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2006 Volume 23 Number 1 Dusty Times Magazine

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--Volume 2J • Number 1 • Januar 2006 $2.50 DUST'r' TIMES ?07h1 F'LUMl~ER CHA·rsWORTH CA ST 91311 -~0003 ISSN8750•1732 ~s., '1.i \).,, II I II II ll,,,ll,l,1,ll .. ,11,,,,.11 .. ll, .. ,,llll .. ,I I Ulll II till serving The OFF Road communi~y Par 2~ Years covering the world of competition in the dirt ...

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FOR THE RACE ••• "' ,:_ - .. _. --..) ---·-· _, b-kJ=,[]CilllIJ [lfJuTp • Designed to Provide ar:, Outstanding Combip~tion of Filtration and Performance • Allow High, Vi~ually Unrestrictrd Airflow While Maintaining fUtrati , Levels Critical to Your Engine • Fits Inside the UMP Off-Road Air Box with 3u Outlet • Includes Sealing Greflse and DryCharger® cf, JP·· ·:'::; ~ • Guaranteed Ho sepower • lncludes.K&N High-flow{ Washable/Reusable Air Filter that wijl Last up to 100,000 Miles Between Cleanings (Depending upon Driving Conditions) • Available in High Quality Finishes • Includes Powder Coated Heat Shield (Most AppTieatton!:l) • Easy to Install (in 90 Minutes or less) • Street Legal in Most States " ///IIIIIII/IIIIIIIIIIIIII Order Toll Free: 800.416.6079 Secure 24fl Ordering: i - , ' -"" om OllJu1]lB3 • 1-lnch Nut Easy-On/Easy Wrench-Off • Drilled Safety Wire Holes for Racing • Heavy-,Duty Construction • Premium Filter Media Provides ~ Outstanding Filtration at High-Flow Rates • Anti-Drain Back Valve tWher~ Applicable) • Manufactured from a durable polyester material and pre-treated with a proprietary hydrophobic process • Designed to prevent splashes of water or mud from saturating your K&N air filter • Will also stop small dirt particles; yet add little restriction to the air flow of the filter OR THE ROAD. • Designed to lncre~se _ Horsepower and Acceleration • The Original High~Flow Air Filter • Washable and Reusable • Lasts Up to 50,000 Miles Before Cleaning ii5 Required • K&N Million Mile Limited Warranty® • Available for Most Vehicles On and Off the Road • Over 800 Individual Part Number~ Available ® THE WORLD1S BEST AIR FILTER .I -

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Volume 23 -Number 1 January 2006 Publishu Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors Scott Bottomley J. Preston Bradshaw Jim Culp Mike Del Col Nicole Del Col Steve Hilton Victor Gazca Martin Holmes Rod Koch Byrle Moore Steve Ruddick Maurice Selden Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Sub-scription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. · DUS1YTIMES: (ISSN 8750.1732) is published monthly by Hill-side Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882,()()()4 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offic~at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite IA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copy-right by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the pub-lisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. ~t,lllt ff ,ur Jrim(s, lilt "1/u tk w-m,(. ~"1'1'1 ~ti(,up In This Issue ... FEATURES SCORE Tecate Baja 1000 by Jud-y Smith .................................................... IO 41" Rally Catalunya by Martin Holmes ...................................................... 20 CODE Mexicana Logistics by B-yrle Moore & Victor Gasco ....................... 24 International Rally New York by Thomas Barker .................................... 30 MOR Outlaw 250 by Stetie Ruddick ........................................................ 32 18th Telstra Rally Australia by Martin Holmes ........................................... 4 2 Story Of Holly Gorrell by Patrick Gorrell ................................................ 46 Rally America by Tom Buchkoe .................................................... : ........... 48 Aggie by ]ud-y Smith ...................................................................................... 5 9 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ..................................................................... : ......................... 5 Trail Notes ................................................................................................ 6 • Checkers by the Big Wa/izoo ..................................................................... 5 2 BFGoodrich Report ............................................................................... 56 Fair News by Lisa Kenned-y ................................................. , ........................ 56 Baja Pits by Mr. Baja Pits ............................................................................ 56 Good Stuff Directory ............................................................................. 60 , Classified Ads .......................................................................................... 6 6 Index To Advertisers ................................................................................ 67 ON THE COVER It was a fun race for Troy Herbst and Larry Roesseler, they never put a foot wrong, not even a flat tire to hamper their big Baja 1000 Class 1 win in the Smithbuilt Truggy. Photo by Jared Milgrim -Trackside Photo Caleb Gaddis and Vic Bruckmann drove their Curry to a great victory, they finished with more than 50 minutes on their closest competitor in the Baja 1000. Photo by Byrle Moore - T rackside Photo Visit Our Website at Dust; c5uhscr.ihe :Joday lo DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$25.00 □ 2 years -$40.00 □ 3 years -$55.00 (no credit cards please) □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name ________ ___,!...:,__ _________ _ Address _____ __,;.__,;...:,__.;.._ _________ _ City _-'-= ___ __;;; _______________ _ State ____________ Zip _____ _ Primary Interest Cars O Trucks O Motorcycles 0 Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian• 1 year $30.00 US ■ Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times January 2006 Page 3

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Page4 January 200& Dusty Times

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2006 Happenings ... NASA USRC & Regional Laughlin,NV December 1-2, 2006 Reno Rally (Coef 2&3) Ci.AmTON lb-JACKERS I.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TwP. LINE Ra-.o WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 FAX: (714) 367-1608 CODE OFPRoAD CODE OFPRoAD USA P.O. Box 2328 CALEXICO, CA 92231-2328 760-455-8069 USA 0ll-52-686-553-4087 MEXICO www mx February 17-19, 2006 OASA Circle K 250 AUSTRALIAN ()pp ROAD CllAMP10NSHIP DARRYL SMITH 19 SoMERS ST. C\sHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTIW.IA DUSTY TIMES AUTOCROSS Qm:BEC ()pp ROAD CL.Ass-10CARSONLY RENAl.o VAILLANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAvALQUEBEC, CANAoo. H7P 1T7 (450) 622-4440 BARONA SAND DRAG ASSN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 AH Raas Are Night Raas AH Raas At &rona Raawaz, lakeside, CA BBMMARn:nNG PROMOTIONS OH Road Course Racing & Special Eveat Marketing 4344 VALLEY VIEW AVE. NORCO, CA 92860 (909) 340-6474 BEST IN THE DESERT 3475 BoULDER HIGHWAY LAs VEGAS, NV 89121 702-457-577 5/FAX: 702-041-2431 January 6-7, 2006 Eric Suspensions Parker 250 Parker,AZ Motorcycles/Quads Only February3-S,2006 Blue Water Resort & Casino Parker 425 Parker,AZ March 3-S, 2006 Kawasaki Laughlin U.S. Hare Scrambles Laughlin.NV March 31-April 1-2, 2006 Pro Circuit Nevada 200 Trail Ride Motorcycles - Invitation Only April 2S-30, 2006 Terrible's Town 250 Pahrump,NV August 24-26, 2006 TSCO Vegas To Reno September 22-24, 2006 AVfl50 Quad.Race Avi,NV October 13-15, 2006 Las Vegas 300 December 1-3, 2006 Henderson's Terrible 400 Henderson, NV B.O.R.E. BONNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING ENTERPRISES 341 W. 2575 N SUNSET, UT 84015 801-773-1651 May S-6, 2006 Red Garter 200 Wendover, NV June 30-July 1, 2006 Jackpot200 Jackpot,NV September 1-2, 2006 Red Garter 200 Wendover, NV BP MoroRSPORTS P.O. Box 411 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91365 760-578-6258/760-578-6259 FAX: 818-348-4648 E-Mail: AH Ewnts At California Cir,, CA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGHTON, ONTARIO, CANAo-. KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR Cu.JBAUTOMOVILISTA.JUA.RENSE DE CHAMPIONSHIP OPP-ROAD RA.ONG 7210 GATEWAY EAsT EL PASO, lX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 0ll-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES <> February 11, 2006 Ridgecrest Rally School Ridgecrest, CA March 4, 2006 Seed 9 Rally (Coef 2) Rally America REgional Goodsprings, NV March 25, 2006 Desert Stonn Rally (Coef 3) Rally America Regional Ehrenburg, AZ Dusty Times April 2S-29, 2006 Subaru Rim Of The World Rally (Coef 2&3) NASA USRC & Regional Lancaster, CA August 19, 2006 Gorman Ridge Rally (Coef 3) NASA Regional Frazier Parle, CA To Be Announced Nor Cal Rally School Northern CA· September20,2006 Treeline Rally (Coef 3) Rally America Regional West Covina, CA October6-7, 2006 Prescott Rally (Coef 2&3) NASA USRC & Regional Precostt, AZ November 10-12, 2006 Laughlin International Rally (Coed 3,3&1) Rally America National & Regional Reno,NV CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box 400 MAY-NOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING AssocxATION P.O. Box 645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVEA.ot.Ms (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DoN ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING AssociATION C.J. RICHARDS P.O. Box 332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 Short Cmme off Road Racing At Harrison Count, Fair Grounds. Cadi~. OH CuJB AUTOMOVWSrICA SAN(luINTIN CALLE 6TA FRAcc Co. DE SAN QUINTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HERACUO PATINO (011 52 616-5-22-07) CuJB AUTOMOVWSrICO SANVICENTE San Vicente Off Road ENSENADA, BC, MEXICO USA JAN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) RAMON CAsno & RueEN AcEVEoo (61637/7 0034) CMC CoNTINENTAL MoroSPORT Cum P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 ' San Luis R.C. Sonora April21-23, 2006 McMillin Companies Mexicali 500 Mexicali.San Felipe-Mexicali B.C. June 16-18, 2006 VW Autoparts Night Race Laguna Salada, B.C. August 11-13, 2006 ORWGran Prix Tecate, B.C. October 6-8, 2006 Mexicana logistics Mexicali 300 Laguna Salada, B.C. December S-10, 2006 Race Ready 275 H1pp1nin1s continued an page 6 t)[l T E_;2. ~o . . . .. ~ ,r-:,-c:1tea--ii:' · ~I! LOWRANCE ~ ...,_....,.,•--•••·"""'" 2888 Gundlu /!twe. Signal .. CA 90755 January 2006 ,: · -For au SCORE and BITD races - Plot Trails also evallable ror MOR and SNORE -Available via e-mail or at conNngency • Differentiate: Trail Colors -Race Course. Chase Roads. Checkpoints. and Pit lncaHons • Danger Markers • Customize Your GPS Notes To 'lbur Driving Style • Display Features Include: • Accurate Speedomete:r/T~pometer -Average/Max Speed -Time/Oistance Traveled • ClockNolt Meter • Extremely User Riendly Pf! Recommeoddtioos: The most important consideration when adding GPS to any race vehicle is ease of viewing • PCI recom'.f1ends our T models for all race vehicle applications - Greater Visibility at High/Sharp Angles for both Driver and Co-Rider with Color Models -Globalmap 6000C · Large, Cotor Display -Globalmap 4000M -Same Great Features as 6000C. with Monochrome Display PO offers and strongly recommends our Race Modiflcations -Keeps Your GPS Wor1<1ng In the Most Brutal Environment - V\lon"I Vold Manufadurers Warranty Pages

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Trail Notes ... SCORE LAs VEGAS TERRmLE'S CUP II -Las Vegas Events and SCORE International announced that the SCORE Las Vegas Terrible' s Cup II will return to the dirt track at Las Vegas Motor Speedway on July 27-29, 2006. The event will again feature the SCORE Trophy Trucks, Class 1, Class ½-1600, Class 10, SCORE Lite and the Mini Truck Class 7 /7S/7SX group. Seating capacity for the first event was 8,000, seating will approach 12,000 for the 2006 event. "From a sponsor perspective, this event was spectacular for us, and from a racer's side, the competition was fierce and exciting, and, as a race team, it just didn't turn out as well as we would have liked" said Ed Herbst, President of Herbst Gaming. The three day event will include some ancillary events on Thursday, July 27, such as the SCORE Las Vegas Pit Stop, a vehicle display, the Terrible's Pit Crew Challenge for Trophy Trucks and a concert, under the canopy of the Freemont Street Experience. Next years short course event will be held under the lights for both evenings with the green flag waving at 7pm. Once again, Reserved and General Admission will be offered. Special ticket packages, which will include pit passes, will be announced in the near future. HAL FLAG - We were saddened to hear of the passing of Cindy onroe, founder of High Desert Photography. Cindy started her off ad photography career in 1992, covering events for VORRA and Cindy supplied photos of the VORRA events to Dusty Times for many years. She went to the Baja 1000 a few times with the BFGoodrich crew and always had a good time south of the border. Cindy enjoyed all facets of off road racing, shooting cars, trucks and motorcycles whenever she could. Many will remember Cindy for her photographic efforts at the Best In The Desert, Vegas To Reno races when Cindy and her husband John would run a check point. Cindy will be missed by all who were privileged to know her and she will alw.ays be in the hearts of the off road racing community. S/DAKAR - Team Vanguard U.SA. Update: You can understand y an amateur racer might want to do the Dakar once for the perience. Except, if the experience is being lost in the desert for two days, with little food and a close encounter with the local bandits. No doubt it's Team Vanguard Amateur Driver, Ronn Bailey, who did his first Dakar in 2005, he believes he has a much better chance of finishing with fellow off road veteran Philppe Gache. Or maybe the 56 year-old Bailey sees running a team as both an exciting experience as well as a good marketing opportunity for Vanguard Integrity Professionals, his computer security company. In what is believed to be the first non-automotive sponsored American/French race team, Bailey, Gache and motorcyclist Kevin Heath will be among the 508 teams (trucks, cars and motorbikes) tackling the world's longest most grueling race, 9,043 km of sand, mountains and probably a few bandits as well. All that in just 15 days, beginning in Lisbon, December 31. The 28th Dakar Rally, which covers a different course each year, will start for the first time in Lisbon, cross through Morocco, Mauritania, Mali, and Guinea and end as usual in Dakar, in Senegal. This year there are fast and stony tracks, sand crossings and a lot of navigation to find the numerous first-time passes throughout the route which will all make this more of an extreme event. More than 1400 racers will compete with cars, bikes, ATVs and trucks subjected to perils including sandstorms, bandits and landmines. Last year, only half the entries finished the race. Bailey, 56, an amateur driver, has been in only two off-road races. Although he finished the 2005 Dakar race, he was disqualified after being lost in a sandstorm without gas or food for two days and narrowly escaping an encounter with armed bandits in Mauritania. Off-Road veteran, Philippe Gache has been racing for more than 20 years and has been in dozens of off road races including the past three Dakar rallies, as well as the Tunisia, Turkish and Morocco rallies. Motorcyclist Kevin Heath, from San Diego, South African born, has also participated in the 2005 Dakar as well as the Baja 500 and 3 triathlons. He'll be driving a KTM 660 rally bike. Philippe will be driving his SMG buggy, a French-made two-wheel drive car with a Chevy V8. Bailey believes his car offers a serious technological edge. He has made a significant investment rebuilding his JIMCO car to FIA specs and refitted with a Chevy LS 1. Stay tuned for more Paris/ Dakar. TIP CLASS FINISHERS BAJA 1000 -TROPHY TRUCK - l " • ob Shepard/Rick Geiser, Chevy, 2nd -Alan Pfleuger, Chevy, 3rd -. im Herbst/Ed Herbst, Ford. Class 1 -1" • Larry Roeseler/ Troy Herbst, Smithbuilt Ford (1" overall) 2nd -Mark McMillin/ Brian Ewalt, Jimco-Chevy, 3rd Darnen Jefferies/Casey Jefferies, Porter Chevy. Class ½-1600 - 1" Caleb Gaddis/Charlie Watters, Curry, 2nd Max Hanberg/Bernie Carr/Charles De Yemer, Lothringer, 3rd Hiram Duran/Eric Duran, Neth. Class 3 - 1" -Don Moss/Ken Moss, Ford, 2nd -Gale Pike/Matt Pike/Noah Pike, Chevy, 3rd -Kelly Beale/Brendan Fikes, Nissan. Class 5 -l" -Chris Bowman/ Jerry Longo, 2nd Luivan Voelker/Victor Gazca/Carlos Albanez. Class 5-1600 -l" Marcos Nunez/Norberto Rivera/Florentino Hernandez, 2nd -Mark McAnelly/Carlos Rascon/Juan Rascon, 3rd -Mario Reynoso/Daniel Cambreros/Francisco Reynoso. Class 7 - 1" -Doug Siewert/John Kilroy, Chevy- 2nd -Dan Chamlee/ Thomas Chamlee, Ford - 3rd -Craig Turner/Tim Cecil, Ford. Class 8 -1" -Keith Fontana/Ron Lammer, Chevy, 2nd -Todd Wyllie/ John Diaz, Chevy, 3rd -Dave Sykes/Randy Salmont, Chevy. Class 9 - 1" -Eric Fisher/Hector Sarabia, Garibay, 2nd - Sigal Greenberg/ John Hallal, Chenowth. Class 10 -l" - Lobsam Yee/Eli Yee/ Angel Barajas, Jimco, 2nd -John Cooley/Dave Richardson, Alumicraft, Page 6 Ensenada-Mexicali.San Felipe CoLORADO lliu. Cl.n.m ASSOCIATION BARB VAHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box 8286 CoLORAOO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O. Box 392 CALEXIO), CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER 0l l-52-65-66-4458 CORR LUCAS OIL SERIES 192 N. STATE ROAD, SUITE 267 AVON, IN 46123 317-272-2827 317-272-2900 fax May 20-21, 2006 Chula Vista, CA Pro Series June 10-11, 2006 Sportsman Series Pro Cup -No Points Antigo, Wl June 24-2S, 2006 Crandon, Wl Pro & Sportsman July 8-9, 2006 Bark River, Ml .Pro & Sportsman July 22-23, 2006 Chula Vista, CA Pro Series August 12-13, 2006 Bark River, Ml Pro & Sportsman September 2-3, 2Q06 Crandon, Wl Pro & Sportsman September 23-24, 2006 Chula Vista, CA Pro Series October 21-22, 2006 Chula Vista, CVA January 2006 Pro Series CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, SUITE 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA ExT 42 FAX (818) 957-4435 D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE V ~ DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (All evcnts at Hannigan raa track, Bdlingham, WA ar Thunton Couni, ORV Park, Ol,mpia, WA) DAKARRALLY DARREN SKILTON BAJA AUTOMOTIVE ADVENTURES 455 E. OcEAN BLVD., SUITE 208 LoNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 DF.CAlUR FoUR WHEEL DRIVE CuJB DECATUR, TX 76234 ToMALLEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAvASu Cm, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 EASTERN OFF-ROAD RACING AssN. TOM DEUUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 ENSENADA BAJA OFF ROAD RAaNG Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX 0ll-52-646-1818989 Eus10 -·-- -·-----,-:- , 0ll-52-646-1715230 AARON Raa.s far buros & Motar9cle..s EsrERo BEACH INTERNATIONAL Short Course Racing VICTORIA GALINOO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXIO) 0ll-52-646-176-6230 FORDA FLORIDA OFF ROAD DRIVER~ Ass:oaA.770N )ASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Apr, May, Nov at Davidson Racewa, FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 1855 PARKWAY DRIVE S. EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/959-579-6151FAX GORRA GEORGIA OFF ROAD RACING ASS'OCIATION 420 HOSEA ROAD UWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963--0252 GPORRA GREAT PLANEs OFF RoAD RACING AssoclATION TIM HODGE (402) 991-6048 SroTTMORROW (816) 792-2126 (AU raas are short coune, stadium si,k Classes -Sportsman, 1/2-1600, 5-1600, Sport Truck, Quads, Tough Truck Nebraska Raawa, Park, Exit 420 on l-80 between Omaha and Lincoln.) For latest info check <> HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING 2000 W. QUINCY AVENUE #B ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 , . Dusty Times

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r INTERNATIONAL ICE RACING AssoclATION P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDDOR (612) 937-3816/FAX 474-2769 INTER-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 ]EEPSPEED 1826 N. WINDES ORANGE, CA 92869 714-538-7434/FAX:714-633-1724 /ee"iJr"fied C.ballenge Fe uary 4, 2006 BlTD Parker 425 Parker, AZ. April 16, 2006 MDRKing250 Plaster City, CA June 24, 2006 MDR400 Lucerne Valley "A" CA August 12, 2006 California Night 200 Lucerne Valley, CA September 30, 2006 MOR Lucerne 250 Lucerne Valley "B' CA December 2, 2006 BITD Terrible's 400 Henderson, NV 1,eepspeed 3 Series ebruary 3-5, 2006 BlTD Parker 425 Parker, AZ. April 28-30, 2006 BlTD Terrible's Town 250 Pahrump,NV August 24-26, 2006 BITD Vegas To Reno Nevada October 13-1S, 2006 Las Vegas 300 Las Vegas, NV December 1-3, 2006 Henderson's Terrible 400 Henderson, NV KAMLooPS BRONCO BUSTERS Whispering Pines Sports & Recreation Center P.O. Box 465 KAM LOOPS, BC, CANADA VZG5L2 DALE NYESTE (250) 579-8039 TONY (250) 554-97801. Craig Byers (250) 376-8466 LAs VEGAS SANDSPORTS & OFFROAD EXPO (626) 961-3782 <> <> L.I.T.R.E. ]EFFELROD (408) 926-0522 ]IMARUTA (408) 247-4402 MAMAluuTA OFF ROAD RACING Luts CARLos ALvARF:ID PANAMER!CANA AVE #5105 Co. JuAREZ, CHtH., MX 011-52-1637-1799 MICIDGAN BUGGY BUilDERS JJuNE BUGGY TR.we SHOW (517) 543-7214 <> MicmGAN OFF RoAb CHAMPIONSIDPS M. T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 ]ONES ROAD GRAND LEDGE, ML 4883 7 (517) 627-6200 Motorl.)<:les, Quad!, ATVs and Pilots onlz MAORA Mil>AMERICA OFF RoAD ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 664 GREENUP, IL 62428 (217) 23 5-65 28 E-MAIL: <> N*May 20-21, 2006 Casey, IL *June 10-11, 2006 Effingham, IL July 1S, 2006 Tell City, IN * August S-6, 2006 Bedford IN August 26, 2006 Greenup, IL *September 16-17, 2006 Bedford, IN N*October 7-8, 2006 Dusty Times Fall Classic Casey, IL • Enduro, 200km on SundaJ N Night Rau -Lights Required MDRRACING 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE SoUTH EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-44 2-93 20/FAX626-579-6051 2006 Calitomia Cha~ionship Series ebruary 4~006 Wild Wash 250 Barstow, CA April 1, 2006 Mojave 250 Barstow, CA May6,2006 Ridgecrest 200 Ridgecrest, CA *June 24, 2006 McKenzie's 400 Lucerne Valley, CA **Augustl2,2006 California 200 Lucerne Valley Night Race September 30, 2006 Lucerne 250 Lucerne Valley, CA *November 11, 2006 Stoddard 250 Barstow, CA • Double Points • Night,Race MDR PRODUCTIONS .2006 Superstition Championship Series All Raas at Plaster Cit, OHV Area December 31, 200S The Dash 200 February 18, 2006 FUD 200 April 1S, 2006 King Of The Desert *June 10, 2006 Coyote Wash 200 October 28, 2006 Superstition 250 December 31, 2006 The Bud Lite Dash 200 • Night Rau M.O.R-E. MOJAVE OFF ROAD RACING ENnruSIASTS P.O. Box 1231 BARSTOW, CA 92312 760-253-4453 MOREKARTEK Off Road Gold Cup Series January 28, 2006 Lucerne Valley, CA March 18, 2006 Barstow, CA May27,2006 TBA July 22, 2006 Barstow, CA Septemberl6,2006 TBA December 2, 2006 Barstow CA MSBA MICIDGAN SPORT BUGGY AssoclATION DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE OR. FLINT, ML 48506 (810) 7 30-9221 MoTOWEST WINTER TRIALS SERIES BtLL MARKHAM (909) 860-1857 <> Allewnts at Prni.s Racewa, (At Rud Valley with a school) NATIONAL Mun RACING AssN. RT. #l -Box 380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN PALATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFF TRUCK ASSN. BUTCH CHAPIN MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS 1404 EAsT 3RD STREET HAsnNGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NOORA GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAtL <www> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Spring Valley RacewaJ, on route 518, 20 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) (Thunder Valley located 15 minutes from Spring Va!k,) NORTHERN Omo OFF RoAD RACING ASSN. GARYWULFF (724) 283-2678 OFF ROAD EXPO 2006 (626) 599-8622 OFF ROAD RACING AssoclATION VowNTEERED SERIES PRESIDENT • GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP. -1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP .• 9 & UNLID. MtCHAELMOORE (334) 271-7035 0UTLAWREP. 0oNPONDER (314) 631-8190 (AU Raw at Whttling in the Onmtz 900 .Acres) Omo OFF RoADERS INc. 1427 GOSHEN Htu.s RO'.D S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHt0 44663 ]!M KENDEL (216) 339-4674 All races held at Harrison CountJ Fapnds. Cadi., Ohio ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION RtCK TtCHBOURNE, Pusuc RELATIONS (519)..681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) Oun.Aw SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. Louts, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/FAX: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS US. OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <> PncEsPEAK P.O. Box 6962 CoLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF RoADRACING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 87 5-7 591 PRo 1600 SHOOTOUT CoREYGO!N 559-647-6132 GOINRACIN@HOTMAIL.COM PRoTRuCK 14402 BoND CoURT EL CAJON, CA 92021 619-390-6252 January 12-1S, 2006 Laughlin Desert Challenge Laughlin,NV February 3-S, 2006 Blue Water Resort Parker 425 Parker,AZ. March 10-12, 2006 San Felipe 250 San Felipe, Baja California April 28-30, 2006 Terrible's Town 250 Pahrump,NV June 2-4, 2006 Baja 500 Ensenada Baja California July,2006 Pikes Peak Hillclimb Colorado July 27-29, 2006 Las Vegas Terrible's Cup Las Vegas, NV August 24-26, 2006 TSCO Vegas To Reno Nevada SeptemberS-10, 2006 Las Vegas Primm 300 Primm,NV October 13-1S, 2006 Las Vegas 300 Nevada November 16-18, 2006 Baja 1000 Baja, California, Mexico December 1-3, 2006 Henderson's Terrible 400 Hrndmon,NV PuRE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box 50 RICKETTS, IA 51460 (712) 679-2221 RALLY AMERICA January 27-28, 2006 Sno*Drift Happenings continued at bottom of page 8 January 2006 Trail Notes ... 3'd - Bill Gasper/Dave Gasper, Porter. SCORE LITE - 1" Stan Potter/Dan Worley, Jimco, 2nd -Tom Watson/Tim Noe, Jimco, 3rd -Tito Tapia/Noe Tapia, R&R. Stock Full - 1" -Josh Hall/Sam Cothrun/Thad Stump, Hummer, 2nd -Chad Hall/Mike Winkler, Hummer, 3rd -John Griffin/Mike Sabbarese, Hummer. Stock Mini - 1" -Rod Hall/Mike Win~el, Hummer. PROTRUCK - 1" -Jim Nuckles/Jeff Dickerson, Ford, 2nd - Rick L Johnson/Dan Cardone, Toyota, 3'd -Gustavo Vildosola Jr/Rick D Johnson, Toyota. Baja Challenge - 1" -Robert Sutton/Rod Millen/Mike McCoy/Richard Kelsey, 2nd -David Creagan/James Wasson/Mark Markos/Mike Nicholson, 3rd -Michael Jourdain Jr/Bernard Jourdain/Michael Jourdain Sr. Sportsman Car• Dean Lunski/Chad Fisher, Chenowth. Sportsman Tntck -Vince DeMaio/Dan Fresh, Jeep. Larry Roeseler and Troy Herbst were the overall winners in their Class 1 Smithbuilt Ford, Bob Shepard and Rick Geiser were second overall in their Chevy Trophy Truck, 42 minutes in arrears and Alan Pfleuger was third overall, 50 minutes behind the winner. The complete story on the SCORE Baja 500 starts on page 8 of this issue. Lots of text by Judy Smith and lots of photos by Trackside Photo. HEARD IN PASSING - In a restaurant in Ensenada the night before the 1000 we heard Charles Keller, a Honda pit/ chase crew person recite the following: I'm proud to be a Honda man, and wear the wing upon my chest, and travel this wild land of ours pitting for the very best, We'll line them up, and shine them up, we do quick dumps all 'round, we can even show you what to do if your Honda does fall down. But, alas, I'm just one Honda man and someday I'll be dead, that's why I pass this creed to you, to keep others riding red. Seems to us they were the first bike across the line. A; CIDENT AT BTID HENDERSON RACE - Lots of stories floating around about an accident at the BITD Henderson race. We're here o set the story s~aight. Peter Clauss was severely injured when, about midway througn the race, his car, running in the Sportsman Class became stuck in the silt. Peter, and his 19 year old son, Daniel, got out of the car, and then Peter stood next to it, with his helmet on, talking on the radio to his crew, asking them to get someone out there to help move them from what he could see was a dangerous spot. Sadly, as he did that, one car went by, and the next vehicle behind it Steve Staats' Protruck, couldn't see the stopped car in the silt until it was too late. Staats hit the left rear tire of the bu~l?V with his rieht front tire. That sent Staats into a rollover, off to the left of the buggy. The jolt to the buggy flipped Clauss up and over and he landed in front of his own buggy. Both of his legs and his right arm were broken. He was airlifted to University Medical Center in Las Vegas. Clauss wants to thank his son Daniel, and Steve's son for being "Troopers" and helping him while they were waiting for evacuation. WELDCRAFT Is MOVING -Weldcraft is transferring all manufacturing, assembly and order processing from Burbank to Appleton, Wisconsin, effective January 1, 2006. Weldcraft, 2741 N. Roemer Road, Appleton, WI 54911 800-752-7620, fax 920-882-6840. CORR ADDS To SCHEDULE -CORR has added two race weekends • to their 2006 schedule. Antigo Speedway, in Wisconsin will host a race weekend on June 10-11 and Bark River, Michigan, will host a weekend on July 8-9. "We committed to two additional races for the Sportsman Series and we are delivering on our promise" said Piero Wemyss, President of CORR. The Antigo race will be a Sportsman Series points race, Pro teams may race in non-points racing. The Bark River event will be points races for Pro and Sportsman Series. See the centerfold calendar in this issue of Dusty Times for the race dates for most promoters for 2006. 11YOTA MILESTONE/TRUE GRIT AWARDS - Five races, 1,750 miles, the SCORE 2005 season was over and some of the racers ollected the Toyota Milestone/True Grit awards. The Toyota Milestone award is presented to all SCORE off road competitors in the Pro 4 wheel classes who complete every required mile in the five race desert series. The 13 drivers who earned the 2005 Toyota Milestone award are: Bob Shepard and Josh Baldwin, Trophy Truck, Mark McMillin, Class 1, Caleb Gaddis, LJ Kennedy, Class ½-1600, mMarcos Nunez, Class 5-1600, Todd Wyllie, Class 8, Eric Fisher, Class 9, Travis Brookshire, Class 10, Tom Watson, James Golden, Jake Batulis and Mike Belk, SCORE Lite. The class points champions in non-factory-backed classes, ½-1600, 10 and SCORE Lite who finish every required mile in the 5 race series split the $12,000 Toyota True Grit Award. Caleb Gaddis (1/2-1600), Travis Brookshire (Class 10) and Tom Watson (SCORE Lite}will each receive $4000. Class 5 is also eligible but none qualified this year. This is the 20th year that Toyota has presented these awards. Thanks for your support. CORR SPREADS THE WEALTii - Championship Off Road Racing (CORR) made a few sizeable donations just a few weeks ago. CORR gave Otay Ranch High School a check for $100,000 and $50,000 to Otay Ranch High School is adjacent to Chula Vista International Raceway and is a grass roots organization that provides a venue and education for safe and legal racing, an alternative to illegal street racing. D FACE DEPARTMENT-We goofed last month on the pie of the onth caption, we omitted celebrity driver Nipsy Russell from the ption, our apologies to Mr. Russell. Page 7

Page 8

DON~T FORGET TO SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO KEEP REPORTING T H E OFF ROAD NEWS! • POWERFUL • PRECl!!iE Have A And Sane 2'' Capacity, 180" Bends Steel, 4130, Stainless, Aluminum And Square, Round, Bar, Pipe Perfect for the: Heallhp • Race Car Builder • Small Fabrication Shop • Home Shop ZOM Call for a FREE BROCHURE (541)382-1573 Manu,actured B 1sco Page a January 2006 Atlanca,MI February 24-25, 2006 100 Acre Wood Salem MO April 21-23, 2006 Oregon Trail Hillsboro, OR June 3, 2006 Susq uehannock Wellsboro, PA July 2S-29, 2006 Maine Forest Rally Rumford,ME August 25-26, 2006 Ojibwe Forests Bemidji,MN September 23-24, 2006 Colorado Cog Steamboat Springs, CO October 20-21, 2006 Lake Superior Houghton, Ml TBD Reno Rally Reno,NV ROCK C RAWLERS A SSOCIATION Qp AMEB!C.A P.O. Box 1406 RIVERTON, lJf 84065 (801) 446-5337/FAX: (801) 253-3176 SAN D IEGO SHORT CoURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New Series lry Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro Tnu:ks, Desert Tnu:ks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Tnu:k <> (858) 571-5088 SAN DIEGO OFF ROAD EXPOSmoN (888) 836 7918March 4, 2006 SCCA PlloRAu.Y P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-2055 <www> Desert Sands NC Arizona Border March 4, 2006 Desert Sands NT March 5, 2006 Great Canyon NT Arizona -Border August 12, 2006 Scenic View NC Oregon August 13, 2006 Beaver Cleaver NC Portland, OR September 2, 2006 Appalachian NT Steel Cities September 3, 2006 Ohnoodo NT Pittsburgh, PA September 4, 2006 Steel Haul NC September 16, 2006 Oktoberally NC LOL Septemberl7,2006 Badger Trails NT Trempealeau, W1 October 20, 2006 TBA GTA October 21, 2006 TBA NC Topeka, KS October 22, 2006 TBA NT November 4, 2006 Covered Bridge OT Vemwnt SFX MoTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE, SUITE 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 FAX SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFrSMAN Ro., SulTE A DLABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 <www.score-iutemational.coin> January 12-15, 2006 SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge Laughlin, NV March 10-12, 2006 Tecate SCORE San Felipe 250 San Felipe, Baja California, Mexico June 2-4, 2006 Tecate SCORE Baja 500 Ensenada, Baja Caliornia, Mexico July 27-29, 2006 *SCORE Las Vegas Terrible's Cup II Las Vegas Motor Speedway Las Vegas, NV SeptemberS-10, 2006 SCORE Las Vegas Primm 300 Primm,NV November 15-18, 2006 Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 Baja California to Baja California Sur, Mexico *Non-points special e<Jtnt SNORE SOUTHERN NEVADA OFF RoAD ENnrusIASTS P.O. Box 270516 lAs VEGAS, NV 89127 702-452-4522 www.SNORERACING.NET February 17-19, 2006 Battle At Primm April 7-9, 2006 Buffalo Bills 400 May 19-20, 2006 Dusty Times Caliente 250 August 4-5, 2006 KC Hilites Midnight Special October 6-8, 2006 Gold Coast SNORE 250 November 10-11, 2006 Western Desert Championship SONS OF THUNDER 4 WHEELERS RACE DIVISION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 MIKE MOORE· (224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS EXPO MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. Hacienda Blvd. #322 Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SCTA SOUTHERN CAUFORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION & BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, INc. P.O. Box 10 OROS!, CA 93647 (559) 528-6279 (559) 528-9749 FAX <> SOUTHERN SHORT CoURSE OFF RoAD RACING AssN. 4305 WOOTIARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (AU Races at Eastba:, Racewaz, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) Lrn. P.O. Box 706 Happenings continued at bottom of page 24 Attention Race & Rally Organizers List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your 2005and 2006 schedules as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: UUGliY~imRR 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-5003 Dusty Times

Page 9

Things to look into: A subscription to Dusty Times for your friends or relatives who you want to impress with your desert driving skills. Don't you ' want them to see your picture in the paper? Club subscriptions are available to your organized group, pit teams, race teams and other support groups. Advertising in Dusty Times can be a real boon to your business, if . you aren't advertising now maybe you should .check into it. You might look into becoming a dealer for the Dusty Times newspaper, either as a convenience for your customers or as a little extra profit for your business. Please support Dusty Times advertisers. When you purchase from them, be sure and tell them you saw their ad in Dusty Times.

Page 10

TECATE BAJA 1000 Roeseler And Herbst Take overall By Judy Smith Bob Shephard and Rick Geiser took the Trophy Truck class with ease, they had a big eight minutes in hand at the flag. Larry Roese/er and Troy Herbst had a really great race, first overall, first in class 1 in the Smithbuilt Truggy. Ensenada, Baja: SCORE's 38th an-and even the celebrity-rich Baja Chai-not many companies selling race re-nual Baja 1000 turned into their sec- lenge cars fielded a crowd, with 16 cars. lated items, and of course, there were ond biggest ever, and Larry Roeseler Motorcycles and quads made up 97 of all the cars and trucks a fan could and Troy Herbst teamed in the Herbst the total entry, and there were 245 want to see. It was, as always, jammed Ford-powered Smithbuilt T ruggy to take trucks and cars for a total of 34 2. It with humanity from 10 a.m. until about the overall car/truck win. Their time was almost one o'clock in the after- 6 p.m. of 15:06: 19 was better than all but the noon before the last vehicle took the Mid-morning on contingency day, two quickest motorcycles. green flag. The bikes and quads went SCORE and the mayor of Ensenada, Sadly the memories of this event off the line at about 6:30 a.m., and Cesar Mancillas Amador, had a press will be forever tinged with sorrow be- when the last quad left, there was a two conference to dedicate a new perma-cause of the loss ofJason Baldwin, Jef-hour hiatus before they started the Tro-nent monument, strategically placed freyTeneyck, Rick Olavson and Daniel phyTrucks, a sensible precaution,. But in the median in the area where the M. Neuman, who died when their plane it did mean a long stint for the flag race cars would line up die next day. crashed while flying back to the States man. The monument was in celebration of from the race. While the contingency donors are BFGoodrich's 30th anniversary with With more entries than they'd had still tending to stay away from contin-the Baja 1000. BFGoodrich was also since 1977, SCORE had a monster on gency day in Ensenada, thanks to a observing the anniversary, with special their hands. The Trophy Truck had 30 scare at the 2004 Baja 500, it was still t-shirts for all their crew, a cadre of entries, and there were 28 of the 1600s, a busy place. There were dis plays, but BFG big wigs, and plans for a party to celebrate the hoped-for 20th consecu-tive overall victory on BFG tires at the 1000. As it turned out, it was in-deed a very celebratory event after the race, because Roeseler and Herbst were on BFG tires. This year's course was an Ensenada to Ensenada loop, measuring 708 miles and including nearly all of the most difficult sections of course ever used in Baja. They started in the wash in Ensenada, but that's become civilized, with grandstands on both sides, and a couple of safe, but entertaining jumps to keep the spectators interested. Then they squirreled through the outskirts of the city, including one pesky silt hill only four miles from the start, which slowed down many an over-ea-ger racer. Added to that there was a brush fire right there, and the racers hustled down the trail with flames, big flames, on both sides of them. After escaping Ensenada, they wound gradu-ally eastward and upward to Ojos Ne-gros, then across the highway to Tres Hermanos where they turned left and wound through the brush to Alamo. They crossed the highway again, used a lot of the old trail, and at Nuevo Junc-tion headed toward the Summit. The rocky pass was as difficult as ever go-ing up and badly eroded on the down-hill side. The best thing about having to do the Summit was that it meant they avoided the Goat Trail near Valle de Trinidad. Once down on the east-,......---,.......,.--------,---,.----,---...,-~---===--,--..--......-, Caleb Gaddis and Charlie Watters made it look easy, they took the Class 1600 honors with more than 50 minutes on their competition. The big Class 3 win went to Don and Ken Moss, they drove their Ford to victory in just less than 25 hours. em side of the mountains, they first traveled north, then south in a variety of deep sand washes, and hit Highway 3 at Borrego where they crossed and picked up the old trails going south then into, and through, San Felipe. Be-low San Felipe they traversed both Matomi Wash and Chanate Wash, and the narrow trail through the boulders ofMatomi was a big concern. Now heading northward, they paralleled the edge ofDiablo Dry Lake, ran up Matias Pass, crossed the highway and then par-alleled it in the continuation of Matias Wash. From there they recrossed the highway and climbed up to Mike's Sky Ranch on his old road, headed west, and down almost to San Telmo, then turned eastward and upward again, through El Coyota, and past Simpson's and into Valle de Trinidad. Then they headed west again, through Llano Colo-rado, up the highway a bit and then out to the beach. A northward section there took them all the way to Santo Tomas, where they got back on pave-ment for a while, and then they turned in at Uruapan, through another treach-erous section, and at Tres Hermanos met up with the outgoing course, which they used for the route to the finish line. There were Santa Ana winds blow-ing that weekend, so the weather was dry and fog didn't become an issue any-where. Dust was heavy, but it was windy inland, and it got cold during the night. Racers did all the expected things. They cooked their motors in the washes, or stuck their cars in the soft sand. They ran off the turns near Santo Tomas, got lost on the way in after Ojos, hit big boulders in Matomi, fell into wash outs after Uruapan, and rattled their back teeth on the bumps down near San Felipe. And for the most part, they really liked this course. It had all the elements that make up a good Baja course and it was not one on which speed alone would win. The drivers would have to be plenty tal-ented and smart to get to the finish line at all. The average speed of the Herbst/Roeseler Truggy was 46.92 miles per hour. There was a huge supply of talent and smarts in the Trophy Truck class, and Brian Collins had the early lead Alan Pfleuger flew his Trophy Truck to a decent second place finish at Mark McMillin and Brian Ewalt took the silver medal in the Class 1 Max Hanberg, Bernie Carr and Charles De Yemer drove their the 1000, he's seen here heading down course. contest, seen here in the good looking Jimco-Chevy. Lothringer to a second place finish in Class ½-1600. Page 10 January 2006 Dusty Times

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Gale Pike, with help from Matt and Noah Pike drove the Chevy The silver medal in Class 5 went to Luivan Voelker, Victor Gazca and Mark McAnelly, Carlos and Juan Rascon took second place honors Blazer to a nice second place in the Class 3 contest in Baja. Carlos Albanez, seen here in their great looking Bug. in Class 5-1600, seen here in their good looking Bug. in his Chevy, but was only 11 seconds by Kory Scheeler and Larry Job, who'd in whichever one was in front when it that's the only thing." (He always has a the tinish line, he asked Jerry, "Did up on Bob Shepard, in another Chevy, put a Chevy body on their Porter came time to change, and that's what small, plastic hula girl on his dash, for you have any other close calls?" Said when they went through Alamo, at Mile Truggy for this race. By now another he did. But the truck, which had al-luck.) The Herbs ts had gone upside Jerry, "No -and that wasn't a close 83. Tim Herbst had his Ford in third five entries had dropped out includ- ready lost a driveshaft, now began to down near San Vicente, but "it landed call- that was a hit!" place, Josh Baldwin had his Ford ing Ikuo Hanawa in his Toyota, Pete overheat. He'd dropped to second on its feet." They also had a few bad Garron Cadiente and Jeff Geiser fourth, and Alan Pflueger was fifth in Sohren, Ford, Bobby Baldwin, Ford, place, and Curt LeDuc, in Mark Post's moments as they neared the finish, were seventh in their Ford, reporting his newly and beautifully painted Bobby Quarnst_rom, and Dan Cook. Ford, was in third. Post, who was nurs- when the truck became stuck in reverse a broken sway bar and brake problems Chevy. Marty Coyne had already had a Cook was a first time racer whose plan ing an injured shoulder, had done the gear. Ultimately, they took third place. all day. In eighth it was Josh Baldwin run in with a tree in his Ford, Carl was to race the 1000 and then hook a San Felipe loop. They were having In fourth it was the Raglands. Larry who'd rolled his truck off a cliff past Renezeder had blown the motor on his trailer on the back of his ChevyTro- "brake issues." The Herbst brothers, Ed had lost a lot of time with the over- Simpson's Ranch. He'd gone over two Chevy, and Darren Skilton, with a Jeep phyTruck and head out for a "round-and Tim, ran fourth, and they'd heating, even having to be towed for a times, but managed to get back on body now adorning his racer, was also the-world" fly fishing trip. But he'd changed a steering box on their Ford little while at one point. The rear end course and get moving again. Scheeler out. Jesse James, of Monster Garage gone through three power steering early in the day. Pflueger was fifth, had started to lose oil, and it leaked and Job had flattened a tire in Matomi fame, had already lost second gear, but pumps already, and something major driving all the way himself, because out the rear hub causing the brakes to Wash, and had no jack. Scheeler did was gamely going on in his Chevy. His had broken in the back, that kept his he'd also wanted Ragland to help, but catch fire. He was adding brake fluid a some digging, and used some rocks, and wife, Sandra Bullock, was part of the truck from moving forward. Larry was otherwise occupied. quart at a time. Ragland finished with after rwo and a half hours got going chase team for his effort, and she caused At San Telmo, down near Highway Shepard stayed in his truck all the no brakes, in fourth place. He said, "I again, to finish ninth. Jason Baldwin crowds to form when she arrived at a 1, and 47 5 miles into the race, Shep-way, and moved past the Raglands in drove my heart out." They were still replaced a transmission in his Ford pit, adding to the fun and confusion. ard was in the lead. He'd planned to the late stages. He had only one flat only 20 minutes behind the winning down near Three Poles and then found When they'd reached Borrego the put Larry Ragland in the truck for a and reported that coming down out of Trophy Truck. himselfback amidst the Class 10 cars. racers had survived the treachery of the while, but Ragland had been at an ear-Mike's he'd overshot a tum. He said, Post and LeDuc were fifth, Coyne He finished 10th. Summit and the long,deep sand washes lier pit when his son, Chad, had come "I saved it, but it was a moment!" He and Jerry Whelchel were sixth. The Jesse Jones and Jeff Quinn, who of the other side. The lead there was in through in the old "Arnold" Chevy, in got lost in the maze of dead ends after rear end had come around on Jerry drove Mike's loop, brought their Ford the hands ofTim and Ed Herbst, with the lead. Chad got out and Larry Ojos, but found his way again in time down by Santo Tomas, and pushed the in 11th. They'd broken some sway bars, about three and a half minutes on Ja-hopped in and took off. He later said, to take the victory. Pflueger finished truck into a huge rock. It damaged a and lost some spares. Brian Collins son Baldwin in his Ford. In third place "I was signed on with three good trucks about eight minutes behind him, re-lot of front end stuff, and completely lost three alternators. When he got to it was Jesse Jones in his Ford, and (Chad's, Shepard's and Collins's). How porting that his race had gone "pretty removed the fans that were mounted where Ragland had been waiting, it was fourth was Shepard. Fifth place was held could I lose?" He decided he'd just go well to plan - I lost my hula girl, but in front. As Coyne studied the mess at Continued on page 12 Dusty Times An Intimate Gem Adjacent to Betlagio, Caesars & Bally s 17'Je Place Las Vegans Cs/I Hotrwi'" January 2006 A$k About Our Special Headliner Show and Room hckages West\& & Ar.rifle 1-800-875-3287 ~~ Ask About our Room & Golf Packages Page 11

Page 12

The Dan Chamlee's, Sr. and Jr. along with Thomas Chamlee drove The mean lookin' Chevy of Todd Wyllie and John Diaz took second Sigal Greenberg and John Halla/ had a long race but they still managed their Ford Ranger to a second place finish in the class 7 competition. spot honors in the Class B competition at the 1000. === a second place finish in the Class 9 competition. John Cooley and Dave Richardson drove their good looking Alumi-Tom Watson and Tim Noe drove their Jimco to a second place finish Chad Hall and Mike Winkler followed brother Josh in Stock Full, they Craft to the second spot in Class 10, seen here at speed. in SCORE LITE, seen here in full fighting mode. took home the silver medal with their Hummer. Dave Westhem who was suited up and come back!" He drove the final 200 Class 1 had an entryof26vehides, out to be a dying fuel injection brain. final section, and Roeseler drove on ready to jump in the truck. He slid off miles. Matt and Steve Scaroni and John and they started the day with a very He was about to pull out. Mark Mc-while Herbst waited at the finish line, the road and got stuck once, and re-Swift piloted their Ford to 16th place. tight race. At Alamo the lead belonged Millin, Scott's brother, ran third, with nervous and anxious. Many BFG people ally enjoyed his drive. He said, "This They got stuck in a booby trap, and to Andy McMillin in his Chevy Jimco, Darnen Jefferies in fourth in his Chevy were waiting at the finish, with a ban-truck's a lot nicer, faster (than his old also lost a transmission late in the day. but 11 seconds behind him were Troy Porter. In fifth it was Pat Dean's co-ner proclaiming their 20th consecu-one), and the technology is incredible!" Francisco Cervantes, Enrique Legazpi Herbst in his Smithbuilt Truggy and driver, B.J. Richardson, in a Chevy tive overall car/truck win. They had Chris Robinson's Chevy had alterna- and Junior Rasso drove their Chevy Chuck Hovey in his four cylinder Bunderson. Ebberts was out, report- photographers ready to record the his-tor problems and lost its lights and he Cameron to 17th place. Since their Jimco. In fourth it was Dale Ebberts edly having crashed hard on a booby toric event, and while it seemed un-was just happy to finish, in 13th. In vehicle isn't a truck, they'd had to get in his Toyota Jimco, and Brian Ickier trap down near San Felipe. Nine cars likely that anything could go wrong 14th it was Robby Gordon, tired and the signatures of all the other drivers ran fifth, less than two minutes later were already out. after such a perfect day, Herbst knows dispirited, he arrived at about 6 a.m., agreeing to fet them run in the class. in his Chevy Jimco. Another 140 miles along the way, how treacherous those final few miles reporting that the threads on the heim They had the honor of having the Alamo was only 82 miles into the at San Telmo, the lead still belonged can be. He jittered. But it was for noth-ends on !ii.uhocks hilllRull.!:..4-· When E~ Mayoras flassengerup toOjos race, and by the time they'd got to to the Truggy, but now it was Larry ing. Roeseler had a clean drive, and it happened on one side he'd had to ~ Negros. · 1 hey said tht:; ~.:.~ .. 2-~-~-~ rat..: • Chanate wash, down below San Felipe, Roeseler at the wheel. He was having , arrived right on schedule to climb up drive at about 15 miles per hour a long "really tough". They were the last fin-things looked different. They were 335 no problems, nor had Troy had any. on top of the Truggy with Troy and way to a pit for repairs. Then it hap-ishers. miles along the way there, and Herbst Mark McMillin's co-driver, Brian have his picture taken. Neither had pened on the other side. Fifteenth place Celebrity driver Jesse James got had the lead, with Ickler eight minutes Ewalt, ran second, about 28 minutes even had a flat. went to Cameron Steele and Buddy only to about Mile 225, but according back in second lace. McMillin's car back and Jefferies was third, followed In second, 50 minutes later, it was Rice who'd had alternator problems and to reports, he enjoyed the race and is had spun the center out of the clutch by Richardson, and then Rick, Randy Mark McMillin and Brian Ewalt, who'd belt problems on the Ford all day. IRL considering building another, more plate (while dad, Scott, was at the wheel) and Ronny Wilson in their J imco each done two short stints at the wheel. racer Rice (2004 Indy 500 winner), carefully thought out, truck so he can and was under repair. Hovey had mys-Chevy. They though the course was a lot like said "It was a blast - I hope I get to try it again. tery electrical problems, which turned Nothing changed very much in the the old courses that were used back in Chris Bowman and Jerry Longo teamed up to take the class 5 victory. they're seen here on their way to the checkered flag. The Class 5-1600 win went to the Nunez/Rivera/Hernandez trio, seen here at speed in their great looking Bug. the '80s when Mark first started rac-ing. Third place belonged to Darnen Jefferies, who'd had Roy Dehban, owner of Kartek, riding with him from Borrego to Matias. Dehban is the man who donated the $50,000 purse for the SCORE points championship this year. It's fitting that he got to ride in the last race of the season; the one that woµld determine who would win his money. . Fourth place went to Corky McMillin's Chevy Chenowth, driven by Hector Cuadras and Gary Arnold. They didn't have any problems either. Scott McMillin rode in the final 50 . miles or so, and said he was "happy and proud the car came across the fin-ish line its last race." In fifth place it was the Wil$on brothers, who had no Continued on page 14 Another Hall, Rod, the leader of the clan, drove his H-3 Hummer to Rick L Johnson and Dan Cardone finished second in the Pro Truck Second place in the Baja Challenge Class was the team of Creagan/ the Stock Mini win, seen here heading into battle. contest, less than three minutes out of the win in their Toyota Tundra. Wasson/Markos/Nicholson, seen here nice and shiny at the beginning. Page 12 January 2006 Dusty Times

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Dave Folts Transnlissions Would Like To Congratulate These SCORE Racers Caleb Gaddis i SCORE Overall Points Champion Baja 1000 1/2, 1600 Wmner Rob MacCachren 3rd Place 1/21600 Points Champion Chris Bowman 1st Places Unlimtted Points Champion · Baja 1000 s unlimited Wmner Dusty Times January 2006 LJ Kennedy/ Brian Burgess - -SCORE 2nd Overall Points Champion Brian Burgess/ Daniel Folts 4th Place 1/2, 1600 Points Champion Eric Fisher 1st Place Class 9 Points Champion Baja 1000 Class 9 Wmner Dave Folts Transmissions 631 E. Lambert Rd. #C La Habra, CA 90631 (56Z) 694-5591 "Geared To Serve You" Page 13

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The bronze medal in the Trophy Truck competition went to Tim and Darnen and Casey Jefferies took home the third place trophy in Hirum Duran and Eric Duran drove their Neth to a decent third place Ed Herbst, seen here in their great looking Smithbuilt ford. Class 1 at the Baja 1000, seen here at speed in their Porter. in the Cl~ss 1600 battle, they're seen here heading towards the barn. flats and no serious troubles with their seventh after replacing that clutch. every pit for maintenance. Jim Bir- pleased to get a finish in its first race. ried out a spare to them, but then they Chevy Jimco. All three drove and they Said Andy, "I'd rather go to La Paz." mingham, Bill Claypool and Jamie Ickier fell out after San Tel mo with had no electrical power and couldn't said it was "kinda fun!" B.J. Richardson Billy Robertson, Glen Rolfe and Campbell were ninth, and the last Class terminal alternator problems, and get it to start. Said didn't get to drive and Pat Dean finished sixth, reporting Stuart Chase brought their Chevy Pen-l car to make it in. They'd rolled the Martin Christensen and Dave Mason, it. being stuck and having some flats, and hall in eighth, reporting a c.v. boot car, had a sticky throttle and lost a who had Boris Said as a third driver, Class 10 was next, with 16 entries Andy McMillin and his dad, Scott, were problem, which meant they stopped at wheel on their Penhall, but were broke two axles. Robby Gordon fer- and they all made it the first 83 miles. Page 14 • • t\\M D • 0 • @1~-o~IM · • ooo • •• o· January 200& Lobsam Yee was in front in his Honda Jimco but at Borrego he had a lead of only 45 seconds. Darren Hardesty and Mark Randazzo ran second in their VW AlumiCraft. In third it was Steve and Andrew Myers in their Jimco Toyota, and John Cooley ran fourth in another VW AlumiCraft. Ron Dalke and Mark Brownell had their Toyota Tatum in fifth place, and were only 20 minutes behind the lead car. Only two cars had dropped out at this point. But five more disappeared before the end of Chanate Wash, and at San Telmok there were only seven running. Yee still had the lead, and he'd had alternator problems, so was carrying a spare with him. Cooley and his co-driv-ers, Chris Westwood and Dave Richardson, were now second, eight minutes back, and Hardesty and Randazzo were third, another 2 7 min-utes behind. Bill and Dave Gasper had their Porter in fourth place. Dave hadn't ever driven it before this, but was proving to be adaptable. They'd had "all.kinds of problems" including a rag in the intake, which they'd discov-ered at the first road crossing. They'd also had some flats, a brake fluid leak, had lost their jack and had been stuck a couple of times. In fifth place it was Travis and Ron Brookshire and Joel Whitted. Ron, who'd started, had lost his brakes off the Summit - scary. Whitted did the San Felipe loop and got hit in the neck by a thrown rock, which also took out his stub can. Yee kept moving along at a steady pace, but somehow he'd developed a hole in his floor pan just in front of his pedals. "Man was it cold!" He had no other problems and took the win with 40 minutes to spare. In second it was Cooley, Westwood and Richardson. Richardson had been chasing Yee hard near the end, and was "that close to gettin' him!" but in the dust hit a hole, nearly endoed, and bent an A-arm. They had no other serious problems. In third it was the Gaspers, about two hours behind them. The Brookshires and Whitted were fourth, Travis Brookshire reporting that he "kinda fell asleep" down near Erendira. He got sideways, went over about four times, and landed on his wheels going backwards. He downshifted and went on. Hardesty and Randazzo were fifth, and Eli Yee and Perry McNeil, in a Jimco with a radically decambered front end, were sixth. They'd welded on the arms, but it didn't hold, so they'd driven about 100 miles with the front wheels splayed out. In seventh it was Dalke and Brownell who reported they'd lost a caliper, changed a throw-out bearing and been stuck in a hole. They used up nearly 24 hours in get-ting to the finish line, and were the last Class 10 team to finish. The Protrucks started next, and it was a crucial race for them because it Dusty Times

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would determine the Protruck champi-onship (which is separate from the SCORE class championship). Four trucks were in a virtual tie, and which-ever finished best would win the big Protruck purse. There were 12 of them entered. All of them cruised past Alamo, and on down the road to Borrego. At that point the lead belonged to Darren York, Joe Custer and Gene Haas, in their Chevy. Jimmy Nuckles ran sec-ond in his Ford, a minute behind them, and Alan Hogan, another Ford, was four minutes back in third, followed by Gus Vildosola, Jr., in his Toyota. All but one were still running. When they arrived at San Telmo, 475 miles along the road, the lead be-longed to Vildosola, and he had about seven minutes on second place. He'd already had to change a driveshaft. Sec-ond was Rick Johnson and Dane Cardone in their Toyota, and they'd been tipped up on their side early in the day, but Ryan Herzog had put them back on their wheels. Craig Smith and Jason Jernigan ran third in their Ford, competing in the 1000 for their first time. Jimmy Nuckles was back in his Ford, after his co-driver, Jeff Dickerson did the San Felipe loop. Nuckles had been having a lot of flat tires, and finally decided that "this is a race of smarts -not speed." He slowed down a bit and had no more flat tires. In fifth it was Hogan. Doug Siewert and John Kilroy had a good run, they took the Class 7 win with ease, their competition three hours behind them. The big Class B win went to Keith Fontana and Ron Lammer, they had almost an hour in hand at the finish line. Nuckles went into the lead by the time he got to Llano Colorado, Mile 570, and stayed there to the end. He and Dickerson took the win and the Protruck points. In second it was Johnson and Cardone, less than three minutes behind them. They'd had two flats at once, and Herzog had given them a spare. They'd also been stuck once, but hadn't had any mechanical troubles. Vildosola fell into a ditch late in the day, and had to be pulled out, but he held on to his third place finish, about 35 minutes behind sec-ond place. Smith and Jernigan limped in the final 20 miles, their motor go-ing sour. It quit right after crossing the finish line. They said their first Baja 100 had been "one hell of an ex-perience!" In fifth it was Gary Magness, who didn't stop to talk, and in sixth Herzog and his co-driver, Steve Poole. They said they'd had some flats, been stuck and had stopped to help a couple people. York, Custer and Haas were also stuck a few times, went off a cliff and parked in a big ravine. Hogan had been following Robby Gordon as they headed into Uruapan, and Gordon missed a tum, then backed up, and Hogan turned to miss him and ran into a block wall. He "broke everything in the front of the truck -it sucks", and then he went on to say, "Great course." He finished eighth, the last Protruck to make it in. Class 8 had six entries, but Lowell Arnold's tidy ford was out early. At Alamo the lead belonged to David Sykes in Dave Westhem' s old Chevy and he had about six minutes on Kurtis Kupiec and Ramsey El Wardani in their Chevy. Third was Keith Fontana and Ron Lammer in a Chevy, driving in their first SCORE event. When they got to the end of Chanate Wash the lead belonged to Fontana, who'd already broken a leaf spring and replaced it. Todd Wyllie ran second in his Chevy after replac-ing a transmission before Ojos. The replacement trans had a cracked hous-ing, and he was stopping to add trans fluid every 20 miles or so. In third it was now Sykes, who'd been stuck four times and had blown his steering box at the top of Mato mi Wash. That had cost him about six hours. Even further back were Kupiec and Wardani, already over 19 hours into the race. Fontana and Lammer blew a front driveshaft, and did the remainder of the race in two wheel drive. They also had a caliper problem, but at Llano Colorado were still in the lead, with about 20 minutes on Wyllie. Sykes and his co-drivers, Steve Wolcott, Marc Stein and Randy Salmont, ran third, another two hours back. They'd been down to four trucks since before Borrego, and there were still four trucks, but Kupiec and El Wardani were way late. Fontana and Lammer took the win, reporting a total of about three hours down time. They said they "Drove the s-t out of this the last 70 miles!" They finished 52 minutes in front of Wyllie and his co-driver, Gary Stoltz, who lost their water after Ojos on the way in. They said it had been "quite the ad-venture!" In third it was Sykes, Wolcott, Stein and Salmont, about an hour and a half further back. And al-though Kupiec and El Wardani got to the finish line, it didn't count, because they were six minutes over the time limit. Nineteen SCORE Lite cars were next to take off, and all but one made it through Alamo. They lost only two on the way to Borrego, and at that point the lead was in the hands of Jake Batulis and Jeff Lothringer, in their Five started in Class 9, only two made it all the way and the winner was Eric Fisher and Hector Sarabia, just over 24 hours for their run. Dusty Times Prep by Jake car. They had about three minutes on Stan Potter, who ran sec-ond in his Jimco. In third it was Tom Watson in his Jimco, and then Matias Arjona ran fourth in his Neth. In fifth it was Chuck Sacks in a Chenowth. Coming through the washes, Potter and his co-driver, Dan Worley, moved into the lead. They held it through San Telmo, where they had 14 minutes on second place. That was Watson, whose co-drivers, Arturo Honold and Tim Noe and David Scaroni had been tak-ing turns at the wheel. Barulis and Lothringer ran third, another 40 min-utes back, and Tito and Noe Tapia and Ramon Castro were fourth, 50 min-utes later. In fifth place it was Drew Belk and Greg Foster, who put Mike •·••••·••s1zu Belk (Drew's son) into the Porter, for the last section. Potter and Worley were having a sticky throttle problem. They also got stuck in a "huge booby trap" for about 25 minutes, and then, as they neared the finish they were stuck for a while behind Vildosola, Jr., in his stuck Protruck. Still, they took the win, say-ing it had been "a long day, but fun." They were a half hour in front of Watson, Honold, Noe and Scaroni. Noe had been stuck on a rock for an hour, until Robby Gordon and his pas-senger pushed him off. They'd also had to weld on their front end, but still got back in time for a nice second place. In third it was Tito and Noe Tapia and Castro. They'd had a trouble-free day except for the dust of the .. ,,,., .. ,.,.,,,,. ... ,,.., .,...., ...., .. ·--· ~ ... ,, ....... ... ■ ' ,_,r-,wl,-... .,.,.,, . ........ , .• ,. Call tar Pricing! January 2006 Protrucks. They'd done a preventive tire change, but had no flats, and were only a minute and a half out of second place. Fourth place went to Batulis and Lothringer, who'd hit a Protruck and bent their bumper, been stuck and bent a tie rod, in addition to having one flattire. They were 13 minutes behind third. Fifth was the Belk and Foster team, who'd started the day by rolling over and losing a half hour. Foster also had a tie rod come loose and about 30 miles before the finish they broke a lower arm and had to have the crew bring parts out for repairs. James Golden, Jim Anderson, Jason Hatz and Mario Gutierrez lost three and a half hours with a broken inner c.v. They'd had to wait for parts to be brought in. Continued on page 16 Page 15

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The Class 1 o win went to Lobsam Yee/Eli Yee/Angel Barajas, seen here in their Stan Potter and Dan Worley were the SCORE LITE winners, they had half an hour gine problems. MacCachren and his crew alternately worked on he car and drove it, and then worked on it some more, drove it a bit further, and kept this up all the way to the finish. Gus Vildosola, Rob's sponsor and partner in the #4 Trophy Truck, had given up on the Trophy Truck, saying that "win-ning the championship for Rob was more important." Instead, they were following the buggy in with the truck, which had also had a bad day, already having a transmission transplant, and then having a hole poked in the pan under the trans. MacCachren and Free-man kept going through the check-points just ahead of closing time, but when they reached the finish line they were too late -and they timed out. Gaddis got the points win and the over-all season championship in his first year of SCORE racing. great looking car on the way to the win. _in_h_a_n_d_wh_e_n_th_e_,_y_t_oo_k_th_e_c_h_ec_k_e_rs_. _____________ _ Then they had no other trouble, not even a flat, and finished sixth. In sev-enth it was Ruben and Daniel Gutierrez and Jason Lakin, in a Jimco. They got stuck in the silt, lot a bolt off a tie rod end, and stuck in a traffic jam. Gutierrez also stopped for a few mo-ments not far from the finish to check on the condition of a biker who'd run into a fence post. Greg Crew finished eighth in his Porter, and David Callaway, John Holmes and Scott Mapes, in a Dunrite, lost four hours when they ran out of gas, and ultimately finished ninth. They were the final fin-ishers in this class. The 1/2-1600 class was one of the big ones, with 28 starters. Twenty-six of them got through Alamo, and 21 arrived at Borrego. At that point the lead belonged to Caleb Gaddis in his Curry. He had seven minutes on Bryan Freeman in his Fraley. In third it was the team of Mike Sandoval, Mike Wil-liams and Blaise Jackson in their Meco. Fourth belonged to Max Handberg, in a Lothringer, fifth was Hiram Duran in a Neth, and Abel and Arturo Valezco and Stevie Cruz were sixth in their Por-ter. At San Tel mo Gaddis' co-driver, Vic Bruckmann led, although Gaddis had had a flat near Chanate Wash, and had lost about 10 minutes. David Caspino ran second in his Lothringer, Hand berg's co-driver, Bernie Carr was third, and Freeman was fourth, while Duran was fifth, and had changed an air filter. Thirteen cars were still run-ning. Lorenzo Rodriguez had rolled and torn off a shock mount. He later had a long, long pit stop at Borrego, and then didn't go on. Jose Cruz broke an axle in Matomi Wash and became one of the obstacles in an already dif-ficult area. Gaddis got back in to drive from Ojos to the finish, and he and Bruckmann got the win, finishing 48 minutes ahead of the next car. Max Handberg, Bernie Carr and Don Johnson finished second, reporting that "absolutely nothing went wrong." They were 48 minutes behind the lead car. In third it was Duran, who didn't stop to talk, and in fourth, L.J. Kennedy, Wayne Lacher and Shane Reed in a Porter. They smashed some push rods and tubes and lost over an hour early on, then had to keep add-ing oil. They had a flat, the top of their tail pipe came off and had to be replaced, and they broke a throttle cable nine miles before the end, and finished on a left front flat. Fifth place went to Arturo and Abel Velazco and Stevie Cruz in a Porter. They had a flat, ran out of gas, and lost their lights when the ballast box fell off. They drove for an hour, from Borrego to San Felipe in full dark. They were about a half hour behind fourth place. In sixth it was Daniel McMillin and Chris Cortez in a Jimco. They lost a throttle cable early in the day, and had To sign up, or get more information, free, no obligation, contact: just one flat tire. Brian Burgess, Sammy Ehrenberg and Dan Folts lost their oil early, then broke all four tranny mounts and needed some serious weld-ing, but finished seventh. In eighth it was Edgar and Jesus Alvarez, who are not related, just friends. They had prob-lems with a broken brake caliper. In ninth it was Ken Tapert and Gary Stairs, who'd been stuck on a boulder and stuck in silt. Tenth place went to Mike Sandoval, Blaise Jackson and Mike Williams who'd been so down on horsepower they'd had to be towed up at least one hill. Alberto Medina was 11th, and David Caspino was 12th and the last 1600 car to finish within the time limit. At the finish line Gaddis waited to hear what was happening with Free-man, and his co-driver, Rob MacCach-ren. They'd been leading the overall season points going into the race, and had only to finish to hang on to their lead. But they were having serious en-Class 5 was next off the line. There were five starters and every one of them got through Alamo. But only three made it to Borrego. Tom Brown and Kevin carr were both early dnfs. George Seeley led at Borrego with 10 minutes on Chris Bowman and Jerry Longo. Luivan Voelker ran third another half hour back. At Chanate Bowman had gone into the lead as Seeley dealt with a problem he couldn't identify. He thought he'd run out of gas, and at first thought the pit hadn't completely filled the tank. But come to find out, his fuel cell was coming apart, and be-cause he couldn't see the leak, he didn't realize it. He got some gas and went on, only to run out again, at which time he gave up the ghost. Meanwhile, Bowman was in front and Voelker was second. They ran that way to the finish. Bowman and Longo had three flats and their engine missed Continued on page 18 Finally, a CO~hensive Liability Insurance Package designed especially for Off-Road Racers, by insurance professionals who are actual Off-Road Racers. Yoo can't get any better than that! Michael E. James Insurance Agency, in association with ProOrt LLC is offering: • $1,000,000 General Liability -No Deductible • $1,000,000 Gen8'al Liability for Tune & Testing • $250,000 Participant to Participant Coverage Covers you, 'YOU' business and your sponsors for up to 6 raoes per year! General Liability and Physical Damage instxance available for your prerunner. Mike James - Phone: (619) 445-5797, Ext.115 • Fax: (619) 445-0772 • . Kevin James - Phone: {619) 445-5797, Ext 142 • Fax: (619) 445-0772 • Karen Iverson - Phone: (619) 445-5797, Ext. 103 • Fax: (619) 445-0772 • Cal. Uc. # 0B75146 PROTECT YOUR FAMILY • PROTECT YOUR ASSETS • PROTECT YOUR BUSINESS Page 16 January 2006 Dusty Times .,

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The Stock Full Class win went to the Josh Hall - Sam Cothrun - Thad Stump trio, seen here in their H-2 Hummer. all day, but they got there first. Voelker finished second only 14 minutes later. And none of the others made it. Class 7 was next off the line with eight starters, all of whom made it through Alamo. But down at Borrego Victor Herrera and his Ford went miss-ing. Doug Siewert had his Chevy lead-ing, even though he'd broken a rocker . arm and lost a couple of hours early on. Raul Flores was second a half hour later in his Ford, and Daniel Chamlee, another Ford, ran third. Siewert and his co-drivers, John Kilroy and Aaron Dodson, all of whom both rode and drove, decided to "just cruise" after their lengthy re-pair and it seemed to be a good plan. They led through Chanate Wash, and were still leading when they got to San Telmo. They had over three hours on second place at that point. And second place belonged to Chamlee, who was a little over an hour ahead of Craig Turner in his Ford. By n_ow they'd lost Kreg Donahoe's Toyota, and Jamie Medina's Ford and only five racers were still moving. Siewert, Kilroy and Dodson cruised to the finish and the victory, nearly MOTORSPORTS ~ '✓ three hours ahead of the next truck. joying the experience. They reported that they'd run the same These cars are all identical two seat set of tires in this race that they ran open wheel "buggies", sporting 2.5 Ii-in the Baja 500, and hadn't had any ter Porsche motors and identical tires, flats this time either, though Siewert shocks and the like. The competitors said it was "one of the toughest courses "rent" the cars for the race, but the I've seen." Chamlee was second, and rental includes a guided pre-run as well Turner finished third, an hour behind _ as pit support for the race, and a vari-him. Flores was fourth, another half ety of ancillary amenities. It's a nice hour back, and only 45 minutes shy of deal for folks who want to add a little the cut-off time. He was the last Class adventure to their lives, but haven't 7 finisher. the time or inclination to get down The Baja Challenge cars·were full and grubby and start working on cars of the usual mix of professional rac- in their spare time. They race only one ers and off road beginners. A few ex- race a year, the Baja 1000. Many of . perienced off roaders were scattered them come back over and over again. through their ranks. There were 16 Only one failed to get to the Alamo cars, and most of them had three .or road crossing. The balance soldiered four drivers and a list of passengers on, and at Borrego the lead belonged also, so there was a huge entourage to the Jourdain family: Michel Sr., and surrounding the class. At the start Jr., Bernard and Jean Pierre, and some were visibly nervous and excited, Miguel Hidalgo. This was the favorite others, like Rod Millen, were more team for the Baja spectators, who are blase, although all.were obviously en- big fans of the Jourdains. David Manufa;turtri /2 Qi!!tributor qf an expanding and uniqu~ produ;~ line of mq\qrsP,ort\ ~rqdY,;t\, Creagan, James Wasson and. Mark Markos ran second here, with Woody Williams, Chris Lucas, Eric Place, and Keith Guenther in third. Fourth was the team of Rod Millen, Mouse McCoy (star of "Dust to Glory", winner of Class 22 at the Baja 500 this year, and recuperating from a badly broken leg), Robert Sutton and Richard Kelsey. They'd been in front, but had a bro-ken throttle spring and had to repair it with a spring from the muffler. Fifth was held by Sebastien Bourdais, Wally Fisk, and Glen Plake. They'd had to pinch off a rear brake line. Bourdais said, "It was a no-brainer -it just took 40 'minutes to figure it out." After that they had only front brakes of course, and tended to get stuck. Pro Farce Air • Significantly outflows other 'blower type• helmets .. • NOT a converted motorcycle helmet! -,,,_,, • lightweight Composite Shell '--.. s· J'),9-9. 9 9 • Snell SA-2000 Automotive Rated ., • Fire Resistant Interior Special wl FREE .._ _________ ""'-'Ii Helmet Bag I! LOWRANCE liP!i liy,,rteni• • B/W & Color Displays • 2" to 10.4" Screen Sizes • Portable & Panel Mount • Unlimited Mapping Vertex High Perform nee Radio !iy■tem■ 128 to 250 Channels • SO to 110 Watts of Transmitting Power! Alphanumeric Digital Display • 3 Year Warranty Exceeds Mil-Spec Standards Page 18 19.i!V Cardle s Impact Kit • ½" Drive • 216 ft-lbs. Torque • Carrying Case & Charger • Only 6.6 lbs.! • Vehicle Holster Available COMMUNICATION liOLlJTION!!i FOR RACINli& RECREATION • Intercoms & Radios • Satellite Phones • Base Station Antennas • NEW! Carbon Fiber Headsets • Scanners • 105, 135. 150, & 235 CFM Models Available Lightweight & Reduced Amperage • 3M Hepa & CO Fitter Options • BAJA PROVEN ~ -1::::Tool ~ Globalitar!/ J~nuary 2006 At San Telmo Sutton; Kelsey, McCoy and Millen were back in front. They'd h[ld some flats, and McCoy was driving with his visor open, and his eyes were full of dust. They had only a minute on Wasson, Creagan and Markos. ln third it was Lucas, Place, Guenther and Williams. The Jourdains and Hidalgo dropped to fourth. They'd had throttle problems and were added , oil every 40 miles. Boudais, Fisk and Plake ran fifth. Sutton, Kelsey, Millen and McCoy held their lead and took i:he win. Less than a hour behind them, Wasson, Markos and Creagan were second. In third it was the Jourdain family and - Miguel Hidalgo. The Jourdains, who won last year, said this year the "course was rough, completely different from last year." In fourth it was Bourdais, Fisk and Plake who'd had to do some digging after being high-centered. And fifth place went to Jim and Matt Christensen and Mark Goggin. Goggin, who was racing in his third 1000, had pumper helmet trouble, drove with his visor up, and his eyes were in bad shape. Ten of these cars finished, a tribute to good race prep, and fine pit service. The Baja 1000 proved to be too much for Class 7S. They showed up five strong, but none made it to the finish. A couple of long-time racers, Bill Rodriguez and John Holmes, both in Fords, were out before Borrego. Then Mike Horner, Toyota, and Tyler Fox, Ford, who'd been leading, fell by the wayside after Borrego and before Chanate wash. That left Ted Moncure moving along by himself in his Toyota. He's used up some 22 hours and 42 minutes by the time he got to San Telmo, but then he also disappeared off the charts. So it was a total wipe out for Class 7S. Class 7SX didn't fare any better. There were five of these also. Dan Street had the lead at Alamo, with five min-utes on Jeff Lloyd in his Ford. Noe Sierra ran third, another 12 minutes back in his Ford. Rich Severson and Ed Everett had already gone into re-· Dusty Times

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Marion and Francisco Reynoso and Daniel Cambreros were third in Bill and Dave Gasper drove to a third place finish in Class 10, seen Third place in SCORE LITE went to Tito and Noe Tapia, seen here in Class 5-1600, the were just three minutes out of second place. here near the start of their long run. =c-----==== flight, heading towards that checkered flag~·------Gustavo Vi/do/sofa Jr. and Rick D Johnson drove their Toyota Tundra The Jourdains, Michel, Bernard, Michel Sr. and Jean Jourdain finished Vince DeMaio and Dan Fresh drove their super looking Jeep to a decent third place finish in Pro Truck. third in the Baja Challenge Class, seen here at touchdown. Cherokee to the Overall Sportsman win at the Baja 1000. pair-mode in their ford. Ricardo What a disappointment. Castanon and ers, Antonio Gobbi, and Pino Morales. behind the lead car. It was still a re-lems, and their car stalled every time Castanon and Wilfredo Salazar, an- Salazar got there about six hours ear-Jose Angulo and Enrique Chapela were markably tight race, and the win would it went through some water. All told, other Ford, were about a half hour fur-lier, but finishing without a Rally Log-second, a minute later, and Nunez ran go to whichever team avoided disaster there were 10 finishers in this class. ther back. ger is also a non-finish. Another bit-third, having some plug problems. in the final few miles. The Stock Full class had eight start-They all got to Borrego, but the Si-ter disappointment. Sanchez was still fourth, and Negrete, Rivera and Nunez, wily old veter- ers, five Hummers, two Fords and a erra truck was now in the lead, and The 5-1600s came out of the wood Iribe and Venegas had dropped to fiftl} ans, had no serious problems, had no Nissan. Josh Hall had the early lead in Severson and Everett were second. By work for this event, and started the place. flats, and floated up to the top to take his HZ Hummer, with about nine min-Chanate Wash Severson had taken over day with 20 entries. Marcos Nunez put When they got to the west side of the win. McAnelly and the Rascons, utes on Billy Bunch and Dave Turner the point, the Sierra truck was out, as his car into the lead at Alamo, with the peninsula again, it was three and still an hour behind the leader, were in their Ford at Alamo. But when they was Lloyd, and Street ran about three Ernesto and Adolfo Arambula and four o'clock in the morning for the second. The Reynosos, who'd had three got to Borrego, Bunch and Turner had hours behind Severson. Castanon and Hector Ramos only two minutes be-leaders. Miguel Pablo ff, Octavio flats, finished third, three minutes the lead, with 13 minutes on Hall. Now Salazar had crashed a tree somewhere hind him. In third it was Ernie· Zamorraand Tomas Fernandez held the later, and in fourth it was Pabloff, Mike Winkel, in the Hall team's H 1 along the line, and they'd lost their Negrete, Carlos Iribe and Oscar lead there, while Nunez's co-driver, Zamorra and Fernandez, another seven Hummer, ran third. Winkel got out at Rally Logger (the GPS tracker every-Venegas, and David Sanchez ran fourth, Norberto Rivera was second. They lost minutes back. Steve Landis, James Borrego and Chad Hall climbed in, one is required to carry while racing). followed by Rodrigo Moreno, who was an alternator belt. Mario and Fran- Tedford and Greg Ferruzzo moved up and into the seat beside him climbed Severson lost his transmission at only six minutes behind the lead car. cisco Reynoso were now third, and they to finish fifth. Moreno, Gobbi, and Damien Michelin, brother of Edouard, about Mile 410, mostly as a result of They were still in a very tight pack at were having flat tires. In fourth it was Morales were sixth, the Arambulas and President of Groupe Michelin, the par-those "long, soft sand hills." He parked this point. Moreno, Gobbi, and Morales, who'd Ramos were seventh, and Tim Sanchez, ent company of BFGoodrich Tires. He rather than go to the bitter end and be But the Summit and the sands of rolled their car over twice, putting a who had his daughter Brittany, riding rode through all the bumps and whoops stuck somewhere inhospitable. Street the washes on the east side did some huge dent in the back of the roof. Mark along, and Andy De Vercelly IV and to the Chanate Wash pit. It surely gave went on, and actually got to the finish shuffling around. At Borrego the lead McAnelly and Carlos and Juan Rascon Joey Westhoff as co-drivers, finished him a graphic demonstration of the · · · · · · had moved up to fifth, only an hour eighth. They'd had some brake prob- hazards facing the company's tires in The Stock Full Class win went to the Josh Haff - Sam Cothron - Thad Stump trio, Jim Nuckles and Jeff Dickerson took the Pro Truck win, but it was close, their seen here in their H-2 Hummer. competition was less than three minutes behind them. Baja. All the others were still on the move. When they got to Chanate Wash Bob Graham and his Nissan had dropped out, and so did Chris Kasper, in another Hummer. Now Josh Hall had the lead again, with a halfh our on Chad and Winkel. In third it was John Griffin, in another Hl Hummer. Terry and Eric Henn ran fourth, in still another H 1, and Bunch and Turner had lost about four hours some-where, while Kreg Donahoe's big die-sel powered Ford, which went off the line with power Guru Gale Banks at the helm, was struggling. Ultimately it got down to one wheel drive, and that wasn't enough to move the big truck through any soft spots, so Donahoe and Banks called it a day early. Continued on page 59 Larry and Chad Ragland didn't have the best of days, they finished L J Kennedy and Wayne Lacher drove their Porter to a fourth place Mark Post and Curt LeDuc didn't, have the greatest of races, they fourth in the Trophy Truck contest in their Chevy. finish in Class ½-1600, seen here in a hard righter. finished fifth in Trophy Truck in their Ford. Dusty Times January 2006 Page .19

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l.l\.lc:!C::: 41ST RALLY RACC CATALUNYA Loeb/Citroen Take 10th Win B:, Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena moved into double digits as the won their ICJI' rally of 2005, seen here in their Citroen Xsara. Tenth time this season, Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena have climbed to the top of the winner's podium. "It was another perfect rally, but it is a bit early to talk about the chance of winning an 11th time! Just at this moment, we are simply happy that Citroen has won the Manufacturers' title for the third time running." Loeb was forever appreciative about the work of everyone who had made his amazing run of successes possible, and aware that the Junior title for Dani Sordo was just as important. "We Page 20 had just one worrying moment all rally, when we slid with two wheels on the grass at 200kph. That was even more frightening than when we met the cow on a stage a few rallies be-fore." Loeb eventually headed his teammate Francois Duval into a 1-2 result, which until the final stage had nearly been 1-2-3 before the Ford driven by Mikko Hirvonen beat Xavier Pons to the podium. A new headquarters base was cho-sen for this event. Instead of the Costa Brava area north of Barcelona, the rally was run entirely based to the south of the Barcelona region, in the .Piorat wine region near Tarragona, so Salou replaced Lloret de Mar as the base town for the RallyRACC Catalunya. While the Ceremonial Start and Finish were held in Salou itself, the rally headquarters, media centre and Service Park were at the PortAventura Theme Park complex, 2-3km from Salou. This region has often featured as the alternative area for stages to the traditional ones in the hinterland of the Costa Brava, January 2006 Daniel Sordo and Marc Marti took the honors in JWRC, they are seen here at speed in their Citroen C2 at Catalunya. but never for more than one day of rallying. Although many of the roads used this year were the same as those which featured the last time a world championship event was in this re-gion, in 2002, many roads had been resurfaced, and this led to a lot of change of character. In previous years the stages in this area have been fast and flowing and reasonably wide: the closest that rallying came to circuit racing, with a high level of grip. Cor-ner cutting has always been dramatic and dangerous for the cars. This year this opportunity had been substan-tially reduced. It was the penultimate round of the 2005 championship, and the final event to be held on as-phalt surfaces. For a team which has been so suc-cessful in national Spanish rallying, it was strange that the world champi-onship Citroen team had never won this event, although six years ago they did win the rally with a Kit Car! Their second team car had to be changed after Francois Duval crashed in Corsica, while all the other team cars were the same. This rally was the fmal official appearance of the current model Ford Focus WRC, a last fling for the team which had not won a world rally since this event a year ago. Mitsubishi made a last minute deci-sion on their number two driver: it was Gianluigi Galli but this time they only had a two car team here. Nicolas Bernardi was again Peugeot's nomi-nated second driver. He won the JWRC category on this event last year, driving a car from another French manufacturer ... Prodrive had a re-cent busy period in the Mediterra-nean region. Before Corsica, Petter Solberg completed a three day gravel test of the 2006 lmpreza WRC in Sardinia, while scoop pictures of the new Focus in action gave encourag-ing signs that we really will see the 2006 car in action in Australia. Shakedown was held some way away from the rally headquarters, over a dramatically unguarded road near Falset. Fastest, and maybe brav-est driver was Duval who, over three kilometres, was over two seconds faster than Bernardi while the usual favourites were more cautious. The two rally chassis rule seemed to have happened without problem, as in-deed had the juxtaposition of events on successive weekends. This was a special weekend for the Super 1600 cars, because the Antibes Rally was being held in the South of France (final and deciding round in the Eu-ropean championship) and here in Spain as the final round of the 2005 JuniorWRC. The number of contenders was down to two, between Dani Sordo and Guy Wilks. Sordo's adventures started at Shakedown when an alter-nator belt snapped and became en-tangled with the camshaft belt. Over-night, this required a cylinder head change while the crew walked over the ramp at the Ceremonial Start. All 13 JWRC contenders were at this event, the third time there had been a "full house" this year. Leg 1 6 Stages, asphalt, 155.82kms. Clouds hung over the hills as the rally headed away from Salou. It was difficult to know what the roads, which had been dry the day before, would now be like. Most drivers chose tyres which in fact proved to be too hard to be ideal. Sebastien Loeb started off in full command, 10 sec-onds quicker than Marcus Gronholm on the first stage, and pulled out an-other seven seconds on the second. Francois Duval hit a bank on the side of the road on the first stage and had a bad vibration caused by mud stuck in the wheel spokes, but rose to sec-ond place on Stage 2. Gronholm, against the trend, imagined the con-ditions would be wet and fitted tyres which did him well on the damp patches on the opening stage, but dropped him back on the second, when he fell from second place to fourth. There was little early techni-cal trouble at the top although Harri Rovanpera immediately suffered transmission pneumatic pressure problems on the first stage, as in Francois Duval and Sven Smeets were the silver medal winners, they are seen here hustling towards the checkers. Dusty Times

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Mikko Hirvonen and Jarmo Lehtinen made the podium in their Ford Nicholas Bernardi and Jean-Marc Fortin finished sixth overall at Marcus Granholm and Timo Rautiainen roar by an appreciative crowd, Focus, they're seen here heading towards their third place finish. Catalunya, seen here in their Peugeot 307. unfortunately they suffered engine failure in their Peugeot 307. Corsica. Both Stephane Sarrazin and petitors reported seeing no sign of a rear anti toll bar and found this the two opening stages, but not ev-ing his off road excursion in Corsica. Roman Kresta had big moments at yellow flags: Schwarz reported he had affected the handling badly. eryone took the Friday start. Alan Competitors behind Sordo were hav-the start of Stage 1, finding the con- been stopped a half minute in all the In JWRC, Daniel Sordo took the Scorcioni returned to Italy on ac-ing troubles with their tyres. Kris ditions very slippery at that point. chaos. The Stewards had a job to start on Friday morning with a new count of a business crisis, Luca Betti Meeka had to stop and change a flat Nicolas Bernardi used intermediate work out the fairest way to award cylinder head and the engine running opted not to start after being un- tyre, Urrno Aava and P.O. Ander-tyres which were even worse in the interruption times. Warmbold broke nicely enough to score best time on happy with the car's repairs follow-Continued on page 22 conditions than slicks and banged the back of his 307WRC hard. Armin Schwarz, the only top driver still not to have scored championship points this year, started badly after report-ing understeering trouble. Jan Kopecky punctured on the first stage and lost turbo boost on Stage 2. Dani Sola had a shock when he found his brakes were not properly bedded-in and as 18th car on the road found that a lot of mud had been thrown on to the tarmac by the earlier cars. Missing from the result of Stage 1 was Vouilloz's Fabia WRC, the driver off the road. The car was soon back in the service park being fettled ready for the next day. Stages 3 and 4 were challenges of another kind. Three was dry, 4 was humid. Everyone was good at one and bad at the other. Loeb continued to pull ahead. Gronholrn passed Kresta into third place. Good on Stage 3 were those on soft tyres like Sola, Xavier Pons and Gianlu~i Galli, good on 4 were drivers with hard tyres like Loeb, Gronholrn and Duval. Some drivers like Sarrazin and Mikko Hirvonen chose tyres which were too soft for Stage 3 ... Some like Bernardi just could ·not make a good decision. Petter Solberg' s challenge for victory ended near the finish of Stage 3 when he went off the road and broke the steering. Conditions on the final loop of the day were now very dry. Des-perate situations meant desperate measures and Rovanpera had the controlled central differential re-placed on his car by a viscous unit for the third loop, though Galli was doing very well with a revised con-trolled version. For the second day Harri planned to revert to the controlled system but with the experimental modifications which Galli had been enjoying since the start of the event. In the race for second place, Duval got back in front of Gronholrn on Stage 5 and pulled further ahead on Stage 6. Gronholrn: "Stage 6 (repeat of Stage 2) was dry and very fast which made it very difficult to place the car pre-cisely into the bends. I couldn't match Duval's time." The day ended with Loeb 4 3. 7 seconds ahead of his team-mate, the Makes' championship look-ing well assured, with Gronholrn an-other 10.4 seconds behind. Four Fords were in the next five places, with the only interloper being Galli in fifth place. On Stage 6 Sarrazin retired: he rolled the Subaru on a fast left-hander, the car caught fire but the crew were unhurt. This caused a ma-jor casino! The car ended up some 50 metres off the road in some bushes. Firemen were sent down the stage and following rally drivers found their way blocked by slow moving fire engines. In all this, corn-Dusty Times Rubicon shown with optional lumbar s er raft Seats an estraints Including: Scott Douglas Evan Evans Mike Julson Curt and Kyle Le Due Rob Maccachren John Marking Carl Renezeder Matt Scaroni Dave Smith and Dave Ashley · Scott Steinberger Shannon Campbell Aaron Dusenbery Walker Evans Johnny G. Mitch Guthrie Joachim Schweisow Tracy Jordan Jason Paule 1 800 565 4042 January 2006 Page 21

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Fourth overall went to Xavier Pons and Garlos def Barrio, their Citroen Armin Schwarz and Klaus Wicha finished 11th overall in their Skoda Jari-Matti Latvala makes ready to head off into the boonies in his Xsara seen here setting up for a right hander. Fabia, seen here on their way to the checkered flag. Subaru, he finished second in the Group N category. son drove on with flat tyres. Luca ning under the normal Leg 2 reverse found the reverse-seeding system was Rautenbach went off the road and Even on the final morning, Duval did Ceccettini went off the road and had order system) completed Stage 7 be- working badly, "There is so much the technical delegate refused permis-not know whether he would ever rally to be rescued by the owner of a fore the stage was halted because of mud thrown on the road from the sion for the damaged car to restart the Xsara again, but it seemed that nearby villa, eventually regaining the spectator ill-discipline, and again cars running in front of us!" (Sounds on the final day but Baldacci had his Duval's reliable drive had finally road, but then five kilometres later there was difficulty letting the com- familiar ... ) car rescued and was ready to start melted the heart of team boss Guy he went off the road again and gave petitors know what was happening. More drama on Stage 9 when it off again, still in third position in Frequelin, at least so far as the chance up for the day! Conrad Rautenbach Fifth car through the stage was began to rain, which caught most JWRC. of driving the number two car in damaged the front suspension and Antony Warmbold. "We only knew teams unaware, even though the Leg 3 Australia was concerned. again decided to wait for the next what was happening because our weather at the resort headquarters 3 Stages, asphalt, 68.08kms. In JWRC Aava had a drama as a morning before continuing. Meeke's team texted to warn us." After town of Salou was steadily rising The penalty for Hirvonen for de- driveshaft pulled out of the transmis-luck ran out for good when his co- Warmbold, the remaining competi-through to the upper ZO's. Next lay at service meant that Citroens sion housing as they drove away from driver turned two pages of his torsweresentthroughinconvoy.The drama came on Stage 10 when startedtheeventl-2-3overall,already theearlymorningservice.Theycured pacenote book at the same time and problem had a profound effect on Gardemeister's brakes failed due to Drivers' champion, prospective the problems but in their haste to get the CZ was stuck, undamaged, off the teams and their tyre choices. a severed pipe, completely without Makes and Junior champions, the to the first stage on time they left their the road, while Guy Wilks found he Competitors had chosen a corn pro- warning. He slid off the road and got sun was shining over Salou, it was handbrake on, so they did the first suffered on the uphill stretches, Mirco mise tyre thinking about Stage 7 and stuck on a bank but despite the good dry over the hills, so what could go two stages of the day with no rear Baldacci's Fiat passing him into sec-8 together. First car on the road was work of manyspectatprs he lost over wrong? Nothing much! With one brakes. In Group N Jari-Matti ond place behind Sordo. Pavel Atkinson, "To regroup the cars after 12 minutes and dropped to 17th stage to go, Petter Solberg made his Latvala, having lost over three min-Valousek punctured in Stage 4 and the problems on Stage 7, we were held place. Kresta had small excursions off first scratch time of the event. Xavier utes with punctures during the first he had to change the wheel on the up 12 minutes at the start of Stage 8, on both Stages 9 and 10 and fell back Pons was pulling away from two days, had settled for second place. stage. Andersson disappeared from and this allowed the tyres to cool t sixth, and then Sola went a long Hirvonen, while Antony Warmbold Running at the back of the field was a the rally on Stage 5. After Stage 5 down and we were not given proper way off the road and retired. So the was drawing away from Jan Kopecky. development Fiesta, its earlier gearbox Baldacci was exactly equal in second time to re-pressure the tyres so we privateer Hirvonen was now the best Toni Gardemeister slid off the road problem being discovered to have been place with Wilks. Four of the JWRC made a bad time." Ford at fourth overall and the best into a ditch and lost another four relatively minor, and Justin Dale even-cars went through Stage 6 but were The problems of having chosen non-French car, the private Citroen minutes, but there was some cheer tually reached the finish with no seri-caught up in the Sarrazin maelstrom. tyres which turned out to have been of Pons was fifth. Rovanpera again waiting for Ford. Their private driver ous problems. So at the head of the Undisputed leader at that time was unsuitable were endless. Mitsubishi had pneumatic pressure failure. The Hirvonen made best time on the fi-field as the record brooks continue to Sordo who took 6.6 seconds off had fitted Rovanpera's car with an two Citroens were now cruising to nal stage and got to the end of the be re-written: Loeb is now equal with Wilks on Stage 6, to lead at the end active transmission and the modified the finish, but behind them there was rallv just 1.2 seconds in front of Pons. Didier Auriol and Markku Alen and of the day by 16.0 seconds. Then the gearshift system and he was happier trouble Gronholm. His water radia- This podium finish for the 2003/5 co-driver Daniel Elena is equal with Stewards got involved in the pre-event in that respect at least, though the tor was punctured and the water tern- version Focus before the 2006 car Seppo Herjanne on 20 WCR wins. happeningsforSordoanddiscovered handlingwasstillnotgood.Stage8 perature rose to 147 degrees. He starts in Australia was also Citroenwith25winshasnowpassed that not only had the cylinder head brought mixed emotions for Mitsu- reached the end of Stage 12 but could Hirvonen' s best WCR result. There Audi in the number of manufacturer of the Citroen been changed, but so bishi, Galli made best time but im-not get back to Salou. Citroen's was, however, uncertainty in the air. wins in the series. lAJi:!C: had the block. For this offence they mediately crashed his car into a wall Manufacturers' title, their second title issued a 60 second penalty against after the finish line and he was out of of the day, was now assured. the Spanish driver. Loss of honour, the event! Galli told his team that it Rovanpera was back to an uncon-but in fact it was not likely to affect was a pacenote error, spectators said trolled viscous coupling differential the outcome of the championship. he (and several other drivers had to again. Schwarz also had gearbox fail-Suzuki people, meanwhile sensed swerve in the middle of the flat out ure (arriving at service with only fifth something more drastic than a cylin-blind bend to avoid the flying finish and sixth gears left),. Kopecky had der head change had been involved boards which had fallen into the worn away his titanium undershield. and reckoned Sordo has been let off road). Funny aside, his best time on The excitement appeared to have fin-lightly. The following morning would the stage was enough to elevate the ished. Hirvonen needed to change an tell the world what was the official Mitsubishi man to fourth place over- oil pump drive belt and he incurred classification in the category. In all but instantly he was now out! a penalty leaving service so at the end Group N Corsica category winner Bernardi lost his brakes for 20km of the day the Spanish OMV driver Jari-Matti Latvala started off in the on Stage 8. Hirvonen was lucky be- Xavier Pons was third and Hirvonen lead but on Stage 2 he stopped to cause he had made quite the wrong fourth. As darkness fell at the service change a flat tyre, letting Garcia- tyre choice, but now it didn't mat- park so the party spirit came along, Ojed~ ahead. ter ... Gardemeister was unhappy be-the reason being Michelin competi-Leg 2 causesomuchoftherallydemanded tion boss Pierre Dupasqier's retire-6 stages, ashpalt, 134 .85kms. medium dry weather tyres and he had ment from the company, the second All 50 cars on the restart list not nominated any compound be- such celebration after he had earlier turned up, but missing was Vouilloz tween the hard and the soft dry tyres. said farewell to his Formula 1 friends and Andersson after their accidents Then came news that Bengue, lying in Shanghai. Finally the affairs of the the day before. Saturday got off to a 12th the top laced Skoda was out, night before were solved, which es-bad start. Only the first four cars (run- retired with gearbox failure. Loeb sentially affected the JWRC cars. Al-Second place in the JWRC category was the Suzuki lgnis of Kosti Katajamaki and Timo Alanne, seen here passing and injured competitor. Page 22 though in reality Baldacci and Wilks were exactly equal on time, Wilks was given an interruption time on Stage 6 so that he was 3.2 seconds in front of Baldacci, but when the one minute penalty came along, Sordo dropped down to third and Wilks was leading the category! Big news on Stage 8 was the exit of Wilks, so the title chase was over, and whatever now hap-pened Sordo was the Champion,. Valousek had brake problems. It continued to be a Fiat day in Spain, even though the Renault driver Travaglia was heading towards the ECR title in his Renault in France. Baldacci, under pressure from Sordo who was catching him up, went off the slippery roads near the end of the final stage of the day and Valousek went off as well. January 200& 41ST RallyRACC Cataulya-Costa Oal.l'llda (E) Salou 27/'YJ.10.2005 ~R roim 15, J'f\RC rouod 8 ~ Pons V.R v.o JC 1 (1) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena F/MC Citroen Xaara \\RC 583DEX78 (F) 3h.31m.07.0a. 10 10 -2 (2) Francois DlNAUSven Smeeta B Citroen Xaara \\RC 945DGC78 (F) 3h.32m.28.9a. 8 8 3 (18) Mikko Hlrvonen/Jamo Lehtnn FIN Ford Focus \\RC EJ02KMV (GB) 3h.33m.53.7a. - 6 4 (19) Xevier Pona/Catos dal Barrio E Cllroen X... \\RC 76CXN78 (F) 3h.33m.54.9a. - .5 5 (4) Roman KRESTA/Jan Tomanek CZ Ford Focua WRC EF04\WW(GB) 3h.34m.31.6s. 6 4 6 (8) Nicolas BERNAROUJean.Marc Fortin F/8 Peugeot 307 \I.RC 471P'M.75 (F) 3h.35m.18.4a. 5 3 7 (15) Antony Wlnnbold/Mk:haet Orr DIGS Ford Focus \\RC ET53UJP (GB) ~.36m.07.3a. • 2 8 (17) Jan Kopecky/FUip Schovanek CZ Skoda Fabia \\RC 4S8 9174 (CZ) 3h.36m.29.3a. - 1 9 (16) Chris Alklnaon/Glem Macneal! AUS Subaru lmpreza \\RC EC54\'.RC (GB) 3h.36m.47.21. -10 (9) Harri ROVANPERA/Risto Pietilainen FIN Mitlubishl Lancer WRC l<R05ZKL (GB) 3h.38m.46.3a. 4 Other important finiehers . 11 (11) ArminSCHWA~'Mcha D SkodaFlbia \I.RC 485 3382 (CZ) 3h.40n.03.6s. 3 12 (41) Daniel SordolMac Marti E Citroen C2 J'f\RC NWY003 (B) 3h.48m.27.71.• -10 13 (5) Patter SOLBERG/Philip MU11 NC54't\RC (GB) 3h.49m.07.91.(3) 2 N/GB Subaru lmp,a:za \\RC 14 (3) Toni GARDEMEISTER/Jakka HonkananFIN Ford Focus \\RC ~Fcm (G:~r!:is:i=~• R~. IRL/GB Ford Focus VI.RC R550TH (GB) 3h.51m.35.2a. -18 (33) Koati Katajanaki/T"11110 Alame AN Suzuki ll,li1 JV.RC IYY483 (H) 3h.53m.28.8s. - 8 17 (34) Mirc:o Baldacci.'Giovami Bemacc:hini RSM/I Fiat Punto J't\RC CE039WE (I) 3h.53m.50.4a.(1) 6 18 (73) Enrique Garcia-Ojada/Jordi Blmlbas E Subwu lmpreza N 775688K (E) 3h.S4m.27.0a ... -21 (36) Urmo AavalKIJldar Sikk EE Suzuki lgnia J'f\RC JFR212 (H) 3h.58m.15.9s. - 5 22 (43) Martin Prokop/Petr Gl0u CZ JV.RC . 1J7 7113 (CZ) 3h.59m.05.91. -23 (42) Pavel Valousek/Piarangelo Scalvini lgnls JV.RC 2Z4 0700 (CZ) -4h.02m.07.8s.(1) Suzuki lgnia 4 CZ/I Suzuki 3 28 (35) Kris Maake/Glam Patterson GB Citroen C2 J'f\RC NWt'001 (8) -4h.09m.59.5s.(4) 2 39 (39) Luca Cecchattlnl/Massimo Dadoveri Fiat PIX!lo J'f\RC BZ5&4ZV (I) -4h.36m.29.2a.(5) 1 58 (13 J'f\RC) starters. 40 (8 J't\RC) finishers. •JVI.RCISUPER 1600 winner. ""GROUP N winner. MANUFACTURER'S REGISTERED DRIVER . (Missed Stages or Road Sac::tiona.) Wnner's average apaact av« stages 101.96kph. Dusty Times

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ceoaf> -Mexicana Logistics 300 By Byrle Moore & Victor Garsca Photos: Foto-Baja-Mex Leo and Alex Navarrete had a great run, they covered the required laps in 3:50:02 to take the Class 1600 win over 23 other competitors. · In the world of off road rac-rear tires on this writer/ even for Laguna Salada stan-ing there are several different photographer's truck, look for dards. Visible rocks and invisible types of racing. Short course, in- a place to shoot, vehicle. And I rocks. Rocks hidden in the dust ter state, inter country, rock was only going about 15 miles and buried just below the silt climbing, etc. In the case of the an hour. Can you imagine hit-and dirt. But that's why we call latest, CODE produced event, ting some of these things at 90 if off road. Ain't no pavement we had some of at least two of plus??? or traffic signs out there. the above types. Thanks to Anyway, the 2005 version I only have the leader board Mother Nature's rains over the Mexicana Logistics 300 is now for the bikes and quads and a past year and the layout by the history and below is the story/ few nots on the cars and trucks. CODE people the first 30 miles report of how things went. The One hundred and forty-three of their 100 plus mile course we bikes and quads got underway cars and trucks and another 65 could have called a rock climb. just as the sun was peeking over bikes and ql\ads were at the line Not necessarily vertical, but the the ridges to the east and the and mostly ready to go Satur-rocks were there. There were trucks and cars followed at day morning. Sixty-six cars and rocks of all sizes, shapes and de-shortly after nine. As stated the trucks and all but nine of the scription. Rocks that cut the two first 30 miles were rough. Rough quads and bikes made it to the "'·'''·'''' • soo.,s,.111, 103 Ams-~ Suite 114 • Chula Vista, CA 91910 ~racereadyproduds.eom Page 24 January 2006 Shawn and Larry Mccallum took the Class 1 and the overall victory, they had 15 minutes in hand at the end of the race. Javier Robles was a bit off the overall pace but he still pulled off the Class 10 victory, seen here at speed. checkered. In this race a 50 per-cent finish rate for the big stuff is a good finish rate. May be easier to drive around the rocks on a bike or quad for the most part, but don't try to confirm this with the bike guy, who broke a leg, in the first 20 miles. The Gustavo Pinuelas clan, Senior and Junior, were the winners in the Class 12 competition, seen here heading for the checkers. MORE IIAPF-all&Szsc PARKLANDS, 2121 SoUTH AFRICA (011)788-5138 FAX (011 ) 880-2170 TovsFoRTOTs (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADILLA VALLEY SPORTS CtNrER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <> VORRA VALLEY OPP RoAD RAcING AssoclAnoN 910 HILLCREST STREET PIACERVILLE, CA 95667 530-622-03 70 March 4-5, 2006 Prairie City Short Course Prairie City, CA April 1-2, 2006 Prairie City Short Course Prairie City, CA April 22-23, 2006 Desert Race Lovelock, NV May 26-29, 2006 Desert Race Yerington, NV July 1-3, 2006 Desert Race Yerington, NV September 1-4, 2006 Desert Race Hawthorne, NV September JO-October 1, 2006 Short Course Prairie City, CA October 14-15, 2006 Short Course Prairie City, CA October 28-29, 2006 Short Course Prairie City, CA November 11, 2006 Drivers Meeting & Awards Banquet VICENTE GUERRERO OPPRoADCuJB PROFO. CENOVIO GAMBOA OJ 1-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 P.M.) WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION LARRY HENDERSON Happenings continued at bottom of page 29 Dusty Times

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Gustavo Vildosola, Jr. and Sr. were second to finish in Class 1, they The Lopez/Los Cobos truck had big troubles on The Garcia/Montes 1600 car led the first lap, had problems on lap 2 were second overall also with an average speed over 60mph. the,r second lap, they hmshed a long second place m Class 8. and ended up in second place in class. He will be back. problems the Michelle of carburetor problems, Pietro Brasea's time was 4:00:58 for The Class 1600 guys were Father and son team of Larry Bruckmann, Vic Bruckmann en-Brasea had been out front all the silver. Meanwhile Luivan having their own adventures. and Shawn McCall um shared tourage took the Class 5 win. day. In fact, he had the fastest Volker was dealing not only with The Navarrete crew headed by the driving chores and came Their winning time was four lap time in Class 5 and was go- a bad carburetor, but with Leo and Alex Navarrete didn't away with the overall and the hours and five minutes flat. On ing strong into the second when starter problems too. Time for get a whole lot of sleep over the Class 1 win. Larry drove the first to the championship? Speaking his carb gave up the ghost. the third spot was 5:36: 19. Continued on page 26 lap and had a nice clean race until just before the change over at the pits where they discovered a flat tire. With a change of tires and drivers Shawn took the wheel and had an uneventful second lap. The combined time of 3: 12:24 was the fastest of the day. Son went seven minutes faster than father, however if you don't count the flat tire, it was probably a lot closer than that. They also discovered a bad c.v. joint when they went through after tech. Another father and son team,. Gustavo Vildosola and Gustavo Vildosola Jr., went 3:27:25 for the second fastest time of the day. This with three tire changes and an encounter with a tree for the younger Gus and here the father was six minutes faster than the son for his part in the .two lap race. The bronze went to Lee Finke who reported no problems during his run of 4:30:54. Class IO had two entries, and Javier Robles soloed his run los-ing a power steering belt and an oil cap. His winning time was 3:37:29. The other two guys were wishing they could have been so lucky. Jose Lopez and co-driver Pete Morquecho broke an upper shock mount on their Jimco Toyota, limped back to the pits, welded everything together, got back on the course only to get a flat tire and then ran out of fuel right at the end of the last lap. Their finishing time was 5:54:45. Yet another father and son team took the Class 12 honors. Gustavo Pinuelas Junior and Senior reported no problems on the way to a winning time of 3:41:40. Doug and Rudy Aleman were scheduled to leave the green at 09:03:30 but I don't know if they started or broke or whatever. They were not heard from again. Beny Canela used his Indio luck to drive and finish a clean race. He was also somewhat elated to find that the leaders of the 8 class, Juan Carlos Lopez and Ricardo de Los Cobos, who had been out in front of every-body, all day, broke the center link on the rear of the F-150 and had to stop for some weld-ing, but still managed to hold on to second place in class. Third place went to the Bravo boys, Armando and Allen A. Canela's finishing time was 4:35:51, Lopez managed a 5:35:40 and the Bravos went 7: 13: 12. Even with some carburetor Dusty Times January 2006 Page 25

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enough for fourth overall. Alex Almaraz took second place af-ter losing some fiberglass and a couple of flat tires. His time was 4: 15:46. (Talk to Perry about that fiberglass?) The third place finisher was Rafael Reyes who copped a 4: 19:43 but didn't wait around to talk about it. Two other finishers in the class were Gelacio Beltran with a 5:42:28 and Oscar Rebeles in with a 5:48:35. Beny Canela and David Bryan made it look easy, they took the Class B victory with almost an hour to spare at the checkers. Class 5-1600 had a total of 12 entries and five of them had times. First across the line was Jose Montoya who was debuting a new car. Montoya reported no mechanical problems, just a lot The Bruckmann family, MichelleandV-,chadagreatrun, they took the Class 5 win of traffic to work through on by 15 minutes, seen here in their great looking car. his way to a winning time of weekend. They spent most all of Friday night rewiring their ve-hicle. At 4 a.m. they took it out for a test run and found that it's a little difficult trying to wire a car, at night, in the desert. With some grinding and some switching and some tie wraps they finally got it figured out just before the green. Alex was the first driver for the day and he managed to work his way through a lot of traffic and into the lead. Leo took over and drove a very hard race even los-ing radio contact with the crew. A little later and after much shouting about the split times he crossed the finish with a winning time of 3:50:02. Hector "Pacho" Garcia drove a clean race with no reportable problems but still came up 10 minutes short with a 4:00:58 time for second. Bronze went to Paul Keller who had one flat during the first lap McNeil and the Class 7. Perry reported no problems with the 4:44:46. Second place finisher and came up with a 4:03:53 fin-has been doing this for a while run, not even one flat tire. was Julian Patron who had a flat ishing time. and managed to drive around McNeil's winning time was a very at Race Mile 4 and worked Now we come to Perry most of the sharper rock.s. He quick. 3:40:45 and was also fast through a bad carburetor too. .--------------'------------"-------, .-:;.,------------------'::..._--------~ Perry McNeil and Vicente Dominguez were the Class 7 winners, they had 35 minutes in hand when the checkered flag flew. The Montoya/Hernandez duo had a great day, they were the Class 5-1600 winners, seen here on their way to the checkers. Mallin" VP '\/Vest T: (951 )674-9167 F:(951 )674-7367 email: www_vpracingfuels_com Page 26 January 2006 Dusty Times •

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Alex Amaraz and Juan Sanchotena were the long second place The Julian Patron's, Jr. and Sr. had a decent race, they took the silver Daniel Reyes an·d Julian Rivero were a very close second place in finishers in Class 7, seen here at speed out on the course. _m_edal~_i_n_the __ Class~~5-~1_600~_ba_ffl_e_. ~~----~-~~-the Class 9 contest, they were four minutes out of the win. His time was 5: 15:47. Third spot headed the nine class. Garcia but had to settle for a second There were only five starters continued their leading ways went to Albert Castro who suf-brought his 946 car in for his place time of 5:01: 2 9. The in Class 7S and three of them and Tony got his first win of the fered two flats and a small delay fifth straight win and continues bronze went to Alonso Jaquez had times. Noe and Tony Si"rra CODE season. Second place fin-in the pits at the start of the sec-in a tight race for the point's and Victor Arce with a time of led this pack with a time of isher was Enrique Loam with a ond lap. His time was 5: 19:58. championship. His gold time was 5: 19:39. There were 14 starters 5:43:46. Noe started the day, time of 6: 13:54. Enrique didn't Eliseo Garcia, who reported 4:57:46. Daniel Reyes and Julian in Class 9 and nine of them made drove a nice clean race, turned stop to chat either. Third spot a great, clean day of racing, Rivero chased the leader all day it back. to the black and white. the driving over to Tony who went to Romulo and Agustin Eliseo Garcia and Ramon Manriquez took the Class 9 honors, the competition Brothers Noe and Tony Sierra had a good run, they took the 7S win with almost half was tough, they only had three minutes in hand s3t the flag. an hour in hand wheri the checkers flew. ·another Fonseca who went upside down at Mile 7 5 of the first lap. They got things righted and reported no further problems and had a time of 8:27:45. At least they fin-ished. G ustavo Villasenor reported a clean race and won the Class 11 field with a one lap time of 2:55:54. Jose Ramon Rodriguez and Luis A. Rodriguez took the second spot with a time of 3:06:26. There was some confu-sion as to driver changes there-fore Luis was not awarded start/ finisher points for this race. Third place went to Miguel Mexia and Mario Flores. Again confusion reigned. Mario fought a broken throttle cable all day, Continued on page 28 ® The Suspension Company. Dusty Times January 2006 Page 27

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The Loam/Iriarte truck finished second in the Class 7S contest, they Jose and Luis Rodriguez were the silver medal winners in Class 11, The Obeso/Gasi/las Sportsman ent,y was a bit off the winning pace, were almost half an hour in arrears at the finish. they are seen here in their really good looking bug. they finished second in the Class 14 conflict. The win in the hotly contested Class 11 conflict went to the Villasenor clan, they're seen here in their ve,y good looking bug. which cost him 10 minutes. been leading the whole way and There was supposed to be driver had to watch the first and sec-change at Race Mile 15; some ond place finishers pass him as sort of mix up in communica-he waited for the change. Tough tions, and Flores drove to within luck, guys. 100 yards of the finish, where Jose Luis Sanchez and Chris-he waited for Miguel. He had tian Espinoza headed Class 14. were shared with his son-in-law Gregorio Casillas. The bronze went to Ivan Pacheco and Arturo Rodriguez with a time of 4:46:20. A new driver in Class 14 was Hector Perez. Formally a Class 9 participant, Hector spent the day learning about power steering and extended suspen54.on travel. He had a re-spectable time of 5:45:02 on his first try at the wheel of a Class 14 car. Thirteen entries in Class 15 and nobody wanted to talk about the race. Guess they need to find a PR person? The win-ner was the father/son team of Fritz Ochs and Fritz Ochs, Jr. The Sanchez/Ezpinoza team were the big winners in Sportsman Class 14, they Their first place time was had50minutesinhandatraceend. 5:36:23. A little less than a This team returned after a less than successful outing at Jacume. They shared the driving in this Logistics race with a cousin Carlos Davila. A new engine and tranny helpeq the team back into its winning ways. Their time of 4:09: 13 won not only the class but was also the fastest overall for the Sportsman category. Rodrigo Obeso was dealing with a bad rear suspension setup and had to settle for a second place time of 4:37:05. Driving chores minute back was the team of Carlos and Rolando de Los Palos with a time of 5:37:09 and 10 minutes further back was the team of Elverado Garcia and Jorge Mendoza with a third place time of 5:47:17. 2DD4-D5 GM Colorado And Canyon 4WD/ eWD Z-71 Ii Dff-Flaacl Pug ··-..... 4" Suspension System . , . ··. . J~,--. , Engineering at its best brings you the 4" Skyjacker® suspension lift for the GM Colorado and Canyon, which includes CNC machined steering knuckles, front & rear crossmembers, differential drop brackets and unique torsion bar relocation brackets. Installation requires no cutting or welding and the factory steering assembly requires no modifications. Rear lift options are Softride® rear leaf springs or add-a-leafs. B£N£F/TS • Retains Factory Alignment Specifications • Retains Factory Structural Strength • Vehicle Can Be Returned To Factory Height • Quick And Simple Installation 2DDS Honda Ridgeline e" Lift Keeping with Skyjacker's design for the earlier Tacoma's, Skyjacker® has developed a 2.5"-3" Suspension lift for the NEW ·os-·05 Tacoma 2WD Pre-Runner/4WD. The lift features Platinum Series front coil-over shocks with 2" outside diameter, 15" Softride® coil springs and all the necessary mounting hardware. The rear lift is achieved using Skyjacker® rear Leaf Springs or Add-A-Leafs. This is a high performance Skyjacker® Skyjacker's 2" lift for the new Honda Ridgeline 4x4 offers a great lift at a great price. This new 2" lift utilizes the factory struts thus retaining the factory ride quality suspension complete with all the options and the ease of a simple bolt-on installation. B£N£FITS • Increased Wheel Travel • Improved Handling Characteristics • Quick and Simple Installation • Improved On and Off-Road Handling ' ,,. y~ :·1 , To locate an Authorized Skyjacker® Dealer call ·4 :1t\. and handling characteristics. The bolt-on lift for the 2006 Honda Ridgeline includes new heavy-duty, red powder coated front and rear strut spacers and all the necessary Grade 8 mounting hardware. B£N£FITS • Retains Factory Ride Quality • Quick and Simple Installation • Vehicle Can Be Returned To Factory Height l-f4i~1~, ).866.4.A DEALER ext. 5034 or visit us on the web at ,,)1!Ym~y 0{ «y~ , , , ~ 4< : }J , Page 28 January 2006 Dusty Times

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The De Los Palos brothers led the first lap, slowed on the second lap Class 18 only had to run one lap, Gabriel Lara and Domingo Naranjo Alberto Varela and Cesar Cota took home the silver medal in the and ended up 46 seconds out of the Class 15 win. finished second in class, seen here at speed. Safari Class, seen here headin for the checkers. C ass 18 just eeps on grow-ing. There were 11 starters and eight of them had times. Win-ner was the team of Gustavo and Gustavo F. Coronado. They reported some header bolt problems but managed the gold with a time of 2: 13:48. Gabriel Lara was slowed by the traffic, lost a little time in the pits and some time spent get-ting through the silt beds. Lara finished the single lap require-ment with a 2:47:26 for the sil-ver. Bronze went to Sergio Salgado who lost some fiber-glass and suffered a couple of flats. Flat tires , where have we heard this term before? His time 2 5 2 3 9 The Fritz Ochs, Junior and Senior took the win in the Class 15 contest, but it was : : · close, they won by only 46 seconds. Finally, the ever present Sa-----'---=-----'----''---------------------The Rosette/Dojaquez pair were the Safari Class winners, they ran trouble free and won by more than half an hour. The Brasea/Pimental Class 5 car led the first lap, but troubles on lap 2 dropped them to second place at the flag. MORE ~-· W'iS (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 •• WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA WHEEL To WHEEL OFF RoAD RACING PATRICK McGu1RE P.O. Box 376 ADAMSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS Dusty Times 2325 E. KINGS AVENUE PHOENIX, AZ 85022 (602) 971-3730 <> Whiplash Desert Tour Trucks & Bul{J{ies February 11, 2006 Vulrure Mine Wickenburg, AZ April 22, 2006 Mexico June 17,2006 Mexico September 2, 2006 Snowflake Heber,AZ Happenings continued on page 67 fari class again headed by the team of Arturo Rosette and Lorenzo Dojaquez, who drove a clean smart race to maintain the points lead in Safari. Their time for this outing was 2:58:50. Alberto Varela and Cesar Cota spent a lot of time in traffic and had another one of those "flat tires". Their time for the second place was 3:28:21. The last bronze of the day went to the team of Carlos Castillo and Miguel A. Villegas January 2006 The Gustavo Coronado's were the big winners in the Class 18 fight, they had more than half an hour in hand at the flag. with a time of 3:28:51. Guess they didn't want to talk about the 29 second deposit. They didn't stop to chat with Victor. Again I had no reporting of the bike and quad group. The last CODE outing of the season will be the ever-popular run from Ensenada to Mexicali to San Felipe on the weekend of December 9-11, 2005. Call the folks a.t CORE for further information and entry.blanks. As usual the people of CORE want to thank all the partici-pants, drivers and teams and fans alike. Meanwhile these writers' thoughts go out to the McMil-lin racing family. CORKY will be missed in all that he brought to the off road racing world. Corky, you and all the rest of the off road racing family, readers and friends, via con Dios. See you somewhere on the Baja. Till next time, come on down!!! ~ ,,,.,,,.,,1, • 100.,s,.111, 103 Pless~ Suite#4 •Chula~ CA 9f9fO wwt&ramreadyp, Page 29

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USRC INTERNATIONAL RALLY NEW YORK Lawless And Gillespie Win Text & Photos : Thomas Barker Tom Lawless and Jason Gillespie took the gold medal in New York, they're seen here in their Mitsubishi Lancer Evo. The title "international" in In-ternational Rally New York did not merely signify that this U.S. Rally Championship round (and East-ern States Rally Championship event) carried a listing on the F.IA. calendar. It also had an entry rep-resenting the U.S., Canada, Eu-rope and South America. (Al-though some of the "foreigners" were actually U.S. residents of first-generation U.S.-born folks of for-eign descent.) Of the "international contin-gent" the Irish were the largest group. Georgia-based Seamus Burke and Irish co-driver Brian Sharkey had the first starting spot after winning Rally New York (an E.S.R.C. event, without "interna-tional" in the name) back in April. They were in Burke's Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 5, not the Libra Rac-ing Hyundai Tiburon used in the Spring. Behind them at number two were New York State residents Torn Lawless/Jason Gillespie (Mit-subishi Lancer Evo), who had taken the U.S.R.C. opener, the Cherokee Trails Rally in Tennes-Seamus Burke and Brian Sharkey were 2nd overall in New York, 1st overall in the Eastern States event in their Mitsubishi Lancer Evo. see. Adrian McElvanney, a prom-ising driver from the Emerald Isle, had also entered, with co-driver Paul Goodman (borrowing a Mit-subishi Lancer Evo from former Rally New York winner John Drislane). U.S. Rally Championship con-tenders were well represented, some of them having trucked across the continent. Californians Peter Workum/Chrissie Beavis (Subaru Irnpreza WRX STi), in their third rally together, started at number three. The New Hampshire/Cali-fornia duo of Matt Iorio/Ole Holter (Subaru Irnpreza), leading the series after finishing third and second in the first two rounds, started fourth. And Californians Ken Block/ Alex Gelsornino (Subaru Impreza WRX STi), rep-resenting the very successful Ver-mont Sportscar team, started fifth. A very large contingent from metropolitan New York and the northeast (including, one might argue, Lawless/Gillespie), brought the starting field to 50 cars, with 20 cars entering the U.S.R.C. event and 44 for Eastern States points. The route was 365 miles long, through the Catskill Mountains, starting and finish_ing in Monticello, New York, with 102 miles of special stages. The Friday afternoon and Saturday morning stages were on dirt and gravel roads, those on Saturday after-noon and evening used pavement. For the first time, the organizers also arranged for the ceremonial start and finish, plus five specta-tor stages (the "Mighty M Gaming Super Special Stages") to be held on the Monticello Raceway horse racing track. Local officials waved the Ameri-can flag to start the cars at lunch Fourth overall, 3rd in Eastern States wentto Daniel O'Brien and Stephen Lots of effort changing the gearbox on Adrian McElvanney's Mitsubishi Staging for the restart in Narrowsburg, New York drew lots of Duffy, seen here in their Subaru lmpreza WRX STi. Lancer, all in vain, he was a dnf. spectators. The sky was threatening all day long. r--------------------------------------------~----------~ I I I I I I I I I Performance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding &Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Ranks Quality Products & Friendly Service VISA RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-759 • 15022 Parkway Loop, Sutte B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX us to Receive a Free Catalog I I I I I I I I I I I ~-------------------------------------------------------~ Page 30 January 2006 Dusty Times

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Ken Block and Alex Gelsomino look good here but their Subaru Matthew Iorio and Ole Holter were looking good in their Subaru David Anton and Robbie Durant were going pretty well in their Subaru lmpreza WRX STi was a dnf in the Group N battle. lmpreza but an off road excursion ended their rally. lmpreza, but they never saw the checkered flag. time on Friday under sunny and Kierian McElhinney (Subaru morning gravel stages to pull out Saturday, as the Mitsubishi's organizers' stage nots were very mild conditions. Most drivers were lmpreza) looked good early in the 37 seconds over Iorio by midday. clutch began to fail, and they had good. able to negotiate the track in about rally with top ten stage times, until Iorio, in turn, stretched his lead to withdraw that evening. Clutch Maciej Przybysz/Dominik half to three-quarters of a minute, electrical problems put them out over third placed Burke to a slip~fflicted Patrick Lilly/Bernard Jozwiak (Subaru Impreza WRX), so that at the end of Stage 2, Law- after four stages. Meanwhile, Block minute plus. The morning's excite- Farrell (Mitsubishi Lancer F:vo 4), part of a large Polish and Polish-less/Gillespie had a total time of pushed in the front of the Subaru ment came from Workum, Nash, who were well placed despite slow-American continent, finished sev-l :09, while Otis Dimiters/ Alan due to what he admitted was and the team of Jeremy Drislane/ ing for some of the bumpy sec-enth overall, and fifth in Open Ockwell (Subaru lmpreza WRX "driver error" and he was out as Barry Goodman (Mitsubishi tions. Lilly's service crew added a -4WD. They lost six minutes with a STi) were second with l: 10. well. Lancer Evo, competing in the East-popular cola to the clutch hous- tire change on a stage Friday, then When competitors reached the On ss6, Dimiters put his ern States event only), who were ing in an attempt to temporarily contact with a tree on the next gravel stages, Dimiters charged our Subaru off the road, and lost 15 within 30 seconds of each other. cure the problem, and the car did stage due to sun glare. But every-to a three second lead over Law-minutes getting back on. That put Drislane's position was achieved "go better" for a time, but it gave thing seems to have gone much less, which he managed to hold him in 21st, but to his credit, Otis despite a broken rear suspension up late in the day and this team better on Saturday. through ss5. Lawless's Mitsubishi continued to drive hard and be-and exhaust damage on Friday, was also sidelined. Craig Hollingsworth/Jason was suffering from trouble with gan to move back up the leader and contact between the rear Lawless, Burke, and Workum Grahn (Volkswagen Jetta) placed the engine's anti-lag system and a board. bumper and something solid on remained in that order through eighth overall, first in Open malfunctioning intercom (both re- Lawless/Gillespie had a few sec-Saturday morning. the pavement stages, the final su-2WD, and dlbf (dead last but fin-paired by the service crew later in onds in hand over the group fight- David Anton/Robbie Durant perspecial, the spraying of the ished) in the national. The team the day), but it did not seem to ing for second, but all was not joy were out before lunch time, hav-champagne, and the fireworks. had towed across the country seriously affect his speed. and happiness in the Lawless ing damaged a right front suspen-Daniel O'Brien/Stephen Duffy from California seeking enough Behind the leaders, several cars camp. The brakes were not slow- sion arm and halfshaft on the Mit-took advantage of eliminations points for the national champi-were fighting over third, fourth, ing the car adequately, eventually subishi in an "off". ahead of them, and their own fine onship in 02. They paced them-fifth, and so on. Burke/Sharkey, traced to an under-performing Almost everyone switched to performance, to come home selves, staying out of their accus-lorio/Holter, and Workum/ rear master cylinder. The service low profile pavement tires for the fourth overall. Those cars were tomed top ten position for most Beavis were among these, along with crew bled and adjusted the system, Saturday afternoon pavement also first through fourth in the of the rally, to take home the David Anton/Robbie Durant and managed to keep Tom in the stages, and most of the front-run-Ope_n 4WD class. points and probably the title as (Subaru lmpreza WRX STi). lead. ners lowered their cars as well. Emilio Arce/Craig Thrall. intended. Theirs was also the These competitors were not with-After the final two Iorio looked content to run be-(Subaru lmpreza) and Joan only two wheel drive finisher in out their problems. The exhaust superspecials of the day at hind Lawless and collect the cham-Hoskinson/Jeff Secor (ditto) the national, and best non-system on Burke's car broke off Monticello Raceway, the cars were pionship points, but in the after- placed fifth and sixth, and also Subaru/non-Mitsubishi. early Friday; the service crew in-impounded by the officials at the noon his Subaru left the road, and took the top two places in the Su-The Eastern States Rally Cham-stalled another, but he noted that service area in Narrowsburg. Law-the rally. An "off" also eliminated per Stock class. Hoskinson and pionship event used the same the engine felt less powerful with less/Gillespie were still first, Iorio/ Dimiters/Ockwell, who had ad-Secor reported th:t they had not course as the national, but with a the replacement. lorio's Subaru Holter held second from Burke/ vanced to eighth place. been able to do reconnaissance be- larger field of 44 starters and 25 felt unfamiliar, with new gear ra-Sharkey, with Anton/Durant Nash/Fries were in trouble on fore the rally, but found that the Continued on P•I• 38 tios and a different engine control fourth. Noel Nash/Eddie Fries module, not to mention a broken (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 6.5) were tachometer. This may have con-in fifth, despite a broken cigarette tributed to his off course excur- lighter, ahead of Workum/Beavis sions on Stages 4 and 6. Workum in sixth. was becoming familiar with new Everyone was up early for the suspension settings, since the team ceremonial re-start on the main had raised the Subie a little for street of Narrowsburg beginning this event. And Anton was stuck at 8:01 a.m. The weather was cool briefly off the road at one point. and cloudy, but soon warmed and • Rally luck, of the bad sort, cleared for another day of perfect struck some competitors early. rally weather. Scott Gardner/ McElvanney/Goodman suffered Constantine Mantopoulos were transmission failure on the first not among those leaving the start, forest stage leaving only second as their Audi S2 Quattro had be-and fourth gears, and denying the gun losing power halfway through Irishman a chance to show what Friday afternoon. Unable to de-he could do. McElvanney drove di-termine whether the problem was reedy to the service park, at the in the fuel or ignition system, and camp grounds in Narrowsburg, not wanting to damage the engine, where the crew changed the gear- they opted to withdraw. box, and Adrian ran a few more Brake problems or not, Lawless stages for practice. Patrick FarrelV went fast enough on the Saturday Peter Workum and Chrissie Beavis finished 3rd overall, 2rl' in Eastern States, seen here in their Subaru lmpreza WRX STi. Dusty Times Nebraska This off road business has been under construction for 5 years and is now for sale and ready for business. Includes: • motorcross track • flat track • fencing • tractor • land • signs • mower • scraper • camping hookups • bleachers • water wagons • look out towers • irrigation well • drag strip with MPH, ET, and reaction time. • many off road tracks and trails for trucks, buggies, and 4-wheelers Total Price Only $270,000 I will mail or email pictures. For additional infonnatlon call Chuck Wubben at 402-750-4163 or email Chuck at January 2006 Page 31

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-~ OUTLAW 250 LUgo Takes It To The Banks By Steve Ruddick Photos: Trackside Photo Wayne Lugo and Bart Walker took the Class 1 win at Barstow as well as the overall victory in their Banks Powered truck. Barstow, CA: Race day for the MDR Outlaw 250 dawned clear and cool, as 55 entries lined up for the 8:00 a.m. green flag start. Twenty-seven racers saw the checkers at the finish line. The Saturday, November 12 race at Barstow was the last event of the MDR 2005 California Series. It was also a "double points" race, so many were also still in the hunt for several of the 2005 class champion-ships as well; but that's another "Dusty" story for another time. This was a six lap race on Course B at Barstow, and each lap was 38 miles long. The faster classes (1, 10, 5, 8, 7/7s and 16) went the full dis-tance. Classes 900, 1300, 1400 and drove their 800hp Banks Power 1700 went five laps, while Classes Ford to take the Overall win and 300, 1100, 1200, 1450 and 1750 first in Class 1 awards in 3:58:55, raced for four laps. averaging just over 57mph. That is Course B provides the racers with "perty dam fast folks, especially af-a lot of different ground and dirt to ter having to rebuild their 3-speed navigate ... roller bumps, blind up-Turbo400 trans at 3 a.m. the night hills, "the" sand wash, and even a before. The Banks Power prepped 120 degree off camber right down- , trophy truck was fine tuned and hill tum for an added measure of dyno'd at the shop, and the extra FUN and challenge. Add in 16 work showed; and it always helps to turns, three che~kpoints,_and eight have five BP guys on your team, too. road crossings, and you're set for a Congratulations for an awesome win day of thrills over some extremely and a flawless race! rough terrain. The Mike and Kevin James gang The Class 1 cars were first to see duo drove their Outlaw Racing the green, with seven entries. Wayne Lugo and co-driver Bart Walker Damn, it was close, Giti Gow/and took the Class 3 win by a mere one second after four and a half hours of racing. Barry Karakas led the Class 700 group all the way, he IM)(I with more than an hour and a half in hand at the checkers. #133 to both second in Class 1 and second Overall a little over 15 min-utes later, averaging almost 54mph. This was the first time out for their new 700hp Chevy V-8 powered Jimco chassis, and the James gang says they are "very pleased" with the car on its maiden shakedown race. Alex Staats in car # 120 took third in both Class 1 and third Overall about a half hour behind the James brothers, with an average speed of 48.6mph. Josh Waddell in car# 103 came in fourth in Class 1 and fourth Overall, another half hour behind Staats, and averaged a tad over 43mph. Peter Lang, #143, gave it the old 'true grit', but could not com-plete the required number of laps in the eight hour time limit, and DNF'd just a little over ten minutes late. Harley Letner took the Fast Lap award for Class 1 and drove hard in car # 138 thru Lap 3, but took a DNF after that. Eric Hamaan, #142, also DNF'd. Class 10: The Class 10 cars were next off the line with three entries, but one way or another, they all came to a bad ending ... the dreaded DNF. Dave Wood in car #1011 was front starter for this group and drove some consistent times through Lap 3, but was unable to make it past RX6 after that. Car# 1005 with,. Mark Hutchins driving was next in the green line at S/F. Hutchins took the Fast Lap award for Class 10 in 43: 13 (52.8mph) on Lap 2, but that was to be his last. Alain Fricker in #1017 took a DNF on the first lap. Matt Towery had a good day, he was the only survivor of the Class B battle running fairly fast and consistent. Class 5: Only one Class 5 car started the race, and it didn't par-ticularly have a good day. Darrall Clifton took the green flag in #525 and took the Fast Lap award on his first lap in 1:08:25 (33.3mph). There were no more laps for the lone Class 5 car after that. Page 32 Jason Gutzmer led Class 1100 all the way, he took the win with a bit more than twenty minutes in hand at the checkered flag. January 2006 Class 8: Three Class 8 trucks started next. Only one of them had the best race of the day. Matt Towery drove all six laps in his #818 'Scoop Vessels' F150 to take the Class 8 win in 5:55:22 at an average speed of 38.5mph. He also took the Class 8 Fast Lap award on Lap 1 (0:51:57 at 43.8mph). Towery ran a "flaw-less race" and consistent lap times, except for a dragging tailpipe on Lap 5. #818 is sporting a new small block motor mated to a C6 trans. Leif Hommey, 'massa mechanic, co-drove with Towery through Lap 2, when XXZ Hophe, fabricator, took over the # 1 shotgun seat. Raul Flores in #807 had a tough day, all day, and called it after two hard, three hour Dusty Times

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Lee Off literally flew towards the finish line in the Class 300 race, Eric Tadeja set fast lap, took the class win, and had a really great The second place finishing medal in Class 11 oo went to Brian alas, he came up one second short at the checkers. . race, he's seen here heading for the flag in Class 7S. Thqmpson, he's seen here at speed in his great looking bug. laps. Sometimes, the desert wins. at45:41 on Lap 1 at49.9mph. Right and 46.5mph. Vance said the Total through the pack in a long hard race. blown head gasket in his #1481, but And if that weren't bad enough, Joe on his tail for second place was Steven Chaos Toyota had "no major prob- # 1463 was finally able to chase down still ran the race on five cylinders. Low Patelli #806, didn't even make it Looney in #1463 at 3: 14:51 and lems" and reported it was "a fast and pass Matt Torian in #1481 on power made for a fairly rough course through Lap 1. 46.8mph. Matt Torian was third in courseandafastday". Looney started the last lap on a long downhill sec-and some long and deep trips thru Class 7: #700 Barry Karakas and Class 1450 only a minute and seven his #1463 Ford Ranger 10th off the tion, to take a very close second. Matt the sand wash, but Torian was still co-driver Steve Nelsen were the lone seconds behind Looney at 3: 15:57 line in class and fought his way Torian was up all night repairing a Continued on page 37 entry in Class 700, taking both the First in Class (5:07:45 at 44.5mph) and Fast Lap awards (00:45:57 at xyzmph), seeing the checkers after "six clean laps" in his Northridge Toyota. Class 7S: Four racers saddled up to the starting line to battle it out in the 7s Stock Mini class. Eric Tadeja was the first off the starting line in Class 7s and had his #753 in the lead with the Fast Lap award for the class, at 55:00 minutes flat (41.4mph), at the end of the first lap. Tadeja also took home th:e First in Class trophy with an overall time of 6:42:35 and an average speed of 34 mph, despite having a flat tire, a busted shock bolt, and no brakes on Lap 2. This was Tadeja's first sea-son racing and a sweet victory for the team. Steve Scott in #7 50 was next off the line in Class 7s. Scott drove some fairly consistent lap times thru Lap 5, but struggled the last lap. His efforts were good enough to take Second in Class, completing the required six laps in 7:45: 14 at 29.4mph. Karl Stokes in #747 gave it his all, but still managed to DNF, even after completing the required laps, by finishing 12 minutes over the eight hour time limit; he still gets an "A" for effort. Things didn't fair much better for Johnny Walker in #746, who· didn't make Lap 6 be-cause race time had already expired. Class 1/2-1600: The 1600 cars went off the line next, with just three starters: Mike Meehan #1699, Ian Jameson #1612, and Joe Jeffrey # 1601. Joe Jeffrey didn't fair too well in# 1601, registering a DNF on Lap 2. But it was another story for Ian Jameson, who had a 12 minute lead over Meehan at the end of Lap 3, even though #1612 started second in class at the green flag. Jameson stumbled on Lap 4 however, and Meehan took the lead from there all the way to the checkers. Meehan took the First in Class trophy finish-ing in 5:07:16 for an average speed of 44.5mph; and Fast Lap award too, on Lap 4 at 49:05 and 46.5mph. That was also good enough for $1699 to take fourth Overall for the day as well. Meehan reported a "good clean day", except for getting smacked pretty good in the sand wash by a truck. Class 1450: The 'outlaw' class had 13 gunslingers in the last MDR shootout of the season, but only 10 would see the finish. It was a very close race between Dan Vance's Total Chaos #1459 and Steven Looney in #1463, but at the finish it was #1459 who saw the checkers just 50 seconds ahead of Looney. Dan Vance and co-driver Austin Farmer took both the First-in-Class trophy at 3:14:01 and 45mph, and the Fast Lap award Dusty Times LIST YOUR PHONE NUMBER, YEAR, MODEL AND ENGINE SIZE! Sales Information: Payment may be made by credit card, money order or cashier's check. Personal or business checks are not accepted. C.0.0. orders accepted with 50% pre· payment. $5 Handling charge on all orders. California residents include 7.75% sales tax. Customers responsible for all freight charges. Minimum order is $25. The use of Volkswagen by Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. is for descriptive purposes ONLY and in no way is the name used to infer or intend a direct connection between Pacific Customs Unlimited. Inc. and Volkswagen. Volkswagen 1s a registered trademark. PRICES EFFECTIVE DURING THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MAGAZINE COVER DATE. 2.5 Power Rack .................. $1.275 2.5 Power Rack with Control Valve .................. 1.650 Control Valve• lnline ............... 345 Charlynn Torque Generator. ..... 295 Port Block, Charlynn .................. 25 Coupler, Charlynn ...................... 18 Sweet U·Joints, from ................. 56 Reservoir, Power Steering ......... 94 Reservoir with Filter, Power Steering ...........•... :.148 Reserboir Bracket ...................... 14 Power Steerin11 Pump .............. 160 Power Steering Pulley, from ...... 60 Pulley for Subaru ....................... 60 Pump Brackets. from ................. 65 JA-MAR FRONT BILLET DISC BRAKES King Pin Spindles or Combo Link Spindles. Billet Oise Brakes for Desert Rails ............... 820 BIUET 5VW HUBS KP or Combo Link Spindles. g Pin Spindle Hub Kit... ..• $345 mbo Link Spindle Hub Kit.365 Baja·Pro Performance Tires E78 Mini Mag ...................... $92 30 X 7.00, 4·ply ....................... 114 33 X 9.00, 4·ply ....................... 156 35 X 10.00, 4·ply ..................... 160 MICKEY THOMSON BAJA BELTED HP ' 30x9.5·15 ............................ $120 31 X 10.50·15..... . ..... 152 33 X 10.50·15 .......................... 146 COIL BEAM SUSPENSION •Made In USA• Fron/ Inds atB 6" W/d,r with 10" Towers to Acc,pt Coll Shocks Without Modiflca/lon and lnclud1s Rack and Pinion Mount. BIiiet Housing. Made In U.S.A. Saco Rack & Pinion ............... $295 Sweet U·Joinls, from ................. 56 ~CONTROL ~CABLES Flex/bl,, Heavy Outy Sh/1/ded Thrott/1 Cab/rs. Sp,c//y Cl/p End Or Bulk Head End Ava//ab/1 6'-13' Long In 6" lncr,m1nts. 5· or 6'/, Cable ........................ $28 7' or 1•1,· Cable .......................... 29 8' or 8'/,' Cable .......................... 30 t.o 9'/,' Cable .......................... 31 r 1 O'li Cable ...................... 32 11· or 11'/,' Cable ...................... 33 12' or 12•1,· Cable ...................... 34 13• or 13'/,' Cable ...................... 35 • Add $5 for Thread,d Housing • Trailing Arms. Steel. pair ....... $285 Trailing Arms, Stock. pair ........ 260 Trailing Arm Bushings .... 15 KING ADJUSTABl,,E SHOCKS WI RESERVOIR Full Ad/ustm,nt Oual Spring Shock with Hose and Res,rvoir. King 2" Adjustable Shock, 8·10·12" Stroke ..... .from $495 King 2 '/, Adjustable Shock, 12·14·16" Stroke ...... from 585 Billet Aluminum Clamp·On Reservoir Mount, each ........ 35 Urethane Mount Pad, pair. ........... 8 Tralllng Arms are 0.0.M. Mat,rlal, 2'/," Larg,r x 1· Wld8f And Can Us, Elth8f Stock King Pin Spindles or Combo Links. Combo Link Spindles ...•...•...• $460 Combo Link Spindles, 3', from.495 King Shock 2• Adj, Body w/Reservoir. Includes Springs. each ................... 495 Piggy Back Reservoir Oplion ..... 65 wedged Tie Rods, Alum., pr •..• 65 s, Chromoly, pr65 From G8fman 930s to Raceprep 930. German 930 CV ....................... $55 Chromoly 930 Cage .................. .45 Race Prep 930 CV .................... 140 HO'/, 930CV Bolt, 12 Point... ...... 1 Boot And Flange For 930 ........... 28 930 CHROMOLY CV CAGE Allows Additional Pivoting In 930 CV Joint. Strong8f Caga Reducu Chane, of Br,aklng. 930 Chromoly CV Cage. each .. $45 HEIM JOINTS Chromo/y Helm Joints Specify Lr/I or Righi Hand Thr,ad ¼' x ¼' Heim Joint .................. $31 •1: x •1: Helm Joint .................... 38 'I,' x •1: High Angle Heim Joint..49 '/,' Jam Nut... ............................... 2 '/: Jam Nut... ............................... 3 1N x 1/J" x 1/ : Misalignment Space1 ................................... 7 '/,' x '/,' x '/,' Misalignment Spacer ................................... 7 3// x 1/J" x 1/t Misalignment Spacer ................................... 8 ¾" x 1/.9 x 1/, Misalignment Spacer. .................................. 8 '/," Thread Chromoly Tube Boss .8 •1: Thread Chromoly Tube Boss .8 CENTERLINE WHEELS Forged Aluminum Wh,e/s wllh Pol/shad Finish. 15 X 4 5 VW ....................... $178 . 15 X 5 5 VW ......................... 183 15x6 svw ......................... 183 15 X 7 5 VW ......................... 186 15x8 svw ......................... 189 15x10 5VW ......................... 197 15 X 3 '/, 4 VW .................... 172 15 xs 1/, 4 VW ..................... 220 1sx 7 4 vw ..................... 223 15 X 8 '/, 4 VW .•................... 230 January 200& 930 CHROMOLY STUB AXLES& DRIVE FLANGES •· Stub Axles for 930 CV, pair ...• $140 Stub Axles for Bus CV, pair. ... $140 Drive Flanges for 930 CV, pair .. .70 Drive Flanges for Bus CV, pair ... 70 HEAVY DUTY AXLES GERMAN CV JOINTS by LATEST RAGE Aun BOOT.S Bug/Bus Trans 10 RU Beetle Trailer Arms .......... $120 Bug, CV Joint... ........................ $45 Bug/Bus Trans to 3x3 Arms •... 130 Bug. CV Boot .............................. 4 Bug/Bus Trans to 3x3 Arms Bus, r:v Joinl... .....................•... 50 for 930 CV's ...................... 140 Bus, CV Boot ............................... 6 23" or 24· Axles for 930 cv·s ... 260 930. r:v Joint ......................... 55 24•.25• M300 tor 930 cv·s .. .fr 440 930, Boot and Flange ................ 28 3 • Lap Belts with Sewn·ln 2" or 3" Shou/d,r Harness,s Avaitab/1 in 3, 4, or V Point Black or Grey. 3" X 2" 3 Point... ............ $68 3• x 2" 4 Point... ...................... 68 3" x 3" 3 Point... ...................... 80 3" x 3" 4 Point... ...................... 80 3" x 2• 3 Pt w/Shoulder Pad .... 88 3• x 2· 4 Pt w/Shoulder Pad .... 88 3" x 3" 3 Pt w/Shoulder Pad .. 100 3" x 3" 4 Pt w/Shoulder Pad .. 100 2 Crotch Strap ........................... 12 Su 7i Low Hig CROW SHOULDER PADS Avaflab/1 for 2" or 3" Shou/d8f Harness, Black, Blue Or Red. 2' Shoulder Harness Pads. pr .. $24 3' Shoulder Harness Pads, pr .... 28 Available in Doubles or Quads. Made from 1'/," Nylon Webbing with a 5,0001 Rating and 4130 Steel Brackets. Avai/ab/1 in 12" • Z,,. Lengths. Double Limiting Strap .............. $18 Quad Limiting Strap ................... 24 Adjustable Clevis, Single ............ 28 LIL' SPORTSTER Sp,c/al Ord,r Widths Aval/ab/I. Only 19" Wldrl Now You Can Use Suspension Ssats In Narrow,, 2•Pass; Bene~ Seat, Chassis. Arallab/1 /n Blac/c or Gr,y. 46 or 48 Wlde .............. $400 u1· Sportster Seat, LOW•Back$165 BEARD SUPER SEAT Li~EA;,;t;;t;;;,~~s0 MOUNT KIT Light Duty Tie Down, 1'/.' x 5• Slide/TIit Comblnatlon .......... $110 Strap, 5,000# Capacity,. .... $16 Sllde/Sllde Combination Ratchet Tie Down. 2' x 7' for Lil' Sportster ................ 125 Strap, 10,000# Capacity ...... 24 Bracket and Slide Mount Only •. 52 Axle Strap .................................. 10 Page 33 • .. j

Page 34

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Teco Avenue Unit 8 2006 Off Competi Las '(egas, NV 89118 Road 702-837-2522 -1 2 3 .4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1l Web-Cam BITD.J1 nu1ry 6-7 Eric Susp, "'ions Pon ,r 250-Pi rk,r, AZ-i 1/CQuods 1n/y Performance Camshafts Jan SCORE/PR I -January 12-15 -SC 1RE Lo WHIPm/c January 1 8 -N11w r: ors GP-Pi 11rio,AZ Automotive-ATV-Motorcycle 1815 Massachusetts Avenue WHIP-I 1bru1ry 11 -Vultur11, 'tin11-Wid rnlurg Riverside, CA 92507 BITD/PR0/ EEPB -Feb uary 3-5 -'f/lu11 Wot,, R111ort & lllino P,rJ or425-P, rk11r, AZ CRS - F ~bruary 11 -Rid111cr11 I Holly Sei ,of- A 951-369-5144 Feb 951-369-7266fax MDR-1 lllbruary 4 - Wi/dWo,l 250-Bors ow, CA WHI/WHIP rn/c -Febru ry 11-12-'ultur11Min •-WicJ WWW.webcamshafts.COM BITD-M; rch 3-5 -K. •wos11ki lo ugh/in U.S. H11r11 Scro wll111 -Lou tthlin, NV C.L. Bryant, Inc. CRS - I arch 4 -~ 111d 9 Roh 1, {Co,f 2/ Holly ~t11 SCORl 1250-1 Mar An 11ric11 R111i, ,iof-G110d1 rinJ/'NV SC0RE/P 0 -March ~0-12 -T111 Son F11/ip11 Sunoco Racing Gasoline And V0RRA-ll,1arch 4-5, Proiri11 C. l•y lt11rt C ur111-Pro1 ill City, C, VP Race Fuels SCCA- 1 Narch 4 -0 111,tSond, NC/NT-A izono B11r, "' SCCA-... mh 5-i Ht Cony• ,i NT-Ariz •no Bord11r Serving Western States And Mexico Mitch Hart BITD-M1 rch 31 - A 1ril 1-2 -Pi 111 Circuit Ii, 11odo 200 rroil Rid11-'ll!Cln11ito1 on Only MDRS 800-399-4176 Apr MOR-, pril 1 -M•J 1fllt1250-/J i,rstow, CA SNORE-~pril 7-9 -tuffolo Bill 400 M1tchHurt'u V0RRA -l'pril 1-2 -11roiri11 Cit, Sh11rt Co1 111 -Pr11ir, , City, CA BORE-II lay 5-6 -R11 ~ s,r1,, 2~ rJ-W11ndo1 i,,, NV Turnkey Engine Supply May LS1-LS2-LS6-LS7 MOR-al 1y 6-Ri/1 cr111t200 Rid111cr1111 CA Complete High PerformaDce Crate Motors for Off Road MDRS-un,10-C. 1yot11Wo, 200 Racing SCORE/PR ~ -June 2~ -T11cot11S ~OREBojo! 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B0RE-S pt11111Hr 1 tl-R11dGo. 11,,200- f 11ndo1111r, A IV !SCORE/PR ~QRELo, i CORR-eptemlHr •-3 - Cron/, n, WI-Pr, & s,,,,,. on -S1pt1ml ler 8-10-S i,10,PrimA 300-Prh m, IV The Fab School Sep V0RRA-1pt1m1Hr -4 -011111, Roc11-Ho 11th,rn11, N WHIP-1pt1mber t - Snowfh kll-Hd11r, AZ "Get ·Your Experience WHIPm/c S1pt1mb1 2-3-Snot flokll,Hd r,AZ sec" -S1pt1m~ r 2 -A110 111chion NT S/1111/Citil , I S1pt1m 11r 3 -Ohn •0/11 NT-J 'ittllur1fl, 'A /S1pt11 Im 4-St, -,!Houf NC From The Experienced" CODE-ctolm 6-8 M,xicon, Lo1i1tic, J t11xico/i 3/l 1-Lo1u110, ~olodo, B.C MX VORRA-lctob1 951-782-0567 CRS-0 t1bar 6-7 • Pr111cottR lly{CHf2 UJ-NASA (JSRC&R11 pionol-Pr11 11111,AZ 877-411-WELD I Oct MAORA 0ct1b1r 7 I-Foll Cloi 1ic-Co,111. IL BITD/PR0 JEEP3-De olllr · www.Thefobo; SNORE-~ctohr 6-1 -Gold Coo tSIOREJ fO V0RRA-1pt1mhr 0-0ctohr , 2006-S~ ,,,cour,11 Proirill Cit 1r,CA . WHIPm/c October 7 •-TBA h811nd,A" CRS - I "nmhr 1 -12 -Louf 1/in /11111,m :•no/ R11/I {CHI WHIP/WHI m/c- Non inber 4-5-~ 'i/0B11nd-~ MDR-1 11nmb1r , -Stodd11i 250-Bor tow, 1 Sway-A-Way Nov SNORE-November ~0-11 -w, 111,n 011111, tCh11m1io1 1hi1 The Finest SCCA - N 1v1mber 4 C111111r11d l ri/111 OT-V11rmont V0RRA-1 11v1mbar 1 -Ori1111r, A 1111ti111 Suspension Components &At 11rd1Bonfi 1111 9555 Owenamouth Ave. #9 CRS-D1 cembar h -R11n11Rot. r{CHf2&. ~-RollyA1, 11rico Notil ',nol&R111i, nol-R11no, ',IV Chatsworth, CA 91311 -818-700-9712 818-700-0947fax I Dec MORE-,cember • -Bor,toi,, CA CODE- I ecember B 10-Ric11 ~ 11111dy275-~n111nodo, tC.MX BITD/PR0 JEEPB -D1 camber 1-, -H11nd11r,1 'f/'s T11rriflt. 400-H11n, ~,rson, NV WHIP/WH Pm/c-Dec mber2-M ,xico STUFF SUPERSTITION CHAMPIONSHIP S.N.O.R.E. RACER X MOTORSPORTS RACE READ OFF-ROAD RACING SERIES Radio & Intercom Systems Competiti VW Tranaaxlea/Mendeola Transaxlea Southern Nevada G-Force Heimeta High Performllllce STUFF TOUGH MDR PRODUCTION Off Road Enthusiasts GPS & SAT Phones Specializing In Th 1-866-VW-STUFF (897-8833) 5RACESIN If You Really Love Racing Toys, Collectibles & Videos 103 Press Lill *Ask For Racer Discounts PLASTER CITY OHV AREA Xcenrn by Fuel Safe Chula Vista, *Contingency For MDR & M.O.R.E. 626-442-9320 Full Floater Race & Prerun Rear Ends 800-656, 702-452-4522 760-727-8301 e-mail Rprod www www.RaceReadJP

Page 35

;>'USTRIES oUTY rC0MPONENTS m-,Tree Lane 1, CA 93465 9.-2663 1es Jim Conner Racing 2169 Daytona Lake Havasu City, AZ 8640_3 928-855-0912 928-453-964 lfax e-mail CRITICAL OPERATIONS T Cleaning -Coolers-Radiator Crack lnsp. Mag & Pen CNC Milling & Turning 3043 Oak St. Santa Ana, CA 92707 714-957-1215 Legen • • FAT PERFORMANCE Off Road Racing Engines, Parts and Dyno Services Centerline Wheels & accessories SCORE Engine Builder Of The Year For Many Years 714-637-2889 DAVE FOLTS TRANS · Geared To Serve You 562-694-5591 COO£• CODE Off Ruf USA, P.O. 801 2328, Caluico, CA 92231- Bautow, CA 92312 - 760-253-4453 2328 · USA 760-455-8069/Mtxico 011-52-686-553-4087 PRO • Pr■Tr•ck, 14402 Bond Court, El Cajon, CA 92021 • < > 619-390-6252 NOTE: ~e~ curren! Happenings for change! and CORR. CORR 2005 l .... Oil S■rln, 192 N. Stall Road, Suill RACS • Rallr A ■■rlca c~ ... ,1, .. ~1, Sarl11 1po~c1hc 1nformat1on on each race as some inf or- 287, Avon, IN 46123, 317-272-2827/Fn: 311,272.2900 SCCA • SCCA Pr■Rallr, P.O. 801 19400, Topoh, KS 66619 -mat1on changu as the year goes by. JEEP • J11,s,u, ch111■,,/JEEP3 • J11,s, .. , 3 5.,111, BD0-770-2055 < www.m1pror1lly.0<p JEEPI • 110, 1826 N. Windn, Orango, CA 92889. 714· SCORE• SCORE l1tor11tl111I, 23961 Cr■ftsman Road Suito IITO • Int 11 Th 011■rt R1cl11 A111cl1ti11, 3475 538-7434/Fax: 714-633-1724 A, Calabasas, CA 91302 · 818-22!>-8402 Bouldw Highway, las V1gu,1IV 89121 • 702-457-5775 / MAURA• Mil A ■■rlu 011 Rod As11cl1ti11, P.O. Box 664, <_.&anm...-...,> Fax: 702•641-2431 Gr11nup, IL 62428 · 217-2356528 < > SIORE • s .. o■r1 Inda Off Rod hth1l11t1, P.O. Box ition Calendar BORE • ...... 111, Offrtd Rael•· E■t■r,rl111, 341 w. MOR • MOR R1cl11/MDRS -s.,■r,titl11 S■rlll), 1853 270516, las Yogas, NV 89127 • 702-452-4522 2575 N, Sunut, UT 84015 · 801•773-1651 Parkwar Drive, South El Monti, CA 91733 -626-442·9320/Fax: < www.SNDRERACING.not > CRS • Calllorola Rallr S■rlll, Wobsits. 626-579-6051 VORRA • V1ll1r Off Rod R1d11 An1d1t111, 920 Hillcr11t St. <> MORE• Mofan Off Rod Rocl•I htholHtl, P.O. 8oz 1231, Pl1c1rvill1, CA 95667, 530·622-0370 <www.vorr1.co11> .,---,---,--,----,----,--------1-,----r-___; __ ,.... __ """T'" __ __, ___ """T ___ ...... _ _:___, _ ___.:. ___ _.:.__ WHIP • w~1,1,111 M1t■r.,ort1, WHIP • M1t■rcrcl1 S■rlll 2325 E. Kings Avo. Phoenix, AZ 85022, 602-971•3730 5 16 17 18 19.20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 •ll1n11· •u1hlln, It u/1 u1,Al SNORE· 11,rt St, m 811/y (C. 1f 3/ • R•l Am,rit• 1Ii1n1I • WHIPmlc March 18 9 • L1kl P H6nt, A April 28 pril 21-23 MtMilli .,,, w,rll •lly (CII VORRA • pril 22-2 WHIP/WH Pmlc • Apri 22 • ■y 20·21 Chu/1 lli1 1, CA • Pr, S1ri11 SNORE M■ y 19·20 • Dully Ti II C1li1n 250 MAO RA May 20-2 -C~11y, IL CODE· uni 16-18 IIWAut11p rt, lti1ht •t1 ·Ll1u S1l1i•, .C. MX WHIP · uni 17 • xie, CORR· DR/JEEP 111,tif, WI MORE· uly 22 • B Jmly 2 29 • "SC. E LH ll11 1 T1rrij/1 WHIPmlc July 22-2 • Fl111t1t Al R~ • uly 15 • Ti // City, lit RACS • J nuary 27· 8 • Sno •o ·,1-At/1nt , Ml hhrump /Ill· BITD 0 • M,xie Ii, B.C. M Ii1n1I · •ne11t1r, k, /Ill MORE· O/JEEEP3 • CRS VDRRA • M■y 26-29 D111rt R• 1 • Y1rin1 n, MIi WHIPmlc May 27-28 • hI1, Al uly 28-29 M•in1 Fir. ,t R1/ly • u111f1rl, M · RACS CORR • uly 22-23 Chui• lli1t , CA • Pr1 1ri11 ~,.-_ rr--t---r---t--+--t---+--~--+--+---4--+---~----+---+-----i----1 4 /I, Splrt II • TSCO 111 ., T1 8111 _., TIii ll•ll • Mi1ht RI 1 fli1 CRS • A gust 19 • S r111•n Rill R•lly{C11 3/ • SA ll1Ii1 11 · Frui, P1rk, CA T ~ ,,,, /IC. rt/1111, 0 MAO RA· S1pt1111b■ 16-17 • Bi 'f1rl, lit MORE· 1pt1mb■r 16 • TBA BITD· CRS • S 11t1mb • Tr11/i A ,rie• •I· W11 , 1pt1mb1r 3-24 • C1l r1i1 C11 • t11 pri1111, ACS SCCA· pt1111b■r 6 • Ok • ir1415 • Shirt 13·1 ·L11 ll1I1 300 CORR· 1 ·Llkl TBA ST. ct■hr 21 SCCA· CORE/PR • Novemb r 16-18 • Ti t1t1 SCO B•j1 100 • B.C. fl C. Sur, M 1yPRODUCTS .on Proven vW Equipment .e Off Road Market 11, -Suite 4 ;!A 92010 :~76 !! R/D SPRING CORP Hi Perf Valve Train Components Specializing In Imports Automotive & Motorcycle Racing Engine Cylinder Headwork · 760-948-4698 Fax 760-948-4856 www.RDVAL VESPRING.COM Sip mlm CORR· S1pt1mber 23·24 October 8 • 29 2·23 • 'hul• lli1t• CA • P ri,r • fl u1ht1n, M Pro Wire Quality Race Car Wiring 818-943-9473 MDRS • Sr11nup, l iiji,MM -Lut1rn1 •ll1y, CA MDRIJEEP 1ur11-Pr. "ri1City,C. -VORRA ,, su,,r,tit n 250 VDRRA • ct1b■r 2 29 • Shirt C1 II· Pr•iri City, CA D1 ember 31 • Thi Bui L, 1 DHh 2/J • MDRS P.C.I. RACE RADIOS PYROTECH Radios-Intercoms-GPS Shoei Race Air Helmets Pumper Motors -Helmets Wired Satellite Phones-Black Box In-Car Cameras 562-427-8177 800-869-5636 < www.whipilshncing.cOffl > FORTIN RACING, INC. -DRIVE TRAIN INNOVATION-TRANSAXLES, REAR HUBS, CV CAGES & CV BOOT FLANGES, POWER RACKS & SEALED SHIFTERS 1941 #E FRIENDSHIP DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92020 619-449-3633 FAX 449-3665 www.FORTINRACING.COM Howe Power Steering 619-561-7764 Michael E. James Insurance Agency Insurance specialists To The Off Road Industry 61.9-445-5797 6 l 9-445-9297fax LEE POWER STEERING Go With The Best Gears, Pumps, Pulleys, Tanks, Servos, Cylinders Everythin& You !feed For ~our Steerln& System 818-768-0371 818-768-2687fax McKenzles . Performance Products Off Road Is Our Business 2366 E. Orangethorpe Avenue Anaheim, CA 92806 714-441-1212 714-441-1622 fax www MDRRACING CALIFORNIA CHAMPIONSHIP OFF ROAD RACING SERIES IN BARSTOW LUCERNE & Ridgecrest 626-442-9320 IIDRRAClllG.COM Parker Oil Sunoco Racing Gasoline And VP Race Fuels 928-669-2617

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Second in Class 1450 was Steven Looney, it was close, he finished Ian Jameson led the Class 1600 battle for the first three laps but Alex Staats was a bit off the winning pace in the Class 1 contest, he took home the bronze medal at the MOR Outlaw 250. less than a minute away from the coveted gold medal. problems on the last laps put him second in class. able to pull off a clean race and an closer race between Vernola and too. Jon and Mike McClintock fin-impressive third place finish in class Russell, but #1482 blew their fuel ished seventh in class in #1497 in for the day. Matt's mom even flew in pump fuse at the start and lost some 4:51:21 at 31.09mph. The 'Beater from Texas to watch the race too. time in chasing and fixing the prob- Twins' had some alternator problems Belden Alivio, # 14 57, was fourth lem. Friday night, but got that fixed soon overall in Class 1450 coming into this Another three Class 1450 racers enough thanks to a local Barstow last race, and he finished the Outlaw also saw the checkers later in the day, auto supply. Besides welding some cracked tubes on Lap 4, and eating a on Lap 2, finally finishing eighth in baseball sized rock from Belden that class in 7:01: 15 at 21.6mph. Round-cracked their windshield, the ing out the last to finish in Class McClintock twins were nonetheless 1450, AND last Overall in the race, very excited with theirfirst finish. was Cole Whitcher in # 1496, aver-250 race fourth in class, too, at 3:50:36 and 39.5mph. Belden re-ported "no problems" and a "good, fun season" at race end. Chris Russell drove his VS-powered '97 Ford Ranger #1465 all four laps to take a fifth in class finish, just a little over three minutes behind Alivio at 3:53:50 and 39.0mph. This was the Chris and Mike Russell brothers first race in their Camburg/BKFab Ford, which took them three years in the making. Chris and his co-driver/ me-chanic brother Mike reported a "clean race" and "no problems", and a LOT of fun, too! Finishing sixth in Class 1450 for the day was Frank Vernola and Steve Brummer in #1482, just a little over eight minutes behind the Russell brothers; 4:01:11 at 37.8mph. It might have been a Javier Avila was all alone in the 1200 Class but he set good lap times and got his class win at tne Barstow 250. Robert Anderson in #1483 had aging 19.0rnphandfinishingin(check a pretty good Lap 1, but struggled Continued on page 36 Terry Ingold led Class 1300 all the way, he set fast lap for the class and finished with more than two hours on his competition. • GENERATORS • OUTBOARD ENGINES • GENERAL PURPOSE ENGINES • WELDERS • WATERPUMPS • LAWN MOWERS • LAWN TRACTORS • RIDING MOWERS • TILLERS California's Largest Source lor Bonda Power Equipment Parts 8 Inventory IF WE DON T HAVE 11: NO ONE DOE91 Check Our Website: Kawaguchi Honda corp. 0 3532 East 3rd St. • Los Angeles, CA 90063 :H ND.A N h. ' · Gll!N■RAToAa a PUMP• (323) 264-3936, 264-5858 • FAX (323) 264-2136 ot ing s easier. For optimum performance and safety, we recommend you read the owner's manual before operating your Honda Power EquipmenL Connection of a generator to house power requires a transfer device to avoid possible injury to power company personnel. Consult a qualified electrician. ©2006 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. Dusty Times January 200& Page 37

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HACIN6 1NCOHPOHATEO Formerly Performance Drivetrain, Inc. (POI) presents another innovation in drivetrain technology ... '~;;.:.· The BB-1 TRANSMISSION ~ • ...,.~ Dan Vance had a great run, he took the gold medal in Class 1400 but it was close, second place was a mere 50 seconds behind. • Center Support - Stabilizes the input and counter shafts keeping them from flexing and moving out of alignment, allowing gears to mesh at optimal levels. • Splined Connection -The splined lever allows the shift cam to connect directly to the shift lever allowing for smoother and continuous shifting. The direct connection insures optimum efficiency thereby reducing stripping and breakage. The entire transmission spins easier and requires less horsepower. • Flexible-The innovative design allows for installation of the car's shifter on either the left or right side of the transmission. • Safer-The option to locate the shifter on either the left or right side of the transmission allows for installation of the driver's seat further from the left door. Increasing the distance between the driver and point of impact reduces the risk of injury in a driver's side collision. • Lighter-: The streamlined construction reduces the weight of the unit by 7 pounds ( as compared to similar models). • Oeaner-O•rings located on the shift cover, midplate, bellhousing, and front bearing retainer eliminate the need for sealer. 0-rings are not only better protection against potential leaks they allow for quicker and easier adjustments and cleanup. • longer Wear-The design of the gear teeth and the stabttity of the center shaft support both reduce the weir on gears thereby extending the fife of the transmission. TbomasUetts .,,em Cs--KAOK6 · ~KCOKPOKATED rA!i.-..6AOK6 ~KCOHPOHATED Mike James was a wee bit off the winning pace at the OUtlaw 250, he took the silver medal in Class 1, seen here at speed. this time!) 7 :59:59! You can't get any closer than that Cole. Congratula-tions. The remaining six entries in Class 1450 either DNF'd or did not start. black. V8 Ford Bronco #370, and then Kurt Lannee in #302. Gowland brok.e the lower left front shock. heim joint on his way to the starting line, and there wasn't enough tick left on the tock before race time, so fixing it was not an option. The shock later blew up around mile marker 12 on the first lap, and it was survival mode for Gowland and his co-driver Jeff Zimmerman after that. Still, 169 Gasoline Alley Suite 5 • Moornvllle, NC 28117 6950 Guion Road • Indianapolis, Indiana 46268 317.293.-4100 • · 704.799.0955 • 704.799.1191 fix C~ 300: The Class 300 vehicles were next off the starting line, with only three entries, but some exciting racing it was. Giti Gowland was first off the line in his #363 I-6 powered Jeep, followed by Leo Orr driving his Gowland and Orr played cat and mouse and tag all day, and even du-eled it out all the way to the finish line too. It had been a close, dogfight race all day, and the time sheets showed just how close it was ... Gowland won by one (1) second!, but Orr managed to take the fast lap award on the last lap. That is THE -TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING INC. SNORE 1999 Transaxle Builder Of 1'he Year congratulations Arden Dennington 1st ifl Class 112-1&00 SCORE Terrible's Short course - Las Vegas TRANS.AXLE ENGINEERING 9763VARIEL AVENUE JEFF FIELD . CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818-998-2739 Page 38 January 2006 closest finish in MOR history. Lee Orr drove his #370 Ford Bronco all day, with co-driver and fabricator Scott Murphy in the #l shotgun seat. Orr reported "a clean race and no issues", except for maybe all the rock.sand dust provided cour-tesy of Gow land, and a lot of holes provided by the 'dez. Kurt Larmee also finished in #302, taking the third in Class 300 trophy in 5:08:46 at 29.5mph. Class 1300: The open wheel bug-gies class saw six entries but only three starters on race day: Arcadio Vasquez #1315, Cesar Alfaro #1349, and Terry Ingold #1303. Vasquez struggled from the start, and had some major problems on Lap 2. #1315 was able to get it fixed and continue on, but time ran out be-fore he could finish the race. Cesar Alfaro also had a pretty tough day of racing in # 1349, but was able to finish and take second in Class 1300 with a time of7:19:34 at 25.9mph. Terry and Kathy Ingold had "a Cinderella season" and an "awesome" race over some "rough and bumpy track" in their 20 year old (#1303) car, to win their seventh race in a row, and take both first in Class 1300 and the Fast Lap award: 4:57:23 at 38.3mph and 55:22 at 41.2mph. Class 1100: There were only two Continu1d an p191 40 PIKES service center Baker, California Celebra~ing &O YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ..• THANKS! RESTAURANT Open 24 Hours Mobil. SERVICE Every Day Year Round THE BEST IN THE DESERT! Dusty Times ' I

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Kurt Lannee never got up to his potential at the Outlaw 250, he Steve Scott ran pretty well in the Class 7S contest, he flew to a third Cesar Alfaro suffered through an especially long third and fifth lap, he ended up taking the bronze medal in Class 1300. finished third in the Class 300 battle, seen here at speed. place in class when day was done. Jason Gutzmer in # 1199 and race series. Other than a flat tire on that wasn't enough to keep #1115 Brian Thompson in # 1115. Gutzmer Lap 2 at mile marker 15, Gutzman from crossing the finish line in 5:4 5:34 took the lead on Lap 1, as well as the reported an" excellent" race. at 26.5mph, to take the Second in Fast Lap award too, turning in a time Brian Thompson kept losing fan Class 1100 trophy. The consolation of 1:16:39 at 29.7 mph. #1199 went belts in #1115, but had "a good day, prize went to the San Bernardino on to take the checkered flag and First otherwise", along with codrivers Eddy County Sheriff and BLM when they in Class trophy in 5:24: 13 for an av-Osteen and Jay Bartley. Fan belts issued citations to the hooligan's re-erage speed of 28.1mph. This was weren't Thompson's only problem, sponsible, and then proceeded to boot Gutzmer's first racing season and his when he got hit in the face byan egg their behinds out of the OHVarea. first win too, finishing six of the seven thrown by a spectator, too. But even Class 1200: The lone entry in Class 1200 (similar to SCORE's Stock Mini to build his handicapped controlled class) was Javier Avila in his #1269 race truck, but all that work paid off Toyota. Despite running out of gas for #1269 in the MOR Outlaw 250. on Lap 3, and breaking a lower ball The Outlaw 250 concluded the joint by Hodge Road somewhere 2005 MOR California race series. The along the line, Avila was still able to awards dinner and ceremony is sched-finish the race and take the First in uled for December 4, 2005, at the Class trophy in 5: 14: 19 at 29.0mph, Double Tree Inn in Rosemead. Dusty as well as the Fast Lap award, 1 :02:21 . Times will be there to bring you the at 36.6mph. It took Avila three years final tally on who won what. tU8.U Matt Torian was just a few ticks off the winning pace in Class 1400, Belden Alivio was well off the pace on his third and fourth laps, he For their first race in this vehicle, Chris and Mike Russell did quite he finished third, a mere six seconds out of the second spot. ended up first out of the money in Class 1450. well, they finished fifth in the Class 1450 contest. Page 40 BILSTEltr. .. the world leader in monotube gas pressure shock absorber technology. 5100Series For lilted pickups and SUVs 5150Series Fixed CrossFlow reservoir shock at an affordable price '9 ies Schrader valve & Coi xternal remote reservoir adj bypass models & smooth body models Call or visit our web site for more information on the complete line of Bilstein off-road shocks January 2006 Dusty Times

Page 41

RALLY NEW Y DRK••• From pg 29 finishers. Burke/Sharkey, Workum/Beavis, and O'Brien Duffy took the top three places overall and in the P 1 (i.e. Open 4WD) class. Jeremy Drislane/Barry Goodman were fourth overall and in Pl, despite adding damage to the front bumper on Saturday af-ternoon. Their performance would have been good enough for fifth in the national, had they en-tered that as well. Martin O'Flynn/Bernhard Obry (Mitsubishi Eclipse) cheer-fully finished fifth, and won the SS2 class from Emilio Arce/Craig Thrall (Subaru lmpreu). They were followed home by Patrick Brennan/Donah O'Leary (Subaru lmpreza WRX STi) who took the SS 1 class. Dave Getchell/Erik Lee (Subaru lmpreza 2.5 RS) were the winners in the P2 class (small en-gine Open 4WD) and eighth over-all. They overcame a broken ex-haust on Friday, and possibly a speed disadvantage on Saturday because-they were using small di-ameter pavement tires. The teams of Joshua Wimpey/Jeremy Wimpey and Mark Lawrence/Robert Maciejski (both with a Volkswagen Golf GTi) staged a Dusty Times spirited contest for the M2 class (small engine, 2WD), well ahead of even the large engine and turbo.two wheel drivers. On Sat-urday the Wimpeys came back from a spin to pull out a 20 sec-ond lead for the class trophy. These teams were 11th and 12th overall. In the M 1 category (large en-gine, 2WD), Mike Hall/Dave Stockdill (Mitsubishi Mig4ty Max pickup) were the clear winners and 15th overall. This was despite the fact that they were running the event without a service crew, and tending to the truck from a tool box fastened to the load bed. Greg Healey/John Macleod (D3:tsun 2802) were second in class (21st overall), despite having the wrong rear spring and shock rates for the gravel stages in this rally. Eric Heitkamp/Nick Lehner (Acura NSX) got the award for the Stock class and 20th overall. The Acura sounded noisy for most of Friday, after losing the exhaust pipe on a stage. The crew installed a new one at midday on Saturday, and that came off during the af-ternoon. After the rally, chairman Ivan Orisek reported that International Rally New York will be back in the U.S.R.C. next September, with an all gravel format. His Spring event, which will become Rally New York U.S.A._, will return in April as an all pavement event U.S.R.C. round. ..-.lfW SCORE BAJA 1000 ... From pg 17 The Hall HZ stayed in frontthe rest of the way. Even though they broke some steering parts on the way down out of Mike's, and then continued to break them the rest 9f the way. They had no flats, and went on to take the win, with 40 minutes on the Hall and Winkel Hl. They'd lost a ball joint and half shaft and ran without it the final 150 miles. Griffin finished third, two and a half hours later, and none of the others made it in. The Stock Mini trucks were next with just two entries. One was the H3 Hummer of perennial Baja 1000 racer, Rod Hall, and the other was a new Honda, piloted by Gavin Skil-ton. This was just the second race for the Hummer. Hall led through Borrego, where he had over three hours on the Honda, which appar-ently had some "new car" blues. When Hall got to Borrego, Mike Winkel, who'd started the day in the Hl Stock Full Hummer, took over for a while. In the meantime, Skil-ton and his Honda disappeared, and Hall was left with no competition. He finished the race, giving himself another win in the record books. The Class 9 cars were next, with five starters, and they must have hated the dust from all those Hummers. January 2006 Eric Fisher put his Garibay into the early lead, with 17 minutes on Chris Haney in a Raceco, at Mile 83. Tony Modica ran third, only nine seconds behind him. At Borrego they'd lost Haney and Modica. Fisher still led, and now Sigal Greenberg and John Halla! ran second in their Chenowth, and Mike O'Donnell and Mike Kowitz were third in a Chenowth. They contin-ued to run in that order through Chanate Wash, and San Telmo. Isaac Chapluk took over for Fisher for the second stretch, then Hector Sarabia did a section, and Fisher got back in to drive to the finish. Fisher, Chapluk and Sarabia stayed aliead, at first an hour, and gradualiy building until they had over three hours on Greenberg and Hallal. Fisher and his crew had two flats, and no other problems. This was their fifth win this year. Greenberg and Hallal also finished, in second. But no one else made it. Class 3 had six starters. Chris Raffo had his Blazer in the lead at Alamo, with Kelly Beal and Brendan Fikes in second, about 20 minutes back. In third it was Ed Griffin and Jim Pritchard, in a Bronco. Last year's champs, Ken and Don Moss, had broken a coil spring and watched everyone go by while they replaced it with a softer one. At Borrego the Moss Bronco was back in front, and Matt, Noah and Gale Pike were second in their Blazer. Third place was in the hands ofJim Pritchard and Ed Griffin in a Bronco. Chuck Atkinson and Patrick Scanlan were out when their track bar broke before Alamo. The Moss brothers led through Chanate Wash and into San Telmo, but they'd broken another front spring, and after replacing it with a softer one, had to readjust their shocks to get the front end working right. The second broken spring had also taken out a brake line, which had to be repaired. Griffina nd Pritchard were second at San Telmo, and the Pikes were third. Beal and Fikes ran fourth and now Raffo was gone, last seen parked at Matomi Wash. The Moss brothers went on to take the win, with the Pike family, all of whom drove, finishing three hours later in second place. Not quite an-other hour back, Beal and Fikes brought the Nissan in for third place. Griffin and Pritchard didn't make it, and were seen heading home on a trailer. In the JeepSpeed class only one entry showed up. Norman Cesena made it through Chanate Wash, but didn't get to San Telmo, disappear-ing after over 15 hours of tough driv-ing. Class 11 looked good at the start, with six starters. All of them made it through Alamo, and Dave Hendrickson had the lead, with 10 minutes on Eric Solorzano. In third it was Ruben Camacho, another five minutes back. Two of them dropped out before Borrego, and down there it was still Hendrickson, followed by Solorzano and Camacho. They were having a pretty good race. Sean Malabanan ran fourth, but he was nearly four hours down. At Chanate Wash there were only two. Solorzano had the lead and Camacho was second two hours later. Hendrickson was gone. And as San Telmo there was only Solorzano. And at Llano Colorado there were none. None of the Class lls were able to make it in. There was pne "Experimental Class 11" car entered. It was Rene Rodriguez in a Class 11 with dual port heads, which will, according to Bill Savage, be legal next year. He started late because he broke a throw out bearing heading for the start. But then he wasn't able to get to Alamo at all. There were nine Sportsman Buggy entries, but only six of them got past Alamo. When they reached Borrego Marty Beal had the lead in a Mirage, with over an hour on Jesus Jimenez in a Baja Bug. In third, another two hours back was Rob Rill in an ORE buggy. Heidi Steele, Cody Stuart, Jus-tin Smith and Greg Boyer had bro-ken a front arm on their Stout In-dustries Buggy, and lost two hours Wlth repairs .. When they got to San felmo, the timing and scoring folk had prob-lems reading their car numbers. Steele et al were running near the front now, and Beal, was still mov-ing, and so was Jimenez. But we don't have precise times. Rill was gone. Dean Lunski was also in the lead pack in his Chenowth. Lunski went on to take the win, while Steele, Stuart, Smith and Boyer were second on three wheels. Their left front arm "fell out" eight miles before the finish, so they came in without it. Beal finished third, an-other three and a half hours later, and he was the last Sportsman 'Buggy to make it in. There were nine Sportsman Truck entries, but only six of them made it through Alamo. At that point Vince Demaio led in his Jeep Grand Cherokee, with 11 minutes on Michael Kim in a Toyota. In third it was Miguel Jimenez in a Ford F150, and fourth place was in the hands of Marshal Madruga in an-other F150. When they got to Borrego it was still Demaio in front, now with al-most three hours on Madruga. Jimenez had fallen out, and so had Jerry Zaiden, in a Ford Ranger. At Chanate Wash'the lead was in Madruga's hands, and he had about 40 minutes on Demaio and his co-driver, Dan Fresh. Mark Growe, last year's points champ, was third now in his Ford, but apparently having some problems as he was five hours off the pace. No one else got to Chanate. At Llano Colorado it was Demaio and Fresh in front again, and now Madruga was three and a half hours down. Demaio and Fresh went on to take the win, reporting no mechani-cal problems, but, they said, their air conditioning had failed and they'd had to open their windows. It had been "a very long day." None of the others finished. There was just one entry in the Legend class. Joseph Cota and Darin Shaver brought their fiberglass buggy, with updated safety equipment. It's-a · VW powered car. They made it to the Chanate Wash pit in 16 hours and 39 minutes, and then expired somewhere between there and San Telmo. And, so, the final event of 2005 goes into the record books, and a new champion is crowned. Caleb Gaddis, racing his first year in SCORE's series, took the overall sea-son points championship with his victory in the 1/2-1600 class. It'll be interesting to watch him in ensuing seasons. SCORE starts everything all over again, with the 2006 Laughlin event, January 12th through the 15th, and then they head back to Baja for the San Felipe 250, March 10th through 12th. The Dusty Times will be there, to tell you all about the racing. SCIIE Page 41

Page 42!!!C:: 18TH TELSTRA RALLY AUSTRALIA Duval/Smee ts Win For Citroen By Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden Francois Duval and Sven Smeets take to the water in their Citroen Xsara, they took the gold medal at the Telstra Rally Australia. "It's going better and better for the future, it was the first rally we had been free to drive as we wanted," explained the young Francois Duval, winner of Telstra Rally Australia, just five days before his 25th birthday. After being temporarily dropped during the 2005 season for unreliable perfom1ances, this was an ultimate comeback for the Bel-gian. On this event Citroen scored a record 11th win in the season, a happy memory before they leave the champi-onship, but there was a sad result for their stablemate Peugeot, both of whose cars retired. The final round of the 2005 world championship was an in-credible affair. Sebastien Loeb and Petter Solberg both crashed, there was an astonishing performance by Colin McRae for Skoda, in which he rose as high as second place. Fastest driver of : · ~....___. iinEK 1c:;....a1 ~~~■E:.IVI~ Formerly Carrera Light Systems ........ illr. ~ tftFFfiliaisJ Page 42 January 2006 Toshihiro Arai and Tony Sircomb had a great rally, they took the PCWRC Spec C win in their Subaru lmpreza, they were fl" overall as well. the event was Chris Atkinson. There two? It could come to that ... And as was a curious debut for the 2006 Ford for events it was heartening to hear in which the team were excessively se-that there was to be one more year for cretive and upset the FIA by blatantly Rally Australia here in Perth before it breaking the twin-rally engine rule by expects to move, presumably to choosing to homologate their car at Queensland, for 2007. One thing for this time of year. Both their drivers, sure, this is the last time Rally Australia however, scored fastest times on the fi-will be the final round in the series. But nal day and they finished with a sixth whatever the uncertainties, and maybe place for Roman Kresta, Toni because of them, the organisers Gardemeister, however, retired. planned to make this a really special Rally Australia promised to be a occasion for everyone concerned. memorable event, but not always for The chief excitement was the new the best reasons. There was the pros- Ford, not the curious norrnally-aspi-pect of a tactic-free battle between all rated rear-drive Focus intended for the six top championship teams, but Australian championship events, which there was a pervading feeling of uncer- had been expected to appear on an tainty about what would come after- event in October {but didn't), but the wards. When the Citroen and the 2006 version Focus World Rally Car. Peugeot teams have withdrawn, and Ford brought two examples of their with the uncertainty of what Mitsubi- '06 car while the 2005 season was still shi and Skoda expect to do in 2006, going on, for Toni Gardemeister and all that is known for certain is that only Roman Kresta to drive. There had not Ford and Subaru can be counted on been an official '05 model, so there in the future. From six teams down to was no breach of the FIA's one-version-Dusty Times

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T Toni Gardemeister and Jakke Honkanen were out of the chase in Roman Kresta and Jan Tomenak won the high flying award in Chris Atkinson and Glenn Macneal/, both Australians, finished fourth Australia, an accident on the FJh Stage sent them to the showers. Australia, they were 6'1' overall, seen here in their Ford Focus. _o_ve_r._al_1 ~in~t~h_e,_·r_S_u_ba_ru~l_m..,_,p_re~z~a_. ~~--~~~-~~~~ per-year rule, but what attracted atten- quiet special challenge for the tyre com- Australia!" This was only Chris' second demanded tneywould have to run the had his car repaired after his Shake-tion was not so much the car as the panies, for different reasons. Firstlythe entry in Rally Australia, last year he latestversioncar?Yes, but the AAcould down accident and was able to take inordinate level of secrecy about the first runners, on stages used first time, won Group N. While the rally was run hardly have invented one rule which the official start. In fact he was running new car. In the days before the start as suffer a heavy disadvantage, and those free of championship issues for the big would force a team to break another well. Petter Solberg was fastest on the teams assembled in the Service P-ark at running behind a big advantage. Sec-teams, it was the fmal round of the one? Ford didn't in fact have to ho- first su perspecial, Marcus Gronholm Langley Park, shrouds were drawn so ondly when the stages are cleared of 2005 PCWRC for which there was a mologate the ;'06 car until January on the second. So Solberg was leading people could not spy what was inside. stones, the surfaces become very abra- three-way fight for the last remaining when this problem would not have after the Thursday night superspecials. Explanations were given that advance sive. This year there was an added fac-WRC title of the season. Favourite was occurred, but they chose to ho-With Friday morning came the first of information on this event would spoil tor. It was necessary for competitors to Toshihiro Arai from Japan in front of mologate in November to gain a tacti- the fun and games with the stages. the official launch for European jour- cover some of the stages for the first Marcos Ligato from Argentina and cal advantage of experience ... Right or Sebastien Loeb did well to make fourth nalists during December, or that ad- time then later (when conditions were Nasser Al Attiyah from Qatar, all of wrong? An unexpectedly late night for fastest time on Stage 3, then second on vance opportunities to study ideas quite different) for a second time on them Subaru mounted. Neither Arai the organisers and the teams! In the Stage 4, both of them typically clean-would give rival teams the chance to the same set of tyres. A further comp Ii-nor Llgato had been an FIA champion end, the result was a 30 second penalty ing stages, with Stage 5 a strange short copy ideas for their 2006 designs as cation was that there were only effec-before, though Arai was responsible for both of the cars. Armin Schwarz section which, in factcutupratherthan well tively six tyre change points during the when the Spike Subaru team won the The event which was the final rally, less than usual, meaning that cor-FIA Teams' Cup in 2000. AIAttiyah, round of the 2005 series featured a rectchoicesoftyreswouldbeevenmore however, had already won the FIA few specific changes. The Service P-ark important than on other events. Middle East regional championship in reverted to Langley Park, close to the This was the final official entry by 2003 and had achieved this title again headquarters at the Sheraton Hotel in Citroen until 2007, but with both this year. Perth, but the city's superspecial stages major championships already decided, Sixty-two entries were accepted but were run at Gloucester Park, two the team orders were simply for the gradually the numbers started to come kilometres away. The stages in the huge crews to enjoy themselves and not get down. Angelo Medeghini was taken to Sotico ("Bunnings") forest complex hurt. This was also the final appear- hospital before the start apparently a were run on the second day and the ance for the Peugeot team which in throwback to the problems he had Mundaring stages on the final day, in- 2006 will enter circuit events with die--during Rally New Zealand, although stead of vice versa. There was a more sel powered cars. Daniel Carlsson was the car and the crew from the Kome compact route on the Friday. The fur-again nominated as Gronhohn's team- team were all raring to run, and then thest south the route went was to the mate. Whatever lies ahead for Skoda, Armin Schwarz crashed his Skoda Murray Pines stages, run twice, and at least they promised to end the sea-Fabia WRC at Shakedown, suggesting therefore the route no longer went son with fun by inviting Colin McRae it might be the premature end of the down to Wellington dam stages. 0th-to return to the team for this final long rally career of Gennany' sonly top erwise the event was back to nom1al. round. And Chris Atkinson returned driver. Colin McRae was back in a The stage roads were covered with the to Australia after h is world tour as Skoda for the first time since Rally GB famous but treacherous ball bearing official driver in Subaru World Rally and he was always faster here than size bauxite stones, quite unique in the Team. "Please don't think I am a local Schwarz. Petter Solberg was quickest championship. These stories create a driver. I come from the other side of at Shakedown by 0.6 seconds ahead Harri Rovanpera and Risto Pietilainen were less than a minute out of the win in Australia, they took the silver medal in their Mitsubishi Lancer. Second in PCWRC Spec C went to Mark Higgins and Daniel Barritt, seen iiere in their Subaru lmpreza, 10"' overall isn't too bad. Dusty Times of Marcus Gronholm, Daniel Carlsson, Chris Atkinson with Francois Duval equal with Harri Rovanpera. The new Fords were eighth and tenth, with Roman Kresta the faster. At another Shakedown location Mark Higgins, who had still not scored any PCWRC points, made quickest times among the PCWRC. Higgins was just ahead of AIAttiyah, who had made a marathon 11 runs over the section, while Aki Teiskonen and champion-ship leader Toshi Arai on third fastest. Leg 1 11 Stages, gravel, 129.54kms. What a day it was! Both Peugeots retired, the end of their seven year programme! Colin McRae up to sec-ond place in a Skoda! Sebastien Loeb out having crashed head-on into a tree during live television coverage from a helicopter! Ford in trouble with the Stewards! Things don't get more sur-prising than on the first day in Austra-lia. It all start~, however, on the Thurs-day evening, where itwasSuperspecial Galore! The rally began with two runs round the Gloucester Park stadium course and Petter Solberg led, but the drama surrounded the Steward's en-quiries about the Fords. Ford had changed their engines since Japan, the earlier event with which Australia had been paired, so their new design of en-gines meant they were breaking the "two rally engine" rule. This was a classic catch-22 conundrum! They couldn't flt the old engine because they were using a new model car which had been ho-mologated with a different unit. But they didn't have to homologate the car in November, because they knew this January 2006 A ircrart Sprue«: i a worldwide distributor of quali(y pl'Qducts for the rac-· ing induitry. Our product of over 30.000 items is one of tbe most extensive from one single source. Our service has made us th . number one supplier in aviation and is why (Wtt 3S0 race teams have turned to us as a trusted source for racing c0111poncnts! www g,~ ~zi ,,_,.,EllI.f FM'lmllf,,,.,.,,,. l:atalof! t ..,,,,..,.,, _.....,, BEST SELECTION! LOWEST PRICES! SAME DAY SIIIPMEIIT! Visit Our Corona, CA store! AIRCffAfl SPRUCE WUT WA-hporl Cin:k Corona, ~ 91880-1521 pl,. 95J-J72-9555 /tu 951-1'!2-05$5 lnfoflalrcrafbpnlce~oom 1-877-4-SPRUCE . . . ' ' Page 43 -..

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Colin McRae and Nicky Grist flew their Skoda Fabia high and wide, clutch failure put them out of the rally. Daniel Carlsson and Mattias Andersson went off the road on the Marcus Gronholm and Tlmo Rautiainen wero out of the rally on the eighth second Stage, their Peugeot 307 burned to a crisp. Stage when they suffered suspension failure on their Peugeot 30Z cleaned. At the Dwellingup regroup Chris Atkinson, running tenth car on the road, was in the lead ahead of Solberg and Gronholm. Missing was Daniel Carlsson, his 307WRC off the road and burned out to a cinder. Antony Warmbold rolled on 6 and retired. Xavier Pons hit a tree near the end of Stage 5. Although Pons com-pleted the stage he could not continue. Gianluigi Galli was delayed by power steering trouble. In Stage 6 Francois Duval stalled at a hairpin and this dropped him back behind McRae, and Atkinson's moment of glory ended, the steering failed and although he was able to continue to service after Stage 7, he was down to 13th place. By the end of the day he was not as buoyant as be-fore. Atkinson's problem let teammate Solberg ahead, so it was still Subaru leading. During the run back to service in Perth, Galli found his Mitsubishi was running inexplicably on three cylinders. Near the end of Stage 7 Gronholm had a bolt fail on his front suspension and although he finished the stage and headed for Perth he was stopped by police who ordered· him to repair it, there and then. He did, but 30km from destination it failed again and the whole Peugeot programme came to a sad end But the big story- Colin McRae was up to third place in the Skoda, behind Solberg and Loeb. "Yes, after a careful beginning it is getting better and bet-ter." On Stage 8 Loeb got ahead of Solberg. Suddenly though it was Loeb whose luck ran out and things just kept on getting better for the Scot. On Stage 9, the final forest stage of the day, Loeb recorded his first accident retirement for over two years. It was at the end of a long fast stretch, and he just under-steered off at a left hand bend. Did he misjudge his speed, was he visually con-fused by the low sunlight and the mezmerising effect of the fast moving shadows through the trees? Solberg, who took the lead, said "For Stages 8 and 9 I took the wrong tyres, which were too hard. Sebastien knew that a11.d decided he would have a big attack. Now." Whatever the cause, McRae was now second! Galli got going properly again but Toni Gardemeister came back with a bent Focus. "I went off the road and the car bounced over some tree stumps but luckily we got back to the road again. Shades of Deutschland, but more dangerous. The bonnet was crumpled and the crew were dirty, be-cause of the dust in the car. Then Ro-man Kresta arrived, with rumples down the side of the car. "It was difficult to drive, because my door kept flying open! I scraped some trees." Before the two final superspecials of the day, McRae's co-driver, Nicky Grist, confirmed they really were second, but not for long, after the next stage, 10, they had fallen back behind Duval again. In PCWRC, Hamed Al Wahaibi drove up to the control O on Thurs-day evening, qualified for champion-ship purposes as a starter, and then withdrew for financial reasons. As usual Fumio Nutahara did well on Page 44 the opening superspecials but when the lead, Harri Rovanpera had got before they could return to service off happy that his power loss prob-they headed into the forests, Mark in front of Colin McRae into sec-and change their tyres. lem had been traced to a leaking turbo Higgins went ahead. On the first for-ond. Rovanpera was another driver Leg 3 pipe and made a fastest time to eel-est stage Marcos Ligato (suspension struggling. His door not closing prop- 6 Stages, gravel, 103.32kms. ebrate. He made fastest time on Stage damage), Sebastien Beltran (rolled) erly, another kangaroo incident, There was the inescapable devel- 24 but immediately his luck ran out and Natalie Barratt (hit a rock and which was letting quantities of dust oping tension to the rally. Whichever when an alternator belt failed and he wrecked the steering) all retired. Four into the car. McRae started to lose of the top three drivers was going to could not carry on. Kresta also made down, nine to go! Beating all the ground when he reverted to manual win, it was for sure going to be a popu- fastest time, on the final stage, and PCWRC cars were the two Subaru gearshift after the Skoda had lost lar success. Once again the leading finished sixth. Stohl came to his sec-Australia team drivers Cody Crocker hydraulic pressure. Skoda competi- drivers were running in reverse order. ond podium result of the season, and Dean Herridge (on the final ap-tion chief Martin Muehlmeier First driver on the road was Armin happy to have finally withstood the pearance for their team). Crocker led checked McRae' s times and happily Schwarz who said the conditions were pressure from Atkinson who ended but stopped when he hit a tree, hav-noted the Scot was faster when the even more slippery than before, so for up only six seconds away from the ing damaged his suspension. Later car was broken! the contenders the conditions were podiutn after winning more stages Herridge did the same and rolled. The forest complex was soon alive going to be fine. For the third day than anyone else. And, just like Peugeot, the Subaru withcarswindingtheirwayinandout running the weather was warm, dry This was Citroen's record 11th Australia rally programme came to a of the endless maze of roads trailing and nearly always cloudless. Colin win in a season, quite a way to bow sad and premature end. Nass~r Al clouds of dust. Chris 'Atkinson spun McRae was trying hard, even though out of official involvement in the Attiyah was going extremely carefully on the first of the five Sotico stages he said the rear suspension was skit- world championship, and of course while Fabio Frisiero had a misfire. and swiped off his front air dam, tish and the car was hard to hold on a for Michelin before they hand over Higgins continued in the lead in front wrecking the handling of the car for line. By the second stage Harri their corporate involvement in the ofToshi Arai and Gabriel Pozzo. Aki the next four stages, until he could get Rovanpera had passed McRae into championship to their associated Teiskonen had a spin and also mo-back to service. Toni Gardemeister second place. Then came a disastrous company BF Goodrich. mentarily went off the road. Arai had an engine misfire, traced to a Skoda service session, the upshot of Mark Higgins rose to second place pushed a bit on Stage 8 and nearly faultysparkplug, but the engine power which was that the Fabia had an un- in the PCWRC after Aki Teiskonen caught Higgins who slid off the road was still low and the team feared for expected clutch problem and the team rolled in front of him, almost blocking for a few seconds, but then eased off internal damage. Rovanperahita kan-ran out of time repairing it. McRae the stage. This was, however, Toshi on Stage 9. Frisiero'senginewasdete-garoo with the driver's door at out, Manfred Stohl now third. Ro-Arai'sday.Aftertwoyearsfinishingsec-riorating. Gabriel Pozzo got back to 200kph while Dani Sola lost hydrau- man Kresta spun at a very narrow ond in the PCWRC he finally became Perth with a broken fourth gear. lie pressure, which made his traction place and lost a ·lot of time getting go-Champion, and in so doing.became Leg 2 very uncertain. After service at Perth, ing again and dropped behind team- the first ever Japanese motorsport 9 Stages, gravel, 122.lSkms. the cars headed off to repeats of the mate Toni Gardemeister, who started World Champion. UU'i:!C: Overnight reaction to the Ford ef-two late afternoon stages held on the 18th Telstra Rally Australia (AUS) Perth 1a,13_ 11 _2005 'M:R round 16, PCMC fort was extremely positive. Malcolm Friday, identical stages run at identi-round 8 'M: Points Wilson, M.Sport chief, said "Neither cal times of day, before returning for M V\O Toni nor Roman drove the cars, apart the last two superspecial stages at PC for a seat-fitting session, until theywent Gloucester Park. 1 (2) Francois DUVAL/Sven Smeets B Citroen Xsara MC 976DAM78 (F) 3h.19m.55.0s.• 10 10 uptoShakedownthemorningofthe In PCWRC, although early 2 (9) HarriROVANPERAIRistoPietilainen FIN Mitsubishi start. We had to guess what the suspen-Group N leader Cody Crocker was Lancer MC l<N04VINID (GB) 3h.20n.47.9s. a a sion settings should be!" Quite irnpres-able to restart, his teammate Dean 3 (16) Mnred StohVllka Minor A Citroen Xsara MC sive.Overnighttheteamfitteddouble Herridge's car could not. Mark 398DLP78(F) 3h.21m.28.0s. - 6 roof scoops to the cars, in order to Higgins held a lead of around seven 4 (6) Chris ATKINSON/Glenn Macneal! AUS Subl.-u lmpreza MC JC54MC (GB) 3h.21m.34.0s. 6 5 -pressurise the cockpits and hopefully seconds or so in front ofToshi Arai. 5 (10) Gianluigi GAllVGuido dAmore 1 reduce the dust trouble, in which they On the first stage (12) Gabriel Pozzo MC KP54GXY (GB) 3h.22m.59.4s. 5 were partly successful. punctured and dropped behind Aki 6 (4) Roman KRESTNJan Tomanek Mitstbishi Lancer 4 CZ Ford Focus Could this day be any more ex-Teiskonen and Fumio Nutahara. EU55BMZ(GB) 3h.23m.04.0s. 4 3 citing than the first? Immediately Nasser Al Attiyah lost power on all 7 <14) Dani Sola/Xavier Amigo E Ford Focus MC MC EG53BDU (GB) 3h.26m.12.4s. - 2 there were reports of spectator prob-the first five stages because of a a (11) Armin SCHWARZ/Klaus Wlcha D Skoda Fabia MC lems -not human, but indigenous faulty sensor which he had to by-485 3380 (CZ) 3h.27m.59.3s. 3 1 ones - kangaroos! Reports came in pass, but held his sixth place. On 9 (31) Toshihiro Arei/Torry Sircombe J/NZ Subaru Jmpraza from the crews who said they had Stage 15 Higgins punctured and "Spec C" PCMC GMG332Nl31 (J) 3h.35m.38.2s.• - - 10 th h h. d Ar · · fr · h H' · 10 (37) Marx Higgins/Daniel Barritt GB Subaru lmpraza near misses, en on t e t tr stage at went m ont, wtt tggms sec-"Spec c• PCMC GF7S2CB (A) 3h.37m_24_86_ _ of the day, in the Sotico (former ond but now fighting to stay in front Other important finishers Bunnings) forest complex, rally of Teiskonen. Even the first time 11 (40) Gabriel Pozzo/Daniel Stillo RA Slbaru lmpreza 8 leader Petter Solberg hit one head- through, the stages were getting rut-"Spec C" PCMC EYC518 (RA) 3h.38m.06.7s. _ s on. The car reached the end of the ted and of the group of three stages 12 (34) Furnia Nutahara/Satcshi Hayashi J Mitsubishi l.anoer stage but that was as far as it could in the forest, competitors _had to :vo VIII PCMC KNY301H08590 (J) 3h.-40m.31.0s. -go. So Francois Duval was now in tackle the two longer stages again 13 (33) Nasser Al AttiyahlChris Patterson QNGB SlbanJ Manfred Stohl and Ilka Minor finished third overall in Australia, seen here at speed in their Citroen Xsara. January 2006 lmpreza "Spec c· PCMC OU54PW (GB) 3h.41m.55.9s. -4 16 (42) EvoVIII 17 (38) Evovtll 25 (45) EvoVIII 28 (36) "SpecC" Federico + Javier Villagra RA Mitsubishi Lancer PCMC BYY577 (NZ) 3h.50n.35.6s. - 3 Fabio Frisiero/Giovanni Agnese I Mitsubishi l.anoer PCMC BYY643 (NZ) 3h.52m.40.4s. - 2 Riccardo Errani/Stefano Cuadio I Mitsubishi Lancer PCMC BH457ZG (I) 4h.14m.14.6s. - 1 MIWCOS LigatolRuben Garcia RA Subaru lmpraza PCMC EVINl873 (RA) 4h.16m.50.8s.(9) 30 (44) Sebastian Beltran/Edgardo Galindo RA Subaru lmpreza "Spec C" PCMC EYC519 (RA) 4h.22m.OO.Os.(9) 34 (41} Natalie Bamltt/Kaj Lindstrom GB/FIN Subaru lmpreza "Spec c· PCMC ouosouo (GB) 4h.27m.25.9s.(9) . -60 (13 PCMC) starters. 43 (11 PCMC) finishers. -PCMCIGROUP N winner. MANUFACTURER'S REGISTERED DRIVER. (Missed Stages or Road Sections.) 'Mrvler's average speed over stages 106.55kph. Leading retirements · (1) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena F/MC Citroen Xsara MC Dusty Times

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Sp2oOnOso5rSeedrbi~~ ~ ~ (~PELICAN'" ~ Ci,>~ - -fi ~ (!ff[fg !f: IIACIIIIJSHIIX ~ ~ Youbreak/f,we/8/)/acelt...forevtll • -. .......

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PONY EXPRESS ••• Story Of Holly Gorrell An open letter from a father whose daughter was killed at Glamis Octo-ber 29, 2005. • M 2865 Gundry Ave. nal HIii, CA 90755 ff/Ii 'IIOS t//Coole Driving Suits Rod End Boots Neo Synthetic Oil . Pedormance Plum Ing l~l~Flt:£_ -~;I•lii'1•l Page 46 562-427-2375 My name is Patrick Gorrell and together with my wife, Samantha, we have managed to raise five won-derful children. From the time that our kids were toddlers, our family began taking trips to a place in the desert called Glamis. For those of you who may not be familiar with Glamis, it is essentially a stretch of mountainous sand dunes that run from the middle of the Salton Sea and extend southward to the Mexi-can border. The dunes there are truly beautiful. They are made up of a seemingly endless stream of sandy valleys, ridges and deep bowls. In our early trips to Glamis we found it to be the perfect venue for family adventures. In our many trips there we were joined by a large num-ber of families from our local com-munity (Canyon Lake, CA). To-gether, there in Glamis we taught our kids to ride and helped each other in the task of raising them into adults. We camped wagon wheel style in our motor homes. At night we ate our meals around a roaring campfire while we shared the day's adventures and an endless stream of stories late into those chilly desert nights. We found it so ideal, that we be-came hard-core regulars. For more than two decades during the cooler winter months we would go to Glamis just about every other week-end. We became accustom to eating a little sand in our turkeys. We re-lentlessly cleaned sand out of every nook and cranny of our motor homes and trailers. We washed sand our of our hair for days after we got back home. But despite these prob-lems, there was one overwhelming factor that kept us going back again January 2006 and again. It was fun ... About as much fun as anyone could possibly have. It is hard to put into words the feeling of exhilaration and the ab-solute joy that comes from riding in the dunes at Glamis. It is a very three dimensional experience. You can ride up hills, you can ride down hills, you can ride around and around in bowls and valleys of unimaginable proportions. You can feel the exhila-ration of achieving weightlessness during a jump. You can carve turns in the sand that feel like they will rip you right off of your bike. And you can ride for hours at a stretch until your arms are so tired that you just can't use them any more. From my experience, there is simply no feeling on earth that can match Glamis for its ability to deliver a sense of free-dom and power. Growing up and learning to ride there, my daughter Holly became addicted to these simple, yet very pow-erful pleasures. She was a great rider, and her experience at Glamis left her with sand in her blood and in the deepest parts of her soul. Because of its irresistible attrac-tion, over time this one-time haven for family adventures became increas-ingly crowded. In fact, it is danger-ously overcrowded these days. Be-cause of this, and because of our old age I guess, we stopped going there as regulars. But my daughter Holly made sure that we went back every now and then. Her love for the place kept drawing her back for her neces-sary Glamis fix. I loved riding with Holly. She was just great. But October 28, 2005 we went back to Glamis for another very special purpose. Holly and her sister Heather had started a line of women's riding apparel called DAMZL. Together, Holly and Heather identified a need in the off road motor cycle industry that was very personal to them. Despite the fact that they were tough enough to ride with the best of us, they are also beautiful women and have a strong sense of fashion and taste. They re-sented the fact that for more than 30 years, they had to dress in riding clothing designed by men -for men. And from their experience they knew that they could design clothing spe-cifically designed for the woman rider. Clothing with more color and far more practical for women. Their theme slogan that I dearly love is "Feminize The Machine". This founding concept became their man-tra and it symbolized what was to become a real quest for both of them. If Holly had a goal with DAMZL it would be to put a woman dressed in pink at the head of a pack of aggres-sive riders. They went to Glamis that week-end primarily as vendors. They were embarking on the necessary market-ing task of gaining exposure and ac-ceptance and creating an identity within the riding community. And Glamis is certainly one of the best places to do this. On that Friday, Holly and her fiance Eric spent the best part of the morning taking pictures of Holly riding and jumping some dunes. The few brief minutes she spent doing this did little to satisfy her need to spend some time seriously shredding up some sand. The rest of that Fri-day Holly spent working the DAMZL sales booth with Heather and she begrudgingly resisted her Dusty Times

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temptations to go back out in the dunes and get some sand in her hair. On that Saturday Holly was back in the booth again. She was dying for a ride, but kept putting it off until late in the day. And then fi-nally before it got too late her mo-ment came. Holly fulfilled her dream. She mounted her bike dressed in pink and led a pack of five riders out into the· sand. As she had dreamed, she led the way and challenged everyone fol-lowing to keep up with her. I can sense what was in her heart as she threw caution to the wind for a moment just long enough to miss sight of an approaching dune buggy. In the blink of an eye she was irrepa-rably crushed. And as she laid there in dte sand dressed in her pink DAMZL shirt, Eric, the love of her life held her hand, cradled her head and told her just how much he loved her while she passed away from him. And so that is what happened just a week ago as I write this today. Now many of us here would de-scribe this whole episode as tragic. But if you really knew Holly the way I did, then it would be much more appropriate to describe it as poetic. Holly died very quickly. She died doing the thing she liked to do most, and in the place that she liked the most. She died in the arms of the man she loved most dearly- the man that she called the love of her life. I am very proud of the fact that her life and her end have become the inspiration for her sister to continue with the goals they set together for DAMZL. I think this reflects posi-tively on their personal strength and character. I feel blessed to be the fa-ther of such a great family. It is with mixed emotions that I reflect on how I feel about Glamis and other popular off road riding areas. On one hand, our family en-joyed countless adventures and very positive experiences there. O~ the other hand, it's the place that I lost my daughter. Upon reflection have come several conclusions. First, I believe strongly that it is up to each parent or individual rider to determine if it is appropriate or safe enough to ride in these places. Clearly, I do not believe that this de-cision should be made by the BLM or any other government agency. In my mind their job is to protect our ability to make these choices, not to make them for us. • stock And Hl(lh Jtel'lormant:e VWf'nlnsaJtles • AH:t:ory•f'nllned ftlendeola Builder and AuthorlZed Distributor~ • 60 Yea,s combined Expetlence • unsurpassed Rellablllty • High OUallty I &ow Pllce snJFF~~'=! Sl1Jpplng from our TWO callf'Omla locatJonsl My strongest feeling is that riders and buggy drivers must learn to tem-per their enthusiasm in favor of more caution. Especially in these very crowded areas. Perhaps the easiest way to do this is to simply not to ride or drive beyond what your field of visioQ can let you be in control of. If you can see what lies ahead and you are confident "that there are no sur-prises, let that be the opportunity to go for it and get your thrills. It will eventually come. You owe it to your-self, co-riders and others that might be tragically affected by your impa-tience. As individuals we owe it to the other people around us not to jeop-ardize their safety because of your lack of self control. We simply don't have the right to take other people's safety for granted. None of us own Glamis or any other similar place. Instead we share it. And if we don't share it responsibly, big brother will certainly take it from all of us. f.866.1/W.STUFF • f.866.897.88~~ May God bless and keep you and your loved ones safe. . _·,I ilbt Jason Patrick Baldwin December 30, 1969 -November 19, 2005 Jason was a true off road racer, he loved the sport and participated as often as he could. He raced hard, won his share of races and was well liked by all. His short life ended tragically in an airplane accident. Jason is survived by his wife, Eve, daughters Annabelle and Sabrina, his parents, Nancy and Jim Baldwin, sisters, Jami and Kelly and his brother Josh. Via con Dios Jason. Ed Herbst/ Jason Baldwin Jason Pre-Race Quiet Dusty Times January 2006 Page 47

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Pat & Nat Richard Take The Gold Text & Photos: Tom Buchkoe Patrick and Natalie Richard made it look easy, they flew their Subaru lmpreza WRX to the overall victory at Lake Superior. Defending North American champions Pat and Nathalie Ri-chard scored a triumphant vic-tory Saturday to win the overall Rally America championship title at the eighth and final round in the series. The team got off to a strong start at the Lake Superior Pro Rally on the forest roads of northern Michigan, building a lead early in the race and driv-ing conservatively to the top spot on the podium. "I didn't really break too much of a sweat today," the driver said Saturday. Even so, this has been a chal-lenging season for the brother/ sister duo and the pressure was on this weekend. The team has been locked in a fierce fight with fellow Group N competitors Stig Blomqvist, a former World Rally Champion, and co-driver Ana Goni. The Richards were behind in the overall championship be-fore this race and rhey had to finish first overall at this rally cam/l_, source farm dCre • Driving Suits • Crew Uniforms • Crew Shirts • Polo Shirts • Team Jackets • Hats • GearBags NOW FEATURING: In-House Embroidery Driver Names • Team Logos • Sponsor Logos to secure the title. But Blomqvist and Goni did not contest the race. It appears they had hoped to score enough points early in the season to take the series win without it. "A few rallies ago it looked like we were a long shot," said Richard Sat-urday. "This just didn't come into their plan." Driver Travis Pastrana and co-driver Christian Edstrom also drove smoothly on to the podium Saturday, finishing 25 1.B00.700.2350 • Fax 909.360.0436 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 Page 48 January 2006 Matt Iorio and Ole Holter performed for the crowd, they finished third overall, first Open in their Subaru lmpreza. Doug Shepherd and Pete Gladyz drove through the dark to the Group 5 win, they were g,, overall as well in their Dodge SRT 4. seconds back. Pastrana brought his Group N Subaru into sec-ond place overall without a scratch on it -this, in contrast to his spectacular multiple roll-over at the penultimate round a month ago. The rally newcomer's perfor-mance this season has been strong, and it is rumored he might make a first appearance at the World Rally Champion-ship next season. Driver Matthew Iorio fin-ished in third place Saturday, securing him third overall in the drivers' championship. The Open class driver is also contest-ing the North American cham-pionship, which will be decided next month in Canada. A tight battle in the Produc-tion GT class saw driver Tanner Foust claim the race and series victory over rival Matthew Continued on page 50 Lights ablaze, Tanner Faust and Scott Crouch drove to the gold medal in PGT, seen here in their Subaru WRX. Coming ashore, Micah Witala and Jason Takkunen drove their Saturn SL2 to a first place finish in Group 2. Dusty Times

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Through the water, Travis Pastrana and Christian Edstrom drove Mike Merbach and Jeff Feldt swam to the finish, a nice finish it was, Finishing eighth in Open, Kyle Sarasin, 16 years old, drove his first their Subaru lmpreza WRX Sti to 2nd in Group N, ~ overall. they were first in Production in their Volkswagen Jetta. Johnson. The pair fought hard clean and tried to push a little of weather and road conditions. over the two day rally and bit on the last two stages," said Course roads range from gravel Johnson was in the lead when he Foust Saturday. "It was some-to mud and truly fickle autumn rolled into the woods on the thing we had to learn -you have weather means conditions vary ninth stage. He landed on his to go a little slow sometimes to widely. wheels and was able to continue go fast." The championship series is but spun hard on the final stage Based at the tip of Michigan's sanctioned by Rally America and while pushing to make up for northern peninsula, the Lake is aired this fall on the Outdoor lost time. Foust finished 48 sec-Superior Pro Rally is a challeng-Life Network. onds ahead. "We just stayed ing event that features a range Travis Pastrana and his Ver-rally in his· Eagle Talon, accompanied by hi dad, Stewart. mont SportsCar teammate Ken tions against a ie o muc Block have finished second and more experienced rally drivers. third in Group N at the 2005 The strong finish for Block Lake Superior Rally, the final means he finishes the year third round of the Rally America in the Group N standings as well Championship. The duo battled as achieving Rookie of the Year through two days of rain and honors! variable road conditions in their The Lake Superior Pro Rally all wheel drive Subaru WRX Sti is revered by rally drivers for its rally cars to claim podium posi-Continued an page 52 Finishing~ in Open, "l"' overall, Chris Gilligan and Joe Petersen had Alfredo De Dominicis and Massimo Daddoveri finished 4th in Group Chris Czyzio and Bob Martin finished B'1' in Open, it was Chris' 2(Jh s decent rally, they're seen here in their Mitsubishi Lancer Evo. N, 5'1' overall, they came over from Italy for the rally. consecutive PORILSPR rally, seen here flying his Mitsubishi Eclipse. IIUl"'III/&.•~ SHOCK . ..,, • .,._,,FIECHNOI.OGY 714.530.B701 • FAX714.530.B702 12842 JOY STREET, GARDEN GROVE, CA 92840 . lltltNW".lci-con, Page so January 2006 2.6" --6!!!!£~ Need coil springs? Coll King Shocks! We have custom and produdion coils in stock, and the experience to get you what you need. Call todayl Dusty Times

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fled Ei tested a Stranger e~=~~..,!Lighter n other cast wheels the market ' • ounter Pressure Casted Aluminum . • Satin Smooth ---Machine Finish ble In. x4. 15x Beadlack Patt n205mm . - - ~ 714 .B25B cel'ttla Ave □blue □black □red . , I □polished I

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difficult conditions, which typi-cally include high speeds On tree lined roads with variable levels of grip. The rally covered over 80 miles of competitive special stages along the northern tip of the Upper Peninsula of Michi-gan. The rally featured mostly gravel or hard packed dirt roads and one hair raising paved mountain road. With Lake Su-perior and stunning fall foliage 1as a backdrop, light to moder-ate rain kept the drivers on their toes all weekend. Pastrana was nursing a bro-ken collar bone from a motocross accident last week-end, but his pace was unaffected. . He and his veteran co-driver Christian Edstrom all but se-cured their second overall fin-ish on the first night of the rally with a stunning display of speed. Pastrana was comfortably in sec-ond overall after winning two of the night's six stages outright. After crashing at the last rally while battling for the rally lead, Pastrana was content to hold on to second overall for the remain-der of the rally and gain experi-ence safely ... He then drove his Page 52 ... ' • .. ~ ,. ,, al • • , • .,., ,,. ' • • ,. ,-. .. ' ,t ' .. ' •• " .. ' I, .. " .. • .. ,..• I , • ./. , ~ • • .. ~ JI I ' " , '\ c. ., 1 \ , . Subaru WR)( STi rally car just f-ast enough on Saturday to keep the hard charging field behind him. "This was a lot of fun, we had no problems at all and I didn't put a scratch on the car, its been a great season and I can't wait for next year," ex-claimed Pastrana at the podium champagne spray. Ken -Block and his co-driver Alex Gelsomino didn't have it so easy. They battled all week-end and had to charge through the difficult conditions to claim third in the Group N class. "I'm not very confident driving at night yet, I don't have the expe-. rience yet, so we lost some time Friday and had to fight for it back on Saturday," explained DC Shoes co-founder and Presi-dent Ken Block. Ken and Alex attacked on Saturday, even win-ning one stage outright but stayed within their limits on the slippery roads, "One of the stages was so slippery it was worse than driving at a snow rally, you had grip one second and then absolurely nothing the next," explained Ken. Ken earned the final Group N po-dium spot behind his teammate -and friend, Travis Pastrana. The strong finish here at LSPR secured third overall in the Group N season standings for Ken, with Travis close behind in fourth. Following the r~lly' · Ken was crowned Rookie.of the Year for his amazing rise to the top of the sport in such a short time period. Ken's first rally was· less than a year ago and through training with Vermont SportsCar and guidance from his veteran co-driver, Alex Gelsomino, Ken is now one of America's top rally drivers alongside Pastrana. • clll, This column may, from time to time, contain adult language. We hereby request anyone under the age of 18 to stop reading this immediately and get some adult supen,ision before continueing. ed January 2006 The Straight Poop · From The Big Wah.too SNORE RACE -Ken Tapert and Gary Stairs entered Ken's ½-1600 buggy in the Gold Coast 250.; With almost 20 others in this competitive class , our boys turned some good laps and came away with a fin 6th place finish at this race. Good Show, guys! M.O.R.E. HOLIDAY 200 -This race had a unique format of two loops, one 13 miles and one 27 miles , with the fatser-cars running on the longer loop first and the slower cars on the shorter loop ..... then switching. With 3 buggies scheduled to race,·then Brian Potts dropping out with the flu, we only had two Checkers entered. Murphy and McCool crashed and rolled John's ½-1600 car, losing a lot of fuel before they could get it uprighted. Then they ran out of fuel and dnf'd. The twin loop format was met with mixed opinions, but most agreed that the intersection between the two loops was poorly marked. Pit Captains were: BJ Bates at the Main Pit, Dwight Forell at Hodge Road, Mark Nacke at Outlet Center and Mike Wright at the two loop intersection. HENDERSON 400 -This Best In The Desert race was also marked with confusion around the Start/Finish area, with cars reportedly running at high speeds in opposite di-rections through the pit area. The promoter also miscalcu-lated the time it would take the Trophy Trucks to make their first lap, which had them coming through to start their S'e·cond laps with a lot of the classes still being flagged away at the starting line. This race also had 3 Checker entries, with all of them showing up. Greg Hawks ran a ½-1600 buggy which had it's air cleaner come loose on the first lap. The silt did terrible things tci · -the motor before they dis-covered and repai-red it, and eventually parked the buggy for a dnf, as time was run-ning out. But, Josh Hall, in Dusty Times - ,

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>> Terrible's Cup Poduim

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\lrrewar · ~ CY.!.b:O I u,..,,....:..J1,.~.,_;;,.,'-=LI ~ Wired to Win! Wiring Going To Make It Another Season? Auto electrical experts Specializing in custom off-road wiring Race vehicles & dune buggies Communications and custom lighting When it's gotta be Wired Right! e&j Wireworks 2865 Progress Place Ste 28 Escondido CA 92029 760-738-WIRE (9473) that big yellow H2 Hummer, carried the Checker colors on to the finish for his 8th win in a row ..... and, obvi-ously, another year end Points Cham-pionship title in his class. His brother Chad had a flat tire in.his H 1 pickup truck Hummer while in a tight race for the win and had to settle for a close second place finish. Good show, guys. The Pit Captains at this race were Milo Brown, Ed Jahn and The Rev. CODE SERIES - Chris Wilson helped drive Josh Westwood's "all steel, Stock Full" truck against a good field of Class S's, and they won CODE's Class 8 Points Champion-ship. Also, Vic Bruckmann and his wife Michelle co-drove her buggy to the Class 5 Points Championship title in that series. Good Show!! of the class to earn himself a repeat as the 2005 SCORE Points Champ in Class 7SX. 'Atta boy Stretch! The Checker Pit Captains for this race were: Jimmy Tucker #1&8, Greg Krasnow #2, Mark Nacke #3, Big John Files #4, BJ Bates #5, Dennis Crowley #6, Jorge Espino #7, Jeff Hibbard, radio relay. Worldwide benchmark manufacturer of military-specification wiring systems for all motorsport applications Baja 1000 - this years Baja Mil had a big Checker entry, with 14 Checker supported vehicles in this 700+ mile event. The club supported this race with 8 pits and our own radio relay up on the "mountain." But, because most of this years course was a combining of this years San Felipe 250 and Baja 500 courses, the trail was pretty well torn up before the 1000 race started, and only 5 of our Checker entries finished. The leg-endary Rod Hall drove his new H# Hummer to a 1" place finish in its class and to a Class Points Champi-onship. His sons, Josh and Chad, raced their H2 and Hl Hummers respectively, against each other, to a first and second place in the Full Stock class. A big Wahzoo 'attaboy to the Hall family for this impressive showing. Billy Robertson and Stuart Chase pressed on in Billy's Class 1 car, despite major cv problems all dur-ing the second half of the race. But their persistence paid off with a re-spectable 8th place finish. Gary Stairs/Ken Tapert/Ed Jahn ran Gary's ½-1600 buggy for the first time in Mexico and came home with an impressive 9th place finish in that competitive class ... way to go, guys!! Our dnf s were many and varies. First out was Tom Koch in his Open buggy with clutch problems after going over the "Summit". James Campbell broke up the front end of his Class 12 buggy a little passed that. A top mounted spare tire came loose on Ray Files ½-1600 car and did dnf damage to various parts in his engine cage. Andrew Neal blew the motor fairly early in the NeaVMartin 1/2-1600 entry. George Seeley got past the halfway point before a large, unfixable hole appeared in his fuel cell. Milo Brown's 7S truck times out for a dnf aJter many problems and severely stuck at about the 370 mile mark. Joe Cota, in his "Legend Car" entry, broke up his front end at about 400 mile out. Mark Growe dnfd his last years championship Sportsman 7 truck for unknown rea-sons. Our last dnf ended on a happy note, Rich Severson got his 7SX truck farther along the course than the rest A CHECKER,FASTEST IN THE DESERT TODAY - Mikey Childress, Reverend Roy's kid, overalled this year's Baja 500 as a privateer, on an "XR's" ONLY Honda, beating the factory Honda Team by a good margin. But this was just one highlight in a great year. He was also District 37's Open Expert Champ, and their Overall Rider Of The Year. He also won BITD's 4-Stroke Pro Championship, and the only racer to grab wins in all 5 BITD races in 2005 among ALL the classes. (4 and 2 wheels) After his impressive Baja 500 win, Honda was faced with a difficult decision. Continue to ig-nore the kid and have him continue to beat them, or hire the kid and have him start winning for them. Just a simple business decision, right? Well, for this year's Baja 1000 race Mikey did suddenly find himself signed up by Honda as their #3 rider on their factory "A" Team. A very good busi-ness decision as it turned out, as their # 1 factory rider came down with the flu and only rode about 200 miles. That meant that Mikey and the other factory dude had to pick up the slack ... and won it going away! A unique double for our lad, winning at the Baja 500 as a privateer and a win at the Baja 1000 as a factory dude! He started out racin' on bikes, but Mikey changed directions and joined the car Checkers, having a couple of good showings out at the local races on four wheels. But, he decided he wasn't quite done with bikes quite yet and moved in the com-plete opposite direction as most Checkers do .... From the car Check-ers over to the bike Checkers. Related to NASCAR's Richard Childress, Mikey has winning in his blood. And, after he's through kickin' ass on a bike, you can bet he'll be bringing that talent of his back over to Check-ers Off-Road and pick up a ride in one of the fatser hi-dollar classes. (With a roll cage) Congratulations on a great year, Mikey! MoTeC Engine Managernent and Data· Acquisition Systems Robust 32-bit sequential f u e l and spark control systems b uilt co w ithstand extreme racing a pre-running punishment. Turn-key systems available for all popular off-road engine packages. Digital d isplay and data acquis it ion system s for all levels o f competit ion. Engine and cha ssis d y namorneter services available. Sakata Motorsport Electronics, inc. 689 s. State College Blvd. Unit K Fullerton, CA Tel: 714·446-9473 Fax: 714-445-9247 Page 54 Utilizing the finest . Raychem System 25 components, the industry standard for all professional racing sanctions. Engineering, assembly, and comprehensive testing performed 100% in-house. Complete harness assemblies and circuit control components are available to suit your budget. High-Accuracy Air-Fuel Ratio Meters Ligr1tweight, stand-alone system work s with all engines and alternate fuels -carbureted or fuel injected. For the dedicated engine tuner who needs to know exact;/y what their engine is doing. No flashing lights - just the facts ... Nail it; t;o a nurnber! ,/': ~ ~--~ ,,.;;:::~~<, rv,c:rr□R SPDRT ELECTRONICS vve're making connect,ons ... January 2006 Vic Van Ella Award - The Check-ers, in coordination with SCORE, awarded our prestigious Vic Van Ella Award posthumously to Corky Mc-Continued on page 67 Dusty Times

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WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK EVERYONE THAT HELPED MAKE SNORE A SUCCESS IN 2005. WE ALL LOOK FORWARD TO 2006 ~ -KC HiliTES_/ F&F Trenching Dustv•Times "lf ln'T'-::-;~~--:. I ' ... -.,.-. t " .... -~ -·--~--- -·-. ~-·--·---- - -·----RACE PHOTOS .COM ~ t_j;-,mu lD/lllllmr BATTERIES RACINGSHOX January 2006 >1?obile Radio GENUlNEWE3 eommonl(:titloni. ---------------------l..ulhl.'ntir '•Vt:b ~<ilutkm-::. Don't miss out on 1he 1st race of 1he 2006 SNORE Kartek Championship series. BATTLE AT PRIMM February 17-19, 2006 · Two days of short course style racing in Primm, Nevada. For more information visit SNORE' s website Page 55 -

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BFGaodricfj Report BFGoodrich• Tires Reaches Mo-mentous Milestooe with 20th Consecu-tite SCORE Baja 1000 Championslup Baja TJAKR Ttre Continues Its Reign of Off-Road.Dominance GREENVIIl.E-Nov. 20, 2005 -BF-Goodrich~ Tues traveled down to Baja this year geared up to celebrate its 3& anniversary of participation in the granddaddy of off-road races, the Tecate SCORE Baja 1000. Today, there is an ~m:xemonumentalmilfstonetorom-memorate its 2&ronsecutive four-wheel victory in the legendary desert classic. In a triumphant bade to hide win, Troy Herbst and Larry Roeseler secured a historical Baja achievement in Ensenada this week-end, perpetuating BFGoodrich's legacy as the tire of choice for Baja 1000 winners and off-road enthusiasts. "Winning a legendary sporting event 20 romecutivetimesis no small triumph," said Owen Schiano, brand director, BF-Goodrich Tm:s. "This year's inCRdiblevic-toryatthe TecateSCORE Baja lCXXlron-flrms BRJoodrich Taes' rommittnentto, and support of off-road racing. The 20th win isa restunentto the great drivers,~ ners and the entire BF<Joodrich team." Troy Herbst and I.any Roeselerdrove their Class 1 Trophy Trude to the 0\/erall four-wheelvehicleSCOREBaja lCXXlvic-tory on BFGoodrich Baja T/ AKR tires. The team finished the race in 15:06: 19 at an average speed of 46.92 miles per hour. The following is a romplete list ofBF-Goodrich Tires 2005 SCORE Baja 1000 winners: Trophy T ruclc -Bob Shepard, Cl 1 -Larry Roeseler/f roy Herbst, C13 -Don Moss, Cf 7 -Doug Stewart, Cl 7X-Dan Street, C19-Eric Fisher, Cl 10-lobsam Yee, Cl 12 -Stan Potter, Cl 14 -Dean Lunski, Cl 15 -Vince DeMaio, CI 16 • B, Mr. Baja Piu Hello racers and funs alike. Rrstoff, let me ~ that Au~ Baja has signed with Baja Pits Race Team to prc,;ide us with Sunoco Race Fuel for the 2006 rare seaoon. We will no l~ be carrying VP fuelstntingwithtre~CDDErare in December. This will be a major change and a great thing for Baja Pits racers who will recogniz.e Sunoco from the Nascar se-ries baclceastasaqualityfudline. Secondly, let me ~that all active and rurrent members prior to the 2006 San Felipe 250, that race in the bike and quad classes, Pro and Sportsman alike, will re-cei.\e free pit service from &ria Pits Rare Team for the 2006 Tecate Score San Felipe 250. Thats right, all you have to be is a rurrent µrid member and )OU1" pits and fuel (@4 gallons max per pit stop) will be free for that race. That is a WJ)fto ~thank you to all our bike and quad guys thatstuclc with us following the 2004 Baja lCXX) fud fia.5Wcbvnnnh.Remembertrougb, this is active members prior to March 1st of 2006wooareµ per year is $50.00 a ~ All Pro clas.5 entries starting in 2006will be required to run a dry break system for fueling. We can help you save money there thru our spon-sorship with IMS Products. Well, the grand daddy of our off road races has finished. Thatwould be the Teca-teScore Baja lCXXloffroadrace. 704miles to be exacr this year and non the less a brutal race. Baja Pits started out with 25 vehicles and 11 bikes and quads. Among these several 1st thru 5th place winners in Page 56 Caleb Gaddis, SF -Jooh Hall, SM -Rod T reµmier and Tun Strubywere the fuun. Hall elation to the incredible Wide Open Baja "Congratulations to all of our teams Team. These four men stepped up to the and a special thank you once again to all Baja challenge, finishing eight out of 16, of our volunteers who spent their vaca-proving that perseverance is an invalu-tion time to help make this race pa;sible," able facet in desen racing. said Gary Enterline, light nuclc category This year's legendary desert race was manager for BFGoodrich Trres. "This held Nov. 17-20 in Mexiro, started and race rould not happen with out the dedi-finished south of the border in Ensenada, cationofallofthose involved and this year Baja California and extended overa rug-was a prime example of why there is no ged rourse on both sides of the majestic other race like the Baja 1000 on earth," peninsula. Nearly 300 entries from 0\/er The Tecate SCORE Baja lCXX) is one 30 U.S. Stares and 10 rountriesrompem:l of the moot demanding off-road races in 27 Pro and fl,,e Sportsman classes for knowntoman,running709milesaround cars, nuclcs, m01.0rqdesandATVswere the rugged Baja California peninsula• apartofthis-year'stributetothesportof some of the worlds' toughest terrain. Dur-desertracing. ingthepistseveralyears, teams equipped It'stheoldestandmoo:wellknownof with BRJoodrich Baj!. T/ A tires h.M been all desert rare;, and it remains as the singie near perfect in the worlds' moo: rerog-moot appealing accomplishment to a nizedoff-road race. driver.Since 1967, themotherofalldesert Top BFGoodrich race teams ride on races has been run 0\/ef the mysterious Baja T/ A KR off-road tires, a purposebuilt Baja California peninsula every-yearex-racingtiredesigned foruse indesertand cept 1974 when the international fuel offroadracingsuchastheTecateSCORE crisis forced a cancellation: During the Baja lCXX). The Baja T/AKR tire is the pist20)'2IS,winnersridingonBFGood-racingversion of the larger BF<Joodrich rich Trres have included: technological Baja T/ A tire line, and is one of the moo: expertise with vast motorsports experi-winning tires in off-road racing built to ence, delivering a high-performance tire withstand treacherous terrain. for every type of vehicle, from ultra-high In addition to supplying its renowned performance tuner vehicles, sports cars Baja T/ AKR tire for the race, BFGood-and SUVs to the hottest sport nuclcs, rich TueswasoMite, providing extensive piclcup; and roclc-aawling rigs in the pit and communications support to world teams through its fleet of off-road For more than 30 years, BRJoodrich motorsportssupportvehides.Morethan Tues has used motorsports as a proving 125 off-road enthusiasts/volunteers do-ground. Success on the street begins with nated their time to help make the race winningootrettockaooBFGoodrmTaes happen this weekend is involved in every type of racing, including BFGoodrich Trres sponsored Wide OJal, road, drag, desert and extreme rock. Open Baja's Baja Challenge Class equip-crawling. With 18 ronsecutive Baja lCXX) ping the vehicles with theAlI-Terrain T/ wins, thetnaitwinsin ro::kcrawlinghistocy, A Ko tire, the same tire sold to ronsumers and an unmatched record on µivement, through tire dealership; around the BFGoodrich Tues has proven the only world Chip Foose, Bud Brutsman, Troy rerord.5 it breaks are its own. there~cmies. Baja Pits ran 11 pits all total Pits 1 and 11 wasadoublepitaroundTres Hermano; area. I ran Pit# 5 which exited Chanute Wash at Race Mile 336 in the San Felipe area. Ourswasmainlya late afternoon and allnightpit. Weopenedat2:.30pmmday aoocbedat6amSaturdaymoming. Out of all our entries, 7 vehicles and 1 Spom;-man bike didn't make it to our pit before thechedcpointnexrto us clo,edcbvn at6 am. Afullstocywillbeinnextmonthsissue, alongwithhopefullysomepicrures.Mypit aewwaswonderfuland the rotiongreat. Wind to our baclcs the entire time from start to finish. The guys and gals at our pit were Tun Thorpe, Alisa Hecht, John Davidson, Daniel and Preston (2 friends ofJohn' s), Mike Stenberg, David from IA County and three ofhis friends. We had a good time, wodcedonadrnmvehiclesaoo bikes, poured fuel, rela)Ul radio messages from racers to their chase crews and had a wonderful Pollo and CamaAsada dinner that night as well. On the way in to our pit though, our pit trailers tongue broke where itentets the main put of the trailer leavingusromingin at under 5 mph for miles. We had to~by BFG Pit# 3 aswe headed to our pit. Once at the pit, we unloaded our pit gear and started setting up. Over walks 5 guys from ire BFGpitaoowealltalkaboutourttailer. Theyvolunteer to rut, grind, weld and fix our trailer likenewforussincetherepittoo doesn'topen untillareafumoon. T WOJXUS hours later, the trailer looked like new, ex-cept for missing some blue paint. Those guysweregreataoo BFG(funk OiAngdo) will be hearing from Baja Pits President Carlo; in December about this greatjob!Thanlcs Guys! Ar.ourpit{Pit# 5)we also ran an emer-gencywheel pit for the lone Husqvarna MOIOn.)'Cle enny, ~40 proreamofMikeKayandBrian5mud<le. They had rider problems on that long 9:>Uthem loopanddidn'tneed ourwheek Buttheyandotherracerswere happytosee our Husqvarna Banner at the entrance to our pit. For the 2006 TecateScore rare season, Baj!. Pits USA.and Baja Huskys haverome to an agreement to pit for free any Baja Huskys team member that is racing a Husqv.una motorqde. Baja Huskys is a new off roi.d Tour Compmy that started in Mayof this year. They provide tours of Baja California to owners of Husqvarna .-,lOlore}des. They can be reached at 619-425-1135 and are located in San Diego Ox.mty, C.a. UiA. Therenexttourissdm uled for April 23-28th, 2006. BajaPitswillbeentet:initreMDR Fud Series thisoorningwir. Teamo.vnerCarh bought a Class 12 car and will be racing with his son's in that series. Con-gratulations Ca,oos. W'J!f to spend some quality time with )OOf bc:,ys. We are asking dub members tovohmreerforcertain race daressowecanstaff a full pit. This will start in 2006. Members that µlid to run the Baja 1000 or the upcoming CODE Ensenada to San Felipe race in Derember m-ewillbeprid members for 2006aswell. While talking about 2006, Baja Pits will start offering 4 gallon IMS Dry Break setVice to our bike and quad racers that need thisservia!.As)OU know,achybredk can give you 4 gallons of fud in about 5 ~ which can make)OOf pitstop less than 15 seronds long. This will make a dif. ferenceCM!'fthe long haul IMS Products is one of our major sponsors. That is itfurno.v. Rcrember, there will be a romplete report on ire Baja 1000, the finisoo:s. irewinnersaoo ire broken in ire next issue romingoutthe end of January 2006. Untilthen,staysafeandwewill lookfor)Ollin tredesertaooin&p.. I-Jam, Holidays andAdiO!Amigo.;, Mr. Baja Pits. January 2006 ,,,--B, Lisa Kenned, 2005 is quiclclyroming to a cbie, and Fair MEMBERS have finished out the year in grand style. Thereweremany-.icto-ries during the year at various races, and several racers finished as points champi-ons with SCORE and MORE. FAIR would like to thankever)Qnewho partici-pated and volunteered at all the races to make it such an exciting. eventful, and po-ductiveyear. FAIRmemhersventuredcbvn to the SCORE TeaJte Baja 1000 in NO\lelll-ber, and Chris Bowman and his team had quite an adventure that lead them to a vicrory in the 5 class, and gave him the points Ownpionship in that class as well. Jerry Longo drove the first half of the race with ClmckMillitelloas the codriver. Ten miles into the race theysufkreda flat front tire which led them to decide to double up on the spares before ~ing through "The Summit". Theytben limped into du next scheduled pit with no power steering, an-other flat, and no spare tires. When asked whathappened,Jenyrqxiedthattheywere nailed by a car and it took the spares off, so they had been running on a flat for the last 15 miles. Once the steering was re-paired, the tire was replaced, and theywere outfitted with another spare, they were baclc in the race. Ar RM 400 Chris Bow-man replaced Jerry in the driver's seat and Johnny Brockway came aboard to co-drive. They were running well until they reached RM 505, rounded a down hill turn, crossed 0\/ef a water crossing, and looked uphill to see two cars stuclc rom-pletcly blocldng theWJ)f. Severalmorecars had lined up behind them when Johnny jurnpedoutofthecarand)'elledforevery-one to get out and help mO\le the cars. One was finally able to get out on its own, but it took the rest of the group to get the other car unstuclc and out of the way so everyone rould rontinue the race. Chris and Johnny then ran well through Ojo; Negros and baclc onto the highway for Ire lastsectioo, until theyventured through the villages and made a wrong tum. Chris saw a SCORE sign .md thought that he needed to nrrn right, but Johnnytold him the OPS said they should have gone straight. Sure enough theyseea Pro Trude ~straight, so they try to getrumedaround but in rheproce;.5end uprunningthrough someone's badey.irdand taking their laun-chylinewith them. I..uckilytre~were race fans, just laughed, gave them the thumbs up, and pointed out the oourse to them. Once bade on oourse they made it into Ensenada and to the finish line to winClass5. FAIRmemberGregCrew,sponsored by l.uca.5 Oil, drove in the Baja 1 CXX>with his team in Class 12. Theywentintothe race with the intent of conquering Baja. They were up against 18 other cars in this class and were able to finish in eighth place after 24 hours and 41 minures. Their ream included Greg, Butch Warden,Milce Parr, Chris Parr, Keith Martin, and Kevin Mar-tin. They only had two flats with their Mickey 1bomp;on tires, one due toa nail and the other due to hitting a rock. Just before ~ingup "The Summit", they high centered on a roclc and in the proces.5 of gettingoutrealiied they had a broken lim-iter strap on the rear left arm as well. Once unstuclcand repaired, theywere baclcinto the race. Their Mailman Motor from Leonard Perez ran great the entire race, and the Wright Gear BCl!c built by Rick Wrightdidnotmissagear.Alongwithtre FAIR pit support, they also wish to thank Gledhill Racing, Parr Racing, TNT Rac-ing, and Depina Edco Racing for all their support during the race. In December, the MORE Holiday 200 was the final FAIR race of the year. FAIR members had 13vehicles entered in this TO'yS for Tots event, and contributed hundredsof tO'ySasweil. JenniferOemison finished the rare in sixth place in Class 1, but still finished fustin the points champi-onship. Driving in ire v2-1e:ooc1a.<.5, Curt Geer came in second place in the race, but also was the points champion in this class furtheyear. New to FAIRand to MORE, Terry Tolbert and Kevin Reid had some problems in the first lap due to a loose plug wire, but finished in eighth plare in the 1/2-1(:00 class. This is especially excit-ing as itwas only their second time racing. Points champion for 5-1600, Gerardo lrihe finished this race in sixth place, fo}. bved byC.ayGeerin seYmth, Ken Tolbert in eighth, and RicardoCordova. in ninth. Gerardo is planning to make a change and will race in V2-1600 nexryear. lhere was quite a competition in the 9 clas.5 for this rare, with 19 cars enteredo-.erall, four of them being FAIRmembers. Ron Rash finished the race and came in fifth place. Unfortunately, the other three FAIR rac-ers all had technical problems and were unable to finish the race. Frank Wagner had a broken ball joint that took him out of the race, but he placed 13th. Cody Rash placed 15th, followed by Christo-pher Dunne in 19th place. Greg Crew had an exciting first place victory in Class 1300. Greg has also decided to make a change next-year and he will be racing in the 1200class. Racing in Class 1750Giti Gowland drove his Jeep Speed in for a serond plare finish and the champion-ship in points for the year. FAIR members also raced in SNOREs H~ Tmible400 on December 2nd thru 4th.ArtSavooraand his crew finished in first place in the 5-1(:00 class, while Billy Worthing k>liowed him in seventh place. Daniel Folts earned a first place finish, as well, racing in 1/2-1600. W'J!f to go! Congratulations to MORE points champions Jennifer Oemison (Class 1), Curt Geer (Class 1/2-1600), Gerardo lrihe (Class 5-1600) and Giti Gowland (Class 1750),MOREpointsstandingfor other FAIR members were as follows: Class 1/2-1600: Dan Folts 10th, Ron Weddle 19th, Ride Boyer 23td, Rick Waszkiewicz 25th, Terry Tolbert 34th and Cory Bo.,.er45th. Class 5-1600: Guy Savoora 2nd, Ken Tolbert 4~., Ricardo Cordova 6th, Cory Geer 9th and Billy Worthing 18th. Clas.59: • Ron Rash 2nd, Cody Rash 3rd, Christopher Dunne 6th, Frank Wagner 14th and Rob MacDonald 31st. Class 1.300: Greg Crew 3rd Congratulations also to SCORE points champion Chris Bowman(~ 5). With2005axningtoacb;e,treFAIR Board Offio:rs will relinquish their duties to the new officers. Serving FAIR in 2005 were Chris Bowman (President), Ken Tolbert (Vice President), Frank Wagner (Treasurer), Alan Madden (Secretary), Danid Folts (Rare Director), and Billy Worthing (Sargent of Arms). They did such a great job, and all the members ex-tend a huge thank you to all of them for all the hard work they did to make the club successful this-year. The new officers for 2006 are Dave Massingham (Presi-dent), Harry Dunne (Vice President), Frank Wagner(T reasurer),Alan Madden (Secretary), Curt Geer (Race Director), and Johnny Brockway(Sargent of Arms). FAIR wishes everyone a wonder-ful and safe new year filled with great racing! .. ·#1 flw Dusty times

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Aggie By Judy Smith Often, at the end ofa tough Baja race, a competitor will say, "Aggie pulled me out" Or maybe, "Aggie winched me up the hill." Those are phrases \\'e hear over and over, and finally, curiosity got the better of us. Aggie is actually Clyde Parsons, and he's an off road angel in disguise. Years ago, when he lived in Oregon, he was an off road racer. Up there they did short oourse off road, which meant they went really fast for a short time and then it was over. When Aggie moved down into the great southwest he tried desert racing, but, he says, "I wasn't very good at desert racing. I drove too fast and crashed." In 1989 he bought a semi, and with it he did pits for BFGoodrich for about a year. He also owned a three quarter ton Chevy 4x4 with utility boxes, and a oouple times when BRJ didn'tneed a pit, he went out to some tough spot on the course and helped the racers. It was fun. Aggie still helps BFG with a full pit set up when the races go to I.a Paz, but when they · don!t he indulges in his hobby. He's got a friend, Jeff Abenshien, in a yellow Toyota, who often goes with him, and Aggie's been taking his daughter, Michelle, along with him since she was a baby. She's now a high school senior. Basically, he's a volunteer, but BRJ does reimburse him for fuel. But ifhe breaks his truck, the cost of repairs is on him. He says, "We love it-we like to help people. It's kinda like racin', without havin' all the grief they have." It's like a hobby. He's found himselfhelping people at the Summit in the past, and, while each racer had to go up that awful climb just once, Aggie did it over and over and over, towing up racers who couldn't quite do it on their own. He also brings the permanently damaged racers back out to where their crews can easily pick them up. It's nothing, he says, to tow three or four race cars at a time. He says the record was six on a rope. And ifhe comes to a hill that won't allow him to tow them all up at once, he takes each one up individually, ~ti! they're all on top. Aggie says the worst he's ever seen was at the 2005 Baja 500. He was beyond Simpson's, on the hill before the intersection with Mike's Road. He said, "people were just awl. And he had so much work to do that he never got over to the big traffic jam near El Coyote. He said he felt bad about that. This year at the 1000, Aggie was stationed in Mato mi Wash, where he didn't have as much work as he'd anticipated. Still, those he helped will be eternally grateful. He'd broken an axle on the way in to his spot, and during the long night, he broke a rear spring. So, to quote one grateful racer: " ... Imagine a very heavy old Chevy truck with a service body which is FULL of spare pam, bolts and nuts, welders, etc. That doesn't stop him or his daughter, out she jumps and unloads the biggest high lift jack I have ever seen. Up goes the truck and Aggie selects a large block of wood and places that in between the rear axle and the inner body-NOPE-too big. Out comes a hatchet and the block is reduced to the correct size. He then drove that 60 miles back to San Felipe through the worst whoops I have ever seen. Aggie is my HERO." Aggie's a hero to a lot of racers. Lots of finishers wouldn't have made it ifnot for him. Thanks,Aggie. . _ . ., 1s PORTER CLASS 1 RACE CARS FOR SALE Sri/Ind New-Oyno Time Only. Comp!~ ready-For Laughr,n, Fortin w/ converter, Redline LSI, Pro Am I-It.lbs:, King Shock$, Light Bar. Top of the Line. Built at 1-lerman Motorsports <i) One RtlCS only (Primm 300) all -Freshly prepped and built at (!i.~ l-lerman Mo~ Same car as advertised above except has Redline LS2. Ready to Race ~ Herman Motorsporta· DMn_ Cias;:g I Clflr. II R~ total on Car. i?)~ Very dependable. Just Ftnished 2nd in SCORE Class I points -For 2005 Season. Cornes with all available spares. 600hp Chevy Small Block. engine also ava,7able. Page 59

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GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY 19076 Hawthorne Blvd. l'orrance, CA 90503 • Custom fabrication • Prerunners • Suspensions • Custom exhaust (310) 542-2977 OFF-ROAD FUEL CELLS 44 Gallons for $444. SCORE • CORR • SODA MAORA • PRERUNNERS RALLY• ETC www.atlfue/ . ~,,.,,..r _ Toll Free: 800-526-5330 ~.&--.. e-Mall: JlUTOFJ\6 Off Road Trucks Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages Ford Truck Specialist • 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 ·.(-', \~~ -~:. . C Th_~ IJ1tima~-~-t Off Road Fabric~~ ·.~~ ,. ~ ~ ~.,,1~179.0945 : ' -264 N. Cypress St.• Orange-•f~~86)11 800.564.1510 702.257.2300 ~ s IIIIHIEB ■ CYLINDER HEADS • CUSTOM PORTING FOR ANY APPLICATION • ., SUPERFLOW 1020 FLOW BENCH • • PERFORMANCE • MARINE • OFF ROAD • MOTORCYCLE • 145 GIBSON RD, SUITE B •HENDERSON• NEVADA• 89014 BRANDWOOD CARS for mid-engines and other applications 602-437-3107 Custorr. V~hicle Shifter T f ~ Jtt,O "Innovative Billet Products I _ ,-l _ ' 7 for the Off-Road Enthusiast" - - FREE Catalog!! _.,....,.v.:; , - ·. w -~--I ~n©~ ~roo~~ · ';! 9525 Pathway St.-Santee, Ca. 92071 I "MFR. OF PfJlFORMANCE PARTS F01l lNOIISTRY LEAOING RACE CAil BIIILOE1lS - Spindles, Floating Jlnbs - 5 spd. hiftcrs (tits :\lcnclcola trans~\, others) -'-'orthstnr Airbox Adapter~ S, more!! url: e-mail: (619)562-3071 Lonely Long Advertising Term Space Relationship Looking Call For 818-882-0004 DUBliJlillDBB CACTUS RACING Racea_ir Helmets & Accessories Bell, Shoei, Simpson Blower systems & cool boxes 619-482-6700 708 Rocking Horse Dr. Chula Vista, CA 91914._ CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN 39067 ORCHARD ST. CHERRY VALLEY CA. 92223 PH#. (951}•845•88:?0 products in stock Race Proven Fabrication • Boatec Fiberglass Dimple Dies Tubing Benders Bypass valves+tubes Sway-bar Arms Pre-Runners Desert Trucks Short Course trucks Paris-Dakar trucks Offroad to Street, Prerunner to Race -Chasis Design -Race Prep -All General Fabrication 76~7 17459 Lilac St#E Hesperia CA 92345 11/ILT IOI IIACEIS WHO DEMAND THE BEST HAMPION HEADLOCK J;?ACING WHEELS ll.S.A. WHEELS / CONVERSIONS 8"9"10"11"12"13"15"16"17" MILAN GARRETT _ 1971 N. BRAWLEY AVE. FRESNO CA 93722 (559) 275-5183 • FAX 276-2365_ CHENOWTH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiEP > ,4.CING PllODlJCTS, INC. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 Fax (619) 449-7103 r CN(l Mo;:~:.~::;·c~'..,h Pedal A,~ ~ ~ Master Cylinders Slave Cylinders Cuttihg and Sta!:jing Brakes Hydraulic Throttlbs T~rottle Pedals . CNC, Inc. and all of our accessories. 1221 West Morena .. vd. San Diego, CA.921'10 (6 J 9) 275-166~ Send $3.00 for Catalog FLOATER REAR ENDS • t.-RONT HUBS • AXLES BALL JOINTS • TORSION BARS • KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree,Lane • Templeton, CA 93465 ( ontinental La.nd ... ~ In, c, tnw nt C orp. f I • 1'I ~ ,,, t ! 1-1 11 I ' -,,,.;. 1-1

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RACE FUELS OFFICIAL FUEL OF NASCAR 1 (800) 54-COSBY COSBY OIL COMPANY, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA Sl>e-1 and Cusl<)n1 Ptslorn; Available. CALL TODAY! PH: 949.567.9000 1902 McGaw. Irvine. CA 92614 A Member of Patlkl Racmg Syi;tems CR'T'ct AL □ ULTRASONIC CLEANING ft Oil Coolers, Heat Exchangers, ::o:J!.~ Oil Tanks, Radiatons, Lines, Fittings . c~;,,c □ ~~-=ECTION 11 Suspension, Engine, Gear Box, ett. □ NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING Magnetic Particle, Liquid Penetrant Ultrasonic, i!lildy Current. X-Ray 3043 Oak Street Santa Ana, CA 92707 □ CNC MACHINE SHOP Phn (714) 9S7·1215 U5AC STATION •s Fu (714) 957·1567 FAA STATION .wa7R211J ..W. - '--------=~ l'or Your Proirlction' •• STOCK • FULL RACE• ffiANSfER CASES (C illibHID.1I11 ® 9~ IRVfil({'.!Jlllll~ PJIIJPallll1l~IlilllJl~~:fi. ® illl~ 18273 Grand Ave. #6 Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 (909) 678-1669 STEVE MatthewSchn'IOlce 1280 N. JQrlNSON AVE .. SUITE 101 • EL CAJON. CA 92020 TE[ 619.449.5611 • FAX: 619.449.5713 MATTHEW@CUSTOMOECAL.COM a-:.....,__,....._..,i=-L-A..;..,il...3...&:~ Specializing in. .. Bau Boxes Swiacaxtea Hewtaad Fertin Jlleadeola JIID4S Jllagaum44 Kreisler Automatie U Machine Shop Servi,:es AYallable . ~·;·~. .,, _.,,.. ~-;. t~ ,.. . / _/..1/DEREK NYE/.,_/ • ./-: J 755 West ti" St. Unit E Costa Mesa Ca <n.6XT _,,/ · itl: 9'19.5418.B533 lax: gq9.5'1B.85]q · e-mell: dereknue I II Tum Bagz Private Label Custom Bag Designs THE RACERS CHOICE . Fuel Safe's Custom & Standard Fuel Cells are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the safety standards set by all racing associatio11s. For your local dealer ~-l call (8~)433·6524 ~ Call or write for our FREE,Catalog Aircraft Rubber Manufacturinq, Inc. 250 SE Timber Ave., Redmond, OR 97702 800-433-6524 541-923-6015~ 1R~="9!"""-...,,,.------;;:,----;;,:a:;;.-;;;;;~;;;,;:;;=;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:.;;;=;;;;;;;ii-------'--ffl~@~!]J)~ Ive Blasting • Protective & Decorative Coatings · County Since 1970' 1835 John Towers Ave. #A El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 448-393 2 Fax (619) 448-3662 Get The Word Out About Your Business, Big Or Small. Put Your Business Card Ad In The Good Stuff Directory. Ota PBRl'ORMAICE 1558 No. Case• Orange, CA 92867 (714) 637-2889 • Fax (714) 637-7352 We use & recommend R,\CINli ENC.INE."i, TRAN!'l'!.IISSU,,\JS ANIJ OFFROAO PARTS · _ , Sendc1~tforuur11l'W.catalogSS.00 :>·-_:,_ 1543 W. 16th Street Long Beach, California 90813 1941 #E Friendship Drive El Cajon, CA 92020 RAY BAYLY (562) 432-3946 (714) 540-5535 CELL (562) 833-2804 FAX (562) 432-7969 619-449-3633 619-449-3665 fax / Doug Fortin fusion Designs Racing inc. Racecars Pre-runners Dualsport Fabrication & Race Preparation -~;::::=================== ·8843 Wintergardens Blvd. • Lakeside, CA 92040 Office: 619.390.9055 RACING HEADS 1U6-f 10. IANIA fl IV£.• VII TOLL FREE (888) 3 PH / FAX (760) 727• 1 ll HONDA (818) 766·6134 ( 800) 800-6134 FAX (818) 766-9397 $SUZUKI se~• BILL ROBERTSON & SONS, INC . 5626 TUJUNGA AVE NORTH HOLLYWOOD. CA 91601 Gusto. m Pow_ er Steering ii,,.•. Over 20 Years of Off Road Components· & Accessort Racing Experience . . ~~u~w• -·· -4~RFORMANCE POIVER STEERING· •--- -~ _ It We Specialize in High 12476 Julian Ave, . Performance Power Steering for Lakeside, CA 92040 Stock Car Racing, Off Road Racing, 4x4 Rock Crawling and Sand Cars 619•561-7764 • Fax 619-561-4834 • • HP ENGINE & DYNO SERVICE 14368 Olde Highway 80 • Suite E • El Cajon, CA 92021 Jim Horne 619 443-9990

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HLJSTLE~ concePTs E.J,iAJA SHOP AAC:E CARS PAE AL.Jnne:AS AL..L.Jmf7L.Jm WCJAH SPEC:AL..1,..,_, Jesse Rodriguez PH: 714-997-0701 Fax:714-997-0758 714 N Lemon SI, Orange.CA. 92867 (since 1967) IMPACT CUSTOMS 9CORE NHRA 9CCA RACE SPEC ROLL CAGES, TUBE CHASSl9, CU9TOM SUSPENlJION9, AIR BAGlJ, BODY DROP9, SHAVE, SUICIDE, PRE-RUNNERlJ, BA/AS, LONG TRAVEL, RACE PREP, OUSTOM WIRING, FABRICATION AND METAL WORK · 661.!298. 7079 . JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner' ~II-~~ I~ O~~ ~ L~L~LI •~~U Quality Racing Transaxles Mendeola Dealer Off Road - Sand Specialist JOE GIFFIN :1061 E. La Jolla St #I Anaheim. California 92806 Ol4J u:i2-12iio Fax (714) 632-1223 Email: j g1ra11s@pacbell.ne1 Mike Julson 9426 Wheatlands Court Santee, CA 92071 619-596-3360 619-596-3364fax www . • George Jimenez Se Hob/a Espanol z RAl!ING ENGIN[g COMPLETE ENGINES • PARTS & DYNO SERVICE 535 E. Central Park Ave. Anaheim, CA 92802 Tel: (714) 535.5116 Fax: (714) 535-5816 JON KINNE AUTO ELECTRIC 809-F N. Lakeview Ave., Placentia, CA 92870 Tel. 714- 779-2316 • Fax 714- 779-5012 T ROY J OH~!SOIJ (951) 779-9395 2061 Third Street, Unit A Riverside, CA 92507 Specializing in· custom off I oad race trucks, •.PrerunnH, • Sand car5 • Rail, car~ , Custci111 Fabnc?ti0n • pd·1anccd Su,r!:r'sion T~ci-in.:,:og/ , R~s~or -:1•· & C•e. el0pn-oEnl . KAL OFFROAD RACING ... p~ RACING ENGINES Metal Fabrication ~:;;:-,~;_,...;;>-...,__ Custom Suspensions Kurt Larmee (805) 466-4101 ----8408 K El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 HONDA Power Equipment OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. .ART KAWAGUCHI 3532 EAST 3RD ST. Fax 323-264-2136 LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 323-264-5858 Derek Kreger PH: 114.289.9048 FK: 114.631.1854 1214 N. Parker Unti #3 Orange, CA 92867 For Very Few Dollars A Month Your Ad Here Can Increase Your Sales By A Bunch Call Dusty Times 818-882-0004 POWER E STEERING THOMAS£LEE Engineering LeE MFG. CO. 11661 PENDLET<W&TREET SUN VALLEY, CA-91352 FAX(818)788-2687 (818) 788-0371 A full line of~ StNring gears, pumps and accesaories for any type of racing. Magnaflux and Zyglo facilities available. •custom Chassis •Race Prep •Aluminum Wori< •Welding •Magnllflux FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 (909) 596-5497 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 ~~.RC.RAFT. ,R=-e p~ ~,"""""'""·'°'" SeDtJ • Nets • Limit Straps • Bags 619/449-9455 • Fax: 449-9454 YOUR OFF-ROAD Catch us on the Net! SPECIALISTS/ . PHONE: (714) 441•1212 FAX: (714) 441-1622 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CA 92806 MIKE MENDEOLA 290 Trousdale Drive, Suite I & J Chula Vista, CA9191O . (619) 691-1000 24 Hour Fax (619) 691-1324 Todd Dwyer 1900 Compton Ave. Suite 101, Corona, C'A 92881 Phone (951)817-0101 Ext.156 619-562-5533 . Off Road Fabrication and Design • Sand Cars • Trucks • Race Cars • Prerunners • Rally Cars • Custom Function/Strength/Safety/Pride Made by Hand in the USA 8966 Benson Ave., Suite D Montclair, CA 91763 JOHN MOSELEY 909-949-8161 Owner/Fabricator Fax 909-949-8162 I

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,-RACE CARS PRERUNNERS SAND CARS JIM MOULTON 42231 6TH STREET WEST #201 LANCASTER C4 ~ 661-974-7961 MSD" Mr.l fJL Jf .. i~f■ ■1,-:11 t••1,•,! • YOUR COMPLETE IGNITION SOURCE GNITIONS -DISTRIBUTORS • WIRES • R E V CONTROLS AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION 1490 HENRY BRENNAN DR .. EL PASO, TX 79936 (9151 857-5?nn • TFr.H LINE 19151 855-7123 • VISIT OUR WEB SITE: TUBE BENDERS ¼'' TO 3" O.D. Capacity Models Starting at $279.00!!!! M-TECH SUPPLY TUBE BENDERS • PIPE BENDERS • TUBE NOTCHERS RING ROLLERS • COLD SAWS • ABRASIVES 4B0-725-2B75 NORB offroad superstore HEIM JOINTS-WELD IN BUNGS-TABS BUSHINGS - JOHNNY JOINTS HIGH MISALIGNMENT SPACERS IN STOCK-READY TO SHIP WORLDWIDE"~~ 1-888-755-5900 ~ We can Beadlock(Qa,~ YOUR RIMS!! _ ... ~ 'J S. f. ATV 1¥ftffJRlltA.~f'lltlllt.lU~ tzes to ,t most .. , ·"" _ & AUTOMOTIVE applications POLISHED & COLORED FINISHES SCALLOPED OR CONVENTIONAL Reinforcing Rings Also Available Phone -(951) 354-8272 WWW .QMf PERf QRMANCE. com Dune Buggy Parts Race Car Parts Foreign Car Parts New Truck Acc. Dept. Custom Machine Work & Fabrication 1 (800) 231-8156 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, AZ 85365 (520) 783-6265 • FAX (520) 783-1253 R'"R (909) 360-5906 FAX (909) 360-0436 PARKER PUMPER HELMET COMPANY 3834 Wacker Drive Mira Loma, CA 91752 ~ HAROLD NICKS ,~~@vc~@'v'I SAFETY EQUIPMENT MAXON, MOTOROLA, HO.4DM.4STEH, VERTEX RADIOS BELL, SHOEI, SIMPSON HELMETS IN STOCK WIRING FOR RADIO &/OR 111,'TERCOM STILL O:'1:LY S 12';. -2888 GUNDRY AVE. mM SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 • I 562-427-8177 I 800-869-5636 w • .-. • For A Few Bucks You Can Increase Your Productivity 818-882-0004 DUSliYli1mus Y;JENHRID ABRICATION, INC 11~· ; .- Fralcy's J Pc-rformancc ~ngineer,ng j 1660 Babcock, Building B Cosio Mesa. CA 92627 TEL 19491 650-3035 FAX 19491650-4721 JerryPenhan * All Types of Steel CJ Aluminum Fabrication * Tube Benclinc • Ahaninum CJ Steel W.ldinc • Custom Machine Work • All Types of Race Cars 4851 W. Hacienda #4 Las Vegas, NV 89118 Bruce Fraley 702-365-9055 ,_,.~.,, =:;:; :J:::'. ,-ytlc -3055 Westhaven St Ph 714-283-3537 Orange, CA 92865 E-MAIL Fax 714-283-4757 PLAYTECH FABRICATION 3031 E. Coronado St. Suite E, Anaheim, CA 92806 . Phone: (714) 238-1179 Fax: (714) 238-1183 John Gould Pre,ision Alloy, lltl Todd Francis Phone: 360.887.2000 • Fax: 360_887.7279 ,PRO PRDTRUCK RAC/NG DRGANIZA TIDN A High Performance Spec VB Race Truck Series "The True Driver's Class" Protruck Sales and Promotion Website: www.protruck_com Email: ,'el: 619-3~252 Fax:619-3~70 14402 Bond Court El Cajon, CA 92021 performance wire narnesses Joe oavitian

Page 64

----------- - -~-- ----· Hi-Performance Equipment Suspension •Safety• Driveline • Accessories (619) 691-9171 (619) 691-9174 (619) 691-0803 (FAX) I I I 103 Press Lane, Suite #4 Chula Vista, CA 91910 e-mail: 'RACING ENGINES ~ Building SCORE winning engines 619.420.2233 45 Broadwa~ Chula Vista. CR 91910 .l'EIFQllll&E• TIIISIIL ES Southern ca1norn1a·s taraes1 Dlsb'lbutor or Mendeola TransUles PH: 114.680.6131 • Fil: 114.680.3110 Toll Free: 800.304.8726 1631 Placentia Ave. Unit G Anaheim. CA 92806 will get you ii gear SWilg axle, llS, bewlald, MD4S 3455 S. POLARIS #5 lAS IRAS, NEVADA 89102 II~ I JOHN 0.0. IIIILMN (702) 221-43&3 (702) 117-9724 QuAUTY lsNT &PENSIVE, Ir's PRICELESS! VALVE TRAIN PRooucrs • Cu51DM HEAD WoRK 760/94B-469B • FAX 760/94B-4B56 ~-RDVALVESPRlftlG.C:OIVI Barry Beacham 27231 Burbank Ave. Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 Office 949-837-4388 Cell 949-466-4781 A Tatum Distributor Specializing in Off-Road Racing & Driving For Over 21 Years Mig Welding • Tig Welding Upgrades & Repairs Baja-Proven Equipment 5294 N. Casa Grande Hwy • Ste 102 520_850_3693 Tucson, Az 85743 fili1 SANDERS SERVICE, INC. l«.Y METAL PROCESSING 5921 Wilmington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 (323) 583-2404 FAX (323) 583-3965 SANDBLAST-GLASS BEAD-MAGNETIC PARTICLE FLOURESCENT INSPECTION MARKSMITH LARRYSMJTH LAURA RICHARD S. B. ENGINEE~ING "SUPER BOOT" HCR66, BOX 11030 PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV.89048 (775) 372-5335 TIM CECIL 849 Lambert (714) 447-3581 • Brea, CA 92821 Fax (714) 672-9246 JOB SITE SIGNS • BANNERS • \\IIWOW LITTEP.11,G • CAR LETTERING• GRAPHICS SGUEAK & MA~GIE COATS 5101 Galway Circle• Hunt1ngto1 Beach CA 92'649 (714) 897-0075 • Fe\ (7141 694-9567 'DKJVlff£tM SJIIIIT PfllFIIIIJIIIGf I -t-800-MY MUFFLER Craig Stewart I Phone: 619-449-9728 fn,r, 619-449-76711 Cell; 619-726-6891 I Fabrication & Race Preparation I I I I 9419 Abraham Wo., Santee, CA 92071 ~ ....... •.t.t.!t~-ea1-aerl?!..~~-n I ,raig(l' .~ ~ Salea& / Service 1 RACE FUELS --(209] 847-2281 (800] 527-6090 FAX (209] 847-9726 PO. Box 248 • 524 N. Sierra Ave. WESTERN DIVISION Oakdale, California 95361 Design Fabrication lnstailatlon "CCMPUTERIZEO VINYL GR,4,PH/C5 & LETTERING ltl 1,1 I l'TSA I "LO-COST BLOG 5/GN5 (1\/:r. P/?OCE55E5) -'°' TR,4,0E 51-0W 0,5PLl\'1'5 ,,..... ~ACING G~APHICS ,,._ OETl'IILEO& LNIQUE OESIGN5 ,,..... FLEET VEHICLES ;,. Hf-aLJ-,LfrY Bl'.NNER5 ,,.....MAGNETICS '°' WGO REPROOUCTONS ,,..... REAL ESTATE '°' LOGO & GRAPHIC OE5/GN ,,..... DECALS 2180 College Drive • Lake Havasu City • AZ. 86403 Call Toll Free: 877-627-8852 or E-Mail: • Hi Performance Converters Custom Length Axles• • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed Hubs • (for Race & Recreation) Input Shafts • American Made Excellence!! TLR Peifarmance Fabrication Tim Lawrence 1243 Greenfield Dr. SuiteD El Cajon, CA 92021 ASA Racing Products P.O. Box 711088 Santee. Ca 92072 www (619) 4:47-1289 ,._lclDIIICIIIC...11" An drew KeJly \\ c,rc, ,1 Rc.;11 ,11.11 01su 1buh~-Office: 1-866-70-TORCO Fax: (619) 582-5386 E-Mail: andrewl< I

Page 65

TO ·. PoWIII• RACING EIATTEAIE& K~ll"II Pa::arl.:z:a:a Military Grade Batteries • Battery Boxes • Battery Chargers Custom Battery Cables • Misc. Electrical Accessories 2046 Fairhope Loop, Vista, CA 92081 Business (760) 734-1678 Fax (760) 734-1323 ai!iJiiiiijlC.1.:-~L llllllli...Jlliij,,_iil//i_, * Off-Road·and Bolt-On to Street Fiberglass for: "Ford, C~evy and Toyota" Trucks * Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1261 N. Buena Vista St. , Hemet ca. ·92543 Ph: 951-654-7334 Fa: 951-654-2375 See a list of our products at our web site: 1Ri1NSfixLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 9763 Variel Ave. · (818) 998-2739 Chatsworth, CA 91311 Kevin Pirtle 22545 South Normandie Ave. Torrance, California 90501 310.782.2413 fax 310.782.3772 ti:!/ ransworks ~-"' PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES ~ AUTHORIZED MENDEOLA DEALER ERIC LAUNDRIE STOCK & CUSTOM 24752 VIEJAS BLVD. SAND* STREET* RACE DESCANSO, CA 91916 (619) 445-3135 UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10729 WHEATLANDS AVENUE. SUITE #A SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 92071 TEL • 619 / 449-9690 FAX • 619 / 449-8424 (619) 596-8033 1 000 W . Bradley, Unit Q El Cajon, CA 92020 Carlos Orozc-Fail pl£:x - ?omo.~a October 9. & 10 CLBRYANT.COM VP RACING FUELS INC AUTHORIZE DISTRIBUTOR RR AUTOSPECIAL PARTS, S. DE R.L DE C.V. CALLE PRIVAOA FRAY MAl'ORGA 17026 ZONA INDUSTRIAL GARITA DE OTAY TIJUANA, O.C. TEL: (664) G47 9222 FAX: (6 G~) 607 1440 E-MAIL: Advancing the Science of Motor Sports Ray Gastelum GERENff Of VcNTAS Mobil : 664 648 2882 Nextel Radio: 152 *133577 * 1 Call USA to Mexico dial 01152 "Quality Fuels & Products for Motorsports* Website · VP Racing Fuels, Inc. West Coast Region P.O. Box 1319 34283 Monte Vista Wildomar, CA 92595 KELLEY HENDEL Regional Manager Office: (909) 674-9167 Fax: (909) 674-7367 Email: Taxes Group & Individual Health Real Estate Loans John 0. White, CPA, MBA 866 887 5556 3190 Calle de Marejada Camarillo, CA 93010 Cell 805 844 4665 It's about what you keep! Fax 805 830 1590 CPA 36032E, DRE 760373, Doi bD48458 Adam Wik SCORE EN.GINE BUILDER OFTHEYEAR 994, 1998.1999,2000 From Parts To comp~\e Engll')&S 3675 W. Teco Ave. Unll 8.1.&SVeaa&. NV 89118 7~-2522 Front & Reir Trailing • Spindit1 Sutpension Specia.lisl • Custom Jt.ic:e & Play Buggy A•Arm front Endi • Front %08 N. 21st Ot. Phoenh,, AZ 15021 Jack Woods 602-242.0077 hx 602-242•7283 XfttleE !il • ~ -~...,.. IW>~ RHCE PREP SHOP • BUGGIES • sanDCRRS •SHOCHS • TR!lCI{::; • PRE-1lYlirlERS • FifBiHCHTIOn 818) 112li-221iU JIit "!' ~RAC World Leading Motorsport Transmission Manufacturer 11 Dakar Rally Victbries 17 World Rally Victories 6 AMA MX/SX Championships Xtrac Inc 6183 West 80th Street Indianapolis IN 46278 email: Tel: (317) 472 2454 '383' Baja Class 1 1flBWHill1rransaxle Trophy Truck solutions available for Lead Customers

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Classified ... Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Readers are advised to consult appropriate local or state authorities for information before h f ifi 't . . . - -------~----Af UT Otv10TIV6.. FORSALE: Chenowth2seatracecaror pre-runner. UMI I.SI V8, fresh automatic, NEW front end, rear end, trailing arms, Kartekhubs, brakes, axles, 934 CV's, King Kong spindles & frontartn.5, Water-oil cool-ers, dash, autometer gauges, wiring, 2 spue setup, dual batts, ~roils& t,,,.pas.s,rom-plete chassis powder coated & paint job, Howe steering, halogen fire system, PIM light bar, skit plates, K & N filter, 30 gal Fuel safe cell, 4• filler neck, runs on pump ~I:Xialparlcers,Ma&ercmft,FCisetupw/ intercom, SAO) radcw/ram TCSan\Clter, Centerline & ultra wheels, on BFG' s, all NEW parts. Complete car built by fuddrill Fabrication, very fast and super reliable $59,000.00. MUST SELL For more info call Cesar Fuentes® (915) 726-3823. FOR SALE: Fortin 5 sp. T rat)Smission. HD DGN gears, 80 miles on Ring and pinion. Fresh Fortin Prep. P /S pump on trans inc. $9,900.00. Call Martin (7f/J) 738-4626 or FOR SALE: 2003 "A" Arm Tv.oseatPm-Runner. KenMaprtype IVDJal Onb, Fortin 5spt'fd, T0018ryanrAluminum,Kl!Wb, 2 ~ambocwithhea:lphooes,Autanererpro a:mp~CN.C,M:mraafrseaisanires, Facshocb, McKenzie floorer huoo, Fluidyne oil rooler, win Holley red fud pumps, TCS Guoorilled axles, Burns stunless, REF head-ers, CV product5, Fud Safe 50 gals., Crowe, Foctin pc,.,.er steering raclc, 120" v.heel base. Justin LaCore built chassis. Car is wired for water rooled and may be raced in Clas.5 10. Gxt1eSwithspareµn'tli, v.heeLsani tires. Less tan lCX:Xhniles. $65,000.00 OBO. Call (949) 4989250-=---~~~--, FORSALE: 1998 Ford Expedition, Ford Oass4100 BITD Legal, Newmcxorani t:ran.Y mission, Runs very strong, dual Kings all arounl, 00 gallon Fuel Cell, Radio, Light Bar, Ready to Race or Pre Runner. $38,000.00 (f/J2)3l'Ml67. R)RSALE: 2000PorterClass l,45liter fud V6withAu:liAutomatic build by RDE. 4" King Kong Rear 3" King Front Fortin Rear huoo, 934 CV' s, CNC front brakes, ra-dio, Intercom, OPS, 50 gallon Fud cell. Car cxxne;with maJ?ysµueµms. $<;(),000.00. (619) 336-3771 Brian. FORSALE: 1999 Ford F350 Lariat Super DityGewCab looglxrl $26,000.00. 4 \Vld Dri\e, 7 3 T urlx> Diesel, 00,000 original miles, Airroooitioning, power steering, powerwin-dc,,vs, power door lod<s, tiltMled, aui.5eron-trol, AM/FM Stereo Cassette, Single Com-pK1di5c, Premiumniro,AB5, l.eatre; R:Mer Seat, sliding rear window, Running boords, bed liner, 5m wheeV goa;eneck Towing pkg, aiibag;, tool bax,All°" Wheels, ~izeOff-Rd tires, Dua!RearWheels.Aftermarketper-formancefrom Ban ks Power Pack, Exhaust brake and trans lock. Contact Guy Petersen office (626) 357-3873, cell (626) 523-1538. FORSALE: Ranger, V8 5.0c6ArtCarr, all 4130, romplete tube, 24 ft travel, 30 rear, Pro-Wire, harness, steering, Ron Daw,Autanerer,BeanlSeats, ~ Htooyre, RaceRunnerShcxh, ~vaks, fuel&fe 40gal, BRJ's, Vll\lllge-Air, Hdla's,Allpower CD, real dean. $f/J,OOO.OO. Call (661) 201-2825. FOR SALE: Chenowth two seat A Arm car. 3.5 twin plug electronic fuel in-jected Porsche with Jeff Fields automatic. Fox bypass front and rear, rears are new. New Goodyear tires, RG wheels. Clean, race ready, excellent PreRunner MORE/ MDR racer. PCI radio & intercom OPS. Email for pies. $44,500.00. (818) 841-2316 or Email FORSALE: 1993 Competi~Goa;eneck Race Hauler. $26,000.00Sepirate liwigquar-ters, Queen size upper bunk, lower dinette ronverts into sleeper, 3 burner stOYe top, re-~fireier, anv'finstereoal ~,dual a/c, forced air heating. Miao.v.ive, 65 Onan Generator. Garage with rear ramp door, extra large side door, bulkhead door separating liY-ing area from garage, 2 fold up sofu. beds, large \\{)rkbench & storage cabinet5, lots of OYer-head storage, race radio, solar battery charger, Satellite Dish. Contact Guy Petersen Office 62 357-3873 Cell 62 523-1538. FORSALE: 2005FJCtterooMCMM~ sand car4 seater, Full body, roof, floor, wind-shield, Renagade seats, Mastercraft seat belts, CNC pedak, Brakes front and rear, Bus t:ran.Y 930 CV, 1835 VW Centerlines, Spare tire lights, Street legal & licerue 2005-2006, never wed. $27 000.00OB0((:IJ2)421-5386. FOR SALE: 2 Bajas for sale, 5 inch widen front end with super seats. Rack & pinion strering, Yddiama Centerline tires. Low mile-age, extra acres50ries if interested. Must sell!! Great opportunity as~for Ray. (818) 899-6598$4,500.00 Bcxh. FORSALE: Sidewinder t\\Q seat chassi.5 in-cluding: Boxed rontrol arms 33 gallon Fuel Safe cell. Red Line 510 horse power I.SI, FORSALE: RaceReadyBITDOas.58legal Dodge 4x4 100 % rig welded chromoly by Vekx:ityFab. Kingsln-hw/h,draulic00Illf6, ~ Hooe steering, Summeis Im., Mastercraft, MSD Ignition, radio, intercom, Parker Pumper, Borla, WiMocxl,Autometer, FudSafe, Fluidyne, Edelbrock Heads & In-take. $30,000.00ortraderorSCDRE legal 7/ 1600car. CallMike(530) 269-0065 or email mike@\l' R)RSAI.E: Oas.5 One CarSidewindert\\Q seatdm5is including: Baxedrontrolanm,33 gallon Fuel Safe cell: UMI 475 horse power I.SI with Motec ECU; AlbinsAGB :,yncro 5 speed trans with race: Full Racepack digital dash and analog gauges; rolorGPS; fire sup-pression system; Complete Mil Spec wiring: 4 Hella HIDs on a electrically pivoting light bar; bea:lhk~anl.BRJ35x125xl5Baja, ayogenicly treated 934 cv' s; 3• King bypass shOO<S; Kem\OOd radioani ITT intemxnS}'S-tern; Tq,speed to this point 125mphaoo5.l mpg. Call Brian (602) 999-6123 . . FORSALE: 1997 JimooC!as.s lOsetupasa ClassOnewitha FATPerfurmance3.0Type 4. Car has a 5 speed Mendeola. Can deliver car to Southern California. $58,000.00 as i.5 $53 000.00less motor.(702)327.0566. Albin.5,AGB~5 speed t:ran.5, cnlorGPS, R)RSAI.E: 71 Ford¾ ton Prerunnercaged fire suppression system. Complete Mil Spec in and out done by ORU and Autofub. 16 wiring.HID's onanelectrirallypootinglight front, 18rearwheeltmcl Btlstein5100sand FORSALE: 2seatClass 12Bunderson. bar. Bead Lock wheels, and BFG 9100s,4pointharnes.5andseats,32gallon R)RSALE: For Sale Supper~. Fast Race Fresh complete rebuild 1974cc Type 1, i....:.....&...;;... _ ____....;:....;. ___ .;..;;.....a.:., 35x125x15.300m, ~treat.e<l 934tv's., fibergla&s bedsides, 3<xl Mallorydis-Ready. A ton of spares. New back up motor. 091 trans, 430cv's, Carr brakes, Charlyn FORSALE: Class 1 (MikeSmithbuilt).All 3" KingBypassshocksonall fourcorners. tributor, Demon, K&N, Edlebrock, Tratlerwithtireradcandtoollx:ixfS.Makeme P/S, Woods Arms & spindles. Lots of the good stuff, fully prepped, ready to race. FCiradio&intercom. Top speed 118mph Flowmaster, spare parts, trans/heads. an offer. All or part. Call Glen (209) 77'1-spare parts including tires and wheels, Call ToddJ~ @(7(:IJ) 7920055, fresh and 5.8 mpg .. Call Brian (f/J2) 999-6123, $11,500.00. Call David (818) <xl3-5003 or 0215. $20,000.00. (208) 884-4622. motor, fresh Fortin 4 speed, 934's. ~ttooplumbing.axn. ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ Cl,~ifi,d Advmi,ing ntei, on::2: ::ir~~~r,~g:,~~:p::enumbe, Add $5 00 fo,us, of DUS6'&1mos ~ • black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum site 5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. ZOOb : REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED - YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED : • IN A TIMELY MANNER. • • • • • • • .Enclosed is$ ____________ (Send check or money order, no Cash) Name ________________________ ----------· Address ______________________________________ · ______________ • ____ _ City--------------------------------------------------------------State _____ Zip __________________ Phone ___ . __________________________ _ Please run ad times Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 • ISSUE DEADLINE • • February 06 Jan 13, 06 • March06 Feb 10, 06 • • April 06 Mar 10, 06 • May06 Apr 7, 06 • • June 06 May 10, 06 • July 06 Jun 14, 06 • • August 06 Jul 12, 06 • Septe'mber 06 Aug 9, 06 • • Octobere 06 Sep 13, 06 • November06 Oct 11, 06 • • December06 Nov 15, 06 •• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page 66 -January 2006 Dusty Times

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MORE IIAPl:a Lll!GSs •• November4-5,2006 Gila Bend Gila Bend, AZ December 2, 2006 Mexico Whiplash Desert *Bikes/ A 1V' sand 0Mini&PW **January 7, 2006 New Years GP Peoria, AZ *January 8, 2006 New Years GP Peoria, AZ **February 11, 2006 Vulture Mine Wickenburg, AZ *February 12, 2006 Vulture Mine Wickenburg, AZ **March 18 2006 Lake Pleasa~t, AZ *March 19, 2006 Lake Pleasant, AZ •• * April 22, 2006 Mexico ** *May 27-28, 2006 Page,AZ •• July 22, 2006 Flagstaff, AZ * July 23, 2006 Flagstaff, AZ ** September 2, 2006 Snowflake, Heber, AZ *September 3, 2006 Snowflake, Heber, AZ ** October 7, 2006 'IBA *October 8, 2006 'IBA ** * November 4-5, 2006 Gila Bend FORSALE: 1969 Baja, C.Omplete 1 ½ tube chassis, 1776 engine, 044 heads, Weber 40, Cameo, Exhaust002 trans, 930 CV's, 3x3 rear arms, air bag rear, Centerline wheels. Too much to list This is a real nice Baja. Bright Orange. One piece front hood. $7,000.00 (360) 508-0593. Gila Bend, AZ ** * December 2, 2006 MexicoW ISCONSIN MoroRSPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTIVAL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 0sHKOSH, WL54901 (414) 686-5509 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU Cm, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 ZR. PROMOTIONS R)R&\l.E: 7SfutdRangerraceTruck. W,, C4, TCS, Fax Shocks, Ron Daw, Ruidyne motor& tranny coolers, PCI Radio & inter-axn. 9"WIMOO'.i,BRJprqoos,CNC.,~, 10 tires & wheels, prepped and race ready. $25,<ro.OO. c.aJl Darrell@(619)454-1014 or (l(JJ) 7tf).7ffJ3. R)RSALE; '04RPS2seat0assone. 5CXhp I.&5. King4ff 50galcell,Albin 5 speed, Fortin rack. TCS rear hubs, PCI, Gotdon wheels, $ l l01<ro.OO Richard (78J) 37 5-34 23. R)RSAl.E: Oass5-18JOBaja Bug. Readyto Rare. Bestofallrornponents indooes Bilsrein 4way bypass shocks and disc brakes.Trailer included $18,500.00 OBO. Call Jeff (408) 515-2806 or So. Cal Mark(951) 676-3175. ,_# R ,\ f T E R I f-~ 1\c~l'OWEII SOUace• CROW WE CARRY AWIDE ASSORTMENT OF WELD ON TRICK ZTREME DRE co. NEV AOt. OFFROAD BUGGY T-SHIRT SM-MEO-LRG-XXLRG ON.Y $10.00 TABS A"4~~~ ..... CALL TOLL FREE 1-888-755-5900 3054 S. VALLEY VIEW #130 * LAS VEGAS, NV* 89102 HOURS: MON-FRI 9AM-6PM • SAT 9AM-5PM (702) 871-5221 fax Dusty Times January 2006 JD R SALE: Class 8 Truck, has fresh F250 body not show. This truck has a list of wins and finishes. Built of the finest Kacim parts, l.eonPatton mtr, c.ohean ttans, Crisman ax-les gears, and hubs& ncx:koffs. CNC,Gmie. All spares & semi & trailer down to the hel-met and suit 1 K 2 ~1-~1~:.....--. FOR SALE: Class 1 T ruggy, 850hp alu-minum motor, Culhane C6, C.One 9ff, Bilstein Shocks, Ultra 17" Beadlocks, Fuel Safe, $35,000.00. (858) 748-7167. R)RSAI.E.: OORRSuper&.m,,4AGTopa Engine, 5 speedMendtda Trans, fucShcx:ks, 1-2S' l3ypi.$, 1-2.0 EMl., 1,.2.Q HIR, 1,2.5 C.oil, $14,<ro.OO. C.Omplete or will part out Call torderails. (715)57J.7386or(715)449-3518. R)RSAI..E: 2004, Oistom built 30', GJa;e. neck trailer, air hitch, full bath, a/ c;, 2enera-tor, heater, micro, internet Sat. dish, Direct TV, 109gal fuel station, 109 gal. water tank, storage boxes, ultimate toy hauler or pit sup-port, much more, $23,900.00 OBO. ha· (520) 2369612. FOR SALE: Grant Fab Chassis, 2.3 turbo fuel injected Ford Engine. King Shocks, Disc Brakes, Beard seats, Powder coated Frame, rustom paint job, great pre runner, or sand car. 930 CV's 14.5 paddles tires, Saco rack, nice car. $18 000.00 (360) 508-0593. IDRSALE: 2511ter'04-05SubaruWRX STl engine. Brand new in shipping crate, 300hp, min. Does notindudeturboorinter-cooler. Private party, no sales tax. $6,800.00. c.aJl arnes(714) 240-5381. ID R SALE: 7S or 7100 Ford Ranger, 04 Oassehmpion, ~drysump, Rancho Trans C4, All the bestpans&spares, Need to sell. $35,ro:l.OO OBO. Call Mike, San Diego (858)4534768. INDb.X TO I ADVb.R. Tl-=>b.R..:> Aircraft Spruce ................................ 43 Alumicraft ........................................ 23 Baker Precision ............................... 46 Best In The Desert ............................. 4 Bilstein ............................................. 40 BTR Racing Wheels ......................... 51 C&R Racing ...................................... 38 Coast Casinos .... , ............................. 11 Competition Air ............................... 32 California Super Trucks ............ ; ..... 49 Dave Folts Transmissions ............... 13 E&J Wireworks ................................ 54 Eibach Springs ................................. 27 Fab School, The ............................... 14 Fabtech ............................................ 58 Fuel Safe ......................................... 20 Fusion .............................................. 54 Herman Motorsports ....................... 59 ISCO ................................................... 8 Jesse Jones ..................................... 53 K&N ................................................... 2 Kartek .............................................. 25 Kawaguchi Honda ............................ 37 King Shock Tech .............................. 50 Laughlin ............................. Back Cover Mastercraft ...................................... 21 McKenzie's Performance Products. 15 MOR Productions ............................. 39 Michael James ................................ 16 Mickey Thompson Tires ................. 46 Nevada Off Road ............................. 67 Off Road Ranch ................................ 31 Off Road Warehouse ....................... 57 Pacific Customs ............................... 33 Parker Pumper ................................ 48 PCI Race Radios ................................ 5 Pike's Service Center ...................... 38 Pro Dirt ............................................. 45 Race Ready ............................... 24, 29 Racer X ............................................ 18 Radflo Suspension Technology ...... 41 Ronco Plastics ................................. 30 Sakata ............................................. 54 Shepard,Jones ................................. 36 Skyjacker Suspensions ................... 28 Snore ............................................... 55 Soltek Light Systems ...................... 42 Stevens ........................................... 52 Stuff Transaxles .............................. 47 Team Gordon Race Wheels ............. 59 Terrible Herbst ................................ 17 Transaxle Engineering .................... 38 Turnkey Products ............................ 52 Ultra Filter ......................................... 6 Valley Performance ......................... 51 VP Racing Fuels ............................... 26 Web Cam ......................................... 58 CHECKERS ••• From Page52 Millin this year. It was presented by "Stretch ff Severson on behalf of the Checkers to Corky's family at the Annual SCORE Awards banquet in Primm, Nevada on December 10th• And, thanks to SCORE and "Stretch ff , it was all done very taste-fully, considering the circumstances. Elections -Assuming the Dusty Times comes out in time for this to matter, Club elections of officers will be held on January 18th• Awards banquet - with the same time frame in mind, our Annual Checkers Award Banquet will be held on January 21" at the same location as our meetings. If you read this be-fore 1-21-06 and want more details, contact one of your club officers. ¥EARLY DUES - they are DUE now, Dudes, so pay up!!!!! Page 67 -

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12-15, Get down and dil'ty with the SCO&E rs as they compete in 17 pro and 2 sportsman classes tu a multi-day eirent at the 12th Annual Laughlin Desert Challenge. Yf Sff1JllfJILIN1COlf 1-800-'HIIIGHLJN