Ejido on the edge of Laguna Salada, they'd already been thoroughly stressed. The 25 mile jaunt straight across the ex-pense of the dry lake finished some of them off. Letner disappeared along here, his motor gone, and Penhall got up to the top, near Highway 2 and lost all his oil pres-sure. Chase was also out of the game in this area, and Gary Hymes, in a Porsche Raceco, misjudged his fuel consumption and ran out of gas about 17 miles from the top. He, at least, was rescued. But Bob Gordon, in his two seat Chenowth, powered by his Type IV motor and with the trans-mission he'd intended to run with his Chevy (until Tuesday before the race), was running strong, as was Ivan Stewart in his Toyota, Bob Richey and Bernard Jourdain, in their Porsche Raceco, and Ragland in the Chevy. Gordon stormed on, but Stewart lost his rear end before he got out to Highway 5, and Richey and Jourdain had a strange prob-lem with their dry sump. Ragland's truck was running hot, but he was moving at a fast pace. At the Borrego pit, just before Checkpoint 4, and about Mile 310 on the course, Gordon was the first car through at 2: 10 p.m. Bur Ragland, who'd started six minutes behind him, came along just three minutes later in the lead on elapsed time. However, he pulled into his pit and after about 20 minutes of grim consultation, the truck was parked. The diagnosis: a blown head gasket. In the mean-time, no other car had come along. Finally, about 40 minutes after the first two vehicles, Steve Holladay showed up in his Moulton two seater, with a three liter power plant, running second. And then they started to come in more steadily, but still not close by any means. Herbst was the next car along, and then Corky McMillin, about third on elapsed-time, fol-lowed by the Tom Bradley Jr. and Sr. team, in their Raceco. Holladay put Matt McBride ,into his car for the second part of the race and he got only a couple of minutes into the race before the crank broke. Mark McMillin and his Porsche Chenowth had suc-cumbed to ignition troubles, and Jim Greenway's Toyota Raceco was parked a few miles down the road, co-driver Craig Watkins reported Dusty Times March 2006 Page 33 • I
... Marty Hart and Lance Bryson blew reverse gear, had more shifter "'-'--'--~-~~-~-=--..._ __ ....._ __ ....._.......,._.......:;-.=....., trouble, but kept the bug rolling, despite flats, to claim a third in Class Mike Schwellinger and Bill Holmes got stuck in the summit traffic, had The team of four motorsport journalists headed by Sadataki helped 5. an engine that drank gallons of oil but finished second in Class 4. other rigs on course, but continued a good pace to take third in class 4. ished second 53 minutes later. The sixth, a disappointment after his Frank Vessels flattened a tire on thumbs and waiting because Yes-at the base of the Summit and Herbsts were third, followed in by successful year, but giving him a his Chevy on one of the narrow sels' truck blocked the trail. Once Evans charged on, but he was run-Richey and Jourdain, and then the season with a 100% finish rate. hills before the Summit, and as he they got going again Vessels and ning hot. Meanwhile, Robby Bradleys finished fifth. Stewart, The trucks were the next group worked to repair it, Walker Evans Evans did some bumping and Gordon's Ford lost its steering and who'd lost about three hours with to start, and their lot was not as in his Dodge and Scott McMillin grinding, entertaining McMillin, repairs took a long time. his rear end replacement, finished easy as that of the unlimited cars. in his Ford, sat twiddling their and then Vessels ran out of steam Brian Stewart, in the meantime, SB 8sat shown 1 800 565 4042 Page 34 Top Competitors in every Major on Road Event Choose Mastercratt Seats and Restraints ► Including: Scott Douglas Evan Evans Mike Julson Curt and Kyle Le Due Rob Maccachren John Marking Carl Renezeder Man Scaronl Dan Smtth and Dave Ashley Scott Steinberger Shannon Campbell Aaron Dusenbery Walker Evans Johnny G. Mitch Guthrie Joachim Schweisow Tracy Jordan Jason Paule www.mastercraltseats.com March 2006 had got his Dodge about 100 yards off the start and blown his transmission and his crew was making frantic repairs, while Mel Vaughan and Roger Rolfe, in a Ford, broke their steering on the down side of the Summit and caused a major traffic jam. Esti-mates of the number of jammed up cars go as high as 100, all impa-tiently waiting for a clear trail. In-terspersed among the cars and trucks were bikers, most inexperi-enced Japanese, wearily walking their bikes up the front of the Sum-mit and then walking them down the other side. Rolfe and Vaughan had to be moved off the course, no easy job. Some of the detained drivers, which included 1600s, Class 5s, Class 7s, late unlimited cars and Class 10s, tried to go around and some got themselves into serious hot water. It was such an interesting mess than ESPN landed their helicopter to film it close up. But eventually it opened up. Dave Westhem, in his GMC truck, also had a problem on the Summit and lost a lot of time there. Chris Robinson made it down the other side, but his Chevy ran hot. McMillin was motoring along smoothly, as Evans pulled out with a blown head gasket, and at Bor-rego, where he was the fifth vehicle on the road. McMillin had a lead of an hour and four minutes. The next truck along was Robinson, who'd taken his lower lights off the truck to try to improve air flow and keep the engine cool. Running third at Borrego, amazingly, was Brian Stewart, who'd already had that transmission transplant, and now was overheating also. It seemed as if the rest of the trucks had fallen off the face of the earth. Ron Stacy had taken over for McMillin to run the loop from Borrego, through Matomi Wash, and back to Borrego, and it was his misfortune to lose the trans-mission. Robinson continued to overheat, and also broke a tie rod, while Stewart had things going his way for the latter part of the race. He had no flats and no more time consuming problems and sur-prised everyone, including himself by taking the win and finishing sixth overall. Robinson came in ten minutes later, followed by Mc-Millin and Stacy, an hour and 45 minutes back, in third. Five and a half hours later, fourth place went to Bobby Gordon, who'd rolled his truck and then had to get out and head for Del Mar where he had a Saturday morning GRC race to win. His passengers, Mike Schoffstall and Russ Wernimot Dusty Times
Jim Fishback and Sam Castro were in the lead 1600 pack all the way Jim Fishback Jr. and Tom Neth ran almost side by side with Fishback Danny Porter and Mark Ruddis were in contention most of the way in and with Graf Moore co-driving they took 214 in class in the Chenowth. Sr., Jr. was :1ri in 1600, 11 minutes down. class 1600 but dropped time somewhere and were fourth in class. shared the chore of bringing the truck to the finish line. Westhem, who'd solved his early problem, only to get into trouble near Matomi Wash late in the day, fin-ished fifth, and last, two hours af-ter that. The Class 5 troops enjoyed the luxury of being the third class to start, and Rich Minga had his Porsche Bug up at the front early in the day, with Bill Hernquist in a Jimco Convertible chasing hard. Also running fast were Marty Hart in his Jimco VW and Hartmut and Wolfram Klawitter convertible, in only their second race this year. Greg Vaughan and Val Dodd were also in the running in their pink sedan. Minga lost his motor about 200 miles into the race, but the others kept running well although Hernquist and Hart had both been held back a bit by the traffic jam on the Summit. Hartmut Klawitter was the 11th car to Bor-rego, arriving with no right front tire but otherwise in good shape, and a half hour in front of Vaughan and Dodd. Hernquist was third, five minutes later and in another seven minutes it was George Seeley. Hart had blown reverse gear, run 40 miles on a flat, and had shifter troubles and came along a half hour later. The Klawitters had a problem with their torsion adjuster, but had no disasters and motored on to the finish line in good shape to get the win, finishing seventh overall. Hernquist lost his alternator, and co-driver Mike Lund drove 60 miles with flashlights to light his way, then they fixed the alternator and it broke again, for good. Vaughan and Dodd settled perma-nently into second place at that point, and finished an hour and 17 minutes behind the Klawitters. Hart was two hours later in third place, and Seeley, who'd been both stuck and lost out of Mike's, was fourth. Class 10 was the next group to start, and there was a big group of potential winners, including Kurt Pfeiffer and Jeff Quinn in their Raceco, Dan Blain in his Mirage, Rick Romans and Barry Cavanagh in a Raceco. John Hays in his Raceco, Todd Davis and Kevin Derby in a Chenowth, Bill Poe and John Hagle in an ORE and Greg Hibbs and Mike Falkosky in a Jimco. The traffic jam at the Summit caught some of them, including Hays, and the Hibbs/Falkosky team, but Robert Land, Collin Roundy and James Bunty, in a Chenowth, moved into the lead. Pfeiffer hit a booby trap with a water hole and stalled his car, and then had a bottle of orange juice dumped on him, which messed up his goggles and ran about 20 min-utes behind the group for a while. Land and Bunty were the first Class 10 car through Borrego, but they had only about six minutes on Hibbs at that time. Pfeiffer had lost his motor by about Mile 125 . . .• .. ..·. . .. . . . . .. , rrain,Jhetrue ~: . -,., . ., @:' ..... ,· ~- · . . . ··----.-.. ' ',' ' . ', .. . . _,, . '~ velocity ~ensitlve valvi. .·.•· .. . • · .. . . . •· dllngr Improved stability1 and maximum comf oft. IUhat is not r · enough to buy'°!Skyjacker@ now offers an *extra incentive "of $30 cashtback on ttle,purchase of 4SkYiacker! shocks. Buy 4 Hydro or Nitro shocks at an~Skyjacker@ Authorized Dealer!and submit the rebate form to recei ,,-;..,-.;:, ~::o :0 . s30 CASM%BACK!. <. .❖ 4-. and was out, and Romans and took off into the brush. He had a Cavanagh had lost their clutch and long pit stop to fix that. also their fuel pit, and had also Falkosky took over for Hibbs got themselves thoroughly lost. for the second half of the course, Hagle broke a thrust washer, and and he passed Land, who later be-everything on the front corner of came confused and lost, trying to the car worked loose, and a wheel Continued on page 36 Rod Hall and Jim Fricker figured the game was over when the dodge engine went sour in 100 miles, but they carried on, spitting and pinging and won Class 4 by over an hour. 'EATURES 150 PSI PRESSURIZED NITROGEN GAS (NITRO ONLY) • ORIFICE DISK • VELOCITY SENSITIVE VALVING • lEAK PROOF SEAL • BONDED IRON PISTON •· To find an Authorized SkYjacker@ Dealer . near you call 866.4.A.DEALER ext. 5037 or ,visit'us on the web at skyjacker.com/shockrebale ~ to find out more about this exciting shock offer. • CHROMED PISTON ROD • RED BOOT INCLUDED • RED POLYURETHANE BUSHINGS • LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY Dusty Times March 2006 Page 35
Darren and Doug York led Class 7 4x4 more tha[I once, got stuck Don Adams and Larry Olson lost power steering on the Jeep Wrangler Roger Mears lost power early on, co-driver Tony alvarez gigged an near the finish, got out with help from the Simons and finished in but they soldiered on and finished second in Class 3. inside line to add oil and they got second place in Class 7. second place. The 1600's were all bunched tightly at Borrego but many had troubles in Natomi wash. The Ampudia's tuned their car at the summit and took their first series win in the Neth. find the road down to Simpson's. Hays, who hadn't pre-run, was lost at the same time. Poe took over for Hagle, and ran into some prob-lems of his own, but kept moving. Falkosky narrowly escaped disas-ter when he missed a shift and stuck the car in Matias Wash, but his chase crew were nearby and ran down to give him a shove. From that point on he had clear sailing, and Hibbs and Falkosky took the win, and finished 11th overall. Hays, who soloed, finished two hours later in second lace, fol-e lowed in by Poe and Hagle in third, over an hour behind him. In Class 4 Steve Kelley and his Chevy were finished when the mo-tor went on Laguna Salada, and Roger Mears, Jr., in a Nissan, lost a transfer case and flywheel early in the day, and also ran out of gas before the Summit. But Rod Hall and Jim Fricker moved along smartly, at least until they got to Laguna Salada where their engine "gave up". From that point on they said they "just motored" with a top s eed of 80 miles er hour. camo_li source form dCre • Driving Suits • Crew Unifonns • Crew Shirts • Polo Shirts • Team Jackets • Hats ·• GearBags NOW FEATURING: In-House Embroidery Driver Names • Team Logos • Sponsor Logos Dave Ashley got his Class 3 Ford Bronco up front before halfway distance, charged to victory and was an incredible fourth overall. Meanwhile, Timmy Pruett had got his Ford stuck in a hole in the pine forest. But another Class 4 vehicle, the nearly stock Ford driven by a team of journalists, including Chris Jensen of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, Csaba Csere of Car & Driver Magazine, Craig Sinhouse of Motoweek, and Jensen's friend Bill Sadataki, hap-pened along and gallantly pulled Pruett out of the hole. Mike Schwellinger, also Ford, was stuck in the traffic jam and then got just ast Check 2 when something broke in his motor. He had to keep adding oil from that point on. Hall and Fricker had one flat, and moved fairly quickly for a truck with a stick engine, earning the win, their 12th Baja 1000 vic-tory and finishing 10th overall. Schwellinger and co-driver, Bill Holmes, used 24 quarts of oil from Borrego to the finish, but salvaged a second place. Sadataki, Jensen, Csere and Sinhouse, the jo'urnalists, who'd never driven off road before, brought their Ford in third, over four hours later. Bob Nyeste and Dave Levy, who'd come down from Canada, were fourth in their Ford, while Pruett and co-driver, Jerry Bundy, fin-ished fifth and last. The l/2-1600s were all behind the Summit traffic jam, and it served to bunch them up a bit, and 'let those with early problems catch back up. Rogerio and Rodrigo Ampudia, in a Neth, took the op-portunity while they were parked and waiting to adjust their fuel pressure regulator. Willie Melancon tried to work past the jam and slid sideways into a ditch and needed help getting his Mirage unstuck. Louis Silva and Danny Fogel, in a Mirage, had an oil leak because a stud was backing out of their engine, but enough dirt packed around it to slow the flow. They were in a close group when the jam up finally cleared, and it was Tom and Bob DeNault, Che-nowth, who got to Borrego first, but only a few minutes ahead. Silva and Fogel came along next, and Jerry Higman and Dave Bufe, in their Chenowth, with Danny Por-ter and Mark Ruddis, in their Sus-pension Unlimited car on their bumper. The Ampudias were next in line, and the team of Tom Schilling. John Marking and Bill Reams followed them in a Jimco. Jim Fishback, Sr., and his co-driver Graff Moore, had their Chenowth in the lead pack and Jim Fishback, Jr. and his co-driver, Tom Neth, in a Neth, were also running well. Melancon got out of his car at Check 2 and put in Dan Blain who'd lost his Class 10 motor, and Blain then lost the motor in Melancon's car too. The Ampudias, driving in their first Baja 1000, ran well and Mike and Morley Williams made up some time lost early in the day, in their MECO. Marking was chasing the Fishbacks down near the zoo road, when a torsion bar let go in his car and that needed some lengthy repairs, losing them about five positions. The Ampudias had only one flat all day and no other problems, and took their first win, finishing 12th overall. Fishback, Sr. and Moore were second, only 18 min-utes later, followed in by Fishback, Jr. and Neth, 11 minutes behind them. Tom DeNaulr, who'd done so well early in the day, lost a lot of positions when he stopped to help an injured motorcyclist. Class 7 had only five entries, and three of them didn't make it. Kim and Axel Mohr, in a Ford, broke at Mile 125 and the other two entries faded from the records early. But Roger Mears, Sr. had his Nissan moving well in front, after being caught in the jam up for a while. His motor went sour early in the day and he didn't ex-pect to finish, but kept pushing on. Meanwhile, Manny Esquerra got his Ford a little past Nuevo June-1.B00.700.2350 • Fax 909.360.0436 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 Class 7 was a survival test, Manny and Tudy Joe Esquerra lost the clutch but they nursed the Ford Ranger to the class 7 win and the points title. Page 36 March 2006 Dusty Times
Rob MacGachren's Jeep lost a tranny, but quick work by the Evans crew got him back on the road to finish second in Class 7S and win the points title. Dan Reynolds and Jerry Whelchel were first out of Boffego but their Steve Taylor and Wayne Lacher had a few stops to fix an oil plate, luck turned sour and they finished third in Class 7S. replace lights, etc. but finished second in 5-1600, an hour down. tion, but not yet to the Summit, and lost his clutch. He turned back, got his crew, and had a new one installed. When he took off again that clutch failed also, and by then Esquerra said he wanted to push his truck off the Summit. But his crew persevered and in-stalled another clutch. In the meantime Mears was add-ing oil and limping along. He broke an axle near the end of Matomi, and the combination of the broken axle and being down on power caused him to be stuck on five different occasions. But Esquerra was now moving along steadily although Mears had re-ceived a spurious report that he (Esquerra), was out of the race. Ultimately, Esquerra got to the finish line first, his clutch smok-ing, but redeeming himself for the Gold Coast race, where he was dis-qualified for not attending the driver's meeting. Mears, who'd had to take off the hood of the Nissan and install a long hose leading into the cabin, so his overworked pas- by holding up the rear of the truck wheel bearing near Alamo, was a transmission at the top of La-senger, Tony Alvarez, could pour until they could put the new tire fourth, another hour later. None guna Salada, and had an enforced oil into the engine without need-on it. McDonald and Lewis lost of the others finished. two hour down time to make a ing to stop the truck, finished only their power steering pump after In Class 7S the cars experienced change. John Johnson and Chuck nine minutes later. Check 2. The Simons also broke a a wide variety of problems, start-Johnson reported that their In the 7 4x4 class the race up rear housing and needed repairs ing with Rob MacCachren's usu- Ford's brakes were "funny" all day front was close, with the lead for that. ally indestructible Jeep, which lost Continued on page 38 trucks taking turns at being in At Mike's the three lead cars front. Paul and Dave Simon, in were still close, but then McDonald their Ranger, dueled with Darren broke a wheel bearing on the steep-and Doug York, in another esthill,andhadtobackdowntoa Ranger, and Jerry McDonald and wide spot to leave room for traffic Jeff Lewis, in a Chevy. Marty while he made repairs. The Simons Reider and Gregg Symonds had now had a fuel problem and had their Toyota moving right along to stop for a fuel filter, and that also, and Mike Lesle was there in put the Yorks in front, but they his Jeep. fell victim to the Black Hole, a Lesle lost his motor when the muddy spring not long before the computer misbehaved, so he was finish line, where they got stuck. out early. Symonds and Reider When Dave Simon got there he had a couple of flats and changed offered to pull them out, if they an alternator, while the Yorks had wouldn't pass him between there some mysterious motor problem and the finish line and the Yorks they couldn't solve. Simon and Si- agreed. So they go to the finish line mon had a couple of flats, one in in first and second place, 10 min-the mud on Salada, where their utes apart. Symonds and Reider jack sank so deep it was useless. were third, about 50 minutes later, Some Mexican spectators helped and McDonald, who lost another ' . The Class 7 4x4 race had lots of lead swapping, but Paul and Dave Simon took the class win and the class title with 11 minutes in hand. Finally, a Comprehensive Liability Insurance Package designed especially for Off-Road Racers, by insurance professionals who are actual Off-Road Racers. You can't get any better than that! Liability Protection • $1,000,000 General Liability -No Deductible • $1,000,000 Tune & Test • $250,000 Participant-to-Participant Coverage • Even provides coverage in Mexico provided a lawsuit is filed in the US • Insurance for your Pre-Runner/Chase Trucks • Mexican Auto Insurance Covers you, your business and your sponsors. General Liability and Physical Damage insurance available for your prerunner. LEAVES OTHERS IN THE DUST. For more information, contact Mike James - Phone: (619) 445-5797, Ext. 115 • Fax: (619) 445-0772 • mejames@michaelejames.com Kevin James - Phone: (619) 445-5797, Ext. 142 • Fax: (619) 445-0772 • kjames@michaelejames.com Karen Iverson - Phone: {619) 445-5797, Ext. 103 • Fax: (619) 445-0772 • kmiverson@michaelejames.com JamMicesh@~\E~ AGENCY Cal. Lie. # 0B75146 PROTECT YOUR FAMILY • PROTECT YOUR ASSETS • PROTECT YOUR BUSINESS Dusty Times March 2006 Page 37 ...
Ray and Russ Miller had lots of problems but they drove their Rich Fersch and Don Hatz had no troubles en route, nailed third in 5. Roy and Wade Prince had a flat and a loose brake line, they got their Chenowth to a decent third place in Class 9, they were three hours 1600, only two minutes out of second in a very close finish. Chenowth into the second spot in the Challenger contest. _o_ut_07f_s_e_c_o_n---cd-"cp_la_c_e~. _______________ _ and Ramon Castro's Ford lost an injured Japanese motorcyclist his engine went away, and Malcolm about as far as they could get from into the lead as MacCAchren's alternator and broke a ring gear. move his bike off the trail, and to Vinje and Mark Hansen lost the the point 125 miles into the race trans was replaced, and they had Willie Valdez and Gil Divine radio for medical help for the man. igniter in their Toyota. This is such where the truck was parked. They only minor troubles, including one stopped their Ford for a while at Spencer Low reportedly had his a rare occurrence that their one lost four hours. flat and some brief neck problems the base of the Summit to help an Nissan in front of the crowd when spare was at their pit in Borrego, Johnson and Johnson moved and they were the first 7S to Bor-REJlll l/lllJER SHIJ/IUITE I RHl·0•ooo 450/660 FRONT LOWER SKID Al··································· ' 9 00 Hl•01010 450/660 REAR LOWER SKID Al ...................................... $4'J 00 •·HJIU2U 450/660 FRONT LOWER A-ARM DEFLECTOR Al........... 3" 00 A• 0·0104(, 450/660 FRONT BUMPER GRILL (SLANTED) Al ............ scn.oo RHl•0t040F 4501660 FRONT BUMPER GRILL (FLAMES) Al ......... , .. S7fj,00 RHl•01050 450/660 FRONT BUMPER GRILL (STRAIGHT) AJ ........... $£.!l 00 R,1:-0,oeo 450/660 SIDE DOOR INSERTS Al .......... , ....................... S11>1 00 RHi-01080F 450/660 SIDE DOOR INSERTS (FLAMES) Al ............... S1 , OU RHH)10ll0 450/660 BED RAIL SET ~ lnl•••····················• '-' , , -,, ,mg RHl-01100 450/660 BED TIE•OOWN CLIPS (4 PIECE SET} TI .......... :-C/ 00 RHl-01110 450/660 FLAG/WHIP BRACKET Tl ................................... •:;:11 ,c, RH1·01120 4501660 DASH TRIM KIT Stalnl•-····----······ .. ·············· .;•, J RHl-01120F 450/660 DASH TRIM KIT (FLAMES) St lnless ............ "'--, Dealer inquires welcome. Call for our dealer program. /~"Bil B. !I~ B. N RC E HARD CORE R ACING COMPONENTS 24895 Ave. Rockefeller • Valencia, CA 91355 ~ Page 38 March 2006 rego. But, before they were out of their pit, Dan Reynolds and Jerry Whelchel, in a Toyota, went through and they left the pit area virtually together. Valdez, who'd had a broken crossmember and a broken spindle, was third at that point, and MacCachren ran an un-accustomed fourth. The Johnsons and Whelchel and Reynolds ran a close race, but then Whelchel lost an alternator belt and cracked his exhaust. He added to his misery by getting stuck in the Black Hole, where he watched MacCachren go by. Johnson and Johnson, out in front, sailed on it to take the win, making it four for Chuck and 13 Baja 1000 wins for Johnny. Mac-Cachren was second about 35 min-utes later, and Whelchel and Rey-nolds got out of the mud in time to finish third. Class 3 had 11 entries for this race, and they had the best finish rate of the event with 72% of the starters, or eight trucks, finishing the tough course. Maybe having four wheel drive is the secret. Class 4 had a similar statistic, with five out of seven completing the race. Curt LeDuc and Medelene Lesle had early problems with the com-puter in their Jeep, and got to the start line late, while Don Adams and Jarry Olsen, in a Jeep Wran-gler, had alternator belt problems. Rick Sieman was riding in his Bronco with Felix Giles, a new driver, when it rolled at about Mile 200, doing mostly cosmetic dam-age, but destroying their lights. Ashley blitzed his way down course, having no problems, and was the 14th vehicle to get to Bor-rego. Considering that he'd started in the 127th position in the line-up, it was a truly remarkable achievement. One begins to won-der just how many cars he did get around at the Summit. He went on nearly trouble free, with just some minor brake problems to take the win, finishing fourth over-all. Adams and Olsen, who lost their power steering, were second, nearly four hours later. Matt Pike and Jim Hummell, in their Ply-mouth, ran third, 12 minutes later and LeDuc and Lesle were fourth, followed in by Sieman, and his co-d rivers, Lee LaGorio and Eric Haiden, who'd had multitudes of problems, in fifth place. As far back in the field as Class 3 started, they found themselves coming upon late running bikers, mostly Japanese, who were too ex-hausted, or too inexperienced to get off the track and out of harm's way. Several racers, in various classes, reported bikers who just leaned their wheels on the berm Dusty Times
le Class 6 points champ and usual winner in 1990, Scott Douglas had Geroge Erl and Gary Colbert drove one of the original Challenger T-some real time costing troubles but still managed a second place Steve Russell and Brian Coats catch some air in the class 6 Chevy Mags, they finished fourth in class, only six minutes off the podium. finish. Camaro, they ran third all the way from Boffego. =~;;::: ... = .... ==== Tom Bradley and his son Tommy were right with the 1600 leaders at Dave Westham and Randy Salmont had a problem before the summit George Seeley was looking good at Borrego but he lost two hours Borrego but problems dropped them to fifth place. but they got cured and drove their GMC into !Ji' place in Class 8. being stuck and finished fourth in the Class 5 competition. and stood aside, waving the four Tim Lawrence's car, both wander-had apparently gone into shock by side, neither door would open and But they did preserve their lead wheeled racer by, and damn the ing a bit off course. Doug West then, and was in very bad shape. Wayne and his passenger, Eddie and took their only win for 1990. consequences. Vessels is reported and Gary Cogbill were up near the Sadly, he died before help came, Miller, had to climb out the rear Taylor and Lacher, who'd lost their to have flattened a tire on the kick front at that point also, along with in spite of the efforts of the good window. They were able to move oil place and also knocked off stand of one such tired biker, and Ron Lister and Rich Heim. Scot samaritans in the 5-1600 car. the boulder just enough to loosen most of their lights, put things back another big truck tells of squishing Jones and John Holmes were also The Cooks, who'd lost engines its grip on the car, but not so they together and took second, an hour the wheels ofa biker who wouldn't, doing very well at that point, and in the last two races, had changed could open the doors, so they behind the winners. Fersch and or couldn't, move his bike, and so were Guillermo Quintero and jet sizes drastically and had no climbed back in through the rear Hatz, who'd had trouble locating simply waved the truck through. Francisco Ortiz. Joseph and Steve trouble in Baja, extending their window, and slid past the obstacle. their gas pits, were third, just un-Class 5-1600 was the next Grier were playing catchup after lead handily, and running Their lead dwindled even more der two minutes behind them, and group to go, and they ran in a tight some problems that had them smoothly through Mike's. Bur on when a coorer pin fell our of the followed by George Fishback, Jr. pack, except for the Cook broth-stopped on the highway between the road coming out of Simpson's throttle pedal, and the cable fell and Clifford Whetstone, 14 min-ers, Wayne, Alan and Darryl, who Ensenada and the official start at they came upon a big boulder and off. Their repair broke six times utes later. Quintero and Ortiz were had their new car out in front from Ojos Negros. when they tried to squeeze by it, before the finish line. And they also fifth. early in the morning. Running As they came down off the Sum-the 5-1600 was caught in a trap. had trouble getting past the Black The Mini-Mags stayed away about 15 minutes behind them at mit the team of John Becker and With the boulder on one side, and Hole and the Whelchel/Reynolds from this race in droves, and only Nuevo was the team of Rich Fersch Jack Glazener spotted the injured another big rock on the passenger truck that was stuck at the time. Continued on page 40 and Don Hatz, in second, and biker that Valdez and Divine had then a small gap and Steve Taylor helped, and they stopped to offer and Wayne Lacher came along, assistance. The biker, Kazuo almost side by side with Steve and Tokunaga, from Kanagawa, Japan, Dusty Times March 2006 Page 39
Steve Myers and Tim Medcalf started off really well, but they fell back Bob Nyeste and Dave Levy, from Kam/oops, B.C. tried racing in a Todd Davis and Kevin Derby had some troubles with their Chenowth as the race wore on and finished fifth in Class 10. different B.C. and finished fourth in Class 4 in their Ford. but they managed a fourth place finish in the Class 10 contest. As always, 1600 was a larger class than most, competition was tight Madelene Lesle and Curt LeDuc had big troubles with the Jeep but Matt Pike and Jim Hummel renames their race truck "Plymouth" this , Ralf Barwig and Glenn Whe.eler were in close, fifth at the checkers. they worked their way back up to finish fourth in class 3. year, they drove it to a third place in Class 3. two showed up to tty their luck. dose on their heels. Pancho Bio time. Rich Richardson and a replacement from a broken the race. But the finish secured Both failed. We don't know what and Sergio and Porfirio Gu tier-Doug Perrault, also with a rear Class 9 car. Richardson and their second in a row season happened to the team of Mark rez, in a Tubular Design chassis, start number, came along next Perrault broke their transmis-championship. Bowman and Doug Dawson, but were also in the lead group at in their Jimco and they needed sion in Matomi Wash and re-Class 6 had a rough day. we do know that Steve Kramer in that point. about seven minutes in the pits placed it with one from their Scott Douglas had the lead at Yoshi Ogasawara's car, first had a The Princes continued the before Perrault took off into the pre-runner, but dropped many Borrego, his Jeep just 11 min-flat (this class is not allowed to lead and they were first through second half of the race. positions. utes in front of Danny Ashcraft carry on board spares), and then Borrego, with 41 minutes on Bio The Princes had one flat and Bio and the Gutierrez broth-in his Bronco. And in third, and losthismotoratMile 125. andtheGutierrezesatthattime. stoppedforafewminutestofix ers caught and passed the the only other car in the class In Class 9, the first car The Meleros ran third on the a loose brake line, but had no Princes to take the win, finish-still running, were Steve Russell through Nuevo was the Che-road, but George Erl and Gary major problems. Erl and ing just six minutes in front of and Brian Coats in the Chevy nowth of Wade and Roy Francis, Colbert, in a T-Mag, who'd had Colbert got stuck in Matomi them. Ray and Russ Miller, in a Camaro, an hour and 18 min-and they had Alex and Jose a rear start, were close behind Wash, and then later broke a Chenowth, were third, over utes later, having had a broken Melero in a homemade Apache, them, and ahead on elapsed torsion bar, and had to borrow three hours later, followed in by spindle and a broken pitman www.nevadaoffroadbuggy.com R/\fTERlf-~ ~ Ul.TtMJt POWl:11 souau• ZTREME nRE co. NEVA06. OFFROADBUGGY T-SHIRT SM-MEO-LRG-XXLRG ONLY $10.00 CROW • I , . .. , I I• I • ' j ;' \ I • • • --~ . SOI n .. • .· HFRF WE CARRY AWIDE ASSORTMENT OF WELD ON TRICK TABS "'-~~~ ..... CALL TOLL FREE 1-888-755-5900 3054 S. VALLEY VIEW #130 * LAS VEGAS, NV* 89102 HOURS: MON-FRI 9AM-6PM • SAT 9AM-5PM (702) 871-5221 fax Page 40 March 2006 Erl and Colbert, in fourth. arm already, but sounding Richardson and Perrault man-strong and solid. aged to finish 14 minutes and Everyone else was either al-20 seconds before cut-off time, ready out or in deep trouble. seventh in class and dead last for Arne Gunnersson and Greg John Johnson and Chuck Johnson had some brake troubles but the were still able to take the Class 7S win with more than half an hour in hand. The Cook brothers, Wayne, Alan and Darryl drove their new 5-1600 to Ensenada first in class, the first win this year for the '89 champs. Dusty Times
I Jerry McDonald and Jeff Lewis slid off the road, but recovered and Gregg Symonds, with Marty Reider co-driving, plows a little silt on Terry Brown and Bill O'Brien probably have some great stories on put their Chevy into fourth place in Class 7 4x4 sans power steering. the dry lake on his way to a third place finish in 7 4x4. this race, they finished fourth in Class 7S in their Ford. George Fishback Jr and Cliff Whetstone spray some dirt on the Vic Gifford and Phil Keeler took 24 hours to get from start to finish in photographers as they motor along to a fourth place finish in 5-1600. Baja but they did finish in the Meco, fifth in Class 9. Moser had lost the c.v.s on the then he lost a c.v., and a little later car, rather than drive down into Saab, while Larry Schwacofer found himself stuck-. Once he'd the silt before Matomi Wash in and Sid Spradling' s '57 Chevy unstuck the car he began to do the middle of the night. At least had holed the oil pan on a rock. some arithmetic in his hand and one other car was still running, Dale and Randy Jordan lost the deduced that there was no way and it did go through Borrego, head gasket in their El Camino he could finish in time, so whe~ but there is no intormation on Laguna Salada, and Mike he got to Borrego, he parked the about how far it went, except Marco Novello and Joe Alvarado sail their Ford Ranger past a typical Baja scene, a real cowboy riding a real Mustang, not of the Ford variety. Horner had a big hole in the alu-minum head of his GMC. Ashcraft had had some ma-jor problems and then he lost his electrical system at Matomi, but things were repaired and he carried on, and took the win, finishing over an hour in front of Douglas, who was second. Russell and Coats, who'd devised a system that used their deck lid and hood for traction whenever they got stuck, also got lost com-ing out of Mike's and managed to finish third, almost two hours later. Nobody else in the class made it. Class 11, which was required to complete the entire course in the same time allowance as every-one else, went into the race with a sense of doom. There was very little chance they could do it, and it would mean a trouble free run, at an average speed of about 27 miles per hour. At the driver's meeting Sal Fish had announced that anyone not getting to the fin-ish lien would not get a finish, or a position, or any purse money or points. SCORE would not, he said, score any vehicles accord-ing to the checkpoints they'd passed through. So, if a car didn't finish, it would not mat-ter that it had gone more check-points than another, because they wouldn't be counted at all. So Class 11 had no finishers. Three of the little cars were out of the race when they lost their transmissions trying to get over the Summit. One of those was Rene Ortiz, Jr., whose swing axle car had started the day with a handicap, anyway Jack Zandbergen was the next to fall out, when he broke a pushrod at about the 90 mile marker, and was reduced to three cylin-ders. It would have been auto-motive suicide to try to go on,. John Howard led the group into Check 2 and beyond, but Dusty Times Pancho Bio and Sergio/Porfirio Gutierrez came on fast in the second half of the race and they nailed the Class 9 win in the Tubular Design car. PRESIDENTE SCORE BAJA 1000 Reautta -November 1~11, 1990 I Pos. DrlverlCo-Orlwr Vehicle Time 0/A ClaN 112 • Unllmlted Single & Two Saal· 24 start· 12 finish 102 1 Bob & Robyn Gordon ChanOWlhVW 12:30:45 1 134 2 Col1cy McMlllr\lBrlan Ewalt ChanowlhlPoniche 13:23:06 2 118 3 Trov Hemet/Jim Smhh ChenDW1M'oniche 13:43:53 3 103 4 Bob Richay/Bemard Jcudain ~ 14:00:40 5 128 5 Tom Bradley Sr & Tom Bradley Jr. Racea, 14:51:11 8 Cius 1-:1400 -IIIOOoc Rutrlctad Engine. 23 ala,t -12 finish 1616 1 Rogerio & Rodrigo Ampudla Nelh 15:23:11 12 1614 2 Jim Fiahbac:kJr./Sam Cutro Chenowth 16:41:41 15 1605 3 Jim Fishback Jr/Tom Nelhq Nelh 16:52:43 16 16111 4 Danny Por1Nlr/Matk Ruddia Suspensions Unltd. 16:23:04 21 16ga 5 RaH Barwig,'Glen Wheeler Raoeoo 16:45:53 25 Cla• SIM • 8'-1 WB 4X4 -11 ••rt · I flnlah 300 1 David Ashley Ford Bronco 13:56:00 4 349 2 Don Adam■ll..any Olsen JHpWren,Jer 17:44:00 32 306 3 Matt Pike/Jim Hummel Plymoulhj 17:56:33 35 305 4 Curt LeOuclMadel-Lesle Jeep Cherokee 20:07:411 62 308 5 Rick Siemarv'l.ee LaGorio Ford Brana, 21:21:16 61 Cla• 4 • Long W8 4X4 • 7 start • 5 finish 403 1 Rodney HalV.lm Fricker Dodge 14:55:411 10 449 2 11.fke Schwelllnger/810 Holme• Ford F150 16:28:53 22 448 3 Bil Sadatakl/Chria Jensan Ford 21:04:55 58 405 4 BIi Nyeste/0-Lavy Ford F150 21:27:16 64 404 5 Timmy Pruell/~ Bundy Ford F150 22:32:37 n ClaN 5 • Unllmlted BaJa Bug • I atart • 6 finish 500 I Hartmut & Wolfram Klawitter Baja Bug 14:47:40 7 506 2 Greg Vaughan/Val Dodd Baja Bug 16:05:58 18 502 3 Marty Hart/Lanoe Bfyaon Baja Bug 18:16:01 42 503 4 Gaorge Seeley Jr. Baja Bug a:07:21 51 507 5 Conrad Diaz .k A.arry Hayes Baja Bug 22:00:50 73 Cl■• 54800 • IIOOcc Bala Bug • :zo atar1 -IO finish 550 1 Wayr,e, Alan & Danyl Cook Baja Bug 16:42:56 24 560 2 Stew Taylor/Wayne Lacher Baja Bug 17:47:37 33 555 3 Rich Ferach/Oon Hatz Baja Bug 17:49:34 34 562 4 George F11hback Jr/CRl!ord Whets!Dne Baja Bug 18:03:39 38 598 5 GulDenno OUlntero/Ftandaa> Ortiz Baja Bug 111:15:09 50 March 2006 that it didn't get to the finish line. It was a sad day for Class 11. Except for the unfortunate ac-cident that claimed the life of the Japanese racer, the 1000 was a smooth event. The glitches were minor, the missing course mark-ers were annoying, but not devas-tating, and the layout was conve-nient for pit setup and chases crews. But it was tough; much tougher than is generally expected at a Baja race. It was a good one to end the season. SCIIE Danny Ashcraft, with Dave Mason co-driving had some troubles along the way but they won the Class 6 race in their Bronco II. aa .. 1 • Production Sedan • 10 atart • 3 tlnlah 619 1 Danny Aahcraft/Oew Mason Ford Brana, II 20:13:111 53 602 2 Scott Oouolu Jeep Cherokee 21:52:49 72 606 3 StaYe RuuellBriM Coals Chevy Camaro 23:43:41 83 Cla• 7 • Unllmlted Mini-Midi Pickup· 5 atart • 2 flnlah 719 1 Manny & Tudy .be Eequerra Ford Ranger 21:12:03 60 700 2 Roger MeaNT ony Alvaraz Niuan 21:21:58 62 ClaN 7S • Stock Mlnl-llllcl Pickup• 13 start• I finish 726 1 John Johnlon/Chuck Johnaon Ford Ranger 15:31:00 14 720 2 Rob MacCachren Jeep Comanche 16:07:49 19 728 3 Jerry Whelchel/Dan Reynolds Toyota 17:16:08 29 722 4 Terry Brownl8il OBrien Ford Ranger 20:26:13 56 758 5 Malcolm Vlnje.Meril Hansen Toyota 21:10:16 59 ClaA 7 4X4 -stock Mini-Midi 4X4 • 12 atart • 4 finish 760 3 Paul & Oa,nd Simon Ford Ranger 18:01:00 37 764 2 Darren & Doug York Ford Ranger 18:11:59 41 762 3 Gregg Symond&IMany Reider Toyota 111:02:39 46 761 4 Jerry Md)onald/Jeff Lewis O!evy 1-10 20:16:27 54 Cl■N I• 2WD Standard Pickup• 13 atar1 • 5 tlnlah 805 1 BrilWI Stewart Dodge 14:45:44 6 807 2 Chrla Robinson/Steve Borden Chavrofet 14:55:47 9 808 3 Scott McMilin/Ron Stacy Ford F150 16:41:21 23 804 4 Robby GordorV'Russ Wernimont Ford 22:07:00 75 809 5 David WeslhernlRIWldy Salmon! G,C 24:03:46 86 ClaM II • R■atrtc:1ed Buggy • 111 start • 7 tlnlah 907 1 Pancho Bio/Sergio & P. Gutierrez Tubular Design 17:59:44 36 905 2 Roy & Wade Prince Chenowth 18:05:05 39 908 3 Ray & Russ Miner Chenowth 21:24:42 63 998 4 Gaorge EtVGa,y Colbert T-Mag 21:30:51 68 902 5 Vic Gifford/Phi Keeler MIX) 24:03:29 85 Clan 10 • Unllmlted ll50cc • 12 atart. 7 finish 1014 1 Greg Hibbs/Mike Falkoaky .Jma, 15:02:42 11 l012 2 John Haya (solo) Raoeoo 17:02:53 28 l007 3 W~iam/John Hagle OE 18:17:12 43 I009 4 Todd DavislKevin Derby Chanowth 19:15:04 49 1010 5 StaYe Myers/Tlm Medcalf Racaco 20:23:27 65 Cl•• n -Stock VW Sedan -a atM - o ftnl■h Cla• Mini Mag. 2 atart • O finish Starters-cars - 188 - Finishers-cars• 89 - 47.3% -Time Allowance. 25 hours Race Distance - 665.8 miles - Fast lime Overall -Larry Roessler, Teel HunnlaJtt, Danny LaPorte• K-asakJ • 11 :11 :45 - 122 bikes atart • 73 finish • 59.8% Page 41
• BFGoodrich Momument Brad and Casy Molinari stand in front of the new monument dedicated to BFG and SC ORE by the mayor Ensenada, Cesar Mancillas A., the day before last November's massive Baja 1000. The monument stands in the landscaped area in the middle of Blvd. SFGoodric!J __ ,.,__,......... ~--... ~ ~--""""*-•i,,,-----.:l'"""'t:JI... ......... _,.._,.. ___._,,;.,...i...-Remember, you can always pick up Fabtech additional copies of Dusty Times at Chino, CA the following dealers. McKenzies Automotive M&M Cut-A-Matic Anaheim, CA Sundance Country Store Downey, CA Lake Havasu City, AZ Kartek Prowlers Speed & Custom Corona, CA Parker Pumper Canyon Country, CA Mira Loma, CA Race Ready 23 Deluxe Chula Vista, CA Temecula Motorsports Denver, CO Murrieta, CA Off Road ·warehouse A&DBuggies San Diego, CA Sierra's Truck Torrance, CA San Bernardino, CA Imperial Valley Cycle Painters Grinding El Centro, CA Off Road Buggy Supply Denver, CO Yuma,AZ Riverland Chevron Sunland Custom Buggies Lake Havasu City, AZ Nevada Off Road Buggy Phoenix, AZ Las Vegas, NV Valley Performance Bundy Motors Las Vegas, NV Kal Off Road Racing Tolland, CT Atascadero, CA 4WD Center TUF Off Road St. Louis Park, MN Saasta Chevron Tucson,AZ El Centro, CA Off Road Warehouse Speed OffRoad Botique El Cajon, CA Dune Buggy Supply La Paz, BCS Mexico Minnetonka, MN B&RBuggy U.S. Wheels Oceanside, CA Brand wood El Cajon, CA Phoenix, AZ Off Road Warehouse Fibercraft Escondido, CA JIMCO Reno, NV Santee, CA Page 42 March 2006 Costero right near the start line for the Baja 500 and 1000. The Molinaris are part of the massive radio communications crew that worked to keep BFG race support running smoothly and efficiently for the full 38 hours of the 1000. DON"T FORGET TO SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS I/I/HO KEEP DUGliJlillDBG REPORTING THE OFF ROAD NEVVS! Dusty Times
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.. l.A.12C 55TH UDDEHOLM SWEDISH RALLY 200& Granholm/Ford Do It Again By Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden Marcus Granholm and Timo Rautiainen overcame the competition and the snow, 2'" win in a row for the Ford Focus RS. Two rallies gone, two wins for Marcus Granholm with the Ford. Once again he was pressed by Sebastien Loeb, but this time the Finn led from start to finish, but again helped by an error from the Frenchman, not this time an acci-dent but an unsecured bonnet pin which smashed the windscreen on the first morning. His 20th World rally win a delightful 38th birthday gift for Granholm, and a splendid 50th world rally win for Ford, and their first win on this event since 1978. The second round of the world liaison sections. The overnight pares series was the traditional winter time fermes were no longer in an under-event in Sweden. This year the event ground city car park but inside a qualified for the Junior World Rally building at a Uddeholm wood prod-Championship, for the first time, uct factory. Once again the FIA die-rather than the Production Carse-tated that this should be a one tread ries. Organisationally the main dif-pattern rally. No longer were tyre ference was that while the headquar- companies allowed to present teams ters, ceremonial start and finish were with one tread design suitable for again at the central Swedish city of snow conditions and the other for Karlstad, the overnight halts were at ice. On account that the ice tyre de-Hagfors, 85kms away. This change sign was less unsuitable in full snow made the total route some 300km conditions, than the snow tyre de-shorter than before, a saving of sign in full ice, teams elected to run . arou~d five hours of driving alo~ with ke rf!e designs. The rally chal-~~~e::iiii:==::=.. --------Page 44 March 2006 The Andersson boys drove their Suzuki Swift to the gold medal in JWRC, they're seen here flying low in the snow. lenges were still the same. Crews needed to decide whether they wanted studs of full permitted length or whether shorter studs would work, and by how far they needed the studs to be inserted into the tyre tread blocks. A further refinement was that studs could be made more suitable for ice if they had sharper tips. And of the maximum number of tyres they were allowed to have available for the rally they had to decide how many tyres with which type of studding before they knew what the weather conditions would be like ... These challenges were tra-ditional, new this year were the ex-tended FIA regulations that both the engine and the chassis had normally to have been those used at Monte Carlo. The extra rule about pairing transmissions does not apply on the championship yet. In the Kronos team it was 'fin-gers crossed' for champion Sebastien Loeb. This event was the only time he retired through mechanical de-fault last year! Once again Kronos had a three car team, with Daniel Sordo run as a private entry: al-though he is a JWRC competitor, this was one of the three events in the championship Sordo had elected to miss, enabling him to drive a WRC. Before Christmas, Sweden saw the first runs for three times Swedish Rally winner Marcus Granholm and Mikko Hirvonen in the Ford Focus RS, at the test loca-tion at Kall near Ostersund. Ford's win at Monte Carlo had been the company's 49th world rally victory, so breaths were held. Subaru team leader Petter Solberg started here with a new engine after a failure at Monte Carlo, but there was no pen-alty as he was not classified on that event. Last year he scored his first world rally victory in his native Scandinavia. This was the first op-portunity for Chris Atkinson to rally a 2006 car. Because of the Nor-wegian support this is the nearest to a "home event" for the OMV Peugeot Norway team. Their num-ber one driver Manfred Stohl asked his fans to expect a cautious start to the rally, the last time he contested the event was four years ago, when he retired -on the Shakedown sec-tion! His teammate Henning Solberg, however, wanted to make sure his car was kept in good condi-tion: five days later he was due to drive it on his country's most im-portant rally ever. There w~re driver changes in the M2 teams. Fresh from winning the Arctic Rally in his native Finland the weekend before, Kosti Katajamaki made his debut as second driver in the Stobart team. The event was new for team leader Matthew Wilson, al-though Wilson had competed on the 2005 Arctic Rally. This was also the team debut for Argentine Luis Perez Companc ("I have never even rallied on ice or snow ... ") in the Stobart number three, non-points eligible car. In the Red Bull Skoda team, second driver this time was Mattias Ekstrom, who last year com-peted with the official Skoda team. Quite apart from their unique status as the only pure winter rally in the calendar, this year's Swedish event was being observed by the FIA as part of an experiment of pairing two similarly located rallies together in a future world championship cal-endar, the revolutionary calendar initiative which was launched by the outgoing FIA Rallies supremo Jacques Regis. The Rally Norway is being run on the following weekend, based at Hamar (about 300km north west of Karlstad). Helping to coordinate the project is Berti! Klarin, General Manager of the Swedish Rally and also Clerk of the Course in Norway. There were even more novelties in the JWRC than were at Monte Carlo for the PCWRC. For the first time Super 1600 cars were eligible and it was the first time for the Rookies' challenge. The first time there were competitors in the cham-pionship 'guest' category (the chance for organisers to nominate JWRC or PCWRC entries on a one-off basis), able to score JWRC points on this occasion but without the obligation to enter other JWRC events. On this event these drivers were Peter Zachrisson in a Suzuki lgnis and Johan Karlsson in a Peugeot 206 RC Group N. Once again there were championship en-tries under the alternative team rather than individual entry banner. There was no clearly p.roffered rea-son why Guy Wilks' championship entry was made by Suzuki Sport Europe UK while teammate PG Andersson was individual, while each of them could score champi-onship points in the name of the driver. The big nail biting story before the rally centred on Daniel Carlsson, the top Swede on the 2005 event and this year the most likely Swede to succeed as he was involved in last minute negotiations before this event. He had made an entry with a Super 1600 car, assuming such a car would be the most likely option he would have to drive on this event. After entries had officially closed, however, the funds became available to have a World Rally Car from MMSP, which he would (like several drivers) then take to Norway for the event the following weekend. The biggest problem was that the entry had been accepted by the organisers in the different class. The decision whether he could run in that car was beyond the powers of the organisers or even the stewards, so the organisers sent a pleading letter Dusty Times
Patrik Sandell and Emil Axelsson drove their Renault Clio to a nice Bronze medal finish in JWRC went to Urmo Aava and Kuldar Sikk, Gigi Galli and Giovanni Bemacchini drove their Mitsubishi Lancer to second place in JWRC, seen here before a hardy crowd. they're seen here before a chilly crowd in their Suzuki Swift. fourth overall in the Swedish snow. to the FIA hoping they would allow your competition licence ... ? Monte Carlo, conditions progres-When removing the auxiliary lamp more open. Also, in Finland the sur-last year's to Swedish driver to take Stig Blomqvist is still here! This sivelyfavoured the later running cars pod, after the first stage, the crew faces were icy: here in Sweden they part again. That did not work. The was Stig's 40th Swedish Rally, an but there was a surprise when the forgot to attach the bonnet safety are often gravelly." His teammate FIA stated that only if every other event he has won seven times, a run cautious Austrian Manfred Stohl pins and suffered a smashed Katajamaki touched a stone which competitor gave consent to the of victories which began even before kept driving the stage, and on his windscreen. "This could not have caused him to be cautious, and he change of class could Carlsson take the FIA World Championship se-11th attempt he scored a time of happened at a worst time, because also stalled. "This car is a lot newer the start. The organisers asked every ries started in 1973. To honour the lm56.8s. Stohl was not only faster much of the stage was run into the than the Focus I ran back in Fin-person who checked in for recon- great driver, the FIA allowed him to than all the usual Shakedown spe- low morning sunlight". Added to land." But the big story of the morn-naissance, noting that nobody was carry competition number 40, even cialists, such as fourth place Loeb, the time loss on the stage was a ten ing stages was a broken driveshaft missing, and were delighted when though this number would nonnally seventh place Solberg and 11th second time control penalty. This for Petter Solberg in Stage 1, the they all said year! The FIA finally be allocated to a driver in the JWRC. placed Gronholm, but he was also penalty then affected Stohl, because winner last year losing towards three agreed ... Janne Tuohino also put Pirelli driver Gianluigi Galli returned ahead of his Norwegian teammate marshals forced him to run one min-together a last minute entry driving to Sweden for his sixth Swedish rally, Henning Solberg. But all of them minute behind, and spectators were u t es Conti nued on page 10 a Citroen Xsara WRC, but for him with Mitsubishi fielding forthe first were eventually beaten by Daniel not ready for another car arriving before he could reach service. "Hit the paperwork was easier. He took time this year a two car team. Tho- Carlsson in the Mitsubishi he feared sooner than usual. Hirvonen chose nothing, it just snapped." Carlsson's over the existing Class A8 entry from mas Radstrom, former Ford and he would never be allowed to drive... tyres fitted with normal studs more speed was dampened when the semi-Harri Rovanpera. So for him the Citroen team driver, makes his first The impact of Carlsson's Shake- suitable for snow rather than the automatic gearshift failed and he class was correct, the car by regula- appearance on a world rally since down time took time to understand. extra sharp studs suitable for ice, had to drive with manual gearshift. tion could be changed, and if only 2002, at the wheel of a RED team Leg 1 but was running strongly in third Tuohino was finding his way in a one crew member was changed the Subaru lmpreza WRC. Radstrom: 6 Stages, gravel, 131.04kms. place, ahead of professional racing Xsara but had a handbrake prob-stewards would automatically accept "It is all quite a change for me, I MarcusGronholmwascautious driver, Mattias Ekstrom, who was lemwhichaffectedtheclutchpedal. the variation. Please Mr. have been away from world cham-about his chances, "Running first not yet very happy. "A difficult start, In the non-championship cars, the Rovanpera, can I borrow your co- pionship rallies for four years. Since car on the road on this event is not trying to get a good feeling." Wilson young Norwegian World Rally Car driver, Risto Pietilainen for the week-then, all I have done was one short necessarily a good thing", but it was discovering the varying niceties drivers were having problems. Eigh-end? Harry's kindness made that rally here in Sweden a few weeks ago." served his purpose well. Gronholm, of winter rallying. "When I did the teen year old Ostberg spun into a possible, but then one final prob- Excitement began to mount as Loeb and Hirvonen were the fastest Arctic there were deep snowbanks, snowbank and suffered problems lem. You can't change the entrant! the cars tackled the Shakedown test three drivers on both the two open- it was like driving through a tunnel with the engine, 21 year old Grondal Mr. Rovanpera, can I also borrow on the Thursday morning. As in ing stages, but Loeb was in difficulty. all the time. Here in Sweden it was went off and was stuck in a snow-iinEK I_IC:.1-1■ ~~~■E:IVI~ Formerly Carrera Light Systems 6.y ~~ ~ Smallers greater sa • Quick Adjust BUlet Knobs -For tool-fess rapid adjustments • d Chromoly Fr• for and durability • Ru r Mounted • Vlb lsolatad Lamps • Eliminates tend to vibrate out or adjustment V I points . or tions eight - Single weig s 4 lbs. 4 oz. re 2/3 the weight of competitors alooe (4 Bar weighs 21 lbs 3 o Dusty Times March 2006 Page 45 .... ..
Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena were second overall in their Citroen Xsara, a mere 30 seconds out of the rally win. bank. Today there were three loops. On the first stage of the second loop, front running drivers had a bad time: quickest overall was 12th run-ner Galli in front of 16th runner Ekstrom! Gronholm explained that this was the result of being a repeat of Stage 1, with snow and dirt scat-tered all over the track by later run-ning two wheel drive cars. Gronholm in fact was quite deceived, finding the studs unexpected and disconcert-ingly had no grip and he slid off on the first corner, happily not actu-ally having to stop. Drivers were con-fused with their tyre choice gener-ally, so that when they came to the fast Stage 4, it was a battle to con-serve the speed and retain the studs Page 46 as long as possible. Atkinson went off losing three minutes and broke the power steering, he said that me-chanical cliffs made driving in these circumstances harder. Aigner also went off for a while, but there was more drama for Petter Solberg. He stalled at the start of Stage 3 and found the car understeering oddly. Then on Stage 4 the transmission started to mis-select without reason, and on the ensuing road section he had to stop completely to engage an emergency gear in order to reach the service. This he did, but arrived 13 minutes (2m 10s penalty) late. Really not the Norwegian's day! Subaru's misfortunes were bad news for Pirelli but the strength of the studs on the cars of Galli and Carlsson eratures around minus 15-17 were ommonplace. Side windows of the ., ally cars were frosted over on the inside of the glass. Drivers reported he driving conditions were abso-utely fabulous. Overnight some-hing less appealing had happened, hen it seems the event's Marketing anager complained that photog-aphers were standing at the wrong lace, although specifically uthorised by instructions to be lo-ated at that place -and the stew-rds ordered that eight of the most amous photographers had to sur-ender their tabards forthwith and ease their work. It was unprec-dented and barely credible that the . . erson charged with marking work Third overall m Swe?en_ went to Dame/ Carlsson and Bo Holmstrand, the Mitsubish,should have set into motion such a Lancer seen here ftghtmg the elements. lf d • f • 1 ---------'=------=--------------------se estruct1ve course o action, et was encouraging. In Stage 5 Hirvonen suffered alternator belt failure which caused the engine to overheat. The team ordered him to stop and wait to be recovered. Miss-ing at the end of Leg 1 was Luis Companc whose Focus was stuck alongside the road without the chance to regain the road but he started the second leg. In JWRC, home driver Ander-son started the day staving off a chal-lenge from another Suzuki driver Peter Zachrisson, who was one of the "Guest" JWRC drivers, ·while running well in sixth place was Kalle Pinomaki in a Group N car. On Stage 3 Patrik Sandell's Renault edged ahead of Andersson, but Andersson' s co-driver explained this March 2006 was the result of a compromise with how to get best use of the tyres. Mar-tin Prokop had an engine problem: it kept stopping for no apparent reason. No sooner was thts resolved than he had gearshift difficulties. Sandell went off and had to reverse hack a gain, having to stop momen-tarily in order to clear snow off the windscreen, so Andersson was back ahead again while Molder in the Fi-esta had the gear selector linkage fail. Fourth placed Wilks explained this event presented a difficult compro-mise in set up, between having a trac-tion-friendly car and a car that was . suitable for high speed sections. The Pole Kosciusuzko went off the road for a while. Leg2 7 Stages, gravel, 127.Skms. The Focus of Hirvonen re-started, albeit in 33rd position. Team Director Malcolm Wilson: "The water temperature actually reached 140 degrees, bur surprisingly there does not seem to have been any damage, so we allowed him to carry on." All the original. starters except one privateer were at the re-start. Petter Solberg, officially in 21st place overnight and Subaru team-mate Atkinson in 26th both re-started as well. Overnight clouds had cleared away and a cloudless sky at dawn greeted the drivers, which meant one thing, it was cold. Tem-• PORTABLE • POWERFUL • PRECISE 2" Capacity, tBlP Bends Steel, 4130, Stainless, Aluminum Square, Round, Bar, Pipe Perfec_t for the: • Race Car Builder • Small Fabrication Shop • Home Shop Call for a FREE BROCHURE alone that the stewards should-ac-cept a complaint and end the work of journalists without even first speaking to them. The race for third place between the two Mitsubishis raged onwards. Carlsson got ahead of Galli on Stage 7 but fell back on Stage 8. Ekstrom dropped back af-ter sliding off the road on Stage 7, not helped by a tyre choice error, while Sordo went off the road and lost six minutes. "We went off at a slow comer where there were no spec-tators. We had to wait for people to arrive ... " Katajamaki had his windscreen frosted over on the in-side. In the first two stages Gronholm took another seven sec-onds off Loeb. Loeb's co-driver Elena: "I guess we had the wrong tyres, we had assumed there would be rather more snow". The battle for third place was equally never ending, after 11 stages the gap was down to 2.4 seconds in favour of Cadsson. Wilson spent over two minutes in a snow bank and in the afternoon the high drama was when both OMV teammates Stohl and Henning Solberg crashed. Stohl had to retire, Henning arrived at service with no windscreen and snow piled high inside the cockpit. Katajamaki had power steering failure and a spin, Radstrom was going well for someone so out of practice, admit-ting the only problem in the car was (541)382-1573 www.tubeshark.com Manuf'actured B l5CD Dusty Times
Mikko Hirvonen and Jsrmo Lehtinen flew their Ford Foc11s RS Jsnne Tuohino and Risto Pietilainen drove their really great Petter Solberg and Philip Mills had a lousy rally, lots of problems, they to a 12"' place finish in Sweden, seen here in flight. looking Citroen Xsara to a loth place finish in Sweden. were finally excluded for an overtime stage start. "between the steering wheel and the ahead but admitted to a bad tyre when his slid off the road but main-on the third stage of the d_ay Carlsson gaining his first podium seat ... " Aigner was stuck for a minute choice for the long stage: "We had tained his lead, Sandell fell further Grnnholm had a hydraulic fluid finish result was hopefully the con-in a snow bank. This was the longest no choice we had already run out of back when he went off on Stage 11 leak problem and lost nine seconds· clusion to a long period of worry. "l groups of stages on the same set of the availability of the tyres which and again had snow all over the to Loeb. The Finn's lead shrunk to spent the evenings during the recce tyres, Atkinson admitting to a cata- would have been best." For seventh windscreen. Zachrisson lost a quar- 14.4 seconds. The furious race be- ringing round people asking them strophic error of choice. Teammate placed Solberg there was no place to ter hour on the long stage and tween the Mitsubishis for third place to sponsor me. Hopefully now I have Petter had gearbox trouble, having go. On the road section after the fi. dropped down to seventh in JWRC, continued non stop. On every stage the podium finish, the money will to drive Stage 11 stuck in fourth nal stage his car stopped with no oil so Aava rose to third. The second of the day until the final stage third start to arrive!" T uohino suffered gear. Once again the day finished pressure and he retired. Petter Solberg "Guest" driver Karlsson, went off on place changed hands. Galli edged engine problems at the end of the with firstly the 40km stage then a got going again and his earlier the first stage of the day and set • ahead on Stage 15 but Carlsson was final stage and stopped. This meant repeat of the short publicity stage in trouble but hit a snowbank on the about repairing his car ready for re- back again on 16. For a whole 24 that veteran driver Radstrom fin-Hagfors. Once again the battle for long stage and suffocated the air fil. starting on the Sunday. · hour period the.greatest gap between ished a surprised fifth in the RED the lead was intense and Loeb was ter with snow, then damaged the sus-Leg 3 them had been only 2.4 seconds! Subaru while Katajamaki was sixth, fastest, this time 2.3 seconds faster pension on the final stage of the day. 6 Stages, gravel, 90.18kms. Petter Solberg's bad rally continued: the third best manufacturer team than Gronholm. Gronholm admit-Andersson stayed ahead of The battles continued. Stohl re- he hit a snowbank and snow was finisher in an· old Stobart VW Fo-ted he had lost five seconds at the Sandell but Wilks left pare ferme joined the race after his accident the stuck on the windscreen. Solberg's cus. start when ·he stalled. "We were re-with only one wheel drive and not day before but Kristian Sohl berg misfortunes continued. At the start In JWRC Per.Gunnar Andersson, ally three seconds quicker! The day only lost over 23 minutes on the first had to remain on the sidelines after of the penultimate stage he could who led throughout, gained the first before we had been 0.8 seconds two stages (when he also went off his engine failure. All 12 world not start the·engine, indeed it took category win for the Suzuki Swift slower ... " There were battles all the the road), but staggered into service championship drivers and all 14 ten minutes before he eventually · ahead of Sandell and Aava, Suzuki way down the field. Carlsson was 13 minutes (2m 10s) late as well. Go- drivers in the JWRC category were reached the finish. The stewards drivers taking six of the top eight beaten by teammate Galli by0.9 sec-ing well was the "Guest" driver among the 59 crews at the restart. took careful note and put him out places. All 14 drivers in the category onds on the long stage (~I really take Zachrisson in his lgnis who, for ten The fight for fifth place ended when of his misery. By excluding him for were still running until the final stage, my hat off to him for that") and .stages, had been in third place. Ekstrom had an ele~tdcal problem breaking the "start in 20 seconds" when Zachrisson had to stop because ended the day only 0.3 seconds· Molder continued to suffer gearshift on the way to the first.stage of the rule, they spared him the agony of of alternator belt failure and Wilks' ahead, in third place. linkage problems in the Fiesta. day and then promptly went off the driving back to the finish of the hopes rose that he would gain one Fifth placed Ekstrom started the Prokop rolled his C2 but reached road: his Red Bull teammate Aigner event. point. Both T uohino and Zachrisson final stage 10. 9s ahead of T uohino service, but could not restart the car went off at the same place for a while! Gronholm held his lead to the successfully managed to get their cars but stalled twice and ended· die day because of an electrical problem. Norwegian Focus driver Thomas finish ahead of Loeb. The Mitsubi- clocked in to the tinal pares fermes. 0.ls in front. Tuohino had been Andersson damaged a brake pipe Schie retired with hydraulic failure. shi battle continued to the end. While forTuohino this secured him 55th Swedish International Rally 3/5.02.2006 Hagfors-Kartstad (S) WC round 2 .MRC round 1 WC points WR WD JC 1 (3) Marcus GRONHOLM/Timo Rautiainen FIN Ford Focus RS WRC EUSSBMV (GB) 3h.09m.01.9s. 10 10 2 (1) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena F/MC Citroen Xsara WRC 832DPT78 (F) 3h.09m.32.8s. 8 ·a 3 (63) Daniel Cartsson/Bo Holmstrand S Mifitubishi Lancer WRC KP54GXY(GB) 3h.11m.58.7s. - 6 4 (14) Gigi Galli/Giovanni Bemacchini I Mitsubishi Lancer WRC KR0SZKL (GB) 3h.12m.05.7s. - 5 5 (16) Thomas Radstrom/Jorgen Skallman S Sl.baru lmpreza Vo.RC XKS870 (S) 3h.14m.55.2s .. - 4 6 (10) Kosti KATAJAMAKlfrimoAla~ FIN_ Ford Focus RS WRC EG53AVD (GB) 3h.16m.36.7s. 6 3 7 (2) Xsvier PONS/Cartos Del Barrio E Citroen Xsara WRC 823DPT78 (F) 3h.17m.37.5s. 5 2 8 (8) Henning SOLBERG/Cato Menkerud N Peugeot307 WRC· 952PRV75 (F) 3h.18m.03.4s. 4 1 9 (19) Jimmy Joge/Mattias Andersson S Peugeot206 Vo.RC PEUGEOT(S) 3h.18m.19.1s. -10 (15) Janne Tuohino/Risto Pietilainen FIN Citroen Xsara WRC 833DFT78 (F) 3h.18m.44.9s.(1) Other important finishers 11 (6) Chris A TKINSON/GleM Maateall AUS Subaru lmpreza Vo.RC GT55SRT (GB) 3h.20m.35.4s. 3 12 (4) Mikko HIRVONEN/Janno Lehtinen FIN Ford Focus RS Vo.RC EU55BNA (GB) 3h.20m.59.3s.(2) 2 13 (17) Jan Kopecky/Filip Schovanek CZ Skoda Fabia WRC 4S8 917 4 (CZ) 3h.21 m.21.2s. -14 (9) Matthew WILSON/Michael Orr GB Ford Focus RS WRC 1ES (GB) 3h.23m.42.3s. 1 15 (73) Juho Hanninen/Marko Sallinen FIN Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX N AU 3607 (FIN) 3h.24m.16.8s. + -16 (21) Daniel SordolMarc Mi.ti E Citroen Xsara WRC 834DPT78 (F) 3h.-24m.19.6s. -18 (7) Manfred STOHUllka Minor A 274PWX:T5 (F) 3h.28m.06.7s.(3) 19 (35) Per-Gunnar+ Jonas Andersson S .MRC JXD764 (H) 3h.29m.18. 7s. * -20 ( 41) Patrik Sandell/Emil Axelsson S · JVvRC XNM403 (S) 3h.30m.11.8s. -Peugeot307 Suzuki Swift 10 Renault Clio 8 Vo.RC 22 (33) Unno Aava/Kuldar Sikk EE Suzuki Swift JWRC JXD624 (H) 3h.32m.13.8s. - 6 23 (22) Luis CompancJJose Votta RA Ford Focus RS WRC • EF04\I\/BW (GB) 3h.34m.07.8s. -25 (37) Pavel Valousek/Pierangelo Scalvini CZ/I Suzuki Swift JWRC SSE001 (H) 3h.36m.01.0s. - 5 26 (50) Kalle Pinomaki/Mikko Markkula FIN Renault Clio JWRCN AU7170 (FIN) 3h.37m.24.5s. - 4 30 ( 45) Jozef Beres/Petr Stary SK/CZ Suzuki lgnis JWRC KES047 (SLK) 3h.43m.36.5s. - 3 . 34 (59) Peter Zachrisson/Jan Svanstrom S Suzuki lgnis JWRC AX87649 (N) 3h.50m.24.6s.(1) 2 37 (44) Michal Kosciuszl<o/Jaroslav Baran PL Suzuki Dusty Times Henning Solberg dropped from sev-Carlsson pulled out everything to 10th place but no points, Zachrisson enth to tenth because he had to stop take third, and the final podium was classified seventh in JWRC and and change a wheel on the stage _ position, just under seven seconds gained two points, Wilks thereby when the rim broke up without ahead of Galli, who was disap- dropped down to ninth and out of warning ("at over 165kph!") while pointed with fourth. For privateer the points. ~ 7&1 B IIIIBIMEBB OIi RACE TEAM Dri,iog SuHs • Crew Uoffllrms • Crew Shir/s Poto Shirts• Team Jackets •Hats• Gear Bags ~ l&li&aT MO,.,,..,...Ta • •rm IVll:Dllfl • EIIIIIIIUI IVll:llll5 11111111'; UIIWIIEII • &IHI FJl.lllllll/ll'S • RJlt::E 11/EJIIIF lflllllllllC1S • ni.lDMI IIILIIJIIII WE IIIUIIH.IIIIIE • 1#11111111 l:JIIUii 1111' l:DBIIIUI March 2006 Page 47
This column may, from time to time, contain adult language. We hereby request anyone under the age of 18 to stop reading this immediately and get some adult supervision before continuing. ed The Straight Poop from the BIGWAHZOO NEW CLUB OFFICERS -On Wednesday the 17th the Club elected a new panel of Club Offic-ers. In a surprise move, a team of four potential candidates unexpect-edly showed up and ran as 'write-ins' against another four member team of potential officers already on the ballot ... and chaos ensued. After all the d.ust settled, the candi-dates on the write-in team won. Our Checker Club Officers for 2006 are Robert Harman (President), Mike Duenas (Vice President), Jake Smith (Treasurer), and Mark Nacke (Secretary). Congratulations, gentlemen! AWARDS BANQUET -On Saturday night January 21st a crowd of 80 people assembled at an Italian restaurant in North Hol-lywood for our Annual Checker's Awards Banquet. With the Big Wahzoo acting as MC, the evening started out with all the beer and/ or wine ya could drink, along with a1 all-you-could-eat Lasagna and trimmings dinner. Then presenta-tions of the appreciation and achievement awards for 2005 were awarded to the deserving. 'Appre-ciation Awards' were given out to Jeff Hibbard (Prez), Roy Moore (VP), George Thompson (Trea-surer), Jim Gregory (Secretary), Steve Luport (Equipment Man-ager), and George Seeley (Equip-ment Custodian). Checker 'Achievement Awards' were presented to the following: 'Pitter of the Year' went to San Diego's Greg Krasnow. 'Pit Captain of the Year' went to Ed Jahn. 'Rookie of the Year' went out to Andrew Neal for pitting, being pit captain, and winning an impressive race all during his first year as a Checker. 'Driver of the Year' was awarded to Rich 'Stretch' Severson for his winning efforts, which in-cluded his second SCORE Class Points Championship in a row. George Thompson was named 'Checker of the Year' for his nu-merous efforts for the benefit of the Club in 2005, besides serving as our Treasurer. And, for only the second time in our Club's history, a 'Life Time Achievement Award' was bestowed to one of our mem-bers. The .Reverend Roy Moore earned his for his continuous 15 years of duty above and beyond the call on behalf of the Club. Con-gratulations to all the recipients! A huge raffle wrapped up the evening, with everyone present winning some-thing ... and it appeared that a good another Page 48 time was definitely had by all. LAUGHLIN -This popular SCORE race saw the Checkers sup-porting nine race vehicles, with seven finishers. With this basically being a short course event the Club regu-lar rules were kinda loosely applied, with Milo Brown entering two ve-hicles and the Club helping out Michelle Bruckmann (Vic's wife). Ironically, Mrs. Bruckmann beat George Seeley in Class 5, for the Club's only win, George did pick up the second place spot and had a 'veto' over the Club supporting her. .. but didn't use it. Both cars had some down time during the race, with George stopping for a driver change at one point, and adding two quarts of oil to a sick engine. The Bruckmanns tor-mented Seeley all weekend, with Vic winning $3000 in the 'Laughlin Leap' in his wife's buggy over See-ley, who once again had to settle for second. The Bruckmanns, Vic and Michelle respectably, also took home a fist full of cash with a first and second in the 'Pit Challenge' after the two non-Checker cars in front of them were disqualified be-cause of illegal wheel spacers. Con-gratulations to this prospective Checker and his wife on a great weekend ... and to George for being a good sport about the whole deal. Our other racers finished as fol-lows: Roger Byrd, in his Class 7S truck, got a fourth place running in Class 7SX. Vic Bruckmann earned a sixth place finish in his Class 12. Jim Greenway earned a ninth with his Class 12 ride. Brian Steele was 14th in Class 1/2-1600. And Ray Files ended up with a 23rd in his 1/2-1600. On the down March 2006 side, both of Mile Brown's entries DNFed, with the 12 car breaking up the front end and his 7SX truck rolling over. The Checkers had a great pit location thanks to Ed Jahn. Lotsa Checker members were in attendance for the show. And, thanks to the Valascos and Milo Brown for all the fast food they brought out for all their brother Checkers throughout Saturday. MORE 250-The Checkers sent five buggies up to this race in Luc-erne, with all of them finishing. Andrew Neal had our best finish despite having to nurse his 1/2-1600 car, with a slipping clutch, into the finish line on the last lap for a third place. Vic Bussey was right behind Neal for the fourth place spot, despite having some down time for some welding. Mike McGee and Jimmy Tucker salvaged a fifth place finish despite suffering a roll over in their Class 10 car. Ray Files finished with a tenth in his 1/2-1600, with Brian Potts fol-lowing him in for a 12th after roll-ing his 1/2-1600 and then having electrical problems. Good show, Guys. PARKER 425 -This BITD race also had a good Checker turn out, but the race conditions were ter-rible ... absolutely NO wind on this 80 degree day. Not even a breeze for the 193 entries most of the event. Out best finishes were third places turned in by Tom Koch and Jimmy Tucker in Tom's Pro Truck, and Chad Hall in the pickup truck Hummer, despite the Hummer run-ning out of fuel twice during the race. Doug Brown ran in the Tro-phy Truck class with a Pro Truck running a big motor, finishing fifth. Robert 'bushwhacker' Harman (our new Club Prez) tried to mow down all the grease wood bushes along the course with his 10 car in the thick dust, but still ran right up near the front of the pack. Finally a coil wire problem caused him enough down time to drop him back into a respectable fourth place finish. Josh Hall ended his 8 race winning streak in his H2 Hummer when an electrical fire put his 'big yellow box' out of the race. But he wasn't through, as his Dad turned his new H3 Hummer over to him to finish the race for a first place in that class. And, Dennis Crowley was still moving at last report in a badly wounded Sunderland SUV, as night descended. Two of our buggies DNFed. Gregg Hawks lost his tranny in his 1/2-1600 ride. And, the Gilliam, McCool and McCool Class 5 car saw Dick lose the motor shortly af-ter he got in to run the last lap. MIKEY UPDATE: Childress par-layed his great winning 2005 sea-son into a Trophy Truck ride at this race. Driving Jesse Jones back up truck, Mikey took full advantage to strut his stuff on four wheels in-stead of two. At about the halfway point, with only about 20 miles ex-perience in the vehicle, our young hero had the truck solidly in sec-ond place right behind Robby Gordon. Before he was able to di-rectly challenge Gordon, he pitted to put the other Honda factory rider in the truck. This other guy had pretty much zero experience in four wheel racing, but this Honda/ Trophy Truck team brought the truck to the finish in third place and ninth overall. Mikey and his ® The Suspension Company. Dusty Times
talent are obviously goin' places in major motorsports, and the ol' Wahzoo will be keepin' ya informed of his progress periodically in this column. SOUR NOTE: On the sec-ond lap, out at the Checker pit at Graham Well, Marc Stein's passen-ger felt it was important to stick his arm out the side window and give us all 'The Finger' as Stein's SUV went. Hmmm? Probably something to keep in mind if he ever stops into your Checker pit for some 'free' help. r4etl' By Lisa Kennedy FAIR members began the 2006 racing season in Laughlin, Nevada, on January 12th thru the 15th for SCORE's Laughlin Desert Chal-lenge. Five FAIR members, includ-ing Brian Parkhouse, Brent Park-house, Curt Geer, Gerardo Iribe and Chuck Sacks, entered the four day event. Although none came away with a win, they all had quite some adven-ture trying. Brian Parkhouse drove in Class l and had a fairly smooth race, only having to replace a bent upper A-arm to finish the race in third place. He was joined in the car by his wife, Rhonda, on Saturday, and by his son, Cody "Throttle Boy" Parkhouse, on Sunday. This was the first time that either of them had rid-den with Brian in a race. Rumor has it that Uncle Brent is grooming Cody to take over driving the 1/2-1600 class car for him. Brent Parkhouse had a more dif-ficult time completing the race than did Brian. Brent, driving in 1/2-1600, suffered a broken axle on Saturday at the start of the second lap. They believed their racing for the weekend was over until Mirage drove an axle to them from San Diego, and after staying up most of the night replac-ing it, they were able to race again on Sunday. His luck did not fair much better on Sunday as he rolled the car, but thanks to Ebert's pit crew who rolled him back onto his wheels, he was able to complete the race. Curt Geer also racc;:d in the 1/2-1600 class, for his first time racing in his own car in the SCORE series. He did very well finishing fifth out of 36 competitors in the class. Gerardo lribe, new to 1/2-1600 after driving in 5-1600 for quite a few years, fin-ished the race in 24th position. Chuck Sacks finished the race on Sunday in 10th place in the 1200 class. He drove with his daughter, Erica, on Saturday and with his wife, Debbie, on Sunday. As with the Park-house co-drivers, this was both of their first time riding in a race as well. The MORE Damzl 250 on Janu-ary 28, 2006, brought out FAIR rac-ing teams, as well as many members and volunteers to offer pit support. Four FAIR members finished victori-ous, including Scott Wisdom in the combined Class 10 and Class 12 divi-sion, Curt Geer in Class 1/2-1600, Ken and Shelby Tolbert in Class 5-1600, and Girl and Stretch Gowland in their Jeep Speed. This was Scott Wisdom's first time racing in his new 1205 car, so that made this victory that much more exciting for him. Scott had some problems getting his car started before the race, but the way the car ran during the race you would never have suspected this. Scott came into Pit A on Lap 4 for fuel, a driver's change and for welding of his front shock mount. Thanks to every-one at Pit A the car left the pit in un-der three minutes. Scott handed the car over to Frank Wagner in first place, and Frank had two fast laps and brought the car in for the win. Curt Geer had a great race with no problems throughout the race. "It was an uneventful race, everything went smooth", he stated. He only had to stop once at FAIR Main Pit for fuel in the third lap, and then he was l:RPRECISION.COM 2865 Gundry Ave. nal Hill, CA 90755 HPFaa. ,'OJ/Coo Driving Suits Rod End Boots Neo Synthetic QI/ Penormance Plumbing l~I ~ Ftt:Jt_· 562-427-2375 ~~I•l~•J --· @ Dusty Times back in the action to finish the race at the top of the podium. Ken and Shelby Tolbert, driving in the orange #578, ran a phenom-enal race, setting the fastest lap times of any 5-1600 car in the race, and finishing the race ahead by eight min-utes. Matt Summers, from Profes-sional Tires, and Eric Clark from Pit Stop Fabrication, were in the car for the first half of the race. Ken and Shelby want to thank them for all their help and support to the KST team. Matt and Eric handed the car over to Ken and his son, John, for the last half of the race in first place, and they sped along the course just as quickly. Just to make the race a bit more challenging for them, the steer-ing wheel broke in the last 20 miles of the race, and John kept encouraging Ken to hang onto the car ... "Only 15 more miles, only 10 more miles, etc.", until they crossed the finish line in first place. Though they were able to finish victorious, Giti and Stretch Gowland's race was not without problems. The motor mounts and sub-frame broke not long into the race, and they had to strap the mo-tor up in the frame with two tire straps. Giti and Stretch endured a very noisy last lap and after the race Girl stated, "I can't believe the damn thfng didn't blow up." Team Damzl driver, Jennifer Clemison, finished in fourth in her pink 132. Husband Tony Nguyen, with co-driver Jarrad Midlik were in the car for the first three laps of the race, and handed it over to Jennifer and co-driver, Dan Normadin for the last half of the race. They had some issued with the shocks overheat-ing, some communication problems, and both right side tires going flat at once, but were able to pull out a fourth place finish helping the move-ment to "Feminize the Machine". Dan12l Inc., the sponsor of car# 132 and the sponsor of this MORE race, specializes in designing gear exclusively for women. \•i· Custom Dt111ceShoclc™ ••lncreasb'oif-Road Control & Agility < Package • Eliminate Suspension "Bottoming" JounceShocks are factory set at 150 psi and are fully adjustable • Enhance Rock Crawling Capacity Chris Bowman and Jerry Longo drove for "Can Do Racing" in car #502, and came away with a second place finish. Jerry Longo drove the first three laps with Chuck Militello, and suffered a broken bolt on the power steering ram at the rack and pinion that put them down for 30 minutes as it was being repaired. Driv-ing "lickity split", according to Johnny Brockway, Jerry made up much of the lost time, and handed the car over to Chris Bowman and Johnny Brockway on Lap 4. Chris was able . . , Mounting Sleeves , contain custom gussets designed for strong, quick installation -nding Plates .250" steel ing for targeting ceShocks acing.com all today for more info ... 00-525-6505 Target;ng high mobility suspension, chassis protection and fabrication solutions to keep up the pace and came into start/finish in second place. Scott Boyd, Mike Kanauch, and Wayne Ritherford raced in 1/2-1600 and finished in sixth, 13th, and 14th place respectively. In Class 9, father and son, Ron Rash and Cody Rash, finished the race with a third and fourth place finish. Robert MacDonald, in #976, . had problems in the first lap, break-ing a Gall joint and having some mo-tor issues, and they were not able to Continued on page 50 Die-CasCAluminum Integrated Starter/Ballast Quick Change Bracket 35 Watt D2 Bulb Limited Lifetime Warranty We pay Contingency 8" HID $425.00 Black 6" HID $400.00 Black Available in CHROME Cover I ncludcd March 2006 Page 49
A iremit Spruce is a wm1dwide distributor oi. quality products for tile rac~ ing, industey•. Our product line of over 30,000 items is one of the mos1 extensive from 0t1e single source. Our set1tice has made us the m1mbcr on..:: supplier in avjatioo and is why over 350 r.lce teams have turned to us as a tru:11ed source for ra~ing components! www .aircraftspruce.com ,,.,., ,,_,., Mam, __ ,,,_,,.. ·-~. llotllt,ctlllfl, _, s,,t• ~ 4 i!ii • BEST SELECTION! LOWEST PRICES/ SAME DAY SHIPMEIIT!i Visit Our Corona1 CA store! AIRCRAfl SPRUCE WEST ZlS Airport C:irt:k C(IJ'qR(I, CA 91880-1521 pl,. 951,312-9555 fax 9SJ-J'IJ.05S5 Orawflff Farl"1/lif lbtfflscata.to,r lnfo@alrcratt.,,,...ce.com 1-877-4-SPRUCE .. ... . ~ ' complete the race. Greg Crew's team ended the race in fifth place in Class 1300, in his Lucas Oil sponsored car. Brian Crew drove the first two laps, and Butch Warden brought it around to finish the race. They suffered a flat in the sand wash and FAIR members rushed to their aid to get them back into the race just as quickly as they could. Class 5-1600 drivers Ben Monroy and Raulo Solano in #571, and Steve Lang and Cory Geer finished the race in ninth and tenth places respectively. Eric Fiorino, driving in Class 1450, completed the race in second place. Ryan Lesher had to make a few pit stops along the way due to his car running too lean, but took a fourth place finish in Class 10 before the day was out. Denis Beckwith and his family had a rough day in their #709 truck . Denis and his son, Matt, ran the first lap, and then Matt and his sister, Sarah, took over for the second lap. Trying to get out of the way of an-other car, Matt rolled the truck. The Beckwith family would like thank ev-eryone who helped out after the roll-over, getting the necessary communi-cations across and transporting Matt out. Matt and Sarah are both doing well. FAIR was not officially support-ing the MDR Wildwash 250, but three FAIR members raced on Feb-ruary 4th in Barstow, CA. Tom and Craig Reynolds finished in second place in the 1450 class. Giti Gow-land took 13th place in his Jeep Speed, and Guy Savedra finished in 16th in 1/2-1600. A special thanks to all FAIR members, including Dave Massingham, Harry and Christopher Dunne, Jim Frey,'l3utch, and every-one else who went out to support these racers in this event. February 4, 2006, was also the Best in the Desert in Parker, Ari-zona. FAIR members Kevin Reid and Terry Tolbert ran in the 2000 ( 1/2-1600) class. After rolling in the first lap, along with getting stuck in Osborn Wash for an hour in the first lap, they were able to pull out a fourth place finish out of 15 cars in their class. Congratulations to them and their team on a great race. FAIR THANKS: FAIR would like to recognize and thank all the supporters behind the scenes (the pit crews, the families, the tech guys, the sponsors, and the sup-porters), for making every race day as exciting for everyone as it is. The racers and their vehicles make the races, but it is the people behind the racers that make the races happen. Thanks to everyone for their sup-It may be the off season for rallyists here in the Oregon/ Southwest Washington area, but that does not mean your ORO officers and volunteers are taking much time off. Plan-Specializing in LS1-LS2-LS6-LS7 complete crate e·ngines Page so VB Packages starling at $5,300 Call l'or details Home of the 5 wire install 7&0-94""1-274""1 .TurnKevEnu■ne_co March 2006 ning and organization of the Oregon Trail Rally are in full swing under the direction of Matt Tabor, new events are· be-ing actively pursued in Central Oregon around Bend and in Goldendale, Washington. Si-mon Levear is working hard to cement his Mount Hood Rally again for late in the year. Add to that, April Smith's work on a new season of raUycross <;vents, plus some promising news from•the SCCA National Convention. In the world of stage rally, the ORO has decided that it will combine with events from the Washington organizers to form a northwest championship com-prised of Rally America ·and NASA events. This regional championship will recognize the usual car classes along with a novice class champion. Gone Dusty Times
w1 e t e arc aic classes one, two and three, which had its day, but now, with the dispar-ity in vehicle performance has been outdated for some time. All in all, it looks to be a promising season of stage rally competition. In road rally, this season will see the ORG kick off it's first event for the benefit of the fight against Parkinson's disease. July's Rally 'Round PIR (Port-land International Raceway) will start in Wilsonville at Gran Prix Imports and wind its way around the edges of Portland to i .1G-.1JEB.EQB the race trac w ere t e irst o two regularity runs will be run. A couple of hours later, after the rest of the legs have been run, cars will return to PIR to re-run the track and try to match their time exactly. This format has always proved· popular and a large entry is ex-pected. Soon our new ORG membership cards should be dis-tributed to all, and we have a patch for your jacket or driving suit in the works, which will be available long enough before the Oregon Trail Rally to adorn your driving suit. Other membership C~BAIUQ I IQWQ~I GQ.AtllGI Since 1999, Ram Proline has provided ceramic and powder coating for all vour needs with an oven 25 ft in depth. • WE CAN COAT CHASSIS, DUNE BUGGY FRAMES, TRAILERS, GATES, IRON FENCING, AND MORE IN A VARIETY OF COLORS. • RAM PROUNE ALSO OFFERS SAND BLASTING. • WE CAN COAT ALL INTERNAL ENGINE PARTS, EXHAUST SYSTEMS, BRAKE CALIPERS, INTAKE MANIFOLDS, ANO MANY OTHER APPLICATIONS. RAM PROLINE DOES IT ALL Dusty Times - ENGINE CONTROL .... rr-, DAT~$~STEMS POWERING 11-IE OVERALL WINNERS OF THE ~k1000 111;/E €HO/CE OJ: CHAMPIONS ENGINE CONTROL Standalone Engne Managementtbr 4-12 cyl engines Sequential Injection and Distributor-less igni6on Jntema/ Logging with clos«Uoop lambda mapping Custom harnesses made for your application Complete systems from $5000 DATA SYSTEMS Data Loggers with up to 128MB of memory Powerful software to collect and analyze data Steering wheel and dashboard clsplays Support available for SCORE and BITD Made in the USA. perks are in the works and will be announced as soon as the board approves them. Speaking o( the Oregon Trail Rally, we are working some serious pomp and circumstance for the event as or-ganizers are working on obtain-ing a permit top display the rally cats the Wednesday before the event at Pioneer Courthouse Square in downtown Portland. The added exposure will surely bring attention to our ORG and hopefully get a few more people involved in out beloved rally sport. Our first event of 2006 will be March 26th, a rallycross at ER Technology Inc. 4025 SpencerSt #102 Torrance, CA 90503 Tel. (310) 793-2505 Fax (310) 793--2514 www.efitechnology.com Washington County Fairplex to whet your appetites. We will then concentrate on the April 21-23 running of the Oregon Trail be-fore returning with a full slate of rallycross, stage rally and road rally event through October. More information is available at www.Oregonrally.com f.B66.1/W.STUl=I= • f.B66.B97.BB~~ March 2006 Page 51
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. HUSTLE~ concePTs ~f'.AJA SHOP . (since 1967) ! PAE ALJnnEAS l=lL...LJm1num UJ□AH Sl=IEC:ll=IL...ITY Jesse Rodriguez PH: 714-997-0701 Fax:714-997-0758 I 714 N Lemon SI, Orange.CA. 92867 www.~~stlerconce pts.com_j JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner· ~,a I I■ •~~Tl IT~ •~• LL~ I I LI I~ Quality Racing Transaxles Mendeola Dealer Off Road - Sand Specialist JOE GIFFIN 3061 E. La Jolla St. 11! Anaheim. California 92806 (7 14) 632- 1240 Fax (714) 632-1223 Email: jgtrans@pacbell.net www.JGTranswerks.com ~-------------..... ,,,,_ ______ ,__.._, ,// I 4/_l82) Mike Julson -.. 9426 Wheatlands Court Santee, CA 92071 619-596-3360 619-596-3364fax HONDA Power • • OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. www .Kawaguchihonda.com 3532 EAST 3RD ST. LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 ..ART KAWAGUCHI 1 Fax 323-264-2136 323-264-5858 Derek Kreger PH: 114.289.9048 Fil: 114.631.1854 1214 N. Parker Unti #3 Orange, CA 92867 nus1iJli1mos Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619} 596-0886 Window Nets• Seat Covers• Mounting Hardware www.mastercraftseats.com 11433 Woodside Avenue• Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455 • Fax: 619/449-9454 YOUR OFF-ROAD Catch us on the Net! SPECIALISTS/ www.mckenzies.com www.Jlmcorace.com PHONE: (714) 441-1212 FAX: (714) 441-1622 .It .. , George Jimenez Se Habla Espanol RACING ENGINES COMPLETE ENGINES • PARTS & DYNO SERVICE 535 E. Central Park Ave. Anaheim, CA 92802 Tel: (714) 535.5116 Fax: (714) 535-5816 JON KINNE AUTO ELECTRIC 809-F N. Lakeview Ave., Placentia, CA 92870 Tel. 714- 779-2316 • Fax 714- 779-5012 T RO'r JGHl·!SC>ll (951) 779-9395 2061 Third Street, Unit A Riverside, CA 92507 Specializing in custom off1 oad race irucks ,• • Prsrunnt-rs • 8ally c;;rf , Cu:Y.n1 Fabnc.21:r::n , faCJ'/8r1c-:d Su~r1=nsic1n Tt-cl·1n,·.:;,~1g'/ t R1:s=:-a1,J, & [,e .. E-!r,1:n-1~r1l KAL OFFROAD RACING Metal Fabrication ~-:::"-~.:.,....;.:,:,,--.,_ Custom Suspensions www.KALoffroad.com Kurt Larmee (805) 466-4101 ----8408 K El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 For Very Few Dollars A Month Your Ad Here Can Increase Your Sales By A Bunch Call Dusty Times 818-882-0004 POWER E STEERING THOMAS E. LEE Engineering LEE MFG. CO. 11661 PENDLETON.STREET SUN VALLEY, CA91~ FAX (818) 798-2687 (818) 788-0371 A full line of~ St~ gears, pumps and accesaories for any type of racing. Magnaflux and Zyglo facilities available. *Custom Chassis *Race Prep 'Aluminum Work *Welding 'Magnaflux FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 (909} 596-5497 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER . 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CA 92806 MIKE MENDEOLA 290 Trousdale Drive, Suite I & J Chula Vista, CA91910 (619) 691-1000 24 Hour Fax (619) 691-1324 Todd Dwyer 1900 Compton Ave. Suite 101, Corona, CA 92881 Phone (951)817-0101 Ext.156 www.mickeythompsontires.com 619-562-5533 Off Road Fabrication and Design Function/Strength/Safety/Pride • Sand Cars Made by Hand in the USA • Trucks • Race Cars • Prerunners • Rally Cars • Custom 8966 Benson Ave., Suite D Montclair, CA 91763 JOHN MOSELFY 909-949-8161 Owner/Fabricator Fax 909-949-8162 I
RACE CARS PRERUNNERS SAND CARS JIM MOULTON 42231 6TH STREET KEST 11201 LANCASTER C4 113534 661-974-7961 Mso· •t.::J ,,, Jr.,:'* •4~'• t••&.,•J! • YOUR COMPLETE IGNITION SO~RCE GNITIONS • DISTRIBUTORS • WIRES • REV CONTROLS AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION 1490 HENRY BRENNAN DR., EL PASO, TX 7993E 19151 857-5200 • TFr.H LINE 19151 855-7123 • VISIT OUR WEB SITE: www.msd1gmtion.com TUBE BENDERS ¼" TO 3" O~D. Capacity Models Starting at $279.00!!!! M-TECH SUPPLY TUBE BENDERS • PIPE BENDERS • TUBE NOTCHERS RING ROLLERS • COLD SAWS • ABRASIVES www.mtEchsupply.com 4B0-725-2B75 NORB offroad superstore HEIM JOINTS - WELD IN BUNGS - TABS BUSHINGS - JOHNNY JOINTS HIGH MISALIGNMENT SPACERS IN STOCK• READY TO SHIP WORLDWIDE.,.~~ 1-888-755-5900 ~ We ct1n Bet1dlock(ga..ij~"',,. YOUR RIMS!! ... ~ 'J S. f" ATV P£/WIR.,,,.,IU "'"11NOS ~ ,zes to ,t most . .. ., ... _ & AUTOMOTIVE applications POLISHED & COLORED FINISHES SCALLOPED OR CONVENTIONAL Reinforcing Rings Also Available Phone - (951) 354-8272 WWW. QMf PERf QRMANCE. com 1 Dune Buggy Parts Race Car Parts Foreign Car Parts New Truck Acc. Dept. Custom Machine Work & Fabrication 1 (800) 231-8156 2525 E. 16th St.• Yuma, AZ 85365 (520) 783-6265 • FAX (520) 783-1253 PFR (909) 360-5906 FAX (909) 360-0436 PARKER PUMPER HELMET COMPANY 3834 Wacker Drive Mira Loma, CA 91752 !51!: HAROLD NICKS 1~w~@Vl}a3@'=rf'I SAFETY EQUIPMENT MAXON, MOTOROLA, ROADMASTER, VERTEX RADIOS BELL, 'stioE1, SIMPSON HELMETS 1·N s1ocK WIRiNG FOR RADIO &/OR l!'l.'TERCOM STIU. O:\:LY S 12'>. -2888 GUNDRY AVE. mM SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 • I I 562-427-8177 I 800-869-5636 ~ ■ A. • For A Few Bucks You Can Increase Your Productivity 818-882-0004 DUSliYliilGS ABRICATION, INC 1660 Babcock. Building B Costa Mesa. CA 92627 TEL 1949) 650-3035 FAX 1949) 650-4721 www.penhallfab.com penhallfab@aol.com Jerry Penhall • All Types of Steel CJ Aluminum Fabrication • Tube Bendinc • Aluminum CJ Stael W.ldinc • Custom Machine Work • All Types of Race Cars 4851 W. Hacienda #4 Las Vegas, NV 89118 Bruce Fraley 702-365-9055 ._!:a--..--·~ . ~--iai---~--~'~T-r-,~ ~ =-=-~~ ~ •oc,yHc~~III ~ , 3055 Westhaven St Orange, CA 92865 Ph 714-283-3537 E-MAIL PSWONE@SBCGLOBAL.net Fax 714-283-4757 PlAYTECH FABRICATION 3031 E. Coronado St. Suite E, Anaheim, CA 92806 Phone: (714) 238-1179 Fax: (714) 238-1183 www.playtechfabrication.com Phone: 360.887.2000 • Fax: 360.887.7279 www.precisionalloy.com John Gould ,PRO PAOTAUCK RAC/NG OAGAN/ZA T/ON A High Performance Spec V8 Race Truck Series "The True Driver's Class" Protruck Sales and Promotion Website: www.protruck.com Email: protruck@prodigy.net ,'el: 619-3~252 Fax:619-390-6470 14402 Bond Court El Cajon, CA 92021 perlormance Wire harnesses J.oe Davltlan Pgr: · 818•941•9475
,,. Hi-Performance Equipment Suspension • Safety • Driveline • Accessories (619) 691-9171 (619) 691-9174 (619) 691-0803 (FAX) I I I 103 Press Lane, Suite #4 Chula Vista, CA 91910 e-mail: rprod1@aol.com ARCING ENGINES Building SCORE winning engines 619.420.2233 45 Broaawa~ Chula Vista. CR 91910 raderracing.com , ERFORIINCE• TRINSIIL ES Southern CalUomla's Largest Distributor ot Mendeola Transalles PH: 114.680.6131 • Fil: 114.680.3110 Toll Free: 800.304.8126 will get you ii gear SWilg axle, ••s, bewlaad, M04S 3455 S. POLARIS #5 LAS VIGAS, NEVADA 89102 JOHN 0.0. lllllIDN (702) 221-4383 (702) &87-9724 QuAUrY lsNT &PENSIVE, Ir's PRICELESS! VALIIE TRAIN PRoDUCIS • CUSTOM HEAD WORK 760/948-4698 • FAX 760/948-4856 !lllnlVIIV.RDVALVESPRIIVG. C:OIVI Barry Beacham 27231 Burbank Ave. Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 Office 949-837-4388 Cell 949-466-4781 barry@raceprepservices.com www.raceprepservices.com A Tatum Distributor 5294 N. Casa Grande Hwy • Ste 102 520_850_3693 Tucson, Az 85743 [f1fj SANDERS SERVICE, INC. , METAL PROCESSING . 5921 Wilmington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 (323) 583-2404 FAX (323) 583-'.3%5 SANDBLAST-GLASS BEAD-MAGNETIC PARTICLE FLOURESCENT INSPECTION MARKSMJTH LARRYSMJTH LAURA RICHARD S. B. ENGINEEAING "SUPER BOOT11 HCR66, BOX 11030 PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV.89048 (775) 372-5335 TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821 (714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 JOB SITE SIGNS• B.\IINERS • \\Ir/DOW LmEP.lt,G • C,\R LETTERltlG • GRAPHICS SGUEAK & MARGIE COATS 51 O 1 Gal·:1ay Circle • Hunt;ngto'1 Beacr CA 921349 (714) 897-0075 • Fe\ [7141 694 -9567 f£DUVlll£GM SJ/AIT PflFIIJ/AICf I 1-800-MY MUFFLER • RACEFUELS Paul Oil Company (209) 847-2281 1_800) 527-6090 FAX (209) 847-9726 PO. Box 248 • 524 N. Sierra Ave. Oakdale, California 95361 <e::(uNsEf)> Det!flgn Fabrication lnstailatlon cf:»~¥'i'.::U:-Z:.2r " You,r GluAa.tT'Y 5,a,.. C o M,,.AHY" AmvtPUTERIZE0VINYLGRAPHICS&LETTER/NG ltll·II VISA I ,-. LO-COST BLOG SIGNS (AU: PROCESSES) -"'-TRAOE SI-OW 0/SPLA'rS ~ RACING GRAPHICS '0ETAILE0& LN/QUE OES/GNS ~ FLEET VEHICLES ,-H~QUAL/TY B,11,NNERS ~MAGNETICS r-WGO REPRODtx:TONS ~ REAL ESTATE -"'LOGO & GRAPHIC 0ESIGN ,,.._DECALS 2 180 College Drive • Lake Havasu City • AZ. 8 64 0 3 Call Toll Free: 877-627-8852 or E-Mail: info@tcsperformance.com • Hi Performance Converters Custom Length Axles• • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed Hubs • (for Race & Recreation) Input Shafts • American Made Excellence!! TLR Performance Fabrication Tim Lawrence 1243 Greenfield Dr. Suite D El Cajon, CA 92021 ASA Racing Products P.O. Box 711088 Santee, Ca 92072 WWI/,, asaracmgprOd.com (619) 447-1289 "DI lcblN llcffl Clul II" Andre,, Kellv Office: 1-866-70-TORCO Fa,r (619) 582-5386 E-Mail· andrewt<@asaracingprod.com
TO · . PoWIII• RACING BATTERIES l<~n Pa:arlz:a:a Military Grade Batteries • Battery Boxes • Battery Chargers Custom Battery Cables • Misc. Electrical Accessories 2046 Fairhope Loop, Vista, CA 92081 Business (760) 734-1678 Fax (760) 734-1323 www.totalpowerbatteries.com * Off-Road and Bolt-On to Street Fiberglass for: "Ford, C~evy and Toyota" Trucks * Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1261 N. Buena Vista St., Hemet ca. 92543 Ph: 951-654-7334 Fax: 951-654-2375 See a list of our products at our well site: http://www.off-roadftberglass.com I RANstiXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD (818) 998-2739 9763 Variel Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 Kevin Pirtle 22545 South Normandie Ave. Torrance, California 90501 310.782.2413 fax 310. 782.3 772 ~/ ransworks ~~ PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES ~ AUTHORIZED MENDEOLA DEALER STOCK & CUSTOM SAND* STREET * RACE www .transworks.biz ERIC LAUNDRIE 24752 VIEJAS BLVD. DESCANSO, CA 91916 (619) 445-3135 [UjP) UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10729 WHEATLANDS AVENUE, SUITE #A SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 92071 TEL • 619 / 449-9690 FAX • 619 / 449-8424 (619) 596-8033 1 ooo W . Bradley, Unit a El Cajon, CA 92020 ~~ Carlos Orozc~ Foilplex-?qmo.--:o October 9 & 10 CL. l3::L~\J~l~ r E,U,UJ .. ~~H-.. 4}1.7'lt" CLBRYANT.COM "Quality Fuels & Products for Motorsports"' Website· www.vpracingluels.com VP Racing Fuels, Inc. West Coast Region P.O. Box 1319 34283 Monte Vista Wildomar,_CA 92595 VP RACING FUELS INC AUTHORIZE DISTRIBUTOR RR AUTOSPECIAL PARTS, S. DE R.l. DE C.V. CALLE PRIVADA FRAY MA1'ORGA 17026 ZONA INDUSTRIAL GARITA DE OTAY TIJUANA, O.C TEL.: {GG4) 647 9222 FAX: {6G~) G07 1440 E-MAIL: vpmex@hotmail.com KELLEY HENDEL Regional Manager Office: (909) 674-9167 Fax: (909) 674-7367 Email: vppacific@aol.com Advancing the Science of Motor Sports Ray Gastelum GERENTE Df VcNiAS Mobil · 664 648 2882 Nextel Radio: 152 * 133577 * 1 Call USA to Mexico dial 01152 _ ~ P~TlNl?SliGRAt¾'...c;i~4 i . •~J liJ 44(Y MAJNf$!,Wl(!/!,,$/NN,..J/lf.iRIN&• . '°" __ 7{>0-949-1220, Taxes Group & Individual Health Real E~tate Loans John 0. White, CPA, MBA 866 887 5556 3190 Calle de Marejada Camarillo, CA 93010 Cell 805 844 4665 It's about what you keep! Fax 805 830 1590 johnowhite@hotmail.com CPA 36032E, DRE 760373, Doi bD48458 Adam Wik SCORE ENGINE BUILDER Of THE YEAR 994, 1998, 1999,2000 From Parts To - comptet& ~ng1ne1 34575 w. Teco Ave. Unit I, Lu vaaas. NV 89118 702-837-2522 front & Reir 'Trailing Anns • Spindles Suspension Specialist • Custom ~ce & Play Boggy Chanis A•Arm front l'ndi • Bc-.am Front Enck 9608 N. 2ut Or. Phoenix, AZ 8502.t Jack Woods (,02-242..0017 F.lx 602·242-7283 .:Z:,qB)§ ~.~g{1ip~ii!~~ RHCE PREP SHOP • BUGGIES • TR:JCHS • SllnDCllRS • PRE·1UlliRERS • SHOCHS • MBiUCIITIOn 818) lf2li·226U rRAC World Leading Motorsport Transmission Manufacturer 11 Dakar Rally V"ictories 17 World Rally Victories 6 AMA MX/SX Championships Xtrac Inc 6183 West 80th Street Indianapolis IN 46278 email: andrew_heard@xtrac.com Tel: {317) 472 2454 ransaxle www.xtrac.com/inc Trophy Truck solutions available for Lead Customers
Classified ... Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Read-ers are advised to consult appro-priate local or state authorities for information before purchase of any specific item. FOR SALE: 2005 Porter Class One. Porter Race cars built, Nils Castillo LS 1, King Kong shocks, GPS 140 w radio, intercom, HIDs, Best of Everything! Like New-10 hours. $145,000.00. Why wait 6 months. Finished 6th AT 2006 Laughlin. (562) 756-9231. Bilekracing.com. FOR SALE: Class 1 (Mike Smith built). All the good stuff, fully prepped, ready to race. Call Todd Jergensen @ (760) 792-0955, fresh motor, fresh Fortin 4 speed, 934's. - - - - - · ------------Want to start rac-ing? Here it is, a Class 7, 7S or Sportsman truck. New engine, 5 speed trans, 8 Fox Shocks & Bump stops, Auto Meter gauges, good fiberglass. Fuel Safe cell. 4 wheel disc brakes. Extra trans & tires. $10,500.00 OBO (702) 870-1511. FOR SALE: Class 8-MDR 2004/2005 Class Champ. Ex Scoop Vessels truck. NEW: 351 w C-6, 50 gal Fuel Safe, Front triple bypass, rear C & D Fabworks 3-link, Currie 9", power steering pump & box, Heims, braided lines, trans & oil coolers. Everything else rebuilt or reconditioned. Sandy Cone, Wilwood, all good stuff. $55,000.00 incl trailer. I'm building a new truck. (661) 304-5864. FOR SALE: 2 Seat Class 1 Che-nowth A Arm car. This car race raced by Corky and Scott McMil-lin from 1986 into the nineties till early 2000. Porsche 3.6 litre fuel injected Porsche, Fortin 5 speed , CNC, Mastercraft, 43 gal fuel cell, some spare parts $29,000.00. Call Brian (619) 336-3771. FOR SALE: 2.5 Liter ' 04-05 Subaru WRX STI engine. Brand new in shipping crate, 300hp, min. Does not include turbo or intercooler. Private party, no sales tax. $6,800.00. Call James (714) 240-5381. FOR SALE: Complete Racing pack-age including a Jimco 2 seat 1600 car, a 1998 Mighty Mover trailer in excel-lent condition, and a complete inven-tory of chase equipment, spares and tools, including more than 20 wheeV tire sets. This J imco 'is fast, tough to bust, race-ready, fully prepped, and has fewer than 50 races on the frame. Everything is ready for a successful racing campaign. Asking $34,900.00 for everything. Contact Tom Dunbar at (502) 897-7733. FOR SALE: Dual purpose PreRunner Buggy. Street legal. Chevy VS 500 hp, Jeff Fields trans, King Coilover/bypass, heat exchanger, trans cooler, 26 gal Fuel Safe, Fortin power steering, XM satellite radio, Sand/dirt tires w/beadlocks, great for prerunning or Glamis. Over $110,000.00 invested, asking $68,000.00 OBO. (951) 634-5546. FOR SALE: FORD, New 514 CI Crate motor, 625hp, 3' King Coilover/bypass. 2.5in King Bumps all around, C6 Mogi tranny+ spare (both new). Mastercraft seats, Parker Pumper, Lee Steering, CNC brakes, 85 gallon Fuel Safe Cell, PCI radio, GPS 5.0 gears, Crisman 10 ¼ ring, Cone axles and hubs, tube works, Housing by LeDuc. New Dave Ashley extra cab body, suspension by Dave Clark! All the right stuff! Las Vegas, NV. $80,000.00 OBO. Contact Rick or Greg (702) 303-2883, or (702) 498-0267. FOR SALE: 1989 Toyota PreRunner, V6, 5 spd, Full cage, Fi-berglass, street legal, 17" wheel travel, Dever Springs, call for more info. (818) 425-6038 11 000.00 OBO. FOR SALE: 1991 Ford Bronco PreRunner. 400hp, Coilover front shocks, ½ roll cage, Lee steering, Mogi trans, 4 Mastercraft seats, GPS, Sat phone, Power windows, AC, XM Stereo, locker rear end,, Bead locks, 4 disc brakes, Summers rear end, $35,000.00 OBO. (661) 259-4845. FOR SALE: 2000 Ford F150 Extra Cab 4 door Prerunner. 500hp new. Gordon Stoney built 4180E transmission, Chrisman rear-end w/5.0 gear, Coil sprung, A-Arm(front), three-link (rear) suspension, 4.0 King Kong damper complete w/ bypass tubes King 3.0 coilover King Shocks on each wheel, R/ G Chrome wheels/BFGoodrich 37" project, 90"wide, 135" length, All tube chassis 4130 Chromemolly powdercoated by Pro-Coat, 25" front wheel travel, 33" W/B, Ron Magus In-terior, Eclipse sound system 600 watts/6 disk in dash CD player, Custom built hubs by Wade Weaver, Gigantic Brembo rotors and caliper, REF Unlimited manufactured the custom eight-to-one headers, Ron Davis alu-minum radiator, Converter by TCS, Auto light gadges. Fresh paint, fresh prep, $195,000.00. Frank Rusich (951) 288-0147. FOR SALE: # 2 Speedway Tro-phy Truck for sale. Geiser built, Truck can win any race. $250K, spares available. Pete Sohren. (602) 619-2277. FOR SALE: Jimco 2000 Single Seat Class Score Lite, Winner FOR SALE: US Army of 2005 San Felipe 250 and CORR Pro 2 Pro Power 435 Baja 1000. Prepped car in-850hp Chevy, Stoney T400 eludes: Summers, CNC, Trans/Coan, King, CNC, ~l!iiiii;: lll~~~a L:i....~::::~•iilMl!!!~ __ J Foddrill, Howe, 930 CV's and Sparco, Autometer MSD, i,;, FOR SALE: Trophy Truck for axles, 25 gal cell, Beard, Momo, All the good stuff $125k. ___________ sale, New motor by Jim Horne, Pumper, fully plumbed/wired, Very competitive winning FOR SALE: CORR Legal Single trans. Turbo 400, Crisman radio, belts, less motor, trans, truck. Kevin ( 8 1 5) 4 8 5 - Buggy, Zero time on professional -~i:JI header, King shocks, single seat, shocks, $19,500.00 or include 7 2 2 3 days. Addi tioa l p ics rebuilt engine/trans, disc brakes, FORSALE: CORRLegalSuperbuggy. Roger Mears old truck, very nice FAT, Fortin, King, $48,500.00. and details at Race Runner shocks, All spare TCT)Olll,Mendeola,FOXroilover.Allspue truck. $85,000.00. Please call Call (760) 310-7424 or (760) www.probstmotorsports.com. parts $10,000.00 (586) 201-3820. ram;. $20,000.00 (586) 201-3820. (619) 628-7389. -'-7.;...9_1-...;.4...;..74...;..9.;....'---------• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in DUSTY TIMES . Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. REMEMBER -CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED -YOUR AD MAY BE PVT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED • IN A TIMELY MANNER. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Enclosed is$ _____________ (Send check or money order, no Cash) Name ___________________________________ _ Address-----------------------------------------------------------City --------------------------------------------------------------State _____ Zip __________________ Phone ______________________________ _ Please run ad times Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 • 000~'~1110 ~ 2006-07 ISSUE DEADLINE April 06 Mar 10, 06 May06 Apr 7, 06 June 06 May 10, 06 July 06 Jun 14, 06 August 06 Jul 12, 06 September 06 Aug 9, 06 Octobere 06 Sep 13, 06 • November06 Oct 11, 06 • • December06 Nov 15, 06 • January 07 Dec 13, 06 • • February 07 Jan 10, 07 • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page ss March 200& Dusty Times
MORE ~--SONS OP THUNDER 4 WHEELERS RACE DMSION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SOUTHEASTERN OFF RoAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 MIKE MOORE. (224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS EXPO MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. Hacienda Blvd. #322 Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SCTA SoU111ERN CALIFORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION & BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, INc. P.O. Box 10 OROS!, CA 9364 7 (559) 528-6279 (559) 528-9749 FAX <www.SCTA-BNI.org> SOUTHERN SHORT CoURSE OFF ROAD RACING ASSN. 4305 WOOTLARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (AURaasat Ea.stbaz Racewaz, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) Lm. P.O. Box 706 November 4-5, 2006 Gila Bend Gila Bend, AZ December 2, 2006 Mexico Whiplash Desert •Bikes/ATV's and ••Mini&PW **March Ut 2006 Lake Pleasant, AZ *March 19, 2006 Lake Pleasant, AZ ** * April 22, 2006 Mexico ** *May 27-28, 2006 Page, AZ ** July 22, 2006 Flagstaff, AZ * July 23, 2006 Flagstaff, AZ ** September 2, 2006 Snowflake, Heber, AZ *September 3, 2006 Sn=flake, Heber, AZ ** October 7, 2006 TBA *October 8, 2006 TBA ** * November4-S, 2006 Gila Bend Gila Bend, AZ ** * December 2, 2006 Mexico WISCONSIN MOTORSPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 W1scoNSIN OFF RoAD FESTIVAL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 0sHKOSH,WL54901 (414) 688-5509 FIA WoRLDRALLY CHAMPIONSHIP XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFACE: 011-526-6225 ZR. PROMOTIONS RENE MONTANO P.O. Box 2122 Calexico, CA 92231 April 2, 2006 ZR Poker Run Family Ride May7,2006 Laguna Salada Gran Prix Motorcycles and Quads July 1, 2006 ZR Night Race Motorcycles & Quads September 9, 2006 Dusty Times more Trail Notes .. ~ JEEPSPEED SCHEDULE - All of you JeepSpeed racers, please look at the new schedule in Happenings to be sure that you have the latest race dates. All the races listed are for JeepSpeed 1: Cherokees, JeepSpeed 2: Wranglers and JeepSpeed 3: Open Class. If you have any questions we suggest you contact JeepSpeed a,t the numbers listed in Happenings. CORR TV SCHEDULE -The revised final schedule has been announced for Rounds 5 through 12 of the L~c~s Oil Sportsman Series on SPEED Channel. Back to back amngs occur every Wednesday afternoon between 1 pm and 3pm, Eastern time,_ beginning March 1 through March 26. All airings shown are Sportsman Series. Crandon, WI -Round 5, 3/1/06 - 1pm. Crandon, WI - Round 6, 3/1/06 2pm, 3/5/ 06 3am. Topeka, KS - Round 7, 3/5/06 4am, 3/8/06 1pm. Topeka, KS· Round 8, 3/8/06 2pm, 3/12/06 3am. Bark River, Ml-Round 9, 3/12/06 4am, 3/15/06 1pm. Bark River, MI - Round 10, 3/15/06 2pm, 3/19/06 3am. Crandon, WI -Round 11, 3/22/06 1pm, 3/26/06 3am. Crandon, WI -Round 12, 3/22/06 2pm, 3/26/06 4am. Either glue your eyes to the set or have the good 'ol VCR get it on tape. RED FACE DEPARTMENf - In the Whiplash Sierra de San Francisco article in the February issue of Dusty Times, the story says that Michael Voudouris was the top dog in the Trophy Truck Class, but the lead picture gives the win to Luis Wallace, who was dq' d as repor~ed in the text of the article. We are sorry for the error and deeply apologize to our Texas friend Mr. Voudouris. MO.R.E. NlJIYITALS -Another race, another wedding. Jake Batulis and Dionne Martin are getting married at the MORE Balls Out 250, March 18, 2006. They are going to exchange vows at the Start/Finish line Saturday morning and then go racin'! Jake races SCORE Lite and was 2nd in class at Laughlin, he is racing in Class 1 at the MORE race. Our best wishes to you both, live long and happy and healthy. SAN FELIPE FREE PRE RUN PIT SUPPORT -The Baja Pits Race Team is offering free pre run pit support to all SCORE racers, regardless if they are members or not. We will be at approx race mile 1_30 (entrance to Chanate Wash), where out pit #3 will be for the race. We will be-out the two weekends before the race, both Saturday and Sunday. If you have fuel you want to have poured, a ~ire, in case of a flat or jus~ want to know w~ere to do a rider change where there is radio support, we will be there·. Our tunes are approximately 9am to 5pm, both Saturday and Sund~y those two weekends. You can leave your vehicle with us while pre-running the lower section of the course too. We won't be hauling anything down or back from San Felipe except our pit gear. ZR Team Race Motorcycles & Quads September 10, 2006 ZR Poker Run Family Ride November 26, 2006 ZR Gran Prix Campeones Motorcycles & Quads March 2006 FOR SALE: 2004 Pre Runner 2 seat-4130 chassis, Jimco 2" spindles, FOX 2.5 C/O + bypass ea wheel, Chevy 4.3 300 hp, Audi Auto-manual, BTR Wheels 35" BFG Projects, Mastercraft, CNC, Fuel Safe, Hella, Autometer, Howe p/s, Ready to Pre-Run Baja. $40K/ OBO. Greg-(858) 279-2943, gvw59@sbcglobal.net. FOR SALE: 2 seat Class 1 Jimco, Patton Fuel injected Chevrolet smallblock, 5 speed Fortin se-quential shift with converter, Fox 3.5" shocks, top of the line. $160,000.00. Call Brian (858) 243-2107. FOR SALE: Raceco 2 seater, fullv oreooed. readv to go, 2775cc fuel injected VW engine, Rose gear box fresh, on-board fire exting. PC! Rad io with inter-c6m, Foddrill Arms, Combos, Fox Shox, Power Steering. Great Deal $18,000.00 (775) 355-7440 or (77 5) 720-8696. FOR SALE: Scat V4, complete. Fresh, fuel injection, dry sump with hoses, computer, spares, $15,000.00 OBO (209) 728-1381. FOR SALE: Class 12 single seat. Fresh 1776 Fat Performance en-gine, CNC disc brakes, Baja T/ A, 930, PCI, Bilstein with bypass, Ultra Wheels, UMP air cleaner. Ready to race. Also have very nice car trailer. $16,000.00 for the race car of $18,000.00 for both. For more info and pies, please call (559) 707-1107 or email nuckles l@comcast.net. INDb.X TO AD\/b.R. Tl6b.R.6 Aircraft Spruce ............................... 50 Alamo 200 ....................................... 28 Baker Precision .............................. 49 Bilstein ............................................ 43 BTR Race Wheels ........................... 43 C&R Racing ..................................... 39 Cameron Steel ........................ 30, 31 Coast Casinos ................................... 9 Competition Air Systems ............ · ... 39 Curt LeDuc Off Road Swap Meet ............. 25 E&J Wireworks .............................. 22 EFI Technology ............................... 51 Eibach Springs ................................ 48 Fabtech .............................................. 4 Fortin Transaxles ........................... 29 Fuel Safe Racing Cells ................... 44 Fusion Designs ................................ 50 Hardcore Racing Components ........ 38 Hi Desert Charities Off Road Poker Run ............... 17 ISCO ................................................ 46 Kar Tek Off Road ............................ 33 Kawaguchi Honda ........................... 27 King Shock Tech ................................ 4 Light Racing .................................... 49 Mag·7PitTeam .............................. 11 Mastercraft Seats .......................... 34 McKenzie's Performance Products ........... 12 Michael James Insurance .............. 37 Mickey Thompson Tires ................ 27 Mojave Desert Racing .................... 26 M.O.R.E .............................................. 2 Nevada Off Road Buggy ................. 40 Pacific Customs .............................. 21 Parker Embroidery ......................... 47 Parker Pumper Helmets ................. 36 PCI Race Radios ............................... 5 Pikes Service Center ...................... 19 Race Ready Products ..................... 59 Racer X Motorsports ...................... 14 Radflo Suspension Technology ............................ 46 RAM Proline ................................... 51 Ronco Plastics ................................ 16 Sakata Motorsport Electronics ............................. 23 SEMA ................................ Back Cover Skyjacker Suspensions .................. 35 Soltek Light Systems ..................... 45 Stuff Transaxles ............................. 51 Team Gordon Race Wheels ............ 18 Transaxle Engineering ................... 10 Turnkey Products ........................... 50 Valley Performance ................ ~ ...... 29 Vision X Lighting Systems ............. 49 Web-Cam Racing Cams .................. 24 Page 59
■lhlNITY. BUIINIIS. OPPORTUNITY. March 24-25, 200& Indiana Convention Center Indianapolis, Indiana SE■Aaffraad.com UseHotfAldeR15 :f