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2006 Volume 23 Number 2 Dusty Times Magazine

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Volume 23 • Number 2 • February 2006 $2.50 ST 91311-5003 ISSN875 ·1732 J~~ 3 1 2.006 II, I,.,• ,11, ,II ... ,I I,•, 11, I, I, II .. , 11, • • .. 11 .. 11," •, 1111 .. , I , serving The OFF Road communi~ Pora~ Years covering the wo~ld of competition in the dirt ...

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--~.:.=.., -<:"\ PRIVATE PHYSICIAN'S REP0RT OF ~~ \. \ PSYCHOLOGICAL EXAMfNATION ~ -• ,;al@ 17riYBT --17rivin a,;/-_,.._. u,,; v'"tff'1,,; JMI-,,, 4~"'/!f< u,,; v'°d'J,,;, ,vevodo --4Bf/-'llMl-rvJivB of /Jaf, 9~:::.-------,P a/ienf J,ot; (Jn \ PATZBIIT BAS AR OBSBSS:lOII ,o:,r& SPBBI! :lB DB OPBII DBSBft oddivfiun fr, AS OB cLOSBD couasss ABiJ/OR ,rRACl<S-..a:is p __ OB, pOWII AS DESBff RAC:tBG, :is GBOIUBG :lB poPIJLAIUff ARD n:is BJIIIAV:lOR XS 4~-s•cOURAGBD BY ~sousAIIDS OF RACX•G FAIIS-DR:tVXBG PAST OB s:,:Jl111,ATBD DBSBRT TBBll&:tB• ,JUIIPXBG OBSTACLBS AT Bff~Y BXGB JULTBS OP SPBBD• LAUIICBXJIG UCB VBB:lCLBS XB ffB AXR POR UI!' ff 150 PBBT BIUBGXBG CROWDS ff TBB:lB PBBT W:lTB IIIIBBL ff WBBBL RACXBG• AIID ~~ ff OBSBBVB TB%S BBBAv:tOJl: _n~ir,t ~ AffBIID TBS SCORB LAS VBGAS erBRRXBLB' S CUI!' U (/Jr_ f . t _WIIBl'l __ x_T_dT_URN __ s_rz_o_LAS __ vs_GAS __ 011_JU_L_Y_2s _ ___ 2_9_. ____ -' }rl?fl,o( 1~Vlt'I _, ·,; £61 Wlti4F ' r, -OCCASXOBALLY SLAMMX5G x•TO o•s lUIOTBBR-PBBD TBS BBBD, ALLOW l!'M?XBR'E ff UBLBASB DBSBR'J! VBBXCLB .M? 111'.GH JI.M?BS OP Sl!'BBD• TBS 1.5 11:tLB COUBSB ~ TBS DXff TRACK .M? LllS VBGllS H02!0ll Sl'BBDIIAY XS sui:TABLB• usw o, aw,NOS1IC.....,... 'P ohBnf I o,:M ,;Bf;-prMBTYt1fi11n -· ,......... ,;peB,:L ) J

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I I Volume 23 -Number 2 February 2006 Editor j(_,hn Calvin ~odate Editor Judy .Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors Scott Bottomley J. Preston Bradshaw Jim Culp Mike Del Col Nicole Del Col ·sreve Hilton Victor Gazca Martin Holmes Rod Koch Byrle Moore Steve Ruddick Maurice Selden Darryl Smith Tony_ Tell1er Trackside Photo Art Director .Larry Worsham Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Sub-scription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUS1Y TIMES: (ISSN 8 7 50-17 3 2) is published monthly by Hill-side Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copy-right by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the pub-lisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POS1MASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. Snapsfiot . \ o,. the Month ... Frank Arciero and Pancho Weaver are definitely on a collision course at the Mickey Thompson short course in 1985. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. I( you wish the photo renimed, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8x10 will be considered. In This Issue ... FEATURES BITD/SNORE Terrible 400 by Judy Smith ................................................. 8 CRS Prescott Rally by Scott Bottomley····················-·································· 18 2n<l Annual Baja Cup Ch;i.llenge by J Preston Bradshaw ............................ 20 Hello Central by Judy Smith .................................................................... 24 MORE Holiday 200 by Steve Ruddick ............................... ~: ...................... 26 Whiplash Gila ~end by Mike Del Col.. ....................................................... 3.4 CODE.Race Ready 275 by Byrle Moore ..................................................... 38 Whiplash Sierra De San Francisco by Mike Del Col ............................... 44 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ............................................................................................... 5 -Trail Notes .................... , ........................................................................... 6 Baja Pits by Mr. Baja. Pits ............................................................................ 48 Blueribbon Coalition ............................................................................. 49 Checkers by The Big Wa/izoo ....................................................................... 49 FAIR News by Lisa Kennedy ........................................................................ 50 ORBANews ............................................................................................ 51 Oregon Rally Group by John Elkin .............................................................. 51 Good Stuff Directory ............................................................................. 56 Classified Ads .......................................................................................... 62 Index To Advertisers ............................................................................... 63 ON THE COVER It was a great race for Chuck Hovey, he took the Class 1500 win at the BITD/SNORE Terrible 400 as well as the overall in his great looking Jimco. Photo by Jared Milgrim - Trackside Photo Dan Folts·had a pretty good day, he drove his good looking Class 1600 car to the class win at the BITD/SNORE Terrible 400 and he took the SNORE overall wlffas well. Photo by Art Eugenio - Trackside Photo Visit Our Website at c5uhscr.ihe :Joda.y lo DUSTY TIMES-THE FASTEST GROWING -~·-OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 y~ar -$25.00 years -$40.00 □2 : ---□ 3 years --$55.00 (no credit cards ple~e) . ' ~ ... ~ . .... ....... _ :· . -· .~:~·~ .... .:. -.... ...,. ~ Narn~_.;-----'---'-~-=----"--"----'--....._--'--''--=------Address • ...::....:;__;::.._:_..::_--.:.;...;;........;.;._..:;:._..:.:,,.;..;___.:..,.,__..,,.._ _ __:... __ _ City ------,..:.:.--...:.-__;'""'--_,;;c_--;.__.__,-,,.,--...;....,..----State-___________ Zi~--· ____ _ Primary Interest Cars D Trucks D Motorcycles D Send check or money order to: DUSTY T IMES 2076 I Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 913 I I Canadian - I year $30.00 VS ■ Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Time~ February 2006 Page3

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200& Happenings ... 3,3&1) NASA USRC & Regional Laughlin, NV December 1-2, 2006 Reno Rally (Coef 2&3) CLAIRTON HI-JACKERS l.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TWP. LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 FAX: (714) 367-1608 CODE OFFROAD CODE OFFRoAD USA P.O. Box 2328 CALEXICO, CA 92231-2328 760-455-8069 USA AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSlllP DARRYL SMITH 19 SOMERS ST. CASHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTRALIA DUSTY TIMES AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFF ROAD Cuss JO CARS ONLY RENALD VAILLANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAVAL QUEBEC, CANADA H7P 1T7 (450) 622-4440 BAJA CuP CHALLENGE December 9, 2006 Glen Helen Raceway 909-888-6919 BARONA SAND DRAG AssN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 AU Races Are Night Races AU Races At &rona Raceway, Lakeside, CA BBM MARKETING PROMOTIONS Off Road Short Course Racing & Special Event Marketing 4344 VALLEY VIEW AVE. NORCO, CA 92860 (909) 340-6474 BEST IN THE DESERT 3475 BOULDER HIGHWAY LAS VEGAS, NV 89121 702-457-577 5/FAX: 702-641-24 31 February 3-5, 2006 Blue Water Resort & Casino Parker 4 25 Parker, AZ March 3-5, 2006 Kawasaki Laughlin U.S. Hare Scrambles Laughlin, NV March31-April 1-2, 2006 Pro Circuit Nevada 200 Trail Ride Motorcycles - Invitation Only April 28-30, 2006 Terrible's Town 250 Pahrump,NV August 24-26, 2006 TSCO Vegas To Reno September 22-24, 2006 AV! 150 Quad Race Avi,NV October 13-15, 2006 Las Vegas 300 December 1-3, 2006 Henderson's Terrible 400 Henderson, NV B.O.R.E. BONNEVILLE OFF RoAD RACING ENTERPRISES 341 W. 2575 N SUNSET, UT 84015 801-773-1651 May 5-6, 2006 Red Garter 200 Wendover, NV June 30-July 1, 2006 Jackpot 200 Jackpot,NV September 1-2, 2006 Red Garter 200 Wendover, NV BP MoTORSPORTS P.O. Box 411 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91365 760-57 8-6258/760-5 7 8-6259 FAX: 818-348-4648 E-Mail: AU Events At California Cicy, CA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGHTON, ONTARIO, CANADA KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR Cum AUTOMOVILISTA]UARENSE DE CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD RACING 7210 GATEWAY EAST EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA Oll-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES <www> February 11, 2006 Ridgecrest Rally School Ridgecrest, CA March 4, 2006 Seed 9 Rally (Coef 2) Rally America REgional Goodsprings, NV March 25, 2006 Desert Storm Rally (Coef 3) Rally America Regional Dusty Times Ehrenburg, AZ April 28-29, 2006 Subaru Rim Of The World Rally (Coef 2&3) NASA USRC & Regional Lancaster, CA August 19, 2006 Gorman Ridge Rally (Coef 3) NASA Regional Frazier Park, CA To Be Announced Nor Cal Rally School Northern CA September 20, 2006 Treeline Rally (Coef 3) Rally America Regional West Covina, CA October6-7, 2006 Prescott Rally (Coef 2&3) NASA USRC & Regional Precostt, AZ November 10-12, 2006 Laughlin International Rally (Coed Rally America National & Regional Reno,NV CANNING ATI'RACTIONS P.O. Box 400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVE ADAMS (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DoN ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. RICHARDS P.O. Box 332 FAIR HAVEN, VT05743 (802) 265-8618 Sharr Course off Road Racing At Harrison Count) Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH CuJB AUTOMOVIUSTICA SANQuiNTIN CALLE 6TA FRACC Co. DE SAN QUINTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HERACLIO PATINO (011 52 616-5-22-07) CLUB AUTOMOVIUSTICO SANVICENTE San Vicente Off Road ENSENADA, BC, MEXICO USA JAN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) RAMON CASTRO & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/7 0034) CMC CONTINENTAL MoTOSPORT CLUB P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 0l l-52-686-553-4087 MEXICO February 17-19, 2006 OASA Circle K 250 San Luis R.C. Sonora April21-23, 2006 McMillin Companies Mexicali 500 Mexicali-San Felipe-Mexicali B.C. June 16-18, 2006 VW Autoparts Night Race Laguna Salada, B.C. August 11-13, 2006 ORW Gran Prix Tecate, B.C. October 6-8, 2006 Mexicana Logistics Mexicali 300 Laguna Salada, B.C. DecemberS-10, 2006 Race Ready 275 Happenings continued on page 6 INTRODUCING_ 110 Watts of Power 1160 Channel Alphanumeric I Water Resistant I Mil Spec I Baja 1000 Proven "_, was in Ensenada. and my crew in San Quinlin could hear me 15 need these in ALL of my trucksl" -..::::'I.. L...::::'I..,_, ,=-,,=LL/E:QE"~ PROTRUCK WINNER. 2002 TECATE/SCORE BAJA 1000 e best communicaHon we've over IS years of off road racing!" -~te,6:1.,....,,, tt:I;~~ - _·.-JJ,wewwTcar.:.~ Remote Head apHan available. Call ror details. 800.869.5636 562.427.8177 • Fax 562~26.3589 WWW.PCIRACERADIOS.COM 2888 Gundry Ave. • Signal Hill, CA 90755 February 2006 Pages

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Trail Notes •. ~ FINAL FLAG -We were saddened to learn of the passing of Akton "Ak" Miller, 84 years old and a pioneer drag racer who built cars and raced in many venues for many, many years. Ak began racing in the 1930's on the dry lakes as a charter member of the Roadrunners, one of many groups that founded the SCTA (Southern California Timing Association.) Ak was a charter member of the NHRA, serving as vice-president with Wally Parks as president. Ak competed in the Pikes Peak Hillclimb for many years, won his class nine times and also competed in the Baja 1000, winning his class in 1963. Ak raced many times in the La Carrera Panamericana in his El Caballo de Hierro, The Iron Horse. As a teenager, Ak worked in the Nixon family store and, when at the White House with a group of racing personalities, President Nixon walked into the room and said, "Ak, did you bring me a candy bar?" Small world. There are no survivors and there will be no service. Ak has asked his friends to scatter his ashes at the Bonneville, Pikes Peak and Baja race course. Ak will be missed by all who knew him. NEW SNORE OFFICERS -The new group of SNORE people, willing to donate many, many hours of their time putting on races for all of us are: President -John Pellissier, Vice President -Don Wall, Race Steward -Kenny Freeman, Jr., Sgt. At Arms -Cameron Hughes, Treasurer -Debi Tapert, Secretary -Amanda Gubler. Congratulations to all the new officers and many thanks to those who ser11ed in 2005. FOR YOUR INFORMATION -Motorcycles emit 'disproportionately high' amounts of air pollutants. Motorcycles collectively emit 16 times more hydrocarbons, three times more carbon monoxide and a "disproportionately high" amount of other air pollutants compared to passenger cars, according to a Swiss study to be published in the Jan. 1 issue of the American Chemical Society's journal Environmental Science & Technology. The study, by Ana-Marija Vasic and Martin Weilenmann of the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research, found both two-and four-cycle motorcycle engines emitted significantly more of these pollutants than automobile engines. Particularly worrisome are the high levels of hydrocarbons emitted by Japanese, German and Italian two-wheelers, according to the study. Some hydrocarbons have been linked to global warming, while others are suspected of being carcinogenic. Motorcycles aren't a primary means of transport in most developed countries, the authors note. As a consequence, they say, "the importance of [motorcycle] emissions has been underestimated in legislation, giving manufacturers little motivation to improve after treatment systems." Until recently, for instance, U .S. emission standards for highway motorcycles hadn't been updated in 25 years, despite the fact that these vehicles produced more harmful exhaust emissions per mile than cars or even large sports utility vehicles, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. However, a new EPA rule, which goes into effect in January, will require manufacturers to reduce combined emissions of hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides in motorcycle exhausts by 60 percent. When the rule takes full effect in 2010, the EPA estimates it will reduce emissions of these pollutants by about 54,000 tons a year, and save approximately 12 million gallons of fuel annually by preventing it from evaporating from fuel hoses and tanks. The American Chemical Society, the world's largest scientific society is a nonprofit organization chartered by the U.S. Congress and a global leader in providing access to chemistry -related research through its multiple databases, peer-reviewed journals and scientific conferences. Its main offices are in Washington, D.C., and Columbus, Ohio. You'd think some of these studies would be trying to cut the price of gasoline. There are literally thousands of these research groups, hea11ily funded by 11arious go11ernments all working to "sa11e us" from the en11ironment. The money could be better spent. B EST IN THE DESERT AND GPS -Best In The Desert has announced that it will soon be requiring a OPS tracking system on all race vehicles. The IriTrack System was utilized on five competitors vehicles during the Henderson's Terrible 400 and the system will be installed on the Trick Trucks and the Class 1 cars who are attempting to qualify for the top 20 starting positions at the Parker 425 event. Competitors in these two classes should contact International Racing Consultants (Steve Myers & Phil Membury) 714-544-0668 It is our understanding that all vehicles will be required to utilize this equipment by the time the BITD Vegas To Reno Race comes around. The IriTrack Mounting Kit is available for a one time purchase cost of $375 or a per event rental cost of $100. The IriTrack Controller Unit is a rent only unit, available at a per event cost of $27 5. Casey Folks, owner and director of Best In The Desert said, "IriTrack truly is a fantastic safety, organizational and promotional tool that will change the face of our sport. I am happy and proud to be the first off road championship organizer to bring this revolutionary system to the American off road world. Of course, this technology has a cost, but it finally appears rather small when compared to the tremendous improvement of the safety of our racers that IriTrack brings to the sport of off road." IriTrack has been in use, then mandated by all the FIA and FIM cross country rally organizers in Europe, Africa and the Middle East for two years. It has been responsible for a considerable Page& Ensenada-Mexicali-San Felipe COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION BARB VAHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box 8286 COL.ORADO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O. Box 392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER 011-52-65-66-4458 CORR LUCAS OIL Smn:s 192 N. STATE ROAD, SUITE 267 AVON, IN 46123 317-272-2827 317-272-2900 fax May 20-21, 2006 Chula Vista, CA Pro Series June 10-11, 2006 Sportsman Series Pro Cup - No Points Antigo, WI June 24-25, 2006 Crandon, WI Pro & Sportsman July 8-9, 2006 Bark River, MI Pro & Sportsman July 22-23, 2006 Chula Vista, CA Pro Series August 12-13, 2006 Bark River, MI Pro & Sportsman September 2-3, 2006 Crandon, WI , Pro & Sportsman September 23-24, 2006 Chula Vista, CA Pro Series October 21-22, 2006 Chula Vista, CVA Pro Series CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, SUITE 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA EXT 42 FAX (818) 957-4435 D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (All ""ents at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston Count, ORV Park, Olympia, WA) DAKAR RALLY DARREN SKILTON BAJA AUTOMOTIVE AovENTURES 455 E. OCEAN BLVD., SUITE 208 LoNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 lli:cATUR FoUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB DECATUR, TX 76234 ToMALLEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 OF.SERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, Al. 86403 (928) 855-2208 EASTERN Qpp..RoAD RAcING AssN. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 ENSENADA BAJA OFF ROAD RACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX 011-52-646-1818989 EL1s10 011-52-646-1715230 AARON Races for buggys & Motorcycles Esn:Ro BEACH OOERNATIONAL Short Course Racing VICTORIA GALINDO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO Oll-52-646-176-6230 FORDA FWRIDA OFF ROAD DRIVER'S ASS'OCIATION JASON LEIBIN (127) 376-4176 Mar, Apr, Mai, Noo at David.son Racewai FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 1855 PARKWAY DRIVE February 2006 S. EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/959-579-6151FAx GORRA GEORGIA OFF RoAD RACING ASS'OCIATION 4 20 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963--0252 GPORRA GREAT Pl.ANEs OFF ROAD RACING AssoclATio N TIM HODGE (402) 991-6048 Scorr MORROW (816) 792-2126 (AU races are short course, stadium si,le Classes -Sportsman, 1/2-1600, 5-1600, Sport Truck, Quad.s, Tough Truck Nebraska Raceway Park, Exit 420 on I-80 between Omaha and Uncoln.) For latest info check <> HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING 2000 W. QUINCY AVENUE #B ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 303-806-8062/303-781--0974 fax INTERNATIONAL lcE RACING AssoclATION P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDDOR (612) 937-3816/FAX 474-2769 INrER-SHows MoTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 }EEPSPEED 1826 N. WINDES ORANGE, CA 92869 714-538-74 34/FAX: 714-633-1724 Jeepspeed Challenge February 4, 2006 BITD Parker 425 Parker, Al. April 16, 2006 MDRKing250 Plaster City, CA June 24, 2006 MDR400 Lucerne Valley "A" CA August 12, 2006 California Night 200 Lucerne Valley, CA September 30, 2006 MOR Lucerne 250 Lucerne Valley "B' CA December 2, 2006 BITD Terrible's 400 Henderson, NV ~eepspeed J Series ebruary 3-5, 2006 BITD Parker 425 Parker, Al. April 28-30, 2006 BITD Terrible's Town 250 Pahrump, NV August 24-26, 2006 BITD Vegas To Reno Nevada October 13-15, 2006 Las Vegas 300 Las Vegas, NV December 1-3, 2006 Henderson's Terrible 400 Henderson, NV KAMLooPs BRoNco B usTERS Whispering Pines Sports & Recreation Center P.O. Box 465 l<AMLOOPS, BC, CANADA VZG5L2 DALE NYESTE (250) 579-8039 TONY (250) 554-97801. Craig Byers (250) 376-8466 LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS & 0FFROAD EXPO (626) 961-3782 <> <> L.I.T.R.E. JEFF ELROD (408) 926-0522 JIMARUTA (408) 247-4402 MAMAluuTA OFF RoAD RACING LUIS CARLOS ALVAREZO PANAMERICANA AVE #5105 Co. JUAREZ, CH1H., MX 011-52-1637-1799 MICHIGAN BUGGY BUIIDERS DUNE B UGGY TRADE SHOW (517) 543-7214 <> MICHIGAN OFF RoAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M. T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 JONES ROAD 'GRAND LEDGE, ML 4883 7 (517) 627-6200 Motorcycles, Quads, A TVs and Pilots only MAORA MID-AMERICA OFF RoAD ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 664 GREENUP, IL 62428 (217) 235-6528 E-MA11.: <> N*May 20-21, 2006 Casey, IL *June 10-11, 2006 Effingham, IL July 15, 2006 Tell City, IN * August 5-6, 2006 Bedford IN August 26, 2006 Greenup, IL *September 16-17, 2006 Bedford, IN N*October 7-8, 2006 Fall Classic Casey, IL • Enduro, 200km on Sunday N Night Race -Lights Required MDRRACING 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE SOUTH EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/FAX626-579-6051 2006 California Championship Series February4~ Wild Wash 250 Barstow, CA April 1, 2006 Mojave 250 Barstow, CA May6,2006 Ridgecrest 200 Ridgecrest, CA *June 24, 2006 McKenzie's 400 Lucerne Valley, CA **August 12, 2006 California 200 Lucerne Valley Night Race September30,2006 Lucerne 250 Lucerne Valley, CA *November 11, 2006 Stoddard 250 Barstow, CA • Double Points • Night Race MDR PRODUCTIONS 2006 Superstition Championship Series AU Races at Plaster Cir, OHV Area February 18, 2006 FUD 200 April 15, 2006 King Of The Desert *June 10, 2006 Coyote Wash 200 October 28; 2006 Superstition 250 December 31, 2006 The Bud Lite Dash 200 • Night Race M.O.R.E. MoJA VE OFF RoAD RACING ENnrusIASTS P.O. Box 1231 BARSTOW, CA 92312 760-253-4453 MOREKARTEK Off Road Gold Cup Series March 18, 2006 Barstow, CA May27,2006 TBA July 22, 2006 Barstow, CA September 16, 2006 TBA December 2, 2006 Barstow, CA MSBA MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY AssoclATION DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. FLINT, ML 48506 (810) 7 30-9221 MOTOWEST WINTER TRIALS SERIF.S B1LLMARKHAM (909) 860-1857 <> Dusty Times I

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AU events at Perris Racewa, (At Reed Valle, with a Jchool) NATIONAL Mun RACING AssN. RT. #l - Box 380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN PAIATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFF TRUCK ASSN. BUTCH CHAPIN MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS 1404 £AsT 3RD STREET HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NOORA GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAIL <> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Spring Valley Racewa1, on route 518, 20 minuta SW of Lubon, OH) (Thunder Valley located 15 minuta from Spring VaUei) NORTHERN Omo OFF RoAD RACING ASSN. GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 OFF ROAD EXPO 2006 (626) 599-8622 OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION VOLUNTEERED SERIES PRESIDENT • GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP. -1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP. -9 & UN LTD. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OUTIAWREP. DoN PONDER (314) 631-8190 (All Roca at Wheeling in the Counry 900 .Acru) Omo OFF RoADERS INc. 1427 GOSHEN H1us ROAD S.E. NEW PHIIADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 J1M KENDEL (216) 339-4674 AU°;aca held at Ham.son Counry FairgroundJ. Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION RICK TICHBOURNE, PUBLIC REIATIONS (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) OUTLA w SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. Louis, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/FAX: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS US. OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <V1·> PIKEs PEAK P.O. Box 6962 CoLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF RoAD RACING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 875-7 591 PRo 1600 SHOOTOUT CoREYGOIN 559-647-6132 GOINRACIN@HOTMAIL.COM PRoTRuCK 14402 BoND CoURT EL CAJON, CA 92021 619-390-6252 February 3-5, 2006 Blue Water Resort Parker 4 25 Parker,AZ March 10-12, 2006 San Felipe 250 San Felipe, Baja California April 28-30, 2006 Terrible's Town 250 Pahrump,NV June 2-4, 2006 Baja 500 Ensenada Baja California July,2006 Pikes Peak Hillclimb Colorado July 27-29, 2006 Las Vegas Terrible's Cup Las Vegas, NV August 24-26, 2006 TSCO Vegas To Reno Nevada Dusty Times September 8-10, 2006 Las Vegas Primm 300 Primm,NV October 13-15, 2006 Las Vegas 300 Nevada November 16-18, 2006 Baja 1000 Baja, California, Mexico December 1-3, 2006 Henderson's Terrible 400 Hrnd=on,NV PuRE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box 50 RICKETTS, IA 51460 (712) 679-2221 RALLY AMERICA February 24-25, 2006 100 Wood Salem MO April 21-23, 2006 Oregon Trail Hillsboro, OR June3,2006 Susquehannock Wellsboro, PA July 28-29, 2006 Maine Forest Rally Rumford,ME August 25-26, 2006 Ojibwe Forests Bemidji,MN September 23-24, 2006 Colorado Cog Steamboat Springs, CO October 20-21, 2006 Lake Superior Houghton, Ml TBD Reno Rally Reno,NV ROCK CRAWLERS ASSOCIATION OFAMER!CA P.O. Box 1406 RIVERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/FAX: (801) 253-3176 SAN DIEGO SHORT CoURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New SerieJ lry Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro Trucks, Desert Trucks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Tn1ek <> (858) 571-5088 SAN DIEGO OFF ROAD EXPOsmoN (888) 836 7918March 4, 2006 SCCA PRoRALLY P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-2055 <> March 4, 2006 Desert Sands NT March 5, 2006 Great Canyon NT Atizona Border August 12, 2006 Scenic View NC Oregon August 13, 2006 Beaver Cleaver NC Portland, OR September 2, 2006 Appalachian NT Steel Cities September 3, 2006 Ohnoodo NT Pittsburgh, PA September 4, 2006 Steel Haul NC September 16, 2006 Oktoberally NC LOL September 1 7, 2006 Badger Trails NT Trempealeau, WI October 20, 2006 TBA GTA October 21, 2006 TBA NC Topeka, KS October 22, 2006 TBA NT November 4, 2006 Covered Bridge OT Vermont National Road Rally Events March 4, 2006 Desert Sands NC/NT Atizona Border March 5, 2006 Great Canyon Atiwna Border NT May20,2006 Steel Haul NCR Steel Cities June 10, 2006 Chippewa Falls NC/NT LOL July 8, 2006 Golden West NTR San Francisco August 12, 2006 Scenic View NC Oregon August 13, 2006 Beaver Cleaver NC Portland, OR September 16, 2006 Oktoberally NC September 17, 2006 Badger Trails NT Trempealeau, WI October 20, 2006 Oz Has Spoken NC National Office Topeka, KS October 21, 2006 Over 11,e Rainbow NT Topeka, KS October 22, 2006 Yellow Brick Road NT/GTA Topeka, KS November 4, 2006 Covered Bridge OT NERVT November 11, 2006 TBANC Old Dominion Richmond, VA November 12, 2006 TBA NC Old Dominion Richmond, VA NC -National Course NT -National Tour GTA • Game Tour Adventure SFX MoTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE, SUITE 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 FAX SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., Sum A CA!ABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 <www> March 10-12, 2006 Tecate SCORE San Felipe 250 San Felipe, Baja California, Mexico June 2-4, 2006 Tecate SCORE Baja 500 Ensenada, Baja Caliornia, Mexico July 27-29, 2006 *SCORE Las Vegas Terrible's Cup II Las Vegas Motor Speedway Las Vegas, NV September 8-10, 2006 SCORE Las Vegas Primm 300 Primm,NV November 15-18, 2006 Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 Baja California to Baja California Sur, Mexico *Non-points Jpecial event SNORE SOUTHERN NEVADA OFF RoAD ENTHuSIASTS P.O. Box 270516 LAs VEGAS, NV 89127 702-452-4522 www.SNORERACING.NET February 17-19, 2006 Battle At Primm April 7-9, 2006 Buffalo Bills 400 May 19-20, 2006 Dusty Times Caliente 250 August 4-5, 2006 KC Hilites Midnight Special October 6-8, 2006 Gold Coast SNORE 250 November 10-11, 2006 Western Desert Championship SONS OP THUNDER 4WHEELERS RACE DIVISION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SOUTHEASTERN OFF RoAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963--0252 MIKE MOORE· (224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS EXPO MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. Hacienda Blvd. #322 Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SCfA SOUTHERN CALIPORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION & BONNEVILLE Happ1nings continued om page 53 February 2006 Trail Notes ... improvement of the safety of the racers, support crews and organization staff members of these rallies, including the legendary Dakar Rally, the world's toughest cross country rally event. MDR BUD LIGHT DASH -The traditional New Years Eve race in the low desert was a roaring success. 116 cars and trucks participated and it was a hell of a race. The pit area stretched out of sight and, according to some people on hand there were about 10,000 spectators out to watch the fun and games. A commercial promoting the race was aired on on ESPN, TNT and FX to more than 38,000 homes in the Yuma, Arizona area and to 18,000 homes in Calexico, El Centro, Brawley and Imperial. The only problem was, late in the day, the winds kicked up and they were howling, so a lot of sand was ingested along with the traditional New Year libations. David Scaroni took the Trophy Truck win, Andy McMillin took the Class 1 win, 'ol buddy Billy Robertson was second in class, Giti Gowland took Class 3, Carlos Albanez was the Class 5 winner, Arturo Cervantes took the win in Class 5-1600, Justin McNeil was the Class 700 winner, Mike West took the honor in Class 750, Jim Miller took the gold in Class 9, Phil Finch took Class 10 honors, Scott Beale came across second in 10, Jeremy Altman won Class 11 by a bunch, Terry Ingold was the Class 1300 winner, Steve Looney was the Class 1400 winner, Mark McMillin followed him in, the Burgess/Steele duo won Class 1500 and Daniel McMillin was less than a minute behind in the second spot. Lots of racers, lots of dnfs but a good time was had by all. The whole story, plus lots of pictures will be in the next (March issue) of Dusty Times. MOR would like to thank all the racers for their support. Mojave Desert Racing is celebrating it's 10th anniversary this year. Congrats from all at Dusty Times. S CORE LAUGHLIN -The SCORE Laughlin race takes place on January 14 and 15 and we have just been advised that there are 231 entrants already and hopefully more to come. We will give the race a lot of coverage in the next issue of Dusty Times with lots of pictures for your enjoyment. SCORE LAUGHLIN -The 12th annual SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge ran on January 14 and 15 and there certainly were plenty of cars, 236 to be exact, and there was lots of action to go along with it. When the dust had cleared at the end of racing on Sunday it was BJ Baldwin taking the Trophy True~ w~n as wel! as the overall honors. The next 14 cars in order were: Carl Renezeder, Trophy Truck, Ed Herbst, Trophy Truck, Gary Weyhrich, Class 1, Randy Wilson, Class 1, Brian Parkhouse, Class 1, Gus Vildosola, Trophy Truck, Darren Hardesty, Class 10, Cameron Steele, SCORE Lite, Martin Christensen, Class 1, John Cooley, Class 10, Ron Dalke, Class 10, Jason Batulis, SCORE Lite, Rick Ellison, Class 10 and Tim Noe, SCORE Lite. There will be an in depth story in the next issue of Dusty Times with loads of pictures. Congrats to all the winners and a big thanks to all the runners-up for participating. NEW PROTRUCK ENTRY -Immke Racing has announced that Roberto Guerrero will be the pilot of their Pro Truck entry. Guerrero has many years of racing in his resume. He had 22 starts in Formula 1, 119 starts in IndyCar/Cart with 2 wins and 22 top 5 finishes, IRl, 25 starts with 6 top 10 finishes and 15 starts at the Indy 500 with 5 top 10 finishes. "I'm really excited about joining Immke Racing and driving the Pro Truck. I'm anxious to test and hope to contribute to the team, finish races and be competitive" Guerrero said. Roberto has competed in the Baja 1000 four times and is looking forward to a good 2006 season. LAUGHLIN LEAP RESULTS -And the big winners are: In Big Trucks, Carl Renezeder, 159', Dale Dondel, 156'. Small Truck -Larry Roesseler, 122', Scott Brady, 115'. Large cc Open Wheel -Troy Herbst, 147', Pat Dean, 140'. Small cc Open Wheel -Vic Bruckmann, 106', George Seeley, 96'. First place finishers received $3,000 for their troubles and second spots got $1,000 each. Congrats to all. S HAV GLICK - SPORTS REPORTER -Shav Glick has been a sports reporter for the Los Angeles Times for a lifetime, he is retiring from the fray after 70 years of covering 35 Indianapolis 500 races, 32 Daytona 500's, Times Gran Prix Sports Car races, every Long Beach Gran Prix (except 1), two Olympic games, a dozen Masters and US Opens, Wimbleton, World Series, and more Rose Bowl games than he could count. Shav was elected to the Motorsports Hall of Fame a few years back and his name sits along with Roger Penske, Barney Oldfield, Parnelli Jones and Tony Hulman. We met Shav many years ago at the first of Mickey Thompson's Stadium races. Always pleasant, very knowledgeable and always a gentleman. Happy retirement Shav, the sport will miss you. DAKAR RALLY -Another many thousand mile contest is over. Luc Alphand took the overall in a Mitsubishi, Giniel de Villiers was second in a Volkswagen, 17:53 behind, Nani Roma was third overall in another Mitsubishi, Stephane Peterhansel came in fourth in yet another Mitsubishi and Marc Miller, an American, was fifth in a Volkswagen. Robby Gordon was doing Continued on page 53 Page 7

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~llllUl:Il~ ~~~~~~ HENDERSON 400 RACING ASSOCIATION ~ Hovey Ends season With A Win By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Second overall, first in Class 1400 was Pete Sohren, Pete was really f/yin', he finished 11 minutes out of the overall win. started first, and they did their first lap on the car/truck course, and then switched over to the other. As the last few bikers fin-ished their first lap, the cars and trucks were being started. The racers were all lined up in "fast-est cars first" order, with the SNORE cars intermixed with the BITD cars. A few racers had en-tered both events, but most raced one or the other. BITD timing and scoring timed everyone, but SNORE had their own timing and score working also, as a backup. Chuck Hovey made it look easy, he flew around the course in his great looking Jimco, took the Class 1500 win as well as the overall. The BITD had their usual "Time Trial" the day before the race, and out of those who ran, the fastest 15 were started at the front of the whole thing, fastest car first, one minute apart. Brian Collins had the honor of being the first car off the line in his Chevy Trick Truck. Henderson, NV: Chuck Hovey blasted his four cylinder Jimco around the McCulloch Mountains in early December, to take the overall win at the BITD Henderson event, and win the season points in Class 1500 as well as the Pro Dirt champion-ship. This race was special because it was a combined event, with BITD and SNORE working to-gether. When he realized that the two organizations had picked dates and courses that were very close together (in time and geog-raphy), Casey Folks got to won-dering if it might work better to combine them. Folks talked to Bud Pico, who's in charge of special events for Henderson, and Pico liked the idea a lot. He reasoned that if the two events were combined, it would bring in more people all at one time. That would be a plus for Henderson. So they brought the idea to the SNORE people, who also liked it. For one thing, they've done some co-pro-motions in the past, and liked the results. And, for another, the The ProTruck Class win went to Alan Levinson, he's seen here flying his Ford towards the coveted checkered flag. First 1600 in 8/TD, ,!id 1600 in SNORE was Jeremy Harmon, seen here in his Mirage during his trouble free run at Henderson. Pages BITD would provide all the vol-unteer workers, and SNORE's volunteers would be able to take a weekend off and enjoy the race. And, also, SNORE was pleased to get an opportunity to dem-onstrate to the world at large that off road promoters are able to cooperate and work together to the benefit of the sport. It was a go. , It was fairly simply done. BITD had two course laid out, one for his bikes and quads, and another, 68 miles long, for cars and trucks. The bike/ quad event Things got a little tense when Folks, helping officiate at the start line, started to get radio reports telling him that the lead Trick Trucks were coming around faster than he'd expected. He-closed up the gap some, by start-ing the long line of cars still wait-ing for the green flag, closer to-Dan Folts had a great race, he took the Class 1600 win and he was the first overall finisher in the SNORE group. The LeDuc clan had a good race, they took the Class B honors in their good looking Skyjacker Ford, seen here at takeoff. Fe.bruary 2006 gether, i.e.: 15 seconds instead of 30 seconds. But it was too little, too late, and some of the front runners had completed their first laps before everyone got started. The flagmen worked like troopers to direct the faster vehicles safely through the start area, and no one got run over or bumped, so it worked out all right, although a few of the late starters, in limited vehicles, didn't really like having to do their first lap with the Trick Truck and Class 1500 cars pass-ing them. But, even if they'd all been started before the fast guys came around, the fast guys would have been lapping them -just a little further along the road. It was actually no big deal. Just ner-vous making for the flag men. There were 13 6 combined starters in the car/truck classes. Seventy-nine were BITD entries, and 57 were SNORE entries. As if it wasn't complicated enough, with two races happening on course at the same time, it be-came even more complex when an accident occurred out on course. Steve Staats, in a Protruck, was in dust chasing another vehicle, when suddenly the other vehicle moved to the left, and Staats saw a car parked directly in front of him. He turned hard left, but still hit the left rear tire of the vehicle. The impact threw Staats' Protruck up and over and also violently shoved the other vehicle side-ways. Unknown to Staats until after the dust had settled, the driver of that car, Pete Claas, had been standing next to his vehicle at the time of impact. When his car slewed around it his him so hard it threw him up and to the front, breaking both his legs and one arm. Staats called for emergency help and Claas was airlifted to a Las Ve-gas hospital. His son, who'd been in the passenger seat, was shaken but unhurt, and Staats and his son were also all right. The Protruck was badly damaged and could not continue. Officials had to stop the race at the acci-dent site when the helicopter landed to load up the injured driver and take off again. They took car numbers and times, and later deducted the times from the total finish time recorded for each car. But it meant that in-terested observers (and pit crews) were uncertain of who was running in what position. Cor-rect finish positions were impos-sible to figure, and the finish list was not corrected until some time after the vehicles had fin-ished. Therefore, because the lap Dusty Times

Page 9

A nice third place finish in SNORE Class 1600 went to Ruben Don Wall was fast and consistent at Henderson, he took a decent Rodriguez, he's seen here on his way to the checkered flag. fourth place finish in the SNORE Class 1600 contest. times we work with do not indi-spare packed in the driver's com-moved up to fourth in their cate the length of time each partment of his car. But the car Jimco. Scott Kincaid was now driver was stopped (or even if he performed flawlessly. He was in fifth, recovered from a torque was); we don't really know what front after two laps, but only by converter that overheated on the Running consistent, but slightly off the winning pace, Eddie Aguilar ended up in sixth place in the SNORE 1600 battle. the relative positions of the cars one minute. Dean ran second, first lap. were. All we know is when they and Berri was third, while Kory On the third lap Hovey'd finished, and, of course, we have Scheeler and Larry Job had built his lead to six minutes, and the corrected overall times, ad-justed by BITD to correct for the stoppage. BITD RACE: In the 1500 class, which was required to do five laps, there were 12 racers. At the end of the first lap it was very close, with Pat Dean, in his Bunderson, and Chuck Hovey in his V4 powered Jimco leading. They had two minutes on Kevin Colan in his Chenowth, and then Danny and Tom Ebberts were on the same minute as Sam Berri in his Jimco, only three minutes behind the lead pair. Hovey, worried that the fuel injection brain failure that scotched his Baja 1000 race might stop him here also, had a The big winner in the SNORE Class 10 contest was Chris Wright, he took the win with more than an hour in hand at the checkers. An Intimate Gem Adjacent to Be/laglo, C8esars & Baily's Flamingo & Toe Strip 1-888-227-2279 ~ .com nothing was going wrong. Dean Dean's co-driver, broke an axle was still second, Berri third, and fell to third. Berri had to Scheeler and Job fourth and walk across the desert to get a Kincaid fifth. Lap 4 saw Todd new alternator when some wires Cuffaro and Nick Tiedemann melted, and was now fourth. Or move up to second in their Chevy maybe not. The times were Porter, while B.J. Richardson, Continued on page 10 Wade Kelson was the Class 1 O winner in BITD, he drove his Jimco to a very nice 11111 overall in the final standings. Ask About Our Special Headliner S/Jow and Room Packages West Troplcana & Atvllle 1-800-675-3287 0!flop~oo.oom The Place Las vegans ca11 Home"" Ask About Our Room & Golf Paekages Dusty Times West flamingo & Valley View 1-888-402·6278 ~<)111 February 2006 Alta & Rampart 1-877-677•7111 ~.ei:,m Page 9

Page 10

A sixth place finish in the SNORE Class 1600 contest went to Laine Jim Dizney was the second place finisher in SNORE Class 10, third Logan Sims had some major troubles along the way but hung in and Knecht, seen here in his great looking car. in BITD, a three hour second lap was very expensive. managed a decent second place finish in SNORE Class 8. ---T J Flores was running really well, then, disaster struck on the last Brian Collins had a great first lap but it was nothing but troubles A nice second place in SNORE 5-1600 went to Gary Messer, he was lap and he limped in for a third place finish in SNORE Class 10. thereafter, he managed a finish in his Tr0phy Truck. hampered by a long :!'d lap and a really long last lap. skewed on this lap due to the problems, and had to slow occa-lap, about three minutes back. who'd been in the accident, was he knew he was the winner. It stoppage. Some of them, how-sionally to let the car cool down Jones stayed in front, but Collins running again after losing all his wasn't for several hours that it ever, may have been on their before it would run properly had a collision with Scott Dou-coolant. Once he'd made repairs was declared that Sohren had the fourth lap when stopped. Only again. Lloyd and Derrick glas in his Class 3100 car. The he needed four gallons to fill the win by a minute and 47 seconds. the drivers know for sure. Sproule, in an Aceco, and hail-result was massive damage to radiator, and SNORE racer, Jones and Steinberger wete re-Hovey maintained his point ing from Canada, finished fifth, Douglas' vehicle, which endoed Anatolio Bracimonte, in a 5-gretting that they'd "cruised" position to the end, and on the another five minutes back. as a result, and damage that cost 1600 car, graciously brought it their last lap. Staats finished last lap his dad, Dean, radioed They'd tangled with another car, Collins about 50 minutes. Now to him, the passenger holding it third, three hours later, the last him to "cool it", because he had and had had to use a jack to get Sohren was second, about 12 in his lap as they bounded across in the class to make it in. a good lead. Hovey went on to themselves off some rocks, but minutes back. the desert. Staats was astounded There were eight Class 1000 finish first, taking the overall win, said they'd had a "lot of fun." On their third lap they came and grateful. (10) cars, but only three were rac-and when the times were cor-Richardson and Dean were sixth, up on the Staats accident, and Jones put Scott Steinberger in ing in the BITD event. Jim Dizney rected for the accident stoppage, saying it was a "long day", and Sohren was first in line and thus, to finish the car, and they'd had had his Honda Jimco leading at he had a 25 minute cushion on Berri finished in seventh place. the one held for the longest pe-some shock problems, so, want-the end of the first lap, but then Cuffaro and Tiedemann, who Steve and Ray Croll and Darren riod, a little over 26 minutes ap-ing to finish, they "cooled it." developed some mysterious elec-were second. They'd had just one Ebberts, in a new Ford powered parently. Jones, further back, They slowed quite a bit because trical problems that lost three flat, lost a couple of cylinders, Porter, had some new-car was stopped for only two min-they had seen Sohren drop back hours. Wade Kelson and Todd and barely missed driving off a troubles, and finished eighth, the utes. He had no idea that others by 25 minutes or so, and felt Bogh, in a Toyota Jimco, who had cliff. They were only four min-last finishers in the class. were being held for a long time. they had a really good lead. They been second, moved up to the utes in front of Kincaid, who In the Trick Truck division, Kevin McGillivray was now third had no idea that Sohren had lead. Allen Gerber and Don said he'd been "cautious in the there were five starters, and at in his Chevy. Collins had mean-been held up for that long by the Blakely, in a Lothringer, ran rough." In fourth it was Greg the end of Lap I Brian Collins while been towed to his pit for officials at the accident. When third. Kelson and Bogh had four Hansen, who did all the driving had his Chevrolet tied with Jesse major work, and was down Steinberger and Jones finished flats along the way, but stayed in his Porter. He's Cuffaro's Jones in his Ford. Pete Sohren about three and a half hours. they thought they were the win-in front to take the win. Gerber step-dad. He had overheating ran third at the end of the first Will Staats, brother of Steve ners. And when Sohren finished A good silver medal finish for Everett Evans in the Class 9 contest, Second place in the SNORE Champ Car class went to Bryan Adams, The bronze medal in Class 5-1600 went to Steven Alexander, he's he was just a tick off the winning pace in class. his long middle laps cost him over two and a half hours. seen here in his good looking car on the way to the checkers. Second in Class 1900 went to Cory Sappington, he and his crew Robert Gross had a very long last lap but he still finished second in Jesse Jones was less than two minutes out of the Class 1400 win, were only seven minutes out of the class win at the Terrible 400. SNORE Unlimited Sportsman Class. he finished third overall in his Fab Tech Ford. Page 10 February 2006 Dusty Times

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Dave Folts Transmissions Would Like To Congratulate These Winners! JeHCarr Jeremy Harmon ut Place 1/2 1600 Points Champion SNORE Overall Points Champion 2nd Place 1/2 U,oo @ BITD / SNORE Terribles 400 Ron Rash 2nd place Class 9 Points Champion CODE Leo a Alex Navarrete 1st place 1/2 1600 Points Champion Dusty Times JeH Shiroky 1St Place Limited Sportsman SNORE Ruben Rodriguez MORE Curt Geer 3rd Place 1/2 U,oo @ BITD / SNORE Terribles 400 Daniel Folts Brian Burgess 1st Overall In SNORE Cars 1St Place 1/2 1600 @ BITD / SNORE Terribles 400 Geraldo lribe Ist place 1/2 1600 Points Champion MORE Overall Points Champion Ist Place S/1600 Points Champion Dave Folts Transmissions 631 E. Lambert Rd. #C La Habra, CA 90631 (562) 694-5591 ''Geared To Serve You'' February 2006 Page 11

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Scott Kincaid and Josh Lewis finished in third place in Class 1500 in Josh and Matt Klenske show off their suspension as the drive their Allen Gerber drove his Lothringer to a fine second place finish in their Porter, seen here at high speed. Ford to a second place finish in Class 8000 battle. Class 1000, he finished 15"' overall as well. and Blakely, who said they "had There were five BITD Class who was 20 minutes in front of hour down to the lead truck. On the fourth lap Le Due, fun", finished second, about 22 8000 trucks, and the Ford of George Armanino and Todd Melsheimer moved into the whose son, Todd, also drove minutes later. Dizney and co-Mark Gonzalez was gone on the Galli, in a Chevy. And, running lead on the second lap, with the much of the race, moved into the driver Scott Webster were third, first lap. That left Josh and Matt last after losing time when first Klenskes second and Le Due lead, and he stayed there. Ulti-almost another hour back. Their Klenske in the lead in their Ford. he lost his power steering, and third, as Galli and Armanino mately the LeDucs took the win, finish gave them the season They had only two minutes on then he broke an axle, was Curt had some brake problems and saying the course was "like the points win in Class 1000. John Melsheimer in his Chevy, LeDuc in his Ford. He was an dropped to fourth. Mint 500!" The Klenskes were second, only 11 minutes behind them, and in third it was Melsheimer, reporting a prob-lem with his power steering pump. Galli and Armanino had to adjust their shocks, and also stopped to pull a SNORE Class 8 truck back up onto its wheels. They were fourth, last in the class to finish. Richard Blunk was the big Class 8 winner in SNORE, he's seen here hustling his steed towards the finish line. The win in Class 8100 went to Greg Foutz, seen here flying straight and level in his FabTech Ford at the Terrible 400. There were four Protrucks, and Charley McDowell had the early lead in his Ford, with about four minutes on Steve Staats and his son Ryan in their Ford. Alan Levinson, a local who used to race quads, and was racing his truck for only the fourth time, was third. Joe Bednar and George Peters, racing in their Protruck for the first time, some--! 42..LSJJ.: 1 . l - , ► -. +. L . .L ... _. .,.J.,. Keeping with Skyjacker's design for the earlier Tacoma's, Skyjacker® has developed a 2.5"-3" Suspension lift for the NEW '05-·05 Tacoma 2WD Pre-Runner/4WD. The lift features Platinum Series front coil-over shocks with 2" outside diameter, 15" Softride® coil springs and all the necessary mounting hardware. The rear lift is achieved using Skyjacker® rear Leaf Springs or Add-A-Leafs. This is a high performance Skyjacker® suspension complete with all the options and the ease of a simple bolt-on installation. 2DD4-D5 GM Co/a 4WiJ/ 2Wi1 Z-71 Ei Dff-Flaad PJ-sg 4" Suspension System Engineering at its best brings you the 4" Skyjacker® suspension lift for the GM Colorado and Canyon, which includes CNC machined steering knuckles, front & rear crossmembers, differential drop brackets and unique torsion bar relocation brackets. Installation requires .. no cutting or welding and the factory steering'assembly requires no modifications. Rear lift options are Softride~-rear leaf springs or add-a-leafs. B1:;.N£F/TS • Retains Factory Alignment Specifications • Retains Factory Structural Strength • Vehicle Can Be Returned To Factory Height • Quick And Simple Installation ~g,~s Honda Ridgeline Skyjacker's 2" lift for the new Honda Ridgeline 4x4 offers a great lift at a great price. This new 2" lift utilizes the factory struts thus retaining the factory ride quality and handling characteristics. The bolt-on lift for the 2006 Honda Ridgeline includes new heavy-duty, red powder coated front and rear strut spacers and all the necessary Grade 8 mounting hardware. B£N£F/TS • Retains Factory Ride Quality • Quick and Simple Installation • Vehicle Can Be Returned To Factory Height Page 12 February 2006 Dusty Times

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Second place in Class 1500 went to Todd Cuffaro in his Porter, he's Joe Bednar drove his ProTruck to a decent second place finish, he's A third place finish in Class 8100 went to Randy Merritt he and Chris Golding drove their Ford hard as they could. seen here haulin' freight and rushin' to the finish. seen here at liftoff at the Terrible 400. how got lost on the first lap and Wanzek, in another Ford, only his co-driver, Jeremy Harmon. ran an extra 40 miles. They lost four minutes back, and in fourth Behind them the other cars ei-about a half hour in the process. it was Jonathan Swift, in the ther all spent a long time waiting On his second lap Staats had much abused old family Ford. at the scene of the accident, or the accident. McDowell con tin-Gary Dixon finished the first lap they had problems. In any case, ued to lead, with Levinson in sec-with a sick sounding motor and none of them finished. Harmon ond place by about 10 minutes. never came around gain. Randy nearly came to grief when he He'd put his truck on its side, Sorenson took nearly seven rolled his car in a moment of had a broken wheel, and ulti-hours to do one lap, and also inattention, as he tried to clean mately had four flat tires. never came around again. his visor. It landed on its roof, Bednar and Peters had no more Roeseler was still in the lead and he was able to rock it problems and were running at the end of the second lap, but enough to set it back on its third. McDowell led through an-Wanzek was second as Swift had wheels and get going again. He other lap. new-car problems with his truck. went on to take the win, the only Then, on his fourth lap disas-Jonathan Swift was third. On the finisher. They were ninth in the ter struck. As he ran through third lap it was still Roeseler in overall standings. McCullough Pass, a bolt pulled front, but now Jonathan Swift The Stock Full truck class was out of his rear trailing arm. He ran second and his dad was next to take off, with nine en-made a temporary repair, and third, after a very lengthy lap. tries. This was a persistent limped to a pit for some serious Roeseler and Ruane led through bunch, with well built trucks, all welding. He lost over three hours the fourth lap, with Jonathan eager to earn some of the Ford in the process. Levinson moved Swift holding second, and then, money. Only Chad Hall in his to the front and took his first on the last lap, Roeseler and Hummer was immune to that al-win. He was over an hour in Ruane, who'd taken over the • front of Bednar and Peters who driving, reported motor prob-came in second, and then, almost lems. They never made it in. The three hours later it was younger Swift reported only a McDowell, in third and last broken front strut to slow him Protruck to finish. down, and took the win, having Class 7200 had six entries for driven all the way. No one eise this event and they needed to finished. complete five laps. Larry Roe-There were four 1600 cars in seler started the day in Mike this event and Jeff Carr put his Ruane's Ford and put the truck Mirage into the lead, with nine into the lead. John Swift, debut: minutes on Steve La Roza. Carr ing his new Ford pickup for this held his lead through the second class was tied with Shawn lap, and then handed it over to Flyin' high in his Ford, Jonathan Swift took the honors in Class 7200, a really good race for a 17 year old driver. Kenny Freeman Jr. was the big winner in the SNORE Champ class, he and his sons take turns behind the wheel. Dusty Times February 2006 A great first place in Class 4100 went to Josh Hall, he's seen here in his good looking Hummer heading for the flag. lure. All of them made it through ahead of Randy Merritt, whose the first lap, with Greg Foutz in previously black Ford now sports the lead. He was 12 minutes Page 13

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Marc Stein was somewhat happy, he took the silver medal in the A reasonable second place in Class 8100 went to Kreg Donahoe, Third place in Trick Truck Class, Will Staats drove his good looking Class 4100 fracas, he's seen here going airborne in his big Ford. he's seen here in his great looking Ford pickup. Ford hard, seen here at point of touchdown. a new yellow paint job. He'd al-Foutz retained the lead which out, his Ford apparently non-to third. Chad Hall was in took the season points champi-ready lost third gear. A minute now amounted to four minutes, functioning. fourth place, his Hummer hav-onship for the class, and overall. later there was a tie between Kreg and it was Donahoe in second Foutz, having a perfect day, ing no serious problems. Donahoe put Steve Krieger in for Donahoe in his diesel powered place on Lap 2. Merritt was a continued to lead, while Merritt Foutz held the lead, dealt with the final two laps, and, even with Ford, and Mike Brinkerhoff. It close third, and Brinkerhoff bounced back into second and only one flat tire and "some mi- a broken front coil spring, he looked as if a very tight race was held fourth. Sonny McDowell, Donahoe lost a little time with a nor deals", and went on to take moved up to second place, fin-developing. Charley's dad, was the only drop passenger change and dropped the win by 40 minutes. He also ishing two minutes and 27 sec-;;..,...,,.,,,..,....;;;..,....,,..-,-~..;;;,....,,.,..__,,,..,,~....,,,,..,,..,,,,.,,.,..,.,,,,,,.,,,..,,.,,,.,.,,,;,..,,..,..,....,,,.,..,.,.,.....,,..,,.,,==.,...,, onds in front of Merritt, who Miguel Alvarado took the gold medal in the Class 7100 battle, he's seen here flying his Jeep towards the finish line. had to add power steering fluid many times during the last two laps. Hall finished fourth, his biggest problems apparently a jack that didnft work, and lights that weren't aimed properly. A ve,y nice win in Class 9 went to Brandon Hughes, his consistency gave him a half hour cushion at the flag. Mike Alden and Robby Woolworth, who split the driv-ing, had only two flats, and fin-ished fifth, while Dave Morrison dealt with a fuel pump, threw some belts, lost his power steer-ing and alternator, but had no flats, and finished sixth. Brinkerhoff dropped back after breaking a radius arm bracket. He and co-driver Raul Cardenas· were seventh, and in eighth it was Ralph and Wayne Miller, one second behind Brinkerhoff, re-930Q ffERIES @ R adial Bypass Off-Road j, i :..-"\~, Race Shocks /1 ., { , , . "· \. ./ l . / I i;)>i:="._,,_,,,.., , The Black Hawk 9300 s~r,,iil · ... e next . ' ',~~lution in off-roa~,c,e/st!9.cks. Big aittf bold iNithllsiladiaLB,ypass·Qamping technology and '">- . ' . ,.,, .- .$""' ' )lanl anodized finiJh;thiuhQCk is like nothing .z ,-::.. <J'~ #V ~ ;you've ever seen, or exptt.Jience'd; befort:. Available \in~. 1•: 16 ~nd 18 ihch tt~l~gths. 9300 coilovers also.available ·tor 3 inch or 3-5/8 .inch coils. 8/LSTEl/r. .. the world leader in monotube gas pressure shock absorber technology. For lilted pickups and SUVs '~9 C xternal a bypass & smooth body models Call or visit our web site for more information on the complete line of Bilstein off-road shocks lifsteirrGos-•Pfflsure·.• .. ·•.•~ -~•--•ofAmeri(o East 1-80<F745 .. 4636 • Wtfi: J.;800-531 .. 1885, bilstein~com Page 14 February 2006 Dusty Times I I

Page 15

John Melsheimer drove his Chevy to a third place finish in the Class Charley McDowell's Ford flies like a bird, Charley took home the A second place finish in JeepSpeed Pro for Mike Barnett at the Terrible 400, he's seen here at speed out on the course. 8000 contest, seen here saving a bit of wear on his tires. bronze medal in the Pro Truck class. porting no problems. They were had to climb back into the cab the required four laps done, in the final finishers. and do it all over again. He had 10 hours and 27 minutes, to take Class 7100, with three entries, no real pressure because he knew the win. was next off the line. Tyler, Douglas was dealing with serious In the modified JeepSpeed Blake and Julie Henn and John damage, but still, he needed to class there were nine entries. Herman broke their Ford on the finish the event. And he did get Eight of them made it through first lap. Wayne DeMonja, in an-other Ford, didn't break until Lap 2. But Miguel Alvarado, in a Jeep, and racing for the first time this season, had a good race with no problems. Not even a flat. He even towed a buggy about 15 miles to a pit. And he got the win. the first lap, with Justin Mamer three laps. leading by 18 minutes. Chris Lap 2 was another good one Amrein and Stephen Eddy had for Mamer, and his lead grew to second place and Steve Ghamari 41 minutes. Ghamari and John and John Kelly ran third. This Coleman were tied for third be-class was required to run only Continued on page 16 In Class 4100 there were just two entries. The Hummer of Josh Hall ran against the Ford of Marc Stein and Travis Walser. The Hummer led all the way, with the Ford within reach until the fourth lap when they broke a front A-arm and a tie rod and lost an hour and a half. Hall went on to have a race he de-scribed as "flawless, no flats, didn't miss a turn." He took the win with a cushion of an hour - . / MOTORSPORTS and 19 minutes. In Class 3000 Lance Magin and his Ford got off to a good start, but while still on the first lap, Magin moved over to let an-other car pass and fell into a ra-vine, doing serious damage to the front end of his Ford. There was just one limited Baja Bug running this event. It was the team of Michael Sivak and Jacob Kelly, from Salt Lake City, and they didn't get even the first lap finished. Class 7300 had only one en-try also. Rob MacCachren and Steve Olliges, with a good lead in the class points, were the only ones to show for this event. They talked it over with Casey Folks, and decided that there was no reason for them to trash their Ford by doing four or five laps. Folks gave them a two lap re-quirement, and once they'd fin-ished them they had their win and the season points in the class. They had no problems. Class 3100 had two starters. Mike Falkosky had a relatively easy day of it -compared to Scott Douglas' at any rate. After Dou-glas was clobbered on the first lap he spent more time working on his Ford than out on the course. Not only was the body work crumpled, but the cage and chassis were seriously bent. Prac-tically everything needed work. He tried hard, and his crew kept working on it, but they timed out after three long laps. Meanwhile, Falkosky had one good lap, and then his gas pedal came off. He used zip ties to maneuver the throttle cable so he could get to a pit, and then spent a long time re-attaching his pedal. Once done he stepped back to admire his handiwork and realized he'd installed it upside down. So he Dusty Times ~ \ ~ /"" Manqf @.~~urer / Qi~tri~u\qr of an expanding and unique produ~~ line of mq\qrspqr~\ prq4u~~~. ., (G·FORCEI IIACIN8 __ , I Pro Force Air • Significantly outflows other ' blower type' helmets ..., • NOT a con11erted motorcycle helmet! · ...,,,,,,., • l1ghtwe1ght Composite Shell "--.. $-2•9 9 • 9 9 : :;:'~:i::~1:;~:oti11e Rated Special wl FREE .._ _________ .. Helmet Bag I! LOWRANCE liP!i !!iy.te111• • B/W & Color Displays • 2" to 10.4" Screen Sizes • Portable & Panel Mount • Unlimited Mapping Vertex High Performance Radio !iy•tem■ • 128 to 250 Channels • 50 to 110 Watts of Transmitting Power! • Alphanumeric Digital Display • 3 Year Warranty • Exceeds Mil-Spec Standards T~D\ID February 2006 19.i!I/ Cordle!!i!!i Impact Kit • ½" Drive • 216 ft.-lbs. Torque • Carrymg Case & Charger • Only 6.6 lbs.! • Vehicle Holster Available COMMUNICATION !!iOUJTION!!i FOR RACINli& RECREATION • Intercoms & Radios • Satellite Phones • Base Station Antennas • NEW1 Carbon Fiber Headsets • Scanners • 105, 135, 150, & 235 CFM Models Available • lightweight & Reduced Amperage • 3M Hepa & CO Fitter Options • BAJA PROVEN Page 15

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Steve Ghamari was the bronze medal winner in the JeepSpeed Pro Caesar Arias picked up a decent second place in the Class 1750P Scott Douglas didn't have a good day, he finished second in Class class, he was nine minutes in arrears at the finish. race, seen here at speed out on the course. 3100, down an hour and a half to the winner. Art Savedra's very long first lap made it close, but he took the SNORE Class 5-1600 win with nine minutes in hand. hind him. On the third lap another three cars fell out, including Coleman. Mamer had an un-eventful day, "all we did was drive" he said. He didn't even flatten any tires, and took the win by an hour and.a 1-ial( Mike Barnett, who had a couple of flats and steering linkage prob-lems, was second. In third place it was Ghamari and Kelty, who broke some motor mounts and had to limp to a pit to get things ratchet-strapped down. John Copitas was fourth, reporting that he'd been lost on the first lap and had gone around in a ten mile circle. He'd also been stuck, broken a shock and had a flat. In fifth it was Ricky Lee, whose dad; Affen, rod·e along with him. They had a serious problem with fuel supply. The fuel pickup had worked its way up to the top of the foam in the fuel cell. They had to take the cell apart, relocate the fuel Justin Mamer, another 17 year old took the JeepSpeed Pro win, he is seen here ffying high towards the finish line. pickup, and then put things back together again. They were the last team in the class to finish,. Next off the line was Gavin Skilton, in a new Honda pickup, running in C lass 7000. He com-pleted his required two laps, had no flats, lost some shock oil and had to re-charge the shocks, but otherwise had no problems. He was happy with the finish in the new truck. In the Sportsman class Dan Moore and Steven Arlia didn't manage to get a finish with their car. They didn't get back to the finish area to report what had happened, either. There were eight stock JeepSpeed cars, also required to run only three laps. It wasn't easy for chem. Two went out on the first lap, and another two dropped out on the second lap. Guy Alldredge, leading at the time, rolled his Jeep in the in-field. He was quickly set back on his wheels by helpful spectators, but had an air bubble in a fuel line, and the Jeep wouldn't start. -..,,,_-,----------.----.-~ Ot er spectators ran or t eir spare fuel cans, dumped some in and eventually it ran again. He'd been low on fuel and ready to take on more. His passenger's shoulder was hurt in the roll-over, so a new navigator was in-stalled. Alldredge didn't lose his lead, and was still in front after two laps. At that point Jason La Fortune was in second place and Cesar Arias ran 21 minutes be-hind him in third. Alldredge went on to take the win, reporting that he'd had two flats in addition to that roll-over. He said there were "lots of rocks". La Fortune, who also drove all the way, was second, reporting he'd been stuck a while, and had "broken some-thing in the front end." In third, about 50 minutes later, it was Arias and co-driver, Greg Gil-bert, who'd had three flats, re-placed a fuel pump and finished with no brakes. A new class has been added to the BITD list, 1900, for Yamaha Rhinos. There were three of them at this event', and they were the last vehicles to take to the desert. They were required to complete only one lap. Joe Moore couldn't get his all the way around, but the other two managed to. Tim Orchard, who -=r-• ENGINE CONTROL & ; DATA SYSTEMS POWERING THE OVERALL WINNERS OF THE BAJA 1000 Tl;llg €HQJCE Qf €,l;IM}e{QN,.~ ENGINE CONTROL Stand alone Enfine Management for 4-12 cyl engines Sequential ltjec1ion and Distribul.or-less ignition lntemal Logging with cJosed.loop lambda mapping Custom harnesses made for your application Complete systems from $5000 DATA SYSTEMS Data Loggers with up to 128MB of memory Povverful software to collect and analyze data Steering wheel and dashboard cfsplays Support available for SCORE and BfTD Made in 'lhe USA. Page 16 EA Technology Inc. 4025 Spencer St #102 Tonance, CA 90503 Tel. (310) 793-2505 Fax (310) 793-2514 February 2006 The Class 1750 win at the Terrible 400 went to Guy Alldredge, Guy is seen here in his good looking Jeep at speed. The big winner in the SNORE Unlimited Sportsman class was Jerry Stewart, seen here on his way to glory at the Terrible 400. Dusty Times

Page 17

said h is Rhino was "not right yet" in the suspension , took the win. He said the seven inches of travel reminded him of the old cars he drove years ago, and that's why he was able to drive the Rhino. But he finished only seven minutes in front of Cory Sappington, whose wife, Jeanette, rode with him. Sappington's dad, Don, used to race in Class 1, and he passed away in January of 2005. Cory painted his Rhino in his dad's old colors to honor him. Neither of the teams had any problems during their one lap trip. In fact, they seemed to have had a lot of fun. SNORE RACE. FOLTS AND BU RGESS OVERALL The SNORE Limited Sportsman win went to Courtney Collins, she beat her competition by almost half an hour at race end. Dan Folts and Brian Burgess had a near perfect day in their Seagroves chassis 1600 car, and · drove away with the overall win for the SNORE segment of the Henderson 400. In the Trick Truck class, only Brian Collins had entered the SNORE race (he'd actually en-tered both), but his Chevrolet had a hard day and managed to complete only four of the re-quired five laps. There were eight Class 10 cars, on e of which , Jim Dizney and Scott Webster, was racing in both events. The early lead be-longed to J.C. Dean, with Mark and C.J. Hutchins running sec-ond, and T.J. Flores, in a Bunder-son, third. Richard Evans ran fourth on the first lap, and was just eight minutes behind the leader. The Hutchins car moved into the lead on the second lap, with Dean in second, about eight min-utes back now. Flores held his third spot and Corey Cook was fourth. But Hutchins didn't complete any more laps. On the third lap Flores was in front, with four minutes on Cook. C h ris Wright had taken over for Evans, and he was now third , as Dean dropped to fourth. Attrition hit again , and Dean and Cook got no more laps in. Nor did Brian Freemal who'd h ad a couple of lengthy laps. There were on ly three cars mov-ing now, and on Lap 4 Flores had the lead, Wright was second, and over an hour back Jim Dizney and Scott Webster ran third, dealing with elusive elec-trical problems in their Honda Jimco. Wright rolled his car, but it landed on its wheels and he car-ried on, earning a win for him-self and Evans. At the finish he said, "It was fun -it was long!" In second place it was Dizney and Webster, who managed podium finishes in both the SNORE and BITD events and in third after a three hour last lap, Flores and Kevin Soder, who drove th e fast loop. They'd hit a rock and needed welding, and then lost their trans in the infield, just be-fore the finish, and had to push it over the line. They were the fi. nal finishers. There were four Class 8 trucks, and one of them, the Gavin Skilton drove his Honda Ridgeline to the Class 7000 win at the Terrible 400, he's seen here at speed. A first place finish in Class 1900 went to Tim Orchard in his very small Yamaha, seen here at speed. Dusty Times Ford of Mark Gonzalez and Ben Lawson failed to get even the first lap d o ne. Of the o ther three, Richard Blunk and John Pheagley went into the lead as Tom' and Tommy Bradley had some problems with their Chevy on their first lap. They were sec-ond, and Logan and Brandon Sims, racing for only the second time, were third, and had been nerfed into a hole and had to dig themselves out. Blunk and Pheagley had an-other good lap and solidified their lead, while the Sims broth-ers held second place, even though the Bradleys' second lap, much closer to normal, was a minute faster than theirs. Blunk and Pheagley, running very con-sistent times, held their lead through the third lap, but both the Sims and the Bradleys were closing up a bit. Blunk and Pheagley had a brake line problem, and one flat tire that cost them about 15 minutes, but otherwise drove steadily to the finish to take the win. The Sims brothers slowed on the last two laps, which were in the dark, but finished with sec-ond place. The Bradleys couldn't get their last lap completed. In the 1600 class there were 16 cars, one of which was racing in both events. A couple of them, both from old racing families, bombed out on the first lap. Cody Freeman broke his torsion housing, and Orio Cox was out for unknown reasons. In the sur-viving pack, the lead belonged to Kevin Graves in his Jimco. But he had only 11 seconds on Daniel Folts in his Seagroves Chassis. In third place it was Don Wall, and fourth belonged to Jeff Carr (who was also racing in the BITD event). Carr went into the lead on Lap 2, with Graves second, and now Ruben Rodriguez moved into third, while Folts dropped to fourth. There was an eight minute spread from first to fourth, so it was still a very tight race. Only one more had dropped out. Carr put Jeremy Harmon into the car for the run to the finish, and he held onto the lead, being about four minutes ahead of Folts and co-driver Brian Bur-gess. Rodriguez and his co-driver, Brad Maurer, were third about seven minutes further back, and Don Wall and Tom Bradley ran fourth another four min u tes down. One more car dropped out. The fourth lap looked the same, but things changed on the fifth lap. It seems Harmon had decided to clean his visor, and February 2006 Mike Falkosky did it again, he took the Class 3100 win in his Ford with more than an hour in hand at race end. The Pure Stock Production Mini win went to Rob MacCachren, his neat looking Ford seen here at speed on the course. rolled his car. He uprighted it by himself, but it cost him. Burgess put on a little extra burst of speed for the quickest last lap of the day, and propelled himself an d Folts into the win. Carr and Harmon (who'd had fast lap ear-lier, at 1:27:28) were second, only a minute and 21 seconds later. Rodriguez and Maurer, who'd run into a traffic jam on McCulloch pass, were third. In fourth it was Wall and Bradley, who reported no problems, and in fifth it was Eddie Aguilar and Brian Collins, Jr. Aguilar had had to deal with three flats. Laine Knecht and Rick Gutierrez were sixth, reporting no problems, and in seventh it was Jeremy Evans who soloed, and had three flat tires. Kevin and Kent Graves had run out of gas, which cost them an hour and a half, and droppeq. them to eighth place, while Steve Fuller and Sam Jones dealt with a throttle cable. Corey Goin and Warren Messick were the last fin-ishers, and they'd had a broken Continued on page 54 Page 17

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CAUFORNIA RALLY SERIES Prescott 2005 B:y Scott Bottomley Photos: Motorsports Memories Blake Yoon and John Dillon were 1st overall, 1st WSRC Open, 1st CRS Open 4WD, it was Yoons first win in the Subaru WRX. What's a birthday wish-a power failure and a habitual second place have in common? All three occurred at Prescott Rally 2005. And each happened to an Open 4WD com-petitor. But, before it was over a birthday wish did come true for rookie Blake Yoon and Amy BeberVanzo proved again that this second place and her second at Gorman was no fluke. And George Plsek's fast weekend ended with a battery/ alternator/ power failure after winning all four stages on Fri-day night. Let's begin the story with George Plsek's fast Lancer Evo. He and Jeff Burmeister set the fastest times overall on all of Friday's stages. Holding position in second and third place after SS2 were Vic-tor Kuhns and Josh Coleman, Subaru WRX, next was Doug Chernis and Alan Perry, Subaru WRX. But by the night's end Doug slipped to fifth, Victor held steady m second, Blake moved up to third and Amy settled down to fourth. Sixth place went to Chad Davies and Tim Sardelich, Subaru lmpreza. A hint of his impending doom occurred on Limestone Canyon turnaround when Blake beat George by a margin of two one hundredths; George started the day on a roll when he finished first on First View North-2, Perkinsville-! and Limestone Canyon stages. Buy Stage 9 he was second again and tied with Blake on Stage 10 for the top spot. Meanwhile Amy and her co-driver, A. Kihurani, were up to second place in class after Stage 9 with Blake right behind; they flipped positions after SSlO. After Stage 10 the run order looked like this: George, Blake, Amy, Douhg Victor and Chad. It all ended for George on SS11, his car failed to cross a single lane bridge on the transit to the stage, when the lights went out on the dash and it re-PIKES service center Baker, California Celebrating GO YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ••• THANKS! RESTAURANT Open 24 Hours Mobil® SERVICE Every Day Year Round THE BEST IN THE DESERT! Page 18 mained there until others could push start it across so that the tran-sit was open for the field. However, he started Stage 11 with his result-ing time knocking him down to the third spot and unfortunately his car didn't answer the bell for the next stage. With George terminal, Blake summed up his win with his wife Danay and son Alejo present, "When mechanical problems forced them out the real challenge· for us began. We had a couple of minor 'moments' on the last stage of the night, thanks in part to bad lights and a stuttering engine, but we finished by a wide margin (a minute and a halO. This was a very satisfying win." With co-driver John Dilton beside Blake making the calls, Leon Styles (Rally Champion) best explained John's contribu-tions, "I knew he could provide some additional 'in-car' coaching. I'd say it worked out pretty well." For the remainder of the rally, Amy couldn't take advantage of George's demise, she fell further back to a fine second in class, fourth overall. Dropping out with George on SS 11 was Chad Davies, taking the third position in class was Vic-tor with Doug Chernis following in fourth. For the POT class winners they only had to remember not to wind up the spring too tight and not lose the key. A smooth ride indeed for the new team of Keith Roper and Ray Peters in their '91 Mitsubishi Gallant VR4, a car that is Keith's daily driver and which has been also used as sweep for previous Prescott Rally events. If Keith found the go-ing tough consider a flat tire when the car was on the trailer as his only obstacle. Friday night's four stage wins set the precedent for Saturday's runaway triumph. While the Roper and Peters were making ground on the top five (Fri-day) and top three on Saturday, Chris Wilson gave chase in his reli-able Subaru Legacy to finish in the top ten both days. When Chris wasn't setting the second fastest stage time, Mike Moyer and Eric Olson (Mitsubishi Eclipse) broke through and took the runner-up spot from them on Saturday. Af-ter Roper and Wilson Friday's re-February 2006 George Pisek and Jeff Burmeister drove their Mitsubishi Evo to 1st overall, 1st WSRC Open 1st Open 4WD on the Friday run. Mike Whitman and Chrissie Beavis, Ford Escort Cosworth, were 2nd ala, 2nd WSRC on Friday but engine woes Saturday put them out of the running. maining field looked like this: Rob-ert Brinkhurst and Shea Burns, Nick and Brian Hudson, Mike Moyer and Scott Clark and Marie Boyd. With Keith (third place over-all) challenging the Open 2WD class winner Cable Rhodes for sec-ond overall; just a scant four sec-onds separated them on the final results, he established his high point of the rally "We came out of Lime-stone Canyon with fastest stage time and I just could not believe we had done it. What was better than that was we got to perform in front of good friends and associates of this sport." But the show wasn't all up front on Saturday, jockeying for third, fourth and fifth place posi-tions were Brinkhurst, Moyer and Hudson. Before Brinkhurst suc-cumbed to problems on Perkinsville (SS9), the margin between any one of them at any time was no more than a minute. Moyer prevailed, holding off the Hudson's hot pur-suit, taking the third spot by just two seconds ahead of them. Scott Clark and Marie Boyd rounded out the field, finishing fifth on Sat-urday. Usually, in Club Rally events Friday's leader board will be a good indication of what the final results will look like on Saturday. With the case of the Friday Open 2WD class battle, the results showed a few sur-prises, with Brian Scott and Ken Cassidy (Ford Focus SVT) taking the win, holding off a charging Jeff Rados and Guido Hamacher (Ford Ranger). According to my calcula-tions Roger Hull and Sean Gallagher (Plymouth Laser RS) fin-ished in the second spot but road penalties (unstated) I assume, set them back to the third position. Like I said earlier, the one or two surprises that did· occur knocked our leader (Cable Rhodes) back far enough to slow him down but not to finish him off. He walloped the co-drivers door on First View North (SS 1) with Lisa Lee on board in his TOMCAT Subaru WRX STi but managed to finish the night in eighth place. Fourth place went to Rem and Pamela Wyatt, VW Golf, whose best place of the night was a third on Witty Tom South. Sadly, they dropped out after Perkinsville stage (SS9) on Saturday succumbing to clutch or transmission failure. Jon Rood and Tim Hayosh took the fifth position, beating Marco Pasten to the line by one second. Trailing Marco in sev-enth place was the team of Lars Brian Scott and Ken Cassidy drove the Ford Focus SVT, a Group 2 win in WSRC, 1st Open 2WD on Friday and 9th overall on Saturday. Dusty Times

Page 19

Cable Rhodes and Lisa Lee were off the course on Friday but took Victor Kuhns and Josh Coleman drove their Subaru WRX to a solid 5th 2nd ola, 1st WSRC Gp 5 and CRS Open 2WD on Saturday in their Blake Yoon and John Dillon celebrate Yoon's first overall win, once again, determination and preparation do matter. place overall, a 3rd ola on Friday, 3rd WSRC, 3rd CRS Open 4WD. Mazda RX-7. Jeff Rados and Guido Hamacher took 1st WSRC, 2nd Open 2WD, but on Saturday they rolled their Ford Ranger, Kaput. Wolfe and Scot Langford in their VW Jetta; they improved their po-sition on Saturday with a sixth in class and 17th overall. But the best story of the day goes to Dean Schlingmann and his co-driver Chip Doeden in their new Suzuki Reno which I understand rolled but I don't know where or when; they continued on with doors from a new street Suzuki Reno they drove to the rally. All was not lost for Lisa Klassen and Duffy Bowers in her Toyota Corolla: an alternator fail-ure did not keep her from taking the WSRC Group 5 champion-ship. She rallied to a solid fourth in class on Saturday finishing 15th overall; in her first year of rallying. By Saturday morning, Friday night. was just a rally ghost of the past and a new day began to make tri-umphant memories once again. With a battered door showing ev-eryone his determination to win Prescott Rally Cable Rhodes won nearly all that there was to win ex-cept the overall: he fell short of that mark by a minute and a half. By winning all but one stage (SSS) he set times few could match, taking the class victory by over three min-'i!l#'' Michel Hoche-Mong and Sameer Parekh drove their VW Golf to 1st WSRC Production, 1st CRS Performance Stock on Friday and Saturday. Keith Roper and Ray Peters won 13 Stages, 3rd ola. They were 1st WSRC PGT, 1st CRS GT both days in their Mitsubishi Gallant VR-4. Dusty Times utes over second place Roger Hull. He managed three runner-up posi-tions and few three spots, but could never catch Cable. Unable to main-tain Friday's performance level, Brian Scott hung with and diced with Roger for second or third throughout the day, these three fin-ished well within the top ten. It was Wolfe, Klassen and Pasten dueling for position spots four, five and six all day; Wolf held fourth place with some nifty driving until Witty Tom West (SS 13) when he lost nearly four minutes to the others. Mean-while Pasten and Klassen jostled back and forth for fifth until Klassen passed him on the penultimate stage, Witty Tom North, gaining over 45 seconds; she · would eventually finish fourth in class followed by Pasten and Wolfe. Rounding out the rest of the field these drivers did not finish: Jon Ranger (he was organizing this Rood, Rem Wyatt, Dean event) to slip into second. Mean-Schlingmann and Jeff Rados. while Michel's times improved and Performance Stock- Chasing the by SS3 he had the second fastest ghosts of rallys past for Michel stage time and by SS4 he was tied Hoche-Mong this was his rally to for second with George Doganis win in Performance Stock. Perhaps and Tom Smith, giving him the lead a little haunted by this rally, he for the overnight in pare ferme. rolled his VW Scirocco a few years Rounding out the remaining teams back but came to exorcise the de-on Friday they finished like this: mons he left behind. Maybe his ex-Starting with fourth place, Cody orcising did start slowly but worked Crane and Mark Keith, Larry Gross well enough to engage Friday night's and Doug Young, George Doganis, leader into miscalculating their car Sarkis Mazmanian and Michael into a tree slapper; Tom and Dick Mazmanian and Kristopher Moser were leading after three stages Marciniak and Christine Wittish. and on their way to a certain vie- Day 2 was pretty much the tory when they struck a tree taking same as the night before, despite the road points while knocking them Moser's celebrating Arbor Day a down two positions to third. The little late the night before, they con-Moser's time on First View South tinued on their merry way setting (SS4) allowed Jim Pierce and Steven fast times on SS8 thru SSI 1. Lead-Taylor using Mike Taylor's Ford Continued on page 59 Worldwide benchmark manufacturer of military-specification wiring systems for all motorsport applications Utilizing the finest . Raychem System 25 components, the industry standard for all professional r.acing sanctions. Engineering, assembly. and comprehensive testing performed 1 00°m in-house. Complete harness assemblies and circuit control components are available to suit your. budget. MoTeC Engine Managen-,ent and Date· Acquisition Systems Robust 32-bit sequential fuel and spark control systems built to withstand extreme racing ar·,cj pre-running punishment. Turn-key systems available for all popular off-road engine packages. Digital display and data acquisition systems for all levels of competition. Engine and chassis dynamometer services available. Sakata Motorsport Electronics, inc 689 s. State College Blvd. Unit K Fullerton, CA Tel: 714-446-9473 Fax: 714-446-9247 February 2006 High-Accuracy Air-Fuel Ratio Meters Lightweight, stand-alone system works with all engines and alternate fuels -carbureted or fuel injected. For the dedicated engine tuner who needs to know exact;/y what their engine is doing. No flashing lights -just the facts ... Nail it; co a nurnber! Page 19 •

Page 20

• SECOND ANNUAL BAJA CuP CHALLENGE Buddy Feldkamp Takes overall By]. Preston Bradshaw Photos: Trackside Photo The big winner in the time controlled race at Glen Helen was Buddy Feldkamp, seen here on his way to the Class 1 and overall win. Page 20 UPPER R: Craig Forrest flies beautifully as he grabs lots of air on his way to the Class 1/2-1600 win, he finished third overall as well. UPPER L: Rex Racer and Loco Jades let it all hang down, they raced their good looking truck to a gold medal in the Class 7 competition. CENTER R: Brian Canon starts down that long steep hill, Brian took the Class 7S win at the Baja Cup Challenge. I twas the second annual Baja Cup, itwas Glen Helen Raceway, the weather was good, a bit on the windy side but certainly pleasant for the racers, their crews and the spectators. The racing format was the same as last year, each class would run a two hour race, all contestants on the course at the same time, each contestant was required to stop twice for a mandatory tire change, most just jacked up the car, removed a front tire and put it right back on again and then back into ac-tion. If you needed fuel, that would be the time to top off and keep your stops down to the mandatory two times. LOWER L; Ken Schertzer had a great day, he ran his good looking Class 5 car to the class win, he's seen here pouring on the power. LOWER R: The Class 5-1600 win went to Jonathan Moreno, he's seen here flyin' low on his way to the checkered flag at Glen Helen. February 2006 Mike Sandoval comes off a jump and floats for a while as he heads for a very nice Class 10 win st the 2nd Annual Baja Cup Challenge . WJ and Ethan Bradbury drove their Ford Bronco to the Pre-Runner Class win tfiey're seen here at speed on the course. · ' Dusty. Times

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-· Jake Cappiotti and Jesse Rodriguez had a pretty good day. they Jimmy Fishback Ill is really flyin' as he comes over to top of the, hill, Jack and Philo Mitman had a pretty good race, they finished second took a nice second place finish in Class 10 at Glen Helen. Jimmy finished second in the 1/2-1600 conflict. in the Class 7 race, seen here at speed. Anthony Burton and Jason Bolinas ran to a decent second place Carl Anderson is missing a little fiberglass as he heads towards a Mike Bilek drove his bitchin' looking car to the bronze medal in Class finish in the Class 5 race, seen here i t. nice second place finish in the Class 14 contest. 1, Mike finished fourth overall as well. JJ Hansen drove his good looking Chevy to the Class 14 win, he's seen here making his way to the checkered flag. · Cam Theriot and legend Malcolm Smith just missed the gold, they took home the silver medal in the hotly contested Class 1 conflict. Brian Cotham. had no competition, he raced at three quarter speed and took the Trophy Truck win at Glen Helen. · Dusty Times Bud Feldkamp had originally set this vehicle after the 1000. We expect this on top ofit all, Glen Helen is really a fun race on the calendar as a son of thank race to grow over the years as more rac-course to run. you to your race crew after running the ers come to the Glen Helen course and The Class 1 battle was a good one, Baja 1000 race, bring your car or truck give a real tty. Remember, the Glen Helen they all had a good race, weaving be-to Glen Helen and let some of your_ pit course doesn't discriminate against ei-tween the other class race cars as the crew members get some seat time, all ther desen or shon course cars. The hours progressed and, when the end without doing any major repair to the track accepts all wheel bases happily and, February 2006 Page 21

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A third place finish in Class 7 went to Biker Sherlock, he's seen here Mike De Felice had major problems, only got a few laps under his belt Chris Mazzul/a and Sean O'Connor had some fun while they were running, they were an official dnf when day was done. at speed headin' towards that checkered flag. but he was credited with a third place finish in Class 14. came it was Buddy Feldkamp taking the finisher in class was Mile Bilakwho had only official dnf in the Class 1 action. Class 1 winandBuddytooktheoverall sometroublesalongtheway.Miketook There was only one Trophy prize as well. Second place in Class 1 the honors for finishing fourth overall Truck entered and Brian Batham went to the venerable team of Cam in the race. Danny Parcel was awarded just went out there and cruised Thieriot and Malcolm Smith, they took the fourth finishing position in Class 1 around, he ran 17 laps of the course the silver medal and they were second despite major problems and Chris and took the TT win, he finished overall in the finishing column. Third Mazzulla and Sean O'Connor were the 16th overall when the day was done. In the Class 10 battle, it was Mike under their belts and were seventh Sandoval taking the big win, Mike overall at the checkers. Finishing in got in 22 laps of the course and he third place in Class 10 was the duo finished sixth overall as well. Second of Keith Williams and Craig Ayers, place finishers in the Class 10 con- they only got 20 laps of racing in test was the team of Jake Cappiotti this day, but they still finished in the and Jesse Rodriguez, they got 21 laps eighth overall position. 0 POMONA AVE. -+-------!'91l------LIST YOUR PHONE NUMBER, YEAR, MODEL AND ENGINE SIZE! Sales Information: Payment may be made by credit card, money order or cashier's check. Personal or business checks are not accepted. C.O.D. orders accepted with 50% pre· payment. $5 Handling charge on all orders. California residents include 7.75% sales tax. Customers responsible for all freight charges. Minimum order is $25. The use of Volkswagen by Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. is for descriptive purposes ONLY and in no way 1s the name used to infer or intend a direct connection between Pacific Customs Unlimited. Inc. and Volkswagen. Volkswagen 1s a registered trademark. PRICES EFFECTIVE DURING THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MAGAZINE COVER DATE. JA·MARREAR BILLET DISC BRAKES Long or Short Axle. 5•Lug Billet Disc Brakes ........ S590 5-Lug Billet Disc Brakes With Four Piston Caliper .. .740 JA•MAR FRONT BILLET DISC BRAKES King Pin Spindles or Combo Link Spindles. ----- - - - Billet Disc Brakes JA·MAR MICRO STUB BRAKES for Desert Rails ............... 820 BIUET 5VW HUBS 5·lug Micro Stub Disc Brakes KP or Combo Link Spindles. W/Four Piston Caliper.... King Pin Spindle Hub Kit... .. $345 Chromoly Micro Stub Kit .... $1,050 Combo Link Spindle Hub Kll.365 M300 Micro Stub Kit ............ 1,200 HD M300 Micro Stub Kit... .... 1,350 HOWE POWER STEERING 2.5 Power Rack .... 2 5 Power Rack with $1,275 Control Valve............... 1,650 Control Valve· lnline ............. 345 Charlynn TorQue Generator ...... 295 Port Block. Charlynn .................. 25 Coupler, Charlynn .................. 18 Sweet U·Joints, from ................. 56 Reservoir, Power Steering .. 94 Reservoir with Filter, Power Steenng .......... . .. 148 Reserboir Bracket ........... 14 Power Steering Pump ........... 160 Power Steenng Pulley. from 60 Pulley for Subaru .......... . .. 60 Pump Brackets. from... .. .. . .. 65 Page 22 Ba/a·Pro Performance Tires E78 Mini Mag S92 30 X 700. 4·ply ................. 114 33 X 9.00. 4·ply ................ 156 35 X 10 00. 4·ply .................... 160 MICKEY THOMSON BAJA BELTED HP 30x9.5·15 ................... $120 31 X 10.50·15... .. ........ 152 33 X 10.50·15 ........................ 146 COIL BEAM SUSPENSION *Made In USA* Front Ends are 6" Wider with 10" Towers to Accept Coll Shocks Without Modification and Includes Rack and Pinion Mount. Trailing Arms are 0.0.M. Ma/,rlal, 2'/•" Larger x 1• Wider And Can Use Either Stock King Pin Spindles or Combo Links. Front Beam for Coil Shocks ... $265 Combo Unk Spindles .......... $460 Chromoly Front Beam for Combo Link Spindles, 3·, from495 Coil Shocks .................. 310 King Shock 2' AdJ. Body D.O.M Trailing Arms, set of 4 .310 w/Reservolr. Includes D.O.M. + 4" Trailing Arms (4) .. 360 Springs, each .................. 495 Thru Rods w/Nuts, pair .............. 50 Piggy Back Reservoir Option ..... 65 Urethane Beam Bushings .......... 24 Swedged Tie Rods, Alum., pr .... 65 H.D. Unk Pins ............................ 48 Swedged T•Rods, Chromoly, pr65 I . •I SACO HD RACK & PINION Billet Housing. Made In U.S.A. Saco Rack & P1mon ............... $295 Sweet U·Joints, from ............... 56 ~CONTROL ~CABLES Flexible, Heavy Duty Shielded Throttle Cables. Specify Clip End Or Bulk Head End Available 6'-13' Long In 6" Increments. 5· or 6'/, Cable ...................... $28 7' or 7'/,' Cable ........................ 29 8. or 8'!,' Cable .......................... 30 9' or 9'/, Cable... . ..... 31 10· or 10•1,· Cable ...................... 32 11' or 11 '/,' Cable ...................... 33 12· or 12'/,' Cable ................... 34 13' or 13'/,' Cable ...................... 35 • Add $5 for Threaded Housing • 3x3 TRAILING ARMS by LATEST RAGE Will Use 930 CV Joint. Trailing Arms, Steel, pair ....... $285 Trailing Arms, Stock. pair ........ 260 Trailing Arm Bushings .............. 15 ~I KING ADJUSTABLE SHOCKS WI RESERVOIR Full Adjustment Dual Spring Shock with Hose and Reservoir. King 2" Adjustable Shock, 8·10·12" Stroke ...... from $495 King 2 'I>" Ad1ustable Shock, 12· 14· 16" Stroke ..... .from 585 Billet Aluminum Clamp·On Reservoir Mount, each ........ 35 Urethane Mount Pad, pair ........... 8 •• RACE PREP 930 CV'S From German 930s lo Raceprep 930. German 930 CV ..................... $55 Chromoly 930 Cage .................. .45 Race Prep 930 CV .................... 140 HD¼ 930CV Bolt, 12 Point ......... 1 Boot And Flange For 930 ........... 28 930 CHROMOLY CV CAGE Allows Additional Pivoting In 930 CV Joint. Stronger Cage Reduces Chance of Breaking. 930 Chromoly CV Cage, each .. $45 Chromoly Heim Joints Specify Left or Right Hand Thread ¼' x ¼' Heim Joint .................. $31 '/." x '/." Heim Joint .................... 38 '/,' x •t: High Angle Heim Joint..49 '/, Jam Nut.. ................................ 2 •t: Jam Nut... ............................... 3 ¼' x •t,· x '/." Misalignment Spacer ................................... 7 5/." x 1/t x 1/t Misalignment Spacer ................................... 7 1/: x 'N x '/t Misalignment Spacer ................................... 8 ,,,· x 11,· x 1/t Misalignment Spacer ............................. . 8 'I," Thread Chromoly Tube Boss .8 '/, Thread Chromoly Tube Boss .8 CENTERLINE WHEELS 15 x4 15x5 15 x6 15x7 15x8 15 X 10 Forged Aluminum Wheels with Polished Finish. 5 VW S178 51/W ..... , , ....... 183 5 vw ....................... 183 51/W ................ 186 51/W ........................ 189 51/W ....................... 197 15 X 3 '/, 4 1/W ................ 172 15 X 5 '/, 4 WI ................... 220 15x7 41/W .............. 223 15 X 8 '/, 4 1/W .................... 230 930 CHROMOLY STUB AXLES& DRIVE FLANGES Stub Axles for 930 CV, pair ..• $140 Stub Axles for Bus CV, pair ... $140 Dnve Flanges for 930 CV, pair ... 70 Drive Flanges for Bus CV, pw .. .70 HEAVY DUTY AXLES GERMAN CV JOINTS by LA TEST RAGE Bug/Bus Trans to AND BOOTS Beetle Trailer Arms ......... $120 Bug, CV Joint ...... . Bug/Bus Trans to 3x3 Arms ..... 130 Bug, CV Boot ....... . Bug/Bus Trans to 3x3 Arms Bus. CV Joint.. ....................... .50 for 930 CV's ................ 140 Bus, CV Boot .......................... 6 23· or 24 Axles for 930 cv·s .260 930, CV Joint. ......................... 55 24 ·28 M300 for 930 CV's .. .fr 440 930. Boot and Range ................ 28 3" Lap Bells wi/h Sewn·ln 2" or 3" Shoulder Harnesses Available in 3, 4, or V Point Black or Grey. 3" x 2" 3 P01nt ... .. ....... S68 3" X 2· 4 Point 68 3" x 3" 3 Point.. ....................... 80 3" x 3" 4 Point.. ....................... 80 3" x 2' 3 Pl w/Shoulder Pad .... 88 3· x 2· 4 Pt w/Shoulder Pad .... 88 3" x 3" 3 Pt w/Shoulder Pad .. 100 3" x 3" 4 Pt w/Shoulder Pad . .100 2 Crotch Strap ........................... 12 Su Ti Low High CROW SHOULDER PADS Aval/able tor Z-or 3" Shoulder Harness, Black, Blue Or Red. 2· Shoulder Harness Pads, pr .. $24 3" Shoulder Harness Pads, pr .... 28 Available In Doubles or Quads. Made from 1'/? Nylon Webbing with a 5,0001 Rating and 4130 Steel Brackets. Available in 12" · 24" Lengths. Double Limiting Strap .............. $18 Quad Limiting Strap ................... 24 Adjustable Clevis, Single ............ 28 Only 19" Wide/ Now You Can Use Special Order Widths Available. suspension seats in Narrower 2·Pass_ Bene~ Seat, Chassis. Avallablt In Black or Grey. 46 or 48 Wide... ....... .$400 LIi' Sportster Seat, Low•Back $165 BEARD SUPER SEAT u~E;RD Se;;;~O~~;o MOUNT KIT Light Duty Tie Down, 1'// x 6' Slide/Tilt Combination ......... $110 Strap, 5,000# Capacity ...... $16 Slide/Slide Comblnatlon Ratchet Tie Down, 2· x 7' for LIi' Sportster ................ 125 Strap, 10,000# Capacity ...... 24 Bracket and Slide Mount Only .. 52 Axle Strap ................................ 10 February 2006 Craig Forest had a great day, he took the Class 1/2-1600 win by many laps and he also had a great third overall finish, beating out some heavily horsepowered competition. Jimmy Fishback III got some racing in but didn't have the best of days, he only got in 191apsofracingandheactuallyended up finishing 12th overall. In Class 1300 there was only one entry, the team of Rick and Troy Waszkiewicz, but they didn't start the race and were not scored. In Class 7 there were two loonies, Rex Racer and Loco Jodes who were there to have a good time, and they did, they took the class win with all sorts of time to spare and they fin-ished 11th in the overall standings as well. Second place finish in the Class 7 contest was the Jack Mitman/Philo Mitman duo, they were a few laps down from the class leader but they did take home the silver medal. The bronze medal went to Biker Sherlock, he too was down a few laps from the class leaders but still had a good time. Class 7S only had two entries but there was no contest, Brian Canon got in 11 laps and he was the class winner, Kathy Fay and Diego Lopes were scheduled to race but they never started their stint. In the Class 5 race it was Ken Schertzer taking the win, he put 19 laps on his car and was quite pleased with his gold medal and his 13th over-all finishing position. Anthony Bur-ton and Jason Bolinas gave chase but they had to settle for the second spot and 15th overall. Todd and Scott Stemmerman were scheduled to run but they never got to the green flag. It was lonesome in Class 5-1600, Jonathan Moreno and Trey Kadow made it a great day, they got 19 laps under their belts before the checkers flew and finished a wonderful 10th overall. There was only one entry in the Pre-runner class, the team ofW.J. Bradbury and Ethan Bradbury. They had a pretty good day they got 18 laps to their credit, took the class win and showed up on the results as the 14th overall finisher. Class 14 saw J.J. Hansen taking home the gold medal, he got in 20 laps and was in the ninth overall posi-tion when the checkered flag was waved. Second in Class 14 was Carl Anderson, Carl only got in 11 laps and was 19th overall at the end. Last, but certainly not least was the Class 14 team of Mike De Felice and Bob Bescot. They had major troubles and 1 only got in two laps but were still cred-ited with a third place in class,. So it ended, chalk up another race day at Glen Helen, good weather, fun racing and what more can one ask? Set aside December 9, 2006 for a two hour run at Glen Helen, the third annual Baja Cup Challenge. Hope to see ya all there! .. -#1 % Dusty Times

Page 23

Arn..e-rk4n~ JeepSgeed Challenge a _, . ..,, r--~_.,,,..,• '00!7 /tf, .· v./ Cllamp: /. · .·arnett

Page 24

central, Do You copy? By Judy Smith BFGoodrich Tires has been such an integral part of the sport of off road racing for so long now, that some aspects of their involve-ment seem overlooked. Everyone knows they've devel-oped tires that work wonders for the racers, and most folks know about their terrific pit support sys-tem. But, there's also a super-effi-cient radio team, keeping track of the racers. We thought it'd be en-lightening to follow them through their chores as they gathered in-formation at a Baja 1000. To do that meant sitting in their midst and taking notes, but of course, occasionally, we had to hustle out and tend to our own business, so this narrative is a little spotty. So be it -you 'II get the idea. BFG Central is housed in Dave Walter's motorhome, which takes a beating during one of these events. He has radios, computers, satellite phones, a printer, stacks of clipboards, mountains of pa-per and various and sundry other bits and pieces of equipment. The roof bristles with antennas. The coffee pot is always working. And so -it seems - is the bathroom. Always a part of the team, and also headquartered in Walter's motorhome, is Brad Molinari, a stand-in for one of Santa's elves in appearance, with the personality to match, Brad does everything, cheerfully. For this year's 1000 Page 24 they brought along Brad's wife, Casy, knowing that the hours would be long and extra help would be needed. The day before the race Brad and Dave checked everything out. They made arrangements with a Mexican firm for wireless internet, they got their antennas fine tuned, made sure they had everything, and settled in for the duration. On race morning they parked alongside the start ramp, and got everything set up. Brad climbed on top and lined up the antennas, made sure all connections were good, and inside, Dave tested various phones, computers and printers. Mean-while, teams of radio people were spreading out on the race course. These folks, according to Dave, "are a special breed who always have microphones in their hands and like the challenge of the back country either by four wheeling, donkey-burro riding or airplane. They really enjoy helping the rac-ing community and if they happen to help save one life during their career, then putting up with all the hardships is worthwhile (they all have)." Sam Wilshire was at Alamo, Rick and Nancy Levias were the Borrego team, Izzie was at Chanate, Jack Sypolt at San Telmo and Steve Williams was Llano Colorado communications. In be-tween the Pit radios there were re-lays whose job would be to pro-vide contact between race and chase vehicles all over the course and to pass messages from chase crew to race vehicles. The relays were Bob Hynes and Dave Gerber who covered the start to Nuevo Junction, and then Uruapan to the finish, Tony Steingraber who covered Nuevo Junction to Borrego, Bruce Erickson, who cov-ered Matomi Wash to Laguna Diablo, Wild Bill Wiederhold, who covered Borrego Junction, San Felipe and San Matias to San Vicente, and Win Deen who ser-viced San Vicente to Santo Tomas. It would be difficult for a racer or chase crew to slip through the cracks. In addition to all those sta-tionary people, were Frank DeAngelo and Jeff Cummings, both on the highway, moving from pit to pit, and checking in from time to time with questions or in-formation. At 7:50 a.m. on race morning they are concerned about finding time to read out a list of changed frequencies. They want to be sure that all the radio people have the right radio frequencies for the race tams, but for some reason there have been over 70 changes. It'll take a long time to read off all those numbers and get the data to every pit. At the same time Dave's wor-rying about the frequency changes, he's looking for a 256 OPS chip with a lot of files on that's been February 2006 misplaced. He particularly needs one of the files. By 8: 12 a.m. Dave W. is already talking to his com-puter, which won't send a message for him. And Doug , is calling himself names, and is also dealing with a computer. They're planning an 8:30 radio check, and after that they'll do "adds, deletes and num-ber changes", and when that's all done, they'll deal with the fre-quency changes. At 8:30 a.m., Frank DeAngelo runs the status check with all the pits. Pit 3 can't respond for some reason, and pit 5 hasn't arrived yet. At 8:40 Doug starts the fre-quency changes. Frank's getting ready to take off, and he's handed them a list of changes to the fuel-ing instructions to send. When the cars start at 9:30, Brad inputs each vehicle number and the time at which it takes the green flag. And Lin Macleod writes down every car number and a brief description of its color and any graphics that might help iden-tify it if for some reason its num-ber isn't visible to the pit people as it races past. Casy has hustled over to the motorhome of Dave and Sandy Churchill, parked nearby, to gather up some breakfast. The Churchills are doing hospitality for BFG this race, because many important people are in Baja to observe the 30th anniversary of BFG's involvement in the sport, and to celebrate the 20th consecu-tive overall car/ truck win (if it hap-pens). They are busy for the duration of the long start process, it's in-tense: they don't want any errors. By 12:40 p.m. the start line is closing. Brad climbs up topside and takes down all the antennas, and they head out to the baseball park. Once there, Brad climbs back up and sets up all the equipment again. Some things have to be aimed just so. It needs precision and know-how. Inside the motorhome, early reports are com-ing in already. Casy, Sandy or Lin write down the numbers and times as they are called. When one per-son is writing down passing times, another is often entering them at the same time, in the computer. This gives the team an up to date report of who's in front and how far they've gone. The pits also hear the reports and try to keep a record of them, so they'll know who is due in, or, conversely, who's no longer in the race. At 4:25 p.m. Casy is reading numbers to Sandy, who puts them into the computer, while Lin, ear-phones on, takes reports from the radio people at the pits. Mean-while, just outside the motorhomes a big tractor is build-ing the finish-line ramp, and mak-ing a horrendous amount of noise. One of the pits report that they're having sat phone problems. That's not too unusual. At 4:45 Frank is asking for the lead cars. Ragland, Shepard and Herbst are through Chanate already. Now the hunt starts to find the BFG Winners' hats, which were put in Dave's underbelly storage area. There's a lot of bustling around while they search. Ellen, with Wild Bill, calls in a query about Page 13 of the BFG map book, wanting to know if the note Dusty Times

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about access at RM 443/K 140 is correct. Jeff, somewhere on the road in the Bronco, replies that it is still true,. Alamo reports another five ve-hicles through by 4:48 p.m., and they're already seeing Sportsman trucks, a Class 11 and some late Class 10s. Alamo is Mile 83 on the race course. Now Casy is inputting the numbers and times, and Sandy is outside setting up the "refresh-ment" area for the BFG folks who are expected to wander in and out of the area. At 4:58 a report comes in that Trophy Truck #83 (Robby Gordon) has a problem with a col-lapsed rear suspension, and his tires are rubbing. Dave and John Howard are still trying to find the Winners' hats. A report comes in that 1011 is on a trailer, and would Central please let their pit know. Chanate reports that on corrected time 105 leads -that's Herbst and Roeseler. By 5 p.m. the ramp leading into the ball field and down to the checkered flag is finally finished. Quiet descends. At 5: 17 a query comes in from someone looking for #17 at Alamo. Dave W. calls Alamo to let them know that ac-cording to the records there are still about five BFG cars expected to go through the their pit. He doesn't want them to close before the cars get there. Alamo is still querying about #17, but he's al-ready on the "out" list. Dave Churchill comes in, look-ing for a "Y" connection, and a guy at the motorhome door wants to know if they're posting "results" somewhere. Dave tells him how to find them on the website. Lin is trying to track down a report that car #1101 went through Borrego many hours earlier than a Class 11 could. It seems that someone must have inverted the numbers when calling them in. Alamo re-ports some stragglers, and Sam is also trying to sort out some confu-sion between 1606, 1646 and 1620. Oscar Ramos, SCORE's attor-ney, is at the door trying to talk to Dave W. He says Sal wants some information to post. Dave W. tells Sal where the lead bikes are. A Rally Track person comes in, look-ing for good, accurate start list. Dave W. tells him to go to Jim Russell (timing and scoring) for an official list. Borrego insists that #1101 went through. Dave W. took it off the list: it's not possible. Then 1707 pops up on the computer as hav-ing reached Borrego with a time of 16 minutes. That's an input er-ror -they quickly fix it. Chanate calls in a list of passing vehicles. One is a vehicle with body parts missing; they "can't tell if it's a truck or a buggy." They say they think it says "Pro Comp" on the side. The consensus is that it's Marty Coyne's #5 Trophy Truck, and Lin checks her list of descrip-tions to verify. It is Coyne. There's a question from one pit. Car #104 passed through at 5:01:54, then had trouble and came back to the pit. Should they give us the time he leaves on his second out? Dominic Clark, SCORE's PR person came in looking for a print out. Dave W. prints him a list. He also tells h im to ch eck, where he's post-ing times. Brad comes in to give Casy a break from inputting numbers. Frank is on the radio, confirming that the truck with no body pan-Dusty Times els is Coyne. Chanate wants a list of the cars through Borrego, with their times, so they know whom to expect, and when. Lin reads the list to them. At 6 p.m. Alamo is about to close and three cars have still not got there. A chase crew radios look-ing for information on # 17. Brad tells him the truck is out of the race. The chase guy wants infor-mation about his location relayed to somewhere. By 6:07 p.m. the Alamo pit is closed. Frank tells them "thanks". The chase crew for #557 calls in looking for information. He's told it's through Alamo. Dave W. is checking with SCORE Ops to be sure the Check Point closing times haven't been changed. Chanate is reporting passing cars about six at a time. Llano Colorado reports that the first two bikes on the road have gone through at approximately 5:49 p.m. Dave W. is agitated about this. He decides his estimate of the ap-proximate finish time is off by a half hour. We'll have finishers in earlier than expected. He's worried about how the bikes picked up so much time. Someone's at the window look-ing for information. And there's a radio report that car # 16 is look-ing for an alternator. A long "Out List" has been put together, and Dave W. reads it to the pits so that no one will sit around waiting for one of them to show up later in the evening. Chanate reports a pos-sible roll-over at Matomi. The re-lays will "handle" the communica-tions. At 7:05 SCORE Ops call in to find out where the first Trophy Truck is on the course. Dominic comes in to get the same informa-tion. Llano Colorado needs the "Out" list so Casy reads it to them. Brad is entering times into the computer and Doug is looking for Dave C. 's camera. Dave W. is dig-ging out a table cloth for the "en-tertainment" area. A message comes from Borrego asking Cen-tral to tell Frank that #863 has left, and Damien Michelin is aboard. Dave W. and Doug are rerout-ing wires and talking through the window at each other, radio re-ports are coming in at the same time. It's chaotic. Borrego is trying to call Frank to tell him that Michelin is aboard Hall's Hum-mer. A report comes in that# 1501 is bringing in parts for Trophy Truck #10. Dave W. and Doug are now shuffling cars around out in the parking area to make room for the BFG bigwigs who are expected to be coming in from out on the course. Dave W. is looking for a cable. They want to set up a speaker so people outside can hear the pit reports on passing race cars. At 7:30 Frank wants a report on the Michelin biker. San Telmo says he went through at 7: 15 p.m. Dave W. is on the radio asking Frank how much parking he'll need at the finish line for all the BFG folks. He needs space for four, and he'll be there in about an hour. At 7:40 p.m. only Casy and Lin are working. All the men are outdoors, wandering around, and browsing the snack table. Casy makes a new pot of coffee, and the loud music fires up on the other side of the field. The first bike has gone through Tres Her-manos, which means he's about 50 miles out. The two Daves and Doug are distracted by the logistics of get-ting the BFG special guests into the start/finish area. By now Dave W. has set things up so Dominic can use the internet to get the lists as fast as the BFG team puts them in the computer. In a quiet moment Dave W. and I record the tire changes. This means I read from the "tire count" list and Dave puts into the records which tires each car started the race on. We record any who've switched brands, and those who have no stickers on their car. Chanate called in with a "tech-nical question about rules", in-spired by a car that went through, then turned around and went back to its pit, and then left again. The BFG folks are coming in now, and one reports that it cost him $4 and two BFG hats to get a parking place. He thought it was a good price. Suddenly, at 8:35, there are 10 people in the motorhome. DeAngelo arrives a few minutes later. Reports are coming in from the pits steadily, and Casy, Lin and Brad take turns writing them down and/ or entering them. Dave W. sets up his computer so we can watch the progress of all the Baja Challenge cars, which have some special OPS sending devices on them,. On the screen, which shows a map of the course against the background of a map of Baja, little symbols creep around the trail. It's fascinating. Charlie Engelhart comes in to find out how far out the lead bik-ers are. He's told they'll be there in about an hour. A guy with a video camera is videoing the com-puter with the Baja Challenge car symbols moving along. A man came to the door looking for Tro-phy Truck #71. He's told it went through Mile 85 at 5 o'clock. By 9:30 Dave W. is muttering, Relay 8 is asking for status on # 1604 and Casy is trying to sort out why# 1611 seems to have gone thru Borrego twice. They decide that the first entry should have read #111. Nancy, at Borrego, is having trouble with her radio, needs someone to tell her why. Bob Hynes came on to tell her what to do. Another person pops in to look for word on the Herbst ve-hicles. Ellen calls in to check on the brand of tires on a couple of cars - they weren't on BFGs. Llano Colorado reports that #80, Shepard, has gone through, at 9:43. Frank has a lot of infor-mation about what's been going on out on the course, and he fills us in. Reports are coming in from San Telmo and Llano Colorado now, in addition to all the other pits. At 10:4 2 motorcycle #6X fin-ished the race. Relay 8 reports that #105 went-past him at 10:50. That's Roeseler and Herbst and they're the first truck on the road. There's been a steady trickle of re-ports about# 1205 and their steer-ing problem. At 11:05 we hear that their steering is fixed, but now they have no motor. Reports are coming in steadily, and Dave W. is hustling, trying to get all the pre-midnight times into the computer before midnight so he doesn't have to do some complicated thing with changing the time. We get a report that Aggie, the BFG man on the spot who's been helping racers out of tight spots for years, is broken and limping out of Matomi. Dave W. has called one of the relay people who's near the Pine Forest, and asked them to give us the time difference be-tween the first and second truck to go past him. Reports are coming in from Chanate, San Telmo, Borrego, and Llano Colorado. Some folks show up looking for word on Robby Gordon. Dominic stops by to see who's ·due and when. Sal Fish hasn't been around, he's sick and his crew packed him off to bed. At about 12:30 everyone who can, goes outside to await the first ve-hicle. Owen Sciano, BFG Brand Manager made an address to the spectators, thanking the Baja com-munity for their hospitality. Troy Herbst shows up - nervous and jit-tery - Roeseler should be in soon, but you never know. He arrived right on time, giving BFG their 20th consecutive overall car/truck win. At this point, I become very busy, as does the BFG Central team, but I can't see what they're doing when I'm outside talking to finishers. They're now recording car numbers and finish times along with everything else. About 2: 10 a.m . I went back to the motorhome to see what was going on, but it was so full of BFG bod-ies I couldn't get in. At 4:41 a.m. I go back in and find Sandy and Casy on the radios, Brad snoozing on the couch and Dave W,. and Frank stewing over the computer. I see that Dave and Frank are watching the progress of Scott Steinberger on the computer screen, somehow getting the data from the Rally Logger. Chanate calls in a list of cars that haven't gone by. I return at about 5:55 and find Dave C., Sandy, Frank and John Howard in the motorhome. A whole string of cars finish now that it's daylight again, and I don't get back to the motorhome until 8 a.m. Casy, Sandy and Doug are Continued on page 54 0 p:r·/.MA "llt!WIIMr&JloWDSOllace• ZTREME TIRE co. Nl:VAOJt OFFROAD BUGGY T-SHRT SM-MEO-LRG-XXLRG ON.Y $10.00 CROW • : . • . 'j i ... ~ '--.()I I) • . HFnf'C WE CARRY A\IIIDE ASSORTMENT OF WELD ON TRICK TABS ,,_~~~ ..... CALL TOLL FREE 1-888-755-5900 -3054 S. VALLEY VIEW #130 * LAS VEGAS, NV* 89102 HOURS: MON-FRI 9AM-6PM • SAT 9AM-5PM (702) 871-5221 fax· February 2006 Page 25

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Patten Is Perfect By Stet1e Ruddick Photos: Trackside Photo When the dust cleared from the novel two course race layout it was Lee Patten taking the Class 1 honors at the MORE Holiday 200. · The M.O.R. E. Holiday 200 concurrent races, with one track respective sides of the start/fin-race was held on December 3, (A2) being 33 miles and a sec-ish line, and took alternating 2005 in Barstow, CA, behind ond, shorter course (Al) of 13.2 green flags depending on which the Slash X Cafe off Highway miles; and 'two' race heats, with course they were running. While 247, on the backside of the race a one hour break in between for both the racers and the fans course. The race was to benefit maintenance of the race vehicles, seemed to like the format and the local Toys for Tots Christ-and drivers too. fun and excitement, the mas program. A hearty "HO! The first race was split with M.O.R.E. crew sure had their HO! HO!" to all who helped the faster cars running ten laps hands full keeping the right rac-make a lot of kids very happy! on the larger and longer 33 mile ers on the right tracks where the This writer, and many other course A2, while the slower cars courses split, only about 100 feet 'Dusty Times' devotees, arrived were running seven laps on the or so past start/finish! Friday afternoon where we were shorter 13 mile loop on course This race had over 70 entries. greeted by the infamous Al. The racers switched courses Race day had about perfect "Barstow BreeZe". The weather for the second heat. weather -the rain was gone, it was overcast and rainy, with 29 This was a very interesting for- was still cold, but the wind had mph winds, and gusts up to 39 mat and worked out fantastic died to a breeze. The 13 mile mph! Race day however, started for not only the racers, but also short course Al, was smooth the out clear, and cold! ... with just allowed for some excellent spec- first one-third of the track (okay, enough of a west-to-east blowing tating the length of the four mile 'smooth; by Barstow standards), wind to keep the dust off the stretch where the courses inter-the second part rough and rocky, track. connected along the rough and followed by a technical section The layout for this race was renowned Course A at Barstow. filled with turns, washes and also a new notion for M.O.R.E. For the start of each competi-cross drainages. Course A2, the It consisted of two courses and tion, the racers lined up on their 33 mile loop, really wasn't that In the Trophy Challenge Class it was Greg Crew taking the win in his really keen looking car, seen here at speed. The Class 5-1600 win went to Bryan Hintz but it was fairly close, his competition was less than two minutes behind. much different, just a whole lot more of it to negotiate and navi-gate. CLASS 1: The Class 1 speed-sters were out in numbers for this race, with 16 starters; but only eight would see the checkers at the end of the day. Lee Patten drove the Patten Company# 107 to a first-in-class and Overall winner in 4:24:07. The Pattens reported having a "lot of fun with the course format", and said their LS2-powered Penhall chas-sis worked good all day despite having a flat, and having to reboot the ignition and change fuel pumps on their second to last lap. The most fun of the day for #107: "hitting 100 mph. in the wash!". Rick Wilcoxson #127 took second place in Class 1 only 5 2 seconds behind# 107, and John Gould came in third in class a mere six seconds behind Wilcoxson. That is called 'perty darn close!' Rick Wilcoxson and co-driver, Tracey Campbell, drove the first heat in their # 107 L2 Cadillac-powered, Jimco chas-sis ride, and Troy Johnson took over the driver duties for the sec-ond heat; alon g with his co-driver Joey Westhoff. # 107 said Course 2A was "rough and rocky", but still managed some Continued on page 28 Clint Fisher had a pretty good race, he ended up third on the podium Javier Avila drove his Ford pickup to a decent second spot in the Second place in the Class 9 battle went to Doug Si/cock, it was close, in the Troph C e, seen here in his four seater. Class 7A contest, he's seen here at speed. Doug was only three minutes out of the c=la~s~s_wi_·n_. _____ _ It can't get too much closer, Ryan Harbottle missed the Class 1 O win Curt Geer ran as fast as he could but he had to settle for the a John Gould literally flew to a third place finish in the tight Class 1 race, by less than two minutes, seen here in his great looking car. second place finish in Class 1600, less than 3 minutes out of the win. he was only 58 seconds behind the class winner. Page 26 February 2006 Dusty Times

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below) to th along wt, racing family. s throughout th

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A nice second place finish in Trophy Challenge went to Gene Wilson, he ended up six minutes behind the leader. Guy Savedra drove as hard as he could but this race the best he could muster was a third place finish in Class 5-1600. Noe Sierra was a bit off the winning pace at Barstow, he ended up in an unaccustomed third place in Class 7A. Perry Fleming was the Class 7A winner, he had more than half an hour in hand when he took the checkered flag. 'fun time' when they passed Lee Patten in # 107 on the last lap. # 107 finished the race in 4:24:59. Drivers John Gould and Greg Leone, and co-driver Chris Eimer, drove their LS 1-powered Playtech ride to third place in Class 1, in 4:25:05. A very close third indeed, especially consid-ering that they ... "had no clutch since the beginning of the race." Coming in fourth in Class 1 in 4:26:54 was the LSl-powered # 119 Motion Tire car of Ron Brant. Along with co-driver Ben Monroy, Ron drive the second heat race, while Richard and Dennis Boyle shared the in-cab duties for the first heat. Ron re-ported having a bit of a fuel problem on the A2 course, but otherwise said the race was "flawless ... no flats, and a finish too." That is a pretty good race day in anybody's book. On the other hand, Tim Lindsey and wife Diana reported a broken brake caliper on Lap 3 with their Chevy V6-powered Chenowth chassis, bµt the #171 Performance electric car still managed a respectable time of 5:29:31, and a fifth place in class finish. Tim Lindsey drove solo the first heat, when co-driver Jer-emy Lindsey jumped in for the second heat race. This was the Lindsey family's first finish in three tries, having just bought their new Class 1 car after previ-ously competing in Class 5-1600. : ______... iinEK IC:i.~~ ~~~■E:IVI~ Formerly Carrera Light Systems Smaller ize, tower weight, greater safety • Quick Adjust BIiiet Knobs -For tool-less rapid adjustments • TJg W.lded Chromoty Frame -for strer:l;th and durability • Ft Mounted• Vlbrdon lsolac.ct LamP9 - Eiminates tendency frii. the tamp to 18 out ol ad~sb'Mnt • Raoe Pro\len Optf - Focal points optimized for HIO or Halogen apptiQttfons • Lightweight • Single weighs 4 lbs. 4 oz. Bars are 213 the weight of competitors lights alone (4 Bar weighs 21 lbs 3 oz.) Page 28 1 ~-February 2006 Rounding out the finishing cracks and generally getting his pack of Class 1 cars at the check-ride 'race ready'. His time and ered flag were: Sixth place, # 132 hard work showed as he drove Jennifer Clemison 5:24:56; Sev-his four cylinder, Toyota-pow-enth place,# 133 Michael James ered # 1060 solo to "a good fin-[time?); Eighth place, # 110 ish and no problems" ... to slow Ruben Arzate 5:28:48. him down. CLASS 10: There were nine Taking third place in Class 10 starters in Class 10 at the green was # 1007 in 5:09:48; not too flag, and five racers saw it all the bad for three (self-described) way to the checkers. Coming in "rookie" drivers. Sharing the first place in Class 10 was $1022 # 1007 driving duties on Course Andrew Lindquist in 4:55:06. 2A were Mark Croudy and Andrew is the # 1022 owner/ Sheldon Von Waller, while Jeff driverandsoloedthewholerace. Hunt drove all five laps on And even though this was his Course lA. In spite of a blown first race and first finish in his bypass on the left rear shock, car, he reports having "a great and "almost putting it on its day", despite "a flat tire, a bro-side", these 'rookies' still re-ken frame, and a blown alterna-ported that their Type-I two li-tor." Ask him if he's having fun ter, VW-powered Guy Evan's yet? "You Bet!" Inc. #1007 "handled well". Bringing home second place [Note: you guys might want to in Class 10 in 4:56:58 was $1060 check that 'short' between the Ryan Harbottle. After a ten year seat and the steering wheel, while absence from the 'Dusty Times' you 're at it.] Good race! ... for a scene, Ryab bought his race car bunch of 'rookies'. months ago and started welding James Gledhill took fourth Dusty Times

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Brian Benson set fast lap for Class 9 on the long course but he still Marl< Croudy drove his great looking car to a third place finish in A third place finish in the always hotly contested Class 1600 race ended up in third place when the checkers flew. Class 10, he's seen here at touchdown on the course. went to Byron Ziegler, seen here in level flight. =========== '0/ buddy Ron Brant was the big Class 1 winner but a 5 minute Chris Parr, ever the contender, drove his great looking car to the Fourth place in Class 5-1600 went to Tom Bo/ha, Tom is seen here penalty dropped him back into the fourth finishing spot. fourth place finish in the Trophy Challenge class. flying towards the checkered flag at the MORE Holiday 200. place in Class 10 in # 1012 in Lap 2", Jeff and his co-drivers first heat and reported the track CLASS 9: One, two three... a Class 7 truck, lost his brakes 5: 18: 14. Following in fifth place Ed Mahoney, Jason Cepielik and to be "a little rough", but had 4, 5, 6 ... 19, yes 19, racers started somewhere on Course A2, and in Class 10 in 6:31:42 was Shawn Laughlin ran a "trouble "no flats or gas or other prob-thedayinClass9!That'sawhole still gets to the winner's circle! # 1210, driven by another first free race after that" and brought lems". Bryan Hintz drove the sec-herd of Class 9! And 11 went on Doug says "thanks!" to his fam-year 'rookie' John White; who home their win in 5:17:27. #1688 ond heat in #597 and said he to see the checkered flag by day's ily for support. 'iron-manned' the whole race reported that they "liked the two encountered "some BIG rocks in end. Leading the pack of finish-Brian Benson drove his car too. Along with his co-drivers course format", and thought it the road", but otherwise ran a ers to take first place in Class 9 #999 to a third place finish in Todd Hansen (A2) and Matt was more "spectator friendly", 'YeeHaa' race to the finish to was Corey Torres in car #989, class, at 4:08: 18. Johnny Burns Frick (Al), the two L-powered for a change. take the winner's circle. who turned in a blazing time of was hot on his heels at 4:09:28, John 0. White CPA #1210 fin-Stan Hignett, along with co-Next to see the checkered flag 3:58:26! Corey drove both to take fourth place in car #985. ished· their first year of racing as drivers Mike Brown and John in Class 5-1600 was Stephen courses in both race ·heats, and Following in fifth place in car Class 10 champions, too. Nice Garcia, took fifth place in Class Gavenson in car #567, finishing other than "a couple of close #97 3 was Ron Rash at 4: 13:40. job! 1/2-1600 in 5:17:32 in car his dusty duties for the day in rolls",hesummeduphisraceday Kevin,andhisbrother,Andy CLASS 1/2-1600: Sixteen #1629, a scant five seconds be-4:05:29 to take second place in this way: "no flats, no problems, Lumsden in car #921, took sixth starters and 10 finishers battled hind Cepielik in #1668. #1629 class. The SME Racing #567 re-and a fun format". place in Class 9 at 4:·20:41. their way to the checkered flag managed to break a torsion ad-ported that other than a coil Torres "most fun for the day Brad Herrington also got to ride in Class 1/2-1600, with Matt juster screw on Lap 8, but 'got it wire that fell off at MM8 on the was racing Doug Silcock", car in the co-driver's seat. In the Gumz in #1606 taking first place welded up good enough' to see first lap on Course Al, they had #900, who came in second place face of clutch problems, and a in 4:44:40. And even though the the checkered flag. # 1629 also "no flats and no farts" the rest in class about three and a half broken throttle cable which they Matt Gumz Construction #1606 reported the course to be "dusty of the day on their way to their minutes later at 4:01:59. Talk zip-tied, the Lumsden brothers did "tangle with another 1600 and rocky", but that they "still first win! about olde guts and glory folks, still said they had a "fun, fun on Lap 1 and rolled it", they liked the two course format!", Taking third place in Class 5- Silcock literally got "ran over" by Continued on page 3D "just kept going" and reported too. 1600 was Guy Savedra in car having a "fun day" at it, too. · The remaining finishers in #569, turning in a respectable Talk about a tough day at the Class 1/2-1600 included: 6th 4: 19:22. Along with co-driver races -the Bowden Develop-place - #1641 Lorenzo Rodriguez Stephanie Simac, Guy described ment/Geer Racing #1634. also at 5:51:03; 7th place -#1664 his race day as "Perfect!" ... no got tangled up with another Travis Chase at 6:00:08; 8th problems, an exciting race, and racer and rolled their ride, too; place - # 1607 Terry Tolbert at a great course". And btw ... Guy pretty much munching the top 6:00:11; 9th place -#1673 Mike sends "Love, dad!", to Art and breaking two top spindles in Ward at 6:22:15; 10th place -Savedra at A.R.T.S. Tech, too. the process. Show1ng no fear, #1612 Ian Jameson at 6:19:24; Tom Bolha drove his car the Geers still managed to take 11th place - # 1645 Steven Haver #565 to a fourth place win in second place in Class 1/2-1600 at 7:00:38. Class 5-1600 in 4:51:17. Car in 4:47:07, as well as overall class CLASS 5-1600: The Class 5-#577, Chad Mayernick, took champ for the year. 1600 buggies had nine starters, fifth place in class in 5:12:36. Third place in Class 10 went and five finishers. Bryan Hintz Joining the DNF 5-1600s was: to Byron Ziegler in #1609, turn-brought home the first place in #579 -Gerardo Iribe; #566 • ing in the required laps in Class 5-1600 award in #597 in Cory Geer; #578 -Ken Tolbert 4:56:03. Jeremy Sundt also took 4:03:51. John Strode drove the and #585 -Ricardo Cordova. a grab at the driver's wheel on the second heat. #1609 reported a slight navigation problem with the course format, " ... getting lost about 7 5 feet past start/finish on both races", even though they started first in line in class. And even though they "lost the roof" of their ride "at speed", too, what's desert racing without just a little fun and excitement, eh? For Jeff Cepielik, taking fourth place in Class 10 at the M.O.R.E. Holiday 200 meant 'more' than just another trophy. It was a victory in memory of his friend John Gnome, who lost his life in a recent fire. A special win for an extraordinar·y friend. Other than "getting lost on Lap Corey Torres continued his winning ways at the MORE Holiday 200, he ran fast 1 and having a left front flat on and consistent and took the Class 9 win. Dusty Times February 2006 • POWERFUL • PRECISE 2" Capacity, 78(r Bends Steel, 4130, Stainless, Aluminum Square, Round_. Bar, Pipe Perfect for the: • Race Car Builder • Small Fabrication Shop • Home Shop Call for a FREE BROCHURE (541)382-1573 Page 29 •

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• Ken Keegal was going great guns in Class 7A, but major troubles on Ron Rash was a bit off the winning pace in Class 9 but he did finish Jim Gledhill believes in flying straight and level, he's seen here hustling towards a fourth place finish in Class 10. his last lap dropped him to a fourth place finish. a decent fifth place when all the dust had settled. ished. Leading the pack to take first place in Class 7 was Perry Fleming in car #738 at 4:49:11. Second place went to Javier Avila in car #1269 at 5:21:57. Noe Sierra in car #758 took third place in Class 7 at 5:47:31. Ken Keegal was able to complete nine lap.s in car #797 in 6:06:46, but was unable to an-swer the bell for Lap 20, and DNF'd. The Blue Coyote Rac-ing #797 rolled bad; that 'smashed and streamlined' aero-dynamic look. Also DNFing was Robert Real in car #787, who only completed two laps. In another tight win, Andrew Lindquist took the Class 10 honors, his competition was less than two minutes behind. As usual, the Class 1600 troops had a good race, Matt Gumz took the win with a bit more than 10 minutes in hand at the flag. CLASS 8: The Class 8 trucks category had three entries, but two of the starters DNF'd, and the third only chalked up a DNS. Not a particularly good race day for car #806, Joe Patelli, who was only able to complete two laps before call-ing it quits. Nor for Giti Gowland either in car #363, who only got in one lap before DNFing too. day" on a "way different race course", and even a win to boot, at that, too. Taking seventh place in Class 9 was car #913, Geoff Archer. This was the first race for Geoff and his car, whicl~ took about five to six months to build. Geoff soloed the entire race and reported a clean event, complet-ing his laps in 4:24:09. The #975 GetRDone Racing car of Michael Ward garnered eighth place, crossing the S/F line in 5:210:30. Michael drove the first race heat on Course A2 with co-driver Daniel Upson. With about 30 people in his pit crew for support, GetRDone Racing had no problems using the one hour break between heats to weld up a few breaks and miscellaneous parts in their car, prepping for the second round of racing of the day. Uncle John Ward and co-driver Robert Allen, took over the driver duties for the second race heat on Course Al. GetRDone Racing reported that each track was "about half rough and half fast", but they still "had a good day" and thought it was a "neat format". Norbert Moll in car #902 took ninth place in Class 9. This 52 year old rookie driver didn't finish the Baja 1000 in his car, borrowed a motor for this race, "didn't really do any prep work", and was stuck in second gear the whole race; but he did HAC/Nli 7/NCOHPOHATEO J{l;\'.'-_ The BB-1 TRANSMISSION ~ - , . c..,_,llAC/65 ~NCOllPOllATED 169 Gasoline Alley Suite 5 • Mooresville, NC 28117 704.799.0955 • 704.799.1191 fax Page 30 • Center Support -Stabilizes the input and counter sharts keeping them from flexing and moving out of alignment, allowing gears to mesh at optimal levels. • Splined Connection -The splined lever allows the shift cam to connect directly to the shift lever allowing for smoother and continuous shifting. The direct connection insures optimum efficiency thereby reducing stripping and breakage. The entire transmission spins easier and requires less horsepower. •Flexible-The innovative design allows for installation of the car's shifter on either the left or right side of the transmission. •Safer-The option to locate the shifter on either the lert or right side of the transmission allows for installation of the driver's seat further from the left door. Increasing the distance between the driver and point of impact reduces the risk of injury in a driver's side collision. • Lighter -The streamlined construction reduces the weight oft he unit by 7 pounds (as compared to similar models). • Cleaner- 0-rings located on the shift cover, mid plate, bellhousing, and front bearing retainer eliminate the need for sealer. 0-rings are not only better protection against potential leaks they allow for quicker and easier adjustments and cleanup. • Longer Wear-The design of the gear teeth and the stability of the center shaft support both reduce the wear on gears thereby extending the life of the transmission. Tho11111SUetts Visteon r ,a,__ llAC/Nli ~NCOllPOllATED 6950 Guion Road • Indianapolis, Indiana 46268 317.293.4100 • February 2006 manage to finish in 5:219:21! Moll drove the Al race course, and Roger Haney drove Course A2. The Haney Motorsports duo reported their "most fun" of the day was "just getting in thecar. .. andGo". -Coming in 10th place in class was Asbury Transportation car #938 of Mike Hinson, at 5:32:29. This was Mike's first finish in four races, and he was "very pleased" with the out-come; despite busting an upper ball joint on the fifth lap. Mike reported his most fun for the day was "the first half was a Real race!". Eleventh place in Class 9 went to Kurt Davidson in car #979, who completed the required laps in 6:02:48. Class 9 cars that didn't see the checkered flag included: #909 -James Ward, nine laps in 4:15:34; #976 -Frank Wagner, nine laps in 4:19:31; #959 -Brian Church, eight laps in 2:25:50; #998 -Cody Rash, eight laps in 2:46: 14; #908 -Ian Maxwell, eight laps in 2:56:44; #987 -Nate Hinmelrick, eight laps in 3:05:58; #954 -Steve Johnson, three laps; #914 -Chris Dunne, two laps. CLASS 7: The Class 7 pack included five starters; three fin-The father/son team of Tho-mas Coon & Jr. in car #801 re-corded no laps, after having two flats and blowing their trans. The Coons have been racing since 1970, and have a truck like no other. #801 sits on a Dodge frame, with a Ford front and four linked rear suspension and uses a '04 Chevy V8 for power. Parts is parts, they say. CLASS 1450: The Class 1450 trucks didn't fair much better at the Holiday 200, with four starters and only one fin-isher. Lloyd Snyder in truck #1488 was able to get in nine laps in 4:40:19, to take first place in class, and lock up the 2005 M.O.R.E. 1450 points championship too. That makes two back-to-back champion-ships for troop UBHT! On Lap 1 around MM28, Jeff Moore (Lloyd's co-driver), radi-oed in that they thought they might have broken an axle. So they pitted, to find that they were correct. Not taking any Second in Class 1, a mere 52 seconds out of the win, Rick Wilcoxen drove his good looking car to the silver medal. Dusty Times

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Stan Hignett was running well but a long ninth lap dropped him to a Tim Lindsay could blame a long third lap for his fifth place finish in Nadel Habash had a pretty good day, he ended up taking a fifth place first off the podium finish at Barstow. ~~---Class 1 at Barstow, he's seen here nicely airborne. finish at Barstow, seen here in his very good looking car. chances, troop UBHT replaced In third place was Gene Wil-just "a clean and fun race on a ment considering he rolled his gether in less than a week's both axles with new ones, son in car #1316 at 3:42:53. cool course". ride over Thanksgiving playing turnaround, and no test time, changedthethirdmemberand This was only #l316's second Chris Parr, car #1301, atLucerne,andbreakingtwo torunaproblemfreeracefor put a little lower gear ratio in, race ever too! Using just eight took the fourth place win and rear shocks, c.v. axles, and Chris' last race, since Chris and off they went with a 31 gallons of fuel, #1316 had no trophy in Class 1300 at tweaking the frame in the pro-will be leaving to attend minute pit stop. By the end of flats and no problems all day... 3:43:20. Quite an accomplish-cess. The Parrs still got it to-Continued on page 32 that race, they had put them-selves back in the lead. 'Uncle Bob' Schreiner drove the second heat for troop UBHT #788 with Nick Cerulle riding 'shot-gun'. With his line set on the track with their OPS, Uncle Bob guided his ride through the dirt, averaging 41.2 mph over five laps. Nice job, UBHT! Michael Guillen, truck # 1497, was only able to com-plete six laps in 6:25:48, before his DNF took him out of the competition. Dan Vance in the Total Chaos truck #1488 only got in two laps, and Craig Reynolds in truck #1456 only completed one lap. CLASS 1300: Eight Class 1300 buggies saw the green flag at start/finish, and seven racers finished. Greg Crew drove the Lucas Oil # 1249 buggy to take first place in Class 1300, com-pleting the required laps in 3:36:26. Greg drove the first heat on Course Al, along with co-driver Kevin Martin. John Daly took over the driving du-ties for the second heat on Course A2. The Lucas Oil car performed flawlessly, thanks to the keen oversight of Butch Warden, Greg's pit crew coordinator. Greg reported that his 'highly modified' RaceCo chassis # 1249 "passed quite a few Class 9 cars, and got passed by a few Class 16's", but saw a lot of 'clean air' in between, too. Greg is an experienced and seasoned racer and says "Barstow is al-ways technical. You just have to know where 'the gotcha's' are and slow down", so they don't come back and bite you! Greg's win at the Holiday 200 also cinched him the M.O.R.E. 2005 Overall Class 21300 Sportsman Champion title too. Taking second place in class was Clint Fisher in car #1340 at 3:48:05. Clint and co-driver Rick Escott, soloed the entire race, but not without some ma-jor problems. Rick's 3.4L V6 Toyota powered, four seater Lothringer chassis buggy had fuel problems all day long, re-quiring them to pit three times during the first race heat and causing a late start on Race Heat 2. Clint also managed to break the steering ram off its frame mount and had some fun trying to navigate #1340 through the sand wash. But he still managed a finish, and a sec-ond place trophy to boot. Not too bad. Dusty Times ► Including: SCott Douglas Evan Evans Mike Julson CuPI and Kyle Le Due Rob MacCachren John Marking Gari Renezeder Matt scaron1 Dan Smith and Dave Ashley Scott Stalnbargap Shanon Gampbel Aaron Dusenbery Waler Evans Johnny G. Mitch GuthPla Joachim Schweisow Tracy Jordan Jason Paule 1 800 565 4042 -.■■ February 2006 Page 31

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Chad Mayemick had a long last lap but he still managed a decent fifth place finish at the MORE Holiday 200. A ve,y nice fourth place in Class 9 went to Johnny Burns, he's seen here on his way to the checkered flag. A fifth place finish in Class 10 went to John White, John is seen here hustling across the desert at the MORE Holiday 200. NASCAR Tech in North Carolina. The Parr family has been part of desert racing for many years now, and are familiar faces to many in the off road commu-nity. Chris stated he was "happy with a good last run and finish", and extends his heart felt thanks to his 'mum 'n dad' for all their support over the years". As for Kanuch took seventh place in the new race format, Chris said class in car #1377 at 5:18:12. "It's still Barstow, but pretty Car #75, driven by Robb cool." Strapp, recorded a DNF after Fifth place in Class 1300 completing seven laps and no went to Nadel Habash in car more. #1322, in 3:59:07. In sixth CLASS 11: Steve Patton in place was the car #1315 of car #1101 was the sole starter Lance Johnson, who completed in the Class 11 Stock VW cat• the race in 4:27: 13. Michael egory and he managed to get in ~-----------------------. four laps before recording a "Toys for Tots Holiday 200". DNF. And with that said and done, That's a wrap on the the M.O.R.E. racers and fans, M.O.R.E. Holiday 200, the last along wirh some of the Pit Clubs race of their 2005 season. And, like Checkers and FAIR, all by the way, M.O.R.E. happens brought over 1,100 gifts for the to be one of the finest places to Toys for Tots to this event. race, with some type of 'theme' Congratulations to Jim Clements at each event. Like I mentioned and the whole M.O.R.E family at the beginning, this race was the of racers! !!&:!&: Jeff Cepielik was the fifth place finisher in the Class 1/2-1600 contest, Geoff Archer is seen here at the MORE Holiday 200, Jeff finished Lloyd Snyder had a really good day, he ran his Ultra Truck hard and he's seen here landing his good looking car. sixth in the Class 9 contest at Barstow. took the class win with ease at the MORE Holiday 200. Page 32 February 2006 Dusty Times

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Dusty Times MAI<._E· Make-A-Wish Foundation Of Southern Nevada want to thank the following Sponsors who generously donated to the granting of three wishes for the children with life threatening illnesses of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. The Second Annual "WISH RIDE" was held on October 8, 2005 on the SNORE 250 • race course and raised$ 15,000. Over 200 hamburgers were served and thousands of laughs and smiles filled the day. We are very proud and sincerely want to thank all the members & volunteers of SNORE and their families as well as all the racers with their cars for giving the children one fun & exciting day of play. The major part of these kids days are spent in doctor's offices. Complimentary DVD's of the event are available upon request. And an open invitation to you to bring your cars out and have fun with us. Call Don Wall, Creator of the "Wish Ride" and Vice-President of SNORE at (702) 327-2361 or (702) 845-6666. Thanks to our Sponsors: • JERRY HERBST I TERRIBLE HERBST • ROD DAVIS I CHW- ST. ROSE DOMINICAN HOSPITALS • BURT GALPER/STEVE MANN -CROWNE CLOSETS • WAL*MART • SHIRLEY WILLIAMS I CENTURY 21 CONSOLIDATED REALTY MIKE WEST & MICHAEL DONOVAN I CENTURY 21 MONEYWORLD • LAND TECH I THE FOCUS GROUP • BRENDAN GAUGHAN I NASCAR DRIVER • THE STRATTON GROUP • JEFF CEPELICK I M.O.R.E. RACER • DON ANDRESS I LAS VEGAS HARLEY-DAVIDSON • MARTEE'S RACE PHOTO'S • MARYETTA BOWMAN I CENTURY 21 MONEYWORLD Additional Sponsors ..• • DUSTY TIMES • SAL FISH I SCORE • LONE KID RACING • MIKE'S POW-R-TOW • G BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION • • CALIFORNIA CUSTOM LIFT • BARRINGTON CAPITAL CORP. • RON STANLEY • MICHAEL S. SIMPSON, JR. • WINDY EHRHARDT • YOLANDER MAURER • ALYSON WALL • DESARAE WALIN • KENNETH & JILL BACHELLOR Gone Racing, having the time of my.· e February 2006 Page 33

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,------------------------------------------- ------------ ---- - -WHIPLASH GILA BEND Mills Makes Merry B:, Mike Del Col Photos: Nicole Del Col Brian Nelson was a bit shy in the fiberglass department but he went on to take the Pro Unlimited Truck win at Gila Bend. Bruce Mills was the Class 10 winner at Gila Bend as well as the overall race winner, seen here at speed h,eading for the checkers. Whiplash is still struggling to find viable race tracks in Arizona and Mexico. So Whiplash turned to an old favorite to he"tp fill in the 2005 Desert Racing schedule -Gila Bend. Previously known as the "Gila Monster", the current race trac·k is a mere s·hadow of what it was before the Clinton Ad-ministration declared most of the land out there off-limits to mo-torized travel and God forbid, Desert Racing. The current race track does still, contain what was Benny Fenn drove his great looking truck to the Pro 8 win, he's seen here at speed heading for the checkered flag. definitely the best spectating sec-into Pros and Sportsmen. tion of the race course, known as The overall winner in the Pro the "gravel pit". The pit is exactly class was Bruce Mills in his Jimco that - a bit pit that the track Class 10 racer. Bruce was solid all snakes through several times, with day long completing eight laps in lots of high speed turns, ruts, 2:02:2. Bruce's Bill Henry auto bumps, and some pretty cool el-sponsored entry clicked off the evation changes that provide some fastest lap of the day as well with tight racing, all right in front of a blistering lap of 14:34. Bruce the racers' friends and family. had some very tough competition, Whiplash put on a good event, with Todd Elam earning an early drawing many more truck and lead, only to give it up lap by lap. buggy entrants than had been ex-Todd's charge was hampered by a pected. That's welcome good leaking power steering system, and news. However, the larger num-coolant loss that required a quick her did require Whiplash to stop each lap for a refill. Todd's change the format slightly, from T&R Iron Works supported In Pro 1/2-1600, it was Jeff Knupp taking the win, he was fourth overall as well in a two heat event for each racer, Jimco finished second in Class 10 ::.h=is=":::e:::a::::lly=g=re:::;a:::t :::loo:::::::k':::.n::g:::ca::::r.===================:::::;---;:========--~t~o~tw~o'......:2~-h'..'..o~u..:r~r'..'.:a~c~e~s....:s~e:.!p:'...'.a~r..'.'.a~te::d~......'.''...'.:e~rall. Both Tim Jones and Scott Rhone (Drytech Wall Sys-tems) were also hot on their heels, with a 2:12:14 and 2:14:01 re-spectively in Class 10. Other en-tries in the class were less fortu-nate, with Hondo Jimenez endur-ing an early roll-over, and Ed Beard running strong early only to break a connecting rod to end his race. In the Unlimited truck class, Brian Nelson made some noise earning a victory over the Ottersberg Racing effort. Brian's silver bullet racer was solid, churn-ing out seven laps with the grand prix finish. OTR had problems right off the start, throwing a Continued on p1g1 36 Ruben Federico made it look easy; he drove his truck to the Todd Elam led the Pro 10 group for some laps but he ended up taking Ty Loyd drove hard, flew low but, in spite of it all, he finished second Sportsman Mini win with ease, seen here in flight. home the silver medal, four minutes in arrears. in Sportsman 10, he was 61 seconds out of the class win. In Pro 8, Jeffrey Bracale led the first lap, dropped to second place but Brent McKee had a decent run in Pro 1/2-1600, he ended up with the Mark Fisk got himself a decent third place finish in Sportsman 1 o. he didn't complete his last lap, mechanical woes. bronze medal, but failed to complete his last required lap. was just two minutes and change out of the class win. Page 34 February 200& Dusty Times

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--power steering belt in the second turn, and requiring a stop that put them well into the dust of the other racers. This may have been the cause of the OTR Hon Auto-motive truck getting laid on its side as they tried to make up lost ground. The team DNF'd after they had a broken driveline on the back straight roaring past the Gila Bend graveyard. "'"'} Benny Fenn had his Red Ranger looking strong in Class 8. Benny was able to complete eight laps with his fastest on Lap 6 in a time of 15:32. Jeffrey Bracale ran strong in his Bracale Realty, Finishline Screen Printing spon-sored Ford Lightning. But Jeff was slightly off the pace and com-pleted only seven laps within the grand prix finish. Mike Doherty in the #800 truck had a tough day, getting blinded by dust right off the start. It was so dusty that Sportsman Unlimited only had to run six laps and Mike Herrick made it look easy, he took the class win with ease. The Sportsman 10 win went to Stan Calve/age, but it was close, his competition was a mere 61 seconds in arrears. Mike didn't see the green flag drop, and was behind the others from the get-go. The dust grem-lins continued to hamper his ef-The Sportsman Truck win went to Brandon Nelson, he's seen here in flight on his way to the coveted checkered flag. {1 :\1 ocJLIC~Dry :;· -1.-,tr-_a,eadlack -·~ .'.' .. ~ol"I seadlack -~ ·. Page 36 forts when he stood the truck on its nose after missing a corner, and bending an a-arm. The team was required to cut and re-weld it with a 13/ 16 wrench as a gusset for strength to get both front wheels pointed in the same general direc-tion. Mike completed another lap Danny Sullivan, seen here in flight, was the big winner in the Sportsman Limited class, a nice win for Danny. e I r:.tlfied Et tested J;J(f)L0stranger ........ - ~Gl/J:ZCJ Lighter tmin other cast wheels an the market •Counter Pressure Casted Aluminum • Satin Smooth Machine Finish Beadlack an an-Bead/ack VW 5 Lug Pattern - 5 on Et,D5mm - - -714.578.B25B February 2006 after this lengthy rework, and broke the weld with just about 300 yards to the checkered flag. With both tires pointing oppo-site directions, Mike used reverse to drag the truck the last little bit to take the checkers in reverse. Mike's en try is sponsored by Moen, and BFGoodrich. Jeff Knupp was up to his usual antics in the 1600 class, by taking the lead early, and never looking back. Jeff has a habit of doing that. Jeff was able to knock out eight laps in just 2: 12: 16 for fifth overall and dominating Class 15090 in the Volkspower spon-sored machine. Knupp made a nice pass on the # 1648 car of Louie Serna and Derek Geiser on Lap 2. Serna gave great chase for much of the race, keepi_ng Knupp within eyeball distance, but could never regain the lead. Serna had a very unlucky break, in that he Beadl~ks:·:"· · • j,11,~ □blue ~i □black · t □red , j?: □ polished t ,.., Dusty Times

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Scott Cebu/ski was the fourth place finisher in the Sportsman 1 O Shaun Davis had high hopes at the start, but he never completed his Mike Doherty had big problems on his first tap, he tried to carry on battle, a long 5th lap cost him a few positions. first lap in the Sportsman Truck tussle. but he had to retire after his second lap was completed. was fast enough to start the eighth don Nelson (McMullen finish. Tim had a rougher time, tern to end his day. Tim wanted Sport Limited class, earning a vic-lap, but then broke the motor Motorsports, Apache Muffler) with a roll-over in the second cor-to thank TCRAutomotive & Per-torywith five laps completed. This without taking the checkered flag. led Tim Rodda to the checkers. ner of the race track after a tire formance, and Kurnler Engineer- car worked well all day long, with That misfortune cost Serna two Brandon had an excellent race, rolled off the bead. Tim was able ing in Tucson. daughter Krissy doing well in the positions to finish in fourth getting six laps done under the to get the truck moving again only Danny Sullivan and Benny Pro classes, and father getting a place, but he deserved much bet-two hour time limited grand prix to break a bolt in the steering sys-Porter found a little luck in the Continued on page 54 ter. Krissy Sullivan was solid all day long, and churned out seven laps to earn the second place po-sition. Krissy's Sullivan Builders racer never missed a beat, and she drove very well on this day. Brent McKee finished in third position, much to the dismay of his team mates. The team also had a solid run, with a broken ignition wire, and a rear flat to slow them down just enough for the third place fin-ish. Brent was actually intending to drive Don Johnson's single seater, but a nasty issue with a spark plug, and some tom out head threads caused McKee to borrow Nolan Blackwell's Marana Carpets racer for the day. Ryan Chamberlain got four laps done in the dust. Thirty-five cars took the green flag in the second race of the day, with Stan Calvelage earning the overall Sportsman award com-pleting six laps in 1:49: 11. Stan's · racer looked good and was solid for all six laps. Stan (Calvelage Trucking) turned his fastest lap of the day on his last lap. Ty Loyd was a minute back in the Sport 10 class, and second place would have to do on this day. Ty had a very long first lap with an un-known problem to slow his progress. Mark Fiske was another minute and a half behind Ty, com-pleting his race in 1:51:32. Mark also had a couple of extended du-ration laps, but otherwise was a tough competitor in the class. Scott Cebulski, a.k.a. "Murdock" from the A-team, didn't need his scuba gear, but probably could have used his respirator in the thick dust. Scott also completed six laps in his fourth place finish. Several other competitors struggled with various issues. Bruce Johnston made the change from Pro 1600 to Sport 10 with a motor change in his racer, but may have been faster with two fewer ports, and a few less cc's. Bruce struggled with an ailing powerplant all day long. Russ Flo-rence was back behind the wheel, and said that he felt great. Russ got stuck in a sand wash in what he called a "big logjam" some-where on the course. Glad to hear you are back, Russ. Mike Herrick (J&L Builders) was very strong in the Sport Un-limited ranks. Mike has massaged his 4.3 liter Chevy junk yard mo-tor a little, and it worked pretty well in the dust and the sand. Mike completed six laps in 1:53:50 and earned first place in the class. Scott Zimmerman got five laps done for a second place finish. In the Sport truck class, Bran-Dusty Times February 2006 Page 37

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CODE RACE READY 275 Lopez/ Arambula Take1&00 By Byrle Moore Photos: Foto-Baja-Mex The big win in Class 10 went to Javier Robles, he ran fast, even though his competition fell by the wayside. Daniel Lopez and Misael Arambula took home the gold medal in the Class 1600 battle, seen here at speed on the course. /~ ~P The last race of the CODE 2005 season had one of the larg-est number of entries for the year. Whenever CODE and RECORD run trucks and buggies and bikes and quads together they usually get over two hundred signed up to race; and that is what hap-pened for the RACE READY 2 7 5, a run from Ensenada to Gustavo Pinuelas and Ricardo Malo really had a great race, they took the Class Mexicali to San Felipe. Another 12 honors and they were 1st overall as well. great race to cap off a very good Septien and Jorge Hernandez les headed the Pro class in the year of racing down here on the crossed the line with a time of quad section. Their time to San Baja. 5:52: 18 for the bronze. This was Felipe was 6:22:44. Second place Just gets bigger and better. the Clase Motos Pro group, went to Cesar Cuevas with a Doesn't get any easier, just bigger which started seven. 6:32:01 and the third place fin-and better. Clase Moros Sports started 20 isher was Jorge Romo in with a Two hundred and fifty-nine and 16 of them managed to make 6:32:43. Pretty close race wasn't entries of which 125 finished all the required distance. Gold went it? the required miles down the coast to Oscar Ochoa Madrigal in at Sportsman division in the of the Sea of Cortez. Sort of 6:05:06, silver to Oscar Hale quad ranks was headed by down the coast. They crossed the 6:27: 14 and Eber Mena in with a Bernardo Arellano and Christian top half of the Baja before head-6:39:33 for the third spot. Valles with a 6:56:06, Jorge Pena ing south. There was a Safari field of crossed with a 7: 18:58 for second First into town in the bike eight and all but two of them fin-place and Mario Juarez was just quad division, was Rudy Iribe ished. Top time in this class was under a minute back with a who made the run in just one sec-Manuel Perez with a 6:48:20. Sec-7: 19:41, for third. There were 21 ond under five hours and 41 min-ond place finisher was Alfredo starters in this very large class and utes, 5:40:59 to be exact. About Rizo with a time of 7:03:23 and 13 made the black and white in two minutes and 30 seconds later the third spot went to Octavio San Felipe. Marco Bernaldez hit the check-Amador in with a 7:36:08. And now we move onto the Benny Canela and David Bryan teamed up to take the Class 8 victory but it was ered flag and about 10 minutes The team of Mike Bastidas, cars and trucks. Five entries in close,theyonlyhadafewminutesinhandattheend. later the team of Francisco GilbertoiPerez,andJavierRob-Unlimited and Trophy Truck r-------------------------------------------------------~ I I I I I I Performance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding &Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Ranks Quality Products & Friendly Service RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-759 • 15022 Parkway Loop, Su~e B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX us to Receive a Free Catalog I I ~-------------------------------------------------------~ Page 38 February 2006 Dusty Times

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A very close second place in Class B went to Sam Stahl, Sam ended Another close race, Francisco Munoz charged to a second place It was a pretty good race for Jose Montoya and friends, he finished up less than two minutes out of the class win. finish in Class 1600, he was less than four minutes in arrears. second in Class 5-1600, five minutes off the mark. class and no one was able to fin-wasn't ready for this race. Shawn only Javier Robles made it all the Tapia was having a good race long in his Jimco Toyota. His cor-ish. Francisco Cervantes had had to at least make the green to way down to San Felipe. Javier until the car developed some a-rected time at Checkpoint 2 had maintained the lead all day long, maintain his Point Standing to drove a very strong race, and his arm problems at about Mile 250. given the overall lead. However, when the Camaro developed some win the 2005 Class 1 title. He time for the win, was 6:57:32. This He tried to cross the finish line when he reached the Coabuzo power steering problems and drove about a 100 feet and took was his fourth win of the season but simply ran out of required area he heard a sharp crack and later the track and pinion assem-the rest of the day off. and assured him his third Class time to finish,. Jose Lopez had a few meters later a rear suspen-bly broke off and he was a dnf. Six starters in Class 10 and 10 championship. Armando , been leading the 10 class all day Continued on page 40 Raul Montiel in his #30 Trophy Truck had gone a little over 70 miles when he got held up behind another car and the Class 5 leader, Michelle Bruckmann, ar-rived in the dust cloud and was unable to see Montiel's car nor was she able to stop. Suffice it to say, Raul was done for the day. Three Class 1 cars were grouped with the TTs and none of them was able to finish,. Miguel Soto, in his first outing in Class 1 de-veloped some tranny problems and was only able to make it to Check 1. Hiram Ibarra, driving in his Nye Frank ex-Team Riviera car, had his own tranny problems at about Race Mile 50 and was forced out. Shawn McCallum borrowed a car, since his Jimco Dusty Times Hector Salazar and Porfirio Gutierrez made it look easy, they took the Class 7 win with almost an hour in hand at the checkers. February 2006 The hotly contested Class 5-1600 win went to Ernesto Arambula, he had five minutes in hand at the flag, seen here at speed. The Suspension Company. Page 39

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The Juan Mayoral's drove their good looking Class 9 car to a very Elisio and Pedro De La Vega drove their good looking truck to a nice The silver medal in Class 11 went to Ramon Fernandez, Ramon is seen here at speed on his way to the finish. nice second overall, they are seen here at speed. second place finish in the Class 7S battle. Eliseo Garcia and Ramon Manriquez took the Class 9 win, they had more than an hour on their competition at race end. sion arm dropped off, forcing him out of the race. It was also at this point that Javier Robles men-tioned above was able to take over the lead for the win. Alex Mendez blew his Honda V-Tech engine at Race Mile 72 and was forced out. Rodrigo Osuna, fought transmissions problems all day, and was unable to get through Check 1 in the required time. Marco Reyes rolled his car at Race Mile 50. He was all right but the front suspension was <lama ed beyond repair and the IE car was forced out of the race. Class 5 didn't fare any better. Three starters, no finishers. Jose Solorio's car developed front suspension problems in the Jamau area and was a dnf. After the incident with the #30 Trophy Truck at Race Mile 72 the Bruckmanns, Michelle and Vic, decided to save the car. Michelle had already won the championship and Vic knew that to drive to the finish would just further damage their car. The third incident involved • Slows forward motion in the event al a crash • Allows head movement • No cumbersome collar to wear • Quick, one-time adjustment • Does not /rook into lap belt • Reduces neck tension by 45-70% • Great for all types of motor racing, espedally where driver changes are common TUP DRIVERS UTlllZINli THE l•CEl George Seeley • Ed, Tim & Troy Herbs, • lalT}' "LR" Roese/er Mark Post • tr,cl, Baldwin • Jerry Whelchel • Alan PFiueger Jason & Josh Baldwin • Ride, Randy & Ronny Wilson Mike Julson • Bab Lofton • Mark & Gary Weyhrich • Dave Ashley Dan Smith • Kyle Taylor • Gus Vildosola • Rob Moc(achren I ~.ql.f!J,.,.,]h-.,Fl 1.B00.700 .. 2350 • Fax 909.360.0436 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 Page 40 velop enough power to catch the leaders. Their time was 6:55:04. Doug Aleman was involved in the roll-over of the 10 car of Reyes and was also a non-finisher. Both drivers were okay, can't say the same for the two cars. Next year!!! No report from Victor Valdez and the other 12 car driven by Guillermo Quintero blew an en-gine at Race Mile 60. Both were non-finishers. Noe Sierra races every time he gets a chance, he took the Class 7S win this race with about half an hour in hand at the checkers. Class 8 has grown in the num-ber of entries, and of course, the competition as well. Benny Canela and co-driver Dave Bryan diced out the whole race with Sam Stahl who was playing catch-up all day. The Canela team hung on for first place with a 6:26:55. Stahl was just two minutes back with a time of 6:28:28. Juan Carlos Lopez fought suspension during the whole race but man-aged the bronze with a time of 8:51:44. Josh Westwood and Ramsey el Wardini just set the cruise control; all they had to do was finish the race the 8 champi-onship. Their time was 9:07:08. Armando Bravo who spent time stuck in the sand around Saldana area was a dnf along with Javier Guevara and another 8 driver Bernardo Villalva. The latter didn't make it to Checkpoint 1. getting lost and a chase truck. Juan Trujillo got lost at about Race Mile 72, took a wrong turn, and came front end -to bumper with the chase truck of the 1600 class Rayos team. They almost avoided the collision but the 5 car sustained damage to the front suspension and was forced out of the race. Class 12 started five and two of them made it all the way to San Felipe. Gustavo Pinuelas and Ricardo Malo fought several gremlins all day. Malo started the February 2006 race and had moved the team into first place at Chinero where car owner Pinuelas took over the con-trols. A couple of the gremlins were electrical and the c.v. boots began to melt. They stopped to repair same with tape and grease. A 1600 car was closing in on the overall, but that car had a few gremlins of its own and Tavo and Ricardo hung on for the Class 12 and the overall win, with a time of 5:50:30. The other class fin-isher was the team of Phil Green and Bob Hummel who reported a good race but just couldn't de-Continued on page 42 Class 11 had a bunch of entrants but, when the dust cleared it was Hugo Zamora taking the win by 18 minutes. The Sanchez clan had a great race, they took the win in Class 14, they're seen here at speed out on the course. Dusty Times

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Things to look into: A subscription to Dusty Times for your friends or relatives who you want to impress with your desert driving skills. Don't you want them to see your picture in the paper? Club subscriptions are available to your organized group, pit teams, race teams and other support groups. Advertising in Dusty Times can be a real boon to your business, if you aren't advertising now maybe you should check into it. You might look into becoming a dealer for the Dusty Times newspaper, either as a convenience for your customers or as a little extra profit for your business. Please support Dusty Times advertisers. When you purchase from them, be sure and tell them you saw their ad in Dusty Times.

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The Perez/Ceja/Jimenez trio were the second place finishers in the Carlos and Rolando De Los Palos drove to a second place finish in Alberto Varela had a pretty good race, he took home the silver medal Class 14 contest, here hustling to the checkers. Class 14, they were 12 minutes off the lead at the checkers. for his second place finish in the CODE Safari class. The Arellano/Valles Quad had a great race, they took the gold medal Juan Carlos Lopez lets it all hang down as he flies towards a third Leo and Alex Navarette had to settle for a third place finish in Class in the Sportsman Quad contest, seen here going for the flag. place finish in the Class 8 contest. · 1600 this time, seen here nicely airborne. AT LEFT: Marco Marquez made it look easy, he took the Class 15 win with ease, One missed shift??? his nearest competitor was over an hour behind atthe flag. Fourth to J es us Mendez, . . 8:06:52; fifth to Alfonso Bernar-largest of the day. With 26 en-6:26:25. Cesar and Ricardo di·no 8·12·55· · th t J · . d 15 f· . h h· C h d d . . . h l ' . . ' six o anue tnes an mis ers, t 1s was ons s are nvmgw1t Car os Medina "th 8·15·26 d th definitely a large field. Daniel Chavez and took the fifth spot seventhwi ~ · ·t /n Al e Lopez and Misael Arambual held with a time of 6:30:58 and Julian Almara spdo I wens oh t ex ff h · · d f· · h d M h d · h . z an van anc o ena o t e compet1t10n an mis e ac a o was anot er two mm-with an 8-39·21 first with a time of 5 :51: 18. Just utes back for the sixth spot with The sec~nd la;gest class was the about_ four minutes back_ was a 6:32:28. . 5-1600 with 19 starters and eight Francisco Sabas Munoz with a Class 7 had 12 starters of finishers Ernesto Arambul 'th 5:55 :05 for second. The which seven finished with times. his time. of 6:35:21 head:dw/he N~varr~tes, Leo ~nd Alex, took Hector Salazar an~ Porfir!o held class. Just five minutes back was third with their tune of 6:03:55. on to the gold with a time of the three man t f J A four man team made up of Vic- 6:32:23. Silver went to the Reyes Montoya and 01~::\f0 a°sd tor Lugo, Mike Chapa, and Javier team of Rafael and Rafael Jr. with Arturo Hernandez in ·thn and Victor Valenzuela was in at a time of 7: 13: 15 and the bronze 6:40:43. Third spot'wentt~ an~ TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING INC. SNORE 1999 Transaxle Builder Of The Year went to Rene Cuevas with his other three man team, composed 7:33:49. of father and son, Arturo and congratulations Arden Dennington 1st in Class 1/2·1&00 SCORE Terrible's Short course -Las Vegas TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 9763VARIEL AVENUE CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818-998-2739 Page 42 February 2006 The Salgado/Ayon trio had no trouble taking the Class 18 win, they had two and a half hours on their nearest competitor. The Safari CODE Class win went to Heriberto Chavez and Luivan Voelker, their margin of victory was over an hour. Dusty Times

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Rene Cuevas was hustling along, but, the best that happened this A bronze medal in the Class 9 contest went to Rotondo Olmos, he's It was a third place finish for Oscar Solaiza in Class 7S, he's seen day was a third place finish in the Class 7 conflict. seen here rushing towards the checkered flag. here at speed on the course in his good looking truck. It took a while to get there but Rene Rodriguez grabbed the last spot on the podium in the Class 11 contest. Pacheco and Alvarez were well off the winning pace in Sportsman Seen here at touchdown, Everado Garcia was a bit off the pace but Class 14 but they soldiered on and took third place. still managed to take third place money in Sportsman Class 15. Arturo Cervantes, Jr. Other spots went to Justin Lynder, whose fin-ishing time was 6:46: 18. Roberto Martinez ran a 7: 15: 10 to place fourth. Fifth spot went to Rogelio Valenzuela with a 7:26:49; sixth place to Gabriel Garcia in at 7:55:26, Roberto Robago's time was 8:24: 17 for seventh. Alonzo Angulo was eighth with an 8:38:53 and Jose Gutierrez was the only other fin-isher and placed ninth with his 9:41:56. AT RIGHT: Rudy tribe rode his bike to the Pro win, but, it was close, he only took the win with a minute and a half in hand. The team of Eliseo Garcia and Ramon Manriquez, whose top time was 7:48:23, headed Class 9. Second place finishers were Juan Mayo{al Jr. and Francisco Villareal with an 8:52:48. Third place went to Rolando Olmos in at 8:53:10. Daniel Reyes was the only other Class 9 finisher, and took the fourth spot with a time of 8:56:40. Sixteen starters in Class 7S and six of them made the whole trip south. The leader was Noe Sierra with a time of 9:37:51. Sec-ond place went to Eliseo and Pedro De La Vega, their time was 10:04:40, and the bronze went to Oscar Solaiza with his 10: 13:05. Juan Villalobos went fourth with ; 10:22: 18, Aldo Romo, Roberto The Sportsman motorcycle winner was Oscar Madrigal, he won by more than 20 minutes, seen here at speed. Phil Green, Bob Hummel and friends had a good time, they drove to a nice second place in the Class 14 battle .. Dusty Times Garcia and Rodolfo Romo were fifth with a time of 11:29:34 and Enrique Loam, Alberto Iriarte and Oscar Martinez took the. sixth spot with the time of 11 :44:36. Various problems caused non-finishes for the other 10 entries, one of which never got to the first checkpoint. There were 19 starters in the 11 class too, but only four of them saw the checkered flag way down south. Hugo Zamora took first, Lugo with February 2006 Page 43

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WHIPLASH SIERRA DE SAN FRANCISCO Wallace Takes Truck Win By Mike Del Col Photos: Nicole Del Col an a ve age a a grea race, e too t e portsman 10 win with 14 minutes to spare when the checkers flew. Luis Wallace took the Unlimited Truck class win, he's seen here showing tot$ of power, luckily, the dust cloud is behind him. If you are unaware, Whip-land issues. So Whiplash has San Francisco. This track was lash has been struggling to find been searching the .deserts to· located just about 22 kilome-• viable race tracks to race on in firid alternat~ves to satisfy the ters across the Arizona border, 2005. The long race tracks, appet_ite of the Whip regulars. just south of Lukeville on pri-and point to point events regu-In early December, the Whip-vate land. Son.1e of this land larly held in Rocky Point, lash organization ran their in-had been raced through or Mexico have fallen by the way-augural event on a new track-. around in years. past . just The Sportsman Limited win went to Cory Bott, he'sshownheregettingreadyfora side, due to development and calling the race the Sierra ·de ~so~u~th~o~f_"~t~h~e~m~o~u~n~t~a~in~"_:-~a__:l=itt=le=fl'=·g=ht=t=im=e=at=d=e=S=a=n=Fr.=a=n=ci=sc=o=·=::;--~;--;-------'----:--;-;---Ruben Federico was fast and consistent and it got him the win in the Sport Mini race, he's seen here at speed. Cesar Fuentes took the Pro 1-2 win, he's seen here in full flight, showing off all his suspension travel. Page 44 Sp8cializing in LS1-LS2-LS6-LS1 complete crate engines VB Packages starting at $5,300 Call t'or details Homeolthe 5 wire Install 760-94 ... -274-a _TurnKevEnu■ne_c . February 2006 well known area typically parr of the old Point to Point Race. Racers were encouraged -since Whiplash has promised new race tracks almost every year in recent history, usually to cancel races at the la·st minute due to one issue or another. This race was actually a go, and the Whip folks were pretty ex-cited about it. If you are a Whiplash regu-lar however, you also know that if there is any luck at a Whip event -it is usually bad luck, and this race was no ex-ception. Jay pulled everything off, but the soil would not co-operate. Lying just underneath the upper crust of the soil, was silt and dust unlike anything ever experienced at a Whiplash Dusty Times

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r · Carl Rohrer drove his good looking bug to the Sportsman Unlimited In spite of a couple of ve,y long laps, David Wier slid into a third place A pair of slow laps at the end were expensive to Ryan Chamberlin, he finished second in Pro 1/2-1600, seen her at takeoff. win in spite of major troubles on his third lap. finish in Pro 8, seen here at speed on the course. event. But you still have to give the desert. Whip's 50 miles gravel pit with a big jump for Jay, the Whiplash girls and were cut to 22 miles, after sev-the spectators to enjoy. Many Javier the proprietor of the El eral of the pre-run vehicles ex-of the locals spent the day with Capital Restaurant in Rocky posed the silt, and Whiplash Whiplash, camped out watch-Point some credit here for realized the track wouldn't ing the action. coming thru with a new course, support the race with safe, fun The change in the track, and some facilities for the racing conditions. Whiplash did the silty conditions ca used folks, and some new track in come through with a mini-some concern for a few Whip regulars, who pulled out of the event even before it started with safety concerns. Those concerns were we.II founded, and let's face it folks, this is a family event, and there's not enough money here to risk life and limb, so in these folks' minds -they made the right de-cision. Have to respect folks for making the tough decisions and sticking by them. Fortu-nately, even with the silt and the dust, there were no casual-ties, serious incidents or inju-Continued on page 46 A long third lap can be blamed for a second place finish in Sportsman A nice win in Sportsman Truck went to Brandon Nelson, his fast and Seen here at liftoff, Cody Calve/age drove his truck to a ve,y neat 1 0 by Mark Fiske, seen here seeking un-rutted ground. consistent laps made it look easy. second place in the Sportsman Mini fracas. ICIAIG~r 714.530.B701 • FAX714.530.B702 12842 JOY STREET, GARDEN GROVE, CA 92840 W'WW',-,, Dusty Times February 2006 2.5" --. €'hi!£, Need coil springs? Call King Shocks[ We have custom and produdion coils in stock, and the experience to get you .. what you need. Call todayl Page 45

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ries at this race. Most of the racers enjoyed the new venue, but of course, the dust and silt was on everybody's lips after the day's events. Cesar Fuentes brought out Page 46 his squeaky clean Porter Class 1 car after a fresh prep follow-ing his Class 1 victory at Primm, and earned the top spo·t agaln. Cesar's race was not without incident, after finding some double dips on the first lap, at high speed, in the dust. Cesar's car hit the first dip, kicked right landing hard on Jeffrey Bracale added to the silt situation, he went on to take the Pro-8 class win he's seen here making lots of silt. ' Todd Elam was the Pro 10 winner, he ran consistent laps and took the win with four minutes in hand. the right side, then bicycling Jeff Knupp kicks upa bit of silt as he hustles to the Pro 1/2-1600 win, he had almost on the left for several yards _h.:...al_f.::::an:..:....:..:h-=o-=ur--'1.:..:·n-'·:..._ _____________ _ February 2006 Dusty Times

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Michael Voudouris had a decent race, he finished second in Unlimited Daniel Chavez gave it his all this race but he had to settle for a Bruce Johnston had a fairly decent race, he finished third in the Truck, he's seen here saving a little tire wear. second place finish in Pro 10, just four minutes in arrears. Sportsman 10 class, seen here at speed on the course. Matt Pederson really lets it all hang out, Matt finished the day in a The Sullivan/Anderson Team were well off the winning pace in Pro 1/ First off the podium in Sportsman 1 o, David Blythe drove to a fourth decent second place in Sportsman Truck. 2-1600, they took home the bronze medal for their efforts. place finish, seen here heading for the checkers. before a full recovery was stroying a front shock, and was in the fray with his trophy his momentum was gone slow him down. Daniel even made. The impact on the right breaking his radiator. He truck, and ran very well. Un-Todd Elam continued his finished the race on a flat. He side threw the tire off the bead, limped the car to the pits to fortunately Luis and his crew winning ways in the Class 10 finished all five laps, just causing an instant rear flat complete only two laps. bent a few rules out on the battle. Todd's T&R Racing about three minutes in ar-that required a change. The Whiplash attracted three course, causing a DQ by the machine had a long second lap rears. Ron Dalke had his tire change put Cesar back into Trophy Trucks in the top divi-Whiplash staff. Brian Nelson with a broken heim joint on a Tatum chassis car in Sonoyta, the pack, which kept him in the sion with Michael Voudouris got one lap done in his high tie rod. Todd was able to make fresh off of his Baja 1000 ef-dust all day. Cesar was fast and the top dog in the class. horsepower machine, finishing quick repairs and motor on to fort. Ron gave the car a quick consistenttoearntheoverall Michael's Zorba Sponsored onabrokendrivelinethatwas finish in 3:07:30. Daniel prepandwasrunningwellun-top spot, completing five laps Geiser Brothers truck was miss-applying power to only a single Chavez had his Kreger chassis til the "double dip" caught in 2:46:41. Cesar's competi-ing a panel due to some high rear tire. He didn't make it machine in hot pursuit all day, tion in Class 1 was Jarrett speed saguaro pruning of his took far in the soft stuff once but had several flat tires to Continued on page 52 Lemley in his big horsepower own, but the truck ran well. racer. Jarrett was a kamikaze Michael had a pretty good at the jump in the gravel pit, race, but did stall the truck in and was the crowd favorite. the gravel pit for the fans to Jarrett's aggressive driving style see. Fortunately his mechanic got him around the course wasn't far away to apply a tap quickly, but he struck a tothestarterandgetthetruck saguaro on the second lap, de-running again. Luis Wallace · 1:RPRECISION.COM 2865 Gundry Ave .. nal NII~ CA 90755 562-427-2375 Dusty Times Offlml Dlsttt1utor al1d Repair F.K:lllty • stoclt And Hillh l'lll'lonnance vw nansaltln • ~ lftJndeolo Bullder and AutllOIIZed Ollttlllutor • 60 Yeon COmblned ftpe,lena • UnSlllflt,ISsed llellalllllty • High OfRlllt'I I &ow Pike ff09' COllB OIBOIT SHIPPIND FllOIII 0Ull 1"WO CAUJ!lOlllllA UH:Af'IOIIIS tJllllllll ffAUO 'l'IIIIU IWAKH Yf, :1006 ~srurl!l!TRANSAXLES~ ~ 1 . rr f/llWl/ll."'1,,,,,,, ~ f.B66.VW.STUFI= • f.B66.897.8B33 February 2006 Page 47

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---B:, Mr. Baja Pits Welcome racers and fans alike. I can't believe the holi-days are over with and we are in 2006. We ended the year at the MOR race at Plaster City West. What a great race day, but full of wind and dust. We were with Darryl Varnado of Boulevard, co-owner Jeff Morrison from Boulevard and Mitch Sanchez of Campo (Score Class 30 Pro racers and new MOR buggy racers). Darryl's Class 10 car got fifth in class for that race. Way to go Darryl! Well, as promised I have the stories and stats of our racers from the 2005, Baja 100 race. It was a very exciting race to be in. A technical course, like we saw all year starting with the SF 250, then the Baja 500 and finishing up with the Baja 1000. With the advent of the new Rally Loggers being re-quired for all Pro classes, I see a time when checkpoints and secret checks will disappear for good. Maybe not this year, but one day soon. Baja Pits ran 11 pits with Pits 1 and 11 being a double pit at Tres Hermanos turn off. The pit captains were as fol-lows: Pit # 1 and # 11 was 20 year veteran Pep Lozano. Pit #2 was run by Locos Mocos, the Crazy Boogers. They are fantastic to watch in action if you can ever be near them. Thanks guys for being in the middle of nowhere again. Pit #3 was run by 10 year veteran Manual Moralez. Pit #4 was co-run by Tom Minga and Doug Naylor. I'm sure during their spare time, Tom was looking for snakes and Doug was. telling Firehouse stories. Congratulations on retiring from Alpine FD this year Doug. Pit #5 was run by newbie to Baja Pits, Stephan Stenberg. He only has 1.2 years with Baja Pits. He runs our motorcycle and quad op-erations. Pit #6 was run by 30+ year veteran of Baja, Leo Calderon. He raced the Baja 1000 for the first time back in 1967. The stories this guy can tell you from back then are amazing. Pit #7 was run by a 10 year veteran, Nacho Gonzales. Pit #8 was co-ran by 20 year veterans Silvio Tamriz and Mario Orozco (no relation to President Carlos Orozco). And last but not least, Pit # 10 was run by 20 year veteran Mike Escalante. So you can see, there was a lot of racing experience running our 11 pit stops. Baja Pits had 36 race teams signed up for service for this race. Of those, 11 were bike and quad teams. The remain-der were guys in 13 different Pro and Sportsman vehicle classes. This race, like all Baja KING Page 48 OFF-ROAD itfiCING SttOCl<S 1000s, took its toll on many vehicle and bike teams alike. Baja Pits USA had five class winners! Way to go guys! I will list our racers now and how they did by number, name, class position and overall. Starting in Class 1/2-1600 we had #1642 (Lozano), #1644 (Wilson) and #1647 (Doran), third place. Next was Class 3 Pro. We had #305 (Raffo) and he was a DNF in class. In Class 5-1600 we had #558 (Merino), sixth in class and# 102 0/ A. #555 (Garavito), ninth in class and # 158 0/ A. #554 (Negrete) and #559 (Martinez C.) were DNF. In Class 7 we had #719 (Donahoe) who was a DNF. In Class 7S we had #722 (Rodriguez) who was a DNF. Bill was the VP Baja distribu-tor for C.L. Bryant and is now the Sunoco Baja dis-tributor for C.L. Bryant this season. In Class 10 we had # 1009 (Lobsam Yee), first in class and 17th 0/ A. Way to go! We had #1008 (Brookshire), fourth in class and 58th O/A. #1005 (Hardesty), fifth in ,class and 61st 0/ A. # 1049 (Eli Yee), sixth in class and 76th 0/ A. Rounding it out, we had # 1011 (Higman), who was DNF. In Score Lites we had #1201 (Tapia), third in class and 36th 0/ A. Way to go! In Class 11 # 1100 (Solarzano) was first in class and 163th O/A. All the Class lls DNFd February 2006 and were ranked in the order of who made it the farthest. In Pro Trucks, #288 (Jim Nuckles), was first in class and 28th 0/ A. Way to go Jim, spanking the rest of your class that way! In Class 17, Jeep Speed, our lone entry #1501 (Cesena A.), was first in class and 163rd 0/ A as a DNF. In Class T (Sportsman Trucks) we had two racers who both DNFd. They are #1504 (Saiden), and #21549 (Bob Land). # 1504 forgot to pay us after the race, so we will be looking for him in 2006 to pay up for his race support and fuel. In Class B, Sports-man Buggy, we had $1403 (Rice), and #1405 (Robles), both DNF. For the motorcycles and quads we start with Class 25 Pro, ATVs> 251cc. First up was # 18A (Lopez), ninth in class and 130th 0/ A. # 16A (Gomez) was a DNF. In Class 30 Pro it was #316X (Eiklenborg), who was a DNF. In Class 40 Pro it was #407X (Rivas B.), who was sixth in class and 159th 0/ A. In Class MU, Sportsman bikes < 259cc, it was #201X (John Burton), first in class and 135th 0/ A. Way to go John! In Class MO, Sports-man bikes> 251cc, it was the brothers Pearson of #259X (David Pearson), 14th in class and 145th 0/ A and #262X (Jim Pearson), 15th in class and 151st O/Awho finished. These two brothers come out from Colorado, don't pre-run and usually finish each race. A real pleasure to have in the pits. Way to go guys! Hope you got enough to eat at Pit #5 while your lights were be-ing adjusted? #276X (Ard), was a DNF in this class as well. In Class ATV Sportsman, it was #97 A (Mike Penland), first in class and 131st d/ A on his new yellow, 800cc Bom-bardier ride. Way to go Mike and good luck in 2006 with the GNCC series! He was sup-ported out here by John Brady, another Baja Pit guy and great friend to have. Next was #98A (Robins), third in class and 147th 0/ A. Round-ing the class up was #51A (Manthy), who was DNF. That's everyone. To those that took first place in class, congratulations to you and your teammates! You defi-nitely earned it this race. For those of you who finished, this was one tough race for sure. And for those of you who DNFd, keep racing, be-cause 2006 is a new year for you. Baja Pits is here to help you finish and win. You are the racer and we are the race team who pits you. We are one big family committed to helping each other out. For 2006, we have added dry break service for all Pro bike and quad teams needing it. Also, for ex-isting members in all the bike and quad classes, Baja Pits will be offering free pit service. That and four gallons of fuel per pit (91 octane Arco) for Dusty Times

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the San Felipe 250. This is our way to say thanks for racing with us thru 2005. Also, for all 2006 Score Husqvarna racers who have joined the new Baja Huskys Race Team, they have con-tracted with Baja Pits USA for you to receive pit support for all three Baja Score races for 2006. Baja Huskys (www.bajahusk' is a new, upstart Race Club, that is bringing Husqvarnas back to Baja. Currently, Husqvarna is third in the number of SCORE championships won overall. Honda is first with 16, Kawasaki is second with 12 and Husqvarna is third with 11. Look for them to be a reckoning force for 2006. Baja Pits USA is happy to have them racing under our banner as well for 2006. That's it for now. We are looking to race and provide pit service for the MDR San Diego races in 2006. Inter-ested racers in that series should contact us at or if in-terested in this service. Pits will be as usual, complete with tools, welders, dump cans, jacks, air tools, radio service, fluids and willing guys and gals who want to see you win. We are easy to find, just look for the large, Orange Baja Pits banners in front of our pit lo-cation. Until next month then, be safe and have fun in the sun. Adios from Mr. Baja Pits. STATE OHV BOARD SLASHES FUNDS FOR EDU-CATION, LAW ENFORCE-MENT AND TRAIL MAIN-TENANCE - GROUPS CALL FOR DISBANDMENT SAC-RAMENTO (Dec. 15) -On De-cember 14, a coalition of 14 na-tional, state, and local OHV rec-reation groups called for the dis-bandment of the California State Parks Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation (OHMVR) Commission. California regula-tions mandate that funds col-lected from OHV registrations go for environmental education, law enforcement, public safety, trail conservation and land ac-quisition programs. Spokesmen for the coalition said the deci-sion to call for the disbandment came after the Commission voted to defund several important en-forcement and safety programs, operated by the U.S. Forest Ser-vice, Bureau of Land Manage-ment, and local sheriff depart-ments. John Stewart, Director of En-vironmental Affairs for the United Four Wheel Drive Asso-ciations said actions taken at a December $ Commission meet-Dusty Times ing were identical to problems identified in an Audit conducted by the California Bureau of State Audits earlier this year. "The OHMVR Commission is bla-tantly continuing irregularities identified in the Audit. There is no longer any accountability. The only option left is to call for its disbandment." Don Amador, western representative· for the Blue Ribbon Coalition noted that calling for disbandment of the OHV Commission was the last resort. "The refusal to fund important safety and education program shows the Commission no longer functions in accor-dance to the California law which established the committee. We call, once again, for oversight from the legislature. The decision to de-fund the off-highway vehicle (OHV) oriented law enforcement responsibilities of many county sheriffs' depart-ments and federal agencies is shameful," Amador added. Earlier this year, the same coalition sent a letter to Sena-tor Bill Morrow (R-Oceanside) asking for legislative hearings by the joint Legislative Audit Com-mittee based on a recent report by the Bureau of State Audits critical of the OHMVR Program. That audit cited irregularities within the grants program that were again evident during the re-cent commission hearing. "The Commission should consider this a vote of no confi-dence by the OHV community," Amador concludes. "We pay taxes and registration fees and those funds should be used for trail maintenance, law enforce-ment, and safety education, not purchasing greenbelts or other real-estate schemes." The groups signing the Sep-tember$ letter to Senator Mor-row include: American Sand As-sociation, OffRoad Business As-sociation, San Diego Off-Road Coalition, American Motorcy-clist Association, American Mo-torcyclist Association -District 36, American Motorcyclist Asso-ciation District 37, BlueRibbon Coalition, Califor-nia Association of Four-Wheel Drive Clubs, California/Nevada Snowmobile Association, Cali-fornia Off-Road Vehicle Asso-ciation, Desert Vipers Motor-cycle Club, Duners, American Motorcyclist Association District 37 Dual Sport, and United Four Wheel Drive Associations. This column ma'Y, from time to time, contain adult language. We hereby request an'Yone under the age of 18 to stop reading this immediatel'Y and get some adult supervision before continuing. ed The Straight Poop from the BIG WAHZOO FUD'S DASH -in a race where the overall winner ran just an RCH short of a 70 mph average, 01' FUD's tra-ditional New Year's Eve race lived right up to its name. Billy Robertson took second overall and second in the Open Buggy class, having no problems at all. And only stopping once to give his co-driver some seat time. Nice clean run, Billy! Dan Martin pressed his leading Club race car whore status by rolling a guy's 1/2-1600 car, but the team still brought it home with a good fourth place. Stuart Chase's 1/2-1600 car, with his son at the wheel, came across the finish in eighth. Good show, guys! B.J. Bates raced a 5-1600 buggy for a lap and a half before he blew up the tranny for his DNF. The Valasco's first out-ing in their new 10 car saw Art Jr, have shifter and carb mount problems the first half of the race ... then Pops got in behind the wheel and blew it up in three miles. This race consisted of four 45 mile loops, with about 107 entries. Er Jahn was Pit Captain at the Main Pit, with Big John Files establishing Checker Pit # 1. ANNUAL AWARDS BANQUET -When this col-umn was written and had to be sent in, the Awards Din-ner hadn't even taken place yet .. but here are the guys February 2006 who were honored on that night. How do I know who, you ask? ... well, I got good connections, Dudes! Our 2005 Appreciation Awards were presented to Jeff Hibbard for President, Roy Moore for Vice Prez, George Thompson for Treasurer, Jim Gregory for Secretary, Steve Luport for Equipment Man-ager, and George Seeley for Equipment Custodian. No matter how much shit ya took during your year of service, Guys, your time and effort was well appreciated. The following men were recognized for their perfor-mance achievements: Greg Krasnow earned 'Pitter of the Year' honors. In a very close call, Ed Jahn was honored as 'Pit Captain of the Year' in only his second year in the Club. Rookie Driver of the Year was an easy call with the recent addition to the Club of Andrew Neal. And, the Checker Driver of the Year was Rich 'Stretch' Serverson from Arizona. He had a num-ber of impressive races in 2005, and earned his second straight SCORE Points Championship in Class 7SX. Congratulations to all for their standout performance during the year. Two special awards were presented this year for two Checker's significant contri-bution to the Club. George Thompson was named 'Checker of the Year'. Elected as the Club's Treasurer, and despite recently suffering a mini-stroke, GRT jumped right in and served the Club in so many ways in 2005. As 'Manager' of Team HUM-MER, George has learned so many skills over his years in that position which he could immediately apply in his newly elected position with the Checkers. He knows how to raise money. He knows how to manage it. And, he knows how to spend it wisely. He is an expert with a computer, and the Club has never had any better Club race maps than they did this year. New T-shirts ... he handled them. The Off Road Expo, he pretty much ran the 'show' floor for the new owners ... and US! George was soooo much more than just a Trea-surer for the Checkers in 2005. A Life Time Achievement Award. Only two Checkers have ever received this award, Uncle Max in the late 80's, and now Reverend Roy Moore in 2005. Max earned his by bleeding Checker black and white from way back in the beginning. The Rev. Continued on page 50 Page 49 -

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-Nebraska This off road business has been under construction for 5 years and is now for sale and ready for business. Includes: • motorcross track • flat track • fencing • tractor • land • signs • mower • scraper • camping hookups • bleachers • water wagons • look out towers • irrigation well • drag strip with MPH, ET, and reac~on time. • many off road tracks and trails for trucks, buggies, and 4-wheelers Page so Total Price Only $270,000 I will mail or email pictures. For additional information call Chuck Wubben at 402-750-4163 or email Chuck at February earned his for the same rea-son, but more recently. In the last 15 years, Roy has served as a Club Officer almost ev-ery year. Living in Wrightwood, he has traveled more miles on Checker busi-ness than anyone else before him. He has been honored with almost every award the Club presents, including 'Pit Captain of the Year' on a number of occasions. With a little help from the Big Wahzoo, the Rev. has achieved almost legendary status as a true Checker char-acter among the off road racin ' community. His house is a virtual shrine of classic Checker memorabilia. He is known by his brother Check-ers as a guy who does not take any crap from anyone, and can fix darn near anything you break out in the desert. And occasionally irritates his 'Buds' with that attitude of "Bullshit, we can fix this damn thing" when all ya re-ally want to do is park your obviously broken race car and go have a cold one. Con-gratulations Roy, and thanks for all your dedication over the years. LAUGHLIN RACE -The Club sent about ten race vehicles up to this first SCORE race of the year. Race results next month. DUES & T-SHIRTS - If ya haven't paid your 2006 dues by the time you read this you now owe time and a half ... or have been dropped from the active roster. Our new "The winningest Name in the History of Desert Racing" T-shirts are now on sale at our weekly meetings for the 'members only' price of $10. Be sure and pick one up while we still have them in all sizes. ,,,--B:, Lisa Kenned:, FAIR members have wel-comed in the New Year, and are looking forward to an exciting and rewarding 2006. Several members rang in the New Year with their families out in the desert near Slash X, braving the windy and rainy weather. The festivities included riding mo-torcycles and quads, driving pre-runners and race cars, shooting off model rockets, sac-rificing a couple of Christmas trees in the hon fire, and just having a great time. The first race of the year for FAIR members will be the SCORE Laughlin Desert Chal-lenge on January 12th thru the 15th. FAIR will also be offering support this year to members racing in the SCORE series, the MORE series, and any other Dusty Times

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race that has at least five FAIR members entered to race. FAIR wishes to remind all members that membership fees are due at the beginning of each year. Membership dues for 2006 are $50.00 per member. Racing fees have increased this year from $50.00 to $75.00 per race. The schedule for FAIR races and meetings will be up-dated and posted on the web site, in the very near future. FAIR MEMBER HIGH-LIGHT: FAIR member Giti Gowland had a busy year in 2005. He and· his team, which includes his wffe, Andrea "Stretch" Gowland, and co-driver, Jeff Zimmerman, ran in 14 races during the year. They had seven wins, five second place finishes, one sixth place completion, and two DNF endings. With these results, they were the 2005 MORE class champions, the sec-ond place MOR Cal Series Points finishes, and won the sea-son finale to become the MOR Superstition Series champions. One of the most exciting races for Giti and his team in 2005, was the MOR Outlaw 250, in which they beat Lee Orr and his team by a marginal one second. Giti began the race just 17 sec-onds in front of Lee Orr, and by the end of the second lap had broadened that lead to almost three minutes. Both cars pitted at this point for gas and water, and when they started out again Lee was really stepping it up and applying the pressure to Giti. By the end of the third lap, Giti's lead had decreased to just one minute over Lee. Giti, having sustained a blown seal to his front, left shock absorber in the first lap, was now beginning to feel the effects cif this as he tried to hold the trembling Jeep to-gether to win this race. During the last lap, Lee Orr was doing · everything he could to pass Giti, and Giti was doing everything he could to stay out in front. Giti tried to loose Lee in his dust as they passed a pack of slower cars, but Lee held on and stayed right with him. Giti then ran up on a berm and the Jeep "bi-cycled" on two wheels for ap-proximately 100 feet before Giti could recover control, all the while Lee tried to get by him. When Giti finally crossed the finish line he estimated he was only 14 seconds ahead of Lee Orr, not enough for the victory. Giti received a very pleasant · surprise when the official results were finally pos~d, he has won the race by a mere fraction of a second. Giti Gowland then be-came the winner of the closest race in MOR history. FAIR congratulates Giti Gowland and his crew for a fan-tastic year of racing n 2005. FAIR THANK YOU: A huge "thank you" goes out to Jennifer Clemison and Shelby Tolbei:t for all their hard work in making the Christmas party a huge success. They spend countless hours organizing the party, selling tickets to the party organizing the raffle, getting do-nations for raffle prizes, selling raffle tickets, and promoting the event. Thanks also go out to those who donated prizes for the raffle, and to all those who pur-chased tickets. FAIR NEW YEAR'S RESO-LUTION: 1. FAIR will offer the best pit support possible to all its mem-ber. 2. FAIR will do its best to keep the website up to date, so that those who visit will have ac-curate information on m~mber-ship status, the FAIR schedule, race results, racers' stories and FAIR news. An error was made in the last edition of the FAIR News. Jenni-fer Clemison was stated to be the Points Champion in Class in the MORE series. Jennifer's actual fi-nal points standing for MORE was third, and Rick Wilcoxson was the Points Champion for Class 1. The article was completed before MORE had finished up-dating the standings on their website. I apologize for this error. Off-Road Business Asso-ciation H ires Executive Di-rector Fred Wiley brings over 25 years of business management and 26 years of snowmobile and OHV experience The Off-Road Business As-sociation (ORBA) is pleased to announce that it has hired Fred Wiley to fill the position of Executive Di-rector. Mr. Wiley has been in-volved for many years in pri-vate industry managing busi-nesses of all sizes. During the past few years he has utilized his business experience to serve as a consultant to many of these companies. Fred has served as the President of the California -Nevada Snowmob ile Associa-tion, the Chairman of the Western Chapter of the American Council of Snow-mobile Associations and on the Executive Board of the American Council of Snow-mobile Associations. Fred's work with these volunteer or-ganizations for over 10 years has earned him the respect of not only the off-road groups but the state and federal agencies. Fred also worked as the central California off-road coordinator for the Re-publican Party, President Bush, Roy Ashbum and many others. "1 am extremely pleased to add Fred Wiley to the ORBA team, as his skills and experi-ence are an excellent addition to the nation's only motor-ized off-highway vehicle in-d us try trade association" • GENERATORS • OUTBOARD ENGINES • GENERAL PURPOSE ENGINES • WELDERS • WATERPUMPS · • LAWN MOWERS • LAWN TRACTORS • RIDING MOWERS • TILLERS Califo rnia's Largest Source lor Bonda Power Equipment Parts 8 Inventory IF WE DON T HAVE 11: NO ONE IJOE9/ Check Our Website: Kawaguchi Honda Corp. stated ORBA President and CEO, Roy Denner. "Fred will be overseeing the office staff and managing the day to day operation of the business, and he will personally focus on state issues. Fred added that he "looks forward to continuing the growth of ORBA as a na-tional trade organization and to helping form new partner-ships." f'P!~hn Elkin The Oregon Rally Group is pleased to call Dusty Times our new official voice in the print media. Joining our friends to the south, the Cali-fornia Rally Series, west coast rally enthusiasts now have just one stop to check the go-ings on with rallying in Or-egon, southwest Washington and the southwest. 1 would like to explain ex-actly what the Oregon Rally Group (ORG) is. We are au-tomobile enthusiasts gath-ered together to further the sport of rallying in the three disciplines, stage rally, rallycross and road rally. Continued on page 52 :El:OND.A. 3532 East 3rd St. • Los Angeles, CA 90063 . , . aeNERAToRa Q PUMPS (323) 264-3936, 264-5858 • FAX (323) 264-2136 N oth1ng s easier. For optimum performance and safety, we recommend you read the owner's manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment. Connection of a generator to house power requires a transfer device to avoid possible injury to power company personnel. Consult a qualified electrician. ©2006 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. Dusty Times February 2006 Page 51

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.. Formed in 1994 with the specific desire to return stage rallying to the state of Or-egon, the ORO has grown sig-nificantly to now hosting one of the most popular national events on the Rally America National Championship with drivers. We have expanded to a regional stage rally in Odell, Oregon at the base of Mt. Hood, next year we are look-ing to expand into Central Oregon and southwest Wash-ington. In rallycross we organize between six and eight events per year utilizing sites throughout the Portland area including Portland In-ternational Raceway. In Oregon we are lucky to have several of the most ac-complished and respected road rally competitors in the country. Our road rally program includes several National events per year, the popular Gran Prix Im-ports Port Oxford Rally, and several regional events. We road rally on both paved and gravel roads. Ironically as we begin this new relationship with Dusty Times we find our season winding down for the rainy winter months. By the time this gets to your mailbox our final rallycross event of the year will be in the books and new champions for 2005 will be awarded. A severe blow to stage rally competitors came in early October as our Mt. Hood Rally was cancelled due to a lawsuit against the National Forest Service. Page 52 Bad news is we lost a good event this y.ear, however the good news is the staff at the Forest Service office does not believe the lawsuit will hold up and we are looking forward to next year. Orga-nizer Simon Levear always does an immaculate job bringing this rally to life and we look forward to the 2006 edition. For more information about rallying in our neck of the world please use our website VORRA is pleased to an-nounce that Team LeDuc will be racing at the first short course event of the 2006 sea-son. Curt LeDuc, the team leader, has confirmed plans to travel north to Sacra-mento for VORRA's March 4-5, 2005 race at Prairie City SVRA. Prairie City is one of only a few year round short course off road facilities on the west coast. The track has been widened and redesigned to cater to the fastest short course vehicles. Contact Rich Klein for more info at 530-417-5333 or fax to 530-344-9448. San Francisco ... From Page 47 Ron by surprise, and the ensu-ing bounce broke one of his rear shocks, causing the coils to depart the car, and ending Ron's race. Jeff Bracale races out of Lake Havasu City, Arizona and had a solid race in his Ford Lightning Class 8 machine. Jeff was looking to wrap up the season points and he did so in style. Jeff got three laps done in 3:06:25 to earn the class vic-tory. Bruce Bonestroo had a good run going until a very long fifth and final lap cost him a shot at the win. Bruce settled with the silver medal in the class. David Weir ran a steady pace to earn the bronze medal, and was the final fin-isher in the class. Mike Doherty was hoping for a good race, but ended up spending some quality time in the desert. Mike had tie rod trouble, followed by a broken steering arm on the same spindle. His champion-ship points chase fell short this year. Benny Fenn also had troubles, with a broken link in the rear end, w'ith no means of a field fix. · Jeff Knupp continued to roll over the competition in the 1600 class. Jeff had a pretty solid day, with one quick stop for some cholla removal. Jeff was able to garner second overall, and a class win with 2:54:20. Ryan Chamberlin was putting up some pretty quick laps of his own early in the race, but slowed on the last couple laps due to an ailing co-driver. Ryan ended up letting the passenger out of the car, and made the mistake of going on solo. That's a no-no in a two seat car, and earned Ryan a DQ for his troubles. Keep an eye on this kid. Ryan has only • a couple races under his belt in the 1600, and is already demonstrating veteran-like skills in the class. Krissy Sullivan showed some determi-nation at this race, finishing all of her laps, and taking the checkered flag well after dark. Krissy had a solid race after s'ome early steering troubles, and got a well deserved finish. Stan "the Man" Calvelage was on fire in the Sport 10 cla~s. Stan beat eight other competitors to the checkers with about 14 minutes to spare. Look for Stan to team up with nephew Cod:-.,. Calvelage next year, to be a force in Sport 10. Runner-up Mark Fiske was leading on time when a very long third lap relegated him to second place in the class. Bruce Johnston had a solid outing, getting the final podium posi-tion in the class. Bruce had co-driver, and head chef Brian riding shotgun for the race. Bruce has finally gottep the bugs worked out of his dual port powerplant, and is enjoy-ing Sport 10. David Blythe, the Asher Mask Racing Team, and Hector Cortez all finished their assigned laps to earn well deserved finishes. Scott Cybulski was running very well until a last lap DNF got him. Brandon Nelson had a trouble free run in his# 1503 truck in the Sport Truck class. Brandon was the only competi-tor in the class to finish all four required laps. Brandon did have the truck quit in the last mi.le to give him some heart palpitations, but the truck re-fired, and he took the check-ers. Brandon wanted to thank MCM Motorsports for their support., Todd P. whose name I can never pronounce, and Don at The Transmission Shop. Cory Bott was the lone fin-isher in the Sportsman Limited class. Cory had a very enthusi-astic co-driver who finished the bike race, and then jumped in the car to co-drive. Cory gave him a good show, but had to make multiple 10-100 stops for the hydrating rider. In the Sport Mini class, Ruben Frederico again came out on top, with Cody Calvelage, and the Lucas Team not far behind. Congratulations to the win-ners, and to the class champi-ons for 2005. The Sonoyta ex-perience was interesting, and hats off to the racers, campers and families who endured the silt and the dust to support their teams, and the Whiplash family. As of this writing, the 2006 calendar has not been announced. Look for Whip-lash to continue to provide quality, family style races in the New Year, hopefully with some improvements to the Mexican content on the schedule. Have a safe and Happy Holi-days, and we'll do it all over again in 2006! · :MISS :MP. (}3Vrr' LP.rr' :MP. qo 'Wli.en I come to tli.e end of tli.e road )Ind tli.e sun set for me I want no rites in a 9foom fi[[ed room, 'Wli.y cry for a sou[ set free! 9tf.iss me a fittfe -6ut not too Cone )f nd not witli. your Ii.earl 6owed Cow, (8Jme'm:6er tli.e Cove we once sli.ared 9tf.iss 9tf.e -<But £et 9tf.e fio! 'For is a journey we a[[ must tai.J )Ind eacli. must 90 alone, It's a[[ a part of tli.e 9tf.aster's <P[an )f step on tli.e road to li.ome. 'Wli.en you are Conely and sic{_ of li.eart qo to tli.e friends we {now )Ind 6ury your sorrows in doin9 900d deeds 9tf.iss 9tf.e -<But £et 9tf.e qo. Myron Michael ''Mike'' Schwellinger 1938-2006 February 2006 Dusty Times

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Happenings ... From Page 7 NATIONALS, INc. P.O. Box 10 OROS!, CA 9364 7 (559) 528-6279 (559) 528-9749 FAX <> SOUTHERN SHORT COURSE OFF RoAD RACING AssN. 4305 WOOTLARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (AU Races at Eastba] RacewaJ, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) Lm. P.O. Box 706 Novemher4-5, 2006 Gila Bend Gila Bend, AZ Decembeir 2, 2006 Mexico Whiplash Desert *Bikes/ A 1V' sand **Mini&PW **February 11, 2006 Vulture Mine Wickenburg, AZ *Februaryl2,2006 Vulture Mine Wickenburg, AZ **March 18, 2006 Lake Pleasant, AZ *March 19, 2006 Lake Pleasant, AZ ** * April 22, 2006 Mexico ** *May 27-28, 2006 Page, AZ ** July 22, 2006 Flagstaff, AZ * July 23, 2006 Flagstaff, AZ ** September 2, 2006 Snowflake, Heber, AZ *September 3, 2006 Snowflake, Heber, AZ ** October 7, 2006 TBA *October 8, 2006 TBA ***November 4-5, 2006 Gila Bend Gila Bend, AZ ** * December 2, 2006 Mexico WISCONSIN MOTORSPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTIVAL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 0sHKOSH, WL54901 (414) 688-5509 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSlUP Trail Notes ... From Page 7 XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 ZR. PROMOTIONS RENE MONTANO P.O. Box 2122 Calexico, CA 92231 February 19, 2006 Calzada Independencia 200-5 Col. lnsurgentes este 21280 Mexicali, Baja Mexico 686-564-6653 152*132320*1 ZR Gran Prix #2 Motorcycles & Quads April 2, 2006 ZR Poker Run Family Ride May7,2006 Laguna Salada Gran Prix Motorcycles and Quads July 1, 2006 ZR Night Race Motorcycles & Quads September 9, 2006 ZR Team Race Motorcycles & Quads Septemberl0,2006 ZR Poker Run Family Ride November 26, 2006 ZR Gran Prix Campeones Motorcycles & Quads quite well, in his Hummer. Robby, with Darren Skilton in the right seat finished 14th on the first special stage in Spain/Portugal, they were 9'h on the second stage and on the first stage in Morrocco, which was a 400 mile run they finished in fifth place after getting lost for a while. On the 4th stage they had a bolt break, screwing up the transmission and thev lost more than four hours anyone, any time. He raced for fun and with his son Jon they put many a mile under the wheels of their truck, prepared in their Conejo Off Road shop. Mike passed away at his home in Mexico. He is survived by his wife Gayle, his son Jon. Our sympathies go to Mike's family, he will be sorely missed by all who knew him. Via con Dios, Mike. making repairs. Unfortunately, Robby was a dnf but he managed to get to Laughlin in time for the SCORE race. Robby told me things are looking good for the 2006 NASCAR season. He said the cars are good, they have great engines and a great crew and they're ready to win a few races this year. Hopefully, it will all come to pass. FINAL FLAG -We were saddened to hear of the passing of Mike Schwellinger, a dear friend for many years. Mike was a long time racer, always known for his willingness to help AMERICAN RALLYSPORT GROUP -ARSG has announced that they have finalized a three year sponsorship agreement and two year option with the Laughlin Tourism Committee and the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority to continue putting on the Laughlin International Rally and Motorsports Festival. This multi-faceted project will commence in November, 2006, an expansion of ASRG's popular International Rally, sponsored by the Ramada Express Hotel for the past eight years. For more info DON1T FORGET TO SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO KEEP REPORTING THE OFF ROAD NEWS! Dusty Times February 2006 Attention Race&Rally Organizers List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is th.e only way some fans know about your event, if th.ey don't happen to he on your club mailing list. Don't call, hut mail your 2005-2006 schedule as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: DUBliJli1muo 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 :4 i~raft Spnacc is a world\vide distributor of quali()' produces (or the rac-ing industry. Our product line or over 30.000 items is one of tbe mos1 extensive from 011e single source. Our service has made us the number one supplier in aviation and is why o,•cr 3S0 race teams have wrncd to us as a trusted soun.~ (or racing <:omponcnts! www g,~ 1:.%? .,.,,. .. u.ttr. ,... . ....,.,llftn:r. Ullir,--~ BEST SELECTION/ LOWEST PRICES/ ti SAME DAY SHIPMENT! Visit Our Corona, CA store! AIRQBAEf SPRUCE WEST 225Airport Ci«le c°"'""· et 9288f>.1s21 ph. 951.J12-9555 /tu 951-3124)5$5 ,,.,,,,,lllff F"1tleat1111 Mlltrlat:ltato,t lilfoOalrcralbptuce .. com 1-B77-4-SPRUCE .... ... . . ' Page 53

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CODE Race Ready 275 ••• FromPage43 a time of 9:09:43, second Lugo went to Ramon Fernandez with a 9:27:48. The third spot went to Rene Rodriguez with a 10: 11 :03 and Enrique Gonzales was the fourth place and only other class finisher with his time of 11:12:59. In the Sportsman class we had the 14s, 15s, 18s and two Safari classes. The Class 14 win was taken by Jose L. and Fernando Sanchez in with a very quick 6:02:39. Celio Perez, Ramon Ceja and Jorge Jimenez were just nine minutes back for second with their 6:09:44 and another hour back Ivan Pacheco and Edgar Alvarez, Jr. with their time of 7:08:21. The 14 class was another large field consisting of 22 starters and 10 finish-ers. The CODE races just get larger and larger. Thirteen starters in the 15 class but only four of them made the entire trip. First across the finish line was Marco An-tonio Marquez with an 8:25:50. Carlos and Rolando De Los Palos were second into San Felipe with their time of 9:37:50 and Everardo Garcia took third with his time of 10:48:42. Raul Valenzuela was the only other Class 15 finisher and his time was 11:21:19. Nine starters in Class 18 and only two of the teams made it to the black and white. The three man team of Sergio Sal-gado, Luis J. Salgado and Paloma Ayon went 8:42:11 for first place and Jorge Rivas took the silver with a time of 11:04:50. Abraham Lartundo got to the fourth checkpoint and was awarded the bronze. The other six entries had various prob-lems and made it to and through only a couple of checkpoints. Here again one of them never even saw Check 1. And now onto the Safari classes. When CODE and RECORD combine to put on a race there are two Safari classes. They mostly run together but there is a small change to the numbering system. Anyway. Clase Safari RECORD had 14 starters and none of them made it the whole distance to San Felipe. Leonardo Guzman went further and faster than anyone else and was awarded the gold. Roberto Escobedo A. was two hours slower and went silver and Victor Ibarra was awarded the bronze. Clase Safari CODE had four starters and two of them made it all the way down. Heriberto Chavez and Luivan Voelker were the quickest and took the first place trophy with their time of nine hours, seven minutes and 46 seconds. Second spot went to Alberto Varela who went 10:13:35. The #20 car made it to Check 4 and the #98 car only saw Check l. Another rough race designed by the folks at CODE. Not quite a 50% finish rate, but then as we've said "ain't no sissies on an off road course." Come down and try it some time. CODE wants to thank all of the drivers, crews, friends and families, and various volunteers for their continued support. The 2006 season promises to be every bit as good as the last. Call the CODE people for information. See you somewhere on the Baja. ..-.... Page 54 Whiplash Gila Bend ... From Page 37 nice finish in the Sportsman race. Charlie Brown in the #1362 car was one of the strongest runners in the Sportsman ranks, but Charlie made a wrong turn on each lap, causing him to unknow-ingly cut part of the course, and earning a DQ. It was a very un-fortunate event for a team that deserved to earn a finish, and was strong from start to finish. The wrong turn he took also created penalties for several other teams who made the same mistake. Ap-parently there was even a stray di-rection arrow pointing the way to DQ and down the wrong path on the course. Gator Stapley also fell victim to this same mistake, and was also DQ' d in the class. The Sport Mini class had a very strong showing with eight com-petitors in the class. Ruben Frederico (Gamble Electric, ICA) was up to the challenge, complet-ing six laps, and earning the win. Dwayne Anders0n had his girl-friend Melissa Flam in the truck and he sped on to a second place finish. It was only the third race on the trick, and Dwayne had a blast, giving credit to Danny Sullivan Builders for supporting his entry. Scott Nimmo com-pleted four laps to earn the bronze medal in the class. Cody Calvelage (Blue Adobe) made it a family affair, racing with Uncle Stan in the same race, in differ-ent classes. Cody's truck ran well after a disastrous first lap with a dead battery, and no roadside as-sistance. Whiplash has conjured up a Rocky Point race scheduled for early December. The organiza-tion will be racing on a new track, located near Sonoyta just about ten miles across the Mexican border. Jay is working hard to get the details ironed out to make this an event to remember, with a secured lot for racers, some facilities to support the race, and a track that should be super. Clear your calendars, and check those season points totals ... cause this will be the deciding race of the year. __ -.,,, CRS Prescott ... From Page 19 ing by two minutes overall in class after Perkinsville-3 (SS 11) a class win looked like a sure thing in the Moser camp. But with Larry Gross setting quick time in their Trophy Corona on Perkinsville-I (SS6) the day wasn't all the Moser's, also setting fast time on SS7 (Limestone Canyon North) was George Doganis, in his Nissan Sentra, who found himself second overall in class after three stages. To Michel Hoche-Mong's credit he hung tough with the Moser juggernaut, finishing second on Stages SS9 and 10, while taking third on SSll. Michel's times kept him third overall just behind George Doganis who was also driving an aggressive rally, his times on Witty Tom North (Stages 2 and 3) reflected his style while keeping Michel in arrears. Sadly a roll-over by the Mosers in their VW Golf GTi on Witty Tom North ended the event for them and changed the outcome of this rally. Now the focus was on Doganis and Hoche-Mong, just hun-dredths apart after SS 11, but with new Yokohama tires on the car Michel drove his Bombardier to two first place finishes, putting the rally demons to rest for good. Meanwhile Dogan is finished second on SS 12 and fourth on the final stages finishing out of the top ten overall taking the 11th spot just a minute behind Michel. Finishing in third position was Jim Pierce, using Mike Taylor's Ford Ranger; his best time of the day was a tie for first on SS6. His later stage efforts were not typical of Jim, his best time was a fourth on SS9. Fourth in class went to a new rally team of Sarkis Mazmanian and M. Mazmanian in their Acura lntegra, finishing 19th overall; fifth place went to K. Marciniak and C. Wittish while sixth went to Cody Crane and Mark Keith (Honda CRX) and in last place the team of Larry Gross and Doug Young. Another fine rally for the organizers of Prescott, Mike Taylor and his staff showed again how to present one of the most popular events on the California Rally Series calendar. Scheduled for October 2006 this event is one not to miss. ·,, central'··· From Page 25 on duty. Dave W. is napping. At about 8:50 a.m. there's a discussion of how the radio folks should handle "into pit" and "out of pit" times. Which one should they use? Sandy, Casy, Doug and Dave C. are all working, Brad is back from his nap and Charlie Engelhart is checking on someone's progress. By 9 a.m. Lin's back, and there are eight of us in the motorhome. They're trying to convince Jeff that he doesn't need to come in. Dave C. and Doug are trying to print a list of the BFG cars that have not gone through the pits that are still open. At 9:30 Sandy served breakfast, which disappeared in minutes. At 11 a.m. they were trying to find out how a couple of the Baja Challenge cars fell out of the computer. Doug, Brad, Lin and Casyareworking, Dave C. is "dozing off' on the couch and Dave W. is just back from a walk. San Telrno reports they're about to shut down. Dave C. decides to go take a nap. Llano Colorado is now the only BFG pit left open. Charlie Engelhart stops in for a visit. At 11:25 Saturday morning Llano Colorado is still calling in passing times. At l: 12 p.m., Brad, Doug, Casy, Lin, Dave W. and Dave C,. are all working. And at 1:55. At 2:24 Rafael Navarro and his son, Dave C., Brad, Dave W., Doug, Sandy, Casy, John H. and myself are all in the motorhome, in a sort of stupor. Dominic came by looking for Dave W. At 3 p.m. Dave W. and Doug are working, Casy and Sandy are talking about making lunch. At about that point I left to take a nap and then went on to the BFG celebration at Estero Beach. I was, as always, amazed at the amount of time and trouble that goes into keeping track of the BFG racers. This report only skims over the details, and there's not enough space to delineate the dedication and effort that go into making the team work properly. BFG racers don't fall through the cracks. There's always someone who can report where they've been seen, and what needs to be done to get them moving again. It's a comfort-able feeling for the racers and their chase crews. One broken racer at this event said, of Relay Bruce Erickson, he "was a calm voice out there in the Ether solving problems and straightening out race related dilemmas." It's just what they do -but, oh gosh - they sure do it right! . _-.,,, Wired to Win! Wiring Going To Make It Another Season? Auto electrical experts Specializing in custom off-road wiring Race vehicles & dune buggies Communications and custom lighting February 2006 When it's gotta be Wired Right! e&j Wireworks 2865 Progress Place Ste 2B Escondido CA 92029 760-738-WIRE (9473) Dusty Times

Page 55

Sheldon Paul finished second in the SNORE Limited Sportsman Class, a long first lap cost him a bunch of time. A third place finish in Class 1750 went to Jason La Fortune, he's seen here heading for home in his Jeep. Glenn Barnes was third in SNORE Limited Sportsman, a terribly long third lap cost him a bunch of Bl TD/SNORE Henderson Terrible's 400 ... From Page 17 stub axle, which they repaired at Pit 3. When they left there they'd lost the bearings out of the axle and had to go back to the main pit for another fix. As usual, it had been good, close racing in this class. The next batch of SNORE racers to start was the 5-1600s. There were nine of them, but only seven managed to get the first lap completed. One other car almost failed. Art Savedra rolled his bug at Mile 3, and lost at least an hour getting going again. In the meantime, Rick Gutierrez went into the lead with the fast lap for this class at 1:42:21. He had about four min-utes on Jasper Dwyer, who ran second, and then it was Billy Worthing in third, about seven minutes further back. Worthing dropped out on the second lap, and now the lead belonged to Dwyer, with Gutierrez second and Gary Messer in third place. Savedra had another long lap, 'though better than his first, and so did Steven Alexander, who was hav-ing fuel pump problems. On Lap 3 the lead belonged to Dwyer still, and as Gutierrez fell by the wayside, Messer moved up to second place. Savedra and his co-driver, Billy Gereghty, were now third in spite of their problems. Their car was now popping out of gear, they'd had steering trouble, and their mo-tor was unwell. This class did only four laps and it was a good thing. Messer had just barely finished Lap 3 and taken the turn into the dip at the bottom of the infield when his car stopped going forward. After a lot of excited study of the back end of the car the team deter-mined that he'd broken two c.v. joints! They towed him off for repair, vowing to get a finish. Gereghty babied the Savedra car around, hoping the motor would last, and down to just third gear. But he made it, and surprisingly, was the first one in. Savedra and Gereghty got the win! In second, after a long last lap spent repairing those two c.v.s, Messer and Fair Hayward took second. They "smoked the motor" about six miles before the finish, and also just barely made it in. And Steven Alexander, who'd had his troubles early in the day, had the best lap time at 2:03:41 and fin-Dusty Times ished third. He reported some rear shock problems also. No one else finished, Dwyer falling out on Lap 4. The three finishers were within 15 minutes of one another -more good racing. There were four SNORE Class 9 cars, and they were re-quired to run only four laps. Only three of them made it around the first lap, Rusty Ruby the only early dnf. Glenn Dickton put himself into the lead, with the fast lap for this class 1:44:45, and he had five minutes on Brandon Hughes. Chad Evans ran third in his Dickton chassis. On the second lap Hughes moved into the lead as Dickton lost an hour with some problem. Evans moved to second and Dickton was third, about 45 minutes behind the leader now. Lap 3 looked the same, except that Justin Evans took over driv-ing in place of his brother. It was still Hughes, Evans and Dickton. Dickton disappeared on the fourth lap, leaving just Hughes and the Evans brothers to duke it out. Hughes ran a good lap to take the win, and reported that his exhaust had fallen off, he'd lost a cylinder and did a whole lap with only three cylinders, and his pit crew had to change a plug wire. Still, he won by a half h our. The Evans brothers had no serious problems, drove a steady pace, and took second, a fine performance in their first race. The next group to go was an interesting group called the Cham-pion Class -it's made up on old 1600 cars, which are not allowed to use disc brakes or bypass shocks. There were only three of them (but there must be hundreds more parked in garages in the Southern Nevada, Southern Cali-fornia area). Daniel Maurer didn't get through his first lap, leaving only two racers out on the course. Bryan Adams led, with three minutes on Kenny Freeman at the end of Lap 1, but then Adams lost about an hour and a half, and Freeman moved into the lead. Adams had run out of gas and had to walk back to Pit 3. Once there he'd had a BITD offi-cial take him and the fuel back out to his car, and he got going again. Freeman broke a limiter strap on the third lap and lost a bit of time, but now Adams broke a throttle cable and lost more time, so Freeman stayed in front. On the last lap (Lap 4) Kenny's son, Cody, whose own car was broken early, got in and set a good pace, even without the limiter strap, to take the win. Kenny had recorded the quick time for this small group, at 1:43:51, on Lap 2. Adams was not yet done, but he said the last lap was good until Mile 60, when the lights dimmed and the car died. He was a while figuring it out, but finally put on a new belt and went on and fin-ished, three hours behind the Freemans, and cold and tired. The Unlimited Sportsman was the next class to take off, with four entries. They had to do only three laps. All of them made it through the first one, with Jerry Stewart in the lead by about 45 minutes, with the fast lap for the class in 1:37 flat. In second place it was John Poling. Jason Gubler had done a lap of nearly four hours, and never came around again. On the second lap Stewart, and co-driver, Tom Hood stayed in front with a lap only a minute and 4 5 seconds slower than their first. They now led by over an hour and Robert Gross and Mark Clifton ran second. Poling dropped away on this lap. February 2006 Stewart and Hood delivered Collins, with a 1 :46: 16, took another fine lap, said their day over the lead, and Barnes held was flawless, and they'd had no second. Sheldon Paul, who took problems with their Type I mo-over for Chris Delov, also had a tor. They won by over three good lap in his Chenowth, and hours. In second it was Gross, the race tightened up a bit. Clifton and Mark Bass, who said Collins put Alyson Spina into a torsion bar had "squatted", her car to do the last lap and, in and they'd been "landed on by a spite of a little problem keeping Truggy". They had tire marks to the car running (it didn't idle prove it. They also said their car well), Spina set a good pace in her had been racing since 1983, one first race, and the pair took the of several veteran vehicles out for win. Delov and Paul, who had elec-this event. trical problems on that long first The Limited Sportsman class lap, finished second, and Barnes, had seven entries, and they also who drove all the way in his car, had to do only three laps. Billy lost a rear shock and more disas-Shapley, Willie Bruton and Ri- trously, lost his lights and drove chard Brady failed to make the for about an hour and a half in first lap, leaving only four cars full dark, to take third place. out on the playing field. The BITD and SNORE have JeffShiroky had the lead, with surely demonstrated that it's pos-the fast lap for the class at sible to have one event comprised 1:42:19. Glenn Barnes, in a oftwopromoters'races,andtohave Sportsman Unlimited car, was it work well. There were some second, a half hour later, and glitches, but they weren't a result of Courtney Collins, in a the dual promoters, they were Lothringer, had been bumped glitches that could happen at any into a ravine by a passing 1500 event. Some things were a little com-car, and had got a flat. But she plicated, but for the racers it was was third. Courtney is Brian apparently all the same. They just Collins' daughter. went out onto the course and did Shiroky's car apparently their thing, and let the officials couldn't stand the sizzling pace, worry about the runnin' of it all. It and it died on Lap 2. Now was a good day of racing. __ . .,.., 6f9.69f.ff7f • B00.6S6.1116 103 Press~ SUitell4 • OIUla ~ CA 91910 ww.racereadyproduets.eom Page 55

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GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY 19076 Hawthorne Blvd. 'f o.rra·nce, CA 90503 • Custom fabrication • Prerunners • Suspensions • Custom exhaust (310) 542-2977 BRANDWOOD CARS for mid-engines and other applications 602-437-3)07 C.Jstom V~hicle Shifter ~i, 'J.-~ ...... - ~ Offroad to Street, Prerunner to Race -Ch•is Design -Race Prep -All General Fabrication 18().949..S,07 174S9LilacSUE H"perla CA 92345 r-:m~--oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii===;;;;;;-r=-=--=--=--=--=--=--=;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_::-~~~~~1------------------I-OFF-ROAD FUEL CELLS SCORE • CORR • SODA • MAORA PRERUNNERS • RALLY• ETC SA144 Toll Free: 800-526-5330 Fax: 201-825-1962 e-Mall: www.atlfue/ ~UTOFJ\6 Off Road Trucks Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages Ford Truck Specialist • 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 > • • · I I ' The Ultimate_ in Off Road ~ ~-~\ ..,, ,.)";. ,,,, j"), ,.7✓:1,~2-79.0945 264 N ... Cfpress ;t. • Orang . www.~AJASHOPMOTORSP ·iliiliii"-oilii· ...__ 800. 564. 1510 702.257.2300 ~~_:; IIIIHIEB ■CYLINDER HEADS • CUSTOM PORTING FOR ANY APPLICATION • • SUPERFLOW 1020 FLOW BENCH • • PERFORMANCE • MARINE • OFF ROAD • MOTORCYCLE • 145 GIBSON RD, SUITE B •HENDERSON• NEVADA• 89014 I "Innovative Billet Products for the Off-Road Enthusiast" FREE Catalog! 111 -~ ~ n©~ ~~oooo{r~ 9525 Pathway St.-Santee, Ca. 92071 'MFR. OF 1'f'RFORMANCE PARTS FOR INOUSTRY LEAOING RACE CAR BUILOERS -Spindles, Floatinl! Huhs - 5 spd. Shifters (tits ·lcndcola trans & others) -'\'orlhstar Airbox Adapter~ & more!! url: e-mail: (619)562-3071 Lonely Long Advertising Term Space Relationship Looking Call For 818-882-0004 Call Dusty Times For Details CACTUS RACING Raceajr Helmets & Accessories Bell, Shoei, Simpson Blower systems & cool boxes 619-482-6700 708 Rocking Horse Dr. Chula Vista, CA 91914 CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN 39067 ORCHARD ST. CHERRY VALLEY CA. 92223 PH#. (9Sl)•84S•8820 products in stock Race Prov~n Fabrication. Boatec Fiberglass Pre-Runners · Dimple Dies Tubing Benders Bypass valves+tubes Sway-bar Arms Desert Trucks Short Course trucks Paris-Dakar trucks 111'1 IOI Dt:EIS WHO IIEIWID TIE BEST HAMPION BEADLOCI 24C!tNG WHEE.LS lJ .S.A. WHEELS / CONVERSIONS a•9•10•11•12•13•15•1e•17n MILAN GARRETT 1871 N. BRAWLEY AYE. FRESNO CA 93722 (559) 275-5183 • FAX 276-2365 CHENOWTH aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•f v&CING PRODVCTS, INC. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 Fax (619) 449-7103 OCNC:J' Ma"•lact,,.Bal . = B,ake a"d Ci,t,h Pedal An> Master Cylinders . Slave Cylinders CNC, Inc. 1221 West Morena .. vd. San Diego, CA.'921'10 (6 J 9) 275-166~ Cuttihg and Sta!:Vng Brakes· Hydraulic Throttlbs T~rottle Pedals and all of our accessories. Send $3.00 for Catalog FLOATER REAR ENDS'• i'RONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS • KNOCK OFf HUBS Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tr!;)e_Lane • (805) 239-2663 Templeton, CA 93465 Continental Lan & Investment Corp. 1 -,~1rth lh\, q:;;_ Lile li.t\J'-U C11, 1\7 X040➔ ,a----{'ELL: (928) 486-9145. OFFICE: (928) 764-~263 lann:1ct ha, ,1su, I st com LANCE CRAMER A ,ociatc Broker•

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Page 58

... HLJ 5 TL E~ I concePTs P .• r,A A ry-P J SHOP (since 1967) PRE RLJnnERS ALLJmr,um LUCIRH I =PEC:l=ILI,...... VEHC:LE~ 1+· -~ Jesse Rodriguez I PH: 714-997-0701 Fax:714-997-0758 _ 714 N Lemon SI, Orange.CA. 92867 IMPACT CUSTOMS DCORE NHRA BCCA RACE SPEC ROLL CAGES, TUBE CHABBIB, CUSTOM SUSPENSIONS, AIR BAGS, BODY DROPS, SHAVE, SUICIDE, PRE-RUNNERS, BAJAB, LONG TRAVEL, RACE PREP, OUBTOM WIRING, FABRICATION AND METAL WORK 661.Q98. 7079 JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner' ~ ■,a~ ■,a■ I•~ I~ •~~T•~• LI I I Quality Racing Transaxles Mendeola Dealer Off Road - Sand Specialist JOE GIFFIN 3061 E. La Jolla St. #I Anaheim. California 92806 (714) 632-1240 Fax (714) 632-1223 Email: jg1rans@pacbell.ne1 Mike Julson 9426 Wheatlands Court Santee, CA 92071 619-596-3360 619-596-3364fax J._l •~e wez RACING ENGINES COMPLETE ENGINES • PARTS & DYNO SERVICE George Jimenez Se Hob/a Espanol 535 E. Central Park Ave. Anaheim, CA 92802 Tel: (714) 535.5116 Fax: (714) 535-5816 JON KINNE AUTO ELECTRIC 809-F N. Lakeview Ave., Placentia, CA 92870 Tel. 714- 779-2316 • Fax 714- 779-5012 ): ~ __ r-_ .Jo,,lttiSoN FABB.tct.'t1 TROY J OHNSON ,(951) 779-9395 ·2061 Third Street. Unit A Riverside, CA 92507 Specializing in custom offroad race trucks , • P1erunners • Sand car5 • Rally ca1s • Cu5tom Fabncati0n • Advanced Susrsnsion T6chnoiogy • Research & C•e'l61upnient KAL OFFROAD RACING Metal Fabrication ~~~~---.... Custom Suspensions KurtLarmee (805) 466-4101 ~ 8408 K El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 HONDA . .. . Equipment OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. 3532 EAST 3RD ST. .ART KAWAGUCHI Fax 323-264-2136 323-264-5858 LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 BLACR-lbw,aaw ~~ Derek Kreger PH: 114.289.9048 Fil: 114.631.1854 1214 N. Parker Unti #3 orange, CA 92861 For Very Few Dollars A Month Your Ad Here Can Increase Your Sales By A Bunch Call Dusty Times 818-882-0004 POWER E STEERING THOMAS-£ LEE Engineering LEE MFG. CO. 11681 PENDLETOK&TREET SUN VAllEY, CA-913152 FAX(818)788-2687 (818) 788-0371 A full line of ~ StNring gears, pumps and acc:esaoriel for any type of racing. Magnaflux and Zyglo facilities available. •custom Chassis •Race Prep •Aluminum Wort •Welding •Magnaflux FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 (909) 596-5497 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER p~ RACING ENGINES Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 Seats • Restraints• Limit Straps • Grab Handles• Bags Window Nets• Seat Covers• Mounting Hardware 11433 Woodside Avenue• Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455 • Fax: 619/449-9454 YOUR OFF-ROAD Catch us on the Net! SPECIALISTS/ PHONE: (714) 441 •1212 FAX: (714) 441-1622· 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CA 92806 MIKE MENDEOLA 290 Trousdale Drive, Suite I & J Chula Vista, CA 91910 (619) 691-1000 24 Hour Fax (619) 691-1324 Todd Dwyer 1900 Compton Ave. Suite 101, Corona, CA 92881 Phone (951)817-0101 Ext.156 619-562-5533 Off Road Fabrication and Design • Sand Cars • Trucks • Race Cars • Prerunners • Rally Cars • Custom Function/Strength/Safety/Pride Made by Hand in the USA 8966 Benson Ave., Suite D Montclair, CA 91763 JOHN MOSELEY 909-949-8161 Owner/Fabricator Fax 909-949-8162

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RACE CARS PRERUNNERS SAND CARS JIM MOULTON 42231 6TH STREET KEST #201 LANCASTER G4 ~ 661-974-7961 Mso· Mf.3 flL Jr.1 f■ •4s~,, , ..... ,,. YOUR COMPLETE IGNITION SOURCE GNITIONS • DISTRIBUTORS • WIRES . --AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION 1490 HENRY BRENNAN DA., EL PASO, TX 79936 19151 857-5?00 • TFr.H LINE 1~151 855-7123 • VISIT OUR WEB SITE www msd1grn~on com TUBE BENDERS ¼" TO 3" O.D. Capacity Models Starting at $279.00!!!! M-TECH SUPPLY TUBE BENDERS • PIPE BENDERS • TUBE NOTCHERS RING ROLLERS • COLD SAWS • ABRASIVES 4B0-726-2B76 NORB offroad superstore HEIM JOINTS - WELD IN BUNGS - TABS BUSHINGS - JOHNNY JOINTS HIGH MISALIGNMENT SPACERS IN S'JOCK-READY TO SHIP WORLDWIDE,.~~ 1·888-755-5900 ~ We can Beadlock ~0-.....~ YOUR RIMS!! '-.._~ .... ~ 'J S. f-ATV ~t:a ~~ 1zes to 1t most . ... ·"" _ & AUTOMOTIVE applications POLISHED & COLORED FINISHES SCALLOPED OR CONVENTIONAL Reinforcing Ringi Also Available Phone - (951) 354-8272 WWW .QMf PERfQRMANCE. com Dune Buggy Parts Race Car Parts Foreign Car Parts New Truck Acc. Dept. Custom Machine Work & Fabrication 1 (800) 231-8156 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, AZ 85365 (520) 783-6265 • FAX (520) 783-1253 MPER (909) 360-5906 FAX (909) 360-0436 PARKER PUMPER HELMET COMPANY 3834 Wacker Drive Mira Loma, CA 91752 ~ HAROLD NICKS ,~W~(Q)V[:g@tf'I SAFEn' EQUIPMENl MAXON, MOTOROLA, ROADMASTER, VERTEX RADIOS BELL, SHOEI, SIMPSON HELMETS IN STOCK wmiNG FOR RADIO &/OR '"TERCOM STIU. O:".LY S 12';. -2888 GUNDRY AVE. * SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 • 562-427-8177 I 800-869-5636 w • .A. • For A Few Bucks You Can Increase Your Productivity 818-882-0004 DUBliJlilfflGB Y;JENHRTD ABRICATION, INC 1660 Babcock. Building B Cosio Meso. CA 92627 TEL 19491 650-3035 FAX 1949) 650-4721 Jeny Penhall • All Type1 of Steel CJ Aluminum Fabrication • Tube Beadinc • Alwain1m1 CJ St.NI W.ldinc • Custom Machine Work • All Types of Race Cars 4851 W. Hacienda #4 La■ Vegas, NV 89118 Bruce Fraley 702-365-9055 PlAYTECH FABRICATION 3031 E. Coronado St. Suite E, Anaheim, CA 92806 Phone: (714) 238-1179 Fax: (714) 238-1183 Pre,isionA Todd Francis Phone: 360.887.2000 • Fox: 360.887.7279 John Gould A High Performance Spec VS Race Truck Series "The True Driver's Class" Protruck Sales and Promotion Website: Email: /el:61~ Fax:619-390-6470 14402 Bond eoi,iit El CaJon, CA 92021 Joe oau111an Par:·818•94S-ND

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Hi-Perlormance Equipment Suspension • Safety • Drive/ine • Accessories (619) 691-9171 (619) 691-9174 (619) 691-0803 (FAX) I I I 103 Press Lane, Suite #4 Chula Vista, CA 91910 e-mail: rRRCING ENGINES II' Building SCORE winning engines 619.420.2233 45 Broadwa~ Chula Vista. CR 91910 .1'£IF6.IIIIKC£• T.IIIKSIII ES Southern ca1nom1a·s Largest Distributor ol ll■ndeala Transutes PH: 114.680.6131 • Fil: 114.680.3110 ..__ Toll Free: 800.304.8126 1631 Placentia Ave. Unit G Anaheim. CA 92806 will get you ii gear swi1g axle, 11S, lewlaad, MD4S 3455 S. POLARIS #5 lAS IIGIS, IOIDA 89102 11 ~~Lit JOHN D.D. lllllmN (702) 221-4313 (702) 117-8724 R/D VE SPRINGS QuAUTY lsNT ExPENSIVE, Ir's PR1cELEss! VALIIE TRAIN PRaoucrs • CusrDM HEAD WoRK 760/94B-469B • FAX 760/94B-4B56 Ml'INMl".RDVALVESPRIIVG. CDIVI Barry Beacham 27231 Burbank Ave. Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 Office 949-837-4388 Cell 949-466-4781 A Tatum Distributor Specializing in Off-Road Racing & Driving For Over 21 Years Mig Welding • Tig Welding Upgrades & Repairs Baja-Proven Equipment 5294 N. Casa Grande Hwy • Ste 102 Tucson, Az 85743 520-850-3693 fliil SANDERS SERVICE, INC. l?l.Y METAL PROCESSING 5921 Wilmington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 (323) 583-2404 FAX (323) 583-3%5 SANDBLAST-OLASS BEAD-MAGNETIC PARTICLE FLOURESCENT INSPECTION MARKSMJTH LARRY SMITH LAURA RICHARD S. B. ENGINEEfUNG "SUPER BOOT" HCR66, BOX 11030 PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV 89048 (775) 372-5335 TIM CECIL 849Lambert (714) 447-3581 • Brea, CA 92821 Fax (714) 672-9246 JOB SITE SIGNS• BANNERS• \\IIIOOW LffiEP.11,G • CIA LETTEAlllG • GRAPHICS SGUEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101 Galway Circle • Huntingto1 Beach CA 92'649 (714) 897-0075 • F2x [714l 694-9567 f£DIIVlf fl'GM SJ/I/IT Jlfl/FIIIJIIIGf I 7-800-MY MUFFLER I~ Craig Stewart I Phone: 619-449-9728 Fmc, 619•449-76711 Celh 619-726-a91 I I Fabrication & Race Preparation I I I I 19419 Abraham WOJ Santee, CA 92071 -.._ .. • .. •..!!.!tei.!J!::!rtu:'~~.._~~c~-n I I f:f'i'W .__,~ Salee& I Service I ■ "RACEFUELS Paul Oil Company --(209] 847-2281 (BOO] 527-6090 FAX (209] 847-9726 PO. Box 248 • 524 N. Sierra Ave. Oakdale, California 95361 <QiuNsEf> Design Fabrication lnstailatlon ~¥ 'i!'£d.. '2? .. You..: GluAL.nY 610H COM,AHY" ,,..CCMPUIERIZE0VINYLGRAPHICS& LETTERING 1·11·11 t7S.4 I ,,._ LO-COST BLOG SIGNS (/\II. Pl?OCESSES) -,,._ TRADE SI-OW OtSPLA'rS ,-~ACING G~APHICS ,,._ OETI\ILE0& U>IIQUE DESIGNS ,-FLEET VEHICLES ,,.._ HI-QU,&.LTTY MNNERS ,-MAGNETICS ,-. U)GO REP~OUCTONS ,-REAL EST ATE ,-.1..()G() & GRAPHIC DESIGN ,-DECALS 2180 College Drive • Lake Havasu City • AZ. 86403 Call Toll Free: 877-627-8852 or E-Mail: • Hi Performance Converters Custom Length Axles • • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed Hubs • (for Race & Recreation} Input Shafts • American Made Excellence!! TlR Peiformance Fabrication Timlawrence 1243 Greenfield Dr. SuiteD El Cajon, CA 92021 ASA Racing Products P.O. Box 711088 Santee, Ca 92072 WW'lo' (619) 447-1289 "lllllclMlllacarsCIIIIII" Andrew Kelly \\ 'e,;1c1 n Kt~1onJI D1sl11buh,r Office: 1-ll66-71HORCO Fax: (619) 582-5386 E-Maff: andrewl<

Page 61

TO · . PoWIII• RACING BATTERIES I<~., Pasarl.:z:E9 Military Grade Batteries • Battery Boxes • Battery Chargers Custom Battery Cables • Misc. Electrical Accessories 2046 Fairhope Loop, Vista, CA 92081 Business (760) 734-1678 Fax (760) 734-1323 ail -,s.lliiiliZo-* Off-Road and Bolt-On to Street Fiberglass for: "Ford, C~evy and Toyota" Trucks * Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1261 N. Buena Vista St. , He•et ca. 92543 Ph: 951-654-7334 Fn: 951-654-2375 See a list of our produds at our well site:"Oadftberglass.m• 1VNSAX'tE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD · (818) _998-2739 NS WEST 9763 Variel Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES Kevin Pirtle 22545 South Normandie Ave. Torrance, California 90501 310.782.2413 fax 310.782.3772 l~I ransworks ~Q PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES "& AUTHORIZED MENDEOLA DEALER ERIC LAUNDRIE STOCK & CUSTOM 24752 VIEJAS BLVD. SAND * STREET* RACE DESCANSO, CA 91916 (619) 445-3135 [uMP] UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10729 W_HEATLANDS AVENUE. SUITE #A SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 92071 TEL. • 619 / 449-9690 FAX • 619 / 449-8424 (619) 596-8033 1 000 W . Bradley. Unit O El Cajon, CA 92020 Carlos Orozc--------- -o~I ~.,I •f _ ~f;E FaJ1plfJx • ?qmo.-:a October 9 & 10 CLBRYANT.COM VP Racing Fuels, Inc. West Coast Region P.O. Box 1319 34283 Monte Vista Wildomar,_CA 92595 "Quality Fuels & Products lor Motorsports• Website· KELLEY HENDEL Regional Manager Office: (909) 674-9167 Fax: (909) 674-7367 Email: For The Price Of A Phone Call And A Few Bucks A Month Your Ad Could Be Here 818-882-0004 Taxes Group & Individual Health Real E~tate Loans John 0 . White, CPA, MBA 866 887 5556 3190 Calle de Marejada Camarillo, CA 93010 Cell 805 844 4665 Fax 805 830 1590 It's about what you keep! CPA 36032E, DRE 7-60373, Doi 0D48458 Adam Wik SCOA.E ENGlt~E BUILDER OFTHEYEAR 994, 1998, 1999,2000 From Parts To ~le-~ngfn&• 3675W. TecoAw.Unll8, 89111 702-8S7-2522 ~ \l!l~moom~ Front& Rev.Jr.tiling Amu • Spindles Suspension Specialul • Cu$1om It.lee & Pi.ay B1,1ggy Chassis A•Ann front fnds • Beam Front Enclt 9608 N. 21st Or. Phoenbc, AZ 8S02:1 Jack Woods 602-242.0077 fax 602•242•'783 □ :_ . .• ._ .......... RRCE PREP SHOP • 8U££1ES • TRUCK:. • SllnDCllRS • PRE·RUIIDERS • SHOCflS • FilBRICRTIOn ~18) lf21i-2260 World Leading Motorsport Transmission Manufacturer 11 Dakar Rally Victories 17 World Rally Victories 6 AMA MX/SX Championships Xtrac Inc 6183 West 80th Street Indianapolis IN 46278 email: Tel: (317) 472 2454 iansaxle Trophy Truck solutions available for Lead Customers

Page 62

Classified ... Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Read-ers are advised to consult appro-priate local or state authorities for information before purchase of any specific item. FOR SALE: Chenowth 2 seat race car or pre-runner. UMI LSI V8, fresh automatic, NEW front end, rear end, trailing arms, Kartek hubs, brakes, ax-les, 934 CV's, King Kong spindles & front arms, Water-oil coolers, dash, autometer gauges, wiring, 2 spare set up, dual batts, Kings coils & by-pass, complete chassis powder coated & paint job, Howe steering, halogen fire system, PIAA light bar, skit pla_tes, K & N filter, 30 gal Fuel safe cell, 4" filler neck, runs on pump gas, Dual parkers, Mastercraft, PCI set up w/inter-com, SAC O rack w/ram TCS converter, Centerline & ultra wheels, on BFG's, all NEW parts. Complete car built by Foddrill Fabrication, very fast and super reliable REDUCED $49,000.00. MUST SELL. For more info call Cesar Fuentes@ (915) 726-3823. FOR SALE: Ex-Venable Ford Rough Riders Stadium Truck. Nye Frank, D;we Clark Built, Prepped and Race Ready! Ex-tremely clean, best of the best. Many spare parts, body, transmis-sion, engine parts, etc. Call for details. All must go $30,000.00. Steve (760) 519-9321. FOR SALE: Race Ready BITD Class 8 legal Dodge 4x4 100 % rig welded chromoly by Velocity Fab. King shocks w/hydraulic bumps, Deaver Xover Howe steer-ing, Summers Bros., Mastercraft, MSD Ignition, radio, intercom, Parker Pumper, Borla, Wilwood, Autometer, Fuel Safe, Fluidyne, Edelbrock Heads & Intake. $25,000.00. Call Mike (530) 269-0965 or email FOR SALE: Class 1 (Mike Smith built). All the good stuff, fully prepped, ready to race. Call Todd Jergensen @ (760) 792-0955, fresh motor, fresh Fortin 4 speed, 934's. FOR SALE: 1648cc Rabbit CORR legal, complete, carb to header, Web Cam, Ferrea, Kleinschmidt, JE, Professionally rebuilt, pretty quick. $4000.00. 2001 28" Superlite Race Trailer, 4500 miles, inte-rior, $7,500.00. Jon (920) 235-0207 CST. FOR SALE: Class 8-MDR 2004/2005 Class Champ. Ex Scoop Vessels truck. NEW: 351 w C-6, 50 gal Fuel Safe, Front triple bypass, rear C & D Fabworks 3-link, Currie 9", power steering pump & box, Heims, braided lines, trans & oil coolers. Everything else rebuilt or reconditioned. Sandy Cone, Wilwood, all good stuff. $55,000.00 incl trailer. I'm building a new truck. (661) 304-5864 . Want to start rac-ing? Here it is, a Class 7, 7S or Sportsman truck. New engine, .S speed trans, 8 Fox Shocks & Bump stops, Auto Meter gauges, good fiberglass. Fuel Safe cell. 4 wheel disc brakes. Extra trans & tires. $10,500.00 OBO (702) 870-1511. FOR SALE: PreRunner, 1835cc, Bus trans, coilovers, P/S w Wright R & P, Wright front end, Centerlines, BFG's, UMP air fil-ter, Parker Pumper, VDO, 930's. All new paint and drivetrain, very clean and fast. $14,000.00. Mark @ (619) 454-9780. FOR SALE: 2 seat Class 10/12 buggy. Fresh water cooled VW Rabbit motor, built 092 trans, 930 C.V's. Beard Seats, Crow belts, Fox shocks, coil over rear. Beam front end. Fuel Cell, Ron Davis radiator w/fan. Race Ready. $12,500.00 (928) 710-3545 Keith. FOR SALE: Class 7 Ranger, 2000 extra cab, 2003 SNORE Truck Champion, 2nd in 2004, 320 hp. 4.3 engine, C-4 tranny, 9" rear encl, 35 splin axels, coil over front and rear with bypass and air bumps. $36,000.00. For more info and pictures call Joe (702) 361-9849, FOR SALE: High Jumper Buggy, 1835 engine, $9,000.00 Best Of-fer, wide beam front end, rack & pinion steering, 4 wheel brakes, 3x3 trailing arms, chromoly axels, Big Bus transmission, new big valve heads, new starter, 12 volt system, many new parts. (760) 347-5166, (760). ·574,7777_ FOR SALE: CORR Legal Super buggy. Toyota, Mendeola, FOX coil over. All spare parts. $20,000.00 (586) 201-3820. FOR SALE: US Army CORR Pro 2 Pro Power 435 850hp Chevy, Stoney T400 Trans/Coan, King, CNC, Sparco, Autometer MSD, All the good stuff $125k. Very competitive winning truck. Kevin (815) 485-7223 days. Additioal pies and details at FOR SALE: Type 4-Complete, FAT 911 Shroud, Alternator and all machine work, 2 liter great for 10 car or Prerunner. Dual 40's, Web Cam, Big Valves, too much to list. $4,500.00 Erik (909) 214-0066. FOR SALE: CORR Legal Single Buggy, Zero t_ime on professional rebuilt engine/trans, disc brakes, Race Runner shocks, All spare parts $10,000.00 (586) 201-3820. FOR SALE: 2.5 Liter ' 04-05 Subaru WRX STI engine. Brand new in shipping crate, 300hp, min. Does not include turbo or intercooler. Private party, no sales tax. $6,800.00. Call James (714) 240-5381. FOR SALE: Class 8 Truck, King coilover shocks, fli1~k rear end, disc brakes, fast motor, 04 Chev body, 44 gal Fuel Cell, 35" tires, ready to go. $18,000.00 (661) 713-5348. Sell your vehicles, equip-ment and bits and pieces right here! Dusty Times has the readership you're look-ing for so fill out the form provided below and get your ad in our next issue. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in DUSTY TIMES. Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED - YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER. Enclosed is$ _____________ (Send check or money order, no Cash) Please run ad times Name __________________ _ Address ---------------Mail to: DUSTY TIMES City--------------------------------------------------------------20761 Plummer Street State _____ Zip __________________ Phone ______________________________ _ Chatsworth, CA 91311 DUG5J5illll 2006-07 ISSUE DEADLINE March06 Feb 10, 06 April 06 Mar 10, 06 May06 Apr 7, 06 June 06 May 10, 06 July 06 Jun 14, 06 August 06 Jul 12, 06 September 06 Aug 9, 06 Octobere 06 Sep 13, 06 November06 Oct 11, 06 December06 Nov 15, 06 January 07 Dec 13, 06 • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page 62 February 2006 Dusty Times

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FOR SALE: 1985 4x4 Ford Ranger 4.0 V6 eng 5 speed trans, 9" Ford rear, disc brakes, De-troit locker, King Shocks, Kevlar dash, Race Radio, Cage roll bar, Removable steering wheel, 33xl5 BFG's Alcoa wheels, Dual spares, many extras. $12,000.00. (760) 347-5166 cell, (760) 574-7777. FOR SALE: Class 8 Truck, has fresh F250 body not show. This truck has a list of wins and fin-ishes. Built of the finest Kacim parts, Leon Patton mtr, Cohean trans, Crisman axles gears, and hubs & nock offs. CNC, Currie. All spares & semi & trailer down to the helmet and suit. 140K. (702) 592-1993. FOR SALE: 2 Seat Class 1 Che-nowth A Arm car. This car was raced by Corky and Scott McMil-lin from 1986 into the nineties till early 2000. Porsche 3.6 litre fuel injected Porsche, Fortin 5 speed, CNC, Mastercraft, 43 gal fuel cell, some spare parts $29,000.00. Call Brian (619) 336-3771. PORTER CLASS 1 RACE CARS FOR SALE 0 BrandNew-Oyno Time Only. CompletB; ready For Laughlin, Fortin U O w/ converter, Redline ISi, Pro Am J.lubs, King Shocks, Light Bar. Top oF the Line. Built at J.lerman Motorsports ~ One Race only (Primm 300) all freshly prepped and built at ~0 l-lerman Motorsports. Same car as advertised above except has Redline LS2. Ready to Race ~ Herman MolorslpOrfSI °""" C~ I Car. II Races total on Car. ~o Very dependable. Just Finished 2nd in SCORE Class I points For 2005 Season. Cornes with all available spares. 600hp Chevy Small Block engine also available. Dusty Times February 2006 FOR SALE: "Flying Dutchman's" 2004 Pro 2 CORR Chevrolet $110,000.00. ALL FRESH RACE PREP RACE TODAY, 429ci small block-Wagner built 0 hours except dyno, Hydramatic Th400, Precision Gear ring, 4130 Chromoly frame. Proven Race Winning Truck from last season. Call Jeff@ (619) 857-5333. DID YOU KNOW? Anad Dusty Times Could Increase Your Business Quite A bit. 818 882 0004 HELP WANTED: Shock ab-sorber rebuild technician famil-iar with rebuilding and revalving of Fox, Bilstein and King Shocks. Minimum 3 years experience. · Top wages paid. Fax resume to (619) 562-5633. Mirage Racing Products. HELP WANTED: Senior Prep Technician familiar with Trophy Trucks or Pro Trucks helpful. Must have own tools and initia-tive. Minimum 3 years experience. Fax resume to (619) 562-5633. Mirage Racing Products. INDb.X TO ADVb.R Tl6b.R6 Aircraft Spruce ................................ 53 Baker ............................................... 47 Bilstein ............................................. 14 BTR .................................................. 36 C&R Racing ...................................... 30 Coast Casinos .................................... 9 Competition Air ............................... 54 Dave Folts Transmissions ............... 11 E&J .................................................. 54 EFI ....................................... _ ............ 16 Eibach Springs ................................. 39 Fabtech ............................................ 24 Fuel Safe ......................................... 43 Fusion Design .................................. 17 Herman Motorsports ....................... 63 ISCO ................................................. 29 JeepSpeed ....................................... 23 K&N ................................................... 4 Kartek .............................................. 37 Kawaguchi Honda ............................ 51 KC Hilites ........................................ 27 King Shock Tech .............................. 45 Mastercraft ....................................... 31 McKenzie Performance Products ... 21 Mojave Desert Racing ..................... 35 Nevada Off Road ............................. 25 Off Road Ranch ................................ 50 Pacific Customs ............................... 22 Parker Pumper ................................ 40 PCI Race Radios ................................ 5 Pike's Service Center ...................... 18 Race Ready ...................................... 55 Racer X ............................................ 15 Radflo Suspension Technology ...... 49 Ronco Plastics ................................. 38 Sakata ............................................. 19 SCORE International .......................... 2 SEMA ................................. Back Cover Skyjacker Suspensions ................... 12 SNORE/MakeAWish ....................... 33 Soltec Light Systems ...................... 28 Stevens ........................................... 46 Stuff Transaxles .............................. 47 Team Gordon Race Wheels ............. 50 Transaxle Engineering .................... 42 Turnkey Products ............................ 44 Ultra Filter ....................................... 46 Valley Performance ........................ 48 Vision X ........................................... 13 VP Racing Fuels ............................... 32 XSport ............................................. 20 Page 63

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· IIEMl■ffiNd.ce ,. . Use H8t tale R15 TRADE ONLY CREDEN11Al.S REQUIRED