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2006 Volume 23 Number 12 Dusty Times Magazine

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..,_ . -__. Volume 2s • Number 12 • December 200& $2.50 ST 91311-5003 i ~ 1~~ti ll I lt 11 11 ... ... 1~~~11 .. 11 ..... llllu,I I Jtttf 11 Utt serving The OFF Road community l=or a~ Years covering the world of competition in the dirt ...

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tllC.BiLiTES, we1te tleti11ite1, addicted to a fllnling tratlitlon ..... Wllltlll/9l'IIFIJIIIIA#CS-$iiper bright optftS,tOJJflt hltJting$,. telnfMC(Jtf and specialized s/l()ck ted11olng llglllmouttl$. , Wl8t• SEI.ECTIOI-A littnllJtdm range of 1Jouslll(l$ltes and beam patterM 111 botlJ IJaJogen anti HID, lncludl11g our new HID Racer Units lhat came wllll a 6,; or 8" liglt,f,, ballast and jumper wire. 1/1111118IIPPOBT .... When WIIS Ike last time you saw the DWl)Jtt of any otllerllfJllillg , • tillllllf''-t an att-r,1t1 tJteil,? il'PII tlJJ prfwteel'Sc to the .lit'1s, we're ths/'8 tor you. , ~fll¥'fM• .. aa111•dl vl,1tl1Ji),,_i1etoree what•yqJJJ,A~#lnJJ~ ...... 1

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Volume 23 -Number 12 December 2006 Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Yance Scott Contributors Scott Bottomley J. Preston Bradshaw Jim Culp Mike Del Col Nicole Del Col Steve Hilton Victor Gazca Martin Holmes Rod Koch Byrle Moore Steve Ruddick Maurice Selden Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham Subscription Rates: $25 .00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Sub-scription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUS1YTIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hill-side Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite IA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copy-right by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the pub-lisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. snapshot of the Month ... I think this is going to hurt!!!!!!! Tius great shot of-Jim. Nobles at the Imperial.Valley 300 back in 1980 is a great indicator of-what can and will go 1..VT011gin the off road racing'I.VOJ'Ul. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8xl0 will be considered. In This Issue ... FEATURES CORR At Chula Vista by Judy Smith ........................................................ 8 6th Rally Japan by Martin Holmes .............................................................. 14 37th Annual South Point SNORE 250 by John Calvin ........................... 18 3rd Annual Wish Ride by Maryetta Bowman ......................................... 24 B.O.R.E. Wendover 200 by Mike Chamberlain ....................................... 26 MDR Outlaw 250 by Steve Ruddick ........................................................... 30 An Evening In The Park by Byrle Moore ........................................... : ...... 37 Best In The Desert las Vegas 300 by Judy Smith ..................................... 3 8 2006 SCORE Baja 1000 Final Results ............................................... 41 Beaurepairs Goondiwindi 400 by Steve Hilton ....................................... 48 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ............................................................................................... 5 Trail Notes ................................................................................................ 6 FAIR News by Lisa Kennedy ........................................................................ 47 ORBA Report ........................................................................................ 47 Good Stuff Directory ............................................................................. 52 Classified Ads .......................................................................................... 5 8 Index To Advertisers ............................................................................... 5 9 ON THE COVER It was a great race for Pat Dean, finally everything went well and he led all the way in the BIID Las Vegas 300, taking the overall and the Class 1500 honors in his Bunderson. Photo by Trackside Photo Johnny Greaves took his fifth and sixth win of the 2006 CORR season at Chula Vista, he's seen here in his Toyota heading for that beautiful checkered flag and a large lead in points. Photo by Trackside Photo Visit Our W ebsite at c5uhscr1"he :Joday lo DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$25.00 years -$40.00 □2 □3 years -$55.00 (no credit cards please) □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name ---------------------Address --------------------City- ----==-----------------State ___________ Zip _____ _ Primary Interest Cars D Trucks D Motorcycles D Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian - 1 year $30.00 US ■ Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times December 2006 Page 3

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2006-2007 Happenings ... 1 OK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 (AU events staged at the club grounds in Ckw.s. Ohio) 4x4 FoREVER, Lrn. 1665 DEIAWARE ST. 0sHKOSH, WI 54901 AMERICAN RAu,y SPORT GROUP, INc. 3650 SoUTii POINTE CIRCLE, SUITE 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521-0597 E MA11.: AMERICAN TRIALS ASSOCIATION AMA OBSERVED T'RIALs Southern California CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES BILL MARKuM -PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HOTLINE -(714) 562-7742 E MAIL: <> ASOCIACION EsTATAL DE AUTOMOVlLISMO SAM LASELL, TECH INSPECTOR APT042 SAN )OSE DEL CAB0 BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL SUR. MEXICO AuSTRALIAN OFF RoAD CHAMPIONSHIP DARRYL SMITH 19 SoMERS ST. CASHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTRALIA DUSTY TIMES AUTOCROSS Qm:BEC OFF RoAD CLASS JO CARS ONLY RENALD VAILLANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAVAL QUEBEC, CANADA H 7 P 1 T7 (450) 622-4440 BAJA CUP CHALLENGE December 9, 2006 Glen Helen Raceway 909-888-6919 BARONA SAND DRAG AssN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 December 1-2, 2006 Reno Rally (Coef 2&3) Rally America National & Regional Reno,NV CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box 400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVE ADAMS (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DON ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. RICHARDS P.O. Box 332 FAIR HAVEN, Vf 05743 (802) 265-8618 CI.AmTON lb-JACKERS I.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TwP. LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 Short Course off Road Racing At Harrison Counry Fair Grounds. Cadi~. OH CWB AUTOMOVIUSTICA SANQulNTIN CALLE 6TA FRAcc Co. DE SAN Qu1NT1N SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HERACLIO PATINO (011 52 616-5-22-07) Cum AUTOMOVIUSTICO SANVICF.NTE San Vicente Off Road ENSENADA, BC, MEXICO USA JAN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) RAMON CAsTRo & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/7 0034) CMC CoNTINENTAL MOTOSPORT CwB P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 FAX: (714) 367-1608 CODE OFFRoAD CODE OFFRoAD USA P.O. Box 2328 CALEXICO, CA 92231-2328 760-455-8069 USA 01 l-52-686-553-4087 MEX!CD DecemberS-10, 2006 Race Ready 275 Ensenada-Mexicali-San Felipe CoLORADO 11w. CuMB .AssoclATioN BARB VAHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719~.!}827 H P.O Box 8286 CoLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O. Box 392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER 0l l-52-65-66-4458 CORR LUCAS OIL SERIES 270 NEWPORT CENTER DR., SuITY 100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 866-501-CORR CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, SUITE 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA EXT 42 FAX (818) 957-4435 D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (AU events at Hannigan raa track, &llingham, WA or Thur.ston Count:, ORV Park, Ol-ympia, WA) DAKAR RALLY DARREN SKILTON BAJA AUTOMOTNE ADVENTURES 455 E. OCEAN BLVD., SUITE 208 loNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-.2278/FA)(.: (562) 590-7925 Happenings continued on page 6 AU Races Are Night Races AU Races At Barona Racewa1, Lakeside, CA INTRODUCING_ BBMMARKETING PROMOTIONS OH Road Short Course Racing & Special Event Marketing 4344 VALLEY VIEW AVE. NORCO, CA 92860 (909) 340-64 74 BEST IN THE DESERT 3475 BoULDER HIGHWAY LAS VEGAS, NV 89121 702-457-577 5/FAX: 702-641-2431 December 1-3, 2006 Henderson's Terrible 400 Henderson, NV B.O.R.E. BONNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING ENn:llPRISES 341 W. 2575 N SUNSET, UT 84015 801-773-1651 BP MOTORSPORTS P.O. Box 411 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91365 760-57 8-6258/760-57 8-6259 FAX: 818-348-4648 E-Mail AU Events At California Ciry, CA BRIGHTON SPEIDWAY R.R.3 BRIGHTON, ONTARIO, CANADA KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR CLUB AUTOMOVIIJSTAjUARENSE DE CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD JlA.aNG 7210 GATEWAY EAST EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 011-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES <> To Be Announced Nor Cal Rally School Northern CA Dusty Times 0YKENWOOD~~~~ 110 Walts of Power 1160 Channel Alphanumeric I Water Resistant I Mil Spec I Baja 1000 Proven ".J was in Ensenada, and my crew in San QulnHn could hear me 150 miles awayl I need these in ALL of my huc1<s1· ~ ,. ---"~,,_, ,-,='LL./tEGi~ PROlRUCK WINNER, 2002 TECATE/SC0RE BAJA 1000 e best communicaHon we've In over 15 years of off road racing!" ~~~----~ tlii"1=T ~ 12c»~ T~ Remole Head opHon evalleble. Cell for details. 800.869.5636 562.427.8177 • Fax 562~26.3589 WWW.PCIRACERADIOS.COM 2888 Gundry Ave. • Signal Hill, CA 90755 December 2006 Pages

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Trail Notes ... Make-A-Wish -Don Wall, Vice President of SNORE and the Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts (SNORE) put on the 3rd Annual Wish Ride, for children with life threatening illnesses. Racers bring out their race cars, pre-runners, etc. and give rides to the kids on a short and fun course laid out by SNORE. They also collect donations to help fulfill a wish for the kids through the "Make-A-Wish" foundation. If you would like to make a donation to the Make-A-Wish foundation, you can send your donation to Dusty Times and we'll get it into the Make-A-Wish coffers. See the story on this 3rd Annual Wish Ride in this issue of Dusty Times. Marriage Announcement -The former Ms Gina Tomas, married Ricardo Cordova driver of car #585 of Pulga Racing of Pacoima, California and member of FAIR, the pit support club. The two tied the knot at the Embassy Terrace in Las Vegas, NV on October 20th 2006. S CORE Tecate Baja 1000 -As of October 26, the total entries for the Baja 1000 race have exceeded 400 entries. This is the first time that Baja 1000 entries have exceeded the 400 mark. There are currently 405 entries and, with registration continuing until race morning, the number could be significantly higher. The all time record for entries in the Baja 1000 is 346 in 1977 and the most starters when the race has run to La Paz is 307 in 1992. Here is the number of entries in each class as of the 26th of October. Trophy Truck -34, Class 1 -27, Class 1/2-1600 -28, Class 3 -5, Class 5 -9, Class 5-1600 - 17, Class 7 -8, Class 7S -5, Class 7SX -8, Class 8 -10, Class 9 -4, Class 10 -12, SCORE Lite -20, Class 11 -9, Stock Full -5, Stock Mini -6, Protruck - 19, Class 17 - 1, Micron Baja Challenge - 19, Class 22 -23, Class 21-11, Class 20 - 2, Class 30 -15, Class 40 -12, Class 50-7, Class 60 -1, Sportsman Cars -10, Sportsman Truck - 7, ATV Class 25 -9, Sportsman UTV -4, Sportsman M/C 250 -2, Sportsman M/C 250> -45, Sportsman ATV - 11. We wish all the competitors good luck on this loooong race. We'll have a full report with loads of pictures in next month's issue of Dusty Times. J eepSpeed By The Numbers -In a release from the elder Skilton were amazed to read the following facts. We'll pass them on to you here. American Racing pspeed Challenge is in it's fifth year. 7 5 drivers registered in last two seasons. 50 Cherokee race cars built. 25 on the start line at the last race. 5 races a year with Best In The Desert and Mojave Desert Racing. $35,000 pay out $30,000 Jeepspeed contingency posted. Extra contingency from race promoters. Numerous magazine articles. Extreme TV -How to build a Jeepspeed miniseries. 5 million page hits a year on www.JEEPSPEED.COM Most affordable desert race cars to build. Healthy and active resale market. New Wrangler glass in 2007. Visit WWW.JEEPSPEED.COM for rules information, classifieds and info. Final race of 2006 is a; Best In The Desert, Henderson, Nevada December 1st and 2nd. For more information contact: JEEPSPEED 1826 N. Windes Dr. Orange, CA. 92869 phone 714 -538-7434 fax 714 -633-1724 M .O.R.E. Damzl Race -MORE held its first annual Damzl Race for "The Cure" in mid October and it certainly was a howling success. Monies raised for the Cedars Sinai Women Breast Cancer Research fund to help cure breast cancer reached $51,000, still climbing, and a great big thank you goes to Jim and all of his supporters as well as to all of the entrants in the race. We will list here the top two or three finishers in each class and there will be a full story with lots of pictures in the next issue of Dusty Times. Remember, this race there were no men behind the wheel or in the right hand seat, only ladies were allowed and lots of wives, girlfriends, daughters and mothers leaped at the chance to get behind the wheel of their loved one's car or truck. Class 1 - 1st Shirley Jergensen, 2nd Jennifer Clemison, 3rd Erma Myers. Trophy Challenge -1st Kim Powell, 2nd Terra Jacobus, 3rd Terry Johnson. Class 1450 -1st Jennifer Layton. Ultra Truck -1st Danyelle Thayer, 2nd Melissa Thornton. Class 1600 -1st Laurie Meritt, 2nd Becci Craig, 3rd Michelle Johnson. Class 11 -. 1st Genevive McCarthy, 2nd Gema Ptasinski, 3rd Ann Naso. Class 7B -1st Kacie St George, 2nd Laurie Chamlee, 3rd Amanda McComb. Class 10 -1st Marylou Garavito, 2nd Robyn McMullin, 3rd Cheri Davenport. Class 9 -1st Sigal Greenberg, 2nd Rhonda Page 6 DEc.AnJR FoUR WHEEL DRIVE Cum DECATUR, TX 76234 ToMALLEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU Ctn, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 EASTERN OFF-ROAD RACING AssN. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WEUSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 ENSENADA BAJA OFF ROAD RACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX 011-52-646-1818989 ELISIO 011-52-646-1715230 AARON Races for bugg:,s & Motorcycles EsTERo BEACH INTERNATIONAL Short Course Racing VICTORIA GALINOO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO 011-52-646-176-6230 FORDA FLORIDA OFF ROAD DRIVER'S Assoau70N JASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Apr, Maz, N°" at Davidson Racewa-:, FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 1855 PARKWAY DRIVE s. EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/959-579-6151FAX GORRA GEORGIA OFF ROAD .RACINGA~TION 4 20 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963.0252 GPORRA GREAT PI.ANEs OPP RoAD RACING ASSOCIATION TIM HODGE (402) 991-6048 Scarr MoRRow (816) 792-2126 (AU races are short course, stadium style Classes -Sportsman, 1/ 2-1600, 5-1600, Sport Truck, Quads, Tough Truck Nebraska RacewaJ Park, Exit 420 on I-80 between Omaha and Linro!n.) For latest info check <> HIGH PLAINs OFF ROAD RACING 2000 W. QUINCY AVENUE #B ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 303-806-8062/303-781.0974 fax OOERNATIONAL lcE RACING AssociA.TioN P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDOOR (612) 937-3816/FAX 474-2769 INTER-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS PRoMOTIONs, INc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 ]EEPSPEED 1826 N. Windes Orange, CA 92869 714-538-7434/ fax 714-633-1724 All races for Jeepspeed 1,2 & 3 Jeepspeed Cballoof'e December 2, 2 · BITD Terrible's 400 Henderson, NV Jeep!!!t:id J Series Dece r 1-3, 2006 Henderson's Terrible 400 Henderson, NV KAMLooPs BRoNco BusTERS Whispering Pines Sports & Recreation Center P.O. Box 465 l<AMLOOPS, BC, CANADA VZG5L2 DALE NYESTE (250) 579-8039 TONY (250) 554-97801. Craig Byers (250) 376-8466 LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS & 0FFROAD EXPO Gonzalez, 3rd Shaunah Forrest. Class 5-1600 -1st Nicole Garavito, 2nd Terrie Tavis, 3rd Shelby Tolbert. Class 7A -1st Teresa Quiroz, 2nd Alethia Keegal, 3rd Susan Stokes. Class BA -Petra Feranova. Class 5 -1st Cheri Nutter, 2nd Nelissa Davis, 3rd Carolyn Hines. CORR At Chula Vista -The CORR guys were at it a~ain during the weekend of October 21-22 and a good time was had by almost all. Here is a quickie rundown of the top three finishers in class each day, a full story and loads of pictures to follow in the January, '07 issue of Dusty Times. Saturday -Pro 4 -1st Scott Douglas, 2nd Josh Baldwin, 3rd Curt LeDuc. Sunday -1st Johnny Greaves, 2nd Rick Huseman, 3rd Curt Leduc. Pro 2 -Saturday -1st Carl Renezeder, 2nd Ricky Johnson, 3rd Michael Oberg. Sunday. 1st Todd LeDuc, 2nd Michael Oberg, 3rd Steve Barlow. Pro Lite -Saturday -1st .Bob Naughton, 2nd Art Schmitt 3rd Chad Hord. Sunday 1st Kyle LeDuc, 2nd Bob N;ughton', 3rd Chad Hord. Super Buggy -Saturday 1st Aaron Hawley, 2nd Gary Nierop, 3rd Jeff Elrod. Sunday 1st Corry Heynan, 2nd Gary Nierop, 3rd Jeff Elrod. Single Buggy -Saturday 1st Vic Bruckmann, 2nd Kevin Walsh, 3rd Troy Morgan. Sunday 1st John Fitzgerald, 2nd Cory Boyer, 3rd Greg Boyer. The top five in these classes in points are: Pro 4 -Johnny greaves 222, Carl Renezeder 194, Scott Douglas 191, Josh Baldwin 168, Curt LeDuc 164. Pro 2 -Carl Renezeder 174, Mike Oberg 172, Todd LeDuc 166, Scott Taylor 150, Jerry Whelchel 150, Scott Douglas 146. Pro Lite -Chad Hord 216, Jeff Kincaid 166, Kyle LeDuc 164, Robert Naughton 151, Art Schmitt 129. Super Buggy -Gary Nierop 128, Corry Heynan 89, Matt Kross 77, Jeff Elrod 69, Sam Berri 64. Single Buggy-Troy Morgan 88, Kevin Walsh 80, Kennedy 70, Greg Boyer 69, Kevin Graves 69, Jeffrey Knupp 67. Primm Ownership Changes -Primm, the gateway to Nevada and it's gambling empire and home to lots of off road racing has been sold. MGM Mirage, the second largest casino operator in the world an·nounced the sale of Buffalo Bill's, Primm Valley and Whiskey Pete's Hotel/Casino's to Herbst Gaming, Inc. The sale consists of 2,644 hotel rooms and 136,000 of casino space on a stretch of highway that sees 40,000 vehicles each day and is reckoned to produce $35 to December 2006 (626) 961-3782 <> <> L.I.T.R.E. }EFFELROD (408) 926-0522 )IMARUTA (408) 247-4402 MAMARRITA OFF ROAD RACING LUIS CARLOS ALVAREZO PANAMERICANA AVE #5105 Co. JUAREZ, CHtH., MX 011-52-1637-1799 MlcmGAN BUGGY BUIIDERS DUNE BUGGY TRADE SHOW (517) 543-7214 <> MlcmGAN OFF RoAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M. T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 }ONES ROAD GRAND LEDGE, ML 48837 (517) 627-6200 Mocorc,cles, Quads, ATVs and Pilots onl-y MAORA Mm-AMERICA OFF ROAD ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 664 GREENUP, IL 62428 (217) 235-6528 E-MA11.: <www> MDR RACING 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE Souru EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/FAX626-579-6051 MDR PRODUCTIONS .aJ06 Superstition Championship Series AU Races at Plaster City OHV Area December 31, 2006 The Bud Lite Dash 200 • Night Race M.O.R.E. MOJAVE OFF ROAD RACING ENnrusIASTS P.O. Box 1231 BARSTOW, CA 92312 760-253-4453 -MbREKARTEK Off Road Gold Cup Series MSBA MicmGAN SPORT BuGGY ASSOCIATION DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE OR. FLINT, ML 48506 (810) 730-9221 MoToWEST WINTER TRIALS SERIES BILL MARKHAM (909) 860-1857 <> AU events at Perris Racewa, (At Reed Valle, with a school) NATIONAL Mun RACING ASSN. RT. #l -Box 380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN PALATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFF TRUCK ASSN. BUTCH CHAPIN MoTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS 1404 EAST 3RD STREET HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NOORA GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAIL <> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Spring VaUe, RacewaJ, on route 518, 20 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) (Thunder VaUey located 15 minutes from Spring VaUe-:,) NORTHERN Omo OFF RoAD RAcINGAssN. GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 OFF RoAD EXPO 2006 (626) 599-8622 OPP ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION VOLUNTEERED SERIES PRESIDENT • GEOFF LEE 124 3 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP. - 1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP. -9 & UNLTD. Dusty Times

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11 MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OUT!AWREP. DON PONDER (314) 631-8190 (All Races at Wheeling in the Ccuncy 900 Acres) Omo OFF RoADERS INc. 1427 GOSHEN HILLS ROAD S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 JIM KENDEL (216) 339-4674 AU races held at Harrison Councy Fairgrounds. Cadiz. Ohio ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION RICK TICHBOURNE, PUBLIC RELATIONS (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) Oun.Aw SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. Louis, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/FAX: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP 495 N. COMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <> PIKEs PEAK P.O. Box 6962 CoLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF RoAD RACING CHATSWOR11-1, NJ (856) 875-7591 PRO 1600 SHOOTOUT CoREYGOIN 559-647-6132 GOlNRAClN@HOTMAIL.COM PRoTRuCK 14402 BOND CouRT EL CAJON, CA 92021 619-390-6252 December 1-3, 2006 Henderson's Terrible 400 Henderson, NV PURE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box 50 RICKETTS, lA 51460 (712) 679-2221 RALLY AMERICA TBD Reno Rally Reno,NV ROCK CRAWLERS ASSOCIATION OF AMmlCA P.O. Box 1406 RIVERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/FAX: (801) 253-3176 SAN DIEGO SHORT COURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New Series !ry Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro Trucks, Desert Trucks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Truck <> (858) 571-5088 SAN DIEGO OFF RoAD EXPOsmoN (888) 836 7918 SCCA RoADRALLY P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-2055 <> SFX MoTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE, SUITE 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 FAX SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., SUITE A CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 <> SNORE SOUTHERN NEV ADA OFF ROAD ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 270516 LAS VEGAS, NV 89127 702-452-4522 www.SNORERAC1NG.NET SONS OF THUNDER 4 WHEELERS RACE DIVISION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 Dusty Times SouTHEASTERN OFF RoAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 MIKE MOORE• (224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS EXPO MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. Hacienda Blvd. #322 Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SCTA SoUTIIERN CALIFORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION & BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, INc. P.O. Box 10 OROS!, CA 9364 7 (559) 528-6279 (559) 528-9749 FAX <> SOUTHERN SHORT COURSE OFF RoAD RACING AssN. 4305 WOOTLARK DRIVE TAl.'PA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (AU Races at Eastbaz Racewa~, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) Lrn. P.O. Box 706 December 2, 2006 Mexico TOYS FOR TOTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADILLA VALLEY SPORTS CENTER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <> VORRA VALLEY OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 920 HILLCREST STREET PLACERVILLE, CA 95667 530-622-03 70 www VICENTE GUERRERO ' OFFRoADCum PROFO. CENOVIO GAMBOA Oll-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 P.M.) WESTERN OFF RoAD RACING ASSOCIATION LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.0.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA WHEEL To WHEEL OFF RoAD RACING PATRICK McGUIRE P.O. Box 376 ADAMSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WHIPLASH MoTORSPORTS 2325 E. KINGS AVENUE PHOENIX, AZ 85022 (602) 971-3730 <> Whiplash Desert Tour Trucks & Bbu.~s Dece ,2006 Mexico Whiplash Desert *Bikes/ A TV's and **Mini&PW ** * December 2, 2006 Mexico WISCONSIN MOTORSPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTIVAL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 OSHKOSH, WL 54901 (414) 688-5509 FIA Woru..o RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 ZR. PROMOTIONS RENE MONTANO P.6. Box 2122 Calexico, CA 92231 Attention Race & Rally Organizers List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. ·Don't call, but mail your 2007 schedules as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you. some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-5003 · December 2006 Trail Notes ... $40 million in annual profits. The sale does not include the 537 acre Primm Valley Golf Club, located just across the border in Californ.ia. Herbst Gaming was founded in 1959 as a chain of very successful gas stations and expanded into the gambling world in 1987. Ed Herbst, President of Herbst Gaming said, the casinos would fit well with the other properties and that "The Terrible's Brand will bring added excitement to the 1-15 corridor." What can we say, Dusty Times wishes the Herbst brothers all the best in all of their endeavors. Robby Readies For Dakar • In preparation for the 2007 Dakar(tm), Robby Gordon of Team Dakar USA unveiled his revised Hummer H3 race truck for the international media at the Dumont Dunes Off-Highway Vehicle Recreation Area near Baker, California last Thursday. In addition, Gordon introduced his navigator for the upcoming Dakar(tm), Andy Grider, a veteran of the endurance rally. Team Dakar USA competed in the Dakar(tm) for the first tirpe in January 2006, drawing attention due to their radically different vehicle which was capable of high speeds across the Sahara desert. Unfortunately, the team eventually dropped out of the race with a damaged radiator after impacting a mound of camel grass. Learning from past experiences and with the help of major supporters such as General Motors and Toyo Tires(r), the team has made significant changes to the race truck. Extensive wind tunnel testing has resulted in major changes to the Menards Engineering carbon fiber body, including a shallow windshield angle and a sloped rear body section resulting in less drag. An onboard tire inflation/ deflation system makes it much easier to adjust the air pressures of the J7X14.50R15 Toyo Open Country M/T(tm) tires while on-the-fly. Greater overall speed also _comes from a GM Racing LS7 (427-cubic inch V8) attached to a six-speed Alb ins sequential transaxle. One of the team's Hummer H 1 's was also on display. The Moroccan theme event included a Moroccan-style tent and cuisine, along with camels to help provide the overall experience. In addition to U .S. television and print media, members of the foreign press attended from countries as far away as Great Britain, Spain, Brazil, Germany, China and Honduras. Good luck to Robby and hi; team in their latest Dakar adventure. C ODE Mexicana Logistics 300 -CODE ran their October race and a good time was had by all. We'll have a complete report and lots of photos in the next edition of Dusty Times and, for your enjoyment, here are the top finishers in each class. Class 1 -1st Gustavo Vildosola and Jr, 2nd Armando Bravo. Class 10 -1st Jose Lopez. Class 12 -1st Gus Pinuelas and Jr., 2nd Arturo Honold, 3rd Scott Zimmerman. Class 8 -1st Juan Lopez, 2nd Jose Soto, 3rd Ramon Hurtado. Class 5 -1st Luivan Voelker, 2nd Pietro Brasea. Class 1/2-1600 -1st Leonardo Navarette, 2nd Jorge Sanchez, 3rd Jose Guevara, 4th Francisco Escareno, 5th Jose Machado. Class 7 -1st Rene Cuevas, 2nd Martin Rosales & Jr. Class 5-1600 -l~t Jose Gutierrez, 2nd Enrique Avalos. Class 9 -1st Juan Mayoral, 2nd Jesus De La Torre, 3rd Daniel Reyes, 4th Guillermo Valle. Class 7S -1st Pedro De La Vega. 2nd Sergio Duron. Class 11 -1st Mario Flores, 2nd Juan Zamarripa, 3rd Jose Rodriguez, 4th Alejandro Rivas, 5th Gustavo Villasenor. Class 14 -1st Arturo Rodriguez, 2nd Jose Quintero, 3rd Luis Diaz, 4th Jesus Velez, 5th Edgar Alvarez Jr. Class 15 -1st Alberto Varela, 2nd Carlos De Las Palos, 3rd Omar Dipp. Class ·18 -1st Ricardo Larios, 2nd Victor Islas, 3rd Alfredo Saldana. Class Safari -1st Omar Chavez, 2nd Heriberto Chavez, 3rd Miguel Dario. Read all about it in the next issue. RACER Off-Road -RACER Off-Road is opening a 20,000 square foot facility in Phoenix', Arizona to better service the Arizona resident off road community. Owner Tim Gendreau says the facility will consist of a showroom, retail display area, parts department and service center, featuring a complete transaxle service department. Fabrication ~nd prep of high end sand cars, pre-runners and race vehicles will be supervised by Larry Foddril. Racer X Has A New Toy -It's new, the Motocam 360, a lightweight, waterproof, shock resistant video system that fits in the palm of your hand. Featuring a 480 scanline, digital recorder, rechargeable power supply and a 1gb SD Card. Can record continuously for three hours with a variety of mounts available. Contact Racer X for more Motocam information. 619-258-RACE Page 7

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Rri/:1%Wi AT CHULA VISTA Greaves And Taylor Prevail By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Scott Taylor took the Pro 2 win both rounds, he and his Ford trail in the points chase by just one point, two more to go! raced his Pro Lite truck for the first time in September. He's still learning the ins and outs of the sport, and in Saturday's practice he rolled his truck off of Turn 5. He said he'd had a rough week because at a recent outing he'd gune to move a friend's truck, and somehow it spun and flipped, dumping him on his unhelmeted head. He'd had no belts on, not expecting any prob-lem with the truck. he said that was the "first time I ever rolled anything and - I did it twice in a week." He was unscathed in the practice roll-over. Johnny Greaves took the Pro 4 win both rounds at Chula Vista, he leads the Pro 4 points, he's seen here in his Toyota. Racing started at about 12: 20 see the racing, CORR fans could as it did almost a year after on Saturday afternoon, with a Chula Vista, CA: CORR's fi-nal weekend of the 2006 season brought some exciting racing to the Southern California fans, and a surprising grand finale event that sent them home still buzzing. The w.eather was really nice for this event, with fairly mild temperatures, and no storms looming or ·100 year hot spells to make it uncomfortable for the spectators. The course layout was the same, ironically, finally satisfying everyone now that the season was ending and the course would have to be moved to a new location. This was not only the· final event of the 2006 season, but it was the last for. this unique track. Every time they came to see civilization encroaching. Jason's death in a plane crash. mixture of trucks, mostly desert More and more buildings grew Practice was entertaining, and Sportsman classes, but some 7S up around the perimeters of the an indication of what the racing trucks were mixed in. This group track, and it was apparent that would be like, with cars going up isn't running in the CORR se-the area was way too developed in smoke and rolling over even ries, but has its own identity and to permit the noisy, dusty activ-during their brief change to try its own tech and points systems. ity that is short-course racing to out the course. Tim Herbst was They race together, but start in go on much longer. back, with a new Pro 4 truck, two separate groups, about 15 The schedule called for two and he was taking advantage of seconds apart. Their events are days of racing to determine the the practice sessions because he only eight laps in length, but points championships for the had no time in the truck at all that's plenty of time to put on a season, and one added block-before race weekend. Bruce Fra-show. They had their share of buster event; the Jason Baldwin ley, normally a desert racer, was roll-overs, starting the day on Memorial Race. This would be a also there, driving the Ampudia Lap 2 with a big one, and fol--ten lap winner-take-all event, Single Buggy (a desert 1600 car) lowing through on Lap 3 with putting the Pro 2s and Pro 4s with the intent of learning how another. Meanwhile, in Class against each other. The $66,000 to build them. He's predicting Desert 7, Oscar Lara went into purse was symbolic of Jason's that·some Las Vegas folks will go the lead on the first lap and number (66) when he raced in for this form of racing. Also stayed there to take the win, CORR, and the special race back was Mike Metzger, the while Javier Sacio chased him up seemed a fitting memorial falling famed motorcycle acrobat, who into second place. But then he ...---------------=---,-,-------, went up in smoke. Biker Sher-lock, meanwhile, had picked off about one truck each lap, and gradually rose to finish second. In the Desert 7S class, racing intermingled with the "Class 7" trucks, Tim Lawrence had to do a lost of passing, and sometimes moved up three positions on a lap, to take the win, followed across the line by Michael Ballard, who went right with him all the way in the Steven Looney truck. On Sunday when they came back they were missing six of their members. In the Desert 7 class, Oscar Lara got the lead by the third lap, and then fought off Sherlock until the seventh lap, when he finally got by. Sher-lock took the win, with Lara in second place. In the 7S class Holly Hoffman got the hole-shot and went into the lead on the first lap, and stayed there for four laps while Michael Ballard put on the pressure. On the fourth lap Ballard got right up next to Hoffman, and they du-eled into Turn 6, where Hoffman spun and tipped over, leaving Ballard up front to take the win. Tim Lawrence moved up to sec-ond on the fourth lap, and stayed there through the finish. This weekend, as they had in September, CORR created a very short course in front of the grandstands, so that the kids in Carl Renezeder took a pair of second place finishes in Pro 4 at Chula Michael Oberg collected a second place and a fourth place in his Pro Steve Barlow was eighth in Pro 2 on Saturday, took a nice second Vista, he's seen here in his Chevy nicely airborne. 2 rounds, seen here fl i his Che to the flag. place in Sunday's Round in his good lookin' Ford. Looking a bit the worse for wear, Art Schmitt's Ford took a pair of Another Super Buggy racer, Matt Kross got himself a third and a In Single Buggy, Troy Morgan took a fourth place on Saturday and a second place finishes in the Pro Lite contests. second place finish at Chula Vista, he's seen here slightly askew. nice second place finish on Sunday at Chula Vista. Pages December 2006 Dusty Times

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Kevin Graves was second in Single Buggy on Saturday but was well Javier Sacio, Nissan mounted, was the second place finisher in the In the Desert Class 7S battle, John Deuth finished in second place, Desert 7 Class, seen here at touchdown. he was just 15 seconds behind the winner. back in 2:J'd place in the Sunday Round. the Trophy Karts could put on a "demonstration" race. They've refined things a bit since a month earlier. Now the kids are divided into two age groups: ages 6 through 11 run in one event, and ages 12 through 15 are in another. As far as these being "demonstration" races -well -maybe the kids didn't fully un-derstand the meaning of "dem-onstration". They were started from up on the straight near where the big trucks start, in or-der to thin them out a bit be-fore the first turn. But their in-stincts are the same as those of the adults who raced later, and these didn't look like demonstra-tion events, they looked like races. They fought to pass, they rolled ovei:, they flew through the air and they battled for the lead. The audience enjoyed them, the kids apparently had a wonder-ful time, but the dads and moms , 1.1ml1ng ,d ,111g tlic course looked a lirrlc stressed . No names of win-Dusty Times ners were available, due to the fied desert cars) all meeting cer-Series. This class, like all the. oth-Sometimes they can't. fact that these were only "dem-tain weight and wheelbase crite-ers, starts all at once in a "land This time they almost did, but onstrations". ria. This is CORR's biggest class, rush" start that's astounding to Billy McCool, driving here for The next event on the Satur-with over 30 entrants at these watch. It's hard to believe that the first time, was left sttting on day schedule was the Single Bug- events. This was their West Coast so many open-wheeled vehicles his side, and someone else was gies, which are 1600cc single seat series. A mostly different bunch can get through the first turn parked with no right rear wheel. buggies (some are slightly modi-runs in this class in the Midwest without anyone turning over. Continued on page 10 fiie Pro Lite win on Saturday went to Robert liiaughton, he was 22'" on Sunday. fourth in points in his Ford, seen here at sp_ee_d_. __ _ The win in Pro Lite on Sunday went to Kyle LeDuc, He was fourth on Saturday, seen here heading for the checkers at the Chula ~sta even!. ______ _ An -fntimate Gem Adjacent to Bellagio, Caesars & Bally's Flamingo & The Strip 1-888-227-2279 The Place Las Vegans Call Home™ West Flamingo & Valley View 1-888-402-6278 -----------·-·--·-December 2006 Ask About Our Special Headliner Show and Room Packages West Tropicana & Arville 1-800-675-3267 Ask About Our Room & Golf Packages ~[ill]~LJ Alta & Rampart 1-877-677-7111 Page 9

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Scott Douglas launched his Ford to a pair of third place finishes in Jerry Whelchel, Ford, took third place in the first round of Pro 2, Pro 4 and he finished fourth and fifth in Pro 2. unfortunately, he was a dnf in the Sunday round. Josh Baldwin, not having his best season, finished 12°' and ~ in the Pro 2 fracas and fourth and seventh-in Pro 4. His third win of the season, Gary Nierop took the honors on. Saturday in Super Buggy, third place on Sunday, he leads the points by 29. . _ .. --· McCool was quickly righted, but and fell back to fifth or sixth. rhen had a lor of ground ro make By rhe fourth lap a couple of up and he'd lost his oil. Some-cars had started to smoke, one body else rolled in Turn 5 and was rowed ciff after a hard roll-was left on his side and Ryan over, and Bruckmann built his Schank was chasing Bruckmann. lead gradually until he was 1un-John Fitzgerald and Michael ning all by himself. Kevin Graves ·Notary, horh serious contenders thought he !tad a flar, and even in rhc class, dropped our on the though his spotter said lie didn't, tirsr lap. he went into rhe hot pir. l le Br11ckma1111, sporting a new didn't. Then on rhe eighth lap dual porr head 111oror, moved he roll,-d ove·t, landing on his inro rhe lead mt rhe third lap. wheels, and wt>nt on apparently Now he wa s starting to worry unaffected. about his fuel. He tries ro run Carefully skirting the dam-just what he'll need for rhe 11 aged and limping cars, Bruck-lap event, and has misjudged on mann gradually built a long lead. rhe short side a rime or two. He He was still worrying about his was hoping he had it right this fuel, but everything was working time. Boyer held onto second for just fine. At the end of the 11th a bit, then, not used to this car, lap he was still running, and had which is the 011e his dad, Greg, finished first. Kevin Walsh was usually drives, !te lost ground· second and Troy Morgan fin-Pl service ce11ter Baker, Callfornla ee1e11n1ttng filLYEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS. .• TNANKSI RESTAURANT Open 24 Hours Mobil@ SERVICE Every Day Year Round THE BEST IN TII:! DESERT! Page 10 TJ Clark's debut in Super Buggy was great, a sixth place finish on Saturday and a win on Sunday, he's seen here at speed. ished third. This group was a bit thr9w a mandatory full course disappointed that CORR didn't yellow, aimed at closing them up invite them into the "podium" and making the heat more inter-area for post race interviews and esting for the spectators. The give them a chance to thank their racers are not crazy about that sponsors and supporters on mandatory yellow. camera as they do with everyone There were 20 trucks for the else. Bruckmann figured out that first heat, and Mike Oberg got his dual port motor gets better the hole shot, maybe the first sign mileage than the oid. one, a pius that this wouid be a good wee°k-for him, since it also had more end for him. Everyone cleared power. the difficult first lap, but on the Kenny Kincaid, chief of second lap Scott Douglas, Travis CORR's officials, announced Coyne and Dan VandenHeuvel that all the cars in this class were all dropped out. Oberg contin-being penalized for exceeding the ued to lead, with Kevin Probst 30 mph speed limit on a yellow chasing after him, and Steve flag. They were all to report to Barlow running in third and "teardown teach". Scott Taylor giving him a tough On Sunday only 31 cars came fight. On the fifth lap Jerry back, and this time they all made Whelchel started to smoke, and it through the first turn. Cory pulled out, then they lost Dan Boyer was once again in front, Baudoux on the seventh lap, and with John Grossini chasing him, Scott Taylor went out also, when and John Fitzgerald in third a left rear wheel came off, after place. By the second lap the studs broke. Baudoux's Fitzgerald had moved up into truck is a new one, and he's not second spot, and by the fifth lap yet happy with the way it's work-he was first, and Boyer was sec-ing. It's of interest however, in ond. Graves had lost his right part because it runs on a mix of rear wheel on Lap 5, possibly as part' ethanol and part gasoline, a result of Saturday's roll-over, and in part because GM is hop-but otherwise they were all, just ing it will remind potential car moving steadily through their buyers that there are many mod-laps. els of GM vehicles out there that By about the eight lap they run on that mix, which they told started to move through lapped us will eventually be the fuel of traffic, and now it was Fitzgerald, Cory Boyer and Greg Boyer, in the first three slots. They went on to finish that way. When they'd totaled up the points from this weekend and computed the season points win-ner, Troy Morgan, a rookie, won the 2006 single Buggy Champi-onship. He was also awarded Rookie of the Year honors, hav-ing recorded one win and six top five finishes this season. choice all across the United States. Oberg continued to lead, and Probst continued to chase through the 10th lap. In the meantime, Ricky Johnson, who was driving Josh Baldwin's truck and Rhonda Konitzer, in an-other Baldwin truck, were hav-ing the best duel on the track. They rubbed sheet metal through many turns, and neither gave an inch. It was the first time Johnson had raced in about eight or nine years, and he was having a wonderful time, and looked as if he'd forgotten nothing. On about the 10th lap Evan Evans rolled off Turn 5 and dropped to last place, and when he got back onto the track he had a left front flat tire and lost more time with a visit to th; hot pit. Andrew Wehe rolled onto his side in Tum 2 but was res-cued quickly. Ricky Johnson bent a shock, and every now and then it stuck down when he landed, and made him have to adjust his line a bit. Then Renezeder ran into -Pro.bst and pushed him off course, causing him to drop about six positions. Oberg went uneventfully on in the lead in the meantime, and now Renezeder was second and Barlow third. They were dealing with lapped traffic now. On the back straight, Ren-ezeder pulled even with Oberg, and Oberg held his position, not letting him by. But ultimately, down in the Turn 3 hole, Ren-ezeder got by, and took the lead. Renezeder went on to win, and Ricky Johnson somehow slid up into second place, while Oberg finished third. When the Pro Zs came back on Sunday there were only 16 of them. A four-truck crash put Evan Evans out with a damaged front end, and Ricky Johnson was suddenly parked in the in-field. Jerry Whelchel hit the Turn 2 wall hard, and then pulled out on the next lap, climb-ing out of the cab as steam or On Saturday the third event on the schedule was the Pro 2 rrucks, and they started the race with 20 entries. The trucks dif-fer from the buggies in thar they ger to race 16 laps, and some-ti me during the event, on the cighrh or ninth lap, the officials In Single Buggy it was no contest as John Fitzgerald took the win in both rounds, seen here just airborne. ---~-·---------··----·. December 2006 Dusty Times

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Casey Currie took a third and a seventh place finish in his two Pro Chad Hord finished fifth and third in his two rounds of Pro Lite, seen Sean Kennedy was third and eighth in his two Single Buggy Rounds, Lite Rounds, seen here in his Nissan. smo e issue ort . T ere was a lot of dust on course for this heat. Scott Taylor had gone to the front, with Todd LeDuc chas-ing him. They were having a re-ally good battle, running side by side and back and forth for many laps. Kevin Probst ran third for a long way, but on the sixth lap his truck started to smoke, and he pulled out. Taylor then started puffing smoke, and sud-denly there was a huge billowing flame under his truck. He parked in Turn 6, and as the flame en-veloped the cab and the air cleaner caught fire, he made a here in his Nissan in flight. he's seen here just at landing in his buggy. hurried exit. LeDuc took over the lead just as they applied the mandatory full course yellow -it was Lap 8. He stayed there to the end. Travis Coyne ran second for a few laps, but then Steve Barlow moved up. Meanwhile, Rhonda Konitzer, who'd been running sixth, moved up to fourth, and then third. But she took a hit In the Desert Class 7 race, it was Biker Sherlock taking the coveted checkered flag, he's seen here getting airborne. after Turn 5 that sent her side-ways and she rolled over many times, skimming the top of the K-rail and putting an end to her race. Todd LeDuc went on to take the win, with Mike Oberg, who passed Barlow on the 14th lap, in second place, and Barlow third. Carl Renezeder was seventh. But that finish on top of a very strong season, gave him the sea-son Pro 2 Points Championship. Oberg, who's new to the Pro 2 • 1t10 Custom Rhino's in stock ready to deliver Full line of Rhino parts Trophy Karts in stock Christmas gifts in stock, Rhino's, Parts, and Gift Certificates Complete parts department & showroom Race seats Tires/wheels Shocks Helmets Hardware and more Full transmission shop Sand car service and repairs Race prep and repairs Pickup & delivery services You name it -we have it! Visit us online at r-_..__--= Michael Ballard drove his Ford to the Desert 7S Class, he's seen here holding off one of the opposition at Chula Vista. class, was honored as the Rookie of the Year. He'd managed a win and six top five finishes for the season. On Saturday the Pro Lite trucks were next on the grid, with 23 trucks. They got through the first turn with everyone still on their wheels. Jeff Kincaid had got the hole shot, with Robert Naughton second and Rodrigo Ampudia in third place. In Turn 2, Ampudia rolled his truck, and Continued on page 12 ► Sand cars ► 4-seat pre-runners ► Pre-runner trucks ► Race trucks ► Race cars ► Race prep ► Full service & repairs ► Trans shop ► Custom fab of any kind! Dusty Times December 2006 Page 11

Page 12

It was a ninth and a third place finish for Cory Boyer in his two rounds n Pro 4, Curt LeDuc garnered a fifth and a fourth in the two rounds, John Marking drove his Ford to a seventh and a fourth place finish in of Single Buggy, seen here heading for the flag. Curt is seen here saving some tire wear. Pro Lite, soaring here at speed. as he was upside down and back- a truck" that's waiting for a re-didn't quite make it to the fin-On the ·1·4~th.--.l_a_p_L.-----e"Dc--u-c_w_e_n_t~-.5~to_ g_o~i1-1-to-t~h-e~l~e-a~d~.~T=h~ey_ p_r-o-wards, another truck hit him and start after a red flag. Ampudia ish, and he pulled off on the far by Naughton in Turn 4, and went ceeded to have a great battle, booted him up onto his wheels. knew he couldn't work on the side of the dogleg turn. But on to take the win. Ampudia until Cenni got sideways, slid on In the meantime, Josh Hintz was truck, but he thought he was deal-Naughton went on to win, fol-pulled into the infield on the last the berm and out of Turn 5, slid-parked on his lid in front of the ingwithasafetyissue,andnever lowedacrossthelinebySchmitt lap with a broken spindle. ing right into the K-rail. Josh grandstands, waiting to be towed gave it a thought otherwise. and Hord. That third place was Naughton finished second and Baldwin, simultaneously, pulled away. Jeff Yoder, who'd also gone On the restart, Naughton got just enough to cinch the season Hord was third. Kincaid, a bit dis-off course in the dogleg turn, aground somewhere on that lap, the hole shot, with Art Schmitt in points championship for Hord, heartened by his string of failures when something broke and went was towed into the infield and hot pursuit. Kincaid was third and who garnered a total of one win this season, had elected not to run into his motor. The officials red parked for the duration. Ampudia Chad Hord ran fourth. On about and 13 top three finishes during this heat, saying there wasn't any flagged the race, so they could gave his truck a try or two, and to the third lap Dan VandenHeuvel, the season. It was his first cham-point to it until they figured out clear Cenni's truck off course. everyone's surprise, it fired up. He Jr., who'd been sixth or seventh, pionship season. what was going wrong. They took Baldwin away also. put it in gear rather tentatively, fell over the edge of Turn 5, and Pro Lite came back with 26 The last truck race on Sunday On the restart, Renezeder had and then drove off, to get back with traffic so tight, lost about six cars on Sunday, and they made was for the Pro 4s, with 11 en-the hole shot, with Huseman run-into the fray. He looked more like positions. A couple of laps later it through the first and second tries. They got cleanly through ning second and Greaves in third. a big desert buggy than a CORR Schmitt went over the berm on turns cleanly, following the first couple of turns, with Now, instead of being wet, it was truck, all his body panels now ly-Turn 5 also, stayed on-his wheels, Naughton who got the hole shot. Scott Douglas in the lead, and dusty. Great clouds of dust bit-ing in pieces on the track, waiting drove around the outside and lost Schmitt ran second, "Kyle LeDuc Curt LeDuc chasing him. John lowed up out of the turn 3 hole, to be collected by the souvenir only two positions before regain-third and Hord was fourth. Greaves was working hard to get and occasionally it was hard for hunters. The race had first been ing the course. Meanwhile, LeDuc and Hord were having an around LeDuc, and for some rea-spectators to see exactly what was yellow flagged, but when the offi-Naughton was having a trouble entertaining battle, but for the son, after just one lap Carl Ren-happening. Greaves took over cials realized how many disasters free race, and sailed on serenely in most part, everyone just hustled ezeder pulled out. On the third second place on the fifth lap, and there were, they red flagged it. Ev-the lead as Hord, Kincaid and around the track with no com-lap Adrian Cenni and Rick now he and Renezeder put on a eryone headed back to the staging Schmitt fought it out behind him. plications for about six laps. Huseman crashed into the wall great show, with a lot of side-by-area. One more bit of bad luck On about the eighth lap it became Then Mike Metzger rolled his and got stuck together. Cenni side racing, until Renezeder de-awaited Ampudia. When he got apparent that Kincaid was having truck in the dogleg, and had to pulled loose and went on, but veloped a left front flat. He drove back into the start line, his dad a problem. His truck would slow, be towed away. Then came the when Huseman was freed up it with it that way for a while and was there to have a look at the then pick up speed, then slow officially mandated full course was apparent that his front end after a while the tire began smok-truck. He saw a piece of sheet metal again. ye I.low, and when they restarted had broken in the crash, so he ing and flipping off pieces of hanging, and thinking it would be Apparently the gremlins that Schmitt went up high on the was out. Meanwhile, Douglas was tread. On the eighth lap Greaves a hazard to other trucks/drivers had bothered him for the past Turn 2 bank, slowed, and then building a huge lead, and Greaves, went into the lead, and the ninth on the course, he pulled itoffrhe several races had not been dis-stopped. He was done after nine who'd passed LeDuc on the sec-lap was the mandatory yellow vehicle. An official promptly sent posed of. He pulled out after laps. Someone else got left be-ond lap, was pulling away from flap lap, so Renezeder went into Rodrigo to the back of the line-nine laps. hind in the Turn 3 hole, sending what was left of the pack also. the hot pit for a new tire. Marty up. It seems it's a no-no to "touch Ampudia's battered truck up clouds of smoke. Then, on Lap 5 Greaves slowed Coyne, whose truck had been 71:I B BIISIIIESS BR R.111:E TE.IIM DriYiog SuHs • Crew UniTllrms • Crew Shir/s Poto Shirts• Team Jackets •Hats• Gear Hags TEIIIIIIR,E NElnlST MOTOIJIISPIIIIIT,S • IUlrlEIVI IVll:l#S • B/111111111 IVll:llf#II1 ... ,,, 1,IIMJIIEII • t:IHI , .. WIIIIIIS • ••t:111D1ar 11'11111111t:1S • TII.TIIII IIILll.11/a IEMPIIIE llllllrEUIIIE • ~ l:AIIS 0, l:Dl!IIIJWA Page 12 December 2006 with a rear suspension problem, smoking, was suddenly on fire, so and both Josh Baldwin and Curt he parked at the end of Turn 2 Le Due went by him. The next few and climbed out of the truck, laps weren't terribly exciting as then set off his extinguisher. That they all just motored around in brought out another yellow flag. order, too widely separated to be Tim Herbst, driving in this class doing any passing. for the first time, was not setting At the finish, only Douglas, the world on fire, having had no Baldwin and LeDuc had com-more than four laps in the car pleted all 16 laps. Larry Noel was before the first heat. He was us-fourth with 14 laps done, and ing the races for practice, essen-Greaves, who ensured his Pro 4 tially, and it was clear that he was championship with the finish, in finding it very different from fifth also with 14 laps, and a desert racing. His times improved barely working rear suspension. from Saturday to Sunday and he He said, "It was a hairy first lap -looked more at home on the track the track had some water on it by the end of Sunday's race. He'll and it was slippery!" be fun to watch next season. When the Pro 4 trucks started Greaves continued to lead, on Sunday there were only ten with Huseman second and Dou-of them. Noel didn't come back. glas in third place, followed by Cenni got the hole shot, but LeDuc. On.the 13th lap Douglas Renezeder got past him in Turn developed a left rear flat, and he Aaron Hawley took a decent second place in Saturday's Super Buggy Round, b!!t fini~hed way back in t 5'h on Sunday Dusty Times

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1' Chris Brandt tries to lighten his truck at Chula Vista, he finished sixth and seventh in the Pro Lite conflict. Adrian Genni had an eighth and a fifth place finish in his two rounds of A nice third place finish in the Desert 7S Class went to Peter Scully, Pro 4, seen here landing his Chevy. he's seen here on his way to the checkered flag. went to the pit for a new tire the next time around. Now it was Greaves, Huseman and LeDuc, and that's the order they held to the finish flag. The final event on Saturday's program was the Super Buggies, which brought 17 cars out onto the track. This group doesn't have the mandatory yellow flag lap midway through their race, but they also don't get to race 16 laps. Their race ends at 13 laps. Cory Heynen got the hole shot, and with Jeff Elrod in pursuit took off. They all got through the first couple of laps, and in fact, no one developed any problems until about the fourth lap. Aaron Hawley was fourth, then third, and by the fifth lap had himself up to second place. He was clearly on a mission. On the sixth lap Hawley took over the lead as Heynen's shifter broke and he had to give up the game. Hawley continued to build his lead, with Gary Nierop, who'd moved up to second fol-lowing and building his own cushion. Elrod was third. On the eighth lap Todd Stemmerman's car was sounding unwell, and by Lap 9 they'd become strung out, so there was no passing going on. Hawley continued to lead to the end, with Nierop behind him in second, and that's the way they finished. Elrod was third, and there were another six cars still on the lead lap. On Sunday there were only 14 cars when they came back. Cory Heynen got the hole shot, and everyone got through the first three turns, but in Turn 4 there was a six car tangle that was slow to untangle. They came apart from the mess one at a time, and had the effect of stringing the cars out along the length of the course early in the heat. Heynen stayed in front, with Nierop in second and Elrod third. Hawley, who wanted to be up there with them was running hard, but he'd been in the early tangle and had a long way to go. It turned into a single file parade, in the flagman's box midway on At any rate, when the flags one another some. and the only ones changing posi-the front straight, where they usu-flew, chaos erupted. Going It was very tight and close, but tion much were Scott Peterson ally wave the black flag, the white through the first turn Josh Bald-looked like a win for Johnson, and Hawley. Gradually they flag and the checkered flags. The win tipped over on his side, but who had many fans cheering him moved up, to catch, but not close guy out in the back would make got back on his wheels quickly. on enthusiastically. But everything enough to pass, the lead group. the decision, and the guy on the Cenni crashed into Huseman in changed. Le Due's transmission They would have been tough on front straight, who kept his eye front of the grandstands, and started to smoke, and he dropped any event, but given that sort of on him, would wave his green flag clouds of dust billowed. Ricky out after eight laps. Oberg was half-lap head start they got, Haw-when he saw the other one go. Johnson, in a Pro 2, went into suddenly in second place. ley and Peterson would have How the racers at the end near-the lead, with Todd LeDuc in sec-Then, after the white flag flew, needed another ten laps. In the est Turn 2 could see him was a ond place and Steve Barlow it became apparent that Johnson end it was Heynen, Nierop and puzzle. Their trucks were slanted third. It was obvious to the spec-had a flat tire. It made him spin Elrod, with Peterson and Hawley forward, toward the second turn, tators that this was the final race in Turn 6, and Oberg got his in fourth and fifth. Nierop took so they'd have had to turn their of the season. They were letting it chance to go by. He charged on the Super Buggy championship, heads and look over their shoul-all hang out. to the finish, to take the win and with three wins and seven top ders to see the flag halfway back The Pro 4s were not catching the biggest purse in CORR rac-three finishes for the season. up the front straight. That's no the Pro 2s as fast as had been pre-ing. Probably the biggest purse Heynen was voted the Sportsman easy thing to do in a helmet, with dieted -anything but. Johnson ever handed to one winner in any Driver of the Year, in a vote by head restraints. Maybe they just and LeDuc held first and second, off road race. Oberg did a bunch his peers. His record was four top decided to let their spotters tell but Oberg moved up to take of donuts in front of the grand-three finishes and two wins in this them when to go. That would thirdplaceonthethirdlap.They stands, and the season con-West Coast Super Buggy division. probably have been the easiest ran like that for about three laps, eluded in a cloud of dust and Heynen, like Nierop, comes down thing to do. Le Due and Johnson banging on euphoria. ~ from Canada to race the series. The Jason Baldwin Memorial Race was the final event for the weekend, but they'd qualified for it on Friday before the weekend began. Both the Pro 2 and Pro 4 trucks were going to race, and there were 24 entries, all vying for that big winner-take-all purse in a ten lap race. There would be no mandatory yellow flag for this one. The difficult thing to do would be to start them in some way that would erase the edge the Pro 4 trucks have because of their four wheel drive. There were eight Pro 4s and 16 Pro 2s. CORR de-cided to put th e Pro 2 trucks on the front straight, lined up Le Mans style, and start the Pro 4s in the usual place, which looks to be about a quarter mile back. The Pro 2s were on the track af-ter Turn 1, so one hazard was au-tomatically behind them. Still, many of them seemed to feel that the Pro 4s would get them, be-cause they'·d be charging hard, and the Pro 2s would start from a dead standstill and go straight into Turn 2. The debate raged. To do the start they had two flagman. One was in the regular starter's box out by the usual land rush start area, and the other was anDMll84 CVBTAR1S NO MORE Spline Wear! Stronger Core! 50% Stronger! H.I. 6.5" & 8.5" Sizes Built-In Starter & Ballast Die-Cast Aluminum Hous, 35 Watt H.I.D. Bulb Driving/Euro Beam Pat 'JI & DDT lip lflleefs New Jlllradu1. Beadlock Black I Blue Colors Red I Polished Size an Genier Mounl Hub Kil Ii Sliding Axles Available for Plunging + NonPlung. CV's wl CNC or Brembo Calipers Ultimate Strength 300M Size 30 Center Star g Axles nP/ungin Size 30 34CV---Jeff Elrod took a pair of first off the podium finishes in Super Buggy, he's seen here just at takeoff at Chula Vista. Dusty Times December 2006 Page 13

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l.A.J2C: 6TH RALLY JAPAN lb Martin Holmes Loeb/Citroen Wins His 27th Photos: Maurice Selden Fumio Nutahara and Daniel Barritt drove their Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX to the PCWRC win, seen here entering a left hander. the week after the event. Sebastien Loeb won his 2"1'11 WRC rally in Japan, he drove his Citroen Xsara to the win with a mere six seconds in hand when it was all over. The cars for both Citroen team entries (Loeb and Sordo) were in the blue Gauloises colours but after his crash in Finland the third entry for Xavier Pons was cancelled. This was the second successive rally entered which World Champion Sebastien Loeb had not yet won. Team chief Van Dalen proudly pointed out the all-blue Xsara of nu·mber two driver Dani Sordo. "You won't see a num-ber two car in that colour an-other time", alluding to the fact that Sordo was expected to run in that car for the rest of the There were mixed emotions tor Kronos Citroen, there were celebrations for the "Greatest", as Sebastien Loeb finished Rally Japan not just the winner of the event, by 5.6 seconds, but also the winner of more world cham-pionship rallies than any other driver. His 27th victory sur-passed the two year old record o( Carl.os Sainz, and. immortalises the French driver in the record books. Victory however was not handed to Loeb on a plate but only came after Marcus Gronholm made two small errors. The duel be-tween Loeb and Gronholm was ·amazing, with top speeds much higher than in previous years. These two drivers won every stage save the final superspecial, which went to Mikko Hirvonen. The tinge of disappointment for Kronos came with the post-event exclusion of their number two driver Dani Sordo for a breach of the safety belt rule, only no-ticed as a result of the crew ask-ing for review of their time af-ter being delayed on Stage 26. Once again, Subaru had a ter-rible event, this time their cars had brake and transmission troubles, an embarrassing situ-ation given the recent an-nouncement of more manage-ment changes in the Japanese side of the team. In the end the highest finisher in any Japanese car was Atkinson's fourth place. on the island. A new Superspe-season, and would be in a red While the Drivers· champion-cial location, to be run firstly car on other rallies. This has ship is now within Loeb's grasp, as the Shakedown stage then traditionally been Ford's un-BP-Ford 's challenge in the also five times on the event, was lucky event, but this year the Makes' series, against Kronos built on land adjacent to the team had last year's winner, Citroen, was strengthened by Service Park. It seemed strange Marcus Gronholm, driving for another good result for Mikko to use the Superspecial as the them! Only three drivers (Loeb, Hirvonen, who finished in third Shakedown location but in fact Gronholm and Sordo) were place. Following a last morning there was a major reason for now able to win the World title, accident by PCWRC leader Jari-this. Originally it was planned Petter Solberg was now out of Matt.i Latvala, the winner was to runt he shakedown on tracks the frame altogether, but the again Fumio Nutahara, though northeast of Obihiro, too far chance of BP-Ford to challenge the series is still comfortably away to work from the service Kronos Citroen for the "manu-headed by Nasser Al-Attiyah, area. This would have meant facturers'" title was intriguing. who missed this round. Mitsu-asking the teams to hire trans-Given a parity of ability between bishi cars finished 1-2-3 in port vehicles which would not Loeb and Gronholm, it was Group N. Although only four have been necessary if the equip-clear that the championship makes' teams contested this ment stayed all the time in the would become very much a event, there was a large local service area. So the drivers had battle between the second driv-entry with two class victories for the unusual chance to practice ers of Kronos and BP-Ford. Honda and Daihatsu cars. a real live stage at flat out Something for Subaru people Since last year there had been speeds. For the MI teams, e~-to take their minds off their important behind the scenes gines used here will also have to woes, this was co-driver's Phil work. There was a new promoter be used in Britain, but there was Mills' 100th world champion-of the rally. Gone was the no chassis pairing on this occa-ship partnership with Petter Mainichi newspaper group, now sion. The date for the event had Solberg, and for the first time there was a group of publicity been moved earlier in the calen-there were three 2006 version and promotions companies but dar, to the same time as two Subaru WRCars on this event. whether this was a permanent years before, when the pre-rally It was also the first event since arrangementorsimplyadevice dramawastyphoonsarrivingin the new SWRT top chief, to keep the event one more year Japan. This was defined as the Shigeo Suga ya, was· appointed. in Obihiro was not clear. Japanese typhoon season, but The team had been testing re-Rumours persisted that there traditionallythefullforceofthe cently in Sardinia, working were already contingency plans storms normally die out before mostly on transmission set-up. for future Rally Japans to be reaching Hokkaido. No world This was the first time Toshi based at Sapporo. As the rally championship rally had yet been Arai had rallied a World Rally progressed it became clear that disturbed by either a hurricane Car for four years when the cars Obihiro expected to see the or a typhoon, and the weather used all-active transmissions. event once more, in 2007, be-forecasters expected the next ty-"Teams really notice the change fore moving to the biggest town phoon would not arrive until to passive front and rear differ-r-------------------------, entials. An adjustment in test-ing that used to take one minute now takes one hour to carry out!" OMV Peugeot Norway had not nominated this event in its programme but Manfred Stohl took part in any case. They brought the oldest remain-ing 307WRC for their single entry, chassis 2, an ex-Gronholm car that first ap-peared in action in Monte Carlo 2004. The car had in fact been seen earlier this year in Corsica and Sardinia in the hands of Gigi Galli, when it was painted bright Pirelli yellow. Manfred was asked if the team had stripped the yellow paint off the car so that the fresh blue and white paint could be ap-plied to bare metal, and so save weight. He dismissed the idea. "You forget that myself and my co-driver Ilka Minor are to-gether the lightest crew in the world championship. For us there is no need to save weight. We need all the weight the team can find in order to comply with the minimum weight rules!" Manfred then checked the car to find where there was red paint under the yellow as well. Ford's number two team, Stobart VK, had two new 2006 version Focus WRCars, which they also planned to use in Aus-tralia and then New Zealand, running older version cars on the remaining events. This didn't mean they were state-of-the-art, however. The FIA regu-lations for M2 teams say that they must not drive cars in a form homologated later than 1st January 2006. The two M-Sport cars were deliberately built in an out-of-date specifi-cation ... M-Sport engineers ex-plained that there had been a lot of minor changes, mainly to the engine and suspension, also many pieces which were designed to make the car more reliable, all of which had to be left be-hind on these cars. These cars were, therefore, in a similar Gabriel Pozzo and Daniel Stil/o drove their Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX First off the podium in Japan were Chris Atkinson and Glenn Third place in PCWRC was the Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX of Marcos to the silver medal in PCWRC, 28 seconds out of the class win. Macneal/, they're seen here at speed in their Subaru lmpreza. Ligato and Ruben Garcia, here negotiating a tight _left hander. Page 14 December 2006 Dusty Times

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rally. Denis Giraudet, arguably the most experienced world rally championship co-driver in the world still active in the sport, was invited to be co-driver for the Japanese driver Takuma Kamada. Interesting to note that the top four Japanese driv-ers on this event (Arai, Nutahara, Kamada and Taguchi) all had Western co-drivers. Leg 1 10 Stages, gravel, 123.80kms. It was damp, but overnight Marcus Granholm gave it his all but he came up six seconds short of the win in his Ford Focus RS, seen here at speed. Group N. Not so many of the top Japanese drivers had the chance to contest this event, be-cause Japanese championship regulations allow a greater de-gree of modification to cars than permitted under FIA Group N rules. Arguably the three top Japanese drivers of the moment are Arai, Kamada and Nutahara, both of the lat-ter two drivers involved in PCWRC contested on this event. On the recent Asia-Pacific Rally Hokkaido, run in the same area over similar stages to this event but with a separate divi-sion for national cars, N utahara' s Japanese specifica-tion Mitsubishi was some three minutes faster than Arai's FIA Group N Subaru. To the great regret of Japanese enthusiasts, Suzuki did not bring cars for ei-ther Wilks or Andersson to the The writing was on the wall at Shakedown: Fords were first and second fastest, with Subaru's Chris Atkinson equal second, on the same time as Mikko Hirvonen. Sebastien Loeb was 1.8 seconds slower in fourth place. The Ceremonial Start was again in one of the main streets in Obihiro and, encouraged by a pre-start rally show, a good crowd saw the cars off. the conditions were drying and the first leg looked like being nicer than the previous few days. The first day's route comprised two loops of four stages, the first three being short sections and the fourth (and eighth) at 34km the longest of the event. The day was rounded off by two runs of the Superspecial. Marcus Granholm took the lead with his Ford team-mate Mikko Hirvonen in second place with Petter Solberg hold-ing onto third place, ahead of Sebastien Loeb and Manfred Stohl. With only 11 World Rally Cars taking part, the top drivers were soon past but the competi-tion between them was fierce. Loeb started to apply the pres-sure on Stage 3, and jumped past specification to the cars used by two Suzukis. The Daihatsus Gardemeister and Kresta when were all Boon models (marketed they first appeared in 2005 in as Sirion in many countries) Australia. entered in both Group A and Continued on page 16 Every year the Japanese rally ------------------------------------------------------• presents its own peculiarities, not the least the driver licensing laws which meant that foreign drivers could not simply present their usual international driv-ing permit, a special interna-tional license was sometimes ac-ceptable but in other cases driv-ers had to take a Japanese driv-ing test! Among those who went back to driving school were Daniel Elena from Monaco, the Baldacci brothers (and their fa-ther whose name is Marino) from San Marino and Luszek Kuzaj who failed his first test but passed second time around,. (A Chinese driver on the Hokkaido Rally earlier in the year failed his test -for driving on the wrong side of the road!) After the misunderstanding in Finland about the use of fire-proof underwear, the Clerk of the Course announced that un-derwear had to be worn not just during special stages but at all times during the rally. In the PCWRC, the second half of the season began after a three month break with 12 en-tries. Not qualifying for this event was Japanese driver Toshi Arai competing here instead in a WRCar. Series leader Nasser Al-Attiyah, running for the QMMF team, had also chosen this as one of the two events he would miss. Subaru Rally Team Russian driver Sergei Uspensky had to miss the event as a result of a testing crash back home but Motoring Club driver Loris Baldacci, who also had a 2005 Spec C lmpreza, was allowed to take over the entry. One entry was withdrawn, that of the Subaru of English Gentleman driver Nigel Heath, having to remain in Britain on urgent business. Two cars were new to PCWRC, the Mitsubishi Lancer IX for Furnia Nutahara and the Subaru lmpreza 2006 for Leszek Kuzaj. The three Tango Team Mitsubishi cars from Ar-gentina appeared with Paraguay registrations, but were the same as seen earlier in the year. The rally had a predictably strong support from drivers of locally built cars. The (normal) maximum number of 90 crews had entered the event, so for the third year running there was a full house for the rally. On the start list there were no fewer than 40 Mitsubishi Lancer Evos (sadly without any WRCs), 22 Subarus, five each Honda and Daihatsu, three Toyotas and Dusty Times SAFETY EQUIPMENT • SA2005 Helmets • Racing Suits, Gloves & Shoes • Seatbelts • Head & Neck Restraints YOIIB BAJ'Bff & COJIJfUNICA'/10118 BOIIBCB 619-258-RACE (7223) I! LOWRANCE GPS • Color Displays • 5" to 10.4" Screens • Handhold & Panel Mount Options • MapCreate Soft.ware & Accessories XCELLm • 41 ½ Gallons • SCORE/FIA Legal • Exclusively Manufactured by Fuel Safe • Sending Units &Accessories Available • Fullline of'Fuel Sa.fa:ProduotsAvailable IliTERCOMSFOR RACING & RECREATION • Sand Car, Desert &Race Kits • Hi-Fi Headsets • Headsets & Wired Helmets • Auto Mute Feature • Music Interface Available mGHPDFOB.IIANCE WIO 8YSTEJIS • Sand Car, Desert & Race Radios • Base Station Kits (for Camping or Race Pits) • Short Course Spotter Kits and Fan Scanners • Race Chase Packages • 5to 110 Wa.tts of Power • Alpha-numeric Display KOOL AIR" BLOWERS & HOSES • 105,135, 150and235CFMRa.tings • Lightweight & Reduced Amperage • Filters and Hoses also available SIRIUS'.11 $AfflUTE lAl>IO iPod nti .. --ul' 11:-A&IO o.-. ftUtO' IN CAB.AUDIO • XM & Siiius Satellite Rsdl.o Systems • No Tuner ReqUlred. • External Speaker Kits • COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS • ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS • KOOL AIR BLOWERS • AUDIO -IM & SIRWS • SAFETY EQUIPMENT • FUEL CELLS & ACCESSORIES • GPS • TOYS/ DVD'S December 2006 Page 15

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Toshihiro /rai and Tony Sircombe aquaplane out of the water on their Daniel Sordo was excluded from the rally after the 27"11 stage due to way to a sixth overall in Japan. a safety belt violation, he's seen here at speed. First Peugeot, fifth overall was the 307 of Manfred Stohl and Ilka Minor. seen here applying the power and lifting the front end. ~b-o";.lb_e_r_g_, ~th_e_n--w---.-h_o_s_e__,S,.-u.--b-a-ru_w_a_s~fitted with not to mention 22 sets of traffic on Stage 4 Hirvonen touched a brake pads from another sup-lights. Crews were incensed, not-bridge which took away some of plier (this time Endless), had no ing at least eight speed cameras his confidence. At the end of the brake troubles. Luis Companc on the section, and also noting first loop Gronholm was 9.3 sec- was enjoying himself, "The trac-that the average motorist ex-onds in front of Loeb, while Sol-tion on the '06 car is quite dif-ceeded the limit by at least 10-berg was down in fifth place and ferent, the car i~ always pulling 15kph. lt was unbelievable that in trouble. There were two prob- away in a straight line." He ad-the FIA approved the time !ems at the same time which af-mitted to two 'offs', a spin and a schedule for the event, given that fected not just him but teammate stalled engine. Teammate Mat- exactly the same problems had Atkinson as well. Firstly the thew Wilson was also in an up-happened the two previous brake pads failed which gave wards learning curve, lying just years. What to do but get upset? both drivers a rock-hard pedal outside the points zone. Jarmo Lehtinen (Hirvonen 's co-and no stopping power, and Talk of the morning were the driver) said "If we kept to the then both cars also appeared to absurdly fast road sections back speed limits we would have been have differential problems. It from the stages close to ten minutes late." In the end face seemed the hydraulics started to Rikubetsu, lying some 120km up was saved by a decision, citing fail as soon as the system warmed country from Obihiro. A re-anticipated "traffic congestion", up on the longer stages. quired average of 63kph was to extend the timing in the after-Atkinson's brake problems were specified.Themajorityofthesec-noon by 12 minutes ... The such that the calipers had melted tion was covered by the national enigma was the way that the only and he was five minutes late (50 maximum limit of 60kph, with a times Loeb was quicker than second penalty) leaving service. "motorway" of about 30km over Gronholm on the Friday was on Sordo had started learning Japa-which the majority was covered Stage 3, which was reported as nese rallying, "Very difficult, by a 70kph limit and a few short Stage 7. Why this was the only pacenotes bad, not confident at stretches at l00kph. There were place where the Citroen was all" and was doing well to bely-various villages and towns en quicker than the Ford was some-ing seventh at midday. Arai, route where the limit was 40kph, thing nobody in either team Formerly Carrera Light Systems HID or Halogen apsilcllldlcl'III • Lightweight • Sir,gle weighs 4 lbs. 4 oz. Bars are 213 the weight of competitors lights alone {4 Bar weighs 21 lbs 3 oz.) Page 16 December 2006 could explain. Gronholm said lead ahead of Jari-Matti Latvala that maybe their notes were bad, in PCWRC but then had a punc-but he did not detect this at the ture on Stage 3 which allowed time. Otherwise the Finn was the Finn to take the lead. pulling away, arrivingbackatser-Nutahara then had another vice 1 I .5 seconds ahead. puncture on four, and by mid-Hirvonen regained some of the day had fallen 1.2 seconds be-confidence that he had lost in hind. Marcos Ligato and team-the morning and maintained mate Gabriel Pozzo swapped third place ahead of Stohl. third place ahead of Aki Companc had intercom trouble Teiskonen (despite a broken ex-and a misting screen, and the haust). Takuma Kamada (despite Subaru drivers were still un-going off, breaking a rear suspen-happy, and were unwilling to sion arm and losing time on a talk. Solberg said he was slowed road section, replaced the part by deer straying on to Stage 8, himself by the roadside). Leszek but not by much. Atkinson con- Kuzaj lost the anti-lag system on firmed his brake problems con-the road section out to Stage 1 tinued while Arai was still hav-and also had the car jumping ing no such trouble, but seemed out of top gear ("how can it be, to have a slipping clutch and the car has been perfect and won dropped back from fifth place all the three previous rallies in to seventh, letting Atkinson and its life back home in Poland"). Sordo get past. The day finished Mirco Baldacci had a turbo with two runs round the Super-pipe come off on Stage 3 and special track in darkness with then fail again on Stage 4, while Loeb winning both. his younger brother Loris dam-Fu mio Nutahara took the aged the left rear suspension. Dusty Times

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Missing altogether was Sebastien Beltran whose car solid four metres irretrievably off the road. At the head of the field Latvala was engaged in a tight battle with Nutahara, in three stages the gap between them was never more than 1.8 seconds, but the excite-ment came on the re-run of the long stage. Nutahara had no sooner edged back into the lead than he punctured and drove for ten kilometres on a flat tyre, again dropping back behind the Finn. Latvala in turn hit a rock hard and said he was lucky the tyre did not deflate. Mirco Baldacci was fighting back to re-gain lost ground but had to stop and change a flat tyre, staying eighth of the ten cars still run-ning. Kuzaj had a clean run and rose from fifth to third. Pozzo drove five kilometres non stop on a flat, but still managed to climb from seventh to fifth. Ligato damaged his suspension at the end of Stage 7, he drove slowly through eight, falling from third to fifth. Teiskonen changed a flat tyre on 8 (drop-ping from fourth to sixth), while Stefani Marrini lost a lot of time with brake failure and also a puncture. Loris Baldacci went off the road. Quite a change in fortunes! Will World Championship rallying be like this when they ban mousses in future? Challeng-ing the top PCWRC drivers in Group N overall was the non-championship driver Katsuhiko Taguchi. On Stage 5 he had equalled Mirco Baldacci's best PCWRC time, on Stage 6 he was faster than all the championship drivers, but then on 7 he went missing. It took a l~ng time be-fore his story unfolded. Deep in the forest, out of telephone or radio contact, the car was sta-tionary on the side of the track with a smashed intercooler and water radiator, but there was no sign of what the car had hit. Leg 2 11 Stages, gravel, 128.02kms. No doubt about it. Not a drop of rain to be seen, clear blue skies nearly all day, flies were out in Australian quantities. After two successive rallies in which meteo work was fundamentally critical, men with the sophisti-cated barometers were not needed on this occasion. The sec-ond leg of the rally comprised nine orthodox stages, and a couple more (extremely short) runs round the Superspecial. First car through the stages was Gareth MacHale in his private Focus, followed by the two Stobart Focuses, making three Fords in a row. This soon turned out to be a rally to forget for the leader Marcus Gronholm. The first two stages in the five stage opening loop went fine but then, uncharacteristically, he made three mistakes in as many stages. On Stage 13 he went into a ditch and out again. From 13.1 seconds the lead came down to 6.3. On Stage 14 he had a big 270 degree spin, stalled and had to reverse to get going again, and suddenly Loeb was 17.4 seconds in front. Then on Stage 15 he braked too late for a left hand bend, slid off and again had to reverse. His deficit was now 27.9 seconds. The rally had seen its defining moment, and maybe that of the 2006 World Drivers' championship as well. New Dusty Times leader Loeb was serene, it was all going to plan, also for third place Hirvonen. Atkinson started to have a better event, no more brake troubles for him, though on his way to passing Stohl for fourth place he lost his right front wing in a non-stop excursion into a ditch. Arai in the third Impreza was not so happy, "The clutch _is now work-ing fine but the car is unstable, it goes from under to oversteer and vice versa without warning. 11 Solberg was not having fun at all. On every stage but the short-est one, he suffered more brake troubles, this time coupled with the differential problems: both he and Atkinson now had the same brake supplier as Arai. Wilson was out for the day. The turbo pressure failed on the way up to the first stage. In two short stages he had fallen to 11th, and then on Stage 13 he was caught by Atkinson, pulled to the side of the road to let the Australian past, and slid into a ditch from which there was no exit. During the afternoon the Ford mechanics got to work on Wilson's car to discover that the turbocharger appeared to have seized. The unit was changed and the car made ready for competing on the Sunday stages. Team chief Malcolm Wil-son confirmed that since the new Mazda-based engine was used at the start of the 2006 version programme, no turbo had failed before. The Rally was now in a pattern with Solberg finally going better and making a couple of second fastest times, but Loeb continued sailing on to becoming, statistically, the best rally cl.river ever. Arai had a quick off road excursion on the short Stage 16, but as the car was driven back to the road, it hit the Japanese photographer Kobayashi, a personal friend of the driver, who suffered a bro-ken leg. Nutahara was taking no risks in second place in PCWRC, "Af-ter suffering three punctures yes-terday, I just didn't want any more trouble." Latvala was hold-ing everything wooden in sight when he spoke about being the only PCWRC driver to have had absolutely no problems so far on this event. Kuzaj punctured near the start of Stage 11 and then drove eight kilometres on the flat, "We have also lost our con-fidence with the pacenotes", he added. From lying third over-night he was now down to fifth, having been passed by both Pozzo and Ligato. Fellow Argentine Beltran, who restarted under SupeRally rules, stopped on the road section to the first stage of the day. In his accident the day before a branch had entered the windscreen and impacted the dashboard, evidently damaging some wiring. Loris Baldacci re-started under SupeRally rules and immediately left his lowered roofline Subaru in pare ferme ready for the restart on Sunday. Kamada stopped in the forests when seventh after a suspension belt broke. In the afternoon Kuzaj stopped to change an-other flat tyre. Teiskonen was feeling unwell but was fighting on, "I would be perfect if I could have a Finnish sausage right now." Ligato lost his power on the final orthodox stage with apparently an electrical fault and suddenly Mirco Baldacci's mis-eries got even worse when he stopped with turbocharger fail-ure. Leg 3 6 Stages, gravel, 93.90kms. Was this going to be a battle to the finish, or would the crews settle for their present positions over the final seven stages? Loeb and Gronholm had been in this position plenty of times before, the game plan was normal -to check the split times to see how fast their rival was driving and react accordingly. Among the 81 cars which set off on the final leg, all except eight were Japa-nese-built with makes seldom seen on the WRC circus doing well. Daihatsu cars were leading no fewer than three of the eight classes with their Boon (Sirion) model, a good performance considering these are only used on this and Hokkaido Rally in this form, because they run un-der different technical rules in national championship events. Honda, Toyota and Suzuki were also leading their respective classes. The route now headed to the north west of Obihiro, with photographers in despair that the route had been altered, no longer passing the famous local roadside temple building. Highest placed first-timer on the event was Sordo who explained just how tricky the rally was, "It is most unusual that you can see right the way round corners on the stages, and that means it is so difficult to judge your brak-ing distances." The final day's stages had, as always, been very difficult to recce and the first to discover this was Companc who slid off and lost five min-utes on the opening stage. Sordo dropped seven seconds and a place to the recovering Solberg. On the second stage more trouble afflicted Solberg and he dropped a minute which let Sordo and Arai pass him. Solberg's problem was again brakes, but quite a different sce-nario. Pedal right to the floor. One sensed that Subaru really did not know what the cause of this trouble was, considering that Arai and now Atkinson were trouble free. Stohl contin-ued to hold fifth place, despite losing fourth gear, while Sordo carried on as consistently as he could. Kronos boss Marc Van Dalen was amazed, "This is quite the best race we have had this year! Those guys at the front are absolutely flat out. We have had some stages run a quarter minute faster than last year, in similar conditions! 11 Loeb was not going to be handed his 27th win on a plate. After the late morning service halt there were three stages left to run with Sesbastien 15. 7 sec-onds ahead of Marcus. On the 17km long Stage 25, Marcus re-duced this down to 8.8 seconds. Then came the 24km Stage 26, at the end of which the gap was down to 5.4, followed by just a single run round the Superspe-cial stage. Loeb, however, re-pelled the onslaught to win by a margin of 5.6 seconds. Behind there was carnage. MacHale, ly-ing ninth, hit a bridge on Stage 25, dropped to tenth and then did not start Stage 26. On Stage 26 Companc went off the road again, this time for good. While Loeb's win gave December 2006 Third overall in Japan went to Mikko Hirvonen and Jarmo Lehtinen, they're seen here in their Ford Focus RS. Citroen another consistent score now with a new turbocharger. in the Makes' championship, Back again also were Kamada and Sordo dropped back behind Beltran. Latvala held a lead of Arai on the final forest stage, just over a minute over when he was baulked by the Nutahara. Ligato's electrical Companc crash and was set to trouble was cured but then he finish seventh, but which would punctured and drove 7km on a not have affected the Makes' flat, "I only realised we punc-championship points. The tured when I spun." Teiskonen Kronos team however requested hit a bridge and found himself that Sordo's time be reviewed by stuck across the track, but even-the Stewards. On the subject of tually got going again. Kamada the crew's time the Stewards felt punctured and changed the that, based on the crew being wheel. Latvala was cruising to a 19.2 seconds faster on Stage 26 personally most important win than when run as Stage 24, they when he came into a corner on could not see any way of grant-Stage 25, felt something in the ing a benefit in time. Sordo was suspension break and, as he put about to discover the Stewards it, became a passenger watching could be as tricky as the rally. As his own accident. a result of viewing the in-car cam-Finally, he, like everyone else era footage the Stewards noticed experienced a problem ... Latvala that after passing Companc's car eventually reached the end of the neither Sordo nor his co-driver, stage having lost more than an Marc Matti, put on their set hour, and gave notice that he belts. As a result of this finding wanted to qualify as a SupeRally the crew were excluded from the finisher, fair enough but would results. This had the consequence the actual time taken to complete of purring Sordo out of the run-the stage stand against him? First ning in the Drivers' champion-official reaction was that de-ship and reducing Kronos' lead pended on when he actually gave over the BP-Ford team to 11 notice that he had retired. The points. whole time penalty was included In PCWRC the number of and Latvala was classified 69th runners was now down to ten. overall, ninth in PCWRC. Loris Baldacci was excluded for Beltran retired at service after failing to ddiver his car to the discovering his engine problem overnight pare ferme at the end was a broken turbo, there was of Leg 1 on time, although his no point in driving the final brother Mirco was back again, three stages. I.Jlr.!!!C: 6th Rally Japan (J) Obihiro 1/3.09.2006 w::; round 11. PCWRC round 5 w::; points WR WO PC 1 (1) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena F/MC Citroen Xsara WRC 831DPT78 (F) 3h.22m.20.4s. 10 10 2 (3) Marcus GRONHOLM/Timo Rautiainen FIN Ford Focus RS WRC EU55CNF (GB) 3h.22m26.0s. 8 8 3 (4) Mikko HIRVONEN/Jarmo Lehtinen FIN Ford Focus RS VVRC EUSSCNJ (GB) 3h.25m.06.9s. 6 6 4 (6) Chris ATKINSON/Glenn Macneal! AUS Subaru lmpreza VVRC JTSSSRT (GB) 3h.28m.28.2s. 5 5 5 (7) Manfred Stohl/Ilka Minor A Peugeot 307 VVRC 102AKF69 (F) 3h.29m.31 .1s. - 4 6 (14) T oshihiro Arai/Tony Sircombe J/NZ Subaru lmpreza VVRC GTSSSRT (GB) 3h.31 m.25.Ss. - 3 7 (5) Petter SOLBERG/Philip Mills N/GB Subaru lmpreza WRC HTSSSRT (GB) 3h.34m.04.1s. 4 2 8 (33) Fumio Nutahara/Daniel Barritt J/GB Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX PCVVRC KNY301TO7952 (J) 3h.45m.17.8s.* - 1 10 9 (35) Gabriel Pozzo/Daniel Stille RA Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX PCVVRC AOH435 (PY) 3h.45m.45.2s. 8 10 (32) Marcos Ligate/Ruben Garcia RA Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX PCVVRC APC337 (PY) 3h.46m.19.0s. 6 Other important finishers 11 (10) LuisCOMPANC/Jose Volta RA Ford Focus VVRC EUSSCNV (GB) 3h.47m.41.3s. 3 13 (45) Aki+ Miika Teiskonen FIN Subaru lmpreza "Spec C" PCWRC GMG300RU7601 (J) 3h.49m.20.4s. - 5 17 (38) Leszek Kuzaj/Maciek Szczepaniak PL Subaru lmpreza STI PCWRC OU06ETB (GB) 3h.56m.37.7s. - 4 40 (9) MatthewWLSON/Michael Orr GB Ford Focus RS WRC EU55CNK (GB) 4h.18m.44.4s.(7) 2 42 (40) Stefano Marrini/Tiziana Sandroni I Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX PCWRC CZ066YH (1) 4h.19m.56.1s. . 3 46 (36) Mirco Baldacci/Giovanni Agnese RSM/I Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX PC½RC TAMA301NU2644 4h.24m.14.7s. - 2 54 (41) Takuma Kamada/Denis Giraudet J/F Subaru lmpreza "SpecC" PC½RC TKT301TO5887(J) 4h.31m.12.6s -1 69 (37) Jari-Matti Latvala/Miikka Anttila FIN Subaru lmpreza VVRX STI PCVVRC 049AXC (EE) 4h.55rn.19 4s.(3) Page 17

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~~~~"' 37TH ANNUAL SouTH CoAsT SNORE 250 Ron & Randy Wilson Take The overall By John B. Calvin Photos: Martees Race Photos Ron and Randy Wilson had a great race, they took Class 1 honors and took the overall win as well in their good looking car. It was a great weekend, it all Pabco Road. The course is re-know all the trick things said the started with Technical Inspec-ally great for spectating as you big engined cars would be tion and Contingency in the can see so much of it from the around in an hour and a quar-parking lot of the almost brand Main Pit area but it does have ter and for the most part they new Southcoast Hotel and Ca-its drawbacks, it is very, very were near or on the money. sino, soon to be renamed to rough on the equipment and it When they came around at Southpoint Hotel and Casino. is more than dirty, lots of dust the end of their first lap it was There were lots of contingency and silt to help you not see Ron Wilson leading the way, Joe donors on hand and there was where you are going. David, in Tom Koch's car came a good crowd of spectators as The race went very well, all along five minutes later, Ronn 100 cars, buggies and trucks ar-the finishers we interviewed be- Bailey ran in third, Bill McBeath rived to have themselves picked moaned the fact that the rough-was less than a minute behind, on and pawed over. ness got to them a bit but all in the fourth spot, Jeff Perkins The weather was almost per-were glad to be standing in the ran in fifth place, Tim Lindsay feet, low 90's, dropping into the impound area with a cold one was sixth across the line and low 80's later in the Friday in their hand. T.J. Flores, unfortunately, was evening and just a bit of a The first car was scheduled dq'd by the BLM for running breeze, all in all, it couldn't have to leave the start line at 9am over a bush. (We understand been a better night for the ac-Saturday morning and that's ONLY the BLM are allowed to tivities that were planned. exactly what happened. The run over bushes: must be some The race was being held again Class 1 cars were away and ev-federal thing.) this year out past Nellis off of eryone who was supposed to Lap 2, it was now Joe David The Class 10 gold medal went to Scott Martenson and Andy Kisner, They're seen here seeing how high they can fly. leading the pack, Ronny Wilson was now some five minutes be-hind the leader, Ronn Bailey re-mained in the third spot, Jeff Perkins had moved up a few spots into fourth place, Bill McBeath dropped a spot, he was now running in fifth place and Tim Lindsay was in sixth place. Lap 3 was over and the standings now were: Randy Wil-son, in for Ronny, in the lead, Joe David was in the second spot, about eight minutes in ar-rears, Ronn Bailey was still hold-ing down the last spot on the podium, Bill McBeath was up a spot into fourth place and Tim Lindsay was in fifth place. Jeff Perkins was off the scoring charts. Lap 4, final lap and there was no change in position, Randy Wilson took the checkered flag and the overall win, the boys only had to contend with one flat tire and a surprising elec-trical fire late in the race. Tom Koch drove the last lap in his car and he was second across the line, he and Joe also had a rear flat to contend with and a bro-ken pivot bolt somewhere along the way, seven minutes behind the leader. In third place it was Ronn Bailey, he had lost a shock on the second lap and said from there on he felt every jolt on the course. The fourth spot be-longed to Bill McBeath who had rolled his car near the main pits as he ended his second lap, he broke a rear wheel and he lost about 40 minutes and Tim Lind-say was the fifth and final Class 1 finisher. The Class 10 troops were also itchin' for a good fight and they certainly had one. They all took off on their first lap and when that lap ended it was Bekki Wik showing all the other cars the way around the course, Bo Herren was second to cross the line, he was just 11 seconds be-hind Bekki, Carlos Cortez came by in the third spot and Bill Woodward was in fourth place. Rick Lance came around in fifth place, Clay Flippin ran sixth, contending with a broken oil cooler fan and Chris Wright was in seventh place. In eighth place was Andy Kisner, he had to contend with two flats on the lap, Bob McBeath ran in ninth place, having to combat a small electrical problem and Stuart Baxter was 10th. Brian Freemal was nowhere to be seen. When the second lap ended there were lots of position changes: the new leader was Carlos Cortez, Bekki Wik was right there in the second spot, only a few seconds in arrears, Clay Flippin had moved up three spots in to third place, Bill Woodward was still running in the fourth spot and Andy Kisner • 0 . s ms a:,. Tom Koch led the second lap in the Class 1 battle, dropped back to Bob McBeath had a great race, he was within five seconds of the Erik Earnest ran second in class all the way, he took the checkers second place and there he finished, seen here in beautiful flight. Class 10 win, he ended up taking the silver medal. some eight minutes in arrears, he's seen here at speed. A second place finish in the Class 1600 battle went to Craig Forest, Troubles on lap 2 didn't help, Andy Schiffanelli finished second in the Corey Torres had major problems on his last lap but was still able to he was some eight minutes in arrears at the finish. class 8 contest, he's seen here at liftoff. grab a second place finish in the Class 9 contest. Page 18 December 2006 Dusty Times

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Gary Messer readies himself for a fairly hard landing, Gary finished second in the Class 5-1600 race. Tom Malloy and Ernie Padilla had to settle for the silver medal in the Russ Ramsey ad a decent race, he finished second in the Class 7 Champ Car contest, seen here saving a little tire wear. race, he's seen here heading for the elusive checkered flag. had moved up into the fifth po-sition, Bob McBeath had moved into sixth place, Rick Lance had dropped to seventh place, Stu-art Baxter was up into eighth place and Chris Wright had droppe d to n inth place. Bo Herren had dropped off the scoring charts. Third lap, and things were still ch an gin', Carlos Cortez still led the class but Scott Martenson , who was in for Andy Kisner was now in the second spot, about six minutes behind the leader, Bob McBeath had moved up into third place and Ken Flippin, who was in for Clay had dropped a spot into fourth place. Chris W r ight was moving up, he was now running fifth, Rick Lance was up a spot in to sixth place and Bill Wood-ward h ad dropped to seventh after a h orribly lon g th ird lap. Adam W ik, who was in fo r Bekki only got a short drive as their tranny had terminal ills just past th e start/finish line. End of the fourth and final lap, the checkered flag flew and it was Scott Martenson taking home the gold med al, giving great praise to Andy Kisner and to Del Martenson Development who sponsors the car. Bob McBeath, driving the entire race, with daughter Jessica in the right seat was a scant seven sec-onds out of the win, Clay Flippin held on in the third fin-ishing spot and Carlos Cortez had dropped to fourth place with major troubles on his last lap. Fifth place went to Chris Wright and Rick Lance was the sixth and final Class 10 finisher. Stuart Baxter was am ongst the missing. There were only two C lass 5 cars but they had a good fight all the way through th eir four required laps. Brian Warner was the leader when they came around at the end of their first lap and Erik Earnest was run-ning second, about five m inutes behind the leader. At the end of Lap 2 Brian Warner still led and Erik Ear-nest was now 13 minutes be-hind. On the third lap Earnest picked up three minutes but he still trailed Jim Varshay, who was now driving for Brian Warner,. by 10 minutes. Last lap, sam e leader, Jim Varshay took the checkered flag, havin g some injection troubles near th e end an d Erik Earnest came along in second place, now less than eight min-u tes beh ind th e leader . T h ere were lots of Class 1600 cars and lo ts of th em were ca-pable of winning this race. They too had four laps to go and when they came arou n d at the Dusty Times end of their first lap it was Cody along next in fourth place and later, Rick Gutierrez was in place and Ken Cox Jr. was in Freeman in the lead, Jeff Carr Jon Almberg rounded out the ninth place and Dan Folts was 15th place. There were eight cars was a mere six seconds behind top five. In sixth place it was running 10th. In 11th place was already out of the race, Byron him, Craig Forest was in third Tom Burns, Ryan Chamberlain Steve Cossey, Jeff Farshler was Ziegler, Brian Collins Jr., Orlo place, just two minutes behind was running lucky seventh, Curt 12th, Steve Fuller was unlucky Cox Ill, Eddie Agular, Scott the leader, Aaron Hawley came Geer came along seven seconds 13th, Jay Shain was in 14th Continued on page 20 December 2006 Page 19

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Billy Shapley had a decent race, he finished in the second spot in the Ronn Bailey ran in third place all the way, he's seen here ff yin' high on Limited Sportsman Class, seen here ready for landing. his run to the checkered flag~. ___________ _ Clay and Ken Flippin weren't too happy, they finished in third place in the Class 10 contest, seen here at speed. The Class 5 win went to Jim Varshay, he led the class all the way and beat his competition by eight minutes. Smith, Scott Puglia, Josh Urioste and Tom Craig never were able to complete their first lap. On their second lap, almost w~ carry a lull seledionol': Page 20 everybody gained or lost a posi-tion or two, now it was Jeff Carr leading the pack, Aaron Hawley had moved up a few spots into second place, some four minutes Jeff Carr took the Class 1600 lead on the second lap and went on for the class win, Jeremy Harmon, driver of record, got the credit. behind the leader, Craig Forest sixth place, Tom Burns was still held down the third spot, holding his own, in seventh Dan Folts was running in the Ryan Chamberlain was still fourth spot and Curt Geer had moving well, Rick Gutierrez had moved up into fifth place. In moved up a spot into eighth SACa OffRQff place, Jon Almberg had dropped well back into ninth place and Steve Cossey was holding his own in 10th place. Steve Fuller was running in the 11th spot, Jay Shain was up a few spots into 12th place, Jeff Farshler dropped a spot into 13th place and Ken Cox Jr. was running 14th. Cody Freeman was out of the race, he rolled his car on an unseen berm and called it a day. Their third lap ended and Jeff Carr was still showing the way, Todd Johnson, who was in for Craig Forest had moved up into second place, in spite of a flat tire, he was running seven minutes behind the leader, in third place was B.J. Almberg, who was now driving for Jon, he had picked up five spots this ·[ap, in fourth it was Rick Guti-errez, he had moved up four places this lap and Ryan Cham-berlain had moved up two spots into fifth place but he had lost a gear and decided to head for his pit. Tom Burns was holding on in sixth place, Dan Folts was still running in seventh place, Steve Cossey was up a spot into --e-,-ig-.--~t r'-p-.-a_c_e_,--cSe.-te_v_e----.F'u-,-.,--er_ w_a_s running ninth and Jeff Farshler was up three spots into 10th place. In 11th place it was Jay Shain and Ken Cox Jr. made it an even dozen. Aaron Hawley and Curt Geer decided to call it a day. The checkered flag flew and it was Jeremy Harmon taking the win, Jeff Carr had driven all but the last hundred yards or so and the driver of record finished in first place, Jeff only had the loss of the front brakes to con-tend with. Todd Johnson picked up the silver medal, he was some eight minutes behind the leader, B.J. Almberg picked up the bronze medal. They had to stop every lap and add more grease to a bad c.v. joint. Rick Gutier-rez finished first off the po-diutn, a nice solo drive. Rick had a flat early on and ran most of the last lap with little or no brakes. Tom Burns came across the finish line in fifth place, Dan Folts was the sixth car in, Steve Cossey finished in seventh place Steve Fuller came in eighth, Jeff Farshler was ninth and Jay Shain was the 10th and final finisher. Ryan Chamberlain and Ken Cox Jr. succumbed to ter-minal troubles and didn't com-plete the race. The Class 8 trucks were next to go. They had four laps to run to make a race but it seemed that the outcome was decided early on. As they finished their first lap it was Andy Schiffanelli in the lead, Richard Blunk came along some 30 seconds later in second place, Mike Bailey was third across the line and 'ol buddy Regen Gubler was a very long fourth place after having almost terminal fuel pump problems out on the back of the course. At the end of the second lap Richard Blunk had firmly estab-lished his lead, Andy Schiffanelli had lost about 20 minutes with problems and he ran in second place and Mike Richard Blunk had a good race, he took the Class 8 win with 25 minutes in hand, he's seen here taking to the air. December 2006 Dusty Times

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BJ and Jon Almberg were a somewhat lucky third place finisher in Class 1600, they fought a cv problem all race long. Marl< Bass was well off the winning pace in Class 9 but he still A third place finish in Class 5-1600 went to Mike Simpson, he's seen Bailey also had some problems and was running in the third spot. Regen Gubler had decided to call it a day and was on the trailer. The third lap saw no change in anyone's position, Blunk led buy a bit more than 20 minutes over Schiffanelli and Mike Bailey was a very long third place after some major mechanical prob-lems. Last lap, coming in for the checkers and Richard Blunk made it look easy, he took the gold happily, Blunk was fol-lowed in by Andy Schiffanelli and Mike Bailey was among the missing. Next up was the Class 8 con-tingent, there were an even dozen of them and they had to cover three laps for their race. Unfortunately, many of these little engined racers would see the checkered flag. At the completion of their first lap it was Brandon Hughes in the lead, George De Sousa Dias was second across the line, Kent Graves ran in the third position, Don Kelly was in the fourth spot and Corey Torres was well back in fifth place. In sixth place was Rusty Ruby, Frank Wagner ran in seventh place, Joe Forte was running in eighth, Mark Bass was in ninth place and Carl Radomski was the 10th place finisher. Rick Moran and Marcus Gronholm were no-where to be seen. The second lap saw a bunch more of the Class 9 cars disap-pear from the race. When they came around, Brandon Hughes still led what was left of the group, he would hand over the car to Rick Poole at the halfway point, Corey Torres had moved into second place, Corey was just two minutes behind the leader, Don Kelley had moved up a spot into third place, Rusty Ruby was now up into fourth, Mark Bass was up four spots into fifth place and Carl Radomski was up four places into the sixth " managed a nice third place finish, seen here heading for the flag. here nicely airborne, heading for the checkered flag. Brandon Hughes and Rick Poole shared the drive, led Class 9 all the way and had some 50 minutes in hand when the checkers flew. Raul Solano drove 99% of the race, John Huson the last little bit, they led Class 5-1600 all the way and took the win by 12 minutes. spot. Kent Graves, Frank Wag-ner, Joe Forte and George De Sousa Dias were all out of the race. Last lap for Class 9, first car to take the checkered flag was Rick Poole, reporting some front end problems but noth-ing to hamper the win, Corey Torres was a very long second place after encountering major troubles along the way and Mark Bass came across the fin-ish line in the third podium po-sition. Don Kelley and Carl Radomski succumbed to termi-nal ailments on their last lap. There were a bunch of 5-1600 cars and they too had a pretty decent race. They had three laps to run for their race and when they finished their first lap it was Raul Solano, driving John Huson's car out in front, Gary Messer was second across the line, he was two min-utes in arrears, Anatonio Braccamontes came along in third place, Steven Alexander was running in fourth place and Shawn George rounded out the front five. Running in sixth place was Bill Brady, Mike Sim-pson was in seventh place, Mark Clifton was in eighth and Jas-per Dyer was running in ninth. Richard Diaz, John Schneider and Billy Gereghty failed to complete their first lap. The second lap ended and it was still Raul Solano showing the way, Gary Messer was still holding on in second place, he was four minutes and change behind the leader, Mike Simp-son had turned it on and was up four positions into third, Bill Brady was up a few spots into fourth place and Shawn George still held on in the fifth spot. Mark Clifton was in the sixth spot and Jasper Dyer was in seventh place. Anatolio Braccamontes and Steven Alexander were somewhere in the unknown. Third and final lap, check-ered flag is flying and there to take it was John Huson, he had jumped into the car a few miles out, having led the 5-1600 class all race long and reporting no problems during the race. Gary Messer was the second place fin-isher, he too reported no prob-lems along the way, he was about 12 minutes in arrears at the end, Mike Simpson was the third place finisher, Mike said he had a flat every lap to brighten his day, Shawn George finished first off the podium in fourth place, Mark Clifton came in fifth and Jasper Oyer was the sixth and final 5-1600 finisher. Bill Brady failed to complete his final lap. The Champ cars were next up, there were five of them on Continued on a e 22 TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING, INC. congratulations September 1& M.O.R.E. Ridgecrest Race 1622 Davey Girdner Tammy Craig Pll'St Place t/2-1600 TRANS.AXLE ENGINEERING JEFF nELD 1094 Michael Deardarf PlrstPlace Class to 9763VARIEL AVENUE CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 Daniel Maurer and John Carreon shared· the Champ Car drive, they led at/ the way and took the gold medal with 10 minutes in hand. 818-998-2739 Dusty Times December 2006 Page 21

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In the Champ Car battle, Bryan Adams kept it all together and finished Clay Carr hasn't raced fir a while but he went out and took a decent Bill McBeath had problems on his second lap, he soldiered on and third in the class, he's seen here ready to land. third place in the Unlimited Sportsman class. finished first off the podium in the Class 1 battle. the starting grid and four of Lonan Pies was in the third fin-At the end of Lap 2 John some 10 minutes behind the Final lap, checkered flag in them would complete their ishing spot, Fernie Padilla, who Carreon, who had taken over leader, Lonan Pies still held on the air ancl John Carreon was three lap race. At the end of was driving Tom Malloy's car for Daniel Maurer at the half-in third and Bryan Adams had there to take the win, Tom their first lap it was Daniel ran in fourth place, suffering way point still led the pack, in dropped to fourth place, thanks Malloy, who had relieved Fernie Maurer in the lead, Bryan Ad-from a very bad rear flat, and spite of laying the car on its to some troubles along the way. Padilla about halfway through ams came along some five min-Kenny Redelsperger was fifth to side, Ferni Padilla had moved Kenny Redelsperger was no the last lap was 10 minutes in utes later in second place, cross the line. up into second place, he was longer in the race. arrears, took the silver medal, .,,,,;;.,,,,,,,.,,,_=,....-~ ..... --~-=~=-""""~=~=--=_,,-....,.,,....,, Robbie Surprenant was the Jeff Rigel drove his Ford to the Class 7 win, he ran trouble free, led all the way and happily took home the gold medal. Page 22 The Unlimited sportsman win went to Tom Hood, he led all the way and took the checkered flag with 1 O minutes in hand. December 2006 third place finisher, they had a couple of flats to contend with during the race and Lonan Pies slid in for the fourth spot. The Class 7 troops had to run three laps also for their race but most of them didn't have a lot of luck. When they completed their first lap it was Jeff Rigel in the lead, Ben Will-iams came across the line in sec-ond place, Russ Ramsey was a long third, problems on the course, and that was all she wrote. Randle Gardner and Garrett Evens never completed their first lap. The second lap still had Jeff Rigel firmly in the lead, Ben Williams was still, in the second Dusty Times

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Carlos Cortez led the 2'• and :J'd laps in Class 1 O but he had major Rick Gutierrez was just a bit off the winning pace in Class 1600, he Shawn George had troubles on his second lap, he ended up in fourth problems on the last lap and ended up taking fourth place. finished first off the podium, seen here at landing. place in Class 5-1600, seen here in level flight. Tom Burns needed to fly a wee bit faster, he finished fifth in Class The sixth place finisher in Class 1600 was Dan Folts, Dan is seen Steve Cossey was the seventh place finisher in the Class 1600 1600, he was just four minutes out of third place. here heading towards the checkered flag at the SNORE 250. fracas, he's seen here ready for a slightly lopsided landing. spot, he was now some 20 min-had a pretty good run, they had leader, Byron Deerwaldt (spell-finisher and Matthew Dustin Last class, certainly not least, utes in arrears and Russ Ram-three laps to make a race, there ing?) was in for Billy Shapley was the fifth and final finisher. Class 11 took to the track. sey, who was having overheat-were five cars entered, and, and still held the third spot, Class 1450 had three cars en-There were no bugs entered, ing problems, remained in wonder of wonders, all five of Matthew Dustin had moved up tered, they had two laps to they had two laps to run for third place. them finished the race!!! At the into fourth place and Jillian make it a race but only one car their race and when the first Third lap, checkers in the air end of Lap 1, Tommy Bradley, Rootring was fifth. would get the checkered flag. lap was over it was Ed Mahoney and Jeff Rigel took the Class 7 Jr. led the class, Brad Wilson Third lap, final lap and Eric Ludian was the first car first across the line, Eric win. Jeff said that he had no was right there in second place, Tommy Bradley, Jr. was the around at the end of Lap 1, Palacios never made it to the problems, it was a nice clean a mere six seconds behind the class winner, Billy Shapley, turns out he was the only car finish line. race, in spite of the dust. Russ leader, Billy Shapley was in splitting the third lap with By-to finish that lap. Bill Second lap, waiting pa-Ramsey came in for the second third place, Jillian Rootring ran ron Deerwaldt had moved up Spendlove and Dave Provost tiently, but no one appeared. place honors, commenting that in fourth and Matthew Dustin a spot and finished second, re-failed to complete their first Ed Mahoney was declared the it had been a long race and Ben was the fifth place finisher. porting no problems along the lap. winner. Williams had disappeared from When they came around at way. Colin Morris was in for Only Eric Ludian was run-Amazingly, for as rough and the scoring chart. the end of their second lap it Brad Wilson and had dropped ning on Lap 2 and he finished dirry as the cuurse was, 51% of There was only one Stock was still Tommy Bradley, Jr. a spot into third place, having the lap and took the class win. the cars finished their required Full entrant, Marc Balocco. holding the lead, Brad Wilson laid the car on its side and los-He arrived at the finish drag-laps. Our congratulations go out Marc spent over six hours get-still ran in second place, he was ing a bit of time, Jillian ging his left rear fender along to all the entrants. See ya~ I ~r ting home on his first lap and only two minutes behind the Rootring was the fourth place in the dirt. the Avi in November. called it a day. The Unlimited Sportsman had three laps to run and most of them had a pretty good time. The first lap saw Tom Hood leading the class, Jerry Stewart was in second place, he was a minute and a half behind the leader, Clay Carr came along in third place, Devon Freemal ran in fourth place, John Pol-ing was the fifth place finisher and Lora Wright was a very long sixth place after major di-sasters on the lap. Their second lap ended and Tom Hood still held the class lead, Dave Kramer (hope we spelled that right), who was in for Devon Freemal had moved up a few spots into second place, he was 15 minutes be-hind the leader, Clay Carr re-mained in third spot, John Pol-ing ran in fourth place and Jerry Stewart was the fifth place finisher. Lora Wright had wisely retired. Their third lap ended, there were no position changes, it was Steve Gurnes taking the class win, he was in for Tom Hood, and reported they had had no flats and no problems at all, Dave Kramer in the second spot, he too reporting no prob-lems. Clay Carr came in third, with Caitlin Carr in the right seat, he had one flat tire to slow him and John Poling was the fourth and final finisher. The Unlimited Sportsman Dusty Times In the Limited Sportsman class it was Tommy Bradley, Jr. all the way, he took the class win by nine minutes. Ed Mahoney drove his Jolly Rogered VW to the Class 11 win, he's seen here pouring the coal to his mighty steed. December 2006 Eric Ludian just cruised around for his two required laps, his competition in Class 1450 all fell by the wayside. Devon Freemal got lots of air times at the SNORE 250, he's seen here heading for a second place finish in Unlimitecj_ sports!!!an. Page 23

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3rd Annual Wish Ride By Maryetta Bowman Joe Myers was first off the line with Ben Parker in the right seat, needless to say Ben was thrilled with the ride. Don Wall and SNORE's 3rd Annual "Wish Ride", ben-efiting children with life threatening illnesses of the Make-A-Wish Foundation, was not only a major success this year, but it has more than doubled in size. With 51 race cars, trucks and four seat pre-runners and 75 "Wish Kids" with their families, the day made wonderful memories for all. Racers came from Nevada, California and Arizona to help the "Kids". The "Ride" was held on Oc-tober 1, 2006, on a portion of the South Coast's SNORE HE 250 race course and the old Mint 400 course. The racers and their families, as in past years, volunteer their time and money to give a special day just for those kids that spend the majority of their time in hos-pitals and doctor's offices throughout the year. One boy recently spent 55 days in the hospital but was able to make the ride. "This day is just for them" said Don Wall, Creator of the "Wish Ride" and Vice President of SNORE. "But we haven't figured out who has more fun, the Kids or the Driv-" ers . • Slaws forward motion in tl,e event ol a crash • Allows head movement • No cumbersome collar to wear • Quick, one-time adjustment • Does not hook into lap belt • Reduces neck tension by 45-70% • Great for all types of motor racing, especially where driver changes are common TIP DRIVERS UTlllZINI THE D•CEL George Seeley • f d, Tim & Troy Herbst • Larry "LR" Roese/er Mark Post • Nick Baldwin • Jerry Whelchel • Alan PRueger Jason & Josh Baldwin • Rick, Randy & Ronny Wilson Mike Julson • Bab Lofton • Marie & Gory Weyhrich • Dave Ashley Dan Smith • Kyle Taylor • Gus Vildosolo • Rob MacCachren BIHi ,1111H1J . . I ( ,-:•· ·:-·7111 iuJ'J' 1.B00.7llll.2350 • Fax 909:l60.0436 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma~ CA 91752 Page 24 One of the highlights of this year's "Wish Ride" was the Class 1 Unlimited Full Throttle/Coca-Cola race car and its driver Joe Myers. Joe made more than a dozen runs with different kids. Full Throttle/Coca-Cola had their huge rig there. They served all the drinks and gave out T-Shirts and posters for all the kids. Garry Wdowiak of Coca-Cola was overwhelmed and said they will be at all future "Wish Rides". Wal-Mart pro-vided over 600 hamburgers and hot dogs for the kids and all participants. December 2006 John Phegley drove Tom Hood's car and the ride that Travis McDonald got will stay with him forever. The event opened up with performers singing the Na-tional Anthem. There were two huge inflatables for jumping, Life's Safari had their petting zoo and even included snakes of all kinds that the kids loved touching. The racers handed out autographed pictures and posters throughout the day and all the children received Checkered Flags from SNORE. After all, the kids were all "Winners" that day. Complimentary 8xl0 photos of all the kids in cars as well as all volunteers were donated by Martee's Race Photos. Although this started out as a day just for the "Wish Kids" to play, this event has taken on a life of its own. From the small donations of $50.00 to the large ones from local Las Vegas area businesses and the racers themselves, approxi-mately $15,000.00 was do-nated as of event day. Dona-tions are still coming in. It takes $5,000.00 to grant one child their wish such as a trip to Disneyland or Hawaii, in-cluding their families. All costs are paid by the donations. And all donations go directly to the Make-A-Wish Founda-tion. There were large donations from St. Rose Dominican Hos-pitals, the Wilson Racing Team and Joe Myers, driver of the Full Throttle race car. .. But the largest donation, one granted wish, came from within SNORE ... a racer and three years past president, Regan Gubler and family, who race a Class 8 truck and par-ticipated in the last two "Wish Rides", a racer who jut wanted to do more. Legacies for future racing families and lasting memories for the "Wish Kids" were made that day. A proud day for Off Road Racing. You MUST Read This Story! would like to start this newsletter by explaining a man's vision. His name is Don Wall. Don is the Vice President of the Southern Nevada Off Road Racing Association. His visions at first blush sounds a little crazy, reckless and even irre-sponsible but, make no mistake his vision and passion for life is nothing short of inspiring. You see, Don had this crazy idea of taking his love for Off road racing and his compassion for children with deadly ill-nesses and bringing them to-gether. With this vision the "Wish Ride" was born. When I first heard of the idea, I thought this guy rolled his race car one too many times. You can't take sick children with physical limitations and life threatening diseases, put them in a 700hp race car and give them a ride across the rugged terrain of the desert. Well, I am a believer today. This weekend my life has been changed for-ever. I will carry this experience in my heart for the rest of my life. On Sunday, the 1st of Oc-tober, Gary from LY. Coke, Rick from Downey Coke, Kenny and I all went to the "Wish Ride" with the Full Throttle Car. Get ready be-cause the next few paragraphs are going to pull on some heart strings. The event started at 1:00 p.m. but Don asked that we ar-rive around 8:00 a.m . Three weeks prior to the event during a phone conversation I found out that his food sponsor had withdrawn his donations. Well, T J Flores helps Chris Duran buckle up in preparation for his ride in the Las Vegas Dissemination Class 1 car. ~~-------------------------·---Dusty Times

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. ~ . . .. §) Kyle Woodward and his co-driver, Seth Sharpe are all smiles as they Chris Wright, with help from his wife Lora, get Corey Carter ready for Lora Wright sees her co-driver Richard Evans off on his adventure await their starting time at the Wish Ride festivities. an adventure that will never be forgotten. with Peyton Roger smiling big in the right seat. up in the excitement more things to say about his life of the day. As I re-and how lucky he was to be able alized we were hit-to ride in a super fast car with ting 90mph I started the best driver ever. My helmet to slow down. Ben filled with tears, and I realized informed me we that I was the one who was were in a race car blessed to have been privileged and needed to go to ride with him. faster or the car be-This is only a few of the sto-hind us would pass. ries. Every driver that day had I assured him no contact with these very special one was going to children.Allofusweretouched pass him that day, and inspired as we watched par-in fact he was the ents lift their children from fastest 9 year old in their wheelchairs and place them the world today! In in a race car. You see, we real-John Poling gets some help buckling in Steven Sloan, the kids had a race car. the middle of the ized anything is possible when mostwonderfultimeridingintheracecars. DonWall(center),creatoroftheW1shR1deandsome ofthek1ds and track is a jump, it dreams come true from one in-I had met Gary and Jeremy on my accelerator leg and then of the day she became a race lands on a table top and as far credible man's vision and pas-from Las Vegas Coke at one of held my hand. She wanted to car co-driver. Well, let's move as jumps to very safe. I told Ben sion. the many appearances at Wal-go faster! So we sped up. As the on, the stories have just begun. what was coming up, and he As this year is coming to a Mart. I called Gary and ex-speed climbed I put both hands Before we knew it 1:00 p.m. said "YEA, let's get some air!!!" close I would like to personally plained what had happened on the wheel. The next thing I was upon us, the official start So we did, I hit the jump and say, "Thank you" to all of the and without hesitation he said heard was laughter and singing. time for "The Wish Ride pitched the car in the air. An Full Throttle sponsors. Without he would call his contacts at the For this brief time she became 2006". The Full Throttle Race experience we both will cherish your support and help this year, retail food centers and get us like every other little girl; no Car was given the prestigious forever. We sped around the dreams and memories would not some help,. Jeremy was more doctors, no medicine, just lots pole position, first off the line. remainder of the track, and yes have been as complete and re-than glad to take care of the of exciting fun with laughter My co-driver, Ben, is one of the Ben was the first to the finish warding for all those whose lives beverages and before I knew it and singing. The ride was over toughest, bravest young men line. I am not sure it's possible, have been touched throughout Gary had confirmation for before we knew it and we you will ever meet. He is about but I think I saw a smile thru this amazing year. ..... CU hamburgers, hot dogs, "Moth-crossed the finish line. nine years o·ld. Ben has survived the layers of plastic that ers" cookies and, of course, It's funny because today that in spite of what the doctors covered his face from the Coca-Cola beverages. Sunday finish line became a starting have said. He has faced death helmet he was wearing. morning Gary even showed up line for me. It made me think several times and kicked its ass. The Full Throttle team with a six foot barbecue. Gary, about how fortunate I am and Ben has had several open heart continued to give rides Jeremy and the Las Vegas Coca-that I had the privilege to touch surgeries and a year ago to the and then once again amaz-Cola Center are truly some of the hearts of some of the brav-date his parents almost lost him ingly it happened, a seven the event heroes. est children in the world. The after a heart graph had com-year old boy got in the car. It was still early in the morn-little girl's mother walked up to plications. Today, Ben is a fear-We started our lap and ing and all the commotion of me to thank me. Can you imag-less Off Road Race car co-part way in I asked him if setting up was still taking place. ine thanking me? I told her the driver ready to face the rough we were going too fast. He Don walked up to me and said privilege of spending the time and rugged terrain of the said "No, I think I would we have a special little girl who with her daughter was some-deadly Mojave Desert. So, at like to speed up!" That was would like a ride. She has a se-thing I would cherish forever. I approximately 1 :00 we start okay with me so we went a rious lung disorder and the told her about her little girl our engine all 700hp thunder-little faster. He then said, dust was an issue. She needed singing and cheering. Tears ing behind our heads. Ben is so "You know, they say I am to get back to the hospital for rolled down her face as she said excited he is talking about going to die, but I'm not treatment and would not be it was one of the very few times 200mph in the intercom. The scared." I suppose some able to stay until the 1 :00 she has heard of her daughter anticipation of the green flag dirt must have gotten in my o'clock start time. He went on communicating. It was truly a dropping and the realization of eyes because they started to say that he would be hon-Sunday that God's hand was a man, boys and race car tearing. For those of you ored if the first ride of the day present. As I sat there recover-driver's dreams are about to ex-who know me, I am never was given by the Full Throttle ing I signed a poster and gave plode onto a desert race track lost for words, but I found Race Car. What I did not know her a tee shirt. It's funny be-somewhere in Nevada. The myself in unfamiliar terri-is what was about to happen to cause I sit here and think how green flag drops, and we are off tory. I felt I needed to say me. I said, "The pleasure is small a thing that is to me, but like a shot from a canon! I something so I asked if we mine" and we strapped her into a poster and a shirt will be started that lap like any other should go faster and he JenniferClemison with five of the "Wish" girls, all got rides and pink T Shirts from the Damzl one of the fastest race cars on something that will remind her day. I think I got a little caught said, "YES!" He had a few the off road circuit today. ,-,-,----------------...-------------~ This little girl had several medical issues that she was af-flicted with. One of the things impacted her ability to commu-nicate. I was scared to death to give her a ride in the car, be-cause she could not communi-cate with me to let me know if 1 was going too fast. With some reservation, I gave her the ride anyway. We drove down the race track, yes, I said race track, as rugged a road as I have driven on. As we were reaching speeds of around 45 mph, she started cheering and sounds of a little girl's happiness came thru the intercom. I was startled and as I started to slow down, she reached across and pushed Dusty Times Lisa Messer drove her pre-runner with Hailey Ehrhardt in front, Gogjo Osorio and his father rode in the back. December 2006 Briana Bradley is ready to go with Darcy McDonald in the right seat, Tommy Bradley, Jr. smiles his approval. Page 25

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B.O.R.E. WENDOVER 200 Cretsinger Takes The win Text & Photos: Mike Chamberlain Richard Crestinger was the Heavy Metal and the overall winner at the Wendover 200, seen here in his Ford on the last lap. Richard Cretsinger takes the top honors in the last race of the BORE season. Richard piloting his Ford Class 8 truck never looking back from the opening green flag drop to capture his win with a to-tal elapsed time of 5:42:21. This was Richard's first time with his Ford and winning over a very com-petitive field speaks volumes for his team's efforts. The Wendover 200 was held September 1st and 2nd, located just outside of Wendover, Nevada which is located toward the north-east border of Nevada and Utah and signaled the end of the 2006 season. This season has seen a sig-nificant drop in overall vehicles. One thing is for sure, drivers, co-drivers and families sure have had to endure with family issues and even at least one tragic loss which has accounted for some of the Dave Morse and crew celebrate their Challenger Class win, Dave was really haulin', his elapsed time of 5:58:48 was a good one. drop. Mike Chamberlain's family who takes the photos, writes the articles and helps as much as they can during the races lost their granddaughter just three weeks be-fore her fifth birthday. The out-pouring of sympathy from several race teams was greatly appreciated and showed where the BORE fam-ily of racers is. Thank you all! This season has also seen the greatest of joys also. Just one day before leav-ing to set up the course for our season closer, President of BORE, Glen & Jenny Cain brought into this world Cooper George Cain. Cooper came into the racing fam-ily August 29, 2006 weighing 7lbs. 14ozs. and 20-1/2 inches long. Congratulations go to the entire Cain family and remember it's never too early to start the race training. Now for some racing, as the es-tablished norm for the Wendover races, the start was held in the back parking lot of the main sponsor Red Garter Hotel and Casino with a short parade to the dirt where the green flag dropped for the starting Class 8 trucks. The course was a reverse from the season opener Red Garter 200 with three Under new ownenhlp .. Over 40 yean of experience Costa Mesa, CA 949-645-266 l .. ,;_ ' j. , , ..... .,. ' ~"¥ 1, --:;;1~;:\ -_r-~ -~ l ;i;>J,.,~,,.~ ...... ~ { , Bring your hot rod, sand rail, motoo:yde, boat, or ATV down to our location an<L Let us solve your plumbing problems from complete sy~tem designs -to ... minor modifications. Brake Lines, Fuel Lines, Turbo Hose-, stalnlHS$ hardllne for brakes and fuel appllcatlons. All Redline 011 products discounted by the case. Arly high periormanc~ hose purc:ha~ from MESA HOSE will be assembled frtt of cha~ Crimp fittings from 2• on down. Page 26 December 2006 First in Combined Pro Class and second overall was Dave Sams, he had 36 minutes on his competition when the checkers flew. 72 mile laps completing the course. No. 877. The day for Mike ended The initial green flag drop came as quickly as it started. Just a few to Richard Cretsinger piloting the miles into the start Mike lost an 852 Ford at 8:03:30 in the morn- axle ending his day. Better luck next ing and Richard never needed a year Mike. Number three to hit the rear view mirror for the entire race. course was Mike Sims in the Ware-By the end of the first lap Richard house Furniture sponsored Chevy. held onto an eight minute lead Mike not only was racing for the which is a blink of the eye when it Class 8 top honors, he was a con-comes to off road racing. A small tender for the overall points cham-hiccup can quickly take that lead pionship. At the end of Lap 1 away. Richard continued to pour Mike was eight minutes out of the on the heat and by the second lap top spot. Mike and co-driver/wife had increased his lead to a now Carry had a very challenging race. comfortable 25-1/2 minute lead They had to contend with a car-over Mike Sims. At the close of the buretor backfire which caused the third lap and capturing the check- air cleaner to melt requiring an in ered flag Richard had dropped his the field change. Sometime in the lead to 18-1/2 minutes. To say middle of the race Mike and Carry Richard dropped a couple of min-had to hit the pits to change a bad utes is a small injustice, Richard battery. By the end of Lap 2 they blistered the course completing the had dropped from the site of the 210+ miles in 5:42:21 which is first place position by 25-1/2 min-pretty damn fast. Talking with Ri-utes. This, however, didn't stop the chard after the race he said his day NAPA of Glenwood Springs from couldn't have been better. He was fighting for the top honor. happy with the course and took Troubles continued for Simco advantage of being out front Racing however, during the final where it's dust free. Richard also lap a rear sway-bar broke and to wanted to thank his entire team finish off the race Mike thundered for their support, especially his to the finish line on a flat front wife. tire. This made steering a little chal-The second Class 8 to hit the lenging but seeing Mike and Carry course was Mike Hickey in the Ford battling to the end shows the true John Sessions drove his Toyota to the Mini Metal win at Wendover; he's seen here on his way to a well deserved checkered flag . Joe Scott, having a bit of a problem with the dust but he soldiered on and took the bronze medal in the Heavy Metal class. Dusty Times

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Mike Sims drove his Chevy truck to a decent second place finish in The silver medal in the Challenger class went to Cameron Blackley, Allen Biggs was the second place finisher in the Combined Pro class, the Heavy Metal Class, seen here at speed. Cam was about two minutes per lap off the winning pace. he's seen here on his last lap, headin' for the barn. competitive spirit of this team. The the end that for a long time the the second race for this buggy and final three laps with a margin of At the end of the race and speak-final lap for Simco proved to be dust had hung over the course, working out the bugs always makes 36 minutes. Dave sure is getting ac-ing with Larry, he had a special the best of the entire field. Mike making for a pretty good challenge. an impact. These guys have great customed to seeing the first place thanks to Team Scott for the as-and Carry captured the fastest lap By the end of the second lap, how-racing spirit and I see good things checkered flag and his driving skills sist. At the end of Lap 1 Moose honors with a time of 1:48:34 and ever, team J&J had cut the time to for next year. Teams Clarey would surely pays off. In speaking with was in fifth and had to make a with a broken sway-bar and flat only ten minutes. By the drop of hold the fourth position for the Dave he enjoyed the dust, the com-brief stop to repair a broken front tire. I could just imagine what the checkered flag they had slipped entire race. It must be said how-petitive company, and good time. power steering pump. Once re-that rocket time would have been to 12 minutes behind the second ever, that the time sheet for some He has a special thanks to his wife paired Team Schmueser was back without challenges. The final Class place position. Joe wanted to also unknown reason showed Team Christine and key sponsor Legacy on the course and cutting into the 8 truck to take the green flag was say a big "thank you" to their spon-Clarey as a DNF but I was assured Ford of La Grande, Oregon, for fourth position lead. By the end Joe Scott and co-driver/wife, sor, Grumpy's Auto Repair, for by them that they did in fact finish the first place win. The third buggy of the race and taking the check-Joan. This was Joan's first time all their help this year. the race. A lot has to be said to off the line was the Class 10, two ered flag, Larry and Roger had put back in the co-driving seat. Not to The next class to take to the just finish an off road race. Great seater piloted by Larry "Moose" their two seater in the fourth spot take away from the racing, but I course was the combination of the job guys! Next to prove his metal Schmueser and co-driver Roger ending a respectable rookie season have noticed the spouses (wives, Class 10s, 1/2-1600s and the on this very challenging course was "Doc Racer" Bowers. This is the with BORE. Alan Gerber piloting trying not to offend), taking a Sportsman's I called the Cambi-the 1/2-1600 Buggy sponsored by rookie season for the Schmueser the Class 10 Buggy 1099 in the front seat in the racing within their nation Pro. Due to the small num-Legacy Ford and Lawrence's Auto Associates sponsored team. The fourth pole position shot the families. I applaud each and every bers for these vehicles it was de-Body of Dave Sams. Dave said he team is made of a large group of course with determination to make one of you. It's great to see couples cided to combine them so some had a great time and only had a veteran off road racers and I pre-his mark. Alan was firmly in the in the active roles of our racing good competition could be had by small oops on Lap 1 taking a wrong diet that once the bugs are worked first spot for the Combined Pro family. I just had to put this in. them all. turn putting him behind the first out this team is going to make big class by 13 minutes, setting the Ladies, take the steering wheels They proved to be a very com- place buggy on Lap 1 by 13 and a statements in off road racing. The mark for the rest of the field. By next race season! Sorry, back to petitive bunch. The first out to set half minutes. On Lap 2 Dave made first lap proved challenging for the end of Lap 2 however, Alan racing. Joe and Joan ran good rac-the mark was the 1/2-1600 Buggy up his lost time and put his Rock Team Schmueser, Moose put the dropped two positions and was in ing ending Lap 1 in third place, of Bill Clarey. Bill started off & Sons Tire & Auto sponsored two seater on its lid up in the WSA third place. Gerber Racing was almost 30 minutes from the sec-strong but fell to the fourth posi- single seater firmly in first place by area which is virtually inaccessible. able to maintain from that point ond position. This would also be tion at the end of Lap 1. It must over 27 minutes. Dave increased The 813 team of Joe Scott got on and ended the Wendover 200 their ending spot commenting at be noted though that his was only his overall lead by the end of the Moose and Doc back on all fours. Continued on page 28 ® The Suspens io n Company. Dusty Times December 2006 Page 27

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A third place finish in the Combined Pro Class went to Allen Gerber, Bill Clarey had problems on his first lap and terminal problems on his John Uibel hit something REALLY HARD, he tore the front end off the he's seen here at speed heading for the checkered flag. last lap, alas Bill was listed as a dnf this day. car and decided that this was not a very nice day. firmly in the 3 Place position. The in the Midnight 4x4 s_p_o_n_s.,,W~itTh_s_o_m_e'h'e_a_vy_w--o-rkr, -w-eTld'i:-n-g-,====~===============;;;;;,.======~====~=====-a. next buggy to go was the 7S Sports- Toyota was next to the line and and pure sweat, the McKnight crew man of John Uibel. This would held the number 2 position for the was able to get the Red Garter prove to be an all around bad day first two laps and was right at 30 Truck back in the race. The only for John who was unable to com-minutes behind first place held by problem was that they only had plete a lap. John hit something re-Kenny McKnight. John kept ham-reverse gear. That's right, I said ally mean which tore the front right mering his Toyota down the course reverse gear only, and five miles tire and associated parts from the and his determination paid off between them and the checkered vehicle. Better luck next year guys. when McKnight went down due to flag. It was now time for Errow to The final Combined Pro was the mechanical problems. John's un-prove his talents. Errow piloted Sportsman Buggy piloted by Allen relenting will power prevailed by the Mini Metal in reverse for the Biggs. Allen drove his buggy with putting the Marquee Body and five miles and took the checkered purpose this day. By the end of Panel sponsored truck in the flag, Ass First. This was a little Lap 1 Allen was in third place 15 winner's circle. The last Class 7 to funny but make no mistake, the and a half minutes out of second take to the course was the ever pure doggedness of Team place. With determination and present 7288 Red Garter Hotel McKnight was proven capturing grit Allen had closed the gap and and Casino sponsored Ford of the second place in Class 7 and overtook the second place by Kenny McKnight. This race Kenny prevented a DNF. Awesome job to slightly over six minutes. Allen placed freshman co-driver Errow the Red Garter Team. would continue to pound the dirt Tortel to the test. Errow said this The final vehicle class to take and took the checkered flag with was a great race to cut his teeth on the Wendover challenge was the seven minutes to spare. This was a and enjoyed the entire time. Kenny Class 9 Buggies. There were only great season ending race for Team had the Class 7 firmly in first place two Challengers for this race but Biggs and hope you have as good at the close of the first lap by five the 996 of Dave Morse and 936 of a start next year. and a half minutes. By the end of of Cam Blackley made for the tight-Class 7 trucks were the next set Lap 2 Kenny was setting the mark est race of all the classes. Dave of rough riders to take to the by opening his lead to almost 30 Morse was first to hit the course course. There were only three Mini minutes. Everything was really go-and Cam departed second. By the Metal Pros to the season ender but ing Team McKnight's way until five end of the first lap Dave was in the they made for a pretty mean miles from the finish line. The Ford lead by a mere 34 seconds. Dave bunch. First off was Brady Ses-powered truck lost the tranny just had to battle an issue with his sions in the #700, but unfortu-as the sight of the finish line was in throttle spring but continued the nately he had a short race. Brady view. Team McKnight went into ac-battle and was in the lead by one was unable to complete a lap due tion and sped to the scene hoping and a half minutes. The battle con-to unknown reasons. John Sessions to get the Class 7 to the finish line. tinued through the final lap bug g Ce Page 28 December 2006 Larry Schmuesor had big troubles on lap 1, more troubles on the third lap but still managed a fourth place finish in the Combined Pro Class. Cam succumbed to a flat tire giv-ing the class win to Dave Morse. Even with a tire change Dave only managed to win by eight minutes. Cam minimized his down time and continued the hunt to the end. These two guys sure put on a great race competition. Thanks for the joy guys. Both drivers said it was a great race and co-driver for the 936, Shorty, said it was a fun race even though he lost his pumper hose the last lap. Great racing goes to all the teams and hope to see and write about your adventures next race season. BORE ended the 2006 season at the Red Garter that same evening. Mike Chamberlain was asked to preside over the MC du-ties for Glen Cain who was home enjoying his newborn. It was great to be able to represent BORE in honoring not only the race awards but to also wrap the season up with the overall points champi-ons. Awards were passed out to all race places and many thanks and appreciation went from the recipients to all their team mem-bers, families, sponsors and vol-unteers that make the BORE races happen. The BORE Points Cham-pi_on for 2006 went to Dave Morse with runner-up going to Mike Sims. An overall Sportsman of the Year honor went to Mike Sims of Simco Racing. This award is voted on by all drivers to award the person that truly shows not only the spirit of open and fair competition but who shows the best in a driver that best shows what BORE is all about and Mike Sims is that person. Congratula-tions goes to to all winners of the BORE 2006 season. Following the awards banquet, Mike asked anyone who had any input on what or how we as BORE can make things better not only for current members, but attract new members. We received many recommendations and by the time you read this article rest assured that changes are in the works. In closing I would like anyone read-ing this article and may have your curiosity peaked, come give BORE a try, you won't regret it. Over this winter we are looking at BORE and plan on making it better for all. We at BORE realize that times are getting harder and harder for the working class racer. We depend on each other, the race and the promoter. Without each we won't have a place to race in our area of Nevada. If you have questions and/or want to make sure your concerns are addressed, please feel free to send me an e-mail at Mchamberlain 7 and I will make sure your concerns are addressed. Thank you volun-teers who have helped all or part of the year. Without your dedi-cated help each race BORE racing would not exist. We also owe a great gratitude to our sponsors Red Garter Hotel and Casino in Wendover, NV and The Horse-shoe Hotel and Casino in Jackpot, NV. BORE 2006 Standings: Red Garter 200: Overall: Jason Hutter; Combined Pro: 1-Jason Hutter, 2-Joe Scott, 3-Kenny McKnight; C lass 9: I-Dave Morse, 2-Brett North, 3-Cam Blackley; Sportsman: I-Allen Biggs, 2-John Uibel. Jackpot 200: Overall: Mike Sims, Class 8: I-Mike Sims, 2-Gor-don Scott, 3-Glen Wise; Class 7: I-Scott Smith, 2-John Sessions, 3-Randy Gardner; Combined Pro: I-Dave Sams, 2-Allen Biggs, 3-Bill Clarey; Class 9: Cam Blackley, 2-Dave Morse, 3-Joe Horst. Wendover 200: Overall: Rich-ard Cretsinger; Class 8: I-Richard Cretsinger, 2-Mike Sims, 3-Joe Scott; Class 7: I-John Sessions, 2-Kenny McKnight, 3-Brady Ses-sions; Combined Pro: I-Dave Sams, 2-Allen Biggs, 3-Alan Gerber; Class 9: I-Dave Morse, 2-Cam Blackley. Overall Points: I-Dave Morse, 2-Mike Sims, 3-David Sims, 4-Ke n n y McKnight, 5-Cam Blackley, 6-John Sessions, 7-Allen Biggs, 8-Joe Scott, 9-Robby Seal, IO-Larry Schmueser, 210-Bill Clarey. .. ... ,. Dusty Times

Page 29

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Page 30

lll...U OUTLAW 250 Letner Leads All The way By Steve Ruddick Photos: Trackside Photo Harley Letner led the Class 1 contingent all the way, he took the win and he was the overall winner as well at.the Outlaw 250. The MDR Outlaw 250 was Pits, and a whole bunch of it to the finish for the-checkered held on September 30 in Luc-twists and turns and whoops flag. erne Valley, CA. Start/Finish and dips and a lotta di Rt and CLASS 1: was at Anderson Dry Lake off dust. It was a full six laps for Class 1 included seven start-Camp Rock Road. The race was Classes 1, 10, 1400, Pro, 5, 7, 8 ers; four finished, two Did-Not-run backwards on Course B and 16. Classes 12, 900 and Start (DNS), and one racer and each lap was 43 miles in 1300 ran five laps while Classes DNF'd (Did-Not-Finish). length, and consisted of two 300, 1450 and 1700 did four Harley Lerner took. the first Checkpoints (CK), six Road laps. Ninety-two racers entered, place win in car #136, as well as Crossings {RX), four remote 74 started the race, and 41 made overall winner and the Fast Lap The Class 300 win went to Lee Orr, he had noticeably slower laps late in the race but still took the gold medal. Award too. Lerner started in fourth spot in# 136 at the green flag and had a 34 second lead at the end of the first lap. On the second lap, #136 turned into a speed demon clocking in at 43:28 and 59.6 mph, to take the Fast Lap Award. Letner completed the race in 4:31:08 at 57 mph for the first place win in class and overall winner too. Stephen Jangaard from Los Angeles, CA took the second place win in class and second overall in car #129 in 4:47:27 at 53.9 mph. Jangaard drove the entire race, with Jon Roth in the co-driver's seat for Laps 1-3 and Ed Lalonde alongside for Laps 4-6. This was only the second time out for the Roth Gaard Racing HMS Avenger chassis car, and it turned out to be "A flawless race. The car never missed a beat", reported Jangaard. "It was super dusty and some rough stuff in spots, but we passed a lot of cars." Jangaard's most fun wa-s "Zippin' thru Main Pit at 126 mph!" Sounds like fun to me, too. Danny Parcel won third place in class and third overall in car #126. Parcel covered the course in 5:11:45 at 49.7 mph. Car #158, DoR Frank Thing, won the fourth place trophy in class and captured ninth over-all, in 6:39:37 at 38. 7 mph. CLASS 10: Class 10 only drew three en-tries; two started and finished while car # 1005 of Craig Dil-lon chalked up a DNS for the day. It was a back-and-forth race all day for Kyle Conlon in the Bea-Con Racing car # 1099 and Richard Garavito in car # 105 5, Continued on page 32 Dean Schlingmann put in three good laps in his Class B machine but Erik Jacobus saw all his competition fall by the wayside, he took the Stephen Jangaard was just a wee bit off the winning pace in Class 1, he had major, major problems on his last lap and was declared a dnf. class win with ease at the MOR Outlaw 250. he took home the silver medal from the Outlaw 250. r---------------------~ ---------------------~ Performance Proven for Desert & Off-Ro-ad Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding & Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks Quality Products & Friendly Service VISA RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-759 • 15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX us to Receive a Free Catalog I I I I I I I I L-------------------------------------------------------~ Page 30 December 2006 Dusty Times

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Tyler Poppert had a long fourth lap in his Toyota, he had to settle for Richard Garavito was the second place finisher in the Class 10 Terry Ingold led Class 1200 for three laps but problems on his last lap relegated him to a second place finish. second place in Class 700 this race. battle, he was 15 minutes in arrears at the checkers. Art Savedra had a great time, nice consistent lap times and a nice Class 5-1600 win, seen here just at liftoff. but at the checkered flag it was Conlon who took the first place win in 5:57: 13 at 43.3 mph; as well as fifth overall. Conlon also won the Fast Lap Award on Lap 5 at 50.19 mph in 51:47. Kyle and Kent Conlon, of San Di-ego, CA had four flat tires and ran out of gas on Lap 2, but that wasn't enough to slow them · down on their way to the winner's circle. Garavito took second place in 6: 12: 17 at 41.6 mph, capturing seventh overall for the day. CLASS 1499 PRO: The Unlimited 1400 PRO class gathered eight entries; five started, four finished, and three DNS. Steven Herrera was first off the line at the start in truck # 1408 and led the class the whole day with some consistent lap times to take the first place win and fourth overall in 5:34:01 at 46.3 mph; beating his closest competitor by some 30 minutes. Frank 'Vernoia won second place in class, as well as 12th overall for the day, in truck # 1428, completing the race in 6:57:45 at 37.1 mph. Third place in class, and 14th overall, went to Randy Shields in truck# 1404, at 35.4 mph in 7:17:49. Shields lost a sway bar The Future Of Bun, bocks - ---;--'\ Various threaded ENDMOlJNTS reduce fabrication & installation time COMPACT SIZE allows installation in limited spaces Page 32 The JounceShockm is a patent pending new form of bump shock that will maximize the capacity and performance of your suspension. ■ Increase stability & improve handling at all speeds ■ Eliminate suspension bottoming Enhance rock crawling ability ■ Improve load capacity & towing stability :14 T =t"Ar4ti? B00-525-6505 OZal-C.,.Aos,,a,lly,,_.CI.III> Barry Karakas was the big winner in the Class 700 battle, he's seen here on his way to a nice win at the MOR Outlaw race. and battled some real soft finish line with one thing on his brakes, but was still happy to get mind now and that was to win his first finish in six races. this race. Lloyd passed through Adam Householder in truck Pit B at the 20 mile marker #1424 took fourth place in class three and a half minutes behind and 16th overall in 7:31:54 at the leader running in second 34.3 mph. Householder, from place and in fourth place in the Anaheim, CA broke the rack-n-overall standings out of 92 race pinion in his 2000 Chevy cars that signed up. Now you Siiveracio on the first iap, and can oniy imagine what came went through three flat tires on over the radio from Mile Marker his way to the checkers. Despite 23: "1428 race to 1438 main", having zero test time on his new "1438 main to race, go ahead", "30 hour fast build" 4-link "we have no forward moving setup, AH Motors ports man-gears, only reverse." Well, real-aged to garner their first finish ity set in real fast and we fell vie-in just two races for the victory. Danny Curtis co-drove on Laps 1 and 5, Andrew Carson drew the short-straw for Laps 2-4, and Ryan Lewis got the extra seat duties on Lap 6. House-holder said uThe course was rough and way dirty!" tim to our first real DNF today with a blown transmission." # 1438 still managed to win the Fast Lap Award on Lap 4 at 52.61 mph in 49.04: CLASS 5: Only three entries; one fin-isher, one DNF, and one DNS. Art Savedra took the first place win in car #509, completing the race in 7:44:49 at 33.3 mph. Savedra also won the Fast Lap Award on Lap 6 in 1: 13:07 at 35.3 mph. This was #509's sec-ond first place win of the year and they only had one flat tire and no roll-overs on their way to the checkered flag. Art uThe Tech Dude" Savedra drove Laps 1-3 with Donald XYZ in the co-driver's seat. XYZ took over the steering wheel duties on Laps 4-6, with first-timer co-driver Greg Garber along for Laps 4 and 5, and Bill Markel doing the passenger duties on Lap 6. CLASS 7: Barry Karakas was first off the line at the green flag in truck #700, and led the class all the way to the checkers. Kara-kas finished the required laps in 6:49:43 at 37.8 mph, arriving at the checkered flag about 25 minutes ahead of the second place truck of Tyler Poppert. Karakas has been plagued by Rob Schreiner in truck # 1438, UBRT Racing, recorded their first DNF in 11 straight wins when a blown transmission upset their race day on the last lap at MM28. Uncle Bob tells it best: uLap 1 was VERY dusty and the race started on the dry lake bed. Without running this race course to set our OPS, we had no idea where we were go-ing and just about came to a complete stop within the first mile. Once we figured out where to go we set our pace to catch the leader (Steve Herrera in truck number 1408) in our class by Mile Marker 15, but couldn't get by him for all the dust. We followed him till Mile Marker 36 where we were 30 feet off his bumper when the course made a quick left and right. That's where I made the mistake and slammed a double berm with the brakes on, and snapped the spool in the rear end. We limped it in to our Main Pit and changed the axles and third gear in less than 25 minutes and finished that lap in one hour and 22 minutes. Lap 6, and this being our final lap of the race, UBRT left the start/ Allen Byma took the Class 750 win at the Outlaw, he's seen here making a nice run for the checkered flag. December 2006 Kyle Conlon had a pretty good race going in Class 10, Kyle collected the gold medal for his efforts, seen here heading skyward. Dusty Times

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Frank Vernola drove his Ford to a second place finish in the Class 1400 battle, he's seen here showing off his suspension. Just a bit off the winning pace in his class, Mike Salter took home the Mike Meehan drove his Lothringer to a second place finish in the Class 1600 battle, he was nine minutes in arrears at the flag. silver medal in Class 1450, seen here at speed. fuel problems all year in his Fab CLASS 8: Tech Toyota, but solved the Another three entries, but all problem for this race by install-DN F' cl. Dean Schlingmann ac-ing a different style system and tually completed all the re-re-routing the fuel lines. Losing quired laps in truck #832, but third gear on Lap 5 didn't re-did not finish within the eight ally slow #7_00 down very much hour time limit at 26.2 mph in on his way to the winner's circle. 8: 12:39. Matt Langa won the Karakas described the course as Fast Lap Award on Lap 1 in "Rough and choppy and tech-truck #846, doing it in 1:02:44 nical, with lots of G-outs, big at 41.3 mph, but did not make rocks and gotcha's." The win the bell for Lap 4. also garnered #700 the 10th CLASS 16: overall position. A pretty good Class 1600 included five en-day, I'd say. Tyler Poppert had tries; three finished, one DNS, a slow Lap 4 in truck #705, but and one DNF. Joe Jeffrey was still took home the second place first to see the green flag start win in class and 13th overall, in class, and led the entire class too, in 7: 14:50 at 35.6 mph. to the finish line for yet another Third place went to Shawn St. win in car #1600. Jeffrey com-George in truck #707, finishing pleted the course in 6:09:01 at all the required laps in 7:21:11 41.9 mph. Jeffrey also won the at 35.1 mph. St. George also Fast Lap Award on Lap 1 at won the Fast Lap Award on Lap 44.2 mph in 58:44, and took 6, churnin' up the diRt and home the sixth overall win, too. dust at 43.6 mph in 59:20, and Jeffrey had a plugged fuel filter winning 15th overall in the pro-problem on Lap 3. Joe Jeffrey cess. drove Laps 1-4, when brother Brian took over the driver du-ties for Laps 5 and 6. Good race, eh. Mike Meehan drove car # 1699 and made it a race most of the day with Jeffrey in car # 1600, taking home second place in class and eighth over-a 11, in 6:18:53 at 40.9 mph. Dave Stanley was also in the hunt in car # 1618 through Lap 3, but a slow Lap 4 was enough to take him out of contention. But not enough to keep Stanley from the third place win and 11th place overall in 6:54 :48 at 37.3 mph. CLASS 12: Class 12 had six entries; two finished, three DNF'd and one DNS. Terry Wyrembek from Riverside, CA took the first place win in class in car# 1297 in 5:36:53 at 38.3 mph. The most fun for Wyrembek was having his daughter ride along for the first time. Second place in class was won by Terry Ingold in car# 1203, completing the re-Jeeps have evolved over the years, and so has Skyjacker®. Skyjacker's product line for the Jeep enthusiast has become legendary. Skyjacker® products are Built By Enthusiasts, For Enthusiasts. You will gain the Performance, Strength, Integrity, Durability, and Know How that goes with our complete line of Jeep lift kits and systems. Dusty Times The newest addition to the Jeep line is the Jeep Wrangler JK and Skyjacker® has what you need to take this JK to a new level of performance with a 2.5" or 4" or 6" lift kit. For an Authorized SkyjackerllP Dealer near you call 866.4.A.DEALER ext.5046 or visit us on the web at December 2006 Terry Wyrembeck took the Class 1200 lead on the fourth lap and went on to take the class win, he's seen here headin' for the checkers. quired five laps in 5:43:02 at 37.6 mph. Ingold was leading the pack, until he lost it and flipped on Lap 4 . Richard Wood was also making it a race in car# 1233, and took the Fast Lap Award on Lap 4 at 45.2 mph in 57.10. That was the end of Wood's race day however, as he didn't make it out after that for Lap 5. CLASS 13: Two entries; one finisher and Continued on page 35 2.5" JKLift Page 33 r

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Page 35

l' A second place finish in the JeepSpeed contest went to Jason La Third in Class 1, third overall was Danny Parse/, he's seen here just Randy Shields Jets all of his s·uspension hang out as he heads to a Fortune, he's seen here just at takeoff. one DNS. The sole starter and at takeoff on his way to the checkers. third place finish in the 1400 class. finisher was Erik Jacobus in car #1367, completing the race in 4:57:52 at 43.3 mph. Jacobus also won the Fast Lap Award on Lap 1 at 45.1 mph in 57:25. CLASS 725: Two entries; one finisher and one DNS. The sole starter and finisher was Allen Byma in truck #753. Byma took the checkered flag in 7:02:28 at 324.4 mph, as well as the Fast Lap Award on Lap 4 at 27.6 mph in 1:30:44. CLASS 14: Nineteen entries; eight finish-ers, four DNF's and seven DNS. Matt Helton and co-driver Tim Krueger, from Orange County, CA was first off the line at the green flag in the SYT Motorsports truck # 1486, and led the pack all the way to the finish for the first place win in 4: 14:01 at 40.6 mph. Helton had a flawless race, but also said "It was a rough and technical course, knarly curves, and the uphill sand wash was tough go-ing. The first iap was no wind and dust everywhere." Mike Salter came in second place in class in truck #1477 about 15 minutes later, at 4:30:28 and 38.2 mph. Third place went to Belden Alivio, truck #1457, who Steve Herrera had a really good run, he drove his Ford to the Class 1400 win, he's seen here running at speed. A big win in Class 1450 went to Matt Helton, Matt had 16 minutes in hand when the checkered flag flew at the Outlaw 250. covered the distance in 5: 13 :59 at 32.9 mph. Coming in fourth place was truck # 1494, driven by Chris Greely, in 5:30:42 at 31.2 mph. Greely broke a shock mount on Lap 2 and had a flat tire at The Wall. Greely said "The course was really rough and there were lots of rocks, too.ii Craig Reynoids grabbed the fifth place win in truck #1456 in 5:45:43 at 29.9 mph. Reynolds also won the Fast Lap Award on Lap 3 at 43.6 mph and 59.16. Mike Belcher got to the finish line in 6: 20: 3 3 in Joe Jeffrey lad the 1600 class all the way. Joe had nine minutes on his competition when the checkers flew. Ray Griffith had a great race, he drove his Jeep to the JeepSpeed win, had 16 minutes in hand when the checkers flew. Dusty Times truck #1483 at 27.1 mph, for the seventh place win. Eighth place went to Ben Wright in truck # 1462, covering the dis-tance in 7:30: 14 at 22.9 mph. Wright and co-driver Amanda Speer had their hands full on Lap 2 when the I-beam bolt backed out and they bent both front shocks as well as the I-beam. The fix broke again on the last lap at MM31 when the I-beam broke and dropped again, also bending the shaft. Wright and company managed required laps at 34. 2 mph. to fix the truck enough to find Kevin Davis drove Jeep #1718 the finish line for their first fin-to the third place win in ishintworaces. 5:11:05 at 33.2 mph. Guy CLASS 17: Alldredge got to the checkered The Jeep Speed class drew 23 flag about three minutes later entries; nine finished,. and 14 in Jeep #1761, covering the re-DNF'd. Ray Griffith in Jeep quired distance in 5:14:43 at # 1714 took home first lace in 32.8 mph, for the fourth place 4:42:01 at 36.5 mph. Jason La vicrory. Fifth place went to Eric Fortune crossed the finish line Helgeson in Jeep #1708, taking about 20 minutes later in Jeep 5:20:51 to go the distance at # 1795 to win second place, 32.2 mph. In sixth place, it was taking 5:02:08 to cover all the Continued on page 36 RACE PROVEN OFF-ROAD EQ IPMENT 103 PRESS LANE, STE 4, CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 TOLL FREE I (866) 891-9171 CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE/! WWW.RACEREADYPRODUCTS.COM December 2006 Page 35

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Taking the bronze medal in the Class 1450 competition was Belden Third spot on the podium was Kevin Davis, he's seen here in the First finisher off the podium in Class 1450 was Chris Greeley, a long Alivio, seen here on his way to the flag. JeepSpeed competition just ready to takeoff. second lap didn't help him this race. Shane Connelly in Jeep #1724, 7:03:32 at 24.4 mph. Dave both DNF'd, but not before 6:20:30 at 27.1 mph after on Lap 2 in truck #301 to in 5:22:47 at 32.0 mph. Sev-Gibson took the Fast Lap Bob Mamer won the Fast Lap breaking a rear leaf spring on win the Fast Lap Award at enth place was Jeep #1717 Award in Jeep #1715 on Lap 1 Award in Jeep #3704 or Lap 2 Lap 2 at Pit 2, and limping 37.3 mph and 1:09:22, but driven by Eric Heiden, in at 40.25 mph and 1:04:10, but at 34.4 mph in 1:15:13. through Laps 3 and 4 on his that was his last lap for the 6:04:50 at 28.3 mph. Chris DNF'd on Lap 3. CLASS 3: way to the checkered flag. day. Amrein won the eighth place CLASS 3700: Four entries; one finished, Orr said "The dust on Lap 1 The last race of the 2006 trophy in Jeep # 1743, in This race also saw the intro-two DNF's and one DNS. was unbelievable. It was tight MOR California Champion-6:47:38 at 25.3 mph. In ninth duction of a new Jeep Speed Lee Orr took the first place and technical through the ship Series, the Stoddard 250, place it was Mike Barnett in class: 3700 -the extreme speed-win, again, in truck #300. canyons every lap." Chris is set for November 11 at Bar-Jeep #1700, getting the win in sters. Two vehicles entered, and Orr covered the course in Raffo turned dirt into speed stow. ll!JR,l Fourth in the JeepSpeed contest was Guy Alldredge, a long first lap Craig Reynolds set fast lap in the 1450 contest, but a very long last Fifth place finisher in the JeepSpeed contest, Eric Helgeson is seen was very ex[pensive in time. __________ lap relegated him to a fifth place finishing position. here at speed at the MOR Outlaw gathe_n_·ng=-·--------Page 36 December 2006 Dusty Times 7

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An Evening In The Park With Ivan ··iron Man··stewart By Byrle Moore nc u e 1n t e am ience o Balboa Park, in San Diego, are the zoo and multiple museums. The Museum of Man, the Air Museum, the Art Museums and of course, the Automobile Museum. The lat-ter, on a Thursday night in Au-gust, is where this little story be-gins, ends and is told. Legend as defined in the 'Ameri-can Heritage College' die. tion. ar. y, is 'an unverified story handed down from earlier times.' So I guess Ivan Stewart doesn't exactly qualify as legend since most of the records he has achieved have been verified. Eighty-four wins in about a thousand events. International wins, United States wins, Driver's Championships, wins on dirt and in stadiums. You tell me if thirty plus years of winning constitutes a legend. This writer has been following the off road racing game for only the past six years and one of the first names I heard was "Iron Man"; relating to a person who hadn't even been competing in a car, truck, or buggy, since the late seventies and into the nineties. So when I learned that Stewart was going to talk about some of that racing history, I made myself avail-able for those history lessons. At the Automotive Museum, on The Third Thursday of each month, various and sundry indi-viduals, who are an integral part of the automotive world, are in-vited to talk about what it is they do. On the 17th of August, it was Ivan Stewart's chance to relate some history. "I didn't even start racing until I was 27, in most sports that would have made me an old man," Stew-art joked. "Hey, these kids, nowa-days, start out on motorcycles and quads and go-carts when they are less than five. I could've had a 20 year head start, if I'd started when I wanted to, when I was eight or . ,, nme. That's right, Ivan knew what he wanted to do early on. "Although my first goal was to be the managing supervisor of the Atlas Fence Company. My Mother worked there as a secretary, my older brother was an ironworker Dusty Times an a ot o t e ta aroun t e dinner table in those days was about the Atlas Fence Company. I decided, well I think I'm going to be the general superintendent of the fence company. It will make my family proud and I will have ac-complished something. Shortly af-ter I turned 30 I became the gen-eral superintendent. I had to work my way up through the ranks, but I got there. Now, when I tell this story people want to know what it has to do with off road racing. I explain to them that it's about set-ting and achieving short and long term goals. One accomplishment leads to another and then the ulti-1nate success." "First I had to become the man-aging supervisor of the fence com-pany my Mom and brother worked for," Stewart said. "I thought if I was going to be working with fences that I may as well be the boss?" Regarding racing Ivan said, "I had also been thinking about all those trucks and buggies, making all those jumps and all that dust and decided, I still want to do that." After reaching the first goal, in his late 20's, he decided to spend the next 35 years doing what he wanted to do, when he grew up. Become a race car driver. I think we can all agree that he reached that goal too? Not only did he become a cham-pion desert and short course racer, but has since developed a business and contracts that still keep his hands 'wrapped around a steering wheel', figuratively speaking. Names like Walker Evans, Parnelly Jones and Mickey Thomp-son were names that drew the Iron Man into the sport of off road rac-ing. "I'd heard of Walker Evans, in fact I went to the Baja 500 in '72, to watch him race. After that, I not only wanted to race against him on a track somewhere, I also decided I wanted to beat him." Stewart continued, "Desert racing in the 70's and 80's was really start-ing to develop. The Mint 400 and other races like the Baja 500 and 1000 were growing with leaps and bounds. I just knew I wanted to be Photos: Foto-Baja-Mex a part o it. Anyway. The legend continues. A buddy from his high school called Ivan and told him that he was going to build a buggy to go desert racing. Bill Hyrinko was that buddy and in 1973 Stewart not only helped build the car he also took on the job as co-driver. They entered the Mint 400 in Nevada. Ivan said, "I think Bill used to try and hit every rock in the desert. I told him the object was to go around the rocks. Any-way, that was my first race." Later, just before the Ensenada 300, that same year, Hyrinko called to tell Ivan that he had fallen off a ladder, had broken his leg, he told Stewart he would have to drive. Stewart was overjoyed, not be-cause of Bill's broken leg, but here was his chance to become an off road racing driver. "A guy by the name of Earl Stahl and I were set to go. The race started in Santo Tomas and was staged on a 50 mile track. There were 50 or 60 cars entered, prob-ably 10 or 12 in our class. We went about three miles and I rolled the buggy into a ditch. There I was, December 2006 the car on its side, and my career as a driver was looking somewhat bleak." Ivan continued, "I remem-bered that we had just passed a pit about a half mile back so I bailed out of the car and went back and asked some guys to help us get up-right. They did, we got under way, but about 10 miles later the throttle linkage broke." "There weren't a lot of chase crews in those days and we had been passed, by nearly everyone, while we were in the ditch. Again my career as a driver seemed to fade before my eyes. We thought about it and I suggested to Earl that we use a crescent wrench as a throttle connector. It worked, ex-cept I had the wrench with the two cable ends, hooked to it, in my right hand and the steering wheel in my left. Who's going to shift the gears? Long story short, Stahl shifted gears; he even got the right gear most of the time, but the amaz-ing thing was that we ended up winning the race. In other words, don't quit until there is nothing left to do." And maybe not even then? In 1974 Hyrinko signed up as the driver of record and then told Ivan, 'why don't you drive?' "I thought sure, why not, I want to drive and I ended up driving every race in '74. Hyrinko won the Driver of the Year and hadn't driven an inch." Most of you know how the Driver of the Record works? Anyway. The legend begins. "Actually the name Iron Man came from an award that was ini-tiated by the Valvoline Oil Com-pany in the late 70's. The Iron Man award was part of the con-tingency prizes during the early Baja S00's and Baja lO00's. Itwas given to anyone who soloed and won the event. That award also came with a $500 check. I wanted that 500 bucks," The Iron Man laughed. Since that time, the title 'Iron Man' has been parlayed into a full time industry, with the backing of Toyota and others. "It was mainly Toyota, starting in 1982 with the Mickey Thompson stadium racing. The Toyota guys weren't afraid to talk about our accomplishments. We built an almost unbeatable racing organization." Ivan contin-ued, "What Toyota had was the desire, the heart, the determina-tion, and of course, they had the money. All those things that it takes if you want to be a leader in any game. The press coverage and word of mouth did the rest. I have been under contract with Toyota for the past 23 years." "I don't race any more but you can ask me anything you want about marketing," he grinned. Stewart went on to tell other stories and shared 30 years of memories with the crowd. His wife Linda was given credit for her years of support, starting with when he came home one evening and told her he was going to quit his job and become a race car driver full time. "Linda said something like 'Go for it', and she has been to 99% of my races and has supported me ever since. The rest as they say, has become history, the history of 'Ivan Iron Man Stewart." The Thursday night event was an evening to exchange some of that history, the sharing of ideas, and experiences, and along the way the humor included in all of it. If you see Ivan somewhere, ask him to tell you a catheter story. Or maybe what he would like to do if he were ever invited to drive in the Indianapolis 500. "You know that beautiful green golf course in the middle of the track?" Ivan con-cluded, rubbing his hands to-gether. There has been much written about Ivan Stewart, the "Iron Man" and a lot of the readers of Dusty Times won't really need this history lesson because they've been there. Others, like this writer, who in-vited his wife and a couple of friends, hey, even those three per-sons could only relate to what this writer has told them about off road racing history, were enam-ored. Anyway, we spent an enjoyable evening, along with several other young hopefuls who showed up as a group. These guys were probably also somewhat new to the off road world. There was a good sized crowd in attendance and we all had a great excursion. The Automobile Museum con-tains a lot of history and we should thank those people for providing a forum for the "Iron Man". Remember this; any stories, told by anyone, can become news (emphasis on new), and can ulti-mately become history. Thank you, Ivan! Page 37

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~[D]l?J~ I.As VEGAS 300 Pat Dean Finally Gets It Done By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Pat Dean had it all his way, he took the BITD Las Vegas 300 overall win, seen here in the Bunderson on his way to the checkered flag. Jean, NV: Pat Dean has been trying to win this race that hap-pens in his own back yard for sev-eral years now, and each time he's had some disaster that foiled his plans. This year everything went right, and he led all the way from start to finish, taking the overall and Class 1500 win in his Bunderson. Nothing was easy about the race this year. It's a format thar the BITD uses only here, and gen-erally all goes smoothly. Bur rhis year the weather bollixed things up. ror this event Casey Folks, CEO of the Best In The Desert, usually creates two briefly inter-secting courses, and then runs his bikes and quads on one loop and the cars and trucks on another, allowing them to come together only on the speed-controlled sec-tion in the pits. For this year it was a little different, and, while the bikes and quads were to start on the Jean Ory Lake, the cars and trucks began their loop up on the slope above it. The courses did in-tersect for about 60 miles, and for this reason, Folks planned to run the bikes early in the day, starting ar 6:30, and rhe cars later, starting at 11 :30. But then the rain came. And it was a gully-washer; a monsoon; a pelting, driving thunderstorm that inun-dated the area. It was beautiful to watch. Water flowed down the washes and gullies onto the dry lake. At about 5 a.m., the local BLM on duty began rousting out the pit people and fans who'd parked on the lake, and told them to go to higher ground. Water had al-ready reached a depth of abou r a foot, and he was no doubt right to move rhem along. Folks man-aged to get the bikes out and run-ning, by rerouting them around the edges of the dry lakes, and closing rhe other pit area that had been situated nght on another dry lake. But still, a short time into the race the BLM wanted to stop Gus Vildosola and Rob MacCachren took the Trick Truck win, they were less than three minutes ahead of their competition at the finish. the event. Folks was pushed into making a quick course change that shortened the bike race by a bit, but permitted it to go on. The BLM's argument for the action was a video of the water rushing through a wash that was originally part of the course. It was three to four fee deep and moving fast. Folks could not argue about the potential for problems. Now he faced a different prob-lem. The BLM knew there were more storms coming, and they wanted some assurance that the car/truck event would be finished early. It was supposed to run three laps on the 89 mile course. Folks briefly toyed with the idea of starting it at 10 a.m., since the shortened bike race was over early. But the difficulties of get-ting all the car/truck people there an hour and a half early seemed insurmountable. Ultimately, they started at the original time, 11 :30, but Folks declared that there wq.uld be a "grand prix finish". Tha~ meant that after the first car had completed three laps, ev-eryone else would be given the checkered flag, regardless of the number of laps actually com-pleted. In order not roger into a t lap about points, he decided that they'd all earn finisher points, even 'though they'd done fewer than three laps. It seemed like a fair compromise, and in any case, the BLM would have the final say. And those dark clouds were com-ing closer. In the 1500 cars, there were 14 starters, and John Herder had his J imco in the second start posi-tion, and went around the Trick Truck in front of him fairly early. He was having an "awesome" first lap, with no dust, and was look-ing at a really good day until his power steering started to go away. He pulled into Pit B for repairs, which cost him about 13 minutes. Meanwhile, Dean was moving on out, with no problems at all, and he took over the lead. Buddy Feld-kamp, in a Penhall, ran second, only about three minutes behind Dean at the end of the first lap. The duel continued through the second and third laps, but Dean stayed in front, for once having a trouble free day. He never even had to pass anyone who was mov-ing, and his only slow-down came on the last lap when .he had to wait for a bit while someone shoved an overturned truck out of the way so he could get by. He went on to take the class win by 12 minutes, and was also the over-all winner. The Pro Truck winner at the BITD Las Vegas 300 was Alan Levinson, he's seen here racing his Ford towards the checkered flag. The Unlimited Mini Truck win went to Larry Roese/er, he's seen here in his Ford at speed out on the course. Feldkamp had no serious trouble either, but startled him-self by doing an involuntary 360 degree spin on the "dry" lake. He also had a flat about ten miles before the finish line. He was not only second in Class 1500, but was also second overall. In third it was B.J. Richardson, in a Bunderson, who'd had two flats. One came about rather oddly, as he was passing a Trick Truck it threw up a rock that Richardson hit and broke a wheel. He was seven minutes behind second place, and was third overall. Mike Bilek was fourth in this class, re-porting that a wave had come over the hood of his Porter and taken out the radio on the first lap. He'd also done a couple of spins on the lakebed. He was a half Steve O1/iges came in second in the Trick Truck category, he's seen Ryan Staats found some water way out there on the course, Ryan Second place in the Class 8 battle went to Tom Giordano, he's seen here lettin' it all hang out on his Ford. finished second in Pro Truck in his Ford, seen here at speed. here in his Chevy heading for the finish fine. Page 38 December 2006 Dusty Times 7

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A great second place finish in the Class 10 conflict went to Kevin Chad Hall took the Class 8100 win, he's seen here in his Hummer A great second place in the 1600 category went to Bill Janss, he's Kelly, he's seen here letting it all hang out. heading for the finish line and a wee bit of glory. seen here ready tor touchdown in his slightly muddied Jimco. hour behind third place, and he'd driving in their Ford. They'd had problem, when the truck died. "I b ehind second place. D avid hard to see. He said he "went flat completed all three laps. In fifth a flat on that last lap, and took thought it was waterproof!" said Scaroni, who drove all the way in out on the last lap", but then he place it was Sam Berri, in a Mi-second by a little less than three Curt. Daughter Valerie, who was his Ford, was fourth, reporting lost a driveline and had to change rage, who'd broken a spindle on minutes. Third place went to Curt riding at the time, got to help with four flat tires. He also stalled in it. In fifth it was Todd Wyllie, who the first lap and needed a long LeDuc who drove his Ford all the the drying out process, and get it the water once, and at one point was driving his new Geiser Broth-time for repairs. He was completely way this time. He'd had a first lap going again. They were 14 minutes had sun in his eyes which made it Continued on page 40 soaked at the finish line, and bit-ter cold. He'd finished all three laps. Herder was sixth. Things had been good after the power steer-ing repair, but then some mysteri-ous electrical thing h ad hap-pened, a short of some sort, which had burned up his battery and melted the switch that could have switched him to the other battery. John, who says he's no mechanic, needed "a long time to figure it out." He says that in the near fu-ture he's going to have a two seater with a "riding mechanic." He did finish all three laps. Eric Hamann was seventh, in a Baja Shop car, and got only two laps done, slowed when his power steering pump blew. In eighth it was Steve Croll in a Ford pow-ered Porter. Among other things he'd had a first lap flat, and had spun out on the dry lake. Ninth went to Scott Schovajsa, Porter, who'd lost time with three flats and two tossed alternator belts. He'd also spent some time turn-ing a 1600 car back onto its wheels. Greg Hansen and Todd Cuffaro teamed up for this one, in their Porter, but it wasn't a good day, because they broke a serpentine belt on the first lap, and it took two and a half hours to get repaired. They were tenth. In 11th it was Chuck Hovey, who didn't get t the finish line, his Jimco fading away on the first lap. Also in that category were Shawn Croll, Kevin Colan and Mark Levrett. The first vehicle to start that morning was Gus Vildosola's Ford Trick Truck, because they'd had the fast time in the Time Tri-als that determined the start or-der of the top 20 entries. Rob MacCachren was at the wheel for the early part of the trip. They'd switch drivers at Pit B, midway through the second lap. Things went well for Rob, except for one flat tire. He wasn't first on the road all the way, since John Herder had gone by in his single seat car. Still, he was enjoying the lack of dust, even though it was very muddy and slippery. Gus took over halfway through the day, and he held onto the lead, through more rain and mud. As he neared the finish the team had the clocks out and knew he had only a few minutes on the second place ve-hicle. It worried them, therefore, when he lost a dry sump pump belt. But they got it fixed in a hurry, and crossed the finish line in class for the Trick Truck win. In second it was Steve Olliges and Wayne Lugo, who'd shared the Dusty Times LIST YOUR PHONE NUMBER, YEAR, MODEL AND ENGINE SIZE/ Sales lnlormallon: Payment may be made by credtt card. money order or cashier s check. Personal or business checks are not accepted. C.0.0. orders accepted with 50% pre-payment. $5 Handling charge on all orders. California residents include 7.75% sales tax. Customers responsible tor au freight charges. Minimum order is S25. The use of Volkswagen by Pacific Customs Unlimited. Inc. is tor descriptive purposes ONLY and in no way is the name useCI to infer or intend a direct connection between Pacmc Customs Unlimited. Inc. and Volkswagen. Volkswagen is a registered trademarlt PRICES EFFECTIVE DURING THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MAGAZINE COVER DATE. EAGLE EYE OFF ROAD LIGHTS H.1.0. Ugbti with 35W x,non Bulin and Ballait 4 ·1,• 011al H.I.D. Drrving Llglll, S1lve1 Finish and External Ballast. pair ........ -........... $522 s· Oval H.I 0. Driving Light. Silver Finish and External Ballast. pair ................ -..... 522 s• Oval H.1.0. Spot l iOhl. Silver Finish and External Ballast. pa,r .... -....... -..................... 522 5• Rourn! H.I.D. Driving Light. Opal Finish and Internal ....... .. Ballast. pair ._ .................... 522 s· Round H.t.D. Spot Light, Opal .. Flmsh and tnternal Bat1as1. pair ................................... 522 Super Brigit/ Halogtn Llgbt1. s· Round 100W Driving light with Blade Friis!\ pair _ ..... $38 6' Round 100W Sllm·Pro Dr1vlng Light wtth Chrom& FlriiSh, palr ... 74 4 '/, Dual 100W OrJvlng U9hl with Sliver Finish, palr-...... 82 8' RolJlld 55W Driving Light with Silver Finlsl!, pa[r_ ....... 98 8' Round Spot with Sliver Finish. pair ........... -.... -...... 98 COMMUNICATION KITS Baf/c Kit Olten Oriwr ID Punng,r CDmmunlcalfoR. Artnnc,d XIII h•re I/HI Cap1bl/Ily tor th, Oriv11r to Commun/c,i, to P11n,n111ri, Car to Car"' Car to B1111 willl llad/o Add1d. Basic 2•Person Kit w/HS .... -.. $465 Basic 4-Person KIi w/HS .......... 799 Advanced 560 4·Person Intercom Kit ................ .... 635 Push to Talk Button .................. .37 Black Finish 11ead Sat.. .... _ ...... $98 Black. Blue. Red °' Yellow Behllld Ille Head Head Set 164 carbon Aber Belllnd Head Head Set ... -,..·--·· ... -...... 178 COIL BEAM SUSPENSION •Madi In USA• Front Em,,. 6" Widsr wllh to· Towm to Accept Coll Shn b WllhoMI Modlli'1llon and lncludu llatk and Pinion Mount. Trailln11 Arm,,,. D.O.M. M1/frlal, 2"J.•L1r,,r 111"Wid,r kid C,n Un Elth1r Slark KIIIJ Pin Sp/nd/11 ar Combo Linh. Front Beam for Coil Shocks ... $265 Combo Link Sp{Mles ..... _ ..... :$475 Chromoly Front Beam tor Combo LinkSpindles3"'1aist<LStO Coil Shocks ....................... 31 O King Shock 2" Adl BOdy 0.0.M. Trai0119 Arms. set ol 4 .310 WIReservolr. includes D.O.M. • 4• Trailing Arms (4) .. 360 Sprinos. each._ ..... - ..... -495 Thru Rods w/Nuts. pair.·-·····-.. 50 Piggy Back Reservoir OpUon ~ •. 65 Urethane Beam Bushings ....... _.24 Swetlged Tie Rods, Alurn .. pr _ .. 65 H.D. Link Pins ........................ " .. 52 Swedged T·Rods, Chromoly, pr.65 FRONT BRAKES z.p;,c, Bil/it Hub withs• Ro/or. B111rln11, c,nl,r Cap, ind WI/wood 2 Piiton Ca//fllff with Moutt//ng Brackllt . VW Unk Pin Front Brakes ..... $725 Combo Link Front Brakes ....... 145 Front Hub Kit VW Link Pin Front Hub K!t....$<139 Combo Link Front Hub Kit ..... .439 H.O. FRONT BRAKES t ·P/1ce BIiiet Hub with S-llotur, Tlmt,n Baaring1, c,nlfr Cap, and 1111/wood z Pl1ton Callpt,r with MouRIIR/1 Brad,tr. Combo link Front Srake, .... S895 FM/I Allfut/m1nt Ou,, Spring Shocll wl/11 Hos, Intl IIHlf'IOlt . Klno 2' Adjustable Shocl<, SPORTSMAN MICRO STUB KIT Bil/fl Bm/ng Ho11Sin1 with Timten Burlngs. tt• Rotors. 300M Shlb A.r/11 and Wilwood , l'/1/on Caliper,. Sportsman Micro Stub Ktt .. $1,295 ,~,·:· ; ~ .• -~·· 'r.--: .... , ?,,,,-H.O. 300M MICRO STUB BRAKE KIT B/1111 B11rin1 Ha11Sln11 witb Tlmkl/1 ,.,,,,,,,, 11" Ro/ors, Llflll 0/1m1/,r 3"'1M $/Jib h/,s Ind Wltwood 4 PIiion C.1/pm. H.O. Micro Stub Brake Kil._$1,595 8·10-12" Stroke ...... from $495 .,,.,G 1 ·11aan sT'nlJ Klno 2 ,,,-Adjustable Shock. 111,r1 u,nr , ur t 2· 14• 16" Stroke .... Jrom 585 r Bump Stop 111111141:JD Piggy Back Reservoir Option ..... 65 Chromoty S/11¥1. Triple lly•Pass. 2 .,,. Body ....... 650 Bump Stop with Sleeve. each $257 CENTERLINE WHEELS Fo(ll1d Aluminum Whes/1 w//lr Pollih,d Fin/sit. t5 X4 5 VW ....................... $178 1sxs svw ......................... 183 15x6 svw .... -..... -............ 183 15x 1 s vw ........................ 1ss 15 X 8 5 VW ......................... 181/ 15 X 10 5 VW ......................... 197 ~ ... lil'.iiil POWER STEERING COMPONENTS Howe Power Rack. 2· Wldespread ............................................. $1.275 Howe Power Rack. 2 .,,. Widespread ................................. -........ 1.275 Howe Power Rack. 2 '/,' Wldupread vilth Control Valve ... -........ 1,650 Char•Lyon Torque Generator ..................................... -................... 295 Char•lyon Bmet Mount Clamps to 1 '/,' Tublng .............................. 459 Mounting Tab. Weld-On, each ......................................................... 10 Port Block for Ctlar•Lynn wil11 Flttlngs ........ _ ................................... 30 Coupler for Char·Lynn ...................................................................... 18 U--.loinl for Char-Lynn (S-t) ....... -............ _ ................ -..... From 56 Power Steering Pumps. 1000 PSI or 1300 PSI .............................. 160 Pulley for Power Steering Pump··-·• .. ·-··· ............................ From 45 Power Steering Reservoir for #8 and 110 Fittings ........................... 85 Power Steering ReseM>lr wll11 Filler Adapter ................................. t SO Mount for Power Steering Pump ($peclly Englne) ......... _ ..... .from 65 Sracket. Restrvoir ............................................................................ 14 December 2006 930 CHROMOLY STUB AXLES& DRIVE FLANGES Stub Axles for 930 CV. pair .•.. $140 Stub Axles for Bos CV, pail .. S140 Drive Flangn tor 930 CV. pair .. 70 Duve flanoe~ for Bus CV. pair. 70 HEAVY DUTY AXLES GERMAN CV JOINTS by LA TEST RAGE Bug/Bus Trans lo ANO BOOTS B~lle Trailer Arms .......... $120 Bug. CV Joint.. ............. .. Bug/Bus Trans to 3x3 Arms, .... 130 Bug. CV Boot ............. .. Bug/Bus Trans to 3x3 Arms Bus. CV Joint.. ............ . for930CVs ................ _ .... 140 Bus.CV Boot ....... _ 23· or 25· Axles for 930 CV s ... 160 930, CV JGinl.. ............ . 24•.2s· M300 lor 930 CV s .. Ir 4◄0 930. Boot ind Range ..... .. IJt.l filJ JL CROW SAFETY BELTS J· Ul/1 Bil/$ with S.w11·/n Z-ar 3" ShDll/detHamessn Aral/able ill J. 4. or V Point Wlbbing /1 Au/l1bla In Bl•~ Grey. B/af. Rrd or Purpt,. 3" J 2" 3 Poul! ... 3' , 2· 4 Point 3· x 3" 3 Po,nt J" x 3· 4 Pomt _ 3" x 2· 3 Pt w/Shouldcr Pad 3- • 2· 4 Pt w/Shoulder Paa 90 3" x 3" 3 Pt w/Shoulder Pad 100 3" x 3" 4 Pt w/Shouk!ef P,d 1()0 2 Crotcll Strap. ... . .. 12 CROW SHOULDER PADS Ar1111,111, ltlr r or r Slloo/d,r Hamess. Blau. /1/011 Or Rlld. 2· ShOukler Harne$$ Pads. ll' .s2• 3' Sllouk!er Harness Pads. pr .. 28 LIL SPORTSTER Daly 19' Wid,I Now YIIII c,11 UH Special Ord,r Widths Available. SltS/Nlll/01! Stats In NlffDWff 2--Pass.Bench Sea~ C1laaJs Ava/Ja/Jlt ill Bia or Grtf 46" or 4a• Wide ............. S.t35 Li Spottster Se.It. low-8acf( S165 BEARD SUPER SEAT liBWID ritaowils0 MOUNT KIT Light Duty fie Oown. t't,· ~ 6 Slldemt Combination .......... Sl 18 Sllap. 5JXIO# Capacity ... ..$18 Slide/Slide Combloation Ratch!i lie Down. 2' X 1' tor LR Sportster .. _ ............ 134 Strap, 10.000, capac;ry .... 26 Bracket and Slide Mount Only .. 55 Axle Slrap .................................. 12 Page 39

Page 40

Ron Isaacson drove his Ford to a very nice second place finish in The Sunder/ands, John A and John R had a pretty good day, they A second place finish in the Class 7200 fracas went to Andy Waters, the Class 7300 contest, Ron is seen here at speed in his good took the silver medal in Class 4100, seen here in their Ford. Andy is seen here at speed in his Ford pickup. looking truck. ers built truck. He spun sideways rock" and tore off the right side him around and up to a point truck ran great, except where he in a mud puddle and rolled it tires and ran off a big cliff. His where he could drive out. got the flats. Whitton, listed as over. Ron Whitton pulled him father-in-law, Ron Whitton, came Whitton finished that lap, and seventh place, had an eventful day. back up onto his wheels. Wyllie along in his Ford Trick Truck and then Jeff Geiser got into his car to After working to get Cadiente out was the last of the Trick Trucks to spent a lot of time trying to get go on to the finish. Cadiente also of his spot, he'd hydraulicked the finish all three laps. Garron him back up onto the course, but went on, but had time to com-motor, and then they'd broken a Cadiente, Ford, hit a "big ole it was too steep. Finally, he pulled plete only two laps. He said his rear trailing arm, fixed it and then ;_ __ ____!_ __ ___.! _ _________ _,.::: _ _:... ____ ......:._~ Marie Beeler had a good day in his Ford, he took the Class 8 win with more than 13 minutes in hand at the flag. Page 40 The Class 10 honors went to Andy Grider, he drove his Tatum to the win with ease, he's seen here at speed on the course. e I ified Ei tested a Stranger ~..;.;.;.. ___ ~Lighter than other cast wheels an the market •Counter Pressure Casted Aluminum • Satin Smooth Machine Finish ilable in: 15x4. 15x7 Bead/ack an Nan-Bead/ack VW 5 lug Pattern - 5 an f!.D5mm - - -714.578.B25B December 2006 broke it again. They stuck a breaker bar into the trailing arm to line it up, and then strapped it together so they could limp in and complete their second lap. Will and Emily Staats, in a Ford, tried to pass a Class 1500 car on the first lap and tangled with it. They rolled over four and a half times and ended up parked on their side. An EMT went out to check on them, and helped set the truck back on its wheels. They got going again, but went almost no distance before the left rear wheel and tire came off. They'd pulled the threads on the studs in the wreck, and the ends had now broken off. They got out a spare and pounded it on over the bent studs, but went only a short dis-tance before it came off again. They did this over and over, cov-ering only 15 feet or so between stops to pound some more. They go into the record books as eighth place. Continued on page 42 Beadlcxks:·: □blue □black □red . □polished• Dusty Times

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JBnt TECATE SCORE BAJA 1aao Final Results TOTAL STARTERS: 431 TOTAL FINISHERS: 234 (54.3 Percent) Top Overall Finishers Pro Cars & Trucks I. Andy McMillin, Poway, Calif./Robby Gordon, Charlotte, N.C., Chevy CKI500, 19:15:27 (54.41mph) (SCORE Trophy-Truck) 2. Troy Herbst, Las Vegas/Larry Roeseler, Hesperia, Calif., Smithbuilt-Ford, 19:56:22 (52.55) (Class I) 3. B.J. Baldwin/Tom Bradley Jr., Las Vegas, Chevy Silverado, 20:01:25 (52.33) (SCORE Trophy-Truck) 4. Ron Whitton, Maricopa, Ariz., Ford F-150, 20:39:49 (50.71) (SCORE Trophy-Truck) 5. Gary Weyhrich/Mark Weyhrich, Troutdale, Ore./B.j. Richardson, Las Vegas, Jimco-Chevy 20:44:56 (50.50) (Class 1) ' 6. Brian Collins, Las Vegas/Larry Ragland, Cave Creek, Ariz., Chevy Silverado, 21:07:51 (49.59) (SCORE Trophy-Truck) 7. Richard Boyle, Ridgecrest, Calif/Ron Brant, Oak Hills, Calif/Travis Howard, South Padre Island, Texas, HMS-Chevy, 21:27:33 (48.83) (Class !) 8. Todd Wyllie, New River, Ariz./John Marking, El Cajon, Calif/Eduardo Gastelum, La Paz, Mexico, Chevy Silverado, 21:28: 16 (48.80) (SCORE Trophy-Truck) 9. Darren Hardesty, Ramona, Calif/Mark Randazzo, Poway, Calif., AlumiCraft-VW, 21:34:28 (48.57)(Class 10) 10. Josh Baldwin, Newport Beach, Calif., Ford F-150, 21:35:40 (48.52) (SCORE Trophy-Truck) I I. Mark Post, Laguna Beach, Calif/Curt LeDuc, Cherry Valley, Calif/Jeff Lewis, San Clemente, Calif., Ford F-150, 21:43:02 (48.25) (SCORE Trophy-Truck) 12. Eli Yee/Perry McNeil, Lemon Grove, Calif., Jimco-Honda, 21:56:50 (47.74) (Class 10) 13. Mark McMillin, El Cajon, Calif/Brian Ewalt, Bonita, Calif/Cameron Parrish, San Marcos, Calif./Scott McMillin, Coronado, Calif., Jimco-Chevy, 22: 17:52 (46.99) (Class 1) 14. Chad Ragland, Phoenix/Danny Anderson, Las Vegas, Chevy Silverado, 22:24:37 (46.76) (SCORE Trophy-Truck) 15. John Cooley, Santee, Calif/Chris Harrold, Chula Vista, Calif., AlumiCraft-VW, 22:32:48 (46.47) (Class 10) 16. Sammy Ehrenberg, Las Vegas/L.J. Kennedy, Orange, Calif., Jimco, 22:44:30 (46.07) (Classl-2/1600) 17. Nick Vanderwey/Michael Vanderwey, Phoenix/Larry Vanderwey, Litchfield Park, Ariz., GMC Sierra, 22:45:39 (46.04) (Class 8) 18. Rick L. Johnson, Oak Hills, Calif/Dane Cardone, Huntington Beach, Calif./Jimmy Nuckles, Brawley, Calif., Toyota Tundra, 23:09:10 (45.26) (ProTruck) 19. Brian Burgess, Riverside, Calif/Daniel Folts, Chino, Calif., 23:13:09 (45.13) (Class 1-2/1600) 20. Dave Creagan, Woodland, Wash/James Wasson, Maple Valley, Wash/Mike Nicholson, Vancouver, Wash., 23:19:12 (44.93) (ProTruck) 21. Kevin McGillivray, Valencia, Calif/Joe Custer, Harrisburg, N.C./Casey Folks, Las Vegas, Chevy Silverado, 23:28:40 (44.63) (Pro Truck) 22. Jason Voss/Rich Voss, Cupertino, Calif., Ford F-150, 23:31:38 (44.54) (ProTruck) 23. Tim Noe/Tom Watson/Travis Clarke, El Centro, Calif., Jimco, 23:37:52 (44.34) (SCORE Lite) 24. Arturo Velazco/ Abel Velazco, Beaumont, Calif/Steve Cruz, San Diego, Porter, 23:45:43 (44.10) (Class 1-2/ 1600) 25. Gus Vildosola, Mexicali, Mexico/Rob MacCachren, Las Vegas, Ford F-150, 23:47:30 (44.04) (SCORE Trophy-Truck) Pro Motorcycles I. Steve Hengeveld, Oak Hills, Calif/Mike Childress, Wrightwood, Calif/Quinn Cody, Santa Barbara, Calif., Honda CRF450X, 18: 17:50 (57.27mph) (Class 22) 2. Robby Bell, Murrieta, Calif/Kendall Norman, Santa Barbara, Calif/Johnny Campbell, San Clemente, Calif., Honda CRF450X, 20:31:08 (51.07) (Class 22) 3. Jim O'Neal, Chatsworth, Calif/Tim Withers, Pepeekeo, Hawaii/Jeff Kaplan, Newberry Park, Calif/Randy Morales, Prescott, Ariz./Tom Willis, Las Vegas, Honda XR650R, 21:28:45 (48. 78) (Class 40) 4. Gerado Rojas, Vicente Guerrero, Mexico/Jorge Hernandez/Francisco Septien, Ensenada, Mexico, Honda XR650R, 21:32:38 (48.64) (Class 30) 5. Ron Wilson, Encinitas, Calif/Scott Myers, Sun City, Calif/Steve Garnett, Carson City, Nev./Tim Morton, Escondido, Calif., Honda XR650R, 21 :36:50 (48.48) (Class 30) 6. Dan Walsh/Chris Gunnett/Rob Gibson, Ramona, Calif., Honda XR650R, 22:43: 17 (46.12) (Class 22) 7. Tom Grisham, Chula Vista, Calif/Carl Fischer, Highland, Calif/Mike Mitchell, Salt Lake City, Utah/Mark Chicado, Las Vegas, Honda CRF450X, 23:31:50 (44.53) (Class 21) 8. Shaun Hanson, Murrieta, Calif/Jim McKay, Hemet, Calif/Mark Milne, Aztec, N.M., Honda CRF450X, 23:34:27 (44.45) (Class 21) 9. Brian Pinard, Wildomar, Calif/Taber Murphy, Wenatchee, Wash., Sergio Vega, Ensenada, Mexico, Honda XR650R, 23:41:50 (44.22) (Class 30) 10. Scott Atchison/Greg Hauser/Larry Collins, Bakersfield, Calif., Honda XR650R, 23:44:02 (44.15) (Class 40) II. Chris Parker, Newport Beach, Calif/Tim Bina, Lake Elsinore, Calif/Randy Blevins, Garden Grove, Calif., Honda CRF450X, 24:10:53 (43.33) (Class 21) 12. Chris Eberz, Santa Barbara, Calif/Mark Daniels, Oxnard, Calif/Sean Eberz, Santa Barbara, Calif., Honda XR650R, 24:27:38 (42.84) (Class 22) 13. Kris Papworth, Draper, Utah/Zac Jacobson, Cedar City, Utah/ Allan Donaldson, KTM EXC525, 24:45:57 (42.31) (Class 22) 14. Beau Hayden, Shadow Hills, Calif/Peter Postel, Newbury Park, Calif/Ron Bishop, Escondido, Calif/Tony Megia, Newbury Park, Calif/Chuck Dempsey, Oak Hills, Calif., BMW HP2, 24:54:53 (42.06) (Class 22) 15. Carlos Gonzalez, Navojoa, Mexico/Javier Hernandez, Obregon, Mexico/Eduardo Rosas, Huatabameo, Mexico, Honda CR450X, 24:55:54 (42.03) (SPT M/ C over 250cc) Pro ATVs I. Danny Prather, Ramona, Calif/Mike Cafro, Carlsbad, Calif/Levi Marana, Hemet, Calif/Marc Speach, Warner Springs, Calif., Honda TRX450R, 22:37:46 (46.30mph) (Class 25) 2. Jeff Hancock, Salome, Ariz/Joshua Edwards/Kirk Schreier, Phoenix, Honda TRX450R, 24:27: 16 (42.85) (Class 25) 3. Josh Frederick, Moapa, Nev./Tony Baker, El Cajon, Calif./Shane Strunk, Phoenix/Michael Swift, Can-Am Renegede, 24:55:54 (42.03) (Class 25) 4. Alex Camanini, El Cajon, Calif/Carmen Cafro, Vista, Calif/Earl Thigpen, Murrieta, Calif./ Allen Fox, Alpine, Calif./Scott Prather, Ramona,.Calif., Honda SRP650, 25:04:37 (41.78) (Class 25) 5. Wayne Matlock, El Cajon, Calif/Chad Prull, Laveen, Ariz/Keith Little, Russelvi\le, AL/Wes Miller, Costa Mesa, Calif., Honda TRX450R, 26:48:04 (39 10) (Class 25) PRO CARS & TRUCKS SCORE TROPHY-TRUCK (Unlimited Production Trucks)-!. Andy McMillin, Poway, Calif./Robby Gor-don, Charlotte, N.C., Chevy CK1500, 19 hours, 15 minutes, 27 seconds, (54.41mph); 2. B.j. Baldwin/Tom Bradley Jr., Las Vegas, Chevy Silverado, 20:01:25; 3. Ron Whitton, Maricopa, Ariz., Ford F-150, 20:39:49; 4. Brian Collins, Las Vegas/Larry Ragland, Cave Creek, Ariz., Chevy Silverado, 21 :07:51; 5. Todd Wyllie, New River, Ariz./John Marking, El Cajon, Calif/Eduardo Gastelum, La Paz, Mexico, Chevy Silverado, 21:28:16; 6. Josh Baldwin, Newport Beach, Calif., Ford F-150, 21:35:40; 7. Mark Post, Laguna Beach, Calif/Curt LeDuc, Cherry Valley, Calif/Jeff Lewis, San Clemente, Calif., Ford F-150, 21:43:02; 8. Chad Ragland, Phoenix/Danny Anderson, Las Vegas, Chevy Silverado, 22:24:37; 9. Gus Vildosola, Mexicali, Mexico/Rob MacCachren, Las Vegas, Ford F-150, 23:47:30; JO. Jesse Jones, Litchfield Park, Ariz/Jeff Quinn, Anaheim, Calif., Ford F-150, 26:49:32; JI. Francisco Cervantes/Marco Robles, Ensenada, Mexico, Chevy El Camino, 27:01:27; 12. Robbie Pierce, Santee, Calif./Bill Varnes, 50, Santee, Calif., Ford F-150, 27:23:06; 13. Todd Clement, San Juan Capistrano, Calif/Roger Norman, Reno, Nev./Jerry Whelchel, Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif., Ford F-150, 27:49:46; 14. Alan Pflueger, Honolulu, Chevy Silverado, 28:47:23; 15. Bob Shepard, Phoenix/Rick Geiser, Desert Hills, Ariz., Chevy CK1500, 29:07:46; 16. lkuo Hanawa, Japan, Toyota Land Cruiser, 36: 10:49. (31 Starters, 16 Finishers) . CLASS 1 (Unlimited single or rwo-seaters)-1. Troy Herbst, Las Vegas/Larry Roeseler, Hesperia, Calif., Sm1thbuilt-Ford, 19:56:22 (52.55mph); 2. Gary Weyhrich/Mark Weyhrich, Troutdale, Ore./B.j. Richardson, Las Vegas, Jimco-Chevy, 20:44:56; 3. Richard Boyle, Ridgecrest, Calif/ Ron Brant, Oak Hills, Calif/Travis Howard South Padre Island, Texas, HMS-Chevy, 21:27:33; 4. Mark McMillin, El Cajon, Calif/Brian Ewalt, Bonita, Calif) Cameron Parrish, San_ Marcos, Calif/Scott McMillin, Coronado, Calif., Jimco-Chevy, 22: 17:52; 5. Steve Sourapas, Rancho Santa Fe, Cal1f./Bnan Ickier, Poway, Calif/Barry Beacham, 39, Irvine, Calif., RPS-Chevy, 27:29:41; 6. Dan Myers,_ Newport Beach, Calif., Porter-Chevy, 27:37:44; 7. Brian. Kirby, Rowland Heights, Calif/Bobby Ouellette, Ontano, Cahf., K1rby_-Chevy, _28:01:30; 8. Cam Thieriot, Santa Rosa, Calif/Malcolm Smith, Riverside, Calif./ Glenn Hams, Camanllo, Calif., RPS-Chevy, 29:00:47; 9. Brian Parkhouse, Bell Gardens, Calif/Tom Ridings, Long Beach, Calif., J1mco-Chevy, 29:57:40; 10. Eric Chase/Stuart Chase, Burbank, Calif/Chris Wilson, San Diego, Penhall-Chevy, 29:58:53; I I. Martin Christensen, Escondido, Calif/Boris Said, Carlsbad, Calif/Dave Mason, Valley Center, Calif., Jimco-BMW, 30:37:47; 12. Manuel Cota/Pablo Cota/Miguel Carballo, La Paz, Mexico, Jnuco-Toyota, 31:31:33; 13. Luis Ramirez Jr., Caho San Lucas, Mexico/Luis Ramirez Sr., Caho San Lucas, Mexico, Porter-Chevy, 35j9:30; 14. William Akrawi, Laguna Hills, Calif/Victor Cachia, San Juan Capistrano, Cahf./Jeremy Kegher, Irvine, Calif., Lothnnger-Chevy, 38:20:04. (27 Starters, 14 Finishers) CLASS 1-2/1600 (VW-powered, single or two-seaters to 1600cc)-l. Sammy Ehrenberg, Las Vegas/L.J. Kennedy, Orange, Cahf., J1mco, 22:44:30 (46.07mph); 2. Brian Burgess, Riverside, Calif/Daniel Folts Chino Calif., 23: 13:09; 3. Arturo Velazco/ Abel Velazco, Beaumont, Calif/Steve Cruz, San Diego, Porter, 23:45:43; 4'. Pancho Bio/Jorge Martinez, Cisco Bio, Spring Valley, Calif., Tubular Design, 24: 11:01; 5. Carlos Escobedo/ Ensenada, Mexico/ AleJ_andro Navarrete, Mexicali, Mexico/Ramiro Escobedo, Ensenada, Mexico, Fraley, 24:37:08; 6. Alexander Smith, R1vers1de, Cahf./Max Thieriot, Santa Rosa, Calif., Porter, 24:44:07; 7. Daniel McMillin El Cajon, Calif/Jess Willhite, Santee, Calif/Brian Coneen, Spring Valley, Calif./Crecencio Corez Chula Vi~ta Calif., Jimco, 25:32:18; 8. Eric Duran/Hiram Duran/Evan Duran, Tecate, Calif., Neth, 25:55:36; 9. 'Edgar Avalos/ Sergio Ranurez_, Juarez'. Mexico/Porfirio Gutierez, Ensenada, Mexico, Kreger, 27:07:45; 10. Dave Caspino, Wood-land Hills, Cahf./Bern1e Carr, Solvang, Calif/Don Johnson, Lothringer, 27:16:37; II. Rolando Holmos/Abraham Espinoza, San Jose Del Caho, Mexico,_ Diaz, 28:01:28; 12. Victor Lugo, Mexicali, Mexico/Mike Chapa, Palm Desert, Cahf., Jarman, 28:07:56; 13. Antonio Gallo/Juan Gallo, San Felipe, Mexico/Edgar Alvarez, Mexicali, Mexico, Curry, 28:57:29; 14. Ruben Rodnguez, Santa Fe Springs, Calif./Brad Maurer/Dan Bradley, Las Vegas, Bunderson, 29:28:13; 15. Carlos Bernaldes/Albert Cruz, Ensenada, Mexico, Jimco, 29:32:44; 16. Alberto Medina/Armando D_iaz_, Mexica!i, Mexico, Curry, 29:45:50; 17. Ray Files, Dana Point, Calif/Josh Tieman, Carlsbad, Calif/Shad Knvm, Lakeside, Cahf., Metal Works, 32:21:29; 18. Myan Spaccarelli/Fleming Larcen, Simi Valley, Calif., Mirage, 33:36:24; 19. Martin Gaxiola/Francisco Morales/Martin Gaxiola Jr., Guerrero Negro, Mexico, Chenowth, 33:48:03; 20. Tony Modica, Lakewood, Calif/Tommy Martinez, Long Beach, Calif., 35:53:49; 21. Grant Fluegge, Rancho Santa Marganta, Calif/Danny Ebberts, Menifee, Calif., Porter, 35:56:26; 22. Rafael Aguilera/Enrique Orozco, Ensenada, Mexico, 36:31:24; 23. Rick Battey/Jeff Battey, Grants Pass, Ore., Jimco, 38:21:48. (31 Starters, 23 Finishers) CLASS 3 (Short Wheelbase 4X4)-1. Donald Moss, Sacramento, Calif/Kenneth Moss, Marysville, Calif., Ford Bronco, 27:02:57 (38. 74mph); 2. Chris_ R_affo, Arlington Heights, 111./Jeff Dolan, Atwater, Calif., Chevy Blazer, 38: 17:04; 3. Ed Gnff1n, Dallas/Bill V1enng, Euless, Texas/Doug Gradick, Dallas, Ford Bronco, 41:01 :02. (5 Starters, 3 Finishers) CLASS 5 (Unlimited VW Baja Bugs)-!. Chris Bowman, Upland, Calif/Jerry Longo, La Verne, Calif./ Chuck Sacks, Canyon Lake, Calif., 24:22:49 (42.98mph); 2. Luivan Voelker, Mexicali, Mexico/Carlos Albanez Calexico, Calif., 30:50: 12; 3. Vince Wavra/Terry McClintick/Rick McClintick, Orovada, Nev., 33: 10:52; 4. David Bonner, Norrn, Calif/Drew Belk, Coachella, Calif/Charlie Guy, Indio, Calif., 33:25:43; 5. George Seeley, Glendale, Cahf./Bruce Anderson, R1vers1de, Cahf., 33:48:03. (8 Starters, 5 Finishers) CLASS 5/1600 (1600cc VW Baja Bugs)-!. Marcos Nunez/Norberto Rivera/Edmundo Fernandez Ensenada Mexico, 25:27: 16 (41.16mph); 2. Daniel Deen/Eric Deen, Stephen Deen, Lakeside, Calif., 23: 18:36; '3. Ernest~ Arambula/Octavio Zamora/Adolfo Arambula, Hector Ramos Jr./Misael Arambula, Ensenada, Mexico, 27:05:58; 4. Hector Sarab1a/M1guel Rosales/Juventino Santana, Ensenada, Mexico, 28:30:04; 5. James Tedford, Arcadia, Cahf./T1m Hanna, Huntington Beach, Calif./Steve Landis, Los Alamitos, Calif., 29: 16:05; 6. Richard Garavito Chino., Calif/Rudolfo Martinez, Ensenada, Mexico, 30:28: 1 I; 7. Danny Ledezma, El Centro, Calif/Mario Ledezm; Jr., Menifee, Calif/Xavier Heras, Murrieta, Calif., 32:44:53; 8. Alonso Angulo/Jorge Bautista, Ensenada, Mexico, 33:3L51; 9. Gary Messer/Mike Simpson, Kingman, Ariz., 35:30:20; 10. Juan Jimenez/Jorge Mendoza, La Paz, Mexico/Ruben Cortez, Cd. Constitucion, Mexico, 37:05:06; 11. Raul Plasencia/Larry Antuna/Arturo Lopez, Los Angeles, 37:57:17; 12. Armando Macias/Juan Pinales/ Benito Agume, La Paz, Mexico, 39: 18:22; 13. Fernando Montijo/Gerardo Montijo/Hector Montijo Ensenada Mexico, 41:31:39. (19 Starters, 13 Finishers) ' CLASS 7 (Open mini trucks)-!. Dan Chamlee/Tom Chamlee/Dan Chamlee Jr., Summerland, Calif., Ford Ranger, 27:44:41 (37.77mph); 2. Shannon Dierkop/Tyler Poppert, Campo, Calif., Ford Ranger, 33:12:46; 3. David Binns/Jared Teague, Las Cruces, N.M., Ford Ranger, 40:39:59. (10 Starters, 3 Finshers) CLASS 7S (Stock mini trucks)-!. Aaron Dodson, Mission Viejo, Calif/Doug Siewert Fallbrook Calif./ David Dinsmore, Encinitas, Calif., Ford Ranger, 41:15:53 (25.39mph). (6 Starters, I Finisher~) ' . CLASS 7SX (Modified, open mini trucks)-!. Rich Severson, Mesa, Ariz/George Jirka, North Hollywood, Calif.,_ Ford Ranger, 28:59:08 (36.15mph); 2. Jim Hinesley, Bakersfield, Calif/Oscar Solaiza, Ensenada, Mexico/ Igor J 1menez, Bahia de Los Angeles, Mexico, 31:29:32; 3. Carlton Beal Ill/David Pedregon/Spencer Beal Jr./ Stephen Beal, Midland, Texas, Chevy S-10, 35:35:45; 4. Dan Street Jr./Danny Street, Chula Vista, Calif., Ford Ranger, 38:25:04; 5. Heidi Steele/Chris Vano, San Clemente, Calif/Justin Smith, Capistrano Beach, Calif., Ford Ranger, 40:24:35. (II Starters, 5 Finishers) . CLASS 8 (Full-sized two-wheel drive trucks)-!. Nick Vanderwey/Michael Vanderwey, Phoenix/Larry Vanderwe_y, Litchfield Park, Ariz., GMC Sierra, 22:45:39 (46.04mph); 2. Glen Greer/Bruce Greer Jr., Green Valley, Anz./M1ke Kerr, Tucson, Ariz., Dodge Ram 2500, 28:28:08; 3. Tom Bradley, Las Vegas/Lupito Abaroa, La Paz, Mexico, 29:12:46; 4. Dave Sykes, Del Mar, Calif/Randy Salmont, Santa Clarita, Calif., Chevy Sivlerado, 33:39:21; 5. Lowell Arnold, Apache Junction, Ariz/Richard Maddux/John Maddux, Phoenix, Ford F-150, 37:32:08; 6. Stanley Bums/Carlos Murillo/Reynaldo Avila, Loreto, Mexico, Ford F-150, 40:07:59. (11 Starters, 6 Finishers) . CLASS 9 (VW-powered, Short wheelbase, single or rwo-seaters)-1. Eric Fisher/Jose Montoya, Ensenada, Mexico, Ganbay, 36:07:03 (29.01mph). (5 Starters, I Finishers) . CLASS 10 (Single or two-seaters to 1650cc)-l. Darren Hardesty, Ramona, Calif/Mark Randazzo, Poway, Cahf., Alum1Craft-VW, 21 :34:28 (48.57mph); 2. Eli Yee/Perry McNeil, Lemon Grove, Calif., Jimco-Honda, 21:56:50; 3. John Cooley, Santee, Calif./Chris Harrold, Chula Vista, Calif., AlumiCraft-VW, 22:32:48. (13 Starters, 3 Finishers) · . SCORE LITE (VW-powered, Limited single-1776cc-or rwo-seaters-1835cc)- l. Tim Noe/Tom Watson/ Travis Clarke, El Centro, Calif., Jimco, 23:37:52 (44.34mph); 2. Morley Williams, Fallbrook, Calif/Mike Will-iams, Prescott, Ariz./Mike Sandoval, Fallbrook, Calif/Blaise Jackson, Hesperus, Calif., Meco, 24:00:47; 3. Matt Cullen, Long Beach, Calif/Greg Blakeman, Lakewood, Calif/Jeff Rucker, Las Vega~. Neth, 24:27:26; 4. Mike Belk, Bermuda Dunes, Calif./Greg Foster, Orange, Calif., Porter, 24:31:23; 5. Rob Martensen, Phoenix/Steve Str_oud, Gooding, Idaho/Rich Roberts, Phoenix, Chenowth, 25: 16:47; 6. Matt Drever, Dana Point, Calif/Jim Vick/Dave Wert, San Clemente, Calif., Penhall, 25:35:47; 7. Mike Halliday, Riverside, Calif/Jason Holes Victorville Calif/Kevin Davis, Chino Hills, Calif., Porter, 26:18: 16; 8. David Callaway, Menifee, Calif/Scott Mapes, River'. side, Cahf., Dunme, 28:04:42; 9. Stan Potter, San Marcos, Calif/Dan Worley, Encinitas, Calif., Jimco, 29:09:01; 10. Hector Verdugo/Julio Verdugo, La Paz, Mexico, Jimco, 29:28:24; 11. Larry Nash, Santa Margarita, Calif/Mike Kyle, San Luis _Obispo, Calif., Mi_rage'. 32:21:08; 12. Evie Baldwin, Laguna Beach, Calif/Mike Laughlin, Murrieta, Cahf./John Yeiser, El_ Ca1on, Calif., J1mco, 33:15:36; 13. Juan Dominguez/Sergio Ojeda/Miguel Dominguez, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, J1mco, 36: 13:35. (18 Starters, 13 Finishers) CLASS 11 (Stock VW Sedans)-!. Eric Solorzano, Tijuana, Mexico/Miguel Hovo, Ensenada, Mexico, 40:25:29 (25.92mph). (8 Starters, 1 Finishers) STOCK FULL (Stock, Full-sized trucks)-!. Josh Hall, Reno, Nev./Thad Stump, Gilbert, Ariz./Sam Cothrun, Reno, Nev., Hummer HZ, 26:30:45 (39.52mph); 2. Terry Henn/Eric Henn/Blake Henn Walnut Calif./John Herman, Las Vegas, Hummer HI, 31:33:02; 3. Loren Worthington, Leona Valley, Calif/Lando~ Worthington, Malibu, Calif., Dodge 2500, 40: 17: 17. (9 Starters, 3 Finishers) STOCK MINI (Stock, mini trucks)-!. Dan Fresh, San Juan Capistrano, Calif/Sean Douglass/Dale Godges, Irvine, Calif., Mitsubishi Raider, 34:36:44 (30.27mph); 2. Rod Millen (New Zealand)/Ryan Millen, Newport Beach, Cahf., Toyota FJ Cruiser, 34:37: 18; 3. Rod Hall, Reno, Nev./Emily Miller, Crested Butte, Colo./ Mike Winkel, Reno, Nev., Hummer H3, 36:37: 17; 4. Gavin Skilton, Orange, Calif/Kevin Jensen, Apple Valley, Cahf./Chve Skilton, Orange, Calif., Honda R1dgelme, 42:51:25. (6 Starters, 4 Finishers) PROTRUCK (Limited Production Trucks)-!. Rick L. Johnson, Oak Hills, Calif./Dane Cardone, Hun-tington Beach, Calif./Jimmy Nuckles, Brawley, Calif., Toyota Tundra, 23:09: 10 Dusty Times December 2006 Page 41

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Scott Douglas drove his great looking Ford to a second place finish Jim Hunt took a nice second place finish in the Class 1700 battle, Jim Third in Class 1, third overall was the Bunderson of BJ Richardson in the Class 3100 race, Scott is seen here at speed. is seen here heading for that ever elusive checkered flag. and John Gaughan, seen here heading for their podium finish. There were five Protrucks and miss a beat all day", and he was even saw what caused the first two. They'd also been stuck in the lake causing his major time loss. Tavo Alan Levinson, who lives in Blue one of the few to finish all three He was 11 minutes out of first. In for 20 minutes. They did only two Vildosola, Toyota, was out on the Diamond, Nevada, just a short laps. In second place it was Ryan third it was Wade Kelson and laps. Just 37 seconds behind them, first lap when his distributor jaunt down the road from Jean, Staats who drove his Ford all the Todd Bogh, Ford, who'd lost a came Bill Driggs, who drove both failed in some way. was the winner in his Ford. He way. He had four flat tires, and freeze plug early in the day and laps in his Ford. He rolled just The Class 1000 cars were the reported that his truck "didn't saiditwassomuddythathenever limped to Pit B for repairs. out of Pit Bon the second lap, next group to start, and this Page 42 December 2006 wasn't an easy race for them. Andy Grider and Kevin Curtis, in a Honda Tatum, took the win. They had a fuel pump problem, and Curtis, who did the last two laps, ran into a flash flood. He said he "criss-crossed it" until it got too deep, and then ran along it for a while. He finished the race totally soaked and very cold. It was the new team's first win and they were the only car in the class to do all three laps. In second place it was Kevin Kelly who had no flat tires, but lost his trans-mission just before the finish line. Allen and Scott Gerber each did one lap in their Lothringer. They'd lost their power steering on Mile 27 of the first lap, and Scott, who did Lap 2, did his en-tire lap without it. They said they were "glad we only had to go two." They liked it that there was no dust. Kevin Derby, who was fourth in his Chaparral, said he got the coil wet on the first lap and it took him four hours to get around. The second lap was driven by Travis Brozowski. It was his first off road race. Usually he races a stock car, and, says Travis, "We don't race in the rain!" Fifth place went to Alejandro and Eduardo Jimenez and David Bost, who all drove their Metal Worx chassis. They lost third and fourth gears at Mile 68 of Lap 1, and did the rest of their two laps without them. Terry Stevens, in a Tatum, broke two tie rods and a spindle and stopped three times for re-pairs. He ran up against the flash flood also, and came to the finish line totally covered in a fine layer of mud. Even his face. In Class 8000, the win went to Mark Beeler in a Ford. It was his third win in a row. He said the truck got wet and quit four times, he "hydraulicked" it once, and ran up against that flash flood. It took him six hours and 10 min-utes to do the three laps. In sec-ond place it was Tom Giordano, in a Chevy, who had a couple of flats and said it was a "fun day." He was 14 minutes out of first. Sheldon Paul was third in his Ford, reporting no flats, but he said he "hydraulicked" his motor and it took an hour to get it go-ing again. Then, on Lap 2, the air cleaner bolt fell into the carbure-tor and cost him another 20 min-utes. David Bryan was fourth in his Ford. He lost a fan blade, so his water pump was out of bal-ance and it quit working. Repairs cost a bunch of time. Scott Barnett was fifth, with only one lap done, in his Ford. He'd had to deal with a wet distributor. Dusty Times 7r

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II The Curt LeDuc clan was only able to grab a third place finish in the Scott Barnett lets it all hang out as he rushes to a third place finish in Dave Morrison drove his Ford pickup to a decent third place finish in Trick Truck Class, Curt is seen here at speed. the Class 8 contest, seen here at speed. Class 8100, he's seen here in really good looking truck. Larry Roeseler took the win in trucks, Randy Merritt 1t~o~o~k~t~h~e;lg~e~t~h~i~mf:t~u~r~n~e~d~u~p:o~n:t~o~h~is~s1~· d~e~,-r==='--"====~========::::~ ••• ::~~;;;;,,,,===7 Class 7200 in Mike Ruane's Ford, win in his Ford, with just two laps instead of the roof where he'd and reported no flats and no done. He said he'd had a "great been for a long while. Then the down time at all. He said the mud run -no problems at all." Second crew jacked it up until it was al-was "unbelievable coming off the place went to Chad Hall in his most on its wheels, and a BITD dry lake." He'd had some hail dur-Hummer, who'd broken a half official who happened by sent it ing his three laps. He'd also driven shaft and lost his brakes. He was the rest of the way up. But he still into the flash flood which he de-just eight minutes out of first. And had no steering. He fixed that, scribed as a "two foot wall of wa-only seven minutes behind him and drove four miles, and broke ter." It had come up over the was Dave Morrison, who'd had a radius arm. The parts came out hood and into the cab. This was, one flat tire on his Ford. Larry in another car and he repaired he said, "A tough race for us." Tunnell, Ford, had a "front end that, and went on to finish sixth Andy Waters was second in the issue" and a broken steering box, in the time of 9:04:26. For a Swift Ford, and Gary Dixon, an-but finished fourth, and Mike while he'd been the biggest prob-other Ford, was third, reporting Alden was fifth in his Ford. In lem for many drivers, who'd had that he'd lost a fuel pump near sixth place, and a major factor in trouble getting pa·st him. Several the end of the race. the race was Greg Foutz, Ford, came in with wrinkles in their sheet In Class 7100 Wayne Demonja whose truck finished the two laps metal caused as they slid through took the win in his Ford. He said with no panel left unwrinkled. the narrow space. it was hard to race in the rain be-He'd had an early flat, and then In Class 4100 Marc Stein, cause he couldn't see where he was caught back up to the pack. He Ford, reported that besides the going. He said he'd had to "just came around a corner and hit a time needed to move Foutz, he'd hang on and go." Second place rock, which turned the car and had only one flat. He got only two Taking a nice win in the Class 2000 (1600) was Davis Sexson, he's seen here in his Bunderson on his way to that elusive checkered flag. went to Erin Wahl and Greg Gil-rolled it. He was in Beer Bottle bert, in a Ford. Pass, and said that if it had gone None of the 1600 cars (Class just a little further, he'd have 2000) got all three laps done, but rolled about 200 feet down. of those that did two laps, David Randy Merritt managed to move Sexson, in a Bunderson, was in him over far enough so that cars front. He said. it was "pretty could squeeze through the space. smooth" and reported no flats, Then one of the Geiser brothers finishing his two laps 23 minutes came along, got caught on the in front of the next car. That was rock, hit Foutz and shoved him William Janss who rolled his Jimco enough to block the course again. and also had three flats. None of After a while Marc Stein came the others got even a lap done. along with his Explorer, and he In Class 8100, stock full size was able to move him again, and The win in Stock Production Trucks went to Randy Merritt, he's seen here slightly burying his Ford somewhere along the way. Marc Stein drove his very big Ford to the Class 4100 win, his competition was only six minutes behind him at the flag. Dusty Times laps in, and _was the winner. In second, John R. Sunderland and John A. Sunderland, another Ford, reported one flat on a "big ole rock." They were just six min-Continued on page 44 Worldwide benchmark manufacturer of military-specification wiring systems for all motorsport applications MoTeC Engine Msnsgen-,ent end Data Acquisition Systems Robust 32-bit sequential fuel and spark control systems built ca withstand extreme racing ar·,d pre-running punishment. Turn-key systems available for all popular off-road engine packages. D igital display ar,d data acquisition systems for all levels of competition. Engine and chassis dynamorneter services available. Sakata Motorsport Electronics, inc. 689 s. State College Blvd. Unit K Fullerton, CA Tel: 714-446·9475 Fax: 714-446-9247 December 2006 Utilizing the finest . Raychem System 25 components, the industry standard for all professional racing sanctions. Engineering, assembly, and comprehensive testing performed 100% in-house. Complete harness assemblies end circuit control components ere available to suit your budget. . .. ,: 19. I ru •· High-Accuracy Air-Fuel Ratio Meters Lightweight, stand-alone system works with all engines and alternate fuels -carbureted or fuel injected. For the dedicated engine tuner who needs to know exact;/y what their engine is doing. No flashing lights -just the facts ... Nail it; t;o a number! ,<"": .............._ ~---~ ~~~<~'ii::~1' l'VlCJTCJRSPCJRT ELECTRONICS vve're making connecc,ons ... Page 43

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Allen Gerber and his clan drove the Lothringer to a third place finish The Dixon Clan, Gary, Derek and Stewart drove their Ford to a third The third place finisher in the ProTruck class was Wade Kelson, in Class 1 o, seen here heading for the finish line. place finish in the 7200 Class battle. utes behind Stein. place in their Ford. They'd gone a good first lap, but then had a In Class 7 300, Carl Fitts had into the final lap with a broken flat on Lap 2. Once he had it fixed a "perfect day" in his Ford and exhaust and down "at least one he went on, only to break a rear took the win. He had 19 minutes cylinder, maybe two." LaRoza had leaf spring. Some on-course re-on second place Ron Isaacson, in started the day by winning in the pairs got them moving again, with another Ford, who'd also had a Over 30 Pro class on a bike. He the help of a BITD official who good day and reported he "never said that 60 mils or so of the gave them some chain to use as a got out" of the truck. Steve course was the same for the bikes sort of limiter strap. They got a LaRoza and Austin Robison, who and cars, and that was a help to more permanent fix at Pit B, and drove the first part, took third him. Mike McCarthy, Ford, had then went on, only to run into seen here nicely airborne in his great looking truck. flash floods, which drenched had an uneventful day in his H3 them thoroughly to finish off Hummer, except for allowing their difficult day. The team fin- Emily Miller, who's in training to ished fourth. e GM's first female Hummer In Class 3100 Rod Hall was racer, drive for part of Lap 2. glad he'd run the SCORE Primm Said Hall, in reference to being a race a month earlier, because, passenger, "It's very interesting." since it was on the same course, They took the win. Scott Douglas, he knew how to set it up to make who lost an alternator in his it even better for this event. He Ford, finished second, and in Steve La Roza had a decent race, he finished third in the Class 7300 A third place finish for Mike Falkosky was the best he could do this Erin Wahl finished second in the Class 7100 race, seen here heading battle, he's seen here_,heading for the elusive checkered flag. race, he's seen here in his really good looking Ford SUV. for the checkered flag in the good looking Ford truck. December 30th2006 Page 44 December 2006 off road racing team IVlexic::o Insurance Dusty Times

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The Pure Stock win, Class 7300, went to Carl Fitts, he's seen here getting ready for his thousandth launch of the race. Rod Hall did it again, he took the Class 3100 win in his Hummer, he's seen here, surprisingly, with all four on the ground. third place it was Mike Falkosky, in another Ford. He'd had to deal with a ten foot wide flash flood. He said he went "five miles an hour upstrean1." In the JeepSpeed class the win went to Guy Alldredge who drove both laps. He reported no prob-lems, and said it was "a good clean race." In second place it was Jim and James Hunt, who reported one flat about four miles before the finish line. They'd been in a hail storm along the way. There was one brave Stock VW sedan running this race, with Robert Henderson at the wheel. They had time to complete only one lap, and it took them three hours and 44 minutes. Along the way they adjusted the front end, and changed passengers from Dick Dahn, one of racing's old timers, to Robert Henderson, Jr., at 18, one of the sport's young-sters. Wayne Demonja was the big winner in the Class 7100 fracas, he's seen here flyin' low in his Ford, heading for the flag. Buddy Feldkamp gave it his all but he had to settle for the silver medal in Class 1500, seen here in his Penhall Fab. Dusty Times Fnally. a Comprehensive Liability Insurance Package designed especially for Off-Road Racers, by insuanoe professionals who are actual Off-Road Racers. You can't get any better than that! For more information, contact Mike James - Phone: (619) 445-5797, Ext. 115 Fax: (619) 445-9297 • Kevin James - Phone: (619} 445-5797, Ext. 142 Fax: (619) 445-9297 • Laura Bramer-Phone: {619} 445-5797, Ext. 140 Fax: (619) 445-9297 • Liability Protection - • $1,000,000 General Liabillty-No Deductible • $1,000,000 Tune & Test • $250,000 Participant-to-Participant Coverage • Even provides coverage in Mexico provided a lawsuit is filed in the US • Insurance for your Pre-Runner/Chase Trucks • Mexican Auto Insurance Covers you, YOU" business and your sponsors. General Liability and Physical Damage insurance available for your prerunner. JMichaeIE. ameslNSURANCE AGENCY Cal. Lie.# 0B75146 PROTECT YOUR FAMILY • PROTECT YOUR ASSETS • PROTECT YOUR BUSINESS In the Sportsman class Jerry Fisher, Ford, did two laps to take the win. He was soaking wet and reported that the course mark-ers were all muddy and "no longer flourescent -they don't glow anymore" he said. He was in the flash flood, and said the dry lake was tough in the dark. December 2006 David Hall did just one lap in four hours and 11 minutes to take second, over Dave Blakely in his Nissan Xrerra, who's still having some "new car" problems. His time was four hours and 13 111inures for a lap. It was a tough day for every-one. Officials had more than the usual problems, Casey Folks was dealing with racers and worried BLM officials all at the same rime, and the racers had serious weather problems to add to the normal wear and tear on their cars. Ir felt good when it was all over and everyone could head for a hot shower. ~~ Page 45

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0RMHOF NEWS Bob Ham1..200& Inductee Into the Off KOad Motorsports Hall of Fame Bob Ham, who said he was bitten by "offroaditis" when he was attending San Diego State in the mid-60s, has been a one-man army working to preserve our rights to use the desert and other open lands. Bob's first off-road experience was a trip to Baja with some friends, but it didn't take him long to get equipped for Glamis and Pismo. He started with a new '69 Bronco, joined a jeep club in Pasadena, and eventually be-came a part of a pit support group. In about 1974 he started going to the NORRA races down in Baja, and he was doing some pre-running with a racer friend. At about the same time the environmentalists discovered the desert and off roading. Bob tells us that they (the environmental-ists) were already closing sand dune areas like Pt. Mugu, Ma-rina Beach and Morro Bay and had set their sights on Pismo. He was by now the proud owner of a "sandrail" that he'd built and equipped. with a 36 hp motor, so he had first hand knowledge of the dunes and what would be missing if they were all closed down. So Bob became involved with some other dunebuggy people, and they formed the California Off Road Vehicle As-soc ia tio n (CORVA). And CORVA teamed up with a few clubs from the Bay area and Sacramento and about 12 Southern California buggy and jeep clubs and started to do battle with the "enviros", BLM, State Parks, Forest Service and the Legislature. For a brief while Bob worked Baja Rentals Includes Iridium 9505a Only $69.99 per week Free travel charger, cigarette lighter adapter, Free leather case, voice mail and extra battery Call and reserve yours today!!! We also rent Mobile Internet Access Units We are located 15 miles east of San Diego Open 7 days 24 hours convenient for pick up 9828 North Magnolia Ave Santee, CA 92071 Page 46 December 2006 with Mickey Thompson (after MT took over the promoting of the Baja races) helping him with "environmental/political stuff". And then, in 1974 he moved to Sacramento to work for the Reagan Administration in the last year of his governorship. Bob ran the fuel allocation pro-gram during the embargo and was able to ensure that there was always plenty of gas avail-able at the old Glamis store, at Barstow for the Fireworks Race at Pismo and wherever off-roaders were likely to need fuel. Bob stayed oil in Sacramento and in 1978 helped get a Dis-trict 37 motorcycle racer named Bob Hayes elected to the state legislature. In 1979 he worked for the state Assembly as a policy consultant on energy, land use and transportation. After a few years of doing that, the lobbyist for the motorcycle industry retired and Bob was hired to replace him. At that point he put together an orga-nization called the Off Road Vehicle Legislative Coalition which was comprised of CORVA, California 4 Wheel Drive Association, AMA Na-tional and Districts 36 and 37, the California/Nevada Snow-mobile Association and a few others. Then, for the next 14 years he was the spokesman for motorcycles and ORV enthusi-asts in the state legislature. One year in the mid-80s, Bob got the help of Sal Fish (SCORE's president) to borrow a jeep Cherokee, and he drove it in a Baja 1000 in the Safari class (which unfortunately no longer exists). He took a "fairly liberal" Assemblyman, who was about to be named Chair of the Trans-portation Committee as his co-driver. After a weekend of par-ticipating in a Baja 1000 he be-came a real supporter of our cause. Bob says the "enviros" A could never understand how this guy, who normally voted their way, would always be there for the offroaders when we needed a vote. Bob continued to lobby for Off Road causes until the mid '94s, when the Republicans took control of the State Assembly and he went back to work for the Assembly again. After the Democrats took over control once again, he left and decided to work in El Centro. This kept him close enough to his house in San Felipe, on the east edge of Baja, to satisfy his need for what he calls a "fish taco fix." In March of 2002 Bob went to work for the County of Im-perial. He says he still gets "to fight for the rights of off roading, since that is a BIG deal in our county". He is also still on the Board of Directors of the California League of Off Road Voters, which is the successor organization to the Off Road Vehicle Legislative Coalition. He's also active in a handful of other organizations that work for our right to use the land. To learn more about other individuals like Bob Ham who have shaped the off-road world please visit the Off-Road Motorsports Hall of Fame, lo-cated in Reno, NV at the Na-tional Automobile Museum (The Harrah Collection) or our web site If you know an individual who you believe has made a sig-nificant contribution to the his-tory of of~roading you can nominate them by completing the nomination packet available on the ORMHOF web sire by March 15, 2007. If you are interested in get-ting involved with Off-Road Motorsports Hall of Fame or have any questions about the Hall of Fame please contact Bob Bower at WWW. rAKERPRECISION.COM 2865 Gundry Ave .. Signal HI/~ CA 90755 'HPFan.s , t/Coolers Driving Suits Rod End Boots Neo Synthetic OIi Performance Plumbing 1-~li!iFtt::J!_ 562-427-2375 Dusty Times

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,,,--By Lisa Kennedy Race cars and trucks were lined up and waiting to start the race with engines revving and rumbling on September 16th for MORE's Rumble at Ridgecrest. Twelve FAIR racing teams were there to battle it out for the_ top of the podium in their respective classes and a chance for the overall win. Class 5 driver, Chris Bowman, was able to finish in second place, only a little over two minutes out of first place. This was a huge turn around for his team after the pre-vious three races resulted in DNF's due to problems with their steering components failing. Chris was in the driver's seat for the first three laps with Johnny Brockway along to ride for the entire race. They were doing well until in the third lap a limit strap came loose and wrapped around the axle and c.v. boot. Mike Long and Tom Moxley running their remote pit were able to make the necessary repairs and had them back in the race in about 30 min-utes. Jerry Longo joined Johnny Brockway in the car and drove the next three laps uneventfully. Jerry then turned the car over to Chuck Sacks to drive for the finai rwo iaps. This was Chuck's first time to drive Chris' car, but he set the fastest lap time for Class 5 at 38 minutes and 20 seconds, proving that he is defi-nitely an asset to the team. Curt Geer in Class 1/2-1600 lead the pack for most of the race and set the fastest lap time of 39 minutes and 19 seconds in the first lap. An unfortunate tire change on the seventh lap left him with a flat tire in the last lap that cost him the victory by eight minutes. Curt came away with a third place finish driv-ing in his new Lothringer 1600 car. Michael Kanuch ended the race in sixth place. Class 5-1600 had two FAIR rac-ing teams off the line. Ken and John Tolbert started the race in their 578 "Orange Crush" then handed the car over to Billy Worthing and Brandy to finish out the race. They all had a great day and really en-joyed themselves in the race and helping out at the FAIR pits. They were so glad to have the car back out in the action after the night race ended for them with a scary roll-over. They would like to thank John, Bradley, Billy and Brandy for mak-ing the race day go well, JFK Race Cars, and FAIR pit support. KST Racing finished the race in second place, followed by Aaron Aspel who placed sixth. Once again Class 9 had the larg-est turnout of FAIR racers. Harry Dunne, with his sons as part of the team, had a great day. Christopher drove during the first three laps with his brother, Bill, in the pas-senger seat. During the second lap a coil wire broke, which they were able to get repaired on the course. Harry took over to drive the last three laps with Jody Duisen along for the ride. Harry got a bit disori-ented on the second time around Dusty Times (fifth lap), but was able to get back on course and bring the car in for a second place finish. Cody Rash, driving 990, along with Bill Truman, kept a consistent pace during his three laps behind the wheel. He then handed the car over to Beau Rash and Cory Rash. They suffered a broken spindle on Lap 5, but were able to get it re-paired and brought the car in to finish in fifth place,. Thanks goes out to FAIR, DRT, Inc., and DSO Eye Wear for their support. Rob MacDonald in the "Rocket" 976 drove the first three laps of the race with no problems and handed the car over to Frank Wagner in first place. Frank drove the next rwo and one halflaps, con-tinuing to hold the lead, only to break a ball joint ten miles from the finish ending their race and giv-ing them ninth place. Car 973 was driven by Justin Rash for the first three laps. Justin set the fastest lap time in the class with 45 minutes and 26 seconds. He then turned the car over to Ron Rash, who broke an axle on the fourth lap. Unfortunately this cost them the race and they ended the day in 13th place. Marcus Gonzales continued to have problems with his 977. Tommy Kirkmeyer was to drive the first three laps and then hand the car over to Marcus, but this was not to be. A roll-over occurred in the first lap, but they were able to get the car back over and back into the race. During the second lap a ball joint broke ending the race early for this team. We wish them much better luck in their upcoming races. Driving in Class 13, Greg Crew in his Lucas Oil car was able to fin-ish the race in third piace. They ran a great race all day and suffered only one flat on the last lap. They were able to make it to FAIR Pit B where their tire was changed in un-der one minute, and then they were back out in the action. They wish to thank Lucas Oil Saddle Sore Saloon, Toy Hauler Mag, and FAIR pit support. In Class 1450, Eric Fiorino fin-ished the race in third place. FAIR racers also ventured out to several unsupported races over the next few weekends as well. On September 22nd and 23rd, Greg Crew participated in Rounds 5 & 6 of the CORR short course race in Chula Vista. During Saturday's race Greg forgot to put tear-offs in his visor, and this came back to haunt him during the race as he was pelted in the face with mud from the other competitors. He did manage to finish 12th out of 17 that day. On Sunday he fared bet-ter, finishing in eighth place, which puts him in 10th for the series to date. September 30th turned out to be a busy day, with the MDT Out-law 250 in Lucerne Valley and the So u thcoast SNORE 250 at Stateline. At the Outlaw 250, Art Savedra earned a top spot on the podium in Class 5-1600, finishing first and also setting fastest lap time of one hour, 13 minutes and seven seconds. Racing in Class 1, Kevin and Shelby Reid made their debut in their new car, 168. Kevin started the race with Mike Nixon along for the ride. They started having trans-mission problems at MM 18, which then led them to land on a large rock just past MM24 when Kevin was trying to hold the car in gear. After being pulled off the rock they were back out onto the course, but half way through the second lap the transm1ss10n became worse and they were having problems with the front shocks as well, and Kevin de-cided to call it day. They wish to thank everyone who came out to help with the race. Racing at Stateline, Curt Geer finished 14th in Class 1/2-1600 after having numerous flat tires. Driving in Class 9, Rob MacDonald started the race in 976 and suffered a broken brake line in the first lap. He then handed the car over to Frank Wagner who lost a tire in the second lap, and having no tools to repair the problem, had to walk four miles back to the pit to retrieve help. They ended the race in seventh. Marcus Gonzales in 977 had a broken axle ten miles into the race and ended with 10th place. The MORE DAMZL Powder Puff Race on October 14, 2006 was quite an event! Eighty-four racing teams were there to raise money for breast cancer research. FAIR was there to support not only their own members, but all of the racers who turned out to Race for the Cure. The idea for this race was initi-ated by Shelby Tolbert, and when he proposed the idea to Jim at MORE, he simply replied "Giddar Done". With this, the women's event was born. Shelby formed an interest list and teamed up with Jen-nifer Clemison and DAMZL to get the word out. They did a great job of spreading the word and the Pow-der Puff Race evolved into the larg-est all female off road event ever, and the race brought in over $50,000 in donations for breast cancer research. As FAIR was supporting all the racers in this event, we would just like to recognize those ladies who came in at the top of their class. in Class 1, Shirley Jergensen in 156 came in at the top of the podium, followed by Jennifer Clemison in second, Erma Myers in third, Jen-nifer Kawell in fourth, and Lori Robinson in fifth. Class 13 winner was Kim Powell, in 1369. Terra Ja-cobus came in behind her in sec-ond, Terry Johnson took third, Carol Wilson came in fourth, and Julie Ellis was fifth. Class 1450 had only two entrants. Jennifer Layton took first in this class, followed by Chris Hepler. Class 1400 winner was Danyelle Thayer, Melissa Thornton came in second, Demoree Deocales finished third, and Lauren Brogger took fourth. In Class 5, Cheri Nutter driving 529 finished first, followed by Melissa Davis in second, Carolyn Hines in third, Irene Owens in fourth, and Michelle Bruckman in fifth. Class 5-1600 winner was Nicole Garavi-to, Terrie Tavis finished second, Shelby Tolbert came in third, Windy Ehrhardt took fourth, and Kristen Flaherty ended in fifth. In Class 1600, Lauren Meritt took the top spot on the podium, followed by Becci Craig in second, Michelle Johnson in third, Shelby Reid in fo urth, and Julie Meehan in fifth. The Class 9 winner was Sigal Greenberg in 901, followed by Rhonda Gonzales in 977, third went to Shauna Forrest in 914, Kaily Goin in 915 finished fourth, and in fifth place was Connie Dovery in 916. Class 10 first place finisher was Marylou Garavito, fol-lowed by Robyn McMullin in sec-ond, Cheri Davenport in third, Debbie Sacks in fourth, and Denise Bise in fifth. Class 7 A was led by Teresa Quiroz, Aletha Keegal came in second, Susan Stokes finished third, Tabitha Rose was fourth, and Wendi Evans took fifth. In December 2006 Class 7B, Kacie St. George finished at the top, followed by Laurie Chamlee in second, Amanda McComb ended in third, Karlinda Flores took fourth and Jennifer Denunzio placed fifth. Class 8A winner was Petra Faranova. In Class 11, Genevive McCarthy fin-ished first, Gema Ptasinski was sec-ond, and Anne Naso took third. FAIR wishes to thank Shelby Tolbert, DAMZL, and Jim with MORE for making this event pos-sible for such a great cause. FAIR Meetings: FAIR is now conducting meet-ings at the Score Board Sports Bar on the first and third Wednesday of every month at 8:00 pm. The address is 3220 Temple Avenue in Pomona, CA. The phone number is (909) 468-0444. More FAIR information can be obtained on the website ORBA TO HOLD OFF-ROAD SHOW AT BARONA CASINO'S CONVENTION CENTER IN MARCH, 2007 Yamaha and CORR (Champi-onship Off Road Racing) to be Title Sponsors BAKERSFIELD, CA (Sep-tember 25, 2006) The Off-Road Business Association (ORBA) announced today that it will put on an off-road show at Barona Casino's Convention Center in San Diego County over the weekend of March 24-25, 2007. This will be the first off-road show in California to be promoted by a non-profit trade association. All proceeds will be used by ORBA to fur-ther its efforts to protect and promote th_e motorized off-road recreation industry. An entire hall at the conven-tion center will be reserved for dealers and after-market suppli-ers of Yamaha Rhino products. The Yamaha Rhino is the hottest off-road product to hit the mar-ket in decades. After-market com-panies are springing up all over the country. Yamaha's Mike Schmitt stated: "We are excited about the fact that an entire building will highlight our super-_ successful Rhino. This has not been done before, that [ know 0£ We are happy to support ORBA on this project" The second title sponsor for the show will be CORR (Cham-pionship Off Road Racing). Ve-hicles from the various classes that race at CORR events are planned to be on display along with famous off-road racers who will b e signing autographs. "Championship Off Road Racing will bring an ele-ment to the ORBA off-road show that will certainly attract the pub-lic. CORR is excited to be a part of this inaugural show as many ORBA members test their prod-ucts through the rigors of our racing. We hope to educate the public about our exciting race series and draw them to our events programmed for the 2007 season" says Ken Zapp from CORR. Other Sponsors for the show include Cycle Parts West, Pro Comp Suspension, Alba Action Sports, and on Road ·w are-house. According to Roy Den-ner, ORBA's President & CEO: "As the off-road industry's only dedicated trade association it is logical that we provide our mem-bers an opportunity to promote their products while helping ORBA's cause. And the Barona Convention Center is the perfect place to do it." Information about the show will be posted on ORBA's Web site at as it develops. Don't Forget To Support The Advertisers Who Keep Reporting The Off Road News Page 47

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BEAURPAIRS GOONDIWINDI 400 Shannon Rentsch overalls Text and Photos: Steve Hilton Bruce Chapman and Gary Weatherly gave it their all at Goondiwindi, they took the checkers in the second overall position. Shannon Rentsch, with dad Ian co-driving took the overall win at the Beaurepairs Goondiwindi 400 in the good looking Nissan powered Chenowth. Goondiwindi, a small town in southwest Queensland, was the host of the last round of the Aus-tralian Off Road Championship. This race was to be the decider for the championship, as the points were close for four racers and they all needed to do well, no more than the current cham-pion Shannon Rentsch, his main rivals were Buddy Crowe, Hayden Bentley and Eric Phillips. Phillips and his team have travelled all the way from the west of the country to compete. The area around Goondiwindi has seen very little rain over the past year which meant the race would be very . . 'li • PDWERFLJL • PRECl!!iE 2" Capacity, 1/W Bends Steel, 4130, Stainless, Aluminum Square, Round, Bar, Pipe Perfect for the: • Race Car Builder • Small Fabrication Shop • Home Shop Call for a FREE BROCHURE however the organisers spent con-siderable time in building mounds for the spectators to stand on and watch these big American cars and trucks race over some large jumps and around the fast banked corners in the arena. The event attracted only 48 entries but the quality was high and may be with the very dry and dusty conditions the low number would prove to be a benefit to the organisers. The race this year because of the dry, would be run a little differently. Saturday morning the running of a pro-logue for start positions, a top ten shoot out and then the first of the race ro three (541)382-1573 Mc,r,u£actured B11 /!iCD Page 48 laps of a 50 kilometre course. At the end of each lap the racers would be allowed ten minutes to Matt Hanson literally flew to the Class 2 win, that cemented his Class 2 Championship, seen here on his way to the checkers. carry out any repairs, then held would give these ten anQther run moved him into the lead position in a holding area at the start line to try and improve their previ-and a dust free run, the rest of for 20 minutes, no work other ous time. Mark Burrows was fast-the field stayed as they were. than a safety issue could be car-est followed closely by Shannon The course after the recon-ried out while waiting in this area, Rentsch, Bentley was next, then naissance had been completed this was to happen between each Chapman, Bulmer, Rose, was grooved out like a two land lap on both days. Robinson and Prout. highway, racers should have had Each class was given time to The only change to the start-no trouble in finding their way compete over a 10 kilometre sec-ing position after the running of around the entire S0k course. tion of the track with the fastest the shootout was Rentsch beat-The event. proper was to start at ten to race in a shootout, this ing the time set by Burrows, this 12:30pm and with all competi• r--------------------------~~~~~~~ VW AUTOMOTIVE AND BllL SHAPLEY RACING ENGINES AND TRANSAXLES SNORE 1998 & 2004 TRANSAXLE BUILDER OF THE YEAR CONGRATULATIONS AND THANK YOU 2006 SNORE A VI 250 I Cody Freeman (091 Trans) Clay & Ken Flippin (Mendeola MOS) Bryan "Butterbean" Adams (Engine & Trans) Tommy Bradley Jr. (091 Trans) Steve Alexander (002 Trans) Tom Hood (Racing Engine) I st Place 1-2/1600 I st Place Class 10 1st Place Champ Class 3.rd Place Sportsman Buggy 3rd Place 5-1600 2nd Place Unltd Sportsman Buggy BILL SHAPLEY RACING ENGINES AND TRANSAXLES 4600 E LAKE MEAD BL VD #106 LAS VEGAS, NV 89115 (702)438-4689 ~--------------------------------~ December 2006 Dusty Times

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A ve,y decent third overall finish at Goondiwindi went to Eric Phillips How to make a sharp left turn, Ter,y Rose knows how it's done, seen Buddy Crowe, who evidently had some problems with the dust, was the fifth overall finisher, he's seen here creating his own dust. and Brendon Hayto, seen here nicely airborne. here on his way to a decent fourth place overall. tors lined up ready to leave the Terry Rose in his Honda V6 in the dusty conditions. Burrows start line Shannon Rentsch led turbo powered Jimco was next, on his last lap of three was out of the field away. The end of Sec-Eric Phillips in the only Aceco his Jimco in the pits changing a tion 1 and Rentsch was the quick-buggy was fifth, his persistence rear tyre, this put him back a long est followed closely in second by and mildly aggressive attack to- way in the field, he had to con-the Jimco of Bruce Chapman, the wards the course was starting to tend with passing some slower cars turbo Subaru very fast over the pay results. in very dusty conditions. Brian tough course, Bentley came across Colin Hunter, in the Class 8 Robinson in the Chevy Porter was the line in third place, his Chevy Unlimited Jeep finished in sixth out early with a broken throttle Jimco sounding as strong as ever. place, the 4WD proving positive cable, also out of this section was Brad Prout, his Jimco was suffer-box failure handing the lead to ing with some engine gremlins. Matt Hanson. Trevor Copeland, The Ford V8 Courier was in the current Class 9 Unlimited the lead over the Porsche car of single seat buggy was out on the Greg Campbell in the Unlimited course, he had run out of fuel only Class 4 while Geoff Pickering was four kilometres from the finish. holding the lead in Class 7, Un-At the end of the day's limited4WD.Class2, 1650cctwo procedures we were left seat buggies and Cameron with more than a few out McCelland was out with a gear-Continued on page 50 Gavin Mickle drove his really sharp looking Toyota to a fourth place Colin Hunter drove his Class 8 Jeep to a sixth place overall finish, Mark Burrows had tire problems but he overcame them and ended finish in the Class 4 contest. he's seen here powering through the dust. up in the sixth overall position when all was done. Dusty Times KING OFF-ROAD RACING SHOCl<S December 2006 Page 49

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Brian Robinson, seen here in his Chevy powered Porter had throttle Haden Bently drove his Chevy engined Jimco to a nice third place in In Class 4, it was Bernard Gwyne taking the second place spot in his cable problems on day 1, seen here in his good looking car. the first section of the race, he's seen here at speed. really great looking Chevy, seen here nicely airborne. of the event, all with the Hayden Bentley w·::-::-::a--=s~o-=-u--=t=---;i--:n:--:c:-o=-=n--=t:-:::r:--:o:7lr---::o:--;fr7C'-Tl a=-=-s -=-s --:2;;-.a:-s::----;;,;;:;;;:;:::;==........,=~===~""""=a;~=~;;;ai;;;~~;;;;~~"""";;;;;=aa~ overnight job of repairing of the event with a bro-was Greg Campbell in their cars ready for an-ken gearbox. With a very Class 4. Pickering, un-other two sections to be consistent and clean stoppable in Class 7 as he run on Sunday. drive Eric Phillips moved led the class. At 9:00am start to Sec-his V8 Aceco up into The last section of the tion 2, another three third position followed race, a two lap sprint to laps with a half hour closely by Terry Rose. the finish and Shannon break between each lap. Buddy Crowe in another Rentsch was looking Rentsch again finished Chevy Jimco after a poor strong to take out his on top pulling over a start to the race recov-third Australian Off three minute lead on ered to finish in fifth po-Road Championship. Af-Chapman who was still sition. ter 4h29m45.22s Shan-very fast over the course. Matt Hanson was still non Rentsch with his fa-Aircraft Spruce is a worldwide di tributor of quality product$ for the rnc-ing industry. Our product line of over 45,000 items is one of the most extensive from one ,ingle ourec. Our ~ei-vicc hn · made us the number one upplier in aviation and is why over 35() race teams h,l\·c turned 10 u, as a trusted source for racing compt>ncnts! www Fab•ics. Paints. Pnmcrs. Res,ns. Oremel Tools, Kevlar Graph<le. Honeyco<nb. West System BEST SELECTION! LOWEST PRICES! SAME DAY SHIPMENT! Visit Our Corona, CA store! Aircraft s11r11ce CANADA tl!!.~~~~~~!!s..u, .-6 AIRCRAFT SPRUCE WEST 225 Airport Circle Corona, CA 92880-2527 Order our FREE Cata/011 wllll a Wldl ra~ m:~~ti;;~ selection al Fabrication Materials! 1-877-4-SPRUCE I 7 7 7 II 1 J Page so ther Ian co-driving in their turbo Nissan pow-ered, crossed the line winners of the Beaurepairs Goondiwindi 400, second as he had been all weekend was Bruce Chapman and his co-driver Gary Weatherly, their time for the event 4h37m46.85s, another good result for this team. In third place with a time of 4h46m00.2ls was the Ballistic Phillips Team of Eric Phillips and his co-driver Brendon Hayto. Terry Rose finished fourth, followed by Buddy Crowe in fifth a f-ter struggling with the dusty conditions. Mark Burro w s recov ered well after the tyre problem he suffered on the previous day to finish sixth out-right. In Class 2 Matt Hanson finished as he started, the winner. His time was 5h0lml5.53s, a good result giving him the Class 2 Australian Championship as well. The Class 4 battle fin-ished with Greg and Allison Campbell in the Porsche the winners. Their time for the three sections was 5hl8m03.89s, they were followed in second place by the C20 Chevy of Ber-nard Gwyne, third was the Toyota of Gavin Mielke. Geoff Pickering and Glen Watson, winners again in the Mitsubishi Pajero Class 7. The Australian Off Road Championship was decided this weekend with Shannon Rentsch on top, Eric Phillips sec-ond and Buddy Crowe third, fourth Bruce Chapman and Terry Rose fifth. This year has been a tough season in the Australian Champion-ship and all competitors looking forward t o a r est b efore the start of the 2007 seas o n . ..·,11sw December 2006 Greg and Allison Campbell drove their Porsche to the Class 4 win, they're seen here saving a bit of tire wear. Geoff Pickering and Glen Watson drove their Mitsubishi Pajero to the Class 7 win, they're seen here running to the flag. PROLJIIVE1.1.c. HIGK-11ERfQRMANCE .,rr CERAMIC I , PQWQEI COATINGS , Since 1999, Ram Proline has provided ~ ceramic and powder coaling for all your needs with an oven 25 n in depth. • WE CAN COAT CHASSIS, DUNE BUGGY FRAMES, TRAILERS, GATES, IRON FENCING, AND MORE IN A VARIETY OF COLORS. • RAM PROLINE ALSO OFFERS SAND BLASTING. • WE CAN COAT ALL INTERNAL ENGINE PARTS, EXHAUST SYSTEMS, BRAKE CALIPERS, INTAKE MANIFOLDS, AND MANY OTHER APPLICAT10NS. RAM PROLINE DOES IT ALL -I Dusty Times

Page 51

111ore 1000 Results ••• (45.26mph); 2. Dave Creagan, Woodland, Wash./James Wasson, Maple Valley, Wash./Mike Nicholson, Vancouver, Wash., 23:19:12; 3. Kevin McGillivray, Valencia, Calif./Joe Custer, Harrisburg, N.C./Casey Folks, Las Vegas, Chevy Silvmdo, 23:28:40; 4. Jason Voss/Rich Voss, Cupertino, Calif., Ford F-150, 23:31:38; 5. Al Hogan, Columbus, Mont/Darren Donnes, Billings, Mont., Ford F-150, 24:09:04; 6. Dave Westhem, Palm Desert, Calif./Paul Perrizo, Long Beach, Calif./Lee Patron, Bellflower, Calif./Wing Lam, Newport Beach, Calif., Ford F-150, 24:40:36; 7. Tom Koch, Ridgecrest, Calif./Lenny Holder, Buena Park, Calif., Ford F-150, Sierra Auto Recycling, Lenny's Concrete Pumping, 26:29:59; 8. Mouse McCoy, Sherman Oaks, Calif./Mike Johnson, Lake Balboa, Calif., Chevy Silverado, 26:33:28; 9. Gus Vildosola Jr., Mexicali, Mexico/Bryan Freeman, Henderson, Nev., Toyota Tundra, 28:26: 19; 10. Eric Hardin/Jared Hardin, Anaheim, Calif., GMC Sierra, 28:51:27; 11. Gary Magness/Steve Knudson, Denver, Ford F-150, 30:28:10. (19 St~rters, 11 Finishers) CLASS 17 (Class 3 modified Jeep Cherokees)-!. Mike Shaffer/David Halaruk, Carson City, Nev./Lance Clifford, Georgetown, Calif., Jeep Cherokee, 36:29:08 (28. 72mph). (3 Starters, 1 Finishers) , Micron Technology Baja Challenge (ldenticJllly equipped Wide Open Baja touring cars with Subaru Engines)-!. Steve Appleton/ Chris Appleton, Boise, ldaho, 25,25:43 (41.21 mph); 2. Eustaquio Escandon Sr., Mexico/Steve Hilbert, Telluride, Cclo./Jaime Zunzunegui, Mexico/Richard Wadehouse, Aspen, Colo./Park Brady, St. Simons Island, Ga., 26:08: IO; 3. Dan Friedkin/Rex Whiteside/Paul Hobby, Houston/Todd Brock, Beaumont, Texas, 30:33:48; 4. Patrick Dempsey, Los Angeles/Christopher Cook/Sam Jones, Newtown, Ct./Link Herron, El Cajon, Caiif./Doug Coleman, Camarillo, Calif./Rich Minga, Fallbrook, Calif., 30:45:37; 5. Kevin Fitzgerald, Rancho Dominguez, Calif./Jody Grace, Highland Village, Texas/Joe Parsons, Murrieta, Calif./Randy White, Lakewood, Colo., 30:46:52; 6. David Stone, . Madison, Wisc/Robert Viqu, N. Lake Elmo, Minn./Jeff Stone, Madison, Wisc/Darren Law, Phoenix/Hanna Mitias, New Albany, N.Y., 36:29:13; 7. Mike Wright, Edmond, Okla./David Wood, Colton, Calif./Kevin Jourdan, Oklahoma City, Okla./Mark Denny, Edmond, Okla/Steven Kay, Yorba Linda, Calif., 36:32:43; 8. Mark Goggin/Dave Maxwell, Canada/Kenneth Goggin, Prescott, Ariz/Dennis Goggin, Canada, 38:50:00; 9. Kirk Hollis, Spring, Texas/Rick Huseman, Riverside, Calif./Andy Finch, Truckee, Calif./Cyle Chislock, Murrieta, Calif./Chris MacCluggage, Fullterton, Calif., 40:51:0I; 10. Mark Durcan/Jay Hawkins/JoAnn Arnold/Bob Gove/Mark Adams, Boise, Idaho, 41:21:01. (20 Starters, 10 Finishers) PRO MOTORCYCLES CLASS 22 (250cc or more)-!. Steve Hengeveld, Oak Hills, Calif./Mike Childress, Wrightwood, Calif./Quinn Cody, Santa Barbara, Calif., Honda CRF450X, 18: I7:50 (57.27mph); 2. Robby Bell, Murrieta, Calif/Kendall Norman, Santa Barbara, Calif/Johnny Campbell, San Clemente, Calif., Honda CRF450X, 20:31:08; 3. Dan Walsh/Chris Gunnen/Rob Gibson, Ramona, Calif., Honda XR650R, 22:43:17; 4. Chris Eberz, Santa Barbara, Calif./Mark Daniels, Oxnard, Calif/Sean Eberz, Santa Barbara, Calif., Honda XR650R, 24:27:38; 5. Kris Papworth, Draper, Utah/Zac Jacobson, Cedar City, Utah/Allan Donaldson, KTM EXC525, 24:45:57; 6. Beau Hayden, Shadow Hills, Calif./ Peter Postel, Newbury Park, Calif./Ron Bishop, Escondido, Calif./Tony Megia, Newbury Park, Calif/Chuck Dempsey, Oak Hills, Calif., BMW HP2, 24:54:53; 7. Jesse Sharpe, Escondido, Calif./Dean Sharpe, Ramona, Calif./Joe Desrosiers, San Marcos, Calif., Honda XR650R, 25:25:12; 8. Damon Cardone, Castaic, Calif./Erick Welsh, Newberry Springs, Calif./Chris Valdes, Quartz Hill, Calif., Honda XR650R, 25:42:04; 9. George Villanyi/Clay Anthony, Winterpark, Colo./Joe Polus/Steve Zorbel, Bozeman, Mont., Honda XR650R, 26:05:05; 10. James Sones, Banning, Calif., Honda XR650R, 26:06:04; 11. Peter Hardy, San Luis Obispo, Calif./John Kaisersan, Los Osos, Calif/Richard Lancaster Jr., Santa Margarita, Calif./Jeff Martin, Wasco, Calif., Honda XR650R, 26:49:26; 12. Scon Higgins/Paul Blevins, Lakeside, Calif./ Steve Snyder, San Diego, Calif., Honda XR650R, 26:54: 13; 13. Todd Romano, Park City, Utah/Jack McCormick, Tempe, Ariz./Tim Hillsamer, Mesa, Ariz., Honda XR650R, 26:58: 18; 14. Francisco Arredondo/Hans Miller, Guatemala/Mike Berer, Orange, Calif., Honda XR650R, 27:01:50; 15. Rick Williams/Ron Ayers/Rueben Silva, Las Vegas, Honda XR650R, 27:42:14; 16. Kyle Abney, Albuquerque, N.M./ Tommy Black, Las Cruces, N.M./Robbie Clauss, Albuquerque, N.M., Honda XR650R, 27:50:32; 17. Steve Luly, Aguanga, Calif./Billy Sourel, Beaumont, Calif./Scott Luly, Ennis, Mont., Honda CRF450, 28:56:41; 18. Robert Laughlin, Solvang, Calif., Honda XR650R, 29: 10:50; 19. Bob Mugan, Grand Rapids, Mich./Scott Proffer, Signal Hill, Calif/Chris Russel, Ypsilanti, Mich., Honda CRF450X, 29:15:36; 20. Anna Cody, Camarillo, Calif., Honda XR650R, 33:35:40. (24 Starters, 20 Finishers) CLASS 21 (126cc to 250cc)-l. Tom Grisham, Chula Vista, Calif./Carl Fischer, Highland, Calif./Mike Mitchell, Salt Lake City, Utah/Mark Chicado, Las Vegas, Honda CRF450X, 23:31:50 (44.53mph); 2. Shaun Hanson, Murrieta, Calif./Jim McKay, Hemet, Calif./ Mark Milne, Aztec, N.M., Honda CRF450X, 23:34:27; 3. Chris Parker, Newport Beach, Calif./Tim Bina, Lake Continued on page 58 / 3X CHAMPION & . 8 DIRT LOGIC 4.0 SHC.,C~S~ _N_ UNSTO!~AB .. E COMBINATJ~\,. _;;.;;,-;---:;,_~"'!'.~~,fi • -.:r,· When it comes to domination in the desert race circuit nobody does it better than Greg Foutz. · That's why he depends on the latest shock technology to take him to the winners · Dirt logic 4.0 shocks from Fabtech. With eight Bypass Dirt Logic 4.0 · shocks, watch for Foutz to rock up onother championship this year. Check out Fobtech's line of Dirt Logic. shocks on the web ot: t \ . Dusty Times December 2006 Page 51

Page 52

GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY PACKAGING INDUSTRIAL PACKAGING SUPPLIES "KEEP IT TOGETHER" 1739 N. Case St. BRYAN L. ROGERS Orange, CA 92865 (714) 282-9311 FAX (714) 283-3548 CELL (714) 514-4308 OFF-ROAD FUEL CELLS SCORE • CORR • SODA • MAORA PRERUNNERS • RALLY.• ETC ..A:L'!L. , Toll Free: 800-526-5330 Fax: 201-825-1962 e-Mall: www.atlrue/ 19076 Hawthorne Blvd. l'orrance, CA 90503 • Custom fabrication • Prerunners • Suspensions • Custom exhaust (310) 542-2977 TOFJ.\G Off Road Trucks Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages Ford Truck Specialist • 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 TEL: 114.719.0945 JAX:114.219.oha (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 5p2-6151 2&4N.Cnress lra■gc, CA 92868 RACECARS BRANDWOOD CARS Custom V~hicle Shif,er for mid-engines ancf other applications 602-437-31 fl7 "CycloM Ulro PIiie(' Lonely Advantages: II. • 51 % increased air flow. -No oil required on filter element. ..__,,_._ - Filter end caps are machined. ~ • Sizes 12· or 15" Lg · Since 1967 - Billet mounting clamps .. -No external welds. -Billet Off Rood Ports • Easy cleaning Finish. Air Filters, Spindles, Hubs 9;25 P.thway St.• Santee. Ca. 92071 Ph: (619)562-3071 fax: (619)562-0592 Long Advertising Term Space Relationship• -· Looking Call For 818-882-0004 CACTUS RACING Helmets & Accessories Bell, Shoei, Simpson Blower systems & cool boxes 619-482-8700 708 Rocking Hone Dr. Chula Vista, CA 9191•• CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN 39067 ORCHARD ST. CHERRY VALLEY CA. 92223 PH#. (951)-845-8820 products, in stock Race Proven Fabrication:· Boa.tee Fiberglass · Pre-Runners Dimple Dies Desert Trucks Tubing Benders Short Course trucks Bypass valves+tu.bes Paris-Dakar trucks Sway-bar Arms Offroad to Street. Prerunner to Race -Cha.ala Design -Race Prep -All General Fabrication ?IG-949-S,C,7 174S9 lilac SUE Hesperia CA 92345 ~ r.UALITY 1!11!:AOLOCK WHl!:l!:LS C SINCE 101!!18 ~ 15";·16"··17" ALL ALUMINUM 8EADLOCK WHEELS AND CONVERSIONS CHAMPION WHEEL CO, INC. 1 B537 COLLIER (9 5 1 ) 47 1•21 63 LAKE ELSINORE CA, 9253 1 WWW.CHAMPIONWHEEL.COM CHENOWTH oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiEft.liCING PRODlJCTS, INC . 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 Fax (619) 449-7103 OCNC:J' Man,fad•~• of Broke and _c,,1<1, Podal Au, Master Cylinders . Slave Cylinders CNC, Inc. 1221 West Morena .. vd. San Diego, CA.'921'10 (619) 275-1663 . Cuttihg and Sta~ng Brakes Hydraulic Thro~s T~rottle Pedals and all of our accessories. Send $3.00 for Catalog Metal Fmishing ~ Media Blasting ~ Powder Coating .Couteooti'ngs.Com E-Mail CoutCootings@SBCGlobal.Net Painting Services Auto, Marine and RV Jim Gregerson (949} 492-9037 (949} 492-9038 (FAX) (949} 412-3208 (Cell) 227 Calle PintDn:sco San aemen~ Ca 92672 FLOATER REAR ENDS'• t'RONT HUBS • AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS • KNOCK OF.f HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane • Templeton, CA 93465 Continental Lan & Investment Corp. B 17 ,unh II"~ 95. Lake 11.,asu C11y. AZ 86404 , ____ ..__ CELL: (928) 486-9 145 OFFICE: (928) 764-5263 lance~t havasus l LANCE CRAMER Associate Broker•

Page 53

OFFICIAL llACE FUELS FUEL OF NASCAR 1 (800) 54-COSBY COSBY OIL COMPANY, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA St'>e'f and Cosl<lnl Pistons Available. •• STOCK • FULL RACE• TRANSFER CASES cc millJJn.filllfil. ® 9 § lffi.mtceftllll~ PJIIJPfilllfil.§§§ft@IID.§. 18273 Grand Ave. #6 rqnq1 R7A-1 RRq Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 ( 951} 678-1669 9446 Bond Avenue El Cajon. CA ~l MatthewSdimolce Phone 61-561 l Fax 6l~"IU Toll Free SC0-637-.'!!!0<J MA TTHEW@CUSTOMDECALCOM Speeializiag ill ... .... ._ .. Swtacmde• Rewlaad J'ertla ·-•-1a 111>4S Jllapwn44 KNbler Automade Paru 8 Sbop $.errie# A Yllllable BEST SERVICE IN THE WEST <iOD~!.~~TV..., KYMCO .,.oTa•■..aaT■ ATVS SCOOTERS IIOTORCYCLES NEW USED CUSTOII ---------Coty, SIiiy, ■ke, Cllllt REPAIR SERVICE 11et & Gruel Awnue FABRICATION SUSPENSION 1180I N t11t Av PNrla, AZ 115345 PARTS l ACCESSORIES ,.~SMI FAX~ RACE PREP l FUEL Toi FtM: -.145-0434 CUSTOII RIINO FABIICATION WWW.DUEltffOVZATY.COII DUEltffOVZATYOlfOTIIAIL.CO■ . ~-~: ~~//DEREK NYE)/' /:. '. 755 West rt" St. Unit E Cc»ta Mesa Ca 9U>'27 / --- . , ie~ g~g.sqe,as33 r.x: gqg,sqe,es3q e-mell: derekn1, Tum Bngz PrlvntE LnbEI Custom Bag Dulgns m ~@tiW1J tive & Decorative Coatin 1835 John Towers Ave. #A · El Cajo!'7 GA 92020 (61~) 448-3932 Fax (619) 448-3662 Get The Wor .. Out Abo"t Your Business, Big Or Small. Put Your Business Card Ad In The Good. Stuff Directory. Ota PBRl'ORMDCE 1558 No. Case• Orange, CA 92867 (714) 637-2889 • Fax (714) 637-7352 We use & recommend Rr\<:INI; ENlilNfS, TRANS"'IISSIONS r\NI> OFFROr\O PARTS · Send o~l for our new catalog SS.00 1543 1/V.. 16th Street Long Beach, California 90813 RAY BAYLY (562) 432-3946 (714) 540-5535 CELL (562) 833-2804 FAX (562) 432-7969 Fuel Safe's Custom & Standard Fuel Cells are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the safety standards set by all racing associatio11s. For your local dealer ~ call (8~)433-6524 ~ Racecars Pre-runners Dualsport Fabrication & Race Preparation 8843 Wintergardens Blvd. • Lakeside, CA 92040 Office: 619.390.9055 FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING NEEDS! "l-&77-477-7746 RACING CYLINDE HEADS & ENGINE l4bH SO. SAN!A II AV£.• VIIIA. U 910&4 TOLLFREE(888) 340-8979 . PH /FAX 1760) 717-1127 ::i!ll: = HONDA YAMAHA $SUZUKI s&~• : . : . . . n·----------- ---------I I l I I I I BILLY ROBERTSON (818) 766-6134 (800) 800-6134 FAX·(818) 766-9397 BILL ROBERTSON & SONS, INC. 5626 TUJUNGA AVE. NORTH HOLLYWOOD. CA. 91601

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MOTORSPORTS Trucks, Buggies, Parts, Service & Fabrication OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. Todd Arthur (760) 788-0019 ART KAWAGUCHI I PO Box 3944 3532 EAST 3RD ST. Fax 323-264-2136 Ramona, CA 92065 LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 323-264-5858 HLJSTLEEE:~ concePTS g.,, EAJA 5HOP (since 1967) Ar:::ICE Cr:::IRS PAE ALJnnEAS r:::IL-.LJmrium WCIAH SPECl=iL-.IT..,_. Jesse Rodriguez PH: 714-997-0701 Fax:714-997-0758 714 N Lemon St, Orange.CA. 92867 JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner' ~II•~~~•~~•~~ I Ll~L•~• IL~ I · Quality Racing Transaxles Mendeola Dealer Off Road - Sand Specialist JOE GIFFIN 3061 E. La Jolla St. #I Anaheim. California 92806 (714) 632-1240 Fax (714) 632-1223 Email: www Mike Julson 9426 Wheatlands Court Santee, CA 92071 619-596-3360 619-596-3364fax J_lr,~evez George Jimenez Se Hob/a Espanol RACING ENGfN£g COMPLETE ENGINES • PARTS & DYNO SERVICE 535 E. Central Park Ave. Anaheim, CA 92802 Tel: (714) 535.5116 Fax: (714) 535-5816 JON KINNE 520 Railroad St., Corona, CA 92882 Tel. 951-278-2233• Fax: 95 l-278-8335• KAL OFFROAD RACING Metal Fabrication ~~~~:=--'\ ...... Custom Suspensions KurtLarmee (805) 466-4101 ---8408 K El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 Derek Kreger PH: 114.289.9048 Fil: 114.631.1854 1214 N. Parker Unli #3 Orange. CA 92867 HUSliJ~lfflB9 For Very Few Dollars A Month Your Ad Here Can Increase Your Sales By A Bunch Call Dusty Times 818-882-0004 POWER E STEERING THOMAS E. LEE LEE MFG. CO. 11661 PENDLETON STREET· SUN VALLEY, CA.91352 FAX(818)7118-2687 (818) 7e&-o371 A full line of~ StNring gears, pumps and accesaories for any type of racing. Magnaft1,1x and Zyglo facilities available. •custom Chassis *Race Prep *Aluminum Work *Welding Engineering *Magnaflux FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 (909) 596-5497 FAX · KENT LOTHRINGER p~ RACING ENGINES Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 Race Seats • Restraints • Storage Bags Window Nets• Limit Straps• Tie Downs 11433 Woodside Avenue• Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455 • Fax: 619/449-9454 YOUR OFF-ROAD Catch, us on the Net! SPECIALISTS/ PHONE: (714) 441-1212 FAX: (714) 441-1622 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CA 92806 MIKE MENDEOLA 290 Trousdale Drive, Suite I & J Chula Vista, pA91910 (619) 691-1000 24 Hour Fax (619) 691-1324 Todd Dwyer 1900 Compton Ave. Suite 101, Corona, CA 92881 Phone (951)817-0101 Ext.156 -619-562-5533 Off Rood Fabrication and Design • Sand Cars • Trucks •RoceCars • Prerunners • Rally Cars • Custom Function/Strength/Safety/Pride Made by Hand in the USA JOHN MOSELEY Owner/Fabricator 236 Jason Court Corona, CA 92879 951-272-3026 Fax 951-272-0TT6

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#OlllTON FABRltATIOMtom IIAOECAl&S l'IIBI...-U DUAl._._7S CHAI~ 4HNMM ~ IIAO /1111!1', IIB'AIIS 661-974-7961 MSD" Mr.3~f1L Jt.i~f■ ■l,W:/! t••4"'J! • YOUR COMPLETE IC3NITION SOURCE l,f';Jlll(lN', • 111',fft'l-llllfll~', • Wll~f ', • l•I V ( (Jt~lltlll ', AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION 1490 HENR Y BRENNAN D R .. EL PASO . T X 79936 19151 857-5200 • TFr.H LINE 19151 855-7123 • VISIT OUR WEB SITE: TUBE BENDERS ¼" TO 3" 0.0. Capacity Models Starting at $279.00!!!! M-TECH SUPPLY TUBE BENDERS • PIPE BENDERS • TUBE NOTCHERS RING ROLLERS • COLD SAWS • ABRASIVES 4B0-726-2B76 Race Preparation~ Custom Fabrication~ Mig & Tig Welding~ Aluminum Body Work M !~ Off-Road Race Services Shop: 714-893-8106 15222 Connector Lane Fax: 714-893-8123 Huntington Beach, CA 92649 www.m OFF-ROAD RACING NORB offroad superstore HEIM JOINTS - WELD IN BUNGS - TABS BUSHINGS - JOHNNY JOINTS HIGH MISALIGNMENT SPACERS ' ,, IN STOCK-RIIADYTO SHIP WORLDWID• ~~ 1-888-755-5900 ~-. ifif Dune Buggy Parts Race Car Parts Foreign Car Parts @cit<dl New Truck Acc. Dept. Custom Machine Work & Fabrication ml$ID' 1 (800) 231-8156 mi JP)JP) Il y 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, AZ 85365 (520) 783-6265 • FAX (520) 783-1253 For A Few Bucks You Can Increase Your Productivity 818-882-0004 Call Dusty Times For Details UIBliJ~IIBG 1951.360.5906 951.360.0436 fax . ' 800.700.2350 3834 Wacker Drive Mira Loma, (A 9175Z ~~~BR °rurt~tt· (ijfiii,j~, Sizes to rat most ATV .. ~~-~✓ & AUTOMOTIVE applications POLISHED & COLORED FINISHES SCALLOPED OR CONVENTIONAL Reinforcing Rings Also Available Phone - (951) 354-8272 WWW .QMfPERfQRMANCE. com ~ ,~~(ghf'[~@"itl SAFETY EQUIPMENT MAXON, MOTOROLA, ROADMASTER, VERTEX RADIOS BELL, SHOEI, SIMPSON HELMETS IN STOCK WIRING FOR RADIO &/OR l"'TERCOM STILL ONLY S 125. -2888 GUNDRY AVE. * SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 , 562-427-8177 I 800-869-5636 W ■ A R --c1"f . -1 Fralcv s Pc-rfornianc~ i.:n~nee.ring ' ~ENHRfD ABRICATION, INC 1660 Babcock. Building B Cosio Mesa. CA 92627 TEL 19491 650-3035 FAX 19491650-4721 w-.p•nltallfab,com JenyPwlhal • All Types ol Steel Cl Aluminum Fabrication • Tube Beadinc • Aluminum Cl Steel W.ldinc • Custom Machine Work • All Types ol Race Cars ·4851 W. Hacienda 14 Lu Vegas, NV 89118 Bruce Fraley 702-365-9055 PLAYTECH FABRICATION 3031 E. Coronado St. Suite E, Anaheim, CA 92B06 Phone: (714) 238-1179 Fax: (714) 23B-1183 Pre,,s,on Todd Francis Phone: 360.887.2000 • Fax: 360.887.7279 John Gould PROTRUCK RACING ORGANIZATION A High Performance Spec VB Race Truck Series "The True Driver's Class" Protruck Sales and Promotion Website: Email: iel: 619-39CMS252 Fax:619-390-6470 14402 Bond Court 'El Cajon, CA 92021 · r

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Hi-Performance Equipment Suspension • Safety • Drive/ins • Accessories (619) 691-9171 (619) 691-9174 (619) 691-0803 (FAX) 103 Press Lane, Suite #4 Chula Vista, CA 91910 e-mail: I I I HRCING ENGINES Building SCORE winning engines 619.420.2233 45 Broadwaij Chula Vista. CR 91910 II ,EIFPIIIKCE• TIIKSIIL ES Southern ca1nom1a·s &a111est Dlstltblltor el Mendeol■ Tnnsules PH: 114.680.6131 • Fl: 114.680.3110 Toll Free: 800.304.8126 1631 Placentia Ave. Unit G Anaheim. CA 92806 RANCHO DRIVETRAIN ENGINEERING Tony Selva, Jr. 27598 Commerce Center Drive Temecula, CA 92590 l'HONE 951 .676.6569 FACSIMILf 951 .676.1141 tse lvo@ro nchod rivetra in. com s11ec1111r•1 •= -s••••• -Ill 112-a1-IH -11■11111 ....... ,. -A■III will get you in gear M Iii 5.PI •rll #Ii l11'111111,llffla 11112 JIIII U.llllal (1121 221-4113 QuAUTY ISNT &PENSIVE, Ir's PRICELESS! VALIIE TRAIN PRoaucrs .. CUSTOM HEAD WORK 760/94B-469B • FAX 760/94B-4B56 llilnllniV.RDVALVESPRIIVG.CDIVI Barry Beacham 1021 Calle Sombra - Unit A San Clemente, CA 92673 Office 949-361-4388 Fax 949-361-4352 A Tatum Distributor fiii/ SANDERS SERVICE, INC. ' L~ METAL PROCESSING 5921 Wilmington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 (323) 583-2404 FAX (323) 583-3965 SANDBLAST-GLASS BEAD-MAGNETIC PARTICLE FLOURESCENT INSPECTION MARKSMITII LAMY SMITII LAURA For The Price Of A Phone Call And A Few Bucks A Month Your Ad Could Be Here 818-882".'0004 RICHARD S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOTH HCR66, BOX 11030 P.AHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV 89048 (nS) 372-5335 TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821-(714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 JOB SITE SIGNS •BANNERS• \WIDOW LffiERll,G • C,\R LETTERING • GRAPHICS SQUEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101 Galway Circle • Hunt1ngto1 Beach CA 92649 (714) 897-0075 • Fa, [7 141 694-9567 I SPECIALTY ~Ree ~rep RACE CARS -TRUCKS • f2re--~"""ers • S,nul Cars • CKstom f 1161'K11ticm 16743 Parkside Ave. Cerritos, CA 90703 • SKspe"sio" Up11rws/~esu," • Sltoch z;,mi"'l/~e6Nit,ls • e"'li"e/z;ransmissio" Up11r""es Travis Fletcher (562) 802- 1404 ~ Craig Stewart I Phone: 619-449-9728 F<ro 619•449-?6711 I C.11:619-~ I Fabrication & Race Preparation I I I I 9419 Abraham W(FoJ ~ I Santee, C.A 92071 · Sales & I I~:=~~;:, Service 1 ._,_...,,... ____________________ I -----~-~-~ ------Straigl1t ,i ;-~ Aluminum Wheel Straightening 31510 223rd St E. Tim Baker Llano, CA 93544 661.261.3202 ---■ IIACEFUEI.S Paul Oil Company (209) 847-2281 (800) 527-6090 FAX (209) 847-9726 PO. Box 248 • 524 N. Sierra Ave. "WESTERN DIVISION Oakdale, California 95361 2180 College Drive • Lake Havasu City • AZ. 86403 Call Toll Free: 877-627-8852 or E-Mail: ·• Hi Performance Converters Custom Length Axles • • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed Hubs • (for Race & Recreation) Input Shafts • American Made Excellence!!

Page 57

~"--RACING BATTERIES .............. Batteries • Alternators • Brackets • Pulley's • Battery Boxes Chargers• Cable • Misc. Electrical Accessories 2046 Fairhope Loop, Vista, CA 92081 Business (760) 734-1678 Fax (760) 734-1323 E-Mail: - -~ /S. * Off-Road and Bolt-On to Street Fiberglass for: "Ford, C~evy and Toyota" Trucks * Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1261 N. Bu.a \'Isla St. , Heaet Ca. 92543 PII: 951~4-7334 Fa: 951-65'-2375 See a list of our pnNI~ our welt site: http:// .... off-roadlilterglas.m• I RANSAXLE ENGINEEltiNG JEFF FIELD (818) 998-2739 9763 Varlel Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 TIIDlll~D:llrL.'E ----~ TEL: 114.526.5820 FAX: 7M.52&.5840 Kevin Pirtle 22545 South Normandie Ave. Torrance, California 90501 310.782.2413 fax 310.782.3772 ~/ ransworks ~_Q PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES . ~ AUTHORIZED MENDEOLA DEALER ERIC LAUNDRIE STOCK & CUSTOM 24752 VIEJAS BLVD. SAND• STREET* RACE DESCANSO, CA 91916 (619) 445-3135 (619) 596-8033 1 000 W . Bradley, Unit a El Cajon, CA 92020 Carlos Orozco VP Racing Fuels, Inc. West Coast Region P.O. Box 1319 34283 Monte Vista Wildomar, CA 92595 •Q,o/ity 1111/s & Prod11cts for Motorsports• W,hsit, · www.,praciagf111ls.ca11 KELLEY HENDEL Regional Manager Office:( 951) 674-9167 Fax{?Sl! i74-7367 Email: Do You Need To E X p A N D Your business Horizons? For Lots More Exposure Call 818-882-0004 Adam Wik SCORE ENGINE BUILDER OFTHEYEAR 994J1998.1999,2000 From Parts To · comr>i.le Engines Jl75 W. Teco AN. Unll I, l.lS VaQU. NV 19118 702-837-2522 • ~ . <!lili'milW~ ... ~ front & Rear Tr.1ilinl.:::;:;ts Sutpt.tKion Specialiil • Cu51om ~« & Pl~ Buggy Chasm A-Ann front Ends • Bum Front Enck 9608 N. 2Ut Dt. Phoenix, AZ 8S02t Jade Woods 602-242.0017 fax 602·242·'283 Race Cars Dune Buggies Lorenzo Rodriguez Baja Bugs Transmissions -Parts - Service - Welding 'v.W. -Por.;che -Nissan - Toyota - Honda 850 S. Alta Vista Ave .. Monrovia, CA 9 1016 (626) 305-RACE (7223) • (626) 357-6629 Fax www., RRCE PREP SHOP • BUlililES • TRUCHS • SRnDCRRS •SHOCKS • rRE·1WlmERS • FRBiUCRTIOn 818) lf26-226U = ~~, l'"'-.-· •. 1 ,., Ffl>W> ~r ·:'~ ;t~ ,.. , ... ::,, )r World Leading Motorsport Transmission Manufacturer 11 Dakar Rally Victories 17 World Rally Victories 6 AMA MX/SX Championships Xtrac Inc 6183 West. 80th Street Indianapolis IN 46278 email: \< x' ; ~, • Tel: (317) 472 2454 '383' Baja aass 1/1 sequentlal'transaxle Trophy Truck solutions available for Lead Customers M .GOM

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Classified ... Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Read-ers are advised to consult appro-priate local or state authorities for information before purchase of any specific item. FOR SALE: Alumicraft 4-seater, turbocharged 2.5 liter Subaru, Mendeola Trans. Fox coilovers, Autronics electronics, V.D.O. gauges, CNC, 24 gallon fuel cell, Mastercraft, Centerlines, Magnaflow, Roadmaster radio with 4 link P.C.I. intercom system, Alpine XM stereo. Stereo. Street legal (registered in Arizona). Lots of spares. Removable racks, etc. $65,000.00 Days (661) 259-4845, nights and weekends (661) 253-9728. Ask for Mike. FOR SALE: Ex-Roger Mears Chevy Trophy Truck, King Shocks, Jim Horn 650 HP, 441 small block Chevy engine, Chrisman rearend. Well main-tained. Single seat. $110,000.00. Call for details (619) 654-6423. (619) 864-8729. FOR SALE: Baja Beast 4 seat race/prerunner, Brand New LS2 V8, Fields Auto Transaxle, Tig welded 13/ 4" chromoly chassis, Kartek sealed hubs, Fox shocks, 25" travel front, 22.5" rear, 35" BFG projects, Aluminum Body, Windshield with wiper assy .Etc. See Pies at Call Jim@ (661) 974-7961. FOR SALE: New in July 2005 Jimco 2 seat Class 1. 500 Race miles + 150 test miles. Car, mo-tor, Transmission prepped. 3G's 6 Hella Hids, wired by Prowire, Redline Race motor that dyno's at 430 hp & 430 Tog at rear wheels, Fortin 4S Kenwood 110 w-best of everything on very low mileage car. Like new $189K or (858) 243-3827. FOR SALE: Outlaw Racing's 1992 Ford F700 16' Box Van, In-dustrial 460 Belly Boxes, Work Benches, Tire Racks, Shelving, Tool Racks, Only 60,000 miles. Excellent Condition, Set up for off-road racing. $6,500.00 OBO. Call Mike at (619) 445-1245 or Kevin at (619) 992-9164. FOR SALE: Custom LS6 based 383 built as race motor by Ken Major. Blue printed oil pump, HTC Ultra series crank & rods, JE Pistons & rings, AFR heads, ARP studs, best of everything! Electronic & wiring harness by Oanzio Perf-plug & play.•Dyno'ed at 530hp & 505 -Great for prerunning. $13K. Call Tom@ (858) 414-2735. FOR SALE: CORR PRO-2 FOR SALE: Probst Chassis. Won CORR Race in 2005. One Race weekend on Race Prep Services, RPS Prep. Complete Truck. Ready to go test or Race. $135,000.00. Call RPS (949) 361-4388. email . FOR SALE: CORR Superbuggy, Chenowth Magnum, FAT Toyota, Mendeola, Fox Shocks, 5 link Rear, Parker Pumper. This car is fast, 3'd overall CORR points, Race Ready, BFG's on Centerlines, Many spares, Two bodies, Fuel Safe, Electromotive. Lake Havasu, AZ (928) 855-0330. $37,000.00. FOR SALE: 2001 long travel dual-sport 5 seater, North Star V-8, Kings with bypass, Mendeola 4-S transmission, Howe Rack, Baja TA's, 7" OPS Roof Rack, PCI Radio, 4 pas-senger intercom/with headsets, very reliable and priced to sell $59,000.00 OBO. See addi-tional pictures at This car has been very well maintained and is ready to go! Contact Randy@ (760) 877-0863. FOR SALE: 2004 Foddrill 4 seater, UMI, LS-6 motor, runs on pump gas, Albins 4-speed Trans. Big Fuel Cell, Fox Shocks, PCI radio & intercom, HOWE rack, HID lights, Baja TA's, OPS, Street legal, Proven & Reliable. Low miles. $110,000.00. Contact John Herder@ (520) 429-7223. FOR SALE: Super Buggy Fat Rabbit, 091 box, PCI radio, Willwood disk, Power steering, turning brakes, Beard Seat 930 CV's, 300M, Bead lock wheels, a lot of extra pasts and tires. Two axle Trailer, new tires with tire rack and boxes all lockable. All for $11,500.00. I also have a new Rabbit back up motor SK in it make offer. (209) 772-0215. FOR SALE: 05 Bunderson 2/ 1600 car, 6-bypass Kings rear 3-bypass Kings front, Folts Tranny, Wiks dual port motor, micro stubs, Disk brakes, Parker Pumper, MSD ignition, Big oil cooler, Mastercraft Seats, Wright rack & pinion, Momo steering wheel, Centerline Wheels, Fresh prep $35,500.00 (702) 768-2395. FOR SALE: 1998 JIMCO Single Seat Class 10 or 1, less motor. Fresh Bilstein Triple Bypass Coilovers, Fresh Prep Mendeola MD5 Speed, Soltek H.I.D. Electric Actuator Lights, BTR Wheels, New BFG Baja TA's, PCI radio, 8 spare wheels and tires, radia-tor and motor mounts for Toyota 10 motor. Ex Jolsen/ D.Jeffries car. Past SCORE class 10 champ. Very Proven and well taken care of. $38,000.00. Call Larry Brown @ (661) 332-5540. FOR SALE: Tatum Class 1 '06* LSZ 427 600 & hp. Mendeola HD 4-S, King Coil & bypass 4" on rear, Type 35 CVs, 6 lug hub, 1 ¾ axles, Walker Wheels, BFG tires, Howe steering, color OPS, Kenwood radio in car camera, adjust lite bar, 6 vision 8" & 2 vision 6", 65 gal cell, 1000 miles on car, 300 miles on motor, top of the line equip. Prepped and ready to race. $120,000.00. Rick (602) 762-7616. FOR SALE: 7 5 Dodge SWB, Class 8 Sportsman, or pre-runner, highly modified, low gears, off road only, 440 c.i., Hemi grind cam, headers, 4 core radiator, 12+" travel, posi traction, 4W disc brakes, hy-draulic bump stops, totally 20pt caged, 3000 RPM stall converter w/727 H.D. , 35 gal fuel cell, 5 pt harness, race craft seats, light bar, BFG, quick remove steering wheel, NASCAR type steering dou-bler, many extra parts, xtra wheels, tires, runs excellent w/ double axle trailer. Not a show truck, serious OFF ROAD ONLY. Stored for 10 years. A genuine steal and lots of fun for only $6,000.00 complete. Portland Oregon area. Smitty (503) 654-3207. more 1000 Results ••• Elsinore, Calif/Randy Blevins, Garden Grove, Calif, Honda CRF450X, 24: 10:S"l, 4 Stephen Stenberg, Chula Vista, Calif/Eddie Zeller, Coronado, Calif/Eric Hingeley, San Diego/joey Lane, El Cajon, Calif., Husqvarna TC, 25: 12:09; 5. Kevin Johnson, Henderson, Nev/Greg Bruning, Carlsbad, Calif/Russel Pereira, Reno, Nev., Honda CRF450X, 25:39,42; 6. Ernesto I nowe/Leonel Ruvalcaba/Victor Gomez/). David Ruvalcaba, Ensenada, Mexico, Yamaha WR450F, 26: 10:23; 7. Antonio Morales, Sergio Morales/Oscar Malinn, Ensenada, Mexico, Honda CRF450X, 33:06:01. (7 Starters, 7 Finishers) CLASS 20 ( 125cc)-l. Charles Schnell, San Diego/Chris Steward/Nancy Emde, Cardiff, Calif/Tony Runer/Mike Welsby, New Zealand, Yamaha WR250, 27:27:37 (38.16mph); 2. Chad Erl/George Erl, Huntington Beach, Calif/Graham Gustin, Costa Mesa, Calif./ Ryan Grandon, Huntington Beach, Calif., Husqvarna TC250, 27:44,42. (2 Starters, 2 Finishers) CLASS 30 (Riders over 30 years old)-!. Gerardo Rojas, Vicente Guerrero, Mexico/ Jorge Hernandez/Francisco Septien, Ensenada, Mexico, Honda XR650R, 21:32:38 (48.64mph); 2. Ron Wilson, Encinitas, Calif./Scon Myers, Sun City, Calif/Steve Garnen, Carson City, Nev./Tim Morton, Escondido, Calif., Honda XR650R, 21:36:50; 3. Kevin Smith, Pomona, Calif/Dale Morse, Anthem, Ariz./ChrisStewart, LaVerne, Calif/Doug Imhof, Alta Loma, Calif., Honda CRF450X, 22:28:46; 4. Brian Pinard, Wildomar, Calif/Taber Murphy, Wenatchee, Wash/Sergio Vega, Ensenada, Mexico, Honda XR650R, 23:41:50; 5. Darin Hecker, Grants Pass, Ore./Ken Hutchison, Medford, Ore/Carlos Mix, Ensenada, Mexico, Honda XR650R, 25: 16:49; 6. Fred Brown/Tommy Tomlinson/Peery Brown, Rural Retreat, Va., Honda XR650R, 25:36:46; 7. Gary Stuck/Harold Bliss, Mesa, Ariz/Chris Farrel, Ridgecrest, Calif., Honda XR650R, 27,06:06; 8. Stephen Stenberg, Chula Vista, Calif/Mitch Sanchez, Campo, Calif/Shad Bodenstadt, Descanso, Calif./Jerry Jones, Alpine, Calif., •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in === • ~ Classified Admt~ing ute i, only $25 fod5 w!l ~~~t !~~~;dm, and phone numb« Add $5.00 fot use of uus5,~ilDG ■ • black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. 2006-07 : REMEMBER -CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED - YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED • IN A TIMELY MANNER. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Enclosed is$ _____________ (Send check or money order, no Cash) Name_____ _ ____________________________ _ Address-------------------------------------------~---------------City --------------------------------------------------------------State _____ Zip __________________ Phone ______________________________ _ Please run ad times Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 ISSUE DEADLINE January 07 Dec 8, 06 February 07 Jan 5, 07 March07 Feb 2, 07 • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page ss December 2006 Dusty Times

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Class 8 Truck New F250 body. (Fresh Prep). All the best parts._ Patton 432 650 hp. Drysump motor. Steve Cohene C6 A.D.M. knock offs. C.N.C. Brakes Hby power. Chrisman Gears Axels Strange 3rd member. King 4" & Bypass shock. ATL 80 gal Fuel Cell. Take it all. 8 Truck E Semi. $110K, Call Eric (702) 592-1993. FX (702) 592-1993. Email FOR SALE: 2004 Porter Score-Lite, 2-Seater, Fresh Major Motor 1835, Mendeola MOS, 930 C .V.'s, King Shocks, PCI Radio In-tercom, 7" color GPS, Howe, CNC, BFG's, Centerline Bead Locks, Nu-m e·r o u s s p a r e pa r ts , 4 Hella's, Removable light rack. Race prepped, ready to race, $62,000.00.-obo. Contact Ruben. (909) 376-55 51. seii yoVB ,vehicles, equipment and bits and pieces right here! pustY Times has the reader-shiP you're looking for so fill out the form on the opposite page Husqvarna TC510, 27:30: 34; 9. Octavio Valle, Guadalajara, Mexico/Luis De La Fuente, Hermosillo, Mexico/Guillermo Gomez, Guadalajara, Mexico, Honda XR650R, 28:25.: 16; 10. Jeff Good, Huntsville, Utah/Travis Good, Emphraim, Utah/Jeff Perry, Salt Lake Ciry, Utah, KTM XC525, 28,58:57; 11. Rob Seubert, Colton, Calif/Craig Whited/Travb Schmidt, Oregon Ciry, Ore., KTM EXCS25, 29:08: 17. (15 Starters, 11 Finishers) Cl.ASS 40 (Riders over 40 years old)-1. Jim O'Neal, Chatsworth, Calif./Tim With-ers, Pepeekeo, Hawaii/Jeff Kaplan, Newberry Park, Calif/Randy Morales, Prescott, Ariz./ Tom Willis, Las Vegas, Honda XR650R, 21:28:45 (48. 78mph); 2. Scott Atchison/Greg Hat1ser/Larry Collins, Bakersfield, Calif., Honda XR650R, 23:44:02; 3. Gary Holmes, El Paso, Texas/Ryan Armitage, Las Cruces, N.M., Jeff Keeler, Deming, N.M., Honda XR650R, 38:46:34; 4. Julio Abril, Ensenada, Mexico/Enrique Flores, San Diego/Rodolfo Sanchez, El Cajon, Calif., Honda XR650R, 39:52:19. (10 Starters, 4 Finishers) Cl.ASS 50 (Riders over 50 years old)-1. Jim O'Neal, Chatsworth, Calif/Doug Heil, Monrovia, Calif./Mike Sixberry, Bullhead Ciry, Ariz/Robert Hansen, Carson City, Nev., Honda XR650R, 26:34:47 (39.42mph); 2. Doug Smith, Upland, Calif/Gene Dempsey, Hesperia, Calif/Charlie Marshall, Carmichel, Calif/Sam Dempsey, Van Nuys, Calif./Dana Reed, Shingle Springs, Calif., Honda XR650R, 29:30:38. (6 Starters, 2 Finishers) CLASS 60 (Riders over 60 years old)-1. Donald Lewis, Marlborough, Ct., Jim O'Neal, Chatsworth, Calif./Michael Harper, Landers, Calif/Paul Lussier, W. Greenwich, R.1./ Arthur More, Surprise, Ariz., -Honda XR650R, 31 :27:43 (33.30mph). (2 Starters, I Finishers) PRO ATVs Cl.ASS 25 (over 251cc)-1. Danny Prather, Ramona, Calif./M ike Cafro, Carlsbad, Calif./Levi Marana, Hemet, Calif./Marc Speach, Warner Springs, Calif., Honda TRX450R, 22:37:46 (46.30mph); 2. Jeff Hancock, Salome, Ariz/Joshua Edwards/Kirk Schreier, Phoe-nix, Honda TRX450R, 24:27: 16; 3. Josh Frederick, Moapa, Nev./Tony Baker, El Cajon, Calif/Shane Strunk, Phoenix/Michael Swift, Can-Am Renegede, 24:55:54; 4. Alex Camanini, El Cajon, Calif/Carmen Cafro, Vista, Calif/Earl Thigpen, Murrieta, Calif/Allen Fox, Alpine, Calif/Scott Prather, Ramona, Calif., Honda SRP650, 25:04:37; 5. Wayne Matlock, El Cajon, Calif/Chad Pruit, Laveen, Ariz/Keith Little, Russelville, AL/Wes Miller, Costa Mesa, Calif., Honda TRX450R, 26:48:04; 6. Josh Fink/Kevin Thompson/Jason Miller, Phoenix, Honda TRX450R, 30:29:29; 7. Carl Penny, Prescott Valley, Ariz./Tony Bowden, Glendale, Ariz/Branden Sims, Prescott Valley, Ariz., Yamaha Raptor, 31:41:29. (9 Starters, 7 Finishers) CLASS 24 (under 250cc)-1. Richie Brown, Dahlonega, Ga., Honda TRX450R, 39:22:45 (26.61mph). (!Starters, !Finishers) SPORTSMAN OVERALL SPT CAR-I. Greg Hukari, Genoa, Nev./Todd Welling, San Carlos, Calif/Christopher Thompson, Las Vegas, Lothringer-VW, 36: 13: 17 (28.93mph). (10 Start• ers, 2 Finishers) OVERALL SPT TRUCK-No Finishers (8 Starters, 0 Finishers) OVERALL SPT UTV (660cc, 4-wheel utility vehicle)-No Finishers (6 Starters, 0 Finishers) OVERAL SPT M/C>250cc-Carlos Gonzalez, Navojoa, Mexico/Javier Hernandez, Obregon, Mexico/Eduardo Rosas, Huatabameo, Mexico, Honda CR450X, 24:55:54 (42.03mph). (52 Starters, 32 Finishers) OVERALL SPT M/C<250CC-Jun Okawara/Kenji Oikawa/Yasuo Umemura, Ja• pan, Yamaha WR250F, 35:28:36 (29.53mph). (2 Starters, 2 Finishers) OVERALL SPT ATV-David McCarroll, Danville, lnd./Eric Lemley, Rockport, W. Va/Brett Callen, Lakeside, Calif/Travis Dillon, Spring Valley, Calif., Honda TRX450R, 30:56:04 (33.87mph). (17 Starters, 7 Finishers) Dusty Times FOR SALE: 2006 HMS Avenger, approx. 350 race miles, car is ready for Baja 1000 or 2007 sea-son, 600 HP Redline LS2, Fortin with torque con-verter, Kings, Mastercraft, Dual Digital dash, much more, check for more info. $185,000.00. Contact Jim Anderson (775) 691-7166 or Darnen Jeffrey (760) 948-2898. FOR SALE: Brian Couts built Trophy Truck, SCORE Teched, Fresh 7 20 R.C. Performance engine, Culhane Turbo 400, Kings Shocks, fully prepped and Race Ready. Call for de-tails. Tony Murray (714) 642-6889. FOR SALE: CORR Single Buggy, 2003 Brue's Metal Works chassis, Fox Shocks, Real Wheels, CNC, Kartek Hubs, Howe Steering, Mastercraft. Car is race ready. $25,000.oo Call 262-966-9800 or e-mail questions to I aso n@ro lli ngth E>LI61Nb.66 OPPOQ. TLINITlb.6 Mac Tools is a division of The Stanley Works, an interna-tional S & P 500 company. For more than 60 years, Mac Tools has been one of the world's most recognized and trusted brands in the profes-sional automotive tool indus-try. We are seeking new dis-tributors throughout Orange County & surrounding areas to sell high quality automotive equipment and tools to profes-sional technicians. We offer: Outstanding brand recogni-tion, Complete training, Con-tinuous field support, Speci-fied unique territory. Call Mike (949) 361-8133. 6..tv1Fl...0Ytv1b.NT HELP WANTED: Aluminum Fabricators, Welders and Prep assembly for growing Orange County Shop. Pay according to experience. (714) 435-0113. EXPERIENCED ONLY, FAB-RICATORS AND ASSEM-BLERS needed for fast grow-ing Off-Road shop. Fax re-sume to (760) 947-5871, e-mail resume to 'Desert Dyna m or apply in person at 1097 5 G Avenue, Hesperia, CA 92345. NO PHONE CAL IS PLEASE. Help Wanted-Race Car Fab-ricator/Prep Person: Must have experience in race car fabrication, set-ups and maintenance. Ideal candi-date would know tig welding, tube bending & sheet metal. Would also be designing and fabricating new ATV prod-ucts for PRO ARMOR. Con-tact Alex at (951) 270-0559xll. Go to for great deals on parts & accessories! INDb.X TO AD\/b.Q. Tl.:>b.Q.6 Aircraft Spruce ................................ 50 All Road Communications ............... 46 Baker Precision ............................... 46 BTR Racing Wheels ......................... 40 C&D Fabworks ................................... 4 C&R Racing ...................................... 45 Coast Casinos ..................................... 9 Competition Air ............................... 51 E&J Wireworks ............................... 59 Eibach Springs ................................. 27 fabtech ............................................ 51 Fox Racing Shox .............................. 31 Fuel Safe Racing Cells .................... 28 Harrah's Laughlin .............. Back Cover lSCO ................................................. 48 Kar Tek Ott Road ............................. 19 Kawaguchi Honda ............................ 29 KCHilites ........................................... 2 King Shock Tech .............................. 29 light Racing Bump Shocks ............. 32 McKenzie's Performance Products. 13 Michael James Insurance ............... 45 Mesa Hose ....................................... 26 Mojave Desert Racing ..................... 34 Nevada Off Road Buggy .................. 20 Pacific Customs ............................... 39 Parker Embroidery .......... : ............... 12 Parker Pumper ................................ 24 PCI Race Radios ................................. 5 Pike's Service Center ...................... 10 Pro Desert Sonora 200 .................... 44 Racer Off Road ................................ 11 Race Ready Products .............. , ....... 35 Racer X Motorsports ....................... 15 Ram Proline ..................................... 50 Ronco Plastics Tanks ...................... 30 Sakata ............................................. 43 Bill Shapley Engines & Transaxles. 48 Skyjacker Suspensions ................... 33 Soltek light Systems ...................... 16 Team Gordon Race Wheels ............. 22 Transaxle Engineering .................... 21 Valley Performance ........................ 49 Vision X ........................................... 36 Wizard Schools ................................ 42 Automotive electrical experts with over 15 years experience specializing in off-road wiring for your race, pre-runner and sand vehicles. E&J Wireworks LLC 2865 Progress Place Suite 2B Escondido CA 92029 December 2006 760-738-WIRE (9473) Page 59

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