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2006 Volume 23 Number 10 Dusty Times Magazine

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1 volume 2s • Number 10 • October 2008 S2.SO ISSN8750•17S2 •~•~~~~•~~•~M••••• 5-DIGIT 91311 DUSTY TIMES 20761 PLUMMER ST CHATSWORTH CA 91311- 5003 11, I .... ,II, ,II ,..,II,, ,11,1, I, 11 .. , 11,,.., 11 .. 11,,.,, 1111 .. , I s~rving The OFF Road community__ 1=0, 2~ Years covering the world of competition in the dirt ...

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Volume 23 -Number 1 o October 2006 Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing P:it Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors Scott Bottomley J. Preston Bradshaw Jim Culp Mike Del Col Nicole Del Col Steve Hilton Victor Gazca Martin Holmes Rod Koch Byrle Moore Ste\"e Ruddick Maurice Selden Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham IHI 8 Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Sub-scription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTI TIMES: (ISSN 87 50-17 3 2) is published monthly by Hill-side Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite IA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copy-right by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of thi~ publication may be reproduced without written permission from the pub-lisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to Dl JSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. snapshot of the Month ... Imperial 300, 1989, and Jim Knight lost the rollover battle to gravity. No matter, he was up and running again in a few minutes. DUSTY TIMES will fean1re pictures of similar "ninnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. D~STY TIMES will pay $10 for the picnire used. If you wish the photo renirned, enclose a stamped, sel!-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8xl0 will be considered In This Issue ... FEATURES SCORE Las Vegas Terrible's Cup II by Judy Smith ................................... 8 25t1, OMV ADAC Rallye Deutschland by Martin Holmes ................. : ..... 16 SNORE 37t1, Annual KC Highlights Midnight Special by John Calvin ......................................................... 20 MDR Camburg 200 by J Preston Bradshaw ............................................ 26 CORR Lucas Oil Bark River by J Prerston Bradshaw ................................ 3 2 MORE Freedom 250 by Steve Ruddick ................................................... 38 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ............................................................................................... 5 Trail Notes ................................................................................................ 6 Baja Pits by Mr. Baja Pits ............................................................................ 44 BFGoodrich News .................................................................................. 45 BlueRibbon Coalition ............................................................................ 46 California League of Off Road Voters ................................................... 4 7 Good Stuff Directory ............................................................................. 48 Classified Ads .......................................................................................... 54 Index To Advertisers ..............................................•.••••••••...........••. 55 ON THE COVER Curt LeDuc split the driving chores with his son Todd at the SNORE KC Hilites Midnight Special, they took the Heavy Metal Class win as well as the overall,seen here before darkness fell. Photo by Martees Race Photos Back in the element he loves best, Robby Gordon was a power to contend with at the SCORE Terrible's Cup II in Las Vegas, he took the Trophy Truck Main event with ease and was generous in his tanks to the fans. T rackside Photo Visit Our Website at c5uhscr1"he :Joday lo DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$25.00 □ 2 years -$40.00 □ 3 years -$55.00 (no credit cards please) □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name ---------Address ---------------------City _____________ _ State Zip ---------------------Primary Interest Cars O Trucks O Motorcycles 0 Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian - 1 year $30.00 US ■ Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times October 2006 Page 3

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I ~ ~ ~ji ........ fnoo u1rn1[3 I O) ~ 3~ ID RACl,-,G ASSOCIATIOl"tl Separate courses for Cars/Trucks & Motorcycles/ Quads Five 54-ntile loops for the Motorcycle/Quad course. Three 85-mile loops for the Carl Truck course. Twenty minutes to Start/Finish from the ~. ·~r,0·~ £)~(&)-For ,-/-, SENTS I fh, Bat t{flll Bui STATE& HONDA Riders Cluh cf Aml!riaz Race Is On Saturday 10/14/2006 Both races run at the san1e time Hotel Reservations call the Trucks Motorcycles ..--.. Quads I : 3 --f3i ihl'ul a~ 0J =E=-~---::i-; -0--~ ~ W~ B /R..A.~I .... Gi ..A.SS<>~I..A.-rl<>...,. at 866-791-7626 I~ SHOWDOWN IN THE DESERT" Official Truck ~lmfflm~ RACING ASSOCIATION .. DO{f!i Official Racing Suspension Systems ~DM~= RACING ASSOCIATION OctoNr 13, f>.-oFFICIAL 14 15 200, R.ACIN<:ii FUEL , ~ ~l~~~Ps~M..\~ C)KC HiliTES Official Lights lo)~~ OF THE ~~r;;:;;1~ ~ u [ll]UC{lj~LJ RACING ASSOCIATION Please call for more inf or,nation GOOO,.,EAR Official Tire (D)R~ OF THE ~D~~ C ~ U DOOlfffil~U RACING ASSOCIATION BEST IN THE DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION 3475C Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 • (702) 457-5775 • 'Fax (702) 641-2431 • l\' Page 4 October 2006 Dusty Times -,

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200& Happenings ... (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.j. RICHARDS USA ]AN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) RAMON CASTRO & R1 IBEN ACEVEDO (61637/7 0034) P.O Box 8286 COLC>RADO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 10K FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 (All events staged at the club grounds in Cleves. Ohio) 4x4 FoREVER, LTD. 1665 DELAWARE ST. OSHKOSH, WI 54901 .AMERICAN RALLY SPORT GROUP, lNc. 3650 SOUTH POINTE CIRCLE, SUITE 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521-0597 EMAIL: .AMERICAN TRIALS ASSOCIATION A,VA OBSERVED TRiALs Southern California CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES BILL MARKUM -PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HOTLINE -(714) 562-7742 EMAIL: <> AsocIACION EsTATAL DE AUTOMOVILISMO SAM l..AsELL, TECH INSPECTOR APTO 42 SAN ]OSE DEL CABO BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL SUR. MEXICO AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CliAMPIONSlilP DARRYL SMITH 19 SOMERS ST. CASHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTRALIA DUSTY AuTOCRoss QuEBEC OFF RoAD Cuss JO CARS ONLY RENALD VAILLANCOl lRT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST I.AVAL Q11EBEC, CANADA H7P !T7 (450) 622-4440 BAJA Cur CHALLENGE December 9, 2006 Glen I-lelen Raceway 909-888-6919 BARONA SAND DRAG ASSN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 AU Races Are Night Races All Races At &rona Racewa), Lakeside, CA BBM MARKETING PROMOTIONS Off Road Short Course Racing & Special Event Marketing 4344 VALLEY V1Ew AvE. NORCO, CA 92860 (909) 340-64 74 BEST IN THE DESERT 3475 BOULDER HIGHWAY LAs VEGAS, NV 89121 702-457-577 5/FAX: 702-641-24 31 December 1-3, 2006 Henderson's Terrible 400 Henderson, NV B.O.R.E. BONNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING ENTERPRISES 341 W. 2575 N SUNSET, UT 84015 801-773-1651 BP MOTORSPORTS P.O. Box 411 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91365 760-578-6258/760-578-6259 FAX: 818-348-4648 E-Mail: A!! Events At California City, CA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGHTON, ONTARIO, CANADA KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR CumAUTOMOVILISTA]UARENSE DE CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD RACING 7210 GATEWAY EAST EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 0l l-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES < ...> To Be Announced Nor Cal Rally School Northern CA October 6-7, 2006 Prescott Rally (Coe( 2&3) Dusty Times NASA USRC & Regional Precos tt, AZ November 10-12, 2006 Laughlin International Rally (Coed 3,3&1) NASA USRC & Regional Laughlin, NV December 1-2, 2006 Reno Rally (Coef 2&3) Rally America National & Regional Reno,NY CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box 400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVE ADAMS (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DON ENGLEMAN (BIKES) P.O. Box 332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLAIRTON Hi-JACKERS I.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 Twr. LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 Short Course off Road Racing At Harrison County Fair Gi-ounds. Cadiz. OH CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICA SAN QUINTIN CALLE 6TA FRAcc Co. DE SAN Q111NTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HERACLIO PATINO (011 52 616-5-22-07) CLUB AUTOMOVILlSTICO SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road ENSENADA, BC, MEXICO CMC CONTINENTAL MoTOSPORT CuJB P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 FAX: (714) 367-1608 CODEOFFROAD CODE OFFROAD USA P.O. Box 2328 CALEXICO, CA 92231-2328 760-455-8069 USA 01 l-52-686-553-4087 MEXICO " October 6-8, 2006 Mexicana Logistics Mexicali 300 Laguna Salada, B.C. December 8-10, 2006 Race Ready 275 Ensenada-Mexicali-San Felipe CowRADo HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION BARB VAHSHOLTl, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 1-1 CORP P.O. Box 392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER 0l 1-52-65-66-4458 CORR LUCAS OIL SERIES 270 NEWfORT CENTER DR' S111TY 100 NEWroRT BEACH, CA 92660 866-501-CORR October 21-22, 2006 Chula Vista, CVA Pro Series CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, SUITE 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA EXT 42 FAX (818) 957-4435 D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 Happenings continued on page 6 INTRODUCING_ 110 Walts of Power 1160 Channel Alphanumeric I Waler Resistant I Mil Spec I Baja 1000 Proven ~.s ~~~...,..., ~~ .. ~ .r-w>~ ,...;, s:::::t:a "-1 was in Ensenada. and my crew in San Quinlin could hear me 150 miles awayl I need these in ALL of my lrucksl" -....::.11.. L....::.11..,.,,, 12'.tt=LL/E:O~ PROTRUCK WINNER. 2002 TECATE/SCORE BAJA 1000 _The best communication we've In over IS years of off road racingin -~~IBI......-~ TC'JP.G'~Y-1 Remele Head apHan evallable. Call for details. 800.869.5636 562.427.8177 • Fax 562~26.3589 WWW.PCIRACERADIOS.COM 2888 Gundry Ave. • Signal Hill, CA 90755 October 2006 Pages

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Trail Notes ... RAL FLAG: ALMOST -We are pleased to report that our ace porter, Steve Ruddick, who was literally at deaths door a short 1ile ago is now home and recovering nicely from defibrillator implant surgery. Steve's heart actually stopped for some seconds in the ER but he is back amongst us now. We certainly wish Steve a safe and speedy recovery and he'll soon be out there covering the MOR and MORE races for your reading enjoyment. You can send your good wishes to Steve at NEW SERIES -Hot off the press. A new off road sanctioning body has been formed. The name is "World Series Of Off Road Racing". Planned headquarters for the new series is Crandon, Wisconsin. An office will be located in downtown Crandon, separate and distinct from Crandon International Off-Road Raceway. Offices will also be maintained in other geographical areas of the USA Crandon was selected as the location due to its status as home track for most of the best short course off road racing. This series will include off road racing classes presently referred to as "Pro" and "Sportsman". The addition of new classes will be reviewed. "Crandon Classes are scheduled to be part of the World Series and will race a portion of the 2007 schedule. The World Series intends to run a minimum of eight races featuring 16 rounds of off road racing under a "Points Chase" format in the greater Midwest. 14 track locations have contacted the "Series" or have been contacted by the Series. All tracks are being evaluated. Four 2007 race dates have been signed. The Series is currently exploring national television options and programming. Both Pro and Sportsman racing is being considered. Doug Davis, promoter of Crandon Raceway events is presently serving as Managing General Partner of the Series. Additional staff will be announced. Davis said "We feel a tremendous sense of urgency to launch a meaningful series in the tightest time frame possible. Substantial progress has been made in a very short period. The response to the World Series Of Off Road Racing has been enthusiastic by racers and potential sponsors. The current mailing address for the "Series" is: P.O. Box 99, Crandon, Wi 54520. NEW DRIVER - Billy and Bobbi Worthing are pleased to announce the birth of their first child, a boy, William Sean Worthing. He went through Technical Inspection at 6 pounds, 11 ounces. Congratulations, may your son have a long and healthy life. NEW ORMHOF MEMBERS -The voting committee for the Off Road Motorsports Hall Of Fame is pleased to announce five new inductees into the ORMHOF. In ceremonies on August 26, 2006 at the National Automobile Museum (The I la1 rah Collection) the following persons were inducted into posteriry. Bob Ham: Bob was the co-founder of the California Off-Road Vehicle Association (CORVA), he helped to re-establish the Barstow To Vegas Motorcycle Race and, in 1983 he created the Off Road Vehicle Legislative Coalition that united all California off road organizations into a single lobbying effort. Clark Collins: In 1987 Clark founded the Blue Ribbon Coalition, serving as Executive Director from 1988 through 2006. The BRC boasts 1,100 member organizations representing approximately 600,000 off roaders. Sal Fish: Presently the long time Presidentaud CEO of SCORE International joined with Mickey TI10mpson in 1974. Sal reorganized the Class Rules, implemented new safery procedures and Sal made the Baja 1000 into one of the most recognized motorsport events in the world. In 1985, Sal brought some uniry to the sport, a combined series with Walt Lott and his High Desert Racing Association (HORA). Sal and Ted Johnson, CFO, purchased SCORE from Thompson in 1986 and HORA in 1993. Macey L "Corky" McMillin -Corky, well known and liked by all that knew him entered the 1976 Baja 1000 with his son, Mark. They dnf d but became passionate off road racers and won just about every major race on all the schedules. Corky built his construction business into a giant, he was one of the largest developers in the country and he sponsored many events for Best In The Desert and SCORE and with the MOR Superstition Series, still racing at the ripe old age of 76. Unforrunately, Corky passed away in September, 2005. Ivan "Ironman" Stewart. Probably the most famous name in off road racing, Ivan has won 82 major desert and short course races, 10 points championships: he won the Baja 500 17 times!, the Mint 400 eight times, 3 Baja lOOO's and 4 SCORE World Championships. Ivan began desert racing in 197 3, won 26 races in the ensuing 10 years and was voted SCORE Driver Of The Year four times. Ivan drove Toyota Trucks for Cal Wells in the desert and stadium events. Not just a driver, Ivan is the founder of the Pro Truck Racing Organization, racing as a separate class with SCORE, BITD and at the Pikes Peak Hill climb. Dusty Times heartily congratulates these new members of ORMHOF, their corrtributions to our sport and our way of life is well recognized. BIG THANK You -Curt LeDuc threw a rod in his diesel tractor 1aulin' up to the SNORE Midnight race. He called a friend who ame up to Victorville with another tractor and Curt went on to Vegas and won the race. Bemoaning the fact that he had no tractor to haul his truck to Bark River, Michael De Haas, KC Hilites Prez, offered Curt the use of the KC tractor. Michael took Curt back to Williams, Arizona, KC Hilites home and Curt drove the rig back to Cherry Valley and then on to Bark River. Curt finds it impossible to put his feelings into words so we're trying to do it here. Michael, you've pushed the helping a friend boundary to the limit. Thaaaaaaaaanks. TIYOTA TRUE GRIT AND MILESTONE AWARDS - Following 1ree of five races in the 2006 SCORE Desert Series, 26 ofSCORE's oughest drivers are still in the race to earn 2006 SCORE Toyota Milestone Awards, In addition, three of those racers could split this year's $12,000 SCORE Toyota True Grit Award. These racers will now join over 200 entries to compete in the 11th Annual SCORE Las Vegas Primm 300. Page 6 (206) 339-9079 (All events at H,mnigan race track, BeUmgham, WA or Tiumton Coimry ORV Park, Olymplll, WA) DAKAR RALLY DARREN SKILlDN BAJA Ai JTOMOTIVE AovENn )RES 455 E. OCEAN BLVD., StnTE 208 LONG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 DFCATIJR FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB DECATIJR, TX 76234 ToMALLEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MoTORSPORTS 1863 COMMANDER ORNE LAKE HAVASI I CITY, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 EASTERN OFF-ROAD RACING AssN. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LtNE Ro.-.o WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 ENSENADA BAJA OFF RoAD RACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX Oll-52-646-1818989 Eus10 Oll-52-646-1715230 AARON Races for buggys & Motorcycks EsrER.oBEACHINrERNATIONAL Short Course Racing VtCTORIA GAUNDO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO 0 ll-52-646-176-6230 FORDA FLORIDA OFF RoAD DRIVER 's As:svcIAnON )ASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Apr, Ma), Noo at Davidson Raceway FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 1855 PARKWAY DRIVE S EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/959-579-615I FAx GOlUlA GEORGIA OFF ROAD RACING A&SOCMnON 420 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA GREAT PLANES OFF RoAD RACING ASSOCIATION TtM HODGE (402) 991-6048 SconMORROW (816) 792-2126 (AU races are short cmme, stadium sryle Classes -Sportsman, 1/2-1600, 5 1600, Sport Truck, Quads, Tough Truck Nebraska Race«,a) Park, Exit 420 on 1-80 between Omaha and Lincoln.) For latest info check <> HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING 2000 W. QUINCY AVENIIE #B ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 303-806-8062/303-781-0974 fax OOERNATIONAL lcE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 Si. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDDOR (612) 937-3816/FAX 474-2769 INTI:R-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 }EEPSPEED 1826 N. Windes Orange, CA 92869 714-538-7434/ fax 714-633-1724 All races for Jeepspeed 1,2 & 3 Jeeps~ Chal/enge Septe r 30, 2006 MOR Lucerne 250 Lucerne Valley, CA December 2, 2006 BITD Terrible's 400 Henderson, NV 1/:.epspeed 3 Series tober 13-15, 2006 Las Vegas 300 Las Vegas, NV December 1-3, 2006 Henderson's Terrible 400 Henderson, NV KAMLooPs BRONCO BusTERS Whispering Pines Sports & Recreation Center P.O. Box 465 l<AMLOOPS, BC, CANADA VZG5L2 DALE NYESTE (250) 579-8039 TONY (250) 554-97801. Craig Byers (250) 376-8466 LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS & OFFROAD EXPO (626) 961-3782 <111·w111•> <> L.I.T.R.E. )EFF ELROD (408) 926-0522 )IM MUTA (408) 247-4402 MAMARRITA ()pp ROAD RACING WIS CARLOS ALVAREZO PANAMERICANA AVE #5105 Co. JUAREZ, CH1H., MX Oll-52-1637-1799 Round 4 of the five-race 2006 SCORE Desert Series will be held Sept. 8-10, in Primm, Nev. Toyota is presenting these prestigious awards to the world's toughest desert racers for the 21st consecutive year. The Toyota Milestone awards go to those drivers who finish every required mile of every race in the five-race 2006 SCORE Desert Racing Series, the World's Foremost Desert Racing Series. The $12,000 SCORE Toyota Truce Grit bonus purse will be split among the point champions in the non-factory supported classes of Class 1-2/1600, Class 5, Class 10 and SCORE Lite. With no eligible drivers in Class 5, a total of 11 drivers in the remaining three classes remain in the running for the 2006 Toyota True Grit bonus purse. After three races over rugged desert terrain in the U.S. and Mexico, 26 racers in 9 classes are still in the hunt for 2006 SCORE Toyota Milestone Awards. Heading to Primm, the series has covered 760.63 dusty desert miles. SCORE Trophy-Truck, Class 1 and Class ½-1600 lead the way, so far, with five racers each still eligible for SCORE Toyota Milestone Awards. The final winners will be decided at the legendary 39th Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 (Nov. 15-18). Racers who completed every required mile for the season after three rounds in the five-race 2006 SCORE Desert Series-*SCORE Toyota True Grit Classes. SCORE Trophy Truck -BJ Baldwin, Ed Herbst, Bob Shepard, Cameron Steele, Alan Pfleuger. Class I -Gary Weyhrich, Randy Wilson, Brian Parkhoouse, Martin Christensen, Richard Boyle. Class 1/2-I 600 - Sammy Ehrenberg, Caleb Gaddis, Brian Burgess, Daniel McMillin, Arturo Velazco. Class 3 -Donald Moss. Class 5-1600 -Brent Shermak. Class 7SX -Noe Sierra. Class IO -John Cooley, Billy Gasper. SCORE Lite -Tim Noe, Stan Potter, Ken Stroud, Vic Bruclanann. ProTruck -Gus Vildosola Jr., Jason Voss. CRANDON SEPTEMBER '06 -Scott Douglas, of El Cajon, CA, had a huge day scoring a third place finish in the Pro 2 race and dominating the Pro 4 contest over a very fast and talented field. Exhibiting the form that made him the 1997 BorgWarner Shootout champion, Douglas, in a Ford, passed early race-leader Adrian Cenni and then held-off the late charge of the Toyota's of Rick Huseman and Johnny Greaves, securing his World Championship ring in one of the closest races in recent Crandon Raceway action. After a dazzling display of bumper-to bumper racing, October 2006 MicmGAN BUGGY BunnERS DUNE BUGGY TRADE SHOW (517) 543-7214 <> MICIDGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSIDPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 )ONES ROAD GRAND LEDGE, ML 4883 7 (517) 627-6200 Motorcycles, Quads, ATVs and Pilots onl) MAORA MID-AMERICA OFF ROAD ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 664 GREENUP, IL 62428 (217) 235-6528 E-MAIL: <> October 21, 2006 Lincoln Trail Motorsports Park Casey, IL Endurance Points Series October 22, 2006 Lincoln Trail Mororsports Park Casey, IL MDRRACING 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE SotJTH EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/FAX626-579-6051 2006 California Championship Series September 30, 2006 Lucerne 250 Lucerne Valley, CA *November 11, 2006 Stoddard 250 Barstow, CA • Double Points • Night Race MDR PRODUCTIONS 2006 Superstition Championship Series All Races at Plaster Ci[J OHV Area October 28, 2006 Superstition 250 December 31, 2006 The Bud Lite Dash 200 • Night Race M.O.R.E. MOJAVE OFF Ro AD RACING ENTHUSIASTS P.O. F\ox 1231 BARSTOW, CA 92312 760-253-4453 MOREKARTEK Off Road Gold Cup Series MSBA MicmGAN SPORT BuGGv ASSOCIATION DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. FUNT, ML 48506 (810) 730-9221 MoTOWEST WINTER TRIAI.S SERIES BILL MARKHAM (909) 860-1857 <> All events at Perris Raceway (At Reed Valley with a sclwol) NATIONAL Muo RACING AssN. RT. #l -Box 380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN PALATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFF TRUCK AssN. BUTCH CHAPIN MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS 1404 f.AsT 3RD STREET HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NOORA GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAIL <> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Spring Valley Racewa), on route 518, 20 minute.< SW of Lisbon, OH) (Thunder Valley located 15 minutes from Spring Valley) NoRTHERN Omo OFF RoAD RACING ASSN. GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 OFF RoAD EXPO 2006 (626) 599-8622 OFF RoAD RACING AssocIATION VOLUNTEERED SERIES PRESIDENT - GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD l rnANON, TN 3 7087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REr -J/2-1600 Dusty Times

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.. BRIJCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP. -9 & UNLTD. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OuTLAWREr. DON PONDER (314) 631-8190 (AU Races at Wheeling m the Omncy 900 Acres) Omo OFF RoADERS !Ne. 1427 GOSHEN HILLS ROAD S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 jIM KENDEL (216) 339-4674 AU races held at Harrison Councy Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO OFF RoAD RACERS ASSOCIATION RICK TICHBOURNE, PUBLIC RELATIONS (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) OUTLA w SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. LOUIS, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/FAX: ((314) 631-1921 P ACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP 49 5 N. CoMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <> PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS R ouGH RIDERS OFF RoAD RAcING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 875-7591 PRO 1600 SHOOTOUT COREY GOIN 559-647-6132 GOINRACIN@HOTMAIL.COM PRoTRuCK 14402 BOND COURT EL CAJON, CA 92021 619-390-6252 October 13-15, 2006 Las Vegas 300 Nevada November 16-18, 2006 Baja 1000 Baja, California, Mexico December 1-3, 2006 Henderson's Terrible 400 Henderson, NV PURE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box 50 RICKETTS, IA 51460 (712) 679-2221 RALLY AMERICA October 20-21, 2006 Lake Superior Houghton, MI TBD Reno Rally Reno, NV RocK CRAWLERS A ssocIATION O F AMERICA P.O. Box 1406 RIVERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/FAX: (801) 253-3176 SAN DIEGO SHORT C OURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New Se,-ies lry Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro Tnu:ks, Desert Tnu:ks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Tnu:k < ...> (858) 571-5088 SAN DIEGO OFF RoAD EXPOSITION (888) 836 7918 SCCA RoADRAilY P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-2055 <www> October 20, 2006 TBA GTA October 21, 2006 TBA NC Topeka, KS October 22, 2006 TBA NT November 4, 2006 Covered Bridge OT Vennont National Road Rally Events October 20, 2006 Oz Has Spoken NC National Office Dusty Times Topeka, KS October 21, 2006 Over TI1e Rainbow NT Topeka, KS October 22, 2006 Yellow Brick Road NT /GTA Topeka, KS November 4, 2006 Covered Bridge OT NERVT November 11, 2006 TBANC Old Dominion Richmond, VA November 12, 2006 TBA NC Old Dominion Richmond, VA NC - National 0mm NT - National Tour GTA • Game Tour Ad.,,nturt SFX M oTORSPORTS G ROUP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE, Sum 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 FAX SCORE SCORE INn:RNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., Su1TE A CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 <> November 15-18, 2006 Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 Baja California to Baja California Sur, Mexico *Non-points special event SNORE SOUTHERN NEVADA OFF RoAD ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 270516 LAs VEGAS, NV 89127 702-452-4522 www.SNORERACING.NIT September 29-October 1, 2006 South Coast SNORE 250 Las Vegas November 10-11, 2006 Western Desert Championship Laughlin, NV (Avi) SONS OF THUNDER 4 WHEELERS RACE DIVISION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 MIKE MOORE· (224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS EXPO MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. Hacienda Blvd. #322 Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SCTA SOUTHERN C ALIFORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION & BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, !Ne. P.O. Box 10 OROSI, CA 93647 (559) 528-6279 (559) 528-9749 FAX <> SOUTHERN SHORT CoURSE OFF R OAD RACING ASSN. 4305 WOOTLARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (AU Races at EastbaJ RacewaJ, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box 706 November 4-5, 2006 Gila Bend Gila Bend, AZ December 2, 2006 Mexico ToYs FoR Tors (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 U NADILLA VALLEY SPORTS CENTER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <> VORRA VALLEY O FF RoAD RACING A SSOCIATION 920 HILLCREST STREET PLACERVILLE, CA 95667 530-622.0370 v:\\'\\' .vorra.co111 September 30-October 1, 2006 Short Course Prairie City, CA October 14-15, 2006 Short Course Prairie City, CA October 28-29, 2006 Short Course Prairie City, CA November 11, 2006 Drivers Meeting & Awards Banquet VICENTE GUERRERO OFFROADCUJB PROFO. CENOVIO GAMBOA 0ll-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 P.M.) WESTERN OFF RoAD RACING ASSOCIATION LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIAW HEEL To WHEEL OFF RoAD RACING PATRICK McGUIRE P.O. Box 376 Af:\A.MSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2325 E. KINGS AVENUE PHOENIX, AZ 85022 (602) 971-3730 <> Whiplash Desert Tour Trucks & .&1(J( 5 Nove 4- , 2006 Gila Bend Gila Bend, AZ December 2, 2006 Mexico Whiplash Desert *Bikes! A 1V s and **Mini&PW ** October 7, 2006 TBA *October 8, 2006 TBA ***November 4-5, 2006 Gila Bend Gila Bend, AZ ***December 2, 2006 Mexico WISCONSIN MOTOR.SPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTIVAL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 0sHKOSH, WL54901 (414) 688-5509 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 ZR. PROMOTIONS RENE MONTANO P.O. Box 2122 Calexico, CA 92231 Attention Race & Rally Organizers Lise your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your 2006 schedules as soon as possible for listing in chis column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule ro: 20761 Plummer Sr., Chatsworth, CA 91311-5003 October 2006 Trail Notes ... the top three finished less than two seconds apart. Douglas went on to win the Pro 4 race the following day and then won his second World Championship BorgWarner Shootout, capping a dominating weekend. In a day full of upsets and Cinderella finishes. It was a full weekend of history making moments, eight 2006 off-road World Champions were crowned at Crandon Raceway during the recent BorgWarner World Championship Off-Road Races. The famous Crandon track hosted a huge crowd of off-road fans eager to watch exciting Lucas Oil Championship Off-Road Racing. Up for grabs were annual Crandon World Championship rings, titles and Forest County Potawatomi bonus money during Saturday racing action. Rodrigo Ampudia, of Ensenada, Mexico, in his Papas & Beer Ford Pro-Lite Goodyear truck made off-road racing history by being the first Mexican national to ever win a race and World Championship title at the Crandon track over a field of 22 Pro-Lite trucks. The 21-year old Ampudia was the second youngest driver to win a World Championship title at Crandon. The youngest racer was Robbie Gordon, who pulled off the feat in 1989 at 18 years of age. He joins Gordon as the only rookie truck drivers to ever win a World Championship at Crandon. Ampudia's stunning victory on Saturday was capped with a standing ovation by the packed house as he accepted congratulations in Crandon's Victory Circle. "I am excited and very proud about this win and being the Pro Lite World Champion," said Ampudia. "It is an honor to take this World Championship back to Ensenada and all of Mexico," said the elated rookie. Ampudia went on to win the second round of Pro Lite racing the following day, scoring back to back wins In another stunning victory, Mike Oberg, of Eagle River, WI, led from wire-to-wire in his AMSOII./ Kumho/Rancho Chevrolet, to grab the coveted World Championship ring in the hotly contested Pro 2 race. No stranger to victory circle, Oberg has been an accomplished off-road racer for many years, winning multiple World Championship titles at Crandon in various classes. In 2006, Oberg moved to the Pro division. Oberg has now won four Crandon World Championship titles in four different classes-Single Buggy, Sportsman Stock Truck, Sportsman 2 Truck and now his biggest -the 2006 Pro 2 Crandon World Championship. "Mike has just about done it all in this sport," said Davis. "He is a poster boy for moving through the ranks of off. road racing, winning in everything he drives and now proving he is one of the top Pro drivers in the World." Oberg was the defending Sportsman 2 World Champion winning that title last year but moved up to the Pro ranks this season. The Sportsman 2 truck race was won by Dan Baudoux, of Hemlock, MI, in his CST BFGoodrich Ford. Baudoux won both Sportsman 2 events over the weekend. Dave Waldvogel, of Fond du Lac, WI, won the Sportsman Stock Tru~k ring, ; !so in a _Ford, bringing.home a World Championship title for firsr year sponsor Bendix as well as Toyo Tires. John Mason, Plymouth, WI, was the Super Buggy winner, scoring another World Championship for Goodyear. Craig Metz, Rhinelander, WI, held off a huge field of 29 other Light Buggies winning the World Championship for the class in his Kumho buggy. Mark Steinhardt, Rhinelander, WI, won the Single Buggy World Championship ring and defended the title he wo last season. Mark was the only racer to do so at the 2006 BorgWarner World Championships. Steinhardt repeated in Victory Circle on Sunday, scoring back to back wins. BAJA PITS RAFFLE - Baja Pits is running a Baja 1000 raffle. For $10.00 per ticket, the winner will win one paid entry to this years Baja 1000 in any class, all twenty pits for free and three, 55 gallon barrels of 110 Sunoco race fuel. All this for a $10.00 ticket. Race value is over $3,000.00. for the winning ticket. Tickets went on sale at the Primm 300 contingency Friday, September 8th and will continue until sold out or October 25th, whichever comes first. The drawing is at Grandstand Pizza in Santee, Ca. on October 26th. Tickets can be bought at various off road businesses thru out San Diego or at the Baja 1000 drawing on September 29th or by calling Carlos at US Wheels at 619-596-8033. His email address is CORR 2007 RACE SCHEDULE -Championship Off Road Racing announced their 2007 race schedule, as follows: April 28-29, 2007, Inland Empire, CA, May 18-20, 2007, Los Angeles, CA, June 9-10, 2007, San Diego, CA, *September 1-2, 2007, Crandon, WI, September 22-23, 2007, San Diego, CA, October 13-14, 2007, Inland Empire, CA, November 2-3, 2007, Las Vegas, NV. New for the 2007 season, most venues will feature one additional round of racing per weekend for the Pro 2 and Pro 4 Divisions. Saturday will highlight two rounds of Pro 2 and one round of Pro 4 racing in addition to a round of Pro Lite and Sportsman programs. Sunday reverses the format with two rounds of Pro 4 racing, accompanied by one round of Pro 2, Pro Lite and Sportsman competition. *Crandon evenr pending agreement on TV rights. SCORE PRIMM -There were 168 racers at the SCORE Primm event on September 9. The weather was good and the racing was just as good. When the dust cleared, the top two in each class are: Trophy Truck -Bob Shepard, Pete Sohren. Class 1 -Troy Herbst, Gary Weyhrich. Class ½-1600 -Adam Pfankuch, Brian Burgess. Class 3 -Don Moss. Class 5 -David Bonner, Kevin Carr. Class 5/1600 -Danny Ledezma, Mike Simpson. Class 7 -David Binns, Dan Chamlee. Class 7S -Tyler Fox, Mike Horner. Class 7SX -John Holmes, Jeff Lloyd. Class 8 -Nick Vanderwey, Dave Raimonde. Class 9 -Eric Fisher, Joe Castrey. Class 10 -Darren Hardesty, Doug fortin. SCORE Lite -Tim Noe, Chuck Sacks. Class 11 -Eric Solorzano. Stock Full -Mark Handley, John Griffin. Stock Mini -Rod Hall, Gavin Skilton. ProTruck -Gus Vildosola, Jr., Joe Bednar. Sportsman Car - I leather Bonnani. Sportsman Truck -Steven Looney. A full story with loads of pictures will grace rhe pages of the November issue of Dusty Times. Page 7

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WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS •s-•.■1 Goes Off Road At OFF-The Speedway By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Pat Dean had more troubles than a soul can bear over the weekend but he took the Class 1 main event win in his Bunderson Chevy. _ some practice, fine tune the handling, and go all out on Saturday at the last event. Egos apparently made it hard for some racers to remember that everything hinged on Saturday's last race, but that also made a good show of it. Robby Gordon took the win when it counted, he drove his great looking Chevy to the Main Event gold medal, seen here nicely airborne. The Herbst family was heavily involved in bringing the show to Vegas originally, and they were a big presence (of course, including the name of the event) here again, although, not as big as expected. Troy had seriously injured his Achilles tendon during an informal bas-ketball game some weeks before, Las Vegas, NV: SCORE took liberties with the Las Ve-gas Speedway dirt track again this year, and put on an excit-ing display of off road racing for a grandstand full of enthu-siastic spectators. The neat little din track, used mostly for Spring Car rac-ing, got remodeled inro a mile and a half of what SCORE called a "chunk of Baja", and then they turned a select group of trucks and buggies loose on it to give the spectators an idea of how exciting off road racing can be. They didn't actually use the dirt track, but ran around the outer edge of it, out beyond the frnce, and in the infield, on a course that included seven turns, two of them hairpins, day and Saturday) and the and he'd already missed the some moguls, some medium fourth heat for each class CORR short course event in sized bumps, one flying bump would be labeled the "Main Chula Vista, would miss this at the finish line, and a brief Event", and that would deter-one, and maybe more. He section of the paved parking mine the winner for the week-wasn't even at the race, but the lot. Almost every inch was vis-end. The other three heats had Truggy was there, and his ible to the spectators, except to be considered as very enthu-brother, Tim, was planning to that when it got dark, the sec-siastic practice sessions by the drive it. This was a departure tion beyond the north fence was racers. The Trophy Trucks had for Tim, who's been driving the hard to see, for the drivers as a different program. They were four wheel drive Ford Trophy well as the spectators. divided into two groups of Truck for years now, and wasn't Only selected classes were eli-seven, and each of the groups used to the way the two wheel gible to run at the event, includ-ran one heat each night. But in drive Truggy responded to the ing the Trophy Trucks, Class 1, addition, the Trophy Trucks throttle. He was having trouble Class 10, SCORE Lites, 7, 7S, got an actual Semi Main on keeping the rear end from com-7SX and the 1/2-1600. Races Friday night, wherein they all ing around on him. He pre-were never longer than six laps, raced at once, and finally, a dieted he'd be a "show stop-and when there were 14 or 15 Main Event on Saturday night, per", trying to keep the Truggy of them on the track at once, it and it was the Main Event that on course. seemed very busy. The program determined the weekend win-The pits were laid out in the called for most of the ner. So, the point was to keep parking lot of the race track, run two heats each night (Fri-the race car in good shape, get seemingly with plenty of space .-'------------------------ -for everyone. This year, know-ing how hot it had been last year, many of the teams had brought their wading pools, and, of course, most had their big fans running to cool the mechanics. There was an interesting dis-play at the edge of the Herbst compound. A bunch of little trucks, called "Trophy Kans" that looked like offspring from the Herbst race cars. They had Subaru motors, and kids aged seven and up can race 'em. ln fact, if they hadn't been paying attention they'd have had kids "borrowing" them all day long. The neat thing is that the kid's dad can fit in them also. The race cars at this event were all required to be desert cars, so they couldn't do a lot of modifying and no one could bring thei1 CORR vehicles here ro race. Shorter ties were al -lowed, and some adjusted theit shot ks, and a few of the bug gies. Bryan Freeman in particu-lar, added nerfbars. He'd taken a Lad tumble after touching tires last year, and didn't want to do that again. Cameron Steele was once again racing in multiple classes. This time it was Trophy Truck, 1600, SCORE Lite and 7SX (in his wife's truck). Not only that, but he was announcing a CART race at San Jose during Alan Pflueger did quite well for his first short course weekend, he ended up second overall in his Chevy Trophy Truck. Kevin Graves was second in the 1600 main and coupled with his Larry Roese/er ended up second overall in the Class 7 fracas, he's other 2nds and 3rds he ended up 2nd in class in his Jimco. seen here in his great looking Ford Ranger. •• A decent second overall in the Class 10 ratings went to Darren When all the dust and mud had cleared it was Chad Cummings taking A combination of 2nd's and 3rd's gave Pete Sohren the third overall Hardesty, seen here in his VW powered AlumiCraft._ the silver medal in the SCORE Lite category, driving his Cummings. position in the 7!!!£!!:Y Truck conte~ he's seen h(}_r'!_!!!._~~ Pages October 2006 Dusty Times

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Bryan Freeman had a great weekend, he took home all the marbles in the 1600 class, winning all the races, seen here acting casual in his Fraley. the day on Saturday, and was Experience. It was for the Tro-going to have to fly up and phy Trucks only, but that made back to make Saturday's show an impressive show. Robby in Vegas. Gordon had people lined up Festivities began on Thurs-for a block, waiting to get his day night with the autograph autograph on the event post-session on the Fremont Street ers. Once the autographing was Broe Ross took a heat win and he won the main event on Saturday in his neat looking Ford Ranger, seen here getting _airbo_ rn_e_. _____ _ done, they segued into the Pit Herbst team took the honors, Crew Challenge, during which followed by Bobby Baldwin, the crew had to change four and B.J. Baldwin, who had the tires on their car (two at a time) speedy folks at Brian Collins' and then fire up the truck, shop doing their pit work. without missing any lug nuts or Friday was given over to prac-leaving any loose ones. The tice during the morning and early afrer110011, and then there was a rest period before they let the paying customers into the grandstand area. They were also invited down onto the in-field to meet and get auto-graphs from the racers. Once again, this was a big hit. Racers and fans alike seemed to enjoy themselves. There were lots of youngsters in attendance, every one of them a potential future racer. The race program started at 7 p.m., with the first heat of Trophy Trucks. This was guar-anteed to get the audience revved up, because they could see Robby Gordon lined up near the back of the pack in his Chevy. He was going to have to work up through traffic. Marty Coyne jumped to the front of his Robby Gordon-built Ford, with Ed Herbst chasing him in his Ford. Gordon started sixth, but was fourth by the third lap, Continued on page 10 Jeff Quinn collected a win, a second, a third and a fourth in the Class 1 Cody Freeman wasn't too happy, he didn't win a race but his finishes When all was said and done in Class 7 it was Shawn Wanzek taking contests, he finished 3rd overall in the standings, in his Jimco-Chevy. did give him third overall in Class 1600 in his Winkler. 3rd overall honors in his Ford Ranger, seen her~just airborne. Dusty Times An Intimate Gem Adjacent to Bellagio, Caesars & Baily's @~ Flamingo & The Strip 1-888-227-2279 oorbary,i;:oar.icoi;oo,com. The Place Las Vegans Gall Home™ West Flamingo & Valley View 1-888-402-6278 go):loo.-.ik;i-1'in1;u;,;,m October 2006 Ask About Our Special Headliner Show and Roam Packages West Tropicana & Ar\~lle 1 •800-675--3267 Qtl(i;)n~inoccrn ~lwl..l'---1.........., C\ ,Y .. ,, Alta & Rampart 1-877-677-7111 $1.JOCO;;"'\:~lC,"l~nQ,C-O-m Page 9

Page 10

Tyler Fox didn't complete the first heat race, mechanical troubles, but he came back on Saturday and took the Class 7S win. and third on the next lap. But gap. Todd Wyllie, still running then he chased Herbst in vain. his Class 8 truck while his Tro-These were just six lap heats phy Truck is being built, was and Coyne and Herbst were third. That was fairly remark-just too far out in front. Coyne able, because he'd rolled it in took the win, then Herbst and practice and done a fair Gordon. Steele, in the first of amount of damage. Ed Stout, his many events, was fourth. who'd had to rent Jesse Jones' The second Trophy Truck spare truck, seemed to have a heat on Friday was actually the problem keeping it running, sixth event of the evening, and and dropped out on about the started at about 15 minutes be-fourth lap. And Scott Stein-fore nine, so it was dark on the berger had tried lowering his north end where there were no Ford and changing the shock set lights. When this group took up, but couldn't keep it aimed off B.J. Richardson got the forward. He spun several times, lead in his Chevy, which had a losing ground every time. Bald-set up that was completely dif-win took the win, Sohren was ferent from what he'd run in a second and Wyllie third. desert race. He grew his lead a The final event of Friday little each lap, while Pete evening was the Trophy Truck Sohren, second in his three "Semi Main", with all 15 of seater, tried vainly to close the them running. This was the Wecan;yal'ul selection o~ WELD-ON•TABS WELD-ON•BUNCS tE1MS & ROD EN>& . .3054 ~ VAL.LEY 1,'1.EW' BLll'D-, t\?!!M LA.S VEc.A.s;. ~ a9,oz TEL: ~:,,-49 Tl FAX: 70Z-B:T T-SZZ T In the Class lSX Class, it was Perry McNeil Jr. taking home all the marbles, he's seen here in his Ford Ranger. 11th event of the evening, but the audience was still all in the grandstands. It was 10 o • clock. This time Coyne got the hole shot again, but Gordon was right with him. On the first lap Gordon lost his brakes. He had to do a lot of down shifting to who the truck down in the cor-ners, and he was feeling the lack of tire tread. Coyne, and many of the others, were running the BFG Krawler (originally made for rock crawlers, but debuted on off road trucks a·t this event last year), which gave them a lot of grip. Coyne continued to lead, and Gordon fought val-iantly to catch him, but then lost ground in every turn. On the other hand, no one caught him either. B.J. Baldwin was steady in third, while behind SACo onAoad @) him various things happened. Steele spun and went over the berm in the finish line turn. Steinberger spun, Huffman got all crossed up and missed the finish line jump altogether. Pflueger had a good battle with Ed Herbst, and finally got around him. And at the end, Coyne had the win and Gordon was second, with B.J. Baldwin third. Coyne thanked Gordon for "the clean race", and went on to say, "To beat Robby is an honor for our team." The audience loved every minute of it. The second race on Friday night was for the 1600 cars, with 13 of them on the track together. Dave Caspino got a little off cours.e as he went over the finish line jump the first time in his Lothringer. He'd raken rhar line in practice bur in the meantime, rhe rrack workers had built a big berm right where he landed. It couldn't be described as a smooth landing. Kevin Graves, who's been racing the CORR events, was looking good, and moved up through traffic in his Jimco. Lisa Grint had some-thing wrong with her Bunder-son, and dropped out early. Steele, who was in front from the second lap on, went on to take the win. Burgess was sec-ond and Caspino, who finally got that landing right, was third. When they came out the sec-ond time, there was a lot of bumping in the infield turn, and Caspino emerged in the lead, with Graves second, Steel third, and Burgess fourth. They did a lot of passing and re pass-ing, and in the heat of battle, Graves got pushed sideways and lost several positions. Curt Geer had the lead on the sec-ond lap with Bryan Freeman second in his Fraley. Frank Puglia came off the finish line jump wrong, and the landing looked painful, bur he kept moving. At the end, Freeman took the win, Caspino was sec-ond and Cody Freeman (Bryan's brother) was third. Freeman was in a hurry to leave the finish line interviews, say-ing he'd "lost reverse in the first race, so I gotta go back and drain the oil -get all the chunks out." SI IPPING AVM• ABI E The miscellaneous small trucks were the third group to start on Friday night. There were 10 Class 7s, two 7S trucks and two 7SX. And in rhe 7SX group, Cameron Steele broke an axle on his wife's Ford, and parked ir for the resr of the -Page 10 October 2006 weekend. That lefr just Perry McNeil, Jr., in another Ford, ro make laps. He got some good short course practice in. In Class 7 Larry Roeseler and Broe Ross, both in Fords, did some pushing and shoving early in the race, while Shawn Wanzek got his Ford stuck on a berm. It seemed to take forever to get him off. The two 7S trucks, Tyler Fox and Aaron Gomez, were evenly matched, but only Gomez got all the laps done, to start the weekend with a win. Fox tore up his front end. McNeil, Jr., in 7SX, was also a winner, since he completed all his laps. Class 7 actually had a pretty fair race, and Roeseler took the win, with Ross in second place, and David Binns, another Ford, in third. There were eight Fords and two Toyotas in this class. When they came back out for their second heat on Fri-day, all the Class 7 trucks were there, but there was only one 7S and 7SX. It was dark by this time (9: 15), and some of the trucks had their lights on. Roe-seler went into the lead, with Ross chasing him, and Barry Karakas in third in one of the Toyotas. It was pretty much a single file race, and Roeseler took the win, with the other two following in order. Roeseler said it was "so much fun". But then, it always is for the win-ner. Friday's fourth race, at about 7:50, was for C lass 10 and the SCORE Lite cars, with only three cars in Class 10, and five in SCORE Lite. They started the Class 10s first, waited a few seconds and flagged off the SCORE Lites. Darren Hardesty put his AlumiCraft into the lead in the 10s, while Steele led the SCORE Lites in his Desert Assassin. He had Ty Godde pushing him in his Henry. The SCORE Lites had a good race for the lead, and also for third, while in Class 10 Dalke chased Hardesty and Ron McBeath, Jimco, chased him. Hardesty took the win, with Dalke, whose throttle was stick-ing on the last lap, second. Hardesty said it was "a lot of fun!", but later reported that he'd had a little shifting prob-lem. Steele took the SCORE Lite win, and Rob Martensen moved up to finish second in his Chenowth after Godde pulled off into the infield. For their second heat on Friday, it looked about the same, except that Chad Cum-mings got off the line first in the SCORE Lites, and Steele had to work a bit to get past him. Once he did, he went on steadily, to take the SCORE Lite win, and Martensen threaded through traffic to take second. In the Class 10 group, Hardesty led all the way and Dalke, who was driving with a not-yet-healed broken wrist, tried to get him. Hard-esty took the win again, and Dalke wondered if he could get him "with two hands." He was second. Hardesty, out of breath at the finish, said, "We were driving hard that time." In the dark (out on the north end) you can't see the bumps!" Continued on page 12 Dusty Times

Page 11

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Page 12

,. it easy for the spectators. and Teflon tape in the main jet. the announcers to figure out That was an easy fix, at least. who was where on the course. By now the wind was really Quinn stayed in front, with howling, and it had nearly Dennis Boyle, in a Chevy Lo-blown down the arch over the th ringer, in second place and finish line. Fortunately, it was Tim Herbst, in the Ford intermission time, and the Truggy, in third, driving it in a course workers took steps to race for the first time. Danny prop it up so it wouldn't tall Anderson was fifth in his Jimco. and crush some hapless racer. The Truggy struggled and fell Banners that had adorned the back, and then got tangled up infield on a purpose built with Pat Dean, Chenowth. "fence" were up in Northern Somehow, the Truggy was sud-Nevada somewhere by now, denly parked on the Chenowth, having been whisked away by and as he struggled to get free, the wind, and the dust was still he rolled it over. Once loose, .flying, but not directly into the the two went on, but straggled spectators any more. Ron Dalke didn't get a win until it counted, the Class 1 O main event, he took the gold in his Tatum-Honda. in at the back of the pack. The second Class 1 heat Quinn took the win, saying he'd came at about 9:45, with six kept it "smooth and clean", cars again. As they went The fifth race on Friday was the first heat for the Class 1 cars, which had six entries. Up in the grandstands it was windy, and dust and grit were blowing right at the spectators, making it a bit uncomfortable at times. Some, with small kids, were while Boyle finished second, through the infield turn the heading out. This race started and Rich Ronco, in a Tatum first time, Boyle had some prob-a few minutes after eight and it was third. He was last year's lem, apparently stalled, and was dark up at the north end. winner in this class. Anderson, then backed over the berm and Jeff Quinn, who had four lights whose motor wasn't running off course. Danny Anderson on his Jimco, took the lead. His right, discovered after the heat got the hole shot, and Quinn lights helped him see, and made that he'd had a tiny bit of moved up a second as Boyle ~~-------7 pulled out. Herbst lost a lap so m ehow, and Dean, who'd started near the back, was clearly pushing hard. With a clean main jet, Anderson's car was not only running, it ran beautifully, and he stayed in front to take the win. Quinn's turning brake stuck and boiled the brake fluid, making brak-ing sporadic. He finished sec-ond, and Ronco, his unique "eight into one" exhaust screaming around the track, was once again third. Dean was fourth and Herbst fifth, fol-lowed in by Boyle. On Saturday, they did the whole thing over again. The grandstands were a little less full, thanks to a massive traffic jam that affected anyone trying to drive through or near North Las Vegas. A propane storage facility had had an explosion on Friday during the races, and a 20,000 gallon tank had gone up. Traffic was a mess that Rob Martensen had a bunch of second place finishes in the SCORE BJ Baldwin didn't have the best of weekends but he did end up 4th Tim Herbst, subbing for brother Troy. had a so-so weekend, he Lite contests, he ended up third overall in class for the weekend. overall in the Trophy Truck bash, seen here in flight. finished 4th in Class 1 standings in the Smithbuilt Ford. Page 12 October 2006 Dusty Times

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night going home, with the 15 Freeway closed, bu t it was noth-ing compared to what it was like on Saturday when they not only closed it again , but then evacuated a two squar e mile area around the propan·e facil-ity, for fear that the 30,000 gallon tank n ear the burning o ne, would also go off. It did not h appen, and everything settled d own, but some folks apparently d ecided that they' d prefer n ot to sit in traffic for an hour and a half to get to the Speedway. Las Vegas Events and SCORE held off the start for 15 minutes to allow a s many as possible to get there, but they couldn't wait too long, because they had a time limit within which they had to get it all done. The schedule went the same way as Saturday's, so after the autograph session, they started the evening with the Trophy Trucks again. By now Gordon had repaired his brakes, the ra-diator, which had taken a rock in Friday's race, and put on some new tires, very similar to what the BFG drivers were run-ning, but, of course, Toyos. He had 37 inch tires on the front and 40 inchers on the rear. Aside from the tires, he said he was using the same set-up here that he'd run at the Baja 500 in June. Gordon got the hole shot and Coyne was behind him in hot pursuit. Pete Sohren ran third. He called his truck a "big old beast", and said it was heavier and had less power than the others. Wyllie got only into the third lap, and parked his truck, and also on the third lap Coyne slowed, his right, rear tire going flat, and smoking,. Gordon built a huge lead, with Sohren now second and Jesse Jones in third place, followed by Bobby Baldwin, and Coyne, who was limping around on that flat. Ultimately, Gordon took the win, with So"hren sec-ond and Jones in third. In the second heat, Ed Herbst got the hole shot, and wowed the audience by getting up on two wheels as he went through the very difficult Turn 3, which was not only a hair-pip, but also climbed a fence. He made it, but B.J.Baldwin took a hit, spun, and pulled off to the side of the track. Herbst went on in the lead, chased by Alan Pflueger and Albert McMullen in his new Chevy truck. He was a little worried about his transmission lasting the evening. Cameron Steele was last through Turn 3, his hood flapping after having booted B.J. Baldwin and then he pulled off for a while, but Cameron Steele was the big winner in the SCORE Lite races, he won everything, including the main in his Desert Assassin. got going again. all got through all the difficult Herbst stayed in front stuff all right, but then as they through the fourth lap, but headed out of the infield, past then he got stuck between gears the edge of the grandstands, and Pflueger went past into the around the fence post, and into lead. Herbst lost only one spot, the downhill, left sweeper and chased him down, so when where the dirt track turns to Pflueger goofed in Turn 5, pavement, someone messed up right before the checkered flag, somehow and a big jam up oc-on the final lap, Herbst curred. Cars went in all direc-squeaked past him and took the tions, some even turning in a win. Pflueger was second and circle and facing back into traf-McMullen finished third. fie, as they tried to get aimed The Main event went off the correctly and through the jam. line ar 10: 10, with only ten As they came around the trucks still running. Clyde next time it was still Freeman, Stout, Chet Huffman, Albert Burgess, Steele, and then McMullen and Todd Wyllie Graves had worked up to were the non-starters. Gordon fourth. Burgess and Steele were got the hole shot, with Herbst having a tight race, and on the second and Coyne third. Gor-next lap Steele had a little edge don was building a big cushion, as they went over the finish line and then Coyne pulled out, jump together, with Bryan Free-moving Pflueger up to third man still serenely running in place, and on the white flag he first place. went into second, with Sohren Freeman took the win with a behind him in third as Herbst big lead, Steele was second, and lost two positions when he de-Burgess third, followed in by veloped a left rear flat. Gordon Graves and Curt Geer. Free-took the win, Pflueger was sec-man said his run was trouble ond and Sohren was third. free, and he'd been in front all During the interviews Gor-the way and hadn't even had to don said it was "a great run for use any of his tear-offs. us. It's great to come out in The second 1600 event on front of these off road fans." Saturday was their Main event, Pflueger said he'd had a great and they went off the line at 9 time, even with a "little bit of p.m. Once again, Bryan Free-paint swapping", and he man went into the lead, with his thanked Kroyer Racing for his brother, Cody, in second place. motor. It was his first short Graves ran third, Burgess was course race ever, and he seemed fourth, and as they came to the surprised that he'd enjoyed end of the long straight next to himself. Sohren said his truck the fence, and just before the just "won't go at the start", but hairpin over the fence, "I got third, got some money, Cameron Steele got heavy I'm happy!" Gordon celebrated footed, somehow did a nose with a batch of donuts in the stand, and then went over, flat-dirt, which spewed dust every-tening both right side tires, and where and may have cost him a ending his race very quickly. fine, though who was to do the Freeman held his lead, while fining was not precisely clear. Graves tried to get around his Saturday's second event was brother. He finally did it on the 1600 heat with 14 starters. the fourth lap, and managed to Bryan Freeman went into the stay there to the checkered flag, lead, with Brian Burgess and though Cody Freeman was Cameron Steele in hot pursuit, working hard at getting back and then Cody Freeman, Brian around him. It was B. Freeman, Jeffrey and Kevin G'raves. They Graves and C. Freeman at the A bunch of seconds, a third and a win had Rich Ronco finishing in second place overall in Class 1 in his Chevy powered Tatum. finish, and Geer was fourth with Burgess in fifth place. The Freemans and Graves were the money winners for the weekend. The first Saturday small truck heat got off to a tidy start, but then as they headed out of the infield and onto the parking lot (the same place the 1600s slid around and got jammed up); Roeseler spun out and jammed things up, giving Ross a chance to build a big lead. It had either been watered too much, or it was slippery with gravel, because on the next lap Billy Manfroy spun in the same place. Ross built a huge lead, with Roeseler trying vainly to catch up, and behind him Karakas fought off a challenge by Binns. Someone rolled under the big Orleans sing on the north end of the track, and all that could be seen of it were its tires. Ross, who avoided all the hazards, said he "drove as hard as I could -pretty excited to beat Larry!" He got the win, followed in by Roeseler and Binns. In the 7S grou.p-i--t was-Aaron Gomez this time, saying he was "stoked", because he hadn't even been sure he'd get the truck ready to race, not to mention getting a win. Perry McNeil Jr. once again com-pleted the race, to be declared the 7SX winner. After he fin-ished someone pointed out to him that the truck rolled over at the start of the pavement was his dad. Apparently Perry Jr. hadn't recognized him up-side down. Sr. was o.k ... The final event for the small trucks started off with Ross in the lead and Roeseler right on his tail in the Class 7 ranks. Roeseler was having a problem with his throttle sticking and his brakes over-heating, a consequence of hav-ing run into the wall in the first race this evening. Still, he gave it his all. Ross and Roe-seler were all by themselves in front of the pack after Manfroy faded away. Shawn Wanzek moved into third, even though he was dragging a part of his rear suspension for the last couple of laps. Ross got the win, Roeseler was second and Wanzek finished third with only second and third gear left, and that broken up-link. In the 7S battle Tyler Fox led all the way, relieved to make it to the finish. He said he'd al-most rolled over, but he'd hit the barriers and they held him upright. And in the 7SX class, Perry McNeil got another finish, and the win, in spite of the fact that his exhaust was dragging. He said he didn't mind, because it "ran better that way." In Saturday's first Class 10/ SCORE Lite event, Darren Hardesty got a big lead right off the start, and there was Ron Dalke in second place, chasing him again. Robert McBeatrh was third. In the SCORE Lites Cameron Steele w@-nt into the lead, with Rob Martensen second and Godde third, but then Godde spun and dropped to last on the second lap. This was a parade, although Hardesty and Dalke were really going at it hard, they still fin-ished in the same order in which they'd started, with McBeath third. And in the SCORE Lites, it was Steele again, followed by Martensen and Cummings. For their Main event it was the same cast again, and they started out in pretty much the same order, except for some reason McBeath was at the very rear. He must have got banged around in the start melee. Hardesty took off in front and Dalke chased him. By the fourth lap Dalke was close on Hardesty, and when Hardesty didn't get the finish-Continued on page 14 Fourth place overall in the 1600 category went to Curt Geer, he's Perry McNeil drove his Ford Ranger to a fourth place overall in the Not the greatest weekend for Ed Herbst, a 2nd and a 1st place finish seen here hustling to the flag in his Lothringer. ____ Class 7 contest, he's seen here at takeoff. in Trophy Truck, but he ended up 5th overall in his Ford. Dusty Times October 2006 Page 13

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Brian Burgess really flew his Bunderson at Vegas, he was 5th overall Sixth overall in t~e 1600 contest was Cory Boyer, he's seen here in Seventh overall finisher in the 1600 class was Brian Jeffrey, he's in the Class 1600 class at the end of the weekend. his Lothnnger flymg to the checkered flag. seen here landing his Dunrite on his way to the flag. line turn just right, he got into turn first, and led the final saying, "I'd be happier with a was once again Steele in front, the course." It was Steele, Cum-soft berm, and Dalke, right on lap, to take the win, with better win," and Hardesty and this time he had Chad mings and Martensen in the his tail at that point, couldn't Hardesty coming in second. As said, "I shouldn't have let him Cummings in second place, and money. stop, and slid into him, push-they climbed out of their cars get so close." McBeath was Martensen in third. Steele said The Class I cars fielded ing him deeper into the soft for their trophy ceremony, third. the course was "technical, slip-seven starters for the first berm. Da-lke got out of the Dalke apologized to Hardesty In the SCORE Lite group it pery, hard to keep [the car] on event on Saturday, adding SAFETY EQUIPMENT • SA2005 Helmets • Racing Suits, Gloves & Shoes • Seatbelts • Head & N eek Restraints YOUBSAFB: & COJfJlUNICA'/IONS 8011BCB 619-258-RACE (7223) • Color Displays • 5" to 10.4" Screens • Handheld & Panel Mount Options • MapCreate Software & Accessories XCELL9 • 41 lh Gallons · SCORE/FIA Legal • Exclusively Manufactured by Fuel Safe • Sending Units &Accessories Available INTEROOIIS FOR RACING &RECREATION • Sand Car, Desert & Kits • Hi-Fi Headsets • lleadsets & Wired Helmets • Auto Mute Faature • Music Interface Available • Full line of Fuel Safe Products Available • COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS • SAFETY EQUIP~ENT Page 14 • Sand Oat. Desert & .Ra4le Radios • Ba.%8-tatio:t,. Kits (for CII.Illping or Race~} • Sfu>rtilolll'lie Spotter'Kits andFim Scamtel'S ♦ &oe ~ .e r&ekages •· • 5 to llOWatts of Power • Display KOOL AIR111 BLOlQRS &I • 105, 135, 150 and 235 -CFM Ra.tings • Lightweight & Reducad Amperage • Filtel'S andHoae.s also iPod ··. • Dl&Str;t~ t .. li •. . 1> ~ma • No Ttwr~mred. ~ • Extar.11a-.LSpeakQJ:¥:l,ts · • ILICTlUCAL COMPONENTS • KOOL AIR BLOWIB.S •OPS • AIJDIO -Dl & SWU:S • FUEL CELLS & ACCESSORIES • TOYS I DYD'S October 2006 Mike Tieman to the mix, but missing Dennis Boyle. Pat Dean spun and they packed to-gether when they got ro the turn over the fence into the in-field, and Danny Anderson made it past the mess, to go into the lead. Rich Ronco was second, and then it was Tim Herbst in the Truggy, Jeff Quinn, A.J. Rodriguez, Dean, and Tieman. Jeff Quinn put on the best show, as he caught the Truggy, but couldn'r manage to get past it for four laps. Then things changed. Ronco caught Ander-son who developed a left rear flat, and dropped to second, then thete was a jam up as they headed past the end of the grandstand onto the pavement, Dean with his left rear brake on fire, and somehow in the crush Quinn slipped past Herbst in rhe Truggy. Ronco stayed in fronr ro take the win, with Anderson second and Dean third. When rhey came back 0111 for the final hear, Tieman wa, missing. And Andt>rsnn w~s way behind off the start, and not running well. He pulled off right away. Pat Dean, in the meanwhile, went into the lead with Ronco in hot pur-suit. Quinn ran third, fol lowed by the Truggy and Rod-riguez. Rodriguez had some problem, slowed, and then disappeared, but Dean was running with no problems. He went on to take the win. At the finish he said, "I'm feelin' awesome. Last night was pretty bad. A win is hard to come by, when I get 'em I love 'em!" Ronco was second, also reporting a perfect night, "other than getting second place." And in third it was Quinn, who said his sliding ax-les, which he was testing here, worked perfectly. The fast moving show kept the audience in their seats right to the end of the evening, and they seemed enthusiastic and in-terested in the results right to the end. SCORE hasn't yet an-nounced whether it will repeat the event for 2007, but every-one seemed pleased with the way things went. It's back to real desert rac-ing with the Primm 300 in Sep-tember, and then, in Novem-ber, the Baja 1000, which will finish in La Paz this year to cap off a history-making sea-son. SCIIE Dusty Times

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1.J\.12C 25TH OMV ADAC RALLYE DEUTSCHLAND Loeb/Citroen Take The Gold By Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden Sebastien Loeb and his Citroen Xsara took the win in Germany, his 201' win in a very impressive rally career. More records have come Sebastien Loeb's way. His fifth victory at the all-asphalt Rall ye Deutschland brought him the 26th win of his career, equal-ling Carlos Sainz's all-time top score, and by winning the same full worlcf championsl;ip event five times in a row, there was an-other record! This victory, how-ever, was not just about Loeb's brilliance, it was also a lot to do with uncannily correct weather predictions on the first day of the event, the accuracy and precision of which stunned rival teams. It was another Citroen walkover, their cars fin-ishing not only 1-2 overall, with new number two driver Dani Sordo ably supporting Loeb, but in a Citroen C2 S1600 Kris Meeke proved quite the fastest JWRC driver, despite delays be-cause of brake trouble and then a puncture which had to be changed on a stage. Ford hoped Marcus Granholm and Mikko Hirvonen would finish third and fifth respectively, but Finally, a Comprehensive Liability Insurance Package designed especially for Off-Road Racers, by insurance professionals who are actual Off-Road Racera. You can't get any better than that! For more information, contact Mike James - Phone: (619) 445-5797, Ext. 115 Fax: (619) 445-9297 • Kevin James - Phone: (619} 445-5797, Ext. 142 Fax: (619) 445-9297 • Laura Bramer-Phone: (619) 445-5797, Ext. 140 Fax: (619) 445-9297 • Hirvonen broke down after the final stage and ended up ninth, so the private Citroen of Toni Gardemeister rose to fourth. Loeb leads Granholm in the Drivers' Series by 33 points with seven events to go, Kronos Citroen Totai head BP-Ford by 23 in the Makes'. It was another dismal rally for Subaru. Perter Solberg crashed heavily in Shakedown, rose to third over-all before an obscure fault, thought to be engine related, halted the car, while teammate Uability Protection - • $1,000,000 General Liability-No Deductible • $1,000,000 Tune & Test • $250,000 Participant-to-Participant Coverage • Even provides coverage in Mexico provided a lawsuit is filed in the US • Insurance for your Pre-Runner/Chase Trucks • Mexican Auto Insurance Covers you, YOU' business and your sponsors. General Liability and Physical Damage insurance available for your prerunner. JamMices~lE: AGENCY Cal. Uc.# 0875146 PROTECT YOUR FAMILY • PROTECT YOUR ASSETS • PROTECT YOUR BUSINESS Page 16 October 2006 Kris Meeke and Glenn Patterson drove their Citroen C2 to the JWRC win in Germany, seen here in a hard left hander. Stephane Sarrazin stopped with venue was new, another was run transmission trouble. in the opposite direction to be-Back again after the two fore, as was the spectator stage month summer break, it was cu-at St. Wendel this year which rious that the pervading theme was also run this time only once. in Germany was not so much the The new stage venue featured a event itself, but the haste with local celebrated hill climb race which the teams could leave af-track course, run downhill... terwards! This was all to do with Many different spectator activi-the insanely tight schedule ties before and during the event caused by pairing this event with were held. There were over 80 the following event in Finland, designated spectator zones at all aimed at making the champi-the stages, and on the Thursday onship less costly and therefore afternoon before the event a jet-more attractive. In fact, this cal-ski race on Bostalsee Lake, next endar trick caused endless extra to the Service Park, was held. administrative planning, dou-This was the final all-asphalt bling-up transport personnel event of the 2006 world cham-costs, the need to make emer-pionship calendar. The special gency alternative provisions, not character of the event is the to mention the immense risk to three different types of stage. On the smooth running of the Finn-the Friday the rally concentrates ish event should something un-on the service roads around the toward happen. vineyards, alongside the Mosel To make the move logistically Valley, on the Saturday the mili-easier, t-he fina·l service o·f the tary training ground area at event took place before the last Baumholder and on the Sunday four stages were run, so that the the closed public road stages of Service Park could be vacated the Saarland region. The roads Sunday morning, enabling teams in each region have their own to send their equipment to specific character. Rostock, over 600km away, the Among the front runners, at-other side of Germany, from ten tion was focused on where the last available boat was Sebastien Loeb, the Frenchman due to leave early Monday who, by a quirk of geography, is morning. The finish of the rally in fact the most local top driver was earlier than usual, the first on the event! If Loeb won, he car crossing the line at 1224. It would become the first driver to was not only transit which win the same world champion-caused the stress, it was the fact ship rally five times in a row. that once the crews arrived in Tommi Makinen won the Finn-Finland the specification of ish Rally five times in a row their rally cars had to be altered (1994-1998) but in 1995 the from asphalt set-up, as used in event did not count for the full Germany, to gravel set-up for championship. Dani Sordo re-Finland ... And, to make things placed Xavier Pons as the offi-even more complicated, the en-cial number two driver for this gines and chassis used in Ger-team, for here and also for Fin-many were also paired with Fin-land and Japan. Noteworthy land. that both Dani and Sebastien The German event meanwhile came to the world rally champi-was otherwise little changed, onship after becoming JWRC with Bostalsee the epicentre, champions! Also interesting to some 60km from the headquar-see was that Sordo retained a ters town of Trier. One stage red car and Pons his blue Daniel Sardo literally flew to a second place overall in Germany, his Citroen Xsara seen here in level flight. Dusty Times

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wheel of the number two car, Vojtech, a car not seen in com-and Chris Atkinson in the ac-petition since 2004. Also in rhe rive suspension 2005, third car. paddock was another BSA car Solberg and Sarrazin also had to be taken ro Finland for new cars. The sudden with-Gianluigi Galli to use, already drawal from the sport of the painted in Pirelli yellow, where Kiss-Me sponsor, who had it will run in passive specifica-worked with both Kronos tion. Marcus Granholm passes a German flag on the course as he hustles to a third place overall in his Ford Focus RS. Citroen Total and the private Ford's number two team First Motorsport teams, caused Stobart VK M-Sport's "Baby last minute panics. The colour team" was back again! For this scheme of the Fabia of Francois event Jari-Matti Latvala drove Duval having to be completely the second car, but in Finland redesigned. In the thick of the the s~cond car is to be driven by troubles caused by this prob-Kosti Katajamaki, if he recovers lem, Willy Collignon, the team sufficiently from the accident he chief for First Motorsport was had on the Finnish Pirelli Rally. taken ill with a heart attack, for-At the Red Bull Skoda Team, tunately he was sufficiently re-former DTM champion, Mattias covered to attend the rally. Ekstrom drove the number one OMV Peugeot Norway had not car, a brand new Fabia WRC registered competitors in the se-ries only nine planned to com-pete in both Germany and Fin-land, and of these, four planned to drive different cars. (JWRC drivers are not governed by the pairing rule of the World Cham-pionship drivers, and do not have to present the same cars and engines at both events). Conrad Rautenbach rented a Clio for this event fro the Barossa tuning company, while his own car awaited him in Helsinki. Michal Kosciuszko's Swift had been damaged in a re-cent rally accident in Poland, so for this event he had changed his entry to an lgnis, hoping to have the repaired Swift ready for Finland. Martin Prokop's spare car was waiting in Finland, Kalle Pinomaki, leading the new "Rookies"' championship, had his usual Group N Clio, where he can score more "Rookies'" points, but changes to a Super 1600 car in Finland, where he colour. The team joked that it was cheaper to repaint the cars than convert a passive car to an active one and vice versa ... Ford's Ml team could also, in a way, claim this as their "home" event, it being run close to the Saarlouis facility where production Focus cars are built. nominated Germany within (in fact, the car crashed by Ford's Ml team had two new their 12-rally programme but Rovanpera in testing which had cars, fitted with revised specifi-Manfred Stohl took part on a been reshelled). This was the cation engines designed to give non-championship basis in his first rally in which five Fabia higher top-end speed. For the fi-Bozian-prepared 307 fitted with WRCs had competed, all except nal time planned this season, active transmissions. The BSA Duval's car being fitted with ac-Subaru ran a three car team, company had a passive tive front and rear differentials. with Stephane Sarrazin at the 307WRC car for Stepan In Junior WRC, of the 22 Continue• ID page 18 """'"~~--------------,-:-=-== ------------------~ Mikko Hirvonen drove his Ford Focus RS to a ninth overall finish in Jan Kopecky had a good run, he put his Skoda Fabia into the seventh Hermann Gassner drove his Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX to a 21st German he's seen here ·ust /if/in his foot from the o edal. overall finishin osition in German . finishin osition in German seen here in the Jorious outback. :HON'D.A. GENERATORS & PUMPS • GENERATORS • TILLERS • OUTBOARD ENGINES • LAWNMOWERS • 'NATER PUMPS Calilornia's Largest Source lor Bonda Power Equipment Parts 8 Inventory IF WE /JON T NAVE 17: NO ONE /JOE$/ Check Our Website: www. Kawaguchi Kawaguchi Honda Corp. 3532 East 3rd St. • Los Angeles, CA 90063 (323) 264-3936, 264-5858 • FAX (323) 264-2136 Nothing's easier. For optimum performance and safety, we recommend you read the owner's manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment. Connection of a generator to house power requires a transfer device to avoid possiple injury to power company personnel. Consult a qualified electrician. ©2006 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. Dusty Times October 2006 Page 17

Page 18

won't be eligible for more points. Only five JWRC cars (those of Meeke, Valousek, Pressac, Barry Clark and Tirabassi) would have the fran-tic race against time to be ready the following weekend, the other end of the Baltic Sea. All the Fiesta ST challenge car drivers planned to use their same cars next week. The en-couragement by the organisers for using diesel powered cars was largely responsible for see-ing the first BMW for six years, on this occasion a 120, on a world championship. The pre-vious time was when a privateer ran a 325i Coupe in Corsica and Catalunya in 1999 and 2000. The rally route this year was planned so that private driv-ers could refuel their cars at commercial filling stations en route. Shakedown may have been over a short route (3.18km) but it was tricky. As overnight rain cleared away, the roads got drier, and the top drivers were persuaded to keep making more runs, but the more cars that covered the route, the more the surface was being covered with gravel. Francois Duval made a good time, then Stephane Sarrazin, Sebastien Loeb, Petter Solberg and Dani Sordo all went faster. But when Solberg tried to beat them all he was caught out on the gravel and heavily crashed his car. Extra time was allowed for Shakedown after the insuing delay and Duval went fastest. Initial examination of Solberg's wreckage showed that the roll cage seemed to be intact so hopes were high in the Prodrive camp. Then it was discovered that the engine cambelt system was dam-aged and an engine change would be necessary. The team worked into the night, fingers crossed nothing else would emerge which would make their work worthless, thinking all the time of Corsica 2003 when Sol-berg, in similar circumstances, eventually came on to win the event. Leg 1 8 Stages, asphalt, 134. 72kms. The big story overnight was the hard work by the Prodrive team to make Petter Solberg's car ready for the start. The clouds intermittently sent down their rains, leaving the teams guessing at what the weather held for the day. The traditions of the Rallye Deutschland were up to expec-tations. Wet and muddy on Stages 1 and 2, almost com-pletely dry on 3 and 4 -and when the cars arrived at Bostalsee for the midday service it was pour-ing with rain! Sebastien Loeb stalled on the first stage yet still beat the field by 8.8 seconds. Marcus Gronholm finished the first stage in fifth place, not re-ally happy, "We haven't rested this car on asphalt in the wet!" Solberg reckoned that all things considered things were going well, there were no residual problems from the accident. Citroen driv-ers had an epidemic of stalling. Loeb went on to make best time on Stage 3 as well, his teammate Dani Sordo made best times on UNLOCK AND YOU'RE READY TO ROCK Stages 2 and 4. Halfway through the day, Citroens were 1-2, while privateer Xsara drive Toni Gar-demeister was sixth. Xavier Pons, who was lying seventh, however, arrived with a smashed bonnet and broken windscreen, a legacy of a missed pacenote call. Gronholm was happier in the drier conditions of Stages 3 and 4, and got up to third place ahead of Solberg and Manfred Stohl. Stephane Sarrazin started with a full wet set-up, which was wrong, and had brakes which were too aggressive for the con-ditions. Chris Atkinson was building his confidence in the conditions, "Wet conditions on asphalt are unusual for me, but I learned a lot about these con-ditions on Rally Ireland earlier this year!" Ekstrom was also hav-ing new experiences, surely he was used to racing in the rain! "Yes, but we do not have mud on the road in circuit racing ... !" Francois Duval was up to fifth but then slid off the road and lost time trying to drive back over the grass. Ford's Stobart VK team were already in the wars, Jari-Matti Latvala went off the road and stopped on the first stage (causing a blockage which led to the stage "being inter-rupted) and on Stage 4 Matthew Wilson lost time with a discon-nected turbocharger pipe, but they both went on to score manu-facturers points. Another driver out of the action prematurely was Stepan Vojtech who went off on stage 4. The afternoon witnessed the great meteo miracle. To the as-LOCK AND YOU'RE READY TO ROLL THE OPEN ROAD Skyjacker® Suspensions' new patent pending Rocklock Selectable Sway Bar for the 1997-2006 Jeep T J's is a red hot item for all of you Jeep owners. Unlike other adjustment-type bars, this one does not sacrifice your on-road control to allow off-road maneuverability.Through the use of a hub, you can lock or unlock the sway bar completely. This unit comes with a selectable torque arm, hub, rigid torque arm, stabilizer torsion bar, mounting bushings, adjustable links with spherical rod ends along with all the necessary hardware. It's a must have item for the avid off-roader and Jeeper! New 2.s· JK lift & Additional Lifts Coming Soon! For an Authorized Skyjacker• Dealer near you call 866.4.A.DEALER ext.5044 or visit us on the web at Page 18 October 2006 tonishment of their rivals, Citroen predicted the pattern of the weather, more than doubled Loeb's lead and brought Xavier into the top three placings. It was uncanny, almost to religious proportions, the way that the roads up to the start line of Stages 5, 6 and 7 were dry, then as the cars waited to start these stages the rains fell. The miracle was unbelievable, competitors noticed that the road leading away from Stage 7, for example, was completely dry again. George Black, Ford's tyre manager and a legend in his own right in this work, was dumbfounded. "How on earth could Citroen have got their predictions so right? For us there was absolutely no indica-tion that the rain would come there. I just do not understand how they did it!" Citroen's trick was to run tyres with many more cuts than other BF Goodrich users, and two grades softer as well Loeb did not have everything his own way, however. He suf-fered two punctures in the after-noon but the mousses worked. Rumours that Loeb had dry con-ditions were soon scotched by drivers. Sordo, running third, said it was the same for every-one. Loeb came to the end of the day with a lead of 42. 7 seconds over teammate Sordo, with Gar-demeister over two minutes be-hind Loeb, though only 5.4 sec-onds in front of Cronholm. Meanwhile the only sad face at Citroen was that of Pons' co-driver Carlos del Barrio, "This was my 200th rally, a time for fun and celebration, but I made the worst error of my career. On the event when Sordo was promoted to Pons' previous po-sition in the Kronos team, it was not the happening that Pons needed. Drivers were flying on and off the road. Sarrazin had a big off and stalled. Duval went off and withdrew after his excur-sion on Stage 7. He sensed his three minute delay on the stage and Five Minute Penalty for miss-ing Stage 8 destroyed any hope of success, on top of the collapse of Kiss-Me's sponsorship meant he was losing too much money if he carried on. The damage to his car had been minimal. Solberg meanwhile was going steadily. JWRC drivers did not tackle the first stage because they were re-routed following Latvala's inci-dent, but Kris Meeke was going well scoring best times on Stage 2 and 3. One driver was already missing, the Rookie Kalle Pinomaki, who went off the road shortly after the start of Stage 2 .. On Stage 4 Meeke fell down to 11th out of the remaining 12 runners when he had to tackle the stage with no brakes at all. Bernd Casier inherited the lead ahead of Brice Tirabassi and Germany's Aaron Burkart. Kosciuszko was struggling with his lgnis. :In the vineyard stages the Swift is much better, the lgnis always suffers from rear suspen-sion design troubles, so slow cor-ners are difficult, and the lgnis is a lot less stable on the faster stretches as well!" Pavel Valousek was baulked by Meeke, the Rookie Barry Clark punctured on Stage 2 and had to change Dusty Times

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r Manfred Stohl drove his Peugeot 307 to a fifth overall finish in Germany; Petter Solberg was forced to retire with engine problems, his Subaru Third Citroen Xsara to finish, fourth overall went to Toni Gardemeister seen here before an admiring crowd. lmpreza seen here cornering hard before the crowd. a mere 14 seconds from a spot on the podium. the wheel on the stage. ment in Sardinia. He was the first found the bracket had to be Most drivers left on dry tyres -points, but Gronholm held onto Casier continued to lead the driver on the event to beat the changed as well and finished just but it started to rain again in his third place. Aigner rose to JWRC category but admitted he Citroens. Gardemeister was seven seconds too late to be al-places ... The only drama among sixth and Kopecky seventh ... The went off for 100 metres into a chancing his arm in third place, lowed to carry on. Tirabassi did the top drivers was the depar-diesel BMW finished 48th, the field. Tyre choices for JWRC breaking a wheel rim on a stone not try to restart, though his car ture ofSarrazin, 700 metres into first finish for this make on a cars were a different issue (these on Stage 9 and then lost control was soon fettled sufficiently to the first stage of the day, when world championship rally since cars are allowed to run with two on a fast stretch of road, then be taken to Finland. On the first he went off the road and could 1999! Kris Meeke's Citroen C2 spares), so two tyres of an alter-flying too high on a jump on stage of the day Casier's lead not select a gear to drive back pulled ahead of Bernd Casier's native specification to cater for Stage 10 and winding the crew went up to nearly 50 seconds again. It was discovered that the Renault in the JWRC. different conditions can be on the heavy landing afterwards, when Prokop lost about 90 sec-gearbox selectors had broken The big fight was now be-available, and these can be but he still preserved the Citroen onds when he went off the road when the car went off the road tween Pavel Valousek (Suzuki) suited from stage to stage. 1-2-3. Fourth placed Gronholm and had trouble getting back, and the car was not brought and Julian Pressac (another Valousek said things went like was not able to take advantage dropping to eighth. This let back to the Service Park. Neither Citroen), third place changing magic for him on Stage 6 when of Gardemeister's misfortunes Valousek back to second. Meeke Subaru team car finished the hands five times in the last seven he jumped from sixth to second, due to having a spin and then had a puncture, stopped to event. This misfortune elevated stages. On the final stage but then fell back behind stalling on Stage 9. change the wheel and dropped Jan Kopecky into eighth place, Valousek got ahead of Pressac Prokop for the rest of the day. By Stage 11 Hirvonen was up from sixth to eighth, the Rookie two Skoda drivers in the Driv-to beat him by 3.8 seconds! On Stage 7 Brice Tirabassi to fifth ahead of Stohl. Hirvonen driver Pinomako restarted but ers' points! Gardemeister Three different marques fin-crashed heavily, the crew being kept his position even though he stopped once again, this time struggled to keep fourth place ished in the top three. Barry evacuated to hospital but hap-went on carefully after suffering with engine failure. Then Casier and made fastest time on three Clark made his way to the fin-pily without serious injury. Luca an impact on Stage 12, while had a tyre come off its rim, he stages. For the second rally run-ish to take a two-point lead in Betti dropped a couple of places Stohl survived gearshift prob-flew off the road, regained the ning Hirvonen struggled to reach the Rookies' series over Kalle when he also went off for about lems which required a clutch road and drove on the rim to the finish, this time with an al-Pinomaki. 100 metres, hoping in vain to change. the end of the stage. His trea-ternator failure. Forty This event may have ended find an easy way back, but hav-By Stage 12, and notwith-sured lead was down to ten sec-kilometres from the finish his with a walkover for Citroen (fi-ing to drive back the way he had standing a huge off when he onds! rally was over, but the car was nally 1-2-4), but as the teams come! Fatih Kara's car stopped swerved to avoid a rock in the Storming up the JWRC field taken back to pare ferme so he raced to dismantle their equip-on the. road section after Stage road, Gronholm had passed was Meeke: eighth after the punc-would qualify under SupeRally ment ro get everything on the 8, due to a broken fuel line, and Garciemeister and. got up to rure, sixth after the next stage rules as a finisher in ninth place. road ro the port at Rostock, a he missed the drive back to ser-third and started to break up the (Baumholder, when he was 37 In fact, he only dropped one race of quite another kind was vice. Citroen stranglehold. Pons' seconds quicker than anyone else place in the Makes' tables albeit under way. Finland here we Leg 2 Citroen had gear selection prob-in this category), fourth after the the driver himself was out of the (hope we) come! lAJ2C:: 7 Stages, asphalt, 148.64kms. lems on Stage 11 while life was following stage and after an-It was Baumholder Day'. That not perfect at Red Bull Skoda. other remarkable run at the part of the rally which concen-Andreas Aigner had a broken 30km Baumholder Stage 12, crates on the military ranges. mousse and stalled, Mattias where he was a half minute faster Those restarting included Ekstrom had a broken drive-than his rivals, was third at the SupeRally specialists Jari-Matti shaft. Gardemeister found the first main Service Park of the Latvala and Stepan Vojtech. The conditions were straightforward day. Aaron Burkart had a front weather was more stable, but but did not have the tyres avail-wheel puncture which caused the with Citroen well ahead of the able suitable for the occasion. damaged front wing to flap opposition the pattern of the Matthew Wilson had brake around before his eyes. Barry rally was well established. The troubles. Loeb and Sordo went Clark's Fiesta resorted to one-first big shock was that Solberg sailing on towards the sunset but wheel drive. Betti had two punc-stopped on Stage 9, apparently it wasn't all plain sailing. Pons' cures for which he had to stop with engine failure. The team problems were traced to a most and change wheels. Rautenbach's packed up the car to take it not unusual hydraulic fault, and the Renault lost a lot of time stop-to Finland but to Britain for the team withdrew him for the rest ping with a fuel problem. By problem to be checked out there. of the day to give them as much Stage 14 Meeke was .8 of a sec-Then after his first stage retire-time as possible to check out the ond ahead of Casier, and at the ment on Leg 1 Vojtech crashed problems before entering the car end of the day it was .6 of a sec-at the end of the second stage of for SupeRally on the final day. ond! For the final stage the teams the day, impacting a marshal's Kopecky remained the bright confidently expected rain, but it car at the end of the stage. star of the day, winning another never came. Before the final Latvala did not have a bright stage on his hard tyres in the dry stage, Burkart was advised by lo-morning either. On the first stage and lying ninth while Germanic cal people that it would definitely he lost turbo pressure and un-eyes were on Austrian Aigner, pour at St. Wendel, so he fitted wittingly baulked Casier, who now for the first time in the Driv-suitable tyres to the front of his was catching up fast after his Leg ers' points' zone. Kahle retired Citroen -bur it didn't. Meeke, 1 delay, then on the second stage his Skoda with an engine prob-running behind him, found an Latvala in turn narrowly missed lem having been unhappy all extraordinary thing: it rained a collision with a deer which event. "We have been going as for exactly ONE corner only! jumped over his car. Heading hard as we could", but never in Clark in his Group N Fiesta had into the field, running first car the limelight. From five Skodas his gearbox changed for security on the road under the reverse-we were now down to three. On at service, incurred lateness pen-seeding rule, was privateer Stage 13 Latvala's engine altiesburstayedintheevent,the Gareth MacHale. "This is quite stopped suddenly. By radio the only Rookie still left running. a special day, it is also my 26th ream having tried other solutions The race at the top of the event birthday." 26? That's old in eventuallyurgedhimtotrystart-wassurelydeadinthewater,the present-day rally terms. "Tell ev-ing it once again -and immedi-race for the JWRC could hardly eryone then, that I am now 19!" ately the engine fired up! be more alive. Second on the road was Mattias In JWRC, 12 cars restarted, Leg 3 Kahle who lost turbo boost, and overnight there were various 4 Stages, asphalt, 88.19 kms. which was very irritating in view corrections to the times, so Pons was in action again. Con-of all the slow corners in Casier was now 35.1 seconds in ditions on the stages were alter-Baumholder. A big surprise and the lead ahead of Prokop, in-nately damp and dry. Once the delight was scratch time on the stead of 15.21. The day started cars wet off for the final four first stage of the day for Jan badly for Kosciuszko.'They tried stages, there was no more servic-Kopecky, repeating his achieve-to change the alternator but ing until the end of the rally. Dusty Times October 2006 1 (1) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena F/MC Citroen Xsara WRC 829DPT78 (F) 3h.28m.34.1s. 10 10 2 (2) Daniel SORDO/Marc Marti E Citroen Xsara WRC 821DPT78 (F) 3h.29m.07.9s. 8 8 3 (3) Marcus GRONHOLM/Timo Rautiainen FIN Ford Focus RS WRC EU55CNN (GB) 3h.30m.53.3s. 6 6 4 (14) Toni Gardemeister/Jakke Honkanen FIN Citroen Xsara WRC 387DRG78 (F) 3h.31m.07.9s. - 5 5 (7) Manfred StOhVllka Minor A Peugeot 307 WRC 471PWl..75 (F) 3h.33m.OO.Os. - 4 6 (12) Andreas AIGNER/Klaus Wicha ND Skoda Fabia WRC 455 3381 (CZ) 3h.34m.16.7s. 5 3 7 (17) Jan Kopecky/Filip Schovanek CZ Skoda Fabia WRC 458 9856 (CZ) 3h.34m.19.9s. - 2 8 (16) Chris Atkinson/Glenn Macneal! AUS Subaru lmpreza VIJRC JC54WRC (GB) 3h.35m.59.1s. - 1 9 (4) Mikko HIRVONEN/Janno Lehtinen FIN Ford Focus RS VI/RC EU55CNX (GB) 3h.36m.59.8s.(1) 4 10 (20) Gareth MacHale/Paul Nagle IRL Ford Focus RS WRC EY53UNY (GB) 3h.41m.30.2s. -11 (11) Mattias EKSTROM/Jonas Andersson S Skoda Fabia VIJRC 558 3686 (CZ) 3h.46m.14.0s. 3 12 (9) Matthew WILSON/Michael Orr GB Ford Focus RS WRC 1ES (GB) 3h.47m.09.0s. 2 14 (15) Xavier Pons/Carlos Del Barrio E Citroen Xsara WRC 834DPT78 (F) 3h.50m.43.7s.(3) 16 (32) Kris Meeke/Glenn Patterson GB Citroen C2 JWRC 7214NE52 (F) 3h.54m.00.7s.• - 10 17 (52) Bernd Casiefffrederic Miclotte B Renault Clio JWRC CS3168C (F) 3h.54m.39.3s. - 8 19 (37) Pavel Valousek/Zdenek Hruza CZ Suzuki Swift S1600 JWRC SSE001 (H) 3h.55m.29.4s. - 6 20 (42) Julien Pressac/Jack Boyere F Citroen C2 JWRC 9147NE52 (F) 3h.55m.33.2s. - 5 21 (68) Hermann Gassner/Karin Thannhauser O Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX N BGL-ZVB (D) 3h.56m.19. 7s. + -22 (49) Martin Prokop/Jan Tomanek CZ Citroen C2 S1600 JWRC 2J3 8402 (CZ) 3h.57m.09.6s. - 4 23 (54) Aaron Bt.rkart/Tanja Geilhausen D Citroen C2 S1600 JWRC H-PR2206 (0) 3h.59m.23.5s. - 3 25 (51) Fatih Kara/Cem Bakancocuklari TR Renault Clio JWRC 415ARJ34 (F) 4h.02m.50.5s. - 2 26 (36) Luca Betti/Piercarlo Capolongo I Renault Clio JWRC CT170NH (I) 4h.03m.48.7s. - 1 33 (39) Conrad Rautenbach/David Senior "l)N/GB Renault Clio JWRC 506ALR34 (F) 4h.15m.32.1s. -34 (10) Ja~atti LAlVAL.NMiikka Anttila FIN Ford Focus RS WRC EG53AVD (GB) 4h.17m.31.3s.(8) 1 35 (53) Barry Clark/Scott Martin GB Ford Fiesta ST JWRC/N PX06AUJ (GB) 4h.18m.13.7s. -46 (44) Michal Kosciuszko/Jaroslaw Baran PL Suzuki Page 19

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-~~..:-37TH ANNUAL KC H1L1TES MIDNIGHT SPECIAL -.LeDuc overalls In The Night By John Calvin Photos: Martees Race Photos Dale Lenk and Randy Perry took the class lead on the third lap and there they stayed, taking the Class 1 win with 42 seconds in hand. second spot on the first lap but ning in an unaccustomed ninth mechanical troubles put him out place. T.J. Flores disappeared on of the race on the second lap. his first lap, cause unknown. Curt LeDuc drove the first two The second lap ended and Tim laps, his son Todd took over and Lindsay still led the group, Ronn ran the last three laps and he Bailey still held on to second took the checkered flag for the place, a bit over a minute in ar-class win as well as the overall. rears and J.C. Dean still held Todd reported they had no prob-onto the third spot. Dale Lenk lems, not even a flat tire, and, still held onto his fourth place po-best of all, made no mistakes on sition, Jeff Perkins still ran in fifth their 250 mile run. Chuck Rodrick remained in sixth Curt LeDuc and son Todd had a pretty easy night, they covered the 250 miles with no problems, took the Unlimited Truck win as well as the overall. Next off the line were the Class place and Brad Falin ran in the 1 cars, there were 10 of them and seventh spot. Bartt Yochheim and they had a pretty good race. When Danny Anderson were no longer they came around at the end of in the race. their first lap it was Tim Lindsay On the third lap Randy Perry, in the lead, Ronn Bailey was next, who was in for Dale Lenk turned a couple of minutes in arrears, up the wick and took the class J.C. Dean came along next, 37 lead, J.C. Dean moved up a spot, seconds out of second place, Dale now running in second place, Lenk was fourth and Jeff Perkins Ronn Bailey dropped a spot into was running in fifth place. Chuck third place and Jeff Perkins Rodrick was in the sixth spot, in moved up a spot into fourth seventh it was Brad Falin, Bartt place. Tim Lindsay had some Yochheim ran in the eighth spot problems and dropped down and Danny Anderson was run-into firth place, Chuck Rodrick What a great weekend! Tem-peratures were down to a nice liv-able level, the contingency and technical inspection were held in beautiful downtown Boulder City and there were 81 cars in 14 classes getting ready to do battle in the dark desert. The race started at seven in the evening, the only bad feature was the slight breeze that was there at the start soon faded away to nothing, aris-ing again early the next morning. Most of the course had been run before and some of the competi-tors were somewhat familiar with the various washes, boulders, etc., but, with lots of dust and no breeze it was a blind man's bluff game for all concerned. At 1900 hours sharp the first of the two Unlimited Trucks en-tered, left the line and it didn't take long for Curt LeDuc to flex his muscles and set the fast lap for his class as well as for the en-tire race. Todd Wyllie ran in the Second place in Class 1 went to Ronn Bailey, Ronn was a mere 42 Tom Giordano led a couple of laps in Class 8 but two rear flats, at the George and Chris De Sousa Dias drove to a second place finish in seconds away from the class win, seen here at speed. same time relegated him to a second place finish. the Class 9 contest, seen here heading out for another lap. Page 20 Specializing in LS1-LS2-LS6-LS1 complete crate engines VB Packages starting at $5,300 Call l'or details 760-94 ... -274 ... Homeolthe 5 wire install ----. October 2006 Dusty Times

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Gary Messer had lots of problems just before the finish but he soldiered Second place in the Champ car battle went to Bryan Adams, troubles Ben Williams led the first lap in Class 7, but he ended his race in on and took second place in the 5-1600 battle. on the last lap cost him half an hour, seen here in the air. second place four minutes behind the winner. still ran in sixth place and Brad third place and Matt Gumz was was in the eighth spot, Rick Guti-Galles was running in 14th place was in the 19th spot after mighty Falin was seventh. running in the fourth spot. In fifth errez held the ninth spot and Jeff and Steve Cossey was 15th. In the big problems cost him literally Lap 4 ended and Perry still led place it was Aaron Hawley, Trevor Farshler ran 10th. Orio Cox III 16th spot it was Jay Shain, Steve hours of time. Josh Urioste failed the class, J.C. Dean still held the Screech was seven seconds behind was in 11th place, in the 12th spot Fuller came along three minutes to complete the first lap. second spot, he was now some Hawley, Dan Bradley was running it was Tom Burns, Ruben Rodri-later in 17th place, Grayson The second lap saw lots of eight minutes behind the leader, well in seventh, Brian Collins, Jr. guez held the 13th spot, Jamie Harrist was 28th and Ken Tapert Continued on page 22 Ronn Bailey still ran in the third spot and Jeff Perkins held onto his fourth place position. Tim Lindsay was still in fifth place. Dan Lopez was now in for Chuck Rodrick, they remained in sixth and Brad Falin held on in sev-enth place. Off they went on their final lap and when the first Class 1 car ap-peared for the checkered flag it was Randy Perry taking the win. Randy reported that he had two flats on the last lap but he and Dale Lenk still got the win. Ronn Bailey had moved up a spot and he took the silver medal, Chuck Rodrick moved up three spots an came in for a podium finish, Jeff Perkins remained in fourth place and Tim Lindsay was the fifth and final finisher. Tim soloed the driv-ing and had Jeremy Lindsay in the right seat all the way. He had flats almost every lap and rolled the car, complete with fire on the last lap. J.C. Dean and Brad Falin failed to complete their final lap. Class 10 had five entries and although their intentions were good, only one of them would see the checkered flag. When their first lap ended it was Brian Free-mal in the lead, Justin Smith was in the second spot, less than three minutes behind and Chris Wright came across the line in third place, having had troubles along the way. Bill Woodward failed to complete the first lap and Jeff Moore did not start the race. At the end of the second lap it was Brian Freemal with a nice lead, Chris Wright was a long sec-ond place, some 29 minutes be-hind the leader. Justin Smith had disappeared from the scoring chart. On the third lap it was busi-ness as usual as Brian Freemal continued to show the way in spite of running out of gas and adding almost half an hour to his lap time. Chris Wright had super major problems on this lap, he finally finished the lap but spent over four hours on the course. Lap 4 ended and it was now a solo Class 10 event, only Brian Freemal was still racing. Brian slowed his pace a bit and contin-ued on. Lap 5 was the end of it, Free-mal took the Class 10 win, un-contested, Glenn Hansen rode shotgun all the way. Class 1600 was up next and there were 20 of them waiting to get into the fray. When their first lap ended it was Jeremy Harmon in the lead, Cody Freeman was next in, a mere four seconds be-hind, Dan Folts was running in Dusty Times October 2006 Page 21

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Brian Freemal drove all the way and he certainly drove well, he took the Class 1 0 win with ease, seen here at speed in the night. Regen Gubler and son Jeremy had a great night, they took the Class 8 win in Tammy's truck, they had 11 minutes in hand at the finish. position changes as the guys settled into their individual rou-tines. Matt Gumz had picked up three spots and he now led the class, Jeremy Harmon had dropped into second place, Cody Freeman dropped a spot into third place and Aaron Hawley was up a spot into fourth place. Dan Folts fell a few positions into fifth place, Trevor Streech remained in sixth, Orio Cox was up into the seventh spot, Dan Bradley had dropped a spot into eighth and Jay Shain had moved up seven spots into ninth place. Tom Burns was up a couple of places into 10th, ditto for Rick Gutierrez who had moved up into 11th, Jamie Galles was also up a few places, now running in 12th, Jeff Farshler had dropped three spots, lie was now 13th, Steve Fuller was up three spots into 14th place and Steve Cossey remained in 15th place. In 16th place it was Ruben Rodriguez, down three places, Brian Collins, Jr. dropped down to 17th place after major problems on the lap, Grayson Harrist remained in 18th and Ken Tapert still ran in the 19th spot. The third lap ended and Matt Gumz still held the class lead with more than three minutes in hand, Jeremy Harmon still held onto second place, Cody Free-Matt Gumz had a ve,y nice solo drive, he took the Class 1600 lead on the second lap and there he remained to take the win, 19 cars behind him. man was still in third, Aaron Hawley remained in fourth place and Orlo Cox had moved up into fifth place. Scott Kinman was in for Dan Folts, they had dropped a spot and were now running sixth, Dan Bradley was up a spot into seventh place, Jay Shain had also moved up a spot, now he was eighth, Tom Burns was now in ninth place and Jamie Galles rounded out the top 10. Jeff Farshler had moved up into 11th place, Rick ·Gutierrez was running in 12th, Steve Fuller dropped a spot, now in 13th, Steve Cossey ran in 14th place and Ruben Rodriguez was run-ning 15th. Brian Collins Jr. held on in 16th place, Trevor Streech had fallen to 17th place, major problems on the lap costing him 11 positions, Grayson Harrist was still in 18th place and Ken Tapert still held on in 19th place. Lap 4 came to an end and Matt Guma still held the lead, he had about five minutes on Cody Freeman and Jeremy Har-mon was about two minutes out of second place. Orio Cox had moved into fourth place and Scott Kinman was running in fifth. Tom Burns had moved up three spots into sixth place, Chaz Sutton, who was in for Dan Bradley was holding firm in seventh place, in spite of laying the car on its side, Shane Robinson was in for Jay Shain and in spite of laying the car on its side was still steady as a rock in eighth place and Jeff Farshler was up into ninth place. Rick Gutierrez rounded out the top 10 in class, Steve Fuller had moved up into 11th place, Jamie Galles dropped a few spots, he was now in 12th place, Brian Collins moved up into 13th place and Aaron Hawley dropped 10 places with major problems, h was now 14th. Steve Cossey ran in 15th place, Trevor Streech ran in 16th, Ken Tapert was in place and Grayson Harrist was in 18th place. Rube Rodriguez succumbed to prob-lems unknown to us. The final lap for the 1600 guys saw Matt Gumz taking the big win, Matt reported he had absolutely no problems during the race. Bryan Freeman, who was in for ailing brother Cody was second to the checkers, about IO minutes off the win-ning pace. The Freemans were fighting a shifter that kept pop-ping out of gear and a flat tire didn't help at all. Jeremy Har-mon, who drove all the way re-ported no problems and came along seven seconds later for a third place finish, Scott Kinman finished first off the podium in fourth place, he suffered through two flats and Folts had one also and Chaz Sutton and crew finished a very nice fifth place. Shane Robinson ended up in sixth place, in spite of a couple of flat tires. Rick Gutierrez was lucky seventh and Tom Burns fin-ished in the eighth spot. Jeff Farshler finished in the ninth po-sition, Steve Fuller was 10th to take the flag, Brian Collins Jr. came across in 11th spot and Steve Cossey was the 12th and final finisher. Orio Cox, Jamie Galles, Aaron Hawley, Trevor Streech, Ken Tapert and Grayson Harrist all succumbed to terminal troubles on their last lap and failed to complete the race. Six of the Class 8 guys were on tap, all bound and deter-mined to make their five laps faster than anybody else. After the smoke cleared and they came around on their first lap it was Regen Gubler, driving his wife's truck, in the lead, Richard Blunk came along, less than a minute later in second place, Tom Gior-dano was next, running in third place, Michael Licari ran first out of the money and Mike Bailey was running fifth, a long fifth after more than an hour of trouble on the course. Scott Ashcraft started the race but didn't complete his first lap. When the second lap ended it was Tom Giordano in the lead, Richard Blunk was running in second place, less than a minute in arrears, Regen Gubler had dropped to third place, Michael Licari remained in fourth place and Mike Bailey was still running in fifth place. Lap 3 ended and Tom Gior-dano still led the field, Jeremy Gubler, in for Regen Gubler claimed second place, some seven minutes behind the leader Rich-ard Blunk had dropped to third place, Michael Licari remained in fourth place and Mike Bailey still ran in fifth place. At the end of the fourth lap Jeremy Gubler had reclaimed the class lead, Tom Giordano dropped to second place, having to contend with two rear flats, at the same time, but he was still less than three minutes behind, Richard Blunk remained in the A second place finish in Unlimited Sportsman went to Tom Hood, he's Chuck Rodrick and Dan Lopez had a decent night, they finished third Jeremy Harmon led the first lap in the 1600 class but was a ve,y ~n here ready to attack the course at the Midnight. in Class 1, seen here in nice, level flight. close third place finisher when the checkers flew. Richard Blunk had a ve,y long fourth lap and that helped to keep him Joe Forte was satisfied with his third place finish in Class 9, he ran A nice third place finish in Class 5-1600 went to Shawn George, he's as the third place finisher in Class 8. trouble free, he's seen here at speed. seen here rushing through the blackness of the night. ____ _ Page 22 October 2006 Dusty Times

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third spot and Licari and Bailey remained in fourth and fifth. The checkers flew at the end of the fifth lap and Jeremy Gubler took the Class 8 win, a broken sway bar link didn't de-ter the Gubler clan, Tom Gior-dano came in for the silver medal, a maddening 15 seconds out of the win and Richard Blunk took home the bronze medal. Neither Licari or Bailey finished their final lap. There were eight Class 9 cars ready to race, unfortunately only three of them would complete their four required laps. When the first lap ended it was Bran-don Hughes in the lead, Rusty Ruby was second across the line, less than two minutes behind the leader, Everett Chad Evans came across the line in third place and Chris De Sousa Dias was the fourth place finisher. Joe Forte was fifth across the-line, Rick Moran was sixth, Mark Bass came across in seventh place and · ~ Brandon Hughes and Rick Poole took the Class 9 win, they had no real problems, John Huson and Raul Solano shared the drive, they took the lead in Class 5-they're seen here before darkness fell. 1600 when it counted, on the last lap for the win. Tim Dixon was eighth. fourth. In fifth place it was Rusty Ruby still held the lead, but dropped a spot, now running On the second lap Rusty Ruby Everett Chad Evans, Tim Dixon by less than a minute, Rick Poole, fourth. Everett Chad Evans was took the Class 9 lead, Brandon was up to sixth place and Rick who was in for Brandon Hughes still in fifth place and Tim Dixon Hughes was a couple of minutes Moran was in seventh place. Mark was right there in the second and Rick Moran were still run-behind, Joe Forte was up two Bass failed to finish his second spot, George De Sousa Dias, who ning in sixth and seventh. spots into third place and Chris lap. was in for Chris, was up a spot The fourth and final lap, De Sousa Dias was running The third lap ended and into third place and Joe Forte Continued on page 24 ~-----=----------'----------~ :-Third place in Unlimited Sportsman went to Devon Freemal, he 's Jeff Perkins was a bit off the winning Class 1 pace, he finished first off Unfortunately, Chris Wright had a four and a half hour third lap and seen here flying Jow on his way to the checkers. the podium, seen here scrambling out of the pits. wisely decided to call it a night, on the trailer and to bed. Dusty Times October 2006 Page 23

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Dan Folts and Scott Kinman had three flats to brighten their night, Rusty Ruby only got in three of the four required taps, he had led the Dan Bradley and Chaz Sutton finished fifth in the hotly contested Class 1600 race, seen here ablaze with light. they finished in fourth place in the 1600 class. Class 9 contingent for two laps when he disappeared. 'A"lre_x_a_n'dre-r=w-e_r_e_o_u_t _o_f_t.-h_e_r_a_c_e, Daniel Maurer and John Carreon led the last three laps in Champ car, they took the class win with 50 minutes in hand at the checkers. the checkered flag flew and Rick Poole was there to take the win, he and Brandon were nursing a leaky tranny all race long. George De Sousa Dias took the silver medal, he re-ported that the front suspen-sion was acting up, and Joe Forte, who drove all the way reported no problems at all, just a lot of dust, he was the third and final finisher in Class 9. Rusty Ruby, Everett Chad Evans, Tim Dixon and Rick Moran all had problems on their last lap and failed to finish the race. Class 5-1600 had nine cars pawing the ground but they too would suffer lots of attrition, only three of them would see the finish line. When their first lap ended it was Mike Simpson in the lead, less than two minutes later, Gary Messer arrived in second place, John Huson was in third place, some 27 seconds later, Anatolio Braccamontes HE It IECK RESTRAINT • Slows forward ,aolion in tire event al a crash • Allows lread movement • No cumbel'SOIJle collar to wear • Quick, one-fhne adjustment • Does aot booi ;,,to lap belt • Reduces neck tension by 45-70% • Great for all types of motor racing, especially wllere driver manges are common TIP •IVEIS lllllZINI THE l•CEL George Seeley • Ed, Tun & Tray Herbst • tarry "LR" Roese/er Mark Post • Nici Baldwin • Jerry Whelchel • Alan Pllueger Jason & Josh Baldwin • Rick, Randy & Ronny Wilson Mike Julson • Bab l.ahr,,i • Mark & Gary Weyhrich • Dave Ashley Dan Smith • lyle Taylor • Gus Vildosola • Rab MacCachren HIIFI NIHI/ . I 1 1:::·::::::?;1161, 1.B011.'71111..ZB50 • Fax 909.360.0436 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 Page 24 cause unknown . Fourth and fin al lap and, it was Raul Solano takin g the C lass 5-1600 win, they had suf-fered one flat tire an d were for-tunate to have a trouble free run. Gary Messer drove all the way with his son Troy in the right seat. They had a flat on the last lap, then some electri-cal problems just before the fin-ish, bur they came in second, five minutes behind the leader and Shawn George was the third and final finisher. Mark Clifton had been swallowed up in the night. Garrett Evans had a good night, he took the Class 7 win, he's seen here taking advantage of the daylight that was left. The Champ Car class had three entries and two of them made it all the way to the finish. Bryan Adams was the leader on the first lap, Daniel Maurer came along in the second spot, less than a minute in arrears and Lonan Pies was the third place finisher. ran in fourth place and Greg Pope ran in fifth place. Shawn George had sixth place nailed down, Steven Alexander came along in seventh place and Mark Clifton came in eighth. Richard Diaz started° tl1e race bur faded to complete his first lap. Anarolio Braccamontes rook the lead on the second lap, Gary Messer remained in the second spot. Raul Solano was driving for John Huson, they were still in third place and October 2006 Shawn George was running in the fifth spot. Mark Clifton was up into fifth place and Steven Alexander was in the sixth spot. Mike Simpson and Greg Pope wen~ on their respec-tive trailers. The third lap ended and now it was Gary Messer in rhe lead, Raul Solano was in sec-ond place, he was three minutes behind the leader, Shawn George was running in third place and Mark Clifton was the fourth place finisher. Anatolio Braccamontes and Steven When the second lap ended it was Danie.I Maurer in the class lead, Lonan Pies was second in, about 11 minutes behind the leader and Bryan Adams was now running in third place. After they finished their third lap it was John Carreon in the lead, he was in for Daniel Maurer, Bryan Adams was in second place, some 12 minutes The Unlimited Sportsman win went to Jerry Stewart, he led the class from the second lap and won with a 50 minute pad. Brad Wilson shared the drive with Colin Morris and they took the Limited - sportsman win with !Jalf ~n hour in h_an_d_. __ Dusty Times

Page 25

Jay Shain and Shane Robinson had some problems, flat tires and laying the car on it's side, the carried on and took fJl' place in Class 1600. Rick Gutierrez was the seventh place finisher in the Class 1600 Everett Chad Evans didn't have the best of nights, slow second and battle, he's seen here ready for landing in the Nevada night. third laps and disappearing on the final lap. behind the leader and Lonan Pies had disappeared from the scoring chart. The fourth and final lap ended and it was John Carreon taking the class win. He and Daniel had experienced some light problems on the first lap and a flat tire, they had no problems on the last two laps. Bryan Adams was the second place car, he was well back af-ter some problems on the course. There was not much to re-port on the Stock Full class. There was only one entry, Marc Balocco and he failed to com-plete his first lap. There were three entered in Class 7 and two of them made it to th e checkered flag. When the first of their four laps ended it was Ben Williams in the class lead, Garrett Evans came along in second place, less than four minutes behind the leader and Russ Ramsey was the third place fi nisher. The Class 1450 win went to Evan Vaughan, he cruised through the dust and dark with ease, seen here heading for the flag. Cody Freeman took the silver medal in Class 1600 with a bit of help from brother Bryan, he's seen here in nice level flight. w'Een tl~eir second lap ended· it was Russ Ramsey in the lead, Garrett Evans was still in the second spot and Ben Williams had dropped to the third place position. Lap 3 ended and there was another position swap, now it was Garrett Evans in the lead, Russ Ramsey was second, he was nine minutes in arrears and Ben Williams was still holding down the third spot. The fourth and final lap ended and Garrett Evans took the class win, Ben Williams was second to take the flag, he fin-ished less than five minutes be-hind the leader. Unfortunately, Russ Ramsey failed to complete his last lap. The Unlimited Sportsman had a nine car entry, only one third of them would see the checkered flag. They had four laps to run and at the end of their first lap it was Josey Mar-tin in the lead, Jerry Stewart was second, some four minutes in arrears, Lora Wright was in third place, 12 seconds out of second place, Devon Freemal ran fourth and Tom Hood was the fifth place finisher. Already out of the race were Jeremy Gubler, John Poling and Rory Ward. On tl~e second°lap ferry s·tew-art took the lead, Tom Hood was second to cross the line, Devon Freemal moved up a spot to third and Lora Wright was the fourth place finisher. Josey Martin was no longer in the race. The third lap ended and there were no changes in posi-tion. The fourth and final lap came to an end and it was Jerry Stewart taking the class win, Tom Hood finished in the sec-ond spot and Devon Freemal was the third and final finisher. Lora Wright failed to finish the final lap. The Limited Sportsman class had three entrants and two of them made it all the way. When the first lap ended it was Tommy Bradley, Jr. in the lead, Brad Wilson was less than two minutes behind the leader and Matthew Dustin failed to fin-ish his first lap. The second lap finished and Tommy Bradley Jr., with help from daughter Briana took the silver medal in Limited Sportsman, seen here rushing through the night. Dusty Times the pecking order remained the same, Tommy Bradley, was in the lead and Brad Wilson was following along in second place. O n the third lap their posi-tions changed, now it was Colin Morris, wh o was in for Brad Wilson in the lead and Tommy Bradley was relegated to second place. The fourth lap ended and Colin Morris took the class win. They had no problems and wanted to specifically thank first lap. Adam Wik for the engine. There was one entry in Class Briana Bradley, who was in for 11, Ed Mahoney, Ed was only her dad, Tommy Bradley, Jr. able to complete one of his two was the second place finisher, required laps. and that's all she wrote. Yet an-And so it ended, the 37th other Bradley joins the racing SNORE Midnight Special. It ranks. was a great race, the competi-ln Class 1450 t11er~ were two tion was fine, the weather was entrants but only one of them great and, as usual, the people would see the checkered flag. were friendly and willing to help Evan Vaughan ran his three re-friends and competitors alike. quired laps for the win and Kyle See ya at the SNORE 25 Miller failed to complete his September. TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING INC. SNORE 1999 Transaxle Builder Of The Year congratulations 2006 Battle At Primm Short course Tim Lindsey 1st in Class -1st overall Jim Temple 3rd in Class 1 Johnny Burns 3rd in Class 9 TRANS.AXLE ENGINEERING JEFF nELD 9763VARIEL AVENUE CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818-998-2739 October 2006 Page 25

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MD!l,A CAMBURG 200 -Reynolds Takes Big Win By]. Preston Photos: Trackside Photo Craig Reynolds was the big winner in the Class 1450 race, he set fast lap for the class and had seven minu~es in hand at the checkers. Lucerne Valley, middle of August, night race, it should be a bit cooler at night, and, believe it or not, it was! Tech-nical Inspection and Contin-gency was, as usual, at the High School and a goodly amount of contingency do-nors wer e on hand. It a ll took p lace on Saturday and it was quite warm while we were handing out papers to the cars and trucks but liv-able. But, on to the race! There were five Class 1 cars pawing at the dirt, wait-ing for the green flag and when it fell it was Rick Brabec leadin g the pack, he had just set fast lap for the class, Frank Thing was run-ning in the second spot, eight seconds behind and Bret Hartman was in the third spot. Unfortunately, Bob Nuckles and Alex Danze weren't able to complete their first lap. The second of their four required laps ended and The Class 1 win went to Frank Thing, he had half an hour in hand when the checkers flew, he's seen here leaving the launch pad. -------·--Rick Brabec still held the the race. When they came lead, Frank Thing still ran in around at the end of their second place, still less than first of three required laps it two minutes in arrears and was Lee Orr in the lead, he Bret Hartman was still the had just set fast lap for the show horse, about eight min-class, Jeff Phillips ran sec-ures behind the leader. ond, almost 20 minutes be-They came around on hind due to mechanical woes their third lap and there was and Salvador Cervantes was a new leader, Frank Thing in third place, less than a now had the bit in his teeth, minute out of second. Matt Bret Hartman was in second Palmer was off the scoring place and Rick Brabec had charts. succumbed to terminal ills. Lap 2 went into the book The last lap ended, the and Lee Orr still held the checkers flew and it was lead, Jeff Phillips still held Frank Thing taking the win, onto second place, a bit more Bret Hartman picked up the than half an hour behind the silver medal, half an hour in leader and Salvador Cer-arrears, mostly due to slow vantes still ran in the third third and fourth lap times. spot, way back after an al-The Class 3 troops were most two and a half hour next up, there were four of lap. them waiting to go but only The third and final lap, t hree would see the end of Lee Orr took the checkers, Bret Hartman was a bit off the winning pace in Class 1, he ended up Jeff Phillips was off the winning pace and an extra long last lap didn't Art Savedra was the second place finisher in the Class 5 contest, in the second spot, he's seen here heading into the dark. he/ Jeff finished second in Class 300. but, just ask him, he still had a ball! r---------------------- ---------------------~ I I I I I I I I I I Performance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding & Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks Quality Products & Friendly Service .VISA RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-759 • 15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX us to Receive a Free Catalog I I I I ~-------------------------------------------------------~ Page 26 October 2006 Dusty Times

Page 27

A second place finish in Class 7 went to Shawn St. George, he's seen Dean_ Schling_mann was ~ff the pace, had a long third lap and ended Billy Gereghty set fast lap in Class 1 0 but a long third lap dropped him here charging through the night at the MOR Camburg race. up with the silver medal m Class B, seen here at speed. to second place, that's where he finished in Class 10. averaging more than 35 miles ning pretty well. George was right there in sec-Two Class 8 trucks were and Dean Schlingmann per hour for this tour, Jeff Fourth and final lap and ond place, a mere 56 seconds ready fo.r combat, they had bringing up the rear. Phillips remained in second when the checkered flag flew behind the and Raul four laps to run for a race When their second lap place although he too had it was Barry Karakas squeak-Flores, getting Detter every and then the firs_t lap ended ended it was still PatelH up major problems on his last ing out the win, setting fast lap was the fourth and final it was Joe Patelli in the lead, front, Schlingmann still held lap and Sal Cervantes came lap along the way. Shawn St. finisher. setting fast lap along the way Continued on page 28 in third, although his last lap was just under three hours in duration. The Class -5 group also had three contestants and they too would lose one car early on. They had four laps to run and at the end of the first lap it was Ken Donald-son in the lead, setting fast lap along the way, Art Savedra was next in, about 20 minutes off the lead pace and Ryan Valdez came along half a minute after Savedra. The second lap ended and Ken Donaldson was still the leader, Art Savedra still ran in the second spot and Ryan Valdez was amongst the miss-ing. Lap 3 went into the record books and Ken Donaldson still held the class lead, Savedra was still going strong but losing time each lap to the leader. The checkers flew on the fourth lap and it was Ken Donaldson taking the win, Ken averaged almost 50 miles per hour for his run and, in the runner-up spot it was Art Savedra. There were four trucks en-tered in Class 700, they had four required laps to run and all four of them saw the checkered flag. Barry Kara-kas led the first lap, setting fast lap for class in the day-light, Shawn St. George was two minutes behind in the second spot, Bob Anderson came along in third, seven minutes behind the leader and Raul Flores was fourth to cross the line. Unfortu-nately, Jeff Rigel failed to complete his first lap. The second lap was fin-ished and now it was Shawn St. George leading the pack, Bob Anderson had moved into the second spot, Barry. Karakas had some problems and dropped a few spots into third place and Raul Flores had big problems but was still running fourth place. Third lap into the record books, Shawn St. George is still leading, Barry Karakas has moved from third place into second place, about six minutes behind the leader, Bob Anderson had big, big troubles and was now run-ning in third place and Raul Flores was shaking off his troubles and was now run-Dusty Times LIST YOUR PHONE NUMBER, YEAR, MODEL AND ENGINE SIZE! Sales Information: Payment may be made by credtt card, money order or cashiers check. Personal or business checks are not accepted. C.0.0. orders accepted wtth 50% pre-payment. $5 Handling charge on all orders. California residents include 7.75% sales tax. Customers responsible for all freight charges. Minimum order is $25. The use of Volkswagen by Pac~ic Customs Unlimited, Inc. is for descriptive purposes ONLY and in no way is the name used to infer or intend a direct connection betWeen Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. and Volkswagen. Volkswagen is a registered trademark. PRICES EFFECTIVE DURING THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MAGAZINE COVER DATE. EAGLE EYE OFF ROAD LIGHTS H.I.D. Lights with 35W Xsnan Bulbs and Ballast 4 '/, Oval H.l:D. DrMng Light, Silver Finish and External Ballast, pair ..................... $522 8. Oval H.I.D. DrMng Ughl, ...._ _______ _, Super Bright Halogen Lights. 5• Round 1 DOW DrMng Light Silver Finish and E)C!ernal -Ballast. pair ....................... 522 8' Oval H.1.0. Spot Light, Silver finish and External Ballast, pair ................................... 522 6' Round H.I.D. Driving Light, Opal finish and Internal ........ . Ballast, pair ....................... 522 5· Round H.I.D. Spot light. Opal .. Finish and Internal Ballast, pair ................................... 522 with Black Finish, pair ....... $38 6' Round 100W Slim-Pro Dri'ling Light with Chrome Finish, pair ... 74 4 '/? Dual 100W Driving Light with Silver Finish. pair ......... 82 8' Round 55W Driving Light with Silver Finish, pair ......... 98 8' Round Spot with Silver Finish, pair .......................... 98 COMMUNICATION KITS Bss/c Kil OIiers Drlvsr to Passenger Communication. Advanced Kits ha,e the capability tor the Driver to Communicate to Passengers, Car to Car or Car to Base with Rad/a Add1d. Basic 2-Person Kit w/HS ........ $465 Basic 4-Person M w/HS ......... .799 Advanced 560 4-Person Intercom Kit.. .................... 635 Push to Talk Button ................... 37 Black Finish Head Set .............. $98 Black. Blue, Red or Yellow Behind the Head Head Set 164 Carbon Fiber Behind Head Head Set ........................... 178 COIL BEAM SUSPENSION *Made In USA* Front Ends are 6" Wider with 10" Towers to Accept Coil Shocks Without Maditlca//on and Includes Rack and Pinion Mount. Trailing Arms ars 0.0.M. Material, 2'/," Larp,r ;r 1• W/d,r And Can Use Either Stack King Pin Spindles or Combo Links. front Beam for Coil Shocks ... $265 Combo Link Spindles ............. $475 Chromoly Front Beam for Combo Link Spindles 3' raised .. 510 Coil Shocks ....................... 310 King Shock 2' Adj. Body 0.0.M. Trailing Arms, set of 4 .310 w/Reservoir, includes D.O.M. • 4' Trailing Arms (4) .. 360 Springs, each ................... .495 Thru Rods w/Nuts. pair .............. 50 Piggy Back Reservoir Option ..... 65 Urethane Beam Bushings .......... 24 Swedged Tie Rods, Alum., pr .... 65 H.D. Link Pins ............................ 52 Swedged T-Rods, Chromoly, pr.65 2-Piec, Bil/st Hub with a• Rotor, Bearings, Center Caps and Wilwoad 2 Piston Calipers with Mounting Brackets. VW Link Pin front Brakes ..... $725 Combo Link front Brakes ....... 745 Front Hub Kit VW Link Pin Front Hub Kit .... $439 Combo Link front Hub Kit ...... 439 1-Ptu, BIiiet Hub with r Rotor, Timken Be,r/ngs, Ctn/Ir CIJps and Wilwood 2 Piston Calipers w/111 Mounting Bracksts. Combo Link Front Brakes .... $895 SPORTSMAN MICRO STUB KIT Billet Bearing Housing wl/h Timken Bearings, 11• Rotors, 3DDM Stub Ai/11 and Wilwood 4 PIiion CIJ/ipers. Sportsman Micro Stub Kit .. $1,295 H.D. 300M MICRO STUB BRAKE KIT BIiiet 811rlng Hau,lng w/tb Timken Bearing,, 11• Rotan, u1111 Diameter 300M Stub Axlss and WI/wood 4 Piston Callp,rr. H.D. Micro Stub Brake Kit....$1,595 ~I KING ADJUSTABLE ..... -____ _. SHOCKS WI NON-COIL SHOCKS RESERVOIR King 2" Shock, 8-10-12" Stroke ...... from $225 Full Adjustment Dual Spring Shock with Hase and Ressrvolr. King 2" Adjustable Shock, King 2 '/•" Shock, 12-14-16" Stroke ...... from 295 8-10-12" Stroke ...... from $495 u••·s g11un SlilJP King 2 '/," Adjustable Shock, 111n, u1r1r .12-14-16" Stroke ...... from 585 rBump Slap with 4130 Piggy Back Reservoir Option ..... 65 Chramoly Sleeve. Triple By-Pass, 2 ¼' Body ....... 650 Bump Stop with Sleeve, each $257 CENTERLINE WHEELS Forged Aluminum Wheels with Pol/shed Finish. 15 X 4 5 VW ....................... $178 15x5 5VW ......................... 183 15 X 6 5 VW ......................... 183 t5x7 5VW ......................... 186 15xa 5VW ........................ ,t89 15x10 5VW ......................... t97 15x3¼ 4VW ..................... 172 15x 5 '/, 4 vw ..................... 220 15 X 7 4 VW ..................... 223 15x8 ¼ 4VW ..................... 230 POWER STEERING COMPONENTS Howe Power Rack, 2' Widespread ............................................. $1.275 Howe Power Rack, 2 '/,' Widespread ........................................... I ,275 Howe Power Rack. 2 'It Widespread with Control Valve ............. I ,650 Char-Lynn Torque Generator .......................................................... 295 Char-Lynn Billet Mount Clamps to 1 '/? Tubing ......................... , .... 459 Mounting Tab, Weld-On. each .......................................................... 10 Port Block for Char-Lynn with Fittings .............................................. 30 Coupler for Char-Lynn ...................................................................... 18 U-Joint for Char-Lynn (Sweet) ............................................. .From 56 Power Steering Pumps, 1000 PSI or 1300 PSI .............................. 160 Pulley for Power Steering Pump .......................................... From 45 Power Steering Reservoir for #8 and #10 fittings ........................... 85 Power Steering Reservoir with filter Adapter ................................. 150 Mount for Power Steering Pump (Specify Englne) ................. From 65 Bracket. Reservoir ............................................................................ 14 October 2006 930 CHROMOLY STUBAXLES& DRIVE FLANGES Stub Axles for 930 OJ, palr .... $140 Stub Axles for Bus CV, palr .... $140 Drive Flanges for 930 OJ. pair ... 70 Drive Flanges for Bus OJ, pair ... 70 HEAVY DUTY AXLES GERMAN CV JOINTS by LATEST RAGE Bug/Bus Trans to AND BOOTS. Beetle Trailer Arms .......... $120 Bug, OJ Joint... ........................ $45 Bug/Bus Trans to 3x3 Arms ..... 130 Bug, CV Boot .............................. 4 Bug/Bus Trans to 3x3 Arms Bus, OJ Joint.. ........................... 50 tor 930 CV s ...................... 140 Bus, OJ Boot ............................... 6 23" or 25' Axles for 930 OJ s ... 160 930 , CV Joint ............................ 56 24'-28' M300 for 930 CV s .. .fr 440 930, Boot and flange ................ 34 Jt [21li] JL CROW SAFETY BELTS 3" Lap Belts with Sewn-In 2" or 3" Shau/du Hameues Availab/1 in 3, 4. or V Point W1bbin11 Is Available In Black, Grsy, Blue, Red or Purple. 3" x 2· 3 Point ....................... $70 3" x 2" 4 Polnt.. ....................... 70 3" X 3" 3 Point.. ....................... 80 3" x 3• 4 Point... ...................... 80 3" x 2" 3 pt w/Shoulder Pad .... 90 3" x 2" 4 pt w/Shoulder Pad .... 90 3" x3" 3 Pt w/Shoulder Pad .. 100 3·· x 3" 4 Pt w/Shoulder Pad .. 100 2 Crotch Strap ........................... 12 CROW SHOULDER PADS Available tor 2" or 3" Shoulder Harnus, Black, B/us Or Red. 2' Shoulder Harness Pads, pr .. $24 3" Shoulder Harness Pads. pr .... 28 Only 19" Wide/ Now You Can Use Special Order Widths Aval/able. suspsnsion Seats in Narrows, 2-Pass;Benc~ Seat, ChaJS/s. Available in Black or Grey. 46 or 48 Wide .............. $435 Lil Sportster Seat. Low-Back $165 BEARD SUPER SEAT LiBEAROSeTIEOOWNS0 MOUNT KIT Light Duty Tie Down. 1'/a' x 6' Slidemlt Comblnation .......... $118 Strap. 5,000I Capacity ...... $18 Slide/Slide Combination Ratchet Tie Down, 2' x 7' for Lil Sportster ................ 134 Strap, t0,0001 Capacity ...... 26 Bracket and Slide Mount Only .. 55 Axle Strap.. .. ....... 12 Page 27

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Richard Wood got faster as the race progressed, he ended up in the Jerry Zaiden was right in there all race long, he ended up taking the second spot in the Class 1200 action, seen here at takeoff. silver medal in Class 1400, less than two minutes out of the win. A seconr;I place finish in Class 1450 went to Matt Helton, he was about seven minutes in arrears when the checkers flew. .. brought up the rear, ..-h-a_v...,.i_n_g had troubles along the way. Lap 2 ended, there were no changes in position, Gereghty had increased his lead over Garavito to just under three minutes. When they came around at the end of the third lap Ri-chard Garavito had taken the Class 10 lead, Billy Gereghty had dropped to the second spot, having had some minor problem on the lap and Dave Wood was no-where to be seen . Lights ablaze, Lee Orr cuts his way through the night to take the Class 3 win at the Camburg 300, his competition way behind him. Ken Donaldson set fast lap on his first lap and just kept flyin' around the course, he took the Class 5 win with more than an hour in hand. Final lap, checkered flag flies and Richard Garavito takes the Class 10 win, Billy Gereghty is second across the line, he is six minutes in ar-rears and Dave Wood is in third place, never recovering from his long first lap. on in second place, now Patelli still leads, Schling-some 19 minutes in arrears. mann still chasing him, now Lap 3 in the books and a bit more than half an hour behind the leader. Lap 4 ended, positions :;-"!""j=~:::::;-: 'Bw Products New Products NewProdui 3DDMB34 CVBTAH111B NO MORE Spline Wear! Stronger Core! 50% Stronger! 6.5• & 8.5" Sizes Built-In Starter & Ballast Die-Cast Aluminum Housi 35 Watt H.I.D. Bulb Driving/Euro Beam Pattern Knurled Adjustment Knobs Page 28 JI & aar Ap WhBBIS Beadlock Black I Blue Colors Red/ Polished size ao cenrer Mounr Hub KIi II Sliding Axles Available for Plunging + NonPlung. CV's w/ CNC or Brembo Calipers Ultimate Strength 300M Size 30 Center Star ngAxles nPlungin Size 30 4CV's ~ October 2006 hadn't changed, it was Pate Iii taking the win, Schlingmann came in second, he had cut five minutes off the lead this lap, good for him. Class 10 was next to start and they had a decent battle going on for a while. Billy Gereghty was the class leader when they came around at the end of the first lap, he had just set fast ·lap ·for the class, Richard Garavito was next in, he was only two min-utes out of the lead, Scott Mapes came along in the third spot and Dave Wood Class 11 had two entrants. They only had to make two laps for a race. Jason Gutzmer came around after the first lap as the class leader and, unfortunately, his competition, Paul Vidal never completed the first lap. Gutzmer just motored around on his second lap, a bit slower than his first and he took the Class 11 win. There were four entered in Barry Karakas waited 'ti/ the last lap to set fast lap time, he took the Class win with less than a minute to spare. The Class 8 win went to Joe Pate/Ii, he set fast lap on his first lap and took the w{n with almost half an hour in hand. Dusty Times

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Joe Jeffrey set fast lap on lap 1, had troubles on his third lap and finished 2nd in Class 1600, just over a minute out of the win. Bob Anderson was well off the winning pace in the Class 7 contest, he ended up in third place, he's seen here at speed. Dave Wood had a horrendously long first lap, a third place finish was the best he could muster, he's seen here at speed. Class 1200 and they would Nakashima failed have a 7 5% finishing rate. plete his first lap. to com-third place. When the first lap of their The second lap came to an three lap race ended it was end and Terry Ingold still Terry Ingold in the lead, he held the lead, Terry had just set fast lap for the Wyrembeck still held the sec-class and h e had five minutes ond spot, however he was on Terry Wyrembeck. Rich-now almost half an hour be-ard Wood wa s in the third hind the leader and Richard finishing Jim Woods was still running in The third lap ended, the checkers flew and Terry Ingold took home the gold medal, Richard Wood came in second to collect the sil-ver medal and Terry Wyrembeck had major prob-lems on his last lap yet sol-diered in for a long third place finish. 1400 vehicles to run their Class 1300 had three en-four laps. When the smoke tered and they too had three cleared at the end of the first laps to run for their race. lap it was Adam Householder Eric Jacobus turned out to in the lead, Ray Butcher came be the only starter and he along in the second spot, 51 motored around at just over seconds later and Steven Her-a 50 mile per hour average rera was third across the line. to take the class win. Jerry Zaiden was the fourth There were eight Class Continued on page 30 A two and a half hour third lap was certainly costly, Terry Wyrembeck A third place finish for Frank Vernola in Class 1400 was all he could Jeremy Zindroski was relegated to a fourth place finish at the finished a Jong third place in the Class 1200 fracas. manage _th~s n}_gh!, Frank is_ seen here heading f<l!_ the_ flag. Camburg race, he's seen here racing towards the dark. : 0 _ iinliK L__l<Eil-l■ S> \ ~•E::ft!I~ Formerty Carrera Light Systems 6¥ U ~ IP .. ttttegrated & o.n. & Ballast -Smaller s!Ze, tower weight. more reliable, .greater safety • Quick Adjust' Blllet Knobs -For tool-le$& nspid adju$tment& • Tlg Welded Chtomoty frame• for &tnmgeh etXf durability •• ,Rwber Moumed - Vibra.tion IQlated umps + Eliminates tend~ for the tamp to vibrate out of adjustment • Ra" Provon Optlc5 - Focal point& opti,'nized for HIO or Halog&n application& • Lightweight - Single weighs 4 lbs. 4 oz. Bars are 2/3 the weight of competitors lights alone (4 Bar weighs 21 tbs 3 oz.) Dusty Times October 2006 Page 29

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p lace f inisher, Dan Vance came across in fifth p lace and Frank Vernola was t h e sixth place finisher. Randy Shield started but never completed his first lap. The second lap saw lots of position changes, Dan Vance set fast lap for the class and moved into first place, Steven Herrer a dropped a spot in sec-ond place and Jerry Zaiden was up a spot into third place. Ray Butcher dropped two spots, he was now running in fourth place, Frank Vernola was up a spot into fifth place and Adam Householder, the first lap leader, -was nowhere to be seen. There were lots of position changes on the third lap, ex-cept for the leader, Dan Vance was still out in front,· Jerry Zaiden was now in sec-ond place, just two minutes behind the leader, Frank Ver-nola was now in the third spot and Ray Butcher was running in fourth place. Steven Her-rera had called it a night and was on the trailer. Last lap, checkered flag and Dan Vance was there to take it, Jerry Zaiden was less than two minutes behind the leader in second-place, Frank Vernola held on in third place and Ray Butcher finished first off the podium. The big class, 2450, was out in force, 20 of them were ready to do battle with the dust and the dark, and each other. As they came around for the finish of their first of three laps it was Jeremy Zindroski in the lead, Matt Helton was right there in sec-ond place, 18 seconds in ar-rears, Craig Reynolds was right there also in the third spot, Tyler Fain was in . --1 I l .i11ap-:,,. Page 30 Richard Garavito took the Class 10 win on the third lap and he went on to take the gold medal, seen here nicely airborne. fourth place and Ryan Dowe was in fifth place. In sixth place it was Dustyn Loppnow, Brian Metcho was seventh, John Alagna ran in eight place, Belden Alivio was in ninth place and Ben Wright rounded out the top 10. Mike Belcher was in 11th place, Chris Jason Gutzmer, all lights ablaze, was the Class 11 winner, he's seen here saving a wee bit of tire wear. G r e e 1 e y r a n i n Ray Butcher lets it all hang down, Ray had a super long third lap and Chris Greeley drove his good looking truck to a fifth place finish in Class 1450, he's seen here before nightfall. 1 2 th , J a y Arno 1 d he ended up first off the podium in Class 1400. was running in unlucky 13th, lead, Matt Helton remained Wes Featherston had the in second place, Jeremy 14th spot and Nick Tonelli Zindroski had dropped to had 15th place nailed down. third place, Chris Greeley The 16th spot went to Kent was up a bunch into fourth Benjamin, Josh Amagrandr place and Mike Belcher was raninl?thplace,JerryAllen now in fifth place. Jay was 218th, John Rijos ran in Arnold was up into sixth 19th place and Josh place,BrianMetchostillran Pfohlman was the 20th fin-in seventh, Tyler Fain isher. dropped four spots into When they came around at eighth place, Ben Wright was the end of their second lap, now in ninth place and it was Craig Reynolds in the Belden Alivio was down a October 2006 spot into 10th. John Alagna four had n ot changed posi: was in 11th place, Nick tions, Craig Reynolds took Tonelli was up to 12th place, the class win, Matt H elton Wes Featherston was in 13th was right there in the second place, Ryan Dowe had spot, Jeremy Zindroski was dropped way down to 14th third, Chris Greeley re-place and Jerry Allen was mained in fourth place and 15th. Josh Amagrandr sa t in Jay Arnold move·d into the the 16th spot, John Rijos fifth spot. Finishing in sixth was in 17th, Dus t yn place was Brian Me t c ho, Loppnow had fallen to 18t h Mike Belch er finish ed sev-place and Josh Pfohlman was enth, John Alagna finished the 19th place finisher. _Kent eighth, Nic k Tonelli was Benjamin was on the trailer. ninth and Belden Alivio As they came around for rounded out the t o p 10. the checkered flag, the top Jerry Allen finished in the Terry Ingold drove his great looking car to the Class 1200 win, he's seen here at takeoff heading to a nice win. Eric Jacobus set fast lap on lap 1, went on to take the gold medal, he's seen here in flight early on in the rac~ ___ _ Dusty Times

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r Under new ownership -Over 40 year: of ex~rienee Bring your hor rod, sand rail. motorcycle, boat, or ATV down to our location and ... Let us solve your plumbing problems from complete system designs Brake Lines, Fuel lines, Turbo Hoses. Stalnlesss hardllne for brakes and fuel applications. All Redline Oil products discounted Dan Vance took the Class 1400 lead on lap 2, flew through the night to take the win with less than two minutes in hand. to minor modifications. by the case. 11th spot, Ryan Dowe made it an even dozen, Dustyn Loppnow was 13th, Wes Featherston was the 14th place finisher and John Rijos came in 15th. Josh Pfohlman was 16th in and Tyler Fain was the 17th and final fin-Any high penoimanc~ hose purcha~ from MESA HOSE will ~ as~rnb!ed fre(! of charge Crimp fittings from 2' on down. isher. Ben Wright and Josh Amagrandr failed to com-plete their last lap. There were only two Class 1600 races on tap and they really had a hell of a race. Joe Jeffrey set fast class lap on the fi rst lap and was the class leader when they came around and Dave Stanley was right there, just two minutes in arrears. both slowed down but now it was Dave Stanley in the lead and Joe Jeffrey was six minutes behind. Fourth and final lap, Dave Stanley came across the line in first place, a mere minute and eight seconds ahead of Joe Jeffrey. Hell ofa race for those two guys. ... ' • l PRO-TEC-TO WRAP"' REELCRAF plac e . Eric Helgeson and Ricky Lee failed to complete their first lap. Lap 2 ended and Reardon still held the lead, Zolg was still running second, now 15 minutes off the pace. The third and final lap ended, Bill Zolg came around for the checkered flag and Kevin Reardon was not to be seen. Dave Stanley took the Class 1600 win but it was close, he only had a bit over a minute in hand when the checkers flew. At the end of their second lap Joe Jeffrey still held the lead but Dave Stanley was now less than 30 seconds be-hind. On their third lap they The Class 1700 boys had four entered, three laps to run but, alas, only one of them would see the black and white flag. When the first lap ended it was Kevin Reardon in the lead, Bill Zolg was 16 minutes behind in second And so it ended, most had a good time , a night race is always fun, once in a while, and they are all waiting to get another crack at the guy who beat them. ~ Dusty Times The Holidays Will Soon Be Upon Us - Now Is The Time To Start Thinking Of Those Christmas Gift Subscriptions, so '0 1 Aunt Mae Can See Your Picture In The Paper. Also, The Dusty Times Centerfold Calendar Is Only A Few Issues Away, Now Would Be A Good Time To Get Your Name On The Calendar Advertising List. Still Only A Hundred Bucks To Have Your Company's Name On Every Tool Box And Refrigerator In Town. October 2006 Page 31 -·

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t-i~wmi AT BARK RIVER Hawley Takes TWa By]. Preston Bradshaw Photos: J&L Photography Johnny Greaves, Toyota Pro 4, took third place on Saturday, won the class on Sunday and has a 13 point lead in the points. A great weekend for Aaron Hawley, back to his winning ways, he took the gold in both rounds in Super Buggy at Bark River. The CORR troops visited Bark River for the second time, there was a good turnout of vehicles and the weather was nice, there was a possibility of rain but it never happened. There were lots of changes in the racing ranks, many of the perpetual winners didn't win and there were a bunch of new gold medalists, all making for an interesting look at the CORR Series. Bark River has been a big part of the CORR Series, a good course, lots of fans in the stands and always lots of participants. This year there were about 140 cars and trucks in attendance and most you talked to said they had a fun weekend. It was Round 9 for the Pro 4 troops and, as usual, the racing was hot and heavy. When all the mud, dust and dirt had cleared at the end of the Saturday round it was Scott Douglas taking the win in his great looking Ford. Scott took the lead in Turn 1 on the first lap and he was really never challenged. Curt LeDuc, also driving a Ford, gave it his all but he just couldn't do any better than second place this round. Johnny Greaves, who leads the Pro 4 points came across the line for the final po-diuin position in his Toyota. Carl Renezeder's Chevy wasn't a winner this race, Carl came across the line first off the po-dium and Josh Baldwin was the fifth place finisher. The sixth place finisher was Adrian Cenni in his Chevy, Marty Coyne, Ford was seventh to finish, in eighth place it was Al Drews, he is Ford powered and Rick Huseman, Toyota pow-ered was the ninth and final finishers. Sunday's round had a new winner, this time it was Johnny Greaves in his Toyota taking the gold medal, Ford driver Curt LeDuc picked up his second second place of the weekend, Josh Baldwin got the bronze medal this time and Carl Ren-ezeder, Chevy, took another first off the podium position. Rick Huseman, Toyota mounted, was the fifth place fin-isher this round, Marty Coyne took the flag in sixth place in his Ford, Scott Douglas, Ford, had a flat tire to deal with and he ended up in seventh place this day, Al Drews, also in a Ford fin-ished in eighth place again and Adrian Cenni, Chevy, was the ninth and final finisher. Johnny Greaves leads the Pro 4 points with 125, Carl Renezeder is second with 112 points, Josh Baldwin sits in third place with 105 points, Curt LeDuc and Scott Douglas are tied for fourth place with 92 points each. There were 16 Pro 2 entrants, all rarin' to go and they had a great cou pie of rounds. Jerry Whelchel, who says he is just learnin' drove his Ford to the Satur-day win, Todd LeDuc, Ford, came in for the silver medal and Dan VandenHeuvel, Chevy, took the final spot on the po-diuin. Scott Douglas was the fourth place ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ finisher in his Ford, Scott Dircks and Porter 2000 Ford pre-runner. 3 seater, 4 door extended cab. All Redone by Geiser Bros. GT -40 aluminum head injected Ford REF Headcrs,Allnewprofessional wiring. NC, stereo, GPS, intercom,gauges, Momo's, 3 Headsets.Just painted metallic silver. One piece fiberglass front end and rear Fenders. Roller bearing C-6 plus complete spare. 37'' Gordon Beadlocks, polished on 37''W" Good years. Shocks and bypasses just redone by King. New King bumps. This truck was built to pre-run the Baja 1000 or anywhere else. Awesome Pre-runner, ready to go. Street legal, air jack system. 2 spares. Over $150,000 to rebuild and 2 years. All new or updated. Must see!!!! Give away at $85,000. Call Mark Porter at 602-708-7090 Taylor, Ford, was the fifth place finisher and Michael Oberg, Chevy mounted finished in sixth place. In sev-enth place it was Kevin Probst in his Chevy, Steve Barlow, Ford, came across in eighth place, Josh Baldwin finished in ninth place and Rhonda Konitzer was the 10th placed finisher. Chevy driver Paul Seidler was 11th to finish, Greg Adler, Ford, made it an even dozen and Carl Renezeder, Nissan, was finished in an unaccustomed 13th place. In 14th place it was Travis Coyne in his Chevy, Evan Evans, not hav-ing a good year, was back in the 15th spot and Brian Hinman was the 16th and final finisher. There were lots of changes in the Sun-day round of the Pro 2 group. Carl Ren-ezeder, Nissan, took his fourth win of the season, Scott Taylor, Ford was back in form with a second place finish, and Jerry Whelchel was last on the podium in his Ford. In fourth place it was Dan VandenHeuvel Sr. in his Ford, Kevin Probst came in fifth in his Chevy and Michael Oberg, Chevy, took his second sixth place of the weekend. Steve Barlow, Ford, was the seventh place finisher, Paul Seidler was the eighth place finisher in his Ford, Rhonda Konitzer finished in ninth place and Brian Hinman, Chevy, was the 10th place finisher. This round Jerry Whelchel, Ford, was really flyin', he won Pro 2 on Saturday, was third on Sunday and he leads the class points with five in hand. A terrible 15th place finish on Saturday, a nice win on Sunday and an 11 point lead in Pro Lite for Jeff Kincaid in his Toyota. _ _____ _ _ _ __ -· ___ _ Page 32 October 2006 Dusty Times

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Carl Renezeder, Nissan, had 1 win at Bark River in Pro 2, he finished 4th both days in Pro 4 in his Chevy. Todd LeDuc slipped way back to 11th place in his Ford, Scott Dou-glas made it an even dozen and Travis Coyne was unlucky 13th in his Chevy. Josh Baldwin, definitely not having a good Pro 2 year fin-ished 14th, Evan Evans, Chevy, col-lected his second 15th place finish for the weekend and Greg Adler was the 16th and final finisher in his Ford. In the Pro 2 points race, Jerry Whelchel is showing the way with 106 points, Carl Renezeder is right there in the second spot with 101 points in hand, Todd LeDuc sits in third place with 100 points, Scott Taylor is in fourth place with 90 points and Steve Barlow is fifth in points with 81 accrued. the win in his Nissan, Kyle LeDuc was right there in his Ford to take the second place honors and John Marking took the bronze medal in Chad Hord had a 1st and a 2nd place finish at Bark River, he's seen here in his Pro Lite Nissan diggin' hard. his Ford. Steve Federico had his best finish of the year, fourth place in his Toyota, Art Schmitt, Nissan, was fifth to finish, Rodrigo Ampudia was the sixth finisher in his Ford and Dan VandenHeuvel Jr. finished seventh in his Nissan. In eighth place it was Liam O'Donnell, also in a Nissan, Christ Brandt came in ninth and Mark Oberg came in 10th in his Ford. In 11th place it was Randy Eller, also in a Ford, Javier Sacio was 12th in his Nissan, Don Ponder was un-lucky 13th in his Ford, Josh Hintz, Nissan came in 14th and Jeff Kincaid was in the unusual, for him, 15th finishing spot in his Toyota, while Jon Probst took the 16th fin-ishing position. In 17th place it was Bill Markel, Robert Naughton was 18th in his Ford, Jim Kandel, Toyota, finished in 19th place, Casey Currie was 20th in a Nissan and Jeff Huseman was the 21st and final finisher in his Ford. Sunday at Bark River, second round of the Pro Lite contest, again lots of dirt and mud and when it was all over it was Jeff Kincaid in his Toyota taking his eighth win of the season. Chad Hord was right Continued on page 34 The Pro Lite group had quite a turnout, lots of trucks and all want-ing the win. Alas, it never works that way. When the checkers flew for the group it was Chad Hord taking A 1st and a 2nd place finish went to Michael Seefeldt, Michael is second in Single Buggy points, seen here slightly muddied. Dan Baudoux took a win and a 5th place in his Ford, he's second in Sportsman 2 points, seen here ready to land. Dusty Times e e I certified Et tested [t;JnO% Str~nger ,.._rz..iii,,iii,,oo~LJ ______ L,ghter than other cast wheels an the market •Counter Pressure Casted Aluminum • Satin Smooth Machine Finish ilable in: 15x4. 15x7 i!Jeadlack an Nan-i!Jeadlack Vl\' 5 Lug Pattern - 5 on 205mm .. ~ .. 714.578.B25B October 2006 Beadl~ks:·: , □blue □black □red . □polished• Page 33

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I',, Mike Savage drove his Ford to a fifth place and a first place, he's seen here in nice level flight in his Ford. John Fitzgerald was 19th on Saturday, took the Single Buggy win on Sunday, he sits fourth in points after Bark River. on tap in second place in his Nis-san and Art Schmitt, Nissan, took the bronze medal honors. Christ Brandt had a very nice fourth place finish, Jeff Huseman was fifth in his Ford, Liam O'Donnell came in sixth in his Nissan, Steve Federico was seventh in his Toyota and Rob- 11th in his Nissan, Jim Kandel fin-in the 16th finishing spot in his ert Naughton came in eighth in his ished 12th in his Toyota, John Mark- Ford and Javer Sacio, Nissan came Ford. Ford driver Randy Eller was ing, Ford was the 13th finisher and across the line in 17th place. Eigh-the ninth finisher, Mark Oberg Josh Hintz, Nissan, finished 14th teenth place went to Rodrigo picked up his second 10th place fin- for the second time this weekend. Ampudia, Ford, Bill Markel was in ish for the weekend in his Ford, Fifteenth place went to Don Pon-the 19th finishing spot and Casey Dan VandenHeuvel Jr. finished der, Ford, Kyle LeDuc was way back Currie was 20th again in his Nis-~---------'------------~ san. In Pro Lite points, Jeff Kincaid has the lead with 141 in hand, Chad Hord is second with 130 points, Kyle LeDuc sits in third with 85 points, Mark Oberg is fourth with 73 points and Liam O'Donnell is in fifth place with 70 points ac-crued. Next on the menu were the Su-per Buggy troops, there were 16 of them all rarin' to mix it up and a good time was had by all. When their laps were done on Saturday it was Aaron Hawley taking the big win, his first of the year and it sure did make him a happy guy. They've been fooling with all sorts of things on the car all season and finally hit the right combination. Following along in the second spot was Corry Heynen and the third place honors went to Ryan Mulder. Craig Biesik was first off the podium, Todd Wallace was the fifth place finisher and Tom Schwartsburg rounded out the top six. Gary Nierop fin-ished in the lucky seven position, Ryan Mulder has a third and a sixth place finish at Bark River, he Ross Hoek, Ford, garnered a second and a third at Bark River, Ross Keith Steele drove his Chevy to a pair of second place finishes at leads the Super Buggy Midwest points by six. leads the Sportsman 2 points with 16 in hand. Bark River, Keith leads Sportsman Stock by seven points. 3X CHAMPION & 8 DIRT LOGIC 4.0 SHOCKS~ AN UNSTOPPABLE COMBINATIIIN ' When it comes to domination in the desert race circuit nobody does it better than Greg Foutz. That's why he depends on the latest shock technology to take him to the winners cir~e. Dirt Logic 4.0 shocks from Fabtech. With eight Bypass Dirt Logic 4.0 shocks, watch for Foutz to rack up another championship this year. Check out Fobtech's line of Dirt Logic shocks on the web ot: www .. Page 34 October 2006 Dusty Times I

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Herman Barnum came across the line in eighth place, Stephanie Krieman was the ninth finisher and Lisa Grint followed along in the 10th finishing spot. The 11th fin-ishing position went to John Frana, John Mason made it an even dozen and A.J. Schmitt, a rookie, came across in 13th place. Fourteenth place went to Gerald Kleikamp, Adam Guberud was way back in the 15th spot and Scott Schwalbe was in an unaccustomed 16th place at the finish. Sunday was a brand new day and Aaron Hawley had a great time, back in the winner's circle once again. John Mason turned it on this round and took the silver medal and Scott Schwalbe was getting Don Demeny drove his dodge to a win and an eight ti place at Bark River, he's back on track with a third place seen here ready for a slightly right sided landing. finish. Stephanie Krieman poured second win of the season, John finish. Cissy Baldwin was happy on the coal and came in for a very Huven was the second place fin-with her fifth place finish this nice fourth place finish, Craig Biesik isher, his best of the year and Mark round, Luke Zoetmulder was right was right there in fifth place and Morton slid into the third finish-behind her in sixth place, Brad Ryan Mulder, the class points ing spot. Mark Steinhardt, the class Erickson finished in seventh place leader was the sixth place finisher. points leader was only able to grab and Mark Morton motored on in In the seventh finishing position it a fourth finishing spot, Brad Erick-eighth place. Ninth place went to was Todd Wallace, Tom son had a decent fifth place finish Terry Fitzgerald, Jason Janusz came Schwartzburg finished in the eighth and Steve Socha slid in for the sixth in 10th, Allen Plawman was the spot and Corry Heynen was the finishing spot. Seventh spot went 11th place finisher, John Huven was ninth place finisher. Lisa Grint to Jason Janusz, Allen Plawman the 12th finisher, Len Lindquist made it two in a row with another took the eighth finishing spot, Evie was 13th across the line, Evie Bald-10th place finish, A.J. Schmitt came Baldwin had a not too bad ninth win was 14th to finish and Dan along in 11th place, Herman place finish and Cissy Baldwin was Martin was the 15th finisher. In Barnum made it across the line in the 10th place finisher. Leonard 16th place it was Heather Sullivan, 13th and Gerald Kleikamp took an-Lindquist took 11th place honors, Steve Socha was way back in 17th other 14th place finish. Gary Dan Martin came across in 12th place, Michael Notarywas in 18th Nierop was the 15th place finisher place, Michael Notary had the place and Bob Blaney was the 19th and John Frana was 16th across the honor of 13th finisher, Brett and final finisher. finish line. Ellenson was 14th across the line The Single Buggy point stand-In the Super Buggy point stand-and Heather Sullivan was the 15th ings show Mark Steinhardt leading ings, Ryan Mulder leads the way finisher. Terry Fitzgerald took 16th with 12 +6 points earned, Mike with 108 in hand, Scott Schwalbe place, Luke Zoetmulder was 17th, Seefeldt is a close second with 123 is second with 102 points accrued, Bob Blaney wasn't too happy with in hand, Brad Erickson is right John Mason sits in third place with his 18th place finish and John there with 111, John Fitzgerald sits 97, Gery Nierop is fourth with 86 Fitzgerald, normally a front runner, in fourth place with 87 points and and Aaron Hawley is now in the came in an unhappy 19th place. Steve Socha is fifth with 83 points top five with 77 points in his Sunday's round saw John in hand. pocket. Fitzgerald taking a very nice win, and There is always a gang of Light NextonouragendaistheSingle a jump up in the points, Mike Buggyentrants,andBarkRiverwas Buggy group, 19 in all and all de-Seefeldt had to settle for second no exception with 33 of them termined to make a good showing. place this round, Mark Steinhardt blippin' their throttles awaiting the When their round on Saturday was took third spot and Brett Ellenson over it was Mike Seefeldt taking his had a very nice first off the podium ,,,....,,::,.---.,----.,------crc- --,-.,...--:,,-=-Matt Gerald took a nice win on Saturday in Light Buggy, he's seen here taking the checkers at the Bark River festival. Scott Douglas took a nice win on Saturday in Pro 4, he's seen here in his Ford before and admiring crowd at Bark River. Dusty Times October 2006 Mike VandenHeuvel brightened his whole season with a nice Sunday win at Bark River, he's seen here in his Light Buggy. green flag. There was lots of tire rubbin' and some coarse words spoken bur when the checkers flew it was Matt Gerald taking his first win of the year, Jana Bloom came in second, Jeff Virnig was back in form with a third place finish, Todd Lemke was right there in fourth place and Greg Stingle came in fifth. Tra-c Fleischman was the sixth place finisher, Kevin Huth finished in sev-enth place, Beau Ambos was eighth across the line, Craig Metz, the points leader was way back in ninth place and Randy Oman was the 10th place finisher. In 11th place it was Bryan Holtger, Tom Thomas made it an even dozen, Tom Virnig came in 13th, Kurt Metz was the 14th place finisher and Brian Glime took the 15th finishing position. Brad Arndt was the 16th finisher, Carol Gunderson was 17th in, Steve Oman was in an unusual 18th place finish, Brent Kozlowski was 19th in and Stephanie Pait! was 20th to take the checkers. Back in 21st place was Brian Bloomquist, Barry Wahlen followed in 22nd spot, John McDonald was 23rd in, Craig Rabe was 24th finisher and Mike VandenHeuvel was the 25th finisher. In 26th place it was Chad Dewall, Mike Tikkanen was back in 27th, Jaime Kleikamp finished in 28th, Steve Schuch finished 29th and Eric Lear, a rookie was the 30th place finisher. Sunday's Light Buggy round saw many, many changes. Mike VandenHeuvel took his first win of the season, quite happily, we might add, Jeff Virnig was right there in the second spot, Craig Metz took the last spot on the podium, Chad Dewall had a very nice fourth place finish and Tra-c Fleischman took a very nice fifth place finish. In sixth place it was Craig Rabe, Steve Schuch was well up there in seventh place, Greg Stingle was the eighth finisher, Steve Oman finished in the ninth spot and Mike Tikkanen rounded out the top 10. Brian Glime finished in 11th place, Tom Thomas took 12th place, again, Kurt Metz was the 13th finisher, Todd Lemke was back in 14th place and Randy Oman came along in the 15th finishing spot. Jana Bloom was well back in 26th place, Jaime Kleikamp was in 17th place, Carol Gunderson came in 18th, Brent Continued on page 36 Page 35 -

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--Jeff Virnig took a third and a second at Bark River, he sits in third An eighth place finish and a win went to Dave Waldvogel, Dave's Oh so close, Curt LeDuc took a pair of second place finishes in Pro place in Light Buggy, seen here accelerating rapidly. Ford is in third place in Sportsman Stock. 4, he's seen here ready to land his Ford. Art Schmitt garnered a fifth and a third place in Pro Lite, he's seen here getting ready to land his Nissan. John Huven got himself a nice second place finish on Saturday in Craig Biesik had a pretty good weekend at Bark River, he took a Single Buggy, he's seen saving a bit of tire wear. fourth and a fifth place in Super Buggy at Bark River. Kozlowski was 19th, again and Barry Wahlen was the 20th fin-isher. In 21st place it was Stephanie Paid, Brad Arndt came in 22nd, Beau Ambos was down in 23rd, Kevin Huth was a long 24th and Tom Virnig was the 25th finisher. Bryan Holtger was well down in 26th place, John McDonald was 27th, Matt Gerald was in 28th place, after his nice Saturday win, Brian Bloomquist came in 29th and Eric Lear was the 30th and fi-The standings in Light Buggy his fourth win of the season in his eighth fin-points are as follows: Craig Metz Ford. Don Williams, also in a isher, Bob leads with 95 points in hand, Fordhadhisbestfinishofthesea-Gersmehl Greg Stingle is right there with 91, son, a very nice second place and took ninth Jeff Virnig is in third place with Ross Hoek, he too in a Ford, took place hon-71 points, Steve Oman sits fourth third place honors. First off the ors in his with 70 points and Jaime podium was Ben Wandahsega, Chevy and Kleikamp is in fifth place with 65 first Chevy to finish, Mike Savage, Troy Menne points. also in a Ford was the fifth place was the There were 10 ready for battle finishers and Ken Hallgren, Chevy 10th truck in the Sportsman 2 category and mounted, was the sixth place fin-to the they certainly had a good race isher. Chris Kaiko was seventh to checkers. weekend. In the first round here take the flag in his Chevy, Jace Sunday in Bark River Dan Baudoux took Shubert, also in a Chevy was the was a brand new day for Sportsman Dan VandenHeuvel drove his Chevy to a third and a fourth place 2 and Mike at Bark River, he's seen here in nice level flight in his Chevy. Savage, Ford, took advantage, he Schneider, a rookie came along was first to take the checkered in seventh place in his Ford, Dave flag, Ross Hoek was right behind Waldvogel was only able to mus-him, his Ford to take the silver ter an eighth place finish in his medal and Don Williams got Ford and Scott Beauchamp was himself another podium finish in quite unhappy with a ninth place yet another Ford. ]ace Shubert finish in his Chevy. Dan came across the line in the fourth Beauchamp, another, was rhe spot in his Ford, Dan Baudoux 10th place finisher in his Ford and slipped a bit and he drove his Tim Konitzer brought up the rea, Ford to fifth spot, Ben in 11th place. Wandahsega was only able to Brand new day, new race and muster a sixth place finish in his this time the Sportsman Stock Chevy and Chris Kaiko took his honors belonged ro Ford second seventh place of the week-mounted Dave Waldvogel, Keith end. Eighth place was taken by Steele, Chevy, took his second, Troy Menne, Bob Gersmehl took second place of the weekend and ninth place, again and Ken Scott Beauchamp, also in a Chevy Hallgren was the 10th place fin-took rhe third place honors. Al isher. Konitzer came across fourth in his In the Sportsman 2 points Dodge, Rod Wells was fifth in his chase it is Ross Hoek in the lead Chevy, Dan Beauchamp, Ford, with 126 in hand, Dan Baudoux came along in a decent sixth place is second with 110 points earned, and Dave Schneider rook an-Mike Savage. sits in third place other seventh place finish. Dodge with 108, Ben Wandahsega is in mounted Don Demeny came in fourth with 99 and Don Williams eighth, Jason Borr was ninth in is fifth with 91 points. his Chevy and Eric Ruppel, Ford, Last, but certainly not least are was the 10th and final finisher. the Sportsman Stock guys and Keith Steele leads the Spot ts-they too had some really good man Stock points with 119 in battles in their two rounds at Bark hand, Scott Beauchamp sirs in River. On Saturday, Don second place with 112 accrued, Demeny had his first win of the Dave Waldvogel has 110 points to season in his Dodge, Keith Steele his credit, Don Demeny has ac-was right on tap for second place crued 103 points for fourth place in his Chevy while Eric Ruppel was and Al Konitzer sits in fifth place last guy on the podium in his with 84 points. "Great shortcut, huh?I" Ford. Fourth place went to Rod And so, another two rounds Wells, Chevy mounted, Jason Bort of fine short course racing comes was fifth in, he too in a Chevy to an end. Bur, there is still lots and Al Konitzer came in sixth in more raciug to come, see ya all his Dodge truck Davis there! ~ Page 36 October 2006 Dusty Times .. ...,.

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'i.J(3 7H RLLcaa1r Powdercoating 2.~.· ':{)· .. ·---~ . , .,, ~· ,. . . . :./; : ,/ -"-' , CLASS 9 BONUS RACE!! $2000 1st Place* *w/10 cars in class CLASS 5-1600 BONUS!! . . $1000 1st Place!! $750 4nd_Pla~e! ! $250-3rd Place!! The Kartek/ALLCoat Avi 2s·o takes place Nov 10-12 in Laughlin, NV ,,. Sign-Upffech/Contingency@The Avi Resort & Casino, Laughlin NV · Fri Nov 10th 5:00 - 9:30 pm • Driver's meeting @ 9:30 pm For more info: • (702) 452-4522 SNORE hotline Series Sponsor Official Tire Series Sponsor eeu _,_ ~-Nf B&: Dusty Times October 2006 Page 37

Page 38

By Ste\/e Ruddick Wilcoxon Wins At Barstow Photos: Trackside Photo The coveted Class 5 win went to Shad Kennedy, he had almost 50 minutes in hand when the checkers flew at the MORE Freedom race. part of the course was wet from the rain, but other sections were dry as desert dirt. Troy Johnson took over the wheel duties for Laps 4 - 6, and motored to the Finish Line along with Joey Dusthoff for the checkered flag and a First Place win. Troy Johnson said "It was real dark when we lost the alternator on the last lap, and the dark mud made it hard to read the berms, too." Johnson reported "no rain" on his tour of wheel duty. "] love the night!" Rick Wilcoxon led all the way in Class 1, took home all the marbles and took the overall win as well in his great looking car. Second Place in Class 1 sent to Rick Brabec in car #140, complet-ing the required six laps in just 4:41:51 at 46 mph. Denny Wing-Once upon a time, on a small and insignificant patch of dirt far, far away in the Milky Way Galaxy, 113 desert racers and their friends and families gathered together at Latitude: 34 degrees, 51' N 216 de-grees 47' W, Longitude: 34.38 de-grees N 17.11' Won the third rock from tl~e Sun, to l~ave some M.O.R.E. fun in the dust and dirt at the Freedom 250, in Barstow, Caleafornia. It was August 12, 2006, and all through the night, the racers were stirring up the dark with their 1000 Watt lights. And lights they would need for the M.O.R.E. Freedom 250 Night Race; as dark as Baja, it was. The course for the M.O.R.E. Freedom 250 was a 37 mile lap three check-points, six road crossings, an eight hour time limit, and lots of dusty and muddy times in between. tainly added a new challenge to ering of Redondo Beach, CA came 'Round they went: six laps for desert racing that we don't nor-in Third Place in car #148, only Classes 1, 10, 5, 1/2-1600; five laps mally see. It undoubtedly got-cha' about three minutes off of for Classes 5-1600, 9, 1300; four a few racers off guard, and out of Brabec's rear bumper, in 4:44:07 laps for Classes 1400, 1450. the race, too. at 45.6 mph. Wingering reported It was wet when the green flag CLASS 1: "a flawless and trouble free race; started flying ... very wet indeed; like Seventeen Class 1 cars took the very good!" Craig Wingering drove an Official NOAA Flash Flood green flag; seven finished, and the Laps 1 - 3 with co-driver Mike Warning for the high desert! rest bNF\1. R.ic·k Wilcoxson Holvey, and Danny Wingering YOiKes. Thunderstorms and light-started third off the line in car took over the driving duties for ning added some slick and slippery # 127, and won the First Place tro- Laps 4 - 6. Wingering said "The surfaces and some fun racing, and phy in 4:27:31 at 48.4 mph; as well puddles were touchy. The sand great spectating, too. Slippin' and as the Fast Lap Award on Lap 1 at wash was the most fun, and slip-a slidin', sideways and that-a-ways, 54.8 mph. That was also good pery as ice." A nice win thrown in a few this-a-ways, puddle jumping... enough for Wilcoxson to be the too, just for the fun of it. Mike did we pack the life raft? Signal victor of the Overall Winner too. Pacewiczh wasn't too far off the flares? BTW: I can't swim. Rain Rick Wilcoxson drove car #127 on pace in car #135, taking the Fourth and pour it did; gully washers in Laps 1 - 3 along with co-driver Place trophy in 4:49: 15; about five mass quantities; at least on parts Tracy Campbell, and lost his ra-minutes behind the Wingerings. of the course. But luckily nobody dio pretty quickly in the wet and Pacewiczh, from Oak Hills, CA re-was caught white-water rafting rain; maybe a marina spec radio ported "No flats and trouble free, down the sand washes, and it cer-next time? Wilcoxson reported except for a trailing arm bolt that ~--------------------=~ took some time to fix on Lap 3." #135 is a DunnTech chassis and Stock LS 1 motor. Pacewiczh said "The course was rough, fun, wet and muddy." His most fun "was flying across Hodge Road!" Fifth Place in Class 1 was won by Tom Costa in car #198, beat-ing the desert in 5:10:06 at 41.8 mph. Costa raced in Class 5 be-fore buying #198, and this was his first race in his new ride. It was also the first time ever in a desert race car for his co-driver Gary Lorenz. Costa had a flat tire on Lap 3, and went a bit off course a couple of times. But he made it to the checkered flag for a nice win, and a finish too. Jennifer Clem-son finished the Freedom 250 in 5:41:49 in ar #132; good enough for the Sixth Place trophy at 37.9 mph. Mike James was the last of the Class 1 entries to see the check-ered flag in car #111, in 5:47:07 at 37.3 mph. CLASS 10: Nine racers took the green flag and four saw the checkers. First Place in Class 10 went to John Kawell in car #1211, completing the race in 4:38: 10 at 46.6 mph. Kawell also won the Second Over-all honors, as well as the Fast Lap Award for Class 10 on Lap 1 at 48.6 mph. John Kawell drove # 1211 on Laps 1 - 3 with co-driver Raymond Eichel, and Jeff Kawell took over the·wheel steering fun for Laps 4 - 6 with co-driver Roger W: Rick Brabec finished second in the Class 1 contest, he was 14 John Criswell had some problems on his second and fourth laps, he Sean Malabanan was just a few ticks off the winning pace in the minutes in arrears at race end, seen here at speed. took the silver medal in the Class 5 contest. Class 5-1600 battle, he took the silver medal home. Tyler Fox led the first lap in the Class 7 contest, fell a bit off the pace Cory Torres led lap 1, then dropped a bit off the pace and ended up Sean Dunn finished second in Class 10, he was a mere 24 seconds and ended up second in class, two minutes in arrears. in the second spot in Class 9, seen here at landing. behind the leader when the checkered flag fell. Page 38 October 2006 Dusty Times

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n Second place in the Class 1300 fracas was Gene Wilson, seen here Danny Wingeming drove his Jimco to a nice third place finish in the Eric Earnest had big troubles on his fifth lap, ve,y expensive in time, settling in to a left side first landing. Class 1 contest, he's seen here saving a little wear on the tires. he ended up a long third place at the checkers. ;.H;:.:u:.::.r::..:d~.~K~a--=w:....:e-=,l~l:.::.o:.::n~l y:..::..;..h:.::a::..:d;:::.:.;.f;?..:ro_n_t ---,;;;;;;;,;;=;.=====.;=;;-=s,.,.,;;====;;;:;;;;;=======;;:;;;:=====;,-----brakes from the git-go, his power steering was out about five miles out, he lost the nut to the battery ground connection, and his mo-tor was starting to go south too. "The course was chewed up, but fun. The rain made it M.O.R.E. funner!" Only 24 seconds later, it was Sean Dunn from Highland, CA in car# 1035 crossing the fin-ish line in 4:38:34 to win Second Place in Class 10, and Third Place Overall; at 46.5 mph. Dunn so-loed the entire race at the wheel and had some light troubles when a bolt fell out, and so did the light too. Besides encountering a rebel-lious refrigerator on the race course, Dunn reported "A good race with lots of rough and fun." Mike McGee won the Third Place trophy in car #1011, doing the full loop of laps in 4:54:55 at 43.9 mph. Larry Althoff from Simi Valley, CA was only about four minutes behind McGee, in car #1032; at 4:59:01 and 43.3 mph. That was good enough for Althoff to win Fourth Place in Class 10. Althoff drove three "clean" Laps 1 ~ 3, and turned the wheel duties over to Tim Linzy from Apple Valley, CA for Laps 4 ~ 6. Linzy had two flats and lost a light somewhere in the night, but still got to the checkers for a win. A good thing too, be-cause the oil pressure went to zero at the finish line. "I love this Bar-stow course. I love the night ... rough, dark, and dusty!" CLASS 5: Six entries, three finishers. Shad Kennedy from Hemet, CA drove car #505 to a commanding 40 minute lead and a First Place trophy in 5:23:55 at 40 mph; as well as the Fast Lap Award on Lap 1 at 45.9 mph. Shad Kennedy drove Laps 1 ~ 3 with co-driver Steven 'Miro' Rowe, and partner in victory Dan 'Butts' Akin drove Laps 4 - 6 with Jason Spragg as co-driver. Kennedy said "The first lap was great. Broke a power steering ram bolt on Lap 2 that took 10-15 minutes to repair. Lap 3 we cruised. It was dusty up by the col-lege. The most fun? The rain." Kennedy/ Atkins is the Class 5 points leader at this time in the M.O.R.E. 2006 series. Car #501 won the Second Place trophy in 6:05:42 at 35.4 mph with John Criswell driving. Third Place went to Eric Earnest in car #500, com-pleting the required roundy -rounds in 7:38:01 at 28.3 mph. CLASS 1/2-1500: A horde of 26 Class 1/2-1600 buggies took the green flag at the Freedom 250, and half the pack saw the checkered flag at the fin-ish. Lorenzo Rodriguez took the First Place trophy in car# 1614 in 4:45:28 at 45:4 mph. Rodriguez also won the Fast Lap Award on Dusty Times Seen here at speed, all lights ablaze, Richard Garavito charged through the night to take the Class 5-1600 win. Lap 2 at 48.1 mph. The Second Place victory belonged to Kevin and Mike Denault in car #1649, only about three minutes later; at 4:48:07 and 45 mph. From San Juan/Clemente, CA the Denault brothers reported "No problems, except we lost the power steering on the last lap. Everything else went right." The Denaults also reported "A couple of close calls and a couple of spots where you couldn't see." Sounds like fun to me. Dan Eugenio from Brawley, CA was the Third Place winner in car# 1627, completing his required six laps in 4:59:24 at 43.3 mph. Eugenio said he "used to race Su-per X, but can't do that anymore", so he teamed up with his brother Steven for their first finish ever in the four wheel variety of dusty times racing. And only one flat and a light problem to slow them down on their way to the winner's circle. Adam Pfankuch drove car #1643 to Fourth place victory in 5: 15: 19 at 41.1 mph. Curt Myers from Apple Valley, CA and the son of J.C. Myers, was the next finisher in car # 1635, grabbing the Fifth Place win and trophy in 5:17:42 at 40.8 mph. This was Myers' first race in "an old car rebuild", with a little help and sage advice and motor from "the" 'old man' him-self Lee Leighton, too. Myers re-ported, "A lot of stops for plug wire problems, but the course and race was fast and fun!" Ahh! Sweet victory. Steve Haver from Barstow, CA was the next winner to see the checkered flag in class, in car #1691, in 5:17:59 at 40,.8 mph. Haver was oniy 17 seconds.behind Myers in car #1635; a close race for sure. Haver has been racing for eight years, but this is his first year in car #1691. "No flats. No prob-lems. It was Great!" Terry Tolbert was the next victor in class in car # 1697, winning his battle with the dirt in 5:46:23 at 37.4 mph. Scott Boyd was next in line for the winner's circle in car #1615, fin-ishing the race in 5:47:55 at 37.3 mph for the Eighth Place victory. Ray Files followed in car # 1620 at 6:06:55 at 35.3 mph for the Ninth Place win. Tenth Place went to Mike Ward in car #1673, who crossed the finish line in 6: 12:46 at 34.8 mph. John Manring was the #11 victor in class in car # 1624, com-pleting the course in 6: 16:02 at 34.5 mph. Twelfth Place was won by Brent Pelham in 6:23:23, in car #1676; at 33.8 mph. Last in class to finish was Ian Jameson in car # 1612, going the full six rounds in 6:37:38 at 32.6. CLASS 9: Class 9 drew a dozen entries, The Class 9 win went to Rob MacDonald, he took the class lead on the second lap and had eight minutes in hand at the finish. October 2006 Javier Avila took the class lead on the second lap and carried on from there, a nice win in his good looking truck. and six ended up seeing the finish line and the checkered flag. Rob MacDonald from Apple Valley, CA was the First Place trophy win-ner in the JFK Racing car #976, crossing the checkered flag in 4:50:43 at 39.8 mph. Frank Wag-ner drove_Laps ~ and _Rob MacDonald drove Laps 4 ~ 6. Other than adding some oil on Lap 1 and a flat on Lap 2, JFK Racing cruised a clear and clean race to victory in #976. The Second Place trophy was won by Cory Torres in car #989, getting the required laps Continued on page 40 A nice win in the Class BA contest went to Thomas Coon, he's seen here at speed early in the MORE Freedom race. NOW SEEKING WIRING TECHNICIAN WIRING APPRENTICE We are looking for an experienced Wiring Technican who is experienced in building and designing Motorsport wire looms.Candidate must be familiar with Raychem, Deutsch Autosport products and Milspec construction procedures. We are also looking for an Apprentice. Payment depends on experience. Please fax resume to 818-301-2030 or email: joey@prowireusaacom Page 39

Page 40

John Kawell took the Class 1 0 win but it was a squeaker, he only had 24 seconds in hand when the checkers flew. Lorenzo Rodriguez bested 25 competitors to take the Class 1600 win, he's seen here in beautiful high, level flight. done in 4:58:26 at 36.2 mph. Third Place went to James Ward in car #909, beating his patch of dirt in 5: 12:47-at 34.5 mph. Ron Rash was next to cross the finish line and take home a Fourth Place win in car #973, doin' it in 5:31:29 at 32.6 mph. Cody Rash Place in 7:00:54 at 25.7 mph. First Place finish and trophy in was next in line for the checkered CLASS 8: 5:29:22 at 19. 7 mph. The Coons flag in car #990, taking home a The Class 8 trucks only saw "Went over a cliff, and we were a Fifth Place victory in 6:30: 12. Last three entries, and one finisher. long time out fixing the trailing in class to complete the required That was Thomas Coon Sr. and arms that got broken off the five laps was car #938, driven by Jr. from Valencia, CA in truck truck." A little body damage re-Christian Ramirez; taking Sixth #801, who raced their way to a pair, and a measly flat tire later, .-----------------~~==~---== and #801 was in the winner's circle. The Fast Lap Award how-ever, went to Jeff Rigel in truck #702 on Lap 1 at 38.9 mph; alas, his only recorded lap. CLASS 7: Class 7 saw 11 entries and six finishers. First to finish was Javier Avila in truck #721, crossing the finish line to win the First Place trophy in 5:20:21 at 35.7 mph. Avila and co-driver Matt Thomas soloed their win with "No flats, and a good clean race." Avila is a veteran driver who is familiar with the course at Barstow. "I straddled the humps in the mud, and had no dust in the sand wash." Nice win, guys. And a close race it was too, with Second Place going to Tyler Fox in truck #724, only a mere one minute and 48 seconds behind, in 5:22:10 at 33.5. Both Avila and Fox averaged 35. 7 mph on the first lap, but the Fast Lap Award went to Fox who clocked in just one second faster than did Avila; at 1 :00:31. A third place finish in the Class 5-1600 race went to Rodolfo Martinez, Third in the Class 7 battle was Noe Sierra, he was a bit slow, for him A third place finish in the Class 9 contest went to James Ward, he's he was only four minutes out of the silver medal. this race, but the bronze medal is still a winner. seen here at speed, chasing the elusive checkers~ ________ _ tl!i!~t® The Suspension Company. Page 40 October 2006 Dusty Times •

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With lots of candlepower up front, Mike McGee drove to a decent Dan Eugenio was off the winning pace for a few laps, he ended up Scott Pellerin had a major disaster on his fourth lap, he ended up third place finish in the Class 1 0 contest. taking the bronze medal in the 1600 Class contest. ___ fourth in the 5-1600 Class, seen here at speed. A fourth place finish in the Class 7 battle went to Rich Severson, he's A first off the podium finish in Class 9 was the best Ron Rash could Larry Althoff was well off the pace on laps 4 and 5, he finished in the seen here ready for one of many thousands of landings. muster this night, seen here running for the flag. fourth spot in the Class 1 0 contest. Noe Sierra captured the Third completed the required five laps six finishers. Rick Volpe took Co-drivers were Garret McNutt all!" Second Place winner was Place win in truck #7 58 in in 6:37:35. home the First Place trophy in and Jim Becker. Volpe had a flat Gene Wilson in car #1316 rac-5:58:13 at 30.1 mph, despite CLASS 1450: car #1310, completing the race and kept having to reboot the ing to victory in 5:25:35. Third breaking the left front suspension. Five entries, two finished. Truck in 5 :09:40; about 15 minutes motor computer. "Fun? 0 yeah! Place went to Matt Frick in car Said Sierra, "It was very bad. #l469finishedtheracein5:15:10 aheadofhisclosestcompetitor. Winning was the most fun of Continuedonpage42 Dusty in parts, and rocky in oth-to take the First Place trophy. ers." That about covers Barstow, #1469 is a 350CI 86 Chevy 1500 all right. Fourth Place went to with a front a-arm and rear leaves, Rich Severson in truck #740, cov- and this was their second race; and ering the course in 6:09:35 at no radios or intercom.# 1469 said 29.2 mph. Roger Byrd in truck the Wash was their most fun, but #7 36 was the Fifth Place winner, I'm thinking it was the last five in 6:25:00 at 28.1 mph. Ken Kee-miles of the last lap when his gal won the Sixth Place victory in throttle linkage got stuck open. truck #797, finishing the race in Ryan Dowe won Second Place in 6:58:33 at 25.8 mph. truck #1458, a little over 14 min-CLASS 1400: utes later, in 5:29:40. Three entries, and only one fin- CLASS 1300: ished. That was truck# 1407, who Class 1300 had 11 entries and Rich Volpe ran his 6 required laps with ease and he took the Class 1300 win with 16 minutes in hand when the flag fell. Kevin Denault gave it the old college try but he ended up in second place in the ever competitive 1600 Class. Dusty Times Wiring Harnesses Worldwide benchmark manufacturer of military-specification wiring systems for all motorsport applications MoTeC Engine Menagernent and Data Acquisition Systems Robust 32-bit sequential fuel and spark control systems built co w ithstand extreme racing ar·,cj pre-running punishment. Turn-key systems available for all popular off-road engine packages. Digital display and data acquisition systems for all levels of competition. Engine and chassis dynamometer services available. Sakata Motorsport Electronics, inc. 689 s. State College Blvd. Unit K Fullerton, CA Tel: 714-446·9473 Fax: 714·446-9247 October 2006 Utilizing the finest. Raychem System 25 components. the industry standard for ell professional racing sanctions. Engineering, assembly, and comprehensive testing performed 100% in-house. Complete harness assemblies and circuit control components are available to suit your budget. High-Accuracy Air-Fuel Ratio Meters Lightweight, stand-alone system works w ith a ll engines and alternate fuels -carbureted or fuel injected. For the dedicated engine tuner who needs to know exact;/y what their engine is doing. No flashing lights -just the facts ... Nail it; t;o a number! <= ------.....__ ~----~ ~~~<~-=~, l'v1DTCJASPCJ~T ELECTRONICS vve're making connect,ons ... Page 41

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> Fourth finisher out of 26 starters, Adam Pfankuch ran through the A fifth place finish in Class 1 went to Tom Costa, he's seen here A more than two hour fifth lap didn't help Cody Rash at all, he finished night to take a fourth place finish in the 1600 Class. accelerating out of a depression. a long 5th place in the Class 9 conflict. #1324. Frick and company saw man, in 7:49:50. Cutting it close the green flag in car #1117 be-victory. Anne and Kelly Naso stuck three tin:ies. "It was muddy!" the checkered flag after doing to the eight hour race time limit cause of no yellow rear light, but from Hesperia, CA made it a close said Anne Naso, "And not one of dirt wars for 6:25:40. Bob Jones to win Seventh Place in class, motored home a First Place win race in car #1169, making it to my best or better races." 'Darn was the Fourth Place winner in and last overall, was John and victory in just 3: 13:00. the finish line and winning the good enough for a nice win and a car #1311, getting to the finish Aguilar in car #1369 at 7:53:35. Jonathan is Noe Sierra's brother Second Place trophy just under Second Place victory, I'd say. line in 6:46:40. Kevin Shannon CLASS 11: and this was his first race in the seven minutes later, in 3:19:50. Gema Ptasinki also got a finish won the Fifth Place trophy in The Stock VW class saw three USA. Other than the yellow light, The Naso team had a pretty tough and the Third Place trophy in car car #1307, in 6:57:00. Car entries, and three finishers.! gettinglost,andgettinghitbya timefindingthewinner'scircleaf-#1188,seeingthecheckeredflag #1304 was driven to a Sixth Jonathan Sierra started 20 min- Class 1 car, Jonathan said it was ter getting hit two times, in the after 5:13:25 dueling with the Place victory by Jennifer Free-utes late and last off the line at "A perfect race!" That is a sweet front and the rear, and getting dirt. !!!&:!-E. Fifth in the large 1600 Class, Curt Myers gave it his all, Curt in seen A 6th place finish in the Class 1 contest went to Jennifer Clemison, Sixth place finisher in the crowded 1600 Class, Steve Haver gave it here at speed, rushing into the darkness. ____ she's seen here heading into the gloom. his all this night, seen here at speed. & " ~ ~ : mc!AUDJlilSIJlflBCilOJ ~1t-o ~ -lllJ181Ef11£1{!DJJJil!ld • ., . ., , Page 42 October 2006 Dusty Times

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s ~K ,wa!r..'HNO&OG ~5.: 714.530.B70'2 2842 JO ::..S,,O~S. . 840 2.5" --€{1/,¥£.b Need coil springs? Call King Shocks! We have wstom and produdion coils in stodc, and the experience to get you what you need. Call today/ • MINI MARKS co

Page 44

[BAJA)1>~ By MR. BAJA Hello racer s and race fans alike. This has been a very hot summer everyw here, especially for us h er e in San Diego. Bu t even with the weath e r , racin g continues and our Baja Pits family keeps o n racin g. This issu e w ill b e m ainly about what's ahead for Baja Pits and our prep for the up-coming Tecate Score Baja 1000. First off, Baja pits was setup at the Primm 300 contingency line on Friday September 8th along with contingency sponsor U.S. Wheels for this race. We started our Baja 1000 Raffle ticket sale there as well. For $10.00 ticket, the winning ticket gets you a paid entry fee (any class), all 20 Baja Pits locations for free and three barrels (55 gallon barrels) of Sunoco 110 Fuel. All for just $10.00 per ticket. For guys that bought say 10 tickets, that's $100 spent for a $3,000.00+ return if they win. Some-thing to think about? The money collected goes to support Baja Pits with our equipment and support costs. Ticket sales go from September 8th to October 25th• The d rawin g is October 26th and the winner will be n otified October 27'h• Tick-e t s can b e b ought a t the Primm 300, the drawing for the Baja 1000 on September 29th or by calling US Wheels at 619-596-8033 and asking for Carlos. We will also have tickets for sale a different off road busi-nesses in the San Diego area. Buy as many tickets as you want. They are a $3,000+ value toward these years Baja 1000. Baja Pits is run-ning 20 pits at approx. 50 miles apart. The guys and A iraaft Spruce is a worldwide distributor of quality products for the rac-ing industry. Our product line of over 45,000 items is one of the most extensive ftom one single source. Our service hos made us the number one supplier iu aviation and is why over 350 race teoms have turned to us 11s a trusted source for racing components! s, ve Sets, Drill Bits, Tub& Cutters, Pliers ~,'i~ zi s.ats, Tubing, HardWate Kita, Roo Ends I BEST SELECTION! LOWEST PRICES! SAME DAY SHIPMENT! Visit Our Corona, CA stare! Jllrcralt Sorut:B CANADA 1-877-795-2278 ~ 'tbie~,......lfllifbt.M:r'W•W.,-~CI,· AIRCRAEJ'. SPRUCE WEST 225 Airport Circle Corona, CA 92880-2527 Oilier ourlBEE CBl1IJOIJ w/1/11 Willi fa~ ::t~rt~~: IBll&llaa If fllltlCallOn •allrlalll 1-877-4-SPRUCE 7 7 7 ,\, ,: j Page 44 gals from Locos Mocos are with us again at this r a·c e. They always set up at the worst part of the course to get you unstuck and fixed and moving again. Full ser-vice for all twenty pits is a $595.00 for all classes + your $50.00 membership fee for the year if you haven't joined us yet. Emergency support is a mere $300.00 for all twenty pit locations. We run S unoco race fuel at 100 unleaded a n d 112 lead e d . Our pits com e com-p lete w it h everything you need , from welder s to gen-erators, lights, jacks, tools, plenty of pit helpers, water, food, radio support and a place to rest if you need to. Baja Pits is a registered non-profit in Mexico. It is be-cause of this status that we treat each other as family. Our racers and pit helpers are all one family with no distinction between the two. We are here to help you fin-ish and place high if that's in the cards for your team. Baja Pits will be down in Baja the end of October marking all of our pit stops. We have been using blue and white labeled, Husqvarna pit tape, to mark our locations, care of Baja Huskys race team. Corne race day though, the tape comes down and our bright Or-ange, tri-angle banners, with large, black BAJA PITS let-tering, comes up for the rac-ers to find our pits. You can find our appli-cations on line at or by call-ing Carlos at U .S. Wheels at 619-596-8033 from 9am to 5 pm PST in El Cajon, Ca. They will also be located at selected off road businesses in the San Diego area. Carlos's email address is for any questions you might have. For this year's race, we are asking our racers to es-timate there fuel orders as soon as possible and pre pay that fuel as well. With all the oil crises going on in the world, we want to be sure to have your fuel at the race in -MANC CERAMIC & eQWDEll COATING . Since 1999, Ram Proline has provided ceramic and powder coating tor all your needs with an oven 25 ft in dePIII. • WE CAN COAT CHASSIS, DUNE BUGGY FRAMES, TRAILERS, GATES, IRON FENCING, AND MORE IN A VARIETY OF COLORS. • RAM PROLINE ALSO OFFERS SAND BLASTING. • WE CAN COAT ALL INTERNAL ENGINE PARTS, EXHAUST SYSTEMS, BRAKE CALIPERS, INTAKE MANIFOLDS, AND MANY OTHER APPLICATIONS. RAM PROLINE DOES IT ALL plenty of time. Estimating your fuel needs and pre pay-ing them up front and in a timely manner will help us deliver what you need come race day. You can add to them or ·d'elete as you ge t closer to the race day. Cut-off for all race applications is Midni~ht, Sunday No-vember 5' 2006. As at the Baja 1000 in 2004, Baja Pits has made ar-rangernen ts to have your race vehicle shipped back to Otay Mesa from La Paz af-ter the race. The shipping fee is $250 for vehicles and $125 for bikes & quads. This will allow you to have your race vehicle shipped back to Otay Mesa and kept safely until you can come down and pick it up after the race. Contact Carlos for more info on this great ser-vice. This is only available to Baja Pits members. Currently we are running two limited specials for com-panies. The first is sponsor-ship on our now famo us race maps. For $50.00 you can sp o n sor your busin~ss card o n our Baja 1000 satellite course map. These sell out quickly on contingency day, plus every Baja Pits racer gets two of them when they sign up with us. Our second offer is for you to sponsor a pit loca-tion with your companies or business logos for the Baja 1000. You supply Baja Pits with your banners, signs, ball caps, shirts, whatever you want to give us and that pit becomes your advertise-ment to the racers and fans alike. This will cost you a mere $250.00 per pit. Currently, we have 4 pits that have been paid for by Go to for great deals on parts & accessories! Automotive electrical experts with over 15 years experience specializing in off-road wiring for your race, pre-runner and sand vehicles. E&J Wireworks LLC 2865 Progress Place Suite 2B Escondido CA 92029 October 2006 760-738-WIRE (9473) Dusty Times

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tl -~ ~ -WWW. rAKERPRECISION.COM 2865 Gundry Ave. Signal Hill, CA 90755 562-427-2375 w~ ... t/C0t1la 'IJHvlng SU/ts Rod End Boots Neo Synthetic OJI Performance Plumbing l~I ~ Ftt::t: ff&-~~•IR•J companies this way and will have their company signs all thru those pit areas. This is a great way to get your com-pany name out to racers, race fans and locals as well. You pick the pit location out of our 20 pit locations. With this race being filmed for NBC Sports and several others, you're bound to be noticed if they film our pit areas as well. Contact Carlos for information on this at 619-596-8033 or by email at Baja Pits and along with Baja Huskys is sponsoring an-other free Pre Runners Pit Stop November 3rd to the 6th. Location will be El Crucero, alongside Hwy. 1 between Cocos and Bay of La., which is one of our pit locations during the race as well. Steny from Baja Huskys has volunteered to run this free pit for us on those dates and will be there with Baja Pits banners, Husky banners and there Husqvarna pit tent. Feel free to stop by and grab a cold soda or water bottle, camp out there while you pre run or drop your trucks off for a day or two. They will be set up and running from 9 am Friday November 8'h to 5 pm Mon-day evening, November ll'h-As usual, we will have a race radio set to Baja Pits freq., a small amount of hand tools, pit jack and a small amount of emergency fuel on hand along with some spare motorcycle tires and tubes. New for this pre run pit. this year is the Sunoco fuel truck that will be there too for racers that pre order fuel for pre running. You will need to pre or-der your fuel thru Bill Rod-Dusty Times @W• riguez at Auto Sports Baja ( Sunoco Race Fuels ) in or-der to have it delivered to our pit location while pre running. It must be paid for in advance as the driver and pre run crew won't have money on hand to sell it with. This is only for pre runners that order the fuel and pay for it ahead of time. No Sunoco fuel will be sold on site. Cutoff to or-der and pay for pre run fuel at this location is Satur-day, October 21" 2006. Again, this is just for the free pre run pit being run by Baja Huskys and Baja Pits. That's it for Baja 1000 information. On to more announcements and race news. Next up are our monthly meetings being help in San Diego now as well as our weekly meetings in Tijuana, Mexico. The location in San Diego is the Grandstand Pizza, 9159 Mission Gorge Rd., Santee, Ca. Cross Street is State Hwy. 125. The phone number there is 619-258-6888. They have really good pizza there! We meet the 3,d Thursday of ev-ery month. Starting time is 6:30 pm. Pizza and soda is provided by Baja Pits. This is open for our members and potential members to attend and eat some pizza with Baja Pits. Come on out and join us! Next month we will have a report of the Primm 300 results as well as any other races we attend between now and then. Baja Pits is also running in the MDR Super-stition Series in Imperial Valley. To date, only one team has asked for our sup-port, Darryl Varnado in Class 10. But we are open to any that need us. Call Carlos for info on this pro-gram. We also attend all CODE and Record races where we have members rac-ing as well. That is it for Baja Pits. Ev-eryone be safe out there. We will see you next month or at the races! Adios from Baja Pits. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ A Sixth Win for BF-Goodri ch• Tires' Marcus Gronholm and Timo Rautianen in the Land of Flying Fins -BFG Drivers Claim Fastest Time on Ev-ery Stage at Rally Finland -GREENVILLE, S.C. -For the sixth time since 2000, Marcus Gronholm and Timo Rautiainen (Ford/ BFGoodrich• Tires) secured victory on home soil. Despite early pressure from Frenchman Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena (Citroen/BFGoodrich Tires) in leg, Gronholm pre-vailed with the fastest and most furious win of the en-ti re championship with stages covered by the leading crews at average speeds of October 2006 l 2 0 kph and counties s 1 ea ps of up to 50 meters between rows of ominously close pine tress. The BP-Ford/BF-Goodrich team's other Finns, Mikko Hirvonen/ Jarmo Lehtinen, joined Marcus and Timo in the top-three to pick up a podium finish on home soil. As the residents of Jyvaskyla woke up to heavy rain on the morning of Leg 1, Marcus Gronholm (Ford/ BFGoodrich Tires) appeared to have the rally practically sewn up already. In the 25km Lankamaa stage alone, he pulled 13 seconds clear of Sebastien Loeb who was running first on the road in extremely wet conditions. At that moment it seemed to be all over, except for the cel-ebrating, since clawing back a single second from Gronholm on the course seemed nearly impossible. Even so, Sebastien Loeb (Citroen/BFGoodrich Tires) succeeded in winning four of the nine stages in Leg 1, and captured the fastest time during Saturday morning's legendary Ouninpohja test. Racing at an average speed of 128kph, the Frenchman put in a per-fect run: not one excessive slide, an ideal line from flag to flag, jumps worthy of the best locals and a continuous bid for optimal traction throughout. Yet at the fin-ish he was only 1.3 seconds quicker than Gronholm! At this point in the rally, Loeb trailed Marcus by 12.4 seconds, practically the same time gap that had split the two former World Rally Champions at the·end of Leg 1, but he had by no means given up all hope of catching his Finnish rival. However, the outcome of the 2006 Rally Finland tipped definitively in the Ford driver's favor on the very next stage. Marcus Gronholm (Ford/ BFGoodrich Tires): "Every-thing was perfect tyre-wise this weekend. I covered prac-tically the entire rally on soft compound g-Force Gravels. The mousse system was a huge help on Saturday when I hit a rock on Ouninpohja and also today (Sunday) towards the end of_ the rally when my front right wheel hit something just off the road. At the sort of speeds we get up to on this rally, the run-flat mousse system is an impor-tant safety feature." Aime Chatard (BFGood-ri ch Tires Rallies Programme Manager): "Our testing here in July proved very valuable because it was carried out in the same con-ditions as those we encoun-tered here this weekend, namely a mixture of rain and sunshine. Rally Finland is without doubt the least hard-wearing round of the year for tyres. On the other hand, the constructions do tend to take a great deal of punishment. We need to pay very careful attention to the sidewalls which have to soak up huge forces as the tyres repeatedly come back to Earth after the event's countless jumps. With air speeds of around 170kph, the lanJings are very heavy. Within a mere hundredth of a second, the tyres must be capable of bearing the Continued on page 46 Page 45

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weight of·the car and crew, soaking up considerable dy-namic loads and providing fault-less steering precision and traction. But despite all this, Rally Finland contin-ues to be a true driver's rally ... " CHAMPIONSHIP STANDINGS (BFGoodrich Tires partner drivers arid teams in bold) DRIVERS: 1, Loeb (92 points). 2, Gronholm (61). 3, Sordo (41). 4, Hirvonen (27). 5, Stohl (24). 6, Sol-berg (20). 7, Gardemeister & H. Solberg ( 16). Etc BFGoodrich • Tires' Sebastien Loeb Secures His Fifth German Win· in the WRC -BFG Drivers Take the Top Seven Places at Ra//y Deutsch/and -GREENVILLE, S.C. -The two-time World Rally Champion Sebastien Loeb tied the record for the high-est number of WRC wins to-day (26, held jointly by Carlos Sainz) thanks to a personal fifth -win in Ger-many, the fixture that gave him his first world class suc-cess in 2002. The Frenchman's fifth win of 2006 puts him 33 points ahead at the top of the pro-visional drivers' standings, while the one-two finish of Loeb and his Spanish team-mate Dani Sordo (Citroen/ BFGoodrich•) sees Kronos Racing strengthen its lead at the top of the Manufactur-ers' table, 23 points ahead of BP-Ford/BFGoodrich Tires. The Rally Deutschland's route extends from the banks of the Mosel Valley near Trier to the Saarland forests approximately 60 kilometres to the south. It's a region where the weather is notoriously inconsistent at this time of year, making tire choices extremely diffi-cult; a 'lottery' even at times since the stages for which they are selected often start many hours after the cars leave service. Indeed, the second tire call of the opening leg on Friday had a decisive influ-ence on the way the 2006 event unfolded. Despite heavy rain at the Bostalsee service park, the stages were completely dry and forecast-ers wer~ optimistic that the situa.tion would stay that way all afternoon. As a con-sequence, all BFGoodrich Tires' runners opted for the g-Force Profiler 'dry weather' asphalt tire, but in a variety of different com-pounds. Just in case rain did break out again, the three Citroen/BFGoodrich Tires drivers -Loeb, Sordo and Gardemeister -chose the soft option. Meanwhile, in the Ford/BFGoodrich Tires camp, factory drivers Granholm and Hirvonen both chose the medium com-pound ... and it rained. Run-ning with the ideal tires for the conditions, the Citroen trio concluded the day by securing all three places on the overnight podium. The second day started out dry but overcast as ac-tion moved further south and attention focused on the stages of" the infamous Baumholder military ranges which are always highly ag-gressive on tires and ex-tremely slippery in the wet. This time, both Ford/BF-Goodrich drivers made the ideal tire call which enabled Granholm to retrieve 3rd place while Petter Solberg (Subaru) was sidelined with engine failure. However, the gap pulled out by the two Kronos Racing drivers the previous day was far too big_ to give the Finn any hope of PIKES service center Baker, California Celebra~ing 60 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ... THANKS! RESTAURANT Open 24 Hours M b.l'® 0 . I SERVICE Every Day Year Round THE BEST IN THE DESERT! Page 46 bridging it without a mistake by either of the Citroen/BF-Goodrich Tires pair. As ex-pected, Loeb contented him-self with controlling from in front until the finish cer-emony by Trier's Porta Negra monument where the Frenchman had the honor of popping the champagne for the fifth time in as many years. Alongside his older team-mate on the podium, Dani Sordo was able to cel-ebrate his own outstanding performance after his first attempt at the German round in a WRC car. Meanwhile, the scrap for third spot between Granholm, Gardemeister and Hirvonen kept specta-tors on their toes all the way to the flag. Citroen/BF-Goodrich Tires privateer Toni Gardemeister suc-ceeded in splitting the two Ford/BFGoodrich Tires drivers but Hirvonen ulti-mately fell back to ninth overall after being delayed by an alternator problem on the run back to Trier. The Finnish driver's misfortunes promoted Austria's Manfred Stohl (Peugeot/BFGoodrich Tires) to fifth place ahead of German youngster Andreas Aigner (sixth, Skoda/BFGood-rich Tires) who was another driver to put in an excellent run this weekend. Also in form was Jan Kopecky (sev-en th) who claimed two fast-est stage times with his pri-vately-entered Skoda/BF-Goodrich Tires in the course of Leg 2. Sebastien Loeb (Citroen/ BFGoodrich Tires) "It was a very difficult rally and the constantly changing conditions made it pretty stressful from start to finish. Getting the different tire calls right was vital, es-pecially for Friday's second loop of stages. The roads were dry but our weather crew couldn't rule out the likelihood of more rain, so I decided to fit soft com-pound g-Force Profilers. It's a tire that gets up to its ideal working temperature very quickly and it gave good grip over all four stages of the group. I felt very confi-dent with it and, thanks to this choice, Dani and I were able to pull out a nice lead over our rivals." Aime Chatard, BFGood-rich T ires' Rally Program Manager " I would like to congratu-late Sebastien and the Kronos Racing team who made the best tire choices this weekend. Ford hadn't tested the new Focus for this event in the wet so their drivers had little to go on during the opening leg. Our range of tires needed to be sufficiently broad to cover all the conditions encoun-tered this weekend and, to further fine-tune them as closely as possible, it was necessary to 're-cut' their patterns on occasions. This is Sebastien's fifth consecu-tive win in Germany - a record -and also BFGood-rich Tire's ninth consecutive October 2006 • PORTABLE • POWERFUL • PRECl!fiE 2" Capacity, 1804 Bends Steel, 4130, Stainless, Aluminum Square, Round, Bar, Pipe Perfect for the: • Race Car Builder • Small Fabrication Shop • Home Shop Call for a FREE BROCHURE (541)382-1573 win from nine starts, an-other record!" CHAMPIONSHIP STANDINGS (BFGoodrich Tires partner drivers and teams in bold) DRIVERS: Loeb, 84 pts -2. Gronholm, 51 pts -3. Sordo 41 pts -4. Stohl, 24 pts 5. Hirvonen, 21 pts - 6. Sol-berg, 20 pts -7. Garde-meister, 16 pts Etc. ••••••••••••••••• BLUERIBBON COALI-T I O N CLEAR CREEK LAWSUIT DISMISSED HOLLISTER, CA (Aug. 22) -Off-highway vehicle (OHV) recreation continues without the cloud of litiga-tion over the popular Clear Creek Management Area (CCMA) for the first time in over eighteen months follow-ing the recent dismissal of a lawsuit brought by the Cen-ter for Biological Diversity (CBD) and California Na-tive Plant Society. Managed by the Bureau of Land Man-agement (BLM), the CCMA has been under attack for several years by anti-access groups seeking to close the popular off-road riding area, home of the AMA-sanc-tioned Quicksilver Enduro Manufactured Bt l§CO and known by enthusiasts throughout the country. The BlueRibbon Coali-tion, a national non-profit recreation group (BRC), spearheaded an effort by motorized recreation inter-ests to intervene int-his case in order to help to protect public access to the CCMA. The suit, filed in Federal District Court in San Jose in November 2004, threatened to eliminate most motorized use of the entire area. The Plaintiffs filed numerous motions seeking immediate judicial imposition of travel restrictions, none of which were granted. "We are pleased at this re-sult. The recreation commu-nity is proud of its strong le-gal defense of the agency's planning process and con-tinued support for active management of the CCMA," noted Paul Turcke, a Boise, Idaho, attorney represent-ing the Salinas Ramblers Motorcycle Club, the Ameri-can Motorcyclist Associa-tion District 36, the Califor-nia Associa-tion of 4 Wheel Drive Clubs, the California Off Road Vehicle Associa-tion, the Off Road Business Association and the BlueRibbon Coalition in the lawsuit. "However, this suc-cess should not trigger com-placency. A number of CCMA issues remain pend-ing, including our Interior Board of Land Appeals chal-lenge to the 'dry season' clo-sure, and future litigation at the CCMA and other California riding areas is, unfortunately, more likely than not," Turcke cautioned. Before and during the lawsuit the Bureau of Land Management has been work-ing on a travel management plan for the area. On Janu-ary 13, 2006, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) re-Dusty Times

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leased its Record of Decision restricting vehicle travel in the CCMA to designated routes and areas. Based largely on the issuance of this plan, the Plaintiffs stipulated to dismissal of their suit, which the Court approved on August 3, 2006. Don Amador, western representative for the BlueRibbon Coalition, stares, "I believe that off-roaders should continue to build our partnership with the BLM and help support the agency's effort to have a balanced program. With the distraction of this law-suit removed, the OHV com-munity can even more sharply focus our resources on proactive management of Clear Creek." ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ CALIFORNIA LEAGUE OF OFF-ROAD VOTERS GEAR UP FOR '06 ELECTION SACRAMENTO, CA (August 3, 2006)-The Cali-fornia League of Off-Road Voters (CLORV) is a 501(C) 4 organization formed to educate the off-road voting public about state and local issues that effect their sport. When CLORV was originally formed it was composed of the California Off-Road Ve-Dusty Times hicle Association (CORVA), the San Diego Off-Road Coalition (SDORC), the Off-Road Business Associa-tion (ORBA), the American Motorcyclist Association-District 37 and the Friends of Oceano Dunes (FoOD). With the recent additions of the American Motorcyclist Association National (AMA), the American Mo-torcyclist Association-Dis-trict 36, the California As-sociation of Four Wheel Drive Clubs (CA4WD), The California Nevada Snowmo-bile Association (CNSA) and the American Sand As-sociation (ASA) off-roaders from all over the state now have a united voice with which they can speak to poli-ticians about their specific issues. One of the primary rea-sons CLORV exists is to put out our "Off-Road Voter Guide." Before every elec-tion CLORV sends out ques-tionnaires to candidates to find out where they stand on OHV issues. After evaluating the questionnaires the CLORV Board of Directors chooses which candidates to endorse. One of the goals of this newly expanded CLORV or-ganization is to have more of a presence at off-road events. At these events CLORV would like to edu-cate off-road voters about candidates that support our chosen form of family recre-ation. CLORV also invites local legislators to these ~~~· ~· . --'-,--~---~::= .---~..£6-~ ... --:::r::::: ~1-=-~~ -~ ' ~:-_:.::_.~-~---~~~-. =------=--"=-~-=:~~ :..:;::·--=---==- . =-==-------~ -.. ----~=--------, ,,,_.,_ a.,_,..._.,,.. 1M Name I 11a _,,._ ,_,_, '1 Rlllll 11# ,,,_,,. Ar.ttess·-. •. '1,,,,,,,-_--~-_- _- _- _- _- _- _-_-_-_-1 I ·w.,~ Fighting Few Your Access IH9ht..t c· . . I I Join. tne fJ:lueRlbbon eo.litlon . 1'-1-4555 :Burley Or.. Soil& A• Pocatel()., iD • 83202 Slate. __ Zip ·Col;E ______ _ I lnrlr.'iltaal Q ~ · a~ Uietlme I I □ ,()~ize.b:n'Bllsiooss fAe~et'Sfip S100iyea1 I PAiYMENT TYPE: o aek a e,~1c~ ~ l I O VISA O ,t.tmtl'Cmd O AmifQJI E'.1¢itt$ ()O~r ~--• I I er!!dt C&d fi . ----B;ft. ___ 1___1._. - . I L ......... _:.caut~~~fl-BL.U1ERlll'toe!t,yphora-: _ ... -..1 events in an effort to edu-roaders travel ro Sacra-islarors know we are going care them about the family mento together and visit leg-to hold rhem accountable aspect of our sport and its islators. The attendees edu-for how they vote. Anyone economic impact on Cali for-care legislators about who who is an off-roader can ar-nia. we are and what we do, and tend lobby day. Check our Another primary func-most importantly to let Web site for tion of CLO RV is "OHV them know that WE VOTE! information on the 2007 Lobby Day." Each year off-It is important that our leg• OHV Lobby Day. RACE PROVEN OFF-ROAD EQ 'IPMENT 10JPRESSLANE,STE4,CHl/LAVISTA, CA!J1!J10 TOLLFREE/(866)891-9171 CHECKOUT Ol/R NEW WEBSITE!! WWW.RACEREADYPRODl/CTS.COM October 2006 Page 47

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GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY PACKAGING INDUSTRIAL PACKAGING SUPPLIES "KEEP IT TOGETHER" 1739 N. Case St. Orange, CA 92865 FAX (714) 283-3548 BRYAN L. ROGERS (714) 282-9311 CELL (714) 514-4308 OFF-ROAD FUEL CELLS SCORE • CORR • SODA • MAORA PRERUNNERS • RALLY• ETC BRANDWOOD CARS for mid-engines and other applications 602-437-3107 Ci.Jstorr. V~hicle Shifter ---FREE Catalog!! I f '51. "Innovative Billet Products \ ·' -nr•><theOff•RoadEnthus/a,t"' _ .. "'."~ ~- I I I ~~~~9E!?d~~ Toll Free: 800-526-5330 Fax: 201-825-1962 e-Mall: .A:i:£. www.atlfue/ -----"~•v LJTOA40TI 19076 Hawthorne Blvd. l'orrance, CA 90503 • Custom fabrication • Prerunners • Suspensions • Custom exhaust (310) 542-2977 ~UTOFJ\6 Off Road Trucks Off-Road Fiberglass• Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages Ford Truck Specialist• 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 TS lhebajashon~ e?rlhll;11:Jm1 TH: 114.219.0945 fAX:114.219.0778 (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 264 N. CV11ress Draaae. CA 92B&a RACECA.RS MFR. OF PRFORMIINCE PAllTS FOil INDUSTllY L~OIN(: llACE CAil SUILOW -Spindles, Floating Huh• - 5 spd. Shifters (lits \lcudcoln trans & or hers) -'\orth<tnr Airbox Adapters & more!! url: e-mail: (619)562-3071 Lonely Long Advertising Term Space Relationship Looking Call For 818-882-0004 CACTUS RACING Racea_ir Helmets & Accessories Bell, Shoei, Simpson Blower systems & cool boxes 619-482-6700 708 Rocking Horse Dr. Chula Vista, CA 91914 CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN 39067 ORCHARD ST. CHERRY VALLEY CA. 92223 PH#. (951)•845•88!!0 products in stock Race Proven Fabrication Boatec Fiberglass Pre-Runners · Dimple Dies Desert Trucks Tubing Benders Bypass valves+tubes Sway-bar Arms Short Course trucks Paris-Dakar trucks Offroad to Street, Prerunner to Race -Chasis Design -Race Prep -All General Fabrication 71~7 17459 lilac St #E Heaperla CA 923415 C ~ QUALITY l!Jl!:AOLOCK WHl!:l!:LS !IINCE 1 Ql!!l!!I ~.!~UCK 1 5"--1 611--1 711 ~ ALL ALUMINUM BEADLOCK WHEELS AND CONVERSIONS CHAMPION WHEEL CO. INC. 1 B537 COLLIER (951) 471-2 1 83 LAKE ELSINORE CA, 92531 WWW.CHAMPIONWHEEL.COM CHENOWTH .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiFP UCING PRODVCTS, INC. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 Fax (619) 449-7103 [CNC] Manufacturers of CNC, Inc. 1221 West Morenafllvd. San Diego, CA."921'10 (619) 275-1663 '.CoastCoatings.Com E-Mail Coos1Coatings(1,1SBCGlobol.Nc1 Jim Gregerson (949) 492-9037 (949) 492-9038 (FAX) (949) 412-3208 (Cell) Brake and Clutch Pedal Ass) Master Cylinders Slave Cylinders Cuttihg and Stag_ing Brakes· Hydraulic Thro~s Throttle Pedals and all of our accessories. Send $3.00 for Catalog Metal Finishing Media Blasting Powder Coating Painting Services Auto, Marine and RV 227 Calle Pintoresco San Clemente, Ca 92672 FLOATER REAR ENDS• r-RONT HUBS • AXLES BALL JOINTS • TORSION BARS • KNOCK Off HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane • Templeton. CA 93465 ( I ! : ',1~ ◄"'h· <JI 4--i O}, f-I{ 1-•>~•O .. h..t '\~ci, 1 , er CR.\ \IFR \ ,,-1.-,111 .. • H.-.,;.. ·•

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OFFICIAL RACE FUELS FUEL OF NASCAR 1 (800) 54-COSBY COSBY OIL COMPANY, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA Sheif and Co.sron, Pistor"' Available. .• SfOCJ/. • FULL RACE • TRANSFER CASES ({} ® 9 fS JIRaiice:liIDlt PJrJPffilllllfS J1llllit~ fSfl.. CID 1Ill fS 18273 Grand Ave. #6 ( 951) 678-1669 Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 STEVE · 9446 Bond Avenue · El Cajon. CA 9'..lO!ll MatthewScfrmolce Phone 619-4Ml-56 l l Fax 619-44--9-b'l iil T oll Free 8C0-6:!7-:!800 MA ITHEW@CUSTOMDECAL.COM --~~~ ·-_,,,/ /. ----,.. ; t ,,,-,. .• t' , . _/ .J/ DEREK NYE ./ _/ / ' ·· . .,. 755 West rt" St. Unit E Costa Mesa Ca 92627 _/ ~ • let 9419.5418.8533 lax: 9419.5418.85341 D ~{£@~ Protective & 1835 John Towers Ave. #A ·' El Cajol (,~ 92020 .. '(61~) 448-3932 Fax (619) 448-3662 Get The Word Out About Your Business, Big Or Small. Put Your Business Card Ad In The Good Stuff Directory. Uta PBRl'ORMAICE 1558 No. Case• Orange, CA 92867 (714) 637-2889 • Fax (714) 637-7352 We use & recommend Rr\<:tll:G ENlilNFS, TRANS~IISSIONS r\NI> OFFROAD Pr\RTS ···_ . Scndoi-?JI forcmr new catalog SS.00 _·_ -··.· a-::...,_,,...a.,.&,,;=--....:~.::L.1L.!..• Specializing in... RAY BAYLY 11 ... a-•• Sw1n1amtee Bewlaad Fort:ln N-deola ND4S Napum44 llrebler Automatie Part.. 8 Machiae Shop S.errices A vallable BEST SERVICE IN THE WEST <K)Dl~~!__!!~TV= KYMCO ATVS SCOOTERS MOTORCYCLES MOT a•■•o•'" NEW USED CUSTOM Cory, SHly, Mike, Chria 911t l Grand Avenue 11808 N 91atAv Peoria, AZ 85345 Ph 623-334-33-46 FAX 623-334-3730 Toll FrN: 866-746-0434 WWW.DESEII.TTOVZATV.COII REPAIR SERVICE FABRICATION SUSPENSION PARTS & ACCESSORIES RACE PREP l FUEL CUSTOM RHINO FABRICATION DESEII.TTOY2ATVOHOTIIAIL.COII 1543 W.. 16th Street Long Beach, California 90813 (562) 432·3946 (714) 540-5535 CELL (562) 833-2804 FAX (562) 432-7969 THE RACERS CHOICE. Racecars Pre-runners Dualsport Fabrication & Race Preparation 8843 Wintergardens Blvd. • Lakeside, CA 92040 Office: 619.390.9055 lR FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING NEEDS! 'W-&77-477-7746 RACING C HEADS & E ll66·110. IANIA II AV£.• VIIIA. C TOUFREE(888) 340 PH / FAX 1760) 727-1827 HONDA YAMAHA • .,,..;=;,;;:..;:;= flARED TUBES $99,00 A sn $SUZUKI se~• : ..... : . . . n·----------- ---------I I ~ ~ I I I I BILLY ROBERTSON (818) 766-6134 (800) 800·6134 FAX (818) 766-9397 BILL ROBERTSON & SONS, INC. 5626 TUJUNGA AVE . NORTH HOLLYWOOD. CA. 91601

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MOTORSPORTS Trucks, Buggies, Parts, Service & Fabrication Todd Arthur (760) 78S-0019 PO Box3944 Ramona, CA 92065 HLJSTLE~ ccnCEPTS ~ EAJA mop (since 1967) 1:::u::::ice c1::::::n=~s t=AE AWnnEAS AL-wmriwm UJCJAH St=E:C~L-IT'T' Jesse Rodriguez PH: 714-997-0701 Fax:714-997-0758 71◄ N Lemon St, Orange.CA. 92867 JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner' ~···,.~······~ •I•~~ L~I LLLI Quality Racing Transaxles Mendeola Dealer Off Road - Sand Specialist JOE GIFFIN 3061 E. La Jo lla St. #I Anaheim. California 92806 (714) 632-1240 Fax (714) 632-1223 Email: jg1rans@pacbell.ne1 www Mike Julson 9426 Wheatlands Court Santee, CA 92071 619-596-3360 619-596-3364fax J_l.,.ewez._ George Jimenez Se Hob/a Espanol RACING ENGINES COMPLETE ENGINES • PARTS & DYNO SERVICE 535 E. Central Park Ave. Anaheim, CA 92802 Tel: (714) 535.5116 Fax: (714) 535-5816 JON KINNE 520 Railroad St., Corona, CA 92882 Tel. 951-278-2233• Fax: 95 l-278-8335• TROY JOHNSON (951) 779-9395 206 1 Third Street, Unit A Riverside, CA 92507 Specializing in custom off road race trucks • Prerunners • Sand car5 • Rally cars • Cu~tr,rn Fabricaticn • Advanced Sus~!:nsion T~crinrnogy • Ri:si:arch & C,e•,flc,pnier,t KAL OFFROAD RACING Metal Fabrication ~ Custom Suspensions KurtLannee (805) 466-4101 --8408 K El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 HONDA Power Equipment OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. 3532 EAST 3RD ST. ART KAWAGUCHI Fax 323-264-2136 323-264-5858 LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 Darell Kreger PH: 114.289.9048 FX: 114.631.1854 1214 N. Parker Unli #3 Orange. CA 92867 For Very Few Dollars A Month Your Ad Here Can Increase Your Sales By A Bunch Call Dusty Times 818-882-0004 POWER E STEERING THOMAS£LEE LEE MFG. CO. 11661 PENDLETOK&TREET SUN VAllEY, CA013152 FAX(818)7118-2687 (818) 788-0371 A full line of ~StNring gNtS, pumps and ac;c--,ries for any type of racing. Magnaflux and Zyglo sllities available. •custom Chassis *Race Prep 'Aluminum Work *Welding Engineering *Magnlflux FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 (909) 596-5497 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER p~ RACING ENGINES Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 Race Seats• Restraints • Storage Bags Window Nets• Limit Straps• Tie Downs 11433 Woodside Avenue• Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455 • Fax: 619/449-9454 YOUR OFF-ROAD Catch us o_n the Net! SPECIALISTS/ PHONE: (714) 441•1212 FAX: (714) 441-1622 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CA 92806 MIKE MENDEOLA 290 Trousdale Drive, Suite I & J Crola Vista, CA91910 (619) 691-1000 24 Hour Fax (619) 691-1324 Todd Dwyer 1900 Compton Ave. Suite 101, Corona, CA 92881 Phone (951)817-0101 Ext.156 619-562-5533 Off Road Fabrication and Design • Sand Cars • Trucks • Race Cars • Pra,,nnus • Rally Cars • Custom Function/Strength/Safety/Pride Made by Hand in the USA JOHN MOSELEY Owner/Fabricator _ _ mosebilt .com 236 Jason Court Corona, CA 92879 951-272-3026 Fax 951-272-0776 I

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MOUtTON FABIA1IOltto111 RAO t:Al&S l'IIBI.....U DIJAI. S'l'Oll'l'S atA,_ 4HIMWM IIOIJl!U, IIAO 1'1111', IIEl'AII$ 661-974-7961 Mso· Mr.:J t1L Jf.1 ,■ ... ~,, t••1,•1, • YOUR COMPLETE IC3NITION SOURCE GNITID N S • D ISTRIBUTORS • W IRFS • REV CDN1ROL S AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION 1490 HENRY BRENNAN DR .. EL PASO, TX 79936 19151 857-5200 • TFr.H LINE 19151 855-7123 • VISIT OUR WEB SITE: TUBE BENDERS ¼" TO 3,, O.D. Capacity Models Starting at $279.00!!!! M-TECH SUPPLY. TUBE BENDERS ■ PIPE BENDERS ■ TUBE NOTCHERS RING ROLLERS ■ COLD SAWS • ABRASIVES 4B0-725-2B76 Race Preparation~ Custom Fabrication - Mig & Tig Welding ~ Aluminum Body Work Ml!~ ..... Off-Road Race Services Shop: 714-893-8106 15222 Connector Lane Fax: 714-893-8123 Huntington Beach, CA 92649 OFF-ROAD R A C I N G NORB offroad superstore HEIM JOINTS - WELD IN BUNGS - TABS BUSHINGS - JOHNNY JOINTS HIGH MISALIGNMENT SPACERS '•, IN STOCK-RIIADY TO SHIP WORLDWIDE-~.)' 1-888-755-5900 ~ -. We conBeodlock ~.--r YOUR RIMS!! '-.._~ .... ~ ~ ) Sizes to fit most ATV ~~~ . & AUTOMOTIVE applications POLISHED & COLORED FINISHES SCALLOPED OR CONVENTIONAL Reinforcing Rings Also Available Phone - (951) 354-8272 WWW .QMf PERfQRMANCE. com ifif Dune Buggy Parts Race Car Parts Foreign Car Parts @ai©l New Truck Acc. Dept. Custom Machine Work & Fabrication un~ro, 1 (800) 231-8156 un JP)JP) n y 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, AZ 85365 (520) 783-6265 • FAX (520) 783-1253 For A Few Bucks You Can Increase Your Productivity 818-882-0004 Call Dusty Times For Details DUBliYli1mos ,FR (909) 360-5906 FAX (909) 360-0436 PARKER PUMPER HELMET COMPANY 3834 Wacker Drive Mira Loma, CA 91752 HAROLD NICKS ,~~(QN[:g©7fl SAFETY EQUIPMENl MAXON, MOTOROLA, ROADMASTER, VERTEX RADIOS BELL, ·sHOEI, SIMPSON HELMETS IN STOCK WIRiNG FOR RADIO &/OR 11'1,'TERCOM STIU. ONLY S 12'5. -2888 GUNDRY AVE. ~ SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 • I 562-427-8177 I 800-869-5636 ~ ■ .A • ¥.'ENHRfD ABRICATION, INC .-Fralcy's i Pc-rf ormance ~ngineermg j 1660 Babcock. Building B Cos1o Mesa. CA 92627 TEL 19491 650-3035 FAX 1949) 650-4721 Jeffy Penhall * All Types of Steel CJ Aluminum Fabrication * Tube Baseline • Aluminum CJ Steel Weldin& * Custom Machine W.ork • All Types of Race Cars 4851 W. Hacienda #4 La■ Vegas, NV 89118 Bruce Fraley 702-365-9055 PLAYTECH FABRICATION 3031 E. Coronado St. Suite E, Anaheim, CA 92806 Phone: (714) 238-1179 Fax: (714) 238-1183 John Gould Pre,ision /I/Joy, lltl Todd Francis Phone: 360.887.2000 • Fox: 360.887.7279 WO ROTRUCK RAC/NG ORGANIZATION A High Performance Spec VS Race Truck Series "The True Driver's Glass" Protruck Sales and Promotion Website: Email: /el: 61N90-6252 Fax:619-39CMS470 14402 Bond Cowt El Cajon, CA 92021

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Hi-Performance Equipment Suspension • Safety • Driveline • Accessories (619) 691-9171 (619) 691-9174 (619) 691-0803 (FAX) 103 Press Lane, Suite #4 Chula Vista, CA 91910 e-mail: I I I _ __, __ 54%.0ZSS 0 NL Y. CO~--'iii'"ci RACING ENGINES Building SCORE winning engines 619.420.2233 45 Broadwa~ Chula Vista. CA 91910 Southern ca1norn1a·s lart101t Dlsll1butor al Mendeola Transalles PH: 114.680.6131 • Fil: 114.680.3110 Toll Free: 800.304.8126 1631 Placentia Ave. Unit G Anaheim. CA 92806 RANCHO DRIVETRAIN ENGINEERING Tony Selva, Jr. 27598 Commerce Center Drive Temecula, CA 92590 rHONE 951 .676.6569 FACSIM,Lf 951 .676.1141 s11ecilt1z•1 •: -s••••• -IH 112-81-114 -Nnllllll -lendnll -Alllinl will get you in gear 34 55 S. Pl •ril # 5 t11•111.111na 11112 JDIIII I.O.Naal■I 17D2 I HU313 II"~~~ I QuAUTY lsNT ExPENSIVE, Ir's PRICELESS! VALIIE TRAIN PRoaucrs • CusroM HEAD WoRK 760/94B-469B • FAX 760/94B-4B56 MnNli'V.RDVALVESPRlftlG. COIi/ii Barry Beacham 1021 Calle Sombra - Unit A San Clemente, CA 92673 Office 949-361-4388 Fax 949-361-4352 A Tatum Distributor Specializing in Off-Road Racing & Driving For Over 21 Years .,.. .. Mig Welding • Tig Welding Upgrades & Repairs Baja-Proven Equipment 5294 N. Casa Grande Hwy • Ste 102 Tucson, Az 85743 520-850-3693 fiii/ SANDERS SERVICE, INC. L»-Y METAL PROCESSING 5921 Wilmington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 (323) 583-2404 FAX (323) 583-3965 SANDBLAST-GLASS BEAD-MAGNETIC PARTICLE FLOURESCENT INSPECTION MAR.KSMITH LARRY SMITH LAURA RICHARD S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOT11 HCR66, BOX 11030 PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV.89048 ens> 372-5335 TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821 (714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 JOB SITE SIGNS• BANNERS • \WIDOW LETTEP.11,G • CAR lETTERIIIG • GRAPHICS SGUEAK & MAAGIE COATS 5101 Galway Circle • Hunt;ngto, Beach CA 92649 (714) 897-0075 • F2 \ (7141694-9567 f£DIJVlf f£GM SJIIIT PEIFIIIJIIICE I 1-800-MY MUFFLER SPECIALTY ~Ree prep RACE CARS -TRUCKS • fjre-~KKKers •SRKcl CRrs • SKspeKsioK ~pqracles/~esicJK • Slwch Z:KKiK'J/~e6Kitcls • Cttstom f 116ric11tioK 16743 Parkside Ave. Cerritos, CA 90703 • eKIJiKe/Z:tllKSmissioK ~plJtdeS Travis Fletcher (562) 802- 1404 I ~ Craig Stewart I ..... Phone: 619-449-9728 mzi%1r ~ f<r'<,619-44Q-?6711 1 ~tJ.. Cclh6l9-'726-8891 I 1 · ·. Fabrication & Race Preparation i I ! 19419 Abraham WOJ ~ I Santee, CA 920-n Sales & L..I ; _;:,_::~ _ .. st_e-=:_· _:C __ :_:;-_,.._;_;;;_m ___________ s_erv_ ice __ l ~ ~~~~ A.I_la_ -Aluminum Wheel Straightening 31510 223rd st E. Tim Baker Llano, CA 93544 661.261.3202 -------------' CLBRYANT.COM MITCHHART@CLBRYANT.COM ■ RACEFUEJ.S Paul Oil Company (209) 847-2281 (800) 527-6090 FAX (209] 847-9726 P.O. Box 248 • 524 N. Sierra Ave. WESTERN DIVISION Oakdale. California 95361 2180 College Drive • Lake Havasu City • AZ. 86403 Call Toll Free: 877-627-8852 or E-Mail: • Hi Performance Converters Custom Length Axles• • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed Hubs • (for Race & Recreation) Input Shafts • American Made Excellence!!

Page 53

r TO · Powa------RAC■NG BATTERIES I< _ _, PE11riz:E11 Military Grade Batteries • Battery Boxes • Battery Chargers Custom Battery Cables • Misc. Electrical Accessories 2046 Fairhope Loop, Vista, CA 92081 Business (760) 734-1678 Fax (760) 734-1323 * Off-Road and Bolt-On to Street Fiberglass for: "Ford, Chevy and Toyota" Trucks * Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1261 N. Buena \llsta St. , He_nlet ca. 92543 Ph: 951-654-7334 Fax: 951-654-2375 See a list of our producls.jid our web site:• I MNstiiLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD · (818) 998-2739 NS WE!ST 9763 Varlel Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES Kevin Pirtle 22545 South Normandie Ave. Torrance, California 90501 310.782.2413 fax 310.782.3 772 ;;;:aJ ransworks ~Q PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES . ~ AUTHORIZED MENDEOLA DEALER ERIC LAUNDRIE STOCK & CUSTOM 24752 VIEJAS BLVD. SAND* STREET* RACE DESCANSO, CA 91916 (619) 445-3135 (619) 596-8033 1000 W . Bradley, Unit a El Cajon, CA 92020 Carlos Orozco "Quality Fuels & Products for Motorsports" Website · VP Racing Fuels, Inc. West Coast Region P.O. Box 1319 34283 Monte Vista Wildomar, CA 92595 KELLEY HENDEL Regional Manager Office·(951) 674-9167 Fax C?51\ 674-7367 Email: "Quality Products for Motorsports" DISTRIBUIDDR EN MEXICO RRAUT0SPECIAL PARTS, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. CALLE PRIVADA FRAY MAYORGA 17026 ZONA INDUSTRIAL GARITA DE OTAY TIJUANA. B C C P 22430 Ray Gastelum GERENTE SCORE ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR 994.1998, 1999,2000 From Parts To comp~te Englntl TEL.: (664) 647 9222 FAX: (664) 607 1440 E-MAIL: P.O. BOX 430-499 SAN YSIDRO CA 92143 PH 619-664 4548 34575 w. Teco Ave. Unit •• Las Vea•&. NV 89111 702-837-2522 Do You Need To E X p A N D Your business Horizons? For-Lots. More Exposure Call 818-882-0004 For The Price Of A Phone Call And A Few Bucks A Month Your Ad Could Be Here 818-882-0004 ,.,~=~~PA/.Jt'r e,eM_TINIJSc:G,<>~,V;.-J,()G06 # •BKJ l?J hfl:Y MAINU~•f!{/<IA'ltfJ.~ll/1.UINt:-• ./1#';: 760-949-1220, ~ \![/~~~ fron1 & Reu Tr.iiling Anm • Spindltt Sutf)ffliion Specialist • Cu5lom Race & Play Bug&y Chauk A•Arm front End$ • Bt-am Front Enck 9608 N. 21st Or. Photniit, AZ 8S021 Jack Woods 602-242-0077 hx 602-242·7283 :ff:~-RRIIC/NIJ Race Cars Dune Buggies Lorenzo Rodriguez Baja Bugs Transmissions • Parts - Service · Welding V.W. - Porsche - Nissan - Toyota - Honda 850 S. Alta Vista Ave . Monrov1J. CA 91016 (626) 30S-RACE (7223 1 • (626) 357-6629 Fax www.wrtrans com ~ □ ~E .~--~ RHCE PREP SHOP • BU66IES •SRRIJCRRS •SHDCHS • TIWCH:. • PRE·1lUtmERS • ffiBiUCRTIOn 818) lf26-.2260 World Leading Motorsport Transmission Manufacturer 11 Dakar Rally Victories 17 World Rally Victories 6 AMA MX/SX Championships Xtrac Inc 6183 West. 80th Street Indianapolis IN 46278 email: Tel: (317) 472 2454 '383' Baja aass 1/10 sequential Transaxle Trophy Truck solutions available for Lead Customers

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Classified ... Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Read-ers are advised to consult appro-priate local or state authorities for information before purchase of any specific item. FOR SALE: 06 Alumicraft, Redline 550hp LS2, S4 Mendeola, Fox shocks, 7" color OPS, intercom, custom dash & full body by Jeff Davis, best of everything. $125K. Call (951) 288-0147 Frank Rusich. FOR SALE: 59 Baja Lothringer Chassis chromoly suspension coilover Fox shocks, 16 in front 17 rear Micro stubs 4 wheel disc brakes. Robby Gordon Beadlocks, Wik's 2700 type 4 Power Steering, WR Trans Super Diff. GEM mainshaft. Show condition. CAL plates. In Hot VW Dec 02. $36,000.00 OBO (951) 316-3486. FOR SALE: Class 1 built by Mike Smith and Regie Dunlop. Best of everything, Single seat, V8, Fortin 4 speed (new). Brand (new) axles, CV's arms, $70,000.00 OBO. Make me an offer. Call Todd @ (760) 947-4545 . FOR SALE: Pre-Runner, 1998 Ford, built by Newline. Best of Everything! Runs and handles like a trophy truck! Patton 442CI engine, Culhane Turbo 400, Chrisman Rear End w/10" gear, Robby Gordon shocks/ wheels, 70 gal fuel safe cell, wired by Pro Wire, Kenwood Race Radio, Intercom, Sat Phone, OPS, Stereo, AC/Heater, Power windows/mirrors, Leather and tweed interior. Includes Com-petitive tandem axle trailer. $240,000.00 (702) 596-2825. FOR SALE: Stewart Raceworks 4 seat Truggy, 130" wheel base, 83" wide, weight 3200lbs, 44 gal Fuel Cell, A-Arm and 4-link suspension, 40 spline axles, Fox Coilover and bypass, 400 Turbo Tranny, BFG 3.5" w spares, 406 Chevy Engine, MSD ignition 6al, CNC MasterCylinder, Mastercraft Seats, Howe Power Steering, Roof Rack, Pre Runner or Fun Car. $65,000.00 (760) 455-2812. FOR SALE: Jimco Single Seat, Class 1 updated 2000 series. Overall winner of 2004 & 2006 BITD Terribles Town 250, 2006 BITD Parker 425 and winner of Sept 2005 CORR desert Short Course. Wiks LS motor, Fortin 4 speed, steering & hubs. King shocks, numerous spare parts. This car is the quickest thing out there, it is completely race prepped and ready to win. No bugs to work out. $142,000.00. Contact John Herder @ (520) 429-7223. FOR SALE: 1985 Jeep Comanche 4WD, V-6, Mogi Auto Trans, 4.10 Dana 44 Posi, Dana 30, All Power, Art Carr Shifter, Beard Buckets & Console, Rancho 3" lift, lots of spare parts, 45K Miles! Current CA plates. Would make a great Jeepspeed Chase Truck. $4000.00. Call Denny. (909) 882-77 50. FOR SALE: Class 10 Jimco, Former MDR Champion, Mendeola 5 speed, new Honda by New-Tek, Kings, 934's, Gundrilled axles, PCI radio, Best of everything-Ready to Race. $60,000.00. OBO (619) 562-5533. . FOR SALE: Geiser Built Trophy Truck for sale: Geoeff Motor, Stoney Modified Turbo 400 Transmission, King Shocks, 30" 4-link-Chrissman 10" with 5.10 gears, CNC 6 piston Brake Cali-pers, Ultra Pro Beard Seats, $200,000.00. Contact Jimmie Reynolds@ (480) 290-5054. FOR SALE: Ex-Roger Mears Chevy Trophy Truck, King Shocks, Jim Horn 650 HP, 441 small block Chevy engine, Chrisman rearend. Well main-tained. Single seat. $110,000.00. Call for details (619) 654-6423. (619) 864-8729. FOR SALE: 2004 Foddrill 4 seater, UMI, LS-6 motor, runs on pump gas, Albins 4-speed Trans. Big Fuel Cell, Fox Shocks, PCI radio & intercom, HOWE rack, HID lights, Baja TA's, OPS, Street legal, Proven & Reliable. Low miles. $110,000.00. Contact John Herder@ (520) 429-7223. FOR SALE: Class 9: Sandwinder SS. Mid-Engine. Best of every-thing. Many spare parts and tires. Complete pit boxes. Single axle trailer w/tire rack. $7,500.00 Tony (951) 961-1014. FOR SALE: 2004 Jimco Class 10 two seat, fresh Major/Dose Honda, Mendeola S5S, 935 CV's gun drilled axles, FOX shocks, PCI Radio-Intercom, 6500 7" Color OPS, Howe, CNC, BFG, SCORE Tech ap-proved, best of everything, raced one season. 2005 Toyota True Grit Winner, tons of spares. $95,000.00 OBO Contact Ron @ (619) 279-4258. FOR SALE: Trophy Truck-Score teched, Chevy 1500 pro truck body, 610 ci Dart motor, Fox coil over and bypass shocks, King bump stops, Gordon wheels, MasterCraft Seats. $149K OBO. Call Greg (760) 207-5843, Ramona CA. FOR SALE: Porter Chevy Tro-phy Truck-Mid engine, Kroyer, Kings, Gearworks V-Drive & rear end, 39" BFG's. Consistent front runner with the best of ev-erything. Completely prepped & race ready. Huge spare package. $275,000.00. No trades. Call Kory Scheeler (702) 477-7575 or email FOR SALE: 2000 series Jimco Class 1 Single Seat, Score legal, redline Isl V-8, Fortin 4 speed w/ conv, Geiser Bros sway bar, Mastercraft 3g seat, Fortin hubs, Billet engine plate, steering and shifter, King shocks, comes with 12 spare headlock wheels and 35" BFG tires, plus misc parts, & 6 Hella Hid lights and light bar. Asking $135,000.00, condsider trade for Class 10 plus cash. Contact Shawn @ (760) 427-4737 or FOR SALE: Single Seat Che-nowth 4130, }.3L injected Chevy V-6, 100 miles on 091 trans & engine. Coilovers & bypass shocks, disc brakes front & rear. Parker Pumper, on-board fire suppression, four radios, base antenna. $18,000.00 OBO, call Mike Herrick (928) 646-6745 or (928) 301-6084 cell. FOR SALE: CORR Single Buggy, 2003 Brue's Metal Works chas-sis, Fox Shocks, Real Wheels, CNC, Kartek Hubs, Howe Steer-ing, Mastercraft. Car is race ready. $25,000.oo Call 262-966-9800 or e-mail questions to •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ SellarswJjJS'ITtIMEtpiecesin OUG5J • ~ : Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 wor~s each m~nth, no~ inch!din,w name, add;~ss and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of :::::51188 : • black and white photo, or a very sharp color pnnt. Maxtmum stze 5 x7 .All Classt/ted Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. 2006-07 • : REMEMBER -CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED -YOUR AD MAY BE PVT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED • : IN A TIMELY MANNER. ISSUE DEADLINE : . ----------·---------------------------------------. • • • • November06 Oct 6, 06 • • December06 Nov 10, 06 • • • • Enclosed is $ (Send check or money order, no Cash) January 07 Dec 8, 06 Please run ad times • • • Name ---------------------------Address Mail to: February 07 Jan 5, 07 DUSTY TIMES • • • City--------------------------------------------------------------State _____ Zip __________________ Phone ______________________________ _ 20761 Plummer Street March 07 Feb 2, 07 Chatsworth, CA 91311 • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • Page 54 October 2006 Dusty Times l

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Dusty Times FOR SALE: 2001 Predator dual sport: 5 seater, North Star V-8, Kings with by pass, Mendeola 4-S Transmission, Howe Rack, Baja TA's, 7" GPS, Roof Rack, PCI radio, 4 passenger intercom/with headsets, very reliable and priced to sell $64,000.00. See addi-tional pictures at This car has been very well maintained: Contact Randy at (760) 877-0863. FOR SALE: Class 1 Jimco-2000 Series mid engine 2 seat chassis, fresh Wiks V6 aluminum Chevy, new Albins 5 speed trans, new King shocks, new Fortin hubs, rack, axles, & CV's. Completely prepped and race ready. Cur-rently 1 center seat setup. $90,000.00 No trades. Call Kory (702) 477-7575 or email l:..tv1PLOY t\/lb..NT Prototype Fabricator. Wage range $43,000.00+ depending on experience. REQUIRE-MENTS: Minimum 3 years ex-perience in fabrication at au-tomotive or aviation manufac-turing questions. MIG and TIG experience, light machining, work with mild steel, c-m, alu-minum tube a.nd sheet. High School graduate or better, AA, BS, or BA preferred, SAE or ASE a plus. Read and interpret drawings and instructions, read and comply with mil-spec and ASTM standards. Take direc-tion and work independently. Manage multiple projects si-multaneously to timely comple-tion. Ability to recommend, create, analyze and fabricate prototype mounts and tubular shapes, welding fixtures, instal-lation instructions, assist in cre-ating manufacturing proce-dures. Above average written and verbal skill, bilingual a plus. Solidworks, MS Office, Excel, Word familiarity a plus. DESCRIPTION; Reports di-rectly to President, MasterCraft seeks a motivated, hands-on and enthusiastic team member to help support company's growth. Candidate may create Bills of Materials, assist with sourcing of compo-nents and supplies. Day to day,-the candidate will_ personally assist or direct outside sources on new product development or current product refinement. Meet standards for quality, manufacturability, cost effec-tive products. COMPANY: Mastercraft is a premier man u-facturer of off road racing and recreational seating. Also, pro-ducer of racing seat restraint sys-tems, other safety equipment, replacement components, util-ity ties downs and mounting hardware. Mastercraft is found in championship race vehicles from Dakar to Baja, world-class offshore marine racing boats and specialized military applica-tions. The company markets it products internationally through its network of distribu-tors. Resume and salary history to: ) DCJN.,T FORGET TO SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHCJKEEP REPORTING THE OFF ROAD NEWS! October 2006 fv116Cb.l.J....ANb..OU6 FOR SALE: 2001 Custom Built 18' Pre-Runner/Sand Buggy Hauler, Storage Boxes with Tire Rack above, adjust-ab le rear ramps, Tandem 600016 Torrion Axles w/6 lug wheels, 2 5/16 Ball Hitch $6,900.00 Call HOWARD (818) 349-5861. WANTED Super 1600 Short course car. Must be 5 point link age rear set up. Coils and bypass shocks. Without engine or with out engine and gearbox. What have you got sitting in the garage? Email pie's and asking price to . INDb..X TO AD\/b..12. Tl6b..12.6 Aircraft Spruce .................................... 44 Arizona Expo ....................................... 15 Baker Precision .................................... 45 Best In The Desert ................................. 4 BRT Racing Wheels ............................ ~. 33 C&R Racing .......................................... 45 California RV ........................................ 30 Coast Casinos......................................... 9 Competition Air .................................... 47 CORR ...................................... Back Cover Dircks & Porter Pre-Runner................. 32 E&J Wireworks ................... :................ 44 Eibach Springs ..................................... 40 fabtech ................................................ 34 fuel Safe ............................................. 35 ISCO ..................................................... 46 Kartek ................................................... 21 Kawaguchi Honda ................................ 17 KC Hilites ............................................ 11 King Shock Tech ................................... 43 McKenzie Products .............................. 28 Mesa Hose ........................................... 31 Michael James Insurance .................... 16 Nevada Off Road Buggy ........................ 10 Pacific Customs ................................... 27 Parker Pumper ..................................... 24 PCI Race Radios...................................... 5 Pike's Service Center ........................... 46 Pro Desert Racing ................................ 43 Pro Wire ............................................... 39 Race Ready ...... ....... .................. .... .. ..... 4 7 Racer X ................................................ 14 Ram Proline .......................................... 44 Ronco Plastics ..................................... 26 Sakata .................................................. 41 Skyjacker Suspensions ........................ 18 SNORE Avi 250 ..................................... 37 Soltek Systems ........................... 29 Team ford .............................................. 2 Team Gordon Race Wheels ................... 12 T ransaxle Engineering ......................... 25 Turn key Products ................................ 20 Valley Performance .............................. 23 Vision X ............................................... 42 Page 55

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